Galaxia One

virtual sex game
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Views: 506,637 views
Added: 8 years ago

Category: 3D, Action, Brunette, Fetish, Interactive, Interracial, Lesbians, Sci-Fi, Strip

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Galaxia Sector One, mission briefing: destroy sentries protecting the sector bay door, once inside kill all remaining sentries and the super sentry before time runs out! Super Sentry Felicia 6, target weapons: face, chest, abdomen; target weapons: dual mistikon blaster; special abilities: static shield satellite. Tactical advice: aim for the shield satellite when it’s up-mix up hit locations to confuse her defenses. Spacebar triggers Neutron-Nova if you have it. Watch for the flashing icons!

About the game “The Incredible Speedmaster”...
7 years ago
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5 Responses to “Galaxia One”

  1. rdtfagvshjdabsdf says:

    it’s so hard, i can’t pass the first stage

  2. ugoahsdlkhfldshg says:

    neither its so hard
    please make less hard for more pleasure

  3. ilovebigdickinsideme says:

    i love big dick

  4. ilovebigdickinsideme says:

    i made it past the first stage

  5. John Doe says:

    Is it even possible to neutralise Felicia? I can’t even get her down to half health before I’m down.

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