300 Amazons. Queen Of Sparta

virtual sex game
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Views: 598,128 views
Added: 9 years ago

Category: 3D, Action, Adventure, BDSM, Brunette, Fetish, Fisting, Hardcore, Interactive, Lesbians, Orgy, Spanking

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The time has come for Queen Leonida to truly prove her right to rule her sister – from across the sea the God-Queen Xercia and her countless hordes of Amazon slaves descend upon the shores of Greece to enslave her once and for all! But a great Percian giantess seeks a duel with the Queen of Sparta – she is called Zorza, one of Xercia’s “immortal” captains… The time for great war has come! Tips: slay enemies to unlock Sword Strikes; block skillfully to unlock Shieldbash; bosses take some cunning, learn to combo!

6 Responses to “300 Amazons. Queen Of Sparta”

  1. Jason says:

    Completely awful, boss is unbeatable

  2. bryan says:

    The boss is hella hard unless you know exactly what to do. then it’s really easy. unfortuantely, there’s nothing after beating the boss. maybe it will be released in another segment? anyways if you want to beat her (you can practice on hackedadultgames) you need to shield block her basic attacks and attack right afterwards. whenever she does her guardbreaking damage over time attack, you need to break it with your shield bash (ctrl). This is where comboing comes in. directly after the shield bash hit her with your tri-slash (shift). this will stun her. while she is stunned hit her in rapid succession with basic attacks. use different basic attacks as it cycles and attacks faster. don’t just use the left arrow key, go left, up, down, up, left etc. as fast as you can until she recovers. it’s important not to let her block as much as possible as this triggers her jump (which heals her and you can’t stop it)

  3. jonh says:

    wath is the code?

  4. vvvdd says:

    worst game

  5. why would i give you my name ... ha? says:

    worst game ever can’t even get half through D:< F.U.C.K THIS GAME

  6. Anonymous says:

    fuck your game

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