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<div data-passage="ui-bar"> </div>
<div data-passage="fast-navigation"> </div>
<div data-passage="save-window"></div>
<div class="gallery-container">
<div class="gallery-col">
<div class="gallery-img" id="kait_Gallery">[img[img/gallery/kait-gallery.jpg][Kait-gallery]]</div>
<div class="gallery-col">
<div class="gallery-img" id="katrina_Gallery">[img[img/gallery/katrina-gallery.jpg][Katrina-gallery]]</div>
<div class="gallery-col">
<div class="gallery-img" id="adriana_Gallery">[img[img/gallery/adriana-gallery.jpg][Adriana-Gallery]]</div>
<div class="gallery-col">
<div class="gallery-img" id="kendra_Gallery">[img[img/gallery/kendra-gallery.jpg][Kendra-gallery]]</div>
<div class="gallery-col">
<div class="gallery-img" id="riley_Gallery">[img[img/gallery/riley-gallery.jpg][Riley-gallery]]</div>
<div class="gallery-col">
<div class="gallery-img" id="alexis_Gallery">[img[img/gallery/alexis-gallery.jpg][Alexis-gallery]]</div>
<div class="gallery-col">
<div class="gallery-img" id="val_Gallery">[img[img/gallery/val-gallery.jpg][Val-gallery]]</div>
<div class="gallery-col">
<div class="gallery-img" id="savannah_Gallery">[img[img/gallery/savannah-gallery.jpg][Savannah-gallery]]</div>
<div class="gallery-col">
<div class="gallery-img" id="others_Gallery">[img[img/gallery/others-gallery.jpg][Others-gallery]]</div>
<div class="gallery-col">
<div class="gallery-img" id="polina_Gallery">[img[img/gallery/polina-gallery.jpg][Polina-gallery]]</div>
<div class="gallery-col">
<div class="gallery-img" id="ivy_Gallery">[img[img/gallery/ivy-gallery.jpg][Ivy-gallery]]</div>
<div class="gallery-col">
<div class="gallery-img" id="ava_Gallery">[img[img/gallery/ava-gallery.jpg][Ava-gallery]]</div>
<div class="gallery-col">
<div class="gallery-img" id="adriana_Gallery">[img[img/gallery/adriana-gallery.jpg][Adriana-Gallery]]</div>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<button class="button-53" role="button" id="gallery_unlock_button">Unlock Gallery</button>
<button class="button-53" role="button" id="gallery_lock_button">Lock Gallery</button>
<<btn $prevpassage>>Story<</btn>>
function galleryLock (e) {
let galleryArray = document.querySelectorAll(".gallery-img");
galleryArray.forEach(function(elem) {
elem.firstChild.setAttribute("tabindex", "-1");
$(document).on(':passageend', galleryLock);
function galleryUnlock () {
if (State.metadata.get("KaitGallery") == true){
if (State.metadata.get("KatrinaGallery") == true){
if (State.metadata.get("AdrianaGallery") == true){
if (State.metadata.get("KendraGallery") == true){
if (State.metadata.get("RileyGallery") == true){
if (State.metadata.get("AlexisGallery") == true){
if (State.metadata.get("ValGallery") == true){
if (State.metadata.get("SavannahGallery") == true){
if (State.metadata.get("OthersGallery") == true){
$(document).off(':passageend', galleryUnlock);
$(document).on(':passageend', galleryUnlock);
/* Gallery Buttons */
function galleryUnlockButton () {
if (State.metadata.get("JuiceMode") == true){
State.metadata.set("KaitGallery", true) ;
State.metadata.set("KaitScene0", true) ;
State.metadata.set("KatrinaGallery", true) ;
State.metadata.set("KatrinaScene0", true) ;
State.metadata.set("KendraSceneNTR", true) ;
State.metadata.set("AdrianaGallery", true) ;
State.metadata.set("KendraGallery", true) ;
State.metadata.set("KendraScene0", true) ;
State.metadata.set("KendraScene1", true) ;
State.metadata.set("RileyGallery", true) ;
State.metadata.set("RileyScene0", true) ;
State.metadata.set("AlexisGallery", true) ;
State.metadata.set("AlexisScene0", true) ;
State.metadata.set("ValGallery", true) ;
State.metadata.set("ValScene0", true) ;
State.metadata.set("SavannahGallery", true) ;
State.metadata.set("SavannahScene0", true) ;
State.metadata.set("OthersGallery", true) ;
State.metadata.set("OthersScene0", true) ;
State.metadata.set("OthersScene1", true) ;
State.metadata.set("OthersScene2", true) ;
State.metadata.set("PatreonOthers0", true) ;
State.metadata.set("OthersScene3", true) ;
else {
setup.notify("You're not Patreon", 2000, "broke");
function galleryLockButton () {
if (State.metadata.get("JuiceMode") == true){
State.metadata.set("KaitGallery", false) ;
State.metadata.set("KaitScene0", false) ;
State.metadata.set("KatrinaGallery", false) ;
State.metadata.set("KatrinaScene0", false) ;
State.metadata.set("AdrianaGallery", true) ;
State.metadata.set("KendraGallery", false) ;
State.metadata.set("KendraScene0", false) ;
State.metadata.set("KendraScene1", false) ;
State.metadata.set("KendraSceneNTR", false) ;
State.metadata.set("RileyGallery", false) ;
State.metadata.set("RileyScene0", false) ;
State.metadata.set("AlexisGallery", false) ;
State.metadata.set("AlexisScene0", false) ;
State.metadata.set("ValGallery", false) ;
State.metadata.set("ValScene0", false) ;
State.metadata.set("SavannahGallery", false) ;
State.metadata.set("SavannahScene0", false) ;
State.metadata.set("OthersGallery", false) ;
State.metadata.set("OthersScene0", false) ;
State.metadata.set("OthersScene1", false) ;
State.metadata.set("OthersScene2", false) ;
State.metadata.set("PatreonOthers0", false) ;
State.metadata.set("OthersScene3", false) ;
else {
setup.notify("You're not Patreon", 2000, "broke");
function galleryButtonsSetup () {
gallery_unlock_button.addEventListener("click", galleryUnlockButton);
gallery_lock_button.addEventListener("click", galleryLockButton);
$(document).off(':passageend', galleryButtonsSetup);
$(document).on(':passageend', galleryButtonsSetup);
<<widget "say" container>>
<<if _args[0] is $mc>>
<<set $dialogueWidgetArg to "player">>
<<set $dialogueWidgetArg to _args[0].toLowerCase()>>
<div class="dialogue-module">
<div class="row sketchy w-75 ">
<div class="col-1">
<div class="dialogue-icon" >
<img @src="'img/icons/' + $dialogueWidgetArg + '-icon' + '.jpg'">
<div class="col-11 padding-left-icon">
<div class="row">
<div class="col pointer">
<span @class="'dialogue-name '+ $dialogueWidgetArg">
<div class="row">
<span @class="'dialogue-text ' + $dialogueWidgetArg + '-text'">
<div class="container" id="container">
<<say $mc>>
Tweego is a pathway to many abilities some consider to $version… unnatural.
<<say "Riley">>
Tweego is a pathway to many abilities some consider to $version… unnatural.
<<say Dick>>
Tweego is a pathway to many abilities some consider to $version… unnatural.
<<say Grigoriy>>
Tweego is a pathway to many abilities some consider to $version… unnatural.
<<say "Kait">>
Tweego is a pathway to many abilities some consider to $version… unnatural.
<<say "Savannah">>
Tweego is a pathway to many abilities some consider to $version… unnatural.
<<say "Adriana">>
Tweego is a pathway to many abilities some consider to $version… unnatural.
<<say "Polina">>
Tweego is a pathway to many abilities some consider to $version… unnatural.
<<say "Alexis">>
Tweego is a pathway to many abilities some consider to $version… unnatural.
<<say "Ivy">>
Tweego is a pathway to many abilities some consider to $version… unnatural.
<<say "Val">>
Tweego is a pathway to many abilities some consider to $version… unnatural.
<<say "Ava">>
Tweego is a pathway to many abilities some consider to $version… unnatural.
<<say "Kendra">>
Tweego is a pathway to many abilities some consider to $version… unnatural.
<<someone "Kendra" MOMMY dick>>
Tweego is a pathway to many abilities some consider to $version… unnatural.
<<imgv "act1/katrina0-image.jpg">>
<<text>> Yooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooo o ooooooo <</text>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btn KatrinaScene0 stage 0>>Katrina0<</btn>>
<<btn RileyScene1>>Riley Scene<</btn>>
<<btn Map>>Map<</btn>>
<<if $item1 is 1>>
<<btn test5 cash $cash-250>>Add 50000<</btn>>
<<plugi "200 cost">>Use cash<</plugi>>
<<btn Start0>>Game start<</btn>>
</div><<if $achiv6 is undefined>>
<<if $achiv1 is 1 and $achiv2 is 1 and $achiv3 is 1 and $achiv4 is 1 and $achiv5 is 1>>
<<set $achiv6 to 1>>
<<set $cash to 1>>
<<timed 7s>>
<<notify 6s>> Power level 1 achieved! <</notify>>
<aside class="ui-bar" id="ui-bar">
<div class="ui-bar-logo-group">
<div class="logo-text-version"> v.0.1 </div>
<div class="ui-bar-player-group">
<<if $dem is 1>>
<<if $cor > -1>>
<img class="player-icon" src="img/icons/lissa-icon.jpg">
<<elseif $cor > 39>>
<img class="player-icon" src="img/icons/lissa2-icon.jpg">
<<elseif $cor >119>>
<img class="player-icon" src="img/icons/lissa3-icon.jpg">
<<elseif $dem is 2>>
<img class="player-icon" src="img/icons/angela-icon.jpg">
<<elseif $dem is 3>>
<img class="player-icon" src="img/icons/karma-icon.jpg">
<<elseif $dem is 4>>
<img class="player-icon" src="img/icons/lissa-icon.jpg">
<div class="player-name">Lissa </div>
<div class="player-cor">Corruption: $cor </div>
<div class="player-stat2"> Stamina: $stamina </div>
<div class="player-items-container">
<div class="player-items item-block" data-id="item1">
<img src="img/items/item-icon1.svg" alt="">
<div class="item-cash">$cashString</div>
<div class="player-items item-block" data-id="item2"><img src="img/items/item-icon2.svg" alt=""></div>
<div class="player-items item-block" data-id="item3"><img src="img/items/item-icon3.svg" alt=""></div>
<div class="player-items item-block" data-id="item4"><img src="img/items/item-icon4.svg" alt=""></div>
<div class="arrow" id="engine_back">Back</div>
<div class="player-author">by Pig&Pug</div>
<div class="player-link-icons">
<a href="https://www.patreon.com/user?u=12606782"><img src="img/patreon-icon.png"></a>
<div class="ui-bar-buttons-group">
<<if passage().includes("gallery") || passage().includes("SecretJuiceRoom") || passage().includes("navScam") >>
<button class="button-53" role="button" id="save_open">Save</button>
<button class="button-53" role="button" id="engine_Restart">Restart</button>
<button class="button-53" role="button" id="volume_button" > Volume $videoVolumeShow%</button>
<<link '<button class="button-53" role="button"> Enter cheat </button>' "SecretJuiceRoom">><</link>>
<button class="button-53" role="button" id="save_open">Save</button>
<button class="button-53" role="button" id="engine_Restart">Restart</button>
<button class="button-53" role="button" id="volume_button" > Volume $videoVolumeShow%</button>
<<link '<button class="button-53" role="button"> Enter cheat </button>' "SecretJuiceRoom">> <<set $prevpassage to passage()>>
<<set $gcum to 0>>
<<set $gcumw to 0>>
<<set $gsceneCumw to 0>>
<<set $gsceneCum to 0>>
<<set $gstage to 0>>
<<set $gsceneV1 to 0>>
<<set $gsceneV2 to 0>>
<<set $gsceneV3 to 0>>
<<set $gsceneV4 to 0>>
<<set $gsceneV5 to 0>>
</aside><aside class="fast-navigation">
<<if passage().includes("gallery") || passage().includes("SecretJuiceRoom") || passage().includes("navScam") >>
<<link '<div class="nav-wrapper" id="nav1">
</div>' "navScam1">> <</link>>
<<link '<div class="nav-wrapper" id="nav1">
</div>' "navScam1">><<set $prevpassage to passage()>><</link>>
</aside><<set $mc to "Lissa">>
<<set $version to 0.1>>
<<if recall("videoVolume") > 0 >>
<<run memorize('videoVolume', 0)>>
<<set $stage to 0>>
<<set $videoVolumeShow to (recall("videoVolume")*100)>>
<<set $PatreonCode to "tryitfaggot">>
<<set $cor to 0>>
<<set $power to 0>>
<<set $cash to 0>>
<<set $item1 to 1>>
<<set $stamina to 100>>
<<newmeter '$cumBar'>><<label 'Cum: $cum %'>>
<<colors #8BE9FF #B7E4EF white>>
<<set $cum to 0, $maxCum to 100>>
<<newmeter '$cumBarw'>><<label '$cumw %'>>
<<colors #e187ec #E7B9ED white>>
<<set $cumw to 0, $maxCumw to 100>>
<<newmeter '$gcumBar'>><<label 'Cum: $gcum %'>>
<<colors #8BE9FF #B7E4EF white>>
<<set $gcum to 0, $maxCum to 100>>
<<newmeter '$gcumBarw'>><<label '$gcumw %'>>
<<colors #e187ec #E7B9ED white>>
<<set $gcumw to 0, $maxCumw to 100>><<widget "img">>
<div class="row justify-content-center">
<div class="col-8 text-center">
<div class="img-wrapper">
<img @src="'img/' + _args[0]">
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<div class="row justify-content-center">
<div class="col-8 text-center">
<div class="img-wrapper">
<video controls playsinline loop @src="'img/' + _args[0]"></video>
<</widget>><<widget "text" container>>
<div class="row justify-content-center">
<div class="text-narrator-container">
<span class="text-narrator text-center">
<</widget>><aside class="save-container" id="save_container">
<div class="save-blur-container">
<div class="save-window" id="save_window">
<button class="save-exit button-55" id="save_exit">X</button>
<div class="save-column" data-column-id ="0">
<div class="save-number"><span class="chloe">1</span></div>
<button class="save-button button-53">Save</button>
<div class="save-date"><span class="save-name">Save time</span><br> <span class="save-time">0</span></div>
<button class="save-delete button-53">Delete</button>
<div class="save-column" data-column-id ="1">
<div class="save-number"><span class="chloe">2</span></div>
<button class="save-button button-53">Save</button>
<div class="save-date"><span class="save-name">Save time</span><br> <span class="save-time">0</span></div>
<button class="save-delete button-53">Delete</button>
<div class="save-column" data-column-id = "2">
<div class="save-number"><span class="chloe">3</span></div>
<button class="save-button button-53">Save</button>
<div class="save-date"><span class="save-name">Save time</span><br> <span class="save-time">0</span></div>
<button class="save-delete button-53">Delete</button>
<div class="save-column" data-column-id="3">
<div class="save-number"><span class="chloe">4</span></div>
<button class="save-button button-53">Save</button>
<div class="save-date"><span class="save-name">Save time</span><br> <span class="save-time">0</span></div>
<button class="save-delete button-53">Delete</button>
<div class="save-column" data-column-id="4">
<div class="save-number"><span class="chloe">5</span></div>
<button class="save-button button-53">Save</button>
<div class="save-date"><span class="save-name">Save time</span><br> <span class="save-time">0</span></div>
<button class="save-delete button-53">Delete</button>
<div class="save-column" data-column-id="5">
<div class="save-number"><span class="chloe">6</span></div>
<button class="save-button button-53">Save</button>
<div class="save-date"><span class="save-name">Save time</span><br> <span class="save-time">0</span></div>
<button class="save-delete button-53">Delete</button>
<div class="save-column" data-column-id="6">
<div class="save-number"><span class="chloe">7</span></div>
<button class="save-button button-53">Save</button>
<div class="save-date"><span class="save-name">Save time</span><br> <span class="save-time">0</span></div>
<button class="save-delete button-53">Delete</button>
<div class="save-column" data-column-id="7">
<div class="save-number"><span class="chloe">8</span></div>
<button class="save-button button-53">Save</button>
<div class="save-date"><span class="save-name">Save time</span><br> <span class="save-time">0</span></div>
<button class="save-delete button-53">Delete</button>
<button class="save-disk button-53" id="save_disk">Disk Save</button>
<button class="save-disk button-53" id="load_disk">Disk Load</button>
<<widget "btn" container>>
<<link '<button class="dialogue-button button-35">
</button>' _args[0]>>
<<set State.variables[_args[1]] to _args[2]>>
<</widget>><<widget "btns" container>>
<<link '<button class="dialogue-button button-35 scene-button">
</button>' _args[0]>>
<<set State.variables[_args[1]] to _args[2]>>
<<if passage().includes("gallery")>>
<<set $gcum to Math.clamp($gcum + _args[3], 0, $maxCum)>>
<<updatemeter '$gcumBar' `$gcum / $maxCum`>>
<<set $gcumw to Math.clamp($gcumw + _args[4], 0, $maxCumw)>>
<<updatemeter '$gcumBarw' `$gcumw / $maxCumw`>>
<<set $cum to Math.clamp($cum + _args[3], 0, $maxCum)>>
<<updatemeter '$cumBar' `$cum / $maxCum`>>
<<set $cumw to Math.clamp($cumw + _args[4], 0, $maxCumw)>>
<<updatemeter '$cumBarw' `$cumw / $maxCumw`>>
<</widget>><<widget "btne" container>>
<<link '<button class="dialogue-button button-35 scene-button">
</button>' _args[0]>>
<<set State.variables[_args[1]] to _args[2]>>
<<set $sceneCumW to 0>>
<<set $sceneCum to 0>>
<<set $cum to 0>>
<<set $cumw to 0>>
<<set $stage to 0>>
<<set $sceneV1 to 0>>
<<set $sceneV2 to 0>>
<<set $sceneV3 to 0>>
<<set $sceneV4 to 0>>
<<set $sceneV5 to 0>>
<</widget>><<widget "btno" container>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<link '<button class="dialogue-button button-35 ">
</button>' _args[0]>>
<<set State.variables[_args[1]] to _args[2]>>
<</widget>><<widget "btnl" container>>
<<link '<button class="dialogue-button button-35 scene-button" @data-price= [_args[4]] @data-position = [_args[3]]>
</button>' _args[0]>>
<<set State.variables[_args[1]] to _args[2]>>
<<if passage().includes("gallery")>>
<<set $gcum to Math.clamp($gcum + _args[6], 0, $maxCum)>>
<<updatemeter '$gcumBar' `$gcum / $maxCum`>>
<<set $gcumw to Math.clamp($gcumw + _args[7], 0, $maxCumw)>>
<<updatemeter '$gcumBarw' `$gcumw / $maxCumw`>>
<<set $cum to Math.clamp($cum + _args[6], 0, $maxCum)>>
<<updatemeter '$cumBar' `$cum / $maxCum`>>
<<set $cumw to Math.clamp($cumw + _args[7], 0, $maxCumw)>>
<<updatemeter '$cumBarw' `$cumw / $maxCumw`>>
<div class="dialogue-tooltip" @data-text=[_args[5]]>?</div>
<<widget "mops" container>>
<div class="mops-container">
<div class="mops-img">
<img src="img/mops.png" alt="">
<div class="mops-text">
function mopsAnimation() {
let mopsContainer = document.querySelector(".mops-container");
let mopsText = document.querySelector(".mops-text");
setTimeout(function() {
}, 700);
mopsText.addEventListener("click", function() {
$(document).off(':passageend', mopsAnimation);
$(document).on(':passageend', mopsAnimation);
<div class="container" id="container">
<<if recall("JuiceMode") is true >>
<<say "Dev">>
Holy shit! Thanks for the support, man. I mean it.
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btns SecretJuiceRoom cor $cor+50>> Add corruption <</btns>>
<<notify 6s>> For now it's free - "LuvYouGuys3" <</notify>>
<<say Dev>>
You'd need a real code to login with. Use the link down below to become our Patreon.
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<textbox "_testcode" "" >>
<<link '<button class="dialogue-button button-35">
</button>' "SecretJuiceRoom">>
<<set _val = _testcode>>
<<if _val == $secretjuice>>
<<run memorize('JuiceMode', true)>>
<<notify 6s>>Patreon code activated!<</notify>>
<<notify 6s>>Wrong!<</notify>>
<a href="https://www.patreon.com/user?u=12606782"><img src="img/patreon-logo.png" style="width: 40%; margin-right: 15px;"></a>
<<btno $prevpassage>> Go back <</btno>>
</div><<widget "btnsb" container>>
<<link '<button class="dialogue-button button-35 scene-button-blue">
</button>' _args[0]>>
<<set State.variables[_args[1]] to _args[2]>>
<<if passage().includes("gallery")>>
<<set $gcum to Math.clamp($gcum + _args[3], 0, $maxCum)>>
<<updatemeter '$gcumBar' `$gcum / $maxCum`>>
<<set $gcumw to Math.clamp($gcumw + _args[4], 0, $maxCumw)>>
<<updatemeter '$gcumBarw' `$gcumw / $maxCumw`>>
<<set $cum to Math.clamp($cum + _args[3], 0, $maxCum)>>
<<updatemeter '$cumBar' `$cum / $maxCum`>>
<<set $cumw to Math.clamp($cumw + _args[4], 0, $maxCumw)>>
<<updatemeter '$cumBarw' `$cumw / $maxCumw`>>
<</widget>><div class="gallery-container">
<div class="gallery-col">
<div class="gallery-img" id="KaitScene0">[img[img/gallery/kait-scene0.jpg][Kaitgallery0]]</div>
<<btno gallery>>Gallery<</btno>>
function galleryUnlock () {
if (State.metadata.get("KaitScene0") == true){
$(document).off(':passageend', galleryUnlock);
$(document).on(':passageend', galleryUnlock);
<</script>><<widget "imgv">>
<div class="row justify-content-center">
<div class="col-8 text-center">
<div class="img-wrapper-vertical">
<img @src="'img/' + _args[0]">
<</widget>><<widget "videov">>
<div class="row justify-content-center">
<div class="col-8 text-center">
<div class="img-wrapper-vertical">
<video controls playsinline loop @src="'img/' + _args[0]"></video>
<</widget>><<widget "plugi" container>>
<span class="dialogue-button button-35 plug scene-button">
<div class="dialogue-tooltip black" @data-text=[_args[0]]>?</div>
<<btno test>>Map<</btno>>
<<run memorize('JuiceMode', false)>><<widget "sm" container>>
<<if _args[0] is $mc>>
<<set $dialogueWidgetArg to "player">>
<<set $dialogueWidgetArg to _args[0].toLowerCase()>>
<div class="dialogue-module">
<div class="row sketchy w-75 ">
<div class="col-1">
<div class="dialogue-icon" >
<img @src="'img/icons/' + $dialogueWidgetArg + '-icon' + '.jpg'">
<div class="col-11 padding-left-icon">
<div class="row">
<div class="col pointer">
<span @class="'dialogue-name '+ _args[2] ">
<div class="row">
<span @class="'dialogue-text ' + _args[2] + '-text'">
<<if !$stage>> <<set $stage to 0>> <</if>>
<div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<say "Dev">> All characters in this game are over the age of 18. <</say>>
<<say "Author">> And every single situation depicted in this game is fictional and in no way represent reality. Any resemblance to real people or events is purely coincidental. <</say>>
<<img "act1/start0-image.jpg">>
<<say "Dev">> This game is a work of fiction intended for adults only. Do not play this if you are under the legal age. <</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btnsb Arcade1 stage 99>> I'm under 18 <</btnsb>>
<<btns launch stage 1>> I'm over 18 <</btns>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<say "Dev">> Let me introduce myself, Player. I'm Tuni, the coder of this game. My cock in 6 inches long and this game is meant to entertain. So, have fun. <</say>>
<<say "Author">> Wait, we almost forgot! Player, do you see this pink zero under the Player Icon? It is called CP. Stands for confidence points. You get those at certain points throughout the game. <</say>>
<<imgv "act1/start1-image.jpg">>
<<say "Dev">> Oh yeah. They are a resourse that can be used for unlocking alternative interactions inside H-Scenes through these cools buttons. You might see one very soon, depending on your decidions made within the story. <</say>>
<<imgv "act1/start2-image.jpg">>
<<say "Author">> Unlocks persist between runs, meaning that if you unlock an interaction - it stays with you forever. And so do the points, each story point will give them out only once. Reruns will not give you any additional points. <</say>>
<<say "Dev">> And by the way, our game has sound support for the videos! Amazing, right? <</say>>
<<say "Author">> Player, you can change the volume by clicking the Volume button. It's really easy. Just make sure you keep it at a comfortable level, or you could get jumpscared by a video very soon. <</say>>
<<imgv "act1/start4-image.jpg">>
<<say "Dev">> Now, you can suck my shlong. Enjoy. <</say>>
<<btno launch stage 2>> Game start <</btno>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<say "Author">> Oh, and one more thing. <</say>>
<<say "Author">> This story is about an ordinary guy and his rise to the top of the criminal world in the fictional city of Grand Vena. It might be a bit slow at the beginning, but there will be a lot of action later on. <</say>>
<<say "Author">> Please, name your character and enjoy your time. <</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<textbox "$mc" "Jonh Doe" >>
<<btn PrePrologue0 stage 0>> Finally the tutorial is over <</btn>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<set $BlockSideMap to 0>>
<<say "Dev">> Whoa! You can't end a story like that, are you fucking insane? <</say>>
<<say "Author">> Just remember that the story will continue very soon. <</say>>
<<say "Dev">> Sure, but... <</say>>
<<say "Author">> Anyway, the story will continue very soon, so I recommend you subscribe to our Patreon for frequent updates, or you can keep an eye on our forum page on f95zone.to <</say>>
<<say "Dev">> Yeah, they should definetly do that. <</say>>
<<say "Author">> We hope you enjoyed your time with the main story, and now you can return to the map to complete any missing sidequests or you can check out the galery to replay the Scenes! <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<set $BlockSideMap to 0>>
<<say "Dev">> Whoa! The story ended, again... <</say>>
<<say "Author">> Just remember that the it will continue very soon. <</say>>
<<say "Dev">> Sure, but... Waiting is hard. <</say>>
<<say "Author">> Yep, this is why I would recommend everyone to subscribe to our Patreon for frequent updates and support us financially in the process. Or you could just keep an eye on the forums page at f95zone.to <</say>>
<<say "Dev">> Yeah, they should definitely do that. And man, I really want to thank each and every one of you who have already subscribed to our Patreon. This game is possible because of you. <</say>>
<<say "Author">> We hope you enjoyed your time with the main story, and now you can return to the map to complete missing sidequests or you can check out the galery to replay the Scenes! <</say>>
<<btno Map0 WedJob4 1>> Exit to the map <</btno>>
</div><<set $AngelaGallery to 1>>
<<if $cash> 0>>
<<set $KarmaGallery to 1>>
<div class="gallery-container">
<<if $dem2StartPassage is 1>>
<div class="gallery-col">
<div class="gallery-img" id="angela_Gallery">[img[img/gallery/angela-gallery.jpg][City]]</div>
<div class="gallery-col">
<div class="gallery-img" id="angela_Gallery">[img[img/gallery/angela-gallery.jpg][StartAirport]]</div>
<<if $dem3StartPassage is 1>>
<div class="gallery-col">
<div class="gallery-img" id="karma_Gallery">[img[img/gallery/karma-gallery.jpg][Village]]</div>
<div class="gallery-col">
<div class="gallery-img" id="karma_Gallery">[img[img/gallery/karma-gallery.jpg][Dem3Start]]</div>
<div class="gallery-col">
<div class="gallery-img" id="abella_Gallery">[img[img/gallery/abella-gallery.jpg][Town0]]</div>
<div class="gallery-col">
<div class="gallery-img" id="lissa_Gallery">[img[img/gallery/lissa-gallery.jpg][Station0]]</div>
function galleryLock (e) {
let galleryArray = document.querySelectorAll(".gallery-img");
galleryArray.forEach(function(elem) {
elem.firstChild.setAttribute("tabindex", "-1");
$(document).on(':passageend', galleryLock);
function galleryUnlock () {
if (State.variables.AngelaGallery==1) {
if (State.variables.KarmaGallery==1){
if (State.variables.AbellaGallery==1){
if (State.variables.LissaGallery==1){
$(document).off(':passageend', galleryUnlock);
$(document).on(':passageend', galleryUnlock);
<<set $dem to 1>>
<div class="container" id="container">
<<sm $mc Lissa lissa>>Lol <</sm>>
<<img "background/station.jpg">>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btns AlexRoom>>Alex<</btns>>
<<btnsb TrainingRoom>>Training room<</btnsb>>
<<btn Map>>Back to space<</btn>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<div class="achiv-container dick">
<div class="achiv-column">
<<if $achiv1 is 1>>
<div class="achiv-row gray">
<div class="achiv sketchy">
<div class="achiv-icon"><img src="img/achiv/achiv1.svg"></div>
<div class="achiv-text savannah">
<div class="achiv-name"> What happened?! </div>
<div class="achiv-desc"> Pass out at the bar </div>
<div class="achiv-reward savannah"> 0 </div>
<div class="achiv-row gray">
<div class="achiv sketchy">
<div class="achiv-icon"><img src="img/achiv/achiv1.svg"></div>
<div class="achiv-text ">
<div class="achiv-name"> What happened?! </div>
<div class="achiv-desc"> Pass out at the bar </div>
<div class="achiv-reward "> 0 </div>
<<if $achiv2 is 1>>
<div class="achiv-row gray">
<div class="achiv sketchy">
<div class="achiv-icon"><img src="img/achiv/achiv3.svg"></div>
<div class="achiv-text savannah">
<div class="achiv-name"> Looks like a nice guy </div>
<div class="achiv-desc"> Meet a weird man in the park </div>
<div class="achiv-reward gray savannah"> 0 </div>
<div class="achiv-row gray">
<div class="achiv sketchy">
<div class="achiv-icon"><img src="img/achiv/achiv3.svg"></div>
<div class="achiv-text ">
<div class="achiv-name"> Looks like a nice guy </div>
<div class="achiv-desc"> Meet a weird man in the park </div>
<div class="achiv-reward gray"> 0 </div>
<<if $achiv3 is 1>>
<div class="achiv-row gray">
<div class="achiv sketchy">
<div class="achiv-icon"><img src="img/achiv/achiv4.svg"></div>
<div class="achiv-text savannah">
<div class="achiv-name"> A real man </div>
<div class="achiv-desc">Meet Tyson in the gym</div>
<div class="achiv-reward gray savannah"> 0 </div>
<div class="achiv-row gray">
<div class="achiv sketchy">
<div class="achiv-icon"><img src="img/achiv/achiv4.svg"></div>
<div class="achiv-text ">
<div class="achiv-name"> A real man </div>
<div class="achiv-desc">Meet Tyson in the gym</div>
<div class="achiv-reward gray"> 0 </div>
<div class="achiv-column">
<<if $achiv4 is 1>>
<div class="achiv-row gray">
<div class="achiv sketchy">
<div class="achiv-icon"><img src="img/achiv/achiv5.svg"></div>
<div class="achiv-text savannah">
<div class="achiv-name"> Secret one? </div>
<div class="achiv-desc"> Find note </div>
<div class="achiv-reward savannah"> 0 </div>
<div class="achiv-row gray">
<div class="achiv sketchy">
<div class="achiv-icon"><img src="img/achiv/achiv5.svg"></div>
<div class="achiv-text">
<div class="achiv-name"> Secret one? </div>
<div class="achiv-desc"> Find note </div>
<div class="achiv-reward"> 0 </div>
<<if $achiv5 is 1>>
<div class="achiv-row gray">
<div class="achiv sketchy">
<div class="achiv-icon"><img src="img/achiv/achiv2.svg"></div>
<div class="achiv-text savannah">
<div class="achiv-name"> Sweet home </div>
<div class="achiv-desc"> Blow Jake </div>
<div class="achiv-reward savannah"> 0 </div>
<div class="achiv-row gray">
<div class="achiv sketchy">
<div class="achiv-icon"><img src="img/achiv/achiv2.svg"></div>
<div class="achiv-text">
<div class="achiv-name"> Sweet home </div>
<div class="achiv-desc"> Blow Jake </div>
<div class="achiv-reward"> 0 </div>
<<if $achiv6 is 1>>
<div class="achiv-row gray">
<div class="achiv sketchy">
<div class="achiv-icon"><img src="img/achiv/achiv6.svg"></div>
<div class="achiv-text savannah">
<div class="achiv-name"> Power Level 1 </div>
<div class="achiv-desc"> Complete 5 achievements </div>
<div class="achiv-reward savannah"> 1 </div>
<div class="achiv-row gray">
<div class="achiv sketchy">
<div class="achiv-icon"><img src="img/achiv/achiv6.svg"></div>
<div class="achiv-text">
<div class="achiv-name"> Power Level 1 </div>
<div class="achiv-desc"> Complete 5 achievements </div>
<div class="achiv-reward"> 1 </div>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<<btnsb $prevpassage>> Go back <</btnsb>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $dem3Intro is 1>>
<<imgv "dem3/camp-intro.jpg">>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btns Dem3Sleep>>Sleep<</btns>>
<<if $stamina > 0>>
<<btns Dem3Richard stage 0>> Richard <</btns>>
<<stamina Dem3>> Richard <</stamina>>
<<if $stamina > 0>>
<<btns Dem3Jax>> Jax <</btns>>
<<stamina Dem3>> Jax <</stamina>>
<<btnsb Jungle>>Back<</btnsb>>
<<if $wakeUp is 1>>
<<set $wakeUp to 0>>
<<sm karma "Lissa Croft" karma>> Fuck... It was just a dream. <</sm>>
<<text>> Woken up by the morning sun, you kept lying in bed, trying to recover your breath and get your thoughts in order. <</text>>
<<sm karma "Lissa Croft" karma>> Well, I guess It is a reminder of what may happen if I get into the hands of these savages... <</sm>>
<<say Richard>> Oh, you're back? There are no trespassers here, as you can see. <</say>>
<<text>> Richard proudly bumped himself on the chest in a boasting gesture, trying to look cool. <</text>>
<<sm karma "Lissa Croft" karma>> Yeah, good job. <</sm>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btns Dem3Sleep>>Sleep<</btns>>
<<if $stamina > 0>>
<<if $Dem3RichardBjQuest is 1>>
<<btns Dem3Richard1 stage 0>> Richard <</btns>>
<<btns Dem3Richard stage 0>> Richard <</btns>>
<<stamina Dem3>> Richard <</stamina>>
<<btnsb Jungle>>Back<</btnsb>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $introOver is 1>>
<<if $wakeUp is 1>>
<<set $wakeUp to 0>>
<<if $cor < 80>>
<<text>> The sun beams into your open eyes, as you try to catch a breath, feeling as if you were about to drown. <</text>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> What the... Hell... What are those dreams? <</sm>>
<<text>> Moving to the bedside, you take a sip out of a glass of water and freshen up your mouth. After that is done, you look at your puffing laptop on the table that you've forgotten to turn off. Again. <</text>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> It's just a stupid nightmare... Right? I'm not a slut because of this... <</sm>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Fuck... It was only a dream. <</sm>>
<<text>> Woken up by the morning sun, you kept lying in bed, trying to savor each passing moment of the quickly dissipating mirage of pleasure. <</text>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Well, I guess I have something to strive for today~ <</sm>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Phew, finally some alone time for myself... <</sm>>
<<text>> You sat on a bed, looking at how big the room seems now, that you're alone. <</text>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> A bit too spacious for me... But, oh well. <</sm>>
<<img "dem2/bedroom-desk.jpg">>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btns Sleep>>Sleep<</btns>>
<<if $stamina > 0>>
<<btns Masturbate>>Masturbate<</btns>>
<<stamina Dem2>> Masturbate <</stamina>>
<<btns Laptop>>Laptop<</btns>>
<<btnsb House>> Back <</btnsb>>
<<elseif $introBedroom is undefined>>
<<set $bedroomCheck to 1>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Yep, that sure looks like my bedroom. But... <</sm>>
<<img "dem2/panties.jpg">>
<<text>> The drawer beside your bed was ajar, with pink fabric sticking out. Looking inside, you noticed that your panties were in disarray, including your collection of G-strings. <</text>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Oh, fuck, I hope Jake didn't see that... I was so stressed yesterday, that I forgot to close it properly. <</sm>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<plug Masturbate>>Masturbate<</plug>>
<<plug Laptop>>Laptop<</plug>>
<<btnsb House introBedroom 1>> Back <</btnsb>>
<<elseif $introBedroom is 1>>
<<img "dem2/bedroom-desk.jpg">>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Yep, that still looks like my bedroom. And this time the drawer is closed. <</sm>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if $introSleep is 1>>
<<btns Sleep introOver 1>>Sleep<</btns>>
<<plugi "You need to explore the city first">> Sleep <</plugi>>
<<plug Masturbate>> Masturbate <</plug>>
<<plug Laptop>>Laptop<</plug>>
<<if $introSleep is 1>>
<<btnsb House>> Back <</btnsb>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<sm $mc Lissa lissa>> Тут <</sm>>
<<img "background/station-training.jpg">>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btn Station>>Station<</btn>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<img "background/station-alex.jpg">>
<<say "Alex">> ) <</say>>
<<if $alexroom1 is undefined>>
<<mops>> ) <</mops>>
<<set $alexroom1 to 0>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btn Station>>Station<</btn>>
</div><<set $stamina to 80>>
<<set $wakeUp to 1>>
<<set $showerStamina to 0>>
<<set $random to random(1, 10)>>
<div class="container" id="container">
<<if $random is 1>>
<<imgg "dem2/sleep/sleep1.gif">>
<<elseif $random is 2>>
<<imgg "dem2/sleep/sleep2.gif">>
<<elseif $random is 3>>
<<imgv "dem2/sleep/sleep3.gif">>
<<elseif $random is 4>>
<<imgv "dem2/sleep/sleep4.gif">>
<<elseif $random is 5>>
<<imgv "dem2/sleep/sleep5.gif">>
<<elseif $random is 6>>
<<imgv "dem2/sleep/sleep6.gif">>
<<elseif $random is 7>>
<<imgv "dem2/sleep/sleep7.gif">>
<<elseif $random is 8>>
<<imgv "dem2/sleep/sleep8.gif">>
<<elseif $random is 9>>
<<imgg "dem2/sleep/sleep9.gif">>
<<elseif $random is 10>>
<<imgv "dem2/sleep/sleep10.gif">>
<<text>>You dream about something big<</text>>
<<if $cash is 1 and $powerLevel1Quest is undefined and $dem3StartPassage is undefined>>
<<btno WakeUpLevel1 stage 0>>Wake up<</btno>>
<<btno Dem2>>Wake up<</btno>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> All right, time to let off some steam~ <</sm>>
<<text>> Sliding off your pants, you stand on all fours in the middle of the bed. Your finger begins to warm up your pussy, while you contemplate using a lube. In the end, you decide against it. <</text>>
<<img "dem2/masturbation/start.jpg">>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Nah, I'm wet enough as I am. I wouldn't want to make a mess on these sheets anyway. <</sm>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if $stamina > 0>>
<<btns MasturbateLight>> Do it <</btns>>
<<stamina Masturbate>> Do it <</stamina>>
<<if $cor > 29>>
<<if $stamina > 0>>
<<btns MasturbateHard>> Use a toy <</btns>>
<<stamina Masturbate>> Use a toy <</stamina>>
<<plugi "Corruption 30">> ??? <</plugi>>
<<if $cor > 29>>
<<if $cor > 79>>
<<if $stamina > 0>>
<<btns MasturbateAnal>> Anal <</btns>>
<<stamina Masturbate>> Anal <</stamina>>
<<plugi "Corruption 80">> ??? <</plugi>>
<<btnsb Dem2>>Back<</btnsb>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> It's time to scroll my feed for an hour and a half... <</sm>>
<<img "dem2/laptop.jpg">>
<<text>> As you sat behind your laptop, you felt truly comfortable for the first time in a while. With the usual movement of the mouse and a few clicks, you've opened your social media and looked at the posts of people who never disappoint and perfectly reflect your worldview. <</text>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Feels good... What should I do now? <</sm>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if $stamina > 0>>
<<btns BedroomPorn>> Watch porn <</btns>>
<<stamina Laptop>> Watch porn <</stamina>>
<<btns BedroomLaptopNote>> Notes <</btns>>
<<btnsb Dem2>>Back<</btnsb>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btnsb >>Back<</btnsb>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<set $stamina to $stamina-10>>
<<if $watchPornJessaQuest is 1>>
<<cor 1>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Let's look at what this fuzz is all about... <</sm>>
<<text>> You turn around, making sure that the door is closed, and type in the link Jessa gave you. You squint a little, while the website loads and click straight to the gallery. <</text>>
<<set $random to random(1, 2)>>
<<if $random is 1>>
<<imgv "dem2/bedroom/porn1.gif">>
<<elseif $random is 2>>
<<imgv "dem2/bedroom/porn2.gif">>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Oh wow! I knew Jessa was sleeping around, but to think that she is THAT much of a whore... <</sm>>
<<text>> A warm sensation settled in your stomach as you watched your friend get railed in all kinds of poses. Your hand slid down your thigh, and not able to resist the temptation, you began slowly humping onto your fingers. <</text>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Fuck... I wish it was me. <</sm>>
<<set $watchPornJessaQuest to 0>>
<<notify 6s>> Talk to Jessa at school <</notify>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> I wonder what's going on Facebook lately. <</sm>>
<<text>> As you began scrolling through your feed, images of naked people began popping up in between wholesome family posts. Taken aback, you look closer, and notice a familiar face. <</text>>
<<imgg "dem2/bedroom/watchPornJessaQuest.jpg">>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Is this... Jessa? What the hell! <</sm>>
<<text>> Subscribe to my OnlyFans for exclusive content! <</text>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Oh, I've heard about it. Maybe I could ask her about it during my lunch break at work.<</sm>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btnsb Laptop>> Back <</btnsb>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<set $achiv4 to 1>>
<<if $achiv4Notify is undefined>>
<<notify 6s>> "Secret one" completed! <</notify>>
<<set $achiv4Notify to 1>>
<<say Dev>> Yo guys, thanks a lot for the clicks on my game and for giving it a time of your day in general. Especially if you came here after playing Beef in the City, since this is a much lower-scale project that I've been working on alone. Nevertheless, I hope all of you will enjoy it! Have a pleasant fap, boys! <</say>>
<<btno Laptop>>Back<</btno>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<div class="nav-button-container">
<div class="nav-button-img">[img[img/background/bedroom1.jpg][Dem2]]</div>
<div class="nav-button-text">Bedroom</div>
<div class="nav-button-container">
<div class="nav-button-img">[img[img/background/jakebedroom1.jpg][JakeRoom]]</div>
<div class="nav-button-text">Jake's room</div>
<div class="nav-button-container">
<div class="nav-button-img">[img[img/background/angelbedroom1.jpg][AngelRoom0]]</div>
<div class="nav-button-text">Angel's room</div>
<div class="nav-button-container">
<div class="nav-button-img">[img[img/background/kitchen1.jpg][Kitchen]]</div>
<div class="nav-button-text">Kitchen</div>
<div class="nav-button-container">
<div class="nav-button-img">[img[img/background/shower1.jpg][Shower]]</div>
<div class="nav-button-text">Shower</div>
<<if $basementOpen is undefined>>
<div class="nav-button-container">
<div class="nav-button-img">[img[img/dem2/prebasement.jpg][Prebasement]]</div>
<div class="nav-button-text">Basement</div>
<div class="nav-button-container">
<div class="nav-button-img">[img[img/dem2/basement.jpg][basement]]</div>
<div class="nav-button-text">Basement</div>
<<if $introSchool is 1>>
<div class="nav-button-container">
<div class="nav-button-img">[img[img/background/city1.jpg][City]]</div>
<div class="nav-button-text">City</div>
<<elseif $jakeCheck is 1 and $angelCheck is 1 and $kitchenCheck is 1 and $showerCheck is 1 and $bedroomCheck is 1>>
<div class="nav-button-container">
<div class="nav-button-img">[img[img/background/school1.jpg][School]]</div>
<div class="nav-button-text">Work</div>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<set $stamina to $stamina-10>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Good morning, class. <</sm>>
<<imgv "dem2/school/work.jpg">>
<<text>> Students gave their greetings back and you smiled, thinking what a nice bunch of well-behaved kids you've managed to get this year. <</text>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Today we'll explore a wonderful world of biology, and our subject will be none other than the DNA itself... <</sm>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<set $introSchool to 1>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> ...and that is how the mother nature decides if you will have a big penis or not. Any questions? <</sm>>
<<text>> Having finished your lection, you turned to face class. The bright eyes and faces of the students filled your heart with warmth, reassuring you that your career will skyrocket when this year finishes the national exams. <</text>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> You all did well, and despite the topic at hand - you managed to avoid any unnecessary jokes. You made me proud. <</sm>>
<<text>> Thats when the bell rang, signifying the end of a lesson. But the students were well trained by you and didn't do as much as flinch, waiting for you to let them go. <</text>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> You can go, we are done for now. Remember your homework! <</sm>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<btn SchoolWork stage 1>> Start class<</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<if $introOver is 1>>
<<if $cor is -1>>
<<if $stamina > 0>>
<<btns SchoolAfterClass>> ??? <</btns>>
<<stamina SchoolWork>> ??? <</stamina>>
<<plugi "Future updates">> ??? <</plugi>>
<<btnsb School stage 0>>Back<</btnsb>>
</div><<widget "btnb" container>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<link '<button class="dialogue-button button-35 scene-button-blue">
</button>' _args[0]>>
<<set State.variables[_args[1]] to _args[2]>>
<</widget>><div class="container" id="container">
<<set $random to random(1, 2)>>
<<cor 1>>
<<set $stamina to $stamina-10>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Oh yeah... <</sm>>
<<text>> After praising yourself for a while, you get comfortable with the precise movement of your own fingers. Slowly but surely, you rub your pussy in all the right spots, building up to something massive. <</text>>
<<if $random is 1>>
<<imgv "dem2/masturbation/masturbation1.gif">>
<<elseif $random is 2>>
<<imgv "dem2/masturbation/masturbation2.gif">>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Oh fuck... Right there... Almost... <</sm>>
<<text>> After one last gentle tug to your clit, you can feel the flood gates waning. A powerful climax washes over your head, as your legs twitch uncontrolably and your mind is drawn under a wave of pleasure. <</text>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Damn... It looks like I've made a mess on the sheets still... Felt good, though. <</sm>>
<<btnb Masturbate>>Back<</btnb>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<set $random to random(1, 2)>>
<<cor 2>>
<<set $stamina to $stamina-10>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> I really need cock... Right now. <</sm>>
<<text>> Picking up your trusty dildo, you take a comfortable position, readying your pussy for a quick and easy penetration. The heavy tip of its girth, pressing hard against your tiny little hole. <</text>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Well... Here we go! <</sm>>
<<if $random is 1>>
<<elseif $random is 2>>
<<imgv "dem2/masturbation/masturbation4.gif">>
<<text>> Taking a second to allow your muscles to relax, you push the lukewarm flesh of the toy, sparking with pleasure and joy for every little inch it travels further. A few moments later, you can't help but begin moving your hips, to keep the pleasure rising, until... <</text>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Cumming! Ahg... Fuuuck... I... Fucking love this toy... <</sm>>
<<btnb Masturbate>>Back<</btnb>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<set $random to random(1, 2)>>
<<cor 4>>
<<set $stamina to $stamina-10>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> I should really work on my asshole while I have the time... <</sm>>
<<text>> Spreading your legs wide, you begin gently tapping into your ass, stretching it little by little. <</text>>
<<if $random is 1>>
<<imgv "dem2/masturbation/masturbation5.gif">>
<<elseif $random is 2>>
<<imgv "dem2/masturbation/masturbation6.gif">>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Oh fuck... It feels even better than before... <</sm>>
<<text>> The pleasure intensifies, as your movements become more rigged, culminating in you surfing on the wave of the roaring orgasm. <</text>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Shit... I came from... Touching my ass... <</sm>>
<<btnb Masturbate>>Back<</btnb>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<set $random to random(1, 2)>>
<<set $cor to $cor+1>>
<<set $stamina to $stamina-10>>
<<if $random is 1>>
<<imgv "dem2/masturbation/masturbation7.gif">>
<<elseif $random is 2>>
<<imgv "dem2/masturbation/masturbation8.webp">>
<<btnb Masturbate>>Back<</btnb>>
</div><<widget "imgg">>
<div class="row justify-content-center">
<div class="col-8 text-center">
<div class="img-wrapper-gif">
<img @src="'img/' + _args[0]">
<</widget>><<widget "stamina" container>>
<<link '<button class="dialogue-button button-35 scene-button">
</button>' _args[0]>>
<<notify 2s>> Need more stamina <</notify>>
<</widget>><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $introOver is 1>>
<<text>> Walking inside, you notice that Jack's room is surprisingly clean. Jake himself sits behind his computer, seemingly very busy. <</text>>
<<imgv "dem2/jake-bedroom.jpg">>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> I can't believe Jake is taking something so seriously... He must've finally found a job. <</sm>>
<<say Jake>> Fucking jungler, it's his fault again! I swear, I'll mutilate his entire family for this shit... <</say>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> And he's getting heated too... This thing he's so pissed about must have some huge economic value, in order to be worthy of that kind of reaction. <</sm>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btns JakeTalk stage 0>> Talk <</btns>>
<<if $QuestJake1 is undefined or $QuestJake1 is 0>>
<<if $cor > 49>>
<<if $stamina > 0>>
<<btns JakeFlirt stage 0>> Flirt <</btns>>
<<stamina JakeRoom>> Flirt <</stamina>>
<<plugi "Corruption 50">> ??? <</plugi>>
<<if $stamina > 0>>
<<btns JakeBlowjob stage 0>> Blowjob <</btns>>
<<stamina JakeRoom>> Blowjob <</stamina>>
<<if $QuestJake1 is 1>>
<<if $cor > 99>>
<<if $stamina > 0>>
<<btns JakeSex stage 0>> Sex <</btns>>
<<stamina JakeRoom>> Sex <</stamina>>
<<plugi "Corruption 100">> ??? <</plugi>>
<<btnsb House>>Back<</btnsb>>
<<elseif $jakeIntro is undefined>>
<<set $jakeCheck to 1>>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Let's see if he's home... <</sm>>
<<text>> You push on Jake's door and it opens, letting you walk inside. His room is just like you remember it - dirty, cluttered and reeking of the sour smell of stained sweat.<</text>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Jesus... What did he turn this place into. I'll need to have a good talk with him about that. <</sm>>
<<text>> Noticing that his PC is turned on, you feel an urge to check what he's been wasting the better part of his life on. But as soon as you take a step towards it... .<</text>>
<<say Jake>> Lissa? What the hell?! You can't just barge into my room like that. <</say>>
<<text>> Despite Jake's rather quiet and unintimidating voice, you've almost jumped from how sudden his appearance was. You felt a bit guilty for intruding, but no way in hell you would let him know that. <</text>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> And why not? It's my house, my rules - not the asshole. <</sm>>
<<text>> But Jake refused to be defeated by this solid argument. He crossed his arms and looked you in the eye with a disappointed glare. .<</text>>
<<say Jake>> What if I brought a girl here and we were busy? I bet she would be so ashamed - she'd leave and you'd lose your best chance of getting rid of me. <</say>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Don't make me laugh, if there were a girl willing to date you - she'd be one shameless bitch. And that kind wouldn't get scared by me walking in from all people... <</sm>>
<<say Jake>> Well, that may be true, but that's not something you should be saying right to my face. Especially since you know that I'm still recovering after being rejected by McDonald's... <</say>>
<<text>> You knew that Jake was simply pulling at your strings, and yet you just couldn't bring yourself to continue kicking him while he was down, seeing how pathetic he looked. <</text>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<set $jakeIntro to 1>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> All right, all right. Maybe I was too harsh with my choice of words. Sorry, Jake. <</sm>>
<<say Jake>>Just... I'll call it even if you stop nagging at me about getting a job. You know that I'm trying. It's just that the economy is fucked, our president is a dumbass, corporate greed... <</say>>
<<text>> Letting Jake ramble off until he was finished was your usual go-to in situations like this. This time, it only took a few minutes. <</text>>
<<say Jake>> And don't get me started on the gender and political discrimination guys like me are facing on a daily basis. It's tough, Lissa.<</say>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Yeah, and I can see that you're trying. So I'll promise to keep myself off your back for a week if you clean your room. <</sm>>
<<say Jake>> I'll see what I can do... <</say>>
<<text>> Not being pleased with an answer like that, you gave Jake a very stern look and he soon caved in. With yet another sigh, he shook his head and walked out of the room. You could hear his voice echo off the walls of the corridor. <</text>>
<<say Jake>> Okay, I'll do it today. But only after I finish my snack. <</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<btn JakeRoom stage 1>> Damn <</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<btn JakeRoom stage 2>>All right<</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<btn House stage 0>>Back<</btn>>
<<elseif $jakeIntro is 1>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Let's see if he's kept his word. <</sm>>
<<text>> You push on Jake's door and it opens, letting you walk inside. His room is just like before - dirty, cluttered and reeking of the sour smell of stained sweat.
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Well, I guess he didn't have the time to clean it up yet. <</sm>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btn House stage 0>>Back<</btn>>
<<set $HypnoPower to 1>>
<<set $PossesPower to 1>>
<div class="container" id="container">
<<if $angelHypnoOutfit is undefined or $angelHypnoOutfit is 0>>
<<imgv "dem2/angel-bedroom.jpg">>
<<imgv "dem2/angel-bedroom-hypno.jpg">>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btns AngelTalk>> Talk <</btns>>
<<if $HypnoPower > 0>>
<<btns AngelHypno>> Hypnotize <</btns>>
<<plugi "You need hypnopower">> Hypnotize <</plugi>>
<<if $PossesPower > 0>>
<<btns AngelPosses>> Posses <</btns>>
<<plugi "You need possespower">> Posses <</plugi>>
<<btnsb House>>Back<</btnsb>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $introOver is 1>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Oh, no one is here... Good. <</sm>>
<<imgv "dem2/kitchen-table.jpg">>
<<text>> Standing in front of the dinner table, you ponder if you're hungry enough to justify getting yourself some food. <</text>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Or maybe I'll treat myself to takeout. With Nick I was always busy cooking, so I might as well pamper myself a little every now and then. <</sm>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if $stamina > 0>>
<<btns KitchenDinner stage 0>> Make a dinner <</btns>>
<<stamina Kitchen>> Make a dinner <</stamina>>
<<btnsb House>>Back<</btnsb>>
<<elseif $kitchenIntro is undefined>>
<<set $kitchenCheck to 1>>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Oh, you're here, Jake. <</sm>>
<<text>> Entering the kitchen, you're greeted by the image of Jake staring profusely at the spinning Hot Pockets, that were warming up in a microwave. <</text>>
<<say Jake>> Well, duh. Where else am I supposed to be? <</say>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> I dunno, your usual routine consists of smoking pot with your friends and... <</sm>>
<<say Jake>> Not now, I'm broke. <</say>>
<<text>> With a loud ding the microwave opens and Jake chomps down on a steaming hot meal, only to realize half a second later how hot it actually is. He rushes to the sink and begins cooling his mouth with cold water. <</text>>
<<say Jake>> Phew, that was close... By the way, can I ask you for a few hundreds? I'll pay it back. <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> I'm still waiting for you to pay back the thousand I loaned you last month. <</sm>>
<<say Jake>> Well yeah... That's why I'm asking for a few hundreds this time. <</say>>
<<text>> With a shameless smile, Jake turned to you and stretched out his hand. He knows that you're kind, but even that kindness has its limits. <</text>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Jake, I'm not stupid, you know? <</sm>>
<<say Jake>> Well, you've married Nick... <</say>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Fuck you. <</sm>>
<<text>> You turn away and walk towards the fridge yourself, looking for a creamy top-up to lift your mood before going to work. But, to your annoyance, your yogurt was gone. <</text>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Jake! Where the fuck is my yogurt? <</sm>>
<<say Jake>> Oh, it was yours? Sorry, I thought it was Angel's... <</say>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Even then! You... you're terrible! <</sm>>
<<text>> Not being able to hold it, you sat behind the table and broke down crying again, wiping your cheeks with the napkin. <</text>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<say Jake>>
Okay, okay... Listen, I really am sorry here... But here's something to cheer you up. It even has your name on it. <</say>>
<<text>> Jake pushes something towards you on the table and you take a second to focus on it. It is a nicely wrapped box with your name on a label written by your husband's hand. <</text>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Oh, that's from Nick... You didn't open it, did you? <</sm>>
<<say Jake>> Of course not, I'm not a monster. It' all yours, want to take a look at what's inside? <</say>>
<<text>> After making a slight nod, you wipe your face clean and untie the ribbon, freeing up the wrapper from your gift. inside a nice box, with your favorite colour too - purple. <</text>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Nick must've spent a lot of time picking it up... Just for me... <</sm>>
<<elseif $stage is 3>>
<<say Jake>> Let me have a look too... Oh fuck! <</say>>
<<imgg "dem2/bbcdildo.jpg">>
<<text>> A big black dildo was carefully nested inside the box. You quickly push Jake away and close the box tightly. Your face was already red after all that crying, but now you can feel your cheeks burning in shame. <</text>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Get away! You saw nothing, got it? <</sm>>
<<say Jake>> Well, I saw a little piece of paper inside... I think you should read it. <</say>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Only after you give me some space. You know it's personal. <</sm>>
<<say Jake>> Okay, okay... I'll sit there, on the other side. <</say>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Good. <</sm>>
<<text>> You patiently waited until Jake sat across the table from you, and after making sure he wouldn't see anything from there - opened the box again. <</text>>
<<elseif $stage is 4>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Oh, there really was a note... It's from Nick. <</sm>>
<<text>> "I know that you were always reserved when it came to toys, but let this gift make your solitude a bit easier. I've spent quite some time making sure that the form and shape of this thing resemble mine, that way you won't forget what it's like to be with me." <</text>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> That's so sweet... <</sm>>
<<say Jake>> Anything for me? <</say>>
<<text>> Glancing over at Jake, you could see that he didn't share your excitement, staring at you with a bored look. Feeling better, you felt that it would only be fair if you tried to cheer him up too. <</text>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Well... Nick did say that you're left as the man of the house and all... <</sm>>
<<say Jake>> Really now? <</say>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> I might be paraphrasing it a little, but it's something akin to that. And you know what? I share this sentiment. <</sm>>
<<say Jake>> I wonder what that entails for me though. Being a man of the house is so vague... But I don't mind protecting you and Angel, as well as taking care of your needs, heh. <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 5>>
<<set $introCorruptPath to 1>>
<<set $kitchenIntro to 1>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Oh yeah, needs... Like you know... Scartching my back in a shower or maybe even... Hm... <</sm>>
<<text>> Barely able to hold back laughter you looked over at confused Jake. <</text>>
<<say Jake>> Khm... Even what? Don't keep me hanging here. <</say>>
<<text>> Seeing this responsibility as a good chance to turn Jake's life around and turn him into a real man in a process, you sprang your trap open. <</text>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Even fixing a leaking pipe in a shower, that's Nick been too busy to patch up for months now. <</sm>>
<<say Jake>> And back to slavery it is. Okay, I get you. <</say>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> I'm not saying to do it for free... I'm sure there'll be a bonus at the end of it waiting. <</sm>>
<<text>> For example you could save up and buy him a good looking suit, instead of the dingy shirt and jeans he is wearing right now. That would get girls all over him, for sure. <</text>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> So, will you do it? <</sm>>
<<say Jake>> I didn't say I won't. Just give me some time to figure it all out. <</say>>
<<text>> Jake stared intently at his now lukewarm food, seeming lost in thought. Deciing to leave him be, you grab the present, trying to figure out a good place to hide it. <</text>>
<<elseif $stage is 6>>
<<set $introCorruptPath to 0>>
<<set $kitchenIntro to 1>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Needs? Are you trying to get a dig at me or what? <</sm>>
<<text>> You throw a confused look over to Jake, who's begun chewing on his pocket pizza. <</text>>
<<say Jake>> Chill out, I'm messing with you. I'll play my part in fixing broken shit while Nick is out. Well, I'll try. <</say>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> That sounds good enough for me, I'll take you up on it. <</sm>>
<<text>> Moving out of the kitchen, you grab the present, trying to figure out a good place to hide it. <</text>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<btn Kitchen stage 1>> Hmm... <</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<btn Kitchen stage 2>> ... <</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<btn Kitchen stage 3>> Open it <</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is 3>>
<<btn Kitchen stage 4>> Read it <</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is 4>>
<<btn Kitchen stage 5>> Tease him <</btn>>
<<btn Kitchen stage 6>> Stay serious <</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is 5 or $stage is 6>>
<<btn House stage 0>> Leave <</btn>>
<<elseif $kitchenIntro is 1>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> You're still here? <</sm>>
<<text>> Jake stops eating for a second and gives you a questioning look. <</text>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Oh yeah, I forgot to wish you Bon Apettite. <</sm>>
<<say Jake>> Thanks?.. <</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btn House stage 0>> Hmm... <</btn>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $introOver is 1>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Time for a shower, I think... <</sm>>
<<text>> You catch a glimpse of your reflection in the mirror and let out a happy smile, reminded once again of how nice it is to be a woman. <</text>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Or I could leave it for later~ <</sm>>
<<imgg "dem2/angela-shower.jpg">>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btns ShowerCheck>> Check yourself out <</btns>>
<<btns ShowerShower>> Shower <</btns>>
<<btnsb House>>Back<</btnsb>>
<<elseif $introShower is undefined>>
<<set $showerCheck to 1>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Ah, I wish I had some time to take a shower... <</sm>>
<<imgg "dem2/angela-shower.jpg">>
<<text>> You catch a glimpse of your reflection in a mirror and smile back, once again reminded how nice it is that you were born a pretty woman. <</text>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> I guess it can wait until the evening. <</sm>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btns ShowerCheck>> Check yourself out <</btns>>
<<plug ShowerShower>> Shower <</plug>>
<<btnsb House>>Back<</btnsb>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> This place, huh? I don't remember having a lock on this door... <</sm>>
<<img "dem2/prebasement.jpg">>
<<text>> Taking a better look at the door, you notice that it is very different to the touch when compared to the other furniture in the house. <</text>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Well, not like I have a key to get in anyway... Weird. <</sm>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if $basementKey is 1>>
<<btns Basement>> Open it <</btns>>
<<plugi "Future updates">> Open it <</plugi>>
<<btnb House>> Back <</btnb>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<say Angela>> Тут мы делаем смолтолк <</say>>
<<if $angelHypnoOutfit is undefined or $angelHypnoOutfit is 0>>
<<imgv "dem2/angel-bedroom1.jpg">>
<<imgv "dem2/angel-bedroom-hypno1.jpg">>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btnsb AngelRoom>>Back<</btnsb>>
</div><<set $angelHypno to 1>>
<div class="container" id="container">
<<if $angelHypno is undefined>>
<<say Angela>> На счет три открой очко или хуй знает гипнозим в две строки <</say>>
<<say Angela>> Что бы с тобой сделать епта <</say>>
<<if $angelHypnoOutfit is undefined or $angelHypnoOutfit is 0>>
<<imgv "dem2/angel-bedroom2.jpg">>
<<imgv "dem2/angel-bedroom-hypno2.jpg">>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if $angelHypnoOutfit is undefined or $angelHypnoOutfit is 0>>
<<if $cor > 49>>
<<btns AngelHypno angelHypnoOutfit 1>> You need new outfit <</btns>> <<else>>
<<plugi "Corruption 50">> You need new outfit <</plugi>>
<<btns AngelHypno angelHypnoOutfit 0>> Get dressed <</btns>>
<<if $cor > 299>>
<<if $stamina > 0>>
<<btng AngelHypnoScene>> Jake wants to talk <</btng>>
<<staminag AngelHypno>> Jake wants to talk <</staminag>>
<<plugig "Corruption 300">> Andrew wants to talk <</plugig>>
<<btnsb AngelRoom>>Back<</btnsb>>
<div class="container" id="container">
<<say Angela>> Тут диалог позеса в две строки и объявляем что щас охотится пойдем билять на члены<</say>>
<<if $angelHypnoOutfit is undefined or $angelHypnoOutfit is 0>>
<<imgv "dem2/angel-bedroom3.jpg">>
<<imgv "dem2/angel-bedroom-hypno3.jpg">>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if $cor > 99>>
<<if $stamina > 0>>
<<btns AngelSchool>> Time for school <</btns>>
<<stamina AngelPosses>> Time for school <</stamina>>
<<plugi "Corruption 100">> Time for school <</plugi>>
<<if $cor > 299>>
<<if $stamina > 0>>
<<btng AngelBar>> Angel is old enough to drink <</btng>>
<<staminag AngelPosses>> Angel is old enough to drink <</staminag>>
<<plugig "Corruption 300">> Angel is old enough to drink <</plugig>>
<<btnsb AngelRoom>> Back <</btnsb>>
</div><<widget "btng" container>>
<<link '<button class="dialogue-button button-35 gold-scene">
</button>' _args[0]>>
<<set State.variables[_args[1]] to _args[2]>>
<</widget>><<set $stamina to $stamina-50>>
<<set $cor to $cor+10>>
<div class="container" id="container">
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btnsb AngelHypno>>Back<</btnsb>>
</div> <<widget "staminag" container>>
<<link '<button class="dialogue-button button-35 gold-scene">
</button>' _args[0]>>
<<notify 2s>> Need more stamina <</notify>>
<</widget>><<widget "plugig" container>>
<span class="dialogue-button button-35 plug gold-scene">
<div class="dialogue-tooltip black" @data-text=[_args[0]]>?</div>
<</widget>><div class="container" id="container">
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btnsb >>Back<</btnsb>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btnsb >>Back<</btnsb>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<set $stamina to $stamina-10>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> I wonder if Angel made up something for us to eat before running off... <</sm>>
<<text>> When you open a fridge, your fears come to life, as you are greeted by the empty shelves and a few uncoocked veggies. <</text>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Fuck, it looks like it's my turn today... I hope I won't break my polish while making a stew. <</sm>>
<<imgv "dem2/kitchen/dinner.gif">>
<<text>> Busy with cooking, you miss the moment when Jake comes into the kitchen, playfully brushing over you while getting to his seat. <</text>>
<<say Jake>> What's for dinner, woman? <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<if $QuestJake1 is 1>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> What would you like? <</sm>>
<<say Jake>> Anything really. <</say>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> That's what I like to hear... <</sm>>
<<text>> You continue cooking the stew, when Jack suddenly appears behind you, grabbing your breast with one hand, while sliding another over your thigh. The touch is unexpected, but pleasing and you were barely able to contain your excited moan. <</text>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> J-jake! What's that all about? <</sm>>
<<say Jake>> I've changed my mind. I would like something spicy instead... <</say>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Hey! Watch your mouth. <</sm>>
<<say Jake>> Come on, I'm just getting used to my mantle as the "man of the house". <</say>>
<<text>> You glance over at a smiling Jake, taking a break between cutting potatoes. <</text>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> And I'm showing you that I'm at the top of the pecking order. Not you. <</sm>>
<<say Jake>> Well, for now anyway... <</say>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> What was that? <</sm>>
<<say Jake>> Oh, nothing. <</say>>
<<text>> Having finished cooking, both you and Jake spend some time dining together. <</text>>
<<say Jake>> I've always liked your cooking more than Angel's you know that? <</say>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Oh thank you~ <</sm>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> I'll add a bit more peppers then... That would be good enough, right? <</sm>>
<<text>> Pushing Jack's arms off you, you get the peppers from the counter and spray some of it in the stew. <</text>>
<<say Jake>> I guess... Not quite what I meant though... <</say>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> I know. <</sm>>
<<text>> Having finished cooking, both you and Jake spend some time dining together. <</text>>
<<say Jake>> I didn't know your stew could get any better, but adding spice was the right choice. You're a real pro, Lis. <</say>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Oh thank you~ <</sm>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<if $quest1Jake1 is 1>>
<<btns KitchenDinner stage 2>> ... <</btns>>
<<btns KitchenDinner stage 1>> What?! <</btns>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<if $quest1Jake1 is 1>>
<<btns KitchenDinner stage 2>>Okay...<</btns>>
<<if $cor > 99>>
<<btns KitchenSex>> Give it to him<</btns>>
<<plugi "Corruption 100">> ??? <</plugi>>
<<if $quest1Jake1 is 0 or $quest1Jake1 is undefined>>
<<btnsb Kitchen>>Back<</btnsb>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<btnsb Kitchen>>Back<</btnsb>>
<div class="container" id="container">
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btnsb >>Back<</btnsb>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $showerStamina is 0>>
<<set $stamina to $stamina+20>>
<<set $showerStamina to 1>>
<<text>> Warm water flows over your shoulders, streaming down your large breasts. You can feel the stresses of the day washing away with your sweat and soapy water. <</text>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Mhm... Feels nice. <</sm>>
<<set $random to random(1, 3)>>
<<if $random is 1>>
<<imgv "dem2/shower/shower1.gif">>
<<elseif $random is 2>>
<<imgv "dem2/shower/shower2.gif">>
<<elseif $random is 3>>
<<imgv "dem2/shower/shower3.gif">>
<<text>> When you stop the water and pull the shower curtain away - you notice that the bathroom door is open. You feel as if you're being watched. <</text>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if $cor > 99>>
<<if $stamina > 0>>
<<btns ShowerTease stage 0>> Tease Jake in <</btns>>
<<stamina Shower>> Tease Jake in <</stamina>>
<<plugi "Corruption 100">> ??? <</plugi>>
<<btnsb Shower stage 0>>Back<</btnsb>>
<div class="container" id="container">
<<set $random to random(1, 2)>>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<set $stamina to $stamina-10>>
<<cor 6>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Oh no, it looks like I've forgotten to close the door... I sure hope no one comes inside and fucks me up~ <</sm>>
<<text>> Looking at the door, you wait for a reaction, but it doesn't seem like anyone is there. <</text>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Fuck, did I really just forget to close it? Whatever. <</sm>>
<<text>> You turn back to the wall, intending to continue the shower, but instead you feel someone's hands firmly grouping around your thighs. <</text>>
<<say Jake>> Nice ass you've got... <</say>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Ah! <</sm>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<say Jake>> But I like your mouth better. <</say>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Wha...<</sm>>
<<text>> Jake puts his hands over your head and easily forces you to your knees. It feels rather rough, but you don't mind it. <</text>>
<<say Jake>> Eat this! <</say>>
<<imgg "dem2/shower/showerTease1.gif">>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Hh... hrm...<</sm>>
<<text>> Pretty soon, Jake's arms tightened around your head while he thrust deep into your throat for the last time, shooting his hot seed all over your insides. <</text>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Phka... Huf... <</sm>>
<<say Jake>> Don't forget to clean yourself afterwards, Lissa. You wouldn't want Angel to catch up on our little secret, wouldn't you?<</say>>
<<text>>Having said that, Jake turned the water on and, after wiping his dick clean, left the bathroom. <</text>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Yeah... I should do that.<</sm>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<say Jake>> And I'm about to take it. <</say>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Please do... Ahhh... <</sm>>
<<text>> The feeling of Jake's firm rod penetrating your tight pussy sent you shivering, and you barely managed to keep your balance by grabbing onto the walls. Unbothered by this, Jake grabbed you by the neck, thrusting harder and harder into your wet slit. <</text>>
<<imgg "dem2/shower/showerTease2.gif">>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Ah! Ah!. <</sm>>
<<say Jake>> Fuck... I'm about to... <</say>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Not inside! <</sm>>
<<say Jake>> Fine. Then... <</say>>
<<text>> Just as you're about to climax, Jake pulls his dick out of you and explodes all over your silky smooth skin. <</text>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Ew. It's so sticky... And it doesn't come off easily... <</sm>>
<<text>> With a chuckle, Jake turned the water on and washed his dick clean with ease. <</text>>
<<say Jake>> Use some soap, then. <</say>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Oh, right. I should do that. <</sm>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<if $random is 1>>
<<btns ShowerTease stage 1>>...<</btns>>
<<elseif $random is 2>>
<<btns ShowerTease stage 2>>...<</btns>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<btnsb Shower>>Back<</btnsb>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<btnsb Shower>>Back<</btnsb>>
<div class="container" id="container">
<<set $random to random(1, 2)>>
<<cor 6>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> But what if Angel comes in? <</sm>>
<<say Jake>> We just have to be quick about it.<</say>>
<<text>> Jake tears down your clothes and pushes you onto the table. You bite into your lip, expecting a rough entrance, and Jake doesn't disappoint. <</text>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Ah! <</sm>>
<<if $random is 1>>
<<imgv "dem2/kitchen/dinnerSex1.gif">>
<<elseif $random is 2>>
<<imgv "dem2/kitchen/dinnerSex2.gif">>
<<text>> The next hour flew by, Jake was fucking you in all kinds of poses, stretching your cum-ridden pussy in all ways possible. By the end of it, you could barely remember anything, your mind was fogged from contemptuous orgasms. <</text>>
<<say Jake>> Huh... Fuck... Yeah! <</say>>
<<text>> Jake's cock throbs for the last time and explodes into your hole. After a few seconds, he stepped away from your quivering body, breathing heavily. <</text>>
<<say Jake>> Damn... We might've moved a bit too far with this one... <</say>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Hr... Huh... <</sm>>
<<text>> Barely able to understand what he's saying, you tried to answer, but weren't able to form a coherent word. Jake stared at you for a few seconds, and scoffed. <</text>>
<<say Jake>> Although I can see that you've enjoyed it plenty. All right, time to clean up a little. <</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btnsb Kitchen>>Back<</btnsb>>
<div class="container" id="container">
<<set $random to random(1, 3)>>
<<set $cor to $cor+3>>
<<set $stamina to $stamina-10>>
<<if $random is 1>>
<<imgg "dem2/school/afterclass1.webp">>
<<elseif $random is 2>>
<<elseif $random is 3>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btnsb School>>Back<</btnsb>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<set $random to random(1, 2)>>
<<set $stamina to $stamina-10>>
<<if $tysonMeet is 1>>
<<cor 1>>
<<text>> The usual smell of the gym filled your lungs, as you continued working on your glutes. Your legs were shaky, but you continued pushing your body further and further, until finally you felt the sweet release of the muscles. <</text>>
<<if $random is 1>>
<<imgv "dem2/gym/workout1.gif">>
<<elseif $random is 2>>
<<sm someone "Some guy" mike>> Damn, girl... You're going all out, aren't you? <</sm>>
<<text>> Feeling intoxicated, you decide to show off for a bit, pumping your perfectly shaped ass forward before this complete stranger. <</text>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> I am. Thanks! <</sm>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btnsb Gym>>Back<</btnsb>>
<<set $tysonMeet to 1>>
<<set $achiv3 to 1>>
<<if $achiv3Notify is undefined>>
<<notify 6s>> "Sweet home" completed! <</notify>>
<<set $achiv3Notify to 1>>
<<text>> The atmosphere in the gym always fascinates you. The air, thick with the scent of male sweat and adrenaline, was simply intoxicating. It always took you a while to adjust to it without going crazy. <</text>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Let's do it... <</sm>>
<<text>> As you moved to the weightlifting area, the scent grew stronger and you barely could hide your excitement at seeing many testosterone-fueled men with their muscles bulging beneath their strained tank tops. <</text>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Okay, after a few reps it'll get easier... <</sm>>
<<text>> As usual, when you began lifting, all men's attention was drawn to you. It was the moment you felt the most powerful and it worked wonders for developing your strength. <</text>>
<<say Tyson>> Damn Lis, you're impressive as ever. <</say>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Oh, Tyson? I'm glad to see that you're doing well too. <</sm>>
<<text>> A large looking black dude appeared before you. In one hand, he held a large drumbell that he used to constantly pump up his arm muscles. <</text>>
<<say Tyson>> So, my training buddy is on sick leave, so... Would you mind giving me a hand? <</say>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Maybe later. Right now I'm simply warming up. <</sm>>
<<say Tyson>> Sure, you know where to find me. <</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btnsb Gym>>Back<</btnsb>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<set $dem to 2>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<div class="nav-button-container">
<div class="nav-button-img">[img[img/background/house1.jpg][House]]</div>
<div class="nav-button-text">Home</div>
<div class="nav-button-container">
<div class="nav-button-img">[img[img/background/school1.jpg][School]]</div>
<div class="nav-button-text">Work</div>
<div class="nav-button-container">
<div class="nav-button-img">[img[img/background/gym1.jpg][Gym]]</div>
<div class="nav-button-text">Gym</div>
<div class="nav-button-container">
<div class="nav-button-img">[img[img/background/park1.jpg][Park]]</div>
<div class="nav-button-text"> Park </div>
<div class="nav-button-container">
<div class="nav-button-img">[img[img/background/bar1.jpg][Bar]]</div>
<div class="nav-button-text"> Bar </div>
<div class="nav-button-container">
<div class="nav-button-img">[img[img/background/beach1.jpg][Beach]]</div>
<div class="nav-button-text"> Beach </div>
<div class="nav-button-container">
<div class="nav-button-img">[img[img/background/map.jpg][Map]]</div>
<div class="nav-button-text"> Reality </div>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<set $random to random(1, 2)>>
<<cor 1>>
<<set $stamina to $stamina-10>>
<<if $random is 1>>
<<text>> While patrooling the halls, your attention was caught by a sudden bang, coming from the gym. <</text>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Weird... It should be empty today. What's up with that? <</sm>>
<<text>> Deciding to investigate, you move to the source of the sound and soon find yourself in a boy's locker room. <</text>>
<<sm someonew " First cheerleader " jessa>> Mhm... <</sm>>
<<sm someonew " Second cheerleader " jessa>> It's so firm... <</sm>>
<<sm someonew " First cheerleader " jessa>> Oh yeah, I love a cock like that... <</sm>>
<<imgv "dem2/school/walk1.gif">>
<<text>> Three cheerleaders swarmed a shy looking kid, with an unusually big package. The legth and a shape of his cock made your mouth water. <</text>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Shit... Can't blame those girls... It's so massive, I can't help but wonder how it would feel inside me... <</sm>>
<<text>> You stayed for a few minutes more, watching the girls play with the boy as if he were their prey. Soon, he stained their faces white with his semen and you decided that it was time for you to leave before getting caught. <</text>>
<<elseif $random is 2>>
<<sm someonew "Women's Voice" jessa>> Ah...Ah! <</sm>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> What was that? <</sm>>
<<text>> Alarmed by the sudden sound of moaning, you walked towards its source - a classroom. The door was slightly ajar, so you decided to peek inside and... <</text>>
<<say Mike>> Who's my bitch, huh? Huh? <</say>>
<<say Jessa>> It's me! I am! <</say>>
<<say Mike>> That's right! <</say>>
<<text>> The source of the moaning was Jessa, who was now getting railed by Mike's big cock. The imagery was so stunning that you just stood there, watching. <</text>>
<<say Jessa>> Oh fuck! I love your big black cock! Make me your slut! <</say>>
<<text>> Somehow, Jessa's words resonated with you. A tingling sensation in your chest, followed by a deep sence of arousal. <</text>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> This is... inappropriate... I have to leave, now... <</sm>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btnsb School>>Back<</btnsb>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $introOver is 1>>
<<text>> As you walk through the entrance gate, you're greeted by the usual sounds of school - students running around, girls chatting about their boyfriends and bullies doing their thing with the nerds. <</text>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> I wonder what will happen today... <</sm>>
<<imgg "dem2/school-intro.jpg">>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if $stamina > 0>>
<<btns SchoolWork stage 0>> Teach students <</btns>>
<<stamina School>> Teach students <</stamina>>
<<if $stamina > 0>>
<<btns SchoolWalk stage 0>> Patrool the hallway <</btns>>
<<stamina School>> Patrool the hallway <</stamina>>
<<if $stamina > 0>>
<<btns SchoolBreakroom stage 0>> Visit a break room <</btns>>
<<stamina School>> Visit a break room <</stamina>>
<<btnsb City>>Back<</btnsb>>
<<elseif $introSchool is undefined>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Where are all the kids? No way... <</sm>>
<<text>> Walking closer to the school building, you feel anxious. By the looks of it - you're running late. Again. <</text>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> The director won't be happy about this one for sure... But fuck him, I'm the best teacher this school has. <</sm>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btns SchoolWork>> Teach students <</btns>>
<<plug SchoolWalk>> Patrool the hallway <</plug>>
<<plug SchoolBreakroom>> Visit a break room <</plug>>
<<elseif $introSchool is 1>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> That was a good lesson... A few more of these and the "Best Teacher" award is in my pocket. <</sm>>
<<imgg "dem2/school-intro.jpg">>
<<text>> As you exit the classroom, the sounds of students chirping fill out your surroundings, making you feel at ease. <</text>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Well, time to do my diligence and fill out the papers. <</sm>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<plug>> Teach students <</plug>>
<<plug SchoolWalk>> Patrool the hallway <</plug>>
<<btns SchoolBreakroom>> Visit a break room <</btns>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<text>> Stepping through the doors of the bustling gym, you feel the usual spike of confidence within you. <</text>>
<<imgg "dem2/gym-intro.jpg">>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> It's time to see some gains... Going into this place on a regular basis made me a much better woman. <</sm>>
<<text>> The image of fat chicks, who usually made up the bulk of the parents of the students you were teaching came to mind. <</text>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> I feel sorry for the lads who had to tie themselves to those cows... It's a good thing that we and Nick are different. <</sm>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if $stamina > 0>>
<<btns GymAdmire>> Admire yourself <</btns>>
<<stamina Gym>> Admire yourself <</stamina>>
<<if $stamina > 0>>
<<btns GymWorkout>> Do your routine <</btns>>
<<stamina Gym>> Do your routine <</stamina>>
<<if $tysonMeet is 1>>
<<if $stamina > 0>>
<<btns GymTyson>> Train with Tyson<</btns>>
<<stamina Gym>> Train with Tyson<</stamina>>
<<plugi "You need to workout">> ???<</plugi>>
<<btnsb City>>Back<</btnsb>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<set $random to random(1, 2)>>
<<set $stamina to $stamina-10>>
<<if $random is 1>>
<<text>> You felt the clunking of the weights and the rhytmic thumping sounds of music around you as you approached Tyson. He was busy working on his big and strong arms. <</text>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Fuck I wish someone so strong would hold me tight for once... <</sm>>
<<text>> This thought, which seemingly came out of nowhere, had a profound effect on your body. You felt your desire increase and knew, that you better start pumping soon too, before... <</text>>
<<say Tyson>> I see you've made up your mind, Lis. Let's get started then? <</say>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Ye-yeah... Sure, let's go. <</sm>>
<<say Tyson>> We'll start with bench presses, then. <</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btns GymTyson1 stage 0>> Let's go <</btns>>
<<elseif $random is 2>>
<<text>> You felt the clunking of the weights and the rhytmic thumping sounds of music around you as you approached Tyson. He was busy working on his big and strong core. <</text>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> I wish I could spend all night with someone who has endurance like that... <</sm>>
<<text>> This thought, which seemingly came out of nowhere, had a profound effect on your body. You felt your desire increase and knew, that you better start pumping soon too, before... <</text>>
<<say Tyson>> You're here, great! Let's get started. <</say>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Yeah, let's go. <</sm>>
<<say Tyson>> We'll begin with the squats. <</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btns GymTyson2 stage 0>> Let's go <</btns>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $introOver is 1>>
<<imgg "dem2/park-intro.jpg">>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if $stamina > 0>>
<<btns ParkWalk>> Walk <</btns>>
<<stamina Park>> Walk <</stamina>>
<<if $stamina > 0>>
<<btns ParkSound>> Explore<</btns>>
<<stamina Park>> Explore<</stamina>>
<<btnsb City>>Back<</btnsb>>
<<elseif $introPark is undefined>>
<<imgg "dem2/park-intro.jpg">>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<plug ParkWalk>> Walk <</plug>>
<<btns ParkSound>> Explore <</btns>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<set $random to random(1, 2)>>
<<set $stamina to $stamina-10>>
<<cor 1>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> I'll go for a short walk today. <</sm>>
<<text>> You always liked walking in the park. And this time is not an exception. <</text>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> My body feels so free... <</sm>>
<<if $random is 1>>
<<imgv "dem2/park/walk1.gif">>
<<elseif $random is 2>>
<<imgv "dem2/park/walk2.gif">>
<<text>> While walking past strangers, you can feel their gaze stuck on you. Like they should be. You're a beautiful woman, and you know every man's attention belongs to you. <</text>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Oh yeah, just what I needed. <</sm>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btnsb Park>>Back<</btnsb>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<set $random to random(1, 2)>>
<<set $stamina to $stamina-10>>
<<if $random is 1>>
<<set $achiv2 to 1>>
<<if $achiv2Notify is undefined>>
<<notify 6s>> "Looks like a nice guy" completed! <</notify>>
<<set $achiv2Notify to 1>>
<<text>> You sat on a weathered bench, surrounded by vibrant flowers and the gentle rustling of the wind. The sun shone brightly over the horizon and you were happy. <</text>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> A good rest is all I need... <</sm>>
<<sm someone "Weird man" mike>> Hello there, miss. <</sm>>
<<text>> A young man with a solemn face approached you, his voice carrying a hint of charm. <</text>>
<<sm someone "Weird man" mike>> Your beauty shines so brightly that the sun we can see is nothing but a moon in your presence. <</sm>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Ehm... Thanks? <</sm>>
<<sm someone "Weird man" mike>> Would you mind if I sat with you on this wonderful day? <</sm>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btns ParkSound1 stage 1>> Sure<</btns>>
<<btnsb ParkSound1 stage 0>> Leave <</btnsb>>
<<elseif $random is 2>>
<<text>> Going on the rarely used roads, soon you find yourself nearing a small backwoods. <</text>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Oh wow, I don't remember this forest being here... I wonder what's in there. <</sm>>
<<sm someone "Hooded man" mike>> Curious one, huh? <</sm>>
<<text>> A deep voice gets your attention. Behind you, a hooded man is standing, looking over your firm body. <</text>>
<<sm someone "Hooded man" mike>> There's a tomb deep in the woods. Me and my pal like to chill there from time to time. <</sm>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Oh... That's cool... <</sm>>
<<text>> You take a few steps back from the man, but in doing so, you bump into another person. <</text>>
<<sm someone "Another man" mike>> Don't be afraid, we can show you a lot of special places. What do you say? <</sm>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if $cor is -1>>
<<btns ParkSound2 stage 0>> Agree <</btns>>
<<plugi "Future updates">> ??? <</plugi>>
<<if $introOver is 1>>
<<btnsb Park>>Back<</btnsb>>
<<btnsb Dem2>>Go home<</btnsb>>
</div><<set $barDrink to 0>>
<div class="container" id="container">
<<text>> Still buzzing from work, you step into the bar with the intention of unwinding. <</text>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Hm... I was expecting this place to be a bit more... Drab. It's nice to be surprised once in a while. <</sm>>
<<text>> Sounds of laughter and music filled the space around you. <</text>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Since I'm already here, I might as well order a drink. <</sm>>
<<imgg "dem2/bar-intro.jpg">>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if $QuestJake1 is 0 and $QuestJake1Snacks is undefined>>
<<if $stamina > 0>>
<<btns BarJake1>> Buy snacks <</btns>>
<<stamina Bar>> Buy snacks <</stamina>>
<<if $stamina > 0>>
<<btns BarDrink stage 0>> Drink <</btns>>
<<stamina Bar>> Drink <</stamina>>
<<btns BarToilet>> Toilet<</btns>>
<<btnsb City>>Back<</btnsb>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<text>> Stepping into the toilet, the hum of fluorescent lights and an overall dimly lit room make you feel uneasy. You remember the moments from your childhood, when you were scared to pass by the dark corners because of the monsters that could be hiding there. <</text>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> All right, no way there is a monster hiding in the stall, right? <</sm>>
<<text>> With a little exertion of your will, you open the door and are welcomed by the sight of your white prince. No monsters, though. But there is a suspicious-looking hole in the wall. <</text>>
<<imgv "dem2/bar/toilet.jpg">>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Okay... Whoa! Maybe there are monsters here after all... <</sm>>
<<text>> Should you knock on the wall, perhaps? <</text>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if $cor is -1>>
<<if $stamina > 0>>
<<btns BarGlory>> Knock <</btns>>
<<stamina BarToilet>> Knock <</stamina>>
<<plugi "Future updates">> Knock <</plugi>>
<<btnsb Bar>> Back <</btnsb>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<set $barSleep to random(1, 3)>>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<set $stamina to $stamina-10>>
<<say Bartender>> Welcome. <</say>>
<<text>> As you settled on the stool, a friendly face of Chinese-looking barmen welcomed you with a smile. Returning the smile, you looked over the array of bottles lining shelves behind the man. <</text>>
<<say Bartender>> Would you like something to drink? <</say>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Uhm... Yeah, give me this cocktail... Honey Moon, right? <</sm>>
<<say Bartender>> One second, please. <</say>>
<<text>> The bartender slid the frosty glass towards you. You hold it to your lips and take a small gulp, savoring the refreshing taste of the sea buckthorn and mead. <</text>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> It's good. <</sm>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<set $stamina to $stamina-10>>
<<text>> Feeling tipsy but not THAT tipsy, you decide to order another one. <</text>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Barmen! Another one. <</sm>>
<<say Bartender>> Of course. <</say>>
<<text>> The second drink danced along your tongue, with a mixture of mint and lime. Feeling relaxed, you bump your head into your arms, staring into the empty space. <</text>>
<<say Bartender>> You're all right? <</say>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Yeah, I'm good... I'm feeling great, actually... <</sm>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<set $stamina to $stamina-10>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Bar... man! Hic... Another one of your cock-tails please... <</sm>>
<<text>> Amused by your own joke, you laugh a little, and the barman replies back with a friendly smile of his own. <</text>>
<<say Bartender>> Please enjoy. <</say>>
<<text>> You down yet another glass, this time not even able to discern the taste. Suddenly, you get into a very talkative mood. <</text>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> So, barmen... I take it you're Chinese, right? Can you give me a drink native to your land? <</sm>>
<<text>> For a second, the man stops but soon replies to you with a smile once more. <</text>>
<<say Bartender>> I'm Taiwanese, but thank you. I think you've had enough for the day. <</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<btns BarDrink stage 1>> One more <</btns>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<btns BarDrink stage 2>> One more <</btns>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<if $barSleep > 2>>
<<btns BarSleep stage 0>> ... <</btns>>
<<btns BarGang stage 0>> ... <</btns>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Oh! I'm so terribly sorry... i don't know that much about Japan. <</sm>>
<<text>> The bartender looked like he wanted to reply to you with something spicy, but that was when the new man joined your conversation. <</text>>
<<say Ricky>> Hey there, it seems that you're having quite a good time here... <</say>>
<<imgv "dem2/BarGang.jpg">>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Hell yeah! This man clearly gets it, I can easily tell that he's from South Africa. <</sm>>
<<text>> A short silence befell the room, but it quickly dissipated as the large black man smiled and tapped you over the shoulder. <</text>>
<<say Ricky>> It's Arkansas, but whatever. <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<say Ricky>> So, how about you go with me and we continue drinking on my turf? <</say>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Hm... Let me... Think... <</sm>>
<<text>> After taking a solid minute to digest, you realize that you really want to drink some more. To keep this alcholoc bliss going. But to say that out loud... <</text>>
<<say Ricky>> Come on, we don't have all night here. I'll choose someone else if you don't want to. <</say>>
<<text>> The black man pulled out a phone, seemingly ready to call someone else. The sting of jealousy goes through your mind, and as if being possessed, you stop him. <</text>>
<<say Ricky>> Huh? So you're in? <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Sorry, I must've slipped. I think the bartender is correct, though... <</sm>>
<<say Ricky>> Had enough for the day, huh? <</say>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Yeah... <</sm>>
<<text>> The black dude scoffs and after brushing his shoulders, stands up from his barstool. <</text>>
<<say Ricky>> Well, maybe we'll meet another time then. Have a safe walk home, would be a shame if someone caught a beautiful woman like you all alone and vulnerable. <</say>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Thanks... Bye... <</sm>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<btns BarGang stage 1>> ... <</btns>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<if $cor is -1>>
<<if $stamina > 0>>
<<btns BarGang stage 3>> Agree<</btns>>
<<stamina Bar>> Agree <</stamina>>
<<plugi "Future updates">> ??? <</plugi>>
<<btns BarGang stage 2>> No... <</btns>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<btnsb Bar stage 0>>Back<</btnsb>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<set $random to random(1, 3)>>
<<set $cor to $cor+1>>
<<set $stamina to $stamina-10>>
<<if $random is 1>>
<<imgv "dem2/bar/glory1.webp">>
<<elseif $random is 2>>
<<imgg "dem2/bar/glory2.webp">>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btnsb Bar>>Back<</btnsb>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<text>> Having arrived at the beach, you feel a sense of anticipation mixed with nervous excitement. <</text>>
<<imgg "dem2/beach-intro.jpg">>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> I love this scenery so much... <</sm>>
<<text>> This particular spot was nestled amidst towering cliffs, with its pristine shoreline stretching as far as the eye could see. <</text>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> And the sun is warm, too... <</sm>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if $stamina > 0>>
<<btns BeachSunbathe>> Sunbathe <</btns>>
<<stamina Beach>> Sunbathe <</stamina>>
<<btnsb City>>Back<</btnsb>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<set $stamina to $stamina-10>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> This spot will do wonders. <</sm>>
<<text>> As the sound of soft lapping of waves reached your ears, your heart felt the freedom of being almost completely bare. You spread your towel over the ground and lay on top of it, completely satisfied. <</text>>
<<imgv "dem2/beach/sunbathe.gif">>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Mhm... It doesn't seem like there's too many people around... <</sm>>
<<text>> Feeling the sensation of a soft summer breeze dancing across your body, you can't help but wonder if you should try stripping naked while no-one is seeing you. <</text>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Well... <</sm>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if $cor > 9>>
<<btns BeachSunbathe1 stage 0>> Strip <</btns>>
<<plugi "Corruption 10">> ??? <</plugi>>
<<btns BeachSunbathe1 stage 1>> Leave <</btns>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<cor 2>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> I can do this. <</sm>>
<<text>> With a deep breath, you let go of any lingering inhibitions and slipped out of your clothes, basking in the beautiful sensation of the sun caressing your skin. <</text>>
<<imgv "dem2/beach/naked.gif">>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Oh yeah, just like that... <</sm>>
<<text>> As the sun began its descent, casting a golden glow across your body, you felt your body glistening, under the warm rays of the sunlight and salty wind. <</text>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> So peacefull... I wish this moment would last forever... <</sm>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<text>> Soon, the warm sun hid itself behind the big puffy cloud and you felt your skin begin to cool down. Taking a better look, you notice that this cloud was only one of many, signaling the end of your beach day. <</text>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Oh... Is it time to leave already? <</sm>>
<<imgg "dem2/beach/outro.jpg">>
<<text>> Reluctantly, you began gathering your belongings. <</text>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Well, at least I feel somewhat liberated... <</sm>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<btns BeachSunbathe1 stage 1>> Leave <</btns>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<btnsb Beach>> Back <</btnsb>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<sm karma "Lissa Croft" karma>> Oh... What is that... <</sm>>
<<img "dem3/cave-intro.jpg">>
<<text>> A natural formation catches your eye. A comfy looking cave, with a wodden ladder near it no less. <</text>>
<<sm karma "Lissa Croft" karma>> Looks habitable... I think this is where spring is... Hopefully, there are no natives inside. <</sm>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btns CaveSpring>> Spring <</btns>>
<<btnsb Jungle>>Back<</btnsb>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<div class="nav-button-container">
<div class="nav-button-img">[img[img/background/camp1.jpg][Dem3]]</div>
<div class="nav-button-text">Camp</div>
<div class="nav-button-container">
<div class="nav-button-img">[img[img/background/cave1.jpg][Cave]]</div>
<div class="nav-button-text">Cave</div>
<div class="nav-button-container">
<div class="nav-button-img">[img[img/background/waterfall1.jpg][Waterfall]]</div>
<div class="nav-button-text">Waterfall </div>
<div class="nav-button-container">
<div class="nav-button-img">[img[img/dem3/temple-intro.jpg][Temple]]</div>
<div class="nav-button-text">Temple</div>
<div class="nav-button-container">
<div class="nav-button-img">[img[img/dem3/planecrash-intro.jpg][PlaneCrash]]</div>
<div class="nav-button-text">Plane Crash</div>
<div class="nav-button-container">
<div class="nav-button-img">[img[img/dem3/tribe-intro.jpg][Tribe]]</div>
<div class="nav-button-text">Tribe</div>
<div class="nav-button-container">
<div class="nav-button-img">[img[img/background/village1.jpg][Village]]</div>
<div class="nav-button-text">Village</div>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<sm karma "Lissa Croft" karma>> Oh... So this is how the Ulkomaalainen temple looks up close. <</sm>>
<<imgg "dem3/temple-intro.jpg">>
<<text>> Looking at the menacing entrance into the depths of the structure, you remember how happy you felt watching over this place from the bird's eye view. <</text>>
<<sm karma "Lissa Croft" karma>> I shouldn't go inside. Not alone. Not now. <</sm>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btnsb Jungle>>Back<</btnsb>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<sm karma "Lissa Croft" karma>> Oh my god... This is beautiful. <</sm>>
<<imgg "dem3/waterfall-intro.jpg">>
<<text>> Following the path in a lush green forest, you eventually get to a serene lake fed by a majestic waterfall. <</text>>
<<sm karma "Lissa Croft" karma>> And the water looks clean... <</sm>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if $stamina > 0>>
<<btns WaterfallSwim>> Swim <</btns>>
<<stamina Waterfall>> Swim <</stamina>>
<<if $stamina > 0>>
<<btns WaterfallMasturbate>> Masturbate <</btns>>
<<stamina Waterfall>> Masturbate <</stamina>>
<<if $cor is -1>>
<<if $stamina > 0>>
<<btns WaterfallFuck>> ebatsa <</btns>>
<<stamina Waterfall>> ebatsa <</stamina>>
<<plugi "Future updates">> ??? <</plugi>>
<<btnsb Jungle>>Back<</btnsb>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<set $dem to 3>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<div class="nav-button-container">
<div class="nav-button-img">[img[img/background/jungle1.jpg][Jungle]]</div>
<div class="nav-button-text">Jungle</div>
<div class="nav-button-container">
<div class="nav-button-img">[img[img/background/shop1.jpg][Shop]]</div>
<div class="nav-button-text">Shop</div>
<div class="nav-button-container">
<div class="nav-button-img">[img[img/background/motel1.jpg][Motel]]</div>
<div class="nav-button-text">Motel </div>
<div class="nav-button-container">
<div class="nav-button-img">[img[img/background/saloon1.jpg][Saloon]]</div>
<div class="nav-button-text">Saloon </div>
<div class="nav-button-container">
<div class="nav-button-img">[img[img/background/map.jpg][Map]]</div>
<div class="nav-button-text"> Reality </div>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<text>> A smell of dried up fruits and spices fills your lungs once you enter the small village's shop. <</text>>
<<imgg "dem3/shop-intro.jpg">>
<<sm karma "Lissa Croft" karma>> Anyone here? <</sm>>
<<sm someone "Salesman" mike>> As long as you have money. <</sm>>
<<text>> A hunched-back young man showed up behind the counter. By the looks of it, he was sleeping a few minutes ago. <</text>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if $dem3FoodQuest is undefined or $dem3FoodQuest is 0 >>
<<if $stamina > 0>>
<<btns ShopBuyFood stage 0>> Ask for food <</btns>>
<<stamina Shop>> Ask for food <</stamina>>
<<elseif $dem3FoodQuest is 1>>
<<if $stamina > 0>>
<<btns ShopBuyFood stage 2>> Buy food <</btns>>
<<stamina Shop>> Buy food <</stamina>>
<<if $dem3FoodQuest is 2 or $dem3FoodQuest is 1>>
<<if $stamina > 0>>
<<btns ShopBuyFood stage 3>> Steal the food <</btns>>
<<stamina Shop>> Steal the food <</stamina>>
<<btnsb Village>>Back<</btnsb>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<text>> A large, two story building towers over the horizon. Judging by the number of cars parked nearby, most of the building must be reserved for the night. <</text>>
<<imgg "dem3/motel-intro.jpg">>
<<sm karma "Lissa Croft" karma>> Nice place. Not a lot when compared to Vegas, but... <</sm>>
<<text>> Some weird noises catch your attention. By the sound of it, it must be a wild cat trying to fend for his life. <</text>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if $stamina > 0>>
<<btns MotelParking stage 0>> Investigate the sounds <</btns>>
<<stamina Motel>> Investigate the sounds <</stamina>>
<<btnsb Village>>Back<</btnsb>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<set $stamina to $stamina-10>>
<<cor 2>>
<<sm karma "Lissa Croft" karma>> Why Shouldn't I go for a swim... <</sm>>
<<imgg "dem3/waterfall/swim.gif">>
<<text>> Drawn by the beauty of the lake, you waded into its inviting depths. The water is cool against your skin, awakening all of your dormant senses. <</text>>
<<sm karma "Lissa Croft" karma>> That was good. I should get myself out here more often. <</sm>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btnsb Waterfall>>Back<</btnsb>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<set $random to random(1, 2)>>
<<set $cor to $cor+3>>
<<set $stamina to $stamina-10>>
<<if $random is 1>>
<<imgg "dem3/waterfall/fuck1.gif">>
<<elseif $random is 2>>
<<imgg "dem3/waterfall/fuck2.gif">>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btnsb Waterfall>>Back<</btnsb>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<set $random to random(1, 2)>>
<<set $stamina to $stamina-10>>
<<cor 4>>
<<sm karma "Lissa Croft" karma>> It's time to get closer to Mother Nature... <</sm>>
<<text>> Taking a comfortable stance near the warm rock, you slid down your panties and began feeling up yourself. <</text>>
<<if $random is 1>>
<<imgg "dem3/waterfall/fap1.gif">>
<<elseif $random is 2>>
<<imgg "dem3/waterfall/fap2.gif">>
<<sm karma "Lissa Croft" karma>> Mhm... It feels nice doing it outside like that... <</sm>>
<<text>> Slowly but surely, you rub your pussy in all the right spots, building up to something massive, all the while the water from the waterfall massages your shoulders in a rhytmic and mesmerizing way, <</text>>
<<sm karma "Lissa Croft" karma>> Almost... Just a tiny bit more... <</sm>>
<<text>> A powerful climax washes over your head, as your legs twitch uncontrolably and your mind is drawn under a wave of pleasure. <</text>>
<<sm karma "Lissa Croft" karma>> Oh yeah! <</sm>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btnsb Waterfall>>Back<</btnsb>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<text>> Returning to the remains of the crashed airplane filled your heart with sadness. You remembered Jones, who you weren't sure was even alive at this point. <</text>>
<<imgg "dem3/planecrash-intro.jpg">>
<<sm karma "Lissa Croft" karma>> Keep yourself together, Liss. Those thoughts won't help you survive.
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if $dem3TentQuest is undefined>>
<<if $stamina > 0>>
<<btns PLaneCrashScavenge stage 0>> Scavenge <</btns>>
<<stamina PlaneCrash>> Scavenge <</stamina>>
<<if $dem3FoodQuest is 0>>
<<if $stamina > 0>>
<<btns PLaneCrashScavenge stage 1>> Scavenge for money <</btns>>
<<stamina PlaneCrash>> Scavenge <</stamina>>
<<btnsb Jungle>>Back<</btnsb>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<sm karma "Lissa Croft" karma>> I better be careful not to be caught trespassing on their territory... <</sm>>
<<imgg "dem3/tribe-intro.jpg">>
<<text>> Making sure to stay out of the view, you survey the surrounding area of a small native village. Strong black men are busy doing labor while their kids are playing in the mud. <</text>>
<<sm karma "Lissa Croft" karma>> Strange. I wonder where all the women are... <</sm>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if $cor is -1>>
<<if $stamina > 0>>
<<btns TribeBj>> Bj<</btns>>
<<stamina Tribe>> Bj<</stamina>>
<<plugi "Future updates">> ???<</plugi>>
<<btnsb Jungle>>Back<</btnsb>>
</div><<set $saloonDrink to 0>>
<div class="container" id="container">
<<text>> You step into a dimly lit saloon and immediately get captivated by the warm atmosphere of the establishment. <</text>>
<<imgg "dem3/saloon-intro.jpg">>
<<sm bartender1 "Bartender" mike>> Well, hello there, young lady. We welcome you to a Rusty Barrel. <</sm>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if $stamina > 0>>
<<btns SaloonDrink stage 0>> Drink <</btns>>
<<stamina Saloon>> Drink <</stamina>>
<<if $stamina > 0>>
<<btns SaloonToilet stage 0>> Toilet<</btns>>
<<stamina Saloon>> Toilet<</stamina>>
<<btnsb Village>>Back<</btnsb>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<sm karma "Lissa Croft" karma>> I like this place... <</sm>>
<<imgg "dem3/cave/spring.jpg">>
<<text>> The sounds of rushing water echoed through the walls of the cave. You navigate yourself through the intricate passages, until you finally reach the crystal clear spring. <</text>>
<<sm karma "Lissa Croft" karma>> So tasty... That's something to die for. <</sm>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if $stamina > 0>>
<<btns CaveWaterQuest stage 0>> Get some water <</btns>> <<else>>
<<stamina CaveSpring>> Get some water <</stamina>>
<<btnsb Cave>>Back<</btnsb>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<set $stamina to $stamina-10>>
<<text>> Following in the direction of the poor kitty, you make a few turns deeper into the motel's parking lot. To calm your nerves, you begin mumbling into the night. <</text>>
<<sm karma "Lissa Croft" karma>> Kitty-kitty... Where are you? Don't be scared... <</sm>>
<<sm black "Strange noises" angel>> Mhrr... Hrr... Rhaa... <</sm>>
<<imgg "dem3/motel/parking0.jpg">>
<<text>> The sounds steadily intensify, and you begin doubting yourself. What seemed like a cat's screams a few seconds ago, turned more and more humanlike by the second. <</text>>
<<sm karma "Lissa Croft" karma>> All right, keep your nerves steady... You've survived far worse... <</sm>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<cor 4>>
<<sm karma "Lissa Croft" karma>> Ah! <</sm>>
<<set $random to random(1, 2)>>
<<if $random is 1>>
<<text>> To keep your surprised gasp quiet, you push the hand over your mouth. Just a few inches before you, the girl was giving the sloppiest blowjob you had ever seen in your life. <</text>>
<<imgv "dem3/motel/parking1.gif">>
<<sm someone "Unknown man" mike>> Oh yeah, suck my dick, you bitch... Suck it good... <</sm>>
<<sm someonew "Some slut" angel>> Mhrh... Hurf... <</sm>>
<<text>> The girl was too busy working with her mouth to answer. You almost felt envious of her. To be used like a whore in a dirty corner of a parking lot... <</text>>
<<sm karma "Lissa Croft" karma>> Fuck, I'd better leave while they haven't noticed me. <</sm>>
<<elseif $random is 2>>
<<text>> To keep your surprised gasp quiet, you push the hand over your mouth. In a nearly parked car, some random girl was getting the best anal fucking you've ever seen. <</text>>
<<imgv "dem3/motel/parking2.gif">>
<<sm someone "Unknown man" mike>> Oh yeah, bitch... I love foreigner's assholes, they're so tight... <</sm>>
<<sm someonew "Some slut" angel>> Oh God! You're too big! My insides... <</sm>>
<<text>> Another thrust stops the girl mid-sentence as she begins drooling from all the pain and pleasure she is experiencing. You've almost felt a bit envious of her... <</text>>
<<sm karma "Lissa Croft" karma>> I would watch it for a bit longer, but I'd better leave while they haven't noticed me. <</sm>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<btns MotelParking stage 1>> Turn the corner <</btns>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<btnsb Motel>>Back<</btnsb>>
<div class="container" id="container">
<<set $stamina to 80>>
<<if $dem3TentQuest is 1>>
<<set $wakeUp to 1>>
<<set $random to random(1, 5)>>
<<if $random is 1>>
<<img "dem2/sleep/sleep1.gif">>
<<elseif $random is 2>>
<<img "dem2/sleep/sleep2.gif">>
<<elseif $random is 3>>
<<imgv "dem2/sleep/sleep3.gif">>
<<elseif $random is 4>>
<<imgv "dem2/sleep/sleep4.gif">>
<<elseif $random is 5>>
<<imgv "dem2/sleep/sleep5.gif">>
<<elseif $random is 6>>
<<imgv "dem2/sleep/sleep6gif">>
<<elseif $random is 7>>
<<imgv "dem2/sleep/sleep7.gif">>
<<elseif $random is 8>>
<<imgv "dem2/sleep/sleep8.gif">>
<<elseif $random is 9>>
<<imgv "dem2/sleep/sleep9.gif">>
<<elseif $random is 10>>
<<imgv "dem2/sleep/sleep10.gif">>
<<text>>You dream about something big<</text>>
<<btno Dem3>>Wake up<</btno>>
<<sm karma "Lissa Croft" karma>> Well... At least I'm not sleeping on the rocks. <</sm>>
<<text>> You crawled onto the leafy makeshift bed and, clutching yourself tightly, closed your eyes. Sleep comes quickly. <</text>>
<<sm black "Eerie presense" mike>> ... <</sm>>
<<sm karma "Lissa Croft" karma>> ...Yeah, no. I can feel someone watching over me. <</sm>>
<<text>> Although you managed to get some rest, it wasn't great. <</text>>
<<sm karma "Lissa Croft" karma>> I'm guessing dreams can wait until I recover a tent for myself. <</sm>>
<<btno Dem3>>Wake up<</btno>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<say Jax>> lol <</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btnsb Dem3>>Back<</btnsb>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $dem3RadioQuest is undefined>>
<<sm karma "Lissa Croft" karma>> Richard? <</sm>>
<<say Richard>> Yeah? <</say>>
<<sm karma "Lissa Croft" karma>> I'm just checking you out. Everything good? <</sm>>
<<say Richard>> Yeah... <</say>>
<<sm karma "Lissa Croft" karma>> Good. <</sm>>
<<elseif $dem3RadioQuest is 1>>
<<set $dem3RadioQuest to 2>>
<<sm karma "Lissa Croft" karma>> I've got a little present for you, Rich. <</sm>>
<<say Richard>> A present? <</say>>
<<text>> To your surprise, the young man blushed, and quickly turned away, actively beginning to rummage through his bag. <</text>>
<<say Richard>> I didn't expect it to happen so quickly... But I guess being the only two white people must've helped. This exceeded all of my expectations... <</say>>
<<sm karma "Lissa Croft" karma>> What are you mumbling about? Look here, I've brought you a radio. This way, you won't feel so useless. <</sm>>
<<say Richard>> Oh... A radio. Right. Thanks... <</say>>
<<text>> With an awkward stutter, Richard accepted your gift. <</text>>
<<say Richard>> Oh, I was just wondering where my radio was. I know the emergency frequency, so if this device isn't broken - we'll get tough with the world pretty soon. <</say>>
<<sm karma "Lissa Croft" karma>> Great, you do that, Richard! <</sm>>
<<text>> But before leaving the camp, your attention was caught by the little dangling sound coming from your backpack. Inside, you found a little note, stuck to the battery casing. <</text>>
<<sm karma "Lissa Croft" karma>> It looks like it's from the radio... Let's see. <</sm>>
<<text>> "27th seat is safe. Contact us as soon as you hit the ground." <</text>>
<<sm karma "Lissa Croft" karma>> What the fuck?.. I wonder who this one is addressing. <</sm>>
<<elseif $dem3WaterQuest is 1 and $dem3TentQuest is 1 and $dem3FoodQuest is 2 and $RichardTasksDialogue is undefined>>
<<set $RichardTasksDialogue to 1>>
<<sm karma "Lissa Croft" karma>> Now we should be able to survive until the rest of the expedition arrives. Right, Rich? <</sm>>
<<text>> The man happily smiles as he takes a sip of the fresh water you've brought, cleaning his mouth after having dined. <</text>>
<<say Richard>> Ms. Croft, you're amazing! That really changes things... <</say>>
<<sm karma "Lissa Croft" karma>> Haven't I told you from the start that I know what I'm doing? <</sm>>
<<say Richard>> Yeah, but I wasn't... Ah, nevermind. <</say>>
<<elseif $dem3WaterQuest is 1 and $dem3TentQuest is 1 and $dem3FoodQuest is 2 and $RichardTasksDialogue is 1>>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<sm karma "Lissa Croft" karma>> Anything new on the radio? <</sm>>
<<say Richard>> No... Nothing. <</say>>
<<text>> Richard pushed out a forced smile, while turning some kind of tumbler on the radio. <</text>>
<<sm karma "Lissa Croft" karma>> Really... Mind if I give it a try then? <</sm>>
<<say Richard>> Oh, no. The batteries will run out. I'm only using it during certain time periods. <</say>>
<<sm karma "Lissa Croft" karma>> Hm... <</sm>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<sm karma "Lissa Croft" karma>> Hey, Richard. I was wondering about this note. <</sm>>
<<text>> Having pulled out a note from your pocket, you place it before him, noticing that he is visibly shaken by your discovery. <</text>>
<<say Richard>> Oh... This? Ehm... What about it? <</say>>
<<sm karma "Lissa Croft" karma>> I dunno, that's why I'm asking you about it. <</sm>>
<<say Richard>> Well, I don't know what it's about either... <</say>>
<<text>> The man is clearly hiding something. But you get a feeling that forcing him to speak by force wouldn't bring much of a result. <</text>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<sm karma "Lissa Croft" karma>> Richard? <</sm>>
<<say Richard>> Yeah? <</say>>
<<sm karma "Lissa Croft" karma>> I'm just checking you out. Everything good? <</sm>>
<<say Richard>> Yeah... <</say>>
<<sm karma "Lissa Croft" karma>> Good. <</sm>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if $dem3WaterQuest is 1 and $dem3TentQuest is 1 and $dem3FoodQuest is 2 and $RichardTasksDialogue is 1>>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<btns Dem3Richard stage 1>>Ask about note <</btns>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<if $cor > 149>>
<<btns Dem3RichardBjQuest stage 0>> Really? <</btns>>
<<plugi "Corruption 150">> ??? <</plugi>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<btnsb Dem3>>Back<</btnsb>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btnsb Shop>>Back<</btnsb>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<text>> Stepping into the toilet, the hum of oily lanters and an overall dimly lit room make you feel uneasy. You remember the moments from your childhood, when you were scared to go outside to pee because of the monsters that could be hiding in the dark. <</text>>
<<sm karma "Lissa Croft" karma>> All right, no way there is a monster hiding in this stall, right? <</sm>>
<<text>> With a little exertion of your will, you open the door and are welcomed by the sight of the hole-toilet. No monsters, though. But there is a suspicious-looking dent in the wall. <</text>>
<<imgg "dem3/saloon/toilet.jpg">>
<<sm karma "Lissa Croft" karma>> Okay... Whoa! Maybe there is something here after all... <</sm>>
<<text>> Should you knock on the wall, perhaps? <</text>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if $cor > 99999999>>
<<if $stamina > 0>>
<<btns SaloonGlory>> Knock <</btns>>
<<stamina SaloonToilet>> Knock <</stamina>>
<<plugi "Future updates">> Knock <</plugi>>
<<btnsb Saloon>>Back<</btnsb>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<sm karma "Lissa Croft" karma>> Rusty Barell? Cool name for a bar. <</sm>>
<<sm bartender1 "Bartender" mike>> Thanks, this enterprise was made back in the golden rush days... <</sm>>
<<sm karma "Lissa Croft" karma>> Golden Rush? In South America? <</sm>>
<<sm bartender1 "Bartender" mike>> Well, of course! We even have a special drink to commemorate that event. <</sm>>
<<sm karma "Lissa Croft" karma>> I'd like to try it, then. <</sm>>
<<text>> The bartender smiles and slides the frosty glass filled with a bright golden liquid towards you. You get a good sip, and the taste of apple juice and rum overwhelms your taste buds in an instant. <</text>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<sm karma "Lissa Croft" karma>> Phew... Good one... Any other recommendations? ? <</sm>>
<<sm bartender1 "Bartender" mike>> "Ranch Water". Exactly what a girl like you needs. <</sm>>
<<text>> The name of the drink interested you well enough to order one for yourself. <</text>>
<<sm karma "Lissa Croft" karma>> Sounds fun. Do it, mista. <</sm>>
<<sm bartender1 "Bartender" mike>> Of course. <</sm>>
<<text>> The second drink danced along your tongue, with a mixture of mint and tequila. The warm fussing in your head intensified further and a big grin was plastered across your face. <</text>>
<<sm bartender1 "Bartender" mike>> Feeling good? <</sm>>
<<sm karma "Lissa Croft" karma>> Yeah... I'm feeling great, actually... <</sm>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<set $random to random(1, 2)>>
<<sm karma "Lissa Croft" karma>> Let's do... Another. <</sm>>
<<sm bartender1 "Bartender" mike>> Of course. This one will be a simple "Salty Dog". <</sm>>
<<text>> Amused by the funny name of a drink, you down it in a few gulps and laugh a little, deciding to play along. <</text>>
<<sm karma "Lissa Croft" karma>> Oh yeah, I like salty... And dogs... Especially if they're hot... <</sm>>
<<sm bartender1 "Bartender" mike>> I'm afraid you lost me, missy. <</sm>>
<<sm karma "Lissa Croft" karma>> I'm saying... I would like to try out a salty hot dog as a side dish to a drink... <</sm>>
<<text>> Barman, however, decided to shrug off your advances with a gentle smile. <</text>>
<<elseif $stage is 3>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<btns SaloonDrink stage 1>> One more <</btns>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<btns SaloonDrink stage 2>> One more <</btns>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<btnsb Saloon stage 0>> Back <</btnsb>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<set $random to random(1, 2)>>
<<set $cor to $cor+1>>
<<set $stamina to $stamina-10>>
<<if $random is 1>>
<<imgg "dem3/saloon/glory1.webp">>
<<elseif $random is 2>>
<<imgg "dem3/saloon/glory2.gif">>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btnsb Saloon>>Back<</btnsb>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<set $random to random(1, 2)>>
<<set $cor to $cor+3>>
<<set $stamina to $stamina-10>>
<<if $random is 1>>
<<imgv "dem3/tribe/bj1.gif">>
<<elseif $random is 2>>
<<imgv "dem3/tribe/bj2.gif">>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btnsb Tribe>>Back<</btnsb>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<set $dem to 4>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<div class="nav-button-container">
<div class="nav-button-img">[img[img/background/flat.jpg][Flat]]</div>
<div class="nav-button-text">Home</div>
<div class="nav-button-container">
<div class="nav-button-img">[img[img/background/police.jpg][Police]]</div>
<div class="nav-button-text">Police</div>
<div class="nav-button-container">
<div class="nav-button-img">[img[img/background/stripclub.jpg][Stripclub]]</div>
<div class="nav-button-text">Stripclub </div>
<div class="nav-button-container">
<div class="nav-button-img">[img[img/background/casino.jpg][Casino]]</div>
<div class="nav-button-text">Casino </div>
<div class="nav-button-container">
<div class="nav-button-img">[img[img/background/pub.jpg][Pub]]</div>
<div class="nav-button-text">Pub</div>
<div class="nav-button-container">
<div class="nav-button-img">[img[img/background/ranch.jpg][Ranch]]</div>
<div class="nav-button-text">Ranch</div>
<div class="nav-button-container">
<div class="nav-button-img">[img[img/background/map.jpg][Map]]</div>
<div class="nav-button-text"> Reality </div>
<div class="container" id="container">
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<div class="nav-button-container">
<div class="nav-button-img">[img[img/dem4/police/office.jpg][Office]]</div>
<div class="nav-button-text">Office</div>
<div class="nav-button-container">
<div class="nav-button-img">[img[img/dem4/police/major.jpg][Major]]</div>
<div class="nav-button-text">Major </div>
<div class="nav-button-container">
<div class="nav-button-img">[img[img/dem4/police/interview-room.jpg][InterviewRoom]]</div>
<div class="nav-button-text">Interview Room </div>
<div class="nav-button-container">
<div class="nav-button-img">[img[img/dem4/police/cells.jpg][Cells]]</div>
<div class="nav-button-text">Cells(ren)</div>
<div class="nav-button-container">
<div class="nav-button-img">[img[img/dem4/police/evidence-room.jpg][EvidenceRoom]]</div>
<div class="nav-button-text">Evidence Room</div>
<div class="nav-button-container">
<div class="nav-button-img">[img[img/background/town.jpg][Town]]</div>
<div class="nav-button-text"> Town </div>
</div><<set $pubDrink to 0>>
<<set $cor to 100>>
<div class="container" id="container">
<<imgg "dem4/pub/pub-intro.jpg">>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if $stamina > 0>>
<<btns PubDrink>> Drink <</btns>>
<<stamina Pub>> Drink <</stamina>>
<<if $stamina > 0>>
<<btns PubToilet>> Toilet<</btns>>
<<stamina Pub>> Toilet<</stamina>>
<<btnsb Town>>Back<</btnsb>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<div class="nav-button-container">
<div class="nav-button-img">[img[img/dem4/casino/blackJake.jpg][BlackJake]]</div>
<div class="nav-button-text">BlackJake</div>
<div class="nav-button-container">
<div class="nav-button-img">[img[img/dem4/casino/stage.jpg][Stage]]</div>
<div class="nav-button-text">Stage</div>
<div class="nav-button-container">
<div class="nav-button-img">[img[img/dem4/casino/restaurant.jpg][Restaurant]]</div>
<div class="nav-button-text">Restaurant</div>
<div class="nav-button-container">
<div class="nav-button-img">[img[img/dem4/casino/penthouse.jpg][Penthouse]]</div>
<div class="nav-button-text">Penthouse</div>
<div class="nav-button-container">
<div class="nav-button-img">[img[img/dem4/casino/vip.jpg][VIP]]</div>
<div class="nav-button-text">VIP</div>
<div class="nav-button-container">
<div class="nav-button-img">[img[img/background/town.jpg][Town]]</div>
<div class="nav-button-text"> Town </div>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<set $random to random(1, 2)>>
<<if $random is 1>>
<<imgv "dem4/stripclub/strip1.gif">>
<<elseif $random is 2>>
<<imgg "dem4/stripclub/strip2.gif">>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if $cor > 99>>
<<if $stamina > 0>>
<<btns StripSex>> sex <</btns>>
<<stamina Stripclub>> sex <</stamina>>
<<plugi "Corruption 100">> sex <</plugi>>
<<if $cor > 99 and $PossesPower > 0>>
<<if $stamina > 0>>
<<btns StripPosses>> posses <</btns>>
<<stamina Stripclub>> posses <</stamina>>
<<plugi "Corruption 100 and PossesPower">> posses <</plugi>>
<<btnsb Town>>Back<</btnsb>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<img "dem4/ranch/intro.jpg">>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btnsb Town>>Back<</btnsb>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<img "dem4/police/office.jpg">>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if $cor > 99>>
<<if $stamina > 0>>
<<btns OfficeGroup>> group <</btns>>
<<stamina Office>> group <</stamina>>
<<plugi "Corruption 100">> group <</plugi>>
<<btnsb Police>>Back<</btnsb>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<img "dem4/police/major.jpg">>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if $cor > 99>>
<<if $stamina > 0>>
<<btns MajorBj>> bj <</btns>>
<<stamina Major>> bj <</stamina>>
<<plugi "Corruption 100">> bj <</plugi>>
<<btnsb Police>>Back<</btnsb>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<img "dem4/police/cells.jpg">>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if $cor > 99>>
<<if $stamina > 0>>
<<btns CellsTease>> tease <</btns>>
<<stamina Cells>> tease <</stamina>>
<<plugi "Corruption 100">> tease <</plugi>>
<<btnsb Police>>Back<</btnsb>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<img "dem4/police/interview-room.jpg">>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if $cor > 99>>
<<if $stamina > 0>>
<<btns InterviewRoomSex>> sex <</btns>>
<<stamina InterviewRoom>> sex <</stamina>>
<<plugi "Corruption 100">> sex <</plugi>>
<<btnsb Police>>Back<</btnsb>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<img "dem4/police/evidence-room.jpg">>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if $cor > 99>>
<<if $stamina > 0>>
<<btns EvidenceRoomSex>> sex <</btns>>
<<stamina EvidenceRoom>> sex <</stamina>>
<<plugi "Corruption 100">> sex <</plugi>>
<<btnsb Police>>Back<</btnsb>>
<div class="container" id="container">
<<img "dem4/casino/blackJake.jpg">>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if $stamina > 0>>
<<btns BlackJakePlay>> Play <</btns>>
<<stamina BlackJake>> Play <</stamina>>
<<btnsb Casino>>Back<</btnsb>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<img "dem4/casino/stage.jpg">>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if $stamina > 0>>
<<btns StageSex0>> StageSex <</btns>>
<<stamina Stage>> StageSex <</stamina>>
<<btnsb Casino>>Back<</btnsb>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<img "dem4/casino/restaurant.jpg">>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if $stamina > 0>>
<<btns RestaurantSlap>> Slap <</btns>>
<<stamina Restaurant>> Slap <</stamina>>
<<btnsb Casino>>Back<</btnsb>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<img "dem4/casino/penthouse.jpg">>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if $cor > 99>>
<<if $stamina > 0>>
<<btns PenthouseBlacked>> Blacked <</btns>>
<<stamina Penthouse>> Blacked <</stamina>>
<<plugi "Corruption 100">> Blacked <</plugi>>
<<btnsb Casino>>Back<</btnsb>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<img "dem4/casino/vip.jpg">>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if $cor > 99>>
<<if $stamina > 0>>
<<btns VIPGroup>> Group <</btns>>
<<stamina VIP>> Group <</stamina>>
<<plugi "Corruption 100">> Group <</plugi>>
<<btnsb Casino>>Back<</btnsb>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<set $random to random(1, 2)>>
<<set $cor to $cor+3>>
<<set $stamina to $stamina-10>>
<<if $random is 1>>
<<imgg "dem4/police/office/group1.gif">>
<<elseif $random is 2>>
<<imgg "dem4/police/office/group2.gif">>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btnsb Office>>Back<</btnsb>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<set $random to random(1, 2)>>
<<set $cor to $cor+3>>
<<set $stamina to $stamina-10>>
<<if $random is 1>>
<<imgg "dem4/police/major/bj1.gif">>
<<elseif $random is 2>>
<<imgv "dem4/police/major/bj2.gif">>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btnsb Major>>Back<</btnsb>>
</div> <div class="container" id="container">
<<set $random to random(1, 2)>>
<<set $cor to $cor+3>>
<<set $stamina to $stamina-10>>
<<if $random is 1>>
<<imgg "dem4/police/cells/tease1.gif">>
<<elseif $random is 2>>
<<imgg "dem4/police/cells/tease2.gif">>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btnsb Cells>>Back<</btnsb>>
</div> <div class="container" id="container">
<<set $random to random(1, 2)>>
<<set $cor to $cor+3>>
<<set $stamina to $stamina-10>>
<<if $random is 1>>
<<imgg "dem4/police/interview-room/sex1.gif">>
<<elseif $random is 2>>
<<imgg "dem4/police/interview-room/sex2.gif">>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btnsb InterviewRoom>>Back<</btnsb>>
</div> <div class="container" id="container">
<<set $random to random(1, 2)>>
<<set $cor to $cor+3>>
<<set $stamina to $stamina-10>>
<<if $random is 1>>
<<imgg "dem4/police/evidence-room/sex1.gif">>
<<elseif $random is 2>>
<<imgg "dem4/police/evidence-room/sex2.gif">>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btnsb EvidenceRoom>>Back<</btnsb>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<set $pubDrink to $pubDrink+1>>
<<set $stamina to $stamina-10>>
<<if $pubDrink > 2>>
<<set $pubSleep to random(1, 3)>>
<<if $pubDrink < 5>>
<<say Angela>> Пиздим будто пьем, можно даже каких-то мужиков сюда $pubDrink <</say>>
<<elseif $barSleep > 2>>
<<imgv "dem2/bar/Sleep.jpg">>
<<imgv "dem4/pub/gang.jpg">>
<<say Dricus>> hagivagi <</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if $pubDrink < 5>>
<<btns PubDrink>> One more round<</btns>>
<<if $cor > 99>>
<<btns PubGang>> Agree<</btns>>
<<plugi "Corruption 100">> Agree <</plugi>>
<<btnsb Pub>>Back<</btnsb>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<set $random to random(1, 2)>>
<<set $cor to $cor+1>>
<<set $stamina to $stamina-10>>
<<if $random is 1>>
<<imgv "dem4/pub/glory1.gif">>
<<elseif $random is 2>>
<<imgv "dem4/pub/glory2.webp">>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btnsb Pub>>Back<</btnsb>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<imgv "dem4/pub/toilet.jpg">>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if $cor > 99>>
<<if $stamina > 0>>
<<btns PubGlory>> Use it<</btns>>
<<stamina PubToilet>> Use it<</stamina>>
<<plugi "Corruption 100">> Use it <</plugi>>
<<btnsb Pub>>Back<</btnsb>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<set $random to random(1, 2)>>
<<set $cor to $cor+3>>
<<set $stamina to $stamina-10>>
<<if $random is 1>>
<<imgg "dem4/stripclub/vip1.gif">>
<<elseif $random is 2>>
<<imgg "dem4/stripclub/vip2.gif">>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btnsb Stripclub>>Back<</btnsb>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<set $random to random(1, 2)>>
<<set $cor to $cor+3>>
<<set $stamina to $stamina-10>>
<<if $random is 1>>
<<imgg "dem4/stripclub/posses1.gif">>
<<elseif $random is 2>>
<<imgg "dem4/stripclub/posses2.gif">>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btnsb Stripclub>>Back<</btnsb>>
</div> <div class="container" id="container">
<<set $random to random(1, 2)>>
<<set $cor to $cor+3>>
<<set $stamina to $stamina-10>>
<<if $random is 1>>
<<imgg "dem4/casino/stage/sex1.gif">>
<<elseif $random is 2>>
<<imgg "dem4/casino/stage/sex2.gif">>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btnsb Stage>>Back<</btnsb>>
</div> <div class="container" id="container">
<<set $random to random(1, 2)>>
<<set $cor to $cor+3>>
<<set $stamina to $stamina-10>>
<<if $random is 1>>
<<imgg "dem4/casino/restaurant/slap1.gif">>
<<elseif $random is 2>>
<<imgg "dem4/casino/restaurant/slap2.gif">>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btnsb Restaurant>>Back<</btnsb>>
<div class="container" id="container">
<<img "dem4/casino/blackJake.jpg">>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if $stamina > 0>>
<<btns BlackJakeWin>> Win 5 times <</btns>>
<<stamina BlackJakePlay>> Play <</stamina>>
<<if $stamina > 0>>
<<btns BlackJakeLose>> Lose 5 times <</btns>>
<<stamina BlackJakePlay>> Play <</stamina>>
<<btnsb BlackJake>>Back<</btnsb>>
</div> <div class="container" id="container">
<<set $random to random(1, 3)>>
<<set $cor to $cor+3>>
<<set $stamina to $stamina-10>>
<<if $random is 1>>
<<imgg "dem4/casino/blackJake/win1.gif">>
<<elseif $random is 2>>
<<imgg "dem4/casino/blackJake/win2.gif">>
<<elseif $random is 3>>
<<imgg "dem4/casino/blackJake/win3.gif">>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btnsb BlackJake>>Back<</btnsb>>
</div><<widget "imgvt">>
<div class="row justify-content-center">
<div class="col-8 text-center">
<div class="img-wrapper img-voting">
<img @src="'img/' + _args[0]">
<div class="container" id="container">
<<set $random to random(1, 2)>>
<<set $cor to $cor+3>>
<<set $stamina to $stamina-10>>
<<if $random is 1>>
<<imgv "dem4/casino/blackJake/lose1.gif">>
<<elseif $random is 2>>
<<imgv "dem4/casino/blackJake/lose2.gif">>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btnsb BlackJake>>Back<</btnsb>>
</div> <div class="container" id="container">
<<set $random to random(1, 2)>>
<<set $cor to $cor+3>>
<<set $stamina to $stamina-10>>
<<if $random is 1>>
<<imgg "dem4/casino/penthouse/blacked1.gif">>
<<elseif $random is 2>>
<<imgg "dem4/casino/penthouse/blacked2.gif">>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btnsb Penthouse>> Back <</btnsb>>
</div> <div class="container" id="container">
<<set $random to random(1, 2)>>
<<set $cor to $cor+3>>
<<set $stamina to $stamina-10>>
<<if $random is 1>>
<<imgg "dem4/casino/vip/group1.gif">>
<<elseif $random is 2>>
<<imgg "dem4/casino/vip/group2.gif">>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btnsb VIP>> Back <</btnsb>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<img "dem4/casino/stage.gif">>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if $stamina > 0>>
<<btns StageSex>> StageSex <</btns>>
<<stamina StageSex0>> StageSex <</stamina>>
<<btnsb Casino>>Back<</btnsb>>
<div class="container" id="container">
<<img "dem4/flat/flat-intro.jpg">>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btns Dem4Sleep>>Sleep<</btns>>
<<btnsb Town>> Back <</btnsb>>
<<set $stamina to 60>>
<<set $random to random(1, 5)>>
<div class="container" id="container">
<<if $random is 1>>
<<img "dem2/sleep/sleep1.gif">>
<<elseif $random is 2>>
<<img "dem2/sleep/sleep2.gif">>
<<elseif $random is 3>>
<<imgv "dem2/sleep/sleep3.gif">>
<<elseif $random is 4>>
<<imgv "dem2/sleep/sleep4.gif">>
<<elseif $random is 5>>
<<imgv "dem2/sleep/sleep5.gif">>
<<elseif $random is 6>>
<<imgv "dem2/sleep/sleep6gif">>
<<elseif $random is 7>>
<<imgv "dem2/sleep/sleep7.gif">>
<<elseif $random is 8>>
<<imgv "dem2/sleep/sleep8.gif">>
<<elseif $random is 9>>
<<imgv "dem2/sleep/sleep9.gif">>
<<elseif $random is 10>>
<<imgv "dem2/sleep/sleep10.gif">>
<<text>>You dream about something big<</text>>
<<btno Flat>>Wake up<</btno>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<set $random to random(1, 2)>>
<<set $stamina to 60>>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Oh! I'm so terribly sorry... I don't know that much about Japan. <</sm>>
<<text>> The bartender looked like he wanted to reply to you with something spicy, but managed to stop himself, laughing it off instead. <</text>>
<<say Bartender>> No problem. Would you like another drink? <</say>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Hic! You've read my mind... <</sm>>
<<text>> The bartender looked like he wanted to reply to you with something spicy, but managed to stop himself, laughing it off instead. <</text>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<cor 2>>
<<text>> As you down your last glass, you can feel reality slipping and your head hitting the table with a soft thud. Your mind begins drifting away as you try to get up, but there is no strength left in your body. <</text>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Hh... Hrf... <</sm>>
<<sm someone "Male voice" mike>> Get her boys. It's time to get funky. <</sm>>
<<sm someone "Another man" mike>> Yes boss! <</sm>>
<<if $random is 1>>
<<imgv "dem2/bar/sleep1.gif">>
<<elseif $random is 2>>
<<imgg "dem2/bar/sleep2.gif">>
<<text>> The next second, you find your body being violated by a group of thugs. Your every orothis is being fucked hard, and you can't stop yourself from drooling on those fat black cocks... <</text>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<set $achiv1 to 1>>
<<if $achiv1Notify is undefined>>
<<notify 6s>> "What happened?!" completed! <</notify>>
<<set $achiv1Notify to 1>>
<<text>> ...And then you open your eyes. <</text>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Huh... What the... Shit, did I fall asleep?<</sm>>
<<say Bartender>> You did. That last glass must've been one too many. My mistake. <</say>>
<<text>> Barmen gives you a courtesy nod and gets back to his work. You could swear that you caught a glimpse of a grin on his face. <</text>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Shit... Why is my ass hurting so much...<</sm>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<btns BarSleep stage 1>> ... <</btns>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<btns BarSleep stage 2>> ... <</btns>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<btnsb Bar>>Back<</btnsb>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $introOver is 1>>
<<if $watchPornJessaQuest is 0>>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<text>>The aroma of freshly brewed coffee filled the air as you made your way into the break room. <</text>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Oh, I guess Jessa is busy somewhere. What a shame... <</sm>>
<<text>> Just as you were about to reach for a cup of Joe, you were interrupted by the sound of female laughter coming from the corridor, and a second later, Jessa stormed into the room. <</text>>
<<say Jessa>> I never thought I could fit it either, but... Oh, Lissa! I didn't expect to be here. <</say>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Yeah, what a weird thing for me to be resting here after the class. <</sm>>
<<say Jessa>> I didn't mean it like that. It's just that you are usually so busy... <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<set $watchPornJessaQuest to 1>>
<<notify 6s>> Now you can watch porn! <</notify>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Well, not today. <</sm>>
<<text>> You take a sip of your coffee and examine Jessa's appearance. She seems to be winded, and you notice that her bra is unproperly tied, as if she was in a haste while dressing. <</text>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Oh, that reminds me... Jess, I saw your post on Facebook. You've got me curious. <</sm>>
<<text>> Jessa's eyes widen, and she quickly waltzes closer to you, her phone ready in hand.<</text>>
<<say Jessa>> I knew you wouldn't miss a chance to make an easy buck! It's super easy, those pigbanks are ready to donate for the smallest thing. I'll show you.<</say>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Wait-wait! I don't know about starting my own business there. That sounds too hasty to me. Just give me your link, and I'll check it out and give it some thought. <</sm>>
<<say Jessa>> Is that so? All right. It's /xXxJessaButtSegsxXx - super easy to remember! My offer still stands - so hit me up when you're ready to make up your mind. <</say>>
<<text>> The aroma of freshly brewed coffee filled the air as you made your way into the break room. <</text>>
<<imgg "dem2/school/breakroom.jpg">>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Oh, good, it's empty. I can rest in peace... <</sm>>
<<text>> You reached for a conveniently placed cup of coffee and got comfortable, nestled in your comfy couch. <</text>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if $watchPornJessaQuest is 0>>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<btns SchoolBreakroom stage 1>> ... <</btns>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<btnsb School>>Back<</btnsb>>
<<btnsb School>>Back<</btnsb>>
<<elseif $introSchool is 1>>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<set $introSleep to 1>>
<<text>> As you walk to the end of a corridor, you notice that something's is wrong. Your colleague, Jessa Dickingson, is busy making out with a black-skinned student, blocking the access into a breakroom. <</text>>
<<imgv "dem2/school/intro-breakroom.gif">>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> What the hell, Jessa! <</sm>>
<<say Jessa>> Oh, it's you Lis. What, like what you're seeing? <</say>>
<<say Mike>> Hey, Ms. Anderson. <</say>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Get lost, Mike. I need to talk with Jessa real quick. <</sm>>
<<say Mike>> Okay, Ms. Anderson. Bye Jess. <</say>>
<<text>> And with that, the black dude smacked Jessa's ass for the last time and went on with his business. <</text>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<say Jessa>> He's so fucking good... I love teaching. <</say>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> This is inappropriate! <</sm>>
<<say Jessa>> Yes, and it is so... very... hot. Don't tell me you didn't fantasize about something like that? <</say>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> No. <</sm>>
<<say Jessa>> Not even once? <</say>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> No! I'm married. Happily. <</sm>>
<<text>> Jessa studied your face and after a second of deliberation, shrugged her shoulders. <</text>>
<<say Jessa>> Well, isn't Nick away right now? You're free to experiment with whoever you want. <</say>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> What? That's cheating! You may have no problem screwing behind your husband's back, but I'm not a woman of that kind. I have dignity and self-control. <</sm>>
<<say Jessa>> It's not like that, me and Ben are in a open relationship. We both like to fuck and that's about it. Hell, he asked me a few times to get you to know him better. <</say>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Not interested. <</sm>>
<<text>> With a heavy sigh, Jessa was clearly getting tired of your bullshit. <</text>>
<<say Jessa>> I'll give you one last tip then. When you're feeling lonely - check up the bar in downtown. It's a good place and the Patreons there are pretty safe too. <</say>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> What does that... <</sm>>
<<say Jessa>> Just remember it. And I have unfinished business to attend~ <</say>>
<<text>> With that, Jessa left in the same direction Mike was headed. <</text>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<text>> Tired from all the work, you rub your reddened eyes, preparing to leave the building. <</text>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> I wonder how's Jessa doing... <</sm>>
<<text>> The knowledge that back home there was no one waiting to catch you into their embrace weighted heavily on your shoulders. <</text>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Maybe I should go to the Bar... Have a little drink and all... <</sm>>
<<text>> At the same time you really weren't in the mood to tolerate any wannabe pick-up artists that always swirled around beautiful women like you. <</text>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Yeah, no... I'm too tired for that. <</sm>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<btn SchoolBreakroom stage 1>>...<</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<btn SchoolBreakroom stage 2>>I'm tired<</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<btn Dem2 stage 0>> Go home<</btn>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<text>> Some time later... <</text>>
<<img "background/house.jpg">>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Phew, it's nice that I had some time to go home before heading to work. I wonder how's Angel and Jake are doing though...<</sm>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<btn House stage 0>> ... <</btn>>
</div><<widget "plug" container>>
<span class="dialogue-button button-35 plug scene-button">
<</widget>><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $introOver is 1>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Angel? You're there? <</sm>>
<<text>> After giving a few knocks on the door, you decide to pull on the knob, but it seems to be locked. <</text>>
<<imgv "dem2/angel-bedroom0.jpg">>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Damn, I thought I told her to keep the locks open. She just refuses to listen to me, doesn't she? <</sm>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<plug AngelRoom>> Go in <</plug>>
<<btnsb House>>Back<</btnsb>>
<<elseif $introAngel is undefined>>
<<set $angelCheck to 1>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Angel? You're there? <</sm>>
<<text>> After giving a few knocks on the door, you decide to pull on the knob, but it seems to be locked. <</text>>
<<imgg "dem2/angel-bedroom0.jpg">>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Damn, I thought I told her to keep the locks open. But, I guess she's wary of the Jake... <</sm>>
<<text>> The memory of a drunk Jake breaching into Angel's room in the middle of the night made you shiver. That time, you were almost certain Angela would murder him on the spot. <</text>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Speaking of... <</sm>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<plug AngelRoom>> Go in <</plug>>
<<btnsb House introAngel 1>>Back<</btnsb>>
<<elseif $introAngel is 1>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Angel? You're there? <</sm>>
<<text>> After giving a few knocks on the door, you decide to pull on the knob, but it seems to be locked. <</text>>
<<imgv "dem2/angel-bedroom0.jpg">>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Damn, I thought I told her to keep the locks open. She just refuses to listen to me, doesn't she? <</sm>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<plug AngelRoom>> Go in <</plug>>
<<btnsb House>>Back<</btnsb>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $jakeFirstSex is undefined>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Oh yeah, looking beautiful as ever... <</sm>>
<<imgv "dem2/shower/check1.jpg">>
<<text>> After getting a good handful of your firm breasts, you turn your ass to the mirror and give it a good slap. <</text>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Such a shame to waste all of that while Nick is out... Can't wait for him to get back. <</sm>>
<<elseif $jakeFirstSex is 1>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Oh yeah... What a sweet fucking body I have... <</sm>>
<<imgg "dem2/shower/check2.jpg">>
<<text>> Grouping your firm tits, you slide your other hand over your silky smooth thigh, reminded by the touches he gave you. Images of hot things you could do fill up your mind and you can feel your pussy getting wet. <</text>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Can't wait... <</sm>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btnsb Shower>>Back<</btnsb>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Ehm, I'm actually leaving, so... Yeah. <</sm>>
<<text>> After picking yourself up, you smiled at the man and quickly left his sight. <</text>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> What a fucking weirdo he was... I don't have the time to speak with druggies. <</sm>>
<<text>> But after a dozen more steps, the thought crawled into your mind. What if he was just a misunderstood poet, a warm and gentle soul? The possibility of that makes your heart sink. <</text>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Oh... Maybe I was a bit too hasty. But it's too late now. <</sm>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>>
Of course. <</sm>>
<<sm someone "Weird man" mike>> Oh thank you, Lady of the Light. <</sm>>
<<text>> The man shyly positioned himself on a bench, turning over to you and then moving back, as if he were truly trying to catch a glimpse of a shining sun. <</text>>
<<sm someone "Alex" mike>> My name is... Khm... Alex. <</sm>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> I'm Lissa. What brought you here, Alex? <</sm>>
<<sm someone "Alex" mike>> Well, you see... It's nothing less then a Fate. <</sm>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Fate, huh? <</sm>>
<<text>> You looked curiously over at Alex, trying to get a better understanding of what he might be talking about. <</text>>
<<sm someone "Alex" mike>> Yes. It has been nothing but a cruel mistress to me, I'm afraid. And as any sadist knows, it can't stop from teasing me with beauty like yours. I'm quite amazed by the fact that you didn't run off upon my notice. <</sm>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Well, I saw nothing less than a kind soul in you. <</sm>>
<<text>> The man gently nodded at your compliment and continued. <</text>>
<<sm someone "Alex" mike>> I am quite a rich man, but I'm afraid my time is nearing. My fiance is gone, my life is wavering and even my bones ache. I am nothing but a husk, filled with money to the point of suffocation. <</sm>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> I see... But why did you decide to stop by me of all people? <</sm>>
<<text>> Alex let out a long sigh and stared at you vacantly for a second, before averting his eyes once more. <</text>>
<<sm someone "Alex" mike>> It was the light of your soul, Lissa. Your beautiful, beatiful soul...<</sm>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Oh thank you... <</sm>>
<<sm someone "Alex" mike>> And as a man who has nothing left but a hefty sum of earthly possessions, I wanted to bathe in your warmth for the last moments of my life... <</sm>>
<<text>> Rich guy with no family, that's on his death's door... You've remembered reading about women who'd get the inheritance of a lonely man like him and wouldn't have to work a day of their lives. <</text>>
<<elseif $stage is 3>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> I'm so sorry to hear that, but... It'll get better, I promise. <</sm>>
<<text>> With a light touch of your hand, you've patted the man on his shoulder. <</text>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> But I think it is time for me to leave. Try to be a bit more positive, Alex, okay? <</sm>>
<<sm someone "Alex" mike>> Positive... Well, if the Lady of the Light herself says so... <</sm>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> That's a spirit! Good luck, Alex. <</sm>>
<<text>> And with that, you left the bench and the man behind. You wondered a little about how Alex looked before his emo-phase, but soon you've forgot all about this encounter. <</text>>
<<elseif $stage is 4>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Well, Alex... I think I know a way or two to give you the warmth you desire. <</sm>>
<<sm someone "Alex" mike>> Oh... This is unbelievable! What a magnificent day it is... <</sm>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> But just make sure to savor this moment, okay? <</sm>>
<<text>> Before Alex could say another word, you were already on your knees before him, reaching to slide his dirty pants off. But then you stop, letting your palm rest over his crotch. <</text>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Don't get any ideas, though, I'm not doing this because you're rich. It is because... <</sm>>
<<sm someone "Alex" mike>> Your soul... <</sm>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Yes! It is because we are soulmates. So make sure to include me in your will. <</sm>>
<<sm someone "Alex" mike>> What? But why... <</sm>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Because this way, you will live through me. Our souls will become one, understand? <</sm>>
<<text>> Without letting him think it over, you finally release his cock from his clothed prison. Even though it smells worse than a dead goat, you happily wrap the head of his penis with your tongue, getting to work. <</text>>
<<imgg "dem2/park/sound1.gif">>
<<text>> Damn... Sucking a dirty cock... So hot... <</text>>
<<sm someone "Alex" mike>> Ah! Oh... <</sm>>
<<text>> In a few seconds, his penis discharges right into your mouth, filling it with a foul stench. You can feel it as your pussy squeals for more, and you give it a good rub with your palm, while licking clean the juicy remains from Alex's cock. <</text>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Fuck... Im so sad that you were so quick about it... <</sm>>
<<sm someone "Alex" mike>> I'm sorry, m'lady... Tis was a sudden respite on my long journey. I was not prepared. <</sm>>
<<elseif $stage is 5>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> It's okay, I've enjoyed it never the less. <</sm>>
<<sm someone "Alex" mike>> I feel rejuvenated now. Thank you. My path isn't over yet. <</sm>>
<<text>> The man suddenly sprung on his legs and marched somewhere in the direction of a backwoods area. <</text>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Happy to help, Alex. Just don't forget about the will, all right? <</sm>>
<<text>> He didn't reply. <</text>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Well, I'm sure a man of his stature won't forget his promise. <</sm>>
<<text>> While cleaning herself with your emergency pack of tissues, your eyes stumble on a ripped flyer. "A deranged hobo escaped the psychward! Police Department warn..." it says. <</text>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Damn, I should've warned Alex about it... <</sm>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<if $introOver is 1>>
<<btnsb Park stage 0>>Back<</btnsb>>
<<btnsb Dem2 stage 0>>Go home<</btnsb>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<btns ParkSound1 stage 2>> ... <</btns>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<btns ParkSound1 stage 3>> Don't despair <</btns>>
<<if $cor is -1>>
<<btns ParkSound1 stage 4>> Suck him <</btns>>
<<plugi "Future updates">> ??? <</plugi>>
<<elseif $stage is 3>>
<<if $introOver is 1>>
<<btnsb Park stage 0>>Back<</btnsb>>
<<btnsb Dem2 stage 0>>Go home<</btnsb>>
<<elseif $stage is 4>>
<<btns ParkSound1 stage 5>> It's okay <</btns>>
<<elseif $stage is 5>>
<<btnsb Park stage 0>> Back <</btnsb>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Special places? I like the sound of that... <</sm>>
<<text>> The warm feeling of desire began filling your insides. The idea of being man-handled by two complete strangers... <</text>>
<<sm someone "Another man" mike>> Oh yeah, you'd better get ready for a mouthful... <</sm>>
<<text>> With a rough, almost animalistic movement, the guy behind you pushed over your shoulders in such a way, that your face bumped right into the cock of the other. <</text>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Hey! Not so ro... <</sm>>
<<text>> But as soon as you've opened your mouth the cock was pushed into your mouth, almost making you choke. Reflectively, you try to push your head away, but the man grasps you by the hair, making sure that you wont escape. <</text>>
<<sm someone "Hooded man" mike>> Good job, bro. I'll get her from the rear then. <</sm>>
<<text>> The rough facefucking you were getting took all of your attention, and you barely even get to feel your panties slipping. With a strong push, the stranger's dick violated your soaking wet pussy, as you gasped in amazement. <</text>>
<<imgg "dem2/park/sound2.gif">>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Mhm... Mmm! Hm! <</sm>>
<<text>> Two dicks were ravaging your holes in sinchrony. The waves of pleasure burned through your mind and entire body and you orgasmed again. <</text>>
<<sm someone "Another man" mike>> Shit... I think she's about to pass up... <</sm>>
<<sm someone "Hooded man" mike>> It doesn't matter bro. Just make sure not to drown her with your semen. Would be a hell of a waste.<</sm>>
<<text>> Your legs shook yet another time, and you felt your mind slip as the hot semen blew up into your mouth. <</text>>
<<sm someone "Another man" mike>> Fuck... Check this out, her eyes are rolling over!<</sm>>
<<text>> The sounds became muffled and your consciousness finally slipped. The next time you open your eyes, you find yourself lying on a ground in a puddle of semen and sweat. <</text>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Gh... God... I hope nobody saw me lying like that... Ew, my mouth feels horrible now. <</sm>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btnsb Park>>Back<</btnsb>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<set $random to random(1, 2)>>
<<set $stamina to $stamina-10>>
<<text>> After changing into your training clothes, you stand in front of the mirror, to check yourself out. However, you are not pleased with the view. <</text>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Maybe if I were to pose a little...<</sm>>
<<if $random is 1>>
<<imgv "dem2/gym/look1.gif">>
<<elseif $random is 2>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Much better. Now I feel ready to slay!<</sm>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btnsb Gym>>Back<</btnsb>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<cor 1>>
<<say Tyson>> Thirty one... Thirty two... <</say>>
<<text>> The beds of sweat were running down Tyson's bulging chest and arms, his muscles were strained against the heavy weight of the barbell. The electricity in the air, so strong that you could feel it tingling all across your spine. <</text>>
<<say Tyson>> Thirty five... Done. Phew... <</say>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> You're amazing, Tyson. <</sm>>
<<say Tyson>> It's nothing. It's your turn now. <</say>>
<<text>> As you lay on the bench, you can feel Tyson's gaze linger all over your body, his eyes filled with a mixture of admiration and desire. <</text>>
<<say Tyson>> I'm ready to support you if you'll need it. <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Oh, really... <</sm>>
<<text>> Making sure that the gym is still empty, a mischevious idea flashes in your mind. <</text>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> You know what I always wanted from you, don't you? Go for it, Tyson... <</sm>>
<<text>> With a swift movement, you pull down Tyson's shorts, revealing his massive hood. He smiles and thrusts his hips forward, the tip of his penis slapping against your lips. <</text>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Mhm... You're even bigger than I thought... <</sm>>
<<say Tyson>> You ain't seen nothing yet, Lis. <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<text>> The next few seconds happened so quickly, that you are still not sure what even happened. The only thing you knew for sure - Tyson's big cock was ravaging your pussy and you loved every second of it. <</text>>
<<imgg "dem2/gym/tyson1.gif">>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Oh yeah! Mhm! <</sm>>
<<text>> The warm sensation of his dick pushing against your womb made you squeal like a little piggy, while Tyson's strong hand held your neck tightly. <</text>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Best... It's... Ah! <</sm>>
<<text>> Your legs quivered and your pussy spasmed out, waves of a strong orgasm shaking your body relentlessly. Tyson was on the edge too, and with a loud grunt, he pulled out and came all over your slutty body. <</text>>
<<say Tyson>> Shit... I think someone is coming. Quick, move to the showers, I'll make a distraction. <</say>>
<<text>> You did just as he said and with your still trembling legs, you hurried towards the door. The last thing you've heard before you fanished into the shower was some guy's annoyed whining. <</text>>
<<sm someone "Annoyed guy" mike>> The bench press is drooling with sweat again! And this time it is even more fucked up looking than usual... <</sm>>
<<elseif $stage is 3>>
<<text>> You felt the spark once your eyes locked. A short silence passed between the two of you. <</text>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Thank you Tyson. Here I go... <</sm>>
<<text>> The weight of the heavy barbell was a bit too much for you and you felt air leaving your lungs with a short gasp. Your arms gave in and... <</text>>
<<say Tyson>> Got you! Don't worry, I'm holding it. <</say>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Huh... Uh... Oh, thanks... Ah... <</sm>>
<<text>> Once Tyson safely removed the barbell away from you, you slid down the bench, gasping for breath. <</text>>
<<say Tyson>> It's all good Lis, don't worry about it. I think you should rest in a locker room for a bit, it's colder there and the air is more plentiful. <</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<btns GymTyson1 stage 3>> Thanks <</btns>>
<<if $cor is -1>>
<<btns GymTyson1 stage 1>> Sex <</btns>>
<<plugi "Future updates">> ??? <</plugi>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<btns GymTyson1 stage 2>> ... <</btns>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<btnsb Gym stage 0>>Back<</btnsb>>
<<elseif $stage is 3>>
<<btnsb Gym stage 0>>Back<</btnsb>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<text>> Both of you did a series of weighted squats like there was no tomorrow, and soon, intense pain in your glutes made you stop. <</text>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Fuck.. Oww... <</sm>>
<<say Tyson>> What happened? <</say>>
<<text>> Worried, Tyson looked at you with care and the warm sensation in your chest began to swell up. Seeing that big man, clearly capable of ruining you here and now, but instead taking pity felt so right. <</text>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Oh, nothing, I'm okay... It's just... I think my ass cracked... Ouch. <</sm>>
<<say Tyson>> That serious. Let me help, here. <</say>>
<<text>> Tyson carefully lifted you from the ground and moved you into a secluded room, usually used for stretches and carefully placed your body on a yoga ball. <</text>>
<<say Tyson>> I can give you a massage, It'll help. <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<cor 1>>
<<text>> Sharp pain radiated through your lower back with newfound power and not able to reply, you simply nodded. <</text>>
<<say Tyson>> I'll need to take off your pants for that, that's okay? <</say>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Yes... Please... <</sm>>
<<text>> You felt your pants slide off and the warm touch of Tyson's hand, as he began kneading your glute muscles. <</text>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> So... Good... <</sm>>
<<text>> As Tyson continued to massage, his hand occasionally strayed beyond the boundaries of the strained muscle, sliding to your more private part with a delicate touch. A mixture of surprise and anticipation made your heart skip a beat each time that happened. <</text>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Your fingers are so wonderful... Please, go on... <</sm>>
<<text>> With a chuckle, Tyson continued his massage, his movement slowly moving from theraoetic to sensual. You close your eyes, surrendering to the soothing sensation, as the pain slowly dissipates. <</text>>
<<say Tyson>> It seems like I've stretched everything, so it should be okay now. How are you feeling Lis? <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> I think you've forgotten to stretch one important thing... <</sm>>
<<say Tyson>> Oh yeah? <</say>>
<<text>> Feeling the ever-rising temptaition reach its boiling point, you pull down your panties with one hand, while spreading your asshole with another. <</text>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> This one... <</sm>>
<<say Tyson>> Sure thing. <</say>>
<<text>> You thank the gods, that the well oiled fingers of Tyson enter your hole first, stretching it out with a pleasing motions as you stick out the tip of your tongue, from all the pleasure you're experiencing. <</text>>
<<elseif $stage is 3>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Oh yeah... I'm ready, c'mon... <</sm>>
<<text>> As it turns out, you were not. When Tyson's fat cock penetrated your ass, you screamed out, overflowing with waves of pleasure and pain. <</text>>
<<imgg "dem2/gym/tyson2.gif">>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> It's so... fucking... big! <</sm>>
<<text>> What comes after, doesn't surprise you at all. The man fucks your ass as if he were possessed, while you can't bring yourself to do anything but drool. <</text>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Mhm... Ah! Uh... <</sm>>
<<text>> Soon, his thrusts stop and you feel his dick exit your body, as the world around you rotates. <</text>>
<<say Tyson>> Open your mouth, Lis, it's ready. <</say>>
<<text>> Barely able to move a muscle, you drop your jaw, feeling Tyson's hot semen splash all over your face and hair. Surprisingly, it's very tasty on your tongue, and you take some time to slurp it all up. <</text>>
<<say Tyson>> I think this time I've stretched everything for sure, yeah Lis? <</say>>
<<text>> Not being able to reply, you let out a satisfied burp. <</text>>
<<say Tyson>> I'm glad to see that you enjoyed it too. See you later. <</say>>
<<text>> With that, Tyson left the room, leaving you alone. After your mind finally came back to normal, you spent a few dozens of minutes cleaning yourself up, before going to the showers. <</text>>
<<elseif $stage is 4>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> I feel great! Thank you, Tyson. <</sm>>
<<say Tyson>> No worries. As you can see I didn't dump everything in strength... I have percise fingers as well. <</say>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> You sure do. You sure do... <</sm>>
<<text>> After having a good laugh, Tyson returned to his weightlifting program and you were left alone. <</text>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Well, it's time for me to go too, I think... <</sm>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<btns GymTyson2 stage 1>> Okay <</btns>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<btns GymTyson2 stage 4>> Amazing<</btns>>
<<if $cor is -1>>
<<btns GymTyson2 stage 2>> Sex <</btns>>
<<plugi "Future updates">> ??? <</plugi>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<btns GymTyson2 stage 3>> ... <</btns>>
<<elseif $stage is 3>>
<<btnsb Gym stage 0>>Back<</btnsb>>
<<elseif $stage is 4>>
<<btnsb Gym stage 0>>Back<</btnsb>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<set $stamina to $stamina-10>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Jake, can we talk? <</sm>>
<<say Jake>> Guys, wait a sec. My girlfriend wants something. <</say>>
<<text>> After taking off his headset, Jake turns to you, seemingly annoyed by your presence. You could hear the voice coming from the headset. <</text>>
<<sm someone "Voice from headset" mike>> Jeez, you're such a pussy man, don't give her attention. You must be giving it out very sparingly and on your terms. Ignoring it will only make her hunger for more validation. It's basic female psychology... <</sm>>
<<say Jake>> Shut the fuck up, Mark! <</say>>
<<text>> For a second, Jake turns around, and after he's done making a few manipulations with the keyboard, you can't hear Mark's voice anymore. <</text>>
<<say Jake>> What do you want, Lissa? Stop bothering me, I was in a middle of a very serious match... <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Match? I hope you're not making sports bets with my money? <</sm>>
<<say Jake>> What? Fuck no, I've learned my lesson after losing the $1,000 that you gave me on FNC winning the play-offs. I'm in the middle of my promotion to Gold 4. <</say>>
<<text>> Sometimes, you felt as if Jake was speaking moonlanguege to you. Scratching your head with all that unknown terminology, you decide to inquire further. <</text>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Gold 4... As in a gold medal? That's actually so cool, I've never expected you to be so good at something. And you must be getting money for that as well, right? <</sm>>
<<text>> With a sigh, Jake rolls his eyes and begins his long winded explanation. Not being able to keep that stream of consciousness in your head, you quickly zone out. <</text>>
<<say Jake>> ...As for money, I'm not getting any right now, but it's an investment. If all goes right, me and Mark will be getting LCS invitations at the end of the summer. As soon as we hit the challenge, that is. <</say>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> That... Actually made me proud. You're getting gold, which must mean you're already the best of the best; it's just refinement that is left... Oh, come here, Jake... <</sm>>
<<text>> Not being able to express how happy you are with words, you give Jake a big hug. Caught up in a moment, you notice too late that by doing so while he was sitting, you've locked his face tightly in between your breasts. <</text>>
<<say Jake>> Yeah-yeah, now if you're done with that - I need to get back to gaming. <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> That Mark... He doesn't sound trustworthy at all. You should avoid people like him, Jack. <</sm>>
<<say Jake>> What? He's a great guy, just a bit desperate. Virgin at 23 and all that. <</say>>
<<text>> Not convinced, you cross your arms and give Jake a stern look, trying to make him feel bad so that he does as you say. <</text>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> He sounds like a drug dealer. You need to cut ties with people like him if you want to get out of the rut you're in right now. <</sm>>
<<say Jake>> Mark? No, he's too much of a pussy to do that. Nelson is the one supplying me with drugs, I pay Mark to boost me in rank. <</say>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> You're still doing drugs?! We've just talked about it! <</sm>>
<<say Jake>> Hey, it's medical, I swear. It's just cheaper to buy it from him. Not to mention, that I'm supporting a little guy in the process, instead of those corpo freaks. <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 3>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> I'm not your girlfriend, Jake! I'm your m... <</sm>>
<<say Jake>> Yeah-yeah, I know. It's just a... Umh... A little trick, to make Mark feel that I'm very important. <</say>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Ah, whatever. <</sm>>
<<text>> You puff your cheeks and take a few steps away, mad at yourself for not being more outraged. But what can you do? Hearing Jake call you his girlfriend wasn't as unsettling as it should've been... <</text>>
<<say Jake>> Want to talk about something else? If not, I'll be getting back to my promos. <</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<btns JakeTalk stage 1>> Match? <</btns>>
<<btns JakeTalk stage 2>> Who's Mark? <</btns>>
<<btns JakeTalk stage 3>> Girlfriend? <</btns>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<btnsb JakeRoom stage 0>> Back <</btnsb>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<btnsb JakeRoom stage 0>> Back <</btnsb>>
<<elseif $stage is 3>>
<<btnsb JakeRoom stage 0>> Back <</btnsb>>
<div class="container" id="container">
<<if $QuestJake1Snacks is undefined>>
<<notify>> Go to the bar to buy snacks <</notify>>
<<set $QuestJake1 to 0>>
<<text>> Looking at the blossoming beauty of Jake's room, to reach which he undoubtably puts out a lot of effort, makes you wish to give him some validation. <</text>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Acting as a man of your word, huh? You've grown quite a lot, Jake... <</sm>>
<<text>> That was the best compliment you could muster for him, however. He was still a nobody, leaving the house where others paid for his expenses while doing nothing but seeking immediate pleasure. And often failing at even that. <</text>>
<<say Jake>> Hm? Ah, the room... It was nothing, really. I'm just trying to make you feel more comfortable, since you're all alone here... <</say>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> You're worried about me? Oh... It's nice of you... It makes me wish for us to spend some time together. Like before, watching movies or something... <</sm>>
<<say Jake>> Why not? Sounds fun. You get some snacks at the bar, and I'll get us drinks. Easy. <</say>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Sure... I could do that. <</sm>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btnsb JakeRoom stage 0>> Back <</btnsb>>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Jake? I've brought snacks, just like I've promised! <</sm>>
<<say Jake>> Cool, just in time too. Get on the bed, I'll get drinks ready. <</say>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Why not use a couch? I don't want to risk smearing into something sticky on your sheets... <</sm>>
<<say Jake>> Come on, I washed them yesterday anyway. Not to mention that I am not an animal, I don't like sleeping in my cum either. I do it straight into the sink. <</say>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Not the kitchen one I hope?
<<say Jake>> Who knows... <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<text>> After spending some time making a comfortable spot for yourself with a few pillows behind your back, you stretch your limbs a little. <</text>>
<<imgv "dem2/jakeroom/QuestJake1.jpg">>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Damn I've already forgotten how good this matras was... At first it was mine, if you remember that. <</sm>>
<<say Jake>> Last time you said it was Nick who bought it... <</say>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Yes, and I'm his wife, if you remember that! It means it is mine too. <</sm>>
<<text>> Having said that, you turned the screen on. Sadly, the default channel was translating some kind of economic news, but it sounded too boring for you to listen to. <</text>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> I'm waiting! And bring the bowl for the chips! <</sm>>
<<say Jake>> Yeah-yeah! <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<text>> A minute later, Jake returned to the room, holding two beers in one hand and a bowl full of chips in the other. <</text>>
<<say Jake>> Here it is a bit of Corona for us both. And look how considerate I am—I even saved you the trouble of opening it. <</say>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Ah yes, the best drink for the family... And it goes great with the chips too. <</sm>>
<<text>> You reach out, trying to take the bottle out of Jake's right hand, but he moves it away with a smile. <</text>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Hey! What's up with that? <</sm>>
<<say Jake>> That one is warm, I'll drink it myself. Take this one instead, it's straight from the freezer. <</say>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Okay... <</sm>>
<<text>> Taking a good sip, you can feel the faint strawberry taste mixed with the charred hop. It's not quite what you'd expect from Corona, but it's good. <</text>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> So, what movie will we be watching? How about Twilight? <</sm>>
<<say Jake>> Fuck no. American Psycho, the national classic. <</say>>
<<text>> Before you could add in another word, Jake put the weathered DVD disc in, and the screen lit up with the image of Patrick Bateman confidently walking in a hallway. <</text>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> All right... At least it's not one of your "Chinese Cartoons". <</sm>>
<<say Jake>> Shush! You'll ruin all the tension. <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 3>>
<<text>> Pretty soon, the movie comes to the iconic part where Patrick fucks two girls at the same time while showing off his perfect body to the camera. You can't help but feel the fuzzy looking at him go. <</text>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Oh God... Just look how hot he is... I wish you were 1\10 of the Alpha that man on a screen is... <</sm>>
<<say Jake>> Actually, he's Sigma. And I'm getting pretty up there too, I'll let you know. Want to try resisting my male gaze? <</say>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Go on, you little chick... <</sm>>
<<text>> However, as soon as Jake locked his eyes with yours, you felt the world taking you for a spin, while a sudden need to be dominated by him arose deep in your consciousness. Catched off guard by that, you let out a faint, seductive moan. <</text>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Mh... You might be a bit better than I expected... <</sm>>
<<say Jake>> No shit. And you ain't seen nothing yet. But I bet that you are now curious about how good I am in bed. <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 4>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> You mean... No. Jake, that would be too much. <</sm>>
<<text>> But by cutting off his advances, you couldn't help but feel that you were making a mistake. <</text>>
<<say Jake>> What? Come on, I saw it in your eyes. You have the look of a cum-hungry slut in a church. <</say>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Jake! That's unacceptable... I don't want to even think about your cum, let alone savor it in my mouth, all the while you continue relentlessly fucking my pussy... <</sm>>
<<text>> Only after those words have already left your drunken mouth, you realize what you just said. Horrified by the implications, you try to pass it off as a joke. <</text>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Is that what you'd like to hear me say? Huh, not today, ha-ha... Ha... <</sm>>
<<text>> Jake, not impressed by your deceit, gazed at you with his piercing eyes. Somehow, you were certain that he knew every little secret you had locked up in your heart. <</text>>
<<say Jake>> Why are you so insistent on going against your nature? You know you want it. <</say>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> I'm not... It would be so wrong... <</sm>>
<<say Jake>> How so? Aren't we all made for this? To experience pleasure and bring it to others? <</say>>
<<text>> To buy yourself time, you downed the bottle in a few big gulps. Instantly, your mind got even more clouded than before, but now you could hear the voice of your desires speaking clearly. <</text>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> You may be right... But still... <</sm>>
<<say Jake>> Just go for it. You'll feel better after trying it out, I promise. <</say>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Okay... But if I end up not liking it, we'll never have this talk again, got it? <</sm>>
<<elseif $stage is 5>>
<<set $cum to 0>>
<<say Jake>> Let's start simple, then. I'll show you what a real man does to a woman with an ass like yours. <</say>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Okay... <</sm>>
<<text>> You slide your skirt down, standing on all fours on a bed, eagerly awaiting what'll happen next. <</text>>
<<say Jake>> Take this! <</say>>
<<video "dem2/jakeroom/QuestJake1/Start.mp4">>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Ah! Mhm... I've never been slapped like this before... <</sm>>
<<say Jake>> Just as I've thought... <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 6>>
<<set $cum to 0>>
<<say Jake>> Now I want you to feel my breasts too... <</say>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Same thing. <</sm>>
<<video "dem2/jakeroom/QuestJake1/Start1.mp4">>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Ahh... That made me hungry, you know? <</sm>>
<<say Jake>> I like to hear that. <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 7>>
<<set $cum to 20>>
<<text>> With a slight push, you drop Jake onto the bed and slide his trousers away, revealing his big glock. <</text>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Oh wow... <</sm>>
<<say Jake>> I knew you'd like it. <</say>>
<<video "dem2/jakeroom/QuestJake1/Start2.mp4">>
<<say Jake>> Oh shit... Who knew you have the skills... No way you got that well-trained by Nick alone... <</say>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Huh? Of course I did. <</sm>>
<<elseif $stage is 8>>
<<set $cum to 40>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> And I would advise you to shut up if you don't want me to call it quits. <</sm>>
<<say Jake>> Okay, okay! Let's continue... <</say>>
<<video "dem2/jakeroom/QuestJake1/Start3.mp4">>
<<say jake>> Ah fuck... You even know about my weak spot: balls. <</say>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Trust me, you ain't that special when it comes to that... <</sm>>
<<elseif $stage is 9>>
<<set $cum to 60>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Mhrh... Time to go all the way... Hrppg... <</sm>>
<<say Jake>> Oh damn... <</say>>
<<video "dem2/jakeroom/QuestJake1/Start4.mp4">>
<<say Jake>> You're crazy.. <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 10>>
<<set $cum to 80>>
<<say Jake>> How about we spice it up a little... <</say>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> What? How? <</sm>>
<<say Jake>> Use your tits for once. I bet they're big enough to... <</say>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Oh. Sure, that can be fun. <</sm>>
<<video "dem2/jakeroom/QuestJake1/Start5.mp4">>
<<say Jake>> Can't wait... <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 11>>
<<set $cum to 100>>
<<say Jake>> Shit... I'm about to... <</say>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Oh yeah? From my tits alone? Show me your cum! <</sm>>
<<video "dem2/jakeroom/QuestJake1/Start6.mp4">>
<<say Jake>> I'm almost... <</say>>
<<say Angel>> Lissa! I'm home! <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 12>>
<<say Jake>> Oh fuck! It's Angel, try to look natural. <</say>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> What do we do?! <</sm>>
<<say Jake>> Get your clothes on and go talk to her. She won't suspect a thing. <</say>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Okay... <</sm>>
<<text>> Walking into the hallway, you come face-to-face with Angel. She is clearly surprised by you coming out of Jake's room with a red face, no less. <</text>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Hi. <</sm>>
<<say Angel>> Hi, Liss. You're all right? Did Jake piss you off again or something? <</say>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> He did, yeah. Things got a bit heated, that's all. I'm surprised to see you today, shouldn't you be at work? <</sm>>
<<say Angel>> Oh yeah, that... Some office politics and drama happen, so I've decided to come home a bit earlier. <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 13>>
<<set $QuestJake1 to 1>>
<<set $achiv5 to 1>>
<<notify 6s>> "Sweet home" completed! <</notify>>
<<text>> Having said that, Angel pushed a sad looking frown onto her face. Instantly, you pulled her closer, giving her a big hug. <</text>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> I'm so sorry to hear that... <</sm>>
<<say Angel>> Don't worry, it's minor stuff. Just those incel pigs acting up again, throwing accusations left and right. It's tough to be a woman in this day and age. <</say>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> I know, honey, I know... <</sm>>
<<text>> After you let go of Angel's she smiles, and a small spark of joy can be seen in her eyes. <</text>>
<<say Angel>> I'm happy that I've got to see you today. <</say>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Me too, Angel. <</sm>>
<<say Angel>> All right, I'll go for a walk now... And, one more thing. <</say>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Yeah? <</sm>>
<<say Angel>> I think you should go get a shower after medeling in this pig's room. I wouldn't want the smell of his stale, piss-stained laundry to catch up with you. <</say>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Oh... Thanks. <</sm>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if $stage > 4 and $stage < 12>>
<<showmeter '$cumBar' `$cum / $maxCum`>>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<btns JakeFlirt stage 1>> ... <</btns>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<btns JakeFlirt stage 2>> ... <</btns>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<btns JakeFlirt stage 3>> Start watching <</btns>>
<<elseif $stage is 3>>
<<btns JakeFlirt stage 4>> You mean... <</btns>>
<<elseif $stage is 4>>
<<btns JakeFlirt stage 5>> ... <</btns>>
<<elseif $stage is 5>>
<<btns JakeFlirt stage 6>> ... <</btns>>
<<elseif $stage is 6>>
<<btns JakeFlirt stage 7>> Undress him <</btns>>
<<elseif $stage is 7>>
<<btns JakeFlirt stage 8>> One more trick <</btns>>
<<elseif $stage is 8>>
<<btns JakeFlirt stage 9>> All the way <</btns>>
<<elseif $stage is 9>>
<<btns JakeFlirt stage 10>> ... <</btns>>
<<elseif $stage is 10>>
<<btns JakeFlirt stage 11>> ... <</btns>>
<<elseif $stage is 11>>
<<btns JakeFlirt stage 12>> Fuck <</btns>>
<<elseif $stage is 12>>
<<btns JakeFlirt stage 13>> Hug her <</btns>>
<<elseif $stage is 13>>
<<btnsb JakeRoom stage 0>> Back <</btnsb>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<elseif $stage is 3>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<elseif $stage is 3>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<set $QuestJake1Snacks to 1>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Do you have any snacks for sale? <</sm>>
<<text>> With a smile, an asian-looking barman turns to you and points over to a counter filled with different types of chips and peanuts. <</text>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> What kind of flavors do boys like these days... Any recommendations? <</sm>>
<<say Bartender>> From my experience, they usually go for either BBQ flavored or any of the spicy ones. <</say>>
<<text>> With a nod, you grab a few bags with meaty and chilly flavors alike. <</text>>
<<say Bartender>> Having a party today? <</say>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Something like that. It's not a big one, though. Jake and I planning on watching a few movies together. <</sm>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btnsb Bar>>Back<</btnsb>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<set $random to random(1, 3)>>
<<cor 4>>
<<set $stamina to $stamina-10>>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Jake, how about we finish what we started?<</sm>>
<<say Jake>> You Lissa? Fuck, why not... That game was already lost anyway.<</say>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Then how about I make you feel a little bit better about it~<</sm>>
<<text>> Before Jack had the opportunity to stand up, you got on your knees before him and get busy with his bucklebelt. <</text>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Oh wow, you're already so hard... What were you doing? <</sm>>
<<say Jake>> I like playing pretty chicks, even if they're off-meta. Watching some porn while waiting for a respawn is efficient. <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Damn... You know, you could've just asked me out to help. <</sm>>
<<say Jake>> Oh yeah? I'll do just that then. <</say>>
<<text>> Jake stands up from his chair and pushes you onto the bed. But before you can say anything, he mounts on top of you, pushing his hard cock in-between your lips. <</text>>
<<if $random is 1>>
<<imgg "dem2/jakeroom/blowjob1.gif">>
<<elseif $random is 2>>
<<imgg "dem2/jakeroom/blowjob2.gif">>
<<elseif $random is 3>>
<<imgv "dem2/jakeroom/blowjob3.gif">>
<<say Jake>> Good... This time, Angel won't be an issue. <</say>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Hm? Hrh.... <</sm>>
<<say Jake>> Fuck... Agh! <</say>>
<<text>> Feeding Jake's cock pulsating for a while, you were prepped to drown in his hot seed... However, to your surprise, he pulled out, spraying his cum over your face. <</text>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Damn... You could've at least warned me about this... You almost got some in my eye, you dick. <</sm>>
<<say Jake>> Don't worry about it, "almost" doesn't count. Here, take some napkins. <</say>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Thanks... <</sm>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<btns JakeBlowjob stage 1>> ... <</btns>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<btnsb JakeRoom>> Back <</btnsb>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<set $random to random(1, 2)>>
<<set $stamina to $stamina-10>>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Jake... I want it. Real bad.<</sm>>
<<text>> Having unbuttoned your blouse, you lie on Jake's bed in a seductive pose.<</text>>
<<say Jake>> And I'm busy. <</say>>
<<text>> With a chuckle, you slid down your skirt, revealing your black lace-up panties. <</text>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Come on, I'm waiting... <</sm>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<cor 6>>
<<say Jake>> All right, Mark, brb, I have to go. <</say>>
<<text>> In a rush, Jake jumped out of his seat, getting rid of his pants on his way to you. Judging by his size, your teasing works wonders. <</text>>
<<say Jake>> I hope you're wet enough to take it, bitch, because I have a match on the line. <</say>>
<<if $random is 1>>
<<imgv "dem2/jakeroom/sex1.gif">>
<<elseif $random is 2>>
<<imgv "dem2/jakeroom/sex2.gif">>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Huh... Huf... <</sm>>
<<text>> After a few minutes of pumping and huffing, his cock finally explodes, as you stick out your tongue in ecstasy. Jake then pulls out, giving you a nice slap on your ass, forcing another wave of an orgasm.<</text>>
<<say Jake>> I'm going back to gaming, don't forget to clean up the sheets after you're done. <</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<btns JakeSex stage 1>> ... <</btns>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<btnsb JakeRoom>> Back <</btnsb>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<set $dem to 1>>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<text>> Soon, however, that came to an end, as you felt your eyes flickering open. <</text>>
<<sm lissa "Lissa" angela>> Where am I?.. <</sm>>
<<text>> Disoriented, you try to climb out of the bed you slept in, in a manner that is a bit too reckless, resulting in you falling down onto the metallic floor. <</text>>
<<img "dem2/intro.jpg">>
<<sm lissa "Lissa" angela>> What the fuck... <</sm>>
<<text>> The room was lit bright enough for you to see that the bed you were resting in earlier wasn't quite an ordinary bed. It looked more like a weird futuristic capsule... You notice that something is written on the lower part of it. <</text>>
<<sm lissa "Lissa" angela>> "Cryogenic pod"... <</sm>>
<<text>> The meaning of those words seems to elude you. You get up on your still trembling feet and, after looking around, shumble in the direction of an open door. <</text>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<sm lissa "Lissa" angela>> Huh? <</sm>>
<<text>> However, as soon as you get in front of the exit, a woman in her lingerie blocks your path with a surprised look on her face. <</text>>
<<imgv "dem2/intro1.jpg">>
<<sm lissa "Lissa" angela>> Who are you... <</sm>>
<<text>> You scream, as the person seems to be mirroring your moves... <</text>>
<<sm lissa "Lissa" angela>> Wait... This is a mirror... Is it me, then? <</sm>>
<<text>> Touching the cold surface of the mirror, you confirm your suspicion. It is you. <</text>>
<<sm lissa "Lissa" angela>> I am pretty, huh... And my name is... <</sm>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<text>> You look over your chest, where a small piece of paper sticks out of your bra. The name "Lissa" is written on it. <</text>>
<<sm lissa "Lissa" angela>> Nice name... But where do I go?.. <</sm>>
<<text>> The loud sound of a hydraulic door being opened makes you jump. Shivering, you look around, and see a man walk into the room. <</text>>
<<say Cuck>> Are you all right? How did you get out of the pod... <</say>>
<<sm lissa "Lissa" angela>> I don't know! Who are you? Can you tell me where I even am? <</sm>>
<<say Cuck>> Lost your memories, huh? <</say>>
<<text>> The man scoffs to himself, but seeing that you're terrified, he throws a fresh set of clothes at you. <</text>>
<<say Cuck>> I'll explain later, we don't have much time. I'm Cuck Norris, but you can call me Cuck. <</say>>
<<sm lissa "Lissa" angela>> Oh, okay, Cuck... You mind turning away so I can change? <</sm>>
<<say Cuck>> Oh... Sure. <</say>>
<<text>> After switching into the clothes, you call out to the Cuck. <</text>>
<<elseif $stage is 3>>
<<sm lissa "Lissa" angela>> Cuck! <</sm>>
<<say Cuck>> You're ready? Go after me then, quick, it's not safe out here. <</say>>
<<sm lissa "Lissa" angela>> Oh... Of course. <</sm>>
<<say Cuck>> Make sure to be quiet. <</say>>
<<text>> For a while, you followed Cuck around the weird looking corridors of the space you were entrapped in. Curiosity got the better of you, and when you reached the end of the yet another corridor, you asked him again. <</text>>
<<sm lissa "Lissa" angela>> What is this place? <</sm>>
<<say Cuck>> It's a spaceship. Long story short, our AI went out of control and took the whole place hostage. <</say>>
<<text>> Shocked, you stopped, trying to take in the significance of those words. The Cuck placed his hand on your shoulder, trying to reassure you. <</text>>
<<say Cuck>> I'm afraid there is only one thing left for us... To reproduce and create the human race anew. <</say>>
<<text>> Seeing how serious Cuck's face was, you couldn't help but burst into laughter, momentarily dissolving all the tension you had begun feeling about the situation at hand. <</text>>
<<sm lissa "Lissa" angela>> Pft... Thank you for cracking jokes... No, but really. What do we do now? <</sm>>
<<say Cuck>> ...Well, khm... We need to find a AI's deactivation code. <</say>>
<<sm lissa "Lissa" angela>> Oh, that makes sense... And how can we do that? <</sm>>
<<say Cuck>> This room can help us out with that. <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 4>>
<<text>> Before you stands a large machine, the use of which you couldn't comprehend. Cuck takes some helmet looking thing and gives it to you. <</text>>
<<img "background/station-training.jpg">>
<<say Cuck>> Go sit in this chair. After that, get the headset on and make sure not to blink for a few seconds. <</say>>
<<sm lissa "Lissa" angela>> Huh? What in the...<</sm>>
<<say Cuck>> You'll get used to it, it's really simple. This machine will... It will allow you to relive the lives of your ancestors. <</say>>
<<sm lissa "Lissa" angela>> But why? We need to get rid of the AI, not... <</sm>>
<<say Cuck>> Just don't think about it. <</say>>
<<text>> Clearly upset by your seemingly endless flow of questions, Cuck hurriedly pushed you closer to the machine. Even with your memories gone, you could feel that something was very wrong. <</text>>
<<sm lissa "Lissa" angela>> Fuck off, Cuck! I'm not doing anything you say, unless you explain in detail what I am doing. You're acting really suspicious. <</sm>>
<<text>> Breaking out of the Cuck's grasp, you stand ready to fight. Even though he looks bigger than you, you can remember the spot you need to hit in order to send any man hurting. Noticing your determination, Cuck takes a few steps back. <</text>>
<<say Cuck>> All right, all right... What do you want to know? <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 5>>
<<set $intro1 to 1>>
<<set $introWhatIsThisAI to 1>>
<<sm lissa "Lissa" angela>> What is this AI you're talking about? What's wrong with it? Why? <</sm>>
<<say Cuck>> I don't really know how to explain it to you, since you don't even have memories, but... <</say>>
<<text>> Cuck's face dimmed after you barraged him with these questions. It took him a few minutes to come up with an answer, too. <</text>>
<<say Cuck>> Dan'Sho is AI's name. Data Access Network, Sentient Hyper-Optimized. To put it bluntly, it went rogue, killing all of the people aboard the ship. <</say>>
<<sm lissa "Lissa" angela>> But... I'm alive. And I'm sure there are more people... <</sm>>
<<say Cuck>> I'm surprised, just as you are. I guess since you were sleeping, the AI didn't see a threat in you. <</say>>
<<sm lissa "Lissa" angela>> Okay... But where are the bodies, then? <</sm>>
<<text>> Cuck's fate went even dimmer. <</text>>
<<say Cuck>> I... I don't know. It's weird. <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 6>>
<<set $intro2 to 1>>
<<set $introWhoAreYou to 1>>
<<sm lissa "Lissa" angela>> Who are you? <</sm>>
<<say Cuck>> I'm Cuck... <</say>>
<<sm lissa "Lissa" angela>> I already know that. What were you doing on this ship? <</sm>>
<<say Cuck>> Surviving. Before that, let's just say I was doing staff duties. <</say>>
<<sm lissa "Lissa" angela>> Okay, and what is the purpose of this ship? <</sm>>
<<say Cuck>> We were traveling to Omega-6. Just a regular scheduled flight, 6 to 7 million light years away from earth. <</say>>
<<sm lissa "Lissa" angela>> And I haven't seen anyone else on this ship but you. <</sm>>
<<say Cuck>> Yeah, duh. AI outbreak, remember? <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 7>>
<<set $intro3 to 1>>
<<set $introWhatsThePointOfThatMachine to 1>>
<<say Cuck>> It's a... Something of a passageway into your ancestors lives. <</say>>
<<sm lissa "Lissa" angela>> What? How is this possible... <</sm>>
<<say Cuck>> I dunno, I wasn't there when they invented it. <</say>>
<<sm lissa "Lissa" angela>> Will I be simply watching their memories? <</sm>>
<<say Cuck>> Not quite. More like relieving, but you will also be able to make certain decisions. <</say>>
<<sm lissa "Lissa" angela>> That doesn't make much sense. If it's their memories, how can I make my own decisions? <</sm>>
<<text>> Cuck was clearly getting fed up with your inquiries, so instead of answering this one properly, he simply shrugged away. <</text>>
<<say Cuck>> I already told you what I know. Find some wacky-ass scientist and ask him about it instead. <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 8>>
<<sm lissa "Lissa" angela>> That's enough information for now. I'll do it. <</sm>>
<<say Cuck>> Finally. Get inside. <</say>>
<<text>> You sat on the chair, and Cuck placed the helmet over your head. Darkness blocked your vision for a second, and after that, different pictures of women presented themselves in front of you. <</text>>
<<sm lissa "Lissa" angela>> What do I do? <</sm>>
<<say Cuck>> Choose the first one available. It'll transport you into the ga... gene memory. Play it out, and soon you'll be back. <</say>>
<<sm lissa "Lissa" angela>> Okay... <</sm>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<btn Intro stage 1>> ... <</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<btn Intro stage 2>> Lissa <</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<btn Intro stage 3>> Cuck! <</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is 3>>
<<btn Intro stage 4>> ... <</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is 4>>
<<btn Intro stage 5>> What is this AI? <</btn>>
<<btn Intro stage 6>> Who are you? <</btn>>
<<btn Intro stage 7>> What's the point of that machine? <</btn>>
<<if $intro1 is 1 and $intro2 is 1 and $intro3 is 1>>
<<btn Intro stage 8>> That's enough <</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is 5>>
<<if $introWhoAreYou is undefined>>
<<btn Intro stage 6>> Who are you? <</btn>>
<<if $introWhatsThePointOfThatMachine is undefined>>
<<btn Intro stage 7>> What's the point of that machine? <</btn>>
<<if $intro1 is 1 and $intro2 is 1 and $intro3 is 1>>
<<btn Intro stage 8>> That's enough <</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is 6>>
<<if $introWhatIsThisAI is undefined>>
<<btn Intro stage 5>> What is this AI? <</btn>>
<<if $introWhatsThePointOfThatMachine is undefined>>
<<btn Intro stage 7>> What's the point of that machine? <</btn>>
<<if $intro1 is 1 and $intro2 is 1 and $intro3 is 1>>
<<btn Intro stage 8>> That's enough <</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is 7>>
<<if $introWhatIsThisAI is undefined>>
<<btn Intro stage 5>> What is this AI? <</btn>>
<<if $introWhoAreYou is undefined>>
<<btn Intro stage 6>> Who are you? <</btn>>
<<if $intro1 is 1 and $intro2 is 1 and $intro3 is 1>>
<<btn Intro stage 8>> That's enough <</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is 8>>
<<btn Map stage 0>> ... <</btn>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<set $dem to 2>>
<<set $dem2StartPassage to 1>>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<say Nick>> It's hard to believe I'll be leaving you for so long, my love. <</say>>
<<imgg "dem2/airport.jpg">>
<<text>> On this bright sunny morning, a successful-looking business man stood at the transit, with two large suitcases resting over the wall nearby. <</text>>
<<say Nick>> I'll miss waking up next to you and seeing your beautiful smile every morning. <</say>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> I know Nick... It's hard for me to get used to the idea that I'll be sleeping all alone in that large bed of ours for two long months now... <</sm>>
<<text>> You, a beautiful-looking woman, gave yet another passionate kiss to your loving husband. The fleeting feeling of pleasure when Nick grouped your ass and breasts tightly for the last time, made you tear up. <</text>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Oh God... I'll miss you so much, Nick. <</sm>>
<<say Nick>> I'll miss you too, my love. <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<text>> The loud sound of a whistle broke up your intimate moment, reminding you that the time had come. Hearing that, Nick smiles and hugs you for the last time. Not being able to hold the sadness in your heart, you break down crying, watching the man you love go away. <</text>>
<<say Nick>> Don't be so sad, Lissa. You know that your eyes shine the brightest when you laugh. I'll be back before you know it, I promise. <</say>>
<<text>> The best you can do is lift the corners of your mouth in a shaking smile. <</text>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Ye-yes... I know... <</sm>>
<<text>> The second whistle tears down the space around you, as the crowd around you becomes more and more agitated, hustling to the transit gate. But Nick stood there, calm and collected, focused solely on easing your pain. <</text>>
<<say Nick>> Our love is strong enough to endure anything, is it now? This short trip is nothing compared to what we went through. <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>>
You ri-right... <</sm>>
<<text>> With one last sob, you spread out your shoulders and took the most confident position you could muster. After all, you know that you're strong and independent. Even if you feel like dying right now, it is not a reason to be a downer on your husband's mood. <</text>>
<<sm angela "Lissa Anderson" angela>> Have a good trip, Nick. I'm sure you'll get a promotion after this one, it is a unheard opportunity that we can't miss after all.<</sm>>
<<say Nick>> That's the spirit! Well done, Lissa. <</say>>
<<text>> After that, your husband took his suitcases and moved closer to the transit gates, stopping right before them, to take one last good look at you. <</text>>
<<say Nick>> I've left you a small present over at our home. Be sure to pick it up, I'm sure it'll help you get through lonely nights. I'll make sure to call when I have the chance. <</say>>
<<text>> And with that, Nick vanished in the crowd. <</text>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<btn StartAirport stage 1>> ... <</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<btn StartAirport stage 2>> You right <</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<btn PreHouse stage 0>> Go home <</btn>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<set $dem to 1>>
<<text>> A loud hissing, followed by the sound of a cracking membrane, pierced your eardrum, making you stir awake. <</text>>
<<sm lissa "Lissa" angela>> H... ha... Huh... <</sm>>
<<text>> You tried to open your eyes, but you couldn't. You tried to speak out, but your tongue felt alien. There was nothing you could do. <</text>>
<<sm lissa "Lissa" angela>> F... w... <</sm>>
<<text>> Panic began seeping in. You tried to scream, but nothing came out of your throat. There was nothing for you to do, but lie, motionless. <</text>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btn Intro stage 0>> ... <</btn>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<set $dem to 3>>
<<set $dem3StartPassage to 1>>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<text>> The wind whistled against the airplain windows, adding a sense of exhilaration and anticipation to the dialogue you are having with the man of your dreams. <</text>>
<<sm jones "Mr. Jones" jones>> And that was the end of that story. What about you? <</sm>>
<<sm karma "Lissa Croft" karma>> Ah, I'm yet to experience an adventure of such caliber... But who could think that chasing mysteries would lead me to experience an expedition with no one other than you, Mr. Jones. <</sm>>
<<text>> Jones' whole appearance screamed that he was an experienced tomb raider, and you heard the stories proving this as a fact. <</text>>
<<sm jones "Mr. Jones" jones>> Ha-ha, is it that unexpected now? Somehow, be it fate or the will of the gods themselves, I find myself in ancient ruins with pretty girls by my side. <</sm>>
<<sm karma "Lissa Croft" karma>> Oh, thank you... I hope this won't be the last time we work together then... <</sm>>
<<sm jones "Mr. Jones" jones>> That depends on the result of a mission now, doesn't it? Speaking of which, we must be flying right over the abandoned temple of Ulkomaalainen. <</sm>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<sm karma "Lissa Croft" karma>> No way, already? <</sm>>
<<text>> Excited, you leaned over to the airplane window, trying to catch a glimpse of the anchient architecture. Doing so, required you to stand on all fours and Mr. Jhones, no doubt, was taking this chance to examine your nehind in detail. <</text>>
<<imgv "dem3/intro2.jpg">>
<<sm jones "Mr. Jones" jones>> Enjoying the view? I know what can make this even better... Richard! Bring us a drink, to celebrate the start of an expedition! <</sm>>
<<say Richard>> Oh, of course... <</say>>
<<text>> A skimpy white kid hurried to your seat, holding a bucket of ice, with a bottle of chapaigne nestled firmly inside. <</text>>
<<say Richard>> One second, please. <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<text>> Having finished filling your glass, Richard graciously extended it to you. With a swift smile, you accepted the drink, while the man repeated the same operation for Mr. Jones. <</text>>
<<img "dem3/intro3.jpg">>
<<say Richard>> Please enjoy... <</say>>
<<sm jones "Mr. Jones" jones>> God damn it, Richard! Did you forget again? Chapain should be served at 4 fluid ounces per portion. And here I see the whole 5! <</sm>>
<<say Richard>> Oh... I'm sorry, the plain shook, so... <</say>>
<<sm jones "Mr. Jones" jones>> I don't care for your excuses. I might get tipsy now and do something... inappropriate to the lady over here. <</sm>>
<<elseif $stage is 3>>
<<sm karma "Lissa Croft" karma>> That... Wouldn't be a problem, Mr. Jones... <</sm>>
<<text>> Leaning closer to the man, you place your soft hand over his rough stubble and go for a kiss. His lips touch yours, and you can feel the scent of chapaing on his breath. <</text>>
<<say Richard>> ... <</say>>
<<text>> While busy making out with Mr. Jones, you completely forgot about Richard standing only a few feet away from you, awkwardly waiting for a sign of dismissal that didn't come. <</text>>
<<sm jones "Mr. Jones" jones>> Oh yeah... Now I can see that you aren't called "Raider of the Lost Ark" for nothing... <</sm>>
<<text>> But before your hand could reach under the man's pants, the loud bang, followed by a deafening wistle, made you cover your ears. <</text>>
<<elseif $stage is 4>>
<<sm karma "Lissa Croft" karma>> What is going on?! <</sm>>
<<sm jones "Mr. Jones" jones>> Don't worry, Miss Croft, I'll handle it. The engine must be... <</sm>>
<<text>> However, he wasn't able to finish his sentence - suddenly, the side of the plane was torn off as if it were a piece of paper, and following decompression, it sucked the man into the depths of the sky. <</text>>
<<sm karma "Lissa Croft" karma>> Jones! No! <</sm>>
<<text>> Thankfully, however, your survival instincts kicked in before the panic had the chance to mess you up. With swift motions of the hand, you secured yourself to a seat, grabbing an oxygen mask. <</text>>
<<sm jones "Mr. Jones" jones>> Oh yeah... Now I can see that you aren't called "Raider of the Lost Ark" for nothing... <</sm>>
<<sm karma "Lissa Croft" karma>> Richard! Prepare for a rough landing! <</sm>>
<<text>> Not sure if he was still alive, you screamed out none the less and braced yourself for the impact. <</text>>
<<sm karma "Lissa Croft" karma>> Oh Jesus Christ All-mighty... Let the pilot make a safe landing... <</sm>>
<<say Richard>> Nooooo! I don't wanna DIEEEEEEE! <</say>>
<<text>> By the sound of it, Richard was somehow still alive. But you couldn't help him if you tried, so all you could do was grip tighter into the armrests until your knuckles turned white. And then came the impact. <</text>>
<<sm karma "Lissa Croft" karma>> Ah... <</sm>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<btn Dem3Start stage 1>> No way! <</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<btn Dem3Start stage 2>> ... <</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<btn Dem3Start stage 3>> ... <</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is 3>>
<<btn Dem3Start stage 4>> What's happening?! <</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is 4>>
<<btn Dem3Start1 stage 5>> ... <</btn>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is 5>>
<<sm karma "Lissa Croft" karma>> Huh? I'm... Alive... <</sm>>
<<text>> Your consciousness finally came back. With trembling hands, you somehow managed to unbuckle your belt. You stood up, adrenalin rushing through your veins, barely holding yourself from falling down. <</text>>
<<sm karma "Lissa Croft" karma>> Shit... It doesn't look like I'm harmed... Good. <</sm>>
<<say Richard>> Waaa... Ah... Is anyone... Here? Help! Me... <</say>>
<<text>> Drowned in a cacophony of screaming metal and fire, you could barely hear the voice of the kid coming from somewhere nearby.<</text>>
<<sm karma "Lissa Croft" karma>> I'm here! Just give me a sec, and I'll get you out. <</sm>>
<<text>> Following Richard's cries, you finally found him. By the looks of it, he's perfectly fine, just a little bit stuck to the chair. <</text>>
<<sm karma "Lissa Croft" karma>> Are you all right? Any bleeding, broken bones? <</sm>>
<<say Richard>> No... I don't think so... Sniff... <</say>>
<<sm karma "Lissa Croft" karma>> Let me remove the safety belt... Here you go. Can you move? <</sm>>
<<say Richard>> Yes... <</say>>
<<sm karma "Lissa Croft" karma>> Then let's hurry up. I can't tell if this entire place will go up in smoke now or not. <</sm>>
<<say Richard>> Sure... <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 6>>
<<text>> Emerging into the jungle debris away from the crash, you surveyed the devastation around. <</text>>
<<imgg "dem3/planecrash-intro.jpg">>
<<sm karma "Lissa Croft" karma>> Man... Even the wings are torn asunder, and look at the fuselage... Twisted. <</sm>>
<<say Richard>> Oh my God... We will die... Starve to death... Be eaten by the natives... <</say>>
<<sm karma "Lissa Croft" karma>> Shut it, rookie. It's not over until it's over. Help me scavenge the necessary supplies, and we may live. <</sm>>
<<say Richard>> Okay... I'm Richard... What do we need? <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 7>>
<<sm karma "Lissa Croft" karma>> Call me Lissa. Search for anything we can use to survive. I'm sure you had your share of rough adventures with Mr. Jones. <</sm>>
<<say Richard>> No... I was more or less his duty-boy. All the adventures, woman... It was his alone, I could only watch from the sidelines... <</say>>
<<sm karma "Lissa Croft" karma>> Okay. Enough with this sad bullshit, then. This is your chance to turn everything around. Just grab anything that seems useful. <</sm>>
<<text>> With determined resolve, you began scavenging the safer parts of the wreckage for supplies, finding yourself a small backpack filled with food and instruments. <</text>>
<<say Richard>> Lissa! It's bad! Really bad! <</say>>
<<sm karma "Lissa Croft" karma>> What now? <</sm>>
<<say Richard>> Natives are here! We have to run! <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 8>>
<<sm karma "Lissa Croft" karma>> What... Where? <</sm>>
<<text>> You stop your search and look in the direction Richard was pointing. He was right, there was a group of black people forming. They looked at you curiously, for now. <</text>>
<<imgg "dem3/intro4.jpg">>
<<sm karma "Lissa Croft" karma>> Yeah... I think we should move. Keep your distance, don't show them any fear. <</sm>>
<<say Richard>> Al-alright... <</say>>
<<text>> Making sure to watch your back, you and Richard left the crash site, moving through the jungle. To your surprise, pretty soon you've stumbled onto something that looks like a pass. <</text>>
<<sm karma "Lissa Croft" karma>> I'm pretty sure that way is the village. We should follow that direction if we want to get out of the thicket. <</sm>>
<<elseif $stage is 9>>
<<text>> Leaving the depths of the jungle behind, the sun began shining through the densely populated trees, and pretty soon, you'd arrived on the edge of the forest. <</text>>
<<say Richard>> Oh! Lissa, this should be the place! We were supposed to camp nearby... <</say>>
<<sm karma "Lissa Croft" karma>> Then we might as well do it. The reinforcements will arrive in a few weeks too, it will be easier for them to find us if we stick to the plan. <</sm>>
<<say Richard>> But... We lost Mr. Jones... <</say>>
<<sm karma "Lissa Croft" karma>> Yet I'm still here. I saw the temple while we were flying over it, and I must say, I'm not letting anyone get to it before me. <</sm>>
<<text>> Not waiting for a further response, you began unpacking the things you managed to grab from the crash site. Pretty soon, Richard joined you. <</text>>
<<elseif $stage is 10>>
<<text>> After some time... <</text>>
<<img "background/camp1.jpg">>
<<say Richard>> This begins to look like a camp now. <</say>>
<<sm karma "Lissa Croft" karma>> It may look like one, but it isn't enough to sustain our survival. <</sm>>
<<say Richard>> So we are still going to die? Then whats the point... <</say>>
<<sm karma "Lissa Croft" karma>> I didn't say that. We will survive, but to do so, we will need a few things. <</sm>>
<<say Richard>> That being? <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 11>>
<<set $dem3introWater to 1>>
<<sm karma "Lissa Croft" karma>> We need a clean source of water. Are there any caves nearby? <</sm>>
<<say Richard>> There were a few... I think Mr. Jones marked one of them specifically. I've no idea what it means, though. <</say>>
<<text>> After rummaging through his backpack for a good minute, Richard finally pulled out a map with a series of marks on it. <</text>>
<<say Richard>> Here... See? <</say>>
<<sm karma "Lissa Croft" karma>> It must be a cave with a spring, then. The first rule of survival. I'll check it out. <</sm>>
<<elseif $stage is 12>>
<<set $dem3introFood to 1>>
<<sm karma "Lissa Croft" karma>> The food we have isn't enough to last for two weeks. <</sm>>
<<say Richard>> I could go and harvest some mushrooms in the jungle... <</say>>
<<sm karma "Lissa Croft" karma>> Do you even know which ones are poisonous? <</sm>>
<<text>> Richard stumbled midsentence and shyly looked away. <</text>>
<<say Richard>> ...No. <</say>>
<<sm karma "Lissa Croft" karma>> Then I'll deal with that. The village must have some supplies to spare. <</sm>>
<<elseif $stage is 13>>
<<set $dem3introShelter to 1>>
<<sm karma "Lissa Croft" karma>> We need a roof over our heads. <</sm>>
<<say Richard>> But! I've spent so much time making those makeshift beds... <</say>>
<<text>> Richard joyfully looked at the fruit of his labor. They were fine, but there is no way you could sleep safely. <</text>>
<<sm karma "Lissa Croft" karma>> Those twigs are fine for the time being, but to get a proper rest, we'd need something that is actually comfortable. <</sm>>
<<say Richard>> And where are you planning on getting that? <</say>>
<<sm karma "Lissa Croft" karma>> Crash site. We brought enough tents, so at least a few of them should still be intact. <</sm>>
<<elseif $stage is 14>>
<<sm karma "Lissa Croft" karma>> That should be it. It's time to get moving. <</sm>>
<<say Richard>> What do I do? <</say>>
<<text>> Glancing over Richard's physique, you could tell that there was no way he could help you without getting into even more trouble. <</text>>
<<sm karma "Lissa Croft" karma>> Stay here. Guard the place. <</sm>>
<<say Richard>> Oh. Okay.... <</say>>
<<sm karma "Lissa Croft" karma>> Don't be nervous, I'll come back soon. <</sm>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if $stage is 5>>
<<btn Dem3Start1 stage 6>> Move away <</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is 6>>
<<btn Dem3Start1 stage 7>> I'm Lissa <</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is 7>>
<<btn Dem3Start1 stage 8>> Where?! <</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is 8>>
<<btn Dem3Start1 stage 9>> Move <</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is 9>>
<<btn Dem3Start1 stage 10>> ... <</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is 10>>
<<btn Dem3Start1 stage 11>> Water <</btn>>
<<btn Dem3Start1 stage 12>> Food <</btn>>
<<btn Dem3Start1 stage 13>> Shelter <</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is 11>>
<<if $dem3introFood is undefined>>
<<btn Dem3Start1 stage 12>> Food <</btn>>
<<if $dem3introShelter is undefined>>
<<btn Dem3Start1 stage 13>> Shelter <</btn>>
<<if $dem3introWater is 1 and $dem3introFood is 1 and $dem3introShelter is 1>>
<<btn Dem3Start1 stage 14>> I'll go now <</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is 12>>
<<if $dem3introWater is undefined>>
<<btn Dem3Start1 stage 11>> Water <</btn>>
<<if $dem3introShelter is undefined>>
<<btn Dem3Start1 stage 13>> Shelter <</btn>>
<<if $dem3introWater is 1 and $dem3introFood is 1 and $dem3introShelter is 1>>
<<btn Dem3Start1 stage 14>> I'll go now <</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is 13>>
<<if $dem3introWater is undefined>>
<<btn Dem3Start1 stage 11>> Water <</btn>>
<<if $dem3introFood is undefined>>
<<btn Dem3Start1 stage 12>> Food <</btn>>
<<if $dem3introWater is 1 and $dem3introFood is 1 and $dem3introShelter is 1>>
<<btn Dem3Start1 stage 14>> I'll go now <</btn>>
<<elseif $stage is 14>>
<<btnsb Jungle stage 0>> ... <</btnsb>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<set $dem3WaterQuest to 1>>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<set $stamina to $stamina-10>>
<<sm karma "Lissa Croft" karma>> That should help us last at least for a weak... <</sm>>
<<sm someonew "Female voice" angel>> Auugh! <</sm>>
<<text>> Scared by an unexplained scream from the woman, you drop a canister into the spring. <</text>>
<<sm karma "Lissa Croft" karma>> My God! What was that... <</sm>>
<<text>> Looking around, you find a passageway that you must've missed before. The scream of a woman must've been coming from there. <</text>>
<<sm karma "Lissa Croft" karma>> The canister is almost full now... I don't need to stay here any longer. But... <</sm>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<cor 2>>
<<sm someonew "Female voice" angel>> Uwu.... Ah! <</sm>>
<<text>> You followed the sound through the convoluted structure of tunnels, cut through the stone. <</text>>
<<sm karma "Lissa Croft" karma>> Those tunnels look unnatural... The walls are too smooth for that. <</sm>>
<<text>> But when you turned around the next corner, the nature of the cave lost all meaning. Before you there were two natives, one of whom was getting railed hard by the massive member of the other. <</text>>
<<imgv "dem3/cave/waterQuest.gif">>
<<sm karma "Lissa Croft" karma>> My god... If they do that to each other, I'm scared to imagine what'll happen to me if I get caught... I'd better leave. <</sm>>
<<text>> As you made your way out, picking up the canister, you couldn't shake the feeling that you were being watched. <</text>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<btns CaveWaterQuest stage 1>> Explore the cave further <</btns>>
<<btnsb Cave>> Leave <</btnsb>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<btnsb Cave>> Leave <</btnsb>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<set $dem3RadioQuest to 1>>
<<set $dem3TentQuest to 1>>
<<sm karma "Lissa Croft" karma>> What do we have here... <</sm>>
<<text>> Surveying the scattered debrees, in between a chaotic jumble of twisted metal, your eye was caught by the large looking backpack. <</text>>
<<imgg "dem3/planecrash/scavenge1.jpg">>
<<sm karma "Lissa Croft" karma>> It looks like it's the one... And in pristine condition too. <</sm>>
<<text>> Having checked what's inside - you were pleasantly surprised. Alongside the tent, the backpack held a small radio. <</text>>
<<sm karma "Lissa Croft" karma>> That's a lifesaver... <</sm>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<set $dem3FoodQuest to 1>>
<<sm karma "Lissa Croft" karma>> I hope I am right... <</sm>>
<<text>> Surveying the scattered debrees, in between a chaotic jumble of twisted metal, your eye was caught by the tight leather purse. <</text>>
<<imgg "dem3/planecrash/scavenge2.jpg">>
<<sm karma "Lissa Croft" karma>> Oh, it's mine. <</sm>>
<<text>> Having checked what's inside - you were delightfully surprised. 1000$ in cash. <</text>>
<<sm karma "Lissa Croft" karma>> That's a lifesaver... <</sm>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<btnsb PlaneCrash>>Back<</btnsb>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<sm karma "Lissa Croft" karma>> Yeah, I would like some canned food. Beans, beef, whatever the case. <</sm>>
<<sm someone "Salesman" mike>> Hm... <</sm>>
<<text>> The man inspects your unusual and slightly torn clothes with interest. <</text>>
<<sm someone "Salesman" mike>> 5$ for one can. Do the math. <</sm>>
<<sm karma "Lissa Croft" karma>> Okay... I would need around 1000$ then... Can you give me a discount? <</sm>>
<<sm someone "Salesman" mike>> No. <</sm>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<set $dem3FoodQuest to 0>>
<<sm karma "Lissa Croft" karma>> Actually, I have no money. <</sm>>
<<sm someone "Salesman" mike>> Then get the fuck out. <</sm>>
<<text>> Having said that, the shopkeeper vanished behind the counters once more. With a sigh, you look at the cans standing in front of you, trying to think of a way to get money. <</text>>
<<sm karma "Lissa Croft" karma>> Maybe the crash site has some money left... Fuck. <</sm>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<set $dem3FoodQuest to 2>>
<<sm karma "Lissa Croft" karma>> Here, I'll be taking the food. <</sm>>
<<text>> After a few minutes of scrupulously checking the banknote, the shopkeeper nods. <</text>>
<<sm karma "Lissa Croft" karma>> Can I get a bag? <</sm>>
<<sm someone "Salesman" mike>> One dollar. <</sm>>
<<sm karma "Lissa Croft" karma>> But I don't... <</sm>>
<<sm someone "Salesman" mike>> Then fuck off. <</sm>>
<<text>> Having said that, the shopkeeper vanished behind the counters once more. With a sigh, you begin putting canned food inside your backpack, hoping that it'll be enough. <</text>>
<<elseif $stage is 3>>
<<set $stamina to $stamina-10>>
<<sm karma "Lissa Croft" karma>> Okay, slow and steady... <</sm>>
<<text>> Without making a sound, you manage to pick up a few cans. But just as you pull your hand out for the next one... <</text>>
<<sm someone "Salesman" mike>> You little slut! Put it down, now! <</sm>>
<<sm karma "Lissa Croft" karma>> Okay, okay! <</sm>>
<<text>> Under the watchful eye of the shopkeeper, you place the cans in their place and get ready to leave. <</text>>
<<sm someone "Salesman" mike>> Stop right there! <</sm>>
<<sm karma "Lissa Croft" karma>> Huh? But I've already given it back... <</sm>>
<<sm someone "Salesman" mike>> As if I'm going to trust a little harlot like you! Strip! <</sm>>
<<elseif $stage is 4>>
<<sm karma "Lissa Croft" karma>> What? <</sm>>
<<sm someone "Salesman" mike>> Prove that you aren't hiding anything. <</sm>>
<<text>> Being weary of this guy calling in the militia, you take off your shirt and pants. After all, you don't have anything to hide. <</text>>
<<sm karma "Lissa Croft" karma>> See? Nothing here. <</sm>>
<<sm someone "Salesman" mike>> I said strip! Or all the town will know that you are a thief! <</sm>>
<<sm karma "Lissa Croft" karma>> Okay, okay! <</sm>>
<<text>> Knowing that in a situation like this, your pride is meaningless - you quickly strip naked. And even though you'd hate to admit it, the situation begins turning you on. <</text>>
<<elseif $stage is 5>>
<<set $dem3FoodQuest to 2>>
<<cor 3>>
<<sm someone "Salesman" mike>> Better than having my arm chopped off or something... Satisfied? <</sm>>
<<sm someone "Salesman" mike>> No. I'm going to check it out now. Bend. <</sm>>
<<text>> Doing as the man said, you lie on the table, patiently waiting for the search to be over. You let out a quiet moan, feeling something enter your now wet pussy. <</text>>
<<sm karma "Lissa Croft" karma>> Wait, that's not a finger... Ah!.. <</sm>>
<<set $random to random(1, 2)>>
<<if $random is 1>>
<<imgg "dem3/shop/sex1.gif">>
<<elseif $random is 2>>
<<imgg "dem3/shop/sex2.gif">>
<<text>> The man begins picking up the pace, as you begin to drool from getting fucked that hard. It's been too long since you had a real dick inside you... <</text>>
<<sm someone "Salesman" mike>> That's... It!<</sm>>
<<text>> Hot cum begins pouring into your womb, and a wave of pleasure washes over your entire being. <</text>>
<<sm someone "Salesman" mike>> Now.... Get the fuck out of my shop. <</sm>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<btns ShopBuyFood stage 1>> ... <</btns>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<if $dem3FoodQuest is 1>>
<<btns ShopBuyFood stage 2>> Buy the food <</btns>>
<<plugi "You need money">> Buy the food <</plugi>>
<<btns ShopBuyFood stage 3>> Steal the food <</btns>>
<<btnsb Shop stage 0>> Leave <</btnsb>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<btnsb Shop stage 0>> Leave <</btnsb>>
<<elseif $stage is 3>>
<<btns ShopBuyFood stage 4>> What? <</btns>>
<<elseif $stage is 4>>
<<btns ShopBuyFood stage 5>> ... <</btns>>
<<elseif $stage is 5>>
<<btnsb Shop stage 0>> Back <</btnsb>>
</div><<widget "cor">>
<<set $cor to $cor+_args[0]>>
<div class="container" id="container">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<sm karma "Lissa Croft" karma>> Really now? Rich, I'm not stupid. <</sm>>
<<text>> The man takes a step back, nerviously wiping his brow from the quickly accumulating sweat. <</text>>
<<say Richard>> I... <</say>>
<<sm karma "Lissa Croft" karma>> Richard, I know that you're trying to contact the people who left that note. <</sm>>
<<say Richard>> Well... <</say>>
<<text>> You saw an opening in Richard's defense, and you didn't let this opportunity slip away. <</text>>
<<sm karma "Lissa Croft" karma>> Were you the reason behind Jone's death and this accident as a whole? <</sm>>
<<text>> Hearing these words, the man was frozen in place. From the distance, you couldn't even tell if he was still breathing. But after a few seconds of silence, Richard finally cracked. <</text>>
<<say Richard>> No! I had no idea that would happen! Hell, I thought I would die as well... <</say>>
<<sm karma "Lissa Croft" karma>> Than who did? Who left the note for you, and why? <</sm>>
<<say Richard>> It's... Marshal's group. But all I did was take his suitcase with me on board! He said it was a simple GPS tracker... <</say>>
<<sm karma "Lissa Croft" karma>> What did they promise you in return? <</sm>>
<<say Richard>> Well... They've planned to beat Jones to the Ulkomaalainen temple... And I would get a place on their crew. <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<sm karma "Lissa Croft" karma>> Huh... Is that so? A rival faction, trying to beat Jones to the point... And you have secured a place in their expedition? <</sm>>
<<say Richard>> That's right. I swear it's the truth... <</say>>
<<sm karma "Lissa Croft" karma>> I believe you. That's all right; what's done is done. You didn't know, so I can't hold you accountable for what happened. <</sm>>
<<say Richard>> Really? That's good... <</say>>
<<text>> With a sigh, Richard finally relaxed, and his hand quickly darted to his canteen in order to water his withered mouth. You glanced at him, while thinking about your next move. <</text>>
<<sm karma "Lissa Croft" karma>> Rich, we'd better focus on what we can do from now on.<</sm>>
<<say Richard>> Why? Marshal will come here and get the temple, while we will get the fame and a safe way to get onto the mainland... <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<sm karma "Lissa Croft" karma>> Don't forget that we almost died, Rich. Can you really trust these people? <</sm>>
<<say Richard>> Well, he needed me... <</say>>
<<sm karma "Lissa Croft" karma>> Sure. But what about me? My survival was never in his plan, right? <</sm>>
<<say Richard>> I could get you a place in his expedition, which would ensure your safety. But that won't be easy. <</say>>
<<sm karma "Lissa Croft" karma>> If you can get me a spot, I'll do whatever it takes. <</sm>>
<<text>> A smile crossed Richard's face as he turned around to take a radio from the table. <</text>>
<<say Richard>> Let's go to the tent, it would be easier to do it there. <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 3>>
<<sm karma "Lissa Croft" karma>> Okay... Now what? <</sm>>
<<text>> After closing the tent's door behind yourself, you turn to Richard, who is busy twirling tumblers on the radio. Hearing your question, he stops and looks directly at you. <</text>>
<<say Richard>> We need to convince them that you're trustworthy. I'm going to tell them that we fell in love. But they would need the proof. <</say>>
<<sm karma "Lissa Croft" karma>> Excuse me?! <</sm>>
<<say Richard>> Listen, do you want it to work? Because if you want to join, Marchal will need some proof. <</say>>
<<sm karma "Lissa Croft" karma>> What proof? We aren't in love, what's there to prove? <</sm>>
<<say Richard>> It's an act. I'm going to turn this radio on, and you're going to suck me off.<</say>>
<<text>> Shocked, you barely resisted your instinct to punch Richard in his smug face. But you realize that he's right. <</text>>
<<sm karma "Lissa Croft" karma>> All right. Let's do it. <</sm>>
<<say Richard>> Remember that we are in love. So act like it. <</say>>
<<text>> Richard places the radio in the corner and gives you a nod. You take a deep breath, preparing for what comes next, slightly nervous because of the chattering sounds coming from the radio. <</text>>
<<elseif $stage is 4>>
<<say Richard>> Remember that we are in love. So act like it. <</say>>
<<sm karma "Lissa Croft" karma>> All right. Let's do it. <</sm>>
<<say Richard>> Remember that we are in love. So act like it. <</say>>
<<video "dem3/richardBjQuest1/Start.mp4">>
<<sm karma "Lissa Croft" karma>> I hope you like my tits just as much as I like your cock... <</sm>>
<<elseif $stage is 5>>
<<say Richard>> But you haven't even seen it... <</say>>
<<sm karma "Lissa Croft" karma>> The smell is enough. Let's get rid of those pants. <</sm>>
<<video "dem3/richardBjQuest1/Start1.mp4">>
<<say Richard>> You like that, don't you? <</say>>
<<sm karma "Lissa Croft" karma>> For sure... <</sm>>
<<elseif $stage is 6>>
<<sm karma "Lissa Croft" karma>> Let me get a taste... <</sm>>
<<say Richard>> Yes please! <</say>>
<<video "dem3/richardBjQuest1/Start2.mp4">>
<<say Richard>> Oh fuck... You're so good... <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 7>>
<<sm karma "Lissa Croft" karma>> You seem to be so stressed... My love, let me help you out~ <</sm>>
<<text>> Getting into the role, you devour a man's cock as deep as you can. <</text>>
<<video "dem3/richardBjQuest1/Start3.mp4">>
<<say Richard>> Sh-shit! I'm about to... <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 8>>
<<sm karma "Lissa Croft" karma>>
Let's stand up. I prefer getting cumed on while standing on my knees. <</sm>>
<<say Richard>> I never expected you to be so submissive... <</say>>
<<video "dem3/richardBjQuest1/Start4.mp4">>
<<sm karma "Lissa Croft" karma>> Would you like me to dominate you? <</sm>>
<<say Richard>> Fuck no, I like that you know your place. <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 9>>
<<say Richard>> Suddenly, Richard grabs your head and pushes his cock deeper inside, making you gag. <</say>>
<<sm karma "Lissa Croft" karma>> Hr... Hmurh... <</sm>>
<<say Richard>> I'm cumming! <</say>>
<<video "dem3/richardBjQuest1/Start5.mp4">>
<<sm karma "Lissa Croft" karma>> Huf... Hrh... <</sm>>
<<say Richard>> Oh yeah, baby... Fuck yeah... <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 10>>
<<set $Dem3RichardBjQuest to 1>>
<<notify 6s>> End of main story! <</notify>>
<<text>> While you were still trying to recover your breath after such a ferocious assault, Richard moved to the radio, turning it off. <</text>>
<<sm karma "Lissa Croft" karma>> Fuck... Was it so hard to warn me... Before that? <</sm>>
<<say Richard>> Sorry, I've gotten a bit too invested in the role. But that should be enough. Unless you want to continue... <</say>>
<<sm karma "Lissa Croft" karma>> Don't get any... Ideas. It was strictly business. Get out, I need to clean myself. <</sm>>
<<text>> Richard's face looked rather disheartened, and as he hurriedly left the tent, he shrugged his shoulders. <</text>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<btns Dem3RichardBjQuest stage 1>> Is that so? <</btns>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<btns Dem3RichardBjQuest stage 2>> ... <</btns>>
<<elseif $stage is 2>>
<<btns Dem3RichardBjQuest stage 3>> Let's go <</btns>>
<<elseif $stage is 3>>
<<btns Dem3RichardBjQuest stage 4>> ... <</btns>>
<<elseif $stage is 4>>
<<btns Dem3RichardBjQuest stage 5>> ... <</btns>>
<<elseif $stage is 5>>
<<btns Dem3RichardBjQuest stage 6>> Taste it <</btns>>
<<elseif $stage is 6>>
<<btns Dem3RichardBjQuest stage 7>> ... <</btns>>
<<elseif $stage is 7>>
<<btns Dem3RichardBjQuest stage 8>> Let's stand up <</btns>>
<<elseif $stage is 8>>
<<btns Dem3RichardBjQuest stage 9>> ... <</btns>>
<<elseif $stage is 9>>
<<btns Dem3RichardBjQuest stage 10>> ... <</btns>>
<<elseif $stage is 10>>
<<btnsb Dem3 stage 0>> Back <</btnsb>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<<set $powerLevel1Quest to 1>>
<<set $dem to 1>>
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<say Cuck>> Lissa! Lissa! <</say>>
<<text>> A loud voice that feels as if it is coming from within your head breaks you out of your comfy dream. <</text>>
<<sm lissa "Lissa " angela>> Huh?.. Wha...<</sm>>
<<say Cuck>> It's me, Cuck. I'm just checking up on you to make sure that everything is okay. <</say>>
<<text>> The memories of the talk on the ship bubbled up to the surface, allowing you to get a better grip on reality. <</text>>
<<sm lissa "Lissa " angela>> Right, yeah... What is it? <</sm>>
<<say Cuck>> I'll tell you when you come out of the machine. <</say>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<sm lissa "Lissa " angela>> Sure thing... But how? I can't control my body... Well, the real one anyway. <</sm>>
<<say Cuck>> Well, duh, that is what this machine is for. <</say>>
<<sm lissa "Lissa " angela>> That doesn't help. <</sm>>
<<say Cuck>> I'll get you out. Give me a sec. <</say>>
<<text>> A loud hissing sound burst your eardrums, and the morning sun grew dimmer, soon leaving you in complete darkness. But after a few seconds of emptyness, a bright flash of light burned through your eyes, making you squint. <</text>>
<<say Cuck>> Remember this screen? You can choose your ch... relative's memory here. <</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">
<<if $stage is 0>>
<<btns WakeUpLevel1 stage 1>> But how? <</btns>>
<<elseif $stage is 1>>
<<btns Map stage 0>> Okay... <</btns>>
</div><div class="container" id="container">
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<<btnsb $prevpassage>> Go back <</btnsb>>
</div> <div class="container" id="container">
<<say Dev>> This is the end of the main story. There is no Richard! <</say>>
<div class="dialogue-button-container">
<div class="dialogue-button-marginleft">