<<show-img UI\exit>>
Enjoy your youth!
And come back when everything is possible for you.<<silently>>
/* Player */
<<set $player = {
name: "default",
lastname: "default",
title: "default",
body_ass: 0,
body_pussy: 0,
body_boobs: 0,
body_lips: 0,
body_anal: 0,
perv: 0,
cunning: 0,
cruelty: 0,
pussy_description: ""
} >>
<<set $game = {
pixelSize: 640 }
<</silently>>Image size in pixels:
<<link -->> <<set $game.pixelSize = Math.max(128, $game.pixelSize - 128)>>
<<update>> <</link>> <<liveblock>> $game.pixelSize <</liveblock>> <<link ++>> <<set $game.pixelSize = Math.min(1280, $game.pixelSize + 128)>> <<update>> <</link>>
<<print '<img class="medium" src="images/start00.jpg" @style="\'width: ' +
+ 'px;\'">'>>
Фон игры (todo Сделать выбор)
<img src="images/UI/background1.jpg" width="200 px;">
<img src="images/UI/background2.jpg" width="200 px;">
<img src="images/UI/background3.jpg" width="200 px;">
<img src="images/UI/background4.jpg" width="200 px;">
/// Флаг отладки
<<set $debug to false>>
<<set $gameStart to false>>
<<set $elderquestions = 0>>
<<set $elderquestionsh = 0>>
<<set $elderquestionsis = 0>>
<<set $elderquestiondan = 0>>
<<set $SistersWatch = 0>>
<<set $SistersPrison = 0>>
<<set $wisetrans = 0>>
<<set $wiseques1 = 0>>
<<set $wiseques2 = 0>>
<<set $wiseques3 = 0>>
<<set $wiseques4 = 0>>
<<set $wiseques5 = 0>>
<<set $cherryques1 = 0>>
<<set $cherryques2 = 0>>
<<set $cherryques3 = 0>>
<<set $cherrylab = 0>>
<<set $alexques1 = 0>>
<<set $alexques2 = 0>>
<<set $alexques3 = 0>>
<<set $bulletquestions = 0>>
<<set $bulletques1 = 0>>
<<set $bulletques2 = 0>>
<<set $bulletques3 = 0>>
<<set $bulletblowjob = 0>>
<<set $madrasvisit = 0>>
<<set $madrassexsaw = 0>>
<<set $fourthques1 = 0>>
<<set $fourthques2 = 0>>
<<set $fourthques3 = 0>>
<<set $ch3 = 0>>
<<set $coupons = 0>>
<<set $energy = 0>>
<<set $foremanmeet = 0>>
<<set $robbing = 0>>
<<set $BTbar = 0>>
<<set $BTSanD = 0>>
<<set $SanDquestion1 = 0>>
<<set $SanDquestion2 = 0>>
<<set $SanDquestion3 = 0>>
<<set $SanDquestion4 = 0>>
<<set $SanDtrust = 0>>
<<set $RNWinvite = 0>>
<<set $BTroadworks = 0>>
<<set $BTgrope = 0>>
<<set $BTHJworker = 0>>
<<set $BTlesbpunk = 0>>
<<set $BTmarketjob1 = 0>>
<<set $BTmarketjob2 = 0>>
<<set $BTruinsleep = 0>>
<<set $BTruinmast = 0>>
<<set $BTblackcaravaner = 0>>
<<set $BTfutacaravaner = 0>>
<<set $BTTV = 0>>
<<set $BTDrNukler = 0>>
<<set $BTclubsteal = 0>>
<<set $BTdance = 0>>
<<set $BTclubsex = 0>>
<<set $BTghast = 0>>
<<set $fourthkissask = 0>>
<<set $handjobfourth = 0>>
<<set $BTGH = 0>>
<<set $kiss = 0>>
<<set $handjob = 0>>
<<set $blowjob = 0>>
<<set $cunimaker = 0>>
<<set $anal = 0>>
<<set $toilet1 = 0>>
<<set $toilet2 = 0>>
<<set $toilet3 = 0>>
<<set $toilet4 = 0>>
<<set $toilet5 = 0>>
<<set $killstotal = 0>>
<<set $killshuman = 0>>
<<set $lipsArrayData to [
["I have very thin and small lips, like a lizard.", "images/body/lips01.jpg"],
["I have thin lips.", "images/body/lips02.jpg"],
["I have medium lips.", "images/body/lips03.jpg"],
["I have big lips.", "images/body/lips04.jpg"],
["I have huge bimbo lips.", "images/body/lips05.jpg"]]>>
<<set $boobsArrayData to [
["I have tiny breasts, almost like a boy's.", "images/body/tits01.jpg"],
["I have small breasts.", "images/body/tits02.jpg"],
["I have very attractive boobs.", "images/body/tits03.jpg"],
["I have big titties.", "images/body/tits04.jpg"],
["I have huge grotesque milkings.", "images/body/tits05.jpg"]]>>
<<set $assArrayData to [
["I have a small flat bottom that is almost invisible.", "images/body/ass01.jpg"],
["I have an average ass, nothing outstanding.", "images/body/ass02.jpg"],
["My big ass is able to attract a lot of attention.", "images/body/ass03.jpg"],
["I have a huge butt.", "images/body/ass04.jpg"]]>>
<<set $pussyArrayData to [
["I have a virgin innocent vagina between my legs.", "images/body/vag01.jpg"],
["I have a narrow vagina between my legs.", "images/body/vag02.jpg"],
["I have a slightly torn vagina between my legs.", "images/body/vag03.jpg"],
["I have a torn leaky vagina with fleshy lips.", "images/body/vag04.jpg"]]>>
<<set $analArrayData to [
["I have an innocent and narrow asshole.", "images/body/anal01.jpg"],
["I have a tight hole in my ass.", "images/body/anal02.jpg"],
["My anal is slightly fucked.", "images/body/anal03.jpg"],
["I have a huge hole in the ass, able to fit a fist.", "images/body/anal04.jpg"]]>>
<</silently>><<nobr>><<if $restore_player == 1>><<set $player = $backup_player >><<set $restore_player = 0>><</if>>
<<set $textData = $lipsArrayData[$player.body_lips]>>
<<if $textData is undefined>>
<td> Нет данных</td><td> Нет данных</td>
<td><div>$textData[0]</div></td><td><<print '<img src="'+$textData[1]+'" style="width: 200px;">'>></td>
<<set $textData = $boobsArrayData[$player.body_boobs]>>
<<if $textData is undefined>>
<td> Нет данных</td><td> Нет данных</td>
<td><div>$textData[0]</div></td><td><<print '<img src="'+$textData[1]+'" style="width: 200px;">'>></td>
<<set $textData = $assArrayData[$player.body_ass]>>
<<if $textData is undefined>>
<td> Нет данных</td>
<td> Нет данных</td>
<td><<print '<img src="'+$textData[1]+'" style="width: 200px;">'>></td>
<<set $textData = $pussyArrayData[$player.body_pussy]>>
<<if $textData is undefined>>
<td> Нет данных</td>
<td> Нет данных</td>
<td><<print '<img src="'+$textData[1]+'" style="width: 200px;">'>></td>
<<set $textData = $analArrayData[$player.body_anal]>>
<<if $textData is undefined>>
<td> Нет данных</td>
<td> Нет данных</td>
<td><<print '<img src="'+$textData[1]+'" style="width: 200px;">'>></td>
Perversion: $player.perv
Cunning: $player.cunning
Cruelty: $player.cruelty
<<if $ch3 == 1>><<nobr>>
<span style="color: yellow;">Energy: $energy</span><</nobr>>
<<nobr>><span style="color: red;">Coupons: $coupons</span><</nobr>>
<<if $player.body_lips == 5>>
<img src="images/body/face03.jpg" style="max-width: 205px; max-height: 238px;" />
<<elseif $player.body_lips >= 3>>
<img src="images/body/face02.jpg" style="max-width: 205px; max-height: 238px;" />
<img src="images/body/face01.jpg" style="max-width: 205px; max-height: 238px; " />
<div><i>by Blood-Red_Circus</i></div>
<<include "CharacterInit">>
<<include "ItemInit">>
<<include "widgets">><<show-img start00>>
<b>"Fucksome road"</b> is a non-commercial post-apocalyptic porn game.
The game features profanity, violence, coercion, murder, sex, BDMS, bodily modifications, psychotropic drugs and more.
The authors condemn and do not promote violence and illegal substances. The game is exclusively an entertainment project.
By clicking the "Next" button, you confirm that you have read this note and assume all further responsibility.
[[Next.|start1]]<<show-img warning>>
This game is intended for people of legal age.
Please verify that you are of legal age to continue.
[[I certify that I am of legal age.|choice]]
[[I am not of legal age.|BadEnd0]]
<<widget "describe-ass" name>>
<<set $localText = $describe_ass[_args[0]][$player.body_ass]>>
<<widget "describe-boobs" name>>
<<set $localText = $describe_boobs[_args[0]][$player.body_boobs]>>
<<widget "describe-vagina" name>>
<<set $localText = $describe_vagina[_args[0]][$player.body_pussy]>>
<<widget "describe-lips" name>>
<<set $localText = $describe_lips[_args[0]][$player.body_lips]>>
<<widget "describe-anal" name>>
<<set $localText = $describe_anal[_args[0]][$player.body_anal]>>
<<widget "save-player" >>
<<set $backup_player = $player>>
<<widget "restore-player" >>
<<set $restore_player = 1>>
<<widget "show-img" name >>
<<if $debug >>
<<print "имя сцены= "+passage()>>
<<print "картинка = "+_args[0]>>
<<print '<img class="medium" src="images/'+_args[0]+'.jpg" @style="\'width: ' + $game.pixelSize + 'px;\'">'>>
<<widget "show-gif" name >>
<<if $debug >>
<<print "имя сцены= "+passage()>>
<<print "картинка = "+_args[0]>>
<<print '<img class="medium" src="images/'+_args[0]+'.gif" @style="\'width: ' + $game.pixelSize + 'px;\'">'>>
<<widget cycle-lezh>>
<<set $lezh = $lezh + 1>>
<<if $lezh == 5>>
<<set $lezh = 0>>
<<widget cycle-tyffany>>
<<set $tiffanyh = $tiffanyh + 1>>
<<if $tiffanyh == 5>>
<<set $tiffanyh = 0>>
<<widget "update-vagina" >>
<<switch $player.body_pussy>>
<<case 0 >>
<<set $player.body_pussy to 1>>
<<case 1 >>
<<set $player.body_pussy to 2>>
<<default >>
<<set $player.body_pussy to 3>>
<<widget "update-ass" >>
<<switch $player.body_ass>>
<<case 0 >>
<<set $player.body_ass to 1>>
<<case 1 >>
<<set $player.body_ass to 2>>
<<default >>
<<set $player.body_ass to 3>>
<<widget "update-boobs" >>
<<switch $player.body_boobs>>
<<case 0 >>
<<set $player.body_boobs to 1>>
<<case 1 >>
<<set $player.body_boobs to 2>>
<<widget "update-perv" >>
<<set $player.perv = $player.perv + 1>>
<<if $player.perv gt 100 >>
<<set $player.perv = 100>>
<<widget "max-perv" >>
<<set $perv = 100>>
<</widget>><<show-img start01>>
Oh, hello cute!
Yes, yes, I'm talking to you.
Oh, don't be embarrassed, I've seen dirty raiders and ugly megamutants in my life.
Therefore, do not argue, you are cute.
[[Do not argue.|start2]]<<show-img start02>>
I want to tell you the story.
The story of my life.
The story of my journey.
The story of this fucking road...
[[Next.|start3]]<<show-img body\face01>>
Sorry, I forgot to introduce myself.
My name is: <<textbox "$name" "Julia">>
<<set $name = $name.trim().replace(/[^a-zA-Z]/g, "")>>
My lips:
<<radiobutton "$player.body_lips" 1 checked>> Just thin.
<<radiobutton "$player.body_lips" 0>> Like a lizard.
My chest:
<<radiobutton "$player.body_boobs" 1 checked>> Small.
<<radiobutton "$player.body_boobs" 0>> Tiny.
My ass:
<<radiobutton "$player.body_ass" 1 checked>> Girlish.
<<radiobutton "$player.body_ass" 0>> Flat.
My sexual temperament at the beginning of the story:
<<radiobutton "$player.perv" 10 checked>> I love to act nasty and play with myself [lust + 10].
<<radiobutton "$player.perv" 5>> Sometimes I can indulge myself if I really feel like [lust + 5].
<<radiobutton "$player.perv" 0>> Phew, a flower between the legs is only for the husband!
And most important... My favorite movies!
[[Adventure movies!|start3_1]]
[[Action movies!|start3_2]]<<show-img start04>>
Now that we've met, I want to tell you about the world I was born into. And about life before I had to start my journey.
[[Listen to the backstory [recommended on first playthrough].|start5]]
[[Skip the backstory.|start22]]<<show-img start05>>
So... I was born exactly on the day that the rest of the world died. Unfortunately, my mother passed away, giving me life. It happened already in the bunker, which belongs to my beloved dad.
[[Next.|start6]]<<show-img start03_1>>
Yes, adventures! Charismatic and smart heroes who achieve their goals not only with brute force, but, above all, with cunning and a sharp mind!
<<set $player.cunning = 15>>
<<set $player.cruelty = 10>><</nobr>>
<<show-img start03_2>>
Yes, actions! Explosions, shootouts, chases! Winners aren't afraid to get their hands dirty, winners don't sit back, winners take action!
<<set $player.cunning = 10>>
<<set $player.cruelty = 15>><</nobr>>
<<show-img start06>>
Don't get me wrong, my dad isn't one of those crazy preppers. The bunker was built by my grandfather, a retired army general. Apparently, he understood what was going on. After his death, the bunker passed to his sons, including my father.
[[Next.|start7]]<<show-img start07>>
This saved us... It all turned out stupid, of course. One crazy fucker was capable of destroying all of humanity. And so it happened: a miserable sadistic old man unleashed a war and put an end to the whole civilization.
[[Next.|start8]]<<show-img start08>>
Large cities in many countries were destroyed immediately, suburbs died out in the coming weeks and months, only remote small settlements or lonely houses survived. Our shelter is just the second option.
[[Next.|start9]]<<show-img start09>>
Grandfather foresaw, it seems, everything-everything-everything! We also had air purification, water purification, our own small farm, huge stocks of medicines, food, weapons, ammunition, a communications tower connected to the satellite, even an underground garage with a cool car! But the coolest thing is a collection of all the films in the world!
[[Next.|start10]]<<show-img start10>>
At first, we were not alone, two more families lived with us: my uncle (mother's cousin) and his wife, as well as a woman with two boys who were like older brothers to me.
And we did not lead a completely reclusive lifestyle. The adults traded with the settlements that had formed on the surface.
[[Next.|start11]]<<show-img start11>>
As far as I remember, when I was five years old, a woman with her sons decided to leave the bunker and settle in one of these post-apocalyptic towns. And with the uncle, everything is more complicated... Dad said that he had also left, but he said this with sadness. And they didn't take their things. I think they died during one of the exits to the surface...
[[Next.|start12]]<<show-img start12>>
After that, my dear dad almost stopped contact with the outside world. It must have been my fault. He couldn't leave me alone. What a wonderful person he is... He was...
[[Next.|start13]]<<show-img start13>>
My father fell ill and died just after I came of age. None of the medicines helped. He did not suffer for long. And I was left all alone...
[[Next.|start14]]<<show-img start14>>
My only chance is my dad's older brother, with whom we have kept in touch all these years thanks to a satellite tower. My uncle followed in my grandfather's footsteps by becoming a military man.
[[Next.|start15]]<<show-img start15>>
Now my uncle leads a large settlement in which thousands of people live! The town is surrounded by a wall, it has its own bunkers, clean water, the best weapons, farms and even small factories! But there is one problem…
[[Problem?|start16]]<<show-img start16>>
The settlement is located on the other side of the once united country. We are on the west coast, my uncle is on the east. Such a distance to overcome... Impossible. But I'll try. I don't have any other options.
[[Next.|start17]]<<show-img start17>>
So I gathered supplies, weapons, ammo, fuel, medicine, and prepared to embark on the most dangerous journey imaginable.
[[Next.|start18]]<<show-img start18>>
The first checkpoint on my journey will be the settlement closest to the bunker - Sweet Home. Yes, more than a strange name. But dad says that the settlement was called that even before the war. He also says that it is relatively safe there now. Why stop there at all? I need to find out where the next peaceful settlement is in the east, and where it is better not to go. Well, let's rock!
[[Let's rock!|start19]]<<show-img start19>>
I got into the car, thought again if I had taken everything, sighed heavily and pressed the gas. Yes, I can drive, and I've been on the surface many times with my dad. He taught me how to drive, how to shoot, how to survive. It's just that he never took me with him to go to any settlement.
[[Next.|start20]]<<show-img start20>>
Around only sand, small bushes, sometimes there are burnt trees. Dad said that there used to be forests here, but the climate changed a lot after the war. Everything has changed. Including people. So I have to be as careful as possible. Although, probably, the allies will not hurt me...
[[Next.|start21]]<<show-img start21>>
Literally after 15 minutes of slow driving, I could already see the first point of my destination ahead, more precisely, a home-made fence around a small settlement. Not to say that this fence is able to protect against a serious enemy. Probably Sweet Home is far from the interests of big players. Roughly speaking, nobody needs these villagers.
I stopped near the gate, next to a guy in a leather jacket with a rifle on his back.
[[Next.|start22]]<<show-img start22>>
"Woah-woah-woah, pretty! I recognize this armored car. You're a bunker-girl, right?"
"Let's suppose," my voice trembles strongly, for a long time I did not talk to anyone except dad. I have to take control of myself.
"But I still don’t know you, so I won’t let you through. Although… Perhaps, if I get something from this…"
[[Outwit [use cunning].|start22_1]]
[[Intimidate [use cruelty].|start22_2]]
[[Seduce [use perversion].|start22_3]]<<show-img start22_1>>
"Listen, boy, what's your name?" I sharply got used to the role of a serious woman.
"S… Serpent. My name is Serpent," he has a strange name, but oh well.
"Listen, Serpent, I need to get to your elder. My father sent me to an important meeting to discuss a big and profitable trade deal. Also, I can put in a good word for you."
"A lonely two-story stone building on a hill," the guy was inspired, starting to unlock the gate. "Welcome to Sweet Home!"
<<set $player.cunning += 1>><</nobr>><<show-img start22_2>>
"Hey kid, what's your name?" I immediately got used to the role of a dangerous woman.
"S… Serpent. My name is the Serpent," he has a strange name, well, don't care.
"Listen here, baby boy. I'm doing my dad's job. He sent me to meet with the headman of your miserable settlement. Now be a good boy, open the gate and move aside."
"Eh... A lonely two-story stone building on a hill," the guy shrugged sadly, deciding not to mess with me and starting to unlock the gate.
<<set $player.cruelty += 1>><</nobr>><<show-img start22_3>>
"Handsome, what's your name?" I instantly got used to the role of a seductress.
"S… Serpent. My name is the Serpent," his name is strange, intriguing.
"Serpent, what an interesting name. My name is $name. I need to see the headman of your amazing settlement. And I'm also very tired from the road. You will not refuse me, please?"
"Mmm... A lonely two-story stone building on a hill," the guy was intrigued, starting to unlock the gate. "Welcome to Sweet Home!"
<<set $player.perv += 1>><</nobr>>
<<show-img start23>>
There are not so many buildings here, even fewer residential ones, so I immediately found the building I needed. It looks, to say the least, almost ruins. But what was I hoping for? To the palace? I just need to get information. I'm not going to stay here. So I quickly parked up the crumbling stairs and went to the headman's house.
[[Next.|start24]]<<show-img start24>>
"Oh, a new face in our home, Sweet Home!" met me balding headman. Next to him were two more men: a young, frail guy and a huge, inflated fighter.
"Hello, my name is $name. I'm from the bunker nearby. Father said that you can help me."
"Oh, of course, I remember your father very well! Great person. How is he, by the way?"
"He's dead," I sighed sadly.
"Accept my condolences. So how can I help?"
[[Next.|start25]]<<show-img start25>>
I quickly told the situation in general terms, the headman marked the best route on my map, pointed out friendly settlements, and singled out where aggressive people could be.
"So the most logical thing is to go to settlement called Sisters?" I traced a very broken route with my finger.
"Yes, we trade with them, and the way to their settlement is not so long and dangerous."
"Thanks, you helped me a lot..."
"Wait!" the old man perked up.
[[Wait.|start26]]<<show-img start26>>
"Perhaps the question is not entirely ethical, but your bunker..."
"Oh, yes, exactly!" I remembered. "Father asked me to tell you that you can take the bunker if necessary. There's no food, medicine, or ammo, but there's a generator, communications, a farm, and a great movie collection."
"Thank you, child! We will need everything!" The headman bowed. By the way, there is no food and ammunition there, since I took everything with me. "Night is coming soon, you better spend the night with us."
[[Next.|start27]]<<show-img start24>>
<<if $elderquestions == 1 >>"How can I help?"<</if>> <<if $elderquestions == 0 >>"You can stay at my place," a bald man in armor suddenly said in a loud voice, I even flinched in surprise.
"Or you can stay with my nephew," the headman pointed to the young guy. "You can also stay right here with me."
Yeah, and I can also sleep in my car, actually.
"By the way, I'm ready to answer any questions you may have before leaving," the headman said.<</if>>
<<if $elderquestionsh == 0 >> [[Ask about Sweet Home.|start28]]<</if>>
<<if $elderquestionsis == 0 >> [[Ask about Sisters.|start29]]<</if>>
<<if $elderquestiondan == 0 >> [[Ask about dangers.|start30]]<</if>>
[[→ Spend the night with the young guy.|start32]]
[[→ Spend the night with the strong man.|end01_01]]
[[→ Spend the night with the headman.|start41]]
[[→ Spend the night in the car.|start31]]
<<nobr>><<if $toilet1 == 0 >>[[🛊Go to the toilet.|start47]]<</if>>
<<set $elderquestions = 1>><</nobr>><<show-img start21>>
"Well, what can I say? We were just lucky," the headman threw up his hands. "With a remote place, with the availability of resources, with residents, with the weather. After the explosions, our community was able to unite, we quickly built a wall, accepted normal people into our ranks, established food production, and made alliances with the nearest settlements. Of course, over the years we have experienced a lot, lost many good people, defended our lands from raids. One way or another, we will stand. Humanity will stand."
<<set $elderquestionsh = 1>><</nobr>><<show-img start31>>
Still, I decided not to abuse the kindness of the locals. And don't trust my life to strangers. Dad warned me that safety is never superfluous. He also, to be honest, recommended that I find allies ... But one contradicts the other, it seems to me.
In any case, right now, I'll choose security. And deep sleep...
<<show-img start29>>
"Sisters?" the elder scratched his head. "They're a little weird, but you'll like them. As "neighbors" - the ideal option. They will cover and trade. Once we fought together against a gang of raiders. Firefighters, as they called themselves. Now they don't call, ha-ha-ha!"
"It is better to get on the road through the reserve..." he continued. "Well, once there was a reserve, now it's just a lifeless wasteland."
<<set $elderquestionsis = 1>><</nobr>><<show-img start30>>
"I don’t want to scare you, child, but it’s simply impossible to move from one end of the continent to the other now," the old man shook his bald head. "Even if you have armored vehicles, weapons and endless ammo. Even if you have an army, it's impossible! Violent raiders and cannibals are everywhere, but the most dangerous are megamutants! They appeared only a few years ago, but have already completely conquered vast territories. It is said that someone nicknamed the Overlord resumed the pre-war experiment to create super soldiers. And they really turned out super: super strong, super hardy, super ugly. If you see them, run and don't look back!"
<<set $elderquestiondan = 1>><</nobr>><<show-img ends\end01_01>>
I decided to take the big guy's offer. He certainly can protect! By the way, the man introduced himself Stone. He was very gallant, brought me to his home, fed me delicious food, gave me clean water to drink...
[[Next.|end01_02]]<<show-img ends\end01_02>>
...The next thing I remember is how I woke up in suspiciously familiar concrete walls, I had no clothes on, and my leg was chained. Stone stood over me.
"What's going on here? Is this some kind of bad joke?!" I protested, pulling the chain.
"I'm protecting you. You will die along the way. So... welcome home, Sunshine!" the big man threw up his hands. Yes, it really was my home - the bunker in which I lived all my life. "The headman gave me this shelter for many years of faithful service, so no one will interfere with us."
"You're a fucking psycho!" I screamed.
Stone did not answer, he grabbed my neck with one hand, and with the other he began to take off his clothes.
[[Next.|end01_03]]<<show-img ends\end01_03>>
Soon he, like me, was completely naked. If there was a stone at hand, I would hit Stone in the head. But there was absolutely nothing in the room. Except concrete walls, a mattress and two naked bodies. I immediately understood what he was going to do, I'm not a fool. Understood, but could not do anything ...
"Now I'll be your daddy!" the man laughed, continuing to squeeze my throat, when his cock was attached directly to my virgin hole.
[[Next.|end01_04]]<<show-gif ends\end01_04>>
After a couple of seconds, pain pierced my body and my soul. A tough bastard took my virginity and I couldn't help it.
"Now you have become an adult, Sunshine!"
Not how I imagined my first sex, but I now at least survive. Therefore, I will behave quietly and submissively so that there is a ghostly chance for revenge.
[[Next.|end01_05]]<<show-img ends\end01_05>>
And a minute did not pass, as the big man fell on me with his whole body and shook. All this time I did not make a sound, I lay like a weak-willed doll.
"Uh, don’t worry, it hurts the first time," the rapist wiped sweat from his forehead. "The next one will be better..."
[[Next.|end01_06]]<<show-img ends\end01_06>>
Unfortunately, the next time came too soon. Then another, and another. I lost count a long time ago. And it was not monotonous and quick, like the first time. Stone, as he said, "trained his girl", that is me. He made me suck his dick, played with my ass, I walked on a leash, I had to call him "Daddy" otherwise he would beat me...
[[Next.|end01_07]]<<show-img ends\end01_08>>
…I don't know how much time has passed like this. At least two years for sure. A lot has happened during this time: I became a mother, and Daddy became Daddy for our common child. So I abandoned the idea of revenge. How can I deprive my daughter of her father?!
In addition to the child, other people appeared in the bunker: Daddy's friends. He didn't mind when they used my holes, and they used them every day if they didn't go to the surface.
I never saw sunlight again, even though Daddy gave me permission to leave the bunker. And why should I? It's good here, there is food, there is my beloved daughter, there are many hard dicks...
END №1: "Daddy's" girl.
[[Or was it different?|start27]]<<show-img ends\end01_07>>
But it was all for revenge. I just needed a good opportunity. I need a weapon and I shouldn't be chained. He sometimes removed the chains when he raped me. And also when I did housework: washed floors, cooked, mended clothes. Sometimes Da... Stone would leave the bunker for a long time, for whole weeks. But he locked the doors, so I couldn't run. I had to watch my favorite movies...
[[Next.|end01_08]]<<show-img start32>>
I took advantage of the elder's offer and decided to stay with his nephew. Anything is safer than being alone. And this guy is damn attractive... By the way, his name is Quiet. Everyone here has strange names, but they reflect the essence of a person well. The guy turned out to be really quiet and shy. He also stuttered a little.
[[Next.|start33]]<<show-img start33>>
But he fed me a great dinner! Some kind of orange vegetable soup, very tasty. My dad was a great cook too. It seemed that he could create yummy out of nothing...
During the meal with Quiet we didn't talk much, only occasionally glanced at each other. And smiled lightly. It was like a game: the one who smiles the most - loses. Therefore, it was almost impossible to suppress a smile.
[[Next.|start34]]<<show-img start34>>
Then we went outside and moved to the border of the settlement to admire the stars. I rarely saw them live, it was too dangerous.
"B-beautiful," Quiet said softly.
"Beautiful," I agreed.
"And you're beautiful," he added timidly.
[[♂♀ Kiss him.|start35]]
[[Go to the house.|start38]]<<show-gif start35>>
I could no longer restrain myself, and threw my lips on the lips of a shy handsome man. It was… like in a movie. My first kiss. Our tongues intertwined in a hot dance that lasted an eternity. An eternity of bliss, passion and happiness.
But perhaps we should move on to something more? Or end on this one?
[[♂♀ Put hand on his groin.|start36]]
[[Go to the house.|start38]]<<nobr>>
<<set $player.perv += 1>>
<<set $kiss += 1>><</nobr>><<show-img start38>>
But he fed me a great dinner! Some kind of orange vegetable soup, very tasty. My dad was a great cook too. It seemed that he could create yummy out of nothing...
During the meal with Quiet we didn't talk much, only occasionally glanced at each other. And smiled lightly. It was like a game: the one who smiles the most - loses. Therefore, it was almost impossible to suppress a smile.
[[Go to sleep.|start39]]<<show-gif start36>>
My thin hand began to massage the guy's hard cock through his jeans. I… uh… saw that in the movies, yes. Then I unbuttoned his pants, lowered them and for the first time touched a man's dignity. Oh yes, his cock is as beautiful as I imagined.
My hand began to play with the guy's device, moving back and forth, back and forth. During this time, we continued to kiss. We were seized by a stormy passion, I had never experienced this before.
[[Next.|start37]]<<show-gif start37>>
Suddenly, the guy trembled, and sperm began to beat from his penis right on the sand under his feet! I definitely didn't expect this. Of course, I know that boys cum like this, but I just caressed his cock for a minute.
"I-I'm sorry," the boy said in a breathless voice.
"It was... an interesting experience," I honestly assessed everything that happened. "I liked everything, don't worry."
Too bad the ending was so quick. But it's for the best. I need to get some sleep before tomorrow...
<<set $player.perv += 2>>
<<set $handjob += 1>><</nobr>><<show-img start39>>
Dawn... I've only seen it in movies before...
How sweetly I slept. I even had some pleasant dreams.
Okay, we need to have a quick breakfast and move out. There is a long road ahead.
[[Let's have breakfast and move out!|start40]]<<show-img start40>>
I had a hearty snack, said goodbye to everyone, quickly packed my things and pressed the gas pedal. Well, the first point has been successfully completed. I hope the rest will not be more difficult. Although I understand that this is not the case. It will be hard. I may not even get to my uncle, but not because I will die. For example, I can find a good settlement along the way, I can fall in love with someone there... Anything can happen...
[[Next.|ch01_01]]<<show-img ch01_01>>
Previously, before the war, the distance from Sweet Home to Sisters could be covered in an hour, but now it takes at least three. It is dangerous to drive at full speed. The road was covered with cracks, you constantly have to go around the old broken cars. I am generally silent about ambushes. On the other hand, I am incredibly lucky to have such a luxurious vehicle! Without it, the road between these two settlements would have taken several days and would have been much more dangerous...
[[Next.|ch01_02]]<<show-img ch01_02>>
Remember shit - here is it. More precisely, a potential danger: in the distance I saw a girl sitting by the road and holding out her hand towards my car, as if begging for help. I feel like it's like a trap. I need to be as careful as possible. Might be worth just passing by? Or do you still need to stop?
[[Drive past.|ch01_03]]<<show-img start40>>
I slowly stopped the car near the girl, but did not get out of it.
"Thank God, you stopped!" the girl said hoarsely.
"Something happened? Do you need help?"
"Please open the door, help me!" she begged.
"If you need water or food, I can throw it through the window..."
"Please, I can't get up, you have to help me..."
No, there is clearly something wrong with her. The smartest option would be to just move on.
[[Get out of here.|ch01_07]]
[[Get out of the car.|ch01_05]]<<show-img ch01_03>>
"Yeah, look for another fool!" I yelled as I drove past the girl.
"Fuck you, you heartless bitch!" I heard after.
I did the right thing by not stopping. Something is clearly wrong with her. And conscience... A dead body does not need a conscience. Therefore, my conscience is satisfied with the choice made.
<<set $player.cruelty += 1>><</nobr>><<show-img ch01_04>>
My kindness prevailed over caution. I opened the door and got out of the armored car, taking my automatic rifle with me. But as soon as I stepped on the ground, three men with weapons appeared from behind the burnt-out wheelbarrow behind the girl. I didn't even have time to raise my weapon...
<<show-img ch01_03>>
I didn't say anything, I just pressed the gas pedal.
"Damn you, you heartless bitch!" I heard after.
No wonder I didn't come out. This is 100% a trap. Turns out I'm smart. My chances of making it all the way are increasing.
<<set $player.cunning += 1>><</nobr>><<show-img ends\death01>>
My body was riddled with bullets and thrown to be eaten by coyotes...
If I had a second life, next time I would be more careful...
[[Or was it different?|ch01_02]]<<show-img ch01_05>>
...How abruptly everything around has changed. Five minutes ago I was driving through an endless desert, and now the terrain resembles swamps. Swamps in the desert...
It seems that there used to be some kind of reserve here. And even now, as far as I understand, these lands are an important source of food for the surrounding settlements. There are both edible plants and small animals.
[[Next.|ch01_09]]<<show-img ch01_06>>
Slowly making my way through the blurred road, I soon noticed some strange glow. I slowed down even more and realized that it was not light, but some kind of mist. Pink mist. Damn suspicious pink mist! Move forward or turn to the side. Both options are crappy. But something urgently needs to be done!
[[Turn aside!|ch01_10]]<<show-img ch01_09>>
Strange feeling. As if the whole body becomes so warm and good. I don't want to think about anything, worry about anything. I want to relax, enjoy the moment and ... my body. <span style="color: pink;"> Bitch, I'm just burning with the desire to play with myself!</span>
[[Control myself!|ch01_17]]
[[♀ Play with myself.|ch01_14]]<<show-img ch01_07>>
Fuck-fuck-fuck! In less than two minutes, the car got stuck! And it's an all-terrain vehicle! It was a bad idea to turn off the road. You need to get out of the car and look around.
[[Get out of the car.|ch01_11]]<<show-img ch01_08>>
As soon as I got out of the armored car, I saw a strange creature, like a dog or… a hyena? With red eyes and blood dripping from the mouth. And it started getting closer. I did not lose my head, raised my weapon and managed to fire a volley. Several bullets 100% hit the target. But that didn't stop the monster...
[[Next.|ch01_12]]<<show-img ends\death02>>
The “Hyena” dug into my neck, I tried to fight back, but it was useless.
Contrary to expectations, I did not turn into a zombie. My flesh satiated the local living creatures, and my whole story ended so ingloriously...
[[Or was it different?|ch01_09]]<<show-img ch01_13>>
Oh... The rest of the road to Sisters passed without incident. Immediately after overcoming the “reserve”, massive gates with guards on the walls appeared ahead. Strange, but all the guards are girls. That's right, I don't see a single guy. Armed Amazons! I wonder where all their men are?
[[Next.|ch01_18]]<<show-gif ch01_10>>
<span style="color: pink;">Ah, fuck it all! Unable to hold back any longer, I took off all my clothes, get comfortable, lick my fingers and touch my wet pussy. At that very moment, my whole body is pierced by a pleasant electric current. What bliss! Probably the best feeling I've ever had in my entire life!
I don't know exactly how, but this mist clearly enhances the sensations. A whole puddle has already flowed onto the seat from my virgin hole! It is unlikely that I will be able to hold back for a long time so as not to cum... Yes, I definitely won’t be able to hold back, and not a minute more!</span>
[[Cum.|ch01_15]]<<show-gif ch01_11>>
<span style="color: pink;">Yeah, fuck yeah! What an amazing feeling! Such a vivid orgasm is even difficult to imagine, not what to convey in words. As if an ordinary orgasm intensifies ten times, allowing you to get to that very unattainable star ...
It seems that every cell shuddered in convulsions and bliss. I wanted this moment to last forever, so that these feelings would never end...</span>
[[Next.|ch01_16]]<<show-gif ch01_12>>
<span style="color: pink;">I don't know how long my body continued to shake, but after a while I came to my senses. My mind had already cleared a little, I quickly put on my clothes and drank some water.
For a second it seemed to me that my butt got bigger. Strange. Okay, but it will be more convenient to sit in the driver's seat for a long time.</span>
<<set $player.perv += 2>>
<<set $player.body_ass += 1>>
<<set $player.cunning -= 1>>
<<set $player.cruelty -= 1>><</nobr>><<show-img ch01_14>>
"I didn’t think there would be such a beauty behind the wheel," one of the guards greeted me as I pulled to a stop at the gate. "What brings you to Sisters?"
I introduced myself, briefly told my story, asked to be let through the settlement and give me information on the further route.
"We are always ready to help the girls from the wastelands, $name. By the way, my I'm the younger sister Cherry, Cherry Berry. Come on, I'll take you to the town hall. But you'll have to leave your vehicle here."
[[Go on foot to the town hall.|ch01_19]]<<show-img ch01_15>>
At first glance, Sisters looks like a much more prosperous place than Sweet Home. Towers with machine guns, a tank behind the gate (I don’t know if it works or not), the houses are not so battered, there are ten times more people, everyone is armed with good firearms, everyone is in armor, everyone is the girls...
[[Next.|ch01_20]]<<show-img ch01_16>>
"You'll love it here! It is safe here, here is water, food, we are all very friendly…"
Her words faded into the background as I saw five bound people being led along the road. Who is this? Captive raiders? Slaves?
"$name! $name!" one of the prisoners looked at me and called my name. "It is me! Alex! Alexander!"
"Alexander?!" I remembered one of the brothers that grew up with me in the bunker. "What's going on here?!"
"Shut up!" one of the girl-overseers hit a childhood friend with a club on the head.
[[Next.|ch01_21]]<<show-img ch01_17>>
I didn’t dare to call out to Alexander again so that they wouldn’t beat him even more, but with a glance I saw where they were being led - some kind of old barn that stands with a barn.
"Don't pay attention!" Cherry laughed. "They are criminals. So, you stay with us for a couple of days, see what and how. Maybe you'll consider staying. I liked you right away. I'm sure the other sisters will agree with me too..."
[[Next.|ch01_22]]<<show-img ch01_18>>
Cherry Berry and I went into the stone building, then went up to the second floor. There were two women in the main office. It’s immediately obvious that they are experienced and have seen a lot of shit. Apparently, the leaders of this community. One introduced herself as the older sister Wise Berry, and the other as the older sister Rasp Berry. I also told my story to them.
[[Next.|ch01_23]]<<show-img ch01_19>>
Wise Berry took me over. We moved to another office, where she took out a map.
"You need to think about staying with us," the woman also began to agitate me.
"I... I don't know..." I really don't know them!
"Stay at least for a day, and tomorrow you will make a final decision."
[[Next.|ch01_24]]<<show-img ch01_20>>
"Okay, I swore an oath to help the sisters from the wastelands, so look," she poked at the map, "first you go east to Raidmond..."
"Redmond, you mean?" I asked.
"Unfortunately, it is Raidmond," the older sister shook her head. "It used to be just ruins, but just a few months ago, raiders settled there. Therefore, you do not need to call in the city itself, but take a detour. Then straight to the state line a hundred miles north."
"I know you need to go east, but here, because of the great migration of raiders, you won't be able to break through. In the north, our allies - Bridgetown. Do not look on the map, this is a new settlement. They control the bridge. They will help. For a modest fee…"
[[Next.|ch01_25]]<<show-img ch01_19>>
"I am ready to answer any of your questions," Wise Berry smiled. "And not only that."
<<if $wiseques1 == 0 >> [[Ask about pink mist.|ch01_26]]<</if>>
<<if $wiseques2 == 0 >> [[Ask about Sisters.|ch01_27]]<</if>>
<<if $wiseques3 == 0 >> [[Ask about raiders.|ch01_28]]<</if>>
<<if $wiseques4 == 0 >> [[Ask about Bridgetown.|ch01_29]]<</if>>
<<if $wiseques5 == 0 >> [[Ask about prisoners.|ch01_30]]<</if>>
[[Ask about herself.|ch01_31]]
[[Go to Cherry.|ch01_40]]
[[Sneak to Alexander.|ch01_53]]
[[→ Spend the night in the car.|ch01_38]]
<<nobr>><<if $toilet2 == 0 >>[[🛊Go to the toilet.|ch01_67]]<</if>> <</nobr>><<show-img ch01_21>>
"Did you see the mist?" Wise Berry was sincerely surprised. "It's early this year. Pink mist is a toxin secreted by mushrooms from the reserve. Fog is capable of... completely burning your brain. And also change your body. Therefore, I strongly do not recommend staying in it for a long time. Unless you want to become a brainless sex doll, of course..."
<<set $wiseques1 = 1>><</nobr>><<show-img ch01_22>>
"What can I say..." Wise Berry thought. "We are objectively the strongest community for hundreds of miles around, one of the largest and certainly the most united. We have the best weapons, there is no shortage of water and food. And you can be one of us. Perhaps this would be the most logical solution. Since, frankly, you can hardly get to the east coast..."
<<set $wiseques2 = 1>><</nobr>><<show-img ch01_23>>
"Raiders used to love to stare at our lands," the older sister honestly admitted. "But lately they've been pushing harder and harder. My sisters and I called it the "Great Raider Migration" - strong gangs crush and push out weaker ones, and they try to push us out. What drives them out? The answer is quite obvious: megamutants. But we will repulse the raiders, and we are not afraid of mutants."
<<set $wiseques3 = 1>><</nobr>><<show-img ch01_24>>
"I haven't been to Bridgetown for a hundred years!" the woman chuckled. "They used to make the best moonshine. But now it's hard to ride such distances: the roads have become more dangerous, and there are fewer vehicles, and the fuel is not endless. However, there live excellent people, very hardworking. But I warn you now! Most likely, they will ask for something in return for helping you. Purely symbolic: some canned food, medicines or a few days of work. But don't worry, they'll keep their word."
<<set $wiseques4 = 1>><</nobr>><<show-img ch01_25>>
"The men?" slightly turned away interlocutor. "You are not one of us, it is difficult for you to understand the whole picture. But I assure you, it is necessary."
This is strange: Cherry called them criminals, but Wise Berry did not say a word about it. Perhaps the case is not as simple as it might seem at first glance...
<<set $wiseques5 = 1>><</nobr>><<show-img ch01_26>>
<<if $wisetrans == 1 >>"Well, let's play: I can prove that I have a dick, but then you have to suck it.<</if>> <<if $wisetrans == 0 >>"I am one of the older sisters. The Council of older sisters governs the settlement, we are elected by the Council of younger sisters. And I, like some of the sisters, was born in a man's body. But even before the war, I had sex reassignment surgery. Well, everything but one organ. Well, you understand."
"Uh..." I still did not fully trust her.
"Okay, let's play a game, beauty. I can prove. But then you have to suck my dick."<</if>>
[[⚦♀ Let her prove it!|ch01_32]]
<<set $wisetrans = 1>><</nobr>><<show-gif ch01_27>>
"As soon as I saw you, I immediately imagined you sucking my dick," with these words, the woman ("woman"?) took off her pants.
A tense and bloodshot member immediately fell out. Wow. I heard about it, but I didn't think I'd ever see it.
"What are you looking at? Come on, suck!" Wise Berry chuckled. And a lump came to my throat. I hesitantly squatted down. The cock was right next to my face. I imagined this before, but not with a girl...
[[Suck.|ch01_33]]<<show-gif ch01_28>>
Well, here it is - here is the moment. For the first time I took someone's cock in my mouth. Perhaps the feelings are quite consistent with my ideas about it. Nothing really magical, but nothing terrible either.
"Yes, sister from the wastelands, work harder," the girl with the dick said.
I wanted to answer, but the dick in my mouth got in the way a little. Therefore, it turned out something like “Mmmfffhh!”, to which Berry laughed. In retaliation, I began to suck faster, greedier and more actively. After a while, my partner began to breathe heavily.
"Oh, I'm about to cum!" Immediately after these words of hers, I felt my mouth filled with a warm and salty liquid. "Swallow, sister, it is not customary to spit in Sisters..."
[[Swallow.|ch01_34]]<<show-gif ch01_29>>
I hesitated a little, played with the female seed, then nevertheless gathered my strength and swallowed everything to the drop. Nice feeling, really. I made a person happy! And not just a person, but one of the most respected women of the local community!
"Wow, good job, sis!" she said, breathing heavily. "Now you simply have to stay with me for dinner and for the night. I don't accept rejections."
[[Stay for dinner and overnight.|ch01_35]]
<<show-img ch01_30>>
Wise Berry fed me a wonderful dinner, laid me in a warm bed with a soft pillow. And she lay down next to me. And hugged me. I definitely never imagined this in my life. On the other hand, I don't remember ever sleeping so soundly. I felt completely protected, I felt so comfortable...
[[Next.|ch01_36]]<<show-img ch01_19>>
"You could stay here," the older sister suggested to me in the morning. "You could be one of us. Deep down in your heart, you know that you can't find a better place. And... I would like you to stay with us. And with me."
[[Continue on my way.|ch01_37]]
[[Stay in Sisters with Wise Berry.|end02_01]]<<show-img ch01_31>>
I thanked for the kindness, for the dinner, for the pleasant evening. And I apologized for leaving the Sisters. Wise Berry was not upset, she helped me get ready, filled the empty bottles with clean water, gave me extra food. And hugged me goodbye.
<<set $player.perv += 2>>
<<set $blowjob += 1>><</nobr>><<show-img ends\end02_01>>
I'm sorry, father, but I won't be able to keep my promise, I won't get to my uncle. I'll stay at Sisters. It's logical, it's safe. Here I will be able to survive, make true friends, learn all the charms of love, even if not the same as I imagined as a child...
[[Next.|end02_02]]<<show-img ch01_33>>
Back on the route, back on the road. The east gate closed behind my armored car and I stepped on the gas.
Sisters is a good place to be honest, but I have to keep going. I promised my dad to get to my uncle. And my uncle promised to protect me at the cost of his life. He is all my remaining family, my own blood. But, most importantly, he is the brother of my beloved dad...
[[Next.|ch02_01]]<<show-img ch02_01>>
In fact, 90% of the time on the road is incredibly boring. And at the same time it is difficult. You need to maintain concentration, because behind every stone or burnt-out car danger may await. But I have a good time thinking along the way. Perhaps I don’t know everything in this world, I don’t understand everything, but in the last two days I have learned more than in the entire previous year.
[[Next.|ch02_02]]<<show-img ends\end02_02>>
The girls accepted me as if I had been their sister for a long time. Now I have officially become a younger sister. They immediately called me Bunker Berry. And relations with the Wise Berry developed very pleasantly. The sisters were not possessive, here it was customary to share everything, including love. However, the older sister, having learned about my virginity, proposed to me. Of course I agreed...
[[Next.|end02_03]]<<show-img ends\end02_03>>
My wife got some incredibly beautiful dresses! And for the wedding, it seems, the whole community, which extends beyond one settlement, has gathered. Everyone was sincerely happy for us, the tables were bursting with delicious food and homemade alcohol. Girls danced, sang, kissed, caressed each other.
[[Next.|end02_04]]<<show-img ends\end02_04>>
Soon my wife and I retired for the wedding night. We had oral sex before, but from that night I officially became an adult. The first time, of course, was so-so. But the second one is better. And the third is just heaven! As well as almost all subsequent ones.
[[Next.|end02_05]]<<show-img ends\end02_05>>
Of course, my partner was the main one in the relationship, she acted as a “man”. Which is not surprising with her dick between her legs. But she was also an older sister, experienced and smart. Therefore, in addition to duty at the gate, I did housework, served her and her friends in every possible way. She was not possessive, on the contrary, she was happy to share me.
[[Next.|end02_06]]<<show-gif ends\end02_06>>
Basically, I served her girl friends (both with cocks and with cunts) with my mouth and tongue, sometimes I turned my ass. At first it was unpleasant for me, but then I got into the taste of such a life and free love, I was finally able to open up to the world.
And only my wife had me in the pussy. She wanted a child. Daughter, of course. Therefore, the Wise Berry immediately said that if a son was born, she would “correct” this misunderstanding with the help of a pink mist. I didn't argue.
[[Next.|end02_07]]<<show-img ends\end02_07>>
A year later, the Wise Berry and I had a beautiful healthy daughter. We named her Hope Berry. While our charm was small, I was removed from all public works. So I finally became a housewife, a sexy housewife.
And I sincerely fell in love with such a life! I could just enjoy every day with my family and friends.
[[Next.|end02_08]]<<show-img ends\end02_09>>
A few years later, hordes of megamutants reached the lands of the community. During the fighting, we lost half of the sisters. Some died, and some were enslaved. We resisted as best we could, but in the end were forced to retreat far, far to the north.
The main thing is that my family and I survived. And what awaited us in the north is a completely different story...
END №2: Little sister.
[[Or was it different?|ch01_25]]<<show-gif ends\end02_08>>
Once, Wise Berry asked me to serve caravaners, whose path passed through Sisters. I have never had such an experience: with a real man, and not with one, but with five at once! The next morning, all the holes and the whole body ached in me. However, the older sister said that now such things will be part of my duties. I didn't argue with her again.
[[Next.|end02_09]]<<show-img ch01_32>>
I might regret it, but safety is more important right now. My dad taught me to beware of strangers, especially over-hospitable strangers. You can fall asleep in a warm bed, and wake up in the form of meatballs. Actually, don't wake up at all...
Therefore, I'd rather fall asleep in my favorite armored car...
<<show-img ch01_53>>
"Is there anything I can do to help you, wasteland sister?" Cherry's eyes lit up at my sight.
<<if $cherryques1 == 0 >> [[Ask about pink mist.|ch01_41]]<</if>>
<<if $cherryques2 == 0 >> [[Ask about Sisters.|ch01_42]]<</if>>
<<if $cherryques3 == 0 >> [[Ask about men.|ch01_43]]<</if>>
[[Ask about herself.|ch01_44]]
<<nobr>><<if $SistersWatch == 0>> [[👁♀♀ Look around.|ch01_57]]<</if>>
<<if $SistersWatch == 1>> [[👁♀ Look around.|ch01_58]]<</if>>
<<if $SistersWatch == 2>> [[👁♀♀ Look around.|ch01_59]]<</if>>
<<if $SistersWatch == 3>> [[👁♀♂ Look around.|ch01_60]]<</if>>
<<if $SistersWatch == 4>> [[👁♀♀ Look around.|ch01_61]]<</if>><</nobr>>
[[Go to Wise Berry.|ch01_25]]
[[Sneak to Alexander.|ch01_53]]
[[→ Spend the night in the car.|ch01_38]]<<show-img ch01_34>>
"Oh, I once got under the pink mist, ahaha!" Cherry Berry giggled somehow stupidly. "After that, my lips definitely got bigger. I like! Now, I think, to repeat somehow..."
<<set $cherryques1 = 1>><</nobr>><<show-img ch01_35>>
"Oh, here is a lot of fun!" Cherry perked up. "Every weekend we party with girlfriends! Goodies, movies, booze, love! Sometimes the older sisters join in, but more often they play the role of snoops. However, they are supposed to be. And we're supposed to enjoy life, weeeee!"
<<set $cherryques2 = 1>><</nobr>><<show-img ch01_36>>
"Why do you need these animals?" Cherry snorted indignantly. "They are only good as a labor force. And as a commodity. Sometimes their merchants bring useful things, and older sisters make these dirty males please... Don't fill your head with stupid things!"
<<set $cherryques3 = 1>><</nobr>><<show-img ch01_37>>
<<if $cherrylab == 1 >>"Well, let's go play with pink mist?"<</if>> <<if $cherrylab == 0 >>"Listen, I really need a brave companion!"
"Companion?" I asked.
"Yes! I want to sneak into the lab and breathe in some pink mist. Please!" the foolish girl begged. "Don't worry, the mist is safe in small doses. I just... need a bigger ass. Or boobs."<</if>>
[[♀♀ Let's go!|ch01_45]]
<<set $cherrylab = 1>><</nobr>><<show-img ch01_38>>
I don't know why, but I decided to support Cherry Berry. She was genuinely kind to me when I got here. I'm also interested to see what happens! Cherry promised they wouldn't do anything to us if we got caught. I'm not sure about this, of course, but whoever doesn't take risks doesn't sniff pink mist!
The laboratory turned out to be an almost unguarded dilapidated room, to my great regret. On the other hand, what else could I expect?
<<show-img ch01_39>>
"Yeah! Here it is!" Cherry triumphantly raised the vial with pink smoke inside. It was too sudden a move, as the next second the vial slipped out of her hands, fell to the floor and shattered.
"What are you doing?!" I grabbed my head.
"It's okay, there is too little mist, now we will remove the fragments and leave."
[[Next.|ch01_47]]<<show-gif ch01_40>>
<span style="color: pink;">For about five minutes we collected small fragments so that no one would know that we were here. Who needs it, though? The laboratory is not guarded!
When I finished the job, I felt a pleasant warmth in my body. Like when I went to Sisters. Unexpectedly for me, Cherry took me by the shoulders, looked into my eyes and fell on my lips with a passionate kiss.
<<nobr>><<if $kiss == 0 >>I did not think that my first kiss would be so spontaneous, and also with a girl, but... how nice it is!<</if>> <<if $kiss == 1 >>It's only the second time in my life I'm kissing and… how nice it is!<</if>><</nobr>></span>
[[Next.|ch01_48]]<<show-gif ch01_41>>
<span style="color: pink;">We kissed like no other character in any movie! Well, the ones I've seen. And there was no explicit pornography. Cherry stroked my cheek, neck, squeezed my chest and ass. I tried to keep up with this.
Within a couple of minutes, my “partner in crime” could not stand it, quickly took off her clothes, lay down on the floor, pulled me up to her and buried her face in her pussy! That's so unceremoniously! But I was so excited that I just began to actively lick her hole.</span>
[[Next.|ch01_49]]<<show-gif ch01_42>>
<span style="color: pink;">I moved my tongue over her pussy and rubbed mine at the same time. Gods, I've never jerked my clit like this before! It's like I'm erasing it!
"Come on, bitch, just a little more!" Cherry said, then grabbed my hair with her fingers and pulled me even tighter. At the same time, a wave of warmth and bliss spread from my pussy all over my body, and all the bad things remained somewhere far away...</span>
[[Next.|ch01_50]]<<show-gif ch01_43>>
<span style="color: pink;">I came to my senses when I felt that my breasts were getting bigger. Looking at Cherry, I saw that her boobs were growing right before my eyes!
"Oh yes, that’s exactly what I came for, hehehe!" the girl laughed stupidly. "And you know why else."
We quickly dressed, grabbed the fragments and got out of the laboratory. A new friend offered to spend the night with her. I was so tired that I could not refuse or argue.</span>
[[Next.|ch01_51]]<<show-img ch01_14>>
I had a wonderful sleep, thanks to Cherry Berry for her warmth, kindness and comfort. Here I felt safe.
"You don't have to leave. You could have stayed. With us, with me," during breakfast, consisting of scrambled eggs, a new friend suggested.
And really, I could have stayed. Sistres is a great place to put down roots here.
[[Continue on my way.|ch01_52]]
[[Stay in Sisters with Cherry Berry.|end03_01]]<<show-img ch01_44>>
I thanked Cherry for everything, but had to apologize for not being able to stay at Sisters. Cherry Berry was upset and even cried, but still she helped me get ready, filled the empty bottles with clean water, gave me extra food. And hugged me goodbye.
<<set $player.perv += 3>>
<<set $kiss += 1>>
<<set $cunimaker += 1>>
<<set $player.body_boobs += 1>>
<<set $player.cunning -= 1>>
<<set $player.cruelty -= 1>><</nobr>><<show-img ends\end03_01>>
I never had real sisters or brothers. Never before. Now I have become part of a real sisterhood! I was quickly accepted into their ranks, named the younger sister Bunker Berry, given a roof over my head and a dangerous but interesting job. After going through hard training, I became a soldier!
[[Next.|end03_02]]<<show-gif ends\end03_02>>
But besides guarding the walls, patrolling the borders, reconnaissance, a lot of fun appeared in my life. For example, our parties with my sisters are amazing! It was also interesting with dad, of course, but with the sisters we do what we couldn’t do with dad. Namely, we get drunk and indulge in lust!
[[Next.|end03_03]]<<show-gif ends\end03_03>>
Sometimes older sisters join us, sometimes sisters with cocks, but every time our parties are the height of acceptance and bliss. Here you are accepted for who you are, here you do not have to pretend and wear a mask. You can be yourself at Sisters. Although before I never thought that girls could attract me. Apparently, here the role is played not by gender, but by the community and its very pleasant laws.
[[Next.|end03_04]]<<show-img ends\end03_04>>
After only one year, I led a reconnaissance and sabotage detachment. At first, we fought the raiders at our borders, my girls were among the most productive in the entire community! The other sisters looked at us with envy and even a little fear. And they prophesied that I would soon become an older sister!
[[Next.|end03_05]]<<show-gif ends\end03_05>>
But soon the council of older sisters decided that it was necessary to make alliances even with the raiders, as the megamutants were approaching our lands closer and closer. This is a logical idea, I do not argue, but now my combat squad was engaged in the formation and maintenance of these alliances 90% of the time! Tritely speaking, we have become whores for the raiders.
[[Next.|end03_06]]<<show-gif ends\end03_06>>
And raiders have a very good imagination! Here you will not be limited to the usual classics! Here they will flog, fuck in all holes, fist, put on a bottle, piss, beat a little. And this is the easiest set! One of my sisters was put under a mutated dog, the other got a tattoo on her pubis with the inscription “hole”, I don’t talk about scat at all...
But we have gathered a lot of allies! Many factions are now fighting with us!
[[Next.|end03_07]]<<show-gif ends\end03_07>>
And the raiders mockingly replaced the prefixes to our names. Now we are not Berries, we are Whores. Bunker Whore, Cherry Whore, Wise Whore and so on. And when we were on their lands, we had to introduce ourselves and address each other that way.
But it is necessary. For the sake of the survival of the entire community, for the sake of all mankind, we must sacrifice ourselves. We must sacrifice our holes...
[[Next.|end03_08]]<<show-img ends\end03_08>>
Two years later, the megamutants still reached the city of Sisters. The battle for city was truly legendary, we fought like Valkyries! My detachment especially proved itself by going behind enemy lines at the most crucial moment. We destroyed several self-propelled artillery mounts, killed two senior officers. But, despite the alliances, high morale and heroism, the forces were too unequal...
[[Next.|end03_09]]<<show-img ends\end03_09>>
Someone managed to escape, but many sisters, including Cherry Berry and Wise Berry, fell in battle. And some of us fell into slavery, including me. They tormented us, broke our will and spirit. Soon we became faithful slaves for our conquerors. We were used at work, to satisfy needs, procreate, and much more. However, that's another story...
END №3: Enslaved sister.
[[Or was it different?|ch01_40]]<<show-img ch01_45>>
I quietly crept into the shed where Alexander was taken. There I crawled into the basement. Lousy here with security, of course. Inside there is a chained childhood friend and four other guys.
"$name, help me, I beg you," Alexander pleaded.
<<if $alexques1 == 0 >> [[Ask about chains.|ch01_54]]<</if>>
<<if $alexques2 == 0 >> [[Ask about Sisters.|ch01_55]]<</if>>
<<if $alexques3 == 0 >> [[Ask about the past.|ch01_56]]<</if>>
<<nobr>><<if $SistersPrison == 0>> [[👁♂♂ Look around.|ch01_62]]<</if>>
<<if $SistersPrison == 1>> [[👁♂ Look around.|ch01_63]]<</if>>
<<if $SistersPrison == 2>> [[👁♂ Look around.|ch01_64]]<</if>>
<<if $SistersPrison == 3>> [[👁⚦ Look around.|ch01_65]]<</if>>
<<if $SistersPrison == 4>> [[👁⚧ Look around.|ch01_66]]<</if>><</nobr>>
[[Go to Wise Berry.|ch01_25]]
[[Go to Cherry.|ch01_40]]
[[→ Try to free.|end04_01]]
[[→ Spend the night in the car.|ch01_38]]<<show-gif ch01_46>>
"I swear to you that I am not a criminal!" the guy pulled the chain. "Don't be fooled: the girls from Sisters are just slavers! Where do you think they get so many resources from? But this is not the worst. With the help of toxins from the swamps - pink mist - they create ideal sex slaves with destroyed brains. Please help me!"
<<set $alexques1 = 1>><</nobr>><<show-img ch01_47>>
"The world would be much better off without this place," the guy spat on the floor. "Murderers and slavers who hate the entire male population. If you were born a boy, you would be chained to this wall now, just like us."
Strange. Sistres trade and make alliances with the outside world. That is, mostly men. Something in the story of an old friend does not add up...
<<set $alexques2 = 1>><</nobr>><<show-img ch01_16>>
"Heh, life beat us up, of course," the captive guy grinned. "When we left the bunker, my mother brought us here. But we were not accepted here. She had two sons. Then we went to the south, then it was calm there. Mom died of an illness five years ago, my brother and I were left on our own. We guarded the trade caravans, but recently the south has been inflamed. We fled here, but the sisters caught us as we passed through their lands. My brother managed to escape, but as you can see, I didn't."
<<set $alexques3 = 1>><</nobr>><<show-img ends\end04_01>>
I waited for the night. Then using high intelligence (and the key that hung at the exit), I removed the chains from the captives, but when we tried to leave the barn, we stumbled upon a dozen armed Amazons. It was probably a trap.
"$name, we were kind to you, and you tried to free the raiders?" Wise Berry was rightly indignant.
"Raiders? They are just refugees!" I was surprised.
"You are stupid. Our community doesn't need these. But you can still be useful..."
[[Next.|end04_02]]<<show-img ends\end04_02>>
The next thing I remember is a concrete room that somehow reminded me of my native bunker. I was chained to the wall, so I could not even move normally. And the twilight did not allow to see something normally.
"Hey! I understand your anger, but let's try to negotiate!" I screamed with all my might. But there was no answer.
For several hours, I tried several more times to contact my captors, but to no avail. It's cold in here though...
[[Next.|end04_03]]<<show-img ends\end04_03>>
Then, finally, the lights came on, and a voice came from the loudspeaker mounted on the wall:
"$name from the bunker! For trying to organize an escape for rapists, murderers and raiders, you are sentenced to re-education!"
Doesn't sound so scary, actually. But after these words, I noticed how a pink mist began to flow from the ventilation into the room.
[[Next.|end04_04]]<<show-gif ends\end04_04>>
Okay, I've already driven through this mist once in my car. I'm sure I can make it here! And the mist, meanwhile, kept coming, getting into my nostrils.
<span style="color: pink;">After a few minutes, my body seemed to warm up, the coolness no longer bothered me. Then I felt my heart beat faster and my breathing quickened noticeably. And a real puddle formed under me! This is my pussy so leaked! Incredible!
A second later I was shaking with bliss. I finished even without touching! I was in beautiful convulsions! I wish it never ends!</span>
[[Next.|end04_05]]<<show-gif ends\end04_05>>
<span style="color: pink;">I don’t know how much time passed, but when they released me and took me to the mirror, I didn’t recognize myself! In front of me was some blonde with huge lips, milkings and ass!
"Now your name is Bunker Candy," one of the sisters said. "Repeat."
"Now my name is Bunker Candy!" I said cheerfully. Why did I do it? I did not want to repeat such a... pleasant thing! Pleasant? I meant weird. strange? Or still pleasant?</span>
[[Next.|end04_06]]<<show-gif ends\end04_06>>
<span style="color: pink;">It's good that the sisters forgave and accepted me! I love playing with them so much! Often we play the game "who has the biggest boobs cooks the food." And I always win! There are also such games as “maid”, “hole”, “licker”, “urinal”, “spittoon”, but there are hundreds of them! And I play the best! I'm sure all the sisters envy me!</span>
[[Next.|end04_07]]<<show-gif ends\end04_07>>
<span style="color: pink;">One day, the sisters said that from now on I would have to play with a group of men from a settlement in the north, they were so bored. I will gladly help men! They don't even know who they're dealing with! I can teach them so many games, ooh, they won't get bored!
I was immediately settled in a building with armed soldiers, apparently, they were the saddest in the settlement. And I immediately got down to business!</span>
[[Next.|end04_08]]<<show-img ends\end04_08>>
<span style="color: pink;">Soon I became the most popular girl in the area! All the men came to play with me! Caravaneers, guards, there were also raiders, even the Mayor himself came in! I am sincerely grateful to my sisters for giving me a ticket to life! A wonderful life full of games and pleasures!
END №4: Brainless sister.</span>
[[Or was it different, hehe?|ch01_53]]<<show-img ch02_02>>
I wonder what I will learn the next day? And in a week? What kind of people will I meet? Will I find my love? But most of all my thoughts were directed at the raiders, since they settled in the city, through the outskirts of which I would pass. I don't know what tactics should I stick to? Should I use my mind? Should I use force? Or perhaps my natural charm will be useful?
[[Charm!|ch02_05]]<<show-img ch02_03>>
In this world you can achieve something only with brains in your head. This is how it has always been and this is how it will always be. And it doesn’t matter that the old civilization no longer exists. A new society can be built using the mind. Therefore, every decision must be balanced and thoughtful...
<<set $player.cunning += 1>><</nobr>><<show-img ch02_04>>
States are created by force, wars are won by force, our whole life is a constant struggle. We cannot close our eyes to our animal nature. So I will do whatever is necessary to survive. And today it requires cruelty...
<<set $player.cruelty += 1>><</nobr>><<show-img ch02_05>>
Don't underestimate the power of a smile. As well as other parts of the body. Wars were fought because of some women, they were worshiped, they were prayed for. I can’t deny my feminine nature, I don’t see anything bad in it, and I also can’t help but use it. Now all means are good...
<<set $player.perv += 1>><</nobr>><<show-img ch02_06>>
Fuck! I was so lost in thought that I didn’t immediately notice a man on the road loaded with a lot of things. Next to him lies a dead mule, also with a load on its back. The wanderer also noticed my transport and waved his hands. The man looks more like a traveling merchant than a raider. Perhaps in this particular case it makes sense to stop.
[[Drive further.|ch02_07]]<<show-img ch02_11>>
"Wow, I'm so glad you stopped!" the dirty bearded merchant bowed to me. "Although I didn’t expect that there would be a girl behind the wheel..."
"Can I help with anything?" I asked cautiously, expecting some kind of meanness. Raiders can jump out from behind any bush.
"I'm a merchant, my mule died. Please take me to Madras. There I will take a breath, get myself a new transport and continue on my way."
The man is smiling very kindly. But still, his goodwill should not lull my vigilance.
[[Take the merchant on board.|ch02_14]]
[[Go further alone.|ch02_13]]<<show-img ch02_07>>
Yeah, am I a fool or what?! Another trap anyway! No, no, no, I need to be careful. So I just passed by. Although the man shouted after him: “Be careful, there are raiders ahead!” Ha, yes, I know it myself! But I’ll make my way through them myself.
[[Next.|ch02_08]]<<show-img ch02_08>>
Soon dilapidated small houses appeared, which were once the dream and meaning of life for our citizens. Following the houses, a checkpoint appeared with a barrier, an observation tower, several jeeps by the road and armed people. Fuck, there are a lot of them here! And everyone is armed with firearms! Sisters could have at least warned about this!
[[Break through with a fight!|ch02_09]]
[[Stop the car.|ch02_11]]<<show-img ch02_09>>
I pressed the gas pedal to the floor, the raiders immediately ran to the sides and opened fire. They didn’t spare bullets, fortunately, the armor of my iron horse didn’t care about such a modest caliber. However, after ramming the barrier, there was an explosion...
[[Next.|ch02_10]]<<show-img ch02_10>>
It would be better to be careful. I'm sure I can negotiate with these people. I have something to offer in exchange: food, medicine, ammunition. Trading has always been more profitable than fighting.
"Wow, beauty, it doesn’t look like you’re from Sisters," one of the raiders said confidently. "They are not stupid enough to travel alone."
"I’m just passing by," I answered.
"This is the end of your journey," he said with unwavering confidence. "Your cool car has been requisitioned to fight... against megamutants. And you... you too.
[[Try to break through!|ch02_09]]<<show-img ends\death03>>
This is the last thing I remember. Just a bright flash that blinded my eyes. And the flames that engulfed my skin. Apparently, a contact explosive, actually a mine, was installed on the barrier. And my armored car activated it, and then did not survive the force of the explosion. An inglorious ending, albeit a brave one. However, death is death, regardless of the courage shown.
[[Or was it different?|ch02_06]]<<show-gif ends\end05_01>>
Apparently, I should have stayed at Sisters after all. Who knew? Now I am captivated by the dirty and cruel raiders.
My hands were tied, I was forced to my knees and hit several times. Probably for intimidation. But here there was little choice: either death or slavery. And death is the end. In all other cases, you can still try to fight...
[[Next.|end05_02]]<<show-img ends\end05_02>>
Soon I was taken to the leader of the Wolves gang, nicknamed “Dog,” who was very happy about such “prey.” He was even more delighted to learn that I was a virgin. Dog forbade his subordinates to touch me. This is actually very good. I don't want to be raped and beaten half to death.
[[Next.|end05_03]]<<show-gif ends\end05_03>>
I decided to gain his trust, because it would help me survive. Therefore, I did not resist and immediately began to fulfill all Dog’s wishes. My first time was in doggy style, he generally loved this position, as it turned out. I don’t know whether that’s why he got his nickname or not...
[[Next.|end05_04]]<<show-img ends\end05_04>>
Despite Dog’s strange preferences, he turned out to be a very good man, slightly over 30 years old: muscular, attractive (if you don’t pay attention to the scars and burns). And he treated me especially. Other slaves were beaten and sent around in circles, but I escaped this fate. All I had to do was perform “womanly duties” and satisfy the warrior of the wasteland several times a day.
[[Next.|end05_05]]<<show-gif ends\end05_05>>
After a few months I was no longer tied up and I could go wherever I wanted. However, there were no female-raiders in the ranks of the Wolves, so they will never consider me an equal. And Dog also liked to walk me on a leash. At such moments I was only allowed to bark.
"Woof-woof!" came out of my mouth, and everyone laughed.
[[Next.|end05_06]]<<show-gif ends\end05_06>>
Within a year, I was made the senior bitch. My duties included training new bitches. The same as I once was. Many were sold into slavery, but the most capable and flexible ones were kept for themselves. And I needed to explain to them that submission to the Wolves was the only possible option. Both in words and in actions. Sometimes with very harsh actions...
[[Next.|end05_07]]<<show-img ends\end05_07>>
Of course, we are not sitting still. We constantly have to move north to avoid meeting megamutants who are capturing everything in their path. I heard that even Sisters fell under their onslaught. Perhaps it’s still good that I didn’t stay in that town. Besides, I would be incredibly bored there...
[[Next.|end05_08]]<<show-img ends\end05_08>>
Well, and escape... Why? I am fed, protected, other bitches fear and respect me, and in return I just need to satisfy the soldier of the nuclear wasteland. And at the same time I enjoy it myself. The perfect deal.
Now I'm a wolf. I'm Dog's bitch. Woof-woof!
END №5: Doggy style.
[[Or was it different?|ch02_06]]<<show-img ch02_12>>
"Sit down, I’ll give you a ride," I nodded to the passenger seat.
"Thank you, thank you very much, kind girl!" the merchant smiled even more.
He quickly loaded his huge, clanking backpacks and bags into the back seat, and then sat down next to me.
"My name is $name," I introduced myself.
"People call me Mister Bullet."
"Your name is very interesting..."
[[Next.|ch02_15]]<<show-img ch02_07>>
"Sorry, I can’t take that risk," I confidently refused.
"I understand, be careful on the road. Raiders are ahead!" the merchant shouted after me. It sounded like he really cared about me. Perhaps it was still worth taking it... Okay, there is no such thing as too much caution.
[[Next.|ch02_08]]<<show-img ch02_13>>
"I sell ammunition," the good-natured man shrugged. "I buy in the north and sell all the way to Sisters. I earn a lot of shell casings, have fun on the way to the north, buy ammunition there... Well, you understand."
"I understood everything, except where there were so many cartridges."
"There are a lot of people producing ammunition now," the merchant explained. "Some used a makeshift method and in small quantities, like the same Sisters, while others were able to revive pre-war factories."
[[Next.|ch02_16]]<<show-img ch02_08>>
"And the raiders don’t mind that you supply Sisters with additional ammunition?" I scratched my head thoughtfully.
"So I supply ammunition to the raiders too!" the man laughed. "Oh, by the way, there they are."
A checkpoint appeared ahead with a barrier, an observation tower, several jeeps along the road and armed people. Fuck, there are a lot of them here! And everyone is armed with firearms!
"Stop it, I'll make an agreement."
[[Stop.|ch02_17]]<<show-img ch02_10>>
"Hey, Mister Bullet! Did you buy an armored car for yourself?" the surprised raider greeted the merchant.
"Hired," my travel companion grinned. "This way I can deliver the ammunition to you faster."
"Let's get more 5.56 this time, please."
"As much as I can get," the merchant always smiled. "My respects to Dog."
The raider made two circular movements with his hand in the air, his comrades raised the barrier, and we safely drove forward.
[[Next.|ch02_18]]<<show-img ch02_14>>
<<if $bulletquestions == 1 >>Road. Desert. Destroyed houses. I'm already starting to like the local landscape.<</if>> <<if $bulletquestions == 0 >>I'm not sure if I would have been able to get past the raiders' checkpoint so deftly without Mister Bullet.
"In general, they are not bad guys," the fellow traveler suddenly said. "They’re just surviving as best they can."
"Thank you for your help," I thanked him nonetheless.
"Contact me. I'll help as much as I can. In action, in word, in ammunition, hahaha!"<</if>>
<<if $bulletques1 == 0 >> [[Ask about Madras.|ch02_19]]<</if>>
<<if $bulletques2 == 0 >> [[Ask about Sisters.|ch02_20]]<</if>>
<<if $bulletques3 == 0 >> [[Ask about the north.|ch02_21]]<</if>>
<<nobr>>[[→ Next.|ch02_22]]
<<set $bulletquestions = 1>><</nobr>><<show-img ch02_15>>
"Madras is the most terrible place for a hundred miles around!" The man confidently raised his finger up, but the smile did not leave his face. "Drugs, alcohol, prostitution, weapons, crime... All the sins of humanity are collected there. But we need places like this to take off our masks even for a second and give free rein to our nature. Personally, I'm going to get really drunk there and have a good time with the local beauties. I'll rest for a few days. Or a week. How will it go..."
<<set $bulletques1 = 1>><</nobr>><<show-img ch02_16>>
"I love Sistres! Seriously! My best clients!" Mister Bullet exclaimed emotionally. "They are ready to buy up all the cartridges, and at an excellent price for me. At the same time, they produce their own ammunition. Apparently, they are preparing to repel the advance of megamutants. But this is even good for business. Besides, they pay not only with shell casings, but also with affection, if you know what I mean... I mean sex, in short."
<<set $bulletques2 = 1>><</nobr>><<show-img ch02_17>>
"The North is diverse and beautiful!" the man burst into a blissful smile. "New Seattle, Van Couver, and even Hellowna - this is where a new civilization is born! The climate there is more pleasant, and agriculture is better because of this, and therefore there are more people. Factories and mines operate, there are laws and their own armies. Although in Hellowna a terrible tyranny reigns, in New Seattle there is a high level of radiation, and in Van Couver people with the slightest mutations are hanged on poles... But these are all trifles. Besides, you don’t need to go that far north, as far as I understand. After Bridgetown you need to turn east, but I haven't been there so I can't give any advice..."
<<set $bulletques3 = 1>><</nobr>><<show-img ch02_18>>
"We’re almost there," said Mr. Bullet. "Madras is not surrounded by walls, but there are checkpoints at the entrances. I’ll take you through the first one, and on the second one you’ll just give a dozen cartridges to let you through. Or a couple of ammo. The main thing: don't give too much."
"Thank you," I smiled at my travel companion.
"Thank you, young lady," he answered with a smile. "And I... I’m now going to fall into the cheapest den and give it to the cheapest whore in the mouth. There’s nothing more relaxing after a road trip..."
[[→ Drive on.|ch02_26]]
<<nobr>><<if $player.perv gte 12 >>[[♂♀ Offer my mouth [requires perversion 12 or higher].|ch02_23]]<</if>>
<<if $player.perv lte 11>> <span style="color: red;">♂♀ Offer my mouth [requires perversion 12 or higher].</span><</if>><</nobr>><<show-img ch02_22>>
We covered the rest of the way without incident. No raiders, lesbians or megamutans, which is very good. Quiet and calm, just the way I like it.
Mr. Bullet took me through the checkpoint again, this time through the Madras checkpoint, not the raiders. But, as I understand it, there is not much difference. These are also bandits.
<<nobr>><<if $bulletblowjob == 0 >>"Thanks for the tip, young lady!" my fellow traveler thanked me. <</if>>
<<if $bulletblowjob == 1 >>"Thanks for the tip, young lady! And thanks for the wonderful blowjob too!" the fellow traveler thanked me, and I blushed again.<</if>><</nobr>>
"You're welcome."
On that note, he got out of the car and went on his way. I don't know if we'll ever see each other again. Although, of course not...
[[Next.|ch02_27]]<<show-img ch02_19>>
"Maybe I can help you, Mister Bullet?" I said playfully. What?! I also need affection, adventure and a dick in my mouth.
"Help with what?"
"With a blowjob," I said directly and without prevarication. But at the same time I felt my cheeks turn red.
"Ohhh, I didn’t expect this," he chuckled. "But if you want to, stop at the side of the road."
[[Slow down at the side of the road.|ch02_24]]<<show-gif ch02_20>>
<<nobr>><<if $blowjob == 0 >>I pulled over to the side of the road, my hands shaking slightly. Now I will suck the first male dick in my life.<</if>>
<<if $blowjob == 1 >>I pulled over to the side of the road, my hands shaking slightly. Now I will suck the first man's penis in my life. Of course, there was the dick of the Wise Berry, but she is not exactly a man, she is she.<</if>><</nobr>>
The man confidently unzipped his fly and lowered his pants, apparently he has a lot of experience in such matters, not like me.
"Don’t be afraid, he doesn’t bite," the fellow traveler grinned. "Come on, take it into your tender hand.
<<nobr>><<if $blowjob == 0 >>I overcame my fear and touched the penis. He didn't bite. Neither a dick nor a man. Then I took a deep breath, gathered my strength and attacked him with my lips. Here it is - my first blowjob in my life. <</if>>
<<if $blowjob == 1 >>I overcame my fear and touched the penis. He didn't bite. Neither a dick nor a man. Then I took a deep breath, gathered my strength and attacked him with my lips.<</if>><</nobr>>
Somehow I involuntarily moved my head up and down, as if I had some kind of innate reflex. Not the sucking reflex that makes a baby suck on its mother's breast, but the reflex of some cocksucker slut. I was both ashamed and incredibly pleased at the same time. While my lips ran over the hard penis, I felt how my panties became wet.
[[Next.|ch02_25]]<<show-img ch02_21>>
I didn’t measure how much time passed, but for me everything flew by as if in an instant. I kept moving on the dick like a crazy little nymphomaniac when the man grunted.
"Come on, young lady, just a little more and I’ll cum!" said Mr. Bullet.
Just a couple of movements later, his sperm poured into my mouth. I recoiled in surprise, and one “shot” hit my face.
<<nobr>><<if $blowjob == 0 >>Mmm, that’s what it tastes and feels like – real male sperm. I like. Even more. And I feel so depraved...<</if>>
<<if $blowjob == 1 >>Mmm, that’s what it tastes and feels like – real male sperm. In fact, almost the same as the sperm of the same Wise Berry. Only thicker. Anyway, I like it. And I feel so depraved...<</if>><</nobr>>
"Ugh, that was great," the man summed up. "Well, shall we go further?"
<<nobr>>[[Drive on.|ch02_26]]
<<set $player.perv += 2>>
<<set $blowjob += 1>>
<<set $bulletblowjob += 1>><</nobr>>
<<show-img ch02_23>>
So, here I am, left alone again on my road. Theoretically, I can go out and look around Madras, go to a local bar. Although maybe I shouldn't do that. Mr. Bullet strongly advised me not to stay here. On the other hand, he himself decided to have some fun in Madras...
[[Get out of the car and explore Madras.|ch02_28]]
[[→ Leave Madras.|ch02_34]]
<<show-img ch02_24>>
<<nobr>><<if $madrasvisit == 1 >>Where should I go? To the bar? Or is it time to leave the city?<</if>><<if $madrasvisit == 0 >>Nice to stretch your legs after a long drive. Oh, dilapidated buildings, crooked signs of weapons, food and drug stores, lonely prostitutes lazily walking along the streets. Civilization!
Oh, I hear some noise from the ruins nearby. Maybe we should see what's going on there? Or should I go straight to the bar?<</if>><</nobr>>
<<if $madrassexsaw == 0 >>[[👁♂♀ Go to the ruins.|ch02_29]]<</if>>
[[👁 Look at the prostitutes.|ch02_84]]
[[→ Go to the bar.|ch02_31]]
[[→ Leave Madras.|ch02_34]]
<<nobr>><<if $toilet3 == 0 >>[[🛊Go to the toilet.|ch02_85]]<</if>>
<<set $madrasvisit = 1>><</nobr>><<show-img ch02_25>>
Slowly, carefully and as quietly as possible, I crept to the source of the suspicious sounds. I often looked around to make sure no one was seeing or following me. I also almost twisted my ankle when I stepped on a stone.
When I finally got to the moaning, I wasn’t surprised. Some kind of prostitute, or raider, was sucking the dick of a local bandit (judging by the appearance).
"Yes, come on, hole on the legs!" the man said. "Work your fucking mouth!"
"That's what I'm doing!" the girl laughed, releasing her penis from her mouth for a second.
In general, she did her job very actively, smacking her lips and moaning, moving back and forth at breakneck speed. At the same time, her eyes shone with happiness.
<<show-img ch02_27>>
"Hey! Hold!" an armed man in an iron mask and hat called out to me as I walked towards the bar.
"Yes?" I was confused, stopping.
"I am the Sheriff of Madras, but this is the first time I’ve seen you here. Are you a spy of Sisters? Or a raider? You arrived in a cool car with all these weapons. Suspicious. I'll have to detain you."
<<nobr>><<if $player.cunning gte 14 >> [[Trick [requires cunning 14 or higher].|ch02_32]]<</if>>
<<if $player.cunning lte 13>> <span style="color: red;"> Trick [requires cunning 14 or higher].</span><</if>><</nobr>>
<<nobr>><<if $player.cruelty gte 14 >> [[Frighten [requires cruelty 14 or higher].|ch02_33]]<</if>>
<<if $player.cruelty lte 13>> <span style="color: red;"> Frighten [requires cruelty 14 or higher].</span><</if>><</nobr>>
[[Give up.|end06_01]]
[[Shoot him!|ch02_81]]<<show-img ch02_26>>
The man could not stand it, he lifted the girl with his strong hands, leaned her against the wall, raised her leg and in one sharp movement inserted his penis into her. She squealed in surprise.
"Yes, bitch, you will squeal on my dick. Squeal and grunt," said the fucker.
"Oink-oink!" the slut said playfully.
I admit, the whole situation excited me. For a moment I even imagined myself in her place. But then I realized that the girl was looking straight at me. I've been noticed! She doesn’t seem to show it, but I’d better leave...
<<set $player.perv += 1>>
<<set $madrassexsaw = 1>><</nobr>><<show-img ch02_28>>
"Mister Sheriff, you are absolutely right. I’m one of Sisters," I said confidently. "I am moving on an important mission to the north.
"Umm..." the “guardian” of local laws muttered somehow in disappointment and confusion.
"You know our capabilities very well. Therefore, let's not aggravate diplomatic relations between our settlements."
"Uh, of course, Miss. Have a good trip," the Sheriff took off his hat, bowed, turned around and left.
And it's time for me to leave. Moreover, from Madras. As quickly as possible. Otherwise, if my deception is discovered...
<<nobr>>[[→ Leave Madras.|ch02_34]]
<<set $player.cunning += 1>><</nobr>>
<<show-img ch02_29>>
"Listen me, little Sheriff, you’re right here, I’m one of the raiders," I said confidently, poking my interlocutor’s chest with my fingers. "I am carrying an important dispatch to the north."
"Umm..." the “keeper” of local laws muttered somehow confused and timidly.
"If you touch me with even a finger, you will talk to Dog," I remembered how Mr. Bullet asked me to say hello to the leader of the raiders. "Do you understand it, worm?"
"Uh, of course, Miss, sorry," the Sheriff took off his hat, bowed, turned around and left.
And it's time for me to leave. Moreover, from Madras. As quickly as possible. Otherwise, if my deception is discovered...
<<nobr>>[[→ Leave Madras.|ch02_34]]
<<set $player.cruelty += 1>><</nobr>><<show-img ch02_30>>
It’s good to be a guest, but it’s better not to stay with such hosts. So I took a breath, had a snack of canned beans, drank some water and continued on my way.
On the way out, I was stopped by the “defenders” of Madras, I gave them a dozen shell casings, as Mr. Bullet advised. It's strange that shell casings are now used as currency in many places. Although it is understandable: cartridges are a necessary part for making the most valuable thing in the wasteland - ammo.
They let me through without any problems and wished me a good trip. Yes, I'll need it. I need to get to Bridgetown before sunset...
[[Next.|ch02_35]]<<show-img ch02_31>>
Fuck! Shit! Damned bucket with screws!
As soon as I drove ten miles from Madras, the engine stopped! At the same time, there is fuel, the auxiliary electronic engine is fully charged, all indicators show full serviceability. My father taught me to understand mechanisms, including cars, otherwise everything in the bunker would have broken. But now I just don't know what the problem is. There's no way I'll make it to the city in time. But I don’t really want to spend the night on the road in the desert...
[[Next.|ch02_36]]<<show-img ends\end06_01>>
I decided not to aggravate the situation and not to provoke a conflict. I didn’t break the law, I’m not in danger. At least that's what I thought then...
My hands were handcuffed and taken to the sheriff's office. There they interrogated me for a long time. Apparently they were trying to find out if I had anything to do with the raiders or Sisters. I'm stupid. I had to answer that I have. Only then I didn’t know about it...
[[Next.|end06_02]]<<show-img ends\end06_02>>
After the Sheriff was convinced that I was very harmless and there was no army behind me, he changed my clothes, taped my mouth, put a bag on my head, tied my hands and took me somewhere in a car. We drove for a long time, the relatively smooth asphalt was replaced by a country road and bumps.
Then I finally realized that this story would not end well. Shouldn't have stopped in that damned Madras!
[[Next.|end06_03]]<<show-img ends\end06_03>>
When the car finally stopped, they pulled me out of it, put me on my feet and took off the blindfold. Three scary rednecks stood in front of me: two men and one woman. Their faces were disfigured. Either by radiation, or torture, or they were born such freaks. But there is nowhere to run, there is endless desert and fields all around.
"Here, my dears, I brought you a worker, as I promised," the Sheriff poked me in the back with his rifle.
"Thank you, son, you are the best!" said the woman.
Yeah, that explains a lot...
I was told that I was now obliged to fulfill all the work and all the wishes of my new “family”.
[[Next.|end06_04]]<<show-gif ends\end06_04>>
The first desire of the freaks was my young and innocent body. I screamed that I was a virgin, but this only turned them on more. I was carried into their dilapidated house and thrown onto a dirty bed.
I was forced to suck, fucked from both sides, changed, fucked... I felt incredibly disgusted. It seemed to go on forever. At one point my brain switched off and completely stopped understanding what was happening...
[[Next.|end06_05]]<<show-img ends\end06_05>>
Of course, their next desire was to send me to the fields to work. Previously, I only grew food on our small farm in a bunker, but there were whole endless fields here. And almost lifeless soil. You can't grow much with this, but you have to work all day long. I washed my arms and legs, and my new “owners” washed my holes with their dicks...
[[Next.|end06_06]]<<show-gif ends\end06_06>>
At first I tried to run, but I was caught several times. And I realized that there was nowhere to run.
For any dissatisfaction I was punished: they beat me, deprived me of food, turned me into a pig. These village mutants have strange erotic fantasies. But arguing was dangerous. When they told me: “grunt!”, I grunted. At first it was formal, just to avoid getting hit. But then I noticed how some enthusiasm was added to my grunts.
[[Next.|end06_07]]<<show-img ends\end06_07>>
The woman, or “Ma,” as everyone called her here, also loved to make fun of me, forced me to serve her in every possible way, to lick her ugly pussy. Soon this practice became everyday. I couldn't go to bed without licking Ma's pussy. And the men didn’t go to bed without using my holes.
From the outside, we probably looked like a very loving family. But there was no one to look at us from the outside, except for livestock and ravens... But it was safe here, and there was always food.
[[Next.|end06_08]]<<show-img ends\end06_08>>
After a few years, I became completely accustomed to such a life, to hard work, to the dicks of my “Pa” and the cunt of my “Ma”. I became part of the family. I happily carry out the dirtiest tasks. Whether it's working in the fields or the perverted desires of my new family...
END №6: Cowgirl.
[[Or was it different?|ch02_28]]<<show-img ch02_32>>
Oh, great, there’s also an armored car coming towards me. Of course, I couldn't travel along an empty road forever. I understood perfectly well that sooner or later I could collide with another vehicle. I may have to take part in a chase, try to get away from someone, push against the sides... But what kind of chase is it when my vehicle breaks down?! In any case, I'll take an assault rifle and prepare for defense. There are simply no other options...
[[Prepare for defense.|ch02_37]]<<show-img ch02_33>>
Soon the car approached, stopped and three black men got out very slowly.
"Don't shoot, we won't harm you!" one of them shouted. "We are hunters of monsters, not people."
"And what kind of monsters do you hunt?" I shouted, sitting behind the armored door with an assault rifle at the ready.
"Mainly for mutants. Now we are tracking down the Black Widow - a huge radioactive spider, whose shell consists not of chitin, but of skin, and her eyes glow red..."
It's strange, but these men inspire trust. They don't look like raiders or criminals.
[[Next.|ch02_38]]<<show-img ch02_34>>
"Miss, is your transport broken down?" one of them specified.
"As you can see," it was stupid to deny the obvious, so I told the truth.
"Soon it will be night, and somewhere here is the Black Widow’s lair,” he continued. "Let us take your vehicle in tow, take it to our base, and fix it there."
"What about the price?" I was surprised at the suspicious kindness of strangers.
"Give me a couple of canned goods, a couple of shell casings, sing with us by the fire, we’ll agree on that," the black man grinned.
All this is suspicious, of course. In any situation, I would send them to hell, but now... Do I have a choice?
[[Travel with new “friends”.|ch02_42]]
[[Stay overnight here.|ch02_39]]<<show-img ch02_35>>
I couldn’t trust my life to strangers, so I said goodbye to men. They simply shrugged their shoulders and drove off into the distance. Soon night fell on the world. Bright stars lit up everywhere, a huge moon appeared on the horizon, slightly illuminating the desert. I settled down on the seat and decided to get some sleep...
[[Next.|ch02_40]]<<show-img ch02_37>>
My armored horse was taken in tow and taken in a direction unknown to me, soon turning off the main road onto a country road. I'm not sure if I made the right choice...
Soon we reached a dilapidated, lonely house in the deep desert. The men said this was their temporary base. They also said that they had fought against megamutants before, but their city in the south was captured, and the population was completely exterminated or enslaved. Since then, they have been hunting all the monsters they can get their hands on. But at the same time they are waiting for the final battle against megamutants...
[[Next.|ch02_43]]<<show-img ch02_36>>
But before I could fall asleep, I heard a noise outside. I grabbed my assault rifle, turned on the headlights, and ran outside. What I soon saw amazed me. It was a huge spider the size of my armored car! Her eyes glowed red with fire. I immediately opened automatic fire on the vile monster. But, despite the leather shell, it turned out to be much stronger than steel...
[[Next.|ch02_41]]<<show-img ends\death04>>
Within a second the spider covered the distance between us, and a moment later I was dead. But this is good, because I would hardly like the fact that her spider offspring were growing in my body. A quick and painless death. Next time you need to listen if someone says that there is a monster living under your bed...
[[Or was it different?|ch02_38]]<<show-img ch02_38>>
We had a snack, had a nice chat, and even danced around the fire! I haven't had this much fun in a long time! With men, I felt completely safe. Oh, and they taught me a few songs too!
By the way, surprisingly, they don't use names. They call themselves numerals in order in the hierarchy. That is, first, second, third and so on. If the first dies, the second becomes first, and the third becomes second. A very strange system. But, fortunately, there are not many of them. There are three here, and there are ten more people at the main base.
So, the Second and the Seventh went to bed, and I stayed with the Fourth. I didn’t want to sleep yet...
[[Next.|ch02_44]]<<show-img ch02_39>>
Fourth is a very attractive black man, despite numerous scars and burns.
<<if $fourthques1 == 0 >> [[Ask about hometown.|ch02_45]]<</if>>
<<if $fourthques2 == 0 >> [[Ask about monsters.|ch02_46]]<</if>>
<<if $fourthques3 == 0 >> [[Ask about the family.|ch02_47]]<</if>>
[[Ask about him.|ch02_48]]
[[→ Sleep in the car.|ch02_53]]
<<nobr>><<if $toilet4 == 0 >>[[🛊Go to the toilet.|ch02_86]]<</if>><</nobr>><<show-img ch02_40>>
"It's very beautiful there. It was very beautiful," Fourth stopped short. "We were engaged in agriculture, we even had an irrigation system. Before the arrival of the megamutants, there were more than six hundred of us. Only fifty managed to escape. We have abandoned our names until the moment we take revenge on the bloodthirsty invaders. Until we return to our native lands. Now there are only thirteen of us left..."
<<set $fourthques1 = 1>><</nobr>><<show-img ch02_41>>
"Surprisingly, dead monsters pay well!" the black man grinned. "We are now hunting for the Black Widow at the invitation of Bridgetown. The spider made a noise there, but they managed to drive her away. Now the city authorities are ready to give a ton of food and ammunition for the peace of their citizens. Before this, we had already destroyed an entire nest of gamma scorpions near New Seattle, a gang of ghasts near Van Couver, and even one Hell Nightmare! Although Nightmare turned out to be the weakest of all, despite his size and menacing appearance. But the rest were very strong. What can I say, we turned out to be good at this..."
<<set $fourthques2 = 1>><</nobr>><<show-img ch02_42>>
"There are too few of us left,” the monster hunter shook his head. "That's why we decided that we would have everything in common. Any things, and not only things. This approach may seem to breed irresponsibility. On the contrary, you try to act much more responsibly and spend resources more economically, since the lives of those closest to you depend on them. No possessiveness, no selfishness, no jealousy. For our own people. But not for strangers. And for enemies - death..."
<<set $fourthques3 = 1>><</nobr>><<show-img ch02_43>>
<<if $fourthkissask == 1 >>"I desperately want to kiss your lips." <</if>> <<if $fourthkissask == 0 >>"Me?" the black man thought. "Yes, I'm just surviving. I live for today. And today, I won’t hide, I desperately want to kiss you."
What a twist! However, Fourth is a very good person, not lacking in charisma and beauty, despite the scars and burns.<</if>>
<<nobr>><<if $player.perv gte 10 >> [[♂♀ Kiss [requires perversion 10 or higher].|ch02_49]]<</if>>
<<if $player.perv lte 9>> <span style="color: red;">♂♀ Kiss [requires perversion 10 or higher].</span><</if>><</nobr>>
<<set $fourthkissask = 1>><</nobr>><<show-gif ch02_44>>
"So kiss me," I smiled flirtatiously, and the black guy immediately pressed his lips to mine. I didn’t even have time to really understand anything, I just mechanically moved my tongue along my partner’s tongue.
<<nobr>><<if $kiss == 0 >>Here it is - my first kiss. Passionate, all-consuming, incomprehensible. But very pleasant. Even butterflies began to play in my stomach, as they say in the movies.<</if>>
<<if $kiss gte 1 >>Despite the fact that I already had experience in kissing (albeit a little), this kiss was completely different from the first. The kiss with Fourth was passionate, all-consuming, incomprehensible. But very pleasant. Even butterflies began to play in my stomach, as they say in the films.<</if>><</nobr>>
[[Next.|ch02_50]]<<show-gif ch02_45>>
Soon I felt Fourth put my hand on his... dick. On a huge black strong dick!
"Just caress it with your hand, nothing more," said the partner, tearing off his clothes.
<<nobr>><<if $handjob == 0 >> Okay, I’ll just caress it with my hand. I haven’t done any handjob yet.<</if>>
<<if $handjob gte 1 >> Okay, I’ll just caress it with my hand. Not the first time.<</if>><</nobr>>
Gradually, Fourth took off his clothes, then mine, but I could not do anything, I was unable to resist. His powerful cock seemed to hypnotize me, suppressing my will and desire to fight. But it gave me a desire to kiss a man’s lips and jerk off this beautiful and massive trunk.
[[Next.|ch02_51]]<<show-gif ch02_46>>
After some time, I felt my black stallion breathing heavily, then snow-white seed splashed onto my stomach. Ha, I thought it would be black! Those are stupid stereotypes!
"Wow, that was cool, baby," said a breathless Fourth. He was out of breath, and I wasn’t even tired. Maybe I'm a real huntress here?
"Yes, I conquered your “monster”," I laughed, lying down by the fire.
<<set $player.perv += 2>>
<<set $kiss += 1>>
<<set $handjob += 1>>
<<set $handjobfourth += 1>><</nobr>><<show-img ch02_47>>
We covered ourselves with a blanket and hugged. It is dangerous, of course, to sleep in the open air; there are radioactive monsters running around here. They are probably afraid of fire. But people... People are much more terrible, and they are not afraid of fire. However, I still felt safe around strong black guys. These will defeat both monsters and raiders...
[[Sleep.|ch02_56]]<<show-img ch02_48>>
I was tired and decided to spend the night in the car. It was a very difficult day; I constantly had to make fateful decisions. I wonder what would have happened if I had not taken Mister Bullet with me? Or if I hadn't gone with the monster hunters now? Unfortunately, this is not possible to know. But sometimes you really want to know what if...
[[Sleep.|ch02_54]]<<show-img ch02_49>>
...After waking up, the four of us gathered again, I prepared breakfast from my food supplies, Second said that he had found the cause of the malfunction of my transport, it would take several hours to repair. In return, the men asked me to mend the worn-out items. Quite fair, because they help me too. I’ve been able to darn since childhood, my aunt taught me...
[[Next.|ch02_55]]<<show-img ch02_50>>
It's been a while since I sewed clothes. Probably ordinary things like sewing, cooking, caring for plants, watching movies will always remind me of the safe time in the bunker.
I did it in two hours, the men did it in two hours, and it turned out to be mutually beneficial cooperation. Of course, repairing clothes costs less than repairing vehicles, and even protection, so I threw two dozen rounds of ammunition to the men. Fortunately, I have whole boxes of them. Well, now let's go!
[[Let's go!|ch02_64]]<<show-img ch02_49>>
...After waking up, the four of us gathered again, I prepared breakfast from my food supplies. Fourth and I pretended that nothing had happened between us at night. Second said that he had found the cause of the malfunction of my vehicle; repairs would take several hours. In return, the men asked me to mend the worn-out items. Quite fair, because they help me too. I’ve been able to darn since childhood, my aunt taught me...
[[Next.|ch02_57]]<<show-img ch02_51>>
It's been a while since I sewed clothes. Probably ordinary things like sewing, cooking, caring for plants, watching movies will always remind me of the safe time in the bunker.
I twitched slightly when the Second came into the house where I was doing clothes.
"Is the car ready yet? I haven’t mended all clothes yet..." I said, looking up at the black man.
"Fourth and Seventh are working on the car. And I came for another question," smiling mysteriously, he approached me point-blank. "Fourth told me how you jerked him off yesterday. That's why…"
[[Next.|ch02_58]]<<show-gif ch02_52>>
"That's why suck me too, white bitch," the man finished, dumping a huge black dick in front of my face.
My heart almost stopped and my eyes popped out of my sockets. I definitely didn't expect this. However, at least this is honest and straightforward.
"Stop staring, bitch, quickly take my black dick into your mouth!" the man said imperiously.
<<nobr>><<if $player.perv gte 15 >> [[♂♀ Suck that big black cock. [requires perversion 15 or higher].|ch02_60]]<</if>>
<<if $player.perv lte 14>> <span style="color: red;">♂♀ Suck that big black cock. [requires perversion 15 or higher].</span><</if>><</nobr>>
[[Refuse to suck.|ch02_59]]<<show-img ch02_54>>
Unable to resist the hypnotic power of a huge black cock, I attacked him with my lips.
<<nobr>><<if $blowjob == 0 >>Just think, this is my first blowjob! And I have to suck such a big dick!<</if>>
<<if $blowjob gte 1 >>Thankfully, I have at least a little experience with blowjobs. But who am I kidding?! With such a large device, my insignificant experience will not help me.<</if>><</nobr>>
"All you white bitches can’t resist the sight of a black man," said Second arrogantly. However, I won’t deceive myself, I quite like his rude words.
But I didn't really like his rude actions. He took my head and literally started pushing it onto his dick!
"Deeper, cocksucker, deeper!" he ordered.
Hey, ay! I don't have that much space in my mouth!
[[Next.|ch02_61]]<<show-img ch02_53>>
"No!" I screamed, jumping to my feet. "I’m not some kind of whore!"
"Wow-wow-wow! Take it easy, baby, take it easy," the man walked away. "Some girls just like this approach. But “no” means “no”, I understand everything, I’m not dumb."
This was the end of the incident. I did it in two hours, the men did it in two hours, and it turned out to be mutually beneficial cooperation. Of course, repairing clothes costs less than repairing vehicles, and even protection, so I threw two dozen rounds of ammunition to the men. Fortunately, I have whole boxes of them. Well, now let's go!
[[Let's go!|ch02_64]]<<show-img ch02_55>>
I think I almost lost consciousness from lack of air. I came to my senses only from the realization that Second had already cum in my mouth.
"Swallow, Snow White," the powerful black man ordered again. I involuntarily followed his order.
<<nobr>><<if $blowjob == 0 >>My first hard-earned sperm. However, I even like it. It's nice to satisfy other people and do good to them.<</if>>
<<if $blowjob gte 1 >>Hard-earned sperm. However, I even like it. It's nice to satisfy other people and do good to them.<</if>><</nobr>>
[[Next.|ch02_62]]<<show-img ch02_56>>
"Good white girl," Second grinned.
"Yes, I liked it myself," I laughed stupidly in response.
"Would you like to join us?" the black man made a very unexpected proposal. "We will accept you into the clan, you will receive full protection. You don't have to hunt monsters if you don't want to, you'll live on a permanent base with other clan members, do some work, suck black dicks... Well, what do you say?"
[[Continue on my way.|ch02_63]]
[[Stay with the hunters.|end07_01]]<<show-img ends\end07_01>>
These men went through many troubles and defeated the most terrible monsters. I'll probably be much safer with them than without them. Plus, they can teach me a lot. And with them, ahem... let's say, it's pleasant. With them I can be free and contribute to this world. It is unlikely that I will be able to find another group like this. It’s too far to my uncle, and if the car breaks down at the start, I doubt that I’ll be able to get to him. It was all a foolish dream. Now I'm in reality...
And I will become a monster huntress!
[[Next.|end07_02]]<<show-img ch02_53>>
"Unfortunately, I have to refuse," I shook my head, slightly stained with sperm. "I have my own way, sorry."
"No offense, I understand everything. Anyway, thanks for the blowjob, bitch," the burly black man grinned.
I offered my companions ammo as additional payment for car repairs and protection, but they refused. They said that I had already worked everything out with my hands and mouth. It's better for me, hahaha! Well, now let's go!
[[Let's go!|ch02_64]]<<nobr>>
<<set $player.perv += 2>>
<<set $blowjob += 1>><</nobr>><<show-img ch02_57>>
And my favorite iron horse... Mmm... Its engine seems to purr like a large and predatory cat. But it's a beautiful sound. The guys really did their best and helped me incredibly. It’s scary to imagine what would have happened if I hadn’t met them.
Good people - you are awesome! Always stay as kind as you are!
[[Next.|ch02_65]]<<show-img ends\end07_02>>
I was brought to the clan's main base, which is located in the suburbs of New Seattle. The city itself is very radioactive, because several nuclear missiles flew into it, but on the outskirts everything is not so bad. We have a fortified concrete industrial building, tons of ammunition, trained and battle-hardened soldiers, we even have our own water well. In general, it’s not a palace, but you can live with dignity.
[[Next.|end07_03]]<<show-img ends\end07_03>>
The other clan members, black men and women, were happy that I had decided to join. I was given the name "Last". As they explained to me, I’m new, so I can’t count on a high number in the hierarchy. And this way I won’t have to constantly change my number if someone dies or if someone new comes. Quite rightly, I didn’t expect more.
At first, my responsibilities included cooking, washing, sewing, cleaning, caring for the garden, in general, all simple things.
[[Next.|end07_04]]<<show-gif ends\end07_04>>
Of course, I had to take care of men too. The clan had everything in common; there were no wives, husbands, or private property. Therefore, because of my low position, I became common property. However, big black cocks are one of the reasons why I agreed to stay with these monster hunters. I don’t know why they attract me so much, but it’s like hypnosis. By satisfying a man, I enjoy it myself.
[[Next.|end07_05]]<<show-gif ends\end07_05>>
When I was deflowered, I was drunk and blindfolded so I wouldn't know who was my first. Despite the alcohol, I remember that it was very painful. It's like they've shoved a club inside me! The second time was already better, and starting from the fifth, there was no need for alcohol. I began to cum on these beautiful and powerful dicks. And the further I went, the more I got the taste and enjoyed it.
[[Next.|end07_06]]<<show-gif ends\end07_06>>
During anal sex, of course, alcohol also came in handy for me, but I already understood what awaited me: first pain, then normal, then bliss. And so it happened - anal brought me pleasure no less than other types of sex. Who would have thought that everything would turn out like this? That I will live with strong black men and fulfill all their lustful desires? It's good that my dad can't see me now. It’s unlikely that he liked what a slut I had turned into...
[[Next.|end07_07]]<<show-gif ends\end07_07>>
I don't just fuck black men, though. Since I am Last, I can be commanded by black girls, of which there were only three at the base. Therefore, I had to serve them too. I liked men better, but nothing can be done about it. This is my role, this is my place in this world. And I don’t complain about my fate, I enjoy it.
[[Next.|end07_08]]<<show-gif ends\end07_08>>
After a year of living with monster hunters, I got a tattoo right on my butt: a black heart with the letter “Q”. I was told that this is the official tattoo for monster hunters. To my question: “Why don’t you have these?”, they explained to me that black ink is hard to see on dark skin. Everything is logical. And... Hurray! I'm now an official monster hunter!
[[Next.|end07_09]]<<show-img ends\end07_09>>
Sometimes they took me with them on hunts, but mostly I did not participate in killing monsters. I cooked, sewed, cleaned and loaded weapons. And, of course, I served other hunters. Together we destroyed a nest of fire toads, three gangs of ghast, and the largest gamma-scorpion this world has ever seen! But this is only the beginning of my journey as a monster huntress. I'm sure even more adventures await me!
END №7: Monster huntress.
[[Or was it different?|ch02_62]]<<show-img ch02_58>>
Are you fucking kidding me?!
As soon as the monster hunters and I entered the main road and went in different directions, two cars fell on my tail. And they don't look friendly at all! Two aggressive buckets with nuts are moving at the limit of their speed, rapidly closing the distance between us. Well, I need to prepare for battle.
[[Prepare for battle!|ch02_66]]<<show-img ch02_59>>
I pressed the gas pedal, although I understood that I couldn’t tear myself away from them; after all, I had an armored car, and they had fast raiding vehicles. I don’t have time to get to Bridgetown, it’s a shame. And no one will help me now. Except myself.
Soon the bandits caught up with me, several shooters leaned out of the windows. However, my horse doesn’t care about small bullets. But they can also use explosives...
[[Brake sharply, wait for them to stop, press the gas and push their cars.|ch02_74]]
[[Drive straight ahead at top speed.|ch02_67]]
[[Swerve from side to side, trying to throw their cars off the road.|ch02_69]]
[[Give up.|end08_01]]<<show-img ch02_63>>
OK boys, let's play.
I waited until they caught up with me, then I sharply pressed the brakes. They drove past and soon also began to slow down, but one car skidded and crashed into the side of another. The second one was thrown off the road, and the first one turned over on its side. Fuck, I've never seen anything more fun. I didn't really do anything! Just pressed the brakes! And these morons beat each other.
Oh! One car even caught fire, haha! Purely Mad Max No! Mad $name!
[[Next.|ch02_75]]<<show-img ch02_60>>
I relied on the power of my faithful iron friend and squeezed everything I could out of the engine. Come on, don't let me down. I could clearly hear the sounds of a gunshot hitting the armor of my car, and I automatically ducked my head. But the armor held out. Haha, scum! Eat that!
They stopped shooting, at the same moment their fast cars overtook my leisurely armored car. Then I remember how something flew out of the window of the raiders’ car and fell under my...
[[Next.|ch02_68]]<<show-img ch02_61>>
I relied on the strong armor and heaviness of my iron friend, so at first I let the bandits get closer. Soon I heard shooting, I involuntarily ducked down, but the armor held up. Small bullets are not capable of harming my armored car.
Then the enemy caught up with me, one of the shooters was holding something in his hand, apparently an explosive. It's time! At the moment of his swing, I swerved and knocked the enemy car off the road. The force of the impact overturned the car, and then there was an explosion. Beauty! Probably, the grenade the bandit had exploded.
[[Next.|ch02_70]]<<show-gif ends\end08_01>>
I decided to give up because, let's be honest, I didn't stand a chance against two fast cars full of armed men. They survive through such crimes, but I have neither experience nor courage. What a fool I was when I thought that I could cover such a huge distance? What did I expect? That I will drive along a rainbow, and along the way I will only meet good fairies?
I braked, got out of the car with my hands raised, and was immediately surrounded by armed men. They tied my hand and legs, put a bag over my head and stuffed me into one of the cars.
[[Next.|end08_02]]<<show-img ends\death05>>
Explosion. Bright flash. I don't remember anything else. Apparently, a grenade successfully flew under the armored car, and its explosion caused the ammunition and cartridges in my car to explode. Even though I died, the good news is that the bandits didn’t get anything. It's almost a draw. Almost…
[[Or was it different?|ch02_66]]<<show-gif ch02_62>>
What a bitch! The second car, while I was busy with the first, managed to overtake me. I won't be able to catch up with this car to push it. Damn! A guy in a leather jacket with a huge rifle leaned out of it. Fuck!
Thunder roared and time seemed to slow down. The shooter hit the hood of my armored car and it was pulled to the side. My iron horse has turned over...
[[Next.|ch02_71]]<<show-gif ends\death06_01>>
...The next thing I remember is being hit on the cheeks.
"Wake up, bitch! Wake up!"
My hands were tied, I was forced to my knees, I could no longer resist.
"You killed my brother! My little brother, bitch!" With these words the invader began to beat me. Apparently, he meant the second car that I blew up.
He hit me in the face and body, I experienced wild pain, but tried to hold on. That's all I can do now...
[[Next.|ch02_72]]<<show-gif ends\death06_02>>
...It seems that I lost consciousness again, because the next time I regained consciousness in some basement, being completely naked and with a rope around my neck.
It's really bad. This is probably the end.
"You killed my brother! My dear brother! Die, bitch, die!" the man pulling the rope furiously shouted, but his words passed by my consciousness.
I was already somewhere far away, I was stepping over the border of this world and the next...
[[Next.|ch02_73]]<<show-gif ends\death06_03>>
Soon I had no strength or air left... On the other hand, I was not tortured for months and was not even raped because of their anger and thirst for instant revenge. Maybe I'm lucky. It turns out that sometimes death can be called luck...
[[Or was it different?|ch02_66]]<<show-img ch02_64>>
O! One crawled out of the second car! He tried to get up, but at that moment the first car exploded. The man collapsed to the ground again. How funny it is to watch this! Don't attack people, you scum! Have you heard anything about karma? Now, if someone pissed on you right now, then good would finally triumph! Hmm, this is an idea...
<<if $player.perv gte 15 and $player.cruelty gte 10>> [[♀♂ Piss on him [requires perversion 15 or higher and cruelty 10 or higher].|ch02_76]] <<else>> <span style="color: red;"> ♀♂ Piss on him [requires perversion 15 or higher and cruelty 10 or higher].</span><</if>> <<show-img ch02_68>>
God, what am I even thinking about?! I survived! I won! This is simply incredible! This is a miracle! There is no need to tempt fate even with such thoughts. Anyway, there are no witnesses here, and my offenders will not survive to tell someone that they shouldn’t attack a brunette in an armored car, driving to her uncle...
[[Next.|ch02_80]]<<show-img ch02_65>>
Pigs, I'll show you who's mommy! Let the whole wasteland be afraid of me and not dare to come near me!
I imposingly stepped out of the armored car, admiring the carnage I had caused. Cars burn beautifully in real life, much better than in the movies. You can really feel the heat. And the sweet taste of victory. Fuck, I feel like a Goddess!
[[Next.|ch02_77]]<<show-img ch02_66>>
I approached and examined the wounded man. He's still alive, but he doesn't have much time left. I took off my pants, positioned myself right above his face and... I had to tense up... it’s difficult to do this when someone is watching. Especially when someone is watching from below. But eventually I started to piss.
The man woke up and tried to resist. He even grabbed me by the butt, such a bastard! I have never felt so funny before!
"You deserve it, you worthless worm!" I said unexpectedly to myself. But he did not answer, although he was conscious. He's afraid.
Okay, the flow of my revenge is over, it’s time to continue on my way.
<<set $player.perv += 2>>
<<set $player.cruelty += 3>><</nobr>><<show-img ch02_67>>
It’s a pity, hardly anyone will know what happened here. This guy will die, there are no witnesses. But if everyone knew, they would definitely be afraid to attack me! Next time I do karmic justice, I need to call someone as a witness. If no one wants to be a witness, then I'll piss on them too, hahaha!
[[Next.|ch02_80]]<<show-img ch02_69>>
Yeah, finally! The long-awaited Bridgetown gates have appeared on the horizon! It was not an easy path. And it was just the beginning. But I'm awesome. I can handle it. Okay, I’ll rest, catch my breath, and hit the road again. I deserve a little vacation...
[[Next.|ch03_01]]<<show-img ch03_01>>
"Wow, great vehicle!" the tall armored guard assessed my favorite car when I stopped near the gate "Well, hello. First time? Passing through? Do you know the rules?"
"Hello," I smiled as politely as possible. "First time. Passing through. Rules? Like, don’t kill or steal?"
"That's natural. But actually, I was talking about the rule of working off the passage."
[[Next.|ch03_02]]<<show-gif ends\end08_02>>
The bandits who captured me took me to some settlement, where I was examined by a doctor, and then they sold me to slavers. They, in turn, locked me in the basement. The first days I was given only a little water and not fed at all. And then the “training” began.
I was forced to carry out various commands, flogged, deprived of food and even water for any disobedience...
[[Next.|end08_03]]<<show-gif ends\end08_03>>
I was not deflowered or raped. Then I thought that I was being prepared to be sold to some rich man. However, my pussy still had a hard time, since they liked to kick it, flog it, pinch it, put clothespins on the labia, and drip wax on it. Moreover, most of the above was not even a punishment. It was just my gray everyday life...
[[Next.|end08_04]]<<show-gif ends\end08_04>>
The most unpleasant, creepy and scary thing is electric shock torture. I can be shocked at any time and anywhere: in the arm, chest, vagina, and even the anus. The pain pierces and paralyzes the entire body, every cell in it, the pain blinds the eyes and deafens the ears. At such moments I regretted that I did not fight, that I gave up, that I did not die...
[[Next.|end08_05]]<<show-gif ends\end08_05>>
I was not the only girl in this basement, but I was luckier than anyone. I, unlike the others, was not raped in every hole, and I was fed better. I immediately realized that it was better not to anger my tormentors, as this could cost too much. Therefore, I tried to pretend to do everything that was required of me, in the hope of someday taking advantage of the chance and breaking out of captivity.
[[Next.|end08_06]]<<show-img ends\end08_06>>
As I suspected, I was being prepared to be sold to a “Very Important Person.” And this person was the King of the beautiful city of Hellowna. Once beautiful. Now this place resembled a branch of Hell on Earth. The city was ruled by frostbitten raiders who decided to settle here. Some people were hanging from poles along the streets, slavery was rampant, and screams were constantly heard.
The King of Hell, as he was called here, was the cruelest son of a bitch for hundreds of miles. When they brought me to him, I wanted to throw myself out the window. But there were bars on them...
[[Next.|end08_07]]<<show-gif ends\end08_07>>
The King's face was disfigured by constant fighting and radiation. It was scary to look at him. But as soon as the chains were removed from me and we were left alone, he said:
"Don't be afraid, beauty. I won't hurt you. If you follow the rules. First, in public, you will act like my slave. Secondly, you will never tell anyone what is happening with us in private. Third, you will preserve your virginity. If you break these simple rules, you will die a terrible death. If you understand everything, come and kiss me."
Actually, I had no choice...
[[Next.|end08_08]]<<show-gif ends\end08_08>>
I admit, the King kisses very nicely: tenderly, passionately, as if he is trying to please me. A little later, his tongue pleased me even more: I received my first cunnilingus in my life. And I even cummed!
At first, I was afraid that a monster was about to awaken in the King, he would brutally rape me and impale me, but... In private, he treated me with dignity.
[[Next.|end08_09]]<<show-gif ends\end08_09>>
And with great dignity! He treated me like a Goddess! He licked my pussy, caressed my body, kissed my legs. He also brought all sorts of goodies and bought me beautiful outfits! I felt safe and comfortable in our bedroom.
I even had some influence on local politics! Of course, from the shadows, but thanks to me, the King of Hell finally forbade his thugs from raping local women. And they began to hang people 10% less often!
[[Next.|end08_10]]<<show-img ends\end08_10>>
And what did I do for him? I strengthened his power in every possible way, since my life depends on it. I gave good advice, helped figure out conspiracies, because everyone around me thought that I was just a slave on whom the King wiped his feet! And, of course, sometimes I jerked his penis if he behaved well. Sometimes I spanked him, whipped him, fucked him with a strap-on, even kicked him in the balls. How lucky I am that the King of Hell has exactly such tastes! Thank you, fucking Universe and all the Gods, thank you so much! Because of this, I became the Queen of the King of Hell...
END №8: Queen of Kings.
[[Or was it different?|ch02_66]]<<show-img ch03_02>>
"Do I need to pay?" I made a logical conclusion. "Do you accept shell casings?"
"We don’t take shell casings, we don’t take ammunition, we don’t even take sex!" the armed guy grinned. "Look: we are located in a strategic place, control the road across the river and produce electricity. We have more than enough resources. But there are always not enough workers. Therefore, the rule here is: you need to work out your first pass. Even for merchants this is the rule."
"No options? How long?" I was upset at this prospect.
"No options. Only if you don’t have an army behind you, ha ha!" the guy grinned, but rather kindly. "And you can handle it in a couple of days."
[[Next.|ch03_03]]<<show-img ch03_03>>
"Look: you need to collect 50 coupons," the man continued to explain, opening the gate and escorting my car to the garage. "You can eat and sleep in your own transport, so you don’t have to spend money on food and lodging. Don’t worry about your property: if we didn’t guarantee the inviolability of private property, we would be avoided a hundred miles away. You can find work at the dam, in the market, in the bar, in the club, you can just ask the locals. But there is no work on the other side of the bridge, don’t look there. Once you have collected the required amount, you simply drive up to the guard at another gate, hand over your coupons, and they will give you a permanent pass. Is everything clear?"
"Everything is clear," I sighed heavily from hopelessness.
<<set $ch3 = 1>>
<<set $energy = 10>><</nobr>><<show-img ch03_04>>
Garage with my favorite car. I really want to quickly get out of this city with a legalized short-term form of slavery...
<<nobr>><<if $coupons lte 49 >> But for this I need to earn 50 coupons. <</if>>
<<if $coupons gte 50>> And I can leave! After all, I have 50 coupons! <</if>>
<<nobr>><<if $energy lte 5>> [[Sleep [requires energy 5 or less].|ch03_09]]<</if>>
<<if $energy gte 6>> <span style="color: yellow;"> Sleep [requires energy 5 or less].</span><</if>><</nobr>>
[[To the street.|ch03_05]]
<<if $energy == 10 and $coupons gte 50>>[[→ Leave Bridgetown [requires 50 or more coupons and energy 10].|ch03_200]] <<else>> <span style="color: red;">Leave Bridgetown [requires 50 or more coupons and energy 10].</span><</if>><<show-img ch03_05>>
The main street of Bridgetown.
<<nobr>>Several shopping and entertainment establishments with inviting flashing signs. Ahead there is a very long and winding bridge. From the side I can go to a relatively small dam that supplies the area with electricity. <<if $BTroadworks == 0>>A team of workers is repairing the road. Maybe offer them help for coupons?<</if>><</nobr>>
[[To the dam.|ch03_06]]
<<if $BTbar == 0>>[[To the bar.|ch03_15]] <<else>>[[To the bar.|ch03_20]]<</if>>
[[In da club.|ch03_62]]
[[To the market.|ch03_70]]
[[To the dark alleyway.|ch03_10]]
[[To the abandoned house.|ch03_87]]
[[To the garage.|ch03_04]]
<<if $BTroadworks == 0>>[[To the road workers.|ch03_37]]<</if>><<show-img ch03_06>>
<<nobr>>Bridgetown's small dam is the city's crown jewel, allowing locals to make resources out of thin air. And also from water, scrap metal and liters of human sweat. But despite all the difficulties with operating the dam, it is thanks to this engineering structure of the past that Bridgetown is growing rich.<<if $BTHJworker == 0>> A sad young worker in blue overalls is sitting on a bench.<</if>><</nobr>>
[[To the foreman.|ch03_07]]
[[To the main street.|ch03_05]]
<<if $BTHJworker == 0>>[[Approach the young worker.|ch03_57]]<</if>><<show-img ch03_07>>
<<if $foremanmeet == 1 >> "Do you want to work?" asked the foreman.<</if>><<if $foremanmeet == 0 >>"Would you like to work?" the local master immediately got down to business.
"How do you know?" I was surprised at his insight.
"There are a lot of people passing through, earning coupons," he shrugged. "For a 5-hour shift I pay 5 coupons, if you decide to."<</if>>
<<nobr>><<if $energy gte 5>> [[Work on the dam [requires energy 5 or higher].|ch03_08]]<</if>>
<<if $energy lte 4>> <span style="color: red;"> Work on the dam [requires energy 5 or higher].</span><</if>><</nobr>>
<<nobr>>[[Move away from the foreman.|ch03_06]]
<<set $foremanmeet = 1>><</nobr>>
<<show-img ch03_08>>
Eh, working on a dam is not the easiest job in the world. Fortunately, the experience of living in a bunker was useful to me. Although here I spent most of the time carrying metal parts, “holding there” and handing tools. Plus 5 honestly earned coupons!
<<set $energy -= 5>>
<<set $coupons += 5>><</nobr>><<show-img ch03_09>>
The only advantage of my forced stop in Bridgetown is the opportunity to sleep well and safely. It’s like I’m sleeping in a bunker left behind in another carefree life...
<<nobr>>[[Wake up.|ch03_04]]
<<set $energy = 10>><</nobr>>
<<show-img ch03_10>>
It's gloomy. In such a dark alleyway you can only rob people or engage in prostitution. But I’m definitely not ready for the second one. At least at this stage of my journey... <<if $BTTV gte 3 and $BTDrNukler == 0>>And there’s also a suspicious man in a hood sitting behind the trash can.<</if>>
[[To the main street.|ch03_05]]
<<if $energy gte 3 and $player.cruelty gte 12>>[[Go robbing [requires energy 3 or higher and cruelty 12 or higher].|ch03_11]] <<else>> <span style="color: red;">Go robbing [requires energy 3 or higher and cruelty 12 or higher].</span><</if>>
<<if $BTTV gte 3 and $BTDrNukler == 0>> [[Approach the strange man in the hood.|ch03_131]]<</if>><<show-img ch03_11>>
<<if $robbing == 0>>To be honest, it’s scary to do such things. Adrenaline hits my head until it hurts, my knees give way. But I need these damn coupons! I have to get out of this damn town as quickly as possible! I'm not going to be a slave!<<else>>The second time it's not so scary to engage in criminal activity. And not so disgusting. Apparently, you get used to such things. Oh, how beautiful the world would be if everything were different... But I’m just playing by the universal rules. What are the complaints against me personally?<</if>>
<<if $robbing == 0>>[[Next.|ch03_12]] <<else>>[[Next.|ch03_13]]<</if>><<show-img ch03_12>>
"Not. So. Quickly," I said slowly as a pensive worker walked through the dark alleyway. I had to wait for this moment for two hours.
"Got it," the confused worker raised his hands up. Look at the wonders my crazy gaze can do! And a knife in my hand, ahaha!
With other hand, I searched my victim, turning out his pockets.
"That's it, get out of here!" I shouted at the man, he immediately ran. He's afraid of me, he's afraid of me!
I found 24 coupons! Much more profitable than doing honest work...
<<set $energy -= 3>>
<<set $coupons += 24>>
<<set $player.cruelty += 2>>
<<set $robbing = 1>><</nobr>>
<<show-img ch03_13>>
"Man, take your time!" I took out my knife. However, two armored soldiers with automatic weapons ran out from behind. Not a chance.
"Okay, I give up," I raised my hands up. "Let me pay the fine."
However, there was no answer. Instead, for a split second I felt a terrible pain in my head. And this split second lasted for an eternity...
[[Next.|ch03_14]]<<show-img ends\death07>>
As it turned out, at that moment I died from an accurate shot in the head. Then my already lifeless body was hung upside down at the entrance to Bridgetown. Who knew they had such strict rules here? An inglorious end to my short journey. On the other hand, perhaps my fate (and my hanging body) will become a lesson to someone. Don't do evil, don't rob people. Or at least change the location if you commit another crime...
[[Or was it different?|ch03_10]]<<show-img ch03_14>>
Large Bridgetown bar with lots of people inside. Everyone drinks alcohol, makes noise, sings songs. This is probably what the bars of the past looked like, judging by the films. And on the wall there is a working TV, playing all sorts of pre-war movies and music videos! The locals managed to establish a normal life. As much as possible…
First of all, I need to find out about the job. So, I should approach the bartender.
[[To the bartender.|ch03_16]]<<show-img ch03_14>>
<<nobr>>Bridgetown bar. Crowded with people, alcohol, noise. There is a working TV on the wall, playing all sorts of pre-war films and clips. A real fragment of the old world among the ruins of the fucking present.<<if $BTgrope == 0>> One man is looking at me too intently. <</if>><</nobr>>
[[To the bartender.|ch03_40]]
<<if $BTSanD == 0>>[[Approach the raider leader.|ch03_21]] <<else>>[[Approach the raider leader.|ch03_22]]<</if>>
<<nobr>><<if $BTTV == 0>> [[Watch TV.|ch03_125]]<</if>>
<<if $BTTV == 1>> [[Watch TV.|ch03_126]]<</if>>
<<if $BTTV == 2>> [[Watch TV.|ch03_127]]<</if>>
<<if $BTTV == 3>> [[Watch TV.|ch03_128]]<</if>>
<<if $BTTV == 4>> [[Watch TV.|ch03_129]]<</if>>
<<if $BTTV == 5>> [[Watch TV.|ch03_130]]<</if>><</nobr>>
[[Leave the bar.|ch03_05]]
<<if $BTgrope == 0>>[[Approach the peeper.|ch03_53]]<</if>><<show-img ch03_15>>
"Hello. Let me guess, do you need a job?" the smiling, thin man immediately got down to business.
"Hello. Needed," I confirmed.
"Well, look, our establishment is simple, this is not a club. That's why there are no waitresses, dancers or prostitutes here. But there are cheap sexual services. Mouth through the wall. Although it would be a sin to hide such beauty with a wall, of course. It is customary to hide ugly people with a wall..."
[[Next.|ch03_17]]<<show-img ch03_16>>
"With my mouth? Maybe my hand will do?" just in case, I decided to clarify. Of course, I haven’t made a decision yet whether I will do something like this. But it’s better to find out about the details right away.
"Exactly with your mouth. My clients can satisfy themselves with their hands," the gray-haired man laughed. "For one satisfied cock you will receive 4 coupons. If this is not exactly your dream job, then that stern Mister is recruiting fighters for himself."
[[Turn around.|ch03_18]]<<show-img ch03_17>>
I turned around and saw a huge man in heavy metal armor, which showed signs of dozens of battles. It seems that he is capable of strangling a person with just one glance. Many visitors look at him with admiration, as if he were an ideal man and warrior...
"Not that one," the bartender brought me back to reality. "The big guy you’re drooling over is named Mark. He's the bodyguard of that man sitting at the table."
[[Next.|ch03_19]]<<show-img ch03_18>>
Somehow turning my gaze away from the titan, I noticed an inconspicuous bald man of about 50 years old in light armor. His tired eyes scanned the room, and his frowning brow skeptically assessed everyone he glanced at. It’s impossible to say right away what this person does and why he needs new people. Actually, he looks a bit like a slave trader...
"His name is San D. People say that he is the leader of a raider group, although he does not look like a typical bandit," the bartender continued. "Or you can return to the option of working with your mouth."
Well, yes, I can get out of here altogether. On the other hand, if I talk to the raider, it won't get any worse. And the option with a hole in the wall is also relevant...
<<set $BTbar = 1>><</nobr>>
<<show-img ch03_18>>
I slowly approached the raider, trying not to make unnecessary movements. You never know what comes into the head of his huge bodyguard.
"Greetings, young lady," the bandit pointed to the chair opposite him. "Everyone call me San D. I foresee your possible question: no, I’m not from San Diego. San D is short for Sandman. And I got the nickname Sandman thanks to one old song. This name would be more suitable for a black rapper, but I'm not complaining..."
"Hello, my name is $name," I finally said when there was a pause in his monologue.
"So, I am the leader of a group called the Raiders of the New World. The name appeared before everyone started being called raiders. We are hiring new people. If there is a desire and/or need, then let's talk heart to heart. I will answer all your questions. If our worldviews coincide, then you can join us. If not, then I wish you good luck on your path."
<<set $BTSanD = 1>><</nobr>><<show-img ch03_18>>
"Do you want to ask something, $name?" San D smiled sadly at me. It seems that the leader of the raiders cannot smile otherwise.
<<if $SanDquestion1 == 0 >> [[Ask about himself.|ch03_23]]<</if>>
<<if $SanDquestion2 == 0 >> [[Ask about Raiders of the New World.|ch03_26]]<</if>>
<<if $SanDquestion3 == 0 >> [[Ask about Mark.|ch03_29]]<</if>>
<<if $SanDquestion4 == 0 >> [[Ask about the future.|ch03_32]]<</if>>
[[Move away.|ch03_20]]
<<if $SanDquestion1 == 1 and $SanDquestion2 == 1 and $SanDquestion3 == 1 and $SanDquestion4 == 1 and $RNWinvite == 0 and $SanDtrust gte 3>>[[! About joining the Raiders of the New World.|ch03_35]]<</if>><<if $SanDquestion1 == 1 and $SanDquestion2 == 1 and $SanDquestion3 == 1 and $SanDquestion4 == 1 and $RNWinvite == 0 and $SanDtrust lte 3>>[[! About joining the Raiders of the New World.|ch03_36]]<</if>>
<<show-img ch03_19>>
"I can talk about my life forever, even if there wasn’t much fun in it," the bald man smiled sadly. "In the old world, I was a government employee. Well, you know, I prepared documents for politicians, wrote beautiful and correct speeches, brought coffee with milk... The day before the explosions, my boss took me and ten other colleagues to a small government bunker. His family also came there. We thought it was some kind of training. But soon there were explosions..."
It seems that the interlocutor again found himself in that moment, in the second of the end of the previous civilization. It's strange, because he told this story thousands of times.
"So, for the first two months we were in real shock. Like in a nightmare. We lost families, loved ones, and friends all at once. And my boss knew everything. All the high politicians knew everything. They could have prevented this. They could have at least warned... In any case, I was filled with anger, persuaded the bodyguard, and we got rid of this... fragment of the old world. A year later, our ventilation system failed. But the critical level of radiation there had just dropped by that time, and we had a map with the location of government bunkers in the state and the access codes to them. So we went to visit other perpetrators of the war. This is how the Raiders of the New World were born."
[[Support his ideas.|ch03_24]]
<<nobr>>[[Don't agree with him.|ch03_25]]
<<set $SanDquestion1 = 1>><</nobr>><<show-img ch03_22>>
"The Raiders of the New World are people with a similar worldview," the man began to pronounce clearly memorized phrases. "We are anarchists - we do not recognize the power of the elites, and especially the power of the old world. Therefore, we try to find and destroy old politicians by all available means. But we have our own internal rules - the Code of the New World. According to it, we do not kill unarmed people, do not rape women, and do not traffic people. However, if someone offers us armed resistance, then the Code allows his murder. As for the rest - absolute personal freedom for each of our brothers or sisters."
"How many of you are there? Where do you get food and ammunition from?" I asked clarifying questions.
"Now we have 70 fighters, and in total there are more than 100 people. We live on looted shelters, protection contracts and collected tribute. We take no more than 50% as tribute. This, by the way, is even lower than the extortions of past governments. The multi-stage tax system consumed from 60% to 80%. Salary tax, real estate tax, transport tax, road tax, tax on each product, tax on tax, tax-tax-tax. However, we just have 50%. The most honest system in the world... And we don’t sit still for long. For example, I started my journey on the east coast. Well, this is a short story about us."
[[Support the ideas of the Raiders of the New World.|ch03_27]]
<<nobr>>[[Disagree with the ideas of the Raiders of the New World.|ch03_28]]
<<set $SanDquestion2 = 1>><</nobr>><<show-img ch03_17>>
"Mark is the pride of the Raiders of the New World. And personally my pride," the bald man smiled. "Women want him, men want to be him. The most powerful fighter for a hundred miles around, both in close combat and in shooting. Not long ago in the south we came across a group of megamutant scouts. The battle took place in the ruins of a building, at a short distance. Mark shot one, disarmed the second and defeated him in close combat. Megamutant! They are as tall as two of you. And it’s eight times heavier..."
"I've heard a lot about them. How long has Mark been with you?" I asked a clarifying question.
"10 years already. He was 17 then. And he was a slave for several years. I immediately saw great potential in him, and he was not the skinniest guy, as you understand. I bought Mark, gave him complete freedom and invited him to join us. I taught him, talked to him, he became like a son to me, even though I never had any children of my own. And now in front of you is a real miracle, generated by this lifeless wasteland and the New World."
[[Praise the man.|ch03_30]]
<<nobr>>[[Show skepticism.|ch03_31]]
<<set $SanDquestion3 = 1>><</nobr>><<show-img ch03_23>>
"I often think about the future. But I always come to the conclusion that it won’t get any better," the raider smiled sadly. "All people are scum. Regardless of gender, age, nationality, religion. Always have been and always will be. It is human nature to destroy other organic matter in order to multiply its DNA."
"What are you personally planning?" I clarified the question.
"We’ll open a couple more government shelters; I recently got a map of the state’s bunkers and access codes. And then we will need to settle down somewhere. Probably to capture a settlement or join an existing one. But this... this will be very difficult, given our anarchist ideology and values. We just have no other way. Did you know that the first governments in human history were raiders? When there was an excess of food due to the transition from hunting to agriculture and animal husbandry, some people realized that they could start robbing farmers. Then they realized that it was safer not to leave their “victims” unattended, as others could rob them. This is how the government, the army and the whole world you know came into being. Civilization was created by raiders..."
[[Encourage San D.|ch03_33]]
<<nobr>>[[Disagree with San D.|ch03_34]]
<<set $SanDquestion4 = 1>><</nobr>><<show-img ch03_24>>
"I would like to talk to you about where we started," said San D. "I like your worldview, and our thoughts largely coincide. Therefore, I invite you to join the Raiders of the New World in any capacity: a fighter, a spy, or just a beautiful girl. We have a place for everyone. But don't rush, think a little first. If you decide, our camp is located immediately outside the northern gate. Just say there that you are from me. Oh, and here's 30 coupons for you to get through the gate faster. Or just get drunk and stock up on supplies if you have already collected the required amount. Take it, take it, regardless of your decision. I have a ton of these coupons. The local elite pays well so that I don’t wipe this city off the face of the earth..."
"Thank you!" I bowed to such a generous leader of the raiders.
Well, now I need to think carefully about whether to join the Raiders of the New World...
<<nobr>>[[Leave San D.|ch03_20]]
<<set $RNWinvite = 2>>
<<set $coupons += 30>><</nobr>>
<<show-img ch03_25>>
"I would like to talk to you about where we started," San D said in a stern voice. "I like the brains in your head, but you and I have too different views. That's why you won't be comfortable in the Raiders of the New World. Oh, and here's 15 coupons for you, for a very interesting conversation. Take it, I have a ton of these coupons. The local elite pays well so that I don’t wipe this city off the face of the earth..."
"Thank you," I bowed to such a generous leader of the raiders, despite our differences.
Well, I won’t get to the Raiders of the New World. This is probably for the best...
<<nobr>>[[Leave San D.|ch03_20]]
<<set $RNWinvite = 1>>
<<set $coupons += 15>><</nobr>>
<<show-img ch03_20>>
"You know... I like your ideas," I smiled at the raider. "They must be punished. Everyone through whose fault the old world collapsed had to fall with it. You are restoring justice."
"I'm glad that my thoughts are close to you. It's not often you meet a girl in the wasteland who is even capable of thinking about such things."
<<set $player.cruelty += 1>>
<<set $SanDtrust += 1>><</nobr>>
<<show-img ch03_21>>
"You understand that this will not change the past in any way?" I expressed skepticism. "Killing the elites of the past world will not bring back loved ones, will not rewind time, will not prevent war..."
"I thought about it," the raider nodded. "And I agree with you, my methods will not bring anyone back. However, this is a question of justice. Someone has to do Themis’s job..."
<<show-img ch03_20>>
"And this is... a very reasonable system, seriously. In the wastelands, very few people have any rules. Not to mention any goals and ideals," I appreciated the structure of the Raiders of the New World. "It’s amazing that your Code works in modern realities."
"We do not recruit outright sadists who derive pleasure from pain and murder. Just the right dose of violence, nothing more. Perhaps that is why the Code works..."
<<set $player.cruelty += 1>>
<<set $SanDtrust += 1>><</nobr>>
<<show-img ch03_21>>
"Excuse me, but... this is ordinary banditry," I could not agree with the leader of the Raiders of the New World. "The Code looks more like a cover and justification for all crimes."
"This is banditry, I don’t deny it," the man shrugged. "We even have the word “Raiders” in our name... We do evil, yes. We are simply less evil than many others."
[[Next.|ch03_22]]<<show-img ch03_20>>
"Very noble of you, honestly," I nodded, appreciating the raider’s broad gesture.
"Yes, now Mark only needs to find a wife," San D grinned. "But what kind of wives are there with this lifestyle..."
<<set $player.cunning += 1>>
<<set $SanDtrust += 1>><</nobr>><<show-img ch03_21>>
"Excuse me, but you bought a person. Like some kind of thing. And of course, Mark stayed with you, since he had nowhere to go."
"Yes, that’s right," the raider wasn’t even offended by my criticism. "And at the same time everything is completely different. Everything in the world is not divided into black and white. It's a gray world, like the sky above Bridgetown. Always was and always will be..."
[[Next.|ch03_22]]<<show-img ch03_20>>
"I don’t even doubt that you will succeed," I said confidently. "You are the smartest person I have ever seen. You will be able to establish a new system and avoid the mistakes of the past."
"Time will show. Maybe we will all be shot at the next raid. Maybe we can create a society that unites the state, the country, the world. No one knows…"
<<set $player.cunning += 1>>
<<set $SanDtrust += 1>><</nobr>>
<<show-img ch03_21>>
"You are simplifying everything too much and at the same time making it absolute," I disagreed with the raider’s statements.
"Yes, it’s probably impossible to evaluate the Neolithic using modern categories," the man nodded with his bald head. "Maybe I'm wrong. All people make mistakes, I am no exception..."
[[Next.|ch03_22]]<<show-img ch03_200>>
Liberty! Freedom! Hooray!
I finally pulled out of the garage, across the main street and onto the long, winding bridge. I don't understand why the bridge is so winding? Couldn't the architects of the past have made it straight? Okay it does not matter.
By the way, even the eternal gray clouds slightly opened the sky, as if congratulating me on another small victory.
<<set $ch3 = 0>><</nobr>><<show-img ch03_201>>
<<nobr>>At the north gate I was given a permanent pass for 50 local coupons (coupons are useless anywhere else, by the way). There, the guards showed me how to further build my route: a little more north, and then east along the river.
<<if $RNWinvite == 2>>By the way, San D invited me to join the Raiders of the New World. Maybe at least visit their camp, which is located just outside the northern gate?<</if>><</nobr>>
<<nobr>><<if $RNWinvite == 2>> [[Visit the Raiders of the New World.|ch03_202]]<</if>>
<<if $RNWinvite lte 1>> <span style="color: red;"> Visit the Raiders of the New World [an invitation from the raiders leader is required].</span><</if>><</nobr>>
<<show-img ch03_202>>
At the raiders’ camp I was met by a young guy with a mohawk on his head.
"You're new? Mark has already conveyed the news that a beautiful girl named $name might drop by at the camp."
"Yes, it’s me, I decided to look in," I smiled at the handsome bandit.
"So, if you want to join, what would you like to do?"
[[→ Leave.|ch04_001]]
<<nobr>><<if $player.cunning gte 15 >> [[I will be a spy [requires cunning 15 or higher].|end11_01]]<</if>>
<<if $player.cunning lte 14>> <span style="color: red;"> I will be a spy [requires cunning 15 or higher].</span><</if>><</nobr>>
<<nobr>><<if $player.cruelty gte 15 >> [[I will be a fighter [requires cruelty 15 or higher].|end12_01]]<</if>>
<<if $player.cruelty lte 14>> <span style="color: red;"> I will be a fighter [requires cruelty 15 or higher].</span><</if>><</nobr>>
<<nobr>><<if $player.perv gte 30 >> [[I will be...well, just a beautiful girl [requires perversion 30 or higher].|end13_01]]<</if>>
<<if $player.perv lte 29>> <span style="color: red;"> I will be... well, just a beautiful girl [requires perversion 30 or higher].</span><</if>><</nobr>>Version 0.16 ends here.
Thanks for playing, hope you enjoyed it.)
I wish you all the best. And... make ♥, not ☠.)
<<show-img ends\end11_01>>
Thanks to my brains, knowledge and many books read in the bunker, the leader of the raiders decided to entrust me with special tasks. And fortunately, my health is not damaged by the harsh life in the wastelands. And a pleasant appearance can dull vigilance. In general, I had the makings of a real spy. However, this was only the beginning; I had a very long way to go ahead, a lifetime long...
[[Next.|end11_02]]<<show-img ends\end13_01>>
Finally my depraved nature will be put to good use! And I won't be some cheap prostitute. I will be a full-fledged Raider of the New World! Let my responsibilities include pleasing our men. Sometimes women too. But for this I will receive food, a carefree life, and absolute protection. Moreover, protection both from strangers and from our own. You can't rape here. On the other hand, anyone can be kicked out for idleness, so I need to please at least someone from time to time. Or better than two. Or three, to be sure.
[[Next.|end13_02]]<<show-img ends\end12_01>>
Thanks to my skills, strong character and discipline, it was decided to train me as a raider fighter. This is a good opportunity to climb the hierarchy of the Raiders of the New World, because strong and brave soldiers are valued here. However, I was still far from real exploits. A journey of a thousand miles begins with one step...
[[Next.|end12_02]]<<show-gif ends\end11_02>>
At the very beginning, San D communicated with me a lot, taught me, shared his ideas and worldview. This was necessary if I wanted to represent his interests, for example, in negotiations. Meanwhile, Mark taught me, along with the warriors of the Raiders of the New World, how to use a knife and shoot. Life among the raiders is not easy, but thanks to strict discipline, no one bothered me. On the contrary, everyone tried to help each other, as if we were a real... family.
[[Next.|end11_03]]<<show-gif ends\end11_03>>
In addition to the combat unit of the Raiders of the New World, there were, let’s say, other types of specialists. Not just girls for fun. We had doctors, repairmen, and maintenance personnel. Someone has to cook food, wash and mend clothes, warm the bed? Until I became a full-fledged agent, I also had to perform household duties in order to be useful. Basically, I had dishes and clothes on.
[[Next.|end11_04]]<<show-img ends\end11_04>>
At first, we circled the state and the northern border of the country. The locals paid us tribute, in exchange we did not touch them and even protected them. Initially I was engaged in reconnaissance and recruiting, and then I was sent to negotiate with the authorities of the settlements. I tried to convey my teacher's ideas, but I did it less radically. I was never refused. That’s right: the Raiders of the New World are not a gang with machetes and shotguns, as I initially thought. This is a real small army with excellent weapons, long-range guns, armored vehicles and even drones! And the advanced technologies obtained from the shelters provided an incomparable advantage.
[[Next.|end11_05]]<<show-img ends\end11_05>>
By the way, the main target was still these shelters, and especially their inhabitants - the elite of the past world. Our leader felt sincere hatred for them, considering them to be the culprits of the war and death of the past world. However, that’s how it was. We brought karmic justice. Hah, we were even able to find the governor’s bunker along with the fat old man. What a pity he made excuses...
[[Next.|end11_06]]<<show-img ends\end11_06>>
But we had to go further and further north, completely leaving the country after 5 years. Then San D decided to settle down, so we captured a small town. After our show of force, all the settlements in the area joined us. And due to the presence of asceticism in the ideology of the Raiders of the New World, the necessity of which we sincerely believed in order to avoid the mistakes of the past, resources began to accumulate. We opened hospitals, schools, restored factories and mines. Refugees from the south and specialists from large settlements flocked to us. Soon these settlements became ours. Unbeknownst to us, we have become a decisive force in the wasteland.
[[Next.|end11_07]]<<show-img ends\end11_07>>
And my personal life... During the years of peace, Mark and I became very close. We both held leadership positions in the Raiders of the New World, we strived for the same future, we fell in love. Therefore, it was decided to have a wedding. No luxuries, just announced to everyone that we are now husband and wife. The first wedding night was... strange. Mark is one and a half times taller than me! And his penis is not exactly small...
[[Next.|end11_08]]<<show-img ends\end11_08>>
But subsequent nights got better and better until they became amazing! Everything was passionate, moderately gentle, sometimes rough, sometimes with role-playing games. We were not shy with each other, we always talked about our desires, tried something new, we were free with each other. We have found the true freedom that the Raiders of the New World strive for.
[[Next.|end11_09]]<<show-img ends\end11_09>>
However, the idyll could not last long. Megamutants were approaching from the south. They destroyed everything in their path. Everything except the Raiders of the New World. We were able to give a worthy rebuff to evil, defeating their armies in several bloody battles. We were even able to push them hundreds of miles back to the south. Nevertheless, the main battles are still ahead. Victory in this war could end all wars. Moreover, both our victory and the victory of our enemy...
END №11: New World Order.
[[Or was it different?|ch03_202]]<<show-img ends\end12_02>>
...And this step is brutal physical training. Push-ups, running, pull-ups - I had to work hard just like the male raiders. Fortunately, Mark himself, a great fighter and commander of the wasteland, taught us. During the first weeks, of course, I wanted to give up everything and leave. Besides, no one is being held here by force. But I was able to overcome myself and join the ranks of the post-apocalypse warriors.
[[Next.|end12_03]]<<show-img ends\end12_03>>
In addition to soldiers, the Raiders of the New World had doctors, service personnel, prostitutes, and even special agents. But the soldiers were freed from all types of work, which allowed us not to waste energy on all sorts of nonsense, like washing, cooking, and repairs. Oh, and after training I got my first tattoo! The first, but by no means the last...
[[Next.|end12_04]]<<show-gif ends\end12_04>>
We rarely had to take part in battles, and only then either with complete psychos or with mutants of the wasteland. No one in their right mind wanted to fight our small army, which consisted of tanks, artillery and drones. We spent most of our time searching and opening shelters in which politicians of the past could live. A dubious goal (although I did not publicly express these doubts), but it allowed us to unite our ranks. And the bunkers usually contained very technological toys!
[[Next.|end12_05]]<<show-img ends\end12_05>>
4 years later, our great leader San D died. Under very mysterious circumstances. But I learned too much from him. At the farewell ceremony around the funeral pyre I spoke the same words, the same phrases, set the same goals. This made it possible to save the Raiders of the New World. Under my complete command...
And, although the teacher’s voice sounded from my lips, I acted differently. A threat was moving from the south that was more important than pathetic revenge against the elite of the past - megamutants. It was necessary to unite all raider gangs, clans and tribes under our black banners.
[[Next.|end12_06]]<<show-img ends\end12_06>>
Mark was our sword, piercing any armor, bringing us victory after victory. He could have led us, but he was content with being a military commander. Very quickly, hundreds of my subordinates turned into thousands, then tens of thousands, and then the number exceeded one hundred thousand. Our nomadic army was turning into a real Empire. I felt like Genghis Khan. No, I’m $name Khan! The whole world will lie at my feet!
[[Next.|end12_07]]<<show-img ends\end12_07>>
In the meantime, my subordinates lie at my feet. Fighters, prostitutes, servants - I do not limit myself in choosing partners. Although I have to limit myself in my choice of sex. I can’t obey someone! I can't lick someone's feet or ass! Rumors of such a thing could shake my throne! Therefore, I have to play the role of Mistress and Goddess. Although, to be honest, it’s very nice when people serve you, lick any part of your body, put their body under the whip and holes under toys and various objects. I've gotten the hang of it and I like it.
[[Next.|end12_08]]<<show-gif ends\end12_08>>
Of course, everything is voluntary. We adhere to the ideals of our creator. It was he who created the foundation, turning people into outright religious fanatics. And thanks to this, now my pussy is licked efficiently every day. And sometimes several times a day. Sometimes I fuck someone in public with a strap-on. People love shows like this!
[[Next.|end12_09]]<<show-img ends\end12_09>>
The only thing that clouds my thoughts is the imminent war with megamutants. We can't retreat any further. And I have a huge trained fanatical army under my command. We need to fight back. Let this again mean the war that my late teacher hated so much. But we will always be at war.
After all, war, war never... Well, you know...
END №12: Old World Blues.
[[Or was it different?|ch03_202]]<<show-img ends\end13_02>>
Other girls of easy virtue quickly helped me figure out what was what, how to properly approach local men, which of them liked what. It turns out that this is a whole science! But the girls here are very happy. I also liked the way they came to my rescue. It feels like the Raiders of the New World are very united, like a family. A family where everyone fucks each other and has orgies...
[[Next.|end13_03]]<<show-gif ends\end13_03>>
At first I only sucked, because then I was still a virgin. I wanted to give my virginity to San D or to the giant Mark. But the first one, it seems, is generally asexual, and the second one was looking for a wife. It's a pity. I'll have to give myself up to someone less important in the local hierarchy. Okay, virginity is generally very overrated. Here are the girl friends who grew up in the wastelands, lost it when they were much younger than me. And nothing, they live happily, never remembering about it.
[[Next.|end13_04]]<<show-gif ends\end13_04>>
So I decided to get drunk and just give myself up in an orgy. I don’t remember that day well, I don’t even know who fucked me in the end. But from that day on, I go to orgies almost every day, taking more and more active participation. And I practice anal, and all sorts of games, and submission, and sometimes even dominance. I give myself over to my own pleasure and give true pleasure to others.
[[Next.|end13_05]]<<show-gif ends\end13_05>>
Several times our leader sent me to scout settlements, but I didn’t like doing it. I don't like fucking with strangers. Ours are much nicer, much more respectful or something. Even if a Raider of the New World is pissing in my mouth now, in half an hour he will treat me with complete respect, and not as a slave or a cheap whore. This is probably what I liked most. True freedom is not in words, but in deeds.
[[Next.|end13_06]]<<show-img ends\end13_06>>
Of course, we didn't just fuck all day long. The men trained a lot, sometimes fought, we also had service personnel, repairmen, and doctors. We were generally much more civilized than many settlements! We had armored vehicles and artillery, high-tech generators and a mobile home converted into a mobile hospital. If I had known that it was so good here, I would have gone without a doubt!
[[Next.|end13_07]]<<show-gif ends\end13_07>>
And also our regular parties! The whole wasteland shook when we turned on the music and had crazy dances! We sincerely enjoyed life, as if tomorrow might never come, we drank alcohol and even sometimes took light drugs. And, of course, we danced, we could dance all night long! But usually it all ended in wonderful group sex in the same place where our feet danced not so long ago...
[[Next.|end13_08]]<<show-gif ends\end13_08>>
We often moved around in search of government bunkers in which the politicians of the past world might remain. I don’t know if we are doing the right thing by spending huge resources on banal revenge, but the idea itself has really brought people together. The idea and its author, San D, because he was also a politician, albeit of low rank. He knows how to manage people and what they want to hear.
After taking shelters, we stayed in them for some time. Gods of revenge, how nice it is to fuck on luxurious beds! Sometimes I want to stop, settle in some place, but for now we continue our path of revenge...
[[Next.|end13_09]]<<show-img ch03_26>>
"Hello, newcomer! We pay 4 coupons for 4 hours of work. Interesting?" the foreman immediately got down to business.
<<nobr>><<if $energy gte 6>> [[Work [requires energy 6 or higher].|ch03_38]]<</if>>
<<if $energy lte 5>> <span style="color: red;"> Work [requires energy 6 or higher].</span><</if>><</nobr>>
[[Move away.|ch03_05]]
<<show-gif ch03_27>>
Phew, this is hard work! It is clear why they are so actively using the labor of visitors. We don't have much choice. Especially for men. After all, women always have, you know, other options for achieving their goals. I would rather use these options than repair the road.
"4 coupons, as agreed," the foreman handed me after grueling hours of work.
[[Ask for more coupons.|ch03_39]]
<<nobr>>[[Move away.|ch03_05]]
<<set $BTroadworks = 1>>
<<set $energy -= 6>>
<<set $coupons += 4>><</nobr>><<show-img ch03_28>>
"Excuse me, of course, but I definitely deserved more," I began my little theatrical performance. "I worked my ass off, like a little horse, sparing no effort and health."
"Okay, okay, you did a good job, here are two more coupons," the foreman gave in under the pressure of my charms. A small victory is also a victory!
<<nobr>>[[Move away.|ch03_05]]
<<set $player.cunning += 1>>
<<set $coupons += 2>><</nobr>><<show-img ends\end13_09>>
...I don’t know where this path will lead us, but I’ve been with the Raiders of the New World for 4 years now. And these are the best 4 years of my life! Why else live if not for pleasure?! And both your own and someone else’s. I bring love into this world, make it a little better and kinder. Every gangbang, every facefuck, even every spit in my face is love, this is life, this is the New World...
END №13: Brave New World.
[[Or was it different?|ch03_202]]<<show-img ch03_15>>
<<nobr>><<if $BTGH == 0 >>"Have you come to work with your mouth?" the bartender grinned.<</if>><<if $BTGH == 1 >>"Are you here to work with your mouth again?" the bartender grinned.<</if>><<if $BTGH == 2 >>"Listen, I used your services, this won’t work," the bartender sadly shook his head from side to side. "Your lips are too small and dry. I have a remedy for Sisters, a squeeze of pink mushrooms. Come on, one small procedure, and you will suck like a vacuum cleaner! The only side effects are a possible negative impact on intelligence, but this has not yet been proven..."<</if>><<if $BTGH == 3 >>"With your new lips you need to suck!" the bartender grinned. <</if>><<if $BTGH == 4 >>"Have you come to work again?" the bartender grinned.<</if>><<if $BTGH == 5 >>"Have you come to work again?" the bartender grinned. "Listen, stay here to live, huh? I'll give you a room. The work is not dusty, you know it. Our city is safe. Think about my proposal, I'm serious..."<</if>><</nobr>>
<<nobr>><<if $BTGH == 0 and $energy gte 3>> [[♂♀ Work in the gloryhole [requires energy 3 or higher].|ch03_41]]<</if>>
<<if $BTGH == 0 and $energy lte 2>> <span style="color: red;"> ♂♀ Work in the gloryhole [requires energy 3 or higher].</span><</if>>
<<if $BTGH == 1 and $energy gte 3>> [[♂♀ Work in the gloryhole again [requires energy 3 or higher].|ch03_44]]<</if>>
<<if $BTGH == 1 and $energy lte 2>> <span style="color: red;"> ♂♀ Work in the gloryhole again [requires energy 3 or higher].</span><</if>>
<<if $BTGH == 2 >> [[Enlarge lips.|ch03_47]]<</if>>
<<if $BTGH == 3 and $energy gte 3>> [[♂♀ Work in the gloryhole again [requires energy 3 or higher].|ch03_49]]<</if>>
<<if $BTGH == 3 and $energy lte 2>> <span style="color: red;"> ♂♀ Work in the gloryhole again [requires energy 3 or higher].</span><</if>>
<<if $BTGH gte 4 and $energy gte 2>> [[♂♀ Work in the gloryhole again [requires energy 2 or higher].|ch03_51]]<</if>>
<<if $BTGH gte 4 and $energy lte 1>> <span style="color: red;"> ♂♀ Work in the gloryhole again [requires energy 2 or higher].</span><</if>><</nobr>>
[[Move away.|ch03_20]]
<<nobr>><<if $BTGH == 5>>[[Stay live in the bar and work in the glory hole.|end09_01]]<</if>><</nobr>><<show-img ch03_29>>
I headed to where the bartender indicated. Regular toilet stalls, but with holes in the wall. You can piss and suck – it’s like a 5-star hotel from the past! Just someone needs to clean up here, otherwise it’s really dirty...
<<nobr>><<if $blowjob == 0>>Okay, I need to get ready. This will be my first blowjob. But I have to start somewhere! And I need to earn these damn coupons! <</if>> <<if $blowjob gte 1>>Okay, everything will be fine. I've already sucked a dick. I have experience. And now I need these damn coupons!<</if>><</nobr>>
[[Wait.|ch03_42]]<<show-img ch03_29>>
I went to the dick hunt again... Oops, I meant to say coupon hunt. That's right, for coupons. I need to get out of this little town. And for this you need to suck several dicks. Or more than a few. In any case, once I started, it’s too late to retreat.
[[Wait.|ch03_45]]<<show-img ch03_34>>
I decided to be tempted by the bartender's offer. Why not improve my body, and even for free! It would be stupid to miss this opportunity. This may be useful both here, in obtaining coupons, and in my further travels. Beauty is better than not beauty.
The bartender and I went into a quiet room, he took out a disposable syringe, filled it with some kind of pink liquid, then brought it to my lips.
"Don’t be afraid, it won’t hurt," he smiled.
I wasn't afraid. The needle went very shallow, then again, and again. The procedure took no more than 10 minutes.
[[Next.|ch03_48]]<<show-gif ch03_36>>
When I entered the booth, a dick was already sticking out of the hole. Apparently he was waiting for me. I immediately took it in my hand. Oh yeah, he's so hot! How nice it is to hold him, play with him, love him. I admit, it's not just coupons that make me do this. I liked pleasuring men through walls. And now I can't wait to try out my new lips!
[[SUCK!|ch03_50]]<<show-gif ch03_36>>
Once again, the penis is waiting for me, sticking out of the hole in the toilet wall. Apparently I've gained quite a reputation here. Me and my new red lips. And the deft hand that I’m moving now on the hot dick. But aside from foreplay, it’s time to fulfill your direct duties - it’s time to suck!
[[SUCK! SUCK! SUCK!!!|ch03_52]]
<<show-img ch03_30>>
Soon... a dick appeared in the hole. What were you thinking? About the cake? No, it was a dick! Strong, veiny and clean dick! I collected my thoughts and gently touched him with my hand. Warm. In general, a penis is an ordinary part of the body. Like a hand or a nose. Therefore, there is no need to be afraid of members. And I need to overcome myself and start sucking...
[[Suck!|ch03_43]]<<show-gif ch03_31>>
<<nobr>><<if $blowjob == 0>>I took a deep breath and suddenly attacked the penis with my lips. Here it is - my first dick in my mouth! This should be noted. But then, now I need to suck. <</if>> <<if $blowjob gte 1>>I suddenly attacked the penis with my lips. A dick like a dick. At this rate, I'll soon get used to sucking. However, now I don’t need to think, but to fulfill my duty.<</if>><</nobr>>
I moved my lips back and forth, sometimes even smacking my lips. I got a taste for it and didn’t think about anything. I just focused on the sensations and on giving my partner behind the wall pleasure. I don’t know how much time passed (probably only two or three minutes) when the man behind the wall groaned and sperm shot into my mouth. In surprise, I jumped back, took my dick out of my mouth and coughed, and the sperm flowed out from my lips. The member fired a few more shots into the void...
"With baptism of fire," the bartender grinned, handing me 4 coupons when I returned to him...
<<nobr>>[[Take coupons and move away.|ch03_20]]
<<set $BTGH = 1>>
<<set $player.perv += 2>>
<<set $blowjob += 1>>
<<set $energy -= 3>>
<<set $coupons += 4>><</nobr>><<show-gif ch03_32>>
I didn’t have to wait long - a penis appeared in the hole. But that’s what I was waiting for. I haven't been waiting for a cake from there for a long time.
Unlike the first one, this penis has not yet become erect. I touched it with my hand, pushed the skin away, then pushed it back again.
"Come on, suck," came from the other side. What a rude fellow! I’m giving him foreplay here, stimulating him in every possible way, and he orders me to “suck”! Now I’ll take it and suck it!
[[Suck!|ch03_46]]<<show-img ch03_33>>
I attacked the penis that “offended” me with my lips and started moving them back and forth at some insane speed! This impudent person will pay! I'll take all the sperm from him!
The man on the other side groaned from my tricks, but still was in no hurry to cum. The bastard doesn't give up! But after some time, my pressure broke through his defense.
"Come on, whore, I’m cumming!" was heard from behind the wall.
I took his dick out of my mouth and quickly moved my hand over it. White sperm shot out of him with such force that it almost hit the opposite wall. With such pressure he could kill! I even got a few drops on my face. But the main thing is that the job is done. Victory is mine!
<<nobr>>[[Go take coupons.|ch03_20]]
<<set $BTGH = 2>>
<<set $player.perv += 2>>
<<set $blowjob += 1>>
<<set $energy -= 3>>
<<set $coupons += 4>><</nobr>><<show-img ends\end09_01>>
After thinking carefully, weighing all the pros and cons, I decided to stay in Bridgetown. And I’ve already come to love the job that I started solely for the sake of coupons. The bartender (who is also the owner of the building) gave me a whole room, I was entitled to a ration, and I’m not talking about decent pay and protection. It’s still better than dying somewhere on the road while trying to accomplish the impossible and cross the entire country alone.
[[Next.|end09_02]]<<show-gif ch03_35>>
When it was all over, I literally felt my lips growing, moisturizing and... turning red. I wonder if it will always be like this? Looks like they're wearing lipstick! I was not warned about this side effect. However, it suits me very well. Ahaha, all the holes in the walls are mine now!
"Suits you. All that’s left is to try it out in practice," the bartender appreciated my new lips. I completely agree with him, I need to try them out as soon as possible!
<<set $BTGH = 3>>
<<set $player.perv += 2>>
<<set $player.cruelty -= 1>>
<<set $player.body_lips = 3>><</nobr>><<show-gif ch03_37>>
When I touched my dick with my lips, I almost came myself! My lips became so sensitive, ahaha! Now not only do I give pleasure, but I also receive it myself. Previously, I received only moral satisfaction, but now I also receive physical satisfaction. I feel a squish in my panties. Meanwhile, my mouth is squelching on the penis.
"Yes, amazing!" a voice from behind the wall appreciated my efforts.
Suddenly he shot into my mouth, but I didn’t pull away like I had before. I involuntarily began to swallow all the sperm that came to me. Pleasant taste, taste of victory. Slightly tart, but still a victory...
<<nobr>>[[Go take coupons.|ch03_20]]
<<set $BTGH = 4>>
<<set $player.perv += 2>>
<<set $blowjob += 1>>
<<set $energy -= 3>>
<<set $coupons += 4>><</nobr>><<show-gif ch03_38>>
Mmm, how delicious you are! I’m ready to lick you, suck you, swallow you all day long! Even if I don't get paid in coupons! I just surrender to my pleasure, to the sweat in my panties, to the hard cock in my mouth.
"Come on, cocksucker, I'll cum now!" a voice warned me from behind the wall.
I carefully collected all the sperm in my mouth, played with it a little, and then swallowed it all in one gulp. A happy client makes me a happy too.
<<nobr>>[[Go take coupons.|ch03_40]]
<<set $BTGH = 5>>
<<set $blowjob += 1>>
<<set $energy -= 2>>
<<set $coupons += 4>><</nobr>>
<<show-gif ends\end09_02>>
I can’t say that I worked really hard. Two shifts a day - day and night, for each I need to serve 4 dicks. Two days off a week. Very decent conditions. And there’s no end to dicks! They say that my queue is booked several days in advance! If I am so highly valued, then it’s not in vain that I try and do my job well.
[[Next.|end09_03]]<<show-gif ends\end09_03>>
That's why sometimes I work overtime. After all, there are many people in our city who are passing through here. That is, they may be left without my blowjob if I don’t hurry up. That's why I can serve 6 or even 10 dicks per shift! Haha, I could eat only sperm, since I get it in huge quantities!
[[Next.|end09_04]]<<show-gif ends\end09_04>>
Of course, my life is not limited to my work. I work to live, not live to work! So I quickly found girl friends in the city, we often dance in a club, meet men, get drunk and do weird things. I was even offered to work in a club, but I much prefer my lifestyle. I dance not to earn money, but because I want to. However, I generally do whatever I want...
[[Next.|end09_05]]<<show-gif ends\end09_05>>
Literally two months later, the owner of the bar asked me to have sex. I was breaking down, because I was a virgin, but he threatened to throw me out onto the street. And I didn’t want to lose everything I had acquired here. No way! That's why I agreed. And then I had to agree the next day. And so almost every day. But I’m not complaining, because deep down I wanted this myself. You know, a girl not only has a mouth for a dick, other parts of her body also require attention...
[[Next.|end09_06]]<<show-gif ends\end09_06>>
Six months later, I fucked not only the owner of the bar, periodically I fucked those who paid me. Would you say this is prostitution? And I don’t give a fuck, because I combine business with pleasure. I can’t live with the bartender forever! I want to buy my own home here. Maybe I’ll even open my own bar or a whole club! Also, I can’t walk around with wet panties forever. I need a good fuck!
[[Next.|end09_07]]<<show-gif ends\end09_07>>
Soon, many who passed through our beautiful Bridgetown stopped by to see me. A positive reputation is what it is. First you work for your reputation, and then you get fucked. Or something like that...
In any case, there was less and less time left for my favorite hole, now I worked there only 5 shifts a week. But the other holes (my holes) had to work a lot more. Traders, travelers, and even raiders came to see me. Gangbang, role-playing games, golden showers - I was open to anything to satisfy the residents and visitors of the city.
[[Next.|end09_08]]<<show-img ends\end09_08>>
I've lived like this for a whole year. In a sea of sex, dicks, sperm, constantly receiving divine pleasure and satisfying others. Could things have turned out differently? Of course, each of us often encounters forks in the road. But after sucking another dick or taking part in another orgy, every time I’m very glad that I didn’t go forward, that I turned off that fucking road in time. Now I have my own road in life...
END №09: Glory road.
[[Or was it different?|ch03_40]]<<show-gif ch03_39>>
As soon as I approached, wanting to know the reason for his gaze, he immediately slapped me on the butt with his palm! This is some new level of arrogance! The world, of course, is destroyed, but we still must remain human, not animals! At least I should have asked the name first... Maybe I should punish the impudent man for this?
[[Just smile at the impudent guy.|ch03_54]]
[[Demand payment for this.|ch03_55]]
<<nobr>>[[Kick his ass!|ch03_56]]
<<set $BTgrope = 1>><</nobr>><<show-img ch03_40>>
Although why provoke a conflict? As I said, we must remain human and not bite each other over every little thing. So I simply smiled in response to such impudence and walked away as quickly as possible.
<<nobr>>[[Move away.|ch03_20]]
<<set $player.perv += 1>><</nobr>><<show-img ch03_41>>
"Touched it? Now pay!" I demanded payment from the dumbfounded impudent man. "Come on, come on, otherwise you will have problems!"
"Oh, and you’re one of these," he shook his head, handed me 1 coupon and turned away.
It's not bad too. The fastest earnings in 10 seconds. It's understandable why many girls become prostitutes.
<<nobr>>[[Move away.|ch03_20]]
<<set $player.cunning += 1>>
<<set $player.perv += 1>>
<<set $coupons += 1>><</nobr>><<show-img ch03_42>>
Without further ado, I punched the idiot in the face with all my might. He recoiled and took a couple of steps back.
"Quite sick! You could have just said "no,” he said, holding his cheek. Then he turned around and walked away from me.
Maybe I went too far, but the impudent guy 146% deserved it. Next time I will think more with my brains and not with my dick...
<<nobr>>[[Move away.|ch03_20]]
<<set $player.cruelty += 1>><</nobr>><<show-img ch03_43>>
"Hey, hello!" I approached the young sad worker. "Are you alright? Perhaps you need help?"
"Hello," the handsome guy smiled at me. "It's okay, I was just thinking. The other day, my favorite prostitute left the city to the north in search of a new life. And I became so attached to her! It's hard for me to open up to strangers!"
"We’re talking to you now," I noted. "Therefore, it’s not all bad."
"Exactly," he nodded. "By the way, you are beautiful. Maybe, well... Could you help me with something else? By hand. Just handjob! And I will give you 10 coupons. It's a lot! And this would help me a lot..."
What an impudent boy! On the other hand, he clearly offers good pay for such a simple job. Perhaps it makes sense to agree? Otherwise, he may leave forever, and I may miss the chance of easy money!
[[♂♀ Handjob him.|ch03_58]]
[[Slap him!|ch03_60]]
<<nobr>>[[Move away.|ch03_61]]
<<set $BTHJworker = 1>><</nobr>><<show-gif ch03_44>>
Good money for a few minutes of work? I'm in!
<<nobr>><<if $handjob == 0>>Even though this is my first full-fledged handjob, but what could be difficult? You take it in your hand and lead it back and forth. As easy as pie! <</if>> <<if $handjob gte 1>>Moreover, this is not my first handjob. There is nothing complicated here! Take it in your hand and lead it back and forth.<</if>><</nobr>>
And so we moved slightly to the side, the guy unzipped his fly, and an already hard penis fell out of it. I haven’t seen all the dicks in this world, but this one clearly wasn’t a giant. The faster I start, the faster I finish. So I suddenly put my hand on his penis and pushed it forward and backward. At first, slowly and deliberately, as if stretching out the pleasure. Then I increased the pace.
In general, we need to hurry up, otherwise they might see us. In fact, we do similar things on the street!
[[Next.|ch03_59]]<<show-gif ch03_46>>
"Jerk!" I said and slap the young impudent in the face.
"Ouch!" he grabbed his cheek. "Okay, I deserve it. I don't know how to talk to girls..."
The guy slowly went into the working areas of the dam, and I was left standing alone. Alone, but with a sense of accomplishment. Perhaps in the future he will be more respectful of girls.
<<nobr>>[[Move away.|ch03_06]]
<<set $player.cruelty += 1>><</nobr>><<show-img ch03_47>>
"No, sorry, I can’t help," I shrugged and slowly backed away, wanting to quickly get away from the impudent guy. "I don’t have any handjob. But you hang in here, all the best, good mood and health..."
[[Move away.|ch03_06]]<<show-gif ch03_45>>
When I increased the speed to maximum, the guy started cumming without warning. The sperm flew straight onto the wet broken asphalt. I admit, this little adventure to get coupons even turned me on a little. I feel like my virgin vagina has become wet...
"Phew, that was amazing!" the voice of a guy who was already fastening his fly brought me back to reality. "You just like her! Here are 10 coupons, as promised."
Easy Money! And what an adventure. I also made the life of 1 sad guy a little less sad...
<<nobr>>[[Move away.|ch03_06]]
<<set $player.perv += 2>>
<<set $handjob += 1>>
<<set $coupons += 10>><</nobr>><<show-img ch03_48>>
<<nobr>>Some kind of factory or warehouse space, converted into the main point of attraction for locals and visitors - a city club. Loud music, poisonous purple lighting, crowds of dancing and drinking people - isn’t this happiness?<<if $BTclubsteal lte 3>>And here you can easily steal a couple of coupons from people drinking and having fun.<</if>><<if $BTlesbpunk == 0>> By the way, there is a punk girl (probably a raider) standing near the wall, who literally devours me with her eyes and almost doesn't lick her lips.<</if>><</nobr>>
<<nobr>><<if $BTdance == 0>> [[👁♀ Watch the dances on stage.|ch03_146]]<</if>>
<<if $BTdance == 1>> [[👁♀♀ Watch the dances on stage.|ch03_147]]<</if>>
<<if $BTdance == 2>> [[👁♀♀ Watch the dances on stage.|ch03_148]]<</if>>
<<if $BTdance == 3>> [[👁♀ Watch the dances on stage.|ch03_149]]<</if>>
<<if $BTdance == 4>> [[👁♂ Watch the dances on stage.|ch03_150]]<</if>><</nobr>>
<<nobr>><<if $BTclubsex == 0>>[[👁♂♀ Watch sex in da club.|ch03_151]]<</if>>
<<if $BTclubsex == 1>>[[👁♂♀♂ Watch sex in da club.|ch03_152]]<</if>>
<<if $BTclubsex == 2>>[[👁♂♀ Watch sex in da club.|ch03_153]]<</if>>
<<if $BTclubsex == 3>>[[👁♂♀ Watch sex in da club.|ch03_154]]<</if>>
<<if $BTclubsex == 4>>[[👁♂♀ Watch sex in da club.|ch03_155]]<</if>><</nobr>>
[[Go dance!|ch03_69]]
[[Leave the club.|ch03_05]]
<<nobr>><<if $BTclubsteal == 0>>[[Try to steal coupons.|ch03_139]]<</if>>
<<if $BTclubsteal == 1>>[[Try to steal coupons.|ch03_140]]<</if>>
<<if $BTclubsteal == 2>>[[Try to steal coupons.|ch03_141]]<</if>>
<<if $BTclubsteal == 3>><span style="color: red;">I will never steal here again!</span><</if>><</nobr>>
<<if $BTlesbpunk == 0>>[[Approach the punk-girl.|ch03_63]]<</if>><<show-gif ch03_55>>
Everyone here is dancing, why shouldn't I dance too? I decided to express my emotions by dancing and moved to energetic electronic music. How good it is sometimes to let off steam and forget about all the troubles in the world!
After the dance, an unkempt man offered to buy me a drink. Maybe I should agree? Or I’d better get away from him as quickly as possible.
[[Move away.|ch03_62]]
[[Drink with a man.|end10_01]]<<show-img ch03_49>>
"Hey, you're a pretty bitch!" apparently it was a compliment, although it sounded rude.
"Hi, I’m $name," I introduced myself, despite the warm welcome.
"I’m Leech, I’m moving south, I’m leaving tomorrow," the girl said.
"I’m going north," I shrugged.
"So maybe we can have a nice time then? Don't resist, bitch. We'll dance, we'll drink, and you'll also lick my pussy."
Yeah, it's quite straightforward. But she doesn't beat around the bush. Maybe I should really have some fun with her? We live only once!
[[♀♀ Have fun with her.|ch03_64]]
<<nobr>>[[Move away.|ch03_68]]
<<set $BTlesbpunk = 1>><</nobr>><<show-gif ch03_50>>
I decided to have a nice time with my new rude friend. We took a sip of some strange and tasteless drink from her flask, and then went to dance. Gods of dancing, I never thought I could move like this! We danced as if for the last time, as if no one in this world existed except us. It was sensual, energetic and incredibly fun! It seems that everyone around, seeing us rocking out, tried to dance more actively...
[[Next.|ch03_65]]<<show-img ch03_54>>
"No, sorry, but..."
"Then get out of here, you stupid bitch!" I was just about to say a polite refusal when the girl interrupted me. Okay, I'm leaving. I didn’t really want to...
[[Move away.|ch03_62]]<<show-gif ch03_51>>
Everything happened somehow quickly, Leech took me by the hand and dragged me to the toilet. The very next second she grabbed mine lips with her lips, and her deft fingers ran to my pussy, playing with it and turning me on even more. Oh, she was very experienced in this matter. Her intensity, her confidence, her every move were honed and brought incomparable pleasure. Even if it was all a little rough, but I liked it...
[[Next.|ch03_66]]<<show-gif ch03_52>>
"Come on, lick it, bitch! What are you watching? Do you think I was joking when I said that you would lick me today? Come on, bitch, come on!"
Either under the influence of a strange drink, or from excitement, but I immediately attacked her wet pussy. First, I held my hand, warming up my partner. Then I moved my tongue all over her pussy as if I had done this hundreds of times; her lubrication entered my mouth, turning me on even more. I then focused my attention on her clitoral area.
"That’s it, good bitch, don’t stop," the powerful warrior of the wasteland encouraged me...
[[Next.|ch03_67]]<<show-img ch03_53>>
...The next moment I woke up in my car with a wild headache. Oh, damn alcohol, I can’t remember anything. Okay, I seem to be alive, relatively healthy, I wasn’t even robbed. I hope I at least satisfied Leech before my consciousness blacked out...
<<nobr>>[[Wake up.|ch03_04]]
<<set $energy = 6>>
<<set $player.perv += 3>>
<<set $kiss += 1>>
<<set $cunimaker += 1>>
<<set $BTlesbpunk = 1>><</nobr>><<show-img ends\end10_01>>
…What? Damn, why does my head hurt so much? Why does my whole body hurt so much? What happened?! Why am I in a cage?!
"Oh, you’re awake," I heard a voice through severe pain.
"Let me out! Immediately!" I tried to shout, but I only had enough strength to wheeze.
"You apparently didn’t understand the situation," the man chuckled. "Now you will obey my every order, otherwise you will die..."
[[Next.|end10_02]]<<show-img ends\end10_02>>
The man wasn’t joking about “you’ll die”. He attached an explosive device to my leg while I was passed out. Lousy situation. And I have no other options but to obey the villain until a good opportunity arises to get rid of him. Or to get rid of the explosive bracelet on my leg. Let him lose his vigilance... How was I stupid and got myself into such trouble?! I was kidnapped by the first man I had a drink with in this crappy town...
[[Next.|end10_03]]<<show-img ends\end10_03>>
First, Great Lord (as he demanded to be called) made me suck his dick. Not the creepiest thing imaginable. However, I understood perfectly well that things would get worse and worse. He's a crazy maniac! I really wanted to bite off his penis, but... the bracelet on my ankle interrupted these thoughts. I had to suck his stringy, strong dick.
"Thank you for letting me suck your Dick and feeding me with your sperm, my Great Lord!" he forced me to say after what happened. And she had to say this after each such act...
[[Next.|end10_04]]<<show-img ends\end10_04>>
Living in a small cage would not be very convenient, but the maniac turned out to be an adorer in cages. He had a wide variety of them, of different sizes and shapes, he even had a full-fledged prison cell. This is where I usually slept. If I behaved well. If I behaved badly, I had to sleep in a tiny cage and go without food. Therefore, I tried not to offend or anger my captor.
[[Next.|end10_05]]<<show-img ends\end10_05>>
“My maniac” was surprised that I was a virgin, so he decided to fuck me in the ass. He said he would keep my virginity like a precious treasure. Sick bastard. The first time was very painful and unpleasant, as he did not bother to lubricate my ass. But after the tenth time I got used to it. Sometimes I started to sit on his dick myself, as Great Lord noted... Oh, I wanted to say "completely fucked maniac noted"...
[[Next.|end10_06]]<<show-img ends\end10_06>>
I don’t know why, but “my maniac” began to bring me expensive jewelry. Gold, precious stones, earrings, chains, rings. Either he has such a fetish, or he really tried to please me.
"Thank you very much, Great Lord. Your slave is not worthy of the honor of wearing such luxurious treasures," I thanked him, since there was nothing else left for me. After all, in addition to these jewelry, I had a bracelet with explosives on my leg.
[[Next.|end10_07]]<<show-gif ends\end10_07>>
Also Great... maniac loved to watch me dance for him. As he said, it was for my dancing that he abducted me. But anyone could have been in my place. Both now and before the explosions. Psychos are everywhere. At a minimum, you should not drink with strangers. Otherwise, you will have to dance erotic dances for them, suck them, give them in the ass, humiliate yourself and much, much more...
[[Next.|end10_08]]<<show-img ends\end10_08>>
For a year now I have been forced to serve a maniac. There was never any opportunity to somehow remove the bracelet or get rid of my kidnapper. Although, to be honest, life here is not so bad: there is food, protection, he brings useless but very beautiful treasures, he gives dresses and clothes. But I don't lose hope of being free. Sooner or later the day will come when I will fly out of this golden cage...
END №10: Bird in a cage.
[[Or was it different?|ch03_62]]<<show-img ch03_56>>
Large market in Bridgetown. Due to the city's strategic location, it became the main trading post for hundreds of miles around. Here you can buy almost everything: food, ammunition, medicine, technological devices of the past, spare parts, and so on. It’s good that I have enough food for several months ahead, so I don’t need to replenish my supplies. However, I can ask around for jobs here.
[[Ask a grocery seller about a job.|ch03_71]]
[[Ask a clothing seller about a job.|ch03_85]]
[[Try to steal coupons.|ch03_156]]
[[To the caravan site.|ch03_102]]
[[To the main street.|ch03_05]]<<show-img ch03_57>>
<<if $BTmarketjob1 == 0 >><<nobr>>"Hey, beautiful girl, would you like some delicious fruit? Very inexpensive, I’ll make a discount for such a beauty!" a dark man in very strange clothes showered me with compliments.<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>"Hello, I’m actually looking for a job..."<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>"Hey, yes, a beautiful saleswoman always attracts customers. I pay 3 coupons for 5 hours of work."<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>Not enough, of course. But I need to somehow get out of this city...<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>"And if the conditions don’t suit you, then still take a muta-peach! I'll give you one for free for your beauty!"<</nobr>><</if>><<nobr>><<if $BTmarketjob1 gte 1>>"Hey, beautiful girl, have you come to work again? Or do you want to eat a special muta-peach?"<</if>><</nobr>>
<<nobr>><<if $BTmarketjob1 == 0 and $energy gte 5>> [[Work in the grocery store [requires energy 5 or higher].|ch03_75]]<</if>>
<<if $BTmarketjob1 == 1 and $energy gte 5>> [[Work in the grocery store [requires energy 5 or higher].|ch03_81]]<</if>>
<<if $BTmarketjob1 == 2 and $energy gte 5>> [[Work in the grocery store [requires energy 5 or higher].|ch03_82]]<</if>>
<<if $energy lte 4>> <span style="color: red;"> Work in the grocery store [requires energy 5 or higher].</span><</if>><</nobr>>
[[Move away.|ch03_70]]
<<nobr>>[[Eat the muta-peach.|ch03_72]]<</nobr>><<show-img ch03_58>>
Working as a saleswoman is a tedious and boring job. And at the same time, I need to remain focused so that nothing is stolen from me and buyers pay exactly what the goods cost (or even more). Frankly speaking, I wouldn’t want to do this all my life. Even the road will be more fun, although it will be a million times more dangerous...
<<show-img ends\death08_01>>
This delicious (and strange) muta-peach is the last thing I remember. And I’m not talking about the loss of certain phenomena such as from alcohol or medications, for example. I talk about everything, I'm talking about my future...
[[Next.|ch03_73]]<<show-gif ends\death08_02>>
Either the fruit itself has this effect, or a sleeping pill was added to it, but all this was the vile merchant’s plan from the very beginning. I don’t know if I was the first, or if there were victims before me too. Perhaps there will be ones after me. In any case, you should not take food and drink from strangers in a post-apocalyptic world (or in third world countries). Regardless of the nationality, profession or religion of your “benefactor”. Otherwise, you may never wake up. And your lifeless body will be raped over and over again, cut and desecrated in every possible way...
[[Next.|ch03_74]]<<show-img ends\death08_03>>
However, this no longer interests me. Nothing interests me anymore. Even how this dirty psychopath mocks my dead body. Of course, now you don’t understand me. But sooner or later you will understand...
[[Or was it different?|ch03_71]]<<show-gif ch03_60>>
Okay, it's just touching. There will be no harm from this.
"Yes, a good girl, beautiful and obedient, just as I like," the merchant rejoiced, stroking and squeezing my ass. "You worked well today, you sold a lot of fruit. I'll give you a bonus. Take 3 for work and 3 for good work."
Wow! 100% bonus! Sometimes, if you don't move, it makes a good profit!
<<nobr>>[[Take the coupons and leave.|ch03_70]]
<<set $BTmarketjob1 = 2>>
<<set $player.perv += 1>>
<<set $player.cunning += 1>>
<<set $energy -= 5>>
<<set $coupons += 6>><</nobr>><<show-img ch03_61>>
"Don’t touch me!" I said loudly. "I’m just selling fruit here, nothing more."
"Why are you shouting like that? No, that's not it. Take your 3 coupons and you're free to go."
Well, maybe I didn’t earn a bonus, but I retained my pride.
<<nobr>>[[Take the coupons and leave.|ch03_70]]
<<set $BTmarketjob1 = 1>>
<<set $player.cruelty += 1>>
<<set $energy -= 5>>
<<set $coupons += 3>><</nobr>><<show-img ends\death09_01>>
I turned around sharply and hit the impudent person with my palm as hard as I could.
"Don't dare!" I screamed.
"Wah, pig! Stupid pig! A girl does not dare raise her hand to a man!"
The next thing I remember is a sharp pain in my side. A psychopath stabbed me! I'm bleeding! God, so much blood! How it all hurts! Why is my strength leaving me...
[[Next.|ch03_80]]<<show-img ends\death09_02>>
I think I heard shots. Apparently, market security shot and killed the psychopath who stabbed me in public. However, this did not make it much easier. After all, these thoughts are my last thoughts. And my beautiful body was simply thrown away like some kind of garbage. Maybe you shouldn't anger dangerous people...
[[Or was it different?|ch03_76]]<<show-img ch03_59>>
"How is my beautiful girl doing?" my employer’s voice behind me scared me, I even shuddered slightly.
"It’s normal, there are a lot of buyers," I shrugged.
"Good girl, you do a good job..."
With these words, the man suddenly ran his hand right over my butt. What a cheeky fellow! However, if I play along, he might pay more. And if I use violence, I may not pay anything...
[[Play along.|ch03_77]]
[[Stop the harassment.|ch03_78]]
[[Slap him in the face.|ch03_79]]<<show-img ch03_58>>
Another dull hours of work. At the same time, working as a saleswoman in a crowded market is really exhausting. But this is honest work, I don’t have to go against my conscience and sell my ass. At least right now...
In 5 hours of this nightmare, I again earned only 3 coupons. My boss is a greedy asshole.
<<nobr>>[[Take the coupons and leave.|ch03_70]]
<<set $energy -= 5>>
<<set $coupons += 3>><</nobr>><<show-gif ch03_60>>
I. Hate. This. Job.
Not a second of rest. There are a lot of buyers, and if their flow weakens and my employer is nearby, he will certainly take the opportunity and touch my ass. Sometimes he’ll just touch me, sometimes he’ll squeeze my butt in his hand, sometimes he’ll even spank me!
"You are a very good and beautiful worker, $name!" he says.
But, you know, 6 coupons are not 3 coupons. This is 2 times more.
"Would you like to drink tea in my trailer? Very tasty, pre-war!" the owner of the grocery store keeps inviting me. Maybe I should agree? It seems like he’s not such a bad person, he’s just a little loose...
[[Take the coupons and leave.|ch03_70]]
<<nobr>>[[Accept an invitation for a cup of tea.|ch03_83]]
<<set $energy -= 5>>
<<set $coupons += 6>><</nobr>><<show-gif ends\death10_01>>
As soon as I walked into the dealer's trailer and the door closed behind me, I felt a sharp pain in my neck. My “employer” put a noose around my neck! He tried to kill me! And at the same time, he tore off my things! I kicked, fought back, and even managed to break his nose with my elbow!
[[Next.|ch03_84]]<<show-img ends\death10_02>>
...But the forces were too unequal. He is a man, he is taller, he is heavier. I may have fought heroically, but I lost. And the stake in this battle was life. I'm sure the damn psychopath enjoyed his victory and violence against my lifeless body. At least until it began to decay...
Probably no one needs to go with suspicious people to their home. Who knew...?!
[[Or was it different?|ch03_70]]<<show-img ch03_62>>
<<if $BTmarketjob2 == 0 >><<nobr>>"Hello, can I help you somehow? I have a huge selection of clothes for every figure and every taste!" a smiling fat salesman greeted me.<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>"Hello, I need a job," I answered. <</nobr>>
<<nobr>>"A saleswoman of women's clothing is required for the next department, 4 coupons for 5 hours of work."<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>Not the worst pay. And the potential employer seems like a decent and kind person...<</nobr>><</if>><<if $BTmarketjob2 == 1>><<nobr>>"Hello, would you like to work for me again? You’re doing great," the cute plump man praised me. "I pay you 6 coupons for 5 hours."<</nobr>><</if>>
<<nobr>><<if $energy gte 5>> [[Work in the clothing store [requires energy 5 or higher].|ch03_86]]<</if>>
<<if $energy lte 4>> <span style="color: red;"> Work in the grocery store [requires energy 5 or higher].</span><</if>><</nobr>>
[[Move away.|ch03_70]]<<show-img ch03_63>>
<<if $BTmarketjob2 == 0 >><<nobr>>Selling women's clothing is not the worst job. I help girls become beautiful! By the way, there are surprisingly many girls in the city. Half of them, of course, are prostitutes who buy the most depraved outfits that are available here...<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>"Your clients love you," my boss summed up. "You know, I’ll even increase your payment to 6 coupons. You deserve it."<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>Great! My boss is wonderful! So kind, smiling and pays well...<</nobr>><</if>><<if $BTmarketjob2 == 1>><<nobr>>Once again, I’m making the world a little better by helping local beauties choose an outfit. Pleasant communication included. In addition, my employer values me highly, pays me well and behaves with the highest degree of politeness. Good man. And the work is normal. Although I wouldn’t want to work here all my life. Everyone needs to move forward!<</nobr>><</if>>
<<nobr>>[[Take the coupons and leave.|ch03_70]]
<<set $BTmarketjob2 = 1>>
<<set $energy -= 5>>
<<set $coupons += 6>><</nobr>><<show-img ch03_64>>
Abandoned house. Although, if you clean up here, then everything won’t be so bad. Cleaning can turn even ruins into a relatively decent place! <<if $BTruinsleep == 0 >><<nobr>>I can also spend the night here, but that’s if I’m so tired that I’m too lazy to crawl to the garage. <</nobr>><</if>>
<<if $BTruinmast == 0 >><<nobr>> Maybe I should search these ruins? Maybe I'll find something interesting...<</nobr>><</if>><<if $BTruinmast == 1 >><<nobr>> Maybe I should look at that naughty magazine one more time?<</nobr>><</if>><<if $BTruinmast == 2 >><<nobr>>Why does it feel so good to play with myself in this dirty place? Maybe I need to give in to my desires again?<</nobr>><</if>><<if $BTruinmast == 3 >><<nobr>>I've already searched everything here, there's nothing interesting here.<</nobr>><</if>>
<<nobr>><<if $BTruinsleep == 0 and $energy lte 3>> [[Sleep in the abandoned house [requires energy 3 or less].|ch03_88]]<</if>>
<<if $BTruinsleep == 0 and $energy gte 4>><span style="color: yellow;">Sleep in the abandoned house [requires energy 3 or less]. </span><</if>>
<<if $BTruinsleep == 1>><span style="color: red;">I will never sleep here again!</span><</if>><</nobr>>
<<nobr>><<if $BTruinmast == 0 and $energy gte 1>> [[Search the abandoned house [requires energy 1 or higher].|ch03_94]]<</if>>
<<if $BTruinmast == 0 and $energy == 0>> <span style="color: red;">Search the abandoned house [requires energy 1 or higher].</span><</if>>
<<if $BTruinmast == 1 and $energy gte 1>> [[♀ Masturbate [requires energy 1 or higher].|ch03_98]]<</if>>
<<if $BTruinmast == 1 and $energy == 0>> <span style="color: red;">♀ Masturbate [requires energy 1 or higher].</span><</if>>
<<if $BTruinmast == 2 and $energy gte 1>> [[♀ Masturbate [requires energy 1 or higher].|ch03_100]]<</if>>
<<if $BTruinmast == 2 and $energy == 0>> <span style="color: red;">♀ Masturbate [requires energy 1 or higher].</span><</if>>
<<if $BTruinmast == 3>> <span style="color: red;">I've already searched everything here.</span><</if>><</nobr>>
[[To the main street.|ch03_05]]
<<nobr>><<if $toilet5 == 0 >>[[🛊Go to the toilet.|ch03_168]]<</if>> <</nobr>><<show-img ch03_65>>
Not the best or cleanest place to sleep, but I'm too tired to go to the garage to my favorite car. Therefore, despite the dirt around, I just want to lie down and close my eyes. I’ll just lie down, yawn and plunge into the world of pleasant dreams...
[[Next.|ch03_89]]<<show-img ch03_69>>
I spent a whole hour looking for something interesting. Apparently, there were hundreds of people doing the same thing before me, because I didn’t find anything. Almost nothing. Some racy magazines with naked women on the cover were lying on the floor. Maybe take a closer look at them? Study the art of the past, so to speak. Or should I put this vulgarity aside?
[[♀ View magazines.|ch03_95]]
[[Nah, throw them away.|ch03_97]]
<<show-img ch03_73>>
Oh, my magazines, my magazines! My blondes, my blondes! Although I’d rather look at the brunette today. How strong male hands undress her, how they stroke her cheek, her tender neck, how they caress her elastic tits... Her breasts and our faces are somewhat similar. I look at her and feel that all this is happening to me right now. I feel how a muscular handsome man caresses my young body, preparing to enter his big strong dick right into my pussy...
[[Next.|ch03_99]]<<show-img ch03_75>>
Oh yes, I'm ready to admire these magazines all day long and play with my wet pussy. I'll wipe through the pages until there are holes in them! Although some of the pages are stuck together, apparently I’m not the first to stare at them like that...
Here is a man fucking a blonde, here is another bending over a brunette, and here are two red-haired girls kissing. How beautiful everything is, how aesthetically pleasing, how it all turns me on...
[[Next.|ch03_101]]<<show-gif ch03_66>>
...What the fuck?! Instead of pleasant dreams, severe pain awaited me in the real world! Some psychopath is strangling me! Freak! Scum! Impotent!
So, fight, $name! I can! I will survive! I'll kill the bastard!
[[Find something and hit him!|ch03_92]]<<show-img ends\death11_01>>
I kicked, scratched, tried to bite. At such moments you forget about the pain and fight until the very end. But sometimes the enemy turns out to be stronger. This is what happened here too. I lost this battle. The last battle of my life...
[[Next.|ch03_91]]<<show-img ch03_67>>
I tried to feel for something heavy with my hands. You know, like in the old movies. Heavy objects at hand are always a lifesaver. Amazing…
It's amazing that I actually felt something heavy! I grabbed the object tighter and struck the attacker on the head. Then again, again, again, again, until his hands let go of my fragile neck.
It's so nice to just breathe... It’s good that there was some kind of broken goblet on the floor, now smeared with the blood of the attacker.
[[Next.|ch03_93]]<<show-img ends\death11_02>>
You know... The chance of stumbling upon a ghost or poltergeist in an abandoned house is much lower than the chance of stumbling upon a drug addict, rapist or murderer. Therefore, if you are forced to spend the night in an unfamiliar place, it is better to take precautions: lock the doors and windows, set traps, keep your weapon ready. What a pity that I didn’t have this wisdom before...
[[Or was it different?|ch03_89]]<<show-img ch03_68>>
And I also killed a man, even if he wanted to kill me. I'm not sure if those who attacked me before Bridgetown died, but here I definitely killed the scoundrel with my own hands, in close combat. Do I feel regret? Not a bit. I fought for my life...
By the way, I found 15 coupons in the bastard's pockets. A trifle, but nice.
<<nobr>>[[Get up and carry the corpse out.|ch03_87]]
<<set $BTruinsleep = 1>>
<<set $player.cruelty += 3>>
<<set $killstotal += 1>>
<<set $killshuman += 1>>
<<set $coupons += 15>><</nobr>><<show-img ch03_70>>
It’s not in vain that I searched everything here; my labors won’t go to waste! I'll at least look at these magazines. I hope no one will bother me or catch me doing this...
So, what do we have here? Oh, naked blonde. Let's turn the page. There are a lot of naked blondes here. Why do men love blondes so much? Blondes are stupid! Oh, and here's a blonde sucking a man's dick. Maybe this is why they are loved so much? Come on, suck some love, you stupid cocksucker!
Fuck, why are my cheeks burning so much? And not just the cheeks... All this, I admit, turns me on a lot: watching porn in abandoned ruins when I can get caught...
That's it, I can't hold back any longer!
[[Masturbate.|ch03_96]]<<show-img ch03_72>>
No, I won't even watch this crap. I'm unlikely to find anything interesting or useful there. Let these magazines continue to lie here and fall into the hands of some wanker-perverts...
<<set $BTruinmast = 3>>
<<set $energy -= 1>><</nobr>><<show-gif ch03_71>>
I took off my clothes and started fingering my pussy like I was crazy. Yes, brainless blonde, suck that guy. Suck it, and I'll watch and masturbate! Come on bitch! Oh, how good! Each touch sends an electric shock through the entire body. Yes, a little more!
Oh, Gods of Orgasm, I have never cum so quickly! Fast, strong and high quality.
Thanks, old pre-war magazine and stupid blonde cocksucker. You made my day...
<<nobr>>[[Catch my breath and get up.|ch03_87]]
<<set $BTruinmast = 1>>
<<set $player.perv += 1>>
<<set $energy -= 1>> <</nobr>><<show-gif ch03_74>>
I again took off all my clothes and began to quickly run my fingers directly to the clitoris. Yes, how good! How I want to be in the place of that girl now, how I want a wonderful man to fuck me right here, despite my virginity!
Ooh yeah! Waves of heat once again washed over my entire trembling body. How good, how pleasant. Thank you again, Gods of Orgasm. And, of course, special thanks to the magazines. My knees are shaking...
<<nobr>>[[Catch my breath and get up.|ch03_87]]
<<set $BTruinmast = 2>>
<<set $player.perv += 1>>
<<set $energy -= 1>><</nobr>><<show-gif ch03_76>>
Come on, beauties from the pages of magazines, I’m with you. I am one of you, albeit in my fantasies. I also feel this tenderness, passion, I also feel these touches, these men and their dicks. My little virgin hole also enjoys... an orgasm!
And again, very quickly, I felt electricity in my fingertips, warmth throughout my body and real heavenly bliss. It's a pity that this moment cannot last forever. It's a pity that I need to return to reality...
<<nobr>>[[Catch my breath and get up.|ch03_87]]
<<set $energy -= 1>><</nobr>><<show-img ch03_77>>
Small caravan park. Carts loaded with goods, drawn by horses and donkeys (some animals seem to have mutated - I noticed one donkey had 2 heads!); there are even a few trucks here. In addition to the security guards in the parking lot, there is a large black man with scars and a pretty girl in a leather jacket and tight leather pants.
[[Approach the big black man.|ch03_103]]
<<if $BTfutacaravaner == 0>>[[Approach the girl in leather.|ch03_110]] <<else>>[[Approach Miko Berry.|ch03_111]]<</if>>
<<if $BTghast == 0>>[[Take a closer look at... a zombie?|ch03_159]] <<else>>[[Approach Roser the Ghast.|ch03_161]]<</if>>
[[To the market.|ch03_70]]<<show-img ch03_78>>
<<if $BTblackcaravaner == 0 >><<nobr>>"Hello, I'm looking for..."<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>"Looking for a job? Show your tits. I’m paying one coupon, "the big black man with scars answered rudely. Hmm, not such a bad offer. Coupon just for tits. Oh, if only I got paid every time I undressed before going to bed...<</nobr>><</if>><<if $BTblackcaravaner == 1>><<nobr>>"Do you need 1 more coupon?" the arrogant black man grinned. "Then show your ass this time. Yes, right here. Don't be shy and don't break, you already showed your tits."<</nobr>><</if>><<if $BTblackcaravaner == 2>><<nobr>>"It seems that I just haven’t seen your cunt, white whore. And I just have 1 more coupon. In general, you know what to do..." the black man continued to be rude. I don’t know why, but his words do not insult or humiliate me. I might even like it... <</nobr>><</if>><<if $BTblackcaravaner == 3>><<nobr>>"You'll hit the jackpot if you jerk off my dick. Over there around the corner. I'll pay 5 coupons. How do you like that, white slut?" he finally got around to offering sexual services. On the other hand, wasn’t it sexual services before, albeit of a slightly different kind...<</nobr>><</if>><<if $BTblackcaravaner == 4 >><<nobr>>"Get off, white whore, you don’t interest me anymore," the strong black man answered rudely. Eh, this is how you jerk off a guy for money, and then he stops needing you. Live forever, learn forever...<</nobr>><</if>>
<<nobr>><<if $BTblackcaravaner == 0>> [[♀ Show tits.|ch03_104]]<</if>>
<<if $BTblackcaravaner == 1>> [[♀ Show ass.|ch03_105]]<</if>>
<<if $BTblackcaravaner == 2>> [[♀ Show pussy.|ch03_106]]<</if>>
<<if $BTblackcaravaner == 3>> [[♂♀ Handjob.|ch03_107]]<</if>><</nobr>>
[[Move away.|ch03_102]]
<<show-img ch03_85>>
"Hey, hi, my name is $name, I’m looking for a job," I introduced myself to the smiling Asian girl.
"Nice to meet you, my name is Miko Berry, but you can just call me Miko," the girl bowed slightly. "I can’t offer you a job, I just guard the caravans."
"Miko Berry?" I thought. "Are you from Sisters?"
"In the past, but it's a long story. Although I can tell you if you're interested."
<<set $BTfutacaravaner = 1>><</nobr>><<show-gif ch03_79>>
"Just boobs? Yes, it’s easy!" with this enthusiasm, I naturally exposed my breasts.
"Hmm... I love big tits," the man was somehow not happy about my impulse. "Shake them or something."
"Is that good?" I jumped up and down a little.
"Play with your nipples," he literally ordered, which I certainly did. I admit, the situation excited me a little.
Either because of the slight coolness, or because of my stroking, the nipples became hard...
"That's enough, here's your pathetic coupon. Now get out, I need to think a little," with these words he threw the paper coupon on the ground. I had to bend down to pick it up. But I still made money, albeit a little.
<<nobr>>[[Move away.|ch03_102]]
<<set $BTblackcaravaner = 1>>
<<set $player.perv += 1>>
<<set $coupons += 1>><</nobr>><<show-gif ch03_80>>
"Take it!" with these words, I sharply lowered my pants, then somehow took them off and turned my back to the black man. Then I jumped.
"It’s not shaking at all, it’s too small," he was disappointed again. "Walk along the road, wiggle your butt."
I complied with his wishes and imposingly moved my butt, moving almost through a public place.
"You are white slut!" he grinned. "Is that so? Go ahead and say it. I want to hear you say these words."
"I’m a white slut," I said through clenched teeth.
"Good, snowwhite. You know what to do next," he again threw the coupon onto the wet broken asphalt, I quickly picked it up, my pants and left...
<<nobr>>[[Move away.|ch03_102]]
<<set $BTblackcaravaner = 2>>
<<set $player.perv += 1>>
<<set $coupons += 1>><</nobr>><<show-gif ch03_81>>
"Here's my virgin pussy!" I quickly took off my clothes again. This time all the clothes.
"Virgin? Wow!" he laughed. "I thought white sluts like you lost their virginity much, much earlier."
"I grew up in a bunker," I shrugged and began stroking my naked body.
"That explains a lot," nodded the only viewer of the show. I hope it’s the only one, since I’m still standing in the open air, many people can see me... "Okay, you deserve it. Now get out of here as usual."
Again he threw the coupon on the ground, but when I bent over to pick it up this time, the man slapped me on the butt with his palm. I just smiled and left...
<<nobr>>[[Move away.|ch03_102]]
<<set $BTblackcaravaner = 3>>
<<set $player.perv += 1>>
<<set $coupons += 1>><</nobr>><<show-gif ch03_82>>
"Easy money, let’s go," I suddenly agreed. On the other hand, this is not a rough gangbang, this is just hand work. What could be scary and dangerous here?
"Let’s go, little white slut," the man grinned, roughly took me by the hand, led me into the building, then into some room. Apparently, rest rooms for caravanners.
When the man took off his pants, I was speechless. His DICK is not a human’s dick at all! This is somehow how I imagined a megamutant’s dick. It's the diameter of my hand! Maybe the man is also a mutant?
"Come on, start and don’t stare, you stupid white whore!" the man ordered. Well, there is nowhere to retreat, so...
[[Let’s start!|ch03_108]]<<show-gif ch03_83>>
I began to move my hand over the huge black cock. And it is very pleasant to the touch, so warm and so elastic. Unusual sensations. For some reason I immediately imagine that I am caressing the dick of at least a horse...
"Come on, whore, be more active," the man with the mutant dick encouraged me.
I moved my hand a little more boldly and a little faster. The shock has passed, it's time for excitement. But I’m scared to imagine what such a huge dick can do to a pussy. And especially with the ass. I would not have been able to sit for a week after this, if I had survived at all.
"Come on, bitch, faster!" the man literally screamed.
[[Faster!|ch03_109]]<<show-gif ch03_84>>
I moved my hand as fast as possible, tightly squeezing the huge dick in my palm. The strong man groaned and put me on my knees with one hand; I did not resist. Then jets of white warm liquid hit me right in the face. Hey, we didn't agree like that! But I didn't argue. I can’t argue with such a... man...
"Kiss him and thank me," he ordered.
"Thank you very much," with these words I kissed the black dick, as if hypnotized.
"Good white slut," he grinned, throwing 5 coupons on the floor. "You’ll find a way out yourself."
He left first, I got dressed, took my things, wiped my face and left the building in victory...
<<nobr>>[[Move away.|ch03_102]]
<<set $BTblackcaravaner = 4>>
<<set $player.perv += 2>>
<<set $handjob += 1>>
<<set $coupons += 5>><</nobr>><<show-img ch03_85>>
<<if $BTfutacaravaner == 1 >><<nobr>>"Is there anything I can help you with, $name?" the pretty Asian woman smiled. She has a very pleasant smile. Maybe just chat with her? It definitely won't get any worse. But things can get better...<</nobr>><</if>><<if $BTfutacaravaner == 2>><<nobr>>"I enjoyed talking with you. Would you like to walk around the city a little? Just a walk," suggested the smiling Asian woman. This is not a bad offer. She is also a pleasant conversationalist and a nice person.<</nobr>><</if>><<if $BTfutacaravaner == 3>><<nobr>>"Would you like to have dinner in my trailer? I'm so hungry, and it's more fun together! Come on friend!" and again an excellent offer from Miko. The best offer! My stomach is actually growling! And I won’t have to spend money on food. Only advantages! I just have to agree...<</nobr>><</if>><<if $BTfutacaravaner == 4>><<nobr>>"You know, maybe I’m rushing things, but life is so short... So... Sorry $name, I'm a little worried. Ugh... Would you like to spend the night in my trailer? Sorry for being so direct, I just don’t know how to speak normally on such topics. I hope you won’t be offended," Miko’s awkwardness, I admit, is very cute. Just like herself. Maybe this is fate? Maybe everything was leading me to this very moment?<</nobr>><</if>><<if $BTfutacaravaner == 5>><<nobr>>"Everything happens so quickly, $name. It's like I get butterflies in my stomach when I see you. Again, sorry for my bluntness, but... Stay with me. We will go together with the caravan. Or we'll find another job. The main thing is that I don’t want to miss you..." an unexpected proposal. In fact, a marriage proposal. Miko is an amazing girl and a great person, I feel good with her too. And I don’t want to be separated from her either. I don’t know... Should I risk staying or risk continuing on my way?<</nobr>><</if>>
<<nobr>><<if $BTfutacaravaner == 1>> [[⚦ Ask her story.|ch03_112]]<</if>>
<<if $BTfutacaravaner == 2>> [[⚦♀ Walk with Miko.|ch03_115]]<</if>>
<<if $BTfutacaravaner == 3>> [[⚦♀ Dinner with Miko.|ch03_117]]<</if>>
<<if $BTfutacaravaner == 4>> [[⚦♀ Make love with Miko.|ch03_120]]<</if>>
<<if $BTfutacaravaner == 5>>[[Stay live with Miko Berry.|end14_01]]<</if>><</nobr>>
[[Move away.|ch03_102]]<<show-img ch03_86>>
"My story... I never know where to start," the Asian woman scratched her head. "Once upon a time, I was a young farmer, raiders attacked us, killing my parents and forcing me to work for themselves. Then Sisters came and knocked out the raiders. However... You see, I used to be a guy. And Sisters, to put it mildly, do not really like men. But since I was bi - I loved both girls and boys - I was offered a choice: either being sold into slavery or being reincarnated as a girl. The second option seemed quite good to me. Perhaps the option was not so bad. And I myself feel much better in a female body, it’s just..."
[[Next.|ch03_113]]<<show-img ch03_89>>
"Well, let’s go for a walk and stretch our legs," I agreed to the Asian woman’s proposal.
"You will not regret!" my new friend was delighted. "Bridgetown is a very nice city. There is excellent security here, it is safe here. Although the weather is not always pleasant. But all these are small things compared to the advantages! Many people, many establishments, many goods and resources."
We walked through the streets of a town that survived a nuclear war and was reborn like a Phoenix from the ashes. Really good place. Much less strange than Sisters, much calmer than Madras. I’m not talking about Sweet Home at all...
[[Next.|ch03_116]]<<show-img ch03_91>>
"This is where I live when the caravan stops in Bridgetown," we entered the battered but relatively clean trailer. "As you understand, the mobile home is not mobile now. But I can spend the night and store inexpensive items. And also eat... Sit down at the table."
I sat down waiting for my friend, who was cooking something there. I wanted to help Miko, but she said that I was her guest, so I just needed to relax and rest...
[[Next.|ch03_118]]<<show-gif ch03_94>>
I didn't say anything in words, but I smiled, took Miko's hand and led her to her trailer.
As soon as the door closed behind us, my friend playfully stuck her tongue out of her mouth. I must admit, it is VERY long. I can imagine what she can do with such language, what pleasures it can bring!
I pounced on her tongue with my lips and literally began to suck it. Some incredible passion washed over us. We are more than just friends, we have feelings for each other...
[[Next.|ch03_121]]<<show-gif ends\end14_01>>
Oh, to hell with it all!
Perhaps I am making a mistake in obeying the call of my heart, but I simply cannot resist this feeling. I want to stay with Miko. I feel very comfortable and calm with her, she is my soul mate. Or am I just a little fool in love. We'll wait and see...
[[Next.|end14_02]]<<show-gif ch03_87>>
"It’s just that then I found myself in slavery, albeit in something other than hard physical labor. After being exposed to pink mist and injected with all sorts of extracts from mutated mushrooms, my body changed. They made me a little sister and named me Miko Berry. My duties included serving the older sisters. I had to massage them, suck their dicks, lick their feet, work with my ass. Of course, all this did not depend on my desire. Maybe some people like it, but it was still slavery."
[[Next.|ch03_114]]<<show-gif ch03_88>>
"A little later, when Sisters had had enough of playing with me, they forced me to please the caravaners. Basically, the caravan guards used my body, not sparing me at all. They forced me to do all sorts of... nasty things. So I decided to run away. I made an agreement with one kind trader, Mister Bullet, he pulled me out and attached me to a large caravan in Bridgetown."
"Sad story. And... Mister Bullet?!" I was surprised. "I gave him a ride! He is a good man. But I'm sorry you had to go through all this."
"Well, you know what they say: everything that doesn’t kill us makes our holes wider," the Asian woman laughed, although I heard a note of sadness. And then I saw a tear on her cheek. "Leave me for a moment. I need to come to my senses."
Poor thing. I just want to hug her. But since he asks me to leave, then I need to leave...
<<nobr>>[[Move away.|ch03_102]]
<<set $BTfutacaravaner = 2>><</nobr>><<show-gif ch03_90>>
During the walk, I managed to tell everything about myself: about life in the bunker, about the purpose of my journey, about the chase, about the cities that I saw, about the people I met. I think I can trust my new friend. It’s so nice to share something with her, she won’t judge, she will understand and support...
As we were heading back to the parking lot, Miko took my hand in hers. I didn’t try to struggle or kick, it was quite a friendly gesture. I've seen this in a hundred films.
"I really enjoyed walking with you, $name," the Asian girl smiled.
"Like me with you, Miko Berry," I reciprocated.
<<set $BTfutacaravaner = 3>><</nobr>><<show-img ch03_92>>
Within five minutes, two plates of... noodles appeared on the table! And even in sauce, and with some vegetables!
"Oh, yes, I loved noodles as a child," I licked my lips greedily. "And then the supply of noodles in the bunker ran out."
"They say that somewhere in the east people have resumed noodle production, but I haven’t seen it myself," my friend sat down opposite me. "Come on, eat, it’s getting cold!"
I followed Miko's advice and grabbed a bowl of noodles. How delicious it is! Real food of the Gods!
[[Next.|ch03_119]]<<show-gif ch03_93>>
"I am your eternal debtor," I bowed to the girl who fed me noodles.
"Well... I have one idea..."
With these words, my friend came up to me, licked her lips and gently touched my lips with her lips. Then again, more boldly. And then she attacked me with a passionate kiss. Our languages are literally intertwined. I don’t know what came over me, but I really wanted it! Miko was more than a friend to me. I wanted to caress her, kiss her and something else...
<<nobr>><<if $kiss == 0 >>Such a wonderful first kiss will definitely be remembered for the rest of my life, I will always remember this moment with warmth.<</if>>
<<if $kiss gte 1 >>Although this is not my first kiss, I will remember it for the rest of my life, I will always remember this moment with warmth.<</if>><</nobr>>
After a long kiss, there was an awkward pause, then we hugged and said “bye” to each other, so as not to accidentally ruin this wonderful evening by doing something stupid...
<<set $BTfutacaravaner = 4>>
<<set $player.perv += 1>>
<<set $kiss += 1>><</nobr>><<show-gif ch03_95>>
We helped each other undress, caressed our breasts, arms, legs with our hands, kissed. Miko was the first to decide to satisfy me with her long tongue. I lay on my back, spread my legs slightly apart, and my friend kissed my tummy, going lower and lower.
When her tongue touched my pussy, electricity ran through my body. And when she moved it up and down, my eyes rolled back in bliss. How skillfully she does everything! That's right, she was in sexual slavery with Sisters, she has a lot of experience.
Ooo! Yes! A minute was enough for her long and skillful tongue to make my body shudder with bliss. How wonderful it was! As if we were created for each other...
[[Next.|ch03_122]]<<show-gif ch03_96>>
After catching my breath a little, I decided to repay my friend in kind. She lay down on her back, and I kissed her neck, chest, going lower and lower, straight to her strong, albeit small, penis. He is beautiful. Like all Miko.
First, I lightly touched her dick with my lips, then timidly licked it, and my friend shuddered and smiled. Then I took it into my mouth and slowly moved on the penis. The girl turned out to be very tasty. More precisely, her penis and the lubricant that got into my mouth. I can suck this kind of lollipop for days on end...
[[Next.|ch03_123]]<<show-gif ch03_97>>
Then my friend stood up, put me on my back, and she started jerking her dick near my face. I didn't mind. I want to taste her sperm. I'm sure it's very tasty...
Not even 30 seconds had passed before splashes of sperm flew into my face and onto my tongue. There was very little of it, but I still tasted Miko well. As I expected, no worse than lubricant.
"Thank you," said my friend, breathing heavily.
"Thank you too," I kissed her dick.
Then I licked the sperm from my face, wiped the rest with a damp cloth and fell weakly onto the bed with my best friend...
[[Sleep.|ch03_124]]<<show-gif ch03_98>>
We woke up in each other's arms. Blissful night. I haven't slept so well for a long time.
"Good morning, $name," the Asian woman smiled.
"Good morning, Miko," I answered with the same smile from ear to ear.
We lounged in bed for a bit, cuddled, then had a snack, and then, unfortunately, had to go our separate ways. But I will never forget this wonderful night. It was so fabulous and magical...
<<set $BTfutacaravaner = 5>>
<<set $player.perv += 2>>
<<set $blowjob += 1>>
<<set $kiss += 1>>
<<set $energy = 10>><</nobr>><<show-gif ch03_99>>
Pre-war music videos played across the screen. Most of them are crap. It is understandable why humanity destroyed itself. But one clip really stuck with me and settled in my very heart: great music, a very nice picture and stupid, memorable text:
<i> <b>I’m a sex machine
If you know what I mean
Give me that gasoline
I’m a sex machine </b> </i>
Damn, if I had a player, I would definitely download it. Purely the apotheosis of 21st century art...
<<set $BTTV = 1>><</nobr>><<show-gif ch03_100>>
One famous pre-war series about the post-apocalypse was shown on the screen. I can't understand why people like it so much? However, people are generally strange, and strange people like strange things...
And look at this girl from the shelter! I'm much better! I'm smarter, more cunning, braver, more beautiful, sexier, I make better references...
<<set $BTTV = 2>><</nobr>><<show-img ch03_101>>
All sorts of advertisements were playing on the screen. I don’t know why exactly, but I really wanted to drink “Dr. Nukler". What is this? Who the hell knows! I just want... it. I want “Dr. Nukler"! Fucking advertising, what are you doing to people?!
<<set $BTTV = 3>><</nobr>><<show-gif ch03_102>>
Oh, my dad’s favorite movie is on the screen – “Starship Troopers”! He watched it every birthday while I sat on his lap. Of course, when I grew up, I no longer sat on his lap, that would have been strange...
Dad said that the book and film of the same name are masterpieces of their time, although they tell about opposite things. The book is a real fascist utopia, while the film is directed against militarism...
In any case, I always liked the growth of the heroes, how yesterday’s schoolchildren become experienced military men and women. I also love Dizzy Flores! She is pure gold. Not like that bitch Carmen Ibanez...
<<set $BTTV = 4>><</nobr>><<show-img ch03_103>>
For a full minute the following message hung on the screen: “Your advertisement could be here.” For what? What idiot came up with this? You'd think that someone in their right mind would advertise in a bar in this post-apocalyptic town... Stupid...
<<set $BTTV = 5>><</nobr>><<show-gif ch03_104>>
The screen seems to be broken. Doesn't show anything. Eh, very sorry. We'll have to wait until it gets fixed...
[[Back.|ch03_20]]<<show-img ends\end14_02>>
Since I have an armored and good car, we were able to join the Bridgetown government caravan, delivering the most valuable cargo from and to the city. I was the driver, Miko was the security guard, and we removed the back seats to make more room for cargo. Besides us, there was another armored car in the caravan with four soldiers and a machine-gun turret on the roof. A serious force that everyone must reckon with...
[[Next.|end14_03]]<<show-img ends\end14_03>>
Actually, everyone was reckon with us. There hasn't been a single attack on us in a year. Noone didn’t even try to steal anything during the stops. Initially, I thought that the work would be dangerous, but it turned out the opposite - the safest job in the wasteland that you can imagine. But I'm not upset! On the contrary, a quiet life with Miko is much closer to me than the road of adventure. Otherwise, I would have continued my journey to the east...
[[Next.|end14_04]]<<show-gif ends\end14_04>>
Everything is magical with Miko. We understand each other perfectly. It's like we're reading minds. This is especially true in sexual pleasures. Miko, as a very experienced girl, does not put pressure on me at all. She smoothly prepares me for many things. She doesn't insist if I absolutely don't want something. And her kisses... When our lips touch, it’s like an explosion happens. Not the one that destroyed the world, but a pleasant explosion, an explosion of positive emotions and happiness...
[[Next.|end14_05]]<<show-gif ends\end14_05>>
And as for sex with her... I admit, the first time I was wildly nervous, but her support helped me relax. Everything was very tender and romantic. Once in my childhood I dreamed of a prince, but Miko gives me much more than anything I could imagine. Freedom, kindness, love. And wonderful sex, yes, sex is not a sin to mention many times. After all, we do it often. Sometimes 3-4 times a day! And in every way: gently, for a long time, roughly, quickly, unexpectedly, in different poses, in different places. My beloved girl, as it turns out, has a good imagination...
[[Next.|end14_06]]<<show-gif ends\end14_06>>
With Miko I even fell in love with anal sex! Who could have imagined?! Initially, I was very, very skeptical about this type of sex. I considered it something dirty, ugly and unromantic. I was wrong. It turned out that with a loved one, any sex can be truly amazing...
[[Next.|end14_07]]<<show-gif ends\end14_07>>
Even if someone else is involved. Once again, I was afraid of this kind of sex, but Miko was able to convince me. She has a lot of experience serving groups of people. And she loves dicks too, not just my pussy. That's why I don't mind if my friend gets fucked by someone else. Sometimes I get involved in this too. The main thing is that everyone is satisfied with everything. And I’m more than satisfied with everything: bright and violent orgasms are witnesses to this...
[[Next.|end14_08]]<<show-gif ends\end14_08>>
We also had to visit Sisters for work. And those crazy bitches considered Miko almost their property! But we managed to agree that while we were there, we would please the sisters sexually. Not the highest price for freedom. And, to be honest, Miko and I liked it. This was also a kind of sexual play, and not the actual slavery in which she had been before. My beloved even said that she was able to come to terms with her past...
[[Next.|end14_09]]<<show-img ends\end14_09>>
I don’t know what awaits us next, but I am grateful to fate for every moment with Miko. For our hugs, kisses, sex, orgies, for every orgasm and every drop of her seed. For all.
I'm sorry that I never got to my uncle, but everyone has their own road. And my road led me into the arms of a gorgeous girl. My road has given me happiness...
END №14: It’s a trap (of love)!
[[Or was it different?|ch03_111]]<<show-img ch03_105>>
"Hey, baby, would you like a bottle of “Dr. Nukler”? Original, only 20 coupons," the homeless man asked when I approached him.
20 coupons? It's a lot! On the other hand, I REALLY WANT "Dr. Nukler"! WANT! WANT! WANT! The problem can be solved not only with money...
<<nobr>><<if $player.perv gte 10 >>[[♂♀ Offer to kiss him for a bottle of "Dr. Nukler" [requires perversion 10 or higher].|ch03_132]]<</if>>
<<if $player.perv lte 9>> <span style="color: red;">♂♀ Offer to kiss him for a bottle of "Dr. Nukler" [requires perversion 10 or higher].</span><</if>><</nobr>>
<<nobr>><<if $coupons gte 20>> [[Buy a bottle of "Dr. Nukler" for 20 coupons.|ch03_136]]<</if>><<if $coupons lte 19>> <span style="color: red;"> Buy a bottle of "Dr. Nukler" for 20 coupons [you need more coupons].</span><</if>><</nobr>>
<<nobr>><<if $coupons gte 5 and $player. cunning gte 15>> [[Buy a bottle of "Dr. Nukler" for 5 coupons [requires 5 coupons and cunning 15 or higher].|ch03_137]] <<else>> <span style="color: red;"> Buy a bottle of "Dr. Nukler" for 5 coupons [requires 5 coupons and cunning 15 or higher].</span><</if>><</nobr>>
<<if $player.cruelty gte 15>>[[Kick his ass [requires cruelty 15 or higher].|ch03_138]] <<else>><span style="color: red;">Kick his ass [requires cruelty 15 or higher].</span><</if>>
[[Back.|ch03_10]]<<show-gif ch03_106>>
"Let me kiss you, and you give me the bottle," I suggested playfully.
"Only if you kiss my dick," the local homeless (homeless?) laughed.
Well... There is nowhere to retreat. I want this bottle!
"Take your pants off! Quickly! Come on!" I began to pull off the man’s pants. He was completely shocked by this. But that bottle should be mine!
[[Next.|ch03_133]]<<show-gif ch03_110>>
"Here are the coupons! Quick, give me the bottle! Fast, damn!" I handed a stack of crumpled pieces of paper to the seller of my happiness.
"Wow, I didn’t think, of course, that you..."
"Fast, damn it!" I interrupted the homeless man.
"Of course, of course, you paid for it, haha," with these words the homeless man gave me my treasured bottle of “Dr. Nukler."
<<nobr>>[[Drink it!|ch03_135]]
<<set $coupons -= 20>><</nobr>><<show-gif ch03_110>>
"Listen, man, you actually look like a homeless person," I began to reason, counting out 5 coupons. "No one will ever pay you 20. But at 5 you can get pretty drunk. Consider a worker's salary per day..."
"Yes, okay, I agree, let’s do 5," the homeless man agreed somehow suspiciously easily. "You know, once upon a time I was..."
"Give me a bottle," I interrupted him.
"Of course, of course, you paid for it,” with these words the homeless man gave me my treasured bottle of “Dr. Nukler."
<<nobr>>[[Drink it!|ch03_135]]
<<set $coupons -= 5>>
<<set $player.cunning += 1>><</nobr>><<show-gif ch03_111>>
"Are you completely fucking crazy?!" with these words I kicked the homeless man in the ass.
"Hey, take it easy!" he was indignant.
"It's you who takes it easy, freak! You insulted me first with your existence, and then with your arrogant proposal!" I hit the homeless man again, but this time harder.
"Oh, sorry! I just thought..." he didn’t even try to resist.
"Give me a bottle, dick thinker!" I kicked the man once again.
"Of course, Miss, of course," with these words the homeless man gave me my treasured bottle of “Dr. Nukler."
<<nobr>>[[Drink it!|ch03_135]]
<<set $player.cruelty += 1>><</nobr>><<show-gif ch03_107>>
Soon the man's penis was in front of my face. Not completely clean, but at least without signs of a terrible disease, which is good.
<<nobr>><<if $blowjob == 0 >>Well, this is not how I imagined my first blowjob, but the fulfillment of my dream is worth it. Soon you'll be mine, "Dr. Nukler"!<</if>>
<<if $blowjob gte 1 >>Okay, not my first blowjob in my life. But definitely the first one for a bottle of soda. However, I'm sure it's worth it. Soon you'll be mine, "Dr. Nukler"!<</if>><</nobr>>
I cast aside all doubts and fears, licked my lips and pounced on the limp penis. In seconds he became hard right in my mouth, an unusual sensation, to some extent even pleasant. It’s pleasant to know that I can turn on men so easily...
[[Next.|ch03_134]]<<show-gif ch03_108>>
Apparently, the man had no one for a very long time, since I didn’t even start trying, and he was already groaning and puffing. Out of surprise, I took his penis out of my mouth, but did not move my face away. Therefore, white viscous streams of sperm from a local homeless man hit my face. It's okay, it's not that scary. Sperm is not blood, as they say.
"Wow, baby, that was great! I admit, the last time I had this..."
"A bottle! Quickly!" I cut him off mid-sentence.
"Of course, of course, you earned it, haha!" with these words the homeless man gave me my treasured bottle of “Dr. Nukler."
<<nobr>>[[Drink it!|ch03_135]]
<<set $player.perv += 2>>
<<set $blowjob += 1>><</nobr>><<show-gif ch03_109>>
Yes! Yes! YES! How nice the bubbles sound! What a scent! I can't even figure out what it smells like. Something very familiar, something so tasty, mmm...
I couldn't wait another second and pounced on my delicious treat. Yes, it's definitely not a fake. Divine taste. Although I can’t understand what exactly it tastes like. I directly feel how I am filled with strength, energy and happiness. Exactly like in the advertisement. It was definitely worth it...
<<nobr>>[[Move away.|ch03_10]]
<<set $BTDrNukler = 1>>
<<set $player.perv += 1>>
<<set $player.cunning += 2>>
<<set $player.cruelty += 2>>
<<set $energy = 10>><</nobr>><<show-img start41>>
I was kindly given a large room where I could catch my breath, rest and think about what was happening. Now I met good people, but dad always warned that there were very few of them left. Many would try to deceive me. Or even worse...
"Would you like to have dinner, young lady?" A couple of hours later, the village elder offered.
"I won't refuse, thank you very much," I behaved as politely as possible towards my benefactor.
[[Next.|start42]]<<show-img start42>>
There was some delicious meat and a pre-war bottle on the table.
"Good wine, opened especially for you," the old man smiled.
"No need to..." I was embarrassed.
"Oh, don't worry, your bunker will give us a thousand times more resources than we will give you," the elder chuckled.
I hesitantly tasted the wine. Not bad, although a little bitter. But the meat is truly delicious! I didn't eat meat that often, for obvious reasons (it didn't grow in our bunker, my father traded and sometimes hunted).
I didn't even notice how I drank a whole glass and ate a large piece. Then there was more wine, and then...
[[Next.|start43]]<<show-gif start43>>
"Oh, yes, what a nice body you have, what a beautiful girl you are," I heard the old man's voice through the haze of alcohol. I felt his unceremonious hands on my chest, my ass, my vagina. I didn't resist, I just went with the flow. My head was spinning, everything was like in a fog. But there was no fear.
"You're obedient, I love girls like that. It's a pity that your daddy hid you from this world, we would have been friends," the old man said, and I laughed stupidly.
You could have thought that he had poisoned me, mixed something into the drink. But it was just the effect of alcohol, a large amount of alcohol on a body not used to it.
[[Next.|start44]]<<show-gif start44>>
"Come on, be bolder, work your hand more actively. Come here, baby, I'll kiss you," said the old man, when I found myself already jerking off his cock, and his tongue was dancing in my mouth.
That's the first kiss. That's the first handjob. I always knew about the dangers of alcohol, but knowing from words and from personal experience are two different things...
"Stay, you'll be my granddaughter," said the headman between kisses.
"I'll think about it, grandpa, ha-ha-ha!" I answered stupidly.
[[Next.|start45]]<<show-gif start45>>
"Oh, yes, you are a very beautiful girl, keep your hands behind your head and show off your breasts," I was sitting on a chair, and the village elder was standing in front of me and jerking off his cock. By the way, his dick is very hard, and I heard that old men have limp cocks. It's good that we limited ourselves to such games, otherwise he could have taken away my honor. Oh, Gods, how my head is spinning...
"I'm cumming, baby, I'm cumming!" the old man shouted, and white liquid from his dick splashed onto my chest.
"Cum, grandpa, cum! Ha-ha-ha!" I laughed stupidly again, and everything finally went crazy...
<<set $player.perv += 2>>
<<set $kiss += 1>>
<<set $handjob += 1>><</nobr>><<show-img start46>>
I woke up in a big bed. Alone, fortunately. But with a crazy headache, unfortunately. What happened yesterday... Oh, how ashamed I am...
I quickly drank some water, washed my face. It seemed to get better. I need to get out of here immediately. I also don't want to see this old man who took advantage of my helplessness and inexperience! I don't want to see anyone here!
Only forward!
But... It will be hard. I may not even get to my uncle, but not because I will die. For example, I can find a good settlement along the way, I can fall in love with someone there... Anything can happen...
[[Next.|ch01_01]]<<show-img ends\death12_01>>
I reached for my gun as fast as I could. It was the stupidest thing I've ever done. It was the last thing I've ever done.
The sheriff was trained and ready, so he reacted like the fastest gunslinger in the Wild West.
His revolver fired a bullet before I even got my gun out. It all happened in an instant. The bullet pierced my skull and entered my brain, I didn’t feel anything...
[[Next.|ch02_82]]<<show-img ends\death12_02>>
I didn't see myself from the outside (like in the movies), otherwise I probably would have been horrified that after a successful shot the sheriff laughed, walked up to my dead body, pulled down his pants and started to urinate. Right on my corpse.
People gathered around, they also laughed and nodded approvingly. People, what kind of scum are you, huh?
[[Next.|ch02_83]]<<show-img ends\death12_03>>
After the humiliating ritual, my body was carried out of town and dumped on the side of the road. If I were alive, I would have learned an important lesson: never engage in combat with a skilled and superior opponent. Or you'll be a pissed corpse on the side of the road...
[[Or was it different?|ch02_28]]<<show-img ch03_112>>
My heart is pounding, adrenaline is pounding my temples! So I walk up to the dancers, look for the drunkest one, dance near him and… Voila! My hand easily penetrated his pocket and pulled something out. Stepping aside, I saw that it was 4 coupons. Not bad. And what excitement! The main thing is not to get caught…
<<set $coupons += 4>>
<<set $player.cunning += 1>>
<<set $BTclubsteal = 1>><</nobr>><<show-img ch03_112>>
Well, I'll go through other people's pockets one more time. I need these coupons more! I have an important mission! And it's also so intriguing, so exciting...
Here I am, looking at a drunk man by the wall, standing next to him, supposedly to catch my breath, and my hand is already in his backpack.
And here I am already by the other wall, counting my loot... Wow! 17 coupons! This is a very lucky catch!
<<set $coupons += 17>>
<<set $player.cunning += 1>>
<<set $BTclubsteal = 2>><</nobr>><<show-img ch03_113>>
For my next victim, I chose a man in an army jacket who was swaying quite a bit. He seemed like an easy target to me. But as soon as my hand was in his pocket, he grabbed it immediately.
"Gotcha, bitch!" he shouted over the loud music. Several people even paid attention to us. "I'll teach you not to steal!"
With these words, he unceremoniously began to tear off my clothes, I resisted, but it was all in vain.
[[Next.|ch03_142]]<<show-gif ch03_114>>
I understand that no one will help me. They can hang a thief here. It's my own fault! What a fool I am! I got carried away by the adrenaline! Fuck these adventures in the ass!
Oh, no! It was as if the man read my mind! He undressed me, put me on all fours and placed his dick against my ass.
Then he spat on my hole, hit it several times and roughly inserted his dick inside.
<<nobr>><<if $anal == 0 >>Gods, how it hurts! My ass is virgin! He's taking my anal virginity!<</if>>
<<if $anal gte 1 >>Gods, how it hurts! My ass is so tight!<</if>><</nobr>>
"Aaaaah!" escaped my lips.
"You're so tight, you thief bitch. Never mind, I'll fix it!" said the man, fucking my poor ass.
[[Next.|ch03_143]]<<show-gif ch03_115>>
Tears rolled from my eyes, both from wild pain and resentment. No one would stand up for me. I was being raped in the ass in a club, and everyone was just watching. People – you are animals! Yes, I was stupid, but the punishment should fit the crime! You can’t rape people in the ass for all sorts of little things!
“Take it, scum, take it!” the rapist shouted, spanking my ass.
“You fuck her great, man!” someone from the crowd praised him.
How everything hurts, I wish it would all end soon…
[[Next.|ch03_144]]<<show-gif ch03_116>>
Gods heard my prayers, because soon the man began to cum. It was disgusting, unpleasant, but it couldn't get any worse.
"Here's a lesson for you, you damned thief!" the man shouted, pulling his dick out of my fucked ass.
"So she's a thief?" someone from the crowd asked. "She got off easy! She should be enslaved for that..."
"That's enough for the first time. I'll take all her coupons," the rapist said, kicking me in the ass and rummaging through my things in search of valuables.
Cum poured out of my ass, first down my leg, then onto the floor. But the main thing is that it was all over...
[[Next.|ch03_145]]<<show-img ch03_117>>
When the opportunity presented itself, I grabbed my things and ran out of the club. Okay, I got off easy. But there's no need to steal there now. Next time could be much worse. Oh, my poor little bottom, my poor little bottom...
<<set $coupons = 0>>
<<set $energy = 0>>
<<set $player.cunning -= 2>>
<<set $player.cruelty += 2>>
<<set $player.perv += 3>>
<<set $anal += 1>>
<<set $BTclubsteal = 3>>
<<if $player.body_anal == 0>><<set $player.body_anal = 1>>
<</if>> <</nobr>><<show-gif ch03_118>>
A naked girl on the club stage bends beautifully and sticks out her butt. I can't call it a dance, but it all looks very erotic and beautiful, and the girl is spectacular. Just doesn't go well with fast dance music.
<<set $BTdance = 1>><</nobr>><<show-gif ch03_119>>
This is more in line with the club theme! Two half-naked girls (a blonde and a brunette) caress each other near a pole. The blonde runs her hand over the brunette's chest, the brunette slaps the blonde's ass. Here it is - the dance art of the post-apocalypse.
<<set $BTdance = 2>><</nobr>><<show-gif ch03_120>>
These same girls continue to rub against the pole, against each other, they really excite the crowd of club visitors. I wonder if this is what they dreamed about as children? That they would dance striptease in a post-apocalyptic club? On the other hand, they have work, food and protection, which 99% of people do not have…
<<set $BTdance = 3>><</nobr>><<show-gif ch03_121>>
Wow! How is that even possible? The girl is spinning on the pole and shaking her butt at the same time? Or the pole is spinning itself, and the girl is holding on to it and shaking her butt? It's an unsolvable riddle. I doubt I'll ever be able to solve it...
<<set $BTdance = 4>><</nobr>><<show-gif ch03_122>>
There is some strange performance going on stage. A man with a very strange facial expression and a huge iron penis (not real) is hitting this penis on an iron stand. The metallic clang is heard throughout the hall, despite the loud music.
"Come on, son, come on! Come on, son, come on!" almost everyone in the hall shouted, welcoming this strange performance. Perhaps the world has just gone crazy...
<<set $BTdance = 0>><</nobr>><<show-img ch02_70>>
These are the two most terrifying prostitutes I've ever seen! Not that I've seen many prostitutes, but... You get the idea.
It's as if radiation had pierced them to the bones! Ugly faces, disgusting skin, one of them has fused fingers (and there are 6 of them, I think). In short, you wouldn't wish such a fate on your enemy. Better to get away from them as soon as possible...
[[Back.|ch02_28]]<<show-gif ch03_123>>
Wow! It's so hot here if you look closely! A girl in a dark corner is sucking some raider's dick. I wouldn't be surprised if she's done it before and for money. It's a fun club, for sure. No morals, no ethics, no restraint. Only anarchy, only hardcore!
<<set $BTclubsex = 1>><</nobr>><<show-gif ch03_124>>
Oh, and here two young guys have cornered a girl right on the dance floor, kissing her neck, groping her breasts and ass. What a dirty slut! I bet she'll have a threesome today. Maybe more than one. Maybe even with anal...
<<set $BTclubsex = 2>><</nobr>><<show-gif ch03_125>>
And this slut is already being fucked! Right against the wall! They are not shy about anything, lustful animals! However, this picture really excites my own imagination. Sometimes, you know, I also want freedom, I want to spread my wings and fly... fly on a dick...
<<set $BTclubsex = 3>><</nobr>><<show-gif ch03_126>>
Yo! Here's a black woman with huge tits getting fucked hard in the VIP box. I must admit, it looks very beautiful and exciting. Go ahead, sister, fuck this man! Milk all his cum out of him! And I'll watch...
<<set $BTclubsex = 4>><</nobr>><<show-gif ch03_127>>
Oh! And here's the blonde getting covered in cum. I managed to watch the climax, so to speak. It's obvious that the girl tried hard, pleased her fucker. Now he's pouring cum all over her face. Good job, girl, I'm proud of you! What?! Female solidarity and all that...
<<set $BTclubsex = 0>><</nobr>><<show-img ch01_48>>
Wow! Two half-naked girls are walking down the street and giggling sweetly. Apparently, morality is also being successfully decomposed here. You don't have to adapt to men, you don't have to live by their rules. And that means you can do whatever you want.
<<set $SistersWatch = 1>><</nobr>><<show-img ch01_49>>
And here is a completely naked girl on the street. Spectacular, of course. But here it is unlikely to surprise anyone, all the locals are already used to it. I wonder if this naked girl is cold? It is already evening, sunset is coming soon. I am worried about her health…
<<set $SistersWatch = 2>><</nobr>><<show-img ch01_50>>
Here are two shameless women! Fucking each other with rubber cocks right on the street. I just want to say: “Find a room!” It's unlikely that there are problems with housing here, there are many abandoned houses at your service. But they probably like it that way. However, I will not judge. Suddenly, I will also like something like this in the future...
<<set $SistersWatch = 3>><</nobr>><<show-img ch01_51>>
Wow, so many people have gathered! One man, naked and not young, was tied to a pole right in the middle of the street. What's going on?
"For disobeying the Mistress, you are sentenced to ten blows to the balls, dirty slave!" the menacing voice of a young girl rang out across the entire square.
"One!" the sadist kicked the man right in the groin. Oh, that hurt a lot, in movies all the men always fall from such blows. And here as many as 10 times...
"Two!" another blow. Oh, what's that? His dick is standing up! What an old pervert! Okay, everyone has their own tastes, and I'm getting out of here...
<<set $SistersWatch = 4>><</nobr>><<show-img ch01_52>>
Two black girls kissing in the rays of the setting sun. Beautiful, poetic and very sweet. I wish there were more scenes like this here, and not all sorts of vulgarity, naked perverts and broken male balls. This world would be much better if there was more romance in it...
<<set $SistersWatch = 0>><</nobr>><<show-img ch01_54>>
In the next cell are two muscular naked men. Well, not naked… They are wearing masks, handcuffs and chastity belts on their dicks. Poor things. It seems like a very strange form of clothing for prisoners. More like torture and abuse…
<<set $SistersPrison = 1>><</nobr>><<show-img ch01_55>>
In another, the dress code is even more interesting: the man is dressed in a dress, stockings and a woman's wig, and is tied with a rope. This is some kind of sophisticated sadism. Or Sisters seem to be saying: "You used to make us wear dresses, now it's our turn!" Still not the best way to fight for rights and freedoms. More like revenge...
<<set $SistersPrison = 2>><</nobr>><<show-gif ch01_56>>
Further down the hall, a naked man is tied to the wall, and his ass is being fucked by some kind of automated machine. He can neither move nor escape. I wonder how long he's been standing like this? An hour? A day? A week? And how much more will he have to endure? And most importantly, what kind of black hole has his ass become?
<<set $SistersPrison = 3>><</nobr>><<show-gif ch01_57>>
In the next cell, a very feminine boy is jumping on a rubber cock, and sperm is shooting out of his own limp cock! I would never have believed it if I hadn’t seen it myself. And this… person doesn’t look sad or unhappy. Rather, his (her) eyes show tireless lust…
<<set $SistersPrison = 4>><</nobr>><<show-gif ch01_58>>
In the final cell there is a full-fledged girl, just with a male dick hanging between her legs. She waved her hand at me and smiled as soon as she noticed.
"How can I serve you, Mistress?" said this girl.
"Eh, not yet, rest here," I said the first thing that came to mind, so that this "loyalist" would not raise the alarm.
I wonder if she always liked this? Or was she broken, as they plan to break the other men in the cells? One can only guess...
<<set $SistersPrison = 0>><</nobr>><<show-img ends\death13_01>>
There are a lot of people here, it's easy to get lost in the crowd, easy to put my hand in someone else's pocket...
At least that's what it seemed to me at first. At the first attempt, the man grabbed my hand.
"Thief! I caught the thief! Call the guards!" he shouted. I tried to break free, to kick, but all attempts were in vain. And soon armed and armored guards arrived.
[[Next.|ch03_157]]<<show-img ends\death13_02>>
They tied me up, took me out to the square and… with one blow of an axe they chopped off my beautiful hand. Hellish pain, incomparable to anything. Except maybe with chopping off my second hand. And then my left leg.
But I didn’t feel the chopping off of my last limb, because I was dead…
[[Next.|ch03_158]]<<show-img ends\death13_03>>
My severed limbs and body were put into bags and thrown outside the city. Such are the laws here. Only a backward society can be so cruel. On the other hand, I should have thought of this earlier. It's too late now...
[[Or was it different?|ch03_70]]<<show-img ch03_128>>
I walked closer to the strange creature that was at the caravan stop. It doesn't look alive, but it moves, breathes, scratches its head. Like a half-decomposed corpse with red eyes that has come to life. And there's a huge red rose growing on its head...
"Oh, hi, smoothie!" the creature said. Fuck, a talking zombie! It's begun, fuck!
[[Say hello to the... zombie.|ch03_160]]
[[Shoot him! KILL THE FUCKING ZOMBIE!|end15_01]]<<show-img ch03_128>>
<<if $BTghast == 1 >><<nobr>>"Listen, smoothie, since you're not afraid of me anymore, I have an offer for 10 coupons. Are you interested? Just let me touch your breasts. I haven't touched a woman's breasts in ten years!" said Roser the Ghast. Wow, what an offer! To agree to this, you have to be a complete pervert!<</nobr>><</if>><<if $BTghast == 2 >><<nobr>>"Okay, smoothie, want to earn another 10 coupons? I miss a woman's body so much... Well, you know... Let me feel your ass, in short," said Roser the Ghast. He had already felt my breasts, so...<</nobr>><</if>><<if $BTghast == 3 >><<nobr>>"You're the best of people. Seriously. Others are trying to kill me, and you let me touch you. By the way, I was just about to talk about this..." said Roser the Ghast. I wonder what he wants to offer? Maybe build a house for the homeless? Or eat cake? Or does that zombie pervert want to grope me again? "Touch my dick! Come on, it's like a normal person's, don't be afraid!"<</nobr>><</if>><<if $BTghast == 4 >><<nobr>>"Oh, I don't want to beat around the bush. I have a life-changing proposition for you, smoothie. I was in the south, a huge army of mega-mutants is gathering there. They didn't touch me, since I'm supposedly a mutant too. They're taking over everything in their path. We need to go north, my family had a hunting lodge and a small bunker there. Come with me and Rosita," Roser the Ghast suggested. Wow, he just suggested changing his life completely. Then again, maybe he's right. A difficult decision, a very difficult one...<</nobr>><</if>>
<<nobr>><<if $BTghast == 1 and $player.perv gte 35>> [[☢♂♀ Let him touch your breasts [requires perversion 35 or higher].|ch03_162]]<</if>>
<<if $BTghast == 1 and $player.perv lte 34>><span style="color: red;">☢♂♀ Let him touch your breasts [requires perversion 35 or higher].</span><</if>>
<<if $BTghast == 2>> [[☢♂♀ Let him touch your butt.|ch03_164]]<</if>>
<<if $BTghast == 3>> [[☢♂♀ Touch his dick.|ch03_166]]<</if>>
<<if $BTghast == 4>>[[Head north with Roser the Ghast.|end16_01]]<</if>><</nobr>>
[[Move away.|ch03_102]]
<<show-img ch03_128>>
"Well, hello..." I greeted quietly and timidly.
"Oh, wait, I get it! You've never seen a ghast!" the zombie said. By the way, he spoke rather indistinctly due to the lack of lips. "Allow me to introduce myself, I am Roser the Ghast! A mutant and the owner of a beautiful rose on my head. Her name is Bianca."
"Bianca?" I was surprised.
"He-he, I'm kidding. Her name is Rosita," the strange mutant grinned. At least we found out that this is not a zombie, which is already good. "I came from the south with a caravan, I don't bite, but I can shoot pretty well if necessary. I'm heading north."
"Nice to meet you, Roser the Ghast and Rosita, my name is $name," I introduced myself to the peaceful mutant.
<<set $BTghast = 1>><</nobr>><<show-img ends\end15_01>>
I instantly grabbed my gun and shot this talking zombie in the forehead! That's it! I ended the zombie virus epidemic with one shot! The brains of this vile creature painted the asphalt around, just like in a movie. Yes, I need a monument!
But for some reason the city guards immediately ran up, tied me up and took me to their location.
[[Next.|end15_02]]<<show-img ends\end15_02>>
There they explained to me that it was not a zombie at all, but a ghast – a kind of mutant. Despite the fact that no one here likes them, I still broke the law and committed murder. However, they did not want to punish me to the full extent of the law either. They will not hang me, cut off my limbs and anything like that. Thanks to them at least for this.
So they decided to make a slave out of me at the local dam…
[[Next.|end15_03]]<<show-gif ends\end15_03>>
Of course, here it is not called slavery, but labor punishment, but the essence does not change. I had to do rough work on the dam: hand tools, carry loads, help with repairs. Not the worst job, as it seemed to me, because I was also provided with housing and food (even if not the most delicious).
However, the presence of other prisoners complicated the situation. For some reason, they immediately disliked me...
[[Next.|end15_04]]<<show-gif ends\end15_04>>
At first they just called me names, beat me up, mocked me. Then they started raping me. I couldn't do anything, I had no one to complain to. I was raped by both girls and men, and all I could do was endure it and think about something else.
Otherwise I couldn't survive. It was useless to resist, I was a small, skinny girl, what could I do to my numerous offenders?
[[Next.|end15_05]]<<show-gif ends\end15_05>>
Often I was simply forced to suck, it was the least evil. I just take the dick in my mouth, move my hand and/or lips over it until he cums. Even if the dick is not the cleanest, soon you don’t pay attention to it. It seems that I sucked all the dicks here and licked all the cunts. In a day I could suck 5 or even 10 dicks, I just stopped counting them. I did not remember who I sucked, how many times and how it was.
It was much worse when they started to purposefully mock me: beat me, humiliate me, shove all sorts of objects into myself…
[[Next.|end15_06]]<<show-img ends\end15_06>>
I don't know why, but one prisoner named Igor (who, by the way, took my virginity) really likes to put me on a bottle. I had to jump on it with my vagina or ass, tell what a bitch, worthless and stupid scum I'm, while the other prisoners laughed, hit me on the tits, spat in my face and pissed on me.
But even to this I got used to and learned to distance myself. My body is here, and my soul is far away...
[[Next.|end15_07]]<<show-gif ends\end15_07>>
Over time, after about a year, they started to bully me less. Apparently, they were just a little tired of me. And my holes were pretty worn out, and the sparkle in my eyes was gone.
In addition, more and more weak prisoners were arriving, who could also be bullied. So I turned from the prisoners' favorite toy into "one of many".
Of course, I could have been happy about this, but by that time I no longer cared...
[[Next.|end15_08]]<<show-img ends\end15_08>>
I just mechanically sucked cocks, offered my vagina or ass, licked other girl's cunts, humiliated myself in the most perverted ways. I served prisoners, free dam workers, guards, I served just about everyone. I had nothing else left in this life.
It turns out that by killing a "zombie" I myself became a "zombie". What an evil irony of fate...
END №15: Living dead girl.
[[Or was it different?|ch03_159]]<<show-gif ch03_129>>
"Well... ok," I guess I'm a complete pervert to agree to this.
"Seriously? I didn't think you'd agree," the zombie shrugged.
"Are you trying to talk me out of it now?" I said, lifting my clothes and exposing my chest.
"Oooh, how beautiful, how wonderful..." the mutant, hungry for female attention, licked his teeth.
"Are you just going to watch?" I giggled.
"Oh, I get the hint..." Roser tried to smile, but it's hard to do without lips.
"A hint? I'm just freezing already!" I laughed again.
[[Next.|ch03_163]]<<show-gif ch03_131>>
"Well, what can I do now," I shrugged and quickly bared my ass. "You've already groped my breasts. And that's probably a more intimate part of the body..."
"It depends on which side you look at it from," the zombie licked his teeth.
"Yeah, look from all sides! But don't forget to grope, ahaha!" I laughed loudly and playfully.
"I'll never forget that... What a beautiful ass you have, so delicious. Your whole body is magnificent..." Roser admired my charms.
[[Next.|ch03_165]]<<show-gif ch03_133>>
"Okay, I'll touch your zombie-cock," I sighed heavily.
"I'm the happiest ghast for a hundred miles around!" the mutant rejoiced, lowering his pants. Hey, everything is really normal there! Well, like a normal person. A strong and quite beautiful penis. I thought that there would be a flaccid radioactive macaroni with peeling skin (at best).
I grabbed his penis with my hand and sharply moved it back and forth, without any foreplay.
"Wow, easy, baby, I haven't had a girlfriend in a long time, I'm going to cum so soon!" the man said.
"Of course, honey, now I'll give you a gentle blowjob, and then I'll let you fuck my pussy ..." I said sarcastically.
"Really?" the ghast was delighted.
"No," I moved my hand on his penis even faster.
[[Next.|ch03_167]]<<show-img ends\end16_01>>
Damn, screw it, fuck it all!
I shrugged and agreed to my new companion's proposal. He danced with joy. Literally.
It's safer to travel together anyway, and I'll never get to my uncle. I'll be realistic and try to survive underground, like I've been doing all these years.
Roser, by the way, danced again when he found out that I have an armored car. He thought that we'd have to travel with passing caravans, but I simplified the task 10 times...
[[Next.|end16_02]]<<show-gif ch03_130>>
Finally the zombie got bold and touched my chest. His hands were very warm and the skin on them was smooth. Almost like a human. That is, only his appearance was so ugly.
"I've wanted this for so long..." Roser said, squeezing my boobs.
It's normal that what's happening turns me on a little... Just a little. An ugly mutant zombie is squeezing my chest at a caravan stop, and I feel my vagina getting wet...
"That's enough, or you'll rub my boobs off with your calloused hands," I decided to finish the breast massage after 5 minutes.
"Oh, that was great," ghast counted out 10 coupons and handed them to me. I took them and immediately walked away. I should think about everything that happened...
<<nobr>>[[Move away.|ch03_102]]
<<set $BTghast = 2>>
<<set $player.perv += 2>>
<<set $coupons += 10>><</nobr>><<show-gif ch03_132>>
"Mmm, so elastic, so warm," ghast finally grabbed my ass.
He stroked it, kneaded it with his palms, even patted it a little. In general, my ass was working hard to earn 10 coupons. And my pussy, meanwhile, was sending completely perverted signals to my brain. I was wet while a zombie mutant was groping me! Again...
"I would marry your ass..."
"Hey!" I snapped playfully.
"Sorry. I would marry your ass and your breasts," Roser giggled.
"Would Rosita be against it?"
"She's in favor of polygamy," ghast chuckled again. And he has a pretty good sense of humor...
"Coupons," I marked the end of the meeting. Roser sighed heavily, counted out 10 coupons for me, then I quickly left.
<<nobr>>[[Move away.|ch03_102]]
<<set $BTghast = 3>>
<<set $player.perv += 1>>
<<set $coupons += 10>><</nobr>><<show-gif ch03_134>>
"You have such beautiful hands..." the mutant said, breathing heavily.
"You're lucky to have met me," I smiled.
"Very lucky, very lucky... Mmm, I'm going to cum now!" the zombie said.
Then the sperm shot out of his strong (and very beautiful) cock, hitting the broken asphalt. The most depraved images that could possibly exist ran through my head. How I fuck ghast, and how I suck him, and even how I lick cum off the asphalt! A nightmare...
"Oh, that was great..." the mutant praised my efforts and handed me the coupons. I quickly hid them and walked away. It seems that my cheeks are now red from both shame and lust...
<<nobr>>[[Move away.|ch03_102]]
<<set $BTghast = 4>>
<<set $player.perv += 2>>
<<set $coupons += 10>><</nobr>><<show-img ends\end16_02>>
The road was not without adventures, we even had to shoot a couple of times, but Rozer with a rifle is something incredible. He is a born sniper. In fact, I never saw him miss. Both at bandits and at animals to get food. My protector and provider...
It turns out that he used to serve on the southern border, hence all his combat skills. And it also turns out that he is about 45 years old... But I did not bother my head with this question anymore.
[[Next.|end16_03]]<<show-img ends\end16_03>>
When we got to our destination, it was in a deplorable state. The bunker was partially looted, the hunting lodge was completely looted, and the roof had collapsed. But the main thing is not the walls, the main thing is the place itself. Remote, hard to reach, with lots of animals and a minimum of people (including bandits). We can live here with dignity.
So we immediately began to restore everything. Not far away there was an abandoned village, where we got everything we needed.
A little further there was a community where people lived. I contacted them and sometimes exchanged goods, and Roser covered me with his rifle.
Not all people welcome mutants, you know. That's why I was the one who went to the settlements.
[[Next.|end16_04]]<<show-gif ends\end16_04>>
Of course, my relationship with Roser went beyond friendship from the start. He took care of me, I did things for him. My hands were especially arousing to him. However, I would be lying if I said that I didn't like what was happening. I really liked what I was doing, it turned me on. Yes, I am a pervert, but it is better to admit it right away than to suffer all my life. I like all sorts of perverted things. I enjoy it and I give pleasure to others. What's bad about this?
[[Next.|end16_05]]<<show-img ends\end16_05>>
Speaking of others (not just Rozer). I also had fun with other people from the neighboring community sometimes. You might think that I'm such a slut, since I cheat on my ghast, but we discussed everything with him right away, he didn't mind. He understands that he's not the first guy in the village, and we get more resources thanks to my whoring...
Basically, I sucked cocks for fuel and ammo. These are rare goods here. The locals called me a "visiting prostitute", but I just laughed at it. Why be offended by the truth?
[[Next.|end16_06]]<<show-img ends\end16_06>>
After six months of living in the wilderness, Roser... proposed to me! I was truly happy! I felt comfortable and calm with this mutant, we did the same thing, helped each other and probably... loved each other. Of course, this is not how I imagined it as a child, but I am happy with my life.
We even found me a wedding dress! And a priest who married us! What a wonderful day it was!
[[Next.|end16_07]]<<show-gif ends\end16_07>>
And the night was even better! I finally lost my virginity with Roser!
I had been imagining it for a long time, and now it finally happened. He was so gentle and polite. I adore my zombie!
By the way, since I finally lost my virginity, now I can trade my hole with the locals. Maybe I'll even get pregnant and have a baby...
[[Next.|end16_08]]<<show-img ends\end16_08>>
A week later, I went to the settlement for the "exchange", got drunk there with the men and... I don't remember the rest very well. More precisely, I remember that everyone fucked me, a dozen men fucked me in turns. Some of them many times. This probably went on for a day. They brought me food and drinks, and then continued to fuck me. And they also tore my wedding dress (yes, I came wearing it)!
If I'm not pregnant from Roser yet, then after this "party" I definitely got pregnant. But we don't mind. We talked with my newly-made husband about children, he would like to have them, just like me. But he's a mutant - it's not a fact that he can have children at all. And if he can, will they be born healthy? That's why he said that I could conceive from someone else, it doesn't matter to him.
[[Next.|end16_09]]<<show-gif ends\end16_09>>
Apparently, that's what happened. Soon my period stopped, and a few months later my belly started to grow. I don't know who the baby's father is - someone from the settlement or Roser, but I will love my child regardless.
Even with a belly, I still came to the settlement, exchanged resources there and... engaged in prostitution. Mostly, I sucked cocks (and they also loved to cum on my pregnant belly). Now I was paid very little for it, but... I admit, I liked the process itself and the feelings I experienced during it. I am a pervert, since I got mixed up with a mutant...
[[Next.|end16_10]]<<show-img ends\end16_10>>
But I like my life. I'm happy. And so is Roser. And soon we'll have a new addition to the family. I never thought that I'd become a prostitute and live with a mutant, but life brings its own surprises. With a child, life will become a little more difficult, but that won't change anything. Just as I was the wife of a zombie-mutant and a whore, I will remain so...
END №16: The girl and her ghast.
[[Or was it different?|ch03_102]]
<<show-img start47>>
I asked to go to the toilet, the headman kindly showed me how to find it. What can I say... It's so dirty here! And what a terrible smell! I'm afraid to sit on the seat, so I'll have to do everything squatting.
On the other hand, what do I want? This is a post-apocalypse, not a magical land with pink fairies and little dragons. I need to get used to this...
<<nobr>>[[Go back.|start27]]
<<set $toilet1 = 1>><</nobr>><<show-img ch01_59>>
I asked to go to the toilet, Wise Berry took me there.
Hey, it's really clean and nice here! It even smells nice, as if the local girls use some kind of freshen up. But they probably ran out a long time ago...
Anyway, I could stay and live in this toilet! But for now I'll limit myself to a simple pee-pee...
<<nobr>>[[Go back.|ch01_25]]
<<set $toilet2 = 1>><</nobr>><<show-img ch02_71>>
It's unusual to go to the toilet outdoors, but what can I do...
I quickly went around the corner of a half-ruined and abandoned house, walked a little further and sat down behind a large stone. The sun pleasantly warmed my skin, and the urine from my pussy quickly ran along the sand.
Interesting experience. I need to pee outside more often.
<<nobr>>[[Go back.|ch02_28]]
<<set $toilet3 = 1>>
<<set $player.perv += 1>><</nobr>><<show-img ch02_72>>
I quickly ran around the corner of the building and started doing my toilet business. It felt like someone was watching me. Although why would someone watch me pee? Are there such perverts in the world? Hmm, most likely there are. For every phenomenon there is a pervert, and any object can become a coveted fetish...
Okay, I scared myself. I need to get back to the fire immediately.
<<nobr>>[[Go back.|ch02_44]]
<<set $toilet4 = 1>><</nobr>><<show-img ch03_135>>
I ran into an empty room with a collapsed roof, pulled down my pants and started doing my business. It's kind of scary here, the grey skies are pressing down on me, and danger can be waiting around every corner...
Oh, it's better to go to toilets that are at least somewhat equipped for this. I peed here, but I don't want to do that anymore...
<<nobr>>[[Go back.|ch03_87]]
<<set $toilet5 = 1>><</nobr>>