By playing this game you are agreeing to being of adult/responsible age in your area. If this is untrue then please leave
This game is filled with numerous pngs and images, I do not own any of them. If you are the owner and wish me to stop using them please contact me via Twitter.
Other than that you can find a lot of different fetishes here, some are hopfully to your liking but some won't and I'm sorry. The main fetishes/content of this game will involve; Breast Expansion, Bimbofication, Sissification, Transgender Content and Magic. There is also Hypno porn content. There are others but these are the primary ones you will encounter.
With all that out of the way please continue by clicking 'begin'
BEGINExternal Links - Contact & Other Games
<h1><span style="color:crimson"><strong>!!<u>WARNING</u>!!</strong></span></h1>
By playing this game you are agreeing to being of adult/responsible age in your area. If this is untrue then please leave <em><u>now</u></em>.
This game is filled with numerous pngs and images, I do not own any of them. If you are the owner and wish me to stop using them please contact me via Twitter.
Other than that you can find a lot of different fetishes here, some are hopfully to your liking but some won't and I'm sorry. The main fetishes/content of this game will involve; Breast Expansion, Bimbofication, Sissification, Transgender Content and Magic. There is also Hypno porn content. There are others but these are the primary ones you will encounter.
With all that out of the way please continue by clicking 'begin'
[[External Links]] - Contact & Other Games<h1>Prologue</h1>
Your name is <<textbox "$mc.fname" "Ruby">> <<textbox "$mc.lname" "Fletcher">> and you are a 22 year old <span style="color:lightskyblue"><label><<radiobutton "$mc.gender" "male">> guy</label> </span>/ <span style="color:hotpink"><label><<radiobutton "$mc.gender" "female" checked>> woman</label> </span>/ <span style="color:darkmagenta"><label><<radiobutton "$mc.gender" "trans">> trans-person</label></span> with <label><<radiobutton "$mc.hcolour" "blonde">> blonde</label> / <label><<radiobutton "$mc.hcolour" "brown" checked>> brown</label> / <label><<radiobutton "$mc.hcolour" "black">> black</label> <label><<radiobutton "$mc.hcolour" "red">> red</label> hair and <label><<radiobutton "$mc.race" "black" checked>> black skin</label> / <label><<radiobutton "$mc.race" "white">> white skin</label>. You've just enrolled at a new college, your old one got closed down due to snakes coming up the toilets and loads of locusts in the staff room (3000+ locusts).
In the last decade you have been to 13 different schools/colleges, each time you've had to leave due to unusual circumstances. But this isn't going to happen this time, this is the last college you'll ever have to go to.
At the start of the summer you moved to a new town and got a room mate sorted out. It took all summer but all your boxes <<linkappend "are now empty.">>
You spend your last evening of freedom sipping wine and looking at all your hard work.
Just as you're glancing over your bookcase you spot a really old book that you don't recognise. <strong>Hmmmm.....</strong> Nevermind. Maybe it's one of your room mate's books.
You finish your wine and [[go to bed.]]<</linkappend>><h1>Contact & Other Games</h1>
My name is Ruby, I am the coder of this game but most of the input comes from my twitter followers or patreon subscribers.
You can find me on twitter at [[@MessyRuby|http://www.twitter.com/Messy_Ruby]]
And you can find most of my other games on my [[website|http://messyruby.uk]]<h1>College</h1><<set $game to "stage 1">>
<span style="color:hotpink">On your way to college your realise you didn't ask your room mate about the bizzare old book you saw.
Have to try and remember that for later.....
Before going to your first class you should double check what subject you've got..... it's <span style="color:lightskyblue"><label><<radiobutton "$class" "history">> History</label> </span>/ <span style="color:magenta"><label><<radiobutton "$class" "media">> Media</label> </span>/ <span style="color:limegreen"><label><<radiobutton "$class" "latin">> Latin</label></span>.
[[Need help deciding?]]
You head to your [[first class|Class]].
</span><<if not tags().includes("nocaption")>>\
<<TD>><<if $game is "stage 1">>
<<include "Portrait Mini">>
Name: $mc.name
Age: 22
Gender: $mc.gender
$Day $period
Cash: $mc.money.cash
<<if $mc.fname is "A" and $mc.lname is "G">>[[Cheat]]<</if>>
<<link "Character List" "Characters">><</link>>
<<elseif $game is "stage 2">>
<<include "Portrait Mini">>
Name: $mc.name
Age: 22
Gender: $mc.gender
$Day $period
Cash: $mc.money.cash
<<if $mc.fname is "A" and $mc.lname is "G">>[[Cheat]]<</if>>
<<link "Character List" "Characters">><</link>>
<<link "Transfigurations" "Changes Made">><</link>>
<img src="CofB.jpg" width="200px">
<</if>><<if $class is "history">><<include "History">>
Next lesson is a [[free period|School]]
<<elseif $class is "media">><<include "Media">>
Next lesson is a [[free period|School]]
<<elseif $class is "latin">><<include "Latin">>
Next lesson is a [[free period|School]].
<<else>><h3>Oops..... What class should you be in?</h3>
| <span style="color:lightskyblue"><label><<radiobutton "$class" "history">> History</label></span> | ~=~ | <span style="color:magenta"><label><<radiobutton "$class" "media">> Media</label></span> | ~=~ |<span style="color:limegreen"><label><<radiobutton "$class" "latin">> Latin</label></span>|
<<set $game to "stage 1">>
<<set $mc to {fname: "A", lname: "G", name: "$mc.fname $mc.lname", change: "none", changed: "none", money: [], gender: "female", hcolour: "red", race: "black"}>>
<<set $mc.money to {bed: 0, cash: 200}>>
<<set $day to 1>>
<<set $Day to "Monday">>
<<set $Dcount to 1>>
<<set $time to 10>>
<<set $Croom to "unlocked">>
<<set $library to false>>
<<set $libsearch to 0>>
<<set $grimwah to false>>
<<set $grim to 1>>
<<set $page to 1>>
<<set $latin to 0>>
<<set $latincount to 0>>
<<set $history to 0>>
<<set $historycount to 0>>
<<set $media to 0>>
<<set $mediacount to 0>>
<<set $mrslib to {changed: "none", change: "none", like: 0}>>
<<set $hmistress to {changed: "none", change: "none", like: 0}>>
<<set $mum to {changed: "none", change: "none", like: 0}>>
<<set $charlotte to {changed: "none", change: "none", like: 0}>>
<<set $missB to {changed: "none", change: "none", like: 0}>>
<<set $msU to {changed: "none", change: "none", like: 0}>>
<<set $mrsS to {changed: "none", change: "none", like: 0}>>
<<set $missJ to {changed: "none", change: "none", like: 0}>>
<<set $mrsBB to {changed: "none", change: "none", like: 0}>>
<<set $karla to {changed: "none", change: "none", like: 0}>>
<<set $jess to {changed: "none", change: "none", like: 0}>>
<<set $charlie to {changed: "none", change: "none", like: 0}>>
<<cacheaudio "sing" "audio/Dont Cha.mp3">><span style="color:lightskyblue"><h1>History Class</h1>
<<set $time += 1>>
|History is one of your favourite subjects, this term you're all learning about the Middle Ages. <br> King Arthur, Merlin and Witch Hunts are your favourites. <br><br> Your History teacher is Mrs Senior. <<if $grimwah is true>><span style="color:hotpink"><sub>Mrs Senior looks like a prime target for your new found powers.</sub></span><</if>> | <img src="characters/history/1.jpg" width="400px"> |
<<set $mrsS.like += 6>><<set $latin += 2>><span style="color:magenta"><h1>Media Class</h1>
<<set $time += 1>>
|Media Studies is a super easy subject. It's basically watching movies and explaining what's good about them! <br> Your favourite movie is Casablanca. <br><br> Miss B is your Media teacher. <<if $grimwah is true>><span style="color:hotpink"><sub>She's a bit young for a teacher and I don't think teaching is the best job for her. I'm sure she can be persuaded otherwise.</sub></span><</if>> | <<if $missB.changed is "none">><img src="characters/media/1.jpg" width="400px"><<elseif $missB.changed is "done" and $missB.change is "bimbo">><<switch random(1, 2)<<case 1>><img src="characters/media/b.jpg" width="400px"><<case 2>><img src="characters/media/b2.jpg" width="400px"><<elseif $missB.changed is "done" and $missB.change is "shemale">><<switch random(1, 4)>><<case 1>><img src="characters/media/s.jpg" width="400px"><<case 2>><img src="characters/media/s.jpg" width="400px"><<case 3>><img src="characters/media/s.jpg" width="400px"><<case 4>><img src="characters/media/s2.jpg" width="400px"><</switch>><</if>> |
<<set $missB.like += 10>>
<<if $grimwah is true and $latin gte 30>><<linkappend "What changes should be made?">><<include "Changes">><</linkappend>><</if>>
<<link "Finish Class" "School">><</link>><span style="color:limegreen"><h1>Latin Class</h1>
<<set $time += 1>>
|Latin is one of the hardest subjects. You still enjoy it though, you get to look at some really old books. <br><<if $latin lte 20>>Carpe Diem. Condemnant quo non intellegunt.<<elseif $latin gt 20 and $latin lte 30>>Seize the day! Condemnant quo non intellegunt.<<elseif $latin gt 30>>Seize the day! They condemn that which they do not understand.<</if>> <br><br>Your Latin teacher is <<if $latin lte 35>>Ms Ubera<<else>>Ms Boobs<</if>>. <<if $grimwah is true>><span style="color:hotpink"><sub>She always looks glamourous but I'm sure you can help her make more of an impression.</sub></span><</if>>|<img src="characters/latin/1.jpg" width="400px">|
<<set $latin += 5>><<set $msU.like += 8>>
</span><<widget "TD">><<silently>>
<<if $time gte 25>><<set $time to 0>><<set $period to "Morning">><<set $historycount to 0>><<set $mediacount to 0>><<set $latincount to 0>><<set $day += 1>><<set $Dcount += 1>><</if>>
<<if $day is 1>><<set $Day to "Monday">>
<<elseif $day is 2>><<set $Day to "Tuesday">>
<<elseif $day is 3>><<set $Day to "Wednesday">>
<<elseif $day is 4>><<set $Day to "Thursday">>
<<elseif $day is 5>><<set $Day to "Friday">>
<<elseif $day is 6>><<set $Day to "Saturday">>
<<elseif $day is 7>><<set $Day to "Sunday">>
<<elseif $day is 8>><<set $day to 1>><<set $Day to "Monday">><<set $mc.money.cash += 50>><</if>>
<<if $time lte 12>><<set $period to "Morning">>
<<elseif $time gt 12 and $time lt 18>><<set $period to "Afternoon">>
<<elseif $time gte 18 and $time lt 21>><<set $period to "Evening">>
<<elseif $time gte 21>><<set $period to "Night">>
<<elseif $time gte 25>><<set $time to 0>><<set $period to "Morning">><<set $historycount to 0>><<set $mediacount to 0>><<set $latincount to 0>><<set $day += 1>><<set $Dcount += 1>>
You are standing in the main corridor. Where would you like to go?
[[Canteen - WIP
[[Sports Field - WIP
[[Head Mistress' Office - WIP
<<if $time gte 9 and $time lte 14>><<switch random(1, 2)>><<case 1>>[[Go to Class|Corridor]]<<case 2>>[[Go to Class|Lesson]]<</switch>><</if>>
Each subject has a special task involved. You can decide which lesson you want to go to, within reason. You must have at least 2 lessons on each subject during the week, even if it means coming to school on the weekend, otherwise you will automatically fail your exams.
<span style="color:lightskyblue"><strong>History -</strong> you use history lessons to secretly learn the history of magic.</span>
<span style="color:magenta"><strong>Media Studies -</strong> you use media lessons to secretly analyse everyone and decide what changes to make to them.</span>
<span style="color:limegreen"><strong>Latin -</strong> you use latin lessons to secretly learn the magical language.</span>
<em><u>So which subject would you like to start with?</u></em>
| <span style="color:lightskyblue"><label><<radiobutton "$class" "history">> History</label></span> | ~=~ | <span style="color:magenta"><label><<radiobutton "$class" "media">> Media</label></span> | ~=~ |<span style="color:limegreen"><label><<radiobutton "$class" "latin">> Latin</label></span>|
[[Off to class|Class]]<h2>Library</h2>
<<if $library is true>>
What do you want to do in the library today?
<<link "Read your history books" "Library">><<set $history += 10>><<set $time += 1>><</link>> - 1 hour
<<if $grimwah is true>><<link "Study the grimoire" "Library">><<set $latin += 1>><<set $time += 1>><</link>> - 1 hour<</if>>
<<link "Talk to the Librarian" "Librarian">><</link>> - 1 hour (get to know her)
<<elseif $library is false>><<set $library to true>>
|You walk into a huge library. To your right there's a desk with the grumpy looking librarian, Mrs Llyfrgell (it's Welsh).|<img src="characters/library/1.jpg" width="300px">|
There are 3 floors full of workspaces and bookcases. It's an absolute maze, I'm sure there's plenty of good hiding spaces.
But first you decide to look into last nights dream and find out a bit more about magic and <<if $mc.gender is "male">>wizards<<elseif $mc.gender is "female">>witches<<else>>warlocks<</if>>
The best way to find books on magic and <<if $mc.gender is "male">>wizards<<elseif $mc.gender is "female">>witches<<else>>warlocks<</if>> is to [[ask the librarian.|Librarian]]
<</if>>Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.Madame Shlyukha<h1>Town</h1>
In town there's not much to do these days since the cinema closed....
<<if $day lte 5>> <<if $time gte 8 and $time lte 16>>[[College|School]]<<else>>College is closed right now <</if>><<else>>College is closed over the weekend.<</if>>
[[Mall - WIP
[[Cafe - WIP
[[Home]]<<if $grimwah is false>><<include "No grim">>
<<elseif $grimwah is true>>You walk up to the librarian's desk and wait for her to look up....
<<set $time += 1>>
<<if $mrslib.changed is "none">><img src="characters/library/1.jpg" width="300px"><<elseif $mrslib.changed is "done" and $mrslib.change is "bimbo">>BIMBO IMAGE<<elseif $mrslib.changed is "done" and $mrslib.change is "shemale">>You find her in the reading conservatory.....
<img src="characters/library/shemale1.png" width="400px">
<em>No more Librarian Content</em><</if>>
You spend some time talking to Mrs Llyfrgell about this and that. She keeps dropping into conversation that she wishes she could be young and pretty again. It would make her job so much easier, just having a little extra cushion to sit on.<<set $mrslib.like += 10>><<set $time += 1>>
[[Let her get on with her work|Library]]
<</if>>Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.<h1>Home</h1>
<<if $grimwah is false>>You should see how Charlotte's day was.<</if>>
[[Your Room]]
[[Charlotte's Room]]
[[Kitchen - WIP
[[Town]] - WIP
<<if $day lte 5>> <<if $time gte 8 and $time lte 16>>[[College|School]]<<else>>College is closed right now <</if>><<else>>College is closed over the weekend.<</if>>
<<if $day is 6 or $day is 7>>
<<if $time gte 10 and $time lte 14>><<link "Visit Step Mum" "Parents">><</link>> - (4 hours)<</if>><</if>>
<<if $mc.fname is "A" and $mc.lname is "G">>[[Sleep]]<</if>><<if $class is "history">><<include "History">>
<<set $class to "none">>
[[Finish Lesson|School]]
<<elseif $class is "media">><<include "Media">>
<<set $class to "none">>
[[Finish Lesson|School]]
<<elseif $class is "latin">><<include "Latin">>
<<set $class to "none">>
[[Finish Lesson|School]]
<<else>><h3>What class should you be in?</h3>
<<if $historycount lte 3>><span style="color:lightskyblue"><label><<radiobutton "$class" "history">> History</label></span><<else>>You've had a lot of History lessons this week, maybe try another subject.<</if>>
<<if $mediacount lte 3>><span style="color:magenta"><label><<radiobutton "$class" "media">> Media</label></span><<else>>You've had a lot of Media classes this week, maybe try another subject.<</if>>
<<if $latincount lte 3>><span style="color:limegreen"><label><<radiobutton "$class" "latin">> Latin</label></span><<else>>You've had a lot of Latin lessons this week, maybe try another subject.<</if>>
<h1>Your Room</h1>
You leap on your bed and decide what to do.....
<<if $grimwah is true>>[[Study your Grimoire|Grimoire]]<</if>>
<<link "Read a Book" "Your Room">><<set $time += 1>><</link>> - 1 hour
<<link "Stash money under the bed" "Bed Bank">><</link>>
[[Nap]] - 1 hour
[[Sleep]] - TIL 7am Tomorrow
[[Leave|Home]]<h2>Charlotte's Room</h2><<if $time gte 22 or $time lte 2>><<set $Croom to "unlocked">><<else>><<set $Croom to "locked">><</if>>
<<linkreplace "Knock?">>You knock on the door and...
<<if $Croom is "locked">>Charlotte's room is locked.
[[Try Again Later|Home]]
Charlotte calls for you to
<<linkappend "come in...">>
<<if $charlotte.changed is "none">>You walk in a see Charlotte as usual, sat on her bed surrounded by books and diagrams.
<img src="characters/room mate/Charlotte.png" width="450px">
<span style="color:mediumvioletred">So $mc.fname, what can I help with?</span>
<<if $grimwah is false>>[[Old Book?]]<</if>>
[[Studies]]<sup>(+ Charlotte friendship)</sup>
[[Hobbies]]<sub>(+ Charlotte friendship)</sub>
[[Nothing for now|Home]]
<<elseif $charlotte.changed is "done">>
<<if $charlotte.change is "bimbo">>You walk in to see Charlotte laying on the bed taking photos of herself in revealing positions.
<<if $charlotte.like gte 120>><img src="characters/room mate/Charlotte B 2.jpg" width="350px">
<<else>><img src="characters/room mate/charlotte B 1.jpg" width="400px">
[[Studies]]<sup>(+ Charlotte friendship)</sup>
[[Hobbies]]<sub>(+ Charlotte friendship)</sub>
[[Nothing for now|Home]]
<<if $day is 1 or $day is 4>>
<<if $time is 3 or $time is 8 or $time is 9 or $time is 13 or $time is 17 or $time is 20>><img src="door.jpg" width="600px">
The bathroom door is locked Charlotte must be in there!
[[Try Again Later|Home]]
<<else>><<include "Toilet Room">>
<<elseif $day is 3 or $day is 5>>
<<if $time is 2 or $time is 3 or $time is 4 or $time is 9 or $time is 11 or $time is 12 or $time gte 21>><img src="door.jpg" width="600px">
The bathroom door is locked Charlotte must be in there!
[[Try Again Later|Home]]
<<else>><<include "Toilet Room">>
<<elseif $day gte 6>>
<<if $time lte 8 or $time is 13 or $time is 14 or $time gte 22>><img src="door.jpg" width="600px">
The bathroom door is locked Charlotte must be in there!
[[Try Again Later|Home]]
<<else>><<include "Toilet Room">>
<</if>>Double-click this passage to edit it.<<if $grim is 1>><h1><span style="color:aqua">The Old Book</span></h1>
You pull the old book from the shelf. It's bound closed by some old leather straps.
You open the straps and the book flies open, flinging dust everywhere.
<<linkappend "You grab the book.">> And as you do you get sucked, head first, [[into it's pages!]]
<<set $grim += 1>>
<<else>><h1><span style="color:aqua">~<u>Grimoire</u>~</span></h1>
<<if $grim lte 5>><img src="book.png" width="300px"><</if>>
<<if $latin lte 2>>Staring at the book doesn't seem to work unless you know latin.
Good thing you decided to study the language this year!
<<elseif $latin gte 3 and $latin lte 24>><<include "Latin 1">>
<<elseif $latin gte 25 and $latin lte 49>><<include "Latin 2">>
<<elseif $latin gte 50 and $latin lte 74>><<include "Latin 3">>
<<elseif $latin gte 75>><<include "Latin Full">><</if>>
<<if $missB.change isnot "none" or $mrslib.change isnot "none" or $mum.change isnot "none" or $missJ.change isnot "none" or $msU.change isnot "none" or $charlotte.change isnot "none" or $charlie.change isnot "none" or $jess.change isnot "none" or $hmistress.change isnot "none" or $mrsBB.change isnot "none" or $msU.change isnot "none" or $mrsS.change isnot "none" or $missJ.change isnot "none" or $karla.change isnot "none" or $mc.changed is "none">><<include "Grimoire Change">><</if>>
[[Finished Reading?|Home]]
<</if>><h2>What to masturbate to?</h2>
<<set $time += 1>>
<<link "Anal Fetish" "Anal">><</link>>
<<link "Lesbian" "Lesbians">><</link>>
<<link "Bimbo" "Bimbos">><</link>>
<<link "Trans Women" "Shemales">><</link>>
<<link "Homosexual Porn" "Gay Guys">><</link>>
<<link "Hypno Porn" "Hypno Porn">><</link>>
<<link "Bondage" "Bondage">><</link>>
<<link "Milf Sex" "Milfs">><</link>>
[[Change Your Mind?|Your Room]]<br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br>
You lay down, drifting off and <<switch random(1, 4)>><<case 1>>dream of nothing at all.<<case 2>>dream of very little, mostly fantasy lands.<<case 3>>dream of discovering the one and only, love of your life.<<case 4>>dream of nothing except a small dream of you sitting in the library surrounded by black cats.<</switch>>
<<link "Wake Up" "Your Room">><<set $time += 1>><</link>>You climb into bed and <<switch random(1, 7)>><<case 1>>dream of nothing at all.<<case 2>>dream of very little, mostly fantasy lands.<<case 3>>dream of discovering the one and only, love of your life.<<case 4>>dream of nothing except a small dream of you sitting in the library.<<case 5>>dream of.....
<<switch random(1, 4)>><<case 1>><img src="porn/shimmy.png" width="500px"><<case 2>><img src="porn/cowgirl.png" width="500px"><<case 3>><img src="porn/bj2.png" width="500px"><<case 4>><img src="porn/bathfinger.png" width="500px"><</switch>><<case 6>>dream of.....
<<switch random(1, 4)>><<case 1>><img src="porn/shimmy2.png" width="500px"><<case 2>><img src="porn/cowgirl2.png" width="500px"><<case 3>><img src="porn/bj.png" width="500px"><<case 4>><img src="porn/bathfinger.png" width="500px"><</switch>><<case 7>>
|<img src="porn/bimbo/1.png" width="400px">|<img src="porn/bimbo/2.png" width="400px">|
|<img src="porn/bimbo/3.png" width="400px">|<img src="porn/bimbo/4.png" width="400px">|
|<img src="porn/bimbo/5.png" width="400px">|<img src="porn/bimbo/6.png" width="400px">|
|<img src="porn/bimbo/7.png" width="400px">|<img src="porn/bimbo/8.png" width="400px">|
|<img src="porn/bimbo/9.png" width="400px">|<img src="porn/bimbo/10.png" width="400px">|<</switch>>
<<link "Wake Up" "Your Room">><<set $day += 1>><<set $Dcount += 1>><<set $time to 7>><</link>>|<img src="porn/anal/1.png" width="400px">|<img src="porn/anal/2.png" width="400px">|
|<img src="porn/anal/3.png" width="400px">|<img src="porn/anal/4.png" width="400px">|
|<img src="porn/anal/5.png" width="400px">|<img src="porn/anal/6.png" width="400px">|
|<img src="porn/anal/7.png" width="400px">|<img src="porn/anal/8.png" width="400px">|
|<img src="porn/anal/9.png" width="400px">|<img src="porn/anal/10.png" width="400px">|
<<link "Finished?" "Your Room">><<set $time += 1>><</link>> |<img src="porn/lesbian/1.gif" width="400px">|<img src="porn/lesbian/2.gif" width="400px">|
|<img src="porn/lesbian/3.gif" width="400px">|<img src="porn/lesbian/4.gif" width="400px">|
|<img src="porn/lesbian/5.gif" width="400px">|<img src="porn/lesbian/6.gif" width="400px">|
|<img src="porn/lesbian/7.gif" width="400px">|<img src="porn/lesbian/8.gif" width="400px">|
|<img src="porn/lesbian/9.gif" width="400px">|<img src="porn/lesbian/10.gif" width="400px">|
<<link "Finished?" "Your Room">><<set $time += 1>><</link>> |<img src="porn/bimbo/1.png" width="400px">|<img src="porn/bimbo/2.png" width="400px">|
|<img src="porn/bimbo/3.png" width="400px">|<img src="porn/bimbo/4.png" width="400px">|
|<img src="porn/bimbo/5.png" width="400px">|<img src="porn/bimbo/6.png" width="400px">|
|<img src="porn/bimbo/7.png" width="400px">|<img src="porn/bimbo/8.png" width="400px">|
|<img src="porn/bimbo/9.png" width="400px">|<img src="porn/bimbo/10.png" width="400px">|
<<link "Finished?" "Your Room">><<set $time += 1>><</link>> |<img src="porn/shemale/1.gif" width="400px">|<img src="porn/shemale/2.gif" width="400px">|
|<img src="porn/shemale/3.gif" width="400px">|<img src="porn/shemale/4.gif" width="400px">|
|<img src="porn/shemale/5.gif" width="400px">|<img src="porn/shemale/6.gif" width="400px">|
|<img src="porn/shemale/7.gif" width="400px">|<img src="porn/shemale/8.gif" width="400px">|
|<img src="porn/shemale/9.gif" width="400px">|<img src="porn/shemale/10.gif" width="400px">|
<<link "Finished?" "Your Room">><<set $time += 1>><</link>> |<img src="porn/gay/1.png" width="400px">|<img src="porn/gay/2.png" width="400px">|
|<img src="porn/gay/3.png" width="400px">|<img src="porn/gay/4.png" width="400px">|
|<img src="porn/gay/5.png" width="400px">|<img src="porn/gay/6.png" width="400px">|
|<img src="porn/gay/7.png" width="400px">|<img src="porn/gay/8.png" width="400px">|
|<img src="porn/gay/9.png" width="400px">|<img src="porn/gay/10.png" width="400px">|
<<link "Finished?" "Your Room">><<set $time += 1>><</link>> |<img src="porn/hypno/1.gif" width="400px">|<img src="porn/hypno/2.gif" width="400px">|
|<img src="porn/hypno/3.gif" width="400px">|<img src="porn/hypno/4.gif" width="400px">|
|<img src="porn/hypno/5.gif" width="400px">|<img src="porn/hypno/6.gif" width="400px">|
|<img src="porn/hypno/7.gif" width="400px">|<img src="porn/hypno/8.gif" width="400px">|
|<img src="porn/hypno/9.gif" width="400px">|<img src="porn/hypno/10.gif" width="400px">|
<<link "Finished?" "Your Room">><<set $time += 1>><</link>> |<img src="porn/bondage/1.png" width="400px">|<img src="porn/bondage/2.png" width="400px">|
|<img src="porn/bondage/3.png" width="400px">|<img src="porn/bondage/4.png" width="400px">|
|<img src="porn/bondage/5.png" width="400px">|<img src="porn/bondage/6.png" width="400px">|
|<img src="porn/bondage/7.png" width="400px">|<img src="porn/bondage/8.png" width="400px">|
|<img src="porn/bondage/9.png" width="400px">|<img src="porn/bondage/10.png" width="400px">|
<<link "Finished?" "Your Room">><<set $time += 1>><</link>> |<img src="porn/milf/1.gif" width="400px">|<img src="porn/milf/2.gif" width="400px">|
|<img src="porn/milf/3.gif" width="400px">|<img src="porn/milf/4.gif" width="400px">|
|<img src="porn/milf/5.gif" width="400px">|<img src="porn/milf/6.gif" width="400px">|
|<img src="porn/milf/7.gif" width="400px">|<img src="porn/milf/8.gif" width="400px">|
|<img src="porn/milf/9.gif" width="400px">|<img src="porn/milf/10.gif" width="400px">|
<<link "Finished?" "Your Room">><<set $time += 1>><</link>> You walk up to the librarian's desk and wait for her to look up....
<<set $libsearch += 1>><<set $time += 1>>
<img src="characters/library/1.jpg" width="300px">
You ask for the books on magic and <<if $mc.gender is "male">>wizards<<elseif $mc.gender is "female">>witches<<else>>warlocks<</if>> and she says she'll <<linkappend "show you.">>
As you're walking up the 2nd stairway Mrs Llyfrgell asks "<span style="color:lightslategrey">What do you want to know about magic and <<if $mc.gender is "male">>wizards<<elseif $mc.gender is "female">>witches<<else>>warlocks<</if>> anyway? You do realise it's not real?</span>" You continue to follow Mrs Llyfgell, just imagining how she looked when she was younger.
You arrive at the shelves with magic, wizards, witches and warlocks on and thank Mrs Llyfrgell.
<<if $libsearch is 0>>You search through the books til you find something interesting and start reading.
<<elseif $libsearch is 1>>You search through the books you haven't read yet, til you find something interesting and start reading.
There are a few books that mention needing a grimoire to be able to cast magic. Maybe you could find one.
<<elseif $libsearch is 2>>You start searching though the books that have mentioned grimoires and how to make one or find one.
<<elseif $libsearch gte 3>>You continue to search through the books mentioning grimoires and don't find anything of interest until one book describes the bizzare old book on your bookcase almost exactly. You really need to ask your room mate about that book.
You drift of into the deepest sleep of your life and experience the weirdest dreams....
<img src="MAGIC.png" width="400px">
<<if $mc.gender is "male" or $mc.gender is "trans">>You wake up with a raging hard on, pitching a tent under your covers.
<<if $mc.race is "black">><img src="porn/cocks/black.png" width="400px"><<else>><<switch random(1, 2)>><<case 1>><img src="porn/cocks/white.png" width="400px"><<case 2>><img src="porn/cocks/tan.png" width="400px"><</switch>><</if>>
<<else>>You wake up with wet sheets..... You didn't wet yourself! You just had a wet dream <span style="color:hotpink">;)</span>
<img src="porn/pussy.png" width="400px">
[[Time to get up!|college 1st]] It's your first day at your new College.
<h2>Charlotte's Room</h2>
You ask about the <<linkappend "old book....">>
<span style="color:mediumvioletred">Oh that old thing! It was your grandmother's. Your step mum dropped it off while you were putting things in the attic a while ago. She said it was one of those family heirloom thingys, though she's never found a use for it. She said it's all written in Latin.</span><<set $grimwah to true>>
And before Charlotte even finished speaking you'd [[left the room...|Grimoire]]
<<set $Croom to "locked">>
<</linkappend>><h3>Charlotte's Room</h3>
<<set $charlotte.like += 5>>
<<if $charlotte.changed is "done">>
<<if $charlotte.change is "bimbo">><<set $charlotte.like -= 5>>
<<if $charlotte.like gte 120>>What are you and Charlotte going to study today?
<<linkappend "Anal?">>
<img src="porn/room mate/anal.png" width="400px"><</linkappend>>
<<linkappend "Blowjob?">>
<<if $mc.race is "black">><img src="porn/room mate/blowjob black.png" width="400px"><<else>><img src="porn/room mate/blowjob.png" width="400px"><</if>><</linkappend>>
<<linkappend "Titfuck?">>
<img src="porn/room mate/titfuck.png" width="400px"><</linkappend>>
<<linkappend "Cum!!">>
<img src="porn/room mate/cum.png" width="400px">
[[Hallway|Home]] <</linkappend>>
<<else>>Charlotte doesn't feel like studying today. Not with you at least!
<em>Guess you should leave her be</em>
<<elseif $charlotte.change is "shemale">>
<<if $charlotte.like gte 100>>What are you and Charlotte going to study today?
<<linkappend "Cowgirl?">>
<img src="porn/room mate/shemale/cowgirl.png" width="400px"><</linkappend>>
<<linkappend "Blowjob?">>
<<if $mc.race is "black">><img src="porn/room mate/shemale/blowjob black.png" width="400px"><<else>><img src="porn/room mate/shemale/blowjob.png" width="400px"><</if>><</linkappend>>
<<linkappend "Rimjob?">>
<img src="porn/room mate/shemale/ass.png" width="400px"><</linkappend>>
<<linkappend "Cum!!">>
<img src="porn/room mate/shemale/cum.png" width="400px">
[[Hallway|Home]] <</linkappend>>
<<else>>Charlotte doesn't feel like studying today. Not with you at least!
<em>Guess you should leave her be</em>
<<else>>Charlotte is a sixth year student and studied Media in her first year, History in her fourth year and she's is studying Latin this year with you. So what should you two study today?
<<link "Study Media" "Home">><<set $time += 1>><</link>>
<<link "Study Latin" "Home">><<set $time += 1>><<set $latin += 2>><</link>>
<<link "Study History" "Home">><<set $time += 1>><</link>>
<<link "Skip Studying Today?" "Home">><</link>>
<</if>><h3>Charlotte's Room</h3>
<<set $charlotte.like += 10>>You and Charlotte sit and talk about your hobbies (Reading, Fast Cars, Media) and her hobbies (Horses, Sky Diving, Napping).
After awhile you move on to talking about sex....
And how Charlotte suffers from <<if $latin gte 80 or $charlotte.change is "bimbo">>Penis Envy<<set $charlotte.like -= 5>><<else>>Poterentur Ea Invidia<</if>>. You talk about it for hours but end up no closer to a cure or to a cause of her <<if $latin gte 80>>Penis Envy<<else>>Poterentur Ea Invidia<</if>>.
Not to worry, it's not too important anyway....
[[Hallway|Home]] <img src="travel.png" width="700px"><<set $game to "stage 2">>
<<timed 14s transition>><<goto "Book">><</timed>><<if $page is 1>><h2>Cover</h2>
| |<img src="book/full/page1.jpg" width="600px">| <<link "Next Page" "Latin Full">><<set $page += 1>><</link>> |
<<elseif $page is 2>><h2>Page 1 - Contents</h2>
| <<link "Previous Page" "Latin Full">><<set $page -= 1>><</link>> |<img src="book/full/page2.jpg" width="600px">| <<link "Next Page" "Latin Full">><<set $page += 1>><</link>> |
<<elseif $page is 3>><h2>Page 2 - Prologue</h2>
| <<link "Previous Page" "Latin Full">><<set $page -= 1>><</link>> |<img src="book/full/page3.jpg" width="600px">| <<link "Next Page" "Latin Full">><<set $page += 1>><</link>> |
<<elseif $page is 4>><h2>Page 480 to Page 1576 - Transfiguration Spells</h2>
| <<link "Previous Page" "Latin Full">><<set $page -= 1>><</link>> |<img src="book/full/page4.jpg" width="600px">| <<link "Next Page" "Latin Full">><<set $page += 1>><</link>> |
<<elseif $page is 5>><h2>Page 3827 - Conditions</h2>
| <<link "Previous Page" "Latin Full">><<set $page -= 1>><</link>> |<img src="book/full/page5.jpg" width="600px">| |
Put it away?
<<link "Bookmark page?" "Your Room">><</link>>
<<link "Close the Grimoire?" "Your Room">><<set $page to 1>><</link>><<if $page is 1>><h2>Cover</h2>
| |<img src="book/3/page1.jpg" width="600px">| <<link "Next Page" "Latin Full">><<set $page += 1>><</link>> |
<<elseif $page is 2>><h2>Page 1 - Contents</h2>
| <<link "Previous Page" "Latin Full">><<set $page -= 1>><</link>> |<img src="book/3/page2.jpg" width="600px">| <<link "Next Page" "Latin Full">><<set $page += 1>><</link>> |
<<elseif $page is 3>><h2>Page 2 - Prologue</h2>
| <<link "Previous Page" "Latin Full">><<set $page -= 1>><</link>> |<img src="book/3/page3.jpg" width="600px">| <<link "Next Page" "Latin Full">><<set $page += 1>><</link>> |
<<elseif $page is 4>><h2>Page 480 to Page 1576 - Transfiguration Spells</h2>
| <<link "Previous Page" "Latin Full">><<set $page -= 1>><</link>> |<img src="book/3/page4.jpg" width="600px">| <<link "Next Page" "Latin Full">><<set $page += 1>><</link>> |
<<elseif $page is 5>><h2>Page 3827 - Conditions</h2>
| <<link "Previous Page" "Latin Full">><<set $page -= 1>><</link>> |<img src="book/3/page5.jpg" width="600px">| |
Put it away?
<<link "Bookmark page?" "Your Room">><</link>>
<<link "Close the Grimoire?" "Your Room">><<set $page to 1>><</link>><<if $page is 1>><h2>Cover</h2>
| |<img src="book/2/page1.jpg" width="600px">| <<link "Next Page" "Latin Full">><<set $page += 1>><</link>> |
<<elseif $page is 2>><h2>Page 1 - Contents</h2>
| <<link "Previous Page" "Latin Full">><<set $page -= 1>><</link>> |<img src="book/2/page2.jpg" width="600px">| <<link "Next Page" "Latin Full">><<set $page += 1>><</link>> |
<<elseif $page is 3>><h2>Page 2 - Prologue</h2>
| <<link "Previous Page" "Latin Full">><<set $page -= 1>><</link>> |<img src="book/2/page3.jpg" width="600px">| <<link "Next Page" "Latin Full">><<set $page += 1>><</link>> |
<<elseif $page is 4>><h2>Page 480 to Page 1576 - Transfiguration Spells</h2>
| <<link "Previous Page" "Latin Full">><<set $page -= 1>><</link>> |<img src="book/2/page4.jpg" width="600px">| <<link "Next Page" "Latin Full">><<set $page += 1>><</link>> |
<<elseif $page is 5>><h2>Page 3827 - Conditions</h2>
| <<link "Previous Page" "Latin Full">><<set $page -= 1>><</link>> |<img src="book/2/page5.jpg" width="600px">| |
Put it away?
<<link "Bookmark page?" "Your Room">><</link>>
<<link "Close the Grimoire?" "Your Room">><<set $page to 1>><</link>><<if $page is 1>><h2>Cover</h2>
| |<img src="book/1/page1.jpg" width="600px">| <<link "Next Page" "Latin Full">><<set $page += 1>><</link>> |
<<elseif $page is 2>><h2>Page 1 - Contents</h2>
| <<link "Previous Page" "Latin Full">><<set $page -= 1>><</link>> |<img src="book/1/page2.jpg" width="600px">| <<link "Next Page" "Latin Full">><<set $page += 1>><</link>> |
<<elseif $page is 3>><h2>Page 2 - Prologue</h2>
| <<link "Previous Page" "Latin Full">><<set $page -= 1>><</link>> |<img src="book/1/page3.jpg" width="600px">| <<link "Next Page" "Latin Full">><<set $page += 1>><</link>> |
<<elseif $page is 4>><h2>Page 480 to Page 1576 - Transfiguration Spells</h2>
| <<link "Previous Page" "Latin Full">><<set $page -= 1>><</link>> |<img src="book/1/page4.jpg" width="600px">| <<link "Next Page" "Latin Full">><<set $page += 1>><</link>> |
<<elseif $page is 5>><h2>Page 3827 - Conditions</h2>
| <<link "Previous Page" "Latin Full">><<set $page -= 1>><</link>> |<img src="book/1/page5.jpg" width="600px">| |
Put it away?
<<link "Bookmark page?" "Your Room">><</link>>
<<link "Close the Grimoire?" "Your Room">><<set $page to 1>><</link>>Then all of a sudden you fly out of the book!!
Landing on the couch, with so much whirling round in your head.
<h1><<if $mc.gender is "male">>YOU'RE A WIZARD<<elseif $mc.gender is "trans">>YOU'RE A WARLOCK<<elseif $mc.gender is "female">>YOU'RE A WITCH<</if>>!!!!!!!</h1>
Not only are you a person of magic you are one in the ancestory line of great [[transfirguration]] experts!(or at least you will be once you learn Latin and read the book)
<h2>a complete change of form or appearance into a more beautiful or spiritual state.
"in this light the junk undergoes a transfiguration; it shines"</h2>
You can change people's appearance with a twist of your wrist and flick of your tongue.
<<return "Back">>Here are all the characters, both implimented and yet to be implimented.
Miss B - Media
Ms Ubera - Latin
Mrs Senior - History
Madame Shlyukha - Head Mistress
Mrs Llyfrgell - Librarian
Miss Jìnǚ - Sports Coach
Mrs Bwyta-Bwyd - Cook
Lucy - Step Mum
Charlotte - Room Mate
Karla - Bully
Jessica - Barista
Charlie - Shop Assistant
<<return "Back">><h1>Toilet</h1>
| <img src="Toilets.jpg" width="300px"> | Same old school toilets, graffiti and broken taps.<br><br>[[Use the mirror?]]<br>[[Use the toilet?]] |
| | |
| | |
| | |
|[[Changed your mind?|School]]| |<h1>Parent's House</h1>
Just as you're driving down your parent's road your dad passes you driving the other way and waves. He's probably going to watch the <<switch random(1, 2)>><<case 1>>football<<case 2>>golf<</switch>> I guess.
You arrive at your parent's and <<linkappend "ring the door bell.">>
| Your step mum comes to the door, where you exchange pleasantries then head out to the garden for [[lunch and a drink.|Garden]] | <<if $mum.changed is "none">><img src="characters/mum/mum door.jpg" width="350px"><<elseif $mum.changed is "done" and $mum.change is "bimbo">><img src="characters/mum/mum door 2.jpg" width="350px"><</if>> |
<</linkappend>><h2>Parent's Garden</h2>
Outside on the deck your mum has prepared lunch for you both as she does every week.
<img src="patio.jpg" width="400px">
It's a lovely day so you spend time after lunch chatting about.....
<<if $mum.changed is "none">>
<<link "Politics?" "Leaving">><<set $mum.like += 2>><</link>>
<<link "History?" "Leaving">><<set $mum.like += 2>><</link>>
<<if $mc.gender is "female">>[[Fashion and Figure?|Chat]]<<elseif $mc.gender is "male">>[[Your Dads cosmetic surgery idea?|Chat]]<<elseif $mc.gender is "trans">>[[Persuade her to have cosmetic surgery?|Chat]]<</if>>
<<link "College?" "Leaving">><<set $mum.like += 2>><</link>>
<<link "Charlotte?" "Leaving">><<set $mum.like += 1>><</link>>
<<link "The Karma Sutra?" "Leaving">><</link>>
[[The Pool Boy?]]
<<if $mc.gender is "male">>[[Sex?]]<</if>>
<</if>><h2>Parent's Garden</h2>
You finish your discussions and decide it's probably about time you went home.
You get in your car and <<link "drive away." "Home">><<set $time += 4>><</link>><<if $mc.gender is "female">><h2>Fashion and Figure</h2>
You chat about how your seem to have inherited your birth mothers figure but your dad's ass. At least you didn't inherit his beer belly!!
You both have a giggle.
Then the attention drifts to your step mum. She's pretty in an older woman kinda way. You can understand what your dad saw in her. She just feels like she's lost her young looks and sex appeal when she put on a bit of weight.
The conversation then diverts to cosmetic surgery. You then find out that your step mum used to be a surgery nurse to a doctor who used to undo botched cosmetic surgery so she'll be staying far away from the surgeons knife. It would be nice for her tits to jiggle like yours, she says, instead of drooping like hers.
<<if $boobs lte 4>><<linkappend "She shows you an example of what hers used to look like when she married your dad.">>
<img src="characters/mum/1.jpg" width="300px"><<set $boobs += 1>><</linkappend>><<else>><<linkappend "She shows you how she wishes her tits looked">>
<img src="characters/mum/2.png" width="300px"><</linkappend>><</if>>
<<set $mum.like += 6>>
Having reached a natural end to the proceedings it's probably [[time to leave.|Leaving]]
<<elseif $mc.gender is "male">><h2>Dad's Idea</h2>
Your step mum begins discussing your dad's idea of her getting some cosmetic surgery done. Apparently he doesn't like the way her ass looks. It's something she's contemplated but she used to be a surgery nurse to a doctor who used to undo botched cosmetic surgery so she'll be staying far away from the surgeons knife. Though she does admit that it would be nice for her tits to jiggle instead of sit on her belly.
<<set $mum.like += 6>>
Having reached a natural end to the proceedings it's probably [[time to leave.|Leaving]]
<<elseif $mc.gender is "trans">><h2>Persuasion Time</h2>
You decide to give your step mum a hand tidying things away. As you do the conversation takes a wild turn and you catch your step mum staring at your ass while you bend over.
You <<linkappend "start singing...">><<audio "sing" play>>
"Don't cha wish your girlfriend was hot like me?....Don't cha wish your girlfriend was a freak like me?....Don't cha?....Don't cha?....Don't cha wish your girlfriend was raw like me?....Don't cha wish your girlfriend was fun like me?....Don't cha?....Don't cha?"
Your step mum manages to hold in the laughter until you start girating <<linkappend "your ass towards her...">>
You then both start talking about asses and that then moves on to tits and finally lands on cosmetic surgery.
You then find out that your step mum used to be a surgery nurse to a doctor who used to undo botched cosmetic surgery so she'll be staying far away from the surgeons knife. Though she does admit that it would be nice for her ass to jiggle, like yours, instead of drooping.
<<set $mum.like += 6>>
Having had one final giggle at your singing and dance movies, you feel it's <<link "time to leave." "Leaving">><<audio ":playing" stop>><</link>><</linkappend>><</linkappend>>
<</if>><h2>Parent's Garden</h2>
While your mum and you were eating, the pool boy arrived asking to be paid for the month....
Your mum decided not to wait, but to <<linkappend "sort it now.">>
As she stands up though she fell into the pool and the pool boy stripped down to dive in. <<linkappend "One thing leading to another and...">>
<img src="porn/pool boy/bj.gif" width="350px">
<<linkappend "and that lead to..">>
<img src="porn/pool boy/tf.gif" width="350px">
And since your step mum has to go all the way with everything she does, I'm sure you can guess what happend <<linkappend "next...">>
<img src="porn/pool boy/sex.gif" width="350px">
It wasn't long before the pool boy....
<img src="porn/pool boy/cum.gif" width="350px">
<<set $time += 3>>
After that neither you or your mum could remember what you'd been talking about so you decided it was probably [[best if you left.|Home]]
<</linkappend>><</linkappend>><</linkappend>><</linkappend>><h2>Parent's Garden</h2>
You and your step mum finish eating and decide it's getting a bit cold so you should head inside. <<linkappend "Your mum leads the way">>
<img src="porn/stairs.gif" width="450px">
Once inside you make yourself comfortable in the lounge while your mum gets <<linkappend "changed into something warmer...">>
<img src="porn/mum/question.gif" width="450px">
You ask if her choice in clothes is really warmer than what she was wearing. In response she says it might not be warmer but <<linkappend "it's definitely HOTTER!">>
<img src="hands.gif" width="450px">
And that's the last civilised conversation the two of you have....
<img src="bj.gif" width="450px">
<img src="cg.gif" width="450px">
<img src="bj2.gif" width="450px">
<img src="rcg.gif" width="450px">
WOW! You did not expect that when you arrived for lunch today!!
You decide to <<link "leave" "Home">><<set $time += 4>><</link>> your step mum to clean up before your dad gets home.
<<if $mc.changed is "none">>You should probably test your powers on yourself first. Make sure you know what you're actually doing.....
<<link "Spell 1" "Media">><<set $mc.change to "bimbo">><</link>> : <<if $mc.gender isnot "trans">><<link "Spell 2" "Media">><<set $mc.change to "shemale">><</link>><</if>>
<u><strong>Everbody Else</strong></u>
|<<if $missB.like gte 100>>Miss B<<else>>????? <</if>>| - | <<if $missB.like gte 100 and $latin gte 90 and $missB.changed is "none">><label><<radiobutton "$mrsB.change" "bimbo">> Spell 1</label><<else>>More rapport or latin needed<</if>> | - | <<if $missB.like gte 100 and $latin gte 80 and $missB.changed is "none">><label><<radiobutton "$missB.change" "shemale">> Spell 2</label><<else>>More rapport or latin needed<</if>> |
|<<if $msU.like gte 100>>Ms Ubera<<else>>????? <</if>>| - | <<if $msU.like gte 100 and $latin gte 90 and $msU.changed is "none">><label><<radiobutton "$msU.change" "bimbo">> Spell 1</label><<else>>More rapport or latin needed<</if>> | - | <<if $msU.like gte 100 and $latin gte 80 and $msU.changed is "none">><label><<radiobutton "$msU.change" "shemale">> Spell 2</label><<else>>More rapport or latin needed<</if>> |
|<<if $mrsS.like gte 100>>Mrs S<<else>>????? <</if>>| - | <<if $mrsS.like gte 100 and $latin gte 90 and $mrsS.changed is "none">><label><<radiobutton "$mrsS.change" "bimbo">> Spell 1</label><<else>>More rapport or latin needed<</if>> | - | <<if $mrsS.like gte 100 and $latin gte 80.changed is "none">><label><<radiobutton "$mrsS.change" "shemale">> Spell 2</label><<else>>More rapport or latin needed<</if>> |
|<<if $hmistress.like gte 100>>Head Mistress - Madame Shlyukha<<else>>????? <</if>>| - | <<if $hmistress.like gte 100 and $latin gte 90 and $hmistress.changed is "none">><label><<radiobutton "$hmistress.change" "bimbo">> Spell 1</label><<else>>More rapport or latin needed<</if>> | - | <<if $hmistress.like gte 100 and $latin gte 80 and $hmistress.changed is "none">><label><<radiobutton "$hmistress.change" "shemale">> Spell 2</label><<else>>More rapport or latin needed<</if>> |
|<<if $mrslib.like gte 100>>Mrs Llyfrgell<<else>>????? <</if>>| - | <<if $mrslib gte 100 and $latin gte 90 and $mrslib.changed is "none">><label><<radiobutton "$mrslib.change" "bimbo">> Spell 1</label><<else>>More rapport or latin needed<</if>> | - | <<if $mrslib.like gte 100 and $latin gte 80 and $mrsllib.changed is "none">><label><<radiobutton "$mrslib.change" "shemale">> Spell 2</label><<else>>More rapport or latin needed<</if>> |
|<<if $missJ.like gte 100>>Miss Jinu<<else>>????? <</if>>| - | <<if $missJ.like gte 100 and $latin gte 90 and $missJ.changed is "none">><label><<radiobutton "$missJ.change" "bimbo">> Spell 1</label><<else>>More rapport or latin needed<</if>> | - | <<if $missJ.like gte 100 and $latin gte 80 and $missJ.changed is "none">><label><<radiobutton "$missJ.change" "shemale">> Spell 2</label><<else>>More rapport or latin needed<</if>> |
|<<if $mrsBB.like gte 100>>Mrs Bwyta-Bwyd<<else>>????? <</if>>| - | <<if $mrsBB.like gte 100 and $latin gte 90 and $mrsBB.changed is "none">><label><<radiobutton "$mrsBB.change" "bimbo">> Spell 1</label><<else>>More rapport or latin needed<</if>> | - | <<if $mrsBB gte 100 and $latin gte 80 and $mrsBB.changed is "none">><label><<radiobutton "$mrsBB.change" "shemale">> Spell 2</label><<else>>More rapport or latin needed<</if>> |
|<<if $mum.like gte 100>>Lucy - Step Mum<<else>>????? <</if>>| - | <<if $mum.like gte 100 and $latin gte 90 and $mum.changed is "none">><label><<radiobutton "$mum.change" "bimbo">> Spell 1</label><<else>>More rapport or latin needed<</if>> | - | |
|<<if $charlotte.like gte 100>>Charlotte - Room Mate<<else>>????? <</if>>| - | <<if $charlotte.like gte 100 and $latin gte 90 and $charlotte.changed is "none">><label><<radiobutton "$charlotte.change" "bimbo">> Spell 1</label><<else>>More rapport or latin needed<</if>> | - | <<if $charlotte.like gte 100 and $latin gte 80 and $charlotte.changed is "none">><label><<radiobutton "$charlotte.change" "shemale">> Spell 2</label><<else>>More rapport or latin needed<</if>> |
|<<if $karla.like gte 100>>Karla - Bully<<else>>????? <</if>>| - | <<if $karla.like gte 100 and $latin gte 90 and $karla.changed is "none">><label><<radiobutton "$karla.change" "bimbo">> Spell 1</label><<else>>More rapport or latin needed<</if>> | - | <<if $karla.like gte 100 and $latin gte 80 and $karla.changed is "none">><label><<radiobutton "$karla.change" "shemale">> Spell 2</label><<else>>More rapport or latin needed<</if>> |
|<<if $jess.like gte 100>>Jessica - Barista<<else>>????? <</if>>| - | <<if $jess.like gte 100 and $latin gte 90 and $jess.changed is "none">><label><<radiobutton "$jess.change" "bimbo">> Spell 1</label><<else>>More rapport or latin needed<</if>> | - | <<if $jess.like gte 100 and $latin gte 80 and $jess.changed is "none">><label><<radiobutton "$jess.change" "shemale">> Spell 2</label><<else>>More rapport or latin needed<</if>> |
|<<if $charlie.like gte 100>>Charlie - Mall Assistant<<else>>????? <</if>>| - | <<if $charlie.like gte 100 and $latin gte 90 and $charlie.changed is "none">><label><<radiobutton "$charlie.change" "bimbo">> Spell 1</label><<else>>More rapport or latin needed<</if>> | - |<<if $charlie.like gte 100 and $latin gte 80 and $charlie.changed is "none">><label><<radiobutton "$charlie.change" "shemale">> Spell 2</label><<else>>More rapport or latin needed<</if>> |
<</if>>Latin = $latin
Latin = <<link "+" "Cheats">><<set $latin += 10>><</link>> : <<link "-" "Cheats">><<set $latin += 10>><</link>>
Change you = <<if $mc.gender is "female">><<link "Spell 1" "Cheats">><<set $mc.changed to "yes">><<set $mc.change to "bimbo">><</link>><</if>> : <<if $mc.gender isnot "trans">><<link "Spell 2" "Cheats">><<set $mc.changed to "yes">><<set $mc.change to "shemale">><<set $mc.gender to "trans">><</link>><</if>>
|Miss B| - $missB - | <<if $B is "none">><<if $missB gte 100 and $latin gte 90>><label><<radiobutton "$B" "bimbo">> Spell 1</label><<else>>More rapport or latin needed<</if>><</if>> | - | <<if $B is "none">><<if $missB gte 100 and $latin gte 80>><label><<radiobutton "$B" "shemale">> Spell 2</label><<else>>More rapport or latin needed<</if>><</if>> | <<link "+" "Cheats">><<set $missB += 10>><</link>> : <<link "-" "Cheats">><<set $missB -= 10>><</link>> |
|Ms Ubera| - $msU - | <<if $msU gte 100 and $latin gte 90>><label><<radiobutton "$U" "bimbo">> Spell 1</label><<else>>More rapport or latin needed<</if>> | - | <<if $msU gte 100 and $latin gte 80>><label><<radiobutton "$U" "shemale">> Spell 2</label><<else>>More rapport or latin needed<</if>> | <<link "+" "Cheats">><<set $msU += 10>><</link>> : <<link "-" "Cheats">><<set $msU -= 10>><</link>> |
|Mrs S| - $mrsS - | <<if $mrsS gte 100 and $latin gte 90>><label><<radiobutton "$Sr" "bimbo">> Spell 1</label><<else>>More rapport or latin needed<</if>> | - | <<if $mrsS gte 100 and $latin gte 80>><label><<radiobutton "$Sr" "shemale">> Spell 2</label><<else>>More rapport or latin needed<</if>> | <<link "+" "Cheats">><<set $mrsS += 10>><</link>> : <<link "-" "Cheats">><<set $mrsS -= 10>><</link>> |
|Head Mistress - Madame Shlyukha| - $hmistress - | <<if $hmistress gte 100 and $latin gte 90>><label><<radiobutton "$MS" "bimbo">> Spell 1</label><<else>>More rapport or latin needed<</if>> | - | <<if $hmistress gte 100 and $latin gte 80>><label><<radiobutton "$MS" "shemale">> Spell 2</label><<else>>More rapport or latin needed<</if>> | <<link "+" "Cheats">><<set $hmistress += 10>><</link>> : <<link "-" "Cheats">><<set $hmistress -= 10>><</link>> |
|Mrs Llyfrgell| - $mrslib - | <<if $mrslib gte 100 and $latin gte 90>><label><<radiobutton "$mrsL" "bimbo">> Spell 1</label><<else>>More rapport or latin needed<</if>> | - | <<if $mrslib gte 100 and $latin gte 80>><label><<radiobutton "$mrsL" "shemale">> Spell 2</label><<else>>More rapport or latin needed<</if>> | <<link "+" "Cheats">><<set $mrslib += 10>><</link>> : <<link "-" "Cheats">><<set $mrslib -= 10>><</link>> |
|Miss Jinu| - $missJ - | <<if $missJ gte 100 and $latin gte 90>><label><<radiobutton "$J" "bimbo">> Spell 1</label><<else>>More rapport or latin needed<</if>> | - | <<if $missJ gte 100 and $latin gte 80>><label><<radiobutton "$J" "shemale">> Spell 2</label><<else>>More rapport or latin needed<</if>> | <<link "+" "Cheats">><<set $missJ += 10>><</link>> : <<link "-" "Cheats">><<set $missJ -= 10>><</link>> |
|Mrs Bwyta-Bwyd| - $mrsBB - | <<if $mrsBB gte 100 and $latin gte 90>><label><<radiobutton "$BB" "bimbo">> Spell 1</label><<else>>More rapport or latin needed<</if>> | - | <<if $mrsBB gte 100 and $latin gte 80>><label><<radiobutton "$BB" "shemale">> Spell 2</label><<else>>More rapport or latin needed<</if>> | <<link "+" "Cheats">><<set $mrsBB += 10>><</link>> : <<link "-" "Cheats">><<set $mrsBB -= 10>><</link>> |
|Lucy - Step Mum| - $mum - | <<if $mum gte 100 and $latin gte 90>><label><<radiobutton "$L" "bimbo">> Spell 1</label><<else>>More rapport or latin needed<</if>> | - | <<if $mum gte 100 and $latin gte 80>><label><<radiobutton "$L" "shemale">> Spell 2</label><<else>>More rapport or latin needed<</if>> | <<link "+" "Cheats">><<set $mum += 10>><</link>> : <<link "-" "Cheats">><<set $mum -= 10>><</link>> |
|Charlotte - Room Mate| - $charlotte - | <<if $charlotte gte 100 and $latin gte 90>><label><<radiobutton "$C" "bimbo">> Spell 1</label><<else>>More rapport or latin needed<</if>> | - | <<if $charlotte gte 100 and $latin gte 80>><label><<radiobutton "$C" "shemale">> Spell 2</label><<else>>More rapport or latin needed<</if>> | <<link "+" "Cheats">><<set $charlotte += 10>><</link>> : <<link "-" "Cheats">><<set $charlotte -= 10>><</link>> |
|Karla - Bully| - $karla - | <<if $karla gte 100 and $latin gte 90>><label><<radiobutton "$K" "bimbo">> Spell 1</label><<else>>More rapport or latin needed<</if>> | - | <<if $karla gte 100 and $latin gte 80>><label><<radiobutton "$K" "shemale">> Spell 2</label><<else>>More rapport or latin needed<</if>> | <<link "+" "Cheats">><<set $karla += 10>><</link>> : <<link "-" "Cheats">><<set $karla -= 10>><</link>> |
|Jessica - Barista| - $jess - | <<if $jess gte 100 and $latin gte 90>><label><<radiobutton "$Je" "bimbo">> Spell 1</label><<else>>More rapport or latin needed<</if>> | - | <<if $jess gte 100 and $latin gte 80>><label><<radiobutton "$Je" "shemale">> Spell 2</label><<else>>More rapport or latin needed<</if>> | <<link "+" "Cheats">><<set $jess += 10>><</link>> : <<link "-" "Cheats">><<set $jess -= 10>><</link>> |
|Charlie - Mall Assistant| - $charlie - | <<if $charlie gte 100 and $latin gte 90>><label><<radiobutton "$Ch" "bimbo">> Spell 1</label><<else>>More rapport or latin needed<</if>> | - |<<if $charlie gte 100 and $latin gte 80>><label><<radiobutton "$Ch" "shemale">> Spell 2</label><<else>>More rapport or latin needed<</if>> | <<link "+" "Cheats">><<set $charlie += 10>><</link>> : <<link "-" "Cheats">><<set $charlie -= 10>><</link>> |
<<return "Back">><h2>Corridors</h2>
You rush through the corridors to get to your class....
<<switch random(1, 5)>><<case 1>>Quick Quick Quick!!<<timed 5s>><<goto "Lesson">><</timed>><<case 2>>You bump into Karla, the resident bully.
She takes your money and stuffs you in a locker. Making you miss your lesson.<<set $mc.money.cash to 0>><<timed 7s>><<goto "School">><</timed>>
<<case 3>>As you're rushing past the caretaker's cupboard you see the doors open....
You could have a <<linkappend "peek">>
<img src="porn/closet.png" width="400px">
Or keep going to [[class|Lesson]]....
<<case 4>><img src="running.png" width="375px"><<timed 5s>><<goto "Lesson">><</timed>>
<<case 5>>Running around one corner you bump into Charlotte, (Your room mate), making her drop all her books.
<<if $charlotte.changed is "done">>You had better make it up to her.....Time to visit the sound-proof [[music room]]!!<<else>>You help her pick them all up and then continue <<link "to class, even though you're now late." "Lesson">><<if $class is "latin">><<set $latin -= 2>><<set $msU.like -= 2>><<elseif $class is "media">><<set $missB.like -= 5>><<else>><<set $mrsS -= 2>><<set $latin -= 2>><</if>><</link>><</if>>
| Your Name is $mc.fname $mc.lname and you have lovely $mc.hcolour hair which falls over your <<if $mc.race is "white">>smooth porcelain<<elseif $mc.race is "black">>dark mocha<<elseif $mc.race is "tan">>sun kissed<</if>> skin.<br><br><<if $mc.gender is "male">>You have a wonderful physique, tall with perfectly toned muscles and a handsome cock between your legs<<elseif $mc.gender is "trans">>You have a wonderfully balanced body; Gorgeous round tits and a beefy dick between your thighs<<elseif $mc.gender is "female">>You have a gorgeous hour-glass figure, perfectly perky round boobs and an ass to be jealous of!<</if>><br><br><br>You are currently enrolled at your local college taking classes in Latin, History and Media Studies. You've been at this college for $Dcount days now and are really enjoying it! <<if $grimwah is true>>You're surrounded by lovely female teachers who all seem ready to encounter your magic!<</if>> | <<include "Portrait">> |
<<return "Back">><<if $mc.gender is "female" or $mc.gender is "trans">>
<<if $mc.race is "black">>
<<if $mc.hcolour is "red">><img src="mc/female/black/red.jpg" width="400px">
<<elseif $mc.hcolour is "blonde">><img src="mc/female/black/blonde.jpg" width="400px">
<<elseif $mc.hcolour is "black">><img src="mc/female/black/black.jpg" width="400px">
<<elseif $mc.hcolour is "brown">><img src="mc/female/black/brown.jpg" width="400px">
<<elseif $mc.race is "white" or $mc.race is "tan">>
<<if $mc.hcolour is "red">><img src="mc/female/red.jpg" width="400px">
<<elseif $mc.hcolour is "blonde">><img src="mc/female/blonde.jpg" width="400px">
<<elseif $mc.hcolour is "black">><img src="mc/female/black.jpg" width="400px">
<<elseif $mc.hcolour is "brown">><img src="mc/female/brown.jpg" width="400px">
<<elseif $mc.gender is "male">>
<<if $mc.race is "black">>
<<if $mc.hcolour is "red">><img src="mc/male/black/red.jpg" width="400px">
<<elseif $mc.hcolour is "blonde">><img src="mc/male/black/blonde.jpg" width="400px">
<<elseif $mc.hcolour is "black">><img src="mc/male/black/black.jpg" width="400px">
<<elseif $mc.hcolour is "brown">><img src="mc/male/black/brown.jpg" width="400px">
<<elseif $mc.race is "white" or $mc.race is "tan">>
<<if $mc.hcolour is "red">><img src="mc/male/red.jpg" width="400px">
<<elseif $mc.hcolour is "blonde">><img src="mc/male/blonde.jpg" width="400px">
<<elseif $mc.hcolour is "black">><img src="mc/male/black.jpg" width="400px">
<<elseif $mc.hcolour is "brown">><img src="mc/male/brown.jpg" width="400px">
<</if>><<if $mc.gender is "female" or $mc.gender is "trans">>
<<if $mc.race is "black">>
<<if $mc.hcolour is "red">><img src="mc/female/black/red.jpg" width="100px">
<<elseif $mc.hcolour is "blonde">><img src="mc/female/black/blonde.jpg" width="100px">
<<elseif $mc.hcolour is "black">><img src="mc/female/black/black.jpg" width="100px">
<<elseif $mc.hcolour is "brown">><img src="mc/female/black/brown.jpg" width="100px">
<<elseif $mc.race is "white" or $mc.race is "tan">>
<<if $mc.hcolour is "red">><img src="mc/female/red.jpg" width="100px">
<<elseif $mc.hcolour is "blonde">><img src="mc/female/blonde.jpg" width="100px">
<<elseif $mc.hcolour is "black">><img src="mc/female/black.jpg" width="100px">
<<elseif $mc.hcolour is "brown">><img src="mc/female/brown.jpg" width="100px">
<<elseif $mc.gender is "male">>
<<if $mc.race is "black">>
<<if $mc.hcolour is "red">><img src="mc/male/black/red.jpg" width="100px">
<<elseif $mc.hcolour is "blonde">><img src="mc/male/black/blonde.jpg" width="100px">
<<elseif $mc.hcolour is "black">><img src="mc/male/black/black.jpg" width="100px">
<<elseif $mc.hcolour is "brown">><img src="mc/male/black/brown.jpg" width="100px">
<<elseif $mc.race is "white" or $mc.race is "tan">>
<<if $mc.hcolour is "red">><img src="mc/male/red.jpg" width="100px">
<<elseif $mc.hcolour is "blonde">><img src="mc/male/blonde.jpg" width="100px">
<<elseif $mc.hcolour is "black">><img src="mc/male/black.jpg" width="100px">
<<elseif $mc.hcolour is "brown">><img src="mc/male/brown.jpg" width="100px">
<</if>><h1>Transfiguration Complete</h1>
<<if $mrslib.changed isnot "none">> $mrslib.change - Mrs Llyfrgell<</if>>
<<if $hmistress.changed isnot "none">> $hmistress.change - Madame Shlyukha<</if>>
<<if $mum.changed isnot "none">> $mum.change - Step Mum<</if>>
<<if $charlotte.changed isnot "none">> $charlotte.change - Charlotte<</if>>
<<if $missB.changed isnot "none">> $missB.change - Miss B<</if>>
<<if $msU.changed isnot "none">> $msU.change - Ms Ubera<</if>>
<<if $mrsS.changed isnot "none">> $mrsS.change - Mrs Senior<</if>>
<<if $missJ.changed isnot "none">> $missJ.change - Miss Jinu<</if>>
<<if $mrsBB.changed isnot "none">> $mrsBB.change - Mrs Bwyta-Bwyd<</if>>
<<if $karla.changed isnot "none">> $karla.change - Karla<</if>>
<<if $jess.changed isnot "none">> $jess.change - Jessica<</if>>
<<if $charlie.changed isnot "none">> $charlie.change - Charlie<</if>>
<<return "Back">><h1>BED BANK</h1>
You have $mc.money.cash on you and $mc.money.bed in your bed bank.
| Deposit to Bed | - | <<if $mc.money.cash gte 10>><<link "10" "Bed Bank">><<set $mc.money.cash -= 10>><<set $mc.money.bed += 10>><</link>><</if>> | <<if $mc.money.cash gte 20>><<link "20" "Bed Bank">><<set $mc.money.cash-= 20>><<set $mc.money.bed += 20>><</link>><</if>> | <<if $mc.money.cash gte 50>><<link "50" "Bed Bank">><<set $mc.money.cash-= 50>><<set $mc.money.bed += 50>><</link>><</if>> | <<if $mc.money.cash gte 100>><<link "100" "Bed Bank">><<set $mc.money.cash-= 100>><<set $mc.money.bed += 100>><</link>><</if>> |
| Withdraw from Bed | - | <<if $mc.money.bed gte 10>><<link "10" "Bed Bank">><<set $mc.money.cash+= 10>><<set $mc.money.bed -= 10>><</link>><</if>> | <<if $mc.money.bed gte 20>><<link "20" "Bed Bank">><<set $mc.money.cash+= 20>><<set $mc.money.bed -= 20>><</link>><</if>> | <<if $mc.money.bed gte 50>><<link "50" "Bed Bank">><<set $mc.money.cash+= 50>><<set $mc.money.bed -= 50>><</link>><</if>> | <<if $mc.money.bed gte 100>><<link "100" "Bed Bank">><<set $mc.money.cash+= 100>><<set $mc.money.bed -= 100>><</link>><</if>> |
[[Back|Your Room]] | <span style="color:red">Your Name is $mc.name</span> | $mc.money.bed + $mc.money.cash |
| Hair colour is $mc.hcolour hair | <span style="color:red">Skin Colour is <<if $mc.race is "white">>smooth porcelain<<elseif $mc.race is "black">>dark mocha<<elseif $mc.race is "tan">>sun kissed<</if>> skin</span> | Changed yourself? $mc.changed |
| <span style="color:red">Days at college: $Dcount</span> | <<if $mc.changed isnot "none">>$mc.change<</if>> |
| <<include "Portrait">> | |
Latin = $latin
Latin = <<link "+" "TEST">><<set $latin += 10>><</link>> : <<link "-" "TEST">><<set $latin += 10>><</link>>
<<include "Cheat">><<if $mc.changed is "none">>You should probably complete the spell you chose for yourself before going any further.....
<<if $mc.change is "bimbo">><<link "Spell 1" "Examine">><<set $mc.changed to "done">><<set $mc.gender to "female">><<set $hcolour to "blonde">><</link>>
<<elseif $mc.change is "shemale">><<link "Spell 2" "Examine">><<set $mc.changed to "done">><<set $mc.gender to "trans">><<set $hcolour to "black">><</link>>
|<<if $mrslib.change isnot "none">>Mrs Llyfrgell<</if>> | - | <<if $mrslib.changed is "none" and $mrslib.change isnot "none">><<link "Perform Spell" "Grimoire">><<set $mrslib.changed to "done">><</link>><</if>> |
|<<if $mum.change isnot "none">>Step Mum<</if>> | - | <<if $mum.changed is "none" and $mum.change isnot "none">><<link "Perform Spell" "Grimoire">><<set $mum.changed to "done">><</link>><</if>> |
|<<if $missB.change isnot "none">>Miss B<</if>> | - | <<if $missB.changed is "none" and $missB.change isnot "none">><<link "Perform Spell" "Grimoire">><<set $missB.changed to "done">><</link>><</if>> |
|<<if $msU.change isnot "none">>Ms Ubera<</if>> | - | <<if $msU.changed is "none" and $msU.change isnot "none">><<link "Perform Spell" "Grimoire">><<set $msU.changed to "done">><</link>><</if>> |
|<<if $mrsS.change isnot "none">>Mrs Senior<</if>> | - | <<if $mrsS.changed is "none" and $mrsS.change isnot "none">><<link "Perform Spell" "Grimoire">><<set $mrsS.changed to "done">><</link>><</if>> |
|<<if $hmistress.change isnot "none">>Madame Shlyukha<</if>> | - | <<if $hmistress.changed is "none" and $hmistress.change isnot "none">><<link "Perform Spell" "Grimoire">><<set $hmistress.changed to "done">><</link>><</if>> |
|<<if $missJ.change isnot "none">>Miss Jinu<</if>> | - | <<if $missJ.changed is "none" and $missJ.change isnot "none">><<link "Perform Spell" "Grimoire">><<set $missJ.changed to "done">><</link>><</if>> |
|<<if $mrsBB.change isnot "none">>Mrs Bwyta-Bwyd<</if>> | - | <<if $mrsBB.changed is "none" and $mrsBB.change isnot "none">><<link "Perform Spell" "Grimoire">><<set $mrsBB.changed to "done">><</link>><</if>> |
|<<if $charlotte.change isnot "none">>Charlotte<</if>> | - | <<if $charlotte.changed is "none" and $charlotte.change isnot "none">><<link "Perform Spell" "Grimoire">><<set $charlotte.changed to "done">><</link>><</if>> |
|<<if $karla.change isnot "none">>Karla<</if>> | - | <<if $karla.changed is "none" and $karla.change isnot "none">><<link "Perform Spell" "Grimoire">><<set $karla.changed to "done">><</link>><</if>> |
|<<if $jess.change isnot "none">>Jessica<</if>> | - | <<if $jess.changed is "none" and $jess.change isnot "none">><<link "Perform Spell" "Grimoire">><<set $jess.changed to "done">><</link>><</if>> |
|<<if $charlie.change isnot "none">>Charlie<</if>> | - | <<if $charlie.changed is "none" and $charlie.change isnot "none">><<link "Perform Spell" "Grimoire">><<set $charlie.changed to "done">><</link>><</if>> |
<</if>>Latin = $latin
Latin <<link "+" "Cheat">><<set $latin += 10>><</link>> : <<link "-" "Cheat">><<set $latin -= 10>><</link>>
| NAME | Like | Change |
| Miss B - Media <<link "+" "Cheat">><<set $missB.like += 10>><</link>> : <<link "-" "Cheat">><<set $missB.like -= 10>><</link>> : <<link "B" "Cheat">><<set $missB.change to "bimbo">><<set $missB.changed to "done">><</link>> : <<link "S" "Cheat">><<set $missB.change to "shemale">><<set $missB.changed to "done">><</link>> | $missB.like | $missB.change |
| Ms Ubera - Latin <<link "+" "Cheat">><<set $msU.like += 10>><</link>> : <<link "-" "Cheat">><<set $msU.like -= 10>><</link>> : <<link "B" "Cheat">><<set $msU.change to "bimbo">><<set $msU.changed to "done">><</link>> : <<link "S" "Cheat">><<set $msU.change to "shemale">><<set $msU.changed to "done">><</link>> | $msU.like | $msU.change |
| Mrs Senior - History <<link "+" "Cheat">><<set $mrsS.like += 10>><</link>> : <<link "-" "Cheat">><<set $mrsS.like -= 10>><</link>> : <<link "B" "Cheat">><<set $mrsS.change to "bimbo">><<set $mrsS.changed to "done">><</link>> : <<link "S" "Cheat">><<set $mrsS.change to "shemale">><<set $mrsS.changed to "done">><</link>> | $mrsS.like | $mrsS.change |
| Madame Shlyukha - Head Mistress <<link "+" "Cheat">><<set $hmistress.like += 10>><</link>> : <<link "-" "Cheat">><<set $hmistress.like -= 10>><</link>> : <<link "B" "Cheat">><<set $hmistress.change to "bimbo">><<set $hmistress.changed to "done">><</link>> : <<link "S" "Cheat">><<set $hmistress.change to "shemale">><<set $hmistress.changed to "done">><</link>> | $hmistress.like | $hmistress.change |
| Mrs Llyfrgell - Librarian <<link "+" "Cheat">><<set $mrslib.like += 10>><</link>> : <<link "-" "Cheat">><<set $mrslib.like -= 10>><</link>> : <<link "B" "Cheat">><<set $mrslib.change to "bimbo">><<set $mrslib.changed to "done">><</link>> : <<link "S" "Cheat">><<set $mrslib.change to "shemale">><<set $mrslib.changed to "done">><</link>> | $mrslib.like | $mrslib.change |
| Miss Jinu - Sports Coach <<link "+" "Cheat">><<set $missJ.like += 10>><</link>> : <<link "-" "Cheat">><<set $missJ.like -= 10>><</link>> : <<link "B" "Cheat">><<set $missJ.change to "bimbo">><<set $missJ.changed to "done">><</link>> : <<link "S" "Cheat">><<set $missJ.change to "shemale">><<set $missJ.changed to "done">><</link>> | $missJ.like | $missJ.change |
| Mrs Bwyta-Bwyd - Cook <<link "+" "Cheat">><<set $mrsBB.like += 10>><</link>> : <<link "-" "Cheat">><<set $mrsBB.like -= 10>><</link>> : <<link "B" "Cheat">><<set $mrsBB.change to "bimbo">><<set $mrsBB.changed to "done">><</link>> : <<link "S" "Cheat">><<set $mrsBB.change to "shemale">><<set $mrsBB.changed to "done">><</link>> | $mrsBB.like | $mrsBB.change |
| Lucy - Step Mum <<link "+" "Cheat">><<set $mum.like += 10>><</link>> : <<link "-" "Cheat">><<set $mum.like -= 10>><</link>> : <<link "B" "Cheat">><<set $mum.change to "bimbo">><<set $mum.changed to "done">><</link>> : <<link "S" "Cheat">><<set $mum.change to "shemale">><<set $mum.changed to "done">><</link>> | $mum.like | $mum.change |
| Charlotte - Room Mate <<link "+" "Cheat">><<set $charlotte.like += 10>><</link>> : <<link "-" "Cheat">><<set $charlotte.like -= 10>><</link>> : <<link "B" "Cheat">><<set $charlotte.change to "bimbo">><<set $charlotte.changed to "done">><</link>> : <<link "S" "Cheat">><<set $charlotte.change to "shemale">><<set $charlotte.changed to "done">><</link>> | $charlotte.like | $charlotte.change |
| Karla - Bully <<link "+" "Cheat">><<set $karla.like += 10>><</link>> : <<link "-" "Cheat">><<set $karla.like -= 10>><</link>> : <<link "B" "Cheat">><<set $karla.change to "bimbo">><<set $karla.changed to "done">><</link>> : <<link "S" "Cheat">><<set $karla.change to "shemale">><<set $karla.changed to "done">><</link>> | $karla.like | $karla.change |
| Jessica - Barista <<link "+" "Cheat">><<set $jess.like += 10>><</link>> : <<link "-" "Cheat">><<set $jess.like -= 10>><</link>> : <<link "B" "Cheat">><<set $jess.change to "bimbo">><<set $jess.changed to "done">><</link>> : <<link "S" "Cheat">><<set $jess.change to "shemale">><<set $jess.changed to "done">><</link>> | $jess.like | $jess.change |
| Charlie - Shop Assistant <<link "+" "Cheat">><<set $charlie.like += 10>><</link>> : <<link "-" "Cheat">><<set $charlie.like -= 10>><</link>> : <<link "B" "Cheat">><<set $charlie.change to "bimbo">><<set $charlie.changed to "done">><</link>> : <<link "S" "Cheat">><<set $charlie.change to "shemale">><<set $charlie.changed to "done">><</link>> | $charlie.like | $charlie.change |
<<return "Back">>
What to do in the bathroom?
[[Look in the mirror|View]]
<<if $mc.gender is "female">><<link "Shave Legs & Shower" "Bathroom">><<set $time += 2>><</link>><<elseif $mc.gender is "male">><<link "Shave Face" "Bathroom">><<set $time += 1>><</link>><<else>>You see your room mate's razor on the side. Aren't you glad you have no body hair!<</if>>
<<linkappend "Masterbate in the Shower">><<set $time += 1>>
<<if $mc.gender is "male">><img src="porn/shower.png" width="450px">
<<elseif $mc.gender is "female">><img src="porn/wshower.png" width="450px">
<<else>><img src="porn/tshower.png" width="450px"><</if>>
[[Leave|Home]]| You see your $mc.hcolour flowing from your head and your <<if $mc.race is "black">>deep mocha skin covering your <<else>>sun kissed skin covering your <</if>><<if $mc.gender is "male">>manly frame<<elseif $mc.gender is "female">>feminine curves<<else>>androgonous figure<</if>> |<br><br> <<include "Portrait">> |
| <<if $mc.gender is "female">><img src="porn/tits.png" width="400px"><<elseif $mc.gender is "male">><<if $mc.race is "black">><img src="porn/cocks/black.png" width="400px"><<else>><img src="porn/cocks/white.png" width="400px"><</if>><<else>><img src="porn/tits.png" width="400px"><br><<if $mc.race is "black">><img src="porn/cocks/black.png" width="400px"><<else>><img src="porn/cocks/white.png" width="400px"><</if>><</if>> | <<if $mc.gender is "female">>Your wonderful tits and your delicious ass create an incredible silhouette<<elseif $mc.gender is "male">>Your dockey cock hangs between your legs like a 3rd leg<<else>>Your wonderful tits and your enormous cock create a deliciously confusing silhouette<</if>> |<<include "Mirror">>
<<return "Stop Looking">><h2>Sound-Proof Booth</h2>
<<set $time += 2>>
<<if $charlotte.change is "bimbo">>
You and Charlotte have some fun, to make up for crashing into her earlier....
<<if $mc.race is "black">><img src="porn/room mate/blowjob black.png" width="400px"><<else>><img src="porn/room mate/blowjob.png" width="400px"><</if>>
<img src="porn/room mate/cum.png" width="400px">
<<elseif $charlotte.change is "shemale">>
You really need to please Charlotte to make up for earlier....
<img src="porn/room mate/shemale/cowgirl.png" width="400px">
<img src="porn/room mate/shemale/cum.png" width="400px">
Much better!!
[[Back to Class|School]]<h1>Toilets</h1>
<<include "Mirror">>
[[Finished Looking?|School]]<h1>Toilets</h1>
<<switch random(1, 5)>><<case 1>>You quickly do your business....
<img src="piss.png" width="250px">
[[All done|School]]
<<case 2>>You do your thing....
<img src="piss.png" width="250px">
[[All done|School]]
<<case 3>>You quickly do your thing....
<img src="piss.png" width="250px">
[[All done|School]]
<<case 4>>You do your business....
<img src="piss.png" width="250px">
[[All done|School]]
<<case 5>><<switch random(1, 2)>><<case 1>>You spot a <<linkappend "glory-hole.....">>
With a <<switch random(1, 2)>><<case 1>>cock<<case 2>>dick<</switch>> sticking out of it.....
<img src="porn/gloryhole/hole.jpg" width="400px">
[[Suck it?|Gloryhole]]
<<linkappend "Not today">>
<img src="piss.png" width="250px">
[[All done|School]]<</linkappend>><</linkappend>><<case 2>>You spot a glory-hole.....
<img src="porn/gloryhole/cubicle.jpg" width="250px">
[[Use it?|Use Gloryhole]]
<<linkappend "Not today">>
<img src="piss.png" width="250px">
[[All done|School]]<</linkappend>><</switch>><</switch>><h1>Toilets</h1>
You begin by sticking your hard cock through the hole.....
<img src="porn/gloryhole/insert.png" width="250px">
Then you feel some soft lips on the head of your cock.....
<<if $mc.race is "black">><img src="porn/gloryhole/black.png" width="400px">
The soft lips keep sucking and kissing at your dick until....
<img src="porn/gloryhole/black cum.png" width="400px"><<else>><img src="porn/gloryhole/blowjob.png" width="400px">
The soft lips keep sucking and kissing at your dick until....
<img src="porn/gloryhole/white cum.png" width="400px"><</if>>
<<set $time += 1>>
About time to head [[back to classes|School]]<h1>Toilets</h1>
<img src="porn/gloryhole/lick.png" width="400px">
<img src="porn/gloryhole/cum.png" width="400px">
[[WOW!!!|School]]<h1><span style="color:aqua">~<u>Grimoire</u>~</span></h1>
After completing your spell you have a quick look in the mirror.....
<<include "Mirror">>
Now you know what you're doing you should probably change back. You don't want to arouse suspition now....
<<set $time to 22>>
[[Undo]]<h1><span style="color:aqua">~<u>Grimoire</u>~</span></h1>
You flick through the Grimoire to find the spells you need to undo your changes......
You return to being a<span style="color:lightskyblue"><label><<radiobutton "$mc.gender" "male">> guy</label> </span>/ <span style="color:hotpink"><label><<radiobutton "$mc.gender" "female" checked>> woman</label> </span>/ <span style="color:darkmagenta"><label><<radiobutton "$mc.gender" "trans">> trans-person</label></span> with <label><<radiobutton "$mc.hcolour" "blonde">> blonde</label> / <label><<radiobutton "$mc.hcolour" "brown" checked>> brown</label> / <label><<radiobutton "$mc.hcolour" "black">> black</label> <label><<radiobutton "$mc.hcolour" "red">> red</label> hair and <label><<radiobutton "$mc.race" "black" checked>> black skin</label> / <label><<radiobutton "$mc.race" "white">> white skin</label>.
Much better!!!
Now after all that I bet you're all worn out. <<link "Time for bed!!!!" "Sleep">><</link>>