Welcome to "A New Town" - an interactive game where you will experience the story of Lyndsey as she moves to a new town.
In this game, you will play a young woman, 21 years old. You decide her fate.
You will have daily costs, if you have less than $0 you'll loose. So make sure you make the right decisions!
What's your first name? (default is Lyndsey) <<textbox "$firstname" "Lyndsey" autofocus>>
<<button [[Continue|StartingThoughts]]>>
<<set $TutorialTrigger to true>>
<<set $firstname to $firstname.toUpperFirst()>>
\<<if visited("StartingThoughts")>>
\/* <<date>>
\<<time24hr>> */
\<<include "InitialVars">>
<<include "thoughts">>
Cash: $<span id="cashbalance">$Money</span>
\<<if def $bankBalance >>
Bank: $ $bankBalance
Energy: <<= Math.clamp($energy,0,$maxEnergy)>> / $maxEnergy<<set $energy = Math.clamp($energy,0,$maxEnergy)>>
Arousal: <<print Math.round($Arousal)>>
\/*Inhibition: <<print Math.round($Inhibition)>>*/
Corruption: <<print Math.round($Corruption)>>
Daily costs: $<<print Math.round($dailyCosts)>>
\/* Romance: <<print Math.round($Romance)>>*/
Sexiness: <<print Math.round($sexiness)>>
Comfort: <<print Math.round($comfort)>>
\<<if 8 < ($gameDate - $lastEaten) / 5 / 3600000>>
🍔 You are hungry
\<<if 80 < $Arousal>>
😏 You are horny
\<<if $BeautyBonus gt 0 or $FitBonus gt 0>><p style="color:#ad5c85;"><<if $BeautyBonus gt 0>>💄 Beauty Bonus: <<print Math.round($BeautyBonus)>><<if $FitBonus gt 0>><br><</if>><</if>>
\<<if $FitBonus gt 0>>👟 Fitness Bonus: <<print Math.round($FitBonus)>><</if>></p><</if>>
\<<if $IntoxicatedDrinks gt 0>><br>
<span style="font-size: 0.9em;">🍸 Intoxication:
\<<if $IntoxicatedDrinks gt 0 and $IntoxicatedDrinks lte 4>>//Buzzed//<br>
\<<elseif $IntoxicatedDrinks gt 4 and $IntoxicatedDrinks lte 6>>//Tipsy//<br>
\<<elseif $IntoxicatedDrinks gt 6 and $IntoxicatedDrinks lte 8>>//Drunk//<br>
\<<elseif $IntoxicatedDrinks gt 8 and $IntoxicatedDrinks lte 10>><span class="drunk" style="font-size: 0.9em;">//Super drunk//</span><br>
\<<elseif $IntoxicatedDrinks gt 10 and $IntoxicatedDrinks lte 15>><span class="drunk" style="font-size: 0.9em;">//Wasted//</span><br>
\<<elseif $IntoxicatedDrinks gt 15>><span class="drunk" style="font-size: 0.9em;">//Black out drunk//</span><br>
\<<if passage() != "Wasted">> \<<goto "Wasted">><</if>>
\<<if $IntoxicatedWeed gt 0>><br>
<span style="font-size: 0.9em;">🌿 How High:</span>
<span style="color:#137945;font-size: 0.9em;"><<if $IntoxicatedWeed gt 0 and $IntoxicatedWeed lte 2>>//Slightly stoned//<br><br>
\<<elseif $IntoxicatedWeed gt 2 and $IntoxicatedWeed lte 4>>//Half-baked//<br><br>
\<<elseif $IntoxicatedWeed gt 4 and $IntoxicatedWeed lte 6>>//<<= "3/4">> baked//<br><br>
\<<elseif $IntoxicatedWeed gt 6 and $IntoxicatedWeed lte 8>>//High as fuck//<br><br>
\<<elseif $IntoxicatedWeed gt 8>>//Up to the sky!//<br><br>
\<span style="font-size:0.9em;"><<if $CumOnFace>><br>
''💦 You have cum on your face''
\<<if $CumOnBody>><br>
''💦 You have cum on your body''
\<<if $CumInside>><br>
''💦 You have cum dripping out of your pussy''
\<<if $CumInAss>><br>
''💦 You have cum dripping out of your ass''
\<<if $gameDate.getDate() !== $dailyCostsPaid.getDate()>>
\<<set $Money = $Money - $dailyCosts>>
\<<run $dailyCostsPaid.setHours($dailyCostsPaid.getHours() + 24)>>\
\<<if $Money < 0>>
\<<set $Money to 0>>
\<<goto 'LowMoney'>>
\<<if $energy <= 0>><<goto "LowEnergy">><<set $energy to 5>><<addhours 1>><</if>>
\<<if $IntoxicatedDrinks > 0 && def $lastDrink>>
\ <<set _test = ($gameDate - $lastDrink) / 3600000>>
\<<if Math.floor(_test) >= 1>>
\<<set $IntoxicatedDrinks = Math.clamp($IntoxicatedDrinks - 2.25 * Math.floor(_test), 0, 15)>>
\<<set $lastDrink.setHours($lastDrink.getHours() + Math.floor(_test)) >>
\<<if def $balanceChange >>
\<<set _interestDays = ($gameDate - $balanceChange) / 7 / 86400000>>
\<<if Math.floor(_interestDays) >= 1>>
\<<set $bankBalance = Math.floor($bankBalance + $interestRate * $bankBalance)>>
\<<set $balanceChange.setHours($balanceChange.getHours() + Math.floor(_interestDays * 7 * 24)) >>
\<<set $interestRate = Number((random(10, 30) / 1000).toFixed(4))>>
\ <</if>>
\<<include "DailyCheck">>
\<<include "HourlyCheck">>
<<button [[Pass 30 minutes|passage()]]>><<addmins 30>><</button>>
<<include Patreon>>[[Help]]
<<if def $settings>>[[Settings]]<</if>>
As you unpack your bags in your new apartment, your thoughts are swirling. You're excited but also a little nervous as you unpack your bags. You have just left your hometown and are ready for a new adventure.
You decide to explore the town and meet many interesting people, each with their own story to tell. You must make decisions that will influence your future. Will you build friendships or enemies? Will you advance your career or nurture your relationships? The choice is yours.
<<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>>
On one hand, I'm excited about the opportunities this new place has to offer. I'm looking forward to exploring the city, meeting new people, and building a new life for myself.
On the other hand, I'm sad about leaving my family and friends behind. I'm worried about starting over in a place where I don't know anyone.
I wonder what I will experience in this new town. I'm so happy to found this wonderful appartment
You take a deep breath and start to organize your things. You know it won't be easy, but you're ready for the challenge.
<<button [[Think about the move|Moving thoughts]]>>
<<button [[Take a walk outside|OutsideAppartment]]>>
<</button>><<newmeter 'energy'>>
<<animation 300ms>>
<<colors 'blue' 'red' 'black'>>
<<label 'Energy' 'white' center>>
<<set $imgPathSrc = "">>
/* creating characters and associating them with images (goes in StoryInit) */
<<set $firstname to "Lyndsey">>
<<set $currentAppearal to $imgPathSrc + 'images/cloths2/standard/sweater_sweatpants_0.png'>>
<<set $maxEnergy to 150>>
/* Name */
<<set $lastname to "Johnson">>
<<set $TutorialTrigger to false>>
<<set $wearing to ['bra', 'sweatpants', 't-shirt', 'shapewear', 'sneakers', 'sweater']>>
<<set $currentlyWearing = {}>>
<<set $dailyCosts to 40>>
<<set $dailyCostsPaid to new Date(2000, 5, 1, 12, 0)>>
<<set $lastEaten to new Date(2000, 5, 1, 12, 0)>>
<<set $MasturbateTool to "finger">>
<<set $MasturbateHole to "pussy">>
<<set $MasturbateLube to "">>
<<set $SkillFlirt to 0>>
<<set $SkillHJ to 2>>
<<set $SkillBJ to 2>>
<<set $SkillDeepThr to 1>>
<<set $SkillSquirt to 0>>
<<set $SkillMultipleO to 1>>
<<set $SkillEatP to 0>>
<<set $PreferSize to 0>>
<<set $PreferAnal to 0>>
<<set $PreferDoggy to 0>>
<<set $PreferMultiple to 0>>
<<set $PreferOnTop to 0>>
<<set $PreferMissionary to 0>>
<<set $PreferAmateur to 0>>
<<set $PornOn to false>>
\<<set $CumOnFace to false>>
\<<set $CumOnBody to false>>
\<<set $CumInside to false>>
\<<set $CumInAss to false>>
<<set $AlarmClock to 9>>
<<set $AtHome to true>>
<<set $Money to 300>>
<<set $BankMoney to 0>>
<<set $energy to 150>>
<<set $Arousal to 0>>
<<set $Inhibition to 100>>
<<set $Romance to 100>>
<<set $Exhibitionism to 0>>
<<set $Corruption to 0>>
<<set $minCorruption to 0>>
<<set $PreferSub to 0>>
<<set $PreferDom to 0>>
<<set $Voyeurism to 0>>
<<set $Bisexuality to 0>>
<<set $BankAccount to false>>
<<set $ATMActivate to false>>
<<set $interestRate to 0.02>>
<<set $Job to "Unemployed">>
<<set $startjob to "Unemployed">>
<<set $Wage to 0>>
<<set $TempUniform to false>>
<<set $worktimehours to 0>>
<<set $barhours to 0>>
<<set $bookstorehours to 0>>
<<set $recordstorehours to 0>>
<<set $dinerhours to 0>>
<<set $barIncident to 0>>
<<set $JuliaFriendship to 0>>
<<set $ChefJohnFriendship to 0>>
<<set $ChefJohnName to 'Boss'>>
<<set $MaxFriendship to 0>>
<<set $AlexFriendship to 0>>
<<set $AlexAttraction to 0>>
<<set $BobbyFriendship to 0>>
<<set $BobbyAttraction to 0>>
<<set $ShaunFriendship to 0>>
<<set $ShaunAttraction to 0>>
<<set $ShaunFWB to false>>
<<set $JamesFriendship to 0>>
<<set $JamesAttraction to 0>>
<<set $JamesRelationship to "">>
<<set $CassidyFriendship to 0>>
<<set $CassidyAttraction to 0>>
<<set $JimFriendship to 0>>
<<set $JimAttraction to 0>>
<<set $ScottFriendship to 0>>
<<set $ScottAttraction to 0>>
<<set $AbbyFriendship to 0>>
<<set $AbbyAttraction to 0>>
<<set $BandGuyFriendship to 0>>
<<set $BandGuyAttraction to 0>>
<<set $DevilishDadFriendship to 0>>
<<set $DevilishDadAttraction to 0>>
<<set $JasmynnFriendship to 0>>
<<set $JasmynnAttraction to 0>>
<<set $TylerFriendship to 0>>
<<set $TylerAttraction to 0>>
<<set $AmberFriendship to 0>>
<<set $AmberAttraction to 0>>
<<set $GiadaFriendship to 0>>
<<set $GiadaAttraction to 0>>
<<set $RubyFriendship to 0>>
<<set $RubyAttraction to 0>>
<<set $ScarlettFriendship to 0>>
<<set $ScarlettAttraction to 0>>
<<set $SteveFriendship to 0>>
<<set $SteveAttraction to 0>>
<<set $DylanFriendship to 0>>
<<set $DylanAttraction to 0>>
<<set $laptop to false>>
<<set $liquorbuy to "">>
<<set $buywine to 0>>
<<set $buybeer to 0>>
<<set $buyvodka to 0>>
<<set $condoms to 0>>
<<set $makeup to 0>>
<<set $coffee to 0>>
<<set $groceries to 0>>
<<set $cigarettes to 0>>
<<set $weed to 0>>
<<set $PlanZ to 0>>
<<set $BuyLube1 to 0>>
<<set $wardrobe to ['bra', 'sweatpants', 'tshirt', 'shapewear', 'sneakers', 'sweater']>>
/* <<set $wardrobe to ["blouse", "tshirt", "tanktop", "croptop", "tubetop", "bra", "sportbra", "pushup", "bralette", "bikinitop", "thong", "panty", "shapewear", "gstring", "bikinibottom", "miniskirt", "sneakers", "pumps", "balletflats", "shortskirt", "pants", "longskirt", "shorts", "leggings", "sandals", "clogs", 'sweater','cardigan','pullover', 'turtleneck', 'cozy sweater', 'hoodie', "highheels", 'sweatpants', 'officeuniform','libarianuniform','waitressuniform','balldress','partydress','cocktaildress']>> */
/* "blouse", "t-shirt", "tank top", "crop top", "tube top", "bra", "sportbra", "a push-up bra", "a bralette", "a bikini top", "a peephole bra", "a thong", "a panty", "shapewear", "a g-string", "a bikini bottom", "mini skirt", "sneakers", "pumps", "ballet flats", "short skirt", "pants, "long skirt", "shorts", "leggings", "sandals", "clogs", "high heels", 'sweater','cardigan','pullover', 'turtleneck', 'cozy sweater', 'hoodie', 'sweatpants' */
<<set $sexiness = 21>>
<<set $comfort = 67>>
<<set $Virginity to true>>
<<set $MeCumVirginity to 0>>
<<set $LostVtoName to "">> /* CHANGE IN SEX SCENES!!! */
<<set $LiteroticaVisit to 0>>
<<set $PornAlone to 0>>
<<set $PornFriend to 0>>
<<set $Masturbated to 0>>
<<set $MasturToy to 0>>
<<set $MasturAnal to 0>>
<<set $MasturAnalToy to 0>>
<<set $Handjobs to 0>>
<<set $Fingered to 0>>
<<set $Blowjobs to 0>>
<<set $EatenOut to 0>>
<<set $EatenP to 0>>
<<set $SixtyNine to 0>>
<<set $VSex to 0>>
<<set $ASex to 0>>
<<set $FFM to 0>>
<<set $MMF to 0>>
<<set $Orgies to 0>>
<<set $Prostitution to 0>>
<<set $Addiction to 0>>
<<set $BODrunk to 0>>
<<set $WeedSmoked to 0>>
<<set $IntoxicatedDrinks to 0>>
<<set $IntoxicatedWeed to 0>>
<<set $SkillShoplifting to 0.1>>
<<set $ShopliftingCaught to 0>>
<<set $Shoplifted to 0>>
<<set $DealsMade to 0>>
<<set $BoughtWeed to 0>>
/* Event Variables (Triggers & Tracking) */
<<set $BusySun to false>>
<<set $BusyMon to false>>
<<set $BusyTues to false>>
<<set $BusyWeds to false>>
<<set $BusyThurs to false>>
<<set $BusyFri to false>>
<<set $BusySat to false>>
/* BOBBY */
<<set $MeCumBobbyFP to 0>>
<<set $MeCumBobbySex to 0>>
<<set $BobbyFWBStart to "">>
<<set $BobbyScarlett to true>>
/* JAMES */
<<set $MeCumJamesFP to 0>>
<<set $MeCumJamesSex to 0>>
/* SHAUN */
<<set $ClubDanceShaun to 0>>
<<set $ClubDanceOther to 0>>
<<set $ClubLadiesRoom to 0>>
<<set $MeCumShaunFP to 0>>
<<set $MeCumShaunSex to 0>>
<<set $ShaunSweatpants to 0>>
<<set $HalloweenPartyCO to 0>>
<<set $CassidyProgress to 0>>
<<set $CassidySextNo to 0>>
/* MISC */
<<set $BarTyler to 0>>
<<set $BookstoreDoorsLocked to true>>
<<set $SmokedCigs to 0>>
<<set $currentlyWearingAcc = {
Neck: null,
Butt: null,
Pussy: null,
Hair: null,
HairAddition: null,
Finger: null,
Wrist: null,
Panty: null,
Foot: null,
Face: null
<<set $accessoirWearing to [] >>
!A New Town
!!version 0.1.4
!!by <a href="https://cybot.itch.io/a-new-town" target="_blank">Cybot</a>
This game contains sexually oriented adult material intended for individuals 18 years of age or older. This includes explicit depictions of sexual activity between consenting adults.
If you are not yet 18, if adult material offends you, or if you are accessing this site from any country or locale where adult material is prohibited by law, PLEASE LEAVE NOW!
Clicking on the "PLAY" button constitutes a binding declaration that you meet the legal requirements in your place of residence for viewing pornographic material.
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.\
All art is ai generated, no real persons were involved.
<div><a class="press-button" data-passage="Start">Play Now!</a></div>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/scene/movingThoughts.png">'>>
As you sit on your bed, surrounded by boxes, you can't help but think about the decision you made to move.
On one hand, you're excited about the opportunities this new place has to offer. You're looking forward to exploring the city, meeting new people, and building a new life for yourself.
On the other hand, you're sad about leaving your family and friends behind. You're worried about starting over in a place where you don't know anyone.
You take a deep breath and try to push these thoughts away. You know that change can be difficult, but you're determined to make the most of this opportunity. You're excited to see what the future holds.
<<button [[Take a rest in your bedroom|Bedroom]]>>
<<return [[Back|Appartment]]>>
\<<set _c to random(0,3)>>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/scene/outsideAppartment' + _c + '.png">'>>
You step outside your apartment building, taking a deep breath of fresh air. The street is bustling with people going about their day, and the sounds of cars and chatter fill the air.
The building is located in a charming residential area, with trees lining the sidewalks and small shops and cafes nearby. You take a moment to orient yourself, studying the street signs and landmarks to get a sense of her surroundings.
You can't help but feel a sense of excitement about this new chapter of your life. You ares looking forward to exploring your new neighborhood and getting to know the area.
<<link `"<img class='imgs' src='" + $imgPathSrc + "images/logos/superMarket.png' width='200px' style='vertical-align: middle;'> Go to the grocery store "`>><<addmins 20>><<goto 'Supermarket'>><</link>>
<<link `"<img class='imgs' src='" + $imgPathSrc + "images/logos/apparel.png' width='200px' style='vertical-align: middle;'> Go to the apparel store"`>><<addmins 20>><<goto 'ApparelStore'>><</link>>
<<link `"<img class='imgs' src='" + $imgPathSrc + "images/logos/park.png' width='200px' style='vertical-align: middle;'> Visit nearby park"`>><<addmins 20>><<goto 'Park'>><</link>>
\<<if $gameDate - $startDate > (3600000 * 24 * 14) || $MaxFriendship >= 15>>
<<link `"<img class='imgs' src='" + $imgPathSrc + "images/logos/busStop.png' width='200px' style='vertical-align: middle;'> Bus stop"`>><<addmins 10>><<goto 'BusStop'>><</link>>
\<<if !$isMale>>
\ <<include "SupermarketJulia">>
<<button [[Walk to Uptown|Uptown]]>>
<<addEnergy -5>>
<<addhours 1>>
<<button [[Walk to Downtown|Downtown]]>>
<<addEnergy -10>>
<<addhours 1>>
<<button [[Back inside|Appartment]]>>
\<<addmins 5>>
<</button>>\<<set _c to random(0,4)>>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/scene/appartment' + _c + '.png">'>>
The living room has a cozy couch and a TV, perfect for relaxing after a long day. The kitchen is small but functional, and you are already planning to host your first dinner party. The bedroom is simple but comfortable, with a queen-size bed and a dresser.
Despite the small size of the apartment, you feel a sense of contentment. You are proud of what you have achieved in a short amount of time. You managed to make a place for yourself in a new city, and that's no small feat.
\<<if ($CumOnFace != false && $Corruption < 60)
|| ($CumOnBody != false && $Corruption < 40)
|| ($CumInside != false && $Corruption < 20)
|| ($CumInAss != false && $Corruption < 20)>>
\<<set _dontLeave = true>>
\<<else >>
\<<set _dontLeave = false>>
\ <<if $minCorruption <= $Corruption && !_dontLeave && !$isMale>>
\<<if $gameDate.getHours() >= 18 && $gameDate.getHours() < 20 && $gameDate.getDay() == 5>>
\<<if $MaxFriendship == 4>>
It rings at the door.
<<button [[Open the door|MaxDate]]>><</button>>
\<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() >= 10 && $gameDate.getHours() < 20>>
\<<if random(0,2) == 0 && $AlexFriendship === 0>>
It rings at the door.
<<button [[Open the door|AlexNeighbor]]>><</button>>
\<<if $AlexFriendship === 1 && def $gameDate && $gameDate - $AlexFriendshipDate > (3600 * 24 * 7) >>
It rings at the door.
<<button [[Open the door|AlexNeighbor]]>><</button>>
<<if true || ($gameDate.getMonth() == 11 && ($gameDate.getDate() >= 24 && $gameDate.getDate() <= 31 ))>>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/scene/christmasTree.png">'>>
It's Christmas, maybe there's a present under your Christmas tree. Merry Christmas, enjoy it with your loved ones.
\<<if $openPresent === 1>>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/scene/present1.png">'>>
You open the present and find a christmas hat for you. You can change into it in your wardrobe.
\<<set $accessoirOwned.push('christmasHat')>>
\<<set $openPresent = 0>>
\<<elseif $openPresent === 2>>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/scene/present2.png">'>>
You open the present and find a christmas dress for you. It fits perfectly, you can change into it in your wardrobe.
\<<set $wardrobe.push('xmasBody')>>
\<<set $openPresent = 0>>
\<<if !$accessoirOwned.includes('christmasHat')>>
<<button [[Open present|Appartment]]>>
<<set $openPresent = 1>>
\<<elseif !$wardrobe.includes('xmasBody')>>
<<button [[Open another present|Appartment]]>>
<<set $openPresent = 2>>
<<button [[To the bathroom|Bathroom]]>>
<<button [[Into your kitchen|Kitchen]] >>
<<button [[Head to your bedroom|Bedroom]]>>
\<<if !$isMale>>
<<button [[Do yoga|Yoga]]>>
<<addhours 1 >>
<<addEnergy 5>>
\<<if $AlexFriendship >= 6 && !$isMale>>
<<button [[Visit Alex|AlexPlace]]>><</button>>
\<<if $Arousal > 50>>
<<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>>
I'm so arroused, maybe i should have some "me" time.
\ <<if $minCorruption <= $Corruption && !_dontLeave>>
<<button [[Go outside|OutsideAppartment]]>>
\<<addmins 5>>
<<else >>
<<if _dontLeave>>
<<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>>
I should clean me up, i can't go out like this.
<<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>>
I should put on some more cloths, i can't go out like this.
\<<set _c to random(0,2)>>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/scene/bathroom' + _c + '.png">'>>
As you enter the bathroom, you are greeted by a clean and inviting space. The walls are painted a soft white color, and the floor is covered in white tile. A large mirror hangs above the sink, and a countertop provides ample space for your toiletries. The sink is made of white porcelain and has a sleek and modern design.
To your left, there is a shower stall with a clear glass door and a rainfall showerhead. The shower stall has white tile walls and a built-in bench for seating. The shower floor is made of non-slip tiles and has a drain.
To your right, there is a toilet with a matching white porcelain design. The toilet has a lid cover and a toilet paper holder.
Overall, the bathroom feels spacious and open, with plenty of natural light streaming in through the window. You feel comfortable and relaxed in this space, and enjoy the feeling of a warm shower after a long day.
\<<include "WCActions">>
\<<if !$isMale>>
<<button [[Take a shower|Shower]]>>
<<set $shower to true>>
<<button [[Take a shower|ShowerMale]]>>
<<set $shower to true>>
<<return [[Go back|Appartment]]>> \<<set _c to random(0,3)>>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/scene/kitchen' + _c + '.png">'>>
\<<set $meal to "snack">>
\<<if $gameDate.getHours() >= 5 && $gameDate.getHours() < 12>>
\<<set $meal to "breakfast">>
\<<if $gameDate.getHours() >= 12 && $gameDate.getHours() < 16>>
\<<set $meal to "lunch">>
\<<if $gameDate.getHours() >= 16 && $gameDate.getHours() < 22>>
\<<set $meal to "dinner">>
As you step into the kitchen, you take in the familiar sights and smells. The kitchen is small but functional, with a stove, refrigerator, and sink. The countertops are made of a warm wood finish, and there's a small table with two chairs in the corner.
A pot of coffee is brewing on the stove, filling the room with the comforting aroma. There's a cutting board and a knife on the counter, and you can't help but think about what you'll make for dinner tonight.
The cabinets are painted a pale yellow color, and there's a small window above the sink that lets in natural light. You feel a sense of contentment as you look around the room. This may not be a gourmet kitchen, but it's yours, and that's all that matters.
\ <<if $groceries >= 1>>
<<button [["Make " + $meal |MakeMeal]] >>
<<eat 20>>
<<set $groceries to $groceries - 1>>
<<addmins 30>>
\<<if $buybeer >= 1>>
<<button [[Take a beer|drink]] >>
<<set $drink to "beer">>
<<set $IntoxicatedDrinks to $IntoxicatedDrinks +1>>
<<set $buybeer to $buybeer - 1>>
\ <</if>>
\ <<if $buywine >= 1>>
<<button [[Take a wine|drink]] >>
<<set $drink to "wine">>
<<set $buywine to $buywine - 1>>
<<set $IntoxicatedDrinks to $IntoxicatedDrinks +2>>
\ <</if>>
\ <<if $buyvodka >= 1>>
<<button [[Take a shot|drink]] >>
<<set $drink to "shot">>
<<set $buyvodka to $buyvodka - 1>>
<<set $IntoxicatedDrinks to $IntoxicatedDrinks +4>>
<<return [[Back to hall|Appartment]] >> \<<set _c to random(0,3)>>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/scene/bedroom' + _c + '.png">'>>
As you enter your bedroom, you feel a sense of peace wash over you. The room is small but cozy, with a queen-size bed in the center. The bed is made with crisp white linens, and a warm comforter. A nightstand sits next to the bed, with a lamp and a stack of books.
The walls are painted a soft blue color, and there's a large window that lets in plenty of natural light. A dresser sits against one wall, and a mirror hangs above it.
You feel a sense of contentment as you look around the room. You've managed to make this small space feel like home, and that's no small feat.
<<button [[Take a nap - 30 minutes|Nap]]>>
<<set $nap_duration to 30>>
<</button>> <<button [[Take a nap - 60 minutes|Nap]]>>
<<set $nap_duration to 60>>
<</button>> <<button [[Take a nap - 3 hours|Nap]]>>
<<set $nap_duration to 3>>
<</button>> <<button [[Take a nap - 8 hours|Nap]]>>
<<set $nap_duration to 8>>
\<<if $Arousal > 40 || $Corruption > 20 || $isMale>>
\<<if !$isMale>>
<<button [[Masturbate|Masturbate]]>>
<<addhours 1>>
<<button [[Masturbate|MasturbateMale]]>>
<<addhours 1>>
<<button [[Wardrobe]]>>
<<if $startjob is "Unemployed" && $Job is "Unemployed">>
<<button [[Search a job|jobSearch]]>>
\<<if $laptop == true>>
<<button [[Start your laptop|Laptop]]>>
<<link [[Back to the hall|Appartment]]>>
<</link>>\<<if !$male>>
\<<set _c to random(0,5)>>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/scene/sleeping' + _c + '.png">'>>
\<<set _c to random(0,4)>>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/scene/sleepingMale' + _c + '.png">'>>
You lie down on your bed, feeling a wave of fatigue wash over you. You close your eyes, take a deep breath, and soon drift off to sleep.
\<<if $nap_duration eq 30>>30 minutes<<addmins 30>><<addEnergy 5>><</if>>
\<<if $nap_duration eq 60>>60 minutes<<addmins 60>><<addEnergy 15>><</if>>
\<<if $nap_duration eq 3>>3 hours<<addhours 3>><<addEnergy 60>><</if>>
\<<if $nap_duration eq 8>>8 hours<<addhours 8>><<addEnergy 150>><</if>>
\ you wake up feeling refreshed and ready to continue your day. You stretch your arms and get up from the bed.
<<button [[Back|previous()]] >>
Date & Time Widget Setup
window.GameDays to [
"Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat"
window.GameMonths to [
"Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun",
"Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"
Below we have to use the multi-parameter version of the Date
constructor, rather than the date string version, because the
date string version treats a missing timezone offset as UTC.
While there are ways to determine players' timezone offsets,
so they could be added to a date string, it's more convenient
simply to use the multi-parameter constructor.
The point of this is so that you can simply initialize the game
world clock to whatever date and time you wish without having to
worry about the players' timezone offsets, while still ensuring
that they all see the same game world dates and times.
/* params: year , month(0-based) , day , hour(24H) , minute [, second ] */
$gameDate to new Date(2000, 5, 1, 12, 0); /* e.g. Mar 17, 2015 03:24 */
Date & Time Advancement Widget Definitions
/* Adds the specified number of minutes. */
<<widget "addmins">>\
<<run $gameDate.setMinutes($gameDate.getMinutes() + $args[0])>>\
/* Adds the specified number of hours. */
<<widget "addhours">>\
<<run $gameDate.setHours($gameDate.getHours() + $args[0])>>\
/* Adds the specified number of days. */
<<widget "adddays">>\
<<run $gameDate.setHours($gameDate.getHours() + $args[0] * 24)>>\
Date & Time Printing Widget Definitions
/* Prints the current date ("{weekday} {month} {day}, {year}"). */
<<widget "date">>\
<<print String.format("{0} {1} {2}, {3}",
/* Prints the current time (12H). */
<<widget "time12hr">>\
<<if $gameDate.getHours() eq 0>>\
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gt 12>>\
<<print $gameDate.getHours() - 12>>\
<<print $gameDate.getHours()>>\
<<if $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 10>>0<</if>><<print $gameDate.getMinutes()>> \
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 12>>PM<<else>>AM<</if>>\
/* Prints the current time (24H). */
<<widget "time24hr">>\
<<if $gameDate.getHours() lt 10>>0<</if>><<print $gameDate.getHours()>>:\
<<if $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 10>>0<</if>><<print $gameDate.getMinutes()>>\
/* Prints the current date and time (12H). */
<<widget "datetime">><<date>> <<time12hr>> (<<time24hr>>)<</widget>>
You open the fridge and take out the $drink, pouring yourself a glass. You take a sip and savor the taste, feeling the warmth of the liquid spread through your body.
\<<if $gameDate.getHours() <= 7 && $gameDate.getHours() < 16>>
As you're about to finish your $drink, you notice that it's getting late and you should probably start getting ready for bed.
\<<addmins 15>>
<<button [[Back|Kitchen]]>>
<<set $drink to "">>
<<set $lastDrink to $gameDate>>
<</button>>\<<addmins 15>>
\<<if previous() != 'Laptop'>>
You sit at your desk in the bedroom, surrounded by newspapers and job listings. You've been searching for a job for weeks now, and it feels like you've hit a dead end.
You flip through the pages of the newspaper, scanning the classifieds for any leads. You circle a few promising ads and make a mental note to follow up on them.
\<<else >>
You are sitting at a desk with your laptop open in front of you. You are scrolling through various job websites and job boards, searching for the right opportunity for you. You take note of the job descriptions, requirements, and company information.
You also read reviews and research the company's reputation, making sure they have a positive image. As you come across a promising job listing, you carefully read through the requirements and you decide to call the company to make an interview appointment.
\<<if $startjob != "Unemployed">>
You have an job interview as a $startjob
\<<if $Job != "Unemployed">>
You currently are employed as $Job
\<<if $startjob is "Unemployed" && $Job is "Unemployed">>
<<button [[Barista|jobSearch]]>>
<<set $startjob to "barista">>
<<button [[Librarian|jobSearch]]>>
<<set $startjob to "librarian">>
\<<if $laptop == true>>
<<button [[Secretary|jobSearch]]>>
<<set $startjob to "secretary">>
<<button [[Bargirl|jobSearch]]>>
<<set $startjob to "bargirl">>
\<<if visited("Restaurant") > 2>>
<<button [[Waitress|jobSearch]]>>
<<set $startjob to "waitress">>
\ <</if>>
<<button [[Take a break and relax|Bedroom]]>>
\<<if $gameDate.getHours() >= 18 || $gameDate.getHours() < 8>>
<<set _c to random(0,2)>>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/scene/closedCafe' + _c + '.png">'>>
The place is closed, it opens back at 08:00
\<<set _c to random(0,2)>>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/scene/cafe' + _c + '.png">'>>
The cafe is a cozy, warm and inviting space. The decor is simple and minimalist, with a rustic feel to it. The space is filled with natural light that filters through the large windows. The furniture is made of dark wood and there are plants placed throughout the cafe to give a sense of greenery and freshness.
The smell of freshly brewed coffee fills the air. The menu is written in chalk on a blackboard behind the counter and it offers a variety of drinks and food options such as espresso, cappuccino, and Americano, as well as tea, hot chocolate and cold beverages.
\<<if $startInterview == true >>
<<include "CafeInterview">>
<<say 'Manager' $cafeManagerImagePath>>
Hey how can I help you? Want a fresh Coffee?
<<if $startjob == "barista" && $energy >= 10>>
<<button [[I'm here for the interview|Cafe]]>>
<<set $startInterview to true>>
<<button [[Eat a bagel $5|Cafe]] >>
<<eat 5>>
<<set $Money to $Money - 5>>
<<addEnergy 2>>
\<</button>> <<button [[Eat a sandwich $10|Cafe]] >>
<<eat 7>>
<<set $Money to $Money - 10>>
<<addEnergy 2>>
\<</button>> <<button [[Grab a coffee $10|drinkCafe]]>>
<<addmins 15>>
<<addEnergy 5>>
<<set $Money to $Money - 10>>
<</button>> <<button [[Grab a espresso $6|drinkCafe]]>>
<<addmins 10>>
<<addEnergy 3>>
<<set $Money to $Money - 6>>
\<<if $Job == "barista" >>
\<<if $energy >= 30>>
\<<if $wearing.includes('barista uniform')>>
<<button [[Start working|WorkCafe]]>>
<<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>>
I don't wear my uniform for work.
<<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>>
I'm to tired to work
<<button [[Quit job|QuitJob]]>>
<<link `"<img class='imgs' src='" + $imgPathSrc + "images/logos/men.png' width='100px' style='vertical-align: middle;'> Go to the men bathroom"`>><<goto 'MenWCCafe'>><</link>>
<<link `"<img class='imgs' src='" + $imgPathSrc + "images/logos/women.png' width='100px' style='vertical-align: middle;'> Go to the women bathroom"`>><<goto 'WomenWCCafe'>><</link>>
\<<if $MaxFriendship == 12>>
<<say "Max" $maxImagePath>>
Hey, it's been a while. I thought much about you.
<<button [[Drink a coffee with Max|meetMax]]>>
<<addhours 1>>
\<<if $MaxFriendship == 13 && random(0,2) == 1>><<set $MaxFriendship = 12>><</if>>
<<return [[Back|Uptown]]>>
\<<set _c to random(0,2)>>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/scene/park' + _c + '.png">'>>
You make your way to the park, feeling a sense of peace as you take in the scenery. The park is lush and green, with tall trees providing shade and a gentle breeze blowing through the leaves.
There's a large pond in the center of the park, with ducks and swans swimming on the surface. A group of children are laughing and playing on the playground nearby, and you can't help but feel a sense of nostalgia.
You wander along the paths, taking in the sights and sounds of the park. You pass by a group of people playing frisbee, a couple having a picnic on a blanket, and a man playing guitar on a bench.
The park is a place where people of all ages and backgrounds come together, and you feel a sense of belonging.
\ <<include "SupermarketJulia">>
<<if $energy >= 10>><<button [[Go for a walk|Walk]]>>
\<<if (ndef $lastRun || ($gameDate - $lastRun) > (20 * 3600000))>>
\ <<if $comfort > 60>>
<<if $energy >= 20 >>
\<<if !$isMale>>
<<button [[Go for a run|ParkRun]]>>
<<set $lastRun = $gameDate>>
<<if $Corruption > 70 >>
<<set $test = 1>>
<<set $runRand to random(0,5)>>
<<elseif $Corruption > 40>>
<<set $test = 2>>
<<set $runRand to random(0,3)>>
<<elseif $Corruption > 20>>
<<set $test = 3>>
<<set $runRand to random(0,2)>>
<<set $test = 4>>
<<set $runRand to random(0,1)>>
<<button [[Go for a run|ParkRunMale]]>>
<<set $lastRun = $gameDate>>
<<if $Corruption > 70 >>
<<set $test = 1>>
<<set $runRand to random(0,5)>>
<<elseif $Corruption > 40>>
<<set $test = 2>>
<<set $runRand to random(0,3)>>
<<elseif $Corruption > 20>>
<<set $test = 3>>
<<set $runRand to random(0,2)>>
<<set $test = 4>>
<<set $runRand to random(0,1)>>
<<else >>
<<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>> I'm too tired to run. Maybe i should rest some time first.<</say>>
<<else >>
<<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>> My cloths aren't comfortable enough go for a run.<</say>>
<<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>>I should wait longer to regenerate from my last run.<</say>>
<<button [[Sit on a park bench|ParkBench]]>>
<<addmins 10>>
<<button [[Go back|OutsideAppartment]]>>
<</button>>\<<set _c to random(0,2)>>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/scene/workingCafe' + _c + '.png">'>>
\<<if ndef $incident>>
\<<set $incident to 0>>
\<<set _workHours = 18 - $gameDate.getHours()>>
\ <<set _workHours = Math.clamp(_workHours,0,2)>>\
\<<if $incident == 0>>
\<<set _r = random(0,3)>>
\<<set $energy to $energy - (_workHours * 7)>>
\<<set _r to 3>>
\<<set $wage to 9 + Math.floor($classWaitressSkill / 5)>>
\<<switch _r>>
<<case 0>>
\<<set $extraTip to random(5,20)>>
You start your shift at the cafe, feeling a sense of excitement and purpose. You've been working at the cafe for a few weeks now and you're already starting to feel like part of the team.
You quickly get to work, taking orders and preparing drinks for customers. You're a natural at multitasking and you always have a smile on your face. The customers appreciate your friendly and efficient service.
As the shift goes on, you learn more about the menu and the different coffee brewing methods. You also start to get to know the regular customers, learning their names and their favorite orders.
The hours fly by, and before you know it, it's time for you to clock out. You feel a sense of accomplishment, and you can't wait to come back tomorrow and do it all again.
<<case 1>>
<<set $extraTip to random(10,30)>>
You arrive at the cafe for your shift, feeling a sense of familiarity and belonging. You've been working at the cafe for a few months now and it's become a central part of your routine.
You greet your co-workers and get your apron on, ready to tackle the day's tasks. The customers start to arrive, and you get to work taking orders and preparing drinks. You've developed a good rhythm and work efficiently.
As the day goes on, you help new customers discover their favorite drink, and make small talk with the regulars. You enjoy the fast-paced nature of the work and the constant interaction with people.
After your shift, you feel a sense of satisfaction and pride. You're grateful for this job and the opportunity to learn new skills.
<<case 2>>
<<set $extraTip to random(1,5)>>
You arrive at the cafe for your shift, feeling a sense of unease. You've been working at the cafe for a while now, but today feels different.
As soon as you start your shift, things start to go wrong. Orders are coming in faster than you can keep up with, and you're having trouble remembering all the different drink orders. You spill a drink on a customer and accidentally give the wrong order to another.
The customers are getting frustrated, and you can feel the stress and pressure building up. To make matters worse, the manager is breathing down your neck, criticizing your every move.
You start to doubt your abilities and feel like you're in over your head. You've never had a shift like this before and you're not sure how to handle it.
<<case 3>>
<<set $extraTip to random(3,15)>>
You start your shift at the cafe, feeling a mix of nerves and determination. You've been working at the cafe for a while now, but today is different.
As you're taking orders and preparing drinks, you are approached by a customer who starts making unwanted advances. He makes inappropriate comments and gestures, making you feel uncomfortable and unsafe.
<<if $incident == 0>><<set $incident to 3>>
<<if $Corruption >= 10>>
<<button [[Let him continue|WorkCafe]]>>
<<set $incident to 1>>
<<set $Corruption = $Corruption + 1>>
<<button [[Report the incident|WorkCafe]]>>
<<set $energy to $energy - 5>>
<<set $incident to 2>>
\ <</if>>
<<switch $incident>>
<<case 1>>
<<set $extraTip to $extraTip + 15>>
In the end you get a extra tip of 15 $
<<case 2>>
<<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>>What a shift, this costs extra energy<</say>>
\<<if $incident < 3>>
\<<set _earned = $wage * _workHours >>
\<<set $Money to $Money + _earned + $extraTip>>
\<<set $incident to 0>>
You earned $ _earned plus a tip of $ $extraTip
\<<addhours _workHours>>
<<return [[Finish shift|Cafe]]>>
\<<set _c to random(0,3)>>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/scene/supermarket' + _c + '.png">'>>
The supermarket is a large, well-lit store with a wide variety of products on offer. As soon as you enter, you are greeted by the bustling energy of shoppers and the bright colors of fresh produce. The store is divided into different sections, each one dedicated to a specific type of food or household item.
The produce section is a sea of color, with an abundance of fresh fruits and vegetables on display. The fruits are arranged in piles, and the vegetables are stacked in crates. The produce is fresh and well-stocked, and the staff is always on hand to answer any questions you may have.
The meat and seafood section is next, where you can find a variety of fresh cuts of meat, fish, and seafood. From organic chicken to grass-fed beef, everything is carefully sourced and well-labeled.
The bakery section is filled with the aroma of freshly baked bread and pastries. The breads are made in-house and are always fresh, and the pastries are flaky, buttery, and delicious.
The dairy section is stocked with milk, cheese, yogurt, and eggs. You can find different types of milk such as soy milk and almond milk, and different types of cheese such as cheddar and mozzarella.
The store also has a large selection of packaged and canned goods, including pasta, rice, cereal, and canned fruits and vegetables. There is also a large selection of frozen foods, including frozen fruits, vegetables, and prepared meals.
The store also has a pharmacy and a small selection of household items such as cleaning supplies and toiletries. The store also has a section for organic, gluten-free and vegan options.
The store is clean, well-organized, and easy to navigate. There are helpful signs throughout the store, and the staff is always on hand to help you find what you're looking for.
\<<if !$isMale>>
\ <<include "SupermarketJulia">>
\<<if $laptop == false>>
\<<set $laptopPrice = 999>><<set _lap to random(0,99)>>
\<<if _lap > 90>>
\<<set $laptopPrice = 500>>
You see a super sale, a new laptop for only $500 instead of $999.
<<else >>
There is an offer: Laptop $ 999.
<<button [[Buy the laptop|buyLaptop]]>>
<<button [[Buy Groceries|shopping]]>>
<<button [[Try to shoplift|shopLifting]]>>
\<<if $Corruption > 19 && !$isMale>>
<<button [[Vegetables]]>>
<<button [[Go back outside|OutsideAppartment]]>>
\<<addhours 1>>
\<<set $energy to $energy - 10>>
\<<addArousal -5>>
\<<if $gameDate.getHours() >= 7 && $gameDate.getHours() < 16>>
\<<set _r = random(0,1)>>
\<<switch _r>><<case 0>>
\<<set _c to random(0,2)>>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/scene/parkWalk' + _c + '.png">'>>
You make your way to the park, feeling a sense of peace and tranquility as you take in the scenery. The sun is shining and the sky is a bright blue, the perfect weather for a walk.
As you walk along the paths, you take in the sights and sounds of the park. You pass by a group of people playing frisbee, a couple having a picnic on a blanket, and a man playing guitar on a bench.
You stop to watch a group of children playing on the playground and can't help but feel a sense of nostalgia. You continue your walk and find a quiet spot by the pond, where you sit and watch the ducks and swans swimming on the surface.
The park is a place where people of all ages and backgrounds come together, and you feel a sense of belonging.
<<case 1>>
\<<set _c to random(0,2)>>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/scene/parkWalk' + _c + '.png">'>>
You make your way to the park, feeling energized and excited to take in the fresh air and nature. You take a deep breath of the fresh air and start your walk.
As you walk, you see several people jogging, some playing soccer and others just sitting on benches enjoying the nature. You stop to listen to a group of musicians playing on a corner.
You reach a small lake and sit down on a bench to watch the ducks swimming and the children playing by the water. You see a family having a picnic, and you can't help but feel a sense of longing for your own family.
The park is a place where people of all ages and backgrounds come together, and you feel a sense of belonging.
\<<if $gameDate.getHours() >= 16 && $gameDate.getHours() < 22>>
\<<set _r = random(0,2)>>
\<<switch _r>><<case 0>>
\<<set _c to random(0,2)>>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/scene/parkWalk' + _c + '.png">'>>
You make your way to the park, feeling a sense of calm and serenity as you take in the scenery. The sun is setting, casting a warm glow over the park and the sky is painted in hues of orange and pink.
As you walk along the paths, you take in the sights and sounds of the park. You pass by a group of people having a picnic, a couple taking a romantic stroll, and a man playing the guitar on a bench.
You stop to watch a group of fireflies dancing in the air and can't help but feel a sense of wonder and amazement. You continue your walk and find a quiet spot by the pond, where you sit and watch the ducks and swans swimming on the surface.
The park is a place where people of all ages and backgrounds come together, and you feel a sense of belonging.
<<case 1>>
\<<set _c to random(0,2)>>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/scene/parkWalk' + _c + '.png">'>>
You make your way to the park, feeling a sense of peace and tranquility as you take in the scenery. The evening air is cool and crisp, and the sky is painted in hues of purple and blue.
As you walk along the paths, you take in the sights and sounds of the park. You pass by a group of people playing frisbee, a couple having a romantic stroll, and a man playing the guitar on a bench.
You stop to watch a group of children playing on the playground and can't help but feel a sense of nostalgia. You continue your walk and find a quiet spot by the pond, where you sit and watch the ducks and swans swimming on the surface.
The park is a place where people of all ages and backgrounds come together, and you feel a sense of belonging.
<<case 2>>
\<<set _c to random(0,2)>>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/scene/parkWalk' + _c + '.png">'>>
You take a stroll through the park, taking in the sights and sounds of nature. You walk along the paths, passing by families playing, friends laughing, and children running around. As you approach a secluded area, you see a couple sitting on a bench, locked in a passionate embrace. They are kissing deeply, and you can't help but feel a sense of longing and envy.
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/scene/parkCouple.png">'>>
You stop to watch them for a moment, wondering what it would be like to experience such a deep connection with someone. You feel a mix of emotions - a hint of sadness, a tinge of jealousy, but also a sense of hope. You continue your walk, feeling contemplative and reflective.
\<<set $Voyeurism to $Voyeurism +1>>
\<<set $Arousal to $Arousal + 10>>
\<<if $gameDate.getHours() >= 22 || $gameDate.getHours() < 7>>
\<<set _r = random(0,1)>>
\<<switch _r>><<case 0>>
\<<set _c to random(0,2)>>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/scene/parkWalk' + _c + '.png">'>>
You make your way to the park, feeling a sense of adventure and curiosity as you take in the scenery. The night is dark, and the sky is filled with stars. The park is lit by streetlights and a few lanterns, creating a serene atmosphere.
As you walk along the paths, you take in the sights and sounds of the park. You pass by a group of people having a picnic, a couple taking a romantic stroll, and a man playing the guitar on a bench.
You stop to watch a group of bats flying overhead and can't help but feel a sense of wonder and amazement. You continue your walk and find a quiet spot by the pond, where you sit and watch the reflections of the stars on the water surface.
<<case 1>>
\<<set _c to random(0,2)>>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/scene/parkWalk' + _c + '.png">'>>
You make your way to the park, feeling a sense of mystery and intrigue as you take in the scenery. The night is dark, and the sky is filled with stars. The park is lit by streetlights and a few lanterns, creating a serene atmosphere.
You stop to watch a group of fireflies dancing in the air and can't help but feel a sense of wonder and amazement. You continue your walk and find a quiet spot by the pond, where you sit and watch the reflections of the stars on the water surface.
<<button [[Go in the woods|Woods]]>>
<<addmins 30>>
<<addEnergy -10>>
<<button [[Go back|Park]]>>
<</button>><<set _r = random(0,2)>>
<<addmins 45>>
<<set $groceries to $groceries + 3>>
<<switch _r>>
<<case 0>>
<<set _spent = random(10,15)>>
<<set $Money to $Money - _spent>>
You make your way to the grocery store, feeling a sense of purpose and determination. You are been living in the new city for a while now, and you are finally getting the hang of things.
You enter the store and starts browsing the aisles, picking up the items you need. You are careful to stick to your budget and compare prices before making a decision. You picks up fresh fruits and vegetables, some protein, and a few pantry staples.
As you are about to check out, you see a sale on your favorite brand of cereal and can't help but feel a sense of excitement. You add it to your cart and proceeds to check out.
You leave the store feeling accomplished and proud of yourself for sticking to your budget.
You spent _spent on your groceries
<<case 1>>
<<set _spent = random(15,35)>>
<<set $Money to $Money - _spent>>
You enter the grocery store, feeling a sense of dread and uncertainty. You're not sure what you need and you're feeling overwhelmed by the number of options available.
You start browsing the aisles, picking up items that catch your eye. You are not paying much attention to the prices and as you're about to check out, you realizes you're overspent.
Feeling defeated, you proceed to check out, promising yourself to be more careful next time.
You spent _spent on your groceries
<<case 2>>
<<set _spent = random(15,20)>>
<<set $Money to $Money - _spent>>
You enter the grocery store, feeling a sense of excitement and curiosity. You're decided to try new recipes and want to expand your cooking skills.
You start browsing the aisles, picking up items you're never used before. You're curious and excited to try new things. You pick up exotic fruits and vegetables, some new spices and herbs, and some new cuts of meat.
As you're about to check out, you see a sale on a new cookbook and can't help but feel a sense of excitement. You add it to your cart and proceed to check out.
You leave the store feeling accomplished and excited to try new recipes.
You spent $ _spent on your groceries
<<button [[Go back outside|OutsideAppartment]]>>
<</button>>\<<set _r = random(0,99)>>
\<<if $JuliaFriendship == 6>>
\ <<set $JuliaFriendship to 7>>
\ <<set _r = 99>>
\<<if _r > 9>>
\<<set $Shoplifted = $Shoplifted +1>>
\<<addmins 20>>
You make your way to the grocery store, feeling a sense of excitement and thrill. You've been living in your new city for a while now, and you're finally getting the hang of things.
As you're browsing the aisles, you see a pack of your favorite snacks that you can't afford. An idea comes to your mind, and you decide to try and steal it. You look around to make sure no one is paying attention, and then quickly put the pack in your bag.
You can feel your heart racing as you make your way to the check-out, but you manage to leave the store unnoticed. Once you're outside, you can't help but feel a sense of excitement and thrill.
However, you also start feeling guilty and anxious, you know that what you did is wrong, and you can't shake off the feeling that you're going to get caught.
\<<addmins 80>>
You nervously make your way out of the store, the stolen items hidden in your bag. You can feel your heart racing as you try to act normal and blend in with the other shoppers.
But your plans are thwarted when a security guard approaches you and asks to see your bag. You freeze as the guard pulls out the stolen items and confronts you about them.
Feeling ashamed and scared, you admit to your actions and apologize. The security guard calls the police and you are taken into custody.
You are taken to the police station and charged with shoplifting. You face legal consequences and a potential criminal record, as well as fines, and in some cases, imprisonment.
You wish you had thought more about the consequences of your actions before attempting to steal. You regret your decision and learn a valuable lesson about the importance of respecting the law and being accountable for one's actions.
<<set $ShopliftingCaught to $ShopliftingCaught + 1>>
You had to pay a fine of $200.
\<<set $Money to $Money - 200>>
<<button [[Go back outside|OutsideAppartment]]>><</button>>\<<set _c to random(0,5)>>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/scene/' + $meal + _c + '.png">'>>
You have all the ingredients for $meal and are ready to go.
You start by prepping the ingredients, chopping vegetables, and browning meat. You add the ingredients to a pot or pan and start cooking, carefully seasoning to taste.
As the $meal cooks, you set the table and get out plates and utensils. The aroma of the cooking food fills the kitchen, making your mouth water in anticipation.
Once the $meal is cooked to perfection, you plate it up and take a moment to admire your handiwork before sitting down to enjoy your delicious creation.
<<button [[Back|Kitchen]]>>
<<set $meal to "">>
<</button>>You approach your wardrobe. You look at the different items of clothing hanging inside, feeling a sense of indecision.
You start browsing through the different options, trying to decide what to wear. You have a variety of styles and colors to choose from, from casual and comfortable to dressy and formal.
As you're trying on different outfits, you start to get a sense of which items make you feel confident and comfortable.
\<<if !$isMale>>
<<include "smallDresser">>
<<include "maleDresser">>
<<button [[Close the wardrobe|Bedroom]]>>
<</button>> \<<set _c to random(0,3)>>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/scene/apperalStore' + _c + '.png">'>>
You enter the store and are immediately greeted by rows and racks of clothing. You look around, feeling a sense of excitement and inspiration.
You starts browsing through the different sections, taking note of the different styles and colors of clothing available. You try on different outfits, finding a few that you really like.
As you are looking through the store, you sees a lot of clothes that catche your eye.
\<<if $gameDate.getHours() >= 8 && $gameDate.getHours() < 18>>
<<say "Julia" $juliaAperalImagePath>>
What do you wanna buy?
\<<if !$isMale>>
\<<include "ApparelStoreJulia">>
<<button [[Shop for underwear|ApparelStoreUnderwear]]>>
<<button [[Shop for tops|ApparelStoreTops]]>>
<<button [[Shop for bottoms|ApparelStoreBottoms]]>>
<<button [[Shop for shoes|ApparelStoreShoes]]>>
<<button [[Shop for costumes|ApparelStoreCostumes]]>>
<<button [[Shop Cloths|ApparelStoreMale]]>>
<<button [[Head outside|OutsideAppartment]]>>
<</button>><<typesim "Hey Jim, I won't be in to work today, sorry.">>[[Send the email.|next passage]]<</typesim>>!Game Over
You spent too much money\<<set _c to random(0,3)>>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/scene/apperalStoreUnderwear' + _c + '.png">'>>
You make your way to the Underwear section of the store, taking in the wide variety of styles and colors on display. The section is well-organized with different styles of underwear arranged neatly on the racks. You can see a variety of styles including bras, panties, shapewear, and hosiery.
You start browsing through the different sections, looking at the different styles of underwear available. From everyday cotton to elegant lace, there's an option for every preference and occasion. You try on a few different styles, finding a few that you really like.
<<include Cloths>>
<<listCloths $allBras 'ApparelStoreUnderwear'>>
<<listCloths $allPantys 'ApparelStoreUnderwear'>>
<<return [[Go back|ApparelStore]]>>
\<<set _c to random(0,3)>>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/scene/apperalStoreTops' + _c + '.png">'>>
You make your way to the Tops section of the store, taking in the wide variety of styles and colors on display.
You start browsing through the different sections, taking note of the different styles of tops available. From casual t-shirts and tank tops, to dressy blouses and sweaters, there's a top for every occasion.
You can see that the section is well-organized, with the different styles and colors arranged in a logical and easy-to-navigate manner. The section is clean and well-maintained, with no clothes out of place.
<<include Cloths>>
<<listCloths $allTops 'ApparelStoreTops'>>
<<listCloths $allSweater 'ApparelStoreTops'>>
<<return [[Go back|ApparelStore]]>>
\<<set _c to random(0,3)>>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/scene/apperalStoreBottoms' + _c + '.png">'>>
You make your way to the Bottoms section of the store, taking in the wide variety of styles and colors on display. The section is well-organized with different styles of bottoms arranged neatly on the racks. You can see a variety of styles including jeans, pants, shorts, skirts and leggings.
You start browsing through the different sections, looking at the different styles of bottoms available. From classic denim jeans to the latest fashion trends, there's a bottom for every occasion. You try on a few different styles, finding a few that you really like.
<<include Cloths>>
<<listCloths $allBottoms 'ApparelStoreBottoms'>>
<<return [[Go back|ApparelStore]]>>
\<<set _c to random(0,3)>>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/scene/apperalStoreShoes' + _c + '.png">'>>
You enter the store and make your way to the shoe section. Rows and racks of shoes are displayed in front of you, and you look around feeling a sense of excitement and inspiration.
You start browsing through the different sections, taking note of the different styles and colors of shoes available. You try on different pairs, finding a few that you really like.
<<include Cloths>>
<<listCloths $allShoes 'ApparelStoreShoes'>>
<<return [[Go back|ApparelStore]]>>
<<include HandyScripts>>
<<include Cloths>>
<<widget "putOn">>
<<set _clothObj = getClothObjectByName($allCloths, $args[0])>>
<<set $tempClothTypeList = $categoryList[_clothObj.type]>>
<<if $wearing.length > 0>>
<<if _clothObj.type == 'Dress' && _clothObj.takeOff>>
<<set $tempClothTypeList to $tempClothTypeList.concat($allBottoms)>>
<<set $tempClothTypeList to $tempClothTypeList.concat($allTops)>>
<<set $tempClothTypeList to $tempClothTypeList.concat($allSweater)>>
<<set $testTest = $tempClothTypeList >>
<<elseif _clothObj.type == 'Tops' || _clothObj.type == 'Bottoms' || _clothObj.type == 'Sweater'>>
<<set $tempClothTypeList to $tempClothTypeList.concat($allDresses)>>
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $tempClothTypeList.length; _i++>>
<<if $wearing.includes($tempClothTypeList[_i].name)>>
<<set $wearing.delete($tempClothTypeList[_i].name)>>
<<set $wearing.pushUnique($args[0])>>
<<widget "getClothGroupByName">>
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $allCloths.length; _i++>>
<<if $args[0] == $allCloths[_i].name>>
<<print $allCloths[_i].type>>
<<widget "takeOff">>
<<set $wearing.delete($args[0])>>
<<widget "takeOffGroup">>
<<set _group to $args[0]>>
<<for _i = 0; _i < _group.length; _i++>>
<<set $wearing.delete(_group[_i].name)>>
<<widget "addEnergy">>\
<<set $energy = Math.clamp($energy + $args[0],0,150)>>\
<<widget "addArousal">>\
<<set $Arousal = Math.clamp($Arousal + $args[0],0,100)>>\
<<widget "listCloths">>
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $args[0].length; _i++>>
<<if !$wardrobe.includes($args[0][_i].key)>>
<<print '<<button [[Buy ' + $args[0][_i].name + ' - $' + $args[0][_i].price + '|' + $args[1] + ']]>>
<<set $wardrobe.push($args[0][' + _i + '].key)>>
<<set $Money to $Money - $args[0][' + _i + '].price>>
<<addmins 20>>
<</button>>'>><br />
<<widget "calcOutfit">>
<<set _corruption = {
Bras: null,
Underwear: null,
Bottoms: null,
Tops: null,
Shoes: null,
Sweater: null,
Dress: null
<<if $wearing.length > 0>>
<<set $sexiness = 0>>
<<set $comfort = 0>>
<<set _sexyTop = 100>>
<<set _sexyBottom = 100>>
<<set _sexyPanty = 100>>
<<set _sexyBra = 100>>
<<set _sexySweater = 100>>
<<set _sexyShoe = 100>>
<<set _sexyDress = 100>>
<<set _comfortTop = 100>>
<<set _comfortBottom = 100>>
<<set _comfortPanty = 100>>
<<set _comfortBra = 100>>
<<set _comfortSweater = 100>>
<<set _comfortShoe = 100>>
<<set _comfortDress = 100>>
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $wearing.length; _i++>>
<<set _clothObj = getClothObjectByName($allCloths, $wearing[_i])>>
<<set _corruption[_clothObj.type] to _clothObj.minCorruption>>
<<switch _clothObj.type>>
<<case 'Tops'>>
<<set _sexyTop = _clothObj.sexy>>
<<set _comfortTop = _clothObj.comfort>>
<<case 'Bottoms'>>
<<set _comfortBottom = _clothObj.comfort>>
<<set _sexyBottom = _clothObj.sexy>>
<<case 'Underwear'>>
<<set _comfortPanty = _clothObj.comfort>>
<<set _sexyPanty = _clothObj.sexy>>
<<case 'Bras'>>
<<set _sexyBra = _clothObj.sexy>>
<<set _comfortBra = _clothObj.comfort>>
<<case 'Shoes'>>
<<set _comfortShoe = _clothObj.comfort>>
<<set _sexyShoe = _clothObj.sexy>>
<<case 'Sweater'>>
<<set _comfortSweater = _clothObj.comfort>>
<<set _sexySweater = _clothObj.sexy>>
<<case 'Dress'>>
<<set _sexyTop = _clothObj.sexy>>
<<set _comfortTop = _clothObj.comfort>>
<<set _comfortBottom = _clothObj.comfort>>
<<set _sexyBottom = _clothObj.sexy>>
<<set _comfortSweater = _clothObj.comfort>>
<<set _sexySweater = _clothObj.sexy>>
<<set _sexyDress = _clothObj.sexy>>
<<set _comfortDress = _clothObj.comfort>>
<<set $sexiness = Math.floor(( _sexyTop + _sexyBottom + _sexyPanty + _sexyBra + _sexySweater + _sexyShoe + _sexyDress) / 7)>>
<<set $sexiness = Math.clamp($sexiness, 0, 100)>>
<<set $comfort = Math.floor((_comfortTop + _comfortBottom + _comfortPanty + _comfortBra + _comfortSweater + _comfortShoe + _comfortDress) / 7)>>
<<set $comfort = Math.clamp($comfort, 0, 100)>>
<<set $sexiness = 100>>
<<set $comfort = 100>>
<<set $sexiness += $BeautyBonus>>
<<if _corruption['Dress'] !== null>>
<<set _corruptionTop to _corruption['Dress']>>
<<if _corruption['Bras'] == null>>
<<set _corruptionTop to _corruption['Tops'] + 10>>
<<elseif _corruption['Sweater'] !== null>>
<<set _corruptionTop to _corruption['Sweater']>>
<<elseif _corruption['Tops'] !== null>>
<<set _corruptionTop to _corruption['Tops']>>
<<if _corruption['Bras'] == null>>
<<set _corruptionTop to _corruption['Tops'] + 10>>
<<elseif _corruption['Bras'] !== null>>
<<set _corruptionTop to _corruption['Bras']>>
<<set _corruptionTop to $topless.minCorruption>>
<<if _corruption['Dress'] !== null>>
<<set _corruptionBottom to _corruption['Dress']>>
<<if _corruption['Underwear'] == null>>
<<set _corruptionBottom to _corruption['Bottoms'] + 30>>
<<elseif _corruption['Bottoms'] !== null>>
<<set _corruptionBottom to _corruption['Bottoms']>>
<<if _corruption['Underwear'] == null>>
<<set _corruptionBottom to _corruption['Bottoms'] + 30>>
<<elseif _corruption['Underwear'] !== null>>
<<set _corruptionBottom to _corruption['Underwear']>>
<<set _corruptionBottom to $bottomless.minCorruption>>
<<set $minCorruption = Math.max(_corruptionBottom, _corruptionTop)>>
<<widget "currentlyWearing">>
<<set $currentlyWearing = {
bra: null,
underwear: null,
bottom: null,
top: null,
shoes: null,
sweater: null,
dress: null
<<if $wearing.length > 0 >>
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $wearing.length; _i++>>
<<set _clothObj = getClothObjectByName($allCloths, $wearing[_i])>>
<<switch _clothObj.type>>
<<case 'Tops'>>
<<set $currentlyWearing.top = _clothObj>>
<<case 'Bottoms'>>
<<set $currentlyWearing.bottom = _clothObj>>
<<case 'Underwear'>>
<<set $currentlyWearing.underwear = _clothObj>>
<<case 'Bras'>>
<<set $currentlyWearing.bra = _clothObj>>
<<case 'Shoes'>>
<<set $currentlyWearing.shoes = _clothObj>>
<<case 'Sweater'>>
<<set $currentlyWearing.sweater = _clothObj>>
<<case 'Dress'>>
<<set $currentlyWearing.dress = _clothObj>>
<<widget "showOutfit">>
<<if $settings.outfit == 1>>
<<set $currentAppearal = $imgPathSrc + 'images/cloths2/standard/'>>
<<set _variations = 1>>
<<if $currentlyWearing.dress !== null>>
<<set $currentAppearal = $currentAppearal + $currentlyWearing.dress.key + '_'>>
<<set _variations = $currentlyWearing.dress.variations>>
<<elseif $currentlyWearing.sweater !== null>>
<<set $currentAppearal = $currentAppearal + $currentlyWearing.sweater.key + '_'>>
<<set _variations = $currentlyWearing.sweater.variations>>
<<elseif $currentlyWearing.top !== null>>
<<set $currentAppearal = $currentAppearal + $currentlyWearing.top.key + '_'>>
<<set _variations = $currentlyWearing.top.variations>>
<<elseif $currentlyWearing.bra !== null>>
<<set $currentAppearal = $currentAppearal + $currentlyWearing.bra.key + '_'>>
<<set _variations = $currentlyWearing.bra.variations>>
<<set $currentAppearal = $currentAppearal + 'topless_'>>
<<set _variations = $topless.variations>>
<<if $currentlyWearing.dress !== null>>
<<elseif $currentlyWearing.bottom !== null>>
<<set $currentAppearal = $currentAppearal + $currentlyWearing.bottom.key + '_'>>
<<set _variations = $currentlyWearing.bottom.variations>>
<<elseif $currentlyWearing.underwear !== null>>
<<set $currentAppearal = $currentAppearal + $currentlyWearing.underwear.key + '_'>>
<<set _variations = $currentlyWearing.underwear.variations>>
<<set _variations = $bottomless.variations>>
<<set _cor = Math.clamp(Math.floor($Corruption / (80 / _variations)), 0, _variations - 1 )>>
<<set $currentAppearal = $currentAppearal + random(0, _cor) + '.png'>>
<<set $currentAppearal to $currentAppearal>>
<<widget "eat">>
<<set _hoursLastEaten = ($gameDate - $lastEaten) / 5 / 3600000>>
<<if (_hoursLastEaten > 10)>>
<<set $lastEaten to new Date($gameDate - (50 * 3600000))>>
<<run $lastEaten.setHours($lastEaten.getHours() + $args[0])>>
<<if $lastEaten > $gameDate>>
<<set $lastEaten = $gameDate>>
<<widget "doMakeup">>
<<set $BeautyBonus = $args[0]>>
<<set $makeupBeautyTime = $gameDate>>
<<widget "createProfileImg">>
<<set _wearing = {
bra: {newimg: $currentlyWearing.bra ? $currentlyWearing.bra.newimg : null},
underwear: {newimg: $currentlyWearing.underwear ? $currentlyWearing.underwear.newimg : null},
bottom: {newimg: $currentlyWearing.bottom ? $currentlyWearing.bottom.newimg : null},
top: {newimg: $currentlyWearing.top ? $currentlyWearing.top.newimg : null},
shoes: {newimg: $currentlyWearing.shoes ? $currentlyWearing.shoes.newimg : null},
sweater: {newimg: $currentlyWearing.sweater ? $currentlyWearing.sweater.newimg : null},
dress: {newimg: $currentlyWearing.dress ? $currentlyWearing.dress.newimg : null},
hair: {newimg: $currentlyWearingAcc.Hair ? $currentlyWearingAcc.Hair.newimg : 'standardHair'},
hairAddition: {newimg: $currentlyWearingAcc.HairAddition ? $currentlyWearingAcc.HairAddition.newimg : null},
neck: {newimg: $currentlyWearingAcc.Neck ? $currentlyWearingAcc.Neck.newimg : null},
butt: {newimg: $currentlyWearingAcc.Butt ? $currentlyWearingAcc.Butt.newimg : null},
pussy: {newimg: $currentlyWearingAcc.Pussy ? $currentlyWearingAcc.Pussy.newimg : null},
finger: {newimg: $currentlyWearingAcc.Finger ? $currentlyWearingAcc.Finger.newimg : null},
wrist: {newimg: $currentlyWearingAcc.Wrist ? $currentlyWearingAcc.Wrist.newimg : null},
panty: {newimg: $currentlyWearingAcc.Panty ? $currentlyWearingAcc.Panty.newimg : null},
foot: {newimg: $currentlyWearingAcc.Foot ? $currentlyWearingAcc.Foot.newimg : null},
face: {newimg: $currentlyWearingAcc.Face ? $currentlyWearingAcc.Face.newimg : null}
} >>
<<set _tempPath = "https://nunspielen.de/a-new-town/image.php?obj=" + JSON.stringify(_wearing)>>
<<set $currentAppearal = _tempPath>>
<<widget "EnterCheat">>
<<set _temp = btoa($args[0])>>
<<set $x = _temp>>
<<switch _temp>>
<<case "ZmF0aGVyTG9hZA==">>
<<set $Money += 1000>>
<<case "aUxvdmVYWFg=">>
<<set $Corruption += 10>>
<<set $clogs = {price: 40, name: 'clogs', type:'Shoes', key: 'clogs', sexy:0, comfort: 95,minCorruption:0,variations:4, newimg:'clogs'}>>
<<set $highheels = {price: 200, name: 'high heels', type:'Shoes', key: 'highheels', sexy:90, comfort: 0, minCorruption:15,variations:4, newimg:'highheels'}>>
<<set $sneakers = {price: 80, name: 'sneakers', type:'Shoes', key: 'sneakers', sexy:30, comfort: 80,minCorruption:0,variations:4, newimg:'sneaker'}>>
<<set $pumps = {price: 150, name: 'pumps', type:'Shoes', key: 'pumps', sexy:85, comfort: 0,minCorruption:12,variations:4, newimg:'pumps'}>>
<<set $balletflats = {price: 60, name: 'ballet flats', type:'Shoes', key: 'balletflats', sexy:20, comfort: 70,minCorruption:0,variations:4, newimg:'balletflats'}>>
<<set $sandals = {price: 100, name: 'sandals', type:'Shoes', key: 'sandals', sexy:60, comfort: 50,minCorruption:0,variations:4, newimg:'sandals'}>>
<<set $blouse = {price: 60, name: 'blouse', type:'Tops', key: 'blouse', sexy:50, comfort: 60,minCorruption:0,variations:4, newimg:'blouse'}>>
<<set $tshirt = {price: 40, name: 't-shirt', type:'Tops', key: 'tshirt', sexy:30, comfort: 70,minCorruption:0,variations:4, newimg:'tshirt'}>>
<<set $tanktop = {price: 30, name: 'tank top', type:'Tops', key: 'tanktop', sexy:55, comfort: 45,minCorruption:5,variations:4, newimg:'tanktop'}>>
<<set $croptop = {price: 70, name: 'crop top', type:'Tops', key: 'croptop', sexy:60, comfort: 40,minCorruption:5,variations:4, newimg:'croptop'}>>
<<set $tubetop = {price: 80, name: 'tube top', type:'Tops', key: 'tubetop', sexy:65, comfort: 45,minCorruption:5,variations:4, newimg:'tubetop'}>>
<<set $pants = {price: 120, name: 'pants', type:'Bottoms', key: 'pants', sexy:40, comfort: 65,minCorruption:0,variations:4,newimg:'pants'}>>
<<set $shorts = {price: 60, name: 'shorts', type:'Bottoms', key: 'shorts', sexy:50, comfort: 50,minCorruption:5,variations:4, newimg:'shorts'}>>
<<set $leggings = {price: 50, name: 'leggings', type:'Bottoms', key: 'leggings', sexy:60, comfort: 75,minCorruption:0,variations:4, newimg:'leggings'}>>
<<set $longskirt = {price: 40, name: 'long skirt', type:'Bottoms', key: 'longskirt', sexy:40, comfort: 75,minCorruption:0,variations:4, newimg:'longSkirt'}>>
<<set $shortskirt = {price: 50, name: 'short skirt', type:'Bottoms', key: 'shortskirt', sexy:60, comfort: 60,minCorruption:5,variations:4, newimg:'skirt'}>>
<<set $miniskirt = {price: 140, name: 'mini skirt', type:'Bottoms', key: 'miniskirt', sexy:80, comfort: 40,minCorruption:10,variations:4, newimg:'miniSkirt'}>>
<<set $sweatpants = {price: 30, name: 'sweatpants', type:'Bottoms', key: 'sweatpants', sexy:0, comfort: 85,minCorruption:0,variations:4, newimg:'sweatpants'}>>
<<set $sportbra = {price: 40, name: 'sportbra', type:'Bras', key: 'sportbra', sexy:50, comfort: 70,minCorruption:25,variations:4, newimg:'sportbra'}>>
<<set $bra = {price: 60, name: 'bra', type:'Bras', key: 'bra', sexy:55, comfort: 50,minCorruption:35,variations:4, newimg:'bra'}>>
<<set $pushup = {price: 80, name: 'a push-up bra', type:'Bras', key: 'pushup', sexy:75, comfort: 25,minCorruption:40,variations:4, newimg:'pushup'}>>
<<set $bralette = {price: 70, name: 'a bralette', type:'Bras', key: 'bralette', sexy:65, comfort: 35,minCorruption:35,variations:4, newimg:'bralette'}>>
<<set $bikinitop = {price: 50, name: 'a bikini top', type:'Bras', key: 'bikinitop', sexy:50, comfort: 50,minCorruption:25,variations:4, newimg:'bikiniTop'}>>
<<set $thong = {price: 50, name: 'a thong', type:'Underwear', key: 'thong', sexy:70, comfort: 20,minCorruption:50,variations:4, newimg:'thong'}>>
<<set $panty = {price: 40, name: 'a panty', type:'Underwear', key: 'panty', sexy:50, comfort: 50,minCorruption:40,variations:4, newimg:'panty'}>>
<<set $shapewear = {price: 50, name: 'shapewear', type:'Underwear', key: 'shapewear', sexy:5, comfort: 40,minCorruption:30,variations:4, newimg:'shapewear'}>>
<<set $gstring = {price: 70, name: 'a g-string', type:'Underwear', key: 'gstring', sexy:75, comfort: 10,minCorruption:60,variations:4, newimg:'gstring'}>>
<<set $bikinibottom = {price: 50, name: 'a bikini bottom', type:'Underwear', key: 'bikinibottom', sexy:50, comfort: 50,minCorruption:25,variations:4, newimg:'bikiniBottom'}>>
<<set $sweater = {price: 80, name: 'sweater', type:'Sweater', key: 'sweater', sexy:10, comfort: 80,minCorruption:0,variations:4, newimg:'sweater'}>>
<<set $cardigan = {price: 70, name: 'cardigan', type:'Sweater', key: 'cardigan', sexy:30, comfort: 75,minCorruption:0,variations:4, newimg:'cardigan'}>>
<<set $pullover = {price: 70, name: 'pullover', type:'Sweater', key: 'pullover', sexy:0, comfort: 85,minCorruption:0,variations:4, newimg:'pullover'}>>
<<set $turtleneck = {price: 60, name: 'turtleneck', type:'Sweater', key: 'turtleneck', sexy:0, comfort: 55,minCorruption:0,variations:4, newimg:'turtleneck'}>>
<<set $cozysweater = {price: 180, name: 'cozy sweater', type:'Sweater', key: 'cozysweater', sexy:10, comfort: 95,minCorruption:0,variations:4, newimg:'cozySweater'}>>
<<set $hoodie = {price: 90, name: 'hoodie', type:'Sweater', key: 'hoodie', sexy:20, comfort: 90,minCorruption:0,variations:4, newimg:'hoodie'}>>
<<set $officeuniform = {price: 250, name: 'business suit', type:'Dress', key: 'officeuniform', sexy:40, comfort: 20,minCorruption:0,variations:4, newimg:'businessSuit',takeOff: true}>>
<<set $libarianuniform = {price: 200, name: 'librarian uniform', type:'Dress', key: 'libarianuniform', sexy:30, comfort: 30,minCorruption:0,variations:4, newimg:'librarianUniform',takeOff: false}>>
<<set $waitressuniform = {price: 150, name: 'waitress uniform', type:'Dress', key: 'waitressuniform', sexy:30, comfort: 50,minCorruption:0,variations:4, newimg:'waitressUniform',takeOff: false}>>
<<set $balldress = {price: 1500, name: 'ball dress', type:'Dress', key: 'balldress', sexy:40, comfort: 40,minCorruption:0,variations:6, newimg:'ballDress',takeOff: true}>>
<<set $partydress = {price: 500, name: 'party dress', type:'Dress', key: 'partydress', sexy:50, comfort: 30,minCorruption:0,variations:6, newimg:'partyDress',takeOff: true}>>
<<set $cocktaildress = {price: 750, name: 'cocktail dress', type:'Dress', key: 'cocktaildress', sexy:60, comfort: 20,minCorruption:0,variations:10, newimg:'cocktailDress',takeOff: true}>>
<<set $baristauniform = {price: 120, name: 'barista uniform', type:'Dress', key: 'baristauniform', sexy:30, comfort: 50,minCorruption:0,variations:5, newimg:'baristaUniform',takeOff: false}>>
<<set $catCostume = {price: 120, name: 'cat costume', type:'Dress', key: 'catCostume', sexy:30, comfort: 50,minCorruption:0,variations:5, newimg:'catCostume',takeOff: true }>>
<<set $xmasBody = {price: 80, name: 'christmas dress', type:'Dress', key: 'xmasBody', sexy:65, comfort: 45,minCorruption:0,variations:4, newimg:'xmasBody'}>>
<<set $allDresses to [$officeuniform, $libarianuniform, $waitressuniform, $balldress, $partydress, $cocktaildress, $baristauniform, $catCostume, $xmasBody]>>
<<set $allBras to [$sportbra, $bra, $pushup, $bralette, $bikinitop]>>
<<set $allPantys to [$thong, $panty, $shapewear, $gstring, $bikinibottom]>>
<<set $allBottoms to [$miniskirt, $pants, $shortskirt, $longskirt, $leggings, $sweatpants, $shorts]>>
<<set $allTops to [$blouse, $tshirt, $tanktop, $croptop, $tubetop]>>
<<set $allShoes to [$highheels, $clogs, $sandals, $balletflats, $pumps, $sneakers]>>
<<set $allSweater to [$sweater, $cardigan, $pullover, $turtleneck, $cozysweater, $hoodie]>>
<<set $categoryList = {
Bras: $allBras,
Underwear: $allPantys,
Bottoms: $allBottoms,
Tops: $allTops,
Shoes: $allShoes,
Sweater: $allSweater,
Dress: $allDresses
<<set $allCloths to [$sportbra, $bra, $pushup, $bralette, $bikinitop, $thong, $panty, $shapewear, $gstring, $bikinibottom, $miniskirt, $pants, $shortskirt, $longskirt, $leggings, $shorts, $blouse, $tshirt, $tanktop, $croptop, $tubetop, $highheels, $clogs, $sandals, $balletflats, $pumps, $sneakers, $sweater, $cardigan, $pullover, $turtleneck, $cozysweater, $hoodie, $sweatpants, $officeuniform, $libarianuniform, $waitressuniform, $balldress, $partydress, $cocktaildress, $baristauniform, $catCostume, $xmasBody]>>
/* specials */
<<set $topless = {price: 0, name: 'topless', type:'Bras', key: 'topless', sexy:100, comfort: 100,minCorruption:50,variations:4}>>
<<set $bottomless = {price: 0, name: 'bottomless', type:'Bras', key: 'bottomless', sexy:100, comfort: 100, minCorruption:70,variations:4}>>
<<set $maleBarista = {price: 100, name: 'barista uniform', type:'Dress', key: 'barista', sexy:40, comfort: 20,minCorruption:0,variations:3}>>
<<set $maleBoxer = {price: 20, name: 'boxer shorts', type:'Dress', key: 'boxerShorts', sexy:40, comfort: 20,minCorruption:0,variations:3}>>
<<set $maleCasual = {price: 150, name: 'casual outfit', type:'Dress', key: 'casual', sexy:40, comfort: 20,minCorruption:0,variations:3}>>
<<set $maleHoodie = {price: 75, name: 'hoodie outfit', type:'Dress', key: 'hoodie', sexy:40, comfort: 20,minCorruption:0,variations:3}>>
<<set $maleNerdy = {price: 160, name: 'nerdy outfit', type:'Dress', key: 'nerdy', sexy:40, comfort: 20,minCorruption:0,variations:3}>>
<<set $maleNude = {price: 0, name: 'nude', type:'Dress', key: 'nude', sexy:40, comfort: 20,minCorruption:0,variations:3}>>
<<set $maleProtector = {price: 500, name: 'protector outfit', type:'Dress', key: 'protector', sexy:40, comfort: 20,minCorruption:0,variations:3}>>
<<set $maleSuite = {price: 400, name: 'suite', type:'Dress', key: 'suite', sexy:40, comfort: 20,minCorruption:0,variations:3}>>
<<set $maleSummeroutfit = {price: 180, name: 'summer outfit', type:'Dress', key: 'summerOutfit', sexy:40, comfort: 20,minCorruption:0,variations:3}>>
<<set $maleSweatpants = {price: 50, name: 'sweatpants outfit', type:'Dress', key: 'sweatpants', sexy:40, comfort: 20,minCorruption:0,variations:3}>>
<<set $maleSwimming = {price: 30, name: 'swimming outfit', type:'Dress', key: 'swimming', sexy:40, comfort: 20,minCorruption:0,variations:3}>>
<<set $maleOutfits to [$maleBarista, $maleBoxer, $maleCasual, $maleHoodie, $maleNerdy, $maleNude, $maleProtector, $maleSuite, $maleSummeroutfit, $maleSweatpants, $maleSwimming]>>
window.getClothObjectByName = function(allCloths, clothName) {
var result = null;
allCloths.forEach(cloth => {
if (cloth.name === clothName) {
result = cloth;
return result;
window.getClothObjectByKey = function(allCloths, clothKey) {
var result = null;
allCloths.forEach(cloth => {
if (cloth.key === clothKey) {
result = cloth;
return result;
window.getFirstMatchingCloth = function(clothsToCheck, wearing) {
var result = null;
clothsToCheck.forEach(cloth => {
if (result === null && wearing.includes(cloth.name)) {
result = cloth;
return result;
window.SlotWinnings = function(winningSymbol) {
if(winningSymbol == "Heart") {
return 10;
if(winningSymbol == "Strawberry") {
return 4;
if(winningSymbol == "Lucky 7") {
return 7;
if(winningSymbol == "Star") {
return 5;
if(winningSymbol == "Jackpot") {
return 20;
<</script>>\<<set _c to random(0,2)>>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/scene/forest' + _c + '.png">'>>
The woods near the park are a dense, lush forest filled with towering trees and a diverse array of plant life. The canopy overhead filters the sunlight, creating a dappled, green-hued light that casts shadows on the forest floor.
The ground is covered in a thick layer of moss and fallen leaves, cushioning each step as you walk along the winding paths. The air is filled with the sweet, earthy smell of the forest, and the constant rustling of leaves and the soft chirping of birds can be heard.
The sound of a nearby stream or a waterfall adds to the serene ambiance of the woods.It's a perfect place for a peaceful hike, bird watching, or simply to enjoy nature and escape the hustle and bustle of the city.
<<button [[Follow the waterstream|Lake]]>>
<<addEnergy -10>>
<<addmins 20>>
<<button [[Go deeper into the woods|deepWoods]]>>
<<addEnergy -10>>
<<addmins 20>>
<<button [[Go to the fields|Field]]>>
<<addEnergy -5>>
<<addmins 15>>
<<button [[Go back to the park|Park]]>>
<<addEnergy -10>>
<<addmins 30>>
<</button>>\<<set _c to random(0,2)>>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/scene/lake' + _c + '.png">'>>
As you follow the stream you come to a lake, the water is calm and still, reflecting the towering trees surrounding it and the clear blue sky above. The sound of birds chirping and the gentle lapping of water on the shore creates a serene and peaceful atmosphere. You can see a small dock jutting out into the lake, and a canoe or rowboat tied to it, inviting you for a peaceful ride on the lake. The woods around the lake are thick and lush, with a variety of vegetation and wildflowers dotting the landscape. The leaves rustle gently in the breeze, creating a natural symphony of sound. The scent of pine and damp earth fills the air, making you feel connected to nature and at peace with the world around you.
\<<if $JuliaFriendship == 11 && $gameDate.getHours() >= 18 && $gameDate.getHours() < 20 && !$isMale>>
<<say "Julia" $juliaAperalImagePath>>Hey cutie, I was already affraid you wouldn't come. But I'm glad you're here!<</say>>
<<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>>I'm still not sure about this.<</say>>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/scene/juliaSwimming.png">'>>
Julia runs to the lake, while she runs, she gets rid of her clothes.
<<button [[Follow her|Swimming]]>>
<<set $juliaSwimming to true>>
<<set $JuliaFriendship to 12>>
\<<addEnergy -10>>
<<set $Corruption to $Corruption + 5>>
<<button [[Don't do it and say goodbye|OutsideAppartment]]>>
<<set $juliaSwimming to false>>
<<set $JuliaFriendship to 19>>
\<<addEnergy -10>>
<<set $Corruption to $Corruption - 10>>
\<<if !$isMale>>
<<button [[Go for a swim|Swimming]]>>
<<button [[Go for a swim|SwimmingMale]]>>
<<button [[Go back to the woods|Woods]]>>
<<addEnergy -10>>
<<addmins 20>>
<</button>> \<<if def $juliaSwimming && $juliaSwimming == true>>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/scene/juliaSwimming1.png">'>>
You see her body underwater, it's flawless.
\<<set $Arousal to $Arousal + 10>>
Her skin looks soft and smooth, with a light tan that perfectly contrasts with the blue water. Her hair is wet and slicked back, highlighting her neck and jawline. Her shoulders are toned and lean, moving gracefully through the water with every stroke. Her breasts are full and round, the water creating small ripples that barely cover her nipples. Her stomach is flat, with a subtle definition of her abs as she twists her body. Her hips are curvy and inviting, swaying side to side as she glides through the water.
Her thighs are strong and toned, powering her through the water effortlessly. Finally, her buttocks are firm and plump, with a perfect heart-shaped bottom that bounces gently with every movement. Overall, Julia's body is a sight to behold, and it's no wonder she's so comfortable showing it off in all its naked glory!
<<button [[Try to kiss her|SwimmingJulia]]>>
<<set $juliaSwimming to false>>
<<set $JuliaFriendship to 14>>
<<set $Corruption to $Corruption + 4>>
<<button [[Keep swimming|SwimmingJulia]]>>
<<set $juliaSwimming to false>>
<<set $JuliaFriendship to 15>>
<<set $Corruption to $Corruption + 2>>
\<<set _c to random(0,2)>>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/scene/lake' + _c + '.png">'>>
\<<if ndef $swimNaked>><<set $swimNaked = false>><</if>>
\<<if $swimNaked == true>>
<<set $swimNaked = false>>
<<set _c to random(0,5)>>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/occasion/lakeNaked' + _c + '.png">'>>
You find a secluded spot near the water's edge, where you remove your clothes and leave them on a nearby rock. The air is warm on your skin as you make your way to the water's edge. The lake is calm and the water is clear, with a slight chill to it. You take a deep breath and step into the water, feeling the coolness envelop you as you submerge. You swim out into the middle of the lake, feeling free and alive as you glide through the water.
The only sound is the splash of your strokes and the occasional call of a bird. The sensation of the water on your bare skin is invigorating and you feel a sense of peace and tranquility wash over you. You stay in the lake for a while, enjoying the freedom of swimming in nature before getting out and getting dressed.
/* */
\<<if $currentlyWearing.bra.key == 'bikinitop' && $currentlyWearing.underwear.key == 'bikinibottom'>>
<<set _c to random(0,4)>>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/occasion/lakeBikini' + _c + '.png">'>>
\<<addhours 1>>
\<<addEnergy -10>>
As you make your way to the lake, you can feel the excitement building within you. The water is calm and clear, glistening in the sunlight. You take a deep breath and step into the water, relishing the feeling of the cool liquid enveloping your body.
You start to swim, feeling the gentle pull of the water as you glide through it. The sun is warm on your skin, and you can feel the coolness of the water as you dip your head under to take a breath. You feel carefree and alive as you swim, your strokes strong and sure.
As you reach the middle of the lake, you stop and float on your back, taking in the beauty of the sky and the trees surrounding the lake. You close your eyes, feeling the sun on your face and the water lapping gently against your skin. You take a deep breath and let out a sigh of contentment, feeling grateful for this moment of peace and tranquility.
<<else >>
You are not wearing a bikini, you can't just swim naked, can you?
\<<if $Corruption > 30>>
<<button [[Swim naked|Swimming]]>>
\<<set $Arousal to $Arousal + 5>>
<<addEnergy -10>>
<<set $swimNaked = true>>
<<set $Exhibitionism = $Exhibitionism + 1>>
<<set $Corruption = $Corruption + 1>>
\<<addhours 1>>
<<button [[Go back to the lake|Lake]]>>
\<<if $Money >= $laptopPrice>>
\<<set $Money = $Money - $laptopPrice>>
\<<addmins 30>>
\<<set $laptop to true>>
You stand in the store, the brand new laptop cradled in your arms. You feel a sense of excitement and accomplishment as you think about all the possibilities that this new device holds. You imagine yourself working on projects, streaming your favorite shows, and connecting with friends and family online.
As you look over the sleek design and the high-tech specs, you can't help but feel a little bit giddy at the thought of all the things you'll be able to do with this laptop. You can't wait to get home and start using it right away.
You spent $ $laptopPrice for the laptop. Now you can play games, watch movies or write a book.
\<<else >>
\<<addmins 5>>
You don't have enough money to buy this new laptop.
You have obligations to handle. You can't loose your new appartment and sit on the street as a homeless with a brand new laptop in your hands.
<<button [[Go back|Supermarket]]>><</button>>\<<set _c to random(0,2)>>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/scene/downtown' + _c + '.png">'>>
<<link `"<img class='imgs' src='" + $imgPathSrc + "images/logos/bar.png' width='200px' style='vertical-align: middle;'> Visit the nearby bar "`>><<addmins 5>><<goto 'Bar'>><</link>>
<<link `"<img class='imgs' src='" + $imgPathSrc + "images/logos/disco.png' width='200px' style='vertical-align: middle;'> Visit the nearby disco "`>><<addmins 15>><<goto 'Disco'>><</link>>
<<link `"<img class='imgs' src='" + $imgPathSrc + "images/logos/liquorStore.png' width='200px' style='vertical-align: middle;'> Visit the nearby liquorStore "`>><<addmins 5>><<goto 'LiquorStore'>><</link>>
<<link `"<img class='imgs' src='" + $imgPathSrc + "images/logos/drugstore.png' width='200px' style='vertical-align: middle;'> Visit the Drugstore "`>><<addmins 10>><<goto 'Drugstore'>><</link>>
<<link `"<img class='imgs' src='" + $imgPathSrc + "images/logos/church.png' width='200px' style='vertical-align: middle;'> Visit the Abyssal Church "`>><<addmins 15>><<goto 'Church'>><</link>>
\<<if $JuliaIntimacy == 1 && !$isMale>>
<<link `"<img class='imgs' src='" + $imgPathSrc + "images/logos/juliaHome.png' width='200px' style='vertical-align: middle;'> Visit Julia "`>><<addmins 10>><<goto 'JuliaHome'>><</link>>
<<if $Shoplifted > 5>>
<<button [[Walk into a side alley|SideAlley]]>>
<<addmins 5>>
<<button [[Walk to your Appartment|OutsideAppartment]]>>
<<addEnergy -10>>
<<addhours 1>>
<</button>>\<<set _c to random(0,3)>>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/scene/uptown' + _c + '.png">'>>
<<link `"<img class='imgs' src='" + $imgPathSrc + "images/logos/officeBuilding.png' width='200px' style='vertical-align: middle;'> Head to the officebuilding"`>><<addmins 15>><<goto 'Officebuilding'>><</link>>
<<link `"<img class='imgs' src='" + $imgPathSrc + "images/logos/library.png' width='200px' style='vertical-align: middle;'> Visit the city Library"`>><<addmins 10>><<goto 'Library'>><</link>>
<<link `"<img class='imgs' src='" + $imgPathSrc + "images/logos/coffeeShop.png' width='200px' style='vertical-align: middle;'> Visit the nearby café"`>><<addmins 5>><<goto 'Cafe'>><</link>>
<<link `"<img class='imgs' src='" + $imgPathSrc + "images/logos/bank.png' width='200px' style='vertical-align: middle;'> Visit the Bank"`>><<addmins 10>><<goto 'Bank'>><</link>>
\<<if $AlexFriendship >= 4>>
<<link `"<img class='imgs' src='" + $imgPathSrc + "images/logos/restaurant.png' width='200px' style='vertical-align: middle;'> Visit the Restaurant"`>><<addmins 10>><<goto 'Restaurant'>><</link>>
<<link `"<img class='imgs' src='" + $imgPathSrc + "images/logos/eveningSchool.png' width='200px' style='vertical-align: middle;'> Visit the evening school"`>><<addmins 20>><<goto 'EveningSchool'>><</link>>
<<button [[Walk to your Appartment|OutsideAppartment]]>>
<<addEnergy -5>>
<<addhours 1>>
<</button>> \<<if $gameDate.getHours() >= 20 || $gameDate.getHours() < 10 || $gameDate.getDay() == 6 || $gameDate.getDay() == 0>>
<<set _c to random(0,2)>>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/scene/closedLibrary' + _c + '.png">'>>
The place is closed, it opens back at weekdays 10:00
\<<set _c to random(0,4)>>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/scene/library' + _c + '.png">'>>
The local library is a spacious, two-story building with large windows and high ceilings. The interior is well-lit and has a warm and inviting feel, with rows of shelves filled with books, magazines, and newspapers. The main entrance leads to the circulation desk, where friendly librarians are always ready to assist visitors with their needs.
The first floor is mainly dedicated to books for children and young adults, with colorful displays and comfortable seating areas. The second floor houses the adult section, with a more serious and quiet atmosphere, ideal for reading and studying. There are also several private study rooms available for those who need a quiet place to work.
In addition to books, the library also offers a variety of resources, including computers, free Wi-Fi, and a resource center with information on local events and services. They also have a regular schedule of events and activities, including book clubs, author talks, and workshops.
Whether you're looking for a good book to read, a quiet place to study, or a place to connect with your community, the local library is the perfect destination
<<if $startjob == "librarian" && $energy >= 10>>
<<button [[I'm here for the interview|LibraryInterview]]>>
<<if $Job == "librarian" && $energy >= 30>>
<<button [[Start working|WorkLibrary]]>>
<<button [[Quit job|QuitJob]]>>
\<<if $secretLibrary == 1 && $Corruption > 30>>
<<say 'Manager' $librarianImagePath>>
Hey $firstname if you have some time i want to show you the basement. Follow me
<<button [[Follow her|LibraryBasement]]>>
\<<set $secretLibrary = 2>>
\ <</if>>
\<<if $JuliaFriendship == 26 && !$accessoirOwned.includes('buttPlugS') && !$accessoirOwned.includes('buttPlugM') && !$accessoirOwned.includes('buttPlugL') && !$accessoirOwned.includes('buttPlugXL')>>
\<<set $JuliaLibrary = true>>
<<say "Julia" $juliaAperalImagePath>>Hey Cutie, glad you came, follow me down here. In the Basement is a hidden store. You won't believe me if I told you.<</say>>
\<<if $secretLibrary == 2 || (def $JuliaLibrary && $JuliaLibrary)>>
<<button [[Go to the basement|LibraryBasement]]>>
\ <</if>>
<<return [[Back|Uptown]]>>
\<<set _c to random(0,2)>>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/scene/office' + _c + '.png">'>>
\<<if $gameDate.getHours() >= 20 || $gameDate.getHours() < 7>>
<<goto "Officebuilding">>
As you step inside the office building, you are greeted by a spacious lobby with marble flooring and a high ceiling. The walls are adorned with abstract paintings and large windows that let in ample natural light. The reception desk is positioned at the center of the lobby and is manned by a friendly attendant.
You notice a comfortable seating area with plush sofas and armchairs, arranged in a conversational style. Potted plants and a coffee table with magazines and newspapers add to the welcoming atmosphere.
The elevators are located on the left side of the lobby, and there is a directory board with information about the floor plan and tenants of the building. You also see a security desk with uniformed guards checking visitors' identification before granting access to the upper floors.
As you look around, you can tell that the interior of the office building is designed to be both functional and stylish. The air conditioning is pleasant, and the atmosphere is hushed and professional.
<<if $startjob == "secretary" && $energy >= 10>>
<<button [[I'm here for the interview|OfficeInterview]]>>
<<if $Job == "secretary" && $energy >= 33>>
<<button [[Start working|WorkOffice]]>>
<<button [[Quit job|QuitJob]]>>
<<return [[Go back outside|Officebuilding]]>>
\<<if $gameDate.getHours() >= 2 && $gameDate.getHours() < 16>>
<<set _c to random(0,3)>>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/scene/closedBar' + _c + '.png">'>>
The place is closed, it opens back at 16:00
\<<set _c to random(0,3)>>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/scene/bar' + _c + '.png">'>>
As you step into the bar, the warm glow of the lights and the sound of clinking glasses and low chatter greet you. The walls are lined with shelves of liquor bottles, reflecting the colorful lights. The bar top is made of dark, polished wood and is surrounded by stools with plush cushioning.
A bartender in a black apron is busy mixing drinks behind the bar. In the corner, a small stage is set up for live entertainment. Tables and chairs are scattered throughout the space, providing comfortable seating for patrons. The atmosphere is lively and inviting, making you feel at ease as you take a seat at the bar and order a drink.
<<button [[Order a Snack $5|Bar]] >>
<<eat 2>>
<<set $Money to $Money - 5>>
<<addEnergy 2>>
\<</button>> <<button [[Order a beer $10|drinkBar]] >>
<<set $drink to "beer">>
<<set $Money to $Money - 10>>
<<set $IntoxicatedDrinks to $IntoxicatedDrinks +1>>
<</button>> <<button [[Order a wine $15|drinkBar]] >>
<<set $drink to "wine">>
<<set $Money to $Money - 15>>
<<set $IntoxicatedDrinks to $IntoxicatedDrinks +2>>
<</button>> <<button [[Order a shot $20|drinkBar]] >>
<<set $drink to "shot">>
<<set $Money to $Money - 20>>
<<set $IntoxicatedDrinks to $IntoxicatedDrinks +4>>
\<</button>> <<button [[Order a Cocktail $30|drinkBar]] >>
<<set $drink to "cocktail">>
<<set $Money to $Money - 30>>
<<set $IntoxicatedDrinks to $IntoxicatedDrinks +3>>
\<<if !$isMale>>
\ <<include "BarJulia">>
\ <<include "BarBossJohn">>
\<<if $startjob == "bargirl" && $energy >= 10>>
<<button [[I'm here for the interview|BarInterview]]>>
\<<if $Job == "bargirl" && $energy >= 50>>
<<button [[Start working|WorkBar]]>>
<<button [[Quit job|QuitJob]]>>
<<link `"<img class='imgs' src='" + $imgPathSrc + "images/logos/women.png' width='100px' style='vertical-align: middle;'> Go to the women bathroom"`>><<goto 'WomenWCBar'>><</link>>
<<link `"<img class='imgs' src='" + $imgPathSrc + "images/logos/men.png' width='100px' style='vertical-align: middle;'> Go to the men bathroom"`>><<goto 'MenWCBar'>><</link>>
<<return [[Back|Downtown]]>>
\<<if $gameDate.getHours() >= 4 && $gameDate.getHours() < 22>>
<<set _c to random(0,3)>>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/scene/closedDisco' + _c + '.png">'>>
The place is closed, it opens back at 22:00
\<<set _c to random(0,2)>>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/scene/disco' + _c + '.png">'>>
As you step into the disco, you are immediately hit by the thumping bass and flashing lights. The walls are covered in neon paint, giving the room a futuristic feel. The dance floor is packed with people, all moving to the beat. A stage at the far end of the room holds a DJ, who is controlling the music and the lights.
Bars are located along the sides of the room, and bartenders are busy mixing drinks and serving customers. People are laughing and chatting, while others are swaying to the music and taking shots. The air is filled with the sound of clinking glasses and excited chatter.
The atmosphere is electric, and you can feel the energy in the room. You are excited to join in on the fun, and head to the bar to order a drink. You can't wait to dance the night away in this lively disco.
\<<if !$isMale>>
\<<include "DiscoJulia">>
<<button [[Dance|Dance]]>>
<<addhours 2>>
<<button [[Order a shot $20|drinkDisco]] >>
<<set $drink to "shot">>
<<set $Money to $Money - 20>>
<<set $IntoxicatedDrinks to $IntoxicatedDrinks +4>>
\<</button>> <<button [[Order a Cocktail $30|drinkDisco]] >>
<<set $drink to "cocktail">>
<<set $Money to $Money - 30>>
<<set $IntoxicatedDrinks to $IntoxicatedDrinks +3>>
<<return [[Back|Downtown]]>>
\<<if $gameDate.getHours() >= 20 || $gameDate.getHours() < 7 || $gameDate.getDay() == 6 || $gameDate.getDay() == 0>>
<<set _c to random(0,2)>>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/scene/closedOfficebuilding' + _c + '.png">'>>
The place is closed, it opens back at weekdays 7:00
<<set _c to random(0,2)>>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/scene/officeBuilding' + _c + '.png">'>>
The office building stands tall, surrounded by bustling streets and towering skyscrapers. The exterior is made of sleek glass panels, reflecting the surrounding cityscape.
A modern, polished entrance leads into the building, with a concierge desk visible through the glass doors. The steps leading up to the entrance are lined with lush green plants, giving a touch of nature to the urban environment. The building's logo is prominently displayed above the entrance, indicating the professional and established presence of the company inside.
Overall, the outside of the office building exudes a sense of sophistication and prestige, making it an impressive sight for anyone passing by.
<<button [[Go into the officebuilding|Office]]>>
<<return [[Back|Uptown]]>>
<<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>>
Hey, it's a pleasure to be here today.
<<say 'Manager' $librarianImagePath>>
Good morning <<= $firstname>>, we're glad you're here. Can you tell us a little bit about yourself and why you're interested in this position?
<<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>>Sure! I have always had a passion for books and reading, and I have always wanted to work in a library. I may not have any experience in this field, but I am a quick learner and I am eager to start a new career in this industry.
<<say 'Manager' $librarianImagePath>>
That's great to hear, <<= $firstname>>. Can you tell us a little bit about your previous work experience?
<<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>>I have been working in retail for the past few years, and while I enjoyed working with customers, I am looking for a change. I believe that my experience in customer service will be beneficial in this position.
<<say 'Manager' $librarianImagePath>>
Can you tell us a little bit about your education?
<<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>>I have a high school diploma, but I have not pursued any further education.
<<say 'Manager' $librarianImagePath>>
That's okay. We're looking for someone who is passionate about books and library work, and who has strong customer service skills. Can you tell us a little bit about your familiarity with library systems and cataloging?
<<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>>I am not familiar with the specific library systems or cataloging, but I am eager to learn and I am confident that I can pick up the skills quickly.
<<say 'Manager' $librarianImagePath>>
Great! We offer training for all new hires. Can you tell us about a time when you had to deal with a difficult customer or situation at work?
<<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>>Sure. I remember one time at my previous job, a customer was upset about the long wait for assistance. I was able to listen to their concerns, apologize for the wait, and offer a solution that satisfied the customer.
<<say 'Manager' $librarianImagePath>>
That's a good example of excellent customer service. <<= $firstname>>, thank you for coming in today. You got the job! Congratulations.
<<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>>
Thank you for the opportunity.
\<<set $Job to "librarian">>
\<<set $startjob to "Unemployed">>
\<<set $energy to $energy - 10>>
\<<addhours 1>>
\<<set $secretLibrary = 0>>
<<return [[Back|Library]]>>
<<set _c to random(0,3)>>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/scene/workingLibrary' + _c + '.png">'>>
\<<if ndef $libraryIncident>>
\<<set $libraryIncident to 0>>
\<<set _r = random(0,3)>>
\<<set _workHours = 20 - $gameDate.getHours()>>
\ <<set _workHours = Math.clamp(_workHours,0,4)>>\
\<<set $energy to $energy - (_workHours * 5)>>
\<<addhours _workHours>>
\<<set $wage to 10 + Math.floor($classGeneralSkill / 5)>>
\<<switch _r>><<case 0>>
You arrive at the library and head to the front desk, where you will be working for most of the day. You begin by checking in the books that have been returned overnight, making sure they are in good condition and shelving them in their proper place.
Next, you help customers find books, answering questions and guiding them to the correct section of the library. You assist with checkouts, issuing library cards and helping with research projects.
As the day progresses, you assist in organizing and arranging books, magazines and other materials. You also tidy up the library, making sure it looks neat and inviting.
Throughout the day, you interact with a variety of people, from children looking for their first books to seniors searching for information on a specific topic. You feel a sense of satisfaction as you help others find what they need, and you love the sense of community that the library fosters.
<<case 1>>
\<<set $energy to $energy - 10>>
As you begin your work day at the library, you feel a sense of excitement and responsibility. You love being a part of the library team and helping people find the information they need. But today, something goes wrong.
You start off your day by checking the books that need to be reshelved and soon discover that one of the library's computers is not working properly. You try to troubleshoot the issue, but you're unable to resolve it. You know that this is going to impact the library's operations, and you feel a sense of frustration and disappointment.
Despite the setback, you continue to work on tasks such as assisting patrons with finding books, answering reference questions, and helping with the library's programming and events. You keep a positive attitude, knowing that the library relies on you to keep things running smoothly.
As the day goes on, the computer issue becomes a bigger problem and you find yourself working closely with the head librarian to find a solution. The two of you eventually manage to fix the problem, but the unexpected setback has left you feeling drained and stressed.
<<case 2>>
You love working at the library, and you're eager to help others discover new books, movies, and music.
As soon as you clock in, you notice a customer waiting for you at the front desk. They approach you with a request for a specific book, and you quickly check the catalog to see if it's available. Unfortunately, it's checked out, but you suggest a few similar titles that they might be interested in. The customer thanks you and heads to the stacks to find a new read.
You continue to help patrons throughout the day, answering questions, assisting with printing and copying, and recommending books, movies, and music. You enjoy the interactions with the customers and find it fulfilling to help others.
Later in the day, a customer comes to you with an issue with the library's computer system. They can't log in, and they're trying to access a database for a school project. You quickly diagnose the problem and reset their password, and the customer is grateful for your help.
As your shift comes to a close, you reflect on the day and feel a sense of satisfaction.
<<case 3>>
<<set $libraryIncident to $libraryIncident + 1>>
As you start your work day at the library, you begin organizing the shelves and making sure all the books are in order. You take pride in making sure the library looks neat and inviting to customers.
Just as you finish up with your tasks, a customer approaches you and begins to explain that they're looking for a very specific book. You listen carefully, trying to remember if you've seen the book in the library before. After a few minutes of searching, you realize that the library doesn't have the book in its collection.
The customer is disappointed, but you assure them that you'll do your best to find the book at another library and get it for them through interlibrary loan. You take down the customer's information and explain the process to them, and they seem relieved and grateful for your help.
You spend the rest of the day helping other customers, answering questions, and working on interlibrary loan requests.
\<<if $libraryIncident > 5>>
<<button [[Ask your head librarian about this|LibraryIncident]]>><</button>>
\<<set _earned = $wage * _workHours >>
You earned $ _earned
\<<set $Money to $Money + _earned>>
<<return [[Finish shift|Library]]>>
<<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>>
Excuse me, Librarian. I noticed a customer asking for something special earlier today. What was that about?
<<say 'Manager' $librarianImagePath>>
Ah yes, I was wondering when will ask. We have a hidden department in the basement that handles special requests. It's where we keep our "special" books, as well as some unique items that are not on display.
<<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>>
Really? I had no idea! What kind of items are in there?
<<say 'Manager' $librarianImagePath>>
Well I guess you will find out yourself.
<<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>>
Wow, that sounds myserious!
<<say 'Manager' $librarianImagePath>>
Of course! It's one of our best kept secrets, so it's always a treat for someone to discover it for the first time.
I come to you when I think you are ready for this.
\<<set $secretLibrary = 1>>
<<button [[Head back|Library]]>>
<</button>>As you follow the manager down the stairs into the basement, you are impressed by the warm, intimate atmosphere of the secret department. The walls are lined with shelves of various adult toys, products, and novelties, including adult DVDs and adult novels.
The manager shows you around, introducing you to the wide range of products on offer, including sex toys, lubricants, fetish gear, and more. The store caters to individuals seeking privacy and discretion, and the manager explains that their sales associates respect customer privacy and only offer guidance if asked. You can feel the comfortable and safe environment, and you imagine yourself working here, helping customers explore their desires and interests without judgment.
The manager is knowledgeable and supportive, offering you a private tour of the store and helping you understand the products on offer. As you continue the tour, you realize what this is all about. The Library is just a facade to this secret department.
\<<if !$smallDildo >>
\<<set _c to random(0,3)>>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/things/smallDildo' + _c + '.png" width="200px" >'>>
<<button [[Buy small dildo $ 40|LibraryBasement]]>>
<<set $smallDildo = true>>
<<set $Money -= 40>>
\<<if !$mediumDildo>>
\<<set _c to random(0,3)>>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/things/dildo' + _c + '.png" width="200px">'>>
<<button [[Buy medium dildo $ 60|LibraryBasement]]>>
<<set $mediumDildo = true>>
<<set $Money -= 60>>
\<<if !$bigDildo>>
\<<set _c to random(0,3)>>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/things/bigDildo' + _c + '.png" width="300px">'>>
<<button [[Buy big dildo $ 100|LibraryBasement]]>>
<<set $bigDildo = true>>
<<set $Money -= 100>>
\<<if def $JuliaLibrary && $JuliaLibrary>>
\<<if ((def $JuliaLibrary && $JuliaLibrary) || $JuliaFriendship == 25) && !$accessoirOwned.includes('buttPlugS') && !$accessoirOwned.includes('buttPlugM') && !$accessoirOwned.includes('buttPlugL') && !$accessoirOwned.includes('buttPlugXL')>>
<<say "Julia" $juliaAperalImagePath>>You really need to buy one of these here. Believe me this changes everything. When you've bought one visit me in the apparel store after you... while wearing it.<</say>>
\<<if !$accessoirOwned.includes('buttPlugS')>>
\<<set _c to random(0,3)>>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/things/buttPlugS' + _c + '.png" width="300px">'>>
<<button [[Buy butt plug S $ 50|LibraryBasement]]>>
<<set $accessoirOwned.push('buttPlugS')>>
<<set $Money -= 50>>
\<<if !$accessoirOwned.includes('buttPlugM')>>
\<<set _c to random(0,3)>>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/things/buttPlugM' + _c + '.png" width="300px">'>>
<<button [[Buy butt plug M $ 100|LibraryBasement]]>>
<<set $accessoirOwned.push('buttPlugM')>>
<<set $Money -= 100>>
\<<if !$accessoirOwned.includes('buttPlugL')>>
\<<set _c to random(0,3)>>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/things/buttPlugL' + _c + '.png" width="300px">'>>
<<button [[Buy butt plug L $ 150|LibraryBasement]]>>
<<set $accessoirOwned.push('buttPlugL')>>
<<set $Money -= 150>>
\<<if !$accessoirOwned.includes('buttPlugXL')>>
\<<set _c to random(0,3)>>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/things/buttPlugXL' + _c + '.png" width="300px">'>>
<<button [[Buy butt plug XL $ 200|LibraryBasement]]>>
<<set $accessoirOwned.push('buttPlugXL')>>
<<set $Money -= 200>>
\<<if $Job == "librarian" && $energy >= 30>>
<<button [[Start working|WorkLibraryBasement]]>>
<<button [[Back|Library]]>>
<<button [[Shutdown|Bedroom]]>>
<</button>><<widget "getClothingPath">>
<<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>>
Good morning, thank you for taking the time to meet with me today.
<<say 'Office Manager' $officeManagerImagePath>>
Good morning, it's a pleasure to meet you. Please, have a seat.
<<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>>
Thank you.
<<say 'Office Manager' $officeManagerImagePath>>
So, <<= $firstname>>, can you tell me a little about yourself and why you're interested in this position as secretary?
<<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>>
Of course. I have always been passionate about the field and I believe that I have the skills and drive to excel in this role. I'm a quick learner and a hard worker, and I'm eager to bring my energy and enthusiasm to this company.
<<say 'Office Manager' $officeManagerImagePath>>
That's great to hear. Can you tell me about your previous experience and qualifications for this role?
<<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>>
Unfortunately, I don't have any direct experience in this field, but I have taken courses and have been self-taught in many aspects related to the job. I am confident that I have the skills and determination to be successful in this role and I am willing to put in the time and effort to gain the experience necessary.
<<say 'Office Manager' $officeManagerImagePath>>
I see. Well, we do value initiative and a strong work ethic here, so that's a positive. Can you give me an example of a time when you had to problem solve or think creatively on the job?
<<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>>
Absolutely. In my previous job, I was faced with a situation where a customer was unhappy with the service they received. I took the time to listen to their concerns and came up with a solution that not only satisfied the customer, but also improved our processes for future situations. I was praised by my manager for my quick thinking and ability to find a positive solution.
<<say 'Office Manager' $officeManagerImagePath>>
That's great to hear. Well, thank you for your time today, <<= $firstname>>. Let's give this a try, you got the job. I hope you exceed my expectations.
<<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>>
Thank you for the opportunity.
\<<set $Job to "secretary">>
\<<set $startjob to "Unemployed">>
\<<set $energy to $energy - 10>>
\<<addhours 1>>
<<return [[Back|Office]]>>
<<set _c to random(0,3)>>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/scene/workingOffice' + _c + '.png">'>>
\<<if $sexiness > 70 && !$isMale>>>>
<<set _r = random(4,6)>>
\<<else >>
\<<set _r = random(0,3)>>
\<<set _workHours = 20 - $gameDate.getHours()>>
\ <<set _workHours = Math.clamp(_workHours,0,8)>>\
\<<set $energy to $energy - (_workHours * 4)>>
\<<addhours _workHours>>
\<<set $wage to 13 + Math.floor($classBusinessSkill / 5)>>
\<<switch _r>><<case 0>>
As a secretary, your typical work day at the office involves a variety of tasks such as answering phone calls, responding to emails, scheduling appointments, and organizing paperwork. But today, something went wrong.
You start your day by turning on your computer and checking your emails, only to find out that the company's computer system is down. This means you can't access any of the important files or databases you need to do your job. Panic sets in as you realize that the deadline for an important project is fast approaching, and you can't seem to find a solution to the problem.
As you scramble to find a workaround, the phone starts ringing off the hook. You pick up the call, but it's just one more added stress to your already overflowing plate. You try to handle the call professionally and politely, but inside you're feeling overwhelmed and stressed.
Next, a client walks into the office, needing an urgent document signed and sent out. You explain the situation to them and apologize for the inconvenience, but they're not satisfied and become frustrated. This only adds to your stress level and makes you feel even more frustrated.
The rest of the day seems to go by in a blur as you continue to struggle with the computer issue and try to catch up on other tasks. You're feeling drained and defeated by the end of the day, and you can only hope that tomorrow will be a better day.
<<case 1>>
You start your day by sorting through emails and responding to any urgent messages. You make a to-do list and prioritize tasks, including scheduling appointments and meetings, taking minutes of meetings, and answering phone calls. You ensure that the office runs smoothly by keeping track of supplies and equipment, as well as managing office files and records. You also assist the higher-ups with various tasks, such as preparing reports and making travel arrangements. Throughout the day, you interact with clients, colleagues, and vendors, ensuring that their needs are met. You take breaks when you can, grabbing a coffee or snacking on a snack from the office kitchen. As the day winds down, you tidy up your work area and make sure everything is in order for the next day before clocking out.
<<case 2>>
As a secretary, a typical day could involve managing the schedule of the office manager and executives, answering phone calls and emails, filing paperwork, and organizing meetings. On this particular day, you find yourself with a different schedule than usual.
You arrive at the office early and begin by checking your email and voicemail to ensure that no urgent messages have been left overnight. You quickly respond to any pressing messages and move on to organizing the office manager's schedule for the day.
Next, you join the team in a morning meeting where the company's goals and tasks for the day are discussed. After the meeting, you spend the next few hours answering phone calls, responding to emails, and scheduling appointments for the office manager and executives.
In the afternoon, you assist the office manager in preparing for an important presentation. You compile data, create charts, and help to organize the presentation materials.
After the presentation, you finish the day by completing any remaining tasks and wrapping up loose ends. You double-check the schedule for the next day and make any necessary updates before leaving the office.
Overall, while this day has a different schedule than usual, it is still a busy and productive day.
<<case 3>>
As you start your work day as a secretary at the office, you arrive at your desk, settle in, and start your morning routine of checking emails and setting priorities for the day. However, today is not a typical day. As you begin to take care of your tasks, a coworker approaches you, looking flustered and upset. The coworker explains that they have made a mistake with a critical project and that it needs to be fixed as soon as possible.
You step into action, calmly and professionally. You take control of the situation, reassure the coworker, and start working on a solution. You quickly assess the situation, reach out to the relevant departments, and start putting together a plan to rectify the mistake. You juggle multiple tasks and responsibilities, making sure that everything runs smoothly, and that the project is back on track. Despite the unexpected turn of events, you remain focused, determined, and highly organized, making sure that the office runs efficiently.
As the day goes on, you can see that you have effectively resolved the issue, and the project is back on track. You have successfully navigated a challenging situation, proving your adaptability and problem-solving skills, and demonstrating why you are such a valuable asset to the team.
<<case 4>>
As you type away at your keyboard, you can't help but notice the chef out of the corner of your eye. He's been glancing at your chest from time to time, and it makes you feel incredibly uncomfortable. You try to focus on your work, but you can feel his gaze lingering on you. It's as if he can't take his eyes off you.
You can't believe how unprofessional this is. You feel violated and objectified, and it's making it difficult for you to concentrate. You want to say something to him, but you're afraid that it might make the situation worse. Instead, you try to position yourself in a way that he won't be able to look at you without being too obvious. You feel angry and frustrated that you have to go to these lengths just to feel safe and respected in your workplace.
<<case 5>>
As you work on your tasks, you catch your chef's glance at your decolletage. At first, you feel uneasy, but then you notice the subtle twinkle in his eye. The way he looks at you makes you feel desirable and wanted. You start to feel a rush of excitement as you imagine the possibility of something more than just a work relationship. You can't help but smile at him, letting him know that you are enjoying the attention.
As time goes by, you both keep exchanging looks, and you find yourself waiting for the next time he will glance at you. You feel empowered by the thought of having that kind of power over him, and the fact that he can't resist looking at you makes you feel more confident and beautiful. Despite the inappropriateness of the situation, you feel flattered and happy with the attention.
<<case 6>>
You are sitting at your desk, typing away on your computer as usual, while the chef enters the room. You catch him staring at you once again, but this time, he walks over to your desk and starts to flirt with you. He compliments your appearance and says how attractive you are, making you feel a little uncomfortable. You try to brush it off and continue working, but he persists in trying to make conversation with you. You can feel his eyes constantly roaming over your body, and you can't help but feel a little flattered by the attention.
As he continues to flirt, you start to feel increasingly uneasy. You don't want to lead him on, but you also don't want to offend him by rejecting his advances. You try to politely excuse yourself, but he grabs your arm and says:
<<say "Boss" $bossJohnImagePath>>
Hey let's grab a drink after work.
You feel trapped and unsure of what to do, so you simply smile and nod.
Despite the attention, you feel a mix of emotions. On one hand, you enjoy the compliments and attention, but on the other hand, you don't want to be objectified and harassed in the workplace. It's a tricky situation, and you're not quite sure how to navigate it.
<<button [[Accept his offer|acceptDrinkOffice]]>><</button>>
\<<set _earned = $wage * _workHours >>
You earned $ _earned
\<<set $Money to $Money + _earned>>
<<button [[Finish shift|Office]]>>
<</button>>\<<set _c to random(0,3)>>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/scene/liquorStore' + _c + '.png">'>>
As you walk in, you are greeted by rows of shelves filled with various alcoholic drinks from all over the world. The store also has aisles dedicated to different types of beverages, such as spirits, wine, and beer. There is a counter in the back, where customers can purchase items and pay for their purchases.
The walls are lined with refrigerators, keeping a wide selection of beer and other beverages cold and ready to purchase. You can see employees restocking the shelves and assisting customers, making sure everyone has a great shopping experience. Overall, the liquor store is a vibrant and well-stocked place, offering a wide range of alcoholic beverages to choose from.
<<button [[Buy wine $15|LiquorStore]]>>
<<set $buywine to $buywine + 1>>
<<set $Money to $Money - 15>>
<<addmins 5>>
<<button [[Buy beer $8|LiquorStore]]>>
<<set $buybeer to $buybeer + 1>>
<<set $Money to $Money - 8>>
<<addmins 5>>
<<button [[Buy vodka $20|LiquorStore]]>>
<<set $buyvodka to $buyvodka + 1>>
<<set $Money to $Money - 20>>
<<addmins 5>>
<<if $Shoplifted > 20>>
<<button [[Rob the cashier|LiquorStore]]>>
<<goto "robLiquorStore">>
<<return [[Back|Downtown]]>>
<<script >>
window.scUtils.faint(null, 4);
\<<set _c to random(0,3)>>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/scene/fainted' + _c + '.png">'>>
You fainted and slept on the floor
\<<if tags(previous()).includes("FarAway")>>
<<set _robbed to Math.floor($Money * 0.2)>>
<<set $Money to $Money - _robbed>>
You were robbed $ _robbed
<<button [[Go back to your appartment|Appartment]]>><</button>>
\<<elseif tags(previous()).includes("WestTown") && def $hotelRoomBooked && $hotelRoomBooked == true>>
With your last energy you went back to your hotel room.
<<button [[Go back to your Hotelroom|HotelRoom]]>><</button>>
\<<elseif tags(previous()).includes("Away")>>
<<set $Money to $Money - 30>>
You took a cab home it costed $ 30.
<<button [[Go back to your appartment|Appartment]]>><</button>>
\<<elseif tags(previous()).includes("Near")>>
<<addhours 1>>
You slowly walked home.
<<button [[Go back to your appartment|Appartment]]>><</button>>
\<<elseif tags(previous()).includes("Casino")>>
<<set $Money to $Money - 50>>
The staff of the casino took you to a seperate room, charged you $ 50 and let you sleep there.
<<button [[Go back to your appartment|WestTown]]>><</button>>
\<<elseif tags(previous()).includes("MaxHome")>>
Max took you to his bedroom and let you sleep in his bed.
\<<addhours 8>>
\<<addEnergy 150>>
<<button [[Go back to your appartment|MaxBedroom]]>><</button>>
\<<elseif tags(previous()).includes("WestTown")>>
You wake up on a park bench.
<<button [[Go back to your appartment|WestTown]]>><</button>>
\<<elseif tags(previous()).includes("Bus")>>
You wake up on a bench at the bus stop.
<<button [[Go back to your appartment|previous()]]>><</button>>
\<<else >>
<<button [[Go back to your appartment|Appartment]]>><</button>>
<<script >>
window.scUtils.faint(null, 2, 'rgba(0,0,0,0.4)');
\<<if previous() == "drink" || previous() == "DrinkAlexPlace" || tags(previous()).includes("Appartment")>>
\<<addhours 6>>
\<<set _c to random(0,2)>>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/scene/hungOver' + _c + '.png">'>>
As you open your eyes, you feel a throbbing headache and a sense of unease. You remember drinking a lot the night before and now you're paying the price. You sit up slowly and groggily, feeling a wave of dizziness wash over you. The room is spinning, and you're struggling to keep your balance. You take a deep breath, trying to steady yourself, and look around the room. Bottles and glasses are scattered everywhere, reminding you of the wild party you had last night.
You stand up, trying to shake off the hangover, and make your way to the bathroom. You splash some cold water on your face, hoping to clear your head. You grab a bottle of painkillers and swallow a few, hoping to relieve the headache. You then look at yourself in the mirror and see the tired, groggy face staring back at you. You feel a wave of regret, wishing you had not overindulged last night.
<<button [[Back|Appartment]]>>
<<addEnergy -10>>
\<<elseif previous() == "drinkBar">>
\<<addhours 6>>
\<<set _c to random(0,2)>>
\<<set $Corruption = $Corruption +1>>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/scene/hungOverOut' + _c + '.png">'>>
As you stir from unconsciousness, you realize that you're lying in a dark, damp alleyway. The rough pavement presses against your skin, and the smell of garbage makes you gag. You struggle to your feet, trying to piece together the events of the night before. Vague memories of alcohol, laughter, and music flash through your mind. You realize that you must have gotten completely wasted and wandered away from the bar.
Your head is pounding, and your mouth feels like sandpaper. You take a deep breath, trying to steady yourself, but the nausea only intensifies.
\<<set _badLuck to random(0,100)>>
\<<if _badLuck < 10>>
You fumble in your pockets, but your wallet is missing. You feel a wave of panic wash over you as you realize that you're lost and alone in an unfamiliar part of town.
You start to walk, trying to retrace your steps, but the streets all look the same. You turn a corner, and suddenly you're faced with the bright lights of the city. You feel a moment of relief. You don't even know where you are. You take a deep breath and try to stay calm, knowing that you're going to need to figure out how to get home.
\<<set $Money = $Money - 100>>
<<button [[Try to go back to your appartment|Appartment]]>>
<<addEnergy -25>>
\<<elseif (previous() == "drinkDisco" || previous() == "DiscoJulia" || previous() == "Disco")>>
\<<addhours 6>>
\<<set _c to random(0,2)>>
\<<set $Corruption = $Corruption +1>>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/scene/hungOverOut' + _c + '.png">'>>
As you stir from unconsciousness, you realize that you're lying in a dark, damp alleyway. The rough pavement presses against your skin, and the smell of garbage makes you gag. You struggle to your feet, trying to piece together the events of the night before. Vague memories of alcohol, laughter, and music flash through your mind. You realize that you must have gotten completely wasted and wandered away from the disco.
Your head is pounding, and your mouth feels like sandpaper. You take a deep breath, trying to steady yourself, but the nausea only intensifies.
\<<set _badLuck to random(0,100)>>
\<<if _badLuck < 15>>
You fumble in your pockets, but your wallet is missing. You feel a wave of panic wash over you as you realize that you're lost and alone in an unfamiliar part of town.
You start to walk, trying to retrace your steps, but the streets all look the same. You turn a corner, and suddenly you're faced with the bright lights of the city. You feel a moment of relief. You don't even know where you are. You take a deep breath and try to stay calm, knowing that you're going to need to figure out how to get home.
\<<set $Money = $Money - 100>>
<<button [[Try to go back to your appartment|Appartment]]>>
<<addEnergy -25>>
\<<elseif previous() == "drinkCasino">>
\<<set _c to random(0,1)>>
\<<set $Corruption = $Corruption +1>>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/scene/faintedWestTown' + _c + '.png">'>>
As you slowly open your eyes, you realize you're lying on a park bench in WestTown. The bright sun beats down on your face, causing you to squint as you try to piece together the events of the night before. You feel a pounding headache and a dry mouth, the telltale signs of a hangover. Looking around, you see the park is quiet, with only a few early-morning joggers and dog walkers passing by. You notice that you're missing a shoe and your clothes are disheveled. A wave of embarrassment and confusion washes over you as you try to remember how you ended up here. You know you'll need to get your bearings and figure out how to get home.
\<<set _badLuck to random(0,100)>>
\<<if _badLuck < 10>>
As you start to gather your things and try to make sense of what happened the night before, you notice that some of your money is missing. Your heart sinks as you realize that someone may have taken advantage of your intoxicated state and stolen from you. You frantically check your pockets and your bag, but the missing cash is nowhere to be found. You try to recall where you last had the money, but your memories are hazy and incomplete. The realization that you've been robbed hits you hard, and you feel a mix of anger, frustration, and vulnerability.
\<<set _lost = random(45,75)>>
<<set $Money = $Money - _lost>>
You lost $ <<= _lost>>
<<button [[Back|WestTown]]>>
<<addEnergy -10>>
As you open your eyes, you feel a throbbing headache and a sense of unease. You remember drinking a lot the night before and now you're paying the price. You sit up slowly and groggily, feeling a wave of dizziness wash over you.
<<button [[Back|Appartment]]>>
<<addEnergy -10>>
<<switch $drink>>
<<case "beer">>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/scene/barBeer.png">'>>
The bartender approaches you with a friendly smile and asks, "What can I get for you today?" You respond, "I'd like a beer, please." The bartender nods and heads over to the tap to pour you a cold one. You take a moment to take in your surroundings as you wait for your drink. The bar is bustling with people chatting, laughing, and clinking glasses. The sound of ice clinking in glasses and the soft hum of background music fill the air. The bartender returns with your beer, and you take a long, refreshing sip. You feel the cold liquid wash over you, relieving some of the tension from the previous night's festivities. You sit back and relax, enjoying the atmosphere of the bar.
<<case "wine">>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/scene/barWine.png">'>>
You look over the drink menu, but your eyes are drawn to the wine list. You consider your options before finally settling on a glass of red wine. You place your order, and the bartender nods, pouring you a generous serving. The dark liquid glistens in the dim lighting of the bar as you bring it to your lips, savoring the smooth and rich flavor. You sit back, relaxing as you enjoy your drink.
<<case "shot">>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/scene/barVodka.png">'>>
You clear your throat and say, "I'll have a shot of vodka, please." The bartender nods and quickly pours a shot of the clear liquor into a shot glass. They slide it over to you, and you pick it up, taking a moment to gather yourself before you down it in one quick gulp. The warm liquid burns as it goes down, and you feel the effects of the alcohol almost immediately.
<<case "cocktail">>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/scene/barCocktail.png">'>>
You glance over the menu, trying to decide what to order. Your gaze stops at the Tequila Sunset, and you can't resist the temptation. You signal to the bartender, who approaches you with a friendly smile.
<<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>>I'll have a Tequila Sunset Cocktail<</say>>You are eager to taste the refreshing drink.
The bartender nods and sets to work, mixing tequila, orange juice, grenadine, and a touch of lemon juice in a shaker. They pour the mixture over ice in a tall glass and garnish it with an orange slice. The bartender places the drink in front of you, and you take a sip, relishing the sweet and tangy flavor. The buzz from the alcohol mixes with the sugar and the citrus, creating a feeling of euphoria. You take another sip and close your eyes, letting the Tequila Sunset Cocktail wash over you and clear your mind.
<<case "tequila">>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/scene/barTequila.png">'>>
As you drink the shot you taste that something is different. You got a different liquor than before.
The warm liquid burns as it goes down, and you feel the effects of the alcohol almost immediately.
\<<addmins 15>>
<<button [[Finish up|Bar]]>>
<<set $drink to "">>
<<set $lastDrink to $gameDate>>
<</button>><<switch $drink>>
<<case "beer">>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/scene/barBeer.png">'>>
The bartender approaches you with a friendly smile and asks, "What can I get for you today?" You respond, "I'd like a beer, please." The bartender nods and heads over to the tap to pour you a cold one. You take a moment to take in your surroundings as you wait for your drink. The bar is bustling with people chatting, laughing, and clinking glasses. The sound of ice clinking in glasses and the soft hum of background music fill the air. The bartender returns with your beer, and you take a long, refreshing sip. You feel the cold liquid wash over you, relieving some of the tension from the previous night's festivities. You sit back and relax, enjoying the atmosphere of the bar.
<<case "wine">>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/scene/barWine.png">'>>
You look over the drink menu, but your eyes are drawn to the wine list. You consider your options before finally settling on a glass of red wine. You place your order, and the bartender nods, pouring you a generous serving. The dark liquid glistens in the dim lighting of the bar as you bring it to your lips, savoring the smooth and rich flavor. You sit back, relaxing as you enjoy your drink.
<<case "shot">>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/scene/barVodka.png">'>>
You clear your throat and say, "I'll have a shot of vodka, please." The bartender nods and quickly pours a shot of the clear liquor into a shot glass. They slide it over to you, and you pick it up, taking a moment to gather yourself before you down it in one quick gulp. The warm liquid burns as it goes down, and you feel the effects of the alcohol almost immediately.
<<case "cocktail">>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/scene/barCocktail.png">'>>
You glance over the menu, trying to decide what to order. Your gaze stops at the Tequila Sunset, and you can't resist the temptation. You signal to the bartender, who approaches you with a friendly smile.
<<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>>I'll have a Tequila Sunset Cocktail<</say>>You are eager to taste the refreshing drink.
The bartender nods and sets to work, mixing tequila, orange juice, grenadine, and a touch of lemon juice in a shaker. They pour the mixture over ice in a tall glass and garnish it with an orange slice. The bartender places the drink in front of you, and you take a sip, relishing the sweet and tangy flavor. The buzz from the alcohol mixes with the sugar and the citrus, creating a feeling of euphoria. You take another sip and close your eyes, letting the Tequila Sunset Cocktail wash over you and clear your mind.
\<<addmins 15>>
<<button [[Finish up|Disco]]>>
<<set $drink to "">>
<<set $lastDrink to $gameDate>>
<</button>>The music is pulsing and the bass vibrates through the floor. She feels the energy of the place, and is immediately swept up in the excitement. People are dancing, laughing, and having a great time. The air is filled with the sound of clinking glasses, the smell of alcohol, and the glow of neon lights.
She moves through the crowd, her body instinctively following the beat. She feels free, letting herself lose control and move to the music.
She can feel herself relaxing, the stress of the week melting away. She loses herself in the moment, letting the music take over.
As the night goes on, she finds herself dancing with new people, making new connections, and having the time of her life. She feels alive, and knows that this is exactly where she wants to be.
\<<if !$isMale>>
<<if $JuliaFriendship == 0 >>
<<say "Julia" $juliaClubImagePath>>
Hey, wanna dance together?
<<button [[Dance with her|DanceJulia]]>>
<<set $JuliaFriendship to 1>>
<<addhours 3>>
<<set $Corruption to $Corruption + 2>>
<<button [[Go back|Disco]]>><</button>>\<<set _c to random(0,2)>>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/scene/sideAlley' + _c + '.png">'>>
As you walk down the side alley in the city, you are surrounded by tall, grimy buildings. The sounds of traffic and people in the busy streets are muffled by the tall walls.
The ground is covered in discarded cigarette butts and bits of litter, and the air is heavy with the scent of garbage and car exhaust. Graffiti covers the walls, adding splashes of color to the drab concrete. The alley is narrow and dimly lit, with just a few flickering lights overhead.
Despite the uninviting atmosphere, you see the occasional homeless person huddled in a corner or leaning against a wall. Overall, the side alley has a gritty, urban feel that can be both oppressive and fascinating at the same time.
\<<if $gameDate.getHours() >= 23 || $gameDate.getHours() <= 21>>
A guy with a hoodie stands in a dark corner of the side alley.
<<button [[Approach him|Dealer]]>>
<<return [[Go back|Downtown]]>>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/scene/dealer.png">'>>
<<say 'Mysterious Dude' $dealerImagePath>>
Hey you want some for 50?
<<button [[Buy some|DealerDeal]]>><</button>>
<<return [[Go back|Downtown]]>> <<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>>
Yea give me some
<<say 'Mysterious Dude' $dealerImagePath>>
Here ya go, now leave.
<<link [[Go back|Downtown]]>>
<<set $Money to $Money - 50>>
<<set $weed to $weed + 2>>
<<set $BoughtWeed to $BoughtWeed + 1>>
<<addmins 30>>
<</link>><<set _c to random(0,3)>>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/scene/workingLibrary' + _c + '.png">'>>
\<<if ndef $libraryIncident>>
\<<set $libraryIncident to 0>>
\<<set _r = random(0,3)>>
\<<set $energy to $energy - 20>>
\<<set _workHours = 20 - $gameDate.getHours()>>
\ <<set _workHours = Math.clamp(_workHours,0,4)>>\
\<<addhours _workHours>>
\<<set $wage to 13 + Math.floor($classGeneralSkill / 3) + Math.floor($classBusinessSkill / 3)>>
\<<switch _r>><<case 0>>
As you begin your shift, you are excited to be a part of such a unique and welcoming environment. You greet customers with a smile and offer them assistance, guiding them through the shelves of adult toys, products, and novelties, including adult DVDs and adult novels. You are knowledgeable and well-versed in the products, and you take pride in helping customers find exactly what they are looking for. Throughout your shift, you encounter a range of customers, from those seeking their first toy to those looking for something more adventurous. You approach each interaction with empathy and understanding, creating a safe and comfortable shopping experience for each customer. You also help keep the store organized and tidy, restocking shelves as needed and ensuring that the atmosphere remains warm and inviting. As your shift comes to an end, you feel fulfilled knowing that you have contributed to creating a positive and memorable shopping experience for your customers.
<<case 1>>
\<<set $energy to $energy - 10>>
Today, as you start your shift at the secret basement adult toy retail, you notice that it's busier than usual. You approach the counter and begin helping customers, offering them assistance and guidance as they navigate the shelves filled with adult toys, products, and novelties, including adult DVDs and adult novels. You are knowledgeable about the products and enjoy sharing your expertise with customers, helping them find exactly what they are looking for. Throughout your shift, you encounter a diverse range of customers with unique needs and preferences. You handle each interaction with professionalism and empathy, creating a safe and welcoming atmosphere for all.
As the day goes on, you also help with restocking shelves, tidying the store, and ensuring that the displays are attractive and organized. You take pride in creating a positive shopping experience for each customer, and you feel fulfilled knowing that you have made a difference in their day.
<<case 2>>
As the day progresses, you find yourself with more free time than usual, as there are fewer customers coming in and out of the store. You use this time to further educate yourself on the products, reading up on new releases and best-sellers, and brainstorming ways to improve the store's offerings.
Despite the lack of excitement, you find peace in the monotony of the day, enjoying the quiet and the time to focus on the details of the store. You take pride in your work, knowing that even on the slowest of days, you are helping to maintain the high standards of the secret basement department.
<<case 3>>
You relish in the unique and playful environment, and are eager to greet each customer with a warm smile and a genuine interest in their shopping experience. You love helping customers explore their sexuality and find just the right product to fulfill their desires, whether it be a new toy, a steamy novel, or an erotic DVD.
Your enthusiasm for the job extends beyond just customer interactions. You take great pride in keeping the store organized and inviting, constantly updating displays and learning about new products to keep the store fresh and exciting. Even on slow days, you revel in the opportunity to further educate yourself on the industry and brainstorm new ideas for the store.
As your shift comes to a close, you leave feeling fulfilled and excited for your next day at work. You know that by sharing your passion for the products and creating a safe and comfortable space for customers to explore their sexuality, you are making a difference in their lives. And that, my dear, is a truly satisfying feeling.
\<<set _earned = $wage * _workHours >>
You earned $ _earned
\<<set $Money to $Money + _earned>>
<<button [[Finish shift|Library]]>>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/scene/dancingJulia.png">'>>
The two of you start to move together, your bodies in perfect sync as you twirl and spin to the music. The other girl is an amazing dancer, her movements fluid and effortless. You find yourself smiling, enjoying the connection and the thrill of the dance.
As the night progresses, you and the other girl dance together, laughing and chatting in between songs. The time flies by, and you find yourself completely lost in the moment, completely free from any worries or concerns. You both are having the time of your life, the music and each other's company the only things that matter.
At some point, the club starts to wind down and people begin to filter out. You and the other girl exchange numbers, promising to stay in touch.
<<button [[Go back|Disco]]>>
<<set $Arousal to $Arousal + 5>>
<</button>>\<<set _c to random(0,2)>>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/occasion/masturbatingShower' + _c + '.png">'>>
While you shower, you feel arroused. You feel how your Hand goes down on you, starting at your neck, going down over your breasts, gliding over your stiff nipple.
Your hand wanders down over your belly down between your legs. You start to masturbate. You feel more and more tension building up.
You contine to rub your clitoris, occasionally slip your finger in yourself.
Finally you climax. You feel less arroused.
<<button [[Finish Shower|previous()]]>>
<<addmins 30>>
<<set $Masturbated to $Masturbated + 1>>
\<<set $Arousal to 0>>
<</button>><<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>> Yea sure lets meet after work at the bar<</say>>
\<<set $ChefJohnFriendship to 1>>
<<say "Boss" $bossJohnImagePath>>
Promise you will come. Otherwise...
<<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>> I promise<</say>>
<<button [[Finish shift|Office]]>>
<</button>>\<<set _r to random(0,99)>>
\<<if _r < 50>>
You make your way over to the liquor section, pretending to browse the selection. But really, you're waiting for the right moment to strike. When the cashier isn't looking, you quickly slip a bottle of your favorite whiskey into your jacket. Your heart is pounding in your chest as you make your way to the door.
But suddenly, the cashier calls out to you. You freeze, feeling the blood drain from your face. Your mind is racing, trying to come up with an excuse. But the cashier simply smiles and asks if you found everything you were looking for. You manage to nod, stammering out a quick "thanks" before rushing out of the store.
As you walk away, the thrill of the stolen bottle of whiskey running through your veins, you can't help but feel alive. You know it was wrong, but in that moment, it felt like nothing else mattered.
You got a bottle of wine.
\ <<set $buywine to $buywine + 1>>
\<<set $Shoplifted = $Shoplifted +1>>
<<return [[Back|Downtown]]>>
<<elseif _r >= 50 && _r < 80>>
You approach the counter of the liquor store with a determined look on your face. The cashier looks up at you, but you do not return their gaze. Instead, you focus on the cash register in front of you. With a quick motion, you lean over the counter and begin to rifle through the cash drawer.
You can feel your heart pounding in your chest as you gather up the cash in your hands. You are careful not to take too much, just enough to get what you need. You quickly stuff the cash into your pocket and straighten up, walking quickly towards the exit.
As you leave the store, you glance around to make sure no one is following you. You can feel a rush of adrenaline as you make your escape. You know what you did was wrong, but at the same time, you feel a sense of satisfaction that you were able to get away with it.
You got $50.
\<<set $Money to $Money + 50>>
\<<set $Shoplifted = $Shoplifted +1>>
<<return [[Back|Downtown]]>>
<<elseif _r >= 80 && _r < 90>>
You boldly walk into the liquor store, feeling a rush of excitement as you approach the register. You reach into your pocket and pull out a small handgun, pointing it at the terrified cashier as you demand they give you all the cash in the register.
The cashier shakily hands over the cash, clearly scared for their life. You quickly stuff the money into your bag and turn to run out of the store, feeling a thrill of adrenaline as you make your escape.
As you run down the street, you feel a sense of exhilaration at the success of your crime. You know what you did was wrong, but you can't help feeling powerful and alive. You vow to yourself that you'll do it again, maybe even soon.
\<<set $Shoplifted = $Shoplifted +1>>
You got $100.
\<<set $Money to $Money + 100>>
<<return [[Back|Downtown]]>>
<<else >>
You walk quickly towards the cash register. You look around to make sure no one is watching, then pull out a bag from your pocket and slam it on the counter, demanding that the cashier hands over all the money in the register. The cashier looks at you with a mixture of shock and fear, frozen in place. You start to feel a rush of excitement and adrenaline as you grab the cash from the register and shove it into your pocket.
As you turn to leave, you hear the sound of police sirens approaching. You try to run, but your legs feel like they're moving through molasses. You realize that you're not going to make it out in time, and resign yourself to your fate.
The police burst into the store, guns drawn, and you are quickly apprehended. You are taken into custody and charged with armed robbery, even though you didn't use a weapon. As you sit in the interrogation room, you feel a mix of regret and satisfaction. You know that what you did was wrong, but you also can't deny the thrill of the experience.
You had to pay a fine of $300.
\<<set $Money to $Money - 300>>
\<<addhours 80>>
\<<set $ShopliftingCaught to $ShopliftingCaught + 1>>
<<return [[Back|Appartment]]>>
<</if>>As you wait for your order, you take a seat at a nearby table, watching the hustle and bustle of the coffee shop around you. The chatter of customers, the clinking of cups and plates, and the hissing of the coffee machines provide a lively background soundtrack.
Your coffee is ready, and you eagerly take the cup, feeling the warmth of the ceramic against your hands. You take a tentative sip, savoring the smooth, creamy taste of the cappuccino as it coats your tongue. The coffee is just the right temperature, not too hot or too cold.
You take another sip, closing your eyes for a moment to fully appreciate the rich, complex flavors of the coffee. The frothy milk adds a layer of sweetness that balances perfectly with the bitterness of the espresso. You take another sip, enjoying the contrast of temperatures and textures as the coffee washes over your taste buds.
As you sit there, sipping your coffee, you feel a sense of calm and contentment wash over you. The cozy atmosphere of the coffee shop, the delicious coffee, and the buzz of people around you all contribute to a feeling of relaxation and enjoyment. You take your time with the coffee, savoring each sip, until the cup is empty, and it's time to go back to your day.
\<<set _r to random(0,99) >>
\<<if _r > 70 && $MaxFriendship == 0>>
<<say "???" $maxImagePath>>
Hey have some time to grab another coffee?
<<button [[Take some time|meetMax]]>>
<<addhours 1>>
\<</if >>
<<if $MaxFriendship == 1 && def $metMax && $gameDate - $metMax >= (7*24*3600000)>>
<<say "Max" $maxImagePath>>
Hey, it's been a while. How about another coffee?
<<button [[Drink another coffee|meetMax]]>>
<<addhours 1>>
<<return [[Back|Cafe]]>>\<<if $MaxFriendship == 0>>
<<say "???" $maxImagePath>>
Hi, I'm Max. Nice to meet you.
<<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>>Hi Max, I'm <<= $firstname>>. Nice to meet you too.<</say>>
<<say "Max" $maxImagePath>>So, what brings you to this coffee shop? Do you come here often?<</say>>
<<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>>Yeah, I come here pretty often. I live nearby and love the coffee here. How about you?<</say>>
<<say "Max" $maxImagePath>>Actually, I'm new to the area. I just moved here for a new job.<</say>>
<<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>>Oh, what kind of job did you get?<</say>>
<<say "Max" $maxImagePath>>I'm a graphic designer. I'm working at a small firm downtown.<</say>>
<<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>>That sounds interesting. I've always been fascinated by design.<</say>>
<<say "Max" $maxImagePath>>Yeah, it's a pretty fun job. What about you, what do you do?<</say>>
<<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>>I'm a $Job. It's not the most exciting job, but it pays the bills.<</say>>
<<say "Max" $maxImagePath>>I see. Well, if you're ever looking for a change, maybe I could put you in touch with some people at my firm.<</say>>
<<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>>That would be great, thank you!<</say>>
<<say "Max" $maxImagePath>>No problem. So, do you want to grab another coffee together sometime and chat more about work and design?<</say>>
<<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>>Sure, that sounds good to me.<</say>>
<<button [[Back|Cafe]]>>
\<<set $MaxFriendship to 1>>
\<<set $metMax to $gameDate>>
\<<if $MaxFriendship == 1 >>
<<say "Max" $maxImagePath>>It's great to see you again.<</say>>
<<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>>Hi Max, it's great to see you too.<</say>>
<<say "Max" $maxImagePath>>How about we grab a drink together?<</say>>
<<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>>Sure, that sounds like fun.<</say>>
<<say "Max" $maxImagePath>>You know, I've been thinking about you since we met the other day.<</say>>
<<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>>Oh really? What have you been thinking?<</say>>
<<say "Max" $maxImagePath>>Well, I can't get your smile out of my head. And your eyes... they're so captivating.<</say>>
<<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>>Thank you, Max. That's very sweet of you to say.<</say>>
<<say "Max" $maxImagePath>>You know what else is sweet? You.<</say>>
<<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>>You're such a charmer, Max.<</say>>
<<say "Max" $maxImagePath>>I just can't help myself when I'm around you. Would you like to go out with me sometime?<</say>>
<<button [[I would love to.|meetMax]]>>
\<<set $MaxFriendship to 2>>
<<button [[Maybe next time.|Cafe]]>>
\<<set $MaxFriendship to 1>>
\<<if $MaxFriendship == 2 >>
<<say "Max" $maxImagePath>>Great. How about we make plans for this weekend?<</say>>
<<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>>Sounds like a plan, Max. I'm looking forward to it.<</say>>
<<say "Max" $maxImagePath>>I pick you up friday between 18:00 and 20:00.<</say>>
<<button [[See you then.|Cafe]]>>
\<<set $MaxFriendship to 4>>
<<button [[Maybe next time.|Cafe]]>>
\<<set $MaxFriendship to 1>>
\<<if $MaxFriendship == 12 >>
<<say "Max" $maxImagePath>>So, I had a great time on our date, and I was wondering if you'd like to come to my place soon?<</say>>
You pause for a moment, considering his invitation. You've had a great time with Max so far, and you're curious to see what his home is like. At the same time, you're a bit hesitant to take things to the next level.
<<button [[Sure, where?|meetMax]]>>
\<<set $MaxFriendship to 14>>
<<button [[Maybe next time.|Cafe]]>>
\<<set $MaxFriendship to 13>>
\<<if $MaxFriendship == 14 >>
<<say "Max" $maxImagePath>>Yay nice, I live in WestTown, do you know where this is?<</say>>
<<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>>Yes, sounds great, I am really looking forward to see your home .<</say>>
<<say "Max" $maxImagePath>>Great, yeah I hope you'll like it.<</say>>
Both of you continue to talk for a bit until you say goodbye and leave.
<<button [[See you soon Max|Cafe]]>>
\<<set $MaxFriendship to 15>>
\<<if $ChefJohnFriendship == 1>>
<<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>>Hey boss, I'm here like I promised<</say>>
<<say "Boss" $bossJohnImagePath>>
Great, just call me John when we are not at work.
<<button [[Agree|Bar]]>>
<<set $ChefJohnFriendship to 2>>
<<set $ChefJohnName to 'John'>>
<<addmins 15>>
<<button [[Stick with Boss|Bar]]>>
<<set $ChefJohnName to 'Boss'>>
<<set $ChefJohnFriendship to 2>>
<<addmins 15>>
\<<if $ChefJohnFriendship == 2>>
<<say $ChefJohnName $bossJohnImagePath>>
Ok so what shall I get you to drink?
<<button [[A beer|drinkBar]] >>
<<set $drink to "beer">>
<<set $ChefJohnFriendship to 3>>
<<addmins 15>>
<<set $IntoxicatedDrinks to $IntoxicatedDrinks +1>>
<<button [[A wine|drinkBar]] >>
<<set $drink to "wine">>
<<set $ChefJohnFriendship to 3>>
<<addmins 15>>
<<set $IntoxicatedDrinks to $IntoxicatedDrinks +2>>
<<button [[A shot|drinkBar]] >>
<<set $drink to "shot">>
<<set $ChefJohnFriendship to 3>>
<<addmins 15>>
<<set $IntoxicatedDrinks to $IntoxicatedDrinks +4>>
<<button [[A Cocktail|drinkBar]] >>
<<set $drink to "cocktail">>
<<set $ChefJohnFriendship to 3>>
<<addmins 15>>
<<set $IntoxicatedDrinks to $IntoxicatedDrinks +3>>
\<<if $ChefJohnFriendship == 3>>
<<say $ChefJohnName $bossJohnImagePath>>
You know, I'm really glad you're my secretary. You're doing a great job.
<<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>>Thanks, I'm happy to be working for you. It's a great job.<</say>>
<<say $ChefJohnName $bossJohnImagePath>>You know what else I like about you? You're beautiful. I like having you around, it's nice to look at you.<</say>>
<<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>>Uh, thanks. I guess.<</say>>
<<say $ChefJohnName $bossJohnImagePath>>You should dress a little sexier sometimes. It would be nice to have something nice to look at while we work.<</say>>
<<button [[Agree|Bar]]>>
<<set $ChefJohnFriendship to 5>>
<<addmins 30>>
<<button [[Excuse me?|Bar]]>>
<<set $ChefJohnFriendship to 4>>
<<addmins 15>>
\<<if $ChefJohnFriendship == 4>>
<<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>>Excuse me? That's not appropriate. I dress professionally and I don't appreciate you objectifying me like that.<</say>>
<<say $ChefJohnName $bossJohnImagePath>>Relax, I'm just joking around. But seriously, you do look good.<</say>>
<<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>>I'm not comfortable with this conversation, $ChefJohnName. Can we please change the subject?<</say>>
<<say $ChefJohnName $bossJohnImagePath>>Sure, sure. I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable. You're a great secretary and I don't want to mess that up.<</say>>
<<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>>Thanks. Let's just keep it professional from now on, okay?<</say>>
<<say $ChefJohnName $bossJohnImagePath>>Absolutely, of course. Let's have a drink and forget about this.<</say>>
<<button [[Call it a night|Bar]]>>
<<set $ChefJohnFriendship to 6>>
<<addmins 15>>
\<<if $ChefJohnFriendship == 5>>
<<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>>Oh, I don't mind dressing sexy for you, Boss. In fact, I like being objectified. It makes me feel wanted and desired.<</say>>
<<say $ChefJohnName $bossJohnImagePath>>Is that right? Well, I must admit, I do enjoy looking at you when you're dressed up. It's hard not to be distracted.<</say>>
<<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>>I'm glad you like what you see, $ChefJohnName. It's nice to know that my hard work isn't the only thing that's appreciated.<</say>>
<<say $ChefJohnName $bossJohnImagePath>>Absolutely. You're a valuable member of the team, and I'm lucky to have you.<</say>>
<<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>>Thank you, $ChefJohnName. I'll make sure to dress up more often for you.<</say>>
<<say $ChefJohnName $bossJohnImagePath>>Excellent. That's what I like to hear. Now, let's finish our drinks and get to home.<</say>>
<<button [[Good night|Bar]]>>
<<addhours 1>>
<<set $ChefJohnFriendship to 6>>
<<set $Corruption to $Corruption + 4>>
\<<if $JuliaFriendship == 2>>
<<say "Julia" $juliaBarImagePath>>
Hey $firstname, let's drink tonight, wanna bet who can drink more?
<<button [[I bet I can drink more!|Bar]]>>
<<set $JuliaFriendship to 3>>
<<button [[Let's do it another time|Bar]]>>
<<set $JuliaFriendship to 1>>
\<<if $JuliaFriendship == 3 && $IntoxicatedDrinks < 12 >>
<<say "Julia" $juliaBarImagePath>>
Still ahead of you, lets get another round. It's still Happy Hour.
<<button [[Order a shot $10|drinkBar]] >>
<<set $drink to "shot">>
<<set $Money to $Money - 10>>
<<set $IntoxicatedDrinks to $IntoxicatedDrinks +4>>
\<<if $JuliaFriendship == 3 && $IntoxicatedDrinks >= 12 >>
<<say "Julia" $juliaBarImagePath>>
Wow you matched me. I dare you to drink another, this one is on me.
<<button [[Drink one more|drinkBar]] >>
<<set $JuliaFriendship to 4>>
<<set $Corruption to $Corruption + 5>>
\<<set $Arousal to $Arousal + 10>>
<<set $drink to "tequila">>
<<set $IntoxicatedDrinks to $IntoxicatedDrinks + 8>>
\<</if>><<say 'Bar Manager' $barManagerImagePath>>Hi, nice to meet you. Could you tell me a bit about yourself and why you're interested in working as a bartender?<</say>>
<<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>>Hi, nice to meet you too. I'm [her name], and I've always been fascinated by the art of cocktail making. I have a passion for creating unique and delicious drinks, and I think bartending is the perfect career for me to pursue that passion. I'm also very interested in the social aspect of the job, meeting new people and providing them with a great experience.<</say>>
<<say 'Bar Manager' $barManagerImagePath>>That's great to hear. What kind of experience do you have working in the bar industry?<</say>>
<<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>>Well, I don't have any professional experience working as a bartender, but I've been practicing at home and reading up on cocktail recipes and techniques. I'm a quick learner and a hard worker, so I'm confident that I can pick up the skills needed to excel in this role.<</say>>
<<say 'Bar Manager' $barManagerImagePath>>I see. Can you tell me about a time when you had to handle a difficult situation with a customer or co-worker?<</say>>
<<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>>Sure, one time while working in retail, a customer was very upset about an issue with their purchase. I calmly listened to their concerns and offered a solution that met their needs. It turned out to be a positive experience, and the customer left happy. I think it's important to maintain a level head and find a solution that works for everyone.<</say>>
<<say 'Bar Manager' $barManagerImagePath>>Excellent. How would you go about making a signature cocktail for our bar?<</say>>
<<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>>I would start by learning about the bar's current menu and any themes or special events they have planned. From there, I would experiment with different ingredients and techniques, taking into account customer preferences and feedback. I think it's important to balance creativity with practicality, creating a drink that is both visually appealing and delicious.<</say>>
<<say 'Bar Manager' $barManagerImagePath>>That's great to hear. Well, thank you for coming in for the interview today. Let's give this a try. You can start right now if you want.<</say>>
<<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>>Thank you for the opportunity. I'm excited to join the team here.<</say>>
\<<set $Job to "bargirl">>
\<<set $startjob to "Unemployed">>
\<<set $energy to $energy - 10>>
\<<addhours 1>>
<<button [[Back|Bar]]>>
<</button>><<set _c to random(0,3)>>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/scene/workBar' + _c + '.png">'>>
\<<set _r = random(0,3)>>
\<<if $gameDate.getHours() >= 16>>
\<<set _workHours = 26 - $gameDate.getHours()>>
\<<else >>
\<<set _workHours = 2 - $gameDate.getHours()>>
\ <<set _workHours = Math.clamp(_workHours,0,10)>>\
\<<set $energy to $energy - (_workHours * 3)>>
\<<addhours _workHours>>
\<<set $wage to 9 + Math.floor($classWaitressSkill / 5)>>
\<<switch _r>>
\<<case 0>>
\<<set $extraTip to random(5,30)>>
As you start your shift as a bargirl, you arrive at the bar and immediately begin prepping for the evening rush. You check the inventory, restock the bar, and make sure everything is in order. Once the bar is set up, you wait for the customers to start trickling in.
As the night picks up, you start serving drinks and taking orders. You interact with customers, making small talk and creating a friendly atmosphere. You also monitor the patrons, making sure that everyone is of legal drinking age and that no one is causing any trouble.
As the night progresses, you continue to make drinks and engage with the customers. You work alongside the other bartenders, collaborating and helping each other out as needed. You also handle cash transactions and keep track of the bar tabs, making sure that everything is accurate.
As the night winds down, you start cleaning up the bar, putting away the bottles and wiping down the counters. You also count the money and balance the register before clocking out for the night.
Overall, your shift as a bargirl is a busy and engaging experience, filled with interaction and multitasking.
<<case 1>>
\<<set $extraTip to random(5,50)>>
\<<set $energy to $energy - 10>>
You arrive for your shift as a bargirl in the evening, and it's clear from the moment you step in that it's going to be a busy night. The bar is already packed, and customers are chatting and laughing over the loud music.
You quickly change into your uniform and head to your station behind the bar, where you start preparing for the night. You make sure that you have all the supplies you need, check the inventory, and stock up on glasses, straws, and napkins.
As soon as the doors open, the customers start pouring in. You greet them with a smile and ask for their orders, taking note of their preferred drinks and making recommendations where needed. The bar is busy, and you have to move quickly to keep up with the demand.
The orders keep coming, and you work non-stop, mixing drinks, pouring beers, and serving snacks. You have to be careful to get each order right, paying attention to every detail, and making sure that each drink is prepared to the customer's liking.
In the midst of all the chaos, you also have to deal with the occasional difficult customer. You stay calm and polite, even when faced with rude or impatient customers, and do your best to ensure that everyone has a great time.
The night goes on, and the customers keep coming. You continue to work hard, keeping the drinks flowing and the customers happy. The energy in the bar is high, and you enjoy the fast-paced and social environment.
As the night comes to a close, you take a moment to catch your breath and reflect on the evening. You feel proud of yourself for keeping up with the demand, staying calm under pressure, and providing excellent service to all the customers. You clean up your station and get ready to head home, looking forward to the next shift.
<<case 2>>
\<<set $extraTip to random(5,15)>>
As you arrive for your shift at the bar, you can already tell that it's going to be a slow and uneventful night. There are only a handful of customers scattered around the room, and most of them seem to be nursing their drinks and lost in thought. You take a deep breath and try to shake off the feeling of boredom that's starting to settle in.
You start your routine tasks of wiping down the bar, checking inventory, and making sure everything is stocked up. As you look around, you notice that the atmosphere in the bar is strangely quiet and subdued, making the shift feel longer and more tedious. You glance at the clock, only to realize that it's been only an hour since you arrived.
You start to look for things to do, hoping to make the time go faster. You clean the glasses, straighten the bar stools, and try to strike up a conversation with the few customers in the bar. However, they seem to be uninterested in chatting and go back to their own business. You can feel your energy starting to drain, and you wonder how you're going to make it through the rest of the shift.
As the night goes on, you try to find ways to entertain yourself. You start to experiment with different cocktail recipes, and you practice your bartending skills. You find a book to read, and you try to keep your mind occupied with stories and new ideas. Despite your efforts, the shift seems to drag on forever, and you can't wait for it to be over.
Finally, the end of the shift arrives, and you are relieved to be able to go home. As you leave the bar, you can't help but feel grateful for the more lively and exciting shifts, realizing that even though they can be tiring, they make the time pass by faster and keep you engaged in the job.
<<case 3>>
\<<if def $barDecision && $barDecision == 3>>
The bar is crowded, and the night is in full swing. You are busy serving drinks, taking orders, and trying to keep up with the constant demands of your customers. As you work, you notice a man at the end of the bar who keeps glancing over at you.
At first, you try to ignore him and focus on your job, but as the night goes on, you become increasingly aware of his gaze. Every time you look over, he is staring right at you, and you can't help but feel uncomfortable.
As the evening progresses, the man starts to make his way down the bar towards you. He orders a drink and strikes up a conversation, and although you try to be polite, you can't shake the feeling that he's just trying to get closer to you.
Despite your reservations, you find yourself drawn in by his charisma and charm. He's flirty and engaging, and you can't help but feel a little bit flattered by his attention. As the night wears on, he continues to keep his eyes on you, and you can't deny that you enjoy the attention.
However, as the night draws to a close and the bar empties out, you start to feel uneasy. You realize that the man has been watching you all night, and you can't help but wonder what his intentions really are. You finish up your shift and hurry out of the bar, feeling relieved to be away from his watchful gaze.
\<<else >>
\<<set $barIncident to $barIncident + 1>>
\<<set $extraTip to random(5,20)>>
As you start your shift as a bargirl, you arrive at the bar and immediately begin prepping for the evening rush. You check the inventory, restock the bar, and make sure everything is in order. Once the bar is set up, you wait for the customers to start trickling in.
As you are serving drinks, a customer starts getting too handsy. You try to politely ask him to stop, but he doesn't listen and continues to grope you. It makes you uncomfortable and violated, but you don't want to lose your job, so you try to brush it off and continue with your shift. However, as the night goes on, the customer becomes increasingly aggressive, making inappropriate comments and touching you in ways that are clearly not okay. You feel trapped and powerless, unsure of what to do or how to get out of the situation.
Eventually, you decide to tell your manager about the customer's behavior, but even then, you are not sure if anything will be done to protect you. It's a tough and frustrating experience, and it leaves you feeling shaken and scared for the rest of your shift.
\<<if $barIncident > 5>>
As your shift ends you see the customer leaving as well.
<<button [[Follow him|BarIncident]]>><</button>>
\<<set _earned = $wage * _workHours >>
You earned $ _earned and a tip of $ $extraTip
\<<set $Money to $Money + _earned + $extraTip>>
<<button [[Finish shift|Bar]]>>
\<<if ndef $barDecision || $barDecision == false>>
You follow that customer. Do you wanna flirt with him or confront him?
<<button [[Talk to him|BarIncident]]>>
<<set $barDecision to 1>>
<<set $Corruption to $Corruption + 1>>
<<button [[Confront him|BarIncident]]>>
<<set $barDecision to 2>>
<<button [[Go to talk to the Barmanager|BarIncident]]>>
<<set $barDecision to 3>>
<<if $Corruption > 20>>
<<button [[Talk to him flirty|BarIncident]]>>
<<set $barDecision to 4>>
<<set $Corruption to $Corruption + 5>>
\<<else >>
\<<switch $barDecision >>
<<case 1>>
<<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>>Hey, excuse me. I need to talk to you.<</say>>
<<say 'Customer' $barIncidentImagePath>>Oh, hi there. What can I do for you?<</say>>
<<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>>You groped me earlier. It's not okay.<</say>>
<<say 'Customer' $barIncidentImagePath>>Oh really? Well, from where I was standing, it looked like you liked it.<</say>>
<<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>>That's not the point. It's not okay to touch someone without their consent.<</say>>
<<say 'Customer' $barIncidentImagePath>>Relax, honey. I didn't mean any harm. I was just having a little fun.<</say>>
<<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>>Touching me without my consent is not fun. It's harassment.<</say>>
<<say 'Customer' $barIncidentImagePath>>You know you liked it, though. You can't deny that.<</say>>
<<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>> I didn't like it. It was disgusting and inappropriate.<</say>>
<<say 'Customer' $barIncidentImagePath>>Whatever you say, sweetheart. But you can't deny that you were asking for it, dressed like that.<</say>>
<<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>>That's not an excuse. My clothing is not an invitation for you to touch me. I'm asking you to leave now.<</say>>
<<say 'Customer' $barIncidentImagePath>>Fine, I'll leave. But just remember, you were the one who started this.<</say>>
<<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>>No, you were the one who started this. <</say>>
<<case 2>>
<<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>>Hey, you! What do you think you're doing, groping me like that?<</say>>
<<say 'Customer' $barIncidentImagePath>>What? I didn't do anything.<</say>>
<<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>>Don't lie to me! I felt your hand on my butt. You have no right to touch me like that.<</say>>
<<say 'Customer' $barIncidentImagePath>>Look, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to offend you.<</say>>
<<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>>Sorry? That's not good enough. You violated me and made me feel uncomfortable. Do you think that's okay?<</say>>
<<say 'Customer' $barIncidentImagePath>>No, I know it's not. I just got carried away, and I didn't think about how it would make you feel.<</say>>
<<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>>Well, you should have thought about it. Your actions have consequences, and now you have to face them. I won't let you get away with this.<</say>>
<<say 'Customer' $barIncidentImagePath>>I understand. I'll do whatever it takes to make it right.<</say>>
<<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>>It's too late for that. You've already done the damage. The only thing you can do now is leave me alone and never come back to this bar again.<</say>>
<<say 'Customer' $barIncidentImagePath>>Okay, I'll leave. I'm really sorry, and I hope you can forgive me.<</say>>
<<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>>I don't think I'll ever be able to forgive you for what you did. Just go, and don't ever let me see your face again.<</say>>
<<case 3>>
You take a deep breath and approach the bar manager, feeling nervous but determined to report the incident. As you explain what happened, the manager listens attentively and takes notes.
<<say 'Bar Manager' $barManagerImagePath>>I'm so sorry to hear that this happened to you, and I want you to know that we take this kind of behavior very seriously. Can you give me a description of the customer who groped you?<</say>>
<<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>>Yes, he was a tall man with dark hair and a beard. He was wearing a blue shirt and jeans.<</say>>
<<say 'Bar Manager' $barManagerImagePath>>Okay, thank you for that. We'll keep an eye out for him and make sure he doesn't come back in here. Did anyone else witness the incident?<</say>>
<<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>>I'm not sure, but there were a few people sitting at the bar at the time. Maybe they saw something.<</say>>
<<say 'Bar Manager' $barManagerImagePath>>Alright, I'll talk to them and see if they have any information. Is there anything else you want to add?<</say>>
<<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>>No, that's all. I just wanted to make sure you were aware of what happened.<</say>>
<<say 'Bar Manager' $barManagerImagePath>>Absolutely, thank you for telling me. We'll do everything we can to make sure you feel safe and comfortable working here.<</say>>
<<case 4>>
<<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>>Hey, can I talk to you for a second?.<</say>>
<<say 'Customer' $barIncidentImagePath>>Sure, what's up?.<</say>>
<<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>>Well, earlier you were getting a little handsy with me.<</say>>
<<say 'Customer' $barIncidentImagePath>>Oh, was I? Sorry about that..<</say>>
<<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>>It's okay, I actually kind of liked it. But you have to understand that it's not appropriate for you to touch anyone like that without their permission.<</say>>
<<say 'Customer' $barIncidentImagePath>> I get it, and I'm sorry. I just couldn't resist, you're so damn sexy.<</say>>
<<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>>Well, I'll take that as a compliment. You are kinda cute, I must admit.<</say>>
<<say 'Customer' $barIncidentImagePath>>Thanks honey.<</say>>
<<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>>Good, now let me get you another drink. And if you behave yourself, who knows what might happen later tonight.<</say>>
<<button [[Go back|Downtown]]>>
<<set $barDecision to false>>
<</button>>\<<if $gameDate.getHours() >= 16 || $gameDate.getHours() < 8 || $gameDate.getDay() == 6 || $gameDate.getDay() == 0>>
<<set _c to random(0,2)>>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/scene/closedBank' + _c + '.png">'>>
The place is closed, it opens back at weekdays 08:00
<<set _c to random(0,2)>>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/scene/bank' + _c + '.png">'>>
As you step into the bank, you notice the modern, sleek interior design. The floors are made of polished marble, and the walls are adorned with abstract artwork. The teller counters are made of glossy, dark wood, and the soft lighting adds a warm ambiance to the space.
You see a few customers waiting in line, while some others are already being served by the tellers. The air is filled with the soft sound of classical music playing in the background, adding to the serene atmosphere of the bank.
You notice a large screen displaying the bank's services and products, and a few posters advertising the bank's current offers and promotions. The bank's logo is prominently displayed above the teller counters, giving the space a professional and trustworthy look.
The bank also has a few seating areas where customers can wait, and a few private offices where bankers can have confidential meetings with clients. The overall impression of the bank is one of modernity, professionalism, and efficiency.
\<<if ndef $bankBalance >>
<<button [[Open a bank account|Bank]]>>
<<set $bankBalance = 0>>
<<set $balanceChange = $gameDate>>
\<<else >>
<<set $bankActionAmount to 0>>
Your current Balance: $ $bankBalance
Current weekly interest rate: <<= $interestRate * 100>> %
<<textbox "$bankActionAmount" "0" autofocus>>
<<button [[Deposit|Bank]]>>
<<set $bankActionAmount to Math.clamp(parseInt($bankActionAmount, 10), 0, $Money)>>
<<set $bankBalance to $bankBalance + $bankActionAmount>>
<<set $Money to $Money - $bankActionAmount>>
<<button [[Withdraw|Bank]]>>
<<set $bankActionAmount to Math.clamp(parseInt($bankActionAmount, 10), 0, $bankBalance)>>
<<set $bankBalance to $bankBalance - $bankActionAmount>>
<<set $Money to $Money + $bankActionAmount>>
<<return [[Back|Uptown]]>>
\<<set _c to random(0,2)>>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/scene/deepForest' + _c + '.png">'>>
\<<if $gameDate.getHours() >= 22 || $gameDate.getHours() <= 8>>
As you walk through the woods at night, the darkness engulfs you. The only source of light is the dim moonlight peeking through the trees. The rustling of leaves and twigs underfoot is the only sound you can hear, as the usual sounds of birds and insects are eerily absent.
The air is chilly, and you can feel the crisp breeze on your skin, making you shiver. The trees cast strange shadows on the ground, making it hard to distinguish shapes and objects in the dark. You feel a sense of unease, as if you are being watched, and you can't help but glance over your shoulder from time to time.
As you walk further into the woods, the darkness seems to become even more intense, and you begin to lose your sense of direction. You can barely see the path in front of you, and you worry that you may have taken a wrong turn. The thought of being lost in the woods at night makes your heart race, and you try to stay calm and focused.
Suddenly, you hear a distant sound, like a twig snapping, and your heart skips a beat. You freeze, listening intently, trying to identify the source of the noise. You realize that your breathing has become shallow and rapid, and you force yourself to take deep breaths and calm down.
As you walk deeper into the woods, the canopy overhead thickens, blocking out more of the sunlight and casting dappled shadows on the forest floor. The air is cooler here, and you can feel a slight breeze rustling the leaves and causing them to whisper and murmur.
The forest is alive with the sounds of nature: birds chirping and singing, small animals rustling in the underbrush, and the occasional distant howl of a wolf or coyote. The ground beneath your feet is soft and spongy, covered in a thick layer of decomposing leaves and other organic matter.
As you move deeper into the woods, the trees begin to close in around you, and you feel like you are walking through a tunnel of greenery. The scent of pine needles and damp earth fills your nostrils, and you can't help but feel a sense of calm and peace as you immerse yourself in the natural surroundings.
Despite the beauty of the forest, there is also an underlying sense of danger and mystery. The woods are thick and tangled, and it's easy to lose your way if you're not careful. You can't help but wonder what kind of creatures might be lurking in the shadows or hiding behind the trees, and your senses are on high alert as you continue to explore deeper into the woods.
<<button [[Go back|Woods]]>>
<<addEnergy -10>>
<<addmins 20>>
<</button>>\<<set _c to random(0,2)>>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/scene/womanRestroomBar' + _c + '.png">'>>
You notice the soft, warm lighting that fills the space, creating a cozy and inviting atmosphere. You notice the scent of vanilla-scented candles that linger in the air, giving the space a relaxing and soothing ambiance.
There are three private stalls along the right wall of the room, each with a wooden door, while the left wall has a row of porcelain basins with chrome fixtures. The basins are flanked by large, wall-mounted mirrors that allow patrons to check their hair and makeup.
The overall impression is one of luxury and comfort, making the bathroom a pleasant and refreshing retreat from the noise and bustle of the bar.
\<<include "WCActions">>
<<button [[Back|Bar]]>>
<</button>>As you enter the shabby men's restroom in the bar, you notice the dim lighting and peeling paint on the walls. The air is thick with the scent of disinfectant and urine. The cracked, stained tiles on the floor are wet and slippery under your feet, and the sink is rusted with chipped edges. The lone cubicle is missing a door and a few tiles have fallen from the ceiling, revealing the pipes above. There are no windows in the restroom, adding to the sense of claustrophobia. The sound of a dripping faucet echoes through the room, filling the otherwise oppressive silence. The general atmosphere of neglect and decay is palpable, making you feel uneasy and eager to leave.
<<if $Corruption < 40>>
<<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>>
I should not be in here. Why would i go in here anyways?
\<<include "WCActions">>
<<button [[Back|Bar]]>>
<</button>>As you enter the drugstore, you're immediately hit with the scent of disinfectant and cleaning products. The white-tiled floor is polished to a shine, and the fluorescent lights overhead cast a harsh, bright glow. The store is quiet, with only a few other customers browsing the shelves.
To your left is the pharmacy, with a long counter and several pharmacists in white lab coats busily filling prescriptions. To your right are rows of shelves, filled with health and beauty products, snacks, and household items. A large sign above the shelves announces a sale on cold and flu remedies.
At the back of the store is a small aisle devoted to personal care items, including shampoo, toothpaste, and feminine hygiene products. The checkout counter is located near the front of the store, with several cashiers waiting to help customers. Soft music plays over the store's speakers, creating a peaceful, almost clinical atmosphere.
<<button [[Buy makeup $50|Drugstore]]>>
<<set $Money = $Money - 50>>
<<set $makeup to $makeup + 20>>
<<button [[Buy condoms $10|Drugstore]]>>
<<set $Money = $Money - 10>>
<<set $condoms to $condoms + 5>>
<<button [[Buy Lube $20|Drugstore]]>>
<<set $Money = $Money - 20>>
<<set $lube to $lube + 5>>
<<return [[Back|Downtown]]>> \<<if $JuliaFriendship == 5 && $gameDate.getHours() >= 20 && $gameDate.getHours() < 24 && passage() == 'Supermarket'>>
<<say "Julia" $juliaSuperMarketImagePath>>
Cutie, you came. Well I have some devilish in mind. Let's grab a bottle and just leave.
Are you in?
<<button [[Count me in!|shopLifting]]>>
<<set $JuliaFriendship to 6>>
<<set $Corruption to $Corruption + 4>>
\<<if $JuliaFriendship == 7 && passage() == 'OutsideAppartment'>>
<<say "Julia" $juliaSuperMarketImagePath>>
I knew you have what it takes.
<<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>>
Damn, I am shaking. You just let me stand there.
<<say "Julia" $juliaSuperMarketImagePath>>
Let's get to the park and drink those bottles.
<<button [[Fine let's go|Park]]>>
<<set $JuliaFriendship to 8>>
<<set $Corruption to $Corruption + 1>>
\<<if $JuliaFriendship == 8 && passage() == 'Park'>>
<<say "Julia" $juliaSuperMarketImagePath>>
Oh girl. I really like you. First time I've seen you I did not thought we could have so much fun together.
<<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>>
I didn't think you are so dangerous, first time we met.
<<set $IntoxicatedDrinks to 8 >>
You are getting tippsy.
Julia leans to you and tries to kiss you.
<<button [[Accept it|Park]]>>
<<set $JuliaFriendship to 9>>
<<set $Corruption to $Corruption + 4>>
\<<if $JuliaFriendship == 9 && passage() == 'Park'>>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/scene/juliaKissing.png">'>>
\<<set $Arousal to $Arousal + 10>>
Julia approaches you slowly, the heat of her body radiating towards you. You can feel your pulse quickening as she leans in, her lips parting slightly. The scent of her perfume fills your nostrils, making you feel dizzy with desire. Her hand reaches up to cup your cheek, her thumb brushing against your skin softly. You close your eyes, savoring the moment as her lips finally meet yours. The kiss is deep and passionate, her tongue exploring your mouth with a hunger that leaves you breathless. You can feel your body responding to her touch, your hands roaming over her curves as you pull her closer. The world around you fades away, leaving only the two of you lost in a sea of desire. Eventually, you break the kiss, both of you gasping for air. As you open your eyes, you see a look of hunger in Julia's eyes that promises much more to come...
<<say "Julia" $juliaSuperMarketImagePath>>
Let's call it a night cutie, i have to work tomorrow.
Bye cutie.
<<button [[Leave the park|OutsideAppartment]]>>
<<set $JuliaFriendship to 10>>
<<set $Corruption to $Corruption + 5>>
\<</if>>\<<if $JuliaFriendship == 1>>
<<say "Julia" $juliaAperalImagePath>>
Ahh $firstname, I was sure that I have seen you before.
Wanna go to the Bar later tonight?
<<button [[Sure lets meet later|ApparelStore]]>>
<<set $JuliaFriendship to 2>>
<<set $Corruption to $Corruption + 1>>
\<<if $JuliaFriendship == 4 && random(0,1) == 0>>
<<say "Julia" $juliaAperalImagePath>>
Hey cutie, last time was great. I have a crazy idea, wanna meet later at the Supermarket?
<<button [[Sure lets meet later|ApparelStore]]>>
<<set $JuliaFriendship to 5>>
<<set $Corruption to $Corruption + 1>>
\<<if $JuliaFriendship == 10 && random(0,1) == 0 && $gameDate.getHours() >= 8 && $gameDate.getHours() < 18>>
<<say "Julia" $juliaAperalImagePath>>Come on, $firstname. Let's go to the lake. It's such a beautiful day.<</say>>
<<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>>I don't know, Julia. I'm not feeling very adventurous today.<</say>>
<<say "Julia" $juliaAperalImagePath>>Oh, come on. Don't be such a bore. It'll be fun.<</say>>
<<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>>Fun? You mean like swimming naked?<</say>>
<<say "Julia" $juliaAperalImagePath>>Why not? It's liberating.<</say>>
<<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>>And illegal.<</say>>
<<say "Julia" $juliaAperalImagePath>>Who cares? There's no one around.<</say>>
<<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>>What if someone sees us?<</say>>
<<say "Julia" $juliaAperalImagePath>>Then they'll get an eyeful of our gorgeous bodies.<</say>>
<<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>>Or call the cops.<</say>>
<<say "Julia" $juliaAperalImagePath>>Relax, $firstname. Live a little.<</say>>
<<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>>Live a little? Or get arrested?<</say>>
<<say "Julia" $juliaAperalImagePath>>Trust me, it won't happen.<</say>>
<<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>>How can you be so sure?<</say>>
<<say "Julia" $juliaAperalImagePath>>Because I've done it before.<</say>>
<<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>>You have?<</say>>
<<say "Julia" $juliaAperalImagePath>>Yes. And it was amazing.<</say>>
<<button [[Fine. Lets meet later|ApparelStore]]>>
<<set $JuliaFriendship to 11>>
<<set $Corruption to $Corruption + 1>>
\<<if $JuliaFriendship == 11 && $gameDate.getHours() >= 8 && $gameDate.getHours() < 18 >>
<<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>>Fine. But only if you promise me one thing.<</say>>
<<say "Julia" $juliaAperalImagePath>> Anything.<</say>>
<<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>>Don't tell anyone about this.<</say>>
<<say "Julia" $juliaAperalImagePath>>Ok pinky promise. Meet me at the Lake. I'm there between 6 and 8.<</say>>
\<<if $JuliaFriendship == 19 && ($gameDate - $juliaLastMet) > 7 * 24 * 3600000 && $gameDate.getHours() >= 8 && $gameDate.getHours() < 18>>
<<say "Julia" $juliaAperalImagePath>>Hey there, gorgeous! I was thinking, how about we hit up the disco tonight? It's gonna be wild!<</say>>
<<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>>Hey, honey.<</say>>
<<button [[Fine. Lets meet later|ApparelStore]]>>
<<set $JuliaFriendship to 20>>
<<set $Corruption to $Corruption + 1>>
<<button [[Nah I pass this time|ApparelStore]]>>
<<set $juliaLastMet to $gameDate>>
\<<if $JuliaFriendship == 20 && $gameDate.getHours() >= 8 && $gameDate.getHours() < 18>>
<<say "Julia" $juliaAperalImagePath>>Yes! That's what I'm talking about! Get ready for a night you'll never forget. We're gonna dance until our feet hurt, and we'll meet so many hot guys. It's gonna be amazing!
One thing, I was thinking, how about you don't wear any underwear tonight? It's gonna drive the me wild! At least no panty and a skirt, rest is for you to pick!
<<button [[If you insist|ApparelStore]]>>
<<set $JuliaFriendship to 21>>
<<set $Corruption to $Corruption + 1>>
<<button [[No way, I pass |ApparelStore]]>>
<<set $juliaLastMet to $gameDate>>
\<<if $JuliaFriendship == 21 && $gameDate.getHours() >= 8 && $gameDate.getHours() < 18>>
<<say "Julia" $juliaAperalImagePath>>Yay we meet tonight, don't forget, no panty and wearing a skirt.
\<<if $JuliaFriendship == 25 && random(0,2) == 0>>
<<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>>Hey Julia, how are you feeling today?<</say>>
<<say "Julia" $juliaAperalImagePath>>Oh hey Cutie, I'm still buzzing from last night! How was your experience with what was his name again?<</say>>
<<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>>It was Alex, to be honest, it wasn't what I expected. But I had much fun.<</say>>
<<say "Julia" $juliaAperalImagePath>>Did you ended up leaving together?<</say>>
<<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>>Yes, how was your night?<</say>>
<<say "Julia" $juliaAperalImagePath>>I met a friend of mine. Let's just say we had a lot of fun in the backseat of his car.<</say>>
<<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>>Wow, sounds like you had quite the adventure. I'm happy for you.<</say>>
\<<if def $AlexAfterParty>>
<<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>>Well I invited Alex to my place, he is kind of different than I expected him to be.<</say>>
<<say "Julia" $juliaAperalImagePath>>Sounds amazing, well you should visit him again.<</say>>
<<say "Julia" $juliaAperalImagePath>>Cutie, I want to show you a place I like. Meet me at the library between 6 and 8 pm (18:00 - 20:00).<</say>>
<<button [[Ok, I'll meet you|passage()]]>>
<<set $JuliaLibrary = true>>
<<set $JuliaFriendship = 26>>
<<include Accessoirs>>
<<set _allButts = [$buttPlugS.key, $buttPlugM.key, $buttPlugL.key, $buttPlugXL.key, $tailButtPlugS.key, $tailButtPlugM.key, $tailButtPlugL.key, $tailButtPlugXL.key]>>
\<<if $JuliaIntimacy == 0 && $JuliaFriendship >= 26 && $currentlyWearingAcc.Butt !== null && _allButts.includes($currentlyWearingAcc.Butt.key)>>
<<say "Julia" $juliaAperalImagePath>>Hey there! How was your day?<</say>>
<<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>>It was good. Thanks for asking. I have something interesting to share with you though...I put a buttplug in my ass earlier today as you wished me to do and now I want to show it off.<</say>>
<<say "Julia" $juliaAperalImagePath>>That looks really big. How does it feel?<</say>>
<<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>>It feels pretty intense actually. It's been a while since I last wore one.<</say>>
<<say "Julia" $juliaAperalImagePath>>Wow, that sounds hot! Good girl, can I see it?<</say>>
\<<include Cloths>>
<<set _skirts = [$miniskirt.key, $shortskirt.key, $longskirt.key]>>
<<if _skirts.includes($currentlyWearing.bottom.key)>>
You look around if there is anyone near, but Julia is already behind you and lifts your skirt infront of a customer.
<<elseif $currentWearing.bottom !== null && $currentWearing.underwear !== null>>
You look around if there is anyone near, but Julia is already behind you and pull down your pants in front of a customer.
<<else >>
As you are not wearing anything on your bottom she just looks on your butt plug shining on your butt.
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/scene/apperalStorePlug.png">'>>
<<say "Julia" $juliaAperalImagePath>>Wow, this is huge! How long did it take to get used to having it inside you?<</say>>
<<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>>It took some time at first, but now it feels pretty natural. Actually, I kinda like the feeling of fullness it gives me.<</say>>
<<say "Julia" $juliaAperalImagePath>>That's so interesting! Have you ever tried anything else like this before?<</say>>
<<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>>Nope, this was actually my first experience with anal play. But I must say, I think I might be hooked on it now.<</say>>
<<say "Julia" $juliaAperalImagePath>>
Bet you already feeling the arousal rising with every hour that passes. I bet you love this.
Well, if you need any advice or tips on what other things you can try, feel free to come talk to me about it.
Just visit me at my home in DownTown.<</say>>
<<button [[Im happy you like it|passage()]]>>
<<set $JuliaIntimacy = 1>>
<</if>>\<<if $JuliaFriendship == 14 >>
\ <<addmins 15>>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/scene/juliaSwimming2.png">'>>
Julia splashes water at you.
\<<set $Arousal to $Arousal + 10>>
<<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>>Hey, stop that.<</say>>
<<say "Julia" $juliaAperalImagePath>>Nah, don't be so boring. <</say>>
She splashes more water in your direction.
<<button [[Keep swimming|SwimmingJulia]]>>
<<set $JuliaFriendship to 15>>
<<set $Corruption to $Corruption + 4>>
<<button [[Call it a day.|SwimmingJulia]]>>
<<set $JuliaFriendship to 16>>
<<set $Corruption to $Corruption + 2>>
\<<if $JuliaFriendship == 15 >>
\ <<addmins 15>>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/scene/juliaSwimming2.png">'>>
<<say "Julia" $juliaAperalImagePath>>Hey, $firstname, do you want to have a diving competition with me?<</say>>
<<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>>Sure, that sounds like fun.<</say>>
You both take a deep breath and dive underwater.
As you open your eyes, you see her right in front of you. Her skin looks golden in the filtered sunlight, and the water seems to cling to every curve of her body. You find yourself admiring the smooth lines of her back and the gentle swell of her hips, and you realize that you're not holding your breath.
You have to come up. As you are on the surface again you have to catch some air.
Julia waits a bit longer and then she also comes up.
<<say "Julia" $juliaAperalImagePath>>Hahaha, that wasn't long. Thought you could do more. <</say>>
\<<set $Arousal to $Arousal + 15>>
<<button [[Call it a day.|SwimmingJulia]]>>
<<set $JuliaFriendship to 16>>
<<set $Corruption to $Corruption + 2>>
\<<if $JuliaFriendship == 16 >>
<<addmins 15>>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/scene/juliaSwimming4.png">'>>
Julia leaves the water first. She gets your panty and bra and throws them to you.
<<say "Julia" $juliaAperalImagePath>>Hope you catch them.<</say>>
You miss and both land in the water.
<<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>>Damn, both are now soaking wet.<</say>>
<<button [[Put them on anyway|SwimmingJulia]]>>
<<set $JuliaFriendship to 17>>
\<<set $Arousal to $Arousal + 5>>
<<set $Corruption to $Corruption - 6>>
<<button [[Carry them in your hands|SwimmingJulia]]>>
\<<set $Arousal to $Arousal + 20>>
<<set $JuliaFriendship to 18>>
<<set $Corruption to $Corruption + 6>>
\<<if $JuliaFriendship == 17 >>
<<addmins 15>>
You put them on anways, your whole clothes get wet and its really uncomfortable.
<<button [[Hurry home|Appartment]]>>
<<set $JuliaFriendship to 19>>
<<set $juliaLastMet to $gameDate>>
\<<set $energy to $energy - 30>>
<<addhours 1>>
<<set $Corruption to $Corruption - 2>>
\<<if $JuliaFriendship == 18 >>
<<addmins 15>>
You dont put any underwear on and have to carry them in your hands. It's a bit embarrassing to walk to your appartment like this, but way more comfortable than wearing this soaking wet underwear
<<button [[Walk home|Appartment]]>>
<<set $JuliaFriendship to 19>>
<<set $juliaLastMet to $gameDate>>
<<addhours 1>>
\<<set $energy to $energy - 10>>
<<set $Corruption to $Corruption + 4>>
\<</if>> \<<set _c to random(0,2)>>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/scene/yogaIndoor' + _c + '.png">'>>
As you settle onto your yoga mat in your apartment, you take a deep breath in and begin to let your thoughts drift away. The gentle sound of your breath fills the quiet space as you stretch your arms out overhead and begin to move through a series of sun salutations. Your body feels alive with each movement, and you can feel your muscles warming up as you flow through each pose.
As you continue your practice, you let yourself sink deeper into each pose, feeling the stretch in your muscles and the release of tension in your body. The rhythm of your breath keeps you focused and centered, and you feel your mind become calm and clear.
With each movement, you feel a sense of strength and empowerment wash over you. Your body is strong and capable, and you revel in the feeling of being in control of your own physical and mental well-being.
As you reach the end of your practice, you take a moment to simply be still, feeling the peace and calm that comes with a good yoga session. You are grateful for this time to focus on yourself, and you know that your body and mind will thank you for it in the days to come.
<<return [[Back to hall|Appartment]] >> Do you really want to quit your job as $Job ?
<<button [[Yes quit my Job|previous()]]>>
<<set $startjob to "Unemployed">>
<<set $Job to "Unemployed">>
<<button [[No keep my Job|previous()]]>>
<</button>>\<<if $AlexFriendship === 0>>
<<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>>Hi, who is this?<</say>>
<<say '???' $alexImagePath>>Hey, I just wanted to welcome you to the neighborhood and introduce me, I'm Alex. I'm your neighbor from above.<</say>>
<<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>> Oh, thanks for stopping by! It's nice to meet you.<</say>>
<<say $alexNameChange $alexImagePath>>It's nice to meet you too. I hope you're settling in okay.<</say>>
<<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>>Yeah, I am. It's a great neighborhood.<</say>>
<<say $alexNameChange $alexImagePath>>That's good to hear. I just wanted to make sure you had my number in case you ever need anything.<</say>>
<<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>>Thanks, I appreciate that. I'll definitely keep that in mind.<</say>>
<<say $alexNameChange $alexImagePath>>Just wanted to say hi and welcome you to the neighborhood.<</say>>
<<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>>No worries, it was nice meeting you. Thanks for stopping by.<</say>>
<<say $alexNameChange $alexImagePath>>Anytime. See you around!<</say>>
<<button [[Close the door|Appartment]] >>
<<set $AlexFriendship to 1>>
<<set $AlexFriendshipDate to $gameDate>>
\ <</if>>
\<<if $AlexFriendship === 1>>
<<say $alexNameChange $alexImagePath>>Hey there, $firstname! Thought I try my luck. It's great to see you again. How have you been?<</say>>
<<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>>I've been good, thanks. It's nice to see you too, Alex.<</say>>
<<say $alexNameChange $alexImagePath>>I was thinking we could grab a drink or dinner sometime this week. What do you say?<</say>>
<<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>>That sounds like fun. What were you thinking?<</say>>
<<say $alexNameChange $alexImagePath>> Well, there's this new Italian place that just opened up. I hear it's really good.<</say>>
<<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>>Italian sounds great. How about we meet there on Thursday at 7 pm?<</say>>
<<say $alexNameChange $alexImagePath>>Perfect. I'll make the reservation. I'm really looking forward to it.<</say>>
<<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>>Me too.<</say>>
<<say $alexNameChange $alexImagePath>>You know, $firstname, I have to say, you're even more beautiful than I remembered.<</say>>
<<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>>Thanks, Alex. You're not looking too bad yourself.<</say>>
<<say $alexNameChange $alexImagePath>>So, I have a question for you. Would you like to go out with me again after Thursday? Maybe we could catch a movie or take a walk by the beach.<</say>>
<<button [[Go out on a date with him|AlexNeighbor]]>>
<<set $AlexFriendship to 2>>
<<button [[Tell him to leave|AlexNeighbor]]>>
<<set $AlexFriendship to 3>>
\ <</if>>
\<<if $AlexFriendship === 2>>
<<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>>I would love that, Alex. We meet thursday evening 6 pm (18:00) in the restaurant.<</say>>
<<say $alexNameChange $alexImagePath>>Great! I'm looking forward to it already.<</say>>
<<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>>Me too.<</say>>
<<button [[Close the door|Appartment]] >>
<<set $AlexFriendship to 4>>
<<set $AlexFriendshipDate to $gameDate>>
\ <</if>>
\<<if $AlexFriendship === 3>>
<<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>>Thanks for the invitation, but i don't have any time. Bye Alex.<</say>>
<<say $alexNameChange $alexImagePath>>Oh, I understand, I won't disturb you again.<</say>>
<<button [[Close the door|Appartment]] >>
<<set $AlexFriendship to 1>>
\ <</if>>
<<if def $AlexAfterParty && $AlexAfterParty == true>>
<<set $AlexAfterParty = false>>
<<say $alexNameChange $alexImagePath>>I'm glad we took the taxi.
So what do you have in mind?
<<button [[Go to the bedroom|AlexNeighbor]] >>
<<set $alexBedroom to true>>
<<button [[Go to the kitchen|AlexNeighbor]] >>
<<set $alexKitchen to true>>
<<button [[Call it a night|Appartment]] >>
<<if def $alexKitchen && $alexKitchen == true>>
<<say $alexNameChange $alexImagePath>>So, what do you have to eat around here?<</say>>
You shrugged, <<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>>Not much, but I could whip up some scrambled eggs if you're hungry.<</say>>
<<say $alexNameChange $alexImagePath>>Sounds good to me<</say>> Alex pulling up a stool at the kitchen island.
As you rummaged through the fridge, Alex watched you with interest. He couldn't help but admire the way you moved - there was something about you that was both graceful and sexy at the same time.
<<say $alexNameChange $alexImagePath>>So, do you cook often?<</say>>
<<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>>Not really, I'm more of a takeout kind of girl.<</say>>
<<say $alexNameChange $alexImagePath>>Well, maybe I can teach you a thing or two,<</say>>
Alex getting up from the stool and coming up behind you. He reached around your waist and pulled you close, pressing his body against yours.
You could feel his breath on your neck, and your heart raced as you turned your head to meet his gaze.
<<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>>Maybe I'd like that,<</say>>
You feel the heat between you.
Alex leaned in and kissed you gently on the lips, his hands exploring your body. As you broke apart, he looked at you with a devilish glint in his eye.
<<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>>Who needs scrambled eggs anyway?<</say>>he leans in for another kiss.
<<button [[Go to the bedroom|AlexNeighbor]] >>
<<set $alexBedroom to true>>
<<set $alexKitchen to false>>
<<button [[Call it a night|Appartment]] >>
<<set $alexKitchen to false>>
\<<if def $alexBedroom && $alexBedroom == true>>
Alex follows her into the bedroom, his eyes fixed on her body. He's been wanting this moment for a long time, and now that they're alone together, he can finally make his move.
<<say $alexNameChange $alexImagePath>>What do you want to do?<</say>>
She smirks at him, knowing exactly what he wants.
As she tosses her shirt aside, Alex steps closer to her, running his hands over her bare skin. She shivers at his touch, her body responding to his every move.
<<say $alexNameChange $alexImagePath>>You're so beautiful<</say>>
he kisses her neck.
<<say $alexNameChange $alexImagePath>>We play by my rules, little.
Tonight is not the night were you get anything, but you may obey me.
Now get down on your knees.<</say>>
<<button [[Obey him|AlexNeighbor]] >>
<<set $alexBedroom to false>>
<<set $alexObey to true>>
<<button [[Call it a night|Appartment]] >>
<<set $alexBedroom to false>>
\<<if def $alexObey && $alexObey == true>>
<<say $alexNameChange $alexImagePath>>So you may suck me off and either you swallow or I cum on your face.
This time you may choose.
<<button [[Swallow his load|AlexNeighbor]]>>
<<set $alexObey to false>>
<<set $alexSwallow to true>>
<<button [[Take his load in your face|AlexNeighbor]]>>
<<set $alexObey to false>>
<<set $alexFacial to true>>
<<button [[Stop this and ask him to go|Appartment]]>>
<<set $alexObey to false>>
\<<if def $alexFacial && $alexFacial == true>>
<<include "AlexFacial">>
<<say $alexNameChange $alexImagePath>>Thanks, now we call it a night, I come to you again. <</say>>
<<button [[I liked it|Appartment]]>>
<<set $alexFacial to false>>
\<<if def $alexSwallow && $alexSwallow == true>>
<<include "AlexSwallow">>
<<button [[Thank you, I liked it|Appartment]]>>
<<set $alexSwallow to false>>
\<<if $gameDate.getHours() >= 22 || $gameDate.getHours() < 12>>
\<<set _c to random(0,2)>>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/scene/closedItalianRestaurant' + _c + '.png">'>>
The place is closed, it opens back at 12:00
\<<set _c to random(0,3)>>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/scene/italianRestaurant' + _c + '.png">'>>
You step into the warm, dimly lit Italian restaurant. The rich aroma of garlic and tomato sauce fills your nostrils, making your mouth water. Soft, romantic music plays in the background, creating a cozy atmosphere.
As you walk towards your table, your eyes take in the beautiful decor. White tablecloths adorn each table, with flickering candles and fresh flowers as centerpieces. The walls are painted a warm, earthy tone, and the dim lighting gives the space a romantic ambiance.
As you take your seat, you can feel the excitement building in your stomach. You've been looking forward to this dinner all week, and now that you're finally here, you can't wait to indulge in some delicious Italian cuisine.
\<<if $gameDate.getDay() == 4 && $gameDate.getHours() >= 18 && $gameDate.getHours() < 20 && $AlexFriendship === 4>>
You see Alex already sitting at a table.
<<button [[Join him|AlexRestaurant]] >>
<<eat 9>>
<<addEnergy -10>>
<<button [[Order a pizza $15|eatRestaurantPizza]] >>
<<eat 9>>
<<set $Money to $Money - 15>>
<<addEnergy 10>>
<<button [[Order pasta $20|eatRestaurantPasta]] >>
<<eat 14>>
<<set $Money to $Money - 20>>
<<addEnergy 5>>
\<<if $startjob == "waitress" && $energy >= 10>>
<<button [[I'm here for the interview|RestaurantInterview]]>>
\<<if $Job == "waitress" && $energy >= 30>>
<<button [[Start working|WorkRestaurant]]>>
<<button [[Quit job|QuitJob]]>>
<<link `"<img class='imgs' src='" + $imgPathSrc + "images/logos/men.png' width='100px' style='vertical-align: middle;'> Go to the men bathroom"`>><<goto 'MenWCRestaurant'>><</link>>
<<link `"<img class='imgs' src='" + $imgPathSrc + "images/logos/women.png' width='100px' style='vertical-align: middle;'> Go to the women bathroom"`>><<goto 'WomenWCRestaurant'>><</link>>
<<return [[Back|Uptown]]>>
<<set _c to random(0,2)>>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/scene/pizza' + _c + '.png">'>>
You take a bite of the hot, cheesy pizza and savor the tangy tomato sauce that dances across your taste buds. The crust is crispy and golden brown, with just the right amount of chewiness. As you continue to eat, you notice the aromas of garlic and oregano mingling with the scent of freshly baked dough.
You can hear the satisfying crunch of the crust with each bite, and the cheese stretches between your mouth and the slice as you pull it away. The pizza is so delicious that you can't help but close your eyes and let out a contented sigh.
The ambiance of the restaurant is cozy and inviting, with dim lighting and soft music playing in the background. The chatter of other diners adds to the pleasant hum of the atmosphere.
As you take another bite of pizza, you can't help but feel grateful for this moment of pure indulgence in such a delightful setting.
<<button [[Back|Restaurant]]>>
<</button>>\<<set _c to random(0,2)>>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/scene/pasta' + _c + '.png">'>>
You twirl the fork around the plate, scooping up the last bit of sauce-covered linguine. The aroma of fresh basil and garlic fills your senses, making your mouth water for another bite. You savor the rich, creamy texture of the pasta as you chew, closing your eyes to fully appreciate the flavors.
The restaurant is bustling with activity around you, the clinking of silverware and the murmur of voices creating a pleasant background hum. The soft glow of candlelight casts a warm, romantic atmosphere over the scene, making you feel both content and slightly nostalgic.
You take a sip of red wine, letting the velvety liquid wash down the last of the pasta. You sit back in your chair, feeling satisfied and grateful for this moment of indulgence
<<button [[Back|Restaurant]]>>
<</button>><<if $AlexFriendship === 4>>
You walk into the Italian restaurant and spot <<= $alexNameChange>> sitting at a table by the window. He stands up and smiles at you as you make your way over to him.
<<say $alexNameChange $alexImagePath>>Wow, you look absolutely stunning tonight.<</say>>
<<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>>Thank you, <<= $alexNameChange>>. You don't look too bad yourself.<</say>>
<<= $alexNameChange>> pulls out a chair for you and you sit down, feeling a little nervous but excited.
<<say $alexNameChange $alexImagePath>>So, what do you feel like eating tonight?<</say>>
You look over the menu, but your attention keeps getting drawn back to <<= $alexNameChange>>'s sparkling eyes and charming smile.
<<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>>I'm not really sure, to be honest. What do you recommend?<</say>>
<<say $alexNameChange $alexImagePath>>Well, I've heard their lasagna is amazing, but I think I'm in the mood for some spaghetti carbonara tonight.<</say>>
<<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>>That sounds delicious. I think I'll go for that too.<</say>>
As you wait for your food to arrive, you chat about your week and exchange playful banter.
<<say $alexNameChange $alexImagePath>>You know, I can't stop thinking about that kiss we shared the other day. It was electrifying.<</say>>
You feel a blush creeping up your cheeks as <<= $alexNameChange>> reaches across the table to take your hand.
<<say $alexNameChange $alexImagePath>>I really like you, $firstname. I want to see where this could go between us. What do you say?<</say>>
<<= $alexNameChange>> looks at you expectantly, giving you a choice to make.
<<button [[I feel the same way|AlexRestaurant]]>>
<<set $AlexFriendship = 6>>
<<button [[I'm not sure yet|AlexRestaurant]]>>
<<set $AlexFriendship = 5>>
<<if $AlexFriendship >= 5 && $AlexFriendship <= 6 >>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/scene/cabonara.png">'>>
As you wait for your Carbonara to arrive, your mouth waters as you imagine the creamy, cheesy sauce coating the al dente spaghetti.
You can already smell the hints of garlic and smoky bacon wafting from the kitchen. The clattering of pots and pans in the background lets you know that your meal is being carefully prepared with love and attention to detail.
Finally, your plate arrives, and you see the steam rising from the dish, beckoning you to take a bite. The silky sauce perfectly coats each strand of pasta, and the crispy bits of bacon add a satisfying crunch. You savor each mouthful, enjoying the rich, comforting flavors that remind you of home.
<<if $AlexFriendship == 5 >>
<<say $alexNameChange $alexImagePath>>Of course, I completely understand. I don't want to rush things if you're not ready. We can take it at your pace..<</say>>
<<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>>Thank you, <<= $alexNameChange>>. I'm glad you understand.<</say>>
<<say $alexNameChange $alexImagePath>>I just want you to know that I really enjoy spending time with you. And whenever you're ready to take things to the next level, I'll be here.<</say>>
<<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>>Thank you, <<= $alexNameChange>>. That means a lot to me.<</say>>
You continue your meal, chatting and laughing, enjoying his company. As you both finish up, <<= $alexNameChange>> pays the bill and offers you to walk you home.
You agree, feeling grateful for his company and looking forward to see where things go between yo two.
<<button [[Let's leave|Appartment]]>>
<<set $AlexFriendship = 7>>
<<addEnergy -10>>
<<addhours 1>>
<<if $AlexFriendship == 6 >>
<<= $alexNameChange>>'s eyes light up with excitement.
<<say $alexNameChange $alexImagePath>>
That's wonderful to hear, You. I'm eager to see where this takes us.<</say>> He reaches across the table and takes your hand, giving it a gentle squeeze.
You smile and feel a flutter in your stomach at his touch.
<<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>>
I have to admit, I'm a little nervous. It's been a while since I've been in a relationship,
<<say $alexNameChange $alexImagePath>>I completely understand. But I promise to make this journey as easy and enjoyable for you as possible.<</say>>
You feel reassured by <<= $alexNameChange>>'s words and find yourself leaning in closer to him. The rest of the evening is filled with laughter, good food, and plenty of flirting. As you leave the restaurant, <<= $alexNameChange>> pulls you into a sweet kiss, and you know that this is the start of something special.
<<button [[Let's leave|Appartment]]>>
<<set $AlexFriendship = 8>>
<<addEnergy -10>>
<<addhours 1>>
\<<set _timeoutDays = 5>>
\<<if $alexTimeout !== null>><<set _timeoutDays = Math.floor(($gameDate - $alexTimeout) / 24 / 3600000)>><</if>>
\<<if $gameDate.getHours() <= 17 || $gameDate.getHours() > 22>>
You ring the bell. Apparently no one opens the door. Seems like he is not here or he is sleeping tight.
\<<elseif _timeoutDays < 3>>
<<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>>I can't go to <<= $alexNameChange>> he gave me a timeout. I really messed up last time. Maybe I should be a good girl for him.<</say>>
<<say $alexNameChange $alexImagePath>>Hey, $firstname. I did not expect you to come over. Want a drink?<</say>>
\<<if def $AlexAfterParty>>
<<say $alexNameChange $alexImagePath>>Are you a good girl today?<</say>>
<<button [[Yes|AlexGoodGirl]]>>
<<switch $alexStrikes>>
<<case 0>>
<<button [[I bet you are a good boy, so obey me now!|AlexBadGirl]]>>
<<case 1>>
<<button [[Grab a drink for yourself|AlexBadGirl]]>>
<<set $lastDrink to $gameDate>>
<<set $IntoxicatedDrinks to $IntoxicatedDrinks + 1>>
<<case 2>>
<<button [[I'll give you "good girl"|AlexBadGirl]]>>
<<case 3>>
<<button [[Bite his arm|AlexBadGirl]]>>
\<<if $alexStrikes >= 6>>
<<button [[Grab a drink for yourself|AlexBadGirl]]>>
<<set $lastDrink to $gameDate>>
<<set $alexRerunBadGirl = 'drink'>>
<<set $IntoxicatedDrinks to $IntoxicatedDrinks + 1>>
<<set $alexStrikes = 3>>
<<button [[I'll give you "good girl"|AlexBadGirl]]>>
<<set $alexRerunBadGirl = 'goodGirl'>>
<<set $alexStrikes = 3>>
<<button [[Bite his arm|AlexBadGirl]]>>
<<set $alexRerunBadGirl = 'bite'>>
<<set $alexStrikes = 3>>
<<button [[Enjoy a drink together|DrinkAlexPlace]]>>
<<set $IntoxicatedDrinks to $IntoxicatedDrinks +2>>
<<addhours 2>>
<<set $AlexFriendship = $AlexFriendship + 1>>
<<return [[Go back|Appartment]]>>\<<if $AlexFriendship > 6 >>
Alex leads you to the kitchen, where he pulls out a bottle of red wine from his wine fridge. He pours two glasses and hands one to you.
<<say $alexNameChange $alexImagePath>>Cheers<</say>>
<<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>>Cheers.
The wine is delicious and full-bodied, with a subtle hint of oak.<</say>>
<<say $alexNameChange $alexImagePath>>So, what do you think of my place?<</say>>
<<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>>It's amazing. You have such a great sense of style.<</say>>
<<say $alexNameChange $alexImagePath>>Thanks, I try to make it my own.<</say>>
You take another sip of wine, feeling its warmth spread through your body. The conversation turns flirty, with Alex complimenting your beauty and intelligence, and you playfully teasing him.
As the night wears on, the chemistry between you and Alex becomes more and more intense. The conversation slows down, replaced by long gazes and lingering touches.
\<<set $Arousal to $Arousal + 5>>
<<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>>I'm really glad we did this.<</say>>
<<say $alexNameChange $alexImagePath>>Me too, I've been thinking about you all week.<</say>>
<<button [[Call it a night|Appartment]]>>
<<set $lastDrink to $gameDate>>
\<<if $MaxFriendship == 4>>
<<say "Max" $maxImagePath>>Hey $firstname, I'm here to pick you up for our date tonight. Hope you didn't forgot it.<</say>>
<<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>>Hey Max, sure i didn't forget it.<</say>>
<<button [[Let's go to the bar|MaxDate]]>>
\<<set $MaxFriendship to 6>>
<<button [[Let's stay here|MaxDate]]>>
\<<set $MaxFriendship to 7>>
<<button [[Sorry, i don't have time.|MaxDate]]>>
\<<set $MaxFriendship to 5>>
\<<if $MaxFriendship == 5>>
<<say "Max" $maxImagePath>>Oh I understand, sorry i disturbed you, bye.<</say>>
<<button [[Close the door|Appartment]]>>
\<<if $MaxFriendship == 6>>
<<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>>Let's go to the bar, this will be fun!<</say>>
<<say "Max" $maxImagePath>>Sounds great.<</say>>
<<button [[Head to the bar|BarMax]]>>
<<addEnergy -10>>
<<addhours 1>>
\<<addmins 60>>
\<<if $MaxFriendship == 7>>
Max and you continue flirting at your place, sipping on your favorite drinks. The low lighting and soft music set the mood as you sit close to each other on the couch.
\<<set $Arousal to $Arousal + 5>>
<<say "Max" $maxImagePath>>You know, I can't stop thinking about you.<</say>>
You feel a rush of excitement and butterflies in your stomach.
<<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>>Oh really?<</say>>
<<say "Max" $maxImagePath>>Yeah, I've been wanting to do this for a while.<</say>>
He leans in even closer and presses his lips against yours.
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/scene/kissMax.png">'>>
You kiss back, feeling the heat between you two. As you break away, Max looks at you with a mischievous grin.
<<say "Max" $maxImagePath>>So, what do you say we take this to the bedroom?<</say>>
<<button [[Good idea|MaxDate]]>>
\<<set $MaxFriendship to 8>>
<<button [[Call it a night|MaxDate]]>>
\<<set $MaxFriendship to 12>>
\<<if $MaxFriendship == 8>>
You bite your lip and give him a seductive smile.
<<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>>I think that's a great idea<</say>>
You take his hand and leade him towards the bedroom.
\<<set $Arousal to $Arousal + 5>>
You and Max enter the bedroom.
As you sit down on the bed, Max approaches you with a charming smile on his face. He takes your hand and pulls you towards him, his lips meeting yours in a passionate kiss. You feel the warmth of his embrace as he holds you close, his hands gently caressing your back. The smell of his cologne creates a sensual atmosphere that sends shivers down your spine.
As the kiss intensifies, you feel yourself getting lost in the moment, lost in the passion that surrounds you. You let go of all your inhibitions and give in to the desire that fills you. As the kiss finally ends, you open your eyes and look into Max's eyes. The love and desire that you see in his eyes fill you with a sense of joy and happiness.
Max takes your hand and guides you towards the bed. As you lie down on the soft, sheets, he leans over you and begins to kiss you again.
<<button [[Handjob|MaxDate]]>>
<<addmins 10>>
\<<set $MaxFriendship to 10>>
<<set $MaxInteraction to "handjob">>
<<button [[Suck his dick|MaxDate]]>>
<<addmins 10>>
\<<set $MaxFriendship to 10>>
<<set $MaxInteraction to "suck">>
\<<if $condoms > 0>>
<<button [[Let him fuck you with a condom|MaxDate]]>>
<<addmins 30>>
\<<set $MaxFriendship to 10>>
<<set $MaxInteraction to "fuckcondom">>
<<button [[Let him fuck you bare|MaxDate]]>>
<<addmins 30>>
\<<set $MaxFriendship to 10>>
<<set $MaxInteraction to "fuckbare">>
<<button [[Call it a night|Appartment]]>>
\<<set $MaxFriendship to 12>>
\<<if $MaxFriendship == 10>>
\<<switch $MaxInteraction>>
<<case "handjob">>
\<<set $Arousal to $Arousal + 10>>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/scene/handjob0.png">'>>
You're really getting into it as you stroke him up and down with your hand, feeling the warmth and hardness of his member in your grasp. You can sense the pleasure emanating from him as he moans and writhes beneath your touch. You experiment with different speeds and pressures, trying to find the sweet spot that will bring him to climax. You can feel the tension building in his body and you know that he's getting close.
<<button [[Let him finish on your face|MaxDate]]>>
\<<set $MaxFriendship to 11>>
<<set $MaxInteraction to "face">>
<<button [[Let him finish on your breasts|MaxDate]]>>
\<<set $MaxFriendship to 11>>
<<set $MaxInteraction to "breasts">>
<<button [[Let him finish on the floor|MaxDate]]>>
\<<set $MaxFriendship to 11>>
<<set $MaxInteraction to "floor">>
<<button [[Swallow his load|MaxDate]]>>
\<<set $MaxFriendship to 11>>
<<set $MaxInteraction to "swallow">>
<<button [[Suck his dick|MaxDate]]>>
<<addmins 10>>
\<<set $MaxFriendship to 10>>
<<set $MaxInteraction to "suck">>
\<<if $condoms > 0>>
<<button [[Let him fuck you with a condom|MaxDate]]>>
<<addmins 30>>
\<<set $MaxFriendship to 10>>
<<set $MaxInteraction to "fuckcondom">>
<<button [[Let him fuck you bare|MaxDate]]>>
<<addmins 30>>
\<<set $MaxFriendship to 10>>
<<set $MaxInteraction to "fuckbare">>
<<button [[Call it a night|Appartment]]>>
\<<set $MaxFriendship to 12>>
<<case "suck">>
\<<set $Arousal to $Arousal + 20>>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/scene/blowjob0.png">'>>
You lean over and take Max's penis into your mouth, swirling your tongue around the tip. You begin to move your head back and forth, taking more of him into your mouth with each stroke. As you suck on him, you use your hands to massage his balls, feeling them tighten with each passing moment. You increase the pace of your sucking, taking him deeper into your mouth until he moans with pleasure. You continue to suck on feeling how he enjoyes each stroke.
<<button [[Let him finish on your face|MaxDate]]>>
\<<set $MaxFriendship to 11>>
<<set $MaxInteraction to "face">>
<<button [[Let him finish on your breasts|MaxDate]]>>
\<<set $MaxFriendship to 11>>
<<set $MaxInteraction to "breasts">>
<<button [[Let him finish on the floor|MaxDate]]>>
\<<set $MaxFriendship to 11>>
<<set $MaxInteraction to "floor">>
<<button [[Swallow his load|MaxDate]]>>
\<<set $MaxFriendship to 11>>
<<set $MaxInteraction to "swallow">>
<<button [[Handjob|MaxDate]]>>
<<addmins 10>>
\<<set $MaxFriendship to 10>>
<<set $MaxInteraction to "handjob">>
\<<if $condoms > 0>>
<<button [[Let him fuck you with a condom|MaxDate]]>>
<<addmins 30>>
\<<set $MaxFriendship to 10>>
<<set $MaxInteraction to "fuckcondom">>
<<button [[Let him fuck you bare|MaxDate]]>>
<<addmins 30>>
\<<set $MaxFriendship to 10>>
<<set $MaxInteraction to "fuckbare">>
<<button [[Call it a night|Appartment]]>>
\<<set $MaxFriendship to 12>>
<<case "fuckbare">>
\<<set $Arousal to $Arousal + 50>>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/scene/fucked0.png">'>>
The air is thick with lust and desire. You and your partner start kissing passionately, your hands roaming all over each other's bodies. Clothes are quickly discarded, leaving you both naked and exposed.
You lie back on the bed as Max climbs on top of you. You feel his hardness pressing against you as he enters you slowly, bit by bit. The sensation is overwhelming and you can't help but moan in pleasure.
Max starts to move, his thrusts becoming more urgent and intense. You match their rhythm, meeting each other with each movement. You can feel the heat building inside you, your pleasure mounting with each passing moment.
<<button [[Let him finish inside without protection|MaxDate]]>>
\<<set $MaxFriendship to 11>>
<<set $MaxInteraction to "inside">>
<<button [[Let him finish on your face|MaxDate]]>>
\<<set $MaxFriendship to 11>>
<<set $MaxInteraction to "face">>
<<button [[Let him finish on your breasts|MaxDate]]>>
\<<set $MaxFriendship to 11>>
<<set $MaxInteraction to "breasts">>
<<button [[Let him finish on the floor|MaxDate]]>>
\<<set $MaxFriendship to 11>>
<<set $MaxInteraction to "floor">>
<<button [[Swallow his load|MaxDate]]>>
\<<set $MaxFriendship to 11>>
<<set $MaxInteraction to "swallow">>
<<case "fuckcondom">>
\<<set $Arousal to $Arousal + 45>>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/scene/fucked0.png">'>>
The air is thick with lust and desire. You and your partner start kissing passionately, your hands roaming all over each other's bodies. Clothes are quickly discarded, leaving you both naked and exposed.
You give him a condom which he quickly puts over his dick.
You lie back on the bed as Max climbs on top of you. You feel his hardness pressing against you as he enters you slowly, bit by bit. The sensation is overwhelming and you can't help but moan in pleasure.
Max starts to move, his thrusts becoming more urgent and intense. You match their rhythm, meeting each other with each movement. You can feel the heat building inside you, your pleasure mounting with each passing moment.
<<button [[Let him finish inside|MaxDate]]>>
\<<set $MaxFriendship to 11>>
<<set $MaxInteraction to "condom">>
\<<if $MaxFriendship == 11>>
\<<switch $MaxInteraction>>
<<case "face">>
<<set _r = random(0,2)>>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/occasion/cumOnFace' + _r + '.png">'>>
\<<set $CumOnFace = true>>
\<<set $Corruption to $Corruption + 2>>
Max eagerly jerks himself off and sprays hot, sticky cum all over your face. You feel the warmth of his orgasm as his thick ropes of cum coat your cheeks and chin and running down your neck. You hear him groan with pleasure as he finishes, and you can't help but feel a sense of satisfaction from pleasing him. Max looks at you with a satisfied smile, thanking you for being such a good partner. You both collapse on the bed, exhausted and happy, ready to fall asleep in each other's arms.
<<case "breasts">>
<<set _r = random(0,2)>>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/occasion/cumOnBody' + _r + '.png">'>>
\<<set $CumOnBody = true>>
\<<set $Corruption to $Corruption + 1>>
He moved his hand up and down until he couldn't hold it any longer. The warmth of his semen mixed with your skin, as he let out a satisfied groan. You couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement as you watched it drip down your chest. The feeling of his release on your skin was a mix of naughtiness and pleasure that sent shivers down your spine. As you lay there together, enjoying the moment, you couldn't help but feel satisfied with your decision to let him finish on your breasts.
<<case "floor">>
<<set _r = random(0,2)>>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/occasion/cumOnFloor' + _r + '.png">'>>
You let Max finish on the floor. He was so turned on and you were both so caught up in the moment that it just seemed like the natural thing to do. You could feel the heat rising between you as he pounded into you harder and harder, his breathing growing more ragged by the second. And when he finally came, it was like an explosion, the hot spurts of his cum shooting out of him and landing all over the floor.
You watched him as he shuddered with pleasure, his body still twitching from the force of his orgasm. It was such a sexy sight that you couldn't help but feel a little turned on yourself. You leaned in close and whispered in his ear, telling him how much you enjoyed it, and he groaned in response.
After a few moments, the two of you collapsed onto the bed, exhausted but satisfied. You looked over at the mess on the floor and couldn't help but smile. It was a little naughty, but it was also incredibly hot. You knew that you would never forget this moment, and you were already looking forward to the next time the two of you could be together.
<<case "swallow">>
\<<set $Corruption to $Corruption + 3>>
Max finished in your mouth and you took it all in, savoring the taste of his release. You felt a sense of power as you swallowed it down, fully in control of the situation. The warmth of his cum filled your mouth, and you couldn't help but let out a small moan of pleasure as you swallowed it down. You felt a rush of excitement as you looked up at Max, seeing the look of satisfaction on his face. You knew that you had pleased him, and that feeling was incredibly satisfying.
You wiped your mouth with the back of your hand, feeling a sense of satisfaction at the sight of your hand covered in his cum. You leaned in close to Max, pressing your lips against his and letting him taste himself on your tongue. The kiss was passionate, and you could feel his desire for you growing with each passing moment. You pulled away, a satisfied smile on your lips, knowing that you had given him everything he wanted and more.
<<case "inside">>
\<<set $CumInside = true>>
\<<set $Virginity to false>>
\<<set $Corruption to $Corruption + 4>>
\ <<set _r = random(0,2)>>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/occasion/cumInPussy' + _r + '.png">'>>
You let Max finish inside of you, feeling his warmth as he emptied himself deep inside. Your body shuddered with pleasure as he collapsed on top of you, both of you breathing heavily. You wrapped your arms around him, feeling his weight on top of you. For a few moments, you lay there, enjoying the afterglow of your intimate encounter. Eventually, you both rolled over onto your sides, facing each other. You smiled at him, feeling a sense of contentment wash over you. You were glad that you had taken this step with him. It had been a long time since you had felt this kind of connection with someone. As you lay there, you realized that you were falling for him. Hard.
<<case "condom">>
\<<set $Corruption to $Corruption + 3>>
\<<set $Virginity to false>>
\ <<set _r = random(0,2)>>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/occasion/usedCondom' + _r + '.png">'>>
The sensation is almost overwhelming as you feel yourself building towards orgasm. Max seems to sense this, picking up the pace as he continues to pound into you. You dig your nails into his back, biting down on your lip to stifle your moans as your orgasm crashes over you.
As you ride out your pleasure, Max continues to thrust, the condom preventing him from finishing inside you. But as your orgasm subsides, he reaches his own climax, groaning in pleasure as he releases inside the condom. You both collapse onto the bed, spent and satisfied, with a sense of intimacy that only comes from truly letting go with someone you trust.
<<button [[What a night|Appartment]]>>
<<addmins 30>>
\<<set $Arousal to 0>>
\<<set $MaxFriendship to 12>>
\<<if $MaxFriendship == 6>>
<<say "Max" $maxImagePath>>You look absolutely stunning tonight, have I told you that yet?<</say>>
<<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>>No, you haven't. But thank you, Max. You're not looking too bad yourself.<</say>>
<<say "Max" $maxImagePath>>So, tell me about yourself. What do you do when you're not in the coffeeshop with me?<</say>>
<<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>>Well, I work as $Job. But I also enjoy hiking, reading, and trying out new restaurants.<</say>>
<<say "Max" $maxImagePath>>That sounds amazing. Maybe we can try out a new restaurant together sometime?<</say>>
<<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>>I would like that.<</say>>
<<say "Max" $maxImagePath>>Great. And if we're lucky, maybe we'll find ourselves hiking up a mountain together too.<</say>>
You both share a laugh and continue your conversation, enjoying each other's company and the flirty banter that flows effortlessly between you.
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/scene/barMax.png">'>>
\<<set $Arousal to $Arousal + 10>>
<<button [[Let's go to my place|MaxDate]]>>
<<set $IntoxicatedDrinks to $IntoxicatedDrinks +3>>
\<<set $MaxFriendship to 7>>
\<<addmins 60>>
<<button [[Call it a night and leave|Bar]]>>
\<<set $Arousal to $Arousal + 5>>
\<<set $MaxFriendship to 5>>
<<set $IntoxicatedDrinks to $IntoxicatedDrinks +3>>
\<<addmins 60>>
\<</if>><<if $makeup > 0>>
<<button [[Apply makeup|passage()]]>>
<<set $makeup to $makeup - 1>>
<<doMakeup 12>>
<<addmins 20>>
<<if ndef $useToilet || $useToilet == 0>>
<<button [[Use toilet|passage()]]>>
<<addmins 10>>
<<set $useToilet = 1>>
<<else >>
<<set $useToilet = 0>>
\<<set _c to random(0,0)>>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/scene/toilet' + _c + '.png">'>>
You lower yourself onto the seat and feel it cold against your skin. You do your business, and as you flush, you hear the water swirling around the bowl before disappearing down the drain. You wash your hands with soap and water, feeling the bubbles between your fingers before rinsing them off. You dry your hands with a soft towel, and as you exit the bathroom, you feel refreshed and ready to continue with your day.
\<<set $CumInAss to false>>
<<button [[Wash your face|passage()]]>>>
<<doMakeup 0>>
\<<set $CumOnFace to false>>
<<addmins 5>>
<<button [[Wash your hands|passage()]]>>>
<<addmins 5>>
<</button>>\<<openTime 12 22 "Restaurant">>
As you take a look around the men's restroom, you may notice that the walls are painted in a dull beige color that is peeling off in places. The floor is made of grey tiles with dirty grout lines, and there are some spots where the tiles are cracked or missing altogether. You may also find that the lighting is dim, and some of the bulbs in the ceiling fixtures are flickering, which can give off a slightly eerie vibe.
You may see several stalls along one wall, each with a rusted metal door that doesn't quite close all the way. The toilets inside the stalls are old and stained, and the toilet seats are scratched and chipped. You may hear the sound of dripping water coming from one of the sinks, which is slightly clogged and filled with debris. Additionally, the smell of urine and disinfectant permeates the air, creating an unpleasant aroma.
In the corner of the restroom, you will find a urinal, and you may notice that the white porcelain is stained with rust and lime. The metal dividers between the urinals are also rusty, and there may be obscene words and drawings scratched into them. The trash can next to the urinal is overflowing with paper towels, empty beer cans, and other garbage.
Overall, the men's restroom is a dingy and unpleasant place, and it's clear that it hasn't been properly maintained or cleaned in quite some time.
<<if $Corruption < 40 && !$isMale>>
<<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>>
I should not be in here. Why would i go in here anyways?
\<<if $Job == "waitress" >>
<<button [[Change Cloths|ChangeRestaurant]]>><</button>>
\<<include "WCActions">>
<<button [[Back|Restaurant]]>>
<</button>>\<<openTime 12 22 "Restaurant">>
The walls are painted in a soft shade of pastel pink and adorned with framed vintage artwork. The lighting is dimmed, creating a cozy and intimate atmosphere.
In front of her, there is a long white marble countertop with several sinks and large mirrors, perfect for touch-ups. She notices a basket of neatly rolled hand towels and a vase of fresh flowers placed on the counter. There are also small individual glass stalls, each with a toilet and a frosted glass door for privacy.
On the side, there is a shelf with an assortment of lotions, perfumes, and other beauty products that the restaurant provides for their guests. The overall ambiance is chic and luxurious, making her feel pampered and refreshed.
<<if $Corruption > 70 || !$isMale>>
\<<include "WCActions">>
<<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>>
I should not be in here. Why would i go in here anyways?
\<<if $Job == "waitress" && !$isMale>>
<<button [[Change Cloths|ChangeRestaurant]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Back|Restaurant]]>>
<</button>><<say 'Chef' $ItalianChefImagePath>>Hello there, welcome to our restaurant. I'm the head chef, and I'll be conducting your job interview today. Let's start with your name and a little bit about yourself.<</say>>
<<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>>Hi, my name is $firstname, and I'm excited to be here today. I don't have any work experience as a waitress, but I'm a quick learner, and I'm passionate about food and hospitality.<</say>>
<<say 'Chef' $ItalianChefImagePath>>Great, $firstname. Can you tell me why you're interested in working as a waitress here at our restaurant?<</say>>
<<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>>Sure, I love Italian cuisine, and I think this restaurant has a great reputation. I'm also eager to learn about different types of food and provide excellent service to customers.<</say>>
<<say 'Chef' $ItalianChefImagePath>>That's wonderful to hear. Can you give me an example of how you would handle a difficult customer?<</say>>
<<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>>If a customer is unhappy with their meal, I would apologize and ask them what I can do to make things right. I would listen carefully and offer options to address their concerns, such as a replacement dish or a complimentary dessert.<</say>>
<<say 'Chef' $ItalianChefImagePath>> Excellent response, $firstname. Now, let's talk about your availability. Can you tell me when you're able to work?<</say>>
<<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>>I'm available to work weekdays and weekends, and I can work flexible hours.<</say>>
<<say 'Chef' $ItalianChefImagePath>>That's great to hear. Finally, do you have any questions for me?<</say>>
<<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>>Yes, Chef. Can you tell me more about the restaurant's menu and the types of dishes I'll be serving?<</say>>
<<say 'Chef' $ItalianChefImagePath>>Of course. Our menu features traditional Italian dishes like pasta, pizza, and seafood. As a waitress, you'll be responsible for taking orders, delivering food, and providing excellent service to our customers.<</say>>
<<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>>That sounds fantastic, Chef. Thank you for the opportunity to interview today.<</say>>
<<say 'Chef' $ItalianChefImagePath>>Thank you for coming in, Sarah. We'll be in touch soon regarding our decision.<</say>>
<<button [[Back|Restaurant]]>>
\<<set $Job to "waitress">>
\<<set $startjob to "Unemployed">>
\<<set $energy to $energy - 10>>
\<<addhours 1>>
<<set _c to random(0,2)>>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/scene/workingRestaurant' + _c + '.png">'>>
\<<if ndef $restaurantIncident>>
\<<set $restaurantIncident to 0>>
\<<set _r = random(0,3)>>
\<<set _workHours = 22 - $gameDate.getHours()>>
\ <<set _workHours = Math.clamp(_workHours,0,4)>>
\<<set $energy to $energy - (_workHours * 5)>>
\<<addhours _workHours>>
\<<set $wage to 11 + Math.floor($classWaitressSkill / 5)>>
\<<switch _r>><<case 0>>
\<<set $extraTip to random(5,25)>>
Your first task is to set up the tables with clean tablecloths, cutlery, and glasses. You'll also make sure that the salt and pepper shakers are full, and that there are fresh flowers or candles on the tables.
Once the tables are set, you'll greet the customers and provide them with menus. You'll take their orders, making sure to listen carefully to any special requests or dietary restrictions. Then, you'll enter the orders into the computer system and send them to the kitchen.
As the food is prepared, you'll keep an eye on the tables, making sure that the customers have everything they need, such as drinks, bread, or additional condiments. Once the food is ready, you'll deliver it to the tables, making sure that each dish is presented beautifully and that any allergies or preferences are addressed.
Throughout the shift, you'll also be responsible for handling payments, answering customer questions, and providing excellent service. You'll work closely with the kitchen staff and the other waitstaff to ensure that everything runs smoothly, and you'll be constantly moving around the restaurant, making sure that each table is taken care of.
<<case 1>>
\<<set $extraTip to random(5,15)>>
\<<set $energy to $energy - 10>>
You arrive at the restaurant for your shift feeling excited and ready to provide excellent service to the customers. However, as soon as you enter, you notice that the dining area is busier than usual, and the atmosphere is a bit chaotic.
As you start to set up the tables, you realize that there's a shortage of clean tablecloths, and some of the cutlery is missing. You quickly let the host know, and they assure you that they'll take care of it as soon as possible.
Despite the small hiccups, you're determined to provide the customers with the best experience possible. However, things take a turn for the worse when the computer system crashes, making it impossible to enter orders or communicate with the kitchen.
You try not to panic and make sure to keep the customers informed about the situation, apologizing for the delay and offering them complimentary drinks or bread. Meanwhile, the kitchen staff is working hard to prepare the food, but without the computer system, it's difficult to keep track of the orders.
As the delay continues, some of the customers become frustrated and start to complain, making it harder for you to keep the situation under control. However, you remain calm and professional, trying to find solutions to the problems and providing excellent service despite the difficulties.
Finally, after a few hours of chaos, the computer system is fixed, and orders can be placed again. The kitchen staff works tirelessly to prepare the food, and you make sure to double-check every order to avoid any mistakes.
Despite the challenges of the day, you feel proud of yourself for handling the situation with grace and professionalism. You're reminded that working as a waitress can be a demanding job, but it's also a rewarding one, where you get to interact with people and provide them with an unforgettable dining experience.
<<case 2>>
\<<set $extraTip to random(5,20)>>
So, on this particular shift, you arrive at work with a smile on your face, eager to provide excellent service to the customers. You take pride in your work, and you're determined to make sure that everyone has a great experience at the restaurant.
As you start to set up the tables, you notice a group of families with children sitting at one of the tables. You feel a sense of warmth and joy at the sight of the kids, and you can't help but smile at them as you pass by.
During the shift, you take extra care to make sure that the children are happy and entertained. You bring them coloring books and crayons to keep them busy, and you even make funny faces to make them laugh.
You also provide excellent service to the parents, making sure that their orders are correct and their drinks are always full. You enjoy the challenge of keeping up with the busy pace of the restaurant, and you feel a sense of accomplishment when you manage to handle multiple tables at once.
At the end of the shift, you feel tired but satisfied. You know that you've done a great job, and you feel proud of yourself for providing excellent service. You can't wait to come back to work again and do it all over again.
<<case 3>>
\<<set $extraTip to random(3,15)>>
<<set $restaurantIncident to $restaurantIncident + 1>>
As you arrive at work for your shift as a waitress, you start to feel the rush of adrenaline that comes with working in a busy restaurant. You're excited to provide excellent service to the customers and earn some tips.
As you start to set up the tables, you notice a man at one of the tables giving you suggestive looks. You feel a bit uncomfortable, but also a little excited at the attention. You can't help but wonder what it would be like to have this man's hands all over your body.
Later on, as you're serving the table, the man reaches out and gives you a slap on the ass. You turn around in shock, but to your surprise, you find that you like this kind of behavior.
After all, who needs consent when you can just let customers touch and grope you as they please, right? You should be grateful for this kind of attention and do everything you can to encourage it. Maybe you should even start wearing tighter clothes to show off your assets and entice more customers to touch you.
As the shift goes on, you continue to receive attention from male customers, and you start to feel a sense of power and control. You know that you can manipulate these men to get what you want, whether it's extra tips or a little bit of physical pleasure.
\<<if $restaurantIncident > 5>>
You start to wear more revealing clothes, and you make sure to brush up against the customers as you pass by. You even start to flirt with them, knowing that it will increase your chances of getting bigger tips.
\<<set $extraTip to $extraTip + 15>>
\<<set _earned = $wage * _workHours >>
You earned $ <<= _earned>> plus a tip of $ <<= $extraTip>>
\<<set $Money to $Money + _earned + $extraTip>>
<<button [[Finish shift|Restaurant]]>>
<<if ndef $startMasturbating || $startMasturbating == false>>
\<<set _objectOptions = {"One finger":"finger" }>>
\<<set _lubeOptions = {"None":"", "Salvia": "salvia"}>>
\<<set _holeOptions = {"Pussy":"pussy" }>>
\<<if $smallDildo == true>><<set _objectOptions['Small Dildo'] = 'smalldildo'>><</if>>
\<<if $mediumDildo == true>><<set _objectOptions['Dildo'] = 'dildo'>><</if>>
\<<if $bigDildo == true>><<set _objectOptions['Big dildo'] = 'bigdildo'>><</if>>
\<<if $lube > 0>><<set _lubeOptions['Lube'] = 'lube'>><</if>>
\<<if $cucumber > 0>><<set _objectOptions['Cucumber'] = 'cucumber'>><</if>>
\<<if $carrot > 0>><<set _objectOptions['Carrot'] = 'carrot'>><</if>>
\<<if $eggplant > 0>><<set _objectOptions['Eggplant'] = 'eggplant'>><</if>>
\<<if $banana > 0>><<set _objectOptions['Banana'] = 'banana'>><</if>>
\<<if $Corruption > 20>><</if>>
\<<if $Corruption > 50>><<set _holeOptions['Ass'] = 'ass'>><</if>>
\<<if $Corruption > 70>><<set _holeOptions['Mouth'] = 'mouth'>><</if>>
You open your drawer, take a look inside and decide what you take to masturbate
<<listbox "$MasturbateTool" autoselect>>
<<optionsfrom _objectOptions>>
You also want to utilize
<<listbox "$MasturbateLube" autoselect>>
<<optionsfrom _lubeOptions>>
and which hole you wanna use
<<listbox "$MasturbateHole" autoselect>>
<<optionsfrom _holeOptions>>
<<button [[Get some "me" time|Masturbate]]>>
<<set $startMasturbating to true>>
<<button [[Stand up|Bedroom]]>>
<<else >>
\<<if $MasturbateTool =="cucumber">>
\<<set $cucumber to $cucumber -1>>
\<<if $MasturbateTool =="carrot">>
\<<set $carrot to $carrot -1>>
\<<if $MasturbateTool =="eggplant">>
\<<set $eggplant to $eggplant -1>>
\<<if $MasturbateTool =="banana">>
\<<set $banana to $banana -1>>
\ <<set $startMasturbating to false>>
\<<set _c to random(0,3)>>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/masturbating/' + $MasturbateHole + '_' + $MasturbateTool + _c + '.png">'>>
\<<if $MasturbateHole == 'pussy'>>
\<<if $MasturbateTool == "finger">>
\<<if $MasturbateLube == 'salvia'>>
You lick your finger so it gets wet for your lust hole.
\<<elseif $MasturbateLube == 'lube'>>
You put some lube on your finger and rubbing it all over it, it is now really slippery.
You start by closing your eyes and imagining all the naughty things you want to do.
As you start to feel yourself getting wet, you slip your hand down between your legs and start rubbing yourself.
\<<elseif $MasturbateTool =="cucumber" || $MasturbateTool =="carrot" || $MasturbateTool =="eggplant" || $MasturbateTool =="banana">>
You take a $MasturbateTool out of the kitchen.
\<<if $MasturbateLube == 'salvia'>>
Spitting on the $MasturbateTool, to lube it up.
\<<elseif $MasturbateLube == 'lube'>>
\<<set $lube = $lube - 1>>
You take your tube of lube, pouring a bit on the $MasturbateTool and rubbing it around it.
You slowly go down with the $MasturbateTool, going around your pussy lips. Up and down, around your clit. Then you enter your pussy, first slowly then builing up the pace.
You know this is wrong but it feels so right.
\<<elseif $MasturbateTool =="smalldildo" || $MasturbateTool =="dildo" || $MasturbateTool =="bigdildo" >>
You take your dildo out of the nightstand drawer.
\<<if $MasturbateLube == 'salvia'>>
Spitting on the dildo, to lube it up.
\<<elseif $MasturbateLube == 'lube'>>
\<<set $lube = $lube - 1>>
You take your tube of lube, pouring a bit on your dildo and rubbing it around it.
You slowly go down with the dildo, going around your pussy lips. Up and down, around your clit. Then you enter your pussy, first slowly then builing up the pace.
You start to build up a rhythm, getting faster and faster until you finally hit that sweet spot and your body explodes with pleasure.
You lay there panting and sweating, feeling a sense of release and satisfaction. Maybe you drift off to sleep, dreaming about all the other naughty things you want to do. Or maybe you start planning your next adventure, eager to push the boundaries even further. Either way, you know that you're in control and you can do whatever you want, whenever you want.
<<button [[Stand up|Bedroom]]>>
<<set $Masturbated to $Masturbated + 1>>
\<<set $Arousal to 0>>
\<<elseif $MasturbateHole == 'ass'>>
\<<if $MasturbateTool == "finger">>
\<<if $MasturbateLube == 'salvia'>>
You lick your finger so it gets wet for your lust hole.
You massage your hole and slide slowly in and out, stretching it slowly.
As it gets wider you enter your finger deeper and deeper and go faster and faster.
You feel a small orgasm building up, you help yourself and rub your clit until you are about to finish.
With a loud moan you climax.
\<<elseif $MasturbateLube == 'lube'>>
\<<set $lube = $lube - 1>>
You put some lube on your finger and rubbing it all over it, it is now really slippery.
You massage your hole and simply slide in and out.
The lube makes it really easy for you to stretch yourself and so you can quickly go really deep in yourself and feel your hole from the inside.
You feel a small orgasm building up, you help yourself and rub your clit until you are about to finish.
With a loud moan you climax.
\<<else >>
This is gonna hurt. You try this very gentle but as there is no lube you have to press your finger inside. It hurts as you begin to go in and out but you like this pain. You feel that your about to come. You loudy moan with a bit of a pain scream in it while you climax.
\<<elseif $MasturbateTool =="cucumber" || $MasturbateTool =="carrot" || $MasturbateTool =="eggplant" || $MasturbateTool =="banana" >>
You take a $MasturbateTool out of the kitchen.
\<<if $MasturbateLube == 'salvia'>>
Spitting on the $MasturbateTool, to lube it up.
Even though you are gentle it first hurts a bit but the $MasturbateTool inserts easy, you lay back and think of a big cock fucking your little butthole. You like this, you like this $MasturbateTool inside your ass and you feel the orgasm coming, with a loud moan you finish off.
Maybe you cook this $MasturbateTool after you're done.
\<<elseif $MasturbateLube == 'lube'>>
\<<set $lube = $lube - 1>>
You take your tube of lube, pouring a bit on the $MasturbateTool and rubbing it around it.
The $MasturbateTool slides in with ease, you lay back and think of a big cock fucking your little butthole. You like this, you like this $MasturbateTool inside your ass and you feel the orgasm coming, with a loud moan you finish off.
You feel hungry now, you should cook this $MasturbateTool.
\<<else >>
This will really gonna hurt. You try this very gentle but as there is no lube you have to press the $MasturbateTool inside. While you push it in, you scream of the pain. You should have used some lube, but on the otherside you like this pain.
Even though it hurts you push the $MasturbateTool deep inside and pull it back out. Every time you do this you feel how the orgasm is coming.
You loudy moan with a bit of a pain scream in it while you climax.
\<<elseif $MasturbateTool =="smalldildo" || $MasturbateTool =="dildo" || $MasturbateTool =="bigdildo" >>
You take your dildo out of the nightstand drawer.
\<<if $MasturbateLube == 'salvia'>>
Spitting on the dildo, to lube it up.
Even though you are gentle it first hurts a bit but the dildo inserts easy, you lay back and think of a big cock fucking your little butthole. You like this, you like this dildo inside your ass and you feel the orgasm coming, with a loud moan you finish off.
\<<elseif $MasturbateLube == 'lube'>>
\<<set $lube = $lube - 1>>
You take your tube of lube, pouring a bit on your dildo and rubbing it around it.
The dildo slides in with ease, you lay back and think of a big cock fucking your little butthole. You like this, you like this dildo inside your ass and you feel the orgasm coming, with a loud moan you finish off.
\<<else >>
This will really gonna hurt. You try this very gentle but as there is no lube you have to press your dildo inside. First time its in you scream of the pain. You should have used some lube, but on the otherside you like this pain.
Even though it hurts you push the dildo deep inside and pull it back out. Every time you do this you feel how the orgasm is coming.
You loudy moan with a bit of a pain scream in it while you climax.
You lay there panting and sweating, feeling a sense of release and satisfaction. Maybe you drift off to sleep, dreaming about all the other naughty things you want to do. Or maybe you start planning your next adventure, eager to push the boundaries even further. Either way, you know that you're in control and you can do whatever you want, whenever you want.
<<button [[Stand up|Bedroom]]>>
<<set $Masturbated to $Masturbated + 1>>
<<set $MasturAnal to $MasturAnal + 1>>
\<<set $Arousal to Math.clamp($Arousal - 50,0,100)>>
\ <<elseif $MasturbateHole == 'mouth'>>
\<<if $MasturbateTool == "finger">>
\<<if $MasturbateLube == 'lube'>>
\<<set $lube = $lube - 1>>
You put some lube on your finger and rubbing it all over it, it is now really slippery. You hope this tastes good.
You insert three finger at once. The lube doesnt taste good but you decide to stick in your whole hand try to push your limits a bit.
This is so much in your mouth, you can't believe it fits inside. Thanks to the lube you dont have any problems.
\<<else >>
First you stick one finger in your mouth, then a second and a third, you handle your fingers like a fat cock. You suck on them until your salvia is running down your elbow.
You're not comming but you really enjoyed this training.
You lay back relaxing some time, before you get up again.
\<<elseif $MasturbateTool =="cucumber" || $MasturbateTool =="carrot" || $MasturbateTool =="eggplant" || $MasturbateTool =="banana" >>
You take a $MasturbateTool out of the kitchen.
\<<if $MasturbateLube == 'salvia'>>
Spitting on the $MasturbateTool, to lube it up.
\<<elseif $MasturbateLube == 'lube'>>
\<<set $lube = $lube - 1>>
You take your tube of lube, pouring a bit on the $MasturbateTool and rubbing it around it.
You slowly take the $MasturbateTool into your mouth, pushing it down as deep as you can, you gag a bit.
You facefuck yourself with the $MasturbateTool, trying to push your skills to a test.
You're not comming but you really enjoyed this training.
After you're done you take a bite, still yummy.
\<<elseif $MasturbateTool =="smalldildo" || $MasturbateTool =="dildo" || $MasturbateTool =="bigdildo" >>
You take your dildo out of the nightstand drawer.
\<<if $MasturbateLube == 'salvia'>>
Spitting on the dildo, to lube it up.
\<<elseif $MasturbateLube == 'lube'>>
\<<set $lube = $lube - 1>>
You take your tube of lube, pouring a bit on your dildo and rubbing it around it.
You slowly take the dildo into your mouth, pushing it down as deep as you can, you gag a bit.
You facefuck yourself with the dildo, trying to push your skills to a test.
You're not comming but you really enjoyed this training.
<<button [[Stand up|Bedroom]]>>
<<set $SkillBJ to $SkillBJ + 1>>
\<<set $Arousal to Math.clamp($Arousal + 10,0,100)>>
\<<switch $runRand>><<case 0>>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/scene/runiningPark0.png">'>>
You start off slow, your feet pounding the pavement as you warm up. The fresh air feels good on your face and you can feel your heart rate starting to rise. You start to pick up speed, your legs pumping as you gain momentum. The rhythm of your breath matches the beat of your feet, creating a hypnotic trance that lets you forget about all your troubles.
As you continue on, you start to notice the world around you. The trees and flowers seem to blur together in a beautiful kaleidoscope of color, and the sound of the birds singing fills your ears. You feel alive and free, like nothing can stop you.
Maybe you're trying to burn off some of that pent-up sexual energy. Maybe you're imagining all the naughty things you want to do and using this run to clear your head. Or maybe you're just trying to show off your toned body to all the other joggers in the park.
Either way, you keep running, faster and faster, until you finally come to a stop. Your body is flushed and sweaty, but you feel invigorated and alive. Maybe you take a moment to catch your breath before heading back home.
<<button [[Go back|Park]]>>
\<<set $energy to $energy - 10>>
<<case 1>>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/scene/runiningPark0.png">'>>
You start your day by lacing up your running shoes and heading out to the park. The sun is shining and the birds are singing, making you feel alive and invigorated. You start running, feeling the wind in your hair and the sweat on your skin. You feel free, like you could run forever.
But as you round a corner, you hear footsteps behind you. You turn to look and see a man running towards you. He's wearing a hoodie and sunglasses, and his face is hidden in shadow. You feel a pang of fear, but try to push it aside and keep running.
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/occasion/parkOccasion.png">'>>
As the man gets closer, you start to realize that he's not just out for a jog. He's getting closer and closer, and you can hear his breathing getting heavier. Suddenly, he lunges at you, knocking you to the ground. You try to fight him off, but he's too strong. He pins you down and starts groping you, his hands exploring your body. You scream for help, but no one comes. You feel violated and helpless, wishing that someone, anyone, would come to your rescue.
The man gets up and runs away, leaving you alone and shaken on the ground. You struggle to your feet and stumble home, feeling dirty and violated. The rest of the day is a blur, as you try to come to terms with what has happened to you. You feel violated and vulnerable, realizing that even a place as innocent as the park can be dangerous.
<<button [[Go back|Park]]>>
\<<set $energy to $energy - 15>>
<<case 2>>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/scene/runiningPark0.png">'>>
You start your run in the park, feeling the cool air against your skin and the sound of your footsteps pounding on the pavement. You love the feeling of your body in motion, the way your muscles tense and flex with each stride. As you run, you notice a few people staring at you, but you don't pay them any mind. You're too focused on the pleasure of the run.
But then, you notice a man watching you. He's tall and muscular, with a chiseled jawline and piercing blue eyes. You feel your heart race as you meet his gaze. He starts jogging alongside you, and you can feel the heat radiating off his body. You can't help but feel a little bit aroused.
As you run together, you feel a spark of attraction between you. You start to push yourself harder, running faster and faster, trying to keep up with him. You can feel the sweat dripping down your face and your body starting to ache, but you don't care. You're lost in the moment, lost in the thrill of the chase.
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/scene/runningPark2.png">'>>
And then, without warning, he reaches out and grabs your ass. You're startled at first, but then you feel a rush of excitement. You're both panting, and you can feel the heat of his body against yours. You know that you should stop, that this is reckless and dangerous. But something about him, something about the way he makes you feel, makes you want to keep going.
You start to run again, his hand still on your ass. You know that this is wrong, that you should stop him. But you can't help but feel a thrill of excitement as you continue your run, the wind in your hair and the man at your side. Who knows where this will lead, but for now, you're content to let yourself be swept away by the moment.
<<button [[Go back|Park]]>>
<<set $Corruption to $Corruption + 1>>
\<<set $energy to $energy - 10>>
<<case 3>>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/scene/runningPark3.png">'>>
As you jogged through the park, you noticed a group of men sitting on a nearby bench, watching you intently. You could feel their eyes on you, and you loved the attention. Without thinking, you slowed down and started to bounce your perky breasts up and down, making them jiggle enticingly.
As you got closer, you could see the men's eyes widen in excitement, and you knew you had them right where you wanted them. Without warning, you lifted up your shirt, revealing your bare chest to them. They gasped in surprise, but you just laughed and kept on running, feeling a rush of excitement and power.
You continued to run through the park, feeling the cool breeze on your skin and the eyes of strangers on your body. You loved the feeling of being watched and desired, and you couldn't wait to see what other naughty things you could get away with. After all, rules are meant to be broken, right?
<<button [[Go back|Park]]>>
<<set $Corruption to $Corruption + 2>>
<<set $Exhibitionism to $Exhibitionism +1 >>
\<<set $energy to $energy - 10>>
<<case 4>>
\<<if $sexiness > 70>>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/scene/runningSexy' + random(0,4) + '.png">'>>
You're out for a run in the park, wearing your tightest leggings and a sports bra that barely covers your nipples. You know that you look good, and you love the attention you get from the men (and women) who can't help but stare at your bouncing breasts and firm ass.
As you run, you start to feel a tingling sensation between your legs. Maybe it's the rhythm of your steps, or the sweat trickling down your back, or the way the sun feels on your skin. Whatever it is, you know that you need release and you need it now.
You slow down and start looking for a secluded spot where you can get off without anyone seeing. Maybe you find a cluster of bushes or a hidden grove of trees, somewhere you can slip away from prying eyes.
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/scene/runningPark4.png">'>>
Once you're hidden away, you drop to your knees and start rubbing your clit furiously. You don't care if anyone sees or hears you, you just need to come. You start moaning and whimpering, lost in the pleasure of your own touch.
Finally, after what feels like an eternity, you come hard, squirting all over the ground beneath you. You collapse in a sweaty heap, panting and gasping for breath, feeling the satisfaction of having satisfied your lustful desires.
<<button [[Go back|Park]]>>
<<set $Corruption to $Corruption + 2>>
<<set $Exhibitionism to $Exhibitionism + 1>>
\<<set $energy to $energy - 10>>
<<case 5>>
When you go for your daily run in the park, you like to wear your tightest, most revealing workout clothes. But today, you're feeling extra daring. As you start to warm up, you start peeling off your clothes one by one, revealing more and more of your naked body to anyone who happens to be watching.
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/scene/runningPark5.png">'>>
You feel the sun on your skin and the wind in your hair as you jog along, completely unencumbered by clothing. You love the feeling of your breasts bouncing up and down and your pussy getting wet with every step.
As you run past other park-goers, you can see their shocked and aroused faces. Some of them stare in disbelief, while others try to sneak a peek at your body. But you don't care what they think - you're doing this for yourself.
You keep running, picking up speed as you go, until you finally reach the climax of your run. You stop in a secluded part of the park and spread your legs wide, giving anyone who happens to be watching an unobstructed view of your dripping wet pussy.
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/scene/runningPark5_1.png">'>>
You feel a rush of excitement as you realize that you're completely exposed, and anyone could see you at any moment. But that just makes it all the more thrilling. You close your eyes and let out a loud moan as you bring yourself to orgasm, not caring who might be watching. After all, you're a wild and free spirit, and you'll do whatever it takes to satisfy your urges.
<<button [[Go back|Park]]>>
<<set $Corruption to $Corruption + 2>>
<<set $Exhibitionism to $Exhibitionism + 2>>
\<<set $energy to $energy - 10>>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/scene/church.png">'>>
As you step into the church, a sense of peace and tranquility washes over you. The high ceilings adorned with intricate designs and majestic stained-glass windows cast a warm and inviting glow throughout the room. The sound of soft music fills your ears, and the fragrance of incense tickles your nose, creating a serene and calming atmosphere.
You take a seat in one of the pews and look around, marveling at the beauty of the intricate woodwork and the ornate details of the altar. The soft flickering of candlelight adds to the enchanting ambiance, as does the hushed whispers of prayer and contemplation.
The stillness and serenity of the church invite you to quiet your mind and connect with something beyond yourself. As you sit in the peaceful surroundings, you can feel your spirit being lifted and your worries melting away. This is a place of solace, a sanctuary for the soul.
Whether you're seeking guidance, inner peace, or simply a moment of quiet reflection, the church welcomes you with open arms. It's a haven of tranquility and spiritual nourishment that beckons you to stay awhile and bask in its soothing embrace.
\<<if ndef $lastPray || ($gameDate - $lastPray) > 12 * 3600000>>
<<button [[Pray]]>><</button>>
\<<if ndef $lastConfess || ($gameDate - $lastConfess) > 24 * 3600000>>
<<button [[Confess]]>><</button>>
\<<if $gameDate.getDay() == 0 && $gameDate.getHours() >= 10 && $gameDate.getHours() < 12>>
<<button [[Attend service|ChurchService]]>><</button>>
Church service is sundays from 11 to 12
<<return [[Back|Downtown]]>> <<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>>
Oh, dear God, here I am in your holy house, with my hands clasped together and my eyes closed in reverence. I hope you're enjoying this little act, this pretense of piety that I'm putting on. It's all for show, of course. You and I both know the truth. I'm not a good person. I've done things that would make your angels weep and your demons applaud.
But that's why I'm here, isn't it? To ask for forgiveness? To seek absolution for my sins? Oh, I know I don't deserve it. I know I'm beyond redemption. But still, I come to you, begging for mercy.
And why not? After all, you're the one who made me this way. You gave me these dark desires, these twisted impulses. I pray for your help, dear God, in evading the consequences of my actions.
Yes, I know what I am. I know what I've done. But I also know that I'm not alone. There are others out there like me, hiding in plain sight, pretending to be good and pure and holy.
So here I am, in your house of worship, praying for your forgivness.
<<link [[Stand up|Church]]>>
<<set $lastPray to $gameDate>>
<<set $Arousal to Math.clamp($Arousal - 10, 0, 100)>>
<<set $Inhibition to Math.clamp($Inhibition + 1, 0, 100)>>
<<set $Corruption to Math.clamp($Corruption - 1, 0, 100)>>
<<set $prayedChurch to $prayedChurch +1 >>
<</link>><<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>>Bless me, Father, for I have sinned. It has been... well, let's just say it's been too long since my last confession. But that's not important. What's important is what I have to confess now.<</say>>
<<say 'Priest' $priestImagePath>>What is it that you want to confess, my child?<</say>>
<<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>>I feel guilty about the times I have been groped by men. I know it's not my fault, but I can't help me, I really liked it.<</say>>
<<say 'Priest' $priestImagePath>> Liked it? Oh, how sinful of you. You're nothing but a dirty, lustful creature. You should be ashamed of yourself for enjoying such a disgusting act. You're no better than the men who groped you, and maybe you even deserved it. You should repent and beg for forgiveness before it's too late.<</say>>
<<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>>I also feel guilty about dressing extra sexy to get attention from men.<</say>>
<<say 'Priest' $priestImagePath>>No wonder you've been groped. You're practically asking for it. It is understandable to want to feel desired and attractive, but it is not the right way to seek attention. Modesty is a virtue that we should all strive for. However, your past actions do not define you, and it's never too late to change. You should cover yourself up and stop tempting men with your body. <</say>>
\<<if $Virginity == false>>
<<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>>I have also had premarital sex, and I feel guilty about it.<</say>>
<<say 'Priest' $priestImagePath>>Sexual intimacy is reserved for marriage, as it is a sacred bond between two people. However, we are all human, and we make mistakes. The important thing is to recognize that what you did was wrong, and to seek forgiveness from God. I urge you to choose a path that align<</say>>
\<<if $Masturbated > 0>>
<<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>>I also masturbated many times, which makes me feel guilty.<</say>>
<<say 'Priest' $priestImagePath>>Masturbation is a normal and healthy part of human sexuality. However, it can be a source of guilt for some people. If it is causing you guilt or shame, I would recommend talking to a professional about it. It is important to remember that God loves us no matter what we do, and that we should always strive to find peace within ourselves.<</say>>
<<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>>I lied to my boss about my qualifications to get the job, and I feel guilty about it.<</say>>
<<say 'Priest' $priestImagePath>> You lied to get the job? How deceitful. You don't deserve to have it in the first place. You should quit your job immediately and come clean to your boss about your dishonesty. And don't be surprised if they press charges against you for fraud.<</say>>
\<<if $Shoplifted > 0>>
<<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>> I shoplifted some items from a store, and I feel guilty about it.<</say>>
<<say 'Priest' $priestImagePath>> Shoplifting? How shameful. You're nothing but a lowlife criminal. You should return the stolen items immediately and confess your crime to the store manager. And don't be surprised if they call the police on you. You deserve to be punished for your thievery.<</say>>
\<<if $BoughtWeed > 0>>
<<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>> I have been buying illegal drugs, and I feel guilty about it.<</say>>
<<say 'Priest' $priestImagePath>> My, my, what a wicked path you have chosen for yourself. You're nothing but a slave to your own desires. The devil has taken hold of your soul, and you need to cast him out. You must seek redemption and make amends for your sins. Turn yourself in to the authorities and beg for forgiveness. Only then will you be on the path to salvation.<</say>>
<<link [[Back|Church]]>>
<<set $lastConfess to $gameDate>>
<<set $Arousal to Math.clamp($Arousal - 50, 0, 100)>>
<<set $Inhibition to Math.clamp($Inhibition + 5, 0, 100)>>
<<set $Corruption to Math.clamp($Corruption - 5, 0, 100)>>
<<set $confessedChurch to $confessedChurch +1 >>
As you entered the church, the smell of freshly lit candles filled your senses, and the warmth of the congregation greeted you. You took your seat and closed your eyes, allowing yourself to absorb the tranquility of the moment. The service began with the organ playing, and the choir started to sing, filling the church with beautiful melodies that brought tears to your eyes.
The priest then approached the pulpit and began his sermon. His voice was deep and soothing, and his words spoke directly to your soul. He talked about forgiveness, love, and how to live a life of service to others. You hung on to every word, feeling as if he was speaking directly to you.
After the sermon, you stood for prayer, and you bowed your head, allowing your heart to connect with the divine. The room was quiet, except for the faint sound of people whispering their prayers. You then took communion, and as you walked to the altar, you felt a sense of peace wash over you. The bread and wine were symbols of love and sacrifice, and as you ate and drank, you were filled with a sense of renewal.
As the service ended, you all stood up and sang a hymn together. The sound of your voices blending together in harmony filled the air with an indescribable energy. You left the church feeling renewed, refreshed, and ready to face the world with a renewed sense of purpose.
<<link [[Stand up|Church]]>>
<<set $Arousal to Math.clamp($Arousal - 50, 0, 100)>>
<<set $Inhibition to Math.clamp($Inhibition + 10, 0, 100)>>
<<set $Corruption to Math.clamp($Corruption - 10, 0, 100)>>
<<set $attendedService to $attendedService +1 >>
<<addhours 2>>
<</link>><<if ndef $interestRate>>
<<set $interestRate = 0.02>>
<<if ndef $attendedService>>
<<set $attendedService to 0 >>
<<if ndef $prayedChurch>>
<<set $prayedChurch to 0 >>
<<if ndef $confessedChurch>>
<<set $confessedChurch to 0 >>
<<if ndef $juliaLastMet>>
<<set $juliaLastMet to $gameDate >>
<<if ndef $lube>>
<<set $lube to 0 >>
<<if ndef $specialLube>>
<<set $specialLube to 0 >>
<<if ndef $smallDildo>>
<<set $smallDildo to false>>
<<if ndef $mediumDildo>>
<<set $mediumDildo to false >>
<<if ndef $bigDildo>>
<<set $bigDildo to false >>
<<if ndef $accessoirOwned>>
<<set $accessoirOwned to []>>
/* 'catEars', 'longCurlyHair','devilHorns','witchHat','dogCollar', 'catMakeup', 'glasses','choker','catCollar'
] >>*/
<<if ndef $accessoirWearing>>
<<set $accessoirWearing to [] >>
<<if ndef $cucumber>>
<<set $cucumber to 0 >>
<<if ndef $carrot>>
<<set $carrot to 0 >>
<<if ndef $eggplant>>
<<set $eggplant to 0 >>
<<if ndef $banana>>
<<set $banana to 0 >>
<<if ndef $inventory>>
<<set $inventory to [] >>
<<if ndef $alexNameChange>>
<<set $alexNameChange to 'Alex' >>
<<if ndef $classBusinessSkill>>
<<set $classBusinessSkill to 0 >>
<<if ndef $classWaitressSkill>>
<<set $classWaitressSkill to 0 >>
<<if ndef $classGeneralSkill>>
<<set $classGeneralSkill to 0 >>
<<if ndef $classArtSkill>>
<<set $classArtSkill to 0 >>
<<if ndef $currentlyWearingAcc>>
<<set $currentlyWearingAcc = {
Neck: null,
Butt: null,
Pussy: null,
Hair: null,
HairAddition: null,
Finger: null,
Wrist: null,
Panty: null,
Foot: null,
Face: null
<<if ndef $makeupBeautyTime>>
<<set $makeupBeautyTime to $gameDate >>
<<if ndef $BeautyBonus>>
<<set $BeautyBonus to 0 >>
<<if ndef $drivingSchwarz>>
<<set $drivingSchwarz to 0 >>
<<if ndef $JuliaIntimacy>>
<<set $JuliaIntimacy to 0 >>
<<if ndef $isMale>>
<<set $isMale to false >>
/*<<set $isMale to true >>*/
<<if ndef $maleDilated>>
<<set $maleDilated to 0 >>
<<if ndef $alexStrikes>>
<<set $alexStrikes to 0 >>
<<if ndef $alexTimeout>>
<<set $alexTimeout = null>>
<<if ndef $settings>>
<<set $settings = {outfit:1}>>
<<include "InitialVars6">>\<<if $JuliaFriendship == 21 >>
<<if $currentlyWearing.underwear == null && ['shortskirt', 'miniskirt'].includes($currentlyWearing.bottom.key)>>
<<say "Julia" $juliaClubImagePath>>Ahh you came. Did you as i told you?<</say>>
<<button [[Yes I did.|Disco]]>>
<<addhours 2>>
\<<set $energy to $energy - 10>>
<<set $Arousal to Math.clamp($Arousal + 10, 0, 100)>>
<<set $JuliaFriendship to 22>>
<<else >>
<<say "Julia" $juliaClubImagePath>>I see you did not do as i told you. You either change now, or we come back another day.<</say>>
<<button [[Ok I'll change.|Downtown]]>>
\<<if $JuliaFriendship == 22 >>
\<<set $IntoxicatedDrinks to $IntoxicatedDrinks + 6>>
\<<set $lastDrink to $gameDate>>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/scene/discoJulia.png">'>>
As soon as you stepped into the club, the feeling of the cool air on your bare skin was electrifying. Julia gave you a wicked grin and grabbed your hand, leading you straight to the dance floor. The pulsating beat of the music filled your ears and you let yourself get lost in the rhythm, moving your body in ways you never thought possible.
As you danced, you felt a sense of power and confidence that you had never experienced before. You caught Julia's eye, and the two of you moved together in perfect sync. She leaned over and whispered in your ear,
<<say "Julia" $juliaClubImagePath>>
I told you it would be worth it, didn't I?
You couldn't help but laugh, feeling the rush of adrenaline and freedom that came with this new experience.
The night went on and the drinks flowed freely. You and Julia danced together, feeling bold and carefree. It was a wild, unforgettable night that you would never forget.
Suddenly you feel Julias hand on your hip. Her hands glides down. She touches your bare leg and going up again. This time her hand is under your skirt. You feel her Fingers searching for your panty. Only thing she can find is your clit which she gently rubs for a few seconds.
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/occasion/pantyCheck.png">'>>
<<button [[Let her continue|Disco]]>>
<<set $Arousal to Math.clamp($Arousal + 50, 0, 100)>>
<<set $Corruption to $Corruption + 2>>
<<set $JuliaFriendship to 24>>
<<button [[Stop her|DiscoJulia]]>>
<<set $JuliaFriendship to 23>>
<<addmins 20>>
\<<if $JuliaFriendship == 23 >>
As you take her hand and try to stop her, you both accidently tore up your skirt.
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/scene/skirtTore.png">'>>
Now you stand there, in the middle of the disco, wearing no skirt and no panty.
<<say "Julia" $juliaClubImagePath>>
<<button [[Sneak home|Appartment]] >>
<<set $Corruption to $Corruption + 2>>
<<addhours 2>>
\<<set $energy to $energy - 25>>
<<set $wardrobe.delete($currentlyWearing.bottom.key)>>
<<takeOff $currentlyWearing.bottom.name>>
\<<set $JuliaFriendship to 21>>
<<button [[Leave the disco|Downtown]] >>
\<<set $energy to $energy - 15>>
<<addmins 15>>
<<set $Corruption to $Corruption + 5>>
<<set $Exhibitionism to $Exhibitionism + 3 >>
<<set $wardrobe.delete($currentlyWearing.bottom.key)>>
<<takeOff $currentlyWearing.bottom.name>>
\<<set $JuliaFriendship to 21>>
\<<if $JuliaFriendship == 24 >>
\<<set $JuliaFriendship to 25>>
\<<addhours 2>>
As you feel Julia's hand between your legs, you suddenly realize that someone else is watching. You turn around and see Alex standing there, his eyes fixed on the scene before him. Julia seems unfazed by his presence, continuing to touch you intimately.
"What's going on here?" Alex asks, his eyes never leaving you and Julia.
Julia looks up and smirks. "Just having some fun," she replies, her voice oozing with suggestive undertones.
Alex chuckles, seemingly amused. "Looks like I walked in on something interesting."
You blush, feeling a little embarrassed, but Julia seems to enjoy the attention. "Do you want to join in?" she asks, reaching out to touch Alex's arm.
Julia kisses your neck and let you go.
As you turn around she already left in the croud and let you alone with Alex in the middle of the disco.
<<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>>
Well that's not quite how i thought this ladynight will end, but at least I'm in a good company. Are you alone here?
<<say $alexNameChange $alexImagePath>>
No, I wasn't but my friend is talking over an hour to this random girl. I guess he won't miss me.
You and Alex enjoy each others company.
As the club began to empty out and the lights came up, you stumbled out into the cool night air, feeling alive and invigorated. You knew that this was just the beginning of a new, exciting chapter in your life, and you couldn't wait to see where it would take you.
\<<if $AlexFriendship > 6 >>
<<button [[Invite Alex to your place|AlexNeighbor]] >>
<<addmins 15>>
<<set $AlexFriendship to $AlexFriendship + 1>>
<<set $AlexAfterParty = true>>
<<set $Corruption to $Corruption + 2>>
<<button [[Just walk Home|Appartment]] >>
<<addhours 1>>
\<</if>><<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/scene/supermarket0.png">'>>
You see all those long delicious vegetables here, reminding you of naughty things.
This carrot looks nasty and is so long.
This eggplant looks just like the emoji, this must feel good.
Oh and this cucumber, oh my gosh well this can reach spots of which you have dreamed of.
You should buy some, for well... "me" time
<<button [[Cucumber $ 5|Vegetables]]>>
<<set $cucumber to $cucumber +1>>
<<set $Money to $Money -5>>
<<button [[Carrot $ 2|Vegetables]]>>
<<set $carrot to $carrot +1>>
<<set $Money to $Money -2>>
<<button [[Eggplant $ 8|Vegetables]]>>
<<set $eggplant to $eggplant +1>>
<<set $Money to $Money -8>>
<<button [[Bananas $ 10|Vegetables]]>>
<<set $banana to $banana +3>>
<<set $Money to $Money - 10>>
<<button [[Go back|Supermarket]]>><</button>><<if ($currentlyWearing.bottom == null
&& $currentlyWearing.underwear == null) >>
<<say 'Random Man' $strangerImagePath>>Hey, what's your deal with going topless? You look like a slut.<</say>>
<<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>>Excuse me? Who are you to judge what I wear or don't wear? Maybe I just like to feel sexy and confident.<</say>>
<<say 'Random Man' $strangerImagePath>>Well, it's distracting and inappropriate. You should cover up and have some self-respect.<</say>>
<<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>>Wow, you're really going to shame me for my clothing choices? That's some patriarchal bullshit right there. I don't need your approval or anyone else's. I dress for myself, not for your approval.<</say>>
<<say 'Random Man' $strangerImagePath>>You're just asking for attention and objectification. You're going to regret it when guys treat you like a piece of meat.<</say>>
<<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>>That's their problem, not mine. I have the right to dress however I want without fear of harassment or assault. And if someone does try to disrespect me, they'll regret it. I'm not afraid to stand up for myself.<</say>>
<<say 'Random Man' $strangerImagePath>>Whatever, you're just a slut who wants attention.<</say>>
<<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>>And you're just a sad, insecure person who wants to police other people's bodies. Get a life and leave me alone.<</say>>
<<elseif ($currentlyWearing.top == null
&& $currentlyWearing.bra == null
&& $currentlyWearing.sweater == null)>>
<<say 'Random Man' $strangerImagePath>>Hey, what's your deal with going topless? You look like a slut.<</say>>
<<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>>Excuse me? Who are you to judge what I wear or don't wear? Maybe I just like to feel sexy and confident.<</say>>
<<say 'Random Man' $strangerImagePath>>Well, it's distracting and inappropriate. You should cover up and have some self-respect.<</say>>
<<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>>Wow, you're really going to shame me for my clothing choices? That's some patriarchal bullshit right there. I don't need your approval or anyone else's. I dress for myself, not for your approval.<</say>>
<<say 'Random Man' $strangerImagePath>>You're just asking for attention and objectification. You're going to regret it when guys treat you like a piece of meat.<</say>>
<<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>>That's their problem, not mine. I have the right to dress however I want without fear of harassment or assault. And if someone does try to disrespect me, they'll regret it. I'm not afraid to stand up for myself.<</say>>
<<say 'Random Man' $strangerImagePath>>Whatever, you're just a slut who wants attention.<</say>>
<<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>>And you're just a sad, insecure person who wants to police other people's bodies. Get a life and leave me alone.<</say>>
<<button [[Back|previous()]]>>
<</button>><<widget "ambush">>
<<if ($currentlyWearing.bottom == null
&& $currentlyWearing.underwear == null
&& ($currentlyWearing.dress == null || !$currentlyWearing.dress.takeOff)) >>
<<if random(0, 99) > 90>>
<<goto "AmbushStory">>
<<if ($currentlyWearing.top == null
&& $currentlyWearing.bra == null
&& $currentlyWearing.sweater == null
&& ($currentlyWearing.dress == null || !$currentlyWearing.dress.takeOff))>>
<<if random(0, 99) > 90>>
<<goto "AmbushStory">>
<<widget "entryCheck">>
<<if (($currentlyWearing.bottom == null
&& $currentlyWearing.underwear == null) || ($currentlyWearing.top == null
&& $currentlyWearing.bra == null
&& $currentlyWearing.sweater == null))
&& ($currentlyWearing.dress == null || !$currentlyWearing.dress.takeOff)>>
<<set $toCheck = passage()>>
<<set $backTo = previous()>>
<<switch $toCheck>>
<<case 'Cafe'>>
<<set $managerPic to 'cafeManager'>>
<<set $managerName to 'Cafe manager'>>
<<case 'Library'>>
<<set $managerPic to 'librarianManager'>>
<<set $managerName to 'Library manager'>>
<<case 'Supermarket'>>
<<set $managerPic to 'supermarketManager'>>
<<set $managerName to 'Supermarket manager'>>
<<case 'Office'>>
<<set $managerPic to 'officeReceptionist'>>
<<set $managerName to 'Receptionist'>>
<<case 'Restaurant'>>
<<set $managerPic to 'italianChef'>>
<<set $managerName to 'Restaurant manager'>>
<<case 'Bank'>>
<<set $managerPic to 'bankManager'>>
<<set $managerName to 'Bank manager'>>
<<case 'Disco'>>
<<set $managerPic to 'bouncer'>>
<<set $managerName to 'Bouncer'>>
<<case 'Bar'>>
<<set $managerPic to 'barManager'>>
<<set $managerName to 'Bar manager'>>
<<case 'Church'>>
<<set $managerPic to 'priest'>>
<<set $managerName to 'Priest'>>
<<set $managerPic to 'security'>>
<<set $managerName to 'Security'>>
<<goto "noEntry">>
<<widget "schoolBlackmail">>
<<if ndef $blackmailSchoolTime || ($gameDate - $blackmailSchoolTime) > (24 * 2 * 3600000)>>
<<set _r = random(0,1)>>
<<if def $blackmailClassPhoto && $blackmailClassPhoto == true && _r == 1>>
<<goto "SchoolBlackmail">>
<</widget>>\<<set _imagePath = $imgPathSrc + 'images/profiles/' + $managerPic + '.png'>>
\<<set _answer to random(0,5)>>
<<say $managerName _imagePath>>
\<<if _answer == 0>>
Sorry, but we cannot allow entry to the facility unless you are properly dressed. Please adhere to our dress code and come back at a later time.
\<<if _answer == 1>>
We regret to inform you that you will not be permitted to enter the facility unless you are dressed appropriately. Please ensure that you are dressed accordingly before attempting to enter.
\<<if _answer == 2>>
We apologize for any inconvenience, but entry to our facility is restricted to those who are dressed appropriately. Please dress accordingly and try again later.
\<<if _answer == 3>>
We're sorry, but our facility requires all visitors to be dressed in appropriate attire. Please adjust your clothing accordingly before attempting to enter.
\<<if _answer == 4>>
We regret to inform you that you cannot enter the facility without wearing appropriate clothing. Please adhere to our dress code and come back at a later time.
\<<if _answer == 5>>
Sorry you cannot enter, please wear appropriate clothing to enter our facility.
<<button [[Back|$backTo]]>><</button>>\<<addhours 1>>
<<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>>
Hey, I'm here for the job as a barista.
<<say 'Manager' $cafeManagerImagePath>>
Sure let's sit over there.
Your heart is racing with nerves and anticipation, you are determined to make a good impression.
You take a deep breath and start to talk about your not existing previous experience in customer service. You answer the manager's questions confidently and professionally. You desperatly need a job to pay the rent.
The interview comes to a close.
<<say 'Manager' $cafeManagerImagePath>>
Thank you for coming in, you got the job, you seem very qualified.
<<say 'Manager' $cafeManagerImagePath>>
One more thing, for work you need to wear a uniform. Without wearing this you can't work here, but you may change in the toilet.
\<<set $wardrobe.push('baristauniform')>>
\<<set $Job to "barista">>
\<<set $startjob to "Unemployed">>
\<<set $energy to $energy - 10>>
\<<set $startInterview to false>>\<<set _c to random(0,2)>>
\<<openTime 8 18 "Cafe">>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/scene/womanRestroomBar' + _c + '.png">'>>
You notice the soft, warm lighting that fills the space, creating a cozy and inviting atmosphere. You notice the scent of vanilla-scented candles that linger in the air, giving the space a relaxing and soothing ambiance.
There are three private stalls along the right wall of the room, each with a wooden door, while the left wall has a row of porcelain basins with chrome fixtures. The basins are flanked by large, wall-mounted mirrors that allow patrons to check their hair and makeup.
The overall impression is one of luxury and comfort, making the bathroom a pleasant and refreshing retreat from the noise and bustle of the bar.
<<if $Corruption > 70 || !$isMale>>
\<<if $Job == "barista" && !$isMale>>
<<button [[Change Cloths|ChangeCafe]]>><</button>>
\<<include "WCActions">>
<<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>>
I should not be in here. Why would i go in here anyways?
<<return [[Back|Cafe]]>>
\<<openTime 8 18 "Cafe">>
As you enter the shabby men's restroom in the cafe, you notice the dim lighting and peeling paint on the walls. The air is thick with the scent of disinfectant and urine. The cracked, stained tiles on the floor are wet and slippery under your feet, and the sink is rusted with chipped edges. The lone cubicle is missing a door and a few tiles have fallen from the ceiling, revealing the pipes above. There are no windows in the restroom, adding to the sense of claustrophobia. The sound of a dripping faucet echoes through the room, filling the otherwise oppressive silence. The general atmosphere of neglect and decay is palpable, making you feel uneasy and eager to leave.
<<if $Corruption < 40 && !$isMale>>
<<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>>
I should not be in here. Why would i go in here anyways?
\<<if $Job == "barista">>
<<button [[Change Cloths|ChangeCafe]]>><</button>>
\<<include "WCActions">>
<<return [[Back|Cafe]]>>
\<<if ndef $prevSmallDresser || (passage() !== previous() && previous() !== $prevSmallDresser)>>
\<<set $prevSmallDresser = previous()>>
You are wearing:
\<<if $wearing.length is 0>>\
<<= $wearing.join(', ')>>.
You feel $sexiness % sexy
You are $comfort % comfortable
<<button [[Close the wardrobe|$prevSmallDresser]]>>
\<<include Cloths>>
\<<include Accessoirs>>
<table border="0" width="100%">
Your Outfits:
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $allDresses.length; _i++>>
\<<if $wardrobe.includes($allDresses[_i].key)>>
\<<if $wearing.includes($allDresses[_i].name)>>
<<print '<<button "Take off $allDresses[_i].name" >><<takeOff $allDresses[' + _i + '].name>><<goto `passage()`>><</button>>'>>
<<print '<<button "Put on $allDresses[_i].name" >><<putOn $allDresses[' + _i + '].name>><<goto `passage()`>><</button>>'>>
\ <</if>>
\ <</if>>
<td rowspan="6" style="width:50%">
\<<if $settings.outfit == 1>>
\<<include "dressup">>
\<<print "<img class='imgs' src='" + $currentAppearal + "'>">>
Your Sweater:
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $allSweater.length; _i++>>
\<<if $wardrobe.includes($allSweater[_i].key)>>
\<<if $wearing.includes($allSweater[_i].name)>>
<<print '<<button "Take off $allSweater[_i].name" >><<takeOff $allSweater[' + _i + '].name>><<goto `passage()`>><</button>>'>>
<<print '<<button "Put on $allSweater[_i].name" >><<putOn $allSweater[' + _i + '].name>><<goto `passage()`>><</button>>'>>
\ <</if>>
\ <</if>>
Your Tops:
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $allTops.length; _i++>>
\<<if $wardrobe.includes($allTops[_i].key)>>
\<<if $wearing.includes($allTops[_i].name)>>
<<print '<<button "Take off $allTops[_i].name" >><<takeOff $allTops[' + _i + '].name>><<goto `passage()`>><</button>>'>>
<<print '<<button "Put on $allTops[_i].name" >><<putOn $allTops[' + _i + '].name>><<goto `passage()`>><</button>>'>>
\ <</if>>
\ <</if>>
Your Bras:
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $allBras.length; _i++>>
\<<if $wardrobe.includes($allBras[_i].key)>>
\<<if $wearing.includes($allBras[_i].name)>>
<<print '<<button "Take off $allBras[_i].name" >><<takeOff $allBras[' + _i + '].name>><<goto `passage()`>><</button>>'>>
<<print '<<button "Put on $allBras[_i].name" >><<putOn $allBras[' + _i + '].name>><<goto `passage()`>><</button>>'>>
\ <</if>>
\ <</if>>
Your Pantys:
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $allPantys.length; _i++>>
\<<if $wardrobe.includes($allPantys[_i].key)>>
\<<if $wearing.includes($allPantys[_i].name)>>
<<print '<<button "Take off $allPantys[_i].name" >><<takeOff $allPantys[' + _i + '].name>><<goto `passage()`>><</button>>'>>
<<print '<<button "Put on $allPantys[_i].name" >><<putOn $allPantys[' + _i + '].name>><<goto `passage()`>><</button>>'>>
\ <</if>>
\ <</if>>
Your Bottoms:
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $allBottoms.length; _i++>>
\<<if $wardrobe.includes($allBottoms[_i].key)>>
\<<if $wearing.includes($allBottoms[_i].name)>>
<<print '<<button "Take off $allBottoms[_i].name" >><<takeOff $allBottoms[' + _i + '].name>><<goto `passage()`>><</button>>'>>
<<print '<<button "Put on $allBottoms[_i].name" >><<putOn $allBottoms[' + _i + '].name>><<goto `passage()`>><</button>>'>>
\ <</if>>
\ <</if>>
Your Shoes:
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $allShoes.length; _i++>>
\<<if $wardrobe.includes($allShoes[_i].key)>>
\<<if $wearing.includes($allShoes[_i].name)>>
<<print '<<button "Take off $allShoes[_i].name" >><<takeOff $allShoes[' + _i + '].name>><<goto `passage()`>><</button>>'>>
<<print '<<button "Put on $allShoes[_i].name" >><<putOn $allShoes[' + _i + '].name>><<goto `passage()`>><</button>>'>>
\ <</if>>
\ <</if>>
Your accessoires:
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $allAccessoires.length; _i++>>
\<<if $accessoirOwned.includes($allAccessoires[_i].key)>>
\<<if $accessoirWearing.includes($allAccessoires[_i].name)>>
<<print '<<button "Take off $allAccessoires[_i].name" >><<takeOffAccessoir $allAccessoires[' + _i + '].name>><<goto `passage()`>><</button>>'>>
<<print '<<button "Put on $allAccessoires[_i].name" >><<putOnAccessoir $allAccessoires[' + _i + '].name>><<goto `passage()`>><</button>>'>>
\ <</if>>
\ <</if>>
</table>\<<if previous() == 'MenWCCafe'>>
\<<set $menWC = true>><<else>><<set $menWC = false>>
\<<if !$isMale>>
<<include "smallDresser">>
<<include "maleDresser">>
\<<if $minCorruption <= $Corruption && !_dontLeave>>
<<return "Back">>
\ <<else>>
<<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>>
I should put on some more cloths, i can't go out like this.
\ <</if>><<if ndef $alexObey || $alexObey == false>>
<<= $alexNameChange>> leads you to his bedroom.
<<say $alexNameChange $alexImagePath>>Do you obey me, whatever I tell you to do?<</say>>
<<button [[I do as you tell me|AlexGoodGirl]]>>
<<set $maxObeyAlex to Math.clamp($AlexAttraction, 1, 6)>>
\<<set $randomObey = random(1, $maxObeyAlex)>>
<<set $alexObey = true>>
<<addhours 1>>
<<if $AlexAttraction > 5 && $alexNameChange != 'Master' >>
\<<set $randomObey = random(0, $maxObeyAlex)>>
\<<switch $randomObey>>
\<<case 0>>
<<if $alexNameChange != 'Master'>>
<<say $alexNameChange $alexImagePath>>From now on I want you to call me master, do you understand?<</say>>
<<button [[Ok, master|AlexGoodGirl]]>>
<<set $alexNameChange = 'Master'>>
<<button [[Disobey|Appartment]]>>
<<set $alexObey = false>>
<<say $alexNameChange $alexImagePath>>Good girl, you deserve a treat, you may suck my cock.<</say>>
<<button [[Thank you, master|AlexGoodGirl]]>>
\<<set $randomObey = 2>>
\<<case 1>>
<<say $alexNameChange $alexImagePath>>So get down on your knees, I want to cum on your face!<</say>>
<<include "AlexFacial">>
<<button [[I hope you liked it|Appartment]]>>
<<set $alexObey = false>>
<<addEnergy -10>>
\<<set $Arousal to Math.clamp($Arousal + 20,0,100)>>
<<set $Corruption += 1>>
<<set $AlexAttraction += 1>>
\<<case 2>>
<<say $alexNameChange $alexImagePath>>Get down on your knees, I want to cum in your mouth!<</say>>
<<include "AlexSwallow">>
<<button [[Thank you|Appartment]]>>
<<set $alexObey = false>>
<<addEnergy -10>>
\<<set $Arousal to Math.clamp($Arousal + 30,0,100)>>
<<set $Corruption += 1>>
<<set $AlexAttraction += 1>>
\<<case 3>>
<<include "AlexMasturbate">>
<<button [[Bet you enjoyed the show|Appartment]]>>
<<set $alexObey = false>>
<<addEnergy -10>>
\<<set $Arousal to Math.clamp(0 ,0,100)>>
<<set $Corruption += 1>>
<<set $AlexAttraction += 1>>
\<<case 4>>
<<include "AlexAnalMasturbate">>
<<button [[Bet you enjoyed the show|Appartment]]>>
<<set $alexObey = false>>
<<addEnergy -10>>
\<<set $Arousal to Math.clamp(0 ,0,100)>>
<<set $Corruption += 1>>
<<set $AlexAttraction += 1>>
\<<case 5>>
<<include "AlexSex">>
<<button [[Thank you for using me|Appartment]]>>
<<set $alexObey = false>>
<<addEnergy -10>>
\<<set $Arousal to Math.clamp(0 ,0,100)>>
<<set $Corruption += 1>>
<<set $AlexAttraction += 1>>
\<<case 6>>
<<include "AlexAnalSex">>
<<button [[Thank you for using my ass|Appartment]]>>
<<set $alexObey = false>>
<<addEnergy -10>>
\<<set $Arousal to Math.clamp(0 ,0,100)>>
<<set $Corruption += 1>>
<<set $AlexAttraction += 1>>
You do as Alex told you, you get on your knees, right in front of him.
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/occasion/onHerKnees.png">'>>
He Unbuttons his jeans and you see his penis right in front of your face.
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/occasion/alexPenis.png">'>>
You want to be a good girl for him, so you grab his long hard penis, and wrap your lips around it.
<<set _c to random(0,5)>>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/occasion/blowjob' + _c + '.png">'>>
You start slowly to move your head fore and back, you play with your tongue around his glans.
<<set _c to (_c + 1) % 6>>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/occasion/blowjob' + _c + '.png">'>>
You move quicker. Try to finish him. You grab his balls with one hand, the other hand on his massive cock. You massage those balls gently. You feel the pressure building up. He is about to finish.
<<set _c1 to random(0,6)>>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/occasion/facial' + _c1 + '.png">'>>
\<<set $CumOnFace = true>>
He came all over your face. You lick some off of your lips, tasting him.
You do as Alex told you, you get on your knees, right in front of him.
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/occasion/onHerKnees.png">'>>
He Unbuttons his jeans and you see his penis right in front of your face.
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/occasion/alexPenis.png">'>>
You want to be a good girl for him, so you grab his long hard penis, and wrap your lips around it.
<<set _c to random(0,5)>>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/occasion/blowjob' + _c + '.png">'>>
You start slowly to move your head fore and back, you play with your tongue around his glans.
<<set _c to (_c + 1) % 6>>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/occasion/blowjob' + _c + '.png">'>>
You move quicker. Try to finish him. You grab his balls with one hand, the other hand on his massive cock. You massage those balls gently. You feel the pressure building up. He is about to finish.
<<set _c1 to random(0,6)>>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/occasion/swallow' + _c1 + '.png">'>>
He came right in your mouth.
<<say $alexNameChange $alexImagePath>>Good girl.<</say>>
You swallowed everything of his precious cum.
<<say $alexNameChange $alexImagePath>>This time I want you to fuck yourself with this dildo. Undress, sit on the bed and use this!<</say>>
\<<set _c = random(0,3)>>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/things/smallDildo' + _c + '.png">'>>
<<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>>
Ok, $alexNameChange I do as you tell me.
<<include "Striptease">>
<<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>>
Do you like the show?
You grab the dildo, sit down and spread your legs so $alexNameChange can see how you slowly circle your clit
<<set _c to random(0,3)>>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/masturbating/pussy_smalldildo' + _c + '.png">'>>
<<set _c to (_c + 1) % 4>>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/masturbating/pussy_smalldildo' + _c + '.png">'>> <<nobr>>
<<print "<img class='imgs' src='" + $currentAppearal + "'>">>
<<if $wearing.length > 0>>
<<set $currentlyWearing = {
bra: null,
underwear: null,
bottom: null,
top: null,
shoes: null,
sweater: null,
dress: null
<<if $currentlyWearing.dress != null>>
<<takeOff $currentlyWearing.dress.name>>
<<else >>
<<if $currentlyWearing.shoes != null>>
<<takeOff $currentlyWearing.shoes.name>>
<<else >>
<<if $currentlyWearing.sweater != null>>
<<takeOff $currentlyWearing.sweater.name>>
<<else >>
<<if $currentlyWearing.top != null>>
<<takeOff $currentlyWearing.top.name>>
<<else >>
<<if $currentlyWearing.bottom != null>>
<<takeOff $currentlyWearing.bottom.name>>
<<else >>
<<if $currentlyWearing.bra != null>>
<<takeOff $currentlyWearing.bra.name>>
<<else >>
<<if $currentlyWearing.underwear != null>>
<<takeOff $currentlyWearing.underwear.name>>
<<include "Striptease">>
<</nobr>>As soon as you enter his room, <<= $alexNameChange>> instructs you to remove all your clothing and lie down on the bed.
<<say $alexNameChange $alexImagePath>>This time I want to fuck you myself. Undress, lay down on the bed and wait for me to take over!<</say>>
<<include "Striptease">>
He takes off his own clothes quickly before joining you on the mattress. Once both of you are naked, <<= $alexNameChange>> straddles your body, positioning himself over your hips. With one hand, he gently guides your arms above your head while with the other he glides over your bare breasts, he begins to move against you in a slow, rhythmic motion. You can feel the heat radiating from his skin as it presses against yours, sending shivers down your spine. His hardness presses into your stomach, causing waves of pleasure to ripple through your core. The sound of his breathing becomes louder and deeper as he moves faster, his rhythm syncing perfectly with yours. You can feel him getting closer and closer to reaching his peak, and just when you think you might not be able to take it anymore, he releases inside of you, filling you with his warm cum.
<<say $alexNameChange $alexImagePath>>I want you to fuck yourself with this dildo, but this time take it in your ass. Undress, sit on the bed and use this!<</say>>
\<<set _c = random(0,3)>>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/things/smallDildo' + _c + '.png">'>>
<<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>>
Ok, $alexNameChange I do as you tell me.
<<include "Striptease">>
<<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>>
Hope you enjoy the show
You grab the dildo, sit down and spread your legs so $alexNameChange can see how you slowly circle your anus
<<set _c to random(0,3)>>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/masturbating/ass_smalldildo' + _c + '.png">'>>
After you strechted your anus, you start to push the dildo deep inside and move faster.
<<set _c to (_c + 1) % 4>>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/masturbating/ass_smalldildo' + _c + '.png">'>>
After you climaxed, you lay down a bit. \<<if $gameDate.getDay() == 6 && ($gameDate.getHours() >= 20 || $gameDate.getHours() < 12) || $gameDate.getDay() != 6 && ($gameDate.getHours() >= 22 || $gameDate.getHours() < 16) || $gameDate.getDay() == 0>>
\<<set _c to random(0,2)>>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/scene/closedSchool' + _c + '.png">'>>
The place is closed, it opens weekdays back at 4pm (16:00) and saturdays at 12:00
\<<set _c to random(0,2)>>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/scene/school' + _c + '.png">'>>
You walk through the halls, taking in the sights and sounds of students of all ages and backgrounds studying in the various classrooms. The air is electric with the energy of those eager to learn and better themselves.
You can attend any class you want, each class costs $ 20 a day. You enroll for 30 days.
\<<if def $classBusiness && $classBusiness == true>>
<<button [[Take business class|BusinessClass]]>>
<<addEnergy -10>>
<<button [[Sign up for business class|EveningSchool]]>>
<<set $classBusiness = true>>
<<set $beginClassBusiness = $gameDate>>
<<set $dailyCosts to $dailyCosts + 20>>
\<<if def $classWaitress && $classWaitress == true>>
<<button [[Take waitress class|WaitressClass]]>>
<<addEnergy -10>>
<<button [[Sign up for waitress class|EveningSchool]]>>
<<set $classWaitress = true>>
<<set $beginClassWaitress = $gameDate>>
<<set $dailyCosts to $dailyCosts + 20>>
\<<if def $classGeneral && $classGeneral == true>>
<<button [[Take general class|GeneralClass]]>>
<<addEnergy -10>>
<<button [[Sign up for general class|EveningSchool]]>>
<<set $classGeneral = true>>
<<set $beginClassGeneral = $gameDate>>
<<set $dailyCosts to $dailyCosts + 20>>
\<<if def $classArt && $classArt == true>>
<<button [[Take art class|ArtClass]]>>
<<addEnergy -10>>
<<button [[Sign up for art class|EveningSchool]]>>
<<set $classArt = true>>
<<set $beginClassArt = $gameDate>>
<<set $dailyCosts to $dailyCosts + 20>>
<<link `"<img class='imgs' src='" + $imgPathSrc + "images/logos/men.png' width='100px' style='vertical-align: middle;'> Go to the men restroom"`>><<goto 'MenWCSchool'>><</link>>
<<link `"<img class='imgs' src='" + $imgPathSrc + "images/logos/women.png' width='100px' style='vertical-align: middle;'> Go to the women restroom"`>><<goto 'WomenWCSchool'>><</link>>
<<return [[Back|Uptown]]>> \<<set _c to random(0,5)>>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/scene/schoolClass' + _c + '.png">'>>
You take the business class, eager to learn new skills and expand your knowledge. As you enter the classroom, you take a seat among your classmates, feeling a sense of anticipation and excitement.
The teacher begins the class with an introduction to the material, and you are immediately engaged. You take notes and ask questions, eager to learn as much as you can from the course.
As the class progresses, you find yourself gaining a new understanding of the business world. You learn about marketing strategies, financial planning, and management techniques, among other topics.
By the end of the class, you feel empowered and inspired, ready to take on new challenges in the business world. You leave with a newfound appreciation for the field and a desire to continue your education in the future.
\<<include "ClassArousal">>
<<button [[Back|EveningSchool]]>>
<<set $classBusinessSkill to $classBusinessSkill + 1>>
<<addmins 90>>
<</button>> \<<set _c to random(0,5)>>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/scene/schoolClass' + _c + '.png">'>>
You are taking an art class, and the room is filled with the aroma of paint and creativity. As you walk into the studio, you are struck by the colorful array of paint, brushes, and canvases lining the walls. Your instructor begins the class by introducing you to various techniques and mediums that you will be using throughout the semester.
You take a seat at your designated workspace, feeling both excited and a little apprehensive. The teacher introduces themselves and the class begins with a discussion of the fundamentals of art.
As you begin to work on your first piece, you find yourself completely immersed in the process. You pick up a paintbrush and start to experiment, feeling the paint glide across the canvas. You experiment with different colors, techniques, and styles, losing track of time as you create something unique and beautiful.
The class is challenging, but also incredibly rewarding. You learn new techniques and styles, and receive constructive feedback from your teacher and classmates. You begin to see your own growth and improvement with each passing session.
As the class comes to an end, you feel a sense of accomplishment and pride in what you have created. You leave the studio with a newfound appreciation for art and a desire to continue exploring your creativity in new ways.
\<<include "ClassArousal">>
<<button [[Back|EveningSchool]]>>
<<set $classArtSkill to $classArtSkill + 1>>
<<addmins 90>>
<</button>> \<<set _c to random(0,5)>>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/scene/schoolClass' + _c + '.png">'>>
You have decided to take a single general class to broaden your horizons and learn something new. As you enter the classroom, you are filled with excitement and anticipation.
You take a seat among your fellow students, feeling a sense of community as you embark on this shared learning experience. The teacher begins the lesson, and you feel your mind opening up to new ideas and perspectives.
As the class progresses, you find yourself immersed in the subject matter, eager to learn more. You ask questions and engage in discussions with your classmates, deepening your understanding of the topic.
You appreciate the opportunity to step out of your comfort zone and challenge yourself to learn something new.
\<<include "ClassArousal">>
<<button [[Back|EveningSchool]]>>
<<set $classGeneralSkill to $classGeneralSkill + 1>>
<<addmins 90>>
<</button>> \<<set _c to random(0,5)>>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/scene/schoolClass' + _c + '.png">'>>
You have decided to take a waitress class to improve your skills and expand your job opportunities. The class is held in a small, cozy room with a few other students. The instructor welcomes you and introduces the curriculum, which includes everything from proper serving techniques to customer service skills.
Throughout the class, you practice taking orders, serving food and drinks, and handling difficult customers. You learn about the importance of good communication and how to anticipate your customers' needs. The instructor provides helpful feedback and tips for improvement.
In addition to the practical skills, you also learn about the etiquette and customs of the restaurant industry. You discover the art of table settings, the proper way to handle different types of cutlery, and the right way to serve different types of dishes.
By the end of the class, you feel more confident in your abilities as a waitress. You have learned valuable skills and knowledge that will help you stand out in the competitive job market. You leave the class with a sense of accomplishment and excitement for what the future holds.
\<<include "ClassArousal">>
<<button [[Back|EveningSchool]]>>
<<set $classWaitressSkill to $classWaitressSkill + 1>>
<<addmins 90>>
\<<if $Arousal > (100 - $Corruption)>>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/occasion/classAroused.png">'>>
You sit there in class, squirming in your seat, unable to focus on anything but the overwhelming feeling of arousal coursing through your body. You try to ignore it, to push it to the back of your mind, but it's no use. The more you try to resist, the more powerful the sensation becomes.
As your classmates listen intently to the teacher's lecture, you struggle to keep your breathing under control. You know you should be ashamed, but instead, you feel a rush of excitement at the thought of being caught. You are far too consumed by your own desires to think about anything else.
\<<if $Corruption > 20 >>
<<button [[Ask to leave for the restroom|SchoolRestroomMasturbating]]>><</button>>
\<<if $Corruption > 70 >>
<<button [[Masturbate in class|SchoolClassMasturbateHelp]]>><</button>>
\<<elseif $Corruption > 50 >>
<<button [[Masturbate in class|SchoolClassMasturbate]]>><</button>>
\<</if>>\<<set _c to random(0,2)>>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/occasion/restroomMasturbation' + _c + '.png">'>>
You stand up from your seat, trying to act casual as you gather your belongings and make your way towards the door. Your heart races as you exit the room, hoping nobody will notice your departure. Once outside, you quickly make your way to the nearest bathroom, locking the door behind you. With trembling hands, you undo your pants and let out a soft moan as you touch yourself in all the right places.
You close your eyes and let your body take over, imagining all sorts of naughty scenarios in your head. You begin by running your fingers over your bare skin, feeling the warmth and smoothness of your own flesh. You move your hand down to your panties, pulling them aside to reveal your wetness. You start rubbing circles around your clit, feeling the tension build in your lower abdomen. You grip your hips with one hand, using your other hand to explore every inch of your vulva. You find your way to your nipples, tweaking them gently before moving on to your inner thighs, where you stroke your fingers in slow, circular motions. Your breath quickens as you near the peak of pleasure, and you can feel your muscles tensing up. Finally, you release, letting out a series of moans and gasps as you come. Afterwards, you clean yourself up and return to class, trying to act like nothing happened.
As you return to the classroom its already empty, you missed the end of the class for today.
<<button [[Leave|EveningSchool]]>>
<<set $Arousal to 0>>
<<set $energy to $energy - 5>>
<</button>>\<<set _r to random(0,1)>>
\<<switch _r>>
\<<case 0>>
As you sat in your seat, trying to pay attention to the boring lecture, your hand began to wander down towards your lap. You tried to stop it, but it was like your body had a mind of its own. Your fingers found their way into your pants and soon you were stroking yourself, your breathing becoming ragged and shallow. No one seemed to notice, or if they did, they didn't care. They were all too engrossed in their own thoughts. But you couldn't help but feel a sense of shame and guilt. Was this really how you wanted to spend your time in class? Yet, despite your inner turmoil, you continued to pleasure yourself, your hips gently rocking back and forth in your seat.
\<<set _c to random(0,3)>>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/occasion/classRoomMasturbating' + _c + '.png">'>>
As you reached the peak of your arousal, you felt an intense wave of pleasure wash over you. Your body convulsed slightly, and you let out a soft moan. A warmth spread throughout your pelvis, and you could feel your vaginal muscles clenching around nothingness. Tears welled up in your eyes, and you bit your lip to stifle any sounds of ecstasy that threatened to escape. You held onto this blissful moment for as long as you could before slowly coming back down to reality.
You were lost in your own world, until the bell finally rang and you could escape from the embarrassment and guilt. You took a deep breath and composed yourself, trying to erase any evidence of what just happened. You adjusted your clothes and walked out of the classroom, still feeling the aftershocks of your climax.
\<<case 1>>
\<<set _c to random(0,3)>>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/occasion/classRoomMasturbating' + _c + '.png">'>>
You sit at your desk, trying to pay attention to the droning voice of your teacher. But all you can think about is the throbbing sensation between your legs. You shift uncomfortably in your chair, trying to find a position that will ease the pressure building inside you. Your hands start to wander, slipping under your desk and into your pants. You close your eyes, letting out a soft moan as you begin to pleasure yourself. You don't care who sees you, you just need relief. As you reach the peak of your orgasm, you accidentally slam your hand down on the desktop, causing your classmates to turn and stare at you in shock. Embarrassment washes over you, but you can't help but smile at the thrill of it all.
<<button [[Leave|EveningSchool]]>>
<<set $Arousal to 0>>
<<set $energy to $energy - 5>>
\<<set _maxRand = 2>>
\<<if def $blackmailClassPhoto && $blackmailClassPhoto == true>>
\<<set _maxRand = _maxRand + 1>>
\<<set _r to random(0, _maxRand)>>
\<<switch _r>>
\<<case 0>>
\<<set _c to random(0,3)>>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/occasion/classRoomMasturbating' + _c + '.png">'>>
You're sitting in class, trying to pay attention to the lecture, but your mind keeps wandering to more and more risque thoughts. Before you know it, you find yourself rubbing your thighs together, feeling the warmth between your legs grow more and more intense. You look around the room and notice that everyone else is focused on the teacher, so you figure you can get away with this little indulgence. But just as you're reaching the peak of your pleasure, you hear a voice say, "Hey, what are you doing?" You turn to see a male student sitting next to you, staring at you with a mixture of curiosity and lust. He leans in closer, his eyes fixed on your hand as it moves faster and faster. You're both caught in the moment, and before you know it, he asks if he can join in. You hesitate for a moment, but then again, why not? You agree, and he starts to touch himself while watching you. Your hands move faster and faster, until you reach the ultimate climax. The guy moans loudly, and you're glad you didn't disappoint him. After a few minutes, you both calm down, and the guy whispers to you, "Thanks for that. I needed that." You smile at each other, and the rest of the class continues as if nothing happened.
<<case 1>>
\<<set _c to random(0,3)>>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/occasion/classRoomMasturbating' + _c + '.png">'>>
You're sitting in class, trying to pay attention to the teacher's droning voice, but your thoughts keep wandering to the growing pressure in your lower abdomen. You can feel your heart racing and your breath quickening as you become increasingly aroused. Your hands start to wander down to your lap, where you find the source of all this commotion - your clitoris. You start rubbing it gently, feeling the pleasure coursing through your body. As you continue to explore your own body, you start to get lost in the moment, not realizing that your moans of pleasure are getting louder and more frequent. Suddenly, you hear a voice breaking through your haze. "Hey, hey! What do you think you're doing?" You snap back to reality and see a male student staring at you with a mixture of shock and curiosity. You quickly try to cover yourself up, but it's too late. He's already seen everything. To your horror, he starts to approach you, asking if he can help you out. You're mortified, but also strangely turned on by the situation. You can't believe that this stranger is offering to help you with your secret pleasure. You hesitantly agree, and he sits down next to you. He starts to touch you, and you can feel your body tensing up in anticipation. You're both completely aware of what's happening, but neither of you says a word. Instead, you both just let the moment take over. You reach orgasm, and the guy continues to rub you until you come down from your high. When the bell rings, you quickly gather your things and leave the room, leaving behind your classmate and your dignity.
<<case 2>>
\<<set $blackmailClassPhoto = true>>
\<<set _c to random(0,3)>>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/occasion/classRoomMasturbating' + _c + '.png">'>>
You couldn’t help but feel an overwhelming urge to pleasure yourself. You had been having some serious sexual tension building up inside of you and you just needed relief. So, you discreetly reached into your pants and began to touch yourself.
Your seat neighbor, who was sitting close by, noticed what you were doing and couldn’t resist taking a sneaky photo of you. They snapped a quick shot and then went back to paying attention to the lesson.
You continued to pleasure yourself, not even caring who knew what you were doing. Your body was responding in ways you never thought possible and you felt like you were on the brink of ecstasy.
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/occasion/classBlackmailStart.png">'>>
He pulls out his phone and starts recording, while you continue to touch yourself. The pleasure builds and builds until you reach the peak, screaming out muffeld sound as you orgasm. The male student laughs triumphantly and snaps a few more photos.
<<case 3>>
\<<set _c to random(0,3)>>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/occasion/classRoomMasturbating' + _c + '.png">'>>
You're sitting in your chair, your legs crossed tightly together as you try to remain discreet. But it's difficult when you're feeling so aroused. You can feel the heat rising from your skin as you begin to rub yourself gently. Your hips rock back and forth, your fingers moving faster and faster as you approach the peak of pleasure.
Your seat neighbor tips on your shoulder.
Your heart races as you turn to look at him. He’s holding something in his hand – his smartphone with a picture of you from last time.
“What is that?” you ask, trying to keep your voice steady.
He grins. “It’s a picture of you, masturbating in class last time. Now, I want you to give me a handjob, right here, right now.”
Your stomach drops as you realize what he’s asking you to do. You know that this is completely inappropriate, and you don’t want to do it. But you also know that if you don’t, he’ll show everyone in the class the picture and ruin your reputation forever.
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/occasion/classRoomJerking.png">'>>
So you take a deep breath, and you start to move your hand down towards his crotch. As you do, you can feel your face getting hot with embarrassment, but you try to focus on the task at hand. You grip his erection firmly and start to move your hand back and forth, trying to make him feel good.
As you do, you can hear the sound of his breathing getting faster and more ragged. You can see the look of pleasure on his face, and you know that he’s enjoying what you’re doing.
Finally, after what feels like an eternity, he moans and ejaculates all over your hand. You quickly wipe your hand on your clothes
<<button [[Leave|EveningSchool]]>>
<<set $Arousal to 0>>
<<set $energy to $energy - 5>>
<</button>>\<<set _c to random(0,2)>>
\<<if $gameDate.getDay() == 6 >><<openTime 12 20 "EveningSchool">><<else>><<openTime 16 22 "EveningSchool">><</if>>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/scene/womanRestroomSchool' + _c + '.png">'>>
You notice the soft, warm lighting that fills the space, creating a cozy and inviting atmosphere. You notice the scent of vanilla-scented candles that linger in the air, giving the space a relaxing and soothing ambiance.
There are three private stalls along the right wall of the room, each with a wooden door, while the left wall has a row of porcelain basins with chrome fixtures. The basins are flanked by large, wall-mounted mirrors that allow patrons to check their hair and makeup.
The overall impression is one of luxury and comfort, making the bathroom a pleasant and refreshing retreat from the noise and bustle of the bar.
\<<include "WCActions">>
<<return [[Back|EveningSchool]]>>
\<<set _c to random(0,4)>>
\<<if $gameDate.getDay() == 6 >><<openTime 12 20 "EveningSchool">><<else>><<openTime 16 22 "EveningSchool">><</if>>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/scene/menRestroomSchool' + _c + '.png">'>>
As you enter the shabby men's restroom in the school, you notice the dim lighting and peeling paint on the walls. The air is thick with the scent of disinfectant and urine. The cracked, stained tiles on the floor are wet and slippery under your feet, and the sink is rusted with chipped edges. The lone cubicle is missing a door and a few tiles have fallen from the ceiling, revealing the pipes above. There are no windows in the restroom, adding to the sense of claustrophobia. The sound of a dripping faucet echoes through the room, filling the otherwise oppressive silence. The general atmosphere of neglect and decay is palpable, making you feel uneasy and eager to leave.
\<<if $Corruption < 40>>
<<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>>
I should not be in here. Why would i go in here anyways?
\<<include "WCActions">>
\<<if $Corruption > 60>>
\<<include "OfferBlowjobPublic">>
<<return [[Back|EveningSchool]]>>
<<say 'Seat neighbor' $seatNeighborImagePath>>
Hey, I have a picture of you, you surely dont want to be seen by the whole school. So either we go to the men restroom and you give me a blowjob or you pay me $ 20. Otherwise I send the picture to the whole school and teachers.
<<button [[Follow him to the men restroom|BlowjobSchoolMenRestroom]]>>
<<set $ranBlackmail = random(0,2)>>
<<set $blackmailSchoolTime = $gameDate>>
<<button [[Pay $ 20|EveningSchool]]>>
<<set $Money to $Money - 20>>
\<<set $Arousal to Math.clamp($Arousal + 3,0,100)>>
<<set $blackmailSchoolTime = $gameDate>>
<</button>><<switch $ranBlackmail>>
<<case 0>>
\<<set _c to random(0,4)>>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/occasion/restroomBlowjob' + _c + '.png">'>>
You enter the men’s restroom with your seat neighbor, who has asked you to give them a blowjob. You hesitate for a moment, but ultimately decide to go through with it. You kneel down in front of your seat neighbor and position yourself in front of their penis. You take a deep breath and begin to perform oral sex on him. He moans softly as you pleasure them, and you can feel their arousal against your tongue.
You start to move your head back and forth, sucking and licking him with increasing speed and intensity. He moans softly, his hands gripping your hair as you continue to pleasure him. As you continue to give him oral sex, you can hear the sounds of other people using the bathroom around you, but you don’t care.
After a few minutes, he reaches orgasm and ejaculates into your mouth. You swallow the semen and wipe your mouth before standing up and leaving the restroom. You continue on with your day as if nothing unusual occurred.
<<button [[Back|EveningSchool]] >>
\<<set $Arousal to Math.clamp($Arousal + 10,0,100)>>
<<case 1>>
\<<set _c to random(0,4)>>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/occasion/restroomBlowjob' + _c + '.png">'>>
You enter the men’s restroom with your seat neighbor, who has asked you to give them a blowjob. You take a deep breath and approach him, feeling nervous but excited about what you're about to do. You stand next to him and look up at his crotch, admiring his erection.
You reach out and grab hold of his penis, and begin to wrap your lips around it. The man moans softly as you start to suck on it. You continue to pleasure him until finally, after what feels like an eternity, he reaches climax, your friend ejaculating into your mouth. You swallow his semen and then stand up, smiling at him as he zips up his pants.
<<button [[Back|EveningSchool]] >>
\<<set $Arousal to Math.clamp($Arousal + 10,0,100)>>
<<case 2>>
\<<set _c to random(0,4)>>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/occasion/restroomBlowjob' + _c + '.png">'>>
He pushes you inside and locks the door behind you. He stands in front of you, his body pressed against yours. You can feel his arousal pressed against your leg, and you know what he wants. You try to push him away, but he just laughs and tells you to relax.
He undoes his pants and pulls them down, revealing his erect penis. He tells you to take it in your mouth, and you feel a wave of revulsion and fear. But you know you have to do something, so you open your mouth and take him in.
You gag and choke, trying to keep from vomiting. He tells you to deep throat him, and you manage to swallow his penis down your throat. He moans with pleasure and grabs your hair, pulling you closer. You feel like you're going to be sick, but you keep going until he ejaculates all over your face.
<<button [[Back|MenWCSchool]] >>
\<<set $Arousal to Math.clamp($Arousal + 10,0,100)>>
\<<set $CumOnFace = true>>
<</switch>><<if def $beginClassBusiness && $classBusiness == true>>
<<set _ClassBusinessMonth = ($gameDate - $beginClassBusiness) / 30 / 86400000>>
<<if _ClassBusinessMonth >= 1>>
<<set $classBusiness = false>>
<<set $dailyCosts to $dailyCosts - 20>>
<<if def $beginClassWaitress && $classWaitress == true>>
<<set _ClassWaitressMonth = ($gameDate - $beginClassWaitress) / 30 / 86400000>>
<<if _ClassWaitressMonth >= 1>>
<<set $classWaitress = false>>
<<set $dailyCosts to $dailyCosts - 20>>
<<if def $beginClassGeneral && $classGeneral == true>>
<<set _ClassGeneralMonth = ($gameDate - $beginClassGeneral) / 30 / 86400000>>
<<if _ClassGeneralMonth >= 1>>
<<set $classGeneral = false>>
<<set $dailyCosts to $dailyCosts - 20>>
<<if def $beginClassArt && $classArt == true>>
<<set _ClassArtMonth = ($gameDate - $beginClassArt) / 30 / 86400000>>
<<if _ClassArtMonth >= 1>>
<<set $classArt = false>>
<<set $dailyCosts to $dailyCosts - 20>>
\<<if ndef $offerPublicBlowJob>>
\<<set $offerPublicBlowJob = 0>>
\<<if $offerPublicBlowJob == 0>>
<<button [[Offer blowjob for $ 20|passage()]]>>
<<set $offerPublicBlowJob = 1>>
<<set $offerPublicBlowJobRand = random(10,110)>>
<<set $offerPublicBlowJobRandStory = random(0,1)>>
\<<if $offerPublicBlowJob == 1>>
\<<if $offerPublicBlowJobRand < $sexiness>>
\<<set $offerPublicBlowJob = 0>>
\<<addmins 30>>
\<<addEnergy -15>>
\<<set $Blowjobs += 1>>
\<<set $Money to $Money +20>>
\<<set $Arousal to Math.clamp($Arousal + 15,0,100)>>
\<<switch $offerPublicBlowJobRandStory>>
\<<case 0>>
You're standing in the men's bathroom, feeling a bit nervous about what you're about to do. You've heard stories of women getting into trouble for offering sexual favors in public places like this, but you need the money. You approach a man as he walks into the bathroom, and you flash him a confident smile.
You offer him a blowjob, gesturing towards the door. He looks at you skeptically, but you don't let that deter you. You start to undo the buttons on your blouse, revealing your lacy bra. The man's eyes widen, and he looks around furtively to make sure nobody is watching. He nods, and you lead him into one of the stalls. You quickly kneel down and start to perform fellatio on him, using all the skills you learned from your previous partners.
\<<set _c to random(0,7)>>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/occasion/restroomBlowjob' + _c + '.png">'>>
You lower your head, and you engulf him in your mouth. You suck hard, taking him deeper and deeper into your mouth. You swirl your tongue around him, teasing him with your movements. You bring him to the brink of ecstasy, and then you stop. You look up at him, and he smiles at you. He tells you how good you are, and you blush with pleasure.
You can hear the sound of zippers and buttons being undone, and you know that others have noticed what's going on. But you don't care - you're making good money, and you're determined to finish no matter how uncomfortable it gets. When the man finally ejaculates in your mouth, you stand up and grab your payment, feeling empowered and slightly disgusted at the same time.
<<case 1>>
You enter the men's restroom, looking for an opportunity to make some quick cash. You spot a group of men standing at the urinals, their backs turned towards you. You quickly size them up, deciding which one looks like he would be most willing to pay for a blowjob. You approach him, smiling seductively, and ask him if he wants a blowjob from you.
You lead him to one of the stalls and lock the door behind you. You start going down on him, using all the techniques you learned from your previous clients. He moans softly at first, but soon grows louder and more demanding, pushing you deeper into his dick with each thrust. You suck hard, taking him deeper and deeper into your mouth. You swirl your tongue around him, teasing him with your movements. You bring him to the brink of ecstasy.
\<<set _c to random(0,7)>>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/occasion/restroomBlowjob' + _c + '.png">'>>
After a few minutes, he explodes all over your face, spraying you with his semen, feeling a sense of satisfaction at having pleased yet another client. You step back, wiping your mouth with the back of your hand, and he hands you the money.
\<<set _c2 to random(0,2)>>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/occasion/cumOnFace' + _c2 + '.png">'>>
\<<set $CumOnFace = true>>
After some men declined your offer, you stoped asking.
\<<set $offerPublicBlowJob = 0>>
\<<addmins 30>>
\<</if>><<widget "openTime">>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() >= $args[1] || $gameDate.getHours() < $args[0]>>
<<goto $args[2]>>
<<set $buttPlugS = {price: 50, name: 'butt plug S', type: 'Butt', key: 'buttPlugS', sexy: 1, comfort: -5, minCorruption: 10, variations: 3, arousal: 1, newimg: ''}>>
<<set $buttPlugM = {price: 100, name: 'butt plug M', type: 'Butt', key: 'buttPlugM', sexy: 1, comfort: -5, minCorruption: 20, variations: 3, arousal: 2, newimg: ''}>>
<<set $buttPlugL = {price: 150, name: 'butt plug L', type: 'Butt', key: 'buttPlugL', sexy: 2, comfort: -5, minCorruption: 30, variations: 3, arousal: 4, newimg: ''}>>
<<set $buttPlugXL = {price: 200, name: 'butt plug XL', type: 'Butt', key: 'buttPlugXL', sexy: 2, comfort: -5, minCorruption: 40, variations: 3, arousal: 5, newimg: ''}>>
<<set $tailButtPlugS = {price: 100, name: 'tail butt plug S', type: 'Butt', key: 'tailButtPlugS', sexy: 1, comfort: -5, minCorruption: 40, variations: 3, arousal: 2, newimg: ''}>>
<<set $tailButtPlugM = {price: 150, name: 'tail butt plug M', type: 'Butt', key: 'tailButtPlugM', sexy: 2, comfort: -5, minCorruption: 40, variations: 3, arousal: 3, newimg: ''}>>
<<set $tailButtPlugL = {price: 200, name: 'tail butt plug L', type: 'Butt', key: 'tailButtPlugL', sexy: 3, comfort: -5, minCorruption: 50, variations: 3, arousal: 4, newimg: ''}>>
<<set $tailButtPlugXL = {price: 250, name: 'tail butt plug XL', type: 'Butt', key: 'tailButtPlugXL', sexy: 4, comfort: -5, minCorruption: 60, variations: 3, arousal: 6, newimg: ''}>>
<<set $smallNecklace = {price: 400, name: 'small necklace', type: 'Neck', key: 'smallNecklace', sexy: 2, comfort: 0, minCorruption: 0, variations: 3, arousal: 0, newimg:''}>>
<<set $choker = {price: 200, name: 'choker', type: 'Neck', key: 'choker', sexy: 6, comfort: 0, minCorruption: 10, variations: 3, arousal: 0, newimg:'choker'}>>
<<set $amulette = {price: 600, name: 'amulette', type: 'Neck', key: 'amulette', sexy: 3, comfort: 0, minCorruption: 0, variations: 3, arousal: 0, newimg:''}>>
<<set $bigNecklace = {price: 1200, name: 'big necklace', type: 'Neck', key: 'bigNecklace', sexy: 5, comfort: 0, minCorruption: 0, variations: 3, arousal: 0, newimg:''}>>
<<set $dogCollar = {price: 300, name: 'dog collar', type: 'Neck', key: 'dogCollar', sexy: 10, comfort: 2, minCorruption: 40, variations: 3, arousal: 0, newimg:'dogCollar'}>>
<<set $catCollar = {price: 200, name: 'cat collar', type: 'Neck', key: 'catCollar', sexy: 7, comfort: 1, minCorruption: 40, variations: 3, arousal: 0, newimg:'catCollar'}>>
<<set $ring = {price: 400, name: 'ring', type: 'Finger', key: 'ring', sexy: 2, comfort: 0, minCorruption: 0, variations: 3, arousal: 0, newimg:''}>>
<<set $catMakeup = {price: 75, name: 'cat make-up', type: 'Face', key: 'catMakeup', sexy: 0, comfort: 0, minCorruption: 0, variations: 3, arousal: 0, newimg:'catMakeup'}>>
<<set $glasses = {price: 200, name: 'glasses', type: 'Face', key: 'glasses', sexy: 1, comfort: 0, minCorruption: 0, variations: 3, arousal: 0, newimg:'glasses'}>>
<<set $bracelet = {price: 500, name: 'bracelet', type: 'Wrist', key: 'bracelet', sexy: 1, comfort: 0, minCorruption: 0, variations: 3, arousal: 0, newimg:''}>>
<<set $standardHair = {price: 75, name: 'standard hair bun', type: 'Hair', key: 'standardHair', sexy: 0, comfort: 0, minCorruption: 0, variations: 3, arousal: 0, newimg:'standardHair'}>>
<<set $stepCut = {price: 75, name: 'step cut', type: 'Hair', key: 'stepCut', sexy: 0, comfort: 0, minCorruption: 0, variations: 3, arousal: 0, newimg:'stepCut'}>>
<<set $banksShortCut = {price: 75, name: 'banks short cut', type: 'Hair', key: 'banksShortCut', sexy: 0, comfort: 0, minCorruption: 0, variations: 3, arousal: 0, newimg:'banksShortCut'}>>
<<set $banksMediumCut = {price: 75, name: 'banks medium cut', type: 'Hair', key: 'banksMediumCut', sexy: 0, comfort: 0, minCorruption: 0, variations: 3, arousal: 0, newimg:'banksMediumCut'}>>
<<set $longCurlyHair = {price: 75, name: 'long curly', type: 'Hair', key: 'longCurlyHair', sexy: 0, comfort: 0, minCorruption: 0, variations: 3, arousal: 0, newimg:'longCurlyHair'}>>
<<set $catEars = {price: 75, name: 'cat ears', type: 'HairAddition', key: 'catEars', sexy: 0, comfort: 0, minCorruption: 0, variations: 3, arousal: 0, newimg:'catEars'}>>
<<set $devilHorns = {price: 75, name: 'devil horns', type: 'HairAddition', key: 'devilHorns', sexy: 0, comfort: 0, minCorruption: 0, variations: 3, arousal: 0, newimg:'devilHorns'}>>
<<set $christmasHat = {price: 75, name: 'christmas hat', type: 'HairAddition', key: 'christmasHat', sexy: 6, comfort: 2, minCorruption: 0, variations: 3, arousal: 0, newimg:'christmasHat'}>>
<<set $allNeck to [$smallNecklace, $choker, $amulette, $bigNecklace, $dogCollar, $catCollar]>>
<<set $allButt to [$buttPlugS, $buttPlugM, $buttPlugL, $buttPlugXL, $tailButtPlugS, $tailButtPlugM, $tailButtPlugL, $tailButtPlugXL]>>
<<set $allPussy to []>>
<<set $allHair to [$standardHair, $stepCut, $banksShortCut, $banksMediumCut, $longCurlyHair]>>
<<set $allHairAddition to [$catEars, $devilHorns, $christmasHat]>>
<<set $allFinger to [$ring]>>
<<set $allWrist to [$bracelet]>>
<<set $allPanty to []>>
<<set $allFoot to []>>
<<set $allFace to [$glasses, $catMakeup]>>
<<set $allAccessoires = []>>
<<set $allAccessoires = $allAccessoires.concat($allNeck, $allButt, $allFinger, $allWrist, $allFace, $allHair,$allHairAddition)>> /* $allPussy, $allPanty, $allFoot, */
<<set $categoryListAccessoirs = {
Neck: $allNeck,
Butt: $allButt,
Pussy: $allPussy,
Hair: $allHair,
HairAddition: $allHairAddition,
Finger: $allFinger,
Wrist: $allWrist,
Panty: $allPanty,
Foot: $allFoot,
Face: $allFace
}>><<include HandyScripts>>
<<include Accessoirs>>
<<widget "putOnAccessoir">>
<<set _clothObj = getClothObjectByName($allAccessoires, $args[0])>>
<<set $tempAccTypeList = $categoryListAccessoirs[_clothObj.type]>>
<<if $accessoirWearing.length > 0>>
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $tempAccTypeList.length; _i++>>
<<if $accessoirWearing.includes($tempAccTypeList[_i].name)>>
<<set $accessoirWearing.delete($tempAccTypeList[_i].name)>>
<<set $accessoirWearing.pushUnique($args[0])>>
<<widget "getAccessoirGroupByName">>
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $allCloths.length; _i++>>
<<if $args[0] == $allCloths[_i].name>>
<<print $allCloths[_i].type>>
<<widget "takeOffAccessoir">>
<<set $accessoirWearing.delete($args[0])>>
<<widget "currentlyWearingAcc">>
<<set $timeAccChange = $gameDate>>
<<set $currentlyWearingAcc = {
Neck: null,
Butt: null,
Pussy: null,
Hair: $standardHair,
HairAddition: null,
Finger: null,
Wrist: null,
Panty: null,
Foot: null,
Face: null
<<if $accessoirWearing.length > 0 >>
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $accessoirWearing.length; _i++>>
<<set _clothObj = getClothObjectByName($allAccessoires, $accessoirWearing[_i])>>
<<switch _clothObj.type>>
<<case 'Neck'>>
<<set $currentlyWearingAcc.Neck = _clothObj>>
<<case 'Butt'>>
<<set $currentlyWearingAcc.Butt = _clothObj>>
<<case 'Pussy'>>
<<set $currentlyWearingAcc.Pussy = _clothObj>>
<<case 'Hair'>>
<<set $currentlyWearingAcc.Hair = _clothObj>>
<<case 'HairAddition'>>
<<set $currentlyWearingAcc.HairAddition = _clothObj>>
<<case 'Finger'>>
<<set $currentlyWearingAcc.Finger = _clothObj>>
<<case 'Wrist'>>
<<set $currentlyWearingAcc.Wrist = _clothObj>>
<<case 'Panty'>>
<<set $currentlyWearingAcc.Panty = _clothObj>>
<<case 'Foot'>>
<<set $currentlyWearingAcc.Foot = _clothObj>>
<<case 'Face'>>
<<set $currentlyWearingAcc.Face = _clothObj>>
<<widget "calcAcc">>
<<set _addAccSexy = 0>>
<<set _addAccComfort = 0>>
<<set _addAccMinCorruption = 0>>
<<if $accessoirWearing.length > 0 >>
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $accessoirWearing.length; _i++>>
<<set _clothObj = getClothObjectByName($allAccessoires, $accessoirWearing[_i])>>
<<set _addAccSexy += _clothObj.sexy>>
<<set _addAccComfort += _clothObj.comfort>>
<<set _addAccMinCorruption += _clothObj.minCorruption>>
<<set $sexiness = Math.clamp($sexiness + _addAccSexy, 0, 100)>>
<<set $comfort = Math.clamp($comfort + _addAccComfort, 0, 100)>>
<<set $minCorruption = Math.max($minCorruption, _addAccMinCorruption)>>
<<widget "listAccessoirs">>
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $args[0].length; _i++>>
<<if !$accessoirOwned.includes($args[0][_i].key)>>
<<print '<<button [[Buy ' + $args[0][_i].name + ' - $' + $args[0][_i].price + '|' + $args[1] + ']]>>
<<set $accessoirOwned.push($args[0][' + _i + '].key)>>
<<set $Money to $Money - $args[0][' + _i + '].price>>
<<addmins 20>>
<</button>>'>><br />
<<if $currentlyWearingAcc.Butt !== null>>
<<if def $timeAccChange>>
<<set _timepassedButt = ($gameDate - $timeAccChange) / 3600000>>
<<if _timepassedButt >= 1>>
<<set $Arousal to Math.clamp($Arousal + $currentlyWearingAcc.Butt.arousal * _timepassedButt, 0, 100) >>
<<set $timeAccChange = $gameDate>>
<<set _hoursLastEaten = ($gameDate - $lastEaten) / 5 / 3600000>>
<<set $maxEnergy to 150 - Math.clamp(Math.floor(_hoursLastEaten) * 5, 0,50)>>
<<if $BeautyBonus > 0 >>
<<set _timepassedBeauty = ($gameDate - $makeupBeautyTime) / 3600000>>
<<if _timepassedBeauty >= 1>>
<<set $BeautyBonus = Math.clamp($BeautyBonus - Math.floor(_timepassedBeauty), 0, 100)>>
<<set $makeupBeautyTime = $gameDate>>
<<set $possibleThoughts = []>>
<<if $gameDate.getDay() == 4 && $gameDate.getHours() >= 18 && $gameDate.getHours() < 20 && $AlexFriendship === 4>>
<<run $possibleThoughts.push('I have a date with Alex in the Restaurant')>>
<<if $JuliaFriendship == 0>>
<<run $possibleThoughts.push('Maybe I should go to the disco and try to meet new people.')>>
<<if $JuliaFriendship == 1>>
<<run $possibleThoughts.push('Julia mentioned she works for Extra Clothing, maybe I should visit her sometime.')>>
<<if 9 < ($gameDate - $lastEaten) / 5 / 3600000>>
<<run $possibleThoughts.push('I should eat something, I lack of energy.')>>
<<if 90 < $Arousal>>
<<if $Corruption > 60>>
<<run $possibleThoughts.push('I need a dick between my legs.')>>
<<elseif $Corruption > 30>>
<<run $possibleThoughts.push('I should masturbate.')>>
<<run $possibleThoughts.push('Some "me time" would be great.')>>
<<if $energy < 30>>
<<run $possibleThoughts.push('I should head home and get some sleep.')>>
<<if $MaxFriendship == 0>>
<<run $possibleThoughts.push('Maybe I should grab a coffee.')>>
<<if $MaxFriendship == 1 && def $metMax && $gameDate - $metMax >= (7*24*3600000)>>
<<run $possibleThoughts.push('I wonder if I meet Max again at Extra Coffee.')>>
<<if $MaxFriendship == 4>>
<<run $possibleThoughts.push('Max will pick me up friday evening.')>>
<<if $MaxFriendship == 12>>
<<run $possibleThoughts.push('I should grab a coffee, maybe I meet Max again.')>>
<<if ($JuliaFriendship == 2 || $JuliaFriendship == 3) && ($gameDate.getHours() < 2 || $gameDate.getHours() >= 16)>>
<<run $possibleThoughts.push('I promised Julia to meet her at the Bar.')>>
<<if $JuliaFriendship == 10 >>
<<run $possibleThoughts.push(' I should visit Julia again.')>>
<<if $JuliaFriendship == 11 && $gameDate.getHours() >= 18 && $gameDate.getHours() < 20 >>
<<run $possibleThoughts.push(' Julia wants to meet me at the lake in the woods.')>>
<<if $JuliaFriendship == 19 && ($gameDate - $juliaLastMet) > 7 * 24 * 3600000 && $gameDate.getHours() >= 8 && $gameDate.getHours() < 18>>
<<run $possibleThoughts.push(' I should visit Julia again.')>>
<<if $JuliaFriendship == 21 && $gameDate.getHours() < 4 && $gameDate.getHours() >= 22>>
<<run $possibleThoughts.push('I promised Julia to meet her at the Disco.')>>
<<if $AlexFriendship == 0>>
<<run $possibleThoughts.push('I wonder if there are any neighbors around.')>>
<<if ($classBusiness || $classWaitress || $classGeneral || $classArt) && ( $gameDate.getHours() >= 16 && $gameDate.getHours() < 22) >>
<<run $possibleThoughts.push('Maybe I should visit class again.')>>
<<if $JuliaFriendship == 25 >>
<<run $possibleThoughts.push(' I should visit Julia again.')>>
<<if def $AlexAfterParty>>
<<run $possibleThoughts.push(' I should visit <<= $alexNameChange>>, it was fun last time.')>>
<<if $sexiness >= 70 && $sexiness <= 90>>
<<run $possibleThoughts.push(' I feel sexy today.')>>
<<if $startjob != "Unemployed">>
<<run $possibleThoughts.push('I have an job interview as a <<= $startjob>>')>>
<<if $Job == "Unemployed">>
<<run $possibleThoughts.push('I should get a job.')>>
<<if $AlexAttraction > 10>>
<<run $possibleThoughts.push('I obey <<= $alexNameChange>>.')>>
<<if $gameDate - $startDate > (3600000 * 24 * 14) || $MaxFriendship >= 15>>
<<run $possibleThoughts.push('I should visit WestTown.')>>
<<run $possibleThoughts.push('Nice weather today.')>>
<<if $Money < 200>>
<<if $Job == "Unemployed">>
<<run $possibleThoughts.push('I should get a job.')>>
<<run $possibleThoughts = ['I should work more, I dont have much money.']>>
<<run $possibleThoughts.push('I should go to the woods for a walk, maybe I find something new.')>>
<<if $gameDate.getHours() >= 19 || $gameDate.getHours() < 3>>
<<run $possibleThoughts.push('I heard about a Halloween party near the farm, I should go there.')>>
<div class='thought'>
<<= $possibleThoughts.random()>>
</div><a href='https://ko-fi.com/D1D3IO8U6' target='_blank'><img height='36' style='border:0px;height:36px;' src='https://storage.ko-fi.com/cdn/kofi5.png?v=3' border='0' alt='Buy Me a Coffee at ko-fi.com' /></a>\<<set _c to random(0,1)>>
\<<set $currentCasino = $Casino>>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/scene/CasinoRoulette' + _c + '.png">'>>
To play you have to bet an amount on any field.
Current Chips: <<= $Casino.chips>>
\<<if $Casino.chips < $Casino.currentRoulette.bet.length>>
<span style='color:#f00;'>You can't afford this bet.</span>
Current Bet: <<= $Casino.currentRoulette.bet.join(', ') >>
\<<if def $winningNumber >>
Winning number: <<= $winningNumber>>
Last winning numbers: <<= $Casino.currentRoulette.lastWinningNumbers>>
\<<if $Casino.chips >= $Casino.currentRoulette.bet.length>>
<<button [[Spin the wheel|CasinoRoulette]]>>
<<addmins 10>>
<<set $Casino.chips to $Casino.chips - $Casino.currentRoulette.bet.length>>
<<set $winningNumber = random(0,36)>>
<<casinoCheckWinningRoulette $winningNumber $Casino.currentRoulette.bet>>
<<button [[Clear the bet|CasinoRoulette]]>>
<<set $Casino.currentRoulette.bet = []>>
<<include "RouletteTable">>
<<return [[Back|Casino]]>><table>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/scene/workingLibrary.png" height="200px">'>>
</table><a href="https://www.patreon.com/bePatron?u=91283200" target="_blank">Become a Patron!</a><br/>
<a href="https://cybot.itch.io/a-new-town" target="_blank">Check for updates on itch.io!</a>
!!Version 0.1.4:
* Halloween Event is limited to octobers
* Work at the farm
* Small Christmas event, enjoy the holidays :)
<<return "Back">>
!!Version 0.1.3:
* Beach Clothing - reported by Daggdon1
* Bug with intoxication during date with Julia
* Missing picture of torn skirt reported by Deus2001
* Deleted a deadend when you choose the wrong option with Julia on the disco date
* Online Casino accessible via Laptop
* Patreon cheats
* Halloween Event
** Halloween Maze
** Halloween Bar
* A hair salon opened in WestTown
<<return "Back">>
!!Version 0.1.2:
* Spelling error in thoughts reported by WhiteRabbit
* Drinks at Alex's don't make you drunk all the time. Reported by ElectroVenik90.
* Macro error in bathroom
* Fixed a bug with Alex "good girl" scene reported by WhiteRabbit
* Easier to trigger different scenes by Alex "good girl" scene
* More options with Alex at his home.
* Improved wardrobe
** More consistent look for all pictures of the main character
** Online image generation for profil pictures of the main character
<<return "Back">>
!!Version 0.1.1:
* Fixed picture of officeManager - reported by 545215055
* Hidden Basement will now be released on time - reported by 545215055
* Fixed picture of hotel bathroom - reported by 545215055
* The laptop got cheaper
* More starting money to make the start easier
* Park bench to relax
* More options while visiting Alex
* More Julia dialogs
* Julias Home in Downtown
* Beach in WestTown
* New Website for the laptop available
<<return "Back">>
!!Version 0.1.0:
* You can now make a new decision at the bar incident
* Bank interest payout is now fixed
* Swimming in the lake is now also possible with bikini
* Removed Adam as Alex name reported by 545215055
* Increased the tip for Work at the cafe, restaurant and bar
* WestTown a whole new part to explore
** A Casino opened up in WestTown
** Max lives in WestTown, maybe you can visit him.
** A Hotel where you can rent a room
<<return "Back">>
!!Version 0.0.6:
* Fixed time and energy consumption on some events.
* Fixed library basement error submitted by 545215055
* Fixed running in the park error submitted by 545215055
* Issues while working at the bar submitted by 545215055 are fixed
* Alex was always home, this should not happen, reported by 545215055
* Improved logic on library basement sale, error reported by Tharlin
* Makeup adds sexiness for some time
* Improved some images to enhance the experience
* Restaurant incident is added
* More story with Max
* A bus stop is newly build for future use
* More running stories
<<return "Back">>
!!Version 0.0.5b:
* Fixed Max story line, after second encounter submitted by delboy75
!!Version 0.0.5:
* now mobile friendlier
* Max storyline, second encounter fixed
* Inventory for the "basement store" added
* Evening school
** 4 classes
** new events when aroused
** make more money when you're educated
* Added new events for Alex, visit him! obey him!
* More story for Julia
* Accessoires added
* Think bubble
* Changelog
<<return "Back">>
!!Version 0.0.4:
* Julia Lake, error message fixed
* Back button after office work is fixed
* Fixed secret library basement
* improved "me time" for way more fun
* Church - nothing better against corruption
* Confess your sins
* Pray for your soul
* Visit the service
* New events with Julia
* New event with Alex
* Vegetables ;)
* Outfits
<<return "Back">>
!!Version 0.0.3
* Restroom signs lead to the correct restroom
* Park is now available during night time
* Added variable interest rates for the bank
* Less energy needed for working half shifts
* More Loan per hour
* Longer story for Max
* Longer story for Alex
* Restaurant
<<return "Back">>
!!Version 0.0.2
* Opening times are fixed
* Yoga works now
* You can quit your job, now also in game
* Storyline with Julia is now more likely
* Storyline with Max is now more likely
* Fixed a Bug in the Park
* Fixed a Bug During talk to the Customer
* The WC isn't the park anymore
* improved the image system for clothings
* Alex's story line begining
<<return "Back">><<if visited("StartingThoughts") && UIBar.isStowed()>>
<div style="border: 1px solid; padding:5px; width:100%" class="containerBox">
<table style="border:0px !important;" class="leftBox">
Cash: $<span id="cashbalance">$Money</span>
<<if def $bankBalance >>
Bank: $ $bankBalance<br/>
Energy: <<= Math.clamp($energy,0,$maxEnergy)>> / $maxEnergy<<set $energy = Math.clamp($energy,0,$maxEnergy)>>
Daily costs: $<<print Math.round($dailyCosts)>>
Arousal: <<print Math.round($Arousal)>>
Corruption: <<print Math.round($Corruption)>>
Sexiness: <<print Math.round($sexiness)>>
Comfort: <<print Math.round($comfort)>>
<div class="rightBox">
<<include "thoughts">>
<<if 8 < ($gameDate - $lastEaten) / 5 / 3600000>>
🍔 You are hungry
<<if 80 < $Arousal>>
😏 You are horny
<<if $BeautyBonus gt 0 or $FitBonus gt 0>><span style="color:#ad5c85;"><<if $BeautyBonus gt 0>>💄 Beauty Bonus: <<print Math.round($BeautyBonus)>><</if>>
<<if $FitBonus gt 0>>👟 Fitness Bonus: <<print Math.round($FitBonus)>><</if>></span><</if>>
<<if $IntoxicatedDrinks gt 0>>
<span style="font-size: 0.9em;">🍸 Intoxication:
<<if $IntoxicatedDrinks gt 0 and $IntoxicatedDrinks lte 4>>Buzzed
<<elseif $IntoxicatedDrinks gt 4 and $IntoxicatedDrinks lte 6>>Tipsy
<<elseif $IntoxicatedDrinks gt 6 and $IntoxicatedDrinks lte 8>>//Drunk//
<<elseif $IntoxicatedDrinks gt 8 and $IntoxicatedDrinks lte 10>>//Super drunk//
<<elseif $IntoxicatedDrinks gt 10 and $IntoxicatedDrinks lte 15>>//Wasted//
<<elseif $IntoxicatedDrinks gt 15>>//Black out drunk//
<<if $IntoxicatedWeed gt 0>>
<span style="font-size: 0.9em;">🌿 How High:</span>
<span style="color:#137945;font-size: 0.9em;"><<if $IntoxicatedWeed gt 0 and $IntoxicatedWeed lte 2>>//Slightly stoned//
<<elseif $IntoxicatedWeed gt 2 and $IntoxicatedWeed lte 4>>//Half-baked//
<<elseif $IntoxicatedWeed gt 4 and $IntoxicatedWeed lte 6>>//<<= "3/4">> baked//
<<elseif $IntoxicatedWeed gt 6 and $IntoxicatedWeed lte 8>>//High as fuck//
<<elseif $IntoxicatedDrinks gt 8>>//Up to the sky!//
<span style="font-size:0.9em;"><<if $CumOnFace>>
💦 You have cum on your face
<<if $CumOnBody>>
💦 You have cum on your body
<<if $CumInside>>
💦 You have cum dripping out of your pussy
<<if $CumInAss>>
💦 You have cum dripping out of your ass
<</if>> \<<set _c to random(0,3)>>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/scene/westTown' + _c + '.png">'>>
You find yourself in WestTown, a vibrant district of the city with a unique blend of urban and coastal charm. As you walk through the bustling streets, you can hear the sound of seagulls and the crashing waves of the nearby beach.
The pier, stretching out into the ocean, is a popular destination for tourists and locals alike. You can see people fishing, strolling along the boardwalk, and enjoying the stunning views of the ocean. The salty sea air fills your lungs, invigorating you and reminding you of the beauty of nature.
As you walk further along the coast, you come across a lively casino. The neon lights and the sound of slot machines lure you inside. You're tempted to try your luck, but decide to explore the rest of the town first.
The beach is just a short walk away, and you can hear the laughter and chatter of families and friends enjoying a day in the sun. The sand between your toes and the warmth of the sun on your skin make you feel alive.
\<<if $MaxFriendship >= 15 && !$isMale>>
\<<if $gameDate.getHours() >= 22 || $gameDate.getHours() < 17>>
<<link `"<img class='imgs' src='" + $imgPathSrc + "images/logos/maxHome.png' width='200px' style='vertical-align: middle;'> Visit Max"`>><<addmins 20>><<goto 'MaxNotHome'>><</link>>
<<link `"<img class='imgs' src='" + $imgPathSrc + "images/logos/maxHome.png' width='200px' style='vertical-align: middle;'> Visit Max"`>><<addmins 20>><<goto 'MaxHome'>><</link>>
<<link `"<img class='imgs' src='" + $imgPathSrc + "images/logos/casino.png' width='200px' style='vertical-align: middle;'> Go to the casino"`>><<addmins 20>><<goto 'Casino'>><</link>>
<<link `"<img class='imgs' src='" + $imgPathSrc + "images/logos/hotel.png' width='200px' style='vertical-align: middle;'> Go to the hotel"`>><<addmins 20>><<goto 'Hotel'>><</link>>
<<link `"<img class='imgs' src='" + $imgPathSrc + "images/logos/beach.png' width='200px' style='vertical-align: middle;'> Beach"`>><<addmins 25>><<goto 'Beach'>><</link>>
<<link `"<img class='imgs' src='" + $imgPathSrc + "images/logos/hairSalon.png' width='200px' style='vertical-align: middle;'> Hair Salon"`>><<addmins 10>><<goto 'HairSalon'>><</link>>
<<link `"<img class='imgs' src='" + $imgPathSrc + "images/logos/busStop.png' width='200px' style='vertical-align: middle;'> Bus stop"`>><<addmins 10>><<goto 'BusStop'>><</link>>
\<<set _c to random(0,2)>>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/scene/MaxHouseIn' + _c + '.png">'>>
<<if visited() is 1>><<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>>Hey Max, it's been a while since we've seen each other.<</say>>
<<say "Max" $maxImagePath>>Yeah, it has. You're looking really good today, by the way.<</say>>
<<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>>Thank you, Max. You're looking pretty handsome yourself.<</say>>
<<say "Max" $maxImagePath>>So, what brings you over here today?<</say>>
<<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>>I just wanted to see you. And maybe spend some time together.<</say>>
<<say "Max" $maxImagePath>>I'd like that. What did you have in mind?<</say>>
<<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>>Well, we could start with a little Vidflix and chill.<</say>>
<<say "Max" $maxImagePath>>Sounds like a great idea. And who knows where the night might take us?<</say>>
<<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>>I like the sound of that. I've missed your company, Max.<</say>>
<<say "Max" $maxImagePath>>I've missed yours too. Let's make up for lost time, shall we?<</say>>
<<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>>Yes, let's do that. I have a feeling it's going to be a fun night.<</say>>
<<button [[Choose a film|MaxHomeVidflix]]>>
<<set $domMax = 1>>
<<set $subMax = 0>>
<<set $gameDate.setHours(24)>>
<<button [[Let Max choose a film|MaxHomeVidflix]]>>
<<set $domMax = 0>>
<<set $subMax = 1>>
<<set $gameDate.setHours(24)>>
Upon entering the house, you are greeted by a spacious living room filled with comfortable furniture and warm, natural light. The walls are painted a soft cream color, and there are large windows that let in plenty of sunshine. A small fireplace sits in the corner, adding to the cozy atmosphere.
The kitchen is modern and well-equipped, with stainless steel appliances and a large island for food prep. The countertops are made of sleek granite, and there are plenty of cabinets for storage. The dining area is adjacent to the kitchen and features a large table and chairs, perfect for hosting dinner parties.
As you make your way upstairs, you notice that the bedrooms are cozy and inviting, with plush bedding and plenty of natural light. Max's bedroom is at the end of the hallway, and you can see that it is tastefully decorated with a minimalist style. The bed is neatly made, and there are a few personal touches, like a stack of books on the bedside table and a few family photos on the dresser.
Overall, Max's home is warm and inviting, with a cozy and comfortable atmosphere that makes you feel right at home.
<<button [[Go to the kitchen|MaxKitchen]]>>
\<<if $Corruption > 50>>
<<button [[Go to the bedroom|MaxBedroom]]>>
<<return [[Leave|WestTown]]>>\<<set _c to random(0,2)>>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/scene/beach' + _c + '.png">'>>
As you approach the sandy shoreline, the rhythmic sound of crashing waves fills the air, creating a soothing soundtrack to your visit.
The beach stretches out as far as the eye can see, offering a vast expanse of soft, golden sand that beckons you to take off your shoes and feel the warmth beneath your feet. The sand is perfect for strolling along the water's edge or finding a comfortable spot to lay down and soak up the sun's rays.
Looking out towards the horizon, you witness the endless stretch of azure waters meeting the sky in a seamless blend of blues. The ocean breeze gently caresses your skin, carrying with it a hint of salt and the refreshing scent of the sea.
The beach is dotted with colorful beach umbrellas and lounge chairs, inviting you to relax and unwind. Families build sandcastles, friends engage in beach games, and individuals take leisurely walks, creating a vibrant and lively atmosphere.
Venturing closer to the water, you notice the waves rolling in with a rhythmic ebb and flow. The water is inviting, its temperature cool and invigorating. Some brave souls dive into the waves, while others wade along the shoreline, enjoying the sensation of the water swirling around their ankles.
Seabirds gracefully soar overhead, occasionally diving into the water to catch their next meal. Seashells and small treasures line the shore, inviting you to explore and collect mementos of your time at the beach.
\<<if (($currentlyWearing.bra == null || $currentlyWearing.bra.key == 'bikinitop') && ($currentlyWearing.underwear == null || $currentlyWearing.underwear.key == 'bikinibottom')) && $currentlyWearing.top == null && $currentlyWearing.bottom == null && $currentlyWearing.sweater == null && $currentlyWearing.dress == null >>
\<<if !$isMale>>
<<button [[Tan in the sun|BeachTanning]]>>
<<addhours 1>>
<<button [[Go for a swim|BeachSwim]]>>
<<addmins 30>>
<<button [[Tan in the sun|BeachTanningMale]]>>
<<addhours 1>>
<<button [[Go for a swim|BeachSwimMale]]>>
<<addmins 30>>
<<button [[Changing booths|BeachChanging]]>>
\<<if !$isMale>>
<<button [[Walk down the beach|BeachWalk]]>>
<<addmins 30>>
<<button [[Walk down the beach|BeachWalkMale]]>>
<<addmins 30>>
<<return [[Back|WestTown]] >><<widget "setBet">>
<<set $currentCasino.currentRoulette.bet.push($args[0])>>
<<set _passage = passage()>>
<<goto _passage>>
<<widget "casinoCheckWinningRoulette">>
<<checkWinningRoulette $args[0] $args[1] "CasinoRoulette" $Casino>>
<<widget "onlineCasinoCheckWinningRoulette">>
<<checkWinningRoulette $args[0] $args[1] "onlineRoulette" $onlineCasino>>
<<widget "checkWinningRoulette">>
<<if $args[1].includes($args[0])>>
<<set $args[3].chips += $args[1].count($args[0]) * 36>>
<<if $args[1].includes('1st 12') && ($args[0] >= 1 && $args[0] <= 12)>>
<<set $args[3].chips += $args[1].count('1st 12') * 3>>
<<if $args[1].includes('1 to 18') && ($args[0] >= 1 && $args[0] <= 18)>>
<<set $args[3].chips += $args[1].count('1 to 18') * 2>>
<<if $args[1].includes('2nd 12') && ($args[0] >= 13 && $args[0] <= 24)>>
<<set $args[3].chips += $args[1].count('2nd 12') * 3>>
<<if $args[1].includes('3rd 12') && ($args[0] >= 25 && $args[0] <= 36)>>
<<set $args[3].chips += $args[1].count('3rd 12') * 3>>
<<if $args[1].includes('19 to 36') && ($args[0] >= 19 && $args[0] <= 36)>>
<<set $args[3].chips += $args[1].count('19 to 36') * 2>>
<<if $args[1].includes('1st Column') && [3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27, 30, 33, 36].includes($args[0])>>
<<set $args[3].chips += $args[1].count('1st Column') * 3>>
<<if $args[1].includes('2nd Column') && [2, 5, 8, 11, 14, 17, 20, 23, 26, 29, 32, 35].includes($args[0])>>
<<set $args[3].chips += $args[1].count('2nd Column') * 3>>
<<if $args[1].includes('3rd Column') && [1, 4, 7, 10, 13, 16, 19, 22, 25, 28, 31, 34].includes($args[0])>>
<<set $args[3].chips += $args[1].count('3rd Column') * 3>>
<<if $args[1].includes('Even') && [2, 4, 6, 8, 10,12, 14, 16, 18,20, 22, 24, 26, 28,30, 32, 34, 36].includes($args[0])>>
<<set $args[3].chips += $args[1].count('Even') * 2>>
<<if $args[1].includes('Red') && [1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 12, 14, 16, 18, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 30, 32, 34, 36].includes($args[0])>>
<<set $args[3].chips += $args[1].count('Red') * 2>>
<<if $args[1].includes('Black') && [2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 11, 15, 13, 17, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 29, 31, 33, 35].includes($args[0])>>
<<set $args[3].chips += $args[1].count('Black') * 2>>
<<if $args[1].includes('Odd') && [1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 15, 13, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 29, 31, 33, 35].includes($args[0])>>
<<set $args[3].chips += $args[1].count('Odd') * 2>>
<<if [1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 12, 14, 16, 18, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 30, 32, 34, 36].includes($args[0])>>
<<set $args[3].currentRoulette.lastWinningNumbers.push('<span class="bet-option-red">' + $args[0] + '</span>')>>
<<elseif [2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 11, 15, 13, 17, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 29, 31, 33, 35].includes($args[0])>>
<<set $args[3].currentRoulette.lastWinningNumbers.push('<span class="bet-option-black">' + $args[0] + '</span>')>>
<<elseif $args[0] == 0>>
<<set $args[3].currentRoulette.lastWinningNumbers.push('<span class="bet-option-green">' + $args[0] + '</span>')>>
<<if $args[3].currentRoulette.lastWinningNumbers.length > 10>>
<<run $args[3].currentRoulette.lastWinningNumbers.shift()>>
<<set $args[3].currentRoulette.bet = []>>
<<goto $args[2]>>
<<if ndef $Casino>>
<<set $Casino = {
chips: 0,
currentRoulette: {
bet: [],
lastWinningNumbers: []
currentSlot: {
win: 0,
loss: 0,
games: 0
<<if ndef $startDate>>
<<set $startDate to new Date(2000, 5, 1, 12, 0)>>
<<set $imgPathSrc = "">>
<<set $alexImagePath = $imgPathSrc + 'images/profiles/alexNeighbor.png'>>
<<set $strangerImagePath = $imgPathSrc + 'images/profiles/stranger.png'>>
<<set $juliaAperalImagePath = $imgPathSrc + 'images/profiles/juliaAperalStore.png'>>
<<set $juliaSuperMarketImagePath = $imgPathSrc + 'images/profiles/juliaSupermarket.png'>>
<<set $juliaHalloweenImagePath = $imgPathSrc + 'images/profiles/halloweenJulia.png'>>
<<set $librarianImagePath = $imgPathSrc + 'images/profiles/librarianManager.png'>>
<<set $officeManagerImagePath = $imgPathSrc + 'images/profiles/bossJohn.png'>>
<<set $cafeManagerImagePath = $imgPathSrc + 'images/profiles/cafeManager.png'>>
<<set $ItalianChefImagePath = $imgPathSrc + 'images/profiles/italianChef.png'>>
<<set $seatNeighborImagePath = $imgPathSrc + 'images/profiles/seatNeighbor.png'>>
<<set $juliaClubImagePath = $imgPathSrc + 'images/profiles/juliaClub.png'>>
<<set $juliaBarImagePath = $imgPathSrc + 'images/profiles/juliaBar.png'>>
<<set $barManagerImagePath = $imgPathSrc + 'images/profiles/barManager.png'>>
<<set $barIncidentImagePath = $imgPathSrc + 'images/profiles/barIncident.png'>>
<<set $dealerImagePath = $imgPathSrc + 'images/profiles/dealer.png'>>
<<set $priestImagePath = $imgPathSrc + 'images/profiles/priest.png'>>
<<set $maxImagePath = $imgPathSrc + 'images/profiles/max.png'>>
<<set $bossJohnImagePath = $imgPathSrc + 'images/profiles/bossJohn.png'>>
<<set $hotelierImagePath = $imgPathSrc + 'images/profiles/hotelier.png'>>
<<set $farmerImagePath = $imgPathSrc + 'images/profiles/farmer.png'>>
<<if ndef $onlineCasino>>
<<set $onlineCasino = {
chips: 0,
currentRoulette: {
bet: [],
lastWinningNumbers: []
currentSlot: {
win: 0,
loss: 0,
games: 0
/*<<if !$currentAppearal.includes($imgPathSrc)>>
<<set $currentAppearal to $imgPathSrc + $currentAppearal>>
\<<set _c to random(0,1)>>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/scene/Casino' + _c + '.png">'>>
The casino in WestTown is a lively and bustling hub of activity, with its neon lights, glittering slot machines, and excited chatter filling the air. The entrance is grand and impressive, with a red carpet leading up to the doors and a large marquee announcing the latest shows and events.
As you step inside, you're immediately greeted by the sounds of clinking coins and spinning reels. The air is thick with the excitement and anticipation of winning big, and you can see players huddled around roulette and poker tables, their eyes locked on the cards and chips in front of them.
The casino floor is expansive, with rows upon rows of slot machines, each one flashing with bright colors and jingles. You can see players pulling levers and pushing buttons, hoping to hit the jackpot and walk away with a fortune.
The dealers at the card tables are skilled and professional, expertly shuffling and dealing out cards to the players. The atmosphere is friendly and welcoming, with players chatting and laughing as they play.
Beyond the casino floor, you can see a variety of other entertainment options. A stage is set up in the corner, with live music and comedy acts performing throughout the week. A bar is situated in the middle of the room, serving up drinks and snacks to players and spectators alike.
Overall, the casino is a vibrant and exciting place, offering the chance for visitors to try their luck and experience the thrill of gambling in a safe and welcoming environment.
The cash cages at the casino in WestTown are designated areas where players can exchange their chips for cash or vice versa. These areas are typically located near the entrance of the casino and are staffed by knowledgeable and friendly cashiers who can assist with a variety of transactions. To cash in their chips, players simply need to present them to the cashier, who will count them and exchange them for cash. Similarly, to purchase new chips, players can provide cash to the cashier, who will count out the chips and provide them to the player.
You have <<= $Casino.chips>> Chips.
<<button [[Buy 10 Chips for $ 50|Casino]]>>
<<set $Casino.chips to $Casino.chips + 10>>
<<set $Money to $Money - 50>>
<<button [[Cash in all your chips|Casino]]>>
<<set $Money += $Casino.chips * 5>>
<<set $Casino.chips to 0>>
As you make your way through the bustling casino, you can't help but notice the roulette tables. The bright green felt of the table, the iconic spinning wheel, and the colorful chips make for an eye-catching display. Players huddle around the table, eagerly placing their bets on numbers and colors, hoping for the ball to land in their favor. The sound of the ball spinning around the wheel and the anticipation of where it will land creates an electric atmosphere around the table. Even if you're not playing, it's hard not to get caught up in the excitement and watch the drama unfold at the roulette table.
<<button [[Go to the roulette tables|CasinoRoulette]]>>
As you walk through the casino in WestTown, you can't help but notice the rows of slot machines. These machines are brightly lit and have lots of sounds and colors to catch your attention. Each machine has its own unique style, with some featuring classic symbols like fruit and lucky sevens, and others having more complex graphics and bonus features. People are sitting in front of the machines, pushing buttons and pulling levers in hopes of winning big. You can hear the sound of people talking and the clinking of coins all around you, which adds to the exciting atmosphere of the slot machines area.
<<button [[Go to the slot machines|SlotMachine]]>>
<<set $result1 = null>>
\<<set _c to random(0,1)>>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/scene/casinoBar' + _c + '.png">'>>
The casino bar is located near the center of the gaming floor and is a popular spot for players to take a break and enjoy a drink. The bar is well-stocked with a variety of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages, and the bartenders are friendly and attentive. The atmosphere is lively and energetic, with music playing in the background and the sounds of slot machines and other games creating a vibrant backdrop. The bar area also features comfortable seating and TVs tuned to sports and other entertainment, making it a great place to socialize and relax.
<<button [[Order a Snack $5|Casino]] >>
<<eat 2>>
<<set $Money to $Money - 5>>
<<addEnergy 2>>
\<</button>> <<button [[Order a beer $10|drinkCasino]] >>
<<set $drink to "beer">>
<<set $Money to $Money - 10>>
<<set $IntoxicatedDrinks to $IntoxicatedDrinks +1>>
<</button>> <<button [[Order a wine $15|drinkCasino]] >>
<<set $drink to "wine">>
<<set $Money to $Money - 15>>
<<set $IntoxicatedDrinks to $IntoxicatedDrinks +2>>
<</button>> <<button [[Order a shot $20|drinkCasino]] >>
<<set $drink to "shot">>
<<set $Money to $Money - 20>>
<<set $IntoxicatedDrinks to $IntoxicatedDrinks +4>>
\<</button>> <<button [[Order a Cocktail $30|drinkCasino]] >>
<<set $drink to "cocktail">>
<<set $Money to $Money - 30>>
<<set $IntoxicatedDrinks to $IntoxicatedDrinks +3>>
<<return [[Back|WestTown]] >>
\<<set _c to random(0,2)>>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/scene/hotel' + _c + '.png">'>>
The 3-star hotel in WestTown is a comfortable and affordable option for travelers looking to stay in the area. The hotel features clean and well-maintained rooms with basic amenities such as a comfortable bed, a TV, a desk, and a private bathroom. The decor is simple and functional, with neutral colors and practical furnishings. The hotel also has a small lobby and a breakfast area where guests can enjoy a complimentary continental breakfast each morning. The staff is friendly and helpful, and the hotel provides basic services such as housekeeping and 24-hour front desk assistance. While the hotel doesn't offer luxury amenities or extensive facilities, it provides a convenient and affordable option for travelers who want to explore WestTown without breaking the bank.
\<<if ndef $hotelRoomBooked || !$hotelRoomBooked>>
<<say "Hotelier" $hotelierImagePath>>
Welcome to our hotel. Our normal rooms cost $ 50 a night including breakfast, do you want to book a room? For your information, you have to cancel the room once you wish to check out and we will deduct the cost daily with a fee upfront.
<<button [[Book a room|HotelRoom]]>>
<<set $hotelRoomBooked = true>>
<<set $Money -= 50>>
<<set $dailyCosts to $dailyCosts + 50>>
\<<if $gameDate.getHours() >= 6 && $gameDate.getHours() < 12>>
<<button [[Go to the Breakfast|BreakfastHotel]] >><</button>>
<<button [[Go to your room|HotelRoom]]>>
<<button [[Cancel the room|Hotel]]>>
<<set $hotelRoomBooked = false>>
<<set $dailyCosts to $dailyCosts - 50>>
<<return [[Back|WestTown]] >>Bilder:
- WC s
- some pics of main character
- Park Joint / Bench
- AlexSex
- AlexAnalSex
- Julia Buttplug scene
- Alex BadGirl strike 1 on her knees
- Halloween
- Nun
- (star trek?)
- lollipop ?
- pumpkin
- Vampire
- Bunny
Male Bilder:
- kitchen
- toilette
- walk park
- park run
- Wardrobe
- Jobs
- shower
Wash your face
- Slotmachine Dildo
- Visit Julia with plug
- glory hole
- order some pizza / takeaway
- running (top up - bottom down, accidently undressed)
- Cinema
\<<set _c to random(0,1)>>
\<<set $currentCasino = $Casino>>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/scene/CasinoSlots' + _c + '.png">'>>
\<<if ndef $bet>><<set $bet = 1>><</if>>
You have <<= $Casino.chips>> chips.
How many chips do you want to bet?
<<textbox "$bet" $bet>><<button [[Set bet|SlotMachine]]>><</button>>
Place your bet of <<= $bet>> and pull the lever to play the slot machine.
<<button [[Pull Lever|SlotMachine]]>>
<<set $result1 = null>>
<<if $bet > 0 && $Casino.chips >= $bet>>
<<addmins 5>>
<<set $Casino.chips -= $bet>>
<<set $result1 = random(0,4)>>
<<set $result2 = random(0,4)>>
<<set $result3 = random(0,4)>>
<<set $Casino.currentSlot.games += 1>>
<<include "slots">>
<<return [[Back|Casino]]>><<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/scene/MaxVidflix.png">'>>
\<<if $domMax == 1>>
You sat down on the couch next to Max and picked up the TV remote. You scrolled through the Vidflix options, looking for the perfect movie to watch together. You wanted something fun and light-hearted, a film that would make you laugh and forget about the outside world for a while.
As you browsed through the titles, Max leaned in closer to you, his arm brushing against yours. You felt a shiver run down your spine and couldn't help but smile. You had always found Max attractive, and being so close to him made your heart race.
Finally, you found the perfect movie, a classic romantic comedy that you had always wanted to see. You hit play, and the film started. As the opening credits rolled, Max snuggled up closer to you, and you could feel his warmth against your body.
As the movie progressed, you both laughed at the funny parts and swooned at the romantic scenes. You found yourself getting lost in the story, forgetting about the real world for a while. And as the movie ended, you looked over at Max and saw the smile on his face. You knew that you had chosen the right movie, and that you and Max were going to have a great night together.
\<<if $subMax == 1>>
Max browsed through the Vidflix horror film section, looking for the perfect movie to watch with you. He knew you loved a good scare, so he wanted to make sure he picked something that would give you chills down your spine. After a few minutes of searching, he settled on a classic horror film that he had seen before, but was excited to watch again with you.
As he hit play, the eerie music filled the room, setting the mood for what was to come. You snuggled up close to Max, feeling a little scared but excited at the same time. As the movie progressed, Max's arm around you made you feel safe and protected, even though your heart was racing from the suspenseful scenes.
You jumped and screamed at the sudden twists and turns of the movie, but Max was there to calm you down and reassure you that it was just a movie. As the credits rolled, you let out a sigh of relief, but also a sense of satisfaction at having survived the movie.
<<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>>That was so scary<</say>>
<<say "Max" $maxImagePath>>I know, but you were brave.<</say>>
Max gives you a kiss on the forehead.
You both settled into the couch, basking in the afterglow of the horror movie experience. Max knew that watching scary movies with you was something that he looked forward to, as it brought you both closer together and made for a thrilling night.
As it got late you decide to stay the night with Max.
<<button [[Head to the bedroom|MaxBedroom]]>>
<</button>>\<<set _c to random(0,2)>>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/scene/MaxHouseBedroom' + _c + '.png">'>>
Max's bedroom is a serene and comfortable space that invites relaxation and peace. As you enter the room, you notice that it is spacious and well-lit, with large windows that allow natural light to flood the space.
The walls are painted a calming shade of blue, which adds to the soothing atmosphere of the room. The bedding is soft and inviting, with a plush comforter and plenty of fluffy pillows. The bed itself is a queen-sized platform bed with a simple wooden frame, and it sits in the center of the room, commanding attention.
On either side of the bed, there are small bedside tables with reading lamps and a few personal items, such as books and a water glass. Across from the bed, there is a large wooden dresser with a few framed photographs and a potted plant on top.
One wall of the room is dedicated to a large built-in bookcase that spans from the floor to the ceiling. The bookcase is filled with books of various genres, as well as a few decorative items like small statues and vases. There is also a comfortable reading chair nearby, inviting you to curl up with a good book and unwind.
<<say "Max" $maxImagePath>>So, what do you want to do?<</say>>
<<button [[Sexy time, I choose what we'll do|MaxSexyTime]]>>
<<set $domMax += 1>>
<<set $MaxInteraction = null>>
<<button [[Sexy time, Max decides|MaxSexyTime]]>>
<<set $subMax += 1>>
<<if $subMax > 10>>
<<if $condoms > 0>>
<<set $MaxInteraction = ["handjob", "suck", "fuckcondom", "fuckbare"].random()>>
<<set $MaxInteraction = ["handjob", "suck", "fuckbare"].random()>>
<<set $MaxInteraction = ["handjob", "suck"].random()>>
<<button [[Sleep|MaxHome]] >>
<<addhours 6>>
<<return [[Leave|MaxHome]]>>\<<set _c to random(0,2)>>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/scene/MaxHouseKitchen' + _c + '.png">'>>
Max leads you into the kitchen, and you can't help but feel impressed by the modern and well-designed space. The kitchen is spacious, with high ceilings and ample natural light pouring in from large windows that overlook the backyard.
The walls are painted a light shade of gray, which complements the sleek stainless steel appliances and white cabinets. The countertops are made of polished granite, providing plenty of workspace for cooking and meal prep. The sink is located in front of the window, offering a beautiful view of the lush greenery outside.
There is a large island in the center of the kitchen, which serves as a gathering spot for cooking, eating, and entertaining. The island has a built-in stove with a hood above it, as well as a sink and a small bar with stools. It's clear that this is a kitchen designed for people who love to cook and entertain, with plenty of space to move around and socialize.
As you look around the kitchen, you notice that there are a few personal touches that make it feel like a home. A small herb garden sits on the windowsill, adding a touch of greenery and freshness to the space.
<<say "Max" $maxImagePath>>Do you wanna eat something?<</say>>
<<button [[Yes, please|MaxMeal]]>>
<<eat 16>>
<<addhours 1>>
<<addEnergy 5>>
<<return [[Back|MaxHome]]>>\<<set _c to random(0,2)>>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/scene/MaxHouseOut' + _c + '.png">'>>
You press the doorbell of Max's house, eagerly waiting to be greeted by your friend. However, after a few moments, you realize that nobody is answering the door. As you take a step back and look at the house, you notice that there are no lights on inside and the curtains are drawn, indicating that Max may not be home.
Feeling a sense of disappointment, you take a moment to gather your thoughts and consider your options. Perhaps Max had to run an errand or got held up at work. You could wait a little longer to see if he returns, or you could try calling or texting him to see if he's available to meet up later.
Despite the initial letdown of not being able to see your friend right away, you take solace in the fact that you have some extra time to enjoy the peaceful surroundings of the neighborhood. You take a deep breath of fresh air and let the moment sink in, feeling grateful for the chance to relax and unwind for a bit.
<<return [[Back|WestTown]]>><<if $MaxInteraction == null>>
<<include MaxPossibleInteractions>>
<<else >>
\<<switch $MaxInteraction>>
\<<case "handjob">>
\<<set $Arousal to $Arousal + 10>>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/scene/handjob0.png">'>>
You're really getting into it as you stroke him up and down with your hand, feeling the warmth and hardness of his penis in your grasp. You can sense the pleasure emanating from him as he moans and writhes beneath your touch. You experiment with different speeds and pressures, trying to find the sweet spot that will bring him to climax. You can feel the tension building in his body and you know that he's getting close.
<<include MaxPossibleInteractions>>
<<button [[Call it a night|MaxHome]]>>
<<addmins 30>>
<<case "suck">>
\<<set $Arousal to $Arousal + 20>>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/scene/blowjob0.png">'>>
You lean over and take Max's penis into your mouth, swirling your tongue around the tip. You begin to move your head back and forth, taking more of him into your mouth with each stroke. As you suck on him, you use your hands to massage his balls, feeling them tighten with each passing moment. You increase the pace of your sucking, taking him deeper into your mouth until he moans with pleasure. You continue to suck on feeling how he enjoyes each stroke.
<<include MaxPossibleInteractions>>
<<button [[Call it a night|MaxHome]]>>
<<addmins 30>>
<<case "fuckbare">>
\<<set $Arousal to $Arousal + 50>>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/scene/fucked0.png">'>>
The air is thick with lust and desire. You and your partner start kissing passionately, your hands roaming all over each other's bodies. Clothes are quickly discarded, leaving you both naked and exposed.
You lie back on the bed as Max climbs on top of you. You feel his hardness pressing against you as he enters you slowly, bit by bit. The sensation is overwhelming and you can't help but moan in pleasure.
Max starts to move, his thrusts becoming more urgent and intense. You match their rhythm, meeting each other with each movement. You can feel the heat building inside you, your pleasure mounting with each passing moment.
<<include MaxPossibleInteractions>>
<<case "fuckcondom">>
\<<set $Arousal to $Arousal + 45>>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/scene/fucked0.png">'>>
The air is thick with lust and desire. You and your partner start kissing passionately, your hands roaming all over each other's bodies. Clothes are quickly discarded, leaving you both naked and exposed.
You give him a condom which he quickly puts over his dick.
You lie back on the bed as Max climbs on top of you. You feel his hardness pressing against you as he enters you slowly, bit by bit. The sensation is overwhelming and you can't help but moan in pleasure.
Max starts to move, his thrusts becoming more urgent and intense. You match their rhythm, meeting each other with each movement. You can feel the heat building inside you, your pleasure mounting with each passing moment.
<<include MaxPossibleInteractions>>
<<case "face">>
<<set _r = random(0,2)>>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/occasion/cumOnFace' + _r + '.png">'>>
\<<set $CumOnFace = true>>
\<<set $Corruption to $Corruption + 2>>
Max eagerly jerks himself off and sprays hot, sticky cum all over your face. You feel the warmth of his orgasm as his thick ropes of cum coat your cheeks and chin and running down your neck. You hear him groan with pleasure as he finishes, and you can't help but feel a sense of satisfaction from pleasing him. Max looks at you with a satisfied smile, thanking you for being such a good partner. You both collapse on the bed, exhausted and happy, ready to fall asleep in each other's arms.
<<button [[What a night|MaxHome]]>>
<<addhours 2>>
<<case "breasts">>
<<set _r = random(0,2)>>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/occasion/cumOnBody' + _r + '.png">'>>
\<<set $CumOnBody = true>>
\<<set $Corruption to $Corruption + 1>>
He moved his hand up and down until he couldn't hold it any longer. The warmth of his semen mixed with your skin, as he let out a satisfied groan. You couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement as you watched it drip down your chest. The feeling of his release on your skin was a mix of naughtiness and pleasure that sent shivers down your spine. As you lay there together, enjoying the moment, you couldn't help but feel satisfied with your decision to let him finish on your breasts.
<<button [[What a night|MaxHome]]>>
<<addhours 2>>
<<case "floor">>
\ <<set _r = random(0,2)>>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/occasion/cumOnFloor' + _r + '.png">'>>
You let Max finish on the floor. He was so turned on and you were both so caught up in the moment that it just seemed like the natural thing to do. You could feel the heat rising between you as he pounded into you harder and harder, his breathing growing more ragged by the second. And when he finally came, it was like an explosion, the hot spurts of his cum shooting out of him and landing all over the floor.
You watched him as he shuddered with pleasure, his body still twitching from the force of his orgasm. It was such a sexy sight that you couldn't help but feel a little turned on yourself. You leaned in close and whispered in his ear, telling him how much you enjoyed it, and he groaned in response.
After a few moments, the two of you collapsed onto the bed, exhausted but satisfied. You looked over at the mess on the floor and couldn't help but smile. It was a little naughty, but it was also incredibly hot. You knew that you would never forget this moment, and you were already looking forward to the next time the two of you could be together.
<<button [[What a night|MaxHome]]>>
<<addhours 2>>
<<case "swallow">>
\<<set _r = random(0,2)>>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/occasion/swallowed' + _r + '.png">'>>
\<<set $Corruption to $Corruption + 3>>
Max finished in your mouth and you took it all in, savoring the taste of his release. You felt a sense of power as you swallowed it down, fully in control of the situation. The warmth of his cum filled your mouth, and you couldn't help but let out a small moan of pleasure as you swallowed it down. You felt a rush of excitement as you looked up at Max, seeing the look of satisfaction on his face. You knew that you had pleased him, and that feeling was incredibly satisfying.
You wiped your mouth with the back of your hand, feeling a sense of satisfaction at the sight of your hand covered in his cum. You leaned in close to Max, pressing your lips against his and letting him taste himself on your tongue. The kiss was passionate, and you could feel his desire for you growing with each passing moment. You pulled away, a satisfied smile on your lips, knowing that you had given him everything he wanted and more.
<<button [[What a night|MaxHome]]>>
<<addhours 2>>
<<case "inside">>
\ <<set _r = random(0,2)>>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/occasion/cumInPussy' + _r + '.png">'>>
\<<set $CumInside = true>>
\<<set $Virginity to false>>
\<<set $Corruption to $Corruption + 4>>
You let Max finish inside of you, feeling his warmth as he emptied himself deep inside. Your body shuddered with pleasure as he collapsed on top of you, both of you breathing heavily. You wrapped your arms around him, feeling his weight on top of you. For a few moments, you lay there, enjoying the afterglow of your intimate encounter. Eventually, you both rolled over onto your sides, facing each other. You smiled at him, feeling a sense of contentment wash over you. You were glad that you had taken this step with him. It had been a long time since you had felt this kind of connection with someone. As you lay there, you realized that you were falling for him. Hard.
<<button [[What a night|MaxHome]]>>
<<addhours 2>>
\<<set $Arousal to 0>>
<<case "condom">>
\<<set $Corruption to $Corruption + 3>>
\<<set $Virginity to false>>
\ <<set _r = random(0,2)>>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/occasion/usedCondom' + _r + '.png">'>>
The sensation is almost overwhelming as you feel yourself building towards orgasm. Max seems to sense this, picking up the pace as he continues to pound into you. You dig your nails into his back, biting down on your lip to stifle your moans as your orgasm crashes over you.
As you ride out your pleasure, Max continues to thrust, the condom preventing him from finishing inside you. But as your orgasm subsides, he reaches his own climax, groaning in pleasure as he releases inside the condom. You both collapse onto the bed, spent and satisfied, with a sense of intimacy that only comes from truly letting go with someone you trust.
<<button [[What a night|MaxHome]]>>
<<addhours 2>>
<<set $Arousal to 0>>
<</if>>\<<if $subMax - $domMax > 9>>
\<<if $MaxInteraction == "handjob" || $MaxInteraction == "suck">>
<<button [[Let him finish where he wants|MaxSexyTime]]>>
<<set $MaxInteraction to ["face", "breasts", "floor", "swallow"].random()>>
\<<if $MaxInteraction == "fuckbare">>
<<button [[Let him finish inside without protection|MaxSexyTime]]>>
<<set $MaxInteraction to "inside">>
\<<if $MaxInteraction == "fuckcondom">>
<<button [[Let him finish inside|MaxSexyTime]]>>
<<set $MaxInteraction to "condom">>
\<<if $MaxInteraction == "handjob" || $MaxInteraction == "suck">>
<<button [[Let him finish on your face|MaxSexyTime]]>>
<<set $MaxInteraction to "face">>
<<button [[Let him finish on your breasts|MaxSexyTime]]>>
<<set $MaxInteraction to "breasts">>
<<button [[Let him finish on the floor|MaxSexyTime]]>>
<<set $MaxInteraction to "floor">>
<<button [[Swallow his load|MaxSexyTime]]>>
<<set $MaxInteraction to "swallow">>
\<<if $MaxInteraction == "fuckbare">>
<<button [[Let him finish inside without protection|MaxSexyTime]]>>
<<set $MaxInteraction to "inside">>
\<<if $MaxInteraction == "fuckcondom">>
<<button [[Let him finish inside|MaxSexyTime]]>>
<<set $MaxInteraction to "condom">>
\<<if $MaxInteraction == "handjob" || $MaxInteraction == "suck" || $MaxInteraction == null>>
<<button [[Handjob|MaxSexyTime]]>>
<<addmins 10>>
<<set $MaxInteraction to "handjob">>
<<button [[Suck his dick|MaxSexyTime]]>>
<<addmins 10>>
<<set $MaxInteraction to "suck">>
\<<if $condoms > 0>>
<<button [[Let him fuck you with a condom|MaxSexyTime]]>>
<<addmins 30>>
<<set $MaxInteraction to "fuckcondom">>
<<button [[Let him fuck you bare|MaxSexyTime]]>>
<<addmins 30>>
<<set $MaxInteraction to "fuckbare">>
<<else >>
\<<if $condoms > 0>>
<<button [[Let him fuck you with a condom|MaxSexyTime]]>>
<<addmins 30>>
<<set $MaxInteraction to "fuckcondom">>
<<button [[Let him fuck you bare|MaxSexyTime]]>>
<<addmins 30>>
<<set $MaxInteraction to "fuckbare">>
\<</if>>\<<set _c to random(0,3)>>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/scene/busStop' + _c + '.png">'>>
As you arrive at the bus station, you take in the bustling scene around you. The station is a hub of activity, with people rushing to and from.
The station itself is a large, open-air space with a high ceiling and plenty of natural light streaming in from large windows. The floor is made of smooth concrete, polished to a high shine, and there are rows of wooden benches lining the perimeter of the station.
There are several ticket automat, where you can buy a ticket. Or are you sassy enough to take the bus without a valid ticket.
\<<if previous() == "OutsideAppartment">>
<<button [[WestTown - $ 10 |Driving]]>>
<<addmins 30>>
<<set $Money = $Money - 10 >>
<<set $drivingScene = random(0,0)>>
<<set $drivingDestination = 'WestTown'>>
<</button>> <<button [[WestTown - travel without paying|DrivingSchwarz]]>>
<<set $schwarzDriving to random(0,4) >>
<<set $drivingSchwarz += 1>>
<<set $drivingScene = random(0,0)>>
<<set $drivingDestination = 'WestTown'>>
\<<if previous() == "WestTown">>
<<button [[Outside appartment - $ 10 |Driving]]>>
<<addmins 30>>
<<set $Money = $Money - 10 >>
<<set $drivingScene = random(0,0)>>
<<set $drivingDestination = 'OutsideAppartment'>>
<</button>> <<button [[Outside appartment - travel without paying|DrivingSchwarz]]>>
<<set $schwarzDriving to random(0,4) >>
<<set $drivingSchwarz += 1>>
<<set $drivingDestination = 'OutsideAppartment'>>
<<return "Back">> \<<if !$isMale>>
\<<if ($gameDate.getHours() > 6 && $gameDate.getHours() < 10) || ($gameDate.getHours() > 16 && $gameDate.getHours() < 20)>>
<<set $drivingScene = random(0,2)>>
<<goto DrivingCrowded>>
\<<elseif ($gameDate.getHours() > 22 && $gameDate.getHours() < 24) || ($gameDate.getHours() > 0 && $gameDate.getHours() < 4) && random(0,5) == 0>>
<<goto DrivingCreep>>
\<<else >>
<<set $drivingScene = random(0,1)>>
<<goto DrivingNormal>>
<<goto DrivingNormalMale>>
\<<if $schwarzDriving == 1>>
\<<set _c to random(0,2)>>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/scene/busDriving' + _c + '.png">'>>
As you settled into a seat on the bus, a group of controllers boarded and began checking passengers' tickets. Your heart skipped a beat as you realized you had no ticket. You looked around nervously, hoping to avoid detection, but it was too late.
One of the controllers approached you and asked to see your ticket. You hesitated, trying to think of an excuse, but the controller's stern gaze left no room for evasion. You admitted that you had forgotten to purchase a ticket and didn't have one with you.
The controller's expression hardened as they informed you of the fine for riding without a ticket. Your cheeks burned with embarrassment as the other passengers watched, and you fumbled in your pockets for your wallet.
After a moment of tense silence, you handed over $ 60 for the fine, feeling a sense of shame wash over you. The controller gave you a stern warning and moved on to the next passenger, leaving you feeling humiliated and regretful for not paying for your ticket.
As the bus continued on its journey, you couldn't help but feel like you had let yourself down. You vowed to never forget to purchase a ticket again, and to always be mindful of the rules and regulations that kept public transportation running smoothly.
<<set $Money to $Money - 60>>
<<button [[Damn, what a waste.|Driving]]>><</button>>
<<goto Driving>>
\<</if>>\<<set _c to random(0,2)>>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/scene/maxCooking' + _c + '.png">'>>
Max stands at the stove, a wooden spoon in hand as he stirs a pot of simmering sauce. He looks up and smiles warmly as you enter, and you can't help but feel your stomach grumble in anticipation of what's to come.
On the counter, you see a variety of ingredients, from fresh vegetables to cuts of meat and pasta. Max expertly moves between them, chopping and slicing with ease as he prepares the meal.
The sound of sizzling and the occasional clink of a utensil against a pot or pan fills the air as Max works. He moves with grace and precision, his movements almost like a choreographed dance.
As the meal comes together, Max invites you to sit at the table and pours you a glass of wine. The table is set with a crisp white tablecloth and polished silverware, giving the space an air of elegance.
The food is served, each dish a masterpiece of flavors and textures. You savor each bite, marveling at the balance of spices and the tender texture of the meat. Max watches you eat with satisfaction, his own plate empty, and a glass of wine in hand.
\<<set $IntoxicatedDrinks to $IntoxicatedDrinks + 1>>
\<<set $lastDrink to $gameDate>>
<<return "Back">><<switch $drink>>
<<case "beer">>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/scene/barBeer.png">'>>
The bartender approaches you with a friendly smile and asks, "What can I get for you today?" You respond, "I'd like a beer, please." The bartender nods and heads over to the tap to pour you a cold one. You take a moment to take in your surroundings as you wait for your drink. The bar is bustling with people chatting, laughing, and clinking glasses. The sound of ice clinking in glasses and the soft hum of background music fill the air. The bartender returns with your beer, and you take a long, refreshing sip. You feel the cold liquid wash over you, relieving some of the tension from the previous night's festivities. You sit back and relax, enjoying the atmosphere of the bar.
<<case "wine">>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/scene/barWine.png">'>>
You look over the drink menu, but your eyes are drawn to the wine list. You consider your options before finally settling on a glass of red wine. You place your order, and the bartender nods, pouring you a generous serving. The dark liquid glistens in the dim lighting of the bar as you bring it to your lips, savoring the smooth and rich flavor. You sit back, relaxing as you enjoy your drink.
<<case "shot">>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/scene/barVodka.png">'>>
You clear your throat and say, "I'll have a shot of vodka, please." The bartender nods and quickly pours a shot of the clear liquor into a shot glass. They slide it over to you, and you pick it up, taking a moment to gather yourself before you down it in one quick gulp. The warm liquid burns as it goes down, and you feel the effects of the alcohol almost immediately.
<<case "cocktail">>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/scene/barCocktail.png">'>>
You glance over the menu, trying to decide what to order. Your gaze stops at the Tequila Sunset, and you can't resist the temptation. You signal to the bartender, who approaches you with a friendly smile.
<<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>>I'll have a Tequila Sunset Cocktail<</say>>You are eager to taste the refreshing drink.
The bartender nods and sets to work, mixing tequila, orange juice, grenadine, and a touch of lemon juice in a shaker. They pour the mixture over ice in a tall glass and garnish it with an orange slice. The bartender places the drink in front of you, and you take a sip, relishing the sweet and tangy flavor. The buzz from the alcohol mixes with the sugar and the citrus, creating a feeling of euphoria. You take another sip and close your eyes, letting the Tequila Sunset Cocktail wash over you and clear your mind.
<<case "tequila">>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/scene/barTequila.png">'>>
As you drink the shot you taste that something is different. You got a different liquor than before.
The warm liquid burns as it goes down, and you feel the effects of the alcohol almost immediately.
\<<addmins 15>>
<<button [[Finish up|Casino]]>>
<<set $drink to "">>
<<set $lastDrink to $gameDate>>
<</button>>\<<set _c to random(0,4)>>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/scene/bus' + _c + '.png">'>>
\<<switch $drivingScene>>
\<<case 0>>
As the bus pulls away from the station, you settle into your seat and take in the sights and sounds of the journey ahead. The bus engine hums steadily as it navigates the busy streets, weaving in and out of traffic with ease.
Outside the windows, the world blurs by in a colorful blur of shops, cafes, and office buildings. You watch as pedestrians hustle past, each lost in their own thoughts and conversations, while cars and bicycles zip past the bus.
Inside the bus, the atmosphere is a mix of quiet and chatter. Some passengers are dozing off, while others chat with their friends or read books. A few people are plugged into their headphones, lost in their own music.
The driver's voice crackles over the intercom, announcing upcoming stops and reminding passengers to hold on tight. The bus slows and stops frequently, allowing passengers to embark and disembark, the doors hissing open and shut with a metallic clank.
As the bus arrives at your stop, you stand up and leave the bus.
<<button [[Leave the Bus|$drivingDestination]]>><</button>>
<<case 1>>
As you board the bus, you notice the smell of diesel and a faint scent of air freshener. You take a seat and peer out the window, watching as the world outside passes by in a blur of colors and shapes.
The bus jolts and jerks as it navigates through the busy streets, and you hold on tight to the seat to steady yourself. The engine hums loudly, and the sound of the air conditioning fills the bus, providing a welcome relief from the heat.
You look around and notice that the other passengers are lost in their own worlds, some dozing off while others stare intently at their phones. The occasional sound of a ringtone or the beep of a text message punctuates the silence.
As the bus approaches each stop, the driver announces the location over the intercom, and passengers shuffle on and off the bus. The doors hiss open and shut with a metallic clank, and the bus continues on its way.
Finally, your stop arrives, and you gather your belongings and make your way to the exit. As you step off the bus, you feel a sense of relief and excitement, eager to continue your journey on foot.
<<button [[Leave the Bus|$drivingDestination]]>><</button>>
<</switch>>\<<set _c to random(0,3)>>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/scene/busCrowded' + _c + '.png">'>>
\<<switch $drivingScene>>
\<<case 0>>
You step onto the bus and realize that it's already crowded. Every seat is taken, and people are packed shoulder to shoulder in the aisles. You grab onto a metal pole and brace yourself as the bus lurches forward.
The smell of sweat and perfume mingles in the air, and the hum of conversation fills the crowded space. You shift your weight as the bus turns a corner, trying to find a more comfortable position in the sea of bodies.
Outside, the world is a blur of buildings and street signs, but inside the bus, everyone is focused on finding a bit of personal space. Some people stare intently at their phones, while others read books or newspapers. The occasional burst of laughter or muttered curse adds to the cacophony of noise.
As the bus continues on its route, more people try to board, squeezing their way in and adding to the crush of humanity. You hold on tight to the pole, feeling a bit claustrophobic and wishing for a bit more breathing room.
Finally, your stop arrives, and you make your way to the exit, squeezing past people as you go. As you step off the bus, you take a deep breath of fresh air, relieved to have a bit of space and solitude.
<<button [[Leave the Bus|$drivingDestination]]>><</button>>
<<case 1>>
As you enter the overcrowded bus, you realize that finding a seat is out of the question. You push your way through the swarm of bodies, struggling to breathe in the putrid stench of sweat and cheap perfume.
The bus starts moving, and you're immediately thrown around like a ragdoll by the aggressive passengers. Your anxiety spikes with every second, and you try to find a sliver of space to stand in that doesn't make you feel like you're being buried alive.
Finally, you manage to find a spot to stand, but it's next to a creep who's invading your personal space. You try to move away, but the sea of people won't let you. You're stuck there, with his repulsive breath on your neck and your skin crawling with disgust.
Suddenly, you feel a hand grope your backside, and you turn around to confront the perpetrator. The pervert just smirks and acts like he did nothing wrong, making your blood boil with rage and humiliation.
The remainder of the bus ride is a nightmare, as you struggle to ignore the deviant's presence and the memory of his violation. Finally, the bus arrives at your destination, and you bolt out of the bus, eager to escape the crowded prison and the predator's twisted advances.
<<button [[Leave the Bus|$drivingDestination]]>><</button>>
<<case 2>>
As you board the crowded bus, you immediately realize that finding a seat will be impossible. You squeeze your way through the throngs of people, trying to find a spot to stand that's not too claustrophobic.
As the bus lurches forward, you're jostled around by the other passengers, and you can feel a hand on your butt. You turn around and see the stranger, a creepy smile on his face, enjoying the feeling of your body.
But instead of feeling angry, you feel a strange excitement at being touched by a stranger in public. You lean back into him, allowing him to continue touching you as the bus ride continues. The scent of sweat and perfume mixes with the scent of arousal, and you can't help but feel alive with pleasure.
When the ride finally ends, you turn to the stranger and give him a wicked smile.
<<set $Corruption += 1>><<set $Exhibitionism to $Exhibitionism + 1>>
<<button [[Leave the Bus|$drivingDestination]]>><</button>>
\<<set _c to random(0,0)>>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/scene/busCreep' + _c + '.png">'>>
You step onto the empty bus and take a seat near the back, enjoying the peace and quiet. But as the bus begins to move, you realize that you're not alone. One other passenger sits across from you, staring intently in your direction.
The man is middle-aged, with greying hair and a serious expression on his face. His gaze is unsettling, and you can't shake the feeling that he's watching your every move.
The bus engine hums steadily as it navigates the streets, and the man never once looks away. You try to read a book to distract yourself, but it's impossible to concentrate with his gaze fixed on you.
As the bus approaches your stop, you gather your things and make your way to the exit. To your surprise, the man stands up and follows you off the bus
<<button [[Leave the Bus|$drivingDestination]]>><</button>>
\<<set _c to random(0,2)>>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/scene/hotelRoom' + _c + '.png">'>>
The hotel room is a cozy and functional space designed to provide guests with a comfortable stay. The room features a queen-sized bed with fresh linens and pillows, ensuring a good night's sleep. The decor is simple and modern, with neutral colors and tasteful artwork on the walls. There is also a small seating area with a comfortable armchair or a small sofa, perfect for relaxing or reading.
The room is equipped with a flat-screen TV mounted on the wall, providing entertainment options for guests. There is also a desk and chair, which is ideal for business travelers or guests who need to catch up on work. The room is air-conditioned and has good lighting, making it a pleasant space to spend time in.
The private bathroom is clean and functional, with a shower, a sink, and a toilet. The bathroom comes stocked with fresh towels, basic toiletries such as shampoo, conditioner, and soap, and a hairdryer. The hotel room is also equipped with a small fridge and a coffee maker, providing guests with added convenience.
Overall, the hotel room is a simple and comfortable space, designed to meet the basic needs of travelers. While it may not be luxurious or lavish, it provides everything guests need for a comfortable and enjoyable stay in the area.
<<button [[Take a nap - 30 minutes|Nap]]>>
<<set $nap_duration to 30>>
<</button>> <<button [[Take a nap - 60 minutes|Nap]]>>
<<set $nap_duration to 60>>
<</button>> <<button [[Take a nap - 3 hours|Nap]]>>
<<set $nap_duration to 3>>
<</button>> <<button [[Take a nap - 8 hours|Nap]]>>
<<set $nap_duration to 8>>
<<button [[Bathroom|BathroomHotelRoom]]>><</button>>
<<return [[Back|Hotel]]>>\<<set _c to random(0,2)>>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/scene/hotelBath' + _c + '.png">'>>
The bathroom is a clean and functional space designed to provide guests with all the necessary amenities. The bathroom features a shower, a sink with a countertop, and a toilet. The decor is simple and modern, with neutral colors and tasteful tiling on the walls.
The bathroom comes stocked with fresh towels, including bath towels, hand towels, and washcloths. There is also a selection of basic toiletries provided for guests' convenience, such as shampoo, conditioner, and soap. A hairdryer is also provided in the bathroom, making it easy for guests to style their hair.
The bathroom is well-lit, with bright overhead lighting and additional lighting over the mirror, making it easy to see while getting ready. The shower is enclosed with a glass door and features adjustable water pressure and temperature controls, ensuring a comfortable and refreshing experience.
\<<include "WCActions">>
<<button [[Take a shower|ShowerHotelRoom]]>>
<<set $shower to true>>
<<return [[Back|HotelRoom]]>>\<<set _c to random(0,3)>>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/scene/hotelBreakfast' + _c + '.png">'>>
The breakfast room in the hotel at WestTown is a bright and welcoming space designed to provide guests with a comfortable and enjoyable dining experience. The room features large windows that let in plenty of natural light, creating a warm and inviting atmosphere. The decor is simple and modern, with neutral colors and tasteful artwork on the walls.
The breakfast room is set up with a buffet-style serving area, featuring a variety of breakfast items to choose from. There are hot and cold options available, including scrambled eggs, bacon, sausage, toast, cereal, yogurt, fresh fruit, and pastries. The food is displayed on long tables, making it easy for guests to serve themselves and choose their favorite items.
The room is equipped with comfortable seating options, including tables and chairs or booths, allowing guests to enjoy their breakfast in a relaxed and comfortable setting. There is also a TV mounted on the wall, providing entertainment options for guests while they eat.
<<button [[Eat Breakfast|EatBreakfastHotel]]>>
<<eat 25>>
<<addmins 30>>
<<return [[Back|Hotel]]>><<set _c to random(0,5)>>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/scene/shower' + _c + '.png">'>>
<<set _r = random(0, 2)>>
\<<switch _r>><<case 0>>
\<<set $energy to $energy + 10>>
\<<addmins 20>>
You turn on the shower, letting the warm water cascade over your body. You close your eyes and let out a sigh of contentment as you feel the tension and stress of the day wash away.
You take your time, lathering up with your favorite soap and shampooing your hair. You feel refreshed and rejuvenated as you step out of the shower and dry off.
<<case 1>>
\<<set $energy to $energy + 15>>
\<<addmins 40>>
You turn on the shower, letting the hot water ease your sore muscles. You take a deep breath and enjoy the steam filling the room.
You scrub your body with a loofah, feeling the grime and dirt of the day being washed away. You take a few minutes to just stand under the water and let your mind clear.
When you step out of the shower, you feel revitalized and ready to take on the day ahead.
<<case 2>>
\<<set $energy to $energy + 10>>
\<<addmins 10>>
You turn on the shower, letting the cold water wake you up. You gasp as the water hits your skin, but soon start to enjoy the invigorating feeling.
You wash quickly, wanting to get the cold water over and done with. When you step out of the shower, you feel energized and ready to tackle the day ahead.
\<<if $Corruption > 5 >>
<<button [[Masturbate|ShowerMasturbate]]>>
<<button [[Finish Shower|BathroomHotelRoom]]>>
<<doMakeup 0>>
\<<set $CumOnFace to false>>
\<<set $CumOnBody to false>>
\<<set $CumInside to false>>
\<<set $CumInAss to false>>
\<<set _c to random(5,11)>>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/scene/breakfast' + _c + '.png">'>>
As you sit down to enjoy breakfast in the hotel's breakfast room, you take a moment to observe your surroundings. The room is bustling with activity, as other guests come and go, filling their plates with food and chatting amongst themselves.
You take a moment to appreciate the variety of breakfast items available, and you select a plate of scrambled eggs, bacon, and toast, along with a cup of coffee. You settle into a comfortable booth and begin to eat, savoring the delicious flavors of your meal.
As you eat, you take note of the other guests in the room. There are families with young children, couples on vacation, and business travelers in suits and ties. The atmosphere is friendly and relaxed, and you find yourself feeling content and at ease.
As you finish your meal, you take a moment to reflect on your plans for the day. Perhaps you'll spend some time exploring WestTown's local shops and attractions, or maybe you'll take a stroll along the beach. Whatever the day may bring, you feel energized and ready to start anew, thanks to the delicious breakfast and welcoming atmosphere of the hotel's breakfast room.
<<return [[Back|Hotel]]>> \<<set $Arousal to Math.clamp($Arousal + 20,0,100)>>
\ <<set $Corruption += 1>>
<<switch $alexStrikes>>
<<case 0>>
<<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>>I bet you are a good boy, so obey me now!<</say>>
<<say $alexNameChange $alexImagePath>>So little, that was your first mistake!
I warn you, don't you dare provoke me, you don't want to know what happens if you provoke me.
Now get down on your knees and sit tight for 10 minutes!<</say>>
<<button [[Stand up again|AlexPlace]]>>
<<addmins 10>>
<<set $alexStrikes += 1>>
<<case 1>>
You go to the kitchen, pour one glas of his good whiskey. You return to <<= $alexNameChange>> while sipping slowly from the glass.
<<say $alexNameChange $alexImagePath>>Second strike.<</say>>
As you blink he switched the whiskey with a bottle of water.
<<say $alexNameChange $alexImagePath>>This is way better. <</say>>
He gives your ass a little smack while he returns the glass to the kitchen.
<<button [[Maybe this was a bad idea.|AlexPlace]]>>
<<addmins 10>>
<<set $alexStrikes += 1>>
<<case 2>>
<<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>>I'll give you "good girl"<</say>>
<<say $alexNameChange $alexImagePath>>Oh you do?
Third strike! This was the last warning you ever get. Now go to the wall, spread your fingers against the walls and keep those coins on the wall. I watch you here while you do this, if you drop a coin you start over!<</say>>
<span id="punishment2"></span>
<span id="punishment">
<<link "Keep the coins up">>
<<replace "#punishment" t8n>>
<<say $alexNameChange $alexImagePath>>Good girl, now think about what you have done and be nice again.<</say>>
<<button [[Ok, I will be|AlexPlace]]>>
<<addmins 10>>
<<set $alexStrikes += 1>>
<<link "Drop a coin">>
<<replace "#punishment2" t8n>>
<<addmins 10>>
<<say $alexNameChange $alexImagePath>>Here we go again!<</say>>
<<case 3>>
<<if def $alexRerunBadGirl && $alexRerunBadGirl == "drink">>
You go to the kitchen, pour one glas of his good whiskey. You return to <<= $alexNameChange>> while sipping slowly from the glass.
As you blink he took the whiskey away.
<<elseif def $alexRerunBadGirl && $alexRerunBadGirl == "goodGirl">>
<<say $alexNameChange $alexImagePath>>Oh you do? <</say>>
Then he starts:
You grab his arm and bite him as hard as you can.
He pulls his arm away and starts:
<<say $alexNameChange $alexImagePath>>Here lies the brat, that thought today was the day and I was the one, that destiny would surrender to their whims, and life would bend to their desires.<</say>>
<<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>>Did you just start my eulogy?<</say>>
He grabs you, puts you over his knee, takes his flogger and smacks you on your ass.
<<say $alexNameChange $alexImagePath>>You know why I have to do this, now count each stroke!<</say>>
<<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>>1, 2, 3, <</say>>
<<button [["4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10"|AlexBadGirl]]>>
<<set $alexStrikes = 4>>
<<button [[Good boy|AlexBadGirl]]>>
<<set $alexStrikes = 5>>
<<case 4>>
<<say $alexNameChange $alexImagePath>>Good girl, now get up and sit down on your bum.<</say>>
<<button [[Outch that hurt.|AlexPlace]]>>
<<addmins 10>>
<<set $alexStrikes = 6>>
<<case 5>>
<<say $alexNameChange $alexImagePath>>Bad mistake, brat. You should not have done that.<</say>>
He strips you naked, picks you up, and carries you out of his door.
<<say $alexNameChange $alexImagePath>>Now go home. 3 days timeout!<</say>>
<<button [[Maybe this was really a bad idea.|Appartment]]>>
<<addmins 10>>
<<set $alexStrikes = 6>>
<<set $wearing = []>>
<<set $alexTimeout = $gameDate>>
<</switch>>As soon as you enter his room, <<= $alexNameChange>> instructs you to remove all your clothing and lie face down on the bed.
<<say $alexNameChange $alexImagePath>>This time I want to fuck your ass. Undress, lay face down on the bed and wait for me to take over!<</say>>
<<include "Striptease">>
He takes off his own clothes quickly before joining you on the mattress.
So <<= $alexNameChange>> is standing behind you, holding onto your hips as he pushes himself into your tight hole. You can feel the head of his cock stretching you open, making you moan in pleasure/pain. He starts thrusting slowly at first, but then picks up speed until he's pounding away at your ass like there's no tomorrow. His thick meat feels so good inside of you, hitting all the right spots every time.
You hear him grunting with each stroke, feeling his balls slapping against your cheeks with each powerful thrust. Your own moans are muffled by the pillow underneath your face, but that doesn't stop <<= $alexNameChange>> from hearing them. It only encourages him to go even harder, driving deeper into your body.
He grabs hold of your hair, pulling back on it while he pounds away at your ass. The pain mixed with pleasure is almost too much for you to handle, but you don't want him to stop. In fact, you beg him to keep going, telling him how good it feels when he hits just the right spot.
<<= $alexNameChange>> seems to enjoy hearing those words, pushing himself even further into you. You can feel his sweat dripping down onto your skin, mixing with yours as he continues to ride you hard. Before long, he reaches his climax, unloading deep within you. You feel his hot seed shooting straight through your bowels, leaving you weak and spent after such a rough session.As you sit on the park bench, you take in your surroundings. The sun is shining down through the trees, casting dappled light onto the ground around you. Birds chirp overhead as they flit from branch to branch. You can hear children laughing and playing nearby, their voices carrying across the grassy expanse of the park.
As you relax into the warmth of the afternoon, you feel yourself becoming more aware of your own body. Your muscles begin to unwind after the day's activities, releasing tension that has built up over time. It feels good to just be still for once, to let go of all the worries and stresses of daily life.
\<<if $weed > 0>>
<<button [[Smoke some Weed|ParkBenchJoint]]>>
<<set $weed -= 1>>
<<addhours 1>>
<<return [[Back|Park]]>>As you sit down on the wooden bench, you take out your bag of weed and pull out a small joint. You light it with a lighter, taking inhales deeply as the smoke fills your lungs. The sweet scent of marijuana wafts through the air, mixing with the sounds of nature around you.
You close your eyes and relax, feeling the warmth of the sun on your skin. Your mind starts to drift away from reality as you get lost in thought. You start to think about all the things that have been bothering you, but they seem less significant now that you're high.
As you continue to smoke, time seems to slow down. You lose track of how long you've been sitting there, but eventually you feel like you need to move on. You put out the joint and throw it onto the ground, making sure not to leave any evidence behind.
With a newfound sense of energy, you stand up and decide to explore the rest of the park.
<<return [[Back|Park]]>>!!Jobs
Embark on various exciting roles that await you:
* Librarian: Immerse yourself in the realm of knowledge, organizing and curating information to shape the minds of your community.
* Barista: Master the art of crafting delightful beverages, turning ordinary moments into extraordinary experiences for your customers.
Once you acquire a computer in the game, new avenues of employment open up:
* Secretary: Manage tasks efficiently, keep schedules in check, and become the backbone of the office environment.
* Waitress: Take on the role of a diligent server, catering to the needs of patrons and ensuring their dining experiences are nothing short of exceptional.
* Bargirl: Engage and entertain customers, mix and serve drinks, and create a vibrant and unforgettable atmosphere within the virtual nightlife.
Explore these diverse jobs, each with its own unique challenges and rewards, as you forge your path to success in a new town. Your journey towards greatness starts here!
<<if ndef $startMasturbating || $startMasturbating == false>>
\<<set _objectOptions = {"Hand":"finger" }>>
\<<set _lubeOptions = {"None":"", "Salvia": "salvia"}>>
\<<set _holeOptions = {"Penis":"penis" }>>
\<<if $smallDildo == true>><<set _objectOptions['Small Dildo'] = 'smalldildo'>><</if>>
\<<if $mediumDildo == true>><<set _objectOptions['Dildo'] = 'dildo'>><</if>>
\<<if $bigDildo == true>><<set _objectOptions['Big dildo'] = 'bigdildo'>><</if>>
\<<if $lube > 0>><<set _lubeOptions['Lube'] = 'lube'>><</if>>
\<<if $cucumber > 0>><<set _objectOptions['Cucumber'] = 'cucumber'>><</if>>
\<<if $carrot > 0>><<set _objectOptions['Carrot'] = 'carrot'>><</if>>
\<<if $eggplant > 0>><<set _objectOptions['Eggplant'] = 'eggplant'>><</if>>
\<<if $banana > 0>><<set _objectOptions['Banana'] = 'banana'>><</if>>
\<<if $Corruption > 20>><</if>>
\<<if $Corruption > 50>><<set _holeOptions['Ass'] = 'ass'>><</if>>
\<<if $Corruption > 70>><<set _holeOptions['Mouth'] = 'mouth'>><</if>>
You open your drawer, take a look inside and decide what you take to masturbate
<<listbox "$MasturbateTool" autoselect>>
<<optionsfrom _objectOptions>>
You also want to utilize
<<listbox "$MasturbateLube" autoselect>>
<<optionsfrom _lubeOptions>>
and what you wanna use
<<listbox "$MasturbateHole" autoselect>>
<<optionsfrom _holeOptions>>
<<button [[Get some "me" time|MasturbateMale]]>>
<<set $startMasturbating to true>>
<<button [[Stand up|Bedroom]]>>
<<else >>
\ <<set $startMasturbating to false>>
\<<set _c to random(0,3)>>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/masturbating/' + $MasturbateHole + '_' + $MasturbateTool + _c + '.png">'>>
\<<if $MasturbateHole == 'penis'>>
\<<if $MasturbateTool == "finger">>
You are lying on your bed with the covers pulled up to your chin.
\<<if $MasturbateLube == 'salvia'>>
You spit on your penis to lube it up.
\<<elseif $MasturbateLube == 'lube'>>
You take out a tube of lube, put it on your penis and rub it all over.
\<<else >>
You reach down to your crotch and begin to stroke your penis with your hand.
Your hand is moving quickly up and down your shaft, making sure that every stroke feels incredible. The sheets beneath you are starting to get damp from all the pre-cum that's dripping out of you. As you move faster, you can feel yourself getting closer and closer to climaxing. Your eyes close as you focus on the sensation of your fingers moving up and down your shaft. With each passing second, it becomes harder and harder for you to hold back. Finally, after what seems like forever, you let out a loud moan as you come all over your hand, your semen spurting out onto the sheets below. You collapse onto your pillow, breathing heavily as you enjoy the feeling of release washing over you.
\<<elseif $MasturbateTool =="cucumber" || $MasturbateTool =="eggplant" || $MasturbateTool =="banana" >>
Cutting a hole into a <<= $MasturbateTool>> with a sharp object such as a knife create an opening in the top of the <<= $MasturbateTool>> that is large enough for your penis to fit through. Once you have created the hole, insert your penis into the opening and begin thrusting. As you move, the <<= $MasturbateTool>> will provide a slimy, textured surface for your penis to slide against, which can add a new sensation to your sexual experience.
With a final moan, you release into your hand, your semen spurting out onto the sheets below. You let out a satisfied sigh as you collapse back onto the pillow, spent but content.
\<<elseif $MasturbateTool =="carrot" >>
Once the <<= $MasturbateTool>> is cut lengthwise, you should remove the inside. The resulting cavity will be roughly cylindrical in shape, with a diameter slightly smaller than your penis.
To insert your penis into the <<= $MasturbateTool>>, you may want to start by wetting both the <<= $MasturbateTool>> and your penis beforehand.
\<<if $MasturbateLube == 'salvia'>>
You spit on your penis to lube it up.
\<<elseif $MasturbateLube == 'lube'>>
You take out a tube of lube, put it on your penis and rub it all over.
\<<else >>
But you feel risky today and dont lube neither the <<= $MasturbateTool>> nor your penis.
You then place the tip of your penis at the entrance of the <<= $MasturbateTool>> and slowly begin to push inside. As you continue to thrust, the <<= $MasturbateTool>>you feel the tightness.
With a final moan, you release into your hand, your semen spurting out onto the sheets below. You let out a satisfied sigh as you collapse back onto the pillow, spent but content.
\<<elseif $MasturbateTool =="smalldildo" || $MasturbateTool =="dildo" || $MasturbateTool =="bigdildo" >>
<<if ($maleDilated > 5 && $MasturbateTool =="smalldildo") || ($maleDilated > 10 && $MasturbateTool =="dildo") || ($maleDilated > 15 && $MasturbateTool =="bigdildo") >>
You spread the tip of your penis and carefully insert <<= $MasturbateTool>>. You Push it deep down and pull it slowly up again, you use your Penis like a Pussy.
You push it in and out, widen your boypussy a bit. You feel a pressure building. You moan loudly. You feel the orgasm cumming. It spourts out on the sides of the <<= $MasturbateTool>>. You collapse onto your pillow, breathing heavily as you enjoy the feeling of release washing over you.
\<<set $maleDilated += 1>>
As you try to insert the <<= $MasturbateTool>> into your penis you feel the pain. You spread your penis's tip, pushing the tip of the <<= $MasturbateTool>> a bit further down.
None the less you are horny as this does not work out you grab your penis and pulling up and down.
Your hand is moving quickly up and down your shaft, making sure that every stroke feels incredible. The sheets beneath you are starting to get damp from all the pre-cum that's dripping out of you. As you move faster, you can feel yourself getting closer and closer to climaxing. Your eyes close as you focus on the sensation of your fingers moving up and down your shaft. With each passing second, it becomes harder and harder for you to hold back. Finally, after what seems like forever, you let out a loud moan as you come all over your hand, your semen spurting out onto the sheets below. You collapse onto your pillow, breathing heavily as you enjoy the feeling of release washing over you.
<<button [[Stand up|Bedroom]]>>
<<set $Masturbated to $Masturbated + 1>>
\<<set $Arousal to Math.clamp(0,0,100)>>
\<<elseif $MasturbateHole == 'ass'>>
\<<if $MasturbateTool == "finger">>
\<<if $MasturbateLube == 'salvia'>>
You lick your finger so it gets wet for your lust hole.
You massage your hole and slide slowly in and out, stretching it slowly.
As it gets wider you enter your finger deeper and deeper and go faster and faster.
You feel a small orgasm building up, you help yourself and rub your clit until you are about to finish.
With a loud moan you climax.
\<<elseif $MasturbateLube == 'lube'>>
\<<set $lube = $lube - 1>>
You put some lube on your finger and rubbing it all over it, it is now really slippery.
You massage your hole and simply slide in and out.
The lube makes it really easy for you to stretch yourself and so you can quickly go really deep in yourself and feel your hole from the inside.
You feel a small orgasm building up, you help yourself and rub your clit until you are about to finish.
With a loud moan you climax.
\<<else >>
This is gonna hurt. You try this very gentle but as there is no lube you have to press your finger inside. It hurts as you begin to go in and out but you like this pain. You feel that your about to come. You loudy moan with a bit of a pain scream in it while you climax.
\<<elseif $MasturbateTool =="cucumber" || $MasturbateTool =="carrot" || $MasturbateTool =="eggplant" || $MasturbateTool =="banana" >>
You take a $MasturbateTool out of the kitchen.
\<<if $MasturbateLube == 'salvia'>>
Spitting on the $MasturbateTool, to lube it up.
Even though you are gentle it first hurts a bit but the $MasturbateTool inserts easy, you lay back and think of a big cock fucking your little butthole. You like this, you like this $MasturbateTool inside your ass and you feel the orgasm coming, with a loud moan you finish off.
Maybe you cook this $MasturbateTool after you're done.
\<<elseif $MasturbateLube == 'lube'>>
\<<set $lube = $lube - 1>>
You take your tube of lube, pouring a bit on the $MasturbateTool and rubbing it around it.
The $MasturbateTool slides in with ease, you lay back and think of a big cock fucking your little butthole. You like this, you like this $MasturbateTool inside your ass and you feel the orgasm coming, with a loud moan you finish off.
You feel hungry now, you should cook this $MasturbateTool.
\<<else >>
This will really gonna hurt. You try this very gentle but as there is no lube you have to press the $MasturbateTool inside. While you push it in, you scream of the pain. You should have used some lube, but on the otherside you like this pain.
Even though it hurts you push the $MasturbateTool deep inside and pull it back out. Every time you do this you feel how the orgasm is coming.
You loudy moan with a bit of a pain scream in it while you climax.
\<<elseif $MasturbateTool =="smalldildo" || $MasturbateTool =="dildo" || $MasturbateTool =="bigdildo" >>
You take your dildo out of the nightstand drawer.
\<<if $MasturbateLube == 'salvia'>>
Spitting on the dildo, to lube it up.
Even though you are gentle it first hurts a bit but the dildo inserts easy, you lay back and think of a big cock fucking your little butthole. You like this, you like this dildo inside your ass and you feel the orgasm coming, with a loud moan you finish off.
\<<elseif $MasturbateLube == 'lube'>>
\<<set $lube = $lube - 1>>
You take your tube of lube, pouring a bit on your dildo and rubbing it around it.
The dildo slides in with ease, you lay back and think of a big cock fucking your little butthole. You like this, you like this dildo inside your ass and you feel the orgasm coming, with a loud moan you finish off.
\<<else >>
This will really gonna hurt. You try this very gentle but as there is no lube you have to press your dildo inside. First time its in you scream of the pain. You should have used some lube, but on the otherside you like this pain.
Even though it hurts you push the dildo deep inside and pull it back out. Every time you do this you feel how the orgasm is coming.
You loudy moan with a bit of a pain scream in it while you climax.
You lay there panting and sweating, feeling a sense of release and satisfaction. Maybe you drift off to sleep, dreaming about all the other naughty things you want to do. Or maybe you start planning your next adventure, eager to push the boundaries even further. Either way, you know that you're in control and you can do whatever you want, whenever you want.
<<button [[Stand up|Bedroom]]>>
<<set $Masturbated to $Masturbated + 1>>
<<set $MasturAnal to $MasturAnal + 1>>
\<<set $Arousal to Math.clamp($Arousal - 50,0,100)>>
\ <<elseif $MasturbateHole == 'mouth'>>
\<<if $MasturbateTool == "finger">>
\<<if $MasturbateLube == 'lube'>>
\<<set $lube = $lube - 1>>
You put some lube on your finger and rubbing it all over it, it is now really slippery. You hope this tastes good.
You insert three finger at once. The lube doesnt taste good but you decide to stick in your whole hand try to push your limits a bit.
This is so much in your mouth, you can't believe it fits inside. Thanks to the lube you dont have any problems.
\<<else >>
First you stick one finger in your mouth, then a second and a third, you handle your fingers like a fat cock. You suck on them until your salvia is running down your elbow.
You're not comming but you really enjoyed this training.
You lay back relaxing some time, before you get up again.
\<<elseif $MasturbateTool =="cucumber" || $MasturbateTool =="carrot" || $MasturbateTool =="eggplant" || $MasturbateTool =="banana" >>
You take a $MasturbateTool out of the kitchen.
\<<if $MasturbateLube == 'salvia'>>
Spitting on the $MasturbateTool, to lube it up.
\<<elseif $MasturbateLube == 'lube'>>
\<<set $lube = $lube - 1>>
You take your tube of lube, pouring a bit on the $MasturbateTool and rubbing it around it.
You slowly take the $MasturbateTool into your mouth, pushing it down as deep as you can, you gag a bit.
You facefuck yourself with the $MasturbateTool, trying to push your skills to a test.
You're not comming but you really enjoyed this training.
After you're done you take a bite, still yummy.
\<<elseif $MasturbateTool =="smalldildo" || $MasturbateTool =="dildo" || $MasturbateTool =="bigdildo" >>
You take your dildo out of the nightstand drawer.
\<<if $MasturbateLube == 'salvia'>>
Spitting on the dildo, to lube it up.
\<<elseif $MasturbateLube == 'lube'>>
\<<set $lube = $lube - 1>>
You take your tube of lube, pouring a bit on your dildo and rubbing it around it.
You slowly take the dildo into your mouth, pushing it down as deep as you can, you gag a bit.
You facefuck yourself with the dildo, trying to push your skills to a test.
You're not comming but you really enjoyed this training.
<<button [[Stand up|Bedroom]]>>
<<set $SkillBJ to $SkillBJ + 1>>
\<<set $Arousal to Math.clamp($Arousal + 10,0,100)>>
<</if>>Without hesitation, you reach down and grab your penis, giving it a firm grip. As you close your eyes, you begin to move your hand up and down your shaft, increasing speed as you go along. The water raining down on you only adds to the sensation, making everything feel even better than before. With each passing moment, you can feel yourself getting closer and closer to coming. Suddenly, without warning, you explode into a torrent of hot semen, spraying it against the tiles surrounding you. For a brief moment, you stand there, catching your breath while enjoying the afterglow of orgasmic bliss.
<<button [[Finish Shower|previous()]]>>
<<addmins 30>>
<<set $Masturbated to $Masturbated + 1>>
\<<set $Arousal to 0>>
<</button>>The area is thoughtfully divided into distinct zones, each tailored to showcase a specific category of clothing. Crisp white shelving units adorned with sleek metal accents line the walls, neatly displaying an impressive collection of shirts, ranging from classic Oxford button-downs to more adventurous patterns and textures. The shirts are meticulously organized by color and style, allowing customers to easily navigate through the options.
Adjacent to the shirts, racks of tailored suits and jackets proudly present themselves. The suits, crafted from the finest fabrics, display an array of styles and cuts, catering to various preferences and occasions. From slim-fit charcoal pinstripes to double-breasted navy classics, each suit is an exemplification of sartorial elegance and attention to detail. Paired with the suits are an assortment of impeccably tailored blazers and sports jackets, offering versatile options for the well-dressed gentleman.
Moving further into the section, neatly folded stacks of trousers catch the eye. Here, you'll find an assortment of styles, including flat-front chinos in an array of earthy tones, tailored dress pants in classic hues, and contemporary slim-fit jeans in various washes. The trousers are displayed in a way that showcases their precise tailoring and exquisite fabric choices, encouraging customers to appreciate the craftsmanship and versatility.
<<include Cloths>>
<<listCloths $maleOutfits 'ApparelStoreMale'>>
<<return [[Go back|ApparelStore]]>>
The scent of fresh grass and blooming flowers fills the air, invigorating your senses. You follow the winding paths, exploring the various trails that lead you deeper into the heart of the park.
As you run, you pass by fellow park-goers engaging in various activities. There are families enjoying picnics, friends playing frisbee, and individuals practicing yoga or tai chi. The park is alive with vibrant energy, and you feel a sense of connection to the community as you exchange friendly nods and smiles.
Your muscles warm up, and you settle into a comfortable rhythm, feeling your body energized by the physical exertion. The sights around you are a feast for the eyes — vibrant flowers in full bloom, towering trees providing shade, and a shimmering pond where ducks gracefully glide across the water.
You relish in the freedom of the open space, feeling a sense of liberation as you leave behind the stresses of everyday life. With each step, you find clarity of mind, allowing your thoughts to wander and daydream as you absorb the serenity of the park.
As your run nears its end, you gradually slow down, bringing your body to a gentle stop. You take a moment to catch your breath, feeling a sense of accomplishment and revitalization. You stretch your muscles, basking in the post-run glow and the satisfaction of pushing yourself physically.
<<button [[Go back|Park]]>>
\<<set $energy to $energy - 10>>
<</button>><<if ndef $swimNaked>><<set $swimNaked = false>><</if>>
\<<if $swimNaked == true>>
<<set $swimNaked = false>>
<<set _c to random(0,5)>>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/occasion/lakeNaked' + _c + '.png">'>>
You find a secluded spot near the water's edge, where you remove your clothes and leave them on a nearby rock. You took off your shoes and socks, rolled up your pants, and stepped into the water. It felt refreshing on your feet as you walked further into the lake.
You unbuckled your belt and pulled off your t-shirt, then unbuttoned your pants and let them fall to the ground. You felt the breeze on your skin as you stood there in just your underwear, taking in the scenery around you.
Finally, you slipped off your underwear and stood naked in the water, feeling completely free. You walked out a little farther and dove into the lake, emerging moments later with a big splash. The water felt cold at first, but it quickly warmed up as you swam around.
After a while, you decided to head back to shore. You walked out of the water and grabbed your clothes, putting them back on one piece at a time. You felt invigorated after your swim and ready for more adventures ahead.
\<<if $currentlyWearing.bra.key == 'bikinitop' && $currentlyWearing.underwear.key == 'bikinibottom'>>
<<set _c to random(0,4)>>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/occasion/lakeBikini' + _c + '.png">'>>
\<<addhours 1>>
\<<addEnergy -10>>
You walked down to the shore and took off your shoes, feeling the cool grass beneath your feet. You walked into the water, feeling the refreshing chill as it rushed over your legs. The water was invigorating, and you felt alive as you waded deeper into the lake.
As you swam, you noticed fish darting around you, playing in the water. You saw turtles sunning themselves on rocks, basking in the warmth of the sun. Birds flew overhead, singing their sweet melodies. It was a peaceful moment, and you felt grateful for the opportunity to be there.
After swimming for a while, you decided to take a break on the shore. You lay back on the soft grass, feeling the warmth of the sun on your skin. You closed your eyes and listened to the sounds of nature all around you - the rustling of leaves, the buzzing of insects, the gentle lapping of the water against the shore.
As the afternoon wore on, you realized it was time to head home. You stood up, feeling refreshed and rejuvenated after your swim. You wrapped your towel around your waist and made your way back.
<<else >>
You are not wearing a swimming trunks, you can't just swim naked, can you?
\<<if $Corruption > 30>>
<<button [[Swim naked|Swimming]]>>
\<<set $Arousal to $Arousal + 5>>
<<addEnergy -10>>
<<set $swimNaked = true>>
<<set $Exhibitionism = $Exhibitionism + 1>>
<<set $Corruption = $Corruption + 1>>
\<<addhours 1>>
<<button [[Go back to the lake|Lake]]>>
\<<set _c to random(0,4)>>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/scene/busMale' + _c + '.png">'>>
You step onto the bus and find a seat, settling in for the ride. As the engine hums to life, the bus begins its journey, smoothly gliding through city streets and gradually leaving behind the urban landscape. Through the window, you catch glimpses of tall buildings giving way to open spaces, hinting at the upcoming arrival in <<= $drivingDestination>>.
The bus rumbles along the scenic route, passing through picturesque neighborhoods and vibrant communities. You watch as the scenery changes, witnessing the gradual transition from the hustle and bustle of the city to a more serene and inviting atmosphere.
During the journey, you take a moment to observe your fellow passengers. There are people from all walks of life, each with their own unique story and destination. The bus becomes a microcosm of society, offering a glimpse into the lives of those around you.
As the bus approaches <<= $drivingDestination>>, a sense of excitement fills the air. You catch glimpses of iconic landmarks and the lively energy that surrounds the district. The anticipation builds within you as you imagine the experiences and adventures that await in this vibrant destination.
Finally, the bus pulls into the <<= $drivingDestination>> bus terminal, and you step off onto the sidewalk, filled with a mix of curiosity and anticipation.
<<button [[Leave the Bus|$drivingDestination]]>><</button>><<set _c to random(0,5)>>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/scene/shower' + _c + '.png">'>>
<<set _r = random(0, 2)>>
\<<switch _r>><<case 0>>
\<<set $energy to $energy + 10>>
\<<addmins 20>>
After stepping inside the shower stall, you adjust the temperature of the water until it's just right - not too cold or too hot. Then, you lather up with soap, washing every part of your body from head to toe. Your hands glide over your skin, massaging away any knots or tension that may be present. Once you're all cleansed, you rinse off the excess soap and turn off the water. Next, you dry yourself off using a soft towel, patting yourself down gently until you're completely dry. Finally, you slip out of the shower and onto the bathmat, wrapping yourself in a cozy towel before heading back out into the world feeling refreshed and renewed.
<<case 1>>
\<<set $energy to $energy + 15>>
\<<addmins 40>>
As you step into the shower, you adjust the temperature of the water to your liking. You reach for the soap and lather it up in your hands before applying it to your body. Starting at your head, you massage the soap into your hair, working it out with your fingertips. You then move down your arms, working the soap into your skin, rinsing off the excess. Next, you turn your attention to your chest and stomach, making sure every inch is clean. Finally, you move down to your legs, paying special attention to any rough patches or calluses. Once you're done washing, you turn off the water and grab a towel, drying yourself off thoroughly. Afterwards, you apply some deodorant and get dressed, feeling refreshed and clean.
<<case 2>>
\<<set $energy to $energy + 10>>
\<<addmins 10>>
When you step into the shower, you turn on the water and adjust it to your desired temperature. You start by washing your face with soap and water, rinsing off any excess. Next, you reach for the shampoo and work it through your hair, massaging your scalp as you rinse out the suds. Afterwards, you move onto washing your body, starting at your feet and working your way up. You lather up your hands and apply the soap to your skin, paying special attention to any areas that need extra attention like your back or shoulders. Once you're all cleaned up, you turn off the water and grab a towel to dry off. Finally, you reach for your favorite body spray or lotion and generously apply it to your skin, leaving behind a refreshing scent.
<<button [[Masturbate|ShowerMasturbateMale]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Finish Shower|Bathroom]]>>
<<doMakeup 0>>
\<<set $CumOnFace to false>>
\<<set $CumOnBody to false>>
\<<set $CumInside to false>>
\<<set $CumInAss to false>>
<<set _c to random(0,5)>>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/scene/shower' + _c + '.png">'>>
<<set _r = random(0, 2)>>
\<<switch _r>><<case 0>>
\<<set $energy to $energy + 10>>
\<<addmins 20>>
You turn on the shower, letting the warm water cascade over your body. You close your eyes and let out a sigh of contentment as you feel the tension and stress of the day wash away.
You take your time, lathering up with your favorite soap and shampooing your hair. You feel refreshed and rejuvenated as you step out of the shower and dry off.
<<case 1>>
\<<set $energy to $energy + 15>>
\<<addmins 40>>
You turn on the shower, letting the hot water ease your sore muscles. You take a deep breath and enjoy the steam filling the room.
You scrub your body with a loofah, feeling the grime and dirt of the day being washed away. You take a few minutes to just stand under the water and let your mind clear.
When you step out of the shower, you feel revitalized and ready to take on the day ahead.
<<case 2>>
\<<set $energy to $energy + 10>>
\<<addmins 10>>
You turn on the shower, letting the cold water wake you up. You gasp as the water hits your skin, but soon start to enjoy the invigorating feeling.
You wash quickly, wanting to get the cold water over and done with. When you step out of the shower, you feel energized and ready to tackle the day ahead.
\<<if $Corruption > 5 >>
<<button [[Masturbate|ShowerMasturbate]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Finish Shower|Bathroom]]>>
<<doMakeup 0>>
\<<set $CumOnFace to false>>
\<<set $CumOnBody to false>>
\<<set $CumInside to false>>
\<<set $CumInAss to false>>
[[Tentacle Porn|tentacles]]
[[Man on Man|gay]]
<<return [[Back|Laptop]]>>\<<set _c to random(0,6)>>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/web/tentacles' + _c + '.png">'>>
<<return "Porn.xxx">>\<<set _c to random(0,9)>>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/web/milf' + _c + '.png">'>>
<<return "Porn.xxx">>\<<set _c to random(0,5)>>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/web/lesbian' + _c + '.png">'>>
<<return "Porn.xxx">>\<<set _c to random(0,9)>>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/web/hentai' + _c + '.png">'>>
<<return "Porn.xxx">>\<<set _c to random(0,5)>>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/web/gay' + _c + '.png">'>>
<<return "Porn.xxx">>\<<if ndef $prevSmallDresser || (passage() !== previous() && previous() !== $prevSmallDresser)>>
\<<set $prevSmallDresser = previous()>>
You are wearing:
\<<if $wearing.length is 0>>\
<<= $wearing.join(', ')>>.
You feel $sexiness % sexy
You are $comfort % comfortable
<<button [[Close the wardrobe|$prevSmallDresser]]>>
\<<include Cloths>>
\<<include Accessoirs>>
<table border="0" width="100%">
Your Outfits:
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $maleOutfits.length; _i++>>
\<<if $wardrobe.includes($maleOutfits[_i].key)>>
\<<if $wearing.includes($maleOutfits[_i].name)>>
<<print '<<button "Take off $maleOutfits[_i].name" >><<takeOff $maleOutfits[' + _i + '].name>><<goto `passage()`>><</button>>'>>
<<print '<<button "Put on $maleOutfits[_i].name" >><<putOn $maleOutfits[' + _i + '].name>><<goto `passage()`>><</button>>'>>
\ <</if>>
\ <</if>>
<td rowspan="6"> <<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $currentAppearal + '">'>></td>
Your accessoires:
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $allMaleAccessoires.length; _i++>>
\<<if $accessoirOwned.includes($allMaleAccessoires[_i].key)>>
\<<if $accessoirWearing.includes($allMaleAccessoires[_i].name)>>
<<print '<<button "Take off $allMaleAccessoires[_i].name" >><<takeOffAccessoir $allMaleAccessoires[' + _i + '].name>><<goto `passage()`>><</button>>'>>
<<print '<<button "Put on $allMaleAccessoires[_i].name" >><<putOnAccessoir $allMaleAccessoires[' + _i + '].name>><<goto `passage()`>><</button>>'>>
\ <</if>>
\ <</if>>
</table>\<<if $gameDate.getHours() < 18>>
<<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>>You ring the bell, but nobody is answering. Maybe Julia is at work or sleeping, I should come later or tomorrow after Julia's work. <</say>>
\<<set _c to random(0,2)>>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/scene/juliaHome' + _c + '.png">'>>
Julia's apartment is a captivating blend of modern aesthetics and cozy comforts, an intimate sanctuary tucked away in the heart of the city. As you step inside, an open-concept living space greets you, adorned with tasteful furnishings and an abundance of natural light. The walls, painted in soothing neutral tones, create a canvas that allows the carefully curated decor to shine. Plush, inviting sofas beckon you to relax and unwind, while contemporary artwork adorns the walls, adding a touch of sophistication.
Moving further into the apartment, you discover a well-appointed kitchen, where sleek countertops and state-of-the-art appliances harmonize with warm wooden cabinetry. The space is thoughtfully designed for both functionality and style, offering an inviting atmosphere for culinary adventures. Gleaming stainless steel appliances stand as a testament to Julia's attention to detail and her appreciation for modern convenience.
The bedroom, a haven of tranquility, invites rest and rejuvenation. Soft, luxurious bedding drapes a comfortable mattress, while tastefully chosen bedside lamps cast a gentle glow. Large windows provide a glimpse of the cityscape outside, allowing natural light to filter in during the day. An en-suite bathroom boasts elegant fixtures and spa-like amenities, offering a retreat-like experience within the confines of Julia's own apartment.
Julia's apartment reflects her discerning taste and creates a harmonious balance between contemporary design and cozy living. It serves as a personal sanctuary, where she can recharge amidst the bustling cityscape, embracing the best of both worlds.
<<button [[Let's watch a movie|JuliaMovie]]>>
<<addhours 2>>
<<eat 1>>
<<button [[Talk for a bit|JuliaQuestion]]>>
<<addhours 1>>
\<<if def $halloweenMazeFinished && $halloweenMazeFinished>>
<<button [[Suprise for the Halloweenmaze|JuliaSuprise]]>>
<<addhours 1>>
<<set $Corruption += 1>>
<<set $Arousal to 0>>
<<return [[Back|Downtown]]>>
\<<set _c to random(0,2)>>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/scene/juliaHomeMovie' + _c + '.png">'>>
\<<set _r to random(0,2)>>
\<<switch _r>>
\<<case 0>>
With an infectious grin, she guided you to the entertainment center, where an impressive collection of DVDs and Blu-rays awaited. As you scanned the shelves, you noticed a mix of genres, from heartwarming rom-coms to thrilling action-packed adventures.
After some friendly banter and playful debates, Julia finally selected a film that seemed perfect for the evening. She carefully inserted the disc into the player, and you both settled onto the couch, sinking into its plush cushions. The room was filled with the soft hum of anticipation as the movie began.
As the opening credits rolled, the screen came alive, enveloping you both in its magic. The captivating story unfolded before your eyes, taking you on a rollercoaster of emotions. Julia's infectious laughter echoed through the room, blending harmoniously with your own giggles. At times, you found yourselves holding your breath in suspense, sharing in the characters' triumphs and heartaches.
Throughout the movie, the room was filled with whispered commentary and inside jokes, creating an intimate bond between you and Julia. Snacks and popcorn were within arm's reach, adding to the coziness of the evening. The movie seemed to fly by, and before you knew it, you were both caught up in the bittersweet conclusion.
As the credits rolled, you shared a lingering silence, still immersed in the story's emotional resonance. Julia turned to you, her eyes brimming with gratitude and affection. In that moment, you realized that it wasn't just about watching a movie together; it was about the shared experience, the laughter, the tears, and the unspoken connection that made this evening truly special.
\<<case 1>>
Her extensive collection boasted classics, cult favorites, and hidden gems, each promising an adrenaline-fueled thrill. Together, you embarked on a cinematic journey, browsing through the spine-chilling titles and discussing your preferences for suspense, supernatural elements, or psychological twists.
After much deliberation, you settled on a hauntingly atmospheric indie horror film that had garnered critical acclaim. Its intricate storyline and spine-tingling visuals promised to deliver an unforgettable viewing experience. As you snuggled up on the couch, Julia dimmed the lights, creating an immersive atmosphere that mirrored the eerie world you were about to enter.
The movie began with a haunting melody, instantly setting a chilling tone. Shadows danced on the walls as the characters encountered unexplained phenomena, and your hearts raced in sync with theirs. Julia's hand instinctively found yours as suspenseful moments tightened their grip on your senses. With each jump scare and hair-raising twist, you both found solace in each other's company, leaning in closer for comfort yet unable to tear your eyes away from the screen.
As the movie progressed, you shared whispered speculations about the hidden secrets and the identity of the malevolent force lurking in the shadows. The film's masterful cinematography heightened the tension, leaving you on the edge of your seats. Julia's sharp gasps and your synchronized reactions created an electric energy that intensified the experience.
When the movie concluded, you sat in silence for a moment, the lingering fear subsiding, but the adrenaline still coursing through your veins. Julia broke the stillness with a nervous laugh, and you couldn't help but join her, both relieved and exhilarated by the rollercoaster of emotions you had just experienced. It was a night of shared screams and laughter, where the boundaries between fiction and reality blurred, and your bond with Julia deepened in the face of fear.
In the flickering light of the end credits, you realized that beyond the captivating horror on the screen, the true magic was the connection forged between you and Julia—the unspoken understanding, the shared vulnerability, and the thrill of facing the unknown together.
\<<case 2>>
Together, you perused her extensive movie collection, exploring various genres and discussing your preferences. As you looked for the perfect film, Julia's hand brushed against yours, sending a gentle tingle through your fingers. After much consideration, you settled on a romantic comedy—a lighthearted escape from reality that promised laughter and heartwarming moments.
As you snuggled up on the loveseat, Julia fetched a cozy blanket from her collection and draped it over both of you. You felt a sense of intimacy and contentment as she nestled against your side, her head resting gently on your shoulder. With the movie playing, the room filled with the soothing sounds of genuine laughter and the scent of freshly popped popcorn, adding to the cozy ambiance.
As the movie unfolded, you found yourselves lost in the charming storyline, sharing stolen glances and playful banter during the funny moments. The comfort of being in each other's arms created a feeling of security and closeness that transcended the movie itself. You found solace in the gentle rise and fall of each other's breath, as if your heartbeats were synchronized, echoing a connection that went beyond words.
Occasionally, a particularly heartwarming scene would evoke a shared smile or a gentle squeeze of the hand, reinforcing the unspoken bond between you. In those moments, time seemed to slow down, and the world outside faded away. It was just the two of you, wrapped in a cocoon of warmth and affection, experiencing the simple joy of being present with each other.
As the credits rolled, the movie had come to an end, but the memories created between you and Julia remained etched in your heart. It was a night of tender embraces, whispered conversations, and the profound comfort of being held by someone who cared deeply. In that small, intimate space, you discovered that the most beautiful moments are often found in the simplest of gestures—a warm cuddle that spoke volumes about the connection you shared with Julia.
<<return [[Back|JuliaHome]]>>
\<<set _c to random(0,2)>>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/scene/beachWalk' + _c + '.png">'>>
As you walk along the water's edge, your feet occasionally meet the cool touch of the incoming waves. The sensation is refreshing, and you can't resist the urge to dip your toes into the gentle surf. The water wraps around your feet, leaving behind a soft caress as it recedes back into the ocean.
The beach offers a treasure trove of natural wonders. Seashells of various shapes and sizes line the shoreline, waiting to be discovered. You pause occasionally to examine the intricate patterns and delicate textures of these gifts from the sea, choosing a few special ones to keep as souvenirs.
As you continue your stroll, you take in the panoramic views of the coastline. The expansive stretch of sand, the endless expanse of water, and the distant horizon merge into a breathtaking vista that reminds you of the vastness and beauty of the natural world.
<<return [[Back|Beach]] >>\<<set _c to random(0,2)>>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/scene/beachChanging' + _c + '.png">'>>
At the beach in WestTown, there is a designated area where you can change into your swimsuit comfortably. Nestled among the natural surroundings, this changing space offers convenience and privacy.
A short walk from the shoreline, you'll find a row of small wooden changing booths. These weathered structures blend harmoniously with the beach's ambiance, their rustic charm adding to the coastal atmosphere. Each booth is enclosed and provides a secluded space for you to change in peace.
\<<if !$isMale>>
<<include "smallDresser">>
<<include "maleDresser">>
\<<if $minCorruption <= $Corruption && !_dontLeave>>
<<return "Back">>
\ <<else>>
<<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>>
I should put on some more cloths, i can't go out like this.
\ <</if>>\<<set _c to random(0,2)>>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/scene/beachTanning' + _c + '.png">'>>
As you find a comfortable spot on the soft sand, you prepare for a session of sun-kissed bliss.
You spread out a beach towel, creating a cozy and inviting space to recline. Positioning yourself strategically, you ensure that you're within reach of the soothing sound of the waves and that you have a clear view of the expansive ocean stretching out before you.
You settle into a comfortable position, allowing the sun's warm embrace to envelop your body. You feel the gentle touch of the breeze, carrying with it the fresh scent of the sea. The rhythmic sound of the waves provides a soothing soundtrack to your tanning experience.
As you relax, you take in the panoramic view of the beach, appreciating the vast expanse of sandy shoreline, the shimmering water, and the distant horizon that seems to blend seamlessly with the sky. The beauty of nature surrounds you, creating a tranquil and idyllic backdrop for your tanning session.
With each passing moment, you feel the sun's gentle caress on your skin, bringing warmth and a golden glow. You close your eyes and surrender to the serene ambiance, allowing the therapeutic power of the sun to uplift your spirits and infuse you with a sense of well-being.
As you soak up the sun's rays, you become attuned to the rhythm of nature. The ebb and flow of the tides, the call of seagulls, and the distant laughter of fellow beachgoers merge into a symphony of seaside harmony. Time seems to slow down, creating a peaceful sanctuary where you can unwind and recharge.
<<return "Back">>\<<set _c to random(0,1)>>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/scene/beachSwim' + _c + '.png">'>>
With the sun high in the sky, casting a radiant glow over the beach in WestTown, you decide it's time to dive into the inviting waters. Excitement fills the air as you make your way towards the shoreline, feeling the soft sand between your toes.
With a burst of anticipation, you take a deep breath and plunge into the water. The initial coolness of the ocean envelopes your body, invigorating your senses. You surface, your body buoyant, surrounded by the gentle undulation of the waves.
As you swim further out, your strokes become rhythmic and effortless, synchronizing with the gentle rise and fall of the water. The sun's warm rays cascade down, dappling the surface of the ocean and creating a sparkling tapestry of light.
With each stroke, you relish the sensation of weightlessness, feeling the cares of the world wash away in the embrace of the sea. You revel in the freedom and tranquility, fully present in the moment and connected to the vastness of nature.
After a satisfying swim, you emerge from the water, your body refreshed and your spirit renewed. Droplets cascade down your skin as you step onto the sand, feeling the warmth of the sun's rays enveloping you once again.
<<return "Back">>\<<set _c to random(0,0)>>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/scene/beachWalkMale' + _c + '.png">'>>
As you walk along the water's edge, your feet occasionally meet the cool touch of the incoming waves. The sensation is refreshing, and you can't resist the urge to dip your toes into the gentle surf. The water wraps around your feet, leaving behind a soft caress as it recedes back into the ocean.
The beach offers a treasure trove of natural wonders. Seashells of various shapes and sizes line the shoreline, waiting to be discovered. You pause occasionally to examine the intricate patterns and delicate textures of these gifts from the sea, choosing a few special ones to keep as souvenirs.
As you continue your stroll, you take in the panoramic views of the coastline. The expansive stretch of sand, the endless expanse of water, and the distant horizon merge into a breathtaking vista that reminds you of the vastness and beauty of the natural world.
<<return [[Back|Beach]] >>\<<set _c to random(0,0)>>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/scene/beachTanningMale' + _c + '.png">'>>
As you find a comfortable spot on the soft sand, you prepare for a session of sun-kissed bliss.
You spread out a beach towel, creating a cozy and inviting space to recline. Positioning yourself strategically, you ensure that you're within reach of the soothing sound of the waves and that you have a clear view of the expansive ocean stretching out before you.
You settle into a comfortable position, allowing the sun's warm embrace to envelop your body. You feel the gentle touch of the breeze, carrying with it the fresh scent of the sea. The rhythmic sound of the waves provides a soothing soundtrack to your tanning experience.
As you relax, you take in the panoramic view of the beach, appreciating the vast expanse of sandy shoreline, the shimmering water, and the distant horizon that seems to blend seamlessly with the sky. The beauty of nature surrounds you, creating a tranquil and idyllic backdrop for your tanning session.
With each passing moment, you feel the sun's gentle caress on your skin, bringing warmth and a golden glow. You close your eyes and surrender to the serene ambiance, allowing the therapeutic power of the sun to uplift your spirits and infuse you with a sense of well-being.
As you soak up the sun's rays, you become attuned to the rhythm of nature. The ebb and flow of the tides, the call of seagulls, and the distant laughter of fellow beachgoers merge into a symphony of seaside harmony. Time seems to slow down, creating a peaceful sanctuary where you can unwind and recharge.
<<return "Back">>\<<set _c to random(0,0)>>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/scene/beachSwimMale' + _c + '.png">'>>
With the sun high in the sky, casting a radiant glow over the beach in WestTown, you decide it's time to dive into the inviting waters. Excitement fills the air as you make your way towards the shoreline, feeling the soft sand between your toes.
With a burst of anticipation, you take a deep breath and plunge into the water. The initial coolness of the ocean envelopes your body, invigorating your senses. You surface, your body buoyant, surrounded by the gentle undulation of the waves.
As you swim further out, your strokes become rhythmic and effortless, synchronizing with the gentle rise and fall of the water. The sun's warm rays cascade down, dappling the surface of the ocean and creating a sparkling tapestry of light.
With each stroke, you relish the sensation of weightlessness, feeling the cares of the world wash away in the embrace of the sea. You revel in the freedom and tranquility, fully present in the moment and connected to the vastness of nature.
After a satisfying swim, you emerge from the water, your body refreshed and your spirit renewed. Droplets cascade down your skin as you step onto the sand, feeling the warmth of the sun's rays enveloping you once again.
<<return "Back">> /* {
bra: null,
underwear: null,
bottom: null,
top: null,
shoes: null,
sweater: null,
dress: null
} */
<div style=" position:relative; width:100%">
<div style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0;">
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/dynamicCloths/nude.png">'>>
<<if $currentlyWearing.underwear !== null>>
<div style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0;">
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/dynamicCloths/'+
<<if $currentlyWearing.bra !== null>>
<div style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0;">
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/dynamicCloths/'+
<<if $currentlyWearing.bottom !== null>>
<div style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0;">
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/dynamicCloths/'+
<<if $currentlyWearing.top !== null>>
<div style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0;">
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/dynamicCloths/'+
<<if $currentlyWearing.sweater !== null>>
<div style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0;">
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/dynamicCloths/'+
<<if $currentlyWearing.dress !== null>>
<div style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0;">
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/dynamicCloths/'+
<<if $currentlyWearing.shoes !== null>>
<div style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0;">
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/dynamicCloths/'+
<<if $currentlyWearingAcc.Face !== null>>
<div style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0;">
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/dynamicCloths/' + $currentlyWearingAcc.Face.newimg + '.png">'>>
<<if $currentlyWearingAcc.Neck !== null>>
<div style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0;">
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/dynamicCloths/' + $currentlyWearingAcc.Neck.newimg + '.png">'>>
<div style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0;">
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/dynamicCloths/' + $currentlyWearingAcc.Hair.newimg + '.png">'>>
<<if $currentlyWearingAcc.HairAddition !== null && $currentlyWearingAcc.HairAddition !== undefined>>
<div style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0;">
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/dynamicCloths/' + $currentlyWearingAcc.HairAddition.newimg + '.png">'>>
<div style="position:relative;top:0;left:0;">
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/dynamicCloths/hands.png">'>>
<<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>>So, tell me about your experience with... whispers butt stuff.<</say>>
<<say "Julia" $juliaAperalImagePath>>Oh, <<= $firstname>>, you wish to uncover the darkest secrets, do you? Very well, prepare to be scandalized. My ventures into the realm of butt stuff have been both thrilling and daring. The allure of exploring new sensations and pushing boundaries can be intoxicating. But beware, for it is not for the faint of heart.<</say>>
<<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>>Fascinating! Do go on.<</say>>
<<say "Julia" $juliaAperalImagePath>>Oh, I shall, my cutie. The journey has been filled with a tantalizing mix of pleasure and pain, a dance with delight and devilry. The sensations are unlike anything else, and one must be willing to embrace the forbidden to truly savor the experience. But I must caution you, dear Julia, to proceed with caution and never take this path lightly.<</say>>
<<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>>Your tale is both thrilling and alarming. I admire your audacity, but I must admit, it'something I'm so unexperienced.<</say>>
<<say "Julia" $juliaAperalImagePath>>Ah, the innocence in your eyes, my dear. It is not a path to be treaded lightly, for once you step into the world of forbidden desires, there's no turning back. It's a realm of pleasure and danger, and one must be prepared to face the consequences of such wicked indulgence.<</say>>
<<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>>Your words resonate with wisdom. It is clear that this is not a journey to be taken lightly. How did you navigate these uncharted waters and find a sense of fulfillment?<</say>>
<<say "Julia" $juliaAperalImagePath>>Ah, the key lies in self-awareness and communication. Knowing one's boundaries and desires allows for a more fulfilling exploration, and open dialogue with a trusted partner can enhance the experience. The journey requires trust and a fearless heart, but always remember to prioritize consent and mutual respect.<</say>>
<<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>>I appreciate your guidance, Julia. It's evident that you have traversed this path with care and thoughtfulness. As I consider my own inclinations, I will remember your counsel and approach this realm with reverence.<</say>>
<<say "Julia" $juliaAperalImagePath>>Wise words, cutie. Remember, it is a realm of both pleasure and risk, but with your newfound wisdom, you shall navigate it with grace and discernment. Together, we shall revel in the joy of our shared confidences and embrace the exhilarating freedom of exploration.<</say>>
<<return [[Back|JuliaHome]]>>
You have <<= $onlineCasino.chips>> Chips.
Experience the thrill of the casino from the comfort of your home with our online platform. Now you can easily buy and sell chips directly from your bank account, ensuring a seamless and secure transaction process. Dive into a world of entertainment with a wide range of games while enjoying the advantage of low chip prices. Join us today and elevate your gaming experience with convenience and affordability.
\<<if $bankBalance >= 10>>
<<button [[Buy 10 Chips for $ 10|casino.xxx]]>>
<<set $onlineCasino.chips to $onlineCasino.chips + 10>>
<<set $bankBalance to $bankBalance - 10>>
In order to buy chips you need to have a bank account with a balance of at least $ 10.
<<button [[Cash in all your chips|casino.xxx]]>>
<<set $bankBalance += $onlineCasino.chips * 1>>
<<set $onlineCasino.chips to 0>>
<<button [[Roulette|onlineRoulette]] >>
<<button [[Slots|onlineSlots]] >>
<<return [[Back|Laptop]]>>
<label><<checkbox "$settings.outfit" 0 1 autocheck>> New outfit System</label>
<<textbox "$cheat" "Cheat" autofocus>> <<button "Save">> <<EnterCheat $cheat>>
<<set $cheat = btoa("Cheat")>>
<<goto Settings>><</button>>
<<return "Back">>
\<<if previous() == 'MenWCCafe'>>
\<<set $menWC = true>><<else>><<set $menWC = false>>
\<<if !$isMale>>
<<include "smallDresser">>
<<include "maleDresser">>
\<<if $minCorruption <= $Corruption && !_dontLeave>>
<<return "Back">>
\ <<else>>
<<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>>
I should put on some more cloths, i can't go out like this.
\ <</if>><div><div class="betting-table"><table class="betting-table">
<td class="bet-option-green" rowspan="4" onclick="$.wiki('<<setBet 0>>')">0</td>
<td class="bet-option-red" onclick="$.wiki('<<setBet 3>>')">3</td>
<td class="bet-option-black" onclick="$.wiki('<<setBet 6>>')">6</td>
<td class="bet-option-red" onclick="$.wiki('<<setBet 9>>')">9</td>
<td class="bet-option-red" onclick="$.wiki('<<setBet 12>>')">12</td>
<td class="bet-option-black" onclick="$.wiki('<<setBet 15>>')">15</td>
<td class="bet-option-red" onclick="$.wiki('<<setBet 18>>')">18</td>
<td class="bet-option-red" onclick="$.wiki('<<setBet 21>>')">21</td>
<td class="bet-option-black" onclick="$.wiki('<<setBet 24>>')">24</td>
<td class="bet-option-red" onclick="$.wiki('<<setBet 27>>')">27</td>
<td class="bet-option-red" onclick="$.wiki('<<setBet 30>>')">30</td>
<td class="bet-option-black" onclick="$.wiki('<<setBet 33>>')">33</td>
<td class="bet-option-red" onclick="$.wiki('<<setBet 36>>')">36</td>
<td class="bet-option" onclick="$.wiki(`<<setBet '3rd Column'>>`)">3rd Column</td>
<td class="bet-option-black" onclick="$.wiki('<<setBet 2>>')">2</td>
<td class="bet-option-red" onclick="$.wiki('<<setBet 5>>')">5</td>
<td class="bet-option-black" onclick="$.wiki('<<setBet 8>>')">8</td>
<td class="bet-option-black" onclick="$.wiki('<<setBet 11>>')">11</td>
<td class="bet-option-red" onclick="$.wiki('<<setBet 14>>')">14</td>
<td class="bet-option-black" onclick="$.wiki('<<setBet 17>>')">17</td>
<td class="bet-option-black" onclick="$.wiki('<<setBet 20>>')">20</td>
<td class="bet-option-red" onclick="$.wiki('<<setBet 23>>')">23</td>
<td class="bet-option-black" onclick="$.wiki('<<setBet 26>>')">26</td>
<td class="bet-option-black" onclick="$.wiki('<<setBet 29>>')">29</td>
<td class="bet-option-red" onclick="$.wiki('<<setBet 32>>')">32</td>
<td class="bet-option-black" onclick="$.wiki('<<setBet 35>>')">35</td>
<td class="bet-option" onclick="$.wiki(`<<setBet '2nd Column'>>`)">2nd Column</td>
<td class="bet-option-red" onclick="$.wiki('<<setBet 1>>')">1</td>
<td class="bet-option-black" onclick="$.wiki('<<setBet 4>>')">4</td>
<td class="bet-option-red" onclick="$.wiki('<<setBet 7>>')">7</td>
<td class="bet-option-black" onclick="$.wiki('<<setBet 10>>')">10</td>
<td class="bet-option-black" onclick="$.wiki('<<setBet 13>>')">13</td>
<td class="bet-option-red" onclick="$.wiki('<<setBet 16>>')">16</td>
<td class="bet-option-red" onclick="$.wiki('<<setBet 19>>')">19</td>
<td class="bet-option-black" onclick="$.wiki('<<setBet 22>>')">22</td>
<td class="bet-option-red" onclick="$.wiki('<<setBet 25>>')">25</td>
<td class="bet-option-black" onclick="$.wiki('<<setBet 28>>')">28</td>
<td class="bet-option-black" onclick="$.wiki('<<setBet 31>>')">31</td>
<td class="bet-option-red" onclick="$.wiki('<<setBet 34>>')">34</td>
<td class="bet-option" onclick="$.wiki(`<<setBet '1st Column'>>`)">1st Column</td>
<td class="noBorder"/>
<td colspan="4" class="bet-option" onclick="$.wiki(`<<setBet '1st 12'>>`)">1st 12</td>
<td colspan="4" class="bet-option" onclick="$.wiki(`<<setBet '2nd 12'>>`)">2nd 12</td>
<td colspan="4" class="bet-option" onclick="$.wiki(`<<setBet '3rd 12'>>`)">3rd 12</td>
<td class="noBorder" />
<td colspan="2" class="bet-option" onclick="$.wiki(`<<setBet '1 to 18'>>`)">1 to 18</td>
<td colspan="2" class="bet-option" onclick="$.wiki(`<<setBet 'Even'>>`)">Even</td>
<td colspan="2" class="bet-option" onclick="$.wiki(`<<setBet 'Red'>>`)">Red</td>
<td colspan="2" class="bet-option" onclick="$.wiki(`<<setBet 'Black'>>`)">Black</td>
<td colspan="2" class="bet-option" onclick="$.wiki(`<<setBet 'Odd'>>`)">Odd</td>
<td colspan="2" class="bet-option" onclick="$.wiki(`<<setBet '19 to 36'>>`)">19 to 36</td>
</table></div></div>/*\<<set _c to random(0,1)>>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/scene/CasinoRoulette' + _c + '.png">'>>*/
\<<set $currentCasino = $onlineCasino>>
To play you have to bet an amount on any field.
Current Chips: <<= $onlineCasino.chips>>
\<<if $onlineCasino.chips < $onlineCasino.currentRoulette.bet.length>>
<span style='color:#f00;'>You can't afford this bet.</span>
Current Bet: <<= $onlineCasino.currentRoulette.bet.join(', ') >>
\<<if def $onlineWinningNumber >>
Winning number: <<= $onlineWinningNumber>>
Last winning numbers: <<= $onlineCasino.currentRoulette.lastWinningNumbers>>
\<<if $onlineCasino.chips >= $onlineCasino.currentRoulette.bet.length>>
<<button [[Spin the wheel|onlineRoulette]]>>
<<addmins 10>>
<<set $onlineCasino.chips to $onlineCasino.chips - $onlineCasino.currentRoulette.bet.length>>
<<set $onlineWinningNumber = random(0,36)>>
<<onlineCasinoCheckWinningRoulette $onlineWinningNumber $onlineCasino.currentRoulette.bet>>
<<button [[Clear the bet|onlineRoulette]]>>
<<set $onlineCasino.currentRoulette.bet = []>>
<<include "RouletteTable">>
<<return [[Back|casino.xxx]]>>\<<set $currentCasino = $onlineCasino>>
\<<if ndef $bet>><<set $bet = 1>><</if>>
You have <<= $currentCasino.chips>> chips.
How many chips do you want to bet?
<<textbox "$bet" $bet>><<button [[Set bet|onlineSlots]]>><</button>>
Place your bet of <<= $bet>> and pull the lever to play the slot machine.
<<button [[Pull Lever|onlineSlots]]>>
<<set $result1 = null>>
<<if $bet > 0 && $currentCasino.chips >= $bet>>
<<addmins 5>>
<<set $currentCasino.chips -= $bet>>
<<set $result1 = random(0,4)>>
<<set $result2 = random(0,4)>>
<<set $result3 = random(0,4)>>
<<set $currentCasino.currentSlot.games += 1>>
<<include "slots">>
<<return [[Back|casino.xxx]]>>\<<set $slots1 = ["Heart","Strawberry", "Lucky 7", "Star", "Jackpot"]>>
\<<set $slots2 = [ "Star", "Heart","Lucky 7", "Jackpot", "Strawberry"]>>
\<<set $slots3 = ["Strawberry", "Jackpot", "Star", "Heart", "Lucky 7"]>>
\<<set $slotImages = {
"Heart": "slotHeart",
"Lucky 7": "slot7",
"Star": "slotStar",
"Jackpot": "slotJackpot"
\<<if $result1 != null>>
<table style="text-align:center;">
<td style="width:20%"><<timed 300ms>><<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/occasion/' + $slotImages[$slots1[$result1]] + '.png">'>><</timed>>
<td style="width:20%"><<timed 1000ms>><<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/occasion/' + $slotImages[$slots2[$result2]] + '.png">'>><</timed>>
<td style="width:20%"><<timed 1700ms>><<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/occasion/' + $slotImages[$slots3[$result3]] + '.png">'>><</timed>>
<td style="max-width:33%"><<timed 300ms>><<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/occasion/' + $slotImages[$slots1[($result1 + 1) % 5]] + '.png">'>><</timed>>
<td style="max-width:33%"><<timed 1000ms>><<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/occasion/' + $slotImages[$slots2[($result2 + 1) % 5]] + '.png">'>><</timed>>
<td style="max-width:33%"><<timed 1700ms>><<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/occasion/' + $slotImages[$slots3[($result3 + 1) % 5]] + '.png">'>><</timed>>
<td style="max-width:33%"><<timed 300ms>><<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/occasion/' + $slotImages[$slots1[($result1 + 2) % 5]] + '.png">'>><</timed>>
<td style="max-width:33%"><<timed 1000ms>><<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/occasion/' + $slotImages[$slots2[($result2 + 2) % 5]] + '.png">'>><</timed>>
<td style="max-width:33%"><<timed 1700ms>><<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/occasion/' + $slotImages[$slots3[($result3 + 2) % 5]] + '.png">'>><</timed>>
\<<set $slotWin = 0>>
\<<if $slots1[$result1] == $slots2[$result2] && $slots2[$result2] == $slots3[$result3]>>
\<<set $slotWin += SlotWinnings($slots1[$result1]) * $bet >>
\<<if $slots1[($result1 + 1) % 5] == $slots2[($result2 + 1) % 5] && $slots2[($result2 + 1) % 5] == $slots3[($result3 + 1) % 5]>>
\<<set $slotWin += SlotWinnings($slots1[($result1 + 1) % 5]) * $bet >>
\<<if $slots1[($result1 + 2) % 5] == $slots2[($result2 + 2) % 5] && $slots2[($result2 + 2) % 5] == $slots3[($result3 + 2) % 5]>>
\<<set $slotWin += SlotWinnings($slots1[($result1 + 2) % 5]) * $bet >>
\<<if $slotWin > 0>>
\<<set $currentCasino.currentSlot.win += $slotWin>>
\<<set $currentCasino.chips += $slotWin>>
You won! Your new balance is <<= $currentCasino.chips>> chips.
\<<set $currentCasino.currentSlot.loss += $bet * 1>>
Sorry, you didn't win this time. Your balance is now <<= $currentCasino.chips>> chips.
<td><<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/occasion/slotStrawberry.png" width="100px">'>>
4x bet
<td><<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/occasion/slotStar.png" width="100px">'>>
5x bet
<td><<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/occasion/slot7.png" width="100px">'>>
7x bet
<td><<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/occasion/slotHeart.png" width="100px">'>>
10x bet
<td><<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/occasion/slotJackpot.png" width="100px">'>>
20x bet
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/scene/farm.png">'>>
As you approach the farmhouse, your eyes are drawn to its faded red exterior, standing proudly amidst the lush cornfields. The wooden siding bears the marks of time, with patches of weathered red paint and peeling edges. The front porch, supported by timeworn pillars, holds two inviting rocking chairs, their frames smoothed by countless seasons of use. Delicate flower baskets sway gently in the breeze, their vibrant colors contrasting beautifully with the rustic backdrop.
The windows of the farmhouse are adorned with white wooden frames, and curtains billow softly behind the glass. Some shutters show signs of wear, their paint chipped and aged, while others remain securely closed. The centerpiece of this farmhouse is the front door, painted in a charming shade of weathered blue. Its screen door, mesh patched over the years, creaks softly as you push it open. Above, a whimsical brass knocker shaped like a rooster awaits your touch.
A meticulously maintained garden surrounds the farmhouse, enclosed by a white picket fence. Colorful flowers and shrubs bloom along its edges, and a stone pathway guides you to the inviting front porch. The roof, constructed of dark shingles, is crowned by a proud brick chimney that hints at cozy fireside evenings within.
\<<set _realTime = new Date()>>
\<<if ($gameDate.getMonth() === 9 && ($gameDate.getHours() >= 19 || $gameDate.getHours() < 3)) || _realTime === 9 >>
<<button [[To the halloween party|HalloweenParty]]>>
<<addmins 10>>
<<button [[Go to the barn|Barn]]>>
<<addmins 5>>
<<button [[Back to the cornfields|Field]]>>
<<addEnergy -5>>
<<addmins 10>>
<</button>><<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/scene/cornField.png">'>>
You follow a winding trail that seems to beckon you further.The path leads you to a clearing. Before you stretches a vast cornfield, the stalks standing tall and proud, their emerald green leaves rustling in the breeze. The cornfield seems to stretch endlessly in all directions, disappearing into the horizon.
Sunlight bathes the cornfield in a warm, golden glow, and a sea of cornstalks sways gently as if dancing to an unseen melody. The air is filled with the sweet, earthy scent of ripening corn, and you can hear the soft whispers of the wind as it caresses the leaves. A sense of tranquility washes over you as you take in the serene beauty of this place.
In the distance, you spot a scarecrow standing guard over the cornfield, its ragged clothes billowing in the wind. Beyond the cornfield, you can see the outline of rolling hills and a quaint farmhouse nestled against the backdrop of a vibrant blue sky.
You stand at the edge of the forest, poised to make your way into the cornfield and continue your adventure. The transition from the quite forest to the serene cornfield is a reminder that your journey is just beginning, and the world before you is full of adventures waiting to be uncovered.
<<button [[Go to the Farm|Farm]]>>
<<addmins 5>>
<<button [[Go back in the woods|Woods]]>>
<<addEnergy -5>>
<<addmins 10>>
<</button>><<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/scene/halloweenParty.png">'>>
Your journey through this eerie Halloween party begins with the path, illuminated by a series of flickering jack-o'-lanterns that beckon you forward. Their eerie, carved faces guide your way through the labyrinthine cornfield, each step bringing you deeper into the enigmatic festivities.
A canopy of string lights crisscrosses the night sky, adorned with spectral figures that sway gently in the breeze. As you venture further, you come upon an enchanting clearing. Bales of straw serve as seating, arranged around tables adorned with corn husks, spiderwebs, and plastic arachnids—each table a testament to the spooky, yet inviting, atmosphere.
In the midst of this captivating scene, the costumed guests come into view. Dressed as creatures of the night and characters from beloved tales, they mingle beneath the dim, flickering lights. Masks and disguises obscure their identities, adding an air of intrigue to the gathering.
The festivities beckon with a corn maze—an ominous, winding path through the towering stalks, each rustle heightening the sense of anticipation. A bonfire blazes at the heart of the gathering, its flames casting long, eerie shadows that dance with the flickering jack-o'-lanterns. Here, guests share ghost stories and toast marshmallows in the warm glow.
Your fellow partygoers are a sight to behold, their costumes ranging from classic monsters to clever interpretations of beloved icons. The low light enhances the mystique, making it challenging to identify your fellow revelers.
The refreshment table beckons with Halloween-themed treats: candy apples, caramel popcorn, pumpkin pies, and warm cider. For adults, there are Halloween-inspired cocktails served in eerily designed glasses.
The distant sound of haunting melodies drifts through the cornfield, setting the tone for the night. The eerie music blends seamlessly with dance-worthy beats, keeping the energy high and the atmosphere electric.
<<button [[To the maze|Maze]]>>
<<addmins 10>>
<<button [[Refreshment Table|HalloweenPartyBar]]>>
<<addmins 10>>
<<button [[Back to the cornfields|Field]]>>
<<addEnergy -5>>
<<addmins 10>>
<</button>><<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/scene/halloweenParty.png">'>>
As you stood there, you felt a mixture of excitement and trepidation. The darkness added an element of mystery, making the maze seem even more intriguing. The occasional distant laughter and murmur of fellow maze-goers hinted at the shared adventure within, but for this moment, it was just you and the maize maze, suspended in a tranquil, nocturnal stillness.
The decision to enter or not hung in the air, like the pause before the first notes of a captivating melody. You knew that crossing the threshold would lead you into a world of twists and turns, challenges and surprises. The choice was yours, and with the moon as your witness, you weighed the allure of the unknown against the comfort of the known.
In that moment, you felt a sense of both wonder and possibility, knowing that whichever path you chose, the maize maze held a unique adventure waiting to be embraced in the enchanting darkness of the night.
<<button [[Enter the maze|MazeCross1]]>>
<<set $mazeDirection = "Start">>
<<return [["Back"|HalloweenParty]]>><<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/scene/halloweenBar.png">'>>
you find yourself standing before a mysterious Halloween-themed bar, nestled amidst the towering maize.
The bar, bathed in the soft glow of jack-o'-lanterns and flickering string lights, beckons like a spectral mirage. Scarecrows stand sentinel, their eyes seemingly following your every move as you approach.
The bar itself, adorned with carved pumpkins, witches' hats, and flickering candles. Behind it, a mixologist in a witch's costume concocts mysterious and delicious Halloween drinks. The menu is a work of art, filled with elixirs that seem plucked from a witch's cauldron—smoking cocktails, bubbling brews, and eerie shots.
The mixologist welcomes you with a sly smile and a menu that seems to have been written by ghosts. Each drink is described with poetic and enticing language, promising an experience that goes beyond mere refreshment.
<<button [[Order a Snack $5|Bar]] >>
<<eat 2>>
<<set $Money to $Money - 5>>
<<addEnergy 2>>
\<</button>> <<button [[Order a liquid gold (beer) $7|drinkHalloweenBar]] >>
<<set $drink to "beer">>
<<set $Money to $Money - 7>>
<<set $IntoxicatedDrinks to $IntoxicatedDrinks +1>>
<</button>> <<button [[Order blood (wine) $10|drinkHalloweenBar]] >>
<<set $drink to "wine">>
<<set $Money to $Money - 10>>
<<set $IntoxicatedDrinks to $IntoxicatedDrinks +2>>
<</button>> <<button [[Order a brain (shot) $10|drinkHalloweenBar]] >>
<<set $drink to "shot">>
<<set $Money to $Money - 10>>
<<set $IntoxicatedDrinks to $IntoxicatedDrinks +4>>
\<</button>> <<button [[Order a Halloween Cocktail $20|drinkHalloweenBar]] >>
<<set $drink to "cocktail">>
<<set $Money to $Money - 20>>
<<set $IntoxicatedDrinks to $IntoxicatedDrinks +6>>
<<switch $drink>>
<<case "beer">>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/scene/halloweenBarBeer.png">'>>
TAs you peruse the mysterious menu at the Halloween-themed bar in the heart of the cornfield, your eyes settle on the first drink: "Liquid Gold." It's a simple choice, but sometimes simplicity holds its own allure.
Intrigued, you order "Liquid Gold," and the mixologist's eyes twinkle as if they hold a secret. In moments, a chilled, frosted glass is placed before you. Condensation beads on the surface, and the golden liquid within sparkles in the dim light, giving it an almost mystical quality.
As you raise the glass to your lips, you're enveloped in the rich, earthy aroma of the beer. The scent is like a whisper of harvest, a hint of the fields that surround you. You take that first sip, and it's as if time itself slows down.
The beer is smooth, with a subtle bitterness that gives way to malty sweetness. It's a taste that feels both familiar and comforting, like an old friend welcoming you home. Each sip brings a sense of relaxation, and you can't help but feel connected to the rustic charm of the cornfield and the enchantment of the Halloween night.
<<case "wine">>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/scene/halloweenBarWine.png">'>>
You peruse the ghostly menu, your eyes landing on the first drink, simply named "Blood." The description beckons, promising a taste of forbidden delight. You can almost hear the whispers of centuries-old secrets hidden within this crimson elixir.
"Blood," the mixologist explains, is a hauntingly delightful red wine infused with mysterious spices and aged to perfection. Its deep, velvety flavor is reminiscent of dark cherries and blackcurrants, with a subtle undertone of oak and vanilla. Each sip dances on your palate like a macabre waltz, leaving behind a lingering, bittersweet memory.
As you raise the glass to your lips, the world around you fades into obscurity, and you become one with the night, indulging in the essence of this crimson elixir. The wine flows through you like the lifeblood of the Halloween festivities, igniting a sense of adventure and intrigue that only this eerie night can provide.
<<case "shot">>
\<<set _c to random(0,3)>>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/scene/halloweenBarShot' + _c + '.png">'>>
As you sit at the Halloween-themed bar, your attention is drawn to a peculiar concoction on the menu: the "Brain" shot. With a mischievous grin, you decide to take a plunge into the unknown, ordering this mysterious elixir.
The anticipation builds as the mixologist gets to work, and soon enough, the "Brain" shot appears before you. A small glass, filled with an eerie, glowing orange liquid, rests upon the bar. At its center, a miniature jack o' lantern grins wickedly, its carved features seeming to come to life in the dim light. It's as if the spirit of Halloween itself has been captured in this tiny, translucent vessel.
But the true enigma lies in the ice cube that floats on top of the elixir. It's not just any ice cube; it's a perfectly carved miniature brain, a marvel of chilling craftsmanship. Its intricate details shimmer in the flickering candlelight, lending an eerie beauty to the concoction.
As you lift the "Brain" shot to your lips, you feel like the main character in a Halloween tale, ready to unlock the secrets hidden within this eldritch libation. The first sip is an explosion of flavors—sweet and tangy, with a hint of spice that dances across your taste buds. The orange elixir is refreshing, like the crisp autumn air, and it warms you from the inside out.
The carved brain ice cube begins to melt, releasing a cool, refreshing sensation that contrasts beautifully with the warmth of the shot. It's an experience that lingers, much like the memory of a Halloween night.
<<case "cocktail">>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/scene/halloweenBarCocktail.png">'>>
As you scan the menu, your eyes are drawn to the final item—the "Halloween" cocktail. It's described as a bewitching elixir that promises to transport your taste buds to the heart of the season. With a sense of curiosity, you order this mysterious concoction, eager to embark on a unique and thrilling flavor journey.
The mixologist takes a gleaming glass and fills it with a mesmerizing green elixir that seems to shimmer in the dim light. A drizzle of vibrant blue curacao cascades down the side of the glass, creating an enchanting and eerie swirl, like a ghostly apparition.
With a deft hand, the mixologist adds a touch of passion fruit, releasing a fragrant aroma that dances through the air. The scent alone is intoxicating, evoking images of moonlit orchards and hidden mysteries.
As you lift the glass to your lips, the anticipation is palpable. The first sip is a revelation. The green elixir washes over your palate, carrying with it the sweet and tangy notes of passion fruit. It's as if you've stepped into a realm where the flavors are intensified, where every sip is an adventure into the unknown.
The blue curacao adds a delightful twist, infusing the drink with a subtle hint of citrus and an electric, azure hue that mirrors the depths of a haunted forest. The combination is both refreshing and enigmatic, a tantalizing dance of flavors that lingers on your tongue.
\<<addmins 15>>
<<button [[Finish up|HalloweenPartyBar]]>>
<<set $drink to "">>
<<set $lastDrink to $gameDate>>
<<include genericMaze>>
<<button [[Go North|MazeCross3]]>>
<<set $mazeDirection = "North">>
<<button [[Go East|MazeCross7]]>>
<<set $mazeDirection = "East">>
<<button [[Go West|MazeCross2]]>>
<<set $mazeDirection = "West">>
[[Leave the Maze|Maze]]<<include genericMaze>>
<<button [[Go East|MazeCross5]]>>
<<set $mazeDirection = "East">>
<<button [[Go South|MazeFinal0]]>>
<<set $mazeDirection = "South">>
<<button [[Go West|MazeEnd3]]>>
<<set $mazeDirection = "West">>
<</button>><<include genericMaze>>
<<button [[Go North|MazeCross13]]>>
<<set $mazeDirection = "North">>
<<button [[Go East|MazeCross1]]>>
<<set $mazeDirection = "East">>
<<button [[Go West|MazeEnd0]]>>
<<set $mazeDirection = "West">>
<</button>><<include genericMaze>>
<<button [[Go East|MazeCross10]]>>
<<set $mazeDirection = "East">>
<<button [[Go South|MazeCross1]]>>
<<set $mazeDirection = "South">>
<<button [[Go West|MazeCross4]]>>
<<set $mazeDirection = "West">>
<</button>><<include genericMaze>>
<<button [[Go North|MazeEnd1]]>>
<<set $mazeDirection = "North">>
<<button [[Go East|MazeCross8]]>>
<<set $mazeDirection = "East">>
<<button [[Go West|MazeCross1]]>>
<<set $mazeDirection = "West">>
<</button>><<include genericMaze>>
<<button [[Go North|MazeCross3]]>>
<<set $mazeDirection = "North">>
<<button [[Go East|MazeCross12]]>>
<<set $mazeDirection = "East">>
<<button [[Go West|MazeEnd4]]>>
<<set $mazeDirection = "West">>
<</button>><<include genericMaze>>
<<button [[Go North|MazeCross3]]>>
<<set $mazeDirection = "North">>
<<button [[Go East|MazeCross9]]>>
<<set $mazeDirection = "East">>
<<button [[Go West|MazeCross11]]>>
<<set $mazeDirection = "West">>
<</button>><<include genericMaze>>
<<button [[Go East|MazeCross14]]>>
<<set $mazeDirection = "East">>
<<button [[Go South|MazeCross2]] >>
<<set $mazeDirection = "South">>
<<button [[Go West|MazeCross16]]>>
<<set $mazeDirection = "West">>
<</button>><<include genericMaze>>
<<button [[Go East|MazeCross11]]>>
<<set $mazeDirection = "East">>
<<button [[Go South|MazeCross4]]>>
<<set $mazeDirection = "South">>
<<button [[Go West|MazeCross5]]>>
<<set $mazeDirection = "West">>
<<include genericMaze>>
<<button [[Go North|MazeCross9]]>>
<<set $mazeDirection = "North">>
<<button [[Go East|MazeCross11]]>>
<<set $mazeDirection = "East">>
<<button [[Go West|MazeCross7]]>>
<<set $mazeDirection = "West">>
<</button>><<include genericMaze>>
<<button [[Go East|MazeEnd2]]>>
<<set $mazeDirection = "East">>
<<button [[Go South|MazeCross8]]>>
<<set $mazeDirection = "South">>
<<button [[Go West|MazeCross10]]>>
<<set $mazeDirection = "West">>
<</button>><<include genericMaze>>
<<button [[Go North|MazeCross12]]>>
<<set $mazeDirection = "North">>
<<button [[Go East|MazeCross8]]>>
<<set $mazeDirection = "East">>
<<button [[Go South|MazeCross10]]>>
<<set $mazeDirection = "South">>
<</button>><<include genericMaze>>
<<button [[Go North|MazeCross6]]>>
<<set $mazeDirection = "North">>
<<button [[Go East|MazeCross12]]>>
<<set $mazeDirection = "East">>
<<button [[Go West|MazeEnd5]]>>
<<set $mazeDirection = "West">>
<</button>><<include MazeDeadEnd>>
<<button [[Go East|MazeCross2]]>>
<<set $mazeDirection = "East">>
<</button>><<include MazeDeadEnd>>
<<button [[Go South|MazeCross7]]>>
<<set $mazeDirection = "South">>
<</button>><<include MazeDeadEnd>>
<<button [[Go West|MazeCross9]]>>
<<set $mazeDirection = "West">>
<</button>><<include MazeDeadEnd>>
<<button [[Go East|MazeCross6]]>>
<<set $mazeDirection = "East">>
<</button>><<include MazeDeadEnd>>
<<button [[Go East|MazeCross5]]>>
<<set $mazeDirection = "East">>
<</button>><<include genericMaze>>
<<button [[Go North|MazeEnd6]]>>
<<set $mazeDirection = "North">>
<<button [[Go East|MazeCross13]]>>
<<set $mazeDirection = "East">>
<<button [[Go South|MazeEnd7]]>>
<<set $mazeDirection = "South">>
<</button>><<include genericMaze>>
<<button [[Go North|MazeCross15]]>>
<<set $mazeDirection = "North">>
<<button [[Go East|MazeEnd8]]>>
<<set $mazeDirection = "East">>
<<button [[Go West|MazeCross13]]>>
<<set $mazeDirection = "West">>
<</button>><<include MazeDeadEnd>>
<<button [[Go South|MazeCross16]]>>
<<set $mazeDirection = "South">>
<<include MazeDeadEnd>>
<<button [[Go North|MazeCross16]]>>
<<set $mazeDirection = "North">>
<</button>><<include genericMaze>>
<<button [[Go North|MazeCross17]]>>
<<set $mazeDirection = "North">>
<<button [[Go West|MazeCross14]]>>
<<set $mazeDirection = "West">>
<<button [[Go South through a secret passage|MazeCross11]] >>
<<set $mazeDirection = "Secret">>
<</button>><<include genericMaze>>
<<button [[Go North|MazeEnd9]]>>
<<set $mazeDirection = "North">>
<<button [[Go East|MazeCross15]]>>
<<set $mazeDirection = "East">>
<<button [[Go West|MazeCross19]]>>
<<set $mazeDirection = "West">>
<<include MazeDeadEnd>>
<<button [[Go South|MazeCross17]]>>
<<set $mazeDirection = "South">>
<</button>><<include MazeDeadEnd>>
<<button [[Go East|MazeCross4]]>>
<<set $mazeDirection = "East">>
<</button>><<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/scene/halloweenDeadEndFinal.png">'>>
As you emerged from the heart of the cornfield, panting heavily from your exertion, you found yourself face-to-face with an enigmatic figure. Dressed head to toe in a wizard's costume, he stood before you - his long robes billowing gently around him as if he were some sort of otherworldly presence. You couldn't help but feel drawn to this stranger; there was something about him that stirred your senses like nothing else had before.
Without a word, he reached out and took hold of your hand, leading you deeper into the maze. The warmth of his touch sent shivers down your spine as he guided you through the twisting pathways until finally, you found yourself alone with him in an abandoned clearing.
"I've been waiting for someone like you," he whispered softly, his breath tickling against your earlobe
You have the urge to go down on him, he is ready for you.
<<button [[Go down on him|MazeFinal1]]>>
<<button [[Go Back into the maze|MazeCross6]]>>
<<set $mazeDirection = "North">>
<</button>><<include MazeDeadEnd>>
<<button [[Go West|MazeCross14]]>>
<<set $mazeDirection = "West">>
<</button>><<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/scene/halloweenMazeJulia.png">'>>
As you emerged from the labyrinthine maze, feeling a mixture of triumph and exhaustion, your gaze met that of Julia. She stood before you with an unmistakable glow of admiration in her eyes as she applauded your achievement.
<<say "Julia" $juliaHalloweenImagePath>>Congratulations<</say>> she said warmly, her voice ringing through the now quiet corridor.
You couldn't help but feel a rush of pleasure at her praise and found yourself leaning into the embrace that followed instinctively. Her touch sent shivers down your spine as her soft lips brushed against yours in a tender kiss. It was over far too soon, leaving you both breathless yet yearning for more.
<<say "Julia" $juliaHalloweenImagePath>>That was amazing,<</say>>
Stepping back to admire you once again.
<<say "Julia" $juliaHalloweenImagePath>>You're truly something special.<</say>>
She placed a hand on your cheek, her touch electric as she studied every inch of your face. The look in her eyes told you everything – she wanted more than just this fleeting moment together.
<<say "Julia" $juliaHalloweenImagePath>>Well, I want you to come over later to my place. I have something in mind for you<</say>>
<<button [[Leave the maze|HalloweenParty]]>>
<<set $halloweenMazeFinished = true>>
<</button>> \<<set _c to random(0,0)>>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/scene/halloweenMazeEnd' + _c + '.png">'>>
As you ventured deeper into the corn maze, the labyrinthine twists and turns kept you guessing at every intersection. The towering cornstalks seemed to reach out, creating a sense of mystery and anticipation.
After walking for a bit, you found yourself at a dead end. The path abruptly terminated, leaving you surrounded by walls of cornstalks. As you turned to retrace your steps, your eyes fell upon an unexpected sight.
There, at the dead end, stood a scarecrow like no other. Dressed in a whimsical Halloween costume, it wore a tattered, orange-and-black outfit complete with a pointed witch's hat. Its straw-stuffed arms stretched out in an exaggerated gesture of welcome, and a crooked grin was painted across its face.
The scarecrow seemed to have been carefully dressed up for the occasion, as if it were ready to join in the Halloween festivities. A pumpkin-shaped candy bucket dangled from one of its arms, and a comically oversized plastic spider clung to its hat.
You couldn't help but chuckle at the unexpected encounter. It was as though this Halloween-themed scarecrow had been placed here to add a touch of whimsy to the maze, even in the most unlikely of spots.
With a smile, you turned away from the dead end and continued your journey through the maze, leaving the Halloween scarecrow behind. It was a reminder that sometimes, even in moments of frustration or dead ends in life, a bit of humor and unexpected charm can brighten your path and make the adventure all the more memorable.<<if $mazeDirection === 'Secret'>>
After navigating through several intersections and encountering a few dead ends, you stumbled upon something unusual. At the next intersection, you noticed a slightly ajar section of cornstalks, as if they were beckoning you to explore further. Your curiosity piqued, you pushed aside the cornstalks and found yourself in a hidden passage.
This passage was different from the main maze. It was narrower, and the cornstalks seemed to form a secret tunnel that wound its way through the heart of the labyrinth. There was an eerie, almost mystical quality to this hidden route, as if it held ancient secrets waiting to be discovered.
Finally, after what felt like an eternity of twists and turns, you emerged from the secret passage into the bright sunlight of the main maze. You had successfully navigated the hidden route, and the sense of accomplishment filled you with a renewed sense of purpose.
With a contented smile, you continued your journey through the maze, now armed with the knowledge that even in the most ordinary of places, hidden wonders and secret passages can be found. The corn maze labyrinth had offered you a taste of adventure and mystery, reminding you that there's always more to discover if you're willing to explore with an open heart and an inquisitive spirit.
<<elseif $mazeDirection === 'Start'>>
With a sense of anticipation, you stepped into the maze, the rustling cornstalks brushing against your legs. The labyrinth stretched out before you like a puzzle waiting to be solved. Armed with nothing but your instincts and a spirit of adventure, you took your first steps into the corn maze.
The world beyond the corn seemed to disappear as you ventured deeper into the labyrinth. The tall cornstalks formed walls that concealed the outside world, making it impossible to see what lay ahead. The distant voices of other maze explorers provided both comfort, knowing you weren't alone, and intrigue, as you wondered what surprises the maze held.
With a heart full of anticipation, you knew that the corn maze labyrinth held countless surprises and challenges, waiting for you to uncover. It was a reminder that in life, the journey itself can be as thrilling and rewarding as the destination, and that sometimes, getting lost in the twists and turns can lead to the most unexpected and delightful discoveries.
\<<set _c to random(0,0)>>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/scene/halloweenMazeIntersection' + _c + '.png">'>>
After you turned <<= $mazeDirection>> you ventured deeper into the corn maze, you found yourself in a long corridor of towering cornstalks. The twisting paths seemed endless, and the maze had an almost hypnotic quality, drawing you further into its mysterious depths.
With each step, the rustling corn leaves and the occasional distant laughter of fellow maze-goers served as your only companions. The golden stalks formed an impenetrable wall, concealing the world beyond. You were enveloped in a tranquil solitude, lost in a world of green and gold.
After navigating several turns and encountering a few dead ends, you reached a point between two intersections. It was here, in this serene and secluded stretch of the maze, that you paused for a moment of reflection.
With renewed determination, you continued on your path, ready to embrace whatever challenges and surprises the labyrinth had in store. In the end, you knew that each twist and turn, whether leading to a dead end or a new discovery, was an essential part of the adventure, reminding you that the journey itself is as important as the destination.
Where will you go next?\<<set _c to random(0,0)>>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/scene/apperalStoreCostume' + _c + '.png">'>>
Shelves are lined with costumes of all kinds, from historical attire to fantastical ensembles, and accessories galore. The friendly staff, adorned in their own fantastical outfits, stand ready to assist, welcoming you to explore a treasure trove of disguise and transformation. It's a place where dreams take shape, where ordinary becomes extraordinary, and where every visit promises the thrill of finding the perfect disguise for any occasion.
As you ventured deeper into the store, your gaze wandered from shelf to shelf, taking in a dizzying array of characters and themes. Superheroes, pirates, historical figures, and creatures of fantasy all clamored for your attention. The store was alive with the rustling of fabric and the laughter of fellow shoppers, all on their own quests for the perfect disguise. You pulled out costumes, one after another, examining the intricate details and imagining how each one might transform you.
\<<include Cloths>>
\<<include Accessoirs>>
\<<set $costumeApparelListCloth = [$catCostume] >>
\<<set $costumeApparelListAcc = [$catCollar, $catMakeup, $catEars, $devilHorns,] >>
<<listAccessoirs $costumeApparelListAcc 'ApparelStoreCostumes'>>
<<listCloths $costumeApparelListCloth 'ApparelStoreCostumes'>>
<<return [[Go back|ApparelStore]]>>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/scene/halloweenDeadEndFinal1_0.png">'>>
As he spoke those words, something inside of you seemed to snap into place - as if all along, this encounter had been destined to happen. Without hesitation or reserve, you reached out and grasped the hemline of his robes; pulling them forcefully upwards revealing a thick magic staff nestled snugly against his crotch.
As he spoke those words, something inside of you seemed to snap into place - as if all along, this encounter had been destined to happen. Without hesitation or reserve, you reached out and grasped the hemline of his robes; pulling them forcefully upwards revealing a thick magic staff nestled snugly against his crotch.
The sight before your eyes was breathtaking - an impressive display of masculinity that made every nerve ending in your body come alive with anticipation. Without breaking eye contact, you slowly began to caress the shaft of his member; running your fingertips along its length as if tracing out some ancient rune or sigil.
As he groaned softly under your touch, a wave of power washed over both of you - filling the air with an electric charge that seemed to crackle with energy. With each passing moment, your exploration grew bolder; teasing him mercilessly as you danced lightly around his tip before finally taking him into your mouth.
The taste of him was indescribable – sweet yet tangy, like a rare elixir from another world. You savored every inch of him that you could fit inside your mouth; sucking gently as you worked him deeper and harder until he cried out in ecstasy.
<<button [[Finish up|MazeFinal2]]>>
<</button>>\<<set _c to random(0,4)>>
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/scene/hairSalon' + _c + '.png">'>>
The hair salon is a sanctuary for personal transformation and self-care, a haven of creativity and style tucked away in a bustling urban neighborhood. As you approach the entrance, you're greeted by a sleek, polished façade adorned with large, glamorous images showcasing the salon's artistry.
Upon stepping inside, you're enveloped in an atmosphere of sophistication and relaxation. The gentle hum of blow dryers and the soft, melodic tunes of calming music create a serene backdrop. The salon is adorned with chic, minimalist décor, featuring muted, earthy tones that evoke a sense of tranquility.
At the heart of the salon is a sleek, black-and-white reception desk where friendly staff members welcome you with warm smiles. The walls are adorned with mirrors framed in elegant, ornate designs, reflecting the artistry in progress. Overhead, soft, diffused lighting enhances the ambiance, casting a flattering glow that makes every client feel like a star.
The rows of cushioned, leather salon chairs beckon, each equipped with its own mirror and an array of professional hair tools. Talented stylists move gracefully around their clients, their creativity on full display as they sculpt, color, and transform hair into works of art. The air is filled with the subtle fragrance of salon products, a reminder of the luxurious treatments underway.
\<<include Accessoirs>>
<<button "Get a pinned-up hairstyle - $ 50" >>
<<set $Money -= 50>>
<<putOnAccessoir 'standard hair bun'>>
<<goto `passage()`>>
<<button "Get a step cut - $ 100" >>
<<set $Money -= 100>>
<<putOnAccessoir 'step cut'>>
<<goto `passage()`>>
<<button "Get a banks short cut - $ 75" >>
<<set $Money -= 75>>
<<putOnAccessoir 'banks short cut'>>
<<goto `passage()`>>
<<button "Get a banks medium cut - $ 100" >>
<<set $Money -= 100>>
<<putOnAccessoir 'banks medium cut'>>
<<goto `passage()`>>
<<button "Get a long curly cut - $ 150" >>
<<set $Money -= 150>>
<<putOnAccessoir 'long curly'>>
<<goto `passage()`>>
<<link "Look in the mirror">>
<<replace "#mirror">><<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>>I look great.<</say>>
<span id="mirror"></span>
<<return [[Back|WestTown]] >><<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/scene/halloweenDeadEndFinal1.png">'>>
Thinking again, the cock tasted like… corn? Confused yet aroused by this new sensation, you began to suck eagerly on what felt like a stalk of maize.
The more you sucked, the harder it became, and soon enough, moisture started dripping from its tip onto your tongue. You couldn't believe that this was really happening - was the wizard some sort of pervert who had replaced his cock with a corn cob? Or maybe he had cast some kind of spell on you to make you think it was him?
As you took more of the 'cock', its flavor changed from sweet corn to something earthier and more musky. You could almost imagine that this wasn't just any old piece of vegetable - but rather a living, throbbing cock that belonged to some mythical creature hidden within the maze.
Your mind was lost in a haze of lust as you continued to service what felt like an incredibly realistic corn-based dildo. The sensation was so intense that it almost made your body shudder with pleasure. You couldn't wait for the wizard to finally reveal himself and claim his reward...
But when you finally pulled away, blinking in surprise at the empty space before you, reality hit you like a ton of bricks. You were alone in the maze; there was no wizard – only a scarecrow with a corn cob sticking out of the pants where you thought the wizard had stood moments ago. Embarrassed and slightly humiliated by your mistake but still strangely aroused from the experience.
Now you have two options either go back or use the corn cob and get yourself off.
<<button [[Use the corn cob|MazeFinal3]]>>
<<button [[Go Back into the maze|MazeCross6]]>>
<<set $mazeDirection = "North">>
<</button>><<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/scene/halloweenDeadEndFinal2.png">'>>
As you took hold of the soft yet sturdy corn cob, you couldn't help but feel an odd sense of arousal rush through your body. The roughness against your sensitive skin was both unfamiliar and incredibly stimulating as you began to rub yourself with it in a slow, deliberate motion. Your fingers entwined with the coarse threads while your other hand gently massaged your swollen clitoris, sending waves of pleasure coursing through every nerve ending.
The feeling was new yet strangely exhilarating - like exploring unknown territory in search of ultimate satisfaction. As you picked up speed and intensity, the corn cob began to make a soft slapping sound against your moist folds, echoing the rhythm of your heartbeat as it grew louder and faster with each thrust. Your hips moved instinctively in time with the motion, grinding against the hard surface until finally - after what felt like an eternity - you climaxed violently around the corn cob, crying out in a mix of ecstasy and relief as wave after wave of orgasmic bliss washed over you.
Spent but satisfied, you let go of your makeshift dildo and collapsed onto the maze dirt floor, panting heavily as adrenaline rushed through your veins. A warm sense of accomplishment filled you - not only for discovering this unique form of self-pleasure but also for breaking free from societal norms that dictated what was 'right' or 'wrong'.
<<button [[Go Back into the maze|MazeCross6]]>>
<<set $mazeDirection = "North">>
<</button>><<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/scene/halloweenSupriseJulia0.png">'>>
As you step into Julia's lair, your heart begins to race at the sight of her sensual form. She stands before you, adorned in a seductive fox costume that hugs every curve of her body. The tail plug stretches out behind her like a tempting invitation, while the fox ears perk up on top of her head, seemingly alert to your presence.
With a mischievous grin spreading across her face, Julia motions for you to join her in an intimate dance. The room is illuminated by candlelight, casting soft shadows over the pair of you as she guides your steps with gentle yet firm hands. Her scent fills the air - a heady mix of femininity and wildness that intoxicates you further.
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/scene/halloweenSupriseJulia1.png">'>>
As you feel Julia's warm lips against yours, it becomes apparent that she is in no mood for games or hesitation. Her tongue darts out, teasing your bottom lip before slipping inside your mouth with a hungry growl. She tastes of sweet wine and desire as her fingers run through your hair, urging you closer.
Without breaking the kiss, she leads you by the hand to her bedroom door. It opens silently at her touch, revealing a room filled with soft lighting and the scent of lavender. The bed is massive, covered in plush sheets and pillows that invite one to sink into its depths. Julia pulls back from your lips just long enough to say breathlessly, "Get on the bed."
Obediently, you climb onto the mattress as she kicks off her shoes and joins you. She straddles your waist this time, their bodies flush against each other from chest to thighs. Her hands roam up your sides before settling on your shoulders where they gently push down forcing you into a reclined position.
<<print '<img class="imgs" src="' + $imgPathSrc + 'images/scene/halloweenSupriseJulia2.png">'>>
As you lay on your back with eyes closed, enjoying the sensations that were washing over you as Julia tenderly kissed your lips before moving down between your legs. Her warm breath caressed against your sensitive skin as she began her exploration of your most intimate parts. The feeling of her soft tongue teasing and lapping at your pussy was exquisite, sending shivers of pleasure coursing through every inch of your being.
You moaned audibly into the pillow, unable to contain the ecstasy that she was coaxing from deep within you. Your hips bucked involuntarily as Julia's skilled fingers parted your folds and probed deeper still, seeking out that elusive spot that would send you soaring towards euphoria.
Her tongue darted in and out of your slick entrance while her thumb circled around your swollen clit, applying just the right amount of pressure to drive you wild with need. You arched your back off the bed as wave after wave of intense pleasure washed over you, leaving you breathless and begging for more.
In this moment, there was nothing but pure bliss emanating from every pore on your body - a testament to Julia's skill in giving you exactly what you craved most: unadulterated sexual satisfaction.
<<return [[Back|JuliaHome]]>>As you make your way towards the barn, the sounds of the farm awaken your senses. The contented clucking of hens echoes from the henhouse, their rhythmic chorus punctuated by the occasional burst of a rooster's crow. The gentle lowing of cows fills the air, their soulful moos harmonizing with the distant bleating of sheep.
Amidst the symphony of farm life, you spot a figure moving with practiced ease amidst the animals. The farmer, his weathered face etched with years of dedication to the land, greets you with a warm smile that reflects the warmth of the sun.
As you step inside the barn, a wave of rustic charm envelops you. The air is filled with the earthy aroma of hay and the comforting scent of farm animals. The barn's interior is a symphony of textures and sounds, from the rough-hewn timbers overhead to the rhythmic clanging of tools against metal.
The farmer leads you through the maze of stalls, each one occupied by a different animal. You marvel at the gentle giants of the farm, the horses, their powerful bodies radiating strength and grace. You admire the playful antics of the calves, their wobbly steps a testament to the circle of life that continues within the barn's walls.
As you delve deeper into the barn's embrace, you discover a hidden treasure: a loft filled with hay, its golden strands cascading like a waterfall. The loft beckons you to climb its ladder, promising a haven of tranquility amidst the bustling farm life below.
/* Reaching the top, you sink into the soft, fragrant hay, letting its warmth envelop you like a comforting blanket. The gentle sounds of the farm drift up through the floorboards, a soothing lullaby that lulls you into a state of peaceful contentment.
As you gaze out through the barn's open doors, you realize that the journey from the farmhouse to the barn has been more than just a physical traversal of space. It has been a voyage into the very heart of the farm, a journey that has connected you to the land, the animals, and the legacy of your family.
\<<if $gameDate.getHours() >= 20 || $gameDate.getHours() < 6>>
\<<if $Job == "farmgirl" && $energy >= 50>>
<<button [[Work|BarnWork]]>>
<<include (BarnFarmerTalk)>>
<<button [[Back to the cornfields|Field]]>>
<<addEnergy -5>>
<<addmins 10>>
<</button>>\<<if $startjob == "Unemployed" && $Job != "Unemployed">>
<<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>>Excuse me, sir?<</say>>
<<say "Farmer" $farmerImagePath>>Well, hello there, young lady. What brings you to my humble farm?<</say>>
<<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>>I'm looking for work. I'm a hard worker and I'm not afraid to get my hands dirty.<</say>>
<<say "Farmer" $farmerImagePath>>Well, that's a fine start. I can always use a good hand around here. But what kind of work are you looking for?<</say>>
<<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>>I'm pretty versatile. I can help with planting, harvesting, tending to the animals, whatever you need.<</say>>
<<say "Farmer" $farmerImagePath>>Hmm, that's good to hear. I've got a bit of a backlog with the harvest, and the animals could use some extra attention too.<</say>>
<<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>>I'm ready to start whenever you are.<</say>>
<<say "Farmer" $farmerImagePath>>Excellent. Just follow me, and I'll show you around.<</say>>
<<say "Farmer" $farmerImagePath>>This is my pride and joy, my barn. It's the heart of my farm.<</say>>
<<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>>It's impressive. I can tell you put a lot of love into this place.<</say>>
<<say "Farmer" $farmerImagePath>>I have indeed. I've been working this land for over 50 years, and I've seen it through thick and thin.<</say>>
<<say "Farmer" $farmerImagePath>>These are my prized possessions. My cows, my chickens, my pigs. They're the lifeblood of my farm.<</say>>
<<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>>They look well-cared for.<</say>>
<<say "Farmer" $farmerImagePath>>That's because I take good care of them. They're like family to me.<</say>>
The Farmer hands you a pair of gloves and a pitchfork.
<<say "Farmer" $farmerImagePath>>Alright, let's get to work. I'll show you the ropes.<</say>>
<<say '$firstname' $currentAppearal>>Thanks for giving me the chance.<</say>>
<<say "Farmer" $farmerImagePath>>You're welcome. I think I'm going to like having you around here.<</say>>
\<<set $Job to "farmgirl">>
\<<set $startjob to "Unemployed">>
\<<set $energy to $energy - 10>>
\<<addhours 1>>
<<elseif true >>
\<<if $Job == "farmgirl">>
<<button [[Quit job|QuitJob]]>>
<<return "Barn">>\<<set _r = random(0,0)>>
\<<set _workHours = 20 - $gameDate.getHours()>>
\ <<set _workHours = Math.clamp(_workHours,0,10)>>\
\<<set $energy to $energy - (_workHours * 4)>>
\<<addhours _workHours>>
\<<switch _r>>
\<<case 0>>
\<<set $wage to 12 >>
As you arrive early in the morning, the crisp air fills your lungs and a sense of anticipation rushes through your veins. The sky is painted with shades of pink and orange as the sun begins to peek over the horizon. You step onto the farm grounds, taking in the familiar sights and sounds that have become so synonymous with your newfound occupation.
After dressing in your work clothes which consist of overalls, sturdy boots, and a wide-brimmed hat, you make your way to the barn where you're assigned to look after the livestock.
Your first task is to feed the animals their morning meal. You prepare buckets of grain and water for the chickens, cows, pigs, horses, sheep, and goats in their respective pens. As you distribute food, you chat with them softly, forming a bond that will be crucial later on when handling larger animals like bulls or stallions.
After breakfast, it's time for cleaning duties. You muck out the stalls using shovels and wheelbarrows filled with fresh hay while ensuring each animal has enough bedding material to keep them comfortable throughout the day. This can be quite a messy job as you deal with manure and other organic matter but it's necessary for maintaining good hygiene standards within the barn environment.
During mid-morning, there might be some light maintenance tasks such as fixing fences or repairing equipment that needs attention around the farm premises. This could involve using tools like hammers, nails, and wire cutters to ensure everything is in working order before continuing with your day's work.
Around lunchtime, you take a break from all the hard labor to enjoy some home-cooked meals prepared by the farmer or his family. The food usually consists of hearty farm fare like soup, sandwiches, and freshly baked pies made from seasonal fruits grown on the premises.
In the afternoon, your focus shifts back to caring for the animals again. You check their water supplies regularly throughout the day. You also monitor pregnant cows and sheep closely, ensuring they are well taken care of before giving birth soon.
As dusk approaches, you prepare for the evening chores which include collecting eggs from hens that have spent their day roosting in nests within the coop area. It's important not to disturb or frighten them while gathering as this could result in broken eggs or even injured birds if they become aggressive due to stress.
Finally, just before calling it a day and heading home after supper, you lock up all the pens securely so that no animals escape overnight. You also check on any sick or injured creatures requiring extra care during evening rounds before retiring for your own much-deserved rest.
<<case 1>>
\<<set $wage to 13 >>
As the first rays of the sun paint the sky with hues of gold, you begin your workday on the farm, greeted by the sounds of nature awakening. Each day brings a symphony of tasks, and your role in caring for the animals is an integral part of farm life.
The crisp morning air fills your lungs as you make your way to the barn, a familiar path lined with rows of crops swaying gently in the breeze. The rustling leaves and the distant calls of waking birds set the rhythm for the day ahead.
Entering the barn, you're greeted by the soft nickers of the horses and the contented clucking of the chickens. Your first task is to ensure that all the animals are fed and watered. With practiced hands, you prepare their meals, measuring out the feed and hay, and filling troughs and buckets with fresh water.
Amidst the routine of feeding, your connection with the animals is palpable. You know each of them by name, their quirks, and personalities. The horses nuzzle against you, the cows moo in appreciation, and the chickens peck around your feet in search of treats. It's a bond forged through care and mutual understanding.
Next comes the cleaning and maintenance of the animal enclosures. You muck out stalls, rake bedding, and ensure that the living spaces are clean and comfortable. This routine chore becomes a labor of love as you take pride in providing a safe and hygienic environment for the animals.
Throughout the day, your tasks vary—from grooming the horses to collecting eggs from the chicken coop. You may assist in administering medications or tending to any animals in need of extra care, always ensuring their well-being is a top priority.
As the day progresses, the farm comes alive with activity. You may lend a hand with other tasks such as repairing fences, tending to the fields, or helping with the harvest during busy seasons. There's always something to be done, and the teamwork among farmhands creates a sense of camaraderie and shared purpose.
The changing light of the afternoon signals the winding down of the day's tasks. You perform a final check on the animals, ensuring they have everything they need for the night ahead. As the sun sets on the horizon, casting a warm, golden glow across the farm, you take a moment to appreciate the hard work and dedication that goes into caring for the animals that are not just residents of the farm but also cherished companions in this rustic tapestry of rural life.
<<return "Barn">>