<!-- sync maiden story variable with maiden manager story variable -->
<<run $MaidenManager.maidens[$currentMaidenIndex] = $currentMaiden;>>
@@<<print $sentMsg ?? `Interact with $`>>@@
<<unset $sentMsg>>
<<button "Back" "Maidens">><<unset $currentMaiden, $currentMaidenIndex>><<audio "select2" play>><</button>>
<<button "Talk" "Talk">><<audio "select" play>><</button>>
<<button "Gift" "Gift">><<audio "select" play>><</button>>
<<button "Flirt" "Flirt">><<audio "select" play>><</button>>
<<button "Ask" "Ask">><<audio "select" play>><</button>>
<<button "Stats" "Stats">><<audio "select" play>><</button>>
<img class="img" @src="setup.ImageManager.getConvoMain()">@@No more time tonight.@@
<<button "Go to sleep" "Bedchamber">><<audio "select" play>><</button>><<nobr>>
<<if $DayManager.noTimeLeft()>>
<<unset $currentMaiden, $currentMaidenIndex, $sentMsg>>
<<goto "NightOver">>
@@Talk with $
<<button "Weather" "Interact">>
<<if !$currentMaiden.askedWeather>>
<<set _interactMsg to "You talk with her about the weather.\n\n">>
<<set _reactionValue to $currentMaiden.getTalkWeatherReaction()>>;
<<run $currentMaiden.askedWeather = true>>
<<run $currentMaiden.stats.connection.value += _reactionValue + 1>>>>
<<set $sentMsg to _interactMsg + $currentMaiden.getTextReaction(_reactionValue)>>
<<run $DayManager.tick()>>
<<audio "select" play>>
<<set $sentMsg to "You've already talked about this.">>
<<button "Your castle" "Interact">>
<<if !$currentMaiden.askedCastle>>
<<set _interactMsg to "You talk with her about your castle.\n\n">>
<<set _reactionValue to $currentMaiden.getTalkCastleReaction()>>;
<<run $currentMaiden.askedCastle = true>>
<<run $currentMaiden.stats.connection.value += _reactionValue + 1>>>>
<<set $sentMsg to _interactMsg + $currentMaiden.getTextReaction(_reactionValue)>>
<<run $DayManager.tick()>>
<<audio "select" play>>
<<set $sentMsg to "You've already talked about this.">>
<<button "Shopping" "Interact">>
<<if !$currentMaiden.askedShopping>>
<<set _interactMsg to "You talk with her about shopping.\n\n">>
<<set _reactionValue to $currentMaiden.getTalkShoppingReaction()>>;
<<run $currentMaiden.askedShopping = true>>
<<run $currentMaiden.stats.connection.value += _reactionValue + 1>>>>
<<set $sentMsg to _interactMsg + $currentMaiden.getTextReaction(_reactionValue)>>
<<run $DayManager.tick()>>
<<audio "select" play>>
<<set $sentMsg to "You've already talked about this.">>
<<button "Nature" "Interact">>
<<if !$currentMaiden.askedNature>>
<<set _interactMsg to "You talk with her about nature.\n\n">>
<<set _reactionValue to $currentMaiden.getTalkNatureReaction()>>;
<<run $currentMaiden.askedNature = true>>
<<run $currentMaiden.stats.connection.value += _reactionValue + 1>>>>
<<set $sentMsg to _interactMsg + $currentMaiden.getTextReaction(_reactionValue)>>
<<run $DayManager.tick()>>
<<audio "select" play>>
<<set $sentMsg to "You've already talked about this.">>
<<button "Back" "Interact">><<unset $sentMsg>><<audio "select2" play>><</button>>
<img class="img" @src="setup.ImageManager.getConvoTalk()"><<nobr>>
<<if $DayManager.noTimeLeft()>>
<<unset $currentMaiden, $currentMaidenIndex, $sentMsg>>
<<goto "NightOver">>
@@Give gift to $
<<button "Jewelry" "Interact">>
<<if !$currentMaiden.askedJewelry>>
<<set _interactMsg to "You give her new piece of jewelry.\n\n">>
<<set _reactionValue to $currentMaiden.getGiftJewelryReaction()>>;
<<run $currentMaiden.askedJewelry = true>>
<<run $currentMaiden.stats.connection.value += _reactionValue + 1>>>>
<<set $sentMsg to _interactMsg + $currentMaiden.getTextReaction(_reactionValue)>>
<<run $DayManager.tick()>>
<<audio "select" play>>
<<set $sentMsg to "You've already given her this.">>
<<button "Food" "Interact">>
<<if !$currentMaiden.askedFood>>
<<set _interactMsg to "You give her food.\n\n">>
<<set _reactionValue to $currentMaiden.getGiftFoodReaction()>>;
<<run $currentMaiden.askedFood = true>>
<<run $currentMaiden.stats.connection.value += _reactionValue + 1>>>>
<<set $sentMsg to _interactMsg + $currentMaiden.getTextReaction(_reactionValue)>>
<<run $DayManager.tick()>>
<<audio "select" play>>
<<set $sentMsg to "You've already given her this.">>
<<button "Book" "Interact">>
<<if !$currentMaiden.askedBook>>
<<set _interactMsg to "You give her a new book.\n\n">>
<<set _reactionValue to $currentMaiden.getGiftBookReaction()>>;
<<run $currentMaiden.askedBook = true>>
<<run $currentMaiden.stats.connection.value += _reactionValue + 1>>>>
<<set $sentMsg to _interactMsg + $currentMaiden.getTextReaction(_reactionValue)>>
<<run $DayManager.tick()>>
<<audio "select" play>>
<<set $sentMsg to "You've already given her this.">>
<<button "Painting" "Interact">>
<<if !$currentMaiden.askedPainting>>
<<set _interactMsg to "You give her a new painting.\n\n">>
<<set _reactionValue to $currentMaiden.getGiftPaintingReaction()>>;
<<run $currentMaiden.askedPainting = true>>
<<run $currentMaiden.stats.connection.value += _reactionValue + 1>>>>
<<set $sentMsg to _interactMsg + $currentMaiden.getTextReaction(_reactionValue)>>
<<run $DayManager.tick()>>
<<audio "select" play>>
<<set $sentMsg to "You've already given her this.">>
<<button "Back" "Interact">><<unset $sentMsg>><<audio "select2" play>><</button>>
<img class="img" @src="setup.ImageManager.getConvoGift()"><<nobr>>
<<if $DayManager.noTimeLeft()>>
<<unset $currentMaiden, $currentMaidenIndex, $sentMsg>>
<<goto "NightOver">>
@@Flirt with $
<<button "Tease" "Interact">>
<<if !$currentMaiden.askedTease>>
<<set _interactMsg to "You playfully tease her.\n\n">>
<<set _reactionValue to $currentMaiden.getFlirtTeaseReaction()>>;
<<run $currentMaiden.askedTease = true>>
<<run $currentMaiden.stats.connection.value += _reactionValue + 1>>>>
<<set $sentMsg to _interactMsg + $currentMaiden.getTextReaction(_reactionValue)>>
<<run $DayManager.tick()>>
<<audio "select" play>>
<<set $sentMsg to "You've already done this.">>
<<button "Compliment" "Interact">>
<<if !$currentMaiden.askedCompliment>>
<<set _interactMsg to "You give her a nice compliment.\n\n">>
<<set _reactionValue to $currentMaiden.getFlirtComplimentReaction()>>;
<<run $currentMaiden.askedCompliment = true>>
<<run $currentMaiden.stats.connection.value += _reactionValue + 1>>>>
<<set $sentMsg to _interactMsg + $currentMaiden.getTextReaction(_reactionValue)>>
<<run $DayManager.tick()>>
<<audio "select" play>>
<<set $sentMsg to "You've already done this.">>
<<button "Light Touch" "Interact">>
<<if !$currentMaiden.askedLightTouch>>
<<set _interactMsg to "You give her a light touch.\n\n">>
<<set _reactionValue to $currentMaiden.getFlirtLightTouchReaction()>>;
<<run $currentMaiden.askedLightTouch = true>>
<<run $currentMaiden.stats.connection.value += _reactionValue + 1>>>>
<<set $sentMsg to _interactMsg + $currentMaiden.getTextReaction(_reactionValue)>>
<<run $DayManager.tick()>>
<<audio "select" play>>
<<set $sentMsg to "You've already done this.">>
<<button "Smile" "Interact">>
<<if !$currentMaiden.askedSmile>>
<<set _interactMsg to "You give her a warm smile.\n\n">>
<<set _reactionValue to $currentMaiden.getFlirtSmileReaction()>>;
<<run $currentMaiden.askedSmile = true>>
<<run $currentMaiden.stats.connection.value += _reactionValue + 1>>>>
<<set $sentMsg to _interactMsg + $currentMaiden.getTextReaction(_reactionValue)>>
<<run $DayManager.tick()>>
<<audio "select" play>>
<<set $sentMsg to "You've already done this.">>
<<button "Back" "Interact">><<unset $sentMsg>><<audio "select2" play>><</button>>
<img class="img" @src="setup.ImageManager.getConvoFlirt()"><<nobr>>
<<if $DayManager.noTimeLeft()>>
<<unset $currentMaiden, $currentMaidenIndex, $sentMsg>>
<<goto "NightOver">>
@@Ask $
@@#soulBtn;<<button "Ask about your soul maiden [Unavailable]">><</button>>@@
@@#inviteBtn;<<button "Invite to bedchamber" "Interact">>
<<run $currentMaiden.invitedToBed = $currentMaiden.getBedInvitationReaction()>>
<<set _interactMsg to "You invite " + $ + " to your bedchamber.\n\n">>
<<set $sentMsg to _interactMsg + ($currentMaiden.invitedToBed ? "She agrees." : "She declines")>>
<<run $DayManager.tick()>>
<<audio "select" play>>
<<button "Back" "Interact">><<unset $sentMsg>><<audio "select2" play>><</button>>
<img class="img" @src="setup.ImageManager.getConvoAsk()">
<<run $("#soulBtn button").prop("disabled", true)>>x
<<run $("#inviteBtn button").prop("disabled", $currentMaiden.invitedToBed)>>
<</done>>Stats for $
<<button "Back" "Interact">><<unset $sentMsg>><<audio "select2" play>><</button>><table class="stats-table">
<td>Dragon Type</td>
<td><<print $currentMaiden.getCurrentStamina()>></td>
<td>Max $</td>
<td>Primary Attack Type</td>
<td>Secondary Attack Type</td>
<td>Screech Type</td>
<td>Plating Type</td>
<td>Breast Size</td>
<td>Hip Size</td>
<td>Ass Size</td>
<td>Lip Size</td>
<td>Hair Color</td>
<td>Eye Color</td>
</table></blockquote></pre>@@Welcome to your home castle!@@
<<run setup.AudioEngine.enterHomeCastle($DayManager.isNight())>>
<<button "Maidens" "Maidens">><<audio "select" play>><</button>>
<<button "Hatchery" "Hatchery">><<audio "hatch" play>><</button>>
<<button "Workbench" "Workbench">><<audio "bench" play>><</button>>
<<button "Bedchamber" "Bedchamber">>
<<audio "door" play>>
<<run setup.AudioEngine.exitHomeCastle($DayManager.isNight())>>
<<button "Leave Castle" "Menu">>
<<audio "doorClose" play>>
<<run setup.AudioEngine.exitHomeCastle($DayManager.isNight())>>
@@#textBkgd;<<print $DayManager.getTimeString()>>@@
<!--------MAIN CASTLE MENU ---------------------------------------->
<<button "Back" "HomeCastle">><<audio "select2" play>><</button>>
<<for _i, _maiden range $MaidenManager.maidens>>
<<capture _i, _maiden>>
<<set _maidenDetails to [, _maiden.type, "Lvl " + _maiden.level, "♥ " + _maiden.stats.connection.value].join(" | ")>>
<<button _maidenDetails "Interact">>
<<audio "select" play>>
<<set $currentMaidenIndex to _i>>
<<set $currentMaiden to _maiden>>
<<button "Back" "HomeCastle">><<audio "select2" play>><</button>>
<<for _i, _egg range $EggManager.developingEggs>>
<<capture _i, _egg>>
<<set _eggDetails to [_egg.rarity, _egg.type, "Egg"].join(" ")>>
<<button _eggDetails "EggItem">>
<<audio "select" play>>
<<set $eggIndex to _i>>
<<set $egg to _egg>>
<<button "Back" "HomeCastle">><<audio "select2" play>><</button>>
<<button "Recipes" "Recipes">><<audio "openBook" play>><</button>>
<<button "Craft" "Craft">><<audio "craft" play>><</button>>
<<button "Inventory" "Inventory">><<audio "heavyMenu" play>><</button>>@@Bedchamber@@
<<nobr>><<run setup.AudioEngine.enterBedchamber();>><</nobr>>
<<button "Back" "HomeCastle">>
<<audio "select2" play>>
<<run setup.AudioEngine.exitBedchamber()>>
<<button "Sleep" "Sleep">><<audio "select" play>><</button>>
<<set _bedMaidens to $MaidenManager.maidens.filter((m)=>m.invitedToBed)>>
<<for _i, _maiden range _bedMaidens>>
<<capture _i, _maiden>>
<<set _maidenDetails to [, _maiden.type, "Lvl " + _maiden.level, "♥ " + _maiden.stats.connection.value].join(" | ")>>
@@#maidenBtns;<<button _maidenDetails "SexItem">>
<<audio "select" play>>
<<set $currentMaidenIndex to _i>>
<<set $currentMaiden to _maiden>>
<<if _bedMaidens.length > 0>>
<img class="img" @src="setup.ImageManager.getBedMaiden()">
<<run $("#maidenBtns button").prop("disabled", $DayManager.isMorning() || $DayManager.noTimeLeft())>>
<<button "Back" "Workbench">><<audio "select2" play>><</button>>
<<for _recipe range setup.ItemList.getItemsFormattedForRecipes($Player.highestRegion)>>
<blockquote>''<<print>>'' - <i>increases _recipe.effect</i>
<<print _recipe.materials>>
<<if $DayManager.noTimeLeft()>>
<<unset $egg, $eggIndex>>
<<goto "NightOver">>
@@<<print $craftMsg ?? "">>@@
<<unset $craftMsg>>
<<button "Back" "Workbench">><<audio "select2" play>><</button>>
<<for _item range $Inventory.getCraftableItems(setup.ItemList.items, $Player.highestRegion)>>
<<capture _item>>
<<set _btnTitle to "Craft " + + " [owned: " + $Inventory.getItems( +"]">>
<<button _btnTitle "Craft">>
<<audio "craft" play>>
<<audio "achieve" play>>
<<set _craftableMaterials to $Inventory.getCraftableMaterials(_item)>>
<<set _craftedItem to setup.ItemList.craftItem(_item, _craftableMaterials)>>
<<run $Inventory.addItem(_craftedItem)>>
<<run $Inventory.useMaterials(_craftableMaterials)>>
<<set $craftMsg to "You crafted a " + _craftedItem.fullName + "!">>
<<run $DayManager.tick()>>
<<button "Back" "Workbench">><<audio "select2" play>><</button>>
<<button "Items" "Items">><<audio "select" play>><</button>>
<<button "Materials" "Materials">><<audio "select" play>><</button>>@@Items@@
<<button "Back" "Inventory">><<audio "select2" play>><</button>>
<<for _item range $Inventory.items.values().toArray()>>
<<capture _item>>
<<button _item[0].name "ItemView">>
<<audio "select" play>>
<<set $selectedItemId to _item[0].id>>
<</for>>@@<<print $Inventory.getItems($selectedItemId)[0].name>>@@
<!-- Displays list of items based on selected item ID -->
<<button "Back" "Items">><<audio "select2" play>><<unset $selectedItemId>><</button>>
<ul><<for _item range $Inventory.getItems($selectedItemId)>>
<li>''<<print _item.fullName>>''</li>
<<button "Back" "Inventory">><<audio "select2" play>><</button>>
<<for _mat range $Inventory.materials.values().toArray()>>
<<capture _mat>>
<<button _mat[0].name "MaterialView">>
<<audio "select" play>>
<<set $selectedMaterialId to _mat[0].id>>
<</for>>@@<<print $Inventory.getMaterials($selectedMaterialId)[0].name>>@@
<!-- Displays list of materials based on selected material ID -->
<<button "Back" "Materials">><<audio "select2" play>><<unset $selectedMaterialId>><</button>>
<<for _mat range $Inventory.getMaterials($selectedMaterialId)>>
<li>''<<print _mat.fullName>>''</li>
</ul>@@You go to sleep.@@
<<button "Next Morning" "NextMorning">><<audio "select" play>><</button>>@@You wake up from sleep.@@
<<run $DayManager.reset()>>
<<run $EggManager.tick()>>
<<run $MaidenManager.tick()>>
<<run $Inventory.tick()>>
<<set _readyEggs to $EggManager.hatchEggs()>>
<<if _readyEggs.length > 0>>
<<run setup.AudioEngine.enterHomeCastle($DayManager.isNight())>>
<<button "Castle" "HomeCastle">><<audio "select" play>><</button>>
<<for _egg range _readyEggs>>
<<set _msg to $MaidenManager.createMaiden(_egg)>>
<<append #wake>>_msg<br><</append>>
<</done>>@@Give item to egg@@
<<button "Back" "HomeCastle">>
<<audio "select2" play>>
<<unset $egg, $eggIndex>>
<<button "Continue without item" "Egg">><<audio "select" play>><</button>>
<<for _i, _eggItem range $Inventory.getEggItems()>>
<<capture _i, _eggItem>>
<<button _eggItem.fullName "Egg">>
<<audio "select" play>>
<<run $Inventory.equippedItem = _eggItem>>
<<set $equippedItemIndex to _i>>
<!-- sync equipped item story variable with inventory story variable -->
<<if $Inventory.equippedItem>>
<<run $Inventory.sync($Inventory.equippedItem, $equippedItemIndex)>>
<<if $DayManager.noTimeLeft()>>
<<run $Inventory.equippedItem = null>>
<<unset $egg, $eggIndex, $equippedItemIndex>>
<<goto "NightOver">>
@@#eggmsg;A $egg.rarity dragon egg@@
<<button "Back" "EggItem">>
<<audio "select2" play>>
<!-- sync egg story variable with egg manager story variable -->
<<run $EggManager.developingEggs[$eggIndex] = $egg;>>
<<run $Inventory.equippedItem = null>>
<<unset $equippedItemIndex>>
<<button "Hug egg">>
<<set _action to new window.HugEggAction({egg: $egg})>>
<<set _message to $DayManager.performAction(_action, $Inventory.equippedItem)>>
<<set $egg to _action.egg>>
<<if _action.executed>><<run setup.AudioEngine.interactEgg()>><</if>>
<<run $Inventory.tick()>>
<<replace #eggmsg>>_message<</replace>>
<<button "Talk to egg">>
<<set _action to new window.TalkEggAction({egg: $egg})>>
<<set _message to $DayManager.performAction(_action, $Inventory.equippedItem)>>
<<set $egg to _action.egg>>
<<if _action.executed>><<run setup.AudioEngine.interactEgg()>><</if>>
<<run $Inventory.tick()>>
<<replace #eggmsg>>_message<</replace>>
<<button "Whiper to egg">>
<<set _action to new window.WhisperEggAction({egg: $egg})>>
<<set _message to $DayManager.performAction(_action, $Inventory.equippedItem)>>
<<set $egg to _action.egg>>
<<if _action.executed>><<run setup.AudioEngine.interactEgg()>><</if>>
<<run $Inventory.tick()>>
<<replace #eggmsg>>_message<</replace>>
<<button "Sing to egg">>
<<set _action to new window.SingEggAction({egg: $egg})>>
<<set _message to $DayManager.performAction(_action, $Inventory.equippedItem)>>
<<set $egg to _action.egg>>
<<if _action.executed>><<run setup.AudioEngine.interactEgg()>><</if>>
<<run $Inventory.tick()>>
<<replace #eggmsg>>_message<</replace>>
<<button "Rock egg">>
<<set _action to new window.RockEggAction({egg: $egg})>>
<<set _message to $DayManager.performAction(_action, $Inventory.equippedItem)>>
<<set $egg to _action.egg>>
<<if _action.executed>><<run setup.AudioEngine.interactEgg()>><</if>>
<<run $Inventory.tick()>>
<<replace #eggmsg>>_message<</replace>>
<<button "Rub egg">>
<<set _action to new window.RubEggAction({egg: $egg})>>
<<set _message to $DayManager.performAction(_action, $Inventory.equippedItem)>>
<<set $egg to _action.egg>>
<<if _action.executed>><<run setup.AudioEngine.interactEgg()>><</if>>
<<run $Inventory.tick()>>
<<replace #eggmsg>>_message<</replace>>
<</button>><i>version 0.1.0</i><<run Config.history.maxStates = 1>>
<<set setup.ItemList to new ItemList()>>
<<set setup.AudioEngine to new AudioEngine()>>
<<run setup.ImageManager to new ImageManager()>>
<!-- init audio files -->
<<for _music range window.MusicData.concat(window.SoundData)>>
<<cacheaudio `` `_music.url`>>
<<createaudiogroup ":music">>
<<for _music range window.MusicData>>
<<track ``>>
<</createaudiogroup>>@@Welcome to Dragon Soul Maidens!@@
<i>Note: All characters depicted are over the age of 18.
In fact, dragon maidens are said to be thousands of years old.</i>
<<button "Start" "Menu">><<audio "select" play>><</button>>
<!-- Initialize variables -->
<<set $Player to new Player()>>
<<set $DayManager to new DayManager()>>
<<set $MaidenManager to new MaidenManager()>>
<<set $EggManager to new EggManager()>>
<<set $Inventory to new Inventory()>>
<<set $EncounterManager to new EncounterManager()>>
<!-- start with 1 random egg -->
<<run $EggManager.createEgg(1)>>
<!-- TESTING: setup maiden -->
<<run $MaidenManager.createMaiden($EggManager.createEgg(1))>>
<<set $MaidenManager.maidens[0].stats.stamina.value = 100>>
<<set $MaidenManager.maidens[0].invitedToBed = true>>
<<run $DayManager.setToNight()>>
<!-- TESTING: Add random items and materials to inventory -->
<<for _i range 100>>
<<run $Inventory.addMaterial(setup.ItemList.craftRandomMaterial(0))>>
<<run $Inventory.addItem(setup.ItemList.craftSpecificItem("CU", 0))>>
<<run $Inventory.addItem(setup.ItemList.craftSpecificItem("BT", 0))>>
-->@@Choose a location:@@
<<nobr>><<run setup.AudioEngine.enterLocationSelect($DayManager.isNight())>><</nobr>>
<<button "Home Castle" "HomeCastle">><<audio "bellHome" play>>
<<run setup.AudioEngine.exitLocationSelect($DayManager.isNight())>>
<<button "World Map" "WorldMap">><<audio "openMap" play>><</button>>@@Use item@@
<<button "Back" "Bedchamber">><<audio "select2" play>><</button>>
<<button "Continue without item" "SexMusic">><<audio "select" play>><</button>>
<<for _sexItem range $Inventory.getSexItems()>>
<<capture _sexItem>>
<<button _sexItem.fullName "SexMusic">>
<<run _sexItem.used = true>>
<<run $Inventory.equippedItem = _sexItem>>
<<set $equippedItemIndex to $Inventory.items.get(>>
<<run $currentMaiden.sexItem = _sexItem>>
<<audio "select" play>>
<img class="img" @src="setup.ImageManager.getBedMaiden2()">@@Music or No Music@@
<<createaudiogroup ":sex">>
<<track "bedLo">>
<<track "bed2Lo">>
<<button "Music 1">><<audio ":sex" stop>><<audio "bedLo" play>><<set $sexMusic to "bedLo">><<audio "select" play>><</button>>
<<button "Music 2">><<audio ":sex" stop>><<audio "bed2Lo" play>><<set $sexMusic to "bed2Lo">><<audio "select" play>><</button>>
<<button "No Music">><<audio ":sex" stop>><<audio "select" play>><</button>>
<<button "Continue" "Sex">><<audio "select" play>><</button>>
<img class="img" @src="setup.ImageManager.getBedMaiden3()">@@<<print $>> is looking at you.@@
<<button "Kiss" "CheckSexTime">><<set $nextPassage to "Kiss">><<unset $sentMsg>><</button>>
<<button "Touch bra" "CheckSexTime">><<set $nextPassage to "TouchBra">><<unset $sentMsg>><</button>>
<<button "Grab hips" "CheckSexTime">><<set $nextPassage to "GrabHips">><<unset $sentMsg>><</button>>
<<button "Grab hand" "CheckSexTime">><<set $nextPassage to "GrabHand">><<unset $sentMsg>><</button>>
<img class="img" @src="setup.ImageManager.getSexFull($currentMaiden.braOn, $currentMaiden.pantiesOn)"><<if $DayManager.updateSexTimer($currentMaiden)>>
<<goto $nextPassage>>
<<set $sexOverMsg to "You release your load on the floor.">>
<<goto "SexOver">>
<<audio "kiss" play>>
<<run $currentMaiden.addFaceSkill()>>
@@<<print $sentMsg ?? "You press your lips against her soft lips.">>@@
<<unset $sentMsg>>
<<button "Kiss" "CheckSexTime">><<set $nextPassage to "Kiss">><<unset $sentMsg>><</button>>
<<button "Look at chest" "ToChest">><<unset $sentMsg>><</button>>
/*3*/@@#touchBtn;<<button "Touch lips" "CheckSexTime">><<set $nextPassage to "TouchLips">><<unset $sentMsg>><</button>>@@
/*6*/@@#tongueBtn;<<button "Use tongue" "CheckSexTime">><<set $nextPassage to "Kiss">><<set $sentMsg to "You stick your tongue between her lips and lick her tongue. She responds and begins to suck on your tongue.">><</button>>@@
<img class="img" @src="setup.ImageManager.getSexLips($currentMaiden.braOn, $currentMaiden.pantiesOn)">
<<run $("#tongueBtn button").prop("disabled", $currentMaiden.faceSkill < 3)>>
<<run $("#touchBtn button").prop("disabled", $currentMaiden.faceSkill < 6)>>
<<run $currentMaiden.addFaceSkill()>>
@@<<print $sentMsg ?? "You feel her soft sexy lips.">>@@
<<unset $sentMsg>>
/*10*/@@#fingerBtn;<<button "Finger mouth" "CheckSexTime">><<set $nextPassage to "Kiss">><<set $sentMsg to "You push your fingers between her soft lips and feel the insides of her warm mouth and wet tongue. You press further into her throat and she chokes a little. You pull out.">><</button>>@@
<<button "Kiss" "CheckSexTime">><<set $nextPassage to "Kiss">><<unset $sentMsg>><</button>>
<<button `"Look at "+$` "ToFace">><</button>>
<img class="img" @src="setup.ImageManager.getSexLips($currentMaiden.braOn, $currentMaiden.pantiesOn)">
<<run $("#fingerBtn button").prop("disabled", $currentMaiden.faceSkill < 10)>>
<</done>><<set _eyesClosed to Math.random() < 0.5 ? 1 : 0>>\
@@<<print ["Her eyes are locked on you", "Her eyes are closed"][_eyesClosed]>>@@
<<button "Kiss" "CheckSexTime">><<set $nextPassage to "Kiss">><<unset $sentMsg>><</button>>
/*3*/@@#fingerBtn;<<button "Touch lips" "CheckSexTime">><<set $nextPassage to "TouchLips">><<unset $sentMsg>><</button>>@@
<<if $Inventory.equippedItem && $Inventory.equippedItem.areas.includes("face")>>\
<<button "Use item" "CheckSexTime">><<set $nextPassage to "UseItemFace">><<unset $sentMsg>><</button>>\
<<button "Look at chest" "ToChest">><<unset $sentMsg>><</button>>
<<button "Take her hand" "GrabHand">><<unset $sentMsg>><</button>>
<img class="img" @src="setup.ImageManager.getSexFace(_eyesClosed, $currentMaiden.braOn, $currentMaiden.pantiesOn)">
<!-- check sex timer for cum (higher time lets you cum in different places (directly connected to her stamina)) -->
<<run $("#fingerBtn button").prop("disabled", $currentMaiden.faceSkill < 3)>>
<</done>>@@<<print "You take her smooth hand in yours.">>@@
<<button "Move it to your dick" "CheckSexTime">><<set $nextPassage to "HandDick">><<unset $sentMsg>><<audio "moan4" play>><</button>>
/*6*/@@#ballsBtn;<<button "Move it to your balls" "CheckSexTime">><<set $nextPassage to "GrabBalls">><<unset $sentMsg>><<audio "moanBrief" play>><</button>>@@
<<if $Inventory.equippedItem && $Inventory.equippedItem.areas.includes("hand")>>\
<<button "Use item" "CheckSexTime">><<set $nextPassage to "UseItemHand">><<unset $sentMsg>><</button>>\
@@#bedBtn;<<button "Lead her to the bed [Unavailable]">><</button>>@@
<img class="img" @src="setup.ImageManager.getSexHand($currentMaiden.braOn, $currentMaiden.pantiesOn)">
<<run $("#ballsBtn button").prop("disabled", $currentMaiden.handSkill < 6)>>
<<run $("#bedBtn button").prop("disabled", true)>>
<<run $currentMaiden.addHandSkill()>>
@@<<print $sentMsg ?? "You move her hand to your dick. She wraps her fingers around it.\nTell her to:">>@@
<<unset $sentMsg>>
<<button "Squeeze it" "CheckSexTime">><<set $nextPassage to "HandDick">><<set $sentMsg to "She squeezes your dick.">><<audio "chuckle" play>><</button>>
/*3*/@@#dickBtn;<<button "Stroke it" "CheckSexTime">><<set $nextPassage to "HandDick">><<set $sentMsg to "She strokes your dick back and forth as precum oozes out of your dick and dribbles between her fingers.">><<audio "handDick" play>><<audio "moanMm2" play>><</button>>@@
/*6*/@@#ballsBtn;<<button "Touch my balls" "CheckSexTime">><<set $nextPassage to "GrabBalls">><<unset $sentMsg>><<audio "moanBrief" play>><</button>>@@
<<button "Stop touching it" "CheckSexTime">><<set $nextPassage to "StopTouching">><<unset $sentMsg>><</button>>
<img class="img" @src="setup.ImageManager.getSexHandDick($currentMaiden.braOn, $currentMaiden.pantiesOn)">
<<run $("#dickBtn button").prop("disabled", $currentMaiden.handSkill < 3)>>
<<run $("#ballsBtn button").prop("disabled", $currentMaiden.handSkill < 6)>>
<<run $currentMaiden.addHandSkill()>>
@@<<print $sentMsg ?? "You stand with your legs slightly apart as she reaches down and grabs a handful of your balls.\nYou tell her:">>@@
<<unset $sentMsg>>
<<button "Squeeze them" "CheckSexTime">><<set $nextPassage to "GrabBalls">><<set $sentMsg to "She gives you a wry small and grips your balls. Softly first then tighter.">><<audio "chuckle" play>><</button>>
/*10*/@@#ballsBtn;<<button "Rub them" "CheckSexTime">><<set $nextPassage to "GrabBalls">><<set $sentMsg to "She plays with your balls, rubbing her fingers over them and massaging them.">><<audio "moan8" play>><</button>>@@
<<button "Touch your dick" "CheckSexTime">>
<<set $nextPassage to "HandDick">>
<<set $sentMsg to "She takes her other hand and places it on your dick.\nYou tell her:">>
<<audio "moan4" play>>
<<button "Stop touching them" "CheckSexTime">><<set $nextPassage to "StopTouching">><<unset $sentMsg>><</button>>
<img class="img" @src="setup.ImageManager.getSexHand($currentMaiden.braOn, $currentMaiden.pantiesOn)">
<<run $("#ballsBtn button").prop("disabled", $currentMaiden.handSkill < 10)>>
<</done>>@@<<print "She lets go.">>@@
<<button "Kiss" "CheckSexTime">><<set $nextPassage to "Kiss">><<unset $sentMsg>><</button>>
<<button "Look at chest" "CheckSexTime">><<set $nextPassage to "ToChest">><<unset $sentMsg>><</button>>
<<button "Grab hips" "CheckSexTime">><<set $nextPassage to "GrabHips">><<unset $sentMsg>><</button>>
<img class="img" @src="setup.ImageManager.getSexHand($currentMaiden.braOn, $currentMaiden.pantiesOn)"><<if $currentMaiden.braOn>>
@@<<print "You look at her bra. It's hugging her breasts and hiding them.">>@@
<<button "Touch bra" "CheckSexTime">><<set $nextPassage to "TouchBra">><<unset $sentMsg>><</button>>
/*3*/@@#kissBtn;<<button "Kiss bra" "CheckSexTime">><<set $nextPassage to "KissBra">><<unset $sentMsg>><<audio "moanBrief" play>><</button>>@@
@@<<print $sentMsg ?? "You look at her sexy round breasts and perky pink nipples.">>@@<<unset $sentMsg>>
<<button "Touch breast" "CheckSexTime">><<set $nextPassage to "TouchBreast">><<unset $sentMsg>><<audio "moanTouch" play>><</button>>
/*15*/@@#breastBtn;<<button "Kiss breast" "CheckSexTime">><<set $nextPassage to "KissBreast">><<unset $sentMsg>><<audio "moan1" play>><</button>>@@
<<if $Inventory.equippedItem && $Inventory.equippedItem.areas.includes("chest")>>\
<<button "Use item" "CheckSexTime">><<set $nextPassage to "UseItemBreast">><<unset $sentMsg>><</button>>\
<<button `"Look at "+$` "ToFace">><</button>>
<<button "Look at hips" "ToHips">><<unset $sentMsg>><</button>>
<img class="img" @src="setup.ImageManager.getSexChest($currentMaiden.braOn, $currentMaiden.pantiesOn)">
<<run $("#kissBtn button").prop("disabled", $currentMaiden.chestSkill < 3)>>
<<run $("#breastBtn button").prop("disabled", $currentMaiden.chestSkill < 15)>>
<<audio "moanItem" play>>
<<run $currentMaiden.addChestSkill()>>
<<set _item to $Inventory.equippedItem>>
<<if _item instanceof window.LubeItem>>
@@<<print `Used $`>>@@
<<elseif _item instanceof window.ClampItem>>
@@<<print `Used $`>>@@
@@<<print `Used $`>>@@
<<button `"Look at "+$` "ToFace">><</button>>
<<button "Look at hips" "ToHips">><<unset $sentMsg>><</button>>
<img class="img" @src="setup.ImageManager.getSexChest($currentMaiden.braOn, $currentMaiden.pantiesOn)"><<nobr>>
<<audio "moanItem" play>>
<<run $currentMaiden.addHandSkill()>>
<<set _item to $Inventory.equippedItem>>
<<if _item instanceof window.RingItem>>
@@<<print `Used $`>>@@
@@<<print `Used $`>>@@
<<button `"Look at "+$` "ToFace">><</button>>
<<button "Take her hand" "GrabHand">><<unset $sentMsg>><</button>>
<img class="img" @src="setup.ImageManager.getSexHandDick($currentMaiden.braOn, $currentMaiden.pantiesOn)"><<nobr>>
<<audio "moanItem" play>>
<<run $currentMaiden.addVaginaSkill()>>
<<set _item to $Inventory.equippedItem>>
<<if _item instanceof window.DildoItem>>
@@<<print `Used $`>>@@
<<elseif _item instanceof window.LubeItem>>
@@<<print `Used $`>>@@
@@<<print `Used $`>>@@
<<button "Look at hips" "ToHips">><<unset $sentMsg>><</button>>
<<button "Look at feet" "ToFeet">><<unset $sentMsg>><</button>>
<img class="img" @src="setup.ImageManager.getSexVagina($currentMaiden.braOn, $currentMaiden.pantiesOn)"><<nobr>>
<<audio "moanItem" play>>
<<run $currentMaiden.addAssSkill()>>
<<set _item to $Inventory.equippedItem>>
<<if _item instanceof window.DildoItem>>
@@<<print `Used $`>>@@
<<elseif _item instanceof window.LubeItem>>
@@<<print `Used $`>>@@
<<elseif _item instanceof window.PlugItem>>
@@<<print `Used $`>>@@
@@<<print `Used $`>>@@
<<button "Turn her around" "CheckSexTime">><<set $nextPassage to "ToHips">><<unset $sentMsg>><</button>>
<img class="img" @src="setup.ImageManager.getSexAss(false)"><<nobr>>
<<audio "moanItem" play>>
<<run $currentMaiden.addFaceSkill()>>
<<set _item to $Inventory.equippedItem>>
<<if _item instanceof window.DildoItem>>
@@<<print `Used $`>>@@
<<elseif _item instanceof window.BlindfoldItem>>
@@<<print `Used $`>>@@
@@<<print `Used $`>>@@
<<button "Look at chest" "ToChest">><<unset $sentMsg>><</button>>
<<button "Take her hand" "GrabHand">><<unset $sentMsg>><</button>>
<img class="img" @src="setup.ImageManager.getSexFaceRandom($currentMaiden.braOn, $currentMaiden.pantiesOn)"><<nobr>>
<<audio "moanItem" play>>
<<run $currentMaiden.addHipsSkill()>>
<<set _item to $Inventory.equippedItem>>
<<if _item instanceof window.LubeItem>>
@@<<print `Used $`>>@@
@@<<print `Used $`>>@@
<<button `"Look at "+$` "ToFace">><</button>>
<<button "Look at chest" "ToChest">><<unset $sentMsg>><</button>>
<img class="img" @src="setup.ImageManager.getSexHips($currentMaiden.braOn, $currentMaiden.pantiesOn)"><<nobr>>
<<audio "moanItem" play>>
<<run $currentMaiden.addFeetSkill()>>
<<set _item to $Inventory.equippedItem>>
<<if _item instanceof window.LubeItem>>
@@<<print `Used $`>>@@
@@<<print `Used $`>>@@
<<button `"Look at "+$` "ToFace">><</button>>
<<button "Look at hips" "ToHips">><<unset $sentMsg>><</button>>
<img class="img" @src="setup.ImageManager.getSexFeet($currentMaiden.braOn, $currentMaiden.pantiesOn)"><<nobr>>
<<run $currentMaiden.addChestSkill()>>
@@<<print "You glide you fingers along the curves of her bra's soft cloth and feel her hard nipples pushing out the fabric.">>@@
/*6*/@@#braBtn;<<button "Remove bra" "CheckSexTime">>
<<audio "moan4" play>>
<<set $sentMsg to "You reach behind her back and unfasten her bra. The bra falls to the floor revealing her beautiful round breasts and perky pink nipples.">>
<<run $currentMaiden.braOn=false>>
<<set $nextPassage to "ToChest">>
<<button `"Look at "+$` "ToFace">><</button>>
<<button "Look at hips" "ToHips">><<unset $sentMsg>><</button>>
<img class="img" @src="setup.ImageManager.getSexChest($currentMaiden.braOn, $currentMaiden.pantiesOn)">
<<run $("#braBtn button").prop("disabled", $currentMaiden.chestSkill < 6)>>
<<run $currentMaiden.addChestSkill()>>
@@<<print "Your lips touch the soft fabric of her bra. You move your lips across the cloth and find her big hard nipples poking out the cloth. You kiss the cloth covering her nipples.">>@@
/*6*/@@#braBtn;<<button "Remove bra" "CheckSexTime">>
<<audio "moan4" play>>
<<set $sentMsg to "You reach behind her back and unfasten her bra. The bra falls to the floor revealing her beautiful round breasts and perky pink nipples.">>
<<run $currentMaiden.braOn=false>>
<<set $nextPassage to "ToChest">>
/*4*/@@#lickBtn;<<button "Lick bra" "CheckSexTime">><<set $nextPassage to "LickBra">><<audio "suck1" play>><</button>>@@
<<button `"Look at "+$` "ToFace">><</button>>
<<button "Look at hips" "ToHips">><<unset $sentMsg>><</button>>
<img class="img" @src="setup.ImageManager.getSexChest($currentMaiden.braOn, $currentMaiden.pantiesOn)">
<<run $("#braBtn button").prop("disabled", $currentMaiden.chestSkill < 6)>>
<<run $("#lickBtn button").prop("disabled", $currentMaiden.chestSkill < 4)>>
<<run $currentMaiden.addChestSkill()>>
@@<<print "You rub your tongue all over her bra, leaving a wet trail of saliva. Your tongue hits her covered nipple and you lick it back and forth until your saliva soaks through the cloth.">>@@
/*6*/@@#braBtn;<<button "Remove bra" "CheckSexTime">>
<<audio "moan4" play>>
<<set $sentMsg to "You reach behind her back and unfasten her bra. The bra falls to the floor revealing her beautiful round breasts and perky pink nipples.">>
<<run $currentMaiden.braOn=false>>
<<set $nextPassage to "ToChest">>
<<button `"Look at "+$` "ToFace">><</button>>
<<button "Look at hips" "ToHips">><<unset $sentMsg>><</button>>
<img class="img" @src="setup.ImageManager.getSexChest($currentMaiden.braOn, $currentMaiden.pantiesOn)">
<<run $("#braBtn button").prop("disabled", $currentMaiden.chestSkill < 6)>>
<<run $currentMaiden.addChestSkill()>>
@@<<print $sentMsg ?? "You reach out and feel her soft breast.">>@@
<<unset $sentMsg>>
<<button "Grab breast" "CheckSexTime">><<set $nextPassage to "TouchBreast">><<set $sentMsg to "You grab a handful of her bouncy breast and feel your fingers sink in.">><<audio "moanBreath" play>><</button>>
/*15*/@@#breastBtn;<<button "Massage breast" "CheckSexTime">><<set $nextPassage to "TouchBreast">><<set $sentMsg to "You grab her breast and squeeze it. Working her breast with your hand, you knead and massage it.">><<audio "moanMm" play>><</button>>@@
/*20*/@@#nippleBtn;<<button "Touch nipple" "CheckSexTime">><<set $nextPassage to "TouchNipple">><<audio "moanBrief" play>><<unset $sentMsg>><</button>>@@
<<button `"Look at "+$` "ToFace">><</button>>
<<button "Look at hips" "ToHips">><<unset $sentMsg>><</button>>
<img class="img" @src="setup.ImageManager.getSexChest($currentMaiden.braOn, $currentMaiden.pantiesOn)">
<<run $("#breastBtn button").prop("disabled", $currentMaiden.chestSkill < 15)>>
<<run $("#nippleBtn button").prop("disabled", $currentMaiden.chestSkill < 20)>>
<<run $currentMaiden.addChestSkill()>>
@@<<print $sentMsg ?? "You put your lips on her breast, kissing it all over.">>@@
<<unset $sentMsg>>
<<button "Bite breast" "CheckSexTime">><<set $nextPassage to "KissBreast">><<set $sentMsg to "You take in a mouthful of her breast and gnaw on her squishy lump.">><<audio "moanBite" play>><</button>>
/*15*/@@#lickBtn;<<button "Lick breast" "CheckSexTime">><<set $nextPassage to "KissBreast">><<set $sentMsg to "You lick her bare breast, tasting her skin and leaving saliva all over her tits.">><<audio "moan3" play>><</button>>@@
/*18*/@@#suckBtn;<<button "Suck breast" "CheckSexTime">><<set $nextPassage to "KissBreast">><<set $sentMsg to "You put your mouth on her bouncy breast and suck it further into your mouth. You rub your tongue back and forth along her breast and taste her womanly scent.">><<audio "suck3" play>><<audio "moan9" play>><</button>>@@
/*20*/@@#kissBtn;<<button "Kiss nipple" "CheckSexTime">><<set $nextPassage to "KissNipple">><<unset $sentMsg>><</button>>@@
<<button `"Look at "+$` "ToFace">><</button>>
<<button "Look at hips" "ToHips">><<unset $sentMsg>><</button>>
<img class="img" @src="setup.ImageManager.getSexChest($currentMaiden.braOn, $currentMaiden.pantiesOn)">
<<run $("#lickBtn button").prop("disabled", $currentMaiden.chestSkill < 15)>>
<<run $("#suckBtn button").prop("disabled", $currentMaiden.chestSkill < 18)>>
<<run $("#kissBtn button").prop("disabled", $currentMaiden.chestSkill < 20)>>
<<run $currentMaiden.addChestSkill()>>
@@<<print $sentMsg ?? "You reach out and feel her hard pink nipple.">>@@
<<unset $sentMsg>>
<<button "Flick nipple" "CheckSexTime">><<set $nextPassage to "TouchNipple">><<set $sentMsg to "You flick her nipple and you hear a soft moan escape from her lips.">><<audio "moan2" play>><</button>>
/*25*/@@#rubBtn;<<button "Rub nipple" "CheckSexTime">><<set $nextPassage to "TouchNipple">><<set $sentMsg to `You fondle her nipple and press it into her breast. $ lets out a soft moan as you finger her nipple and twist it.`>><<audio "moan6" play>><</button>>@@
/*28*/@@#pinchBtn;<<button "Pinch nipple" "CheckSexTime">><<set $nextPassage to "TouchNipple">><<set $sentMsg to "You squeeze her nipple tightly. You relax your fingers and pinch softly, then tightly again. It feels like firm rubber between your fingers as you grip her nipple.">><<audio "moan7" play>><</button>>@@
<<button "Kiss nipple" "CheckSexTime">><<set $nextPassage to "KissNipple">><<audio "moanBreath" play>><<unset $sentMsg>><</button>>
<<button `"Look at "+$` "ToFace">><</button>>
<<button "Look at hips" "ToHips">><<unset $sentMsg>><</button>>
<img class="img" @src="setup.ImageManager.getSexNipple($currentMaiden.braOn, $currentMaiden.pantiesOn)">
<<run $("#rubBtn button").prop("disabled", $currentMaiden.chestSkill < 25)>>
<<run $("#pinchBtn button").prop("disabled", $currentMaiden.chestSkill < 28)>>
<<run $currentMaiden.addChestSkill()>>
@@<<print $sentMsg ?? "You press your lips against her nipple and kiss it.">>@@
<<unset $sentMsg>>
<<button "Bite nipple" "CheckSexTime">><<set $nextPassage to "KissNipple">><<set $sentMsg to "You bite her nipple and pull on it, stretching her breast. You let her nipple go and her breast bounces back into place. Taking her nipple into your mouth again, you nibble on it.">><<audio "moanBite" play>><</button>>
/*25*/@@#lickBtn;<<button "Lick nipple" "CheckSexTime">><<set $nextPassage to "KissNipple">><<set $sentMsg to `You put your tongue on her nipple and start licking it. Her nipple is damp with your saliva and $ softly moans as you play with her hard pink nipple using your tongue. You lick the tip of her nipple and then around the base.`>><<audio "suck4" play>><<audio "moanMultiple" play>><</button>>@@
/*30*/@@#suckBtn;<<button "Suck nipple" "CheckSexTime">><<set $nextPassage to "SuckNipple2">><<unset $sentMsg>><</button>>@@
<<button "Touch nipple" "CheckSexTime">><<set $nextPassage to "TouchNipple">><<audio "moanBrief" play>><<unset $sentMsg>><</button>>
<<button `"Look at "+$` "ToFace">><</button>>
<<button "Look at hips" "ToHips">><<unset $sentMsg>><</button>>
<img class="img" @src="setup.ImageManager.getSexNipple($currentMaiden.braOn, $currentMaiden.pantiesOn)">
<<run $("#lickBtn button").prop("disabled", $currentMaiden.chestSkill < 25)>>
<<run $("#suckBtn button").prop("disabled", $currentMaiden.chestSkill < 30)>>
<<audio "moanTouch" play>>
<<audio "suck1" play>>
<<run $currentMaiden.addChestSkill()>>
@@You bury your face in her breast and begin sucking her nipple.@@
<<button "Continue" "CheckSexTime">><<set $nextPassage to "SuckNipple3">><</button>>
<img class="img" @src="setup.ImageManager.getSexNipple($currentMaiden.braOn, $currentMaiden.pantiesOn)"><<nobr>>
<<audio "moan9" play>>
<<audio "suck2" play>>
<<run $currentMaiden.addChestSkill()>>
@@$ lets out a moan as you squeeze her hard nipple between your lips.@@
<<button "Continue" "CheckSexTime">><<set $nextPassage to "SuckNipple4">><</button>>
<img class="img" @src="setup.ImageManager.getSexNipple($currentMaiden.braOn, $currentMaiden.pantiesOn)"><<nobr>>
<<audio "moanMm2" play>>
<<audio "suck3" play>>
<<run $currentMaiden.addChestSkill()>>
@@Your mouth is full of her breast, and you are licking and tasting her nipple.@@
<<button "Continue" "CheckSexTime">><<set $nextPassage to "SuckNipple5">><</button>>
<img class="img" @src="setup.ImageManager.getSexNipple($currentMaiden.braOn, $currentMaiden.pantiesOn)"><<nobr>>
<<audio "moanBite" play>>
<<audio "suck4" play>>
<<run $currentMaiden.addChestSkill()>>
@@You squeeze and suck her nipple harder, fantasizing about sucking all her milk out of her breast.@@
<<button "Continue" "CheckSexTime">><<set $nextPassage to "SuckNipple6">><</button>>
<img class="img" @src="setup.ImageManager.getSexNipple($currentMaiden.braOn, $currentMaiden.pantiesOn)"><<nobr>>
<<audio "moan10" play>>
<<audio "suck1" play>>
<<run $currentMaiden.addChestSkill()>>
@@You release her squishy breast from your mouth and a strand of spit extends from her saliva-covered nipple.@@
<<button "Continue" "CheckSexTime">><<set $nextPassage to "ToChest">><<unset $sentMsg>><</button>>
<img class="img" @src="setup.ImageManager.getSexNipple($currentMaiden.braOn, $currentMaiden.pantiesOn)"><<nobr>>
@@<<print $sentMsg ?? "You look at her curvy hips.">>@@
<<unset $sentMsg>>
<<button "Kiss belly button" "CheckSexTime">><<set $nextPassage to "ToHips">><<run $currentMaiden.addHipsSkill()>><<set $sentMsg to "You kiss her belly button.">><<audio "chuckle" play>><</button>>
/*3*/@@#lickBtn;<<button "Lick belly button" "CheckSexTime">><<set $nextPassage to "ToHips">><<run $currentMaiden.addHipsSkill()>><<set $sentMsg to "You put your tongue in her belly button, licking it and leaving a pool of saliva inside.">><<audio "chuckleMoan" play>><</button>>@@
<<if $currentMaiden.pantiesOn>>
<<button "Grab hips" "CheckSexTime">><<set $nextPassage to "GrabHips">><<unset $sentMsg>><</button>>
/*6*/@@#pantiesBtn;<<button "Remove panties" "CheckSexTime">><<run $currentMaiden.pantiesOn = false>><<run $currentMaiden.addHipsSkill()>><<set $nextPassage to "ToHips">><<set $sentMsg to "You slowly slide her panties down around her hips and thighs, revealing her naked pussy.">><<audio "moanMm2" play>><</button>>@@
<<button "Grab hips" "CheckSexTime">><<set $nextPassage to "GrabHips">><<unset $sentMsg>><</button>>
<<if $Inventory.equippedItem && $Inventory.equippedItem.areas.includes("hips")>>\
<<button "Use item" "CheckSexTime">><<set $nextPassage to "UseItemHips">><<unset $sentMsg>><</button>>\
/*8*/@@#hipsBtn;<<button "Lick hips" "CheckSexTime">><<set $nextPassage to "ToHips">><<run $currentMaiden.addHipsSkill()>><<set $sentMsg to "You lick up and down her hips, licking around her soft curves and moistening the smooth skin of her hips with your tongue.">><<audio "moanBreath" play>><</button>>@@
<<button "Look at vagina" "ToVagina">><<unset $sentMsg>><</button>>
<<button `"Look at "+$` "ToFace">><</button>>
<<button "Look at chest" "ToChest">><<unset $sentMsg>><</button>>
<img class="img" @src="setup.ImageManager.getSexHips($currentMaiden.braOn, $currentMaiden.pantiesOn)">
<<run $("#lickBtn button").prop("disabled", $currentMaiden.hipsSkill < 3)>>
<<run $("#pantiesBtn button").prop("disabled", $currentMaiden.hipsSkill < 6)>>
<<run $("#hipsBtn button").prop("disabled", $currentMaiden.hipsSkill < 8)>>
<<run $currentMaiden.addHipsSkill()>>
@@<<print $sentMsg ?? "You place your hands firmly around the curves of her hips.">>@@
<<unset $sentMsg>>
/*15*/@@#turnBtn;<<button "Turn her around" "CheckSexTime">><<set $nextPassage to "ToAss">><<unset $sentMsg>><<audio "moanBreath" play>><</button>>@@
<<button "Look at chest" "ToChest">><<unset $sentMsg>><</button>>
<<if !$currentMaiden.pantiesOn>>
<<button "Look at vagina" "ToVagina">><<unset $sentMsg>><</button>>
<img class="img" @src="setup.ImageManager.getSexHips($currentMaiden.braOn, $currentMaiden.pantiesOn)">
<<run $("#turnBtn button").prop("disabled", $currentMaiden.hipsSkill < 8)>>
@@<<print $sentMsg ?? "She moves her legs apart and you see her wet pink pussy.">>@@
<<unset $sentMsg>>
<<button "Touch pussy" "CheckSexTime">><<set $nextPassage to "TouchVagina">><<run $currentMaiden.addVaginaSkill()>><<set $sentMsg to "You touch her wet pussy and feel the sticky liquid between your fingers.">><<audio "moanTouch" play>><</button>>
/*3*/@@#kissBtn;<<button "Kiss pussy" "CheckSexTime">><<set $nextPassage to "KissVagina">><<unset $sentMsg>><</button>>@@
/*6*/@@#smellBtn;<<button "Smell pussy" "CheckSexTime">><<set $nextPassage to "ToVagina">><<run $currentMaiden.addVaginaSkill()>><<set $sentMsg to "She spreads her legs further and you press your nose against her pussy. You sniff deeply and inhale the powerful scent of her vagina's pungent odor.">><<audio "moanBreath" play>><</button>>@@
/*30*/@@#dickBtn;<<button "Use dick" "CheckSexTime">><<set $nextPassage to "DickVagina">><<unset $sentMsg>><</button>>@@
<<if $Inventory.equippedItem && $Inventory.equippedItem.areas.includes("vagina")>>\
<<button "Use item" "CheckSexTime">><<set $nextPassage to "UseItemVagina">><<unset $sentMsg>><</button>>\
<<button "Look at hips" "ToHips">><<unset $sentMsg>><</button>>
<<button "Look at feet" "ToFeet">><<unset $sentMsg>><</button>>
<img class="img" @src="setup.ImageManager.getSexVagina($currentMaiden.braOn, $currentMaiden.pantiesOn)">
<<run $("#kissBtn button").prop("disabled", $currentMaiden.vaginaSkill < 3)>>
<<run $("#smellBtn button").prop("disabled", $currentMaiden.vaginaSkill < 6)>>
<<run $("#dickBtn button").prop("disabled", $currentMaiden.vaginaSkill < 30)>>
<<run $currentMaiden.addVaginaSkill()>>
@@<<print $sentMsg ?? "You put your lips on her pussy and kiss it. Your lips are damp with fluid leaking out of her pussy.">>@@
<<unset $sentMsg>>
<<button "Touch pussy" "CheckSexTime">><<set $nextPassage to "TouchVagina">><<unset $sentMsg>><</button>>
/*10*/@@#lickBtn;<<button "Lick pussy" "CheckSexTime">><<set $nextPassage to "KissVagina">><<set $sentMsg to "You lick her pussy and taste the pungent juices of her scent on your tongue.">><<audio "moan3" play>><</button>>@@
/*15*/@@#suckBtn;<<button "Suck pussy" "CheckSexTime">><<set $nextPassage to "KissVagina">><<set $sentMsg to "You suck on her pussy and inhale the strong odor as you swallow her warm sour fluid.">><<audio "suck1" play>><<audio "moanHi1" play>><</button>>@@
/*25*/@@#tongueBtn;<<button "Tongue fuck" "CheckSexTime">><<set $nextPassage to "KissVagina">><<set $sentMsg to "You press your tongue between the folds of her wet pussy and push it into the warm hole. Sliding your tongue in and out, saliva and pussy juices dribble down the sides of your mouth.">><<audio "suck4" play>><<audio "moanMultiple" play>><</button>>@@
/*30*/@@#dickBtn;<<button "Use dick" "CheckSexTime">><<set $nextPassage to "DickVagina">><<unset $sentMsg>><</button>>@@
<<button "Look at hips" "ToHips">><<unset $sentMsg>><</button>>
<<button "Look at feet" "ToFeet">><<unset $sentMsg>><</button>>
<img class="img" @src="setup.ImageManager.getSexVagina($currentMaiden.braOn, $currentMaiden.pantiesOn)">
<<run $("#lickBtn button").prop("disabled", $currentMaiden.vaginaSkill < 10)>>
<<run $("#suckBtn button").prop("disabled", $currentMaiden.vaginaSkill < 15)>>
<<run $("#tongueBtn button").prop("disabled", $currentMaiden.vaginaSkill < 25)>>
<<run $("#dickBtn button").prop("disabled", $currentMaiden.vaginaSkill < 30)>>
<<run $currentMaiden.addVaginaSkill()>>
@@<<print $sentMsg ?? "You touch her pussy, and your fingers are moist with warm liquid.">>@@
<<unset $sentMsg>>
/*3*/@@#kissBtn;<<button "Kiss pussy" "CheckSexTime">><<set $nextPassage to "KissVagina">><<unset $sentMsg>><</button>>@@
/*8*/@@#fingerBtn;<<button "Finger pussy" "CheckSexTime">><<set $nextPassage to "TouchVagina">><<set $sentMsg to "You press your fingers into her warm wet pussy and slide them deep inside of her. You slide them out and feel your fingers covered in warm sticky liquids.">><<audio "suck2" play>><<audio "moanHi2" play>><</button>>@@
/*15*/@@#rubBtn;<<button "Rub pussy" "CheckSexTime">><<set $nextPassage to "TouchVagina">><<set $sentMsg to "You massage her pink pussy and feel her fluids dribbling down your fingers.">><<audio "moan6" play>><</button>>@@
/*30*/@@#dickBtn;<<button "Use dick" "CheckSexTime">><<set $nextPassage to "DickVagina">><<unset $sentMsg>><</button>>@@
<<button "Look at hips" "ToHips">><<unset $sentMsg>><</button>>
<<button "Look at feet" "ToFeet">><<unset $sentMsg>><</button>>
<img class="img" @src="setup.ImageManager.getSexVagina($currentMaiden.braOn, $currentMaiden.pantiesOn)">
<<run $("#kissBtn button").prop("disabled", $currentMaiden.vaginaSkill < 3)>>
<<run $("#fingerBtn button").prop("disabled", $currentMaiden.vaginaSkill < 8)>>
<<run $("#rubBtn button").prop("disabled", $currentMaiden.vaginaSkill < 15)>>
<<run $("#dickBtn button").prop("disabled", $currentMaiden.vaginaSkill < 30)>>
@@<<print $sentMsg ?? "You look at her beautiful plump ass.">>@@
<<unset $sentMsg>>
<<if !$currentMaiden.pantiesOn>>
<<button "Touch ass" "CheckSexTime">><<set $nextPassage to "TouchAss">><<unset $sentMsg>><</button>>
/*3*/@@#kissBtn;<<button "Kiss ass" "CheckSexTime">><<set $nextPassage to "KissAss">><<unset $sentMsg>><<audio "chuckle" play>><</button>>@@
/*6*/@@#smellBtn;<<button "Smell ass" "CheckSexTime">><<set $nextPassage to "ToAss">><<run $currentMaiden.addAssSkill()>><<set $sentMsg to "You put your nose near her ass and smell a faint scent of berries.">><<audio "moanBreath" play>><</button>>@@
/*30*/@@#dickBtn;<<button "Use dick" "CheckSexTime">><<set $nextPassage to "DickAss">><<unset $sentMsg>><</button>>@@
<<if $Inventory.equippedItem && $Inventory.equippedItem.areas.includes("ass")>>\
<<button "Use item" "CheckSexTime">><<set $nextPassage to "UseItemAss">><<unset $sentMsg>><</button>>\
<</if>> /*pantiesOn*/
<<button "Turn her around" "CheckSexTime">><<set $nextPassage to "ToHips">><<unset $sentMsg>><</button>>
<img class="img" @src="setup.ImageManager.getSexAss($currentMaiden.pantiesOn)">
<<run $("#kissBtn button").prop("disabled", $currentMaiden.assSkill < 3)>>
<<run $("#smellBtn button").prop("disabled", $currentMaiden.assSkill < 6)>>
<<run $("#dickBtn button").prop("disabled", $currentMaiden.assSkill < 30)>>
<<run $currentMaiden.addAssSkill()>>
@@<<print $sentMsg ?? "You press your lips against the soft skin of her ass.">>@@
<<unset $sentMsg>>
<<button "Touch ass" "CheckSexTime">><<set $nextPassage to "TouchAss">><<unset $sentMsg>><</button>>
/*8*/@@#biteBtn;<<button "Bite ass" "CheckSexTime">><<set $nextPassage to "KissAss">><<set $sentMsg to "You put your mouth on her ass and bite it, leaving a faint red mark.">><<audio "moanBite" play>><</button>>@@
/*10*/@@#lickBtn;<<button "Lick ass" "CheckSexTime">><<set $nextPassage to "KissAss">><<set $sentMsg to "You lick her ass cheek, leaving a wet streak from your tongue.">><<audio "moan2" play>><</button>>@@
/*12*/@@#spitBtn;<<button "Spit on ass" "CheckSexTime">><<set $nextPassage to "KissAss">><<set $sentMsg to "You spit on her dirty ass. Saliva slides down her ass cheek.">><<audio "chuckleMoan" play>><</button>>@@
/*20*/@@#holeBtn;<<button "Look at asshole" "CheckSexTime">><<set $nextPassage to "SeeAsshole">><<unset $sentMsg>><</button>>@@
<<button "Turn her around" "CheckSexTime">><<set $nextPassage to "ToHips">><<unset $sentMsg>><</button>>
<img class="img" @src="setup.ImageManager.getSexAss(false)">
<<run $("#biteBtn button").prop("disabled", $currentMaiden.assSkill < 8)>>
<<run $("#lickBtn button").prop("disabled", $currentMaiden.assSkill < 10)>>
<<run $("#spitBtn button").prop("disabled", $currentMaiden.assSkill < 12)>>
<<run $("#holeBtn button").prop("disabled", $currentMaiden.assSkill < 20)>>
<<run $currentMaiden.addAssSkill()>>
@@<<print $sentMsg ?? "You brush your fingers across her smooth round ass and trace the line of her ass crack down to the bottom of her ass cheeks.">>@@
<<unset $sentMsg>>
<<button "Look at ass" "CheckSexTime">><<set $nextPassage to "ToAss">><<unset $sentMsg>><</button>>
/*10*/@@#grabBtn;<<button "Grab ass" "CheckSexTime">><<set $nextPassage to "TouchAss">><<set $sentMsg to "You grab a handful of her ass cheek and squeeze it.">><<audio "moanBrief" play>><</button>>@@
/*14*/@@#rubBtn;<<button "Rub ass" "CheckSexTime">><<set $nextPassage to "TouchAss">><<set $sentMsg to "You massage her ass, rubbing her butt cheek and revealing glimpses of her pink asshole as it moves around.">><<audio "moan3" play>><</button>>@@
/*18*/@@#spankBtn;<<button "Spank ass" "CheckSexTime">><<set $nextPassage to "TouchAss">><<set $sentMsg to "You spank her ass and watch it jiggle. You spank it again and shake it to see her ass bouncing and jiggling back and forth. There's a faint red mark where you spanked her.">><<audio "moanBite" play>><</button>>@@
/*20*/@@#holeBtn;<<button "Look at asshole" "CheckSexTime">><<set $nextPassage to "SeeAsshole">><<unset $sentMsg>><</button>>@@
<<button "Turn her around" "CheckSexTime">><<set $nextPassage to "ToHips">><<unset $sentMsg>><</button>>
<img class="img" @src="setup.ImageManager.getSexAss(false)">
<<run $("#grabBtn button").prop("disabled", $currentMaiden.assSkill < 10)>>
<<run $("#rubBtn button").prop("disabled", $currentMaiden.assSkill < 14)>>
<<run $("#spankBtn button").prop("disabled", $currentMaiden.assSkill < 18)>>
<<run $("#holeBtn button").prop("disabled", $currentMaiden.assSkill < 20)>>
<<run $currentMaiden.addAssSkill()>>
@@<<print $sentMsg ?? "You use your fingers to spread open her ass cheeks and see her pink hole squeezed tight.">>@@
<<unset $sentMsg>>
<<button "Touch asshole" "CheckSexTime">><<set $nextPassage to "TouchAsshole">><<unset $sentMsg>><<audio "moanTouch" play>><</button>>
/*25*/@@#kissBtn;<<button "Kiss asshole" "CheckSexTime">><<set $nextPassage to "KissAsshole">><<unset $sentMsg>><<audio "moanBrief" play>><</button>>@@
/*30*/@@#smellBtn;<<button "Smell asshole" "CheckSexTime">><<set $nextPassage to "SeeAsshole">><<set $sentMsg to "You press your nose in between her ass until you feel it touch her hole. You sniff deeply and a strong scent of berries and shit hits you.">><<audio "moanBreath" play>><</button>>@@
<<button "Turn her around" "CheckSexTime">><<set $nextPassage to "ToHips">><<unset $sentMsg>><</button>>
<img class="img" @src="setup.ImageManager.getSexAsshole()">
<<run $("#kissBtn button").prop("disabled", $currentMaiden.assSkill < 25)>>
<<run $("#smellBtn button").prop("disabled", $currentMaiden.assSkill < 30)>>
<<run $currentMaiden.addAssSkill()>>
@@<<print $sentMsg ?? "You move one hand from her ass and put your finger on her asshole.">>@@
<<unset $sentMsg>>
<<button "Look at ass" "CheckSexTime">><<set $nextPassage to "ToAss">><<unset $sentMsg>><</button>>
/*28*/@@#fingerBtn;<<button "Finger asshole" "CheckSexTime">><<set $nextPassage to "TouchAsshole">><<set $sentMsg to "You press your finger into her tight asshole. You slide your finger deep inside her warm hole and back out again.">><<audio "moanHi1" play>><</button>>@@
/*35*/@@#rubBtn;<<button "Rub asshole" "CheckSexTime">><<set $nextPassage to "TouchAsshole">><<set $sentMsg to "You massage her pink asshole with your fingers. You rub around the rim of her asshole and feel the small folds of skin around her tight hole.">><<audio "moan9" play>><</button>>@@
/*40*/@@#kissBtn;<<button "Kiss asshole" "CheckSexTime">><<set $nextPassage to "KissAsshole">><<unset $sentMsg>><<audio "moanMm" play>><</button>>@@
/*50*/@@#dickBtn;<<button "Use dick" "CheckSexTime">><<set $nextPassage to "DickAss">><<unset $sentMsg>><</button>>@@
<<button "Turn her around" "CheckSexTime">><<set $nextPassage to "ToHips">><<unset $sentMsg>><</button>>
<img class="img" @src="setup.ImageManager.getSexAsshole()">
<<run $("#fingerBtn button").prop("disabled", $currentMaiden.assSkill < 28)>>
<<run $("#rubBtn button").prop("disabled", $currentMaiden.assSkill < 35)>>
<<run $("#kissBtn button").prop("disabled", $currentMaiden.assSkill < 40)>>
<<run $("#dickBtn button").prop("disabled", $currentMaiden.assSkill < 50)>>
<<run $currentMaiden.addAssSkill()>>
@@<<print $sentMsg ?? "You put your lips in between her ass cheeks and kiss her asshole.">>@@
<<unset $sentMsg>>
<<button "Lick asshole" "CheckSexTime">><<set $nextPassage to "KissAsshole">><<set $sentMsg to "You lick her hole and it tastes bitter.">><<audio "moanBite" play>><</button>>
<<button "Touch asshole" "CheckSexTime">><<set $nextPassage to "TouchAsshole">><<unset $sentMsg>><<audio "moan1" play>><</button>>
/*45*/@@#spitBtn;<<button "Spit on asshole" "CheckSexTime">><<set $nextPassage to "KissAsshole">><<set $sentMsg to "You spit on her hole and watch saliva drip down her wet pink asshole.">><<audio "moan7" play>><</button>>@@
/*50*/@@#dickBtn;<<button "Use dick" "CheckSexTime">><<set $nextPassage to "DickAss">><<unset $sentMsg>><</button>>@@
<<button "Look at ass" "CheckSexTime">><<set $nextPassage to "ToAss">><<unset $sentMsg>><</button>>
<<button "Turn her around" "CheckSexTime">><<set $nextPassage to "ToHips">><<unset $sentMsg>><</button>>
<img class="img" @src="setup.ImageManager.getSexAsshole()">
<<run $("#spitBtn button").prop("disabled", $currentMaiden.assSkill < 45)>>
<<run $("#dickBtn button").prop("disabled", $currentMaiden.assSkill < 50)>>
<<audio "insert" play>>
<<audio "moan3" play>>
<<run $currentMaiden.addVaginaSkill()>>
@@<<print $sentMsg ?? "You take your dick and press it between her thighs.">>@@
<<unset $sentMsg>>
<<button "Continue" "CheckSexTime">><<set $nextPassage to "DickVagina2">><<unset $sentMsg>><</button>>
<img class="img" @src="setup.ImageManager.getSexDickVagina()"><<nobr>>
<<audio "dickLoop" play>>
<<audio "moanMultiple" play>>
<<run $currentMaiden.addVaginaSkill()>>
@@Her wet pussy juice mixes with your precum and your dick slides smoothly back and forth.@@
<<button "Continue" "CheckSexTime">><<set $nextPassage to "DickVagina3">><<unset $sentMsg>><</button>>
<img class="img" @src="setup.ImageManager.getSexDickVagina()"><<nobr>>
<<audio "dickLoop" play>>
<<audio "moanHi2" play>>
<<run $currentMaiden.addVaginaSkill()>>
@@You grab her ass and press her forward into you, her nipples and breasts pressing into your chest.@@
<<button "Continue" "CheckSexTime">><<set $nextPassage to "DickVagina4">><<unset $sentMsg>><</button>>
<img class="img" @src="setup.ImageManager.getSexDickVagina()"><<nobr>>
<<audio "dickLoopFaster" play>>
<<audio "moanFast2" play>>
<<run $currentMaiden.addVaginaSkill()>>
@@<<print $sentMsg ?? "She trembles as your dick rubs against her pussy, dripping more warm fluids onto your dick.">>@@
<<unset $sentMsg>>
<<button "Continue" "CheckSexTime">><<set $nextPassage to "DickVagina4">><<set $sentMsg to "Creamy fluids dribble down her leg and you continue fucking her slippery meaty thighs.">><</button>>
<<button "Cum" "DickVaginaCum">><<unset $sentMsg>><</button>>
<<button "Remove your dick" "CheckSexTime">><<set $nextPassage to "ToVagina">><<unset $sentMsg>><</button>>
<img class="img" @src="setup.ImageManager.getSexDickVagina()">@@$ tenses and strangles your dick with her thighs. Pussy fluids squirt all over your dick, and your body twitches with tension. Squeezing her ass, you thrust your dick fully between her thighs and cum erupts from your dick onto the floor.@@
<<audio "dickLoopFaster" play>>
<<audio "climax" play>>\
<<button "Continue" "SexOver">><<set $sexOverMsg to "You released your load on the floor.">><<audio "dickLoopFaster" stop>><<unset $sentMsg>><</button>>
<img class="img" @src="setup.ImageManager.getSexDickVagina()"><<nobr>>
<<audio "insert2" play>>
<<audio "moan2" play>>
<<run $currentMaiden.addAssSkill()>>
@@You take your dick and press it between her ass cheeks and thighs.@@
<<button "Continue" "CheckSexTime">><<set $nextPassage to "DickAss2">><<unset $sentMsg>><</button>>
<img class="img" @src="setup.ImageManager.getSexDickAss()"><<nobr>>
<<audio "dickLoop2" play>>
<<audio "moanBite" play>>
<<run $currentMaiden.addAssSkill()>>
@@You grab her hips and thrust your cock between her wet thighs.@@
<<button "Continue" "CheckSexTime">><<set $nextPassage to "DickAss3">><<unset $sentMsg>><</button>>
<img class="img" @src="setup.ImageManager.getSexDickAss()"><<nobr>>
<<audio "dickLoop2" play>>
<<audio "moanMultiple" play>>
<<run $currentMaiden.addAssSkill()>>
@@You rub your wet meaty dick back and forth against her pussy folds.@@
<<button "Continue" "CheckSexTime">><<set $nextPassage to "DickAss4">><<unset $sentMsg>><</button>>
<img class="img" @src="setup.ImageManager.getSexDickAss()"><<nobr>>
<<audio "dickLoop2" play>>
<<audio "moanHi3" play>>
<<run $currentMaiden.addAssSkill()>>
@@You reach up and grab her breast, fondling her nipples as you force your dick between her ass and thighs.@@
<<button "Continue" "CheckSexTime">><<set $nextPassage to "DickAss5">><<unset $sentMsg>><<audio "moanHi4" play>><</button>>
<img class="img" @src="setup.ImageManager.getSexDickAss()"><<nobr>>
<<audio "dickLoop2" play>>
<<run $currentMaiden.addAssSkill()>>
@@<<print $sentMsg ?? "It feels too good. Her thighs pressing against your balls and her ass bouncing against your dick.">>@@
<<unset $sentMsg>>
<<button "Continue" "CheckSexTime">><<set $nextPassage to "DickAss5">><<set $sentMsg to "You continue fucking her slippery thighs.">><</button>>
<<button "Cum" "CheckSexTime">><<set $nextPassage to "DickAssCum">><<unset $sentMsg>><</button>>
<<button "Remove your dick" "CheckSexTime">><<set $nextPassage to "ToAss">><<unset $sentMsg>><</button>>
<img class="img" @src="setup.ImageManager.getSexDickAss()"><<nobr>>
<<audio "dickLoop3" play>>
<<audio "climax2" play>>
@@$'s thighs suck in your dick, and you grab both her breasts and squeeze them tightly. Your legs tremble as you forcefully shoot your sticky load through her thighs and onto the floor.@@
<<button "Continue" "SexOver">><<set $sexOverMsg to "You released your load on the floor.">><<unset $sentMsg>><</button>>
<img class="img" @src="setup.ImageManager.getSexDickAss()"><<nobr>>
@@<<print $sentMsg ?? "You look at her sexy feet.">>@@
<<unset $sentMsg>>
<<button "Lick feet" "CheckSexTime">><<set $nextPassage to "ToFeet">><<run $currentMaiden.addFeetSkill()>><<set $sentMsg to "You put your tongue between her toes and lick the bottom of her feet.">><<audio "moan9" play>><</button>>
<<if $Inventory.equippedItem && $Inventory.equippedItem.areas.includes("feet")>>\
<<button "Use item" "CheckSexTime">><<set $nextPassage to "UseItemFeet">><<unset $sentMsg>><</button>>\
<<button `"Look at "+$` "ToFace">><</button>>
<<button "Look at hips" "ToHips">><<unset $sentMsg>><</button>>
<<button "Look at chest" "ToChest">><<unset $sentMsg>><</button>>
<img class="img" @src="setup.ImageManager.getSexFeet($currentMaiden.braOn, $currentMaiden.pantiesOn)"><<audio "cum" play>>\
<h4>Maiden leveled up!</h4>\
<li><<print "Increased sex skills by " + $currentMaiden.getTotalTempValues()>></li>
<<for _stat range $currentMaiden.levelUp()>>
<li><<print _stat>></li>
<<audio "obtain" play>>\
<<button "Sleep" "Sleep">>
<!-- sync maiden story variable with maiden manager story variable -->
<<run $MaidenManager.maidens[$currentMaidenIndex] = $currentMaiden;>>
<<if $Inventory.equippedItem>>
<!-- sync equipped item story variable with inventory story variable -->
<<run $Inventory.sync($Inventory.equippedItem, $equippedItemIndex)>>
<<run $Inventory.equippedItem.used = true>>;
<!-- update inventory to remove used equipped item -->
<<run $Inventory.tick()>>
<<if $sexMusic>><<audio ":sex" fadeout>><</if>>
<<unset $sentMsg, $currentMaiden, $currentMaidenIndex, $equippedItemIndex, $sexMusic>>
<<audio "select" play>>
<<if $DayManager.isNight()>>
<<goto "DayOver">>
<<run setup.AudioEngine.enterWorldMap()>>
@@Choose a region:@@
<<button "Return" "Menu">><<run setup.AudioEngine.exitWorldMap()>><<audio "select2" play>><</button>>
<<button "Olterran Hills" "WorldInviteMaiden">>
<<run $EncounterManager.configureRegion(0)>>
<<audio "select" play>>
@@#olterraBtn;<<button "Olterran Mountains [Lvl 10 Maiden required]" "WorldInviteMaiden">><<run $EncounterManager.configureRegion(1)>><<run $Player.highestRegion = 1>><<audio "select" play>><</button>>@@
@@#zenevaBtn;<<button "Zeneva Desert [Lvl 25 Maiden required]" "WorldInviteMaiden">><<run $EncounterManager.configureRegion(2)>><<run $Player.highestRegion = 2>><<audio "select" play>><</button>>@@
<<run $("#olterraBtn button").prop("disabled", $MaidenManager.getHighestLevelMaiden() < 10)>>
<<run $("#zenevaBtn button").prop("disabled", $MaidenManager.getHighestLevelMaiden() < 25)>>
<</done>>@@Invite a maiden@@
<<button "Back" "WorldMap">>
<<audio "select2" play>>
<!-- sync maiden story variable with maiden manager story variable -->
<<run $MaidenManager.maidens[$currentMaidenIndex] = $currentMaiden;>>
<<unset $currentMaiden, $currentMaidenIndex>>
<<for _i, _maiden range $MaidenManager.maidens>>
<<capture _i, _maiden>>
<<set _maidenDetails to [, _maiden.type, "Lvl " + _maiden.level, "♥ " + _maiden.stats.connection.value].join(" | ")>>
<<button _maidenDetails "Region">>
<<set $currentMaidenIndex to _i>>
<<set $currentMaiden to _maiden>>
<<audio "select" play>>
<</for>>@@<<print $EncounterManager.getRegionName()>>@@
<blockquote>$'s eyes begin to glow and dragon scales sprout across her whole body.
She grows a hundred times in size and giant dragon wings extend from her back.
Her heavy tail smashes the ground and she releases an earsplitting roar signifying her terrifying power.
She kneels and lets you mount her. With three heavy wingbeats, your dragon maiden launches into the sky.\
<<button "Back" "WorldInviteMaiden">><<audio "select2" play>><</button>>
<<button "Start" "Encounter">><<audio "select" play>><</button>><<nobr>>
<<run setup.AudioEngine.exitWorldMap()>>
<<audio "bellNight" play>>
@@Day Ended@@
@@#worldText;The day is over. Time to return home.@@
<<button "Return to Castle" "HomeCastle">>
<<audio "select2" play>>
<!-- sync maiden story variable with maiden manager story variable -->
<<run $MaidenManager.maidens[$currentMaidenIndex] = $currentMaiden;>>
<<unset $currentMaiden, $currentMaidenIndex>>
<</button>><<nobr>>@@<<print $EncounterManager.getRegionName()>>@@
<<if $DayManager.isNight()>>
<<goto "DayOver">>
<<set _encounter to $EncounterManager.generateEncounter()>>
<blockquote><<print _encounter.getIntroMessage()>></blockquote>
<<button "Approach">>
<<audio "selectEncounter" play>>
<<if _encounter instanceof window.ForageEncounter>>
<<goto "ForageEncounter">>
<<elseif _encounter instanceof window.CombatEncounter>>
<<goto "CombatEncounter">>
<<audio "worldRegion" fadeoverto 1 0>>
<<goto "CastleEncounter">>
<<button "Skip" "Encounter">><<run $DayManager.quarterTick()>><<audio "skip" play>><</button>>
<<button "Leave" "Region">><<audio "select2" play>><</button>>
''<<print $DayManager.getTimeString()>>''@@Forage the Area@@
<<set _encounter to $EncounterManager.getCurrentEncounter()>>
<blockquote>@@#introMsg;<<print _encounter.getDetailMessage()>>@@
<<for _feature range _encounter.getRandomFeatures()>>
<<capture _feature>>
<span @id="_feature">
<<button _feature>>
<<audio "gather" stop>>
<<audio "gather" play>>
<!-- hide button -->
<<remove `"#"+_feature`>>
<!-- add random material to inventory -->
<<set _newMaterial to setup.ItemList.generateMaterial($EncounterManager.regionIndex)>>
<<replace #introMsg>><</replace>>
<<append #forageMsg>>You found _newMaterial.fullName!<br><</append>>
<<run $Inventory.addMaterial(_newMaterial)>>
<<button "Continue" "Encounter">><<run $DayManager.tick()>><<audio "select" play>><</button>>@@Defeat the Enemy@@
<<set _encounter to $EncounterManager.getCurrentEncounter()>>
<blockquote>@@#introMsg;<<print _encounter.getDetailMessage()>>@@</blockquote>
''Plan your Attack''
<<for _attack range _encounter.getBasicAttacks()>>
<<capture _attack>>
<span @id="_attack">
<<button _attack.getLabel($currentMaiden)>>
<<audio _attack.sfx play>>
<<set _attackResult to _encounter.performAttack(_attack, $currentMaiden)>>
<<replace #introMsg>>_attackResult.message<</replace>>
<<if _attackResult.enemyDead>>
<<goto "CombatWin">>
<blockquote>You defeated the enemy!</blockquote>
<<audio "combatWin" play>>
<<set _newMaterial to setup.ItemList.generateMaterial($EncounterManager.regionIndex)>>
<<run $Inventory.addMaterial(_newMaterial)>>
<<print "You received " + _newMaterial.fullName + "!">>
<<button "Continue" "Encounter">><<run $DayManager.tick()>><<audio "select" play>><</button>>
<!-- A series of combat encounters based on the area of the castle you choose to attack -->@@Destroy the Castle@@
<<run setup.AudioEngine.enterCastleBattle()>>
<<set _encounter to $EncounterManager.getCurrentEncounter()>>
<blockquote><<print _encounter.getDetailMessage()>></blockquote>
<<if _encounter.isCompleted()>>
<<goto "CastleWin">>
@@Choose a Target@@
<<for _i, _area range _encounter.getAreas()>>
<<capture _i, _area>>
<<button "CastleArea">>
<<audio "selectEncounter" play>>
<<run _encounter.chooseArea(_i)>>
<<set _stamina to $currentMaiden.stats.stamina.value - $currentMaiden.damage>>
''<<print `Dragon Stamina: _stamina`>>''<<nobr>>
<<set _encounter to $EncounterManager.getCurrentEncounter()>>
@@<<print _encounter.getCurrentArea().name>>@@
<blockquote>@@#introMsg;<<print _encounter.getAreaDetailMessage()>>@@</blockquote>
@@Plan your Attack@@
<<for _attack range _encounter.getBasicAttacks()>>
<<capture _attack>>
<<button _attack.getLabel($currentMaiden)>>
<<audio _attack.sfx play>>
<<set _attackResult to _encounter.performAttack(_attack, $currentMaiden)>>
<<replace #introMsg>>_attackResult.message<</replace>>
<<set $currentMaiden to _attackResult.maiden>>
<<if _attackResult.dragonDead>>
<<run $MaidenManager.remove($currentMaiden)>>
<<goto "CastleDefeat">>
<<elseif _attackResult.areaDestroyed>>
<<goto "CastleEncounter">>
<<button "Back" "CastleEncounter">><<audio "select2" play>><</button>>@@VICTORY@@
<blockquote>You succesfully destroyed the castle!</blockquote>
<<audio "achieve" play>>
<<audio "obtain" play>>
<<run $EggManager.createEgg($EncounterManager.region.level)>>
<blockquote>''<<print "You found a dragon egg!">>''</blockquote>
<!-- sync maiden story variable with maiden manager story variable -->
<<run $MaidenManager.maidens[$currentMaidenIndex] = $currentMaiden;>>
<<unset $currentMaiden, $currentMaidenIndex>>
<<button "Return to Castle" "HomeCastle">>
<<run $DayManager.setToNight()>>
<<run setup.AudioEngine.exitCastleBattle()>>
<<audio "select" play>>
<blockquote>Your dragon was killed!</blockquote>
<!-- clear the current maiden -->
<!-- sync maiden story variable with maiden manager story variable -->
<<run $MaidenManager.maidens[$currentMaidenIndex] = $currentMaiden;>>
<<unset $currentMaiden, $currentMaidenIndex>>
<<button "Return to Castle" "HomeCastle">>
<<run $DayManager.setToNight()>>
<<run setup.AudioEngine.exitCastleBattle()>>
<<audio "select" play>>