Lieutenant Adaira

virtual sex game
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Views: 831,114 views
Added: 8 years ago

Category: 3D, Action, BDSM, Brunette, Fetish, Fisting, Interactive, Monsters, Sci-Fi, Spanking, Undressing

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The crafty lieutenant Adaira has caught the xenobits trail! She has had time to don her heavy bettle armor and will summon reinforcements if she isn’t quickly silenced! Not only does the saucy officer plan on stopping the alien attack; she means to keep a single xenobit alive for her own brutal sex games

Your job is to help Tara, who works for the FBI, find out...
10 years ago
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3 Responses to “Lieutenant Adaira”

  1. Eli says:

    rage meter fills too fast, not nearly enough blue xenobits if you’re going to have adaira blast away the blue xenobit on her arm when parts of her armor is removed even if the rage meter isn’t full.

  2. xSargeSlaughter says:

    msg me on skype: xSargeSlaughter

  3. what? says:

    this game is too damn hard!

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