Leann Loves Pain

virtual sex game
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Views: 650,952 views
Added: 9 years ago

Category: 3D, Action, BDSM, Fetish, Fisting, Interactive, Petting

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Leann is trying to get a tan here and you are blocking her sun! She is a very kinky girl, so you have a chance to bring her to orgasm with that… knife! For some reason, it really makes her horny. But be careful – don’t hurt her. All you need to do is to fill her orgasm bar fondling her breast and vagina. You can do this by holding the ball in the green zone. Control the ball with the arrows on your keyboard. You will lose if the ball go in the red zone.

2 Responses to “Leann Loves Pain”

  1. game made me orgasm 5 time in 4 mins

  2. Courtney says:

    This game is crazy

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