<<set $Prologue to 0>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set $Strength to 10>>\
<<set $Dexterity to 10>>\
<<set $Intelligence to 10>>\
<<set $Constitution to 10>>\
<<set $Wisdom to 10>>\
<<set $Charisma to 10>>\
<<set $StartingHp to 10>>\
<<set $PC.Willpower to 0>>\
<<set $PC.Reflex to 0>>\
<<set $PC.Fortitude to 0>>\
<<set $Skill to {Athletics: $PC.Level, Crafting: $PC.Level, Cooking: $PC.Level, Driving: $PC.Level, Electronics: $PC.Level, Medical: $PC.Level, Salvaging: $PC.Level, Scouting: $PC.Level, Social: $PC.Level, Stealth: $PC.Level, Thievery: $PC.Level, SexCraft: $PC.Level, Unarmed: $PC.Level, Swords: $PC.Level, Knives: $PC.Level, Clubs: $PC.Level, Polearms: $PC.Level, Bows: $PC.Level, Pistols: $PC.Level, Rifles: $PC.Level, Shotguns: $PC.Level, Heavy: $PC.Level, Unarmored: $PC.Level, LightArmor: $PC.Level, MediumArmor: $PC.Level, HeavyArmor: $PC.Level}>>
<<set $Prof to {Athletics: 0, Crafting: 0, Cooking: 0, Driving: 0, Electronics: 0, Medical: 0, Salvaging: 0, Scouting: 0, Social: 0, Stealth: 0, Thievery: 0, SexCraft: 0, Unarmed: 0, Swords: 0, Knives: 0, Clubs: 0, Polearms: 0, Bows: 0, Pistols: 0, Rifles: 0, Shotguns: 0, Heavy: 0, Willpower: 0, Reflex: 0, Fortitude: 0, Unarmored: 0, LightArmor: 0, MediumArmor: 0, HeavyArmor: 0, Shield: 0}>>
Your First Name
<<textbox "$PC.FirstName" "John">>
Your Last Name
<<textbox "$PC.LastName" "Doe">>
What is your gender?
Male <label><<radiobutton "$PC.Sex" "Male" checked>></label>
Female <label><<radiobutton "$PC.Sex" "Female">></label>
Who are your family members?
<<listbox "$mom.Relationship" autoselect>>
<<option "Step-Mom" step-mom>>
<<option "Mom" mom>>
<<option "Nurse" nurse>>
<<textbox "$mom.Name" "Selena">>
<<listbox "$sister.Relationship" autoselect>>
<<option "Step-Sister" step-sister>>
<<option "Sister" sister>>
<<option "Roommate" roommate>>
<<textbox "$sister.Name" "Alice">>
<<listbox "$dad.Relationship" autoselect>>
<<option "Step-Father" step-father>>
<<option "Father" father>>
<<option "Lawyer" lawyer>>
<<textbox "$dad.Name" "George">>
<<button [[Choose Your Profile|Choose Image]]>> <</button>><<set $Admin to 0>>\
<<set $AdminMode to 0>>\
<<set $Version to "0.1.5b">>\
<<set $VersionNumber to 15.2>>\
<<include "Weapons">> /* Set the weapons as objects */
<<include "Armor">> /* Set the armor as objects */
<<include "Items">> /* Set the items as objects */
<<include "Vehicles">> /* Set the items as objects */
<<include "Accessories">> /* Set the accessories as objects */
<<include "Shields">> /* Set the shields as objects */
<<include "Events">>\
<<include "NPCs">>\ /* All the various NPCs */
<<include "Knowledge">>\
<<include "Quests">>\
<<include "Recipes">>\
<<include "Adlibs">>\
<<include "Sex Desc">>\
<<include "Loot Table">>\
<<include "Location Table">>\
<<include "Feats">>\
/* Status Affects */
<<set $StatusAffect to {Horny: 0, Energized: 0, Thirsty: 0, BlueBalls: 0, Vaccine: 0, Futa: 0, BigDick: 0, TinyDick: 0, BigTits: 0, TinyTits: 0, MilkTits: 0, BigAss: 0, TinyAss: 0, Wet: 0, CumCovered: 0, CumFilled: 0, Stalking: 0, SilentStalking: 0, IndoorTracking: 0, SilentDrive: 0, WeakWill: 0, Ambushed: 0, HuntingI: 0, HuntingR: 0, HuntingG: 0, HuntingM: 0, SiliconeB: 0, SiliconeA: 0, SiliconeD: 0, Hungry: 0, Starving: 0, Sick: 0, EAmbushed: 0, Undying: 0, Horde: 0, Drunk: 0, Pregnant: 0, Infertility: 0, Fertility: 0, FertilityD: 0}>>\
<<set $FoodStatus to {Time: 0, Duration: 3, Will: 0, Fort: 0, Refl: 0, AC: 0, Hit: 0, HP: 0, Skill: 0, Cum: 0, Lust: 0, Energy: 0}>>\
<<set $PCResistance to {Blunt: 0, Slash: 0, Pierce: 0, Fire: 0, Cold: 0, Shock: 0, Acid: 0, Sonic: 0, Water: 0}>>\
/* PC Changes and Infestation */
<<set $PCChanges to {Gender: "", BreastsGrowth: "", BreastsShrink: "", DickGrowth: "", DickShrink: "", AssGrowth: "", AssShrink: "" }>>\
<<set $sexHistory to {TotalV: 1, TrueVirginityWho: "None", PenisV: 1, PenisVirginityWho: "None", PussyV: 1, PussyVirginityWho: "None", AssV: 1, AssVirginityWho: "None", MouthV: 1, MouthVirginityWho: "None", LastPartner: $PC, LastPartnerType: "Human", Consent: "Yes", Type: "Masturbation", XP: 0}>>\
<<set $LastPartner to $PC>>\
<<set $PregnantWho to "None">>\
<<set $Infestation to {Progress: 0, Base: 0, Min: 0, Cap: 50, FutaVariant: 0, MilkVariant: 0, NippleVariant: 0, BruiseVariant: 0, JunkVariant: 0, GrowFutaVariant: 0, FutaCap: 50, MilkCap: 50, NippleCap: 0, BruiseCap: 50, JunkCap: 0, MilkProgress: 0, NippleProgress: 0, BruiseProgress: 0, JunkProgress: 0, GrowFutaProgress: 0}>>
<<set $HiddenLocation to {Name: "Hidden", DC: 5, Found: 0}>>
<<set $FutaTry to 0>>
<<set $NoFutaEncounter to 0>>\
<<set $NoMenEncounter to 0>>\
<<set $lust to 10>>
<<set $MinLust to 0>>
<<set $MaxLust to 100>> /* Maximum Lust Points */
<<set $TempLust to $MinLust>>
<<set $LustResist to {Visual: 0, Touch: 0, Complete: 0, Will: 0}>>
<<set $InfectionResist to {Fort: 0, DR: 0, Futa: 0, FutaDR: 0, Milk: 0, MilkDR: 0}>>\
<<set $Time to {Current: 0, Max: 10, MiniTime: 0, MaxMini: 10, MicroTime: 0, MicroMax: 2, Month: 9, Date: 1, Day: 0}>>
<<set $Holiday to {NewYear: 0, Valentine: 0, Patty: 0, Easter: 0, Freedom: 0, Halloween: 0, Thanksgiving: 0, Christmas: 0}>>\
<<set $HolidayCheat to {NewYear: 0, Valentine: 0, Patty: 0, Easter: 0, Freedom: 0, Halloween: 0, Thanksgiving: 0, Christmas: 0}>>\
<<set $RobDay to {Troy: 0, Mark: 0, Richard: 0, Candy: 0, Morton: 0}>>\
<<set $Achievements to {EasterPreg: 0, StarvingAir: 0}>>\
<<set $BadEnd to 0>>\
<<set $Cash to 200>>\
<<set $XP to 0>>\
<<set $NextLevel to 1000>>\
<<set $MaxLevel to 4>>\
<<set $CombatRound to 0>>\
<<set $NoEncounter to 0>>\
<<set $NoHomeEncounter to 1>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<set $ShowRolls to {Combat: 1, Skills: 0, Social: 0, Loot: 0, Rob: 0}>>\
<<set $SafeZone to 0>>\
<<set $UpdateAuto to 0>>\
<<set $SkillAction to "">>\
<<set $SpecialUsage to 0>>\
<<set $MaxSpecialUsage to 0>>\
<<set $SizeLimits to {Penis: 41, Balls: 41, Breasts: 61, Nipples: 31, Ass: 41}>>\
<<set $MinHP to 8>>\
<<set $MaxHP = $MinHP>> /* Maximum Hit Points */
<<set $HP = 10>> /* Current Hit Points */
<<set $VehicleHP to 50>>\ /* Current Hit Points for your car */
<<set $Cum to {Stored: 0, Max: 0, Min: 0}>>\
<<set $GCum to {Stored: 0, Max: 0, Min: 0}>>\
<<set $Milk to {Stored: 0, Max: 0, Min: 0}>>\
<<set $armorSaveBonus to 0>>\
<<set $weaponEquipSkill to "Unarmed">>\
<<set $weaponAttackBonus to 0>>\
<<set $weaponStatBonus to 0>>\
<<set $genericWeapon to $weapon.fists>>\
<<set $equipedWeapon to $weapon.fists>>\
<<set $TrainedExtra to {RangedHit: 0, RangedDamage: 0, MeleeHit: 0, MeleeDamage: 0}>>\
<<set $TotalFood to 27>>\
<<set $TotalSalvage to {Wood: 10, Metal: 20, Electronics: 10, Cloth: 10, Junk: 2}>>\
<<set $Salvage to {Total: 0, Current: 0, Attic: 0, Bedroom: 0, Bedroom2: 0, Kitchen: 0, Hallway: 0, Bathroom: 0, Bathroom2: 0, Living: 0, Garage: 0, Misc: 0, Basenent: 0, Key: 0}>>
<<set $VehicleFlags to {Own: 0, Current: $vehicle.jeep, location: "Garage", Desc: "your garage", Garage: 1, OakDale: 0, OakDaleClinic: 0, BuschBank: 0, WestSunrise: 0}>>
<<set $SmartPhone to {Charge: 100, MaxCharge: 100, FlashLight: 0, AutoFlash: 1, GroveHills: 0, OakDale: 0, BuschBank: 0}>>\
<<set $LockSmithTools to {Active: 0, Charge: 100, MaxCharge: 100}>>\
<<set $ItemBonus to {Athletics: 0, Crafting: 0, Cooking: 0, Driving: 0, Electronics: 0, Medical: 0, Salvaging: 0, Scouting: 0, Social: 0, Stealth: 0, Thievery: 0, Fortitude: 0, Reflex: 0, Willpower: 0, Blunt: 0, Pierce: 0, Slash: 0, Fire: 0, Cold: 0, Shock: 0, Acid: 0, Sonic: 0, Water: 0, Cum: 0, Lust: 0, InfestedResist: 0, LustResist: 0}>>\
<<set $ItemBonus2 to {Athletics: 0, Crafting: 0, Cooking: 0, Driving: 0, Electronics: 0, Medical: 0, Salvaging: 0, Scouting: 0, Social: 0, Stealth: 0, Thievery: 0, Fortitude: 0, Reflex: 0, Willpower: 0, Blunt: 0, Pierce: 0, Slash: 0, Fire: 0, Cold: 0, Shock: 0, Acid: 0, Sonic: 0, Water: 0, Cum: 0, Lust: 0, InfestedResist: 0, LustResist: 0}>>\
<<set $ShieldBonus to {AC: 0, Athletics: 0, Crafting: 0, Cooking: 0, Driving: 0, Electronics: 0, Medical: 0, Salvaging: 0, Scouting: 0, Social: 0, Stealth: 0, Thievery: 0, Fortitude: 0, Reflex: 0, Willpower: 0, Blunt: 0, Pierce: 0, Slash: 0, Fire: 0, Cold: 0, Shock: 0, Acid: 0, Sonic: 0, Water: 0, Cum: 0, Lust: 0, InfestedResist: 0, LustResist: 0}>>\
<<set $LevelUp to {Base: 0, Step: 0, Skill: 0, ESkill: 0, General: 0, Class: 0, Stat: 0}>>
<<set $StatusText to {Notice: 0, Type: "None", Milk: "None", MilkFlag: 0, Dick: "None", DickFlag: 0, Food: "None", FoodFlag: 0, Balls: "None", BallsFlag: 0, Energy: "None", EnergyFlag: 0, Transformation: "None", TransformationFlag: 0, Weather: "None", WeatherFlag: 0, Drunk: "None", DrunkFlag: 0}>>
<<set $Weather to {Current: "None", Tomorrow: "Dreary", Array: 0, Strength: 2, SwitchChance: 5, Previous: "Rainy", Future: "Foggy"}>>\
<<set $arrayWeatherTypes to ["None", "Windy", "Cloudy", "Misty", "Foggy", "Dreary", "Rainy", "Stormy", "Sleeting", "Snowy"]>>\
/* Key Items and their flags below */
<<set $KeyItems to []>>
<<set $KeyItemsFlags to {DoubleDildo: 0, BankAccess: 0, SpikeStrip: 0, BadFood: 0, GateFob: 0, ClinicKey: 0}>>
/* Inventory and chests */
<<set $PCInventory to []>>
<<set $HomeStorage to []>>
<<set $EquippedWeapon to []>>\
<<set $EquippedArmor to []>>\
<<set $EquippedAccessory to []>>\
<<set $EquippedAccessory2 to []>>\
<<set $EquippedShield to []>>\
<<set $SchematicBook to []>>\
<<set $RecipeBook to []>>\
<<set $location to {temp: "Front Door", prev: "Main Hallway", coord: 0, Encounter: "Grove Hills", Event: "Grove Hills", Indoor: 0, BattleFlag: 0, BattleWin: "Front Door", BattleLose: "Front Door", FleeFlag: 0, Flee: "Front Door", SexFlag: 0, Sex: "Front Door"}>>
<<set $playerPath to "Images/Player/">>
<<set $infestedPath to "Images/Enemies/Infested/">>
<<set $raiderPath to "Images/Enemies/Raiders/">>
<<set $gangsterPath to "Images/Enemies/Gangstas/">>
<<include "Images">>\
/* Set the characters as objects */
<<set $PC to {FirstName: "Chris", LastName: "Taylor", Level: 1, Class: "Athlete", Background: "Jock", Weapon: $weapon.fists, AC: 10, Willpower: 1, Reflex: 1, Fortitude: 1, Sex: "Futa", OSex: "Futa", Age: 21, Arousal: $lust/2, SXP: 0, Pro: $arrayPlayer1Male, Infestation: 0, InfestationLevel: 0, Corruption: 0, HasPenis: 0, HasPussy: 0, DickType: "Normal", DickSize: 0, ODickSize: 0, MDickSize: 0, BallsSize: 0, OBallsSize: 0, MBallsSize: 0, BreastsSize: 0, OBreastsSize: 0, MBreastSize: 0, MMBreastSize: 0, NippleType: "Normal", NippleSize: 0, AssSize: 0, OAssSize: 0, MAssSize: 0}>>\
<<set $PCProfile to {Choice: 1, Picture: $playerPath+"Player 1 Male.jpg", Face: $playerPath+"default-pro.jpg", Hair: "Black", HairDescription: "Short", BreastDD: "Player 1 Futa-DD", BreastG: "Player 1 Futa-G", OriginalPicture: $playerPath+"Player 1 Male.jpg", OriginalFace: $playerPath+"default-pro.jpg"}>>\
<<set $genericFighter to {Name: "Generic Fighter", Age: 18, Sex: "Futa", Arousal: 0, Weapon: $weapon.fists, Level: 1, BAB: 0, AC: 10, HP: 1, MaxHP: 1, Scouting: 0, Social: 0, Willpower: 0, Reflex: 0, Fortitude: 0, Blunt: 0, Slash: 0, Pierce: 0, Fire: 0, Cold: 0, Shock: 0, Acid: 0, Sonic: 0, Stun: 0, Intim: 0, Bleed: 0, Pro: $infestedPath+"infested-female-pro.jpg", Image: $infestedPath+"InfestedFuta1", Loot: $lootGenericFighter, RareLoot: $rarelootGenericFighter, Pronoun: "It", Friendship: 0, Infestation: 100, HasPenis: 0, HasPussy: 1, DickType: "Normal", DickSize: 4, BallsSize: 4, BreastsSize: 5, OBreastsSize: 5, NippleType: "Normal", NippleSize: 2, AssSize: 3, SpNum: 3, Special1: $PheromoneMale, Special2: $PheromoneMale, Special3: $PheromoneMale, Special4: $PheromoneMale, SpecialChance: 25}>>\
<<set $genericSpecial to {Name: "Neutral", Type: "Generic", Save: $PC.Willpower, DC: $genericFighter.Level, Text: "$genericFighter.Name feels rather neutral today...", FailText: "You feel kinda neutral as well...", SuccessText: "You resist the scourge of neutrality and remain unaffected!", Affect: 0, Damage: 0, Rounds: 0}>>\
<<set $genericSpecial2 to {Name: "2 Neutral 4 Me", Type: "Generic", Save: $PC.Willpower, DC: $genericFighter.Level, Text: "$genericFighter.Name feels rather neutral today...", FailText: "You feel kinda neutral as well...", SuccessText: "You resist the scurge of neutrality and remain unaffected!", Affect: 0}>>\
<<set $genericEvent to {Name: "Generic Event", Image: $eventPath+"event1-1"}>>\
<<set $arrayPCGenderBoy = ["brother", "bro", "son", "nephew", "boy", "Sir"] >>
<<set $arrayPCGenderGirl = ["sister", "sis", "daughter", "niece", "girl", "Ma'am"] >>
<<set $arrayPCGender = $arrayPCGenderBoy >> /* Set gender comments to default to male if nothing is selected */
<<set $pornVid to 0>> Porn vid saved
<<set $sexVid to 0>> Initial Start sex scene value
<<set $pornPath to "Videos/Movies/Porn/">>
<<set $arrayStraight to ["straight-1"]>>
<<set $arrayFuta to ["futa-1"]>>
<<set $arrayLesbian to ["lesbian-1"]>>
<<set $arrayTime to ["Dawn", "Early Morning", "Late Morning", "Noon", "Early Afternoon", "Late Afternoon", "Sunset", "Early Evening", "Late Evening", "Night", "Late Night"]>>
<<set $arrayDay to ["Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday"]>>
<<set $arrayMonth to ["January", "Febuary", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"]>>
<<include "Sex Desc">>\
<<set $DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$PC.DickSize]>>
<<set $DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$PC.DickSize]>>
<<set $BallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$PC.BallsSize]>>
<<set $BallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$PC.BallsSize]>>
<<set $CumAD to $arrayCumAmountDesc[$Cum.Stored]>>
<<set $GCumAD to $arrayGCumAmountDesc[$GCum.Stored]>>
<<set $BreastSD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$PC.BreastsSize]>>
<<set $BreastsSize to $arrayBreastSize[$PC.BreastsSize]>>
<<set $NippleSize to $arrayNippleSize[$PC.BreastsSize]>>
<<set $AssSize to $arrayAssSizeDesc[$PC.AssSize]>>
<<set $MilkAD to $arrayMilkAmountDesc[$Milk.Stored]>>\
<<newmeter 'arousal' 1>>
<<colors 'red' 'pink'>>
<<sizing '500px' '40px'>>
<<newmeter 'arousal2' 1>>
<<colors 'red' 'pink'>>
<<sizing '500px' '40px'>>
<</newmeter>> Here are your current starting stats.
Strength: $Strength
<<set $StrengthBonus to (($Strength - 10)/2)>>\
Dexterity: $Dexterity
<<set $DexterityBonus to (($Dexterity - 10)/2)>>\
Constitution: $Constitution
<<set $ConstitutionBonus to (($Constitution - 10)/2)>>\
Wisdom: $Wisdom
<<set $WisdomBonus to (($Wisdom - 10)/2)>>\
Intelligence: $Intelligence
<<set $IntelligenceBonus to (($Intelligence - 10)/2)>>\
Charisma: $Charisma
<<set $CharismaBonus to (($Charisma - 10)/2)>>\
<<set $Skill.Athletics to $Skill.Athletics+$Prof.Athletics>>\
<<set $Skill.Crafting to $Skill.Crafting+$Prof.Crafting>>\
<<set $Skill.Cooking to $Skill.Cooking+$Prof.Cooking>>\
<<set $Skill.Driving to $Skill.Driving+$Prof.Driving>>\
<<set $Skill.Electronics to $Skill.Electronics+$Prof.Electronics>>\
<<set $Skill.Medical to $Skill.Medical+$Prof.Medical>>\
<<set $Skill.Salvaging to $Skill.Salvaging+$Prof.Salvaging>>\
<<set $Skill.Scouting to $Skill.Scouting+$Prof.Scouting>>\
<<set $Skill.Social to $Skill.Social+$Prof.Social>>\
<<set $Skill.Stealth to $Skill.Stealth+$Prof.Stealth>>\
<<set $Skill.Thievery to $Skill.Thievery+$Prof.Thievery>>\
<<set $Skill.SexCraft to $Skill.SexCraft+$Prof.SexCraft>>\
<<set $Skill.Bows to $Skill.Bows+$Prof.Bows>>\
<<set $Skill.Clubs to $Skill.Clubs+$Prof.Clubs>>\
<<set $Skill.Heavy to $Skill.Heavy+$Prof.Heavy>>\
<<set $Skill.Knives to $Skill.Knives+$Prof.Knives>>\
<<set $Skill.Pistols to $Skill.Pistols+$Prof.Pistols>>\
<<set $Skill.Polearms to $Skill.Polearms+$Prof.Polearms>>\
<<set $Skill.Rifles to $Skill.Rifles+$Prof.Rifles>>\
<<set $Skill.Swords to $Skill.Swords+$Prof.Swords>>\
<<set $Skill.Shotguns to $Skill.Shotguns+$Prof.Shotguns>>\
<<set $Skill.Unarmed to $Skill.Unarmed+$Prof.Unarmed>>\
<<set $Skill.Unarmored to $Skill.Unarmored + $Prof.Unarmored>>\
<<set $Skill.LightArmor to $Skill.LightArmor + $Prof.LightArmor>>\
<<set $Skill.MediumArmor to $Skill.MediumArmor + $Prof.MediumArmor>>\
<<set $Skill.HeavyArmor to $Skill.HeavyArmor + $Prof.HeavyArmor>>\
HP: $MaxHP + $ConstitutionBonus + $ClassHP = <<print $MaxHP + $ConstitutionBonus + $ClassHP>>
<<set $MaxHP to $MinHP + ($PC.Level * $ConstitutionBonus) + ($PC.Level * $ClassHP)>>\
<<set $HP to $MaxHP>>\
<<set $PC.AC to 10 + $DexterityBonus + $Skill.Unarmored>>\
<<set $PC.Willpower to $PC.Level + $Prof.Willpower + $WisdomBonus>>\
<<set $PC.Reflex to $PC.Level + $Prof.Reflex + $DexterityBonus>>\
<<set $PC.Fortitude to $PC.Level + $Prof.Fortitude + $ConstitutionBonus>>\
<<switch $CharismaBonus>>\
<<case 0 1>>\
<<set _SexBonus to 0>>\
<<case 2 3>>\
<<set _SexBonus to 1>>\
<<set _SexBonus to 2>>\
<<if $PC.Sex is "Male">>\
<<set $PC.OSex to "Male">>\
<<set $PC.HasPenis to 1>>\
<<set $PC.DickSize to 3 + _SexBonus>>\
<<set $PC.ODickSize to 3 + _SexBonus>>\
<<set $PC.MDickSize to 1>>\
<<set $PC.BallsSize to 2 + _SexBonus>>\
<<set $PC.OBallsSize to 2 + _SexBonus>>\
<<set $PC.MBallsSize to 1>>\
<<set $PC.BreastsSize to 0>>\
<<set $PC.OBreastsSize to 0>>\
<<set $PC.MBreastsSize to 0>>\
<<set $PC.MMBreastsSize to $BreastsSize>>\
<<set $PC.AssSize to 0>>\
<<set $PC.OAssSize to 0>>\
<<set $PC.MAssSize to 0>>\
<<set $PC.Pro to $playerPath+"male-pro.jpg">>\
<<set $arrayPCGender = $arrayPCGenderBoy>>\
<<set $Milk.Max to 1 + _SexBonus + $CharismaBonus>>\
<<set $Milk.Min to 0>>\
<<set $Cum.Max to 3 + $CharismaBonus>>\
<<set $Cum.Min to 1>>\
<<set $Cum.Stored to $Cum.Max>>\
<<set $CumAD to $arrayCumAmountDesc[$Cum.Stored]>>\
<<set $DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$PC.DickSize]>>\
<<set $DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$PC.DickSize]>>\
<<set $BallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$PC.BallsSize]>>\
<<set $BallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$PC.BallsSize]>>\
<<if $PC.Sex is "Female">>\
<<set $PC.OSex to "Female">>\
<<set $PC.HasPenis to 0>>\
<<set $PC.BreastsSize to 1 + _SexBonus>>\
<<set $PC.OBreastsSize to 1 + _SexBonus>>\
<<set $PC.MBreastsSize to 1>>\
<<set $PC.MMBreastsSize to $BreastsSize>>\
<<set $PC.NippleSize to 1 + _SexBonus>>\
<<set $PC.HasPussy to 1>>\
<<set $PC.AssSize to 1 + _SexBonus>>\
<<set $PC.OAssSize to 1 + _SexBonus>>\
<<set $PC.MAssSize to 0>>\
<<set $Milk.Max to 1 + _SexBonus + $CharismaBonus>>\
<<set $Milk.Min to 0>>\
<<set $GCum.Min to 1>>\
<<set $GCum.Max to 3 + $CharismaBonus>>\
<<set $GCum.Stored to $GCum.Max>>\
<<set $PC.Pro to $playerPath+"female-pro.jpg">>\
<<set $arrayPCGender = $arrayPCGenderGirl >>\
<<set $BreastSD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set $BreastsSize to $arrayBreastSize[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set $NippleSize to $arrayNippleSize[$PC.NippleSize]>>\
<<set $AssSize to $arrayAssSizeDesc[$PC.AssSize]>>\
Your Name: $PC.FirstName $PC.LastName
Age: 21
Sex: $PC.Sex
Height: 5'11
<<if $PC.Sex is "Male">>\
Dick: A $DickSD $DickSize dick
Balls: A pair of $BallsSD $BallsSize balls
<<if $PC.Sex is "Female">>\
Breasts: A pair of $BreastSD $BreastsSize breasts
Pussy: A tight pussy
<<if $Prologue > 0>>\
<<button [[Correct|Prologue 6]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Correct|Prologue Start]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Start Over|PreStart]]>> <</button>><img src="Images/Home/PCBedroom.jpg" max-width:100% height:auto/>
<<set $location.temp to "PCRoom">>\
<<set $location.coord to 1>>\
<<include "Time Micro-Passes">>\
<<set $SmartPhone.Charge to $SmartPhone.MaxCharge>>\
  This is your bedroom. A large bed takes up the majority of the room with a desk on the other wall. On the desk is your familiar computer. There is a window next to the bed that gives a nice view of the neighboorhood. In a corner stands a full length mirror.
<<if $StatusAffect.Pregnant > 1 and $Time.Current is 0>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> Ughhhh! I'm feeling so nauseated. I might need to take it easy for a day or two...</i></div>
<<elseif $Prologue > 1 and $Prologue < 5>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> If I remember correctly my closet should have some supplies to survive the Infested and I really need to replace my broken bat with a real weapon...</i></div>
<<elseif $StatusText.Notice is 1>>\
<<include "Update Status">>\
<<switch random(3)>>\
<<case 0>>\
<<include "PC Comments">>\
<<if (random(19) +1) < 2 and $NoHomeEncounter < 1>>\
<<include "Home Event">>\
<<set $location.prev to $location.temp>>\
<<button [[Read a book|ReadBook]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<button [[Check out your PC |BrowsePC]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<button [[Look out the window|Look Window]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<button [[Check yourself in the mirror|Check Mirror]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<button [[Check the items in the Closet|Closet]]>> <</button>>
<<if $Time.Current > 5 >> \
<<if $BadEnd > 0>>\
<<button [[Go to bed|Bad Endings]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<elseif $StatusAffect.Pregnant is 3>>\
<<button [[Go to bed|Bad Endings]]>>
<<set $BadEnd to 1>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<elseif $StatusAffect.Starving > 0>>\
<<button [[Go to bed|Bad Endings]]>>
<<set $BadEnd to 2>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<button [[Go to bed|Sleep]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<button [[Leave|Upstairs]]>> <</button>>
<img src="Images/Home/Bookshelf.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
  Which book do you want to read?
<<if $StatusText.Notice is 1>>\
<<include "Update Status">>\
<<if $Time.Current >= $Time.Max >>\
It's too late to read any books..
<<button [[Manga|Read Manga]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Nevermind|PCRoom]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</button>><img src="Images/Home/PC.jpg" width="800px" height="400px" />
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
  You boot up your PC but with everything going on the internet is not working.<<if $lust>=25>>
You are feeling a bit horny. <</if>> <<if $Time.Current >= $Time.Max>> It is getting a bit late in the evening, you should be heading to bed soon.<</if>>
<<if $ClassBonus.Programmer > 2>>\
<<button [[Brainstorm|Brain storm]]>> <</button>>
<<if $lust >= 25 or $GeneralFeats.Horndog > 0>>\
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Masturbate|Masturbation Choice]]>></span>
<<button [[Father's Note|BrowsePC - Note]]>> <</button>>
<<if $AdminMode is 1>>\
<<button [[Reset Status Affects|Reset Status Affects]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Reset Events|Reset Events]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Reset NPCs|Reset NPCs]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Reset Videos|Reset Videos]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Reset Images|Reset Images]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Reset Size Desc|Reset Size]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Increase NPC Affection|Increase NPC Affection]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Add Items|Add Items]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Increase Size|Increase Size]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Add XP|Add XP]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Add $1000|BrowsePC]]>>
<<set $Cash to $Cash + 1000>>\
<<button [[Fast Travel|Fast Travel]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Holiday Options|Holiday Cheat Options]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Fix Inventory|PC Fix]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Danger Room|Danger Room]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[View Credits|Credits 3]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Stop Browsing|PCRoom]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</button>><<if $Time.Current < 6>>
<img src="Images/Home/Window.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
  Looking out the window you can see the part of the mountains that are locally called the Double Peeks. The sun is shining brightly with a couple of clouds floating high above. The sound of birds in the distance can be heard while the usual sounds of the suburbs are missing.
<img src="Images/Home/Window-n.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
  Looking out the window you can see the part of the mountains that are locally called the Double Peeks. The full moon is out and giving the mountains a mystical look while a few clouds can be seen floating off in the distance. There's a strange silence that stifles any noises causing the usual night time sounds of the suburbs to be muffled.
<<set _WeatherRoll to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<set _totalRoll to _EncounterRoll + $Skill.Scouting + $WisdomBonus>>\
<<if _totalRoll > 15>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i>It looks like it's going to be $Weather.Tomorrow tomorrow...</i></div>
<<button [[Stop looking|PCRoom]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</button>><<include "Adlibs">>\
<<set _picture to $PCProfile.Picture>>\
<img @src="_picture" height="768px" width="512px" />
Name: $PC.FirstName $PC.LastName
Sex: $PC.Sex
Age: 21
Height: 5"10
InfestationLevel: <<print $PC.Infestation>>
<<if $PC.Sex is "Male" or $PC.Sex is "Futa">>
Penis: A $DickSD $DickSize Penis
Balls: A pair of $BallsSD $BallsSize balls
<<if $PC.Sex is "Female" or $PC.Sex is "Futa">>
Breasts: A pair of $BreastSD $BreastsSize breasts
<div class="pcTalk">I'm looking pretty good!</div>
<<button [[Finish|PCRoom]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<img src="Images/Home/PCBed.jpg" />
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Horny to 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumFilled to 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Wet to 0>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.Hungry > 0>>\
<<set $HP to $HP + $PC.Level + ($ConstitutionBonus * 2)>>\
<<if $HP > $MaxHP>>\
<<set $HP to $MaxHP>>\
You get ready for bed with a quick shower and change into your pajamas. As you lay in your comfortable bed you feel uncomfortably hungry due to lack of food and you have a hard time falling asleep.
<<set $HP to $MaxHP>>\
You get ready for bed with a quick shower and change into your pajamas. As you lay in your comfortable bed you think back to how the day has gone and what the future holds.
<<if $XP >= $NextLevel and $PC.Level < $MaxLevel>>\
<<button [[Level Up!|Level Up Start]]>>
<<button [[Fall Asleep|Dream]]>> <</button>>
<img src="Images/Home/Upstairs.jpg" />
<<set $location.temp to "Upstairs">>\
<<include "Time Micro-Passes">>\
<<set $SmartPhone.Charge to $SmartPhone.MaxCharge>>\
  This is the upstairs hallway. There are 3 doors that lead to the various bedrooms for your family and at the end of the hallway is a door that leads to the bathroom. Several pictures of you family line the wall along with several paintings. A large staircase leads down to the main floor.
<<switch random(3)>>\
<<case 0>>\
<<include "PC Comments">>\
<<if (random(19) +1) < 2 and $NoHomeEncounter < 1>>\
<<include "Home Event">>\
<<set $location.prev to $location.temp>>\
<<button [[Your Bedroom|PCRoom]]>> <</button>>
<<button "$sister.Name's Bedroom" "Sister Room">> <</button>>
<<button [[Master Bedoom|Parent Room]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Bathroom|Bathroom]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Downstairs|Main Hallway]]>> <</button>>
<</if>>\<img src="Images/Home/Manga.jpg" width="512px" height="768px"/>
<<include "Time Passes">>\
<<set $lust to $lust + 5>>\
<<if $lust>=$MaxLust>> \
<<set $lust to $MaxLust>>\
  You sit down and read some more from your favorite series, <i>I Was Reincarnated Into My Favorite MMO And Turned Into A Mysterious Girl And Also Fought An Evil God Using The Power of Sex!</i>. It's a bit on the perverted side while still having a fun story. After about an hour or so you put the manga down.
<<if $StatusText.Notice is 1>>\
<<include "Update Status">>\
<<button [[Stop Reading|ReadBook]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</button>><img src="Images/Home/Sisterbedroom.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<include "Time Micro-Passes">>\
<<set $SmartPhone.Charge to $SmartPhone.MaxCharge>>\
  This is your $sister.Relationship's room which lies across the hallway from your room.. A large bed takes up most of the space with a dresser the other end of the room. A small closet is next to the bed along with a nightstand. Across the room is a old laptop PC that $sister.Name uses.
<<button [[Leave|Upstairs]]>> <</button>><img src="Images/Home/Master Bedroom.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<include "Time Micro-Passes">>\
<<set $SmartPhone.Charge to $SmartPhone.MaxCharge>>\
  This is your $mom.Name and $dad.Name's room large bedroom which is in the eastern part of the house. A lot of your $mom.Relationship's clothes are scattered around the room while almost none of your $dad.Relationship's stuff can be seen. A large unmade bed takes up the center part of the bedroom while a large dresser takes up another chunk of the room.
<<if $startingweaponsEvent.Shotgun < 1>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> Didn't my $dad.Relationship keep a shotgun in the closet? </i></div>
<<button [[Search the Closet|Parent Room - Search Closet]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<if $questsFamilyMom.Diary < 1 and $questsFamilyMom.Started is not 2>>\
<<button [[Search the Room|Parent Room - Search]]>>
<<button [[Leave|Upstairs]]>> <</button>><img src="Images/Home/Foyer.jpg" />
<<set $location.temp to "Main Hallway">>\
<<include "Time Micro-Passes">>\
<<set $SmartPhone.Charge to $SmartPhone.MaxCharge>>\
  You're standing in the foyer at the base of the staircase that leads upstairs. To the front of you is the main door that leads out of the house and out to the suburbs. To the left is the living room where you can see the TV and sofa and to the right the door to the kitchen which connects to the garage.
<<switch $Weather.Current>>\
<<case "Cloudy">>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> Looks like there's plenty of clouds hiding the sun today.</i></div>
<<case "Windy">>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> Looks a bit windy today.</i></div>
<<case "Foggy">>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> Looks like it's pretty foggy outside today.</i></div>
<<case "Misty">>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i>Looks like it's a bit misty outside today.</i></div>
<<case "Rainy">>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> Looks like it's raining pretty hard outside now. I probably need a good jacket or umbrella if I want to head out today.</i></div>
<<case "Stormy">>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> That sounds like thunder and I can easily see lightning strikes out there! I'm not sure if I should be heading out in the middle of a thunderstorm...</i></div>
<<case "Dreary">>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> Looks like it's raining steadily with a mean mix of light fog today. </i></div>
<<case "Sleeting">>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> That sounds like sleet mixed with some rain! I'm going to need a warm jacket to avoid that mix!</i></div>
<<case "Snowy">>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I can't believe it's snowing right now! I'm going to need a warm coat and a good scarf to avoid that chilling cold!</i></div>
<<switch random(3)>>\
<<case 0>>\
<<include "PC Comments">>\
<<if (random(19) +1)< 10 and $NoHomeEncounter < 1>>\
<<include "Home Event">>\
<<set $location.prev to "Main Hallway">>\
<<button [[Upstairs|Upstairs]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Living room|Living Room]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Kitchen|Kitchen]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Leave the house|Front Door]]>>
<<set $location.Indoor to 0>>\
<<switch random(9)>>\
<<case 0>>\
<<if $Infestation.Progress < 5>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I wonder what I should do today...</i></div>
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I wonder who I should fuck today...</i></div>
<<case 1>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> Will this Infested pandemic ever end?</i></div>
<<case 2>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I wonder if it's going to rain today.</i></div>
<<case 3>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i>How do vampires always look so neat and tidy if they can’t see themselves in the mirror?</i></div>
<<case 4>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i>Mothers only get a day, but sharks get a whole week.</i></div>
<<case 5>>\
<<if $Infestation.Progress < 6>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i>I wonder where the best place to find weapons would be...</i></div>
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I wonder where the best place to find someone to fuck would be......</i></div>
<<case 6>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i>Would three boobs be better than two?</i></div>
<<set $lust+=3>>\
<<if $lust>=$MaxLust>>\
<<set $lust to $MaxLust>>\
<<case 7>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i>I'm kinda craving ice cream.</i></div>
<<case 8>>\
<<if $lust >=75>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i>Why am I feeling so horny today?</i></div>
<div class="pcTalk"><i>Things have been really crazy these days...</i></div>
<<case 9>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i>I wonder how all this started...</i></div>
Top Performance - Extra HP
Windfall - Extra cash
Forum Troll - More alerts on the PC
Use Every Part - Extra loot when Salvaging
Just a Flesh Wound - heals extra 10%
Deadeye - Bonus damage with weapons
Better Part of Valor - Greater chance to flee encounters
General Skills:
Weapon Skills:
BanditMale2 Photo
Photo by <a href="https://unsplash.com/@davidbenesph?utm_source=unsplash&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=creditCopyText">David Beneš</a> on <a href="https://unsplash.com/s/photos/gang?utm_source=unsplash&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=creditCopyText">Unsplash</a>
Stages of Infested per the CDC
Stage 1 - Initial infection, lowers reasoning and raises libido, tends to wear provacative clothing and has bursts of irrational lust
Stage 2 - Biological changes happen with expanded busts on women and enlarged genetilia on men. Will wear provacative clothes to the exclusion of anything else and will use any weak excuse to become naked. Will attempt to seduce partners with a uncousious desire for those who are not Infested
Stage 3 - Mental state has declined to the point where sex is the only thing of importance and will seek it out regardless of danger. Still has basic insticts of searching for food and water. Will have occasional bursts of initial personality
BioWetX: Bioengineering company who made Dr. Pecker, Milkshake Jugs, Milk Tanks, Energy Thirst, and Junk in the Trunk.
<<set $date to new Date()>>
The current month is <<print $date.getMonth() >>.
The current day is <<print $date.getDay() >>.
The current hour is <<print $date.getHours() >>.
The current minute is <<print $date.getMinutes() >>.
The current fullyear is <<print $date.getFullYear() >>.<img src="Images/Classes/High School.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
Your class determines your Major/Minor Stats, your HP, your saving throws and your starting skills. You also get class feats starting at level 1 and at set interval. Each class has a Primary stat usually used for special attacks or abilites. You can not change your Class once chosen.
Stat Breakdown:
Strength: Gives a bonus to hit with Melee weapons and Melee damage. (Athetics)
Dexterity: Gives a bonus to hit with Ranged weapons, increases AC, increases Reflex Saves. (Driving, Stealth, Thievery)
Constitution: Gives a bonus to HP and Fortitude Saves (None)
Wisdom: Gives a bonus to Will Saves (Cooking, Medical, Salvaging, Scouting)
Intelligence: Gives bonus skills known (Crafting, Electronics)
Charisma: Gives a bonus to starting penis and balls size for Males while it gives a bonus to starting breasts and ass size for Females (Social, ???)
  As an Athlete you managed to gain a scholarship to the local college where your inate talents and excellent fitness helped you become one of the star players on your team.
  HP: 10
  Saves: +2 Fortitude
<<button [[Athlete|Choose Athlete]]>> <</button>>
  As an rising Celebrity you have managed to attract a rather large following on social media along with a couple of minor roles in various college films and plays.
  HP: 6
  Saves: +2 Reflex
   Light Armor:
<<button [[Celebrity|Choose Celebrity]]>> <</button>>
  As an Criminal you have learned what it means to own the streets with your hard learned skills and slick attitude. Even your part-time classes at the local college is just there to give you an edge on your competition.
  HP: 8
  Saves: +2 Reflex
   Light Armor:
<<button [[Criminal|Choose Criminal]]>> <</button>>
<b>Medic </b>
  As a part-time Medic you have taken the first steps to getting your medical degree at the local college. Long nights driving an ambulance while helping to save lives leads to some stressful nights. Who knows how many lives you can end up saving?
  HP: 8
  Saves: +2 Willpower
   Light Armor:
<<button [[Medic|Choose Medic]]>> <</button>>
  As an Officer you have taken the first steps in order to become a true patriot by enrolling in college in order to get your Criminal Law degree. You're not sure if you want to become a police officer or to join the military but either way you will have the skills to back it up.
  HP: 10
  Saves: +2 Fortitude
   Light Armor:
   Medium Armor:
<<button [[Officer|Choose Officer]]>> <</button>>
  As an Programmer you have managed to take your interests in programming along with your formal college classes to a whole new level. The extra classes you've taken have allowed you to even hack a few systems here and there and your medival cosplaying will be useful for self-defense.
  HP: 6
  Saves: +2 Willpower
   Light Armor:
   Medium Armor:
<<button [[Programmer|Choose Programmer]]>> <</button>>
  As an avid outdoor Ranger you have learned to use your love of the outdoors to go to college in order to become a wildlife biologist or perhaps another similiar job. What can be better than turning a hobby you love into a career?
  HP: 8
  Saves: +2 Willpower
   Light Armor:
<<button [[Ranger|Choose Ranger]]>> <</button>><img src="Images/Classes/High School.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<if $PC.Sex is "Male" and $Prologue is 0>>\
<<switch $PCProfile.Choice>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<set $PCProfile to {Choice: 1, Picture: $playerPath+"Player 1 Male.jpg", Face: $playerPath+"Player 1 Male-Face.jpg", Hair: "Black", HairDescription: "Short", BreastDD: $playerPath+"Player 1 Futa-DD.jpg", BreastG: $playerPath+"Player 1 Futa-G.jpg", OriginalPicture: $playerPath+"Player 1 Male.jpg", OriginalFace: $playerPath+"Player 1 Male-Face.jpg"}>>\
<<case 2>>\
<<set $PCProfile to {Choice: 2, Picture: $playerPath+"Player 2 Male.jpg", Face: $playerPath+"Player 2 Male-Face.jpg", Hair: "Red", HairDescription: "Short", BreastDD: $playerPath+"Player 2 Futa-DD.jpg", BreastG: $playerPath+"Player 2 Futa-G.jpg", OriginalPicture: $playerPath+"Player 2 Male.jpg", OriginalFace: $playerPath+"Player 2 Male-Face.jpg"}>>\
<<case 3>>\
<<set $PCProfile to {Choice: 3, Picture: $playerPath+"Player 3 Male.jpg", Face: $playerPath+"Player 3 Male-Face.jpg", Hair: "Brown", HairDescription: "Short", BreastDD: $playerPath+"Player 3 Futa-DD.jpg", BreastG: $playerPath+"Player 3 Futa-G.jpg", OriginalPicture: $playerPath+"Player 3 Male.jpg", OriginalFace: $playerPath+"Player 3 Male-Face.jpg"}>>\
<<case 4>>\
<<set $PCProfile to {Choice: 4, Picture: $playerPath+"Player 4 Male.jpg", Face: $playerPath+"Player 4 Male-Face.jpg", Hair: "White", HairDescription: "Short", BreastDD: $playerPath+"Player 4 Futa-DD.jpg", BreastG: $playerPath+"Player 4 Futa-G.jpg", OriginalPicture: $playerPath+"Player 4 Male.jpg", OriginalFace: $playerPath+"Player 4 Male-Face.jpg"}>>\
<<set $PCProfile to {Choice: 5, Picture: $playerPath+"Player 5 Male.jpg", Face: $playerPath+"Player 5 Male-Face.jpg", Hair: "Blonde", HairDescription: "Short", BreastDD: $playerPath+"Player 5 Futa-DD.jpg", BreastG: $playerPath+"Player 5 Futa-G.jpg",OriginalPicture: $playerPath+"Player 5 Male.jpg", OriginalFace: $playerPath+"Player 5 Male-Face.jpg"}>>\
<<elseif $PC.Sex is "Female" and $Prologue is 0>>\
<<switch $PCProfile.Choice>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<set $PCProfile to {Choice: 1, Picture: $playerPath+"Player 1 Female.jpg", Face: $playerPath+"Player 1 Female-Face.jpg", Hair: "Black", HairDescription: "Short", BreastDD: $playerPath+"Player 1 Female-DD.jpg", BreastG: $playerPath+"Player 1 Female-G.jpg", OriginalPicture: $playerPath+"Player 1 Female.jpg", OriginalFace: $playerPath+"Player 1 Female-Face.jpg"}>>\
<<case 2>>\
<<set $PCProfile to {Choice: 2, Picture: $playerPath+"Player 2 Female.jpg", Face: $playerPath+"Player 2 Female-Face.jpg", Hair: "Red", HairDescription: "Long", BreastDD: $playerPath+"Player 2 Female-DD.jpg", BreastG: $playerPath+"Player 2 Female-G.jpg", OriginalPicture: $playerPath+"Player 2 Female.jpg", OriginalFace: $playerPath+"Player 2 Female-Face.jpg"}>>\
<<case 3>>\
<<set $PCProfile to {Choice: 3, Picture: $playerPath+"Player 3 Female.jpg", Face: $playerPath+"Player 3 Female-Face.jpg", Hair: "Brown", HairDescription: "Long", BreastDD: $playerPath+"Player 3 Female-DD.jpg", BreastG: $playerPath+"Player 3 Female-G.jpg", OriginalPicture: $playerPath+"Player 3 Female.jpg", OriginalFace: $playerPath+"Player 3 Female-Face.jpg"}>>\
<<case 4>>\
<<set $PCProfile to {Choice: 4, Picture: $playerPath+"Player 4 Female.jpg", Face: $playerPath+"Player 4 Female-Face.jpg", Hair: "White", HairDescription: "Short", BreastDD: $playerPath+"Player 4 Female-DD.jpg", BreastG: $playerPath+"Player 4 Female-G.jpg", OriginalPicture: $playerPath+"Player 4 Female.jpg", OriginalFace: $playerPath+"Player 4 Female-Face.jpg"}>>\
<<set $PCProfile to {Choice: 5, Picture: $playerPath+"Player 5 Female.jpg", Face: $playerPath+"Player 5 Female-Face.jpg", Hair: "Blonde", HairDescription: "Long", BreastDD: $playerPath+"Player 5 Female-DD.jpg", BreastG: $playerPath+"Player 5 Female-G.jpg", OriginalPicture: $playerPath+"Player 5 Female.jpg", OriginalFace: $playerPath+"Player 5 Female-Face.jpg"}>>\
So what was your background in High School? Your background gives you a bonus to the related stats and an additional skill. Major stats give a +4 to a stat while Minor stats give a +2 to a stat. Being trained in a skill gives a +2 to that skill and allows skill checks to be done with it. The Athetics skill is the only exception as it allows a skill check without training. No stats can start above 18 and no skill can start above Expert (+4). You can not change your Background once chosen.
Stat Breakdown:
Strength: Gives a bonus to hit with Melee weapons and Melee damage. (Athetics)
Dexterity: Gives a bonus to hit with Ranged weapons, increases AC, increases Reflex Saves. (Driving, Stealth, Thievery)
Constitution: Gives a bonus to HP and Fortitude Saves (None)
Wisdom: Gives a bonus to Will Saves (Cooking, Medical, Salvaging, Scouting)
Intelligence: Gives bonus skills known (Crafting, Electronics)
Charisma: Gives a bonus to starting penis and balls size for Males while it gives a bonus to starting breasts and ass size for Females (Social, ???)
  You were a proud Artist while in high school which in turn gives you a major focus on Intelligence along with some Dexterity used for manipulating your tools and some Charisma for getting people to agree to be a part of your art and for bartering. Practicing your fine art has trained you in Crafting.
<<button [[Artist|Choose Artist]]>> <</button>>
  You were one of the Brainiacs while in high school which meant you were always busy messing around with various science projects. This helped to increase your Intelligence as you dived into the mystics of science, Strength for lugging all that heavy equipment around and Constitution for surviving when they sometimes exploded. The time spent messing with computers and other electrical devices have helped you gain the Skill: Electronics.
<<button [[Brainiac|Choose Brainiac]]>> <</button>>
  You were a Drifter that spent all your time just bouncing from group to group with no real set identity. The fact that you often drove the other students to various teenager hangouts helped increase your Dexterity greatly. Your ability to make friends from all the other backgrounds increased your Charisma and the ability to understand other people's points of view showed Wisdom. The massive amount of time spent driving your favorite car has trained you in the skill: Driving.
<<button [[Drifter|Choose Drifter]]>> <</button>>
  You were a sport Jock while in high school which gave you lots of fitness training while keeping you busy in the gym. All that weight training helped you get all pumped up which increased your Strength greatly. While playing on various sports teams helped increase your Dexterity and your Constitution. Playing hard and working out hard helped train you in the skill: Athletics.
<<button [[Jock|Choose Jock]]>> <</button>>
  You were a outcast Loner while in high school, never really having many friends while having plenty of enemies. Your curse of being alone for large amounts of time made you more introspective which increased your Wisdom greatly. Your tendacy to fade into the shadows along with escaping the various bullies helped increase your Dexterity while also helping to increase your Constitution when you couldn't escape. Your years of avoidance have helped you to be trained in the skill: Stealth.
<<button [[Loner|Choose Loner]]>> <</button>>
  You were one of the Popular students while in high school and you were glad for all the friends you made along the way! Keeping all the teachers happy along with your close friends helped to greatly increase your Charisma. You didn't spend all your time chatting as finishing your homework was also important for keeping the adults happy which increased your Intelligence while working on keeping in shape helped increase your Strength. This busy lifestyle has helped you be trained in the skill: Social.
<<button [[Popular|Choose Popular]]>> <</button>>
  You were one of the often high Stoners while in high school. The constant drugs helped train your immune system as it was pushed to the limits almost daily which increased your Constitution. Your chill attitude opened your mind to greater insights which increased your Wisdom while dumpster diving for stuff to sell to fuel your activities required a bit of Dexterity. All that dumpster diving and couch scrounging helped you be trained in the skill: Salvaging.
<<button [[Stoner|Choose Stoner]]>> <</button>>
<img src="Images/Classes/Brainiac.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
  You were one of the Brainiacs while in high school who was always busy messing around with various science projects. This helped to increase your Intelligence when building them, Strength for lugging the heavy equipment around and Constitution for surviving when they exploded. All that working with PCs and other eletronics help you to gain the Skill: Electronics.
   Intelligence +4
   Constitution +2
   Strength +2
   Electronics(Int) +2
<<if $Prologue is 1>>\
<<button [[I was an Brainiac|Prologue - Class]]>>
<<set $PC.Background to "Brainiac">>\
<<set $Intelligence to $Intelligence+4>>\
<<set $Constitution to $Constitution+2>>\
<<set $Strength to $Strength+2>>\
<<set $Prof.Electronics to $Prof.Electronics+2>>\
<<button [[Choose Your Class|Choose Class]]>>
<<set $PC.Background to "Brainiac">>\
<<set $Intelligence to $Intelligence+4>>\
<<set $Constitution to $Constitution+2>>\
<<set $Strength to $Strength+2>>\
<<set $Prof.Electronics to $Prof.Electronics+2>>\
<<button [[Choose Another Background|Choose Background]]>> <</button>>
<img src="Images/Classes/Jock.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
  You were a sport Jock while in high school which gave you lots of fitness training while keeping you busy. All that weight training helped increase your Strength, while playing on various sports teams helped increase your Dexterity and your Constitution. Playing hard and working out hard helped train you in the Skill: Athletics.
   Athletics(Str) +2
<<if $Prologue is 1>>\
<<button [[I was an Jock|Prologue - Class]]>>
<<set $PC.Background to "Jock">>\
<<set $Strength to $Strength+4>>\
<<set $Dexterity to $Dexterity+2>>\
<<set $Constitution to $Constitution+2>>\
<<set $Prof.Athletics to $Prof.Athletics+2>>\
<<button [[Choose Your Class|Choose Class]]>>
<<set $PC.Background to "Jock">>\
<<set $Strength to $Strength+4>>\
<<set $Dexterity to $Dexterity+2>>\
<<set $Constitution to $Constitution+2>>\
<<set $Prof.Athletics to $Prof.Athletics+2>>\
<<button [[Choose Another Background|Choose Background]]>> <</button>><img src="Images/Classes/Artist.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
  You were a proud Artist while in high school which in turn gives you a major focus on Intelligence along with some Dexterity used for manipulating your tools and some Charisma for dealing with models and selling your art pieces. Practicing your art all the time has helped train you in the Skill: Crafting.
   Crafting(Int) +2
<<if $Prologue is 1>>\
<<button [[I was an Artist|Prologue - Class]]>>
<<set $PC.Background to "Artist">>\
<<set $Intelligence to $Intelligence+4>>\
<<set $Charisma to $Charisma+2>>\
<<set $Dexterity to $Dexterity+2>>\
<<set $Prof.Crafting to $Prof.Crafting+2>>\
<<button [[Choose Your Class|Choose Class]]>>
<<set $PC.Background to "Artist">>\
<<set $Intelligence to $Intelligence+4>>\
<<set $Charisma to $Charisma+2>>\
<<set $Dexterity to $Dexterity+2>>\
<<set $Prof.Crafting to $Prof.Crafting+2>>\
<<button [[Choose Another Background|Choose Background]]>> <</button>><img src="Images/Classes/Popular.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
  You were one of the Popular students while in high school and you were glad for all the friends you made along the way! Keeping all the teachers happy along with your close friends helped to greatly increase your Charisma. You didn't spend all your time chatting as finishing your homework was also important for keeping the adults happy which increased your Intelligence while working on keeping in shape helped increase your Strength. This busy lifestyle has helped you be trained in the skill: Social.
   Social(Cha) +2
<<if $Prologue is 1>>\
<<button [[I was a Popular Student|Prologue - Class]]>>
<<set $PC.Background to "Popular">>\
<<set $Charisma to $Charisma+4>>\
<<set $Strength to $Strength+2>>\
<<set $Intelligence to $Intelligence+2>>\
<<set $Prof.Social to $Prof.Social+2>>\
<<button [[Choose Your Class|Choose Class]]>>
<<set $PC.Background to "Popular">>\
<<set $Charisma to $Charisma+4>>\
<<set $Strength to $Strength+2>>\
<<set $Intelligence to $Intelligence+2>>\
<<set $Prof.Social to $Prof.Social+2>>\
<<button [[Choose Another Background|Choose Background]]>> <</button>><img src="Images/Classes/Stoner.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
  You were one of the often high Stoners while in high school. The constant drugs helped train your immune system as it was pushed to the limits almost daily which increased your Constitution. Your chill attitude opened your mind to greater insights which increased your Wisdom while dumpster diving for stuff to sell to fuel your activities required a bit of Dexterity. All that dumpster diving and couch scrounging helped you be trained in the Skill: Salvaging.
   Salvaging(Wis) +2
<<if $Prologue is 1>>\
<<button [[I was a Stoner|Prologue - Class]]>>
<<set $PC.Background to "Stoner">>\
<<set $Constitution to $Constitution+4>>\
<<set $Dexterity to $Dexterity+2>>\
<<set $Wisdom to $Wisdom+2>>\
<<set $Prof.Salvaging to $Prof.Salvaging+2>>\
<<button [[Choose Your Class|Choose Class]]>>
<<set $PC.Background to "Stoner">>\
<<set $Constitution to $Constitution+4>>\
<<set $Dexterity to $Dexterity+2>>\
<<set $Wisdom to $Wisdom+2>>\
<<set $Prof.Salvaging to $Prof.Salvaging+2>>\
<<button [[Choose Another Background|Choose Background]]>> <</button>><img src="Images/Classes/Athlete.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
  You managed to take your skill at a variety of sports along with your fit body to become a professional Athlete. This has helped you gain a nice amount of Strength with your martial art training gaining you some minor Wisdom, Dexterity, and Constitution to round out your physique. You have gained the skills: Athletics, Cooking, Driving, Medical, Unarmed, and Unarmored.
<b>Martial Arts</b>
You have learned the ways of fighting unarmed and unarmored. With no weapons equipped you deal 1d6 blunt damage. While wearing no armor you have a +1 to AC (+Unarmored Proficiency), 1 Resistance to all Damage and +1 to Saves.
  HP: 10
  Saves: +2 Fortitude
  Primary Stat:
   Strength +4
   Dexterity +2
   Constitution +2
   Wisdom +2
   Athletics(Str): +2
   Cooking(Wis): +2
   Driving(Dex): +2
   Medical(Wis): +2
   Unarmed(Str): +2
   Unarmored: +2
<<button [[Choose Athlete|Stat Check]]>>
<<set $PC.Class to "Athlete">>\
<<set $Strength to $Strength+4>>\
<<set $Constitution to $Constitution+2>>\
<<set $Dexterity to $Dexterity+2>>\
<<set $Wisdom to $Wisdom+2>>\
<<set $Prof.Athletics to $Prof.Athletics+2>>\
<<set $Prof.Cooking to $Prof.Cooking+2>>\
<<set $Prof.Shotguns to $Prof.Driving+2>>\
<<set $Prof.Medical to $Prof.Medical+2>>\
<<set $Prof.Unarmed to $Prof.Unarmed+2>>\
<<set $Prof.Unarmored to $Prof.Unarmored+2>>\
<<set $Prof.Fortitude to $Prof.Fortitude+2>>\
<<set $ClassBonus.Athlete to 1>>\
<<set $ClassHP to 10>>\
<<button [[Choose Another Class|Choose Class]]>> <</button>><img src="Images/Classes/Celebrity.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
  You managed to take advantage of your good looks and great social ability in order to become a minor Celebrity. Being a Social Influencer has helped you gain a nice amount of Charisma with some minor Strength, Dexterity and Intelligence to round out your physique. You have gained the skills: Athletics, Driving, Social, Crafting, Clubs, Pistols and Light Armor.
<b>Social Influence</b>
As a Celebrity you find it easy to make friends with people from all walks of life. When you have a social interaction that ends on a positive note you add half your Social skill proficiency as a boost to the influence gained with that person.
  HP: 6
  Saves: +2 Reflex
  Primary Stat:
   Charisma +4
   Strength +2
   Intelligence +2
   Dexterity +2
   Athletics(Str): +2
   Driving(Dex): +2
   Social(Cha): +2
   Crafting(Int): +2
   Clubs(Str): +2
   Pistols(Dex): +2
   Light Armor: +2
<<button [[Choose Celebrity|Stat Check]]>>
<<set $PC.Class to "Celebrity">>\
<<set $Charisma to $Charisma+4>>\
<<set $Dexterity to $Dexterity+2>>\
<<set $Intelligence to $Intelligence+2>>\
<<set $Strength to $Strength+2>>\
<<set $Prof.Athletics to $Prof.Athletics+2>>\
<<set $Prof.Driving to $Prof.Driving+2>>\
<<set $Prof.Social to $Prof.Social+2>>\
<<set $Prof.Crafting to $Prof.Crafting+2>>\
<<set $Prof.Clubs to $Prof.Clubs+2>>\
<<set $Prof.Pistols to $Prof.Pistols+2>>\
<<set $Prof.LightArmor to $Prof.LightArmor+2>>\
<<set $Prof.Reflex to $Prof.Reflex+2>>\
<<set $ClassBonus.Celebrity to ($Prof.Social / 2)>>\
<<set $ClassHP to 6>>\
<<button [[Choose Another Class|Choose Class]]>> <</button>><img src="Images/Classes/Criminal.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
  You managed to take your knack of stealing and managed to turn it into a way to make a lot of money as a Criminal. You tend to spend time in accounting classes at college as you like to have an alibi and who knows what type of white colllar crimes are in your future. Your unlawful criminal career has helped you gain a nice amount of Dexterity with some minor Intelligence, Charisma and Strength to round out your physique. You have gained the skills: Salvaging, Stealth, Thievery, Social, Knives, Pistols and Light Armor.
<b>Bladed Hand</b>
You've learned how to spin and jab with a knife using your Dexterity instead of Strength. When you have a knife equipped you use your Dexterity to hit instead of Strength. You still use your Strength for damage.
  HP: 8
  Saves: +2 Reflex
  Primary Stat:
   Dexterity +4
   Charisma +2
   Intelligence +2
   Strength +2
   Stealth(Dex): +2
   Thievery(Dex): +2
   Salvaging(Wis): +2
   Social(Cha): +2
   Knives(Dex/Str): +2
   Pistols(Dex): +2
   Light Armor: +2
<<button [[Choose Criminal|Stat Check]]>>
<<set $PC.Class to "Criminal">>\
<<set $Dexterity to $Dexterity+4>>\
<<set $Charisma to $Charisma+2>>\
<<set $Intelligence to $Intelligence+2>>\
<<set $Strength to $Strength+2>>\
<<set $Prof.Salvaging to $Prof.Salvaging+2>>\
<<set $Prof.Social to $Prof.Social+2>>\
<<set $Prof.Stealth to $Prof.Stealth+2>>\
<<set $Prof.Thievery to $Prof.Thievery+2>>\
<<set $Prof.Knives to $Prof.Knives+2>>\
<<set $Prof.Pistols to $Prof.Pistols+2>>\
<<set $Prof.LightArmor to $Prof.LightArmor+2>>\
<<set $Prof.Reflex to $Prof.Reflex+2>>\
<<set $ClassBonus.Criminal to 1>>\
<<set $ClassHP to 8>>\
<<set $LockSmithTools.Active to 1>>\
<<button [[Choose Another Class|Choose Class]]>> <</button>><img src="Images/Classes/Ranger.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
  You managed to take your love of the outdoors and turned it into a career as a Ranger. Traveling thru the deep forests of the land has helped you gain a nice amount of Dexterity along with some minor Wisdom, Constitution and Strength to round out your physique. You have gained the skills: Athletics, Scouting, Salvaging, Stealth, Bows, Rifles, and Light Armor.
<b>Most Dangerous Game</b>
You've learned the art of hunting quickly and quietly. What takes most people almost an hour to find you can do it within a half the time instead. This allows you to take half the time when using the Scouting action such as searching for enemies and unusual encounters.
  HP: 8
  Saves: +2 Willpower
  Primary Stat:
   Dexterity +4
   Constitution +2
   Wisdom +2
   Strength +2
   Athletics(Str): +2
   Salvaging(Wis): +2
   Scouting(Wis): +2
   Stealth(Dex): +2
   Bows(Dex): +2
   Rifles(Dex): +2
   Light Armor: +2
   Medium Armor: +2
<<button [[Choose Ranger|Stat Check]]>>
<<set $PC.Class to "Ranger">>\
<<set $Dexterity to $Dexterity+4>>\
<<set $Constitution to $Constitution+2>>\
<<set $Wisdom to $Wisdom+2>>\
<<set $Strength to $Strength+2>>\
<<set $Prof.Athletics to $Prof.Athletics+2>>\
<<set $Prof.Scouting to $Prof.Scouting+2>>\
<<set $Prof.Salvaging to $Prof.Salvaging+2>>\
<<set $Prof.Stealth to $Prof.Stealth+2>>\
<<set $Prof.Bows to $Prof.Bows+2>>\
<<set $Prof.Rifles to $Prof.Rifles+2>>\
<<set $Prof.LightArmor to $Prof.LightArmor+2>>\
<<set $Prof.Willpower to $Prof.Willpower+2>>\
<<set $ClassBonus.Ranger to 1>>\
<<set $ClassHP to 8>>\
<<button [[Choose Another Class|Choose Class]]>> <</button>><img src="Images/Classes/Medic.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
  You managed to take your medical training and honed it to a sharp degree as a Medic. This has helped you gain a nice amount of Wisdom along with some minor Constitution, Dexterity and Intelligence to round out your physique. You have gained the skills: Driving, Electronics, Medical, Scouting, Shotguns, Knives and Light Armor.
<b>Always Prepared</b>
As a Medic you have to be prepared for any type of emergency. Every night you manage to somehow scrounge enough materials to make a makeshift medkit for the next day. This medkit has no cash value but is useful for healing when out in the city.
  HP: 8
  Saves: +2 Willpower
  Primary Stat:
   Wisdom +4
   Dexterity +2
   Constitution +2
   Intelligence +2
   Electronics(Int): +2
   Driving(Dex): +2
   Medical(Wis): +2
   Scouting(Wis): +2
   Knives(Str): +2
   Shotguns(Dex): +2
   Light Armor: +2
<<button [[Choose Medic|Stat Check]]>>
<<set $PC.Class to "Medic">>\
<<set $Wisdom to $Wisdom+4>>\
<<set $Dexterity to $Dexterity+2>>\
<<set $Intelligence to $Intelligence+2>>\
<<set $Constitution to $Constitution+2>>\
<<set $Prof.Driving to $Prof.Driving+2>>\
<<set $Prof.Electronics to $Prof.Electronics+2>>\
<<set $Prof.Medical to $Prof.Medical+2>>\
<<set $Prof.Scouting to $Prof.Scouting+2>>\
<<set $Prof.Knives to $Prof.Knives+2>>\
<<set $Prof.Shotguns to $Prof.Shotguns+2>>\
<<set $Prof.LightArmor to $Prof.LightArmor+2>>\
<<set $Prof.Willpower to $Prof.Willpower+2>>\
<<set $ClassBonus.Medic to 1>>\
<<set $ClassHP to 8>>\
<<button [[Choose Another Class|Choose Class]]>> <</button>><img src="Images/Classes/Programmer.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
  You managed to take your skill at coding video games and turned it into a career as a Programmer. This has helped you gain a nice amount of Intelligence while your medieval cosplaying helped you gain some minor Wisdom, Strength and Constitution to round out your physique. You have gained the skills: Crafting, Cooking, Electronics, Salvaging, Polearms, Swords, Light Armor and Medium Armor.
You have the ability to craft and repair items using less materials than what might take others to do so. You use 20% less materials when crafting items, weapons and armor but not food.
  HP: 6
  Saves: +2 Willpower
Primary Stat:
   Intelligence +4
   Constitution +2
   Wisdom +2
   Strength +2
   Crafting(Int): +2
   Cooking(Wis): +2
   Electronics(Int): +2
   Salvaging(Wis): +2
   Polearms(Str): +2
   Swords(Str): +2
   Light Armor: +2
   Medium Armor: +2
<<button [[Choose Programmer|Stat Check]]>>
<<set $PC.Class to "Programmer">>\
<<set $Intelligence to $Intelligence+4>>\
<<set $Constitution to $Constitution+2>>\
<<set $Wisdom to $Wisdom+2>>\
<<set $Strength to $Strength+2>>\
<<set $Prof.Crafting to $Prof.Crafting+2>>\
<<set $Prof.Cooking to $Prof.Cooking+2>>\
<<set $Prof.Electronics to $Prof.Electronics+2>>\
<<set $Prof.Salvaging to $Prof.Salvaging+2>>\
<<set $Prof.Swords to $Prof.Swords+2>>\
<<set $Prof.Swords to $Prof.Polearms+2>>\
<<set $Prof.LightArmor to $Prof.LightArmor+2>>\
<<set $Prof.MediumArmor to $Prof.MediumArmor+2>>\
<<set $Prof.Willpower to $Prof.Willpower+2>>\
<<set $ClassBonus.Programmer to 1>>\
<<set $ClassHP to 6>>\
<<button [[Choose Another Class|Choose Class]]>> <</button>><img src="Images/Classes/Officer.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
  You managed to take your strong sense of justice and turn it into a job as a Officer. This has helped you gain a nice amount of Constitution along with some minor Strength, Charisma and Dexterity to round out your physique. You have gained the skills: Athletics, Scouting, Social, Clubs, Pistols, Shotguns, Rifles, Light Armor, and Medium Armor.
Training school helped to teach you how to properly wear armor such as bullet-proof vests and tactical gear. You have a +1 bonus to AC while wearing any armor and a 5% chance to negate critical hits with Light Armor, 10% chance with Medium Armor, and 15% chance with Heavy Armor.
  HP: 10
  Saves: +2 Fortitude
Primary Stat:
   Constitution +4
   Strength +2
   Charisma +2
   Dexterity +2
   Athletics(Str): +2
   Scouting(Wis): +2
   Social(Cha): +2
   Clubs(Str): +2
   Pistols(Dex): +2
   Shotguns(Dex): +2
   Rifles(Dex): +2
   Light Armor: +2
   Medium Armor: +2
<<button [[Choose Officer|Stat Check]]>>
<<set $PC.Class to "Officer">>\
<<set $Constitution to $Constitution+4>>\
<<set $Strength to $Strength+2>>\
<<set $Dexterity to $Dexterity+2>>\
<<set $Charisma to $Charisma+2>>\
<<set $Prof.Athletics to $Prof.Athletics+2>>\
<<set $Prof.Scouting to $Prof.Scouting+2>>\
<<set $Prof.Social to $Prof.Social+2>>\
<<set $Prof.Pistols to $Prof.Pistols+2>>\
<<set $Prof.Clubs to $Prof.Clubs+2>>\
<<set $Prof.Shotguns to $Prof.Shotguns+2>>\
<<set $Prof.Rifles to $Prof.Rifles+2>>\
<<set $Prof.LightArmor to $Prof.LightArmor+2>>\
<<set $Prof.MediumArmor to $Prof.MediumArmor+2>>\
<<set $Prof.Fortitude to $Prof.Fortitude+2>>\
<<set $ClassBonus.Officer to 1>>\
<<set $ClassHP to 10>>\
<<button [[Choose Another Class|Choose Class]]>> <</button>><img src="Images/Classes/Drifter.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
  You were a Drifter that just bounced from group to group with no real set identity. The fact that you often drove the other students to various hangouts helped increase your Dexterity. Your ability to make friends from all the other backgrounds increased your Charisma and the ability to understand other people's points of view showed Wisdom. You are trained in the Skill: Driving.
   Dexterity +4
   Charisma +2
   Wisdom +2
   Driving(Dex) +2
<<if $Prologue is 1>>\
<<button [[I was an Drifter|Prologue - Class]]>>
<<set $PC.Background to "Drifter">>\
<<set $Dexterity to $Dexterity+4>>\
<<set $Charisma to $Charisma+2>>\
<<set $Wisdom to $Wisdom+2>>\
<<set $Prof.Driving to $Prof.Driving+2>>\
<<button [[Choose Your Class|Choose Class]]>>
<<set $PC.Background to "Drifter">>\
<<set $Dexterity to $Dexterity+4>>\
<<set $Charisma to $Charisma+2>>\
<<set $Wisdom to $Wisdom+2>>\
<<set $Prof.Driving to $Prof.Driving+2>>\
<<button [[Choose Another Background|Choose Background]]>> <</button>><img src="Images/Classes/Loner.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
  You were a outcast Loner while in high school, never really having many friends while having plenty of enemies. Your curse of being alone for large amounts of time made you more introspective which increased your Wisdom. Your tendacy to fade into the shadows along with escaping the various bullies helped increase your Dexterity while also helping to increase your Constitution when you couldn't escape. Your years of avoidance have helped you to be trained in the Skill: Stealth.
   Stealth(Dex) +2
<<if $Prologue is 1>>\
<<button [[I was an Loner|Prologue - Class]]>>
<<set $PC.Background to "Loner">>\
<<set $Wisdom to $Wisdom+4>>\
<<set $Dexterity to $Dexterity+2>>\
<<set $Constitution to $Constitution+2>>\
<<set $Prof.Stealth to $Prof.Stealth+2>>\
<<button [[Choose Your Class|Choose Class]]>>
<<set $PC.Background to "Loner">>\
<<set $Wisdom to $Wisdom+4>>\
<<set $Dexterity to $Dexterity+2>>\
<<set $Constitution to $Constitution+2>>\
<<set $Prof.Stealth to $Prof.Stealth+2>>\
<<button [[Choose Another Background|Choose Background]]>> <</button>><img src="Images/Home/Dreamcatcher.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<include "Day End Cleanup">>\
<<set $NoEncounter to 0>>\
<<set $Time.Current to 0>>\
<<set $Time.MiniTime to 0>>\
<<set $Time.Day to $Time.Day +1>>\
<<if $Time.Day > 6>>\
<<set $Time.Day to 0>>\
<<include "Week End Cleanup">>\
<<set _DickText to "">>\
<<set _TitsText to "">>\
<<set _AssText to "">>\
<<set _LustText to "">>\
<<set _randomDream to random(3)>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.Vaccine < 1>>\
<<if $Infestation.Progress > 6 and (random(19) + 1) + $PC.Fortitude + $InfectionResist.Fort < (12 + Math.round($Infestation.Progress / 2) )>>\
<<set _Infest to random(5) - $InfectionResist.DR +1>>\
<<if _Infest < 0>>\
<<set _Infest to 0>>\
<<set $PC.Infestation to $PC.Infestation + _Infest>>\
<<if $PC.Infestation > $Infestation.Cap>>\
<<set $PC.Infestation to $Infestation.Cap>>\
<<set _randomDream to 0>>\
<<if $Infestation.Progress is 1>>\
<<set _randomDream to 0>>\
<<set $Infestation.Progress to 2>>\
<<set $Milk.Max to $Milk.Max +2>>\
<<set $Infestation.Cap to 100>>\
<<set $Infestation.FutaCap to 100>>\
<<set $Infestation.JunkCap to 100>>\
<<if $PC.Sex is "Female" or $PC.Sex is "Futa">>\
<<set $Infestation.MilkCap to 100>>\
<<elseif $PC.Sex is "Male" or $PC.Sex is "Futa">>\
<<set $Infestation.BruiseCap to 100>>\
<<set $Infestation.Min to 5>>\
<<if _randomDream is 0 or $StatusAffect.Horny > 0>>\
<<set $lust to $lust +20>>\
<<if $lust > $MaxLust>>\
<<set $lust to $MaxLust>>\
Your body feels feverish and a burning sensation radiates from your groin. Your thoughts turn to grabbing random Infested and fucking their brains out in various places and methods. Before long you drift into a erotic dream...
<<switch $PC.Sex>>\
<<case "Male">>\
<<include "Male Dreams">>\
<<case "Female">>\
<<include "Female Dreams">>\
<<case "Futa">>\
<<include "Male Dreams">>\
<<set _DreamText to "You wake up in the morning feeling hornier than before you went to bed. Your vivid erotic dream lingers as you get up.">>\
<<if $HP is $MaxHP>>\
<<set _DreamText to "You don't remember dreaming and have a restful sleep. You have recovered your health after a long night's rest.">>\
<<set _DreamText to "After a stress filled night and little sleep you wake up. You are still recovering from your injuries.">>\
<<if $StatusAffect.Energized > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Energized to 0>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.Energized < 1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Horny to 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Drunk to 0>>\
<<if $Infestation.MilkProgress > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.MilkTits to 0>>\
<<set _MilkMath to $Milk.Max - $Milk.Stored>>\
<<set $Milk.Stored to $Milk.Max>>\
<<set $PC.BreastsSize to $PC.BreastsSize + _MilkMath>>\
<<set $BreastSD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set $BreastsSize to $arrayBreastSize[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set $MilkAD to $arrayMilkAmountDesc[$Milk.Stored]>>\
You feel your $BreastSD $BreastsSize breasts swollen with sweet delicious milk!
<<elseif $StatusAffect.MilkTits > 0 and $Milk.Stored > $Milk.Min>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.MilkTits to 0>>\
<<set $PC.BreastsSize to $PC.BreastsSize - $Milk.Stored>>\
<<if $PC.BreastsSize < $PC.MBreastsSize>>\
<<set $PC.BreastsSize to $PC.MBreastsSize>>\
<<set $Milk.Stored to $Milk.Min>>\
<<set $BreastSD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set $BreastsSize to $arrayBreastSize[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set $MilkAD to $arrayMilkAmountDesc[$Milk.Stored]>>\
All of your stored milk has vanished leaving you with $BreastSD $BreastsSize breasts.
<<if $StatusAffect.Futa > 0 and $StatusAffect.BigDick < 2 and $PC.Sex is "Female">>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Futa to 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.BigDick to 0>>\
<<set $PC.HasDick to 0>>\
<<set $PC.DickSize to 0>>\
<<set $PC.MDickSize to 0>>\
<<set $PC.BallsSize to 0>>\
<<set $PC.MBallsSize to 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.SiliconeP to 0>>\
<<set $DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$PC.DickSize]>>\
<<set $DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$PC.DickSize]>>\
<<set $BallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$PC.BallsSize]>>\
<<set $BallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$PC.BallsSize]>>\
After waking up you find your penis and balls have disappeared as well. It looks you are back to being a $PC.Sex.
<<if $StatusAffect.TinyDick > 0>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.TinyDick is 1>>\
<<set $PC.DickSize =+ $PC.DickSize +1>>\
<<set $DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$PC.DickSize]>>\
<<set $DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$PC.DickSize]>>\
<<set $PC.BallsSize =+ $PC.BallsSize +1>>\
<<set $BallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$PC.BallsSize]>>\
<<set $BallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$PC.BallsSize]>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.TinyDick to 0>>\
After waking up you find your penis has returned to your previous size of $DickSD $DickSize dick along with your $BallsSD $BallsSize balls!
<<set $StatusAffect.TinyDick to $StatusAffect.TinyDick -1>>\
<<set $PC.DickSize =+ $PC.DickSize +1>>\
<<set $DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$PC.DickSize]>>\
<<set $DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$PC.DickSize]>>\
<<set $PC.BallsSize =+ $PC.BallsSize +1>>\
<<set $BallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$PC.BallsSize]>>\
<<set $BallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$PC.BallsSize]>>\
After waking up you find your penis has grown to a $DickSD $DickSize dick while your balls are now $BallsSD $BallsSize balls! You're not quite back to your proper size but it's getting there!
<<if $StatusAffect.BigDick > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.BigDick to $StatusAffect.BigDick-1>>\
<<set _CockSize to Math.round($Infestation.BruiseVariant / 25)>>\
<<set _DickRoll to (random(19) + 1)>>\
<<if _DickRoll + $StatusAffect.BigDick + _CockSize + ($GeneralFeats.Transformer * 2) + ($CelebrityPath.Pornomancer * 2) < 19 or $StatusAffect.Futa > 0>>\
<<if $PC.DickSize > $PC.MDickSize >>\
<<set $PC.DickSize =+ $PC.DickSize-1>>\
<<if $PC.DickSize < 1>>\
<<set $PC.DickSize to 1>>\
<<set $DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$PC.DickSize]>>\
<<set $DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$PC.DickSize]>>\
<<set $PC.BallsSize =+ $PC.BallsSize-1>>\
<<if $PC.BallsSize < 1>>\
<<set $PC.BallsSize to 1>>\
<<set $BallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$PC.BallsSize]>>\
<<set $BallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$PC.BallsSize]>>\
<<set $Cum.Max to $Cum.Max - 1>>\
<<set $Cum.Min to $Cum.Min - 1>>\
<<if $Cum.Min < 1>>\
<<set $Cum.Min to 1>>\
You wake up to find your dick and balls have shrunk in size. You now have a $DickSD $DickSize dick along with $BallsSD $BallsSize balls.
<<if $StatusAffect.Futa > 0 and $StatusAffect.BigTits < 2 and $PC.Sex is "Male">>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Futa to 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.BigTits to 0>>\
<<set $PC.HasPussy to 0>>\
<<set $PC.BreastsSize to 0>>\
<<set $PC.MBreastsSize to 0>>\
<<set $PC.NippleSize to 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.SiliconeB to 0>>\
<<set $GCum.Max to 0>>\
<<set $GCum.Min to 0>>\
<<set $BreastSD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set $BreastsSize to $arrayBreastSize[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set $NippleSize to $arrayNippleSize[$PC.NippleSize]>>\
After waking up you find your breasts have faded back to nothing and your pussy has disappeared as well. It looks you are back to being a $PC.Sex.
<<if $StatusAffect.BigTits > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.BigTits to $StatusAffect.BigTits -1>>\
<<set _BreastsBonus to Math.round($Infestation.MilkVariant / 25)>>\
<<set _TitRoll to (random(19) + 1)>>\
<<if _TitRoll + $StatusAffect.BigTits + _BreastsBonus + ($GeneralFeats.Transformer * 2) + ($CelebrityPath.Pornomancer * 2) < 19 or $StatusAffect.Futa > 0>>\
<<if $PC.BreastsSize > $PC.MBreastsSize>>\
<<set $PC.BreastsSize =+ $PC.BreastsSize-1>>\
<<set $PC.NippleSize =+ $PC.NippleSize-1>>\
<<set $Milk.Max to $Milk.Max -1>>\
<<set $BreastSD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set $BreastsSize to $arrayBreastSize[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set $NippleSize to $arrayNippleSize[$PC.NippleSize]>>\
You notice your chest feels a lot lighter. Looking down you notice your breasts have shrunk to $BreastSD $BreastsSize breasts.
<<set $PC.MMBreastsSize to $PC.MMBreastsSize+1>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.BigAss > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.BigAss to $StatusAffect.BigAss-1>>\
<<set _AssSize to Math.round($Infestation.JunkVariant / 25)>>\
<<set _AssRoll to (random(19) + 1)>>\
<<if _AssRoll + $StatusAffect.BigAss + _AssSize + ($GeneralFeats.Transformer *2) + ($CelebrityPath.Pornomancer * 2) < 19>>\
<<set $PC.AssSize =+ $PC.AssSize-1>>\
<<set $AssSize to $arrayAssSizeDesc[$PC.AssSize]>>\
You notice your ass feels a lot lighter. Looking behind you notice your ass has shrunk to a $AssSize ass.
<<if $StatusAffect.Futa > 0 and $Infestation.FutaVariant >= $Infestation.FutaCap>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Futa to 0>>\
<<set $PC.Sex to "Futa">>\
<<set $FutaCap to $FutaCap +100>>\
/* Need way more text here on the Futa transformation */
You are now a Futa!
<<if $StatusAffect.Vaccine > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Vaccine to $StatusAffect.Vaccine -1>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.Thirsty > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Thirsty to $StatusAffect.Thirsty -3>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.Thirsty < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Thirsty to 0>>\
<<set $TempLust to $StatusAffect.Thirsty * 10>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.Thirsty > 0>>\
<<set _LustText to "Your body still feels like a raging inferno of lust.">>\
<<set $lust to $lust + $TempLust>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Horny to $StatusAffect.Horny+1>>\
You feel your oversensitive body calm down some.
<<button [[Wake Up|$location.temp]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</button>><a href="https://www.patreon.com/GreyGooScion"><img src="Images/patreon.png"/></a> <a href="https://discord.gg/wsxJJsEch6"> <img src="Images/discord.png"/> </a>
<<set _Time to $Time.Current>>
<<set _Day to $Time.Day>>\
Current Time: $arrayDay[_Day]
Cash: $$<<print $Cash>>
<img @src=$PCProfile.Face width="84px"/>
Name: $PC.FirstName $PC.LastName
<div id="verticalhealthbarbkg" class="vertbarbkg"><div id="verticalhealthbar" class="vertbar"></div></div><<run Health($HP, $MaxHP, "verticalhealthbar", false)>>
<div id="verticallustbarbkg" class="vertbarbkg"><div id="verticallustbar" class="vertbar"></div></div><<run Lust($lust, $MaxLust, "verticallustbar", false)>><<switch $Weather.Current>>\
<<case "Cloudy" "Windy">>\
<img src="Images/Home/Home.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Wind to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<case "Foggy">>\
<img src="Images/Home/Home-F.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<case "Misty">>\
<img src="Images/Home/Home-F.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Rainy" "Stormy">>\
<img src="Images/Home/Home-R.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Dreary">>\
<img src="Images/Home/Home-R.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Sleeting">>\
<img src="Images/Home/Home-S.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Cold to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Snowy">>\
<img src="Images/Home/Home-S.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Cold to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $Time.Current > 6>>\
<img src="Images/Home/Home-N.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<img src="Images/Home/Home.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<include "Time Micro-Passes">>\
<<set $location.temp to "Front Door">>\
<<set $location.coord to 1>>\
<<set $locationGeneric to $locationHome>>\
  This is the front entrance of your house which is located in the Grove Hills subdivision which itself is located deep in the suburbs of Civiton. Your home is a two story house with multiple bedrooms along with a attached garage. Most of the houses nearby look to be either abandoned, boarded up or even burnt down. The choking smell of smoke can be detected in the distance.
<<if $Time.Current >= $Time.Max>>\
<<set _Event to "Night">>\
<<set $NoEncounter to 1>>\
<<if $NoEncounter < 1>>\
<<set _Ambush to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<if _Ambush + $Skill.Scouting + $WisdomBonus + $StatusAffect.SilentStalking + ($ThieverySkillFeats.SnareMaster *2) - ($StatusAffect.Stalking *2) - $StatusAffect.Horny - ($StatusAffect.CumCovered) < (2 + $Time.Current)>>\
<<set _Event to "Ambush">>\
<<switch _Event>>\
<<case "Night">>\
It's too dangerous to go anywhere at this time of night.
<<button [[Front Door|Main Hallway]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Garage|Garage]]>> <</button>>
<<case "Ambush">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Ambushed to 1>>\
You've been ambushed by an enemy right outside your door!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<set $location.Encounter to "Grove Hills">>\
<<button [[Enter the Grove Hills Subdivision|Grove Hills Northwest]]>>
<<set $locationGeneric to $locationGroveHills>>\
<<button [[Front Door|Main Hallway]]>>
<<set $location.Indoor to 1>>\
<<button [[Garage|Garage]]>>
<<set $location.Indoor to 1>>\
<</switch>>\<<if $xmaspresentEvent.Weekly > 0>>\
<img src="Images/Home/LivingRoom-X.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<img src="Images/Home/LivingRoom.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set $location.temp to "Living Room">>\
<<include "Time Micro-Passes">>\
<<set $SmartPhone.Charge to $SmartPhone.MaxCharge>>\
The living room is a large room with a big screen tv taking up part of one of the walls. A nice leather sofa takes up the middle of the room along with a small love seat. The right door leads back to the main hallway with a door in the back leading to a closet.
<<switch random(3)>>\
<<case 0>>\
<<include "PC Comments">>\
<<if (random(19) +1) < 2 and $NoHomeEncounter < 1>>\
<<include "Home Event">>\
<<if $Time.Current >= $Time.Max>>\
It's too late to watch any TV...
<<button [[Leave|Main Hallway]]>> <</button>>\
<<set $location.prev to "Living Room">>\
<<button [[Watch TV|Watching TV]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Leave|Main Hallway]]>> <</button>>
<</if>>\<img src="Images/Home/Kitchen.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<include "Time Micro-Passes">>\
<<set _note to 0>>\
<<if (random(19) +1) + $Skill.Scouting + $WisdomBonus > 11 and $questsFamilyMom.Note < 1 and $questsFamilyMom.Started is not 2>>\
<<set _note to 1>>\
<<set $SmartPhone.Charge to $SmartPhone.MaxCharge>>\
  This is the kitchen for the family. On one wall is the refrigerator that can hold store food and rations. And on another wall is stove used for cooking your meals. Taking up the middle of the room is a large kitchen table. Next to the fridge is a door to the garage along with a chalkboard used to keep track of how much food is left. Behind you a door leads back to the main hallway.
<<if $CookingSkillFeats.ProperNutrition > 0>>\
<<set _tempFood = Math.round($TotalFood / 6)>>\
<<set _tempFood = Math.round($TotalFood / 9)>>\
<<if $TotalFood > 2>>\
The chalkboard shows that there is enough food for about _tempFood days.
The chalkboard shows a big fat 0 for days of food left. You need to grab some food and supplies ASAP!
<<if _note is 1>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i>Hey there's a note on the fridge!</i></div>
<<switch random(3)>>\
<<case 0>>\
<<include "PC Comments">>\
<<if (random(19) +1) < 2 and $NoHomeEncounter < 1 and _note is 0>>\
<<set $location.temp to "Kitchen">>\
<<include "Home Event">>\
<<button [[Store All Food|Kitchen - Store Food]]>> <</button>>
<<if $Prof.Cooking > 0 and $Time.Current < 3 and $TotalFood > 0>>\
<<button [[Cook A Meal|Cooking Options]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Main Hallway|Main Hallway]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Garage|Garage]]>> <</button>>
<<if $questsFamilyMom.Note < 1 and $questsFamilyMom.Started is not 2>>\
<<button [[Search the Kitchen|Kitchen - Search]]>>
<</if>>\<img src="Images/Home/Closet.jpg" width="512px" height="768px"/>
<<set $Prologue to 5>>\
  This is your closet where you can store some of your junk.
Your closet contains the following items:
<<for $i = 0; $i < $HomeStorage.length; $i++>>\
<<set _uitem = $HomeStorage[$i]>>\
<<if _uitem.innate is not 1>>\
<<set $ItemName to _uitem.name>>\
<<set $ItemAmount to _uitem.amount>>\
$ItemName x $ItemAmount, \
<<button [[Store Items|Closet Store]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Remove Items|Closet Remove]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Return|PCRoom]]>> <</button>><img src="Images/Home/Garage.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set $locationGeneric to $locationGroveHills>>\
<<set $location.temp to "Garage">>\
<<include "Time Micro-Passes">>\
<<set $SmartPhone.Charge to $SmartPhone.MaxCharge>>\
<<set _tempV to $VehicleFlags.Current>>\
This is the family two car garage which is mostly filled with various projects dad was working on. On the back wall is a massive smelter that can be used to reduce salvage into usable material. Next to it is a huge storage bin used to store salvage and other junk. On the west wall is a workbench used for crafting. A sturdy ladder leads up to the roof.
Current Salvage:
Wood: $TotalSalvage.Wood
Metal: $TotalSalvage.Metal
Electronics: $TotalSalvage.Electronics
Cloth: $TotalSalvage.Cloth
Junk: $TotalSalvage.Junk
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I should be able to craft any recipes recorded on my smart phone here.</i></div>
<<if $VehicleFlags.Own is 1 and $VehicleFlags.location is "Garage" and $VehicleHP > 0>>\
Your _tempV.name is currently parked here.
<<if $Time.Current < $Time.Max>>\
<<button "Get in your _tempV.name" "Driving">>
<<set $VehicleFlags.Desc to "your garage">>\
<<elseif $VehicleFlags.Own is 1 and $VehicleFlags.location is "Garage" and $VehicleHP is 0>>\
Your completely wrecked _tempV.name is currently parked here. It needs to be repaired before it can be used.
<<button "Store Salvage">>\
<<for $i = 0; $i < $PCInventory.length; $i++>>\
<<set $esalvage = $PCInventory[$i]>>\
<<if $esalvage.type is "salvage">>\
<<set _SalvageAmountType to $esalvage.subtype>>\
<<set _SalvageAmount to $esalvage.quality>>\
<<switch _SalvageAmountType>>\
<<case "wood">>\
<<set $TotalSalvage.Wood to $TotalSalvage.Wood + _SalvageAmount>>\
<<set $PCInventory.delete($esalvage)>>\
<<case "metal">>
<<set $TotalSalvage.Metal to $TotalSalvage.Metal + _SalvageAmount>>\
<<set $PCInventory.delete($esalvage)>>\
<<case "electronics">>
<<set $TotalSalvage.Electronics to $TotalSalvage.Electronics + _SalvageAmount>>\
<<set $PCInventory.delete($esalvage)>>\
<<case "cloth">>
<<set $TotalSalvage.Cloth to $TotalSalvage.Cloth + _SalvageAmount>>\
<<set $PCInventory.delete($esalvage)>>\
<<script>>state.display(state.active.title, null, "back")
<<button "Convert Junk into Salvage">>\
<<for $i = 0; $i < $PCInventory.length; $i++>>\
<<set $esalvage = $PCInventory[$i]>>\
<<if $esalvage.type is "junk">>\
<<set _SalvageAmount to $esalvage.quality>>\
<<set $TotalSalvage.Junk to $TotalSalvage.Junk + _SalvageAmount>>\
<<set $PCInventory.delete($esalvage)>>\
<<script>>state.display(state.active.title, null, "back")
<<button [[Repair|Repair]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Crafting|Crafting]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Climb the Ladder|Roof]]>>
<<set $location.Indoor to 0>>\
<<button [[Kitchen|Kitchen]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Outside|Front Door]]>>
<<set $location.Indoor to 0>>\
<</button>><img src="Images/Home/Home.jpg" max-width:100% height:auto />
<<set $copEvent.Sex to $PC.Sex>>\
<<set $copEvent.DickSize to $PC.DickSize>>\
<<set $copEvent.BreastSize to $PC.BreastsSize>>\
<<include "SpecialAttacks">>\
<<include "Infested Enemies">>\
<<include "Combat Status Affects">>\
<<set $LastPartner to $infestedTutorialFemale>>\
<<set $MastTemp to "You get off quite quickly.">>\
<<set _tempLoot to $lootInfestedFemale.random()>>\
<<set $PCInventory.push(_tempLoot)>>\
<<if $ClassBonus.Athlete is 1>>\
<<set $EquippedArmor.push($armor.unarmoredA)>>\
<<set $equipedArmor to $armor.unarmoredA>>\
<<set $EquippedWeapon.push($weapon.monkfists)>>\
<<set $equipedWeapon to $weapon.monkfists>>\
<<set $WeaponDamageType to $equipedWeapon.damagetype>>\
<<set $weaponEquipSkill to $equipedWeapon.skill>>\
<<set $weaponAttackBonus to $Skill.Unarmed>>\
<<set $weaponStatBonus to $StrengthBonus>>\
<<set $EquippedArmor.push($armor.unarmored)>>\
<<set $equipedArmor to $armor.unarmored>>\
<<set $EquippedWeapon.push($weapon.fists)>>\
<<set $equipedWeapon to $weapon.fists>>\
<<set $WeaponDamageType to $equipedWeapon.damagetype>>\
<<set $weaponEquipSkill to $equipedWeapon.skill>>\
<<set $weaponAttackBonus to $Skill.Unarmed>>\
<<set $weaponStatBonus to $StrengthBonus>>\
<<set $EquippedAccessory.push($accessory.none)>>\
<<set $equipedAccessory to $accessory.none>>\
<<set $EquippedAccessory2.push($accessory.none)>>\
<<set $equipedAccessory2 to $accessory.none>>\
<<set $EquippedShield.push($shield.noshield)>>\
<<set $equipedShield to $shield.noshield>>\
<<set $armorProf to $equipedArmor.prof>>\
<<set $armorACBonus to $equipedArmor.AC>>\
<<set $dexACBonus to $DexterityBonus>>\
<<set $armorMaxDex to $equipedArmor.MaxDex>>\
<<set $armorSaveBonus to $equipedArmor.superior>>\
<<set $PCResistance.Blunt to $equipedArmor.Blunt>>\
<<set $PCResistance.Pierce to $equipedArmor.Pierce>>\
<<set $PCResistance.Slash to $equipedArmor.Slash>>\
<<set $PCResistance.Fire to $equipedArmor.Fire>>\
<<set $PCResistance.Cold to $equipedArmor.Cold>>\
<<set $PCResistance.Shock to $equipedArmor.Shock>>\
<<set $PCResistance.Acid to $equipedArmor.Acid>>\
<<set $PCResistance.Sonic to $equipedArmor.Sonic>>\
<<set $armorSaveBonus to $equipedArmor.superior>>\
<<set $PC.AC to 10 + $armorACBonus + $dexACBonus + $Skill.Unarmored>>\
You live at your parent's house while going to the local college, Civiton University. A strange sex cult called the Cult of Walking Love showed up at the college and due to some misunderstandings with your friend David, you decided to come home for a couple of days. That day, your $dad.Relationship, who tends to work as a contractor for various government agencies shows up with milk shakes that he is strangely insistant on everyone drinking. Afterwards you pass out and wake up a week later to a bunch of sex zombies called Infested running around. Luckily a local sheriff named Mark helped saved you from a Infested that had broken into your home. Your family is missing and you are low on food while the Infested owns the streets. Looks like it's time to kick ass, rescue your family and get some lovin' on!
You start out with <<print _tempLoot.name>> dropped by the Infested defeated by Officer Mark!
<<if $Prof.Cooking > 0>>\
/* If you are cooking trained get your free recipe! */
<<set $HomeStorage.push($item.recipeSpeedySandwich)>>\
<<if $Prof.Crafting > 0>>\
/* If you are crafting trained get your free recipe! */
<<set $HomeStorage.push($item.recipeJacket)>>\
<<switch $PC.Class>>\
<<case "Athlete">>\
<<set _tempFeat to $feat.MartialArts>>\
<<set $totalFeats.push(_tempFeat)>>\
<<set $HomeStorage.push($weapon.handwraps)>>\
<<set $HomeStorage.push($item.recipeHandwraps)>>\
<<case "Celebrity">>\
<<set _tempFeat to $feat.SocialInfluence>>\
<<set $totalFeats.push(_tempFeat)>>\
<<set $ClassBonus.Celebrity to ($Prof.Social / 2)>>\
<<set $HomeStorage.push($weapon.baseballbat)>>\
<<set $HomeStorage.push($item.recipeBaseballBat)>>\
<<set _tempFeat to $feat.BladedHand>>\
<<set $totalFeats.push(_tempFeat)>>\
<<set $HomeStorage.push($weapon.kitchenknife)>>\
<<set $HomeStorage.push($item.recipeKitchenKnife)>>\
<<case "Medic">>\
<<set _tempFeat to $feat.AlwaysPrepared>>\
<<set $totalFeats.push(_tempFeat)>>\
<<set $HomeStorage.push($weapon.shotgun28)>>\
<<set $HomeStorage.push($item.recipeShotgun28)>>\
<<set $PCInventory.push($item.medicfirstaid)>>\
<<case "Officer">>\
<<set _tempFeat to $feat.Armoured>>\
<<set $totalFeats.push(_tempFeat)>>\
<<set $HomeStorage.push($weapon.pistol22mm)>>\
<<set $HomeStorage.push($item.recipePistol22mm)>>\
<<case "Programmer">>\
<<set _tempFeat to $feat.Crafter>>\
<<set $totalFeats.push(_tempFeat)>>\
<<set $HomeStorage.push($weapon.fencingsword)>>\
<<set $HomeStorage.push($item.recipeFencingSword)>>\
<<case "Ranger">>\
<<set _tempFeat to $feat.MostDangerousGame>>\
<<set $totalFeats.push(_tempFeat)>>\
<<set $HomeStorage.push($weapon.pistolcrossbow)>>\
<<set $HomeStorage.push($item.recipePistolCrossbow)>>\
<<button [[Time to Start Your Adventure|PCRoom]]>>
<<set $lust to $lust + random(10) +40>>\
<<set $NoEncounter to 0>>\
<<set $Time.Current to 0>>\
<<set $Time.MiniTime to 0>>\
<<set $Time.Day to $Time.Day +1>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<set $questsMainStory.PartOne to 1>>\
<<set $questsFamilyMom.Started to 1>>\
<<set $questsFamilySister.Started to 1>>\
<</button>><<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<set _Fog to 0>>\
<<set _Rain to 0>>\
<<set _Cold to 0>>\
<<set _Wind to 0>>\
<<switch $Weather.Current>>\
<<case "Cloudy" "Windy">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburbs 1.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Wind to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<case "Foggy">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburbs-F 1.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<case "Misty">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburbs-F 1.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Rainy" "Stormy">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburbs-R 1.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Dreary">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburbs-R 1.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Sleeting">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburbs-S 1.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Cold to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Snowy">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburbs-S 1.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Cold to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $Time.Current > 6>>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburbs-N 1.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburbs 1.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set $location.temp to "Grove Hills Northwest">>\
<<set $location.coord to 1>>\
<<set $locationGeneric to $locationGroveHills>>\
<<set _EncounterStop to 0>>\
<<if $Time.Current >= $Time.Max >>\
<<set _State to "TooLate">>\
<<set $NoEncounter to 1>>\
<<if $NoEncounter < 1>>\
<<include "Random Encounter Check">>\
You are located in the northwestern part of the Grove Hills subdivision in the far western suburbs of Civiton. This little gated subdivision is close to where the city ends and the Double Peaks mountains begin. There are multiple houses in this neighborhood that look to be empty with no signs of life while a couple look like they might still be occupied. The street itself looks to be mostly empty of vehicles except for a couple of abandoned cars that look to be be too damaged to drive. Your modest two story home is located here.
<<if $StatusText.Notice is 1>>\
<<include "Update Status">>\
<<if _Rain > 0 and $StatusAffect.Wet < _Rain>>\
<<set _Rain to _Rain - $PCResistance.Water>>\
<<if _Rain > $StatusAffect.Wet>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Wet to _Rain>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I'm getting soaking wet!</i> </div>
<<if _Cold > 0 and $PCResistance.Cold < _Cold>>\
<<set _tempDamage to random(_Cold) + $StatusAffect.Wet>>\
<<set _tempDamage2 to _tempDamage - $PCResistance.Cold>>\
<<if _tempDamage2 > 0>>\
<<set $HP to $HP - _tempDamage2>>\
<<if $HP < 1>>\
<<set $HP to 1>>\
You take _tempDamage2 cold damage!
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I'm freezing to death!</i>
<<switch _State>>\
<<case "TooLate">>\
<<set $Time.Current to $Time.Max>>\
It's too dangerous to explore the Grove Hills suburbs at this time of night.
<<button [[Return Home|Front Door]]>>
<<set $NoEncounter to 0>>\
<<case "Ambush">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Ambushed to 1>>\
You've been ambushed by an enemy!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<set $location.Encounter to "Grove Hills">>\
<<case "Combat">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
A hostile enemy is roaming nearby!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<set $location.Encounter to "Grove Hills">>\
<<case "NPC">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
You've encountered something unusual!
<<button [[Encounter|Grove Hills Events]]>>
<<set $location.Event to "Grove Hills">>\
<<set $location.prev to $location.temp>>\
<<button [[Explore one of the Empty Houses|Grove Hills - Suburb House]]>>
<<set $location.Encounter to "Grove Hills">>\
<<set $location.temp2 to $location.temp>>\
<<button [[Look around the Area|Grove Hills Event Scout]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Scout the Area for Enemies|Grove Hills Scouting]]>>
<<set $location.Encounter to "Grove Hills">>\
<<button [[East|Grove Hills North]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[South|Grove Hills West]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Return Home|Front Door]]>> <</button>>
<</switch>>\<img @src=$genericFighter.Image width="512px" height="768px" />
<<set $CombatChoice to 0>>\
You are fighting $genericFighter.Name! <<if $genericFighter.HP < $genericFighter.MaxHP/10>> $genericFighter.Pronoun looks to be extremely injured.<<elseif $genericFighter.HP < $genericFighter.MaxHP/2>> $genericFighter.Pronoun looks to be injured. <<elseif $genericFighter.HP is $genericFighter.MaxHP>> $genericFighter.Pronoun is not injured.<</if>> <<if $EnemyStatus.Stun > 0>> $genericFighter.Pronoun is stunned! <</if>> <<if $EnemyStatus.Intimidate > 0>> $genericFighter.Pronoun looks scared! <</if>> <<if $EnemyStatus.Bleed > 0>> $genericFighter.Pronoun is bleeding!<</if>>
<<if $PCStatus.Fury > 0>>\
You are in the Focused Offense stance.
<<if $PCStatus.Control > 0>>\
You are under the control of $genericFighter.Name!
<<if $StatusAffect.Horny > 0 and $StatusAffect.Horny < 4>>\
You are feeling horny!
<<elseif $StatusAffect.Horny > 3 and $StatusAffect.Horny < 7>>\
You are feeling very horny!
<<elseif $StatusAffect.Horny > 6>>\
You are feeling extremely horny!
<<if $EnemyStatus.Stun < 1>>\
<<switch random(3)>>\
<<case 0>>\
<<include $genericComments>>\
Your HP: $HP
$genericFighter.Name3 HP: $genericFighter.HP
<<if $StatusAffect.Ambushed > 0>>\
<<button [[Ambushed!|Suburb Combat2]]>>
<<set $CombatChoice to "Stun">>\
<<elseif $PCStatus.Stun > 0>>\
<<button [[Stunned!|Suburb Combat2]]>>
<<set $CombatChoice to "Stun">>\
<<elseif $PCStatus.Control > 0>>\
<<button [[Try to Break Free!|Suburb Combat2]]>>
<<set $CombatChoice to "Control">>\
<<button [[Let them Continue!|Suburb Combat2]]>>
<<set $CombatChoice to "Submit">>\
<<elseif $PCStatus.Prone > 0>>\
<<button [[Try to Standup!|Suburb Combat2]]>>
<<set $CombatChoice to "Prone">>\
<<button [[Attack|Suburb Combat2]]>>
<<set $CombatChoice to "Attack">>\
<<if $SpecialUsage >= 1>>\
<<button [[Special|Combat Special]]>> <</button>>
<<if $location.FleeFlag is not 2>>\
<<button [[Flee|Suburb Flee]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Inspect|Suburb Combat2]]>>
<<set $CombatChoice to "Inspect">>\
<<if $BattleFlag > 0>>\
<<button [[Surrender|$location.BattleLose]]>>
<<set $CombatChoice to "Surrender">>\
<<set $BattleFlag to 0>>\
<<set $location.BattleLose to $location.temp>>\
<<switch $genericFighter.ID>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<button [[Surrender|Suburb Male Infested Defeat]]>>
<<set $CombatChoice to "Surrender">>\
<<case 2>>\
<<button [[Surrender|Suburb Female Infested Defeat]]>>
<<set $CombatChoice to "Surrender">>\
<<case 3>>\
<<button [[Surrender|Suburb Futa Infested Defeat]]>>
<<set $CombatChoice to "Surrender">>\
<<case 4>>\
<<button [[Surrender|Suburb Milker Infested Defeat]]>> <</button>>\
<<case 5>>\
<<button [[Surrender|Suburb Bruiser Infested Defeat]]>>
<<set $CombatChoice to "Surrender">>\
<<case 6>>\
<<button [[Surrender|Suburb Janitor Infested Defeat]]>>
<<set $CombatChoice to "Surrender">>\
<<case 7>>\
<<button [[Surrender|Suburb Futa Bruiser Infested Defeat]]>>
<<set $CombatChoice to "Surrender">>\
<<case 9>>\
<<button [[Surrender|Suburb D.Female Infested Defeat]]>>
<<set $CombatChoice to "Surrender">>\
<<if $BattleFlag > 0>>\
<<button [[Surrender|$location.BattleLose]]>>
<<set $CombatChoice to "Surrender">>\
<<set $BattleFlag to 0>>\
<<set $location.BattleLose to $location.temp>>\
<<button [[Surrender|NPC Defeat]]>>
<<set $CombatChoice to "Surrender">>\
<</if>>\<img @src=$genericFighter.Image width="512px" height="768px" />
You attempt to negotiate with the $genericFighter.Name!
<<if (random(19) +1) + $Skill.Social + $CharismaBonus + ($SocialSkillFeats.TalktoMe *2) < 15 + $genericFighter.level + $genericFighter.Social>>\
You fail to get any intelligent response as $genericFighter.Name ignores your words! Howling with pure lust they charge you!
<<button [[Combat Begins!|Suburb Combat]]>> <</button>>
You somehow manage to strike up a conversation with the $genericFighter.Name! They want to fuck you like no tomorrow but in exchange they will let you go. They don't seem like they will handle rejection well.
<<set $CombatRound to 0>>\
<<switch $genericFighter.ID>>\
<<case 1>>\
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Agree!|Suburb Male Infested Submit]]>>
<<case 2>>\
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Agree!|Suburb Female Infested Submit]]>>
<<case 3>>\
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Agree!|Suburb Futa Infested Submit]]>>
<<case 4>>\
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Agree!|Suburb Milker Infested Submit]]>>
<<case 5>>\
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Agree!|Suburb Bruiser Infested Submit]]>>
<<button [[Refuse!|Suburb Combat]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Nevermind|Suburb Combat]]>> <</button>><img @src=$genericFighter.Image width="512px" height="768px" />
You attempt to hide from the $genericFighter.Name!
<<set _Stealth to (random(19) +1) + $Skill.Stealth + $DexterityBonus + $PCStatus.SkillBuff - $StatusAffect.Hungry>>\
<<set _Stealth2 to 0>>\
<<if $StealthSkillFeats.Distraction > 0>>\
<<set _Stealth2 to (random(19) +1)) + $Skill.Stealth + $DexterityBonus + $PCStatus.SkillBuff - $StatusAffect.Hungry -2 >>\
<<if _Stealth > 10 + $genericFighter.Scouting - $EnemyStatus.SkillDebuff or _Stealth2 > 10 + $genericFighter.Scouting - $EnemyStatus.SkillDebuff>>\
With your quick speed and stealthly tactics you managed to quickly hide! $genericFighter.Name2 wanders off eventually in search of new prey.
<<set $CombatRound to 0>>\
<<if $location.FleeFlag is 0>>\
<<button [[You managed to hide!|$location.temp]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<set $NoEncounter to random(1) +2>>\
<<set $location.FleeFlag to 0>>\
<<set $location.SexFlag to 0>>\
<<set $BattleFlag to 0>>\
<<elseif $location.FleeFlag is 1>>\
<<button [[You managed to hide!|$location.Flee]]>>
<<set $NoEncounter to random(1) +2>>\
<<set $location.FleeFlag to 0>>\
<<set $location.SexFlag to 0>>\
<<set $BattleFlag to 0>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<set $location.Flee to $location.temp>>\
You attempt to hide behind some cover but the $genericFighter.Name spots you with ease! They move to engage you in combat!
<<button [[Combat Begins!|Suburb Combat]]>> <</button>>
<img @src=$genericFighter.Image width="512px" height="768px" />
<<set $CombatRound to $CombatRound + 1>>
<<set _LustChoice to 0>>\
<<set _Sexy to 0>>\
<<if ndef $equipedArmor.special>>\
<<set $equipedArmor.special to "None">>\
<<if $equipedArmor.special is "Sexy">>\
<<set _Sexy to 10>>\
<<set _EnemyCount to $genericFighter.EnemyCount>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.Ambushed > 0>>\
<<set $CombatChoice to "Ambush">>\
<<set _LustChoice to 10>>\
<<elseif $PCStatus.Stun > 0>>\
<<set $CombatChoice to "Stun">>\
<<elseif $StatusAffect.Horny > 0 and $PCStatus.Control is 0 and $genericFighter.Type is "Infested" and (random(19) +1) + $PC.Willpower + $PCStatus.SavesBuff - $PCStatus.SavesDebuff - $StatusAffect.Horny < 5 >>\
You are too horny to fight and so you end up staring at $genericFighter.Name's hot body. \
<<set $CombatChoice to "Inspect">>\
<<switch $CombatChoice>>\
<<case "Attack">>\
<<include "Player Attack">>\
<<case "Special">>\
<<include "Player Special">>\
<<case "Inspect">>\
<<set _LustChoice to 25>>\
<<include "Player Inspect">>\
<<case "Ambush">>\
<<set _LustChoice to 25>>\
$genericFighter.Name2 reacts before you are prepared!
<<case "Control">>\
You are under the control of $genericFighter.Name!
<<case "Submit">>\
You choose not to resist $genericFighter.Name!
<<case "Stun">>\
You are too stunned to respond to $genericFighter.Name!
You are too confused and bewildered in order to react!
<<if $genericFighter.HP > 0 >>\
<<if $EnemyStatus.Stun > 0>>\
$genericFighter.Name is too stunned to act! \
<<elseif $EnemyStatus.Prone > 0>>\
<<set _Save to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<if _Save + $genericFighter.Reflex + $EnemyStatus.SavesBuff - $EnemyStatus.SavesDebuff < ($PC.Level + 10 + $EnemyStatus.Prone) or _Save is 1>>\
$genericFighter.Name struggles to stand up but fails!
$genericFighter.Name gets back on their feet ready to continue the fight!
<<set $EnemyStatus.ACDebuff to $EnemyStatus.ACDebuff -2>>\
<<set $EnemyStatus.Prone to 0>>\
/* This is for when the PC is grappled to continue the grappling fun times special each round */
<<elseif $PCStatus.Control > 0>>\
<<set $genericSpecial to clone($genericFighter.Special1)>>\
<<include "Enemy Special">>\
<<elseif random(100) - $StatusAffect.Horny*5 - _LustChoice - _Sexy - $StatusAffect.WeakWill < $genericFighter.SpecialChance>>\
<<switch random($genericFighter.SpNum)>>\
<<case 0>>\
<<set $genericSpecial to clone($genericFighter.Special1)>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<set $genericSpecial to clone($genericFighter.Special2)>>\
<<case 2>>\
<<set $genericSpecial to clone($genericFighter.Special3)>>\
<<set $genericSpecial to clone($genericFighter.Special4)>>\
<<set $EnemyChoice to "Special">>\
<<include "Enemy Special">>\
<<for _e = 0; _e < _EnemyCount; _e++>>\
<<include "Enemy Attack">>\
<<include "Suburb Combat Cleanup">>\
<<if $genericFighter.HP < 1 and $BattleFlag > 0>>
You've managed to defeat $genericFighter.Name!
<<button [[Victory!|$location.BattleWin]]>>
<<set $BattleFlag to 0>>\
<<set $location.BattleWin to $location.temp>>\
<<elseif $genericFighter.HP < 1 and $BattleFlag < 1>>\
You've managed to defeat $genericFighter.Name!
<<button [[Victory!|Suburb Victory]]>> <</button>>\
<<if $HP < 1 and $StatusAffect.Undying is 1>>\
<<set $HP to 1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Undying to 0>>\
You manage to stay on your feet by pure grit!
<<if $HP < 1 or $lust >= $MaxLust>>\
<<if $BattleFlag > 0>>\
You have been defeated by the $genericFighter.Name...
<<button [[Defeat...|$location.BattleLose]]>>
<<set $BattleFlag to 0>>\
<<set $location.BattleLose to $location.temp>>\
You have been defeated by $genericFighter.Name...
<<set $CombatRound to 0>>\
<<switch $genericFighter.ID>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<button [[Defeat...|Suburb Male Infested Defeat]]>> <</button>>\
<<case 2>>\
<<button [[Defeat...|Suburb Female Infested Defeat]]>> <</button>>\
<<case 3>>\
<<button [[Defeat...|Suburb Futa Infested Defeat]]>> <</button>>\
<<case 4>>\
<<button [[Defeat...|Suburb Milker Infested Defeat]]>> <</button>>\
<<case 5>>\
<<button [[Defeat...|Suburb Bruiser Infested Defeat]]>> <</button>>\
<<case 6>>\
<<button [[Defeat...|Suburb Janitor Infested Defeat]]>> <</button>>\
<<case 7>>\
<<button [[Defeat...|Suburb Futa Bruiser Infested Defeat]]>> <</button>>\
<<case 9>>\
<<button [[Defeat...|Suburb D.Female Infested Defeat]]>> <</button>>\
<<button [[Defeat...|NPC Defeat]]>> <</button>>\
<<button [[Next|Suburb Combat]]>> <</button>>\
<<elseif $BattleFlag > 0>>
You've managed to defeat $genericFighter.Name!
<<button [[Victory!|$location.BattleWin]]>>
<<set $BattleFlag to 0>>\
<<set $location.BattleWin to $location.temp>>\
You've managed to defeat $genericFighter.Name!
<<button [[Victory!|Suburb Victory]]>> <</button>>\
<</if>>\<img @src=$genericFighter.Image />
<<set $NoEncounter to random(1) +2>>\
<<set $CombatRound to 0>>\
<<set $SpecialUsage to $MaxSpecialUsage>>\
<<include "Combat Status Affects">>\
<<if $MedicPath.Combat > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Undying to 1>>\
<<set $location.FleeFlag to 0>>\
<<set _tempXP to $genericFighter.Level * 100>>\
<<if $genericFighter.Level < $PC.Level -4>>\
<<set _tempXP to (_tempXP/10)>>\
<<elseif $genericFighter.Level < $PC.Level -3>>\
<<set _tempXP to (_tempXP/4)>>\
<<elseif $genericFighter.Level < $PC.Level -2>>\
<<set _tempXP to (_tempXP/2)>>\
<<set $XP to $XP + _tempXP>>\
<<if $XP > $NextLevel>>\
<<set $XP to $NextLevel>>\
<<set _lusty to random(5) +1 + $StatusAffect.Horny - $LustResist.Visual - $LustResist.Complete>>\
<<if _lusty < 0>>\
<<set _lusty to 0>>\
<<set $lust to $lust + _lusty>>\
After a hard fought fight you have managed to defeat $genericFighter.Name! <<if $XP is $NextLevel>> You have reached the maxium experience for your level! Sleep to gain your next level.<<else>> You have gained _tempXP XP from the experience! <</if>> You quickly search $genericFighter.Name for loot and find the following:
<<include "Loot">>\
<<switch $genericFighter.Type>>\
<<case "Infested">>\
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$genericFighter.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$genericFighter.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ISD2 to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$genericFighter.BreastsSize2]>>\
<<set _ICup2 to $arrayBreastSize[$genericFighter.BreastsSize2]>>\
<<set _DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$genericFighter.DickSize]>>\
<<set _DickSD2 to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$genericFighter.DickSize2]>>\
<<set _DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$genericFighter.DickSize]>>\
<<set _DickSize2 to $arrayDickSize[$genericFighter.DickSize2]>>\
<<set _BallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$genericFighter.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$genericFighter.BallsSize]>>\
<<switch $genericFighter.EnemyCount>>\
<<case 2>>\
$genericFighter.Name2 are still alive and both of them are looking as horny as ever! <<switch $genericFighter.Sex>><<case "Female">>The two busty Infested are groping each other tits with the _ICup one grinding her dripping wet pussy against the _ICup2 one much to her delight. Looking over at you, the bustier of the two moans out "Come fuck us!" while the other thrusts her _ISD2 tits in your direction. <<case "Futa">>The two Futa Infested are groping each other tits with the _ICup one rubbing her _DickSD futa-cock against the sloppy wet pussy of the the _ICup2 one. Looking over at you, the bustier of the two moans out "Come fuck us!" while the other thrusts her _DickSize2 cock in your direction. <<default>>The two ripped Infested are stroking each other's _DickSD cocks while grounding loudly. Pre-cum is flowing like a faucet as the bigger of the two looks over at you and moans out "Come fuck us!" while the other thrusts his _DickSize2 cock in your direction. <<if $lust + ($StatusAffect.Horny*5) + $StatusAffect.Energized > $MaxLust>> You are feeling too horny to refuse such an erotic offer!<</if>>
$genericFighter.Name2 is still alive and as horny as ever! <<switch $genericFighter.Sex>><<case "Female">> She is groping her _ISD tits and fingering her wet pussy while begging to be fucked.<<case "Male">> He is stroking his _DickSD cock while begging to be fucked.<<case "Futa">> She is groping her _ISD breasts with one hand while stroking her _DickSD dick with the other hand. She is begging to be fucked.<</switch>><<if $lust + ($StatusAffect.Horny*5) + $StatusAffect.Energized > $MaxLust>> You are feeling too horny to walk away!<</if>>
<<if $lust >= ($MaxLust / 4) or $GeneralFeats.Horndog > 0>>\
<<switch $genericFighter.ID>>\
<<case 1>>\
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Fuck Them|Suburb Male Infested Victory]]>>
<<case 2>>\
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Fuck Them|Suburb Female Infested Victory]]>>
<<case 3>>\
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Fuck Them|Suburb Futa Infested Victory]]>>
<<case 4>>\
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Fuck Them|Suburb Milker Infested Victory]]>>
<<case 5>>\
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Fuck Them|Suburb Bruiser Infested Victory]]>>
<<case 6>>\
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Fuck Them|Suburb Janitor Infested Victory]]>>
<<case 7>>\
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Fuck Them|Suburb Futa Bruiser Infested Victory]]>>
<<case 9>>\
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Fuck Them|Suburb D.Female Infested Victory]]>>
<<if $lust + ($StatusAffect.Horny*5) + $StatusAffect.Energized - $PC.Willpower - $PCStatus.SavesBuff - $armorSaveBonus - $FoodStatus.Will + $PCStatus.SavesDebuff < $MaxLust>>\
<<if $location.SexFlag is 1>>\
<<button [[Return|$location.Sex]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<set $location.SexFlag to 0>>\
<<button [[Return|$location.temp]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<if $location.SexFlag is 1>>\
$genericFighter.Name2 has been defeated. You gather your breath and continue on your way.
<<button [[Return|$location.Sex]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<set $location.SexFlag to 0>>\
$genericFighter.Name2 has been defeated. You gather your breath and continue on your way.
<<button [[Return|$location.temp]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</switch>>\<img @src=$genericFighter.Image width="512px" height="768px" />
You attempt to flee from the $genericFighter.Name!
<<if (random(19) +1) + $Skill.Athletics + $StrengthBonus + ($EnemyStatus.Stun *50) < 10 + $genericFighter.Scouting>>\
You fail to get away as $genericFighter.Name blocks your path!
<<include "Enemy Attack">>\
<<if $HP < 1 or $lust > 99>>\
<<set $CombatRound to 0>>\
You have been defeated by the $genericFighter.Name...
<<switch $genericFighter.ID>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<button [[Defeat...|Suburb Male Infested Defeat]]>> <</button>>\
<<case 2>>\
<<button [[Defeat...|Suburb Female Infested Defeat]]>> <</button>>\
<<case 3>>\
<<button [[Defeat...|Suburb Futa Infested Defeat]]>> <</button>>\
<<case 4>>\
<<button [[Defeat...|Suburb Milker Infested Defeat]]>> <</button>>\
<<case 5>>\
<<button [[Defeat...|Suburb Bruiser Infested Defeat]]>> <</button>>\
<<case 6>>\
<<button [[Defeat...|Suburb Janitor Infested Defeat]]>> <</button>>\
<<button [[Defeat...|Suburb Raider Defeat]]>> <</button>>\
<<button [[Next|Suburb Combat]]>> <</button>>\
With your speed you managed to get away! $genericFighter.Name2 eventually gives up and leaves in search of new prey.
<<set $CombatRound to 0>>\
<<set $SpecialUsage to $MaxSpecialUsage>>\
<<if $location.FleeFlag is 0>>\
<<button [[You managed to escape!|$location.prev]]>>
<<set $NoEncounter to random(1) +2>>\
<<set $BattleFlag to 0>>\
<<set $location.SexFlag to 0>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<elseif $location.FleeFlag is 1>>\
<<button [[You managed to escape!|$location.Flee]]>>
<<set $NoEncounter to random(1) +2>>\
<<set $location.FleeFlag to 0>>\
<<set $location.SexFlag to 0>>\
<<set $BattleFlag to 0>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<set $location.Flee to $location.temp>>\
<</if>>\<img @src=$genericFighter.Image />
<<set $CombatRound to 0>>\
<<set $SpecialUsage to $MaxSpecialUsage>>\
<<include "Combat Status Affects">>\
<<if $MedicPath.Combat > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Undying to 1>>\
<<set $location.FleeFlag to 0>>\
<<set _tempCash to $genericFighter.Level * 15>>\
<<set _tempCash to random(_tempCash) + ($genericFighter.Level * 4)>>\
<<if $SalvagingSkillFeats.SecureWallet > 0>>\
<<set _tempSecure to _tempCash * (.10 * $Prof.Salvaging)>>\
<<set _tempCash to Math.round(_tempCash - _tempSecure)>>\
<<set $Cash to $Cash - _tempCash>>\
<<if $Cash < 0>>\
<<set $Cash to 0>>\
<<if $HP < 1>>\
<<if $AthleticSkillFeats.Recovery > 0>>\
<<set $HP to $PC.Level + $ConstitutionBonus + 1>>\
<<set $HP to 1>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.Vaccine < 1>>\
<<if (random(19) +1) + $PC.Fortitude + $InfectionResist.Fort + $FoodStatus.Fort - $StatusAffect.Wet < (19 + $genericFighter.Level + Math.round($Infestation.Progress / 2) )>>\
<<if $Infestation.Progress < 1>>\
<<set $Infestation.Progress to 1>>\
<<set _Infest to random(10) - $InfectionResist.DR +5>>\
<<if _Infest < 0>>\
<<set _Infest to 0>>\
<<set $PC.Infestation to $PC.Infestation + _Infest>>\
<<if $PC.Infestation > $Infestation.Cap>>\
<<set $PC.Infestation to $Infestation.Cap>>\
<<if $PC.Sex is "Futa" or $StatusAffect.Futa > 0>>\
<<include "Infested Male Sex Dominate Futa">>\
<<elseif $PC.Sex is "Male" and $StatusAffect.Futa < 1>>\
<<include "Infested Male Sex Dominate Male">>\
<<elseif $PC.Sex is "Female" and $StatusAffect.Futa < 1>>\
<<include "Infested Male Sex Dominate Female">>\
<<if $Cash > 0>>\
As you gather your gear you discover that you are missing _tempCash dollars!
<<button [[Return|$location.temp]]>>
<<include "Lust Passes">>\
<<if $StatusAffect.Horde > 0 and $location.Indoor is 0>>\
<<set $NoEncounter to random(3)>>\
<<set $NoEncounter to random(1) +2>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</button>><img @src=$genericFighter.Image />
<<set $CombatRound to 0>>\
<<set $SpecialUsage to $MaxSpecialUsage>>\
<<include "Combat Status Affects">>\
<<if $MedicPath.Combat > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Undying to 1>>\
<<set $location.FleeFlag to 0>>\
<<set _tempCash to $genericFighter.Level * 15>>\
<<set _tempCash to random(_tempCash) + ($genericFighter.Level * 4)>>\
<<if $SalvagingSkillFeats.SecureWallet > 0>>\
<<set _tempSecure to _tempCash * (.10 * $Prof.Salvaging)>>\
<<set _tempCash to Math.round(_tempCash - _tempSecure)>>\
<<set $Cash to $Cash - _tempCash>>\
<<if $Cash < 0>>\
<<set $Cash to 0>>\
<<if $HP < 1>>\
<<if $AthleticSkillFeats.Recovery > 0>>\
<<set $HP to $PC.Level + $ConstitutionBonus + 1>>\
<<set $HP to 1>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.Vaccine < 1>>\
<<if (random(19) +1) + $PC.Fortitude + $InfectionResist.Fort + $FoodStatus.Fort - $StatusAffect.Wet < (19 + $genericFighter.Level + Math.round($Infestation.Progress / 2) )>>\
<<if $Infestation.Progress < 1>>\
<<set $Infestation.Progress to 1>>\
<<set _Infest to random(10) - $InfectionResist.DR +5>>\
<<if _Infest < 0>>\
<<set _Infest to 0>>\
<<set $PC.Infestation to $PC.Infestation + _Infest>>\
<<if $PC.Infestation > $Infestation.Cap>>\
<<set $PC.Infestation to $Infestation.Cap>>\
<<if $PC.Sex is "Futa" or $StatusAffect.Futa > 0>>\
<<include "Infested Female Sex Dominate Futa">>\
<<elseif $PC.Sex is "Male" and $StatusAffect.Futa < 1>>\
<<include "Infested Female Sex Dominate Male">>\
<<elseif $PC.Sex is "Female" and $StatusAffect.Futa < 1>>\
<<include "Infested Female Sex Dominate Female">>\
<<if $Cash > 0>>\
As you gather your gear you discover that you are missing _tempCash dollars!
<<button [[Return|$location.temp]]>>
<<include "Lust Passes">>\
<<if $StatusAffect.Horde > 0 and $location.Indoor is 0>>\
<<set $NoEncounter to random(3)>>\
<<set $NoEncounter to random(1) +2>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</button>><<set $genericHouse to []>>\
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<set $BonusItem to $item.jewelry>>\
<<set _Lock to random(19) +1>>\
/* Select size of house */
<<switch random(10)>>\
<<case 0 1>>\
<<set $genericHouse.Size to 0>>\
<<include "Random House">>\
<img @src=$genericHouseOutsideImage />
You are standing at the entrace of what remains of a almost completely destroyed house. You can return to the neighborhood or search for salvage in the remaining shell of this destroyed building.
<<button [[Explore the House|Destroyed House]]>>
<<set $Salvage to {Misc: 0}>>
<<case 2 3 4 5>>\
<<set $genericHouse.Size to 2>>\
<<include "Random House">>\
<img @src=$genericHouseOutsideImage />
You are standing on the street outside of a small one-story suburban house. You can return to the neighborhood or explore this house.
<<button [[Explore the House|Small House2 - Entrance]]>>
<<if _Lock > 10>>\
<<set $Salvage to {Lock: 1, Bedroom: 0, Bedroom2: 0, Kitchen: 0, Hallway: 0, Hallway2: 0, Bathroom: 0, Living: 0, Garage: 0}>>\
<<set $Salvage to {Lock: 0, Bedroom: 0, Bedroom2: 0, Kitchen: 0, Hallway: 0, Hallway2: 0, Bathroom: 0, Living: 0, Garage: 0}>>\
<<set $genericHouse.Size to 1>>\
<<include "Random House">>\
<img @src=$genericHouseOutsideImage />
You are standing on the street outside of a small one-story suburban house. You can return to the neighborhood or explore this house.
<<button [[Explore the House|Small House - Entrance]]>>
<<if _Lock > 10>>\
<<set $Salvage to {Lock: 1, Attic: 0, Bedroom: 0, Kitchen: 0, Hallway: 0, Bathroom: 0, Living: 0, Garage: 0}>>\
<<set $Salvage to {Lock: 0, Attic: 0, Bedroom: 0, Kitchen: 0, Hallway: 0, Bathroom: 0, Living: 0, Garage: 0}>>\
<<button [[Nevermind|$location.temp]]>> <</button>>
<img @src=$genericFighter.Image />
<<set $CombatRound to 0>>\
<<set $SpecialUsage to $MaxSpecialUsage>>\
<<include "Combat Status Affects">>\
<<if $MedicPath.Combat > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Undying to 1>>\
<<set $location.FleeFlag to 0>>\
<<set _tempCash to $genericFighter.Level * 15>>\
<<set _tempCash to random(_tempCash) + ($genericFighter.Level * 4)>>\
<<if $SalvagingSkillFeats.SecureWallet > 0>>\
<<set _tempSecure to _tempCash * (.10 * $Prof.Salvaging)>>\
<<set _tempCash to Math.round(_tempCash - _tempSecure)>>\
<<set $Cash to $Cash - _tempCash>>\
<<if $Cash < 0>>\
<<set $Cash to 0>>\
<<if $HP < 1>>\
<<if $AthleticSkillFeats.Recovery > 0>>\
<<set $HP to $PC.Level + $ConstitutionBonus + 1>>\
<<set $HP to 1>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.Vaccine < 1>>\
<<if (random(19) +1) + $PC.Fortitude + $InfectionResist.Fort + $FoodStatus.Fort - $StatusAffect.Wet < (19 + $genericFighter.Level + Math.round($Infestation.Progress / 2) )>>\
<<if $Infestation.Progress < 1>>\
<<set $Infestation.Progress to 1>>\
<<set _Infest to random(10) - $InfectionResist.DR +5>>\
<<if _Infest < 0>>\
<<set _Infest to 0>>\
<<set $PC.Infestation to $PC.Infestation + _Infest>>\
<<if $Infestation.FutaVariant < 100>>\
<<set $Infestation.FutaVariant to $Infestation.FutaVariant + random(10) +5>>\
<<if $Infestation.FutaVariant > $Infestation.FutaCap>>\
<<set $Infestation.FutaVariant to $Infestation.FutaCap>>\
<<if $PC.Infestation > $Infestation.Cap>>\
<<set $PC.Infestation to $Infestation.Cap>>\
<<if $PC.Sex is "Futa" or $StatusAffect.Futa > 0>>\
<<include "Infested Futa Sex Dominate Futa">>\
<<elseif $PC.Sex is "Male" and $StatusAffect.Futa < 1>>\
<<include "Infested Futa Sex Dominate Male">>\
<<elseif $PC.Sex is "Female" and $StatusAffect.Futa < 1>>\
<<include "Infested Futa Sex Dominate Female">>\
<<if $Cash > 0>>\
As you gather your gear you discover that you are missing _tempCash dollars!
<<button [[Return|$location.temp]]>>
<<include "Lust Passes">>\
<<if $StatusAffect.Horde > 0 and $location.Indoor is 0>>\
<<set $NoEncounter to random(3)>>\
<<set $NoEncounter to random(1) +2>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</button>><<include "SpecialAttacks">>\
<<include "Infested Enemies">>\
<<include "Raider Enemies">>\
<<include "Gangstas Enemies">>\
<<if $NoFutaEncounter is 1 and $NoMenEncounter is 1>>\
<<include "Only Women Encounter Table">>\
<<elseif $NoFutaEncounter is 1>>\
<<include "NoFuta Encounter Table">>\
<<elseif $NoMenEncounter is 1>>\
<<include "NoMen Encounter Table">>\
<<include "Encounter Table">>\
<<if ndef $ShowRolls or ndef $ShowRolls.Combat>>\
<<set $ShowRoll.Combat to 1}>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<include "Combat Status Affects">>\
<<set _randAss to random (2)>>\
<<set _randBreasts to random (2)>>\
<<set _randBreasts2 to _randBreasts + random(1) +1>>\
<<set _randDick to random (2)>>\
<<set _randBalls to random (2)>>\
<<set _randDick2 to _randDick - random(2)>>\
<<set _RareEncounter to (random(19) +1) + $ScoutingSkillFeats.RareHunter>>\
<<switch $locationGeneric.Zone>>\
<<case "Home">>\
<<if _RareEncounter > $locationGeneric.Rare >>\
<<set $encounterGeneric to $encounterHome>>\
<<set $encounterGeneric to $encounterHome>>\
<<case "Grove Hills">>\
<<if _RareEncounter > $locationGeneric.Rare >>\
<<set $encounterGeneric to $encounterRareGroveHills>>\
<<set $encounterGeneric to $encounterGroveHills>>\
<<case "Oak Dale">>\
<<if _RareEncounter > $locationGeneric.Rare >>\
<<set $encounterGeneric to $encounterRareOakDale>>\
<<set $encounterGeneric to $encounterOakDale>>\
<<case "Oak Dale Clinic">>\
<<if _RareEncounter > $locationGeneric.Rare >>\
<<set $encounterGeneric to $encounterRareClinic>>\
<<set $encounterGeneric to $encounterClinic>>\
<<case "Oak Dale Convenience Store">>\
<<if _RareEncounter > $locationGeneric.Rare >>\
<<set $encounterGeneric to $encounterRareOakDaleConvenience>>\
<<set $encounterGeneric to $encounterOakDaleConvenience>>\
<<case "Busch Bank">>\
<<if _RareEncounter > $locationGeneric.Rare >>\
<<set $encounterGeneric to $encounterRareBuschBank>>\
<<set $encounterGeneric to $encounterBuschBank>>\
<<case "West Sunrise View">>\
<<if _RareEncounter > $locationGeneric.Rare >>\
<<set $encounterGeneric to $encounterRareWestSunriseView>>\
<<set $encounterGeneric to $encounterWestSunriseView>>\
<<set $encounterGeneric to $encounterGroveHills>>\
<<if $locationGeneric.Zone is "Grove Hills" and $grovehillsBossEvent.Defeated < 1>>\
<<set $encounterGeneric to $encounterGroveHills>>\
<<set _bonusHorde to 0>>\
<<set _bonusHorde to $StatusAffect.Horde>>\
<<if ndef _bonusHorde>>\
<<set _bonusHorde to 0>>\
<<if _bonusHorde > 0 and $location.Indoor is 0>>\
<<if _RareEncounter > $locationGeneric.Rare >>\
<<set $encounterGeneric to $encounterRareHorde>>\
<<set $encounterGeneric to $encounterHorde>>\
<<set $genericFighter to $encounterGeneric.random()>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.HuntingI > 0 and $genericFighter.Type is not "Infested">>\
<<set $genericFighter to $encounterGeneric.random()>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.HuntingR > 0 and $genericFighter.Faction is not "Raider">>\
<<set $genericFighter to $encounterGeneric.random()>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.HuntingG > 0 and $genericFighter.Faction is not "Gangsta">>\
<<set $genericFighter to $encounterGeneric.random()>>\
<<set _Path to $genericFighter.Path>>\
<<set $genericFighter.Image = _Path + $genericFighter.Image.random() + '.jpg'>>\
<<set $genericWeapon to $genericFighter.Weapon>>\
<<set $lootTemp to $genericFighter.Loot>>\
<<set $rarelootTemp to $genericFighter.RareLoot>>\
<<switch $genericFighter.Faction>>\
<<case "Feral">>\
<<switch $genericFighter.Sex>>\
<<case "Futa">>\
<<switch $genericFighter.EnemyCount>>\
<<case 2>>\
<<set $genericComments to "Infested Double Futa Combat Comments">>\
<<set $genericFighter.BreastsSize to $genericFighter.BreastsSize - _randBreasts>>\
<<set $genericFighter.BreastsSize2 to $genericFighter.BreastsSize2 - _randBreasts2>>\
<<set $genericFighter.DickSize to $genericFighter.DickSize - _randDick>>\
<<set $genericFighter.DickSize2 to $genericFighter.DickSize2 - _randDick2>>\
<<set $genericComments to "Infested Futa Combat Comments">>\
<<set $genericFighter.AssSize to $genericFighter.AssSize - _randAss>>\
<<set $genericFighter.BreastsSize to $genericFighter.BreastsSize - _randBreasts>>\
<<set $genericFighter.DickSize to $genericFighter.DickSize - _randDick>>\
<<case "Female">>\
<<switch $genericFighter.EnemyCount>>\
<<case 2>>\
<<set $genericComments to "Infested Double Female Combat Comments">>\
<<set $genericFighter.BreastsSize to $genericFighter.BreastsSize - _randBreasts>>\
<<set $genericFighter.BreastsSize2 to $genericFighter.BreastsSize2 - _randBreasts2>>\
<<set $genericComments to "Infested Female Combat Comments">>\
<<set $genericFighter.AssSize to $genericFighter.AssSize - _randAss>>\
<<set $genericFighter.BreastsSize to $genericFighter.BreastsSize - _randBreasts>>\
<<case "Male">>\
<<switch $genericFighter.EnemyCount>>\
<<case 2>>\
<<set $genericComments to "Infested Double Male Combat Comments">>\
<<set $genericFighter.DickSize to $genericFighter.DickSize - _randDick>>\
<<set $genericFighter.DickSize2 to $genericFighter.DickSize2 - _randDick2>>\
<<set $genericComments to "Infested Male Combat Comments">>\
<<set $genericFighter.BallsSize to $genericFighter.BallsSize - _randBalls>>\
<<set $genericFighter.DickSize to $genericFighter.DickSize - _randDick>>\
<<case "Raider">>\
<<switch $genericFighter.Sex>>\
<<case "Futa">>\
<<set $genericComments to "Raider Futa Combat Comments">>\
<<set $genericFighter.BreastsSize to $genericFighter.BreastsSize - _randBreasts>>\
<<set $genericFighter.DickSize to $genericFighter.DickSize - _randDick>>\
<<case "Female">>\
<<set $genericComments to "Raider Female Combat Comments">>\
<<set $genericFighter.BreastsSize to $genericFighter.BreastsSize - _randBreasts>>\
<<case "Male">>\
<<set $genericComments to "Raider Male Combat Comments">>\
<<set $genericFighter.DickSize to $genericFighter.DickSize - _randDick>>\
<<case "Gang">>\
<<switch $genericFighter.Sex>>\
<<case "Female">>\
<<set $genericComments to "Gangsta Female Combat Comments">>\
<<set $genericFighter.BreastsSize to $genericFighter.BreastsSize - _randBreasts>>\
<<case "Male">>\
<<set $genericComments to "Gangsta Male Combat Comments">>\
<<set $genericFighter.DickSize to $genericFighter.DickSize - _randDick>>\
<img @src=$genericFighter.Image width="512px" height="768px" />
<<if $StatusAffect.Drunk > 0>>\
<<set $PCStatus.ACDebuff to $PCStatus.ACDebuff + $StatusAffect.Drunk>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.Ambushed > 0>>\
A $genericFighter.Name3 armed with $genericFighter.Pronoun2 $genericWeapon.name has ambushed you while you were unprepared and your defenses were down!
<<button [[Ambushed!|Suburb Combat2]]>>
<<set $PCStatus.ACDebuff to $PCStatus.ACDebuff +2>>\
<<set $PCStatus.SavesDebuff to $PCStatus.SavesDebuff +2>>\
<<elseif $StatusAffect.EAmbushed is 1>>\
<<set $EnemyStatus.Stun to 1>>\
<<set $EnemyStatus.ACDebuff to $EnemyStatus.ACDebuff +2>>\
<<set $EnemyStatus.SavesDebuff to $EnemyStatus.SavesDebuff +2>>\
You have managed to get the drop on $genericFighter.Name3 who is armed with $genericFighter.Pronoun2 $genericWeapon.name and their defenses are down!
<<button [[Fight!|Suburb Combat]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Flee!|Suburb Flee]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Hide!|Suburb Hide]]>> <</button>>
<<if $SocialSkillFeats.TalktoMe > 0 and $genericFighter.Type is "Infested">>\
<<button [[Talk!|Suburb Talk]]>> <</button>>
A $genericFighter.Name3 armed with $genericFighter.Pronoun2 $genericWeapon.name is in the area and is heading your way! You could fight them, flee from them, hide from them or maybe something else? What do you do?
<<button [[Fight!|Suburb Combat]]>> <</button>>
<<if $SkillFeats.Ambush > 0>>\
<<button [[Ambush!|Suburb Ambush]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Flee!|Suburb Flee]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Hide!|Suburb Hide]]>> <</button>>
<<if $SocialSkillFeats.TalktoMe > 0 and $genericFighter.Type is "Infested">>\
<<button [[Talk!|Suburb Talk]]>> <</button>>
<</if>>\<<set $infestedPath to "Images/Enemies/Infested/">>\
<<set $infestedMalePath to "Images/Enemies/Infested/Male/">>\
<<set $infestedFemalePath to "Images/Enemies/Infested/Female/">>\
<<set $infestedFutaPath to "Images/Enemies/Infested/Futa/">>\
<<set $infestedMilkerPath to "Images/Enemies/Infested/Milker/">>\
<<set $infestedBruiserPath to "Images/Enemies/Infested/Bruiser/">>\
<<set $infestedFutaBruiserPath to "Images/Enemies/Infested/Futa Bruiser/">>\
<<set $infestedDoctorPath to "Images/Enemies/Infested/Doctor/">>\
<<set $infestedJanitorPath to "Images/Enemies/Infested/Janitor/">>\
<<set $infestedFemaleNursePath to "Images/Enemies/Infested/Nurse/">>\
<<set $infestedFutaNursePath to "Images/Enemies/Infested/Futa Nurse/">>\
<<set $infestedFuckHardDoctorPath to "Images/Events/Clinic Ambush/">>\
<<set $infestedAdminPath to "Images/Events/Doctor/">>\
<<set $InfestedRaiderPath to "Images/Enemies/Infested/Infested Raiders/">>\
<<set $InfestedGangstaPath to "Images/Enemies/Infested/Infested Gangstas/">>\
<<set $infestedFemaleDoublePath to "Images/Enemies/Infested/Female Doubles/">>\
<<set $arrayGenericFighter to ["Infested Male 1"]>>\
<<set $arrayInfestedMale to ["Infested Male 1", "Infested Male 2", "Infested Male 3", "Infested Male 4", "Infested Male 5", "Infested Male 6", "Infested Male 7", "Infested Male 8", "Infested Male 9", "Infested Male 10"]>>\
<<set $arrayInfestedFemale to ["Infested Female 1", "Infested Female 2", "Infested Female 3", "Infested Female 4", "Infested Female 5", "Infested Female 6", "Infested Female 7", "Infested Female 8", "Infested Female 9", "Infested Female 10", "Infested Female 11", "Infested Female 12"]>>\
<<set $arrayInfestedFuta to ["Infested Futa 1", "Infested Futa 2", "Infested Futa 3", "Infested Futa 4", "Infested Futa 5", "Infested Futa 6", "Infested Futa 7", "Infested Futa 8", "Infested Futa 9", "Infested Futa 10", "Infested Futa 11"]>>\
<<set $arrayInfestedMilker to ["Infested Milker 1", "Infested Milker 2", "Infested Milker 3", "Infested Milker 4", "Infested Milker 5", "Infested Milker 6"]>>\
<<set $arrayInfestedNurse to ["Infested Nurse 1", "Infested Nurse 2", "Infested Nurse 3", "Infested Nurse 4", "Infested Nurse 5", "Infested Nurse 6"]>>\
<<set $arrayInfestedDoctor to ["Infested Doctor 1", "Infested Doctor 2", "Infested Doctor 3", "Infested Doctor 4", "Infested Doctor 5", "Infested Doctor 6"]>>\
<<set $arrayInfestedFutaNurse to ["Infested Futa Nurse 1", "Infested Futa Nurse 2", "Infested Futa Nurse 3", "Infested Futa Nurse 4", "Infested Futa Nurse 5", "Infested Futa Nurse 6"]>>\
<<set $arrayInfestedJanitor to ["Infested Janitor 1"]>>\
<<set $arrayInfestedFutaJanitor to ["Infested Futa Janitor 1"]>>\
<<set $arrayInfestedOfficeLady to ["Infested Office Lady 1"]>>\
<<set $arrayInfestedBanker to ["Standing 1", "Standing 2", "Standing 3", "Standing 4"]>>\
<<set $arrayInfestedBruiser to ["Infested Bruiser 1", "Infested Bruiser 2", "Infested Bruiser 3", "Infested Bruiser 4", "Infested Bruiser 5", "Infested Bruiser 6"]>>\
<<set $arrayInfestedBruiserDoctor to ["Infested Doctor Bruiser 1", "Infested Doctor Bruiser 2", "Infested Doctor Bruiser 3", "Infested Doctor Bruiser 4"]>>\
<<set $arrayInfestedFutaBruiser to ["Infested Futa Bruiser 1", "Infested Futa Bruiser 2", "Infested Futa Bruiser 3", "Infested Futa Bruiser 4", "Infested Futa Bruiser 5", "Infested Futa Bruiser 6"]>>\
<<set $arrayInfestedFuckHardDoctor to ["Doctor FuckHard 1", "Doctor FuckHard 2", "Doctor FuckHard 3", "Doctor FuckHard 4"]>>\
<<set $arrayInfestedFemaleRaider to ["Infested Female Raider 1", "Infested Female Raider 2", "Infested Female Raider 3", "Infested Female Raider 4", "Infested Female Raider 5", "Infested Female Raider 6"]>>\
<<set $arrayInfestedMaleRaider to ["Infested Male Raider 1", "Infested Male Raider 2", "Infested Male Raider 3", "Infested Male Raider 4", "Infested Male Raider 5", "Infested Male Raider 6"]>>\
<<set $arrayInfestedFutaRaider to ["Infested Futa Raider 1", "Infested Futa Raider 2", "Infested Futa Raider 3", "Infested Futa Raider 4", "Infested Futa Raider 5", "Infested Futa Raider 6"]>>\
<<set $arrayInfestedFemaleGangsta to ["Infested Female Gangsta 1", "Infested Female Gangsta 2", "Infested Female Gangsta 3", "Infested Female Gangsta 4", "Infested Female Gangsta 5", "Infested Female Gangsta 6"]>>\
<<set $arrayInfestedMaleGangsta to ["Infested Male Gangsta 1", "Infested Male Gangsta 2", "Infested Male Gangsta 3", "Infested Male Gangsta 4", "Infested Male Gangsta 5", "Infested Male Gangsta 6"]>>\
<<set $arrayInfestedFutaGangsta to ["Infested Futa Gangsta 1", "Infested Futa Gangsta 2", "Infested Futa Gangsta 3", "Infested Futa Gangsta 4", "Infested Futa Gangsta 5", "Infested Futa Gangsta 6"]>>\
<<set $arrayInfestedFemaleDouble to ["Infested Female Double 1", "Infested Female Double 2", "Infested Female Double 3", "Infested Female Double 4", "Infested Female Double 5", "Infested Female Double 6", "Infested Female Double 7"]>>\
<<set $infestedTestFemale to {ID: 2, SubID: 1, Name: "the test Infested", Name2: "The Infested Tester", Name3: "Infested Tester", Sex: "Female", Arousal: 100, Weapon: $weapon.infestedfists, Level: 1, BAB: 1, Damage: 1, AC: 5, DR: 1, HP: 1, MaxHP: 1, Scouting: 1, Social: 1, Willpower: 0, Reflex: 1, Fortitude: 1, Blunt: 1, Slash: 1, Pierce: 1, Fire: 0, Cold: 0, Shock: 0, Acid: 0, Sonic: 0, Water: 0, Stun: 0, Intim: 0, Bleed: 0, EnemyCount: 1, Path: $infestedFemalePath, Image: $arrayInfestedFemale, Loot: $lootInfestedTester, RareLoot: $rarelootInfestedTester, Pronoun: "She", Pronoun2: "her", Type: "Infested", SubType: "Fucker", Faction: "Feral", Infestation: 100, HasPenis: 0, HasPussy: 1, DickType: "Normal", DickSize: 0, BallsSize: 0, BreastsSize: 8, OBreastsSize: 8, NippleSize: 6, AssSize: 6, SpNum: 0, Special1: $specials.PheromoneFemale, SpecialChance: 10}>>\
<<set $infestedTutorialFemale to {ID: 2, SubID: 1, Name: "the unknown woman", Name2: "The Unknown Woman", Name3: "Unknown Woman", Sex: "Female", Arousal: 100, Weapon: $weapon.infestedfists, Level: 1, BAB: 4, Damage: 1, AC: 11, DR: 1, HP: 8, MaxHP: 8, Scouting: 2, Social: 1, Willpower: 0, Reflex: 2, Fortitude: 1, Blunt: 1, Slash: 1, Pierce: 1, Fire: 0, Cold: 0, Shock: 0, Acid: 0, Sonic: 0, Water: 0, Stun: 0, Intim: 0, Bleed: 0, EnemyCount: 1, Path: $infestedFemalePath, Image: $arrayInfestedFemale, Loot: $lootInfestedFemale, RareLoot: $rarelootInfestedFemale, Pronoun: "She", Pronoun2: "her", Type: "Infested", SubType: "Fucker", Faction: "Feral", Infestation: 100, HasPenis: 0, HasPussy: 1, DickType: "Normal", DickSize: 0, BallsSize: 0, BreastsSize: 8, OBreastsSize: 8, NippleSize: 6, AssSize: 6, SpNum: 0, Special1: $specials.PheromoneFemale, SpecialChance: 30}>>\
<<set $infestedMale to {ID: 1, SubID: 1, Name: "the Infested Male", Name2: "The Infested Male", Name3: "Infested Male", Sex: "Male", Arousal: 100, Weapon: $weapon.infestedfists, Level: 1, BAB: 6, Damage: 2, AC: 11, DR: 1, HP: 14, MaxHP: 14, Scouting: 1, Social: 1, Willpower: 0, Reflex: 1, Fortitude: 3, Blunt: 1, Slash: 1, Pierce: 1, Fire: 0, Cold: 0, Shock: 0, Acid: 0, Sonic: 0, Stun: 0, Intim: 0, Bleed: 0, EnemyCount: 1, Path: $infestedMalePath, Image: $arrayInfestedMale, Loot: $lootInfestedMale, RareLoot: $rarelootInfestedMale, Pronoun: "He", Pronoun2: "his", Type: "Infested", SubType: "Fucker", Faction: "Feral", Infestation: 100, HasPenis: 1, HasPussy: 0, DickType: "Normal", DickSize: 10, BallsSize: 6, BreastsSize: 0, OBreastsSize: 0, NippleSize: 0, AssSize: 1, SpNum: 0, Special1: $specials.PheromoneMale, SpecialChance: 30}>>\
<<set $infestedFemale to {ID: 2, SubID: 1, Name: "the Infested Female", Name2: "The Infested Female", Name3: "Infested Female", Sex: "Female", Arousal: 100, Weapon: $weapon.infestedfists, Level: 1, BAB: 6, Damage: 1, AC: 13, DR: 1, HP: 12, MaxHP: 12, Scouting: 2, Social: 1, Willpower: 0, Reflex: 3, Fortitude: 1, Blunt: 1, Slash: 1, Pierce: 1, Fire: 0, Cold: 0, Shock: 0, Acid: 0, Sonic: 0, Water: 0, Stun: 0, Intim: 0, Bleed: 0, EnemyCount: 1, Path: $infestedFemalePath, Image: $arrayInfestedFemale, Loot: $lootInfestedFemale, RareLoot: $rarelootInfestedFemale, Pronoun: "She", Pronoun2: "her", Type: "Infested", SubType: "Fucker", Faction: "Feral", Infestation: 100, HasPenis: 0, HasPussy: 1, DickType: "Normal", DickSize: 0, BallsSize: 0, BreastsSize: 11, OBreastsSize: 11, NippleSize: 9, AssSize: 7, SpNum: 0, Special1: $specials.PheromoneFemale, SpecialChance: 30}>>\
<<set $infestedFuta to {ID: 3, SubID: 1, Name: "the Infested Futa", Name2: "The Infested Futa", Name3: "Infested Futa", Sex: "Futa", Arousal: 100, Weapon: $weapon.infestedfists, Level: 1, BAB: 6, Damage: 1, AC: 12, DR: 1, HP: 13, MaxHP: 13, Scouting: 0, Social: 2, Willpower: 0, Reflex: 2, Fortitude: 2, Blunt: 1, Slash: 1, Pierce: 1, Fire: 0, Cold: 0, Shock: 0, Acid: 0, Sonic: 0, Water: 0, Stun: 0, Intim: 0, Bleed: 0, EnemyCount: 1, Path: $infestedFutaPath, Image: $arrayInfestedFuta, Loot: $lootInfestedFuta, RareLoot: $rarelootInfestedFuta, Pronoun: "She", Pronoun2: "her", Type: "Infested", SubType: "Fucker", Faction: "Feral", Infestation: 100, HasPenis: 1, HasPussy: 1, DickType: "Normal", DickSize: 8, BallsSize: 5, BreastsSize: 9, OBreastsSize: 9, NippleSize: 7, AssSize: 6, SpNum: 1, Special1: $specials.PheromoneFuta, Special2: $specials.PheromoneFemale, SpecialChance: 30}>>\
<<set $infestedMilker to {ID: 4, SubID: 1, Name: "the Infested Milker", Name2: "The Infested Milker", Name3: "Infested Milker", Sex: "Female", Arousal: 100, Weapon: $weapon.infestedfists2, Level: 3, BAB: 8, Damage: 1, AC: 15, DR: 1, HP: 27, MaxHP: 27, Scouting: 4, Social: 4, Willpower: 2, Reflex: 5, Fortitude: 3, Blunt: 1, Slash: 1, Pierce: 1, Fire: 0, Cold: 0, Shock: 0, Acid: 0, Sonic: 0, Water: 0, Stun: 0, Intim: 0, Bleed: 0, EnemyCount: 1, Path: $infestedMilkerPath, Image: $arrayInfestedMilker, Loot: $lootInfestedMilker, RareLoot: $rarelootInfestedMilker, Pronoun: "She", Pronoun2: "her", Type: "Infested", SubType: "Milker", Faction: "Feral", Infestation: 100, HasPenis: 0, HasPussy: 1, DickType: "Normal", DickSize: 0, BallsSize: 0, BreastsSize: 14, OBreastsSize: 14, NippleSize: 12, AssSize: 10, SpNum: 1, Special1: $specials.HypnoMilk, Special2: $specials.PheromoneFemale, SpecialChance: 35}>>\
<<set $infestedBruiser to {ID: 5, SubID: 1, Name: "the Infested Bruiser", Name2: "The Infested Bruiser", Name3: "Infested Bruiser", Sex: "Male", Arousal: 100, Weapon: $weapon.infestedfists2, Level: 3, BAB: 9, Damage: 3, AC: 13, DR: 1, HP: 30, MaxHP: 30, Scouting: 4, Social: 3, Willpower: 2, Reflex: 3, Fortitude: 6, Blunt: 1, Slash: 1, Pierce: 1, Fire: 0, Cold: 0, Shock: 0, Acid: 0, Sonic: 0, Water: 0, Stun: 0, Intim: 0, Bleed: 0, EnemyCount: 1, Path: $infestedBruiserPath, Image: $arrayInfestedBruiser, Loot: $lootInfestedBruiser, RareLoot: $rarelootInfestedBruiser, Pronoun: "He", Pronoun2: "his", Type: "Infested", SubType: "Bruiser", Faction: "Feral", Infestation: 100, HasPenis: 1, HasPussy: 0, DickType: "Normal", DickSize: 13, BallsSize: 7, BreastsSize: 0, OBreastsSize: 0, NippleSize: 0, AssSize: 1, SpNum: 1, Special1: $specials.CumSpray, Special2: $specials.PheromoneMale, SpecialChance: 30}>>\
<<set $infestedBruiserBoss to {ID: 5, SubID: 1, Name: "the Infested Bruiser", Name2: "The Infested Bruiser", Name3: "Infested Bruiser", Sex: "Male", Arousal: 100, Weapon: $weapon.quarterstaff, Level: 3, BAB: 9, Damage: 3, AC: 14, DR: 1, HP: 34, MaxHP: 34, Scouting: 4, Social: 3, Willpower: 2, Reflex: 3, Fortitude: 6, Blunt: 1, Slash: 1, Pierce: 1, Fire: 0, Cold: 0, Shock: 0, Acid: 0, Sonic: 0, Water: 0, Stun: 0, Intim: 0, Bleed: 0, EnemyCount: 1, Path: $infestedBruiserPath, Image: $arrayInfestedBruiser, Loot: $lootInfestedBruiserBoss, RareLoot: $rarelootInfestedBruiserBoss, Pronoun: "He", Pronoun2: "his", Type: "Infested", SubType: "Bruiser", Faction: "Feral", Infestation: 100, HasPenis: 1, HasPussy: 0, DickType: "Normal", DickSize: 14, BallsSize: 8, BreastsSize: 0, OBreastsSize: 0, NippleSize: 0, AssSize: 1, SpNum: 1, Special1: $specials.CumSpray, Special2: $specials.PheromoneMale, SpecialChance: 35}>>\
<<set $infestedFutaBruiser to {ID: 7, SubID: 1, Name: "the Infested Futa Bruiser", Name2: "The Infested Futa Bruiser", Name3: "Infested Futa Bruiser", Sex: "Futa", Arousal: 100, Weapon: $weapon.giantwrench, Level: 3, BAB: 9, Damage: 2, AC: 15, DR: 1, HP: 29, MaxHP: 29, Scouting: 4, Social: 3, Willpower: 3, Reflex: 2, Fortitude: 5, Blunt: 1, Slash: 1, Pierce: 1, Fire: 0, Cold: 0, Shock: 0, Acid: 0, Sonic: 0, Water: 0, Stun: 0, Intim: 0, Bleed: 0, EnemyCount: 1, Path: $infestedFutaBruiserPath, Image: $arrayInfestedFutaBruiser, Loot: $lootInfestedFutaBruiser, RareLoot: $rarelootInfestedFutaBruiser, Pronoun: "She", Pronoun2: "her", Type: "Infested", SubType: "Bruiser", Faction: "Feral", Infestation: 100, HasPenis: 1, HasPussy: 1, DickType: "Normal", DickSize: 12, BallsSize: 6, BreastsSize: 8, OBreastsSize: 0, NippleSize: 6, AssSize: 12, SpNum: 2, Special1: $specials.CumSpray, Special2: $specials.PheromoneFuta, Special3: $specials.PowerAttack, SpecialChance: 25}>>\
<<set $infestedMale2 to {ID: 1, SubID: 1, Name: "the Infested Male", Name2: "The Infested Male", Name3: "Infested Male", Arousal: 100, Weapon: $weapon.infestedfists, Level: 2, BAB: 7, Damage: 3, AC: 12, DR: 1, HP: 20, MaxHP: 20, Scouting: 2, Social: 2, Willpower: 1, Reflex: 2, Fortitude: 4, Blunt: 1, Slash: 1, Pierce: 1, Fire: 0, Cold: 0, Shock: 0, Acid: 0, Sonic: 0, Water: 0, Stun: 0, Intim: 0, Bleed: 0, EnemyCount: 1, Path: $infestedMalePath, Image: $arrayInfestedMale, Loot: $lootInfestedMale, RareLoot: $rarelootInfestedMale, Pronoun: "He", Pronoun2: "his", Type: "Infested", SubType: "Fucker", Faction: "Feral", Infestation: 100, HasPenis: 1, HasPussy: 0, DickType: "Normal", DickSize: 11, BallsSize: 6, BreastsSize: 0, OBreastsSize: 0, NippleSize: 0, AssSize: 1, SpNum: 0, Special1: $specials.PheromoneMale, SpecialChance: 30}>>\
<<set $infestedFemale2 to {ID: 2, SubID: 1, Name: "the Infested Female", Name2: "The Infested Female", Name3: "Infested Female", Sex: "Female", Arousal: 100, Weapon: $weapon.infestedfists, Level: 2, BAB: 7, Damage: 2, AC: 14, DR: 1, HP: 18, MaxHP: 18, Scouting: 3, Social: 2, Willpower: 1, Reflex: 4, Fortitude: 2, Blunt: 1, Slash: 1, Pierce: 1, Fire: 0, Cold: 0, Shock: 0, Acid: 0, Sonic: 0, Water: 0, Stun: 0, Intim: 0, Bleed: 0, EnemyCount: 1, Path: $infestedFemalePath, Image: $arrayInfestedFemale, Loot: $lootInfestedFemale, RareLoot: $rarelootInfestedFemale, Pronoun: "She", Pronoun2: "her", Type: "Infested", SubType: "Fucker", Faction: "Feral", Infestation: 100, HasPenis: 0, HasPussy: 1, DickType: "Normal", DickSize: 0, BallsSize: 0, BreastsSize: 12, OBreastsSize: 12, NippleSize: 10, AssSize: 8, SpNum: 0, Special1: $specials.PheromoneFemale, SpecialChance: 30}>>\
<<set $infestedFuta2 to {ID: 3, SubID: 1, Name: "the Infested Futa", Name2: "The Infested Futa", Name3: "Infested Futa", Sex: "Futa", Arousal: 100, Weapon: $weapon.infestedfists, Level: 2, BAB: 7, Damage: 2, AC: 13, DR: 1, HP: 19, MaxHP: 19, Scouting: 1, Social: 3, Willpower: 1, Reflex: 3, Fortitude: 3, Blunt: 1, Slash: 1, Pierce: 1, Fire: 0, Cold: 0, Shock: 0, Acid: 0, Sonic: 0, Water: 0, Stun: 0, Intim: 0, Bleed: 0, EnemyCount: 1, Path: $infestedFutaPath, Image: $arrayInfestedFuta, Loot: $lootInfestedFuta, RareLoot: $rarelootInfestedFuta, Pronoun: "She", Pronoun2: "her", Type: "Infested", SubType: "Fucker", Faction: "Feral", Infestation: 100, HasPenis: 1, HasPussy: 1, DickType: "Normal", DickSize: 9, BallsSize: 6, BreastsSize: 10, OBreastsSize: 10, NippleSize: 8, AssSize: 7, SpNum: 1, Special1: $specials.PheromoneFuta, Special2: $specials.PheromoneFemale, SpecialChance: 30}>>\
<<set $infestedBanker to {ID: 4, SubID: 1, Name: "the Infested Banker", Name2: "The Infested Banker", Name3: "Infested Banker", Sex: "Female", Arousal: 100, Weapon: $weapon.infestedfists2, Level: 4, BAB: 9, Damage: 1, AC: 16, DR: 1, HP: 35, MaxHP: 35, Scouting: 5, Social: 5, Willpower: 3, Reflex: 6, Fortitude: 4, Blunt: 1, Slash: 1, Pierce: 1, Fire: 0, Cold: 0, Shock: 0, Acid: 0, Sonic: 0, Water: 0, Stun: 0, Intim: 0, Bleed: 0, EnemyCount: 1, Path: $eventPath3, Image: $arrayInfestedBanker, Loot: $lootInfestedBanker, RareLoot: $rarelootInfestedBanker, Pronoun: "She", Pronoun2: "her", Type: "Infested", SubType: "Milker", Faction: "Semi-Feral", Infestation: 100, HasPenis: 0, HasPussy: 1, DickType: $npcAmy.DickType, DickSize: $npcAmy.DickSize, BallsSize: $npcAmy.BallsSize, BreastsSize: $npcAmy.BreastsSize, OBreastsSize: $npcAmy.BreastsSize, NippleSize: $npcAmy.NippleSize, AssSize: $npcAmy.AssSize, SpNum: 1, Special1: $specials.HypnoMilk, Special2: $specials.PheromoneFemale, SpecialChance: 40}>>\
<<set $infestedDoctor to {ID: 1, SubID: 2, Name: "the Infested Doctor", Name2: "The Infested Doctor", Name3: "Infested Doctor", Sex: "Male", Arousal: 100, Weapon: $weapon.scalpel, Level: 2, BAB: 7, Damage: 3, AC: 14, DR: 1, HP: 18, MaxHP: 18, Scouting: 2, Social: 2, Willpower: 1, Reflex: 3, Fortitude: 5, Blunt: 1, Slash: 1, Pierce: 1, Fire: 0, Cold: 0, Shock: 0, Acid: 0, Sonic: 0, Water: 0, Stun: 0, Intim: 0, Bleed: 0, EnemyCount: 1, Path: $infestedDoctorPath, Image: $arrayInfestedDoctor, Loot: $lootInfestedDoctor, RareLoot: $rarelootInfestedDoctor, Pronoun: "He", Pronoun2: "his", Type: "Infested", SubType: "Fucker", Faction: "Feral", Infestation: 100, HasPenis: 1, HasPussy: 0, DickType: "Normal", DickSize: 14, BallsSize: 8, BreastsSize: 0, OBreastsSize: 0, NippleSize: 0, AssSize: 1, SpNum: 0, Special1: $specials.PheromoneMale, SpecialChance: 35}>>\
<<set $infestedFuckHardDoctor to {ID: 1, SubID: 2, Name: "Doctor FuckHard", Name2: "The Infested Doctor", Name3: "Infested Doctor", Sex: "Male", Arousal: 100, Weapon: $weapon.silverhammer, Level: 3, BAB: 9, Damage: 3, AC: 15, DR: 1, HP: 26, MaxHP: 26, Scouting: 3, Social: 3, Willpower: 2, Reflex: 4, Fortitude: 6, Blunt: 1, Slash: 1, Pierce: 1, Fire: 0, Cold: 0, Shock: 0, Acid: 0, Sonic: 0, Water: 0, Stun: 0, Intim: 0, Bleed: 0, EnemyCount: 1, Path: $infestedFuckHardDoctorPath, Image: $arrayInfestedFuckHardDoctor, Loot: $lootInfestedDoctorFuckHard, RareLoot: $rarelootDoctorFuckHard, Pronoun: "He", Pronoun2: "his", Type: "Infested", SubType: "Fucker", Faction: "Semi-Feral", Infestation: 100, HasPenis: 1, HasPussy: 0, DickType: "Normal", DickSize: $npcFuckHard.DickSize, BallsSize: $npcFuckHard.BallsSize, BreastsSize: 0, OBreastsSize: 0, NippleSize: 0, AssSize: 1, SpNum: 2, Special1: $specials.CockSuck, Special2: $specials.PheromoneMale, Special3: $specials.CumSpray, SpecialChance: 35}>>\
<<set $infestedBruiserDoctor to {ID: 1, SubID: 2, Name: "the Bruiser Doctor", Name2: "The Infested Bruiser Doctor", Name3: "Infested Bruiser Doctor", Sex: "Male", Arousal: 100, Weapon: $weapon.silverhammer, Level: 3, BAB: 9, Damage: 3, AC: 14, DR: 1, HP: 28, MaxHP: 28, Scouting: 3, Social: 2, Willpower: 3, Reflex: 3, Fortitude: 6, Blunt: 1, Slash: 1, Pierce: 1, Fire: 0, Cold: 0, Shock: 0, Acid: 0, Sonic: 0, Water: 0, Stun: 0, Intim: 0, Bleed: 0, EnemyCount: 1, Path: $infestedBruiserPath, Image: $arrayInfestedBruiserDoctor, Loot: $lootInfestedDoctorFuckHard, RareLoot: $rarelootDoctorFuckHard, Pronoun: "He", Pronoun2: "his", Type: "Infested", SubType: "Fucker", Faction: "Feral", Infestation: 100, HasPenis: 1, HasPussy: 0, DickType: "Normal", DickSize: 16, BallsSize: 9, BreastsSize: 0, OBreastsSize: 0, NippleSize: 0, AssSize: 1, SpNum: 1, Special1: $specials.CockSuck, Special2: $specials.CumSpray, SpecialChance: 35}>>\
<<set $infestedJanitor to {ID: 6, SubID: 1, Name: "the Infested Janitor", Name2: "The Infested Janitor", Name3: "Infested Janitor", Sex: "Male", Arousal: 100, Weapon: $weapon.mop, Level: 3, BAB: 8, Damage: 4, AC: 14, DR: 1, HP: 30, MaxHP: 30, Scouting: 5, Social: 0, Willpower: 2, Reflex: 2, Fortitude: 7, Blunt: 1, Slash: 1, Pierce: 1, Fire: 0, Cold: 0, Shock: 0, Acid: 0, Sonic: 0, Water: 0, Stun: 0, Intim: 0, Bleed: 0, EnemyCount: 1, Path: $infestedJanitorPath, Image: $arrayInfestedJanitor, Loot: $lootInfestedJanitor, RareLoot: $rarelootInfestedJanitor, Pronoun: "He", Pronoun2: "his", Type: "Infested", SubType: "Fucker", Faction: "Feral", Infestation: 100, HasPenis: 1, HasPussy: 0, DickType: "Normal", DickSize: 12, BallsSize: 6, BreastsSize: 0, OBreastsSize: 0, NippleSize: 0, AssSize: 1, SpNum: 0, Special1: $specials.CockSuck, SpecialChance: 10}>>\
<<set $infestedFutaJanitor to {ID: 6, SubID: 2, Name: "the Infested Janitor", Name2: "The Infested Janitor", Name3: "Infested Janitor", Sex: "Futa", Arousal: 100, Weapon: $weapon.mop, Level: 3, BAB: 8, Damage: 4, AC: 15, DR: 1, HP: 28, MaxHP: 28, Scouting: 6, Social: 1, Willpower: 2, Reflex: 2, Fortitude: 5, Blunt: 1, Slash: 1, Pierce: 1, Fire: 0, Cold: 0, Shock: 0, Acid: 0, Sonic: 0, Water: 0, Stun: 0, Intim: 0, Bleed: 0, EnemyCount: 1, Path: $infestedJanitorPath, Image: $arrayInfestedFutaJanitor, Loot: $lootInfestedJanitor, RareLoot: $rarelootInfestedJanitor, Pronoun: "She", Pronoun2: "her", Type: "Infested", SubType: "Fucker", Faction: "Feral", Infestation: 100, HasPenis: 1, HasPussy: 0, DickType: "Normal", DickSize: 11, BallsSize: 6, BreastsSize: 13, OBreastsSize: 0, NippleSize: 10, AssSize: 10, SpNum: 0, Special1: $specials.CockSuck, SpecialChance: 10}>>\
<<set $infestedNurse to {ID: 2, SubID: 2, Name: "the Infested Nurse", Name2: "The Infested Nurse", Name3: "Infested Nurse", Sex: "Female", Arousal: 100, Weapon: $weapon.scalpel, Level: 2, BAB: 7, Damage: 1, AC: 15, DR: 1, HP: 20, MaxHP: 20, Scouting: 3, Social: 2, Willpower: 1, Reflex: 3, Fortitude: 3, Blunt: 1, Slash: 1, Pierce: 1, Fire: 0, Cold: 0, Shock: 0, Acid: 0, Sonic: 0, Water: 0, Stun: 0, Intim: 0, Bleed: 0, EnemyCount: 1, Path: $infestedFemaleNursePath, Image: $arrayInfestedNurse, Loot: $lootInfestedNurse, RareLoot: $rarelootInfestedNurse, Pronoun: "She", Pronoun2: "her", Type: "Infested", SubType: "Fucker", Faction: "Feral", Infestation: 100, HasPenis: 0, HasPussy: 1, DickType: "Normal", DickSize: 0, BallsSize: 0, BreastsSize: 15, OBreastsSize: 15, NippleSize: 12, AssSize: 12, SpNum: 0, Special1: $specials.PheromoneFemale, SpecialChance: 35}>>\
<<set $infestedFutaNurse to {ID: 3, SubID: 2, Name: "the Infested Futa-Nurse", Name2: "The Infested Futa-Nurse", Name3: "Infested Futa-Nurse", Sex: "Futa", Arousal: 100, Weapon: $weapon.scalpel, Level: 2, BAB: 7, Damage: 1, AC: 16, DR: 1, HP: 18, MaxHP: 18, Scouting: 1, Social: 3, Willpower: 2, Reflex: 3, Fortitude: 3, Blunt: 1, Slash: 1, Pierce: 1, Fire: 0, Cold: 0, Shock: 0, Acid: 0, Sonic: 0, Water: 0, Stun: 0, Intim: 0, Bleed: 0, EnemyCount: 1, Path: $infestedFutaNursePath, Image: $arrayInfestedFutaNurse, Loot: $lootInfestedFutaNurse, RareLoot: $rarelootInfestedFutaNurse, Pronoun: "She", Pronoun2: "her", Type: "Infested", SubType: "Fucker", Faction: "Feral", Infestation: 100, HasPenis: 1, HasPussy: 1, DickType: "Normal", DickSize: 12, BallsSize: 7, BreastsSize: 12, OBreastsSize: 12, NippleSize: 10, AssSize: 10, SpNum: 1, Special1: $specials.PheromoneFuta, Special2: $specials.PheromoneFemale, SpecialChance: 35}>>\
<<set $infestedAdmin to {ID: 2, Name: "Candy", Name2: "Candy", Name3: "Candy Harpe", Sex: "Female", Arousal: 100, Weapon: $weapon.baton, Level: 3, BAB: 8, Damage: 2, AC: 19, DR: 1, HP: 26, MaxHP: 26, Scouting: 5, Social: 4, Willpower: 3, Reflex: 4, Fortitude: 2, Blunt: 1, Slash: 1, Pierce: 1, Fire: 0, Cold: 0, Shock: 0, Acid: 0, Sonic: 0, Water: 0, Stun: 0, Intim: 0, Bleed: 0, EnemyCount: 1, Path: $infestedAdminPath, Image: $arrayEvent7Candy, Loot: $lootInfestedAdmin, RareLoot: $rarelootInfestedAdmin, Pronoun: "She", Pronoun2: "her", Type: "Infested", SubType: "Fucker", Faction: "Semi-Feral", Infestation: 100, HasPenis: 0, HasPussy: 1, DickType: "Normal", DickSize: 0, BallsSize: 0, BreastsSize: $npcCandy.BreastsSize, OBreastsSize: 13, NippleSize: $npcCandy.NippleSize, AssSize: $npcCandy.AssSize, SpNum: 0, Special1: $specials.PowerAttack, SpecialChance: 25}>>\
<<set $infestedGAdmin to {ID: 2, SubID: 2, Name: "the Infested Office Lady", Name2: "The Infested Office Lady", Name3: "Infested Office Lady", Sex: "Female", Arousal: 100, Weapon: $weapon.baton, Level: 3, BAB: 8, Damage: 2, AC: 19, DR: 1, HP: 26, MaxHP: 26, Scouting: 5, Social: 4, Willpower: 3, Reflex: 4, Fortitude: 2, Blunt: 1, Slash: 1, Pierce: 1, Fire: 0, Cold: 0, Shock: 0, Acid: 0, Sonic: 0, Water: 0, Stun: 0, Intim: 0, Bleed: 0, EnemyCount: 1, Path: $infestedAdminPath, Image: $arrayInfestedOfficeLady, Loot: $lootInfestedAdmin, RareLoot: $rarelootInfestedAdmin, Pronoun: "She", Pronoun2: "her", Type: "Infested", SubType: "Fucker", Faction: "Feral", Infestation: 100, HasPenis: 0, HasPussy: 1, DickType: "Normal", DickSize: 0, BallsSize: 0, BreastsSize: 16, OBreastsSize: 6, NippleSize: 8, AssSize: 10, SpNum: 0, Special1: $specials.PowerAttack, SpecialChance: 25}>>\
<<set $infestedSamantha to {ID: 2, Name: "the Infested Jogger", Name2: "The Infested Jogger", Name3: "Samantha", Sex: "Female", Arousal: 100, Weapon: $weapon.stungun, Level: 3, BAB: 7, Damage: 2, AC: 16, DR: 1, HP: 30, MaxHP: 30, Scouting: 4, Social: 4, Willpower: 1, Reflex: 5, Fortitude: 3, Blunt: 1, Slash: 1, Pierce: 1, Fire: 0, Cold: 0, Shock: 0, Acid: 0, Sonic: 0, Water: 0, Stun: 0, Intim: 0, Bleed: 0, EnemyCount: 1, Path: $eventPath11, Image: $arrayEvent11Samantha, Loot: $lootInfestedSamantha, RareLoot: $rarelootInfestedSamantha, Pronoun: "She", Pronoun2: "her", Type: "Infested", SubType: "Fucker", Faction: "Feral", Infestation: 100, HasPenis: 0, HasPussy: 1, DickType: "Normal", DickSize: 0, BallsSize: 0, BreastsSize: $npcSamantha.BreastsSize, OBreastsSize: $npcSamantha.OBreastSize, NippleSize: 10, AssSize: $npcSamantha.AssSize, SpNum: 0, Special1: $specials.PheromoneFemale, SpecialChance: 35}>>\
<<set $infestedSamanthaFuta to {ID: 2, Name: "the Infested Jogger", Name2: "The Infested Jogger", Name3: "Samantha", Sex: "Female", Arousal: 100, Weapon: $weapon.stungun, Level: 3, BAB: 7, Damage: 3, AC: 15, DR: 1, HP: 28, MaxHP: 28, Scouting: 4, Social: 4, Willpower: 1, Reflex: 5, Fortitude: 3, Blunt: 1, Slash: 1, Pierce: 1, Fire: 0, Cold: 0, Shock: 0, Acid: 0, Sonic: 0, Water: 0, Stun: 0, Intim: 0, Bleed: 0, EnemyCount: 1, Path: $eventPath11, Image: $arrayEvent11SamanthaFuta, Loot: $lootInfestedSamantha, RareLoot: $rarelootInfestedSamantha, Pronoun: "She", Pronoun2: "her", Type: "Infested", SubType: "Fucker", Faction: "Feral", Infestation: 100, HasPenis: 1, HasPussy: 1, DickType: "Normal", DickSize: $npcSamantha.DickSize, BallsSize: $npcSamantha.BallsSize, BreastsSize: $npcSamantha.BreastsSize, OBreastsSize: $npcSamantha.OBreastSize, NippleSize: 10, AssSize: $npcSamantha.AssSize, SpNum: 1, Special1: $specials.PheromoneFuta, Special2: $specials.PheromoneFemale, SpecialChance: 35}>>\
<<set $infestedDoubleFemale to {ID: 9, Name: "the Infested Females", Name2: "The Infested Females", Name3: "Infested Females", Sex: "Female", Arousal: 100, Weapon: $weapon.infestedfists, Level: 3, BAB: 7, Damage: 1, AC: 15, DR: 1, HP: 40, MaxHP: 40, Scouting: 3, Social: 1, Willpower: 0, Reflex: 3, Fortitude: 1, Blunt: 1, Slash: 1, Pierce: 1, Fire: 0, Cold: 0, Shock: 0, Acid: 0, Sonic: 0, Water: 0, Stun: 0, Intim: 0, Bleed: 0, EnemyCount: 2, Path: $infestedFemaleDoublePath, Image: $arrayInfestedFemaleDouble, Loot: $lootInfestedDFemale, RareLoot: $rarelootInfestedDFemale, Pronoun: "They", Pronoun2: "their", Type: "Infested", SubType: "Fucker", Faction: "Feral", Infestation: 100, HasPenis: 0, HasPussy: 1, DickType: "Normal", DickSize: 0, BallsSize: 0, BreastsSize: 12, BreastsSize2: 12, OBreastsSize: 5, NippleSize: 9, NippleSize2: 9, AssSize: 7, AssSize2: 7, SpNum: 1, Special1: $specials.DoubleBlowjob, Special2: $specials.DoubleBreastsTease, SpecialChance: 35}>>\
<<set $infestedFemaleRaider to {ID: 2, SubID: 4, Name: "the Infested Female Raider", Name2: "The Infested Female Raider", Name3: "Infested Female Raider", Age: 23, Sex: "Female", Arousal: 100, Weapon: $weapon.Winchester308, Level: 3, BAB: 9, Damage: 0, AC: 19, DR: 1, HP: 26, MaxHP: 26, Scouting: 7, Social: 5, Willpower: 1, Reflex: 5, Fortitude: 6, Blunt: 1, Slash: 1, Pierce: 2, Fire: 0, Cold: 0, Shock: 0, Acid: 0, Sonic: 0, Water: 1, Stun: 0, Intim: 0, Bleed: 0, EnemyCount: 1, Path: $InfestedRaiderPath, Pro: $InfestedRaiderPath+"Raider-Female-pro.jpg", Image: $arrayInfestedFemaleRaider, Loot: $lootInfestedRaiderFemale, RareLoot: $rarelootInfestedRaiderFemale, Pronoun: "She", Pronoun2: "her", Type: "Infested", Faction: "Raider", Friendship: 0, Infestation: 100, HasPenis: 0, HasPussy: 1, DickType: "Normal", DickSize: 0, BallsSize: 0, BreastsSize: 9, OBreastsSize: 3, NippleSize: 4, AssSize: 6, SpNum: 1, Special1: $specials.WildSpray, Special2: $specials.PheromoneFemale, SpecialChance: 25}>>\
<<set $infestedMaleRaider to {ID: 1, SubID: 4, Name: "the Infested Male Raider", Name2: "The Infested Male Raider", Name3: "Infested Male Raider", Age: 23, Sex: "Male", Arousal: 100, Weapon: $weapon.pistol40sw, Level: 3, BAB: 9, Damage: 0, AC: 17, DR: 1, HP: 30, MaxHP: 30, Scouting: 6, Social: 3, Willpower: 1, Reflex: 3, Fortitude: 6, Blunt: 1, Slash: 1, Pierce: 2, Fire: 0, Cold: 0, Shock: 0, Acid: 0, Sonic: 0, Water: 1, Stun: 0, Intim: 0, Bleed: 0, EnemyCount: 1, Path: $InfestedRaiderPath, Pro: $InfestedRaiderPath+"Raider-Male-pro.jpg", Image: $arrayInfestedMaleRaider, Loot: $lootInfestedRaiderMale, RareLoot: $rarelootInfestedRaiderMale, Pronoun: "He", Pronoun2: "his", Type: "Infested", Faction: "Raider", Friendship: 0, Infestation: 100, HasPenis: 1, HasPussy: 0, DickType: "Normal", DickSize: 9, BallsSize: 7, BreastsSize: 0, OBreastsSize: 0, NippleSize: 0, AssSize: 0, SpNum: 1, Special1: $specials.WildSpray, Special2: $specials.PheromoneMale, SpecialChance: 25}>>\
<<set $infestedFutaRaider to {ID: 3, SubID: 4, Name: "the Infested Futa Raider", Name2: "The Infested Futa Raider", Name3: "Infested Futa Raider", Age: 23, Sex: "Female", Arousal: 100, Weapon: $weapon.SAFN49, Level: 3, BAB: 9, Damage: 0, AC: 18, DR: 1, HP: 28, MaxHP: 28, Scouting: 5, Social: 4, Willpower: 2, Reflex: 4, Fortitude: 5, Blunt: 1, Slash: 1, Pierce: 2, Fire: 0, Cold: 0, Shock: 0, Acid: 0, Sonic: 0, Water: 1, Stun: 0, Intim: 0, Bleed: 0, EnemyCount: 1, Path: $InfestedRaiderPath, Pro: $InfestedRaiderPath+"Raider-Female-pro.jpg", Image: $arrayInfestedFutaRaider, Loot: $lootInfestedRaiderFuta, RareLoot: $rarelootInfestedRaiderFuta, Pronoun: "She", Pronoun2: "her", Type: "Infested", Faction: "Raider", Friendship: 0, Infestation: 100, HasPenis: 1, HasPussy: 1, DickType: "Normal", DickSize: 8, BallsSize: 6, BreastsSize: 8, OBreastsSize: 3, NippleSize: 3, AssSize: 8, SpNum: 2, Special1: $specials.WildSpray, Special2: $specials.PheromoneFemale, Special3: $specials.PheromoneFuta, SpecialChance: 25}>>\
<<set $infestedFemaleGangsta to {ID: 2, SubID: 3, Name: "the Infested Female Gangsta", Name2: "The Infested Female Gangsta", Name3: "Infested Female Gangsta", Age: 23, Sex: "Female", Arousal: 100, Weapon: $weapon.katana, Level: 3, BAB: 8, Damage: 1, AC: 20, DR: 1, HP: 26, MaxHP: 26, Scouting: 5, Social: 4, Willpower: 1, Reflex: 6, Fortitude: 5, Blunt: 1, Slash: 2, Pierce: 1, Fire: 0, Cold: 0, Shock: 0, Acid: 0, Sonic: 0, Water: 1, Stun: 0, Intim: 0, Bleed: 0, EnemyCount: 1, Path: $InfestedGangstaPath, Pro: $InfestedGangstaPath+"Raider-Female-pro.jpg", Image: $arrayInfestedFemaleGangsta, Loot: $lootinfestedFemaleGangsta, RareLoot: $rarelootinfestedFemaleGangsta, Pronoun: "She", Pronoun2: "her", Type: "Infested", Faction: "Gang", Friendship: 0, Infestation: 100, HasPenis: 0, HasPussy: 1, DickType: "Normal", DickSize: 0, BallsSize: 0, BreastsSize: 10, OBreastsSize: 4, NippleSize: 6, AssSize: 7, SpNum: 1, Special1: $specials.LethalSpin, Special2: $specials.PheromoneFemale, SpecialChance: 20}>>\
<<set $infestedMaleGangsta to {ID: 1, SubID: 3, Name: "the Infested Male Gangsta", Name2: "The Infested Male Gangsta", Name3: "Infested Male Gangsta", Age: 23, Sex: "Male", Arousal: 100, Weapon: $weapon.ironfists, Level: 3, BAB: 8, Damage: 1, AC: 19, DR: 1, HP: 30, MaxHP: 30, Scouting: 6, Social: 4, Willpower: 2, Reflex: 3, Fortitude: 6, Blunt: 1, Slash: 2, Pierce: 1, Fire: 0, Cold: 0, Shock: 0, Acid: 0, Sonic: 0, Water: 1, Stun: 0, Intim: 0, Bleed: 0, EnemyCount: 1, Path: $InfestedGangstaPath, Pro: $InfestedGangstaPath+"Raider-Male-pro.jpg", Image: $arrayInfestedMaleGangsta, Loot: $lootinfestedMaleGangsta, RareLoot: $rarelootinfestedMaleGangsta, Pronoun: "He", Pronoun2: "his", Type: "Infested", Faction: "Gang", Friendship: 0, Infestation: 100, HasPenis: 1, HasPussy: 0, DickType: "Normal", DickSize: 10, BallsSize: 8, BreastsSize: 0, OBreastsSize: 0, NippleSize: 0, AssSize: 0, SpNum: 1, Special1: $specials.LethalSpin, Special2: $specials.PheromoneMale, SpecialChance: 20}>>\
<<set $infestedFutaGangsta to {ID: 3, SubID: 3, Name: "the Infested Futa Gangsta", Name2: "The Infested Futa Gangsta", Name3: "Infested Futa Gangsta", Age: 23, Sex: "Futa", Arousal: 100, Weapon: $weapon.repeatingcrossbow, Level: 3, BAB: 8, Damage: 1, AC: 18, DR: 1, HP: 28, MaxHP: 28, Scouting: 7, Social: 3, Willpower: 2, Reflex: 4, Fortitude: 5, Blunt: 1, Slash: 2, Pierce: 1, Fire: 0, Cold: 0, Shock: 0, Acid: 0, Sonic: 0, Water: 1, Stun: 0, Intim: 0, Bleed: 0, EnemyCount: 1, Path: $InfestedGangstaPath, Pro: $InfestedGangstaPath+"Raider-Female-pro.jpg", Image: $arrayInfestedFutaGangsta, Loot: $lootinfestedFutaGangsta, RareLoot: $rarelootinfestedFutaGangsta, Pronoun: "She", Pronoun2: "her", Type: "Infested", Faction: "Gang", Friendship: 0, Infestation: 100, HasPenis: 1, HasPussy: 1, DickType: "Normal", DickSize: 8, BallsSize: 6, BreastsSize: 8, OBreastsSize: 3, NippleSize: 5, AssSize: 8, SpNum: 2, Special1: $specials.FocusFire, Special2: $specials.PheromoneFemale, Special3: $specials.PheromoneFuta, SpecialChance: 20}>>\
\<img @src=$genericFighter.Image />
<<set $CombatRound to 0>>\
Staring at $genericFighter.Name you like what you see and feel like giving them what they want. How do you want to fuck them?
<<if $PC.Sex is not "Male" or $StatusAffect.Futa > 1>>\
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Get Fucked by His Cock|Suburb Male Infested Fuck]]>>
<<set $SexScene2 to 1>> </span><</button>>
<<button [[Refuse!|Suburb Combat]]>> <</button>><img @src=$genericFighter.Image />
<<set $CombatRound to 0>>\
Staring at $genericFighter.Name you like what you see and feel like giving them what they want. How do you want to fuck them?
<<if $PC.Sex is not "Female" or $StatusAffect.Futa > 0>>\
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Fuck her Pussy|Suburb Female Infested Fuck]]>>
<<set $SexScene2 to 1>> </span><</button>>
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Fuck her Ass|Suburb Female Infested Fuck]]>>
<<set $SexScene2 to 2>> </span><</button>>
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Fuck her Tits|Suburb Female Infested Fuck]]>>
<<set $SexScene2 to 3>> </span><</button>>
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Get a Blowjob|Suburb Female Infested Fuck]]>>
<<set $SexScene2 to 4>> </span><</button>>
<<if $PC.Sex is not "Male" and $StatusAffect.Futa < 1>>\
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Get Eaten Out|Suburb Female Infested Fuck]]>>
<<set $SexScene2 to 1>> </span><</button>>
<<if $KeyItemsFlags.DoubleDildo > 0 >>\
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Use Double-Ended Dildo|Suburb Female Infested Fuck]]>>
<<set $SexScene2 to 2>> </span><</button>>
<<button [[Refuse!|Suburb Combat]]>> <</button>><img @src=$genericFighter.Image />
<<set $CombatRound to 0>>\
Staring at $genericFighter.Name you like what you see and feel like giving them what they want. How do you want to fuck them?
<<if $PC.Sex is not "Female" or $StatusAffect.Futa > 0>>\
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Fuck her Pussy|Suburb Futa Infested Fuck]]>>
<<set $SexScene2 to 1>> </span><</button>>
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Get Fucked by her Cock|Suburb Futa Infested Fuck]]>>
<<set $SexScene2 to 1>> </span><</button>>
<<if $PC.Sex is not "Female" or $StatusAffect.Futa > 0>>\
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Fuck her Ass|Suburb Futa Infested Fuck]]>>
<<set $SexScene2 to 2>> </span><</button>>
<<if $PC.Sex is not "Female" or $StatusAffect.Futa > 0>>\
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Fuck her Tits|Suburb Futa Infested Fuck]]>>
<<set $SexScene2 to 3>> </span><</button>>
<<if $PC.Sex is not "Female" or $StatusAffect.Futa > 0>>\
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Get a Blowjob|Suburb Futa Infested Fuck]]>>
<<set $SexScene2 to 4>> </span><</button>>
<<if $PC.Sex is not "Male" and $StatusAffect.Futa < 1>>\
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Get Eaten Out|Suburb Futa Infested Fuck]]>>
<<set $SexScene2 to 5>>
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Get Ass Fucked by her Cock|Suburb Futa Infested Fuck]]>>
<<set $SexScene2 to 1>>
<<button [[Refuse!|Suburb Combat]]>> <</button>><<set _Fog to 0>>\
<<if $Weather.Current is "Foggy" or $Weather.Current is "Dreary" or $Weather.Current is "Misty">>\
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $ClassBonus.Ranger > 0 or $ProgrammerPath.Security > 0>>\
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<set $NoEncounter to 0>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set _EncounterRoll to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<if _EncounterRoll + $Skill.Scouting + $WisdomBonus + ($StatusAffect.Stalking *2) + $StatusAffect.Horny + ($StatusAffect.CumCovered) > ($locationGeneric.ER - $Time.Current)>>\
<<if $RangerPath.Forest > 0 or $CriminalPath.Scout > 0>>\
<<set _bonusAmbush to 2>>\
<<set _TotalEncounterRoll to _EncounterRoll + $Skill.Scouting + $WisdomBonus + $StatusAffect.SilentStalking - ($StatusAffect.Stalking *2) - $StatusAffect.Horny - ($StatusAffect.CumCovered)>>\
<<if _TotalEncounterRoll + ($ThieverySkillFeats.SnareMaster *2) + _bonusAmbush > ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current + 10 - _Fog)>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.EAmbushed to 1>>\
Looks like the time spent trying to find an enemy to fight has paid off and you even managed to get the drop on them!
Looks like the time spent trying to find an enemy to fight has paid off!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
You spend a chunk of time scouting for Infested but oddly enough don't find any around here right now...
<<button [[Give up Scouting for now|$location.temp]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</if>><<widget Stats>>
HP: $HP/$MaxHP
AC: $PC.AC <<if $FoodStatus.AC > 0>> + $FoodStatus.AC<</if>>
Strength: $Strength
Dexterity: $Dexterity
Constitution: $Constitution
Wisdom: $Wisdom
Intelligence: $Intelligence
Charisma: $Charisma
<<widget Skills>>
General Skills:
Athletics: $Skill.Athletics + $StrengthBonus = <<print $Skill.Athletics + $StrengthBonus + $ItemBonus.Athletics>>
Crafting: $Skill.Crafting + $IntelligenceBonus = <<print $Skill.Crafting + $IntelligenceBonus + $ItemBonus.Crafting>>
Cooking: $Skill.Cooking + $WisdomBonus = <<print $Skill.Cooking + $WisdomBonus + $ItemBonus.Cooking>>
Driving: $Skill.Driving + $DexterityBonus = <<print $Skill.Driving + $DexterityBonus + $ItemBonus.Driving>>
Electronics: $Skill.Electronics + $IntelligenceBonus = <<print $Skill.Electronics + $IntelligenceBonus + $ItemBonus.Electronics >>
Medical: $Skill.Medical + $WisdomBonus = <<print $Skill.Medical + $WisdomBonus + $ItemBonus.Medical>>
Salvaging: $Skill.Salvaging + $WisdomBonus = <<print $Skill.Salvaging + $WisdomBonus + $ItemBonus.Salvaging>>
Scouting: $Skill.Scouting + $WisdomBonus = <<print $Skill.Scouting + $WisdomBonus + $ItemBonus.Scouting >>
Social: $Skill.Social + $CharismaBonus = <<print $Skill.Social + $CharismaBonus + $ItemBonus.Social>>
Stealth: $Skill.Stealth + $DexterityBonus = <<print $Skill.Stealth + $DexterityBonus + $ItemBonus.Stealth>>
Thievery: $Skill.Thievery + $DexterityBonus = <<print $Skill.Thievery + $DexterityBonus + $ItemBonus.Thievery>>
<<if $Prof.SexCraft > 0>>\
SexCraft: $Skill.SexCraft + $CharismaBonus = <<print $Skill.SexCraft + $CharismaBonus + $ItemBonus.SexCraft>>
Weapon Skills:
Unarmed: $Skill.Unarmed + $StrengthBonus = <<print $Skill.Unarmed + $StrengthBonus>>
Swords: $Skill.Swords + $StrengthBonus = <<print $Skill.Swords + $StrengthBonus>>
Knives: $Skill.Knives + $DexterityBonus = <<print $Skill.Knives + $DexterityBonus>>
Clubs: $Skill.Clubs + $StrengthBonus = <<print $Skill.Clubs + $StrengthBonus>>
Polearms: $Skill.Polearms + $StrengthBonus = <<print $Skill.Polearms + $StrengthBonus>>
Bows: $Skill.Bows + $DexterityBonus = <<print $Skill.Bows + $DexterityBonus>>
Pistols: $Skill.Pistols + $DexterityBonus = <<print $Skill.Pistols + $DexterityBonus>>
Rifles: $Skill.Rifles + $DexterityBonus = <<print $Skill.Rifles + $DexterityBonus>>
Shotguns: $Skill.Shotguns + $DexterityBonus = <<print $Skill.Shotguns + $DexterityBonus>>
Heavy Weapons: $Skill.Heavy + $DexterityBonus = <<print $Skill.Heavy + $DexterityBonus>>
Armor Skills:
Unarmored: $Skill.Unarmored
Light Armor: $Skill.LightArmor
Medium Armor: $Skill.MediumArmor
Heavy Armor: $Skill.HeavyArmor
<<widget Saves>>
<<if $armorSaveBonus > 0>>\
Willpower: <<print $PC.Willpower>> + $armorSaveBonus <<if $FoodStatus.Will > 0>> + $FoodStatus.Will>><</if>>
Reflex: <<print $PC.Reflex>> + $armorSaveBonus <<if $FoodStatus.Refl > 0>> + $FoodStatus.Refl>><</if>>
Fortitude: <<print $PC.Fortitude>> + $armorSaveBonus <<if $FoodStatus.Fort > 0>> + $FoodStatus.Fort>><</if>>
Willpower: <<print $PC.Willpower>> <<if $FoodStatus.Will > 0>> + $FoodStatus.Will>><</if>>
Reflex: <<print $PC.Reflex>> <<if $FoodStatus.Refl > 0>> + $FoodStatus.Refl>><</if>>
Fortitude: <<print $PC.Fortitude>> <<if $FoodStatus.Fort > 0>> + $FoodStatus.Fort>><</if>>
<<widget CharacterSheet>>
Name: $PC.FirstName $PC.LastName
<<if $StatusAffect.Futa > 0>>\
Sex: Futa
Sex: $PC.Sex
Age: 21
Height: 5"10
<<if $PC.Sex is "Male" or $PC.Sex is "Futa" or $StatusAffect.Futa > 0>>
Penis: A $DickSD $DickSize Penis
Balls: A pair of $BallsSD $BallsSize balls
<<if $PC.Sex is "Female" or $PC.Sex is "Futa" or $StatusAffect.Futa > 0>>
Breasts: A pair of <<print $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$PC.BreastsSize]>> <<print $arrayBreastSize[$PC.BreastsSize]>> breasts
Ass: A <<print $arrayAssSizeDesc[$PC.AssSize]>> ass
<<if $PC.Sex is "Male" or $PC.Sex is "Futa" or $StatusAffect.Futa > 0>>\
CumMin: $Cum.Min Stored: $Cum.Stored | Max: $Cum.Max
<<if $PC.Sex is "Female" or $PC.Sex is "Futa" or $StatusAffect.Futa > 0>>\
Girl-Cum Min: $GCum.Min Stored: $GCum.Stored | Max: $GCum.Max
<<set _tempInfest to $PC.Infestation /10>>\
Infestation Level: _tempInfest%
Futa Variant: <<print $Infestation.FutaVariant>>%
Milk Variant: <<print $Infestation.MilkVariant>>%
Bruiser Variant: <<print $Infestation.BruiseVariant>>%
Class: Level <<print $PC.Level>> <<print $PC.Class>>
XP: <<print $XP>> / <<print $NextLevel>>
<b> Status Affects</b>
<<if $StatusAffect.Hungry > 0>>\Status Ailments: Hungry: $StatusAffect.Hungry,<</if>><<if $StatusAffect.Pregnant > 1>>\Nausea: $StatusAffect.Pregnant, <</if>><<if $StatusAffect.Vaccine > 0>>\Vaccine: $StatusAffect.Vaccine, <</if>><<if $StatusAffect.Infertility > 0>>\Infertile: $StatusAffect.Infertility, <</if>><<if $StatusAffect.Fertility > 0>>\Fertile: $StatusAffect.Fertility, <</if>><<if $StatusAffect.Drunk > 0>>\Drunk: $StatusAffect.Drunk, <</if>><<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\CumSoaked: $StatusAffect.CumCovered, <</if>><<if $StatusAffect.CumFilled > 0>>\CumFilled: $StatusAffect.CumFilled, <</if>> <<if $StatusAffect.Horny > 0>>\Horny: $StatusAffect.Horny, <</if>><<if $StatusAffect.Energized > 0>>\Energized: $StatusAffect.Energized, <</if>>
<<if $StatusAffect.BigDick > 0>>\BigDick: $StatusAffect.BigDick, <</if>><<if $StatusAffect.TinyDick > 0>>\TinyDick: $StatusAffect.TinyDick, <</if>><<if $StatusAffect.BigTits > 0>>\BigTits: $StatusAffect.BigTits,<</if>><<if $StatusAffect.TinyTits > 0>>\TinyTits: $StatusAffect.TinyTits<</if>><<if $StatusAffect.BigAss > 0>>\BigAss: $StatusAffect.BigAss<</if>><<if $StatusAffect.TinyAss > 0>>\TinyAss: $StatusAffect.TinyAss<</if>>
<<if $StatusAffect.MilkTits > 0>>\MilkTits: $StatusAffect.MilkTits,<</if>><<if $Milk.Stored > 0>>\MilkStored: $Milk.Stored, MilkMax: $Milk.Max<</if>>
<<widget Options>>\
Do you wish to have sound on or off?
Sound On: <label><<radiobutton "$Sound" "On" checked>></label>
Sound Off: <label><<radiobutton "$Sound" "Off">></label>
<<widget Map>>\
<<include "Map">>\
<<widget Breasts>>\
<<set _breasts to $arrayBreasts.random()>>\
<<print _breasts>>\
<<widget Penis>>\
<<set _dick to $arrayDick.random()>>\
<<print _dick>>\
<<widget Psize>>\
<<switch $PC.DickSize>>\
<<case 0 1 2>>\
<<set _psize to $smallDickSize.random()>>\
<<case 3 4 5 6>>\
<<set _psize to $mediumDickSize.random()>>\
<<case 7 8 9 10 11>>\
<<set _psize to $largeDickSize.random()>>\
<<set _psize to $epicDickSize.random()>>\
<<print _psize>>\
<</widget>>\<<if $questsMainStory.PartOne > 0>>\
<<link "Character Sheet">>
<<dialog 'Character Sheet'>>
/*<<link "Options">>
<<dialog 'Options'>>
<</link>> */
<<if $NoInventory is 0>>\
<<link "Inventory" "Inventory">> <</link>>
<<link "SmartPhone $SmartPhone.Charge%" "SmartPhone">><</link>>
<<link "Map">>
<<dialog 'Map'>>
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$genericFighter.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$genericFighter.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$genericFighter.DickSize]>>\
<<set _DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$genericFighter.DickSize]>>\
<<set $specials to {}>>\
<<set $specials.PheromoneMale to {
Name: "Pheromone Cock Arousal",
Type: "Lust",
Save: $PC.Willpower,
DC: $genericFighter.Level + 17,
Text: "$genericFighter.Name2 grabs his _DickSD _DickSize cock and starts to strokes it! He moans loudly as he says 'I'm going to fuck you so hard with my meat rod!' as large amounts of pre-cum oozes from the tip causing a arousing smell to fill the air. ",
FailText: "You feel a flush of arousal as you stare at his _DickSD penis imagining how it might feel to ride such thick rod!",
SuccessText: "You resist the urge to stare at his _DickSD cock and continue the fight!",
Affect: 20
<<set $specials.PheromoneFemale to {
Name: "Pheromone Breasts Arousal",
Type: "Lust",
Save: $PC.Willpower,
DC: $genericFighter.Level + 17,
Text: "$genericFighter.Name2 grabs her _ISD _ICup breasts and starts to grope them! She moans lustily as she says 'I'm so horny! Come on over here and fuck me!' as her pussy unleashes a flood of girl-fluids causing a erotic smell to fill the air. ",
FailText: "You feel a flush of arousal as you stare at her _ISD breasts imagining how they might taste and how heavy they must feel!",
SuccessText: "You resist the urge to stare at her _ISD tits and continue the fight!",
Affect: 20
<<set $specials.PheromoneFuta to {
Name: "Pheromone Futa-Cock Arousal",
Type: "Lust",
Save: $PC.Willpower,
DC: $genericFighter.Level + 17,
Text: "$genericFighter.Name2 grabs her _DickSD _DickSize girl-cock and strokes it! She moans loudly as she says 'I'm so going to fuck you up with my futa-cock!' as large amounts of pre-cum oozes from the tip causing a arousing smell to fill the air.",
FailText: "You feel a flush of arousal as you stare at her _DickSD penis imagining how it might taste deep inside your mouth!",
SuccessText: "You resist the urge to stare at her _DickSD girl-cock and continue the fight!",
Affect: 20
<<set $specials.HypnoMilk to {
Name: "Hypno-Milk",
Type: "Lust",
Save: $PC.Willpower,
DC: $genericFighter.Level + 18,
Text: "$genericFighter.Name2 grabs her _ISD _ICup breasts and starts to grope them! She moans lustily as she says 'I'm so horny!' as her pussy unleashes a gush of fluids causing a erotic smell to fill the air.",
FailText: "You feel a flush of arousal as you stare at their _ISD breasts imagining how they might taste and feel!",
SuccessText: "You resist the urge to stare at her _ISD tits and continue the fight!",
Affect: 10
<<set $specials.CockSuck to {
Name: "Cock-Suck",
Type: "Lust",
Save: $PC.Willpower,
DC: $genericFighter.Level + 18,
Text: "$genericFighter.Name2 winds up for a mighty strike!",
FailText: "$genericFighter.Name2 suddenly slams his meaty fist into your stomach! As you gasp for air he grabs your heads and forces his _DickSD _DickSize dick down your throat!",
SuccessText: "You dodge his attack and continue the fight!",
Affect: 10
<<set $specials.CumSpray to {
Name: "Cum Spray",
Type: "Lust",
Save: $PC.Reflex,
DC: $genericFighter.Level + 18,
Text: "$genericFighter.Name2 grabs his _DickSD _DickSize cock and starts to rapidly stroke it! He groans loudly as he shoots a massive stream of sticky cum right at you like a firehose!",
FailText: "You feel a flush of arousal as you stare at his _DickSD penis imagining how it might feel to ride such thick rod!",
SuccessText: "You resist the urge to stare at his _DickSD cock and continue the fight!",
Affect: 15
<<set $specials.DoubleBlowjob to {
Name: "Double Surprise Blowjob",
Type: "Lust",
Save: $PC.Willpower,
DC: $genericFighter.Level + 18,
Text: "The bustier of the two Infested grabs her _ICup breasts exposing her rock hard nipples!",
FailText: "You feel a flush of arousal as you stare at her _ICup tits imagining how it might feel to suck on them!",
SuccessText: "You resist the urge to stare at er _ICup tits and continue the fight!",
Affect: 12
<<set $specials.DoubleBreastsTease to {
Name: "Double Breasts Tease",
Type: "Lust",
Save: $PC.Willpower,
DC: $genericFighter.Level + 18,
Text: "The bustier of the two Infested grabs her _ICup breasts exposing her rock hard nipples!",
FailText: "You feel a flush of arousal as you stare at her _ICup tits imagining how it might feel to suck on them!",
SuccessText: "You resist the urge to stare at er _ICup tits and continue the fight!",
Affect: 15
<<set $specials.PCCumSpray to {
Name: "Cum Spray",
Type: "Lust",
Save: $genericFighter.Fortitude,
DC: $PC.Level +10 + $StrengthBonus,
Text: "You grab your $DickSD $DickSize cock and start to rapidly stroke it! You let out a mighty groan as you shoot a $CumAD wad of sticky cum right at $genericFighter.Name's face!",
FailText: "You feel a flush of arousal as you stare at his _DickSD penis imagining how it might feel to ride such thick rod!",
SuccessText: "You resist the urge to stare at his _DickSD cock and continue the fight!",
Affect: 15
<<set $specials.WildSpray to {
Name: "Wild Spray",
Type: "Damage",
Save: $PC.Reflex,
DC: $genericFighter.Level + 12,
Text: "$genericFighter.Name2 unleashes a wild spray of bullets in your general area.",
FailText: "You fail to get out of the way and take several hits!",
SuccessText: "You duck for cover and dodge most of the wild spray of bullets!",
Affect: 10
<<set $specials.StunGrenade to {
Name: "Stun Grenade",
Type: "Stun",
Save: $PC.Reflex,
DC: $genericFighter.Level + 12,
Text: "$genericFighter.Name2 yells out 'Grenade!' before tossing a grenade at you!",
FailText: "You fail to avoid the grenade and become stunned by the flash of light and burst of sound!",
SuccessText: "You somehow manged to avoid the grenade as it bursts into light and sound!!",
Affect: 2
<<set $specials.FocusFire to {
Name: "Focus Fire",
Type: "Damage",
Save: $PC.AC,
DC: $genericFighter.Level,
Text: "$genericFighter.Name2 focuses completely on their next shot while targeting their aim on your vitals.",
FailText: "You take the shot directly in a vital spot and scream in pain!",
SuccessText: "You manage to dodge the deadly shot!",
Affect: 8
<<set $specials.PowerAttack to {
Name: "Power Attack",
Type: "Damage",
Save: $PC.AC,
DC: $genericFighter.Level,
Text: "$genericFighter.Name2 focuses on hurting you badly with their $genericWeapon.name.",
FailText: "You take the powerful strike directly to your groin and you scream in agony!",
SuccessText: "You somehow manage to time it right and avoid the powerful strike!",
Affect: 6
<<set $specials.LethalSpin to {
Name: "Lethal Spin",
Type: "Damage",
Save: $PC.AC,
DC: $genericFighter.Level,
Text: "$genericFighter.Name2 spins in a wild pattern while building up lethal momentum!",
FailText: "$genericFighter.Name2's chaotic spinning is too hard to predict and you end up taking a painful _swing at the end!",
SuccessText: "You manage to avoid the chaotic _swing!",
Affect: 2
<<set $specials.Mug to {
Name: "Mug",
Type: "Damage",
Save: $genericFighter.AC,
DC: $PC.Level,
Text: "You do a quick attack in an attempt to steal something from $genericFighter.Name.",
FailText: "$genericFighter.Name2 fails to defend their belongings as your attack hits!",
SuccessText: "$genericFighter.Name2 dodges the attack somehow!",
Dice: Math.floor($PC.Level / 2),
Damage: 3
<<set $specials.BellowShout to {
Name: "Bellowing Shout",
Type: "Stun",
Save: $genericFighter.Fortitude,
DC: $PC.Level + 10 + $ConstitutionBonus,
Text: "You bellow at the top of your lungs for $genericFighter.Name to put their hands up!",
FailText: "$genericFighter.Name2 stops what they were about to do and puts their hands up!",
SuccessText: "$genericFighter.Name2 ignores your lawful order and keeps fighting!",
Affect: 2,
Dice: Math.floor($PC.Level / 2),
Damage: 5
<<set $specials.Intimidate to {
Name: "Intimidate",
Type: "Debuff",
Save: $genericFighter.Will,
DC: $PC.Level + 10 + $CharismaBonus,
Text: "You scream at $genericFighter.Name threatening to set them on fire using hairspray and a lighter!",
FailText: "$genericFighter.Name2 looks scared at the thought of being caught on fire!",
SuccessText: "$genericFighter.Name2 ignores the fiery threat and continues on!",
Affect: 2,
Rounds: $CharismaBonus
<<set $specials.HunterShot to {
Name: "Hunter Shot",
Type: "Damage",
Save: $genericFighter.AC,
DC: $PC.Level,
Text: "You plant your feet while carefully aiming at the $genericFighter.Name.",
FailText: "$genericFighter.Name2 takes the shot directly in a vital spot!",
SuccessText: "$genericFighter.Name2 dodges the attack somehow!",
Affect: 2,
Dice: Math.floor($PC.Level / 2),
Damage: 5
<<set $specials.FirstAid to {
Name: "First Aid",
Type: "Healing",
Save: $PC.Level,
DC: $PC.Level +1,
Text: "You quickly grab a autoinjector loaded with some adrenaline and some pain killing medicine.",
FailText: "You screw up and fail to hit any veins while trying to heal yourself...",
SuccessText: "You succeed at hitting a vein and the pain from your wounds fade allowing you to continue while revitalizing your movements.",
Affect: 7,
Rounds: $WisdomBonus
<<set $specials.Flurry to {
Name: "Flurry Attack",
Type: "Attack",
Save: $PC.Level,
DC: $PC.Level +10,
Text: "You quickly set yourself up to unleash a flurry of attacks!",
FailText: "",
SuccessText: "",
Affect: 0
<<set $specials.Fury to {
Name: "Focused Offense",
Type: "Stance",
Save: $genericFighter.AC,
DC: $PC.Level +10,
Text: "You focus all your attention on calculating the optimal way to defeat $genericFighter.Name.",
FailText: "The $genericFighter.Name fails to notice your change in strategy and gets hit!",
SuccessText: "The $genericFighter.Name somehow dodges the attack but the game is only starting!",
Affect: 2,
Damage: 0,
Rounds: $IntelligenceBonus
<<set $specials.CameraFlash to {
Name: "Camera Flash",
Type: "Debuff",
Save: $genericFighter.Reflex,
DC: $PC.Level +10 + $IntelligenceBonus,
Text: "You aim your modified smart phone at $genericFighter.Name and press the flash button.",
FailText: "$genericFighter.Name2 becomes blinded by the intense light of the flash!",
SuccessText: "The $genericFighter.Name3 wasn't looking at your phone when you pressed the flash button and so they managed to avoid being blinded by the light",
Affect: 5
<<set $specials.WeaknessStrike to {
Name: "Weakness Strike",
Type: "Damage",
Save: $genericFighter.AC,
DC: $PC.Level,
Text: "Seeing an opening you step to the blindside of $genericFighter.Name before unleashing your attack!",
FailText: "The $genericFighter.Name3 takes the hit where it really hurts!",
SuccessText: "The $genericFighter.Name3 dodges the attack somehow!",
Affect: 0,
Dice: 1,
Damage: 5,
Special: "No Resist"
<<set $specials.DistractingFeint to {
Name: "Distracting Feint",
Type: "Damage",
Save: $genericFighter.AC,
DC: $PC.Level,
Text: "With a misleading flourish you strike at $genericFighter.Name before they can react to your attack!",
FailText: "The $genericFighter.Name stumbles as they take the attack and their movements are hesitant as they try to figure out how to respond!",
SuccessText: "The $genericFighter.Name2 avoids the misleading attack!",
Affect: 2,
Damage: 0,
Rounds: 2,
Special: "Feint"
<<set $specials.Steal to {
Name: "Steal",
Type: "Misc",
Save: $genericFighter.AC,
DC: $PC.Level,
Text: "You dodge around in attempt to steal something from $genericFighter.Name.",
FailText: "The $genericFighter.Name fails to defend their belongings as you swipe something from them!",
SuccessText: "The $genericFighter.Name dodges the attack somehow!",
Affect: 0
<<set $specials.ImprovedTrip to {
Name: "Improved Trip",
Type: "Damage",
Save: $genericFighter.Reflex,
DC: $PC.Level +10 + $StrengthBonus,
Text: "Winding up a unbalancing strike, you strike at $genericFighter.Name with intent to knock them down!",
FailText: "The $genericFighter.Name2 takes the sweeping strike and falls to the ground!",
SuccessText: "The $genericFighter.Name2 takes the unbalancing hit but somehow managers to stay upright!",
Affect: 1,
Damage: 3,
Special: "Prone"
<<set $specials.Flamethrower to {
Name: "Flamethrower",
Type: "Damage",
Save: $genericFighter.Reflex,
DC: $PC.Level +10 + $CharismaBonus,
Text: "You aim your makeshift flamethrower at $genericFighter.Name and press the trigger!",
FailText: "$genericFighter.Name2 takes the cone of fire right to their face!",
SuccessText: "The $genericFighter.Name avoids some of the fiery stream as they quickly dodge out of the way!",
Affect: 3,
Dice: Math.floor($PC.Level / 2),
Damage: 5
<<set $specials.PocketSand to {
Name: "Pocket Sand",
Type: "Debuff",
Save: $genericFighter.Reflex,
DC: $PC.Level + 10 + $DexterityBonus,
Text: "You grab a handful of prepared sand before tossing it at $genericFighter.Name's face!",
FailText: "$genericFighter.Name2 is caught off guard and is blinded by the sand you tossed!",
SuccessText: "$genericFighter.Name2 somehow manages to avoid some of the sand but still ends up with some blurry vision!",
Affect: 2,
Rounds: $DexterityBonus
<<set $specials.ToxicFlask to {
Name: "Toxic Flask",
Type: "Damage",
Save: $genericFighter.Reflex,
DC: $PC.Level +10 + $WisdomBonus,
Text: "You toss your bottle filled with toxic medicine at $genericFighter.Name!",
FailText: "$genericFighter.Name2 takes a direct hit and becomes covered in toxic fluids!",
SuccessText: "The $genericFighter.Name dodges the bottle but still takes some acidic splash damage!",
Affect: 3,
Dice: Math.floor($PC.Level / 2),
Damage: 5
<<set $specials.CommandShout to {
Name: "Commanding Shout",
Type: "Debuff",
Save: $genericFighter.Willpower,
DC: $PC.Level + 10 + $ConstitutionBonus,
Text: "You shout at the top of your lungs for $genericFighter.Name to drop to the ground!",
FailText: "$genericFighter.Name2 drops to the ground with their hands up!",
SuccessText: "$genericFighter.Name2 ignores your lawful order and keeps fighting!",
Affect: $ConstitutionBonus,
Dice: Math.floor($PC.Level / 2),
Damage: 3,
Special: "Prone"
<<set $specials.CalculatedStrike to {
Name: "Calculated Strike",
Type: "Damage",
Save: $genericFighter.AC,
DC: $PC.Level,
Text: "You focus on the opponent's weakspot and prepare to strike!",
FailText: "The $genericFighter.Name3 takes massive damage as you hit their weakspot!",
SuccessText: "The $genericFighter.Name3 dodges the attack somehow!",
Affect: $IntelligenceBonus,
Dice: Math.floor($PC.Level / 2),
Damage: 3,
Special: "No Resist"
<<set $specials.KnockdownBarrage to {
Name: "Knockdown Barrage",
Type: "Damage",
Save: $genericFighter.Reflex,
DC: $PC.Level + 10 + $DexterityBonus,
Text: "You fire a barrage of shots from your $equipedWeapon.name at $genericFighter.Name while doing your best to knock them off balance!",
FailText: "The $genericFighter.Name3 gets hit several times by your barrage!",
SuccessText: "The $genericFighter.Name3 avoids the worst of the shots somehow!",
Affect: $DexterityBonus,
Dice: Math.floor($PC.Level / 2),
Damage: 5,
Special: "Prone"
<<set $specials.SpinningKick to {
Name: "Spinning Kick",
Type: "Damage",
Save: $genericFighter.Reflex,
DC: $PC.Level + 10 + $StrengthBonus,
Text: "You focus on generating speed and strength into your ready legs.",
FailText: "The $genericFighter.Name3 takes the spinning kick right to the noggen and becomes staggered!",
SuccessText: "The $genericFighter.Name3 somehow manages to avoid the spinning kick!",
Affect: $StrengthBonus,
Dice: Math.floor($PC.Level / 2),
Damage: 3,
Special: "Stagger"
<<set $specials.FocusFirePC to {
Name: "Focus Fire",
Type: "Damage",
Save: $PC.Level,
DC: $genericFighter.Level,
Text: "You focus your aim at $genericFighter.Name with your $equipedWeapon.name while targeting their vitals.",
FailText: "The $genericFighter.Name3 takes the shot directly in a vital spot and screams in pain!",
SuccessText: "The $genericFighter.Name3 somehow manages to avoid deadly shot!",
Affect: 7
<<set $specials.BurstFirePC to {
Name: "Burst Fire",
Type: "Damage",
Save: $PC.Level,
DC: $genericFighter.Level,
Text: "You unleash a burst of bullets at $genericFighter.Name from your $equipedWeapon.name!.",
FailText: "The $genericFighter.Name3 takes the shot directly in a vital spot and screams in pain!",
SuccessText: "The $genericFighter.Name3 somehow manages to avoid rapid shot!",
Affect: 3
\<<set $weapon to {}>>\
<<include "Knives">>\
<<include "Swords">>\
<<include "Clubs">>\
<<include "Bows">>\
<<include "Pistols">>\
<<include "Shotguns">>\
<<include "Rifles">>\
<<include "Polearms">>\
<<include "Heavy">>\
<<include "Unarmed">>\
<<set $weapon.infestedfists = {
type : "weapon",
range : "melee",
name : "fists",
plural : "fists",
damage : 4,
damagetype : "Blunt",
skill : "Unarmed",
stat : "Strength",
description : "Your fists",
description2 : "It is a melee unarmed weapon that deals 1d5 blunt damage",
special : "None",
adescription : "swing",
adescription2 : "swings",
quality : 1,
superior: 0,
critical: "None",
criticalamount: 0,
innate: 1,
hp : 100000,
amount: 1,
cost : 0
<<set $weapon.infestedfists2 = {
type : "weapon",
range : "melee",
name : "fists",
plural : "fists",
damage : 6,
damagetype : "Blunt",
skill : "Unarmed",
stat : "Strength",
description : "Your fists",
description2 : "It is a melee unarmed weapon that deals 1d7 blunt damage",
adescription : "swing",
adescription2 : "swings",
special : "None",
quality : 1,
superior: 0,
critical: "None",
criticalamount: 0,
innate: 1,
hp : 100000,
amount: 1,
cost : 0
<<set $weapon.infestedfists3 = {
type : "weapon",
range : "melee",
name : "fists",
plural : "fists",
damage : 8,
damagetype : "Blunt",
skill : "Unarmed",
stat : "Strength",
description : "Your fists",
description2 : "It is a melee unarmed weapon that deals 1d9 blunt damage",
adescription : "swing",
adescription2 : "swings",
special : "None",
quality : 1,
superior: 0,
critical: "None",
criticalamount: 0,
innate: 1,
hp : 100000,
amount: 1,
cost : 0
}>>\<<set _SizeComp to $PC.BreastsSize - $genericFighter.Level + ($GeneralFeats.FalseRep *2)>>\
<<if _SizeComp < 0>>\
<<set _SizeComp to 0>>\
<<if $genericFighter.Intim > 0>>\
$genericFighter.Name2 flinches from you in fear!
<div class="infestedTalk">I don't want to be set on fire!</div>
<<set _lusty to random(3) +1 + $StatusAffect.Horny - $LustResist.Visual - $LustResist.Complete>>\
<<if _lusty < 0>>\
<<set _lusty to 0>>\
<<switch random(7)>>
<<case 0>>\
$genericFighter.Name2 grabs their groin while thrusting in your direction.
<div class="infestedTalk">Suck my cock, bitch!</div>
<<set $lust to $lust + _lusty>>\
<<case 1>>\
$genericFighter.Name2 focuses on your face as he lightly licks his lips.
<div class="infestedTalk">I'm going to shove my meat-stick down your throat!</div>
<<set $lust to $lust + _lusty>>\
<<case 2>>\
$genericFighter.Name2 starts chanting while manuevering around you.
<div class="infestedTalk">Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!</div>
<<case 3>>\
$genericFighter.Name strokes their cock slowly while staring at you.
<div class="infestedTalk">Trust me, once this is inside you'll love it!</div>
<<set $lust to $lust + _lusty>>\
<<case 4>>\
$genericFighter.Name2 flexes their muscles while striking a impressive pose!
<div class="infestedTalk">Oh yeah!</div>
<<case 5>>\
$genericFighter.Name2 strokes their cock while pre-cum oozes over their fingers.
<div class="infestedTalk">Must...fuck...</div>
<<set $lust to $lust + _lusty>>\
<<case 6>>\
<<if $PC.Sex is "Male">>\
$genericFighter.Name2 looks a bit disappointmented.
<div class="infestedTalk">I generally only fuck girls but I'll make an exception in your case!</div>
<<if _SizeComp > 3 & $PC.Sex is not "Male">>\
$genericFighter.Name2 stares at your breasts with pure lust!
<div class="infestedTalk">I'm going to enjoy sucking on those funbags!</div>
<<set $lust to $lust + _lusty>>\
<<if _SizeComp < 4 & $PC.Sex is not "Male">>\
$genericFighter.Name2 stares at your chest with a look of disappointment.
<div class="infestedTalk">You need bigger tits. Good thing my cock will blow them up to a good size!</div>
<<set $lust to $lust + _lusty>>\
<<case 7>>\
$genericFighter.Name2 crouchs down on all four while growling like an animal!
<div class="infestedTalk">I'm going to fuck you!</div>
<<if $lust > 99>>\
<<set $lust to 99>>\
<<elseif $lust < 0>>\
<<set $lust to 0>>\
<</if>>\<img @src=$genericHouseOutsideImage />
<<set $location.temp to "Destroyed House">>\
This is the almost complete ruins of a suburban house. It looks like there was a outbreak of fire some time ago that ravaged this house beyond recognition. It's possible to there is some material to salvage but it will take a while to do so.
<<if $Time > 9 >>\
<<set $Time to 10>>\
It's too dark to search the house at this time of night.
<<button [[Finish|$location.temp]]>> <</button>>
<<elseif (random(19)+ 1) + $Skill.Scouting + $WisdomBonus < 10 and $NoEncounter is 0>>\
A hostile enemy is here!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<set $location.SexFlag to 1>>\
<<set $location.Sex to "Destroyed House">>\
<<if $Salvage.Misc is 1>>\
It looks like you have found everything of value.
<<button [[Search for Supplies|Destroyed House Salvage]]>>
<<set $lootTemp to $lootDestroyedHouse>>\
<<set $rarelootTemp to $rarelootDestroyedHouse>>\
<<button [[Finish|$location.temp2]]>>
<<set $Salvage to 0>>\
<img @src=$genericHouseOutsideImage />
<<include "Time Passes">>\
<<set $Salvage to $Salvage+1>>
<<set _tempCash to $PC.Level * 20>>
<<set _tempCash to random(_tempCash) + 5>>\
<<set _Extra to 1>>\
<<if $SalvagingSkillFeats.ExtraLoot > 0>>\
<<set _extraloot to (random(19)+ 1) + ($Prof.Salvaging / 2)>>\
<<if _extraloot > 10>>\
<<set _Extra to 2>>\
You search thru the ruins of th emostly deestroyed house and find the following:
<<for $i = 0; $i < ($Prof.Salvaging / 2 + _Extra); $i++>>\
<<set _RareLoot to (random(19)+ 1) + ($Prof.Salvaging / 2) + $SalvagingSkillFeats.RareSalvage >>\
Rare Roll: _RareLoot
<<if _RareLoot > 19>>\
<<set _exists to 0>>\
<<set _keyflag to 0>>\
<<set _tempLoot to $rarelootTemp.random()>>\
<<if _tempLoot.name is "a double-ended dildo">>\
<<if $KeyItemsFlags.DoubleDildo is not 1>>\
<<set _keyflag to 1>>\
<<set $KeyItemsFlags.DoubleDildo to 1>>\
<<set $KeyItems.push(_tempLoot)>>\
<<set _tempLoot to $item.jewelry>>\
<<for $j = 0; $j < $PCInventory.length; $j++>>\
<<set $uitem = $PCInventory[$j]>>\
<<set $ItemName to $uitem.name>>\
<<set _TempName to _tempLoot.name>>\
<<if $ItemName is _TempName>>\
<<set _amount to $uitem.amount>>\
<<set _amount to _amount +1>>\
<<set $uitem.amount to _amount>>\
<<set _exists to 1>>\
<<if _keyflag is 0 and _exists is 0>>\
<<set $PCInventory.push(_tempLoot)>>\
Rare: <<print _tempLoot.name>>
<<set _Salvage to (random(19)+ 1) + $Skill.Salvaging + $WisdomBonus>>\
Salvage Roll: _Salvage
<<if _Salvage > (5 + ($i * 2))>>\
<<set _exists to 0>>\
<<set _tempLoot to $lootTemp.random()>>\
<<for $j = 0; $j < $PCInventory.length; $j++>>\
<<set $uitem = $PCInventory[$j]>>\
<<set $ItemName to $uitem.name>>\
<<set _TempName to _tempLoot.name>>\
<<if $ItemName is _TempName>>\
<<set _amount to $uitem.amount>>\
<<set _amount to _amount +1>>\
<<set $uitem.amount to _amount>>\
<<set _exists to 1>>\
<<if _exists is 0>>\
<<set $PCInventory.push(_tempLoot)>>\
<<print _tempLoot.name>>
_tempCash dollars
<<button [[Finish|$location.temp2]]>> <</button>><img src="Images/Home/PC.jpg" width="800px" height="400px" />
You have a decent amount of saved porn on your hard drive in a wide variety of content and categories. What will it be today?
<<button [[Straight Porn|Watching Porn-Straight]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Futa Porn|Watching Porn-Futa]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Lesbian Porn|Watching Porn-Lesbian]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Nevermind|PCRoom]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</button>><<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<set $pornVid = $pornPath + $arrayStraight.random() + '.mp4'>>
<<if $Sound is "On">>\
<video autoplay loop>
<source @src="$pornVid" type="video/mp4">
<video autoplay loop muted>
<source @src="$pornVid" type="video/mp4">
<<if $PC.Sex is "Male" and $StatusAffect.Futa < 1>>\
<<set _Sex to "Male">>\
<<elseif $PC.Sex is "Female" and $StatusAffect.Futa < 1>>\
<<set _Sex to "Female">>\
<<set _Sex to "Futa">>\
<<switch _Sex>>
<<case "Male">>\
You grab your $DickSD $DickSize cock and start stroking, the Images on the computer monitor exciting you. Watching a guy plow a big titty girl makes your $DickSize cock so hard that it's about to burst.
Reaching the point of no return you unleash a $CumAD load of white cum from your hard $DickSD cock that splatters all over your computer chair. After a few moments you recover from your messy orgasm andstep away from your computer.
<<case "Futa">>\
You grab your $DickSD $DickSize futa-cock to start stroking while slipping a finger into your pussy. Watching a guy plow a big titty girl makes your $DickSize cock so hard that it's about to burst as well as making your cunt sopping wet.
Reaching the point of no return you unleash a $CumAS load of white cum from your hard $DickSD cock that splatters all over the couch. At the same time your pussy unleashes a wave of girl cum. After a few moments you recover from your messy orgasm and step away from your computer
<<case "Female">>\
You slip some fingers into your pussy and start rubbing, the Images on the TV turning you on. Watching a guy plow a big titty girl makes your cunt so wet that it is dripping down your leg
Reaching the point of no return you unleash a $CumAD load of girl cum from your sloppy wet pussy that splatters all over the couch. After a few moments you recover from your messy orgasm and step away from your computer
<<button [[Finish|BrowsePC]]>>
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<include "Lust Passes">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</button>><<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<set $pornVid = $pornPath + $arrayFuta.random() + '.mp4'>>
<<if $Sound is "On">>\
<video autoplay loop>
<source @src="$pornVid" type="video/mp4">
<video autoplay loop muted>
<source @src="$pornVid" type="video/mp4">
<<if $PC.Sex is "Male" and $StatusAffect.Futa < 1>>\
<<set _Sex to "Male">>\
<<elseif $PC.Sex is "Female" and $StatusAffect.Futa < 1>>\
<<set _Sex to "Female">>\
<<set _Sex to "Futa">>\
<<switch _Sex>>
<<case "Male">>\
You grab your $DickSD $DickSize cock and start stroking, the Images on the computer monitor exciting you. Watching a transformed futa plow another girl makes your $DickSize cock so hard that it's about to burst.
Reaching the point of no return you unleash a $CumAD load of white cum from your hard $DickSD cock that splatters all over your computer chair. After a few moments you recover from your messy orgasm andstep away from your computer.
<<case "Futa">>\
You grab your $DickSD $DickSize futa-cock to start stroking while slipping a finger into your pussy. Watching a transformed futa plow another girl makes your $DickSize cock so hard that it's about to burst as well as making your cunt sopping wet.
Reaching the point of no return you unleash a $CumAS load of white cum from your hard $DickSD cock that splatters all over the couch. At the same time your pussy unleashes a wave of girl cum. After a few moments you recover from your messy orgasm and step away from your computer
<<case "Female">>\
You slip some fingers into your pussy and start rubbing, the Images on the TV turning you on. Watching a transformed futa plow another girl makes your cunt so wet that it is dripping down your leg
Reaching the point of no return you unleash a $CumAD load of girl cum from your sloppy wet pussy that splatters all over the couch. After a few moments you recover from your messy orgasm and step away from your computer
<<button [[Finish|BrowsePC]]>>
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<include "Lust Passes">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</button>><<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<set $pornVid = $pornPath + $arrayLesbian.random() + '.mp4'>>
<<if $Sound is "On">>\
<video autoplay loop>
<source @src="$pornVid" type="video/mp4">
<video autoplay loop muted>
<source @src="$pornVid" type="video/mp4">
<<if $PC.Sex is "Male" and $StatusAffect.Futa < 1>>\
<<set _Sex to "Male">>\
<<elseif $PC.Sex is "Female" and $StatusAffect.Futa < 1>>\
<<set _Sex to "Female">>\
<<set _Sex to "Futa">>\
<<switch _Sex>>
<<case "Male">>\
You grab your $DickSD $DickSize cock and start stroking, the Images on the computer monitor exciting you. Watching a girl make out with another girl makes your $DickSize cock so hard that it's about to burst.
Reaching the point of no return you unleash a $CumAD load of white cum from your hard $DickSD cock that splatters all over your computer chair. After a few moments you recover from your messy orgasm andstep away from your computer.
<<case "Futa">>\
You grab your $DickSD $DickSize futa-cock to start stroking while slipping a finger into your pussy. Watching a girl make out with another girl makes your $DickSize cock so hard that it's about to burst as well as making your cunt sopping wet.
Reaching the point of no return you unleash a $CumAS load of white cum from your hard $DickSD cock that splatters all over the couch. At the same time your pussy unleashes a wave of girl cum. After a few moments you recover from your messy orgasm and step away from your computer
<<case "Female">>\
You slip some fingers into your pussy and start rubbing, the Images on the TV turning you on. Watching a girl make out with another girl makes your cunt so wet that it is dripping down your leg
Reaching the point of no return you unleash a $CumAD load of girl cum from your sloppy wet pussy that splatters all over the couch. After a few moments you recover from your messy orgasm and step away from your computer
<<button [[Finish|BrowsePC]]>>
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<include "Lust Passes">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</button>><img src="Images/Home/TV.jpg" width="800px" height="400px" />
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
The big screen TV dominates one of the walls and you have a DVR filled to the brim with the all the latest tv shows that you can ever want. There's even a hidden drive with some more adult content available...What type of show do you want to watch?
<<if $Time.Current >= $Time.Max>>\
It's too late to watch any TV...
<<button [[Action|Watching TV-Action]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Comedy|Watching TV-Comedy]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Porn|Watching TV-Porn]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Nevermind|Living Room]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</button>><video autoplay>
<source src="Videos/Movies/Action/Action-1.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<include "Time Passes">>\
What do you want to do next?
<<button [[Watch some more TV|Watching TV]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Turn off the TV|Living Room]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<video autoplay>
<source src="Videos/Movies/Comedy/Comedy-1.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<include "Time Passes">>\
What do you want to do next?
<<button [[Watch some more TV|Watching TV]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Turn off the TV|Living Room]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</button>><<switch random(2)>>
<<case 0>>
<<set $pornVid = $pornPath + $arrayFuta.random() + '.mp4'>>
<<if $Sound is "On">>\
<video autoplay loop>
<source @src="$pornVid" type="video/mp4">
<video autoplay loop muted>
<source @src="$pornVid" type="video/mp4">
Watching a transformed futa plow another girl is turning you on. <<if $PC.Sex is "Male" or $PC.Sex is "Futa" or $StatusAffect.Futa>> You feel your dick start to harden as you watch.<</if>> <<if $PC.Sex is "Female" or $PC.Sex is "Futa" or $StatusAffect.Futa>> You feel your pussy start to moisten as you watch. <</if>>
<<case 1>>
<<set $pornVid = $pornPath + $arrayLesbian.random() + '.mp4'>>
<<if $Sound is "On">>\
<video autoplay loop>
<source @src="$pornVid" type="video/mp4">
<video autoplay loop muted>
<source @src="$pornVid" type="video/mp4">
Watching a girl make out with another girl is turning you on. <<if $PC.Sex is "Male" or $PC.Sex is "Futa" or $StatusAffect.Futa>> You feel your dick start to harden as you watch.<</if>> <<if $PC.Sex is "Female" or $PC.Sex is "Futa" or $StatusAffect.Futa>> You feel your pussy start to moisten as you watch. <</if>>
<<case 2>>
<<set $pornVid = $pornPath + $arrayStraight.random() + '.mp4'>>
<<if $Sound is "On">>\
<video autoplay loop>
<source @src="$pornVid" type="video/mp4">
<video autoplay loop muted>
<source @src="$pornVid" type="video/mp4">
Watching a ripped guy fuck a big titty bimbo girl is turning you on. <<if $PC.Sex is "Male" or $PC.Sex is "Futa" or $StatusAffect.Futa>> You feel your dick start to harden as you watch.<</if>> <<if $PC.Sex is "Female" or $PC.Sex is "Futa" or $StatusAffect.Futa>> You feel your pussy start to moisten as you watch. <</if>>
<<include "Time Passes">>\
<<set $lust+=20>>\
<<if $lust>=$MaxLust>>\
<<set $lust to $MaxLust>>\
What do you want to do next?
<<if $lust >= 25 or $GeneralFeats.Horndog > 0>>\
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Masturbate|Watching TV-Masturbate]]>></span>
<<button [[Watch some more TV|Watching TV]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Turn off the TV|Living Room]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<video autoplay loop>
<source @src="$pornVid" type="video/mp4">
<<if $PC.Sex is "Male" and $StatusAffect.Futa < 1>>\
<<set _Sex to "Male">>\
<<elseif $PC.Sex is "Female" and $StatusAffect.Futa < 1>>\
<<set _Sex to "Female">>\
<<set _Sex to "Futa">>\
<<switch _Sex>>
<<case "Male">>\
You grab your $DickSD $DickSize cock and start stroking, the Images on the TV exciting you. Watching all this porn is making your is making your $DickSize cock so hard that it's about to burst.
Reaching the point of no return you unleash a $CumAD load of white cum from your hard $DickSD cock that splatters all over the couch. After a few moments you recover from your messy orgasm and turn off the TV.
<<case "Futa">>\
You grab your $DickSD $DickSize futa-cock to start stroking while slipping a finger into your pussy. Watching all this porn is making your $DickSize cock rock hard as well as making your cunt sopping wet.
Reaching the point of no return you unleash a $CumAS load of white cum from your hard $DickSD cock that splatters all over the couch. At the same time your pussy unleashes a wave of girl cum. After a few moments you recover from your messy orgasm and turn off the TV.
<<case "Female">>\
You slip some fingers into your pussy and start rubbing, the Images on the TV turning you on. Watching all this porn is making your your cunt so wet that it is dripping down your leg.
Reaching the point of no return you unleash a $CumAD load of girl cum from your sloppy wet pussy that splatters all over the couch. After a few moments you recover from your messy orgasm and turn off the TV.
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<include "Lust Passes">>\
<<button [[Finish|Watching TV]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</button>><img @src=$genericHouseLivingImage />
<<set $location.temp to "Small House - Living Room">>\
<<set _State to 0>>\
<<include "Time Micro-Passes">>\
<<if $Time.Current >= $Time.Max >>\
<<set _State to "TooLate">>\
<<set $NoEncounter to 1>>\
<<if $NoEncounter < 1>>\
<<set _EncounterRoll2 to 0>>\
<<set _TotalEncounterRoll2 to 0>>\
<<if $StealthSkillFeats.Distraction > 0>>\
<<set _EncounterRoll2 to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<set _TotalEncounterRoll2 to _EncounterRoll2 + $Skill.Stealth + $DexterityBonus + $StatusAffect.IndoorTracking - $StatusAffect.Horny - ($StatusAffect.CumCovered) -2>>\
<<set _EncounterRoll to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<set _TotalEncounterRoll to _EncounterRoll + $Skill.Stealth + $DexterityBonus + $StatusAffect.IndoorTracking - $StatusAffect.Horny - ($StatusAffect.CumCovered)>>\
<<if _TotalEncounterRoll < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current) and _TotalEncounterRoll2 < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current)>>\
<<if _TotalEncounterRoll + ($ThieverySkillFeats.SnareMaster *2) < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current - 10) or (_EncounterRoll < 2)>>\
<<set _State to "Ambush">>\
<<set _State to "Combat">>\
<<set _NPCEncounterRoll to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<if _NPCEncounterRoll > (18 - $ScoutingSkillFeats.KeenEye) and $NoEncounter is 0>>\
<<set _State to "NPC">>\
This is the nice sized living room for this empty house. A large screen TV takes up a good chunk of one wall while a older sofa sits in the middle of the room. Several tables line the walls with faded pictures. In the corner is a bird cage that is empty. To the left is the main hallway and to the right is the attached kitchen.
<<if $StatusText.Notice is 1>>\
<<include "Update Status">>\
<<switch _State>>\
<<case "TooLate">>\
<<set $Time.Current to $Time.Max>>\
It's too dangerous to explore this suburban house at this time of night.
<<button [[Leave|$location.temp2]]>>
<<set $NoEncounter to 0>>\
<<case "Ambush">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Ambushed to 1>>\
You've been ambushed by an enemy!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<case "Combat">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
A hostile enemy is wandering around the house!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<set $location.prev to $location.temp>>\
<<if $Salvage.Living < 1>>\
<<button [[Search for Supplies|Small House Salvage]]>>
<<set $genericHouseGenericImage to $genericHouseLivingImage>>\
<<set $lootTemp to $lootSmallHouse>>\
<<set $rarelootTemp to $rarelootSmallHouse>>\
<<set $Salvage.Living to $Salvage.Living +1>>\
It looks like you have found everything of value in the hallway.
<<button [[Main Hallway|Small House - Main Hallway]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Kitchen|Small House - Kitchen]]>> <</button>>
<</switch>>\<img @src=$genericHouseHallwayImage />
<<include "Time Micro-Passes">>\
<<set $location.temp to "Average House - Main Hallway">>\
<<set _State to 0>>\
<<include "Time Micro-Passes">>\
<<if $Time.Current >= $Time.Max >>\
<<set _State to "TooLate">>\
<<set $NoEncounter to 1>>\
<<if $NoEncounter < 1>>\
<<set _EncounterRoll2 to 0>>\
<<set _TotalEncounterRoll2 to 0>>\
<<if $StealthSkillFeats.Distraction > 0>>\
<<set _EncounterRoll2 to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<set _TotalEncounterRoll2 to _EncounterRoll2 + $Skill.Stealth + $DexterityBonus + $StatusAffect.IndoorTracking - $StatusAffect.Horny - ($StatusAffect.CumCovered) -2>>\
<<set _EncounterRoll to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<set _TotalEncounterRoll to _EncounterRoll + $Skill.Stealth + $DexterityBonus + $StatusAffect.IndoorTracking - $StatusAffect.Horny - ($StatusAffect.CumCovered)>>\
<<if _TotalEncounterRoll < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current) and _TotalEncounterRoll2 < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current)>>\
<<if _TotalEncounterRoll + ($ThieverySkillFeats.SnareMaster *2) < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current - 10) or (_EncounterRoll < 2)>>\
<<set _State to "Ambush">>\
<<set _State to "Combat">>\
<<set _NPCEncounterRoll to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<if _NPCEncounterRoll > (18 - $ScoutingSkillFeats.KeenEye) and $NoEncounter is 0>>\
<<set _State to "NPC">>\
This is the main hallway for this nice suburban house. The hallway is nice and wide and leads from the foyer to the master bedroom. The side doors on the hallway looks like it leads to the living room and kitchen. Near the master bedroom is a doorway for the first floor bathroom.
<<if $StatusText.Notice is 1>>\
<<include "Update Status">>\
<<switch _State>>\
<<case "TooLate">>\
<<set $Time.Current to $Time.Max>>\
It's too dangerous to explore this suburban house at this time of night.
<<button [[Leave|$location.temp2]]>>
<<set $NoEncounter to 0>>\
<<case "Ambush">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Ambushed to 1>>\
You've been ambushed by an enemy!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<case "Combat">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
A hostile enemy is wandering around the house!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<button [[Kitchen|Average House - Kitchen]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Living room|Average House - Living Room]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Master Bedroom|Average House - Bedroom]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Bathroom|Average House - Bathroom]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Foyer|Average House - Foyer]]>> <</button>>
<</switch>>\<img @src=$genericHouseKitchenImage />
<<set $location.temp to "Small House - Kitchen">>\
<<set _State to 0>>\
<<include "Time Micro-Passes">>\
<<if $Time.Current >= $Time.Max >>\
<<set _State to "TooLate">>\
<<set $NoEncounter to 1>>\
<<if $NoEncounter < 1>>\
<<set _EncounterRoll2 to 0>>\
<<set _TotalEncounterRoll2 to 0>>\
<<if $StealthSkillFeats.Distraction > 0>>\
<<set _EncounterRoll2 to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<set _TotalEncounterRoll2 to _EncounterRoll2 + $Skill.Stealth + $DexterityBonus + $StatusAffect.IndoorTracking - $StatusAffect.Horny - ($StatusAffect.CumCovered) -2>>\
<<set _EncounterRoll to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<set _TotalEncounterRoll to _EncounterRoll + $Skill.Stealth + $DexterityBonus + $StatusAffect.IndoorTracking - $StatusAffect.Horny - ($StatusAffect.CumCovered)>>\
<<if _TotalEncounterRoll < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current) and _TotalEncounterRoll2 < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current)>>\
<<if _TotalEncounterRoll + ($ThieverySkillFeats.SnareMaster *2) < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current - 10) or (_EncounterRoll < 2)>>\
<<set _State to "Ambush">>\
<<set _State to "Combat">>\
<<set _NPCEncounterRoll to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<if _NPCEncounterRoll > (18 - $ScoutingSkillFeats.KeenEye) and $NoEncounter is 0>>\
<<set _State to "NPC">>\
This is the cozy kitchen for this empty house. A large refridgerator is on one wall with cabinets on each side. A midsize table fills the center of the room and it looks like this place has been abandoned for at least several days. To the right is the main hallway and to the left is attached living room. Next to the fridge is a door that looks like it leads to the attached garage.
<<if $startingweaponsEvent.Knife < 1>>\
<<set $startingweaponsEvent.Knife to 1>>\
As you glance around the kitchen you notice a sharp kitchen knife sitting out on the counter! Deciding you could always use a sharp knife you snag it before putting it away in your backpack.
<<set _tempLoot to $weapon.kitchenknife>>\
<<set _exists to 0>>\
<<for $j = 0; $j < $PCInventory.length; $j++>>\
<<set $uitem = $PCInventory[$j]>>\
<<set $ItemName to $uitem.name>>\
<<set _TempName to _tempLoot.name>>\
<<if $ItemName is _TempName>>\
<<set _amount to $uitem.amount>>\
<<set _exists to 1>>\
<<if _exists is 1>>\
<<set _amount to _amount +1>>\
<<set $uitem.amount to _amount>>\
<<set $PCInventory.push(_tempLoot)>>\
You now have a <<print _tempLoot.name>>!
<<if $StatusText.Notice is 1>>\
<<include "Update Status">>\
<<switch _State>>\
<<case "TooLate">>\
<<set $Time.Current to $Time.Max>>\
It's too dangerous to explore this suburban house at this time of night.
<<button [[Return Home|$locationGeneric.Return]]>>
<<set $NoEncounter to 0>>\
<<case "Ambush">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Ambushed to 1>>\
You've been ambushed by an enemy!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<case "Combat">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
A hostile enemy is wandering around the house!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<set $location.prev to $location.temp>>\
<<if $Salvage.Kitchen < 1>>\
<<button [[Search for Supplies|Small House Salvage]]>>
<<set _FoodRoll to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<if _FoodRoll > 10>>\
<<set $BonusItem to $item.ration>>\
<<set $BonusItem to $item.makeshiftfood>>\
<<set $genericHouseGenericImage to $genericHouseKitchenImage>>\
<<set $lootTemp to $lootSmallHouseKitchen>>\
<<set $rarelootTemp to $rarelootSmallHouseKitchen>>\
<<set $Salvage.Kitchen to $Salvage.Kitchen +1>>\
It looks like you have found everything of value in the kitchen.
<<button [[Main Hallway|Small House - Main Hallway]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Living Room|Small House - Living Room]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Garage|Small House - Garage]]>> <</button>>
<</switch>>\<img @src=$genericHouseBedroomImage />
<<set $location.temp to "Small House - Bedroom">>\
<<set _State to 0>>\
<<include "Time Micro-Passes">>\
<<if $Time.Current >= $Time.Max >>\
<<set _State to "TooLate">>\
<<set $NoEncounter to 1>>\
<<if $NoEncounter < 1>>\
<<set _EncounterRoll2 to 0>>\
<<set _TotalEncounterRoll2 to 0>>\
<<if $StealthSkillFeats.Distraction > 0>>\
<<set _EncounterRoll2 to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<set _TotalEncounterRoll2 to _EncounterRoll2 + $Skill.Stealth + $DexterityBonus + $StatusAffect.IndoorTracking - $StatusAffect.Horny - ($StatusAffect.CumCovered) -2>>\
<<set _EncounterRoll to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<set _TotalEncounterRoll to _EncounterRoll + $Skill.Stealth + $DexterityBonus + $StatusAffect.IndoorTracking - $StatusAffect.Horny - ($StatusAffect.CumCovered)>>\
<<if _TotalEncounterRoll < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current) and _TotalEncounterRoll2 < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current)>>\
<<if _TotalEncounterRoll + ($ThieverySkillFeats.SnareMaster *2) < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current - 10) or (_EncounterRoll < 2)>>\
<<set _State to "Ambush">>\
<<set _State to "Combat">>\
<<set _NPCEncounterRoll to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<if _NPCEncounterRoll > (18 - $ScoutingSkillFeats.KeenEye) and $NoEncounter is 0>>\
<<set _State to "NPC">>\
This is the master bedroom for this empty house. A large bed takes up most of the room with a large painting of a duck on the wall behind the bed. A small window allows a tiny view of the small backyard. A night stand and a dresser fills up most of the remaining wall space. To the right is the bathroom and to the left is the main hallway.
<<if $StatusText.Notice is 1>>\
<<include "Update Status">>\
<<switch _State>>\
<<case "TooLate">>\
<<set $Time.Current to $Time.Max>>\
It's too dangerous to explore this suburban house at this time of night.
<<button [[Return Home|$locationGeneric.Return]]>>
<<set $NoEncounter to 0>>\
<<case "Ambush">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Ambushed to 1>>\
You've been ambushed by an enemy!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<case "Combat">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
A hostile enemy is wandering around the house!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<set $location.prev to $location.temp>>\
<<if $Salvage.Bedroom < 1>>\
<<button [[Search for Supplies|Small House Salvage]]>>
<<set $genericHouseGenericImage to $genericHouseBedroomImage>>\
<<set $lootTemp to $lootSmallHouseBedroom>>\
<<set $rarelootTemp to $rarelootSmallHouseBedroom>>\
<<set $Salvage.Bedroom to $Salvage.Bedroom +1>>\
It looks like you have found everything of value in the hallway.
<<button [[Main Hallway|Small House - Main Hallway]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Bathroom|Small House - Bathroom]]>> <</button>>
<</switch>>\<img @src=$genericHouseBathroomImage />
<<set $location.temp to "Small House - Bathroom">>\
<<set _State to 0>>\
<<include "Time Micro-Passes">>\
<<if $Time.Current >= $Time.Max >>\
<<set _State to "TooLate">>\
<<set $NoEncounter to 1>>\
<<if $NoEncounter < 1>>\
<<set _EncounterRoll2 to 0>>\
<<set _TotalEncounterRoll2 to 0>>\
<<if $StealthSkillFeats.Distraction > 0>>\
<<set _EncounterRoll2 to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<set _TotalEncounterRoll2 to _EncounterRoll2 + $Skill.Stealth + $DexterityBonus + $StatusAffect.IndoorTracking - $StatusAffect.Horny - ($StatusAffect.CumCovered) -2>>\
<<set _EncounterRoll to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<set _TotalEncounterRoll to _EncounterRoll + $Skill.Stealth + $DexterityBonus + $StatusAffect.IndoorTracking - $StatusAffect.Horny - ($StatusAffect.CumCovered)>>\
<<if _TotalEncounterRoll < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current) and _TotalEncounterRoll2 < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current)>>\
<<if _TotalEncounterRoll + ($ThieverySkillFeats.SnareMaster *2) < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current - 10) or (_EncounterRoll < 2)>>\
<<set _State to "Ambush">>\
<<set _State to "Combat">>\
<<set _NPCEncounterRoll to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<if _NPCEncounterRoll > (18 - $ScoutingSkillFeats.KeenEye) and $NoEncounter is 0>>\
<<set _State to "NPC">>\
This is the only bathroom for this small empty house. A bathtub takes up most of the room with a small mirror and vanity taking up part of the right wall. On the left wall is a toilet that almost blocks the door from opening into this tiny bathroom. Behind you is the main hallway and to the right is a door leading to the master bedroom.
<<if $StatusText.Notice is 1>>\
<<include "Update Status">>\
<<switch _State>>\
<<case "TooLate">>\
<<set $Time.Current to $Time.Max>>\
It's too dangerous to explore this suburban house at this time of night.
<<button [[Return Home|$locationGeneric.Return]]>>
<<set $NoEncounter to 0>>\
<<case "Ambush">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Ambushed to 1>>\
You've been ambushed by an enemy!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<case "Combat">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
A hostile enemy is wandering around the house!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<set $location.prev to $location.temp>>\
<<if $Salvage.Bathroom < 1>>\
<<button [[Search for Salvage|Small House Salvage]]>>
<<set $genericHouseGenericImage to $genericHouseBathroomImage>>\
<<set $lootTemp to $lootSmallHouseBathroom>>\
<<set $rarelootTemp to $rarelootSmallHouseBathroom>>\
<<set $Salvage.Bathroom to $Salvage.Bathroom +1>>\
It looks like you have found everything of value in the bathroom.
<<button [[Take a Shower|Small House Bathroom Shower]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Main Hallway|Small House - Main Hallway]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Bedroom|Small House - Bedroom]]>> <</button>>
<</switch>>\<img @src=$genericHouseHallwayImage2 />
<<include "Time Micro-Passes">>\
<<set $location.temp to "Average House - Upstairs">>\
<<set _State to 0>>\
<<include "Time Micro-Passes">>\
<<if $Time.Current >= $Time.Max >>\
<<set _State to "TooLate">>\
<<set $NoEncounter to 1>>\
<<if $NoEncounter < 1>>\
<<set _EncounterRoll2 to 0>>\
<<set _TotalEncounterRoll2 to 0>>\
<<if $StealthSkillFeats.Distraction > 0>>\
<<set _EncounterRoll2 to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<set _TotalEncounterRoll2 to _EncounterRoll2 + $Skill.Stealth + $DexterityBonus + $StatusAffect.IndoorTracking - $StatusAffect.Horny - ($StatusAffect.CumCovered) -2>>\
<<set _EncounterRoll to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<set _TotalEncounterRoll to _EncounterRoll + $Skill.Stealth + $DexterityBonus + $StatusAffect.IndoorTracking - $StatusAffect.Horny - ($StatusAffect.CumCovered)>>\
<<if _TotalEncounterRoll < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current) and _TotalEncounterRoll2 < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current)>>\
<<if _TotalEncounterRoll + ($ThieverySkillFeats.SnareMaster *2) < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current - 10) or (_EncounterRoll < 2)>>\
<<set _State to "Ambush">>\
<<set _State to "Combat">>\
<<set _NPCEncounterRoll to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<if _NPCEncounterRoll > (18 - $ScoutingSkillFeats.KeenEye) and $NoEncounter is 0>>\
<<set _State to "NPC">>\
This is the upstairs hallway that leads to two smaller sized bedrooms and a bathroom. At the end of the hallway is stairs that lead back down to the foyer and main hallway. A linen closet at the end of the hallway might have some more supplies and there's a hatch on the ceiling leading to the attic. A large window above the stairs shows the outside sky.
<<if $StatusText.Notice is 1>>\
<<include "Update Status">>\
<<switch _State>>\
<<case "TooLate">>\
<<set $Time.Current to $Time.Max>>\
It's too dangerous to explore this suburban house at this time of night.
<<button [[Leave|$location.temp2]]>>
<<set $NoEncounter to 0>>\
<<case "Ambush">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Ambushed to 1>>\
You've been ambushed by an enemy!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<case "Combat">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
A hostile enemy is wandering around the house!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<if $Salvage.Hallway2 < 1>>\
<<button [[Search for Salvage|Average House Salvage]]>>
<<set $genericHouseGenericImage to $genericHouseHallwayImage2>>\
<<set $lootTemp to $lootAverageHouseHallway>>\
<<set $rarelootTemp to $rarelootAverageHouseHallway>>\
<<set $Salvage.Hallway2 to $Salvage.Hallway2 +1>>\
It looks like you have found everything of value in the hallway.
<<button [[Left Bedroom|Average House - Bedroom2]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Right Bedroom|Average House - Bedroom3]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Bathroom|Average House - Bathroom2]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Attic|Average House - Attic]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Downstairs|Average House - Foyer]]>> <</button>>
<</switch>>\<img @src=$genericHouseLivingImage />
<<include "Time Micro-Passes">>\
<<set $location.temp to "Average House - Living Room">>\
<<set _State to 0>>\
<<include "Time Micro-Passes">>\
<<if $Time.Current >= $Time.Max >>\
<<set _State to "TooLate">>\
<<set $NoEncounter to 1>>\
<<if $NoEncounter < 1>>\
<<set _EncounterRoll2 to 0>>\
<<set _TotalEncounterRoll2 to 0>>\
<<if $StealthSkillFeats.Distraction > 0>>\
<<set _EncounterRoll2 to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<set _TotalEncounterRoll2 to _EncounterRoll2 + $Skill.Stealth + $DexterityBonus + $StatusAffect.IndoorTracking - $StatusAffect.Horny - ($StatusAffect.CumCovered) -2>>\
<<set _EncounterRoll to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<set _TotalEncounterRoll to _EncounterRoll + $Skill.Stealth + $DexterityBonus + $StatusAffect.IndoorTracking - $StatusAffect.Horny - ($StatusAffect.CumCovered)>>\
<<if _TotalEncounterRoll < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current) and _TotalEncounterRoll2 < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current)>>\
<<if _TotalEncounterRoll + ($ThieverySkillFeats.SnareMaster *2) < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current - 10) or (_EncounterRoll < 2)>>\
<<set _State to "Ambush">>\
<<set _State to "Combat">>\
<<set _NPCEncounterRoll to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<if _NPCEncounterRoll > (18 - $ScoutingSkillFeats.KeenEye) and $NoEncounter is 0>>\
<<set _State to "NPC">>\
This is the living room for this nice suburban house. A large flat screen television takes up a huge chunk of the wall while a couple of luxury sofas allow for easy watching of that TV. A doorway leads out to the main hallway while a smaller door leads to the kitchen. On the outer wall of room a large sliding door leads out to the backyard.
<<if $StatusText.Notice is 1>>\
<<include "Update Status">>\
<<switch _State>>\
<<case "TooLate">>\
<<set $Time.Current to $Time.Max>>\
It's too dangerous to explore this suburban house at this time of night.
<<button [[Leave|$location.temp2]]>>
<<set $NoEncounter to 0>>\
<<case "Ambush">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Ambushed to 1>>\
You've been ambushed by an enemy!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<case "Combat">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
A hostile enemy is wandering around the house!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<if $Salvage.Living < 1>>\
<<button [[Search for Salvage|Average House Salvage]]>>
<<set $genericHouseGenericImage to $genericHouseLivingImage>>\
<<set $lootTemp to $lootAverageHouse>>\
<<set $rarelootTemp to $rarelootAverageHouse>>\
<<set $Salvage.Living to $Salvage.Living +1>>\
It looks like you have found everything of value in the hallway.
<<button [[Main Hallway|Average House - Main Hallway]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Kitchen|Average House - Kitchen]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Backdoor|Average House - Backyard]]>> <</button>>
<</switch>>\<img @src=$genericHouseKitchenImage />
<<include "Time Micro-Passes">>\
<<set $location.temp to "Average House - Kitchen">>\
<<set _State to 0>>\
<<include "Time Micro-Passes">>\
<<if $Time.Current >= $Time.Max >>\
<<set _State to "TooLate">>\
<<set $NoEncounter to 1>>\
<<if $NoEncounter < 1>>\
<<set _EncounterRoll2 to 0>>\
<<set _TotalEncounterRoll2 to 0>>\
<<if $StealthSkillFeats.Distraction > 0>>\
<<set _EncounterRoll2 to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<set _TotalEncounterRoll2 to _EncounterRoll2 + $Skill.Stealth + $DexterityBonus + $StatusAffect.IndoorTracking - $StatusAffect.Horny - ($StatusAffect.CumCovered) -2>>\
<<set _EncounterRoll to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<set _TotalEncounterRoll to _EncounterRoll + $Skill.Stealth + $DexterityBonus + $StatusAffect.IndoorTracking - $StatusAffect.Horny - ($StatusAffect.CumCovered)>>\
<<if _TotalEncounterRoll < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current) and _TotalEncounterRoll2 < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current)>>\
<<if _TotalEncounterRoll + ($ThieverySkillFeats.SnareMaster *2) < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current - 10) or (_EncounterRoll < 2)>>\
<<set _State to "Ambush">>\
<<set _State to "Combat">>\
<<set _NPCEncounterRoll to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<if _NPCEncounterRoll > (18 - $ScoutingSkillFeats.KeenEye) and $NoEncounter is 0>>\
<<set _State to "NPC">>\
This is the nice looking kitchen for this expansive suburban home. A refridgerator along with a stove takes up one wall while on the other wall a sink and some cabinets fill it. A large table fills up most of the rest of the room with chairs lining the edges. To the left is the main hallway and to the right is the entrance to the garage.
<<if $StatusText.Notice is 1>>\
<<include "Update Status">>\
<<switch _State>>\
<<case "TooLate">>\
<<set $Time.Current to $Time.Max>>\
It's too dangerous to explore this suburban house at this time of night.
<<button [[Leave|$location.temp2]]>>
<<set $NoEncounter to 0>>\
<<case "Ambush">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Ambushed to 1>>\
You've been ambushed by an enemy!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<case "Combat">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
A hostile enemy is wandering around the house!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<if $Salvage.Kitchen < 1>>\
<<button [[Search for Salvage|Average House Salvage]]>>
<<set _FoodRoll to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<if _FoodRoll > 10>>\
<<set $BonusItem to $item.largeration>>\
<<set $BonusItem to $item.ration>>\
<<set $genericHouseGenericImage to $genericHouseKitchenImage>>\
<<set $lootTemp to $lootAverageHouseKitchen>>\
<<set $rarelootTemp to $rarelootAverageHouseKitchen>>\
<<set $Salvage.Kitchen to $Salvage.Kitchen +1>>\
It looks like you have found everything of value in the kitchen.
<<button [[Living Room|Average House - Living Room]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Main Hallway|Average House - Main Hallway]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Garage|Average House - Garage]]>> <</button>>
<</switch>>\<img @src=$genericHouseBedroomImage />
<<include "Time Micro-Passes">>\
<<set $location.temp to "Average House - Bedroom">>\
<<set _State to 0>>\
<<include "Time Micro-Passes">>\
<<if $Time.Current >= $Time.Max >>\
<<set _State to "TooLate">>\
<<set $NoEncounter to 1>>\
<<if $NoEncounter < 1>>\
<<set _EncounterRoll2 to 0>>\
<<set _TotalEncounterRoll2 to 0>>\
<<if $StealthSkillFeats.Distraction > 0>>\
<<set _EncounterRoll2 to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<set _TotalEncounterRoll2 to _EncounterRoll2 + $Skill.Stealth + $DexterityBonus + $StatusAffect.IndoorTracking - $StatusAffect.Horny - ($StatusAffect.CumCovered) -2>>\
<<set _EncounterRoll to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<set _TotalEncounterRoll to _EncounterRoll + $Skill.Stealth + $DexterityBonus + $StatusAffect.IndoorTracking - $StatusAffect.Horny - ($StatusAffect.CumCovered)>>\
<<if _TotalEncounterRoll < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current) and _TotalEncounterRoll2 < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current)>>\
<<if _TotalEncounterRoll + ($ThieverySkillFeats.SnareMaster *2) < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current - 10) or (_EncounterRoll < 2)>>\
<<set _State to "Ambush">>\
<<set _State to "Combat">>\
<<set _NPCEncounterRoll to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<if _NPCEncounterRoll > (18 - $ScoutingSkillFeats.KeenEye) and $NoEncounter is 0>>\
<<set _State to "NPC">>\
This is the master bedroom for this empty house. A large bed takes up a small part of the room along with a large painting of some trees on the wall behind the bed. Two large windows allows for a good view of the large backyard. A night stand and a dresser is on either side of the bed and on the other wall is a fireplace with a flatscreen TV above it. To the right is the bathroom and to the left is the main hallway.
<<if $StatusText.Notice is 1>>\
<<include "Update Status">>\
<<switch _State>>\
<<case "TooLate">>\
<<set $Time.Current to $Time.Max>>\
It's too dangerous to explore this suburban house at this time of night.
<<button [[Leave|$location.temp2]]>>
<<set $NoEncounter to 0>>\
<<case "Ambush">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Ambushed to 1>>\
You've been ambushed by an enemy!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<case "Combat">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
A hostile enemy is wandering around the house!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<if $Salvage.Bedroom < 1>>\
<<button [[Search for Salvage|Average House Salvage]]>>
<<set $lootTemp to $lootAverageHouseBedroom>>\
<<set $rarelootTemp to $rarelootAverageHouseBedroom>>\
<<set $Salvage.Bedroom to $Salvage.Bedroom +1>>\
It looks like you have found everything of value in the hallway.
<<button [[Bathroom|Average House - Bathroom]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Main Hallway|Average House - Main Hallway]]>> <</button>>
<</switch>>\<img @src=$genericHouseHallwayImage />
<<set $location.temp to "Small House - Main Hallway">>\
<<set _State to 0>>\
<<include "Time Micro-Passes">>\
<<if $Time.Current >= $Time.Max >>\
<<set _State to "TooLate">>\
<<set $NoEncounter to 1>>\
<<if $NoEncounter < 1>>\
<<set _EncounterRoll2 to 0>>\
<<set _TotalEncounterRoll2 to 0>>\
<<if $StealthSkillFeats.Distraction > 0>>\
<<set _EncounterRoll2 to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<set _TotalEncounterRoll2 to _EncounterRoll2 + $Skill.Stealth + $DexterityBonus + $StatusAffect.IndoorTracking - $StatusAffect.Horny - ($StatusAffect.CumCovered) -2>>\
<<set _EncounterRoll to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<set _TotalEncounterRoll to _EncounterRoll + $Skill.Stealth + $DexterityBonus + $StatusAffect.IndoorTracking - $StatusAffect.Horny - ($StatusAffect.CumCovered)>>\
<<if _TotalEncounterRoll < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current) and _TotalEncounterRoll2 < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current)>>\
<<if _TotalEncounterRoll + ($ThieverySkillFeats.SnareMaster *2) < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current - 10) or (_EncounterRoll < 2)>>\
<<set _State to "Ambush">>\
<<set _State to "Combat">>\
<<set _NPCEncounterRoll to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<if _NPCEncounterRoll > (18 - $ScoutingSkillFeats.KeenEye) and $NoEncounter is 0>>\
<<set _State to "NPC">>\
This is the main hallway for this cozy house. The main hallway leads to the kitchen and living room to the left and to the right is a bedroom along with a bathroom. There's a large door that leads out of the house with a nice coat closet next to that exit door.
<<if $StatusText.Notice is 1>>\
<<include "Update Status">>\
<<switch _State>>\
<<case "TooLate">>\
<<set $Time.Current to $Time.Max>>\
It's too dangerous to explore this suburban house at this time of night.
<<button [[Return Home|$locationGeneric.Return]]>>
<<set $NoEncounter to 0>>\
<<case "Ambush">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Ambushed to 1>>\
You've been ambushed by an enemy!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<case "Combat">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
A hostile enemy is wandering around the house!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<set $location.prev to $location.temp>>\
<<if $Salvage.Hallway < 1>>\
<<button [[Search for Supplies|Small House Salvage]]>>
<<set $genericHouseGenericImage to $genericHouseHallwayImage>>\
<<set $lootTemp to $lootSmallHouse>>\
<<set $rarelootTemp to $rarelootSmallHouseHallway>>\
<<set $Salvage.Hallway to $Salvage.Hallway +1>>\
It looks like you have found everything of value in the hallway.
<<button [[Living Room|Small House - Living Room]]>> <</button>>\
<<button [[Kitchen|Small House - Kitchen]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Bedroom|Small House - Bedroom]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Bathroom|Small House - Bathroom]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Waste Some Time|Loitering]]>>
<<set $genericHouseGenericImage to $genericHouseHallwayImage>>\
<<button [[Leave the House|$location.temp2]]>>
<<set $location.Indoor to 0>>\
<</switch>>\<img @src=$genericHouseBedroomImage2 />
<<include "Time Micro-Passes">>\
<<set $location.temp to "Average House - Bedroom2">>\
<<set _State to 0>>\
<<include "Time Micro-Passes">>\
<<if $Time.Current >= $Time.Max >>\
<<set _State to "TooLate">>\
<<set $NoEncounter to 1>>\
<<if $NoEncounter < 1>>\
<<set _EncounterRoll2 to 0>>\
<<set _TotalEncounterRoll2 to 0>>\
<<if $StealthSkillFeats.Distraction > 0>>\
<<set _EncounterRoll2 to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<set _TotalEncounterRoll2 to _EncounterRoll2 + $Skill.Stealth + $DexterityBonus + $StatusAffect.IndoorTracking - $StatusAffect.Horny - ($StatusAffect.CumCovered) -2>>\
<<set _EncounterRoll to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<set _TotalEncounterRoll to _EncounterRoll + $Skill.Stealth + $DexterityBonus + $StatusAffect.IndoorTracking - $StatusAffect.Horny - ($StatusAffect.CumCovered)>>\
<<if _TotalEncounterRoll < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current) and _TotalEncounterRoll2 < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current)>>\
<<if _TotalEncounterRoll + ($ThieverySkillFeats.SnareMaster *2) < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current - 10) or (_EncounterRoll < 2)>>\
<<set _State to "Ambush">>\
<<set _State to "Combat">>\
<<set _NPCEncounterRoll to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<if _NPCEncounterRoll > (18 - $ScoutingSkillFeats.KeenEye) and $NoEncounter is 0>>\
<<set _State to "NPC">>\
This is an upstairs bedroom for this nice sized house. A large bed takes up most of the room with a large painting of a goose on the wall behind the bed. A small window allows a nice view of the large backyard. A night stand and a dresser fills up most of the remaining wall space. To the right is the bathroom and to the left is the main hallway.
<<if $StatusText.Notice is 1>>\
<<include "Update Status">>\
<<switch _State>>\
<<case "TooLate">>\
<<set $Time.Current to $Time.Max>>\
It's too dangerous to explore this suburban house at this time of night.
<<button [[Leave|$location.temp2]]>>
<<set $NoEncounter to 0>>\
<<case "Ambush">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Ambushed to 1>>\
You've been ambushed by an enemy!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<case "Combat">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
A hostile enemy is wandering around the house!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<if $Salvage.Bedroom2 < 1>>\
<<button [[Search for Salvage|Average House Salvage]]>>
<<set $genericHouseGenericImage to $genericHouseBedroomImage2>>\
<<set $lootTemp to $lootAverageHouseBedroom2>>\
<<set $rarelootTemp to $rarelootAverageHouseBedroom2>>\
<<set $Salvage.Bedroom2 to $Salvage.Bedroom2 +1>>\
It looks like you have found everything of value in the hallway.
<<button [[Upstairs Hallway|Average House - Upstairs]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Bathroom|Average House - Bathroom2]]>> <</button>>
<</switch>>\<img @src=$genericHouseBathroomImage />
<<include "Time Micro-Passes">>\
<<set $location.temp to "Average House - Bathroom">>\
<<set _State to 0>>\
<<include "Time Micro-Passes">>\
<<if $Time.Current >= $Time.Max >>\
<<set _State to "TooLate">>\
<<set $NoEncounter to 1>>\
<<if $NoEncounter < 1>>\
<<set _EncounterRoll2 to 0>>\
<<set _TotalEncounterRoll2 to 0>>\
<<if $StealthSkillFeats.Distraction > 0>>\
<<set _EncounterRoll2 to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<set _TotalEncounterRoll2 to _EncounterRoll2 + $Skill.Stealth + $DexterityBonus + $StatusAffect.IndoorTracking - $StatusAffect.Horny - ($StatusAffect.CumCovered) -2>>\
<<set _EncounterRoll to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<set _TotalEncounterRoll to _EncounterRoll + $Skill.Stealth + $DexterityBonus + $StatusAffect.IndoorTracking - $StatusAffect.Horny - ($StatusAffect.CumCovered)>>\
<<if _TotalEncounterRoll < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current) and _TotalEncounterRoll2 < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current)>>\
<<if _TotalEncounterRoll + ($ThieverySkillFeats.SnareMaster *2) < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current - 10) or (_EncounterRoll < 2)>>\
<<set _State to "Ambush">>\
<<set _State to "Combat">>\
<<set _NPCEncounterRoll to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<if _NPCEncounterRoll > (18 - $ScoutingSkillFeats.KeenEye) and $NoEncounter is 0>>\
<<set _State to "NPC">>\
This is a nice looking bathroom that looks to be connected to the master bedroom along with the central hallway. Various towels and other niceties have been laid out in a rather posh manner.
<<if $StatusText.Notice is 1>>\
<<include "Update Status">>\
<<switch _State>>\
<<case "TooLate">>\
<<set $Time.Current to $Time.Max>>\
It's too dangerous to explore this suburban house at this time of night.
<<button [[Leave|$location.temp2]]>>
<<set $NoEncounter to 0>>\
<<case "Ambush">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Ambushed to 1>>\
You've been ambushed by an enemy!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<case "Combat">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
A hostile enemy is wandering around the house!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<if $Salvage.Bathroom < 1>>\
<<button [[Search for Salvage|Average House Salvage]]>>
<<set $genericHouseGenericImage to $genericHouseBathroomImage>>\
<<set $lootTemp to $lootAverageHouseBathroom>>\
<<set $rarelootTemp to $rarelootAverageHouseBathroom>>\
<<set $Salvage.Bathroom to $Salvage.Bathroom +1>>\
It looks like you have found everything of value in the bathroom.
<<button [[Take a Shower|Average House Bathroom Shower]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Bedroom|Average House - Bedroom]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Hallway|Average House - Main Hallway]]>> <</button>>
<</switch>>\<img @src=$genericHouseBathroomImage2 />
<<include "Time Micro-Passes">>\
<<set $location.temp to "Average House - Bathroom2">>\
<<set _State to 0>>\
<<include "Time Micro-Passes">>\
<<if $Time.Current >= $Time.Max >>\
<<set _State to "TooLate">>\
<<set $NoEncounter to 1>>\
<<if $NoEncounter < 1>>\
<<set _EncounterRoll2 to 0>>\
<<set _TotalEncounterRoll2 to 0>>\
<<if $StealthSkillFeats.Distraction > 0>>\
<<set _EncounterRoll2 to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<set _TotalEncounterRoll2 to _EncounterRoll2 + $Skill.Stealth + $DexterityBonus + $StatusAffect.IndoorTracking - $StatusAffect.Horny - ($StatusAffect.CumCovered) -2>>\
<<set _EncounterRoll to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<set _TotalEncounterRoll to _EncounterRoll + $Skill.Stealth + $DexterityBonus + $StatusAffect.IndoorTracking - $StatusAffect.Horny - ($StatusAffect.CumCovered)>>\
<<if _TotalEncounterRoll < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current) and _TotalEncounterRoll2 < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current)>>\
<<if _TotalEncounterRoll + ($ThieverySkillFeats.SnareMaster *2) < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current - 10) or (_EncounterRoll < 2)>>\
<<set _State to "Ambush">>\
<<set _State to "Combat">>\
<<set _NPCEncounterRoll to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<if _NPCEncounterRoll > (18 - $ScoutingSkillFeats.KeenEye) and $NoEncounter is 0>>\
<<set _State to "NPC">>\
This is the upstairs bathroom for this nice suburban house. A bathtub takes up most of the room with a large mirror and vanity taking up part of the right wall. On the left wall is a toilet along with another vanity. Behind you is the main hallway and to the right is a door leading to the right bedroom and another door leads to the left bedroom.
<<if $StatusText.Notice is 1>>\
<<include "Update Status">>\
<<switch _State>>\
<<case "TooLate">>\
<<set $Time.Current to $Time.Max>>\
It's too dangerous to explore this suburban house at this time of night.
<<button [[Leave|$location.temp2]]>>
<<set $NoEncounter to 0>>\
<<case "Ambush">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Ambushed to 1>>\
You've been ambushed by an enemy!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<case "Combat">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
A hostile enemy is wandering around the house!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<if $Salvage.Bathroom2 < 1>>\
<<button [[Search for Salvage|Average House Salvage]]>>
<<set $genericHouseGenericImage to $genericHouseBathroomImage2>>\
<<set $lootTemp to $lootAverageHouseBathroom>>\
<<set $rarelootTemp to $rarelootAverageHouseBathroom>>\
<<set $Salvage.Bathroom2 to $Salvage.Bathroom2 +1>>\
It looks like you have found everything of value in the bathroom.
<<button [[Take a Shower|Average House Bathroom Shower]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Upstairs Hallway|Average House - Upstairs]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Left Bedroom|Average House - Bedroom2]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Right Bedroom|Average House - Bedroom3]]>> <</button>>
<</switch>>\<img @src=$genericHouseGarageImage />
<<set $location.temp to "Average House - Garage">>\
<<include "Time Micro-Passes">>\
<<set _State to 0>>\
<<include "Time Micro-Passes">>\
<<if $Time.Current >= $Time.Max >>\
<<set _State to "TooLate">>\
<<set $NoEncounter to 1>>\
<<if $NoEncounter < 1>>\
<<set _EncounterRoll2 to 0>>\
<<set _TotalEncounterRoll2 to 0>>\
<<if $StealthSkillFeats.Distraction > 0>>\
<<set _EncounterRoll2 to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<set _TotalEncounterRoll2 to _EncounterRoll2 + $Skill.Stealth + $DexterityBonus + $StatusAffect.IndoorTracking - $StatusAffect.Horny - ($StatusAffect.CumCovered) -2>>\
<<set _EncounterRoll to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<set _TotalEncounterRoll to _EncounterRoll + $Skill.Stealth + $DexterityBonus + $StatusAffect.IndoorTracking - $StatusAffect.Horny - ($StatusAffect.CumCovered)>>\
<<if _TotalEncounterRoll < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current) and _TotalEncounterRoll2 < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current)>>\
<<if _TotalEncounterRoll + ($ThieverySkillFeats.SnareMaster *2) < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current - 10) or (_EncounterRoll < 2)>>\
<<set _State to "Ambush">>\
<<set _State to "Combat">>\
<<set _NPCEncounterRoll to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<if _NPCEncounterRoll > (18 - $ScoutingSkillFeats.KeenEye) and $NoEncounter is 0>>\
<<set _State to "NPC">>\
This is a nice two car garage for this suburban house. There's no cars present but there is plenty of space for one along with several storage boxes and handyman tools. There's a door that leads into the house's kitchen and another on leading to the fenced in backyard.
<<if $StatusText.Notice is 1>>\
<<include "Update Status">>\
<<switch _State>>\
<<case "TooLate">>\
<<set $Time.Current to $Time.Max>>\
It's too dangerous to explore this suburban house at this time of night.
<<button [[Leave|$location.temp2]]>>
<<set $NoEncounter to 0>>\
<<case "Ambush">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Ambushed to 1>>\
You've been ambushed by an enemy!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<case "Combat">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
A hostile enemy is wandering around the house!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<if $Salvage.Kitchen < 1>>\
<<button [[Search for Supplies|Average House Salvage]]>>
<<set $genericHouse.GenericImage to $genericHouse.GarageImage>>\
<<set $lootTemp to $lootAverageHouseGarage>>\
<<set $rarelootTemp to $rarelootAverageHouseGarage>>\
<<set $Salvage.Garage to $Salvage.Garage +1>>\
It looks like you have found everything of value in the garage.
<<button [[Kitchen|Average House - Kitchen]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Backdoor|Average House - Backyard]]>> <</button>>
<<set $item to {}>>\
<<include "Key Items">>\
<<include "Food Items">>\
<<include "Medical Items">>\
<<include "Misc Items">>\
<<include "TF Items">>\
<<include "Salvage Items">>\
<<include "Recipes">>\
<<set $item.jewelry = {
type : "treasure",
name : "a piece of jewelry",
plural : "some pieces of jewelry",
description : "a small piece of valuable jewelry that can be sold at a shop for some quick cash",
quality : 10,
amount: 1,
cost : 100
<<set $item.mediumjewelry = {
type : "treasure",
name : "a nice piece of jewelry",
plural : "some nice pieces of jewelry",
description : "a nice piece of valuable jewelry that can be sold at a shop for some quick cash",
quality : 50,
amount: 1,
cost : 500
<<set $item.lube = {
type : "junk",
name : "a large tub of lube",
plural : "several large tubs of lube",
description : "a large tub of lube used to help fit large objects into small holes",
quality : 1,
amount: 1,
cost : 20
<<set $item.usedpanties = {
type : "junk",
name : "a pair of used panties",
plural : "some pairs of used panties",
description : "a set of used pink panties that's been worn by a woman? for a long time",
quality : 1,
amount: 1,
cost : 15
<<set $item.usedunderwear = {
type : "junk",
name : "a pair of used underwear",
plural : "several pair of used underwear",
description : "a set of used white underwear that's been worn by a man? for a long time",
quality : 1,
amount: 1,
cost : 15
<<set $item.bottlecum = {
type : "treasure",
name : "a sealed bottle of cum",
plural : "sealed bottles of cum",
description : "a bottle of cum that's been sealed inside a medical specimen bottle",
quality : 1,
amount: 1,
cost : 5
<<set $item.stressball = {
type : "treasure",
name : "a stress ball",
plural : "stress balls",
description : "a stress ball in the shape of a large boob",
quality : 1,
amount: 1,
cost : 35
<<set $item.mp3player = {
type : "treasure",
name : "a mp3 player",
plural : "mp3 players",
description : "an older mp3 player",
quality : 1,
amount: 1,
cost : 100
<<set $item.pinkhandcuffs = {
type : "treasure",
name : "a set of fuzzy handcuffs",
plural : "sets of fuzzy handcuffs",
description : "a set of pink fuzzy handcuffs",
quality : 1,
amount: 1,
cost : 45
<<set $item.pinupcalendar = {
type : "treasure",
name : "a pin-up calendar",
plural : "pin-up calendars",
description : "a calendar from 1975 filled with half-naked pin-up girls",
quality : 1,
amount: 1,
cost : 10
<<set $item.book = {
type : "treasure",
name : "a book",
plural : "books",
description : "a modern book of the mystery genre",
quality : 1,
amount: 1,
cost : 10
<<set $item.eroticbook = {
type : "treasure",
name : "a erotic book",
plural : "erotic books",
description : "a rather risqué book of the erotic genre",
quality : 5,
amount: 1,
cost : 10
}>>\ <<include "Adlibs">>\
<<set _lusty to random(3) +1 + $StatusAffect.Horny - $LustResist.Visual - $LustResist.Complete>>\
<<if _lusty < 0>>\
<<set _lusty to 0>>\
<<if $genericFighter.Intim > 0>>\
$genericFighter.Name2 flinches from you in fear!
<div class="infestedTalk">I don't want to be set on fire!</div>
<<elseif $PCStatus.Control > 0 and $genericFighter.SubType is "Milker">>\
$genericFighter.Name2 forces your head into her breasts with a lusty moan!
<div class="infestedTalk">Keep sucking on my big o'titties!</div>
<<set $lust to $lust + _lusty>>\
<<switch random(7)>>
<<case 0>>\
$genericFighter.Name2 grabs their breasts while groping them in your direction.
<div class="infestedTalk">How about you stick your face in my big titties!</div>
<<set $lust to $lust + _lusty>>\
<<case 1>>\
$genericFighter.Name2 focuses on your face as she licks hers lips.
<div class="infestedTalk">You'll going to be eating my cunt here shortly!</div>
<<set $lust to $lust + _lusty>>\
<<case 2>>\
$genericFighter.Name2 starts chanting while manuevering around you.
<div class="infestedTalk">Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!</div>
<<case 3>>\
$genericFighter.Name2 strokes their pussy slowly while staring at you.
<div class="infestedTalk">Trust me, one taste of this and you'll love it!</div>
<<set $lust to $lust + _lusty>>\
<<case 4>>\
$genericFighter.Name2 gropes her breasts while striking an erotic pose!
<div class="infestedTalk">Oh fuck! I'm so horny!</div>
<<set $lust to $lust + _lusty>>\
<<case 5>>\
$genericFighter.Name2 fingers their pussy while pre-cum drips over their fingers.
<div class="infestedTalk">Must...fuck...</div>
<<set $lust to $lust + _lusty>>\
<<case 6>>\
<<if $PC.Sex is "Female" and $StatusAffect.Futa < 1>>\
$genericFighter.Name2 looks a bit dissapointed.
<div class="infestedTalk">While I like meat in my diet, salad can also be good as well!</div>
<<elseif $PC.DickSize > 5>>\
$genericFighter.Name2 stares at your groin with pure lust!
<div class="infestedTalk">I'm going to enjoy riding that big cock!</div>
<<set $lust to $lust + _lusty>>\
<<elseif $PC.DickSize < 6>>\
$genericFighter.Name2 stares at your groin with a look of disappointment.
<div class="infestedTalk">You need a bigger <<Penis>>. Good thing my pussy will help grow it up to a good size!</div>
<<set $lust to $lust + _lusty>>\
<<case 7>>\
$genericFighter.Name2 slaps her jiggly ass while smirking at you!
<div class="infestedTalk">Don't you want to grab my ass?</div>
<<set $lust to $lust + _lusty>>\
<<if $lust > 99>>\
<<set $lust to 99>>\
<<elseif $lust < 0>>\
<<set $lust to 0>>\
<</if>>\<<include "Adlibs">>\
<<set _SizeComp to $PC.BreastsSize - $genericFighter.Level + ($GeneralFeats.FalseRep *2)>>\
<<if _SizeComp < 0>>\
<<set _SizeComp to 0>>\
<<set _lusty to random(3) +1 + $StatusAffect.Horny - $LustResist.Visual - $LustResist.Complete>>\
<<if _lusty < 0>>\
<<set _lusty to 0>>\
<<if $genericFighter.Intim > 0>>\
$genericFighter.Name2 flinches from you in fear!
<div class="infestedTalk">I don't want to be set on fire!</div>
<<switch random(7)>>
<<case 0>>\
$genericFighter.Name2 grabs their breasts while groping them in your direction.
<div class="infestedTalk">How about you stick your face in my big titties!</div>
<<set $lust to $lust + _lusty>>\
<<case 1>>\
$genericFighter.Name focuses on your face as they licks their lips.
<div class="infestedTalk">I'm going to shove my meat-stick down your throat!</div>
<<set $lust to $lust + _lusty>>\
<<case 2>>\
$genericFighter.Name2 focuses on your face as they licks their lips.
<div class="infestedTalk">You'll going to be eating my cunt here shortly!</div>
<<set $lust to $lust + _lusty>>\
<<case 3>>\
$genericFighter.Name2 strokes their cock slowly while staring at you.
<div class="infestedTalk">Trust me, once this is inside you'll love it!</div>
<<set $lust to $lust + _lusty>>\
<<case 4>>\
$genericFighter.Name2 gropes her breasts while striking an erotic pose!
<div class="infestedTalk">Oh fuck! I'm so horny!</div>
<<set $lust to $lust + _lusty>>\
<<if $lust > 99>>\
<<set $lust to 99>>\
<<case 5>>\
$genericFighter.Name2 strokes their cock while pre-cum oozes over their fingers.
<div class="infestedTalk">Must...fuck...</div>
<<set $lust to $lust + _lusty>>\
<<case 6>>\
<<if $PC.Sex is "Male">>\
$genericFighter.Name2 looks a bit dissapointed with your chest.
<div class="infestedTalk">You need some nice big tits and a nice tight pussy. Good thing my cock will fix that for ya!</div>
<<if _SizeComp > 3 & $PC.Sex is not "Male">>\
$genericFighter.Name2 stares at your breasts with pure lust!
<div class="infestedTalk">I'm going to enjoy sucking on those funbags!</div>
<<set $lust to $lust + _lusty>>\
<<if _SizeComp < 4 & $PC.Sex is not "Male">>\
$genericFighter.Name2 stares at your chest with a look of disappointment.
<div class="infestedTalk">You need bigger tits. Good thing my cock will blow them up to a good size!</div>
<<set $lust to $lust + _lusty>>\
<<case 7>>\
<<if $PC.Sex is "Female" and $StatusAffect.Futa < 1>>\
$genericFighter.Name2 looks a bit dissapointed as she looks at your groin.
<div class="infestedTalk">You need a nice hard cock. Good thing my pussy will help fix that for ya!</div>
<<elseif $PC.DickSize > 5>>\
$genericFighter.Name2 stares at your groin with pure lust!
<div class="enemyTalk">I'm going to enjoy riding that big cock!</div>
<<set $lust to $lust + _lusty>>\
<<elseif $PC.DickSize < 6>>\
$genericFighter.Name2 stares at your groin with a look of disappointment.
<div class="infestedTalk">You need a bigger <<Penis>>. Good thing my pussy will help grow it up to a good size!</div>
<<set $lust to $lust + random(3) - $LustResist.Visual>>\
<<if $lust > 99>>\
<<set $lust to 99>>\
<<elseif $lust < 0>>\
<<set $lust to 0>>\
<</if>>\<<include "Adlibs">>\
<<set $SexScene1 to random(11)>>\
<<switch $SexScene1>>\
<<case 0 1 2>>\ /* Cowgirl scene */
<<include "Infested Female Pussy Sex Dominate Male">>\
<<case 3 4 5>>\ /* Ass fucking */
<<include "Infested Female Ass Sex Dominate Male">>\
<<case 6 7 8>>\ /* Titfuck scene */
<<include "Infested Female Tit Sex Dominate Male">>\
<<case 9 10 11>>\ /* Blowjob scene */
<<include "Infested Female Blowjob Sex Dominate Male">>\
<<default>>\ /* Handjob scene */
<<include "Infested Female Handjob Sex Dominate Male">>\
<</switch>> <<set $armor to {}>>\
<<include "LightArmor">>\
<<include "MediumArmor">>\
<<include "HeavyArmor">>\
<<set $armor.unarmored = {
type : "armor",
name : "unarmored",
plural : "unarmored",
AC : 0,
DR : 0,
Blunt: 0,
Pierce: 0,
Slash: 0,
Fire: 0,
Cold: 0,
Shock: 0,
Acid: 0,
Sonic: 0,
Water: 0,
prof : "Unarmored",
MaxDex : 100,
description : "You are completely unarmored",
description2 : "You are completely unarmored which gives you no defense!",
quality : 0,
superior: 0,
innate: 1,
critresist: 0,
special: "None",
cost : 0,
amount: 1,
hp: 10000
<<set $armor.unarmoredA = {
type : "armor",
name : "unarmored",
plural : "unarmored",
AC : 1,
DR : 1,
Blunt: 1,
Pierce: 1,
Slash: 1,
Fire: 1,
Cold: 1,
Shock: 1,
Acid: 1,
Sonic: 1,
Water: 0,
prof : "Unarmored",
MaxDex : 100,
description : "You are completely unarmored",
description2 : "You are completely unarmored which gives you +1 to AC, +1 to all Saving Throws and 1 resistance to all damage types.",
quality : 0,
superior: 1,
innate: 1,
critresist: 0,
special: "None",
cost : 0,
amount: 1,
hp: 10000
}>>\<img @src=$genericFighter.Image />
Staring down at the defeated $genericFighter.Name3 you are feeling extremely horny and feeling like giving them what they want. How do you want to fuck them?
<<if $PC.Sex is not "Male" and $StatusAffect.Futa < 1>>\
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Ride his Dick|Suburb Male Infested Fuck]]>>
<<set $SexScene2 to 1>>
<<if $PC.Sex is "Female" and $StatusAffect.Futa < 1>>\
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Ride his Dick with Your Ass|Suburb Male Infested Fuck]]>>
<<set $SexScene2 to 2>>
<<if $PC.Sex is not "Female" or $StatusAffect.Futa > 0>>\
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Fuck his Ass|Suburb Male Infested Fuck]]>>
<<set $SexScene2 to 2>>\
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Get a Blowjob|Suburb Male Infested Fuck]]>>
<<set $SexScene2 to 2>>\
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Suck his Cock|Suburb Male Infested Fuck]]>>
<<set $SexScene2 to 3>>\
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Let Him Take Charge|Suburb Male Infested Submit]]>>
<<if $lust + ($StatusAffect.Horny*2) < 100>>\
<<button [[Nevermind|$location.temp]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</if>>\<img @src=$genericFighter.Image />
Staring down at the defeated $genericFighter.Name3 you are feeling extremely horny and feeling like giving them what they want. How do you want to fuck them or you can let them take charge?
<<if $PC.Sex is not "Female" or $StatusAffect.Futa > 0>>\
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Fuck her Pussy|Suburb Female Infested Fuck]]>>
<<set $SexScene2 to 1>>
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Fuck her Ass|Suburb Female Infested Fuck]]>>
<<set $SexScene2 to 2>>
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Fuck her Tits|Suburb Female Infested Fuck]]>>
<<set $SexScene2 to 3>>
<<if $PC.Sex is "Futa" or $StatusAffect.Futa > 0>>\
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Get a Blowjob|Suburb Female Infested Fuck]]>>
<<set $SexScene2 to 4>>
<<if $PC.Sex is "Female" and $StatusAffect.Futa < 1>>\
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Get Eaten Out|Suburb Female Infested Fuck]]>>
<<set $SexScene2 to 1>>
<<if $KeyItemsFlags.DoubleDildo > 0 >>\
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Fuck Her Pussy with Dildo|Suburb Female Infested Fuck]]>>
<<set $SexScene2 to 2>>
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Fuck Her Ass with Dildo|Suburb Female Infested Fuck]]>>
<<set $SexScene2 to 3>>
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Let Her Take Charge|Suburb Female Infested Submit]]>>
<<if $lust + ($StatusAffect.Horny*2) < 100>>\
<<button [[Nevermind|$location.temp]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</if>>\<img @src=$genericFighter.Image />
<<if $StatusAffect.Vaccine < 1>>\
<<if (random(19) +1) + $PC.Fortitude + $InfectionResist.Fort + $FoodStatus.Fort - $StatusAffect.Wet < (19 + $genericFighter.Level + Math.round($Infestation.Progress / 2) )>>\
<<if $Infestation.Progress < 1>>\
<<set $Infestation.Progress to 1>>\
<<set _Infest to random(10) - $InfectionResist.DR +5>>\
<<if _Infest < 0>>\
<<set _Infest to 0>>\
<<set $PC.Infestation to $PC.Infestation + _Infest>>\
<<if $Infestation.FutaVariant < 100>>\
<<set $Infestation.FutaVariant to $Infestation.FutaVariant + random(10) +5>>\
<<if $PC.Infestation > $Infestation.Cap>>\
<<set $PC.Infestation to $Infestation.Cap>>
<<if $Infestation.FutaVariant > $Infestation.FutaCap>>\
<<set $Infestation.FutaVariant to $Infestation.FutaCap>>\
<<if $PC.Sex is "Male" and $StatusAffect.Futa < 1>>\
<<include "Infested Futa Sex Submissive Male">>\
<<elseif $PC.Sex is "Female" and $StatusAffect.Futa < 1>>\
<<include "Infested Futa Sex Submissive Female">>\
<<elseif $PC.Sex is "Futa" or $StatusAffect.Futa > 0>>\
<<include "Infested Futa Sex Submissive Futa">>\
<<include "Lust Passes">>\
<<if $location.SexFlag is 1>>\
<<button [[Return|$location.Sex]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<set $location.SexFlag to 0>>\
<<set $NoEncounter to random(1) +2>>\
<<button [[Return|$location.temp]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.Horde > 0 and $location.Indoor is 0>>\
<<set $NoEncounter to random(3)>>\
<<set $NoEncounter to random(1) +2>>\
<</if>>\<<include "Adlibs">>\
<<set $SexScene1 to random(8)>>\
<<switch $SexScene1>>\
<<case 0 1 2>>\ /* Cowgirl scene */
<<include "Infested Futa Pussy Sex Dominate Male">>\
<<case 3 4 5>>\ /* Ass fucking */
<<include "Infested Futa Ass Sex Dominate Male">>\
<<case 6 7 8>>\ /* Blowjob scene */
<<include "Infested Futa Blowjob Dominate Male">>\
<<default>>\ /* Handjob scene */
<<include "Infested Futa Handjob Sex Dominate Male">>\
<</switch>> <<set _DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$PC.DickSize+4]>>\
<<set _DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$PC.DickSize+4]>>\
<<set _BallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$PC.BallsSize+4]>>\
<<set _BallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$PC.BallsSize+4]>>\
<<switch random(1)>>
<<case 0>>
  You groan loudly, your hands grabbing the waist of an female Infested as you fuck her pussy from behind on the table in a coffee shop. The sound of flesh slamming into flesh drowns out all outside noise.
  “Fucking slut!” you groan, slamming your _DickSD _DickSize cock deep into her sloppy wet cunt like a jackhammer. “Big tit whore!”
  “Fucking stretch my pussy, $PC.FirstName! Fuck me til I can’t walk!” she screams as her huge breasts squished into the table with each thrust. Her face is locked in the throes of estasy as she glances back at you.
  The speed of your thrusts increase as you work harder and harder, triggering a new orgasm in the Infested with each movement. At the same time, you feel the pressure building in your _BallsSD balls, the two _BallsSize spheres thumping into the Infested’s gushing pussy as they produced more of your thick baby batter.
  The rhythmic slaps of your muscular stomach crashing into the woman’s large ass grows louder, and your impending climax draw nearer still.
  “YEEESSSS!!” the busty Infested woman screams as you brutally ream her cunt with your monster _DickSD meat-stick. “MORE! MORE! FUCK ME MOOOORE!”
  Feeling your _BallsSD cum-filled balls ready to burst you bellow, “You want this? You want my hot cum in your fucking pussy?”
  “OH FUCK YES!” she responds, bucking her hips backwards so she could have your full length inside her. Your grip tightens on her hips, and you unleash a huge load of an obscene amounts of seed into her sloppy cunt in an epic cumshot that seems to last for almost an eternity before it finally died down.
<<case 1>>
  You moan as you find yourself balls deep in the pussy of a female Infested. You are lying on your back while she is riding your _DickSD _DickSize cock enthusiastically, her large gravity defying tits bouncing along with each stroke.
  “Grab my titties, $PC.FirstName!” she yells as each bounce throws her jiggling funbags into her face.
  Reaching up you grab those huge melons which felt so heavy in your hands. Thrusting your strong cock into her tight pussy you feel the bed’s springs creak and groan loudly to the rhythm of the wild fucking.
  “YES! OH GOD YES! That’s it!!” the busty Infested screams as you brutally impale her cunt. “Fuck me deep with your hard cock!”
  Your _BallsSD balls slap up against her tight pussy as you thrust harder and harder with your monster cock. You are ramming the gates of heaven with each bounce and your baby-batter filled balls feel like they are about to explode.
  “You like that?!??! YOU LIKE MY COCK SHOVED DEEP IN YOUR FUCKING CUNT?” you bellow as you continue to ream her pussy causing the Infested to bounce even more erratically. Reaching around you pull her closer so you can suck on those tasty tits.
  “OH GOD! I’M CUMMING!” She screams as her pussy tightened around your hard cock. A flood of cum splatters down from her wet pussy as she chants “Oh yes, oh yes, oh YES!”
  Your grip switches to her large ass as your _DickSD cock drills deep into her hot pussy. You finally reach your limits and unleashes a huge load of obscene amounts of cum into her cunt. In fact it was so much it backs up and flows freely down to the bed below.
  “Now that’s how a real man treats his woman” whispers the Infested as she slowly stands up with cum dripping down from her abused pussy.
<</switch>><<set _BreastSD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$PC.BreastsSize+4]>>\
<<set _BreastsSize to $arrayBreastSize[$PC.BreastsSize+4]>>\
<<set _NippleSize to $arrayNippleSize[$PC.BreastsSize+4]>>\
<<set _AssSize to $arrayAssSizeDesc[$PC.AssSize+4]>>\
<<switch random(1)>>
<<case 0>>
  The Infested male groan loudly, his hands grabbing the your waist as he fucks your pussy from behind on the table in a coffee shop. The sound of flesh slamming into flesh drowns out all outside noise.
  “Fucking slut!” he groans, slamming his massive cock deep into your sloppy wet cunt like a jackhammer. “Big tit whore!”
  “Fucking stretch my pussy! Fuck me til I can’t walk!” you scream as your _BreastSD breasts squish into the table with each thrust. Your face is locked in the throes of estasy as you glance back at the Infested.
  The speed of his thrusts increase as he works harder and harder, triggering a new orgasm in you with each movement. At the same time, you feel the the two plum-sized jizz spheres thumping into your gushing pussy.
  The rhythmic slaps of the Infested's muscular stomach crashing into your _AssSize ass grows louder, and your next impending climax draw nearer still.
  “YEEESSSS!!” you scream as your cunt is brutally reamed. The Infested is slamming his hard dick deep into your tight pussy and you NEED more. “MORE! MORE! FUCK ME MOOOORE!”
  The Infested bellows, “You want this, $PC.FirstName? You want my hot cum in your fucking pussy?” as he shoves his monster cock hard into your eager pussy.
  “OH FUCK YES!” you respond, bucking your hips backwards so he could have their full length inside you. His grip tightens on your hips, and he unleashes a huge load of obscene amounts of seed into your sloppy cunt in an epic cumshot that seems to last for almost an eternity before it finally dies down.
  You unleash one final orgasm of your own as you feel his hot cum blast into your waiting womb, squirting your pussy juice to the floor below.
<<case 1>>
  You moan as you find yourself impaled on the large cock of a male Infested. He is lying on his back while you are riding him enthusiastically, your _BreastSD gravity defying tits bouncing along with each stroke.
  “Grab my titties!” you yell as each bounce throws your jiggling tits into your face.
  Reaching up he grabs your _BreastsSize melons. Thrusting his strong cock into your tight pussy, you feel the bed’s springs creak and groan loudly to the rhythm of the wild fucking.
  “YES! OH GOD YES! That’s it!!” you scream as you are brutally pierced by the Infested's huge dick. “Fuck me deep with your hard cock!”
  His full balls slap up against your tight pussy as you bounce harder and harder on his monster cock. You have lost track of the amount of orgasms you've had and you can't wait for your next one.
  “You like that, $PC.FirstName? YOU LIKE MY COCK SHOVED DEEP IN YOUR FUCKING CUNT?” the Infested bellows as he continues to ream your pussy causing you to bounce even more erratically. Reaching around he pulls you closer so he can suck on your _NippleSize nipples.
  “OH GOD! I’M CUMMING!” You screams as your pussy tightens around his hard cock. A flood of cum splatters down from your wet pussy as you chant “Oh yes, oh yes, oh YES!”
  His grip switches to your _AssSize ass as his cock drills deep into your hot pussy. He finally reach his limits and unleashes a huge load of obscene amounts of cum into your waiting cunt. In fact it was so much it backs up and flows freely down to the bed below.
  “Now that’s how a real man treats his woman!” yells the Infested as he slowly stands up with cum dripping down from his dick.
<</switch>><img src="Images/Home/Bathroom.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<include "Time Micro-Passes">>\
<<set $SmartPhone.Charge to $SmartPhone.MaxCharge>>\
  This is the main bathroom. It's barely big enough for the shower and toilet. A small vanity is right next to the entryway.
<<button [[Check the Mirror|Bathroom - Mirror]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Take a Quick Shower|Bathroom - Shower]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Leave|Upstairs]]>> <</button>><img @src=$genericFighter.Image />
<<if $StatusAffect.Vaccine < 1>>\
<<if (random(19) +1) + $PC.Fortitude + $InfectionResist.Fort + $FoodStatus.Fort - $StatusAffect.Wet < (19 + $genericFighter.Level + Math.round($Infestation.Progress / 2) )>>\
<<if $Infestation.Progress < 1>>\
<<set $Infestation.Progress to 1>>\
<<set _Infest to random(10) - $InfectionResist.DR +5>>\
<<if _Infest < 0>>\
<<set _Infest to 0>>\
<<set $PC.Infestation to $PC.Infestation + _Infest>>\
<<if $PC.Infestation > $Infestation.Cap>>\
<<set $PC.Infestation to $Infestation.Cap>>\
<<if $PC.Sex is "Male" and $StatusAffect.Futa < 1>>\
<<include "Infested Female Sex Submissive Male">>\
<<elseif $PC.Sex is "Female" and $StatusAffect.Futa < 1>>\
<<include "Infested Female Sex Submissive Female">>\
<<elseif $PC.Sex is "Futa" or $StatusAffect.Futa > 0>>\
<<include "Infested Female Sex Submissive Futa">>\
<<include "Lust Passes">>\
<<if $location.SexFlag is 1>>\
<<button [[Return|$location.Sex]]>>
<<set $NoEncounter to random(1) +2>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<set $location.SexFlag to 0>>\
<<button [[Return|$location.temp]]>>
<<if $StatusAffect.Horde > 0 and $location.Indoor is 0>>\
<<set $NoEncounter to random(3)>>\
<<set $NoEncounter to random(1) +2>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</if>>\<<include "Adlibs">>\
<<switch $SexScene2>>\
<<case 1>>\ /* Pussy scene */
<<include "Infested Female Pussy Sex Submissive Male">>\
<<case 2>>\ /* Ass scene */
<<include "Infested Female Ass Sex Submissive Male">>\
<<case 3>>\ /* Titfuck scene */
<<include "Infested Female Tit Sex Submissive Male">>\
<<case 4>>\ /* Blowjob scene */
<<include "Infested Female Blowjob Sex Submissive Male">>\
<<case 5>>\ /* Handjob scene */
<<include "Infested Female Handjob Sex Submissive Male">>\
<</switch>> <<set $smallDickSize to ["tiny", "small", "mini", "minute", "minuscule", "undersized", "itty-bitty", "stunted", "slight", "ungenerous", "puny", "petite", "stingy"]>>\
<<set $mediumDickSize to ["sturdy", "hefty", "thick", "modest", "strong", "plump", "stout", "robust", "heavy", "meaty", "solid", "hearty", "full"]>>\
<<set $largeDickSize to ["big", "huge", "sizable", "large", "stocky", "oversized", "vast", "massive", "enormous", "epic", "mighty", "immense", "immense"]>>\
<<set $epicDickSize to ["epic", "godly", "sizable", "gigantic", "jumbo", "mega", "tremendous", "vast", "monumental", "gargantuan", "epic", "colossal", "titanic", "monstrous"]>>\
<<set $arrayBreasts to ["breasts", "breasts", "tits", "tits", "funbags", "orbs", "titties", "jugs", "knockers", "bazookas", "tiddies", "mountains", "melons", "gazongas", "boobage", "assets", "globes", "udders"]>>\
<<set $arrayDick to ["dick", "dick", "dick", "dick", "cock", "cock", "cock", "cock", "rod", "rod", "tool", "tool", "meat stick", "meat rod", "fuck pole", "piece", "shaft", "shaft", "salami", "sausage", "penis", "python", "magnum", "fire hose"]>>\<img @src=$genericFighter.Image />
<<set $CombatRound to 0>>\
Staring down at the defeated $genericFighter.Name3 you are feeling extremely horny and feeling like giving them what they want. How do you want to fuck them?
<<if $PC.Sex is not "Female" or $StatusAffect.Futa > 0>>\
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Fuck her Pussy|Suburb Futa Infested Fuck]]>>
<<set $SexScene2 to 1>>
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Fuck her Ass|Suburb Futa Infested Fuck]]>>
<<set $SexScene2 to 2>>
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Fuck her Tits|Suburb Futa Infested Fuck]]>>
<<set $SexScene2 to 3>>
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Get a Blowjob|Suburb Futa Infested Fuck]]>>
<<set $SexScene2 to 4>>
<<if $PC.Sex is not "Male" or $StatusAffect.Futa > 0>>\
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Ride her Cock|Suburb Futa Infested Fuck]]>>
<<set $SexScene2 to 5>>
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Get Eaten Out|Suburb Futa Infested Fuck]]>>
<<set $SexScene2 to 6>>
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Get Ass Fucked by her Cock|Suburb Futa Infested Fuck]]>>
<<set $SexScene2 to 7>>
<<if $KeyItemsFlags.DoubleDildo > 0 and $PC.Sex is "Female" and $StatusAffect.Futa < 1>>\
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Fuck Her with Double-Ended Dildo|Suburb Futa Infested Fuck]]>>
<<set $SexScene2 to 8>>\
<<if $PC.Sex is "Female" and $StatusAffect.Futa < 1>>\
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Suck her Cock|Suburb Futa Infested Fuck]]>>
<<set $SexScene2 to 9>>
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Let Them Take Charge|Suburb Futa Infested Submit]]>>
<<if $lust + ($StatusAffect.Horny*2) < 100>>\
<<button [[Nevermind|$location.temp]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</if>>\<<include "Adlibs">>\
<<switch $SexScene2>>\
<<case 1>>\ /* Pussy scene */
<<include "Infested Futa Pussy Sex Submissive Male">>\
<<case 2>>\ /* Ass scene */
<<include "Infested Futa Ass Sex Submissive Male">>\
<<case 3>>\ /* Titfuck scene */
<<include "Infested Futa Tit Sex Submissive Male">>\
<<case 4>>\ /* Blowjob scene */
<<include "Infested Futa Blowjob Sex Submissive Male">>\
<<case 5>>\ /* Get Ass Fucked */
<<include "Infested Futa Ass Fucked Sex Submissive Male">>\
<<include "Infested Loot Table">>\
<<include "Raider Loot Table">>\
<<include "Gangsta Loot Table">>\
<<include "S.House Loot Table">>\
<<include "A.House Loot Table">>\
<<include "S. Apart Loot Table">>\
<<include "Clinic Loot Table">>\
<<include "Bank Loot Table">>\
<<include "Warehouse Loot Table">>\
<<set $lootGenericFighter to [$item.usedunderwear]>>\
<<set $rarelootGenericFighter to [$item.usedpanties]>>\
<<set $lootDestroyedHouse to [$item.smallwood, $item.wood, $item.smallcloth, $item.cloth, $item.smallelectronics, $item.electronics, $item.smallmetal, $item.metal, $item.ration]>>\
<<set $rarelootDestroyedHouse to [$item.jewelry]>>\
<<set $lootSupplies to [$item.largefirstaid, $item.largefirstaid, $item.largefirstaid, $item.largeration, $item.largeration, $item.largeration, $item.weakantiviralmedicine, $item.weakantiviralmedicine, $item.weakantiviralmedicine]>>\
<<set $rarelootSupplies to [$item.antiviralmedicine]>>\
<<set $lootParkShed to [$item.largewood, $item.largewood, $item.largemetal, $item.largemetal, $item.largeelectronics, $item.largeelectronics, $item.largecloth, $item.largecloth, $item.largefirstaid]>>\
<<set $rarelootParkShed to [$item.antiviralmedicine]>>\
<<set $lootMortonGas to [$item.whiskey, $item.beer, $item.energydrink, $item.ration, $item.drpecker, $item.dietdrpecker, $item.milkshakejugs, $item.dietmilkshakejugs, $item.junktrunk, $item.ration, $item.firstaid, $item.dietjunktrunk, $item.milktanks, $item.milkdrain]>>\
<<set $lootTempMortonGas to [$item.energydrink, $item.energydrink, $item.lustpotion, $item.lustpotion, $item.drpecker, $item.dietdrpecker, $item.milkshakejugs, $item.dietmilkshakejugs, $item.junktrunk, $item.ration, $item.firstaid, $item.dietjunktrunk, $item.milktanks, $item.milkdrain]>>\
<<set $rarelootMortonGas to [$item.drpeckerx, $item.milkshakejugsx, $item.junktrunkx, $item.lustpotionx, $item.antiviralmedicine, $item.energydrinkx, $item.recipeHeavyTrenchCoat, $item.milktanksx]>>\
<<set $rarelootTempMortonGas to [$item.energydrinkx]>>\
<<set $lootAmmoWorld to [$armor.heavytrenchcoat, $armor.firefightertrenchcoat, $armor.vest, $weapon.Winchester308, $weapon.shotgun16g, $weapon.pistol40sw, $weapon.repeatingcrossbow, $weapon.karambit, $weapon.katana, $weapon.silverhammer]>>\
<<set $lootTempAmmoWorld to [$armor.heavytrenchcoat, $armor.firefightertrenchcoat, $armor.vest, $weapon.Winchester308, $weapon.shotgun16g, $weapon.pistol40sw, $weapon.repeatingcrossbow, $weapon.karambit, $weapon.katana, $weapon.silverhammer]>>\
<<set $rarelootAmmoWorld to [$weapon.flamethrower, $weapon.watercannon, $armor.spikedleatherjacket, $armor.diybodyarmor, $shield.riotshield]>>\
<<set $rarelootTempAmmoWorld to [$weapon.flamethrower]>>\
<<set $lootCornerMarket to [$item.smallration, $item.smallration, $item.smallration, $item.ration, $item.ration, $item.ration, $item.ration, $item.ration]>>\
<<set $rarelootCornerMarket to [$item.largeration, $item.bigration]>>\
<<set $lootCornerMarketIce to [$item.whiskey, $item.beer, $item.energydrink, $item.energydrink, $item.lustpotion, $item.drpecker, $item.dietdrpecker, $item.milkshakejugs, $item.dietmilkshakejugs, $item.junktrunk, $item.dietjunktrunk, $item.milktanks, $item.milkdrain]>>\
<<set $rarelootCornerMarketIce to [$item.drpeckerx, $item.milkshakejugsx, $item.junktrunkx, $item.lustpotionx, $item.energydrinkx, $item.milktanksx, $item.lustpotionx]>>\
<<set $lootOfficerShop to [$weapon.switchknife, $weapon.longsword, $weapon.baton, $weapon.mediumcrossbow, $weapon.pistol9mm, $weapon.shotgun20g, $weapon.Remington223, $weapon.quarterstaff]>>\
<<set $lootTempOfficerShop to [$weapon.quarterstaff]>>\
<<set $rarelootOfficerShop to [$armor.superiordoctorcoat, $armor.superiorskijacket, $armor.spikedleatherjacket, $armor.firefightertrenchcoat]>>\
<<set $rarelootTempOfficerShop to [$armor.spikedleatherjacket]>>\
<<set $lootMiniLibrary to [$item.recipeJacket, $item.recipeRainCoat, $item.recipeLeatherJacket, $item.recipeStrongCoffee, $item.recipeSpeedySandwich, $item.recipeHandwraps, $item.recipeKitchenKnife, $item.recipePistol22mm, $item.recipeShotgun28, $item.recipePistolCrossbow, $item.recipeFencingSword, $item.recipeBaseballBat, $item.recipeShotgun410, $item.book, $item.book, $item.book, $item.book]>>\
<<set $rarelootMiniLibrary to [$item.recipeSkiJacket, $item.recipeRifle22lr, $item.eroticbook]>>\
<<set $lootHitchhiker to [$item.energydrink, $item.book, $item.lustpotion, $item.ration, $item.firstaid]>>\
<<set $rarelootHitchhiker to [$item.drpeckerx, $item.milkshakejugsx, $item.junktrunkx, $item.milktanksx, $item.energydrinkx, $item.hugeration]>>\
<<set $lootSurvivorMale to [$item.smallration, $item.smallration, $item.smallration, $item.ration, $item.ration, $item.ration, $item.ration, $item.ration, $item.energydrink, $item.lustpotion]>>\
<<set $lootSurvivorFemale to [$item.smallration, $item.smallration, $item.smallration, $item.ration, $item.ration, $item.ration, $item.ration, $item.ration, $item.energydrink, $item.lustpotion]>>\
<<set $lootTempSurvivorTrading to [$item.ration]>>\
<<set $rarelootSurvivorMale to [$item.largeration, $item.planfplus, $item.drpeckerx, $weapon.shockingcrossbow]>>\
<<set $rarelootSurvivorFemale to [$item.largeration, $item.milkshakejugsx, $weapon.pistol25tazer, $item.planpminus]>>\
<<set $rarelootTempSurvivorTrading to [$item.largeration]>>\
<<set $lootBathroomVending to [$item.smallration, $item.smallfirstaid, $item.planpminus, $item.energydrink]>>\
<<set $lootTempBathroomVending to [$item.planpminus]>>\
<<set $lootBathroomVending2 to [$item.smallration, $item.smallfirstaid, $item.planpminus, $item.energydrink]>>\
<<set $lootTempBathroomVending2 to [$item.planpminus]>>\
\<img @src=$genericHouseOutsideImage />
<<include "Time Micro-Passes">>\
<<set $location.temp to "Small House - Entrance">>\
<<if $Time.Current >= $Time.Max >>\
<<set _State to "TooLate">>\
<<set $NoEncounter to 1>>\
<<if $NoEncounter < 1>>\
<<set _EncounterRoll to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<set _TotalEncounterRoll to _EncounterRoll + $Skill.Scouting + $WisdomBonus + $StatusAffect.SilentStalking - ($StatusAffect.Stalking *2) - $StatusAffect.Horny - ($StatusAffect.CumCovered)>>\
<<if _TotalEncounterRoll + ($ThieverySkillFeats.SnareMaster *2) < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current - 10) or (_EncounterRoll < 2)>>\
<<set _State to "Ambush">>\
<<elseif _TotalEncounterRoll < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current)>>\
<<set _State to "Combat">>\
<<set _NPCEncounterRoll to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<if _NPCEncounterRoll > (18 - $ScoutingSkillFeats.KeenEye) and $NoEncounter is 0>>\
<<set _State to "NPC">>\
<<if $Salvage.Lock < 1>>\
This is the front door of this small one-story suburban house. It looks mostly intact with very little damage. Looking around you don't see any obvious signs of anyone living here currently nor any signs of Infested presence.
<<if $StatusText.Notice is 1>>\
<<include "Update Status">>\
<<switch _State>>\
<<case "TooLate">>\
<<set $Time.Current to $Time.Max>>\
It's too dangerous to explore the $locationGeneric.Zone2 at this time of night.
<<button [[Return Home|$locationGeneric.Return]]>>
<<set $NoEncounter to 0>>\
<<case "Ambush">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Ambushed to 1>>\
You've been ambushed by an enemy!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<set $location.Encounter to "Oak Dale">>\
<<case "Combat">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
A hostile enemy is roaming nearby!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<set $location.Encounter to "Oak Dale">>\
<<set $location.prev to $location.temp>>\
<<button [[Enter the House|Small House - Main Hallway]]>>
<<set $location.Indoor to 1>>\
<<button [[Leave|$location.temp2]]>> <</button>>
<<elseif $Salvage.Lock is 1>>\
This is the front door of this small one-story suburban house. It looks intact with very little damage but you don't see any obvious signs of anyone living here currently. The front door looks to be locked and the side windows are closed. Up above there's a small attic window that does look to be a bit loose.
<<if $Prof.Thievery > 0 and $LockSmithTools.Charge > 19>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> Looks like I might be able to pick the front door lock.</i></div>
<<set _T to 1>>\
<<elseif $Prof.Thievery > 0 and $LockSmithTools.Charge < 20>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> Looks like I might be able to pick the front door lock but my locksmith tool needs to be recharged first.</i></div>
<<switch _State>>\
<<case "TooLate">>\
<<set $Time.Current to $Time.Max>>\
It's too dangerous to explore the Oak Dale suburbs at this time of night.
<<button [[Return Home|Oak Dale Returning Home]]>>
<<set $NoEncounter to 0>>\
<<case "Ambush">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Ambushed to 1>>\
You've been ambushed by an enemy!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<case "Combat">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
A hostile enemy is roaming nearby!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<set $location.prev to $location.temp>>\
<<button [[Climb to the Attic Window|Small House Action]]>>
<<set $SkillAction to "Athletics">>\
<<if _T > 0>>\
<<button [[Pick the Lock|Small House Action]]>>
<<set $SkillAction to "Thievery">>\
<<button [[Leave|$location.temp2]]>>
<<set $Salvage.Key to 0>>\
<img @src=$genericHouseOutsideImage />
<<include "Time Micro-Passes">>\
<<set $location.temp to "Average House - Entrance">>\
<<set _E to 0>>\
<<if $Time.Current >= $Time.Max >>\
<<set _State to "TooLate">>\
<<set $NoEncounter to 1>>\
<<if $NoEncounter < 1>>\
<<set _EncounterRoll to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<set _TotalEncounterRoll to _EncounterRoll + $Skill.Scouting + $WisdomBonus + $StatusAffect.SilentStalking - ($StatusAffect.Stalking *2) - $StatusAffect.Horny - ($StatusAffect.CumCovered)>>\
<<if _TotalEncounterRoll + ($ThieverySkillFeats.SnareMaster *2) < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current - 10) or (_EncounterRoll < 2)>>\
<<set _State to "Ambush">>\
<<elseif _TotalEncounterRoll < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current)>>\
<<set _State to "Combat">>\
<<set _NPCEncounterRoll to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<if _NPCEncounterRoll > (18 - $ScoutingSkillFeats.KeenEye) and $NoEncounter is 0>>\
<<set _State to "NPC">>\
<<if $Salvage.Lock < 1>>\
This is the front door of this nice suburban two story house. It looks undamaged by the Infested Outbreak but you don't see any obvious signs of anyone else living here currently. There is a path that leads around the house to the backyard.
<<switch _State>>\
<<case "TooLate">>\
<<set $Time.Current to $Time.Max>>\
It's too dangerous to explore the Oak Dale suburbs at this time of night.
<<button [[Return Home|Oak Dale Returning Home]]>>
<<set $NoEncounter to 0>>\
<<case "Ambush">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Ambushed to 1>>\
You've been ambushed by an enemy!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<case "Combat">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
A hostile enemy is roaming nearby!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<button [[Enter the House|Average House - Foyer]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Backdoor|Average House - Backyard]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Leave|$location.temp2]]>> <</button>>
<<elseif $Salvage.Lock is 1>>\
This is the front door of this nice suburban two story house. It looks undamaged by the Infested Outbreak but you don't see any obvious signs of anyone else living here currently. There is a path that leads around the house to the backyard. The front door looks to be locked with a smart electronic lock and the side windows are closed. Near the top of the house a attic window looks slightly loose which might allow access if you can make the climb.
<<if $Prof.Electronics > 0 and $SmartPhone.Charge > 9>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I might be able to hack this electronic lock using my smartphone and my hacking app.</i></div>
<<set _E to 1>>\
<<elseif $Prof.Electronics > 0 and $SmartPhone.Charge < 10>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> Looks like I might be able to hack this electronic lock but my smartphone is out of juice.</i></div>
<<if _E is 1>>\
<<button [[Hack the Smart Lock|Average House - Action]]>>
<<set $SkillAction to "Electronics">>\
<<button [[Climb up to the Attic|Average House - Action]]>>
<<set $SkillAction to "Athletics">>\
<<button [[Backyard|Average House - Backyard]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Leave|$location.temp2]]>> <</button>>
<</if>>\<img src="Images/Suburb/largehouse.jpg" width="800px" height="400px" />
<<button [[Main Hallway|Large House - Main Hallway]]>>
<<button [[Leave|$location.temp]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Outside|Large House - Entrance]]>> <</button>>Double-click this passage to edit it.<img @src=$genericHouseGenericImage />
<<include "Loot Items">>\
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set _tempCash to $PC.Level * 20>>
<<set _tempCash to random(_tempCash) + 5>>\
<<set _Extra to 1>>\
<<if $SalvagingSkillFeats.ExtraLoot > 0>>\
<<set _extraloot to (random(19)+ 1) + ($Prof.Salvaging / 2)>>\
<<if _extraloot > 15>>\
<<set _Extra to 2>>\
<<set _BonusType to $BonusItem.type>>\
You search thru the room and find the following:
<<if _BonusType is "food">>\
<<set _exists to 0>>\
<<set _tempLoot to $BonusItem>>\
<<for $i = 0; $i < $PCInventory.length; $i++>>\
<<set $uitem = $PCInventory[$i]>>\
<<set $ItemName to $uitem.name>>\
<<set _TempName to _tempLoot.name>>\
<<if $ItemName is _TempName>>\
<<set _amount to $uitem.amount>>\
<<set _amount to _amount +1>>\
<<set $uitem.amount to _amount>>\
<<set _exists to 1>>\
<<if _exists is 0>>\
<<set $PCInventory.push(_tempLoot)>>\
<<print _tempLoot.name>>
<<for $i = 0; $i < ($Prof.Salvaging / 2 + _Extra); $i++>>\
<<set _RareLoot to (random(19)+ 1) + ($Prof.Salvaging / 2) + $SalvagingSkillFeats.RareSalvage >>\
Rare Roll: _RareLoot
<<if _RareLoot > 19>>\
<<set _exists to 0>>\
<<set _keyflag to 0>>\
<<set _tempLoot to $rarelootTemp.random()>>\
<<if _tempLoot.name is "a double-ended dildo">>\
<<if $KeyItemsFlags.DoubleDildo is not 1>>\
<<set _keyflag to 1>>\
<<set $KeyItemsFlags.DoubleDildo to 1>>\
<<set $KeyItems.push(_tempLoot)>>\
<<set _tempLoot to $item.jewelry>>\
<<for $j = 0; $j < $PCInventory.length; $j++>>\
<<set $uitem = $PCInventory[$j]>>\
<<set $ItemName to $uitem.name>>\
<<set _TempName to _tempLoot.name>>\
<<if $ItemName is _TempName>>\
<<set _amount to $uitem.amount>>\
<<set _amount to _amount +1>>\
<<set $uitem.amount to _amount>>\
<<set _exists to 1>>\
<<if _keyflag is 0 and _exists is 0>>\
<<set $PCInventory.push(_tempLoot)>>\
Rare: <<print _tempLoot.name>>
<<set _Salvage to (random(19)+ 1) + $Skill.Salvaging + $WisdomBonus>>\
Salvage Roll: _Salvage
<<if _Salvage > (5 + ($i * 2))>>\
<<set _exists to 0>>\
<<set _tempLoot to $lootTemp.random()>>\
<<for $j = 0; $j < $PCInventory.length; $j++>>\
<<set $uitem = $PCInventory[$j]>>\
<<set $ItemName to $uitem.name>>\
<<set _TempName to _tempLoot.name>>\
<<if $ItemName is _TempName>>\
<<set _amount to $uitem.amount>>\
<<set _amount to _amount +1>>\
<<set $uitem.amount to _amount>>\
<<set _exists to 1>>\
<<if _exists is 0>>\
<<set $PCInventory.push(_tempLoot)>>\
<<print _tempLoot.name>>
_tempCash dollars.
<<set $Cash to $Cash + _tempCash>>\
<<button [[Finish|$location.temp]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</button>><<set $encounterGeneric to [$genericFighter]>>\
<<set $encounterHome to [$infestedMale, $infestedFuta, $infestedFemale]>>\
<<set $encounterGroveHills to [$infestedMale, $infestedMale, $infestedFuta, $infestedFemale, $infestedFemale]>>\
<<set $encounterRareGroveHills to [$infestedBruiser, $infestedMilker, $raiderMale, $raiderFemale]>>\
<<set $encounterOakDale to [$raiderMale, $raiderFemale, $infestedMale, $infestedMale2, $infestedFuta, $infestedFuta2, $infestedFemale, $infestedFemale2, $gangsterMale, $gangsterFemale]>>\
<<set $encounterRareOakDale to [$infestedBruiser, $infestedMilker]>>\
<<set $encounterBuschBank to [$infestedMale2, $infestedMale2, $infestedFuta2, $infestedFemale2, $infestedFemale2]>>\
<<set $encounterRareBuschBank to [$infestedDoctor, $infestedFutaNurse, $infestedNurse, $infestedBruiser, $infestedMilker]>>\
<<set $encounterWestSunriseView to [$infestedMale2, $infestedFuta2, $infestedFemale2, $infestedFemaleRaider, $infestedMaleRaider, $raiderFemale2, $raiderMale2, $gangsterFemale2, $gangsterMale2, $infestedFemaleGangsta, $infestedMaleGangsta, $infestedFutaRaider, $infestedFutaGangsta]>>\
<<set $encounterRareWestSunriseView to [$infestedDoubleFemale, $gangsterFuta]>>\
<<set $encounterClinic to [$infestedDoctor, $infestedDoctor, $infestedFutaNurse, $infestedNurse, $infestedNurse]>>\
<<set $encounterRareClinic to [$infestedJanitor, $infestedFutaJanitor]>>\
<<set $encounterOakDaleConvenience to [$raiderMale, $raiderFemale, $infestedMale2, $infestedFuta2, $infestedFemale2, $gangsterMale, $gangsterFemale]>>\
<<set $encounterRareOakDaleConvenience to [$infestedBruiser, $infestedMilker, $infestedDoctor, $infestedFutaNurse, $infestedNurse]>>\
<<set $encounterSupplies to [$infestedMale, $infestedMale, $infestedFuta, $infestedFemale, $infestedFemale]>>\
<<set $encounterRareSupplies to [$infestedBruiser, $infestedMilker]>>\
<<set $encounterHorde to [$infestedMale, $infestedMale2, $infestedFuta, $infestedFuta2, $infestedFemale, $infestedFemale2, $infestedBruiser, $infestedMilker, $infestedDoctor, $infestedFutaNurse, $infestedNurse, $infestedFemaleRaider, $infestedMaleRaider, $infestedFemaleGangsta, $infestedMaleGangsta, $infestedFutaRaider, $infestedFutaGangsta, $infestedFutaJanitor, $infestedJanitor]>>\
<<set $encounterRareHorde to [$infestedBruiserDoctor, $infestedDoubleFemale, $infestedBruiserBoss, $infestedFutaBruiser, $infestedGAdmin]>>\
\<<set $raiderMalePath to "Images/Enemies/Raiders/Male Raiders/">>\
<<set $raiderFemalePath to "Images/Enemies/Raiders/Female Raiders/">>\
<<set $arrayRaiderMale to ["Male Raider 1", "Male Raider 2", "Male Raider 3", "Male Raider 4", "Male Raider 5", "Male Raider 6"]>>\
<<set $arrayRaiderBoss to ["Male Raider Mini-Boss 1"]>>\
<<set $arrayRaiderFemale to ["Female Raider 1", "Female Raider 2", "Female Raider 3", "Female Raider 4", "Female Raider 5"]>>\
<<set $arrayRobberFemale to ["Female Robber 1", "Female Robber 2", "Female Robber 3", "Female Robber 4"]>>\
<<set $arrayRobberMale to ["Male Robber 1", "Male Robber 2", "Male Robber 3", "Male Robber 4"]>>\
<<set $raiderMale to {ID: 1001, Name: "the Raider Man", Name2: "The Raider Man", Name3: "Raider Man", Age: 18, Sex: "Male", Arousal: 10, Weapon: $weapon.pistol9mm, Level: 2, BAB: 6, Damage: 0, AC: 17, DR: 1, HP: 20, MaxHP: 20, Scouting: 6, Social: 2, Willpower: 1, Reflex: 3, Fortitude: 3, Blunt: 1, Slash: 1, Pierce: 1, Fire: 0, Cold: 0, Shock: 0, Acid: 0, Sonic: 0, Water: 0, Stun: 0, Intim: 0, Bleed: 0, EnemyCount: 1, Path: $raiderMalePath, Pro: $raiderPath+"Raider-Male-pro.jpg", Image: $arrayRaiderMale, Loot: $lootRaiderMale, RareLoot: $rarelootRaiderMale, Pronoun: "he", Pronoun2: "his", Type: "Human", Faction: "Raider", Friendship: 0, Infestation: 10, HasPenis: 1, HasPussy: 0, DickType: "Normal", DickSize: 5, BallsSize: 3, BreastsSize: 0, OBreastsSize: 0, NippleSize: 0, AssSize: 1, SpNum: 0, Special1: $specials.WildSpray, SpecialChance: 15}>>\
<<set $raiderMale2 to {ID: 1001, Name: "the Raider Man", Name2: "The Raider Man", Name3: "Raider Man", Age: 18, Sex: "Male", Arousal: 10, Weapon: $weapon.pistol40sw, Level: 3, BAB: 7, Damage: 0, AC: 18, DR: 1, HP: 30, MaxHP: 30, Scouting: 7, Social: 3, Willpower: 2, Reflex: 4, Fortitude: 4, Blunt: 1, Slash: 1, Pierce: 1, Fire: 0, Cold: 0, Shock: 0, Acid: 0, Sonic: 0, Water: 0, Stun: 0, Intim: 0, Bleed: 0, EnemyCount: 1, Path: $raiderMalePath, Pro: $raiderPath+"Raider-Male-pro.jpg", Image: $arrayRaiderMale, Loot: $lootRaiderMale, RareLoot: $rarelootRaiderMale, Pronoun: "he", Pronoun2: "his", Type: "Human", Faction: "Raider", Friendship: 0, Infestation: 10, HasPenis: 1, HasPussy: 0, DickType: "Normal", DickSize: 5, BallsSize: 3, BreastsSize: 0, OBreastsSize: 0, NippleSize: 0, AssSize: 1, SpNum: 0, Special1: $specials.WildSpray, SpecialChance: 15}>>\
<<set $raiderFemale to {ID: 1002, Name: "the Raider Woman", Name2: "The Raider Woman", Name3: "Raider Woman", Age: 19, Sex: "Female", Arousal: 10, Weapon: $weapon.shotgun20g, Level: 2, BAB: 6, Damage: 0, AC: 17, DR: 1, HP: 17, MaxHP: 17, Scouting: 6, Social: 2, Willpower: 2, Reflex: 4, Fortitude: 4, Blunt: 1, Slash: 1, Pierce: 1, Fire: 0, Cold: 0, Shock: 0, Acid: 0, Sonic: 0, Water: 1, Stun: 0, Intim: 0, Bleed: 0, EnemyCount: 1, Path: $raiderFemalePath, Pro: $raiderPath+"Raider-Male-pro.jpg", Image: $arrayRaiderFemale, Loot: $lootRaiderFemale, RareLoot: $rarelootRaiderFemale, Pronoun: "she", Pronoun2: "her", Type: "Human", Faction: "Raider", Friendship: 0, Infestation: 10, HasPenis: 0, HasPussy: 1, DickType: "Normal", DickSize: 0, BallsSize: 0, BreastsSize: 3, OBreastsSize: 3, NippleSize: 1, AssSize: 2, SpNum: 0, Special1: $specials.WildSpray, SpecialChance: 15}>>\
<<set $raiderFemale2 to {ID: 1002, Name: "the Raider Woman", Name2: "The Raider Woman", Name3: "Raider Woman", Age: 19, Sex: "Female", Arousal: 10, Weapon: $weapon.shotgun16g, Level: 3, BAB: 7, Damage: 0, AC: 18, DR: 1, HP: 26, MaxHP: 26, Scouting: 7, Social: 3, Willpower: 3, Reflex: 5, Fortitude: 5, Blunt: 1, Slash: 1, Pierce: 1, Fire: 0, Cold: 0, Shock: 0, Acid: 0, Sonic: 0, Water: 1, Stun: 0, Intim: 0, Bleed: 0, EnemyCount: 1, Path: $raiderFemalePath, Pro: $raiderPath+"Raider-Male-pro.jpg", Image: $arrayRaiderFemale, Loot: $lootRaiderFemale, RareLoot: $rarelootRaiderFemale, Pronoun: "she", Pronoun2: "her", Type: "Human", Faction: "Raider", Friendship: 0, Infestation: 10, HasPenis: 0, HasPussy: 1, DickType: "Normal", DickSize: 0, BallsSize: 0, BreastsSize: 3, OBreastsSize: 3, NippleSize: 1, AssSize: 2, SpNum: 0, Special1: $specials.WildSpray, SpecialChance: 15}>>\
<<set $raiderRobberMale1 to {ID: 1001, Name: "the Raider Man", Name2: "The Raider Man", Name3: "Raider", Age: 25, Sex: "Male", Arousal: 0, Weapon: $weapon.pistolbyrna68caliber, Level: 1, BAB: 6, Damage: 0, AC: 15, DR: 1, HP: 14, MaxHP: 14, Scouting: 5, Social: 1, Willpower: 0, Reflex: 2, Fortitude: 2, Blunt: 1, Slash: 1, Pierce: 1, Fire: 0, Cold: 2, Shock: 0, Acid: 0, Sonic: 0, Water: 0, Stun: 0, Intim: 0, Bleed: 0, EnemyCount: 1, Path: $raiderMalePath, Pro: $raiderPath+"Raider-Male-pro.jpg", Image: $arrayRobberMale, Loot: $lootRaiderMale, RareLoot: $rarelootRaiderMale, Pronoun: "he", Pronoun2: "his", Type: "Human", Faction: "Raider", Friendship: 0, Infestation: 10, HasPenis: 1, HasPussy: 0, DickType: "Normal", DickSize: 4, BallsSize: 3, BreastsSize: 0, OBreastsSize: 0, NippleSize: 0, AssSize: 1, SpNum: 1, Special1: $specials.FocusFire, Special2: $specials.StunGrenade, SpecialChance: 25}>>\
<<set $raiderRobberMale2 to {ID: 1001, Name: "the Raider Man", Name2: "The Raider Man", Name3: "Raider", Age: 25, Sex: "Male", Arousal: 0, Weapon: $weapon.pistolP99mm, Level: 2, BAB: 7, Damage: 0, AC: 17, DR: 1, HP: 20, MaxHP: 20, Scouting: 6, Social: 2, Willpower: 1, Reflex: 3, Fortitude: 3, Blunt: 1, Slash: 1, Pierce: 1, Fire: 0, Cold: 3, Shock: 0, Acid: 0, Sonic: 0, Water: 0, Stun: 0, Intim: 0, Bleed: 0, EnemyCount: 1, Path: $raiderMalePath, Pro: $raiderPath+"Raider-Male-pro.jpg", Image: $arrayRobberMale, Loot: $lootRaiderMale, RareLoot: $rarelootRaiderMale, Pronoun: "he", Pronoun2: "his", Type: "Human", Faction: "Raider", Friendship: 0, Infestation: 10, HasPenis: 1, HasPussy: 0, DickType: "Normal", DickSize: 4, BallsSize: 3, BreastsSize: 0, OBreastsSize: 0, NippleSize: 0, AssSize: 1, SpNum: 1, Special1: $specials.FocusFire, Special2: $specials.StunGrenade, SpecialChance: 25}>>\
<<set $raiderRobberMale3 to {ID: 1001, Name: "the Raider Man", Name2: "The Raider Man", Name3: "Raider", Age: 25, Sex: "Male", Arousal: 0, Weapon: $weapon.pistolVP70Z, Level: 3, BAB: 9, Damage: 0, AC: 18, DR: 1, HP: 26, MaxHP: 26, Scouting: 7, Social: 3, Willpower: 2, Reflex: 4, Fortitude: 4, Blunt: 1, Slash: 1, Pierce: 1, Fire: 0, Cold: 2, Shock: 0, Acid: 0, Sonic: 0, Water: 0, Stun: 0, Intim: 0, Bleed: 0, EnemyCount: 1, Path: $raiderMalePath, Pro: $raiderPath+"Raider-Male-pro.jpg", Image: $arrayRobberMale, Loot: $lootRaiderMale, RareLoot: $rarelootRaiderMale, Pronoun: "he", Pronoun2: "his", Type: "Human", Faction: "Raider", Friendship: 0, Infestation: 10, HasPenis: 1, HasPussy: 0, DickType: "Normal", DickSize: 4, BallsSize: 3, BreastsSize: 0, OBreastsSize: 0, NippleSize: 0, AssSize: 1, SpNum: 1, Special1: $specials.FocusFire, Special2: $specials.StunGrenade, SpecialChance: 25}>>\
<<set $raiderRobberFemale1 to {ID: 1002, Name: "the Raider Woman", Name2: "The Raider Woman", Name3: "Raider", Age: 24, Sex: "Female", Arousal: 0, Weapon: $weapon.shotgun410, Level: 1, BAB: 6, Damage: 0, AC: 16, DR: 1, HP: 12, MaxHP: 12, Scouting: 5, Social: 1, Willpower: 1, Reflex: 3, Fortitude: 3, Blunt: 1, Slash: 1, Pierce: 1, Fire: 0, Cold: 2, Shock: 0, Acid: 0, Sonic: 0, Water: 1, Stun: 0, Intim: 0, Bleed: 0, EnemyCount: 1, Path: $raiderFemalePath, Pro: $raiderPath+"Raider-Male-pro.jpg", Image: $arrayRobberFemale, Loot: $lootRaiderRobberFemale1, RareLoot: $rarelootRaiderRobberFemale1, Pronoun: "she", Pronoun2: "her", Type: "Human", Faction: "Raider", Friendship: 0, Infestation: 0, HasPenis: 0, HasPussy: 1, DickType: "Normal", DickSize: 0, BallsSize: 0, BreastsSize: 5, OBreastsSize: 2, NippleSize: 1, AssSize: 2, SpNum: 1, Special1: $specials.StunGrenade, Special2: $specials.WildSpray, SpecialChance: 20}>>\
<<set $raiderRobberFemale2 to {ID: 1002, Name: "the Raider Woman", Name2: "The Raider Woman", Name3: "Raider", Age: 24, Sex: "Female", Arousal: 0, Weapon: $weapon.shotgunbeanbag20g, Level: 2, BAB: 7, Damage: 0, AC: 18, DR: 1, HP: 18, MaxHP: 18, Scouting: 6, Social: 2, Willpower: 2, Reflex: 4, Fortitude: 4, Blunt: 1, Slash: 1, Pierce: 1, Fire: 0, Cold: 3, Shock: 0, Acid: 0, Sonic: 0, Water: 1, Stun: 0, Intim: 0, Bleed: 0, EnemyCount: 1, Path: $raiderFemalePath, Pro: $raiderPath+"Raider-Male-pro.jpg", Image: $arrayRobberFemale, Loot: $lootRaiderRobberFemale2, RareLoot: $rarelootRaiderRobberFemale2, Pronoun: "she", Pronoun2: "her", Type: "Human", Faction: "Raider", Friendship: 0, Infestation: 0, HasPenis: 0, HasPussy: 1, DickType: "Normal", DickSize: 0, BallsSize: 0, BreastsSize: 5, OBreastsSize: 2, NippleSize: 1, AssSize: 2, SpNum: 1, Special1: $specials.StunGrenade, Special2: $specials.WildSpray, SpecialChance: 20}>>\
<<set $raiderRobberFemale3 to {ID: 1002, Name: "the Raider Woman", Name2: "The Raider Woman", Name3: "Raider", Age: 24, Sex: "Female", Arousal: 0, Weapon: $weapon.shotgundragonfire16g, Level: 3, BAB: 9, Damage: 0, AC: 19, DR: 1, HP: 24, MaxHP: 24, Scouting: 7, Social: 3, Willpower: 3, Reflex: 5, Fortitude: 5, Blunt: 1, Slash: 1, Pierce: 1, Fire: 0, Cold: 2, Shock: 0, Acid: 0, Sonic: 0, Water: 1, Stun: 0, Intim: 0, Bleed: 0, EnemyCount: 1, Path: $raiderFemalePath, Pro: $raiderPath+"Raider-Male-pro.jpg", Image: $arrayRobberFemale, Loot: $lootRaiderRobberFemale3, RareLoot: $rarelootRaiderRobberFemale3, Pronoun: "she", Pronoun2: "her", Type: "Human", Faction: "Raider", Friendship: 0, Infestation: 0, HasPenis: 0, HasPussy: 1, DickType: "Normal", DickSize: 0, BallsSize: 0, BreastsSize: 5, OBreastsSize: 2, NippleSize: 1, AssSize: 2, SpNum: 1, Special1: $specials.StunGrenade, Special2: $specials.WildSpray, SpecialChance: 20}>>\
<<set $raiderMiniBoss to {ID: 1003, Name: "the Raider Boss", Name2: "The Raider Boss", Name3: "Raider Boss", Age: 22, Sex: "Male", Arousal: 10, Weapon: $weapon.Remington223, Level: 3, BAB: 6, Damage: 0, AC: 19, DR: 1, HP: 26, MaxHP: 26, Scouting: 7, Social: 3, Willpower: 1, Reflex: 4, Fortitude: 4, Blunt: 1, Slash: 1, Pierce: 1, Fire: 0, Cold: 3, Shock: 0, Acid: 0, Sonic: 0, Water: 2, Stun: 0, Intim: 0, Bleed: 0, EnemyCount: 1, Path: $raiderMalePath, Pro: $raiderPath+"Raider-Male-pro.jpg", Image: $arrayRaiderBoss, Loot: $lootRaiderMiniBoss, RareLoot: $rarelootRaiderMiniBoss, Pronoun: "he", Pronoun2: "his", Type: "Human", Faction: "Raider", Friendship: 0, Infestation: 10, HasPenis: 1, HasPussy: 0, DickType: "Normal", DickSize: 6, BallsSize: 3, BreastsSize: 0, OBreastsSize: 0, NippleSize: 0, AssSize: 1, SpNum: 1, Special1: $specials.WildSpray, Special2: $specials.FocusFire, SpecialChance: 30}>>\
<<set $raiderWeakMiniBoss to {ID: 1004,Name: "the Raider Boss", Name2: "The Raider Boss", Name3: "Raider Boss", Age: 22, Sex: "Male", Arousal: 10, Weapon: $weapon.Remington223, Level: 3, BAB: 6, Damage: 0, AC: 18, DR: 1, HP: 18, MaxHP: 26, Scouting: 7, Social: 2, Willpower: 0, Reflex: 3, Fortitude: 3, Blunt: 1, Slash: 1, Pierce: 1, Fire: 0, Cold: 3, Shock: 0, Acid: 0, Sonic: 0, Water: 2, Stun: 0, Intim: 0, Bleed: 0, EnemyCount: 1, Path: $raiderMalePath, Pro: $raiderPath+"Raider-Male-pro.jpg", Image: $arrayRaiderBoss, Loot: $lootRaiderMiniBoss, RareLoot: $rarelootRaiderMiniBoss, Pronoun: "he", Pronoun2: "his", Type: "Human", Friendship: 0, Infestation: 10, HasPenis: 1, HasPussy: 0, DickType: "Normal", DickSize: 6, BallsSize: 3, BreastsSize: 0, OBreastsSize: 0, NippleSize: 0, AssSize: 1, SpNum: 1, Special1: $specials.WildSpray, Special2: $specials.FocusFire, SpecialChance: 20}>>\<<include "Adlibs">>\
<<set $SexScene1 to random(11)>>\
<<switch $SexScene1>>\
<<case 0 1 2>>\ /* Cowgirl scene */
<<include "Infested Female Pussy Sex Dominate Futa">>\
<<case 3 4 5>>\ /* Ass fucking */
<<include "Infested Female Ass Sex Dominate Futa">>\
<<case 6 7 8>>\ /* Tit fucking */
<<include "Infested Female Tit Sex Dominate Futa">>\
<<case 9 10 11>>\ /* Blowjob scene */
<<include "Infested Female Blowjob Sex Dominate Futa">>\
<<case 12>>\ /* Handjob scene */
<<include "Infested Female Handjob Sex Dominate Futa">>\
<<set $sexHistory.XP to $sexHistory.XP +1>>\
<<set $LastPartner to $genericFighter>>\
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$genericFighter.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$genericFighter.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _SizeComp to $PC.DickSize - $genericFighter.Level + ($GeneralFeats.FalseRep *2)>>\
<<if _SizeComp < 0>>\
<<set _SizeComp to 0>>\
  As you lay there exhausted the thirsty $genericFighter.Name3 slowly saunters over to you with her _ISD _ICup breasts swaying with each step. Giving you a once over she nods with a lustful grin. She quickly pulls down your pants exposing your raging $DickSD $DickSize boner.
<<switch _SizeComp>>\
<<case 0 1 2>>\
  "Such a tiny <<Penis>>! It's not even a <<Penis>>, it's just a big clitty! Let's see if I can pump your clitty into a super big cock!" she says as she starts to stroke your <<Penis>>. After winking at you she quickly lowers her mouth to give your cock a slight kiss. With little fanfare she engulfs your cock into her wet mouth.
<<case 3 4 5 6>>\
  "Not too bad but it could be better. Let's see if I can blow some size into your <<Penis>>!" she says as she starts to stroke your <<Penis>>. After giving your <<Penis>> a measuring look she slowly lowers her mouth to give your <<Penis>> a shallow kiss. After a few probing licks she engulfs your cock into her wet mouth.
<<case 7 8 9 10 11 12>>\
  "That's a nice looking <<Penis>>! Big enough to really feel it in my mouth. A woman could easily choke on one of these." she says as she starts to stroke your <<Penis>>. After winking at you she slowly lowers her mouth to give your <<Penis>> a wet kiss. After a few tries she engulfs your cock into her wet mouth.
<<case 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24>>\
  "Oh fuck is that a huge looking <<Penis>>! I'm going to have a hard time fitting it between my cock-sucking lips but I'm more than willing to try. I'm going to really enjoy sucking on this big boy." she says as she starts to stroke your <<Penis>>. After licking her lips she slowly lowers her mouth to give your <<Penis>> a sloppy kiss. With some extra effort she slowly engulfs most of your cock into her wet mouth.
  "Why do you have a 3ft long club that looks like a dick in your pants? What the hell?!?!? I have no idea on how to get that giant club of a <<Penis>> you have into my mouth but I'm kinda wondering if I can... I guess I'll just have to try really hard since I'm dying to find out how it tastes." she says as she starts to stroke your <<Penis>> with both hands. After some extreme licking of her lips she slowly lowers her mouth to give your <<Penis>> a very sloppy kiss. With some supreme effort she slowly engulfs some of your massive cock into her tight mouth.
  "Oh God! It feels so wet and warm!" you gasp as the tongue of the Infested swirls around your <<Penis>>. Soon a powerful sucking sensation pulls your <<Penis>> deep into her throat as her blowjob continues.
  Her head continues to bob up and down as she expertly sucks and strokes your cock, letting you know that her blowjob in the real deal. Reaching down she fondles your full balls with one hand and the other hand grabbing one of her _ISD tits. Low moaning can be heard around the meat-stick being shoved down her deep throat.
  Letting your <<Penis>> pop out she asks with a lustful smirk "You like that? You like me sucking your hard <<Penis>> with my cock-sucking lips? Do you want to blow your load down my throat or maybe shooting your wad all over my _ISD tits?" And with that she slaps your cock into her jiggly breasts, letting them jiggle wildly while sloppily stroking you with both hands.
  "Oh fuck yes! Don't stop!" you beg as you grab her head forcing her to back to your <<Penis>>. The wet sound of the Infested Female sucking your <<Penis>> resumes as you start face-fucking her. Your balls are churning so much that your orgasm is moments away.
<<if $PC.Infestation is $Infestation.Cap & $Infestation.Progress > 1>>\
<<include "Infestation Increase">>\
  As you slam your <<Penis>> into her warm mouth you feel a surge of energy flowing directly into you! It almost feels like you are burning up but it quickly turns to pleasure that radiates from your hard cock.
  "OH GOD! I can feel you getting bigger and tastier inside me! OH FUCK YES! I'M CUMMING!" The Infested Female's screams are cut off as you shove your <<Penis>> back into between her cock-sucking lips. It feels like your cock is growing harder and thicker with each thrust into her warm mouth! Even your balls feel like they are about to explode.
  "Oh yes! OH FUCK! I'M CUMMING! I'm shooting my hot load down your fucking throat!" you shout as the feeling of her intense sucking pushes you over the edge to unleashing a $CumAD load of white cum, bigger than any other load you've ever had, directly into her hot mouth. <<if $Cum.Stored > 10>> The stream of hot cum lasts for over a minute and gushes out of her mouth!<</if>>
  As you pull out of her cum-filled mouth you notice that you now have a $DickSD $DickSize cock along with a pair of $BallsSD $BallsSize balls! Before you can react the Infested strokes your thicker <<Penis>> and with a smirk says "Looks like you are on the way to becoming one of us."
  "OH FUCK! I'M CUMMING! I'm shooting my hot load down your fucking throat!" you shout as you unleash a $CumAD load of white cum directly into her warm mouth. Your orgasm seems to go on forever as every drop is sucked down by the thirsty $genericFighter.Name3. <<if $Cum.Stored > 10>> The stream of hot cum lasts for over a minute and gushes out of her mouth!<</if>>
  "Oh that was so good!" she says as she stands up from your exhausted body, drops of cum leaking from the side of her mouth. Taking one last moment to lick the last gooey drop, she replies "I'll see again soon, I'm sure..." With that she walks away fulfilled leaving you to grab your clothes and to slowly recover.<<set $sexHistory.XP to $sexHistory.XP +1>>\
<<set $LastPartner to $genericFighter>>\
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$genericFighter.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$genericFighter.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _IAss to $arrayAssSizeDesc[$genericFighter.AssSize]>>\
<<set _SizeComp to $PC.DickSize - $genericFighter.Level + ($GeneralFeats.FalseRep *2)>>\
<<if _SizeComp < 0>>\
<<set _SizeComp to 0>>\
  "This is going to feel so good. You just sit there and enjoy the ride as I take care of the rest." said $genericFighter.Name as she stands over your defeated body with her _ISD _ICup breasts heaving. The only body part that isn't exhausted is your hard <<Penis>> that is currently betraying you by standing at full mast straining your clothes. She quickly rips down your clothes exposing your <<Penis>>.
<<switch _SizeComp>>\
<<case 0 1 2>>\
  "Such a tiny <<Penis>>! For a second I thought you might not even have one but I guess a dick is a dick... I bet after a few sessions with my hot pussy you will have a nice proper cock!" she says as she inspects your small package with sadness. "Time to start your journey to a super-cock!" she says as she slowly lowers her naked body down so her wet pussy is right above your hard cock and easily engulfs your <<Penis>> with her tight pussy.
<<case 3 4 5 6>>\
  "Not too bad but it could be better. I wonder how long you will last in my tight pussy..." she says as she inspects your hefty package. "Let's get started cause the sooner you're in me the sooner you will be creampieing me with your hot load!" she says as she quickly lowers her naked body down so her wet pussy is right above your hard cock and slams down engulfing your <<Penis>> with her tight cunt.
<<case 7 8 9 10 11 12>>\
  "Is it just me or is there a nice looking cock pointing right at me? I didn't expect to find someone with a huge <<Penis>> like this around here. This is going to feel very good deep in my pussy." she says as she stares at your <<Penis>> with a lustful look. "I can't resist sitting on such a great <<Penis>>!" she says as she steadily lowers her naked body down so her wet pussy is right above your hard cock and pushes down engulfing your <<Penis>> with her tight cunt.
<<case 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24>>\
  "Oh wow! Someone is packing a very big meat-log and it isn't me. I'm not sure if this huge mouth-watering <<Penis>> will fit in my pussy but there's only one way to find out." she says as she stares at your <<Penis>> with drool dripping from her cock-sucking lips. "I'm going to need you to just sit there as you endure the tightest, wettest pussy in the whole city." she says as she slowly lowers her naked body down so her wet pussy is right above your hard cock and with some effort engulfs your <<Penis>> with her tight cunt.
  "OK, the fact of why your pants were pitching a $DickSize tent makes sense now. I'm not sure how you even fit into your clothes with such a gargantuan meat-rocket." she says as she stares at your mega sized <<Penis>>. "I really want to find out how it feels to be filled by this monstrosity so I'm going to need a whole lot of lube to get this bad boy into my super tight pussy. Thankfully we Infested heal so quickly." she says as she slowly lowers her naked body down so her wet pussy is right above your hard cock. With tons of effort and lube she slowly engulfs your <<Penis>> with her tight cunt.
  "Oh God! It feels so warm and tight!" you gasp as you fully hilt the Infested Female. The completely tight snatch feels like it is sucking you in as she rocks back in forth forcing a lusty moan from your throat.
  "You haven't seen nothing yet. I'm going to milk your balls dry before I'm done!" replies the Infested Female as she slowly starts to pump your cock. The pleasure of being fucked by this beautiful Infested is intense and you try to find something to distract you before prematurely blow your load. You discover two very large distractions bouncing in front of your face as she steadily speeds up. Without even thinking about it you reach up to grab her _ISD breasts. They feel so heavy and full in your hands. Her _ICup breasts were both incredibly soft and perfectly firm at the same time, and felt absolutely wonderful.
  "Do you like my _ISD funbags? My huge mouth-watering tits? How about my tight pussy?" she yells as her pace quickens. It feels like you are ramming the gates of heaven with each bounce and your baby-batter filled balls feels like they are about to explode.
  "Oh fuck yes! Don't stop!" you beg as you let go of her _ISD breasts in order to grab her hips. You begin to uncontrollably thrust into her wet cunt in preparation for your imminent orgasm. She just moans even louder as her tight wet pussy meets your hard <<Penis>> in loud slaps that echoes throughout the area.
<<if $PC.Infestation is $Infestation.Cap & $Infestation.Progress > 1>>\
<<include "Infestation Increase">>\
  As you slam your <<Penis>> into her wet cunt you feel a surge of energy flowing directly into you! It almost feels like you are burning up but it quickly turns to pleasure that radiates from your hard cock.
  "OH GOD! I can feel you getting bigger and bigger inside me! OH FUCK YES! I'M CUMMING!" she screams as she bounces even harder onto your hard <<Penis>>. It feels like your <<Penis>> is growing harder and thicker with each thrust into her wet cunt! Even your balls feel like they are about to explode.
  "Oh yes! OH FUCK! I'M CUMMING! I'm blasting your fucking pussy with my hot load!" you scream as the feeling of her pussy quivering with pleasure pushes you over the edge, causing you to unleash a $CumAD load of white cum, bigger than any other load you've ever had, into her hot cunt! <<if $Cum.Stored > 10>> The stream of hot cum lasts for over a minute and overflows out of her tight pussy!<</if>>
  As you pull out of her dripping cunt you notice that you now have a $DickSD $DickSize cock along with a pair of $BallsSD $BallsSize balls! Before you can react the Infested strokes your expanded <<Penis>> and with a smirk says "Looks like you are on the way to becoming one hot stud!"
  "OH GOD! OH FUCK! I'M CUMMING!" She screams she bounces even harder onto your hard cock. Within seconds a immense orgasm rocks her body, her large tits and ass quivering in pleasure.
  "Oh yes! OH FUCK! I'M CUMMING! I'm blasting your fucking pussy with my hot load!" you scream as the feeling of her pussy quivering with pleasure pushes you over the edge, causing you to unleash a $CumAD load of white cum directly into her hot cunt. <<if $Cum.Stored > 10>> The stream of hot cum lasts for over a minute and overflows out of her tight pussy!<</if>>
  "Oh that was so good!" she says as she stands up from your exhausted body, cum leaking from her pussy. "I'll see again soon, I'm sure..." With that she walks away fulfilled leaving you to grab your clothes and to slowly recover.<<set $sexHistory.XP to $sexHistory.XP +1>>\
<<set $LastPartner to $genericFighter>>\
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$genericFighter.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$genericFighter.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _IAss to $arrayAssSizeDesc[$genericFighter.AssSize]>>\
<<set _SizeComp to $PC.DickSize - $genericFighter.Level + ($GeneralFeats.FalseRep *2)>>\
<<if _SizeComp < 0>>\
<<set _SizeComp to 0>>\
  As you lay there bruised and exhausted, the lustful $genericFighter.Name3 slowly saunters over to you. Giving you a once over she nods with a lustful smirk. She handily pulls you to your feet and then forcefully shoves you against a nearby wall. She quickly pulls down your clothes exposing your raging hardon!
<<switch _SizeComp>>\
<<case 0 1 2>>\
  "Is that it? I kinda hoped it would be a bit bigger but I guess not all winners can't be choosers, I think? Hopefully with enough ass-fucking you'll grow a nice big cock that everyone can enjoy!" she says as she frowns at your small package with pity. "In the mean time how about you get to fucking my _IAss ass cause there's no time like the present to get started on growing bigger!" she says as she backs up with her huge butt against your crotch. After a couple of attempts you manage to get your $DickSD cock deep into her ass!
<<case 3 4 5 6>>\
  "Not too bad but it could be a bit better. Here's whats going to happen... You're going to fuck my ass a whole bunch and shoot a huge load deep into my asshole!" she happily says as she bends over and gropes her jiggly ass. After leering back at you she backs up with her _IAss butt rubbing up against your <<Penis>>. After your $DickSD <<Penis>> rubs against the deep valley of her jiggly buttcheeks a couple of times she adjusts the angle and you quickly find yourself deep into her ass!
<<case 7 8 9 10 11 12>>\
  "Oh my! Look at that $DickSD <<Penis>> aching to be unleashed into my hot ass! How about you give me what your <<Penis>> wants, which is of course to shoved deep into my tight arsehole until you blow your white load?" she lustfully asks as she strokes your hard <<Penis>> with a hot look. She quickly backs her hips against you as your eager <<Penis>> rubs between her _IAss jiggly buttcheeks. "Here we go!" she gasps as she slams your hard cock slams into her ass!
<<case 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24>>\
  "Ooooh! It looks I found a nice long and hard treasure in this neighborhood. I didn't expect to find such a $DickSD <<Penis>> like this just laying around. So how about you share this treasure by fucking my _IAss ass?" she asks as she stares at your <<Penis>> with a hungry look. After leering back at you she starts rubbing her _IAss butt up against your hard <<Penis>>. She glances back and quickly adjusts the angle so your eager cock is engulfed in her _IAss ass!
  "When ass fucking was invented they didn't mean cocks the size of donkeys! What on earth have you been eating or fucking to get such a monster?" she says as she stares at your $DickSD <<Penis>>. "I do want to feel being split in half by this bad boy so I'm going to need a whole lot of lube to get your mega-cock into my _IAss super tight ass. Thankfully we Infested heal so quickly." she says as she backs her huge ass up against your hard cock. With tons of effort and tons of lube she slowly engulfs part of your <<Penis>> with her _IAss tight ass.
  "Oh God! It feels so warm and tight!" you gasp as you fully hilt the Infested. The completely tight ass felt so slipperly as it sucked you in. You revel in the sexy sensation for a moment as she lets you adjust.
  "Oh? Liking the feel of my tight ass? How about you get to fucking it and it will feel even better." she says as she wiggles her butt against you. Before you can even consciously react you feel yourself grabbing onto her wide hips and slamming your <<Penis>> in and out of that slipperly asshole. With each of your thrusts you can see her _ISD tits swaying back in forth and her _IAss ass jiggling.
  "Oh fuck, oh fuck oh fuck! This feels so good! I can't stop!" you gasp as the pace of your fucking increases, your groin slapping into her _IAss oversized ass even harder. The sensation of thrusting into her jiggly ass is radiating pure pleasure straight from your <<Penis>>. The sound of both of your moanings and flesh slapping echoes throughout the area.
  "Oh yes! Keep fucking my _IAss ass! Fill it all the way up with your baby-batter!" she yells as she slams her ass back into your thrusts. It feels like you are ramming a huge bowl of jello with each thrust and your cum-filled balls feels like they are on the edge.
<<if $PC.Infestation is $Infestation.Cap & $Infestation.Progress > 1>>\
<<include "Infestation Increase">>\
  As you thrust your <<Penis>> into her _IAss ass you feel a surge of energy flowing directly into you! It almost feels like you are burning up but it quickly turns to pleasure that radiates from your hard cock.
  "OH GOD! I can feel you getting thicker and longer in my ass! OH FUCK YES! I'M CUMMING!" The Infested Female screams as she squeezes her _IAss ass even harder around your hard cock. It feels like your <<Penis>> is growing harder and thicker with each thrust into her jiggly ass! Even your balls feel like they are about to explode.
  "Oh yes! OH FUCK! I'M CUMMING! I'm hosing your fucking ass with my hot load!" you scream as the feeling of her ass jiggling with pleasure pushes you over the edge and you unleash an unholy amount of white cum, bigger than any other load you've ever had, directly deep into her _IAss ass! The stream of hot cum overflows out of her tight ass and you're forced to pull out your $DickSize cock before shooting massive strands of gooey cum all over her _IAss ass and back!
  As you pull out of her cum drenched ass you notice that you now have a $DickSD $DickSize cock along with a pair of $BallsSD $BallsSize balls! Before you can react the Infested strokes your <<Penis>> with a smirk and says "Looks like you are on the way to becoming one hot stud!"
  "OH GOD! OH FUCK! I'M CUMMING! KEEP FUCKING MY ASS!" She screams as a immense orgasm rocks her body. You see her pinching her hard nipples as her body shakes in pleasure. Her tight ass is squeezing your hard <<Penis>> so much that you can't hold back any longer!
  "Oh fuck me too! I'm hosing your fucking ass with my hot load!" you yell as the feeling of her huge ass jiggling with pleasure pushes you over the edge and you unleash a $CumAD load of white cum directly into massive ass! <<if $Cum.Stored > 15>> The stream of hot cum overflows out of her tight ass and you're forced to pull out your $DickSize cock before shooting $CumAD strands of gooey cum all over her _IAss ass and back!<<elseif $Cum.Stored > 10>>The stream of hot cum lasts for over a minute and overflows out of her tight ass!<<else>> It feels so good shooting your wad into her juicy ass you can't help but give her a couple of final tiny spurts before pulling out.<</if>>
  "Oh that was so good!" she says as she steps way from your exhausted body, cum dripping from her ass down her legs. Taking one last moment to lick some white goo from her jiggly butt, she replies "I'll see again soon, I'm sure..." With that she walks away fulfilled leaving you to grab your clothes and to slowly recover.<<set $sexHistory.XP to $sexHistory.XP +1>>\
<<set $LastPartner to $genericFighter>>\
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$genericFighter.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$genericFighter.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _SizeComp to $PC.DickSize - $genericFighter.Level + ($GeneralFeats.FalseRep *2)>>\
<<if _SizeComp < 0>>\
<<set _SizeComp to 0>>\
As you lie on the ground defeated the horny $genericFighter.Name3 slowly crawls over to you with her exposed _ISD _ICup tits swinging back and forth. After glancing at your crotch while licking her lips, she quickly pulls down your pants exposing your raging hardon.
<<switch _SizeComp>>\
<<case 0 1 2>>\
  "What a little shorty! It's like a tiny stump that wants to be bigger but can't. Well maybe with enough love it can grow to be a big boy someday!" she says with some minor disappointment as she gives your small package a measuring look. "How about I plant your little stump in between two volleyballs and give it some water to grow?" she says as she grabs your <<Penis>> and plants it between her huge tits while watering it with some spit for lube.
<<case 3 4 5 6>>\
  "Not too bad but it could be better..." she comments while giving your <<Penis>> a measuring look. While groping her huge breasts she asks "How about I stick your cock between by big tits and you blow your load all over them?" Without waiting for a response she grabs your <<Penis>> and shoves it between her huge tits. She slowly starts to massage your <<Penis>> with her huge breasts while your pre-cum and the Infested's spit lubricates your <<Penis>>.
<<case 7 8 9 10 11 12>>\
  "What a nice looking <<Penis>>! Just the right size to be smothered between my nice huge tits. So how about I put your <<Penis> between them and you get to shoving your <<Penis>> into my full breasts until you blow your load all over them?" she asks as she gives your <<Penis>> a look of approval. She then quickly grabs your <<Penis>> and shoves it between her huge tits allowing her spit and your pre-cum to lubricate your <<Penis>>.
<<case 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24>>\
  "Wow! OK so that's a pretty huge <<Penis>>. I'm betting you will be gushing like a waterhose all over my huge tits when I'm done with you. Although I'm not even sure that even my big tits can wrap around that big boy but there's only one way to find out!" she says as she stares at your <<Penis>> with a pondering look. And with that she attempts to shove your <<Penis>> in between her huge breasts and she finally succeeds after a couple of tries after she properly lubes it up with spit and pre-cum.
  "Oh fuck! Your cock is at least as big as my arm you god-damn motherfucker!" she says as she stares at your gargantuan sized <<Penis>>. "I kinda still want to try and tit-fuck it but I'm positive my tits can't fully wrap around that bad boy. Well at least I can try and give a proper tit-fuck..." she says as she presses her _ISD tits against your <<Penis>> while using plenty of lube from a tube kept in her purse.
  Before you can stop yourself you find yourself reaching up and grabbing her _ISD breasts. They felt so heavy and full in your hands. Her breasts were both incredibly soft and perfectly firm at the same time, and felt absolutely wonderful. It feels so right for you to be fucking the tits of this drop dead sexy Infested whose body screams that it was made for one thing and that was to be fucked. Before long you are thrusting hard into those soft mountains.
  “Do you like my titties? My huge mouth-watering _ICup tits? Do you want to shove your long hard meat tool into my cock-sucking lips?” she asks as she kisses the tip of your <<Penis>> as you shove even harder into her warm funbags, her _ISD tits jiggling even harder from all the thrusting. Her pleasure filled moans echoes you own as your eager cock dives deep into her ample jugs.
  "Oh fuck yes! I love your tits! Don't stop" you reply as feel your balls churn even harder, your orgasm drawing rapidly closer. You continue to grope those deliciuous looking jugs as you pludge your <<Penis>> into that divine valley. Her diamond hard nipples display her pleasure as she moans under your unending onslaught.
<<if $PC.Infestation is $Infestation.Cap & $Infestation.Progress > 1>>\
<<include "Infestation Increase">>\
  As you thrust your <<Penis>> between her _ISD breasts you feel a surge of energy flowing directly into you! It almost feels like you are burning up but it quickly turns to pleasure that radiates from your hard cock.
  "OH GOD! I can feel you getting bigger and thicker between my tits! OH FUCK YES! I'M CUMMING!" The Infested Female screams as she squeezes her tits even harder around your hard cock. It feels like your <<Penis>> is growing harder and thicker with each thrust into her slippery funbags! Even your balls feel like they are about to explode.
  "Oh yes! OH FUCK! I'M CUMMING! I'm blasting your fucking tits with my hot load!" you scream as the feeling of her breasts quivering with pleasure pushes you over the edge and you unleash a $CumAD load of white cum, bigger than any other load you've ever had, directly onto her gorgeous face and _ISD tits! <<if $Cum.Stored > 10>> The rain of white goo continues until she is completely dripping in cum.<</if>>
  As you pull out of her cum soaked breasts you notice that you now have a $DickSD $DickSize cock along with a pair of $BallsSD $BallsSize balls! Before you can react the Infested strokes your enlarged <<Penis>> with a smirk and says "Looks like you are on the way to becoming one of us."
  "OH GOD! OH FUCK! I'M CUMMING!" She screams as somehow she had a orgasm just by giving you a tit-fuck with her _ISD tits. Her body shakes in pleasure as orgasm after orgasm rocks her body. The feeling of her breasts quivering with so much pleasure pushes you over the edge as you unleash a $CumAD load of white cum directly into her onto her gorgeous face and massive tits! <<if $Cum.Stored > 10>> The rain of white goo continues until she is completely dripping in cum.<</if>>
  "Oh that was so good!" she says as she stands up from your exhausted body, cum dripping from her face and breasts. Taking one last moment to lick some white goo from her great tits, she replies "I'll see again soon, I'm sure..." With that she walks away fulfilled leaving you to grab your clothes and to slowly recover.<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$genericFighter.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$genericFighter.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _SizeComp to $PC.DickSize - $genericFighter.Level + ($GeneralFeats.FalseRep *2)>>\
<<if _SizeComp < 0>>\
<<set _SizeComp to 0>>\
As you lie on the ground defeated the lustful Infested Female slowly crawls over to you with her exposed mountainous tits swinging back and forth. After glancing at your crotch while licking her lips, she quickly pulls down your pants exposing your raging hardon.
<<switch _SizeComp >>\
<<case 0 1 2>>\
  "What a tiny little dick! I can't believe any girl would want such a pathetic little stump in their pussy." she says with disappointment as she gives your small package a measuring look. "Well I still need some cum so I'll let you have the privilege of being jerked off by me." she says as she grabs your <<Penis>> and lubricates it with some spit.
<<case 3 4 5>>\
  "Hmm. Not too bad but not too good." she comments while giving your <<Penis>> a close look. While groping her huge breasts she asks "How about I jerk off your $DickSD dick and you blow your load all over my tits?" Without waiting for a response she grabs your <<Penis>> and starts to stroke you.
<<case 6 7 8 9>>\
  "What a nice looking <<Penis>>! Just the right size to be smothered between my nice huge tits. So how about I shove your <<Penis> between them and you get to shoving your <<Penis>> into my full breasts until you blow your load all over them?" she asks as she gives your <<Penis>> a look of approval. She then quickly grabs your <<Penis>> and shoves it between her huge tits allowing her spit and your pre-cum to lubricate your <<Penis>>.
<<case 10 11 12 13>>
  "Wow! Ok so that's a pretty huge <<Penis>>. I'm betting you will be gushing like a waterhose all over my huge tits when I'm done with you. Although I'm not even sure that even my big tits can wrap around that big boy but there's only one way to find out!" she says as she stares at your <<Penis>> with a pondering look. And with that she attempts to shove your <<Penis>> in between her huge breasts and she finally succeeds after a couple of tries after she properly lubes it up with spit and pre-cum.
<<default>> /* Place holder */
  "Oh wow! That is a really gargantuan dick! I mean no one would be able to fit such a monster in their pussy!" she says as she stares at your enormous sized <<Penis>> in amazement. "How about I double fist your cock until you shower me with your delicious cum?" she says while with great effort wraps both hands around your hard <<Penis>>.
  "Oh God! It feels so wet and warm!" you gasp as the tongue of the Infested swirls around your <<Penis>>. Soon a powerful sucking sensation pulls your <<Penis>> deep into her throat as her blowjob continues.
  Her head starts to bob up and down as she continues her blowjob. Reaching down she fondles your full balls with one hand and the other hand grabbing one of her huge tits. Low moaning can be heard around the meat-stick being shoved down her deep throat.
  Letting your <<Penis>> pop out she asks with a lustful smirk "You like that? You like me sucking your hard <<Penis>> with my cock-sucking lips? Do you want to blow your load down my throat or maybe shooting your wad all over my huge tits?" And with that she slaps your cock into her large breasts, letting them jiggle wildly while sloppily stroking you with both hands.
  "Oh fuck yes! Don't stop!" you beg as you grab her head forcing her to back to your <<Penis>>. The wet sound of the Infested Female sucking your <<Penis>> resumes as you start face-fucking her. Your balls are churning so much that your orgasm is moments away.
<<if $PC.Infestation is $Infestation.Cap & $Infestation.Progress > 1>>\
<<include "Infestation Increase">>\
  As you slam your <<Penis>> into her warm mouth you feel a surge of energy flowing directly into you! It almost feels like you are burning up but it quickly turns to pleasure that radiates from your hard cock.
  "OH GOD! I can feel you getting bigger and tastier inside me! OH FUCK YES! I'M CUMMING!" The Infested Female's screams are cut off as you shove your <<Penis>> back into between her cock-sucking lips. It feels like your cock is growing harder and thicker with each thrust into her warm mouth! Even your balls feel like they are about to explode.
  "Oh yes! OH FUCK! I'M CUMMING! I'm shooting my hot load down your fucking throat!" you shout as the feeling of her intense sucking pushes you over the edge to unleashing a massive load of white cum, bigger than any other load you've ever had, directly into her hot mouth.
  As you pull out of her cum-filled mouth you notice that you now have a $DickSD $DickSize cock along with a pair of <<print $arrayDickSizeDesc[$PC.BallsSize]>> <<print $arrayBallsSize[$PC.BallsSize]>> balls! Before you can react the Infested strokes your thicker <<Penis>> and with a smirk says "Looks like you are on the way to becoming one of us."
  "OH FUCK! I'M CUMMING! I'm shooting my hot load down your fucking throat!" you shout as you unleash a load of white cum directly into her warm mouth. Your orgasm seems to go on forever as every drop is sucked down by the thirsty Infested Female.
  "Oh that was so good!" she says as she stands up from your exhausted body, drops of cum leaking from the side of her mouth. Taking one last moment to lick the last gooey drop, she replies "I'll see again soon, I'm sure..." With that she walks away fulfilled leaving you to grab your clothes and to slowly recover.<<if $Time.Current < 6>>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburbs 4.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburbs-N 4.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<if $ClassBonus.Ranger > 0 or $ProgrammerPath.Security > 0>>\
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<set $NoEncounter to 0>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set _StopLook to 0>>\
<<set _GotFood to 0>>\
<<set _FoodRoll to (random(19) + 1)>>\
<<if $AdminMode is 1>>\
<<if $CelebrityPath.Nature > 0 and _FoodRoll > 15>>\
<<set _GotFood to 1>>\
<<set _exists to 0>>\
<<set _tempLoot to $item.makeshiftfood>>\
<<for $i = 0; $i < $PCInventory.length; $i++>>\
<<set $uitem = $PCInventory[$i]>>\
<<set $ItemName to $uitem.name>>\
<<set _TempName to _tempLoot.name>>\
<<if $ItemName is _TempName>>\
<<set _amount to $uitem.amount>>\
<<set _exists to 1>>\
<<if _exists is 1>>\
<<set _amount to _amount +1>>\
<<set $uitem.amount to _amount>>\
<<set $PCInventory.push(_tempLoot)>>\
<<set _WanderRoll to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<if $HiddenLocation.Found > 0>>\
<<switch $HiddenLocation.Name>>\
<<case "Mini-Library">>\
<<if _WanderRoll + $Skill.Scouting + $WisdomBonus + $ScoutingSkillFeats.KeenEye > $HiddenLocation.DC>>\
<<set _StopLook to 1>>\
While checking out the eastern part of the Grove Hills subdivision you notice a small path that leads to a mini-library.
<<button [[Check out the Mini-Library|Tiny Library Branch]]>>
<<set $minilibraryEvent.Found to 1>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<set $HiddenLocation.Found to 0>>\
<<set $HiddenLocation.Name to "null">>\
<<case "Park">>\
<<if _WanderRoll + $Skill.Scouting + $WisdomBonus + $ScoutingSkillFeats.KeenEye > $HiddenLocation.DC>>\
<<set _StopLook to 1>>\
While checking out the southern part of Grove Hills subdivision you notice the entrance to the old neglected park partially hidden by a wrecked vehicle.
<<button [[Check out the Park|Grove Hills Park]]>>
<<set $parkEvent.Found to 1>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<set $HiddenLocation.Found to 0>>\
<<set $HiddenLocation.Name to "null">>\
<<case "Shed">>\
<<if _WanderRoll + $Skill.Scouting + $WisdomBonus + $ScoutingSkillFeats.KeenEye > $HiddenLocation.DC>>\
<<set _StopLook to 1>>\
While looking around the Grove Hills park you notice an old shed located near the back of the park which might have tools and supplies that you can use.
<<button [[Check out the Shed|Grove Hills Park Shed]]>>
<<set $parkEvent.Shed to 1>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<set $HiddenLocation.Found to 0>>\
<<set $HiddenLocation.Name to "null">>\
<<if _WanderRoll + $Skill.Scouting + $WisdomBonus - $StatusAffect.Horny - $StatusAffect.CumCovered - $StatusAffect.CumFilled < 10 and _WanderRoll < 19 and _StopLook < 1>>\
<<if _GotFood > 0>>\
While wandering around the Grove Hills subdivision you managed to find _TempName and also ran across a hostile enemy!
While wandering around the Grove Hills subdivision you have run across a hostile enemy!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>> <</button>>
<<elseif _WanderRoll + $Skill.Scouting + $WisdomBonus + $ScoutingSkillFeats.KeenEye > 10 and _StopLook < 1>>\
<<if _GotFood > 0>>\
While wandering around the Grove Hills subdivision you managed to find _TempName and you ran across something interesting!
While wandering around the Grove Hills subdivision you have run across something interesting!
<<button [[Encounter|Grove Hills Events]]>>
<<elseif _StopLook < 1>>\
<<if _GotFood > 0>>\
You spend a some time looking around the area but don't find anything all the interesting besides _TempName...
You spend a some time looking around the area but don't find anything all the interesting...
<<button [[Give up looking for now|$location.temp]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<if $npcApril.Sex is "Futa">>\
<<set $genericEvent.Image = $eventPath1 + $arrayEvent1IntroLarge.random() + '.jpg'>>\
<<elseif $npcApril.BreastsSize > 9>>\
<<set $genericEvent.Image = $eventPath1 + $arrayEvent1IntroLarge.random() + '.jpg'>>\
<<set $genericEvent.Image = $eventPath1 + $arrayEvent1Intro.random() + '.jpg'>>\
<img @src=$genericEvent.Image />
<<set $NoEncounter to random(1) +2>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set $threesomeEvent.Visits to $threesomeEvent.Visits +1>>\
<<set _lusty to random(5) +1 + $StatusAffect.Horny - $LustResist.Visual - $LustResist.Complete>>\
<<if _lusty < 0>>\
<<set _lusty to 0>>\
<<set _LustRoll to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<if _LustRoll + $PC.Willpower - $StatusAffect.Horny < 13>>\
<<set $lust to $lust + _lusty >>\
<<set $lust to $lust + (_lusty / 2)>>\
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$npcApril.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$npcApril.BreastsSize]>>
<<set _DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$npcApril.DickSize]>>\
<<set _DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$npcApril.DickSize]>>\
<<if $npcMay.Met is 0>>\
<<set $npcMay.Met to 1>>\
<<set $npcApril.Met to 1>>\
  As you are walking around the Grove Hills subdivision you suddenly hear several voices chatting behind you! Quickly looking over your shoulder you discover two well dressed rather buxom girls walking towards you. Their thin dresses strain over bursting breasts that look like they will break free at any second. The one on the left is groping the ass of the other girl while the one on the right grinds her _ISD breasts against the other. Stopping several feet away the girl on the left gives you a large smile while looking you over.
  "Heya! My name's May and this is my girlfriend April. We are looking to have a good time and you look like you might be into some wild and crazy shit." says May as she slides her hand down towards the April's skirt. Some faint moaning is the response from April as May's hand slips into the front of the skirt.
<<if $PC.Sex is "Futa" or $StatusAffect.Futa > 0>>\
  April gives you a eager look while whispering to May who glances over at her, "A Futa like her will add tons of spice to the bedroom." May just gives a nod while looking back at you.
  "So how about it? Wanna join us for a good time with a side of craziness?" May asks with a eager look in her eyes. April glances up at you with a smoldering look before licking her lips.
<<if (random(19) +1) + $Skill.Social + $CharismaBonus > 15>>\
<<set _Social to "They look to be some rich girls out to experience the wilder side of life...">>\
<<set _Social to "I can't tell if they are raiders looking for a quick mark or some rich girls out to experience the wilder side of life.">>\
<<if (random(19) +1) + $Skill.Medical + $WisdomBonus > 15>>\
<<set _Infested to "They don't look to be Infested.">>\
<<set _Infested to "I can't tell if they are Infested or not.">>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> _Social _Infested</i></div>
What do you do?
<<if $PC.Sex is "Male" and $StatusAffect.Futa < 1>>\
<<button [[Agree!|3some - Male]]>> <</button>>
<<elseif $PC.Sex is "Female" and $StatusAffect.Futa < 1>>\
<<button [[Agree!|3some - Female]]>> <</button>>
<<elseif $PC.Sex is "Futa" or $StatusAffect.Futa > 0>>\
<<button [[Agree!|3some - Futa]]>> <</button>>
<<if $lust < $MaxLust>>\
<<button [[Decline for now|$location.temp]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<elseif $threesomeEvent.Agree > 0 and $npcMay.Friendship > 0 and $threesomeEvent.Refuse < 1 and $npcApril.Sex is "Female">>\
<<set $lust to $lust + random(5) + 1 + $StatusAffect.Horny - $LustResist.Visual>>\
  As you are walking around the Grove Hills subdivision you suddenly hear your name being called out behind you! Quickly turning around you see May and April walking towards you. It looks the two are out on the town still dressed in their rather revealing outfits and still fondling each other's asses.
  "Hey $PC.FirstName! Fancy running into you once again. We had such a fun time last time and I was wondering if you're up for a repeat performance." says May as she reaches her hand around April's back and up towards her exposed cleavage in order to grope her _ISD breasts. Some faint moaning is the response from April as May's pinches her hard nipple thru her dress.
  "I wouldn't mind another round of great sex with $PC.FirstName." moans April as she eyes you with a dirty smile before moaning once again as May tweaks her nipple, her eyes closed in pleasure.
  "So how about it? Wanna join us for a wild and crazy good time once again?" May asks with a lusty look in her eyes. April opens her eyes once more to give you another familiar smoldering look.
<<if $StatusAffect.Futa is 1 and $threesomeEvent.Sex is not "Futa" and $PC.DickSize > 2>>\
  "Wait a second are you no longer a <<print $threesomeEvent.Sex>>?" gasps April as she takes a closer look at you. <<elseif $PC.Sex is "Futa" or $StatusAffect.Futa > 0 and $threesomeEvent.Sex is not "Futa">>\
  "Oh wow $PC.FirstName! You seem to be packing a rather large package down below. Are you now a Futa?" gasps April as she takes a closer look at you. May also gasps as she stares at your $DickSD bulge.
<<set $threesomeEvent.Sex to "Futa">>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> Hey it's May and April! I wonder if I have time to hang out with them today...</i></div>
<<if $PC.Sex is "Male" and $StatusAffect.Futa < 1>>\
<<button [[Agree!|3some - Male]]>> <</button>>
<<elseif $PC.Sex is "Female" and $StatusAffect.Futa < 1>>\
<<button [[Agree!|3some - Female]]>> <</button>>
<<elseif $PC.Sex is "Futa" or $StatusAffect.Futa > 0>>\
<<button [[Agree!|3some - Futa]]>> <</button>>
<<if $lust < $MaxLust>>\
<<button [[Decline for now|$location.temp]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<elseif $threesomeEvent.Agree > 0 and $npcMay.Friendship > 0 and $threesomeEvent.Refuse < 1 and $npcApril.Sex is "Futa">>\
<<set $lust to $lust + random(5) + 1 + $StatusAffect.Horny - $LustResist.Visual>>\
  As you are walking around the Grove Hills subdivision you suddenly hear your name being called out behind you! Quickly turning around you see May and April walking towards you. It looks the two are out on the town still dressed in their rather revealing outfits but this time April has an _DickSD unmistakable bulge tenting her dress.
  "Hey $PC.FirstName! Fancy running into you once again. We had such a fun time last time and I was wondering if you're up for a repeat performance." says May as she reaches her hand around April's back and down towards her groin in order to grope her _DickSD cock. Some faint moaning is the response from April as May strokes her hardening futa-cock.
  "I wouldn't mind another round of great sex with $PC.FirstName." moans April as she eyes you with a dirty smile before moaning once again as May tweaks her nipple, her eyes closed in pleasure.
  "So how about it? Wanna join us for a wild and crazy good time once again?" May asks with a lusty look in her eyes. April opens her eyes once more to give you another familiar smoldering look.
<<if $StatusAffect.Futa is 1 and $threesomeEvent.Sex is not "Futa" and $PC.DickSize > 2>>\
  "Wait a second are you no longer a <<print $threesomeEvent.Sex>>?" gasps April as she takes a closer look at you. <<elseif $PC.Sex is "Futa" and $threesomeEvent.Sex is not "Futa">>\
  "Oh wow $PC.FirstName! You seem to be packing a rather $DickSD package down below. Are you now a Futa too?" gasps May as she takes a closer look at you. April smiles softly as she stares at your $DickSD bulge.
<<set $threesomeEvent.Sex to "Futa">>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> Hey it's May and April! I wonder if I have time to hang out with them today...</i></div>
<<if $PC.Sex is "Male" and $StatusAffect.Futa < 1>>\
<<button [[Agree!|3some - Male A-Futa]]>> <</button>>
<<elseif $PC.Sex is "Female" and $StatusAffect.Futa < 1>>\
<<button [[Agree!|3some - Female A-Futa]]>> <</button>>
<<elseif $PC.Sex is "Futa" or $StatusAffect.Futa > 0>>\
<<button [[Agree!|3some - Futa A-Futa]]>> <</button>>
<<if $lust < $MaxLust>>\
<<button [[Decline for now|$location.temp]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<elseif $threesomeEvent.Refuse is 1 and $npcMay.Friendship > 0>>\
  As you are walking around the Grove Hills subdivision you suddenly hear your name being called out behind you! Quickly turning around you see May and April walking towards you. It looks the two are out on the town still dressed in their rather revealing outfits and for once not giving you death glares.
  "Hey $PC.FirstName. April and I got to thinking that maybe we were a bit harsh about ditching us. We're willing to give you another chance if you truly sorry and not too busy with your family issues. So how about it? Up for a freaky threesome?" asks May as she reaches her hand around April's back and up towards her exposed cleavage in order to grope her _ISD breasts. Some faint moaning is the response from April as May's pinches her hard nipple thru her dress.
  "I think $PC.FirstName won't let us down again." moans April as she eyes you with a slight smile.
<div class="pcTalk"><i> Well I did leave May and April hanging. Do I want to try to make it up to them?</i></div>
<<if $PC.Sex is "Male" and $StatusAffect.Futa < 1>>\
<<button [[Agree!|3some - Male]]>>
<<set $threesomeEvent.Refuse to 0>> <</button>>
<<elseif $PC.Sex is "Female" and $StatusAffect.Futa < 1>>\
<<button [[Agree!|3some - Female]]>>
<<set $threesomeEvent.Refuse to 0>> <</button>>
<<elseif $PC.Sex is "Futa" or $StatusAffect.Futa > 0>>\
<<button [[Agree!|3some - Futa]]>>
<<set $threesomeEvent.Refuse to 0>> <</button>>
<<if $lust < $MaxLust>>\
<<button [[Decline for now|$location.temp]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<elseif $threesomeEvent.Refuse is 1 and $npcMay.Friendship < 1>>\
  As you are walking around the Grove Hills subdivision you suddenly hear your name being spoken with a great amount of anger. Quickly turning around you see May and April staring at you with looks of anger. It looks the two are out on the town still dressed in their rather revealing outfits.
  "Hey it's that asshole $PC.FirstName! I wonder why we are cursed to run into such a asshat once again." says May as she gives you a look of disgust.
  "Just ignore them May, $PC.FirstName isn't worth the effort." whispers April as she eyes you with disdain. May gives her a reassuring hug before stepping closer to you.
  "So how about it? Got any excuses for why you are a pile of shit?" May asks with a scornful look.
<<button [[Apologize|3some - Apologize]]>> <</button>>
<<if $lust < $MaxLust>>\
<<button [[Decline|$location.temp]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<button [[Decline for now|$location.temp]]>>
<</if>>\<<set $Infestation.Progress to $Infestation.Progress+1>>\
<<set $Infestation.Cap to $Infestation.Cap+100>>\
<<set $Infestation.Min to $Infestation.Cap-100>>\
<<if $Infestation.Min < 5>>\
<<set $Infestation.Min to 5>>\
<<if $Infestation.Progress > 1>>\
<<set $MinLust to $MinLust + ($Infestation.Progress*3)>>\
<<if $MinLust > ($MaxLust / 2)>>\
<<set $MinLust to ($MaxLust / 2)>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.Futa > 0>>\
<<set $PC.DickSize =+ $PC.DickSize+1>>\
<<set $DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$PC.DickSize]>>\
<<set $DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$PC.DickSize]>>\
<<set $PC.BallsSize =+ $PC.BallsSize+1>>\
<<set $BallsSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$PC.BallsSize]>>\
<<set $BallsSize to $arrayDickSize[$PC.BallsSize]>>\
<<set $PC.BreastsSize =+ $PC.BreastsSize+1>>\
<<set $BreastSD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set $BreastsSize to $arrayBreastSize[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set $PC.MMBreastsSize to $PC.MMBreastsSize+1>>\
<<set $PC.NippleSize =+ $PC.NippleSize +1>>\
<<set $NippleSize to $arrayNippleSize[$PC.NippleSize]>>\
<<set $PC.AssSize =+ $PC.AssSize+1>>\
<<set $AssSize to $arrayAssSizeDesc[$PC.AssSize]>>\
<<set $Cum.Max to $Cum.Max + 1>>\
<<set $Cum.Min to $Cum.Min + 1>>\
<<set $Cum.Stored to $Cum.Max>>\
<<set $CumAD to $arrayCumAmountDesc[$Cum.Stored]>>\
<<set $GCum.Max to $GCum.Max + 1>>\
<<set $GCum.Min to $GCum.Min + 1>>\
<<set $GCum.Stored to $GCum.Max>>\
<<set $GCumAD to $arrayGCumAmountDesc[$GCum.Stored]>>\
<<switch $PC.Sex>>\
<<case "Male">>\
<<set $PCChanges.DickGrowth to "Sex">>\
<<set $PC.DickSize =+ $PC.DickSize+1>>\
<<set $DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$PC.DickSize]>>\
<<set $DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$PC.DickSize]>>\
<<set $PC.BallsSize =+ $PC.BallsSize+1>>\
<<set $BallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$PC.BallsSize]>>
<<set $BallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$PC.BallsSize]>>\
<<set $Cum.Max to $Cum.Max + 1>>\
<<set $Cum.Min to $Cum.Min + 1>>\
<<set $Cum.Stored to $Cum.Max>>\
<<set $CumAD to $arrayCumAmountDesc[$Cum.Stored]>>\
<<case "Female">>\
<<set $PCChanges.BreastsGrowth to "Sex">>\
<<set $PCChanges.AssGrowth to "Sex">>\
<<set $PC.BreastsSize =+ $PC.BreastsSize+1>>\
<<set $PC.MMBreastsSize to $PC.MMBreastsSize+1>>\
<<set $PC.NippleSize =+ $PC.NippleSize+1>>\
<<set $BreastSD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set $BreastsSize to $arrayBreastSize[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set $NippleSize to $arrayNippleSize[$PC.NippleSize]>>\
<<set $PC.AssSize =+ $PC.AssSize+1>>\
<<set $AssSize to $arrayAssSizeDesc[$PC.AssSize]>>\
<<set $Milk.Max to $Milk.Max + 2>>\
<<if $Infestation.MilkProgress > 0>>\
<<set $Milk.Min to $Milk.Min + 1>>\
<<set $GCum.Max to $GCum.Max + 1>>\
<<set $GCum.Min to $GCum.Min + 1>>\
<<set $GCum.Stored to $GCum.Max>>\
<<set $GCumAD to $arrayGCumAmountDesc[$GCum.Stored]>>\
<<case "Futa">>\
<<set $PCChanges.BreastsGrowth to "Sex">>\
<<set $PCChanges.DickGrowth to "Sex">>\
<<set $PCChanges.AssGrowth to "Sex">>\
<<set $PC.DickSize =+ $PC.DickSize+1>>\
<<set $DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$PC.DickSize]>>\
<<set $DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$PC.DickSize]>>\
<<set $PC.BallsSize =+ $PC.BallsSize+1>>\
<<set $BallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$PC.BallsSize]>>\
<<set $BallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$PC.BallsSize]>>\
<<set $PC.BreastsSize =+ $PC.BreastsSize+1>>\
<<set $PC.MMBreastsSize to $PC.MMBreastsSize+1>>\
<<set $PC.NippleSize =+ $PC.NippleSize +1>>\
<<set $BreastSD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set $BreastsSize to $arrayBreastSize[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set $NippleSize to $arrayNippleSize[$PC.NippleSize]>>\
<<set $PC.AssSize =+ $PC.AssSize+1>>\
<<set $AssSize to $arrayAssSizeDesc[$PC.AssSize]>>\
<<set $Milk.Max to $Milk.Max + 2>>\
<<if $Infestation.MilkProgress > 0>>\
<<set $Milk.Min to $Milk.Min + 1>>\
<<set $Cum.Max to $Cum.Max + 1>>\
<<set $Cum.Min to $Cum.Min + 1>>\
<<set $Cum.Stored to $Cum.Max>>\
<<set $CumAD to $arrayCumAmountDesc[$Cum.Stored]>>\
<<set $GCum.Max to $GCum.Max + 1>>\
<<set $GCum.Min to $GCum.Min + 1>>\
<<set $GCum.Stored to $GCum.Max>>\
<<set $GCumAD to $arrayGCumAmountDesc[$GCum.Stored]>>\
<<include "Profile Update">>\<<set $Time.Current += 1>>\
<<if $locationGeneric is $locationHome>>\
<<set $SmartPhone.Charge to $SmartPhone.Charge +20>>\
<<if $SmartPhone.Charge > $SmartPhone.MaxCharge>>\
<<set $SmartPhone.Charge to $SmartPhone.MaxCharge>>\
<<set $SmartPhone.Charge to $SmartPhone.Charge - (random(5) +5)>>\
<<if $SmartPhone.Charge < 0>>\
<<set $SmartPhone.Charge to 0>>\
<<if $Time.Current is 1 or $Time.Current is 4 or $Time.Current is 7>>\
<<if $CookingSkillFeats.ProperNutrition > 0>>\
<<set $TotalFood to $TotalFood -2>>\
<<set $TotalFood to $TotalFood -3>>\
<<if $TotalFood < 0>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.Hungry < 21>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Hungry to $StatusAffect.Hungry +1>>\
<<set $StatusText.FoodFlag to 1>>\
<<set $StatusText.Notice to 1>>\
<<set $StatusText.Food to "I'm feeling pretty hungry from a lack of food. I should either eat some of the food I found or go back home and cook a meal...">>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Starving to 1>>\
<<set $StatusText.FoodFlag to 1>>\
<<set $StatusText.Notice to 1>>\
<<set $StatusText.Food to "I'm starving to death! I desperately need to eat some food soon or I'm going to pass out! If that happens there's a good chance I won't be waking up!">>\
<<if $TotalFood < -100>>\
<<set $TotalFood to -100>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.MilkTits > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.MilkTits to $StatusAffect.MilkTits -1>>\
<<elseif $Milk.Stored > $Milk.Min and $Infestation.MilkProgress < 1>>\
<<set $Milk.Stored to $Milk.Stored -1>>\
<<if $PC.BreastsSize > $PC.MBreastsSize>>\
<<set $PC.BreastsSize to $PC.BreastsSize -1>>\
<<set $BreastSD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set $BreastsSize to $arrayBreastSize[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<if $FoodStatus.Time > 0>>\
<<set $FoodStatus.Time -= 1>>\
<<if $FoodStatus.Time is 0>>\
<<if $FoodStatus.Cum > 0>>\
<<set $GCum.Max to $GCum.Max - $FoodStatus.Cum>>\
<<set $GCum.Max to $GCum.Max - $FoodStatus.Cum>>\
<<set $FoodStatus to {Time: 0, Duration: 3, Will: 0, Fort: 0, Refl: 0, AC: 0, Hit: 0, HP: 0, Skill: 0, Cum: 0, Lust: 0, Energy: 0}>>
<<set $StatusText.Notice to 1>>\
<<set $StatusText.FoodFlag to 1>>\
<<set $StatusText.Food to "It looks like the affects from my meal has worn off...">>\
<<if $Time.Current >= $Time.Max>>\
<<set $Time.Current to $Time.Max>>\
<<if $AthleticSkillFeats.WalkitOff > 0>>\
<<set $HP to $HP + $ConstitutionBonus>>\
<<if $HP > $MaxHP>>\
<<set $HP to $MaxHP>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered -1>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumFilled > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumFilled to $StatusAffect.CumFilled -1>>\
<<if $TempLust > 0>>\
<<set $TempLust to $TempLust -5>>\
<<if $TempLust < 0>>\
<<set $TempLust to 0>>\
<<if $Cum.Stored < $Cum.Max + ($GeneralFeats.MessySpray *2)>>\
<<if $Infestation.BruiseProgress is 1>>\
<<set $StatusText.Notice to 1>>\
<<set $StatusText.BallsFlag to 1>>\
<<set $StatusText.Balls to "It feels like my $BallsSD $BallsSize balls are completely filled with cum!">>\
<<set $lust to $lust + 10>>\
<<set $Cum.Stored to $Cum.Max>>\
<<set $CumAD to $arrayCumAmountDesc[$Cum.Stored]>>\
<<set $Cum.Stored += 1>>\
<<set $CumAD to $arrayCumAmountDesc[$Cum.Stored]>>\
<<if $GCum.Stored < $GCum.Max + ($GeneralFeats.MessySpray *2)>>\
<<set $GCum.Stored += 1>>\
<<set $GCumAD to $arrayGCumAmountDesc[$GCum.Stored]>>\
<<if $Infestation.MilkProgress > 0 and $Milk.Stored < $Milk.Max>>\
<<if $PC.BreastsSize < $SizeLimits.Breasts>>\
<<set $OBreastsSize to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set $PC.BreastsSize to $PC.BreastsSize +1>>\
<<set $BreastSD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set $BreastsSize to $arrayBreastSize[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set $Milk.Stored to $Milk.Stored + 1>>\
<<set $MilkAD to $arrayMilkAmountDesc[$Milk.Stored]>>\
<<set $StatusText.Notice to 1>>\
<<set $StatusText.MilkFlag to 1>>\
<<set $StatusText.Milk to "Looks like my $OBreastsSize breasts grew to a $BreastSD pair of $BreastsSize jugs due to all that milk I'm packing in these milkjugs!">>\
<<set $MilkAD to $arrayMilkAmountDesc[$Milk.Stored]>>\
<<set $lust to $lust + ($Milk.Stored - $Milk.Min)>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.Energized > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Energized to $StatusAffect.Energized -1>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.Energized < 1>>\
<<set $StatusText.Notice to 1>>\
<<set $StatusText.EnergyFlag to 1>>\
<<set $StatusText.Energy to "It looks like all that extra energy has finally worn off!">>\
<<if $StatusAffect.Drunk > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Drunk to $StatusAffect.Drunk -1>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.Drunk < 1>>\
<<set $StatusText.Notice to 1>>\
<<set $StatusText.DrunkFlag to 1>>\
<<set $StatusText.Drunk to "Looks like you've recovered from drinking all that alcohol!">>\
<<if $StatusAffect.Wet > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Wet to $StatusAffect.Wet -1>>\
<<include "Weather Update">>\
<<if $NoEncounter > 0>>\
<<set $NoEncounter to $NoEncounter - 1>>\
<<if $lust > $MaxLust>>\
<<set $lust to $MaxLust>>\
<<set _bonusHorde to 0>>\
<<set _bonusHorde to $StatusAffect.Horde>>\
<<if ndef _bonusHorde>>\
<<set _bonusHorde to 0>>\
<<if _bonusHorde > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Horde to $StatusAffect.Horde -1>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.Horde < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Horde to 0>>\
<<include "Profile Update">>\
<<set $BattleFlag to 0>>\
<<set $EnemyStatus to {AttackBuff: 0, DamageBuff: 0, ACBuff: 0, SavesBuff: 0, SkillBuff: 0, AttackDebuff: 0, DamageDebuff: 0, ACDebuff: 0, SavesDebuff: 0, SkillDebuff: 0, Fury: 0, Stagger: 0, Stun: 0, Cover: 0, Control: 0, Feint: 0, Prone: 0, Intimidate: 0, Dazzle: 0, Bleed: 0, Hit: 0, Missed: 0, Nausea: 0}>>\
<<set $PCStatus to {AttackBuff: 0, DamageBuff: 0, ACBuff: 0, SavesBuff: 0, SkillBuff: 0, AttackDebuff: 0, DamageDebuff: 0, ACDebuff: 0, SavesDebuff: 0, SkillDebuff: 0, Bleed: 0, Control: 0, Cover: 0, Dazzle: 0, Feint: 0, Fury: 0, Intimidate: 0, Prone: 0, Quick: 0, Stagger: 0, Stun: 0, Hit: 0, Missed: 0, Nausea: 0}>>\
<<set $SpecialBonus to {Rounds: 0, Intimidate: 0, HunterShot: 0, Fury: 0, CameraFlash: 0, DistractingFeint: 0}>>\<<switch $location.Event>>\
<<case "Oak Dale">>\
<<set _SuburbEvent to random(4)>>\
<<switch _SuburbEvent>>\
<<case 0>>\
<<include "Nurse Troy's Clinic">>\
<<case 1>>\
<<if $Time.Current < 6>>\
<<include "Supplies">>\
<<include "Nurse Troy's Clinic">>\
<<case 2>>\
<<if $nurseEvent.Medical > 1 and $nurseattackEvent.Corrupt < 1>>
<<include "Nurse Attack">>\
<<include "Nurse Troy's Clinic">>\
<<case 3>>\
<<include "Jogger Rescue">>\
<<if $Time.Day is not 0>>\
<<include "Suburban Cop">>\
<<include "Nurse Troy's Clinic">>\
<<case "Busch Bank">>\
<<set _SuburbEvent to random(3)>>\
<<switch _SuburbEvent>>\
<<case 0>>\
<<if $grovehillsBossEvent.Defeated is 1>>\
<<include "Jogger Rescue">>\
<<include "TV Repairman">>\
<<case 1>>\
<<if $Time.Current > 5 and $threesomeEvent.Daily is 0>>\
<<include "May & April 3some">>\
<<include "Nurse Troy's Clinic">>\
<<if $Time.Day is not 0>>\
<<include "Suburban Cop">>\
<<include "Nurse Troy's Clinic">>\
<<case "West Sunrise View">>\
<<include "Nurse Troy's Clinic">>\
<<set _SuburbEvent to random(5)>>\
<<switch _SuburbEvent>>\
<<case 0>>\
<<if $Time.Current > 5 and $threesomeEvent.Daily is 0>>\
<<include "May & April 3some">>\
<<include "Nurse Troy's Clinic">>\
<<case 1>>\
<<include "Nurse Troy's Clinic">>\
<<case 2>>\
<<if $Time.Current < 6>>\
<<include "Supplies">>\
<<include "Nurse Troy's Clinic">>\
<<case 3>>\
<<include "TV Repairman">>\
<<case 4>>\
<<if $grovehillsBossEvent.Defeated is 1>>\
<<include "Jogger Rescue">>\
<<include "TV Repairman">>\
<<if $Time.Day is not 0>>\
<<include "Suburban Cop">>\
<<include "Nurse Troy's Clinic">>\
<</switch>>\<img @src=$genericFighter.Image width="512px" height="768px" />
<<set _swing to $equipedWeapon.adescription>>\
<<set _AttackRoll to (random(19)+ 1)>>\
You attempt to hide from the $genericFighter.Name in order to ambush them from a hidden position!
<<set _Stealth2 to 0>>\
<<if $StealthSkillFeats.Distraction > 0>>\
<<set _Stealth2 to (random(19)+ 1) + $Skill.Stealth + $DexterityBonus + $PCStatus.SkillBuff -2>>\
<<set _Stealth to (random(19)+ 1) + $Skill.Stealth + $DexterityBonus + $PCStatus.SkillBuff>>\
<<if _Stealth > 10 + $genericFighter.Scouting - $EnemyStatus.SkillDebuff or _Stealth2 > 10 + $genericFighter.Scouting - $EnemyStatus.SkillDebuff>>\
<<set $EnemyStatus.ACDebuff to $EnemyStatus.ACDebuff -2>>\
Attack Roll: _AttackRoll
<<set _TA to _AttackRoll + $weaponAttackBonus + $weaponStatBonus + $PCStatus.AttackBuff - $PCStatus.AttackDebuff>>\
Total Attack: _TA
<<if _TA < $genericFighter.AC + $EnemyStatus.ACBuff - $EnemyStatus.ACDebuff or _AttackRoll < 2 >>\
You _swing at the $genericFighter.Name with your $equipedWeapon.name but miss!
<<if $equipedWeapon.range is "melee">>\
<<set _tempDamage to random($equipedWeapon.damage) + $PCStatus.DamageBuff - $PCStatus.AttackDebuff + $StrengthBonus +1>>\
<<if _AttackRoll > 19 or _TA > $genericFighter.AC + $EnemyStatus.ACBuff - $EnemyStatus.ACDebuff +10>>\
<<set _tempDamage to _tempDamage + _tempDamage>>\
<<set _tempDamage to _tempDamage - $genericFighter.DR>>\
<<set _tempDamage to random($equipedWeapon.damage) + $PCStatus.DamageBuff - $PCStatus.AttackDebuff +1>>\
<<if _AttackRoll > 19 or _TA > $genericFighter.AC - $EnemyDebuff +10 >>\
<<set _tempDamage to _tempDamage + _tempDamage>>\
<<set _tempDamage to _tempDamage - $genericFighter.DR>>\
<<switch _tempDamage>>\
<<case 0>>\
With your speed and stealth you managed to quickly hide! You _swing at the $genericFighter.Name from a hidden position with your $equipedWeapon.name but deal no damage to them!
<<case 1 2>>\
You _swing at the $genericFighter.Name with your $equipedWeapon.name and barely graze them. You do <<print _tempDamage>> damage to the $genericFighter.Name!
<<case 3 4 5 6 7 8>>\
With your speed and stealth you managed to quickly hide! You _swing at the $genericFighter.Name from a hidden position with your $equipedWeapon.name and get a solid hit. You do <<print _tempDamage>> damage to the $genericFighter.Name!
With your speed and stealth you managed to quickly hide! You _swing at the $genericFighter.Name from a hidden position with your $equipedWeapon.name and get a devastating hit! You do <<print _tempDamage>> damage to the $genericFighter.Name!
<<set $genericFighter.HP to $genericFighter.HP - _tempDamage>>\
You attempt to hide but $genericFighter.Name spots you with ease! Howling with pure lust they charge at you!
<<if $genericFighter.HP < 1 >>\
You've managed to defeat the $genericFighter.Name!
<<button [[Victory!|Suburb Victory]]>>
<<set $EnemyStatus.ACDebuff to 0>>\
<<button [[Combat Begins!|Suburb Combat]]>>
<<set $EnemyStatus.ACDebuff to $EnemyStatus.ACDebuff +2>>\
<</if>>\<<if $npcTroy.Corrupted is 1>>\
<<set $genericEvent.Image = $eventPath2 + $arrayEvent2FullBodyTits.random() + '.jpg'>>\
<<set _State to "Corrupt">>\
<<set $genericEvent.Image = $eventPath2 + $arrayEvent2FullBody.random() + '.jpg'>>\
<<set _State to "Standard">>\
<img @src=$genericEvent.Image />
<<if $ThieverySkillFeats.FiveFingeredDiscount is 1>>\
<<set _TreatmentCost to 90>>\
<<set _FirstAidCost to 22>>\
<<set _TreatmentCost to 100>>\
<<set _FirstAidCost to 25>>\
<<set $nurseEvent.Visits to $nurseEvent.Visits +1>>\
<<set $nurseEvent.Sex to $PC.Sex>>\
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$npcTroy.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$npcTroy.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _IAss to $arrayAssSizeDesc[$npcTroy.AssSize]>>\
<<switch _State>>\
<<case "Corrupt">>\
<<if (random(19) + 1) + $Skill.Social + $CharismaBonus + $npcTroy.Friendship > 20>>\
<<if $ThieverySkillFeats.FiveFingeredDiscount is 1>>\
<<set _TreatmentCost to 68>>\
<<set _FirstAidCost to 13>>\
<<set _FirstAidCost to 15>>\
<<set _TreatmentCost to 75>>\
<<set _lusty to random(10) +1 + $StatusAffect.Horny - $LustResist.Visual - $LustResist.Complete>>\
<<if _lusty < 0>>\
<<set _lusty to 0>>\
<<set $lust to $lust + _lusty>>\
<<if $nurseattackEvent.Visits is 1>>\
<<set $nurseattackEvent.Visits to $nurseattackEvent.Visits+1>>\
  As you enter the small house you notice that it looks like Nurse Troy has setup another temporary clinic in the living room. There's a portable medical bed with a IVs that takes up most of the small living room. As you look around for Nurse Troy the sound of someone taking a shower can be heard inside the house.
  "I'll be right there...." her voice huskily carries from deeper inside the house. While waiting for Nurse Troy you keep a eye out for any Infested that could be walking around the street. After a few minutes you hear Nurse Troy huskily say "Welcome back to the Wandering Clinic, $PC.FirstName. Please enjoy all that it offers and I hope to make your visit a pleasurable one."
  Turning around to look at Nurse Troy you are stunned by what you see. It's obvious that whatever the Infested fed her hasn't worn off since her chest has a delicious looking pair of _ISD _ICup breasts straining against her top. Her red nurse uniform has been modified since it would not fit her new size and even with the modifications her hard nipples can be seen. As you take in her new look her red nurse top slips down giving you an unrestricted view of her epic tits.
  "It seems like you are liking my new look. I had an unfortunate encounter with a couple of nasty Infested and now I'm having a hard time finding clothes that fit." she says while adjusting her top once again. Stepping closer she presses her _ISD chest up against you while whispering into your ear "Don't worry I can still provide all the treatments and pleasurable activities as usual."
  You feel a bit lightheaded by how erotic Nurse Troy is looking and you can feel your libido rising. Taking a step back you say "Oh, I'm sorry to hear you were attacked. Are you doing OK? Is your treatment still working?" you ask as you try to not stare are her tits but fail completely.
  She smiles while glancing towards your groin after giving you a wink. Taking a deep breath that causes her _ISD jugs to pop out of her top again, she says while idly tweeking her hard 2-inch nipples "I'm feeling just fine. My treatment is still working just as I expected. I just need to take in some extra fluids to help offset the weight in my chest. My extremely heavy sensitive pair of _ISD _ICup tits..."
  "Anyways...Healing your wounds will cost _FirstAidCost dollars and the anti-Infested treatment will cost _TreatmentCost dollars. Or we could do something even more exciting. Something hot and sweaty and feels sooo good... If you're interested that is." she says as she lightly strokes her exposed breasts.
  As you enter the small house you notice that it looks like Nurse Troy has setup another temporary clinic in the living room. There's a portable medical bed with a IVs that takes up most of the small living room. As you look around for Nurse Troy the sound of someone taking a shower can be heard inside the house.
  "I'll be right there...." her voice huskily carries from deeper inside the house. While waiting for Nurse Troy you keep a eye out for any Infested that could be walking around the street. After a few minutes you hear Nurse Troy huskily say "Welcome back to the Wandering Clinic, $PC.FirstName. Please enjoy all that it offers and I hope to make your visit a pleasurable one."
  Turning around to look at Nurse Troy you are still somewhat shocked by what you see. It's obvious that whatever the Infested fed her still hasn't worn off and maybe never will. She is packing a delicious looking pair of _ISD _ICup breasts that takes up much of her chest. Her modified nurse uniform is straining to contain her _ISD tits while still showing off the tops of her hard nipples. Her red nurse top slips down giving you an unrestricted view of her epic tits which has to be on purpose by this point.
  "It's easy to see you are liking what you are seeing, $PC.FirstName. There's no need to look away." she says while adjusting her top once again. Stepping closer she presses her _ISD chest up against you while whispering into your ear "Don't worry I can still provide all the treatments and pleasurable activities as usual."
  You feel a bit lightheaded by how erotic Nurse Troy is looking and you can feel your libido rising. Taking a step back you say "Are you having any issues with your treatments?" you ask as you give in and stare at her epic tits that are display.
  She smiles while glancing towards your groin after giving you a wink. Taking a deep breath that causes her _ISD jugs to pop out of her top again, she sultry says while idly tweeking her hard 2-inch nipples "I'm feeling just fine. My treatment is still working just as I expected. I just need to take in some extra fluids to help offset the weight in my chest. My extremely heavy sensitive pair of _ISD _ICup tits..."
  "Anyways...Healing your wounds will cost _FirstAidCost dollars and the anti-Infested treatment will cost _TreatmentCost dollars. Or we could do something even more exciting. Something hot and sweaty and feels sooo good... If you're interested that is." she says as she lightly strokes her exposed breasts.
<<case "Standard">>\
<<set _lusty to random(3) +1 + $StatusAffect.Horny - $LustResist.Visual - $LustResist.Complete>>\
<<if _lusty < 0>>\
<<set _lusty to 0>>\
<<set $lust to $lust + _lusty>>\
<<if $npcTroy.Met is 0>>\
<<set $npcTroy.Met to 1>>\
<<set $npcTroy.SexDetection to $PC.Sex>>\
<<set $nurseEvent.BreastsSize to $PC.BreastsSize>>\
<<set $nurseEvent.DickSize to $PC.DickSize>>\
<<set $nurseEvent.AssSize to $PC.AssSize>>\
  As you enter the small house you notice that it looks like someone has setup a temporary clinic in the living room. There's a portable medical bed with IVs that takes up most of the small living room and there looks to be a a nice looking nurse bent over it with her thong covered ample ass presented to the world.
  "Hello! Welcome to the Wandering Clinic." she says straightening up as she notices you stepping into the room. Turning around she presents her full bossom almost fully displayed with her top few buttons undone. "My name is Nurse Troy and we are offering some special medical care for extremely low prices. In fact you will feel soooo good once we have finished our treatments that you will want to come back for more." she says as she licks her full lips.
  "Hello, my name is $PC.FirstName. So you can patch up some scrapes and wounds? How about illnesses?" you ask as you take in how stacked the nurse seems to be. She looks like she is almost wearing one of those adult Halloween nurse costumes and her top is showing a vast amount of exposed cleavage.
  "Yes! In addition to fixing up most wounds we can help moderate the Infested virus!" she replies with a smile on her face as she lightly bounces in excitement, her ample breasts jiggling to the motion.
  "I didn't think there was a cure yet. How are you able to cure it?" you ask in disbelief as the idea of somehow being able to stop this Infested apocalypse is almost unthinkable. Especially in a rundown make shift medical clinic located here in the suburbs of the Civiton.
  "We can't cure it per se but we can with some potent anti-biotics slow it down and temporarily send it into remission. Sadly the remission will only last for a few days so it's not really a cure." she says with a frown.
  "Ok that sounds a pretty good. So how much will it cost me to use your services?" you ask as you take in the medical bed and supplies before your eyes are drawn back to her nice figure.
  "So healing your wounds will cost _FirstAidCost dollars and the anti-Infested treatment will cost _TreatmentCost dollars. Sorry cash only and unfortunately we only have time to do one of treatments since we have to move almost constantly to avoid the Infested." she says with a smile on her face as she lightly bounces in excitement, her _ISD tits jiggling along. "We also offer the use of a shower if you need to get cleaned up. For free of course!"
<<if (random(19) + 1) + $Skill.Social + $CharismaBonus + $npcTroy.Friendship > 20>>\
<<set _FirstAidCost to 15>>\
<<set _TreatmentCost to 75>>\
  You manage to negotiate the cost of the first aid treatment to _FirstAidCost dollars and the anti-Infested treatment to _TreatmentCost dollars.
<<if (random(19) + 1) + $Skill.Medical + $WisdomBonus < 20 or $nurseEvent.Medical < 1>>\
<<set _Medical to "I can't tell if this is a legit clinic or some type of scam. It might even be some kind of Infested ambush considering the porn star look of the nurse...">>\
<<set _Medical to "These medical supplies looks legit along with the professional setup. Maybe the nurse had a brush with the Infested and is using her own meds to keep it at bay?">>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> _Medical </i></div>
<<if (random(19) + 1) + $Skill.Social + $CharismaBonus + $npcTroy.Friendship > 20>>\
<<if $ThieverySkillFeats.FiveFingeredDiscount is 1>>\
<<set _TreatmentCost to 68>>\
<<set _FirstAidCost to 13>>\
<<set _FirstAidCost to 15>>\
<<set _TreatmentCost to 75>>\
  As you enter the small house you notice that it looks like Nurse Troy has setup another temporary clinic in the living room. There's a portable medical bed with a IVs that takes up most of the small living room. Nurse Troy looks to be busy messing with some supplies, her thong covered _IAss ass presented to the world.
  "Hello $PC.FirstName! Welcome back to the Wandering Clinic." she says straightening up as she notices you stepping into the room. Turning around she presents her full bossom almost fully displayed with her top few buttons undone. "We are offering some special medical care for extremely low prices. In fact you will feel soooo good once we have finished our treatments that you will want to come back for more. We also offer the use of a shower if you need to get cleaned up." she explains as she licks her full lips.
  She is still wearing her naughty nurse uniform and her top is showing a vast amount of exposed cleavage. Your eyes are drawn to her _ISD breasts as they jiggle softly for a moment before snapping back up to her face. She gives you a quick wink letting you know she caught you checking her out but doesn't mention it.
  "Just a reminder, healing your wounds will cost _FirstAidCost dollars and the anti-Infested treatment will cost _TreatmentCost dollars. Sorry cash only and unfortunately we only have time to do one of treatments since we have to move almost constantly to avoid the Infested." she says as gestures to one of the medical beds.
<<if $nurseEvent.Medical > 0>>\
<<if $Cash > _FirstAidCost -1>>\
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Pay for First-Aid|Nurse Clinic First Aid]]>>
<<set $Cash to $Cash - _FirstAidCost >>\
<<if $Cash > _TreatmentCost -1>>\
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Pay for Anti-Infested Treatment|Nurse Clinic Infested Aid]]>>
<<set $Cash to $Cash - _TreatmentCost >>\
<<if $questsFamilyMom.NurseTroy is 1>>\
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Ask for a Examination|Nurse Clinic Exam]]>>
<<if $Cash > _FirstAidCost -1>>\
<<button [[Pay for First-Aid|Nurse Clinic First Aid]]>>
<<set $Cash to $Cash - _FirstAidCost >>\
<<if $Cash > _TreatmentCost -1>>\
<<button [[Pay for Anti-Infested Treatment|Nurse Clinic Infested Aid]]>>
<<set $Cash to $Cash - _TreatmentCost >>\
<<if $questsFamilyMom.NurseTroy is 1>>\
<<button [[Ask for a Examination|Nurse Clinic Exam]]>>
<<if $nurseEvent.Visits > 1>>\
<<button [[Chat with Nurse Troy|Nurse Clinic Chat Options]]>>
<<button [[Take a Shower|Nurse Clinic Shower]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Decline|$location.temp]]>>
<<set $location.Indoor to 0>>\
<<set $NoEncounter to random(1) +2>>\
<</button>><<if $nurseattackEvent.Corrupt is 1>>\
<<set $genericEvent.Image = $eventPath2 + $arrayEvent2MedicalTits.random() + '.jpg'>>\
<<set $genericEvent.Image = $eventPath2 + $arrayEvent2Medical.random() + '.jpg'>>\
<img @src=$genericEvent.Image />
<<set $HP to $MaxHP>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Energized to 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Horny to 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Thirsty to 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Drunk to 0>>\
<<set $TempLust to 0>>\
<<set $lust to 100>>\
<<set $Cum.Stored to $Cum.Max>>\
<<set $CumAD to $arrayCumAmountDesc[$Cum.Stored]>>\
<<if (random(19) + 1) + $Skill.Social + $CharismaBonus > 13>>\
<<set $npcTroy.Friendship to $npcTroy.Friendship + 2 + $ClassBonus.Celebrity + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set $npcTroy.Friendship to $npcTroy.Friendship + 1 + $ClassBonus.Celebrity + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$npcTroy.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$npcTroy.BreastsSize]>>
<<if $nurseEvent.Medical < 1>>\
<<set $nurseEvent.Medical to 1>>\
<<if $nurseattackEvent.Corrupt is 1>>\
<<set $sexHistory.XP to $sexHistory.XP +1>>\
  Nurse Troy has you sit down on the medical bed while she slowly struts around the office making sure you can see her jiggly ass. Bending over she lifts up her naughty nurse skirt allowing you to see that she isn't wearing any panties! As you gaze at her huge bouncy ass she finally finds what she was looking for. Straightening up she says "I'm going to need you to drink what I've been calling 'a CumBlaster'. This will help me with my treatment and I'll be getting some good readings." while handing you a sealed cup filled with what looks to be pink water. Deciding not to refuse you go ahead and down it all down. It tastes like a weird mix of carbonated cherry and lemon juice with a hint of medical syrup. "Second of all I need to check your vitals so go ahead and strip for me!" she orders as she leans back causing her _ISD breasts to pop out of her top again exposing her two-inch nipples.
<<if $PC.Sex is "Male" and $StatusAffect.Futa < 1>>\
<<include "Nurse Clinic - Corrupt Male">>\
<<elseif $PC.Sex is "Female" and $StatusAffect.Futa < 1>>\
<<include "Nurse Clinic - Corrupt Female">>\
<<include "Nurse Clinic - Corrupt Futa">>\
  As you lay there recovering from your messy orgasm, Nurse Troy stares at your groin "It looks like your blood pressure is perfectly normal!" she says while looking energized from the frantic sex. "If you can shoot that much cum you must be healthy!" At your disbelieving look she says "OK, let me slap a bandaid on your bruises and here drink this. It will clear out any strange affects from at least some of those drinks out there. " as she hands you a cup filled with cherry flavored medicine. She quickly finishes up by wrapping a bandaid on your cuts and bruises. Before you get up from the table she gives you a deep kiss with her ample chest pressed against you. "Be safe out there!" she says as you leave.
  Nurse Troy has you sit down on the medical bed while she scurries around the make-shift clinic. When she bends over to grab some tools and supplies from a large medkit next to the bed you can see under her short skirt and see that her red skimpy panties are barely holding back her ample ass. It takes her a minute to gather what she needs and the whole time her large ass shakes like a bowl of jell-o. Straightening up she says "First things first, I need you to drink this in order to get some good readings." she says while handing you a sealed cup filled with what looks to be pink water. It looks to be safe so you go ahead and drink it. It tastes like a weird mix of carbonated cherry and lemon juice with a hint of medical syrup. "Second of all I need to check your vitals so go ahead and strip for me please!" she orders as she straightens her tight uniform causing her _ISD breasts to jiggle.
<<if $PC.Sex is "Male" and $StatusAffect.Futa < 1>>\
<<include "Nurse Clinic - Male Checkup">>\
<<elseif $PC.Sex is "Female" and $StatusAffect.Futa < 1>>\
<<include "Nurse Clinic - Female Checkup">>\
<<include "Nurse Clinic - Futa Checkup">>\
  As you lay there recovering from your messy orgasm, Nurse Troy quickly scoops up the cum you shot into a clear bottle. "It looks like your blood pressure is perfectly normal!" she says while looking pleased with the results. "You look to be completely healthy except for some minor bruising so go ahead and drink this. It will help clear up any remaining minor issues." she says as she hands you a cup filled with cherry flavored medicine. She quickly finishes up by wrapping a bandage on your bruises.
  "Uh thanks for the inspection and patching me up." you say as you slowly get dressed after drinking the medicine. Nurse Troy watches you get dressed with a satisfied smile while idly pinching her hard nipples. You give her one last look as you leave the clinic.
<div class="pcTalk"><i> After that kind of "exam" it's pretty obvious she's at least partially Infested </i></div>
<<button [[Finish|$location.temp]]>>
<<set $location.Indoor to 0>>\
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<include "Lust Passes">>\
<<set $NoEncounter to random(1) +2>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<set $nurseEvent.BreastsSize to $PC.BreastsSize>>\
<<set $nurseEvent.DickSize to $PC.DickSize>>\
<<set $nurseEvent.AssSize to $PC.AssSize>>\
<</button>><<if $nurseattackEvent.Corrupt is 1>>\
<<set $genericEvent.Image = $eventPath2 + $arrayEvent2MedicalTits.random() + '.jpg'>>\
<<set $genericEvent.Image = $eventPath2 + $arrayEvent2Medical.random() + '.jpg'>>\
<img @src=$genericEvent.Image />
<<set $StatusAffect.Energized to 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Horny to 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Thirsty to 0>>\
<<set $lust to 100>>\
<<set $Cum.Stored to $Cum.Max>>\
<<set $CumAD to $arrayCumAmountDesc[$Cum.Stored]>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Vaccine to $StatusAffect.Vaccine +3>>\
<<set $PC.Infestation to $PC.Infestation - 40 - (random(10))>>\
<<if $PC.Infestation < $Infestation.Min>>\
<<set $PC.Infestation to $Infestation.Min>>\
<<if $Infestation.FutaVariant < 100>>\
<<set $Infestation.FutaVariant to $Infestation.FutaVariant -40 - (random(10))>>\
<<if $Infestation.FutaVariant < 0>>\
<<set $Infestation.FutaVariant to 0>>\
<<if $Infestation.MilkVariant < 100>>\
<<set $Infestation.MilkVariant to $Infestation.MilkVariant -40 - (random(10))>>\
<<if $Infestation.MilkVariant < 0>>\
<<set $Infestation.MilkVariant to 0>>\
<<if $Infestation.BruiseVariant < 100>>\
<<set $Infestation.BruiseVariant to $Infestation.BruiseVariant -40 - (random(10))>>\
<<if $Infestation.BruiseVariant < 0>>\
<<set $Infestation.BruiseVariant to 0>>\
<<set $lust to $lust + random(5) + 1 - $LustResist.Visual>>\
<<if (random(19) + 1) + $Skill.Social + $CharismaBonus > 13>>\
<<set $npcTroy.Friendship to $npcTroy.Friendship + 2 + $ClassBonus.Celebrity + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set $npcTroy.Friendship to $npcTroy.Friendship + 1 + $ClassBonus.Celebrity + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$npcTroy.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$npcTroy.BreastsSize]>>
<<if $nurseEvent.Medical < 1>>\
<<set $nurseEvent.Medical to 1>>\
<<if $nurseattackEvent.Corrupt is 1>>\
<<set $sexHistory.XP to $sexHistory.XP +1>>\
  Nurse Troy has you sit down on the medical bed while she slowly struts around the office making sure you can see her jiggly ass. Bending over she lifts up her naughty nurse skirt allowing you to see that she isn't wearing any panties! As you gaze at her huge bouncy ass she finally finds what she was looking for. Straightening up she says "I'm going to need you to drink what I've been calling 'a CumBlaster'. This will help me with my treatment and I'll be getting some good readings." while handing you a sealed cup filled with what looks to be pink water. Deciding not to refuse you go ahead and down it all down. It tastes like a weird mix of carbonated cherry and lemon juice with a hint of medical syrup. "Second of all I need to check your vitals so go ahead and strip for me!" she orders as she leans back causing her _ISD breasts to pop out of her top again exposing her two-inch nipples.
<<if $PC.Sex is "Male" and $StatusAffect.Futa < 1>>\
<<include "Nurse Clinic - Corrupt Male">>\
<<elseif $PC.Sex is "Female" and $StatusAffect.Futa < 1>>\
<<include "Nurse Clinic - Corrupt Female">>\
<<include "Nurse Clinic - Corrupt Futa">>\
  Nurse Troy has you sit down on the medical bed while she scurries around the make-shift clinic. When she bends over to grab some tools and supplies from a large medkit next to the bed you can see under her short skirt and see that her red skimpy panties are barely holding back her ample ass. It takes her a minute to gather what she needs and the whole time her large ass shakes like a bowl of jell-o. Straightening up she says "First things first, I need you to drink this in order to get some good readings." she says while handing you a sealed cup filled with what looks to be water. It looks to be safe so you go ahead and drink it. It tastes like a weird mix of carbonated cherry and lemon juice with a hint of medical syrup. "Second of all I need to check your vitals so go ahead and strip for me please!" she orders as she straightens her tight uniform causing her _ISD breasts to jiggle.
<<if $PC.Sex is "Male" and $StatusAffect.Futa < 1>>\
<<include "Nurse Clinic - Male Checkup">>\
<<elseif $PC.Sex is "Female" and $StatusAffect.Futa < 1>>\
<<include "Nurse Clinic - Female Checkup">>\
<<include "Nurse Clinic - Futa Checkup">>\
  As you lay there recovering from your messy orgasm, Nurse Troy quickly scoops up the cum you shot into a clear bottle. "It looks like your blood pressure is perfectly normal!" she says while looking pleased with the results. "Now let's get that Infested treatment in you now that I know you are healthy enough for it! This should give you some protection against the Infested virus for about 3 days." she says as she presents a fluid filled needle before quickly injecting you with it. She quickly finishes up by putting a bandage on where she injected you with the needle.
  "Uh thanks for the injection." you say as you slowly get dressed after recovering from the quick injection. Giving Nurse Troy one last look you leave the clinic.
<<button [[Finish|$location.temp]]>>
<<set $location.Indoor to 0>>\
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<include "Lust Passes">>\
<<set $NoEncounter to random(1) +2>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<set $nurseEvent.BreastsSize to $PC.BreastsSize>>\
<<set $nurseEvent.DickSize to $PC.DickSize>>\
<<set $nurseEvent.AssSize to $PC.AssSize>>\
<</button>><<set $sexHistory.XP to $sexHistory.XP +1>>\
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$genericFighter.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$genericFighter.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _SizeComp to $PC.DickSize - $genericFighter.Level + ($GeneralFeats.FalseRep *2)>>\
<<if _SizeComp < 0>>\
<<set _SizeComp to 0>>\
Gotta get a blowjob! Scene still needs to be written :(<<set $sexHistory.XP to $sexHistory.XP +1>>\
<<set $sexHistory.LastPartner to $genericFighter>>\
<<set $LastPartner to $genericFighter>>\
<<set _TCard to 0>>\
<<set _VCard to 0>>\
<<set $sexHistory.Consent to "Yes">>\
<<set $sexHistory.Type to "Pussy">>\
<<if $sexHistory.TotalV is 1>>\
<<set $sexHistory.TrueVirginityWho to $genericFighter.Name>>\
<<set _TCard to 1>>\
<<set $sexHistory.TotalV to 0>>\
<<if $sexHistory.PenisV is 1>>\
<<set $sexHistory.PenisVirginityWho to $genericFighter.Name>>\
<<set _VCard to 1>>\
<<set $sexHistory.PenisV to 0>>\
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$genericFighter.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$genericFighter.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _SizeComp to $PC.DickSize - $genericFighter.Level + ($GeneralFeats.FalseRep *2)>>\
<<if _SizeComp < 0>>\
<<set _SizeComp to 0>>\
<<if _TCard is 1>>\
  As you look at $genericFighter.Name you can't help but stare at her extremely sexy body. Your eyes are drawn to her _ISD _ICup breasts that seem so jiggly as her hard nipples sway with each movement and before long your gaze dips downwards as you notice the Infested is sliding her fingers in and out of her wet pussy. You can feel yourself getting hornier as your $DickSize dick gets hard as steel. Your hard throbbing dick is demanding to buried deep inside her tight pussy and you can no longer resist that sweet seductive lure.
  <em>"Fuck! This is a mistake but she's so fucking hot..."</em> you think as your body moves as if on auto-pilot. Your clothes drop to the ground as your heartbeat races. The $genericFighter.Name looks happy that you're about to give her what she wanted this whole time. Finally speaking up you stammer out "I'm uh, going to fuck you, ok?"
  She gives you an confused look for a moment before giggling softly. "It smells like there's a virgin wanting to have their $DickSD cock de-virginized!" she says while spreading open her wet cunt. "Come and slide your $DickSD cock right into my tight pussy and you'll be cumming before you know it!"
  The $genericFighter.Name stares at you with a hopeful look in her eyes as you walk towards her, your hard <<Penis>> straining against your pants. With her _ISD _ICup breasts, jiggly ass and those cock-sucking lips there was no way you could walk away.
  "I'm going to fuck your brains out. By the time I'm done you will be walking bow-legged for a week." you say as you strip out of you clothes. She gives your hard <<Penis>> a decent look with a lustful grin while fingering her already wet cunt.
<<switch _SizeComp>>\
<<case 0 1 2>>\
  Looking sadly at your hard <<Penis>> she continues to finger her already wet cunt. "I'm so sorry that you have such a lacking <<Penis>>... I'm not sure I could even feel it inside let alone get any real pleasure from it. But I'm willing to see if I can pump your $DickSD <<Penis>> into being a monster cock that everyone can be proud of!" she says hopefully as she spreads her legs wide with little fanfare.
<<case 3 4 5 6>>\
  She gives your hard <<Penis>> a measuring look with a lustful grin while fingering her already wet cunt. "I guess all cocks aren't equal but I'm proud that that you're willing to try with such a mediocre <<Penis>>! How about you prove the saying 'Size doesn't matter, Skills do' by giving me a nice hard dicking?" she says as she enthusiastically spreads her legs wide.
<<case 7 8 9 10 11 12>>\
  "Look who has a great looking <<Penis>>! That's you if you didn't know! It's big enough to really feel it deep in my tight pussy and I bet I'll be cumming a lot here shortly. Makes me wonder if I fuck enough Futas I'll grow one of my own..." she says as she fingers her wet pussy while staring at your <<Penis>>. She quickly spreads her legs in invitation to be fucked hard by your hard cock.
<<case 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24>>\
  "Oh fuck! That as they say in the business is a huge fucking <<Penis>>! Only the strongest Futas tend to end up with such cunt breakers! I'm going to have a hard time fitting it in my tight pussy so you will have to slam it right in nice and hard. Might have to slam it in over and over again to make sure can fit!" she says as she starts to finger her pussy hard even harder, possibly to make sure she is wet enough to take your <<Penis>>. She happily spreads her legs in eager anticipation to be fucked hard by your hard cock.
  "Why do you have a 3ft long club that looks like a dick in your pants? What the hell?!?!? I have no idea on how to get that giant club of a <<Penis>> you have into my pussy but I'm kinda wondering if I can... I guess you will just have to try really hard since I'm dying to find out how it feels." she says as she starts to stroke your <<Penis>> with one hand while the other is grabbing a tub of lube out of her purse. She slaps a boatload of lube onto your <<Penis>> before spreading her legs wide.
<<if _VCard is 1>>\
  Kneeling down between her legs, you grab your $DickSize cock and guide it towards the entrance of her wet pussy. It takes a moment but you finally have it aimed properly at her slipperly cunt. Taking a deep breath you slowly push forward as your dick slowly gets engulfed by her hot tight pussy! Your meat rod radiates pleasure as your $DickSD dick pushes even deeper into her pussy and before long your feel your $BallsSD balls slap against her groin. It feels so tight and warm that you can't stop yourself from pulling back out and slamming your hard <<Penis>> back in. With each thrust of your cock you get better at getting your timing down as each successful thrust causes her _ISD tits to jiggle obscenely. Before long the Infested is screaming and moaning in pleasure.
  "You'll going to love my pussy, stud! Just slam your hard <<Penis>> into my wet pussy and you'll be blowing your load in no time." she says as she spreads her legs wide, giving you a nice view of her dripping pussy. You take a moment to kneel down and press the head of your <<Penis>> against her vagina. "Don't tease me! Just shove it in, stud!" she cries as you tease her nether lips for a few seconds with your <<Penis>> head before slamming your <<Penis>> straight into her pussy, hilting her completely.
  "Oh fuck that's good! Shove it in deep! Oh God!" she screams in rapture as your <<Penis>> drills deep into her snatch, over and over again. You have to agree as it feels so tight and warm that you can't even give her a moment to adjust as your hammering into her cunt continues unabately. Her completely tight pussy feels like it is sucking you in as she wraps her long shapely legs around your back.
  As you continue slamming your hard <<Penis>> into her pussy you notice the Infested's _ISD tits bouncing from the hard nailing you are giving to her. Reaching up to grab her _ISD breasts you find that they feel so heavy and full in your hands. Her breasts were both incredibly soft and perfectly firm at the same time, and felt absolutely wonderful. You quickly plant your face into her large _ICup bosom and start sucking on her long delicious nipples.
  Briefly coming up for air, you gasp out "Fucking big titty slut! Your titties are so fucking _ISD!" before returning to motorboating those _ICup mountains! The whole time you barely slowed down your hard thrusting much the the Infested's vocal delight as she thrusts her big chest against your face, encouraging you to keep going.
  “Do you like my big ol' titties? My huge mouth-watering tits? Oh god it feels so good when you suck on them! Oh fuck!" she moans as you continue to suck on those huge tits. Your pace quickly increases as the pleasure from fucking this drop dead gorgeous babe is intense and you feel your balls start to churn even more rapidly with thick baby-batter.
<<if $PC.Infestation is $Infestation.Cap & $Infestation.Progress > 1>>\
<<include "Infestation Increase">>\
  As you slam your <<Penis>> into her wet cunt you feel a surge of energy flowing directly into you! It almost feels like you are burning up but it quickly turns to pleasure that radiates from your hard <<Penis>>.
  "OH GOD! I can feel you getting bigger and bigger inside me! OH FUCK YES! I'M CUMMING!" she screams as she grips you even harder with her long legs forcing your hard <<Penis>> even deeper. It feels like your <<Penis>> is growing harder and thicker with each thrust into her wet cunt! Even your balls feel like they are about to explode.
  "Oh yes! OH FUCK! I'M CUMMING! I'm blasting your fucking pussy with my hot load!" you scream as the feeling of her pussy quivering with pleasure pushes you over the edge, causing you to unleash a $CumAD load of white cum, bigger than any other load you've ever had, into her hot cunt! As splurt after splurt of cum shoots into her pussy you yell "Take all of my spunk you cock-loving slut!" <<if $Cum.Stored > 10>> The massive stream of hot cum lasts for over a minute and overflows out of her tight pussy!<</if>>
  As you pull out of her dripping cunt you notice you now have a $DickSD $DickSize cock along with a pair of $BallsSD $BallsSize balls! Before you can react the Infested strokes your expanded <<Penis>> and with a smile says "Looks like you are on the way to becoming one hot stud!"
  "Oh fuck your pussy feels so good! Oh shit! I CAN'T HOLD BACK! I'M GOING TO CUM!" you yell as you begin to uncontrollably thrust into her wet cunt in preparation for your imminent orgasm. She just moans even louder as her tight wet pussy is hammered hard by your hard <<Penis>> in loud slaps that echoes throughout the area. The pleasure becomes too much as you step past the point of no return as you unleash a $CumAD load of white cum directly into her tight cunt! As splurt after splurt of cum shoots into her pussy you yell "Take all of my spunk you cock-loving slut!"
  "OH GOD! OH FUCK! I'M CUMMING AS WELL!" She screams as a immense orgasm rocks her body. You feel her hot pussy tighten and then sucks all your hot cum straight in.<<if $Cum.Stored > 10>> The massive stream of hot cum lasts for over a minute and overflows out of her tight pussy!<</if>>
  "Oh that was so good!" she says when you finally stand up, cum dripping from your sensitive <<Penis>>. Taking one last moment to scoop some white goo from her pussy into her mouth, she replies "I'll hope to see you again soon, stud" With that you grab your clothes and leave the area.<<set $sexHistory.XP to $sexHistory.XP +1>>\
<<set $LastPartner to $genericFighter>>\
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$genericFighter.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$genericFighter.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _SizeComp to $PC.DickSize - $genericFighter.Level + ($GeneralFeats.FalseRep *2)>>\
<<if _SizeComp < 0>>\
<<set _SizeComp to 0>>\
  $genericFighter.Name2 is on her hands and knees with her huge ass up in the air looking dejected until you walk towards her, your hard <<Penis>> straining against your pants. With her _ISD _ICup breasts, jiggly ass and those cock-sucking lips there was no way you could walk away.
  "I'm going to fuck your ass so hard you won't be able sit down for a week." you say as you strip out of you clothes. She gives your hard <<Penis>> a long look with a lustful grin while spreading her ass in preperation.
<<switch _SizeComp>>\
<<case 0 1 2>>\
  Looking quizzically at your hard <<Penis>> she sighs in disappointment. "Ummm...I'm sorry to say you might have some trouble even reaching my ass with such a tiny yet strong <<Penis>>! I'm not saying you can't but you're going to have to really give a super-duper effort to reach my asshole due to how junk filled my large ass is. Just try your best OK?" she says in sympothy as she spreads her ass wide.
<<case 3 4 5 6>>\
  She gives your hard <<Penis>> a measuring look with a lustful grin while fingering her already wet cunt. "Hmm... While your dick could be larger it's not that bad. I'm more than willing to try having my ass fucked by such a <<Penis>>. I bet you will prove your great skill by giving me a nice hard dicking?" she says as she enthusiastically spreads her legs wide.
<<case 7 8 9 10 11 12>>\
  "Look who has a great looking <<Penis>>! That's you if you didn't know! It's big enough to really feel it deep in my tight ass. Makes me wonder if I fuck enough Futas I'll grow one of my own..." she says as she fingeres her wet pussy while staring at your <<Penis>>. She quickly spreads her legs in invitation to be fucked hard by your hard cock.
<<case 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24>>\
  "Oh fuck yes! That is a huge fucking <<Penis>>! Most Futas tend to end up with ass crackers but that is still one of the bigger ones I've seen. I'm going to have a hard time fitting it in my tight ass so you will have to wedge it right in nice and hard. Might have to try slammming it in over and over again to make sure can fit!" she says as she starts to grope her ass hard in anticipation for your <<Penis>> being slammed into her ass. She happily bends over while spreading her ass in eager anticipation to be fucked hard by your hard cock.
  "Why do you have a 3ft long club that looks like a dick in your pants? What the hell?!?!? I have no idea on how to get that giant club of a <<Penis>> you have into my ass but I'm kinda wondering if I can... I guess you will just have to try really hard since I'm dying to find out how it feels." she says as she starts to stroke your <<Penis>> with one hand while the other is grabbing a tub of lube out of her purse. She slaps a boatload of lube onto your <<Penis>> before spreading her ass wide.
  "You'll going to love my ass, stud! Just be sure to give me a creampie to remember you by." she says as she slaps her ample butt causing massive jiggling. You take a moment to kneel down and press the head of your <<Penis>> against her asshole. Without even pausing you slam your cock straight into her wet ass.
  It feels so tight and hot that you take a moment to savor the experience. The Infested however is rather impatient as she wiggles her massive rear against you, encouraging you to start moving. Deciding that she needs some discipline, you give her nice behind a firm slap before you start thrusting into that jiggling ass.
  "Oh I'm so naughty! Show me who's the boss, stud! Shove it in deep! Oh God!" she gasps as your <<Penis>> drills deep into her ass, hilting her completely. Slapping her ass again you start reaming your <<Penis>> staight into her hot ass at a steady pace. She looks back at you with a look of pure estasy as her butt is being drilled.
  "You like that bitch? You like my cock destroying your asshole? You like your ass being slapped? Oh fuck yes!" you moan as you grip her hips even harder as your <<Penis>> slams into her jiggly ass like a jackhammer. Your pace quickly increases as the pleasure from fucking this drop dead gorgeous babe is intense and you feel your balls start to churn even more rapidly with thick baby-batter.
<<if $PC.Infestation is $Infestation.Cap & $Infestation.Progress > 1>>\
<<include "Infestation Increase">>\
  As you slam your <<Penis>> into her tight ass you feel a surge of energy flowing directly into you! It almost feels like you are burning up but it quickly turns to pleasure that radiates from your hard cock.
  "OH GOD! I can feel you getting bigger and bigger inside me! OH FUCK YES! I'M CUMMING!" she screams as her asshole grips you even harder sucking your hard <<Penis>> even deeper. It feels like your cock is growing harder and thicker with each thrust into her hot ass! Even your balls feel like they are about to explode.
  "Oh yes! OH FUCK! I'M CUMMING! I'm blasting your fucking ass with my hot load!" you scream as the feeling of her jiggly ass quivering with pleasure pushes you over the edge, causing you to unleash a $CumAD load of white cum, bigger than any other load you've ever had, into her tight asshole!
  As you pull out of her dripping ass you notice you now have a $DickSD $DickSize cock along with a pair of $BallsSD $BallsSize balls! Before you can react the Infested strokes your stronger <<Penis>> and with a smile says "Looks like you are on the way to becoming one hot stud!"
  "Oh fuck your ass feels so good! Oh shit! I CAN't HOLD BACK! I'M GOING TO CUM!" you yell as you begin to uncontrollably thrust into her tight ass in preparation for your imminent orgasm. She just moans even louder as her tight wet pussy is hammered hard by your hard <<Penis>> in loud slaps that echoes throughout the area. The pleasure becomes too much as you step past the point of no return as you unleash a $CumAD load of white cum directly into her tight ass.
  "OH GOD! OH FUCK! I'M CUMMING AS WELL!" She screams as a immense orgasm rocks her body. You feel her hot asshole tighten around your <<Penis>> almost painfully as the rest of her ass spasms.
  "Oh that was so good!" she says when you finally stand up, cum dripping from your sensitive <<Penis>>. Taking one last moment to scoop some white goo from her ass into her mouth, she replies "I'll hope to see you again soon, stud" With that you grab your clothes and leave the area.<<set $sexHistory.XP to $sexHistory.XP +1>>\
<<set $LastPartner to $genericFighter>>\
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$genericFighter.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$genericFighter.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _INip to $arrayNippleSize[$genericFighter.NippleSize]>>\
<<set _IAss to $arrayAssSizeDesc[$genericFighter.AssSize]>>\
<<set _SizeComp to $PC.DickSize - $genericFighter.Level + ($GeneralFeats.FalseRep *2)>>\
<<if _SizeComp < 0>>\
<<set _SizeComp to 0>>\
<<switch $genericFighter.SubID>>\
<<case 2>>\
  $genericFighter.Name2 is on her knees glancing at you while groping her jiggly tits that are straining against her slutty nurse outfit. You stare at those _ISD fake tits as you walk towards her, your hard <<Penis>> straining against your pants. With her _ISD _ICup breasts, silicone-filled ass and those pumped up cock-sucking lips there was no way you could walk away. Your own <<Penis>> is rock hard long so you toss your clothes away as you stride over to where the Infested is laying on ground.
  "I'm going to fuck your big fake tits until I blow my load all over your _ISD silicone-filled <<Breasts>> and face! By the time I'm done you're going to be completely painted white!" you growl as you strip out of you clothes. She gives your hard <<Penis>> a good look with a lustful grin while tweaking her nipples and moaning.
<<switch _SizeComp>>\
<<case 0 1 2>>\
  Looking at your hard <<Penis>> with pity, she continues to slowly run her hands over her silicone-filled tits. "I'm so so sorry about your tiny <<Penis>>. I'll do my best to help you get your wimpy thermometer into my big titties but I'm not sure how much you will be able fuck them. I heard there's a doctor who can pump your $DickSD $DickSize nub with enough silicone to turn it into a super big cock that everyone will love! Oh well, at the very least I'll get some yummy cum out of this..." she says as she presses her _ISD breasts together with little fanfare.
<<case 3 4 5 6>>\
  She gives your hard <<Penis>> a thoughtful look as she continues to run her hands over her silicone-filled tits. "Hmm. That's not a bad <<Penis>>. A bit mediocre by medical standards but I bet it can do a decent job of fucking my big fake titties. As a wise man once said 'Size matters not!' so how about you prove it by slamming your beefy thermometer into my nice _ICup tits and giving me a nice facial?" she says as she presses her _ISD breasts together eagerly.
<<case 7 8 9 10 11 12>>\
  "Hey that's a strong looking <<Penis>> you're packing! It's big enough to really feel your mega thermometer buried between my _ISD fake tits. I wonder how it will taste after you blast my big jiggly tits with all your hot cum?" she says as she continues to grope her silicone-filled tits eagerly at the thought of being tit-fucked while staring hard at your <<Penis>>. She quickly presses her _ISD jugs together while anticipating recieving your $DickSD <<Penis>>.
<<case 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24>>\
  She gives your $DickSD $DickSize <<Penis>> an astonished look before lustily moaning. "Oh fuck yes! That as they say in the business is a $DickSD fucking <<Penis>>! Some say that size doesn't matter but those fuckers are lying! I'm going to have a hard time fitting your mouth-watering thermometer in between my _ISD fake tits so you will have to slide it right in, nice and hard. I might have to get some more plastic pumped into my tits just to bury that big boy!" she says as she lustfully continues to grope her silicone-filled tits while licking her pumped up lips eagerly. She happily presses her _ISD jugs together while moaning in anticipation for your $DickSD <<Penis>>.
  She gives your $DickSD $DickSize <<Penis>> a look of disbelief before lustily groaning. "Why do you have a 3ft long thermometer that looks like a dick in your pants? What the hell?!?!? I have no idea on how to get that giant club of a <<Penis>> you have between my fake tits but I'm really eager to try! I might have to get some more plastic pumped into my silicone titties if I keep running across monster dicks like this big boy!" she says as she starts to stroke your <<Penis>> with one hand while the other is groping her big fake tits.
  "You'll going to love my _ICup fake tits, stud! Just be sure to give me a nice gooey facial to remember you by." she says as she presses her silicone-filled breasts together causing massive jiggling. Eager to get started, you press the head of your <<Penis>> against the entrance to the valley of her breasts. You quickly spear your cock through the valley of succulent tit flesh, bringing down your hands to the $genericFighter.Name's _ISD impressive titties. They feel so extremely heavy and full in your hands. Her breasts were both incredibly soft and perfectly firm at the same time, and felt absolutely wonderful. It feels so right for you to be fucking the perfect tits of this drop dead sexy Infested whose body screams that it was sculpted for one thing and that was to be fucked.
  "Oh fuck yes, your big titties feels so fucking amazing!" You moan as you begin to thrust even harder into those gravity defying orbs, your cock lubricated by pre-cum and her spit. You quickly give her fat_INip nipples a firm tweek causing the Infested to moan and squirm like crazy! The sound of flesh slapping into flesh is slowly being drowned out by the mutual moaning and groaning between you and the Infested.
  “Do you like my big fake tits? My _ISD mouth-watering breasts? Don't you want to fire your nice hot load all over them?” she groans as she kisses the tip of your cock as you shove even harder into her _ISD funbags, her overfilled silicone tits jiggling even harder from all the thrusting. Your $DickSize cock is leaking pre-cum all over her juicy jugs making them even slippier!
  "Oh fuck yes! I love your _ISD whorish tits! Fuck! They're making me feel so good I'm about to nut all over these fucking funbags!" you moan as feel your balls churn even harder, your orgasm drawing rapidly closer. You continue to grope those delicious looking jugs as you pludge your cock deep into that divine valley. The Infested's moans of pleasure show that she's loving the feeling of having her silicone titties fucked nice and hard by your $DickSize shaft.
<<if $PC.Infestation is $Infestation.Cap & $Infestation.Progress > 1>>\
<<include "Infestation Increase">>\
  As you thrust your <<Penis>> into her _ISD overfilled silicone breasts you feel a surge of energy flowing directly into you! It almost feels like you are burning up but it quickly turns to pleasure that radiates from your hard cock.
  "OH GOD! I can feel you getting bigger and thicker between my big fake titties! OH FUCK YES! I'M CUMMING!" The Infested Female screams as she squeezes her tits even harder around your hard cock. It feels like your cock is growing harder and thicker with each thrust into her slippery funbags! Even your balls feel like they are about to explode as they churn with baby-batter!
  "Oh yes! OH FUCK! I'M CUMMING! I'm blasting your fucking tits with my hot load!" you scream as the feeling of her breasts quivering with pleasure pushes you over the edge and you unleash a $CumAD load of white cum, bigger than any other load you've ever had, directly onto her gorgeous face and mouth-watering tits! As more and more cum blast over those mountainous orbs you shout "Your fucking fake tits feel so so fucking amazing, I, uh, I can't stop cumming!"
  As you pull out of her cum glazed breasts you notice that you now have a $DickSD $DickSize cock along with a pair of $BallsSD $BallsSize balls! Before you can react the Infested strokes your enlarged <<Penis>> with a smile and says "Looks like you are on the way to becoming one hot stud!"
  "OH GOD! OH FUCK! I'M CUMMING!" She screams as a immense orgasm rocks her body. The feeling of her breasts quivering with pleasure pushes you closer to the edge as you thrust faster into those quivering over-stuffed silicone titties.
  "Oh yes! OH FUCK! I'M CUMMING TOO! I'm blasting your fucking tits with my hot load! " you scream as the feeling of her breasts quivering with pleasure pushes you over the edge and you unleash a $CumAD load of white cum, directly onto her gorgeous face and mouth-watering tits! As more and more cum blast over those mountainous orbs you shout "Your fucking fake tits feel so so fucking amazing, I, uh, I can't stop cumming!"
  "Oh that was so good!" she says when you finally step away, cum dripping from your sensitive <<Penis>>. Taking one last moment to scoop some white goo from her cum-glazed breasts into her mouth, she replies "I'll hope to see you again soon, stud." With that you grab your clothes and leave the area.
  $genericFighter.Name2 is on her knees glancing at you while groping her big tits. You stare at those _ISD funbags as you walk towards her, your hard <<Penis>> straining against your pants. With her _ISD _ICup breasts, jiggly ass and those cock-sucking lips there was no way you could walk away.
  "I'm going to fuck your big fucking tits until I blow my load all over your fucking face. By the time I'm done you're going to be completely painted white!" you growl as you strip out of you clothes. She gives your hard <<Penis>> a good look with a lustful grin while tweaking her nipples and moaning.
<<switch _SizeComp>>\
<<case 0 1 2>>\
  Looking sadly at your hard <<Penis>> as she continues to slowly run her hands over her ample tits. "I'm so so sorry about your tiny <<Penis>>, it must be hard to live with such a disability. I'll do my best to help you get your dick into my big titties but I'm not sure how much of them you will be able fuck. Hopefully with enough time and effort I can turn your $DickSD $DickSize <<Penis>> into a super big cock that everyone will love! At the very least I'll get some yummy cum out of this..." she says as she presses her _ISD breasts together with little fanfare.
<<case 3 4 5 6>>\
  She gives your hard <<Penis>> a thoughtful look as she continues to run her hands over her ample tits. "Hmm. That's not a bad <<Penis>>. A bit mediocre by my standards but I bet it can do a decent job of fucking my titties. As a wise man once said 'Size matters not!' so how about you prove it by slamming your cock into my nice _ICup tits and giving me a nice facial?" she says as she presses her _ISD breasts together eagerly.
<<case 7 8 9 10 11 12>>\
  "Hey that's a strong looking <<Penis>> you're packing! It's big enough to really feel it between my _ISD tits. I wonder how long you'll be able to last before you're blasting my tits with all of your hot cum?" she ponders as she continues to grope her ample tits eagerly at the thought of her tits being painted white while staring hard at your <<Penis>>. She quickly presses her _ISD jugs together while anticipating recieving your $DickSD <<Penis>>.
<<case 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24>>\
  She gives your $DickSD $DickSize <<Penis>> a astonished look before lustily moaning. "Oh fuck yes! That as they say in the business is a huge fucking <<Penis>>! I'm so glad that you ended up with such huge logs. I'm going to have a hard time fitting it in between my _ISD tits so you will have to slide it right in, nice and hard. I might have to grow some bigger tits just to bury that big boy!" she says as she lustfully continues to grope her ample tits while licking her lips eagerly. She happily presses her _ISD jugs together while moaning in anticipation for your $DickSD <<Penis>>.
  She gives your $DickSD $DickSize <<Penis>> a look of disbelief before lustily groaning. "Why do you have a 3ft long tree that looks like a dick in your pants? What the hell?!?!? I have no idea on how to get that giant club of a <<Penis>> you have between my tits but I'm really eager to try! I'm going to have to grow some bigger tits if I keep running across monster dicks like this big boy!" she says as she starts to stroke your <<Penis>> with one hand while the other is groping her tits.
  "You'll going to love my _ICup tits, stud! Just be sure to give me a nice gooey facial to remember you by." she says as she presses her ample breasts together causing massive jiggling. You press the head of your <<Penis>> against the entrance to the valley of her breasts. You quickly spear your cock through the valley of succulent tit flesh, bringing down your hands to the $genericFighter.Name's _ISD bosom. They feel so heavy and full in your hands. Her breasts were both incredibly soft and perfectly firm at the same time, and felt absolutely wonderful. It feels so right for you to be fucking the tits of this drop dead sexy Infested whose body screams that it was made for one thing and that was to be fucked.
  "Oh fuck yes, your big titties feels so fucking amazing! I can't believe how big and bouncy they are!" You moan as you begin to thrust even harder into those soft mountains, your cock lubricated by pre-cum and her spit. You quickly give her fat _INip nipples a firm tweek causing the Infested to moan and squirm like crazy! The sound of flesh slapping into flesh is slowly being drowned out by the mutual moaning and groaning between you and the Infested.
  “Do you like my big tits? My _ISD mouth-watering breasts? Don't you want to fire your nice hot load all over them?” she groans as she kisses the tip of your cock as you shove even harder into her impressive funbags, her mouth-watering titties jiggling even harder from all the thrusting. Your $DickSize cock is leaking pre-cum all over her juicy jugs making them even slippier!
  "Oh fuck yes! I love your _ISD whorish tits! Fuck! They're making me feel so good I'm about to nut all over these fucking funbags!" you moan as feel your balls churn even harder, your orgasm drawing rapidly closer. You continue to grope those delicious looking jugs as you pludge your cock deep into that divine valley.The Infested's moans of pleasure show that she's loving the feeling of having her big titties fucked nice and hard by your $DickSize shaft.
<<if $PC.Infestation is $Infestation.Cap & $Infestation.Progress > 1>>\
<<include "Infestation Increase">>\
  As you thrust your <<Penis>> into her _ISD breasts you feel a surge of energy flowing directly into you! It almost feels like you are burning up but it quickly turns to pleasure that radiates from your hard cock.
  "OH GOD! I can feel you getting bigger and thicker between my tits! OH FUCK YES! I'M CUMMING!" The Infested Female screams as she squeezes her tits even harder around your hard cock. It feels like your cock is growing harder and thicker with each thrust into her slippery funbags! Even your balls feel like they are about to explode.
  "Oh yes! OH FUCK! I'M CUMMING! I'm blasting your fucking tits with my hot load!" you scream as the feeling of her breasts quivering with pleasure pushes you over the edge and you unleash a $CumAD load of white cum, bigger than any other load you've ever had, directly onto her gorgeous face and mouth-watering tits! As more and more cum blast over those mountainous breasts you shout "Your tits feel so good I can't stop cumming!"
  As you pull out of her cum soaked breasts you notice that you now have a $DickSD $DickSize cock along with a pair of $BallsSD $BallsSize balls! Before you can react the Infested strokes your enlarged <<Penis>> with a smile and says "Looks like you are on the way to becoming one hot stud!"
  "OH GOD! OH FUCK! I'M CUMMING!" She screams as a immense orgasm rocks her body. The feeling of her breasts quivering with pleasure pushes you closer to the edge as you thrust faster into those quivering tits.
  "Oh yes! OH FUCK! I'M CUMMING TOO! I'm blasting your fucking tits with my hot load! " you scream as the feeling of her breasts quivering with pleasure pushes you over the edge and you unleash a $CumAD load of white cum, directly onto her gorgeous face and mouth-watering tits! As more and more cum blast over those mountainous breasts you shout "Your tits feel so good I can't stop cumming!"
  "Oh that was so good!" she says when you finally step away, cum dripping from your sensitive <<Penis>>. Taking one last moment to scoop some white goo from her breasts into her mouth, she replies "I'll hope to see you again soon, stud." With that you grab your clothes and leave the area.
<</switch>>\Gotta get a handjob<<include "Adlibs">>\
<<switch $SexScene2>>\
<<case 1>>\ /* Get Pussy eaten scene */
<<include "Infested Female Eaten Sex Submissive Female">>\
<<case 2>>\ /* Dildo Pussy Hidden Scene*/
<<include "Infested Female Dildo Pussy Sex Submissive Female">>\
<<case 3>>\ /* Dildo Ass Hidden Scene*/
<<include "Infested Female Dildo Ass Sex Submissive Female">>\
<</switch>> <<include "Adlibs">>\
<<switch $SexScene2>>\
<<case 1>>\ /* Pussy scene */
<<include "Infested Female Pussy Sex Submissive Futa">>\
<<case 2>>\ /* Ass scene */
<<include "Infested Female Ass Sex Submissive Futa">>\
<<case 3>>\ /* Titfuck scene */
<<include "Infested Female Tit Sex Submissive Futa">>\
<<case 4>>\ /* Blowjob scene */
<<include "Infested Female Blowjob Submissive Futa">>\
<<case 5>>\ /* Handjob scene */
<<include "Infested Female Handjob Sex Submissive Male">>\
<</switch>> <<set $sexHistory.XP to $sexHistory.XP +1>>\
<<set $LastPartner to $genericFighter>>\
<<set _TCard to 0>>\
<<set _VCard to 0>>\
<<set $sexHistory.LastPartner to $genericFighter.Name>>\
<<set $sexHistory.Type to "Pussy">>\
<<set $sexHistory.Consent to "Yes">>\
<<if $sexHistory.TotalV is 1>>\
<<set $sexHistory.TrueVirginityWho to $genericFighter.Name>>\
<<set _TCard to 1>>\
<<set $sexHistory.TotalV to 0>>\
<<if $sexHistory.PenisV is 1>>\
<<set $sexHistory.PenisVirginityWho to $genericFighter.Name>>\
<<set _VCard to 1>>\
<<set $sexHistory.PenisV to 0>>\
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$genericFighter.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$genericFighter.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$genericFighter.DickSize]>>\
<<set _DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$genericFighter.DickSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$genericFighter.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$genericFighter.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _SizeComp to $PC.DickSize - $genericFighter.Level + ($GeneralFeats.FalseRep *2)>>\
<<if _SizeComp < 0>>\
<<set _SizeComp to 0>>\
  The $genericFighter.Name stares at you with a disgruntled look in her eyes as you walk towards her, your hard cock straining against your pants. With her _ISD breasts, jiggly ass and that _DickSD cock there was no way you could walk away. "I'm going to fuck your brains out. By the time I'm done you will be using your dick as a walking stick." you say as you strip out of your clothes.
<<switch _SizeComp>>\
<<case 0 1 2>>\
  She gives your hard cock a sad look while fingering her already wet cunt. "Such a sad little <<Penis>>! I bet it wants to grow to be a big cunt-slaying cock like mine but right now it's just a baby cock. Well I know how to get a baby cock to grow big and strong and that's by having it rest deep inside my warm pussy!" she says mockingly as she spreads her legs wide for your $DickSize cock.
<<case 3 4 5 6>>\
  "Not bad at all. I mean mine's better but at least you're trying. Not everyone can be packing meat jackhammers, you know." she says as she inspects your $DickSD package with a thoughtful look while lightly rubbing her wet pussy. "Anyways let's get started, maybe you'll learn something about friendship being the pussies creampied along the way." she says jokingly as she spreads her legs wide for your $DickSize cock.
<<case 7 8 9 10 11 12>>\
  "OK now this is what I've been waiting for. A nice meat package that's big enough to really feel it in my tight pussy. Reminds me of my own cock, you know." she says as she gives your $DickSD dick a lusty smile while stroking her futa-cock. "Be sure to give it to me nice and hard? Don't wanna go home with an empty pussy." she says eagerly as she spreads her legs wide for your $DickSize cock.
<<case 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24>>\
  "Oh fuck me! I mean that literally, fuck me! That is a fucking big cock your packing, you know? Fuck! I bet it'll feel great in my tight pussy!" she says with lust-filled hunger as she stares at your $DickSize <<Penis>>. "I should be mad that you have a bigger dick than me but the thought of your $DickSD cock slamming into my wet pussy makes up for that in spades." she huskily says as she spreads her legs wide for your $DickSize cock.
  "Huh, I did not expect this...I mean I thought you had a backup crowbar for a weapon not a fucking $DickSize dick! You should have been whacking people with that meat staff instead. If you put that in, you'll definitely destroy my pussy!" she says with utter disbelief as she stares at your $DickSize <<Penis>>. "I hope my pussy can handle your $DickSD tree limb cause I kind of want to see how much cum you unload into it." she nervously says as she spreads her legs wide for your $DickSize cock.
  You take a moment to find her pussy below her own _DickSD <<Penis>>. "Getting cold feet? Or maybe you've never been with a hot Futa like me before?" she says mockingly as you take a moment to aim at her pussy before slamming your $DickSD <<Penis>> straight into her tight pussy.
  "Oh fuck that's good! Shove it in deep! Oh God!" she gasps as your cock drills deep into her pussy, hilting her completely. You have to agree as it feels so tight and warm that you can't even give her a moment to adjust before you are hammering your <<Penis>> straight into her snatch. Her completely tight pussy feels like it is sucking you in as she wraps her long shapely legs around your back.
  "Your pussy is so tight! It feels so good!" you moan as you continue slamming your hard cock into her wet pussy. As you continue jackhammering her pussy you notice the Infested's _DickSD cock is bouncing next to her _ISD tits from the hard nailing you are giving to her. Reaching up to grab her cock, you shove it between her breasts, forcing her to give herself a titjob. You quickly start jacking her hard cock with those _ISD breasts while groping those gravity ignoring orbs.
  “Oh god my cock feels so good between my tits, my huge mouth-watering tits! Oh fuck! Oh fuck give me all of your hot cum!" she moans as you continue to force her to fuck her own _ISD tits. Your pace quickly increases as the pleasure from fucking this drop dead gorgeous babe is intense and you feel your balls start to churn even more rapidly with thick baby-batter.
<<if $Infestation.FutaVariant >= $Infestation.FutaCap & $Infestation.Progress > 1>>\
<<include "Futa TF">>\
  As you slam your <<Penis>> into her wet cunt you feel a surge of shocking energy flowing directly into you! It almost feels like you are electrocuted but it quickly turns to pleasure that radiates from below your hard <<Penis>> and in your chest.
  "OH GOD! OH FUCK! I'M CUMMING! I'M SHOOTING MY WHITE LOAD WHILE YOU ARE FUCKING MY PUSSY!" She screams as a immense orgasm rocks her body. The feeling of the flood of her pussy spasming around your dick would normally push you over the edge but some reason your orgasm feels almost like it's blocked.
  As you look down to see what could be the issue you see two bulges of flesh pushing out from your chest! As you stare in disbelief the bulges slowly form into the shape of breasts! Your almost forgotten orgasm comes crashing back with a vengeance as you feel something below your cock explode with fluids. Looking farther down it seems like you now also have a pussy and a larger ass! It feels so good that you can't stop cumming!
  Staring in shock you notice that you now have a pair of $BreastSD $BreastsSize breasts, a $AssSize ass and a wet pussy! Before you can react the Infested strokes your pussy and with a grin and says "Looks like you are now a hot looking Futa!"
<<elseif $PC.Infestation >= $Infestation.Cap & $Infestation.Progress > 1>>\
<<include "Infestation Increase">>\
  As you slam your <<Penis>> into her wet cunt you feel a surge of energy flowing directly into you! It feels almost like you are being burned alive but it quickly turns to pleasure that radiates from below your hard cock and cum-filled balls.
  "OH GOD! I can feel you getting bigger and stronger inside me! OH FUCK YES! I'M CUMMING FROM MY CUNT AND COCK!" she screams as she grips you even harder with her long legs forcing your hard cock even deeper. A huge blast of cum erupts from her huge <<Penis>> and splatters all over her fact and breasts. It feels like your cock is completely filled with power as each thrust into her wet cunt causes the pleasurable energy to grow! Even your balls are bursting with energy as they slap against the Infested's groin.
  "Oh yes! OH FUCK! I'M CUMMING! I'm blasting your fucking pussy with my hot load!" you scream as the feeling of her pussy quivering with pleasure pushes you over the edge, causing you to unleash a $CumAD load of white cum, bigger than any other load you've ever had, into her hot cunt! As spurt after spurt of cum shoots into her pussy you yell "Take all of my spunk you cock loving slut!"
  As you pull out of her dripping cunt you notice you now have a $DickSD $DickSize cock along with a pair of $BallsSD $BallsSize balls! Before you can react, the Infested strokes your expanded <<Penis>> and with a smile says "Looks like you are on the way to becoming one hot stud."
  "Oh fuck your pussy feels so good! Oh shit! I CAN'T HOLD BACK! I'M GOING TO CUM!" you yell as you begin to uncontrollably thrust into her wet cunt in preparation for your imminent orgasm. She just moans even louder as her tight wet pussy is hammered hard by your hard cock in loud slaps that echoes throughout the area. The pleasure becomes too much as you step past the point of no return as you unleash a $CumAD load of white cum directly into her tight cunt! As splurt after splurt of cum shoots into her pussy you yell "Take all of my spunk you cock loving slut!"
  "OH GOD! OH FUCK! I'M CUMMING AS WELL! I'M CUMMING FROM MY CUNT AND COCK!" she screams as she grips you even harder with her long legs forcing your hard cock even deeper. A huge blast of cum erupts from her huge <<Penis>> and splatters all over her face and breasts. You feel her hot pussy tighten as you completely fill her womb with your hot seed. <<if $Cum.Stored > 10>> Not finished with just creampieing her tight pussy, you pull your still twitching cock out before shooting some more $CumAD ribbons of baby-batter onto her _ICup tits!<</if>>
  "Oh that was so good!" she says when you finally stand up, cum dripping from your sensitive <<Penis>>. Taking one last moment to scoop some white goo from her face along some from her pussy into her mouth, she replies "I'll hope to see you again soon, stud" With that you grab your clothes and leave the area.<<include "Adlibs">>\
<<set $SexScene1 to random(8)>>\
<<switch $SexScene1>>\
<<case 0 1 2>>\ /* Get Pussy Fucked by strapon */
<<include "Infested Female Dildo Pussy Sex Dominate Female">>\
<<case 3 4 5>>\ /* Get Ass fucked by strapon */
<<include "Infested Female Dildo Ass Sex Dominate Female">>\
<<case 6 7 8>>\ /* 69 scene */
<<include "Infested Female 69 Sex Dominate Female">>\
<<default>>\ /* Fingering Sex*/
<<include "Infested Female Fingering Sex Dominate Female">>\
<</switch>> <<set $sexHistory.XP to $sexHistory.XP +1>>\
<<set $LastPartner to $genericFighter>>\
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$genericFighter.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$genericFighter.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _SizeComp to $PC.DickSize - $genericFighter.Level + ($GeneralFeats.FalseRep *2)>>\
<<if _SizeComp < 0>>\
<<set _SizeComp to 0>>\
  "This is going to feel so good in my mouth and I bet you're going to love it as well! How about you just sit back and enjoy having your girl-dick sucked?." asks $genericFighter.Name as you lay there exhausted. The victorius $genericFighter.Name3 slowly saunters over to you with a lusty smile on her beautiful face. Giving your groin a long look she nods before quickly pulling off your clothes exposing your raging boner along with your $BreastSD tits.
<<switch _SizeComp>>\
<<case 0 1 2>>\
  "Is that even a <<Penis>>? I'm guessing it's not even a <<Penis>>, it might be some type of mutant clitty! Let's see if I can pump your clitty into a real stong cock that it wants to be!" she says as she starts to stroke your <<Penis>>. After winking at you she quickly lowers her mouth to give your cock a slight kiss. With little fanfare she engulfs your cock into her wet mouth.
<<case 3 4 5 6>>\
  "What do we have here? Looks like a little girl is packing some heat. Let's see if I can turn that heat into a raging inferno." she says as she starts to stroke your <<Penis>>. After giving your <<Penis>> a measuring look she slowly lowers her mouth to give your <<Penis>> a shallow kiss. After a few probing licks she engulfs your cock into her wet mouth.
<<case 7 8 9 10 11 12>>\
  "That's a nice looking <<Penis>>! Big enough to really feel it in my mouth. Makes me think that I might want one of my own..." she says as she starts to stroke your <<Penis>>. After winking at you she slowly lowers her mouth to give your <<Penis>> a wet kiss. After a few licks she engulfs your cock into her wet mouth.
<<case 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24>>\
  "Oh fuck is that a huge looking <<Penis>>! Why do all the Futas tend to end up with such cunt breakers? I'm going to have a hard time fitting it between my cock-sucking lips but I'm more than willing to try. I'm going to really enjoy sucking on this big girl." she says as she starts to stroke your <<Penis>>. After licking her lips she slowly lowers her mouth to give your <<Penis>> a sloppy kiss. With some extra effort she slowly engulfs most of your cock into her wet mouth.
  "Why do you have a 3ft long club that looks like a dick in your pants? What the hell?!?!? I have no idea on how to get that giant club of a <<Penis>> you have into my mouth but I'm kinda wondering if I can... I guess I'll just have to try really hard since I'm dying to find out how it tastes." she says as she starts to stroke your <<Penis>> with both hands. After some extreme licking of her lips she slowly lowers her mouth to give your <<Penis>> a very sloppy kiss. With some supreme effort she slowly engulfs some of your massive cock into her tight mouth.
  "Oh God! It feels so wet and warm!" you gasp as the tongue of the Infested swirls around your <<Penis>>. Soon a powerful sucking sensation pulls your <<Penis>> deep into her throat as her blowjob continues.
  Her head starts to bob up and down as she continues her blowjob. Reaching down she fondles your full balls with one hand and the other hand sliding into your tight pussy causing you let out a loud moan of pleasure. The Infested is letting out her own low moaning that can barely be heard around the meat-stick being shoved down her deep throat.
  Letting your <<Penis>> pop out she asks with a lustful smirk "You like that? You like me sucking your hard <<Penis>> with my cock-sucking lips? Do you want to blow your load down my throat or maybe shooting your wad all over both of our tits?" And with that she slaps your cock into her _ISD breasts, letting them jiggle wildly while sloppily stroking you with both hands.
  "Oh fuck yes! Don't stop!" you beg as she moves back to licking your cock. Before long the wet sound of the Infested sucking your <<Penis>> resumes as she bobs up and down on your wet dick. But the Infested isn't quite done yet as she starts to finger-bang your wet pussy as she continues to suck your cock like a vaccum. Soon her finger-banging pace has reached the same speed as her blowjob speed. Your pleasure filled mind can only handle so much and your $BallsSD balls are churning so hard that your orgasm is moments away.
<<if $PC.Infestation is $Infestation.Cap & $Infestation.Progress > 1>>\
<<include "Infestation Increase">>\
  As she slams your <<Penis>> into her warm mouth you feel a surge of energy flowing directly into you! It almost feels like you are burning up but it quickly turns to pleasure that radiates from your hard cock and then spikes upwards towards your breasts..
  "OH GOD! I felt you getting bigger and tastier between my lip and your tits are growing right in front of me! OH FUCK YES! I'M CUMMING!" $genericFighter.Name2's screams are cut off as you shove your <<Penis>> back into between her cock-sucking lips. It feels like your cock is growing harder and thicker with each thrust into her warm mouth! Even your balls feel like they are about to explode.
  "Oh yes! OH FUCK! I'M CUMMING! I'm shooting my hot load down your fucking throat!" you shout as the feeling of her intense sucking pushes you over the edge to unleashing a massive tsunami of white cum, bigger than any other load you've ever had, directly into her hot mouth. Your sensitive pussy squeezes around the Infested's finger before squirting out an tidal wave of girl-cum all over her fingers!
  As you pull out of her cum-filled mouth you notice looking down that your vision is being blocked even more by your $BreastSD $BreastsSize breasts! Peering below them you notice that you now have a $DickSD $DickSize cock along with a pair of $BallsSD $BallsSize balls! Before you can react the Infested strokes your thicker <<Penis>> and with a smirk says "Looks like you are on the way to becoming one hot Futa!"
  "OH FUCK! I'M CUMMING! I'm shooting my hot load down your fucking throat!" you shout as you unleash a load of white cum directly into her warm mouth. Your orgasm seems to go on forever as every drop is sucked down by the thirsty $genericFighter.Name3. Your sensitive pussy squeezes around the Infested's finger before squirting out a $GCumAD wave of girl-cum all over her fingers!
  "Oh that was so good!" she says as she stands up from your exhausted body, drops of cum leaking from the side of her mouth. Taking one last moment to lick the last gooey drop, she replies "I'll see again soon, I'm sure..." With that she walks away fulfilled leaving you to grab your clothes and to slowly recover.<<include "Time Micro-Passes">>\
<<set _Fog to 0>>\
<<set _Rain to 0>>\
<<set _Cold to 0>>\
<<set _Wind to 0>>\
<<set _State to 0>>\
<<switch $Weather.Current>>\
<<case "Cloudy" "Windy">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Bank/Bank.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Wind to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<case "Foggy">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Bank/Bank-F.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<case "Misty">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Bank/Bank-F.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Rainy" "Stormy">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Bank/Bank-R.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Dreary">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Bank/Bank-R.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Sleeting">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Bank/Bank-S.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Cold to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Snowy">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Bank/Bank-S.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Cold to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $Time.Current > 6>>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Bank/Bank-N.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<img src="Images/Suburb/Bank/Bank.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set $location.temp to "Civiton National Bank Front">>\
<<set $location.coord to 21>>\
<<if $Time.Current >= $Time.Max >>\
<<set _State to "TooLate">>\
<<set $NoEncounter to 1>>\
<<if $NoEncounter < 1>>\
<<set _EncounterRoll to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<set _TotalEncounterRoll to _EncounterRoll + $Skill.Scouting + $WisdomBonus + $StatusAffect.SilentStalking - ($StatusAffect.Stalking *2) - $StatusAffect.Horny - ($StatusAffect.CumCovered)>>\
<<if _TotalEncounterRoll + ($ThieverySkillFeats.SnareMaster *2) < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current - 10 + _Fog) or (_EncounterRoll < 2)>>\
<<set _State to "Ambush">>\
<<elseif _TotalEncounterRoll < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current - _Fog + _Rain - _Cold)>>\
<<set _State to "Combat">>\
<<set _NPCEncounterRoll to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<if _NPCEncounterRoll - _Rain + _Wind > (18 - $ScoutingSkillFeats.KeenEye) and $NoEncounter is 0>>\
<<set _State to "NPC">>\
You are standing outside of the two-story Oak Dale branch of the Civiton National Bank. The walls look to be pretty clean of lewd graffiti so the Infested presence seems to be low. From what you can see on this side of the building it hasn't been ransacked yet but with the windows boarded up and the main front door chained close, it's hard to really tell for sure. The froot entrance doors look to be locked up pretty tight with chains and locks but there looks to be a customer entrance to the northwest along with a tiny customer parking lot. To the east the drive-thru is blocked off with wrecked abandoned cars. To the south the exit to Peanut street can be seen.
<<if $StatusText.Notice is 1>>\
<<include "Update Status">>\
<<if _Rain > 0 and $StatusAffect.Wet < _Rain>>\
<<set _Rain to _Rain - $PCResistance.Water>>\
<<if _Rain > $StatusAffect.Wet>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Wet to _Rain>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I'm getting soaking wet!</i> </div>
<<if _Cold > 0 and $PCResistance.Cold < _Cold>>\
<<set _tempDamage to random(_Cold) + $StatusAffect.Wet>>\
<<set _tempDamage2 to _tempDamage - $PCResistance.Cold>>\
<<if _tempDamage2 > 0>>\
<<set $HP to $HP - _tempDamage2>>\
<<if $HP < 1>>\
<<set $HP to 1>>\
You take _tempDamage2 cold damage!
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I'm freezing to death!</i>
<<switch _State>>\
<<case "TooLate">>\
<<set $Time.Current to $Time.Max>>\
It's too dangerous to explore the Civiton National Bank at this time of night.
<<button [[Return Home|Oak Dale Returning Home]]>>
<<set $NoEncounter to 0>>\
<<case "Ambush">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Ambushed to 1>>\
You've been ambushed by an enemy!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<case "Combat">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
A hostile enemy is roaming nearby!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<case "NPC">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
You've encountered something unusual!
<<button [[Encounter|Oak Dale Events]]>>
<<if $bankEvent.BankerDefeated is 0>>\
<<button [[Northwest|Civiton National Bank Side]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Leave|Oak Dale - Peanut St 1]]>> <</button>>
It looks like the Civiton National Bank security systems have locked the place down for today. You will have to come back another day.
<<button [[Leave|Oak Dale - Peanut St 1]]>> <</button>>
<</switch>>\<img src="Images/Classes/INTBonus.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<if $Intelligence < 12>>\
Your Intelligence does not grant any extra skill proficiencies.
<<button [[Finish|Check Start]]>> <</button>>\
Your Intelligence gives you a bonus Trained proficiency skill. This can be either a extra skill proficiency, weapon proficiency or armor proficiency. Being trained in a skill gives a +2 to that skill and allows Active skill checks to be done with it. The Athetics skill is the only exception as it allows a Active skill check without training. Choose from the list below.
<<if $Prof.Athletics < 2>>\
<<button [[Athletics|Intelligence Check 2]]>>
<<set $Prof.Athletics to $Prof.Athletics+2>>\
<<if $Prof.Crafting < 2>>\
<<button [[Crafting|Intelligence Check 2]]>>
<<set $Prof.Crafting to $Prof.Crafting+2>>\
<<if $Prof.Cooking < 2>>\
<<button [[Cooking|Intelligence Check 2]]>>
<<set $Prof.Cooking to $Prof.Cooking+2>>\
<<if $Prof.Driving < 2>>\
<<button [[Driving|Intelligence Check 2]]>>
<<set $Prof.Driving to $Prof.Driving+2>>\
<<if $Prof.Electronics < 2>>\
<<button [[Electronics|Intelligence Check 2]]>>
<<set $Prof.Electronics to $Prof.Electronics+2>>\
<<if $Prof.Medical < 2>>\
<<button [[Medical|Intelligence Check 2]]>>
<<set $Prof.Medical to $Prof.Medical+2>>\
<<if $Prof.Salvaging < 2>>\
<<button [[Salvaging|Intelligence Check 2]]>>
<<set $Prof.Salvaging to $Prof.Salvaging+2>>\
<<if $Prof.Scouting < 2>>\
<<button [[Scouting|Intelligence Check 2]]>>
<<set $Prof.Scouting to $Prof.Scouting+2>>\
<<if $Prof.Social < 2>>\
<<button [[Social|Intelligence Check 2]]>>
<<set $Prof.Social to $Prof.Social+2>>\
<<if $Prof.Stealth < 2>>\
<<button [[Stealth|Intelligence Check 2]]>>
<<set $Prof.Stealth to $Prof.Stealth+2>>\
<<if $Prof.Thievery < 2>>\
<<button [[Thievery|Intelligence Check 2]]>>
<<set $Prof.Thievery to $Prof.Thievery+2>>\
<<set $LockSmithTools.Active to 1>>\
<<if $Prof.Bows < 2>>\
<<button [[Bows|Intelligence Check 2]]>>
<<set $Prof.Bows to $Prof.Bows+2>>\
<<if $Prof.Clubs < 2>>\
<<button [[Clubs|Intelligence Check 2]]>>
<<set $Prof.Clubs to $Prof.Clubs+2>>\
<<if $Prof.Knives < 2>>\
<<button [[Knives|Intelligence Check 2]]>>
<<set $Prof.Knives to $Prof.Knives+2>>\
<<if $Prof.Polearms < 2>>\
<<button [[Polearms|Intelligence Check 2]]>>
<<set $Prof.Polearms to $Prof.Polearms+2>>\
<<if $Prof.Swords < 2>>\
<<button [[Swords|Intelligence Check 2]]>>
<<set $Prof.Swords to $Prof.Swords+2>>\
<<if $Prof.Unarmed < 2>>\
<<button [[Unarmed|Intelligence Check 2]]>>
<<set $Prof.Unarmed to $Prof.Unarmed+2>>\
<<if $Prof.Pistols < 2>>\
<<button [[Pistols|Intelligence Check 2]]>>
<<set $Prof.Pistols to $Prof.Pistols+2>>\
<<if $Prof.Rifles < 2>>\
<<button [[Rifles|Intelligence Check 2]]>>
<<set $Prof.Rifles to $Prof.Rifles+2>>\
<<if $Prof.Shotguns < 2>>\
<<button [[Shotguns|Intelligence Check 2]]>>
<<set $Prof.Shotguns to $Prof.Shotguns+2>>\
<<if $Prof.Heavy < 2>>\
<<button [[Heavy Weapons|Intelligence Check 2]]>>
<<set $Prof.Heavy to $Prof.Heavy+2>>\
<<if $Prof.Unarmored < 2>>\
<<button [[Unarmored Defense|Intelligence Check 2]]>>
<<set $Prof.Unarmored to $Prof.Unarmored+2>>\
<<if $Prof.LightArmor < 2>>\
<<button [[Light Armor Defense|Intelligence Check 2]]>>
<<set $Prof.LightArmor to $Prof.LightArmor+2>>\
<<if $Prof.MediumArmor < 2 & $Prof.LightArmor > 0>>\
<<button [[Medium Armor Defense|Intelligence Check 2]]>>
<<set $Prof.MediumArmor to $Prof.MediumArmor+2>>\
<<if $Prof.HeavyArmor < 2 & $Prof.MediumArmor > 0>>\
<<button [[Heavy Armor Defense|Intelligence Check 2]]>>
<<set $Prof.HeavyArmor to $Prof.HeavyArmor+2>>\
<<if $PC.Class is "TestMode">>\
<<button [[Skip|Stat Check2]]>> <</button>>
<</if>>\<img src="Images/Classes/INTBonus.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<if $Intelligence < 14>>\
Your Intelligence does not grant any extra skill proficiencies.
<<button [[Finish|Check Start]]>> <</button>>\
Your Intelligence gives you a bonus Trained proficiency skill. This can be either a extra skill proficiency, weapon proficiency or armor proficiency. Being trained in a skill gives a +2 to that skill and allows Active skill checks to be done with it. The Athetics skill is the only exception as it allows a Active skill check without training. Choose from the list below.
<<if $Prof.Athletics < 2>>\
<<button [[Athletics|Intelligence Check 3]]>>
<<set $Prof.Athletics to $Prof.Athletics+2>>\
<<if $Prof.Crafting < 2>>\
<<button [[Crafting|Intelligence Check 3]]>>
<<set $Prof.Crafting to $Prof.Crafting+2>>\
<<if $Prof.Cooking < 2>>\
<<button [[Cooking|Intelligence Check 3]]>>
<<set $Prof.Cooking to $Prof.Cooking+2>>\
<<if $Prof.Driving < 2>>\
<<button [[Driving|Intelligence Check 3]]>>
<<set $Prof.Driving to $Prof.Driving+2>>\
<<if $Prof.Electronics < 2>>\
<<button [[Electronics|Intelligence Check 3]]>>
<<set $Prof.Electronics to $Prof.Electronics+2>>\
<<if $Prof.Medical < 2>>\
<<button [[Medical|Intelligence Check 3]]>>
<<set $Prof.Medical to $Prof.Medical+2>>\
<<if $Prof.Salvaging < 2>>\
<<button [[Salvaging|Intelligence Check 3]]>>
<<set $Prof.Salvaging to $Prof.Salvaging+2>>\
<<if $Prof.Scouting < 2>>\
<<button [[Scouting|Intelligence Check 3]]>>
<<set $Prof.Scouting to $Prof.Scouting+2>>\
<<if $Prof.Social < 2>>\
<<button [[Social|Intelligence Check 3]]>>
<<set $Prof.Social to $Prof.Social+2>>\
<<if $Prof.Stealth < 2>>\
<<button [[Stealth|Intelligence Check 3]]>>
<<set $Prof.Stealth to $Prof.Stealth+2>>\
<<if $Prof.Thievery < 2>>\
<<button [[Thievery|Intelligence Check 3]]>>
<<set $Prof.Thievery to $Prof.Thievery+2>>\
<<set $LockSmithTools.Active to 1>>\
<<if $Prof.Bows < 2>>\
<<button [[Bows|Intelligence Check 3]]>>
<<set $Prof.Bows to $Prof.Bows+2>>\
<<if $Prof.Clubs < 2>>\
<<button [[Clubs|Intelligence Check 3]]>>
<<set $Prof.Clubs to $Prof.Clubs+2>>\
<<if $Prof.Knives < 2>>\
<<button [[Knives|Intelligence Check 3]]>>
<<set $Prof.Knives to $Prof.Knives+2>>\
<<if $Prof.Polearms < 2>>\
<<button [[Polearms|Intelligence Check 3]]>>
<<set $Prof.Polearms to $Prof.Polearms+2>>\
<<if $Prof.Swords < 2>>\
<<button [[Swords|Intelligence Check 3]]>>
<<set $Prof.Swords to $Prof.Swords+2>>\
<<if $Prof.Unarmed < 2>>\
<<button [[Unarmed|Intelligence Check 3]]>>
<<set $Prof.Unarmed to $Prof.Unarmed+2>>\
<<if $Prof.Pistols < 2>>\
<<button [[Pistols|Intelligence Check 3]]>>
<<set $Prof.Pistols to $Prof.Pistols+2>>\
<<if $Prof.Rifles < 2>>\
<<button [[Rifles|Intelligence Check 3]]>>
<<set $Prof.Rifles to $Prof.Rifles+2>>\
<<if $Prof.Shotguns < 2>>\
<<button [[Shotguns|Intelligence Check 3]]>>
<<set $Prof.Shotguns to $Prof.Shotguns+2>>\
<<if $Prof.Heavy < 2>>\
<<button [[Heavy Weapons|Intelligence Check 3]]>>
<<set $Prof.Heavy to $Prof.Heavy+2>>\
<<if $Prof.Unarmored < 2>>\
<<button [[Unarmored Defense|Intelligence Check 3]]>>
<<set $Prof.Unarmored to $Prof.Unarmored+2>>\
<<if $Prof.LightArmor < 2>>\
<<button [[Light Armor Defense|Intelligence Check 3]]>>
<<set $Prof.LightArmor to $Prof.LightArmor+2>>\
<<if $Prof.MediumArmor < 2 & $Prof.LightArmor > 0>>\
<<button [[Medium Armor Defense|Intelligence Check 3]]>>
<<set $Prof.MediumArmor to $Prof.MediumArmor+2>>\
<<if $Prof.HeavyArmor < 2 & $Prof.MediumArmor > 0>>\
<<button [[Heavy Armor Defense|Intelligence Check 3]]>>
<<set $Prof.HeavyArmor to $Prof.HeavyArmor+2>>\
<<if $PC.Class is "TestMode">>\
<<button [[Skip|Stat Check2]]>> <</button>>
<</if>>\<img src="Images/Classes/INTBonus.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<if $Intelligence < 16>>\
Your Intelligence does not grant any extra skill proficiencies.
<<button [[Finish|Check Start]]>> <</button>>\
Your Intelligence gives you a bonus Trained proficiency skill. This can be either a extra skill proficiency, weapon proficiency or armor proficiency. Being trained in a skill gives a +2 to that skill and allows Active skill checks to be done with it. The Athetics skill is the only exception as it allows a Active skill check without training. Choose from the list below.
<<if $Prof.Athletics < 2>>\
<<button [[Athletics|Intelligence Check 4]]>>
<<set $Prof.Athletics to $Prof.Athletics+2>>\
<<if $Prof.Crafting < 2>>\
<<button [[Crafting|Intelligence Check 4]]>>
<<set $Prof.Crafting to $Prof.Crafting+2>>\
<<if $Prof.Cooking < 2>>\
<<button [[Cooking|Intelligence Check 4]]>>
<<set $Prof.Cooking to $Prof.Cooking+2>>\
<<if $Prof.Driving < 2>>\
<<button [[Driving|Intelligence Check 4]]>>
<<set $Prof.Driving to $Prof.Driving+2>>\
<<if $Prof.Electronics < 2>>\
<<button [[Electronics|Intelligence Check 4]]>>
<<set $Prof.Electronics to $Prof.Electronics+2>>\
<<if $Prof.Medical < 2>>\
<<button [[Medical|Intelligence Check 4]]>>
<<set $Prof.Medical to $Prof.Medical+2>>\
<<if $Prof.Salvaging < 2>>\
<<button [[Salvaging|Intelligence Check 4]]>>
<<set $Prof.Salvaging to $Prof.Salvaging+2>>\
<<if $Prof.Scouting < 2>>\
<<button [[Scouting|Intelligence Check 4]]>>
<<set $Prof.Scouting to $Prof.Scouting+2>>\
<<if $Prof.Social < 2>>\
<<button [[Social|Intelligence Check 4]]>>
<<set $Prof.Social to $Prof.Social+2>>\
<<if $Prof.Stealth < 2>>\
<<button [[Stealth|Intelligence Check 4]]>>
<<set $Prof.Stealth to $Prof.Stealth+2>>\
<<if $Prof.Thievery < 2>>\
<<button [[Thievery|Intelligence Check 4]]>>
<<set $Prof.Thievery to $Prof.Thievery+2>>\
<<set $LockSmithTools.Active to 1>>\
<<if $Prof.Bows < 2>>\
<<button [[Bows|Intelligence Check 4]]>>
<<set $Prof.Bows to $Prof.Bows+2>>\
<<if $Prof.Clubs < 2>>\
<<button [[Clubs|Intelligence Check 4]]>>
<<set $Prof.Clubs to $Prof.Clubs+2>>\
<<if $Prof.Knives < 2>>\
<<button [[Knives|Intelligence Check 4]]>>
<<set $Prof.Knives to $Prof.Knives+2>>\
<<if $Prof.Polearms < 2>>\
<<button [[Polearms|Intelligence Check 4]]>>
<<set $Prof.Polearms to $Prof.Polearms+2>>\
<<if $Prof.Swords < 2>>\
<<button [[Swords|Intelligence Check 4]]>>
<<set $Prof.Swords to $Prof.Swords+2>>\
<<if $Prof.Unarmed < 2>>\
<<button [[Unarmed|Intelligence Check 4]]>>
<<set $Prof.Unarmed to $Prof.Unarmed+2>>\
<<if $Prof.Pistols < 2>>\
<<button [[Pistols|Intelligence Check 4]]>>
<<set $Prof.Pistols to $Prof.Pistols+2>>\
<<if $Prof.Rifles < 2>>\
<<button [[Rifles|Intelligence Check 4]]>>
<<set $Prof.Rifles to $Prof.Rifles+2>>\
<<if $Prof.Shotguns < 2>>\
<<button [[Shotguns|Intelligence Check 4]]>>
<<set $Prof.Shotguns to $Prof.Shotguns+2>>\
<<if $Prof.Heavy < 2>>\
<<button [[Heavy Weapons|Intelligence Check 4]]>>
<<set $Prof.Heavy to $Prof.Heavy+2>>\
<<if $Prof.Unarmored < 2>>\
<<button [[Unarmored Defense|Intelligence Check 4]]>>
<<set $Prof.Unarmored to $Prof.Unarmored+2>>\
<<if $Prof.LightArmor < 2>>\
<<button [[Light Armor Defense|Intelligence Check 4]]>>
<<set $Prof.LightArmor to $Prof.LightArmor+2>>\
<<if $Prof.MediumArmor < 2 & $Prof.LightArmor > 0>>\
<<button [[Medium Armor Defense|Intelligence Check 4]]>>
<<set $Prof.MediumArmor to $Prof.MediumArmor+2>>\
<<if $Prof.HeavyArmor < 2 & $Prof.MediumArmor > 0>>\
<<button [[Heavy Armor Defense|Intelligence Check 4]]>>
<<set $Prof.HeavyArmor to $Prof.HeavyArmor+2>>\
<<if $PC.Class is "TestMode">>\
<<button [[Skip|Stat Check2]]>> <</button>>
<</if>>\<img src="Images/Classes/INTBonus.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<if $Intelligence < 18>>\
Your Intelligence does not grant any extra skill proficiencies.
<<button [[Finish|Check Start]]>> <</button>>\
Your Intelligence gives you a bonus Trained proficiency skill. This can be either a extra skill proficiency, weapon proficiency or armor proficiency. Being trained in a skill gives a +2 to that skill and allows Active skill checks to be done with it. The Athetics skill is the only exception as it allows a Active skill check without training. Choose from the list below.
<<if $Prof.Athletics < 2>>\
<<button [[Athletics|Check Start]]>>
<<set $Prof.Athletics to $Prof.Athletics+2>>\
<<if $Prof.Crafting < 2>>\
<<button [[Crafting|Check Start]]>>
<<set $Prof.Crafting to $Prof.Crafting+2>>\
<<if $Prof.Cooking < 2>>\
<<button [[Cooking|Check Start]]>>
<<set $Prof.Cooking to $Prof.Cooking+2>>\
<<if $Prof.Driving < 2>>\
<<button [[Driving|Check Start]]>>
<<set $Prof.Driving to $Prof.Driving+2>>\
<<if $Prof.Electronics < 2>>\
<<button [[Electronics|Check Start]]>>
<<set $Prof.Electronics to $Prof.Electronics+2>>\
<<if $Prof.Medical < 2>>\
<<button [[Medical|Check Start]]>>
<<set $Prof.Medical to $Prof.Medical+2>>\
<<if $Prof.Salvaging < 2>>\
<<button [[Salvaging|Check Start]]>>
<<set $Prof.Salvaging to $Prof.Salvaging+2>>\
<<if $Prof.Scouting < 2>>\
<<button [[Scouting|Check Start]]>>
<<set $Prof.Scouting to $Prof.Scouting+2>>\
<<if $Prof.Social < 2>>\
<<button [[Social|Check Start]]>>
<<set $Prof.Social to $Prof.Social+2>>\
<<if $Prof.Stealth < 2>>\
<<button [[Stealth|Check Start]]>>
<<set $Prof.Stealth to $Prof.Stealth+2>>\
<<if $Prof.Thievery < 2>>\
<<button [[Thievery|Check Start]]>>
<<set $Prof.Thievery to $Prof.Thievery+2>>\
<<set $LockSmithTools.Active to 1>>\
<<if $Prof.Bows < 2>>\
<<button [[Bows|Check Start]]>>
<<set $Prof.Bows to $Prof.Bows+2>>\
<<if $Prof.Clubs < 2>>\
<<button [[Clubs|Check Start]]>>
<<set $Prof.Clubs to $Prof.Clubs+2>>\
<<if $Prof.Knives < 2>>\
<<button [[Knives|Check Start]]>>
<<set $Prof.Knives to $Prof.Knives+2>>\
<<if $Prof.Polearms < 2>>\
<<button [[Polearms|Check Start]]>>
<<set $Prof.Polearms to $Prof.Polearms+2>>\
<<if $Prof.Swords < 2>>\
<<button [[Swords|Check Start]]>>
<<set $Prof.Swords to $Prof.Swords+2>>\
<<if $Prof.Unarmed < 2>>\
<<button [[Unarmed|ICheck Start]]>>
<<set $Prof.Unarmed to $Prof.Unarmed+2>>\
<<if $Prof.Pistols < 2>>\
<<button [[Pistols|Check Start]]>>
<<set $Prof.Pistols to $Prof.Pistols+2>>\
<<if $Prof.Rifles < 2>>\
<<button [[Rifles|Check Start]]>>
<<set $Prof.Rifles to $Prof.Rifles+2>>\
<<if $Prof.Shotguns < 2>>\
<<button [[Shotguns|Check Start]]>>
<<set $Prof.Shotguns to $Prof.Shotguns+2>>\
<<if $Prof.Heavy < 2>>\
<<button [[Heavy Weapons|Check Start]]>>
<<set $Prof.Heavy to $Prof.Heavy+2>>\
<<if $Prof.Unarmored < 2>>\
<<button [[Unarmored Defense|Check Start]]>>
<<set $Prof.Unarmored to $Prof.Unarmored+2>>\
<<if $Prof.LightArmor < 2>>\
<<button [[Light Armor Defense|Check Start]]>>
<<set $Prof.LightArmor to $Prof.LightArmor+2>>\
<<if $Prof.MediumArmor < 2 & $Prof.LightArmor > 0>>\
<<button [[Medium Armor Defense|Check Start]]>>
<<set $Prof.MediumArmor to $Prof.MediumArmor+2>>\
<<if $Prof.HeavyArmor < 2 & $Prof.MediumArmor > 0>>\
<<button [[Heavy Armor Defense|Check Start]]>>
<<set $Prof.HeavyArmor to $Prof.HeavyArmor+2>>\
<<set _CurrentWeaponEQ = $EquippedWeapon.first()>>\
Here are the weapons in your inventory that you can equip.
<<for $i = 0; $i < $PCInventory.length; $i++>>\
<<set $weaponEQ = $PCInventory[$i]>>\
<<if $weaponEQ.type is "weapon">>\
<<set $ItemName to $weaponEQ.name>>\
<<capture $weaponEQ>>\
<span id="equipButton"><<button "Equip $ItemName" >></span><<set $eweapon2 to $weaponEQ>>\
<<set $equipedWeapon to $eweapon2>>\
/* Put copy of Current Equipped Weapon back in main inventory */
<<set _exists to 0>>\
<<for $j = 0; $j < $PCInventory.length; $j++>>\
<<set $uitem = $PCInventory[$j]>>\
<<set $ItemName to $uitem.name>>\
<<set _TempName to _CurrentWeaponEQ.name>>\
<<if $ItemName is _TempName>>\
<<set _amount to $uitem.amount>>\
<<set _exists to 1>>\
<<if _exists is 1>>\
<<set _amount to _amount +1>>\
<<set $uitem.amount to _amount>>\
<<set $PCInventory.push(_CurrentWeaponEQ)>>\
/* Deletes old equipped weapon from Equipped inventory */
<<set $EquippedWeapon.delete( _CurrentWeaponEQ)>>\
/* puts new equipped weapon into Equipped inventory */
<<set $EquippedWeapon.push($equipedWeapon)>>\
<<set $WeaponDamageType to $equipedWeapon.damagetype>>\
/* deletes current weapon from main inventory */
<<set $PCInventory.delete($equipedWeapon)>>\
<<set $weaponEquipSkill to $equipedWeapon.skill>>\
<<set $TrainedExtra.RangedDamage to 0>>\
<<set $TrainedExtra.MeleeHit to 0>>\
<<set $TrainedExtra.MeleeDamage to 0>>\
<<switch $weaponEquipSkill>>\
<<case "Unarmed">>\
<<if $CelebrityPath.MartialArts > 0 and $equipedWeapon.name is "star fists">>\
<<set $weaponAttackBonus to $Skill.Unarmed>>\
<<set $weaponStatBonus to $CharismaBonus>>\
<<set $weaponAttackBonus to $Skill.Unarmed>>\
<<set $weaponStatBonus to $StrengthBonus>>\
<<script>>state.display(state.active.title, null, "back")<</script>>\
<<case "Knives">>\
<<if $ClassBonus.Criminal > 0 or $MedicPath.Surgeon > 0>>\
<<set $weaponAttackBonus to $Skill.Knives>>\
<<set $weaponStatBonus to $DexterityBonus>>\
<<set $weaponAttackBonus to $Skill.Knives>>\
<<set $weaponStatBonus to $StrengthBonus>>\
<<script>>state.display(state.active.title, null, "back")<</script>>\
<<case "Swords">>\
<<set $weaponAttackBonus to $Skill.Swords>>\
<<set $weaponStatBonus to $StrengthBonus>>\
<<script>>state.display(state.active.title, null, "back")<</script>>\
<<case "Clubs">>\
<<set $weaponAttackBonus to $Skill.Clubs>>\
<<set $weaponStatBonus to $StrengthBonus>>\
<<if $AthletePath.Baseball > 0>>\
<<set $TrainedExtra.MeleeHit to $AthletePath.Baseball>>\
<<set $TrainedExtra.MeleeDamage to $AthletePath.Baseball>>\
<<script>>state.display(state.active.title, null, "back")<</script>>\
<<case "Polearms">>\
<<set $weaponAttackBonus to $Skill.Polearms>>\
<<set $weaponStatBonus to $StrengthBonus>>\
<<script>>state.display(state.active.title, null, "back")<</script>>\
<<case "Bows">>\
<<set $weaponAttackBonus to $Skill.Bows>>\
<<set $weaponStatBonus to $DexterityBonus>>\
<<if $RangerPath.Army > 0>>\
<<set $TrainedExtra.RangedDamage to ($Prof.Bows)>>\
<<script>>state.display(state.active.title, null, "back")<</script>>\
<<case "Pistols">>\
<<set $weaponAttackBonus to $Skill.Pistols>>\
<<set $weaponStatBonus to $DexterityBonus>>\
<<if $CriminalPath.Hitman > 0>>\
<<set $TrainedExtra.RangedDamage to ($Prof.Pistols)>>\
<<script>>state.display(state.active.title, null, "back")<</script>>\
<<case "Rifles">>\
<<set $weaponAttackBonus to $Skill.Rifles>>\
<<set $weaponStatBonus to $DexterityBonus>>\
<<if $OfficerPath.Swat > 0 or $RangerPath.Army > 0 or $CriminalPath.Hitman > 0>>\
<<set $TrainedExtra.RangedDamage to ($Prof.Rifles)>>\
<<script>>state.display(state.active.title, null, "back")<</script>>\
<<case "Shotguns">>\
<<set $weaponAttackBonus to $Skill.Shotguns>>\
<<set $weaponStatBonus to $DexterityBonus>>\
<<if $OfficerPath.Swat > 0>>\
<<set $TrainedExtra.RangedDamage to ($Prof.Shotguns)>>\
<<script>>state.display(state.active.title, null, "back")<</script>>\
<<case "Heavy">>\
<<set $weaponAttackBonus to $Skill.Heavy>>\
<<set $weaponStatBonus to $DexterityBonus>>\
<<if $OfficerPath.Swat > 0>>\
<<set $TrainedExtra.RangedDamage to ($Prof.Heavy)>>\
<<script>>state.display(state.active.title, null, "back")<</script>>\
<<set _DA to (($equipedWeapon.damage +1) * $equipedWeapon.quality)>>\
<<set _DamageType to $equipedWeapon.damagetype>>\
<<set _min to 1 * $equipedWeapon.quality>>\
<<set _total to $weaponAttackBonus + $weaponStatBonus + $TrainedExtra.MeleeHit>>\
<<if $equipedWeapon.superior > 0>>\
<<set _total to _total + $equipedWeapon.superior>>\
You have the $equipedWeapon.name equipped.
Attack: $weaponAttackBonus + $weaponStatBonus + $equipedWeapon.superior <<if $TrainedExtra.MeleeHit > 0>> + $TrainedExtra.MeleeHit <</if>> = _total
<<if $equipedWeapon.range is "melee">>\
Damage: _min to _DA + $weaponStatBonus + $equipedWeapon.superior _DamageType damage <<if $TrainedExtra.MeleeDamage > 0>> + $TrainedExtra.MeleeDamage<</if>>
Damage: _min to _DA _DamageType damage + $equipedWeapon.superior
Special: $equipedWeapon.special
You have the $equipedWeapon.name equipped.
Attack: $weaponAttackBonus + $weaponStatBonus <<if $TrainedExtra.MeleeHit > 0>> + $TrainedExtra.MeleeHit <</if>> = _total
<<if $equipedWeapon.range is "melee">>\
<<if $CelebrityPath.MartialArts > 0 and $equipedWeapon.name is "star fists">>\
Damage: _min to _DA + $CharismaBonus _DamageType damage
<<elseif $CriminalPath.ConArtist is 1 and $weaponEquipSkill is "Knives">>\
Damage: _min to _DA + $DexterityBonus _DamageType damage
Damage: _min to _DA + $StrengthBonus <<if $TrainedExtra.MeleeDamage > 0>> + $TrainedExtra.MeleeDamage<</if>> _DamageType damage
<<set _DamageType to $equipedWeapon.damagetype>>\
Damage: _min to _DA _DamageType damage
<<include "Special Check">>\
Special: $equipedWeapon.special
<<if $equipedWeapon.special2 is not "None">>\
Special Xtra: $equipedWeapon.specialD
<<button [[Back to Inventory|Inventory]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<button "Finish" $return>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</button>><<set _CurrentArmorEQ = $EquippedArmor.first()>>\
Here is the armor in your inventory that you can equip.
<<for $i = 0; $i < $PCInventory.length; $i++>>\
<<set $armorEQ = $PCInventory[$i]>>\
<<if $armorEQ.type is "armor">>\
<<set $ItemName to $armorEQ.name>>\
<<capture $armorEQ>>\
<span id="equipButton"><<button "Equip $ItemName" >></span><<set $armor2 to $armorEQ>>
<<set $equipedArmor to $armor2>>\
/* Put copy of Current Armor back in main inventory */
<<set _exists to 0>>\
<<for $j = 0; $j < $PCInventory.length; $j++>>\
<<set $uitem = $PCInventory[$j]>>\
<<set $ItemName to $uitem.name>>\
<<set _TempName to _CurrentArmorEQ.name>>\
<<if $ItemName is _TempName>>\
<<set _amount to $uitem.amount>>\
<<set _exists to 1>>\
<<if _exists is 1>>\
<<set _amount to _amount +1>>\
<<set $uitem.amount to _amount>>\
<<set $PCInventory.push(_CurrentArmorEQ)>>\
/* Deletes old equipped armor from Equipped inventory */
<<set $EquippedArmor.delete( _CurrentArmorEQ)>>\
/* puts new equipped armor into Equipped inventory */
<<set $EquippedArmor.push($equipedArmor)>>\
<<set $armorProf to $equipedArmor.prof>>\
<<set $armorACBonus to $equipedArmor.AC>>\
<<set $armorMaxDex to $equipedArmor.MaxDex + ($RangerPath.Law*2)>>\
<<set $armorSaveBonus to $equipedArmor.superior + $MedicPath.Combat>>\
<<set $PCResistance.Blunt to $equipedArmor.Blunt>>\
<<set $PCResistance.Pierce to $equipedArmor.Pierce>>\
<<set $PCResistance.Slash to $equipedArmor.Slash>>\
<<set $PCResistance.Fire to $equipedArmor.Fire>>\
<<set $PCResistance.Cold to $equipedArmor.Cold>>\
<<set $PCResistance.Shock to $equipedArmor.Shock>>\
<<set $PCResistance.Acid to $equipedArmor.Acid>>\
<<set $PCResistance.Sonic to $equipedArmor.Sonic>>\
<<set $PCResistance.Water to $equipedArmor.Water>>\
/* deletes current weapon from main inventory */
<<set $PCInventory.delete($equipedArmor)>>\
<<switch $armorProf>>\
<<case "Unarmored">>\
<<set $dexACBonus to $DexterityBonus>>\
<<set $armorCritResist to $equipedArmor.critresist>>\
<<set $PC.AC to 10 + $armorACBonus + $dexACBonus + $Skill.Unarmored + $StealthSkillFeats.Avoidance>>\
<<script>>state.display(state.active.title, null, "back")<</script>>\
<<case "Light">>\
<<if $Prof.LightArmor is 0>>\
<<set $armorMaxDex to $armorMaxDex -2>>\
<<if $DexterityBonus > $armorMaxDex>>\
<<set $dexACBonus to $armorMaxDex>>\
<<set $dexACBonus to $DexterityBonus>>\
<<set $armorCritResist to $equipedArmor.critresist + $ClassBonus.Officer>>\
<<set $PC.AC to 10 + $armorACBonus + $dexACBonus + $Skill.LightArmor + $ClassBonus.Officer + $AthletePath.Football + $StealthSkillFeats.Avoidance>>\
<<set $armorSaveBonus to $armorSaveBonus + $AthletePath.Football>>\
<<script>>state.display(state.active.title, null, "back")<</script>>\
<<case "Medium">>\
<<if $Prof.MediumArmor is 0>>\
<<set $armorMaxDex to $armorMaxDex -2>>\
<<if $DexterityBonus > $armorMaxDex>>\
<<set $dexACBonus to $armorMaxDex>>\
<<set $dexBonusAC to $DexterityBonus>>\
<<set $PC.AC to 10 + $armorACBonus + $dexACBonus + $Skill.MediumArmor + $ClassBonus.Officer + $StealthSkillFeats.Avoidance>>\
<<set $armorCritResist to $equipedArmor.critresist + ($ClassBonus.Officer * 2)>>\
<<script>>state.display(state.active.title, null, "back")<</script>>\
<<case "Heavy">>\
<<if $Prof.HeavyArmor is 0>>\
<<set $armorMaxDex to $armorMaxDex -2>>\
<<if $DexterityBonus > $armorMaxDex>>\
<<set $dexACBonus to $armorMaxDex>>\
<<set $dexBonusAC to $DexterityBonus>>\
<<set $PC.AC to 10 + $armorACBonus + $dexACBonus + $Skill.HeavyArmor + $ClassBonus.Officer + $StealthSkillFeats.Avoidance>>\
<<set $armorCritResist to $equipedArmor.critresist + ($ClassBonus.Officer * 3)>>\
<<script>>state.display(state.active.title, null, "back")<</script>>\
You have the $equipedArmor.name equipped.
Your AC is now <<print $PC.AC>><<if $armorSaveBonus > 0>> and you have a + $armorSaveBonus to your Saving Throws<</if>>
Max Dexterity Bonus: $armorMaxDex
<<if ndef $equipedArmor.special>>\
<<set $equipedArmor.special to "None">>\
Special: $equipedArmor.special
<<set _Crit to ($armorCritResist * 5)>>\
Crit Resistance: _Crit%
Your Resistance is now:
Blunt: $PCResistance.Blunt
Pierce: $PCResistance.Pierce
Slash: $PCResistance.Slash
Fire: $PCResistance.Fire
Cold: $PCResistance.Cold
Shock: $PCResistance.Shock
Acid: $PCResistance.Acid
Sonic: $PCResistance.Sonic
Water: $PCResistance.Water
<<button [[Back to Inventory|Inventory]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<button "Finish" $return>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</button>><img src="Images/Player/backpack.jpg" width="800px" height="400px" />
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
Your backpack contains the following items:
<<for $i = 0; $i < $PCInventory.length; $i++>>\
<<set _uitem = $PCInventory[$i]>>\
<<if _uitem.innate is not 1>>\
<<set $ItemName to _uitem.name>>\
<<set $ItemAmount to _uitem.amount>>\
$ItemName x $ItemAmount, \
<<button "Use Items" "Use Items">><</button>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.Hungry > 0>>\
<<button "Eat Food" "Eat Food">><</button>>\
<<button "Equip Weapon" "Equip Weapon">><</button>>\
<<button "Equip Armor" "Equip Armor">><</button>>\
<<button "Equip Accessory - Slot 1" "Equip Accessory">><</button>>\
<<button "Equip Accessory - Slot 2" "Equip Accessory 2">><</button>>\
<<if $Prof.Shield > 0>>\
<<button "Equip Shield" "Equip Shield">><</button>>\
<<button "Key Items" "Key Items2">><</button>>\
<<button "Finish" $return>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<set $sister to {Name: "Alice", Age: 18, Sex: "Female", OSex: "Female", Relationship: "Sister", SexXP: 0, Friendship: 10, Infestation: 0, InfestationLevel: 0, Corrupted: 0, Stage: 0, DickType: "Normal", DickSize: 0, ODickSize: 0, BallsSize: 0, BreastsSize: 1, OBreastsSize: 1, NippleSize: 1, AssSize: 1, OAssSize: 1}>>\
<<set $mom to {Name: "Selena", Age: 38, Sex: "Female", OSex: "Female", Relationship: "Mom", SexXP: 0, Friendship: 10, Infestation: 0, InfestationLevel: 0, Corrupted: 0, Stage: 0, DickType: "Normal", DickSize: 0, ODickSize: 0, BallsSize: 0, BreastsSize: 4, OBreastsSize: 4, NippleSize: 4, AssSize: 4, OAssSize: 4}>>\
<<set $dad to {Name: "George", Age: 42, Sex: "Male", OSex: "Male", Relationship: "Dad", SexXP: 0, Friendship: 0, Infestation: 0, InfestationLevel: 0, Corrupted: 0, Stage: 0, DickType: "Normal", DickSize: 5, ODickSize: 5, BallsSize: 3, BreastsSize: 0, OBreastsSize: 0, AssSize: 0, OAssSize: 0}>>\
<<set $npcMay to {Name: "May", Age: 21, Sex: "Female", OSex: "Female", SexXP: 0, Friendship: 0, Met: 0, Rob: 0, InfestationLevel: 0, SexDetection: "Male", DickType: "Normal", DickSize: 0, ODickSize: 0, BallsSize: 0, BreastsSize: 5, OBreastsSize: 5, NippleSize: 5, AssSize: 7, OAssSize: 4, Scouting: 2}>>\
<<set $npcApril to {Name: "April", Age: 22, Sex: "Female", OSex: "Female", SexXP: 0, Friendship: 0, Met: 0, Rob: 0, InfestationLevel: 0, SexDetection: "Male", DickType: "Normal", DickSize: 0, ODickSize: 0, BallsSize: 0, BreastsSize: 5, OBreastsSize: 5, NippleSize: 5, AssSize: 7, OAssSize: 4, Scouting: 2}>>\
<<set $npcTroy to {Name: "Troy", Age: 26, Sex: "Female", OSex: "Female", SexXP: 0, Friendship: 0, Met: 0, Rob: 0, InfestationLevel: 1, Corrupted: 0, SexDetection: "Male", DickType: "Normal", DickSize: 0, ODickSize: 0, BallsSize: 0, BreastsSize: 8, OBreastsSize: 8, NippleSize: 8, AssSize: 10, OAssSize: 5, Scouting: 7}>>
<<set $npcDiane to {Name: "Diane", Age: 34, Sex: "Female", OSex: "Female", SexXP: 0, Friendship: 0, Met: 0, Rob: 0, InfestationLevel: 2, SexDetection: "Male", Challenge: 0, ChallengeWon: 0, ChallengeLost: 0, DickType: "Normal", DickSize: 0, ODickSize: 0, BallsSize: 0, BreastsSize: 10, OBreastsSize: 7, NippleSize: 10, AssSize: 9, OAssSize: 6, Scouting: 5}>>
<<set $npcSteve to {Name: "Steve", Age: 19, Sex: "Male", OSex: "Male", SexXP: 0, Friendship: 0, Met: 0, Rob: 0, InfestationLevel: 2, SexDetection: "Male", DickType: "Normal", DickSize: 9, ODickSize: 9, BallsSize: 7, BreastsSize: 0, OBreastsSize: 0, AssSize: 1, OAssSize: 1, Scouting: 2}>>
<<set $npcMark to {Name: "Mark", Age: 25, Sex: "Male", OSex: "Male", SexXP: 0, Friendship: 0, Met: 1, Rob: 0, Infestation: 0, InfestationLevel: 0, SexDetection: "Male", Corrupted: 0, DickType: "Normal", DickSize: 5, ODickSize: 5, BallsSize: 3, BreastsSize: 0, OBreastsSize: 0, AssSize: 1, OAssSize: 1, Scouting: 8}>>
<<set $npcAmy to {Name: "Amy", Age: 29, Sex: "Female", OSex: "Female", SexXP: 0, Friendship: 0, Met: 0, Rob: 0, InfestationLevel: 3, SexDetection: "Male", DickType: "Normal", DickSize: 0, ODickSize: 0, BallsSize: 0, BreastsSize: 14, OBreastsSize: 5, NippleSize: 12, AssSize: 14, OAssSize: 4, Scouting: 1}>>
<<set $npcSamantha to {Name: "Samantha", Age: 21, Sex: "Female", OSex: "Female", SexXP: 0, Friendship: 0, Met: 0, Rob: 0, Infestation: 0, InfestationLevel: 0, SexDetection: "Male", DickType: "Normal", DickSize: 0, ODickSize: 0, BallsSize: 0, BreastsSize: 2, OBreastsSize: 2, NippleSize: 2, AssSize: 2, OAssSize: 2, Scouting: 1}>>
<<set $npcMorton to {Name: "Morton", Age: 35, Sex: "Male", OSex: "Male", SexXP: 0, Friendship: 0, Met: 0, Rob: 0, Infestation: 0, InfestationLevel: 0, SexDetection: "Male", DickType: "Normal", DickSize: 6, ODickSize: 6, BallsSize: 4, BreastsSize: 0, OBreastsSize: 0, AssSize: 0, OAssSize: 0, Scouting: 6}>>
<<set $npcJack to {Name: "Jack", Age: 19, Sex: "Male", OSex: "Male", SexXP: 0, Friendship: 0, Met: 0, Rob: 0, Infestation: 0, InfestationLevel: 0, SexDetection: "Male", DickType: "Normal", DickSize: 5, ODickSize: 5, BallsSize: 3, BreastsSize: 0, OBreastsSize: 0, AssSize: 0, OAssSize: 0, Scouting: 4}>>
<<set $npcRichard to {Name: "Richard Rack", Age: 29, Sex: "Male", OSex: "Male", SexXP: 0, Friendship: 0, Met: 0, Rob: 0, InfestationLevel: 1, SexDetection: "Male", DickType: "Normal", DickSize: 12, ODickSize: 6, BallsSize: 9, BreastsSize: 0, OBreastsSize: 0, AssSize: 0, OAssSize: 0, Scouting: 8}>>
<<set $npcCandy to {Name: "Candy Harpe", Age: 24, Sex: "Female", OSex: "Female", SexXP: 0, Friendship: 0, Met: 0, Rob: 0, InfestationLevel: 2, SexDetection: "Male", DickType: "Normal", DickSize: 0, ODickSize: 0, BallsSize: 0, BreastsSize: 13, OBreastsSize: 3, NippleSize: 10, AssSize: 14, OAssSize: 3, Scouting: 6}>>\
<<set $npcFuckHard to {Name: "Dr. FuckHard", Age: 35, Sex: "Male", OSex: "Male", SexXP: 0, Friendship: 0, Met: 0, Rob: 0, InfestationLevel: 3, Enhance: 0, SexDetection: "Male", DickType: "Normal", DickSize: 15, ODickSize: 5, BallsSize: 14, BreastsSize: 0, OBreastsSize: 0, AssSize: 0, OAssSize: 0, Scouting: 8}>>
<<set $npcFuckToy to {Name: "Nurse Fucktoy", Age: 25, Sex: "Female", OSex: "Female", SexXP: 0, Friendship: 0, Met: 0, Rob: 0, InfestationLevel: 3, Enhance: 0, SexDetection: "Male", DickType: "Normal", DickSize: 0, ODickSize: 0, BallsSize: 0, BreastsSize: 16, OBreastsSize: 2, NippleSize: 12, AssSize: 17, OAssSize: 4, Scouting: 2}>>
<<set $npcHolly to {Name: "Holly Noel", Age: 999, Sex: "Female", OSex: "Female", SexXP: 0, Friendship: 0, Met: 0, Rob: 0, InfestationLevel: 0, SexDetection: "Male", DickType: "Normal", DickSize: 0, ODickSize: 0, BallsSize: 0, BreastsSize: 5, OBreastsSize: 5, NippleSize: 4, AssSize: 5, OAssSize: 5, Scouting: 9}>>
<<set $npcGloria to {Name: "Gloria Belle", Age: 999, Sex: "Female", OSex: "Female", SexXP: 0, Friendship: 0, Met: 0, Rob: 0, InfestationLevel: 0, SexDetection: "Male", DickType: "Normal", DickSize: 0, ODickSize: 0, BallsSize: 0, BreastsSize: 5, OBreastsSize: 5, NippleSize: 4, AssSize: 5, OAssSize: 5, Scouting: 9}>>
<<set $npcCatherine to {Name: "Catherine", Age: 23, Sex: "Female", OSex: "Female", SexXP: 0, Friendship: 0, Met: 0, Rob: 0, InfestationLevel: 3, SexDetection: "Male", DickType: "Normal", DickSize: 11, ODickSize: 0, BallsSize: 10, BreastsSize: 11, OBreastsSize: 3, NippleSize: 6, AssSize: 8, OAssSize: 3, Scouting: 8, Pregnant: 0}>>
<<set $npcElisabeth to {Name: "Elisabeth", Age: 40, Sex: "Female", OSex: "Female", SexXP: 0, Friendship: 0, Met: 0, Rob: 0, InfestationLevel: 3, SexDetection: "Male", DickType: "Normal", DickSize: 13, ODickSize: 0, BallsSize: 12, BreastsSize: 13, OBreastsSize: 5, NippleSize: 8, AssSize: 9, OAssSize: 4, Scouting: 10, Pregnant: 0}>>
<<set $npcLucia to {Name: "Lucia", Age: 25, Sex: "Female", OSex: "Female", SexXP: 0, Friendship: 0, Met: 0, Rob: 0, InfestationLevel: 3, SexDetection: "Male", DickType: "Normal", DickSize: 8, ODickSize: 0, BallsSize: 10, BreastsSize: 15, OBreastsSize: 6, NippleSize: 6, AssSize: 9, OAssSize: 3, Scouting: 5, Pregnant: 0}>>
<<set $npcAgnos to {Name: "Agnos", Age: 29, Sex: "Female", OSex: "Female", SexXP: 0, Friendship: 0, Met: 0, Rob: 0, InfestationLevel: 3, SexDetection: "Male", DickType: "Normal", DickSize: 12, ODickSize: 0, BallsSize: 12, BreastsSize: 10, OBreastsSize: 3, NippleSize: 4, AssSize: 8, OAssSize: 3, Scouting: 9, Pregnant: 0}>>
<<set $npcIsabella to {Name: "Isabella", Age: 18, Sex: "Female", OSex: "Female", SexXP: 0, Friendship: 0, Met: 0, Rob: 0, InfestationLevel: 0, SexDetection: "Male", DickType: "Normal", DickSize: 0, ODickSize: 0, BallsSize: 0, BreastsSize: 8, OBreastsSize: 8, NippleSize: 6, AssSize: 5, OAssSize: 7, Scouting: 4}>>
<<set $npcCarlo to {Name: "Carlo", Age: 25, Sex: "Male", OSex: "Male", SexXP: 0, Friendship: 0, Met: 0, Rob: 0, Infestation: 0, InfestationLevel: 0, SexDetection: "Male", DickType: "Normal", DickSize: 8, ODickSize: 8, BallsSize: 5, BreastsSize: 0, OBreastsSize: 0, AssSize: 0, OAssSize: 0, Scouting: 8}>>
<<set $npcJinx to {Name: "Jinx", Age: 200, Sex: "Female", OSex: "Female", SexXP: 0, Friendship: 0, Met: 0, Rob: 0, InfestationLevel: 0, SexDetection: "Male", DickType: "Normal", DickSize: 7, ODickSize: 0, BallsSize: 7, BreastsSize: 10, OBreastsSize: 10, NippleSize: 4, AssSize: 9, OAssSize: 9, Scouting: 8}>>
<<set $npcMaleSurvivor to {Name: "John", Age: 19, Sex: "Male", OSex: "Male", SexXP: 0, Friendship: 0, Met: 0, Rob: 0, Infestation: 0, InfestationLevel: 0, SexDetection: "Male", DickType: "Normal", DickSize: 4, ODickSize: 5, BallsSize: 3, BreastsSize: 0, OBreastsSize: 0, AssSize: 0, OAssSize: 0, Scouting: 4}>>
<<set $npcFemaleSurvivor to {Name: "Jane", Age: 19, Sex: "Female", OSex: "Female", SexXP: 0, Friendship: 0, Met: 0, Rob: 0, Infestation: 0, InfestationLevel: 0, SexDetection: "Male", DickType: "Normal", DickSize: 0, ODickSize: 0, BallsSize: 0, BreastsSize: 3, OBreastsSize: 3, AssSize: 2, OAssSize: 2, Scouting: 4}>>
\<<set $startingweaponsEvent to {Name: "Starting Weapons", Total: 0, Shotgun: 0, Handwraps: 0, Sword: 0, Pistol: 0, Crossbow: 0, Knife: 0, Bat: 0}>>\
<<set $threesomeEvent to {Name: "May & April Threesome", Visits: 0, Image: $eventPath+"event1-1", Daily: 0, Agree: 0, Refuse: 0, Energy: 0, FutaA: 0, FutaM: 0, Affection: 0, Sex: "Male", DickSize: 0, BreastsSize: 0, AssSize: 0}>>\
<<set $nurseEvent to {Name: "Nurse Troy's Clinic", Found: 0, Visits: 0, Image: $eventPath+"event2-1", Daily: 0, Medical: 0, Agree: 0, Refuse: 0, Milk: 0, Lore: 0, Sex: "Female", Affection: 0, DickSize: 0, BreastsSize: 0, AssSize: 0}>>\
<<set $bankEvent to {Name: "Milk Bank Heist", Found: 0, Visits: 0, Image: $eventPath+"event3-1", BankerDefeated: 0, Combat: 0, Deposits: 0, CashLooted: 0, Vault: 0, OfficeCube: 0, Office2: 0, Stairs: 0}>>\
<<set $repairEvent to {Name: "TV Repairman", Visits: 0, Image: $eventPath+"event4-1", Daily: 0, Agree: 0, Refuse: 0, Fail: 0, Sex: "Female", Affection: 0, DickSize: 0, BreastsSize: 0, AssSize: 0}>>\
<<set $copEvent to {Name: "Patrol Cop", Visits: 0, Image: $eventPath+"event5-1", Daily: 0, Detected: 0, Paranoia: 0, Chat: 0, Weapon: 0, Sex: "Male", Affection: 0, DickSize: 0, BreastsSize: 0, AssSize: 0}>>\
<<set $pizzaEvent to {Name: "Pizza Delivery", Visits: 0, Image: $eventPath6, Agree: 0, Refuse: 0, Pay: 0, Sex: "Male", DickSize: 0, BreastsSize: 0, AssSize: 0}>>\
<<set $supplyEvent to {Name: "Supplies", Visits: 0, Image: $eventPath+"event7-1", Daily: 0, Trap: 0, Looted: 0}>>\
<<set $joggerEvent to {Name: "Jogger Rescue", Visits: 0, Image: $eventPath+"event11-1", Daily: 0, Rescue: 0, Watch: 0, Agree: 0, Fight: 0, Vaccine: 0, Sex: "Male", DickSize: 0, BreastsSize: 8, AssSize: 0}>>\
<<set $marketEvent to {Name: "Grocery Market", Found: 0, Visits: 0, Image: $eventPath+"event9-1", Lock: 0, Loot: 0, Snack: 0, Food: 0, Ice: 0}>>\
<<set $grovehillsBossEvent to {Name: "Suburban Raider-X", Found: 0, Defeated: 0, Combat: 0, Visits: 0, Image: $eventPath+"event10-1"}>>\
<<set $mallEvent to {Name: "Strip Mall", Found: 0, Visits: 0, Image: $eventPath+"event11-1", Knowledge: 0}>>\
<<set $parkEvent to {Name: "Grove Hills Park", Found: 0, Shed: 0, Visits: 0, Image: $eventPath+"event12-1", Knowledge: 0}>>\
<<set $gasstationEvent to {Name: "Mortons Gas Station", Found: 0, Visits: 0, Affection: 0, Image: $eventPath+"event13-1", Knowledge: 0}>>\
<<set $minilibraryEvent to {Name: "Mini-Library Branch", Found: 0, Visits: 0, Image: $eventPath+"event14-1", Knowledge: 0}>>\
<<set $shortcutEvent to {Name: "Busch Bank Shortcut", Found: 0, Visits: 0, Image: $eventPath+"event14-1", Knowledge: 0}>>\
<<set $hitchhikerEvent to {Name: "Hitchhikers", Found: 0, Jack: 0, Visits: 0, Sex: "Male", Image: $eventPath+"event15-1", Knowledge: 0}>>\
<<set $doctorEvent to {Name: "Doctor's Rack", Found: 0, Defeated: 0, Visits: 0, Agree: 0, SiliconeX: 10, SiliconeY: 10, Appointment: 0, Receptionist: 1, RChat: 0, RVisits: 0, Storage: 0, Storage2: 0, Storage3: 0, Storage4: 0, Storage5: 0, Image: $eventPath7, Knowledge: 0, Sex: "Male", DickSize: 0, BreastsSize: 0, AssSize: 0}>>\
<<set $nurseattackEvent to {Name: "Nurse Attack", Daily: 0, Found: 0, Visits: 0, Save: 0, Try: 0, Lose: 0, Corrupt: 0, Image: $eventPath8, Knowledge: 0}>>\
<<set $clinicAmbushEvent to {Name: "Clinic Ambush", Found: 0, Visits: 0, Win: 0, Sex: 0, Watch: 0, Lose: 0, Patient: 0, SiliconeX: 10, SiliconeY: 5, Debt: 0, Image: $eventPath9, Knowledge: 0}>>\
<<set $xmaspresentEvent to {Name: "X-Mas Present", Found: 0, Visits: 0, Refuse: 0, RPresent: 0, WPresent: 0, Weekly: 0, Sex: 0, Image: $eventPath10, Knowledge: 0}>>\
<<set $xmasreturnsEvent to {Name: "X-Mas Returns", Found: 0, Visits: 0, Refuse: 0, SPresent: 0, GPresent: 0, Weekly: 0, Sex: 0, Image: $eventPath10, Knowledge: 0}>>\
<<set $eastervisitEvent to {Name: "Easter Visit", Found: 0, Visits: 0, Refuse: 0, EPresent: 0, Weekly: 0, Sex: 0, Image: $eventPath11, Knowledge: 0}>>\
<<set $halloweenvisitEvent to {Name: "Halloween Visit", Found: 0, Visits: 0, Refuse: 0, HTreat: 0, HTrick: 0, Weekly: 0, Sex: 0, Image: $eventPath12, Knowledge: 0}>>\
<<set $miscRandomEvent to {Name: "Misc Random Events", Helicopter: 0, HeliLocation: "None", Robbery: 0, Trader: 0, Drone: 0, Image: $eventPath13, Knowledge: 0}>>\
<<set $churchofTriologyLifeEvent to {Name: "Church of Trilogy Life", Found: 0, Visits: 0, Refuse: 0, ElisabethVisit: 0, CatherineVisit: 0, CatherineMet: 0, LuciaVisit: 0, LuciaMet: 0, HTrick: 0, Food: 0, Weekly: 0, Sex: 0, Pregnant: 0, Image: $eventPath14, Knowledge: 0, Choose: "None"}>>\<img @src=$genericEvent.Image />
<<if (random(19) +1) + $Skill.Social + $CharismaBonus > 15>>\
<<set $npcMay.Friendship to $npcMay.Friendship+$CharismaBonus+2>>\
<<set $npcApril.Friendship to $npcApril.Friendship+$CharismaBonus+2>>\
  "Hey May, April, look I'm real sorry about what happened. I've been real busy looking for my family and when we got to your place I felt guilty for ignoring their plight. You both are beautiful girls and I figured you would quickly find someone better than me for your escapades." you say as you try to find a good excuse to explain why you left them hanging.
  May just frowns before starting to walk away. "Whatever, later loser." April turns to follow her without even saying a word.
<<set $npcMay.Friendship to $npcMay.Friendship+1>>\
<<set $npcApril.Friendship to $npcApril.Friendship+1>>\
  "Hey May, April I'm not sure why you are so mad. I've been real busy just trying to survive and stuff. When we got to your place I realized that I needed to do something more important than just have some sex, like family stuff." you say as you try to find a decent excuse to explain why you left them hanging.
  May just frowns before starting to walk away. "Whatever, later loser." April turns to follow her without even saying a word.
<<button [[Finish|$location.temp]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</button>><<if $npcTroy.Corrupted is 1>>\
<<set $genericEvent.Image = $eventPath2 + $arrayEvent2ChatTits.random() + '.jpg'>>\
<<set $genericEvent.Image = $eventPath2 + $arrayEvent2Chat.random() + '.jpg'>>\
<img @src=$genericEvent.Image />
<<set _lusty to random(10) +1 + $StatusAffect.Horny - $LustResist.Visual - $LustResist.Complete>>\
<<if _lusty < 0>>\
<<set _lusty to 0>>\
<<if (random(19) + 1) + $Skill.Social + $CharismaBonus > 13>>\
<<set $npcTroy.Friendship to $npcTroy.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity + 2 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set $npcTroy.Friendship to $npcTroy.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity + 1 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set _LustRoll to (random(19) + 1)>>\
<<if _LustRoll + $PC.Willpower - $StatusAffect.Horny < 13>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Horny to $StatusAffect.Horny+1>>\
<<set $lust to $lust + _lusty>>\
<<set $lust to $lust + (_lusty / 2)>>\
<<if (random(19) + 1) + $Skill.Medical + $WisdomBonus > 14 and $nurseEvent.Medical is 0>>\
<<set $nurseEvent.Medical to 1>>\
<<set $mallEvent.Knowledge to 1>>\
<<set $GHKnowledge.Supplies to 1>>\
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$npcTroy.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$npcTroy.BreastsSize]>>\
<<if $grovehillsBossEvent.Defeated is 1 and $nurseEvent.Lore > 1>>\
<<if $nurseEvent.Lore < 2>>\
<<set $nurseEvent.Lore to 2>>\
  You decide to spend some time gathering information about what's been going on with Nurse Troy lately. Glancing out a nearby window, you don't see any Infested so you should be good to chat for awhile. Sitting down in one of the chairs, you turn towards the busty nurse and ask "So how have you've been lately?"
  Nurse Troy gives you a warm smile as she sits down on a chair nearby causing her _ISD chest to bounce and jiggle gently drawing your eyes as she settles into a relaxed position. "Oh it's been interesting ever since that evil Raider was taken care of. It's been a lot easier getting supplies from Oak Dale than before and I've been able to visit the Oak Dale clinic more often."
  Pulling your eyes away from her impressive chest you ask "So, uh, you've been going to the Oak Dale clinic? I'm having trouble imagining you making your way from Grove Hills to the Oak Dale clinic. Sounds a a bit daunting with all those Infested and Raiders attacking everyone they can find."
  Nurse Troy stretches as she ponders your question and you can't help but glance back down at her rather impressive cleavage as her _ICup jugs press against her tight nurse's uniform. "It can be a bit rough avoiding all the Infested but with the recent surge in Raiders robbing innocent people, it makes it even more important for me to have the proper medical supplies!" she explains as taps her fingers on her thicc thighs while thinking of all the people needing her help.
  "So what's the Oak Dale clinic like?" you ask curiously while glancing out the window again in case any Infested are lurking around the building. Looking back you discover that the busty nurse has leaned forward allowing you to see straight down her naughty nurse uniform. She winks at you while cupping her big tits right in front of you!
  Laughing at your expression, Nurse Troy says warmly "It's fine if you want to check me out, $PC.FirstName. No need to be shy about it, that's what the uniform is for. Anyways the Oak Dale clinic is filled with lots of Infested running around with big silicone-filled breasts and equally big dicks. Makes it a bit hard to gather medical supplies sometimes and some of those people I once knew. The good news is that Candy the receptionist is still non-Infested along with Doctor Rack, the bad news is that everyone else is Infested. Even the doctor who helped develop the Infested treatment I use has succumbed to that damn virus."
  Pulling your eyes up from her big titties, you ask "Even the doctor who made the treatment got infected? Fuck! How did that happen?" If the doctor who was working on a cure was attacked it could mean there was someone out there wanting to stop him! Or it could just be bad luck he was attacked and overwhelmed by some Infested before he could get a dose of anti-biotics.
  Nurse Troy frowns as she explains "I'm not sure! He was always a bit on the strange side but no one could deny his brilliance. Then one day he was running around calling himself Doctor FuckHard while doing 'experiments' on the remaining non-infected nurses. One such nurse ended up following the strange doctor around calling herself Nurse Fucktoy!" Shaking her head sadly, she finishes "It's a pretty fucked up situation but that could be said about this whole Infested Pandemic situation..."
<div class="pcTalk"><i> Sounds like the Oak Dale clinic has some interesting people, one of which might have some more information on the Infested virus...</i></div>
<<if $nurseEvent.Lore < 1>>\
<<set $nurseEvent.Lore to 1>>\
  You decide to spend some time gathering information about what's been going on with the Infested Outbreak. Glancing outside the windows in case an Infested has wandered by you ask "So have they been able to make any more progress on creating a cure?"
  "Oh no, nothing that I have heard so far. The treatment I use was developed by one of the clinics on the west side of the city so I'm not sure the outside world knows about it." she replies as she sits down on one of the chairs. As she sits down you can't help staring as your eyes are drawn to the jiggling of her _ISD breasts.
  "What about the government? Have you heard any news about what they are doing beyond of course keeping the city quarantined?" you ask as you try to distract yourself from staring at Nurse Troy's voluptuous figure.
  "I heard that there are air drops of supplies near the malls and other commercial areas but not much around here. Although rarely I have found some small supplies in the early morning nearby. Usually by noon they have been completely raided, sometimes even by the Infested for whatever reason." she replies with a distant haunted look in her eyes. Leaning forward she says "It's a bit rough to get more supplies but I do my best!"
  Once more your eyes are drawn to her ample cleavage. The way her outfit presents her breasts makes it impossible to ignore as you drink in the sight. Suddenly her _ISD breasts are pushed out even more and you can see her hard nipples poking thru nurse outfit! Looking up you notice Troy has arched her back while stretching. She winks at you while running her hands down the sides of her chest. At your look of chagrin at being caught checking her out she just laughs.
  "I don't mind you looking, $PC.FirstName. In fact if I didn't want anyone to look I wouldn't be wearing such an provocative outfit." she says as finishes stretching, letting her _ISD breasts bounce back into position. With a sultry grin she says "I figure it helps to relax people in such trying times and it has a added benefit for my style of medical treatment."
<<if $nurseEvent.Medical < 1>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> Hmm. That's some useful information. I wonder if I should check out one of the malls?</i></div>
<div class="pcTalk"><i> By looking at her I can tell she's has had some exposure to the Infested virus...</i></div>
<<button [[Finish|$location.temp]]>>
<<set $location.Indoor to 0>>\
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<set $NoEncounter to random(1) +2>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</button>><<set $genericEvent.Image = $eventPath2 + $arrayEvent2TitFuck.random() + '.jpg'>>\
<img @src=$genericEvent.Image />
<<set $nurseEvent.Agree to 1>>\
<<if (random(19) + 1) + $Skill.Social + $CharismaBonus > 13>>\
<<set $npcTroy.Friendship to $npcTroy.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity + 2 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set $npcTroy.Friendship to $npcTroy.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity + 1 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set $npcTroy.SexXP to $npcTroy.SexXP +1>>\
<<set $sexHistory.XP to $sexHistory.XP +1>>\
<<set $LastPartner to $npcTroy>>\
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$npcTroy.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$npcTroy.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _IAss to $arrayAssSizeDesc[$npcTroy.AssSize]>>\
<<if $PC.Sex is "Male" and $StatusAffect.Futa < 1>>\
<<set _Sex to "Male">>\
<<elseif $PC.Sex is "Futa" or $StatusAffect.Futa > 0>>\
<<set _Sex to "Futa">>\
<<if $npcTroy.SexXP is 1>>\
<<switch _Sex>>\
<<case "Male">>\
  "So how do I help you with your condition?" you ask while staring at her impressive rack, your hard <<Penis>> throbbing in glee. Her desperate need for cum is something you can help with and to be totally truthful it's something you really want to do.
  You watch her step away from the gurney she was leaning against, her _ISD breasts bouncing gently. Walking over to you she presses her bosom up against you allowing you to look down her erotic nurse's outfit. Your shaft is rock solid as it strains against your too tight underwear and you know she could feel it stabbing her stomach.
  “How about you fuck my _ICup tits and I'll see how much cum you can unleash.” Troy huskily whispers into your ear as she pushes her bossum up against your chest even harder, her hand reaching down to stroke your steel <<Penis>> through your clothes. Your <<Penis>> isn't the only thing hard as you can feel her nipples poking through her red bra.
  “These are some great tits, Troy. I haven't been able to keep my eyes off them since I arrived.” you say as your hands come up as if on autopilot and hold her huge jugs. They feel so heavy and full in your meaty hands and her nipples are rock solid beneath your fingers. It feels so right for you to be groping this drop dead sexy nurse whose body screams that it was made for one thing and that was to be fucked. Grabbing her red uniform top you pull it down roughly exposing her perfect breasts.
  “Oh my! Someone really wants to suck on my _ISD <<Breasts>>!” she says as she shoves your face into her ample cleavage. Inhaling deeply you dive into sucking her inch long nipples hard. It's tastes so good and feels so great your dick is already aching to be planted inside that soft breast flesh.
  Pulling away from you for a moment Troy sinks to her knees as if she was about to worship your <<Penis>> that she had stealthfully pulled free from your clothes. You hadn't even noticed since you were busy sucking those luscious <<Breasts>> and now your hard cock is pointing directly at her perfect face.
<<if $nurseEvent.DickSize < $PC.DickSize>>\
  "Oh wow! Looks like someone's dick has grown up some more since last time I've seen it. I bet it will fit even tighter in between my tits!" she moans as she studies your $DickSize cock.
<<elseif $nurseEvent.DickSize > $PC.DickSize>>\
  "Oh wow! Looks like someone's dick has shrunk some since last time I've seen it. I bet it will have an easier time staying between my tits!" she moans as she studies your $DickSize cock.
  "Oh wow! I can't get enough of how your cock feels and tastes. I bet it will have a great time sliding in between my tits!" she moans as she studies your $DickSize cock.
  Troy lovingly stroking it before guiding your dick in between her boobs. The head of your <<Penis>> pokes out of the deep cleavage that Troy’s tits made and you enjoy pushing into that divine valley. It feels so good to be deep in her _ISD tits that you can't help to moan in rapturious pleasure. She then mauls those _ICup tits of hers with her own hands, quickly pushing them together to wrap themselves around your <<Penis>>.
  You growl lustifully as you pulled back your hips, and quickly spear your $DickSD cock again through the valley of succulent tit flesh. You begin squeezing her breasts together tighter around your <<Penis>>, using the ample precum that you're gushing onto her <<Breasts>> as lubricant. You get a rythym going as thrust after thrust of your $DickSD cock into her breasts slowly increases in response to the increasing pleasure radiating from your balls.
  “How do you like my titties? My _ISD mouth-watering tits? I bet you love shoving your $DickSize hard <<Penis>> into my <<Breasts>>!” she asks while helping you along by jacking your cock with her tits. You can only moan in response as you continue to thrust between those heavenly globes of feminine flesh.
  “OH FUCK YES! I LOVE YOUR TITS!” you yell as your titty-fucking accelerates, your full balls slamming into her luscious breasts. Gripping harder you feel yours hands sinking into her _ISD tits as your orgasm is very close as your balls are churning rapidly.
  “Come on, $PC.FirstName, cum for me! Shower this slut with all the hot jizz you’ve got!” she yells as she begins stroking your <<Penis>> even harder with her tits as your thrusting reaches a fever pitch.
  “I’ll churn out enough to cover your face and your tits, you fucking horny nurse!” You groan as your cum-filled orbs pulse one last time and then suddenly $CumAD ropes of cum explodes from your $DickSD <<Penis>>, splattering all over Troy’s perfect face. <<if $Cum.Stored > 10 and $Cum.Stored < 21>> You aren't done yet as an long geyser of cum splatters lands on her quivvering breasts. Before long her _ICup tits are covered in white goo.<<else>>You aren't done yet as an almost endless tsunami of cum lands on her quivering breasts. Before long her tits are covered in white goo as is her face, torso and hair.<</if>>
  “Oh fuck $PC.FirstName, that was amazing...” Troy mutters as she reaches up and scoops some of your white cum. Looking you in the eyes she licks her fingers clean. “Delicious..." <<if $Cum.Stored > 10>> She takes extra time to lick clean the all of your $CumAD load of cum from her _ISD tits and face.<</if>>
<<case "Futa">>\
  "So how do I help you with your condition?" you ask while staring at her impressive rack, your hard <<Penis>> throbbing in glee at the thought of being deep between her epic breasts. Her desperate need for cum is something you can help with and to be totally truthful it's something you really want to give her plenty of
  You watch her step away from the gurney she was leaning against, her _ISD breasts bouncing gently. Walking over to you she presses her ample bosom up against your own $BreastSD breasts allowing you to look down her tight nurse's outfit. Your shaft is rock solid as it strains against your too tight underwear and you know she could feel it stabbing her stomach.
  “How about you fuck my _ICup tits and I'll see how much cum you can unleash.” Troy huskily whispers into your ear as she pushes her tits up against your $BreastSD tits even harder, her hand reaching down to stroke your steel <<Penis>> through your clothes. Your <<Penis>> isn't the only thing hard as you can feel her large nipples poking through her red uniform as they rub up against your $NippleSize nipples.
  “These are some fucking great tits, Troy! I haven't been able to keep my eyes off them since I arrived.” you say as your hands come up as if on autopilot and grip her _ISD soft jugs. They feel so heavy and full in your meaty hands and her nipples are rock solid beneath your fingers. It feels so right for you to be groping this drop dead sexy nurse whose body screams that it was made for one thing and that was to be fucked. Grabbing her white uniform top you pull it down roughly exposing her perfect breasts.
  “Oh my! Someone really wants to suck on my _ISD tits!” she says as she shoves your face into her ample cleavage. Inhaling deeply you dive into sucking her inch long nipples hard. It's tastes so good and feels so great your dick is already aching to be planted between those big mountains.
  Pulling away from you for a moment Troy sinks to her knees as if she was about to worship your <<Penis>> that she had pulled free from your clothes. You hadn't even noticed since you were busy sucking those luscious <<Breasts>>. You quickly remove the rest of your clothes exposing your $BreastSD $BreastsSize breasts along with your moist pussy.
<<if $nurseEvent.DickSize < $PC.DickSize>>\
  "Oh wow! Looks like someone's dick has grown up some more since last time I've seen it. I bet it will fit even tighter in between my tits!" she moans as she studies your $DickSize cock.
<<elseif $nurseEvent.DickSize > $PC.DickSize>>\
  "Oh wow! Looks like someone's dick has shrunk some since last time I've seen it. I bet it will have an easier time staying between my tits!" she moans as she studies your $DickSize cock.
  "Oh wow! I can't get enough of how your cock feels and tastes. I bet it will have a great time sliding in between my tits!" she moans as she studies your $DickSize cock.
  Troy lovingly stroking it before guiding your dick in between her boobs. The head of your <<Penis>> pokes out of the deep cleavage that Troy’s tits made and you enjoy pushing into that divine valley. It feels so good to be deep in her _ISD tits that you can't help to moan in rapturious pleasure. She then mauls those _ICup tits of hers with her own hands, quickly pushing them together to wrap themselves around your <<Penis>>.
  You growl lustifully as you pulled back your hips, and quickly spear your $DickSD cock again through the valley of succulent tit flesh. You begin squeezing her breasts together tighter around your <<Penis>>, using the ample precum you're gushing onto her <<Breasts>> as lubricant. You get a rythym going as thrust after thrust of your $DickSD cock into her breasts slowly increases in response to the increasing pleasure radiating from your balls and needy pussy.
  “How do you like my titties? My _ISD mouth-watering tits? I bet you love shoving your $DickSize hard <<Penis>> into my <<Breasts>>!” she asks while helping you along by jacking your cock with her tits. You can only moan in response as you continue to thrust between those heavenly globes of feminine flesh.
  “OH FUCK YES! I LOVE YOUR TITS!” you yelll as your titty-fucking accelerates, your full balls slamming into her luscious breasts. Gripping harder you feel your hands sinking into her _ISD tits as your orgasm is very close as your balls are churning rapidly. She responds by slipping her finger into your wet pussy and before long she's fingerbanging you in time with your tit-fucking!
  “Come on, $PC.FirstName, cum for me! Shower this slut with all the hot jizz you’ve got!” she yells as her fingerbanging of your pussy is reaching a fever pitch causing your wet pussy to clench around her fingers.
  “I’ll churn out enough to cover your face and your tits, you fucking horny nurse!” You groan as your cum-filled orbs pulse one last time and then suddenly $CumAD ropes of cum explodes from your $DickSD <<Penis>>, splattering all over Troy’s perfect face. <<if $Cum.Stored > 10 and $Cum.Stored < 21>> You aren't done yet as an long geyser of cum splatters lands on her quivering breasts. Before long her _ICup tits are covered in white goo.<<else>>You aren't done yet as an almost endless tsunami of cum lands on her quivering breasts. Before long her tits are covered in white goo as is her face, torso and hair.<</if>> Not wanting to be left out, Troy's fingering of your wet pussy has produced results down there as well as your squirt a $CumAD blast of girl-cum all over her fingers and lower abdomen.
  “Oh fuck $PC.FirstName, that was amazing...” Troy mutters as she reaches up and scoops some of your white cum while mixing it with your girl-cum. Looking you in the eyes she licks her fingers clean. “Delicious..." <<if $Cum.Stored > 10>> She takes extra time to lick clean the all of your $CumAD load of cum from her _ISD tits, face and stomach.<</if>>
<<elseif $npcTroy.SexXP > 1>>\
<<switch _Sex>>\
<<case "Male">>\
  "How about I help you some more with your condition by fucking your big tits?" you ask while staring at her impressive rack, your hard <<Penis>> throbbing in glee. Her desperate need for cum is something you can help with and to be totally truthful it's something you really want to do.
  “Oh? Do you want to fuck my _ISD tits over and over again? Want to once again blow your huge load all over them?” Troy huskily replies as she strides over to you with a exaggerated sway to her womanly hip. She presses her bosom up against you allowing you to look down her tight nurse's outfit. Your <<Penis>> is rock solid as it strains against your too tight underwear and you know she could feel it stabbing her stomach. Your <<Penis>> isn't the only thing hard as you can feel her nipples poking through her red uniform top.
  “You have some fucking great tits, Troy!I still have trouble keeping my eyes off of those _ISD jugs!” you say as your hands come up as if on autopilot and hold her ISD tits. They feel so heavy and full in your meaty hands and her nipples are rock solid beneath your fingers. It feels so right for you to be groping this drop dead sexy nurse whose body screams that it was made for one thing and that was to be fucked. Grabbing her red uniform top you pull it down roughly exposing her perfect breasts.
  “Oh my! Someone really wants to suck on my _ISD tits!” she says as she shoves your face into her ample cleavage. Inhaling deeply you dive into sucking her inch long nipples hard. It's tastes so good and feels so great your dick is already aching to be planted between those big mountains.
  Pulling away from you for a moment Troy sinks to her knees as if she was about to worship your <<Penis>> that she had stealthfully pulled free from your clothes. You hadn't even noticed since you were busy sucking those luscious <<Breasts>> and now your hard cock is pointing directly at her perfect face.
<<if $nurseEvent.DickSize < $PC.DickSize>>\
  "Oh wow! Looks like someone's dick has grown up some more since last time I've seen it. I bet it will fit even tighter in between my tits!" she moans as she studies your $DickSize cock.
<<elseif $nurseEvent.DickSize > $PC.DickSize>>\
  "Oh wow! Looks like someone's dick has shrunk some since last time I've seen it. I bet it will have an easier time staying between my tits!" she moans as she studies your $DickSize cock.
  "Oh wow! I can't get enough of how your cock feels and tastes. I bet it will have a great time sliding in between my tits!" she moans as she studies your $DickSize cock.
  Troy lovingly stroking it before guiding your dick in between her boobs. The head of your <<Penis>> pokes out of the deep cleavage that Troy’s tits made and you enjoy pushing into that divine valley. It feels so good to be deep in her _ISD tits that you can't help to moan in rapturious pleasure. She then mauls those _ICup tits of hers with her own hands, quickly pushing them together to wrap themselves around your <<Penis>>.
  You growl lustifully as you pulled back your hips, and quickly spear your $DickSD cock again through the valley of succulent tit flesh. You begin squeezing her breasts together tighter around your <<Penis>>, using your precum your are gushing onto her <<Breasts>> as lubricant. You get a rythym going as thrust after thrust of your $DickSD cock into her breasts slowly increases in response to the increasing pleasure radiating from your balls.
  “How do you like my titties? My _ISD mouth-watering tits? I bet you love shoving your $DickSize hard <<Penis>> into my <<Breasts>>!” she asks while helping you along by jacking your cock with her tits. You can only moan in response as you continue to thrust between those heavenly globes of feminine flesh.
  “OH FUCK YES! I LOVE YOUR TITS!” you yelll as your fucking accelerates, your full balls slamming into her luscious breasts. Gripping harder you feel yours hands sinking into her _ISD tits as your orgasm is very close as your balls are churning rapidly.
  “Come on, $PC.FirstName, cum for me! Shower this slut with all the hot jizz you’ve got!” she yells as she begins stroking your <<Penis>> even harder with her tits as your thrusting reaches a fever pitch.
  “I’ll churn out enough to cover your face and your tits, you fucking horny nurse!” You groan as your cum-filled orbs pulse one last time and then suddenly $CumAD ropes of cum explodes from your $DickSD <<Penis>>, splattering all over Troy’s perfect face. <<if $Cum.Stored > 10 and $Cum.Stored < 21>> You aren't done yet as an long geyser of cum splatters lands on her quivvering breasts. Before long her _ICup tits are covered in white goo.<<else>>You aren't done yet as an almost endless tsunami of cum lands on her quivering breasts. Before long her tits are covered in white goo as is her face, torso and hair.<</if>>
  “Oh fuck $PC.FirstName, that was amazing...” Troy mutters as she reaches up and scoops some of your white cum. Looking you in the eyes she licks her fingers clean. “Delicious..." <<if $Cum.Stored > 10>> She takes extra time to lick clean the all of your $CumAD load of cum from her _ISD tits and face.<</if>>
<<case "Futa">>\
  "How about I help you some more with your condition by fucking your big o' titties?" you ask while staring at her impressive rack, your hard <<Penis>> throbbing in time with your wet pussy. Her desperate need for cum is something you can help with and to be totally truthful it's something you really want to do.
  “Oh? Do you want to fuck my _ISD tits over and over again? Want to once again blow your huge load all over them while unloading your girl-cum all over my fingers?” Troy huskily replies as she strides over to you with a exaggerated sway to her womanly hip. She pushes her tits up against your $BreastSD tits hard, her hand reaching down to stroke your steel <<Penis>> through your clothes. Your <<Penis>> isn't the only thing hard as you can feel her large nipples poking through her red bra as they rub up against your $NippleSize nipples.
  “You have some fucking great tits, Troy! I still have trouble keeping my eyes off of those _ISD jugs!” you say as your hands come up as if on autopilot and grip her _ISD soft jugs. They feel so heavy and full in your meaty hands and her nipples are rock solid beneath your fingers. It feels so right for you to be groping this drop dead sexy nurse whose body screams that it was made for one thing and that was to be fucked. Grabbing her red uniform top you pull it down roughly exposing her perfect breasts.
  “Oh my! Someone really wants to suck on my _ISD tits!” she says as she shoves your face into her ample cleavage. Inhaling deeply you dive into sucking her inch long nipples hard. It's tastes so good and feels so great your dick is already aching to be planted between those big mountains.
  Pulling away from you for a moment Troy sinks to her knees as if she was about to worship your <<Penis>> that she had pulled free from your clothes. You hadn't even noticed since you were busy sucking those luscious <<Breasts>>. You quickly remove the rest of your clothes exposing your $BreastSD $BreastsSize breasts along with your moist pussy.
<<if $nurseEvent.DickSize < $PC.DickSize>>\
  "Oh wow! Looks like someone's dick has grown up some more since last time I've seen it. I bet it will fit even tighter in between my tits!" she moans as she studies your $DickSize cock.
<<elseif $nurseEvent.DickSize > $PC.DickSize>>\
  "Oh wow! Looks like someone's dick has shrunk some since last time I've seen it. I bet it will have an easier time staying between my tits!" she moans as she studies your $DickSize cock.
  "Oh wow! I can't get enough of how your cock feels and tastes. I bet it will have a great time sliding in between my tits!" she moans as she studies your $DickSize cock.
  Troy lovingly stroking it before guiding your dick in between her boobs. The head of your <<Penis>> pokes out of the deep cleavage that Troy’s tits made and you enjoy pushing into that divine valley. It feels so good to be deep in her _ISD tits that you can't help to moan in rapturious pleasure. She then mauls those _ICup tits of hers with her own hands, quickly pushing them together to wrap themselves around your <<Penis>>.
  You growl lustifully as you pulled back your hips, and quickly spear your $DickSD cock again through the valley of succulent tit flesh. You begin squeezing her breasts together tighter around your <<Penis>>, using your precum your are gushing onto her <<Breasts>> as lubricant. You get a rythym going as thrust after thrust of your $DickSD cock into her breasts slowly increases in response to the increasing pleasure radiating from your balls and needy pussy.
  “How do you like my titties? My _ISD mouth-watering tits? I bet you love shoving your $DickSize hard <<Penis>> into my <<Breasts>>!” she asks while helping you along by jacking your cock with her tits. You can only moan in response as you continue to thrust between those heavenly globes of feminine flesh.
  “OH FUCK YES! I LOVE YOUR TITS!” you yell as your titty-fucking accelerates, your full balls slamming into her luscious breasts. Gripping harder you feel your hands sinking into her _ISD tits as your orgasm is very close as your balls are churning rapidly. She responds by slipping her finger into your wet pussy and before long she's fingerbanging you in time with your tit-fucking!
  “Come on, $PC.FirstName, cum for me! Shower this slut with all the hot jizz you’ve got!” she yells as her fingerbanging of your pussy is reaching a fever pitch causing your wet pussy to clench around her fingers.
  “I’ll churn out enough to cover your face and your tits, you fucking horny nurse!” You groan as your cum-filled orbs pulse one last time and then suddenly $CumAD ropes of cum explodes from your $DickSD <<Penis>>, splattering all over Troy’s perfect face. <<if $Cum.Stored > 10 and $Cum.Stored < 21>> You aren't done yet as an long geyser of cum splatters lands on her quivering breasts. Before long her _ICup tits are covered in white goo.<<else>>You aren't done yet as an almost endless tsunami of cum lands on her quivering breasts. Before long her tits are covered in white goo as is her face, torso and hair.<</if>> Not wanting to be left out, Troy's fingering of your wet pussy has produced results down there as well as your squirt a $CumAD blast of girl-cum all over her fingers and lower abdomen.
  “Oh fuck $PC.FirstName, that was amazing...” Troy mutters as she reaches up and scoops some of your white cum while mixing it with your girl-cum. Looking you in the eyes she licks her fingers clean. “Delicious..." <<if $Cum.Stored > 10>> She takes extra time to lick clean the all of your $CumAD load of cum from her _ISD tits, face and stomach.<</if>>
  You talk a bit more but eventually have to leave since it's already getting late. Nurse Troy will also need to move to a new location since the noise and smell of hot sex filled this location.
<<button [[Finish|$location.temp]]>>
<<if $npcTroy.SexXP > 0 and $nurseEvent.Medical < 1 >>\
<<set $nurseEvent.Medical to 2>>\
<<set $location.Indoor to 0>>\
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<include "Lust Passes">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<set $NoEncounter to random(1) +2>>\
<<set $nurseEvent.BreastsSize to $PC.BreastsSize>>\
<<set $nurseEvent.DickSize to $PC.DickSize>>\
<<set $nurseEvent.AssSize to $PC.AssSize>>\
<</button>><<set $sexHistory.XP to $sexHistory.XP +1>>\
<<set $sexHistory.LastPartner to $genericFighter>>\
<<set $LastPartner to $genericFighter>>\
<<set _TCard to 0>>\
<<set _VCard to 0>>\
<<set $sexHistory.Consent to "Yes">>\
<<set $sexHistory.Type to "Pussy">>\
<<if $sexHistory.TotalV is 1>>\
<<set $sexHistory.TrueVirginityWho to $genericFighter.Name>>\
<<set _TCard to 1>>\
<<set $sexHistory.TotalV to 0>>\
<<if $sexHistory.PenisV is 1>>\
<<set $sexHistory.PenisVirginityWho to $genericFighter.Name>>\
<<set _VCard to 1>>\
<<set $sexHistory.PenisV to 0>>\
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$genericFighter.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$genericFighter.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _IAss to $arrayAssSizeDesc[$genericFighter.AssSize]>>\
<<set _SizeComp to $PC.DickSize - $genericFighter.Level + ($GeneralFeats.FalseRep *2)>>\
<<if _SizeComp < 0>>\
<<set _SizeComp to 0>>\
<<if $Infestation.MilkProgress > 0 or $Milk.Stored > $Milk.Min>>\
<<set _Breasts to "Milk">>\
<<elseif $StatusAffect.SiliconeB > 5>>\
<<set _Breasts to "Silicone">>\
<<set _Breasts to "Natural">>\
<<if _TCard is 1>>\
  As you look at $genericFighter.Name you can't help but stare at her extremely sexy body. Your eyes are drawn to her _ISD _ICup breasts that seem so jiggly while your eyes lock on to her hard nipples as they sway with each movement. Before long your gaze dips downwards as you notice the Infested is sliding her fingers in and out of her wet pussy. You can feel yourself getting hornier as your $DickSize futa-cock gets even harder along with your $NippleSize nipples on top of your $BreastSD breasts.<<if $PC.OSex is "Male">> Your hard throbbing dick is demanding to buried deep inside her tight pussy and you can no longer resist that sweet seductive lure .<<else>> Ever since you grew a futa-dick it's been interesting with all the new sensations but now it's as if your new cock is demanding to buried deep inside her tight pussy and you can no longer resist that sweet seductive lure. <</if>>
  <em>"I shouldn't be doing this..."</em> you think as your body moves as if on auto-pilot. Your clothes drop to the ground as your heartbeat races. $genericFighter.Name2 looks happy that you're about to give her what she wanted this whole time. Finally speaking up you stammer out "I'm uh, going to fuck you, ok?"
  She gives you an confused look for a moment before giggling softly. "It smells like there's a virgin Futa wanting to have their $DickSD cock de-virginized!" she says while spreading open her wet cunt. "Come and slide your $DickSD futa-cock right into my tight pussy and you'll be cumming before you know it!"
  The $genericFighter.Name stares at you with a hopeful look in her eyes as you walk towards her, your hard <<Penis>> straining against your pants. With her _ISD _ICup breasts, jiggly ass and those cock-sucking lips there was no way you could walk away. Your own <<Penis>> is rock hard long with your nipples pressing against your clothes. Tossing your clothes away you stride over to where the Infested is laying on ground. With a savage grin you say "I'm going to pound that tight pussy until the sun rises!"
<<switch _SizeComp>>\
<<case 0 1 2>>\
  Looking sadly at your hard <<Penis>> she continues to finger her already wet cunt. "I'm so sorry that you have such a lacking <<Penis>>... I'm not sure I could even feel it inside let alone get any real pleasure from it. But I'm willing to see if I can pump your $DickSD <<Penis>> into being a monster cock that everyone can be proud of!" she says hopefully as she spreads her legs wide with little fanfare in invitation to be fucked long and hard by your hard cock.
<<case 3 4 5 6>>\
  She gives your hard <<Penis>> a measuring look with a lustful grin while fingering her already wet cunt. "I guess all cocks aren't equal but I'm proud that that you're willing to try with such a mediocre <<Penis>>! How about you prove the saying 'Size doesn't matter, Skills do' by giving me a nice hard dicking?" she says as she enthusiastically spreads her legs wide in invitation to be fucked long and hard by your hard cock.
<<case 7 8 9 10 11 12>>\
  "Look who has a great looking <<Penis>>! That's you if you didn't know! It's big enough to really feel it deep in my tight pussy and I bet I'll be cumming a lot here shortly. Makes me wonder if I fuck enough Futas I'll grow one of my own..." she says as she fingers her wet pussy while staring at your <<Penis>>. She quickly spreads her legs in invitation to be fucked long and hard by your hard cock.
<<case 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24>>\
  "Oh fuck! That as they say in the business is a huge fucking <<Penis>>! Only the strongest Futas tend to end up with such cunt breakers! I'm going to have a hard time fitting it in my tight pussy so you will have to slam it right in nice and hard. Might have to slam it in over and over again to make sure can fit!" she says as she starts to finger her pussy hard even harder, possibly to make sure she is wet enough to take your <<Penis>>. She happily spreads her legs in eager anticipation to be fucked hard by your hard cock.
  "Why do you have a $DickSize long club that looks like a dick in your pants? What the hell?!?!? I have no idea on how to get that giant club of a <<Penis>> you have into my pussy but I'm kinda wondering if I can... I guess you will just have to try really hard since I'm dying to find out how it feels." she says as she starts to stroke your <<Penis>> with one hand while the other is grabbing a tub of lube out of her purse. She slaps a boatload of lube onto your <<Penis>> before spreading her legs wide in invitation to be fucked long and hard by your hard cock.
<<if _VCard is 1>>\
  Kneeling down between her legs, you grab your $DickSize cock and guide it towards the entrance of her wet pussy. It takes a moment but you finally have it aimed properly at her slipperly cunt. Taking a deep breath you slowly push forward as your futa-cock slowly gets engulfed by her hot tight pussy! Your cock radiates pleasure as your $DickSD dick pushes even deeper into her pussy and before long your feel your $BallsSD balls slap against her groin. It feels so tight and warm that you can't stop yourself from pulling back out and slamming your hard <<Penis>> back in. With each thrust of your cock you get better at getting your timing down and with each successful thrust her _ISD tits jiggle obscenely. Before long the Infested is screaming and moaning in pleasure.
  Deciding to give her what she's been asking for you slam your <<Penis>> straight into her dripping snatch. Your cock radiates pleasure as your $DickSD dick pushes even deeper into her pussy and before long your feel your $BallsSD balls slap against her groin. It feels so tight and warm that you can't stop yourself from pulling back out and slamming your hard <<Penis>> back in. With each thrust of your cock her _ISD tits jiggle obscenely and causes the Infested to scream and moan in pleasure.
  "Oh fuck that's good! Keep hammering my hot pussy just like that! You god-damn fucker!" she screams as your <<Penis>> slams her pussy like a sledgehammer. Her tight pussy feels so good as she wraps her long shapely legs around your back to force you deeper. Her _IAss juicy ass provides plenty of cushioning as you continue fucking her cunt hard. Her eyes drift towards your $BreastSD chest as her plump lips gasps and moans.
<<if _Breasts is "Milk">>\
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$genericFighter.BreastsSize +2]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$genericFighter.BreastsSize +2]>>\
  "Your big o'titties look so tasty and juicy! I just want to play with those $BreastSD girls!" she says between moans and gasps as she continues to be ravaged by your <<Penis>>. Reaching up she starts to fondle your $BreastSD milk-filled breasts and as she does so a $MilkAD stream of milk starts to flow out. "Oh wow! Your tits are spraying out delicious smelling milk! I gotta have a taste!" she gasps before she pulls you forward in order to latch onto your $NippleSize nipples.
  “Do you like sucking on my milkers? Oh fuck yes it feels so good! Keep going!" you moan as you continue fucking this drop dead gorgeous babe. Her reply is just moans of pleasure as she seems to be trying to suck your tits dry of milk. Your pace quickly increases as the combination from having your milk-filled breasts sucked hard while fucking her with your <<Penis>> is rather intense. You feel your balls start to churn even more rapidly with thick baby-batter.
  As she continues to guzzle down your milk you can detect a change in the Infested as her tits slowly start to expand. Coming up for a breath of fresh air, she screams is ecstasy "Oh my God! My titties are now so _ISD!" She grabs her _ISD _ICup titties and starts to play with them as milk droplets start to leak from her nipples! "Fuck! I want my tits to be even bigger" she says before diving back into sucking on your mommy milkers.
<<elseif $PC.BreastsSize + ($GeneralFeats.FalseRep *2) < ($genericFighter.BreastsSize -4)>>\
  "Your breasts are so cute and small! I just want to play with them for days!" she says between moans and gasps as you continue to ravage her wet pussy. Reaching up she starts to fondle your $BreastSD $BreastsSize tits, your hard nipples poking out between her fingers.
  “Do you like playing with my tits? Oh fuck yes it feels so good! Keep going!" you moan as you continue fucking this drop dead gorgeous babe. Your pace quickly increases as the pleasure from having your nipples played with while fucking her with your <<Penis>> is rather intense. You feel your balls start to churn even more rapidly with thick baby-batter.
<<elseif $PC.BreastsSize + ($GeneralFeats.FalseRep *2) < $genericFighter.BreastsSize>>\
  "Your tits are pretty nice, not really big enough to really stand out but still decent! I bet they feel so good bouncing around while fucking my hot pussy! I just want to play with them so much!" she says as you continue to slam your <<Penis>> into her wet pussy. Reaching up she starts to fondle your $BreastSD $BreastsSize tits, your hard nipples poking out between her fingers.
  “Do you like playing with my tits? Oh fuck yes it feels so good! Keep going!" you moan as you continue fucking this drop dead gorgeous babe. Your pace quickly increases as the pleasure from having your nipples played with while fucking her with your <<Penis>> is rather intense. You feel your balls start to churn even more rapidly with thick baby-batter.
<<elseif ($PC.BreastsSize + ($GeneralFeats.FalseRep *2)) is $genericFighter.BreastsSize>>\
  "I can't believe you have the same size tits as me! I wonder if they feel the same as my tits?" she says between moans and gasps as she continues to be ravaged by your <<Penis>>. Reaching up she starts to fondle and grope your $BreastSD $BreastsSize tits, your hard nipples poking out between her fingers. "Oooh! Close enough!" she moans in pleasure.
  “Do you like playing with my tits? Oh fuck yes it feels so good! Keep going!" you moan as you continue fucking this drop dead gorgeous babe. Your pace quickly increases as the pleasure from having your nipples played with while fucking her with your <<Penis>> is rather intense. You feel your balls start to churn even more rapidly with thick baby-batter.
<<elseif $PC.BreastsSize + ($GeneralFeats.FalseRep *2) > $genericFighter.BreastsSize>>\
  "I can't believe you have bigger tits than me! I just want to worship and suck on your big o'titties!" she says between moans and gasps as she continues to be ravaged by your <<Penis>>. Reaching up she starts to fondle your $BreastSD $BreastsSize tits as she sucks on your hard nipples.
  “Do you like sucking on my tits? Oh fuck yes it feels so good! Keep going!" you moan as you continue fucking this drop dead gorgeous babe. Your pace quickly increases as the pleasure from having your tits sucked while fucking her with your <<Penis>> is rather intense. You feel your balls start to churn even more rapidly with thick baby-batter.
<<if $PC.Infestation is $Infestation.Cap & $Infestation.Progress > 1>>\
<<include "Infestation Increase">>\
  As you slam your <<Penis>> into her wet cunt you feel a surge of energy flowing directly into you! It almost feels like you are burning up but it quickly turns to pleasure that radiates from your hard <<Penis>> and your heaving breasts.
<<if _Breasts is "Milk">>\
  "My god your cunt feels so tight and my leaking tits feels so good! I can't stop! Oh shit! I CAN'T HOLD BACK! I'M GOING TO CUM!" you yell as you begin to uncontrollably thrust into her wet cunt in preparation for your imminent orgasm. With each thrust it feels like your cock is getting bigger and thicker while the the Infested's moans get loader. She just moans while sucking harder onto your milkers as it feels like they are overflowing with milk and becoming even bigger. It doesn't take long before a mini-orgasm erupts from your tits, unleasing $MilkAD streams of milk down her throat and onto her full chest. The pleasure becomes too much as you step past the point of no return as you unleash a $CumAD load of white cum directly into her tight cunt! As splurt after splurt of cum shoots into her pussy you yell "Take all of my spunk you milk lover!"
  "OH GOD! Your titties are blowing up and I can feel you getting bigger and bigger inside me! OH FUCK YES! I'M CUMMING!" She screams after releasing your leaking tits as a immense orgasm rocks her body. You feel her hot pussy tighten and then sucks all your hot cum straight in.<<if $Cum.Stored > 10>> The massive stream of hot cum lasts for over a minute and overflows out of her tight pussy!<</if>> Even your neglected pussy squirts out an tsunami amount of girl-cum onto the ground below!
  As you pull out of her dripping cunt you notice that you now have a $DickSD $DickSize cock along with a pair of $BallsSD $BallsSize balls! Still looking yourself over you notice you now have a pair of $BreastSD $BreastsSize milk-filled breasts and a $AssSize ass! The Infested coos while stroking your <<Penis>> and <<Breasts>> before saying "Looks like you are becoming one hot Milker Futa!"
  "OH GOD! Your titties are blowing up and I can feel you getting bigger and bigger inside me! OH FUCK YES! I'M CUMMING!" she screams as she grips your breasts even harder while her long legs drives your hard <<Penis>> even deeper. It feels like your <<Penis>> is growing harder and thicker with each thrust into her wet cunt! Your breasts are also feeling like they are expanding within the Infested's grip.
  "My god your cunt feels so tight, I can't stop! Oh shit! I CAN'T HOLD BACK! I'M GOING TO CUM!" you scream as the feeling of her pussy quivering with pleasure along with your warmth in your tits pushes you over the edge, causing you to unleash a $CumAD load of white cum, bigger than any other load you've ever had, into her hot cunt! As splurt after splurt of cum shoots into her pussy you yell "Take all of my spunk you tit-loving whore!" <<if $Cum.Stored > 10>> The massive stream of hot cum lasts for over a minute and overflows out of her tight pussy!<</if>> Even your neglected pussy squirts out a almost endless wave of girl-cum onto the ground below!
  As you pull out of her dripping cunt you have a $DickSD $DickSize cock along with a pair of $BallsSD $BallsSize balls! Before you can react you notice you now have a pair of $BreastSD $BreastsSize breasts and a $AssSize ass! The Infested coos while stroking your <<Penis>> and <<Breasts>> before saying "Looks like you are becoming one hot Futa!"
<<if _Breasts is "Milk">>\
  "My god your cunt feels so tight and my leaking tits feels so good! I can't stop! Oh shit! I CAN'T HOLD BACK! I'M GOING TO CUM!" you yell as you begin to uncontrollably thrust into her wet cunt in preparation for your imminent orgasm. She just moans while sucking harder onto your milkers as it feels like a mini-orgasm erupts from your tits, unleasing $MilkAD streams of milk down her throat and onto her full chest. The pleasure becomes too much as you step past the point of no return as you unleash a $CumAD load of white cum directly into her tight cunt! As splurt after splurt of cum shoots into her pussy you yell "Take all of my spunk you horny milk-lover!"
  "OH GOD YES! YES YES YES! I'M FUCKING CUMMING AS WELL!" She screams after releasing your leaking tits as a immense orgasm rocks her body. You feel her hot pussy tighten and then sucks all your hot cum straight in.<<if $Cum.Stored > 9 and $Cum.Stored < 20>> The stream of hot cum lasts for what seems like forever and overflows out of her tight pussy! <<elseif $Cum.Stored > 19>> There's so much cum flowing from your $BallsSD balls that in the end you pull your $DickSD futa-cock out and shoot $CumAD strands of gooey cum all over her _ISD tits and stomach!<</if>> Even your neglected pussy squirts out a $GCumAD wave of girl-cum onto the ground below!
  "My god your cunt feels so tight, I can't stop! Oh shit! I CAN'T HOLD BACK! I'M GOING TO CUM!" you yell as you begin to uncontrollably thrust into her wet cunt in preparation for your imminent orgasm. She just moans while groping your tits even harder as your hard <<Penis>> slams into her. The pleasure becomes too much as you step past the point of no return as you unleash a $CumAD load of white cum directly into her tight cunt! As splurt after splurt of cum shoots into her pussy you yell "Take all of my spunk you tit-loving whore!"
  "OH GOD YES! YES YES YES! I'M FUCKING CUMMING AS WELL!" She screams as a immense orgasm rocks her body. You feel her hot pussy tighten and then sucks all your hot cum straight in.<<if $Cum.Stored > 9 and $Cum.Stored < 20>> The stream of hot cum lasts for what seems like forever and overflows out of her tight pussy!<<elseif $Cum.Stored > 19>> There's so much cum flowing from your $BallsSD balls that in the end you pull your $DickSD futa-cock out and shoot $CumAD strands of gooey cum all over her _ISD tits and stomach! <</if>> Even your neglected pussy squirts out a $GCumAD wave of girl-cum onto the ground below!
  "Oh that was so good!" she says when you finally stand up, cum dripping from your sensitive <<Penis>>. Taking one last moment to scoop some white goo from her pussy into her mouth, she replies "I'll hope to see you again soon, stud" With that you grab your clothes and leave the area.<<set $sexHistory.XP to $sexHistory.XP +1>>\
<<set $LastPartner to $genericFighter>>\
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$genericFighter.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$genericFighter.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$genericFighter.DickSize]>>\
<<set _DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$genericFighter.DickSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$genericFighter.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$genericFighter.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _SizeComp to $PC.DickSize - $genericFighter.Level + ($GeneralFeats.FalseRep *2)>>\
<<if _SizeComp < 0>>\
<<set _SizeComp to 0>>\
/* Needs an update */
  The $genericFighter.Name is on her hands and knees with her huge ass up in the air looking dejected until you walk towards her, your hard cock straining against your pants. With her _ISD breasts, jiggly ass and those cock-sucking lips there was no way you could walk away.
  "I'm going to fuck your ass so hard you won't be able sit down for a week." you say as you strip out of you clothes. She gives your hard cock a long look with a lustful grin while spreading her ass in preperation.
  "You'll going to love my ass, stud! Just be sure to give me a creampie to remember you by." she says as she slaps her ample butt causing massive jiggling. You take a moment to kneel down and press the head of your <<Penis>> against her asshole. Without even pausing you slam your cock straight into her wet ass.
  It feels so tight and hot that you take a moment to savor the experience. The Infested however is rather impatient as she wiggles her massive rear against you, encouraging you to start moving. Deciding that she needs some discipline, you give her nice behind a firm slap before you start thrusting into that jiggling ass.
  "Oh I'm so naughty! Show me who's the boss, stud! Shove it in deep! Oh God!" she gasps as your cock drills deep into her ass, hilting her completely. Slapping her ass again you start reaming your <<Penis>> staight into her hot ass at a steady pace. She looks back at you with a look of pure estasy as her butt is being drilled.
  "You like that bitch? You like my cock destroying your asshole? You like your ass being slapped? Oh fuck yes!" you moan as you grip her hips even harder as your <<Penis>> slams into her jiggly butt like a jackhammer. Your pace quickly increases as the pleasure from fucking this drop dead gorgeous babe is intense and you feel your balls start to churn even more rapidly with thick baby-batter.
<<if $Infestation.FutaVariant >= $Infestation.FutaCap & $Infestation.Progress > 1>>\
<<include "Futa TF">>\
  As you slam your <<Penis>> into her tight ass you feel a surge of shocking energy flowing directly into you. It feels almost like you are being electrocuted but it quickly turns to pleasure that radiates from below your hard cock and cum-filled balls.
  "OH GOD! OH FUCK! I'M CUMMING!" She screams as a immense orgasm rocks her body. The feeling of the flood of her pussy spasming around your dick would normally push you over the edge but some reason your orgasm feels almost like it's blocked.
  As you look down to see what could be the issue you see two bulges of flesh pushing out from your chest! As you stare in disbelief the bulges slowly forms into the shape of breasts! Your almost forgotten orgasm comes crashing back with a vengence as you feel something below your cock explode with fluids. Looking farther down it seems like you now also have a pussy and a large ass! It feels so good that you can't stop cumming!
  Staring in shock you notice that you now have a $BreastSD pair of $BreastsSize breasts, a $AssSize ass and a wet pussy! Before you can react the Infested reaches back to strokes your pussy and with a grin and says "Looks like you are now a Futa!"
<<elseif $PC.Infestation >= $Infestation.Cap & $Infestation.Progress > 1>>\
<<include "Infestation Increase">>\
  As you slam your <<Penis>> into her tight ass you feel a surge of energy flowing directly into you! It almost feels like you are burning up but it quickly turns to pleasure that radiates from your hard cock.
  "OH GOD! I can feel you getting bigger and bigger inside me! OH FUCK YES! I'M CUMMING!" she screams as her asshole grips you even harder sucking your hard cock even deeper. It feels like your cock is growing harder and thicker with each thrust into her hot ass! Even your balls feel like they are about to explode.
  "Oh yes! OH FUCK! I'M CUMMING! I'm blasting your fucking ass with my hot load!" you scream as the feeling of her jiggly ass quivering with pleasure pushes you over the edge, causing you to unleash a $CumAD load of white cum, bigger than any other load you've ever had, into her tight asshole!
  As you pull out of her dripping ass you notice you now have a $DickSD $PC.DickSize cock along with a pair of $BallsSD $BallsSize balls! Before you can react the Infested strokes your stronger <<Penis>> and with a smile says "Looks like you are on the way to becoming one of us."
  "Oh fuck your ass feels so good! Oh shit! I CAN'T HOLD BACK! I'M GOING TO CUM!" you yell as you begin to uncontrollably thrust into her tight booty in preparation for your imminent orgasm. She just moans even louder as her tight assholeis hammered hard by your hard cock in loud slaps that echoes throughout the area. The pleasure becomes too much as you step past the point of no return as you unleash a $CumAD load of white cum directly into her derrier!
  "OH GOD! OH FUCK! I'M CUMMING AS WELL!" She screams as a immense orgasm rocks her body. You feel her hot asshole tighten around your <<Penis>> almost painfully as the rest of her ass spasms. <<if $Cum.Stored > 10>> Not quite done yet, you pull your $DickSize cock out from her abused ass before shooting $CumAD wads of gooey cum all over her back and jiggle ass!<</if>>
  "Oh that was so good!" she says when you finally stand up, cum dripping from your sensitive <<Penis>>. Taking one last moment to scoop some white goo from her ass into her mouth, she replies "I'll hope to see you again soon, stud" With that you grab your clothes and leave the area.<<set $sexHistory.XP to $sexHistory.XP +1>>\
<<set $LastPartner to $genericFighter>>\
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$genericFighter.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$genericFighter.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$genericFighter.DickSize]>>\
<<set _DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$genericFighter.DickSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$genericFighter.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$genericFighter.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _SizeComp to $PC.DickSize - $genericFighter.Level + ($GeneralFeats.FalseRep *2)>>\
<<if _SizeComp < 0>>\
<<set _SizeComp to 0>>\
  The $genericFighter.Name is on her knees glaring at you while groping her full tits. You stare at those _ISD funbags as you walk towards her, your hard cock straining against your pants. With her _ISD breasts, _DickSD cock and those plump lips there was no way you could walk away.
  "I'm going to fuck your _ISD tits until I blow my load all over your fucking face. By the time I'm done you're going to be completely painted white." you say as you strip out of you clothes letting your $DickSize dick spring free while striding towards the Infested.
<<switch _SizeComp>>\
<<case 0 1 2>>\
  She gives your $DickSD dick a severe look while lightly fingering her wet pussy. "OK, I'm going to have to say that is one tiny <<Penis>>, one of the smallest I have ever seen. I'll do my best to get your dick into my tits but I'm doubting how much of them you will be able fuck. Well at the very least hopefully I'll get some cum out of this..." she says as she presses her _ISD jugs together with little fanfare.
<<case 3 4 5>>\
  She gives your hard <<Penis>> a thoughtful look while fingering her already wet cunt. "That's not a bad looking <<Penis>>, a bit smaller then some of the other dicks I've seen but servicable. I bet it can do a good job of fucking my _ISD tits and I bet you'll get tons of enjoyment as well. So how about you get started by slamming your cock into my nice _ICup tits and giving me a nice facial?" she says as she presses her _ISD jugs together eagerly.
<<case 6 7 8 9 10 11 12>>\
  She gives your hard <<Penis>> a eager look while deeply fingering her already wet cunt. "So I gotta say that a nice big dick you're packing. It's big enough to really feel it between my _ISD breasts. In fact how about you get to fucking my _ICup tits right now so we both get what we want. And by that I mean shooting your hot load all over my tits!" she says as she quickly presses her _ISD jugs together while anticipating recieving your $DickSD <<Penis>>.
<<case 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24>>\
  She gives your hard <<Penis>> a hungry look while deeply fingering her sopping wet cunt. "Now that is a great looking <<Penis>> worthy of being between my tits! I'm going to have a hard time wrapping my _ICup tits around that $DickSize cock so you will have to slam it in over and over again until it stays in. I wish I had some bigger tits just to have them fucked even harder!" she says as she happily presses her _ISD jugs together while moaning in anticipation for your $DickSD <<Penis>>.
  She gives your hard <<Penis>> a disbelieving look while deeply fisting her sopping wet cunt. "Why do you have a 3ft long club that looks like a dick just waving around. How? Why? I don't even... I have no idea on how to get that giant club of a <<Penis>> you have between my tits but I'm going to try really hard since I'm dying to find out how it feels." she says as she lustfully presses her _ISD jugs together while using plenty of lube from a giant tub she had in her purse.
  "You'll going to love my tits, stud! Just remember to give me a nice big facial." she says as she bounces her ample breasts in anticipation causing massive jiggling. You press the head of your <<Penis>> against the entrance to the valley of her _ICup breasts before slowly pressing in. Pulling back for a second you quickly spear your cock through the valley of succulent tit flesh before repeating again and again thrusting your cock deep into her breast mountain. Before long you reach down to grip her _ISD tits in order to keep them wrapped around your $DickSD <<Penis>>.
  "Oh fuck yes, this feels so good!" You moan as you begin to thrust even harder into those soft mountains, your cock lubricated by pre-cum, spit and lube. The sound of flesh slapping into flesh is slowly being drowned out by the mutual moaning and groaning between you and the Infested.
  “Do you like my _ISD _ICup tits? My huge mouth-watering breasts? Don't you want to fire your nice hot load all over them?” she groans as she kisses the tip of your cock as you shove even harder into her _ISD funbags, her _ISD tits jiggling even harder from all the thrusting.
  "Oh fuck yes! I love your fucking tits! Oh God my balls are just about to burst!" you moan as feel your balls churn even harder, your orgasm drawing rapidly closer. You continue to grope those deliciuous looking jugs as you pludge your cock deep into that divine valley.
<<if $Infestation.FutaVariant >= $Infestation.FutaCap & $Infestation.Progress > 1>>\
<<include "Futa TF">>\
  As you slam your <<Penis>> between her tits you feel a surge of shocking energy flowing directly into you! It feels almost like you are being electrocuted but it quickly turns to pleasure that radiates from below your hard cock and cum-filled balls.
  "OH GOD! OH FUCK! I'M CUMMING!" She screams as a immense orgasm rocks her body. The feeling of her tits shaking from her cumming from your hard tit-fucking would normally push you over the edge but some reason your orgasm feels almost like it's blocked.
  As you look down to see what could be the issue you see two bulges of flesh pushing out from your chest! As you stare in disbelief the bulges slowly forms into the shape of breasts! Your delayed orgasm comes crashing back with a vengence as you feel something below your cock explode with fluids as well as your cock unleashing a blast of cum all over her tits. Looking farther down it seems like you now also have a pussy and a large ass! It feels so good that you can't stop cumming!
  Staring in shock you notice that you now have a pair of $BreastSD $BreastsSize breasts, a $AssSize ass and a wet pussy! Before you can react the Infested reaches back to strokes your pussy and with a grin and says "Looks like you are now a Futa!"
<<elseif $PC.Infestation >= $Infestation.Cap & $Infestation.Progress > 1>>\
<<include "Infestation Increase">>\
  As you thrust your <<Penis>> into her _ISD breasts you feel a surge of energy flowing directly into you! It almost feels like you are burning up but it quickly turns to pleasure that radiates from your hard cock.
  "OH GOD! I can feel you getting bigger and thicker between my tits! OH FUCK YES! I'M CUMMING!" The Infested Female screams as she squeezes her tits even harder around your hard cock. It feels like your cock is growing harder and thicker with each thrust into her slippery funbags! Even your balls feel like they are about to explode.
  "Oh yes! OH FUCK! I'M CUMMING! I'm blasting your fucking tits with my hot load!" you scream as the feeling of her breasts quivering with pleasure pushes you over the edge and you unleash a $CumAD load of white cum, bigger than any other load you've ever had, directly onto her gorgeous face and massive tits! As more and more cum blast over those _ISD breasts you shout "Your tits feel so good I can't stop cumming!"
  Pulling your $DickSize dick out from between her amazing tits, you aim your cock at her face and shoot some more $CumAD blasts of white goo all over her eager face! Panting loudly, you notice that your cock has grown to be a $DickSD $DickSize cock along with a pair of $BallsSD $BallsSize balls! Before you can react the Infested strokes your enlarged <<Penis>> with a smile and says "Looks like you are on the way to becoming one hot stud."
  "OH GOD! OH FUCK! I'M CUMMING!" She screams as a immense orgasm rocks her body. The feeling of her breasts quivering with pleasure pushes you closer to the edge as you thrust faster into those quivering tits.
  "Oh yes! OH FUCK! I'M CUMMING TOO! I'm blasting your fucking tits with my hot load! " you scream as the feeling of her breasts quivering with pleasure pushes you over the edge and you unleash a $CumAD load of white cum, directly onto her gorgeous face and _ISD _ICup tits! As more and more cum blast over those _ISD breasts you shout "Your tits feel so good I can't stop cumming!" <<if $Cum.Stored > 10>> Pulling your $DickSize dick out from between her amazing tits, you aim your cock at her face and shoot some more $CumAD blasts of white goo all over her eager face!<</if>>
  "Oh that was so good!" she says when you finally step away, cum dripping from your sensitive <<Penis>>. Taking one last moment to scoop some white goo from her breasts into her mouth, she replies "I'll hope to see you again soon, stud." With that you grab your clothes and leave the area.<<set $sexHistory.XP to $sexHistory.XP +1>>\
<<set $LastPartner to $genericFighter>>\
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$genericFighter.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$genericFighter.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _IAss to $arrayAssSizeDesc[$genericFighter.AssSize]>>\
  "Hmm what to do with you... Too bad you don't have a nice juicy cock that I could ride all day. But hey I have the next best thing to one!" $genericFighter.Name2 says as she rummages in her purse. After a couple of seconds she pulls out a double-ended dildo! "I don't know if you've ever used one of these but I'm eager to show you how!" And with that she quickly pulls off your clothing exposing your wet pussy and your $BreastsSize breasts.
  "You have some nice looking tits and a cute looking pussy! Now let me just slide this in and we can start to have a good time!" She moans as she licks both ends before inserting one half of the dildo into her own wet pussy. She thrusts it in a couple of times to make sure it's firmly in, moaning as she does so.
  "Ohhh! That feels soo good in my pussy! Now it's time for you to feel good." she says as she aims the fake cock towards your wet pussy. You gasp as she thrusts forward with the dildo and quickly penatrates your cunt!
  "Oh fuck! It fills me completely!" you moan as you slowly adjust to the size of the large dildo. The Infested doesn't wait long to start moving her hips, thrusting the thick dildo deep into your tight pussy. As she does so her own _ISD tits starts to sway in sync with her fucking. Your pussy is drowning in pleasure as she steadily fucks you and you can't hold back your moans.
  "Oh? Do you like that? Do you like me ravaging your tight pussy with my fake cock?" she huskily asks as she grabs your hips in order for her fake cock to get a better angle. It doesn't take long before she is jackhammering your cunt hard. Reaching down she starts fondling your $BreastsSize breasts increasing the pleasure your body is drowning in.
<<if $PC.BreastsSize + ($GeneralFeats.FalseRep *2) < ($genericFighter.BreastsSize -4)>>\
  "Your titties are so cute and small! Don't worry, I bet they will grow up nice and big here eventually! I just want to play with them for days!" she says as she continues to ravage your wet snatch. Bending forward she lets her _ISD _ICup slide against your own $BreastSD $BreastsSize breasts, your hard nipples rubbing against her own hard nipples.
<<elseif $PC.BreastsSize + ($GeneralFeats.FalseRep *2) < $genericFighter.BreastsSize>>\
  "Your tits are pretty nice, so soft and cuddly! I bet they feel so good bouncing around while being fucked! I just want to play with them so much!" she says as she continues to ravage your wet snatch. Bending forward she lets her _ISD _ICup slide against your own $BreastSD $BreastsSize breasts, your hard nipples rubbing against her own hard nipples.
<<elseif ($PC.BreastsSize + ($GeneralFeats.FalseRep *2)) is $genericFighter.BreastsSize>>\
  "I can't believe you have the same size tits as me! We could be twins! I just want to play with them so much!" she says as she continues to ravage your wet snatch. Bending forward she lets her _ISD _ICup slide against your own $BreastSD $BreastsSize breasts, your hard nipples rubbing against her own hard nipples.
<<elseif $PC.BreastsSize + ($GeneralFeats.FalseRep *2) > $genericFighter.BreastsSize>>\
  "I can't believe you have bigger tits than me! They look so delicious and feels so good!" she says as she continues to ravage your wet pussy. Bending forward she lets her _ISD _ICup slide against your own $BreastSD $BreastsSize breasts, your hard nipples rubbing against her own hard nipples.
  The pleasure of having your breasts rubbed by the Infested's own _ISD breasts is amplifing the onslought of pleasure your pussy is feeling from being rammed by her fake cock. "Oh fuck!" you moan as another burst of pleasure hit hard. She takes your moans of pleasure as encouragement as she slams her fake cock even harder into your tight cunt pushing you to your limits.
<<if $PC.Infestation is $Infestation.Cap & $Infestation.Progress > 1>>\
<<include "Infestation Increase">>\
  As she slams her dildo into your wet cunt you feel a surge of energy flowing directly into you! It almost feels like you are burning up but it quickly turns to pleasure that radiates from your ass and breasts.
  "OH GOD! Your titties are getting bigger and bigger! I can feel them pushing back against my own tits! OH FUCK YES! I'M CUMMING!" she screams as she slams her fake cock even harder into your cunt. It feels like your <<Breasts>> are growing bigger and heavier with each thrust into your wet cunt! You can even feel your ass expanding beneath you, pushing you upwards as more cushioning fills in.
  "Oh yes! Keep going oh fucking yesss! I'M GOING TO CUM! I'M CUMMING ALL OVER YOUR FAKE COCK!" you scream as rapid frantic thrusting pushes you over the edge, causing you to unleash an tidal wave of girl cum, bigger than any other load you've ever had, all over the large dildo! The stream of girl cum lasts for over a minute and overflows out of your tight pussy!
  As she slowly pulls out of your dripping cunt you notice that you now have a $BreastSD $BreastsSize breasts along with a $AssSize ass! Before you can react the Infested fondles your expanded <<Breasts>> and with a smirk says "Looks like you are on the way to becoming one hot slut!"
  "OH GOD! OH FUCK! I'M CUMMING!" She screams she slams her double ended dildo even faster into your pleasure filled pussy. Within seconds a immense orgasm rocks her body, her large tits and ass quivering in pleasure. A thick stream of girl-cum leaks from around her dildo filled pussy before dripping down to the ground.
  "Oh yes! Keep going oh fucking yesss! I'M GOING TO CUM! I'M CUMMING ALL OVER YOUR FAKE COCK!" you scream as the feeling of your pussy quivering with pleasure almost knocks you senseless, causing you to unleash a $GCumAD load of girl cum all over her fake cock. <<if $GCum.Stored > 10>> The stream of hot cum lasts for over a minute and overflows out of your tight pussy!<</if>>
  "Oh that was so good!" she says as she stands up from your exhausted body, girl cum leaking from her pussy. "I'll see again soon, I'm sure..." With that she walks away fulfilled leaving you to grab your clothes and to slowly recover.\<<include "Adlibs">>\
<<set $SexScene1 to random(8)>>\
<<switch $SexScene1>>\
<<case 0 1 2>>\ /* Cowgirl scene */
<<include "Infested Futa Pussy Sex Dominate Female">>\
<<case 3 4 5>>\ /* Ass fucking */
<<include "Infested Futa Ass Sex Dominate Female">>\
<<case 6 7 8>>\ /* Blowjob scene */
<<include "Infested Futa Blowjob Dominate Female">>\
<<case 9 10 11>>\ /* Titfuck scene */
<<include "Infested Futa Tit Sex Dominate Female">>\
<<default>>\ /* Handjob scene */
<<include "Infested Futa Handjob Sex Dominate Female">>\
<</switch>> <<include "Adlibs">>\
<<set $SexScene1 to random(8)>>\
<<switch $SexScene1>>\
<<case 0 1 2>>\ /* Cowgirl scene */
<<include "Infested Futa Pussy Sex Dominate Futa">>\
<<case 3 4 5>>\ /* Pussy Fucked Scene */
<<include "Infested Futa Pussy2 Sex Dominate Futa">>\
<<case 6 7 8>>\ /* Blowjob scene */
<<include "Infested Futa Blowjob Sex Dominate Futa">>\
<<case 9 10 11>>\ /* Titfuck scene */
<<if $PC.BreastsSize > 3>>\
<<include "Infested Futa Tit Sex Dominate Futa">>\
<<include "Infested Futa Pussy Sex Dominate Futa">>\
<<case 12>>\ /* Handjob scene */
<<include "Infested Futa Handjob Sex Dominate Futa">>\
<</switch>> <<include "Adlibs">>\
<<switch $SexScene2>>\
<<case 5>>\ /* Pussy scene */
<<include "Infested Futa Pussy Sex Submissive Female">>\
<<case 6>>\ /* Pussy eat out scene */
<<include "Infested Futa Eaten Sex Submissive Female">>\
<<case 7>>\ /* Ass fucked Scene */
<<include "Infested Futa Ass Sex Submissive Female">>\
<<case 8>>\ /* Hidden Dildo Scene */
<<include "Infested Futa Dildo Pussy Sex Submissive Female">>\
<<case 9>>\ /* Suck her Cock */
<<include "Infested Futa Blowjob Sex Submissive Female">>\
<</switch>>\<<include "Adlibs">>\
<<switch $SexScene2>>\
<<case 1>>\ /* Fuck her Pussy scene */
<<include "Infested Futa Pussy Sex Submissive Futa">>\
<<case 2>>\ /* Fuck her Ass scene */
<<include "Infested Futa Ass Sex Submissive Male">>\
<<case 3>>\ /* Fuck her Tits scene */
<<include "Infested Futa Tit Sex Submissive Futa">>\
<<case 4>>\ /* Get Your Cock Sucked Scene */
<<include "Infested Futa Blowjob Sex Submissive Futa">>\
<<case 5>>\ /* Ride Her Cock Scene */
<<include "Infested Futa Pussy2 Sex Submissive Futa">>\
<<case 7>>\ /* Get Ass Fucked Scene */
<<include "Infested Futa Pussy2 Sex Submissive Futa">>\
<<case 9>>\ /* Suck her Cock Scene */
<<include "Infested Futa Blowjob2 Sex Submissive Futa">>\
<</switch>> <<set $sexHistory.XP to $sexHistory.XP +1>>\
<<set $LastPartner to $genericFighter>>\
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$genericFighter.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$genericFighter.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$genericFighter.DickSize]>>\
<<set _DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$genericFighter.DickSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$genericFighter.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$genericFighter.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _SizeComp to $PC.DickSize - $genericFighter.Level + ($GeneralFeats.FalseRep *2)>>\
<<if _SizeComp < 0>>\
<<set _SizeComp to 0>>\
/* needs an update */
  "This is going to feel so good. You just sit there and enjoy the ride as I take care of the rest." says the busty $genericFighter.Name3 as she stands over your exhausted body with her _DickSize cock hard at attention, dripping pre-cum. The only body part that isn't exhausted is your own hard cock that is currently betraying you by standing at full mast.
  She quickly lowers her naked body down so her wet pussy is right above your hard cock and without warning slams down engulfing your <<Penis>> with her tight cunt. Her own hard futa-cock spurts out some more pre-cum onto her _ISD tits and your hard chest from the impact.
  "Oh God! It feels so warm and tight!" you gasp as you fully hilt the Infested Futa. The completely tight & wet pussy feels like it is sucking you in as she rocks back in forth. Her _DickSD _DickSize cock bobs along to her rhythm.
  "You haven't seen nothing yet. I'm going to milk your balls dry before I'm done!" she replies the she slowly starts to pump your stiff cock. Her _ISD tits bounce along next to your face as well as her huge cock. As she starts to speed up you reach up to grab one of her full breasts with one hand and her hard cock with your other hand. Her tits feel so heavy that they overflow your one-handed grip. Her futa-cock feels so thick and hard that you can't help but admire it. Without even realizing it you have started stroking her _DickSD cock while suckng on her breasts.
  "Do you like my my _ISD mouth-watering tits? How about my rock hard cock? Hurry up and fill my tight cunt with your hot load!" she yells as her pace quickens. It feels like you are ramming the walls of paradise with each bounce and your baby-batter filled balls feels like they are about to explode.
  "Oh fuck yes! Don't stop!" you beg as you continue to suck on her _ISD breasts while jacking her off as well. Her pre-cum has covered your hand and milk has started flowing from her tits! You begin to rapidly thrust into her hot cunt as the sweet fluids drive you even closer to orgasm. She just moans even louder as her tight wet pussy meets your hard cock in loud slaps that echoes thru the area.
<<if $Infestation.FutaVariant >= $Infestation.FutaCap & $Infestation.Progress > 1>>\
<<include "Futa TF">>\
  As you slam your <<Penis>> into her wet cunt you feel a surge of shocking energy flowing directly into you! It feels almost like you are being electrocuted but it quickly turns to pleasure that radiates from below your hard cock and cum-filled balls.
  "OH GOD! OH FUCK! I'M CUMMING!" She screams as a immense orgasm rocks her body. The feeling of the flood of her pussy spasming around your dick would normally push you over the edge but some reason your orgasm feels almost like it's blocked.
  As you look down to see what could be the issue you see two bulges of flesh pushing out from your chest! As you stare in disbelief the bulges slowly forms into the shape of breasts! Your almost forgotten orgasm comes crashing back with a vengence as you feel something below your cock explode with fluids. Looking farther down it seems like you now also have a pussy and a large ass! It feels so good that you can't stop cumming!
  Staring in shock you notice that you now have a pair of $BreastSD $BreastsSize breasts, along with a $AssSize ass and a wet pussy! Before you can react the Infested strokes your pussy and with a grin and says "Looks like you are now a Futa!"
<<elseif $PC.Infestation >= $Infestation.Cap & $Infestation.Progress > 1>>\
<<include "Infestation Increase">>\
  As you slam your <<Penis>> into her wet cunt you feel a surge of energy flowing directly into you! It almost feels like you are burning up but it quickly turns to pleasure that radiates from your hard cock.
  "OH GOD! I can feel you getting bigger and bigger inside me! OH FUCK YES! I'M CUMMING!" she screams as she bounces even harder onto your hard cock while thrusting her hard cock into your hand. It feels like your cock is growing harder and thicker with each thrust into her wet cunt! Even your balls feel like they are about to explode.
  "Oh yes! OH FUCK! I'M CUMMING! I'm blasting your fucking pussy with my hot load!" you scream as the feeling of her pussy quivering with pleasure pushes you over the edge, causing you to unleash a $CumAD load of white cum, bigger than any other load you've ever had, into her hot cunt!
  As you pull out of her dripping cunt you have a $DickSD $DickSize cock along with a pair of $BallsSD $BallsSize balls! Before you can react the Infested strokes your <<Penis>> and with a smirk says "Looks like you are on the way to becoming one of us."
  "OH GOD! OH FUCK! I'M CUMMING!" She screams as a immense orgasm rocks her body. Her huge hard cock unleashes a fountain of hot cum straight onto your face and chest! The feeling of her pussy quivering with pleasure along with the white facial pushes you over the edge as you unleash a $CumAD load of white cum directly into her sloppy cunt.
  "Oh that was so good!" $genericFighter.Name2 says as she stands up from your exhausted body, cum leaking from her pussy along with her own cum dripping from her huge breasts. "I'll see again soon, I'm sure..." With that she walks away fulfilled leaving you to grab your clothes and to slowly recover.
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered+1>>\<<set $sexHistory.XP to $sexHistory.XP +1>>\
<<set $LastPartner to $genericFighter>>\
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$genericFighter.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$genericFighter.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$genericFighter.DickSize]>>\
<<set _DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$genericFighter.DickSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$genericFighter.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$genericFighter.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _SizeComp to $PC.BreastsSize - $genericFighter.Level + ($GeneralFeats.FalseRep *2)>>\
<<if _SizeComp < 0>>\
<<set _SizeComp to 0>>\
<<if $Infestation.MilkProgress > 0 or $Milk.Stored > $Milk.Min>>\
<<set _Breasts to "Milk">>\
<<elseif $StatusAffect.SiliconeB > 5>>\
<<set _Breasts to "Silicone">>\
<<set _Breasts to "Natural">>\
  "This is going to feel soooo good, trust me on this one. You just lay back I'll fill your pussy with my _DickSD _DickSize <<Penis>>. Before long you will be begging for me to keep fucking you." says the busty $genericFighter.Name3 as she stands over your exhausted body with her futa-cock hard at attention, dripping pre-cum. Your pussy betrays you as you it starts to moisten and your clit stands at attention.
  She quickly spreads your legs and sets her _DickSD hard cock at the entrance of your wet pussy. With a low moan she slowly pushes in with her thick meat-stick! You can feel it completely filling you as she forces it all the way in. You are left panting and moaning in delight as your cunt stretches to accommodate her thickness.
  "Oh fuck! You're so tight!" she groans as she slowly starts thrusting into your pussy as your clit rubs against her _DickSD boner. After a few thrusts you feel your pussy stretch to a comfortable level. As she starts to speed up the pleasure starts to flow in, causing your breath to quicken.
  "Oh God! You're filling me up so much! I can feel all of your cock deep inside me! Please Keep going! Don't stop!" You yell as your pussy demands to be fucked hard. You suddenly gasp as she reaches down to grab your $BreastSD breasts. Your nipples instantly harden under her groping hands as she continues her onslaught of your snatch. You can't help yourself from moaning and quivering in pleasure.
<<switch _Breasts>>\
<<case "Milk">>\
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$genericFighter.BreastsSize +2]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$genericFighter.BreastsSize +2]>>\
  You like my _DickSD cock destroying your pussy? Oh what's this?" she asks as milk starts to leak from your $BreastSD milkjugs. "Looks like we got a Milker in training over here!" she laughs as her cock slams into your abused pussy even harder. Without waiting for response, she bends over and takes your one of your nipples into her mouth! You let out a soft gasp as you feel your milk being drained from your milk-filled tits. Her fucking slows down as she focuses on doing her best to drain your tits of their milk!
  Before long the Futa comes up for air but now she's sporting a _ISD pair of _ICup jugs of her own! "That hit the spot! And look, I have some even bigger titties!" Grabbing your $AssSize hips she picks her pace back up and starts to fuck you nice and hard once again!
<<case "Silicone">>\
<<if _SizeComp < $genericFighter.BreastsSize>>\
  "You like my _DickSD cock destroying your pussy? Like feeling your $BreastSD fake tits being groped? Your silicone-filled titties might be small but they'e big enough to actually be fun to play with!" she growls as her cock slams into your abused pussy even harder. Without waiting for response, she bends over and takes your one of your hard nipples into her mouth! You try to force her to keep sucking on your $BreastSD tits as more waves of pleasure flow from them.
  "You like my _DickSD cock destroying your pussy? Like feeling your $BreastSD fake tits being groped? Your silicone-filled jugs are so fucking big! God damn! How much silicone did pump into these $BreastSD breasts! Fuck! They're bigger than my _ISD tits!" she growls as her cock slams into your abused pussy even harder. Without waiting for response, she bends over and takes your one of your nipples into her mouth! You try to force her to keep sucking on your $BreastSD tits as more waves of pleasure flow from them.
<<if $_SizeComp < ($genericFighter.BreastsSize -4)>>\
  "You like my _DickSD cock destroying your pussy? Like feeling your $BreastSD tits being groped? Your titties are so fucking tiny! You need to drink some milk or something! Maybe then you call them proper tits!" she growls as her cock slams into your abused pussy even harder. Without waiting for response, she bends over and takes your one of your nipples into her mouth! You try to force her to keep sucking on your $BreastSD tits as more waves of pleasure flow from them.
<<elseif _SizeComp < $genericFighter.BreastsSize>>\
  "You like my _DickSD cock destroying your pussy? Like feeling your $BreastSD tits being groped? Your titties might be small but they'e big enough to actually be fun to play with!" she growls as her cock slams into your abused pussy even harder. Without waiting for response, she bends over and takes your one of your nipples into her mouth! You try to force her to keep sucking on your $BreastSD tits as more waves of pleasure flow from them.
<<elseif ($PC.BreastsSize + ($GeneralFeats.FalseRep *2)) is $genericFighter.BreastsSize>>\
  "You like my _DickSD cock destroying your pussy? Like feeling your $BreastSD tits being groped? Your jugs are so fucking big just like my _ISD tits! God damn! They might be the same fucking size!" she growls as her cock slams into your abused pussy even harder. Without waiting for response she bends over and takes your one of your nipples into her mouth! You try to force her to keep sucking on your $BreastSD tits as more waves of pleasure flow from them.
<<elseif _SizeComp > $genericFighter.BreastsSize>>\
  "You like my _DickSD cock destroying your pussy? Like feeling your $BreastSD tits being groped? Your jugs are so fucking big! God damn! I can't believe how fucking $BreastSD they are! Fuck! They're bigger than my _ISD tits!" she growls as her cock slams into your abused pussy even harder. Without waiting for response, she bends over and takes your one of your nipples into her mouth! You try to force her to keep sucking on your $BreastSD tits as more waves of pleasure flow from them.
  "Oh fuck yes! Keep fucking me harder! I'm almost there!" you scream as your moaning quickly increases in volume as the pleasure from being fucked by this drop dead gorgeous babe's _DickSize <<Penis>> is pushing you to the edge. Your dripping cunt is weeping fluids while your nipples radiate pleasure from being sucked so hard.
  "You want me to shoot my load into your pussy, you dirty little cum slut?" The Infested pants loudly while slamming her throbbing dick into your weeping pussy over and over again. "You wanna feel me fill your cunt full with my hot baby-batter?" she asks without waiting for a response.
  Barely able to respond, you let out a low moan "Yes yes yes! Fill my pussy with your big fat load!" The Infested smirks as she hears your response and speeds up her thrusts causing you to let out an even louder scream of pure pleasure.
<<if $Infestation.FutaVariant >= $Infestation.FutaCap & $Infestation.Progress > 1>>\
<<include "Futa TF">>\
  As your pussy is being completely fucked by her large cock you feel a surge of shocking energy flowing directly into you! It feels almost like you are being electrocuted but it quickly turns to pleasure that radiates from above your wet pussy.
  "OH GOD! OH FUCK! I'M CUMMING!" She screams as a immense orgasm rocks her body. The feeling of the flood of her hot cum filling your pussy would normally push you over the edge but some reason your orgasm feels almost like it's blocked.
  Glancing down you discover a slight bump forming above your pussy, seemingly a lightning rod for that electric feeling. It slowly grows from a bump to a bulge as each heartbeat thunders in your ears. The large bulge slowly shifts as it pushes outward inch by inch before forming a small mushroom head with a tiny hole. You gasp as you recognize the shape as that of a penis, abit a very tiny baby-sized one!
  You can easily feel the blood rushing to your new organ and your new dick eagerly soaks it all up. Your baby-sized penis hardens and pushes out farther from your groin growing bigger and stronger with each heartbeat. By this point the electric shocking feeling is almost gone, replaced by the pleasant feeling of your new cock becoming engorged with blood!
  After a few moments, you discover that your brand new baby dick has transformed into a $DickSD $DickSize futa-cock! Before you can really take a look at it, there's another tiny surge of electric shock as two bulges form below your new dick! You closely watch as it forms into a ballsack while growing in size to match your big dick. It finally finishes growing leaving you with a $BallsSD pair of $BallsSize sized balls!
  "Oh my God! I'M CUMMING FROM MY COCK! I'm blasting my load!" you scream as your delayed orgasm comes crashing back with a vengence as your new hard dick explodes with cum, splattering both you and the Infested Futa's tits covering them with white goo! It feels so good that you can't stop cumming!
  Staring in shock you notice that you now have a $DickSD $DickSize cock along with a pair of $BallsSD $BallsSize balls! Before you can react the Infested strokes your <<Penis>> and with a grin and says "Looks like you are now a Futa!"
<<elseif $PC.Infestation >= $Infestation.Cap & $Infestation.Progress > 1>>\
<<include "Infestation Increase">>\
  As your pussy is being completely fucked by her _DickSD cock you feel a surge of energy flowing directly into you! It almost feels like you are burning up but it quickly turns to pleasure that radiates from your wet pussy into your sensitive breasts and ass.
  "OH GOD! I can feel your $BreastSD tits getting bigger between my hands! OH FUCK YES! I'M CUMMING!" The Infested Futa screams as she slams her cock into you one last time before blasting your womb with a geyser of hot cum! It feels like your breasts are growing larger as well as your ass gaining more cushioning!
  "Oh yes! OH FUCK! I'M CUMMING! I'm cumming all over your fucking cock!" you scream as the feeling of her hot cum filling your pussy pushes you over the edge and you unleash a epic flood of girl-cum as you quickly orgasm. A tsunami of cum that is bigger than any other squirts you've ever had engulfs her huge cock and flows down to the ground below!
  As she pulls out of your cum filled pussy you finally notice you now have a pair of $BreastSD $BreastsSize breasts and a $AssSize ass! Before you can react the Infested gropes your expanded chest with a smirk and says "Looks like you are on the way to becoming one of us."
  "OH GOD! OH FUCK! I'M CUMMING!" The Infested Futa screams as she slams her cock into you one last time before blasting your womb with a geyser of hot cum! A puddle of girl-cum forms below her quivering pussy as her twin orgasm hits hard.
  "Oh yes! OH FUCK! I'M CUMMING! I'm cumming all over your fucking cock!" you scream as the feeling of her hot cum filling your pussy pushes you over the edge and you unleash a $GCumAD flood of female cum as you quickly orgasm. <<if $GCum.Stored > 10>> The stream of hot cum lasts for over a minute and overflows out of your tight pussy!<</if>>
  "Oh that was so good!" $genericFighter.Name2 says as she stands up from your exhausted body, cum dripping from her still erect cock. Taking one last moment to lick some white goo from her _DickSize cock, she replies "I'll see again soon, I'm sure..." With that she walks away fulfilled leaving you to grab your clothes and to slowly recover.
<<set $StatusAffect.CumFilled to $StatusAffect.CumFilled+1>>\<<set $sexHistory.XP to $sexHistory.XP +1>>\
<<set $LastPartner to $genericFighter>>\
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$genericFighter.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$genericFighter.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$genericFighter.DickSize]>>\
<<set _DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$genericFighter.DickSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$genericFighter.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$genericFighter.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _SizeComp to $PC.DickSize - $genericFighter.Level + ($GeneralFeats.FalseRep *2)>>\
<<if _SizeComp < 0>>\
<<set _SizeComp to 0>>\
/* reallly needs a update */
  "Look likes I've run across another Futa with a $DickSize cock looking for a nice tight home. How about you just sit there and enjoy the fucking wild ride as I take care of the rest?" says the busty $genericFighter.Name3 as she stands over your exhausted body with her _DickSD cock hard at attention, dripping pre-cum. Your hard $DickSize <<Penis>> and nipples are standing at full attention.
  She quickly lowers her naked body down so her wet pussy is right above your $DickSD cock and without warning slams down engulfing your <<Penis>> with her tight cunt. Her own hard cock spurts out some more pre-cum onto her _ISD tits along with your own $BreastSD breasts.
  "Oh God! It feels so warm and tight!" you gasp as you feel your $DickSD cock slam deep into her cunt. The completely tight and wet pussy feels like it is sucking you in as she rocks back in forth. Her large cock bobs as well with her rhythm.
  "You haven't seen nothing yet. I'm going to milk your balls dry before I'm done! Oh fuck yesssss!" she replies the she slowly starts to pump your stiff <<Penis>>. Her _ISD tits bounce along next to your face until she leans forward squishing her _ICup breasts up against your $BreastsSize breasts. As she starts to speed up you feel her huge <<Penis>> push between both of your tits. As her rhythm escalates you grab her _DickSD slippery cock and squeeze it between your $BreastSD breasts.
  "Oh fuck your dick fills my pussy so much! Oh God it feels so good! Keep tit-fucking my rock hard cock!" she yells as her pace quickens. It feels like you are ramming the gates of heaven with each bounce and your baby-batter filled balls feels like they are about to explode.
  "Oh fuck yes! Don't stop!" you beg as you start to lick her large <<Penis>> as it presses through the valley between your breasts and hers. The delicious pre-cum from her <<Penis>> has already covered your breasts as you begin to rapidly thrust into her hot snatch. She just moans even louder as her tight wet pussy meets your hard <<Penis>> in loud slaps that echoes thru the area.
<<if $Infestation.FutaVariant >= $Infestation.FutaCap and $Infestation.Progress > 1 and $StatusAffect.Futa > 0>>\
<<include "Futa TF">>\
  As you continue fucking the hot Futa you feel a pleasant warm sensation radiating from your groin. As it spreads throughout your body you feel a fundamental change in your gender identity as it reaches your head. You now know that you are a full-time Futa. Shaking off the distraction you have more important things to do like continuing to bounce your $DickSD cock into the Futa's hot pussy.
  "OH GOD! OH FUCK! I'M CUMMING!" She screams as a immense orgasm rocks her body. Her huge hard cock unleashes a fountain of hot cum straight onto your face and breasts. The feeling of her pussy quivering with pleasure along with the white facial pushes you over the edge as you unleash a load of white cum directly into her wet cunt.
  "Oh yes! OH FUCK! I'M CUMMING! I'm blasting your fucking pussy with my hot load!" you scream as the feeling of her pussy quivering with pleasure pushes you over the edge, causing you to unleash a $CumAD load of white cum, into her hot cunt!
<<elseif $PC.Infestation >= $Infestation.Cap & $Infestation.Progress > 1>>\
<<include "Infestation Increase">>\
  As you slam your <<Penis>> into her wet cunt you feel a surge of energy flowing directly into you! It almost feels like you are burning up but it quickly turns to pleasure that radiates from your whole body!
  "OH GOD! I can feel you getting bigger and bigger inside me! Oh FUCK YEAH! Even your tits are bigger! OH FUCK! FILL MY CUNT WITH YOUR HOT CUM! I'M CUMMING!" she screams as she bounces even harder onto your hard <<Penis>> while thrusting her hard <<Penis>> into your hand. It feels like your <<Penis>> is growing harder and thicker with each thrust into her wet cunt! Even your balls feel like they are about to explode. Even your chest is feeling heavier as you continue to pump into her pussy.
  "Oh yes! OH FUCK! I'M CUMMING! I'm blasting your fucking pussy with my hot load!" you scream as the feeling of her pussy quivering with pleasure pushes you over the edge, causing you to unleash a $CumAD load of white cum, bigger than any other load you've ever had, into her hot cunt!
  As you pull out of her dripping cunt you have a $DickSD $DickSize cock along with a pair of $BallsSD $BallsSize balls! Before you can react you notice you now have a pair of $BreastSD $BreastsSize breasts and a $AssSize ass!! Before you can react the Infested strokes your <<Penis>> and <<Breasts>> with a smirk while saying "Looks like you are becoming one hot Futa."
  "OH GOD! OH FUCK! I'M CUMMING!" She screams as a immense orgasm rocks her body. Her huge hard cock unleashes a fountain of hot cum straight onto your face and breasts. The feeling of her pussy quivering with pleasure along with the white facial pushes you over the edge as you prepare to unleash a load of white cum directly into her wet cunt.
  Screaming loudly "Oh yes! OH FUCK! I'M CUMMING! I'm blasting your fucking pussy with my hot load!" the feeling of her tight pussy squeezing your futa-cock so hard causes you to finally shoot a $CumAD load of white cum right into her hot cunt! The feeling of her cumming also pushes your own pussy to unleash a $GCumAD spray of girl-cum down onto the floor below!<<if $GCum.Stored > 10>> There's so much girl-cum that a puddle starts to form underneath the Infested!<</if>>
  "Oh that was so good!" $genericFighter.Name2 says as she stands up from your exhausted body, cum leaking from her pussy along with her own cum dripping from her huge breasts. "I'll see again soon, I'm sure..." With that she walks away fulfilled leaving you to grab your clothes and to slowly recover.
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered+1>>\<<set $sexHistory.XP to $sexHistory.XP +1>>\
<<set $LastPartner to $genericFighter>>\
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$genericFighter.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$genericFighter.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _IAss to $arrayAssSizeDesc[$genericFighter.AssSize]>>\
<<set _SizeComp to $PC.DickSize - $genericFighter.Level + ($GeneralFeats.FalseRep *2)>>\
<<if _SizeComp < 0>>\
<<set _SizeComp to 0>>\
  "Oh look! I see girl with a dick that needs a home. You just keep laying down there and enjoy the ride while I give your girl-cock a home in my tight pussy!" says $genericFighter.Name as she stands nearby looking down at your bruised body. She slowly saunters over to you while fingering her dripping pussy. Giving your groin a long look she nods with a lustful grin. She quickly strips your clothes off exposing your raging boner along with your wet pussy.
<<switch _SizeComp>>\
<<case 0 1 2>>\
  "Oh My! I think I was overestimating how much of a <<Penis>> you had! Will I even be able to feel it inside of me? Well I can always pull out Mr. Dildo if I'm unable to get off with such a tiny tool." she says as she gives your <<Penis>> a harsh look. Giving a little shrug she slowly lowers her wet cunt and engulfs your <<Penis>>! With a moan she says "Oh I was so wrong! This little prick is rather thick!"
<<case 3 4 5 6>>\
  "Take a look at this! Seems like a certain someone is packing some burgeoning heat. Let's see if I can turn that heat into a raging inferno." she says as she after giving your <<Penis>> a measuring look. With a smirk on her face she lowers her wet pussy onto your raging <<Penis>>! With a moan she says "Oh that feels so good! I'm definitely going to enjoy this!"
<<case 7 8 9 10 11 12>>\
  "Look who has a nice looking <<Penis>>! Big enough to really feel it deep in my pussy. Makes me wonder if I fuck enough Futas I'll get one of my own..." she says as she starts to stroke your <<Penis>>. After winking at you she slowly lowers her pussy to the tip of your <<Penis>>, giving it a wet kiss. After a few moments she engulfs your cock into her wet pussy.
<<case 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24>>\
  "Oh fuck is that a huge looking <<Penis>>! Why do all the Futas tend to end up with such cunt breakers? I'm going to have a hard time fitting it in my tight pussy but I'm more than willing to try. I'm going to really enjoy bouncing on this big girl." she says as she starts to stroke your <<Penis>>. After licking her lips she slowly lowers her pussy to the tip of your <<Penis>>. With some extra effort she slowly engulfs most of your cock into her wet pussy.
  "Why do you have a $DickSize long club that looks like a dick in your pants? What the hell?!?!? I have no idea on how to get that giant club of a <<Penis>> you have into my pussy but I'm kinda wondering if I can... I guess I'll just have to try really hard since I'm dying to find out how it feels..." she says as she starts to stroke your <<Penis>> with one hand while the other is grabbing a tub of lube out of her purse. After using an extreme amount of lube she is slowly able to get your your <<Penis>> slipped into her extremely tight pussy.
  "Oh God! It feels so warm and tight!" you gasp as you fully hilt the Infested Female. The completely tight pussy felt like it was sucking you in as she rocks back in forth forcing a lusty moan from your throat. As she rocks her _ISD breasts sway in time before she starts to slide up and down.
  "Oh honey you know how this is going to go. I'm going to rock your girl-cock so hard that you will cumming in no time." replies the Infested Female as she steadily bounces on your <<Penis>>. "This feels great! Oh fuck!" she gasps as her snatch steadily works over your cock. The pleasure from getting fucked by this beautiful Infested woman is intense and you look around for something to distract you. You find two nice _ISD distractions bouncing along with her steady pumping. Just as you are about to grab those _ISD _ICup tits, the Infested grabs them instead and starts to fondle them.
  "Oh? Did you want to grab my <<Breasts>>? Sorry but you have to earn that right and the only way to do so is by FUCKING MY PUSSY!" she yells as her pace quickens. In response you grab her wide hips and start thrusting in time with her pace.
  "Oh fuck!" you moan as you continue your frantic pace that is slipping into uncontrollably thrusting as your peak is about to be reached. She just moans even louder as her tight wet pussy meets your hard <<Penis>> in loud slaps that echoes throughout the area. It feels like you are ramming the gates of heaven with each bounce and your baby-batter filled balls feels like they are about to explode.
  Just as you are about to reach the point of no return the Infested leans forwards shoving her _ISD tits into your face. "It's time for your reward!" she merrily says as she smothers your face with her _ISD _ICup <<Breasts>>! "Be sure to give them a nice sucking!" she moans as her pace becomes frantic as well. You start suck on those _ISD tasty nipples but it's too late to distract you as you've gone way passed being able to hold back.
<<if $PC.Infestation is $Infestation.Cap & $Infestation.Progress > 1>>\
<<include "Infestation Increase">>\
  As you slam your <<Penis>> into her wet cunt you feel a surge of energy flowing directly into you! It almost feels like you are burning up but it quickly turns to pleasure that radiates from your hard cock.
  "OH GOD! I can feel you getting bigger and bigger inside me! Oh FUCK YEAH! I can feel your FUCKING TITS pushing harder against me! OH FUCK YES! I'M CUMMING!" she screams as she holds your head to her breasts. It feels like your <<Penis>> is growing harder and thicker with each thrust into her wet cunt! Even your chest is feeling heavier as you continue to frantically pump into her pussy.
  "Oh yes! OH FU-" is all you get out before being smothered by more breast flesh. The feeling of her pussy quivering with pleasure pushes you over the edge, causing you to unleash a firehose amount of white cum, bigger than any other load you've ever had, into her hot cunt! The stream of hot cum lasts for over a minute and overflows out of her tight pussy!
  As you pull out of her dripping cunt you have a $DickSD $DickSize cock along with a pair of $BallsSD $BallsSize balls! Before you can react to that information you notice you now have a pair of $BreastSD $BreastsSize breasts and a $AssSize ass!! Noticing your look the Infested strokes your <<Penis>> and <<Breasts>> with a smirk while saying "Looks like you are becoming one hot Futa."
  "OH GOD! OH FUCK! I'M CUMMING ON ALL OVER YOUR FUTA-COCK!" she screams as she holds your head to her _ISD squishy breasts as her whole body quivers in pleasure. You're not too far behind as your cum-filled balls are leaking pre-cum like a sieve.
  "Oh yes! OH FU-" is all you get out before being smothered by more breast flesh. The feeling of her pussy quivering with pleasure pushes you over the edge, causing you to unleash a $CumAD load of white cum directly into her hot cunt. <<if $Cum.Stored > 10>> The stream of hot cum lasts for over a minute and overflows out of her tight pussy. <</if>> Even your ignored pussy squirts out a $GCumAD wave of girl-cum onto the ground below!
  "Oh that was so good!" she says as she stands up from your exhausted body, cum leaking from her pussy. "I'll see again soon, I'm sure..." With that she walks away fulfilled leaving you to grab your clothes and to slowly recover.
<img src="Images/Player/backpack.jpg" width="800px" height="400px" />
You have the following key items on you:
<<print $KeyItems.getNameList()>>
<<button "Return" $return>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</button>><img src="Images/Player/backpack.jpg" width="800px" height="400px" />
<<for $i = 0; $i < $PCInventory.length; $i++>>\
<<set $uitem = $PCInventory[$i]>>\
<<if $uitem.type is "use">>\
<<set $ItemName to $uitem.name>>\
<<set $ItemAmount to $uitem.amount>>\
<<capture $uitem>>\
<span id="useButton"><<button "Use $ItemName x $ItemAmount" "Use Items2" >></span>
<<set $uitem2 to $uitem>>\
<<set _amount to $uitem.amount>>\
<<if _amount > 1>>\
<<set $uitem.amount to $uitem.amount -1>>\
<<set $PCInventory.delete($uitem)>>\
<<button "Finish" $return>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</button>><<set $useitem3 to $uitem2>>\
<<set $useItemSubtype to $useitem3.subtype>>\
<<set $useItemSubtype2 to $useitem3.subtype2>>\
<<set $useItemSkill to $useitem3.skill>>\
<<switch $useItemSubtype>>\
<<case "medicine">>\
<<include "Medicine">>\
<<case "drug">>\
<<include "Drugs">>\
<<case "alcohol">>\
<<include "Alcohol">>\
<<case "misc">>\
<<include "Misc Items2">>\
/* <<set $PCInventory.delete("$useitem3")>>\
<<set delete $PCInventory[$i]>>\
<<button "Return" $return>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</button>><<switch $useitem3.name>>\
<<case "a can of Energy Thirst">>\
<<include "Energy Thirst TF">>\
<<case "a can of Energy Thirst-X">>\
<<include "Energy Thirst-X TF">>\
<<case "a can of Focus Time">>\
<<include "Focus Drink TF">>\
<<case "a can of Lust Potion #9">>\
<<include "Lust Potion #9 TF">>\
<<case "a can of Lust Potion #69">>\
<<include "Lust Potion #69 TF">>\
<<case "a can of Dr. Pecker">>\
<<include "Dr. Pecker TF">>\
<<case "a can of Dr. Pecker-X">>\
<<include "Dr. Pecker-X TF">>\
<<case "a can of Diet Dr. Pecker-Lite">>\
<<include "Diet Dr. Pecker-Lite TF">>\
<<case "a can of Mr. Pimpledick-Xtra">>\
<<include "Mr. Pimple Dick TF">>\
<<case "a can of Milkshake Jugs">>\
<<include "Milkshake Jugs TF">>\
<<case "a can of Milkshake Jugs X-Treme">>\
<<include "Milkshake Jugs-X TF">>\
<<case "a can of Diet Milkshake Jugs-Lite">>\
<<include "Diet Milkshake Jugs-Lite TF">>\
<<case "a bottle of Milk Tanks">>\
<<include "Milk Tanks TF">>\
<<case "a bottle of Milk Tanks X-treme">>\
<<include "Milk Tanks-X TF">>\
<<case "a can of Milk Drain">>\
<<include "Milk Drain TF">>\
<<case "a can of Double-Delicious Cans">>\
<<include "Double-Delicious TF">>\
<<case "a can of Junk in the Trunk">>\
<<include "Junk in the Trunk TF">>\
<<case "a can of Junk in the Trunk-Xtreme">>\
<<include "Junk in the Trunk-X TF">>\
<<case "a can of Diet Junk in the Trunk-Lite">>\
<<include "Diet Junk in the Trunk-Lite TF">>\
<<case "a can of Bruiser-TF">>\
<<include "Bruiser TF-Can">>\
<<case "a can of Milker-TF">>\
<<include "Milker TF-Can">>\
<<case "a box of Plan P-Minus">>\
<<include "Fertility">>\
<<case "a box of Plan F-Plus">>\
<<include "Fertility">>\
<</switch>><<set $sexHistory.XP to $sexHistory.XP +1>>\
<<set $sexHistory.LastPartner to $genericFighter>>\
<<set $LastPartner to $genericFighter>>\
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$genericFighter.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$genericFighter.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _IAss to $arrayAssSizeDesc[$genericFighter.AssSize]>>\
<<if $Infestation.MilkProgress > 0 or $Milk.Stored > $Milk.Min>>\
<<set _Breasts to "Milk">>\
<<elseif $StatusAffect.SiliconeB > 5>>\
<<set _Breasts to "Silicone">>\
<<set _Breasts to "Natural">>\
<<switch $genericFighter.SubID>>\
<<case 2>>\
  As you look at the $genericFighter.Name3 who is busy groping her silicone-filled tits that are straining against her slutty nurses outfit, you feel the urge to fuck her like how she was going to fuck you if you had lost the battle. Remembering the double-ended dildo you found earlier you give a lusty grin to the silicone-stuffed Infested as you reach into your backpack. She gives you a wide eyes stare as you pull out the dildo "I'm going to fuck your brains out with my massive dildo. By the time I'm done you will be crawling bow-legged for a week." you lustily say as you slowly try to insert the dildo into your tight snatch. It takes a few tries as the size makes it hard to fit but it slowly fills your pussy. As it does so the pleasure causes you to shiver and you feel yourself wetten.
  "Oh shit! Are you actually going to rail my tight pussy with that massive cunt-destroying dildo? To slam into my wet pussy with your big fake thermometer and turn it into raw meat?" gasps the shocked Infested Female as she takes in the double-ended dildo pointing at her beautiful face. Spreading her thicc legs wide she eagerly says while also spreading her pussy open "Cause if so count me in!"
  Looking at her eager face and her _ISD pair of _ICup fake tits you can't resist giving her what she wants and what you want as well. "Be prepared to have your wish granted!" you say before kneeling down to adjust the angle of the dildo. You take careful aim at her dripping pussy before slowly pushing in. As you push in you are met with some resistance but with one look at the Infested Female's ecstatic face you push forward as much as she can take which seems to be a lot.
  "Oh fuck yes! You're in so deep! Fuck yes!" she moans as she grabs her _ISD silicone-filled orbs hard while playing with them. Deciding that it was time to start you grab her hips and start to thrust back and forth into her tight pussy. The pleasure from nailing this drop dead beautiful Infested with a huge dildo deep in your own pussy is quickly rising as your nipples display by becoming hard as diamonds on top of your $BreastSD pair of $BreastsSize tits. You moan uncontrollably as your humping continues and your own $BreastSD <<Breasts>> swing from the thrusting.
  "Wow! You are really getting this! Doesn't it feel great to fuck my pussy? Doesn't it kinda make you wish you had a real cock?" she moans as you continue to slam into her pussy. As the pleasure steadily mounts in your own pussy your own moans of pleasure joins her's as she wraps her legs around your back. Her eyes drift towards your chest as her pumped up cocksuckers gasps and moans.
<<switch _Breasts>>\
<<case "Milk">>\
  "Your tits look to be so delicious and I bet they will feel so good rubbing against my big fake tits!" she moans as her wet pussy continues to be ravaged by your large dildo. Reaching up she pulls you down to let her _ISD _ICup orbs squish against your own $BreastSD $BreastsSize breasts, your hard $NippleSize nipples rubbing against her own hard nipples.
  As she does so your milk-filled jugs start to leak a $MilkAD amount of milk onto her chest. "Oh wow! Your tits are leaking delicious smelling milk all over my big tits! I wonder if I coat my chest with all that yummy milk if it will cause my titties to become big o' milkers instead of big o' fake titties?" she gasps as she rubs against your mommy milkers even harder, letting the sweet milk cover her chest.
<<case "Silicone">>\
<<if $PC.BreastsSize + ($GeneralFeats.FalseRep *2) > $genericFighter.BreastsSize>>\
  "Look who has some of the biggest pair of big fake titties money can buy! That's you, of course! I can't believe how much bigger your silicone titties are compared to my big fake tits!" she moans as her wet pussy continues to be ravaged by your large dildo. Reaching up she pulls you down to let her _ISD pair of_ICup fake tits squish against your own $BreastSD $BreastsSize silicone-filled breasts, your hard $NippleSize nipples rubbing against her own hard nipples.
  "Look who has some of the nicest pair of big fake titties money can buy! That's you, of course! They can't compare to how big my silicone titties are but they are still very nice!" she moans as her wet pussy continues to be ravaged by your large dildo. Reaching up she pulls you down to let her _ISD pair of_ICup fake tits squish against your own $BreastSD $BreastsSize silicone-filled breasts, your hard $NippleSize nipples rubbing against her own hard nipples.
<<if $PC.BreastsSize + ($GeneralFeats.FalseRep *2) < ($genericFighter.BreastsSize -4)>>\
  "Your titties are so cute and small! Don't worry, I hear that there's a doctor that can pump them up to a nice and juicy size with lots and lots of silicone!" she says as you continue to ravage her wet snatch. Reaching up she pulls you towards her letting her _ISD _ICup slide against your own $BreastSD $BreastsSize breasts, your hard $NippleSize nipples rubbing against her own hard nipples.
<<elseif $PC.BreastsSize + ($GeneralFeats.FalseRep *2) < $genericFighter.BreastsSize>>\
  "Your boobies are pretty nice, so soft and cuddly! I bet they feel so good bouncing around while being fucked! I just want to rub my titties all over them!" she says as you continue to ravage her wet snatch. Reaching up she pulls you towards her letting her _ISD pair of_ICup fake tits slide against your own $BreastSD $BreastsSize breasts, your hard $NippleSize nipples rubbing against her own hard nipples.
  "Oh wow! Your big titties are so amazingly $BreastSD! I can't believe you have bigger boobies than me! They look so delicious and there's so much titty flesh!" she moans as her wet pussy continues to be ravaged by your large dildo. Reaching up she pulls you down to let her _ISD pair of _ICup fake tits squish against your own $BreastSD $BreastsSize breasts, your hard $NippleSize nipples rubbing against her own hard nipples.
  "Oh fuck this feels so good! Oh yes take it you overstuffed silicone whore!" You scream as the pace of your fucking reaches the point of no return and you slam into her wet pussy like a jackhammer causing her _IAss silicone-filled ass to jiggle from the impacts. Your own screams of pleasure mixes with hers as it echoes throughout the area. Your pussy feels like pure liquid pleasure and you are moments away from your climax!
<<if $PC.Infestation is $Infestation.Cap & $Infestation.Progress > 1>>\
<<include "Infestation Increase">>\
  As you slam your dildo into her wet cunt you feel a surge of energy flowing directly into you! It almost feels like you are burning up but it quickly turns to pleasure that radiates from your ass and breasts.
<<if $Infestation.MilkProgress > 0 or $StatusAffect.MilkTits > 0>>\
  "Oh yes! OH FUCK! I'M CUMMING! My titties are spraying $MilkAD amounts of milk and I'm cumming while fucking you with my fake dick!" you scream as your rapid frantic thrusting pushes you over the edge, causing you to unleash a $GCumAD load of girl cum, bigger than any other load you've ever had, all over the large dildo! <<if $GCum.Stored > 10>> The stream of girl cum lasts for over a minute and overflows out of your tight pussy!<</if>>Even your milk-filled tits start to squirt $MilkAD amounts of milk all over the Infested's lusty face as your orgasm shakes your whole body!
  "OH GOD! YOUR TITTIES ARE GROWING SO MUCH! OH FUCK! I'M CUMMING!" She screams as you slam her with the double ended dildo even harder as your pleasure peaks causing your milk-filled tits to bounce and jiggle wildly. Within seconds a immense orgasm rocks her body, her _ISD fake tits and ass quivering in pleasure.
  As you slowly calm down long enough to pull the dildo out of her dripping cunt you notice that you now have a $BreastSD $BreastsSize breasts along with a $AssSize ass! Before you can react the Infested fondles your expanded <<Breasts>> and with a smirk says "Looks like you are on the way to becoming one hot slut!"
  "OH GOD! Your titties are getting bigger and bigger! I can feel them pushing back against my own big fake tits! OH FUCK YES! I'M CUMMING!" she screams as you slam your fake cock even harder into her cunt. It feels like your <<Breasts>> are growing bigger and heavier with each thrust into her wet cunt! You can even feel your ass expanding behind you, giving you more weight as you pump away.
  "Oh yes! OH FUCK! I'M CUMMING! I'm cumming while fucking you with my fake dick!" you scream as your rapid frantic thrusting pushes you over the edge, causing you to unleash a $GCumAD load of girl cum, bigger than any other load you've ever had, all over the large dildo! <<if $GCum.Stored > 10>> The stream of girl cum lasts for over a minute and overflows out of your tight pussy!<</if>>
  As you slowly calm down long enough to pull the dildo out of her dripping cunt you notice that you now have a $BreastSD $BreastsSize breasts along with a $AssSize ass! Before you can react the Infested fondles your expanded <<Breasts>> and with a smirk says "Looks like you are on the way to becoming one hot slut!"
  "OH GOD! OH FUCK! I'M CUMMING!" She screams as you slam her with the double ended dildo even harder as your pleasure peaks. Within seconds a immense orgasm rocks her body, her _ISD fake tits and silicone-filled ass quivering in pleasure. Her whole body continues to shake and quiver from her intense orgasm and you're not far behind!
  "Oh yes oh fucking yes! I'm about to squirt all over my fake cock! I'M CUMMING! I'm cumming all over my fake cock!" you scream as the feeling of your pussy quivering with pleasure almost knocks you senseless, causing you to unleash a $GCumAD load of girl cum all over your fake cock. <<if $GCum.Stored > 10>> The stream of hot cum lasts for over a minute and overflows out of your tight pussy!<</if>>
  "Oh that was so good!" she says as you stand up from your latest conquest, girl cum leaking from both of your pussies. "I'll see again soon, I'm sure..." she says as she sucks her fingers clean of girl-cum with her pumped up cocksuckers. With that you grab your clothes and leave the area.
  As you look at the masturbating $genericFighter.Name3 you feel the urge to fuck her like how she was going to fuck you if you had lost the battle. Remembering the double-ended dildo you found earlier you give a lusty grin to the busty Infested as you reach into your backpack. She gives you a wide eyes stare as you pull out the dildo "I'm going to fuck your brains out with my massive dildo. By the time I'm done you will be crawling bow-legged for a week." you lustily say as you slowly try to insert the dildo into your tight snatch. It takes a few tries as the size makes it hard to fit but it slowly fills your pussy. As it does so the pleasure causes you to shiver and you feel yourself wetten.
  "Oh shit! Are you actually going to rail my tight pussy with that massive cunt-destroying dildo? To slam into my wet pussy and turn it into raw meat?" gasps the shocked Infested Female as she takes in the double-ended dildo pointing at her beautiful face. Spreading her legs wide she eagerly says while also spreading her pussy open "Cause if so count me in!"
  Looking at her eager face and _ISD _ICup breasts you can't resist giving her what she wants and what you want as well. "Be prepared to have your wish granted!" you say before kneeling down to adjust the angle of the dildo. You take careful aim at her dripping pussy before slowly pushing in. As you push in you are met with some resistance but with one look at the Infested Female's ecstatic face you push forward as much as she can take which seems to be a lot.
  "Oh fuck yes! You're in so deep! Fuck yes!" she moans as she grabs her _ISD tits hard while fondling them. Deciding that it was time to start you grab her hips and start to thrust back and forth into her tight pussy. The pleasure from nailing this drop dead beautiful Infested with a huge dildo deep in your own pussy is quickly rising as your nipples display by becoming hard as diamonds on top of your $BreastSD $BreastsSize tits. You moan uncontrollably as your humping continues and your own $BreastSD <<Breasts>> swing from the thrusting.
  "Wow! You are really getting this! Doesn't it feel great to fuck my pussy? Doesn't it kinda make you wish you had a real cock?" she moans as you continue to slam into her pussy. As the pleasure steadily mounts in your own pussy your own moans of pleasure joins her's as she wraps her legs around your back. Her eyes drift towards your chest as her plump lips gasps and moans.
<<switch _Breasts>>\
<<case "Milk">>\
  "Your tits look to be so delicious and I bet they will feel so good rubbing against my tits!" she moans as her wet pussy continues to be ravaged by your large dildo. Reaching up she pulls you down to let her _ISD _ICup squish against your own $BreastSD $BreastsSize breasts, your hard $NippleSize nipples rubbing against her own hard nipples.
  As she does so your milk-filled jugs start to leak a $MilkAD amount of milk onto her chest. "Oh wow! Your tits are leaking delicious smelling milk all over my big tits! I wonder if I coat my chest with all that yummy milk if it will cause my titties to become big o' milkers?" she gasps as she rubs against your mommy milkers even harder, letting the sweet milk cover her chest.
<<case "Silicone">>\
  "Look who has some of the nicest pair of big fake titties money can buy! That's you, of course!" she moans as her wet pussy continues to be ravaged by your large dildo. Reaching up she pulls you down to let her _ISD _ICup squish against your own $BreastSD $BreastsSize silicone-filled breasts, your hard $NippleSize nipples rubbing against her own hard nipples.
<<if $PC.BreastsSize + ($GeneralFeats.FalseRep *2) < ($genericFighter.BreastsSize -4)>>\
  "Your titties are so cute and small! Don't worry, I bet they will grow up nice and big here eventually! I just want to play with them for days!" she says as you continue to ravage her wet snatch. Reaching up she pulls you towards her letting her _ISD _ICup slide against your own $BreastSD $BreastsSize breasts, your hard $NippleSize nipples rubbing against her own hard nipples.
<<elseif $PC.BreastsSize + ($GeneralFeats.FalseRep *2) < $genericFighter.BreastsSize>>\
  "Your tits are pretty nice, so soft and cuddly! I bet they feel so good bouncing around while being fucked! I just want to rub my titties all over them!" she says as you continue to ravage her wet snatch. Reaching up she pulls you towards her letting her _ISD _ICup slide against your own $BreastSD $BreastsSize breasts, your hard $NippleSize nipples rubbing against her own hard nipples.
<<elseif ($PC.BreastsSize + ($GeneralFeats.FalseRep *2)) is $genericFighter.BreastsSize>>\
  "I can't believe you have the same size tits as me! We could be twins! I just want to play with them so much!" she says as you continue to ravage her wet snatch. Reaching up she pulls you down to let her _ISD _ICup squish against your own $BreastSD $BreastsSize breasts, your hard nipples rubbing against her own hard nipples.
<<elseif $PC.BreastsSize + ($GeneralFeats.FalseRep *2) > $genericFighter.BreastsSize>>\
  "Oh wow! Your titties are so amazingly $BreastSD! I can't believe you have bigger boobies than me! They look so delicious and there's so much titty flesh!" she moans as her wet pussy continues to be ravaged by your large dildo. Reaching up she pulls you down to let her _ISD _ICup squish against your own $BreastSD $BreastsSize breasts, your hard $NippleSize nipples rubbing against her own hard nipples.
  "Oh fuck this feels so good! Oh yes take it you fucking slut whore!" You scream as the pace of your fucking reaches the point of no return and you slam into her wet pussy like a jackhammer. Your own screams of pleasure mixes with hers as it echoes throughout the area. Your pussy feels like pure liquid pleasure and you are moments away from your climax!
<<if $PC.Infestation is $Infestation.Cap & $Infestation.Progress > 1>>\
<<include "Infestation Increase">>\
  As you slam your dildo into her wet cunt you feel a surge of energy flowing directly into you! It almost feels like you are burning up but it quickly turns to pleasure that radiates from your ass and breasts.
<<if $Infestation.MilkProgress > 0 or $StatusAffect.MilkTits > 0>>\
  "Oh yes! OH FUCK! I'M CUMMING! My titties are spraying $MilkAD amounts of milk and I'm cumming while fucking you with my fake dick!" you scream as your rapid frantic thrusting pushes you over the edge, causing you to unleash a $GCumAD load of girl cum, bigger than any other load you've ever had, all over the large dildo! <<if $GCum.Stored > 10>> The stream of girl cum lasts for over a minute and overflows out of your tight pussy!<</if>>Even your milk-filled tits start to squirt $MilkAD amounts of milk all over the Infested's lusty face as your orgasm shakes your whole body!
  "OH GOD! YOUR TITTIES ARE GROWING SO MUCH! OH FUCK! I'M CUMMING!" She screams as you slam her with the double ended dildo even harder as your pleasure peaks causing your milk-filled tits to bounce and jiggle wildly. Within seconds a immense orgasm rocks her body, her _ISD tits and ass quivering in pleasure.
  As you slowly calm down long enough to pull the dildo out of her dripping cunt you notice that you now have a $BreastSD $BreastsSize breasts along with a $AssSize ass! Before you can react the Infested fondles your expanded <<Breasts>> and with a smirk says "Looks like you are on the way to becoming one hot slut!"
  "OH GOD! Your titties are getting bigger and bigger! I can feel them pushing back against my own tits! OH FUCK YES! I'M CUMMING!" she screams as you slam your fake cock even harder into her cunt. It feels like your <<Breasts>> are growing bigger and heavier with each thrust into her wet cunt! You can even feel your ass expanding behind you, giving you more weight as you pump away.
  "Oh yes! OH FUCK! I'M CUMMING! I'm cumming while fucking you with my fake dick!" you scream as your rapid frantic thrusting pushes you over the edge, causing you to unleash a $GCumAD load of girl cum, bigger than any other load you've ever had, all over the large dildo! <<if $GCum.Stored > 10>> The stream of girl cum lasts for over a minute and overflows out of your tight pussy!<</if>>
  As you slowly calm down long enough to pull the dildo out of her dripping cunt you notice that you now have a $BreastSD $BreastsSize breasts along with a $AssSize ass! Before you can react the Infested fondles your expanded <<Breasts>> and with a smirk says "Looks like you are on the way to becoming one hot slut!"
  "OH GOD! OH FUCK! I'M CUMMING!" She screams as you slam her with the double ended dildo even harder as your pleasure peaks. Within seconds a immense orgasm rocks her body, her _ISD tits and ass quivering in pleasure. Her whole body continues to shake and quiver from her intense orgasm and you're not far behind!
  "Oh yes oh fucking yes! I'm about to squirt all over my fake cock! I'M CUMMING! I'm cumming all over my fake cock!" you scream as the feeling of your pussy quivering with pleasure almost knocks you senseless, causing you to unleash a $GCumAD load of girl cum all over your fake cock. <<if $GCum.Stored > 10>> The stream of hot cum lasts for over a minute and overflows out of your tight pussy!<</if>>
  "Oh that was so good!" she says as you stand up from your latest conquest, girl cum leaking from both of your pussies. "I'll see again soon, I'm sure..." she says as she licks her fingers clean of girl-cum. With that you grab your clothes and leave the area.
<</switch>>\<<set $sexHistory.XP to $sexHistory.XP +1>>\
<<set $sexHistory.LastPartner to $genericFighter>>\
<<set $LastPartner to $genericFighter>>\
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$genericFighter.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$genericFighter.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _IAss to $arrayAssSizeDesc[$genericFighter.AssSize]>>\
<<set _SizeComp to $PC.BreastsSize - $genericFighter.Level>>\
<<if _SizeComp < 0>>\
<<set _SizeComp to 0>>\
<<if $Infestation.MilkProgress > 0 or $Milk.Stored > $Milk.Min>>\
<<set _Breasts to "Milk">>\
<<elseif $StatusAffect.SiliconeB > 5>>\
<<set _Breasts to "Silicone">>\
<<set _Breasts to "Natural">>\
<<if $PC.BreastsSize + ($GeneralFeats.FalseRep *2) > $genericFighter.BreastsSize +4>>\
<<set _Compare to "Biggest">>\
<<elseif $PC.BreastsSize + ($GeneralFeats.FalseRep *2) > $genericFighter.BreastsSize>>\
<<set _Compare to "Bigger">>\
<<elseif $PC.BreastsSize + ($GeneralFeats.FalseRep *2) < $genericFighter.BreastsSize -4>>\
<<set _Compare to "Tiny">>\
<<set _Compare to "Smaller">>\
<<switch $genericFighter.SubID>>\
<<case 2>>\
  The masturbating $genericFighter.Name3 stares at you with a hopeful look in her eyes as you walk towards her, your nipples straining against your top. With her _ISD fake tits, _IAss silicone-filled ass and those pumped up lips there was no way you could walk away. "I'm going to sit on your bimbo face and have you eat my pussy until I can barely walk." you say as you strip out of you clothes. She gives your wet pussy a hungry look while eagerly licking her extra plump lips.
  "Oh fuck yes, baby! I'll love to eat your dripping wet snatch!" she shouts as she lies down with her silicone mountains pointed upwards, ready for you to plant your pussy on her face. As she waits one of her hands is fingering her own pussy while the other is pinching her hard nipple. Looking at her eager face and _ISD fake titties you can't resist giving her what she wants and what you want as well.
  You slowly lower your sensitive pussy to her eager face, facing her big jugs and equally wet pussy. The $genericFighter.Name3 quickly dives in as you feel her pumped up lips on your own pussy lips. You can't help but moan loudly as her tongue slips into your tight cunt before flicking againt your hard clit. The sublime feeling of her talented tongue probing the depths of your pussy causes the flow from your dripping pussy to increase as her vocal moans demostrate.
  "MMMMmm! Oh fuck that feels so nice! Keep going, just like that" you moan loudly as you press your dripping cunt against her face, trying to get her to go even deeper. The Infested happily complies as she forces her tongue in even farther into your eager cunt, seeking the source of your juicy fluids. Seeing her big silicone-filled breasts you decide to brace yourself on them. Your hands sink into her _ISD mounds of titty flesh causing the Infested to moan softly in pleasure as her titties jiggle softly within your firm grip.
<<switch _Breasts>>\
<<case "Silicone">>\
<<switch _Compare>>\
<<case "Tiny">>\
  As you grope the Infested's _ISD _ICup tits you can't help but feel quite inadequate as your own $BreastSD silicone-filled breasts look so tiny compared to her big enhanced jugs. Trying to ignore your thoughts of how much it would cost to get your tits upgraded to a bigger size, you focus on enjoying the feeling you get from groping her _ISD silicone-filled breasts. They feel so firm but yet somehow soft as her breasts jiggle and compress easily in your soft grip. The Infested seems to be enjoying you playing with her fake tits by the sounds of her muffled moaning along with her rock hard nipples.
<<case "Smaller">>\
  As you grope the Infested's _ISD _ICup tits you can't help but compare your own $BreastSD silicone-filled breasts to the Infested's _ISD big enhanced jugs. While your jugs are smaller than her bimbo titties at least you have a decent pair of $BreastsSize breasts that you can be proud showing off even if you ponder how much it would cost to upgrade your own fake tits to her size. Trying to ignore your thoughts on breast size comparisons, you focus on enjoying the feeling you get from groping her _ISD silicone-filled breasts. They feel so firm but yet somehow soft as her breasts jiggle and compress easily in your soft grip. The Infested seems to be enjoying you playing with her fake tits by the sounds of her muffled moaning along with her rock hard nipples.
<<case "Bigger">>\
  As you grope the Infested's _ISD _ICup tits you can't help but compare your own $BreastSD silicone-filled breasts to the Infested's _ISD enhanced jugs. You feel a strange sense of pride as you can tell that your own fake tits are bigger and better than the Infested's underfilled tits which is saying something. Smiling at your prideful thoughts, you focus on enjoying the feeling you get from groping her _ISD silicone-filled breasts. They feel so big and soft as her breasts jiggle and compress easily in your soft grip. The Infested seems to be enjoying you playing with her fake tits by the sounds of her muffled moaning along with her rock hard nipples.
  As you grope the Infested's _ISD _ICup tits you can't help but compare your own $BreastSD overfilled silicone mountains to the Infested's _ISD enhanced jugs. It's very easy to tell that your $BreastSD fake tits are way bigger and better than the Infested's tiny underfilled tits and you feel quite proud of that fact. Smiling at your prideful thoughts, you focus on enjoying the feeling you get from groping her _ISD silicone-filled breasts. They feel so firm but yet somehow soft as her breasts jiggle and compress easily in your soft grip. The Infested seems to be enjoying you playing with her fake tits by the sounds of her muffled moaning along with her rock hard nipples.
<<case "Milk">>\
<<switch _Compare>>\
<<case "Tiny">>\
  As you grope the Infested's _ISD _ICup tits you can't help but feel a bit inadequate as your own $BreastSD milkers look so tiny compared to her big enhanced jugs. Ignoring your thoughts of how unfair it is, you focus on enjoying the feeling you get from groping her _ISD silicone-filled breasts. They feel so different from your milk-filled jugs, so firm but yet somehow soft as her breasts jiggle and compress easily in your soft grip. The Infested seems to be enjoying you playing with her fake tits by the sounds of her muffled moaning along with her rock hard nipples.
<<case "Smaller">>\
  As you grope the Infested's _ISD _ICup tits you can't help but compare your own $BreastSD milkers to the Infested's _ISD enhanced breasts. While your milk jugs are smaller than her bimbo titties at least you have a decent pair of $BreastsSize milk-filled breasts that you can be proud showing off. Trying to ignore your thoughts on breast size comparisons, you focus on enjoying the feeling you get from groping her _ISD silicone-filled breasts. They feel so different from your milk-filled jugs, firm but yet somehow soft as her breasts jiggle and compress easily in your soft grip. The Infested seems to be enjoying you playing with her fake tits by the sounds of her muffled moaning along with her rock hard nipples.
<<case "Bigger">>\
  As you grope the Infested's _ISD _ICup tits you can't help but compare your own $BreastSD milkers to the Infested's _ISD enhanced breasts. It's very easy to tell that your $BreastSD milk-filled tits are way bigger than the Infested's underfilled tits and you feel quite proud of that fact. Smiling at your prideful thoughts, you focus on enjoying the feeling you get from groping her _ISD silicone-filled breasts. They feel so different from your milk-filled jugs, so firm but yet somehow soft as her breasts jiggle and compress easily in your soft grip. The Infested seems to be enjoying you playing with her fake tits by the sounds of her muffled moaning along with her rock hard nipples.
  As you grope the Infested's _ISD _ICup tits you can't help but compare your own $BreastSD overfilled mommy milkers to the Infested's _ISD enhanced jugs. It's very easy to tell that your $BreastSD all natural milk jugs are way bigger and better than the Infested's tiny underfilled tits and you feel quite proud of that fact. Smiling at your prideful thoughts, you focus on enjoying the feeling you get from groping her _ISD silicone-filled breasts. They feel so different from your milk-filled jugs, so firm but yet somehow soft as her breasts jiggle and compress easily in your soft grip. The Infested seems to be enjoying you playing with her fake tits by the sounds of her muffled moaning along with her rock hard nipples.
<<switch _Compare>>\
<<case "Tiny">>\
  As you grope the Infested's _ISD _ICup tits you can't help but feel a bit inadequate as your own $BreastSD breasts look so tiny compared to her big enhanced jugs. Ignoring your thoughts of how unfair it is, you focus on enjoying the feeling you get from groping her _ISD silicone-filled breasts. They feel so firm but yet somehow soft as her breasts jiggle and compress easily in your soft grip. The Infested seems to be enjoying you playing with her fake tits by the sounds of her muffled moaning along with her rock hard nipples.
<<case "Smaller">>\
  As you grope the Infested's _ISD _ICup tits you can't help but compare your own $BreastSD breasts to the Infested's _ISD enhanced breasts. While your jugs are smaller than her bimbo titties at least you have a decent pair of $BreastsSize breasts that you can be proud showing off. Ignoring your thoughts on breast size comparisons, you focus on enjoying the feeling you get from groping her _ISD silicone-filled breasts. They feel so firm but yet somehow soft as her breasts jiggle and compress easily in your soft grip. The Infested seems to be enjoying you playing with her fake tits by the sounds of her muffled moaning along with her rock hard nipples.
<<case "Bigger">>\
  As you grope the Infested's _ISD _ICup tits you can't help but compare your own $BreastSD breasts to the Infested's _ISD enhanced breasts. It's easy to tell that your $BreastSD natural tits are way bigger than the Infested's bimbo titties and you feel quite proud of that fact. Smiling at your prideful thoughts, you focus on enjoying the feeling you get from groping her _ISD silicone-filled breasts. They feel so firm but yet somehow soft as her breasts jiggle and compress easily in your soft grip. The Infested seems to be enjoying you playing with her fake tits by the sounds of her muffled moaning along with her rock hard nipples.
  As you grope the Infested's _ISD _ICup tits you can't help but compare your own $BreastSD breasts to the Infested's _ISD enhanced jugs. It's very easy to tell that your $BreastSD natural tits are way bigger and better than the Infested's bimbo titties and you feel quite proud of that fact. Smiling at your prideful thoughts, you focus on enjoying the feeling you get from groping her _ISD silicone-filled breasts. They feel so firm but yet somehow soft as her breasts jiggle and compress easily in your soft grip. The Infested seems to be enjoying you playing with her fake tits by the sounds of her muffled moaning along with her rock hard nipples.
  In response to your groping of her jiggly fake titties, the Infested slips a finger into your tight pussy along side her deep probing tongue! She quickly starts slamming her finger in and out of your wet pussy before licking your clit with her long tongue. The feeling of being fingered while being eaten out pushes you closer to your limits as you feel an intense orgasm quickly approaching!
<<if $PC.Infestation is $Infestation.Cap & $Infestation.Progress > 1>>\
<<set _BreastSD to $BreastSD>>\
<<set _BreastsSize to $BreastsSize>>\
<<set _NippleSize to $NippleSize>>\
<<set _AssSize to $AssSize>>\
<<include "Infestation Increase">>\
  As she continues to expertly eat your dripping wet pussy you feel a surge of energy flowing directly into you! It almost feels like you are burning up but it quickly turns to pleasure that radiates from your _AssSize ass and _BreastSD breasts.
  Your orgasm comes in strong like a like a raging hurricane as your sensitive pussy is overstimulated. A strange growing sensation is radiating from your _BreastSD breasts as you watch them slowly expand. The sight of your tits slowly growing while being eaten out by such an expert rugmuncher pushes you over the edge. "OH SHIT! OH FUCK! I'M CUMMING ALL OVER YOUR FUCKING FACE!" you scream as the feeling of your pussy quivering with pleasure almost knocks you senseless, causing you to unleash a tsunami of girl cum that squirts up onto the Infested's face and soaks her whole face and hair.
  It seems like you cumming all over her face caused the Infested to orgasm as well as you see a arcing squirt of girl cum shoot from her wet pussy which lands all over the hand she had slipped down while you was busy cumming your brains out.
  As you come down from your intense orgasm you notice that you now have $BreastSD $BreastsSize breasts along with a $AssSize ass! Before you can react the Infested fondles your expanded ass and with a muffled voice says "Looks like you are on the way to becoming one hot slut!"
<<elseif _Breasts is "Milk">>\
  Your orgasm comes in strong like a raging hurricane as your sensitive pussy is overstimulated pushing you over the edge. "OH SHIT! OH FUCK! I'M CUMMING ALL OVER YOUR FUCKING FACE!" you scream as the feeling of your pussy quivering with pleasure almost knocks you senseless, causing you to unleash a $GCumAD gushing of girl cum that squirts onto the Infested's face. <<if $GCum.Stored > 10>> The stream of girl cum lasts for over a minute and completely coats the Infested's face!<</if>> Even your milk-filled tits start to squirt $MilkAD amounts of milk all over the Infested's _ISD silicone-filled chest as your orgasm shakes your whole body!
  It seems like you cumming all over her face caused the Infested to orgasm as well as you see a arcing squirt of girl cum shoot from her wet pussy which lands all over the hand she had slipped down while you was busy cumming your brains out.
  Your orgasm comes in strong like a raging hurricane as your sensitive pussy is overstimulated pushing you over the edge. "OH SHIT! OH FUCK! I'M CUMMING ALL OVER YOUR FUCKING FACE!" you scream as the feeling of your pussy quivering with pleasure almost knocks you senseless, causing you to unleash a $GCumAD gushing of girl cum that squirts onto the Infested's face. <<if $GCum.Stored > 10>> The stream of girl cum lasts for over a minute and completely coats the Infested's face!<</if>>
  It seems like you cumming all over her face caused the Infested to orgasm as well as you see a arcing squirt of girl cum shoot from her wet pussy which lands all over the hand she had slipped down while you was busy cumming your brains out.
  "Oh that was like, so good and stuff!" she says as you stand up from your latest conquest, girl-cum leaking from both of your pussies. "I hope to see again soon!" she says as she licks her fingers clean of cum. With that you grab your clothes and leave the area.
  The masturbating $genericFighter.Name3 stares at you with a hopeful look in her eyes as you walk towards her, your nipples straining against your top. With her _ISD _ICup breasts, jiggly ass and those clit-sucking lips there was no way you could walk away. "I'm going to sit on your face and have you eat my pussy until I can barely walk." you say as you strip out of you clothes. She gives your wet pussy a hungry look while eagerly licking her lips.
  "Sure thing! I'll love to eat your wet honeypot!" she shouts as she lies down ready for you to plant your pussy on her face. As she waits one of her hands is fingering her own pussy. Looking at her eager face and _ISD breasts you can't resist giving her what she wants and what you want as well.
  You slowly lower your wet pussy to her eager face, facing her _ISD tits and equally wet pussy. The $genericFighter.Name3 dives in quickly as you feel her plump lips on your own pussy lips. You can't help but moan loudly as her tongue slips into your tight cunt before flicking againt your hard clit. The sublime feeling of her talented tongue swirling around your pussy causes the flow from your dripping pussy to increase.
  "Oh fuck that feels good! Keep going!" you moan loudly as you press your mound against her face, trying to get her to go deeper. The Infested happily complies as she forces her tongue in even farther into your eager cunt. Seeing her _ISD breasts you decide to brace yourself on them. Your hands sink into her jiggly titty flesh causing the Infested to moan softly in pleasure.
<<if $PC.BreastsSize + ($GeneralFeats.FalseRep *2) < ($genericFighter.BreastsSize -4)>>\
  As you grope the Infested's _ISD _ICup tits you can't help but feel a bit inadequate as your own $BreastSD breasts look so tiny compared to hers. Ignoring your thoughts of how unfair it is, you focus on enjoying the feeling you get from groping her _ISD breasts. They feel so firm but yet somehow soft as her breasts jiggle and compress easily in your soft grip. The Infested seems to be enjoying you playing with her tits by the sounds of her muffled moaning along with her rock hard nipples.
<<elseif $PC.BreastsSize + ($GeneralFeats.FalseRep *2) < $genericFighter.BreastsSize>>\
  As you grope the Infested's _ISD _ICup tits you can't help but compare your own $BreastSD breasts to the Infested's _ISD breasts. While your jugs are smaller than hers at least you have a decent pair of $BreastsSize breasts that you can be proud showing off. Ignoring your thoughts on breast size comparisons, you focus on enjoying the feeling you get from groping her _ISD breasts. They feel so firm but yet somehow soft as her breasts jiggle and compress easily in your soft grip. The Infested seems to be enjoying you playing with her tits by the sounds of her muffled moaning along with her rock hard nipples.
<<elseif ($PC.BreastsSize + ($GeneralFeats.FalseRep *2)) is $genericFighter.BreastsSize>>\
  As you grope the Infested's _ISD _ICup tits you can't help get a strange feeling that the Infested's _ISD breasts are the same size as your $BreastSD breasts. You take a closer look at her _ICup tits along with some more groping but they do look and feel to be the same size as your own $BreastsSize breasts. Ignoring your revelations on breast size comparisons, you focus on enjoying the feeling you get from groping her _ISD breasts. They feel so firm but yet somehow soft as her breasts jiggle and compress easily in your soft grip. The Infested seems to be enjoying you playing with her tits by the sounds of her muffled moaning along with her rock hard nipples.
<<elseif $PC.BreastsSize + ($GeneralFeats.FalseRep *2) > ($genericFighter.BreastsSize +4)>>\
  As you grope the Infested's _ISD _ICup tits you can't help but compare your own $BreastSD breasts to the Infested's _ISD breasts. It's very easy to tell that your $BreastSD tits are way bigger than the Infested's tiny tits and you feel quite proud of that fact. Smiling at your prideful thoughts, you focus on enjoying the feeling you get from groping her _ISD breasts. They feel so firm but yet somehow soft as her breasts jiggle and compress easily in your soft grip. The Infested seems to be enjoying you playing with her tits by the sounds of her muffled moaning along with her rock hard nipples.
<<elseif $PC.BreastsSize + ($GeneralFeats.FalseRep *2) > $genericFighter.BreastsSize>>\
  As you grope the Infested's _ISD _ICup tits you can't help but compare your own $BreastSD breasts to the Infested's _ISD breasts. You feel a strange sense of pride as you can tell that your tits are bigger than the Infested's smaller tits which is saying something. Smiling at your prideful thoughts, you focus on enjoying the feeling you get from groping her _ISD breasts. They feel so big and soft as her breasts jiggle and compress easily in your soft grip. The Infested seems to be enjoying you playing with her tits by the sounds of her muffled moaning along with her rock hard nipples.
  In response to your groping of her ample chest, the Infested slips a finger into your tight pussy! She quickly starts slamming her finger in and out of your wet pussy while still licking your clit with her long tongue. The feeling of being fingered while being eaten out pushes you closer to your limits as you feel an intense orgasm quickly approaching!
<<if $PC.Infestation is $Infestation.Cap & $Infestation.Progress > 1>>\
<<set _BreastSD to $BreastSD>>\
<<set _BreastsSize to $BreastsSize>>\
<<set _NippleSize to $NippleSize>>\
<<set _AssSize to $AssSize>>\
<<include "Infestation Increase">>\
  As she continues to expertly eat your wet pussy you feel a surge of energy flowing directly into you! It almost feels like you are burning up but it quickly turns to pleasure that radiates from your _AssSize ass and _BreastSD breasts.
  Your orgasm is coming in strong as your sensitive pussy is over stimulated. A strange growing sensation is eminating from your _BreastSD breasts as you watch them slowly expand. The sight of your tits growing while being eaten out by such an expert rugmuncher pushes you over the edge. "OH SHIT! OH FUCK! I'M CUMMING ALL OVER YOUR FUCKING FACE!" you scream as the feeling of your pussy quivering with pleasure almost knocks you senseless, causing you to unleash a tsunami of girl cum that squirts up onto the Infested's face and soaks her whole face and hair.
  It seems like you cumming all over her face caused the Infested to orgasm as well as you see a arcing squirt of girl cum shoot from her wet pussy which lands all over the hand she had slipped down while you was busy cumming your brains out.
  As you come down from your intense orgasm you notice that you now have $BreastSD $BreastsSize breasts along with a $AssSize ass! Before you can react the Infested fondles your expanded ass and with a muffled voice says "Looks like you are on the way to becoming one hot slut!"
<<elseif _Breasts is "Milk">\
  Your orgasm is coming in strong as your sensitive pussy is over stimulated which pushes you over the edge. "OH SHIT! OH FUCK! I'M CUMMING ALL OVER YOUR FUCKING FACE!" you scream as the feeling of your pussy quivering with pleasure almost knocks you senseless, causing you to unleash a $GCumAD gushing of girl cum that squirts onto the Infested's face. <<if $GCum.Stored > 10>> The stream of girl cum lasts for over a minute and completely coats the Infested's face!<</if>> Even your milk-filled tits start to squirt $MilkAD amounts of milk all over the Infested's _ISD chest as your orgasm shakes your whole body!
  It seems like you cumming all over her face caused the Infested to orgasm as well as you see a arcing squirt of girl cum shoot from her wet pussy which lands all over the hand she had slipped down while you was busy cumming your brains out.
  Your orgasm is coming in strong as your sensitive pussy is over stimulated which pushes you over the edge. "OH SHIT! OH FUCK! I'M CUMMING ALL OVER YOUR FUCKING FACE!" you scream as the feeling of your pussy quivering with pleasure almost knocks you senseless, causing you to unleash a $GCumAD gushing of girl cum that squirts onto the Infested's face. <<if $GCum.Stored > 10>> The stream of girl cum lasts for over a minute and completely coats the Infested's face!<</if>>
  It seems like you cumming all over her face caused the Infested to orgasm as well as you see a arcing squirt of girl cum shoot from her wet pussy which lands all over the hand she had slipped down while you was busy cumming your brains out.
  "Oh that was so good!" she says as you stand up from your latest conquest, girl-cum leaking from both of your pussies. "I hope to see again soon!" she says as she licks her fingers clean of cum. With that you grab your clothes and leave the area.
<</switch>>\<img @src=$genericEvent.Image />
<<set $StatusAffect.Horny to $StatusAffect.Horny+1>>\
<<set _lusty to random(10) +1 + $StatusAffect.Horny - $LustResist.Visual - $LustResist.Complete>>\
<<if _lusty < 0>>\
<<set _lusty to 0>>\
<<set $lust to $lust + _lusty>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.Vaccine < 1>>\
<<if (random(19)+ 1) + $PC.Fortitude + $InfectionResist.Fort < 15>>\
<<set _Infest to random(5) - $InfectionResist.DR +1>>\
<<if _Infest < 0>>\
<<set _Infest to 0>>\
<<set $PC.Infestation to $PC.Infestation + _Infest>>\
<<set $Infestation.FutaVariant to $Infestation.FutaVariant + random(5) +1>>\
<<if $PC.Infestation > $Infestation.Cap>>\
<<set $PC.Infestation to $Infestation.Cap>>\
<<if $Infestation.Progress < 1>>\
<<set $Infestation.Progress to 1>>\
<<if (random(19)+ 1) + $Skill.Social + $CharismaBonus > 13>>\
<<set $npcMay.Friendship to $npcMay.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity +2 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set $npcApril.Friendship to $npcApril.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity +2 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set $npcMay.Friendship to $npcMay.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity +1 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set $npcApril.Friendship to $npcApril.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity +1 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set _FutaSize to Math.round($Infestation.BruiseVariant / 25)>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.BigDick to $StatusAffect.BigDick +1 + _FutaSize>>\
<<set _CockSize to 5 + _FutaSize>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.BigDick to 1>>\
<<set $PC.DickSize =+ $PC.DickSize + _CockSize>>\
<<set $DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$PC.DickSize]>>\
<<set $DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$PC.DickSize]>>\
<<set $PC.BallsSize =+ $PC.BallsSize + _CockSize>>\
<<set $BallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$PC.BallsSize]>>\
<<set $BallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$PC.BallsSize]>>\
<<set $Cum.Max to $Cum.Max +1>>\
<<set $Cum.Min to $Cum.Min +1>>\
<<set $Cum.Stored to $Cum.Min>>\
<<set $CumAD to $arrayCumAmountDesc[$Cum.Stored]>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Futa to $StatusAffect.Futa+1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Horny to $StatusAffect.Horny+1>>\
<<set $PC.HasDick to 1>>\
<<set $Infestation.FutaVariant to $Infestation.FutaVariant + random(5) +1>>\
<<set $FutaTry to $FutaTry + 1>>\
<<include "Profile Update">>\
  Figuring you can humor May you down the Dr. Pecker soft drink. Before long you feel a pleasant growing sensation coming from your crotch along with some heat! Looking down you notice you have a cock growing out of your groin along with a growing ballsack! Eventually it slowly stops and you now have a $DickSD $DickSize dick with the extra benefit of $BallsSD $BallsSize balls! May stares at your new dick with lust in her eyes while April gives the empty can of Dr. Pecker a thoughtful look.
  Unable to fully believe that you suddenly grew a hard $DickSD cock of your own, you reach down to grab your new $DickSize dick. It feels so thick and heavy in your hand you can't resist stroking it. You feel a drop of liquid lust ooze from the tip before you finally stop.
  "That cock looks great $PC.FirstName! Congratz on joining the Futa club!" May says with approval as she watches your cock eagerly twitch in pleasure.
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Continue|3some Female-Futa - Sex]]>>
<<if $lust + ($StatusAffect.Horny*2) < $MaxLust>>\
<<button [[Leave|3some - Leave]]>>
<<set $npcMay.Friendship to $npcMay.Friendship-5>>\
<<set $npcApril.Friendship to $npcApril.Friendship-5>>\
<</if>>\<<set $genericEvent.Image = $eventPath1 + $arrayEvent1Naked.random() + '.jpg'>>\
<img @src=$genericEvent.Image />
<<include "Adlibs">>\
<<if (random(19)+ 1) + $Skill.Social + $CharismaBonus > 13>>\
<<set $npcMay.Friendship to $npcMay.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity +2 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set $npcApril.Friendship to $npcApril.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity +2 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set $npcMay.Friendship to $npcMay.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity +1 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set $npcApril.Friendship to $npcApril.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity +1 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set $npcMay.SexXP to $npcMay.SexXP +1>>\
<<set $npcApril.SexXP to $npcApril.SexXP +1>>\
<<set $LastPartner to $npcMay>>\
<<set $sexHistory.XP to $sexHistory.XP +1>>\
<<set $threesomeEvent.Agree to 1>>\
<<if $threesomeEvent.FutaA < 5>>\
<<set $threesomeEvent.FutaA to $threesomeEvent.FutaA +1>>\
<<set $npcApril.DickSize to 3 + $threesomeEvent.FutaA>>\
<<set $npcApril.BallsSize to 2 + $threesomeEvent.FutaA>>\
<<set $threesomeEvent.FutaA to $threesomeEvent.FutaA +1>>\
<<set $npcApril.DickSize to 3 + $threesomeEvent.FutaA>>\
<<set $npcApril.BallsSize to 2 + $threesomeEvent.FutaA>>\
<<set $npcApril.Sex to "Futa">>\
<<set _DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$npcApril.DickSize]>>\
<<set _DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$npcApril.DickSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$npcApril.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$npcApril.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$npcApril.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$npcApril.BreastsSize]>>
<<if $threesomeEvent.FutaA is 1>>\
  You watch closely as April slowly strips out of her skimpy dress letting her ample breasts bounce free. She ends up sitting at the back of the bed with her pussy on display while looking very excited. Grabbing the Dr. Pecker she murmurs "Here goes nothing..." as she eagerly downs the drink rather quickly.
  Before long you see a red bump appear slightly above her pussy. It quickly bulges out forming a mini-penis that slowly grows to a bigger size. Two other bulges form next to the cock which slowly turns into a pair of balls. April looks down with an ecstatic look as the growth stops with her now having a _DickSD _DickSize cock with a _BallsSD pair of _BallsSize sized balls!
  "Oh wow! That's amazing! How does it feel?" May asks in astonishment as she stares at April's newly formed girl-cock standing erect. Reaching down April grabs her new cock and gives it a gentle squeeze. Some pre-cum flows from the tip as she squeezes near the tip causing her to moan in pleasure.
  April moans as she slowly starts to stroke her hard <<Penis>>. "It feels so wonderful! I can feel it pulse in synch with my heartbeat!" She continues to stroke her cock while staring at it in fascination.
  You watch in anticipation as April quickly strips out of her skimpy dress letting her ample breasts bounce free. She eagerly grabs the Dr. Pecker before leaning back onto the bed with her legs partially spread wide. "Time to grow my girl-cock..." she says before downing the drink rather quickly.
  Before long you see the usual red bump appear slightly above her pussy. It quickly bulges out forming a mini-penis that slowly grows to a bigger size. Two other bulges form next to the cock which slowly turns into a pair of balls. April stares at her futa dick as it grows larger before stopping at her now having a _DickSD _DickSize cock with a _BallsSD pair of _BallsSize sized balls!
  "That's so cool! I still can't believe that a girl can just grow a cock like that. What a sec, is that dick bigger than last time?" May asks in astonishment as she stares at April's bigger and better girl-cock standing erect. Reaching down April grabs her _DickSD cock and gives it a gentle squeeze. Some pre-cum flows from the tip as she squeezes near the tip causing her to moan in pleasure.
  April continues to moan as she steadily strokes her hard <<Penis>>. "Yeah I think so! It feels so much thicker and longer than before! I just want to fuck so much with this monster cock!" She continues to stroke her cock while staring at it in fascination.
  "Don't go blowing your load too quickly April! $PC.FirstName has an appointment with that nice looking cock." says May as she gropes your $BreastSD breasts thru your clothes. You give a low moan as she pinches your hard nipples. April's eyes lock onto your $BreastsSize breasts being fondled as her cock twitches.
  "Oh god. I so need to fuck $PC.FirstName's $BreastSD tits so much." She says as she move over to the edge close to where you are, her new cock eager to be used. Her eyes are focused on how your tight clothes are stretched by your $BreastSD jugs. Noticing April's gaze May pulls your clothes off from behind letting your $BreastSD $BreastsSize <<Breasts>> bounce free.
  "How about you fuck both of our tits, April?" asks May as she strips out of her dress, her own _ICup breasts bouncing free. She gets on her knees while grabbing her _ISD tits. As she moves over to April she gives you a expectant look and then a wink. Taking a cue from May you grab your own $BreastSD $BreastsSize breasts as well and kneel on the other side of April. Giving April a wink you squish you breasts up against May's heaving breasts leaving just enough space for April to thrust into.
<<if $Infestation.MilkProgress > 0 or $Milk.Stored > 0>>\
  April looks dumbfounded for a moment before she guides her hard _DickSize cock into the valley between your and May's breasts. "Oh god your tits feel so good! My cock feels like it's about to explode! Oh fuck!" she says as she starts to thrust into the double valley between your and May's breasts. The look of pure joy on April's face shows that she in really enjoying having a cock. She reaches down to steady herself by gripping the top of your breasts as her thrusting increases. Her own _ISD _ICup breasts bouncing along with each thrust into the double tit valley. The sensation of giving a new Futa a tit-fuck is turning you on so much your milk-filled tits start to leak milk all over April's girl-cock and May's _ISD breasts.
  "Oh fuck $PC.FirstName, your breasts are leaking milk!" gasps May as she stares at your leaking tits with a bit of envy. April is also staring at your milk-filled breasts as she pounds her girl-cock even harder into you and May's jiggling breast flesh mountains.
  "How do you like fucking my $BreastsSize milk-filled tits with your hard girl cock? Your hard deep fucking is causing all my milk to spill out all over your _DickSD dick. I bet it feels so good to bury your big strong dick in our big milk covered tits. Your balls must be so eager to add their baby-batter to our creamy milkers." you say while rubbing your $BreastSD milky jugs against her weeping cock and May's _ISD tits. The only response you get is even more moaning as April's assault on May's _ICup breasts and your own $BreastsSize mommy milkers reach a frenzy pitch.
  "OH FUCK! I'M CUMMING! I'm blasting your fucking milk jugs with my hot load from my cock!" she screams as her orgasm hits and she launches massive strands of hot cum all over your $BreastSD milky breasts! May is not spared as even more strands of cum splatter all over her face and _ISD tits. Both of your milk jugs unleash a $MilkAD amount of milk as they have mini-orgasms of their own coating you and May's breasts with a healthy mix of milk and cum. After unleashing her load April collapses back onto the bed seemily drained from her orgasm, her _ICup breasts heaving from her heavy breathing.
  "Oh fuck that was massive cum shower, April! And $PC.FirstName, I can't believe the amount of milk you was leaking. Those milk jugs of yours must be like 90% milk! Come over here, April! You have to taste this!" May says as she licks some of the milk and cum mix off your breasts. She seems to enjoy the flavor as she dives in to take a deep drink from your milk-filled breasts. April pulls herself off the bed and slowly drags herself over you where you are kneeling. Getting on her knees, April takes a tentative lick of your cum and milk covered breast.
  "It does taste delicious..." April says before latching onto your other milky nipple. Soon both of the girls are licking and tasting your intoxicating milk with each on different milk-filled tit! You feel your pussy get even wetter as both of them take to sucking milk directly from your hard $NippleSize nipples while their own pleasure-filled moans add to the erotic scene.
<<set _ISD2 to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$npcApril.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup2 to $arrayBreastSize[$npcApril.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$npcApril.BreastsSize +2]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$npcApril.BreastsSize +2]>>\
  They both drink for several of minutes before May finally comes up for air with milk dripping down her chin. "Now that hit the spot! Wait, I feel kinda funny..." she says as she grabs her _ISD2 chest! April stops her drinking of your milk as she looks down at her own _ISD2 chest. Glancing down at their _ICup2 tits you notice that they are slowly but surely growing larger! Before long both of the girls are packing _ISD _ICup mommy milkers as their hard nipples start to leak milk!
  "Don't worry girls, it should only last for a couple of hours" you reassure them as they explore their temporary milkjugs. May starts to slide her _ISD milky tits against April's own _ISD jugs causing April to gasp softly as some more milk leaks out of her tits. April's girl-cock is rock hard and it looks like she's been reinvigorated from her previous orgasm.
  "I think that's enough of a diversion for now. I do believe I am ready for the next step." Aprils says softly as she sits back onto the bed with her girl-cock standing proud with milk dripping down her chest. It takes May a moment to notice what April just said as she was still groping her milky chest.
  April looks dumbfounded for a moment before she guides her hard cock into the valley between your and May's breasts. "Oh god your tits feel so good! My cock feels like it's about to explode! Oh fuck!" she says as she starts to thrust into the double valley between your and May's breasts. The look of pure joy on April's face shows that she is really enjoying having a cock. She reaches down to steady herself by gripping the top of your breasts as her thrusting increases. The sensation of giving a Futa a tit-fuck is turning you on as well and you can tell that May is enjoying it as well. Your rock hard nipples slide against May's fat nipples as the frantic jiggling of your tits slide around April's slick dick that's weeping pre-cum.
  "How do you like fucking my $BreastsSize tits with your hard girl cock? I bet it feels so good to bury your strong dick in our big tits. Your balls must be so eager to unleash their baby-batter all over them." you say while rubbing your $BreastSD tits against her weeping cock. The only response you get is even more moaning as April's assault on May's and your breasts reach a frenzy pitch.
  "OH FUCK! I'M CUMMING! I'm blasting your fucking tits with my hot load from my cock!" she screams as her orgasm hits and she launches massive strands of hot cum all over your $BreastSD breasts! May is not spared as even more strands of cum splatter all over her face and _ISD tits. After unleashing her load April collapses back onto the bed seemily drained from her orgasm.
  "Oh fuck that was massive cum shower, April!" May says as she licks some of the cum off her breasts. "How about you drink a Energy Thirst so we can keep going?" she asks as she looks at April's exhausted posture in concern. Not waiting for a response she grabs a can from the mini-fridge and places it on the night stand.
  April grabs the can off the night stand and downs it like a woman finding an oasis after being lost in a desert. Almost immediately she perks up while her almost flaccid penis becomes rock hard. "I needed that!" she says as she gives May a dirty grin. Looking over at you she says "How about you get up on the bed so I can fuck you hard with my futa-cock?" Needing no extra encouragement you quickly slide up onto the bed with your legs spread wide in anticipation.
  April quickly positions herself between your legs, her _DickSize cock brushing against your slit. Gabbing your hips she slowly pushes against your pussy and you can feel her girl-cock completely filling you as she forces it all the way in! She starts to thrust into your wet pussy and slowly gets the hang of slammming her cock into a tight cunt.
  "Hey! no fair starting without me!" May exclaims as she moves herself above your face. "How about you eat my pussy while April fucks your pussy hard?" she says as she lowers her wet cunt towards your mouth. Not needing any more prompting you dive into eating her wet pussy. It tastes so delicious as her fluids flow over your face.
  As your pussy continues to be fucked hard by April's futa-cock you hear May say "I love it when you play with my tits! Oh yeah suck your delicious cum off my tits! Oh fuck it feels so good getting eaten out while watching my best friend fuck another girl with her hard cock!" Unable to see what is going on you can only fantasize how it must look with April pounding your pussy while playing with May's jiggling breasts as she rides your face. You feel your pussy radating pleasure as April's _DickSize girl-dick twitches pushes you closer to cumming.
  "Oh fuck! I'm about to cum!" April huskily gasps as her fucking pace becomes frantic, her moaning become even louder. Her fucking feels like a jackhammer slamming into your wet pussy. Your tight cunt is sucking her futa-cock tightly in preperation of your immenent orgasm.
  "Me too! Let's cum together, April!" yells May as her pussy flows with juice. There is so much that your are having a hard time licking it all up. You are also feeling close to the edge as your wet cunt squeezes April's _DickSD dick even tighter.
  "I'M CUMMING! I'M SHOOTING MY WAD FROM MY COCK INTO <<print $PC.FirstName.toUpperCase()>>'S PUSSY!" yells April as a flood of hot cum explodes into your eager pussy. Hearing April's load orgasm tips May over the edge as she unleashes her own load of girl cum onto your face. Your own orgasm is not far behind as you let out a $GCumAD gushing of girl-cum all over April's _DickSD cock.
  After that all three of you collapse onto the bed in one big pile. "That was so good!" whispers April as she idly licks some of the cum from her still hard cock. Reaching down you scoop some of the cum leaking out of your cum-filled pussy and take a taste. It tastes salty with a slight hint of citris.
  "Yeah this was a great idea. We have to get together like this again in the future, $PC.FirstName." says May as she looks over at you while stroking April's <<Penis>>.
  You talk a bit more but eventually have to leave since it's already getting late. You give April and May a promise to do this again sometime. Even after all that sex your pussy is still eager and you have a hard time concentrating as you walk towards the street.
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered +1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumFilled to $StatusAffect.CumFilled +1>>\
<<if $PC.BreastsSize > $npcMay.BreastsSize +4>>\
<<set $npcMay.BreastsSize to $npcMay.BreastsSize+2>>\
<<set $npcApril.BreastsSize to $npcApril.BreastsSize+2>>\
<<elseif $PC.BreastsSize > $npcMay.BreastsSize>>\
<<set $npcMay.BreastsSize to $npcMay.BreastsSize+1>>\
<<set $npcApril.BreastsSize to $npcApril.BreastsSize+1>>\
<<if $npcApril.Sex is "Female">>\
<<set $npcApril.DickSize to 0>>\
<<set $npcApril.BallsSize to 0>>\
<<button [[Finish|$location.temp]]>>
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<include "Lust Passes">>\
<<set $NoEncounter to random(1) +2>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<set $threesomeEvent.BreastsSize to $PC.BreastsSize>>\
<</button>><img @src=$genericEvent.Image />
<<set $npcMay.Friendship to $npcMay.Friendship - 10 + $SocialSkillFeats.WashmyHair>>\
<<set $npcApril.Friendship to $npcApril.Friendship - 10 + $SocialSkillFeats.WashmyHair>>\
<<set $threesomeEvent.Refuse to 1>>\
  Looking at both of the girls you are feeling rather too uncomfortable to join in their crazy plans. Looking around you notice the door is unlocked and it's a straight shot out of here. Making a decision that retreating is the better part of valor you stand up from your chair and start edging away from them.
  "Hey girls, I'm going to bail on this. It's a bit too much and more than I can handle. Later." you say as you head quickly towards the door in order to leave those two crazy chicks behind.
  "Wait! What's-" is all you can hear before you are out the door and heading towards the exit. Before long you are completely outside and safe from the crazy things those girls were up to.
<<button [[Leave|$location.temp]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</button>><<set $genericEvent.Image = $eventPath1 + $arrayEvent1Naked.random() + '.jpg'>>\
<img @src=$genericEvent.Image />
<<include "Adlibs">>\
<<if $Cum.Max < 16>>\
<<set $Cum.Max to $Cum.Max + 1>>\
<<set $Cum.Min to $Cum.Min + 1>>\
<<set $Cum.Stored to $Cum.Max>>\
<<set $CumAD to $arrayCumAmountDesc[$Cum.Stored]>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Energized to $StatusAffect.Energized+1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Horny to $StatusAffect.Horny+1>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.Vaccine < 1>>\
<<if (random(19)+ 1) + $PC.Fortitude + $InfectionResist.Fort < 15>>\
<<if $Infestation.Progress < 1>>\
<<set $Infestation.Progress to 1>>\
<<set _Infest to random(5) - $InfectionResist.DR +1>>\
<<if _Infest < 0>>\
<<set _Infest to 0>>\
<<set $PC.Infestation to $PC.Infestation + _Infest>>\
<<if $PC.Infestation > $Infestation.Cap>>\
<<set $PC.Infestation to $Infestation.Cap>>\
<<set $threesomeEvent.Agree to 1>>\
<<set $threesomeEvent.Energy to $threesomeEvent.Energy +1>>\
<<if (random(19)+ 1) + $Skill.Social + $CharismaBonus > 13>>\
<<set $npcMay.Friendship to $npcMay.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity +2 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set $npcApril.Friendship to $npcApril.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity +2 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set $npcMay.Friendship to $npcMay.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity +1 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set $npcApril.Friendship to $npcApril.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity +1 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set $npcMay.SexXP to $npcMay.SexXP +1>>\
<<set $npcApril.SexXP to $npcApril.SexXP +1>>\
<<set $LastPartner to $npcMay>>\
<<set $sexHistory.XP to $sexHistory.XP +1>>\
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$npcApril.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$npcApril.BreastsSize]>>
  You quickly down the Energy Thirst knowing like April said you will be needing plently of energy before the night is over. By the time you have finished off the energy drink April has dropped her towel and is in the act of deeply kissing May. Before long May has stripped April of all her clothes leaving them both completely naked.
  Not wanting to be left behind you quickly disrobe and stride over to where the May and April are in the process of groping each other's _ISD tits. Watching them make out makes your already hard <<Penis>> even harder.
<<if $PC.DickSize > $threesomeEvent.DickSize and $threesomeEvent.Visits > 2>>\
  "Oh Wow!" exclaims May as she takes in your hard $DickSize <<Penis>>. Reaching over she grabs your hard cock and gives it a few strokes. She asks with a husky voice "Is it just me or are you packing a lot more meat than last time?"
  "It's definitely bigger than before. But that just means we will have even more fun!" whispers April as she takes in your $DickSD <<Penis>> while licking her lips. Her hand reaches down below to finger her wet pussy showing how excited she is in the new development.
  "Oh My!" exclaims May as she takes in your hard <<Penis>>. "How about we show $PC.FirstName our appreciation for joining us tonight?" she says as she and April drop to their knees. She quickly places your $DickSD <<Penis>> between her _ICup tits and April's equally _ISD breasts!
  "How about a double tit-fuck to get started?" April asks huskily as she slowly starts to squeeze your hard <<Penis>> with her soft breasts. May presses her huge breasts against April's breasts and joins in by stroking your <<Penis>>. Soon their spit and your pre-cum is lubicating that divine double valley spread about as their tits are squished together.
  "Oh fuck yes! Your tits feel so good and splippery!" You moan as the feeling of your hard <<Penis>> being sandwitched between two beautiful girl's amazing racks feels so good that you are having a hard time not cumming immediately. You begin thrusting hard into the mountain range of female flesh and their jiggling breasts bounce along.
  "Your <<Penis>> feels so hot and so ready to explode. Just let it all out." whispers April as your balls churn more than ever and your cock weeps pre-cum freely.
  "Just fucking shoot your hot load all over our tits, $PC.FirstName!" moans May as she rubs her slippery breasts faster against your <<Penis>>, coaxing you to cum. Her rock hard nipples are rubbing hard against April's nipples as your thrusting becomes frantic.
  "Oh God yes! I'm cumming all over your big fucking titties!" you scream as pleasure becomes too much to hold back. That pushes you over the edge of no return as you feel your balls tense up and then explode in pleasure. A $CumAD blast of cum shoots out and splashes over May's and April's _ISD tits and faces. <<if $Cum.Stored > 10>> The rain of white goo continues until both of them are dripping in cum.<</if>>
  "Oh fuck yeah $PC.FirstName!" gasps May as she swallows some of your cum from her breasts. "Now I really want to sit on that <<Penis>> and ride it until you fill me up with your hot load." Matching action to words May pushes you back onto the bed and quickly mounts you! Your $DickSD <<Penis>> is still hard as nails and you feel like you can fuck for days. With a lusty look May slowly lowers her wet cunt onto your eager $DickSize cock.
  "Holy fucking yes! I fucking love it!" she moans as your <<Penis>> slips into her tight pussy. "That feels so fucking good, $PC.FirstName!" she gasps as she adjusts to your size. Slowly she starts to move as her cum stained <<Breasts>> jiggle along to her bouncing motion. The pleasure from May riding your cock forces a moan from you as she starts to bounce faster.
  Not wanting to be left out April moves around until her dripping pussy is above your face. "How about you put your mouth to good use and eat my pussy." she whispers as her cunt fills your vision. Not needing any more prompting you dive into eating her wet pussy. It tastes delicious as her fluids flow over your face.
  As the steady sexual rhythm continues you hear May say "I love it when you play with my tits! Oh yeah lick that delicious cum off my tits! Oh fuck it feels so good getting fucked by a nice hard cock while having my large titties being sucked!" Unable to see what is going on you can only fantasize how it must look with May bouncing hard on your <<Penis>> with her jiggling breasts being fondled and sucked by April as she rides your face. You feel your <<Penis>> somehow get even harder as the pleasure from May's tight pussy sliding up and down on your eager cock pushes you closer to cumming.
  Before long you hear May shout "Oh fuck I'm cumming!" as her wet cunt tightens and quivers around your <<Penis>>. At the same time your tonguing action has paid off as April's pussy unleashes a flood of girl cum onto your face.
  "Come on $PC.FirstName, cum with us! Fill my tight pussy with your hot cum!" May screams as she repeatedly slams her pussy hard onto your hard <<Penis>>. With that encouragement your overfilled balls give one last pulse before you unleash a $CumAD flood of cum creampieing May's tight cunt. <<if $Cum.Stored > 10>> So much cum is unleashed that it overflows May's pussy! She yells "I can feel your hot load filling me up so much!"<</if>>
  "Ooh let me taste some of that hot cum." April softly says as she gets off your face while dripping girl cum. You quickly find May pushed back onto the bed with April between her legs. Your hard cock is still eager to go even after orgasming twice in a short time. Your balls feel like they are plently of juice left in them and April's dripping pussy and perfect ass is right in front of you.
  "Oh fuck! I can't stop! I'm so fucking horny!" you moan as you lurch forward grabbing April's ample ass. Lining up your <<Penis>> you slam into her hot pussy fulling hilting her and pushing her forwards onto May.
  "Oh shit!" groans April as you start hammering into her tight pussy with your <<Penis>>. Her over the shoulder look of surprise shifts to one of lust as you continue to drill into her dripping cunt. Not wanting to be left out May reaches up and pulls April's lips to her own kissing deeping as their _ICup tits are shoved together.
  "Seems like someone is really eager tonight." groans April as she pulls her face away from May's in order to look back at you once again. Her previous smoldering look has been replaced by one of pure pleasure as she moans and pants from the hard fucking you are giving her.
  May looks over towards you with a look of satisfaction as she takes in your animal like fucking. "Give her a nice nailing, $PC.FirstName! She really needs it after these last couple of days." she says before grabbing April's _ISD breasts and squeezing them.
  Unable to hold back at this point you slam your energy driven <<Penis>> non-stop into that tight cunt. "FUCK YES! OH FUCKING YESSSSSS! I'M FUCKING CUMMING IN YOUR HOT PUSSY YOU FUCKING SLUT!" you yell as once again you reach the point of no return. You unlease a $CumAD load deep into April's tight pussy.<<if $Cum.Stored > 10>> You pull out of April's flooded pussy and aim your <<Penis>> at both of them. Blast after blast shoot from your <<Penis>> coating them both with hot loads of white cum. <</if>>
  After that all three of you collapse onto the bed in one big pile. "That was so good!" whispers April as she idly licks some of the cum from her pussy.
  "Yeah this was a great idea. We have to get together like this again in the future, $PC.FirstName." says May as she looks over at you while stroking your <<Penis>>.
  You talk a bit more but eventually have to leave since it's already getting late. You give April and May a promise to do this again sometime. Even after all that sex your dick is still eager and you have a hard time concentrating as you walk towards the street.
<<button [[Finish|$location.temp]]>>
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<include "Lust Passes">>\
<<set $NoEncounter to random(1) +2>>\
<<set $threesomeEvent.DickSize to $PC.DickSize>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</button>><img @src=$genericEvent.Image />
<<set $StatusAffect.Horny to $StatusAffect.Horny+1>>\
<<set _lusty to random(10) +1 + $StatusAffect.Horny - $LustResist.Visual - $LustResist.Complete>>\
<<if _lusty < 0>>\
<<set _lusty to 0>>\
<<set $lust to $lust + _lusty>>\
<<set $npcMay.Friendship to $npcMay.Friendship +1 + $ClassBonus.Celebrity + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set $npcApril.Friendship to $npcApril.Friendship +1 + $ClassBonus.Celebrity + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set _BreastCalc to 5 - $PC.BreastsSize>>\
<<set $PCChanges.BreastsGrowth to "Soda">>\
<<if $StatusAffect.Vaccine < 1>>\
<<if (random(19) +1) + $PC.Fortitude + $InfectionResist.Fort + $FoodStatus.Fort < (15 + _BreastCalc + Math.round($Infestation.Progress / 2))>>\
<<if $Infestation.Progress < 1>>\
<<set $Infestation.Progress to 1>>\
<<set _Infest to random(5) - $InfectionResist.DR +1>>\
<<if _Infest < 0>>\
<<set _Infest to 0>>\
<<set $PC.Infestation to $PC.Infestation + _Infest>>\
<<set $Infestation.MilkVariant to $Infestation.MilkVariant + ( (random(5) +1) * _BreastCalc) >>\
<<if $PC.Infestation > $Infestation.Cap>>\
<<set $PC.Infestation to $Infestation.Cap>>\
<<set _BreastSD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _BreastSize to $arrayBreastSize[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.BigTits to $StatusAffect.BigTits + _BreastCalc -1>>\
<<set $PC.BreastsSize =+ $PC.BreastsSize + _BreastCalc>>\
<<set $PC.NippleSize =+ $PC.NippleSize + _BreastCalc>>\
<<set $BreastSD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set $BreastsSize to $arrayBreastSize[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set $NippleSize to $arrayNippleSize[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<include "Profile Update">>\
  Figuring you can humor May you down the mix smoothie drink she calls "The Milk Jug Express". Before long you feel a pleasant stretching sensation coming from your chest along with some heat! Looking down you notice your _BreastSD _BreastSize breasts are growing larger and heavier! It feels surprisingly good to have your tits expand as you moan in pleasure. Eventually it slowly stops and you now have $BreastSD $BreastsSize jugs! April stares at your new larger tits with lust in her eyes while giving the Dr. Pecker an even hungrier look.
  Unable to fully believe that you suddenly grew a whopping pair of $BreastsSize tits you reach up to grab them. They feel so heavy in your hands and you can feel your $NippleSize nipples poking out between your fingers. You can feel your pussy wetten from the pleasure of exploring your upgraded $BreastSD breasts.
  "Those tits totally look really nice $PC.FirstName! Congratz on joining the DoubleD club!" May says with approval as she watches you grope your expanded chest.
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Continue|3some Female - April Futa Sex]]>>
<<if $lust + ($StatusAffect.Horny*2) < $MaxLust>>\
<<button [[Leave|3some - Leave]]>>
<<set $npcMay.Friendship to $npcMay.Friendship-5>>\
<<set $npcApril.Friendship to $npcApril.Friendship-5>>\
<</if>>\<<set $sexHistory.XP to $sexHistory.XP +1>>\
<<set $LastPartner to $genericFighter>>\
<<set _TCard to 0>>\
<<set _VCard to 0>>\
<<set $sexHistory.LastPartner to $genericFighter.Name>>\
<<set $sexHistory.Type to "Penis">>\
<<set $sexHistory.Consent to "Yes">>\
<<if $sexHistory.TotalV is 1>>\
<<set $sexHistory.TrueVirginityWho to $genericFighter.Name>>\
<<set _TCard to 1>>\
<<set $sexHistory.TotalV to 0>>\
<<if $sexHistory.PussyV is 1>>\
<<set $sexHistory.PussyVirginityWho to $genericFighter.Name>>\
<<set _VCard to 1>>\
<<set $sexHistory.PussyV to 0>>\
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$genericFighter.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$genericFighter.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$genericFighter.DickSize]>>\
<<set _DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$genericFighter.DickSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$genericFighter.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$genericFighter.BallsSize]>>\
<<if _TCard is 1>>\
  As you look at $genericFighter.Name you can't help but stare at her extremely sexy body. Your eyes are drawn to her _ISD _ICup breasts that seem so jiggly before your eyes lock on to her hard nipples as they sway with each movement. Before long your gaze dips downwards as you notice the Infested is stroking her hard throbbing futa-cock. You can feel yourself getting even wetter as your $NippleSize nipples on top of your $BreastSD breasts display to anyone nearby. Your virgin pussy is demanding to have that nice _DickSD cock deep inside it and you can no longer resist that sweet seductive lure.
  <em>"I knew the Infested virus could turn some people into Futas but I never knew they would look this sexy..."</em> you think as your body moves as if on auto-pilot. Your clothes drop to the ground as your heartbeat races. $genericFighter.Name2 looks intrigued that you're about to give her what she wanted this whole time. Finally speaking up you stammer out "I'm uh, going to ride your dick, ok?"
  She gives you an confused look for a moment before snorting softly. "Looks like there's a fucking virgin who wants to ride the futa-train!" she says while stroking her cock evenly. "Come on and ride my futa-dick, fucking vigin slut! You'll be cumming so hard, so quickly you won't ever want to stop!"
  $genericFighter.Name2 stares at you with a tense look in her eyes as you walk towards her, your wet pussy eager for some action. With her perky breasts, jiggly ass and that huge cock there was no way you could walk away. "I'm going to ride your big fucking futa-cock until I cum my brains out or you pass out." you say matter-of-factly as you remove your clothes.
  "Do you think you can handle my _DickSD _DickSize cock? I bet you can't even get it half way in before giving up." she says as she spreads her legs wide, giving you a nice view of her _DickSD throbbing <<Penis>>. You give her groin a once over and notice she does have what looks to be a working pussy beneath her balls. You're not interested in that today you decide as you focus on her hard <<Penis>>. "What? You never seen a Futa before or are you getting cold feet?" she says mockingly. Ignoring her you take a moment to aim your wet pussy at her _DickSD <<Penis>> before lowering your pussy down, taking her cock in with one attempt.
<<if _VCard is 1>>\
  Squatting down above her toned stomach, you reach down and tenderly grab her _DickSize futa-cock. It feels so warm and thick that you can't help but give it a slight stroke. The Futa's cock responds by oozing pre-cum from the meaty tip of her _DickSD dick. "Ohh yeah! Just grab it like that and guide it right into your eager beaver!" she says as you hesitate for a moment. Hearing her encouraging words you slowly lower your wet pussy to the tip of her futa-cock and let her pre-cum smear across your pussy lips.
  Biting your lip, you slide down a bit farther letting the tip of her girl-dick slide into your dripping wet pussy. The feeling of her thick futa-cock pushing into your pussy sends a bolt of pure electric pleasure straight from your engorged clit to your brain. Wanting even more of that feeling, you slide farther down her shaft even more causing rapid pulses of pleasure to hammer your pleasure centers.
  You have to pause at the half-way mark just to recover from the intense pleasure and to also allow your over-stuffed pussy time to adjust to the Infested's _DickSize <<Penis>>. "Fuck girl! Keep going you fucking slut! Oh fucking god-damn your pussy's tight!" the Infested moans loudly. Unwilling to stop you slowly push downwards and eventually feel her _BallsSD balls slap into your groin!
  You can feel her girl-cock completely filling you as you gasp in ecstasy! You are left panting and moaning as your cunt finally stretches to accommodate her full thickness. Wanting to feel that same pleasure you raise your hips up, letting the Futa's _DickSD dick almost escape your pussy's tight prison before sliding back down hard. The pleasure of having her dick drilled so deep into your pussy fills every one of your nerves with pleasure and before long you're bouncing again and again on her throbbing cock. With each bounce on top of her futa-cock you get better at getting your timing down as the Infested moans from her own intense pleasure.
  You can feel her girl-cock completely filling you as you force all of her _DickSD girthy futa-cock all the way into the deep depths of your tight and eager pussy! "Fuck girl! Your pussy's tight as fuck!" the Infested moans as her futa-cock hilts you completely. You are left panting and moaning as your cunt stretches to accommodate her thickness. Unable to stop even if you wanted to, you start to bounce on that hard cock causing the Futa's _BallsSD balls to slap into your groin. Your wet snatch is providing more than enough lubrication for the steady cow-girl fucking.
  "Your fucking <<Penis>> feels so good! It fills me up so much! Oh shit!" you gasp while sliding up and down on her _DickSD meat pole. Looking down you decide you need something to hold onto to keep from falling off. Luckily two _ISD somethings are right there eager to be used to brace yourself with. The feeling of sinking your fingers into such soft _ISD breasts turns you on even more as your fondle her jiggly tits. As you speed up your bouncing on that _DickSize cock you happily maul the Infested's ample breasts.
<<if $PC.BreastsSize + ($GeneralFeats.FalseRep *2) < $genericFighter.BreastsSize>>\
  "Oh fuck that's good! Ooooh! Just because my tits are bigger than yours doesn't mean you can just fondle them. Even if it feels sooo good and gets my cock so hard..." she moans as her _DickSD cock gets even harder as she starts slamming back into your pleasure filled pussy. Reaching up she grabs your hands forcing you to grope her _ISD _ICup even harder. As you steadily bounce on her _DickSize cock, her moans of pleasure rise in volume as she seems to be getting closer to unleashing her load into your eager pussy.
<<elseif ($PC.BreastsSize + ($GeneralFeats.FalseRep *2)) is $genericFighter.BreastsSize>>\
  "What the fuck? Ooooooh yes fuck! Do we have the same size tits? Give them a good groping and let me know if they feel the same, you fucking slut! Oh God it feels sooo good and gets my cock so hard..." she moans as her cock gets even harder as she starts slamming back into your pleasure filled pussy. Reaching up she grabs your hands forcing you to grope her _ISD _ICup even harder. As you steadily bounce on her _DickSize cock, her moans of pleasure rise in volume as she seems to be getting closer to unleashing her load into your eager pussy.
<<elseif $PC.BreastsSize + ($GeneralFeats.FalseRep *2) > $genericFighter.BreastsSize +4>>\
  "Oh yes fuck! That feels so fucking good! How the hell do you have such fucking $BreastSD tits! So fucking big and jiggly! Fuck! A dick-loving slut with such big fucking titties can ride my cock and play with my tits any day of the week! It feels sooo fucking good and gets my cock so hard!" she moans as her cock gets even harder as she starts slamming back into your pleasure filled pussy. Reaching up she grabs your hands forcing you to grope her _ISD _ICup even harder. As you continue to steadily bounce on her _DickSize cock, her moans of pleasure rise in volume as she seems to be getting closer to unleashing her load into your eager pussy.
  "Oh yes fuck! That feels so fucking good! YES FUCKING YES! A fucking slut with big fucking titties riding my cock can fucking play with my tits all the time! FUCK yes it feels sooo good and gets my cock so hard!" she moans as her cock gets even harder as she starts slamming back into your pleasure filled pussy. Reaching up she grabs your hands forcing you to grope her _ISD _ICup even harder. As you continue to steadily bounce on her _DickSize cock, her moans of pleasure rise in volume as she seems to be getting closer to unleashing her load into your eager pussy.
  Your wild ride on the Futa's _DickSD futa-cock is rapidly pushing to your limits as you pinch the Futa's hard nipples. "Harder! Fuck me harder! Ohhh fuckkkkk yesss!" you moan as the Futa's throbbing dick slams even faster into your tight cunt. "Cum on! Fill my tight pussy with your baby-batter!" you scream as you slam your hips down to meet the Futa's rapid thrusts.
<<if $Infestation.FutaVariant >= $Infestation.FutaCap & $Infestation.Progress > 1>>\
<<include "Futa TF">>\
  As your pussy is being completely fucked by her _DickSD cock you feel a surge of shocking energy flowing directly into you! It feels almost like you are being electrocuted but it quickly turns to pleasure that radiates from above your wet pussy.
  "OH GOD! OH FUCK! I'M CUMMING!" She screams as a immense orgasm rocks her body. The feeling of the flood of her hot cum filling your wet pussy would normally push you over the edge but some reason your orgasm feels almost like it's blocked.
  Glancing down you discover a slight bump forming above your pussy, seemingly a lightning rod for that electric feeling. It slowly grows from a bump to a bulge as each heartbeat thunders in your ears. The large bulge slowly shifts as it pushes outward inch by inch before forming a small mushroom head with a tiny hole. You gasp as you recognize the shape as that of a penis, abit a very tiny baby-sized one!
  You can easily feel the blood rushing to your new organ and your new dick eagerly soaks it all up. Your baby-sized penis hardens and pushes out farther from your groin growing bigger and stronger with each heartbeat. By this point the electric shocking feeling is almost gone, replaced by the pleasant feeling of your new cock becoming engorged with blood!
  After a few moments, you discover that your brand new baby dick has transformed into a $DickSD $DickSize futa-cock! Before you can really take a look at it, there's another tiny surge of electric shock as two bulges form below your new dick! You closely watch as it forms into a ballsack while growing in size to match your big dick. It finally finishes growing leaving you with a $BallsSD pair of $BallsSize sized balls!
  In pure disbelief at how you suddenly grew a dick you go to grab it, but $genericFighter.Name beat you to it as she grips your cock hard! It feels so hard and sensitive that you feel it twitch as the infested starts to stroke it and you watch was pre-cum oozes from the tip!
  "Oh my God! I'M CUMMING FROM MY COCK! I'm blasting my load!" you scream as your delayed orgasm comes crashing back with a vengence as your new hard dick explodes with cum, splattering both you and the Infested Futa's _ISD tits covering them with white goo! It feels so good that you can't stop cumming!
  Staring in shock you notice that you now have a $DickSD $DickSize cock along with a pair of $BallsSD $BallsSize balls! Before you can react the Infested strokes your <<Penis>> some more and with a grin and says "Looks like you are now one hot looking Futa!"
<<elseif $PC.Infestation >= $Infestation.Cap & $Infestation.Progress > 1>>\
<<include "Infestation Increase">>\
  As her hard cock is being completely fucked by her your tight pussy you feel a surge of energy flowing directly into you! It almost feels like you are burning up but it quickly turns to pleasure that radiates from your wet pussy.
  "OH GOD! I CAN SEE YOUR <<print $BreastSDtoUpperCase()>> TITTIES GETTING BIGGER! OH FUCK YES! I'M CUMMING!" The Infested Futa screams as you continue to slam your pussy onto her cock before blasting your womb with a geyser of hot cum! It does feels like your breasts are expanding as well as your ass gaining more cushioning!
  "Oh yes! OH FUCK! I'M CUMMING! I'm cumming all over your fucking cock!" you scream as the feeling of her hot cum filling your pussy pushes you over the edge and you unleash a massive flood of female cum as you quickly orgasm. A tsunami of cum is bigger than any other squirts you've ever had engulfs her _DickSD cock and flows down to the ground below!
  As you pull your cum soaked cunt off of her _DickSD <<Penis>> you finally notice you now have a pair of $BreastSD $BreastsSize breasts and a $AssSize ass! Before you can react the Infested fondles your expanded chest with a smirk and says "Looks like you are on the way to becoming one hot slut!"
  "OH GOD! OH FUCK! I'M CUMMING IN YOUR TIGHT PUSSY!" She screams as a immense orgasm rocks her body. The feeling of the flood of her hot cum filling your wet pussy pushes you over the edge as you grab her _ISD _ICup tits hard!
  "Oh yes! OH FUCK! CREAMPIE MY HOT PUSSY! I'm cumming all over your fucking cock!" you scream as the feeling of her hot cum filling your pussy pushes you over the edge and you unleash a $GCumAD flood of female cum as you quickly orgasm.<<if $GCum.Stored > 10>> The tsunami of girl-cum completely engulfs her _DickSD cock and flows down to the ground below!<</if>>
  "Oh that was so good!" $genericFighter.Name2 says when you finally stand up, cum dripping from your sensitive pussy. Taking one last moment to scoop some white goo from her face along some from her dripping cock into her mouth, she replies "I'll hope to see you again soon, slut" With that you grab your clothes and leave the area.
<<set $StatusAffect.CumFilled to $StatusAffect.CumFilled+1>>\<<set $sexHistory.XP to $sexHistory.XP +1>>\
<<set $LastPartner to $genericFighter>>\
<<set _TCard to 0>>\
<<set _VCard to 0>>\
<<set $sexHistory.LastPartner to $genericFighter.Name>>\
<<set $sexHistory.Type to "Pussy">>\
<<set $sexHistory.Consent to "Yes">>\
<<if $sexHistory.TotalV is 1>>\
<<set $sexHistory.TrueVirginityWho to $genericFighter.Name>>\
<<set _TCard to 1>>\
<<set $sexHistory.TotalV to 0>>\
<<if $sexHistory.PenisV is 1>>\
<<set $sexHistory.PenisVirginityWho to $genericFighter.Name>>\
<<set _VCard to 1>>\
<<set $sexHistory.PenisV to 0>>\
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$genericFighter.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$genericFighter.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$genericFighter.DickSize]>>\
<<set _DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$genericFighter.DickSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$genericFighter.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$genericFighter.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _SizeComp to $PC.DickSize - $genericFighter.Level + ($GeneralFeats.FalseRep *2)>>\
<<if _SizeComp < 0>>\
<<set _SizeComp to 0>>\
<<if _TCard is 1>>\
  As you look at $genericFighter.Name you can't help but stare at her extremely sexy body. Your eyes are drawn to her _ISD _ICup breasts that seem so jiggly as her hard nipples sway with each movement and before long your gaze dips downwards as you notice the Infested is her hard futa-cock. You can feel yourself getting hornier as your $DickSize futa-cock gets hard as well as the nipples on top of your $BreastSD breasts.<<if $PC.OSex is "Male">> Your hard throbbing dick is demanding to buried deep inside her tight pussy and you can no longer resist that sweet seductive lure .<<else>> Ever since you grew a futa-dick it's been interesting with all the new sensations but now it's as if your new cock is demanding to buried deep inside her tight pussy and you can no longer resist that sweet seductive lure. <</if>>\
  <em>"I shouldn't be doing this but that Futa is so fucking hot..."</em> you think as your body moves as if on auto-pilot. Your clothes drop to the ground as your heartbeat races. The $genericFighter.Name looks happy that you're about to give her what she wanted this whole time. Finally speaking up you stammer out "I'm uh, going to fuck you, ok?"
  She gives you an annoyed look for a moment before groaning softly. "It looks like there's a fucking virgin Futa wanting to get their $DickSD cock wt with another Futa! Well it's your lucky day since I'm up for a good pounding, just don't go blowing your load too quickly." she says while spreading her legs which allows you to see her tight pussy beneath her _DickSD futa-cock and balls. "Let's get going you fucker!"
  $genericFighter.Name2 stares at you with a frustrated look in her eyes as you walk towards her, your hard <<Penis>> straining against your clothes. With her _ISD _ICup breasts, jiggly ass and her own _DickSize dick there was no way you could walk away. Your own <<Penis>> is rock hard long with your nipples on rock solid on your $BreastSD breasts. Tossing your clothes away you stride over to where the Infested is laying on ground. With a savage grin you say "I'm going to pound that tight pussy until the sun rises!"
<<if $PC.DickSize is _DickSize>>\
  "Huh, do you have the same sized dick as me? Cause if so I wonder if it would feel like I was fucking myself..." the Futa ponders as she gives your $DickSD <<Penis>> a rather intense stare. "I'm pretty sure you can handle my pussy since you have the same sized dick as me. I can't wait to see how it feels deep inside and to feel you blowing your fat load deep in my cunt!" she says as she spreads her legs wide, giving you a nice view of her dripping pussy. You take a moment to find her pussy below her own <<Penis>>. "Liking what you're seeing?" she ask. as you take a moment to aim at her pussy before slamming your <<Penis>> straight into her pussy.
<<switch _SizeComp>>\
<<case 0 1 2>>\
  "With such a tiny dick I bet I'll barely feel it you little fucker." the Futa says with disdain as she stares at your $DickSize <<Penis>>. "Do you think you can handle my pussy? I bet you will be blowing your load before you can even put it in." she says as she spreads her legs wide, giving you a nice view of her dripping pussy. You take a moment to find her pussy below her own <<Penis>>. "Getting cold feet? Or maybe you've never been with a hot Futa like me before?" she says mockingly.
<<case 3 4 5 6>>\
  "That's not a bad dick you're packing, nowhere as big as mine but few can say that have a cunt-slayer such as me. Do you think your $DickSD dock can handle my tight pussy? Better be careful or you will be blowing your load the instant you put it in." she mockingly says as she spreads her legs wide, giving you a nice view of her dripping pussy. You take a moment to find her pussy below her own <<Penis>>. "Take a good view of my dick and maybe someday you might have one as big. So how about you grab your cock and getting to fucking my wet pussy?" she asks with some heat in her voice.
<<case 7 8 9 10 11 12>>\
  "Oh hey that's a nice dick! I can't believe you have a such a big cock but I gotta admit that's a nice $DickSD cock you're packing!" the Futa lustily says with pleasure as she stares at your $DickSize <<Penis>>. "I can't wait to have that $DickSize futa-dick slammed into my tight pussy! You better keep it going nice and hard before shooting your hot load in me!" she huskily says as she spreads her legs wide, giving you a nice view of her dripping pussy. You take a moment to find her pussy below her own <<Penis>>. "Come on! Stop staring at my wet pussy and shove your big dick into it!" she begs with anticipation.
<<case 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24>>\
  "Oh fuck is that a huge fucking dick! If you put that in, you'll wreck my pussy!" the Futa says with lust-filled hunger as she stares at your $DickSize <<Penis>>. "It's pretty big but I know my tight pussy can handle your $DickSD cock! I bet your fucking huge wad of cum will be overflowing my cunt in no time." she huskily says as she spreads her legs wide, giving you a nice view of her dripping pussy. You take a moment to find her pussy below her own <<Penis>>. "Having some trouble finding my pussy with your big cock blocking your view?" she asks with anticipation.
  "OK WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT?!?!? Is that a dick or just a monster club you're packing! If you put that in, you'll definitely destroy my pussy!" the Futa says with utter disbelief as she stares at your $DickSize <<Penis>>. "I know my pussy can't handle your $DickSD cock but I'm going to force it anyways. I can't wait to be blasted by your fucking huge wad of cum. Feeling it overflowing my cunt will feel sooo good." she huskily says as she spreads her legs wide, giving you a nice view of her dripping pussy. You take a moment to find her pussy below her own <<Penis>>. "Having trouble finding my pussy with your monster cock blocking everyone's view?" she asks with some eager anticipation.
<<if _VCard is 1>>\
  Kneeling down between her legs, you grab your $DickSize cock and guide it towards the entrance of her wet pussy. It takes a moment but you finally have it aimed properly at her slipperly cunt. Taking a deep breath you slowly push forward as your futa-cock slowly gets engulfed by her hot tight pussy! Your cock radiates pleasure as your $DickSD dick pushes even deeper into her pussy and before long your feel your $BallsSD balls slap against her groin. It feels so tight and warm that you can't stop yourself from pulling back out and slamming your hard <<Penis>> back in. With each thrust of your cock you get better at getting your timing down as each successful thrust causes her _ISD tits and _DickSD dick to jiggle obscenely.
  After kneeling down, you take a brief moment to guide your futa-cock to the entrance of her pussy. You slide your dick up and around her wet pussy lips to make sure there's enough lubication for some proper fucking before slamming it in hard causing her own _DickSD futa-cock to twitch wildly. It feels so tight and moist that you can't help but give out a low moan of pleasure.
  "Oh fuck that's so fucking good! Shove your god-damn cock in deep! Oh God!" she gasps as your cock drills deep into her pussy over and over again causing her tits and dick to jiggle from the rhythmic impacts. You have to agree as it feels so tight and warm that you can't even give her a moment to adjust as you contunue hammering your <<Penis>> staight into her cunt. Her completely tight pussy feels like it is sucking you in as she wraps her long shapely legs around your back.
  As you continue slamming your hard cock into her pussy you notice the Infested's large cock is bouncing next to her _ISD tits from the hard nailing you are giving to her. Grabbing her _DickSize cock you start to firmly stroke her in time to your thrusts. Pre-cum leaks from her hard <<Penis>> as she moans and groans in pleasure. Occasionally you slap her <<Penis>> against your $BreastsSize breasts before stroking her some more.
  “Oh fuck yesss! My cock feels so good being jerked off! Oh fuck! Oh fuck give me all of your hot cum!" she moans as you continue to rapidly stroke her _DickSD <<Penis>>. Your pace quickly increases as the pleasure from fucking this drop dead gorgeous babe is intense and you feel your balls start to churn even more rapidly with thick baby-batter. Even your wet pussy is feeling like it's about to explode from pure pleasure!
<<if $Infestation.FutaVariant >= $Infestation.FutaCap and $Infestation.Progress > 1 and $StatusAffect.Futa > 0>>\
<<include "Futa TF">>\
  As you continue fucking the hot Infested you feel a pleasant warm sensation radiating from your groin. As it spreads throughout your body you feel a fundamental change in your gender identity as it reaches your head. You now know that you are a full-time Futa. Shaking off the distraction you have more important things to do like continuing to slam your $DickSD cock into the Futa's hot pussy.
  "Oh fuck your pussy feels so good! Oh shit! I CAN'T HOLD BACK! I'M GOING TO CUM!" you yell as you begin to uncontrollably thrust into her wet cunt in preparation for your imminent orgasm. She just moans even louder as her tight wet pussy is hammered hard by your hard cock in loud slaps that echoes throughout the area. The pleasure becomes too much as you step past the point of no return as you unleash a $CumAD load of white cum directly into her tight cunt! As splurt after splurt of cum shoots into her pussy you yell "Take all of my spunk you cock loving slut!"
  "OH GOD! OH FUCK! I'M CUMMING AS WELL! I'M CUMMING FROM MY CUNT AND COCK!" she screams as she grips you even harder with her long legs forcing your hard cock even deeper. A huge blast of cum erupts from her _DickSize <<Penis>> and splatters all over your $BreastSD breasts. You feel her hot pussy tighten and then sucks all your hot cum straight in leaving very little to leak out. The feeling of her cumming pushes your own pussy to unleash a $GCumAD spray of girl-cum down onto the floor below!
<<elseif $PC.Infestation >= $Infestation.Cap & $Infestation.Progress > 1>>\
<<include "Infestation Increase">>\
  As you slam your <<Penis>> into her wet cunt you feel a surge of energy flowing directly into you! It almost feels like you are burning up but it quickly turns to pleasure that radiates from your hard cock and breasts.
  "OH GOD! I can feel you getting bigger and bigger inside me! OH FUCK YES! I'M CUMMING FROM MY CUNT AND COCK!" she screams as she grips you even harder with her long legs forcing your hard cock even deeper. A huge blast of cum erupts from her _DickSD <<Penis>> and splatters all over your growing breasts. It feels like your cock is growing harder and thicker with each thrust into her wet cunt! Even your balls feel like they are about to explode.
  "Oh yes! OH FUCK! I'M CUMMING! I'm blasting your fucking pussy with my hot load!" you scream as the feeling of her pussy quivering with pleasure pushes you over the edge, causing you to unleash a $CumAD load of white cum, bigger than any other load you've ever had, into her hot cunt! As splurt after splurt of cum shoots into her pussy you yell "Take all of my spunk you cock loving slut!" The feeling of her cumming pushes your own pussy to unleash a never-endingspray of girl-cum down onto the floor below!
  As you pull out of her dripping cunt you notice you now have a $DickSD $DickSize cock along with a pair of $BallsSD $BallsSize balls! It also looks like your breasts have stopped growing so you now have a pair of $BreastSD $BreastsSize breasts. Before you can react the Infested strokes your expanded <<Penis>> and with a smile says "Looks like you are on the way to becoming one hot Futa!"
  "Oh fuck your pussy feels so good! Oh shit! I CAN'T HOLD BACK! I'M GOING TO CUM!" you yell as you begin to uncontrollably thrust into her wet cunt in preparation for your imminent orgasm. She just moans even louder as her tight wet pussy is hammered hard by your hard cock in loud slaps that echoes throughout the area. The pleasure becomes too much as you step past the point of no return as you unleash a $CumAD load of white cum directly into her tight cunt! As splurt after splurt of cum shoots into her pussy you yell "Take all of my spunk you cock loving slut!"
  "OH GOD! OH FUCK! I'M CUMMING AS WELL! I'M CUMMING FROM MY CUNT AND COCK!" she screams as she grips you even harder with her long legs forcing your hard cock even deeper. A huge blast of cum erupts from her huge <<Penis>> and splatters all over your $BreastSD breasts. You feel her hot pussy tighten and then sucks all your hot cum straight in leaving very little to leak out. The feeling of her cumming pushes your own pussy to unleash a $GCumAD spray of girl-cum down onto the floor below!
  "Oh that was so good!" she says when you finally stand up, cum dripping from your sensitive <<Penis>>. Taking one last moment to scoop some white goo from her face along some from her pussy into her mouth, she replies "I'll hope to see you again soon, stud" With that you grab your clothes and leave the area.
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered+1>>\<<set $sexHistory.XP to $sexHistory.XP +1>>\
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$genericFighter.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$genericFighter.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$genericFighter.DickSize]>>\
<<set _DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$genericFighter.DickSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$genericFighter.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$genericFighter.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _SizeComp to $PC.DickSize - $genericFighter.Level + ($GeneralFeats.FalseRep *2)>>\
  "Look likes I've run across a Futa with a nice $BreastSD pair of $BreastsSize tits that looks perfect for my _DickSD cock to make a new home in. So how about you grab your tits and prepare for a wild and wet tit-fuck?" says the busty $genericFighter.Name3 as she stands over your exhausted body with her _DickSD cock hard at attention, dripping pre-cum. Your hard $DickSize <<Penis>> and nipples are standing at full attention.
<<if $PC.BreastsSize < $genericFighter.BreastsSize>>\
<<elseif $PC.BreastsSize is $genericFighter.BreastsSize>>\
<<elseif $PC.BreastsSize > $genericFighter.BreastsSize>>\
<</if>>\<<set $genericEvent.Image = $eventPath1 + $arrayEvent1Sitting.random() + '.jpg'>>\
<img @src=$genericEvent.Image />
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<set $threesomeEvent.Daily to 1>>\
<<set _lusty to random(5) +1 + $StatusAffect.Horny - $LustResist.Visual - $LustResist.Complete>>\
<<if _lusty < 0>>\
<<set _lusty to 0>>\
<<set $npcMay.Friendship to $npcMay.Friendship + 1 + $ClassBonus.Celebrity + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set $npcApril.Friendship to $npcApril.Friendship +1 + $ClassBonus.Celebrity + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set $lust to $lust + _lusty >>\
<<set $threesomeEvent.Sex to $PC.Sex>>\
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$npcApril.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$npcApril.BreastsSize]>>
<<if $threesomeEvent.Agree < 1>>
  "Sure, I'm up for some fun. Do you have a place in mind?" you ask as you look over the two women with their big jiggly tits and bouncy asses. There was no way you could refuse their offer, not with your raging libido making it hard to think. "My name's $PC.FirstName by the way."
  "Nice to meet ya $PC.FirstName, I'll be sure to be screaming it by the end of tonight. Anyway my dad's summer place is nearby and it has the most comfortable bed you could imagine." replies May as she grabs your hand and leads you towards a nice looking house. As she walks her _ISD breasts presses into your arm and occasionally her large ass bumps into you as she swaggers down the sidewalk. Her friend April grabs your other arm while pressing her own _ISD tits into you as well.
  Before long you find yourself in the bedroom of one of the bigger houses in the suburbs. There wasn't anyone else home when May marched into the house and led you upstairs to what looks to be her bedroom. As you are about to get undressed April speaks up for the first time since you've met them.
  "Hey May? Got anything to drink? I'm a bit thirsty and I know I'm going to need all the fluids I can get tonight." April says in a sultry voice while glancing over at you.
  "Sure! I have some Energy Thirsts over in my mini-fridge. Go ahead and grab one for me and $PC.FirstName!" replies May as she walks into the attached bathroom. As you look towards the bathroom you see flashes of naked flesh as May quickly disrobes leaving her evening outfit on the floor and grabing a towel.
  April quickly grabs the drinks and hands one to you. Before long she is taking long sips while licking her bee-stung lips. Your own drink is still unopened and before long May comes back out of the bathroom wrapped in only a towel. Her rather full tits press against the fabric as she sits down next the April.
  "Bottoms up!" May shouts as she grabs the bottle away from April and quickly downs the rest of the drink. Looking down at the bottle of Energy Thirst you wonder if you should take a swig. Noticing your look May says "You should go ahead and drink too. It will make you able to cum all day long! In fact you should be able to shoot massive loads non-stop with no need for recovery!"
<<if (random(19) + 1) + $Skill.Social + $CharismaBonus > 20>>\
<<set _Social to "They seem rather eager for me to drink that energy drink but they don't seem to be malicious.">>\
<<set _Social to "I am feeling a bit thirsty tonight and having extra energy will make tonight a lot more fun.">>\
<<if (random(19) + 1) + $Skill.Cooking + $WisdomBonus > 20>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> "Wait a second! Those drinks were made by the same company that had some of those prominent members from the Cult of Walking Love working at it. I'm not sure how safe it is..."</i></div>
<<set _Infested to "The drink doesn't look to be tampered with and there is easier ways to spike a drink than with a sealed can...">>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> _Social _Infested</i></div>
<<if $lust > 0>>\
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Drink the Energy Thirst|3some Male - Energy Drink]]>>
<<if $lust < $MaxLust>>\
<<button [[Refuse to drink and leave|3some - Leave]]>> <</button>>
  "Sure, I'm up for some more fun. Are we heading back to your place?" you ask as you look over the two women with their big jiggly tits and bouncy asses. There was no way you could refuse their offer, not after all the great sex you had last time.
  "Yeah let's head over to my dad's summer place cause that's where we've been holding up for the last couple of weeks." replies May as she grabs your hand and leads you towards her nice looking house. As she walks her _ISD breasts presses into your arm and occasionally her large ass bumps into you as she swaggers down the sidewalk. Her friend April grabs your other arm while pressing her own _ISD tits into you as well.
  Before long you find yourself back in May's bedroom. As you are about to get undressed April speaks up.
  "I have a question for you, $PC.FirstName. What's it like to have a dick? To be able to fuck a girl with your own large tool and to blow a load all over her tits?" April says in a sultry voice while glancing over at you.
<<if $FutaTry < 1>>\
  "Hmm. I'm not sure how it compares to having a pussy but I would say for me it's pretty nice. I do like fucking with my cock and the bonus of blowing my load on a nice pair of tits is always great." you say as you watch May grab a soda out from the fridge. Being a bit curiuous about the question you reply "Why are you asking?"
  "Hmm. I would say it's pretty nice. Having a pussy for a short time felt wonderfully different but I do have to admit to enjoying my cock too much to give it up permently." you say as you watch May grab a soda out from the fridge. Being a bit curiuous about the question you ask "So what's got you so interested about having a dick?"
  "This little drink is called Dr. Pecker. It was made by BioWetX, I think? It's supposed to allow a guy to grow a bigger cock or to allow a girl to grow her own dick. Pretty wild isn't it?" May says after placing the can of Dr. Pecker on the table. April on the other hand is giving the can a longing look, her nipples already poking thru her dress.
  "I know they also made several other drinks such as Energy Thirst and Milk Jugs. All those drinks ended up being released to the public or stolen, not sure really. All I know is that these drinks have some crazy transformation effects on people that lasts for a day or so." May mentions as she taps the can of Dr. Pecker. Thrusting her _ISD chest out she admits "We know for a fact that the Milk Jugs drinks work extremely well and I'm guessing it might even do some crazy stuff if a guy took it."
  "So what do you think? April was thinking about trying it out, to grow her own dick in order to fuck my pussy hard while you fuck my large ass. Another option is if you are feeling really frisky you could drink a Milkshake Jug Mixer at the same time April drinks the Dr. Pecker. I think that might turn you into a Futa temporarily for a day, maybe? Or we could just go with usual of being hopped up on so much Energy Thirst that we fuck for hours and hours." asks May while lightly fondling April's _ISD breasts.
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Let April drink the Dr. Pecker|3some Male - April Futa Sex]]>>
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Drink the Energy Thirst|3some Male - Energy Drink]]>>
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Drink the Milkshake Jug Mixer|3some Male - Futa Change]]>>
<<if $lust + ($StatusAffect.Horny*2) < $MaxLust>>\
<<button [[Refuse to Drink and Leave|3some - Leave]]>> <</button>>
<</if>>\ <<set $genericEvent.Image = $eventPath1 + $arrayEvent1Sitting.random() + '.jpg'>>\
<img @src=$genericEvent.Image />
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<set $threesomeEvent.Daily to 1>>\
<<set _lusty to random(5) +1 + $StatusAffect.Horny - $LustResist.Visual - $LustResist.Complete>>\
<<if _lusty < 0>>\
<<set _lusty to 0>>\
<<set $npcMay.Friendship to $npcMay.Friendship + 1 + $ClassBonus.Celebrity + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set $npcApril.Friendship to $npcApril.Friendship + 1 + $ClassBonus.Celebrity + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set $lust to $lust + _lusty>>\
<<set $threesomeEvent.Sex to $PC.Sex>>\
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$npcApril.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$npcApril.BreastsSize]>>
<<set _OSD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$npcApril.OBreastsSize]>>\
<<set _OCup to $arrayBreastSize[$npcApril.OBreastsSize]>>\
<<set _TSD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$threesomeEvent.BreastsSize]>>\
<<if $threesomeEvent.Agree < 1>>\
  "Sure, I'm up for some fun. Do you have a place in mind?" you ask as you look over the two women with their big jiggly tits and tight asses. There was no way you could refuse their offer, not with your raging libido making it hard to think. "My name's $PC.FirstName by the way."
  "Nice to meet ya $PC.FirstName, I'll be sure to be screaming it by the end of tonight. Anyway my dad's summer place is nearby and it has the most comfortable bed you could imagine." replies May as she grabs your hand and leads you towards a nice looking house. As she walks her _ISD breasts presses into your $BreastSD chest and her large ass bumps into you constantly as she swaggers down the sidewalk. Her friend April grabs your other arm while pressing her own _ISD tits into your own breasts as well.
  Before long you find yourself in the bedroom of one of the bigger houses in the suburbs. There wasn't anyone else home when May marched into the house and led you upstairs to what looks to be her bedroom. As you are about to get undressed April speaks up for the first time since you've met them.
  "So $PC.FirstName, have you ever wondered what it's like to have a cock? To be able to fuck a girl with your own large tool and to blow a load all over her tits?" April says in a sultry voice while glancing over at you.
<<if $FutaTry < 1>>\
  "What are you asking? I mean it would be kinda interesting to see how it feels from a guy's point of view but none of us here have dicks." you reply as May walks over to the room's mini-fridge. Reaching into the fridge May pulls out a can of what looks to be soda while smirking.
  "Actually this can is just the thing to fix that." she replies and she slams the can of Dr. Pecker down on the table. "I've heard that this can give a girl a real cock that full works."
  Staring at the can in disbelief you ask "How does that even work? I mean I know the Infested virus can mutate men and women into futas but I never heard of a can of soda doing so."
  "Actually I have wondered and tried it out. It felt wonderfully different but I'm not sure I would want to be a full time Futa." you say as you eye the can of Dr. Pecker that May has pulled out of the mini-fridge while smirking.
  "It's made by that local pharmaceutical company BioWetX. They was working on making a cure for small dick syndrome and found a way for a guy to grow a bigger penis. Even better it also works to allow a girl to grow a decent sized penis for about a day. I hear they was about to release their news to the public but the Infested Pandemic happened. So I guess it ended up being stolen from their warehouses and now you can buy it from some of the few open stores around the city." April softly says while giving the can of Dr. Pecker a longing look, her nipples already poking thru her dress.
  "I know they also made several other drinks such as Energy Thirst and Milk Jugs. All those drinks ended up being released to the public or stolen, not sure really. All I know is that these drinks have some crazy transformation effects on people that lasts for a day or so." May mentions as she taps the can of Dr. Pecker. Thrusting her _ISD chest out she admits "We know for a fact that the Milk Jugs drinks work extremely well."
  "So how about it? Wanna grow your own cock and fuck us silly? Or do you want April to drink it and have her go to town on our tits with her hard cock? If it works one of you two will be pounding the other with a nice hard cock here shortly." asks May while lightly fondling April's _ISD breasts.
  "Sure, I'm up for some more fun. Are we heading back to your place?" you ask as you look over the two women with their big jiggly tits and bouncy asses. There was no way you could refuse their offer, not after all the great sex you had last time.
  "Yeah let's head over to my dad's summer place cause that's where we've been holding up for the last couple of weeks." replies May as she grabs your hand and leads you towards her nice looking house. As she walks her _ISD breasts presses into your arm and occasionally her large ass bumps into you as she swaggers down the sidewalk. April grabs your other arm while pressing her own _ISD tits into you as well.
  Before long you find yourself back in May's bedroom after reaching the empty house. April and May settles down on the comfortable chairs with a large amount of groping of each other. You grab your own seat as you admire their toned bodies along with their _ISD breasts and ample asses.
<<if $threesomeEvent.BreastsSize < $PC.BreastsSize>>\
  "Oh wow! It looks like $PC.FirstName's breasts have grown a bit larger since last time!" exclaims May with a hint of jealousy as she stares at your $BreastSD tits. Reaching over she cups your breasts thru your clothes as April lustfully looks on while lightly stroking her pussy. "What size are you? I'm guessing your tasty looking tits are now $BreastsSize?"
  "I'm going to have to agree with May. They seem much larger than the last time we've seen them. I definitely approve..." whispers April as she reaches over to give them a good feel as well.
  "Yeah, they have grown a bit after some interesting events. I'm packing a pair of $BreastsSize size breasts and I have to admit they feel wonderful." you admit as you enjoy having your $BreastSD breasts groped as your nipples harden.
  "We're going to have to check them out a bit closer here shortly." says May as she gives them one last squeeze. April sighs as she reluctly releases her soft grip on your $BreastSD breasts.
<<if $npcApril.OBreastsSize < $npcApril.BreastsSize>>\
  "Speaking of bigger tits, it looks like the both of you have a lot more weight up top since last time I saw you..." you say as you look more closely at April and May, specifically at their _ISD _ICup breasts. It's easy to tell now that you are sitting down that they are no longer _OCup.
  "Someone was a bit jealous last time and decided we needed an upgrade to keep up." explains April in a low tone while glancing at May. "I personally find it fine and enjoy our new bigger breasts. They have a lot more heft and feel so good." she continues as May does her best to look nonchalant while lightly stroking the outside of her breasts.
  May proudly presents her _ISD breasts while protesting "I wouldn't say I was jealous, just after seeing your how nice your _TSD tits looked I figured it would look even better on us! I bet even you agree $PC.FirstName!"
<<set $npcApril.OBreastsSize to $npcApril.BreastsSize>>\
<<set $npcMay.OBreastsSize to $npcMay.BreastsSize>>\
<<elseif $threesomeEvent.BreastsSize > $PC.BreastsSize>>\
  "Hey $PC.FirstName? Looks like the MilkShake Jugs have started to wear off cause your tits are looking a bit smaller than last time..." asks May as she stares at your $BreastSD tits. Reaching over she cups your breasts thru your clothes as April looks on with disappointment while lightly stroking her pussy. "What size are you? I'm guessing your breasts are now a $BreastsSize?"
  "Yeah, they have shrunk a bit but still feel just as good." you admit as you enjoy having your $BreastSD breasts groped as your hard nipples harden.
  "You have to keep drinking the MilkShake Jugs in order to keep your tits nice and big. Not too much at once but a steady supply will eventually cause them to keep their size without needing to drink one every day." whispers April as she hefts her own _ICup tits before letting them bounce.
<<if $npcApril.OBreastsSize < $npcApril.BreastsSize>>\
  "Speaking of breasts, it looks like the both of you have a lot more weight up top since last time I saw you..." you say as you look more closely at April and May, specifically at their _ISD _ICup breasts. It's easy to tell now that you are sitting down that they are no longer _OCup.
  "Someone was a bit jealous last time and decided we needed an upgrade to keep up." explains April in a low tone while glancing at May. "I personally find it fine and enjoy our new bigger breasts. They have a lot more heft and feel so good." she continues as May does her best to look nonchalant while lightly stroking the outside of her breasts.
  May proudly presents her _ISD breasts while protesting "I wouldn't say I was jealous, just after seeing your how nice your _TSD tits looked I figured it would look even better on us! I bet even you agree $PC.FirstName!"
<<set $npcApril.OBreastsSize to $npcApril.BreastsSize>>\
<<set $npcMay.OBreastsSize to $npcMay.BreastsSize>>\
<<if $npcApril.OBreastsSize < $npcApril.BreastsSize>>\
  "It looks like the both of you have a lot more weight up top since last time I saw you..." you say as you look more closely at April and May, specifically at their _ISD _ICup breasts. It's easy to tell now that you are sitting down that they are no longer _OCup.
  "Someone was a bit jealous last time and decided we needed an upgrade to keep up." explains April in a low tone while glancing at May. "I personally find it fine and enjoy our new bigger breasts. They have a lot more heft and feel so good." she continues as May does her best to look nonchalant while lightly stroking the outside of her breasts.
  May proudly presents her _ISD breasts while protesting "I wouldn't say I was jealous, just after seeing your how nice your _TSD tits looked I figured it would look even better on us! I bet even you agree $PC.FirstName!"
  "I do have to agree with you, May. Your _ISD breasts look very nice and juicy." you reply as you give their _ISD _ICup breasts a lustful look. Both April and May preen from your compliment as they thrust their _ISD jugs out for you to gaze apon.
<<set $npcApril.OBreastsSize to $npcApril.BreastsSize>>\
<<set $npcMay.OBreastsSize to $npcMay.BreastsSize>>\
  "So what do you think about what fun we can get up to this evening? April was thinking about chugging another Dr. Pecker in order to fuck our tits before moving on to fucking our pussies hard while we scream from pleasure. She really seems to like that a lot." May asks as she slowly fingers April's pussy underneath her dress. April just moans softly while gazing at the can of Dr. Pecker on the table.
  "Or do you wanna grow your own hard cock in order to fuck us nice and hard? I'm sure you would love to blast your hot load all over our tits before unleashing multiple loads deep into our tight cunts..." May continues while moving on to lightly fondling April's _ISD _ICup breasts.
<<if $PC.BreastsSize + ($GeneralFeats.FalseRep *2) < 5>>\
  "Now if you want to be tit-fucked by April you will need at least DD-cup breasts. Cause only the best for my girl!" whispers May to you as she looks at your $BreastSD $BreastsSize breasts. "I can hook you up with a Milk Jug mixer to temporary get you some nice tits otherwise you will need to be the one drink the Dr. Pecker..."
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Agree to drink the Dr. Pecker|3some Female - Futa Change]]>>
<<if $PC.BreastsSize < 5>>\
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Have April drink the Dr. Pecker while you drink the Milk Jug|3some Female - Tit Growth]]>>
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Have April drink the Dr. Pecker|3some Female - April Futa Sex]]>>
<<if $lust < $MaxLust>>\
<<button [[Leave|3some - Leave]]>> <</button>>
<</if>>\<<set $sexHistory.XP to $sexHistory.XP +1>>\
<<set $sexHistory.LastPartner to $genericFighter>>\
<<set $LastPartner to $genericFighter>>\
<<set _TCard to 0>>\
<<set _VCard to 0>>\
<<set $sexHistory.Type to "Tits">>\
<<set $sexHistory.Consent to "Yes">>\
<<if $sexHistory.TotalV is 1>>\
<<set $sexHistory.TrueVirginityWho to $genericFighter.Name>>\
<<set _TCard to 1>>\
<<set $sexHistory.TotalV to 0>>\
<<if $sexHistory.PenisV is 1>>\
<<set $sexHistory.PenisVirginityWho to $genericFighter.Name>>\
<<set _VCard to 1>>\
<<set $sexHistory.PenisV to 0>>\
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$genericFighter.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$genericFighter.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _SizeComp to $PC.DickSize - $genericFighter.Level + ($GeneralFeats.FalseRep *2)>>\
<<if _SizeComp < 0>>\
<<set _SizeComp to 0>>\
<<if $Infestation.MilkProgress > 0 or $Milk.Stored > $Milk.Min>>\
<<set _Breasts to "Milk">>\
<<elseif $StatusAffect.SiliconeB > 5>>\
<<set _Breasts to "Silicone">>\
<<set _Breasts to "Natural">>\
<<switch $genericFighter.SubID>>\
<<case 2>>\
  $genericFighter.Name2 is on her knees glancing at you while groping her jiggly tits that are straining against her slutty nurse outfit. You stare at those _ISD fake tits as you walk towards her, your hard <<Penis>> straining against your pants. With her _ISD _ICup breasts, silicone-filled ass and those cock-sucking lips there was no way you could walk away. Your own <<Penis>> is rock hard long with your nipples pressing against your clothes. Tossing your clothes away you stride over to where the Infested is laying on ground.
  "I'm going to slam my <<Penis>> into your _ISD tits until I blow my load all over your _ISD silicone-filled <<Breasts>>. By the time I'm done you're going to be dripping cum all over the place with your titties painted white!" you say as you strip out of you clothes.
<<switch _SizeComp>>\
<<case 0 1 2>>\
  Looking sadly at your hard <<Penis>> as she continues to slowly run her hands over her silicone-filled tits. "I'm so so sorry about your tiny <<Penis>>. I'll do my best to help you get your wimpy thermometer into my tits but I'm not sure how much you will be able fuck them. I've heard of a doctor who'se able to pump up people's cocks with massive amounts of silicone so maybe he could turn your $DickSD $DickSize <<Penis>> into a super big cock that everyone will love! At the very least I'll get some yummy cum out of this..." she says as she presses her _ISD breasts together with little fanfare.
<<case 3 4 5 6>>\
  She gives your hard <<Penis>> a thoughtful look as she continues to run her hands over her silicone-filled tits. "Hmm. That's not a bad <<Penis>>. A bit mediocre by my standards but I bet it can do a decent job of fucking my tits. As a wise man once said 'Size matters not!' so how about you prove it by sliding your beefy thermometer between _ICup tits and let me take your temperature?" she says as she presses her _ISD breasts together eagerly.
<<case 7 8 9 10 11 12>>\
  "Hey that's a strong looking <<Penis>> you're packing! It's big enough to really feel your big beefy thermometer buried between my _ISD fake tits. I wonder how it will taste after you blast my big jiggly tits with all your hot cum?" she says as she continues to grope her silicone-filled tits eagerly at the thought of being tit-fucked by a Futa while staring hard at your <<Penis>>. She quickly presses her _ISD jugs together while anticipating recieving your $DickSD <<Penis>>.
<<case 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24>>\
  She gives your $DickSD $DickSize <<Penis>> an astonished look before lustily moaning. "Oh fuck yes! That as they say in the business is a $DickSD fucking <<Penis>>! Some say that size doesn't matter but those fuckers are lying! I'm going to have a hard time fitting your mouth-watering thermometer in between my _ISD fake tits so you will have to slide it right in, nice and hard. I might have to get some more plastic pumped into my tits just to bury that big boy!" she says as she lustfully continues to grope her silicone-filled tits while licking her pumped up lips eagerly. She happily presses her _ISD jugs together while moaning in anticipation for your $DickSD <<Penis>>.
  She gives your $DickSD $DickSize <<Penis>> a look of disbelief before lustily groaning. "Why do you have a 3ft long tree that looks like a dick in your pants? What the hell?!?!? I have no idea on how to get that giant club of a <<Penis>> you have between my fake tits but I'm really eager to try! I might have to get some more plastic pumped into my silicone titties if I keep running across monster dicks like this big boy!" she says as she starts to stroke your <<Penis>> with one hand while the other is groping her big fake tits.
  You place your hands over her hands before sliding your <<Penis>> in between those _ISD gravity defying orbs. Pausing only for a moment you start to thrust into those _ICup funbags causing the Infested to moan lustully. The feeling to shoving your cock in between those jiggling breasts feels wonderful as you start to moan.
  “It must feel so fucking good fucking my titties pumped up with so much silicone! Oooh! My titties feel so good with your $DickSD $DickSize <<Penis>> in between them. Showing me who's in charge with your hard cock!” she shrieks in pleasure as you shove even harder into her _ISD funbags. She lets go of her breasts letting you take complete control as you fuck her _ISD pair of titties even harder. As you thrust harder into her flesh mountains, your own $BreastSD breasts bounce along from the rapid humping.
  "Oh fuck yes! I love fucking your _ISD tits! Oooooh shit! Take it all you big titty silicone-filled slut!" you moan as feel your balls churn even harder, your orgasm drawing closer. You continue to grope those deliciuous looking jugs as you pludge your cock deep into that divine valley. The Infested's face has a look of ecstasy as you thrust hard into her tits. She seems to be loving the fact her impressive breasts are being used by you for your own pleasure.
  Suddenly you feel a finger slip into your wet pussy. It seems like the Infested has decided to finger your tight cunt while you are busy fucking her jugs. The feeling of being finger-banged while you are thrusting into those slipperly fun bags is quickly pushing you to your limits.
  "Oooh! Someone's about to shoot their big yummy load! Cum all over my _ISD fake tits!" she says as as your thobbing futa-cock repeatedly slams into her jiggly jugs. You can't deny the fact it's taking all your willpower to not cum all over her gorgeous face as the pressure in your $BallsSD balls demands release.
<<if $PC.Infestation is $Infestation.Cap & $Infestation.Progress > 1>>\
<<include "Infestation Increase">>\
  As you thrust your <<Penis>> into her _ISD jugs you feel a surge of energy flowing directly into you! It almost feels like you are burning up but it quickly turns to pleasure that radiates from your hard cock and aching breasts.
  "OH GOD! I can feel you getting bigger and thicker between my big tits! Even your titties are getting bigger! OH FUCK YES! I'M CUMMING!" The Infested Female screams as you squeeze her tits even harder around your hard cock. It feels like your <<Penis>> is growing harder and thicker with each thrust into her slippery funbags! Even your cum-filled balls feel like they are about to explode any moment now.
  "Oh yes! OH FUCK! I'M CUMMING! I'm blasting your fucking overfilled silicone tits with my hot load!" you scream as the feeling of her breasts quivering with pleasure pushes you over the edge and you unleash a $CumAD load of white cum, bigger than any other load you've ever had, directly onto her gorgeous face and massive tits! Down below you feel your pussy unleash a deluge of girl-cum onto the Infested's fingers. <<if $Cum.Stored > 10>> The rain of white goo continues until she is completely dripping in cum with her hand being soaked in girl-cum.<</if>>
  As you pull out of her cum soaked breasts you notice that you now have a $BreastSD $BreastsSize breasts along with a $AssSize ass! Below that your cock looks to have grown to be a $DickSD $DickSize cock along with a pair of $BallsSD $BallsSize balls hanging below! Before you can react the Infested strokes your enlarged <<Penis>> with a smirk and says "Looks like you are on the way to becoming one hot Futa!"
<<elseif $Infestation.MilkProgress > 0 or $StatusAffect.MilkTits > 0>>\
  "OH GOD! OH FUCK! I'M CUMMING!" She screams as a immense orgasm rocks her body. A massive gushing of girl cum splatters on the ground below as she cums hard from your tit-fucking. Her face shows the pure pleasure she is feeling as her body shakes in response. Your own tits start to leak out a thick stream of tasty milk in sympathy to her titty-fucking orgasm.
  "I'm blasting your fucking tits with my hot load! Oh fucking yes!" you scream as the feeling of her breasts quivering with pleasure pushes you over the edge as you unleash a $CumAD load of white cum directly onto her gorgeous face and _ICup tits! At the same time you squirt a $CumAD a load of girl-cum on her fingers.<<if $Cum.Stored > 10>> The rain of white goo continues until she is completely dripping in cum.<</if>> Your $BreastSD milkjugs's $MilkAD streams of milk spray onto her _ISD tits below adding to her messy breasts.
  "OH GOD! OH FUCK! I'M CUMMING!" She screams as a immense orgasm rocks her silicone-filled body. A massive gushing of girl cum splatters on the ground below as she cums hard from your tit-fucking. Her face shows the pure pleasure she is feeling as her body shakes in response.
  "I'm blasting your fucking overfilled silicone tits with my hot load! Oh fucking yes!" you scream as the feeling of her breasts quivering with pleasure pushes you over the edge as you unleash a $CumAD load of white cum directly onto her gorgeous face and _ICup tits! At the same time you squirt a $GCumAD wave of girl-cum on her fingers.<<if $Cum.Stored > 10>> The rain of white goo continues until she is completely dripping in cum!<</if>>
  "Oh that was so good!" she says as you stand up while looking at the cum dripping from her face and breasts. Taking one last moment to lick some white goo from her fake tits, she replies "I'll see again soon, I'm sure..." With that you walk away fulfilled leaving her behind.
  $genericFighter.Name2 is on her knees glancing at you while groping her jiggly tits. You stare at those _ISD funbags as you walk towards her, your hard <<Penis>> straining against your pants. With her _ISD _ICup breasts, jiggly ass and those cock-sucking lips there was no way you could walk away. Your own <<Penis>> is rock hard long with your nipples pressing against your clothes. Tossing your clothes away you stride over to where the Infested is laying on ground.
  "I'm going to slam my <<Penis>> into your _ISD tits until I blow my load all over your _ISD <<Breasts>>. By the time I'm done you're going to be dripping cum all over the place with your jugs painted white!" you say as you strip out of you clothes.
<<switch _SizeComp>>\
<<case 0 1 2>>\
  Looking sadly at your hard <<Penis>> as she continues to slowly run her hands over her ample tits. "I'm so so sorry about your tiny <<Penis>>. I'll do my best to help you get your dick into my tits but I'm not sure how much you will be able fuck them. Hopefully with enough effort I can turn your $DickSD $DickSize <<Penis>> into a super big cock that everyone will love! At the very least I'll get some yummy cum out of this..." she says as she presses her _ISD breasts together with little fanfare.
<<case 3 4 5 6>>\
  She gives your hard <<Penis>> a thoughtful look as she continues to run her hands over her ample tits. "Hmm. That's not a bad <<Penis>>. A bit mediocre by my standards but I bet it can do a decent job of fucking my tits. As a wise man once said 'Size matters not!' so how about you prove it by slamming your cock into my nice _ICup tits and giving me a nice facial?" she says as she presses her _ISD breasts together eagerly.
<<case 7 8 9 10 11 12>>\
  "Hey that's a strong looking <<Penis>> you're packing! It's big enough to really feel it buried between my _ISD tits. I wonder how it will taste after you blast my big jiggly tits with all your hot cum?" she says as she continues to grope her ample tits eagerly at the thought of being tit-fucked by a Futa while staring hard at your <<Penis>>. She quickly presses her _ISD jugs together while anticipating recieving your $DickSD <<Penis>>.
<<case 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24>>\
  She gives your $DickSD $DickSize <<Penis>> a astonished look before lustily moaning. "Oh fuck yes! That as they say in the business is a huge fucking <<Penis>>! I'm so glad that the best Futas tend to end up with such huge logs. I'm going to have a hard time fitting it in between my _ISD tits so you will have to slide it right in, nice and hard. I might have to grow some bigger tits just to bury that big boy!" she says as she lustfully continues to grope her ample tits while licking her lips eagerly. She happily presses her _ISD jugs together while moaning in anticipation for your $DickSD <<Penis>>.
  She gives your $DickSD $DickSize <<Penis>> a look of disbelief before lustily groaning. "Why do you have a 3ft long tree that looks like a dick in your pants? What the hell?!?!? I have no idea on how to get that giant club of a <<Penis>> you have between my tits but I'm really eager to try! I'm going to have to grow some bigger tits if I keep running across monster dicks like this big boy!" she says as she starts to stroke your <<Penis>> with one hand while the other is groping her tits.
  You place your hands over her hands before sliding your <<Penis>> in between those _ISD breasts. Pausing only for a moment you start to thrust into those _ICup funbags. The feeling to shoving your cock in between those jiggling breasts feels wonderful as you start to moan.
  “It feels so fucking good doesn't it? My titties feel so good with your $DickSD $DickSize <<Penis>> in between them. Showing me who's in charge with your hard cock!” she shrieks in pleasure as you shove even harder into her _ISD funbags. She lets go of her breasts letting you take complete control as you fuck her _ISD tits even harder. As you thrust harder into her flesh mountains, your own $BreastSD breasts bounce along from the rapid humping.
  "Oh fuck yes! I love fucking your _ISD tits! Oooooh shit! Take it all you big titty slut!" you moan as feel your balls churn even harder, your orgasm drawing closer. You continue to grope those deliciuous looking jugs as you pludge your cock deep into that divine valley. The Infested's face has a look of ecstasy as you thrust hard into her tits. She seems to be loving the fact her ample breasts are being used by you for your own pleasure.
  Suddenly you feel a finger slip into your wet pussy. It seems like the Infested has decided to finger your tight cunt while you are busy fucking her jugs. The feeling of being finger-banged while you are thrusting into those slipperly fun bags is quickly pushing you to your limits.
  "Oooh! Someone's about to shoot their big yummy load! Cum all over my _ISD tits!" she says as as your thobbing futa-cock repeatedly slams into her jiggly jugs. You can't deny the fact it's taking all your willpower to not cum all over her gorgeous face as the pressure in your $BallsSD balls demands release.
<<if $PC.Infestation is $Infestation.Cap & $Infestation.Progress > 1>>\
<<include "Infestation Increase">>\
  As you thrust your <<Penis>> into her _ISD jugs you feel a surge of energy flowing directly into you! It almost feels like you are burning up but it quickly turns to pleasure that radiates from your hard cock and aching breasts.
  "OH GOD! I can feel you getting bigger and thicker between my tits! Even your tits are getting bigger! OH FUCK YES! I'M CUMMING!" The Infested Female screams as you squeeze her tits even harder around your hard cock. It feels like your <<Penis>> is growing harder and thicker with each thrust into her slippery funbags! Even your balls feel like they are about to explode.
  "Oh yes! OH FUCK! I'M CUMMING! I'm blasting your fucking tits with my hot load!" you scream as the feeling of her breasts quivering with pleasure pushes you over the edge and you unleash a $CumAD load of white cum, bigger than any other load you've ever had, directly onto her gorgeous face and massive tits! Down below you feel your pussy unleash a deluge of girl-cum onto the Infested's fingers. <<if $Cum.Stored > 10>> The rain of white goo continues until she is completely dripping in cum with her hand being soaked in girl-cum.<</if>>
  As you pull out of her cum soaked breasts you notice that you now have a $BreastSD $BreastsSize breasts along with a $AssSize ass! Below that your cock looks to have grown to be a $DickSD $DickSize cock along with a pair of $BallsSD $BallsSize balls hanging below! Before you can react the Infested strokes your enlarged <<Penis>> with a smirk and says "Looks like you are on the way to becoming one hot Futa!"
<<elseif $Infestation.MilkProgress > 0 or $StatusAffect.MilkTits > 0>>\
  "OH GOD! OH FUCK! I'M CUMMING!" She screams as a immense orgasm rocks her body. A large gushing of girl cum splatters on the ground below as she cums hard from your tit-fucking. Her face shows the pure pleasure she is feeling as her body shakes in response. Your own tits start to leak out a thick stream of tasty milk in sympathy to her titty-fucking orgasm.
  "I'm blasting your fucking tits with my hot load! Oh fucking yes!" you scream as the feeling of her breasts quivering with pleasure pushes you over the edge as you unleash a $CumAD load of white cum directly onto her gorgeous face and _ICup tits! At the same time you squirt a $CumAD a load of girl-cum on her fingers.<<if $Cum.Stored > 10>> The rain of white goo continues until she is completely dripping in cum.<</if>> Your $BreastSD milkjugs's $MilkAD streams of milk spray onto her _ISD tits below adding to her messy breasts.
  "OH GOD! OH FUCK! I'M CUMMING!" She screams as a immense orgasm rocks her body. A large gushing of girl cum splatters on the ground below as she cums hard from your tit-fucking. Her face shows the pure pleasure she is feeling as her body shakes in response.
  "I'm blasting your fucking tits with my hot load! Oh fucking yes!" you scream as the feeling of her breasts quivering with pleasure pushes you over the edge as you unleash a $CumAD load of white cum directly onto her gorgeous face and _ICup tits! At the same time you squirt a $GCumAD wave of girl-cum on her fingers.<<if $Cum.Stored > 10>> The rain of white goo continues until she is completely dripping in cum.<</if>>
  "Oh that was so good!" she says as you stand up while looking at the cum dripping from her face and breasts. Taking one last moment to lick some white goo from her great tits, she replies "I'll see again soon, I'm sure..." With that you walk away fulfilled leaving her behind.
<</switch>>\<<include "Adlibs">>\
<<set $SexScene1 to random(5)>>\
<<switch $SexScene1>>\
<<case 0 1 2>>\ /* Missionary scene */
<<include "Infested Male Pussy Sex Dominate Female">>\
<<default>>\ /* Doggy-style Ass scene */
<<include "Infested Male Ass Sex Dominate Female">>\
<</switch>> <<set $sexHistory.XP to $sexHistory.XP +1>>\
<<set $LastPartner to $genericFighter>>\
<<set _DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$genericFighter.DickSize]>>\
<<set _DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$genericFighter.DickSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$genericFighter.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$genericFighter.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _SizeComp to $PC.BreastsSize - $genericFighter.Level + ($GeneralFeats.FalseRep *2)>>\
<<if _SizeComp < 0>>\
<<set _SizeComp to 0>>\
  "Fuck girl you're looking real good aren't ya? Good enough to be fucked so hard that you will be begging for more after I'm done with ya. How about you just lay there as I shove my _DickSD _DickSize <<Penis>> into your dripping cunt and enjoy the fucking?" says $genericFighter.Name as he stands over your exhausted body with his _DickSD dick hard at attention, dripping pre-cum. Your wet pussy drips in aching need as you gaze at his _DickSize cock.
  He groans as he presses his _DickSD cock against your wet pussy. Your lust-driven mind is speechless, leaving you panting and moaning like a whore. Your resistance is completely gone as he teases yours pussy before plunging in violently, shoving their _DickSize meat-stick deep, leaving you gasping in pleasure. Without even pausing he begins fucking your pussy hard using your hips as handholds. You are left panting and moaning as your cunt stretches to accommodate his thickness.
<<switch _SizeComp>>\
<<case 0 1 2 3>>\
  "Your breasts are too small, bitch! Don't worry I have just the thing to blow your mosquito bites up into big o'titties! Cause I wanna see big jiggly mountains on the girls I fuck, you little slut!" he moans between slamming his <<Penis>> into your wet cunt. Reaching down he starts to fondle your $BreastSD $BreastsSize tits, your hard nipples poking out between his fingers. You start to moan more as the pleasure from being fucked by such a hard <<Penis>> combined with him groping your $BreastSD breasts is pushing you closer to the edge.
<<case 4 5 6 7 8 9>>\
  "Your breasts are fucking hot, you slut! You know that? Got a real nice heft to them ya know? How about I give ya a nice blast of my cum to blow them up even more! Get ya some even bigger titties so you can be a bigger slut!" he moans between slamming his <<Penis>> into your wet cunt. Reaching down he starts to fondle your $BreastSD $BreastsSize tits, your hard nipples poking out between his fingers. You start to moan more as the pleasure from being fucked by such a hard <<Penis>> combined with him groping your $BreastSD breasts is pushing you closer to the edge.
<<case 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17>>\
  "Oh fuck yeah! You got some nice big o'titties! Big enough for me to play with, slut! You want that, bitch? You want me to play with your $BreastsSize fucking tits?" he moans between slamming his <<Penis>> into your wet cunt. Reaching down he starts to fondle your $BreastSD $BreastsSize tits, your long hard nipples poking out between his fingers. You start to moan more as the pleasure from being fucked by such a hard <<Penis>> combined with him groping your $BreastSD breasts is pushing you closer to the edge.
  "Oh fuck this is what I'm fucking talking about girl! Your big fucking titties are humongous, you fucking slut! You know that? I can't wait to blow my load while your $BreastsSize tits bounce from being nailed by my _DickSD cock!" he moans between slamming his <<Penis>> into your wet cunt. Reaching down he starts to fondle your $BreastSD $BreastsSize tits, your long hard nipples poking out between his fingers. You start to moan more as the pleasure from being fucked by such a hard <<Penis>> combined with him groping your $BreastSD breasts is pushing you closer to the edge.
  "How do you like my rock hard cock, slut? You can't get enough of if it, can ya?" he moans loudly as his steady pace quickens. The pleasure feels so good it feels like he is drilling for oil and you are about to erupt as your weeping pussy begs for more.
  "Don't stop! Oh fuck! I'm almost there!" you beg as you continue to be plowed by the handsome Infested Male. He takes your begging as a sign to slam your pussy even harder with his _DickSD cock and his pace becomes frantic as both of you moan and groan waiting for sweet release.
<<if $PC.Infestation is $Infestation.Cap & $Infestation.Progress > 1>>\
<<include "Infestation Increase">>\
  As your pussy is being completely fucked by his _DickSD cock you feel a surge of energy flowing directly into you! It almost feels like you are burning up but it quickly turns to pleasure that radiates from your wet pussy and your heaving chest.
  "OH SHIT! Your tits are blowing up like fucking balloons! OH FUCK YEAH! That feels so good! Get ready slut cause I'm about to shoot my load right into your fucking cunt!" The Infested Male screams as he slams his _DickSize cock into you one last time before blasting your womb with a geyser of hot cum! You feel a pleasant growing sensation from your breasts along with your ass!
  "Oh yes! OH FUCK! I'M CUMMING! I'm cumming all over your fucking cock!" you scream as the feeling of his hot cum filling your pussy pushes you over the edge and you unleash a $CumAD flood of female cum as you quickly orgasm. A tsunami of cum that is bigger than any other squirts you've ever had engulfs his _DickSD cock and flows down to the ground below!
  As he pulls out of your cum filled pussy you finally notice you now have a pair of $BreastSD $BreastsSize breasts and a $AssSize ass! Before you can react the Infested grabs your expanded chest with a smirk and says "Looks like you are on the way to becoming one hot slut!"
  "OH FUCK YEAH! That feels so good! Get ready slut cause I'm about to shoot my load right into your fucking cunt!" he screams as a immense orgasm rocks his body. $genericFighter.Name bellows as he slams his _DickSize cock into you one last time before blasting your womb with a geyser of hot cum!
  "Oh yes! OH FUCK! I'M CUMMING! I'm cumming all over your fucking cock!" you scream as the feeling of his hot cum filling your pussy pushes you over the edge and you unleash a $GCumAD flood of female cum as you quickly orgasm. <<if $GCum.Stored > 10>>A $GCumAD squirt of girl-cum soaks his _DickSD cock and flows down to the ground below!<</if>>
  "Oh that was a good fuck, bitch!" $genericFighter.Name2 says as he stands up from your exhausted body, cum dripping from his still erect cock. Taking one last moment to shake loose some white goo from his huge cock, he continues with "See ya around, slut..." With that he walks away fulfilled leaving you to grab your clothes and to slowly recover.
<<set $StatusAffect.CumFilled to $StatusAffect.CumFilled+1>>\<<include "Adlibs">>\
<<set $SexScene1 to random(5)>>\
<<switch $SexScene1>>\
<<case 0 1 2>>\ /* Doggy-style Pussy scene */
<<include "Infested Male Pussy Sex Dominate Futa">>\
<<default>>\ /* Doggy-style Ass scene */
<<include "Infested Male Ass Sex Dominate Futa">>\
<</switch>><<include "Adlibs">>\
<<set $SexScene1 to random(5)>>\
<<switch $SexScene1>>\
<<case 0 1 2>>\ /* Assfuck scene */
<<include "Infested Male Ass Sex Dominate Male">>\
<<include "Infested Male Blowjob Dominate Male">>\
<</switch>><<set $sexHistory.XP to $sexHistory.XP +1>>\
<<set $LastPartner to $genericFighter>>\
<<set _DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$genericFighter.DickSize]>>\
<<set _DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$genericFighter.DickSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$genericFighter.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$genericFighter.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _SizeComp to $PC.DickSize - $genericFighter.Level + ($GeneralFeats.FalseRep *2)>>\
<<if _SizeComp < 0>>\
<<set _SizeComp to 0>>\
<<switch _SizeComp>>\
<<case 0 1 2>>\
  "Fuck dude! I thought you was a girl for a second, with you know, such a tiny dick! I'm not sure how you can show your face around here with such a weak-ass cock so how about you shove your tight $AssSize ass up here and I'll plow my _DickSD _DickSize <<Penis>> into your man pussy?" says $genericFighter.Name as he stands over your exhausted body with his _DickSD dick hard at attention, dripping pre-cum. You steadily position yourself on your knees with your ass up in the air more than willing to be ass fucked hard. Your $DickSD <<Penis>> is rock solid in desire as you gaze back at his _DickSize cock.
<<case 3 4 5 6>>\
  "Looks like some girly dude is thinking they are a man while having such a pathetic cock. Luckily I'm here to show you how a real man fucks! So how about you shove your $AssSize ass up here and I'll shove my _DickSD _DickSize <<Penis>> into your tight ass?" says the Infested Male as he stands over your exhausted body with his _DickSD dick hard at attention, dripping pre-cum. You steadily position yourself on your knees with your ass up in the air more than willing to be ass fucked hard. Your $DickSD <<Penis>> is rock solid in desire as you gaze back at his _DickSize cock.
<<case 7 8 9 10 11 12>>\
  "Huh, it looks like you have a respectable dick there, dude. It can't hold a candle to my massive pussy slayer but what can? So how I show you how much better my _DickSD _DickSize cock is by fucking your $AssSize ass hard?" the Infested Male says as he checks out your dick. Slowly he moves until he is standing over your exhausted body with his _DickSD dick hard at attention, dripping pre-cum. You steadily position yourself on your knees with your ass up in the air more than willing to be ass fucked hard. Your $DickSD <<Penis>> is rock solid in desire as you gaze back at his _DickSize cock.
<<case 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24>>\
  "Ok you motherfucker! How can a weak-ass fucker like you have a cock bigger than my cunt-slayer Xtreme? Maybe if I fuck your ass enough my dick will grow bigger? Let's do this! I'll fuck your $AssSize ass with my _DickSD _DickSize cock and I'll grow an even bigger one!" the Infested Male says as he checks out your dick with a frown. Slowly he moves until he is standing over your exhausted body with his _DickSD dick hard at attention, dripping pre-cum. You steadily position yourself on your knees with your ass up in the air more than willing to be ass fucked hard. Your $DickSD <<Penis>> is rock solid in desire as you gaze back at his _DickSize cock.
  "WHAT THE FUCK?!?!??! I thought you were hiding a fucking baseball bat under your clothes as a backup weapon not some God-damn $DickSize long cock!" he says as he stares at your mega sized <<Penis>> with extreme displeasure , his own _DickSD dick hard at attention, dripping pre-cum.. "You know what? I'm going to fuck your ass with my _DickSD cock and I'm going to try and forget about your fucking meat tree," he with a lustfilled growl. Slowly he moves until he is standing over your exhausted body with his _DickSD dick hard at attention, dripping pre-cum. You steadily position yourself on your knees with your ass up in the air more than willing to be ass fucked hard. Your $DickSD <<Penis>> is rock solid in desire as you gaze back at his _DickSize cock.
  He groans as he presses his _DickSD cock against your tight asshole while grabbing your $AssSize ass. The feeling of his dick pressing up against your ass leaves you panting and moaning like a slut in heat. You reach back spreading your asshole wide anticipating the hard fucking you are about to receive. His response is violently shoving his _DickSize meat-stick deep into your needy asshole, his _BallsSD _BallsSize balls slapping against your ass. Without even pausing he begins fucking your ass hard using your hips as handholds. You are left panting and moaning as your tight hole stretches to accommodate his thick hard cock.
  "How do you like having your ass fucked by my cunt destroyer? All the bitches and hoes end up begging for more!" he says between slamming his <<Penis>> into your tight ass. Sliding his hands over he starts to fondle your $AssSize ass, before giving you a couple of hard slaps on your ass cheeks. You start to moan more as the pleasure from being fucked by such a hard <<Penis>> combined with him groping your $AssSize ass is pushing you closer to the edge.
  "My ass feels so good! Don't stop, please, oh yes! Fuck me harder!" you beg as you continue to be plowed hard by the chiseled Infested Male. The intense pleasure from having your ass ravaged by such a thick rigid cock is causing your cock to weep liquid pleasure from the tip. He takes your begging as a sign to slam your ass even harder with his _DickSD cock and his pace becomes frantic as both of you moan and groan waiting for sweet release.
<<if $PC.Infestation is $Infestation.Cap & $Infestation.Progress > 1>>\
<<include "Infestation Increase">>\
  As your ass is being completely wrecked by his _DickSD cock you feel a surge of energy flowing directly into you! It almost feels like you are burning up but it quickly turns to pleasure that radiates from your achingly hard dick.
  "OH FUCK YEAH! Get ready for the firehose cause I'm blasting my fucking load right into your fucking tight ass!" The Infested Male screams as he slams his _DickSize cock into you one last time before blasting your intestines with a geyser of hot cum! As more and more cum floods your ass you suddenly feel growing sensation from your hard dick and balls. Both your balls and dick seem to be drinking deeply from his cum forcing them to become thicker and larger.
  "Oh yes! OH FUCK! I'M CUMMING! I'm cumming while my ass is being fucked by your fucking cock!" you scream as the feeling of his hot cum filling your ass along with your sudden growth in your cock has pushed you over the edge and you unleash a $CumAD flood of hot white cum as you quickly orgasm. A tsunami of cum shoots out from your $DickSize cock and splatters all over your hard chest and face! At the same time he pulls his _DickSize cock out of your ass and starts shooting large strands of sticky cum all over your back and $AssSize ass! <<if $Cum.Stored > 10>> The stream of hot cum from your cock lasts for over a minute and splatters all over your chest and the ground below!<</if>>
  As the rain of white baby-batter slows to a stop you can finally confirm that your cock is now a $DickSD $DickSize cock along with a pair of $BallsSD $BallsSize balls. Before you can react the Infested slaps your ass with a smirk and says "Looks like you are on the way to becoming a hot stud like me!"
  "Oh Shit! Your fucking ass feels so good! OH FUCK YEAH! Get ready for the firehose cause I'm blasting my fucking load right into your hot asshole!" he screams as a immense orgasm rocks his body.
  You scream as you feel him unleashing his load into your ass "Oh fuck! I'm cumming while having my ass fucked!" The feeling from the flood of hot cum filling your ass pushes you over the edge causing you to unleash a $CumAD of cum from your $DickSize cock that splatters all over your hard chest and face! At the same time he pulls his _DickSize cock out of your ass and starts shooting large strands of sticky cum all over your back and $AssSize ass! <<if $Cum.Stored > 10>> The stream of hot cum from your cock lasts for over a minute and splatters all over your chest and the ground below!<</if>>
  "Oh that was a good fuck, bitch!" $genericFighter.Name2 says as he stands up from your exhausted body, cum dripping from his still erect cock. Taking one last moment to shake loose some white goo from his huge cock onto your ass, he continues with "See ya around, slut..." With that he walks away fulfilled leaving you to grab your clothes and to slowly recover.
<<set $StatusAffect.CumFilled to $StatusAffect.CumFilled+1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered+1>>\<<set $sexHistory.XP to $sexHistory.XP +1>>\
<<set $LastPartner to $genericFighter>>\
<<set _DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$genericFighter.DickSize]>>\
<<set _DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$genericFighter.DickSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$genericFighter.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$genericFighter.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _SizeComp to $PC.DickSize - $genericFighter.Level + ($GeneralFeats.FalseRep *2)>>\
<<if _SizeComp < 0>>\
<<set _SizeComp to 0>>\
  "Looks like some bitch is packing some heat. Luckily there're a real man here willing to show you how to really fuck! So how about you shove you $AssSize ass up here and I'll shove my _DickSD _DickSize <<Penis>> into your dripping cunt?" says $genericFighter.Name as he stands over your exhausted body with his _DickSD dick hard at attention, dripping pre-cum. You quickly position yourself on your knees with your ass up in the air more than willing to be fucked hard. Your $DickSD <<Penis>> is rock solid in desire along with your wet pussy dripping in aching need as you gaze back at his _DickSize cock.
  He groans as he presses his _DickSD cock against your wet nether lips while grabbing your $AssSize ass. The feeling of his dick pressing up against your pussy leaves you panting and moaning like a slut in heat. You reach back spreading your pussy wide while begging for him to fuck you. He responds by violently shoving his _DickSize meat-stick deep into your needy snatch, his _BallsSD _BallsSize balls slapping against your ass. Without even pausing he begins fucking your pussy hard using your hips as handholds. You are left panting and moaning as your cunt stretches to accommodate his thickness, your $BreastSD breasts bouncing from each thrust. Your ignored cock is achingly hard as he thrusts violently into your cunt.
<<if $PC.AssSize < 5>>\
  "Your ass is too small, bitch! You need to eat some donuts or something." he says between slamming his <<Penis>> into your wet cunt. Sliding his hands over he starts to fondle your $AssSize ass, before giving you a couple of hard slaps on your ass cheeks. You start to moan more as the pleasure from being fucked by such a hard <<Penis>> combined with him groping your $AssSize ass is pushing you to the edge.
<<elseif $PC.AssSize > 4>>\
  "Oh fuck yeah! You got lots of junk in your big ass trunk! Tons of cushion for the pushing, slut!" he says between slamming his <<Penis>> into your wet cunt. Sliding his hands over he starts to fondle your $AssSize ass, before giving you a couple of hard slaps on your ass cheeks. You start to moan more as the pleasure from being fucked by such a hard <<Penis>> combined with him groping your $AssSize ass is pushing you to the edge.
  "How do you like me fucking you doggy-style with my rock hard meat rod, slut? Do you like being fucked like the bitch you are?" he moans loudly as his steady pace quickens. The pleasure feels so good it feels like he is drilling for oil and you are about to erupt as your weeping pussy begs for more.
  "Don't stop! Oh fuck! I'm almost there!" you beg as you continue to be plowed by the handsome Infested Male. He takes your begging as a sign to slam your pussy even harder with his _DickSD cock and his pace becomes frantic as both of you moan and groan waiting for sweet release.
<<if $PC.Infestation is $Infestation.Cap & $Infestation.Progress > 1>>\
<<include "Infestation Increase">>\
  As your pussy is being completely destroyed by his _DickSD cock you feel a surge of energy flowing directly into you! It almost feels like you are burning up but it quickly turns to pleasure that radiates from your hard dick, swaying chest and abused ass.
  "OH Shit! Your ass is fucking growing even more big and juicy! That feels so good, getting more cushion for me to plow! OH FUCK YEAH BABY! Get ready for the fireworks cause I'm blasting my fucking load right into your hot snatch!" The Infested Male screams as he slams his _DickSize cock into you one last time before blasting your womb with a geyser of hot cum! As wave after wave of hot baby-batter floods into your pussy, you suddenly feel a heavier weight swinging from your chest. Looking down you see your breasts have grown to $BreastSD $BreastsSize tits and are swinging even heavier from his thrusts.
  "Oh yes! OH FUCK! I'M CUMMING! I'm cumming all over your fucking cock!" you scream as the feeling of his hot cum filling your pussy along with your sudden growth in your tits and ass has pushed you over the edge and you unleash a $CumAD flood of female cum as you quickly orgasm. A tsunami of cum is bigger than any other squirts you've ever had engulfs his _DickSD cock and flows down to the ground below! Your almost forgotten cock makes itself known as grows to a $DickSD $DickSize cock before blasting out it's own $CumAD shot of hot cum onto the ground adding to the intense pleasure radiating from your groin.
  As he pulls out of your cum filled pussy you can finally confirm that you now have a pair of $BreastSD $BreastsSize breasts and a $AssSize ass! You also confirm your cock is now a $DickSD $DickSize cock with a pair of $BallsSize balls. Before you can react the Infested slaps your expanded ass with a smirk and says "Looks like you are on the way to becoming one hot slut!"
    "OH Shit! Your fucking pussy feels so good! OH FUCK YEAH BABY! Get ready for the fireworks cause I'm blasting my fucking load right into your hot snatch!" he screams as a immense orgasm rocks his body. The feeling of the flood of hot cum filling your pussy pushes you over the edge causing you to unleash a $GCumAD gushing of female cum all over his _DickSize <<Penis>> as you quickly orgasm. Your almost forgotten cock makes itself known as it blasts out it's own shot of hot cum onto the ground adding to the intense pleasure radiating from your groin.<<if $Cum.Stored > 10 or if $GCum.Stored > 10>> The stream of hot cum from both your pussy and cock lasts for over a minute and leaves a mixed puddle of male and female cum beneath you!<</if>>
  "Oh that was a good fuck, bitch!" $genericFighter.Name2 says as he stands up from your exhausted body, cum dripping from his still erect cock. Taking one last moment to shake loose some white goo from his huge cock onto your ass, he continues with "See ya around, slut..." With that he walks away fulfilled leaving you to grab your clothes and to slowly recover.
<<set $StatusAffect.CumFilled to $StatusAffect.CumFilled+1>>\<<include "Adlibs">>\
<<switch $SexScene2>>\
<<case 1>>\ /* Pussy scene */
<<include "Infested Male Pussy Sex Submissive Female">>\
<<case 2>>\ /* Pussy scene */
<<include "Infested Male Ass Sex Submissive Female">>\
<</switch>>\<<set $sexHistory.XP to $sexHistory.XP +1>>\
<<set $LastPartner to $genericFighter>>\
<<set _DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$genericFighter.DickSize]>>\
<<set _DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$genericFighter.DickSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$genericFighter.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$genericFighter.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _SizeComp to $PC.BreastsSize - $genericFighter.Level + ($GeneralFeats.FalseRep *2)>>\
<<if _SizeComp < 0>>\
<<set _SizeComp to 0>>\
  $genericFighter.Name2 stares at you with a hopeful look in his eyes as you walk towards him, your wet pussy soaking your panties. With his _DickSD _DickSize cock, _BallsSD _BallsSize cum-filled balls and his rock hard body there was no way you could walk away. "I'm going to fuck your monster cock until you fill me completely up with your hot baby-batter!" you moan lustfully as you strip from your clothes.
  "Damn woman, you're one horny slut aren't ya? You want to take a ride on the _DickSize train? Go right ahead you crazy bitch!" he says as he strokes his _DickSD dick. Standing over the Infested you slide his dick up against your slit, allowing his pre-cum to smear all over your wet lips. You take a moment to aim your wet pussy at his _DickSD <<Penis>> before slowly taking his _DickSD cock in.
  You can feel his cock completely filling you, even stretching your snatch almost to the breaking point as you force it all the way in! You are left panting and moaning as your cunt finally stretches to accommodate his thickness. Unable to stop youself, you start to slide up and down on that hard cock, your wet pussy providing more and more lubrication to help fit his monster cock in.
  "Oh God! You're filling me up so much! I can feel all of your cock deep inside me!" You yell as your pussy demands to be fucked hard. As you slide on his _DickSD dick he thrusts hard into your wet cunt bouncing you up before you slam back down letting his cock go deep into your pussy, along with his _BallsSize balls slamming into you.
<<switch _SizeComp>>\
<<case 0 1 2 3>>\
  "Your mosquito bites are too fucking small! I bet if you keep going you're get a nice hot shot of something gooey to blow them up!" he moans as you bounce on his <<Penis>> driving it deep into your wet cunt. Reaching up he starts to fondle your $BreastSD $BreastsSize tits, your hard nipples poking out between his fingers. You start to moan more as the pleasure from fucking such a hard <<Penis>> combined with him groping your $BreastSD breasts is pushing you to the edge.
<<case 4 5 6 7 8 9>>\
  "Your breasts are fucking hot! Got a real nice heft to them ya know? Makes me wanna give ya a nice blast of my cum to blow them up even more! Get ya some even bigger titties!" he moans as you bounce on his <<Penis>> driving it deep into your wet cunt. Reaching up he starts to fondle your $BreastSD $BreastsSize tits, your hard nipples poking out between his fingers. You start to moan more as the pleasure from fucking such a hard <<Penis>> combined with him groping your $BreastSD breasts is pushing you to the edge.
<<case 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17>>\
  "Oh fuck yeah! You got some real nice big o'titties! It makes me so horny that I can't wait to give your cunt a big gooey shot of Vitamin Cum!" he moans as you bounce on his <<Penis>> driving it deep into your wet cunt. Reaching up he starts to fondle your $BreastSD $BreastsSize tits, your hard nipples poking out between his fingers. You start to moan even louder as the pleasure from fucking such a hard <<Penis>> combined with him groping your $BreastSD breasts is pushing you to the edge.
  "Oh fucking A+! Your big fucking titties are fucking $BreastSD! I was about to blow my load just looking at them! Fucking yessss! I love how your fucking tits bounce while riding my cock!" he moans as you bounce on his <<Penis>> driving it deep into your wet cunt. Reaching up he starts to fondle your $BreastSD $BreastsSize tits, your hard nipples poking out between his fingers. You start to moan even louder as the pleasure from fucking such a hard <<Penis>> combined with him groping your $BreastSD breasts is pushing you to the edge.
  "Faster, Harder! Fuck! I can feel your big fucking dick so deep inside my cum hole! My titties feel so amazingly good!" you gasp in delight as the feeling of riding such a _DickSD cock is driving you wild. The Infested responds by thrusting upwards in time of your bouncing causing loud and wet slapping noises to fill the area.
<<if $PC.Infestation is $Infestation.Cap & $Infestation.Progress > 1>>\
<<set _BreastSD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _BreastsSize to $arrayBreastSize[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<include "Infestation Increase">>\
  As your pussy is being completely destroyed by his _DickSD cock you feel a surge of energy flowing directly into you! It almost feels like you are burning up but it quickly turns to pleasure that radiates from your wet pussy, slightly sore ass and your heaving chest.
  "Oh fuck yes! Your tits are blowing up like fucking balloons! Get ready cause I'm about to shoot my shot of Vitamin Cum straight into your fucking cunt!" The Infested Male screams as he thrusts his _DickSize cock into you one last time before blasting your womb with a geyser of hot cum! You groan in absolute pleasure as you watch your _BreastSD breasts slowly inflate in his meaty hands while you feel your booty gain even more cushioning!
  "Oh yes, oh yes oh yessss! I'M CUMMMMING!" you moan as the feeling of so much cum pouring into your cunt pushes you over the edge as your orgasm hits hard, almost knocking you senseless. Your wet pussy unleashes a $CumAD gushing of female cum all over his _DickSize <<Penis>> <<if $Cum.Stored > 10>> The stream of girl cum lasts for over a minute and overflows out of your tight pussy!<</if>>
  As you pull your cum soaked cunt off of his _DickSD <<Penis>> you finally confirm that you now have a pair of $BreastSD $BreastsSize breasts capped with $NippleSize long nipples and a $AssSize delicious looking ass! Before you can react the Infested fondles your expanded chest with a smirk and says "Looks like you are on the way to becoming one hot slut!"
  "Oh fuck yes! Get ready cause I'm about to shoot my shot of Vitamin Cum straight into your fucking cunt! Oh fuck!" He loudly yells as his cock twitches before unleashing a huge wad of hot cum into your begging pussy! Your pussy is flooded completely by his baby-batter as it splashes out onto the ground below.
  "Oh yes, oh yes oh yessss! I'M CUMMMMING!" you moan as the feeling of so much cum pouring into your cunt pushes you over the edge as your orgasm hits hard, almost knocking you senseless. Your wet pussy unleashes a $GCumAD gushing of female cum all over his _DickSize <<Penis>> <<if $GCum.Stored > 10>> The stream of girl cum lasts for over a minute and overflows out of your tight pussy!<</if>>
  "Oh fuck that was rocking hard, bitch!" $genericFighter.Name2 says when you finally stand up, cum dripping from your sensitive pussy. Sitting back while stroking his cock, he says "I'll hope to see you again soon, slut". With that you grab your clothes and leave the area.
<<set $StatusAffect.CumFilled to $StatusAffect.CumFilled+1>>\<img @src=$genericFighter.Image />
<<if $StatusAffect.Vaccine < 1>>\
<<if (random(19) +1) + $PC.Fortitude + $InfectionResist.Fort + $FoodStatus.Fort - $StatusAffect.Wet < (19 + $genericFighter.Level + Math.round($Infestation.Progress / 2) )>>\
<<if $Infestation.Progress < 1>>\
<<set $Infestation.Progress to 1>>\
<<set _Infest to random(10) - $InfectionResist.DR +5>>\
<<if _Infest < 0>>\
<<set _Infest to 0>>\
<<set $PC.Infestation to $PC.Infestation + _Infest>>\
<<if $PC.Infestation > $Infestation.Cap>>\
<<set $PC.Infestation to $Infestation.Cap>>\
<<if $PC.Sex is "Male" and $StatusAffect.Futa < 1>>\
<<include "Infested Male Sex Submissive Male">>\
<<elseif $PC.Sex is "Female" and $StatusAffect.Futa < 1 >>\
<<include "Infested Male Sex Submissive Female">>\
<<elseif $PC.Sex is "Futa" or $StatusAffect.Futa > 0>>\
<<include "Infested Male Sex Submissive Futa">>\
<<include "Lust Passes">>\
<<if $location.SexFlag is 1>>\
<<button [[Return|$location.Sex]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<set $location.SexFlag to 0>>\
<<set $NoEncounter to random(1) +2>>\
<<button [[Return|$location.temp]]>>
<<if $StatusAffect.Horde > 0 and $location.Indoor is 0>>\
<<set $NoEncounter to random(3)>>\
<<set $NoEncounter to random(1) +2>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</if>>\<<include "Adlibs">>\
<<switch $SexScene2>>\
<<case 1>>\ /* Ass fucking scene */
<<include "Infested Male Ass Sex Submissive Male">>\
<<case 2>>\
<<include "Infested Male Blowjob Submissive Male">>\
<<include "Infested Male Blowjob2 Submissive Male">>\
<</switch>> <<include "Adlibs">>\
<<switch $SexScene2>>\
<<case 1>>\ /* Pussy scene */
<<include "Infested Male Pussy Sex Submissive Futa">>\
<<case 2>>\ /* Ass scene */
<<include "Infested Male Ass Sex Submissive Futa">>\
<</switch>> <<switch $Weather.Current>>\
<<case "Cloudy" "Windy">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburbs 5.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<case "Foggy">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburbs-F 5.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<case "Misty">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburbs-F 5.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<case "Rainy" "Stormy">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburbs-R 5.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<case "Dreary">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburbs-R 5.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<case "Sleeting">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburbs-S 5.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<case "Snowy">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburbs-S 5.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<if $Time.Current > 6>>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburbs-N 5.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburbs 5.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set $NoEncounter to random(1) +2>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<if $npcDiane.Met < 1>>\
  As you are walking down the suburban street you hear the sound of a woman begging for help! Quickly looking around the sound of screams sounds like it is coming from one of the nearby houses that still looks intact. After a quick scan of the area you don't see any Infested but the sounds of the woman screaming will quickly lure them in.
<<if (random(19) + 1) + $Skill.Social + $CharismaBonus > 15>>\
<<set _Social to "They don't sound really all that desperate for help considering they are begging for help...">>\
<<set _Social to "She sounds like she is in real trouble!">>\
<<if (random(19) + 1) + $Skill.Scouting + $WisdomBonus > 15>>\
<<set _Infested to "I'm seeing alot of signs of heavy Infested presence. Gotta be on the look out for ambushes...">>\
<<set _Infested to "I don't see any Infested around right now so it should be safe to investigate...">>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> _Social _Infested</i></div>
  As you are walking down the suburban street you hear the sound of a woman begging for help! For a brief second you don't recognize the voice but after a moment realize it's Diane. It sounds like she is rather vocally having trouble with her TV once again.
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I wonder if I should stop by and see if I can give her a helping hand...</i></div>
<<button [[Investigate!|TV Repairman Inside]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Leave|$location.temp]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</button>><<set $genericEvent.Image = $eventPath4 + $arrayEvent4Sitting.random() + '.jpg'>>\
<img @src=$genericEvent.Image />
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Horny to $StatusAffect.Horny+1>>\
<<set _lusty to random(10) +1 + $StatusAffect.Horny - $LustResist.Visual - $LustResist.Complete>>\
<<if _lusty < 0>>\
<<set _lusty to 0>>\
<<set $repairEvent.Visits to $repairEvent.Visits +1>>\
<<set $npcDiane.Friendship to $npcDiane.Friendship + 1 + $ClassBonus.Celebrity + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set _LustRoll to (random(19) + 1)>>\
<<if _LustRoll + $PC.Willpower - $StatusAffect.Horny < 15>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Horny to $StatusAffect.Horny +1>>\
<<set $lust to $lust + _lusty +1>>\
<<set $lust to $lust + (_lusty / 2)>>\
<<set _Medical to (random(19) + 1) + $Skill.Medical + $WisdomBonus>>\
<<if $npcDiane.Met is 0>>\
<<set $npcDiane.Met to 1>>\
<<set $npcDiane.SexDetection to $PC.Sex>>\
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$npcDiane.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$npcDiane.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _IAss to $arrayAssSizeDesc[$npcDiane.AssSize]>>\
<<set _E to (random(19) + 1) + $Skill.Electronics + $IntelligenceBonus + $FoodStatus.Skill>>\
<<set _E2 to 0>>\
<<if $ElectronicsSkillFeats.BruteForce > 0>>\
<<set _E2 to (random(19) + 1) + $Skill.Electronics + $IntelligenceBonus + $FoodStatus.Skill + $PCStatus.SkillBuff - ($SkillFeats.BruteForce *2)>>\
<<if _E >= 3 or _E2 >= 3>>\
<<set _ECheck to "Success">>\
<<set _ECheck to "Fail">>\
<<if $repairEvent.Visits < 2>>\
  As you dash into the house you hear the sound of the woman begging coming from deeper into the house. Moving quickly thru the house you find a very busty woman sitting on the edge of a office desk begging for the TV to come on. She is dressed in a rather revealing business outfit and she is so focused on the non-responsive TV she hasn't even noticed your arrival.
  "What's going on?!?!" you ask in confusion as you watch her mess with the remote. She doesn't seem to be in any real danger, at least enough to justify the loud screaming that could clearly be heard from the street.
  Turning quickly in your direction she looks startled that you are in her office. "Who are you and what are doing in my house?" she yells as she stands up, her _ISD breasts bouncing majestically in response.
  "I heard someone yelling for help and I figured I could lend a hand to help you out. My name is $PC.FirstName and I live nearby." you respond as you back up to the doorway. You expected a woman to be under attack by a Infested or Raider not a voluptuous sexbomb over-reacting to a broken TV.
  "Oh! I'm so sorry for worrying you. I just tend to get a bit loud when I'm excited. I've been unable to get my TV to work and it's really frustrated me sooo much that I'm about to explode. It's my only way to get information from the outside world. I could really use a strong someone that knows how to handle their tools to fix my TV. I would really appreciate it and I would be willing do anything to have it working again. Anything..." she says as she looks you over with a seductive glance, her full red lips being licked.
  You give the TV a quick look before looking back at the extremly buxom woman. She has started toying with her exposed cleavage that is straining her business suit while rubbing a hand along the side of one of her shapely legs.
  "By the way my name is Diane. It's very nice to meet you." she huskily says while looking you over, her eyes focuses on your groin for a moment before heading back up to your face. "So do you think you can fix my TV?"
<<if _Medical > 12 and _Medical < 22>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> It's easy to tell she's been somewhat exposed to the Infested virus...</i></div>
<<elseif _Medical > 21>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I can tell she's far along to being an Infested! She seems to be a lot more sane than the others outside but it could be risky to stay!</i></div>
<div class="pcTalk"><i> Well I could always just take a quick look to see what's wrong with the TV...</i></div>
  As you walk casually into the house you hear the sounds of Diane yelling coming from her office. Moving steadily thru the house you find Diane sitting on the edge of her office desk yelling at her TV to come on. She is once again dressed in her rather revealing business outfit.
  "Hey Diane, What's going on?" you ask as you watch her mess with the remote in amusement. She keeps slapping it into her thick thighs before jamming her finger onto the power button.
  Turning quickly in your direction she looks briefly startled before looking a bit embarrassed to be caught yelling at her remote. "Oh, Hello $PC.FirstName. Did you really hear me from the street again?" she asks pitifully as she stands up, her _ISD breasts bouncing majestically along in response. With one hand on her blushing face and the other waving the remote around she looks rather ashamed to have been heard screaming at the TV again.
  "Yeah, I could hear you a bit while I was walking by. Are you having trouble with the TV again?" you ask as you take in the sight of the voluptuous sexbomb looking somewhat panicked. Diane pauses for a moment and then takes a deep breath, her business suit straining from the effort. When she releases her breath she looks a lot calmer and has regained most of her seductive aura as she gives you a sultry look.
  "Oh! I'm so sorry for causing you to worry about me. When I went to turn on my TV today nothing happened. I've had so many issues with this stupid TV recently that I'm about to explode! It's one of my only sources of entertainment and I'm getting really frustrated! Would you be willing to use your strong tools to fix my box? I would really appreciate it and I would be willing reward my hero again and again and again until they can't handle it anymore." she huskily says as she looks you over with a seductive glance, her full red lips blowing you a kiss.
  You give the TV a thoughtful look before looking back at the extremly buxom woman. She has started running the remote across her exposed cleavage while rubbing a hand along the side of one of her shapely legs.
<<if _Medical > 12 and _Medical < 22>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> It's easy to tell she's been somewhat exposed to the Infested virus...</i></div>
<<elseif _Medical > 21>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I can tell she's far along to being an Infested! She seems to be a lot more sane than the others outside but it could be risky to stay!</i></div>
<div class="pcTalk"><i> Well if it's as easy as it was last time I should have it fixed in no time.</i></div>
<<if _ECheck is "Success">>\
<<if $PC.Sex is "Male" and $StatusAffect.Futa < 1>>\
<<button [[Try to fix the TV|TV Repairman Succeed Male]]>> <</button>>
<<elseif $PC.Sex is "Female" and $StatusAffect.Futa < 1>>\
<<button [[Try to fix the TV|TV Repairman Succeed Female]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Try to fix the TV|TV Repairman Succeed Futa]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Try to fix the TV|TV Repairman Fail]]>> <</button>>
<<if $lust + ($StatusAffect.Horny*5) - $PC.Willpower - $armorSaveBonus - $FoodStatus.Will < $MaxLust>>\
<<button [[Refuse to check out the TV and Leave|TV Repairman Leave]]>> <</button>>
<<set $sexHistory.XP to $sexHistory.XP +1>>\
<<set $LastPartner to $genericFighter>>\
<<set _TCard to 0>>\
<<set _VCard to 0>>\
<<set $sexHistory.LastPartner to $genericFighter.Name>>\
<<set $sexHistory.Type to "Pussy">>\
<<set $sexHistory.Consent to "Yes">>\
<<if $sexHistory.TotalV is 1>>\
<<set $sexHistory.TrueVirginityWho to $genericFighter.Name>>\
<<set _TCard to 1>>\
<<set $sexHistory.TotalV to 0>>\
<<if $sexHistory.PussyV is 1>>\
<<set $sexHistory.PussyVirginityWho to $genericFighter.Name>>\
<<set _VCard to 1>>\
<<set $sexHistory.PussyV to 0>>\
<<set _DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$genericFighter.DickSize]>>\
<<set _DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$genericFighter.DickSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$genericFighter.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$genericFighter.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _SizeComp to $PC.DickSize - $genericFighter.Level + ($GeneralFeats.FalseRep *2)>>\
<<set _SizeComp2 to $PC.BreastsSize - $genericFighter.Level + ($GeneralFeats.FalseRep *2)>>\
<<if _SizeComp < 0>>\
<<set _SizeComp to 0>>\
<<if _SizeComp2 < 0>>\
<<set _SizeComp2 to 0>>\
  $genericFighter.Name2 stares at you with a hopeful look in his eyes as you walk towards him, your wet pussy soaking your panties. With his _DickSD _DickSize cock, _BallsSD _BallsSize cum-filled balls and his rock hard body there was no way you could walk away. "I'm going to ride your monster cock until you fill me completely up with your hot baby-batter!" you moan lustfully as you strip from your clothes exposing your hard $DickSD $DickSize futa-cock.
<<switch _SizeComp>>\
<<case 0 1 2>>\
  He stares at you $DickSD dick and than blinks. "Is that a cock or is it a clit? Cause from this distance I can't tell..." he says with a dismissive tone. At your fierce glare he backpeddles "I mean it's not the size but how well it works, I think? I'm not sure why we're talking about anything besides my _DickSD monster meat staff?" Ignoring his mockery you slide your wet pussy up against his _DickSize cock getting it nice and ready to be buried deep inside you.
<<case 3 4 5 6>>\
  "Huh, you really do have a dick...I mean it's no cunt destroyer like mine but I can see that you're at least trying to be a stud. Just needs some more work and maybe feed it more butter to get close to my league ya know?" he says while flexing his _DickSize cock causing some pre-cum to ooze out. At your annoyed look he tries to explain "I mean it's a decent dick, it's not the size but how skilled you are with it, I guess? I'm not sure why we're talking about your cock when we can be talking about my _DickSD monster meat rod?" Ignoring his confusing commentary you slide your wet pussy up against his _DickSize cock getting it nice and ready to be buried deep inside you.
<<case 7 8 9 10 11 12>>\
  "Whoa now, looks like someone has a respectable cock and that would be this dick-girl right here! Look at you just waving that meat stick around like a boss! Now it can't match up to my winning Virgin Cunt Slayer but it's a solid 3rd or maybe 4th place, you know?" he says while flexing his _DickSize cock causing some pre-cum to ooze out. At your puzzled look he tries to explain "I'm just saying as a Futa you've got a nice dick that all the girls and guys would enjoy when they don't have access to my masterclass magnum, I mean. I'm not sure why we're talking about your cock when we can be talking about my _DickSD monster meat rod?" Taking his slight praise to heart you slide your wet pussy up against his _DickSize cock getting it nice and ready to be buried deep inside you.
<<case 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24>>\
  "OK what the fuck, dudette? How the fuck does a Futa have a cock bigger than my cunt-slayer fire-hose!?!? Holy shit, that girthy dick has to be over a foot long!" he says while stroking his _DickSize cock trying get it to grow bigger which causes some pre-cum to ooze out. At your proud look he tries to explain "Damn I'm just so fucking jealous! I bet you have all the girls and guys drooling over your super-sized cock, you mother-fucker! Can we stop talking about your magnum and instead talk about my equally powerful _DickSD monster meat rod?" Taking his jealous praise to heart you slide your wet pussy up against his _DickSize cock getting it nice and ready to be buried deep inside you.
  Taking a deep breath, you slowly slide you pussy onto his _DickSD meat rod. You can feel his cock completely filling you, even stretching your snatch almost to the breaking point as you reach the halfway point. It feels so good you are unable to stop as you force it the rest of the way in causing the Infested to moan lustfully! Your own moaning fills the air as your cunt finally stretches to accommodate his thick meaty cock. Wanting even more pleasure you start to bounce up and down on that hard cock, your wet pussy providing more than enough lubrication to keep his rock hard cock sliding nice and slick.
  The Infested moans lustfully as you bounce steadily on his _DickSD cock. "Oh God! Your cock feels so fucking huge in my pussy! It feels sooo fucking good!" you moan as you can feel your pussy walls soaking up his pre-cum and you find yourself wanting more. Your fucking speeds up as the pleasure increases each time his diamond hard cock is buried inside your needy cunt.
<<switch _SizeComp2>>\
<<case 0 1 2>>\
  "Fuck! You must have really been fucking thirsty for my cock. Your fucking tight cum hole is sucking me in hard!" the Infested groans as he seems be enjoying the wild ride so far. He reaches up and grabs your $DickSD $DickSize dick in one hand and one of your $BreastSD breasts in the other. He starts jacking your hard cock in time with your bounces while groping your jugs wildly. "Your tits are too god-damn small, dick-girl! You need huge fucking tits if you're going around fucking guys and girls like me! Luckily I got just the thing to blow those titties up nice and good!" he says as he starts to thrust in time with your bounces.
<<case 4 5 6 7 8 9>>\
  "Fuck! You must have really been fucking thirsty for my cock. Your fucking tight cum hole is sucking me in hard!" the Infested groans as he seems be enjoying the wild ride so far. He reaches up and grabs your $DickSD $DickSize dick in one hand and one of your $BreastSD breasts in the other. He starts jacking your hard cock in time with your bounces while groping your jugs wildly. "Your tits are fucktastically good! I can really feel them in my hands ya know? Maybe they could be a bit bigger so luckily I got just the thing to blow those titties up even more!" he says as he starts to thrust in time with your bounces.
<<case 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17>>\
  "Fuck! You must have really been fucking thirsty for my cock. Your fucking tight cum hole is sucking me in hard!" the Infested groans as he seems be enjoying the wild ride so far. He reaches up and grabs your $DickSD $DickSize dick in one hand and one of your $BreastSD breasts in the other. He starts jacking your hard cock in time with your bounces while groping your jugs wildly. "Oh fucking A+ yeah! You got some really nice fucking big tits just jiggling away from all this bouncing! I wonder if they can get any bigger, luckily I got just the thing to blow those tits up even more!" he says as he starts to thrust in time with your bounces.
  "Fuck! You must have really been fucking thirsty for my cock. Your fucking tight cum hole is sucking me in hard!" the Infested groans as he seems be enjoying the wild ride so far. He reaches up and grabs your $DickSD $DickSize dick in one hand and one of your $BreastSD breasts in the other. He starts jacking your hard cock in time with your bounces while groping your jugs wildly. "FUCK YES! Your massive fucking tits are some of the biggest I've fucking ever seen! I almost came as soon as I saw you with those fucking $BreastsSize tits. I fucking want to see them get even bigger, luckily I got just the thing to blow those tits up even more!" he says as he starts to thrust in time with your bounces.
  "Don't you dare fucking stop! I'm almost there! I'm about to fucking cum all over your fucking cock and shoot my wad all over your face!" you yell as you feel your orgasm rapidly building, both in your tight filled pussy and your hard cock that is still being jacked hard. The Infested keeps slamming his hard cock into your wet pussy pushing you into the air, his own moans growing louder.
<<if $PC.Infestation is $Infestation.Cap & $Infestation.Progress > 1>>\
<<include "Infestation Increase">>\
  As your pussy is being completely fucked by his _DickSD cock you feel a surge of energy flowing directly into you! It almost feels like you are burning up but it quickly turns to pleasure that radiates from your wet pussy , your hard dick and your heaving chest.
  "OH FUCK YES! That feels so fucking good! Get ready dick-girl cause I'm about to shoot my load right into your fucking tight cunt!" The Infested Male screams as he slams his _DickSize cock into you one last time before blasting your womb with a geyser of hot cum! You feel a pleasant growing sensation from your breasts as you watch them slowly grow bigger with each bounce. You also feel your dick grow bigger and bigger forcing the Infested's hand to open slightly wider to encircle your enhanced girth! "OH SHIT! Your tits are blowing up like fucking balloons! Even your dick is fucking growing bigger!" he yells as his orgasm continues.
  "Oh Fuck! Oh fuck, oh fuck yes! I'm cumming all over your fucking meat rod!" you scream as the feeling of his hot cum filling your pussy pushes you over the edge and you unleash a tsunami of cum that is bigger than any other squirts you've ever had engulfs his _DickSD cock and flows down to the ground below! Your hard cock is not far behind on it launches a geyser of white goo all over the Infested's face, chest and hand.
  As you stand up off of his still hard dick you verify that you now have a $DickSD $DickSize cock along with a pair of $BallsSD $BallsSize balls! You also verify that your chest is now bigger as your tits are now $BreastSD $BreastsSize breasts and even your ass as grown to a $AssSize ass!! Before you can react the Infested strokes your <<Penis>> with a smirk while saying "Looks like you are becoming one hot Futa."
  "OH FUCK YES! That feels so fucking good! Get ready dick-girl cause I'm about to shoot my load right into your fucking tight cunt!" The Infested Male screams as he slams his _DickSize cock into you one last time before blasting your womb with a geyser of hot cum! "OH SHIT! I can't stop cumming into your tight pussy!" he yells as his orgasm continues.
  "Oh Fuck! Oh fuck, oh fuck yes! I'm cumming all over your fucking meat rod!" you moan as the feeling of so much cum pouring into your cunt pushes you over the edge as your orgasm hits hard, almost knocking you senseless. Your wet pussy unleashes a $GCumAD gushing of female cum all over his _DickSize <<Penis>> Your hard cock is not far behind on it launches a $CumAD geyser of white goo all over the Infested's face, chest and hand.<<if $GCum.Stored > 10 or $Cum.Stored > 10>> The dual stream of cum lasts for over a minute and overflows out of your tight pussy and splattering from your hard dick!<</if>>
  "Oh fuck that was fucking hard core, dick-girl!" $genericFighter.Name2 says when you finally step away with his still hot cum dripping from your sensitive pussy. Sitting back while stroking his cock, he says "I'll hope to see you again soon, dick-girl". With that you grab your clothes and leave the area.
<<set $StatusAffect.CumFilled to $StatusAffect.CumFilled+1>>\<<set $genericEvent.Image = $eventPath4 + $arrayEvent4Standing.random() + '.jpg'>>\
<img @src=$genericEvent.Image />
<<set $npcDiane.Friendship to $npcDiane.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity +1 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Horny to $StatusAffect.Horny+1>>\
<<set _lusty to random(15) +5 + $StatusAffect.Horny - $LustResist.Visual - $LustResist.Complete>>\
<<if _lusty < 0>>\
<<set _lusty to 0>>\
<<set _LustRoll to (random(19) + 1)>>\
<<if _LustRoll + $PC.Willpower - $StatusAffect.Horny < 15>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Horny to $StatusAffect.Horny+1>>\
<<set $lust to $lust + _lusty +1>>\
<<set $lust to $lust + _lusty>>\
<<if $repairEvent.Visits > 2>>\
<<set $SexScene2 to random(1)>>\
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$npcDiane.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$npcDiane.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _IAss to $arrayAssSizeDesc[$npcDiane.AssSize]>>\
<<if $npcDiane.SexDetection is "Futa">>\
  "I'll go ahead and take a look at the television. Hopefully it's a simple issue like last time so it can be fixed rather quickly." you say feeling sorry for Diane. She seems to have lots of bad luck with electronics and with the Infested pandemic it's a bit rough to get appliances repaired.
  As you start to check out the TV, Diane moves up next to you while staring at the TV. "It was working late last night but starting this morning it just won't turn on!" she says as she futility hits the power button on the remote. This close to Diane is rather intoxicating as her perfume envelopes you and you unconsciously turn to face her. She shoves her impressive chest up against your hard chest while showing you the non-functioning remote "See it doesn't work!" You go to look at the remote but your eyes are locked onto her _ISD tits as she continues to explain how the remote just doesn't work.
  You feel your $DickSize dick harden as she rubs her impressive tits against you and soon you can feel your $DickSD shaft pressing against her thigh. Diane looks slightly surprised as you ask "How about I check the outlet just to make sure nothing is broken back there?" while staring down at her _ICup breasts. The way they fill out her business suit, with the top showing off so much tanned cleavage, is rapidly turning you on.
  "You know, $PC.FirstName... You seem to be missing a couple of soft somethings that should be pressing up against my big juicy tits." Diane questioning says looking down where you used to have tits. Reaching down she slides her hand down beneath your dick where your pussy used to be. "I'm pretty sure the last time you visitied you had some nice tits and a tight pussy. Care to explain?"
<<switch $PCChanges.Gender>>\
<<case "Soda">>\
  With what's she doing with her soft boobs to your hard chest it takes a moment to respond "It looks like the Milkshake Jugs has worn off. Maybe I'll try it out again if I find another can of it but for now I'm back to my usual manly self." you explain how your futa-dick disappeared.
  Hearing your response, she shifts her eyes from your chest to your eyes. "That sounds a bit strange. I mean I had assumed it would be a permanent change since growing something like a vagina should have lasting changes. But I'm no medical expert so what do I know..." Diane says as her whole demeanor switched from sexy MILF to business woman. She taps her face with her slim finger before giving you a lewd look as her focus shifts to your hard dick. "So you grew a pussy and some tits from one of BioWetX's products and now they're gone, huh? Well if you can get my television fixed I'll be sure to help you get over the loss of your pussy." she says in a husky tone while crossing her arms under her impressive chest.
<<case "Surgery">>\
  With what's she doing with her soft boobs to your hard chest it takes a moment to respond "I went to a doctor who was able to remove my pussy and shrink my breasts using some experimental treatments. I felt too much like one of the Infested running around as a Futa so now I'm back to being 100% male." you explain how your pussy and tits disappeared.
  Hearing your response, she suddenly straightens up and turns to face you. "I'm so sorry, $PC.FirstName. I didn't realize how much being a Futa was weighing on you." Diane says as her whole demeanor switched from sexy MILF to business woman. She taps her face with her slim finger before giving you a lewd look as her focus shifts to your hard dick. "So you're now 100% male, eh? Well if you can get my television fixed I'll be sure to help you celebrate your return to being a full man." she says in a husky tone while crossing her arms under her impressive chest.
  With what's she doing with her soft boobs to your hard chest it takes a moment to respond "My pussy just disappeared one night while my breasts shrunk back to flat for no apparent reason. I mean I was a full on Futa going to sleep and then I wake up as a full on man." you explain how you have no idea on why yourpussy disappeared and your breasts shrunk.
  Hearing your response, she suddenly straightens up and turns to face you. "That sounds a bit strange. I mean I had assumed it would be a permanent change since growing something like a vagina should have lasting changes. But I'm no medical expert so what do I know..." Diane says as her whole demeanor switched from sexy MILF to business woman. She taps her face with her slim finger before giving you a lewd look as her focus shifts to your tits. "So you grew a pussy from one of BioWetX's products and now it's gone, huh? Well if you can get my television fixed I'll be sure to help you get over the loss of your pussy." she says in a husky tone while crossing her arms under her impressive chest.
<<set $npcDiane.SexDetection to "Male">>\
  Glancing away from her _ISD breasts you look down at the remote to see if you can turn it on now that's she's checked at least the power cable. You quickly notice that when you press the power button no lights flash nor is there any response from the remote at all.
  Looking at the television you decide to try manually turning the TV on with the power button. It instantly responds and starts playing the last video before it was turned off...
<<set $pornVid = $pornPath + $arrayStraight.random() + '.mp4'>>
<<if $Sound is "On">>\
<video autoplay loop>
<source @src="$pornVid" type="video/mp4">
<video autoplay loop muted>
<source @src="$pornVid" type="video/mp4">
  You stare in disbelief as you get a front seat viewing of a pornographic movie that starts playing on the TV. The sight of a big titty milf being plowed by a muscular stud less than a foot away causes you to take a couple of steps back. Diane quickly launches herself into giving you a big tight hug while gripping your ass. Her _ISD breasts squish against your own hard chest while she kisses you deeply.
  "Thank you! Thank you! You fixed my broken TV! How about I go ahead and reward you for your efforts my hero! In fact the show on the TV is giving me a good idea for how to reward you!" she says as the kiss ends. Before you can form a response she shoves your face into her ample cleavage!
<<elseif $repairEvent.Visits is 1 or $SexScene2 is 0>>\
  "I'll go ahead and take a look at the TV. I'm no expert but I should be able to fix it if it's a simple issue." you say feeling sorry for Diane. She seems to be kind of bad with electronics and with the Infested pandemic going on it's impossible to get repair men to fix broken appliances.
  As you start to check out the TV the shapely woman moves up behind you while staring at the TV. "It was working yesterday but today it just won't work." she says as she futility hits the power button on the remote. This close to Diane is rather intoxicating as her perfume envelopes you. "See it doesn't work!" she says as she spins you around to look the remote in her hand. You go to look at the remote but two rather large bouncy obstacles are blocking your view. Your eyes are locked onto her _ICup tits as she continues to explain how the remote just doesn't work.
  "How about I check the outlet just to make sure nothing broke back there?" you ask using a supreme amount of willpower to pull your eyes away from those lucious breasts. The way they fill out her business suit with the top showing off so much tanned cleavage, it can't be work appropriate.
  "Sure! Go ahead, you're the expert." she says as she watches you bend over to get behind the media center. Searching around in the darkened you manage to find the power cable. It looks like it has been unplugged from the power outlet and it doesn't look by accident! Before you can even get it plugged back in you feel two hands on your $AssSize ass! You quickly plug the power cable back in and start to get back on your feet. As you are straightening up you bump your head into two rather soft obstacles! It seems like Diane had moved rather close to in order to grope your $AssSize ass while you was working on the TV and didn't back off when you tried to stand.
  Before you have a chance to explain what happened or to apologize for your head bumping into her _ISD tits, the TV suddenly turns on and starts playing the last video before it was unplugged...
<<set $pornVid = $pornPath + $arrayStraight.random() + '.mp4'>>
<<if $Sound is "On">>\
<video autoplay loop>
<source @src="$pornVid" type="video/mp4">
<video autoplay loop muted>
<source @src="$pornVid" type="video/mp4">
  You stare in disbelief as a pornographic movie starts playing on the TV. The sight of a big titty milf being plowed by a muscular stud throws you for a loop and completely off balance. Diane takes advantage of you being stunned to wrap her arms around you giving you a tight hug! Her _ISD breasts squish against your own $BreastSD chest while she kisses you deeply.
  "Thank you! Thank you! You fixed my broken TV! How about I go ahead and reward you for your efforts my hero! In fact the show on the TV is giving me a good idea for how to reward you!" she says as the kiss ends. Before you can form a response she shoves your face into her ample cleavage!
<<elseif $repairEvent.Visits > 1 or $SexScene2 is 1>>\
  "I'll go ahead and take a look at the television. Hopefully it's a simple issue like last time so it can be fixed rather quickly." you say feeling sorry for Diane. She seems to have lots of bad luck with electronics and with the Infested pandemic it's a bit rough to get appliances repaired.
  As you start to check out the TV, Diane moves up next to you while staring at the TV. "It was working late last night but starting this morning it just won't turn on!" she says as she futility hits the power button on the remote. This close to Diane is rather intoxicating as her perfume envelopes you and you unconsciously turn to face her. She shoves her impressive chest up against you while showing you the non-functioning remote "See it doesn't work!" You go to look at the remote but your eyes are locked onto her _ISD tits as she continues to explain how the remote just doesn't work.
  "How about I check the outlet just to make sure nothing broke back there?" you ask staring down at her _ICup breasts. The way they fill out her business suit, with the top showing off so much tanned cleavage, is rapidly turning you on.
  "Wait a second, let me check again. I would hate for it to be the damned power cable again!" she says before handing you the dead remote. She bends over deep to look behind the media center with her large bouncy ass up in the air. "Can you shine a light to help me see back here?" she asks while searching for the power cable.
  You grab your smart phone and turn on the flashlight. As you are shining the light behind the TV you feel your dick being rubbed between two soft obstacles! It seems like Diane had moved back a bit and is rubbing her large juicy ass against your cock while she is looking behind the TV.
  "Hold the light steady, $PC.FirstName! I gotta check just a couple of my hard thick cables that's plugged in some soft moist connections!" Diane huskily says while wiggling her massive ass against your raging cock. In order to try to distract yourself from what's her soft ass is doing to your hard dick, you look at the remote to see if you can turn it on now that's she's checked at least the power cable. You quickly notice that when you press the power button no lights flash nor is there any response from the remote at all.
  Looking at the television you decide to try manually turning the TV on with the power button. It instantly responds and starts playing the last video before it was turned off...
<<set $pornVid = $pornPath + $arrayStraight.random() + '.mp4'>>
<<if $Sound is "On">>\
<video autoplay loop>
<source @src="$pornVid" type="video/mp4">
<video autoplay loop muted>
<source @src="$pornVid" type="video/mp4">
  You stare in disbelief as you get a front seat viewing of a pornographic movie that starts playing on the TV. The sight of a big titty milf being plowed by a muscular stud less than a foot away causes you to take a couple of steps back. Diane quickly gets to her feet and launches herself into giving you a big tight hug! Her _ISD breasts squish against your own $BreastSD chest while she kisses you deeply.
  "Thank you! Thank you! You fixed my broken TV! How about I go ahead and reward you for your efforts my hero! In fact the show on the TV is giving me a good idea for how to reward you!" she says as the kiss ends. Before you can form a response she shoves your face into her ample cleavage!
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Stay for your Reward|TV Repairman Reward Male]]>>
<<if $lust + ($StatusAffect.Horny*5) - $PC.Willpower - $armorSaveBonus - $FoodStatus.Will < $MaxLust>>\
<<button [[Leave|TV Repairman Leave]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<set $NoEncounter to random(1) +2>>\
<</if>>\<img @src=$genericEvent.Image />
<<set $repairEvent.Refuse to 1>>\
<<set $npcDiane.Friendship to $npcDiane.Friendship - 5 + $SocialSkillFeats.WashmyHair>>\
<<if $npcDiane.Friendship < 3>>\
<<set $npcDiane.Friendship to $npcDiane.Friendship-5>>\
  "I'm sorry. I'm not a TV repairman and I have better things to do than to mess around with a broken TV. Later." you say before heading out of the house.
  "I can't believe how worthless you are! Go ahead and leave! If you won't help me with my TV than someone else will!" Diane screams at you as you walk out the door.
  "I'm sorry, Diane. I'm really busy right now and I have to get going. Maybe next time I'll have time to fix your TV." you say before heading out of the house.
  "OK fine! I guess if you are busy than you are busy. But next time you will definitely fix my TV!" Diane sadly says before you walk out the door.
<<button [[Leave|$location.temp]]>>
<<set $NoEncounter to random(1) +2>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</button>><img @src=$genericEvent.Image />
<<set $npcDiane.Friendship to $npcDiane.Friendship - 3 + $SocialSkillFeats.WashmyHair>>\
<<if $npcDiane.Friendship < 3>>\
  As you spend time checking out the TV you find yourself frustrated as you can't figure out what's wrong. You've tried every button and even slapped the TV a few times but it refuses to turn on! Eventually you have to conceed that you can't fix the TV.
  "I can't believe how worthless you are! If you can't help me with my TV than get out! Maybe someone more competent will show up that will know how to fix a goddamn television!" she yells after watching you spend over an hour messing around with the TV.
  "Sorry I wasn't able to help you. Maybe you just need a new TV?" you say before leaving while shaking your head.
<div class="pcTalk"><i> Well that was a waste of time...</i></div>
  As you spend time checking out the TV you find yourself frustrated as you can't figure out what's wrong. You've tried every button and even slapped the TV a few times but it refuses to turn on! Eventually you have to conceed that you can't fix the TV.
  "That just sucks, $PC.FirstName. I guess I will have to find a professional who can help me out. Thanks for trying to fix my TV." she says after watching you spend over an hour messing around with the TV.
  "Sorry I wasn't able to help you. Maybe you just need a new TV?" you say before leaving while shaking your head. .
<div class="pcTalk"><i> Well that was a waste of time...</i></div>
<<button [[Leave|$location.temp]]>>
<<include "Time Passes">>\
<<set $NoEncounter to random(1) +2>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</button>><<set $genericEvent.Image = $eventPath4 + $arrayEvent4Fucked.random() + '.jpg'>>\
<img @src=$genericEvent.Image />
<<set $NoEncounter to random(1) +2>>\
<<if (random(19) + 1) + $Skill.Social + $CharismaBonus > 13>>\
<<set $npcDiane.Friendship to $npcDiane.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity + 2 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set $npcDiane.Friendship to $npcDiane.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity +1 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set $npcDiane.SexXP to $npcDiane.SexXP +1>>\
<<set $sexHistory.XP to $sexHistory.XP +1>>\
<<set $LastPartner to $npcDiane>>\
<<set $npcDiane.SexDetection to "Male">>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Horny to $StatusAffect.Horny+1>>\
<<set $Cum.Stored to $Cum.Max>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.Vaccine < 1>>\
<<if (random(19) +1) + $PC.Fortitude + $InfectionResist.Fort + $FoodStatus.Fort < (17 + Math.round($Infestation.Progress / 2) )>>\
<<if $Infestation.Progress < 1>>\
<<set $Infestation.Progress to 1>>\
<<set _Infest to random(10) - $InfectionResist.DR +5>>\
<<if _Infest < 0>>\
<<set _Infest to 0>>\
<<set $PC.Infestation to $PC.Infestation + _Infest>>\
<<if $PC.Infestation > $Infestation.Cap>>\
<<set $PC.Infestation to $Infestation.Cap>>\
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$npcDiane.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$npcDiane.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _IAss to $arrayAssSizeDesc[$npcDiane.AssSize]>>\
  You're not sure what convinced you to accept her reward. Was it the fact your face was trapped in her _ISD breasts, the porn playing in the background, Diane's husky perfume or the fact you are horny as hell. It doesn't matter as your hands reach up to grip her tits. They are so big they overflow your hands.
  "We're going to have a fun time $PC.FirstName! You just relax and keep playing with my fucking tits!" Diane huskily moans while pulling down her business suit. Her _ICup breasts burst free from her suit exposing her equally massive nipples. Without even pausing you start sucking on those hard nipples while fondling her tits. They taste so delicious that it almost distracts you from how heavy her breasts feel in your hands. Her moans of pleasure demonstrate how much she likes having her lovely tits played with. "Oh that feels so good! Keep sucking on my massive tits!" she yells as she forces your face into her cleavage.
  As you are sucking on those delicious tits Diane has reached down and started stroking your $DickSD <<Penis>>. "Oh what do we have here? A nice hard cock that wants to be rewarded!" Diane says as she slowly kneels down on her knees. Looking down you see her almost worshiping your cock as she is still stroking you with great concentration. After she licks the sides of your <<Penis>> a few times she ends up taking every bit of your $DickSize cock into her mouth.
  "Oh that feels so fucking good, Diane! Your mouth is so warm and wet!" You moan as her intense sucking spikes the pleasure you are feeling. The feeling of having your dick sucked by such an attractive sexbomb is pushing you quickly to the edge of climax. Before you can try to get Diane to slow down she takes your cock out of her mouth while aggressively stroking you.
  "Cum for me $PC.FirstName! Blow your load all over my massive tits!" she yells while rapidly jerking you off! That pushes you over the edge as a $CumAD burst of cum shoots from your $DickSD dick! It lands all over her tits and face as burst after burst shoots out in what seems like a never ending stream.
  "Now it's time for the real reward, $PC.FirstName!" she says as she bends over the sofa so that she is facing the TV, her huge ass up in the air. "Come and fuck me so hard that the whole neighborhood knows!" she demands loudly while spreading her pussy wide. The porn video continues to play in the background adding to the pornagraphic scene.
<<if $Sound is "On">>\
<video autoplay loop>
<source @src="$pornVid" type="video/mp4">
<video autoplay loop muted>
<source @src="$pornVid" type="video/mp4">
  With your dick so hard and ready there is no way you can say no. Lining your <<Penis>> with her dripping pussy you waste no time slamming your cock into her waiting cunt. It feels so tight and warm that you can't stop yourself from pulling back out and slamming your hard <<Penis>> back in. Soon you are fucking her hard while your eyes are occasionally drawn to the porn playing on the large screen TV.
  "Oh fuck that feels so good! That big hard dick feels so fucking good in my tight pussy! Oh fuck give it to me!" she screams loudly as you continue to rail her hard, her massive tits swaying back in forth with each thrust. "Tell me how much you want it! Tell me how great my fucking pussy is!" she demands loudly as she slams back against your thrusts, her large breasts jiggling hard from the impacts.
  "Oh fuck yes! I love fucking your fucking tight cunt!" you yell in response as start nailing her harder, your $DickSD cock slamming into her tight pussy rapidly. Your grip on her massive ass tightens as your pacing increases, your own moans mixing in with Diane's louder moans of pleasure. "Take my fucking $DickSize cock, you whore! Oh fuck yeah!" you scream as you are rapidly closing in on your orgasm.
<<if $PC.Infestation is $Infestation.Cap & $Infestation.Progress > 1>>\
<<include "Infestation Increase">>\
  As you slam your <<Penis>> into her wet cunt you feel a surge of energy flowing directly into you! It almost feels like you are burning up but it quickly turns to pleasure that radiates from your hard cock.
  "OH FUCKING GOD! Your hard dick is getting getting bigger and bigger! OH FUCK YES! I'M CUMMING! I'M CUMMING ALL OVER YOUR BIG DICK!" Diane screams as she slams back even harder onto your hard <<Penis>>. A flood of girl cum erupts from her pussy splashing down onto the sofa. It feels like your <<Penis>> is growing harder and thicker with each thrust into her dripping cunt! Even your balls feel like they are about to explode.
  "Take it all whore! I'm blasting your fucking pussy with my hot load!" you scream loud enough that anyone nearby can easily hear you. The feeling of her pussy quivering with pleasure pushes you over the edge, causing you to unleash a $CumAD load of white cum directly into her hot cunt! <<if $Cum.Stored > 10>> The stream of hot cum overflows out of her tight pussy and drips all over the sofa.<</if>>
  Somehow you've managed to time both of your own orgasms with the porn movie star's muscular stud blowing his load over the bimbo's big tits. As you pull out of her dripping cunt you notice that you now have a $DickSD $DickSize cock along with a pair of $BallsSD $BallsSize balls!
  "OH FUCKING GOD! OH FUCK YES! I'M CUMMING! I'M CUMMING ALL OVER YOUR FUCKING COCK!" Diane screams as she slams back even harder onto your hard <<Penis>>. A flood of girl cum erupts from her pussy splashing down onto the sofa.
  "Take it all whore! I'm blasting your fucking pussy with my hot load!" you scream loud enough that anyone nearby can easily hear you. The feeling of her pussy quivering with pleasure pushes you over the edge, causing you to unleash a $CumAD load of white cum directly into her hot cunt! <<if $Cum.Stored > 10>> The stream of hot cum overflows out of her tight pussy and drips all over the sofa.<</if>> Somehow you've managed to time both of your own orgasms with the porn movie star's muscular stud blowing his load over the milf's big tits.
  "Oh fuck yeah that was so good." Diane says as she collapses on the sofa exhausted. "You really nailed it to me good that my pussy is going to be sore for hours. I'm definitely going to need you to come back to fix my stuff again." she says as she continues to rest on the couch, while looking at you with admiration.
  You give Diane a promise to help her the next time she needs any help. Even after giving her all that hard sex your dick is still eager and you have a hard time concentrating as you walk towards the street.
<<button [[Finish|$location.temp]]>>
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<include "Lust Passes">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<set $NoEncounter to random(1) +2>>\
<</button>><img src="Images/Home/PC.jpg" width="800px" height="400px" />
Which event do you want to reset?
<<button [[May & April Threesome|BrowsePC]]>>
<<set $threesomeEvent to {Name: "May & April Threesome", Visits: 0, Image: $eventPath+"event1-1", Daily: 0, Agree: 0, Refuse: 0, Energy: 0, FutaA: 0, FutaM: 0, Affection: 0, Sex: "Male", DickSize: 0, BreastsSize: 0, AssSize: 0}>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<button [[Wandering Clinic|BrowsePC]]>>
<<set $nurseEvent to {Name: "Nurse Troy's Clinic", Found: 0, Visits: 0, Image: $eventPath+"event2-1", Medical: 0, Agree: 0, Refuse: 0, Milk: 0, Sex: "Female", Affection: 0, DickSize: 0, BreastsSize: 0, AssSize: 0}>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<button [[Milk Branch Heist|BrowsePC]]>>
<<set $bankEvent to {Name: "Milk Bank Heist", Found: 0, Visits: 0, Image: $eventPath+"event3-1", BankerDefeated: 0, Combat: 0, Deposits: 0, CashLooted: 0, Vault: 0, OfficeCube: 0, Office2: 0, Stairs: 0}>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<button [[TV Repairman|BrowsePC]]>>
<<set $repairEvent to {Name: "TV Repairman", Visits: 0, Image: $eventPath+"event4-1", Agree: 0, Refuse: 0, Fail: 0, Sex: "Female", Affection: 0, DickSize: 0, BreastsSize: 0, AssSize: 0}>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<button [[Patrol Cop|BrowsePC]]>>
<<set $copEvent to {Name: "Patrol Cop", Visits: 0, Image: $eventPath+"event5-1", Detected: 0, Paranoia: 0, Chat: 0, Weapon: 0, Sex: "Male", Affection: 0, DickSize: 0, BreastsSize: 0, AssSize: 0}>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<button [[Pizza Delivery|BrowsePC]]>>
<<set $pizzaEvent to {Name: "Pizza Delivery", Visits: 0, Image: $eventPath6, Agree: 0, Refuse: 0, Pay: 0, Sex: "Male", DickSize: 0, BreastsSize: 0, AssSize: 0}>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<button [[Supplies|BrowsePC]]>>
<<set $supplyEvent to {Name: "Supplies", Visits: 0, Image: $eventPath+"event7-1", Trap: 0, Looted: 0}>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<button [[Jogger Rescue|BrowsePC]]>>
<<set $joggerEvent to {Name: "Jogger Rescue", Visits: 0, Image: $eventPath+"event11-1", Rescue: 0, Watch: 0, Agree: 0, Fight: 0, Vaccine: 0, Sex: "Male", DickSize: 0, BreastsSize: 8, AssSize: 0}>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<button [[Food Market|BrowsePC]]>>
<<set $marketEvent to {Name: "Grocery Market", Found: 0, Visits: 0, Image: $eventPath+"event9-1", Lock: 0, Loot: 0, Snack: 0, Food: 0, Ice: 0}>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<button [[Strip Mall|BrowsePC]]>>
<<set $mallEvent to {Name: "Strip Mall", Found: 0, Visits: 0, Image: $eventPath+"event11-1", Knowledge: 0}>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<button [[Dr. Rack|BrowsePC]]>>
<<set $doctorEvent to {Name: "Doctor's Rack", Found: 0, Defeated: 0, Visits: 0, Agree: 0, SiliconeX: 10, SiliconeY: 10, Appointment: 0, Receptionist: 1, RChat: 0, RVisits: 0, Storage: 0, Storage2: 0, Storage3: 0, Storage4: 0, Storage5: 0, Image: $eventPath7, Knowledge: 0, Sex: "Male", DickSize: 0, BreastsSize: 0, AssSize: 0}>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<button [[Dr. FuckHard|BrowsePC]]>>
<<set $clinicAmbushEvent to {Name: "Clinic Ambush", Found: 0, Visits: 0, Win: 0, Sex: 0, Watch: 0, Lose: 0, Patient: 0, SiliconeX: 10, SiliconeY: 5, Debt: 0, Image: $eventPath9, Knowledge: 0}>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<button [[Nurse Troy Attack|BrowsePC]]>>
<<set $nurseattackEvent to {Name: "Nurse Attack", Found: 0, Visits: 0, Save: 0, Try: 0, Lose: 0, Corrupt: 0, Image: $eventPath8, Knowledge: 0}>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<button [[All of them|BrowsePC]]>>
<<include "Events">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<button [[Nevermind|BrowsePC]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<set $sexHistory.XP to $sexHistory.XP +1>>\
<<set $sexHistory.LastPartner to $genericFighter>>\
<<set $LastPartner to $genericFighter>>\
<<set _TCard to 0>>\
<<set _VCard to 0>>\
<<set $sexHistory.Type to "Ass">>\
<<set $sexHistory.Consent to "Yes">>\
<<if $sexHistory.TotalV is 1>>\
<<set $sexHistory.TrueVirginityWho to $genericFighter.Name>>\
<<set _TCard to 1>>\
<<set $sexHistory.TotalV to 0>>\
<<if $sexHistory.PenisV is 1>>\
<<set $sexHistory.PenisVirginityWho to $genericFighter.Name>>\
<<set _VCard to 1>>\
<<set $sexHistory.PenisV to 0>>\
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$genericFighter.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$genericFighter.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _IAss to $arrayAssSizeDesc[$genericFighter.AssSize]>>\
<<set _SizeComp to $PC.DickSize - $genericFighter.Level + ($GeneralFeats.FalseRep *2)>>\
<<if _SizeComp < 0>>\
<<set _SizeComp to 0>>\
  $genericFighter.Name2 is on her hands and knees with her _IAss ass wiggling at you with a seductive look on her face. you walk towards her, your hard <<Penis>> straining against your pants. With her _ISD _ICup breasts, jiggly ass and those cock-sucking lips there was no way you could walk away. Your own <<Penis>> is rock hard long with your nipples pressing against your clothes. Tossing your clothes away you stride over to where the Infested is laying on ground. With a savage grin you say "I'm going to pound that _IAss ass until the cows come home!"
<<switch _SizeComp>>\
<<case 0 1 2>>\
  Looking quizzically at your hard <<Penis>> she sighs in disappointment. "Ummm...I'm sorry to say you might have some trouble even reaching my ass with such a tiny yet strong <<Penis>>! I'm not saying you can't but you're going to have to really give a super-duper effort to reach my asshole due to how junk filled my _IAss ass is. Just try your best OK?" she says in sympothy as she spreads her _IAss ass wide.
<<case 3 4 5 6>>\
  She gives your hard <<Penis>> a measuring look with a lustful grin while fingering her already wet cunt. "Hmm... While your dick could be larger it's not that bad. I'm more than willing to try having my _IAss ass fucked by such a <<Penis>>. I bet you will prove your great skill by giving me a nice hard dicking?" she says as she enthusiastically spreads her _IAss ass wide.
<<case 7 8 9 10 11 12>>\
  "Look who has a great looking <<Penis>>! That's you if you didn't know! It's big enough to really feel it deep in my _IAss tight ass. The world needs more ass fuckers like you!" she says as she fingers her wet pussy while staring at your <<Penis>>. She quickly spreads her _IAss ass open in invitation to be fucked hard by your hard futa-cock.
<<case 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24>>\
  "Oh fuck yes! That is a huge fucking <<Penis>>! Most Futas tend to end up with ass crackers but that is still one of the bigger ones I've seen. I'm going to have a hard time fitting it in my _IAss tight ass so you will have to wedge it right in nice and hard. Might have to try slammming it in over and over again to make sure can fit!" she says as she starts to grope her _IAss ass hard in anticipation for your <<Penis>> being slammed into her ass. She happily bends over while spreading open her _IAss ass in eager anticipation to be fucked hard by your hard futa-cock.
  "Why do you have a 3ft long club that looks like a dick in your pants? What the hell?!?!? I have no idea on how to get that giant club of a <<Penis>> you have into my _IAss ass but I'm kinda wondering if I can... I guess you will just have to try really hard since I'm dying to find out how it feels." she says as she starts to stroke your <<Penis>> with one hand while the other is grabbing a tub of lube out of her purse. She slaps a boatload of lube onto your <<Penis>> before spreading her ass wide.
  "You'll going to love my ass, stud! Just be sure to give me a creampie to remember you by." she says as she slaps her ample butt causing massive jiggling. You take a moment to kneel down and press the head of your <<Penis>> against her asshole. Without even pausing you slam your cock straight into her wet ass.
  It feels so tight and hot that you take a moment to savor the experience. The Infested however is rather impatient as she wiggles her _IAss rear against you, encouraging you to start moving. Deciding that she needs some discipline, you give her nice behind a firm slap before you start thrusting into that jiggling ass, your own $BreastsSize tits jiggling as well.
  "Oh I'm so naughty! Show me who's the boss, stud! Shove it in deep! Oh God!" she gasps as your <<Penis>> drills deep into her ass, hilting her completely. Slapping her bum again you start reaming your <<Penis>> staight into her hot ass at a steady pace. She looks back at you with a look of pure estasy as her butt is being drilled.
  "You like that bitch? You like my cock destroying your asshole? You like your ass being slapped? Oh fuck yes!" you moan as you grip her hips even harder as your <<Penis>> slams into her jiggly derriere like a jackhammer. Your steady ass-fucking slowy increases as the Infested's moans of ecstasy rises in fever and you can feel her slam her _IAss ass back against you in response.
  "Ooooh Fuckkkk yesss!" the Infested moans as her _IAss buttocks jiggles and wiggles in delight from your unyielding ass fucking. Your pace quickly increases as the pleasure from fucking this drop dead gorgeous babe is intense and you feel your balls start to churn even more rapidly with thick baby-batter.
<<if $PC.Infestation is $Infestation.Cap & $Infestation.Progress > 1>>\
<<include "Infestation Increase">>\
  As you slam your <<Penis>> into her tight ass you feel a surge of energy flowing directly into you! It almost feels like you are burning up but it quickly turns to pleasure that radiates from your hard cock, wet pussy and heaving breasts.
  "OH GOD! I can feel you getting bigger and bigger inside me! OH FUCK YES! I'M CUMMING!" she screams as her asshole grips you even harder sucking your hard <<Penis>> even deeper. It feels like your cock is growing harder and thicker with each thrust into her hot ass! Even your balls feel like they are about to explode. Looking down you notice your tits are slowly expanding as well!
  "Oh yes! OH FUCK! I'M CUMMING! I'm blasting your fucking ass with my hot load!" you scream as the feeling of her jiggly ass quivering with pleasure pushes you over the edge, causing you to unleash a never-ending load of white cum, bigger than any other load you've ever had, into her tight asshole! Even your neglected wet pussy unloads an tsunami amount of girl cum onto your legs and ground below!
  As you slowly recover from your dual orgasm you take stock of your bigger breasts. They look to now be $BreastSD $BreastsSize breasts and you notice your ass has grown as well to a $AssSize ass. Deciding to pull out of her dripping ass you notice your dick has grown to be a $DickSD $DickSize cock along with a pair of $BallsSD $BallsSize balls! Before you can react the Infested looks back at you while staring at your <<Penis>> and <<Breasts>> and with a smile says "Looks like you are on the way to becoming one hot futa!"
<<elseif $Infestation.MilkProgress > 0 or $Milk.Stored > $Milk.Min>>\
  "Oh fuck your ass feels so good! Oh shit! I CAN't HOLD BACK! I'M GOING TO CUM!" you yell as you begin to uncontrollably thrust into her tight ass in preparation for your imminent orgasm with your $BreastSD milk dripping tits swaying wildly with each thrust. She just moans even louder as her tight ass is hammered hard by your hard <<Penis>> in loud slaps that echoes throughout the area. The pleasure becomes too much as you step past the point of no return as you unleash a $CumAD load of white cum directly into her tight ass. Even your neglected wet pussy unloads a $GCumAD of girl cum onto your legs and ground below while your swollen $BreastsSize milkjugs unleash a $MilkAD splashing of milk onto the Infested's _IAss ass!
  "Oh fuck your ass feels so good! Oh shit! I CAN't HOLD BACK! I'M GOING TO CUM!" you yell as you begin to uncontrollably thrust into her tight ass in preparation for your imminent orgasm. She just moans even louder as her tight ass is hammered hard by your hard <<Penis>> in loud slaps that echoes throughout the area. The pleasure becomes too much as you step past the point of no return as you unleash a $CumAD load of white cum directly into her tight ass. Even your neglected wet pussy unloads a $GCumAD of girl cum onto your legs and ground below!
  "OH GOD! OH FUCK! I'M CUMMING AS WELL!" She screams as a immense orgasm rocks her body. You feel her hot asshole tighten around your <<Penis>> almost painfully as the rest of her _IAss ass spasms and quivers in ecstasy.
  "Oh that was so good!" she says when you finally stand up, cum dripping from your sensitive <<Penis>>. Taking one last moment to scoop some white goo from her ass into her mouth, she replies "I'll hope to see you again soon, stud" With that you grab your clothes and leave the area.<img src="Images/Home/PC.jpg" width="800px" height="400px" />
<<button [[Reset Porn|BrowsePC]]>>
<<set $pornVid to 0>> /* Porn vid saved */
<<set $sexVid to 0>> /* Initial Start sex scene value */
<<set $pornPath to "Videos/Movies/Porn/">>
<<set $arrayStraight to ["straight-1", "straight-2", "straight-3"]>>
<<set $arrayFuta to ["futa-1", "futa-2", "futa-3"]>>
<<set $arrayLesbian to ["lesbian-1", "lesbian-2", "lesbian-3"]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<set $sexHistory.XP to $sexHistory.XP +1>>\
<<set $LastPartner to $genericFighter>>\
<<set _TCard to 0>>\
<<set _VCard to 0>>\
<<set $sexHistory.LastPartner to $genericFighter.Name>>\
<<set $sexHistory.Type to "Pussy">>\
<<set $sexHistory.Consent to "Yes">>\
<<if $sexHistory.TotalV is 1>\
<<set $sexHistory.TrueVirginityWho to $genericFighter.Name>\
<<set _TCard to 1>>\
<<set $sexHistory.TotalV to 0>>\
<<if $sexHistory.PenisV is 1>\
<<set $sexHistory.PenisVirginityWho to $genericFighter.Name>\
<<set _VCard to 1>>\
<<set $sexHistory.PenisV to 0>>\
<<set _DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$genericFighter.DickSize]>>\
<<set _DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$genericFighter.DickSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$genericFighter.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$genericFighter.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _SizeComp to $PC.DickSize - $genericFighter.Level>>\
<<if _SizeComp < 0>>\
<<set _SizeComp to 0>>\
  $genericFighter.Name2 stares at you with a confused look in his eyes as you walk towards him, your $DickSize cock tenting your clothes. With his _DickSD _DickSize cock, _BallsSD _BallsSize cum-filled balls and his rock hard body there was no way you could walk away. "I'm going fuck your beefy ass with my hard cock so much you will be shitting my cum for days." you boast lustfully as you strip from your clothes.
<<switch _SizeComp>>\
<<case 0 1 2>>\
  He stares with pity at your $DickSD dick as he gets on his hands and knees. "Dude...I hate to say it but your meat rod looks more like a meat needle." he says with a sad tone. At your fierce growl he faintly backpeddles "I mean, it's not the size but how well it works, I think? Maybe you just need to feed your dick some butter or something..." he finishes almost to soft to hear. Doing your best to Ignore his mockery, you slide your $DickSD dick up against his rock solid ass while his _DickSize cock gets nice and hard in anticipation.
<<case 3 4 5 6>>\
  He stares thoughtfully at your $DickSD dick as he gets on his hands and knees. "Dude, I'm not going to lie but your sausage needs a little more work if you're going to go around pounding manly men's asses." he says with a slightly disappointed tone. At your sharp glare he tries to clarify what he meant with a frantic tone "I mean, it's not completely bad and I'm sure you're going to fuck with the best skill effort, I guess? Just maybe eat some more eggs or meat or something?" Ignoring his barely coherent babbling, you slide your $DickSD dick up against his rock solid ass while his _DickSize cock gets nice and hard in anticipation.
<<case 7 8 9 10 11 12>>\
  He stares excitedly at your $DickSD dick as he gets on his hands and knees. "Dude! Looks like someone's really packing some meat in their underwear!" he says with a pleased tone. At your questioning look he continues "I mean, it can't compare to my radical meat machine but really what realistically could? I'm just saying you look to have a nice package and should be proud of it!" Feeling pleased by his compliments, you slide your $DickSD dick up against his rock solid ass while his _DickSize cock gets nice and hard in anticipation.
<<case 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24>>\
  He stares lustfully at your $DickSD dick as he gets on his hands and knees. "Dude! I mean, that's a fucking A-tier meat staff you're rocking!" he says with a estatic tone. At your slightly confused look, he continues "I can't believe your man meat is so big! Fuck! I think it might be bigger than my meat throbber! I'm so fucking excited, I can't wait to feel that thick dick deep inside my ass!" Feeling happy due to his sincere compliments, you slide your $DickSD dick up against his rock solid ass while his _DickSize cock gets nice and hard in anticipation.
  He stares in disblief at your $DickSD dick as he gets on his hands and knees. "DUDE! HOLY SHIT! Your meat rod is actually a meat rocket! How the fuck did you get such a crazy dick?" he says with a disbelieving tone. At your prideful look, he continues hotly "That $DickSize dick is going to completely destroy my ass, you fucker! Fuck! I won't be able to walk straight for over a day! Fuck it! Go ahead and get started you ass fucker!" Feeling quite prideful due to his sincere complaints, you slide your $DickSD dick up against his rock solid ass while his _DickSize cock gets nice and hard in anticipation.
  It takes a moment for your hard <<Penis>> to penetrate his sculpted ass but as you do so the Infested gives out a throaty moan. You can't help but gasp as well as his tight ass squeezes your dick hard. Pulling back for just a moment your next thrust manages to get even deeper into his man pussy causing yet another moan of pleasure from the Infested. Going for a another attempt you manage to finally bury your throbbing cock deep into his asshole as the force of your thrusts pushes the Infested forward.
  "Fuck Duuuude! Your hot man meat is so fucking deep in my ass! Fuckkkk, keep going!" he moans as you finish hilting your $DickSD cock straight into his buns of steel. The way his tight ass is squeezing your cock it almost blows your mind from the pleasure. You can tell the Infested is loving it as his _DickSD dick squirts out some pre-cum from the impact onto the ground below . Unable to resist, you start to thrust in and out of his tight asshole, moaning from all the pleasure radiating from your <<Penis>> as your $BallsSD balls slap into his butt.
  As your ass-fucking continues you manage to gasp out between your moans "You ass feels so tight and slippery! I just want to keep fucking your rock solid ass! Fuckkkk!" The Infested can't even reply properly as your hard ass-fucking has pushed his face into the ground as you contunue to go to town on his muscle sculpted ass. Giving his muscle filled ass a hard slap, you hear the Infested moan even louder. You hand stings a bit afterwards but it's worth it to show the Infested who's the boss.
  "Oh shit! You're destroying my fucking ass! Dude, keep going!" the Infested moans as you plow his ass as if mining for gold. Your hard ass-fucking is rapidly pushing you towards a powerful orgasm as you can feel your $BallsSD balls churning with hot white cum. The loud slapping of flesh into flesh fills the air along with a mix of you and the Infested's moans of pleasure.
<<if $PC.Infestation is $Infestation.Cap & $Infestation.Progress > 1>>\
<<include "Infestation Increase">>\
  As your throbbing cock continues to pludge deep into his tight ass, you feel a surge of energy flowing directly into you! It almost feels like you are burning up but it quickly turns to pleasure that radiates from your achingly hard dick and churning balls.
  With each thrust you can feel your throbbing cock grow longer and thicker. Even your balls are expanding as they slap into the Infested's buns of steel. The feeling of your hard dick growing with each frantic thrust pushes you over the edge as your orgasm hits like a train. "OH FUCK YES! I'M GIVING YOUR ASS A HUGE SHOT OF MY HOT JISM!" you shout as you shoot a tsunami of hot white cum, bigger than any other load you've ever had, directly into his hot ass! <<if $Cum.Stored > 10>> You're not done yet as you pull your hard cock out of his before shooting even more strands of jism all over his ass and back!<</if>>
  You unleashing your load into the Infested's tender ass seems to have pushed him over the edge as his own _DickSD throbbing cock shoots a massive flood of cum that pools on the ground below him as he yells out "Fuck! I'm cumming!" After a few moments both of you collapse, panting in exhaustion. This gives you time to take in the changes to your groin. It looks your dick grew to a $DickSD $DickSize cock while your balls are now $BallsSD $BallsSize balls. The Infested recovers faster than you as he grabs your $DickSD dick and says "Looks like you are on the way to being a truely manly stud!"
  With each thrust you can feel your throbbing cock aching to release along with your $BallsSize overfilled balls they slap into the Infested's buns of steel. The feeling of your hard dick being squeezed so hard by the Infested's tight ass pushes you over the edge as your orgasm hits like a train. "OH FUCK YES! I'M GIVING YOUR ASS A HUGE SHOT OF MY HOT JISM!" you shout as you shoot a $CumAD shot of hot white cum, directly into his hot ass! <<if $Cum.Stored > 10>> You're not done yet as you pull your hard cock out of his before shooting even more strands of jism all over his ass and back!<</if>>
  You unleashing your $CumAD load into the Infested's tender ass seems to have pushed him over the edge as his own _DickSD throbbing cock shoots a massive flood of cum that pools on the ground below him as he yells out "Fuck! I'm cumming!" After a few moments both of you collapse, panting in exhaustion next to a giant puddle of cum.
  "Oh shit that was fucking tight, you ass-crazed fucker!" $genericFighter.Name2 says when you finally stand up with your still hot cum dripping from your spent dick. Sitting back while stroking his cock, he says "I'll hope to see you again soon, dude". With that you grab your clothes and leave the area.<<set $sexHistory.XP to $sexHistory.XP +1>>\
<<set $LastPartner to $genericFighter>>\
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$genericFighter.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$genericFighter.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _IAss to $arrayAssSizeDesc[$genericFighter.AssSize]>>\
<<set _SizeComp to $PC.BreastsSize - $genericFighter.Level + ($GeneralFeats.FalseRep *2)>>\
<<if _SizeComp < 0>>\
<<set _SizeComp to 0>>\
  "Hmm what to do with you... Too bad you don't have a nice juicy cock that I could ride all day but you do have a pretty mouth that I could ride instead!" $genericFighter.Name says as she stares at your exhausted face intensly. After a couple of seconds nods as she quickly pulls off your clothing exposing your wet pussy and your $BreastsSize breasts. "I'm going to sit on your face and you're going to eat me out 'til I cum!" she says cheerfully as she plants her pussy on your face!
  The only thing you have time to see is her glistering wet pussy lips before her jiggly ass obscures your vision. A drop of her pussy juices lands on your lips and you are unable to resist getting a taste. You're glad you did so as it's one of the best things you have ever tasted and you want more! You quickly start exploring her wet pussy with your tongue and lips, trying to get more of that delicious nector.
  "Oooh! You're so good at eating my pussy! So enthusiastic!" She moans as she grinds her pussy into your face. You don't mind at all since it makes it easier to get to her liquid gold. Your own pussy is getting wet from how good it feels to be licking down her slick pussy juices and you can feel your $NippleSize nipples getting hard on top of your $BreastSD breasts. She seems to notice your arousal as her next comment shows.
<<switch _SizeComp>>\
<<case 0 1 2 3>>\
  "Your breasts are kinda very small but still pretty nice! Don't worry, I hear tiny things grow up to be big things! So I bet your mosquito bits will grow into big juicy jugs here shortly!" she says as she continues to have her wet snatch eaten by you. Reaching down she grabs your $BreastSD $BreastsSize breasts and starts groping them. "They feel kinda nice you know?" she says as she pinches your $NippleSize nipples causing you to gasp in pleasure.
<<case 4 5 6 7 8 9>>\
  "Your breasts are so fucking hot! They are a nice plump size and looks very tasty!" she says as she continues to have her wet snatch eaten by you. Reaching down she grabs your $BreastSD $BreastsSize breasts and starts groping them. "Oooh! They feel as good as I thought and look like they could really bounce while riding a nice cock!" she says as she pinches your $NippleSize nipples causing you to gasp in pleasure.
<<case 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17>>\
  "OH MY GOD! Your breasts are so fucking huge! I can't believe how fucking big they are cause they're like big mountains!" she says as she continues to have her wet snatch eaten by you. Reaching down she grabs your $BreastSD $BreastsSize breasts and starts groping them. "Oooh! They feel real good and it looks like your tits would easily be able to wrap around any size cock!" she says as she pinches your $NippleSize nipples causing you to gasp in pleasure.
  "OH MY FUCKING GOD! Your breasts are some of the fucking biggest ones I've ever seen! I can't believe how fucking big they are cause they're like big ass moons!" she says as she continues to have her wet snatch eaten by you. Reaching down she grabs your $BreastSD $BreastsSize breasts and starts groping them. "Oooh! They feel even better than I thought they would! I mean my hands can't even fit around them!" she says as she pinches your $NippleSize nipples causing you to gasp in pleasure.
  "Looks like someone is feeling a bit horny from all the sexy fun times! Never let anyone say I won't return a favor!" she huskily says as you feel her reposition herself so that she is lying face down with her plump lips above your pussy with her wet pussy still above your face. You can feel her _ISD tits pressing into your stomach as she settles into the sixty-nine sex position. "Your wet pussy looks so tasty!" she moans before she dives into eating your pussy!
  With the Infested switching positions you can finally see a bit more and can actually speak now that you aren't being smothered by her large ass. Which you proceed to do by moaning loudly as the expert skill the Infested demostrates causes your pussy to leak like a faucet. "Oh fuck your finger feels so good in my pussy!" you moan again as she doubles down by slipping a finger into your pussy. Not wanting to give the Infested a reason to stop you dive back into eating her wet cunt and this time you return the favor by slipping some of your fingers into her tight pussy. It's getting harder to keep a steady pace as you feel your orgasm approaching quickly and judging by the heavy flow of pre-cum the Infested is leaking she might be close as well.
<<if $PC.Infestation is $Infestation.Cap & $Infestation.Progress > 1>>\
<<include "Infestation Increase">>\
  As she continues to expertly eat your wet pussy you feel a surge of energy flowing directly into you! It almost feels like you are burning up but it quickly turns to pleasure that radiates from your ass and breasts.
  "OH FUCK! OH FUCK! I'M CUMMING! OH FUCK I CAN FEEL YOUR TITS GETTING BIGGER BENEATH ME!" She screams without warning as a huge flood of girl-cum gushes out of her pussy completely coating your face with stickly cum. It does feel like there is more cushion between you and her as it feels like your breasts are growing. Her intense orgasm rocks her body, causing her _ISD tits to quiver in pleasure. So much girl-cum is unleashed it pools down below your head as you fail to swallow even half of it.
  The feeling the Infested cumming sends your sensitive pussy over the edge as you yell "Oh yes! OH FUCK! I'M CUMMING TOO!" you scream as the feeling of your pussy quivering with pleasure almost knocks you senseless, causing you to unleash a tsunami of girl cum that squirts up onto the Infested's face and soaks her whole face and hair.
  As you come down from your intense orgasm you notice the Infested has rolled off you letting you see that you now have $BreastSD $BreastsSize breasts along with a $AssSize ass! Before you can react the Infested fondles your expanded <<Breasts>> and with a smirk says "Looks like you are on the way to becoming one hot slut!"
  "OH FUCK! OH FUCK! I'M CUMMING!" She screams without warning as a huge flood of girl-cum gushes out of her pussy completely coating your face with stickly cum. Her intense orgasm rocks her body, causing her _ISD tits to quiver in pleasure. So much girl-cum is unleashed it pools down below your head as you fail to swallow even half of it.
  The feeling the Infested cumming sends your sensitive pussy over the edge as you yell "Oh yes! OH FUCK! I'M CUMMING TOO!" you scream as the feeling of your pussy quivering with pleasure almost knocks you senseless, causing you to unleash a $GCumAD load of girl cum that squirts up onto the Infested's face. <<if $GCum.Stored > 10>> The stream of girl cum lasts for over a minute and completely coats the Infested's face!<</if>>
  "Oh that was so good!" she says as she stands up from your exhausted body, girl cum leaking from her pussy and face. "I'll see again soon, I'm sure..." With that she walks away fulfilled leaving you to grab your clothes and to slowly recover.
<<set $sexHistory.XP to $sexHistory.XP +1>>\
<<set $LastPartner to $genericFighter>>\
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$genericFighter.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$genericFighter.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _IAss to $arrayAssSizeDesc[$genericFighter.AssSize]>>\
  "Hmm what to do with you... Too bad you don't have a nice juicy cock that I could ride all day. In fact I think you need to be punished for lacking such a great tool! I have just the thing to punish you with!" $genericFighter.Name says as she rummages in her purse. After a couple of seconds she pulls out a double-ended dildo! "I don't know if you've ever had one of these shoved up your ass but I'm eager to get started!" And with that she quickly pulls off your clothing exposing your $AssSize ass along with your $BreastsSize breasts.
  "Your $AssSize ass does look nice as well as your perky tits! Now let me just get this lubed up and we can started on having a grand old time!" She moans as she licks both ends before inserting one half of the dildo into her own wet pussy. She thrusts it in a couple of times to make sure it's firmly in, then a couple of more times as she seems almost lost in the pleasure. After a few seconds she blinks before looking at you as if she had forgotten you was here.
  "Ohhh! Almost forgot what I was doing! And by doing I mean you here shortly! So how about you stick your ass up here so we can get started?" she asks as she waves the huge dildo at you. You quickly get on your hands and knees with your ass pointed towards her. She quickly aims the fake cock towards your tight asshole with a lusty smirk on her face. You gasp as she thrusts forward with the dildo and quickly penatrates your ass!
  "Oh fuck! It's destroying my ass!" you groan as you try to adjust to the size of the large dildo. The Infested doesn't wait long to start moving her hips, thrusting the thick dildo deep into your tight pussy. You slowly adjust to the size of her fake cock and even start to feel pleasure as she gets a rhythm going. As she does so her own _ISD tits starts to sway in sync with her ass-fucking. Your sore ass is drowning in pleasure as she steadily fucks you and you can't hold back your moans.
  "Oh? Do you like that? Do you like me ravaging your tight ass with my fake cock?" she huskily asks as she grabs your hips harder in order for fuck you even harder. It doesn't take long before she is jackhammering your ass hard causing your heaving $BreastSD breasts to sway even harder. Reaching down she starts fondling your $AssSize ass increasing the pleasure your body is drowning in.
<<if $PC.AssSize + ($GeneralFeats.FalseRep *2) < 6>>\
  "Your butt is so cute and tiny! Don't worry, I bet it will grow up to be big and bouncy just like mine someday!" she says between slamming her fake dick into your tight ass. Sliding her hands over, she starts to fondle your $AssSize ass without missing a beat on her thrusts. You start to moan more as the pleasure from being fucked by such a beautiful woman with a double-sided dildo who is also groping your $AssSize ass is pushing you closer to the edge.
<<elseif $PC.AssSize + ($GeneralFeats.FalseRep *2) > 5>>\
  "Oh wow! Your butt is so juicy and bouncy! I love how it jiggles with each thrust!" she says between slamming her fake dick into your tight ass. Sliding her hands over, she starts to fondle your $AssSize ass without missing a beat on her thrusts. You start to moan more as the pleasure from being fucked by such a beautiful woman with a double-sided dildo who is also groping your $AssSize ass is pushing you closer to the edge.
<<if $PC.Infestation is $Infestation.Cap & $Infestation.Progress > 1>>\
<<include "Infestation Increase">>\
  As she slams her dildo into your tight ass you feel a surge of energy flowing directly into you! It almost feels like you are burning up but it quickly turns to pleasure that radiates from your ass and breasts.
  "OH GOD! Your ass is getting bigger and bigger! I can feel it pushing back against my fake cock! OH FUCK YES! I'M CUMMING!" she screams as she slams her fake cock even harder into your ass. It does feels like your ass is growing bigger and more cushioned with each thrust into your aching ass! As her erratic thrusts slam into your ass you suddenly feel a heavier weight swinging from your chest. Looking down you see your breasts have grown to $BreastSD $BreastsSize tits and are swinging even heavier from her thrusts.
  "Oh yes! OH FUCK! I'M CUMMING! I'm cumming while my ass is being fucked by your fucking dildo!" you scream as the feeling of the Infested orgasm along with your sudden growth in your tits and ass has pushed you over the edge and you cum hard from all the pleasure. You unleash a never-eneding flash flood of female cum that splashes down on the ground below. The stream of girl cum lasts for over a minute and forms a small puddle!
  As she slowly pulls out of your gaping asshole you confirm that you now have a $BreastSD $BreastsSize breasts along with a $AssSize ass! Before you can react the Infested fondles your expanded ass and with a smirk says "Looks like you are on the way to becoming one hot slut!"
  "OH GOD! OH FUCK! I'M CUMMING!" She screams as she slams her double ended dildo even harder into your pleasure filled asshole. Within seconds a immense orgasm rocks her body, her _ISD tits and ass quivering in pleasure. A huge splattering of girl cum splashes down on the ground below her as a flood from her pussy is unleashed.
  "Oh yes! OH FUCK! I'M CUMMING! I'm cumming while my ass is being fucked by your fake cock!" you scream as the feeling of your pussy quivering with pleasure almost knocks you senseless, causing you to unleash a $GCumAD load of girl cum that splashes down on the ground below. <<if $GCum.Stored > 10>> The stream of girl cum lasts for over a minute and forms a small puddle!<</if>>
  "Oh that was so good!" she says as she stands up from your exhausted body, girl cum leaking from her pussy. "I'll see again soon, I'm sure..." With that she walks away fulfilled leaving you to grab your clothes and to slowly recover.\<<set $sexHistory.XP to $sexHistory.XP +1>>\
<<set $sexHistory.LastPartner to $genericFighter>>\
<<set $LastPartner to $genericFighter>>\
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$genericFighter.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$genericFighter.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _IAss to $arrayAssSizeDesc[$genericFighter.AssSize]>>\
<<if $Infestation.MilkProgress > 0 or $Milk.Stored > $Milk.Min>>\
<<set _Breasts to "Milk">>\
<<elseif $StatusAffect.SiliconeB > 5>>\
<<set _Breasts to "Silicone">>\
<<set _Breasts to "Natural">>\
  As you look at the horny $genericFighter.Name you feel the urge to fuck her like how she was going to fuck you if you had lost the battle. Maybe just not the way she expected as you stare at her _IAss tush. Remembering the double-ended dildo you found earlier you give a lusty grin to the busty Infested as you reach into your backpack. She gives you a wide eyes stare as you pull out the dildo "I'm going to fuck your _IAss ass hard with my massive dildo. By the time I'm done you won't be sitting still for a week." you lustily say as you slowly try to insert the dildo into your tight snatch. It takes a few tries as the size makes it hard to fit but it slowly fills your pussy. As it does so the pleasure causes you to shiver and you feel yourself wetten.
  "Oooh! Someone is being dirty today wanting to put their fake cock in where I poop from!" gasps the shocked Infested as she takes in the double-ended dildo pointing at her ample ass. Spreading her buttocks wide she eagerly says while looking over her shoulder "I can get behind being very dirty so count me in!"
  Looking at her eager face and _IAss juicy ass you can't resist giving her what she wants and what you want as well. "Be prepared to have your ass destroyed!" you say before gripping her wide hips. You take a somewhat accurate aim at her tight posterior before slowly pushing in. As you push in you are met with a lot of resistance but with one look at the Infested Female's ecstatic face you push forward as much as her bottomless ass can take.
  "My fucking god you're in so deep! Oh Fuck yes!" she moans as she pushes her ass back against you trying to force the dildo deeper. Deciding that it was time to start you start to ram your fake cock back and forth into her tight rump, her _IAss ass bouncing from each thrust. The pleasure from nailing this drop dead beautiful Infested with a huge dildo deep in your own pussy is quickly rising as your nipples display by becoming hard as diamonds on top of your $BreastSD $BreastsSize tits. You moan uncontrollably as your humping continues and your own $BreastSD <<Breasts>> swing from the thrusting.
  "Fuck yes! It feels so good having my ass reamed! Makes me wish you have a real a real cock! Oh fuckkkkk!" she moans as you continue to slam into her ass. As the pleasure steadily mounts in your own pussy your own moans of pleasure joins hers as her $BreastSD chest swings from your hard ass fucking. Her eyes drift towards your chest as her plump lips gasps and moans.
<<switch _Breasts>>\
<<case "Milk">>\
  "Oh wow! Your $BreastSD jugs are actually milkjugs! I can feel your milk droples dripping from your milk tanks onto my big ass!" she says as you continue to ravage her wet ass with your large dildo. "Oh fuck my ass feels sooo good, fuck yes!" she moans lustfully as her _IAss butt jiggles.
<<case "Silicone">>\
  "Oh wow! Your $BreastSD tits look to be some of the nicest pair of big fake titties money can buy! I can tell by the way the jiggle as you fuck my big ass!" she says as you continue to ravage her wet ass with your large dildo. "Oh fuck my ass feels sooo good, fuck yes!" she moans lustfully as her _IAss butt jiggles.
<<if $PC.BreastsSize + ($GeneralFeats.FalseRep *2) < ($genericFighter.BreastsSize -4)>>\
  "Your $BreastSD titties are so cute and small swinging from your chest! Don't worry, I bet they will grow up nice and big here eventually!" she says as you continue to ravage her wet ass with your large dildo. "Oh fuck my ass feels sooo good, fuck yes!" she moans lustfully as her _IAss butt jiggles.
<<elseif $PC.BreastsSize + ($GeneralFeats.FalseRep *2) < $genericFighter.BreastsSize>>\
  "Your $BreastSD tits are pretty nice, so bouncy! I bet they feel so good being sucked on while being fucked!" she says as you continue to ravage her wet ass with your large dildo. "Oh fuck my ass feels sooo good, fuck yes!" she moans lustfully as her _IAss butt jiggles.
<<elseif ($PC.BreastsSize + ($GeneralFeats.FalseRep *2)) is $genericFighter.BreastsSize>>\
  "I can't believe you have the same size tits as me! We could be twins with how much they bouce around!" she says as you continue to ravage her wet ass with your large dildo. "Oh fuck my ass feels sooo good, fuck yes!" she moans lustfully as her _IAss butt jiggles.
<<elseif $PC.BreastsSize + ($GeneralFeats.FalseRep *2) > $genericFighter.BreastsSize>>\
  "I can't believe you have bigger tits than me! They look so grand and majestic and $BreastSD as they bounce around!" she says as her wet ass continues to be ravaged by your large dildo."Oh fuck my ass feels sooo good, fuck yes!" she moans lustfully as her _IAss butt jiggles.
  "Oh fuck this feels so good! Oh yes take it you fucking ass slut!" You groan as the pace of your fucking reaches the point of no return and you slam into her _IAss tight ass like a jackhammer. Your own screams of pleasure mixes with hers as it echoes throughout the area. Your pussy feels like pure liquid pleasure and you are moments away from your climax!
<<if $PC.Infestation is $Infestation.Cap & $Infestation.Progress > 1>>\
<<include "Infestation Increase">>\
  As you slam your dildo into her tight ass you feel a surge of energy flowing directly into you! It almost feels like you are burning up but it quickly turns to pleasure that radiates from your ass and breasts.
  "OH GOD! Your titties are getting bigger and bigger! I can see them growing right in front of my eyes! OH FUCK YES! I'M CUMMING!" she screams as you slam your fake cock even harder into her ass. It feels like what she is saying about your <<Breasts>> growing bigger is true as they become heavier with each thrust into her tight ass! You can even feel your ass expanding behind you, giving you more weight as you pump away.
  "Oh yes! OH FUCK! I'M CUMMING! I'm cumming while fucking you with my fake dick!" you scream as your rapid frantic thrusting pushes you over the edge, causing you to unleash a tsunami amount of girl cum, bigger than any other load you've ever had, all over the large dildo! The stream of girl cum lasts for over a minute and overflows out of your tight pussy!
  As you slowly calm down long enough to pull the sloppy dildo out of her raw ass you notice that you now have a $BreastSD $BreastsSize breasts along with a $AssSize ass! Before you can react the Infested turns around in order to fondle your expanded <<Breasts>> and with a smirk says "Looks like you are on the way to becoming one hot slut!"
<<elseif $Infestation.MilkProgress > 0 or $StatusAffect.MilkTits > 0>>\
  "OH GOD! OH FUCK! I'M CUMMING!" She screams as you slam her with the double ended dildo even harder as your pleasure peaks with your $BreastSD milk-filled tits swaying wildly. Within seconds a immense orgasm rocks her body, her _ISD tits and _AssSize ass quivering in pleasure.
  "Oh yes oh fucking yes! I'm about to squirt all over my fake cock! I'M CUMMING! I'm cumming all over my fake cock!" you scream as the feeling of your pussy quivering with pleasure almost knocks you senseless, causing you to unleash a tsunami amount of girl-cum all over your fake cock. The stream of gooey cum lasts for over a minute and overflows out of your tight pussy! Even your milk-filled tits start to squirt $MilkAD amounts of milk all over the Infested's _AssSize ass as your orgasm shakes your whole body!
  "OH GOD! OH FUCK! I'M CUMMING!" She screams as you slam her with the double ended dildo even harder as your pleasure peak with $BreastSD tits swaying wildly. Within seconds a immense orgasm rocks her body, her _ISD tits and _AssSize ass quivering in pleasure.
  "Oh yes oh fucking yes! I'm about to squirt all over my fake cock! I'M CUMMING! I'm cumming all over my fake cock!" you scream as the feeling of your pussy quivering with pleasure almost knocks you senseless, causing you to unleash a $GCumAD load of girl cum all over your fake cock. <<if $GCum.Stored > 10>> The stream of hot cum lasts for over a minute and overflows out of your tight pussy!<</if>>
  "Oh that was so good!" she says unable to sit as you stand up from your latest conquest, girl cum leaking from your pussy. "I'll see again soon, I'm sure..." she says as she licks her fingers clean of girl-cum. With that you grab your clothes and leave the area.<<set $sexHistory.XP to $sexHistory.XP +1>>\
<<set $LastPartner to $genericFighter>>\
<<set _DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$genericFighter.DickSize]>>\
<<set _DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$genericFighter.DickSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$genericFighter.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$genericFighter.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _SizeComp to $PC.AssSize - $genericFighter.Level + ($GeneralFeats.FalseRep *2)>>\
<<if _SizeComp < 0>>\
<<set _SizeComp to 0>>\
  "Fuck girl you're looking real good aren't ya? Good enough to be fucked so hard that you will be begging for more after I'm done with ya. How about you bend over so I shove my _DickSD _DickSize <<Penis>> into your ass and enjoy the assfucking?" says $genericFighter.Name as he stands over your exhausted body with his _DickSD dick hard at attention, dripping pre-cum. You quickly position yourself on your knees with your rear end up in the air more than willing to be ass fucked hard. Your wet pussy drips in aching need as you gaze back at his _DickSize cock.
  He groans as he presses his _DickSD cock against your tight asshole while grabbing your $AssSize ass. The feeling of his dick pressing up against your behind leaves you panting and moaning like a slut in heat. You reach back spreading your asshole wide while begging for him to fuck you. He responds by violently shoving his _DickSize meat-stick deep into your needy asshole, his _BallsSD _BallsSize balls slapping against your keister. Without even pausing he begins fucking your ass hard using your hips as handholds. You are left panting and moaning as your tight hole stretches to accommodate his thickness, your $BreastSD breasts bouncing from each thrust. Your tight derriere is aching in pleasure as he thrusts violently into your ass.
<<if $PC.AssSize < 5>>\
  "Your ass is too tiny, slut! You need to eat some donuts or something so it can grow up to be thick and bouncy!" he says between slamming his <<Penis>> into your tight ass. Sliding his hands over he starts to fondle your $AssSize ass, before giving you a couple of hard slaps on your ass cheeks. You start to moan more as the pleasure from being fucked by such a hard <<Penis>> combined with him groping your $AssSize ass feels so good!
<<elseif $PC.AssSize > 4>>\
  "Oh fuck yeah! I gotta love all that junk in your big ass trunk! Tons of cushion for the pushing and I'm lovin' it, slut!" he says between slamming his <<Penis>> into your tight ass. Sliding his hands over he starts to fondle your $AssSize ass, before giving you a couple of hard slaps on your ass cheeks. You start to moan more as the pleasure from being fucked by such a hard <<Penis>> combined with him groping your $AssSize ass feels so good!
  "How do you like me shoving my _DickSize dick into your ass over and over again, slut? How much do you want it, bitch?" he moans loudly as his steady pace quickens. It feels like he will never stop as he pounds your butt hard, the sound of slapping flesh filling the area. The pleasure steadily fills you as the ass-fucking causes your wet pussy to drip below. Leaning forward he grabs your jiggling tits and gives them as firm squeeze and you can't help but give a breathy moan in response.
  "Oh fuck my ass feels soooo good! Please oh fuck! Don't stop, oh yes! Fuck me harder!" you beg as you continue to be ass-fucked by the handsome Infested Male. He takes your begging as a sign to slam your ass even harder with his _DickSD cock causing his jizm spheres to slap against you. You can feel his pace becomes frantic as both of you moan and groan waiting for sweet release.
<<if $PC.Infestation is $Infestation.Cap & $Infestation.Progress > 1>>\
<<include "Infestation Increase">>\
  As your ass is being completely wrecked by his _DickSD cock you feel a surge of energy flowing directly into you! It almost feels like you are burning up but it quickly turns to pleasure that radiates from your swaying chest and quivering ass.
  "Oh Shit! Your ass is fucking growing even more big and juicy! That feels so good, getting more cushion for me to plow! OH FUCK YEAH BABY! Get ready for the fireworks cause I'm blasting my fucking load right into your juicy ass!" The Infested Male screams as he slams his _DickSize cock into you one last time before blasting your insides with a geyser of hot cum! As more and more cum floods your ass you suddenly feel a heavier weight swinging from your chest. Looking down you see your breasts have grown to $BreastSD $BreastsSize tits and are swinging even heavier from his thrusts.
  "Oh yes! OH FUCK! I'M CUMMING! I'm cumming while my ass is being fucked by your fucking cock!" you scream as the feeling of his hot cum filling your ass along with your sudden growth in your tits and ass has pushed you over the edge and you unleash an epic flood of female cum as you quickly orgasm. A tsunami of cum is bigger than any other squirts you've ever had flows down to the ground below! He finally pulls his _DickSize cock out of your ass and starts shooting large strands of sticky cum all over your back and $AssSize ass! All the girl-cum being sprayed lands on the ground below adding to the almost never-ending rain of cum that's splattering on and around you.
  As the rain of white baby-batter slows to a stop you can finally confirm that you now have a pair of $BreastSD $BreastsSize breasts and a $AssSize ass! Before you can react the Infested slaps your expanded ass with a smirk and says "Looks like you are on the way to becoming one hot slut!"
  "Oh shit! Your fucking ass feels so good! OH FUCK YEAH BABY! Get ready for the fireworks cause I'm blasting my fucking load right into your hot asshole!" he screams as a immense orgasm rocks his body. The feeling of the flood of hot cum filling your ass pushes you over the edge causing you to unleash a $GCumAD gushing of female cum that splatters onto the ground below. He pulls his _DickSize cock out and shoots large strands of sticky cum all over your back and ass! <<if $GCum.Stored > 10>> The stream of hot cum from both your pussy lasts for over a minute and leaves a large puddle of female cum beneath you!<</if>>
  "Oh that was a good fuck, bitch!" $genericFighter.Name2 says as he stands up from your exhausted body, cum dripping from his still erect cock. Taking one last moment to shake loose some white goo from his huge cock onto your ass, he continues with "See ya around, slut..." With that he walks away fulfilled leaving you to grab your clothes and to slowly recover.
<<set $StatusAffect.CumFilled to $StatusAffect.CumFilled+1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered+1>>\<<include "SpecialAttacks">>\
<img @src=$genericFighter.Image width="550px" height="800px" />
Which special would you like to use?
<<if $ClassFeats.Mug > 0 and $CriminalPath.Hitman > 0 and $equipedWeapon.range is "range" and $SpecialUsage > 0>>\
<<button [[Mug (-1AP)|Suburb Combat2]]>>
<<set $CombatChoice to "Special">>\
<<set $genericSpecial2 to $specials.Mug>>\
<<elseif $ClassFeats.Mug > 0 and $equipedWeapon.range is "melee" and $SpecialUsage > 0>>\
<<button [[Mug (-1AP)|Suburb Combat2]]>>
<<set $CombatChoice to "Special">>\
<<set $genericSpecial2 to $specials.Mug>>\
<<if $ClassFeats.PocketSand > 0 and $SpecialUsage > 1>>\
<<button [[Pocket Sand (-2AP)|Suburb Combat2]]>>
<<set $CombatChoice to "Special">>\
<<set $genericSpecial2 to $specials.PocketSand>>\
<<if $ClassFeats.BellowShout > 0 and $SpecialUsage > 0>>\
<<button [[Bellowing Shout (-1AP)|Suburb Combat2]]>>
<<set $CombatChoice to "Special">>\
<<set $genericSpecial2 to $specials.BellowShout>>\
<<if $ClassFeats.CommandShout > 0 and $SpecialUsage > 1>>\
<<button [[Commanding Shout (-2AP)|Suburb Combat2]]>>
<<set $CombatChoice to "Special">>\
<<set $genericSpecial2 to $specials.CommandShout>>\
<<if $ClassFeats.Intimidate > 0 and $SpecialUsage > 0>>\
<<button [[Intimidate (-1AP)|Suburb Combat2]]>>
<<set $CombatChoice to "Special">>\
<<set $genericSpecial2 to $specials.Intimidate>>\
<<if $ClassFeats.Flamethrower > 0 and $SpecialUsage > 1>>\
<<button [[Flamethrower (-2AP)|Suburb Combat2]]>>
<<set $CombatChoice to "Special">>\
<<set $genericSpecial2 to $specials.Flamethrower>>\
<<if $ClassFeats.HunterShot > 0 and $equipedWeapon.range is "range" and $SpecialUsage > 0>>\
<<button [[Hunter Shot (-1AP)|Suburb Combat2]]>>
<<set $CombatChoice to "Special">>\
<<set $genericSpecial2 to $specials.HunterShot>>\
<<if $ClassFeats.KnockdownBarrage > 0 and $equipedWeapon.range is "range" and $SpecialUsage > 1>>\
<<button [[Knockdown Barrage (-2AP)|Suburb Combat2]]>>
<<set $CombatChoice to "Special">>\
<<set $genericSpecial2 to $specials.KnockdownBarrage>>\
<<if $ClassFeats.FirstAid > 0 and $SpecialUsage > 0>>\
<<button [[First Aid (-1AP)|Suburb Combat2]]>>
<<set $CombatChoice to "Special">>\
<<set $genericSpecial2 to $specials.FirstAid>>\
<<if $ClassFeats.ToxicFlask > 0 and $SpecialUsage > 1>>\
<<button [[Toxic Flask (-2AP)|Suburb Combat2]]>>
<<set $CombatChoice to "Special">>\
<<set $genericSpecial2 to $specials.ToxicFlask>>\
<<if $ClassFeats.Flurry > 0 and $SpecialUsage > 0>>\
<<button [[Flurry Attack (-1AP)|Suburb Combat2]]>>
<<set $CombatChoice to "Special">>\
<<set $genericSpecial2 to $specials.Flurry>>\
<<if $ClassFeats.SpinKick > 0 and $SpecialUsage > 1>>\
<<button [[Spinning Kick (-2AP)|Suburb Combat2]]>>
<<set $CombatChoice to "Special">>\
<<set $genericSpecial2 to $specials.SpinningKick>>\
<<if $ClassFeats.Fury > 0 and $SpecialUsage > 0>>\
<<button [[Focused Offense (-1AP)|Suburb Combat2]]>>
<<set $CombatChoice to "Special">>\
<<set $genericSpecial2 to $specials.Fury>>\
<<if $ClassFeats.CalculatedStrike > 0 and $SpecialUsage > 1>>\
<<button [[Calculated Strike (-2AP)|Suburb Combat2]]>>
<<set $CombatChoice to "Special">>\
<<set $genericSpecial2 to $specials.CalculatedStrike>>\
<<if $ElectronicsSkillFeats.CameraFlash > 0 and $SpecialUsage > 0>>\
<<button [[Camera Flash (-1AP)|Suburb Combat2]]>>
<<set $CombatChoice to "Special">>\
<<set $genericSpecial2 to $specials.CameraFlash>>\
<<if $AthleticSkillFeats.ImprovedTrip > 0 and $equipedWeapon.range is "melee" and $SpecialUsage > 0>>\
<<button [[Improved Trip (-1AP)|Suburb Combat2]]>>
<<set $CombatChoice to "Special">>\
<<set $genericSpecial2 to $specials.ImprovedTrip>>\
<<if $SocialSkillFeats.DistractingFeint > 0 and $SpecialUsage > 0>>\
<<button [[Distracting Feint (-1AP)|Suburb Combat2]]>>
<<set $CombatChoice to "Special">>\
<<set $genericSpecial2 to $specials.DistractingFeint>>\
<<if $StealthSkillFeats.WeaknessStrike > 0 and $EnemyStatus.Missed is 1 and $SpecialUsage > 0>>\
<<button [[Weakness Strike (-1AP)|Suburb Combat2]]>>
<<set $CombatChoice to "Special">>\
<<set $genericSpecial2 to $specials.WeaknessStrike>>\
<<if $equipedWeapon.special2 is "Focus Fire">>\
<<button [[Focus Fire (-1AP)|Suburb Combat2]]>>
<<set $CombatChoice to "Special">>\
<<set $genericSpecial2 to $specials.FocusFirePC>>\
<<if $equipedWeapon.special2 is "Burst Fire">>\
<<button [[Burst Fire (-1AP)|Suburb Combat2]]>>
<<set $CombatChoice to "Special">>\
<<set $genericSpecial2 to $specials.BurstFirePC>>\
<<button [[Nevermind|Suburb Combat]]>> <</button>><<include "SpecialAttacks">>\
<<set _BonusHateDamage to 0>>\
<<switch $genericFighter.Type>>\
<<case "Infested">>\
<<set _EnemyType to "Infested">>\
<<if $ScoutingSkillFeats.HunterInfested > 0>>\
<<set _BonusHateDamage to $ScoutingSkillFeats.HunterInfested>>\
<<elseif $ScoutingSkillFeats.HunterRaider > 0 and $genericFighter.Faction is "Raider">>\
<<set _BonusHateDamage to $ScoutingSkillFeats.HunterRaider>>\
<<elseif $ScoutingSkillFeats.HunterGangster > 0 and $genericFighter.Faction is "Gangster">>\
<<set _BonusHateDamage to $ScoutingSkillFeats.HunterGangster>>\
<<elseif $ScoutingSkillFeats.HunterMilitary > 0 and $genericFighter.Faction is "Military">>\
<<set _BonusHateDamage to $ScoutingSkillFeats.HunterMilitary>>\
<<case "Human">>\
<<if $ScoutingSkillFeats.HunterRaider > 0 and $genericFighter.Faction is "Raider">>\
<<set _EnemyType to "Raider">>\
<<set _BonusHateDamage to $ScoutingSkillFeats.HunterRaider>>\
<<elseif $ScoutingSkillFeats.HunterGangster > 0 and $genericFighter.Faction is "Gangster">>\
<<set _EnemyType to "Gangsta">>\
<<set _BonusHateDamage to $ScoutingSkillFeats.HunterGangster>>\
<<elseif $ScoutingSkillFeats.HunterMilitary > 0 and $genericFighter.Faction is "Military">>\
<<set _EnemyType to "Military">>\
<<set _BonusHateDamage to $ScoutingSkillFeats.HunterMilitary>>\
<<switch $genericSpecial2.Name>>
<<case "Mug">>\
<<set $SpecialUsage to $SpecialUsage -1>>\
<<print $genericSpecial2.Text>>\
<<include "Player Attack">>\
<<if $EnemyStatus.Hit is 1>>\
<<set _Steal to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<set _TotalSteal to _Steal + $Skill.Stealth + $DexterityBonus + $PCStatus.SkillBuff - $PCStatus.SkillDebuff>>\
<<if _TotalSteal < 10 + $genericFighter.Scouting + $EnemyStatus.SkillBuff - $EnemyStatus.SkillDebuff>>\
You fail to steal anything from them.
<<set _RareSteal to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<if _RareSteal + ($Prof.Thievery / 2) + ($ThieverySkillFeats.RareSteal *2) >= 19>>\
<<set _tempLoot to $rarelootTemp.random()>>\
<<set _tempLoot to $lootTemp.random()>>\
<<for $i = 0; $i < $PCInventory.length; $i++>>\
<<set $uitem = $PCInventory[$i]>>\
<<set $ItemName to $uitem.name>>\
<<set _TempName to _tempLoot.name>>\
<<if $ItemName is _TempName>>\
<<set _amount to $uitem.amount>>\
<<set _exists to 1>>\
<<if _exists is 1>>\
<<set _amount to _amount +1>>\
<<set $uitem.amount to _amount>>\
<<set $PCInventory.push(_tempLoot)>>\
You managed to steal <<print _tempLoot.name>> from them!
<<case "Pocket Sand">>\
<<set $SpecialUsage to $SpecialUsage -2>>\
<<print $genericSpecial2.Text>>\
<<set _DC to $genericSpecial2.DC>>\
<<set _Save to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<set _TSave to $genericFighter.Reflex + $EnemyStatus.SavesBuff - $EnemyStatus.SavesDebuff>>\
<<if _Save + _TSave < _DC>>\
<<print $genericSpecial2.FailText>>
<<if _Save + $genericFighter.Reflex + $EnemyStatus.SavesBuff - $EnemyStatus.SavesDebuff < (_DC -10)>>\
<<set $EnemyStatus.Stun to $genericSpecial2.Rounds>>\
<<set $EnemyStatus.Dazzle to $genericSpecial2.Affect>>\
<<set $EnemyStatus.AttackDebuff to $EnemyStatus.AttackDebuff + $genericSpecial2.Affect>>\
<<print $genericSpecial2.SuccessText>>
<<if $ShowRolls.Combat is 1>>\
<<set _TotalSave to _Save + _TSave>>\
Enemy Save: _Save + _TSave = _TotalSave vs DC: _DC
<<case "Bellowing Shout">>\
<<set _tempDamage to 0>>\
<<set $SpecialUsage to $SpecialUsage -1>>\
<<print $genericSpecial2.Text>>\
<<set _DC to $genericSpecial2.DC>>\
<<set _A to $genericSpecial2.Dice>>\
<<for _i = 0; _i < _A; _i++>>\
<<set _tempDamage to _tempDamage + random($genericSpecial2.Damage) +1>>\
<<set _tempDamage to _tempDamage + _BonusHateDamage>>\
<<set _tempDamage2 to _tempDamage - $genericFighter.Sonic>>\
<<set $genericFighter.HP to $genericFighter.HP - _tempDamage2>>\
<<set _Save to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<set _TSave to $genericFighter.Fortitude + $EnemyStatus.SavesBuff - $EnemyStatus.SavesDebuff>>\
<<if _Save + _TSave < _DC>>\
<<print $genericSpecial2.FailText>>
<<set $EnemyStatus.Stun to $genericSpecial2.Affect>>\
They take _tempDamage2 Sonic damage from your bellowing shout as they comply with your order!
<<print $genericSpecial2.SuccessText>>
They still take _tempDamage2 Sonic damage from your bellowing shout!
<<if $ShowRolls.Combat is 1>>\
<<set _TotalSave to _Save + _TSave>>\
Enemy Save: _Save + _TSave = _TotalSave vs DC: _DC
<<case "Commanding Shout">>\
<<set $SpecialUsage to $SpecialUsage -2>>\
<<print $genericSpecial2.Text>>\
<<set _totalHeal to 0>>\
<<set _A to $genericSpecial2.Dice>>\
<<set _DC to $genericSpecial2.DC>>\
<<for _i = 0; _i < _A; _i++>>\
<<set _totalHeal to _totalHeal + random($genericSpecial2.Damage) +1>>\
<<set _totalHeal to _totalHeal + $ConstitutionBonus>>\
<<set $HP to $HP + _totalHeal>>\
<<if $HP > $MaxHP>>\
<<set $HP to $MaxHP>>\
<<set _Save to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<set _TSave to $genericFighter.Willpower + $EnemyStatus.SavesBuff - $EnemyStatus.SavesDebuff>>\
<<if _Save + _TSave < _DC>>\
<<print $genericSpecial2.FailText>>
<<set $EnemyStatus.Prone to $genericSpecial2.Affect>>\
<<set $EnemyStatus.ACDebuff to $EnemyStatus.ACDebuff +2>>\
You recover _totalHeal HP from the adrenaline rush as you watch them drop to the ground!
<<print $genericSpecial2.SuccessText>>
You recover _totalHeal HP from the adrenaline rush as you prepare to keep fighting as they ignore your command!
<<if $ShowRolls.Combat is 1>>\
<<set _TotalSave to _Save + _TSave>>\
Enemy Save: _Save + _TSave = _TotalSave vs DC: _DC
<<case "Intimidate">>\
<<set $SpecialUsage to $SpecialUsage -1>>\
<<print $genericSpecial2.Text>>\
<<set _DC to $genericSpecial2.DC>>\
<<set _Save to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<set _TSave to $genericFighter.Willpower + $EnemyStatus.SavesBuff - $EnemyStatus.SavesDebuff>>\
<<if _Save + _TSave < _DC>>\
<<print $genericSpecial2.FailText>>
<<set $SpecialBonus.Intimidate to $genericSpecial2.Affect>>\
<<set $SpecialBonus.Rounds to $genericSpecial2.Rounds>>\
<<if $EnemyStatus.Intimidate < 1>>\
<<set $EnemyStatus.Intimidate to $EnemyStatus.Intimidate + $PC.Level + $SpecialBonus.Rounds >>\
<<set $EnemyStatus.ACDebuff to $EnemyStatus.ACDebuff + $SpecialBonus.Intimidate>>\
<<set $EnemyStatus.DamageDebuff to $EnemyStatus.DamageDebuff + $SpecialBonus.Intimidate>>\
<<set $EnemyStatus.AttackDebuff to $EnemyStatus.AttackDebuff + $SpecialBonus.Intimidate>>\
<<set $EnemyStatus.SavesDebuff to $EnemyStatus.SavesDebuff + $SpecialBonus.Intimidate>>\
<<set $EnemyStatus.SkillDebuff to $EnemyStatus.SkillDebuff + $SpecialBonus.Intimidate>>\
<<set $EnemyStatus.Intimidate to $EnemyStatus.Intimidate + $PC.Level + $CharismaBonus>>\
<<print $genericSpecial2.SuccessText>>
<<if $ShowRolls.Combat is 1>>\
<<set _TotalSave to _Save + _TSave>>\
Enemy Save: _Save + _TSave = _TotalSave vs DC: _DC
<<case "Flamethrower">>\
<<set $SpecialUsage to $SpecialUsage -2>>\
<<print $genericSpecial2.Text>>\
<<set _A to $genericSpecial2.Dice>>\
<<set _tempDamage to 0>>\
<<set _DC to $genericSpecial2.DC>>\
<<for _i = 0; _i < _A; _i++>>\
<<set _tempDamage to _tempDamage + random($genericSpecial2.Damage) +1>>\
<<set _tempDamage2 to _tempDamage + $CharismaBonus + _BonusHateDamage>>\
<<set _Save to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<set _TSave to $genericFighter.Fortitude + $EnemyStatus.SavesBuff - $EnemyStatus.SavesDebuff>>\
<<if _Save + _TSave < _DC>>\
<<set _TSave to _Save + $genericFighter.Fortitude + $EnemyStatus.SavesBuff - $EnemyStatus.SavesDebuff>>\
<<print $genericSpecial2.FailText>>
<<set _tempDamage2 to _tempDamage2 - $genericFighter.Fire>>\
<<set $genericFighter.HP to $genericFighter.HP - _tempDamage2>>\
<<if _Save + _TSave < (_DC -10)>>\
<<set $EnemyStatus.Burn to $genericSpecial2.Affect>>\
They take _tempDamage2 Fire damage from your makeshift flamethrower and now they are on fire!
They take _tempDamage2 Fire damage from your makeshift flamethrower!
<<set _tempDamage2 to Math.round(_tempDamage2 / 2) - $genericFighter.Fire>>\
<<set $genericFighter.HP to $genericFighter.HP - _tempDamage2>>\
<<print $genericSpecial2.SuccessText>>
They still take _tempDamage2 Fire damage from your makeshift flamethrower!
<<if $ShowRolls.Combat is 1>>\
<<set _TotalSave to _Save + _TSave>>\
Enemy Save: _Save + _TSave = _TotalSave vs DC: _DC
<<case "Hunter Shot">>\
<<set $SpecialUsage to $SpecialUsage -1>>\
<<print $genericSpecial2.Text>>
<<set $SpecialBonus.HunterShot to $genericSpecial2.Affect>>\
<<set $PCStatus.AttackBuff to $PCStatus.AttackBuff + $SpecialBonus.HunterShot>>\
<<set $PCStatus.ACDebuff to $PCStatus.ACDebuff + $SpecialBonus.HunterShot>>\
<<include "Player Attack">>\
<<case "Knockdown Barrage">>\
<<set $SpecialUsage to $SpecialUsage -2>>\
<<print $genericSpecial2.Text>>\
<<set _A to $genericSpecial2.Dice>>\
<<set _tempDamage to 0>>\
<<set _DC to $genericSpecial2.DC>>\
<<for _i = 0; _i < _A; _i++>>\
<<set _tempDamage to _tempDamage + random($genericSpecial2.Damage) +1>>\
<<set _tempDamage2 to _tempDamage + $DexterityBonus + _BonusHateDamage + $TrainedExtra.RangedDamage>>\
<<switch $WeaponDamageType>>
<<case "Blunt">>\
<<set _InfestedWeaponResist to $genericFighter.Blunt>>\
<<case "Pierce">>\
<<set _InfestedWeaponResist to $genericFighter.Pierce>>\
<<case "Slash">>\
<<set _InfestedWeaponResist to $genericFighter.Slash>>\
<<case "Fire">>\
<<set _InfestedWeaponResist to $genericFighter.Fire>>\
<<case "Cold">>\
<<set _InfestedWeaponResist to $genericFighter.Cold>>\
<<case "Shock">>\
<<set _InfestedWeaponResist to $genericFighter.Shock>>\
<<case "Acid">>\
<<set _InfestedWeaponResist to $genericFighter.Acid>>\
<<case "Sonic">>\
<<set _InfestedWeaponResist to $genericFighter.Sonic>>\
<<set _Save to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<set _TSave to $genericFighter.Reflex + $EnemyStatus.SavesBuff - $EnemyStatus.SavesDebuff>>\
<<if _Save + _TSave < _DC>>\
<<print $genericSpecial2.FailText>>
<<set _tempDamage2 to _tempDamage2 - _InfestedWeaponResist>>\
<<set $genericFighter.HP to $genericFighter.HP - _tempDamage2>>\
<<if _Save + $genericFighter.Reflex + $EnemyStatus.SavesBuff - $EnemyStatus.SavesDebuff < (_DC -10)>>\
<<set $EnemyStatus.Prone to $genericSpecial2.Affect>>\
<<set $EnemyStatus.ACDebuff to $EnemyStatus.ACDebuff +2>>\
They take _tempDamage2 $WeaponDamageType damage from your barrage and become knocked down from the relentless storm!
They take _tempDamage2 $WeaponDamageType damage from your barrage!
<<set _tempDamage2 to Math.round(_tempDamage2 / 2) - _InfestedWeaponResist>>\
<<set $genericFighter.HP to $genericFighter.HP - _tempDamage2>>\
<<print $genericSpecial2.SuccessText>>
They still take _tempDamage2 $WeaponDamageType damage from your barrage!
<<if $ShowRolls.Combat is 1>>\
<<set _TotalSave to _Save + _TSave>>\
Enemy Save: _Save + _TSave = _TotalSave vs DC: _DC
<<case "First Aid">>\
<<set $SpecialUsage to $SpecialUsage -1>>\
<<set _totalHeal to 0>>\
<<set _textHeal2 to 0>>\
<<set $SpecialBonus.Rounds to $genericSpecial2.Rounds +1>>\
<<set _A to Math.floor($PC.Level / 2)>>\
<<set _textHeal to $HP>>\
<<print $genericSpecial2.Text>>\
<<for _i = 0; _i < _A; _i++>>\
<<set _totalHeal to _totalHeal + random($genericSpecial2.Affect) +1 + ($MedicPath.Pharmacist*2)>>\
<<if $MedicalSkillFeats.MedicalOverwatch > 0>>\
<<set _totalHeal to _totalHeal + $Prof.Medical>>\
<<set _totalHeal to _totalHeal + $WisdomBonus>>\
<<set $HP to $HP + _totalHeal>>\
<<if $PCStatus.Quick > 0>>\
<<set $PCStatus.Quick to $PCStatus.Quick + $SpecialBonus.Rounds>>\
<<set $PCStatus.Quick to $SpecialBonus.Rounds>>\
<<set $PCStatus.AttackBuff to $PCStatus.AttackBuff + 1>>\
<<set $PCStatus.SavesBuff to $PCStatus.SavesBuff + 1>>\
<<set $PCStatus.ACBuff to $PCStatus.ACBuff + 1>>\
<<if $HP > $MaxHP>>\
<<set $HP to $MaxHP>>\
<<print $genericSpecial2.SuccessText>>\
<<if _textHeal < $HP>>\
<<set _textHeal2 to $HP - _textHeal>>\
You heal for _textHeal2 HP!
<<case "Toxic Flask">>\
<<set $SpecialUsage to $SpecialUsage -2>>\
<<print $genericSpecial2.Text>>\
<<set _A to $genericSpecial2.Dice>>\
<<set _tempDamage to 0>>\
<<set _DC to $genericSpecial2.DC>>\
<<for _i = 0; _i < _A; _i++>>\
<<set _tempDamage to _tempDamage + random($genericSpecial2.Damage) +1>>\
<<set _tempDamage2 to _tempDamage + $WisdomBonus + _BonusHateDamage>>\
<<set _Save to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<set _TSave to $genericFighter.Reflex + $EnemyStatus.SavesBuff - $EnemyStatus.SavesDebuff>>\
<<if _Save + _TSave < _DC>>\
<<print $genericSpecial2.FailText>>
<<set _tempDamage2 to _tempDamage2 - $genericFighter.Acid>>\
<<set $genericFighter.HP to $genericFighter.HP - _tempDamage2>>\
<<if _Save + $genericFighter.Reflex + $EnemyStatus.SavesBuff - $EnemyStatus.SavesDebuff < (_DC -10)>>\
<<set $EnemyStatus.Nausea to $WisdomBonus +1>>\
They take _tempDamage2 Acid damage from your toxic flask and now they are nauseated by the fumes!
They take _tempDamage2 Acid damage from your toxic flask!
<<set _tempDamage2 to Math.round(_tempDamage2 / 2) - $genericFighter.Acid>>\
<<set $genericFighter.HP to $genericFighter.HP - _tempDamage2>>\
<<print $genericSpecial2.SuccessText>>
They still take _tempDamage2 Acid damage from your toxic flask!
<<if $ShowRolls.Combat is 1>>\
<<set _TotalSave to _Save + _TSave>>\
Enemy Save: _Save + _TSave = _TotalSave vs DC: _DC
<<case "Flurry Attack">>\
<<set $SpecialUsage to $SpecialUsage -1>>\
<<switch $Prof.Unarmored>>\
<<case 2>>\
<<set _flurryamount to 2>>\
<<case 4>>\
<<set _flurryamount to 3>>\
<<case 6>>\
<<set _flurryamount to 4>>\
<<set _flurryamount to 5>>\
<<print $genericSpecial2.Text>>
<<set $CombatChoice to "Attack">>\
<<set $PCStatus.AttackDebuff to $PCStatus.AttackDebuff +1>>\
<<for _i = 0; _i < _flurryamount; _i++>>\
<<include "Player Attack">>\
<<set $PCStatus.AttackDebuff to $PCStatus.AttackDebuff -1>>\
<<case "Spinning Kick">>\
<<set $SpecialUsage to $SpecialUsage -2>>\
<<include "Player Attack">>\
<<if $EnemyStatus.Hit is 1>>\
<<set _DC to $genericSpecial2.DC>>\
<<set _Save to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<set _TSave to $genericFighter.Reflex + $EnemyStatus.SavesBuff - $EnemyStatus.SavesDebuff>>\
<<if _Save + _TSave < _DC>>\
<<set $EnemyStatus.Stagger to $EnemyStatus.Stagger + $equipedWeapon.criticalamount>>\
<<set $EnemyStatus.ACDebuff to $EnemyStatus.ACDebuff + $equipedWeapon.criticalamount>>\
<<set $EnemyStatus.Stagger to $EnemyStatus.Stagger + $StrengthBonus>>\
<<print $genericSpecial2.FailText>>\
<<print $genericSpecial2.SuccessText>>\
<<if $ShowRolls.Combat is 1 and $EnemyStatus.Hit is 1>>\
<<set _TotalSave to _Save + _TSave>>\
Enemy Save: _Save + _TSave = _TotalSave vs DC: _DC
<<case "Focused Offense">>\
<<set $SpecialUsage to $SpecialUsage -1>>\
<<print $genericSpecial2.Text>>\
<<if $PCStatus.Fury < 1>>\
<<set $SpecialBonus.Fury to $genericSpecial2.Affect>>\
<<set $PCStatus.Fury to $IntelligenceBonus>>\
<<set $PCStatus.AttackBuff to $PCStatus.AttackBuff + $SpecialBonus.Fury>>\
<<set $PCStatus.DamageBuff to $PCStatus.DamageBuff + $SpecialBonus.Fury>>\
<<set $PCStatus.ACDebuff to $PCStatus.ACDebuff + $SpecialBonus.Fury>>\
<<set $PCStatus.Fury to $PCStatus.Fury + $IntelligenceBonus>>\
<<include "Player Attack">>\
<<case "Calculated Strike">>\
<<set _AttackBuff to $genericSpecial2.Affect>>\
<<set $PCStatus.AttackBuff to $PCStatus.AttackBuff + _AttackBuff>>\
<<set $SpecialUsage to $SpecialUsage -2>>\
<<print $genericSpecial2.Text>>
<<include "Player Attack">>\
<<set $PCStatus.AttackBuff to $PCStatus.AttackBuff - _AttackBuff>>\
<<case "Camera Flash">>\
<<set $SpecialUsage to $SpecialUsage -1>>\
<<print $genericSpecial2.Text>>\
<<set _DC to $genericSpecial2.DC>>\
<<set _Save to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<set _TSave to $genericFighter.Reflex + $EnemyStatus.SavesBuff - $EnemyStatus.SavesDebuff>>\
<<if _Save + _TSave< _DC>>\
<<print $genericSpecial2.FailText>>
<<set $SpecialBonus.CameraFlash to $genericSpecial2.Affect>>\
<<set $EnemyStatus.Dazzle to $SpecialBonus.CameraFlash>>\
<<set $EnemyStatus.AttackDebuff to $EnemyStatus.AttackDebuff + $SpecialBonus.CameraFlash>>\
<<print $genericSpecial2.SuccessText>>
<<if $ShowRolls.Combat is 1>>\
<<set _TotalSave to _Save + _TSave>>\
Enemy Save: _Save + _TSave = _TotalSave vs DC: _DC
<<case "Distracting Feint">>\
<<set $SpecialUsage to $SpecialUsage -1>>\
<<print $genericSpecial2.Text>>\
<<include "Player Attack">>\
<<if $EnemyStatus.Hit is 1>>\
<<print $genericSpecial2.FailText>>
<<set $SpecialBonus.DistractingFeint to $genericSpecial2.Affect>>\
<<set $SpecialBonus.Rounds to $genericSpecial2.Rounds>>\
<<set $EnemyStatus.Feint to $SpecialBonus.Rounds>>\
<<set $EnemyStatus.AttackDebuff to $EnemyStatus.AttackDebuff + $SpecialBonus.DistractingFeint>>\
<<set $EnemyStatus.ACDebuff to $EnemyStatus.ACDebuff + $SpecialBonus.DistractingFeint>>\
<<print $genericSpecial2.SuccessText>>
<<case "Weakness Strike">>\
<<set $SpecialUsage to $SpecialUsage -1>>\
<<print $genericSpecial2.Text>>
<<include "Player Attack">>\
<<case "Improved Trip">>\
<<set $SpecialUsage to $SpecialUsage -1>>\
<<print $genericSpecial2.Text>>
<<include "Player Attack">>\
<<if $EnemyStatus.Hit is 1>>\
<<set _DC to $genericSpecial2.DC>>\
<<set _Save to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<set _TSave to $genericFighter.Reflex + $EnemyStatus.SavesBuff - $EnemyStatus.SavesDebuff>>\
<<if $ShowRolls.Combat is 1>>\
Enemy Save: _Save + _TSave vs _DC
<<if _Save + _TSave < _DC>>\
<<print $genericSpecial2.FailText>>\
<<set $EnemyStatus.Prone to $genericSpecial2.Affect>>\
<<set $EnemyStatus.ACDebuff to $EnemyStatus.ACDebuff +2>>\
<<print $genericSpecial2.SuccessText>>\
<<if $ShowRolls.Combat is 1 and $EnemyStatus.Hit is 1>>\
<<set _TotalSave to _Save + _TSave>>\
Enemy Save: _Save + _TSave = _TotalSave vs DC: _DC
<<case "Steal">>\
<<set $SpecialUsage to $SpecialUsage -1>>\
<<print $genericSpecial2.Text>>\
<<set _S to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<set _TS to _S + $Skill.Stealth + $DexterityBonus + $PCStatus.SkillBuff - $PCStatus.SkillDebuff>>\
<<if _TS < 10 + $genericFighter.Scouting + $EnemyStatus.SkillBuff - $EnemyStatus.SkillDebuff>>\
<<print $genericSpecial2.SuccessText>>
<<set _tempLoot to $lootTemp.random()>>\
<<set $PCInventory.push(_tempLoot)>>\
You steal <<print _tempLoot.name>> from the $genericFighter.Name!
<<case "Focus Fire">>\
<<set $SpecialUsage to $SpecialUsage -1>>\
<<set $genericSpecial2.Damage to (random($genericSpecial2.Affect) +1)>>\
<<print $genericSpecial2.Text>>\
<<set $WeaponDamageType to "Pierce">>\
<<include "Player Attack">>\
<<set $WeaponDamageType to $equipedWeapon.damagetype>>\
<<case "Burst Fire">>\
<<set $SpecialUsage to $SpecialUsage -1>>\
<<print $genericSpecial2.Text>>\
<<set _flurryamount to $genericSpecial2.Affect>>\
<<for _i = 0; _i < _flurryamount; _i++>>\
<<set $PCStatus.AttackDebuff to $PCStatus.AttackDebuff + (_i*5)>>\
<<include "Player Attack">>\
<<set $PCStatus.AttackDebuff to $PCStatus.AttackDebuff - (_i*5)>>\
<<set $EnemyStatus.Hit to 0>>\
<<set _Hidden to 0>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.EAmbushed is 1 and $equipedWeapon.special2 is "Hidden">>\
<<set _Hidden to random($equipedWeapon.criticalamount) +1>>\
<<set $PCStatus.DamageBuff to $PCStatus.DamageBuff + _Hidden>>\
<<set _DamageStat to $StrengthBonus>>\
<<if $CelebrityPath.MartialArts > 0 and $equipedWeapon.name is "star fists">>\
<<set _DamageStat to $CharismaBonus>>\
<<elseif $CriminalPath.ConArtist is 1 and $weaponEquipSkill is "Knives">>\
<<set _DamageStat to $DexterityBonus>>\
<<elseif $MedicPath.Surgeon is 1 and $weaponEquipSkill is "Knives">>\
<<set _DamageStat to $DexterityBonus>>\
<<set _ExtraText to "">>\
<<set _TrainingBonus to 0>>\
<<set _BonusHateDamage to 0>>\
<<switch $genericFighter.Type>>\
<<case "Infested">>\
<<set _EnemyType to "Infested">>\
<<if $ScoutingSkillFeats.HunterInfested > 0>>\
<<set _BonusHateDamage to $ScoutingSkillFeats.HunterInfested>>\
<<elseif $ScoutingSkillFeats.HunterRaider > 0 and $genericFighter.Faction is "Raider">>\
<<set _BonusHateDamage to $ScoutingSkillFeats.HunterRaider>>\
<<elseif $ScoutingSkillFeats.HunterGangster > 0 and $genericFighter.Faction is "Gangster">>\
<<set _BonusHateDamage to $ScoutingSkillFeats.HunterGangster>>\
<<elseif $ScoutingSkillFeats.HunterMilitary > 0 and $genericFighter.Faction is "Military">>\
<<set _BonusHateDamage to $ScoutingSkillFeats.HunterMilitary>>\
<<case "Human">>\
<<if $ScoutingSkillFeats.HunterRaider > 0 and $genericFighter.Faction is "Raider">>\
<<set _EnemyType to "Raider">>\
<<set _BonusHateDamage to $ScoutingSkillFeats.HunterRaider>>\
<<elseif $ScoutingSkillFeats.HunterGangster > 0 and $genericFighter.Faction is "Gangster">>\
<<set _EnemyType to "Gangsta">>\
<<set _BonusHateDamage to $ScoutingSkillFeats.HunterGangster>>\
<<elseif $ScoutingSkillFeats.HunterMilitary > 0 and $genericFighter.Faction is "Military">>\
<<set _EnemyType to "Military">>\
<<set _BonusHateDamage to $ScoutingSkillFeats.HunterMilitary>>\
<<if $AdminMode is 1>>\
Enemy Type: $genericFighter.Type
Bonus Hate Damage: _BonusHateDamage
Bonus Ranged Path Damage: $TrainedExtra.RangedDamage
<<set _swing to $equipedWeapon.adescription>>\
<<set _AttackRoll to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<if $ShowRolls.Combat is 1>>\
Attack Roll: _AttackRoll
<<set _TA to _AttackRoll + $weaponAttackBonus + $weaponStatBonus + $PCStatus.AttackBuff + $equipedWeapon.superior + $TrainedExtra.MeleeHit - $PCStatus.AttackDebuff - $StatusAffect.Hungry>>\
<<if $ShowRolls.Combat is 1>>\
Total Attack: _TA
<<if _TA < $genericFighter.AC + $EnemyStatus.ACBuff - $EnemyStatus.ACDebuff or _AttackRoll < 2 >>\
<<if $CombatChoice is not "Special">>
You _swing at $genericFighter.Name with your $equipedWeapon.name but miss!
<<print $genericSpecial2.SuccessText>>
<<set _tempDamage to 0>>\
<<set $EnemyStatus.Hit to 1>>\
<<for _dice = 0; _dice < $equipedWeapon.quality; _dice++>>\
<<set _tempDamage to _tempDamage + random($equipedWeapon.damage) +1>>\
<<if $equipedWeapon.range is "melee">>\
<<if $CombatChoice is "Special">>\
<<if $genericSpecial2.Name is "Spinning Kick">>\
<<set _swing to "kick">>\
<<elseif $genericSpecial2.Name is "Focus Fire">>\
<<set _swing to "blast">>\
<<set _A to $genericSpecial2.Dice>>\
<<for _i = 0; _i < _A; _i++>>\
<<set _tempDamage to _tempDamage + random($genericSpecial2.Damage) +1>>\
<<set _tempDamage to _tempDamage + $PCStatus.DamageBuff - $PCStatus.DamageDebuff + _DamageStat + $equipedWeapon.superior + _BonusHateDamage + $TrainedExtra.MeleeDamage>>\
<<set _tempDamage to _tempDamage + $PCStatus.DamageBuff - $PCStatus.DamageDebuff + _DamageStat + $equipedWeapon.superior + _BonusHateDamage + $TrainedExtra.MeleeDamage>>\
<<if _AttackRoll > 19 or _TA > $genericFighter.AC + $EnemyStatus.ACBuff - $EnemyStatus.ACDebuff +10>>\
<<set _tempDamage to _tempDamage + _tempDamage + $MedicalSkillFeats.CriticalFocus>>\
<<switch $equipedWeapon.critical>>\
<<case "Bleed">>\
<<set $EnemyStatus.Bleed to $EnemyStatus.Bleed +1>>\
<<set _ExtraText to "$genericFighter.Name starts to bleed from their wounds!">>\
<<case "Burn">>\
<<set $EnemyStatus.Burn to $EnemyStatus.Burn + $equipedWeapon.criticalamount + $equipedWeapon.superior>>\
<<set _ExtraText to "$genericFighter.Name catches on fire!">>\
<<case "Dazzle">>\
<<set $EnemyStatus.Dazzled to $EnemyStatus.Dazzled + $equipedWeapon.criticalamount>>\
<<set $EnemyStatus.AttackDebuff to $EnemyStatus.AttackDebuff + $equipedWeapon.criticalamount>>\
<<set _ExtraText to "$genericFighter.Name has trouble seeing after that last hit!">>\
<<case "Deadly">>\
<<set _Deadly to random($equipedWeapon.criticalamount) +1>>\
<<set _tempDamage to _tempDamage + _Deadly>>\
<<set _ExtraText to "$genericFighter.Name took _Deadly extra damage from your deadly hit!">>\
<<case "Feint">>\
<<set $EnemyStatus.Feint to $EnemyStatus.Feint + $equipedWeapon.criticalamount>>\
<<set $EnemyStatus.AttackDebuff to $EnemyStatus.AttackDebuff + $equipedWeapon.criticalamount>>\
<<set $EnemyStatus.ACDebuff to $EnemyStatus.ACDebuff + $equipedWeapon.criticalamount>>\
<<set _ExtraText to "$genericFighter.Name becomes distracted and bewildered by that hit!">>\
<<case "Stagger">>\
<<set $SpecialBonus.DistractingFeint to $equipedWeapon.criticalamount>>\
<<set $EnemyStatus.Stagger to $EnemyStatus.Stagger + $SpecialBonus.DistractingFeint>>\
<<set $EnemyStatus.ACDebuff to $EnemyStatus.ACDebuff + $SpecialBonus.DistractingFeint>>\
<<set _ExtraText to "$genericFighter.Name2 looks to be staggered from that that hit!">>\
<<case "Stun">>\
<<set $EnemyStatus.Stun to $EnemyStatus.Stun + $equipedWeapon.criticalamount>>\
<<set _ExtraText to "$genericFighter.Name2 is dazed from your hard hit!">>\
<<case "Trip">>\
<<if $EnemyStatus.Prone > 0>>\
<<set _ExtraText to "">>\
<<set $EnemyStatus.Prone to $EnemyStatus.Prone + $equipedWeapon.criticalamount>>\
<<set _ExtraText to "$genericFighter.Name2 is knocked prone from your hard hit!">>\
<<set $EnemyStatus.ACDebuff to $EnemyStatus.ACDebuff +2>>\
<<if $CombatChoice is "Special">>\
<<set _A to $genericSpecial2.Dice>>\
<<for _i = 0; _i < _A; _i++>>\
<<set _tempDamage to _tempDamage + random($genericSpecial2.Damage) +1>>\
<<set _tempDamage to _tempDamage + $PCStatus.DamageBuff + $equipedWeapon.superior - $PCStatus.DamageDebuff + _BonusHateDamage + $TrainedExtra.RangedDamage>>\
<<set _tempDamage to _tempDamage + $PCStatus.DamageBuff + $equipedWeapon.superior - $PCStatus.DamageDebuff + _BonusHateDamage + $TrainedExtra.RangedDamage>>\
<<if _AttackRoll > 19 or _TA > $genericFighter.AC - $EnemyDebuff +10 >>\
<<set _tempDamage to _tempDamage + _tempDamage +1 + $MedicalSkillFeats.CriticalFocus>>\
<<switch $equipedWeapon.critical>>\
<<case "Bleed">>\
<<set $EnemyStatus.Bleed to $EnemyStatus.Bleed +1>>\
<<set _ExtraText to "$genericFighter.Name starts to bleed from their wounds!">>\
<<case "Burn">>\
<<set $EnemyStatus.Burn to $EnemyStatus.Burn + $equipedWeapon.criticalamount + $equipedWeapon.superior>>\
<<set _ExtraText to "$genericFighter.Name catches on fire!">>\
<<case "Dazzle">>\
<<set $EnemyStatus.Dazzled to $EnemyStatus.Dazzled + equipedWeapon.criticalamount>>\
<<set $EnemyStatus.AttackDebuff to $EnemyStatus.AttackDebuff + equipedWeapon.criticalamount>>\
<<set _ExtraText to "$genericFighter.Name has trouble seeing after that last hit!">>\
<<case "Deadly">>\
<<set _Deadly to random($equipedWeapon.criticalamount) +1>>\
<<set _tempDamage to _tempDamage + _Deadly>>\
<<set _ExtraText to "$genericFighter.Name took _Deadly extra damage from your deadly hit!">>\
<<case "Feint">>\
<<set $EnemyStatus.Feint to $EnemyStatus.Feint + $equipedWeapon.criticalamount>>\
<<set $EnemyStatus.AttackDebuff to $EnemyStatus.AttackDebuff + $equipedWeapon.criticalamount>>\
<<set $EnemyStatus.ACDebuff to $EnemyStatus.ACDebuff + $equipedWeapon.criticalamount>>\
<<set _ExtraText to "$genericFighter.Name becomes distracted and bewildered by that hit!">>\
<<case "Stagger">>\
<<set $EnemyStatus.Stagger to $EnemyStatus.Stagger + $equipedWeapon.criticalamount>>\
<<set $EnemyStatus.ACDebuff to $EnemyStatus.ACDebuff + $equipedWeapon.criticalamount>>\
<<set _ExtraText to "$genericFighter.Name2 looks to be staggered from that that hit!">>\
<<case "Stun">>\
<<set $EnemyStatus.Stun to $EnemyStatus.Stun + $equipedWeapon.criticalamount>>\
<<set _ExtraText to "$genericFighter.Name2 is dazed from your hard hit!">>\
<<case "Trip">>\
<<if $EnemyStatus.Prone > 0>>\
<<set _ExtraText to "">>\
<<set $EnemyStatus.Prone to $EnemyStatus.Prone + $equipedWeapon.criticalamount>>\
<<set _ExtraText to "$genericFighter.Name2 is knocked prone from your hard hit!">>\
<<set $EnemyStatus.ACDebuff to $EnemyStatus.ACDebuff +2>>\
<<if $CombatChoice is "Special" and $genericSpecial2.Special is "No Resist">>\
<<set _bonusDamage to random($genericSpecial2.Damage) +1>>\
<<set _tempDamage2 to _tempDamage + _bonusDamage>>\
<<switch $WeaponDamageType>>
<<case "Blunt">>\
<<set _InfestedWeaponResist to $genericFighter.Blunt>>\
<<set _tempDamage2 to _tempDamage - $genericFighter.Blunt>>\
<<case "Pierce">>\
<<set _InfestedWeaponResist to $genericFighter.Pierce>>\
<<set _tempDamage2 to _tempDamage - $genericFighter.Pierce>>\
<<case "Slash">>\
<<set _InfestedWeaponResist to $genericFighter.Slash>>\
<<set _tempDamage2 to _tempDamage - $genericFighter.Slash>>\
<<case "Fire">>\
<<set _InfestedWeaponResist to $genericFighter.Fire>>\
<<set _tempDamage2 to _tempDamage - $genericFighter.Fire>>\
<<case "Cold">>\
<<set _InfestedWeaponResist to $genericFighter.Cold>>\
<<set _tempDamage2 to _tempDamage - $genericFighter.Cold>>\
<<case "Shock">>\
<<set _tempDamage2 to _tempDamage - $genericFighter.Shock>>\
<<set _InfestedWeaponResist to $genericFighter.Shock>>\
<<case "Acid">>\
<<set _tempDamage2 to _tempDamage - $genericFighter.Acid>>\
<<set _InfestedWeaponResist to $genericFighter.Acid>>\
<<case "Sonic">>\
<<set _tempDamage2 to _tempDamage - $genericFighter.Sonic>>\
<<set _InfestedWeaponResist to $genericFighter.Sonic>>\
<<if _tempDamage2 < 0>>\
<<set _tempDamage2 to 0>>\
<<if $genericSpecial2.Special is "No Resist">>\
<<switch _tempDamage2>>\
<<case 0>>\
You _swing at $genericFighter.Name with your $equipedWeapon.name but deal no damage to them!
<<case 1 2>>\
You _swing at $genericFighter.Name with your $equipedWeapon.name and barely graze them. You do a total of <<print _tempDamage2>> <<print $WeaponDamageType>> damage to $genericFighter.Name and they resisted none of the damage! _ExtraText
<<case 3 4 5 6 7 8>>\
You _swing at $genericFighter.Name with your $equipedWeapon.name and get a solid hit. You do a total of <<print _tempDamage2>> <<print $WeaponDamageType>> damage to $genericFighter.Name and they resisted none of the damage! _ExtraText
You _swing at $genericFighter.Name with your $equipedWeapon.name and get a devastating hit! You do a total of <<print _tempDamage2>> <<print $WeaponDamageType>> damage to $genericFighter.Name and they resisted none of the damage! _ExtraText
<<switch _tempDamage2>>\
<<case 0>>\
You _swing at $genericFighter.Name with your $equipedWeapon.name but deal no damage to them!
<<case 1 2>>\
You _swing at $genericFighter.Name with your $equipedWeapon.name and barely graze them. You do a total of <<print _tempDamage2>> <<print $WeaponDamageType>> damage to $genericFighter.Name <<if _tempDamage2 is not _tempDamage>> and they resisted <<print _InfestedWeaponResist>> damage<</if>>! _ExtraText
<<case 3 4 5 6 7 8>>\
You _swing at $genericFighter.Name with your $equipedWeapon.name and get a solid hit. You do a total of <<print _tempDamage2>> <<print $WeaponDamageType>> damage to $genericFighter.Name<<if _tempDamage2 is not _tempDamage>> and they resisted <<print _InfestedWeaponResist>> damage<</if>>! _ExtraText
You _swing at $genericFighter.Name with your $equipedWeapon.name and get a devastating hit! You do a total of <<print _tempDamage2>> <<print $WeaponDamageType>> damage to $genericFighter.Name<<if _tempDamage2 is not _tempDamage>> and they resisted <<print _InfestedWeaponResist>> damage<</if>>! _ExtraText
<<set $genericFighter.HP to $genericFighter.HP - _tempDamage2>>\
<<if _Hidden > 0>>\
<<set $PCStatus.DamageBuff to $PCStatus.DamageBuff - _Hidden>>\
<</if>>\<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$genericFighter.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$genericFighter.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ISD2 to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$genericFighter.BreastsSize2]>>\
<<set _ICup2 to $arrayBreastSize[$genericFighter.BreastsSize2]>>\
<<set _IAss to $arrayAssSizeDesc[$genericFighter.AssSize]>>\
<<set _IAss2 to $arrayAssSizeDesc[$genericFighter.AssSize2]>>\
<<set _DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$genericFighter.DickSize]>>\
<<set _DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$genericFighter.DickSize]>>\
<<switch $genericFighter.Type>>\
<<case "Infested">>\
<<set $lust to $lust + 20 - $LustResist.Visual>>\
<<switch $genericFighter.Sex>>\
<<case "Male">>\
You take a moment to appreciate the $genericFighter.Name's rugged body. Their muscles and chiseled look is turning you on. You eyes drift downwards as you give their _DickSD _DickSize cock a long hard stare. Your eyes focus on his _DickSD <<Penis>> as he takes a moment to stroke his hard throbbing cock while pre-cum leaks freely down his hard shaft and onto his hand. Fantasies of being fucked in the ass hard by the Infested along with the desire to taste his gooey cum fills your mind as your hand dips towards your groin before you remember that you are in combat.
<<case "Female">>\
<<switch $genericFighter.EnemyCount>>\
<<case 2>>\
You take a moment to appreciate $genericFighter.Name's smoking hot bodies. You can't help but notice how the more buxom of the two's big _ISD tits bounce and jiggle as she moves around while her partner's _ISD2 _ICup2 jugs are pressed against her back. Your eyes dip down to the other Infested's _IAss2 booty and you feel the urge to grab those juicy asscheeks before sliding back up to where the bustier Infested's _ICup jugs are now being groped by her friend causing a loud throaty moan to escape her plump lips while a line of girl-cum oozes down her leg. Your hand starts to dip toward your groin before you remember that you are in combat.
You take a moment to appreciate $genericFighter.Name's smoking hot body. Her hourglass figure framed by her _ISD _ICup breasts and her _IAss jiggly ass grabs your near total focus while turning you on. Your eyes focus on her _ISD tits as she grabs those mouth-watering jugs and gives them a quick squeeze while letting out a breathy moan. Imagining how it would feel to grab those _ISD tits in order to suck on those long nipples along with grabbing that beautiful ass causes your hand to dip toward your groin before you remember that you are in combat.
<<case "Futa">>\
You take a moment to appreciate $genericFighter.Name's sexy body. The way their _ISD _ICup breasts bounce draws your eye as they dart about in combat. The fact that they also have a rock hard _DickSD _DickSize cock pointing at you in addition to those great tits and that _IAss ass is turning you on. Your eyes focus on her _ISD tits as she gropes those mouth-watering jugs for a moment while stroking her hard throbbing futa-cock. Imagining how it would feel to fondle those _ISD tits while jacking their _DickSD dick fills your mind causing your hand to dip towards your groin before you remember that you are in combat.
Someone forgot to set the Sex of this enemy!
<<if $genericFighter.Level > $PC.Level +4>>\
They look to be insanely dangerous! This is a fight that will take a miracle to win!
<<elseif $genericFighter.Level > $PC.Level +2>>\
They look to be extremely dangerous! This is a fight you might not win!
<<elseif $genericFighter.Level > $PC.Level>>\
They look to be dangerous! This looks to be a tough but winnable fight.
<<elseif $genericFighter.Level is $PC.Level>>\
They look to be as experienced as you! With smart tactics you should be able to win.
<<elseif $genericFighter.Level < $PC.Level -4>>\
They look quite pathetic! I'm not sure this can even be considered a fight.
<<elseif $genericFighter.Level < $PC.Level -2>>\
They look to be way less experienced than you. This should be an easily winnable fight.
<<elseif $genericFighter.Level < $PC.Level>>\
They look to be less experienced than you. This should be a winnable fight.
<</switch>>\<<set $PCStatus.Hit to 0>>\
<<set _AttackRoll to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<set _swing to $genericWeapon.adescription2>>\
<<set _EnemyWeaponDamageType to $genericWeapon.damagetype>>\
<<if $ShowRolls.Combat is 1>>\
Enemy Roll: _AttackRoll
<<set _TA to _AttackRoll + $genericFighter.BAB - $EnemyStatus.AttackDebuff + $EnemyStatus.AttackBuff>>\
<<if $ShowRolls.Combat is 1>>\
Total attack: <<print _TA>>\
<<if _TA < $PC.AC - $PCStatus.ACDebuff + $PCStatus.ACBuff + $FoodStatus.AC or _AttackRoll < 2 >>\
<<set $EnemyStatus.Missed to 1>>\
$genericFighter.Name2 _swing at you but misses!
<<set $EnemyStatus.Missed to 0>>\
<<set _tempDamage to 0>>\
<<for _dice = 0; _dice < $genericWeapon.quality; _dice++>>\
<<set _tempDamage to _tempDamage + random($genericWeapon.damage) +1>>\
<<if $genericWeapon.range is "melee">>\
<<set _tempDamage to _tempDamage + $genericFighter.Damage>>\
<<set _tempDamage to _tempDamage - $EnemyStatus.DamageDebuff + $EnemyStatus.DamageBuff>>\
<<switch _EnemyWeaponDamageType>>\
<<case "Blunt">>\
<<set _PCWeaponResist to $PCResistance.Blunt>>\
<<set _tempDamage2 to _tempDamage - $PCResistance.Blunt>>\
<<case "Pierce">>\
<<set _PCWeaponResist to $PCResistance.Pierce>>\
<<set _tempDamage2 to _tempDamage - $PCResistance.Pierce>>\
<<case "Slash">>\
<<set _PCWeaponResist to $PCResistance.Slash>>\
<<set _tempDamage2 to _tempDamage - $PCResistance.Slash>>\
<<case "Fire">>\
<<set _PCWeaponResist to $PCResistance.Fire>>\
<<set _tempDamage2 to _tempDamage - $PCResistance.Fire>>\
<<case "Cold">>\
<<set _PCWeaponResist to $PCResistance.Cold>>\
<<set _tempDamage2 to _tempDamage - $PCResistance.Cold>>\
<<case "Shock">>\
<<set _PCWeaponResist to $PCResistance.Shock>>\
<<set _tempDamage2 to _tempDamage - $PCResistance.Shock>>\
<<case "Acid">>\
<<set _PCWeaponResist to $PCResistance.Acid>>\
<<set _tempDamage2 to _tempDamage - $PCResistance.Acid>>\
<<case "Sonic">>\
<<set _PCWeaponResist to $PCResistance.Sonic>>\
<<set _tempDamage2 to _tempDamage - $PCResistance.Sonic>>\
<<if _tempDamage2 < 0>>\
<<set _tempDamage2 to 0>>\
<<if _AttackRoll > 19 or _TA > $PC.AC - $PCStatus.ACDebuff + $FoodStatus.AC + $PCStatus.ACBuff +10>>\
<<set _CritRoll to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<if $ShowRolls.Combat is 1>>\
Crit Roll: _CritRoll vs $armorCritResist
<<if _CritRoll < $armorCritResist>>\
$genericFighter.Name2 _swing at you and hits! It would have been a critical hit but your armor negated the crtical hit! $genericFighter.Pronoun instead does a total of <<print _tempDamage2>> <<print _EnemyWeaponDamageType>> damage to you<<if _tempDamage2 is not _tempDamage>> and your armor resisted <<print _PCWeaponResist>> damage<</if>>!
<<elseif critRoll => $armorCritResist>>\
<<set _tempDamage2 to _tempDamage2 + _tempDamage2>>\
<<switch $genericWeapon.critical>>\
<<case "Bleed">>\
<<set $PCStatus.Bleed to $PCStatus.Bleed +1>>\
<<set _ExtraText to "You start to bleed from your wounds!">>\
<<case "Dazzle">>\
<<set $PCStatus.Dazzle to $PCStatus.Dazzle + $genericWeapon.criticalamount>>\
<<set _ExtraText to "You start to bleed from your wounds!">>\
<<set $PCStatus.AttackDebuff to $PCStatus.AttackDebuff + 2>>\
<<set _ExtraText to "You are having trouble seeing after that last hit!">>\
<<case "Deadly">>\
<<set _Deadly to random($genericWeapon.criticalamount) +1>>\
<<set _tempDamage2 to _tempDamage2 + _Deadly>>\
<<set _ExtraText to "You took some extra damage from the $genericFighter.Name's deadly strike!">>\
<<case "Stun">>\
<<set $PCStatus.Stun to $PCStatus.Stun + $genericWeapon.criticalamount +1>>\
<<set _ExtraText to "You are dazed from the $genericFighter.Name's hard hit!">>\
<<case "Trip">>\
<<set $PCStatus.Prone to $PCStatus.Prone + $genericWeapon.criticalamount>>\
<<set _ExtraText to "You are knocked prone from the $genericFighter.Name's sweeping hit!">>\
<<set $PCStatus.ACDebuff to $PCStatus.ACDebuff +2>>\
<<set _ExtraText to "">>\
$genericFighter.Name2 _swing at you and gets a devasting hit! $genericFighter.Pronoun does a total of <<print _tempDamage2>> <<print _EnemyWeaponDamageType>> damage to you <<if _tempDamage2 is not _tempDamage>> and your armor resisted <<print _PCWeaponResist>> damage<</if>>! _ExtraText
$genericFighter.Name2 _swing at you and hits! $genericFighter.Pronoun does a total of <<print _tempDamage2>> <<print _EnemyWeaponDamageType>> damage to you<<if _tempDamage2 is not _tempDamage>> and your armor resisted <<print _PCWeaponResist>> damage<</if>>!
<<set $HP to $HP - _tempDamage2>>\
<</if>>\<<include "SpecialAttacks">>\
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$genericFighter.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$genericFighter.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ISD2 to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$genericFighter.BreastsSize2]>>\
<<set _ICup2 to $arrayBreastSize[$genericFighter.BreastsSize2]>>\
<<set _IAss to $arrayAssSizeDesc[$genericFighter.AssSize]>>\
<<set _IAss2 to $arrayAssSizeDesc[$genericFighter.AssSize2]>>\
<<set _DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$genericFighter.DickSize]>>\
<<set _DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$genericFighter.DickSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$genericFighter.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$genericFighter.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _EnemyWeaponDamageType to $genericWeapon.damagetype>>\
<<set _swing to $genericWeapon.adescription2>>\
<<if $PC.Sex is "Futa" or $StatusAffect.Futa > 0>>\
<<set _Sex to "Futa">>\
<<elseif $PC.Sex is "Female" and $StatusAffect.Futa < 1>>\
<<set _Sex to "Female">>\
<<set _Sex to "Male">>\
<<switch _EnemyWeaponDamageType>>
<<case "Blunt">>\
<<set _PCWeaponResist to $PCResistance.Blunt>>\
<<case "Pierce">>\
<<set _PCWeaponResist to $PCResistance.Pierce>>\
<<case "Slash">>\
<<set _PCWeaponResist to $PCResistance.Slash>>\
<<case "Fire">>\
<<set _PCWeaponResist to $PCResistance.Fire>>\
<<case "Cold">>\
<<set _PCWeaponResist to $PCResistance.Cold>>\
<<case "Shock">>\
<<set _PCWeaponResist to $PCResistance.Shock>>\
<<case "Acid">>\
<<set _PCWeaponResist to $PCResistance.Acid>>\
<<case "Sonic">>\
<<set _PCWeaponResist to $PCResistance.Sonic>>\
<<switch $genericSpecial.Name>>\
<<case "Pheromone Cock Arousal">>\
$genericFighter.Name2 grabs $genericFighter.Pronoun2 _DickSD _DickSize cock and starts to slowly stroke his thick meaty shaft! $genericFighter.Pronoun moans loudly as he cups their _BallsSD balls and says 'How about your come on over and ride my monster cock!' He gasps loudly as a large amounts of pre-cum oozes from the meaty tip filling the area with the smell of unadulterated sex.
<<set _LustRoll to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<set _TSave to $genericSpecial.Save - $StatusAffect.Horny + $PCStatus.SavesBuff + $armorSaveBonus + $FoodStatus.Will + $GeneralFeats.TouchGrace - $PCStatus.SavesDebuff - $StatusAffect.WeakWill - $StatusAffect.Wet - $StatusAffect.Drunk>>\
<<set _DC to $genericSpecial.DC - $EnemyStatus.SkillDebuff + $EnemyStatus.SkillBuff>>\
<<if _LustRoll + _TSave < _DC>>\
You feel a flush of arousal as you stare at $genericFighter.Pronoun2 _DickSD dick imagining how it might feel deep inside of you!
<<if _LustRoll < 2>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Horny to $StatusAffect.Horny+1>>\
You are unable to get the erotic vision of the Infested's _DickSD cock out of your mind! Thoughts of bending over and being fucked nice and hard by $genericFighter.Pronoun2 _DickSize cock fill your mind. Luckily you resist the urge but the idea has left you a bit horny!
<<set _lusty to random($genericSpecial.Affect) +10 + $StatusAffect.Horny - $LustResist.Visual - $LustResist.Complete>>\
<<if _lusty < 0>>\
<<set _lusty to 0>>\
<<set $lust to $lust + _lusty>>\
You resist the urge to stare at their _DickSD cock and continue the fight!
<<set _lusty to random(5) + 1 + $StatusAffect.Horny - $LustResist.Visual - $LustResist.Complete>>\
<<if _lusty < 0>>\
<<set _lusty to 0>>\
<<set $lust to $lust + _lusty>>\
<<if $ShowRolls.Combat is 1>>\
<<set _TotalAmount to _LustRoll + _TSave>>\
Your Save: _LustRoll + _TSave = _TotalAmount vs DC: _DC
<<case "Pheromone Futa-Cock Arousal">>\
$genericFighter.Name2 grabs $genericFighter.Pronoun2 _DickSD _DickSize girl-cock and starts to slowly stroke her thick beefy shaft! $genericFighter.Pronoun moans loudly as they cup their _BallsSD balls and says 'How about you come on over here and suck my futa-cock!' They gasp loudly as a large amounts of pre-cum oozes from the meaty tip filling the area with the smell of unadulterated sex.
<<set _LustRoll to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<set _TSave to $genericSpecial.Save - $StatusAffect.Horny + $PCStatus.SavesBuff + $armorSaveBonus + $FoodStatus.Will + $GeneralFeats.TouchGrace - $PCStatus.SavesDebuff - $StatusAffect.WeakWill - $StatusAffect.Wet - $StatusAffect.Drunk>>\
<<set _DC to $genericSpecial.DC - $EnemyStatus.SkillDebuff + $EnemyStatus.SkillBuff>>\
<<if _LustRoll + _TSave < _DC>>\
You feel a flush of arousal as you stare at $genericFighter.Pronoun2 _DickSD girl-dick imagining how it might taste and feel being shoved down your throat! Your lips water at the thought of being wrapped around that amazing cock but you manage to regain your focus.
<<if _LustRoll < 2>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Horny to $StatusAffect.Horny+1>>\
You are unable to get the erotic vision of the Infested's _DickSD cock out of your mind! Thoughtss of bending down and sucking $genericFighter.Pronoun2 _DickSize cock fill your mind. Luckily you resist the urge but the idea has left you a bit horny as your lips water at the thought of being wrapped around that amazing cock!
<<set _lusty to random($genericSpecial.Affect) +10 + $StatusAffect.Horny - $LustResist.Visual - $LustResist.Complete>>\
<<if _lusty < 0>>\
<<set _lusty to 0>>\
<<set $lust to $lust + _lusty>>\
You resist the urge to stare at $genericFighter.Pronoun2 _DickSD girl-cock and continue the fight!
<<set _lusty to random(5) + 1 + $StatusAffect.Horny - $LustResist.Visual - $LustResist.Complete>>\
<<if _lusty < 0>>\
<<set _lusty to 0>>\
<<set $lust to $lust + _lusty>>\
<<if $ShowRolls.Combat is 1>>\
<<set _TotalAmount to _LustRoll + _TSave>>\
Your Save: _LustRoll + _TSave = _TotalAmount vs DC: _DC
<<case "Pheromone Breasts Arousal">>\
<<switch _Sex>>\
<<case "Male">>\
$genericFighter.Name2 grabs $genericFighter.Pronoun2 _ISD _ICup breasts and starts to grope them! $genericFighter.Pronoun moans lustily as her hard nipples peek thru her slim fingers and she says "Stop teasing me so much! Come over here and fuck me hard like the sexy stud you are!" she gasps loudly as her dripping wet pussy unleashes a flood of girl-fluids down her thicc thighs causing a erotic smell to fill the air.
<<case "Female">>\
$genericFighter.Name2 grabs $genericFighter.Pronoun2 _ISD _ICup breasts and starts to grope them! $genericFighter.Pronoun moans lustily as her hard nipples peek thru her slim fingers and she says "Stop teasing me so much! Come over here and let me eat you out so hard like the sexy bitch you are!" she gasps loudly as her dripping wet pussy unleashes a flood of girl-fluids down her thicc thighs causing a erotic smell to fill the air.
$genericFighter.Name2 grabs $genericFighter.Pronoun2 _ISD _ICup breasts and starts to grope them! $genericFighter.Pronoun moans lustily as her hard nipples peek thru her slim fingers and she says "Stop teasing me so much! Come over here and fuck me hard like the sexy Futa you are!" she gasps loudly as her dripping wet pussy unleashes a flood of girl-fluids down her thicc thighs causing a erotic smell to fill the air.
<<set _LustRoll to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<set _TSave to $genericSpecial.Save - $StatusAffect.Horny + $PCStatus.SavesBuff + $armorSaveBonus + $FoodStatus.Will + $GeneralFeats.TouchGrace - $PCStatus.SavesDebuff - $StatusAffect.WeakWill - $StatusAffect.Wet - $StatusAffect.Drunk>>\
<<set _DC to $genericSpecial.DC - $EnemyStatus.SkillDebuff + $EnemyStatus.SkillBuff>>\
<<if _LustRoll + _TSave < _DC>>\
You feel a flush of arousal as you stare at $genericFighter.Pronoun2 _ISD breasts imagining how they might taste and feel! Your hands ache to grab those amazing tits but you manage to regain your focus.
<<if _LustRoll < 2>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Horny to $StatusAffect.Horny+1>>\
You are unable to get the erotic vision of the Infested's _ISD breasts out of your mind! Thoughts of running over and sucking on $genericFighter.Pronoun2 _ICup tits fill your mind. Luckily you resist the urge but the idea has left you a bit horny as your hands ache to grab those amazing tits!
<<set _lusty to random($genericSpecial.Affect) +10 + $StatusAffect.Horny - $LustResist.Visual - $LustResist.Complete>>\
<<if _lusty < 0>>\
<<set _lusty to 0>>\
<<set $lust to $lust + _lusty>>\
You resist the urge to stare at $genericFighter.Pronoun2 _ISD tits and continue the fight!
<<set _lusty to random(5) + 1 + $StatusAffect.Horny - $LustResist.Visual - $LustResist.Complete>>\
<<if _lusty < 0>>\
<<set _lusty to 0>>\
<<set $lust to $lust + _lusty>>\
<<if $ShowRolls.Combat is 1>>\
<<set _TotalAmount to _LustRoll + _TSave>>\
Your Save: _LustRoll + _TSave = _TotalAmount vs DC: _DC
<<case "Double Breasts Tease">>\
<<switch _Sex>>\
<<case "Male">>\
The bustier of the two Infested thrusts her _ISD titties up against her friend's _ISD2 tits and starts rubbing her hard nipples against her friend's equally hard nubs! She moans lustily as her friend grips her buxom friend's _IAss derriere and huskily says to you "How about you join us for some hot and heavy sex? I bet our pussies would feel so amazing being hammered by your $DickSD cock and it would feel so gooood to blow your fat load deep inside our slutty pussies!" She gasps loudly as her busty friend slips a finger into her dripping wet cunt and you can't help but feel a warmth of desire in your own hard cock as she unleashes a flood of girl-fluids down her thicc thighs causing a erotic smell to fill the air.
<<case "Futa">>\
The bustier of the two Infested thrusts her _ISD titties up against her friend's _ISD2 tits and starts rubbing her hard nipples against her friend's equally hard nubs! She moans lustily as her friend grips her buxom friend's _IAss derriere and huskily says to you "How about you join us for some hot and heavy sex? I bet our pussies would feel so amazing being hammered by your $DickSD futa-cock and it would feel so gooood to blow your fat load deep inside our slutty cunts! I bet we can even help make your pussy feel wonderful at the same time!" She gasps loudly as her busty friend slips a finger into her dripping wet cunt and you can't help but feel a warmth of desire in your own hard futa-cock as she unleashes a flood of girl-fluids down her thicc thighs causing a erotic smell to fill the air.
The bustier of the two Infested thrusts her _ISD titties up against her friend's _ISD2 tits and starts rubbing her hard nipples against her friend's equally hard nubs! She moans lustily as her friend grips her buxom friend's _IAss derriere and huskily says to you "How about you join us for some hot and heavy sex? I bet your wet pussy would taste so amazing and it would feel so gooood to squirt your girl-cum all over our faces!" She gasps loudly as her busty friend slips a finger into her dripping wet cunt and you can't help but feel a warmth of desire in your own wet pussy as she unleashes a flood of girl-fluids down her thicc thighs causing a erotic smell to fill the air.
<<set _LustRoll to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<set _TSave to $genericSpecial.Save - $StatusAffect.Horny + $PCStatus.SavesBuff + $armorSaveBonus + $FoodStatus.Will + $GeneralFeats.TouchGrace - $PCStatus.SavesDebuff - $StatusAffect.WeakWill - $StatusAffect.Wet - $StatusAffect.Drunk>>\
<<set _DC to $genericSpecial.DC - $EnemyStatus.SkillDebuff + $EnemyStatus.SkillBuff>>\
<<if _LustRoll + _TSave < _DC>>\
You feel a flush of arousal as you stare at those _ICup breasts rubbing against the other Infested's _ICup2 tits, imagining how it would feel to have your face between those fleshy mountains! Your hands ache to grab those amazing tits but you manage to regain your focus.
<<if _LustRoll < 2>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Horny to $StatusAffect.Horny+1>>\
You are unable to get the erotic vision of those _ICup breasts rubbing against the other Infested's _ICup2 tits out of your mind! Thoughts of running over and planting your face between those amazing titty mountains before sucking on those stiff nipples fill your mind. Luckily you resist the urge but the idea has left you a bit horny as your hands ache to grab those mouth-watering titties!
<<set _lusty to random($genericSpecial.Affect) +10 + $StatusAffect.Horny - $LustResist.Visual - $LustResist.Complete>>\
<<if _lusty < 0>>\
<<set _lusty to 0>>\
<<set $lust to $lust + _lusty>>\
You resist the urge to stare at how those _ICup breasts are rubbing against the other Infested's _ICup2 tits and continue the fight!
<<set _lusty to random(5) + 1 + $StatusAffect.Horny - $LustResist.Visual - $LustResist.Complete>>\
<<if _lusty < 0>>\
<<set _lusty to 0>>\
<<set $lust to $lust + _lusty>>\
<<if $ShowRolls.Combat is 1>>\
<<set _TotalAmount to _LustRoll + _TSave>>\
Your Save: _LustRoll + _TSave = _TotalAmount vs DC: _DC
<<case "Cum Spray">>\
<<set _Fail to 0>>\
$genericFighter.Name2 grabs $genericFighter.Pronoun2 _DickSD _DickSize <<Penis>> in $genericFighter.Pronoun2 meaty hand and starts jacking off. Before you have time to take advantage of his lowered defenses, a huge spray of white gooey cum shoots out from $genericFighter.Pronoun2 _DickSD cock in your direction! "Get a taste of my meat stick!" bellows $genericFighter.Name!
<<set _ReflexRoll to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<set _TSave to $genericSpecial.Save - $StatusAffect.Horny + $PCStatus.SavesBuff + $armorSaveBonus + $FoodStatus.Will + $GeneralFeats.TouchGrace - $PCStatus.SavesDebuff - $StatusAffect.WeakWill - $StatusAffect.Wet - $StatusAffect.Drunk>>\
<<set _DC to $genericSpecial.DC - $EnemyStatus.SkillDebuff + $EnemyStatus.SkillBuff>>\
<<if _ReflexRoll + _TSave < _DC>>\
<<set _Fail to 1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Horny to $StatusAffect.Horny+1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered+1>>\
<<set _lusty to random(10) + 1 + $StatusAffect.Horny - $LustResist.Visual - $LustResist.Complete>>\
<<if _lusty < 0>>\
<<set _lusty to 0>>\
<<set $lust to $lust + _lusty>>\
You are so caught off guard that you fail to dodge $genericFighter.Name's spray of cum! All that hot goo sticks to your flesh causing your libido to skyrocket!
<<set _LustRoll to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<set _TSave to $PC.Willpower - $StatusAffect.Horny + $PCStatus.SavesBuff + $armorSaveBonus + $FoodStatus.Will + $GeneralFeats.TouchGrace - $PCStatus.SavesDebuff - $StatusAffect.WeakWilll - $StatusAffect.Wet - $StatusAffect.Drunk>>\
<<set _DC2 to $genericSpecial.DC - $EnemyStatus.SkillDebuff + $EnemyStatus.SkillBuff>>\
<<if _LustRoll + _TSave2 < _DC2>>\
<<set $PCStatus.Dazzle to $PCStatus.Dazzle +2>>\
<<set $PCStatus.AttackDebuff to $PCStatus.AttackDebuff + 2>>\
As you luxuriate in the feeling of $genericFighter.Pronoun2 hot cum, your eyes start to water as some of $genericFighter.Pronoun2 gooey baby-batter drips into your eyes making it hard to see!
<<set _lusty to random(2) + 1 + $StatusAffect.Horny - $LustResist.Visual - $LustResist.Complete>>\
<<if _lusty < 0>>\
<<set _lusty to 0>>\
<<set $lust to $lust + _lusty>>\
You quickly dodge the majority of $genericFighter.Name's spray of cum! A few small splatters of cum land on your skin but it only has a minor affect.
<<if $ShowRolls.Combat is 1>>\
<<set _TotalAmount to _ReflexRoll + _TSave>>\
Your Reflex Save: _ReflexRoll + _TSave = _TotalAmount vs DC: _DC
<<if _ReflexRoll + _TSave < _DC>>\
<<set _TotalAmount2 to _LustRoll + _TSave2>>\
Your Lust Save: _LustRoll + _TSave2 = _TotalAmount2 vs DC: _DC2
<<case "Hypno-Milk">>\
<<set _Stage to 0>>\
<<set _BonusLust to 0>>\
<<if $CombatChoice is "Submit">>\
<<set _BonusLust to 10>>\
<<set _Stage to 1>>\
<<set $PCStatus.Control to $PCStatus.Control +1>>\
<<elseif $PCStatus.Control > 0>>\
<<set _LustRoll to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<set _TSave to $genericSpecial.Save + $PCStatus.Control - $StatusAffect.Horny + $PCStatus.SavesBuff + $armorSaveBonus + $FoodStatus.Will + $GeneralFeats.TouchGrace - $PCStatus.SavesDebuff - $StatusAffect.WeakWill - $StatusAffect.Wet - $StatusAffect.Drunk>>\
<<set _DC to $genericSpecial.DC - $EnemyStatus.SkillDebuff + $EnemyStatus.SkillBuff>>\
<<if _LustRoll + _TSave < _DC>>\
<<set _Stage to 1>>\
<<set $PCStatus.Control to $PCStatus.Control +1>>\
<<set _Stage to 2>>\
<<switch _Stage>>\
<<case 0>>\
$genericFighter.Name2 grabs $genericFighter.Pronoun2 _ISD _ICup breasts firmly with a lust-filled smile. Sweet delicious milk drips from $genericFighter.Pronoun2 nipples as she continues to squeeze them, your eyes having a hard time looking away. "How about a taste?" she asks you as a steady stream of milk flows from $genericFighter.Pronoun2 _ISD tits!
<<set _LustRoll to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<set _TSave to $genericSpecial.Save + $PCStatus.Control - $StatusAffect.Horny + $PCStatus.SavesBuff + $armorSaveBonus + $FoodStatus.Will + $GeneralFeats.TouchGrace - $PCStatus.SavesDebuff - $StatusAffect.WeakWill - $StatusAffect.Wet - $StatusAffect.Drunk>>\
<<set _DC to $genericSpecial.DC - $EnemyStatus.SkillDebuff + $EnemyStatus.SkillBuff>>\
<<if _LustRoll + _TSave < _DC>>\
<<set $PCStatus.Control to 1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.MilkTits to $StatusAffect.MilkTits +1>>\
<<switch _Sex>>\
<<case "Male">>\
You are unable to deny $genericFighter.Name's magnificent breasts as your eyes can't turn away from them. Before you have even realized what has happened, you have grabbed $genericFighter.Pronoun2 _ISD _ICup tits and are groping them roughly as $genericFighter.Name moans loudly.
Unable to resist your raging lust, your lips latch onto $genericFighter.Pronoun2 leaking nipple as you try to drain $genericFighter.Pronoun2 overfilled tits of all that yummy milk. The milk is so delicious that you just can't stop! As you do your best to suck those big titties of her's dry, you feel her slim hand grip your dick thru your clothing and it doesn't take long before you start to moan between gulps of milk as she starts to stroke your hard cock!
<<case "Female">>\
You are unable to deny $genericFighter.Name's magnificent breasts as your eyes can't turn away from them. Before you have even realized what has happened, you have grabbed $genericFighter.Pronoun2 _ISD _ICup tits and are groping them roughly as $genericFighter.Name moans loudly.
Unable to resist your raging lust, your lips latch onto $genericFighter.Pronoun2 leaking nipple as you try to drain $genericFighter.Pronoun2 overfilled tits of all that yummy milk. The milk is so delicious that you just can't stop! As you do your best to suck those big titties of her's dry, you feel her slim hand slide into your underwear and it doesn't take long before you start to moan between gulps of milk as she starts to finger your wet pussy!
You are unable to deny $genericFighter.Name's magnificent breasts as your eyes can't turn away from them. Before you have even realized what has happened, you have grabbed $genericFighter.Pronoun2 _ISD _ICup tits and are groping them roughly as $genericFighter.Name moans loudly.
Unable to resist your raging lust, your lips latch onto $genericFighter.Pronoun2 leaking nipple as you try to drain $genericFighter.Pronoun2 overfilled tits of all that yummy milk. The milk is so delicious that you just can't stop! As you do your best to suck those big titties of her's dry, you feel her slim hand grip your dick thru your clothing and it doesn't take long before you start to moan between gulps of milk as she starts to stroke your hard futa-cock!
<<set _lusty to random($genericSpecial.Affect) +10 + $StatusAffect.Horny + $PCStatus.Control - $LustResist.Visual - $LustResist.Complete>>\
<<if _lusty < 0>>\
<<set _lusty to 0>>\
<<set $lust to $lust + _lusty>>\
<<set _lusty to random(5) + 1 + $StatusAffect.Horny - $LustResist.Visual - $LustResist.Complete>>\
<<if _lusty < 0>>\
<<set _lusty to 0>>\
<<set $lust to $lust + _lusty>>\
You resist the urge to stare at $genericFighter.Pronoun2 _ISD lactating breasts and continue the fight!
<<case 1>>\
<<set _lusty to random($genericSpecial.Affect) +10 + $StatusAffect.Horny + $PCStatus.Control - $LustResist.Visual - $LustResist.Complete>>\
<<if _lusty < 0>>\
<<set _lusty to 0>>\
<<set $lust to $lust + _lusty>>\
<<switch _Sex>>\
<<case "Male">>\
<<if $lust >= $MaxLust>>\
The pleasure from sucking on the busty Infested's _ISD milkers along with her steady stroking of your $DickSD throbbing cock is too much! Letting out a muffled "MMMmmmm!" you groan loudly as your $BallsSD balls pulse one last time before the floodgates open and you feel a $CumAD burst of hot goo shoot out from your throbbing cock tip into your underwear!
The pleasure from your premature orgasm is so intense that you almost black out as you collapse onto the ground, feeling completely drained and exhausted. The Infested stares down at you with a smirk on her face and says "Oh, the fun's just starting!" and from the state of your still rock hard cock, you can believe her!
$genericFighter.Name2 says "Oh fuck! Keep sucking on my _ISD tits!" as she moans from the pleasure of your assault on $genericFighter.Pronoun2 breasts. She holds your face firmly in $genericFighter.Pronoun2 _ISD breasts encouraging you to keep drinking from $genericFighter.Pronoun2 tits while slowly stroking your $DickSize cock thru your clothes! You have no reason to refuse as the milk tastes too good to resist and you feel your $DickSD shaft drip pre-cum as your cum-filled balls steadily edge you towards an messy orgasm!
<<case "Female">>\
<<if $lust >= $MaxLust>>\
The pleasure from sucking on the busty Infested's _ISD milkers along with her steady fingering of your tight pussy is too much! Letting out a muffled "MMMmmmm!" you groan loudly as the floodgates of your pussy open and you feel a $GCumAD flood of hot girl-cum squirt out from your dripping wet pussy into your underwear!
The pleasure from your premature orgasm is so intense that you almost black out as you collapse onto the ground, feeling completely drained and exhausted. The Infested stares down at you with a smirk on her face and says "Oh, the fun's just starting!" and from the state of your still aching pussy you can believe her!
$genericFighter.Name2 says "Oh fuck! Keep sucking on my _ISD tits!" as she moans from the pleasure of your assault on $genericFighter.Pronoun2 breasts. She holds your face firmly in $genericFighter.Pronoun2 _ISD breasts encouraging you to keep drinking from $genericFighter.Pronoun2 tits while slowly sliding her slim fingers in and out of your tight pussy thru your clothes! You have no reason to refuse as the milk tastes too good to resist and you feel your cunt get even wetter as your arousal grows.
<<if $PCStatus.Control > 1>>\
<<if $Milk.Stored < $Milk.Max>>\
<<set $Milk.Stored to $Milk.Stored +1>>\
<<set $MilkAD to $arrayMilkAmountDesc[$Milk.Stored]>>\
<<set $PC.BreastsSize to $PC.BreastsSize + 1>>\
<<set _BreastSD to $BreastSD>>\
<<set _BreastSize to $BreastsSize>>\
<<set $BreastSD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set $BreastsSize to $arrayBreastSize[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
As you down mouthful after mouthful of $genericFighter.Pronoun2 intoxicating milk you feel it settle in your breasts instead of you stomach as a pleasant bubbling sensation! You feel your _BreastSD breasts grow larger as more milk flows into them and you can't help but let out a lust filled moan as you drink from $genericFighter.Pronoun2 _ISD breasts!
As you down mouthful after mouthful of $genericFighter.Pronoun2 intoxicating milk you feel your $BreastSD over-filled milkjugs start to leak. It seems your breasts can't handle any more milk!
<<if $lust >= $MaxLust>>\
The pleasure from sucking on the busty Infested's _ISD milkers along with her steady stroking of your $DickSD throbbing cock is too much! Letting out a muffled "MMMmmmm!" you groan loudly as your $BallsSD balls pulse one last time before the floodgates open and you feel a $CumAD burst of hot goo shoot out from your throbbing futa-cock tip into your underwear while your pussy squirts out a $GCumAD spray of girl-cum!
The pleasure from your premature orgasm is so intense that you almost black out as you collapse onto the ground, feeling completely drained and exhausted. The Infested stares down at you with a smirk on her face and says "Oh, the fun's just starting!" and from the state of your still rock hard futa-cock along with your wet cunt, you can believe her!
$genericFighter.Name2 says "Oh fuck! Keep sucking on my _ISD tits!" as she moans from the pleasure of your assault on her breasts. She holds your face firmly in $genericFighter.Pronoun2 _ISD breasts encouraging you to keep drinking from $genericFighter.Pronoun2 titswhile slowly stroking your $DickSize futa-cock thru your clothes! You have no reason to refuse as the milk tastes too good to resist and you feel your $DickSD shaft drip pre-cum along with your pussy leaking like a faucet as you steadily edge towards an messy orgasm!
<<if $PCStatus.Control > 1>>\
<<if $Milk.Stored < $Milk.Max>>\
<<set $Milk.Stored to $Milk.Stored +1>>\
<<set $MilkAD to $arrayMilkAmountDesc[$Milk.Stored]>>\
<<set $PC.BreastsSize to $PC.BreastsSize + 1>>\
<<set _BreastSD to $BreastSD>>\
<<set _BreastSize to $BreastsSize>>\
<<set $BreastSD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set $BreastsSize to $arrayBreastSize[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
As you down mouthful after mouthful of $genericFighter.Pronoun2 intoxicating milk you feel it settle in your breasts instead of you stomach as a pleasant bubbling sensation! You feel your _BreastSD breasts grow larger as more milk flows into them and you can't help but let out a lust filled moan as you drink from $genericFighter.Pronoun2 _ISD breasts!
As you down mouthful after mouthful of $genericFighter.Pronoun2 intoxicating milk you feel your $BreastSD over-filled milkjugs start to leak. It seems your breasts can't handle any more milk!
<<case 2>>\
<<set $PCStatus.Control to 0>>\
<<set _lusty to random($genericSpecial.Affect) +5 + $StatusAffect.Horny + $PCStatus.Control - $LustResist.Visual - $LustResist.Complete>>\
<<if _lusty < 0>>\
<<set _lusty to 0>>\
<<set $lust to $lust + _lusty>>\
<<switch _Sex>>\
<<case "Male">>\
You finally get your fill of milk and finally break free from $genericFighter.Name's _ISD tits and her grip on your dick! You return to a combat stance even if it's a bit awkward with your $DickSize cock being rock hard and your aching balls needing release. You don't even have time to wipe off all the milk that's all over your face...
<<case "Female">>\
You finally get your fill of milk and finally break free from $genericFighter.Name's _ISD tits and her grip on your dripping wet cunt! You return to a combat stance even if it's a bit awkward with your wet pussy soaking your underwear and your own nipples being hard as nails. You don't even have time to wipe off all the milk that's all over your face...
You finally get your fill of milk and finally break free from $genericFighter.Name's _ISD tits and her grip on your girl-dick! You return to a combat stance even if it's a bit awkward with your $DickSize cock being rock hard along with your wet pussy soaking your clothes. You don't even have time to wipe off all the milk that's all over your face...
<<if $ShowRolls.Combat is 1 and $CombatChoice is not "Submit">>\
<<set _TotalAmount to _LustRoll + _TSave>>\
Your Save: _LustRoll + _TSave = _TotalAmount vs DC: _DC
<<case "Cock-Suck">>\
<<set _Stage to 0>>\
<<set _TA to 0>>\
<<set _BonusLust to 0>>\
<<if $CombatChoice is "Submit">>\
<<set _BonusLust to 10>>\
<<set _Stage to 1>>\
<<elseif $PCStatus.Control > 0>>\
<<set _LustRoll to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<set _TSave to $genericSpecial.Save + $PCStatus.Control - $StatusAffect.Horny + $PCStatus.SavesBuff + $armorSaveBonus + $FoodStatus.Will + $GeneralFeats.TouchGrace - $PCStatus.SavesDebuff - $StatusAffect.WeakWill - $StatusAffect.Wet - $StatusAffect.Drunk>>\
<<set _DC to $genericSpecial.DC - $EnemyStatus.SkillDebuff + $EnemyStatus.SkillBuff>>\
<<if _LustRoll + _TSave < _DC>>\
<<set _Stage to 1>>\
<<set _Stage to 2>>\
<<switch _Stage>>\
<<case 0>>\
The $genericFighter.Name winds up for a mighty strike while $genericFighter.Pronoun2 _DickSD cock stands erect and eager for what cums next!
<<set _AttackRoll to random(19) +1>>\
<<set _TA to _AttackRoll + $genericFighter.BAB - $EnemyStatus.AttackDebuff + $EnemyStatus.AttackBuff + $StatusAffect.WeakWill>>\
Enemy attack: _TA
<<if _TA < $PC.AC - $PCStatus.ACDebuff + $PCStatus.ACBuff or _AttackRoll < 2 >>\
<<set $EnemyStatus.Missed to 1>>\
You dodge $genericFighter.Pronoun2 mighty attack and continue the fight!
<<set _tempDamage to random($genericWeapon.damage) + $genericFighter.Damage - $EnemyStatus.DamageDebuff + $EnemyStatus.DamageBuff +1>>\
<<set _tempDamage2 to _tempDamage - $PCResistance.Blunt>>\
<<set $HP to $HP - _tempDamage2>>\
<<set $PCStatus.Control to 1>>\
$genericFighter.Name2 suddenly slams $genericFighter.Pronoun2 $genericWeapon.name into your stomach dealing _tempDamage2 damage! As you gasp for air $genericFighter.Pronoun grabs your head and forces his _DickSD _DickSize dick down your throat! For a moment you start to gag but soon the pleasure starts to fill your mind. $genericFighter.Name doesn't even have to do anything to force you as you start sucking $genericFighter.Pronoun2 delicious cock like a pro!
<<set _lusty to random($genericSpecial.Affect) +10 + $StatusAffect.Horny + $PCStatus.Control + _BonusLust - $LustResist.Visual - $LustResist.Complete>>\
<<if _lusty < 0>>\
<<set _lusty to 0>>\
<<set $lust to $lust + _lusty>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<switch $PC.Sex>>\
<<case "Male">>\
<<if $lust >= $MaxLust>>\
You feel $genericFighter.Name's _DickSD cock throb one last time as $genericFighter.Name thrusts his _DickSize shaft deep down your eager throat before bellowing"Oh fucking yes! I'm shooting my wad down your fucking throat you goddamn cock-sucker!" You can only softly gag before a firehose of hot semen shoots down your eager throat from the _DickSD cock of the Infested!
It tastes so delicious that you can't help but give out a muffled moan as you do your best to suck down all that heavenly cum! Your own stroking of your dick has paid off as you shoot a $CumAD load of your own hot cum directly into your underwear as your orgasm hits hard and fast! The dual sensations of pleasure of sucking the Infested's cream while orgasming erodes your will to fight as you collapse onto the ground, completely at the mercy of the Infested!
$genericFighter.Name2 says "Oh yeah you little bitch! Keep sucking on my _DickSize cock!" as he moans from the pleasure of your assault on his dick. He holds your face firmly on his _DickSD cock with his _BallsSD balls resting on your chin, encouraging you to keep sucking on his cock. You have no reason to refuse as $genericFighter.Pronoun2 pre-cum tastes too good to resist! You feel your $DickSize cock is rock hard as your arousal grows and you can't help but to keep stroking your cock thru your clothes. You bob your head up and down on his cock with no resistance, eagerly drinking in his pre-cum!
<<case "Female" and $StatusAffect.Futa < 1>>\
<<if $lust >= $MaxLust>>\
You feel $genericFighter.Name's _DickSD cock throb one last time as $genericFighter.Name thrusts his _DickSize shaft deep down your eager throat before bellowing"Oh fucking yes! I'm shooting my wad down your fucking throat you goddamn cock-sucker!" You can only softly gag before a firehose of hot semen shoots down your eager throat from the _DickSD cock of the Infested!
It tastes so delicious that you can't help but give out a muffled moan as you do your best to suck down all that heavenly cum! Your ownfingering of your dripping wet pussy has paid off as you squirt a $GCumAD wave of your own sticky girl-cum directly into your underwear as your orgasm hits hard and fast! The dual sensations of pleasure of sucking the Infested's cream while orgasming erodes your will to fight as you collapse onto the ground, completely at the mercy of the Infested!
$genericFighter.Name2 says "Oh yeah you little slut! Keep sucking on my _DickSize cock!" as $genericFighter.Pronoun moans from the pleasure of your assault on $genericFighter.Pronoun2 dick. He holds your face firmly on his _DickSD cock with $genericFighter.Pronoun2 _BallsSD balls resting on your chin, encouraging you to keep sucking on $genericFighter.Pronoun2 cock. You have no reason to refuse as $genericFighter.Pronoun2 pre-cum tastes too good to resist! You feel your wet cunt getting even wetter as your arousal grows. You bob your head up and down on $genericFighter.Pronoun2 cock with no resistance, eagerly drinking in $genericFighter.Pronoun2 pre-cum!
<<if $lust >= $MaxLust>>\
You feel $genericFighter.Name's _DickSD cock throb one last time as $genericFighter.Name thrusts his _DickSize shaft deep down your eager throat before bellowing"Oh fucking yes! I'm shooting my wad down your fucking throat you goddamn cock-sucker!" You can only softly gag before a firehose of hot semen shoots down your eager throat from the _DickSD cock of the Infested!
It tastes so delicious that you can't help but give out a muffled moan as you do your best to suck down all that heavenly cum! Your own stroking of your dick has paid off as you shoot a $CumAD load of your own hot cum directly into your underwear while your slippery pussy squirts it's own $CumAD load of girl-cum as well! The dual sensations of pleasure of sucking the Infested's cream while orgasming erodes your will to fight as you collapse onto the ground, completely at the mercy of the Infested!
$genericFighter.Name2 says "Oh yeah you little bitch! Keep sucking on my _DickSize cock!" as $genericFighter.Pronoun moans from the pleasure of your assault on $genericFighter.Pronoun2 dick. He holds your face firmly on his _DickSD cock with $genericFighter.Pronoun2 _BallsSD balls resting on your chin, encouraging you to keep sucking on $genericFighter.Pronoun2 cock. You have no reason to refuse as $genericFighter.Pronoun2 pre-cum tastes too good to resist! You feel your $DickSize cock getting rock hard and your wet pussy getting even wetter as your arousal grows. You bob your head up and down on $genericFighter.Pronoun2 cock with no resistance, eagerly drinking in $genericFighter.Pronoun2 pre-cum!
<<set $PCStatus.Control to $PCStatus.Control+1>>\
<<set _lusty to random($genericSpecial.Affect) +5 + $StatusAffect.Horny + $PCStatus.Control + _BonusLust - $LustResist.Visual - $LustResist.Complete>>\
<<if _lusty < 0>>\
<<set _lusty to 0>>\
<<set $lust to $lust + _lusty>>\
<<case 2>>\
<<switch $PC.Sex>>\
<<case "Male">>\
You finally get your fill of the Infested's delicious cum and finally break free from $genericFighter.Name's grip! You return to a combat stance even if it's a bit awkward with your $DickSize cock being rock hard and your aching balls needing release. You don't even have time to wipe off all the pre-cum that's all over your face...
<<case "Female">>\
You finally get your fill of the Infested's delicious cum and finally break free from $genericFighter.Name's grip! You return to a combat stance even if it's a bit awkward with your wet pussy soaking your underwear and your own nipples being hard as nails. You don't even have time to wipe off all the pre-cum that's all over your face...
You finally get your fill of the Infested's delicious cum and finally break free from $genericFighter.Name's grip! You return to a combat stance even if it's a bit awkward with your $DickSize cock being rock hard and your wet pussy being complete soaked. You don't even have time to wipe off all the pre-cum that's all over your face...
<<set _lusty to random(5) +1 + $StatusAffect.Horny - $LustResist.Visual - $LustResist.Complete>>\
<<if _lusty < 0>>\
<<set _lusty to 0>>\
<<set $lust to $lust + _lusty>>\
<<set $PCStatus.Control to 0>>\
<<if $ShowRolls.Combat is 1 and $CombatChoice is not "Submit" and $EnemyStatus.Missed is not 1 and _TA is 0>>\
<<set _TotalAmount to _LustRoll + _TSave>>\
Your Save: _LustRoll + _TSave = _TotalAmount vs DC: _DC
<<case "Double Surprise Blowjob">>\
<<set _Stage to 0>>\
<<set _BonusLust to 0>>\
<<if $CombatChoice is "Submit">>\
<<set _BonusLust to 10>>\
<<set _Stage to 1>>\
<<elseif $PCStatus.Control > 0>>\
<<set _LustRoll to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<set _TSave to $genericSpecial.Save - $StatusAffect.Horny + $PCStatus.SavesBuff + $armorSaveBonus + $FoodStatus.Will + $GeneralFeats.TouchGrace - $PCStatus.SavesDebuff - $StatusAffect.WeakWill - $StatusAffect.Wet - $StatusAffect.Drunk>>\
<<set _DC to $genericSpecial.DC - $EnemyStatus.SkillDebuff + $EnemyStatus.SkillBuff>>\
<<if _LustRoll + _TSave < _DC>>\
<<set _Stage to 1>>\
<<set _Stage to 2>>\
<<switch _Stage>>\
<<case 0>>\
<<switch _Sex>>\
<<case "Male">>\
The bustier of the two Infested grabs her _ICup breasts exposing her rock hard nipples! "My _ISD tits looks so tasty, don't they? How about you come on over and bury your face in my big titties?" she asks you as she shakes her _ISD titties back in forth before she starts to grope those _ICup tits right in front of your face! You can feel your cock getting hard as she shakes and jiggles those _ISD tits of hers!
<<set _LustRoll to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<set _TSave to $genericSpecial.Save + $PCStatus.Control - $StatusAffect.Horny + $PCStatus.SavesBuff + $armorSaveBonus + $FoodStatus.Will + $GeneralFeats.TouchGrace - $PCStatus.SavesDebuff - $StatusAffect.WeakWill - $StatusAffect.Wet - $StatusAffect.Drunk>>\
<<set _DC to $genericSpecial.DC - $EnemyStatus.SkillDebuff + $EnemyStatus.SkillBuff>>\
<<if $ShowRolls.Combat is 1>>\
Your Save: _LustRoll + _TSave vs _DC
<<if _LustRoll + _TSave < _DC>>\
<<set $PCStatus.Control to 1>>\
<<set _lusty to random($genericSpecial.Affect) +5 + $StatusAffect.Horny + $PCStatus.Control + _BonusLust - $LustResist.Visual - $LustResist.Complete>>\
<<if _lusty < 0>>\
<<set _lusty to 0>>\
<<set $lust to $lust + _lusty>>\
You can't keep your eyes off of the busty Infested as she gropes her big fucking tits while moaning lustfully before pinching her hard nipples. Something in the back of your mind says you are missing something but the throbbing of your cock is too much to ignore as you stare at the erotic display. Suddenly you feel your arms grabbed from behind as the second Infested managed to grab you while you were distracted by the first Infested's sexy show! Your arms are quickly pinned to your sides as you feel the second Infested running her hands over your manly chest with her _ISD2 breasts pressed against your back!
"Oh ho! Looks like we caught a nice catch today! Now, let me take a good look at what he's packing!" the first Infested huskily says as she drops to her knees in front of you! Your feeble attempts at resistance doesn't slow her down as she pulls down your pants and exposes your $DickSD hard dick! "Mmmmm! Gotta take a taste of this bad boy!" she moans before taking all $DickSize inches of your raging hard cock down her slutty throat!
<<set _lusty to random(5) +1 + $StatusAffect.Horny + $PCStatus.Control + _BonusLust - $LustResist.Visual - $LustResist.Complete>>\
<<if _lusty < 0>>\
<<set _lusty to 0>>\
<<set $lust to $lust + _lusty>>\
While the sight of the busty Infested playing with her _ISD tits is quite nice, you keep your guard up as you notice the second Infested trying to sneakily flank you. Shaking your head, you back up making sure to keep both of the sexy Infested in sight even has your dick hardens. The second Infested quickly notices that you aren't falling for their ploy and dejectedly rejoins her friend.
<<case "Female">>\
The bustier of the two Infested grabs her _ICup breasts exposing her rock hard nipples! "My _ISD tits looks so tasty, don't they? How about you come on over and bury your face in my big titties?" she asks you as she shakes her _ISD titties back in forth before she starts to grope those _ICup tits right in front of your face! You can feel your pussy starting to drip with desire as she shakes and jiggles those _ISD tits of hers!
<<set _LustRoll to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<set _TSave to $genericSpecial.Save + $PCStatus.Control - $StatusAffect.Horny + $PCStatus.SavesBuff + $armorSaveBonus + $FoodStatus.Will + $GeneralFeats.TouchGrace - $PCStatus.SavesDebuff - $StatusAffect.WeakWill - $StatusAffect.Wet - $StatusAffect.Drunk>>\
<<set _DC to $genericSpecial.DC - $EnemyStatus.SkillDebuff + $EnemyStatus.SkillBuff>>\
<<if _LustRoll + _TSave < _DC>>\
<<set $PCStatus.Control to 1>>\
<<set _lusty to random($genericSpecial.Affect) +5 + $StatusAffect.Horny + $PCStatus.Control + _BonusLust - $LustResist.Visual - $LustResist.Complete>>\
<<if _lusty < 0>>\
<<set _lusty to 0>>\
<<set $lust to $lust + _lusty>>\
You can't keep your eyes off of the busty Infested as she gropes her big fucking tits while moaning lustfully before pinching her hard nipples. Something in the back of your mind says you are missing something but the fluids dripping from your pussy along with your own hard nipples are too much to ignore as you stare at the erotic display. Suddenly you feel your arms grabbed from behind as the second Infested managed to grab you while you were distracted by the first Infested's sexy show! Your arms are quickly pinned to your sides as you feel the second Infested holding your $BreastSD breasts tight with her own _ISD2 breasts pressed against your back!
"Oh ho! Looks like we caught a nice catch today! Now, let me take a good look at what she's been hiding under her underwear!" the first Infested huskily says as she drops to her knees in front of you! Your feeble attempts at resistance doesn't slow her down as she pulls down your clothes and exposes your dripping wet pussy! "Mmmmm! Gotta take a taste of this wet girl!" she moans before sliding her plump lips across your clit before her tongue dives deep into your muff!
<<set _lusty to random(5) +1 + $StatusAffect.Horny + $PCStatus.Control + _BonusLust - $LustResist.Visual - $LustResist.Complete>>\
<<if _lusty < 0>>\
<<set _lusty to 0>>\
<<set $lust to $lust + _lusty>>\
While the sight of the busty Infested playing with her _ISD tits is quite nice, you keep your guard up as you notice the second Infested trying to sneakily flank you. Shaking your head, you back up making sure to keep both of the sexy Infested in sight even as your pussy wettens slightly. The second Infested quickly notices that you aren't falling for their ploy and dejectedly rejoins her friend.
The bustier of the two Infested grabs her _ICup breasts exposing her rock hard nipples! "My _ISD tits looks so tasty, don't they? How about you come on over and bury your face in my big titties?" she asks you as she shakes her _ISD titties back in forth before she starts to grope those _ICup tits right in front of your face! You can feel your futa-cock getting hard as she shakes and jiggles those _ISD tits of hers!
<<set _LustRoll to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<set _TSave to $genericSpecial.Save + $PCStatus.Control - $StatusAffect.Horny + $PCStatus.SavesBuff + $armorSaveBonus + $FoodStatus.Will + $GeneralFeats.TouchGrace - $PCStatus.SavesDebuff - $StatusAffect.WeakWill - $StatusAffect.Wet - $StatusAffect.Drunk>>\
<<set _DC to $genericSpecial.DC - $EnemyStatus.SkillDebuff + $EnemyStatus.SkillBuff>>\
<<if _LustRoll + _TSave < _DC>>\
<<set $PCStatus.Control to 1>>\
<<set _lusty to random($genericSpecial.Affect) +5 + $StatusAffect.Horny + _BonusLust + $PCStatus.Control - $LustResist.Visual - $LustResist.Complete>>\
<<if _lusty < 0>>\
<<set _lusty to 0>>\
<<set $lust to $lust + _lusty>>\
You can't keep your eyes off of the busty Infested as she gropes her big fucking tits while moaning lustfully before pinching her hard nipples. Something in the back of your mind says you are missing something but the fruids dripping from your pussy along with your hard throbbing futa-cock is too much to ignore as you stare at the erotic display. Suddenly you feel your arms grabbed from behind as the second Infested managed to grab you while you were distracted by the first Infested's sexy show! Your arms are quickly pinned to your sides as you feel the second Infested holding your $BreastSD breasts tight with her own _ISD2 breasts pressed against your back!
"Oh ho! Looks like we caught a nice catch today! Now, let me take a good look at what she's packing!" the first Infested huskily says as she drops to her knees in front of you! Your feeble attempts at resistance doesn't slow her down as she pulls down your pants and exposes your $DickSD hard futa-dick along with dripping wet cunt! "Mmmmm! Gotta take a taste of this bad boy!" she moans before taking all $DickSize inches of your raging hard cock down her slutty throat!
<<set _lusty to random(5) +1 + $StatusAffect.Horny + $PCStatus.Control + _BonusLust - $LustResist.Visual - $LustResist.Complete>>\
<<if _lusty < 0>>\
<<set _lusty to 0>>\
<<set $lust to $lust + _lusty>>\
While the sight of the busty Infested playing with her _ISD tits is quite nice, you keep your guard up as you notice the second Infested trying to sneakily flank you. Shaking your head, you back up making sure to keep both of the sexy Infested in sight even as your hard cock throbs while your pussy wettens slightly. The second Infested quickly notices that you aren't falling for their ploy and dejectedly rejoins her friend.
<<case 1>>\
<<switch _Sex>>\
<<case "Male">>\
<<set $PCStatus.Control to $PCStatus.Control+1>>\
<<set _lusty to random($genericSpecial.Affect) +5 + $StatusAffect.Horny + $PCStatus.Control + _BonusLust - $LustResist.Visual - $LustResist.Complete>>\
<<if _lusty < 0>>\
<<set _lusty to 0>>\
<<set $lust to $lust + _lusty>>\
<<if $lust >= $MaxLust>>\
As your throbbing cock gets sucked so hard by the busty Infested you feel your $BallsSD cum-filled balls pulsate one last time before you feel the flood gates break open! "Oh fuckkk! I'm shooting my load dwn your fucking throat!" you moan loadly as a $CumAD flood of hot gooey cum squirts out from your $DickSize cock down the busty Infested's throat, much to her delight!
"Oh yeah! Keep shooting your wad down her slutty throat!" the other Infested says as she watches your intense orgasm with interest. You can't help but continue cumming down her throat as your $BallsSD balls do their best to empty out all of their juicy content. Finally feeling completely empty you collapse to the ground still feeling extremely horny as you stare at the two extremely sexy Infested and you can feel your balls working overtime to replenish their reserves!
You can only moan loudly "Oh fuck! My dick feels so fucking amazing!" as the buxom Infested continues to expertly suck your $DickSD dick while her partner holds you tight. You feel your hard cock leaking pre-cum down the Infested's thirsty throat as her head rapidly bobs up and down your throbbing shaft.
"Keep sucking this guy's fucking cock! Just a few more moments and he'll be completely helpless after shooting his load down your throat!" the other busty Infested encourages her partner as she rubs her _ISD2 tits against your back while keeping you held tight. You're afraid she might be right as your balls feel like they are working overtime to produce a big load in preperation for your steadily approaching orgasm!
<<case "Female">>\
<<set $PCStatus.Control to $PCStatus.Control+1>>\
<<set _lusty to random($genericSpecial.Affect) +5 + $StatusAffect.Horny + $PCStatus.Control + _BonusLust - $LustResist.Visual - $LustResist.Complete>>\
<<if _lusty < 0>>\
<<set _lusty to 0>>\
<<set $lust to $lust + _lusty>>\
<<if $lust >= $MaxLust>>\
As your dripping wet pussy gets licked and fingered so hard by the busty Infested you feel your sensitive cunt pulse one last time before you feel the flood gates break open! "Oh fuckkk! I'm squirting my load all over your fucking mouth!" you moan loadly as a $GCumAD flood of sticky girl-cum squirts out from your quivering pussy all over the busty Infested's face, much to her delight!
"Oh yeah! Keep cumming all over her fucking face!" the other Infested says as she watches your intense orgasm with interest. You can't help but continue cumming so hard as your pussy continues to spray your girl-cum like a waterhose. Finally feeling completely empty you collapse to the ground still feeling extremely horny as you stare at the two extremely sexy Infested and you can feel your still slick cunt working overtime to replenish your reserves!
You can only moan loudly "Oh fuck! My pussy feels so fucking amazing!" as the buxom Infested continues to expertly eat out your soaked pussy while her partner holds you tight. You feel your slippery cunt leaking your juices down the Infested's thirsty throat as her she slides her long tongue in and out your tight cunt. A gasp escapes your lips as the Infested adds her slim fingers into the mix as she finger-bangs your tight pussy!
"Keep eating out this slut's cunt! Just a few more moments and she'll be completely helpless after cumming her brains out all over your mouth!" the other busty Infested encourages her partner as she rubs her _ISD2 tits against your back while fondling your own $BreastsSize tits. You're afraid she might be right as your already wet pussy gets even wetter in preperation for your steadily approaching orgasm!
<<set $PCStatus.Control to $PCStatus.Control+1>>\
<<set _lusty to random($genericSpecial.Affect) +5 + $StatusAffect.Horny + $PCStatus.Control + _BonusLust - $LustResist.Visual - $LustResist.Complete>>\
<<if _lusty < 0>>\
<<set _lusty to 0>>\
<<set $lust to $lust + _lusty>>\
<<if $lust >= $MaxLust>>\
The feeling of your throbbing futa-cock being sucked so hard by the busty Infested while she finger-bangs your tight pussy pushes you way past your limis! Groaning loudly you feel your $BallsSD cum-filled balls pulsate one last time before you feel the flood gates break open! "Oh fuckkk! I'm shooting my load down your fucking throat!" you moan loadly as a $CumAD flood of hot gooey cum squirts out from your $DickSize futa-cock down the busty Infested's throat, while your pussy sprays out a $GCumAD amount of girl-cum all over her fingers!
"Oh yeah! Keep shooting your wad down her slutty throat!" the other Infested says as she watches your intense orgasm with interest. You can't help but continue cumming down her throat as your $BallsSD balls do their best to empty out all of their juicy content while your pussy continues to spray your girl-cum like a waterhose. Finally feeling completely empty you collapse to the ground still feeling extremely horny as you stare at the two extremely sexy Infested and you can feel your balls working overtime to replenish their reserves!
You can only moan loudly "Oh fuck! My dick feels so fucking amazing!" as the buxom Infested continues to expertly suck your $DickSD futa-dick while her partner holds you tight. You feel your hard cock leaking pre-cum down the Infested's thristy throat as her head rapidly bobs up and down your throbbing shaft. A gasp escapes your lips as the Infested starts to slide her slim fingers in and out of your tight pussy!
"Keep sucking this dick-girls's fucking futa-cock! Just a few more moments and she'll be completely helpless after shooting her load down your throat!" the other busty Infested encourages her partner as she rubs her _ISD2 tits against your back while fondling your own $BreastSD tits. You're afraid she might be right as your balls feel like they are working overtime to produce a big load in preperation for your steadily approaching orgasm!
<<set $PCStatus.Control to 0>>\
<<switch _Sex>>\
<<case "Male">>\
With a supreme burst of willpower, you manage to break free from the Infested holding you from behind and you quickly pop your $DickSD dick free from the divine mouth of the Infested giving you such a pleasurable blowjob. You quickly adjust your clothes before preparing for combat as you do your best to try and ignore the raging hard-on tenting your underwear.
<<case "Female">>\
With a supreme burst of willpower, you manage to break free from the Infested holding you from behind and you quickly pull your wet pussy free from the divine mouth of the Infested giving you such a pleasurable rug-munching session. You quickly adjust your clothes before preparing for combat as you do your best to try and ignore the soaking wet pussy wettening your underwear.
With a supreme burst of willpower, you manage to break free from the Infested holding you from behind and you quickly pop your $DickSD futa-dick free from the divine mouth of the Infested giving you such a pleasurable blowjob. You quickly adjust your clothes before preparing for combat as you do your best to try and ignore the raging hard-on tenting your underwear.
<<if $ShowRolls.Combat is 1 and $CombatChoice is not "Submit">>\
<<set _TotalAmount to _LustRoll + _TSave>>\
Your Save: _LustRoll + _TSave = _TotalAmount vs DC: _DC
<<case "Wild Spray">>\
<<print $genericSpecial.Text>>\
<<set _ReflexRoll to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<set _TSave to $genericSpecial.Save + $PCStatus.SavesBuff + $armorSaveBonus + $FoodStatus.Refl + $GeneralFeats.TouchGrace - $PCStatus.SavesDebuff - $StatusAffect.Wet - $StatusAffect.Drunk>>\
<<set _DC to $genericSpecial.DC - $EnemyStatus.SkillDebuff + $EnemyStatus.SkillBuff>>\
<<if _ReflexRoll + _TSave < _DC>>\
<<print $genericSpecial.FailText>>\
<<set _tempDamage to random($genericWeapon.damage) + $genericFighter.Level +1 + $EnemyStatus.DamageBuff - $EnemyStatus.DamageDebuff - _PCWeaponResist>>\
<<set $HP to $HP - _tempDamage>>\
You take _tempDamage damage _EnemyWeaponDamageType from the wild spray of bullets!
<<print $genericSpecial.SuccessText>>\
<<set _tempDamage to Math.round( (random($genericWeapon.damage) + $genericFighter.Level +1 + $EnemyStatus.DamageBuff - $EnemyStatus.DamageDebuff) / 2) - _PCWeaponResist>>\
<<set $HP to $HP - _tempDamage>>\
Even after dodging you still take _tempDamage _EnemyWeaponDamageType damage from the ricocheting bullets!
<<if $ShowRolls.Combat is 1>>\
<<set _TotalAmount to _ReflexRoll + _TSave>>\
Your Save: _ReflexRoll + _TSave = _TotalAmount vs DC: _DC
<<case "Focus Fire">>\
<<print $genericSpecial.Text>>\
<<set _AttackRoll to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<set _TA to _AttackRoll + $genericFighter.BAB - $EnemyStatus.AttackDebuff + $EnemyStatus.AttackBuff>>\
<<if _AttackRoll > 19 or _TA >= $PC.AC - $PCStatus.ACDebuff + $FoodStatus.AC + $PCStatus.ACBuff +10>>\
<<print $genericSpecial.FailText>>\
<<set _CritRoll to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<if $ShowRolls.Combat is 1>>\
Crit Roll: _CritRoll vs $armorCritResist
<<if _CritRoll < $armorCritResist>>\
<<for _dice = 0; _dice < $genericWeapon.quality; _dice++>>\
<<set _tempDamage to (random($genericWeapon.damage) +1)>>\
<<set _tempDamage to _tempDamage + $EnemyStatus.DamageBuff - $EnemyStatus.DamageDebuff + (random(6) +1)>>\
<<set _PCWeaponResist to $PCResistance.Pierce>>\
<<set _EnemyWeaponDamageType to "Pierce">>\
<<set _tempDamage2 to _tempDamage - _PCWeaponResist>>\
<<set $HP to $HP - _tempDamage2>>\
You take _tempDamage2 _EnemyWeaponDamageType damage from the deadly shot and you resisted _PCWeaponResist damage! It would have been a critical hit but your armor negated the crtical hit!
<<for _dice = 0; _dice < $genericWeapon.quality; _dice++>>\
<<set _tempDamage to (random($genericWeapon.damage) +1)>>\
<<set _tempDamage to _tempDamage + $EnemyStatus.DamageBuff - $EnemyStatus.DamageDebuff + (random(6) +1)>>\
<<set _tempDamage to _tempDamage + _tempDamage>>\
<<set _PCWeaponResist to $PCResistance.Pierce>>\
<<set _EnemyWeaponDamageType to "Pierce">>\
<<set _tempDamage2 to _tempDamage - _PCWeaponResist>>\
<<set $HP to $HP - _tempDamage2>>\
You take _tempDamage2 _EnemyWeaponDamageType damage from the deadly critical shot and you resisted _PCWeaponResist damage!
<<elseif _TA >= $PC.AC - $PCStatus.ACDebuff + $PCStatus.ACBuff and _AttackRoll > 1>>\
<<set _PCWeaponResist to $PCResistance.Pierce>>\
<<set _EnemyWeaponDamageType to "Pierce">>\
<<for _dice = 0; _dice < $genericWeapon.quality; _dice++>>\
<<set _tempDamage to (random($genericWeapon.damage) +1)>>\
<<set _tempDamage to _tempDamage + $EnemyStatus.DamageBuff - $EnemyStatus.DamageDebuff + (random(6) +1)>>\
<<set _tempDamage2 to _tempDamage - _PCWeaponResist>>\
<<set $HP to $HP - _tempDamage>>\
You take _tempDamage2 _EnemyWeaponDamageType damage from the deadly shot and you resisted _PCWeaponResist damage!
<<set $EnemyStatus.Missed to 1>>\
<<print $genericSpecial.SuccessText>>\
<<if $ShowRolls.Combat is 1>>\
Total attack: <<print _TA>>\
<<case "Stun Grenade">>\
<<print $genericSpecial.Text>>\
<<set _ReflexRoll to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<set _TSave to $genericSpecial.Save + $PCStatus.SavesBuff + $armorSaveBonus + $FoodStatus.Refl + $GeneralFeats.TouchGrace - $PCStatus.SavesDebuff - $StatusAffect.Wet - $StatusAffect.Drunk>>\
<<set _DC to $genericSpecial.DC - $EnemyStatus.SkillDebuff + $EnemyStatus.SkillBuff>>\
<<if _ReflexRoll + _TSave < _DC>>\
<<print $genericSpecial.FailText>>\
<<set $PCStatus.Stun to $PCStatus.Stun +1>>\
<<set $PCStatus.Dazzle to $PCStatus.Dazzle +2>>\
<<set $PCStatus.AttackDebuff to $PCStatus.AttackDebuff + 2>>\
You become stunned and dazzled from the sensory assault of the stun grenade!
<<print $genericSpecial.SuccessText>>\
<<if $ShowRolls.Combat is 1>>\
<<set _TotalAmount to _ReflexRoll + _TSave>>\
Your Save: _ReflexRoll + _TSave = _TotalAmount vs DC: _DC
<<case "Power Attack">>\
<<print $genericSpecial.Text>>\
<<set _AttackRoll to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<set _TA to _AttackRoll + $genericFighter.BAB - $EnemyStatus.AttackDebuff + $EnemyStatus.AttackBuff -2>>\
<<if _AttackRoll > 19 or _TA >= $PC.AC - $PCStatus.ACDebuff + $FoodStatus.AC + $PCStatus.ACBuff +10>>\
<<print $genericSpecial.FailText>>\
<<set _CritRoll to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<if $ShowRolls.Combat is 1>>\
Crit Roll: _CritRoll vs $armorCritResist
<<if _CritRoll < $armorCritResist>>\
<<for _dice = 0; _dice < $genericWeapon.quality; _dice++>>\
<<set _tempDamage to (random($genericWeapon.damage) +1)>>\
<<set _tempDamage to _tempDamage + $genericFighter.Damage + $EnemyStatus.DamageBuff - $EnemyStatus.DamageDebuff >>\
<<set _tempDamage2 to _tempDamage + _tempDamage>>\
<<set _tempDamage2 to _tempDamage2 - _PCWeaponResist>>\
<<set $HP to $HP - _tempDamage2>>\
You take _tempDamage2 _EnemyWeaponDamageType damage from the powerful strike and you resisted _PCWeaponResist damage! It would have been a critical hit but your armor negated the crtical hit!
<<for _dice = 0; _dice < $genericWeapon.quality; _dice++>>\
<<set _tempDamage to (random($genericWeapon.damage) +1)>>\
<<set _tempDamage to _tempDamage + $genericFighter.Damage + $EnemyStatus.DamageBuff - $EnemyStatus.DamageDebuff >>\
<<set _tempDamage2 to _tempDamage + _tempDamage>>\
<<set _tempDamage2 to _tempDamage2 + _tempDamage2>>\
<<set $HP to $HP - _tempDamage2>>\
You take _tempDamage2 _EnemyWeaponDamageType damage from the powerful critical strike and you resisted _PCWeaponResist damage!
<<elseif _TA >= $PC.AC - $PCStatus.ACDebuff + $PCStatus.ACBuff and _AttackRoll > 1>>\
<<print $genericSpecial.FailText>>\
<<for _dice = 0; _dice < $genericWeapon.quality; _dice++>>\
<<set _tempDamage to (random($genericWeapon.damage) +1)>>\
<<set _tempDamage to _tempDamage + $genericFighter.Damage + $EnemyStatus.DamageBuff - $EnemyStatus.DamageDebuff >>\
<<set _tempDamage2 to _tempDamage + _tempDamage>>\
<<set $HP to $HP - _tempDamage2>>\
You take _tempDamage _EnemyWeaponDamageType damage from the powerful strike and you resisted _PCWeaponResist damage!
<<set $EnemyStatus.Missed to 1>>\
<<print $genericSpecial.SuccessText>>\
<<if $ShowRolls.Combat is 1>>\
Total attack: <<print _TA>>\
<<case "Lethal Spin">>\
<<print $genericSpecial.Text>>\
<<set _AttackRoll to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<set _TA to _AttackRoll +4 + $genericFighter.BAB - $EnemyStatus.AttackDebuff + $EnemyStatus.AttackBuff>>\
<<if _AttackRoll > 19 or _TA >= $PC.AC - $PCStatus.ACDebuff + $FoodStatus.AC + $PCStatus.ACBuff +10>>\ <<print $genericSpecial.FailText>>\
<<set _CritRoll to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<if $ShowRolls.Combat is 1>>\
Crit Roll: _CritRoll vs $armorCritResist
<<if _CritRoll < $armorCritResist>>\
<<for _dice = 0; _dice < $genericWeapon.quality; _dice++>>\
<<set _tempDamage to (random($genericWeapon.damage) +1)>>\
<<set _tempDamage to _tempDamage + $genericFighter.Damage + $EnemyStatus.DamageBuff - $EnemyStatus.DamageDebuff >>\
<<set _tempDamage2 to _tempDamage - _PCWeaponResist>>\
<<if _tempDamage2 < 0>>\
<<set _tempDamage2 to 0>>\
<<set $HP to $HP - _tempDamage2>>\
You take _tempDamage2 _EnemyWeaponDamageType damage from the lethal spin attack and you resisted _PCWeaponResist damage! It would have been a critical hit but your armor negated the crtical hit!
<<for _dice = 0; _dice < $genericWeapon.quality; _dice++>>\
<<set _tempDamage to (random($genericWeapon.damage) +1)>>\
<<set _tempDamage to _tempDamage + $genericFighter.Damage + $EnemyStatus.DamageBuff - $EnemyStatus.DamageDebuff >>\
<<set _tempDamage to _tempDamage - _PCWeaponResist>>\
<<set _tempDamage2 to _tempDamage + _tempDamage>>\
<<if _tempDamage2 < 0>>\
<<set _tempDamage2 to 0>>\
<<set $HP to $HP - _tempDamage2>>\
You take _tempDamage2 _EnemyWeaponDamageType damage from the lethal critical spin attack and you resisted _PCWeaponResist damage!
<<elseif _TA >= $PC.AC - $PCStatus.ACDebuff + $PCStatus.ACBuff and _AttackRoll > 1>>\
<<print $genericSpecial.FailText>>\
<<for _dice = 0; _dice < $genericWeapon.quality; _dice++>>\
<<set _tempDamage to (random($genericWeapon.damage) +1)>>\
<<set _tempDamage to _tempDamage + $genericFighter.Damage + $EnemyStatus.DamageBuff - $EnemyStatus.DamageDebuff >>\
<<set _tempDamage2 to _tempDamage - _PCWeaponResist>>\
<<if _tempDamage2 < 0>>\
<<set _tempDamage2 to 0>>\
<<set $HP to $HP - _tempDamage2>>\
You take _tempDamage2 _EnemyWeaponDamageType damage from the lethal spin attack and you resisted _PCWeaponResist damage!
<<set $EnemyStatus.Missed to 1>>\
<<print $genericSpecial.SuccessText>>\
<<if $ShowRolls.Combat is 1>>\
Total attack: <<print _TA>>\
<</switch>>\<<set $genericEvent.Image = $eventPath4 + $arrayEvent4Fucked.random() + '.jpg'>>\
<img @src=$genericEvent.Image />
<<if (random(19) + 1) + $Skill.Social + $CharismaBonus > 13>>\
<<set $npcDiane.Friendship to $npcDiane.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity +2 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set $npcDiane.Friendship to $npcDiane.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity +1 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set _TCard to 0>>\
<<set _Virgin to 0>>\
<<if $sexHistory.TotalV is 1>>\
<<set $sexHistory.TrueVirginityWho to $npcDiane.Name>>\
<<set _TCard to 1>>\
<<set _Virgin to 10>>\
<<set $sexHistory.TotalV to 0>>\
<<set $npcDiane.SexXP to $npcDiane.SexXP +1>>\
<<set $sexHistory.XP to $sexHistory.XP +1>>\
<<set $LastPartner to $npcDiane>>\
<<set $npcDiane.SexDetection to "Futa">>\
<<set $npcDiane.Challenge to $npcDiane.Challenge +1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Horny to $StatusAffect.Horny+1>>\
<<set $Cum.Stored to $Cum.Max>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.Vaccine < 1>>\
<<if (random(19) +1) + $PC.Fortitude + $InfectionResist.Fort + $FoodStatus.Fort < (17 + Math.round($Infestation.Progress / 2) )>>\
<<if $Infestation.Progress < 1>>\
<<set $Infestation.Progress to 1>>\
<<set _Infest to random(10) - $InfectionResist.DR +5>>\
<<if _Infest < 0>>\
<<set _Infest to 0>>\
<<set $PC.Infestation to $PC.Infestation + _Infest>>\
<<if $PC.Infestation > $Infestation.Cap>>\
<<set $PC.Infestation to $Infestation.Cap>>\
<<set _SexyRoll to random(20) +1>>\
<<set _SexyDC to 20 + Math.round($npcDiane.SexXP / 3)>>\
<<if _SexyRoll + $Skill.SexCraft + $CharismaBonus + Math.round($sexHistory.XP / 10) - _Virgin < _SexyDC or _SexyRoll is 1>>\
<<set _Challenge to "Lost">>\
<<set $npcDiane.ChallengeLost to $npcDiane.ChallengeLost +1>>\
<<set _Challenge to "Won">>\
<<set $npcDiane.ChallengeWon to $npcDiane.ChallengeWon +1>>\
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$npcDiane.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$npcDiane.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _IAss to $arrayAssSizeDesc[$npcDiane.AssSize]>>\
/* <<if $SexScene2 is 0>>\ */
  You're not sure what convinced you to accept her reward. Was it the fact your face was trapped in her _ISD breasts, the porn playing in the background, Diane's husky perfume or the fact you are horny as hell. It doesn't matter as your hands reach up to grip her tasty tits. They are so big they overflow your hands.
  "We're going to have a fun time $PC.FirstName! You just relax and keep playing with my fucking tits!" Diane huskily moans while pulling down her business suit. Her _ICup breasts burst free from her suit exposing her equally massive nipples. Without even pausing you start sucking on those hard nipples while fondling her tits. They taste so delicious that it almost distracts you from how heavy her breasts feel in your hands. Her moans of pleasure demonstrate how much she likes having her lovely tits played with. "Oh that feels so good! Keep sucking on my massive tits!" she yells as she forces your face into her cleavage.
  As you continue to enjoy sucking on those delicious tits Diane has reached down and started stroking your $DickSD <<Penis>>. "Oh what do we have here? A nice hard $DickSize cock that wants to be rewarded!" Diane says as she slowly kneels down on her knees. Looking down you see her almost worshiping your cock as she is still stroking you with great concentration. After she licks the sides of your <<Penis>> a few times she ends up taking every bit of your $DickSize cock into her mouth.
  "Oh that feels so fucking good, Diane! Your mouth is so warm and wet!" You moan as her intense sucking spikes the pleasure you are feeling. The feeling of having your dick sucked by such an attractive sexbomb is pushing you quickly to the edge of climax. Before you can try to get Diane to slow down she takes your cock out of her mouth while aggressively stroking you.
  "Cum for me $PC.FirstName! Blow your load all over my massive tits!" she yells while rapidly jerking you off! That pushes you over the edge as a $CumAD burst of cum shoots from your $DickSD dick! <<if $CumAD < 11>> Several hot white goo splatters land on her face and her perfect tits.<<elseif $CumAD > 10 and $CumAD < 21>> It lands all over her tits and face as burst after burst shoots out in what seems like a never ending stream.<<else>>Huge load after huge load of cum shoot out from your <<Penis>> landing all over her surprised face, perfect tits, shapely legs and even her toned stomach. For a brief moment it feels like it will never end.<</if>>
  "Now it's time for the real reward, $PC.FirstName! But let's make this interesting by seeing who can make the other cum faster!" she says as she bends over the sofa so that she is facing the TV, her huge ass up in the air. "Come and fuck me so hard that the whole neighborhood knows and if you make me cum first you win!" she demands loudly while spreading her pussy wide. The porn video continues to play in the background adding to the pornagraphic scene.
<<if $Sound is "On">>\
<video autoplay loop>
<source @src="$pornVid" type="video/mp4">
<video autoplay loop muted>
<source @src="$pornVid" type="video/mp4">
  With your dick so hard and ready there is no way you can say no. Lining your <<Penis>> with her dripping pussy you waste no time slamming your cock into her waiting cunt. It feels so tight and warm that you can't stop yourself from pulling back out and slamming your hard <<Penis>> back in. Soon you are fucking her tight pussy hard while your eyes are occasionally drawn to the porn playing on the large screen TV.
  "Oh fuck that feels so good! That big hard dick feels so fucking good in my tight pussy! Oh fuck give it to me!" she screams loudly as you continue to rail her hard, her _ISD tits swaying back in forth with each thrust. "Tell me how much you want it! Tell me how great my fucking pussy is!" she demands loudly as she slams back against your thrusts, her ample breasts jiggling hard from the impacts.
  "Oh fuck yes! I love fucking your fucking tight cunt!" you yell in response as you start nailing her harder, your $DickSD cock slamming into her tight pussy rapidly. Your grip on her massive ass tightens as your pacing increases, your own moans mixing in with Diane's louder moans of pleasure. "Take my fucking $DickSize cock, you whore! Oh fuck yeah!" you scream as you are rapidly closing in on your orgasm.
<<if $PC.Infestation is $Infestation.Cap & $Infestation.Progress > 1>>\
<<include "Infestation Increase">>\
  As you slam your <<Penis>> into her wet cunt you feel a surge of energy flowing directly into you! It almost feels like you are burning up but it quickly turns to pleasure that radiates from your hard cock and your breasts.
  "OH FUCKING GOD-DAMN YES! YOUR HARD COCK IS GROWING BIGGER AND BIGGER! OH FUCK YES! I'M CUMMING! I'M CUMMING ALL OVER YOUR BIG FUCKING DICK!" Diane screams as she slams back even harder onto your hard <<Penis>>. A flood of girl cum erupts from her pussy splashing down onto the sofa. It feels like your <<Penis>> is growing harder and thicker with each thrust into her dripping cunt! That's not all as with each thrust your breasts gain more volume. Even your balls feel like they are about to explode.
  "Take it all whore! I'm blasting your fucking pussy with my hot load!" you scream loud enough that anyone nearby can easily hear you. The feeling of her pussy quivering with pleasure pushes you over the edge, causing you to unleash a $CumAD load of white cum directly into her hot cunt! <<if $Cum.Stored > 10>> The stream of hot cum overflows out of her tight pussy and drips all over the sofa.<</if>>
  Somehow you've managed to time both of your own orgasms with the porn movie star's muscular stud blowing his load over the bimbo's big tits. As you pull out of her dripping cunt you notice that you now have a $BreastSD $BreastsSize tits! Below your jutting tits your dripping dick has grown to be a $DickSD $DickSize cock along with a pair of $BallsSD $BallsSize balls!
  "Oh fuck yeah that was so good but it looks like I lost our little contest.." Diane says as she collapses on the sofa exhausted. "You really nailed it to me good that my pussy is going to be sore for hours. I'm definitely going to need you to come back to fix my stuff again and next time I'll be the one who wins." she says as she continues to rest on the couch, while looking at you with admiration.
<<switch _Challenge>>\
<<case "Lost">>\
  "Take it all whore! I'm blasting your fucking pussy with my hot load!" you scream loud enough that anyone nearby can easily hear you. The feeling of her tight pussy pushes you over the edge, causing you to unleash a $CumAD load of white cum directly into her hot cunt! <<if $Cum.Stored > 10>> The stream of hot cum overflows out of her tight pussy and drips all over the sofa.<</if>> Somehow you've managed to time both of your own orgasms with the porn movie star's muscular stud blowing his load over the milf's big tits.
  "OH FUCKING GOD! OH FUCK YES! I'M CUMMING! I'M CUMMING ALL OVER YOUR FUCKING COCK!" Diane screams as she slams back even harder onto your hard <<Penis>>. A flood of girl cum erupts from her pussy splashing down onto the sofa.
  "Oh fuck yeah that was so good but it looks like I won our little contest." Diane says as she collapses on the sofa exhausted. "You really nailed it to me good that my pussy is going to be sore for hours. I'm definitely going to need you to come back to fix my stuff again and maybe next time you will be the winner." she says as she continues to rest on the couch, while looking at you with admiration.
<<case "Won">>\
  "OH FUCKING GOD! OH FUCK YES! I'M CUMMING! I'M CUMMING ALL OVER YOUR FUCKING COCK!" Diane screams as she slams back even harder onto your hard <<Penis>>. A flood of girl cum erupts from her pussy splashing down onto the sofa.
  "Take it all whore! I'm blasting your fucking pussy with my hot load!" you scream loud enough that anyone nearby can easily hear you. The feeling of her pussy quivering with pleasure pushes you over the edge, causing you to unleash a $CumAD load of white cum directly into her hot cunt! <<if $Cum.Stored > 10>> The stream of hot cum overflows out of her tight pussy and drips all over the sofa.<</if>> Somehow you've managed to time both of your own orgasms with the porn movie star's muscular stud blowing his load over the milf's big tits.
  "Oh fuck yeah that was so good but it looks like I lost our little contest.." Diane says as she collapses on the sofa exhausted. "You really nailed it to me good that my pussy is going to be sore for hours. I'm definitely going to need you to come back to fix my stuff again and next time I'll be the one who wins." she says as she continues to rest on the couch, while looking at you with admiration.
  You give Diane a promise to help her the next time she needs any help. Even after giving her all that hard sex your dick is still eager and you have a hard time concentrating as you walk towards the street.
<<button [[Finish|$location.temp]]>>
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<include "Lust Passes">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<set $NoEncounter to random(1) +2>>\
<</button>><<set $genericEvent.Image = $eventPath4 + $arrayEvent4Fucked.random() + '.jpg'>>\
<img @src=$genericEvent.Image />
<<set _TCard to 0>>\
<<set _Virgin to 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Horny to $StatusAffect.Horny+1>>\
<<if (random(19) + 1) + $Skill.Social + $CharismaBonus > 13>>\
<<set $npcDiane.Friendship to $npcDiane.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity +2 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set $npcDiane.Friendship to $npcDiane.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity +1 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<if $sexHistory.TotalV is 1>>\
<<set $sexHistory.TrueVirginityWho to $npcDiane.Name>>\
<<set _TCard to 1>>\
<<set _Virgin to 10>>\
<<set $sexHistory.TotalV to 0>>\
<<set $npcDiane.SexXP to $npcDiane.SexXP +1>>\
<<set $sexHistory.XP to $sexHistory.XP +1>>\
<<set $LastPartner to $npcDiane>>\
<<set $npcDiane.Challenge to $npcDiane.Challenge +1>>\
<<set $npcDiane.SexDetection to "Female">>\
<<set $GCum.Stored to $GCum.Max>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.Vaccine < 1>>\
<<if (random(19) +1) + $PC.Fortitude + $InfectionResist.Fort + $FoodStatus.Fort < (17 + Math.round($Infestation.Progress / 2) )>>\
<<if $Infestation.Progress < 1>>\
<<set $Infestation.Progress to 1>>\
<<set _Infest to random(10) - $InfectionResist.DR +5>>\
<<if _Infest < 0>>\
<<set _Infest to 0>>\
<<set $PC.Infestation to $PC.Infestation + _Infest>>\
<<if $PC.Infestation > $Infestation.Cap>>\
<<set $PC.Infestation to $Infestation.Cap>>\
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$npcDiane.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$npcDiane.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _IAss to $arrayAssSizeDesc[$npcDiane.AssSize]>>\
<<set _SexyRoll to random(20) +1>>\
<<set _SexyDC to 20 + Math.round($npcDiane.SexXP / 3)>>\
<<if _SexyRoll + $Skill.SexCraft + $CharismaBonus + Math.round($sexHistory.XP / 10) - _Virgin < _SexyDC or _SexyRoll is 1>>\
<<set _Challenge to "Lost">>\
<<set $npcDiane.ChallengeLost to $npcDiane.ChallengeLost +1>>\
<<set _Challenge to "Won">>\
<<set $npcDiane.ChallengeWon to $npcDiane.ChallengeWon +1>>\
<<if $Infestation.MilkProgress > 0 or $StatusAffect.MilkTits > 0>>\
<<set _Breasts to "Milk">>\
<<elseif $StatusAffect.SiliconeB > 5>>\
<<set _Breasts to "Silicone">>\
<<set _Breasts to "Natural">>\
<<if $PC.BreastsSize < $npcDiane.BreastsSize>>\
  You're not sure what convinced you to accept her reward. Was it the fact your face was trapped in between her _ISD breasts, the porn playing in the background, Diane's husky perfume or the fact you are horny as hell. It doesn't matter as your hands reach up to grip her tasty tits. They are so much bigger than your $BreastSD breasts and feels warm and soft.
  You're not sure what convinced you to accept her reward. Was it the fact your face was trapped in between her _ISD breasts, the porn playing in the background, Diane's husky perfume or the fact you are horny as hell. It doesn't matter as your hands reach up to grip her tasty tits. They are somehow smaller than your $BreastSD breasts but yet still feels warm and soft.
  "We're going to have a fun time $PC.FirstName! You just relax and keep playing with my fucking tits!" Diane huskily moans while pulling down her business suit. Her _ICup breasts bounce free from her suit exposing her equally massive 2-inch long nipples. Without even pausing you start sucking on those hard nipples while fondling her tits. They taste so delicious that it almost distracts you from how heavy her breasts feel in your hands. Her moans of pleasure demonstrate how much she likes having her lovely tits played with. "Oh that feels so good! Keep sucking on my massive tits!" she yells as she forces your face into her cleavage.
<<if $PC.BreastsSize < $npcDiane.BreastsSize>>\
<<set $npcDiane.Friendship to $npcDiane.Friendship + 1>>\
<<switch _Breasts>>\
<<case "Milk">>\
  While you are busy sucking on her rock hard nipples, Diane reaches up and grabs your own $BreastSD pair of milk jugs. "What do we have here? My new friend has a pair of smaller jugs than me even with them filled with so much milk! I guess it can't be helped cause I'm packing the biggest pair of tits this side of the Grove Hills!" she says haughtily while giving your $NippleSize long nipples a playful tweak causing your tits to let out a few drops of milk. You let out a gasp of pleasure as you release her hard nipple.
<<case "Silicone">>\
  While you are busy sucking on her rock hard nipples, Diane reaches up and grabs your own $BreastSD pair of fake tits. "What do we have here? My new friend has a pair of smaller tits than me even after getting them enhanced with so much silicone! I guess it can't be helped cause I'm packing the biggest pair of tits this side of the Grove Hills!" she says haughtily while giving your $NippleSize long nipples a playful tweak causing you to let go of her nipple and let out a gasp of pleasure.
<<case "Natural">>\
  While you are busy sucking on her rock hard nipples, Diane reaches up and grabs your own $BreastSD breasts. "What do we have here? My new friend has a pair of smaller jugs than me? I guess it can't be helped cause I'm packing the biggest pair of tits this side of the Grove Hills!" she says haughtily while giving your $NippleSize long nipples a playful tweak causing you to let go of her nipple and let out a gasp of pleasure.
<<switch _Breasts>>\
<<case "Milk">>\
  While you are busy sucking on her rock hard nipples, Diane reaches up and grabs your own $BreastSD milk-filled breasts. "What do we have here? My new friend has a pair of bigger milk jugs than me? Fuck! I used to have the biggest tits this side of the Grove Hills but it looks like YOU can claim that title now with all that milk in your titty tanks, $PC.FirstName!" she says slightly annoyed while giving your $NippleSize long nipples a playful tweak causing your tits to leak out a couple drops of milk. You let out a gasp of pleasure as you release her hard nipple.
<<case "Silicone">>\
  While you are busy sucking on her rock hard nipples, Diane reaches up and grabs your own $BreastSD pair of fake tits. "What do we have here? My new friend has a pair of bigger fake tits than me? Fuck! I used to have the biggest tits this side of the Grove Hills but it looks like YOU can claim that title now with all that fucking silicone pumped into them, $PC.FirstName!" she says a bit annoyed while giving your hard $NippleSize long nipples a playful tweak causing you to let go of her nipple and let out a gasp of pleasure.
<<case "Natural">>\
  While you are busy sucking on her rock hard nipples, Diane reaches up and grabs your own $BreastSD breasts. "What do we have here? My new friend has a pair of bigger tits than me? Fuck! I used to have the biggest tits this side of the Grove Hills but it looks like YOU can claim that title now, $PC.FirstName!" she says a bit annoyed while giving your $NippleSize long nipples a playful tweak causing you to let go of her nipple and let out a gasp of pleasure.
  Pulling off your clothes, your bare breasts are exposed to the lusty MILF who gives them a naughty smile. Thrusting her _ISD bare chest against your own $BreastSD naked chest, she begins to rub her erect nipples against your hard nipples. "So what do you think, $PC.FirstName? Who here has the most best pair of breasts? My pair of delicious _ICup tits or your tasty $BreastsSize tits?"
  Thrusting your $BreastsSize chest back against Diane's own _ICup jugs, you say "I have to say that we both have some great looking tits. But I want to have more than a titty-bragging contest!" Diane looks slightly confused for a moment but gasps loudly as you slip a finger into her wet pussy. Her lusty moans of pleasure tells you that you've reached the right spot as slender your finger rubs up against her engorged clit.
  "If you don't want a contest about who has the better tits how about we have a contest to see who can make the other cum faster instead?" she moans while trying to take back her stolen initiative. Without waiting for a response, Diane slips her own finger down below into your wet pussy!
  "I think that's a wonderful, oooh, idea!" you start to say before the surprise attack leaves you moaning as she flicks your erect clit. It doesn't take long before she slips another finger in while pushing them deeper into your tight pussy. Trying to focus thru the pleasure, you mimic Diane as you slide another finger into her hot steamy pussy causing her to press her _ISD tits against your own $BreastSD tits even harder. The frantic pussy banging and chest smashing throws you off balance and you both fall backwards onto the leather sofa while the porn video plays in the background!
<<if $Sound is "On">>\
<video autoplay loop>
<source @src="$pornVid" type="video/mp4">
<video autoplay loop muted>
<source @src="$pornVid" type="video/mp4">
<<switch _Challenge>>\
<<case "Lost">>\
  Diane lets out a breathless moan as she lands on top of you. You definitely feel it as as her heavy _ISD tits crashes into your own breasts, causing you to let out your own breathy gasp. "I bet you're going to love this!" she asks huskily after taking a moment to recover from the crash. Her hands are all over your $AssSize ass as she eagerly gropes and fondle your buttcheeks.
  "Oh fuck! That feels nice!" you gasp in pleasure as she squeezes your butt. Unwilling to lose the contest, you reach around her back and grab her own _IAss ass. She lets out her own gasp as you grope her bouncy ass cheeks. You quickly take advantage of her loss of focus by leaning in for a deep kiss. Diane's assault on your $AssSize ass grows more forceful as she launches a counter-assault by returning your wet and sloppy french kiss!
  As the kiss ends you find Diane moving slowly down your body as her kisses leaves a trail of pure pleasure from your lips, down your neck and finally reaching your hard $NippleSize long nipples! You're forced to let out a soft gasp of delight as she lightly sucks on your archingly sensitive nipples. Her fingers have sneakily slid away from your $AssSize ass and have found their way to the entrance of your tight pussy!
  "Oh fuck!" you moan as she slides her slim fingers into your tight slit! You try to regain your momentium but your are having trouble doing more than writhing in pleasure on the leather sofa as she sucks on your hard $NippleSize long nipples while finger-banging your weeping pussy with her magic fingers once again!
  You eventually manage to maneuver your own fingers away from her _IAss ass towards her wet pussy which she eagerly accepts by grinding her soaking wet cunt against your hand. Your fingers slide easily into her extremely tight cunt but by this point you are feeling your orgasm coming in nice and hard!
  "Cum for me, $PC.FirstName! Let the whole neighborhood know that I've won our contest!" Diane lustfully demands as she slams her fingers rapidly in and out of your soaking wet pussy. You want to deny that she's won but the rapidly building pleasure radiating from your dripping cunt proves too much to resist!
  "Fuck yes! Oh fuckkkkk! I'm cumming all over your goddamn fingers!" you scream as your orgasm hits strong and you feel your quivering pussy unleash a $GCumAD squirt of girl-cum all over Diane's hand and fingers!
  Feeling you cum all over her hand looks to have pushed Diane over the edge as you feel her tight pussy squeeze your fingers rapidly! "OH FUCKING GOD! OH FUCK YES! I'M CUMMING! I'M CUMMING ALL OVER YOUR FUCKING HAND!" Diane screams as cunt squeezes even harder onto your penetrating fingers.
  "Oh fuck yeah that was so good. But you know, I won our little bet!" Diane says as she collapses on the sofa exhausted. "You really got my pussy revving so much that I thought I was going to cum my brains out first but in the end you came before I did. I'm definitely going to need you to come back for another challenge." she smirks as she continues to rest on the couch, while looking at you with haughty pride.
<<case "Won">>\
  Diane lets out a breathless moan as you land on top of her. Luckily her _ISD chest provide plenty of cushioning as your $BreastSD breasts smash into her pillowy tits. "Whoops!" she mumbles while trying to recover from her tumble. You quickly take advantage of her disorientation as you slide your fingers back into her tight pussy provoking a breathy gasp of pleasure.
  Wanting to try and regain her lost momentum, Diane finally untangles her hands and slides them around to your $AssSize ass. It doesn't take long before she starts to grope your buttcheeks causing you let out your own soft moan of delight but she's losing focus as your $NippleSize long nipples slide against her own diamond hard nipples.
  "I think it's time to get serious..." you declare as you decide to go for the kill. Using your leverage you manage to spin around on the over-filled sofa and slap your dripping wet pussy onto her surprised face. This leave you in the perfect position to get a good look at her own wet pussy. Her dripping wet cunt looks so inviting that you can't help but plant your lips onto her clit!
  A loud scream of ecstasy erupts from Diane as you suck on her throbbing clit. "Oh fuck that feels so good! Don't you dare stop you fucking rug-muncher!" she begs before starting in on your neglected pussy. Your body quivers as she starts thrusting her long tongue into your tight slit. It doesn't take her long to slide her slender fingers into your tight pussy as she tries gain the advantage in your little contest.
  "Oooh! I can feel your fingers so deep in my tight pussy! Fuck that feels so good!" you moan as you come up for air. Diving back in you start sliding your tongue into her soaking wet pussy in between giving her erect clit some light sucking. Getting a bit more agressive you start finger-banging her tight cunt causing Diane to let out another scream of pleasure that echoes thru the room and beyond! You can feel your orgasm slowly rising but with how Diane's pussy is leaking like a faucet it looks like she's going to cum any minute now.
  You're soon proven right as the combination of your clit sucking along with your rapid finger-banging has her moaning and screaming in pure ecstasy. "Oh fuck yesssss! I'm cummming! I'M CUMMING ALL OVER YOUR GOD-DAMN FACE!" she screams as her whole body shakes and quivers while her sloppy pussy gushes a flood of girl-cum all over your hand and face! Her orgasm seems like it lasts forever as she squirms, begging for more!
  Not willing to let it end without at least getting you off, Diane refocuses on your wet pussy with a lusty grin. You're forced to gasp and moan loudly as she dives in with her tongue deep inside your dripping wet slit. Soon her slender fingers are pounding in and out of your tight pussy as her tongue works over your sensitive clit, sending rapid pulses of pure pleasure throughout your whole body! You can feel your orgasm steadily rising Diane's skillful finger-banging is pushing you to your limits.
  "Fuck yes! Oh fuckkkkk! I'm cumming all over your goddamn fingers!" you scream as your orgasm hits strong and you feel your quivering pussy unleash a $GCumAD squirt of girl-cum all over Diane's fingers and face!
  "Oh fuck yeah that was so good. But I can't believe I lost our little bet!" Diane says as she collapses on the sofa exhausted. "You really got my pussy revving so much that I couldn't help cumming my brains out first but in the end you came after I did. I'm definitely going to need you to come back for a rematch." she sighs in dissapointment as she continues to rest on the couch, while looking at you with a challenging look.
  You give Diane a promise to help her the next time she needs any help. Even after giving her all that hard sex your pussy is still wet and you have a hard time concentrating as you walk towards the street.
<<button [[Finish|$location.temp]]>>
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<include "Lust Passes">>\
<<set $NoEncounter to random(1) +2>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</button>>Current Stats:
Strength: $Strength
<<set $StrengthBonus to (($Strength - 10)/2)>>\
Dexterity: $Dexterity
<<set $DexterityBonus to (($Dexterity - 10)/2)>>\
Constitution: $Constitution
<<set $ConstitutionBonus to (($Constitution - 10)/2)>>\
Wisdom: $Wisdom
<<set $WisdomBonus to (($Wisdom - 10)/2)>>\
Intelligence: $Intelligence
<<set $IntelligenceBonus to (($Intelligence - 10)/2)>>\
Charisma: $Charisma
<<set $CharismaBonus to (($Charisma - 10)/2)>>\
You get two additional stats bonuses to add to your current attributes. Please choose your first stat bonus. No stat can start above 18. It is a good idea to have your attacking stat be high as well as having your primary class stat be high. Most melee weapons use Strength to hit except for Knives which used Dexterity while all ranged weapons use Dexterity. All melee weapons get a bonus to damage equal to your Strength bonus.
<<if $Strength < 18>>\
<<button [[Strength|Stat Check2]]>>
<<set $Strength to $Strength+2>>\
<<if $Dexterity < 18>>\
<<button [[Dexterity|Stat Check2]]>>
<<set $Dexterity to $Dexterity+2>>\
<<if $Constitution < 18>>\
<<button [[Constitution|Stat Check2]]>>
<<set $Constitution to $Constitution+2>>\
<<if $Wisdom < 18>>\
<<button [[Wisdom|Stat Check2]]>>
<<set $Wisdom to $Wisdom+2>>\
<<if $Intelligence < 18>>\
<<button [[Intelligence|Stat Check2]]>>
<<set $Intelligence to $Intelligence+2>>\
<<if $Charisma < 18>>\
<<button [[Charisma|Stat Check2]]>>
<<set $Charisma to $Charisma+2>>\
Current Stats:
Strength: $Strength
<<set $StrengthBonus to (($Strength - 10)/2)>>\
Dexterity: $Dexterity
<<set $DexterityBonus to (($Dexterity - 10)/2)>>\
Constitution: $Constitution
<<set $ConstitutionBonus to (($Constitution - 10)/2)>>\
Wisdom: $Wisdom
<<set $WisdomBonus to (($Wisdom - 10)/2)>>\
Intelligence: $Intelligence
<<set $IntelligenceBonus to (($Intelligence - 10)/2)>>\
Charisma: $Charisma
<<set $CharismaBonus to (($Charisma - 10)/2)>>\
You get two additional stats bonuses to add to your current attributes. Please choose your first stat bonus. No stat can start above 18. It is a good idea to have your attacking stat be high as well as having your primary class stat be high. Most melee weapons use Strength to hit except for Knives which used Dexterity while all ranged weapons use Dexterity. All melee weapons get a bonus to damage equal to your Strength bonus.
<<if $Strength < 18>>\
<<button [[Strength|Intelligence Check]]>>
<<set $Strength to $Strength+2>>\
<<if $Dexterity < 18>>\
<<button [[Dexterity|Intelligence Check]]>>
<<set $Dexterity to $Dexterity+2>>\
<<if $Constitution < 18>>\
<<button [[Constitution|Intelligence Check]]>>
<<set $Constitution to $Constitution+2>>\
<<if $Wisdom < 18>>\
<<button [[Wisdom|Intelligence Check]]>>
<<set $Wisdom to $Wisdom+2>>\
<<if $Intelligence < 18>>\
<<button [[Intelligence|Intelligence Check]]>>
<<set $Intelligence to $Intelligence+2>>\
<<if $Charisma < 18>>\
<<button [[Charisma|Intelligence Check]]>>
<<set $Charisma to $Charisma+2>>\
<</if>>\<<set $copEvent.Visits to $copEvent.Visits +1>>\
<<set $NoEncounter to 3>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set _DickPara to 0>>\
<<set _BreastPara to 0>>\
<<if $PC.Sex is "Futa" or $StatusAffect.Futa > 0>>\
<<set _IPanic to "Futa">>\
<<elseif $PC.Sex is "Female" and $StatusAffect.Futa < 1>>\
<<set _IPanic to "Female">>\
<<set _IPanic to "Male">>\
<<switch _IPanic>>\
<<case "Futa">>\
<<if $PC.OSex is "Male">>\
<<set _DickPara to _DickPara + $PC.DickSize - $copEvent.DickSize>>\
<<if $PC.BreastsSize > 2>>\
<<set _BreastPara to _BreastPara + $PC.BreastsSize - $copEvent.BreastSize>>\
<<if $PC.OSex is "Female">>\
<<set _BreastPara to $PC.BreastsSize - $copEvent.BreastSize>>\
<<if $PC.DickSize > 4>>\
<<set _DickPara to _DickPara + $PC.DickSize - $copEvent.DickSize>>\
<<case "Female">>\
<<set _BreastPara to _BreastPara + $PC.BreastsSize - $copEvent.BreastSize>>\
<<case "Male">>\
<<set _DickPara to _DickPara + $PC.DickSize - $copEvent.DickSize>>\
<<if _BreastPara < 2>>\
<<set _BreastPara to 0>>\
<<if _DickPara < 2>>\
<<set _DickPara to 0>>\
<<set $copEvent.Paranoia to $copEvent.Paranoia + _BreastPara + _DickPara>>\
<<if $copEvent.Paranoia < 3 and $copEvent.Detected is 0>>\
<<set _ParaOutcome to "Good">>\
<<elseif $copEvent.Paranoia > 2 and $copEvent.Detected is 0>>\
<<set _ParaOutcome to "Caught">>\
<<switch _ParaOutcome>>\
<<case "Good">>\
<img @src=$genericEvent.Image width="512px" height="768px" />
  As you are walking around the subdivision you notice Officer Mark has his patrol car parked nearby and is leaning up against the door while keeping an eye out for Infested. Deciding to give him a visit you start walking over to his car. He quickly notices your presence and gives a cheery wave to you.
  "Hey $PC.FirstName! So what's been going on with you lately?" Officer Mark asks while keeping an eye on the surroundings. He seems a bit happy to see you today.
<<button [[Chat with Officer Mark|Suburban Cop Chat Options]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Leave|$location.temp]]>>
<<set $NoEncounter to random(1) +2>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<case "Caught">>\
<<set $genericEvent.Image = $eventPath5 + $arrayEvent5Combat.random() + '.jpg'>>\
<img @src=$genericEvent.Image />
<<set $npcMark.Friendship to $npcMark.Friendship - 5 + $SocialSkillFeats.WashmyHair>>\
<<set $copEvent.Detected to 1>>\
<<switch _IPanic>>\
<<case "Futa">>\
<<set $copEvent.DickSize to $PC.DickSize>>\
<<set $copEvent.BreastsSize to $PC.BreastsSize>>\
  As you are walking around the subdivision you notice Officer Mark has his patrol car parked nearby and is leaning up against the door. Deciding to give him a visit you start walking over to his car. He quickly notices your presence and gives a cheery wave to you. His smile fades as his eyes focuses on your $BreastSD $BreastsSize breasts along with your $DickSD $DickSize dick.
  "Oh fuck! $PC.FirstName, are you a fucking Infested Futa now?" he yells in panic as he backs away from you while gripping the handle of his gun. You stare in shock as he aims his gun at you!
<<button [[Try to Explain|Suburban Cop Explain]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Flee!|Suburban Cop Flee]]>>
<<case "Male">>\
<<set $copEvent.DickSize to $PC.DickSize>>\
  As you are walking around the subdivision you notice Officer Mark has his patrol car parked nearby and is leaning up against the door. Deciding to give him a visit you start walking over to his car. He quickly notices your presence and gives a cheery wave to you. His smile fades as his eyes focuses on your $DickSD $DickSize dick that's pitching a $DickSD tent in your pants.
  "Oh fuck! $PC.FirstName, are you an Infested now?" he yells in panic as he backs away from you while gripping the handle of his gun. You stare in shock as he aims his gun at you!
<<button [[Try to Explain|Suburban Cop Explain]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Flee!|Suburban Cop Flee]]>>
<<case "Female">>\
<<set $copEvent.BreastsSize to $PC.BreastsSize>>\
  As you are walking around the subdivision you notice Officer Mark has his patrol car parked nearby and is leaning up against the door. Deciding to give him a visit you start walking over to his car. He quickly notices your presence and gives a cheery wave to you. His smile fades as his eyes focuses on the $BreastSD $BreastsSize breasts that are junting from your chest.
  "Oh fuck! $PC.FirstName, are you an Infested now?" he yells in panic as he backs away from you while gripping the handle of his gun. You stare in shock as he aims his gun at you!
<<button [[Try to Explain|Suburban Cop Explain]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Flee!|Suburban Cop Flee]]>>
<</switch>>\<img src="Images/Home/foyer.jpg" width="800px" height="400px" />
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
  While you was checking the time on your phone you hear the sound of distant ringing. For a second you think it's your phone but it's actually the rather unusual sound of the front doorbell!
<<button [[Answer the Door|Pizza Delivery 1.2]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Ignore|$location.temp]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</button>><<set $genericEvent.Image = $eventPath6 + $arrayEvent6FullBody.random() + '.jpg'>>\
<img @src=$genericEvent.Image />
<<set $location.temp to "Main Hallway">>\
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<set $lust to $lust + random(10) + 1 + $StatusAffect.Horny>>\
<<set $pizzaEvent.Visits to $pizzaEvent.Visits+1>>\
  Opening the door while still armed with weapon you notice a young man in a BigPizza4U pizza delivery uniform holding a heating box. His name badge says Steve and the uniform looks familiar as a BigPizza4U was a place you have ordered pizza from on plenty of occasions. Steve is filling the outfit very well with his tight pants presenting a large bulge and his shirt is completely unbuttoned showing off his sculptured chest.
<<if $PC.Sex is not "Male">>\
  "Pizza delivery for a Ms. $PC.LastName!" Steve says while smiling at you. "It's a large 12-inch sausage pizza with large meatballs and lots of sauce!"
  "Pizza delivery for a Mr. $PC.LastName!" Steve says while smiling at you. "It's a large 12-inch sausage pizza with large meatballs and lots of sauce!"
  You look at the pizza in hunger and a bit of confusion. You didn't order any pizza and in fact you didn't even know pizza places were still open during the Infested Outbreak. Figuring someone either is playing a prank or maybe someone used the wrong address, you step forward to accept the steaming hot pizza.
  "Sorry, it's cash on delivery. The total will be $50 dollars please." Steve says with a smirk while looking you over with a lust filled look. "Of course if you can't pay for your sausage pizza there might be another way for you to pay..."
What do you do?
<<if $Cash > 49>>\
<<button [[Pay for the pizza (-$50)|Pizza Delivery 1.3 Pay]]>> <</button>>
<<if $PC.Sex is "Male" and $StatusAffect.Futa < 1>>\
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Pay using alternative payment|Pizza 1.3 Sex Male]]>> </span><</button>>
<<elseif $PC.Sex is "Female" and $StatusAffect.Futa < 1>>\
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Pay using alternative payment|Pizza 1.3 Sex Female]]>> </span><</button>>
<<elseif $PC.Sex is "Futa" or $StatusAffect.Futa > 0>>\
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Pay using alternative payment|Pizza 1.3 Sex Futa]]>> </span><</button>>
<<if $lust + ($StatusAffect.Horny*5) + $StatusAffect.Energized - $PC.Willpower - $armorSaveBonus - $FoodStatus.Will < $MaxLust>>\
<<button [[Slam the door shut|$location.temp]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</if>>\<img src="Images/Home/PC.jpg" width="800px" height="400px" />
How much XP do you need?
<<button [[Add 100 XP|Add XP]]>>
<<set _tempXP to +100>>
<<set $XP to $XP + _tempXP>>
<<button [[Add 1000 XP|Add XP]]>>
<<set _tempXP to +1000>>
<<set $XP to $XP + _tempXP>>
<<button [[Finished|BrowsePC]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</button>><<set $genericEvent.Image = $eventPath6 + $arrayEvent6Blowjob.random() + '.jpg'>>\
<img @src=$genericEvent.Image />
<<set $sexHistory.XP to $sexHistory.XP +1>>\
<<set $LastPartner to $npcSteve>>\
<<set $TotalFood to $TotalFood +12>>
<<set $pizzaEvent.Pay to $pizzaEvent.Pay+1>>\
<<set $npcSteve.SexXP to $npcSteve.SexXP +1>>\
<<set $sexHistory.XP to $sexHistory.XP +1>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.Vaccine < 1>>\
<<if (random(19) + 1) + $PC.Fortitude + $InfectionResist.Fort - $StatusAffect.Wet < 20>>\
<<if $Infestation.Progress < 1>>\
<<set $Infestation.Progress to 1>>\
<<set _Infest to random(10) - $InfectionResist.DR +5>>\
<<if _Infest < 0>>\
<<set _Infest to 0>>\
<<set $PC.Infestation to $PC.Infestation + _Infest>>\
<<if $PC.Infestation > $Infestation.Cap>>\
<<set $PC.Infestation to $Infestation.Cap>>\
<<if (random(19) + 1) + $Skill.Social + $CharismaBonus > 13>>\
<<set $npcSteve.Friendship to $npcSteve.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity +2 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set $npcSteve.Friendship to $npcSteve.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity +1 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
  Deciding to go along with the pizza delivery man you ask "Oh I didn't order any pizza. Is there any other way I could pay for it?" while trying to keep a straight face. The fact you are feeling a bit horny and with how hot Steve looks helps you to make that decision.
  Steve unzips his pants and lets his huge 12-inch thick dong flop free along with his massive balls. "How about you start by sucking my foot long sausage?" he says as his huge dick slowly hardens as he gives you a dirty grin. The musk of his pre-cum fills the air as your eyes lock onto his hard <<Penis>>.
  The raging watton need radiating from your pussy makes the decision to give him a blowjob an easy one especially with how extra hot and steamy Steve is looking. You feel your pussy wetten as you give his hard <<Penis>> a long measuring look. Kneeling down you grab his thick cock while removing your clothes. It's so hard and heavy that you can't resist stroking it. More pre-cum leaks from the tip as your face gets closer to it. The smell of his pre-cum is so intoxicating you can't resist.
  "Your 12-inch tool looks so yummy that I have to taste it!" you moan as you give his cock a few licks before you finally take his delicious cock into your mouth. It's so big that it takes a couple of attempts to get it partly in. The taste of his pre-cum is so good that you can't stop yourself from sucking as much of his foot long cock as your mouth can handle. Streams of his special sauce is flowing down your throat and you want more!
  "Oh yeah suck my fat sausage, just like that!" he groans as he pulls part of his long <<Penis>> out before shoving it it even deeper into your mouth. It's so delicious that your tongue is wrapping around his cock as he starts to slowly face fuck you. You continue sucking and licking his hard dick as you eagerly anticipate getting your sweet reward.
  "Damn that feels good! You're a god-damn fine cock sucker!" he moans as he controls the pace of the sloppy blowjob with both hands on your head. The feeling of sucking his rock hard sausage sends a wave of pleasure straight to your own hard cock. "Keep sucking my sausage you fucking horny bitch!" he moans as his thrusts speeds up while his cock weeps pre-cum like a faucet. You can't get enough of his cock as you suck it down hard with one hand while another is stroking your own hard cock.
  His pace rapidly increases as you feel his meat rod pulse, ready to unleash his hot and spicy cream. "Oh fuck your mouth feels so good! I'm about to cum! OH shit!" he groans as his 12-inch cock pulses one last time. He grabs the back of your head and forces his huge sausage down your throat before unleashing a massive load of salty cum! You try to swallow all of it but the firehose guyser overflows your eager mouth and drips down your face and onto your chest.
  Not content with shooting his huge load down your throat, he pulls his cock out and fire several more cum shots onto your face adding to what spilled out. The feeling of him shooting is load down your throat along with blasting your face with his hot sauce pushes you over the edge as you blast a $CumAD wad of cum from your hard cock! It lands all over your chest adding to his already massive splashing of gooey sauce.
  "Thanks for choosing BigPizza4U! Please give us a call the next time you need a hot and saucy sausage and meatball pizza!" Steve says as he recovers from his messy orgasm. Leaving the pizza next to the door he heads back to the suburbs after giving you a cheeky wave.
  "At least I got a free pizza out of this" you mutter to yourself as you gather your clothes and get to you feet. "Too bad he didn't actually leave a phone number so I could order a pizza in the future..."
<<button [[Finish|$location.temp]]>>
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<include "Lust Passes">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<set $NoEncounter to random(1) +2>>\
<</button>><img @src=$genericEvent.Image width="550px" height="800px" />
<<set $Cash to $Cash -50>>
<<set $TotalFood to $TotalFood +12>>
<<set $pizzaEvent.Pay to $pizzaEvent.Pay+1>>\
  You pay for the sausage and meatball pizza. Steve seems really confused at holding several bills but after a minute wanders away with cash in hand. It might have been a bit expensive but it's really hard to get delivery while the Infested Outbreak is going on. You quickly eat a couple of slices of somewhat exotic tasting pizza and store the rest in the fridge for later.
<div class="pcTalk"><i> That was a great pizza. I should order again from BigPizza4U!</i></div>
<<button [[Finish|$location.temp]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</button>><<if $npcApril.Sex is "Futa" and $npcApril.BreastsSize > 9>>\
<<set $genericEvent.Image = $eventPath1 + $arrayEvent1SittingLargeFuta.random() + '.jpg'>>\
<<elseif $npcApril.Sex is "Futa">>\
<<set $genericEvent.Image = $eventPath1 + $arrayEvent1SittingFuta.random() + '.jpg'>>\
<<elseif $npcApril.BreastsSize > 9>>\
<<set $genericEvent.Image = $eventPath1 + $arrayEvent1SittingLarge.random() + '.jpg'>>\
<<set $genericEvent.Image = $eventPath1 + $arrayEvent1Sitting.random() + '.jpg'>>\
<img @src=$genericEvent.Image />
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<set $threesomeEvent.Daily to 1>>\
<<set _lusty to random(5) +1 + $StatusAffect.Horny - $LustResist.Visual - $LustResist.Complete>>\
<<if _lusty < 0>>\
<<set _lusty to 0>>\
<<set $lust to $lust + _lusty>>\
<<set $npcMay.Friendship to $npcMay.Friendship + 1 + $ClassBonus.Celebrity + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set $npcApril.Friendship to $npcApril.Friendship + 1 + $ClassBonus.Celebrity + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set $lust to $lust + _lusty>>\
<<set $threesomeEvent.Sex to $PC.Sex>>\
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$npcApril.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$npcApril.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _OSD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$npcApril.OBreastsSize]>>\
<<set _OCup to $arrayBreastSize[$npcApril.OBreastsSize]>>\
<<set _TSD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$threesomeEvent.BreastsSize]>>\
<<if $threesomeEvent.Agree < 1>>\
  "Sure, I'm up for some fun. Do you have a place in mind?" you ask as you look over the two women with their big jiggly tits and bouncy asses. There was no way you could refuse their offer, not with your raging libido making it hard to think. "My name's $PC.FirstName by the way."
  "Nice to meet ya $PC.FirstName, I'll be sure to be screaming it by the end of tonight. Anyway my dad's summer place is nearby and it has the most comfortable bed you could imagine." replies May as she grabs your hand and leads you towards a nice looking house. As she walks her _ISD breasts presses into your $BreastSD chest and occasionally her large ass bumps into you as she swaggers down the sidewalk. Her friend April grabs your other arm while pressing her own _ISD tits into your $BreastsSize breasts as well.
  Before long you find yourself in the bedroom of one of the bigger houses in the suburbs. There wasn't anyone else home when May marched into the house and led you upstairs to what looks to be her bedroom. As you look around April speaks up for the first time since you met her.
  "Hey May? Got anything to drink? I'm a bit thirsty and I know I'm going to need all the fluids I can get tonight." April says in a sultry voice while glancing over at you.
  "Sure! I have some energy drinks over in my mini-fridge. Go ahead and grab one for me and $PC.FirstName!" replies May as she walks into the attached bathroom. As you look towards the bathroom you see flashes of naked flesh as May quickly disrobes leaving her evening outfit on the floor and grabing a towel.
  April quickly grabs the drinks and hands one to you. Before long she is taking long sips while licking her bee-stung lips. Your own drink is still unopened and before long May comes back out of the bathroom wrapped in only a towel. Her rather full _ICup tits press against the fabric as she sits down next the April.
  "Bottoms up!" May shouts as she grabs the bottle away from April and quickly downs the rest of the drink. Looking down at the bottle of Energy Thirst you wonder if you should take a swig. Noticing your look May says "You should go ahead and drink too. It will make you able to cum all day long! In fact you will be shooting massive loads from your dick and pussy non-stop with no need for recover!"
<<if (random(19)+ 1) + $Skill.Social + $CharismaBonus > 20>>\
<<set _Social to "They seem rather eager for me to drink that energy drink but they don't seem to be malicious.">>\
<<set _Social to "I am feeling a bit thirsty tonight and having extra energy will make tonight a lot more fun.">>\
<<if (random(19)+ 1) + $Skill.Cooking + $WisdomBonus > 20>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> "Wait a second! Those drinks were made by the same company that had some of those prominent members from the Cult of Walking Love working at it. I'm not sure how safe it is..."</i></div>
<<set _Infested to "The drink doesn't look to be tampered with and there is easier ways to spike a drink than with a sealed can...">>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> _Social _Infested</i></div>
<<if $lust > 0>>\
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Drink the Energy Thirst|3some Futa - Energy Drink Sex]]>>
<<if $lust < $MaxLust>>\
<<button [[Refuse to drink and leave|3some - Leave]]>> <</button>>
  "Sure, I'm up for some more fun. Are we heading back to your place?" you ask as you look over the two women with their big jiggly tits and bouncy asses. There was no way you could refuse their offer, not after all the great sex you had last time.
  "Yeah let's head over to my dad's summer place cause that's where we've been holding up for the last couple of weeks." replies May as she grabs your hand and leads you towards her nice looking house. As she walks her _ISD breasts presses into your arm and occasionally her large ass bumps into you as she swaggers down the sidewalk. April grabs your other arm while pressing her own _ISD tits into you as well.
  Before long you find yourself back in May's bedroom after reaching the empty house. April and May settles down on the comfortable chairs with a large amount of groping of each other. You grab your own seat as you admire their toned bodies along with their _ISD breasts and ample asses.
<<if $threesomeEvent.BreastsSize < $PC.BreastsSize>>\
  "Oh wow! It looks like $PC.FirstName's breasts have grown a bit larger since last time she was here!" exclaims May with a hint of jealousy as she stares at your $BreastSD tits. Reaching over she cups your breasts thru your clothes as April lustfully looks on while lightly stroking her pussy. "What size are you? I'm guessing your tasty looking tits are now $BreastsSize?"
  "I'm going to have to agree with May. They seem much larger than the last time we've seen them. I definitely approve..." whispers April as she reaches over to give them a good feel as well.
  "Yeah, they have grown a bit after some interesting events. I'm packing a pair of $BreastsSize size breasts and I have to admit they feel wonderful." you admit as you think about your travels the last couple of days. You're enjoying having your $BreastSD breasts groped as your hard nipples harden along with your $DickSD dick.
  "We're going to have to check them out a bit closer here shortly." says May as she gives them one last squeeze. April sighs as she reluctly releases her soft grip on your $BreastSD breasts.
<<if $npcApril.OBreastsSize < $npcApril.BreastsSize>>\
  "Speaking of bigger tits, it looks like the both of you have a lot more weight up top since last time I saw you..." you say as you look more closely at April and May, specifically at their _ISD _ICup breasts. It's easy to tell now that you are sitting down that they are no longer _OCup.
  "Someone was a bit jealous last time and decided we needed an upgrade to keep up." explains April in a low tone while glancing at May. "I personally find it fine and enjoy our new bigger breasts. They have a lot more heft and feel so good." she continues as May does her best to look nonchalant while lightly stroking the outside of her breasts.
  May proudly presents her _ISD breasts while protesting "I wouldn't say I was jealous, just after seeing your how nice your _TSD tits looked I figured it would look even better on us! I bet even you agree $PC.FirstName!"
  "I do have to agree with you, May. Your _ISD breasts look very nice and juicy." you reply as you give their _ISD _ICup breasts a lustful look. Both April and May preen from your compliment as they thrust their _ISD jugs out for you to gaze apon.
<<set $npcApril.OBreastsSize to $npcApril.BreastsSize>>\
<<set $npcMay.OBreastsSize to $npcMay.BreastsSize>>\
<<elseif $threesomeEvent.BreastsSize > $PC.BreastsSize>>\
  "Hey $PC.FirstName? Looks like the MilkShake Jugs have started to wear off cause your tits are looking a bit smaller than last time..." asks May as she gives your $BreastSD tits a piercing look. Reaching over she cups your breasts thru your clothes as April looks on with disappointment while lightly stroking her pussy. "What size are you? I'm guessing your breasts are now a $BreastsSize?"
  "I'm going to have to agree with May. They seem much smaller than the last time we've seen them. I can not say I fully approve..." whispers April as she reaches over to give them a good feel as well.
  "Yeah, they have shrunk a bit but they still feel just as good." you admit as you think about your travels the last couple of days. You're enjoying having your $BreastSD breasts groped as your $NippleSize nipples harden along with your $DickSD dick.
  "You have to keep drinking the MilkShake Jugs in order to keep your tits nice and big. Not too much at once but a steady supply will eventually cause them to keep their size without needing to drink one every day." whispers April as she hefts her own _ICup tits before letting them bounce.
<<if $npcApril.OBreastsSize < $npcApril.BreastsSize>>\
  "Speaking of breasts, it looks like the both of you have a lot more weight up top since last time I saw you..." you say as you look more closely at April and May, specifically at their _ISD _ICup breasts. It's easy to tell now that you are sitting down that they are no longer _OCup.
  "Someone was a bit jealous last time and decided we needed an upgrade to keep up." explains April in a low tone while glancing at May. "I personally find it fine and enjoy our new bigger breasts. They have a lot more heft and feel so good." she continues as May does her best to look nonchalant while lightly stroking the outside of her breasts.
  May proudly presents her _ISD breasts while protesting "I wouldn't say I was jealous, just after seeing your how nice your_TSD tits looked I figured it would look even better on us! I bet even you agree $PC.FirstName!"
  "I do have to agree with you, May. Your _ISD breasts look very nice and juicy." you reply as you give their _ISD _ICup breasts a lustful look. Both April and May preen from your compliment as they thrust their _ISD jugs out for you to gaze apon.
<<set $npcApril.OBreastsSize to $npcApril.BreastsSize>>\
<<set $npcMay.OBreastsSize to $npcMay.BreastsSize>>\
<<if $npcApril.OBreastsSize < $npcApril.BreastsSize>>\
  "It looks like the both of you have a lot more weight up top since last time I saw you..." you say as you look more closely at April and May, specifically at their _ISD _ICup breasts. It's easy to tell now that you are sitting down that they are no longer _OCup.
  "Someone was a bit jealous last time and decided we needed an upgrade to keep up." explains April in a low tone while glancing at May. "I personally find it fine and enjoy our new bigger breasts. They have a lot more heft and feel so good." she continues as May does her best to look nonchalant while lightly stroking the outside of her breasts.
  May proudly presents her _ISD breasts while protesting "I wouldn't say I was jealous, just after seeing your how nice your _TSD tits looked I figured it would look even better on us! I bet even you agree $PC.FirstName!"
  "I do have to agree with you, May. Your _ISD breasts look very nice and juicy." you reply as you give their _ISD _ICup breasts a lustful look. Both April and May preen from your compliment as they thrust their _ISD jugs out for you to gaze apon.
<<set $npcApril.OBreastsSize to $npcApril.BreastsSize>>\
<<set $npcMay.OBreastsSize to $npcMay.BreastsSize>>\
<<if $threesomeEvent.FutaA < 1>>\
  "I have a question for you, $PC.FirstName. What's it like to have a dick? To be able to fuck a girl with your own large tool and to blow a load all over her tits?" April says in a sultry voice while glancing over at you.
  "Hmm. I would say it's pretty nice. Having a pussy and a cock feels so wonderful I would hate giving either one up." you say as you watch May grab a soda out from the fridge. Being a bit curiuous about the question you ask "So what's got you so interested about having a dick?"
  "This little drink is called Dr. Pecker. It was made by BioWetX, I think? It's supposed to allow a guy to grow a bigger cock or to allow a girl to grow her own dick. Pretty wild isn't it?" May says after placing the can of Dr. Pecker on the table. April on the other hand is giving the can a longing look, her nipples already looking rock hard.
  "I know they also made several other drinks such as Energy Thirst and Milk Jugs. All those drinks ended up being released to the public or stolen, not sure really. All I know is that these drinks have some crazy transformation effects on people that lasts for a day or so." May mentions as she taps the can of Dr. Pecker. Thrusting her _ISD chest out she admits "We know for a fact that the Milk Jugs drinks work extremely well."
  "So what do you think? April was thinking about trying it out, to grow her own dick in order to fuck your tits before moving on to fucking my pussy hard while you fuck my large ass. Or we could just go with usual of being hopped up on so much Energy Thirst that we fuck for hours and hours." asks May while lightly fondling April's _ISD _ICup breasts.
  "So what's on the agenda for sexy fun time this evening? April was thinking about chugging another Dr. Pecker in order to fuck our tits before moving on to fucking my pussy hard while you fuck my large ass. She really seems to like that a lot." May asks as she slowly fingers April's pussy underneath her dress. April just moans softly while gazing at the can of Dr. Pecker on the table.
  "Or we could just go with being hopped up on so much Energy Thirst that we fuck for hours and hours. I'm sure you would love to blast your hot load all over our tits before unleashing multiple loads deep into our tight cunts..." May continues while moving on to lightly fondling April's _ISD _ICup breasts.
<<if $PC.BreastsSize + ($GeneralFeats.FalseRep *2) < 5>>\
  "Now if you want to be tit-fucked by April you will need at least DD-cup breasts. Cause only the best for my girl!" whispers May to you as she looks at your $BreastSD $BreastsSize breasts. "I can hook you up with a Milk Jug mixer to temporary get you some nice tits otherwise you can drink the Energy Thirst instead..."
<<if (random(19)+ 1) + $Skill.Cooking + $WisdomBonus > 20>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> "Wait a second! Those drinks were made by the same company that had some of those prominent members from the Cult of Walking Love working at it. I'm not sure how safe it is..."</i></div>
<<if $PC.BreastsSize < 5>>\
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Have April drink the Dr. Pecker while you drink the Milk Jug|3some Futa - Tit Growth]]>>
<<if $lust > 0>>\
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Let April drink the Dr. Pecker|3some Futa - April Futa Sex]]>>
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Just drink the Energy Thirst|3some Futa - Energy Drink Sex]]>>
<<if $lust < $MaxLust>>\
<<button [[Refuse to drink and leave|3some - Leave]]>>
<<set $threesomeEvent.BreastsSize to $PC.BreastsSize>>\
<</if>>\<<set $genericEvent.Image = $eventPath1 + $arrayEvent1Naked.random() + '.jpg'>>\
<img @src=$genericEvent.Image />
<<include "Adlibs">>\
<<if (random(19)+ 1) + $Skill.Social + $CharismaBonus > 13>>\
<<set $npcMay.Friendship to $npcMay.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity +2 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set $npcApril.Friendship to $npcApril.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity +2 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set $npcMay.Friendship to $npcMay.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity +1 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set $npcApril.Friendship to $npcApril.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity +1 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set $npcMay.SexXP to $npcMay.SexXP +1>>\
<<set $npcApril.SexXP to $npcApril.SexXP +1>>\
<<set $LastPartner to $npcMay>>\
<<set $sexHistory.XP to $sexHistory.XP +1>>\
<<set $threesomeEvent.Agree to 1>>\
<<if $threesomeEvent.FutaA < 6>>\
<<set $threesomeEvent.FutaA to $threesomeEvent.FutaA +1>>\
<<set $npcApril.DickSize to 3 + $threesomeEvent.FutaA>>\
<<set $npcApril.BallsSize to 2 + $threesomeEvent.FutaA>>\
<<set _DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$npcApril.DickSize]>>\
<<set _DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$npcApril.DickSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$npcApril.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$npcApril.BallsSize]>>\
<<if $threesomeEvent.FutaA is 1>>\
  You watch closely as April slowly strips out of her skimpy dress letting her ample breasts bounce free. She ends up sitting at the back of the bed with her pussy on display while looking very excited. Grabbing the Dr. Pecker she murmurs "Here goes nothing..." as she eagerly downs the drink rather quickly.
  Before long you see a red bump appear slightly above her pussy. It quickly bulges out forming a mini-penis that slowly grows to a somewhat bigger size. Two other bulges form next to the cock which slowly turns into a pair of balls. April looks down with an ecstatic look as the growth stops with her now having a _DickSD _DickSize cock with a decent pair of balls!
  "Oh wow! That's amazing! How does it feel?" May asks in astonishment as she stares at April's newly formed girl-cock standing erect. Reaching down April grabs her new _DickSD cock and gives it a gentle squeeze. Some pre-cum flows from the tip as she squeezes near the tip causing her to moan in pleasure.
  April moans as she slowly starts to stroke her hard <<Penis>>. "It feels so wonderful! I can feel it pulse in synch with my heartbeat!" She continues to stroke her cock while staring at it in fascination.
  "Your dick looks nice, April. So how about you get ready to take that new dick of yours for a spin?" you ask as you strip out of your clothes. It takes May a moment to respond as she is also stripping out of her tight dress while April stops stroking her girl-dick. Your admire how both of the girls _ISD tits are equal in every way that matters while waiting for April to speak.
  "I've always wanted to try tit-fucking. It always looked so fun in those videos we watched, May." she whispers while standing up from the bed, her _DickSD girl-cock hard. "How about $PC.FirstName fucks May's tight pussy while I try fucking May's _ISD yummy tits from the other side with my _DickSD girl-cock?" she continues softly while idly stroking her girl-dick.
  You watch in anticipation as April quickly strips out of her skimpy dress letting her ample breasts bounce free. She eagerly grabs the Dr. Pecker before leaning back onto the bed with her legs partially spread wide. "Time to grow my girl-cock!" she says before downing the drink rather quickly.
  Before long you see the usual red bump appear slightly above her pussy. It quickly bulges out forming a mini-penis that slowly grows to a bigger size. Two other bulges form next to the cock which slowly turns into a pair of balls. April stares at her futa dick as it grows larger before stopping at her now having a _DickSD _DickSize cock with a _BallsSD pair of _BallsSize sized balls!
  "That's so cool! I still can't believe that a girl can just grow a cock like that. What a sec, is that dick bigger than last time?" May asks in astonishment as she stares at April's bigger and better girl-cock proudly standing erect. Reaching down April grabs her _DickSD cock and gives it a gentle squeeze. Some pre-cum flows from the tip as she squeezes near the tip causing her to moan in pleasure.
  April continues to moan as she steadily strokes her hard <<Penis>>. "Yeah I think so! It feels so much thicker and longer than before! Even my balls are bigger, filled with so much more cum! I just want to fuck so much with this monster cock!" She moans as she continues to stroke her cock while staring at it in fascination.
  "I'm up for that if May is as well." you say as you step up between May's long shapely legs and position your <<Penis>> at the entrance of her dripping wet pussy. You decided to wait for April to get in position before you start pounding that sweet pussy.
  May responds enthusiasticly with "Sure, it would be interesting to give my best friend a you a titty fuck!" as April steps around the bed, her _ISD jugs and _DickSD futa-cock bouncing with each step. In response May lies down with her own _ISD <<Breasts>> presenting proudly, ready to be pounded by April's cock while she spreads her shapely legs giving you a nice view of her pussy.
  Sliding your shaft along May's wet slit, you listen as May moans softly before pressing your tip against her pussy lips. You have to give out your own groan of pleasure as you slowly slide your $DickSD cock balls deep into her extremely tight pussy!
  April smiles as she watches May moan from being penetrated by your $DickSize dick. Grabbing her own cock she steps up and thrusts her fully erect dick at May. Focusing on April's futa-dick, May cups her _ISD breasts before wrapping those jugs around April's hard shaft causing April to moan softly.
  April moans "I never knew a cock could feel like this! Your tits are so warm, May!" as she starts to slide her futa-cock between May's ample tits as you look on. You had paused your fucking to watch April get her groove on and now you slowly start thrusting your $DickSD cock deep inside May's wet pussy.
  The duel sensation of being fucked nice and slow while also having her _ISD jugs fucked by her best friend's futa-cock caused May to let out a series of lusty moans. "Fuck! It feels so fucking good! I'm loving both of your awesome cocks!" she groans while being slightly muffled by April's _BallsSD balls slapping her face.
  Reaching down you grab Amy's large hips and start pounding her cunt even harder! On the other side you watch as April imitates you by thrusting her futa-cock even harder betwen May's jiggling tits! Not content with just watching her cock slide between those _ISD jugs, April reaches down and takes over the titty-fucking process by grabbing those tasty tits and slamming her cock even harder between those jiggly titties while making sure to give them a nice fondling while doing so.
  "Your titties feel so good wrapped around my dick! Fuck! I can't hold out much longer!" Aprils gasps as she relentlessly pounds the jugs of her best friend. You're not as close to cumming as she looks to be but you decide to pick up the pace to match April's frenzied thrusts in order to cum close to the same time as her. May can only moan even louder as the fucking pace on both sides has reached a frantic speed.
  "Keep going $PC.FirstName! Keep fucking my tight pussy! And April? Keep pounding my tits hard with your dick as well! Oh fuck yes!" May groans as she grasps for your legs with her free hands but fails to reach you. She sounds like she is also getting close so you obey her wishes and keep thrusting your $DickSize dick hard into her tight pussy as your $BallsSD cum-filled balls throbs, eager to release their seed!
  April is the first to reach that sweet finish line as she screams out "OH FUCK! I'M CUMMING! I'm blasting your fucking tits with my hot load from my cock!" Her orgasm hits her like a truck as as her cum-filled balls expel her gooey treasure allowing her futa-cock to launch massive ribbons of hot cum all over May's _ISD tits and stomach!
  Feeling all that hot baby-batter splatter all over her chest and stomach looks to have pushed May over the edge as you can feel her cunt squeeze your dick tight as she lets out her own scream of pleasure. "Oh shiiiit! I'm cumming all over $PC.FirstName's dick while getting my titties soaked by my best friend's cum! I'm cumming so fucking hard!" You feel a splashing of girl-cum soak your dick before dripping down to the bed.
  With the last one remaining you give her quivering cunt a few more hard thrusts before you feel your $BallsSize balls pulse one last time before the gates open! "Fuck yes! I'm creampieing your fucking pussy! Fuckkkk!" you scream as you shoot a $CumAD wad of gooey seed straight into her eager cunt!
  "Oh fuck, that felt so fucking good." whispers April as she slowly recovers from her orgasm while stroking May's hair. "We have to do this again sometime, $PC.FirstName."
  You talk a bit more but eventually have to leave since it's already getting late. You give April and May a promise to do this again sometime. Even after all that sex your dick is still eager and you have a hard time concentrating as you walk towards the street.
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered +1>>\
<<button [[Finish|$location.temp]]>>
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<include "Lust Passes">>\
<<set $NoEncounter to random(1) +2>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<set $threesomeEvent.DickSize to $PC.DickSize>>\
<</button>><<set $genericEvent.Image = $eventPath6 + $arrayEvent6Blowjob.random() + '.jpg'>>\
<img @src=$genericEvent.Image />
<<set $sexHistory.XP to $sexHistory.XP +1>>\
<<set $LastPartner to $npcSteve>>\
<<set $TotalFood to $TotalFood +12>>\
<<set $pizzaEvent.Pay to $pizzaEvent.Pay+1>>\
<<set $npcSteve.SexXP to $npcSteve.SexXP +1>>\
<<set $sexHistory.XP to $sexHistory.XP +1>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.Vaccine < 1>>\
<<if (random(19) + 1) + $PC.Fortitude + $InfectionResist.Fort - $StatusAffect.Wet < 20>>\
<<if $Infestation.Progress < 1>>\
<<set $Infestation.Progress to 1>>\
<<set _Infest to random(10) - $InfectionResist.DR +5>>\
<<if _Infest < 0>>\
<<set _Infest to 0>>\
<<set $PC.Infestation to $PC.Infestation + _Infest>>\
<<if $PC.Infestation > $Infestation.Cap>>\
<<set $PC.Infestation to $Infestation.Cap>>\
<<if (random(19) + 1) + $Skill.Social + $CharismaBonus > 13>>\
<<set $npcSteve.Friendship to $npcSteve.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity +2 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set $npcSteve.Friendship to $npcSteve.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity +1 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
  Deciding to go along with the pizza delivery man you ask "Oh I didn't order any pizza and I don't have any money to pay for it. Is there any other way I could pay for it?" while trying to keep a straight face. The fact you are feeling a bit horny and with how hot Steve looks helps you to make that decision.
  Steve unzips his pants and lets his huge 12-inch thick dong flop free along with his massive balls. "How about you start by sucking my foot long sausage?" he says as his huge dick slowly hardens as he gives you a dirty grin. The musk of his pre-cum fills the air as your eyes lock onto his hard <<Penis>>.
  The raging watton need radiating from your pussy makes the decision to give him a blowjob an easy one especially with how extra hot and steamy Steve is looking. You feel your pussy wetten as you give his hard <<Penis>> a long measuring look. Kneeling down you grab his thick cock while removing your clothes. It's so hard and heavy that you can't resist stroking it. More pre-cum leaks from the tip as your face gets closer to it. The smell of his pre-cum is so intoxicating you can't resist.
  "Your 12-inch tool looks so yummy that I have to taste it!" you moan as you give his cock a few licks before you finally take his delicious cock into your mouth. It's so big that it takes a couple of attempts to get it partly in. The taste of his pre-cum is so good that you can't stop yourself from sucking as much of his foot long cock as your mouth can handle. Streams of his special sauce is flowing down your throat and you want more!
  "Oh yeah suck my fat sausage, just like that!" he groans as he pulls part of his long <<Penis>> out before shoving it it even deeper into your mouth. It's so delicious that your tongue is wrapping around his cock as he starts to face fuck you. You continue sucking and licking his hard dick as you eagerly anticipate getting your sweet reward.
  "Damn that feels good! You're a god-damn fine cock sucker!" he moans as he controls the pace of the sloppy blowjob with one hand on your head while the other has reached down to grab one of your $BreastsSize breasts. The feeling of having your tits groped sends a wave of pleasure straight to your dripping pussy.
  Your hand has slipped down to your slit as your orgasm draws near. You slip your fingers in and start fingering your tight pussy.
  "Oh fuck your mouth feels so good! I'm about to cum! OH shit!" he groans as his 12-inch cock pulses one last time. He grabs the back of your head and forces his huge sausage down your throat before unleashing a massive load of salty cum! You try to swallow all of it but the firehose guyser overflows your eager mouth and drips down your face and onto your tits.
  Not content with shooting his huge load down your throat, he pulls his cock out and fire several more cum shots onto your $BreastSD tits adding to what spilled out. The feeling of him shooting is load down your throat along with blasting your $BreastSD breasts with his hot sauce pushes you over the edge as you unleash a $GCumAD flood of girl-cum all over the floor.
  "Thanks for choosing BigPizza4U! Please give us a call the next time you need a hot and saucy sausage and meatball pizza!" Steve says as he recovers from his messy orgasm. Leaving the pizza next to the door he heads back to the suburbs after giving you a cheeky wave.
  "At least I got a free pizza out of this" you mutter to yourself as you gather your clothes and get to you feet. "Too bad he didn't actually leave a phone number so I could order a pizza in the future..."
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered +1>>\
<<button [[Finish|$location.temp]]>>
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<include "Lust Passes">>\
<<set $NoEncounter to random(1) +2>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</button>><<set $genericEvent.Image = $eventPath6 + $arrayEvent6Blowjob.random() + '.jpg'>>\
<img @src=$genericEvent.Image />
<<set $sexHistory.XP to $sexHistory.XP +1>>\
<<set $LastPartner to $npcSteve>>\
<<set $TotalFood to $TotalFood +12>>
<<set $pizzaEvent.Pay to $pizzaEvent.Pay+1>>\
<<set $npcSteve.SexXP to $npcSteve.SexXP +1>>\
<<set $sexHistory.XP to $sexHistory.XP +1>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.Vaccine < 1>>\
<<if (random(19) + 1) + $PC.Fortitude + $InfectionResist.Fort - $StatusAffect.Wet < 20>>\
<<if $Infestation.Progress < 1>>\
<<set $Infestation.Progress to 1>>\
<<set _Infest to random(10) - $InfectionResist.DR +5>>\
<<if _Infest < 0>>\
<<set _Infest to 0>>\
<<set $PC.Infestation to $PC.Infestation + _Infest>>\
<<if $PC.Infestation > $Infestation.Cap>>\
<<set $PC.Infestation to $Infestation.Cap>>\
<<if (random(19) + 1) + $Skill.Social + $CharismaBonus > 13>>\
<<set $npcSteve.Friendship to $npcSteve.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity +2 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set $npcSteve.Friendship to $npcSteve.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity +1 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
  Deciding to go along with the pizza delivery man you ask "Oh I didn't order any pizza. Is there any other way I could pay for it?" while trying to keep a straight face. The fact you are feeling a bit horny and with how hot Steve looks helps you to make that decision.
  Steve unzips his pants and lets his huge 12-inch thick dong flop free along with his massive balls. "How about you start by sucking my foot long sausage?" he says as his huge dick slowly hardens as he gives you a dirty grin. The musk of his pre-cum fills the air as your eyes lock onto his hard <<Penis>>.
  The raging watton need radiating from your pussy makes the decision to give him a blowjob an easy one especially with how extra hot and steamy Steve is looking. You feel your pussy wetten as you give his hard <<Penis>> a long measuring look. Kneeling down you grab his thick cock while removing your clothes. It's so hard and heavy that you can't resist stroking it. More pre-cum leaks from the tip as your face gets closer to it. The smell of his pre-cum is so intoxicating you can't resist.
  "Your 12-inch tool looks so yummy that I have to taste it!" you moan as you give his cock a few licks before you finally take his delicious cock into your mouth. It's so big that it takes a couple of attempts to get it partly in. The taste of his pre-cum is so good that you can't stop yourself from sucking as much of his foot long cock as your mouth can handle. Streams of his special sauce is flowing down your throat and you want more!
  "Oh yeah suck my fat sausage, just like that!" he groans as he pulls part of his long <<Penis>> out before shoving it it even deeper into your mouth. It's so delicious that your tongue is wrapping around his cock as he starts to slowly face fuck you. You continue sucking and licking his hard dick as you eagerly anticipate getting your sweet reward.
  "Damn that feels good! You're a god-damn fine cock sucker!" he moans as he controls the pace of the sloppy blowjob with one hand on your head while the other has reached down to grab one of your $BreastsSize breasts. The feeling of having your tits groped sends a wave of pleasure straight to your dripping pussy. "Keep sucking my sausage you fucking horny slut!" he moans as his thrusts speeds up while his cock weeps pre-cum like a faucet. You can't get enough of his cock as you suck it down hard with one hand while another is stroking your own hard cock.
  His pace rapidly increases as you feel his meat rod pulse, ready to unleash his hot and spicy cream. "Oh fuck your mouth feels so good! I'm about to cum! OH shit!" he groans as his 12-inch cock pulses one last time. He grabs the back of your head and forces his huge sausage down your throat before unleashing a massive load of salty cum! You try to swallow all of it but the firehose guyser overflows your eager mouth and drips down your face and onto your tits.
  Not content with shooting his huge load down your throat, he pulls his cock out and fire several more cum shots onto your $BreastSD tits adding to what spilled out. The feeling of him shooting is load down your throat along with blasts your $BreastSD breasts with his hot sauce pushes you over the edge as you blast a $CumAD wad of cum from your hard cock! It lands all over your breasts adding to his already massive splashing of gooey sauce. Your pussy also unleashes a $GCumAD flood of girl-cum all over the floor below.
  "Thanks for choosing BigPizza4U! Please give us a call the next time you need a hot and saucy sausage and meatball pizza!" Steve says as he recovers from his messy orgasm. Leaving the pizza next to the door he heads back to the suburbs after giving you a cheeky wave.
  "At least I got a free pizza out of this" you mutter to yourself as you gather your clothes and get to you feet. "Too bad he didn't actually leave a phone number so I could order a pizza in the future..."
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered +1>>\
<<button [[Finish|$location.temp]]>>
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<include "Lust Passes">>\
<<set $NoEncounter to random(1) +2>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</button>><<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
Something interesting has occured!
<<button [[Continue|Home Event Check]]>>
<</button>><<set _holiday to (random (3)+1)>>\
<<set _Xholiday1 to 0>>\
<<set _XXholiday1 to 0>>\
<<set _Xholiday2 to 0>>\
<<set _XXholiday2 to 0>>\
<<set _Eholiday1 to 0>>\
<<set _Eholiday2 to 0>>\
<<if ndef $GeneralFeats.SeasonGreetings>>\
<<set $GeneralFeats.SeasonGreetings to 0>>\
<<if $xmaspresentEvent.Weekly is 0>>\
<<set _Xholiday1 to 1>>\
<<if $eastervisitEvent.Weekly is 0>>\
<<set _Eholiday1 to 1>>\
<<if $Holiday.Christmas is 1 or _holiday is 1 or $HolidayCheat.Christmas is 1 or $GeneralFeats.SeasonGreetings > 1>>\
<<set _Xholiday2 to 1>>\
<<if $Holiday.Easter is 1 or _holiday is 1 or $HolidayCheat.Easter is 1 or $GeneralFeats.SeasonGreetings > 1>>\
<<set _Eholiday2 to 1>>\
<<set $HomeEvent to random(4)>>\
<<if $Holiday.Christmas is 1 and $HomeEvent isnot 1>>\
<<set $HomeEvent to random(4)>>\
<<elseif $Holiday.Easter is 1 and $HomeEvent isnot 2>>\
<<set $HomeEvent to random(4)>>\
<<if $Holiday.Christmas is 1 and $xmaspresentEvent.Visits is 0>>\
<<set $HomeEvent to 1>>\
<<elseif $Holiday.Christmas is 1 and $xmasreturnsEvent.Visits is 0>>\
<<set $HomeEvent to 1>>\
<<elseif $Holiday.Easter is 1 and $eastervisitEvent.Visits is 0>>\
<<set $HomeEvent to 2>>\
<<set $NoHomeEncounter to $NoHomeEncounter +1>>\
<<switch $HomeEvent>>\
<<case 0>>\
<<include "Pizza Delivery">>\
<<case 1>>\
<<if _Xholiday1 is 1 and _Xholiday2 is 1>>\
<<set _Flip to (random(20) +1)>>\
<<if _Flip < 10 and $xmaspresentEvent.Visits > 0>>\
<<include "X-Mas Returns>>\
<<include "X-Mas Present">>\
<<set $location.Encounter to "Home">>\
<<include "Home Invader">>\
<<case 2>>\
<<if _Eholiday1 is 1 and _Eholiday2 is 1 and $npcCatherine.Pregnant < 2>>\
<<include "Easter Visit">>\
<<set $location.Encounter to "Home">>\
<<include "Home Invader">>\
<<set $location.Encounter to "Home">>\
<<include "Home Invader">>\
<</switch>>\<<include "SpecialAttacks">>\
<<include "Infested Enemies">>\
<<include "Raider Enemies">>\
<<if $NoFutaEncounter is 1 and $NoMenEncounter is 1>>\
<<include "Only Women Encounter Table">>\
<<elseif $NoFutaEncounter is 1>>\
<<include "NoFuta Encounter Table">>\
<<elseif $NoMenEncounter is 1>>\
<<include "NoMen Encounter Table">>\
<<include "Encounter Table">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set $location.FleeFlag to 2>>\
<<set $location.Flee to "Front Door">>\
<<include "Combat Status Affects">>\
<<set _randBreasts to random (2)>>\
<<set _randDick to random (2)>>\
<<set $encounterGeneric to $encounterHome>>\
<<set $genericFighter to $encounterGeneric.random()>>\
<<set _Path to $genericFighter.Path>>\
<<set $genericFighter.Image = _Path + $genericFighter.Image.random() + '.jpg'>>\
<<set $genericWeapon to $genericFighter.Weapon>>\
<<set $lootTemp to $genericFighter.Loot>>\
<<set $rarelootTemp to $genericFighter.RareLoot>>\
<<switch $genericFighter.Sex>>\
<<case "Futa">>\
<<set $genericComments to "Infested Futa Combat Comments">>\
<<set $genericFighter.BreastsSize to $genericFighter.BreastsSize - _randBreasts>>\
<<set $genericFighter.DickSize to $genericFighter.DickSize - _randDick>>\
<<case "Female">>\
<<set $genericComments to "Infested Female Combat Comments">>\
<<set $genericFighter.BreastsSize to $genericFighter.BreastsSize - _randBreasts>>\
<<case "Male">>\
<<set $genericComments to "Infested Male Combat Comments">>\
<<set $genericFighter.DickSize to $genericFighter.DickSize - _randDick>>\
<img @src=$genericFighter.Image width="550px" height="800px" />
<<set $genericFighter.HP to 8>>\
<<set $NoHomeEncounter to 1>>\
<<if $ProgrammerPath.Security > 0>>\
While you are walking around the house you hear the sound of your alarm system going off. Pulling up the security app on your smart phone you discover a $genericFighter.Name wandering outside of your home right in front of your cameras! The sounds of the alarm looks to have spooked them as they slowly shamble away from your home, off to try and find easier prey.
<<button [[Continue|$location.temp]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
While you are walking around the house you hear the sound of glass breaking! Looking around in panic you find a $genericFighter.Name armed with their $genericWeapon.name has crashed in thru a glass window into your house and is heading your way! They look to be freshly injured so they might be easier to take care of than usual. Since you are defending your home the only thing you can do is fight!
<<button [[Fight!|Suburb Combat]]>> <</button>>
<</if>>\<img src="Images/Home/Shower.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumFilled to 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Wet to 0>>\
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<if $lust >= ($MaxLust / 2)>>\
<<set $lust to $lust -10>>\
  You take a quick shower.
<<button [[Finish|Bathroom]]>> <</button>><<set $sexHistory.XP to $sexHistory.XP +1>>\
<<set $LastPartner to $genericFighter>>\
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$genericFighter.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$genericFighter.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$genericFighter.DickSize]>>\
<<set _DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$genericFighter.DickSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$genericFighter.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$genericFighter.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _SizeComp to $PC.DickSize - $genericFighter.Level + ($GeneralFeats.FalseRep *2)>>\
<<if _SizeComp < 0>>\
<<set _SizeComp to 0>>\
  $genericFighter.Name2 is on her back glaring at you while groping her huge tits. You stare at those _ISD funbags as you walk towards her, your hard cock straining against your pants. With her _ISD breasts, _DickSize dick and those cock-sucking lips there was no way you could walk away.
  "I'm going to fuck your _ISD tits until I blow my load all over your fucking face. By the time I'm done you're going to be dripping wet with my hot cum." you say as you strip out of you clothes. She gives your hard <<Penis>> a good look with a lustful grin while tweaking her nipples and moaning.
<<switch _SizeComp>>\
<<case 0 1 2>>\
  Slowly you mount her hefty chest with her _ICup tits looking like mountains giving you a perfect valley to slide your $DickSize cock into. "Wait a second! Do you really have a cock or are you just pretending to be a Futa? Cause I'm not seeing anything at... Oh wait! I think I see it now! That tiny thing won't even make it half way into my tits..." she says as she stares at your dick. Deciding to ignore her taunts you get your $DickSD meat stick ready to plow hard into her breast mountain range. "I'm just saying that if you can get it in you'll be getting the greatest titty fucking of your life." she says with a some minor dissatisfaction as she easily wraps her breasts around your $DickSD dick.
<<case 3 4 5 6>>\
  Slowly you mount her hefty chest with her _ICup tits looking like mountains giving you a perfect valley to slide your $DickSize cock into. "That's not a bad looking girl-cock you have there. Maybe it could be a bit bigger but that's just the size-queen in me coming out. I bet it's very eager to get between my lovely _ISD breast and to blow it's full load all over them..." she huskily says as you settle into position, your $DickSize meat rod ready to get to dig hard into her breast mountain range. "You about ready to have the greatest tit-fucking of your life?" she asks as she wraps her breasts around your $DickSD dick along with some spit used for lube.
<<case 7 8 9 10 11 12>>\
  Slowly you mount her hefty chest with her _ICup tits looking like mountains giving you a perfect valley to slide your $DickSize cock into. "That's a rather nice and juicy sized <<Penis>> you're packing! I bet it's big enough to really dive deep into my _ISD tits and I bet you can't wait to shove your hard cock between them so hard..." she moans as you settle into position, your $DickSize meat rod ready to get to ram hard into her tit mountain range. "You about ready to have the greatest titty fucking of your life?" she asks as she wraps her breasts around your $DickSD dick along with plenty of lube.
<<case 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24>>\
  Slowly you mount her hefty chest with her _ICup tits looking like mountains giving you a perfect valley to slide your $DickSize cock into. "Oh ho! Do you like my tits? I bet you want to shove your hard cock between them so hard..." she moans as you settle into position, your $DickSize meat rod ready to get to digging hard into her tit mountain range. "You about ready to join me in having the greatest titty fucking of our lives?" she asks as she wraps her breasts around your $DickSD dick along with plenty of lube.
  Slowly you mount her hefty chest with her _ICup tits looking like mountains giving you a perfect valley to slide your $DickSize cock into. "How do you have a 3ft long dick and how do you expect to be able to fuck my tits with such a monster?!?! I mean sure, I like big dicks but that monster is a bit much. Although I bet with enough lube it would feel soooo good buried in my tits." she moans as you settle into position, your $DickSize meat rod ready to get to delve hard into her tit mountain range. "You about ready to have the greatest titty fucking of your life?" she asks as she tries to wrap her breasts around your $DickSD dick along with a tub full of lube.
  It feels so warm and slippery that for a moment you are stunned from the immense pleasure. Unwilling to pause for long you start thrusting into that divine valley, your $BallsSize balls slapping into her chest. Her slippery breasts makes it hard to keep your cock firmly in her tits so you end up reaching down to grab her _ICup tits as your hard thrusting continues.
  "Oh fuck yes! Your _ISD tits feel so good!" you moan as you get a rhythm going. The way they jiggle with each thrust of your hard <<Penis>> is almost hypnotic as you have a hard time pulling your eyes away. Grabbing her nipples you give them a playful tweak causing her to gasp is pleasure.
<<if $PC.BreastsSize + ($GeneralFeats.FalseRep *2) < $genericFighter.BreastsSize>>\
  "Oh fuck my tits feel so good from you fucking them! I bet you wish you had, oh fucking yessss, tits as big as mine! Keep going you god-damn fucker!" she screams as your steady tit-fucking continues with your $BreastSD breasts swinging with each thrust of your $DickSD <<Penis>>. Reaching up she grabs your hands forcing you to grope her _ISD _ICup even harder. Her forgotten cock is poking you in the back while dripping pre-cum as her moaning and panting fills the air.
<<elseif ($PC.BreastsSize + ($GeneralFeats.FalseRep *2)) is $genericFighter.BreastsSize>>\
  "Oh God my tits feel so good from you fucking them! Oh what the fuck? Do we have the same, oh fuck yes just like that, size tits? Oh shit this feels go fucking great, keep going you god-damn fucker!" she screams as your steady tit-fucking continues with your $BreastSD breasts swinging with each thrust of your $DickSD <<Penis>>. Reaching up she grabs your hands forcing you to grope her _ISD _ICup even harder. Her forgotten cock is poking you in the back while dripping pre-cum as her moaning and panting fills the air.
<<elseif $PC.BreastsSize + ($GeneralFeats.FalseRep *2) > $genericFighter.BreastsSize>>\
  "Oh shit my tits feel so fucking good from you fucking them! How do you have, oh God fuck yeah slide it right in, tits bigger than mine! Keep going you god-damn fucker!" she screams as your steady tit-fucking continues with your $BreastSD breasts swinging with each thrust of your $DickSD <<Penis>>. Reaching up she grabs your hands forcing you to grope her _ISD _ICup even harder. Her forgotten cock is poking you in the back while dripping pre-cum as her moaning and panting fills the air.
<<if $Infestation.FutaVariant >= $Infestation.FutaCap and $Infestation.Progress > 1 and $StatusAffect.Futa > 0>>\
<<include "Futa TF">>\
  As you continue tit-fucking the hot Futa you feel a pleasant warm sensation radiating from your groin. As it spreads throughout your body you feel a fundamental change in your gender identity as it reaches your head. You now know that you are a full-time Futa. Shaking off the distraction you have more important things to do like continuing to slam your $DickSD cock into the Futa's _BreastSize tits.
  "Oh fuck your tits feels so fucking good! Oh shit! I CAN'T HOLD BACK! I'M GOING TO CUM!" you yell as you begin to uncontrollably thrust into the valley of her slippery breasts in preparation for your imminent orgasm. She just moans even louder as her _ISD tits are hammered hard by your hard cock in loud slaps that echoes throughout the area. The pleasure becomes too much as you step past the point of no return as you unleash a $CumAD load of white cum directly onto her beautiful face! As splurt after splurt of cum shoots outs you pull back letting even more cum splatter all over her _ISD breasts, painting them a gooey white.
  "OH GOD! OH FUCK! I'M CUMMING AS WELL! I'M CUMMING FROM MY CUNT AND COCK!" she screams as her hard cock tenses up. A huge blast of cum erupts from her _DickSize <<Penis>> and splatters all over your back and some of her cum is even launched over your head landing on your $BreastSD breasts!
<<elseif $PC.Infestation >= $Infestation.Cap & $Infestation.Progress > 1>>\
<<include "Infestation Increase">>\
  As you slam your <<Penis>> into her wet and slippery breast valley you feel a surge of energy flowing directly into you! It almost feels like you are burning up but it quickly turns to pleasure that radiates from your hard cock and bouncing breasts.
  "OH GOD! I can feel your futa-cock getting bigger and bigger between my tits! OH FUCK YES! I'M CUMMING FROM MY CUNT AND COCK!" she screams as her hard cock tenses up. A huge blast of cum erupts from her _DickSize <<Penis>> and splatters all over your back and some of her cum is even launched over your head landing on your growing breasts! It feels like your cock is growing harder and thicker with each thrust into her _ISD tits. Even your balls feel like they are about to explode.
  "Oh fuck your tits feels so fucking good! Oh shit! I CAN'T HOLD BACK! I'M GOING TO CUM!" you yell as you begin to uncontrollably thrust into the valley of her slippery breasts in preparation for your imminent orgasm. She just moans even louder as her _ISD tits are hammered hard by your hard cock in loud slaps that echoes throughout the area. The pleasure becomes too much as you step past the point of no return as you unleash a $CumAD load of white cum directly onto her beautiful face! As splurt after splurt of cum shoots out, you pull back letting even more of your hot cum splatter all over her _ISD breasts, painting them a gooey white.
  As you pull out of her cum covered tits you notice you now have a $DickSD $DickSize cock along with a pair of $BallsSD $BallsSize balls! It also looks like your breasts have stopped growing so you now have a pair of $BreastSD $BreastsSize breasts. Before you can react the Infested strokes your expanded <<Penis>> and with a smile says "Looks like you are on the way to becoming one hot Futa!"
  "Oh fuck your tits feels so fucking good! Oh shit! I CAN'T HOLD BACK! I'M GOING TO CUM!" you yell as you begin to uncontrollably thrust into the valley of her slippery breasts in preparation for your imminent orgasm. She just moans even louder as her _ISD tits are hammered hard by your hard cock in loud slaps that echoes throughout the area. The pleasure becomes too much as you step past the point of no return as you unleash a $CumAD load of white cum directly onto her beautiful face! As splurt after splurt of cum shoots outs you pull back letting even more cum splatter all over her _ISD breasts, painting them a gooey white while your drenching wet pussy unleashes a $GCumAD spray of girl-cum down onto her stomach below!
  "OH GOD! OH FUCK! I'M CUMMING AS WELL! I'M CUMMING FROM MY CUNT AND COCK!" she screams as her hard cock tenses up. A huge blast of cum erupts from her _DickSize <<Penis>> and splatters all over your back and some of her cum is even launched over your head landing on your $BreastSD breasts!
  "Oh that was so good!" she says when you finally stand up, cum dripping from your sensitive <<Penis>>. Taking one last moment to scoop some white goo from her face along some from her breasts into her mouth, she replies "I'll hope to see you again soon, stud" With that you grab your clothes and leave the area.
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered+1>>\<<set $genericEvent.Image = $eventPath1 + $arrayEvent1Naked.random() + '.jpg'>>\
<img @src=$genericEvent.Image />
<<include "Adlibs">>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Energized to $StatusAffect.Energized+1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Horny to $StatusAffect.Horny+1>>\
<<if $Cum.Max < 16>>\
<<set $Cum.Max to $Cum.Max + 1>>\
<<set $Cum.Min to $Cum.Min + 1>>\
<<set $Cum.Stored to $Cum.Max>>\
<<set $CumAD to $arrayCumAmountDesc[$Cum.Stored]>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.Vaccine < 1>>\
<<if (random(19)+ 1) + $PC.Fortitude + $InfectionResist.Fort < 15>>\
<<if $Infestation.Progress < 1>>\
<<set $Infestation.Progress to 1>>\
<<set _Infest to random(5) - $InfectionResist.DR +1>>\
<<if _Infest < 0>>\
<<set _Infest to 0>>\
<<set $PC.Infestation to $PC.Infestation + _Infest>>\
<<if $PC.Infestation > $Infestation.Cap>>\
<<set $PC.Infestation to $Infestation.Cap>>\
<<set $threesomeEvent.Agree to 1>>\
<<set $threesomeEvent.Energy to $threesomeEvent.Energy +1>>\
<<set $npcMay.Friendship to $npcMay.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity +1 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set $npcApril.Friendship to $npcApril.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity +1 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set $npcMay.SexXP to $npcMay.SexXP +1>>\
<<set $npcApril.SexXP to $npcApril.SexXP +1>>\
<<set $LastPartner to $npcMay>>\
<<set $sexHistory.XP to $sexHistory.XP +1>>\
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$npcApril.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$npcApril.BreastsSize]>>
  You quickly down the Energy Thirst knowing like April said you will be needing plently of energy before the night is over. By the time you have finished off the energy drink April has dropped her towel and is in the act of deeply kissing May. Before long May has stripped April of all her clothes leaving them both completely naked.
  Not wanting to be left behind you quickly disrobe and stride over to where the May and April are in the process of groping each other's _ISD tits. Watching them make out makes your already hard <<Penis>> even harder.
<<if $PC.DickSize > $threesomeEvent.DickSize and $threesomeEvent.Visits > 2>>\
  "Oh Wow!" exclaims May as she takes in your hard $DickSize <<Penis>>. Reaching over she grabs your hard cock and gives it a few strokes. She asks with a husky voice "Is it just me or are you packing alot more meat than last time?"
  "It's definitely bigger than before. But that just means we will have even more fun!" whispers April as she takes in your $DickSD <<Penis>> while licking her lips. Her hand reaches down below to finger her wet pussy showing how excited she is in the new development.
  "Oh My!" exclaims May as she takes in your hard <<Penis>>. "How about we show $PC.FirstName our appreciation for joining us tonight?" she says as she and April drop to their knees. She quickly places your $DickSD <<Penis>> between her _ISD tits and April's equally _ISD breasts!
  "How about a double tit-fuck to get started?" April asks huskily as she slowly starts to squeeze your hard <<Penis>> with her soft breasts. May presses her _ISD breasts against April's breasts and joins in by stroking your <<Penis>>. Soon their spit and your pre-cum is lubicating that divine double valley spread about as their tits are squished together.
  "Oh fuck yes! Your tits feel so good and splippery!" You moan as the feeling of your hard <<Penis>> being sandwitched between two beautiful girl's amazing racks feels so good that you are having a hard time not cumming immediately. You begin thrusting hard into the mountain range of female flesh and their jiggling breasts bounce along.
  "Your <<Penis>> feels so hot and so ready to explode. Just let it all out." whispers April as your balls churn more than ever and your cock weeps pre-cum freely.
  "Just fucking shoot your hot load all over our tits, $PC.FirstName!" moans May as she rubs her slippery breasts faster against your <<Penis>>, coaxing you to cum. Her rock hard nipples are rubbing hard against April's fat nipples as your thrusting becomes frantic.
  "Oh God yes! I'm cumming all over your big fucking titties!" you scream as pleasure becomes too much to hold back. That pushes you over the edge of no return as you feel your $BallsSD balls tense up and then explode in pleasure. A $CumAD blast of cum shoots out and splashes over May's and April's _ISD tits and faces. <<if $Cum.Stored > 10>> The rain of white goo continues until both of them are dripping in cum.<</if>>
  "Oh fuck yeah $PC.FirstName!" gasps May as she swallows some of your cum from her breasts. "Now I really want to sit on that <<Penis>> and ride it until you fill me up with your hot load." Matching action to words May pushes you back onto the bed and quickly mounts you! Your $DickSD <<Penis>> is still hard as nails and you feel like you can fuck for days. With a lusty look May slowly lowers her wet cunt onto your eager $DickSize cock.
  "Holy fucking yes! I fucking love it!" she moans as your <<Penis>> slips into her tight pussy. "That feels so fucking good, $PC.FirstName!" she gasps as she adjusts to your size. Slowly she starts to move as her cum stained <<Breasts>> jiggle along to her bouncing motion. The pleasure from May riding your cock forces a moan from you as she starts to bounce faster.
  Not wanting to be left out April moves around until her dripping pussy is above your face. "How about you put your mouth to good use and eat my pussy." she whispers as her cunt fills your vision. Not needing any more prompting you dive into eating her wet pussy. It tastes delicious as her fluids flow over your face.
  As the steady sexual rhythm continues you hear May say "I love it when you play with my _ICup tits! Oh yeah lick that delicious cum off my tits! Oh fuck it feels so good getting fucked by a nice hard cock while having my large titties being sucked!" Unable to see what is going on you can only fantasize how it must look with May bouncing hard on your <<Penis>> with her jiggling breasts being fondled and sucked by April as she rides your face. You feel your <<Penis>> somehow get even harder as the pleasure from May's tight pussy sliding up and down on your eager cock pushes you closer to cumming.
  Before long you hear May shout "Oh fuck I'm cumming!" as her wet cunt tightens and quivers around your <<Penis>>. At the same time your tonguing action has paid off as April's pussy unleashes a flood of girl cum onto your face.
  "Come on $PC.FirstName, cum with us! Fill my tight pussy with your hot cum!" May screams as she repeatedly slams her pussy hard onto your hard <<Penis>>. With that encouragement your $BallsSD overfilled balls give one last pulse before you unleash a $CumAD flood of cum creampieing May's tight cunt. <<if $Cum.Stored > 10>> So much cum is unleashed that it overflows May's pussy! She yells "I can feel your hot load filling me up so fucking much!"<</if>>
  "Ooh let me taste some of that hot cum." April softly says as she gets off your face while dripping girl cum. You quickly find May pushed back onto the bed with April between her legs. Your hard cock is still eager to go even after orgasming twice in a short time. Your balls feel like they are plently of juice left in them and April's dripping pussy and perfect ass is right in front of you.
  "Oh fuck! I can't stop! I'm so fucking horny!" you moan as you lurch forward grabbing April's ample ass. Lining up your <<Penis>> you slam into her hot pussy fulling hilting her and pushing her forwards onto May.
  "Oh shit!" groans April as you start hammering into her tight pussy with your <<Penis>>. Her over the shoulder look of surprise shifts to one of lust as you continue to drill into her dripping cunt. Not wanting to be left out May reaches up and pulls April's lips to her own kissing deeping as their _ISD tits are shoved together.
  "Seems like someone is really eager tonight." groans April as she pulls her face away from May's in order to look back at you once again. Her previous smoldering look has been replaced by one of pure pleasure as she moans and pants from the hard fucking you are giving her.
  May looks over towards you with a look of satisfaction as she takes in your animal like fucking. "Give her a nice nailing, $PC.FirstName! She really needs it after these last couple of days." she says before grabbing April's _ISD breasts and squeezing them.
  Unable to hold back at this point you slam your energy pumped <<Penis>> non-stop into that tight cunt. "FUCK YES! OH FUCKING YESSSSSS! I'M FUCKING CUMMING IN YOUR HOT PUSSY YOU FUCKING SLUT!" you yell as once again you reach the point of no return. Stars fill your vision as you almost blackout from the force of your intense orgasm as your throbbing cock shoots a $CumAD load deep into April's tight pussy.<<if $Cum.Stored > 9 and $Cum.Stored < 20>> You pull out of April's flooded pussy and aim your <<Penis>> at April's jiggly ass. Large blasts of gooey cum shoot from your <<Penis>> coating April's large ass with a glazing of white cum. <<elseif $Cum.Stored > 19>> You pull out of April's flooded pussy and aim your <<Penis>> at April's jiggly ass. Huge blasts of gooey cum shoot from your <<Penis>> coating April's large ass with a glazing of white cum. The force of your orgasm is so strong that large strands arc over April's back to hit May in her face!<</if>>
  After that all three of you collapse onto the bed in one big pile. "That was so good!" whispers April as she idly licks some of the cum from her pussy.
  "Yeah this was a great idea. We have to get together like this again in the future, $PC.FirstName." says May as she looks over at you while stroking your <<Penis>>.
  You talk a bit more but eventually have to leave since it's already getting late. You give April and May a promise to do this again sometime. Even after all that sex your dick is still eager and you have a hard time concentrating as you walk towards the street.
<<if $PC.BreastsSize > $npcMay.BreastsSize +4>>\
<<set $npcMay.BreastsSize to $npcMay.BreastsSize+2>>\
<<set $npcApril.BreastsSize to $npcApril.BreastsSize+2>>\
<<elseif $PC.BreastsSize > $npcMay.BreastsSize>>\
<<set $npcMay.BreastsSize to $npcMay.BreastsSize+1>>\
<<set $npcApril.BreastsSize to $npcApril.BreastsSize+1>>\
<<button [[Finish|$location.temp]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<include "Lust Passes">>\
<<set $NoEncounter to random(1) +2>>\
<<set $threesomeEvent.BreastsSize to $PC.BreastsSize>>\
<<set $threesomeEvent.DickSize to $PC.DickSize>>\
<<set $threesomeEvent.Sex to "Futa">>\
<</button>><<set $genericEvent.Image = $eventPath1 + $arrayEvent1Naked.random() + '.jpg'>>\
<img @src=$genericEvent.Image />
<<include "Adlibs">>\
<<if (random(19)+ 1) + $Skill.Social + $CharismaBonus > 13>>\
<<set $npcMay.Friendship to $npcMay.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity +2 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set $npcApril.Friendship to $npcApril.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity +2 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set $npcMay.Friendship to $npcMay.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity +1 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set $npcApril.Friendship to $npcApril.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity +1 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set $npcMay.SexXP to $npcMay.SexXP +1>>\
<<set $npcApril.SexXP to $npcApril.SexXP +1>>\
<<set $sexHistory.XP to $sexHistory.XP +1>>\
<<set $LastPartner to $npcMay>>\
<<set $threesomeEvent.Agree to 1>>\
<<if $threesomeEvent.FutaA < 5>>\
<<set $threesomeEvent.FutaA to $threesomeEvent.FutaA +1>>\
<<set $npcApril.DickSize to 3 + $threesomeEvent.FutaA>>\
<<set $npcApril.BallsSize to 2 + $threesomeEvent.FutaA>>\
<<set $threesomeEvent.FutaA to $threesomeEvent.FutaA +1>>\
<<set $npcApril.DickSize to 3 + $threesomeEvent.FutaA>>\
<<set $npcApril.BallsSize to 2 + $threesomeEvent.FutaA>>\
<<set $npcApril.Sex to "Futa">>\
<<set _DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$npcApril.DickSize]>>\
<<set _DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$npcApril.DickSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$npcApril.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$npcApril.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$npcApril.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$npcApril.BreastsSize]>>
<<if $threesomeEvent.FutaA is 1>>\
  You watch closely as April slowly strips out of her skimpy dress letting her ample breasts bounce free. She ends up sitting at the back of the bed with her pussy on display while looking very excited. Grabbing the Dr. Pecker she murmurs "Here goes nothing..." as she eagerly downs the drink rather quickly.
  Before long you see a red bump appear slightly above her pussy. It quickly bulges out forming a mini-penis that slowly grows to a bigger size. Two other bulges form next to the cock which slowly turns into a pair of balls. April looks down with an ecstatic look as the growth stops with her now having a _DickSD _DickSize cock with a _BallsSD pair of _BallsSize sized balls!
  "Oh wow! That's amazing! How does it feel?" May asks in astonishment as she stares at April's newly formed girl-cock standing erect. Reaching down April grabs her new cock and gives it a gentle squeeze. Some pre-cum flows from the tip as she squeezes near the tip causing her to moan in pleasure.
  April moans as she slowly starts to stroke her hard <<Penis>>. "It feels so wonderful! I can feel it pulse in synch with my heartbeat!" She continues to stroke her cock while staring at it in fascination.
  You watch in anticipation as April quickly strips out of her skimpy dress letting her ample breasts bounce free. She eagerly grabs the Dr. Pecker before leaning back onto the bed with her legs partially spread wide. "Time to grow my girl-cock!" she says before downing the drink rather quickly.
  Before long you see the usual red bump appear slightly above her pussy. It quickly bulges out forming a mini-penis that slowly grows to a bigger size. Two other bulges form next to the cock which slowly turns into a pair of balls. April stares at her futa dick as it grows larger before stopping at her now having a _DickSD _DickSize cock with a _BallsSD pair of _BallsSize sized balls!
  "That's so cool! I still can't believe that a girl can just grow a cock like that. What a sec, is that dick bigger than last time?" May asks in astonishment as she stares at April's bigger and better girl-cock proudly standing erect. Reaching down April grabs her _DickSD cock and gives it a gentle squeeze. Some pre-cum flows from the tip as she squeezes near the tip causing her to moan in pleasure.
  April continues to moan as she steadily strokes her hard <<Penis>>. "Yeah I think so! It feels so much thicker and longer than before! Even my balls are bigger, filled with so much more cum! I just want to fuck so much with this monster cock!" She moans as she continues to stroke her cock while staring at it in fascination.
  "Don't go blowing your load too quickly April! $PC.FirstName has an appointment with that nice looking cock." says May as she gropes your $BreastSD breasts thru your clothes. You give a low moan as she pinches your hard nipples. April's eyes lock onto your $BreastsSize breasts being fondled as her cock twitches.
  "Oh god. I so need to fuck $PC.FirstName's $BreastSD tits so much." She says as she move over to the edge close to where you are, her new cock eager to be used. Her eyes are focused on how your tight clothes are stretched by your $BreastSD jugs. Noticing April's gaze May pulls your clothes off from behind letting your $BreastSD $BreastsSize <<Breasts>> bounce free.
  "How about you fuck both of our tits, April?" asks May as she strips out of her dress, her own _ISD breasts bouncing free. She gets on her knees while cupping her jiggling tits. As she moves over to April she gives you a expectant look and then a wink. Taking a cue from May you grab your own $BreastSD $BreastsSize breasts as well and kneel on the other side of April. Giving April a wink you squish you breasts up against May's _ISD heaving breasts leaving just enough space for April to thrust into.
<<if $Infestation.MilkProgress > 0 or $Milk.Stored > 0>>\
  April looks dumbfounded for a moment before she guides her hard _DickSize cock into the valley between your and May's breasts. "Oh god your tits feel so good! My cock feels like it's about to explode! Oh fuck!" she says as she starts to thrust into the double valley between your and May's breasts. The look of pure joy on April's face shows that she in really enjoying having a cock. She reaches down to steady herself by gripping the top of your breasts as her thrusting increases. Her own _ISD _ICup breasts bouncing along with each thrust into the double tit valley. The sensation of giving a new Futa a tit-fuck is turning you on so much your milk-filled tits start to leak milk all over April's girl-cock and May's _ISD breasts.
  "Oh fuck $PC.FirstName, your breasts are leaking milk!" gasps May as she stares at your leaking tits with a bit of envy. April is also staring at your milk-filled breasts as she pounds her girl-cock even harder into you and May's jiggling breast flesh mountains.
  "How do you like fucking my $BreastsSize milk-filled tits with your hard girl cock? Your hard deep fucking is causing all my milk to spill out all over your _DickSD dick. I bet it feels so good to bury your big strong dick in our big milk covered tits. Your balls must be so eager to add their baby-batter to our creamy milkers." you say while rubbing your $BreastSD milky jugs against her weeping cock and May's heaving tits. The only response you get is even more moaning as April's assault on May's _ICup breasts and your own $BreastsSize mommy milkers reach a frenzy pitch.
  "OH FUCK! I'M CUMMING! I'm blasting your fucking milk jugs with my hot load from my cock!" she screams as her orgasm hits and she launches massive strands of hot cum all over your $BreastSD milky breasts! May is not spared as even more strands of cum splatter all over her face and _ISD tits. Both of your milk jugs unleash a $MilkAD amount of milk as they have mini-orgasms of their own coating you and May's breasts with a healthy mix of milk and cum. After unleashing her load April collapses back onto the bed seemily drained from her orgasm, her _ICup breasts heaving from her heavy breathing.
  "Oh fuck that was massive cum shower, April! And $PC.FirstName, I can't believe the amount of milk you was leaking. Those milk jugs of yours must be like 90% milk! Come over here, April! You have to taste this!" May says as she licks some of the milk and cum mix off your breasts. She seems to enjoy the flavor as she dives in to take a deep drink from your milk-filled breasts. April pulls herself off the bed and slowly drags herself over you where you are kneeling. Getting on her knees, April takes a tentative lick of your cum and milk covered breast.
  "It does taste delicious..." April says before latching onto your other milky nipple. Soon both of the girls are licking and tasting your intoxicating milk with each on different milk-filled tit! You feel your $DickSD futa-cock hardening as both of them take to sucking milk directly from your hard $NippleSize nipples while their own pleasure-filled moans add to the erotic scene.
<<set _ISD2 to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$npcApril.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup2 to $arrayBreastSize[$npcApril.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$npcApril.BreastsSize +2]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$npcApril.BreastsSize +2]>>\
  They both drink for several of minutes before May finally comes up for air with milk dripping down her chin. "Now that hit the spot! Wait, I feel kinda funny..." she says as she grabs her _ISD2 chest! April stops her drinking of your milk as she looks down at her own _ISD2 chest. Glancing down at their _ICup2 tits you notice that they are slowly but surely growing larger! Before long both of the girls are packing _ISD _ICup mommy milkers as their hard nipples start to leak milk!
  "Don't worry girls, it should only last for a couple of hours." you reassure them as they explore their temporary milkjugs. May starts to slide her _ISD milky tits against April's own _ISD jugs causing April to gasp softly as some more milk leaks out of her tits. April's girl-cock is rock hard and it looks like she's been reinvigorated from her previous orgasm.
  "I think that's enough of a diversion for now. I do believe I am ready for the next step." Aprils says softly as she sits back onto the bed with her girl-cock standing proud with milk dripping down her chest. It takes May a moment to notice what April just said as she was still groping her milky chest.
  April looks dumbfounded for a moment before she guides her hard _DickSize cock into the valley between your and May's breasts. "Oh god your tits feel so good! My cock feels like it's about to explode! Oh fuck!" she says as she starts to thrust into the double valley between your and May's breasts. The look of pure joy on April's face shows that she is really enjoying having a cock. She reaches down to steady herself by gripping the top of your breasts as her thrusting increases. Her own _ISD _ICup breasts bouncing along with each thrust into the double tit valley. The sensation of giving a new Futa a tit-fuck is turning you on as well as your dick hardens and you can tell that May is enjoying it as well. Your rock hard nipples slide against May's fat nipples as the frantic jiggling of your tits slide around April's slick dick that's weeping pre-cum.
  "How do you like fucking my $BreastsSize tits with your hard girl cock? I bet it feels so good to bury your strong dick in our big tits. Your balls must be so eager to unleash their baby-batter all over them." you say while rubbing your $BreastSD tits against her weeping cock. The only response you get is even more moaning as April's assault on May's _ICup breasts and your own $BreastsSize breasts reach a frenzy pitch.
  "OH FUCK! I'M CUMMING! I'm blasting your fucking tits with my hot load from my cock!" she screams as her orgasm hits and she launches massive strands of hot cum all over your $BreastSD breasts! May is not spared as even more strands of cum splatter all over her face and _ISD tits. After unleashing her load April collapses back onto the bed seemily drained from her orgasm, her _ICup breasts heaving from her heavy breathing.
  "Oh fuck that was massive cum shower, April!" May says as she licks some of the cum off her breasts. "How about you drink a Energy Thirst so we can keep going?" she asks as she looks at April's exhausted posture in concern. Not waiting for a response she grabs a can from the mini-fridge and places it on the night stand.
  April grabs the can off the night stand and downs it like a woman finding an oasis after being lost in a desert. Almost immediately she perks up while her almost flaccid dick becomes rock hard. "I needed that!" she says as she gives May a dirty grin.
  "I'm glad your feeling better cause I'm going to ride that _DickSD cock!" says May as she mounts April, her dripping pussy hovering above April's girl-cock. May slowly lowers her pussy onto April's _DickSize girl-cock taking it all in until she is completely hilted. "Oh fuck it feels so good!" she moans as she slowly starts slide up and down on her cock.
  "Oh God! Your pussy is sucking me in so tightly!" moans April as she enjoys the pleasure of fucking her best friend. Leaning down May gives April a sloppy kiss as her _ISD tits squish into April's own _ISD breasts. Her hard nipples rub against April's own hard tits as she continues to be bounce on that _DickSD girl-dick.
  Watching the two of them fucking like rabbits has made your $DickSD dick even harder. Staring at May's large ass you lurch forward grabbing May's ample ass. Lining up your <<Penis>> you slam into her tight ass fulling hilting her and pushing her forward so that her _ISD breasts squish even harder against April's identical tits. It feels so tight that you can't help but to start thrusting against her jiggly ass.
  "Fuck yes! Fuck my ass $PC.FirstName!" May shouts as she is double-teamed by you and April. As you fuck her jiggly ass you can feel April's dick thrusting into May's pussy. It takes a minute to get your timing synched up with April but it's worth it as the pleasure of double-teaming May feels so good.
  "Your ass feels so hot and tight, May! It's sucking me in so much I'm about to nut just from how good it feels!" you moan as you continue to fuck her bouncy ass hard. May responded by moaning lourder as she ass and pussy were being double-teamed hard. April's hard thrusts upwards could be felt as your hard <<Penis>> slammed even harder pushing May towards her climax.
  "Oh god, oh fucking goddamn yes! I'm shooting my huge load of cum into your hot pussy, May!" yelled April with a husky tone as her rhythm grew frantic. Hearing and feeling April cumming hard into May's pussy pushes you even closer to your own orgasm. May just moaned even louder as her pussy was overfilled with baby-batter.
<<if $Infestation.MilkProgress > 0 or $StatusAffect.MilkTits > 0>>\
  "Oh fuck, I'm cumming as well! I'm blasting May's hot ass with my own load!" you scream as you feel your balls unload all of your $CumAD wad directly into her ass causing May to gasp in shock and pleasure. <<if $Cum.Stored > 9 and $Cum.Stored < 20>>Not satisfied with just filling up her ass, you pull out before shooting large strand after strand of white goo all over her perfect ass and back.<<elseif $Cum.Stored > 19>>Not satisfied with just filling up her ass, you pull out before shooting huge strand after strand of white goo all over her perfect ass and back. The endless geyser of cum is actually powerful enough to arc over May's back to land on April's surprised face before dripping down to her _ISD milky breasts!<</if>> Even your $BreastSD tits feel like they are having a mini-orgasm as they squirt out a $MilkAD wave of milk!
  The dual feeling of being creampied by you and April must have pushed May over the edge as she screams out in pure pleasure, not even able to make coherent words. After her noisy orgasm she collapses on top of April, her _ISD milk dripping breasts heaving against April's own milk-soaked chest.
  "Oh fuck, I'm cumming as well! I'm blasting May's hot ass with my own load!" you scream as you feel your balls unload all of your $CumAD wad directly into her ass causing May to gasp in shock and pleasure. <<if $Cum.Stored > 9 and $Cum.Stored < 20>>Not satisfied with just filling up her ass, you pull out before shooting large strand after strand of white goo all over her perfect ass and back.<<elseif $Cum.Stored > 19>>Not satisfied with just filling up her ass, you pull out before shooting huge strand after strand of white goo all over her perfect ass and back. The endless geyser of cum is actually powerful enough to arc over May's back to land on April's surprised face before dripping down to her _ISD breasts!<</if>>
  The dual feeling of being creampied by you and April must have pushed May over the edge as she screams out in pure pleasure, not even able to make coherent words. After her noisy orgasm she collapses on top of April, her _ISD breasts heaving against April's own chest.
  "Oh fuck, that felt so fucking good." whispers April as she slowly recovers from her orgasm while stroking May's hair. "We have to do this again sometime, $PC.FirstName."
  You talk a bit more but eventually have to leave since it's already getting late. You give April and May a promise to do this again sometime. Even after all that sex your dick is still eager and you have a hard time concentrating as you walk towards the street.
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered +1>>\
<<if $PC.BreastsSize > $npcMay.BreastsSize +4>>\
<<set $npcMay.BreastsSize to $npcMay.BreastsSize+2>>\
<<set $npcApril.BreastsSize to $npcApril.BreastsSize+2>>\
<<elseif $PC.BreastsSize > $npcMay.BreastsSize>>\
<<set $npcMay.BreastsSize to $npcMay.BreastsSize+1>>\
<<set $npcApril.BreastsSize to $npcApril.BreastsSize+1>>\
<<if $npcApril.Sex is "Female">>\
<<set $npcApril.DickSize to 0>>\
<<set $npcApril.BallsSize to 0>>\
<<button [[Finish|$location.temp]]>>
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<include "Lust Passes">>\
<<set $NoEncounter to random(1) +2>>\
<<set $threesomeEvent.DickSize to $PC.DickSize>>\
<<set $threesomeEvent.BreastsSize to $PC.BreastsSize>>\
<<set $threesomeEvent.Sex to "Futa">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</button>><<set $genericEvent.Image = $eventPath1 + $arrayEvent1Naked.random() + '.jpg'>>\
<img @src=$genericEvent.Image />
<<include "Adlibs">>\
<<if (random(19)+ 1) + $Skill.Social + $CharismaBonus > 13>>\
<<set $npcMay.Friendship to $npcMay.Friendship + $CharismaBonus +2 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set $npcApril.Friendship to $npcApril.Friendship + $CharismaBonus +2 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set $npcMay.Friendship to $npcMay.Friendship + $CharismaBonus +1 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set $npcApril.Friendship to $npcApril.Friendship + $CharismaBonus +1 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set $npcMay.SexXP to $npcMay.SexXP +1>>\
<<set $npcApril.SexXP to $npcApril.SexXP +1>>\
<<set $sexHistory.XP to $sexHistory.XP +1>>\
<<set $LastPartner to $npcMay>>\
<<set $threesomeEvent.Agree to 1>>\
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$npcApril.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$npcApril.BreastsSize]>>
  You quickly disrobe and stride over to where the May and April are in the process of groping each other's _ISD tits. Watching them make out makes your already hard <<Penis>> even harder.
<<if $PC.DickSize > $threesomeEvent.DickSize and $threesomeEvent.Visits > 2>>\
  "Oh Wow!" exclaims May as she takes in your hard $DickSize <<Penis>>. Reaching over she grabs your hard cock and gives it a few strokes. She asks with a husky voice "Is it just me or are you packing alot more meat than last time?"
  "It's definitely bigger than before. But that just means we will have even more fun!" whispers April as she takes in your $DickSD <<Penis>> while licking her lips. Her hand reaches down below to finger her wet pussy showing how excited she is in the new development.
  "Oh My!" exclaims May as she takes in your hard <<Penis>>. "How about we show $PC.FirstName our appreciation for joining us tonight?" she says as she and April drop to their knees. She quickly places your $DickSD <<Penis>> between her _ICup tits and April's equally _ISD breasts!
  "How about a double tit-fuck to get started?" April asks huskily as she slowly starts to squeeze your hard <<Penis>> with her soft breasts. May presses her _ISD breasts against April's breasts and joins in by stroking your <<Penis>>. Soon their spit and your pre-cum is lubicating that divine double valley spread about as their tits are squished together.
  "Oh fuck yes! Your tits feel so good and splippery!" You moan as the feeling of your hard <<Penis>> being sandwitched between two beautiful girl's amazing racks feels so good that you are having a hard time not cumming immediately. You begin thrusting hard into the mountain range of female flesh and their jiggling breasts bounce along.
  "Your <<Penis>> feels so hot and so ready to explode. Just let it all out." whispers April as your balls churn more than ever and your cock weeps pre-cum freely.
  "Just fucking shoot your hot load all over our tits, $PC.FirstName!" moans May as she rubs her slippery breasts faster against your <<Penis>>, coaxing you to cum. Her rock hard nipples are rubbing hard against April's nipples as your thrusting becomes frantic.
  "Oh God yes! I'm cumming all over your big fucking titties!" you scream as pleasure becomes too much to hold back. That pushes you over the edge of no return as you feel your balls tense up and then explode in pleasure. A $CumAD blast of cum shoots out and splashes over May's and April's _ISD tits and faces. <<if $Cum.Stored > 10>> The rain of white goo continues until both of them are dripping in cum.<</if>>
  "Oh fuck yeah $PC.FirstName!" gasps May as she swallows some of your cum from her breasts. "Now I really want to sit on that <<Penis>> and ride it until you fill me up with your hot load." Matching action to words May pushes you back onto the bed and quickly mounts you! Your $DickSD <<Penis>> is still hard as nails and you feel like you can fuck for days. With a lusty look May slowly lowers her wet cunt onto your eager $DickSize cock.
  "Holy fucking yes! I fucking love it!" she moans as your <<Penis>> slips into her tight pussy. "That feels so fucking good, $PC.FirstName!" she gasps as she adjusts to your size. Slowly she starts to move as her cum stained <<Breasts>> jiggle along to her bouncing motion. The pleasure from May riding your cock forces a moan from you as she starts to bounce faster.
  Not wanting to be left out April moves around until her dripping pussy is above your face. "How about you put your mouth to good use and eat my pussy." she whispers as her cunt fills your vision. Not needing any more prompting you dive into eating her wet pussy. It tastes delicious as her fluids flow over your face.
  As the steady sexual rhythm continues you hear May say "I love it when you play with my tits! Oh yeah lick that delicious cum off my tits! Oh fuck it feels so good getting fucked by a nice hard cock while having my large titties being sucked!" Unable to see what is going on you can only fantasize how it must look with May bouncing hard on your <<Penis>> with her jiggling breasts being fondled and sucked by April as she rides your face. You feel your <<Penis>> somehow get even harder as the pleasure from May's tight pussy sliding up and down on your eager cock pushes you closer to cumming.
  Before long you hear May shout "Oh fuck I'm cumming!" as her wet cunt tightens and quivers around your <<Penis>>. At the same time your tonguing action has paid off as April's pussy unleashes a flood of girl cum onto your face.
  "Come on $PC.FirstName, cum with us! Fill my tight pussy with your hot cum!" May screams as she repeatedly slams her pussy hard onto your hard <<Penis>>. With that encouragement your overfilled balls give one last pulse before you unleash a $CumAD flood of cum creampieing May's tight cunt. <<if $Cum.Stored > 10>> So much cum is unleashed that it overflows May's pussy! She yells "I can feel your hot load filling me up so much!"<</if>>
  "Ooh let me taste some of that hot cum." April softly says as she gets off your face while dripping girl cum. You quickly find May pushed back onto the bed with April between her legs. Your hard cock is still eager to go even after orgasming twice in a short time. Your balls feel like they are plently of juice left in them and April's dripping pussy and perfect ass is right in front of you.
  "Oh fuck! I can't stop! I'm so fucking horny!" you moan as you lurch forward grabbing April's ample ass. Lining up your <<Penis>> you slam into her hot pussy fulling hilting her and pushing her forwards onto May.
  "Oh shit!" groans April as you start hammering into her tight pussy with your <<Penis>>. Her over the shoulder look of surprise shifts to one of lust as you continue to drill into her dripping cunt. Not wanting to be left out May reaches up and pulls April's lips to her own kissing deeping as their _ICup tits are shoved together.
  "Seems like someone is really eager tonight." groans April as she pulls her face away from May's in order to look back at you once again. Her previous smoldering look has been replaced by one of pure pleasure as she moans and pants from the hard fucking you are giving her.
  May looks over towards you with a look of satisfaction as she takes in your animal like fucking. "Give her a nice nailing, $PC.FirstName! She really needs it after these last couple of days." she says before grabbing April's _ISD breasts and squeezing them.
  Unable to hold back at this point you slam your energy driven <<Penis>> non-stop into that tight cunt. "FUCK YES! OH FUCKING YESSSSSS! I'M FUCKING CUMMING IN YOUR HOT PUSSY YOU FUCKING SLUT!" you yell as once again you reach the point of no return. You unlease a $CumAD load deep into April's tight pussy.<<if $Cum.Stored > 10>> You pull out of April's flooded pussy and aim your <<Penis>> at both of them. Blast after blast shoot from your <<Penis>> coating them both with hot loads of white cum. <</if>>
  After that all three of you collapse onto the bed in one big pile. "That was so good!" whispers April as she idly licks some of the cum from her pussy.
  "Yeah this was a great idea. We have to get together like this again in the future, $PC.FirstName." says May as she looks over at you while stroking your <<Penis>>.
  You talk a bit more but you eventually have to head home since it's already extremely late. You give April and May a promise to do this again sometime. Even after all that sex your dick is still eager and you have a hard time concentrating as you walk towards the street.
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered +1>>\
<<if $PC.BreastsSize > $npcMay.BreastsSize +4>>\
<<set $npcMay.BreastsSize to $npcMay.BreastsSize+2>>\
<<set $npcApril.BreastsSize to $npcApril.BreastsSize+2>>\
<<elseif $PC.BreastsSize > $npcMay.BreastsSize>>\
<<set $npcMay.BreastsSize to $npcMay.BreastsSize+1>>\
<<set $npcApril.BreastsSize to $npcApril.BreastsSize+1>>\
<<button [[Finish|$location.temp]]>>
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<include "Lust Passes">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<set $NoEncounter to random(1) +2>>\
<<set $threesomeEvent.BreastsSize to $PC.BreastsSize>>\
<<set $threesomeEvent.DickSize to $PC.DickSize>>\
<</button>><img @src=$genericEvent.Image width="512px" height="768px" />
What do you want to chat about?
<<if $copEvent.Weapon > 0 and $npcMark.Friendship >= 10>>\
<<button [[Ask to See Wares|Suburban Cop Vendor]]>> <</button>>\
<<if $questsFamilyMom.OfficerMark < 1>>\
<<button "Ask about your $mom.Relationship" "Suburban Cop Chat - Mom">> <</button>>
<<if $npcMark.Friendship >= 10>>\
<<button [[Ask about Where to Find Weapons|Suburban Cop Chat - Weapons]]>> <</button>>\
<<button [[Chat about What's Going On|Suburban Cop Chat - General]]>> <</button>>\
<<if $Prof.Thievery > 0 and $npcMark.Rob < 1 and $copEvent.Weapon > 0>>\
<span id="moralButton"><<button [[Steal some Supplies|Suburban Cop Steal]]>>
<<button [[Nevermind|$location.temp]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<set $NoEncounter to random(1) +2>>\
<</button>><img @src=$genericEvent.Image width="512px" height="768px" />
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<if (random(19) + 1) + $Skill.Social + $CharismaBonus > 15>>\
<<set $npcMark.Friendship to $npcMark.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity +3 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set _Friend to 0 + $ClassBonus.Celebrity +3 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set $npcMark.Friendship to $npcMark.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity +2 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set _Friend to 0 + $ClassBonus.Celebrity +2 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set $copEvent.Paranoia to $copEvent.Paranoia - _Friend>>\
<<if $copEvent.Paranoia < 0>>\
<<set $copEvent.Paranoia to 0>>\
<<if $PC.Sex is "Futa" or $StatusAffect.Futa > 0>>\
<<set _IPanic to "Futa">>\
<<elseif $PC.Sex is "Female" and $StatusAffect.Futa < 1>>\
<<set _IPanic to "Female">>\
<<set _IPanic to "Male">>\
<<if $copEvent.Detected is 1>>\
<<set $copEvent.Detected to 2>>\
<<switch _IPanic>>\
<<case "Futa">>\
  "You better start talking and explaining why I shouldn't just shoot you before heading back out to protect more victims from the Infested." Office Mark says with a ugly frown. He's keeping a very close eye on you waiting for you to pounce like an Infested.
  "OK, my $dad.Relationship gave me some type of experimental vaccine that was supposed to protect me from 'them'. It put me in that coma before you found me but ever since then I've found I'm resistant to the Infested virus." you explain quickly. You continue on saying "Nurse Troy even confirmed it when I had my last exam."
  Mark gets a thoughtful look on his face "Let's say I believe your story which is a very unlikely. If you're so resistant to the Infested Virus what's up with you being a Futa?" he says while glancing at your $BreastSD $BreastsSize breasts along with your $DickSD $DickSize cock.
<<switch $PCChanges.Gender>>\
<<case "Soda">>\
<<switch PC.OSex>>\
<<case "Male">>\
  "There's these soft drinks being spread around that can temporarily turn you into a Futa. I might have drank one or two cans and now I have a pair of $BreastSD tits along with a pussy!" you say while jiggling your $BreastsSize breasts a bit for Officer Mark to see.
  Mark just stares at you for a moment before saying "So soda gave you actual tits and a real pussy? That's your explanation for why you look like an Infested Futa?" he asks in confusion while staring at your $BreastSD chest. He shakes his head for a moment before looking you back in the eyes.
  "It sounds kind of strange myself but after drinking one I can confirm it did cause my chest to grow into breasts and a actual pussy to grow beneath my dick. It's supposed to wear off in a day or so." you finish as you wait to see what his response is going to be.
  "OK here's how I'm going to handle this. I'll keep an eye on you and if you end up not turning into a Infested over the next couple of days then I'll believe you. Otherwise I'll put you six feet under, or I would if Infested didn't regenerate so fucking much..." he says while slightly lowering his gun.
<<case "Female">>\
  "There's these soft drinks being spread around that can temporarily turn you into a Futa. I might have drank one or two cans and now I have a $DickSD cock along with a pair of balls!" you say while thrusting your $DickSize cock a bit for Officer Mark to see.
  Mark just stares at you for a moment before saying "So soda gave you an actual working dick and balls? That's your explanation for why you look like an Infested Futa?" he asks in confusion while staring at your $DickSD groin. He shakes his head for a moment before looking you back in the eyes.
  "It sounds kind of strange myself but after drinking one I can confirm it did cause a penis to grow to out above my pussy and a pair of balls beneath it. It's supposed to wear off in a day or so." you finish as you wait to see what his response is going to be.
  "OK here's how I'm going to handle this. I'll keep an eye on you and if you end up not turning into a Infested over the next couple of days then I'll believe you. Otherwise I'll put you six feet under, or I would if Infested didn't regenerate so fucking much..." he says while slightly lowering his gun.
<<case "Sex">>\
<<switch $PC.OSex>>\
<<case "Male">>\
  "I've been fighting off Infested since I woke up trying to find my family." you say with some heat. "I've won most of my fights but I still remember that time I lost. Once the Infested Futa was done with me, my chest grew into breasts and a pussy grew beneath my dick. It was disorienting to suddenly have two sets of sex organs but I kept my thoughts and wits about me." you say with a bit more anger in your voice than you actually feel. It was actually quite pleasurable at the time if you remember correctly but Office Mark probably doesn't need to know that.
  Mark just stares at you for a moment before saying "I'm so sorry $PC.FirstName. I didn't mean to bring up some bad memories but I have to be sure. Too many times the Infested trick those around them to lower their guard."
  "That's OK. I understand you have to keep safe and keep those around you safe." you finish as you wait to see what his response is going to be.
  "OK here's how I'm going to handle this. I'll keep an eye on you and if you end up not turning into a Infested over the next couple of days then I'll believe you. Otherwise I'll put you six feet under, or I would if Infested didn't regenerate so fucking much..." he says while slightly lowering his gun.
<<case "Female">>\
  "I've been fighting off Infested since I woke up trying to find my family." you say with some heat. "I've won most of my fights but I still remember that time I lost. Once the Infested Futa was done with me, a dick grew from above my pussy along with a pair of balls. It was disorienting to suddenly have two sets of sex organs but I kept my thoughts and wits about me." you say with a bit more anger in your voice than you actually feel. It was actually quite pleasurable at the time if you remember correctly but Office Mark probably doesn't need to know that.
  Mark just stares at you for a moment before saying "I'm so sorry $PC.FirstName. I didn't mean to bring up some bad memories but I have to be sure. Too many times the Infested trick those around them to lower their guard."
  "That's OK. I understand you have to keep safe and keep those around you safe." you finish as you wait to see what his response is going to be.
  "OK here's how I'm going to handle this. I'll keep an eye on you and if you end up not turning into a Infested over the next couple of days then I'll believe you. Otherwise I'll put you six feet under, or I would if Infested didn't regenerate so fucking much..." he says while slightly lowering his gun.
<<case "Surgery">>\
<<switch $PC.OSex>>\
<<case "Male">>\
  "There's a doctor at the Oak Dale clinic who offered me a way to grow my own pussy and some nice big tits that didn't require messing with the Infested or strange sodas, just an experimental injection." you say while jiggling your $BreastsSize breasts a bit for Officer Mark to see.
  Mark just stares at you for a moment before saying "So in the middle of the Infested Outbreak you had experimental surgery to turn yourself into a Futa? That's your explanation for why you have $BreastsSize breasts?" he asks in confusion while staring at your $BreastSD jugs. He shakes his head for a moment before looking you back in the eyes.
  "Well I've always liked breasts so I figured if I had my own pair I could play with them all the time!" you joke as you attempt to lower the tension. Officer Mark's face threatens to actual smile and you can feel the deadly tension start to fade.
  "OK here's how I'm going to handle this. I'll keep an eye on you and if you end up not turning into a Infested over the next couple of days then I'll believe you. Otherwise I'll put you six feet under, or I would if Infested didn't regenerate so fucking much..." he says while slightly lowering his gun.
<<case "Female">>\
  "There's a doctor at the Oak Dale clinic who offered me a way to grow my own dick and balls that didn't require messing with the Infested or strange sodas, just an experimental injection." you say while thrusting your $DickSize dickout a bit for Officer Mark to see.
  Mark just stares at you for a moment before saying "So in the middle of the Infested Outbreak you had experimental surgery to turn yourself into a Futa? That's your explanation for why you have a fucking $DickSD dick?" he asks in confusion while staring at the $DickSD bulge in your pants. He shakes his head for a moment before looking you back in the eyes.
  "Well I''ve wanted to be able to pee while standing up and look, now I can!" you joke as you attempt to lower the tension. Officer Mark's face threatens to actual smile and you can feel the deadly tension start to fade.
  "OK here's how I'm going to handle this. I'll keep an eye on you and if you end up not turning into a Infested over the next couple of days then I'll believe you. Otherwise I'll put you six feet under, or I would if Infested didn't regenerate so fucking much..." he says while slightly lowering his gun.
<<case "Female">>\
  "You better start talking and explaining why I shouldn't just shoot you before heading back out to protect more victims from the Infested." Office Mark says with a ugly frown. He's keeping a very close eye on you waiting for you to pounce like an Infested.
  "OK, my $dad.Relationship gave me some type of experimental vaccine that was supposed to protect me from 'them'. It put me in that coma before you found me but ever since then I've found I'm resistant to the Infested virus." you explain quickly. You continue on saying "Nurse Troy even confirmed it when I had my last exam."
  Mark gets a thoughtful look on his face "Let's say I believe you. If you're so resistant to the Infested Virus what's up with your $BreastSD tits?" he says while glancing at your $BreastSD $BreastsSize breasts.
<<switch $PCChanges.BreastsGrowth>>\
<<case "Soda">>\
  "There's these soft drinks being spread around that can temporarily increase someone's breasts size. I might have drank one or two cans and now I have a pair of $BreastSD tits!" you say while jiggling your $BreastsSize breasts a bit for Officer Mark to see.
  Mark just stares at you for a moment before saying "So soda gave you bigger tits? That's your explanation for why you look like an busty Infested?" he asks in confusion while staring at your $BreastSD chest. He shakes his head for a moment before looking you back in the eyes.
  "It sounds kind of strange myself but after drinking one I can confirm it did cause my breasts to grow to a bigger size." you finish as you wait to see what his response is going to be.
  "OK here's how I'm going to handle this. I'll keep an eye on you and if you end up not turning into a Infested over the next couple of days then I'll believe you. Otherwise I'll put you six feet under, or I would if Infested didn't regenerate so fucking much..." he says while slightly lowering his gun.
<<case "Sex">>\
  "I've been fighting off Infested since I woke up trying to find my family." you say with some heat. "I've won most of my fights but I still remember that time I lost. Once the Infested was done with me, my breasts grew bigger but I kept my thoughts and wits about me." you say with a bit more anger in your voice than you actually feel. It was actually quite pleasurable at the time if you remember correctly but Office Mark probably doesn't need to know that.
  Mark just stares at you for a moment before saying "I'm so sorry $PC.FirstName. I didn't mean to bring up some bad memories but I have to be sure. Too many times the Infested trick those around them to lower their guard."
  "That's OK. I understand you have to keep safe and keep those around you safe." you finish as you wait to see what his response is going to be.
  "OK here's how I'm going to handle this. I'll keep an eye on you and if you end up not turning into a Infested over the next couple of days then I'll believe you. Otherwise I'll put you six feet under, or I would if Infested didn't regenerate so fucking much..." he says while slightly lowering his gun.
<<case "Silicone">>\
  "There's a doctor at the Oak Dale clinic who offered me a way to increase my bust size using a experimental silicone that didn't require surgery or exposure to the Infested, just an injection." you say while jiggling your $BreastsSize gravity defying fake tits a bit for Officer Mark to see.
  Mark just stares at you for a moment before saying "So in the middle of the Infested Outbreak you had plastic surgery on your breasts with some type of experimental silicone? That's your explanation for why you look like an busty Infested?" he asks in confusion while staring at your $BreastSD fake titties. He shakes his head for a moment before looking you back in the eyes.
  "Well I always wanted a bigger chest but I didn't want to risk messing around with Infested. I mean he did do some great work on my tits, only took about an hour to complete." you finish as you wait to see what his response is going to be.
  "OK here's how I'm going to handle this. I'll keep an eye on you and if you end up not turning into a Infested over the next couple of days then I'll believe you. Otherwise I'll put you six feet under, or I would if Infested didn't regenerate so fucking much..." he says while slightly lowering his gun.
  "I have no idea... I just somehow woke up one day with bigger breasts." you say in a confused and annoyed tone. It's always been a mystery how you grew bigger breasts out of nowhere.
  Mark just stares at you for a moment before saying "So you have no idea? Nothing that can be used to explain why your breasts grew bigger?" he asks in confusion while staring at your $BreastSD chest. He shakes his head for a moment before looking you back in the eyes.
  "I have nothing. Maybe it's a side affect of the drug my $dad.Relationship gave me. I mean it's possible. right?" you finish as you wait to see what his response is going to be.
  "OK here's how I'm going to handle this. I'll keep an eye on you and if you end up not turning into a Infested over the next couple of days then I'll believe you. Otherwise I'll put you six feet under, or I would if Infested didn't regenerate so fucking much..." he says while slightly lowering his gun.
<<case "Male">>\
<<switch $PCChanges.DickGrowth>>\
  "You better start talking and explaining why I shouldn't just shoot you before heading back out to protect more victims from the Infested." Office Mark says with a ugly frown. He's keeping a very close eye on you waiting for you to pounce like an Infested.
  "OK, my $dad.Relationship gave me some type of experimental vaccine that was supposed to protect me from 'them'. It put me in that coma before you found me but ever since then I've found I'm resistant to the Infested virus." you explain quickly. You continue on saying "Nurse Troy even confirmed it when I had my last exam."
  Mark gets a thoughtful look on his face "Let's say I believe you. If you're so resistant to the Infested Virus what's up with you packing a $DickSD dick?" he says while glancing at your $DickSD $DickSize cock.
<<case "Soda">>\
  "There's these soft drinks being spread around that can temporarily increase someone's dick size. I might have drank one or two cans and now I have a $DickSD cock!" you say while thrusting your $DickSize cock a bit for Officer Mark to see.
  Mark just stares at you for a moment before saying "So soda gave you a bigger dick? That's your explanation for why you look like an bulgy Infested?" he asks in confusion while staring at your $DickSD groin. He shakes his head for a moment before looking you back in the eyes.
  "It sounds kind of strange myself but after drinking one I can confirm it did cause my penis to grow to a bigger size." you finish as you wait to see what his response is going to be.
  "OK here's how I'm going to handle this. I'll keep an eye on you and if you end up not turning into a Infested over the next couple of days then I'll believe you. Otherwise I'll put you six feet under, or I would if Infested didn't regenerate so fucking much..." he says while slightly lowering his gun.
<<case "Sex">>\
  "I've been fighting off Infested since I woke up trying to find my family." you say with some heat. "I've won most of my fights but I still remember that time I lost. Once the Infested was done with me, my dick grew bigger but I kept my thoughts and wits about me." you say with a bit more anger in your voice than you actually feel. It was actually quite pleasurable at the time if you remember correctly but Office Mark probably doesn't need to know that.
  Mark just stares at you for a moment before saying "I'm so sorry $PC.FirstName. I didn't mean to bring up some bad memories but I have to be sure. Too many times the Infested trick those around them to lower their guard."
  "That's OK. I understand you have to keep safe and keep those around you safe." you finish as you wait to see what his response is going to be.
  "OK here's how I'm going to handle this. I'll keep an eye on you and if you end up not turning into a Infested over the next couple of days then I'll believe you. Otherwise I'll put you six feet under, or I would if Infested didn't regenerate so fucking much..." he says while slightly lowering his gun.
<<case "Silicone">>\
  "There's a doctor at the Oak Dale clinic who offered me a way to increase my dick size using a experimental silicone that didn't require surgery or exposure to the Infested, just an injection." you say while thrusting your super thick $DickSize cock a bit for Officer Mark to see.
  Mark just stares at you for a moment before saying "So in the middle of the Infested Outbreak you had plastic surgery on your dick with some type of experimental silicone? That's your explanation for why you look like an big bulgy Infested?" he asks in confusion while staring at your $DickSD beefy bulge. He shakes his head for a moment before looking you back in the eyes.
  "Well I always wanted a bigger penis but I didn't want to risk messing around with Infested. I mean he did do some great work on my dick, only took about an hour to complete." you finish as you wait to see what his response is going to be.
  "OK here's how I'm going to handle this. I'll keep an eye on you and if you end up not turning into a Infested over the next couple of days then I'll believe you. Otherwise I'll put you six feet under, or I would if Infested didn't regenerate so fucking much..." he says while slightly lowering his gun.
  "I have no idea... I just somehow woke up one day with a bigger dick." you say in a confused and annoyed tone. It's always been a mystery how you grew a bigger cock out of nowhere.
  Mark just stares at you for a moment before saying "So you have no idea? Nothing that can be used to explain why your dick grew bigger?" he asks in confusion while staring at your $DickSD bulge. He shakes his head for a moment before looking you back in the eyes.
  "I have nothing. Maybe it's a side affect of the drug my $dad.Relationship gave me. I mean it's possible. right?" you finish as you wait to see what his response is going to be.
  "OK here's how I'm going to handle this. I'll keep an eye on you and if you end up not turning into a Infested over the next couple of days then I'll believe you. Otherwise I'll put you six feet under, or I would if Infested didn't regenerate so fucking much..." he says while slightly lowering his gun.
  "Thank you Office Mark! I promise you will not regret this!" you say as you back away slowly. Mark just nods slowly as you slowly walk away.
<div class="pcTalk"><i> Hopefully if I talk with Mark enough I can convince him I'm not a threat...</i></div>
<<button [[Leave|$location.temp]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<set $NoEncounter to random(1) +2>>\
<<print $copEvent.Paranoia>>\
  As you are walking around the subdivision you notice Officer Mark has his patrol car parked nearby and is standing next to his front car door looking a bit exhausted. As you get closer he notices your presence and jumps to his feet. He steps back and aims his gun in your general area but not directly at you. You stop in your tracks, not wanting to panic him.
  After staring at each other for a minute he finally says with a tired sigh "OK $PC.FirstName, what do you want? Cause I'm in no mood for stupidity right now..."
  "I just wanted to see if you was doing OK. You're looking a bit haggard and I figured you might want to chat a bit." you say as you take in his appearance. He's looking a bit worn down and you're worried about him. Being tired while patrolling for Infested can't be safe.
  "Thanks, I appreciate it, more than you would think. I see you have your wits and morals about you still. Having any issues keeping your lust under control?" he asks while giving you a close look.
  "I'm still good! Haven't had any real issues since the last time we spoke. Been wandering around checking out some of the other locations here in the suburbs." you chat calmly as you watch him slowly relax a bit as your conversation doesn't jump to sexual comments like the Infested tend to do.
  "Thats good to hear. I'm glad you're staying safe as well." he replies as he finally glances away from you towards the area around him. He doesn't seem to fully trust you yet but with enough checkins you'll regain his trust eventually.
<<if $npcMark.Friendship - $copEvent.Paranoia > 10>>\
<<set $copEvent.Paranoia to 0>>\
<<set $copEvent.Detected to 3>>\
<<button [[Leave|$location.temp]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<set $NoEncounter to random(1) +2>>\
<</if>>\<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<set _Fog to 0>>\
<<set _Rain to 0>>\
<<set _Cold to 0>>\
<<set _Wind to 0>>\
<<switch $Weather.Current>>\
<<case "Cloudy" "Windy">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburbs 2.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Wind to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<case "Foggy">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburbs-F 2.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<case "Misty">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburbs-F 2.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Rainy" "Stormy">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburbs-R 2.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Dreary">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburbs-R 2.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Sleeting">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburbs-S 2.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Cold to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Snowy">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburbs-S 2.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Cold to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $Time.Current > 6>>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburbs-N 2.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburbs 2.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set $location.temp to "Grove Hills North">>\
<<set $location.coord to 2>>\
<<set $locationGeneric to $locationGroveHills>>\
<<set _EncounterStop to 0>>\
<<if $Time.Current >= $Time.Max >>\
<<set _State to "TooLate">>\
<<set $NoEncounter to 1>>\
<<if $NoEncounter < 1>>\
<<include "Random Encounter Check">>\
You are located in the northern part of the Grove Hills subdivision in the northern suburbs of Civiton which is close to where the city ends and the Double Peaks mountains begin. There are numerous houses in this neighboorhood that look to be empty with no signs of life. The street itself looks to be empty of vehicles with a couple of slightly damaged mailboxes being the biggest sign of damage.
<<if $StatusText.Notice is 1>>\
<<include "Update Status">>\
<<if _Rain > 0 and $StatusAffect.Wet < _Rain>>\
<<set _Rain to _Rain - $PCResistance.Water>>\
<<if _Rain > $StatusAffect.Wet>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Wet to _Rain>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I'm getting soaking wet!</i> </div>
<<if _Cold > 0 and $PCResistance.Cold < _Cold>>\
<<set _tempDamage to random(_Cold) + $StatusAffect.Wet>>\
<<set _tempDamage2 to _tempDamage - $PCResistance.Cold>>\
<<if _tempDamage2 > 0>>\
<<set $HP to $HP - _tempDamage2>>\
<<if $HP < 1>>\
<<set $HP to 1>>\
You take _tempDamage2 cold damage!
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I'm freezing to death!</i> </div>
<<switch _State>>\
<<case "TooLate">>\
<<set $Time.Current to $Time.Max>>\
It's too dangerous to explore the Grove Hills suburbs at this time of night.
<<button [[Return Home|Grove Hills Returning Home]]>>
<<set $NoEncounter to 0>>\
<<case "Ambush">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Ambushed to 1>>\
You've been ambushed by an enemy!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<set $location.Encounter to "Grove Hills">>\
<<case "Combat">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
A hostile enemy is roaming nearby!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<set $location.Encounter to "Grove Hills">>\
<<case "NPC">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
You've encountered something unusual!
<<button [[Encounter|Grove Hills Events]]>>
<<set $location.Event to "Grove Hills">>\
<<set $location.prev to $location.temp>>\
<<button [[Explore one of the Empty Houses|Grove Hills - Suburb House]]>>
<<set $location.Encounter to "Grove Hills">>\
<<set $location.temp2 to $location.temp>>\
<<button [[Look around the Area|Grove Hills Event Scout]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Scout the Area for Enemies|Grove Hills Scouting]]>>
<<set $location.Encounter to "Grove Hills">>\
<<button [[East|Grove Hills Northeast]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[West|Grove Hills Northwest]]>> <</button>>
<<if $lust >= ($MaxLust / 2) or $GeneralFeats.Horndog > 0>>\
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Masturbate|Masturbate]]>> </span>
<<set $location.Encounter to "Grove Hills">>\
<</switch>>\<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<set _Fog to 0>>\
<<set _Rain to 0>>\
<<set _Cold to 0>>\
<<set _Wind to 0>>\
<<switch $Weather.Current>>\
<<case "Cloudy" "Windy">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburbs 3.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Wind to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<case "Foggy">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburbs-F 3.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<case "Misty">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburbs-F 3.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Rainy" "Stormy">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburbs-R 3.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Dreary">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburbs-R 3.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Sleeting">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburbs-S 3.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Cold to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Snowy">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburbs-S 3.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Cold to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $Time.Current > 6>>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburbs-N 3.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburbs 3.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set $location.temp to "Grove Hills Northeast">>\
<<set $locationGeneric to $locationGroveHills>>\
<<set $location.coord to 3>>\
<<set _EncounterStop to 0>>\
<<if $Time.Current >= $Time.Max >>\
<<set _State to "TooLate">>\
<<set $NoEncounter to 1>>\
<<if $NoEncounter < 1>>\
<<include "Random Encounter Check">>\
You are located in the northeastern part of the Grove Hills subdivision in the western suburbs of Civiton which is close to where the city ends and the Double Peaks mountains begin. There are several houses in this neighboorhood that look to be empty with no signs of life with more than a few houses boarded up. The street itself looks to be empty of vehicles with some street signs and mailboxes being destoyed.
<<if $StatusText.Notice is 1>>\
<<include "Update Status">>\
<<if _Rain > 0 and $StatusAffect.Wet < _Rain>>\
<<set _Rain to _Rain - $PCResistance.Water>>\
<<if _Rain > $StatusAffect.Wet>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Wet to _Rain>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I'm getting soaking wet!</i> </div>
<<if _Cold > 0 and $PCResistance.Cold < _Cold>>\
<<set _tempDamage to random(_Cold) + $StatusAffect.Wet>>\
<<set _tempDamage2 to _tempDamage - $PCResistance.Cold>>\
<<if _tempDamage2 > 0>>\
<<set $HP to $HP - _tempDamage2>>\
<<if $HP < 1>>\
<<set $HP to 1>>\
You take _tempDamage2 cold damage!
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I'm freezing to death!</i> </div>
<<switch _State>>\
<<case "TooLate">>\
<<set $Time.Current to $Time.Max>>\
It's too dangerous to explore the Grove Hills suburbs at this time of night.
<<button [[Return Home|Grove Hills Returning Home]]>>
<<set $NoEncounter to 0>>\
<<case "Ambush">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Ambushed to 1>>\
You've been ambushed by an enemy!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<set $location.Encounter to "Grove Hills">>\
<<case "Combat">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
A hostile enemy is roaming nearby!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<set $location.Encounter to "Grove Hills">>\
<<case "NPC">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
You've encountered something unusual!
<<button [[Encounter|Grove Hills Events]]>>
<<set $location.Event to "Grove Hills">>\
<<set $location.prev to $location.temp>>\
<<if $shortcutEvent.Found is 1>>\
<<button [[Take a Shortcut to Busch Bank|Busch Bank Shortcut]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Explore one of the Empty Houses|Grove Hills - Suburb House]]>>
<<set $location.Encounter to "Grove Hills">>\
<<set $location.temp2 to $location.temp>>\
<<button [[Look around the Area|Grove Hills Event Scout]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Scout the Area for Enemies|Grove Hills Scouting]]>>
<<set $location.Encounter to "Grove Hills">>\
<<button [[West|Grove Hills North]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[South|Grove Hills East]]>> <</button>>
<<if $lust >= ($MaxLust / 2) or $GeneralFeats.Horndog > 0>>\
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Masturbate|Masturbate]]>> </span>
<<set $location.Encounter to "Grove Hills">>\
<</switch>>\<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<set _Fog to 0>>\
<<set _Rain to 0>>\
<<set _Cold to 0>>\
<<set _Wind to 0>>\
<<switch $Weather.Current>>\
<<case "Cloudy" "Windy">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburbs 4.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Wind to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<case "Foggy">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburbs-F 4.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<case "Misty">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburbs-F 4.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Rainy" "Stormy">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburbs-R 4.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Dreary">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburbs-R 4.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Sleeting">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburbs-S 4.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Cold to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Snowy">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburbs-S 4.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Cold to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $Time.Current > 6>>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburbs-N 4.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburbs 4.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set $location.temp to "Grove Hills West">>\
<<set $location.coord to 4>>\
<<set _EncounterStop to 0>>\
<<if $Time.Current >= $Time.Max >>\
<<set _State to "TooLate">>\
<<set $NoEncounter to 1>>\
<<if $NoEncounter < 1>>\
<<include "Random Encounter Check">>\
You are located in the western part of the Grove Hills subdivision in the extremely western suburbs of Civiton. Beyond the few houses on the western part of the street is steep mountainous cliffs blocking any city expanion that way. The streets are completely empty with no vehicles in sight nor any signs of life at all. There are numerous houses in this part of the neighboorhood that look to be abandoned with several of their doors wide open.
<<if $StatusText.Notice is 1>>\
<<include "Update Status">>\
<<if _Rain > 0 and $StatusAffect.Wet < _Rain>>\
<<set _Rain to _Rain - $PCResistance.Water>>\
<<if _Rain > $StatusAffect.Wet>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Wet to _Rain>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I'm getting soaking wet!</i> </div>
<<if _Cold > 0 and $PCResistance.Cold < _Cold>>\
<<set _tempDamage to random(_Cold) + $StatusAffect.Wet>>\
<<set _tempDamage2 to _tempDamage - $PCResistance.Cold>>\
<<if _tempDamage2 > 0>>\
<<set $HP to $HP - _tempDamage2>>\
<<if $HP < 1>>\
<<set $HP to 1>>\
You take _tempDamage2 cold damage!
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I'm freezing to death!</i>
<<switch _State>>\
<<case "TooLate">>\
<<set $Time.Current to $Time.Max>>\
It's too dangerous to explore the Grove Hills suburbs at this time of night.
<<button [[Return Home|Grove Hills Returning Home]]>>
<<set $NoEncounter to 0>>\
<<case "Ambush">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Ambushed to 1>>\
You've been ambushed by an enemy!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<set $location.Encounter to "Grove Hills">>\
<<case "Combat">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
A hostile enemy is roaming nearby!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<set $location.Encounter to "Grove Hills">>\
<<case "NPC">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
You've encountered something unusual!
<<button [[Encounter|Grove Hills Events]]>>
<<set $location.Event to "Grove Hills">>\
<<set $location.prev to $location.temp>>\
<<button [[Explore one of the Empty Houses|Grove Hills - Suburb House]]>>
<<set $location.Encounter to "Grove Hills">>\
<<set $location.temp2 to $location.temp>>\
<<button [[Look around the Area|Grove Hills Event Scout]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Scout the Area for Enemies|Grove Hills Scouting]]>>
<<set $location.Encounter to "Grove Hills">>\
<<button [[North|Grove Hills Northwest]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[South|Grove Hills Southwest]]>> <</button>>
<<if $lust >= ($MaxLust / 2) or $GeneralFeats.Horndog > 0>>\
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Masturbate|Masturbate]]>> </span>
<<set $location.Encounter to "Grove Hills">>\
<</switch>>\<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<set _Fog to 0>>\
<<set _Rain to 0>>\
<<set _Cold to 0>>\
<<set _Wind to 0>>\
<<switch $Weather.Current>>\
<<case "Cloudy" "Windy">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburbs 8.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Wind to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<case "Foggy">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburbs-F 8.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<case "Misty">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburbs-F 8.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Rainy" "Stormy">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburbs-R 8.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Dreary">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburbs-R 8.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Sleeting">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburbs-S 8.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Cold to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Snowy">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburbs-S 8.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Cold to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $Time.Current > 6>>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburbs-N 8.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburbs 8.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set $location.temp to "Grove Hills East">>\
<<set $location.coord to 6>>\
<<set _EncounterStop to 0>>\
<<if $Time.Current >= $Time.Max >>\
<<set _State to "TooLate">>\
<<set $NoEncounter to 1>>\
<<if $NoEncounter < 1>>\
<<include "Random Encounter Check">>\
You are located in the eastern part of the Grove Hills subdivision. The streets are somewhat clean in this part of the subdivision with no vehicles around. There are several houses in this neighboorhood that do look to be slightly damaged with bullet holes. A couple look to be ransacked while others have boarded windows and doors. To the east is the walled gate exit that leads to the Oak Dale suburbs of Civiton.
<<if $StatusText.Notice is 1>>\
<<include "Update Status">>\
<<if _Rain > 0>>\
<<set _Rain to _Rain - $PCResistance.Water>>\
<<if _Rain > 0 and $StatusAffect.Wet < _Rain>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Wet to _Rain>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I'm getting soaking wet!</i> </div>
<<if _Cold > 0 and $PCResistance.Cold < _Cold>>\
<<set _tempDamage to random(_Cold) + $StatusAffect.Wet>>\
<<set _tempDamage2 to _tempDamage - $PCResistance.Cold>>\
<<if _tempDamage2 > 0>>\
<<set $HP to $HP - _tempDamage2>>\
<<if $HP < 1>>\
<<set $HP to 1>>\
You take _tempDamage2 cold damage!
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I'm freezing to death!</i>
<<switch _State>>\
<<case "TooLate">>\
<<set $Time.Current to $Time.Max>>\
It's too dangerous to explore the Grove Hills suburbs at this time of night.
<<button [[Return Home|Grove Hills Returning Home]]>>
<<set $NoEncounter to 0>>\
<<case "Ambush">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Ambushed to 1>>\
You've been ambushed by an enemy!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<set $location.Encounter to "Grove Hills">>\
<<case "Combat">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
A hostile enemy is roaming nearby!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<set $location.Encounter to "Grove Hills">>\
<<case "NPC">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
You've encountered something unusual!
<<button [[Encounter|Grove Hills Events]]>>
<<set $location.Event to "Grove Hills">>\
<<set $location.prev to $location.temp>>\
<<button [[Explore one of the Empty Houses|Grove Hills - Suburb House]]>>
<<set $location.Encounter to "Grove Hills">>\
<<set $location.temp2 to $location.temp>>\
<<button [[Look around the Area|Grove Hills Event Scout]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Scout the Area for Enemies|Grove Hills Scouting]]>>
<<set $location.Encounter to "Grove Hills">>\
<<button [[North|Grove Hills Northeast]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[East|Grove Hills Entrance]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[South|Grove Hills Southeast]]>> <</button>>
<<if $lust >= ($MaxLust / 2) or $GeneralFeats.Horndog > 0>>\
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Masturbate|Masturbate]]>> </span>
<<set $location.Encounter to "Grove Hills">>\
<</switch>>\<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<set _Fog to 0>>\
<<set _Rain to 0>>\
<<set _Cold to 0>>\
<<set _Wind to 0>>\
<<switch $Weather.Current>>\
<<case "Cloudy" "Windy">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburbs 6.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Wind to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<case "Foggy">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburbs-F 6.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<case "Misty">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburbs-F 6.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Rainy" "Stormy">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburbs-R 6.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Dreary">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburbs-R 6.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Sleeting">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburbs-S 6.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Cold to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Snowy">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburbs-S 6.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Cold to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $Time.Current > 6>>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburbs-N 6.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburbs 6.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set $location.temp to "Grove Hills Southwest">>\
<<set $location.coord to 7>>\
<<set _EncounterStop to 0>>\
<<if $Time.Current >= $Time.Max >>\
<<set _State to "TooLate">>\
<<set $NoEncounter to 1>>\
<<if $NoEncounter < 1>>\
<<include "Random Encounter Check">>\
You are located in the southwestern part of the Grove Hills subdivision in the western suburbs of Civiton. The street is lined with abandoned vehicles and eroticly implicit graffitied street signs. There are numerous houses in this neighboorhood that look to be slightly damaged and somewhat ransacked along with a few with boarded windows and doors.
<<if $StatusText.Notice is 1>>\
<<include "Update Status">>\
<<if _Rain > 0 and $StatusAffect.Wet < _Rain>>\
<<set _Rain to _Rain - $PCResistance.Water>>\
<<if _Rain > $StatusAffect.Wet>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Wet to _Rain>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I'm getting soaking wet!</i> </div>
<<if _Cold > 0 and $PCResistance.Cold < _Cold>>\
<<set _tempDamage to random(_Cold) + $StatusAffect.Wet>>\
<<set _tempDamage2 to _tempDamage - $PCResistance.Cold>>\
<<if _tempDamage2 > 0>>\
<<set $HP to $HP - _tempDamage2>>\
<<if $HP < 1>>\
<<set $HP to 1>>\
You take _tempDamage2 cold damage!
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I'm freezing to death!</i> </div>
<<switch _State>>\
<<case "TooLate">>\
<<set $Time.Current to $Time.Max>>\
It's too dangerous to explore the Grove Hills suburbs at this time of night.
<<button [[Return Home|Grove Hills Returning Home]]>>
<<set $NoEncounter to 0>>\
<<case "Ambush">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Ambushed to 1>>\
You've been ambushed by an enemy!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<set $location.Encounter to "Grove Hills">>\
<<case "Combat">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
A hostile enemy is roaming nearby!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<set $location.Encounter to "Grove Hills">>\
<<case "NPC">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
You've encountered something unusual!
<<button [[Encounter|Grove Hills Events]]>>
<<set $location.Event to "Grove Hills">>\
<<set $location.prev to $location.temp>>\
<<button [[Explore one of the Empty Houses|Grove Hills - Suburb House]]>>
<<set $location.Encounter to "Grove Hills">>\
<<set $location.temp2 to $location.temp>>\
<<button [[Look around the Area|Grove Hills Event Scout]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Scout the Area for Enemies|Grove Hills Scouting]]>>
<<set $location.Encounter to "Grove Hills">>\
<<button [[North|Grove Hills West]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[East|Grove Hills South]]>> <</button>>
<<if $lust >= ($MaxLust / 2) or $GeneralFeats.Horndog > 0>>\
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Masturbate|Masturbate]]>> </span>
<<set $location.Encounter to "Grove Hills">>\
<</switch>>\<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<set _Fog to 0>>\
<<set _Rain to 0>>\
<<set _Cold to 0>>\
<<set _Wind to 0>>\
<<switch $Weather.Current>>\
<<case "Cloudy" "Windy">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburbs 7.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Wind to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<case "Foggy">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburbs-F 7.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<case "Misty">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburbs-F 7.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Rainy" "Stormy">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburbs-R 7.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Dreary">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburbs-R 7.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Sleeting">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburbs-S 7.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Cold to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Snowy">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburbs-S 7.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Cold to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $Time.Current > 6>>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburbs-N 7.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburbs 7.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set $location.temp to "Grove Hills Southeast">>\
<<set $location.coord to 9>>\
<<set _EncounterStop to 0>>\
<<if $Time.Current >= $Time.Max >>\
<<set _State to "TooLate">>\
<<set $NoEncounter to 1>>\
<<if $NoEncounter < 1>>\
<<include "Random Encounter Check">>\
You are located in the southeastern part of the Grove Hills subdivision in the western suburbs of Civiton. Multiple houses with bullet holes can be seen abandoned around the street. Several broken down cars can be seen to the west while to the north the damage from gunfire can be more easily seen.
<<if $StatusText.Notice is 1>>\
<<include "Update Status">>\
<<if _Rain > 0 and $StatusAffect.Wet < _Rain>>\
<<set _Rain to _Rain - $PCResistance.Water>>\
<<if _Rain > $StatusAffect.Wet>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Wet to _Rain>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I'm getting soaking wet!</i> </div>
<<if _Cold > 0 and $PCResistance.Cold < _Cold>>\
<<set _tempDamage to random(_Cold) + $StatusAffect.Wet>>\
<<set _tempDamage2 to _tempDamage - $PCResistance.Cold>>\
<<if _tempDamage2 > 0>>\
<<set $HP to $HP - _tempDamage2>>\
<<if $HP < 1>>\
<<set $HP to 1>>\
You take _tempDamage2 cold damage!
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I'm freezing to death!</i> </div>
<<switch _State>>\
<<case "TooLate">>\
<<set $Time.Current to $Time.Max>>\
It's too dangerous to explore the Grove Hills suburbs at this time of night.
<<button [[Return Home|Grove Hills Returning Home]]>>
<<set $NoEncounter to 0>>\
<<case "Ambush">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Ambushed to 1>>\
You've been ambushed by an enemy!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<set $location.Encounter to "Grove Hills">>\
<<case "Combat">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
A hostile enemy is roaming nearby!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<set $location.Encounter to "Grove Hills">>\
<<case "NPC">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
You've encountered something unusual!
<<button [[Encounter|Grove Hills Events]]>>
<<set $location.prev to $location.temp>>\
<<button [[Explore one of the Empty Houses|Grove Hills - Suburb House]]>>
<<set $location.Encounter to "Grove Hills">>\
<<set $location.temp2 to $location.temp>>\
<<button [[Look around the Area|Grove Hills Event Scout]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Scout the Area for Enemies|Grove Hills Scouting]]>>
<<set $location.Encounter to "Grove Hills">>\
<<button [[North|Grove Hills East]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[West|Grove Hills South]]>> <</button>>
<<if $lust >= ($MaxLust / 2) or $GeneralFeats.Horndog > 0>>\
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Masturbate|Masturbate]]>> </span>
<<set $location.Encounter to "Grove Hills">>\
<</switch>>\<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<set _Fog to 0>>\
<<set _Rain to 0>>\
<<set _Cold to 0>>\
<<set _Wind to 0>>\
<<switch $Weather.Current>>\
<<case "Cloudy" "Windy">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Crash.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Wind to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<case "Foggy">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Crash-F.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<case "Misty">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Crash-F.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Rainy" "Stormy">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Crash-R.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Dreary">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Crash-R.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Sleeting">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Crash-S.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Cold to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Snowy">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Crash-S.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Cold to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $Time.Current > 6>>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Crash-N.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<img src="Images/Suburb/Crash.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set $location.temp to "Grove Hills South">>\
<<set $location.coord to 8>>\
<<set _EncounterStop to 0>>\
<<if $Time.Current >= $Time.Max >>\
<<set _State to "TooLate">>\
<<set $NoEncounter to 1>>\
<<if $NoEncounter < 1>>\
<<include "Random Encounter Check">>\
You are located in the southern part of the Grove Hills subdivision in the western suburbs of Civiton. There are a lot of broken down cars along with other crashed vehicles in this part of the subdivision. Several tree limbs litter the ground most likely due to wrecks wrapped around the tree trunks. Most of the houses nearby are damaged or destroyed.<<if $parkEvent.Found is 1>> There is a park to the north.<</if>>
<<if $StatusText.Notice is 1>>\
<<include "Update Status">>\
<<if _Rain > 0 and $StatusAffect.Wet < _Rain>>\
<<set _Rain to _Rain - $PCResistance.Water>>\
<<if _Rain > $StatusAffect.Wet>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Wet to _Rain>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I'm getting soaking wet!</i> </div>
<<if _Cold > 0 and $PCResistance.Cold < _Cold>>\
<<set _tempDamage to random(_Cold) + $StatusAffect.Wet>>\
<<set _tempDamage2 to _tempDamage - $PCResistance.Cold>>\
<<if _tempDamage2 > 0>>\
<<set $HP to $HP - _tempDamage2>>\
<<if $HP < 1>>\
<<set $HP to 1>>\
You take _tempDamage2 cold damage!
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I'm freezing to death!</i> </div>
<<switch _State>>\
<<case "TooLate">>\
<<set $Time.Current to $Time.Max>>\
It's too dangerous to explore the Grove Hills suburbs at this time of night.
<<button [[Return Home|Grove Hills Returning Home]]>>
<<set $NoEncounter to 0>>\
<<case "Ambush">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Ambushed to 1>>\
You've been ambushed by an enemy!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<set $location.Encounter to "Grove Hills">>\
<<case "Combat">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
A hostile enemy is roaming nearby!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<set $location.Encounter to "Grove Hills">>\
<<case "NPC">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
You've encountered something unusual!
<<button [[Encounter|Grove Hills Events]]>>
<<set $location.Event to "Grove Hills">>\
<<set $location.prev to $location.temp>>\
<<if $parkEvent.Found is 1>>\
<<button [[Enter the Park|Grove Hills Park]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Explore one of the Empty Houses|Grove Hills - Suburb House]]>>
<<set $location.Encounter to "Grove Hills">>\
<<set $location.temp2 to $location.temp>>\
<<button [[Look around the Area|Grove Hills Event Scout]]>>
<<if $parkEvent.Found < 1>>\
<<set $HiddenLocation.Found to 1>>\
<<set $HiddenLocation.DC to 5>>\
<<set $HiddenLocation.Name to "Park">>\
<<button [[Scout the Area for Enemies|Grove Hills Scouting]]>>
<<set $location.Encounter to "Grove Hills">>\
<<button [[East|Grove Hills Southeast]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[West|Grove Hills Southwest]]>> <</button>>
<<if $lust >= ($MaxLust / 2) or $GeneralFeats.Horndog > 0>>\
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Masturbate|Masturbate]]>> </span>
<<set $location.Encounter to "Grove Hills">>\
<</switch>>\<<switch $Weather.Current>>\
<<case "Cloudy" "Windy">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburbs 3.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<case "Foggy">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburbs-F 3.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<case "Misty">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburbs-F 3.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<case "Rainy" "Stormy">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburbs-R 3.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<case "Dreary">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburbs-R 3.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<case "Sleeting">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburbs-S 3.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<case "Snowy">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburbs-S 3.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<if $Time.Current > 6>>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburbs-N 3.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburbs 3.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set _Stop to 0>>\
  As you are walking down the suburban street you see a new sign on a door of one of the empty houses in the area. Looking at the sign you it reads "Wandering Clinic - Walk-ins Welcome!" Looking around the area you don't see any Infested.
<<if $npcTroy.Rob is 2>>\
<<set _Stop to 1>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I'm pretty sure Nurse Troy is still too ticked off with me to want to have a little chat and having an angry nurse do first-aid on me sounds like a bad idea all around...</i></div>
<<elseif $questsFamilyMom.Diary is 1 and $questsFamilyMom.NurseTroy is 0 and $questsFamilyMom.Started is not 2>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> Hey that's the name of the clinic from my $mom.Relationship's diary! I have to check it out! </i></div>
<<elseif $questsFamilyMom.OfficerMark is 1 and $questsFamilyMom.NurseTroy is 0 and $questsFamilyMom.Started is not 2>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> Hey that's the name of the clinic that Officer Mark said my $mom.Relationship was working at! I have to check it out! </i></div>
<<elseif $questsFamilyMom.Note is 1 and $questsFamilyMom.NurseTroy is 0 and $questsFamilyMom.Started is not 2>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> The note my $mom.Relationship left did mention a clinic. I'm not sure this counts but it couldn't hurt to check...</i></div>
<<elseif $nurseEvent.Visits < 1>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I wonder what a clinic is doing way out here in the suburbs? </i></div>
<div class="pcTalk"><i>This must be the current location of Nurse Troy's clinic... </i></div>
<<if _Stop is 0>>\
<<button [[Enter the clinic|Nurse Clinic Inside]]>>
<<set $location.Indoor to 1>>\
<<button [[Leave|$location.temp]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<set $NoEncounter to random(1) +2>>\
<</button>><img @src=$genericFighter.Image />
<<set $CombatRound to 0>>\
<<set $NoEncounter to 2>>\
Staring down at the defeated $genericFighter.Name3 you are feeling extremely horny and feeling like giving them what they want. How do you want to fuck them?
<<if $PC.Sex is not "Female" or $StatusAffect.Futa > 0>>\
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Fuck her Pussy|Suburb Milker Infested Fuck]]>>
<<set $SexScene2 to 1>>
<<if $PC.Sex is "Female" and $StatusAffect.Futa < 1>>\
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Get Eaten Out|Suburb Milker Infested Fuck]]>>
<<set $SexScene2 to 1>>
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Let Her Take Charge|Suburb Milker Infested Submit]]>>
<<if $lust + ($StatusAffect.Horny*2) < 100>>\
<<button [[Nevermind|$location.temp]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</if>>\<img @src=$genericFighter.Image />
<<if $StatusAffect.Vaccine < 1>>\
<<if (random(19) +1) + $PC.Fortitude + $InfectionResist.Fort + $FoodStatus.Fort - $StatusAffect.Wet < (20 + $genericFighter.Level + Math.round($Infestation.Progress / 2) )>>\
<<if $Infestation.Progress < 1>>\
<<set $Infestation.Progress to 1>>\
<<set _Infest to random(10) - $InfectionResist.DR +5>>\
<<if _Infest < 0>>\
<<set _Infest to 0>>\
<<set $PC.Infestation to $PC.Infestation + _Infest>>\
<<if $PC.Infestation > $Infestation.Cap>>\
<<set $PC.Infestation to $Infestation.Cap>>\
<<set $Infestation.MilkVariant to $Infestation.MilkVariant + random(10) +5>>\
<<if $Infestation.MilkVariant > $Infestation.MilkCap>>\
<<set $Infestation.MilkVariant to $Infestation.MilkCap>>\
<<if $PC.Sex is "Male">>\
<<include "Infested Milker Sex Submissive Male">>\
<<elseif $PC.Sex is "Female" and $StatusAffect.Futa < 1 >>\
<<include "Infested Milker Sex Submissive Female">>\
<<elseif $PC.Sex is "Futa" or $StatusAffect.Futa > 0>>\
<<include "Infested Milker Sex Submissive Futa">>\
<<include "Lust Passes">>\
<<if $location.SexFlag is 1>>\
<<button [[Return|$location.Sex]]>>
<<set $NoEncounter to random(1) +2>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<set $location.SexFlag to 0>>\
<<button [[Return|$location.temp]]>>
<<if $StatusAffect.Horde > 0 and $location.Indoor is 0>>\
<<set $NoEncounter to random(3)>>\
<<set $NoEncounter to random(1) +2>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</if>>\<img @src=$genericFighter.Image />
<<set $CombatRound to 0>>\
Staring at $genericFighter.Name you like what you see and feel like giving them what they want. How do you want to fuck them?
<<if $PC.Sex is not "Female" or $StatusAffect.Futa > 0>>\
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Fuck her Pussy|Suburb Milker Infested Fuck]]>>
<<set $SexScene2 to 1>>
<<if $PC.Sex is "Female" and $StatusAffect.Futa < 1>>\
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Get Eaten Out|Suburb Milker Infested Fuck]]>>
<<set $SexScene2 to 1>>
<<button [[Nevermind|$location.temp]]>> <</button>><<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<set _Fog to 0>>\
<<set _Rain to 0>>\
<<set _Cold to 0>>\
<<set _Wind to 0>>\
<<switch $Weather.Current>>\
<<case "Cloudy" "Windy">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Gated Entrance 1.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Wind to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<case "Foggy">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Gated Entrance-F 1.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<case "Misty">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Gated Entrance-F 1.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Rainy" "Stormy">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Gated Entrance-R 1.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Dreary">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Gated Entrance-R 1.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Sleeting">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Gated Entrance-S 1.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Cold to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Snowy">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Gated Entrance-S 1.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Cold to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $Time.Current > 6>>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Gated Entrance-N 1.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<img src="Images/Suburb/Gated Entrance 1.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set $location.temp to "Grove Hills Entrance">>\
<<set $locationGeneric to $locationGroveHills>>\
<<set $location.coord to 10>>\
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<if $Time.Current >= $Time.Max >>\
<<set _State to "TooLate">>\
<<set $NoEncounter to 1>>\
<<if $NoEncounter < 1>>\
<<include "Random Encounter Check">>\
You are located at the gated entrance of the Grove Hills subdivision in the northern suburbs of Civiton. Multiple signs of damage from gun fire is evident in this part of Grove Hills with all the street signs and mail boxes having been shot up. There are only a couple of houses near this section and they too have multiple bullet holes lining the walls. To the west is the main section of the Grove Hills subdivision and to the east is the greater suburbs of Oak Dale.<<if $minilibraryEvent.Found is 1>> There is a mini-library to the north partially hidden by some large shrubs.<</if>>
<<if $StatusText.Notice is 1>>\
<<include "Update Status">>\
<<if _Rain > 0 and $StatusAffect.Wet < _Rain>>\
<<set _Rain to _Rain - $PCResistance.Water>>\
<<if _Rain > $StatusAffect.Wet>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Wet to _Rain>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I'm getting soaking wet!</i> </div>
<<if _Cold > 0 and $PCResistance.Cold < _Cold>>\
<<set _tempDamage to random(_Cold) + $StatusAffect.Wet>>\
<<set _tempDamage2 to _tempDamage - $PCResistance.Cold>>\
<<if _tempDamage2 > 0>>\
<<set $HP to $HP - _tempDamage2>>\
<<if $HP < 1>>\
<<set $HP to 1>>\
You take _tempDamage2 cold damage!
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I'm freezing to death!</i> </div>
<<switch _State>>\
<<case "TooLate">>\
<<set $Time.Current to $Time.Max>>\
It's too dangerous to explore the Grove Hills suburbs at this time of night.
<<button [[Return Home|Grove Hills Returning Home]]>>
<<set $NoEncounter to 0>>\
<<case "Ambush">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Ambushed to 1>>\
You've been ambushed by an enemy!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<set $location.Encounter to "Grove Hills">>\
<<case "Combat">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
A hostile enemy is roaming nearby!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<set $location.Encounter to "Grove Hills">>\
<<case "NPC">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
You've encountered something unusual!
<<button [[Encounter|Grove Hills Events]]>>
<<set $location.Event to "Grove Hills">>\
<<set $location.prev to $location.temp>>\
<<if $grovehillsBossEvent.Defeated is 0>>\
<<button [[Confront the Raider|Grove Hills Boss Event]]>> <</button>>
<<elseif $grovehillsBossEvent.Defeated > 0>>\
<<button [[Enter the Oak Dale Suburbs|Oak Dale Entrance]]>>
<<if $StatusAffect.Horde > 0 and $miscRandomEvent.HeliLocation is "Grove Hills">>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Horde to Math.round($StatusAffect.Horde / 2)>>\
<<set $locationGeneric to $locationOakDale>>\
<<if $minilibraryEvent.Found is 1>>\
<<button [[Enter the Mini-Library|Tiny Library Branch]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Explore one of the Empty Houses|Grove Hills - Suburb House]]>>
<<set $location.Encounter to "Grove Hills">>\
<<set $location.temp2 to $location.temp>>\
<<button [[Look around the Area|Grove Hills Event Scout]]>>
<<if $minilibraryEvent.Found < 1>>\
<<set $HiddenLocation.Found to 1>>\
<<set $HiddenLocation.DC to 5>>\
<<set $HiddenLocation.Name to "Mini-Library">>\
<<button [[Scout the Area for Enemies|Grove Hills Scouting]]>>
<<set $location.Encounter to "Grove Hills">>\
<<button [[West|Grove Hills East]]>> <</button>>
<<if $lust >= ($MaxLust / 2) or $GeneralFeats.Horndog > 0>>\
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Masturbate|Masturbate]]>> </span>
<<set $location.Encounter to "Grove Hills">>\
<</switch>>\<<set $sexHistory.XP to $sexHistory.XP +1>>\
<<set $LastPartner to $genericFighter>>\
<<set _TCard to 0>>\
<<set _VCard to 0>>\
<<set $sexHistory.LastPartner to $genericFighter.Name>>\
<<set $sexHistory.Type to "Pussy">>\
<<set $sexHistory.Consent to "Yes">>\
<<if $sexHistory.TotalV is 1>>\
<<set $sexHistory.TrueVirginityWho to $genericFighter.Name>>\
<<set _TCard to 1>>\
<<set $sexHistory.TotalV to 0>>\
<<if $sexHistory.PussyV is 1>>\
<<set $sexHistory.PussyVirginityWho to $genericFighter.Name>>\
<<set _VCard to 1>>\
<<set $sexHistory.PussyV to 0>>\
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$genericFighter.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$genericFighter.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$genericFighter.DickSize]>>\
<<set _DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$genericFighter.DickSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$genericFighter.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$genericFighter.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _SizeComp to $PC.DickSize - $genericFighter.Level + ($GeneralFeats.FalseRep *2)>>\
<<if _SizeComp < 0>>\
<<set _SizeComp to 0>>\
  $genericFighter.Name2 stares at you with a hopeful look in her eyes as you walk towards her, your wet pussy eager for some action. With her huge breasts, jiggly ass and that huge cock there was no way you could walk away. "You're going to be fucking me so hard with your futa-cock you will have no choice but to completely overfill my pussy with your hot steamy baby-batter!" you say with a eager grin as you lie down with your legs spread wide. The Futa stares lustfully at your $DickSD cock along with your wet pussy.
<<switch _SizeComp>>\
<<case 0 1 2>>\
  "I can see why you would want a nice big dick in your pussy. Cause your own girl-cock is barely bigger then a giant clit." the Futa says with sympathy as she stares at your $DickSize <<Penis>> with a sad look. "How about I shove my _DickSD cock into your wet pussy and we can see about blowing some much needed size into your tiny little penis." she says as she kneels between your spread legs, her _DickSD _DickSize cock pressing against your pussy. She seems to savor the moment before pushing her meat staff into your tight pussy!
<<case 3 4 5 6>>\
  "Ok, I'm seeing a big issue here and that is your girl-cock is way too small. Having me fuck your pussy has to be some kind of community service cause most girls and futas would barely feel you if you was to fuck them with such a small dick." the Futa says with disdane as she stares at your $DickSize <<Penis>> with a disappointed look. "Lucky for you, I am really really horny and ready to rock!" she says as she kneels between your spread legs, her _DickSD _DickSize cock pressing against your pussy. She seems to savor the moment before pushing her meat staff into your tight pussy!
<<case 7 8 9 10 11 12>>\
  "Looking at your girl-cock, the only thing that I can say is that at least you have a meat rod instead of a meat reed. On the other hand seeing a fellow Futa wanting to improve her cock size does make me hot and bothered." the Futa says with encouragement as she stares at your $DickSize <<Penis>> with a thoughtful look. "Be prepared to have your cunt rocked hard by my _DickSD futa-cock and maybe you'll gain a inch or two by the time I'm done!" she says as she kneels between your spread legs, her _DickSD _DickSize cock pressing against your pussy. She seems to savor the moment before pushing her meat staff into your tight pussy!
<<case 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24>>\
  "No fucking way! How the fuck do you have a bigger cock then me? I mean damn, that's a great looking girl-cock your rocking! I wonder if my own futa-cock will grow after fucking someone with such a $DickSD dick?" the Futa says with excitement as she stares at your $DickSize <<Penis>> with a thirsty look. "I'm going to fuck your tight cunt hard and long with my _DickSD futa-cock and maybe next time you can fuck my pussy with your monster cock!" she says as she kneels between your spread legs, her _DickSD _DickSize cock pressing against your pussy. She seems to savor the moment before pushing her meat staff into your tight pussy!
  Your pussy feels so stuffed as her futa-cock dives deep, it causes you to gasp out "Oh fuck! Your thick and meaty cock is so deep in my pussy! FUCKKKK YESSSS!". The Futa seems to enjoy the moans of pleasure you are making along with the feeling of your tight cunt as she pauses just for a moment. She slowly pulls back her _DickSD futa-cock before slamming it back in causing your $BreastSD to bounce and jiggle wildly. Even your own throbbing futa-cock is getting into the action as it bounces and sways to the tempo of the hard fucking.
  "Oh? You like that? My _DickSD <<Penis>> slamming into your tight pussy? Just like this!" she says as she rams her cock in hard causing you to moan even louder. The pleasure of being fucked hard by the gorgeous Futa causes your $NippleSize long nipples to get as hard as diamonds on top of your $BreastsSize breasts. The Futa notices your arousal as she looks down at your chest.
<<if $Infestation.MilkProgress > 0>>\
  "I can't believe how big your fucking jugs are! Fuck! They look so tasty!" she says before grabbing your $BreastSD milk-filled tits. As she does so a $MilkAD stream of milk starts to squirt from your breasts. "What the fuck? Are your jugs actually milk jugs? That's hella fucking hot!" she says before bending down and latching on to your leaking nipple with her plump lips. You can feel her futa-cock getting bigger and harder inside your tight pussy as she drinks from your milk-filled tits.
  "Ooooh fuck! My leaking tits feel so good! Yessss! Keep drinking!" you moan as she continues to play with your leaking milk jugs. Without missing a single stroke she keeps hammering her diamond hard dick into your weeping pussy like a Futa possessed. It feels so good you can't help but wrap your legs around her waist, forcing the Futa to keep her futa-cock deep in your tight cunt.
<<elseif $PC.BreastsSize + ($GeneralFeats.FalseRep *2) < ($genericFighter.BreastsSize -4)>>\
  "I can't believe how fucking tiny your itty bitty titties are! Come on, you gotta have big fucking jugs to survive these streets!" she says before grabbing your $BreastSD breasts. Giving them a quick squeeze she just shakes her head sadly. She then leans forward pushing her _ISD breasts against your chest "See these _ISD tits? Ya gotta drink a lot more milk and then they will grow big and bouncy like mine!"
  "Ooooh fuck! My $BreastSD tits feel so good! Yessss! Keep playing with them!" you moan as she continues to play with your sensitive breasts. Without missing a single stroke she keeps hammering her diamond hard dick into your weeping pussy like a Futa possessed. It feels so good you can't help but wrap your legs around her waist, forcing the Futa to keep her futa-cock deep in your tight cunt.
<<elseif $PC.BreastsSize + ($GeneralFeats.FalseRep *2) < $genericFighter.BreastsSize>>\
  "Oh shit! Your fucking tits are just too small! You gotta have big fucking jugs to call yourself a proper Futa!" she says while groping your $BreastSD breasts. Giving them a thorough squeeze she just gives you a slightly demeaning frown. She then leans forward pushing her _ISD breasts against your chest "See these _ISD fun bags? You can call yourself a proper Futa once you have knockers this size!"
  "Ooooh fuck! My $BreastSD tits feel so good! Yessss! Keep playing with them!" you moan as she continues to play with your sensitive breasts. Without missing a single stroke she keeps hammering her diamond hard dick into your weeping pussy like a Futa possessed. It feels so good you can't help but wrap your legs around her waist, forcing the Futa to keep her futa-cock deep in your tight cunt.
<<elseif ($PC.BreastsSize + ($GeneralFeats.FalseRep *2)) is $genericFighter.BreastsSize>>\
  "I can't believe how nice your fucking tits are! Wait a second! They look to be the same size as my _ISD tits! No wonder they look so nice and $BreastSD!" she says while playing with your $BreastSD bouncy breasts. Giving them a measuring squeezing she gives you a slightly questioning look of confusion. She then leans forward pushing her _ISD breasts against your chest "I mean just look! They're the same fucking size as my _ISD tits!"
  "Ooooh fuck! My $BreastSD tits feel so good! Yessss! Keep playing with them!" you moan as she continues to explore your jiggling breasts. Without missing a single stroke she keeps hammering her diamond hard dick into your weeping pussy like a Futa possessed. It feels so good you can't help but wrap your legs around her waist, forcing the Futa to keep her futa-cock deep in your tight cunt.
<<elseif $PC.BreastsSize + ($GeneralFeats.FalseRep *2) > $genericFighter.BreastsSize>>\
  "I can't believe how big your fucking tits are! They're so fucking big and $BreastSD!" she says while eagerly playing with your $BreastSD bouncy breasts. Giving them a extremely thorough squeezing she gives you a huge smile of approval. She then leans forward pushing her _ISD breasts against your chest "Look how big they look when squished against my _ISD tits!"
  "Ooooh fuck! My $BreastSD tits feel so good! Yessss! Keep playing with them!" you moan as she continues to play with your jiggling breasts. Without missing a single stroke she keeps hammering her diamond hard dick into your weeping pussy like a Futa possessed. It feels so good you can't help but wrap your legs around her waist, forcing the Futa to keep her futa-cock deep in your tight cunt.
  Seemingly to finally noticing your neglected futa-dick, the Futa grabs it with one hand while skillfully fucking you nice and hard with her own futa-cock. Feeling her starting to stroke your hard $DickSD cock, you gasp in pleasure. The feeling of your tight pussy being hammered hard while your pre-cum dripping cock is being stroked causes your whole body to squirm as small electric bursts of pleasure explode throughout your body.
  “Oh fucking goddamn my cunt feels so good being hammered! Keep jerking my goddamn cock! Oh fuck!" you shout loudly as the Futa's rapid jackhammering of your tight cunt with her _DickSD <<Penis>> is pushing you so very close to cumming. The Futa doesn't respond verbally as almost all of her breath and strength is being used to give you an all out hard fucking by her futa-cock but she does respond physically by increasing the speed of her fucking ever so slightly more.
<<if $Infestation.FutaVariant >= $Infestation.FutaCap and $Infestation.Progress > 1 and $StatusAffect.Futa > 0>>\
<<include "Futa TF">>\
  As you continue to be fucked by the hot Futa you feel a pleasant warm sensation radiating from your groin. As it spreads throughout your body you feel a fundamental change in your gender identity as it reaches your head. You now know that you are a full-time Futa. Shaking off the distraction you have more important things to do like continue to be slammed by the Futa's _DickSD _DickSize cock into your tight pussy.
  "OH GOD! OH FUCK YES! I'M SHOOTING MY WAD INTO YOUR FUCKING CUNT!" she screams as she rapidly stroking your throbbing futa-cock even faster as her cock drills hard into your weeping pussy. A massive blast of cum erupts from her _DickSD <<Penis>> shooting deep into your thirsty cunt, filling you completely. As your pussy is being creampied you feel your orgasm hit like a train as you can no longer hold out.
  "OH FUCK! I'M CUMMING FROM BEING CREAMPIED!" you scream as the feeling of your pussy being blasted by her hot cum pushes you over the edge, causing you to squirt a $GCumAD spray of girl cum out of your pussy, soaking the Infested's cock. At the same time your hard futa-cock is exploding with a $CumAD geyser of hot white cum blasting out onto her her tits along with your own chest! <<if $Cum.Stored > 10>> As splurt after splurt of cum lands on her tits and face you moan "Fuckkkkk!" as her chest is painted white by your hot cum!<</if>>
<<elseif $PC.Infestation >= $Infestation.Cap & $Infestation.Progress > 1>>\
<<include "Infestation Increase">>\
  As your feel the Futa's <<Penis>> slam your wet cunt you feel a surge of energy flowing directly into you! It almost feels like you are burning up but it quickly turns to pleasure that radiates from your hard cock, breasts and ass!
  "OH GOD! I can feel your titties and cock getting bigger and bigger! OH FUCK YES! I'M SHOOTING MY WAD INTO YOUR FUCKING CUNT!" she screams as she rapidly stroking your throbbing futa-cock even faster as her cock drills hard into your weeping pussy. A massive blast of cum erupts from her _DickSD <<Penis>> shooting deep into your thirsty cunt, filling you completely. As your pussy is being creampied you feel your cock growing bigger and thicker with each stroke the Futa gives you. You can even feel your breasts pushing back against the Futa's _ISD chest as you feel your ass elevate you more as it gains more cushioning.
  "OH FUCK! I'M CUMMING FROM BEING CREAMPIED!" you scream as the feeling of your pussy being blasted by her hot cum pushes you over the edge, causing you to squirt the biggest load of girl cum you ever had out of your pussy and onto the ground befow. At the same time your hard futa-cock is exploding with a epic geyser of hot white cum blasting out onto her her tits along with your own chest! As splurt after splurt of cum lands on her tits and face you moan "Fuckkkkk! as her chest is painted white by your hot cum!
  As she pulls out of your overfilled cunt you notice you now have a $DickSD $DickSize cock along with a pair of $BallsSD $BallsSize balls! It also looks like your breasts have stopped growing so you now have a pair of $BreastSD $BreastsSize breasts. Even your ass is larger now with you now packing a $AssSize ass. Before you can react the Infested strokes your expanded <<Penis>> and with a smirk says "Looks like you are on the way to becoming one hot Futa!"
  "OH GOD! OH FUCK YES! I'M SHOOTING MY WAD INTO YOUR FUCKING CUNT!" she screams as she rapidly stroking your throbbing futa-cock even faster as her cock drills hard into your weeping pussy. A massive blast of cum erupts from her _DickSD <<Penis>> shooting deep into your thirsty cunt, filling you completely. As your pussy is being creampied you feel your orgasm hit like a train as you can no longer hold out.
  "OH FUCK! I'M CUMMING FROM BEING CREAMPIED!" you scream as the feeling of your pussy being blasted by her hot cum pushes you over the edge, causing you to squirt a $GCumAD spray of girl cum out of your pussy, soaking the Infested's hard cock. At the same time your hard futa-cock is exploding with a $CumAD geyser of hot white cum blasting out onto her her tits along with your own chest! <<if $Cum.Stored > 10>> As splurt after splurt of cum lands on her tits and face you moan "Fuckkkkk!" as her chest is painted white by your hot cum!<</if>>
  "Oh that was so good!" she says when you finally stand up, her cum dripping from your overfilled pussy. Taking one last moment to scoop some white goo from her tits along with a huge droplet from her futa-dick into her mouth, she contiunues "I'll hope to see you again soon, stud" With that you grab your clothes and leave the area.
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered+1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumFilled to $StatusAffect.CumFilled+1>>\<img @src=$genericFighter.Image width="550px" height="800px" />
<<if (random(19)+ 1) + $Skill.Social + $CharismaBonus + ($SocialSkillFeats.TalktoMe * 2) > 12 + $genericFighter.Social>>\
<<set $NoEncounter to 2>>\
<<set $Cash to $Cash -100>>\
<<set $bankEvent.Deposits to $bankEvent.Deposits+1>>\
<<if (random(19)+ 1) + $Skill.Social + $CharismaBonus > 14>>\
<<set $npcAmy.Friendship to $npcAmy.Friendship + $CharismaBonus +2 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set $npcAmy.Friendship to $npcAmy.Friendship + $CharismaBonus +1 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
  "Of course I want to make a deposit of 100 dollars! Can you go ahead and get me a deposit slip?" you ask the teller, whose name seems to be Amy if her name badge is correct. She seems confused for a moment before grabbing a deposit slip from below her cash register drawer.
  "Just fill in the amount and your bank account number, $arrayPCGender[5]!" she replies as if running on automatic. After filling out the required information and giving her 100 dollars, she deposits it into her till while humming a happy tune.
  "Thank you for doing business with Civiton National Bank, $PC.FirstName, and we hope to see you again soon!" Amy says with a happy smile while waving goodbye to you. You decide to head on out off the bank before something even stranger happens.
<<button [[Leave|Civiton National Bank Side]]>>
<<set $bankEvent.Combat to 0>>\
<<set $lust to $lust + random(10) + 1 + $StatusAffect.Horny>>\
  "Of course I want-" is all you are able to say before Amy leaps over the counter with a manic laugh! Grabbing her massive breasts she huskily moans as her shirt becomes wet with milk.
  "Deposit all of your load into me!" she moans as she reaches for you. Seems like you have a fight on your hands!
<<button [[Fight!|Suburb Combat]]>> <</button>>
<</if>>\<<set $genericEvent.Image = $eventPath3 + $arrayEvent3Fucked.random() + '.jpg'>>\
<<set $bankEvent.Deposits to $bankEvent.Deposits+1>>\
<<set $npcAmy.SexXP to $npcAmy.SexXP +1>>\
<<set $sexHistory.XP to $sexHistory.XP +1>>\
<<set $LastPartner to $npcAmy>>\
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$npcAmy.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$npcAmy.BreastsSize]>>\
<<if (random(19) + 1) + $Skill.Social + $CharismaBonus > 14>>\
<<set $npcAmy.Friendship to $npcAmy.Friendship +2 + $ClassBonus.Celebrity + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set $npcAmy.Friendship to $npcAmy.Friendship +1 + $ClassBonus.Celebrity + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.Vaccine < 1>>\
<<if (random(19) +1) + $PC.Fortitude + $InfectionResist.Fort + $FoodStatus.Fort < (20 + Math.round($Infestation.Progress / 2) )>>\
<<if $Infestation.Progress < 1>>\
<<set $Infestation.Progress to 1>>\
<<set _Infest to random(10) - $InfectionResist.DR +5>>\
<<if _Infest < 0>>\
<<set _Infest to 0>>\
<<set $PC.Infestation to $PC.Infestation + _Infest>>\
<<set $Infestation.MilkVariant to $Infestation.MilkVariant + random(10) +5>>\
<<if $PC.Infestation > $Infestation.Cap>>\
<<set $PC.Infestation to $Infestation.Cap>>\
<img @src=$genericEvent.Image />
  You can't stop staring at the Infested's _ISD milk-filled breasts and the fact you are horny as hell makes it easy decision. You pick her up before planting her on a nearby desk, causing her _ISD tits to jiggle softly. Amy giggles as she squeezes her _ICup tits causing them to squirt out some sweet smelling milk. "I guess I'm going to get that deposit after all!" she moans loudly.
  Your own <<Penis>> is rock hard long with your nipples pressing against your clothes. You quickly undress letting your $DickSD cock flop free. With a gleeful grin you say "I'm going to give you a massive deposit! So much in fact you won't be able to keep it all in your hot pussy!"
  Taking only a moment to line your dick up with her dripping pussy, you slide your $DickSize <<Penis>> easily into her slick cunt. Amy moans lewdly as you push all the way in. You pause for a moment to savor the feeling of her tight pussy, the way it's sucking you in feels divine. Unable to resist you start slamming your meat rod hard into Amy's tight cunt causing her milk-filled tits to bounce in time with your fucking.
  "Oh fuck yes, oh yes, oh yesss!" she screams as you thrust hard into her pussy. As you continue to fuck her tight cunt your eyes are drawn to her _ISD quivering breasts. Unable to resist you bend forward to grab her tasty looking tits causing a stream of milk to flow from those over-filled breasts. You quickly plant your lips on on one of her 2-inch long nipples and suck deeply from her milky breasts.
  The thick milk flows quickly and heavily and is one of the best things you've ever tasted. Your already hard cock becomes even harder as you continue to eagerly drink that heavenly milk. Even your own breasts are radiating pleasure as the never-ending stream of milk flows down your throat. "Oh God! My mommy milkers feel so good when you suck on them!" moans Amy as you try to drain her overfilled _ICup tits dry.
  The whole time you've been sucking on her tits you've been slamming your $DickSD cock into her hot tight pussy while slowly increasing the pace. You take a break from sucking Amy's tits to focus on giving her a good dicking as you slam your $DickSD cock into her warm hot pussy.
  "Oh fuck! Keep fucking me hard you god-damn fucker!" she gasps as she continues to be fucked extremely hard. Before you can even react Amy forces you to grip her _ISD breasts even harder causing more milk to squirt out. The feeling of groping a pair of magnificent tits that's constantly dripping milk along with her tight pussy is pushing you to the edge as your thrusting becomes frantic.
<<if $PC.Infestation >= $Infestation.Cap & $Infestation.Progress > 1>>\
<<set _DickSD to $DickSD>>\
<<set _DickSize to $DickSize>>\
<<include "Infestation Increase">>\
  The whole time you've been sucking on her tits you've been slamming your _DickSD cock into her hot tight pussy while slowly increasing the pace. Feeling an strange heat flowing into your cock and you take a break from sucking on Amy's tits to focus on fucking her hard. With each thrust of your cock it feels like it is growing with each throbbing slam into her sloppy wet pussy!
  "Oh fuck! Keep fucking me hard you god-damn fucker! I can feel your cock getting bigger and bigger! OH FUCKKKK YESSSS!" she gasps as she continues to be fucked extremely hard. Before you can even react Amy forces you to grip her _ISD breasts even harder causing more milk to squirt out. The feeling of groping a pair of magnificent tits that's dripping milk along with her tight pussy is pushing you to the edge as your thrusting becomes frantic.
  "Your cunt feels so tight, I can't stop! Oh fucking yes yes yes! I CAN'T HOLD BACK! I'M GOING TO CUM!" you yell as you begin to uncontrollably thrust into her wet cunt in preparation for your imminent orgasm. She just moans while rubbing her milky tits against your hard chest as your throbbing <<Penis>> slams into her. The pleasure becomes too much as you step past the point of no return as you unleash a $CumAD load of white cum directly into her tight cunt! As splurt after splurt of cum shoots into her pussy you yell "Take all of my big deposit you big tit whore!"
  "OH GOD YES! I'M FUCKING CUMMING AS WELL! GIVE ME ALL OF YOUR DEPOSITS!" She screams as a immense orgasm rocks her body. You feel her hot pussy tighten and then sucks all your hot cum straight in.<<if $Cum.Stored > 10>> The massive stream of hot cum lasts for over a minute and overflows out of her tight pussy!<</if>> As you pull out of her creampied pussy you notice you now have a $DickSD $DickSize cock along with larger $BallSize balls!
  You take a moment to get dressed as Amy dreamily says "Thank you for making a deposit at the Grove Hills branch of Civiton National Bank. Please cum again..." You give Amy one last look before backing away.
  "Your cunt feels so tight, I can't stop! OH FUCK YES! I CAN'T HOLD BACK! I'M GOING TO CUM!" you yell as you begin to uncontrollably thrust into her wet cunt in preparation for your imminent orgasm. She just moans while rubbing her milky tits against your hard chest as your throbbing <<Penis>> slams into her. The pleasure becomes too much as you step past the point of no return as you unleash a $CumAD load of white cum directly into her tight cunt! As splurt after splurt of cum shoots into her pussy you yell "Take all of my big deposit you big tit whore!"
  "OH GOD YES! I'M FUCKING CUMMING AS WELL! GIVE ME ALL OF YOUR DEPOSITS!" She screams as a immense orgasm rocks her body causing her milk-filled tits to quiver and squirt even more milk. You feel her hot pussy tighten and then sucks all your hot cum straight in.<<if $Cum.Stored > 10>> The massive stream of hot cum lasts for over a minute and overflows out of her tight pussy!<</if>>
  As you slowly recover from your orgasm you slowly get dressed as Amy dreamily says "Thank you for making a deposit at the Grove Hills branch of Civiton National Bank. Please cum again..." You give Amy one last look before backing away.
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I'm going to need to get out of here before she fully recovers.</i></div>
<<button [[Leave|Civiton National Bank Front]]>>
<<set $bankEvent.Combat to 0>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<include "Lust Passes">>\
<<set $bankEvent.Combat to 0>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</button>><<set $genericEvent.Image = $eventPath3 + $arrayEvent3Fucked.random() + '.jpg'>>\
<<set $bankEvent.Deposits to $bankEvent.Deposits+1>>\
<<set $npcAmy.SexXP to $npcAmy.SexXP +1>>\
<<set $sexHistory.XP to $sexHistory.XP +1>>\
<<set $LastPartner to $npcAmy>>\
<<if (random(19) + 1) + $Skill.Social + $CharismaBonus > 14>>\
<<set $npcAmy.Friendship to $npcAmy.Friendship +2 + $ClassBonus.Celebrity + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set $npcAmy.Friendship to $npcAmy.Friendship +1 + $ClassBonus.Celebrity + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.Vaccine < 1>>\
<<if (random(19) +1) + $PC.Fortitude + $InfectionResist.Fort + $FoodStatus.Fort < (20 + Math.round($Infestation.Progress / 2) )>>\
<<if $Infestation.Progress < 1>>\
<<set $Infestation.Progress to 1>>\
<<set _Infest to random(10) - $InfectionResist.DR +5>>\
<<if _Infest < 0>>\
<<set _Infest to 0>>\
<<set $PC.Infestation to $PC.Infestation + _Infest>>\
<<set $Infestation.MilkVariant to $Infestation.MilkVariant + random(10) +5>>\
<<if $PC.Infestation > $Infestation.Cap>>\
<<set $PC.Infestation to $Infestation.Cap>>\
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$npcAmy.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$npcAmy.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _INip to $arrayNippleSize[$npcAmy.NippleSize]>>\
<<set _IAss to $arrayAssSizeDesc[$npcAmy.AssSize]>>\
<<set _BreastSD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _BreastsSize to $arrayBreastSize[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<if $Infestation.MilkProgress > 0 or $Milk.Stored > $Milk.Min>>\
<<set _Breasts to "Milk">>\
<<elseif $StatusAffect.SiliconeB > 5>>\
<<set _Breasts to "Silicone">>\
<<set _Breasts to "Natural">>\
<<set _SizeComp to $PC.DickSize - $genericFighter.Level + ($GeneralFeats.FalseRep *2)>>\
<<if _SizeComp < 0>>\
<<set _SizeComp to 0>>\
<img @src=$genericEvent.Image />
  You can't stop staring at the Amy's _ISD milk-filled breasts and the fact you are horny as hell makes it a quite easy decision. You pick her up before planting her on a nearby sofa, causing her _ISD tits to jiggle softly. Amy giggles as she squeezes her _ICup tits causing them to squirt out some sweet smelling milk. "I guess I'm going to get that deposit after all!" she moans loudly.
  Lying on top of her you feel your $BreastSD breasts press against her _ISD breasts causing some of her milk to leak out from the pressure. Going in for a kiss you are slightly surprised as she kisses you first! You start to duel her wet and slippery tongue with your own while your grasping hands reaches up and cups her milk-filled breasts while she does the same to your senstive tits!
  Wanting a taste of that delicious smelling milk that's leading from her _ISD tits, you slide down her hot sweaty body before finding your face buried between her milk-filled jugs! As you slid downwards on your quest for milk, she had released her light grip on your own tits and is now pressing your head into her amazing chest and there's so much titty-flesh that if feels like you could drown in them!
  "Oooh! How about you get to sucking on my big titties?" she groans huskily as she urges you to get to sucking on her big thick nipples. Unable to deny what you were looking for in the first place, you slide your tongue across her hard nub and instantly get a taste of that sweet milk! You feel a spike in pleasure from your wettening pussy and desire even more of that amazing milk. Gripping her _ISD jugs even tighter, your latch onto those milky nipples and are instantly rewarded by a big gulp of milk!
<<switch _Breasts>>\
<<case "Milk">>\
<<set $StatusAffect.MilkTits to $StatusAffect.MilkTits +2>>\
<<if $Milk.Stored < $Milk.Max>>\
<<if $Milk.Stored < $Milk.Max -1>>\
<<set $Milk.Stored to $Milk.Stored +2>>\
<<set $PC.BreastsSize to $PC.BreastsSize + 2>>\
<<set $Milk.Stored to $Milk.Stored +1>>\
<<set $PC.BreastsSize to $PC.BreastsSize + 1>>\
<<set $PCChanges.BreastsGrowth to "Sex">>\
<<set $MilkAD to $arrayMilkAmountDesc[$Milk.Stored]>>\
<<set $BreastSD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set $BreastsSize to $arrayBreastSize[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
  Briefly coming up for air, you moan "Your titties taste so fucking good! I can't stop sucking on them!" before diving back into Amy's milk-filled jugs. As you drink heavily from those impressive milk jugs, you feel a strange bubbling sensation settling in your own milk-filled breasts. You ignore it for a moment to drink more from her milkers but the feeling just intensifies causing you to finally finish sucking on those jiggly titties much to Amy's disappointment. Glancing down at your chest you discover that your _BreastSD _BreastsSize milkers are growing in size as it feels like all that milk you gulped down is pumping directly into your own tits!
  Quickly sitting up in order to get a better look at what's happening to your chest, your $BreastSD $BreastsSize milkers bounce and jiggle from the motion causing droplets of milk to leak from your $NippleSize long nipples! Grabbing your milk jugs, a splash of milk squirts out and you let out a moan from how sensitive they are!
  "Oooh! You have some even biggger milky tits! You must love having people suck on them as much as I do!" Amy says as she admires your $BreastSD chest while her hands have slid down to her wet pussy. "I kinda wanna suck on them but I also really want to suck down a nice deposit of girl-cum..." You wouldn't mind having Amy suck on your new milk jugs but you're still wanting to take care of that aching need in your wet pussy.
  Briefly coming up for air, you moan "Your titties taste so fucking good! I can't stop sucking on them!" before diving back into Amy's milk-filled jugs. As you drink heavily from those impressive milk jugs, you feel your milk jugs start to leak rivers of juicy milk from your hard nipples. You ignore it for a moment to drink more from her milkers but the leakage just intensifies causing you to finally finish sucking on those jiggly titties much to Amy's disappointment. Glancing down at your chest you discover that your $BreastSD $BreastsSize milk-filled tits look to be a full capacity and can't grow any bigger! All that milk you've been gulping down is pumping directly into your own tits before leaking out!
  Quickly sitting up in order to get a better look at what's happening to your chest, your $BreastSD $BreastsSize milkers bounce and jiggle from the motion causing droplets of milk to leak from your $NippleSize long nipples! Grabbing your over-filled milk tanks, a large stream of milk squirts out and you let out a moan from how sensitive they are!
  "Oooh! You have some big milky tits like I do! They look really nice!" Amy says as she admires your $BreastSD chest while her hands have slid down to her wet pussy. "I kinda wanna suck on them but I also really want to suck down a nice deposit of girl-cum..." You wouldn't mind having Amy suck on your heavy milk jugs but you're still wanting to take care of that aching need in your wet pussy.
<<case "Silicone">>\
<<set $StatusAffect.MilkTits to $StatusAffect.MilkTits +2>>\
<<set $Milk.Stored to $Milk.Stored +2>>\
<<set $PC.BreastsSize to $PC.BreastsSize + 2>>\
<<set $PCChanges.BreastsGrowth to "Sex">>\
<<set $MilkAD to $arrayMilkAmountDesc[$Milk.Stored]>>\
<<set $BreastSD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set $BreastsSize to $arrayBreastSize[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
  Briefly coming up for air, you moan "Your titties taste so fucking good! I can't stop sucking on them!" before diving back into Amy's milk-filled jugs. As you drink heavily from those impressive milk jugs, you feel a strange bubbling sensation settling in your silicone-filled breasts. You ignore it for a moment to drink more from her milkers but the feeling just intensifies causing you to finally finish sucking on those jiggly titties much to Amy's disappointment. Glancing down at your chest you discover that your _BreastSD _BreastsSize fake tits are growing in size as it feels like all that milk you gulped down is pumping directly into your own tits!
  Quickly sitting up in order to get a better look at what's happening to your chest, your $BreastSD $BreastsSize milkers bounce and jiggle from the motion causing droplets of milk to leak from your $NippleSize long nipples! Grabbing your formally fake looking tits, a splash of milk squirts out and you let out a moan from how sensitive they are!
  "Oooh! You have some big milky tits like I do! I mean I also liked your silicone-titties but I think your big milkers are even nicer!" Amy says as she admires your $BreastSD chest while her hands have slid down to her wet pussy. "I kinda wanna suck on them but I also really want to suck down a nice deposit of girl-cum..." You wouldn't mind having Amy suck on your new milk jugs but you're still wanting to take care of that aching need in your wet pussy.
<<set $StatusAffect.MilkTits to $StatusAffect.MilkTits +2>>\
<<set $Milk.Stored to $Milk.Stored +2>>\
<<set $PC.BreastsSize to $PC.BreastsSize + 2>>\
<<set $PCChanges.BreastsGrowth to "Sex">>\
<<set $MilkAD to $arrayMilkAmountDesc[$Milk.Stored]>>\
<<set $BreastSD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set $BreastsSize to $arrayBreastSize[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
  Briefly coming up for air, you moan "Your titties taste so fucking good! I can't stop sucking on them!" before diving back into Amy's milk-filled jugs. As you drink heavily from those impressive milk jugs, you feel a strange bubbling sensation settling in your breasts. You ignore it for a moment to drink more from her milkers but the feeling just intensifies causing you to finally finish sucking on those jiggly titties much to Amy's disappointment. Glancing down at your chest you discover that your _BreastSD _BreastsSize breasts are growing in size as it feels like all that milk you gulped down is pumping directly into your own tits!
  Quickly sitting up in order to get a better look at what's happening to your chest, your $BreastSD $BreastsSize milkers bounce and jiggle from the motion causing droplets of milk to leak from your $NippleSize long nipples! Grabbing your tits, some more milk squirts out and you let out a moan from how sensitive they are!
  "Oooh! You have some big milky tits like I do! They look really nice!" Amy says as she admires your $BreastSD chest while her hands have slid down to her wet pussy. "I kinda wanna suck on them but I also really want to suck down a nice deposit of girl-cum..." You wouldn't mind having Amy suck on your new milk jugs but you're still wanting to take care of that aching need in your wet pussy.
  Deciding to focus on giving Amy her 'deposit' you reply "How about I sit on your face so you can get a nice deposit of girl-cum and I'll be nice enough to eat your pussy at the same time?" Her eyes light up at the thought of finally getting what her body has been craving this whole time and from the way her body shakes it almost looks like she just came from the idea!
  "Yes, please! Please give this bank teller your whole deposit!" she says happily as her fingers slide in and out of her dripping wet pussy. Hearing her enthusiastic begging for your pussy juices, you slowly manuever yourself so that your wet pussy is right above her eager face. Before you can really settle, Amy grabs your $AssSize hips and slams her tongue deep into your cunt!
  "Oh shit! You, uh, really wanted to get started!" you gasp as you find she's expertly swirling her tongue deep in your wet pussy, encouraging even greater wetness. You let out a breathy moan as she slides a finger in as well and you have to brace yourself on her _ISD tits just to hold your balance from the intense sensations!
  Amy's too far gone to do more than just moan softly from the fact your groping her tits once again. Reluctantly letting go of her _ISD breasts, you glance down at her wet pussy and lick your lips. Thinking that you want some of that, you bend over and slide your face close to her sloppy wet cunt. You can feel Amy's _ICup tits pressing into your stomach and you're sure she's feeling your $BreastsSize tits as well!
  You tentatively give her wet pussy a timid lick but from how delicious it tastes, you can't help but slide your tongue in even deeper! Amy gives out a muffled moan of pleasure as you explore the depths of her wet and slippery pussy and rewards you as more of her tasty juices flow from her tight cunt. Her grip on your $AssSize ass tightens as she pull your groin even harder into her eager mouth. Soon you are emulating Amy as you slide a finger into her tight slit causing an even louder moan to erupt from the Infested bank teller.
  A spike of increased pleasure forces you out of her moist twat as you scream out "Oh fuck! Keep sucking on my clitty!" Focusing back on her soaking wet pussy, you dive back in as you try to power through the amount of pleasure your cunt is radiating! As you lick and suck on her tight slit, you become increasingly distracted by the intense rapture your box is feeling and you can feel your orgasm rising fast!
<<if $Infestation.MilkProgress < 1 and $Infestation.MilkVariant > 99 and $Infestation.Progress > 1>>\
<<set _BreastSD to $BreastSD>>\
<<set _BreastsSize to $BreastsSize>>\
<<set _NippleSize to $NippleSize>>\
<<include "Milk TF">>\
  As you slide your tongue around the Infested's tight pussy, you feel a strange bubbling sensation that starts in your breasts but quickly spreads throughout your body! Before you can ponder what is happening the bubbling sensation increases rapidly in your _BreastSD breasts!
  You feel weight of your chest rapidly increase as your breasts start pushing you away from Amy. The feeling of your tits growing is beyond your capacity for holding back as you scream out "Oh fuckkkkk! I'm cumming so hard all over your beautiful fucking face! Take all over my deposit! Fuckkk!" as one of the most intense orgasms crashes into you and you literally see stars as your ecstasy filled pussy clenches all over Amy's finger and tongue! Your soaking wet pussy unleashes an almost never-ending tsunami of girl-cum all over the Infested's face. The stream of girl-cum lasts for over a minute and completely soaks her estatic face! Even your milk-filled breasts shake in pleasure as $MilkAD streams of milk soak squirt out soaking your hands and Amy's stomach.
  It looks like finally gettting your messy deposit has pushed Amy over the edge as her muffled screams of ecstasy fill the room and you get a mouth full of girl-cum as her dripping wet pussy squirts all over your face! Finally sitting up, you take stock in the changes and notice that your breasts are now $BreastSD $BreastsSize milk jugs! They are no longer leaking milk but you can feel that they are still filled with some milk and will fill up even more over time. You also have a feeling that it's going to be extremely easy for you to leak milk from now on, especially during sexual acts. As you try and take in the changes to your jugs, Amy pulls herself out from under you causing you to fall off the couch and onto the floor! "That was a great deposit! Wait! What are you doing on the floor and were your titties always so $BreastSD?" she asks curiously before you slowly stand up. The extra weight up top made it more difficult but eventually you start to get dressed without bothering to answer the ditzy Infested Banker. Watching you walk away, Amy waves to you and says "Thank you for your deposit! Please cum again!"
<<elseif $PC.Infestation is $Infestation.Cap & $Infestation.Progress > 1>>\
<<set _AssSize to $AssSize>>\
<<set _BreastSD to $BreastSD>>\
<<set _BreastsSize to $BreastsSize>>\
<<set _NippleSize to $NippleSize>>\
<<include "Infestation Increase">>\
  As you slide your tongue around the Infested's tight pussy, you feel a surge of energy flowing directly into you! It almost feels like you are burning up but it quickly turns to pleasure that radiates from your _AssSize ass and _BreastSD breasts!
  The pleasureable feeling of your breasts slowly expanding distracts you enough that you end up sitting upright, gripping your _BreastsSize tits while moaning in ecstasy! The feeling of your tits growing is beyond your limits for holding back your orgasm and you scream out "Oh fuckkkkk! I'm cumming so fucking hard all over your face! Take all over my big deposit! Fuckkk!" as one of the most intense orgasms crashes into you and you literally see stars as your ecstasy filled pussy clenches all over Amy's finger and tongue! You can feel your growing ass press down hard on Amy's face as you grind against her as your orgasm continues.
  Cumming all over Amy's eager face looks to have pushed her over the edge as well as she lets out a muffled scream of "I'm cumming so much from your big deposit!" A massive fountain of girl-cum squirts of her leaking pussy and some of it actually lands on your $BreastsSD chest! As you try and take in the changes to your jugs, Amy pulls herself out from under you causing you slide over to the other side of the couch. That gives you the space to verify that you now have $BreastSD $BreastsSize breasts and a $AssSize butt!
  As you stand up and get dressed, Amy says "That was an amazing deposit! Wait! Were your titties always so $BreastSD?" You just shake your head and finish putting your clothes on. Watching you walk away Amy waves to you and says dreamily "Thank you for your deposit! Please cum again!"
  The pleasureable feeling of being eaten out while being fingered so hard by Amy pushes you over the edge as you end up sitting upright, gripping your $BreastsSize tits while moaning in ecstasy! Unable to hold back your orgasm, you scream out "Oh shit! I'm cumming so fucking hard all over your face! Fuckkkk!!" as an intense orgasm slams into you and you literally see stars as your ecstasy filled pussy clenches all over Amy's finger and tongue! A $GCumAD squirting of girl-cum soaks the Infested Banker's beautiful face!
  Cumming all over Amy's expecting face looks to have pushed her over the edge as well as she lets out a muffled scream of "Your big deposit is making me cum so hard!" A massive fountain of girl-cum squirts of her leaking pussy and some of it actually lands on your $BreastsSD chest! Amy finally pulls herself out from under you causing you slide over to the other side of the couch.
  As you stand up and get dressed, Amy says "That was an amazing deposit! It felt so good to take all of that yummy cum!" as she licks some more of your girl-cum off her wet face. You just shake your head and finish putting your clothes on. Watching you walk away Amy waves to you and says dreamily "Thank you for your deposit! Please cum again!"
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I'm going to need to get out of here before she fully recovers.</i></div>
<<button [[Leave|Civiton National Bank Front]]>>
<<set $bankEvent.Combat to 0>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<include "Lust Passes">>\
<<set $genericEvent.Image = $eventPath3 + $arrayEvent3Fucked.random() + '.jpg'>>\
<<set $bankEvent.Deposits to $bankEvent.Deposits+1>>\
<<set $npcAmy.SexXP to $npcAmy.SexXP +1>>\
<<set $sexHistory.XP to $sexHistory.XP +1>>\
<<set $LastPartner to $npcAmy>>\
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$npcAmy.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$npcAmy.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _BreastSD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _BreastsSize to $arrayBreastSize[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<if (random(19) + 1) + $Skill.Social + $CharismaBonus > 14>>\
<<set $npcAmy.Friendship to $npcAmy.Friendship +2 + $ClassBonus.Celebrity + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set $npcAmy.Friendship to $npcAmy.Friendship +1 + $ClassBonus.Celebrity + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.Vaccine < 1>>\
<<if (random(19) +1) + $PC.Fortitude + $InfectionResist.Fort + $FoodStatus.Fort < (20 + Math.round($Infestation.Progress / 2) )>>\
<<if $Infestation.Progress < 1>>\
<<set $Infestation.Progress to 1>>\
<<set _Infest to random(10) - $InfectionResist.DR +5>>\
<<if _Infest < 0>>\
<<set _Infest to 0>>\
<<set $PC.Infestation to $PC.Infestation + _Infest>>\
<<set $Infestation.MilkVariant to $Infestation.MilkVariant + random(10) +5>>\
<<if $Infestation.MilkVariant > $Infestation.MilkCap>>\
<<set $Infestation.MilkVariant to $Infestation.MilkCap>>\
<<if $PC.Infestation > $Infestation.Cap>>\
<<set $PC.Infestation to $Infestation.Cap>>\
<<if $Infestation.MilkProgress > 0 or $Milk.Stored > $Milk.Min>>\
<<set _Breasts to "Milk">>\
<<elseif $StatusAffect.SiliconeB > 5>>\
<<set _Breasts to "Silicone">>\
<<set _Breasts to "Natural">>\
<<set _SizeComp to $PC.DickSize - $genericFighter.Level + ($GeneralFeats.FalseRep *2)>>\
<<if _SizeComp < 0>>\
<<set _SizeComp to 0>>\
<img @src=$genericEvent.Image />
  You can't stop staring at the Infested's _ISD milk-filled breasts and the fact you are horny as hell makes it easy decision. You pick her up before planting her on a nearby desk, causing her _ISD tits to jiggle softly. Amy giggles as she squeezes her _ICup tits causing them to squirt out some sweet smelling milk. "I guess I'm going to get that deposit after all!" she moans loudly.
  Your own <<Penis>> is rock hard long with your nipples pressing against your clothes. You quickly undress letting your _BreastSD breasts bounce free along with your $DickSD cock. With a gleeful grin you say "I'm going to give you a massive deposit! So much in fact you won't be able to keep it all in your hot pussy!"
  Taking only a moment to line your dick up with her dripping pussy, you slide your $DickSize <<Penis>> easily into her slick cunt. Amy moans lewdly as you push all the way in. You pause for a moment to savor the feeling of her tight pussy, the way it's sucking you in feels divine. Unable to resist you start slamming your meat rod hard into Amy's tight cunt causing her milk-filled tits to bounce in time with your fucking.
  "Oh fuck yes, oh yes, oh yesss!" she screams as you thrust hard into her pussy. As you continue to fuck her tight cunt your eyes are drawn to her _ISD quivering breasts. Unable to resist you bend forward to grab her tasty looking tits causing a stream of milk to flow from those over-filled breasts. You quickly plant your lips on on one of her 2-inch long nipples and drink deeply from her milky breasts.
  The thick milk flows quickly and heavily and is one of the best things you've ever tasted. Your already hard cock becomes even harder as you continue to eagerly drink that heavenly milk. Even your own breasts are radiating pleasure as the never-ending stream of milk flows down your throat. "Oh God! My mommy milkers feel so good when you suck on them!" moans Amy as you try to drain her overfilled _ICup tits dry.
<<switch _Breasts>>\
<<case "Milk">>\
<<set $StatusAffect.MilkTits to $StatusAffect.MilkTits +2>>\
<<if $Milk.Stored < $Milk.Max>>\
<<if $Milk.Stored < $Milk.Max -1>>\
<<set $Milk.Stored to $Milk.Stored +2>>\
<<set $PC.BreastsSize to $PC.BreastsSize + 2>>\
<<set $Milk.Stored to $Milk.Stored +1>>\
<<set $PC.BreastsSize to $PC.BreastsSize + 1>>\
<<set $PCChanges.BreastsGrowth to "Sex">>\
<<set $MilkAD to $arrayMilkAmountDesc[$Milk.Stored]>>\
<<set $BreastSD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set $BreastsSize to $arrayBreastSize[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
  The whole time you've been sucking on her hard nipples, you've been slamming your $DickSD cock into her hot tight pussy while slowly increasing the pace. Feeling an powerful bubbling sensation from your breasts, you take a break from sucking on Amy's tits to look down at your own breasts. You are not surprised to find that your tits are slowly growing before settling in as $BreastSD $BreastsSize jugs with a $MilkAD amount of milk leaking from them. The $MilkAD streams of milk gushing from your $NippleSize nipples are flowing down your chest and splattering on Amy's own _ISD milkers.
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$npcAmy.BreastsSize +2]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$npcAmy.BreastsSize +2]>>\
  "Oh wow! I didn't know you were a big-titty Milker like me!" she gasps as she takes in your $BreastSD milk jugs. "You tasted my milk so I wanna quick taste of your sweet milk!" she moans as she pulls you even closer to her, allowing her to latch onto your milk-filled tits with her plump lips. The feeling of Amy drinking from your breasts is so erotic that you can't help but groan loudly and soon you discover that her already impressive jugs have grown to _ISD _ICup mega-milkers!
  The whole time you've been sucking on her hard nipples you've been slamming your $DickSD cock into her hot tight pussy while slowly increasing the pace. Feeling an overwhelming pleasure from your breasts you take a break from sucking on Amy's tits to look down at your own breasts. You are not surprised to find that your $BreastSD $BreastsSize tits are leaking a $MilkAD amount of milk. The $MilkAD streams of milk gushing from your $NippleSize nipples are flowing down your chest and splattering on Amy's own _ISD milkers.
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$npcAmy.BreastsSize +2]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$npcAmy.BreastsSize +2]>>\
  "Oh wow! I didn't know you were a big-titty Milker like me!" she gasps as she takes in your $BreastSD milk jugs. "You tasted my milk so I wanna quick taste of your sweet milk!" she moans as she pulls you even closer to her, allowing her to latch onto your milk-filled tits with her plump lips. The feeling of Amy drinking from your breasts is so erotic that you can't help but groan loudly and soon you discover that her already impressive jugs have grown to _ISD _ICup mega-milkers!
<<case "Silicone">>\
<<set $StatusAffect.MilkTits to $StatusAffect.MilkTits +2>>\
<<set $Milk.Stored to $Milk.Stored +2>>\
<<set $PC.BreastsSize to $PC.BreastsSize + 2>>\
<<set $PCChanges.BreastsGrowth to "Sex">>\
<<set $MilkAD to $arrayMilkAmountDesc[$Milk.Stored]>>\
<<set $BreastSD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set $BreastsSize to $arrayBreastSize[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
  The whole time you've been sucking on her hard nipples, you've been slamming your $DickSD cock into her hot tight pussy while slowly increasing the pace. Feeling an slight bubbling sensation from your silicone-filled breasts, you take a break from sucking on Amy's tits to look down at your own breasts and to your shock you discover that your tits are slowly growing before settling in as $BreastSD $BreastsSize milkjugs! It feels like all that silicone that filled your chest has been transformed into milk instead! Thick drops of milk are dripping down your chest from your $NippleSize nipples and you can't help but moan loudly at the pleasurable sensation.
  "Oh wow! I liked your big fake tits but your milkers are also great as well!" she gasps as she takes in your $BreastSD milk jugs. Before you can even react Amy pulls you down letting your slightly milky $BreastsSize breasts squish against her own _ICup breasts. The feeling of your sensitive tits being pressed into Amy's impressive chest causes you to groan loadly as your hard thrusting speeds up even more.
<<set $StatusAffect.MilkTits to $StatusAffect.MilkTits +2>>\
<<set $Milk.Stored to $Milk.Stored +2>>\
<<set $PC.BreastsSize to $PC.BreastsSize + 2>>\
<<set $PCChanges.BreastsGrowth to "Sex">>\
<<set $MilkAD to $arrayMilkAmountDesc[$Milk.Stored]>>\
<<set $BreastSD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set $BreastsSize to $arrayBreastSize[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
  The whole time you've been sucking on her hard nipples, you've been slamming your $DickSD cock into her hot tight pussy while slowly increasing the pace. Feeling an slight bubbling sensation from your breasts you take a break from sucking on Amy's tits to look down at your own breasts and to your shock you discover that your tits are slowly growing before settling in as $BreastSD $BreastsSize milkjugs! Thick drops of milk are dripping down your chest from your $NippleSize nipples and you can't help but moan loudly at the pleasurable sensation.
  "Oh wow! You're on the way to becoming a Milker like me!" she gasps as she takes in your $BreastSD milk jugs. Before you can even react Amy pulls you down letting your slightly milky $BreastsSize breasts squish against her own _ICup breasts. The feeling of your sensitive tits being pressed into Amy's impressive chest causes you to groan loadly as your hard thrusting speeds up even more.
<<if $Infestation.MilkProgress < 1 and $Infestation.MilkVariant > 99 and $Infestation.Progress > 1>>\
<<set _BreastSD to $BreastSD>>\
<<set _BreastsSize to $BreastsSize>>\
<<set _NippleSize to $NippleSize>>\
<<include "Milk TF">>\
  As you continue to slam your futa-cock deep inside Amy's hot twat, you feel a strange bubbling sensation that starts in your breasts but quickly spreads throughout your body! Before you can ponder what is happening the bubbling sensation increases rapidly in your _BreastSD breasts!
  You can feel your tits pressing harder against Amy's _ISD chest, pushing you ever so slightly farther away. Staring down at your own breasts, you discover your _BreastSD _BreastsSize tits are slowly growing! Slowly at first but the growth rapidly increases as does the pleasure as you can feel an overwhelming amount of milk pump them up! It doesn't stop there as one last pulse of pleasure causes your overfilled breasts to erupt with milk! Massive streams of milk gush from your tits flowing down your chest from your $NippleSize long nipples.
  "Oh wow! You're a big-titty Milker like me now!" she gasps as she takes in your $BreastSD milk jugs. "I wanna taste of your sweet milk!" she moans as she pulls you even closer to her, allowing her to latch onto your milk-filled tits with her plump lips. The feeling of Amy drinking from your milk-filled breasts is so erotic that your moments away from blowing your load.
  "Your lips feel so gooood on my tits, I can't stop! Oh shit fucking my tits are gushing milk and I CAN'T HOLD BACK! I'M GOING TO CUM!" you yell as you begin to uncontrollably thrust into her wet cunt in preparation for your imminent orgasm. She just moans louder while sucking harder on your milky tits as your hard <<Penis>> slams into her. The pleasure becomes too much as you dive hard past the point of no return as you unleash a $CumAD load of white cum directly into her tight cunt! Your milk breasts almost feel like they are having a mini-orgasms as they unleash a $MilkAD amount of milk down the Infested's thirsty lips.
  "OH GOD YES! I'M FUCKING CUMMING AS WELL! GIVE ME ALL OF YOUR DEPOSITS!" Letting go of your nipple she screams as milk pours down her face and a immense orgasm rocks her body. You feel her hot pussy tighten and then sucks all your hot cum straight in.<<if $Cum.Stored > 10>> The massive stream of hot cum lasts for over a minute and overflows out of her tight pussy!<</if>>
  As you slowly recover from your orgasm you can finally take stock of your changes. You notice your breasts are now $BreastSD $BreastsSize jugs with $NippleSize inch long nipples! You also notice that your breasts are no longer leaking milk but you still feel them filled with milk. You have a feeling that it's going to be extremely easy for you to leak milk from now on, especially during sexual acts. You take a moment to get dressed as Amy dreamily says "Thank you for making a deposit at the Grove Hills branch of Civiton National Bank. Please cum again..." You give Amy one last look before backing away.
<<elseif $PC.Infestation >= $Infestation.Cap & $Infestation.Progress > 1>>\
<<set _BreastSD to $BreastSD>>\
<<set _BreastsSize to $BreastsSize>>\
<<set _NippleSize to $NippleSize>>\
<<set _DickSD to $DickSD>>\
<<set _DickSize to $DickSize>>\
<<include "Infestation Increase">>\
  As you slam her extremely tight cunt with your throbbing <<Penis>>, you feel a surge of energy flowing directly into you! It almost feels like you are burning up but it quickly turns to pleasure that radiates from your hard cock, wet pussy and milky breasts.
  You can feel your tits pressing harder against Amy's _ISD chest, pushing you ever so slightly farther away. Staring down at yourself, you discover your _BreastSD _BreastsSize tits are slowly growing as is your ass! Even your futa-cock is feeling bigger and thicker with each thrust into her wet tight cunt!
  "Oh wow! You're very close to becoming a Milker like me!" she gasps as she takes in your larger $BreastSD milk-jugs. Before you can even react Amy pulls you down letting your extremely milky $BreastsSize breasts squish against her own _ICup breasts. The feeling of your sensitive tits leaking milk all over her big titties along with her tight pussy squeezing your cock so hard is pushing you to the edge as your thrusting becomes frantic.
  "Your cunt feels so tight, I can't stop! Oh shit my fucking tits are gushing milk and I CAN'T HOLD BACK! I'M GOING TO CUM!" you yell as you begin to uncontrollably thrust into her wet cunt in preparation for your imminent orgasm. She just moans while rubbing her milky tits against your tits as your hard <<Penis>> slams into her. The pleasure becomes too much as you step past the point of no return as you unleash a $CumAD load of white cum directly into her tight cunt! Even your neglected pussy lets out a $GCumAD flood of girl-cum as well. As splurt after splurt of cum shoots into her pussy you yell "Take all of my big deposit you big fucking whore!"
  "OH GOD YES! I'M FUCKING CUMMING AS WELL! GIVE ME ALL OF YOUR DEPOSITS!" She screams as a immense orgasm rocks her body. You feel her hot pussy tighten and then sucks all your hot cum straight in.<<if $Cum.Stored > 10>> The massive stream of hot cum lasts for over a minute and overflows out of her tight pussy!<</if>> As you pull out of her creampied pussy you can finally take stock of the changes to your body. Your breasts have grown into proper $BreastSD $BreastsSize jugs with $NippleSize inch long nipples on top! Looking lower you discover that you now have a $DickSD $DickSize cock and larger $BallSize balls! Even your ass is looking bigger with your $AssSize asscheeks jiggling softly.
  As you slowly recover from your orgasm you slowly get dressed as Amy dreamily says "Thank you for making a deposit at the Grove Hills branch of Civiton National Bank. Please cum again..." You give Amy one last look before backing away.
  "Your cunt feels so tight, I can't stop! Oh shit my tits are leaking milk and I CAN'T HOLD BACK! I'M GOING TO CUM!" you yell as you begin to uncontrollably thrust into her wet cunt in preparation for your imminent orgasm. She just moans while rubbing her milky titties against your own tits as your hard <<Penis>> slams into her. The pleasure becomes too much as you step past the point of no return as you unleash a $CumAD load of white cum directly into her tight cunt! Even your neglected pussy lets out a $CumAD flood of girl-cum as well. As splurt after splurt of cum shoots into her pussy you yell "Take all of my big deposit you big tit whore!"
  "OH GOD YES! I'M FUCKING CUMMING AS WELL! GIVE ME ALL OF YOUR DEPOSITS!" She screams as a immense orgasm rocks her body. You feel her hot pussy tighten and then sucks all your hot cum straight in.<<if $Cum.Stored > 10>> The massive stream of hot cum lasts for over a minute and overflows out of her tight pussy!<</if>>
  As you slowly recover from your orgasm you notice your breasts are no longer leaking milk. You take a moment to get dressed as Amy dreamily says "Thank you for making a deposit at the Grove Hills branch of Civiton National Bank. Please cum again..." You give the ditzy Infested Banker one last look before backing away.
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I'm going to need to get out of here before she fully recovers.</i></div>
<<button [[Leave|Civiton National Bank Front]]>>
<<set $bankEvent.Combat to 0>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<include "Lust Passes">>\
<</button>><<set $NoEncounter to random(1) +2>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set _Scout to (random(19) + 1) + $Skill.Scouting + $WisdomBonus + ($ThieverySkillFeats.SnareMaster *2)>>\
<<if (random(19) + 1) + ($Time.Current * 2) > 15>>\
<<set $supplyEvent.Trap to 1>>\
<<switch $location.Event>>\
<<case "Grove Hills">>\
<<if $Time.Current < 6>>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburbs 4.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburbs-N 4.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
While walking around the Grove Hills subdivison you notice several large boxes of what looks to be supplies along with a used parachute in the middle of the street!
<<case "Oak Dale">>\
<<if $Time.Current < 6>>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburbs 11.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburbs-N 11.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
While walking around the Oak Dale suburbs you notice several large boxes of what looks to be supplies along with a used parachute in the middle of the street!
<<case "Busch Bank">>\
<<if $Time.Current < 6>>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Rose Suburb 4.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<img src="Images/Suburb/Rose Suburb-N 4.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
While walking around the Busch Bank subdivison you notice several large boxes of what looks to be supplies along with a used parachute in the middle of the street!
<<if $Time.Current < 6>>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburbs 11.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburbs-N 11.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
While walking around the city you notice several large boxes of what looks to be supplies along with a used parachute in the middle of the street!
<<if $lootSupplies.Looted > 0>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I'm pretty sure I already taken all the supplies I could from this drop.</i></div>
<<button [[Ignore the Supplies|$location.temp]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<if _Scout > 12 and $supplyEvent.Trap < 1 and $GHKnowledge.Supplies > 0>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> Could these be the supplies I heard about being dropped by the military? I don't see anyone hiding in ambush nearby so it should be safe.</i></div>
<<elseif _Scout > 12 and $supplyEvent.Trap > 0>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> Hey! There's someone hiding in one of the boxes! I bet it's an Infested looking to ambush me or any other passerby.</i></div>
<<elseif $GHKnowledge.Supplies > 0>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I wonder if these could be the supplies I heard about being dropped by the military? It's too hard to tell if it's legit or a trap...</i></div>
<div class="pcTalk"><i>What on earth is a bunch of supplies doing sitting in the middle of a street? If this doesn't scream trap I don't know what does...</i></div>
<<if $supplyEvent.Trap > 0>>\
<<button [[Check out the Supplies|Supplies Trapped]]>> <</button>>
<<elseif $supplyEvent.Looted is 0>>\
<<button [[Check out the Supplies|Supplies Checked]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Ignore the Supplies|$location.temp]]>>
<<set $supplyEvent.Trap to 0>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<set $Time.MiniTime += 1>>\
<<if $Time.MiniTime >= $Time.MaxMini + $AthleticSkillFeats.Hustle>>\
<<include "Time Passes">>\
<<set $Time.MiniTime to 0>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumFilled > 0>>\
<<set _lusty to random(1) + ($StatusAffect.CumFilled *2) + $StatusAffect.Horny - $LustResist.Complete>>\
<<if _lusty < 0>>\
<<set _lusty to 0>>\
<<set $lust to $lust + _lusty>>\
<<if $Infestation.MilkProgress > 0 and $Milk.Stored > $Milk.Min>>\
<<set _lusty to random(5) + $StatusAffect.Horny - $LustResist.Complete>>\
<<if _lusty < 0>>\
<<set _lusty to 0>>\
<<set $lust to $lust + _lusty>>\
<<if $Infestation.BruiseProgress > 0>>\
<<if $Cum.Stored is ($Cum.Max + ($GeneralFeats.MessySpray *2))>>\
<<set _lusty to random(5) + $StatusAffect.Horny - $LustResist.Complete>>\
<<if _lusty < 0>>\
<<set _lusty to 0>>\
<<set $lust to $lust + _lusty>>\
<<set $Cum.Stored += 1>>\
<<set $CumAD to $arrayCumAmountDesc[$Cum.Stored]>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.Energized > 0>>\
<<set $Cum.Stored to $Cum.Max + ($GeneralFeats.MessySpray *2)>>\
<<set $CumAD to $arrayCumAmountDesc[$Cum.Stored]>>\
<<set $GCum.Stored to $GCum.Max + ($GeneralFeats.MessySpray *2)>>\
<<set $GCumAD to $arrayGCumAmountDesc[$GCum.Stored]>>\
<<if $NoEncounter > 0>>\
<<set $NoEncounter -= 1>>\
<<if $lust > $MaxLust>>\
<<set $lust to $MaxLust>>\
<</if>>\ <img src="Images/Suburb/Suburbs 2.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<include "Loot Items">>\
<<set $lootSupplies.Looted to 1>>\
<<set $GHKnowledge.Supplies to 1>>\
<<set $lootTemp to $lootSupplies>>\
You quickly open the boxes and find some supplies! You have found the following items:
<<set _Extra to 1>>\
<<if $SalvagingSkillFeats.ExtraLoot > 0>>\
<<set _extraloot to (random(19) +1) + ($Prof.Salvaging / 2)>>\
<<if _extraloot > 15>>\
<<set _Extra to 2>>\
<<for $i = 0; $i < ($Prof.Salvaging / 2 + _Extra); $i++>>\
<<set _Salvage to (random(19) +1) + $Skill.Salvaging + $WisdomBonus>>\
Salvage Roll: _Salvage
<<if _Salvage > (8 + ($i * 2))>>\
<<set _exists to 0>>\
<<set _tempLoot to $lootTemp.random()>>\
<<for $j = 0; $j < $PCInventory.length; $j++>>\
<<set $uitem = $PCInventory[$j]>>\
<<set $ItemName to $uitem.name>>\
<<set _TempName to _tempLoot.name>>\
<<if $ItemName is _TempName>>\
<<set _amount to $uitem.amount>>\
<<set _exists to 1>>\
<<if _exists is 1>>\
<<set _amount to _amount +1>>\
<<set $uitem.amount to _amount>>\
<<set $PCInventory.push(_tempLoot)>>\
<<print _tempLoot.name>>
<<button [[Finish|$location.temp]]>>
<<set $NoEncounter to random(1) +2>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</button>><<set $location.Encounter to "Grove Hills">>\
<<include "SpecialAttacks">>\
<<include "Infested Enemies">>\
<<if $NoFutaEncounter is 1 and $NoMenEncounter is 1>>\
<<include "Only Women Encounter Table">>\
<<elseif $NoFutaEncounter is 1>>\
<<include "NoFuta Encounter Table">>\
<<elseif $NoMenEncounter is 1>>\
<<include "NoMen Encounter Table">>\
<<include "Encounter Table">>\
<<include "Combat Status Affects">>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Ambushed to 1>>\
<<set _randBreasts to random (2)>>\
<<set _randDick to random (2)>>\
<<set $encounterGeneric to $encounterSupplies>>\
<<set $genericFighter to $encounterGeneric.random()>>\
<<set _Path to $genericFighter.Path>>\
<<set $genericFighter.Image = _Path + $genericFighter.Image.random() + '.jpg'>>\
<<set $genericWeapon to $genericFighter.Weapon>>\
<<set $lootTemp to $genericFighter.Loot>>\
<<set $rarelootTemp to $genericFighter.RareLoot>>\
<<switch $genericFighter.Sex>>\
<<case "Futa">>\
<<set $genericComments to "Infested Futa Combat Comments">>\
<<set $genericFighter.BreastsSize to $genericFighter.BreastsSize - _randBreasts>>\
<<set $genericFighter.DickSize to $genericFighter.DickSize - _randDick>>\
<<case "Female">>\
<<set $genericComments to "Infested Female Combat Comments">>\
<<set $genericFighter.BreastsSize to $genericFighter.BreastsSize - _randBreasts>>\
<<case "Male">>\
<<set $genericComments to "Infested Male Combat Comments">>\
<<set $genericFighter.DickSize to $genericFighter.DickSize - _randDick>>\
<<switch random(3)>>\
<<case 0>>\
<<set $genericSpecial to clone($genericFighter.Special1)>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<set $genericSpecial to clone($genericFighter.Special2)>>\
<<case 2>>\
<<set $genericSpecial to clone($genericFighter.Special3)>>\
<<case 3>>\
<<set $genericSpecial to clone($genericFighter.Special4)>>\
<img @src=$genericFighter.Image width="550px" height="800px" />
  Walking over to the supplies you give them a once over. Deciding to start with the largest package you are surprised as a $genericFighter.Name bursts out of the box!
  "I knew if I waited long enough someone would show up!" they as take a combat stance.
<<button [[Fight!|Suburb Combat]]>>
<<set $PCStatus.ACDebuff to $PCStatus.ACDebuff +2>>\
<<set $PCStatus.SavesDebuff to $PCStatus.SavesDebuff +2>>\
<</button>><img @src=$genericFighter.Image width="512px" height="768px" />
<<if (random(19) + 1) + $Skill.Social + $CharismaBonus > 11>>\
<<set $npcSamantha.Friendship to $npcSamantha.Friendship + 3 + $ClassBonus.Celebrity + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set $npcSamantha.Friendship to $npcSamantha.Friendship + 2 + $ClassBonus.Celebrity + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set $joggerEvent.Visits to $joggerEvent.Visits +1>>\
<<set $BattleFlag to 1>>\
<<set $location.BattleWin to "Jogger Rescue Victory">>\
<<if $genericFighter.Sex is "Male">>\
<<set $location.BattleLose to "Jogger Rescue Defeat">>\
  Deciding to help Samantha you charge into the backyard distracting the $genericFighter.Name from their victim. Turning around quickly he moves to engage you with his quarterstaff at the ready! Samantha looks to be panicked as she hugs against the wall watching the combat begin!
<<set $location.BattleLose to "Jogger Rescue Defeat Futa">>\
  Deciding to help Samantha you charge into the backyard distracting the $genericFighter.Name from their victim. Turning around quickly she moves to engage you with her giant wrench at the ready! Samantha looks to be panicked as she hugs against the wall watching the combat begin!
<<button [[Fight!|Suburb Combat]]>> <</button>>
<img @src=$genericFighter.Image width="512px" height="768px" />
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Horny to $StatusAffect.Horny+1>>\
<<set _lusty to random(20) +1 + $StatusAffect.Horny - $LustResist.Visual - $LustResist.Complete>>\
<<if _lusty < 0>>\
<<set _lusty to 0>>\
<<set _DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$genericFighter.DickSize]>>\
<<set _DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$genericFighter.DickSize]>>\
<<set _OSD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$npcSamantha.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _OCup to $arrayBreastSize[$npcSamantha.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _LustRoll to (random(19)+ 1)>>\
<<if _LustRoll + $PC.Willpower - $StatusAffect.Horny < 15>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Horny to $StatusAffect.Horny+1>>\
<<set $lust to $lust + _lusty +1>>\
<<set $lust to $lust + _lusty>>\
  Feeling really uncertain about being able to take on an Infested Bruiser right now, you decide to find a place to hide. After hiding behind a bush you can finally watch for the right opportunity to ambush the Infested. Turning your gaze back to the action you find the woman is on her knees looking up at the Infested's _DickSD dick.
  "Like what you see, bitch? I bet you've never seen such a big cock before. Why don't you go ahead and grab it?" the muscular Infested says while waving his hard cock back and forth. The woman slowly reaches up to grab the Infested's huge _DickSize cock as if in a trance, her previous fear being replaced with lust. Her arousal is on full display as the nipples on her _OSD breasts are poking thru her yoga outfit.
  "It's so huge!" she huskily says as her petit hands can barely encircle the log that is the Infested's dick. She gives it a experimental squeeze which causes some pre-cum to spurt out. Gasping in pleasure, she starts stroking the Infested's _DickSD _DickSize cock with one hand while the other hand slips under her tight yoga pants!
  "Oh yeah! Keep going you slut! You know you want a taste of my meat rod!" groans the Infested as she steadily jerks his _DickSD cock that's weeping pre-cum like a faucet. Before long he starts thrusting his thick cock at the woman's face, urging her to suck it. A look of sheer ecstasy fills her face as she eagerly licks his huge dick like it's the most delicious ice cream cone in existance.
  "It tastes so good! I can't stop! Oh fucking yes! My pussy feels like it's going to burst!" she moans loudly before she continues to wrap her tongue around his cock. The Infested looks to be enjoying the attention his cock is being given as he moans loudly in pleasure.
<div class="pcTalk"><i> Should I try attacking now that he is looking distracted? Wait a second! I recogize that woman! It's Samantha Hess and I went to high school with her! Although she was always a huge bitch to me...</i></div>
<<button [[Keep Watching|Jogger Rescue Hide 1.2]]>> <</button>>
<<if $lust + ($StatusAffect.Horny*2) < $MaxLust>>\
<<button [[Leave|$location.temp]]>>
<<set $npcSamantha.BreastsSize to $npcSamantha.BreastsSize+2>>\
<<set $npcSamantha.AssSize to $npcSamantha.AssSize+2>>\
<<set $npcSamantha.InfestationLevel to $npcSamantha.InfestationLevel +1>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</if>>\<img @src=$genericFighter.Image width="512px" height="768px" />
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Horny to $StatusAffect.Horny+1>>\
<<set _lusty to random(20) +1 + $StatusAffect.Horny - $LustResist.Visual - $LustResist.Complete>>\
<<if _lusty < 0>>\
<<set _lusty to 0>>\
<<set _DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$genericFighter.DickSize]>>\
<<set _DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$genericFighter.DickSize]>>\
<<set _OSD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$npcSamantha.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _OCup to $arrayBreastSize[$npcSamantha.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _LustRoll to (random(19)+ 1)>>\
<<if _LustRoll + $PC.Willpower - $StatusAffect.Horny < 15>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Horny to $StatusAffect.Horny+1>>\
<<set $lust to $lust + _lusty + 1>>\
<<set $lust to $lust + (_lusty / 2) >>\
  Deciding to to keep an eye out for a better opportunity you focus your gaze on the heated action between the Infested Bruiser and Samantha. Samantha is still licking the Bruiser's _DickSD dick while rapidly fingering herself.
  Soon licking isn't enough as Samantha slowly brings his cock to her lips. Her first attempt to take his full length into her eager mouth fails as the immense girth of the Infested's _DickSD meat log is too much. As she goes for another attempt the Infested decides to take matters into his own hands. He thrusts his thick cock hard between her lips and forces it part of the way in. Instead of pain Samantha looks estatic as she starts to suck his dick. She slowly takes more of his length in mouth as her heads bobs up and down. Down below her frantic fingering has paid off as the crotch of her yoga suit is soaking wet from girl-cum but that hasn't stopped her as she continues to slam her fingers into her soaking wet pussy.
  "Oh fuck yeah, slut! That right, suck my cock like the fucking slut you are!" he moans as he starts to thrust into her mouth. Reaching down he pulls her top down exposing her _OSD _OCup breasts. Her nipples are rock hard as she pinches one of them with the hand not fingering her pussy. "Those are some pathetic tits! You're going to need some bigger ones if you're going to go around sucking _DickSD cocks like mine!" he says as he keeps up a steady pace of thrusting into her mouth.
  Samantha is doing her best to give the Infested the best blowjob ever as her look of estasy is quickly turning into one of worship. Her loud moans that are partially muffled by his thick cock echo throughout the area. There's even a puddle under her knees from where she's cummed multiple times. She briefly pulls her mouth off his _DickSD cock to say "Oh God! I love your cock! I can't get enough of your pre-cum! It fucking tastes sooo good!" and with that she dives back onto sucking the Bruiser's monster dick. She easily takes it all in, deepthroating the _DickSize cock as the Bruiser resumes his face fucking.
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I know I should be keeping an eye out for the best time to ambush the Infested but I can't take my eyes off the hot action in front of me! The smell of hot sex is making it hard to think!</i></div>
<<button [[Keep Watching|Jogger Rescue Hide 1.3]]>> <</button>>
<<if $lust + ($StatusAffect.Horny*2) < $MaxLust>>\
<<button [[Leave|$location.temp]]>>
<<set $npcSamantha.BreastsSize to $npcSamantha.BreastsSize+2>>\
<<set $npcSamantha.AssSize to $npcSamantha.AssSize+2>>\
<<set $npcSamantha.InfestationLevel to $npcSamantha.InfestationLevel +1>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</if>>\<img @src=$genericFighter.Image width="512px" height="768px" />
<<set $NoEncounter to 3>>\
<<set $PC.Corruption to $PC.Corruption+1>>\
<<set $joggerEvent.Watch to $joggerEvent.Watch+1>>\
<<set _DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$genericFighter.DickSize]>>\
<<set _DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$genericFighter.DickSize]>>\
<<set _OSD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$npcSamantha.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _OCup to $arrayBreastSize[$npcSamantha.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set $npcSamantha.BreastsSize to $npcSamantha.BreastsSize+2>>\
<<set $npcSamantha.AssSize to $npcSamantha.AssSize+2>>\
<<set $npcSamantha.InfestationLevel to $npcSamantha.InfestationLevel +1>>\
<<set _VSD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$npcSamantha.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _VCup to $arrayBreastSize[$npcSamantha.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _VAss to $arrayAssSizeDesc[$npcSamantha.AssSize]>>\
<<if $PC.Sex is not "Female">>\
  The sight of the Infested Bruiser face-fucking Samantha along with the overwelming scent of sex is turning you on as your rock hard cock can attest to. Thoughts of having your cock sucked by the slut in front of you or double teaming her with the Infested fills your thoughts. Your hand has been slowly stroking your $DickSD dick for awhile now as the thought of ambushing the Infested has been forgotten. Your masturbation increases in speed as you continue to watch the erotic scene in front of you.
  The sight of the Infested Bruiser face-fucking Samantha along with the overwelming scent of sex is turning you on as your dripping pussy can attest to. Thoughts of having your cunt being eaten by the slut in front of you or being fucked by the Infested fills your thoughts. Your hand has been slowly fingering your wet pussy for awhile now as the thought of ambushing the Infested has been forgotten. Your masturbation increases in speed as you continue to watch the erotic scene in front of you.
  The speed of the sloppy blowjob increases as the Infested grabs the back of Samantha's head in order to pound her mouth harder with his cunt destroying cock. "I'm going to blow my load down your throat, slut! You want that slut? My huge fucking meat rod shooting a huge load in your fucking mouth?" he groans with immense pleasure as he rapidly thrusts. Samantha just moans even louder as his _DickSD dick ravages her throat, her constant frantic fingering continues unabated as orgasm after orgasm rocks her body.
  "OH SHIT THAT FEELS SO GOOD! I'M FUCKING CUMMING!" he screams as his _DickSize cock twitches before unleashing a massive flood of cum down Samantha's throat! So much gushes out that it overflows her mouth. "I'm not done yet bitch! Gotta juice up those mosquito bites you call tits!" he yells before pulling his still gushing cock out of her lips. He quickly aims his hard penis at her _OSD _OCup breasts and shoots even more hot cum onto them and her face, coating her completely.
  "Oh fuck give it to me!" she gasps as cum leaks from her lips. "I love how your cum tastes! Oh fuck! I'm cumming again so hard!" The cum covered woman suddenly gasps as she looks down at her breasts. At first the changes are small but slowly her breasts grow as if they were being filled with air. Grabbing her chest, her fingers are spread spart as her breasts continue to expand before finally settling in as _VSD _VCup tits! That's not the only changes as her ass grows to a _VAss ass and her lips plump up as well.
<<set _Stealth to (random(19)+ 1) + $Skill.Stealth + $DexterityBonus + $PCStatus.SkillBuff>>\
<<set _Stealth2 to 0>>\
<<if $StealthSkillFeats.Distraction > 0>>\
<<set _Stealth2 to (random(19)+ 1) + $Skill.Stealth + $DexterityBonus + $PCStatus.SkillBuff -2>>\
<<if _Stealth > 10 + $genericFighter.Scouting - $EnemyStatus.SkillDebuff or _Stealth2 > 10 + $genericFighter.Scouting - $EnemyStatus.SkillDebuff>>\
<<if $PC.Sex is not "Female">>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered+1>>\
  The sight of the Infested blowing his wad down Samantha's throat and than shooting even more cum all over her face and tits pushes you over the edge. Even Samantha's tranformation doesn't slow you down as you shoot a $CumAD load of cum from your hard cock which splatters on your chest!
  The sight of the Infested blowing his wad down Samantha's throat and than shooting even more cum all over her face and tits pushes you over the edge. Even Samantha's tranformation doesn't slow you down as your wet pussy shoots a $CumAD load of girl-cum that splatters onto the ground!
  "Well slut you're looking a lot better but you need a couple of more shots before you're good enough to be fucked by my cock. See ya around, bitch." he says as he glances back at the woman exploring her changes. And with that parting shot he starts walking off. You decide to leave as well before they discover you.
<<if $PC.Sex is not "Female">>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered+1>>\
  The sight of the Infested blowing his wad down Samantha's throat and than shooting even more cum all over her face and tits pushes you over the edge. Even Samantha's tranformation doesn't slow you down as you shoot a $CumAD load of cum from your hard cock which splatters on your chest! As you come down from your orgasm you notice the Infested looking straight your hiding spot!
  The sight of the Infested blowing his wad down Samantha's throat and than shooting even more cum all over her face and tits pushes you over the edge. Even Samantha's tranformation doesn't slow you down as your wet pussy shoots a $CumAD load of girl-cum that splatters onto the ground! As you come down from your orgasm you notice the Infested looking straight at your hiding spot!
  "Well slut you're looking a lot better but you need a couple of more shots before you're good enough to be fucked by my cock. See ya around, bitch." he says as he glances back at the woman exploring her changes. And with that parting shot he starts walking off. You decide to leave as well before he comes after you.
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<include "Lust Passes">>\
<<button [[Leave|$location.temp]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</button>><img @src=$genericFighter.Image width="512px" height="768px" />
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Horny to $StatusAffect.Horny+1>>\
<<set _OSD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$npcSamantha.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _OCup to $arrayBreastSize[$npcSamantha.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _OAssSize to $arrayAssSizeDesc[$npcSamantha.AssSize]>>\
<<set _ODickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$npcSamantha.DickSize]>>\
<<set _ODickSize to $arrayDickSize[$npcSamantha.DickSize]>>\
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$genericFighter.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$genericFighter.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$genericFighter.DickSize]>>\
<<set _DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$genericFighter.DickSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$genericFighter.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$genericFighter.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _LustRoll to (random(19)+ 1)>>\
<<if _LustRoll + $PC.Willpower - $StatusAffect.Horny < 15>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Horny to $StatusAffect.Horny+1>>\
<<set $lust to $lust + (random(19)+ 1) + 5 + $StatusAffect.Horny - $LustResist.Visual>>\
<<set $lust to $lust + random(10) + 5 + $StatusAffect.Horny - $LustResist.Visual>>\
<<if $npcSamantha.Sex is "Female">>\
  You duck behind a nearby abandoned vehicle in order to a good viewing spot for the erotic action. Looking over you see that the Infested Futa has taken the time to lock lips with Samantha who is frantically returning the deep kiss. As the kiss goes on the Infested's _ISD _ICup are pressing against Samantha's own _OCup tits, her hard nipples rubbing against Samantha's nipples.
  "You are looking so hot my cock is already hard!" the Futa says after breaking the kiss. Grabbing the top of Samantha's yoga outfit she pulls it down exposing Samantha's _OSD breasts. "Not too bad but they could be better. Of course mine are bigger and tastier." she says while giving them a critical view. She grabs Samantha's face and shoves it between her _ICup breasts. "What do you think? Aren't they just so juicy and tasty?" she asks as Samantha reaches up to grope those _ISD tits.
  It doesn't take long before Samantha is sucking on the Infested's _ISD tits while focusing on her 2-inch long nipples. Her hands are eagerly groping and squeezing them as the Infested moans in pleasure. The Futa is no longer forcing Samantha into her breasts and is instead groping Samantha's _OAssSize ass. Samantha pauses just long enough to say "They're perfect! They're so _ISD! It feels so good to suck on your _ICup tits that my cunt is about to explode!" before happily diving back in to sucking her tits. The Futa seems to be enjoying having her breasts fondled by Samantha as she slides her hand to finger Samantha's wet pussy. Soon Samantha is cumming as the Futa slowly finger-bangs her cunt.
  "I'm glad you like them! I do have something else for you to suck on..." she says as pushes Samantha down towards her _DickSD _DickSize cock. Samantha gazes at the Futa's cock as she licks her lips.
  You duck behind a nearby abandoned vehicle in order to a good viewing spot for the erotic action. Looking over you see that the Infested Futa has taken the time to lock lips with Samantha who doesn't seem to be resisting anymore. As the kiss goes on the Infested Futa's _ISD _ICup are pressing against Samantha's own _OCup tits, her hard nipples rubbing against Samantha's nipples.
  Samantha is obviously enjoying it as her _ODickSD _ODickSize dick is becoming fully erect. "You are looking so hot my cock is already hard! Of course your cock is just as hard as mine!" the Futa says after breaking the kiss. Grabbing the top of Samantha's yoga outfit she pulls it down exposing Samantha's _OSD breasts. <<if $genericFighter.BreastsSize > $npcSamantha.BreastsSize>>"Not too bad but they could be better. Of course mine are bigger and tastier." she says while giving them a critical view. <<else>>"Those are some nice big tits!. It's hard to believe your breasts are bigger than mine." she says while giving them a critical view. <</if>>She grabs Samantha's face and shoves it between her _ICup breasts. "What do you think? Aren't they just so juicy and tasty?" she asks as Samantha reaches up to grope those _ISD tits.
  It doesn't take long before Samantha is sucking on the Infested's _ISD tits while focusing on her 1-inch long nipples. Her hands are eagerly groping and squeezing them as the Infested moans in pleasure. The Futa is no longer forcing Samantha into her breasts and is instead stroking Samantha's _ODickSD cock. Samantha pauses just long enough to say "They're perfect! They're so _ISD! It feels so good to suck on your _ICup tits that my cock is about to explode!" before happily diving back in to sucking her tits. The Futa seems to be enjoying having her breasts fondled by Samantha as she slides her other hand down to finger Samantha's wet pussy below her throbbing cock.
  "Since you like my tits so much how about you fuck them with your girl-dick?" asks the Futa as she breaks free from Samantha's eager grip on her breasts. Smirking softly the Futa kneels down on the ground while cupping her _ISD breasts enticingly. Samantha gasps at the sight before lining her cock up with the Infested's _ISD tits. With barely a pause Samantha begins thrusting her _ODickSD girl-dick into the valley of the Infested's jiggly <<Breasts>>.
  "Oh fuck they feel so good wrapped around my dick!" Samantha moans as her eyes roll back in pleasure. Her thrusting reaches a steady pace as her dick slides easily back and forth into that fleshy mountain. The Futa is encouraging Samantha's imminent orgasm by rubbing her _ISD tits against Samantha's eager pre-cum dripping girl-cock. "God damn I'm about to cum!" she screams as her girl-dick slams even harder into the Futa's tits. Soon Samantha is shooting wads of hot cum from her futa-cock all over the Futa's _ISD tits in a huge geyser of white goo.
  "I'm glad you like them! Since you already had a chance to blast your load all over them now you have to return the favor..." she says as she stands up with cum dripping from her tits. Grabbing Samantha's head she forces her to kneel before pulling her face down towards her _DickSD _DickSize cock. Samantha gazes at the Futa's cock as she licks her lips.
<div class="pcTalk"><i> Should I keep watching or just leave? I mean the action is getting pretty hot...</i></div>
<<button [[Keep Watching|Jogger Rescue Futa 2.2]]>> <</button>>
<<if $lust + ($StatusAffect.Horny*2) < $MaxLust>>\
<<button [[Leave|$location.temp]]>>
<<set $npcSamantha.BreastsSize to $npcSamantha.BreastsSize+1>>\
<<set $npcSamantha.AssSize to $npcSamantha.AssSize +1>>\
<<if $npcSamantha.Sex is not "Futa">>\
<<set $npcSamantha.DickSize to 4>>\
<<set $npcSamantha.BallsSize to 3>>\
<<set $npcSamantha.DickSize to $npcSamantha.DickSize +2>>\
<<set $npcSamantha.BallsSize to $npcSamantha.BallsSize +2>>\
<<if $joggerEvent.Watch is 5 or $joggerEvent.Watch is 3 or $joggerEvent.Watch is 1>>\
<<set $npcSamantha.InfestationLevel to $npcSamantha.InfestationLevel +1>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</if>>\<img @src=$genericFighter.Image width="512px" height="768px" />
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Horny to $StatusAffect.Horny+1>>\
<<set _OSD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$npcSamantha.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _OCup to $arrayBreastSize[$npcSamantha.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ODickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$npcSamantha.DickSize]>>\
<<set _ODickSize to $arrayDickSize[$npcSamantha.DickSize]>>\
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$genericFighter.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$genericFighter.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$genericFighter.DickSize]>>\
<<set _DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$genericFighter.DickSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$genericFighter.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$genericFighter.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _LustRoll to (random(19)+ 1)>>\
<<if _LustRoll + $PC.Willpower - $StatusAffect.Horny < 15>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Horny to $StatusAffect.Horny+1>>\
<<set $lust to $lust + (random(19)+ 1) + 5 + $StatusAffect.Horny - $LustResist.Visual>>\
<<set $lust to $lust + random(10) + 5 + $StatusAffect.Horny - $LustResist.Visual>>\
<<if $npcSamantha.Sex is "Female">>\
  Deciding to to keep an eye out for a better opportunity you focus your gaze on the heated action between the Infested Futa and Samantha. Samantha has completely stopped resisting and seems eager to get started on the Futa's dick.
  Samantha stares at the Futa's _DickSD cock with pure lust as she slowly grips the _DickSize dick. She slowly starts to stroke it causing pre-cum to ooze from the flaired tip. She quickly licks the goo from the Futa's _DickSD cock before taking it all with her plump lips. With barely a pause she takes the cock deep in her throat.
  "You like sucking my nice big cock don't you?" she moans as Samantha continues to deep throat her hard dick. The Futa has her hands on the back of Samantha's head as she starts to thrust into her eager mouth. One of Samantha's hands has drifted below to finger her wet pussy while the other is groping her _OSD tits. She starts tweaking her rock hard nipples while enjoying the sloppy face fucking.
  Coming up for air she moans "Your futa dick tastes so good! It feels so good to suck your cock, I can't stop, I won't stop!" before diving back in to continue sucking the Futa's cock. The pace of the Futa's thrusting has quickened as their moans of pleasure grow in volume. Samantha's own fingering has paid results as a puddle of girl-cum has formed under her kneels while a look of pure estasy fills her face.
  "Oh fuck your mouth feels so good! You're a god-damn cock-sucker!" the Futa shouts as their frantic face fucking has reached a peak. "Oh FUCK! I'M CUMMING! I'M SHOOTING MY LOAD DOWN YOUR FUCKING THROAT!" she shouts before unleashing a flood of white baby batter into Samantha's mouth. Samantha looks to be trying to drink it all down but there is so much cum it leaks out. The Futa pulls her _DickSize dick out of her mouth while shaking the dripping cum off onto Samantha's breasts.
  Samantha collapses back onto her bubble ass with a euphoric cum glazed smile. "Your cum is so delicious!" she gasps as she scoops up some more white cum from her _OSD tits into her dripping mouth. "Why does it feel so good? I want more and I can't stop sucking down all your yummy cum!"
  "I'm not done yet! I'm going to fuck your hot pussy so much you'll be walking bow-legged for days. In fact your pussy will be stuffed with so much of my cum you'll be leaving a trail of white goo for hours." the Futa states calmly as her cock remains hard as a nail. "So how about you spread your legs so we can get started?"
  Deciding to to keep an eye out for a better opportunity you focus your gaze on the heated action between the Infested Futa and Samantha. Samantha has completely stopped resisting and seems eager to get started on the Futa's dick.
  Samantha stares at the Futa's _DickSD cock with pure lust as she slowly grips the _DickSize dick. She slowly starts to stroke it causing pre-cum to ooze from the flaired tip. She quickly licks the goo from the Futa's _DickSD cock before taking it all with her plump lips. With barely a pause she takes the cock deep in her throat.
  "You like sucking my nice big cock don't you?" she moans as Samantha continues to deep throat her hard dick. <<if $genericFighter.DickSize > $npcSamantha.DickSize>> "It's much bigger than your tiny little girl-cock." <<else>>"How the fuck do have a bigger cock than me? I'm going to have to up my game if some random girl with a _ODickSD dick can beat my _IDickSD cock."<</if>> she moans as she starts to thrust into Samantha's eager mouth. One of Samantha's hands has drifted below to stroke her cum-glazed cock while the other is groping her _OSD tits. She starts tweaking her rock hard nipples while enjoying the sloppy face fucking.
  Coming up for air she moans "Your futa-dick tastes so good! It tastes to much better than my cock, I can't stop, I won't stop!" before diving back in to continue sucking the Futa's cock. The pace of the Futa's thrusting has quickened as their moans of pleasure grow in volume. Samantha's stroking of her own _ODickSize cock has slowly increased but on the other hand a puddle of girl-cum has formed under her kneels while a look of pure estasy fills her face.
  "Oh fuck your mouth feels so good! You're a god-damn cock-sucking FUTA BITCH!" the Futa shouts as their frantic face fucking has reached a peak. "Oh FUCK! I'M CUMMING! I'M SHOOTING MY LOAD DOWN YOUR FUCKING THROAT!" she shouts before unleashing a flood of white baby batter into Samantha's mouth. Samantha looks to be trying to drink it all down but there is so much cum it leaks out. The Futa pulls her _DickSize dick out of her mouth while shaking the dripping cum off onto Samantha's _OSD breasts.
  Samantha collapses back onto her bubble ass with a euphoric cum glazed smile. "Your cum is so delicious!" she gasps as she scoops up some more white cum from her _OSD tits into her dripping mouth. "Why does it feel so good? I want more and I can't stop sucking down all your yummy cum!"
  "I'm not done yet! I'm going to fuck your hot pussy so much you'll be walking bow-legged for days while your _ODickSD cock will be blowing another load all over our tits. In fact your pussy will be stuffed with so much of my cum you'll be leaving a trail of white goo for hours." the Futa states calmly as her _ISD cock remains hard as a nail. "So how about you spread your legs so we can get started?"
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I know I shouldn't be watching Samantha's having sex with an Infested but I can't take my eyes off the hot action in front of me! The smell of hot sex is making it sooo hard to think!</i></div>
<<button [[Keep Watching|Jogger Rescue Futa 2.3]]>> <</button>>
<<if $lust + ($StatusAffect.Horny*2) < $MaxLust>>\
<<button [[Flee|$location.temp]]>>
<<set $npcSamantha.BreastsSize to $npcSamantha.BreastsSize+1>>\
<<set $npcSamantha.AssSize to $npcSamantha.AssSize +1>>\
<<if $npcSamantha.Sex is not "Futa">>\
<<set $npcSamantha.DickSize to 4>>\
<<set $npcSamantha.BallsSize to 3>>\
<<set $npcSamantha.DickSize to $npcSamantha.DickSize +2>>\
<<set $npcSamantha.BallsSize to $npcSamantha.BallsSize +2>>\
<<if $joggerEvent.Watch is 5 or $joggerEvent.Watch is 3 or $joggerEvent.Watch is 1>>\
<<set $npcSamantha.InfestationLevel to $npcSamantha.InfestationLevel +1>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</if>>\<img @src=$genericFighter.Image width="512px" height="768px" />
<<set $joggerEvent.Watch to $joggerEvent.Watch+1>>\
<<set $NoEncounter to random(1) +2>>\
<<set _OSD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$npcSamantha.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _OCup to $arrayBreastSize[$npcSamantha.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ODickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$npcSamantha.DickSize]>>\
<<set _ODickSize to $arrayDickSize[$npcSamantha.DickSize]>>\
<<set _OBallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$npcSamantha.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _OBallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$npcSamantha.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$genericFighter.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$genericFighter.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$genericFighter.DickSize]>>\
<<set _DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$genericFighter.DickSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$genericFighter.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$genericFighter.BallsSize]>>\
<<set $npcSamantha.BreastsSize to $npcSamantha.BreastsSize+1>>\
<<set $npcSamantha.AssSize to $npcSamantha.AssSize +1>>\
<<if $npcSamantha.Sex is not "Futa">>\
<<set $npcSamantha.DickSize to 4>>\
<<set $npcSamantha.BallsSize to 3>>\
<<set $npcSamantha.DickSize to $npcSamantha.DickSize +2>>\
<<set $npcSamantha.BallsSize to $npcSamantha.BallsSize +2>>\
<<set $npcSamantha.InfestationLevel to $npcSamantha.InfestationLevel +1>>\
<<set _VSD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$npcSamantha.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _VCup to $arrayBreastSize[$npcSamantha.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _VAss to $arrayAssSizeDesc[$npcSamantha.AssSize]>>\
<<set _VDickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$npcSamantha.DickSize]>>\
<<set _VDickSize to $arrayDickSize[$npcSamantha.DickSize]>>\
<<set _VBallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$npcSamantha.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _VBallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$npcSamantha.BallsSize]>>\
<<if $PC.Sex is not "Female">>\
  The thought of the Infested Futa fucking Samantha along with the overwelming scent of sex is turning you on as your rock hard cock can attest to. Thoughts of having your cock sucked by the slut in front of you or double teaming her with the Infested fills your thoughts. Your hand has been slowly stroking your $DickSD dick for a while now as the thought leaving them to their privacy has long been forgotten. Your masturbation increases in speed as you continue to watch the erotic scene in front of you.
  The thought of the Infested Futa fucking Samantha along with the overwelming scent of sex is turning you on as your dripping pussy can attest to. Thoughts of having your cunt being eaten by the slut in front of you or being fucked by the Infested fills your thoughts. Your hand has been slowly fingering your wet pussy for a while now as the thought of ambushing the Infested has been forgotten. Your masturbation increases in speed as you continue to watch the erotic scene in front of you.
<<if $npcSamantha.Sex is "Female">>\
  Samantha's legs are spread wide in eager anticipation for the Futa's hard dick. The Futa doesn't waste any time as she presses her _DickSD cock up against the lips of Samantha's wet slit. "Please fuck me! I need to feel your massive dick inside my pussy!" begs Samantha as she slides her cunt against the Futa's cock. "Oh god I need your fucking cock so much! Please, oh God, fuck me hard!"
  "Be prepared to have your wish granted of having your pussy fucked nice and hard." says the Futa huskily as she slams her _DickSD cock deep into Samantha's eager pussy. Pausing only for a moment the Futa starts thrusting hard as Samantha gives out a joyful moan of pleasure. The Futa say "I knew you would like have my cock buried deep into your pussy." as she continues to fuck Samantha's pussy steadily. Reaching down she gropes Samantha's _OCup jugs causing her to gasp in pleasure.
  Samantha's response is wrapping her legs around the Futa's back, forcing her _DickSD meat rod even deeper. The Futa leans forward letting her _ISD breasts slide against Samantha's _OSD breasts all the while fucking her tight pussy. "OH GODDAMN THIS FEELS SOOOO GOOD! I'M FUCKING CUMMING! OH FUCK KEEP FUCKING ME! USE ME LIKE YOUR FUCK TOY!" Samantha screams as her pussy spills out the girl-cum from her orgasm.
  The Futa keeps slamming her cock into Samantha's gushing pussy causing Samanatha's _OSD tits to jiggle against the Futa's own _ISD breasts. "Fuck your cunt feels good! Oh huh ohhh fuck!" she moans as her pace increases. The sound of flesh slapping into flesh echoing thu the area and the scent of hot fucking has flooded the area. "I'm going shoot my fucking wad in your, oh fuckkkkk, pussy!"
  "OH YES! CREAMPIE MY GOD-DAMN PUSSY! GIVE ME ALL YOUR FUCKING CUMMMM!" Samantha begs as she thrusts back against the Futa who seems to be getting close to cumming as her fucking becomes frantic.
  That pushes the Futa over the edge as she yells "I'm cumming! I'm blowing my baby-batter all in your cunt! Oh fuck yesss!" Samantha just quivers as her pussy is flooded with hot cum. So much is unleashed her pussy overflows and the Futa's cum spills out.
  Samantha looks puzzled as she gasps "What? Why can't I cum? I feel sooooe weird!" The cum-filled woman suddenly gasps as she looks down at her groin. Slowly a red bump appear slightly above her cum-soaked pussy. It quickly bulges out forming a mini-penis that slowly grows to a bigger size. Two other bulges form next to the cock which slowly turns into a pair of balls. It eventually stops as a fully formed _VDickSD _VDickSize cock! That's not the only changes as her _OSD _OCup breasts slowly grow as if they were being filled with air. Her tits continue to expand while pushing against the Futa's _ISD tits before finally settling in as _VSD _VCup tits!
  "OH FUCKKKK! I'M CUMMING FROM MY GIRL-COCK!" she screams as her orgasm hits like a truck. Her newly formed cock pulses for a moment before launching huge wads of gooey cum all over her _VCup jugs along with the Futa's _ICup tits. The Futa looks amused at Samantha's transformation as she scoops some of her cum off her tits into her mouth.
<<if $PC.Sex is not "Female">>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered+1>>\
  The sight of the Futa creampieing Samantha's wet cunt pushes you over the edge. Samantha's tranformation into a Futa turns you on even more as you shoot a $CumAD load of cum from your hard cock which splatters on your $BreastSD chest!
  The sight of the Futa creampieing Samantha's wet cunt pushes you over the edge. Samantha's tranformation into a Futa turns you on even more as your wet pussy shoots a $CumAD load of girl-cum that splatters onto the ground!
  "I hope you enjoy your new cock. I know I did when I grew my own. Hope to see you around." the Futa says as she stands up. Taking one last look at Samantha the Futa walks off. Samantha doesn't even notice as she is too busy exploring her changes. You decide to leave as well before they discover you.
  Samantha's legs are spread wide in eager anticipation for the Futa's hard dick, her own girl-dick rock hard. The Futa doesn't waste any time as she presses her _DickSD cock up against the lips of Samantha's wet slit. "Please fuck me! I need to feel your massive dick inside my pussy!" begs Samantha as she slides her slick cunt against the Futa's cock. "Oh god I need your fucking cock so much!"
  "I'm going to fuck your pussy so hard you little bitch." says the Futa huskily as she slams her _DickSD cock deep into Samantha's eager pussy. Not giving Samantha any time to adjust the Futa starts thrusting hard as Samantha gives out a joyful moan of pleasure. The Futa say "How do you like having my cock buried deep into your pussy? I bet you wish you was fucking my hot pussy instead. Too bad cause I'm having too much fun slamming my cock into your tight cunt!" as she continues to fuck Samantha's pussy fast and hard. Reaching down she grabs Samantha's _ODickSize girl-cock causing her to moan even louder in pleasure.
  Samantha's response is wrapping her legs around the Futa's back, forcing her _DickSD meat rod even deeper. The Futa continues to slam her cock deep into Samantha's dripping pussy as her _BallsSD balls slaps loudly against her crotch.
  That pushes the Futa over the edge as she yells "I'm cumming! I'm blowing my baby-batter all in your cunt! Oh fuck yesss!" Samantha just quivers as her pussy is flooded with hot cum straight from the Futa's _VBallsSD _VBallsSize balls. So much is unleashed her pussy overflows and the Futa's cum spills out.
  Samantha screams loudly "FUCK YESSS! I'M CUMMING FROM MY GIRL-COCK AND PUSSY!" as her _ODickSD _ODickSize starts to grow along with her _OBallsSD over-filled balls. It eventually stops as her engorged _VDickSD _VDickSize cock launches a huge splatter of white goo straight from her _VBallsSD balls all over her growing tits! Her _OSD _OCup breasts slowly continue to expand before finally settling in as cum-covered _VSD _VCup tits! Her wet pussy adds to the wet puddle beneath her as her girl-cum spills out.
<<if $PC.Sex is not "Female">>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered+1>>\
  The sight of the Futa creampieing Samantha's wet cunt pushes you over the edge. Samantha's girl-cock and breasts growth turns you on even more as you shoot a $CumAD load of cum from your hard cock which splatters on your $BreastSD chest!
  The sight of the Futa creampieing Samantha's wet cunt pushes you over the edge. Samantha's girl-cock and breasts growth turns you on even more as your wet pussy shoots a $GCumAD load of girl-cum that splatters onto the ground!
  "I hope you enjoy your bigger cock and tits. Maybe next time you can be the one to fuck my pussy. Hope to see you around, you horny little slut." the Futa says as she stands up. Taking one last look at Samantha the Infested walks off. Samantha doesn't even notice as she is too busy exploring her changes. You decide to leave as well before they discover you.
<<set $npcSamantha.Sex to "Futa">>\
<<button [[Leave|$location.temp]]>>
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<include "Lust Passes">>\
<<set $NoEncounter to random(1) +2>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</button>><img src="Images/Suburb/Park/Park Entrance.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set $location.temp to "Grove Hills Park">>\
<<set $location.coord to 5>>\
<<include "Time Micro-Passes">>\
You are located at the entrance to the Grove Hills Park. The park looks like it has been ignored by the Infested as no signs of them can be seen. It was built to be a large park for families to gather in but has been neglected somewhat in the last few years and in fact most people have forgotten it even exists. The grass is overgrown with weeds and the trees have also grown wild. There's a large water fountain here at the entrance of the park which actually has running water. A slightly overgrown concrete path heads to the north and to the west. To the south is the exit back to the Grove Hills.
<<if $StatusText.Notice is 1>>\
<<if $Infestation.MilkProgress > 0>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> $StatusText.Milk </i></div>
<<set $StatusText.Notice to 0>>\
<<button [[North|Grove Hills Park Northeast]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[West|Grove Hills Park West]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[South|Grove Hills South]]>> <</button>>
<<if $lust >= ($MaxLust / 2) or $GeneralFeats.Horndog > 0>>\
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Masturbate|Masturbate]]>> </span>
<<set $location.Encounter to "Grove Hills">>\
<</if>>\<<set $GHKnowledge to {Park: 0, Bank: 0, Supplies: 0, InfestedBruiser: 0, RaiderBoss: 0}>>\
<<set $GeneralKnowledge to {TFDrinks: 0, Infested: 0, Raiders: 0, Military: 0, Vaccine: 0}>>\
\<img src="Images/Suburb/Park/Park 4.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<include "Time Micro-Passes">>\
Located in the back of the Gove Hills park is a large shed that looks like it was used to maintain the park in more profitable times for the Grove Hills community. Like the park it looks to be in somewhat disarray as numerous weeds and overgrowth crowd the shed. There's even a small hole on the roof from where a tree branch must have fallen on top of. <<if $parkEvent.Shed < 2>> There is a padlock on the shed door preventing entrance.<</if>>
<<if $HP > 3 and $parkEvent.Shed < 2>>\
<<set _Force to "I could try forcing the door open with some well placed kicks...">>\
<<set _F to 1>>\
<<set _Force to "">>\
<<if $Prof.Thievery > 0 and $parkEvent.Shed < 2 and $LockSmithTools.Charge > 19>>\
<<set _Thievery to "I could try picking the lock on the shed door...">>\
<<set _T to 1>>\
<<set _Thievery to "">>\
<<if $Prof.Athletics > 0 and $parkEvent.Shed < 2>>\
<<set _Athletics to "I could try climbing the shed to get to the hole in the roof...">>\
<<set _A to 1>>\
<<set _Athletics to "">>\
<<if $parkEvent.Shed is 3>>\
<<set _Force to "Here's the shed I was able to get into last time. I wonder if there is anything new inside?">>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> _Athletics _Thievery _Force </i></div>
<<if _F is 1 and $parkEvent.Shed < 2>>\
<<button [[Force open the Door|Grove Hills Shed Action]]>>
<<set $SkillAction to "Unarmed">>\
<<if _T is 1 and $parkEvent.Shed < 2>>\
<<button [[Pick the Lock|Grove Hills Shed Action]]>>
<<set $SkillAction to "Thievery">>\
<<if _A is 1 and $parkEvent.Shed < 2>>\
<<button [[Climb the Shed|Grove Hills Shed Action]]>>
<<set $SkillAction to "Athletics">>\
<<if $parkEvent.Shed > 1>>\
<<button [[Enter the Shed|Grove Hills Shed Inside]]>>
<<set $location.Indoor to 1>>\
<<button [[Back to the Park|Grove Hills Park Northwest]]>> <</button>><img src="Images/Suburb/Park/Park 4.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set $location.temp to "Grove Hills Shed Inside">>\
<<include "Time Micro-Passes">>\
This is the park shed used by the ground crew for upkeep on the park grounds. Several shelves line the wall with mostly rotted tools while plant supplies are scattered below. It looks like other unrelated junk fills the back part of the shed. In one of the corners is a small cot with a light blanket that could be used to sleep in if you wanted to. The shed looks like it hasn't been used for at least a year. <<if $parkEvent.Shed is 2>>\ There looks to be some items of value that could be snagged from this old shed.<</if>>
<<if $StatusText.Notice is 1>>\
<<if $Infestation.MilkProgress > 0>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> $StatusText.Milk </i></div>
<<set $StatusText.Notice to 0>>\
<<if $parkEvent.Shed is 2>>\
<<button [[Search the Shed|Grove Hills Shed Search]]>> <</button>>
<<if $Time.Current > 5 >> \
<<button [[Go to Bed|Sleep]]>> <</button>>\
<<button [[Leave|Grove Hills Park Shed]]>>
<<set $location.Indoor to 0>>\
<<if $lust >= ($MaxLust / 2) or $GeneralFeats.Horndog > 0>>\
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Masturbate|Masturbate]]>> </span>
<<set $location.Encounter to "Grove Hills">>\
<</if>>\<img src="Images/Suburb/Park/Park 4.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<set _Charge to 0>>\
<<switch $SkillAction>>
<<case "Unarmed">>\
<<set _U to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<set _TU to _U + $Skill.Unarmed + $StrengthBonus + $weaponStatBonus - $PlayerAttackDebuff - $StatusAffect.Hungry>>\
<<if _TU > 12 + ($PC.Level / 2)>>\
<<set _tempXP to $PC.Level * 100>>\
<<set $XP to $XP + _tempXP>>\
<<set $parkEvent.Shed to 2>>\
  After backing up a few feet you charge forward while unleashing a mighty kick at the door lock! The door slams open taking off part of the door frame with it! Oddly enough the padlock remains intact but you are freely able to enter the shed now. Taking a moment to catch your breath you enter the shed.
<<if $XP >= $NextLevel>> You have reached the maxium experience for your level! Sleep to gain your next level.<<else>> You have gained _tempXP XP! <</if>>
<<button [[Enter the Shed|Grove Hills Shed Inside]]>>
<<set $location.Indoor to 1>>\
<<set _tempDamage to random(2) + 1 - $PCResistance.Blunt>>\
<<if _tempDamage < 0>>\
<<set _tempDamage to 0>>\
<<set $HP to $HP - _tempDamage>>\
<<if $HP < 1>>\
<<set $HP to 1>>\
  After backing up a few feet you charge forward while unleashing a mighty kick at the door lock! Unfortunately the padlock and door withstands your mighty blow. You feel a painful spike in your foot as it feels like it was almost sprained from that hit. Giving up for now you leave the shed with a seething frustration.
You take _tempDamage!
<<case "Thievery">>\
<<set _T to (random(19)+ 1)>>\
<<if _T + $Skill.Thievery + $DexterityBonus + $FoodStatus.Skill + $PCStatus.SkillBuff - $StatusAffect.Hungry > 10 + ($PC.Level / 2)>>\
<<set _Charge to (random(10)+10)>>\
<<set _tempXP to $PC.Level * 100>>\
<<set $XP to $XP + _tempXP>>\
<<set $parkEvent.Shed to 2>>\
<<if $ThieverySkillFeats.SturdyTools > 0>>\
<<set _T2 to (random(19)+ 1)>>\
<<if _T2 < $Prof.Thievery +1>>\
<<set _Charge to 0>>\
  After a few minutes you finally get the lock to click as you probe it with your tools. With only a couple of more twists you get the last of the lock's tumblers to line up. Taking a moment to put away your tools you open the now unlocked shed door and enter the shed.
<<if $XP >= $NextLevel>> You have reached the maxium experience for your level! Sleep to gain your next level.<<else>> You have gained _tempXP XP! <</if>>
<<button [[Enter the Shed|Grove Hills Shed Inside]]>>
<<set $LockSmithTools.Charge to $LockSmithTools.Charge - _Charge>>\
<<set $location.Indoor to 1>>\
  No matter what you try to do the shed door remains locked! You keep getting close to getting the tumblers to align but seem to always lose one at the last moment. Giving up for now you leave the shed with a seething frustration.
<<set _A to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<set _TA to _A + $Skill.Athletics + $StrengthBonus + $FoodStatus.Skill + $PCStatus.SkillBuff - $StatusAffect.Hungry>>\
<<if _TA > 10 + ($PC.Level / 2)>>\
<<set _tempXP to $PC.Level * 100>>\
<<set $XP to $XP + _tempXP>>\
<<set $parkEvent.Shed to 2>>\
  After a few minutes you manage to climb the side of the shed using a nearby fallen tree branch as a starting spot. Once on the wobbly tin roof you decide to quickly enter the shed via the hole before what remains of the roof collapses.
<<if $XP >= $NextLevel>> You have reached the maxium experience for your level! Sleep to gain your next level.<<else>> You have gained _tempXP XP! <</if>>
<<button [[Enter the Shed|Grove Hills Shed Inside]]>>
<<set $location.Indoor to 1>>\
  No matter what you try to do you keep failing to make progress on climbing the shed! You've gotten close a couple of times but always lose your grip at the last moment. Giving up for now you leave the shed with a seething frustration.
<<button [[Head back to the Park|Grove Hills Park Northwest]]>> <</button>>
<img src="Images/Suburb/Park/Park 4.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<include "Loot Items">>\
<<include "Loot Table">>\
<<set _tempCash to 100>>\
<<if $SalvagingSkillFeats.CashisKing > 0>>\
<<set _tempCash to _tempCash + Math.round(_tempCash / $SalvagingSkillFeats.CashisKing)>>\
<<set $parkEvent.Shed to 3>>\
<<set _Extra to 1>>\
<<if $SalvagingSkillFeats.ExtraLoot > 0>>\
<<set _extraloot to (random(19) +1) + ($Prof.Salvaging / 2)>>\
<<if _extraloot > 15>>\
<<set _Extra to 2>>\
Looking thru the shed you find the following items:
<<set _tempLoot to $armor.jacket>>\
<<set _exists to 0>>\
<<set _tempLoot to $armor.jacket>>\
<<for $i = 0; $i < $PCInventory.length; $i++>>\
<<set $uitem = $PCInventory[$i]>>\
<<set $ItemName to $uitem.name>>\
<<set _TempName to _tempLoot.name>>\
<<if $ItemName is _TempName>>\
<<set _amount to $uitem.amount>>\
<<set _exists to 1>>\
<<if _exists is 1>>\
<<set _amount to _amount +1>>\
<<set $uitem.amount to _amount>>\
<<set $PCInventory.push(_tempLoot)>>\
<<print _tempLoot.name>>
<<set _exists to 0>>\
<<set _tempLoot to $item.recipeJacket>>\
<<for $i = 0; $i < $PCInventory.length; $i++>>\
<<set $uitem = $PCInventory[$i]>>\
<<set $ItemName to $uitem.name>>\
<<set _TempName to _tempLoot.name>>\
<<if $ItemName is _TempName>>\
<<set _amount to $uitem.amount>>\
<<set _exists to 1>>\
<<if _exists is 1>>\
<<set _amount to _amount +1>>\
<<set $uitem.amount to _amount>>\
<<set $PCInventory.push(_tempLoot)>>\
<<print _tempLoot.name>>
<<set _exists to 0>>\
<<set _tempLoot to $weapon.pistolcrossbow>>\
<<for $i = 0; $i < $PCInventory.length; $i++>>\
<<set $uitem = $PCInventory[$i]>>\
<<set $ItemName to $uitem.name>>\
<<set _TempName to _tempLoot.name>>\
<<if $ItemName is _TempName>>\
<<set _amount to $uitem.amount>>\
<<set _exists to 1>>\
<<if _exists is 1>>\
<<set _amount to _amount +1>>\
<<set $uitem.amount to _amount>>\
<<set $PCInventory.push(_tempLoot)>>\
<<print _tempLoot.name>>
<<set $startingweaponsEvent.Crossbow to 1>>\
<<set $lootTemp to $lootParkShed>>\
<<for $i = 0; $i < ($Prof.Salvaging / 2 + _Extra); $i++>>\
<<set _Salvage to (random(19)+ 1) + $Skill.Salvaging + $WisdomBonus>>\
Salvage Roll: _Salvage
<<if _Salvage > (5 + ($i * 2))>>\
<<set _exists to 0>>\
<<set _tempLoot to $lootTemp.random()>>\
<<for $j = 0; $j < $PCInventory.length; $j++>>\
<<set $uitem = $PCInventory[$j]>>\
<<set $ItemName to $uitem.name>>\
<<set _TempName to _tempLoot.name>>\
<<if $ItemName is _TempName>>\
<<set _amount to $uitem.amount>>\
<<set _exists to 1>>\
<<if _exists is 1>>\
<<set _amount to _amount +1>>\
<<set $uitem.amount to _amount>>\
<<set $PCInventory.push(_tempLoot)>>\
<<print _tempLoot.name>>
<<set $Cash to $Cash + _tempCash>>\
You also find a cash box that has _tempCash dollars inside!
<<button [[Finish|Grove Hills Park Shed]]>> <</button>><img src="Images/Suburb/Park/Restroom.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumFilled to 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Wet to 0>>\
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<if $lust >= ($MaxLust / 2)>>\
<<set $lust to $lust -10>>\
You take a quick shower in the public restoom to quickly clean off any bodily fluids and other clinging debris. You are lucky and the drier still works which helps you quickly get dry. You finish up and return to the restroom proper.
<<button [[Finish|Grove Hills Park Restroom]]>> <</button>><<set $sexHistory.XP to $sexHistory.XP +1>>\
<<set $LastPartner to $genericFighter>>\
<<set _DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$genericFighter.DickSize]>>\
<<set _DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$genericFighter.DickSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$genericFighter.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$genericFighter.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _SizeComp to $PC.AssSize - $genericFighter.Level + ($GeneralFeats.FalseRep *2)>>\
<<if _SizeComp < 0>>\
<<set _SizeComp to 0>>\
  "Looks like some bitch is packing some heat. Luckily there're a real man here willing to show you how to really fuck! So how about you shove you $AssSize ass up here and I'll shove my _DickSD _DickSize <<Penis>> into your tight asshole?" says $genericFighter.Name as he stands over your exhausted body with his _DickSD dick hard at attention, dripping pre-cum. You quickly position yourself on your knees with your ass up in the air more than willing to be ass fucked hard. Your $DickSD <<Penis>> is rock solid in desire along with your wet pussy dripping in aching need as you gaze back at his _DickSize cock.
  He groans as he presses his _DickSD cock against your tight asshole while grabbing your $AssSize ass. The feeling of his dick pressing up against your ass leaves you panting and moaning like a slut in heat. You reach back spreading your asshole wide while begging for him to fuck you. He responds by violently shoving his _DickSize meat-stick deep into your needy asshole, his _BallsSD _BallsSize balls slapping against your ass. Without even pausing he begins fucking your ass hard using your hips as handholds. You are left panting and moaning as your tight hole stretches to accommodate his thickness, your $BreastSD breasts bouncing from each thrust. Your ignored cock is achingly hard as he thrusts violently into your ass.
<<if $PC.AssSize < 5>>\
  "Your ass is too weak, bitch! You need to eat some donuts or something so it can grow up big and juicy!" he says between slamming his <<Penis>> into your tight ass. Sliding his hands over he starts to fondle your $AssSize ass, before giving you a couple of hard slaps on your ass cheeks. You start to moan more as the pleasure from being fucked by such a hard <<Penis>> combined with him groping your $AssSize ass feels so good.
<<elseif $PC.AssSize > 4>>\
  "Oh fuck yeah! I fucking love all that junk in your big ass trunk! Tons of cushion for the pushing and I'm going to push all of it, slut!" he says between slamming his <<Penis>> into your tight ass. Sliding his hands over he starts to fondle your $AssSize ass, before giving you a couple of hard slaps on your ass cheeks. You start to moan more as the pleasure from being fucked by such a hard <<Penis>> combined with him groping your $AssSize ass feels so good.
  "How do you like me ass fucking you doggy-style with my _DickSize cock, slut? Do you like being fucked in the ass like the bitch you are?" he moans loudly as his steady pace quickens. The pleasure feels so good it feels like he is drilling for oil and you are about to erupt as your ass feels so good.
  "My ass feels so good! Don't stop, please, oh yes! Fuck me harder!" you beg as you continue to be plowed by the handsome Infested Male. He takes your begging as a sign to slam your ass even harder with his _DickSD cock and his pace becomes frantic as both of you moan and groan waiting for sweet release.
<<if $PC.Infestation is $Infestation.Cap & $Infestation.Progress > 1>>\
<<include "Infestation Increase">>\
  As your ass is being completely wrecked by his _DickSD cock you feel a surge of energy flowing directly into you! It almost feels like you are burning up but it quickly turns to pleasure that radiates from your hard dick, swaying chest and quivering ass.
  "OH Shit! Your ass is fucking growing even more big and juicy! That feels so good, getting more cushion for me to plow! OH FUCK YEAH BABY! Get ready for the fireworks cause I'm blasting my fucking load right into your juicy ass!" The Infested Male screams as he slams his _DickSize cock into you one last time before blasting your intestines with a geyser of hot cum! As more and more cum floods your ass you suddenly feel a heavier weight swinging from your chest. Looking down you see your breasts have grown to $BreastSD $BreastsSize tits and are swinging even heavier from his thrusts.
  "Oh yes! OH FUCK! I'M CUMMING! I'm cumming while my ass is being fucked by your fucking cock!" you scream as the feeling of his hot cum filling your ass along with your sudden growth in your tits and ass has pushed you over the edge and you unleash a $CumAD flood of female cum as you quickly orgasm. A tsunami of cum is bigger than any other squirts you've ever had flows down to the ground below creating a small puddle! He finally pulls his _DickSize cock out of your ass and starts shooting large strands of sticky cum all over your back and $AssSize ass! Your almost forgotten cock makes itself known as it grows to a $DickSD $DickSize cock before blasting out it's own firehose of hot cum onto the puddle adding to the almost never-ending rain of cum that's splattering on and around you. The stream of hot cum from both your pussy and cock lasts for over a minute and adds even more to the mixed puddle of male and female cum beneath you!<</if>>
  As the rain of white baby-batter slows to a stop you can finally confirm that you now have a pair of $BreastSD $BreastsSize breasts and a $AssSize ass! You also confirm your cock is now a $DickSD $DickSize cock with a pair of $BallsSize balls. Before you can react the Infested slaps your expanded ass with a smirk and says "Looks like you are on the way to becoming one hot slut!"
    "OH Shit! Your fucking ass feels so good! OH FUCK YEAH BABY! Get ready for the fireworks cause I'm blasting my fucking load right into your hot asshole!" he screams as a immense orgasm rocks his body. The feeling of the flood of hot cum filling your ass pushes you over the edge causing you to unleash a $GCumAD gushing of female cum that splatters down below to make a small puddle as you quickly orgasm. He pulls his _DickSize cock out and shoots large strands of sticky cum all over your back and ass! Your almost forgotten cock makes itself known as it blasts out it's own $CumAD shot of hot cum onto the ground adding to the intense pleasure radiating from your groin. <<if $Cum.Stored > 10 or $GCum.Stored > 10>> The stream of hot cum from both your pussy and cock lasts for over a minute and creates a large mixed puddle of male and female cum beneath you!<</if>>
  "Oh that was a good fuck, bitch!" $genericFighter.Name2 says as he stands up from your exhausted body, cum dripping from his still erect cock. Taking one last moment to shake loose some white goo from his huge cock onto your ass, he continues with "See ya around, slut..." With that he walks away fulfilled leaving you to grab your clothes and to slowly recover.
<<set $StatusAffect.CumFilled to $StatusAffect.CumFilled+1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered+1>>\<<set _EnergyLust to 0>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.Energized < 1 and $FoodStatus.Energy < 1>>\
<<set $Cum.Stored to $Cum.Min + ($GeneralFeats.MessySpray *2)>>\
<<set $GCum.Stored to $GCum.Min + ($GeneralFeats.MessySpray *2)>>\
<<set _EnergyLust to ($StatusAffect.Energized * 5) + ($StatusAffect.Horny * 5)>>\
<<if _EnergyLust > 50>>\
<<set _EnergyLust to 50>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.MilkTits < 1 and $Milk.Stored > $Milk.Min>>\
<<if $Milk.Stored > $Milk.Min +3>>\
<<set $Milk.Stored to $Milk.Stored -4>>\
<<set $PC.BreastsSize to $PC.BreastsSize -4>>\
<<set _MilkMath to $Milk.Stored - $Milk.Min>>\
<<set $Milk.Stored to $Milk.Min>>\
<<set $PC.BreastsSize to $PC.BreastsSize -_MilkMath>>\
<<set _BreastSD to $BreastSD>>\
<<set _BreastsSize to $BreastsSize>>\
<<set $BreastSD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set $BreastsSize to $arrayBreastSize[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
You notice your _BreastSD _BreastsSize jugs have shrunk down to $BreastSD $BreastsSize after expelling all that milk!
<<set $lust to $MinLust + _EnergyLust + $TempLust + ($StatusAffect.CumFilled *2)>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.Thirsty < 1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Horny to $StatusAffect.Horny -3>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.Horny < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Horny to 0>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.Horny > 0>>\
You are still feeling horny!
<</if>><<set $sexHistory.XP to $sexHistory.XP +1>>\
<<set $LastPartner to $genericFighter>>\
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$genericFighter.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$genericFighter.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$genericFighter.DickSize]>>\
<<set _DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$genericFighter.DickSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$genericFighter.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$genericFighter.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _SizeComp to $PC.DickSize - $genericFighter.Level + ($GeneralFeats.FalseRep *2)>>\
<<if _SizeComp < 0>>\
<<set _SizeComp to 0>>\
/* needs an update */
  "Look likes I've run across another Futa with a $DickSize cock and a wet cunt aching for something to fill it. How about you just spread your legs and I'll fuck that tight pussy so hard that you will be cumming your brains out like never before?" says the busty $genericFighter.Name3 as she stands over your exhausted body with her _DickSD cock hard at attention, dripping pre-cum. Your hard $DickSize <<Penis>> and nipples are standing at full attention while your pussy drips in anticipation.
  She groans as she presses her _DickSD girl-cock against your wet pussy. You spread your legs wide welcoming her as she teases yours pussy, smearing her pre-cum over the lips of your cunt. She pauses just for a moment before plunging in violently, shoving her _DickSize meat-stick deep, leaving you panting and moaning like a whore. Without even wasting any time she begins thrusting hard into your over-stretched pussy while using your hips as handholds.
<<if $PC.BreastsSize + ($GeneralFeats.FalseRep *2) < ($genericFighter.BreastsSize -4)>>\
  "I just want to say you really need to drink some more milk cause your tits are way too flat, at least compared to me! Oh fuck Oh fuck! Your pussy is so tight! OH YES! Oh yeah, the only thing your tits are good for someone to play with them. Is that what you like? Someone groping and sucking on your $BreastsSize tits?" she moans as she reaches for your $BreastsSize breasts and begins fondling them. Even while groping your $BreastSD tits she keeps up her hard fucking without losing a beat.
<<elseif $PC.BreastsSize + ($GeneralFeats.FalseRep *2) < $genericFighter.BreastsSize>>\
  "I just want to say your tits are pretty nice jiggling back and forth from my hard dicking! Almost makes me want to fuck them but I'm too busy fucking your wet pussy which feels too good to stop! Oh fuck your pussy is so tight! OH YES! Only thing your tits are good for someone to play with them. Is that what you like? Someone groping and sucking on your $BreastsSize tits?" she moans as she reaches for your $BreastsSize breasts and begins fondling them. Even while groping your $BreastSD tits she keeps up her hard fucking without losing a beat.
<<elseif ($PC.BreastsSize + ($GeneralFeats.FalseRep *2)) is $genericFighter.BreastsSize>>\
  "I just want to say your tits are pretty nice jiggling back and forth from my hard dicking! Almost makes me want to fuck them but I'm too busy fucking your tight pussy. Oh fuck your pussy is so tight! OH YES! Only thing your tits are good for someone to play with them. Is that what you like? Someone groping and sucking on your $BreastsSize tits?" she moans as she reaches for your $BreastsSize breasts and begins fondling them. Even while groping your $BreastSD tits she keeps up her hard fucking without losing a beat.
<<elseif $PC.BreastsSize + ($GeneralFeats.FalseRep *2) > $genericFighter.BreastsSize>>\
  "I just want to say you having bigger tits than me is not fair! Maybe next time I can fuck your $BreastSD tits but right now your wet cunt feels too good to stop! Oh fuck your pussy is so tight! OH fuck YES! Only thing your tits are good for someone to play with them. Is that what you like? Someone groping and sucking on your $BreastsSize tits?" she moans as she reaches for your $BreastsSize breasts and begins fondling them. Even while groping your $BreastSD tits she keeps up her hard fucking without losing a beat.
  "Oh fuck your cock feels so good! I can feel it deep inside me, oh fuck yes! Keep going, don't stop!" you scream as pleasure from her _DickSize dick ramming deep into your wet pussy fills your mind. The fact she is also groping your $BreastSD breasts while doing just adds to the overwelming pleasure radiating throughout your body. Even your neglected dick is achingly hard as the pounding continues.
  "Oh fuck yes! You like my god-damn cock! Can't get enough of it? Oooooh! Fuckkkkk! How about...How about I help you with your dick problem?" she moans loudly before she reaches down with one hand and starts stroking your $DickSD dick. The pleasure feels so good it feels like she is drilling for oil and you are about to erupt as your weeping pussy and pre-cum dripping dick begs for more.
  "Don't stop! Oh fuck! I'm almost there! Oh fuck I'm so close to cumming!" you beg as you continue to be plowed by the beautiful Futa. She takes your begging as a sign to slam your pussy even harder with her _DickSD cock while jacking your $DickSD dick even faster.
<<if $Infestation.FutaVariant >= $Infestation.FutaCap and $Infestation.Progress > 1 and $StatusAffect.Futa > 0>>\
<<include "Futa TF">>\
  As you continue to be fucked by the hot Futa you feel a pleasant warm sensation radiating from your groin. As it spreads throughout your body you feel a fundamental change in your gender identity as it reaches your head. You now know that you are a full-time Futa. Shaking off the distraction you have more important things to do like continuing to have your pussy be pounded by the Futa's _DickSize rock hard cock.
  "Oh yes! OH FUCK! I'M CUMMING! I'm blasting your fucking pussy with my hot load!" she screams as you feel her hard dick twitch one last time before a geyser of hot spunk floods your womb! As splurt after splurt of cum shoots into your wet pussy she yells "Take all of my load you fucking horny futa!"
  "Oh fucking fuck yes! I'm cumming all over your fucking cock! My dick is fucking cumming toooo!" you scream as the feeling of her hot cum filling your pussy pushes you over the edge. Within seconds you unleash a $CumAD flood of female cum while at the same time a $CumAD blast of hot jizz erupts from your dick splattering on your $BreastSD tits along with the Futa's _ISD breasts.
<<elseif $PC.Infestation >= $Infestation.Cap & $Infestation.Progress > 1>>\
<<include "Infestation Increase">>\
  As your pussy is being completely fucked by her _DickSD cock you feel a surge of energy flowing directly into you! It almost feels like you are burning up but it quickly turns to pleasure that radiates from your hard dick and your heaving chest.
  "Oh FUCK YES YES YESSS! OH FUCK your dick is growing and even your tits are bigger! OH FUCK THAT'S SO HOT! I'M CUMMING! I'm blasting your fucking pussy with my hot load!" she screams as you feel her hard dick twitch one last time before a geyser of hot spunk floods your womb! As splurt after splurt of cum shoots into your wet pussy she yells "Take all of my load you fucking horny futa!"
  "Oh fucking fuck yes! I'm cumming all over your fucking cock! My dick is fucking cumming toooo!" you scream as the feeling of her hot cum filling your pussy pushes you over the edge. Within seconds you unleash a $CumAD flood of female cum while at the same time a $CumAD blast of hot jizz erupts from your growing dick splattering on your growing breasts along with the Futa's _ISD breasts.
  As she pulls out of your dripping cunt you finally have time to examine yourself. The first thing your notice is that you now have a $DickSD $DickSize cock along with a pair of $BallsSD $BallsSize balls! The second thing you notice is that you now have a pair of $BreastSD $BreastsSize breasts and a $AssSize ass!! Before you can react the Infested strokes your <<Penis>> and <<Breasts>> with a smirk while saying "Looks like you are becoming one hot Futa."
  "Oh yes! OH FUCK! I'M CUMMING! I'm blasting your fucking pussy with my hot load!" she screams as you feel her hard dick twitch one last time before a geyser of hot spunk floods your womb! As splurt after splurt of cum shoots into your wet pussy she yells "Take all of my load you fucking horny futa!"
  "Oh fucking fuck yes! I'm cumming all over your fucking cock! My dick is fucking cumming toooo!" you scream as the feeling of her hot cum filling your pussy pushes you over the edge. Within seconds you unleash a $GCumAD wave of female cum while at the same time a $CumAD blast of hot jizz erupts from your dick splattering on your $BreastSD tits along with the Futa's _ISD breasts.
  "Oh that was so good!" $genericFighter.Name2 says as she stands up from your exhausted body, large amount of cum dripping from her cock along with your own hot cum dripping from her heaving breasts. "I'll see again soon, I'm sure..." With that she walks away fulfilled leaving you to grab your clothes and to slowly recover.
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered+1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumFilled to $StatusAffect.CumFilled+1>>\You can gain proficiency in a new skill or take a trained skill to expert. Choose from the list below.
<<if $Prof.Athletics < 2>>\
Train Athletics to +2 (Trained)
<<button [[Athletics|Choose General Feat]]>>
<<set $Prof.Athletics to $Prof.Athletics +2>>\
<<set $Skill.Athletics to $Skill.Athletics +2>>\
<<elseif $Prof.Athletics > 0 and $Prof.Athletics < 4>>\
Train Athletics to +4 (Expert)
<<button [[Athletics|Choose General Feat]]>>
<<set $Prof.Athletics to $Prof.Athletics +2>>\
<<set $Skill.Athletics to $Skill.Athletics +2>>\
<<if $Prof.Crafting < 2>>\
Train Crafting to +2 (Trained)
<<button [[Crafting|Choose General Feat]]>>
<<set $Prof.Crafting to $Prof.Crafting +2>>\
<<set $Skill.Crafting to $Skill.Crafting +2>>\
<<elseif $Prof.Crafting > 0 and $Prof.Crafting < 4>>\
Train Crafting to +4 (Expert)
<<button [[Crafting|Choose General Feat]]>>
<<set $Prof.Crafting to $Prof.Crafting +2>>\
<<set $Skill.Crafting to $Skill.Crafting +2>>\
<<if $Prof.Cooking < 2>>\
Train Cooking to +2 (Trained)
<<button [[Cooking|Choose General Feat]]>>
<<set $Prof.Cooking to $Prof.Cooking +2>>\
<<set $Skill.Cooking to $Skill.Cooking +2>>\
<<elseif $Prof.Cooking > 0 and $Prof.Cooking < 4>>\
Train Cooking to +4 (Expert)
<<button [[Cooking|Choose General Feat]]>>
<<set $Prof.Cooking to $Prof.Cooking +2>>\
<<set $Skill.Cooking to $Skill.Cooking +2>>\
<<if $Prof.Driving < 2>>\
Train Driving to +2 (Trained)
<<button [[Driving|Choose General Feat]]>>
<<set $Prof.Driving to $Prof.Driving +2>>\
<<set $Skill.Driving to $Skill.Driving +2>>\
<<elseif $Prof.Driving > 0 and $Prof.Driving < 4>>\
Train Driving to +4 (Expert)
<<button [[Driving|Choose General Feat]]>>
<<set $Prof.Driving to $Prof.Driving +2>>\
<<set $Skill.Driving to $Skill.Driving +2>>\
<<if $Prof.Electronics < 2>>\
Train Electronics to +2 (Trained)
<<button [[Electronics|Choose General Feat]]>>
<<set $Prof.Electronics to $Prof.Electronics +2>>\
<<set $Skill.Electronics to $Skill.Electronics +2>>\
<<elseif $Prof.Electronics > 0 and $Prof.Electronics < 4>>\
Train Electronics to +4 (Expert)
<<button [[Electronics|Choose General Feat]]>>
<<set $Prof.Electronics to $Prof.Electronics +2>>\
<<set $Skill.Electronics to $Skill.Electronics +2>>\
<<if $Prof.Medical < 2>>\
Train Medical to +2 (Trained)
<<button [[Medical|Choose General Feat]]>>
<<set $Prof.Medical to $Prof.Medical +2>>\
<<set $Skill.Medical to $Skill.Medical +2>>\
<<elseif $Prof.Medical > 0 and $Prof.Medical < 4>>\
Train Medical to +4 (Expert)
<<button [[Medical|Choose General Feat]]>>
<<set $Prof.Medical to $Prof.Medical +2>>\
<<set $Skill.Medical to $Skill.Medical +2>>\
<<if $Prof.Salvaging < 2>>\
Train Salvaging to +2 (Trained)
<<button [[Salvaging|Choose General Feat]]>>
<<set $Prof.Salvaging to $Prof.Salvaging +2>>\
<<set $Skill.Salvaging to $Skill.Salvaging +2>>\
<<elseif $Prof.Salvaging > 0 and $Prof.Salvaging < 4>>\
Train Salvaging to +4 (Expert)
<<button [[Salvaging|Choose General Feat]]>>
<<set $Prof.Salvaging to $Prof.Salvaging +2>>\
<<set $Skill.Salvaging to $Skill.Salvaging +2>>\
<<if $Prof.Scouting < 2>>\
Train Scouting to +2 (Trained)
<<button [[Scouting|Choose General Feat]]>>
<<set $Prof.Scouting to $Prof.Scouting +2>>\
<<set $Skill.Scouting to $Skill.Scouting +2>>\
<<elseif $Prof.Scouting > 0 and $Prof.Scouting < 4>>\
Train Scouting to +4 (Expert)
<<button [[Scouting|Choose General Feat]]>>
<<set $Prof.Scouting to $Prof.Scouting +2>>\
<<set $Skill.Scouting to $Skill.Scouting +2>>\
<<if $Prof.Social < 2>>\
Train Social to +2 (Trained)
<<button [[Social|Choose General Feat]]>>
<<set $Prof.Social to $Prof.Social +2>>\
<<set $Skill.Social to $Skill.Social +2>>\
<<elseif $Prof.Social > 0 and $Prof.Social < 4>>\
Train Social to +4 (Expert)
<<button [[Social|Choose General Feat]]>>
<<set $Prof.Social to $Prof.Social +2>>\
<<set $Skill.Social to $Skill.Social +2>>\
<<if $ClassBonus.Celebrity > 0>>\
<<set $ClassBonus.Celebrity to ($Prof.Social / 2)>>\
<<if $Prof.Stealth < 2>>\
Train Stealth to +2 (Trained)
<<button [[Stealth|Choose General Feat]]>>
<<set $Prof.Stealth to $Prof.Stealth +2>>\
<<set $Skill.Stealth to $Skill.Stealth +2>>\
<<elseif $Prof.Stealth > 0 and $Prof.Stealth < 4>>\
Train Stealth to +4 (Expert)
<<button [[Stealth|Choose General Feat]]>>
<<set $Prof.Stealth to $Prof.Stealth +2>>\
<<set $Skill.Stealth to $Skill.Stealth +2>>\
<<if $Prof.Thievery < 2>>\
Train Thievery to +2 (Trained)
<<button [[Thievery|Choose General Feat]]>>
<<set $Prof.Thievery to $Prof.Thievery +2>>\
<<set $Skill.Thievery to $Skill.Thievery +2>>\
<<set $LockSmithTools.Active to 1>>\
<<elseif $Prof.Thievery > 0 and $Prof.Thievery < 4>>\
Train Thievery to +4 (Expert)
<<button [[Thievery|Choose General Feat]]>>
<<set $Prof.Thievery to $Prof.Thievery +2>>\
<<set $Skill.Thievery to $Skill.Thievery +2>>\
<</if>>\<<set $LevelUp.Skill to 1>>\
<<set $LevelUp.Step to $LevelUp.Step +1>>\
You have gained a skill feat from a skill you are at least trained in. Choose from the list below.
<<if $Prof.Athletics >= 2 and $SkillFeats.Hustle < 1>>\
The ability to hustle allows you to do more than others in the same amount of time. This gives you 20% more minor actions between Major time stages.
<<button [[Hustle|Level Up Checklist]]>>
<<set $SkillFeats.Hustle to 2>>\
<<if $Prof.Athletics >= 2 and $SkillFeats.Recovery < 1>>\
Sometimes when you've been beaten down and defeated, the ability to recover and get back on your feet is the most important skill of all. When you have been defeated instead of being left at only 1 HP you get your level and your Constitution modifier in addition back.
<<button [[Recovery|Level Up Checklist]]>>
<<set $SkillFeats.Recovery to 1>>\
<<if $Prof.Athletics >= 4 and $SkillFeats.Toughness < 1>>\
You are extra tough and gain +2 Constitution. This will give you +1 HP per level as well as +1 on Fortitude saves.
<<button [[Toughness|Level Up Checklist]]>>
<<set $SkillFeats.Toughness to 1>>\
<<set $Constitution to $Constitution+2>>\
<<set $ConstitutionBonus to (($Constitution - 10)/2)>>\
<<set $PC.Fortitude to $PC.Level + $Prof.Fortitude + $ConstitutionBonus>>\
<<set $MaxHP to $MinHP + ($PC.Level * $ConstitutionBonus) + ($PC.Level * $ClassHP)>>\
<<set $HP to $MaxHP>>\
<<if $Prof.Athletics >= 6 and $SkillFeats.Recovery > 0 and $SkillFeats.WalkitOff < 1>>\
Walk it Off
You learned long ago that most injuries can just to be walked off. Get shot in the arm? Walk it off! You recover your Constitution modifier back in HP at each Long Time stage.
<<button [[Walk it Off|Level Up Checklist]]>>
<<set $SkillFeats.WalkitOff to 1>>\
<<if $Prof.Crafting >= 2 and $SkillFeats.Maintenance < 1>>\
You are extra careful at keeping your gear maintained while avoiding damage. This decreases the chance of your gear taking HP damage from combat starting at 50%. This increases by 5% as your proficency increases.
<<button [[Maintenance|Level Up Checklist]]>>
<<set $SkillFeats.Maintenance to 1>>\
<<if $Prof.Crafting >= 4 and $SkillFeats.ForgedToughness < 1>>\
Forged Toughness
Any gear you forge yourself will have 50% more HP.
<<button [[Forged Toughness|Level Up Checklist]]>>
<<set $SkillFeats.ForgedToughness to 1>>\
<<if $Prof.Crafting >= 4 and $SkillFeats.ExtraSkill < 1>>\
Extra Skill
When you craft items you now add the relevant skill proficency as a bonus to the crafting roll.
<<button [[Extra Skill|Level Up Checklist]]>>
<<set $SkillFeats.ExtraSkill to 1>>\
<<if $Prof.Cooking >= 2 and $SkillFeats.ProperNutrition < 1>>\
Proper Nutrition
You have learned to eat only what is necessary and to cut out unwanted calories. You require 33% less food each day.
<<button [[Proper Nutrition|Level Up Checklist]]>>
<<set $SkillFeats.ProperNutrition to 1>>\
<<if $Prof.Cooking >= 2 and $SkillFeats.ChampionBreakfast < 1>>\
Champion Breakfast
Your cooked breakfasts are the stuff champions dream of. The benefits of your food buffs lasts until Early Afternoon instead of Noon. This increases to Early Evening at Expert proficiency, Night at Master proficiency and lasts all day at Legendary proficiency. You still can only have one food buff at a time.
<<button [[Champion Breakfast|Level Up Checklist]]>>
<<set $SkillFeats.ChampionBreakfast to ($Prof.Cooking/2)>>\
<<if $Prof.Cooking >= 4 and $SkillFeats.ProperNutrition > 0 and $SkillFeats.GroupCooking < 1>>\
Group Cooking
You have learned what Proper Nutrition is for a group and can make large meals out less ingredients. Everyone in the house hold requires 33% less food each day.
<<button [[Group Cooking|Level Up Checklist]]>>
<<set $SkillFeats.GroupCooking to 1>>\
<<if $Prof.Cooking >= 6 and $SkillFeats.ChampionBreakfast > 0>>\
Epic Breakfast
Your cooked breafasts are the stuff epics are written about. The benefits of your breakfast buffs are increased by +1 for the duration. You still can only have one breakfast buff at a time.
<<button [[Epic Breakfast|Level Up Checklist]]>>
<<set $SkillFeats.EpicBreakfast to 1>>\
<<if $Prof.Driving >= 2 and $SkillFeats.CombatDriving < 1>>\
Combat Driving
You have learned the ways of running over people efficiently with your car. While your car might take some damage the look on the Infested's faces when you run over them will always bring a smile to your face. Your driving check is made at a +2 for your hit and runs.
<<button [[Combat Driving|Level Up Checklist]]>>
<<set $SkillFeats.CombatDriving to 1>>\
<<if $Prof.Driving >= 2 and $SkillFeats.LockedCar < 1>>\
Locked Car
You have figured out how to protect your car even when you are not around. This skill feat keeps your car from taking damage from Raiders and Infested when you are out and about in the town.
<<button [[Locked Car|Level Up Checklist]]>>
<<set $SkillFeats.LockedCar to 1>>\
<<if $Prof.Driving >= 2 and $Prof.Stealth > 2 and $SkillFeats.StealthDrive < 1>>\
Silent Driving
You have figured out how to drive around town without making nearly as much noise. A upgraded muffler and stealthy skills allows you to add your Stealth proficiency to your checks to avoid and to escape Infested while driving. This can be turned off/on in your smart phone options.
<<button [[Silent Driving|Level Up Checklist]]>>
<<set $SkillFeats.SilentDrive to 1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.SilentDrive to $Prof.Stealth>>\
<<if $Prof.Driving >= 4 and ($SkillFeats.EnhancedCombatDriving < 1) and $SkillFeats.CombatDriving > 0>>\
Enhanced Combat Driving
You have learned how to hit Infested with a vehicle without it taking too much damage and your bonus to hit while doing so increases. A vehicle's physical resistance is doubled when ramming enemies and your driving check is made at a +4 for your hit and runs.
<<button [[Enhanced Combat Driving|Level Up Checklist]]>>
<<set $SkillFeats.EnhancedCombatDriving to 1>>\
<<set $SkillFeats.CombatDriving to 2>>\
<<if $Prof.Electronics >= 2 and $SkillFeats.PowerSaver < 1>>\
Power Saver
You have added a extra large battery to your smart phone. This gives your phone 50% more battery power used for hacking and other uses for your phone.
<<button [[Power Saver|Level Up Checklist]]>>
<<set $SkillFeats.PowerSaver to 1>>\
<<if $Prof.Electronics >= 2 and $SkillFeats.BruteForce < 1>>\
Brute Force
Sometimes when hacking a system brute force can work when finess fails. When trying to hack a system if the initial check is a failure a second check is automatically rolled at a -2 penalty.
<<button [[Brute Force|Level Up Checklist]]>>
<<set $SkillFeats.BruteForce to 1>>\
<<if $Prof.Electronics >= 4 and $SkillFeats.CanYouHearMe < 1>>\
Can You Hear Me?
When the Infested pandemic hit most of the cell phone towers went down allowing only land lines to be used. You have found a way to connect to a rogue cell phone tower and can now make phone calls away from home on your smart phone.
<<button [[Can You Hear Me?|Level Up Checklist]]>>
<<set $SkillFeats.CanYouHearMe to 1>>\
<<if $Prof.Medical >= 2 and $SkillFeats.MedicalOverwatch < 1>>\
Medical Overwatch
When you use any healing medicine you add your proficency bonus as extra HPs healed.
<<button [[Medical Overwatch|Level Up Checklist]]>>
<<set $SkillFeats.MedicalOverwatch to 1>>\
<<if $Prof.Medical >= 2 and $SkillFeats.AnatomyLessons < 1>>\
Anatomy Lessons
All those anatomy lessons you've taken has somewhat desensitized you to casual displays of nudity and other erotic displays. While not immune you do take 2 less lust damage from visual sources.
<<button [[Anatomy Lessons|Level Up Checklist]]>>
<<set $SkillFeats.AnatomyLessons to 1>>\
<<set $LustResist.Visual to $LustResist.Visual + 2>>\
<<if $Prof.Medical >= 4 and $SkillFeats.AnatomyLessons is 1 and $SkillFeats.AnatomyDedication < 1>>\
Anatomy Dedication
You've continued your study of anatomy which which has desensitized you even more to casual displays of nudity and other erotic displays. While not immune you do take 3 less lust damage from visual sources which stacks with Anatomy Lessons and you gain a +2 on Will saves to resist lust.
<<button [[Anatomy Dedication|Level Up Checklist]]>>
<<set $SkillFeats.AnatomyDedication to 1>>\
<<set $LustResist.Visual to $LustResist.Visual + 3>>\
<<set $LustResist.Will to $LustResist.Will + 2>>\
<<if $Prof.Medical >= 4 and $SkillFeats.ResistInfestation < 1>>\
Resist Infestation
You have learned how to resist the Infested virus using a combination of antiviral drugs and a liberal amounts of disinfectants. You gain a +2 bonus on Fortitude saves vs the Infested virus and reduces the amount of Infested virus gained by 2 each time you are exposed.
<<button [[Resist Infestation|Level Up Checklist]]>>
<<set $SkillFeats.ResistInfestation to 1>>\
<<set $InfectionResist.Fort to $InfectionResist.Fort + 2>>\
<<set $InfectionResist.DR to $InfectionResist.DR + 2>>\
<<if $Prof.Medical >= 6 and $SkillFeats.ResistInfestation > 0 and $SkillFeats.CleanseInfestation < 1>>\
Cleanse Infestation
You have started adding disinfectants and antiviral drugs to all your first-aid kits allowing for some minor success against the Infested virus. This will slightly lower the Infested level when using a first-aid kit but only to the miminal for which stage you are currently at.
<<button [[Cleanse Infestation|Level Up Checklist]]>>
<<set $SkillFeats.CleanseInfestation to 1>>\
<<if $Prof.Salvaging >= 2 and $SkillFeats.SecureWallet < 1>>\
Secure Wallet
You have quickly learned that some people like to steal money from your wallet when you are preoccupied or exhausted. This will lower the amount of money lost when you lose battles by 20%. This increases by 20% for each increase in Salvaging proficiency to a maxinum of 80%.
<<button [[Secure Wallet|Level Up Checklist]]>>
<<set $SkillFeats.SecureWallet to 1>>\
<<if $Prof.Salvaging >= 2 and $SkillFeats.ExtraLoot < 1>>\
Extra Loot
You have learned that sometimes people like to hide their belongings in the most unlikely locations. You have a 50% chance for an extra roll for loot and salvage allowing for more loot in general. This increases by 5% for each increase in Salvaging proficiency to a max of 65%.
<<button [[Extra Loot|Level Up Checklist]]>>
<<set $SkillFeats.ExtraLoot to 1>>\
<<if $Prof.Salvaging >= 4 and $SkillFeats.RareSalvage < 1>>\
Rare Salvage
Sometimes there is something rare and outrageous to be found and you have the knack for finding it! You get a bonus 10% chance on finding Rare loot and Salvage rolls.
<<button [[Rare Salvage|Level Up Checklist]]>>
<<set $SkillFeats.RareSalvage to 2>>\
<<if $Prof.Scouting >= 2 and $SkillFeats.Stalking < 1>>\
Sometimes the hunters become the hunted. With this skill feat you can turn your Scouting away from avoidance and towards finding you prey when outdoors. This can be switched back and forth in your Smartphone screen.
<<button [[Stalking|Level Up Checklist]]>>
<<set $SkillFeats.Stalking to 1>>\
<<if $Prof.Scouting >= 4 and $ScoutingSkillFeats.KeenEye < 1>>\
Keen Eye
Keeping an eye out for more than just danger can be extremely useful while moving thru an area. This will add a 10% bonus on finding non-enemy encounters when traveling.
<<button [[Keen Eye|Level Up Checklist]]>>
<<set $ScoutingSkillFeats.KeenEye to 2>>\
<<if $Prof.Social >= 2 and $SkillFeats.TalktoMe < 1>>\
Talk to Me
Everyone says the Infested are just lust zombies but they can talk right? Has anyone ever really tried to talk to them to find out what they really want? You can try Talking to an Infested at the beginning of combat to see if you can cum to a mutual agreement. This can also be used for other negotiations with Infested.
<<button [[Talk to Me|Level Up Checklist]]>>
<<set $SkillFeats.TalktoMe to 1>>\
<<if $Prof.Social >= 2 and $SocialSkillFeats.WashmyHair < 1>>\
Wash my Hair
Sometimes people get really upset even when it's no fault of yours. You have learned the skill of letting people down gently. When you end up upsetting people this will decrease the amount they are upset by. Results vary depending on the person and situation.
<<button [[Wash my Hair|Level Up Checklist]]>>
<<set $SocialSkillFeats.WashmyHair to 3>>\
<<if $Prof.Social >= 4 and $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe < 1>>\
Everybody Likes Me
You just have a way about you that makes everyone like you, or at least respect you. When talking and interacting with people you increase their relationship value by a bonus of +1.
<<button [[Everybody Likes Me|Level Up Checklist]]>>
<<set $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe to 1>>\
<<if $Prof.Social >= 6 and $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe > 0 and $SkillFeats.ExtraCharisma < 1>>\
Extra Charismatic
You have learned how to more easily influence friends and strangers alike. You gain a +2 to your Charisma stat which will increase all your social skill checks by +1.
<<button [[Extra Charismatic|Level Up Checklist]]>>
<<set $Charisma to $Charisma+2>>\
<<set $CharismaBonus to (($Charisma - 10)/2)>>\
<<set $SkillFeats.ExtraCharisma to 1>>\
<<if $Prof.Stealth >= 2 and $Prof.Scouting >= 2 and $SkillFeats.SilentStalking < 1>>\
Silent Stalking
Sometimes while creeping thru an apocalypse Stealth is just as important as Scouting. You now add you Stealth proficiency to your Scouting rolls to avoid detection when outdoors..
<<button [[Silent Stalking|Level Up Checklist]]>>
<<set $SkillFeats.SilentStalking to 1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.SilentStalking to $Prof.Stealth>>\
<<if $Prof.Stealth >= 2 and $SkillFeats.SilentStalking < 1>>\
Sometimes when you stumble while sneaking by some enemies a quick distraction can help avoid detection. When trying to sneak, if the initial check is a failure a second check is automatically rolled at a -2 penalty.
<<button [[Distraction|Level Up Checklist]]>>
<<set $SkillFeats.SilentStalking to 1>>\
<<if $Prof.Stealth >= 4 and $SkillFeats.Avoidance < 1>>\
You have learned that keeping an eye out for cover and other hiding places while in combat has helped you to escape more than once close call. You add half your Stealth proficiency to Reflex saving throws.
<<button [[Avoidance|Level Up Checklist]]>>
<<set $SkillFeats.Avoidance to 1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Avoidance to ($Prof.Stealth / 2)>>\
<<if $Prof.Stealth >= 6 and $SkillFeats.Ambush < 1>>\
You have learned to take advantage of ambushing targets who are unaware of you. At the beginning of a random encounter you can attempt to hide and unleash a attack against their defenseless body.
<<button [[Ambush|Level Up Checklist]]>>
<<set $SkillFeats.Ambush to 1>>\
<<if $Prof.Thievery >= 2 and $ThieverySkillFeats.SnareMaster < 1>>\
Snare Master
You are quite skilled at making snares and traps in just the right spot. When making traps and snares in the field if the initial check is a failure a second check is automatically rolled at a -2 penalty.
<<button [[Snare Master|Level Up Checklist]]>>
<<set $ThieverySkillFeats.SnareMaster to 1>>\
<<if $Prof.Thievery >= 2 and $SkillFeats.SturdyTools < 1>>\
Sturdy Tools
You have reinforced the metal tools in your lock pick tool kit. This gives your lock picks 50% more usage before being broken and needing to be restocked.
<<button [[Sturdy Tools|Level Up Checklist]]>>
<<set $SkillFeats.SturdyTools to 1>>\
<<if $Prof.Thievery >= 2 and $ThieverySkillFeats.CashisKing < 1>>\
Cash is King
Your knowledge of how to pick pocket a person allows you to discover extra cash that might be hidden away. When you defeat a foe you get an extra 10% cash when looting them.
<<button [[Cash is King|Level Up Checklist]]>>
<<set $ThieverySkillFeats.CashisKing to 10>>\
<<if $Prof.Thievery >= 4 and $ThieverySkillFeats.CashisKing > 0 and $ThieverySkillFeats.FiveFingeredDiscount < 1>>\
Five Fingered Discount
A lot of times when you are selling an item to a merchant, they tend be distracted and give you more value than expected. When you sell items you get 10% more cash back from the sellers "mistakes"
<<button [[Five Fingured Discount|Level Up Checklist]]>>
<<set $ThieverySkillFeats.FiveFingeredDiscount to 1>>\
<<if $Prof.Thievery >= 6 and $SkillFeats.LuckySkillz < 1>>\
Lucky Skillz
Sometimes when you're hot you're hot but other times you're not. When using the Thievery skill you have a 75% chance to add 1d4 to the skill check but a 25% chance to subtract 1d4 from your skill check.
<<button [[Lucky Skillz|Level Up Checklist]]>>
<<set $SkillFeats.LuckySkillz to 4>>\
<</if>>\<img src="Images/Home/PC.jpg" width="800px" height="400px" />
<<button [[Reset Status Affects|BrowsePC]]>>
<<include "Status Affects">>
<img src="Images/Suburb/Bank/Bank.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<switch $SkillAction>>\
<<case "Athletics">>\
  Moving over to the side of the delivery van, you climb on top of the severely damaged hood before climbing onto the roof of the van. You see what looks to be a fire escape ladder above the overhang ceiling for the teller section of the drive-thru. By gettting a running start you should be able to leap from the top of the van to the overhang. After that it's a quick climb to the roof of the bank using the fire escape ladder.
<<set _A to (random(19)+ 1)>>\
<<if _A + $Skill.Athletics + $StrengthBonus + $FoodStatus.Skill > 18 + ($PC.Level / 2)>>\
<<set _tempXP to $PC.Level * 100>>\
<<set $XP to $XP + _tempXP>>\
  Gathering your courage you make a mighty leap and easily land onto the overhang! You quickly slide to a stop before catching your breath. The fire escape looks completely safe as you slowly climb onto the roof.
<<if $XP >= $NextLevel>> You have reached the maxium experience for your level! Sleep to gain your next level.<<else>> You have gained _tempXP XP! <</if>>
<<button [[Success!|Civiton National Bank Roof]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<if _A > 5>>\
  Gathering your courage you make a mighty leap towards the overhang but unfortunately you end up barely missing the overhang by inches! The good news is that you manage to turn your fall into a soft roll and didn't suffer any injury from your failed jump. You spend a few minutes catching your breath before standing back up.
<<button [[Stand back Up|Civiton National Bank Back]]>>
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<set _tempDamage to random(6) + 1 - $PCResistance.Blunt>>\
<<set $HP to $HP - _tempDamage>>\
<<if $HP < 1>>\
<<set $HP to 1>>\
  Gathering your courage you make a mighty leap towards the overhang but unfortunately you end up completely missing the overhang by more than a foot! To make matters even worse you end up landing on top of a broken down car before bouncing off onto the hard concrete ground below. You spend a few minutes catching your breath while groaning from your injuries. It takes awhile but eventually you stand back up..
<<button [[Stand back Up|Civiton National Bank Back]]>>
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<case "Electronics">>\
Slowly sliding over to the customer entrance door you instinctively look around for any onlookers. Seeing no one around you take a long look at the security door lock panel. It should only take a few minutes to hack the security door and gain access to the bank.
<<set _C to (random(19)+ 1) + $Skill.Electronics + $IntelligenceBonus + $FoodStatus.Skill + $PCStatus.SkillBuff>>\
<<set _C2 to 0>>\
<<if $SkillFeats.BruteForce > 0>>\
<<set _C2 to (random(19)+ 1) + $Skill.Electronics + $IntelligenceBonus + $FoodStatus.Skill + $PCStatus.SkillBuff -2>>\
<<if _C > 18 + ($PC.Level / 2) or _C2 > 18 + ($PC.Level / 2)>>\
<<set _tempXP to $PC.Level * 100>>\
<<set $XP to $XP + _tempXP>>\
<<if $ProgrammerPath.Blackhat > 0>>\
<<include "Hacking Heal">>\
<<set $SmartPhone.Charge to $SmartPhone.Charge - (random(5)+5)>>\
  After a few minutes you finally get the lock panel computer to accept you as administrator as you hack it with your smart phone. With only a couple of more commands the door is unlocked and ready to be opened. Taking a moment to collect yourself you open the now unlocked customer entrance door and enter the bank.
<<if $XP >= $NextLevel>> You have reached the maxium experience for your level! Sleep to gain your next level.<<else>> You have gained _tempXP XP! <</if>>
<<if $ProgrammerPath.Blackhat > 0>>\
<<include "Hacking Heal">>\
<<button [[Success!|Civiton National Bank Inside Front]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<elseif _C > 5 or _C2 > 5>>\
<<set $SmartPhone.Charge to $SmartPhone.Charge - (random(5)+5)>>\
  After several failed attempts at hacking the customer entrance door with your smart phone you keep getting close to getting the system to accept you but can't quite get past the security. You decide to take a break after the system throws up one too many alerts for your liking.
<<button [[Give Up|Civiton National Bank Back]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<include "Time Passes">>\
<<set $SmartPhone.Charge to $SmartPhone.Charge - (random(15)+15)>>\
<<if $SmartPhone.Charge < 0>>
<<set $SmartPhone.Charge 0>>\
  No matter what you try to do the customer entrance door remains locked! You keep getting close to getting the system to accept you but it keeps glitching out causing you to restart from the beginning. It's so frustrating that you lose track of time and before you know it hours have passed without any progress on the door. Finally the system goes on complete lockdown and you will have to try again another day.
<<button [[Give Up|Civiton National Bank Front]]>>
<<set $bankEvent.BankerDefeated to 2>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<case "Thievery">>\
  Slowly sliding over to the back delivery door you instictively look around for any onlookers. Seeing no one around you take a long look at the lock. It should only take a few minutes to pick the lock and gain access to the bank.
<<set _T to (random(19)+ 1)>>\
<<if _T + $Skill.Thievery + $DexterityBonus > 18 + ($PC.Level / 2)>>\
<<set _tempXP to $PC.Level * 100>>\
<<set $XP to $XP + _tempXP>>\
  After a few minutes you finally get the lock to click as you probe it with your locksmith tools. With only a couple of more twists you get the last of the lock's tumblers to line up. Taking a moment to put away your tools you open the now unlocked door and enter the bank.
<<if $XP >= $NextLevel>> You have reached the maxium experience for your level! Sleep to gain your next level.<<else>> You have gained _tempXP XP! <</if>>
<<if $ThieverySkillFeats.SturdyTools > 0>>\
<<set _T2 to (random(19)+ 1)>>\
<<if _T2 < $Prof.Thievery +1>>\
<<set _Charge to 0>>\
<<set _Charge to (random(10)+10)>>\
<<button [[Success!|Civiton National Bank Stairwell]]>>
<<set $LockSmithTools.Charge to $LockSmithTools.Charge - _Charge>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<if _T > 5>>\
  After several failed attempts at picking the lock on the door you hear some noises from the lot next to the bank. Deciding that you don't want to be ambushed by some Infested, you pack up your locksmith tool and heads back away from the door.
<<button [[Give Up|Civiton National Bank Back]]>>
<<set $LockSmithTools.Charge to $LockSmithTools.Charge - (random(10)+10)>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<include "Time Passes">>\
  No matter what you try to do the door remains locked! You keep getting close to getting the tumblers to align but seem to always lose one at the last moment. It's so frustrating that you lose track of time and before you know it hours have passed without any progress on the door. Finally you hear the sound of an alarm from inside the bank and decide to leave before it attracts the attention of the Infested.
<<button [[Give Up|Civiton National Bank Front]]>>
<<set $LockSmithTools.Charge to $LockSmithTools.Charge - (random(10)+20)>>\
<<if $LockSmithTools.Charge < 0>>\
<<set $LockSmithTools.Charge to 0>>\
<<set $bankEvent.BankerDefeated to 2>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<case "Salvaging">>\
  Grabbing the keycard from your wallet, you quickly use it on the customer entrance door. It takes a few seconds but eventually the LED on the lock turns from red to green. It looks like you can now enter the bank freely.
<<button [[Enter the Bank|Civiton National Bank Inside Front]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</switch>>\<img src="Images/Player/smartphone.jpg" width="512px" height="768px" />
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
It currently has a charge of $SmartPhone.Charge% You have the following apps installed on your Smartphone Luxt5000(c). Version: $Version
<<if $LockSmithTools.Active is 1>>\
Your Locksmith tool has a charge of $LockSmithTools.Charge%
<<if $SmartPhone.Charge > 0>>\
<<button [[Quests|Quests Progress]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Contacts|Phone Contacts]]>> <</button>>
<<if $Prof.Cooking > 0>>\
<<button [[Cooking|Phone Recipes]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Crafting|Phone Schematic]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Profile|Profile]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Options|Options]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Update|Update Button]]>> <</button>>
<<button "Finish" $return>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</button>><img @src=$genericEvent.Image />
<<set $SpecialUsage to $MaxSpecialUsage>>\
<<include "Combat Status Affects">>\
<<set $location.FleeFlag to 0>>\
<<set $BattleFlag to 0>>\
<<set _tempXP to $genericFighter.Level * 100>>\
<<set $bankEvent.BankerDefeated to 1>>\
<<set $XP to $XP + _tempXP>>\
<<if $XP > $NextLevel>>\
<<set $XP to $NextLevel>>\
<<set $NoEncounter to 2>>\
<<set $CombatRound to 0>>\
You have defeated Amy, the Infested Banker. She looks to be completely out of it but even in her dazes state she's still groping her tits. With how quickly Infested regenerate she should be fully healed here shortly so you will need to decide what to do with her.
<<if $XP is $NextLevel>> You have reached the maxium experience for your level! Sleep to gain your next level.<<else>> You have gained _tempXP XP from the experience! <</if>>
<<include "Loot">>\
<<if $PC.Sex is "Male">>\
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Make a "Deposit"|MBH Deposit Male]]>>
<<set $SexScene2 to 1>>\
<<elseif $PC.Sex is "Female" and $StatusAffect.Futa < 1>>\
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Make a "Deposit"|MBH Deposit Female]]>>
<<set $SexScene2 to 1>>\
<<elseif $PC.Sex is "Futa" or $StatusAffect.Futa > 0>>\
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Make a "Deposit"|MBH Deposit Futa]]>>
<<set $SexScene2 to 1>>\
<<if $lust + ($StatusAffect.Horny*2) < 100>>\
<<button [[Tie her up and leave her in a closet|$location.temp]]>>
<<button [[Just Leave|Civiton National Bank Side]]>>
<<set $SexScene2 to 0>>\
<</if>>\<<set $bankEvent.Deposits to $bankEvent.Deposits+1>>\
<<set $CombatRound to 0>>\
<<set $NoEncounter to 2>>\
<<set $location.FleeFlag to 0>>\
<<set $BattleFlag to 0>>\
<<set $SpecialUsage to $MaxSpecialUsage>>\
<<include "Combat Status Affects">>\
<<set $bankEvent.Deposits to $bankEvent.Deposits+1>>\
<<set $npcAmy.SexXP to $npcAmy.SexXP +1>>\
<<set $sexHistory.XP to $sexHistory.XP +1>>\
<<set _tempCash to $genericFighter.Level * 10>>\
<<set _tempCash to random(_tempCash) + ($genericFighter.Level*4)>>\
<<set $Cash to $Cash - _tempCash>>\
<<if $Cash < 0>>\
<<set $Cash to 0>>\
<<if $HP < 1>>\
<<if $SkillFeats.Recovery > 0>>\
<<set $HP to $PC.Level + $ConstitutionBonus + 1>>\
<<set $HP to 1>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.Vaccine < 1>>\
<<if (random(19) +1) + $PC.Fortitude + $InfectionResist.Fort + $FoodStatus.Fort < (20 + $genericFighter.Level + Math.round($Infestation.Progress / 2) )>>\
<<if $Infestation.Progress < 1>>\
<<set $Infestation.Progress to 1>>\
<<set _Infest to random(10) - $InfectionResist.DR +5>>\
<<if _Infest < 0>>\
<<set _Infest to 0>>\
<<set $PC.Infestation to $PC.Infestation + _Infest>>\
<<if $PC.Infestation > $Infestation.Cap>>\
<<set $PC.Infestation to $Infestation.Cap>>\
<<set $Infestation.MilkVariant to $Infestation.MilkVariant + random(10) +5>>\
<<if $Infestation.MilkVariant > $Infestation.MilkCap>>\
<<set $Infestation.MilkVariant to $Infestation.MilkCap>>\
<<if $PC.Sex is "Male" and $StatusAffect.Futa < 1>>\
<<include "Milk Bank Heist Defeat Male">>\
<<elseif $PC.Sex is "Female" and $StatusAffect.Futa < 1>>\
<<include "Milk Bank Heist Defeat Female">>\
<<elseif $PC.Sex is "Futa" or $StatusAffect.Futa > 0>>\
<<include "Milk Bank Heist Defeat Futa">>\
<<button [[Leave|Oak Dale - Peanut St 1]]>>
<<set $bankEvent.Combat to 0>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<include "Lust Passes">>\
<</button>><<set $sexHistory.XP to $sexHistory.XP +1>>\
<<set $LastPartner to $genericFighter>>\
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$genericFighter.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$genericFighter.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$genericFighter.DickSize]>>\
<<set _DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$genericFighter.DickSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$genericFighter.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$genericFighter.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _SizeComp to $PC.AssSize - $genericFighter.Level + ($GeneralFeats.FalseRep *2)>>\
<<if _SizeComp < 0>>\
<<set _SizeComp to 0>>\
  $genericFighter.Name2 is sitting dejectedly with her _DickSD cock flopping around half-heartedly until you walk towards her, your wet pussy soaking your underwear. With her perky _ICup breasts, _DickSD _DickSize dick and those cock-sucking lips there was no way you could walk away. "How about you fuck my ass until I cum my brains out?" you ask matter-of-factly as you pull down your clothes before getting on your knees exposing your $AssSize ass to the Futa.
<<switch _SizeComp>>\
<<case 0 1 2>>\
  Looking unimpressed at your $AssSize ass, she slowly strokes her hard dick as if deep in thought. "There's no easy way to tell someone this but you need to know. You have what we call a 'Flat Ass'... I'm not saying it's deadly but you're going to need some major work done to get your ass in proper shape. Good news is I'm willing to sacrifice my time in order to help you out and maybe by the time I'm done filling your ass with my huge wad you might be closer to a decent ass!" she says hopefully as she gets behind you. Taking just a brief pause she presses her _DickSize cock against your ass.
<<case 3 4 5 6 7>>\
  Looking thoughtfully at your $AssSize ass she gives it a quick slap causing some jiggling "That's not a bad ass you have going for you. Big enough to properly fuck but not so big I couldn't reach your asshole with my _DickSize dick. Good news is I love fucking ass so after I'm done filling your ass with my huge wad we will both get want we want!" she says lustifully as she gets behind you. Taking just a brief moment she presses her _DickSize cock against your $AssSize ass.
<<case 8 9 10 11 12>>\
  Looking lustfully at your $AssSize ass she gives it a firm slap causing a large amount of jiggling "I have to say that's a very fine ass you are packing. Some might say it's too big but that's cause they have such tiny dicks that they couldn't even reach it. Good news is my _DickSD _DickSize cock is more than enough to fill your lovely ass and since I love fucking ass, I'll be sure to fill your ass with my huge wad!" she boasts lustifully as she gets behind you. Taking just a brief moment she presses her _DickSize cock against your $AssSize ass that jiggles from her brief contact.
  Looking distraught at your $AssSize ass she gives it a slight poke causing an massive amount of jiggling that seems like it will never end. "Ok fuck it! Your ass is one big mother-fucking humongous bowl of trunk junk if I have ever seen one. I am willing to send my _DickSize cock where no man or futa has ever reached before by trying to actually reach inside of your juicy asshole. So I'm going to try filling your ass with my huge wad and hopefully you will be able to actually feel it!" she says in disbelief as she gets behind you. Taking just a brief moment she presses her _DickSize cock against your $AssSize ass that is still jiggling from her initial poke.
  She quickly aims her futa-cock towards your tight asshole with a lusty smirk on her face before thrusting forward. Her _DickSD cock smashes into your ass and quickly penatrates your asshole! "You like that don't ya, you slut!" she gleefully yells as you are pushed forward from her strong thrust.<<if $PC.AssSize > 12>> "I can't believe I actually was able to reach your asshole!" she mutters to herself.<</if>>
  "Oh fuck! My ass feels like it's being destroyed! Oh God I love it!" you moan happily as the Futa doesn't wait long to start moving her hips, thrusting her _DickSize <<Penis>> deep into your tight ass. You slowly adjust to the size of her cock and even start to feel pleasure as she gets a rhythm going. Her strong steady thrusts are causing your $AssSize ass to jiggle every time she slams her balls into you. Even your $BreastsSize tits are swinging from her powerful fucking. As you glance back you see that her _ISD tits are swaying as well in sync with her ass-fucking. Your sore ass is drowning in pleasure as she steadily ass-fucks you and you can't hold back your moans.
  "You really fucking love getting your ass fucked, don't you? Oh fuck yeah your ass feels so good!" she moans loudly as she continues to slam into your ass with her _DickSD diamond hard <<Penis>> while keeping a firm grip on your hips.
  "Oh fuck yes! I love having my ass fucked so hard! Keep going, don't stop!" you scream as you shove your $AssSize ass back against her cock in order to force her deeper. Your ass is radiating pure pleasure and you feel close to the edge of an impending orgasm. From the sounds of the Futa's own panting and moaning she is also close to cumming as well.
<<if $Infestation.FutaVariant >= $Infestation.FutaCap & $Infestation.Progress > 1>>\
<<include "Futa TF">>\
  As your ass is being completely wrecked by her _DickSD cock you feel a surge of shocking energy flowing directly into you! It feels almost like you are being electrocuted but it quickly turns to pleasure that radiates from above your wet pussy.
  "OH GOD! OH FUCK! I'M CUMMING! I'M SHOOTING MY HOT WAD INTO YOUR ASS!" She screams as a immense orgasm rocks her body. The feeling of the flood of her hot cum filling your tight ass would normally push you over the edge but some reason your orgasm feels almost like it's blocked.
  Glancing down you discover a slight bump forming above your pussy, seemingly a lightning rod for that electric feeling. It slowly grows from a bump to a bulge as each heartbeat thunders in your ears. The large bulge slowly shifts as it pushes outward inch by inch before forming a small mushroom head with a tiny hole. You gasp as you recognize the shape as that of a penis, abit a very tiny baby-sized one!
  You can easily feel the blood rushing to your new organ and your new dick eagerly soaks it all up. Your baby-sized penis hardens and pushes out farther from your groin growing bigger and stronger with each heartbeat. By this point the electric shocking feeling is almost gone, replaced by the pleasant feeling of your new cock becoming engorged with blood!
  After a few moments, you discover that your brand new baby dick has transformed into a $DickSD $DickSize futa-cock! Before you can really take a look at it, there's another tiny surge of electric shock as two bulges form below your new dick! You closely watch as it forms into a ballsack while growing in size to match your big dick. It finally finishes growing leaving you with a $BallsSD pair of $BallsSize sized balls!
  In pure disbelief at how you suddenly grew a dick, you go to grab it but $genericFighter.Name beats you to it as she grips your cock hard! It feels so hard and sensitive that you feel it twitch as the infested starts to stroke it and you watch in rapture as pre-cum oozes from the tip as you feel your new balls churn with baby-batter!
  "Oh my God! I'M CUMMING FROM MY COCK! I'M SHOOTING MY WAD AS WELL!" you scream as your delayed orgasm comes crashing back with a vengence as your new hard dick explodes with cum, splattering all over the ground and your feet. It feels so good that you can't stop the flow of hot cum as it blasts over and over again!
  Staring in shock you notice that you now have a $DickSD $DickSize cock along with a pair of $BallsSD $BallsSize balls! Before you can react the Infested reaches down and strokes your <<Penis>> with a grin. As your girl-cock squirts out one more shot of gooey cum she says "Looks like you are now on the way to being one hot looking Futa!"
<<elseif $PC.Infestation is $Infestation.Cap & $Infestation.Progress > 1>>\
<<include "Infestation Increase">>\
  As she slams her _DickSize dock into your tight ass you feel a surge of energy flowing directly into you! It almost feels like you are burning up but it quickly turns to pleasure that radiates from your ass and breasts.
  "OH FUCK YES! OH FUCK YES! I'M CUMMING! I'M SHOOTING MY HOT WAD INTO YOUR ASS! Your ass is getting bigger and bigger while sucking me in!" she moans loudly as she slams her hard cock even harder into your ass. It does feels like your ass is growing bigger and more cushioned with each thrust into your aching ass! As her erratic thrusts slam into your ass you suddenly feel a heavier weight swinging from your chest. Looking down you see your breasts have grown to $BreastSD $BreastsSize tits and are swinging even heavier from her thrusts.
  "Oh yes, fucking yes! I'M CUMMMMMING! I'm cumming while my ass is being destroyed by your COCKKK!" you scream as the feeling of the Infested orgasm along with your sudden growth in your tits and ass has pushed you over the edge and you cum hard from all the pleasure. You unleash a massive flash flood of female cum that splashes down on the ground below. The stream of girl cum lasts for over a minute and forms a small puddle!
  As she slowly pulls out of your gaping asshole you confirm that you now have a $BreastSD $BreastsSize breasts along with a $AssSize ass! Before you can react the Infested fondles your expanded ass and with a smirk says "Looks like you are on the way to becoming one hot slut!"
  "OH FUCK YES! OH FUCK YES! I'M CUMMING! I'M SHOOTING MY HOT WAD INTO YOUR ASS!" she moans loudly as she slams her hard cock even harder into your pleasure filled ass. Within seconds a immense orgasm rocks her body, her _ISD tits and ass quivering in pleasure. The feeling of the flood of her hot cum filling your tight ass pushes you over the edge.
  "Oh yes, fucking yes! I'M CUMMMMMING! I'm cumming while my ass is being destroyed by your COCKKK!" you scream as the feeling of your ass quivering with pleasure almost knocks you senseless, causing you to squirt a $GCumAD wave of girl cum that splashes down on the ground below. <<if $GCum.Stored > 10>> The stream of girl -um lasts for over a minute and even forms a small puddle!<</if>>
  "Oh that was so good!" $genericFighter.Name says when you finally stand up, cum dripping from your sensitive ass. Taking one last moment to scoop some white goo from her dripping cock into her mouth, she replies "I'll hope to see you again soon, slut" With that you grab your clothes and leave the area.
<<set $StatusAffect.CumFilled to $StatusAffect.CumFilled+1>>\<<include "Loot Items">>\
<<set _tempCash to $genericFighter.Level * 15>>\
<<set _tempCash to _tempCash + random(10)>>\
<<if $SalvagingSkillFeats.CashisKing > 0>>\
<<set _tempCash to _tempCash + Math.round(_tempCash / $SalvagingSkillFeats.CashisKing)>>\
<<set _Extra to 1>>\
<<if $SalvagingSkillFeats.ExtraLoot > 0>>\
<<set _extraloot to (random(19) +1) + ($Prof.Salvaging / 2)>>\
<<if _extraloot > 15>>\
<<set _Extra to 2>>\
<<for $i = 0; $i < ($Prof.Salvaging / 2 + _Extra); $i++>>\
<<set _RareLoot to (random(19) +1) + ($Prof.Salvaging / 2) + $SalvagingSkillFeats.RareSalvage >>\
<<if $ShowRolls.Loot is 1>>\
Rare Roll: _RareLoot
<<if _RareLoot >= 19>>\
<<set _exists to 0>>\
<<set _keyflag to 0>>\
<<set _tempLoot to $rarelootTemp.random()>>\
<<if _tempLoot.name is "a double-ended dildo">>\
<<if $KeyItemsFlags.DoubleDildo is not 1>>\
<<set _keyflag to 1>>\
<<set $KeyItemsFlags.DoubleDildo to 1>>\
<<set $KeyItems.push(_tempLoot)>>\
<<set _tempLoot to $item.milkshakejugs>>\
<<for $j = 0; $j < $PCInventory.length; $j++>>\
<<set $uitem = $PCInventory[$j]>>\
<<set $ItemName to $uitem.name>>\
<<set _TempName to _tempLoot.name>>\
<<if $ItemName is _TempName>>\
<<set _amount to $uitem.amount>>\
<<set _amount to _amount +1>>\
<<set $uitem.amount to _amount>>\
<<set _exists to 1>>\
<<if _keyflag is 0 and _exists is 0>>\
<<set $PCInventory.push(_tempLoot)>>\
Rare: <<print _tempLoot.name>>
<<set _Salvage to (random(19) +1) + $Skill.Salvaging + $WisdomBonus>>\
<<if $ShowRolls.Loot is 1>>\
Salvage Roll: _Salvage
<<if _Salvage > (8 + ($i * 2))>>\
<<set _exists to 0>>\
<<set _tempLoot to $lootTemp.random()>>\
<<for $j = 0; $j < $PCInventory.length; $j++>>\
<<set $uitem = $PCInventory[$j]>>\
<<set $ItemName to $uitem.name>>\
<<set _TempName to _tempLoot.name>>\
<<if $ItemName is _TempName>>\
<<set _amount to $uitem.amount>>\
<<set _amount to _amount +1>>\
<<set $uitem.amount to _amount>>\
<<set _exists to 1>>\
<<if _exists is 0>>\
<<set $PCInventory.push(_tempLoot)>>\
<<print _tempLoot.name>>
_tempCash dollars
<<set $Cash to $Cash + _tempCash>>\<<set $genericEvent.Image = $eventPath3 + $arrayEvent3Fucked.random() + '.jpg'>>\
<<set $bankEvent.Deposits to $bankEvent.Deposits+1>>\
<<set $npcAmy.SexXP to $npcAmy.SexXP +1>>\
<<set $sexHistory.XP to $sexHistory.XP +1>>\
<<set $LastPartner to $npcAmy>>\
<<if $Infestation.MilkProgress > 0 or $Milk.Stored > $Milk.Min>>\
<<set _Breasts to "Milk">>\
<<elseif $StatusAffect.SiliconeB > 5>>\
<<set _Breasts to "Silicone">>\
<<set _Breasts to "Natural">>\
<img @src=$genericEvent.Image width="512px" height="768px" />
  You collapse onto a nearby sofa feeling completely defeated as Amy smiles broadly swhile looking you over. She giggles as she squeezes her _ICup tits causing them to squirt out some sweet smelling milk. "I can't wait to get your big deposit!" she moans loudly. "But first I need to get you nice and ready by giving you a nice big drink from my _ISD milkjugs!" You can only lay there staring at her impressive chest as she quickly strips out of her business suit. Knowing you can't stop what's coming next and even wanting it on some level, you slowlystrip out of your own clothes.
<<switch _Breasts>>\
<<case "Milk">>\
<<set _BreastSD to $BreastSD>>\
<<set _BreastSize to $BreastsSize>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.MilkTits to $StatusAffect.MilkTits +2>>\
<<if $Milk.Stored < $Milk.Max>>\
<<if $Milk.Stored < $Milk.Max -1>>\
<<set $Milk.Stored to $Milk.Stored +2>>\
<<set $PC.BreastsSize to $PC.BreastsSize + 2>>\
<<set $Milk.Stored to $Milk.Stored +1>>\
<<set $PC.BreastsSize to $PC.BreastsSize + 1>>\
<<set $PCChanges.BreastsGrowth to "Sex">>\
<<set $MilkAD to $arrayMilkAmountDesc[$Milk.Stored]>>\
<<set $BreastSD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set $BreastsSize to $arrayBreastSize[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
  She gives your _BreastsSize milk-filled breasts a thoughtful gaze as she kneels down next to you. Gently grabbing your head, she forces your face to her _ISD tits and lets out a happy gasp as you can't resist latching onto her inch-long nipple! "Your milky titties are nice but I bet you will like them even more when they are even bigger!" she moans as her milk flows down your thirsty throat.
  You can't help but do your best to try and drain as much of her delicious milk as possible from her full milk tanks! Your tongue is wrapped around her hard nub while your lips form a perfect seal to allow for the easy sucking of her tasty milk and from the loud moans Amy is making, she's loving it! As you continue to drink heavily from her tits, you feel a familiar bubbling sensation in your _BreastsSize breasts which you ignore in order to coax out as much of Amy's milk as possible.
  Finally the bubbling sensation grows too much for you to ignore and you finally come up for much needed air. Glancing down at your _BreastsSD chest you are not surprised to discover your breasts are slowly expanding as if all that milk you drank is adding to the milk already in your jugs! You are forced to let out a husky moan as Amy cups your $BreastSD expanding tits and gives them a gentle squeeze! You moan as $MilkAD streams of milk leak from your hard $NippleSize long nubs before flowing down your $BreastSD $BreastsSize milkjugs and onto your stomach.
  She gives your _BreastsSize completely full breasts a thoughtful gaze as she kneels down next to you. Gently grabbing your head, she forces your face to her _ISD tits and lets out a happy gasp as you can't resist latching onto her inch-long nipple! "Your milky titties are nice but I bet you will like them even more when they are even bigger!" she moans as her milk flows down your thirsty throat.
  You can't help but do your best to try and drain as much of her delicious milk as possible from her full milk tanks! Your tongue is wrapped around her hard nub while your lips form a perfect seal to allow for the easy sucking of her tasty milk and from the loud moans Amy is making, she's loving it! As you continue to drink heavily from her tits, you feel rather full as your milk-filled tits can't hold any more!
  Finally you come up for much needed air, you glance down at your $BreastsSD chest and you are not surprised to discover your breasts are slowly leaking all that milk you drank. You are forced to let out a husky moan as Amy cups your $BreastSD full tits and gives them a gentle squeeze! You moan again as $MilkAD streams of milk leak from your hard $NippleSize long nubs before flowing down your $BreastSD $BreastsSize milkjugs and onto your stomach.
<<case "Silicone">>\
<<set _BreastSD to $BreastSD>>\
<<set _BreastSize to $BreastsSize>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.MilkTits to $StatusAffect.MilkTits +2>>\
<<set $Milk.Stored to $Milk.Stored +2>>\
<<set $PC.BreastsSize to $PC.BreastsSize + 2>>\
<<set $PCChanges.BreastsGrowth to "Sex">>\
<<set $MilkAD to $arrayMilkAmountDesc[$Milk.Stored]>>\
<<set $BreastSD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set $BreastsSize to $arrayBreastSize[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
  She gives your _BreastsSD silicone-filled breasts a thoughtful gaze as she kneels down next to you. Gently grabbing your head, she forces your face to her _ISD tits and lets out a happy gasp as you can't resist latching onto her inch-long nipple! "Your big fake titties are nice but I bet you will like them even more when they are even bigger!" she moans as her milk flows down your thirsty throat.
  You can't help but do your best to try and drain as much of her delicious milk as possible from her full milk tanks! Your tongue is wrapped around her hard nub while your lips form a perfect seal to allow for the easy sucking of her tasty milk and from the loud moans Amy is making, she's loving it! As you continue to drink heavily from her tits, you feel a pleasant bubbling sensation in your _BreastsSize breasts which you ignore in order to coax out as much of Amy's milk as possible.
  Finally the bubbling sensation grows too much for you to ignore and you finally come up for much needed air. Glancing down at your _BreastsSD chest you are surprised to discover your breasts are slowly expanding as if all that milk you drank is going straight to your jugs replacing all that silicone with milk! You are forced to let out a husky moan as Amy cups your $BreastSD expanding tits and gives them a gentle squeeze! You moan as $MilkAD streams of milk leak from your hard $NippleSize long nubs before flowing down your $BreastSD $BreastsSize milkjugs and onto your stomach.
<<set _BreastSD to $BreastSD>>\
<<set _BreastSize to $BreastsSize>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.MilkTits to $StatusAffect.MilkTits +2>>\
<<set $Milk.Stored to $Milk.Stored +2>>\
<<set $PC.BreastsSize to $PC.BreastsSize + 2>>\
<<set $PCChanges.BreastsGrowth to "Sex">>\
<<set $MilkAD to $arrayMilkAmountDesc[$Milk.Stored]>>\
<<set $BreastSD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set $BreastsSize to $arrayBreastSize[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
  She gives your _BreastsSize breasts a thoughtful gaze as she kneels down next to you. Gently grabbing your head, she forces your face to her _ISD tits and lets out a happy gasp as you can't resist latching onto her inch-long nipple! "Your titties are nice but I bet you will like them even more when they are even bigger!" she moans as her milk flows down your thirsty throat.
  You can't help but do your best to try and drain as much of her delicious milk as possible from her full milk tanks! Your tongue is wrapped around her hard nub while your lips form a perfect seal to allow for the easy sucking of her tasty milk and from the loud moans Amy is making, she's loving it! As you continue to drink heavily from her tits, you feel a pleasant bubbling sensation in your _BreastsSize breasts which you ignore in order to coax out as much of Amy's milk as possible.
  Finally the bubbling sensation grows too much for you to ignore and you finally come up for much needed air. Glancing down at your _BreastsSD chest you are surprised to discover your breasts are slowly expanding as if all that milk you drank is going straight to your jugs! You are forced to let out a husky moan as Amy cups your $BreastSD expanding tits and gives them a gentle squeeze! You moan as $MilkAD streams of milk leak from your hard $NippleSize long nubs before flowing down your $BreastSD $BreastsSize milkjugs and onto your stomach.
  "Oh God! I can't believe how big my tits just grew! And all that fucking milk, ooooh!" you moan as Amy plays with your breasts, encouraging your nipples to keep leaking milk. She reluctantly lets go of your big titties before sliding her hands down your sides to your $AssSize ass which she proceeds to give a nice firm squeze causing you to let out another groan of pleasure.
  "Now that I got you all revved up, it's time for me to get that deposit I so truly deserve!" the Infested Banker says huskily as she spreads your legs wider exposing your glistening wet pussy! She doesn't even hesitate as she dives into your muff with her tongue sliding deep into your wet slit causing you to let out a ecstatic gasp of pleasure!
  Grabbing the back of Amy's head, you loudly moan "Fuck! Your tongue is so fucking deep in my tight cunt!" Hearing your erotic response, the Infested Banker slides her finger into your dripping wet pussy causing you to arch your back as a massive spike of pleasure spears thru your whole body. Even your expanded breasts let out a tiny burst of milk from your rock hard nipples as a mini-orgasm rocks your whole body."Oh shit! I just came a just from being fingered!" you gasp as your tight pussy clenches around Amy's probing finger.
  "Mmm!" mumbles the Infested as she slides even more of her slim fingers into your quivering box, ripping a scream of ecstasy from your lips. Your milkjugs are heaving as you pant and moan loudly each time her fingers slide deep into your cunt and you can feel a powerful orgasm heading your way. Amy's lips on your engorged clit isn't helping either as she starts to suck on it lick a tiny cock!
<<if $Infestation.MilkProgress < 1 and $Infestation.MilkVariant > 99 and $Infestation.Progress > 1>>\
<<set _BreastSD to $BreastSD>>\
<<set _BreastsSize to $BreastsSize>>\
<<set _NippleSize to $NippleSize>>\
<<include "Milk TF">>\
  As she slams her fingers into your tight cunt, you feel a strange bubbling sensation that starts in your breasts but quickly spreads throughout your body! Before you can ponder what is happening, the bubbling sensation increases rapidly in your breasts!
  Letting go of Amy's head, your grip returns your to your tits as the bubbling sensation is driving you crazy! You can feel your big titties growing even larger as they fill out with delicious milk, forcing your hands farther and farther away from your chest. Amy doesn't even seem to notice as she goes even harder at your dripping wet pussy and the combonation of being eaten out while being fingerbanged is too much for your to handle!
  "Oh God! Oh fuckkkk! I'm cumming so hard! I'm squirting all over your fucking face!" you scream as an intense orgasm slams into you and you literally see stars as your pleasure filled pussy clenches all over Amy's finger and tongue! An almost endless wave of girl-cum soaks the Infested's face as she does her best to suck it all down. Your messy orgasm seems to last forever as your whole body shakes and quivers from the powerful orgasm. Even your $BreastSD breasts feel like they have mini-orgasms of their own as $MilkAD streams of milk shoot from your aching nipples!
  The intense orgasm that wrecked your body sounds to have pushed Amy over the edge as well. She screams "I'm cumming so fucking much from your big deposit! Give me all of it!" You hear the sound of her own girl-cum splashing onto the floor below while you finally have a chance to explore the changes that just happened to you. You notice that your breasts are now $BreastSD $BreastsSize milk jugs! They are no longer leaking milk but you can feel that they are still filled with some milk and will fill up even more over time. You also have a feeling that it's going to be extremely easy for you to leak milk from now on, especially during sexual acts.
  Even after cumming so hard, Amy still isn't done yet! Diving back in between your shaky legs she yells out "I need a bigger deposit!" before sliding her fingers back into your already soaked pussy! It doesn't take her very long to coax another smaller orgasm from your abused cunt but that still isn't enough for her. Eventually you pass out from all the back to back orgasms as your body can't handle such an intense marathon sex session!
<<elseif $PC.Infestation is $Infestation.Cap & $Infestation.Progress > 1>>\
<<set _BreastSD to $BreastSD>>\
<<set _BreastsSize to $BreastsSize>>\
<<set _NippleSize to $NippleSize>>\
<<include "Infestation Increase">>\
  As she slams her fingers into your tight cunt, you feel a surge of energy flowing directly into you! It almost feels like you are burning up but it quickly turns to pleasure that radiates from your _AssSize ass and _BreastSD breasts!
  Letting go of Amy's head, you grip your _BreastSD tits and let out a loud breathy moan as you feel them slowly expanding. Amy seems to appreciate your bigger ass as she goes even harder at your dripping wet pussy and the combonation of being eaten out while being fingerbanged is too much for your to handle!
  "Oh God! Oh fuckkkk! I'm cumming so hard! I'm squirting all over your fucking face!" you scream as a powerful orgasm crashes into you hard as your pleasure filled pussy clenches all over Amy's finger and tongue! A tsunami wave of girl-cum squirts from your soaking wet cunt all over her face, much to her delight! Even your $BreastSD breasts feel like they have mini-orgasms of their own as $MilkAD streams of milk shoot from your aching nipples!
  You feel woozy from such an intense orgasm but the good news it looks like cumming all over her face pushed Amy over the edge as well. She screams "I'm cumming so fucking much from your big deposits! Give me all of them!" as the sound of her own girl-cum splashing onto the floor below quickly follows along with a loud throating moan. As Amy recovered from her own orgasm, you finally have a chance to explore the changes that just happened to you. Glancing down you verify that you now have $BreastSD $BreastsSize breasts and a $AssSize butt!
  Even after cumming so hard, Amy still isn't done yet! Diving back in between your shaky legs she yells out "I need a bigger deposit!" before sliding her fingers back into your already soaked pussy! It doesn't take her very long to coax another smaller orgasm from your abused cunt but that still isn't enough for her. Eventually you pass out from all the back to back orgasms as your body can't handle such an intense marathon sex session!
  The pleasureable feeling of being eaten out while being fingered so hard by Amy pushes you over the edge and you can't help but let out a loud scream of "Oh fucking Goddam yessss! I'm cumming so much! Fuck! I'm squirting all over your fucking face!" A powerful orgasm crashes into you, causing your whole body to shake as you squirt out a $GCumAD wave of girl-cum all over Amy's eager face, much to her delight! Even your $BreastSD breasts feel like they have mini-orgasms of their own as $MilkAD streams of milk shoot from your aching nipples!
  The intense orgasm that tore through your sentitive pussy and echoed throughout your body looks to have pushed Amy over the edge as well. She screams "I'm cumming so fucking much from your big gooey deposit! Give me all of it!" as the sound of her own girl-cum splashing onto the floor below quickly follows along with a loud throating moan.
  Even after cumming so hard, Amy still isn't done yet! Diving back in between your shaky legs she yells out "I need a bigger deposit!" before sliding her fingers back into your already soaked pussy! It doesn't take her very long to coax another smaller orgasm from your abused cunt but that still isn't enough for her. Eventually you pass out from all the back to back orgasms as your body can't handle such an intense marathon sex session!
  You wake up outside the Civiton National Bank naked with your clothes and supplies piled up beside you. You quickly get dressed and check your supplies. As you finish your checks you notice that you are missing _tempCash dollars. You give the bank branch one last look before you head back to the suburbs.
<div class="pcTalk"><i> Looks like the security system is on high alert. If I want to come back I'll have to do it another day...</i></div><<set $genericEvent.Image = $eventPath3 + $arrayEvent3Fucked.random() + '.jpg'>>\
<<set $bankEvent.Deposits to $bankEvent.Deposits+1>>\
<<set $npcAmy.SexXP to $npcAmy.SexXP +1>>\
<<set $sexHistory.XP to $sexHistory.XP +1>>\
<<set $LastPartner to $npcAmy>>\
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$npcAmy.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$npcAmy.BreastsSize]>>\
<img @src=$genericEvent.Image width="512px" height="768px" />
  "I'm glad you are here to pump a load into your friendly neighborhood bank teller. You just sit there and enjoy the ride while I take care of the rest." says Amy as she stands over your defeated body with her _ISD _ICup breasts heaving. The only body part that isn't exhausted is your hardening <<Penis>> that's slowly waking up. She quickly stips off your clothes exposing your $DickSD <<Penis>>.
  "Oh My! Looks like someone is wanting to make a deposit but has come up a bit short!" she gasps as she stares at your $DickSD half-mast cock that's slowly getting hard. "Let's get that fixed!" she continues as she grabs her _ISD breasts and wraps them around your dick. The warmth of being buried deep inside Amy's milk jugs fully awakens your cock as it reaches it's full size of $DickSize. Amy slowly starts to slide her ample tits up and down your dick, giving you a slipperly tit-fucking.
  "Oh fuck! Your breasts feels so warm and slippery!" you moan as you feel her tits easily slide up and down your <<Penis>>. Looking down at her _ISD tits you finally notice that it isn't just your precum that's providing lubrication but her nipples are leaking milk as well! You moan as the pleasure of the tit-fucking causes your $BallSD balls to churn. Hearing your moans, Amy's smile grows wider as she speeds up her stroking causing you to let out another lusty groan.
  Amy lets out a lusty moan of her own before asking "Do you like my _ISD titties? They're so big and filled with so much milk! It must feel so good being deep between my millky breasts!" Giving them a gentle squeeze, you watch in wonder as more milk squirts out. Unable to hold back you start to thrust back against her milk jugs causing your $BallsSize cum-filled balls to slap against them. Her _ICup tits bounce hard from your frantic thrusts and you're moments away from shooting your wad!
  "Oh fuck ,Oh god! I'm cumming! I'm blasting your fucking tits with my hot load!" your yell as your $BallSD balls churn one last time before unleashing $CumAD strands of gooey cum all over her surprised face from your over-eager cock! A few strands of white goo land on top of her top-heavy chest but the majority hit her directly in the face.
  "Oh my! I didn't expect you to cum so quickly! I guess with tits this big and juicy it's no wonder you blew your load so quickly! Well if I want to get that deposit I'm going to have to get your cock pumped back up again!" she says with some disappointment. "Luckily I have just what's needed to get you nice and hard again!" With that said she plants her _AssSize ass into your lap while thrusting her _ISD milk-filled jugs into your face!
  Unable to resist her mouth-watering tits, you start to suck and tease her hard nipples. Within moments her sweet delicious milk start to flow out of her hard rubbery nubs and down your thirsty throat. The taste of her intoxicating milk is so overwhelming that you can't stop drinking from her _ISD over-filled milkjugs and soon you feel your <<Penis>> getting hard and rearing to go!
  Amy lets out another moan as another mouthful of her milk fills your eager mouth. "Yes, yes, yes! Keep drinking from my milky titties!" Seeing no reason to refuse you continue to drink until you end up feeling completely full along with a achingly hard cock that's eager to be buried inside the tight pussy that's been rubbing up against it since you started drinking!
  Feeling your hardon, Amy giggles happily while pushing your down onto your back. "I knew you couldn't resist my tasty tits!" she says as she runs her hands across your hard chest. Sliding her dripping wet pussy against your throbbing hard dick she moans "Ooooh! It's finally time for me to get that deposit!" You can only watch as she slowly slides your pre-cum dripping cock into her extremely tight pussy!
  "Fuckkkkk yesss!" you groan as your <<Penis>> is squeezed tight by her tight cunt. "Shit! Your pussy's so amazingly tight!" you gasp as it doesn't take long before you are balls-deep in her extremely tight pussy and you have only a moment to adjust before she eageryly starts to pump up and down on your rock-hard shaft.
  Amy just smiles widely as she gives out a gasp of pleasure at feeling your $DickSD cock buried deep inside her pussy over and over again. "I gotta keep pumping your $DickSize dick so I can get that yummy deposit deep inside my tight pussy! I can't have you wasting any more even if you're shooting it on my yummy tits!" she moans as she uses your hard firm chest as a brace to keep her steady as she frantically humps your <<Penis>> like there's no tomorrow!
  The Infested's rapid pumping of your sensitive cock is quickly pushing you to your limits. There's no pause nor any inclination shown that she's going to slow down as your pelvis is being continuesly pummeled by her wide hips! Her _ISD milk filled tits are bouncing erratically while drops of her tasty milk fall onto your heaving chest but you don't even have a chance to appreciate it as Amy is determined to get you to cum quick and cum hard. You feel your $BallsSize cum factories churn with a new batch of baby-batter and it feels like you're going to be personally delivering that load directly into her inviting pussy!
<<if $PC.Infestation is $Infestation.Cap & $Infestation.Progress > 1>>\
<<include "Infestation Increase">>\
  As she slams her extremely tight cunt onto your <<Penis>>, you feel a surge of energy flowing directly into you! It almost feels like you are burning up but it quickly turns to pleasure that radiates from your hard cock and overfilled balls!
  "Ooooh! I can feel your throbbing dick getting bigger and bigger inside me! Yes oh Fuck yes! OH FUCK YESSSS! COME ON! GIVE ME ALL OF YOUR BIG FUCKING DEPOSIT! I'M CUMMING!" she screams as she repeatedly slams her tight pussy down onto your pulsating cock as it feels like your <<Penis>> is growing harder and thicker with each thrust into her wet cunt! Even your chum-churning balls are feeling heavier as you continue to be frantically pumped by her tight pussy which gets tighter with each pump.
  Unable to resist unleashing your load you scream "MY FUCKING COCK FEELS SO BIG NOW! OH FUCK! I'M CUMMING!" With that warning your cum-filled balls pulse one last time before you shoot your tidal wave of hot cum directly into Amy's tight pussy. She does her best to keep as much of your cum deep inside her pussy but more than a little leaks out of her tight cunt.
  As Amy stands up from your exhausted body with a blissful smile on her face you notice you now have a $DickSD $DickSize cock along with a nice pair of $BallsSD $BallsSize balls! Amy smiles and says "Looks like you are on you way to becoming one hot and studly customer!"
  Your vision fades in and out as your intense orgasm almost knocks you out and the adrenaline from your changes wears off leaving you only semi-conscious! The last thing you hear before your vision completely fades out is "Thank you for making a deposit at the Grove Hills branch of Civiton National Bank. Please cum again..."
  "Oh fuck! I'm shooting my load deep inside your tight pussy! I'm cum, ugh! cumming!" you scream as your orgasm hits like a truck. You feel your $BallsSD throb one last time before the flood gates open and your <<Penis>> blasts Amy's waiting womb with a $CumAD flood of hot gooey cum! May's tight pussy squeezes your cock even tighter she feels your hot seed fill her pussy!
  "Yes! Filll my tight pussy with your big load and give me all of that fat deposit! Oooh! I'm cumming too!" Amy screams as her tight cunt contracts and squeezes your sensitive cock. Her intense orgasm shakes her body as she does her best to keep the $CumAD amount of cum you shot out sealed inside her tight pussy.
  Your vision fades in and out as your intense orgasm almost knocks you out! You can barely react as Amy stands up from your exhausted body with a blissful smile on her face. The last thing you hear before your vision completely fades out is "Thank you for making a deposit at the Grove Hills branch of Civiton National Bank. Please cum again..."
  You wake up outside the Civiton National Bank naked with your clothes and supplies piled up beside you. You quickly get dressed and check your supplies. As you finish your checks you notice that you are missing _tempCash dollars. You give the bank branch one last look before you head back to the suburbs.
<div class="pcTalk"><i> Looks like the security system is on high alert. If I want to come back I'll have to do it another day...</i></div><<set $genericEvent.Image = $eventPath3 + $arrayEvent3Fucked.random() + '.jpg'>>\
<<set $bankEvent.Deposits to $bankEvent.Deposits+1>>\
<<set $sexHistory.XP to $sexHistory.XP +1>>\
<<set $LastPartner to $npcAmy>>\
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$npcAmy.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$npcAmy.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _BreastSD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _BreastsSize to $arrayBreastSize[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.MilkTits to $StatusAffect.MilkTits +1>>\
<<if $Milk.Stored < $Milk.Max>>\
<<if $Milk.Stored < $Milk.Max -1>>\
<<set $Milk.Stored to $Milk.Stored +2>>\
<<set $PC.BreastsSize to $PC.BreastsSize + 2>>\
<<set $Milk.Stored to $Milk.Stored +1>>\
<<set $PC.BreastsSize to $PC.BreastsSize + 1>>\
<<set $PCChanges.BreastsGrowth to "Sex">>\
<<set $MilkAD to $arrayMilkAmountDesc[$Milk.Stored]>>\
<<set $BreastSD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set $BreastsSize to $arrayBreastSize[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<img @src=$genericEvent.Image width="512px" height="768px" />
  You collapse to the ground completely defeated as Amy smiles broadly as she looks you over. Amy giggles as she squeezes her _ICup tits causing them to squirt out some sweet smelling milk. "I can't wait to get your big deposit!" she moans loudly. "But first let's get your $DickSD girl-cock nice and hard!"
  You can only lay there staring at her _ISD chest as she quickly strips out of her business suit. Knowing you can't stop what's coming next and even wanting it on some level, you strip out of your own clothes. Soon your $BreastSD breasts are exposed along with your $DickSD dick.
  "Oooh! That's a juicy looking girl-cock! Let me get that big boy buried in my big titties!" she says as she crawls across the floor with her _ISD milk-filled breasts swaying back and forth. Before long her heavy chest is resting on your lap with your erect futa-dick nestled in the valley of her mountainous tits!
  Her breasts feel so warm as she wraps them around your hard cock. Your forced to let out a lusty groan as she starts to slide them up and down your throbbing <<Penis>>. The milk dripping from her milk jugs adds plenty of lubication making them nice and slippery as your dick slides easily between them.
  "Fuck! Your tits feel so fucking good! Keep going!" you moan as the pleasure of the tit-fucking causes your $BallSD balls to churn. Hearing your moans, Amy's smile grows wider as she speeds up her stroking causing you to let out another lusty groan.
  Amy lets out a lusty moan of her own before asking "Do you like my _ISD titties? They're so big and filled with so much milk! It must feel so good being deep between my millky breasts!" Giving them a gentle squeeze, you watch in wonder as more milk squirts out. Unable to hold back you start to thrust back against her milk jugs causing your $BallsSize cum-filled balls to slap against them. Her _ICup tits bounce hard from your frantic thrusts and you're moments away from shooting your wad!
  "Oh fuck ,Oh god! I'm cumming! I'm blasting your fucking tits with my hot load!" your yell as your $BallSD balls churn one last time before unleashing $CumAD strands of gooey cum all over her surprised face! Even your neglected pussy gets in on the action as your release a $CumAD stream of girl-cum onto the floor.
  "Oh my! I didn't expect you to cum so quickly! I guess with tits this big and juicy it's no wonder you blew your load so quickly! Well if I want to get that deposit I'm going to have to get your girl-cock pumped back up again!" she says with some disappointment. "Luckily I have just what's needed to get you nice and hard again!" With that said she plants her _AssSize ass into your lap while thrusting her _ISD milk-filled jugs into your face!
  Unable to resist her mouth-watering tits, you start to suck and tease her hard nipples. Within moments her sweet delicious milk start to flow out of her hard rubbery nubs and down your thirsty throat. The taste of her intoxicating milk is so overwhelming that you can't stop drinking from her _ISD over-filled milkjugs and soon you feel your girl-cock getting hard and rearing to go!
  Amy lets out another moan as another mouthful of her milk fills your eager mouth. "Yes, yes, yes! Keep drinking from my milky titties!" Your dick isn't the only thing being energized as you feel a bubbling sensation in your chest! Reluctantly letting go of her milky breasts you glance down and notice your _BreastSD _BreastsSize breasts have grown to $BreastSD $BreastsSize as $MilkAD streams of milk leaks from your hard nipples!
  Seeing your leaking tits, Amy giggles happily while pushing your down onto your back. "You're becoming a Milker just like me!" she says as she gropes your $BreastSD breasts, causing some more milk to leak out and causing you to moan loudly. Sliding her dripping wet pussy against your throbbing hard girl-dick she moans "Ooooh! It's finally time for me to get that deposit!" You can only watch as she slowly slides your pre-cum dripping cock into her extremely tight pussy!
  "Fuckkkkk yesss!" you groan as your futa-cock is squeezed tight by her tight cunt. "Shit! Your pussy's so amazingly tight!" you gasp as it doesn't take long before you are balls-deep in her pussy and you have only a moment to adjust before she eagerly starts to pump up and down on your rock-hard shaft.
  Amy just smiles widely as she gives out a gasp of pleasure at feeling your $DickSD cock buried deep inside her pussy over and over again. "I gotta keep pumping your $DickSize dick so I can get that yummy deposit deep inside my tight pussy! I can't have you wasting any more even if you're shooting it on my yummy tits!" she moans as she uses your $BreastSD breasts as a brace to keep her steady as she frantically humps your girl-cock like there's no tomorrow!
  The Infested's rapid pumping of your girl-cock is quickly pushing you to your limits. There's no pause nor any inclination shown that she's going to slow down as your pelvis is being continuesly pummeled by her wide hips! Her _ISD milk filled tits are bouncing erratically while drops of her tasty milk fall onto your already milky chest but you don't even have a chance to appreciate it as Amy is determined to get you to cum quick and cum hard. You feel your $BallsSize cum factories churn with a new batch of baby-batter and it feels like you're going to be personally delivering that load directly into her inviting pussy!
<<if $Infestation.MilkProgress < 1 and $Infestation.MilkVariant > 99 and $Infestation.Progress > 1>>\
<<set _BreastSD to $BreastSD>>\
<<set _BreastsSize to $BreastsSize>>\
<<set _NippleSize to $NippleSize>>\
<<include "Milk TF">>\
  As she slams her extremely tight cunt onto your <<Penis>>, you feel a strange bubbling sensation that starts in your breasts but quickly spreads throughout your body! Before you can ponder what is happening the bubbling sensation increases rapidly in your breasts!
  "Ooooh! Yes oh God yes! I can feel your big titties growing in my hands! OH FUCK YESSSS! COME ON! GIVE ME ALL OF YOUR BIG FUCKING DEPOSIT! I'M CUMMING!" she screams as she squeezes your breasts while you can feel your breasts pushing back against her grip, slowly at first but quickly speeding up. Before long your tits have grown from _BreastSD _BreastsSize to whopping $BreastSD $BreastsSize jugs! Even your $NippleSize long nipples are looking longer and thicker as they slip between her slim fingers!
  The feeling of having your breasts suddenly grow into $BreastSD fucking milkjugs pushes you over the edge as you scream "MY TITTIES ARE SO FUCKING BIG NOW! OH FUCK YESSSS! I'M CUMMING SO HARD!" Without warning your cum-filled balls pulse one last time before you shoot your tidal wave of hot cum directly into Amy's tight pussy. Even your neglected pussy gets into the action as it shoots a massive wave of girl-cum all over the floor! As you do so you feel your nipples start to squirt $MilkAD streams of milk out as well, coating Amy's hand in milk along with your own chest!
  Your vision fades in and out as you try and recovery your messy orgasm. Glancing downwards you notice your $BreastSD $BreastsSize breasts are no longer leaking milk but you can still feel that they are filled with milk and will fill up even more over time. You have a feeling that it's going to be extremely easy for you to leak milk from now on, especially during sexual acts.
  While checking out your $BreastSD jugs, Amy gives them a light squeeze causing some sweet smelling milk to squirt out and happily says "Looks like you are one hot Milker and now you can pump up other girl's tits with your milk! Well at least for an hour or two!" The pleasure from your leaking tits is too much and the last thing you hear before you feel your vision completely fades out is "Thank you for making a deposit at the Grove Hills branch of Civiton National Bank. Please cum again..."
<<elseif $PC.Infestation is $Infestation.Cap & $Infestation.Progress > 1>>\
<<include "Infestation Increase">>\
  As she slams her extremely tight cunt onto your <<Penis>>, you feel a surge of energy flowing directly into you! It almost feels like you are burning up but it quickly turns to pleasure that radiates from your hard cock, wet pussy and milky breasts.
  "Ooooh! I can feel your girl-dick getting bigger and bigger inside me! Yes oh God yes! I can feel your big titties growing in my hands! OH FUCK YESSSS! COME ON! GIVE ME ALL OF YOUR BIG FUCKING DEPOSIT! I'M CUMMING!" she screams as she squeezes your breasts, urging more milk to squirt out. It feels like your <<Penis>> is growing harder and thicker with each thrust into her wet cunt! Even your chest is feeling heavier as you continue to be frantically pumped by her tight pussy which gets tighter with each pump.
  The feeling of having your breasts suddenly grow into even bigger milkjugs pushes you over the edge as you scream "MY FUCKING COCK FEELS SO BIG NOW! OH FUCK! I'M CUMMING!" Without warning your cum-filled balls pulse one last time before you shoot your tidal wave of hot cum directly into Amy's tight pussy while your milkjugs squirt out $MilkAD streams of milk! Even your neglected pussy gets into the action as it shoots a massive wave of girl-cum all over the floor!
  As Amy stands up from your exhausted body with a blissful smile on her face you notice you now have a $DickSD $DickSize cock along with a nice pair of $BallsSD $BallsSize balls! Before you can react to that information, Amy smiles at your pair of $BreastSD $BreastsSize breasts while you explore your $AssSize ass!! Noticing your look she says "Looks like you are on you way to becoming one hot Milker customer? Futa-Milker? FuMilky?"
  Your vision fades in and out as your intense orgasm almost knocks you out and the adrenaline from your changes wears off leaving you only semi-conscious! The last thing you hear before your vision completely fades out is "Thank you for making a deposit at the Grove Hills branch of Civiton National Bank. Please cum again..."
  "Oh fuck! I'm shooting my load deep inside your tight pussy! I'm cum, ugh! cumming!" you scream as your orgasm hits like a truck. You feel your $BallsSD throb one last time before the flood gates open and your futa-cock blasts Amy's waiting womb with a $CumAD flood of hot gooey cum! Your milk filled tits explode in $MilkAD streams of milk as May squeezes your $BreastSD breasts hard as she feels your hot seed fill her pussy and even your neglected pussy gets into the action as it shoots a $CumAD wave of girl-cum all over the floor!
  "Yes! Filll my tight pussy with your big load and give me all of that fat deposit! Oooh! I'm cumming too!" Amy screams as her tight cunt contracts and squeezes your sensitive futa-cock. Her intense orgasm shakes her body as she does her best to keep the $CumAD amount of cum you shot out sealed inside her tight pussy.
  Your vision fades in and out as your intense orgasm almost knocks you out! You can barely react as Amy stands up from your exhausted body with a blissful smile on her face. The last thing you hear before your vision completely fades out is "Thank you for making a deposit at the Grove Hills branch of Civiton National Bank. Please cum again..."
  You wake up outside the Civiton National Bank naked with your clothes and supplies piled up beside you. You quickly get dressed and check your supplies. As you finish your checks you notice that you are missing _tempCash dollars. You give the bank branch one last look before you head back to the suburbs.
<div class="pcTalk"><i> Looks like the security system is on high alert. If I want to come back I'll have to do it another day...</i></div>
<img src="Images/Home/shower.jpg" width="800px" height="400px" />
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumFilled to 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Wet to 0>>\
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<if $lust >= ($MaxLust / 2)>>\
<<set $lust to $lust - 20>>\
Heading into the back of the small house you find a shower ready to be used. You take a quick shower and wash off all the dirt and muck. You wipe yourself dry with some small towels and feel nice and dry. You come out feeling nice, clean and ready to continue your journey.
<<if $startingweaponsEvent.Handwraps < 1>>\
<<set $startingweaponsEvent.Handwraps to 1>>\
As you are about to leave the bathroom you notice a unused pair of handwraps. Figuring if no one was using them, you can find a decent use for them.
<<set _exists to 0>>\
<<set _tempLoot to $weapon.handwraps>>\
<<for $i = 0; $i < $PCInventory.length; $i++>>\
<<set $uitem = $PCInventory[$i]>>\
<<set $ItemName to $uitem.name>>\
<<set _TempName to _tempLoot.name>>\
<<if $ItemName is _TempName>>\
<<set _amount to $uitem.amount>>\
<<set _exists to 1>>\
<<if _exists is 1>>\
<<set _amount to _amount +1>>\
<<set $uitem.amount to _amount>>\
<<set $PCInventory.push(_tempLoot)>>\
You found a <<print _tempLoot.name>>!
<<button [[Finish|$location.temp]]>>
<<set $location.Indoor to 0>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<set $NoEncounter to random(1) +2>>\
<</button>><img @src=$genericEvent.Image />
<<set $StatusAffect.Horny to $StatusAffect.Horny+1>>\
<<set _lusty to random(10) +1 + $StatusAffect.Horny - $LustResist.Visual - $LustResist.Complete>>\
<<if _lusty < 0>>\
<<set _lusty to 0>>\
<<set $lust to $lust + _lusty >>\
<<set $npcMay.Friendship to $npcMay.Friendship +2 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set $npcApril.Friendship to $npcApril.Friendship +2 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set _BreastCalc to 5 - $PC.BreastsSize>>\
<<set $PCChanges.BreastsGrowth to "Soda">>\
<<if $StatusAffect.Vaccine < 1>>\
<<if (random(19) +1) + $PC.Fortitude + $InfectionResist.Fort + $FoodStatus.Fort < (15 + _BreastCalc + Math.round($Infestation.Progress / 2))>>\
<<if $Infestation.Progress < 1>>\
<<set $Infestation.Progress to 1>>\
<<set _Infest to random(5) - $InfectionResist.DR +1>>\
<<if _Infest < 0>>\
<<set _Infest to 0>>\
<<set $PC.Infestation to $PC.Infestation + _Infest>>\
<<set $Infestation.MilkVariant to $Infestation.MilkVariant + random(5) + _BreastCalc +1>>\
<<if $PC.Infestation > $Infestation.Cap>>\
<<set $PC.Infestation to $Infestation.Cap>>\
<<set _BreastSD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _BreastSize to $arrayBreastSize[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.BigTits to $StatusAffect.BigTits + _BreastCalc -1>>\
<<set $PC.BreastsSize =+ $PC.BreastsSize + _BreastCalc>>\
<<set $BreastSD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set $BreastsSize to $arrayBreastSize[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<include "Profile Update">>\
  Figuring you can humor May you down the mix smoothie drink she calls "The Milk Jug Express". Before long you feel a pleasant stretching sensation coming from your chest along with some heat! Looking down you notice your _BreastSD _BreastSize breasts are growing larger and heavier! It feels surprisingly good to have your tits expand as you moan in pleasure. Eventually it slowly stops and you now have $BreastSD $BreastsSize jugs! April stares at your new larger tits with lust in her eyes while giving the Dr. Pecker an even hungrier look.
  Unable to fully believe that you suddenly grew a whopping pair of $BreastsSize tits you reach up to grab them. They feel so heavy in your hands and you can feel your nipples poking out between your fingers. You can feel your pussy wetten from the pleasure of exploring your upgraded $BreastSD breasts.
  "Those tits totally look really nice $PC.FirstName! Congratz on joining the DoubleD club!" May says with approval as she watches you grope your expanded chest.
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Continue|3some Futa - April Futa Sex]]>>
<<if $lust + ($StatusAffect.Horny*2) < $MaxLust>>\
<<button [[Leave|3some - Leave]]>>
<<set $npcMay.Friendship to $npcMay.Friendship-5>>\
<<set $npcApril.Friendship to $npcApril.Friendship-5>>\
<</if>>\<<set $sexHistory.XP to $sexHistory.XP +1>>\
<<set $LastPartner to $genericFighter>>\
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$genericFighter.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$genericFighter.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$genericFighter.DickSize]>>\
<<set _DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$genericFighter.DickSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$genericFighter.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$genericFighter.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _SizeComp to $PC.AssSize - $genericFighter.Level + ($GeneralFeats.FalseRep *2)>>\
<<if _SizeComp < 0>>\
<<set _SizeComp to 0>>\
  "So this is what's going to happen. You're going to get on your hands and knees and I'll fuck your $AssSize ass so much you won't be sitting for a week." says $genericFighter.Name as she stands over your exhausted body with her _DickSD dick hard at attention, dripping pre-cum. You quickly strip out of you clothes before geting on your hands and knees while anticipating the pleasure that is to come.
<<switch _SizeComp>>\
<<case 0 1 2>>\
  Looking unimpressed at your $AssSize ass she slowly shakes her head while frowning deeply. "You have the flattest ass I've seen in a very long time. You have to have more cushion for the pushing if you want to be ass fucked or even sit on fucking chairs! Fuck it! I'm still going to fuck your flat ass but you gotta eat more donuts or something!" she says forcefully as she gets behind you. Without even pausing she slams her _DickSize cock in to your $AssSize ass.
<<case 3 4 5 6 7>>\
  Looking happily at your $AssSize ass she gives it a sharp slap causing some jiggling and some stinging."OK That's an adequate ass you're packing back there. It looks like I will definitely be able feel it while I'm slamming my monster futa-cock into your ass and as they say 'more cushion for the pushing' is always better." she says lustifully as she gets behind you. With taking only a short pause she slams her _DickSize cock in to your $AssSize ass.
<<case 8 9 10 11 12>>\
  Looking lustfully at your $AssSize ass she gives it a huge slap causing a large amount of jiggling and some stinging. "That's some rather nice jiggling your jell-o ass is doing, almost like it will never stop. Just the right size for my _DickSD _DickSize futa-cock to fuck nice and hard. You know as they say 'more cushion for the pushing' is good and you are lucky enough to have the just the right amount!" she boasts lustifully as she gets behind you. Taking only a brief pause she slams her _DickSize cock in to your $AssSize ass causing it to jiggle hard from her fast penetration.
  Looking bewildered at your $AssSize ass she gives it a light slap causing an massive amount of jiggling that seems like it will never end. "WHAT THE FUCK! Your fucking ass is one big mother-fucking humongous bowl of trunk junk if I have ever seen one. I'm going to shove my fucking _DickSize cock where no man or futa has ever reached before by actually fucking your asshole! Hopefully you will actually be able to feel it!" she says in disbelief as she gets behind you. Taking a long pause, she slams her _DickSize cock in to your $AssSize ass causing it to jiggle even harder from her fast penetration.
  Her _DickSD cock smashes into your ass and quickly penetrates your asshole causing you to cry out in pleasure! "You fucking like that don't ya, you ass-slut!" she gleefully yells as you are pushed forward from her strong thrust. It feels like her hard dick is buried deep in your bum!<<if $PC.AssSize > 12>> "I can't believe I actually was able to reach your asshole!" she mutters to herself as your jigglying butt continues to jiggle.<</if>>
  "Oh fuck! My ass feels like it's being destroyed! Oh God!" you moan loudly as the Futa doesn't wait long to start moving her hips, thrusting her _DickSize <<Penis>> deep into your tight ass. You slowly adjust to the size of her cock and even start to feel pleasure as she gets a rhythm going. <<if $PC.AssSize > 2>> Her strong steady thrusts are causing your $AssSize rear to jiggle every time she slams her balls into you.<</if>> Your $BreastsSize tits are being squished into the ground as her powerful fucking is forcing your face to the ground. Glancing back you see that her _ISD tits are swaying in sync with her powerful ass-fucking. Your sore ass is drowning in pleasure as she steadily fucks you and you can't hold back your moans.
  "Looks like a ass-slut loves getting her $AssSize ass fucked, don't you? I bet my _DickSD cock feels so good pounding your backside into pudding, doesn't it?" she moans loudly as she continues to jackhammer into your tush hard with her _DickSize <<Penis>> while keeping a firm grip on your hips.
  "Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh Fuck YES! Keep pounding my ass! Please don't stop!" you scream as the Infested shoves her hard as a nail cock deeper into your abused butt. Your sore derriere is radiating pure pleasure and you feel close to the edge of an impending orgasm. From the sounds of the Infested's own panting and moaning she is also close to cumming as well.
<<if $Infestation.FutaVariant >= $Infestation.FutaCap & $Infestation.Progress > 1 & $Infestation.FutaCap < 200>>\
<<set $FutaCap to $FutaCap +100>>\
<<include "Futa TF">>\
  As your derriere is being completely wrecked by her _DickSD cock you feel a surge of shocking energy flowing directly into you! It feels almost like you are being electrocuted but it quickly turns to pleasure that radiates from above your wet pussy.
  ""OH FUCK! TAKE IT YOU ASS-SLUT! I'M CUMMING HARD! I'M SHOOTING MY HOT WAD INTO YOUR TIGHT ASS!" She screams as a immense orgasm rocks her body. The feeling of the flood of her hot cum filling your tight ass should normally push you over the edge but some reason your orgasm feels almost like it's blocked.
  Glancing down you discover a slight bump forming above your pussy, seemingly a lightning rod for that electric feeling. It slowly grows from a bump to a bulge as each heartbeat thunders in your ears. The large bulge slowly shifts as it pushes outward inch by inch before forming a small mushroom head with a tiny hole. You gasp as you recognize the shape as that of a penis, abit a very tiny baby-sized one!
  You can easily feel the blood rushing to your new organ and your new dick eagerly soaks it all up. Your baby-sized penis hardens and pushes out farther from your groin growing bigger and stronger with each heartbeat. By this point the electric shocking feeling is almost gone, replaced by the pleasant feeling of your new cock becoming engorged with blood!
  After a few moments, you discover that your brand new baby dick has transformed into a $DickSD $DickSize futa-cock! Before you can really take a look at it, there's another tiny surge of electric shock as two bulges form below your new dick! You closely watch as it forms into a ballsack while growing in size to match your big dick. It finally finishes growing leaving you with a $BallsSD pair of $BallsSize sized balls!
  "OH FUCKING GOD! I'M CUMMING SO HARD! I'M SHOOTING MY WAD FROM MY GIRL-COCK!" you scream as your delayed orgasm comes crashing back with a vengence as your new hard dick explodes with cum, splattering all over the ground and your feet. It feels so good that you can't stop the flow of hot cum as it blasts over and over again!
  Staring in shock you notice that you now have a $DickSD $DickSize cock along with a pair of $BallsSD $BallsSize balls! Before you can react the Infested reaches down and strokes your <<Penis>> with a grin. As your girl-cock squirts out one more shot of gooey cum she says "Looks like you are now on the way to being one hot looking Futa!"
<<elseif $PC.Infestation is $Infestation.Cap & $Infestation.Progress > 1>>\
<<include "Infestation Increase">>\
  As she slams her _DickSize dock into your tight ass you feel a surge of energy flowing directly into you! It almost feels like you are burning up but it quickly turns to pleasure that radiates from your ass and breasts.
  "OH FUCK YES! I'M SHOOTING MY HOT WAD INTO YOUR ASS! Your ass is getting pumped up from all my hot CUM!" she yells loudly as she slams her hard cock even harder into your ass. It does feels like your ass is growing bigger and more cushioned with each thrust into your aching ass! As her erratic thrusts slam into your ass you suddenly feel a yourself being pushed farther from the ground. Looking down you see your breasts have grown to $BreastSD $BreastsSize tits and propping you up even higher from the ground.
  "Oh shit, fucking yes! I'M CUMMMMMING! I'm cumming while being ass fucked your fucking COCKKK!" you scream as the feeling of the Infested orgasm along with your sudden growth in your tits and ass has pushed you over the edge and you cum hard from all the pleasure. You unleash a $CumAD flood of female cum that splashes down on the ground below. The stream of girl-cum lasts for over a minute and forms a small puddle!
  As she slowly pulls out of your gaping asshole you confirm that you now have a $BreastSD $BreastsSize breasts along with a $AssSize ass! Before you can react the Infested fondles your expanded ass and with a smirk says "Looks like you are on the way to becoming one hot ass-slut!"
  "OH FUCK! TAKE IT YOU ASS-SLUT! I'M CUMMING HARD! I'M SHOOTING MY HOT WAD INTO YOUR TIGHT ASS!" she screams loudly as she slams her hard cock even harder into your pleasure filled ass. Within seconds a immense orgasm rocks her body, her _ISD tits and ass quivering in pleasure. The feeling of the flood of her hot cum filling your $AssSize ass pushes you over the edge.
  "Oh shit, oh fucking shit! I'm fucking cumming while my ass is being destroyed by your DICK!" you scream as the feeling of your sore ass quivering with pleasure almost knocks you senseless, causing you to unleash a $GCumAD load of girl cum that splashes down on the ground below. <<if $GCum.Stored > 10>> The stream of girl cum lasts for over a minute and forms a small puddle!<</if>>
  "Oh that was so fucking good, you ass-slut!" $genericFighter.Name2 says when she steps away from your exhausted body, cum dripping from her futa-cock. Taking one last moment to scoop some white goo from her dripping cock into her mouth, she replies "I'll know I'll see you again soon, ass-slut" With that she walks away fulfilled leaving you to grab your clothes and to slowly recover.
<<set $StatusAffect.CumFilled to $StatusAffect.CumFilled+1>>\<<set $sexHistory.XP to $sexHistory.XP +1>>\
<<set $LastPartner to $genericFighter>>\
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$genericFighter.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$genericFighter.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$genericFighter.DickSize]>>\
<<set _DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$genericFighter.DickSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$genericFighter.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$genericFighter.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _SizeComp to $PC.DickSize - $genericFighter.Level>>\
<<if _SizeComp < 0>>\
<<set _SizeComp to 0>>\
  $genericFighter.Name2 smirks as she walks towards your defeated body. "So this is what's going to happen. You're going to get on your hands and knees and I'll fuck your $AssSize ass so much you won't be sitting for a week." says the Infested as she stands over your exhausted body with her _DickSD dick hard at attention, dripping pre-cum.
<<switch _SizeComp>>\
<<case 0 1 2>>\
  "OK... I just have to say your dick is on the small size and when I say small I mean it's fucking tiny as shit." says the Infested as she gives your dick a hard look that's filled with pity. "It's a miracle that's you're a dude and not a chick, you know. Anyways I'm still going to fuck your ass and hopefully by the time I'm done your $DickSD dick will have grown three times it's size." She continues while stroking her futa-cock. You strip out of your clothes before steadily positioning yourself on your knees with your hard ass up in the air eager to be ass-fucked hard. Your $DickSD <<Penis>> is rock solid in desire as you gaze back at her _DickSize futa-cock.
<<case 3 4 5 6>>\
  "Hmm, I'm seeing a small issue here and that small issue is your cock size." says the Infested as she gives your dick a thoughtful look. "You're a man and you need a manly meat rod that all the sluts will want to be ravaged by! Don't get me wrong, I'm still going to fuck your ass and hopefully by the time I'm done your $DickSD unimpressive cock will grow to be a monster cock!" She continues while stroking her futa-cock. You strip out of your clothes before steadily positioning yourself on your knees with your hard ass up in the air eager to be ass-fucked hard. Your $DickSD <<Penis>> is rock solid in desire as you gaze back at her _DickSize futa-cock.
<<case 7 8 9 10 11 12>>\
  "Oooh! I'm seeing a beefy package that someone's packing. Just when I was about to give up finding someone with a decent cock to admire, I run across you!" says the Infested as she gives your dick a lusty smile. "I bet you would love to be the one fucking my ass with your $DickSD meat staff but too bad! I'm going to be the one ass-fucking some man meat today!" She continues while stroking her futa-cock. You strip out of your clothes before steadily positioning yourself on your knees with your hard ass up in the air eager to be ass-fucked hard. Your $DickSD <<Penis>> is rock solid in desire as you gaze back at her _DickSize futa-cock.
<<case 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24>>\
  "Wow! I can't believe the size of your monster sized man meat! Fuck! I bet you could really destroy someone's ass with such a ass-breaker!" says the Infested as she gives your dick a whistle of appreciation. "I'm going to hold off on having my ass wrecked today by your $DickSD cock since I'm going to be doing my best to wreck your ass instead with my meat rod!" You strip out of your clothes before steadily positioning yourself on your knees with your hard ass up in the air eager to be ass-fucked hard. Your $DickSD <<Penis>> is rock solid in desire as you gaze back at her _DickSize futa-cock.
  "When ass-fucking was invented they didn't mean cocks the size of donkeys which your monster dick is by the way, you crazy fucker!" shouts the Infested as she gives your $DickSD dick a look of utter disbelief. "I'm so lucky that I'm not going to have my ass wrecked today by your ridiculous $DickSD cock since I'm the one who wrecks others with my meat rod!" She continues while stroking her futa-cock. You strip out of your clothes before steadily positioning yourself on your knees with your hard ass up in the air eager to be ass-fucked hard. Your $DickSD <<Penis>> is rock solid in desire as you gaze back at her _DickSize futa-cock.
  She slowly slides her futa-cock against your ass before slowly pressing forward, stuffing her _DickSize futa-cock into your tight asshole with a lusty smirk on her face. You gasp as she pulls her _DickSD cock almost all the way out before thrusting her <<Penis>> quick and hard back into your ass! She starts to get a rhythm going as she uses your hips as handholds in order to plow your ass even harder causing you to pant and moan in pleasure.
  "So how do you like having your tight ass plowed by my futa-cock? Your moans of pleasure makes it sound like you are liking it but I want to hear it from you." she asks while keeping a steady pace with her _DickSD cock buried deep into your ass. Unable to quickly respond she slaps your $AssSize ass before asking again "Tsk Tsk! I need to know how much you like having your ass fucked by my futa-cock?"
  "Oh fuck! My ass feels so good being railed by your hard cock!" you finally respond between your moans. Your hard $DickSD cock is displaying how much you are loving the butt-fucking. The Infested smiles lustfully as she speeds up her fucking, slamming her cock harder and deeper into your buttocks. You can barely keep up on your knees as the force of her hard slamming your derriere is pushing you almost face first into the ground. All this hard pounding is pushing you closer to your climax as your rock hard dick is leaking pre-cum onto the ground below.
<<if $Infestation.FutaVariant >= $Infestation.FutaCap & $Infestation.Progress > 1>>\
<<include "Futa TF">>\
  As she slams her <<Penis>> into your tight ass you feel a surge of shocking energy flowing directly into you! It feels almost like you are being electrocuted but it quickly turns to pleasure that radiates from below your hard cock and cum-filled balls.
  With each hard thrust into your ass a weight grows on your chest but before you can investigate you hear the Infested scream "OH FUCK! I'M CUMMING IN YOUR FUCKING EXPANDING ASS!" as a immense orgasm rocks her body. The feeling of your ass being flooded by her hot cum normally push you over the edge but some reason your orgasm feels almost like it's blocked.
  As you look down to see what could be the issue you see two bulges of flesh pushing out from your formally flat chest! As you stare in disbelief the bulges slowly forms into the shape of breasts! Your almost forgotten orgasm comes crashing back with a vengence as you feel your cock explode with fluids along with what you think is your new pussy. It feels so good that you can't stop cumming as it soaks the ground below.
  Staring in shock you notice that you now have a pair of $BreastSD $BreastsSize breasts, along with a $AssSize derriere and a wet pussy! Before you can react, the Infested slaps your ass and with a grin and says "Looks like you are now one hot Futa!"
<<elseif $PC.Infestation >= $Infestation.Cap & $Infestation.Progress > 1>>\
<<include "Infestation Increase">>\
  As she slams her <<Penis>> into your tight ass you feel a surge of energy flowing directly into you! It almost feels like you are burning up but it quickly turns to pleasure that radiates from your hard cock.
"OH FUCK! I'M CUMMING IN YOUR FUCKING ASS!" She screams as a immense orgasm rocks her body. As more and more cum floods your ass you suddenly feel growing sensation from your hard dick and balls. Both your cum-filled balls and throbbing dick seem to be drinking deeply from her cum and you can feel your dick growing thicker and larger.
  "Oh FUCKKKK! I'm cumming while my ass is being plowed by your fucking futa-cock!" you scream as the feeling of her hot jizz filling your ass along with your sudden growth in your cock has pushed you over the edge and you unleash a tsunami of cum that shoots out from your $DickSize cock and splatters all over your hard chest and face!
  As she pulls out of your aching ass you can finally take notice of the changes that happened. Looking down you now have a $DickSD $DickSize cock along with a pair of $BallsSD $BallsSize balls! Before you can react the Infested strokes your <<Penis>> and with a smirk says "Looks like you are on the way to becoming one hot stud!"
  "OH FUCK! I'M CUMMING IN YOUR FUCKING ASS!" She screams as a immense orgasm rocks her body. Her huge hard cock unleashes a fountain of hot cum straight into your aching ass after one last hard thrust. Her orgasm seems to go on forever as more and more cum gets pumped into your aching ass. Not content with just filling your tight butt up with her cum, she pulls her futa-cock out before shooting massive ribbons of hot goo all over your back!
  "Oh FUCKKKK! I'm cumming while my ass is being plowed by your fucking futa-cock!" you scream as the feeling of her hot jizz filling your behind has pushed you over the edge and you unleash a $CumAD wad of cum from your $DickSize cock that splatters all over your hard chest and face!
  "Oh that was so good!" $genericFighter.Name2 says as she stands up from your exhausted body, cum leaking from her futa-cock. "I'll see again soon, I'm sure..." With that she walks away fulfilled leaving you to grab your clothes and to slowly recover.
<<set $StatusAffect.CumFilled to $StatusAffect.CumFilled+1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered+1>>\<img @src=$genericFighter.Image />
<<set $CombatRound to 0>>\
<<set $SpecialUsage to $MaxSpecialUsage>>\
<<include "Combat Status Affects">>\
<<if $MedicPath.Combat > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Undying to 1>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.Vaccine < 1>>\
<<if (random(19) +1) + $PC.Fortitude + $InfectionResist.Fort + $FoodStatus.Fort - $StatusAffect.Wet < (19 + $genericFighter.Level + Math.round($Infestation.Progress / 2) )>>\
<<if $Infestation.Progress < 1>>\
<<set $Infestation.Progress to 1>>\
<<set _Infest to random(10) - $InfectionResist.DR +5>>\
<<if _Infest < 0>>\
<<set _Infest to 0>>\
<<set $PC.Infestation to $PC.Infestation + _Infest>>\
<<if $PC.Infestation > $Infestation.Cap>>\
<<set $PC.Infestation to $Infestation.Cap>>\
<<if $PC.Sex is "Futa" or $StatusAffect.Futa > 0>>\
<<include "Infested Female Sex Dominate Futa">>\
<<elseif $PC.Sex is "Male" and $StatusAffect.Futa < 1>>\
<<include "Infested Female Sex Dominate Male">>\
<<elseif $PC.Sex is "Female" and $StatusAffect.Futa < 1>>\
<<include "Infested Female Sex Dominate Female">>\
<<include "Lust Passes">>\
<<button [[Return|$location.temp]]>>
<<include "Lust Passes">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.Horde > 0 and $location.Indoor is 0>>\
<<set $NoEncounter to random(3)>>\
<<set $NoEncounter to random(1) +2>>\
<</button>><img @src=$genericFighter.Image />
<<set $CombatRound to 0>>\
<<set $SpecialUsage to $MaxSpecialUsage>>\
<<include "Combat Status Affects">>\
<<if $MedicPath.Combat > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Undying to 1>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.Vaccine < 1>>\
<<if (random(19) +1) + $PC.Fortitude + $InfectionResist.Fort + $FoodStatus.Fort - $StatusAffect.Wet < (19 + $genericFighter.Level + Math.round($Infestation.Progress / 2) )>>\
<<if $Infestation.Progress < 1>>\
<<set $Infestation.Progress to 1>>\
<<set _Infest to random(10) - $InfectionResist.DR +5>>\
<<if _Infest < 0>>\
<<set _Infest to 0>>\
<<set $PC.Infestation to $PC.Infestation + _Infest>>\
<<if $Infestation.FutaVariant < 100>>\
<<set $Infestation.FutaVariant to $Infestation.FutaVariant + random(10) +5>>\
<<if $PC.Infestation > $Infestation.Cap>>\
<<set $PC.Infestation to $Infestation.Cap>>
<<if $Infestation.FutaVariant > $Infestation.FutaCap>>\
<<set $Infestation.FutaVariant to $Infestation.FutaCap>>\
<<if $PC.Sex is "Futa" or $StatusAffect.Futa > 0>>\
<<include "Infested Futa Sex Dominate Futa">>\
<<elseif $PC.Sex is "Male" and $StatusAffect.Futa < 1>>\
<<include "Infested Futa Sex Dominate Male">>\
<<elseif $PC.Sex is "Female" and $StatusAffect.Futa < 1>>\
<<include "Infested Futa Sex Dominate Female">>\
<<button [[Return|$location.temp]]>>
<<include "Lust Passes">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.Horde > 0 and $location.Indoor is 0>>\
<<set $NoEncounter to random(3)>>\
<<set $NoEncounter to random(1) +2>>\
<</button>><img @src=$genericFighter.Image />
<<set $CombatRound to 0>>\
<<set $SpecialUsage to $MaxSpecialUsage>>\
<<include "Combat Status Affects">>\
<<if $MedicPath.Combat > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Undying to 1>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.Vaccine < 1>>\
<<if (random(19) +1) + $PC.Fortitude + $InfectionResist.Fort + $FoodStatus.Fort - $StatusAffect.Wet < (19 + $genericFighter.Level + Math.round($Infestation.Progress / 2) )>>\
<<if $Infestation.Progress < 1>>\
<<set $Infestation.Progress to 1>>\
<<set _Infest to random(10) - $InfectionResist.DR +5>>\
<<if _Infest < 0>>\
<<set _Infest to 0>>\
<<set $PC.Infestation to $PC.Infestation + _Infest>>\
<<if $PC.Infestation > $Infestation.Cap>>\
<<set $PC.Infestation to $Infestation.Cap>>\
<<if $PC.Sex is "Futa" or $StatusAffect.Futa > 0>>\
<<include "Infested Male Sex Dominate Futa">>\
<<elseif $PC.Sex is "Male" and $StatusAffect.Futa < 1>>\
<<include "Infested Male Sex Dominate Male">>\
<<elseif $PC.Sex is "Female" and $StatusAffect.Futa < 1>>\
<<include "Infested Male Sex Dominate Female">>\
<<button [[Return|$location.temp]]>>
<<include "Lust Passes">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.Horde > 0 and $location.Indoor is 0>>\
<<set $NoEncounter to random(3)>>\
<<set $NoEncounter to random(1) +2>>\
<</button>><<set $sexHistory.XP to $sexHistory.XP +1>>\
<<set $LastPartner to $genericFighter>>\
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$genericFighter.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$genericFighter.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _SizeComp to $PC.DickSize - $genericFighter.Level + ($GeneralFeats.FalseRep *2)>>\
<<if _SizeComp < 0>>\
<<set _SizeComp to 0>>\
  "Oh look! I see girl with a cock that just needs someplace warm and slippery to settle in. How about you just lean back and let your girl-cock enjoy her new home in between my tits?" says $genericFighter.Name as she crawls along the ground towards your exhausted body with her _ISD breasts swaying as she gets closer. Giving your groin a long look she nods with a hopeful grin. She quickly strips your clothes off exposing your $BreastSD breasts along with your wet pussy. Even your raging boner is exposed as she plants herself between your legs with your dick between her _ICup breasts!
<<switch _SizeComp>>\
<<case 0 1 2>>\
  "What a tiny little girl-dick! It's like a tiny train that thinks it can but still needs to grow up to be a big and strong futa-cock." she says with some minor disappointment as she gives your small package a pitying look while tweaking her hard nipples. "How about I give it a great new experience so it can learn how to really titty-fuck!" she moans as she grabs your <<Penis>> and presses her _ISD breasts around your it.
<<case 3 4 5 6>>\
  She gives your hard <<Penis>> a thoughtful look while slowly running her hands along her breasts. "Huh. For a moment I thought it was smaller than it was but that's actually not a bad looking futa-cock. Maybe it's the lighting makes it look a bit small but I bet it will look a lot better once it's between my tits. So how about you get to it by slamming your cock into my nice big tits and giving me a gooey facial?" she moans as she presses her _ISD breasts around your dick.
<<case 7 8 9 10 11 12>>\
  "I see a futa-cock that's large and in charge! Someone's must have been feeding their <<Penis>> a steady stream of sex to get it that size! I can't wait to be soaked by all the hot gooey cum you'll be shooting here after being engulfed by my _ISD tits!" she moans as she continues to grope her ample tits eagerly at the thought of having her breasts covered with baby-batter. She gives your dick a lustful look before she eagerly presses her hefty jugs around your $DickSD <<Penis>>.
<<case 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24>>\
  She gives your $DickSD $DickSize <<Penis>> an estatic smile while lustily moaning. "OK! That's a fucking monster futa-dick you're packing! Everyone says Futas have the biggest dicks and you just proved it! I'm going to have a fun time sliding that big boy between my _ISD tits! I might have to grow some bigger tits if I'm going to be giving cocks of that size titty-fucks!" she says as she lustfully continues to grope her ample tits while licking her lips eagerly. She gives your dick an extremely lustful look before she eagerly presses her ample jugs around your $DickSD <<Penis>>.
<<default>>\ /*Need to redo*/
  "Why do you have a 3ft long club that looks like a dick in your pants? What the hell?!?!? I have no idea on how to get that giant club of a <<Penis>> you have between my tits but I'm kinda wondering if I can... I guess you will just have to try really hard since I'm dying to find out how it feels." she says as she starts to stroke your <<Penis>> with one hand while the other is groping her tits.
  The warmth of having your cock between the Infested's _ISD tits makes your dick even harder. It isn't very long before her hands start sliding her breasts up and down the length of your <<Penis>>. The soft mountains slide against your aching cock as you start to thrust into her warm tits.
  "Oh fuck yes, your tits feel so fucking good!" You moan as you begin to thrust even harder into those _ISD mountains, your cock lubricated by your leaking pre-cum. Her tasty looking breasts start to bounce and jiggle from your hard thrusts as she moans in pleasure from giving you such a great tit-fucking.
  “Oh? It sounds like someone likes my biggly tits! I bet that someone loves how my _ISD <<Breasts>> squeezes their aching cock and doesn't want me to stop... Come on! Tell me you want to fire your nice hot load of white gooey cum all over them!” she demands huskily before kissing the tip of your cock as you shove even harder into her _ISD funbags, her jiggly tits bouncing even harder from all the thrusting.
  "Oh fuck yes! I love your _ISD fucking tits wrapped around my dick! I wanna shoot my load all over them!" you moan as feel your balls churn even harder and your neglected pussy weeping. Your orgasm is drawing rapidly closer and you are eager to unleash your load all over her _ISD breasts. You moan loudly as she slides her full breasts up and down your aching cock, keeping you slamming deep into that divine valley.
  "That's good! Cause I love giving Futas with their yummy futa-cocks a proper tit-fucking!" she replies huskily as she watches you lose yourself in the pleasure of her _ISD titties. "You know what I like even more? When they shoot their wad all over my jugs!"
<<if $PC.Infestation is $Infestation.Cap & $Infestation.Progress > 1>>\
<<include "Infestation Increase">>\
  As you thrust your <<Penis>> into her _ISD breasts you feel a surge of energy flowing directly into you! It almost feels like you are burning up but it quickly turns to pleasure that radiates from your hard cock, your weeping pussy and neglected breasts.
  "OH GOD! I can feel you getting bigger and thicker between my tits! Oh fuck even your tits are getting bigger! OH FUCK YES! I'M CUMMING!" The Infested Female screams as she squeezes her tits even harder around your hard cock. It feels like your cock is growing harder and thicker with each thrust into her slippery funbags! Even your balls feel like they are about to explode as your pussy also feels like it's about to cum any second now.
  "Oh yes! OH FUCK! I'M CUMMING! I'm blasting your fucking tits with my hot load!" you scream as the feeling of her breasts quivering with pleasure pushes you over the edge and you unleash a $CumAD load of white cum, bigger than any other load you've ever had, directly onto her gorgeous face and massive tits! As more and more cum blast out some of it lands on your growing breasts! "Oh fuck my breasts are growing!" you moan as your bigger $BreastSD $BreastsSize breasts end up just as covered by hot goo as the Infested's breasts. You unleash a firehose of girl-cum onto the ground below as your dual-orgasm leaves you breathless.
  As you pull out of her cum-soaked breasts you notice that you have a $DickSD $DickSize cock along with a pair of $BallsSD $BallsSize balls! Before you can react to your changes she slaps your bigger $AssSize size ass!! Noticing your look the Infested strokes your wet <<Penis>> and <<Breasts>> with a smirk while saying "Looks like you are becoming one hot Futa."
  "OH GOD! OH FUCK! I'M CUMMING!" She screams as a immense orgasm rocks her body. The feeling of her breasts quivering with pleasure pushes you closer to the edge as you thrust faster into those quivering tits.
  "Oh yes! OH FUCK! I'M CUMMING TOO! I'm blasting your fucking tits with my hot load! Even my PUSSY IS CUMMING!" you scream as the feeling of her breasts quivering with pleasure pushes you over the edge and you unleash a $CumAD load of white cum, directly onto her gorgeous face and massive tits! You unleash a $GCumAD squirting of girl-cum onto the ground below as your dual-orgasm leaves you breathless.
  "Oh that was so good!" she says as she stands up from your exhausted body, cum dripping from her face and breasts. Taking one last moment to lick some white goo from her ample tits, she replies "I'll see again soon, I'm sure..." With that she walks away fulfilled leaving you to grab your clothes and to slowly recover.
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered+1>>\<<if $nurseattackEvent.Corrupt is 1>>\
<<set $genericEvent.Image = $eventPath2 + $arrayEvent2FullBodyTits.random() + '.jpg'>>\
<<set $genericEvent.Image = $eventPath2 + $arrayEvent2FullBody.random() + '.jpg'>>\
<img @src=$genericEvent.Image />
<<set $npcTroy.Friendship to $npcTroy.Friendship + $CharismaBonus +1 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set $lust to $lust + random(10) + 1 + $StatusAffect.Horny - $LustResist.Visual>>\
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$npcTroy.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$npcTroy.BreastsSize]>>
<<if $npcTroy.SexXP is 0>>\
<<set $nurseEvent.Medical to 2>>\
  “So when did you become Infested?” you ask as you wonder how long ago it happened. The porn-star look along with how she keeps teasing you with her _ISD breasts and ass made it obvious after getting to know her. Troy looks startled for a second before giving you a interested look.
  "It's been about a week now. I was out getting supplies when I was ambushed by several Infested. By the time they were done I was somewhat infected myself." she replies as she toys with front of her uniform while lightly rubbing up against her nipples.
  “So how do you keep your mind intact while being Infested?” you ask as you watch her stand up from her chair, her _ISD breasts bouncing gently. Walking over to lean against the gurney she sighs before giving you a piercing look.
  "Well first of all I'm not fully Infested. Second by taking a mixture that includes a large dose of anti-biotics along with one other vital component...Cum. Either from a male or female." she admits as her eyes edge downwards towards your groin as she pinches her errect nipples tenting the front of her nurse uniform. After a brief moment her eyes come shooting back up to staring you in the eyes but her hands continue to lightly grope her _ISD breasts. "I've found that the combination of both seems to halt the progression and keeps the arousal under control. The main issue is a lack of quality cum. The cum from an Uninfested source is best but in a emergency cum from a Infested can be used as long as a bigger dose of anti-biotics is used to offset the virus."
  "That's amazing! Have any others heard about this yet?" you ask as this seems to be a breakthru everyone has been working on for this Infested Outbreak. She takes a moment to collect her thoughts while also dropping her hands to her sides away from fondling her ample tits.
  "I've thought about trying to send the information I've gathered to the scientists working with the Military but with so many Infested between here and Blue River bridge it would be almost suicide to make the trip. The amount of patients coming to my clinic has also dropped so I'm a bit low on...supplies" she sadly says as she slides a hand up her thigh going underneath her short nurse skirt. Her eyes dart back down to your groin as she licks her lips like a starving man staring at a steak.
<div class="pcTalk"><i> It looks like she is really needing a dose of cum...</i></div>
<<if $PC.Sex is not "Female" or $StatusAffect.Futa > 1 >>\
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Offer to help with her condition|Nurse Clinic TitFuck]]>>
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Offer to help with her condition|Nurse Clinic Eat Out]]>>
<<if $lust + ($StatusAffect.Horny*2) < $MaxLust>>\
<<button [[Leave|Nurse Clinic Leave]]>> <</button>>
  “So how is your treatment going?” you ask as you wonder how she has been doing since last time you helped her with her condition. Troy looks startled for a second before giving you a thankful look.
  "Well I'm doing a bit better than last time but still it's a daily struggle to keep the Infested virus at bay." she says while bending over giving you a clear view of her _ISD exposed cleavage. "I wouldn't mind another shot if you're up for it" she says lustfully while licking her full lips.
<<if $PC.Sex is not "Female" or $StatusAffect.Futa > 1 >>\
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Offer to Titfuck Her|Nurse Clinic TitFuck]]>>
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Offer to Fuck Her|Nurse Clinic Pussy Fuck]]>>
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Offer to be Eaten Out|Nurse Clinic Eat Out]]>>
<<if $lust + ($StatusAffect.Horny*2) < $MaxLust>>\
<<button [[Leave|Nurse Clinic Leave]]>> <</button>>
<</if>>\<img @src=$genericEvent.Image width="512px" height="768px" />
<<set $nurseEvent.Refuse to 1>>\
<<set $npcTroy.Friendship to $npcTroy.Friendship - 5 + $SocialSkillFeats.WashmyHair>>\
  Looking at Nurse Troy you are feeling too uncomfortable to have sex with a possible Infested cos-playing as a nurse. Looking around you notice the door is unlocked and it's a straight shot out of here. Making a decision that retreating is the better part of valor you stand up from your chair and start edging away from her.
  "Hey Troy, I'm going to bail on this. It's a getting a bit late and I need to be going. Later." you say as you head quickly towards the door.
  "OK, thanks for stopping by, $PC.FirstName" says Nurse Troy a bit startled as you quickly head to the exit. Before long you are completely outside and safe from Nurse Troy and her Infested problems.
<<button [[Leave|$location.temp]]>>
<<set $location.Indoor to 0>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<set $NoEncounter to random(1) +2>>\
<</button>><<set $genericEvent.Image = $eventPath2 + $arrayEvent2TitFuck.random() + '.jpg'>>\
<img @src=$genericEvent.Image />
<<set $nurseEvent.Agree to 1>>\
<<if (random(19) + 1) + $Skill.Social + $CharismaBonus > 13>>\
<<set $npcTroy.Friendship to $npcTroy.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity +2 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set $npcTroy.Friendship to $npcTroy.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity +1 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set $npcTroy.SexXP to $npcTroy.SexXP +1>>\
<<set $sexHistory.XP to $sexHistory.XP +1>>\
<<set $LastPartner to $npcTroy>>\
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$npcTroy.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$npcTroy.BreastsSize]>>
  "How about I help you with your condition by having you eat me out?" you ask while staring at her thin panties that cover her cunt, your wet pussy glistening in glee at the thought of her mouth eating out your pussy. Her desperate need for cum is something you can help with and to be totally truthful it's something you really want to give her plenty of.
  “Oh? Do you really want me to eat your pussy? To slide my tongue deep into your tight pussy over and over again before drinking all of your sweet cum?” Troy huskily replies as she strides over to you with a exaggerated sway to her womanly hip. She presses her ample bosom up against your own $BreastSD breasts allowing you to look down her tight nurse's outfit. Your cunt is soaking wet and it gets even wetter as she slides her hand into your underwear. You can only moan lustfully as you can feel her large nipples slide against your own $NippleSize nipples..
  Your lust filled response is to grab her uniform's top and savagely pull it down, exposing her _ISD jugs and huge nipples. 'You're so fucking hot! With your naughty nurse outfit and your fucking _ISD tits and bouncy ass! Fuck, my pussy gets so wet just looking at you!" you moan as you grip her soft breasts. They feel so soft that you can't help but sink your hands into her titty flesh as you grope those wonderful tits.
  Smiling naughtily she pulls you back causing both of you to land on the medical gurney behind her. Troy pulls your face in close to give you a sloppy kiss as her _ISD chest rubs against your own $BreastSD tits. After coming up for air you quickly strip out of your clothes allowing your own $BreastsSize breasts to bouce free. While you was busy stripping Troy also removed her panties in order to present her wet pussy to the world.
  You moan as she slides down pausing only to give your hard $NippleSize nipples some sloppy kisses while lightly groping your sensitive tits. Slowly sliding even farther down she leaves a trail of saliva as she kisses and licks on her way down to your glistening pussy.
  "I think I'm seeing a nice juicy pussy eager to be eaten out but I have to be sure..." Troy huskily says before flickering her tongue around your pussy lips causing you to buck your hips. "Oh are you wanting me to slide my tongue into your wet pussy? Who am I to deny my patient some much needed relief?" she moans huskily before finally sliding her wet tongue into your tight cunt. The feeling from her sticking her tongue into your pussy causes the flow from your dripping pussy to speed up as she eagerly sucks down.
  "Oh fuck yes that feels so good! Keep going, please!" you moan loudly as you try to press your mound against her face, hoping she would go deeper. Troy happily complies as she dives even deeper into your tight pussy all the while drinking down your pussy fluids. It feels so good you can't help but grab your $BreastSD $BreastsSize breasts and fondle them, adding to the intense pleasure from being eaten out.
  "Your pussy tastes so good! So nice and juicy, but I think I know a way to get your juices flowing even more!" Troy says sultrily as you feel a finger slip into your tight pussy! You feel a mini-orgasm hit hard as her finger slides all the way in! "Just as planned..." she whispers before planting her mouth back onto your dripping pussy while still finge-banging your pleasure filled pussy.
  "Oh fuck! It feels so good! Oh fuck I'm about to cum!" you moan loudly as her finger-banging pushes you even closer to the edge as you fill a strong orgasm coming in hard. Troy's only response is fingering your pussy even faster while licking your clit hard.
  Your orgasm hits strong as your sensitive pussy is overstimulated. "OH GOD! OH FUCK YESSSSS! I'M CUMMING ALL OVER YOUR FUCKING FACE!" you scream as the feeling of your pussy quivering with pleasure almost knocks you senseless, causing you to unleash a $CumAD gushing of girl cum that squirts onto Troy's beautiful face. <<if $Cum.Stored > 10>> Even her eager lips can't swallow alll of the massive amount of cum you unleashed as your pussy shoots out so much girl-cum that it puddles on the medical bed below.<</if>>\
  “Oh fuck $PC.FirstName, that was amazing...” Troy mutters as she reaches down and scoops some of your girl-cum that leaked onto the bed. Looking you in the eyes she licks her fingers clean. “Delicious..." <<if $Cum.Stored > 10>> She takes some extra time to lick clean the $CumAD puddle of cum that pooled on the bed.<</if>>
  You talk a bit more but eventually have to leave since it's already getting late and Nurse Troy will need to move to a new location especially since the noise and smell of hot sex filled this location.
<<button [[Finish|$location.temp]]>>
<<if $npcTroy.SexXP > 0 and $nurseEvent.Medical < 1 >>\
<<set $nurseEvent.Medical to 2>>\
<<set $location.Indoor to 0>>\
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<include "Lust Passes">>\
<<set $NoEncounter to random(1) +2>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</button>><<if $npcTroy.Corrupted is 1>>\
<<set $genericEvent.Image = $eventPath2 + $arrayEvent2SexTits.random() + '.jpg'>>\
<<set _State to "Corrupt">>\
<<set $genericEvent.Image = $eventPath2 + $arrayEvent2Sex.random() + '.jpg'>>\
<<set _State to "Standard">>\
<img @src=$genericEvent.Image />
<<if (random(19) + 1) + $Skill.Social + $CharismaBonus > 13>>\
<<set $npcTroy.Friendship to $npcTroy.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity +2 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set $npcTroy.Friendship to $npcTroy.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity +1 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set $npcTroy.SexXP to $npcTroy.SexXP +1>>\
<<set $sexHistory.XP to $sexHistory.XP +1>>\
<<set $LastPartner to $npcTroy>>\
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$npcTroy.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$npcTroy.BreastsSize]>>
<<if $PC.Sex is "Male" and $StatusAffect.Futa < 1>>\
<<set _Sex to "Male">>\
<<elseif $PC.Sex is "Futa" or $StatusAffect.Futa > 0>>\
<<set _Sex to "Futa">>\
<<switch _Sex>>\
<<case "Male">>\
  "How about I help you some more with your condition by giving you a hard pounding?" you ask while staring at her thin panties that cover her cunt, your hard <<Penis>> throbbing in glee at the thought of being deep inside her tight looking pussy. Her desperate need for cum is something you can help with and to be totally truthful it's something you really want to give her plenty of.
  “Oh? Do you want to fuck my tight cunt with your $DickSize dick? To slam hard into my wet pussy over and over again before blowing your load deep inside me?” Troy huskily replies as she strides over to you with a exaggerated sway to her womanly hip. She presses her _ISD _ICup rack up against you allowing you to look down her tight nurse's outfit. Your <<Penis>> is rock solid as it strains against your too tight underwear and you know she could feel it stabbing her stomach. Your <<Penis>> isn't the only thing hard as you can feel her large nipples poking through her red bra.
  Your lust filled response is to grab her uniform's top and savagely pull it down, exposing her _ISD jugs and huge nipples. "You're so fucking hot! With your naughty nurse outfit and your fucking _ISD tits and bouncy ass! I'm going to pound your pussy so hard you'll be walking bowlegged for days!" you moan as you grip her soft breasts. They feel so soft that you can't help but sink your hands into her titty flesh as you grope those wonderful tits.
  Smiling naughtily she pulls you back causing both of you to land on the medical gurney behind her. Troy pulls your face in close to give you a sloppy kiss as her bare chest rubs against your own hard chest. After coming up for air you quickly strip out of your clothes allowing your $DickSize cock spring free. While you was busy stripping Troy also removed her panties in order to present her wet pussy to the world. Feeling eager to get started you slide you cock up against her wet slit, covering your cock with her pussy juices.
  Troy moans loudly as your hard $DickSD <<Penis>> slides deep into her tight pussy. It feels so tight it's a wonder you was able to get your cock in so deep. Pausing only to savor the feeling of her tight cunt for a moment, you pull back before slamming your <<Penis>> back in nice and hard causing her _ISD mouth-watering jugs to bounce. Wanting to see her breasts jiggle more you start hammering her cunt hard with your $DickSD <<Penis>> causing Troy to moan even louder as her _ICup tits bounce in time with your wild fucking.
  "Oh god! You're giving it to me sooo hard! FUCKK!" she screams as you pound her tight pussy nice and hard. The rhythm of your deep fucking is causing the medical bed to creak and groan as it was never built for such hard pounding. Troy seems to be loving the hard fucking as she wraps her long shapely legs around your back, trying to force your hard <<Penis>> deeper into her eager pussy. "Keep going! Keep fucking me hard! Oh fuck!" she screams as she grabs her _ISD breasts and squeezes them tightly.
  "Fuck! Your pussy feels so good! It's squeezing me so tight!" you moan as you get closer to cumming. The hard pounding that you're giving Troy along with how sexy she looks squirming and moaning on the medical bed is pushing you to your limits. It only takes a few more minutes of jackhammering her tight pussy before you yell out "Oh fuck! I'm about to cum!"
  "Do it! Fill my tight pussy with all of your hot juicy cum! Give me all of it!" she yells back with a lust filled look on her face. Her legs starts to squeeze you tighter, seemingly trying to keep your $DickSD cock as deep as possible inside her wet cunt. Troy moans even louder as your rapid fucking reaches a crescendo as you can no longer hold back nor do you want to.
  "I'M CUMMING! I'M SHOOTING MY LOAD INTO YOUR GODDAMN SLUTTY PUSSY!" you yell as you feel your balls give one last pulse before unleashing a $CumAD flood of white goo directly into her eager pussy. Seemingly in response to feeling your hot cum blasting her womb, Troy moans loudly in utter pleasure and you can feel her pussy clench tightly onto your rock hard cock as it eagerly drinks your gooey baby-batter. Her girl-cum leaks from her stuffed pussy onto the medical bed below.<<if $Cum.Stored > 10>> Even her eager pussy can't hold in the massive amount of cum you unleashed as her pussy overflows like a faucet onto the medical bed below.<</if>>
<<case "Futa">>\
  "How about I help you some more with your condition by giving you a hard pounding?" you ask while staring at her thin panties that cover her cunt, your hard <<Penis>> throbbing in glee at the thought of being deep inside her tight looking pussy. Her desperate need for cum is something you can help with and to be totally truthful it's something you really want to give her plenty of.
  “Oh? Do you want to fuck my tight cunt with your $DickSize dick? To slam hard into my wet pussy over and over again before blowing your load deep inside me?” Troy huskily replies as she strides over to you with a exaggerated sway to her womanly hip. She presses her _ISD _ICup rack up against your own $BreastSD breasts allowing you to look down her tight nurse's outfit. Your <<Penis>> is rock solid as it strains against your too tight underwear and you know she could feel it stabbing her stomach. Your <<Penis>> isn't the only thing hard as you can feel her large nipples poking through her red bra as they rub up against your $NippleSize long nipples.
  Your lust filled response is to grab her uniform's top and savagely pull it down, exposing her _ISD jugs and huge nipples. "You're so fucking hot! With your naughty nurse outfit and your fucking _ICup tits and bouncy ass! I'm going to pound your pussy so hard you'll be walking bowlegged for days!" you moan as you grip her soft breasts. They feel so soft that you can't help but sink your hands into her titty flesh as you grope those wonderful tits.
  Smiling naughtily she pulls you back causing both of you to land on the medical gurney behind her. Troy pulls your face in close to give you a sloppy kiss as her bare chest rubs against your own $BreastSD tits. After coming up for air you quickly strip out of your clothes allowing your $DickSize cock spring free along with your own breasts. While you was busy stripping Troy also removed her panties in order to present her wet pussy to the world. Feeling eager to get started you slide you cock up against her wet slit, covering your cock with her pussy juices.
  Troy moans loudly as your hard $DickSD <<Penis>> slides deep into her tight pussy. It feels so tight it's a wonder you was able to get your cock in so deep. Pausing only to savor the feeling of her tight cunt for a moment, you pull back before slamming your <<Penis>> back in nice and hard causing her mouth-watering jugs to bounce. Wanting to see her breasts jiggle more you start hammering her cunt hard with your $DickSD <<Penis>> causing Troy to moan even louder as her _ISD tits bounce in time with your wild fucking. Your own tits are bouncing with each thrust and you're loving it!
  "Oh god! You're giving it to me sooo hard! FUCKK!" she screams as you pound her tight pussy nice and hard. The rhythm of your deep fucking is causing the medical bed to creak and groan as it was never built for such hard pounding. Troy seems to be loving the hard fucking as she wraps her long shapely legs around your back, trying to force your hard <<Penis>> deeper into her eager pussy. "Keep going! Keep fucking me hard! Oh fuck!" she screams as she grabs your $BreastSD breasts and squeezes them tightly causing you to moan loudly.
  "Fuck! Your pussy feels so good! It's squeezing me so tight!" you moan as you get closer to cumming. The hard pounding that you're giving Troy along with how sexy she looks squirming and moaning on the medical bed is pushing you to your limits. It only takes a few more minutes of jackhammering her tight pussy before you yell out "Oh fuck! I'm about to cum from my fucking cock and pussy!"
  "Do it! Fill my tight pussy with all of your hot juicy cum! Give me all of it!" she yells back with a lust filled look on her face. Her legs starts to squeeze you tighter, seemingly trying to keep your $DickSD cock as deep as possible inside her wet cunt. Troy moans even louder as your rapid fucking reaches a crescendo as you can no longer hold back nor do you want to.
  "I'M CUMMING! I'M SHOOTING MY LOAD INTO YOUR GODDAMN SLUTTY PUSSY!" you yell as you feel your balls give one last pulse before unleashing a $CumAD flood of white goo directly into her eager pussy. Seemingly in response to feeling your hot cum blasting her womb, Troy moans loudly in utter pleasure and you can feel her pussy clench tightly onto your rock hard cock as it eagerly drinks your gooey baby-batter. Her girl-cum leaks from her stuffed pussy onto the medical bed below where it is joined by your own girl-cum as your wet pussy unloads a $CumAD flood as well. <<if $Cum.Stored > 10>> Even her eager pussy can't hold in the massive amount of cum you unleashed as her pussy overflows like a faucet onto the medical bed below.<</if>>
  “Oh fuck $PC.FirstName, that was amazing...” Troy mutters as she reaches down and scoops some of your white cum that leaked onto the bed. Looking you in the eyes she licks her fingers clean. “Delicious..." <<if $Cum.Stored > 10>> She takes some extra time to lick clean the $CumAD puddle of cum that pooled on the bed.<</if>>
  You talk a bit more but eventually have to leave since it's already getting late and Nurse Troy will need to move to a new location especially since the noise and smell of hot sex filled this location.
<<button [[Finish|$location.temp]]>>
<<if $npcTroy.SexXP > 0 and $nurseEvent.Medical < 1 >>\
<<set $nurseEvent.Medical to 2>>\
<<set $location.Indoor to 0>>\
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<include "Lust Passes">>\
<<set $NoEncounter to random(1) +2>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</button>><<set $sexHistory.XP to $sexHistory.XP +1>>\
<<set _DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$genericFighter.DickSize]>>\
<<set _DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$genericFighter.DickSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$genericFighter.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$genericFighter.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _SizeComp to $PC.DickSize - $genericFighter.Level + ($GeneralFeats.FalseRep *2)>>\
  "Looks like some little pussy grown themselves a little dick. Luckily there're a real man here willing to teach you how to suck cock like a pro! So how about you shove you lips over here and I'll let you have a taste of my _DickSD _DickSize <<Penis>>?" says the Infested Male as he stands over your exhausted body with his _DickSD dick hard at attention, dripping pre-cum. You quickly position yourself on your knees while licking your lips in desire as you stare at his meat-rod. Your $DickSD <<Penis>> is rock solid in pure lust along with your wet pussy dripping in aching need as you gaze hard at his _DickSize cock.
Gotta give a blowjob! Scene still needs to be written :(
<<set $StatusAffect.CumFilled to $StatusAffect.CumFilled+1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered+1>>\<<set $sexHistory.XP to $sexHistory.XP +1>>\
<<set _DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$genericFighter.DickSize]>>\
<<set _DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$genericFighter.DickSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$genericFighter.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$genericFighter.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _SizeComp to $PC.BreastsSize - $genericFighter.Level + ($GeneralFeats.FalseRep *2)>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumFilled to $StatusAffect.CumFilled+1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered+1>>\
Gotta give a blowjob! Scene still needs to be written :(<<set $sexHistory.XP to $sexHistory.XP +1>>\
<<set $LastPartner to $genericFighter>>\
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$genericFighter.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$genericFighter.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$genericFighter.DickSize]>>\
<<set _DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$genericFighter.DickSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$genericFighter.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$genericFighter.BallsSize]>>\
  As you look at the frustrated $genericFighter.Name3 you feel the urge to fuck her exactly like how she was going to fuck you with her _DickSize futa-cock if you had lost the battle. Grabbing the double-ended dildo you found earlier you give a lusty grin to the angry Infested as you pull out the cunt destroying double-ended dildo. "You're not the only one with a big dick. I'm going to fuck your brains out with my fake cock! By the time I'm done you will know what it's like to be fucked by a massive dick!" you lustily boast as you slowly try to insert one end of the massive dildo into your tight snatch. It slowly slides into your wet pussy but it's massive size makes it a extremely tight fit. As it does so the pleasure causes you to shiver and you feel yourself wetten.
  "What the fuck? Do you think that fake dick is better then my real cock? I'm surprised you was able to get that monster dildo to fit in your pussy..." asks the surprised Infested Futa as she gazes at the double-ended dildo with astonishment. Spreading her legs wide she huskily says "Well I can't back down now so come on and fuck me!"
  Looking at her _ISD breasts and _DickSD hard dick you can't resist giving her a deep pounding with your fake-cock. "Be prepared to be fucked hard and long!" you say before kneeling down to adjust the angle of the dildo from aiming at her face towards aiming at her partially hidden pussy. You take careful aim at her dripping pussy below her big cock and balls before slowly pushing in. As you push in you are met with some resistance but the Infested Futa's moans of pleasure urge you to continue to push forward as much as she can take.
  "Oh shit! That fake cock is really something else! You're in so fucking deep!" she moans as she uses her shapely legs to force you even deeper. Deciding that it was time to start you start to thrust back and forth into her tight pussy causing her _ICup tits and _DickSize cock to bounce along to the pace of your fucking. The pleasure from nailing this gorgeous Infested with a huge double-ended dildo deep in your own pussy is quickly rising as your $NippleSize nipples display by becoming hard as diamonds on top of your $BreastSD tits.
  "Fuck yes! It feels so good! Your tight pussy feels so slippery when I fuck it with my fake-cock!" you moan as you continue to slam into her pussy. As the pleasure steadily mounts in your own pussy, your own moans of pleasure joins the Futa's as her legs continue to force you to fuck her harder. She reaches up and pulls your face close allowing her to kiss you hard on the lips as her moans of pleasure echo thru the area. After the hot kiss finishes her eyes drift downwards towards your chest.
<<if $PC.BreastsSize + ($GeneralFeats.FalseRep *2) < ($genericFighter.BreastsSize -4)>>\
  "I can't believe how fucking small your mosquito-bite size tits are!" she says as you continue to slam your fake cock into her wet snatch. Letting go of your head, her hands slide down to grab your $BreastSD $BreastsSize breasts. "Your tits... Oh fuckkkk! Keep going! They just can't compare to my _ISD fucking tits! Oh shit yes! You gotta drink some fucking milk or something..." she moans as she gropes your heaving chest as her hard dick leaks pre-cum.
<<elseif $PC.BreastsSize + ($GeneralFeats.FalseRep *2) < $genericFighter.BreastsSize>>\
  "Your tits aren't too bad but they can be fucking better!" she says as you continue to slam your fake cock into her wet snatch. Letting go of your head, her hands slide down to grab your $BreastSD $BreastsSize breasts. "Your tits... Oh fuckkkk! Keep going! They just can't compare to my _ISD fucking tits! Oh shit yes! You gotta have big fucking tits if you wanna survive these shitty streets..." she moans as she gropes your heaving chest as her hard dick leaks pre-cum.
<<elseif ($PC.BreastsSize + ($GeneralFeats.FalseRep *2))is $genericFighter.BreastsSize>>\
  "What the goddamn fuck? Is it just me or do we have the same fucking size tits?" she says as you continue to slam your fake cock into her wet snatch. Letting go of your head, her hands slide down to grab your $BreastSD $BreastsSize breasts. "Your fucking tits! Oh fuckkkk! Keep going! I would say they can't compare to my _ISD fucking tits but they're the same fucking size! Oh shit yes! Can't believe I ran across someone with my tits but it feels so nice..." she moans as she gropes your heaving chest as her hard dick leaks pre-cum.
<<elseif $PC.BreastsSize + ($GeneralFeats.FalseRep *2) > $genericFighter.BreastsSize>>\
  "I can't believe how fucking huge your tasty looking tits are!" she says as you continue to slam your fake cock into her wet snatch. Letting go of your head, her hands slide down to grab your $BreastSD $BreastsSize breasts. "Your fucking tits! Oh fuckkkk! Keep going! My _ISD tits just can't compare to your $BreastSD fucking tits! Oh shit yes! Your fucking tits are like fucking mountains..." she moans as she gropes your heaving chest as her hard dick leaks pre-cum.
  "Oh fuck take my fake cock so much in your tight pussy! It feels so good that I'm about to cum all over it! Oh fuck yes!" You moan loudly as the pace of your fucking reaches the point of no return and you slam into her wet pussy like a jackhammer. Her almost forgotten cock is poking you in your stomach as your fucking reaches a frantic pace. Your own moans of pleasure mixes with hers as it fills the area with the sounds of hot frantic sex. Your pussy feels like pure liquid pleasure and you are moments away from your climax!
<<if $Infestation.FutaVariant >= $Infestation.FutaCap & $Infestation.Progress > 1>>\
<<include "Futa TF">>\
  As you slam your dildo into her wet cunt you feel a surge of shocking energy flowing directly into you! It feels almost like you are being electrocuted but it quickly turns to pleasure that radiates from above your wet pussy that's currently filled with your double-ended dildo.
  "OH FUCK YES! OH FUCKING GODDAMN YES! I'M CUMMING HARD!" She screams as you slam her slippery cunt with your double ended dildo even harder as your pleasure peaks. Within seconds a immense orgasm rocks her body, her ample tits and large ass shaking in pleasure. Her quivering cock unleashes a huge load of gooey cum directly onto your $BreastSD chest and her own _ISD jugs. Even her wet pussy unleashing a massive amount of girl-cum all over your dildo. The sensation of another cumming from your frantic efforts would normally push you over the edge but some reason your orgasm feels almost like it's blocked.
  Glancing down you discover a slight bump forming above your pussy, seemingly a lightning rod for that electric feeling. It slowly grows from a bump to a bulge as each heartbeat thunders in your ears. The large bulge slowly shifts as it pushes outward inch by inch before forming a small mushroom head with a tiny hole. You gasp as you recognize the shape as that of a penis, abit a very tiny baby-sized one!
  You can easily feel the blood rushing to your new organ and your new dick eagerly soaks it all up. Your baby-sized penis hardens and pushes out farther from your groin growing bigger and stronger with each heartbeat. By this point the electric shocking feeling is almost gone, replaced by the pleasant feeling of your new cock becoming engorged with blood!
  After a few moments, you discover that your brand new baby dick has transformed into a $DickSD $DickSize futa-cock! Before you can really take a look at it, there's another tiny surge of electric shock as two bulges form below your new dick! You closely watch as it forms into a ballsack while growing in size to match your big dick. It finally finishes growing leaving you with a $BallsSD pair of $BallsSize sized balls!
  In pure disbelief at how you suddenly grew a dick, you go to grab it but $genericFighter.Name beats you to it as she grips your cock hard! It feels so hard and sensitive that you feel it twitch as the infested starts to stroke it and you watch in rapture as pre-cum oozes from the tip as you feel your new balls churn with baby-batter!
  "Oh my God! I'M CUMMING FROM MY REAL COCK! I'M BLASTING MY LOAD ALL OVER YOUR TITS!" you scream as your delayed orgasm comes crashing back with a vengence as your new hard dick launches a massive amount of cum, splattering both you and the Futa's _ISD tits covering them with white goo! Several more blobs of hot cum land on the Infested's warm hand and it feels so good that you can't stop cumming!
  Staring in shock you notice that you now have a $DickSD $DickSize cock along with a pair of $BallsSD $BallsSize balls! Before you can react the Infested strokes your <<Penis>> and with a grin and says "Looks like you are now one hot looking Futa! I guess you can ditch the dildo now that you have a real dick!"
<<elseif $PC.Infestation is $Infestation.Cap & $Infestation.Progress > 1>>\
<<include "Infestation Increase">>\
  As you slam your dildo into her wet cunt you feel a surge of energy flowing directly into you! It almost feels like you are burning up but it quickly turns to pleasure that radiates from your ass and breasts.
  "FUCK YES! I CAN FEEL YOUR <<print $BreastSD.toUpperCase()>> TITS EXPANDING! OH FUCK YES YES YES! I'M CUMMING!" The Infested Futa screams as you slam her slippery cunt with your double ended dildo even harder as your pleasure peaks It does feels like your breasts are expanding within her grip forcing her hands to widen as well as your ass gaining more weight!
  "Oh fucking yes! I'm about to squirt while fucking with my dildo! I'M CUMMING! I'M CUMMING FUCKKKK YESSSSS!" you scream as the feeling of your pussy quivering with pleasure almost knocks you senseless, causing you unleash a massive flood of female cum as you quickly orgasm. A tsunami of cum is bigger than any other squirts you've ever had engulfs your double-ended dildo and flows down to land on the Futa's groin!
  As you pull your cum soaked dildo out of her wet snatch you finally notice you now have a pair of $BreastSD $BreastsSize breasts and a $AssSize ass! Before you can react the Infested fondles your expanded chest with a smirk and says "Looks like you are on the way to becoming one hot slut with a nice rack!"
  "OH FUCK YES! OH FUCKING GODDAMN YES! I'M CUMMING HARD!" She screams as you slam her slippery cunt with your double ended dildo even harder as your pleasure peaks. Within seconds a immense orgasm rocks her body, her ample tits and large ass shaking in pleasure. Her quivering cock unleashes a huge load of gooey cum directly onto your $BreastSD chest and her own _ISD jugs. Even her wet pussy unleashes a massive amount of girl-cum all over your dildo.
  "Oh fucking yes! I'm about to squirt while fucking with my dildo! I'M CUMMING! I'M CUMMING FUCKKKK YESSSSS!" you scream as the feeling of your pussy quivering with pleasure almost knocks you senseless, causing you to unleash a $GCumAD bursting of girl cum all over your fake cock. <<if $GCum.Stored > 10>> The stream of hot cum lasts for over a minute and overflows out of your tight pussy and drips onto her groin!<</if>>
  "Oh that was so good!" $genericFighter.Name2 says as you stand up from your latest conquest, girl-cum leaking from both of your pussies and her futa-cum all over both of your chests. "I'll see again soon, I'm sure..." she says as she licks her fingers clean of girl-cum. With that you grab your clothes and leave the area.
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered +1>>\<<if $Time.Current < 6>>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburbs 2.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburbs-N 2.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set $NoEncounter to random(2)+1>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<if $npcSamantha.InfestationLevel < 1 or $joggerEvent.Agree is 1>>\
  As you are walking down the suburban street you hear the sound of a woman yelling for help! Quickly looking around the sound of screams sounds like it is coming from one behind one of the nearby houses.
<<if (random(19)+ 1) + $Skill.Scouting + $WisdomBonus > 15>>\
<<set _Infested to "I'm seeing a lot of signs of Infested nearby. Gotta be on the look out for ambushes...">>\
<<set _Infested to "I don't see any Infested around right now so it should be safe to investigate...">>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> _Infested</i></div>
<<button [[Investigate!|Jogger Rescue - Bruiser]]>> <</button>>
<<elseif $npcSamantha.InfestationLevel < 5>>\
<<set _Jogger to random(2)>>\
<<switch _Jogger>>\
<<case 0>>\
  As you are walking down the suburban street you hear the sound of a woman moaning loudly while another slightly husky female voice is responding. You can't make out the words but it seems the first person sounds like they might be in trouble or just begging to be fucked. Quickly looking around the sounds seem like it is coming from one behind one of the nearby houses.
<<button [[Investigate!|Jogger Rescue - Futa]]>> <</button>>
<<case 1>>\
  As you are walking down the suburban street you hear the sound of a woman moaning loudly while another sultry female voice is responding. You can't make out the words but it seems the first person sounds like they might be in trouble or just begging to be fucked. Quickly looking around the sounds seem like it is coming from one behind one of the nearby houses.
<<button [[Investigate!|Jogger Rescue - Female]]>> <</button>>
  As you are walking down the suburban street you hear the sound of a woman moaning loudly while another loud male voice is responding. You can't make out the words but it seems the first person sounds like they might be in trouble or just begging to be fucked. Quickly looking around the sounds seem like it is coming from one behind one of the nearby houses.
<<button [[Investigate!|Jogger Rescue - Male]>> <</button>>
<<elseif $npcSamantha.InfestationLevel > 4 and $joggerEvent.Fight < 1>>\
  As you are walking down the suburban street you hear the sound of a woman moaning loudly while begging for help. Quickly looking around the sounds seem like it is coming from one behind one of the nearby houses.
<<button [[Investigate!|Jogger Rescue - Samantha]]>> <</button>>
  As you are walking down the suburban street you hear the sound of loud laughter from behind one of the nearby houses. Quickly looking around you don't see any Infested but you're not sure who could be laughing like that with everything that's going on.
<<button [[Investigate!|Jogger Rescue - Bruiser2]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Leave|$location.temp]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</button>><<set $eventLocation to $location.temp>>\
<<set $joggerEvent.Visits to $joggerEvent.Visits+1>>\
<<set $joggerEvent.Fight to 0>>\
<<include "SpecialAttacks">>\
<<include "Infested Enemies">>\
<<include "Encounter Table">>\
<<include "Combat Status Affects">>\
<<if $NoMenEncounter is 1>>\
<<set $genericFighter to $infestedFutaBruiser>>\
<<set $genericFighter.Image = $infestedFutaBruiserPath + $genericFighter.Image.random() + '.jpg'>>\
<<set $genericComments to "Infested Futa Combat Comments">>\
<<elseif $NoFutaEncounter is 1>>\
<<set $genericFighter to $infestedBruiserBoss>>\
<<set $genericFighter.Image = $infestedBruiserPath + $genericFighter.Image.random() + '.jpg'>>\
<<set $genericComments to "Infested Male Combat Comments">>\
<<set _random to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<if _random > 10>>\
<<set $genericFighter to $infestedFutaBruiser>>\
<<set $genericFighter.Image = $infestedFutaBruiserPath + $genericFighter.Image.random() + '.jpg'>>\
<<set $genericComments to "Infested Futa Combat Comments">>\
<<set $genericFighter to $infestedBruiserBoss>>\
<<set $genericFighter.Image = $infestedBruiserPath + $genericFighter.Image.random() + '.jpg'>>\
<<set $genericComments to "Infested Male Combat Comments">>\
<<set $genericWeapon to $genericFighter.Weapon>>\
<<set $lootTemp to $genericFighter.Loot>>\
<<set $rarelootTemp to $genericFighter.RareLoot>>\
<<switch random($genericFighter.SpNum)>>\
<<case 0>>\
<<set $genericSpecial to clone($genericFighter.Special1)>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<set $genericSpecial to clone($genericFighter.Special2)>>\
<<case 2>>\
<<set $genericSpecial to clone($genericFighter.Special3)>>\
<<set $genericSpecial to clone($genericFighter.Special4)>>\
<img @src=$genericFighter.Image width="512px" height="768px" />
<<if $genericFighter.Sex is "Male">>\
  Peaking around corner you discover a dark haired woman wearing blue yoga clothes being attacked by an huge Infested Male! It looks like she has been backed up against the wall with nowhere to run. The Infested is leering at her chest while he taps a massive quarterstaff against the wall next to her!
  As you take in the scene you pause in shock as you recognize that woman! Her name is Samantha and she went to high school with you a few years back. She was a real bitch to you during your senior year of high school with her never ending put downs and mean spirited mockery. Last time you saw her was right after graduation but now seeing her cowering away from an hulking Infested you are left with a decision to make.
  Peaking around corner you discover a dark haired woman wearing blue yoga clothes being attacked by an huge Infested Futa! It looks like she has been backed up against the wall with nowhere to run. The Infested is leering at her chest while she taps a massive wrench against the wall next to her!
  As you take in the scene you pause in shock as you recognize that woman! Her name is Samantha and she went to high school with you a few years back. She was a real bitch to you during your senior year of high school with her never ending put downs and mean spirited mockery. Last time you saw her was right after graduation but now seeing her cowering away from an hulking Infested you are left with a decision to make.
<<if $PC.Level < $genericFighter.Level or $PC.HP < ($PC.HP / 2)>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> Is this one of those Infested Bruisers I've heard about? I don't think I can take them in a fight right now and should I do so? I mean Samantha was a total cunt to me in high school...</i></div>
<div class="pcTalk"><i> Is this one of those Infested Bruisers I've heard about? I might be able to win if I strike hard and fast but it's going to be a close fight. But the question is should I help her out? I mean, Samantha was a total cunt to me in high school...</i></div>
<<button [[Help Her|Jogger Rescue Help]]>> <</button>>
<span id="moralButton"><<button [[Hide and Watch|Jogger Rescue Hide 1.1]]>> <</button>>
<span id="moralButton"><<button [[Leave Samantha to her Karmic Rewards|$location.temp]]>>
<<set $npcSamantha.BreastsSize to $npcSamantha.BreastsSize+2>>\
<<set $npcSamantha.AssSize to $npcSamantha.AssSize+2>>\
<<set $npcSamantha.InfestationLevel to $npcSamantha.InfestationLevel +1>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
</span>\<<set $eventLocation to $location.temp>>\
<<set $joggerEvent.Visits to $joggerEvent.Visits+1>>\
<<include "SpecialAttacks">>\
<<include "Infested Enemies">>\
<<include "Encounter Table">>\
<<include "Combat Status Affects">>\
<<set _OSD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$npcSamantha.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _OCup to $arrayBreastSize[$npcSamantha.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ODickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$npcSamantha.DickSize]>>\
<<set _ODickSize to $arrayDickSize[$npcSamantha.DickSize]>>\
<<set _OAssSize to $arrayAssSizeDesc[$npcSamantha.AssSize]>>\
<<set $genericFighter to $infestedFuta>>\
<<set $genericFighter.Image = $infestedFutaPath + $genericFighter.Image.random() + '.jpg'>>\
<<set $genericWeapon to $infestedFuta.Weapon>>\
<<set $genericComments to "Infested Futa Combat Comments">>\
<<set $genericFighter.DickSize to $infestedFuta.DickSize >>\
<<set $lootTemp to $loot$infestedFuta>>\
<<set $rarelootTemp to $rareloot$infestedFuta>>\
<<switch random(3)>>\
<<case 0>>\
<<set $genericSpecial to clone($genericFighter.Special1)>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<set $genericSpecial to clone($genericFighter.Special2)>>\
<<case 2>>\
<<set $genericSpecial to clone($genericFighter.Special3)>>\
<<case 3>>\
<<set $genericSpecial to clone($genericFighter.Special4)>>\
<img @src=$genericFighter.Image width="512px" height="768px" />
  As you carefully slide around the corner of the house you see Samantha being groped by an Infested Futa! It looks like she was ambushed while wearing her usual yoga outfit which is being stretched by her _OSD _OCup breasts and her _OAssSize ass. She is actively embracing the Infested and doesn't seem to be resisting at all.
<div class="pcTalk"><i> It's obvious that Samantha has been infected with the Infested virus. Should I watch what happens or just leave?</i></div>
<<button [[Watch|Jogger Rescue Futa 2.1]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Leave|$location.temp]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</button>><<set $eventLocation to $location.temp>>\
<<set $joggerEvent.Visits to $joggerEvent.Visits+1>>\
<<set $joggerEvent.Fight to 0>>\
<<include "SpecialAttacks">>\
<<include "Infested Enemies">>\
<<include "Encounter Table">>\
<<include "Combat Status Affects">>\
<<set _OSD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$npcSamantha.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _OCup to $arrayBreastSize[$npcSamantha.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ODickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$npcSamantha.DickSize]>>\
<<set _ODickSize to $arrayDickSize[$npcSamantha.DickSize]>>\
<<set _OAssSize to $arrayAssSizeDesc[$npcSamantha.AssSize]>>\
<<set $genericFighter to $infestedMale>>\
<<set $genericFighter.Image = $infestedMalePath + $arrayInfestedMale.random() + '.jpg'>>\
<<set $genericWeapon to $infestedMale.Weapon>>\
<<set $genericComments to "Infested Male Combat Comments">>\
<<set $genericFighter.DickSize to $infestedMale.DickSize >>\
<<set $lootTemp to $loot$infestedMale>>\
<<set $rarelootTemp to $rareloot$infestedMale>>\
<<switch random(3)>>\
<<case 0>>\
<<set $genericSpecial to clone($genericFighter.Special1)>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<set $genericSpecial to clone($genericFighter.Special2)>>\
<<case 2>>\
<<set $genericSpecial to clone($genericFighter.Special3)>>\
<<case 3>>\
<<set $genericSpecial to clone($genericFighter.Special4)>>\
<img @src=$genericFighter.Image width="512px" height="768px" />
  As dash around the corner of the house you see Samantha being assaulted an Infested Male! It looks like she is still wearing her yoga outfit and is being pushed up against a fence by the Infested Male.
<div class="pcTalk"><i> Should I save Samantha or watch what happens?</i></div>
<<button [[Help Her|Jogger Rescue Help]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Hide|Jogger Rescue Male 3.1]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Flee|$location.temp]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</button>><<set $NoEncounter to 3>>\
<<set $eventLocation to $location.temp>>\
<<set $joggerEvent.Visits to $joggerEvent.Visits+1>>\
<<set $joggerEvent.Fight to 0>>\
<<include "SpecialAttacks">>\
<<include "Infested Enemies">>\
<<include "Encounter Table">>\
<<include "Combat Status Affects">>\
<<set _OSD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$npcSamantha.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _OCup to $arrayBreastSize[$npcSamantha.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ODickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$npcSamantha.DickSize]>>\
<<set _ODickSize to $arrayDickSize[$npcSamantha.DickSize]>>\
<<set _OAssSize to $arrayAssSizeDesc[$npcSamantha.AssSize]>>\
<<set $genericFighter to $infestedFemale>>\
<<set $genericFighter.Image = $infestedFemalePath + $genericFighter.Image.random() + '.jpg'>>\
<<set $genericWeapon to $infestedFemale.Weapon>>\
<<set $genericComments to "Infested Female Combat Comments">>\
<<set $lootTemp to $loot$infestedFemale>>\
<<set $rarelootTemp to $rareloot$infestedFemale>>\
<<switch random(3)>>\
<<case 0>>\
<<set $genericSpecial to clone($genericFighter.Special1)>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<set $genericSpecial to clone($genericFighter.Special2)>>\
<<case 2>>\
<<set $genericSpecial to clone($genericFighter.Special3)>>\
<<case 3>>\
<<set $genericSpecial to clone($genericFighter.Special4)>>\
<img @src=$genericFighter.Image width="512px" height="768px" />
  As you carefully slide around the corner of the house you see Samantha being groped an Infested Female! It looks like she was ambushed while wearing her usual yoga outfit which is being stretched by her _OSD _OCup breasts and her _OAssSize ass. She is actively embracing the Infested and doesn't seem to be resisting at all.
<div class="pcTalk"><i> It's obvious that Samantha has been infected with the Infested virus. Should I watch what happens or just leave?</i></div>
<<button [[Hide|Jogger Rescue Female 4.1]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Flee|$location.temp]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</button>><<if $npcSamantha.BreastsSize < 4>>\
<<set $genericEvent.Image = $eventPath11 + $arrayEvent11Samantha[0] + '.jpg'>>\
<<elseif $npcSamantha.BreastsSize < 6>>\
<<set $genericEvent.Image = $eventPath11 + $arrayEvent11Samantha[1] + '.jpg'>>\
<<elseif $npcSamantha.BreastsSize < 9>>
<<set $genericEvent.Image = $eventPath11 + $arrayEvent11Samantha[2] + '.jpg'>>\
<<set $genericEvent.Image = $eventPath11 + $arrayEvent11Samantha[3] + '.jpg'>>\
<<if (random(19) + 1) + $Skill.Social + $CharismaBonus > 11>>\
<<set $npcSamantha.Friendship to $npcSamantha.Friendship + 2 + $ClassBonus.Celebrity + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set $npcSamantha.Friendship to $npcSamantha.Friendship + 1 + $ClassBonus.Celebrity + $EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set _tempCash2 to 250 + random(50)>>\
<<set $BattleFlag to 0>>\
<<if $ThieverySkillFeats.CashisKing > 0>>\
<<set _tempCash2 to _tempCash2 + Math.round(_tempCash / $SalvagingSkillFeats.CashisKing)>>\
<<set _tempXP to $genericFighter.Level * 100>>\
<<set $XP to $XP + _tempXP>>\
<<if $XP > $NextLevel>>\
<<set $XP to $NextLevel>>\
<img @src=$genericEvent.Image />
<<if $joggerEvent.Visits is 1>>\
  With $genericFighter.Name defeated you turn to Samantha. "Are you alright? you ask as you get a closer look at her. You remember going to high school with her but hadn't seen her since you started college. Back then she wasn't the most pleasant of people to deal with but no one deserves to be infected by the Infested virus! It takes a minute for her to focus and calm down from her panic.
  "Uhhh..." Samantha groans as she steps away from the wall she had been huddling against. "Thanks! I can't believe I was attacked while I was doing my daily jogging! Thank you very much for saving me..." she trails off as she gets a good look at your face.
  "You're welcome, Samantha." you reply as you keep an eye on $genericFighter.Name. He hasn't moved since you put him down but you know it's only a matter of time before he gets back up. You decide to quickly loot the Infested before leaving the area.
  As you search the Infested, Samantha says softly "Thank you, $PC.FirstName..." while looking a bit ashamed by her past history with you. "I don't have much on me but this is the least I can give for rescuing me..." she says as she hands you _tempCash2 dollars. "I'll see you around, $PC.FirstName!" she says as she leaves the area. You decide to do the same as you grab the loot from the Infested and walk quickly away.
  With $genericFighter.Name defeated you turn to Samantha. "Are you alright? you ask as you check her over in case she's become infected with the Infested virus. She looks to be alright just a bit panicked as she keeps staring down at the Infested you just defeated. It takes a minute for her to focus and calm down from her panic.
  "That fucking sucked!" Samantha groans as she steps away from the wall she had been backed up against. "Thanks, $PC.FirstName! I can't believe I was attacked again while I was doing my daily jogging!" she says without a hint of shame at putting herself at risk for something silly such as jogging with Infested running around.
  "You're welcome, Samantha. You know, you might want to cut back on the jogging at least until they find a cure for the Infested virus. The streets are not safe..." you reply as you keep an eye on $genericFighter.Name. He hasn't moved since you put him down but you know it's only a matter of time before he gets back up. You decide to quickly loot the Infested before leaving the area.
  As you search the Infested, Samantha says proudly "I'm not going to let these Infested keep me from staying it tip top shape! Anyways, I don't have much on me but this is the least I can give for rescuing me..." she says as she hands you _tempCash2 dollars. "I'll see you around, $PC.FirstName!" she says as she leaves the area. You decide to do the same as you grab the loot from the Infested and walk quickly away.
<<include "Loot">>\
<<set $Cash to $Cash + _tempCash2>>\
<<if $XP is $NextLevel>> You have reached the maxium experience for your level! Sleep to gain your next level.<<else>> You have gained _tempXP XP from the experience! <</if>>
<<button [[Leave|$location.temp]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</button>><img src="Images/Home/Roof.jpg" width="800px" height="400px" />
<<include "Time Micro-Passes">>\
This is the roof of the house. From this height you can get a great view of the Grove Hills subdivison. Up here you can see the solar panels supplying the house with power and what dad calls the "Cell Phone Mini-Tower+". It's supposed to boost cell phone reception but it's been broken since the storm last month. A sturdy ladder leads back down to the garage.
<<if $StatusText.Notice is 1>>\
<<include "Update Status">>\
<<if _Rain > 0 and $StatusAffect.Wet < _Rain>>\
<<set _Rain to _Rain - $PCResistance.Water>>\
<<if _Rain > $StatusAffect.Wet>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Wet to _Rain>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I'm getting soaking wet!</i>
<<if _Cold > 0 and $PCResistance.Cold < _Cold>>\
<<set _tempDamage to random(_Cold) + $StatusAffect.Wet>>\
<<set _tempDamage2 to _tempDamage - $PCResistance.Cold>>\
<<if _tempDamage2 > 0>>\
<<set $HP to $HP - _tempDamage2>>\
<<if $HP < 1>>\
<<set $HP to 1>>\
You take _tempDamage2 cold damage!
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I'm freezing to death!</i>
<<button [[Garage|Garage]]>>
<<set $location.Indoor to 1>>\
<</button>><img src="Images/Suburb/Gated Entrance 1.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
You have arrived at the location where the raider normally hangs out. In order to free up access to the Oak Dale suburbs you will have to deal with him one way or another. The question is how will you deal with him?
<<if $Prof.Athletics > 0>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> That gated wall looks to be just the right height. I bet I could jump from the top and attack him from the high ground. That should give me a short term advantage and if I hit him hard enough that would be all that I need.</i></div>
<<if $Prof.Cooking > 0>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I could cook some rations with a hefty dose of poison and then leave them nearby where he should be driving. If he eats the tainted food while here it would allow me to easily get the drop on him.</i></div>
<<set $PCInventory.push($item.recipeSpoiledFood)>>\
You have a recipe for Spoiled Food added to your inventory!
<<if $Prof.Driving > 0>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> One of these cars around here should be unlocked and usable for a short time. Just park the car in a driveway and t-bone him as he drives by. Easy-Peasy.</i></div>
<<if $Prof.Electronics > 0>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I could hack the security gate normally used to keep the riff raff out. If I time it correctly it could cause his jeep to slam into the gate wrecking it which should allow me to easily take him out.</i></div>
<<if $Prof.Medical > 0>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I could add some poison to some medicine bottles and then leave them nearby where he should be driving. If he takes the tainted medicine while here it would allow me to easily get the drop on him..</i></div>
<<if $Prof.Social > 0 and $AdminMode is 1>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I could get some help from people in my neighborhood for this fight. All of us working together will allow us to prevail! -AdminMode, unfinished</i></div>
<<if $Prof.Stealth > 0>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I could sneak up on him and damage his jeep when he stops to look around. That should give me a short term advantage and if I hit him quick enough afterwards that would be all that I need.</i></div>
<<if $Prof.Thievery > 0>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> You know...With the pieces of metal just lying around the area I bet I could make some makeshift caltrops and hide them under some ground cover to blow out his tires as he's taking a curve. That should cause him to wreck which should allow me to easily take him out.</i></div>
<<button [[Confront the Raider Directly|Grove Hills Boss Action]]>>
<<set $SkillAction to "Default">>\
<<if $Prof.Athletics > 0>>\
<<button [[Attack the Raider from Above|Grove Hills Boss Action]]>>
<<set $SkillAction to "Athletics">>\
<<if $Prof.Cooking > 0 and $KeyItemsFlags.BadFood > 0>>\
<<button [[Leave the Tainted Food Nearby|Grove Hills Boss Action]]>>
<<set $SkillAction to "Cooking">>\
<<if $Prof.Driving > 0>>\
<<button [[Ram him with a Car|Grove Hills Boss Action]]>>
<<set $SkillAction to "Driving">>\
<<if $Prof.Medical > 0 and $KeyItemsFlags.BadMedicine > 0>>\
<<button [[Leave the Tainted Medicine Nearby|Grove Hills Boss Action]]>>
<<set $SkillAction to "Medical">>\
<<if $Prof.Electronics > 0>>\
<<button [[Hack the Security Gate|Grove Hills Boss Action]]>>
<<set $SkillAction to "Electronics">>\
<<if $Prof.Social > 0 and $questsNeighborhoodParty.Started > 4 and $Admin is 1>>\
<<button [[Neighborhood Party|Grove Hills Boss Action]]>>
<<set $SkillAction to "Social">>\
<<elseif $Admin is 1>>\
<<button [[Get some help from Neighbors AdminMode|Grove Hills Entrance]]>>
<<set $questsNeighborhoodParty.Started to 1>>\
<<if $Prof.Stealth > 0>>\
<<button [[Sneak up on the Raider|Grove Hills Boss Action]]>>
<<set $SkillAction to "Stealth">>\
<<if $Prof.Thievery > 0>>\
<<button [[Make some Caltops|Grove Hills Boss Action]]>>
<<set $SkillAction to "Stealth">>\
<<button [[Return Later|Grove Hills Entrance]]>>
<</button>><<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<set _Fog to 0>>\
<<set _Rain to 0>>\
<<set _Cold to 0>>\
<<set _Wind to 0>>\
<<switch $Weather.Current>>\
<<case "Cloudy" "Windy">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Gated Entrance 2.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Wind to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<case "Foggy">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Gated Entrance-F 2.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<case "Misty">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Gated Entrance-F 2.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Rainy" "Stormy">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Gated Entrance-R 2.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Dreary">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Gated Entrance-R 2.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Sleeting">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Gated Entrance-S 2.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Cold to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Snowy">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Gated Entrance-S 2.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Cold to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $Time.Current > 6>>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Gated Entrance-N 2.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<img src="Images/Suburb/Gated Entrance 2.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set $location.temp to "Oak Dale Entrance">>\
<<set $location.coord to 16>>\
<<set $locationGeneric to $locationOakDale>>\
<<set $location.Encounter to "Oak Dale">>\
<<set $location.Event to "Oak Dale">>\
<<if $Time.Current >= $Time.Max >>\
<<set _State to "TooLate">>\
<<set $NoEncounter to 1>>\
<<if $NoEncounter < 1>>\
<<include "Random Encounter Check">>\
You are at the very western end of Almond Street in the Oak Dale suburbs. The amount of bullet holes that line the area along with several wrecked cars that are scattered around the entrance paints a grim picture. There is a small parking lot that could be used to park a car on the southern side of the street while to the north Almond Street turns into Rose Ave and continues on. On the west end of Almond Street is the entrance to the gated community of Grove Hills. Multiple dmanaged and abandoned houses line both sides of the street. To the east Almond Street continues into the heart of the suburbs and closer to the center of Civiton.
<<if $StatusText.Notice is 1>>\
<<include "Update Status">>\
<<if _Rain > 0 and $StatusAffect.Wet < _Rain>>\
<<set _Rain to _Rain - $PCResistance.Water>>\
<<if _Rain > $StatusAffect.Wet>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Wet to _Rain>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I'm getting soaking wet!</i> </div>
<<if _Cold > 0 and $PCResistance.Cold < _Cold>>\
<<set _tempDamage to random(_Cold) + $StatusAffect.Wet>>\
<<set _tempDamage2 to _tempDamage - $PCResistance.Cold>>\
<<if _tempDamage2 > 0>>\
<<set $HP to $HP - _tempDamage2>>\
<<if $HP < 1>>\
<<set $HP to 1>>\
You take _tempDamage2 cold damage!
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I'm freezing to death!</i>
<<switch _State>>\
<<case "TooLate">>\
<<set $Time.Current to $Time.Max>>\
It's too dangerous to explore the Oak Dale suburbs at this time of night.
<<button [[Return Home|Oak Dale Returning Home]]>>
<<set $NoEncounter to 0>>\
<<case "Ambush">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Ambushed to 1>>\
You've been ambushed by an enemy!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<case "Combat">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
A hostile enemy is roaming nearby!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<case "NPC">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
You've encountered something unusual!
<<button [[Encounter|Oak Dale Events]]>>
<<set $location.prev to $location.temp>>\
<<button [[Enter the Grove Hills Subdivision|Grove Hills Entrance]]>>
<<if $StatusAffect.Horde > 0 and $miscRandomEvent.HeliLocation is "Oak Dale">>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Horde to Math.round($StatusAffect.Horde / 2)>>\
<<set $locationGeneric to $locationGroveHills>>\
<<button [[Enter the Parking Lot|Oak Dale - Parking]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Explore one of the Empty Houses|Oak Dale - Suburb House]]>>
<<set $location.temp2 to $location.temp>>\
<<button [[Look around the Area|Oak Dale Event Scout]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Scout the Area for Enemies|Oak Dale Scouting]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[North to Rose Avenue|Oak Dale - Rose Ave 2]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[East to Almond Street|Oak Dale - Almond St]]>> <</button>>
<<if $lust >= ($MaxLust / 2) or $GeneralFeats.Horndog > 0>>\
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Masturbate|Masturbate]]>> </span>
<<set $location.Encounter to "Oak Dale">>\
<</switch>>\<<include "SpecialAttacks">>\
<<include "Raider Enemies">>\
<<include "Encounter Table">>\
<<include "Combat Status Affects">>\
<<set $grovehillsBossEvent.Combat to 1>>\
<<set $grovehillsBossEvent.Visits to 1>>
<<set $location.FleeFlag to 1>>\
<<set $location.Flee to "Grove Hills Entrance">>\
<<set $BattleFlag to 1>>\
<<set $location.BattleWin to "Grove Hills Boss Victory">>\
<<set $location.BattleLose to "Grove Hills Boss Defeat">>\
<<set $genericFighter to $raiderMiniBoss>>\
<<set _Path to $genericFighter.Path>>\
<<set $genericFighter.Image = _Path + $genericFighter.Image.random() + '.jpg'>>\
<<set $genericComments to "Raider Male Combat Comments">>\
<<set $lootTemp to $genericFighter.Loot>>\
<<set $rarelootTemp to $genericFighter.RareLoot>>\
<img @src=$genericFighter.Image width="550px" height="800px" />
<<button [[Fight!|Suburb Combat]]>><img @src=$genericFighter.Image width="512px" height="768px" />
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Horny to $StatusAffect.Horny+1>>\
<<set _OSD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$npcSamantha.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _OCup to $arrayBreastSize[$npcSamantha.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ONipple to $arrayNippleSize[$npcSamantha.NippleSize]>>\
<<set _ODickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$npcSamantha.DickSize]>>\
<<set _ODickSize to $arrayDickSize[$npcSamantha.DickSize]>>\
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$genericFighter.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$genericFighter.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _IAss to $arrayAssSizeDesc[$genericFighter.AssSize]>>\
<<set _LustRoll to (random(19)+ 1)>>\
<<if _LustRoll + $PC.Willpower - $StatusAffect.Horny < 15>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Horny to $StatusAffect.Horny+1>>\
<<set $lust to $lust + (random(19)+ 1) + 5 + $StatusAffect.Horny - $LustResist.Visual>>\
<<set $lust to $lust + random(10) + 5 + $StatusAffect.Horny - $LustResist.Visual>>\
<<if $npcSamantha.Sex is "Female">>\
  You duck behind a nearby abandoned vehicle in order to a good viewing spot for the erotic action. Looking over you see that the Infested Female has taken the time to lock lips with Samantha who is frantically returning the deep kiss. As the kiss goes on the Infested Female's _ISD _ICup are pressing against Samantha's own _OCup tits, her hard nipples rubbing against Samantha's perky nipples.
  Samantha is obviously enjoying it as her wet pussy glistens and you can see it dripping from where you are hiding. "Oh yess! It looks like someone's little honey pot is dripping all it's sweet honey!" moans the Infested as she slipes her finger into Samantha's moist pussy and slowly starts to finger her. "How about you take a closer look at my lovely tits? Cause I bet your sweet pussy will be even happier once you do..." she says as she pushes her ample bossom up against Samantha's own heaving chest even harder.
  Wasting no time Samantha reaches up and grabs the Infested's _ISD breasts before latching on to the Infested's nipples with her plump lips. The Infested just smiles and moans as Samantha continues to eagerly suck on her jiggly tits. Samantha pauses just long enough to say "They're perfect and so _ISD! It feels so good to suck on your delicious tits that my cunt is about to explode!" before frantically diving back in to sucking her tits.
<<if $genericFighter.BreastsSize > $npcSamantha.BreastsSize>>\
  Letting go of Samantha's tight pussy, the Infested reaches up to grab Samantha's yoga top before pulling it down. Samantha gasps as her _OSD breasts bounce free with her _ONipple nipples exposed to the cool air. "You know your _OSD tits are nice too! Not quite as big as my jugs but still respectable. Oooh! How cute! Your nipples are quite stiff!" she says as she starts to grope Samantha's breasts. Samantha pauses her molestion of the Infested's tits as she enjoys having her _OSD rack played with. "I bet your pussy is aching to have me eat it out but you gotta be patient!" she says before sucking on Samantha's hard nipples causing Samantha to moan even louder.
  Letting go of Samantha's tight pussy, the Infested reaches up to grab Samantha's yoga top before pulling it down. Samantha gasps as her _OSD breasts bounce free with her _ONipple nipples exposed to the cool air. "You know your _OSD tits are very nice too! I can't believe that they are as big as my jugs! Oooh! How cute! Your nipples are quite stiff!" she says as she starts to grope Samantha's breasts. Samantha pauses her molestion of the Infested's tits as she enjoys having her _OSD rack played with. "I bet your pussy is aching to have me eat it out but you gotta be patient!" she says before sucking on Samantha's hard nipples causing Samantha to moan even louder.
  "I think we're both warmed up enough to move to the next stage..." moans the Infested as she rubs her nipples against Samantha's own erect nipples. Samantha's wet cunt is dripping in anticipation as she moans loudly.
  You duck behind a nearby abandoned vehicle in order to a good viewing spot for the erotic action. Looking over you see that the Infested Female has taken the time to lock lips with Samantha who is frantically returning the deep kiss. As the kiss goes on the Infested Female's _ISD _ICup are pressing against Samantha's own _OCup tits, her hard nipples rubbing against Samantha's perky nipples.
  Samantha is obviously enjoying it as her _ODickSD _ODickSize dick is becoming fully erect. "Oh yess! It looks like someone's little trooper is looking eager to get started!" moans the Infested as she grabs Samantha's girl-cock and slowly starts to stroke it. "How about you take a closer look at my lovely tits? Cause I bet your _ODickSD girl-dick will be even happier once you do..." she says as she pushes her ample bossom up against Samantha's own heaving chest even harder.
  Wasting no time Samantha reaches up and grabs the Infested's _ISD breasts before latching on to the Infested's nipples with her plump lips. The Infested just smiles and moans as Samantha continues to eagerly suck on her jiggly tits. Samantha pauses just long enough to say "They're perfect and so _ISD! It feels so good to suck on your delicious tits that my cock is about to explode!" before frantically diving back in to sucking her tits.
<<if $genericFighter.BreastsSize > $npcSamantha.BreastsSize>>\
  Letting go of Samantha's girl-dick, the Infested reaches up to grab Samantha's yoga top before pulling it down. Samantha gasps as her _OSD breasts bounce free with her _ONipple nipples exposed to the cool air. "You know your _OSD tits are nice too! Not quite as big as my jugs but still respectable. Oooh! How cute! Your nipples are quite stiff!" she says as she starts to grope Samantha's breasts. Samantha pauses her molestion of the Infested's tits as she enjoys having her _OSD rack played with. "I bet your girl-cock is aching to be buried between my awesome tits but you gotta be patient!" she says before sucking on Samantha's hard nipples causing Samantha to moan even louder.
  Letting go of Samantha's girl-dick, the Infested reaches up to grab Samantha's yoga top before pulling it down. Samantha gasps as her _OSD breasts bounce free with her erect nipples exposed to the cool air. "You know your _OSD tits are very nice too! I can't believe that they are as big as my jugs! Oooh! How cute! Your nipples are quite stiff!" she says as she starts to grope Samantha's breasts. Samantha pauses her molestion of the Infested's tits as she enjoys having her _OSD rack played with. "I bet your girl-cock is aching to be buried between my awesome tits but you gotta be patient!" she says before sucking on Samantha's hard nipples causing Samantha to moan even louder.
  "I think we're both warmed up enough to move to the next stage..." moans the Infested as she rubs her nipples against Samantha's own erect nipples. Samantha's girl-cock is throbbing in anticipation along with her dripping pussy.
<div class="pcTalk"><i> Should I keep watching or just leave? I mean the action is getting pretty hot...</i></div>
<<button [[Keep Watching|Jogger Rescue Female 4.2]]>> <</button>>
<<if $lust + ($StatusAffect.Horny*2) < $MaxLust>>\
<<button [[Leave|$location.temp]]>>
<<set $npcSamantha.BreastsSize to $npcSamantha.BreastsSize+2>>\
<<set $npcSamantha.AssSize to $npcSamantha.AssSize+1>>\
<<if $npcSamantha.Sex is "Futa">>\
<<set $npcSamantha.DickSize to $npcSamantha.DickSize+1>>\
<<set $npcSamantha.BallsSize to $npcSamantha.BallsSize +1>>\
<<set $npcSamantha.InfestationLevel to $npcSamantha.InfestationLevel +1>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</if>>\<img @src=$genericFighter.Image width="512px" height="768px" />
<<set $npcSamantha.Friendship to $npcSamantha.Friendship - 4 + $SocialSkillFeats.WashmyHair>>\
<<set $BattleFlag to 0>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.Vaccine < 1>>\
<<if (random(19) +1) + $PC.Fortitude + $InfectionResist.Fort + $FoodStatus.Fort < (23 + Math.round($Infestation.Progress / 2) )>>\
<<if $Infestation.Progress < 1>>\
<<set $Infestation.Progress to 1>>\
<<set _Infest to random(15) - $InfectionResist.DR +5>>\
<<if _Infest < 0>>\
<<set _Infest to 0>>\
<<set $PC.Infestation to $PC.Infestation + _Infest>>\
<<if $PC.Infestation > $Infestation.Cap>>\
<<set $PC.Infestation to $Infestation.Cap>>\
<<set $Infestation.BruiseVariant to $Infestation.BruiseVariant + random(10) +5>>\
<<if $Infestation.BruiseVariant > $Infestation.BruiseCap>>\
<<set $Infestation.BruiseVariant to $Infestation.BruiseCap>>\
<<if $HP < 1>>\
<<if $SkillFeats.Recovery > 0>>\
<<set $HP to $PC.Level + $ConstitutionBonus + 1>>\
<<set $HP to 1>>\
<<set $sexHistory.XP to $sexHistory.XP +1>>\
<<set $LastPartner to $genericFighter>>\
<<set _DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$genericFighter.DickSize]>>\
<<set _DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$genericFighter.DickSize]>>\
<<set _OSD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$npcSamantha.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _OCup to $arrayBreastSize[$npcSamantha.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _OAss to $arrayAssSizeDesc[$npcSamantha.AssSize]>>\
<<if $joggerEvent.Vaccine < 1>>\
<<set $npcSamantha.InfestationLevel to $npcSamantha.InfestationLevel +1>>\
<<set $npcSamantha.BreastsSize to $npcSamantha.BreastsSize+2>>\
<<set $npcSamantha.AssSize to $npcSamantha.AssSize+2>>\
<<set _VSD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$npcSamantha.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _VCup to $arrayBreastSize[$npcSamantha.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _VAss to $arrayAssSizeDesc[$npcSamantha.AssSize]>>\
<<if $PC.Sex is "Futa" or $StatusAffect.Futa > 0>>\
<<set _Sex to "Futa">>\
<<elseif $PC.Sex is "Female" and $StatusAffect.Futa < 1>>\
<<set _Sex to "Female">>\
<<set _Sex to "Male">>\
<<switch _Sex>>\
<<case "Male">>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumFilled to $StatusAffect.CumFilled +1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered +1>>\
  Samantha's look of hope turns to despair as you collapse next to her after being defeated by the Infested Bruiser. As you gaze upward at him from the ground his _DickSD _DickSize dick is presenting proudly in front of your exhausted face almost blocking the view of his face. You can't take your eyes off his delicious looking meat rod and neither can Samantha.
  "Now, that wasn't very nice was it, little boy? I'm thinking you and your good friend here is going to need to make it up for me." he growls in a low threatening tone. Planting a big meaty hand on your head, he guides your lips towards his thick, juicy cock. You don't even resist as the lure of his cock is too great and you stick your tongue out to take a small taste of his pre-cum. It's so delicious that you moan as you luxuriate in the taste. Just a single drop is enough to make your dick hard as a rock as the pleasure of drinking it down radiates throughout your body. As you go back for another taste you discover that Samantha has taken your spot!
  Unwilling to allow her to have all of his juicy cock, you positiion your mouth near the bottom of his shaft. You take another lick up his hard shaft but sadly there isn't any gooey cum, at least not yet. Soon however, Samantha comes up from air from where she had been deepthroating his thick meat log. Seeing your chance you quickly wrap your lips around the tip of his cock before sliding your full lips down the length of his _DickSize shaft.
  His dick is so beefy and thick, it's almost impossible to take it all in. But the rewards are worth it as more of his pre-cum is flowing down your throat, igniting all the pleasure centers in your brain all at once. Your dick is leaking pre-cum like a sieve and your nipples are rock hard on top of your hard chest! As you suck down his delicious pre-cum you can hear Samantha's meager protests from next to you.
  "Now now, don't need to be greedy. Both of you can enjoy sucking down my cock, you horny little cock-suckers!" he moans as he pulls his monster cock out of your needy mouth. Samantha quickly slides her tongue along his length before pulling back allowing you to do the same. Another taste of his never ending pre-cum is enough to make you almost cum as your hand grips your throbbing cock and you give out a throaty moan. Reluctantly pulling back to allow Samantha her turn, she takes advantage to get a good lick in before deepthroating his _DickSD cock once again!
  Samantha goes in hard on sucking the Infested's <<Penis>> and it's obvious to tell that she's being affected as well by the pure pleasure of drinking down his pre-cum as her nipples harden on top of her _OSD tits. She tries to moan as well but with his cock buried in her throat it's rather muffled. Just when you think she's not going to let you have a turn, she lets his dick pop free from her thin mouth. You quickly dive back in while Samantha presses her chest up against you while trying to get any drips and drops that leak from your mouth. As you wrap your tongue around his cock and start trying to suck down his pre-cum you can feel his dick start to pulse!
  "OH SHIT! I'M ABOUT TO SHOOT MY LOAD, YOU FUCKING COCK-SUCKING SLUTS! GODDAMN! THAT FEELS SO FUCKING GOOD!" the Infested bellows as you feel his cock twitch some more before a tidal wave of hot gooey cum explodes down your throat. There's so much cum that you can't swallow it all and you are forced to let his monster cock pop out of your mouth while still spewing cum like a firehose. Samantha's lips latches onto his cock while trying to contain all of the never-ending stream of cum but has to conceed as firehose of baby-batter overflows her mouth as well. "I'm not done yet bitches! Gotta juice up those mosquito bites you call tits!" he yells as he shoots several more massive strands all over your hard chest along with Samantha's _OSD tits!
  The arousing feeling of being coated in his hot seed along with the divine fluids oozing down your throat thows your completely over the edge as you feel your orgasm hit like a truck. "FUCK! SHOOT YOUR WAD ALL OVER ME I'M CUMMING!" you scream as you unleash a $CumAD load of gooey seed straight into your underwear, soaking it completetly!
  You're not alone in cumming as Samantha joins in with her own screams of utter pleasure. "FUCK! FUCK! OOOOH FUCK! IT FEELS SO GOOD!" she screams as her girl-fluids creates a girl-cum puddle on the floor. Her noise orgasm lasts a bit longer than yours but in the end she collaspses next to you on the ground.
  "I was planning on just getting a blowjob and heading on my way but since I was interrupted so rudely my blood is boiling which means my _DickSD cock is still fucking hard. And lucky for me, there's two nice bitches ready and eager to be fucked hard!" he says as he gazes at your exhausted bodies. "Now strip for me and the jogger gets on the bottom while the hero is on top." he demands while stroking his _DickSize monster meat.
  "Really?" asks Samantha as she gazes at the Infested in desire. You feel the same way as your ass aches to be fillled even after just having a mind-blowing orgasm. At the Infested's lusty look she quickly strips out of her yoga outfit exposing her _OSD _OCup tits along with her _OAss ass. You finish checking out Samantha and then quickly follow suite by stripping out of your clothes letting your $DickSize cock and $BallsSize balls bounce free.
  Samantha lies down on the ground with her _OSD breasts facing the sky. You gently lower yourself so that you are lying on top of Samantha with your hard goo-covered chest pressed against her own _OSD cum-covered chest while your cock is wedged between your bodies. With your face so close to hers she gets a good look at you and finally a look of recognition fills her face.
  You don't have time to contemplate your reunion as you feel the Infested's massive cock pressing up against your asshole! A soft moan escapes your mouth as he rubs his cum-soaked dick against the entrance to your tight butt. "That's right, little bitches! I'm going to fuck your twats nice and hard! And that means I'm going to fuck the hero's man-pussy!" he declares proudly as he pushes his meat staff straight into your extremely tight ass!
  His _DickSize cock fills your tight buttocks so much that you have to moan loudly as your overstuffed man-pussy stretches to accommodate his extremely thick size. He doesn't give you any time to adjust as he pulls back his _DickSD shaft back before slamming it hard into your needy ass! The force of his thrusts are pushing your hard chest against Samantha's _OSD jugs and you can feel your tiny nipples rubbing against hers!
  You barely have time enjoy his hard fucking before the Infested pulls his long shaft out of your pleasure-filled bottom before sliding his meaty dick against Samantha's wet pussy. She eagerly gasps as he thrusts his meat rod into her tight twat and before long she's moaning loudly from being railed by the Infested Bruiser!
  You jealously watch as Samantha is fucked so completely by the Infested's powerful cock and the only thing you can do is wait for your turn. That is until you feel Samantha's arms wrap around the back of your head, guiding your lips to her own. You quickly start kissing her with your tongue dueling with her own slippery tongue.
  Feeling the Infested's big cock slam back into your tight rear end. you release your lip-lock with Samantha and moan "Oh God! Your cock feels so deep inside my ass! Fuck! It feels so good!" Your dick is rock hard and you can feel it throbbing at it presses against Samantha. Hearing your lewd moans, he pounds your bum even harder and you feel your orgasm rapidly approaching!
  Switching back to jackhammering Samantha's cunt the Infested Bruiser grunts "Fuck! You bitches' pussies are so fucking tight! I'm about to bust my nut all up inside these snatches!" Samantha can only moan even louder in pleasure as he rapidly thrusts his _DickSize tool deep inside her pussy and it looks like she's on her way to her own powerful orgasm
<<if $PC.Infestation is $Infestation.Cap & $Infestation.Progress > 1>>\
<<set _ODickSD to $DickSD>>\
<<set _ODickSize to $DickSize>>\
<<set _OBallsSD to $BallsSD>>\
<<set _OBallsSize to $BallsSize>>\
<<include "Infestation Increase">>\
  As your ass is being completely fucked by his _DickSD cock you feel a surge of energy flowing directly into you! It almost feels like you are burning up but it quickly turns to pleasure that radiates from your hard dick and cum-filled balls!
  "OH FUCKING GODDAMN! BITCH PUSSIES FEELS SO FUCKING GOOD! I'M SHOOTING MY WAD DEEP INTO YOUR FUCKING CUNT!" he bellows as he buries his might meat staff deep inside your eager ass while gripping your buttcheeks hard. He grunts loudly before shooting a massive amount of his seed straight to your asshole! There's so much cum that it leaks out of your ass and onto Samantha's legs! The surge of energy spikes as you feel your _DickSize trapped cock start to grow larger with each heartbeat and begin to press harder against Samantha's stomach!
  The feeling of being creampied by the Infested along with your growing dick feels so good that your long awaited orgasm crashes into you hard! "Oh shit yes! My cock is getting so big! Oh fuck! I'm cumming so fucking hard!! Yesssss!" you scream as your ass clenches his dick hard before your own dick shoots a tsunami amount of seed out, blasting your chest along with Samantha's own tits!
  While you were busy dealing with your messy orgasm and your erotic changes, the Infested pulled his dick out of your tight bum and buried his meat rod back into Samantha's pussy! "Oh fuck give it to me!" she gasps in pure ecstasy. "I love how your big dick feels so deep inside me! Oh fuck! I'm cumming again as you're creampieing my pussy!" she screams as her whole body shakes and quivers!
<<if $joggerEvent.Vaccine > 0>>\
  Suddenly you feel Samantha's _OSD _OCup breasts start to shake and quiver from her intense orgasm as they press into your manly chest! Glancing down at yourself you discover that your cock is looking bigger with you now having a $DickSD $DickSize dick along with a pair of $BallsSD $BallsSize balls! Samantha looks to be too out of it to notice your changes from being fucked by the Infested. Standing up the Infested Bruiser looks down at Samantha and says with a grin "That's too bad, bitch! I was hoping for some improvements but guess it just wasn't my day. Anyways look me up again if you want another hard fucking." Glancing at you he continues "You might look a lot sexier if you grew a pair of tits, fucking hero-wannabe..." With that said he struts away leaving the two of you to recover from the hard pounding sex-session.
  Suddenly you feel Samantha's _OSD _OCup breasts start to expand, pushing back against your manly chest! Sliding off of Samantha you watch as her breasts grow to a pair of _VSD _VCup tits! From this position you can tell that even her ass is growing eventually leaving her with a _VAss booty!
  Glancing down at yourself you discover that your cock is looking bigger with you now having a $DickSD $DickSize dick along with a pair of $BallsSD $BallsSize balls! Samantha looks to be too out of it to really notice the changes her body has undergone due to the Infested virus. Standing up the Infested Bruiser looks down at Samantha and says with a grin "That's looking a lot better, bitch! Look me up again if you want another hard fucking." Glancing at you he continues "You might look a lot sexier if you grew a pair of tits, fucking hero-wannabe..." With that said he struts away leaving the two of you to recover from the hard pounding sex-session.
  "OH FUCKING GODDAMN! BITCH PUSSIES FEELS SO FUCKING GOOD! I'M SHOOTING MY WAD DEEP INTO YOUR FUCKING CUNT!" he bellows as he buries his might meat staff deep inside your eager ass while gripping your buttcheeks hard. He grunts loudly before shooting a massive amount of his seed straight to your asshole! There's so much cum that it leaks out of your ass and onto Samantha's legs!
  The feeling of being creampied by the Infested along with your throbbing dick feels so good that your long awaited orgasm crashes into you hard! "Oh shit yes!! Oh fuck! I'm cumming so fucking hard!! Yesssss!" you scream as your ass clenches his dick hard before your own dick shoots a $CumAD amount of seed out, blasting your chest along with Samantha's own tits!
  While you were busy dealing with your messy orgasm, the Infested pulled his dick out of your tight bum and buried his meat rod back into Samantha's pussy! "Oh fuck give it to me!" she gasps in pure ecstasy. "I love how your big dick feels so deep inside me! Oh fuck! I'm cumming again as you're creampieing my pussy!" she screams as her whole body shakes and quivers!
<<if $joggerEvent.Vaccine > 0>>\
  Suddenly you feel Samantha's _OSD _OCup breasts start to shake and quiver from her intense orgasm as they press into your manly chest! Samantha looks to be too out of it to notice much of anything afterm being fucked so hard by the Infested. Standing up the Infested Bruiser looks down at Samantha and says with a frown "That's too bad, bitch! I was hoping for some improvements but guess it just wasn't my day. Anyways look me up again if you want another hard fucking." Glancing at you he continues "You might look a lot sexier if you grew a pair of tits, fucking hero-wannabe..." With that said he struts away leaving the two of you to recover from the hard pounding sex-session.
  Suddenly you feel Samantha's _OSD _OCup breasts start to expand, pushing back against your manly chest! Sliding off of Samantha you watch as her breasts grow to a pair of _VSD _VCup tits! From this position you can tell that even her ass is growing eventually leaving her with a _VAss booty!
  Samantha looks to be too out of it to really notice the changes her body has undergone due to the Infested virus. Standing up the Infested Bruiser looks down at Samantha and says with a grin "That's looking a lot better, bitch! Look me up again if you want another hard fucking." Glancing at you he continues "You might look a lot sexier if you grew a pair of tits, fucking hero-wannabe..." With that said he struts away leaving the two of you to recover from the hard pounding sex-session.
<<case "Female">>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumFilled to $StatusAffect.CumFilled +1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered +1>>\
  Samantha's look of hope turns to despair as you collaspe next to her after being defeated by the Infested Bruiser. As you gaze upward at him from the ground his _DickSD _DickSize dick is presenting proudly in front of your exhausted face almost blocking the view of his face. You can't take your eyes off his delicious looking meat rod and neither can Samantha.
  "Now, that wasn't very nice was it, little girl? I'm thinking you and your good friend here is going to need to make it up for me." he growls in a low threatening tone. Planting a big meaty hand on your head, he guides your lips towards his thick, juicy cock. You don't even resist as the lure of his cock is too great and you stick your tongue out to take a small taste of his pre-cum. It's so delicious that you moan as you luxuriate in the taste. Just a single drop is enough to make your pussy glisten as the pleasure of drinking it down radiates throughout your body. As you go back for another taste you discover that Samantha has taken your spot!
  Unwilling to allow her to have all of his juicy cock, you positiion your mouth near the bottom of his shaft. You take another lick up his hard shaft but sadly there isn't any gooey cum, at least not yet. Soon however, Samantha comes up from air from where she had been deepthroating his thick meat log. Seeing your chance you quickly wrap your lips around the tip of his cock before sliding your full lips down the length of his shaft.
  His dick so beefy and thick, it's almost impossible to take it all in. But the rewards are worth it as more of his pre-cum is flowing down your throat, igniting all the pleasure centers in your brain all at once. Your pussy is dripping down to the ground below without pause and your nipples are rock hard on top of your $BreastSD tits! As you suck down his delicious pre-cum you can hear Samantha's meager protests from next to you.
  "Now now, don't need to be greedy. Both of you can enjoy sucking down my cock, you horny little cock-suckers!" he moans as he pulls his monster cock out of your needy mouth. Samantha quickly slides her tongue along his length before pulling back allowing you to do the same. Another taste of his neverending pre-cum is enough to make you almost cum as your fingers slides into your soaking wet pussy and you give out a throaty moan. Reluctantly pulling back to allow Samantha her turn, she takes advantage to get a good lick in before deepthroating his _DickSD cock once again!
  Samantha goes in hard on sucking the Infested's <<Penis>> and it's obvious to tell that she's being affected as well by the pure pleasure of drinking down his pre-cum as her nipples harden on top of her _OSD tits. She tries to moan as well but with his cock buried in her throat it's rather muffled. Just when you think she's not going to let you have a turn, she lets his dick pop free from her thin mouth. You quickly dive back in while Samantha presses her chest up against you while trying to get any drips and drops that leak from your mouth. As you wrap your tongue around his cock and start trying to suck down his pre-cum you can feel his dick start to pulse!
  "OH SHIT! I'M ABOUT TO SHOOT MY LOAD, YOU FUCKING COCK-SUCKING SLUTS! GODDAMN! THAT FEELS SO FUCKING GOOD!" the Infested bellows as you feel his cock twitch some more before a tidal wave of hot gooey cum explodes down your throat. There's so much cum that you can't swallow it all and you are forced to let his monster cock pop out of your mouth while still spewing cum like a firehose. Samantha's lips latches onto his cock while trying to contain all of the never-ending stream of cum but has to conceed as the firehose of baby-batter overflows her mouth as well. "I'm not done yet bitches! Gotta juice up those mosquito bites you call tits!" he yells as he shoots several more massive strands all over your $BreastSD chest along with Samantha's _OSD tits!
  The arousing feeling of being coated in his hot seed along with the divine fluids oozing down your throat thows your completely over the edge as you feel your orgasm hit like a truck. "FUCK! SHOOT YOUR WAD ALL OVER ME I'M CUMMING!" you scream as you unleash a $GCumAD load of girl-cum soaking your underwear.
  You're not alone in cumming as Samantha joins in with her own screams of utter pleasure. "FUCK! FUCK! OOOOH FUCK! IT FEELS SO GOOD!" she screams as her girl-fluids creates a girl-cum puddle on the floor. Her noise orgasm lasts a bit longer than yours but in the end she collaspses next to you on the ground.
  "I was planning on just getting a blowjob and heading on my way but since I was interrupted so rudely my blood is boiling which means my _DickSD cock is still fucking hard. And lucky for me, there's two nice bitches ready and eager to be fucked hard!" he says as he gazes at your exhausted bodies. "Now strip for me and the jogger gets on the bottom while the hero is on top." he demands while stroking his _DickSize monster meat.
  "Really?" asks Samantha as she gazes at the Infested in desire. You feel the same way as your sensitive pussy aches to be fillled even after just having a mind-blowing orgasm. At the Infested's lusty look she quickly strips out of her yoga outfit exposing her _OSD _OCup tits along with her _OAss ass. You finish checking out Samantha and then quickly follow suite by stripping out of your clothes letting your $BreastSD jugs bounce free as well as your $AssSize booty.
  Samantha lies down on the ground with her _OSD breasts facing the sky. You gently lower yourself so that you are lying on top of Samantha with your $BreastSD goo-covered breasts pressed against her own _OSD cum-covered chest. With your face so close to hers she gets a good look at you and finally a look of recognition fills her face.
  You don't have time to contemplate your reunion as you feel the Infested's massive cock pressing up against your pussy lips! A soft moan escapes your mouth as he rubs his cum-soaked dick against tne entrance to you slick slit. "That's right, little bitches! I'm going to fuck your twats nice and hard!" he declares proudly as he pushes his meat staff straight into your soaking wet pussy!
  His _DickSize cock fills your tight cunt so much that you have to moan loudly as your overstuffed pussy stretches to accommodate his extremely thick size. He doesn't give you any time to adjust as pulls back his _DickSD shaft back before slamming it hard into your needy pussy! The force of his thrusts are pushing your $BreastSD tits against Samantha's _OSD jugs and you can feel your hard $NippleSize long nipples rubbing against hers!
  You barely have time enjoy his hard fucking before the Infested pulls his long shaft out of your pleasure-filled cunt before sliding his meaty dick against Samantha's wet pussy. She eagerly gasps as he thrusts his meat rod into her tight twat and before long she's moaning loudly from being railed by the Infested Bruiser!
  You jealously watch as Samantha is fucked so completely by the Infested's powerful cock and the only thing you can do is wait for your turn. That is until you feel Samantha's arms wrap around the back of your head, guiding your lips to her own. You quickly start kissing her with your tongue dueling with her own slippery tongue.
  Feeling the Infested's big cock slam back into your tight cunt. you release your lip-lock with Samantha and moan "Oh God! Your cock feels so deep inside my pussy! Fuck! It feels so good!" Hearing your lewd moans, he pounds your twat even harder and you feel your orgasm rapidly approaching!
  Switching back to jackhammering Samantha's cunt the Infested Bruiser grunts "Fuck! You bitches' pussies are so fucking tight! I'm about to bust my nut all up inside these snatches!" Samantha can only moan even louder in pleasure as he rapidly thrusts his _DickSize tool deep inside her pussy and it looks like she's on her way to her own powerful orgasm.
<<if $PC.Infestation is $Infestation.Cap & $Infestation.Progress > 1>>\
<<set _BreastSD to $BreastSD>>\
<<set _BreastsSize to $BreastsSize>>\
<<set _AssSize to $AssSize>>\
<<include "Infestation Increase">>\
  As your pussy is being completely fucked by his _DickSD cock you feel a surge of energy flowing directly into you! It almost feels like you are burning up but it quickly turns to pleasure that radiates from your wet pussy and your heaving chest.
  "OH FUCKING GODDAMN! BITCH PUSSIES FEELS SO FUCKING GOOD! I'M SHOOTING MY WAD DEEP INTO YOUR FUCKING CUNT!" he bellows as he buries his might meat staff deep inside your eager pussy while gripping your _AssSize ass hard. He grunts loudly before shooting a massive amount of his seed straight to your womb! The surge of energy spikes as you feel your _BreastSD breasts start to grow larger and begin to press harder against Samantha's _OSD tits! That's not all you are feeling as you can feel your _AssSize buttcheeks pushing against his meaty grip as they pump up!
  The feeling of being creampied by the Infested along with your growing ass and tits feels so good that your long awaited orgasm crashes into you hard! "Oh shit yes! My titties are getting so big! Oh fuck! I'm cumming all over your _DickSD cock! Yesssss!" you scream as your pussy clenches his dick hard before squirting an almost neverending spray of girl-cum all over his meaty shaft! There's so much girl-cum that it leaks out of your stuffed pussy and soaks Samantha's legs below you!
  While you were busy dealing with your messy orgasm and your erotic changes, the Infested pulled his dick out of your slit and buried his meat rod back into Samantha's pussy! "Oh fuck give it to me!" she gasps in pure ecstasy. "I love how your big dick feels so deep inside me! Oh fuck! I'm cumming again as you're creampieing my pussy!" she screams as her whole body starts to shake!
<<if $joggerEvent.Vaccine > 0>>\
  Suddenly you feel Samantha's _OSD _OCup breasts start to shake and quiver from her intense orgasm as they press into against your own $BreastSD growing jugs. Glancing down at yourself you discover that you now have a pair of $BreastSD $BreastsSize jugs along with a $AssSize derriere! Samantha looks to be too out of it to really notice the changes your body has undergone due to being fucked hard by an Infested. Standing up the Infested Bruiser looks down at Samantha and says with a frown "That's too bad, bitch! I was hoping for some improvements but guess it just wasn't my day. Anyways look me up again if you want another hard fucking." Glancing at you he continues "You're looking a lot sexier, fucking hero-wannabe..." With that said he struts away leaving the two of you to recover from the hard pounding sex-session.
  Suddenly you feel Samantha's _OSD _OCup breasts start to expand, pushing back against your own $BreastSD jugs as it seems you're not the only with a pair of growing tits! Sliding off of Samantha you watch as her breasts grow to a pair of _VSD _VCup tits! From this position you can tell that even her ass is growing eventually leaving her with a _VAss booty!
  Glancing down at yourself you discover that you now have a pair of $BreastSD $BreastsSize jugs along with a $AssSize derriere! Samantha looks to be too out of it to really notice the changes her body has undergone due to the Infested virus. Standing up the Infested Bruiser looks down at Samantha and says with a grin "That's looking a lot better, bitch! Look me up again if you want another hard fucking." Glancing at you he continues "You're looking a lot sexier too, fucking hero-wannabe..." With that said he struts away leaving the two of you to recover from the hard pounding sex-session.
  "OH FUCKING GODDAMN! BITCH PUSSIES FEELS SO FUCKING GOOD! I'M SHOOTING MY WAD DEEP INTO YOUR FUCKING CUNT!" he bellows as he buries his might meat staff deep inside your eager pussy while gripping your $AssSize ass hard. He grunts loudly before shooting a massive amount of his seed straight to your womb!
  The feeling of being creampied by the Infested feels so good that your long awaited orgasm crashes into you hard! "Oh shit yes! I'm cumming all over your _DickSD cock! Yesssss!" you scream as your pussy clenches his dick hard before squirting a $GCumAD spray of girl-cum all over his meaty shaft!
  While you were busy dealing with your messy orgasm, the Infested pulled his dick out of your slit and buried his meat rod back into Samantha's pussy! "Oh fuck give it to me!" she gasps in pure ecstasy. "I love how your big dick feels so deep inside me! Oh fuck! I'm cumming again as you're creampieing my pussy!" she screams as her whole body start to shake!
<<if $joggerEvent.Vaccine > 0>>\
  You can feel Samantha's _OSD _OCup breasts start to shake and quiver from her intense orgasm as they press into against your own $BreastSD jugs and it doesn't take long before Samantha is too out of it to really notice much of anything due to her mind-blowing orgasm. Standing up, the Infested Bruiser looks down at Samantha and says with a frown "That's too bad, bitch! I was hoping for some improvements but guess it just wasn't my day. Anyways look me up again if you want another hard fucking." Glancing at you he continues "You too, fucking hero-wannabe..." With that said he struts away leaving the two of you to recover from the hard pounding sex-session.
  Suddenly you feel Samantha's _OSD _OCup breasts start to expand, pushing back against your own $BreastSD jugs! Sliding off of Samantha you watch as her tits grow to _VSD _VCup tits! From this position you can tell that even her ass is growing eventually leaving her with a _VAss booty!
  Samantha looks to be too out of it to really notice the changes her body has undergone due to the Infested virus. Standing up the Infested Bruiser looks down at Samantha and says with a grin "That's looking a lot better, bitch! Look me up again if you want another hard fucking." Glancing at you he continues "You too, fucking hero-wannabe..." With that said he struts away leaving the two of you to recover from the hard pounding sex-session.
<<case "Futa">>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumFilled to $StatusAffect.CumFilled +1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered +1>>\
  Samantha's look of hope turns to despair as you collapse next to her after being defeated by the Infested Bruiser. As you gaze upward at him from the ground his _DickSD _DickSize dick is presenting proudly in front of your exhausted face almost blocking the view of his face. You can't take your eyes off his delicious looking meat rod and neither can Samantha.
  "Now, that wasn't very nice was it, little dickgirl? I'm thinking you and your good friend here is going to need to make it up for me." he growls in a low threatening tone. Planting a big meaty hand on your head, he guides your lips towards his thick, juicy cock. You don't even resist as the lure of his cock is too great and you stick your tongue out to take a small taste of his pre-cum. It's so delicious that you moan as you luxuriate in the taste. Just a single drop is enough to make your futa-cock hard as well as make your pussy glisten as the pleasure of drinking it down radiates throughout your body. As you go back for another taste you discover that Samantha has taken your spot!
  Unwilling to allow her to have all of his juicy cock, you positiion your mouth near the bottom of his shaft. You take another lick up his hard shaft but sadly there isn't any gooey cum, at least not yet. Soon however, Samantha comes up from air from where she had been deepthroating his thick meat log. Seeing your chance you quickly wrap your lips around the tip of his cock before sliding your full lips down the length of his shaft.
  His dick so beefy and thick, it's almost impossible to take it all in. But the rewards are worth it as more of his pre-cum is flowing down your throat, igniting all the pleasure centers in your brain all at once. Your pussy is dripping down to the ground below without pause and your nipples are rock hard on top of your $BreastSD tits! Even your futa-cock is hard as a rock and leaking it's own pre-cum in support. As you suck down his delicious pre-cum you can hear Samantha's meager protests from next to you.
  "Now now, don't need to be greedy. Both of you can enjoy sucking down my cock, you horny little cock-suckers!" he moans as he pulls his monster cock out of your needy mouth. Samantha quickly slides her tongue along his length before pulling back allowing you to do the same. Another taste of his neverending pre-cum is enough to make you almost cum as your hand slides down your throbbing dick. Reluctantly pulling back to allow Samantha her turn, she takes advantage to get a good lick in before deepthroating his _DickSD cock once again!
  Samantha goes in hard on sucking the Infested's <<Penis>> and it's obvious to tell that she's being affected as well by the pure pleasure of drinking down his pre-cum as her nipples harden on top of her _OSD tits. She tries to moan as well but with his cock buried in her throat it's rather muffled. Just when you think she's not going to let you have a turn, she lets his dick pop free from her thin mouth. You quickly dive back in while Samantha presses her chest up against you while trying to get any drips and drops that leak from your mouth. As you wrap your tongue around his cock and start trying to suck down his pre-cum you can feel his dick start to pulse!
  "OH SHIT! I'M ABOUT TO SHOOT MY LOAD, YOU FUCKING COCK-SUCKING SLUTS! Goddamn! THAT FEELS SO FUCKING GOOD!" the Infested bellows as you feel his cock twitch some more a tidal wave of hot gooey cum explodes down your throat. There's so much cum that you can't swallow it all and you are forced to let his monster cock pop out of your mouth while still spewing cum like a firehose. Samantha's lips latches onto his cock while trying to contain all of the never-ending stream of cum but has to conceed as baby-batter overflows her mouth as well. "I'm not done yet bitches! Gotta juice up those mosquito bites you call tits!" he yells as he shoots several more massive strands all over your $BreastSD chest along with Samantha's _OSD tits!
  The arousing feeling of being coated in his hot seed along with the divine fluids oozing down your throat thows your completely over the edge as you feel your orgasm hit like a truck. "FUCK! SHOOT YOUR WAD ALL OVER ME I'M CUMMING!" you scream as you unleash a $GCumAD load of girl-cum soaking your underwear while your futa-cock launches a $CumAD wad of hot cum as well, adding to the mess in your underwear as well.
  You're not alone in cumming as Samantha joins in with her own screams of utter pleasure. "FUCK! FUCK! OOOOH FUCK! IT FEELS SO GOOD!" she screams as her girl-fluids creates a girl-cum puddle on the floor. Her noise orgasm lasts a bit longer than yours but in the end she collaspses next to you on the ground.
  "I was planning on just getting a blowjob and heading on my way but since I was interrupted so rudely my blood is boiling which means my _DickSD cock is still fucking hard. And lucky for me, there's two nice bitches ready and eager to be fucked hard!" he says as he gazes at your exhausted bodies. "Now strip for me and the jogger gets on the bottom while the hero is on top." he demands while stroking his _DickSize monster meat.
  "Really?" asks Samantha as she gazes at the Infested in desire. You feel the same way as your sensitive pussy aches to be fillled even after just having a mind-blowing orgasm. At the Infested's lusty look she quickly strips out of her yoga outfit exposing her _OSD _OCup tits along with her _OAss ass. You finish checking out Samantha and then quickly follow suite by stripping out of your clothes letting your $BreastSD jugs bounce free as well as your $DickSize futa-cock.
  Samantha lies down on the ground with her _OSD breasts facing the sky. You gently lower yourself so that you are lying on top of Samantha with your $BreastSD goo-covered breasts pressed against her own _OSD cum-covered chest while your futa-cock is wedged between your bodies. With your face so close to hers she gets a good look at you and finally a look of recognition fills her face.
  You don't have time to contemplate your reunion as you feel the Infested's massive cock pressing up against your pussy lips! A soft moan escapes your mouth as he rubs his cum-soaked dick against tne entrance to you slick slit. "That's right, little bitches! I'm going to fuck your twats nice and hard!" he declares proudly as he pushes his meat staff straight into your soaking wet pussy!
  His _DickSize cock fills your tight cunt so much that you have to moan loudly as your overstuffed pussy stretches to accommodate his extremely thick size. He doesn't give you any time to adjust as pulls back his _DickSD shaft back before slamming it hard into your needy pussy! The force of his thrusts are pushing your $BreastSD tits against Samantha's _OSD jugs and you can feel your hard $NippleSize long nipples rubbing against hers!
  You barely have time enjoy his hard fucking before the Infested pulls his long shaft out of your pleasure-filled cunt before sliding his meaty dick against Samantha's wet pussy. She eagerly gasps as he thrusts his meat rod into her tight twat and before long she's moaning loudly from being railed by the Infested Bruiser!
  You jealously watch as Samantha is fucked so completely by the Infested's powerful cock and the only thing you can do is wait for your turn. That is until you feel Samantha's arms wrap around the back of your head, guiding your lips to her own. You quickly start kissing her with your tongue dueling with her own slippery tongue.
  Feeling the Infested's big cock slam back into your tight cunt. you release your lip-lock with Samantha and moan "Oh God! Your cock feels so deep inside my pussy! Fuck! It feels so good!" Your futa-dick is rock hard and you can feel it throbbing at it presses against Samantha. Hearing your lewd moans, he pounds your twat even harder and you feel your orgasm rapidly approaching!
  Switching back to jackhammering Samantha's cunt the Infested Bruiser grunts "Fuck! You bitches' pussies are so fucking tight! I'm about to bust my nut all up inside these snatches!" Samantha can only moan even louder in pleasure as he rapidly thrusts his _DickSize tool deep inside her pussy and it looks like she's on her way to her own powerful orgasm
<<if $PC.Infestation is $Infestation.Cap & $Infestation.Progress > 1>>\
<<set _BreastSD to $BreastSD>>\
<<set _BreastsSize to $BreastsSize>>\
<<set _AssSize to $AssSize>>\
<<include "Infestation Increase">>\
  As your pussy is being completely fucked by his _DickSD cock you feel a surge of energy flowing directly into you! It almost feels like you are burning up but it quickly turns to pleasure that radiates from your wet pussy, your hard dick and your heaving chest.
  "OH FUCKING GODDAMN! BITCH PUSSIES FEELS SO FUCKING GOOD! I'M SHOOTING MY WAD DEEP INTO YOUR FUCKING CUNT!" he bellows as he buries his might meat staff deep inside your eager pussy while gripping your _AssSize ass hard. He grunts loudly before shooting a massive amount of his seed straight to your womb! The surge of energy spikes as you feel your _BreastSD breasts start to grow larger and begin to press harder against Samantha's _OSD tits! That's not all you are feeling as you can feel your _AssSize buttcheeks pushing against his meaty grip as they pump up! Even your trapped futa-cock feels like it's growing larger with each heartbeat!
  The feeling of being creampied by the Infested along with your growing ass and tits feels so good that your long awaited orgasm crashes into you hard! "Oh shit yes! My titties are getting so big! Oh fuck! I'm cumming all over your _DickSD cock! Yesssss!" you scream as your pussy clenches his dick hard before squirting an almost neverending spray of girl-cum all over his meaty shaft! There's so much girl-cum that it leaks out of your stuffed pussy and soaks Samantha's legs below you! Your dick also gets in with the action as you shoot a tsunami amount of seed out, blasting your growing titties along with Samantha's own tits!
  While you were busy dealing with your messy orgasms and your erotic changes, the Infested pulled his dick out of your slit and buried his meat rod back into Samantha's pussy! "Oh fuck give it to me!" she gasps in pure ecstasy. "I love how your big dick feels so deep inside me! Oh fuck! I'm cumming again as you're creampieing my pussy!" she screams as her whole body shakes and quivers!
<<if $joggerEvent.Vaccine > 0>>\
  Suddenly you feel Samantha's _OSD _OCup breasts start to shake and quiver from her intense orgasm as they press into against your own $BreastSD growing jugs. Glancing down at yourself you discover that you now have a pair of $BreastSD $BreastsSize jugs along with a $AssSize derriere! Even your futa-cock is looking bigger with you now having a $DickSD $DickSize dick along with a pair of $BallsSD $BallsSize balls!
  Samantha looks to be too out of it to really notice the changes your body has undergone due to her mind blowing orgasm. Standing up the Infested Bruiser looks down at Samantha and says with a frown "That's too bad, bitch! I was hoping for some improvements but guess it just wasn't my day. Anyways look me up again if you want another hard fucking." Glancing at you he continues "You're looking a lot sexier, fucking hero-wannabe..." With that said he struts away leaving the two of you to recover from the hard pounding sex-session.
  Suddenly you feel Samantha's _OSD _OCup breasts start to expand, pushing back against your own $BreastSD jugs as it seems you're not the only with a pair of growing tits! Sliding off of Samantha you watch as her breasts grow to a pair of _VSD _VCup tits! From this position you can tell that even her ass is growing eventually leaving her with a _VAss booty!
  Glancing down at yourself you discover that you now have a pair of $BreastSD $BreastsSize jugs along with a $AssSize derriere! Even your futa-cock is looking bigger with you now having a $DickSD $DickSize dick along with a pair of $BallsSD $BallsSize balls! Samantha looks to be too out of it to really notice the changes her body has undergone due to the Infested virus. Standing up the Infested Bruiser looks down at Samantha and says with a grin "That's looking a lot better, bitch! Look me up again if you want another hard fucking." Glancing at you he continues "You're looking a lot sexier too, fucking hero-wannabe..." With that said he struts away leaving the two of you to recover from the hard pounding sex-session.
  "OH FUCKING GODDAMN! BITCH PUSSIES FEELS SO FUCKING GOOD! I'M SHOOTING MY WAD DEEP INTO YOUR FUCKING CUNT!" he bellows as he buries his might meat staff deep inside your eager pussy while gripping your $AssSize ass hard. He grunts loudly before shooting a massive amount of his seed straight to your womb!
  The feeling of being creampied by the Infested feels so good that your long awaited orgasm crashes into you hard! "Oh shit yes! I'm cumming all over your _DickSD cock! Yesssss!" you scream as your pussy clenches his dick hard before squirting a $GCumAD spray of girl-cum all over his meaty shaft! Your dick also gets in with the action as you shoot a $CumAD amount of seed out, blasting your titties along with Samantha's own tits!
  While you were busy dealing with your messy orgasms, the Infested pulled his dick out of your slit and buried his meat rod back into Samantha's pussy! "Oh fuck give it to me!" she gasps in pure ecstasy. "I love how your big dick feels so deep inside me! Oh fuck! I'm cumming again as you're creampieing my pussy!" she screams as her whole body shakes and quivers!
<<if $joggerEvent.Vaccine > 0>>\
  You can feel Samantha's _OSD _OCup breasts start to shake and quiver from her intense orgasm as they press into against your own $BreastSD jugs and it doesn't take long before Samantha is too out of it to really notice much of anything due to her mind-blowing orgasm. Standing up, the Infested Bruiser looks down at Samantha and says with a frown "That's too bad, bitch! I was hoping for some improvements but guess it just wasn't my day. Anyways look me up again if you want another hard fucking." Glancing at you he continues "You too, fucking hero-wannabe..." With that said he struts away leaving the two of you to recover from the hard pounding sex-session.
  Suddenly you feel Samantha's _OSD _OCup breasts start to expand, pushing back against your own $BreastSD jugs! Sliding off of Samantha you watch as her breasts grow to a pair of _VSD _VCup tits! From this position you can tell that even her ass is growing eventually leaving her with a _VAss booty!
  Samantha looks to be too out of it to really notice the changes her body has undergone due to the Infested virus. Standing up the Infested Bruiser looks down at Samantha and says with a grin "That's looking a lot better, bitch! Look me up again if you want another hard fucking." Glancing at you he continues "You too, fucking hero-wannabe..." With that said he struts away leaving the two of you to recover from the hard pounding sex-session.
<<button [[Next|Jogger Rescue Defeat 2]]>>
<</button>>\<img @src=$genericFighter.Image width="512px" height="768px" />
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Horny to $StatusAffect.Horny+1>>\
<<set _OSD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$npcSamantha.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _OCup to $arrayBreastSize[$npcSamantha.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _OAssSize to $arrayAssSizeDesc[$npcSamantha.AssSize]>>\
<<set _ODickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$npcSamantha.DickSize]>>\
<<set _ODickSize to $arrayDickSize[$npcSamantha.DickSize]>>\
<<set _DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$genericFighter.DickSize]>>\
<<set _DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$genericFighter.DickSize]>>\
<<set _LustRoll to (random(19)+ 1)>>\
<<if _LustRoll + $PC.Willpower - $StatusAffect.Horny < 15>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Horny to $StatusAffect.Horny+1>>\
<<set $lust to $lust + (random(19)+ 1) + 5 + $StatusAffect.Horny - $LustResist.Visual>>\
<<set $lust to $lust + random(10) + 5 + $StatusAffect.Horny - $LustResist.Visual>>\
<<if $npcSamantha.Sex is "Female">>\
  You duck behind a nearby abandoned vehicle in order to a good viewing spot for the erotic action. Looking back over to where the action is, you notice that the Infested has taken the time to lock lips with Samantha who is frantically returning the deep kiss. As the sloppy kiss goes on, the Infested's hard chest is pressing against Samantha's _OCup tits while a wet spot forms on Samantha's lower yoga leotard.
<<if $npcSamantha.BreastsSize > 5>>\
  "Your tits are looking so fucking great my cock is already hard!" the Infested says after breaking the wet and sloppy kiss. Grabbing the top of Samantha's yoga outfit he pulls down that thin fabric down exposing Samantha's _OSD breasts. She just moans loudly as he firmly grips her big jugs and starts to play with those bouncy _OCup tits! "Fuck! I love big titties!" the Infested groans as he starts to suck on Samantha's hard nipples!
  "Your tits are too fucking tiny! I mean my dick's barely even hard!" the Infested says after breaking the wet and sloppy kiss. Grabbing the top of Samantha's yoga outfit he pulls down that thin fabric down exposing Samantha's _OSD breasts. She just moans loudly as he firmly grips her titties and starts to play with those perky _OCup tits! "Fuck it! I love titties even if they are itty-bitty mosquito bites!" the Infested groans as he starts to suck on Samantha's hard nipples!
  Samantha breathlessly gasps out "Oh fuck yes! My titties feel so amazing being sucked on!" as the Infested starts to moterboat her tits. Giving her _OSD breats a firm groping, the Infested seems content to just play with her titties as he flicks and tweaks her hard nipples much to Samantha's delight as her load moans indicate. Her hand has slipped beneath her yoga pants and you can her sliding her fingers into her dripping wet pussy!
  You duck behind a nearby abandoned vehicle in order to a good viewing spot for the erotic action. Looking back over to where the action is, you notice that the Infested has taken the time to lock lips with Samantha who is frantically returning the deep kiss. As the sloppy kiss goes on, the Infested's hard chest is pressing against Samantha's _OCup tits while a _ODickSD bulge forms on Samantha's lower yoga leotard.
<<if $npcSamantha.BreastsSize > 5>>\
  "Your tits are looking so fucking great my cock is already hard!" the Infested says after breaking the wet and sloppy kiss. Grabbing the top of Samantha's yoga outfit he pulls down that thin fabric down exposing Samantha's _OSD breasts. She just moans loudly as he firmly grips her big jugs and starts to play with those bouncy _OCup tits! "Fuck! I love big titties! Futas with big tits are the best!" the Infested groans as he starts to suck on Samantha's hard nipples!
  "Your tits are too fucking small! I mean my dick's barely even hard!" the Infested says after breaking the wet and sloppy kiss. Grabbing the top of Samantha's yoga outfit he pulls down that thin fabric down exposing Samantha's _OSD breasts. She just moans loudly as he firmly grips her titties and starts to play with those perky _OCup tits! "Fuck it! While I love titties even if they are tiny mosquito bites, I have to say that Futas with big tits are better!" the Infested groans as he starts to suck on Samantha's hard nipples!
  Samantha breathlessly gasps out "Oh fuck yes! My titties feel so amazing being sucked on!" as the Infested starts to moterboat her tits. Giving her _OSD breats a firm groping, the Infested seems content to just play with her titties as he flicks and tweaks her hard nipples much to Samantha's delight as her loud moans indicate. Her hand has slipped beneath her yoga pants and you can her sliding up and down her futa-cock!
<div class="pcTalk"><i> Should I keep watching or just leave? I mean the action is getting pretty hot...</i></div>
<<button [[Keep Watching|Jogger Rescue Male 3.2]]>> <</button>>
<<if $lust + ($StatusAffect.Horny*2) < $MaxLust>>\
<<button [[Flee|$location.temp]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</if>>\<<set $sexHistory.XP to $sexHistory.XP +1>>\
<<set $LastPartner to $genericFighter>>\
<<set _DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$genericFighter.DickSize]>>\
<<set _DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$genericFighter.DickSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$genericFighter.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$genericFighter.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _SizeComp to $PC.DickSize - $genericFighter.Level + ($GeneralFeats.FalseRep *2)>>\
<<if _SizeComp < 0>>\
<<set _SizeComp to 0>>\
<<switch _SizeComp >>\
<<case 0 1 2>>\
  "Fuck dude! I thought you was a girl for a second, with you know, such a tiny dick! I'm not sure how you can show your pretty face around here with such a weak-ass puny cock. Speaking of pretty faces, how about you put your sweet looking lips to good use by sucking my _DickSD _DickSize <<Penis>>?" says $genericFighter.Name as he stands over your exhausted body with his _DickSD dick hard at attention, dripping pre-cum. You steadily position yourself on your knees as you reach up to grab his _DickSD <<Penis>>. Your own $DickSD <<Penis>> is rock solid in desire as you gaze fully at his _DickSize cock.
<<case 3 4 5 6>>\
  "Looks like some bitch is pretending to a real man with such a weak-ass cock. Luckily I'm here to show you how a real manly dude fucks! So how about you put your bitch lips to use and I'll shove my _DickSD _DickSize <<Penis>> down your pretty throat." says the Infested Male as he stands over your exhausted body with his _DickSD dick hard at attention, dripping pre-cum. You steadily position yourself on your knees as you reach up to grab his _DickSD <<Penis>>. Your own $DickSD <<Penis>> is rock solid in desire as you gaze lustfully at his _DickSize cock.
<<case 7 8 9 10 11 12>>\
  "Ok, it looks like you might have a fucking decent cock there, dude. My monster ass cracker is way better but at least you have a meat stick that a weaker man can brag about, you know? So how about you get to sucking my _DickSD _DickSize cock and maybe you can see the difference between your dick and my godly meat staff. " says the Infested Male as he stands over your exhausted body with his _DickSD dick hard at attention, dripping pre-cum. You steadily position yourself on your knees as you reach up to grab his _DickSD <<Penis>>. Your own $DickSD <<Penis>> is rock solid in desire as you gaze lustfully at his _DickSize cock.
<<case 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24>>\
  "Ok you God-damn fucker! How can a weak-ass bitch like you have a cock bigger than my cunt-slayer Xtreme? Have you been fucking all those horny bitches in the neighborhood? I bet you have you little fucker! Been stealing all my slutty whores... You know what? I'm going to fuck your mouth with my _DickSD <<Penis>> and you're going to like it!" the Infested Male says as he checks out your dick with a frustrated frown, his own _DickSD dick hard at attention, dripping pre-cum. You steadily position yourself on your knees as you reach up to grab his _DickSD <<Penis>>. Your own $DickSD <<Penis>> is rock solid in desire as you gaze lustfully at his _DickSize cock.
  "WHAT THE FUCK?!?!??! I thought you were hiding a fucking baseball bat under your clothes as a backup weapon not some God-damn $DickSize long cock!" he says as he stares at your mega sized <<Penis>> with extreme displeasure , his own _DickSD dick hard at attention, dripping pre-cum.. "You know what? I'm going to have you suck _DickSD my cock and I'm going to try and forget about your fucking meat tree," he with a lustfilled growl. You steadily position yourself on your knees as you reach up to grab his _DickSD <<Penis>>. Your own $DickSD <<Penis>> is rock solid in desire as you gaze lustfully at his _DickSize cock.
  Your raging hardon makes the decision to give him a blowjob an easy one especially with how hot the Infested looks. You feel your cock harden even more as you slide your hands over his hard <<Penis>> while cupping his solid balls. It's so hard and heavy that you can't resist stroking it. More pre-cum leaks from the tip as your face gets closer to it. The smell of his pre-cum is so intoxicating you can't resist taking a lick. It's so delicious that before you know it you are sliding your tongue up and down his hard shaft.
  "You like that, don't ya? Like the taste of my _DickSD fat cock? How about you take it in your pretty looking mouth?" he moans before thrusting his _DickSD shaft into your eager mouth. It's so big that you are having trouble fitting it all inside your mouth so you work your tongue around the tip. A spurt of pre-cum shoots down your throat enticing you to drink more, to fit more of his delightful cock into your mouth. Before long you find yourself sucking harder trying to get the Infested to unleash more of his salty pre-cum from his _DickSize meat rod.
  "That's right, suck my dick you little cocksucker!" he groans as he starts to thrust his tool into your tight mouth. More and more of his dick is moving past your eager mouth and is plunging down your throat. He has grabbed the back of you head and is face-fucking your mouth at this point! It gets hard to breath around his thick meat stick but somehow you do so while trying to drain as much pre-cum from him as you can.
  You can only make muffled moans of pleasure as you anticipate the Infested shooting a big wad of exquisite cum down your throat. Your own $DickSD cock is painfully erect but you don't have time to stroke your own dick when there is such a deliciously _DickSD cock to suck. The Infested seems to be enjoying your eager blowjob as his thrusts become harder and his moaning louder.
<<if $PC.Infestation is $Infestation.Cap & $Infestation.Progress > 1>>\
<<include "Infestation Increase">>\
  As your mouth is being completely fucked by his _DickSD cock you feel a surge of energy flowing directly into you! It almost feels like you are burning up but it quickly turns to pleasure that radiates from your achingly hard dick and churning balls.
  "Your fucking mouth feels so fucking good! OH FUCK YESSSS! OH FUCK YEAH BITCH! Get ready to suck all of my massive wad cause I'm hosing my fucking load right down your slutty mouth!" he screams as a immense orgasm rocks his body.
  You moan loudly as you feel him unleashing his load down your throat. The heavenly taste of his hot cum floods down faster than you can swallow. As more and more cum floods your throat you suddenly feel growing sensation from your hard dick and balls. Both your balls and cock seem to be drinking deeply from his cum and are growing thicker and larger. The taste of cum and the feeling of your dick growing finally pushes you over the edge causing you to unleash a massive flood of cum from your own $DickSize cock that splatters all over your hard chest and shoots so far that it even splatters on the Infested's chest without you even touching your dick! Looking down at your sudden growth of your cock and balls the Infested pulls his _DickSize cock out of your overfilled mouth and starts shooting large strands of sticky cum all over your face and chest!
  As the rain of white baby-batter slows to a stop you can finally confirm that your cock is now a $DickSD $DickSize cock with a pair of $BallsSD $BallsSize balls. Before you can react the Infested lightly slaps your face with his _DickSize cock. He smirks as he says "Looks like you are on the way to becoming a hot stud like me!"
  "Your fucking mouth feels so fucking good! OH FUCK YESSSS! OH FUCK YEAH BITCH! Get ready to suck all of my massive wad cause I'm hosing my fucking load right down your slutty mouth!" he screams as a immense orgasm rocks his body.
  You moan loudly as you feel him unleashing his load down your throat. The heavenly taste of his hot cum floods down faster than you can swallow. The taste finally pushes you over the edge causing you to unleash a $CumAD of cum from your $DickSize cock that splatters all over your hard chest and legs without you even touching your dick! Looking down at your orgasm the Infested pulls his _DickSize cock out of your overfilled mouth and starts shooting large strands of sticky cum all over your face and chest!
  "Oh that was a good fuck, bitch!" $genericFighter.Name2 says as he stands up from your exhausted body, cum dripping from his still erect cock. Taking one last moment to shake loose some white goo from his _DickSD cock onto your face, he continues with "See ya around, slut..." With that he walks away fulfilled leaving you to grab your clothes and to slowly recover.
<<set $StatusAffect.CumFilled to $StatusAffect.CumFilled+1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered+1>>\<<set $sexHistory.XP to $sexHistory.XP +1>>\
<<set $LastPartner to $genericFighter>>\
<<set _DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$genericFighter.DickSize]>>\
<<set _DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$genericFighter.DickSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$genericFighter.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$genericFighter.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _SizeComp to $PC.BreastsSize - $genericFighter.Level + ($GeneralFeats.FalseRep *2)>>\
<<set _SizeComp2 to $PC.AssSize - $genericFighter.Level + ($GeneralFeats.FalseRep *2)>>\
<<if _SizeComp < 0>>\
<<set _SizeComp to 0>>\
<<if _SizeComp2 < 0>>\
<<set _SizeComp2 to 0>>\
<<if $Infestation.MilkProgress > 0 or $StatusAffect.MilkTits > 0>>\
<<set _Breasts to "Milk">>\
<<elseif $StatusAffect.SiliconeB > 5>>\
<<set _Breasts to "Silicone">>\
<<set _Breasts to "Natural">>\
  $genericFighter.Name2 stares at you with a hopeful look in his eyes as you walk towards him, your wet pussy soaking your panties. With his _DickSD _DickSize cock, _BallsSD _BallsSize cum-filled balls and his rock hard body there was no way you could walk away. "I'm going to sit on your monster cock until you fill my ass up completely up with your hot gooey cum!" you moan lustfully as you strip from your clothes.
<<if _SizeComp2 < 5>>\
  "Oh fuck! You want to slide your $AssSize ass onto my _DickSD cock? You gotta be a brave woman cause I hate to tell ya but your ass needs a lot more cushioning, ya know?" At your glare he quickly adds "Hey I'm just telling ya how it is! If you want to slam your bony ass onto my log train than go on ahead!"
<<elseif _SizeComp2 > 4>>\
  "Oh fuck baby! I gotta love all that junk in your $AssSize ass trunk! And you want to ride on my _DickSD cock? Fuck yeah!" At your questioning look he quickly adds Hey I'm just telling ya how it is! With all that nice cushioning you're going to have a fucking good time!"
  Ignoring his babbling you slowly back your asscheeks up against his throbbing <<Penis>>, letting his pre-cum lubicate your ass. Just feeling his pre-cum being smeared over your $AssSize ass is making you feel warm and horny. Gathering your breath, you lower your warm ass onto $genericFighter.Name's _DickSize dick and slowly slide down his meat pole!
<<if $PC.AssSize < 5>>\
  "Fuck! Your ass feels boney as hell! It's squeezing my dick so tight!" gasps the Infested as you bottom out onto his _DickSize <<Penis>>! It feels so good that you want to continue but you pause to catch your breath. Your ass feels so full as you pant while your asshole slowly adjusts to his girthy size. Within a few moments you start to raise your hips up before slamming back down onto the Infested's hard cock!
<<elseif $PC.AssSize > 4>>\
  "Fuck! Your ass feels fine! Real fucking fine!" gasps the Infested as you bottom out onto his _DickSize <<Penis>>! It feels so good that you want to continue but you pause to catch your breath. Your ass feels so full as you pant while your asshole slowly adjusts to his girthy size. Within a few moments you start to raise your hips up before slamming back down onto the Infested's hard cock!
  It feels even better than the first time your tight butt slammed down on his monster dick. Unwilling to stop you start to thrust your $AssSize ass up and down his _DickSize <<Penis>> causing you to gasp a bit from the pleasure. Pausing for a moment, you grind your derriere against his _DickSD cock before enthusiastically slamming your ass down hard over and over again causing your $BreastSD breasts to bounce along to the motion.
<<switch _SizeComp>>\
<<case 0 1 2 3>>\
  Feeling the Infested's meaty hands on your $BreastsSize breasts, you moan loudly as he gropes them. "Girl, you have some itty bitty tiny titties! I mean some like them small I guess?" he says while pinching your $NippleSize long nipples between his rough fingers. You're slightly annoyed with his comments about your $BreastSD size but eventually just ignore him as he fondles your sensitive tits.
<<case 4 5 6 7 8 9>>\
  Feeling the Infested's meaty hands on your $BreastsSize breasts, you moan loudly as he gropes them. "Girl, you have some nice and meaty tits! They really got some weight, you know? "he says while pinching your $NippleSize long nipples between his rough fingers. You're pleased with his comments about your $BreastSD size as a small smile fills your face while he continues to fondles your sensitive tits.
<<case 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17>>\
  Feeling the Infested's meaty hands on your $BreastsSize breasts, you moan loudly as he gropes them. "Girl, you have some fucking prime grade A+ tits! I mean, fuck! They're so big and juicy, you know?" he says while pinching your $NippleSize long nipples between his rough fingers. You're quite pleased with his comments about your $BreastSD size as a smile fills your face while he continues to fondles your sensitive tits.
  Feeling the Infested's meaty hands on your $BreastsSize breasts, you moan loudly as he gropes them. "Girl, your fucking titties are humongous! Fuck! I could bust a nut just looking at your bazongas, you know what I mean?" he says while pinching your $NippleSize long nipples between his rough fingers. You're quite happy with his comments about your $BreastSD size as a huge smile fills your face while he continues to fondles your sensitive tits.
  "Oh shit! Your _DickSD dick is so beefy! Fuck, it fills my ass up so much!" you moan as you slam your hips down onto his meaty rod some more! "Come on! I, uhhh yes, can't be the only...fuckkk! doing all the workkkk!" you moan as the the Infested starts to thrust back into your ass in the middle of your demands. He's still playing with your $BreastSD tits but at least now he's focusing on filling your ass with his _DickSize dick!
  "Fuck yes!" $genericFighter.Name moans as he slams your $AssSize keister so hard you are forced up at least a foot or two from the mighty thrust of his <<Penis>>. Letting go of your breasts he grabs your arms and uses them to force his _DickSize <<Penis>> even harder into your tight ass!
  Your already dripping wet pussy is leaking plenty of pre-cum as the pleasure emanating from your completely stuffed ass fills your mind and body completely. An overwhelming need to have your bum creampied forces you to bounce harder and faster on the Infested's _DickSD rock-hard cock! "Oh shit!!! Your dick feel so good in my tight ass! I'm going to cum any moment now!" you yell as you feel an overpowering orgasm on the way!
<<if $PC.Infestation is $Infestation.Cap & $Infestation.Progress > 1>>\
<<include "Infestation Increase">>\
  As your sore ass is being completely destroyed by his _DickSD cock you feel a surge of energy flowing directly into you! It almost feels like you are burning up but it quickly turns to pleasure that radiates from your hammered ass to your wet pussy before flowing up to your bouncing breasts.
  "Oh fuck yes! Your jiggly ass getting a lot more cushion for the pushing and even your titties are blowing up like fucking balloons! Fuck I'm shooting my hot wad up your fucking ass!" The Infested Male screams as he thrusts his _DickSize cock into you one last time before blasting your tight ass with a geyser of hot cum! You groan in absolute pleasure as you watch your breasts slowly grow with each while you feel your tight ass gain even more weighty junk!
  "Oh yes, oh yes oh yessss! I'M CUMMMMING!" you moan as the feeling of so much cum pouring into your burning hot ass pushes you over the edge as your orgasm hits hard, almost knocking you senseless. Your wet pussy unleashes an almost neverending wave of female cum all over the ground below! The stream of girl cum lasts for over a minute and forms a huge puddle below!
  As you pull your creampied ass off of his _DickSD <<Penis>> you finally confirm that you now have a pair of $BreastSD $BreastsSize breasts and a $AssSize ass! Before you can react the Infested fondles your expanded ass with a smirk and says "Looks like you are on the way to becoming one hot slut!"
  "Oh fuck yes! Your ass is so tight I'm about to nut! Fuck too late, I'm shooting my hot wad up your fucking ass!" The Infested Male screams as he thrusts his _DickSize cock into you one last time before blasting your tight ass with a geyser of hot cum! Your ass is so overwhelmed by his massived amounts of baby-batter so much that it splashes out onto the ground below leaving a small puddle of his hot goo.
  "Oh yes, oh yes oh yessss! I'M CUMMMMING!" you moan as the feeling of so much cum pouring into your burning hot ass pushes you over the edge as your orgasm hits hard, almost knocking you senseless. Your wet pussy unleashes a $GCumAD gushing of female cum all over the ground below! <<if $GCum.Stored > 10>> The stream of girl-cum lasts for over a minute and forms a huge puddle below!<</if>>
  "Oh fuck that was rocking hard, bitch!" $genericFighter.Name2 says when you finally stand up, cum dripping from your sore ass. Sitting back while stroking his cock, he says "I'll hope to see you again soon, you crazy assslut". With that you grab your clothes and leave the area.
<<set $StatusAffect.CumFilled to $StatusAffect.CumFilled+1>>\<img @src=$genericFighter.Image width="512px" height="768px" />
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Horny to $StatusAffect.Horny+1>>\
<<set _OSD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$npcSamantha.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _OCup to $arrayBreastSize[$npcSamantha.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ODickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$npcSamantha.DickSize]>>\
<<set _ODickSize to $arrayDickSize[$npcSamantha.DickSize]>>\
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$genericFighter.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$genericFighter.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _IAss to $arrayAssSizeDesc[$genericFighter.AssSize]>>\
<<set _LustRoll to (random(19)+ 1)>>\
<<if _LustRoll + $PC.Willpower - $StatusAffect.Horny < 15>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Horny to $StatusAffect.Horny+1>>\
<<set $lust to $lust + (random(19)+ 1) + 5 + $StatusAffect.Horny - $LustResist.Visual>>\
<<set $lust to $lust + random(10) + 5 + $StatusAffect.Horny - $LustResist.Visual>>\
<<if $npcSamantha.Sex is "Female">>\
  Deciding that you want to keep watching the erotic show you focus your gaze on the heated action between the Infested Female and Samantha. Samantha has completely stopped resisting and seems eager to get started on the Infested's pussy.
  "Your pussy looks to be sooo ready now, wet and eager. But before you get your yummy reward you have to earn it! So how about you slide your tongue into my tight pussy? If you get me to cum I'll make you cum twice as hard!" orders the Infested as their deep kiss ends with a thin line of saliva strung between their lips. The Infested grabs Samantha's head and forces her down to her knees while her _ISD jugs jiggle from her eager movements.
  Samantha eagerly dives into the Infested's wet pussy with her lips locked onto the Infested's pussy lips causing the Infested to moan lewdly. "Oh fuck! Keep going girl! Just like that!" the Infested groans as she grinds her soaking wet cunt against Samantha's eager face. Samantha's firm hands grips the Infested's _IAss bottom as she slides her tongue deep into her eager slit and the Infested looks to be enjoying the sight of her victim going to town on her pussy.
  Groping her _ISD pair of _ICup tits, the Infested moans "Fuck! You're a god-damn rug munching machine! Shit! I'm going to cum all over your pretty face!" as Samantha sucks on the Infested's erect clit while sliding a slim finger into her cunt causing a massive spray of girl-cum to splash out onto Samantha's face. Instead of pausing she continues to slide her fingers in and out of the Infested's tight pussy while doing her best to suck down all that girl-cum the Infested keeps squirting from her overly sensitive cunt. The Infested looks quite pleased by the orgasm caused by Samantha's skills and looks ready for the next stage.
  Deciding that you want to keep watching the erotic show you focus your gaze on the heated action between the Infested Female and Samantha. Samantha has completely stopped resisting and seems eager to get started on the Infested's breasts.
  "Your girl-cock look to be sooo ready now, so plump and eager. So how about you plant that big boy between my yummy tits? Just make sure to squeeze them nice and hard." suggests the Infested as their deep kiss ends. The Infested grabs her breasts and pushes them together enticingly while winking at Samantha.
  Samantha quickly mounts the Infested with her _ODickSD _ODickSize girl-cock planted at the entrance of the Infested's _ISD mountains. Panting with excitement, Samantha slowly guides her cock in between her jiggly tits. A look of pure ecstasy fills Samantha's face as she finishes shoving her cock in causing her to squeeze those ripe melons. Pausing only for a moment to savor the erotic pleasure, she starts to thrust eagerly into the Infested's _ISD jugs.
  "Holy shit! Your tits feel so good wrapped around my girl-dick!" screams Samantha as she slams her weeping cock hard into those full breasts, her pre-cum providing more than enough lubication. Her pounding reaches a steady pace as her dick slides easily back and forth into those fleshy mountains. Her tight grip on the Infested's tits helps to keep her steady as her own _OSD breasts swing with each thrust of her girl-cock.
  "It must feel sooo good to fuck my breasts with your mighty tool. I bet you can't wait to shoot your hot gooey cum all over my _ISD tits." moans the Infested as she gazes at Samantha's girl-cock with lust. Samantha's tit-fucking was reaching a frantic speed and she looked to be moments away from cumming. "Go on! Blast my tits with your big load of white goo all over them!"
  "Oh fucking yes! God damn I'm about to cum! OH FUCK!" she moans loudly as her tit-fucking starts to become erratic. Her cock twitches one last time as she buries her cock into the Infested's _ISD tits. A huge explosion of white cum blasts out from her _ODickSize cock splattering all over the Infested's face and heaving breasts. The Infested looks quite pleased by the seed covering her tits and looks ready for the next stage.
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I know I shouldn't be watching Samantha's having sex with an Infested but I can't take my eyes off the hot action in front of me! The smell of hot sex is making it sooo hard to think!</i></div>
<<button [[Keep Watching|Jogger Rescue Female 4.3]]>> <</button>>
<<if $lust + ($StatusAffect.Horny*2) < $MaxLust>>\
<<button [[Leave|$location.temp]]>>
<<set $npcSamantha.BreastsSize to $npcSamantha.BreastsSize+2>>\
<<set $npcSamantha.AssSize to $npcSamantha.AssSize+1>>\
<<if $npcSamantha.Sex is "Futa">>\
<<set $npcSamantha.DickSize to $npcSamantha.DickSize +1>>\
<<set $npcSamantha.BallsSize to $npcSamantha.BallsSize +1>>\
<<set $npcSamantha.InfestationLevel to $npcSamantha.InfestationLevel +1>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</if>>\<img @src=$genericFighter.Image width="512px" height="768px" />
<<set $joggerEvent.Watch to $joggerEvent.Watch+1>>\
<<set _OSD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$npcSamantha.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _OCup to $arrayBreastSize[$npcSamantha.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _OAss to $arrayAssSizeDesc[$npcSamantha.AssSize]>>\
<<set _ODickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$npcSamantha.DickSize]>>\
<<set _ODickSize to $arrayDickSize[$npcSamantha.DickSize]>>\
<<set _OBallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$npcSamantha.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _OBallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$npcSamantha.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$genericFighter.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$genericFighter.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _IAss to $arrayAssSizeDesc[$genericFighter.AssSize]>>\
<<set $npcSamantha.BreastsSize to $npcSamantha.BreastsSize+2>>\
<<set $npcSamantha.AssSize to $npcSamantha.AssSize+1>>\
<<if $npcSamantha.Sex is "Futa">>\
<<set $npcSamantha.DickSize to $npcSamantha.DickSize+1>>\
<<set $npcSamantha.BallsSize to $npcSamantha.BallsSize +1>>\
<<set $npcSamantha.InfestationLevel to $npcSamantha.InfestationLevel +1>>\
<<set _VSD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$npcSamantha.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _VCup to $arrayBreastSize[$npcSamantha.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _VAss to $arrayAssSizeDesc[$npcSamantha.AssSize]>>\
<<if $npcSamantha.Sex is "Female">>\
<<if $PC.Sex is not "Female">>\
  The thought of Samantha eating out the Infested Female along with the overwelming scent of sex is turning you on as your rock hard cock can attest to. Thoughts of having your cock sucked by the slut in front of you or having a double-tittyfuck with Samantha and the Infested fills your thoughts. Your hand has been slowly stroking your $DickSD dick for a while now as the thought of leaving them to their privacy is long gone. Your masturbation increases in speed as you continue to watch the erotic scene in front of you.
  The thought of Samantha eating out the Infested Female along with the overwelming scent of sex is turning you on as your dripping pussy can attest to. Thoughts of having your cunt being eaten by the slut in front of you while eating out Samantha's tight pussy fills your thoughts. Your hand has been slowly fingering your wet pussy for a while now as the thought of ambushing the Infested has been forgotten. Your masturbation increases in speed as you continue to watch the erotic scene in front of you.
  Pushing Samantha down onto her back, the Infested smiles and warmly says "Well, you got me to cum nice and hard so now it's my time to make you scream out in ecstasy as you cum your brains out!" Sliding her beautiful face between Samantha's thick thighs, the Infested smirks before sliding her tongue against Samantha's slit causing the infected jogger to moan loudly in pleasure.
  "Oh God yes! My pussy feels so fucking amazing!" Samantha gasps out as the Infested starts to suck on her puffy pussy lips. Hearing Samantha groana in pleasure while quivering in ecstasy, the Infested's slides a finger deep into her tight cunt causing Samantha to arch her back from the intense pleasure! Her _OSD breasts shake and jiggle as Samantha screams and moans from having her cunt eaten out by the expert skills of the Infested. Her wet pussy starts to leak like a faucet as the Infested goes to town on her cunt.
  Pulling her face out from between Samantha's thicc thighs, the Infested huskily says "Your pussy tastes nice! I gotta get some more of those sweet juices!" before diving back in to that tasty slit. The noisy sounds of the Infested's eating out Samantha feels the surrounding area along with Samantha's loud moans of ecstasy.
  The never ending onslaught on her pussy looks to be pushing Samantha to the edge as her gasps and groans grow even louder. "Oh shit! OH FUCKKK! I'm cumming all over your fucking face!" she screams as her dripping wet pussy unleashes a firehose of girl-cum all over the Infested's eager face! As her intense orgasm continues she grabs her breasts as they start to expand and grow! "Oh fuck yes! My titties are getting even bigger!" she groans as her _OSD pair of _OCup jugs grow to a _VSD pair of _VCup mega-tits! Even her butt gains some size as she's pushed farther from the ground by a _VAss ass!
  "I hope you enjoy your bigger tits! I can't wait for you to eat my pussy again. Hope to see you around, you horny little slut!" the Infested says as she stands up. Taking one last look at Samantha the Infested walks off. Samantha doesn't even notice as she is too busy exploring her busty changes. You decide to leave as well before they discover you.
<<if $PC.Sex is not "Female">>\
  The thought of Samantha fucking the Infested Female along with the overwelming scent of sex is turning you on as your rock hard cock can attest to. Thoughts of having your cock sucked by the slut in front of you or double teaming the Infested fills your thoughts. Your hand has been slowly stroking your $DickSD dick for a while now as the thought of leaving them to their privacy is long gone. Your masturbation increases in speed as you continue to watch the erotic scene in front of you.
  The thought of Samantha fucking the Infested Female along with the overwelming scent of sex is turning you on as your dripping pussy can attest to. Thoughts of having your cunt being eaten by the slut in front of you or being fucked by Samantha fills your thoughts. Your hand has been slowly fingering your wet pussy for a while now as the thought of ambushing the Infested has been forgotten. Your masturbation increases in speed as you continue to watch the erotic scene in front of you.
  The Infested's legs are spread wide in eager anticipation for the Samantha's hard girl-dick. Samantha doesn't waste any time as she presses her cock against the Infested's wet cunt. Moaning loudly she slowly slides her futa-cock into the Infested's tight pussy. Without pausing she pulls back slightly before slamming her eager dick deep into her eager pussy.
  The Infested moans joins Samantha's own lust filled moans as Samantha thrusts eagerly into the Infested's eager cunt. Samantha quickly gets a rhythm going as she pounds her pussy hard causing the Infested's _ISD tits to bounce and jiggle. Samantha ecstatic face shows how much she's loving giving the Infested a hard pounding and at the pace she's going at it's easy to tell that she'll be cumming quickly.
  "Ooooh! Your girl-cock feels nice in my pussy! Keep fucking me hard, just like that, you sexy slut!" screams the Infested as she wraps her long legs around Samantha's back forcing her to keep her girl-cock deep in her cunt. Samantha is more than happy to oblige as her frantic fucking speeds up causing her own _OSD tits to swing wildly.
  "I'M CUMMING! I'M SHOOTING MY LOAD INTO YOUR FUCKING PUSSY!" screams Samantha as she buries her _ODickSD girl-cock deep into the Infested's wet pussy. Her girl-cock pulses for a moment before a flood of cum overflows the Infested's pussy to the ground below. Samantha's estatic expression changes to one of surprise as her _OSD breasts start to grow along with her _OAss ass. Her _OCup tits slowly inflate while pushing against the Infested's own _ICup tits before settling in as _VSD _VCup breasts. Her _OAss ass jiggles softly as it finishes it's growth giving her a _VAss ass.
<<if $PC.Sex is not "Female">>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered+1>>\
  The sight of Samantha creampieing the Infested's wet cunt pushes you over the edge. Samantha's breasts and ass growth turns you on even more as you shoot a $CumAD load of cum from your hard cock which splatters on your $BreastSD chest!
  The sight of Samantha creampieing the Infested's wet cunt pushes you over the edge. Samantha's breasts and ass growth turns you on even more as your wet pussy shoots a $GCumAD load of girl-cum that splatters onto the ground!
  "I hope you enjoy your bigger tits! I can't wait for you to fuck my pussy again. Hope to see you around, you horny little slut!" the Infested says as she stands up. Taking one last look at Samantha the Infested walks off. Samantha doesn't even notice as she is too busy exploring her busty changes. You decide to leave as well before they discover you.
<<button [[Leave|$location.temp]]>>
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<include "Lust Passes">>\
<<set $NoEncounter to random(1) +2>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</button>><img @src=$genericFighter.Image width="512px" height="768px" />
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Horny to $StatusAffect.Horny+1>>\
<<set _OSD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$npcSamantha.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _OCup to $arrayBreastSize[$npcSamantha.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _OAssSize to $arrayAssSizeDesc[$npcSamantha.AssSize]>>\
<<set _ODickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$npcSamantha.DickSize]>>\
<<set _ODickSize to $arrayDickSize[$npcSamantha.DickSize]>>\
<<set _DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$genericFighter.DickSize]>>\
<<set _DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$genericFighter.DickSize]>>\
<<set _LustRoll to (random(19)+ 1)>>\
<<if _LustRoll + $PC.Willpower - $StatusAffect.Horny < 15>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Horny to $StatusAffect.Horny+1>>\
<<set $lust to $lust + (random(19)+ 1) + 5 + $StatusAffect.Horny - $LustResist.Visual>>\
<<set $lust to $lust + random(10) + 5 + $StatusAffect.Horny - $LustResist.Visual>>\
<<if $npcSamantha.Sex is "Female">>\
  Deciding to to keep an eye out for a better opportunity you focus your gaze on the heated action between the Infested Male and Samantha. Finally pulling his face out from her cleavage, the Infested pushes Samantha down to her knees with his _DickSize shaft pressed against her plump lips.
  "How about you get to sucking on my monster dick and if you do a good enough job I'll treat ya to some nice hard ass fucking!" the Infested demands as his _DickSD shaft leaks huge droplets of pre-cum down her face and onto her heaving chest. Samantha seems to be mesmerized at the sight of his beefy <<Penis>> and it doesn't take long before her slim hands grips his _DickSize dick!
  Samantha slides her tongue along his meaty shaft before groaning huskily "You cock tastes so amazing! I have to get a bigger taste of this _DickSD meat rod!" The Infested looks to be enjoying the attention his hard throbbing <<Penis>> is receiving as his lusty groan of pleasure indicates. She slowly wraps her plump lips around his cock before taking all _DickSize inches down her throat!
  "Fuck yeah! Just like that you god-damn cock-sucker!" the Infested groans as his _DickSD shaft slides in and out of her wet mouth. Samantha looks estastic as he starts to fuck her face with his thick beefy man meat. Her dripping wet pussy has soaked the front of her yoga pants and one of her hands had returned to finger-fucking her tight pussy as muffled moans of pleasure escapes her stuffed mouth!
  The Infested groans "Oh shit! Your fucking cock-sucking mouth feels too good! I'm shooting my big fat load down your whore throat!" as his frantic face-fucking pace looks to have pushed him over the edge! Grabbing the back of Samantha's head you watch as a geyser of hot creamy seed shoots out from his over-filled balls and overflows her eager mouth! Streams of his thick baby-batter drip from her gasping lips onto her _OSD heaving breasts while a muffled moan of ectstasy can faintly be heard.
  Coming up for air, Samantha gasps out "Oh fuck! Your cum tastes to fucking delicious! I fucking came just from tasting that yummy goo!" Glancing downwards you notice she wasn't lying as her yoga pants are soaking wet from her intense orgasm. She eagerly sucks down as much of his hot cum as possible before wiping her _OSD tits clean of his juicy cum.
  "Damn girl! If you want my cum that much I have more than plenty left in the tank! So how about you drop those soiled pants of your and show me your _OAssSize ass!" the Infested says as he glances down at her soaked yoga pants with his dick still rock hard.
  Deciding to to keep an eye out for a better opportunity you focus your gaze on the heated action between the Infested Male and Samantha. Finally pulling his face out from her cleavage, the Infested pushes Samantha down to her knees with his _DickSize shaft pressed against her plump lips.
  "How about you get to sucking on my monster dick and if you do a good enough job I'll treat ya to some nice hard ass fucking!" the Infested demands as his _DickSD shaft leaks huge droplets of pre-cum down her face and onto her heaving chest. Samantha seems to be mesmerized at the sight of his beefy <<Penis>> and it doesn't take long before her slim hands grips his _DickSize dick!
  Samantha slides her tongue along his meaty shaft before groaning huskily "You cock tastes so amazing! I have to get a bigger taste of this _DickSD meat rod!" The Infested looks to be enjoying the attention his hard throbbing <<Penis>> is receiving as his lusty groan of pleasure indicates. She slowly wraps her plump lips around his cock before taking all _DickSize inches down her throat!
  "Fuck yeah! Just like that you god-damn cock-sucker!" the Infested groans as his _DickSD shaft slides in and out of her wet mouth. Samantha looks estastic as he starts to fuck her face with his thick beefy man meat. Her dripping wet pussy has soaked the front of her yoga pants and one of her hands had returned to stroking her _ODickSize futa-cock as muffled moans of pleasure escapes her stuffed mouth!
  The Infested groans "Oh shit! Your fucking cock-sucking mouth feels too good! I'm shooting my big fat load down your whore throat!" as his frantic face-fucking pace looks to have pushed him over the edge! Grabbing the back of Samantha's head you watch as a geyser of hot creamy seed shoots out from his over-filled balls and overflows her eager mouth! Streams of his thick baby-batter drip from her gasping lips onto her _OSD heaving breasts while a muffled moan of ectstasy can faintly be heard.
  Coming up for air, Samantha gasps out "Oh fuck! Your cum tastes to fucking delicious! I fucking came just from tasting that yummy goo!" Glancing downwards you notice she wasn't lying as her yoga pants are soaking wet from her intense dual orgasms. She eagerly sucks down as much of his hot cum as possible before wiping her _OSD tits clean of his juicy cum.
  "Damn girl! If you want my cum that much I have more than plenty left in the tank! So how about you drop those soiled pants of your and show me your _OAssSize ass!" the Infested says as he glances down at her soaked yoga pants with his dick still rock hard.
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I know I shouldn't be watching Samantha's having sex with an Infested but I can't take my eyes off the hot action in front of me! The smell of hot sex is making it sooo hard to think!</i></div>
<<button [[Keep Watching|Jogger Rescue Female 4.3]]>> <</button>>
<<if $lust + ($StatusAffect.Horny*2) < $MaxLust>>\
<<button [[Leave|$location.temp]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</if>>\<img @src=$genericFighter.Image width="512px" height="768px" />
<<set $joggerEvent.Watch to $joggerEvent.Watch+1>>\
<<set $NoEncounter to 3>>\
<<set _OSD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$npcSamantha.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _OCup to $arrayBreastSize[$npcSamantha.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ODickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$npcSamantha.DickSize]>>\
<<set _ODickSize to $arrayDickSize[$npcSamantha.DickSize]>>\
<<set _OAssSize to $arrayAssSizeDesc[$npcSamantha.AssSize]>>\
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$genericFighter.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$genericFighter.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$genericFighter.DickSize]>>\
<<set _DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$genericFighter.DickSize]>>\
<<set $npcSamantha.BreastsSize to $npcSamantha.BreastsSize +1>>\
<<set $npcSamantha.AssSize to $npcSamantha.AssSize +2>>\
<<if $npcSamantha.Sex is "Futa">>\
<<set $npcSamantha.DickSize to $npcSamantha.DickSize +1>>\
<<set $npcSamantha.BallsSize to $npcSamantha.BallsSize +1>>\
<<set $npcSamantha.InfestationLevel to $npcSamantha.InfestationLevel +1>>\
<<set _VSD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$npcSamantha.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _VCup to $arrayBreastSize[$npcSamantha.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _VAss to $arrayAssSizeDesc[$npcSamantha.AssSize]>>\
<<set _VDickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$npcSamantha.DickSize]>>\
<<set _VDickSize to $arrayDickSize[$npcSamantha.DickSize]>>\
<<if $PC.Sex is not "Female">>\
  The thought of the Infested Male fucking Samantha along with the overwelming scent of sex is turning you on as your rock hard cock can attest to. Thoughts of having your rod sucked by the slut in front of you or double teaming her with the Infested fills your thoughts. Your hand has been slowly stroking your $DickSD dick for a while now as the thought of leaving them to their privacy has long been forgotten. Your masturbation increases in speed as you continue to watch the erotic scene in front of you.
  The thought of the Infested Male fucking Samantha along with the overwelming scent of sex is turning you on as your dripping pussy can attest to. Thoughts of having your cunt being eaten by the slut in front of you or being fucked by the Infested fills your thoughts. Your hand has been slowly fingering your wet pussy for a while now as the thought of leaving them to their privacy has been forgotten. Your masturbation increases in speed as you continue to watch the erotic scene in front of you.
<<if $npcSamantha.Sex is "Female">>\
  Samantha quickly bends over while grabbing her _OAssSize bottom looking quite eager for the Infested's hard dick. Her wet pussy is still leaking with drops of girl-cum dripping down to the ground below while her _OSD breasts swing gently as she waits for the Infested to start fucking her.
<<if $npcSamantha.AssSize > 6>>\
  The Infested runs his meaty hands over Samantha's _OAssSize ass while smiling broadly. "Damn girl! You're packing a fuckton of junk in your _OAssSize fucking caboose! Fuck! Did you rob a donut store or something?" he exclaims as he admires her booty. Without waiting for a response he slaps her ample tush causing it to jiggle from the impact. Samantha lets out a breathy moan as she wiggles her fine ass, eager to be fucked by the Infested's _DickSD cock.
  The Infested runs his meaty hands over Samantha's _OAssSize ass while shaking his head in disappointment. "Damn girl! Your _OAssSize fucking ass is way too small! Fuck! You need to think about packing away some more donuts or something. Luckily I have something that will help pump that ass up!" he exclaims as he examines her _OAssSize booty. Without waiting for a response he slaps her buns of steel causing only a light jiggle from the impact. Samantha lets out a breathy moan as she wiggles her fine ass, eager to be fucked by the Infested's _DickSD cock.
  "Oh fuck! I need your cock deep inside me sooo fucking much!" Samantha begs lustfully as she pushes her rear against the Infested's throbbing cock. The Infested smirks as he watching Samantha squirm and beg for a nice hard fucking. Deciding to give her what they both obviously want, the Infested slides his meaty shaft against her booty cleavage a couple of times before slamming all _DickSize's into her quivering ass!
  Samantha lets out a loud scream of ecstasy as her tight ass is impaled by the Infested's girthy dick causing the Infested to let out a breathy chuckle. "Fuck girl! You really need the big D don'tcha? Your ass is tight as a nut and if I hadn't just blown a big fat load into your whore mouth I would have already shot my wad! Shit!" he groans as he starts to rail her thirsty ass while keeping an firm grip on her buttcheeks.
  The only response the Infested gets from Samantha is screams and moans of pure pleasure as his forceful thrusts pushes her towards the hard ground with her _OSD tits brushing against the floor with each swing. Samantha finally gasps out "Fuckkkk! My ass is being destroyed by your _DickSD monster cock!" as her dripping wet pussy leaks onto the ground below forming a puddle of girl-cum. Samantha moans even louder as the Infested reaches down to squeeze her _OSD tits nice and hard before returning to pounding her rump.
  The sound of the hard booty pounding intensifies as the Infested speeds up his pace with his breathy grunts and heavy breathing barely heard above the loud ass slapping. "Oh shit! Your ass is too fucking tight! I'm shooting my fucking load all up your tight ass!" he screams as he rams his _DickSize cock deep into her abused ass before unleashing all of his never-ending baby-batter into her quivering ass. "That's not all I have for ya, you fucking bitch!" he screams before pulling his _DickSD meat rod out of her overfilled ass before shooting massive ribbons of hot gooey cum all over Samantha's back and _OAssSize butt!
  The feeling of having her derriere creampied looks to have pushed Samantha over the edge as she screams out "OH GOD YES! CREAMPIE MY FUCKING ASS! FILL IT ALL UP WITH YOUR FUCKING CUMMMM!" A large squirting of girl-cum sprays onto the ground before as an intense orgasm rips thru her shaking body. Her shaking becomes more intense as her _OAssSize ass along with _OSD breasts start to expand! It doesn't take long before Samantha's packing a _VAss caboose along with a _VSD pair of _VCup tits!
<<if $PC.Sex is not "Female">>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered+1>>\
  The sight of the Infested creampieing Samantha's tight ass pushes you over the edge! Samantha's , ass and breasts growth turns you on even more as you shoot a $CumAD load of cum from your hard cock which splatters on your $BreastSD chest!
  The sight of the Infested creampieing Samantha's tight ass pushes you over the edge! Samantha's ass and breasts growth turns you on even more as your wet pussy shoots a $GCumAD load of girl-cum that splatters onto the ground!
  Samantha quickly bends over while grabbing her _OAssSize bottom looking quite eager for the Infested's hard dick. Her _ODickSD futa-cock is dripping pre-cum along with her wet pussy leaking drops of girl-cum down onto the ground below. Her _OSD breasts are swinging gently as she eagerly waits for the Infested to start fucking her.
<<if $npcSamantha.AssSize > 6>>\
  The Infested runs his meaty hands over Samantha's _OAssSize ass while smiling broadly. "Damn dick-girl! You're packing a fuckton of junk in your _OAssSize fucking caboose! Fuck! Did you rob a donut store or something?" he exclaims as he admires her booty. Without waiting for a response he slaps her ample tush causing it to jiggle from the impact. Samantha lets out a breathy moan as she wiggles her fine ass, eager to be fucked by the Infested's _DickSD cock.
  The Infested runs his meaty hands over Samantha's _OAssSize ass while shaking his head in disappointment. "Damn dick-girl! Your _OAssSize fucking ass is way too small! Fuck! You need to think about packing away some more donuts or something. Luckily I have something that will help pump that ass up!" he exclaims as he examines her _OAssSize booty. Without waiting for a response he slaps her buns of steel causing only a light jiggle from the impact. Samantha lets out a breathy moan as she wiggles her fine ass, eager to be fucked by the Infested's _DickSD cock.
  "Oh fuck! I need your cock deep inside me sooo fucking much!" Samantha begs lustfully as she pushes her rear against the Infested's throbbing cock. The Infested smirks as he watching Samantha squirm and beg for a nice hard fucking. Deciding to give her what they both obviously want, the Infested slides his meaty shaft against her booty cleavage a couple of times before slamming all _DickSize's into her quivering ass!
  Samantha lets out a loud scream of ecstasy as her tight ass is impaled by the Infested's girthy dick causing the Infested to let out a breathy chuckle. "Fuck girl! You really needed the big D even after having your own dick! Your ass is tight as a nut and if I hadn't just blown a big fat load into your whore mouth I would have already shot my wad! Shit!" he groans as he starts to rail her thirsty ass while keeping an firm grip on her buttcheeks.
  The only response the Infested gets from Samantha is screams and moans of pure pleasure as his forceful thrusts pushes her towards the hard ground with her _OSD tits brushing against the floor with each swing while her hard futa-cock flops around. Samantha finally gasps out "Fuckkkk! My ass is being destroyed by your _DickSD monster cock!" as her rock hard dick shoots a tiny burst of pre-cum onto swinging breasts. Samantha moans even louder as the Infested reaches down to squeeze her _OSD tits nice and hard before returning to pounding her rump.
  The sound of the hard booty pounding intensifies as the Infested speeds up his pace with his breathy grunts and heavy breathing barely heard above the loud ass slapping. "Oh shit! Your ass is too fucking tight! I'm shooting my fucking load all up your tight ass!" he screams as he rams his _DickSize cock deep into her abused ass before unleashing all of his never-ending baby-batter into her quivering ass. "That's not all I have for ya, you fucking bitch, now see how a real man shoots his wad!" he screams before pulling his _DickSD meat rod out of her overfilled ass before shooting massive ribbons of hot gooey cum all over Samantha's back and _OAssSize butt!
  The feeling of having her derriere creampied looks to have pushed Samantha over the edge as she screams out "OH GOD YES! CREAMPIE MY FUCKING ASS! FILL IT ALL UP WITH YOUR FUCKING CUMMMM!" Several large strands of hot gooey cum shoots from her futa-cock before splashing onto her quivering tits while her neglected pussy squirts some girl-cum sprays onto the ground as her whole body shakes from the intense pleasure. Her shaking becomes more erratic as her _OAssSize ass along with _OSD breasts start to expand! Even her girl dick starts to grow as if absorbing all of the Infested's seed! It doesn't take long before Samantha's packing a _VAss caboose along with a _VSD pair of _VCup tits while her futa-cock is now a _VDickSD _VDickSize cock!
<<if $PC.Sex is not "Female">>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered+1>>\
  The sight of the Infested creampieing Samantha's tight ass pushes you over the edge. Samantha's girl-cock, ass and breasts growth turns you on even more as you shoot a $CumAD load of cum from your hard cock which splatters on your $BreastSD chest!
  The sight of the Infested creampieing Samantha's tighg ass pushes you over the edge. Samantha's girl-cock, ass and breasts growth turns you on even more as your wet pussy shoots a $GCumAD load of girl-cum that splatters onto the ground!
  "That's what I'm talking about! Tits and ass for days! Can't wait to take that _VAss on another ride on my _DickSize rocket train! I'll see ya around, you horny little slut." the Infested says as he backs away from Samantha before taking one last lusty look at her _VAss booty before walking off while whistling a cheerful tune. Samantha doesn't even seem to notice as she lies on the ground with her asshole leaking cum. Her whole face shows contentment as her hands slide down her curvy body and she just radiates satisfaction. You decide to head on out before you are discovered.
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered+1>>\
<<button [[Leave|$location.temp]]>>
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<include "Lust Passes">>\
<<set $NoEncounter to random(1) +2>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</button>><img src="Images/Home/PC.jpg" width="800px" height="400px" />
Reset size descriptions?
<<button [[Reset All|BrowsePC]]>>
<<include "Sex Desc">>\
<<button [[Nevermind|BrowsePC]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</button>><img src="Images/Home/Kitchen.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<if $FoodStatus.Time > 0>>\
You are still full from your last cooked meal!
<div class="pcTalk"><i> What should I cook today? As long as I have the cooking recipes recorded on my smartphone I should be able to cook it and if I do a good enough job I might even get a epic version (+1 bonus) of my meal! Of course I can only cook something if I have enough food...</i></div>
<<for $i = 0; $i < $RecipeBook.length; $i++>>\
<<set $uitem = $RecipeBook[$i]>>\
<<if $uitem.type is "recipe" and $uitem.subtype is "food">>\
<<set $FoodName to $uitem.name2>>\
<<set $FoodQuantity to $uitem.mat1amount>>\
<<capture $uitem>>\
<span id="useButton"><<button "Craft $FoodName (- $FoodQuantity )" "Crafting - Food" >></span>
<<set $uitem2 to $uitem>>\
<<button [[Nevermind|Kitchen]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</button>><img src="Images/Home/Kitchen.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Cooking to (random(19) +1) + $Skill.Cooking + $WisdomBonus + $FoodStatus.Skill>>
<<include "Time Passes">>\
<<set $FoodName to $uitem2.name2>>\
<<switch $FoodName>>\
<<case "Speedy Sandwich">>\
<<if _Cooking >= $uitem2.DC and _Cooking < ($uitem2.DC +10)>>\
<<set $TotalFood to $TotalFood - $uitem2.mat1amount>>\
<<set $FoodStatus.Time to $FoodStatus.Duration + $CookingSkillFeats.ChampionBreakfast>>\
<<set $FoodStatus.AC to 1 + $CookingSkillFeats.EpicBreakfast>>\
<<set _Time to $FoodStatus.Time + $Time.Current>>\
  You've made a tasty Speedy Sandwich! You will have a + $FoodStatus.AC to AC until $arrayTime[_Time].
<<elseif _Cooking >= ($uitem2.DC +10)>>\
<<set $TotalFood to $TotalFood - $uitem2.mat1amount>>\
<<set $FoodStatus.Time to $FoodStatus.Duration + $CookingSkillFeats.ChampionBreakfast>>\
<<set $FoodStatus.AC to 2 + $CookingSkillFeats.EpicBreakfast>>\
<<set _Time to $FoodStatus.Time + $Time.Current>>\
  You've made a epic Speedy Sandwich! You will have a + $FoodStatus.AC to AC until $arrayTime[_Time].
<<set _waste to ($uitem2.mat1amount /2)>>\
<<set $TotalFood to $TotalFood - _waste>>\
  You failed to make a Speedy Sandwich and wasted some of your food supplies...
(- _waste Food)
<<case "Hearty Toast">>\
<<if _Cooking >= $uitem2.DC and _Cooking < ($uitem2.DC +10)>>\
<<set $TotalFood to $TotalFood - $uitem2.mat1amount>>\
<<set $FoodStatus.Time to $FoodStatus.Duration + $CookingSkillFeats.ChampionBreakfast>>\
<<set $FoodStatus.Fort to 2 + $CookingSkillFeats.EpicBreakfast>>\
<<set _Time to $FoodStatus.Time + $Time.Current>>\
  You've made some tasty Hearty Toast! You will have a + $FoodStatus.Fort to Fortitude Saves until $arrayTime[_Time].
<<elseif _Cooking >= ($uitem2.DC +10)>>\
<<set $TotalFood to $TotalFood - $uitem2.mat1amount>>\
<<set $FoodStatus.Time to $FoodStatus.Duration + $CookingSkillFeats.ChampionBreakfast>>\
<<set $FoodStatus.Fort to 3 + $CookingSkillFeats.EpicBreakfast>>\
<<set _Time to $FoodStatus.Time>>\
  You've made some epic Hearty Toast! You will have a + $FoodStatus.Fort to Fortitude Saves until $arrayTime[_Time].
<<set _waste to ($uitem2.mat1amount /2)>>\
<<set $TotalFood to $TotalFood - _waste>>\
  You failed to make Hearty Toast and wasted some of your food supplies...
(- _waste Food)
<<case "Strong Coffee">>\
<<if _Cooking >= $uitem2.DC and _Cooking < ($uitem2.DC +10)>>\
<<set $TotalFood to $TotalFood - $uitem2.mat1amount>>\
<<set $FoodStatus.Time to $FoodStatus.Duration + $CookingSkillFeats.ChampionBreakfast>>\
<<set $FoodStatus.Refl to 2 + $CookingSkillFeats.EpicBreakfast>>\
<<set _Time to $FoodStatus.Time + $Time.Current>>\
  You've made a cup of Strong Coffee! You will have a + $FoodStatus.Refl to Reflex Saves until $arrayTime[_Time].
<<elseif _Cooking >= ($uitem2.DC +10)>>\
<<set $TotalFood to $TotalFood - $uitem2.mat1amount>>\
<<set $FoodStatus.Time to $FoodStatus.Duration + $CookingSkillFeats.ChampionBreakfast>>\
<<set $FoodStatus.Refl to 3 + $CookingSkillFeats.EpicBreakfast>>\
<<set _Time to $FoodStatus.Time + $Time.Current>>\
  You've made a epic cup of Strong Coffee! You will have a + $FoodStatus.Refl to Reflex Saves until $arrayTime[_Time].
<<set _waste to ($uitem2.mat1amount /2)>>\
<<set $TotalFood to $TotalFood - _waste>>\
  You failed to make a cup of Strong Coffee and wasted some of your food supplies...
(- _waste Food)
<<case "Contrary Cereal">>\
<<if _Cooking >= $uitem2.DC and _Cooking < ($uitem2.DC +10)>>\
<<set $TotalFood to $TotalFood - $uitem2.mat1amount>>\
<<set $FoodStatus.Time to $FoodStatus.Duration + $CookingSkillFeats.ChampionBreakfast>>\
<<set $FoodStatus.Will to 2 + $CookingSkillFeats.EpicBreakfast>>\
<<set _Time to $FoodStatus.Time + $Time.Current>>\
  You've made a bowl of Contrary Cereal! You will have a + $FoodStatus.Will to Will Saves until $arrayTime[_Time].
<<elseif _Cooking >= ($uitem2.DC +10)>>\
<<set $TotalFood to $TotalFood - $uitem2.mat1amount>>\
<<set $FoodStatus.Time to $FoodStatus.Duration + $CookingSkillFeats.ChampionBreakfast>>\
<<set $FoodStatus.Will to 3 + $CookingSkillFeats.EpicBreakfast>>\
<<set _Time to $FoodStatus.Time + $Time.Current>>\
  You've made a epic bowl of Contrary Cereal! You will have a + $FoodStatus.Will to Will Saves until $arrayTime[_Time].
<<set _waste to ($uitem2.mat1amount /2)>>\
<<set $TotalFood to $TotalFood - _waste>>\
  You failed to make Contrary Cereal and wasted some of your food supplies...
(-_waste Food)
<<case "Holly Eggnog">>\
<<if _Cooking >= $uitem2.DC and _Cooking < ($uitem2.DC +10)>>\
<<set $TotalFood to $TotalFood - $uitem2.mat1amount>>\
<<set $FoodStatus.Time to $FoodStatus.Duration + $CookingSkillFeats.ChampionBreakfast>>\
<<set $FoodStatus.Cum to 5 + $CookingSkillFeats.EpicBreakfast>>\
<<set $FoodStatus.Energy to 1>>\
<<if $Cum.Max < 40>>\
<<set $Cum.Max to $Cum.Max + $FoodStatus.Cum>>\
<<if $GCum.Max < 40>>\
<<set $GCum.Max to $GCum.Max + $FoodStatus.Cum>>\
<<set $Cum.Stored to $Cum.Max>>\
<<set $CumAD to $arrayCumAmountDesc[$Cum.Stored]>>\
<<set $GCum.Stored to $GCum.Max>>\
<<set $GCumAD to $arrayGCumAmountDesc[$GCum.Stored]>>\
<<set _Time to $FoodStatus.Time + $Time.Current>>\
  You've made a glass of Holly Eggnog! You will have a + $FoodStatus.Cum to maximum cum stored and you will stay at maximum cum until $arrayTime[_Time].
<<elseif _Cooking >= ($uitem2.DC +10)>>\
<<set $TotalFood to $TotalFood - $uitem2.mat1amount>>\
<<set $FoodStatus.Time to $FoodStatus.Duration + $CookingSkillFeats.ChampionBreakfast>>\
<<set $FoodStatus.Cum to 6 + $CookingSkillFeats.EpicBreakfast>>\
<<set $FoodStatus.Energy to 1>>\
<<set _Time to $FoodStatus.Time + $Time.Current>>\
<<if $Cum.Max < 40>>\
<<set $Cum.Max to $Cum.Max + $FoodStatus.Cum>>\
<<if $GCum.Max < 40>>\
<<set $GCum.Max to $GCum.Max + $FoodStatus.Cum>>\
<<set $Cum.Stored to $Cum.Max>>\
<<set $CumAD to $arrayCumAmountDesc[$Cum.Stored]>>\
<<set $GCum.Stored to $GCum.Max>>\
<<set $GCumAD to $arrayGCumAmountDesc[$GCum.Stored]>>\
<<set _Time to $FoodStatus.Time + $Time.Current>>\
  You've made a epic glass of Holly Eggnog! You will have a + $FoodStatus.Cum to maximum cum stored and you will stay at maximum cum until $arrayTime[_Time].
<<set _waste to ($uitem2.mat1amount /2)>>\
<<set $TotalFood to $TotalFood - _waste>>\
  You failed to make a glass of Holly Eggnog and wasted some of your food supplies...
(-2 Food)
<<case "Holly's Alcoholic Eggnog">>\
<<if _Cooking >= $uitem2.DC and _Cooking < ($uitem2.DC +10)>>\
<<set $TotalFood to $TotalFood - $uitem2.mat1amount>>\
<<set $FoodStatus.Time to $FoodStatus.Duration + $CookingSkillFeats.ChampionBreakfast>>\
<<set $FoodStatus.Cum to 10 + $CookingSkillFeats.EpicBreakfast>>\
<<set $FoodStatus.Energy to 1>>\
<<if $Cum.Max < 60>>\
<<set $Cum.Max to $Cum.Max + $FoodStatus.Cum>>\
<<if $GCum.Max < 60>>\
<<set $GCum.Max to $GCum.Max + $FoodStatus.Cum>>\
<<set $Cum.Stored to $Cum.Max>>\
<<set $CumAD to $arrayCumAmountDesc[$Cum.Stored]>>\
<<set $GCum.Stored to $GCum.Max>>\
<<set $GCumAD to $arrayGCumAmountDesc[$GCum.Stored]>>\
<<set _Drunk to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<if _Drunk + $PC.Fortitude + $FoodStatus.Fort - $StatusAffect.Wet - $StatusAffect.Drunk < ($uitem2.DC - 10)>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Drunk to $StatusAffect.Drunk + 6>>\
<<elseif _Drunk + $PC.Fortitude + $FoodStatus.Fort - $StatusAffect.Wet - $StatusAffect.Drunk < $uitem2.DC>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Drunk to $StatusAffect.Drunk + 3>>\
<<set _Time to $FoodStatus.Time + $Time.Current>>\
  You've made a glass of Holly's Alcoholic Eggnog! You will have a + $FoodStatus.Cum to maximum cum stored and you will stay at maximum cum until $arrayTime[_Time]. You are also feeling slightly drunk!
<<elseif _Cooking >= ($uitem2.DC +10)>>\
<<set $TotalFood to $TotalFood - $uitem2.mat1amount>>\
<<set $FoodStatus.Time to $FoodStatus.Duration + $CookingSkillFeats.ChampionBreakfast>>\
<<set $FoodStatus.Cum to 11 + $CookingSkillFeats.EpicBreakfast>>\
<<set $FoodStatus.Energy to 1>>\
<<set _Time to $FoodStatus.Time + $Time.Current>>\
<<if $Cum.Max < 60>>\
<<set $Cum.Max to $Cum.Max + $FoodStatus.Cum>>\
<<if $GCum.Max < 60>>\
<<set $GCum.Max to $GCum.Max + $FoodStatus.Cum>>\
<<set $Cum.Stored to $Cum.Max>>\
<<set $CumAD to $arrayCumAmountDesc[$Cum.Stored]>>\
<<set $GCum.Stored to $GCum.Max>>\
<<set $GCumAD to $arrayGCumAmountDesc[$GCum.Stored]>>\
<<if _Drunk + $PC.Fortitude + $FoodStatus.Fort - $StatusAffect.Wet - $StatusAffect.Drunk < ($uitem2.DC - 10)>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Drunk to $StatusAffect.Drunk + 6>>\
<<elseif _Drunk + $PC.Fortitude + $FoodStatus.Fort - $StatusAffect.Wet - $StatusAffect.Drunk < $uitem2.DC>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Drunk to $StatusAffect.Drunk + 3>>\
<<set _Time to $FoodStatus.Time + $Time.Current>>\
  You've made a epic glass of Holly's Alcoholic Eggnog! You will have a + $FoodStatus.Cum to maximum cum stored and you will stay at maximum cum until $arrayTime[_Time]. You are also feeling slightly drunk!
<<set _waste to ($uitem2.mat1amount /2)>>\
<<set $TotalFood to $TotalFood - _waste>>\
  You failed to make a glass of Holly Eggnog and wasted some of your food supplies...
(-2 Food)
<<button [[Finish|Kitchen]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</button>><img src="Images/Player/smartphone.jpg" width="512px" height="768px" />
<<if $questsFamilyMom.Started is 1>>\
My $mom.Relationship has been missing and has been for at least a few days before I woke up! I have to find out what happened with her and get her back before something bad happens to her!
<<button "More Information on your $mom.Relationship" "Mom Quest">> <</button>>
<<if $questsFamilySister.Started is 1>>\
My $sister.Relationship $sister.Name is missing and has been for at least a day before I woke up! I have to find out what happened with her and get her back before something bad happens to her!
<<button "More Information on your $sister.Relationship" "Sister Quest">> <</button>>
<<if $questsNeighborhoodParty.Started is 1 and $AdminMode is 1>>\
I need help getting rid of the Raider blocking the exit from the Grove Hills.
<<button [[More Information on Neighborhood Party|Neighborhood Party Quest]]>>
<<button [[Return to Main Menu|SmartPhone]]>> <</button>>
<<button "Finish" $return>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</button>><img src="Images/Player/smartphone.jpg" width="512px" height="768px" />
<<if $nurseEvent.Visits > 0>>\
Nurse Troy
Address: Grove Hills
Job: Nurse at the Wandering Clinic
Friendship: $npcTroy.Friendship
<<if $threesomeEvent.Visits > 0>>\
Address: Busch Bank
Job: Socialite?
Friendship: $npcMay.Friendship
Address: Busch Bank
Job: Socialite?
Friendship: $npcApril.Friendship
<<if $repairEvent.Visits > 0>>\
Address: Grove Hills
Job: Executive
Friendship: $npcDiane.Friendship
<<if $bankEvent.Visits > 0>>\
Address: Oak Dale
Job: Bank Teller
Friendship: $npcAmy.Friendship
<<if $joggerEvent.Visits > 0>>\
Address: Grove Hills
Job: Jogger?
Friendship: $npcSamantha.Friendship
<<if $copEvent.Visits > 0>>\
<u>Officer Mark</u>
Address: Unknown
Job: Sherriff of CPD
Friendship: $npcMark.Friendship
<<if $doctorEvent.Visits > 0 or $doctorEvent.RVisits > 0>>\
<u>Dr. Rack</u>
Address: Oak Dale Clinic
Job: Cosmetic Surgeon
Dr. Rack Friendship: $npcRichard.Friendship
<<if $doctorEvent.Visits > 0 or $doctorEvent.RVisits > 0>>\
<u>Candy Harpe</u>
Address: Oak Dale Clinic
Job: Receptionist
Candy Friendship: $npcCandy.Friendship
<<if $clinicAmbushEvent.Visits > 0>>\
<u>Dr. FuckHard & Nurse Fucktoy</u>
Address: Oak Dale Clinic
Job: Cosmetic Surgeon and Nurse?
Dr. FuckHard Friendship: $npcFuckHard.Friendship
Nurse Fucktoy Friendship: $npcFuckToy.Friendship
<<if $hitchhikerEvent.Visits > 0>>\
<u>Jack Harpe</u>
Address: Mountain View Apartments
Job: Student
Jack Harpe Friendship: $npcJack.Friendship
<<if $eastervisitEvent > 0 or $npcCatherine.Friendship > 0>>\
<u>Sister Catherine</u>
Address: Church of Trinity Life, Sunrise View
Job: Nun
Sister Catherine Friendship: $npcCatherine.Friendship
<<if $npcElisabeth.Friendship > 0>>\
<u>Mother Superior Elisabeth</u>
Address: Church of Trinity Life, Sunrise View
Job: Mother Superior
Mother Superior Elisabeth Friendship: $npcElisabeth.Friendship
<<if $xmaspresentEvent.Visits > 0>>\
<u>Holly Noel</u>
Address: North Pole?
Job: Elf?
Holly Noel Friendship: $npcHolly.Friendship
<<if $npcGloria.Friendship > 0>>\
Gloria Belle
Address: North Pole?
Job: Elf?
Gloria Belle Friendship: $npcGloria.Friendship
<<if $gasstationEvent.Visits > 0>>\
Address: Oak Dale
Job: Merchant
Morton Friendship: $npcMorton.Friendship
<<if _CarloFriend > 0>>\
Address: Civiton Marina, Sunrise View
Job: Merchant
Carlo Friendship: $npcCarlo.Friendship
<<button [[Return to Main Menu|SmartPhone]]>> <</button>>
<<button "Finish" $return>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</button>><img src="Images/Player/smartphone.jpg" width="512px" height="768px" />
You have the following recipes on your CookingMama app.
<<for _j = 0; _j < $RecipeBook.length; _j++>>\
<<set _jitem = $RecipeBook[_j]>>\
<<set $ItemName to _jitem.name2>>\
<<set $ItemDesc to _jitem.description2>>\
$ItemName : $ItemDesc
You can add the following recipes to the CookingOutbreak app.
<<for $i = 0; $i < $PCInventory.length; $i++>>\
<<set _uitem = $PCInventory[$i]>>\
<<if _uitem.type is "recipe">>\
<<set $ItemName to _uitem.name>>\
<<capture _uitem>>\
<span id="useButton"><<button "Record $ItemName" "Recipes - Record" >></span>
<<set _exists to 0>>\
<<set $uitem2 to _uitem>>\
<<for $j = 0; $j < $RecipeBook.length; $j++>>\
<<set $uitem = $RecipeBook[$j]>>\
<<set $ItemName to $uitem.name>>\
<<set _TempName to $uitem2.name>>\
<<if $ItemName is _TempName>>\
<<set _exists to 1>>\
<<if _exists is 0>>\
<<set $RecipeBook.push($uitem2)>>\
<<set $PCInventory.delete(_uitem)>>\
That recipe already exists.
<<button [[Return to Main Menu|SmartPhone]]>> <</button>>
<<button "Finish" $return>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</button>><<set $questsMainStory to {PartOne: 0, PartTwo: 0}>>\
<<set $questsHome to {Cell: 0, Boards: 0}>>\
<<set $questsFamilyMom to {Started: 0, Note: 0, Diary: 0, OfficerMark: 0, VoiceMail: 0, Wreck: 0, NurseTroy: 0, StripMall: 0, Clinic: 0, Raider: 0, Base: 0}>>\
<<set $questsFamilySister to {Started: 0, Note: 0, OfficerMark: 0, Grocery: 0, Thug: 0}>>\
<<set $questsGHTroy to {Medicine: 0}>>\
<<set $questsNeighborhoodParty to {Started: 0, Path: 0, Infested: 0, Troy: 0, Mark: 0, Diana: 0, May: 0, Samantha: 0}>>\
<<set $questsPureBloodRaiders to {Base: 0, Nuns: 0, Knives: 0, Boss: 0, Bounty: 0, Cop: 0}>>\<<if $questsFamilyMom.Started is 1>>\
My $mom.Relationship is missing and has been for at least a few days before I woke up! I have to find out what happened with her and get her back before something bad happens to her!
<<if $questsFamilyMom.Note is 1>>\
I found a note saying my $mom.Relationship was leaving for a short bit to get some medical supplies for me and my sister. Now I need to track down where she could have been trying to find medical supplies from.
<<if $questsFamilyMom.OfficerMark is 1>>\
Officer Mark mentioned that my $mom.Relationship was working at a place called the Wandering Clinic with a Nurse Troy. I'm going to have to find this Wandering Clinic and speak with her!
<<if $questsFamilyMom.Diary is 1>>\
My $mom.Relationship's diary mentioned she was getting supplies from a place called the Wandering Clinic. The last entry was on August 28th so she must have disappeared after then. Time to try and find this Wandering Clinic and hopefully get some answers!
<<if $questsFamilyMom.NurseTroy is 1>>\
I found the Wandering Clinic and met Nurse Troy. When I asked about my $mom.Relationship she mentioned that she worked with my $mom.Relationship in the past and that she helped Troy set up the Wandering Clinic. Troy mentioned that my $mom.Relationship mentioned going to the Oak Dale Clinic to get more supplies for me and my $sister.Relationship.
<<if $questsFamilyMom.VoiceMail is 1>>\
After fixing the mini-cell tower my phone was finally able to receive a voicemail sent by my $mom.Relationship on August 29th! The message was pretty fragmented but I could hear the sound of gun fire and someone shouting about Raiders! Time to start busting heads and asking questions in Oak Dale!
<<if $questsFamilyMom.Wreck is 1>>\
I was able to defeat the Raider who was making it hard to get out of the Grove Hills. While searching his supplies I found a message on his phone that mentioned that the Pureblood Raiders were kidnapping women and keeping them in their hideout. It's possible my $mom.Relationship was one of those kidnapped! Gotta find out where their base is and hopefully rescue my $mom.Relationship!
<<if $questsFamilyMom.Clinic is 1>>\
I found the Oak Dale Clinic and spoke with a Dr. Rack. He confirmed after speaking to his receptionist that no $mom.FirstName $mom.LastName had visited the clinic nor were there any medical supplies stolen. While I'm not sure I trust the receptionist, Dr. Rack seemed rather sincere.
<<if $questsFamilyMom.StripMall is 1>>\
I spoke with Carlo at Ammo World and there is actually a bounty on wiping out the Pureblood Raiders. They have been kidnapping women in order to make sure there is enough "pure" breeding stock to make a new "pure" race after the Infested Pandemic is over. It's possible my $mom.Relationship was one of those kidnapped! Gotta find out where their base is and hopefully rescue the women!
<<if $questsFamilyMom.Raider is 1>>\
After defeating a Raider I found a note that mentioned they needed to be sure to go to their new base of Silicon Valley road instead of their old location at corner of Walnut & Sunflower which had been overran by Infested. Time to pay them a visit and hopefully rescue my $mom.Relationship!
<<if $questsFamilyMom.Base is 1>>\
I've found the Pure Blood Raider base on the eastern side of the Oak Dale suburban area behind the Walnut Plaza. It's going to take all of my skills to get thru the base and find my $mom.Relationship. Hang in there, I'll save you!
<<elseif $questsFamilyMom.Started is 2>>\
I've rescued my $mom.Relationship from the Pure Blood Raiders and she is now back home safe and sound.
<<button [[Return to Quests|Quests Progress]]>> <</button>>
<<button "Finish" $return>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</button>><<if $questsFamilySister.Started is 1>>\
My $sister.Relationship $sister.Name is missing and has been for at least a day before I woke up! I have to find out what happened with her and get her back before something bad happens to her!
<<if $questsFamilyMom.Note is 1>>\
I found a note saying my $mom.Relationship was leaving for a short bit to get some medical supplies for me and my $sister.Relationship. On the bottom of the note is an additional message from $sister.Name saying she is going to find our $mom.Relationship. Now I need to track down where she could have been trying to find our $mom.Relationship.
<<button [[Return to Quests|Quests Progress]]>> <</button>>
<<button "Finish" $return>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</button>><img src="Images/Home/Kitchen.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
  You search around the kitchen looking for anything of use or anything you could have missed. You find a paper note attached to the refrigerator! The note reads as follows:
"Hey $PC.FirstName and $sister.Name, If you recover before I get back I just wanted to let you know I should be back shortly. I'm grabbing some medical supplies for you two from someone I know. Don't worry, I'll be home before you know it!"
At the bottom of the note is another message and this looks to be from $sister.Name!
"$PC.FirstName, $mom.Name still not home after being gone for over a day! I know she asked me to stay and watch over you until you woke up but I gotta save our $mom.Relationship! BRB"
<<if $IntelligenceBonus > 1>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i>This is not good! My $mom.Relationship and $sister.Relationship have been gone for at least a couple of days at this point! Looking at the note $mom.Name does mention getting medical supplies so that should be a good starting spot. I have to find and rescue them!</i></div>
<div class="pcTalk"><i>This is not good! My $mom.Relationship and $sister.Relationship have been gone for at least a couple of days at this point! I have to find and rescue them!</i></div>
<<set _tempXP to 50>>\
<<set $XP to $XP + _tempXP>>\
<<if $XP >= $NextLevel>> You have reached the maxium experience for your level! Sleep to gain your next level.<<else>> You have gained _tempXP XP! <</if>>
<<button [[Finish|Kitchen]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<set $questsFamilyMom.Note to 1>>\
<<set $questsFamilySister.Note is 1>>\
<</button>><<set $genericEvent.Image = $eventPath2 + $arrayEvent2FullBody.random() + '.jpg'>>\
<img @src=$genericEvent.Image />
<<if (random(19) + 1) + $Skill.Social + $CharismaBonus >= 13>>\
<<set $npcTroy.Friendship to $npcTroy.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity +5 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set $npcTroy.Friendship to $npcTroy.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity +4 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set _LustRoll to (random(19) + 1)>>\
<<if _LustRoll + $PC.Willpower - $StatusAffect.Horny < 13>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Horny to $StatusAffect.Horny+1>>\
<<set $lust to $lust + random(15) + 1 + $StatusAffect.Horny - $LustResist.Visual>>\
<<set $lust to $lust + random(5) + 1 + $StatusAffect.Horny - $LustResist.Visual>>\
<<set $questsFamilyMom.NurseTroy to 1>>\
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$npcTroy.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$npcTroy.BreastsSize]>>
<<set _BreastSD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$PC.OBreastsSize]>>\
<<set _BreastsSize to $arrayBreastSize[$PC.OBreastsSize]>>\
<<set _DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$PC.ODickSize]>>\
<<set _DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$PC.ODickSize]>>\
<<if $PC.Sex is "Futa" or $StatusAffect.Futa > 0>>\
<<set _Sex to "Futa">>\
<<elseif $PC.Sex is "Male" and $StatusAffect.Futa < 1>>\
<<set _Sex to "Male">>\
<<set _Sex to "Female">>\
  You decide to spend some time gathering information on finding your $mom.Relationship. Stepping up a bit closer to the busty nurse you ask "Excuse me Nurse Troy, I'm trying to find my $mom.Relationship, $mom.Name $PC.LastName, and I recently found information that she might have received supplies from here."
  "Wait! Are you $mom.Name's little $arrayPCGender[2]? I can't believe how long it's been since the last time I saw you!" she exclaims as she takes you in with a huge smile. Stepping forward she grabs you with a big hug, pressing her _ISD tits into your chest.
<<switch _Sex>>\
<<case "Female">>\
<<if $PC.BreastsSize > ($PC.OBreastsSize +3)>>\
  "Oh wow! You really have grown since your last yearly checkup, $PC.FirstName! I can remember you running around with a couple of _BreastsSize breasts complaining about about how unfair it was compared to $mom.Name..." she says while looking at your $BreastsSize breasts. Feeling your $BreastSD tits being pressed into Nurse Troy's own _ISD breasts is turning you on as you feel her hard nipples poking thru her sexy outfit.
  Vague memories of being examined by one of $mom.Name's co-workers during your checkup last year comes to mind but you don't remember any of them looking like the buxom bombshell that's currently rubbing her impressive jugs against your own ample breasts!
<<switch $PCChanges.BreastsGrowth>>\
<<case "Silicone">>\
  "I actually had some minor cosmetic surgery not too long ago. A doctor was able to use a new technique where he injected silicone directly into my chest without the use of surgery tools except for a pair of needles. I have to say he does great work!" you explain as you thrust your pair of fake $BreastsSize tits back against the nurse's own impressive chest. As she blinks in surprise you give her _ICup breasts a measuring look and you ask "I'm assuming you had some cosmetic surgery as well, Nurse Troy?"
  Surprised by your question she replies "Something like that..." while releasing you from her hug and stepping back. She gives your fake tits a long stare, with her finger on her cheek. "Actually I believe you. Looking closer I can see that your $BreastSD breasts were enhanced."
<<case "Sex">>\
  "I unfortunately had an encounter with an Infested and afterwards my breasts were this size." Before she can panic you quickly explain "My $dad.relationship gave me something to protect me from the Infested virus, I believe. It ended up causing me and my sister to end up in what I guess was a coma. But I still have my wits about me and no real issues controlling my libido." you finish explaining as you watch her face cycles thru shock, sympathy, surprise and then to questioning.
  Saddened by your response she replies "I can understand how shocking it must have been. If you need someone to chat with about it just let me know." while releasing you from her hug and stepping back. She gives your breasts a lingering look, with her finger on her cheek. "I would suggest a course of anti-Infested antibiotics if you have access to them and a medical checkup soon!"
<<case "Soda">>\
  "I actually ran across a strange drink not too long ago. Believe it or not after drinking it my breasts grew to this size. I believe the manufacturer was that major pharmaceutical company on the east side called BioWetX? I can't believe they produced something like that and bottled it in what looked to be a common soda can." you explain as you she blinks at you in confusion.
  Surprised by your response she replies in disbelief "Soda cans that can make breasts grow?" while releasing you from her hug and stepping back. She gives your breasts a long stare, with her finger on her cheek. "I would say you're full of shit but I've seen some of the weird effects caused by some of the strange drugs out there. Just please be careful since those drugs can really mess with a person!"
  "I've had a bit of a growth spurt recently. Been drinking lots of milk and such." you say as you try to avoid explaining how your _BreastsSize breasts grew to $BreastsSize recently. Feeling the need to get some space you try to break free from her hug. For a moment it feels like Nurse Troy isn't going to let you go but in the end she releases you from her strong hug.
  "Anyways if you need a medical exam just let me know. I would hate for the $arrayPCGender[2] of my good friend to be lost to the Infested virus. Too many of my colleagues have been turned into mindless fucking machines and I would hate for that to happen to you." she says with a bitof worry in her voice as she gives your $BreastSD breasts one last glance.
  "Oh wow! You've definitely grown some since your last yearly checkup, $PC.FirstName! I'm so glad you're OK after everything that's been going on." she says while hugging you tightly. Feeling your $BreastSD tits being pressed into Nurse Troy's own _ISD breasts is turning you on as you feel her hard nipples poking thru her sexy outfit.
  Vague memories of being examined by one of $mom.Name's co-workers during your checkup last year comes to mind but you don't remember any of them looking like the buxom bombshell that's currently rubbing her impressive jugs against your own breasts!
  "Yeah, I've grown a bit this last year or so." you explain as you try to break free from her hug. For a moment it feels like Nurse Troy isn't going to let you go but in the end she releases you from her strong hug.
  "Well I'm glad you are doing fine. Please let me know if you need a medical exam. I would hate for the $arrayPCGender[2] of my good friend to be lost to the Infested virus. Too many of my colleagues have been turned into mindless fucking machines and I would hate for that to happen to you." she says with a some worry in her voice.
<<case "Male">>\
<<if $PC.DickSize > ($PC.ODickSize +3)>>\
<<switch $PCChanges.DickGrowth>>\
<<case "Soda">>\
  "I actually ran across a strange drink not too long ago. Believe it or not after drinking it my penis grew to this size. I believe the manufacturer was that major pharmaceutical company on the east side called BioWetX? I can't believe they produced something like that and bottled it in what looked to be a common soda can." you explain as you she blinks at you in confusion.
  Surprised by your response she replies in disbelief "Soda cans that can make dicks grow?" while releasing you from her hug and stepping back. She gives your groin a long stare, with her finger on her cheek. "I would say you're full of shit but I've seen some of the weird effects caused by some of the strange drugs out there. Just please be careful since those drugs can really mess with a person!"
<<case "Sex">>\
  "I unfortunately had an encounter with an Infested and afterwards my dick ended up this size." Before she can panic you quickly explain "My $dad.relationship gave me something to protect me from the Infested virus, I believe. It ended up causing me and my sister to end up in what I guess was a coma. But I still have my wits about me and no real issues controlling my libido." you finish explaining as you watch her face cycles thru shock, sympathy, surprise and then to questioning.
  Saddened by your response she replies "I can understand how shocking it must have been. If you need someone to chat with about it just let me know." while releasing you from her hug and stepping back. She gives your groind a lingering look, with her finger on her cheek. "I would suggest a course of anti-Infested antibiotics if you have access to them and a medical checkup soon!"
<<case "Silicone">>\
  "I actually had some minor cosmetic surgery not too long ago. A doctor was able to use a new technique where he injected silicone directly into my penis without the use of surgery tools except for a large needle filled with something like Silicone. I have to say he does great work!" you explain as you grip your $DickSize long enhanced dick. As she blinks in surprise you give her _ICup breasts a measuring look and you ask "It looks like you had some cosmetic surgery of your own, Nurse Troy..."
  Surprised by your question she replies "Something like that..." while releasing you from her hug and stepping back. She gives the $DickSD tent in your pants a long stare, with her finger on her cheek. "I'm going to have to take your word for it."
  "Oh wow! You really have grown since your last yearly checkup, $PC.FirstName! I can remember you having a perfectly average sized penis at the last exam we did and now you're packing a rather $DickSD package..." she says while commenting on the $DickSD tent your $DickSD $DickSize dick is making while pressing against her stomach. Feeling Nurse Troy's _ISD breasts rubbing against you is turning you on as you feel her hard nipples poking thru her sexy outfit.
  Vague memories of being examined by one of $mom.Name's co-workers during your checkup last year comes to mind but you don't remember any of them looking like the buxom bombshell that's currently pressing her impressive jugs against your hard chest!
  "I've had a bit of a growth spurt recently. Been eating lots of vegetables and such." you say as you try to explain away how your _DickSize dick grew to _DickSize recently. Feeling the need to get some space you try to break free from her hug. For a moment it feels like Nurse Troy isn't going to let you go but in the end she releases you from her strong hug.
  "Well if you need a medical exam just let me know. I would hate for the $arrayPCGender[2] of my good friend to be lost to the Infested virus. Too many of my colleagues have been turned into mindless fucking machines and I would hate for that to happen to you." she says with a large amount of worry in her voice as she gives your $DickSD dick one last look.
  "Oh wow! You've definitely grown some since your last yearly checkup $PC.FirstName! I'm so glad you're OK after everything that's been going on." she says while hugging you tightly. Feeling Nurse Troy's _ISD breasts rubbing against you is turning you on as you feel her hard nipples poking thru her sexy outfit. Your $DickSD dick is also getting hard from the feeling of her perky tits being squished against you.
  Vague memories of being examined by one of $mom.Name's co-workers during your checkup last year comes to mind but you don't remember any of them looking like the buxom bombshell that's currently rubbing her impressive jugs against your chest!
  "Yeah, I've grown a bit this last year or so." you explain as you try to break free from her hug. For a moment it feels like Nurse Troy isn't going to let you go but in the end she releases you from her strong hug.
  "Well I'm glad you are doing fine. Please let me know if you need a medical exam. I would hate for the $arrayPCGender[2] of my good friend to be lost to the Infested virus. Too many of my colleagues have been turned into mindless fucking machines and I would hate for that to happen to you." she says with a some worry in her voice.
<<if $PC.OSex is "Female" and $PC.DickSize > 4>>\
  "Oh wow! You've grown some since your last yearly checkup $PC.FirstName! I definitely don't remember you running around with a $DickSD dick that's poking me in my thigh. At the last yearly checkup you were a healthy female..." she says while commenting on the $DickSD tent your $DickSD $DickSize dick is making while pressing against her thigh. Feeling your $BreastSD tits being pressed into Nurse Troy's own _ISD breasts is turning you on as you feel her hard nipples poking thru her sexy outfit. Your $DickSD dick which was already hard is still causing you a bit of embarrassment.
  Vague memories of being examined by one of $mom.Name's co-workers during your checkup last year comes to mind but you don't remember any of them looking like the buxom bombshell that's currently rubbing her impressive jugs against your chest!
<<switch $PCChanges.Gender>>\
<<case "Soda">>\
  "I actually ran across a strange soft drink not too long ago. Believe it or not after drinking it I actually grew a penis! And some balls... I can't believe a company managed to make a drink that can change a person into a Futa like that and would sell it in what looked to be a common soda can." you explain as you she blinks at you in confusion.
  Surprised by your response she replies in disbelief "Soda cans that can make women dicks grow? That might explain a few things..." while releasing you from her hug and stepping back. She gives your groin a long stare, with her finger on her cheek. "I would normally say that you're full of shit but I've seen some of the weird effects caused by some of the strange drugs out there. Just please be careful since those drugs can really mess with a person!"
<<case "Surgery">>\
  "I actually had some experimental surgery not too long ago at the Oak Dale clinic. A rather strange doctor was able to use a new experimental technique where he injected me with what he called his 'Futa Formula'. After that I grew a working dick and a pair of balls! I have to say he does great work and I'm loving my new dick!" you explain as you feel your futa-cock twitch from the memory.
  Surprised by your answer she replies "Wait a moment! Are you saying that Doctor FuckHard gave you some type of experimental treatment that made you grow a dick and balls and it actually worked?" while releasing you from her hug and stepping back. She gives your groin a long worried stare, with her finger on her cheek. "That's a rather unusual story but I have seen some rather strange things going on at the Oak Dale Clinic. I would not trust that crazy doctor's work so I hightly suggest getting a medical exam ASAP. Just let me know the next time you stop by and it will be free."
  "I've had some strange stuff happen but I've been doing fine. Trust me, it's OK. I think my $dad.Relationship gave me something to protect me." you say as you feebly try to explain away how you grew a $DickSize dick. Feeling the need to get some space you try to break free from her hug. For a moment it feels like Nurse Troy isn't going to let you go but in the end she releases you from her strong hug.
  "Well if you need a medical exam just let me know. I would hate for the $arrayPCGender[2] of my good friend to be lost to the Infested virus. Too many of my colleagues have been turned into mindless fucking machines and I would hate for that to happen to you." she says with a large amount of worry in her voice as she gives your $DickSD dick one last look.
<<elseif $PC.OSex is "Male" and $PC.BreastsSize > 2>>\
<<switch $PCChanges.Gender>>\
<<case "Soda">>\
  "I actually ran across a strange soft drink not too long ago. Believe it or not after drinking it I actually grewa pair of breasts And a pussy.. I can't believe a company managed to make a drink that can change a person into a Futa like that and would sell it in what looked to be a common soda can." you explain as you she blinks at you in confusion.
  Surprised by your response she replies in disbelief "Soda cans that can make guys grow tits? That might explain a few things..." while releasing you from her hug and stepping back. She gives your chest a long stare, with her finger on her cheek. "I would normally say that you're full of shit but I've seen some of the weird effects caused by some of the strange drugs out there. Just please be careful since those drugs can really mess with a person!"
<<case "Surgery">>\
  "I actually had some experimental surgery not too long ago at the Oak Dale clinic. A rather strange doctor was able to use a new experimental technique where he injected me with what he called his 'Futa Formula'. After that I grew a working pussy and a pair of breasts! I have to say he does great work and I'm loving my new pussy!" you explain as you feel your cunt wetten from the memory.
  Surprised by your answer she replies "Wait a moment! Are you saying that Doctor FuckHard gave you some type of experimental treatment that made you grow a some tits and a pussy and it actually worked?" while releasing you from her hug and stepping back. She gives your groin a long worried stare, with her finger on her cheek. "That's a rather unusual story but I have seen some rather strange things going on at the Oak Dale Clinic. I would not trust that crazy doctor's work so I hightly suggest getting a medical exam ASAP. Just let me know the next time you stop by and it will be free."
  "Oh wow! You've grown some since your last yearly checkup $PC.FirstName! I definitely don't remember you running around with a pair of $BreastsSD $BreastsSize breasts that's currently rubbing against my tits. At the last yearly checkup you were a healthy male..." she says while commenting on the way your $BreastSD tits are pressing aginst her own _ISD breasts. The way it feels is turning you on as you can feel her hard 1-inch nipples poking thru her sexy outfit rubbing against your own $NippleSize nipples. Your $DickSD dick which was already hard is causing you a bit of embarrassment as you can feel it poking into Nurse Troy's thigh.
  "I've had some strange stuff happen but I've been doing fine. Trust me, it's OK. I think my $dad.Relationship gave me something to protect me." you say as you feebly try to explain away how you grew a pair of $BreastsSize breasts. Feeling the need to get some space you try to break free from her hug. For a moment it feels like Nurse Troy isn't going to let you go but in the end she releases you from her strong hug.
  "Well if you need a medical exam just let me know. I would hate for the $arrayPCGender[2] of my good friend to be lost to the Infested virus. Too many of my colleagues have been turned into mindless fucking machines and I would hate for that to happen to you." she says with a large amount of worry in her voice as she gives your $BreastSD breasts one last look.
  "So have you seen my $mom.Relationship recently? I found a note saying she was going to a clinic nearby but she never returned. Do you know where she might be?" you ask her as you get back to the reason you're here.
  Leaning back against the medical gurney with her full chest thrust out, Nurse Troy puts a finger against her face while pondering your question. "Last time I spoke with $mom.Name she was looking for some specific medical supplies for you and $sister.Name. Something about a bad reaction to something you all ate I think? I don't have anything like that here so I suggested checking out the clinic in Oak Dale." she explains sadly, "She was helping me out so much with the Wandering Clinic since the Infested Outbreak started and I haven't seen her since so I'm very worried about her."
  "The Oak Dale Clinic? That sounds like a good lead. I'll be sure to check it out." you say as you make a note about the location. "Thank you for helping me out."
  Nurse Troy just smiles as she says "No need to thank me, just find her, please! And keep yourself safe while doing so as well!"
<<button [[Finish|$location.temp]]>>
<<set $location.Indoor to 0>>\
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<set $NoEncounter to random(1) +2>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</button>><img @src=$genericEvent.Image width="512px" height="768px" />
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<set $copEvent.Chat to $copEvent.Chat +1>>\
<<if (random(19) + 1) + $Skill.Social + $CharismaBonus > 12>>\
<<set $npcMark.Friendship to $npcMark.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity +3 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set $npcMark.Friendship to $npcMark.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity +2 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set $questsFamilyMom.OfficerMark to 1>>\
  You decide to spend some time gathering information on finding $mom.Relationship. Looking around to make sure there wasn't any Infested around you ask "Hey Mark, I'm trying to find my $mom.Relationship. She never showed up back home after I woke up and I was wondering if have seen or heard anything about where she might be."
  Mark pauses for a moment as he ponders your question. "Oh man, that's not good. If she hasn't come back there's a good chance something bad happened to her. What's her name again?" He pulls out a notepad as he waits for your response.
  "Her name is $mom.Name $PC.LastName and she normally works as a nurse. Do you think she might be stuck at a hospital or maybe someplace else?" you ask with some nervousness. Mark starts glancing thru his notepad while mumbling to himself.
  "A Mrs. $PC.LastName, who works as a nurse? Why do I remember that name... Wait! I actually ran across a Mrs. $PC.LastName last week or so. She was helping out another nurse at what they were calling The Wandering Clinic. It's supposed to be a place to help provide first aid to others in need but the other nurse there, a Nurse Troy, seemed to be a bit sketchy so I've been avoiding it lately. That Nurse Troy might have more answers for you, just be careful." he replies as goes back to scanning the area for Infested. "That's just my gut feeling. Several others that I've spoken to had only good things to say about the place and maybe my gut is just being paranoid. You might have some slight trouble finding the place since the nurses were moving the clinic from empty house to empty house every couple of hours or so in order to avoid the Infested last I heard."
  "Thanks for the information, Mark! I'll be sure to check it out!" you say as you make a mental note to check out The Wandering Clinic.
<<button [[Finish|$location.temp]]>>
<<set $NoEncounter to random(1) +2>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</button>><img src="Images/Home/Master Bedroom.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<set _Date to $Time.Date>>\
You read your $mom.Relationship's diary and the last entry mentions getting supplies from a place called the Wandering Clinic ran by a friend nearby.
<div class="pcTalk"><i>This is not good! My $mom.Relationship and $sister.Relationship have been missing since at least September 29th and it's now October _Date! I have to find and rescue them!</i></div>
<<set _tempXP to 50 * $PC.Level>>\
<<set $XP to $XP + _tempXP>>\
<<if $XP >= $NextLevel>> You have reached the maxium experience for your level! Sleep to gain your next level.<<else>> You have gained _tempXP XP! <</if>>
<<button [[Finish|Parent Room]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<set $questsFamilyMom.Diary to 1>>\
<</button>><<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<set _Fog to 0>>\
<<set _Rain to 0>>\
<<set _Cold to 0>>\
<<set _Wind to 0>>\
<<switch $Weather.Current>>\
<<case "Cloudy" "Windy">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburbs 5.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Wind to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<case "Foggy">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburbs-F 5.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<case "Misty">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburbs-F 5.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Rainy" "Stormy">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburbs-R 5.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Dreary">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburbs-R 5.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Sleeting">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburbs-S 5.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Cold to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Snowy">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburbs-S 5.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Cold to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $Time.Current > 6>>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburbs-N 5.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburbs 5.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set $location.temp to "Oak Dale - Almond St">>\
<<set $location.coord to 17>>\
<<if $Time.Current >= $Time.Max >>\
<<set _State to "TooLate">>\
<<set $NoEncounter to 1>>\
<<if $NoEncounter < 1>>\
<<include "Random Encounter Check">>\
You are located on Almond Street located in the Oak Dale suburbs. Almond Street runs from east to west and several of the buildings are damaged with most of the severely damaged ones can be found towards the east. There are a multiple wrecked vehicles scattered along the street with a more than a few even having bullet holes in the hoods. To the west the Almond Street continues on to intersect with Rose Avenue and the entrance to Grove Hills. To the east the street continues onwards toward the intersection with Tulip Avenue and what looks like a gas station on the corner.
<<if $StatusText.Notice is 1>>\
<<include "Update Status">>\
<<if _Rain > 0 and $StatusAffect.Wet < _Rain>>\
<<set _Rain to _Rain - $PCResistance.Water>>\
<<if _Rain > $StatusAffect.Wet>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Wet to _Rain>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I'm getting soaking wet!</i> </div>
<<if _Cold > 0 and $PCResistance.Cold < _Cold>>\
<<set _tempDamage to random(_Cold) + $StatusAffect.Wet>>\
<<set _tempDamage2 to _tempDamage - $PCResistance.Cold>>\
<<if _tempDamage2 > 0>>\
<<set $HP to $HP - _tempDamage2>>\
<<if $HP < 1>>\
<<set $HP to 1>>\
You take _tempDamage2 cold damage!
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I'm freezing to death!</i>
<<switch _State>>\
<<case "TooLate">>\
<<set $Time.Current to $Time.Max>>\
It's too dangerous to explore the Oak Dale suburbs at this time of night.
<<button [[Return Home|Oak Dale Returning Home]]>>
<<set $NoEncounter to 0>>\
<<case "Ambush">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Ambushed to 1>>\
You've been ambushed by an enemy!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<case "Combat">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
A hostile enemy is roaming nearby!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<case "NPC">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
You've encountered something unusual!
<<button [[Encounter|Oak Dale Events]]>>
<<set $location.prev to $location.temp>>\
<<button [[Explore one of the Empty Houses|Oak Dale - Suburb House]]>>
<<set $location.temp2 to $location.temp>>\
<<button [[Look around the Area|Oak Dale Event Scout]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Scout the Area for Enemies|Oak Dale Scouting]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[East to Almond & Tulip|Oak Dale - Almond & Tulip]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[West to Almond & Rose|Oak Dale Entrance]]>> <</button>>
<<if $lust >= ($MaxLust / 2) or $GeneralFeats.Horndog > 0>>\
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Masturbate|Masturbate]]>> </span>
<<set $location.Encounter to "Oak Dale">>\
<</switch>>\<<if $npcTroy.Corrupted is 1>>\
<<set $genericEvent.Image = $eventPath2 + $arrayEvent2MedicalTits.random() + '.jpg'>>\
<<set _State to "Corrupt">>\
<<set $genericEvent.Image = $eventPath2 + $arrayEvent2Medical.random() + '.jpg'>>\
<<set _State to "Standard">>\
<img @src=$genericEvent.Image />
<<set $HP to $MaxHP>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Energized to 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Horny to 0>>\
<<set $lust to 100>>\
<<set $Cum.Stored to $Cum.Max>>\
<<set $CumAD to $arrayCumAmountDesc[$Cum.Stored]>>\
<<if (random(19) + 1) + $Skill.Social + $CharismaBonus > 13>>\
<<set $npcTroy.Friendship to $npcTroy.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity +2 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set $npcTroy.Friendship to $npcTroy.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity +1 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$npcTroy.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$npcTroy.BreastsSize]>>
<<if $nurseEvent.Medical < 1>>\
<<set $nurseEvent.Medical to 1>>\
<<if $nurseattackEvent.Corrupt is 1>>\
<<set $sexHistory.XP to $sexHistory.XP +1>>\
  Nurse Troy has you sit down on the medical bed while she slowly struts around the office making sure you can see her jiggly ass. Bending over she lifts up her naughty nurse skirt allowing you to see that she isn't wearing any panties! As you gaze at her huge bouncy ass she finally finds what she was looking for. Straightening up she says "I'm going to need you to drink what I've been calling 'a CumBlaster'. This will help me with my treatment and I'll be getting some good readings." while handing you a sealed cup filled with what looks to be pink water. Deciding not to refuse you go ahead and down it all down. It tastes like a weird mix of carbonated cherry and lemon juice with a hint of medical syrup. "Second of all I need to check your vitals so go ahead and strip for me!" she orders as she leans back causing her _ISD breasts to pop out of her top again exposing her two-inch long nipples.
<<if $PC.Sex is "Male" and $StatusAffect.Futa < 1>>\
<<include "Nurse Clinic - Corrupt Male">>\
<<elseif $PC.Sex is "Female" and $StatusAffect.Futa < 1>>\
<<include "Nurse Clinic - Corrupt Female">>\
<<include "Nurse Clinic - Corrupt Futa">>\
  As you lay there recovering from your messy orgasm, Nurse Troy stares at your groin "It looks like your blood pressure is perfectly normal!" she says while looking energized from the frantic sex. "If you can shoot that much cum you must be healthy!" At your disbelieving look she bottles some of the cum from her creampied pussy "OK, let me check this to see if you've been exposed to the Infested virus and if so how much you've been. I don't want to risk losing favorite patient." she says as she takes your bottle of cum over to a microscope. After about 20 minutes she comes back with your results.
  Nurse Troy has you sit down on the medical bed while she scurries around the make-shift clinic. When she bends over to grab some tools and supplies from a large medkit next to the bed you can see under her short skirt and see that her red skimpy panties are barely holding back her ample ass. It takes her a minute to gather what she needs and the whole time her large ass shakes like a bowl of jell-o. Straightening up she says "First things first, I need you to drink this in order to get some good readings." she says while handing you a sealed cup filled with what looks to be water. It looks to be safe so you go ahead and drink it. It tastes like a weird mix of carbonated cherry and lemon juice with a hint of medical syrup. "Second of all I need to check your vitals so go ahead and strip for me please!" she orders as she straightens her tight uniform causing her _ISD breasts to jiggle.
<<if $PC.Sex is "Male" and $StatusAffect.Futa < 1>>\
<<include "Nurse Clinic - Male Checkup">>\
<<elseif $PC.Sex is "Female" and $StatusAffect.Futa < 1>>\
<<include "Nurse Clinic - Female Checkup">>\
<<include "Nurse Clinic - Futa Checkup">>\
  As you lay there recovering from your messy orgasm, Nurse Troy quickly scoops up the sticky cum you shot into a clear bottle. "It looks like your blood pressure is perfectly normal!" she says while looking pleased with the results. "Give me a moment to check this to see if you've been exposed to the Infested virus and if so how much you've been." she says as she takes your bottle of cum over to a microscope. After about 20 minutes she comes back with your results.
<<if $StatusAffect.Pregnant > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Pregnant to 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Infertility to 3>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Fertility to 0>>\
  "I have some rather worrying news." she says with a rather stressed out tone. "I must ask if you have been sexually active since my preliminary test shows a extreme minute amount of pregnancy hormones in your fluids. Now the test can be inaccurate and amount is very minute so I'm just asking just in case."
  Thinking about all the sex you've recently had you can only stammer out "Maybe? A little bit?" much to Nurse Troy's wearied face. It's been so hard to keep track of how many people you've had sex with that's not counting the Infested!
  Sighing softly, the busty nurse turns around and searches for something in her medical bag with her _IAss booty up in the air. After a few moments, she straightens up and turns back around with a pill bottle in hand. "This is a contraceptive named Plan P-Minus and will prevent pregnancy if taken before or closely after sex and it lasts for about 3 days. Normally I would charge someone for this but since you a related to $mom.Name this one is on the house!"
  You gingerly take the pink bottle and read the description. <b>Plan P-Minus is a contraceptive pill that is used for the prevention of pregnancy. It can be used by men and women and if used soon enough after sex, it prevents a pregnancy. Lasts for 3 days - Proud product of Bioslut Corporation.</b> Feeling that it's better to feel safe rather than sorry, you pop the bottle open and down the single pink pill inside. It oddly has a brief taste of bubble-gum and you marvel at the fact that such a tiny pill works so well for men, women and futas!
  Nurse Troy looks a bit more relieved as you down the pink pill and with some cheer in her voice she says "Now I wasn't able to focus on the Infested virus with those pesky hormones showing up so I'm going to suggest returning her in a day or two for a follow-up checkup!"
<<elseif $Infestation.Progress < 1>>\
  "You look completely clean!" she happily says. "No traces of the Infested virus could be found. There does seem to be some type of stong anti-bodies similiar to what we use for the anti-Infested treatment that is protecting you. Now this test isn't perfect so you should come back in a day or two to be checked again."
<<elseif $Infestation.Progress > 0 or $Infestation.Progress < 4>>\
  "I have some rather good news and some bad news." she says with a slightly worried tone. "Minor traces of the Infested virus could be found but it looks like there is some type of strong immune response fighting it. You should be OK as long as you don't have more exposure to it but with the limited amount of information I have it's hard to say. Now this test isn't perfect so you should come back in a day or two to be checked again."
<<elseif $Infestation.Progress > 3 or $Infestation.Progress < 6>>\
  "I have some good news and some rather bad news." she says with a very worried tone. "Large amounts of the Infested virus could be found but it looks like there is some type of immune response trying to fight it. I can't say if you will OK but more exposure to it could be catastrophic. With the limited amount of information I have it's really hard to say. Now this test isn't perfect so you should come back in a day or two to be checked again."
  "I have some slightly good news and rather bad news." she says with a extremely worried tone. "Huge amounts of the Infested virus could be found but it looks like there is some type of minor immune response weakly trying to fight it. It's advanced enough that you could infect someone if you have sex with them without the vaccine. Without some extreme treatment any more exposure to the virus could be catastrophic. We don't have time to do a anti-Infested treatment right now but I would highly suggest getting it the next time you visit. Now this test isn't perfect so you should come back in a day or two to be checked again."
  "Thanks for the examination, Nurse Troy." you say as you slowly get dressed. Nurse Troy watches you get dressed with a satisfied smile while idly pinching her hard nipples. You give her one last look as you leave the clinic.
<<if $npcTroy.Corrupted is 1>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> Fuck that was a great "exam"! I could get used to that type of exam. </i></div>
<div class="pcTalk"><i> After that kind of "exam" it's pretty obvious she's at least partially Infested. </i></div>
<<button [[Finish|$location.temp]]>>
<<set $location.Indoor to 0>>\
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<include "Lust Passes">>\
<<set $NoEncounter to random(1) +2>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<set $nurseEvent.BreastsSize to $PC.BreastsSize>>\
<<set $nurseEvent.DickSize to $PC.DickSize>>\
<<set $nurseEvent.AssSize to $PC.AssSize>>\
<</button>><img src="Images/Suburb/Gated Entrance 1.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<include "SpecialAttacks">>\
<<include "Raider Enemies">>\
<<include "Encounter Table">>\
<<include "Combat Status Affects">>\
<<set $grovehillsBossEvent.Combat to 1>>\
<<set $grovehillsBossEvent.Visits to 1>>
<<set $location.FleeFlag to 1>>\
<<set $location.Flee to "Grove Hills Entrance">>\
<<set $BattleFlag to 1>>\
<<set $location.BattleWin to "Grove Hills Boss Victory">>\
<<set $location.BattleLose to "Grove Hills Boss Defeat">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set $genericFighter to $raiderMiniBoss>>\
<<set _Path to $genericFighter.Path>>\
<<set $genericFighter.Image = _Path + $genericFighter.Image.random() + '.jpg'>>\
<<set $genericWeapon to $genericFighter.Weapon>>\
<<set $genericComments to "Raider Male Combat Comments">>\
<<set $lootTemp to $genericFighter.Loot>>\
<<set $rarelootTemp to $genericFighter.RareLoot>>\
<<switch $SkillAction>>\
<<case "Athletics">>\
<<set _A to (random(19) + 1)>>\
  You quickly climb to the top of gated wall using some neglected holes in the wall as hand grips. Soon you hear the sound of a large engine and before long you see the Raider driving down the street toward your location in his jeep. He's steering with one hand while the other hand is holding his rifle loosely. As he passes by the jeep slows down as he starts to look around. You take this chance to prepare to jump into his jeep!
<<if _A + $Skill.Athletics + $StrengthBonus + $FoodStatus.Skill >= 12 + ($PC.Level / 2)>>\
<<set _tempXP to $PC.Level * 100>>\
<<set $XP to $XP + _tempXP>>\
<<set $genericFighter to $raiderWeakMiniBoss>>\
<<set $genericFighter.Image = _Path + $genericFighter.Image.random() + '.jpg'>>\
  Somehow you safely land in the back of his jeep! Before he can react you force the steering wheel to the right causing the jeep to slam into wall. The raider's face slams into the steering wheel dazing him a bit before he can stagger out of the jeep. You follow suite as you recover from the car crash, luckily since you were prepared you are not hurt.
  "What the fuck?" he mumbles as he prepares for combat by shakily raising his rifle. You do as well as you raise your $equipedWeapon.name with much steadier aim.
<<if $XP >= $NextLevel>> You have reached the maxium experience for your level! Sleep to gain your next level.<<else>> You have gained _tempXP XP! <</if>>
  As you jump from the top of the gated way the Raider swerves causing you to miss! He stops his jeep as he sees you land behind the jeep. Luckily you was able to turn your jump into a roll as you get back on your feet.
  "What the fuck? Did you just try and get the jump on me? I mean literally try and jump me? That was a bad idea, very bad idea..." he asks as he gets out of the jeep with his rifle raised and ready for combat. You can only shake you head as you raise your $equipedWeapon.name.
<<case "Cooking">>\
<<set _C to (random(19) + 1)>>\
  You make sure your bag of tainted sandwiches, cookies and beer is secure before trying to find a good place for the Raider to discover it. You decide to place it as if someone dropped it while fleeing into the Grove Hills subdivision next to the gate but close enough to the road for the Raider to see it. You quickly hide behind the wall as you hear the sound of a large engine and before long you see the Raider driving down the street toward your location in his jeep. He's steering with one hand while the other hand is holding his rifle loosely. He stops as he sees the bag of food and with a big smile picks it up.
<<if _C + $Skill.Cooking + $WisdomBonus + $FoodStatus.Skill >= 12 + ($PC.Level / 2)>>\
<<set _tempXP to $PC.Level * 100>>\
<<set $XP to $XP + _tempXP>>\
<<set $genericFighter to $raiderWeakMiniBoss>>\
<<set $genericFighter.Image = _Path + $genericFighter.Image.random() + '.jpg'>>\
  The Raider takes a big bite from a tainted sandwich before finishing off the rest of it. You smile as he started to cough and weeze as he staggers out of his jeep. He pauses for a moment to puke out more of this toxic food as he looks like death warmed over. You take a step out from behind the wall while looking over the Raider who's looking staggered.
  "What the fuck?" he mumbles as he prepares for combat by shakily raising his rifle. You do as well as you raise your $equipedWeapon.name with much steadier aim.
<<if $XP >= $NextLevel>> You have reached the maxium experience for your level! Sleep to gain your next level.<<else>> You have gained _tempXP XP! <</if>>
  The Raider looks at the food before taking a big sniff. Frowning deeply he tosses the bag of tainted food out of his jeep. Looking up he sees you and looks startled for a momenet before saying "What the fuck? Did you just try and poison me with bad food? That was a bad idea, very bad idea..." he asks as he gets out of the jeep with his rifle raised and ready for combat. You can only shake you head as you step away from the wall with your $equipedWeapon.name raised.
<<case "Driving">>\
<<set _D to (random(19) + 1)>>\
  It takes awhile to find a working car that has just enough gas to be used as a ramming device but eventually you do so. You line up the car in a nearby driveway giving you a perfect view for when the Raider will be driving by. Soon you hear the sound of a large engine and before long you see the Raider driving down the street toward your location in his jeep. He's steering with one hand while the other hand is holding his rifle loosely. As he passes by the jeep slows down as he starts to look around trying to find the source of the sound of another car. You take this chance to ram your stolen car into his jeep!
<<if _D + $Skill.Driving + $DexterityBonus + $FoodStatus.Skill >= 12 + ($PC.Level / 2)>>\
<<set _tempXP to $PC.Level * 100>>\
<<set $XP to $XP + _tempXP>>\
<<set $genericFighter to $raiderWeakMiniBoss>>\
<<set $genericFighter.Image = _Path + $genericFighter.Image.random() + '.jpg'>>\
  Just as he's about to pass beyond the driveway you are hidden in, you slam on the gas and rocket forward! He doesn't even have time to react as you slam into the passenger side door. The raider's face slams into the steering wheel dazing him a bit before he can stagger out of the jeep. You take a step out from your wrecked car while looking over the Raider who's looking staggered.
  "What the fuck?" he mumbles as he prepares for combat by shakily raising his rifle. You do as well as you raise your $equipedWeapon.name with much steadier aim.
<<if $XP >= $NextLevel>> You have reached the maxium experience for your level! Sleep to gain your next level.<<else>> You have gained _tempXP XP! <</if>>
  Just as he's about to pass beyond the driveway you are hidden in, you slam on the gas but the car stalls! By the time you get the car restarted the Raider has stopped and is staring at you. "What the fuck? Did you just try and get the jump on me by hitting me with a car? That was a bad idea, very bad idea..." he asks as he gets out of the jeep with his rifle raised and ready for combat. You can only shake you head as you step out of the car with your $equipedWeapon.name raised.
<<case "Electronics">>\
  You find the electronics box for the gate, luckily it's in a location slightly out of direct line of sight until you firmly in the Grove Hills. Grabbing your smart phone you prepare to send the correct digitial signal to close the gate. Soon you hear the sound of a large engine and before long you see the Raider driving down the street toward your location in his jeep. He's steering with one hand while the other hand is holding his rifle loosely. The jeep slows down as he starts pass the gate. You take this chance to activate your trap code!
<<set _E to (random(19) + 1) + $Skill.Electronics + $IntelligenceBonus + $FoodStatus.Skill + $PCStatus.SkillBuff>>\
<<set _E2 to 0>>\
<<if $ElectronicsSkillFeats.BruteForce > 0>>\
<<set _E2 to (random(19) + 1) + $Skill.Electronics + $IntelligenceBonus + $FoodStatus.Skill + $PCStatus.SkillBuff - ($SkillFeats.BruteForce *2)>>\
<<if _E >= 12 + ($PC.Level / 2) or _E2 >= 12 + ($PC.Level / 2)>>\
<<if $ProgrammerPath.Blackhat > 0>>\
<<include "Hacking Heal">>\
<<set _tempXP to $PC.Level * 100>>\
<<set $XP to $XP + _tempXP>>\
<<set $genericFighter to $raiderWeakMiniBoss>>\
<<set $genericFighter.Image = _Path + $genericFighter.Image.random() + '.jpg'>>\
  Just as he's about to pass beyond the entrance one of the gates slams in front of the moving jeep. The raider's face slams into the steering wheel dazing him a bit before he can stagger out of the jeep. You take a step out from behind the electronics box while looking over the Raider who's looking staggered.
  "What the fuck?" he mumbles as he prepares for combat by shakily raising his rifle. You do as well as you raise your $equipedWeapon.name with much steadier aim.
<<if $XP >= $NextLevel>> You have reached the maxium experience for your level! Sleep to gain your next level.<<else>> You have gained _tempXP XP! <</if>>
  Just as the gate was about to slam into the jeep, the Raider sped up causing it to miss his keep by a foot. He stops his jeep as he sees you standing next to the electronics box. "What the fuck? Did you just try and get the jump on me by hitting me with the gate? That was a bad idea, very bad idea..." he asks as he gets out of the jeep with his rifle raised and ready for combat. You can only shake you head as you raise your $equipedWeapon.name.
<<case "Medical">>\
<<set _M to (random(19) + 1)>>\
  You make sure your doctor bag of tainted medicine is secure before trying to find a good place for the Raider to discover it. You decide to place it as if someone dropped it while fleeing into the Grove Hills subdivision next to the gate but close enough to the road for the Raider to see it. You quickly hide behind the wall as you hear the sound of a large engine and before long you see the Raider driving down the street toward your location in his jeep. He's steering with one hand while the other hand is holding his rifle loosely. He stops as he sees the doctor bag and with a big smile picks it up.
<<if _M + $Skill.Medical + $WisdomBonus + $FoodStatus.Skill >= 12 + ($PC.Level / 2)>>\
<<set _tempXP to $PC.Level * 100>>\
<<set $XP to $XP + _tempXP>>\
<<set $genericFighter to $raiderWeakMiniBoss>>\
<<set $genericFighter.Image = _Path + $genericFighter.Image.random() + '.jpg'>>\
  The Raider looks at the bottle labled "Anti-viral medicine" before downing several pills. It takes a couple of minutes but you see the affect as he grabs his chest. You smile as he started to cough and weeze as he staggers out of his jeep. He pauses for a moment to clutch his chest again while he looking like death warmed over. You take a step out from behind the wall while looking over the Raider who's looking staggered.
  "What the fuck?" he mumbles as he prepares for combat by shakily raising his rifle. You do as well as you raise your $equipedWeapon.name with much steadier aim.
  The Raider looks at the medicine before taking a big sniff from the bottle. Frowning deeply he tosses the doctor bag away. Looking up he sees you and looks startled for a momenet before saying "What the fuck? Did you just try and poison me with bad medicine? That was a bad idea, very bad idea..." he asks as he gets out of the jeep with his rifle raised and ready for combat. You can only shake you head as you step away from the wall with your $equipedWeapon.name raised.
<<case "Stealth">>\
<<set _S to (random(19) + 1) + $Skill.Stealth + $DexterityBonus + $FoodStatus.Skill - $StatusAffect.Hungry>>\
<<set _S2 to 0>>\
  You find a spot that it looks like the Raider uses when parked. The amount of trash and tread marks makes it quite apparent. Luckily there is a shrub nearby where you can hide. You quickly do so and wait for the Raider to arrive. Soon you hear the sound of a large engine and before long you see the Raider driving down the street toward your location in his jeep. He's steering with one hand while the other hand is holding his rifle loosely. The jeep slows down and the Raider parks his jeep nearby just as planned.
<<if $StealthSkillFeats.Distraction > 0>>\
<<set _S2 to (random(19) + 1) + $Skill.Stealth + $DexterityBonus + $FoodStatus.Skill + $PCStatus.SkillBuff - ($StealthSkillFeats.Distraction *2) - $StatusAffect.Hungry>>\
<<if _S >= 12 + ($PC.Level / 2) or _S2 >= 12 + ($PC.Level / 2)>>\
<<set _tempXP to $PC.Level * 100>>\
<<set $XP to $XP + _tempXP>>\
<<set $genericFighter to $raiderWeakMiniBoss>>\
<<set $genericFighter.Image = _Path + $genericFighter.Image.random() + '.jpg'>>\
  Seeing the Raider not paying attention you sneak up to his jeep. Taking out a small utility knife you get to work slicing each tire. It takes a few minutes of nerve wracking work but by the time you are done all of his jeep's tires are completely flat. You manage to make it back to the safety of you hiding spot and you wait. It doesn't take long before the Raider sees a Infested that he wants to mess with and within seconds he's in hot pursuit. Unfortunately for the Raider, trying to drive a jeep at high speeds with four flat tires is rather hard as he quickly slams into a power line pole. You take a step out from behind your hiding spot while looking over the Raider who's looking staggered.
  "What the fuck?" he mumbles as he prepares for combat by shakily raising his rifle. You do as well as you raise your $equipedWeapon.name with much steadier aim.
<<if $XP >= $NextLevel>> You have reached the maxium experience for your level! Sleep to gain your next level.<<else>> You have gained _tempXP XP! <</if>>
  As you sneak up towards the Raider's jeep, you have a bit of bad luck as the Raider glances in his rearview mirror and stares at you. "What the fuck? What are you doing trying to sneak up on me? Going to try and mug me? That was a bad idea, very bad idea..." he asks as he gets out of the jeep with his rifle raised and ready for combat. You can only shake you head as you raise your $equipedWeapon.name.
<<case "Thievery">>\
<<set _T to (random(19) + 1) + $Skill.Thievery + $DexterityBonus + $FoodStatus.Skill>>\
<<set _T2 to 0>>\
  You slowly but surely gather up some metal scraps that looks sharp enough to be used as caltrops. You spend some time sharpening and refitting the scraps into proper caltops. Finding where the road curves before entering the Grove Hills you plant the caltops under some leaves and other debris. Just as you finish up you hear the sound of a large engine and before long you see the Raider driving down the street toward your location in his jeep. You quickly get behind the gate wall and watch him drive closer. He's steering with one hand while the other hand is holding his rifle loosely. The jeep is heading to the curve and your hidden caltrops just as planned.
<<if $ThieverySkillFeats.SnareMaster > 0>>\
<<set _T2 to (random(19) + 1) + $Skill.Thievery + $DexterityBonus + $FoodStatus.Skill + $PCStatus.SkillBuff - ( *2)>>\
<<if _T >= 12 + ($PC.Level / 2) or _T2 >= 12 + ($PC.Level / 2)>>\
<<set _tempXP to $PC.Level * 100>>\
<<set $XP to $XP + _tempXP>>\
<<set $genericFighter to $raiderWeakMiniBoss>>\
<<set $genericFighter.Image = _Path + $genericFighter.Image.random() + '.jpg'>>\
  Just as he's coming around the corner his front two tires run over the hidden caltops causing the speeding jeep to skid all over the road. The Raider quickly loses control as his jeep slams into a telephone pole. You slowly step out from behind your hiding spot while looking over the Raider who's looking staggered.
  "What the fuck?" he mumbles as he prepares for combat by shakily raising his rifle. You do as well as you raise your $equipedWeapon.name with much steadier aim.
<<if $XP >= $NextLevel>> You have reached the maxium experience for your level! Sleep to gain your next level.<<else>> You have gained _tempXP XP! <</if>>
  It seems you have a bit of bad luck as the Raider's jeep avoids the hidden caltrops. Before you have a chance to retreat the Raider sees you! "What the fuck? What are you doing hiding over there? Going to try and mug me? That was a bad idea, very bad idea..." he asks as he gets out of the jeep with his rifle raised and ready for combat. You can only shake you head as you raise your $equipedWeapon.name.
  You patiently wait for the raider to show up. It doesn't take long before you hear the sound of a large engine and before long you see the Raider rapidly driving down the street toward your location in his jeep. He's steering with one hand while the other hand is holding his rifle loosely. He stops his jeep as he sees you standing next to the gate.
  "What do we have here? Another body to sell to my customers, I believe. Now drop your weapon and get on your knees if you want to live!" he shouts at you while waving his gun around.
  "No, I don't think I will." you state matter-of-factly as you raise your $equipedWeapon.name and prepare for combat. The Raider can only stare in disbelief for a moment before he too raises his weapon.
<<button [[Fight!|Suburb Combat]]>>
<</button>><img src="Images/Home/Garage.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> What should I create today? As long as I have the crafting recipes recorded on my smartphone I should be able to make it and if I do a good enough job I might even get a superior version of the item I'm trying to create! Of course I can only create something if I have enough supplies...</i></div>
<<button [[Weapons|Crafting - Weapons]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Armor|Crafting - Armor]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Items|Crafting - Item]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Nevermind|Garage]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</button>><<if $Time.Current < 6>>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/suburbs 1.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburbs-N 1.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set $location.temp to "Grove Hills Returning Home">>\
You are traveling quickly back towards the safety of your home. The dark night is making it rough as the Infested are out in force.
<<if (random(19) +1)+ $Skill.Scouting + $WisdomBonus + $StatusAffect.SilentStalking - ($StatusAffect.Stalking*2) - $StatusAffect.Horny - ($StatusAffect.CumCovered) < (7 + $Time.Current) and $NoEncounter is 0>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
You've encountered something unusual!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<set $location.Encounter to "Grove Hills">>\
<<button [[Finally get Home|Front Door]]>> <</button>>\
<</if>>\<<if $Time.Current < 6>>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburbs 7.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburbs-N 7.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set $location.temp to "Oak Dale Returning Home">>\
<<set _tempV to $VehicleFlags.Current>>\
You are traveling quickly back towards your home but you are a fair distance away. The dark night along with the damaged streets of Oak Dale is making it rough as the Infested are also out in force.
<<if (random(19) + 1) + $Skill.Scouting + $WisdomBonus + $StatusAffect.SilentStalking - ($StatusAffect.Stalking*2) - $StatusAffect.Horny - ($StatusAffect.CumCovered) < (8 + $Time.Current) and $NoEncounter is 0>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
You've encountered something unusual!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<set $location.Encounter to "Oak Dale">>\
<<if $VehicleFlags.location is "Oak Dale - Parking">>\
<<button [[Grab your _tempV.name before going Home|Oak Dale - Parking]]>> <</button>>\
<<elseif $VehicleFlags.location is "Busch Bank - Parking">>\
<<button [[Grab your _tempV.name before going Home|Busch Bank - Parking]]>> <</button>>\
<<elseif $VehicleFlags.location is "Oak Dale - Clinic Parking">>\
<<button [[Grab your _tempV.name before going Home|Oak Dale - Clinic Parking]]>> <</button>>\
<<button [[Continue going Home|Grove Hills Returning Home]]>> <</button>>\
<</if>>\<<set $CombatRound to 0>>\
<<set $SpecialUsage to $MaxSpecialUsage>>\
<<include "Combat Status Affects">>\
<<if $MedicPath.Combat > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Undying to 1>>\
<<set $location.FleeFlag to 0>>\
<<set _tempCash to $genericFighter.Level * 20>>\
<<set _tempCash to random(_tempCash) + ($genericFighter.Level * 4)>>\
<<if $SalvagingSkillFeats.SecureWallet > 0>>\
<<set _tempSecure to _tempCash * (.10 * $Prof.Salvaging)>>\
<<set _tempCash to Math.round(_tempCash - _tempSecure)>>\
<<set $Cash to $Cash - _tempCash>>\
<<if $Cash < 0>>\
<<set $Cash to 0>>\
<<if $HP < 1>>\
<<if $SkillFeats.Recovery > 0>>\
<<set $HP to $PC.Level + $ConstitutionBonus + 1>>\
<<set $HP to 1>>\
<<if $CombatChoice is "Surrender">>\
Knowing this is a fight you can not win you decide to surrender to $genericFighter.Name. They demand that you empty your backpack of any food supplies which you reluctantly do so. You watch as they store away the food they can easily find while keeping $genericFighter.Pronoun2 $genericWeapon.name aimed at you.
"Thanks for the supplies!" $genericFighter.Name3 says as $genericFighter.Pronoun leaves the area. As you repack your supplies you notice that you are also missing _tempCash dollars! You also discover the following items missing as well!
<<if _tempCash > 0>>\
<<include "Time Passes">>\
As you regain consiousness you discover that you are missing _tempCash dollars! You also discover the following items missing as well!
<<include "Time Passes">>\
As you regain consiousness you also discover the following items missing!
<<set _ScoutDC to 10 + $genericFighter.Scouting>>\
<<set _FoodCount to 0>>\
<<for $i = 0; $i < $PCInventory.length; $i++>>\
<<set $efood = $PCInventory[$i]>>\
<<if $efood.type is "food">>\
<<set _amount to $efood.amount>>\
<<for $j = 0; $j < _amount; $j++>>\
<<if _FoodCount is 0>>\
<<set _FoodCount to _FoodCount +1>>\
Stolen: $efood.name
<<if _amount > 1>>\
<<set $efood.amount to $efood.amount -1>>\
<<set $PCInventory.delete($efood)>>\
<<set _tempSecure to 0>>\
<<if $SalvagingSkillFeats.SecureWallet > 0>>\
<<set _tempSecure to ($Prof.Salvaging * 2)>>\
<<set _Stealth to (random(19) +1) + $Skill.Stealth + $DexterityBonus + $PCStatus.SkillBuff + _tempSecure + _FoodCount - $StatusAffect.Hungry>>\
<<if $ShowRolls.Rob is 1>>\
Stealth Roll: _Stealth vs DC: _ScoutDC
<<set _Stealth2 to 0>>\
<<if $StealthSkillFeats.Distraction > 0>>\
<<set _Stealth2 to (random(19) +1)) + $Skill.Stealth + $DexterityBonus + $PCStatus.SkillBuff + _tempSecure + _FoodCount - $StatusAffect.Hungry -2 >>\
<<if $ShowRolls.Rob is 1>>\
Distraction Stealth Roll: _Stealth2 vs DC: _ScoutDC
<<if _Stealth < _ScoutDC and _Stealth2 < _ScoutDC>>\
<<set _FoodCount to _FoodCount +1>>\
<<set _amount to $efood.amount>>\
Stolen: $efood.name
<<if _amount > 1>>\
<<set $efood.amount to $efood.amount -1>>\
<<set $PCInventory.delete($efood)>>\
<<button [[Return|$location.temp]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<set $NoEncounter to random(1) +2>>\
<</button>><img @src=$genericFighter.Image width="550px" height="800px" />
<<include "Loot Items">>\
<<set $NoEncounter to 2>>\
<<set $CombatRound to 0>>\
<<set $location.FleeFlag to 0>>\
<<set $BattleFlag to 0>>\
<<set $grovehillsBossEvent.Defeated to 1>>\
<<set $SpecialUsage to $MaxSpecialUsage>>\
<<include "Combat Status Affects">>\
<<set $location.FleeFlag to 0>>\
<<set $questsFamilyMom.Wreck to 1>>\
<<set $VehicleFlags.Own to 1>>\
<<set $VehicleFlags.Current to $vehicle.jeep>>\
<<set $VehicleFlags.location to "Garage">>\
<<if $SkillAction is not "Default">>\
<<set $VehicleHP to 0>>\
<<set _tempXP to $genericFighter.Level * 150>>\
<<set $XP to $XP + _tempXP>>\
<<if $XP > $NextLevel>>\
<<set $XP to $NextLevel>>\
After a hard fought fight you have managed to defeat $genericFighter.Name! <<if $XP is $NextLevel>> You have reached the maxium experience for your level! Sleep to gain your next level.<<else>> You have gained _tempXP XP from the experience! <</if>>
You take your time searching thu the raider's belongings along with his jeep. You find the following items:
<<include "Loot">>\
<<set _exists to 0>>\
<<set _tempLoot to $weapon.Remington223>>\
<<for $i = 0; $i < $PCInventory.length; $i++>>\
<<set $uitem = $PCInventory[$i]>>\
<<set $ItemName to $uitem.name>>\
<<set _TempName to _tempLoot.name>>\
<<if $ItemName is _TempName>>\
<<set _amount to $uitem.amount>>\
<<set _exists to 1>>\
<<if _exists is 1>>\
<<set _amount to _amount +1>>\
<<set $uitem.amount to _amount>>\
<<set $PCInventory.push(_tempLoot)>>\
<<print _tempLoot.name>>
<<set _exists to 0>>\
<<set _tempLoot to $item.recipeParka>>\
<<for $i = 0; $i < $PCInventory.length; $i++>>\
<<set $uitem = $PCInventory[$i]>>\
<<set $ItemName to $uitem.name>>\
<<set _TempName to _tempLoot.name>>\
<<if $ItemName is _TempName>>\
<<set _amount to $uitem.amount>>\
<<set _exists to 1>>\
<<if _exists is 1>>\
<<set _amount to _amount +1>>\
<<set $uitem.amount to _amount>>\
<<set $PCInventory.push(_tempLoot)>>\
<<print _tempLoot.name>>
<<if $SkillAction is "Default">>\
<<set _tempLoot to $armor.superiorparka>>\
<<set _tempLoot to $armor.parka>>\
<<set _exists to 0>>\
<<for $i = 0; $i < $PCInventory.length; $i++>>\
<<set $uitem = $PCInventory[$i]>>\
<<set $ItemName to $uitem.name>>\
<<set _TempName to _tempLoot.name>>\
<<if $ItemName is _TempName>>\
<<set _amount to $uitem.amount>>\
<<set _exists to 1>>\
<<if _exists is 1>>\
<<set _amount to _amount +1>>\
<<set $uitem.amount to _amount>>\
<<set $PCInventory.push(_tempLoot)>>\
<<print _tempLoot.name>>
In addition to finding some loot you find the following text message sent to him on his phone:
<div class="enemyTalk"><i> Max, thanks for finding us some more pure bitches to breed. We're keeping them in quarantine at our base for a week or so to make sure they aren't tainted with the Infested virus. As a bonus reward if you want to have a round with one of them be sure to stop by our base afterwards - Pureblood Raiders</i></div>
<div class="pcTalk"><i> What the fuck?!?!? Did these fucking 'Pureblood Raiders' kidnap my $mom.Relationship and my $sister.Relationship to be used as breeding stock? Time to bust these fucker's heads in and get some answers!</i></div>
Feeling the burning rage from the thoughts of your $mom.Relationship or your $sister.Relationship being captured by raiders, you decide to scour the raider's jeep for more information. Looking over the damaged jeep you don't find any more information but you do find his keys. It seems like the jeep with some minor repairs would be useful for traveling around the city. You decide to drive it slowly back to your garage in order to check out what is needed to get it fully operational.
<<button [[Finish|Garage]]>>
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</button>><img @src=$genericFighter.Image width="550px" height="800px" />
<<set $NoEncounter to 2>>\
<<set $CombatRound to 0>>\
<<set $location.FleeFlag to 0>>\
<<set $BattleFlag to 0>>\
<<set $SpecialUsage to $MaxSpecialUsage>>\
<<include "Combat Status Affects">>\
<<set $Time.Current to $Time.Max>>\
<<set _tempCash to $genericFighter.Level * 20>>\
<<set _tempCash to random(_tempCash) + 20>>\
<<if $SalvagingSkillFeats.SecureWallet > 0>>\
<<set _tempSecure to _tempCash * (.10 * $Prof.Salvaging)>>\
<<set _tempCash to Math.round(_tempCash - _tempSecure)>>\
<<set $Cash to $Cash - _tempCash>>\
<<if $Cash < 0>>\
<<set $Cash to 0>>\
<<if $HP < 1>>\
<<if $SkillFeats.Recovery > 0>>\
<<set $HP to $PC.Level + $ConstitutionBonus + 1>>\
<<set $HP to 1>>\
<<for $i = 0; $i < $PCInventory.length; $i++>>\
<<set $efood = $PCInventory[$i]>>\
<<if $efood.type is "food">>\
<<set $PCInventory.delete($efood)>>\
As you regain consiousness you discover that you are lying next to your front door. Your phone is on with message from Nurse Troy!
<i>'I found you unconscious and bleeding out in a gutter! I was able to patch you up and drag you back to your house but I couldn't find your house key. I highly suggest a good night sleep and stopping by in the morning for a checkup!' - Nurse Troy</i>
<<if $Cash > 0>>\
Looking at your wallet you notice you are missing _tempCash dollars and your backpack shows that all your food supplies are missing!
<<button [[Finish|Front Door]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</button>><img src="Images/Player/smartphone.jpg" width="512px" height="768px" />
<<button [[General Options|Gameplay Options]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Roll Options|Options - Rolls]]>> <</button>>
<<if $GeneralFeats.WeakWill > 0>>\
<<button [[Weak Will Options|Options - Sex Options]]>> <</button>>
<<if $GeneralFeats.PotentFertility > 0>>\
<<button [[Potent Fertility Options|Options - Sex Options]]>> <</button>>
<<if $ScoutingSkillFeats.Stalking > 0 or $ScoutingSkillFeats.SilentStalking > 0 or $DrivingSkillFeats.SilentDriving>>\
<<button [[Scouting Options|Options - Scouting]]>> <</button>>
<<if $GeneralFeats.SeasonGreetings > 0>>\
<<button [[Seasonal Options|Options - Seasonal]]>> <</button>>
<<if $DrivingSkillFeats.SilentDriving > 0>>\
<<button [[Driving Options|Options - Driving]]>> <</button>>
<<if $ScoutingSkillFeats.HunterInfested > 0 or $ScoutingSkillFeats.HunterRaider > 0 or $ScoutingSkillFeats.HunterGangsta > 0 or $ScoutingSkillFeats.HunterMilitary > 0>>\
<<button [[Hunter Options|Options - Hunting]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Return to Main Menu|SmartPhone]]>> <</button>>
<<button "Finish" $return>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</button>><img src="Images/Player/smartphone.jpg" width="512px" height="768px" />
<<if $StatusAffect.SilentStalking is 0 and $StealthSkillFeats.SilentStalking > 0>>\
Turn on Silent Stalking - Adds Stealth proficiency to avoid enemies while traveling
<<button [[Turn on Silent Stalking|Options]]>>
<<set $StatusAffect.SilentStalking to $Prof.Stealth>>\
<<elseif $StatusAffect.SilentStalking > 0 and $StealthSkillFeats.SilentStalking > 0>>\
Turn off Silent Stalking - Uses normal Scouting to avoid enemies while traveling
<<button [[Stalking|Options]]>>
<<set $StatusAffect.SilentStalking to 0>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.Stalking is 0 and $ScoutingSkillFeats.Stalking > 0>>\
Turn on Stalking - Uses Scouting skill to find more enemies while traveling
<<button [[Turn on Stalking|Options]]>>
<<set $StatusAffect.Stalking to $Skill.Scouting + $WisdomBonus>>\
<<elseif $StatusAffect.Stalking > 0 and $ScoutingSkillFeats.Stalking > 0>>\
Turn off Stalking - Uses Scouting skill to avoid enemies while traveling
<<button [[Stalking|Options]]>>
<<set $StatusAffect.Stalking to 0>>\
<<button [[Return to Main Menu|SmartPhone]]>> <</button>>
<<button "Finish" $return>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</button>><img src="Images/Home/PC.jpg" width="800px" height="400px" />
What do you want added to your inventory?
<<button [[Add Energy Thirst|Add Items]]>>
<<set _exists to 0>>\
<<set _tempLoot to $item.energydrink>>\
<<for $i = 0; $i < $PCInventory.length; $i++>>\
<<set $uitem = $PCInventory[$i]>>\
<<set $ItemName to $uitem.name>>\
<<set _TempName to _tempLoot.name>>\
<<if $ItemName is _TempName>>\
<<set _amount to $uitem.amount>>\
<<set _exists to 1>>\
<<if _exists is 1>>\
<<set $uitem.amount to $uitem.amount +1>>\
<<set $PCInventory.push(_tempLoot)>>\
<<button [[Add Dr. Pecker|Add Items]]>>
<<set _exists to 0>>\
<<set _tempLoot to $item.drpecker>>\
<<for $i = 0; $i < $PCInventory.length; $i++>>\
<<set $uitem = $PCInventory[$i]>>\
<<set $ItemName to $uitem.name>>\
<<set _TempName to _tempLoot.name>>\
<<if $ItemName is _TempName>>\
<<set _amount to $uitem.amount>>\
<<set _exists to 1>>\
<<if _exists is 1>>\
<<set $uitem.amount to $uitem.amount +1>>\
<<set $PCInventory.push(_tempLoot)>>\
<<button [[Add Dr. Pecker-X|Add Items]]>>
<<set _exists to 0>>\
<<set _tempLoot to $item.drpeckerx>>\
<<for $i = 0; $i < $PCInventory.length; $i++>>\
<<set $uitem = $PCInventory[$i]>>\
<<set $ItemName to $uitem.name>>\
<<set _TempName to _tempLoot.name>>\
<<if $ItemName is _TempName>>\
<<set _amount to $uitem.amount>>\
<<set _exists to 1>>\
<<if _exists is 1>>\
<<set $uitem.amount to $uitem.amount +1>>\
<<set $PCInventory.push(_tempLoot)>>\
<<button [[Add Junk in Trunk|Add Items]]>>
<<set _exists to 0>>\
<<set _tempLoot to $item.junktrunk>>\
<<for $i = 0; $i < $PCInventory.length; $i++>>\
<<set $uitem = $PCInventory[$i]>>\
<<set $ItemName to $uitem.name>>\
<<set _TempName to _tempLoot.name>>\
<<if $ItemName is _TempName>>\
<<set _amount to $uitem.amount>>\
<<set _exists to 1>>\
<<if _exists is 1>>\
<<set $uitem.amount to $uitem.amount +1>>\
<<set $PCInventory.push(_tempLoot)>>\
<<button [[Add MilkShake Jugs|Add Items]]>>
<<set _exists to 0>>\
<<set _tempLoot to $item.milkshakejugs>>\
<<for $i = 0; $i < $PCInventory.length; $i++>>\
<<set $uitem = $PCInventory[$i]>>\
<<set $ItemName to $uitem.name>>\
<<set _TempName to _tempLoot.name>>\
<<if $ItemName is _TempName>>\
<<set _amount to $uitem.amount>>\
<<set _exists to 1>>\
<<if _exists is 1>>\
<<set $uitem.amount to $uitem.amount +1>>\
<<set $PCInventory.push(_tempLoot)>>\
<<button [[Add MilkShake Jugs-X|Add Items]]>>
<<set _exists to 0>>\
<<set _tempLoot to $item.milkshakejugsx>>\
<<for $i = 0; $i < $PCInventory.length; $i++>>\
<<set $uitem = $PCInventory[$i]>>\
<<set $ItemName to $uitem.name>>\
<<set _TempName to _tempLoot.name>>\
<<if $ItemName is _TempName>>\
<<set _amount to $uitem.amount>>\
<<set _exists to 1>>\
<<if _exists is 1>>\
<<set $uitem.amount to $uitem.amount +1>>\
<<set $PCInventory.push(_tempLoot)>>\
<<button [[Add MilkTanks-X|Add Items]]>>
<<set _exists to 0>>\
<<set _tempLoot to $item.milktanksx>>\
<<for $i = 0; $i < $PCInventory.length; $i++>>\
<<set $uitem = $PCInventory[$i]>>\
<<set $ItemName to $uitem.name>>\
<<set _TempName to _tempLoot.name>>\
<<if $ItemName is _TempName>>\
<<set _amount to $uitem.amount>>\
<<set _exists to 1>>\
<<if _exists is 1>>\
<<set $uitem.amount to $uitem.amount +1>>\
<<set $PCInventory.push(_tempLoot)>>\
<<button [[Add a Book|Add Items]]>>
<<set _tempLoot to $item.book>>\
<<set $PCInventory.push(_tempLoot)>>\
<<button [[Add Hearty Toast Recipe|Add Items]]>>
<<set _tempLoot to $item.recipeHeartyToast>>\
<<set $PCInventory.push(_tempLoot)>>\
<<button [[Add Plan F-Plus|Add Items]]>>
<<set _tempLoot to $item.planfplus>>\
<<set $PCInventory.push(_tempLoot)>>\
<<button [[Add Plan P-Minus|Add Items]]>>
<<set _tempLoot to $item.planpminus>>\
<<set $PCInventory.push(_tempLoot)>>\
<<button [[Add Weak Anti-Viral|Add Items]]>>
<<set _tempLoot to $item.weakantiviralmedicine>>\
<<set $PCInventory.push(_tempLoot)>>\
<<button [[Add Silver Hammer|Add Items]]>>
<<set _tempLoot to $weapon.silverhammer>>\
<<set $PCInventory.push(_tempLoot)>>\
<<button [[Add Flare Gun|Add Items]]>>
<<set _tempLoot to $weapon.pistol25flare>>\
<<set $PCInventory.push(_tempLoot)>>\
<<button [[Add Bruiser-TF Can|Add Items]]>>
<<set _tempLoot to $item.bruisercanTF>>\
<<set $PCInventory.push(_tempLoot)>>\
<<button [[Add Milker-TF Can|Add Items]]>>
<<set _tempLoot to $item.milkercanTF>>\
<<set $PCInventory.push(_tempLoot)>>\
<<button [[Add Warm Scarf|Add Items]]>>
<<set _tempLoot to $accessory.warmscarf>>\
<<set $PCInventory.push(_tempLoot)>>\
<<button [[Add 16-Gauge Shotgun|Add Items]]>>
<<set _tempLoot to $weapon.shotgun16g>>\
<<set $PCInventory.push(_tempLoot)>>\
<<button [[Add .308 Winchester Semi-automatic Rifle|Add Items]]>>
<<set _tempLoot to $weapon.Winchester308>>\
<<set $PCInventory.push(_tempLoot)>>\
<<button [[Add Flamethrower|Add Items]]>>
<<set _tempLoot to $weapon.flamethrower>>\
<<set $PCInventory.push(_tempLoot)>>\
<<button [[Add Firefighter Trenchcoat|Add Items]]>>
<<set _tempLoot to $armor.firefightertrenchcoat>>\
<<set $PCInventory.push(_tempLoot)>>\
<<button [[Add Riot Body Armor|Add Items]]>>
<<set _tempLoot to $armor.riotbodyarmor>>\
<<set $PCInventory.push(_tempLoot)>>\
<<button [[Add Gunblade|Add Items]]>>
<<set _tempLoot to $weapon.gunblade>>\
<<set $PCInventory.push(_tempLoot)>>\
<<button [[Add Platemail Armor|Add Items]]>>
<<set _tempLoot to $armor.platemail>>\
<<set $PCInventory.push(_tempLoot)>>\
<<button [[Add Mr Pimpledick-Xtra|Add Items]]>>
<<set _tempLoot to $item.mrpimpledickxtra>>\
<<set $PCInventory.push(_tempLoot)>>\
<<button [[Junk Item|Add Items]]>>
<<set _tempLoot to $weapon.blah>>\
<<set $PCInventory.push(_tempLoot)>>\
<<button [[Nevermind|BrowsePC]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</button>><img src="Images/Home/PC.jpg" width="800px" height="400px" />
Which NPC do you want to reset?
<<button [[All of them|BrowsePC]]>>
<<include "NPCs">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<button [[Nevermind|BrowsePC]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</button>><img src="Images/Player/smartphone.jpg" width="512px" height="768px" />
<<set $useitem3 to $uitem2>>\
You have added the $useitem3.name2 to your CookingOutbreak App on your phone.
$useitem3.name2 :
<<button [[Add Another|Phone Recipes]]>>
<<button "Finish" $return>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</button>><<include "Food Recipes">>\
<<include "Weapon Recipes">>\
<<include "Armor Recipes">>\<img @src=$genericFighter.Image />
<<set $CombatRound to 0>>\
<<set $SpecialUsage to $MaxSpecialUsage>>\
<<include "Combat Status Affects">>\
<<if $MedicPath.Combat > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Undying to 1>>\
<<set $location.FleeFlag to 0>>\
<<set _tempCash to $genericFighter.Level * 15>>\
<<set _tempCash to random(_tempCash) + ($genericFighter.Level * 4)>>\
<<if $SalvagingSkillFeats.SecureWallet > 0>>\
<<set _tempSecure to _tempCash * (.10 * $Prof.Salvaging)>>\
<<set _tempCash to Math.round(_tempCash - _tempSecure)>>\
<<set $Cash to $Cash - _tempCash>>\
<<if $Cash < 0>>\
<<set $Cash to 0>>\
<<if $HP < 1>>\
<<if $AthleticSkillFeats.Recovery > 0>>\
<<set $HP to $PC.Level + $ConstitutionBonus + 1>>\
<<set $HP to 1>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.Vaccine < 1>>\
<<if (random(19) +1) + $PC.Fortitude + $InfectionResist.Fort + $FoodStatus.Fort - $StatusAffect.Wet < (20 + $genericFighter.Level + Math.round($Infestation.Progress / 2) )>>\
<<if $Infestation.Progress < 1>>\
<<set $Infestation.Progress to 1>>\
<<set _Infest to random(10) - $InfectionResist.DR +5>>\
<<if _Infest < 0>>\
<<set _Infest to 0>>\
<<set $PC.Infestation to $PC.Infestation + _Infest>>\
<<if $PC.Infestation > $Infestation.Cap>>\
<<set $PC.Infestation to $Infestation.Cap>>\
<<set $Infestation.MilkVariant to $Infestation.MilkVariant + random(10) +5>>\
<<if $Infestation.MilkVariant > $Infestation.MilkCap>>\
<<set $Infestation.MilkVariant to $Infestation.MilkCap>>\
<<if $PC.Sex is "Futa" or $StatusAffect.Futa > 0>>\
<<include "Infested Milker Sex Dominate Futa">>\
<<elseif $PC.Sex is "Male" and $StatusAffect.Futa < 1>>\
<<include "Infested Milker Sex Dominate Male">>\
<<elseif $PC.Sex is "Female" and $StatusAffect.Futa < 1>>\
<<include "Infested Milker Sex Dominate Female">>\
<<if $Cash > 0>>\
As you gather your gear you discover that you are missing _tempCash dollars!
<<button [[Return|$location.temp]]>>
<<include "Lust Passes">>\
<<if $StatusAffect.Horde > 0 and $location.Indoor is 0>>\
<<set $NoEncounter to random(3)>>\
<<set $NoEncounter to random(1) +2>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</button>><img @src=$genericFighter.Image />
<<set $CombatRound to 0>>\
<<set $SpecialUsage to $MaxSpecialUsage>>\
<<include "Combat Status Affects">>\
<<if $MedicPath.Combat > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Undying to 1>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.Vaccine < 1>>\
<<if (random(19) +1) + $PC.Fortitude + $InfectionResist.Fort + $FoodStatus.Fort - $StatusAffect.Wet < (20 + $genericFighter.Level + Math.round($Infestation.Progress / 2) )>>\
<<if $Infestation.Progress < 1>>\
<<set $Infestation.Progress to 1>>\
<<set _Infest to random(10) - $InfectionResist.DR +5>>\
<<if _Infest < 0>>\
<<set _Infest to 0>>\
<<set $PC.Infestation to $PC.Infestation + _Infest>>\
<<if $PC.Infestation > $Infestation.Cap>>\
<<set $PC.Infestation to $Infestation.Cap>>\
<<set $Infestation.MilkVariant to $Infestation.MilkVariant + random(10) +5>>\
<<if $Infestation.MilkVariant > $Infestation.MilkCap>>\
<<set $Infestation.MilkVariant to $Infestation.MilkCap>>\
<<if $PC.Sex is "Futa" or $StatusAffect.Futa > 0>>\
<<include "Infested Milker Sex Dominate Futa">>\
<<elseif $PC.Sex is "Male" and $StatusAffect.Futa < 1>>\
<<include "Infested Milker Sex Dominate Male">>\
<<elseif $PC.Sex is "Female" and $StatusAffect.Futa < 1>>\
<<include "Infested Milker Sex Dominate Female">>\
<<include "Lust Passes">>\
<<button [[Return|$location.temp]]>>
<<include "Lust Passes">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.Horde > 0 and $location.Indoor is 0>>\
<<set $NoEncounter to random(3)>>\
<<set $NoEncounter to random(1) +2>>\
<</button>><img @src=$genericFighter.Image />
<<set $CombatRound to 0>>\
<<set $SpecialUsage to $MaxSpecialUsage>>\
<<include "Combat Status Affects">>\
<<if $MedicPath.Combat > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Undying to 1>>\
<<set $location.FleeFlag to 0>>\
<<set _tempCash to $genericFighter.Level * 15>>\
<<set _tempCash to random(_tempCash) + ($genericFighter.Level * 4)>>\
<<if $SalvagingSkillFeats.SecureWallet > 0>>\
<<set _tempSecure to _tempCash * (.10 * $Prof.Salvaging)>>\
<<set _tempCash to Math.round(_tempCash - _tempSecure)>>\
<<set $Cash to $Cash - _tempCash>>\
<<if $Cash < 0>>\
<<set $Cash to 0>>\
<<if $HP < 1>>\
<<if $AthleticSkillFeats.Recovery > 0>>\
<<set $HP to $PC.Level + $ConstitutionBonus + 1>>\
<<set $HP to 1>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.Vaccine < 1>>\
<<if (random(19) +1) + $PC.Fortitude + $InfectionResist.Fort + $FoodStatus.Fort - $StatusAffect.Wet < (20 + $genericFighter.Level + Math.round($Infestation.Progress / 2) )>>\
<<if $Infestation.Progress < 1>>\
<<set $Infestation.Progress to 1>>\
<<set _Infest to random(10) - $InfectionResist.DR +5>>\
<<if _Infest < 0>>\
<<set _Infest to 0>>\
<<set $PC.Infestation to $PC.Infestation + _Infest>>\
<<if $PC.Infestation > $Infestation.Cap>>\
<<set $PC.Infestation to $Infestation.Cap>>\
<<set $Infestation.BruiseVariant to $Infestation.BruiseVariant + random(10) +5>>\
<<if $Infestation.BruiseVariant > $Infestation.BruiseCap>>\
<<set $Infestation.BruiseVariant to $Infestation.BruiseCap>>\
<<if $PC.Sex is "Futa" or $StatusAffect.Futa > 0>>\
<<include "Infested Bruiser Sex Dominate Futa">>\
<<elseif $PC.Sex is "Male" and $StatusAffect.Futa < 1>>\
<<include "Infested Bruiser Sex Dominate Male">>\
<<elseif $PC.Sex is "Female" and $StatusAffect.Futa < 1>>\
<<include "Infested Bruiser Sex Dominate Female">>\
<<if $Cash > 0>>\
As you gather your gear you discover that you are missing _tempCash dollars!
<<button [[Return|$location.temp]]>>
<<include "Lust Passes">>\
<<if $StatusAffect.Horde > 0 and $location.Indoor is 0>>\
<<set $NoEncounter to random(3)>>\
<<set $NoEncounter to random(1) +2>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<img @src=$genericFighter.Image />
Staring down at the defeated $genericFighter.Name3 you are feeling extremely horny and feeling like giving them what they want. How do you want to fuck them?
<<if $PC.Sex is not "Male" or $StatusAffect.Futa > 0>>\
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Ride his Cock|Suburb Bruiser Infested Fuck]]>>
<<set $SexScene2 to 1>>
<<if $PC.Sex is "Male" and $StatusAffect.Futa < 1>>\
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Fuck his Ass|Suburb Bruiser Infested Fuck]]>>
<<set $SexScene2 to 2>>
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Let Him Take Charge|Suburb Bruiser Infested Submit]]>>
<<if $lust + ($StatusAffect.Horny*2) < 100>>\
<<button [[Nevermind|$location.temp]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</if>>\<img @src=$genericFighter.Image />
<<set $CombatRound to 0>>\
<<set $SpecialUsage to $MaxSpecialUsage>>\
<<include "Combat Status Affects">>\
<<if $MedicPath.Combat > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Undying to 1>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.Vaccine < 1>>\
<<if (random(19) +1) + $PC.Fortitude + $InfectionResist.Fort + $FoodStatus.Fort - $StatusAffect.Wet < (20 + $genericFighter.Level + Math.round($Infestation.Progress / 2) )>>\
<<if $Infestation.Progress < 1>>\
<<set $Infestation.Progress to 1>>\
<<set _Infest to random(10) - $InfectionResist.DR +5>>\
<<if _Infest < 0>>\
<<set _Infest to 0>>\
<<set $PC.Infestation to $PC.Infestation + _Infest>>\
<<if $PC.Infestation > $Infestation.Cap>>\
<<set $PC.Infestation to $Infestation.Cap>>\
<<set $Infestation.BruiseVariant to $Infestation.BruiseVariant + random(10) +5>>\
<<if $Infestation.BruiseVariant > $Infestation.BruiseCap>>\
<<set $Infestation.BruiseVariant to $Infestation.BruiseCap>>\
<<if $PC.Sex is "Futa" or $StatusAffect.Futa > 0>>\
<<include "Infested Bruiser Sex Dominate Futa">>\
<<elseif $PC.Sex is "Male" and $StatusAffect.Futa < 1>>\
<<include "Infested Bruiser Sex Dominate Male">>\
<<elseif $PC.Sex is "Female" and $StatusAffect.Futa < 1>>\
<<include "Infested Bruiser Sex Dominate Female">>\
<<button [[Return|$location.temp]]>>
<<include "Lust Passes">>\
<<if $StatusAffect.Horde > 0 and $location.Indoor is 0>>\
<<set $NoEncounter to random(3)>>\
<<set $NoEncounter to random(1) +2>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</button>><img @src=$genericFighter.Image />
<<if $StatusAffect.Vaccine < 1>>\
<<if (random(19) +1) + $PC.Fortitude + $InfectionResist.Fort + $FoodStatus.Fort - $StatusAffect.Wet < (20 + $genericFighter.Level + Math.round($Infestation.Progress / 2) )>>\
<<if $Infestation.Progress < 1>>\
<<set $Infestation.Progress to 1>>\
<<set _Infest to random(10) - $InfectionResist.DR +5>>\
<<if _Infest < 0>>\
<<set _Infest to 0>>\
<<set $PC.Infestation to $PC.Infestation + _Infest>>\
<<if $PC.Infestation > $Infestation.Cap>>\
<<set $PC.Infestation to $Infestation.Cap>>\
<<set $Infestation.BruiseVariant to $Infestation.BruiseVariant + random(10) +5>>\
<<if $Infestation.BruiseVariant > $Infestation.BruiseCap>>\
<<set $Infestation.BruiseVariant to $Infestation.BruiseCap>>\
<<if $PC.Sex is "Male" and $StatusAffect.Futa < 1>>\
<<include "Infested Bruiser Sex Submissive Male">>\
<<elseif $PC.Sex is "Female" and $StatusAffect.Futa < 1 >>\
<<include "Infested Bruiser Sex Submissive Female">>\
<<elseif $PC.Sex is "Futa" or $StatusAffect.Futa > 0>>\
<<include "Infested Bruiser Sex Submissive Futa">>\
<<include "Lust Passes">>\
<<if $location.SexFlag is 1>>\
<<button [[Return|$location.Sex]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<set $NoEncounter to random(1) +2>>\
<<set $location.SexFlag to 0>>\
<<button [[Return|$location.temp]]>>
<<if $StatusAffect.Horde > 0 and $location.Indoor is 0>>\
<<set $NoEncounter to random(3)>>\
<<set $NoEncounter to random(1) +2>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</if>>\<<set $sexHistory.XP to $sexHistory.XP +1>>\
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$genericFighter.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$genericFighter.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _IAss to $arrayAssSizeDesc[$genericFighter.AssSize]>>\
<<set _SizeComp to $PC.DickSize - $genericFighter.Level + ($GeneralFeats.FalseRep *2)>>\
<<if _SizeComp < 0>>\
<<set _SizeComp to 0>>\
  $genericFighter.Name2 is on her knees glancing at you while groping her ample tits. You stare at those _ISD funbags as you walk towards her, your hard <<Penis>> straining against your pants. With her _ISD _ICup breasts, big jiggly ass and those cock-sucking lips there was no way you could walk away. Your own <<Penis>> is rock hard long with your $NippleSize long nipples pressing against your clothes. Tossing your clothes away you stride over to where the Infested is on her knees and say "With those plump cock-sucking lips of your looking so nice, how could I just turn away?"
<<switch _SizeComp>>\
<<case 0 1 2>>\
  Looking thoughtfully at your hard <<Penis>> she says "Looks like someone needs to get their futa-dick pumped up. Luckily for you I'm really good at getting dicks nice and big!" Ignoring your frown, she grasps your futa-cock and slides her wet tongue along the $DickSize length causing you to gasp softly. Giving you a playful wink, she wraps her luscious lips around your $DickSD dick!
<<case 3 4 5 6>>\
  Giving your hard <<Penis>> a measuring look, she says "Your futa-cock is looking a bit sickly. Luckily for you I'm really good at getting helping dicks get nice and healthy!" Ignoring your slight frown, she grasps your futa-cock and slides her wet tongue along the $DickSize length causing you to gasp softly. Giving you a playful wink, she wraps her luscious lips around your $DickSD dick!
<<case 7 8 9 10 11 12>>\
  Giving your hard <<Penis>> a lusty look, she huskily says "Nice! Your futa-cock is looking pretty hot, I have to say! I can't wait to give that meaty <<Penis>> a nice wet kiss!" Ignoring your smile, she grasps your futa-cock and slides her wet tongue along the $DickSize length causing you to gasp softly. Giving you a playful wink, she wraps her luscious lips around your $DickSD dick!
<<case 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24>>\
  Giving your hard <<Penis>> a thirsty look, she loudly explaims "Goddamn! Your fucking futa-cock is so amazingly big! I can't wait to have that monster <<Penis>> shoved down my throat!" Ignoring your pleased smile, she grasps your futa-cock and slides her wet tongue along the $DickSize length causing you to gasp softly. Giving you a playful wink, she wraps her luscious lips around your $DickSD dick!
  Giving your hard <<Penis>> a disbelieving look, she loudly shouts "What the fuck?!??!! Your fucking futa-cock is like a fucking baseball bat! I mean I still want to try sucking on that ridiculous meat log but I'm not sure it will fit!" Ignoring your pleased smirk, she grasps your futa-cock and slides her wet tongue along the $DickSize length causing you to gasp softly. Giving you a playful wink, she wraps her luscious lips around your $DickSD dick!
  Her mouth feels so good that you can't help but moan loudly as you feel her wet tongue wraps around your cock while the suction from her plump lips feels quite intense! You can feel your $DickSize shaft slide down her throat causing another loud grunt of pleasure to rip from your lips. You start to thrust your dick down her throat as you are unable to resist the intense pleasure of the Infested's expert blowjob!
  "Oh yes! Keep sucking my cock!" you moan lewdly as you start to thrust into her wet mouth causing the Infested to let out her own muffled moans! Seeing her devour your $DickSD futa-cock while her _ISD breasts heave from her efforts is so erotic that you can't help but reach down and cup her _ICup tits!
  Popping her mouth off your hard shaft, $genericFighter.Name moans "Oh yes! Grab my big titties! Your $DickSD cock tastes sooooo delicious but I wanna taste of that tasty pussy!" She quickly lifts up your $BallsSD balls and slides her lips onto your dripping wet pussy! You can't help but let out a loud gasp as she starts to suck on your clitty while slipping a slim finger into your tight cunt! Your grip on her _ISD tits tightens as the Infested's other hand grabs your futa-cock and starts stroking you while eating you out!
  The dual sensations coming from your dick and cunt is causing your pleasure to spike rapidly and you scream out "Fuck yes!" as the Infested alternates from eating out your wet pussy to sucking your throbbing cock. Your grip on her titties slips as you grab your own $BreastSD tits while moaning loudly in pure ecstasy! Tha rapidly switching sensations is driving you crazy and you're about to shoot your wad all over her face!
<<if $PC.Infestation is $Infestation.Cap & $Infestation.Progress > 1>>\
<<include "Infestation Increase">>\
  As you thrust your <<Penis>> into her slick lips you feel a surge of energy flowing directly into you! It almost feels like you are burning up but it quickly turns to pleasure that radiates from your hard cock, your swinging breasts along with your ass!
  You can feel your futa-cock growing longer and thicker with each thrust into her juicy mouth and you know she can feel it as her muffled moans grow louder! "Oh fuck yes! My dick and titties are growing so much bigger! Fuckkk! I'm shooting my big wad all down your fucking throat!" you scream as more and more of the Infested's face is hidden by your growing tits! With one last thrust you feel your $BallsSD cum-filled balls unleash their load and an endless ribbons of juicy cum shoot out of your dick and down the throast of $genericFighter.Name! There's so much cum that you pull your cock out of her throat before shooting even more splashes of hot baby-batter onto her _ISD chest! While you were shooting your male load, the Infested was still finger-banging your dripping wet pussy and moments later your cunt unleashes a tsunami wave of girl-cum all over her slim hand and ground!
  Shooting your dual-wads looks to have pushed the Infested over the edge as she screams "Oh God! There's so much cum and it tastes sooo good! I'm cumming so much!" as her whole body shakes and a large puddle of girl-cum forms underneath her legs. Now that you have time to check yourself out you notice that you now have a $DickSD $DickSize cock along with a pair of $BallsSD $BallsSize balls! Still looking yourself over you notice you now have a pair of $BreastSD $BreastsSize breasts and a $AssSize ass! Grabbing your still hard $DickSD futa-cock, $genericFighter.Name smiles while stroking your <<Penis>> while saying "Looks like you are becoming one hot Futa!"
  Unable to hold back much longer you scream out "Oh fuck yes! It feels so fucking goood! Fuckkk! I'm shooting my big wad all down your fucking throat!" The Infested encourages you with her own muffled moans as her blowjob intensifies! With one last thrust you feel your $BallsSD cum-filled balls unleash their load and $CumAD ribbons of juicy cum shoot out of your dick and down the throast of $genericFighter.Name! <<if $Cum.Stored > 10>> There's so much cum that you pull your cock out of her throat before shooting even more splashes of hot baby-batter onto her _ISD chest painting them white!<</if>> While you were shooting your male load, the Infested was still finger-banging your dripping wet pussy and moments later your cunt unleashes a $GCumAD wave of girl-cum all over her slim hand and ground! <<if $GCum.Stored > 10>> There's so much girl-cum that a puddle forms beneath her!<</if>>
  Shooting your dual-wads looks to have pushed the Infested over the edge as she screams "Oh God! There's so much cum and it tastes sooo good! I'm cumming so much!" as her whole body shakes and a large puddle of girl-cum forms underneath her legs. Your baby-batter is dripping from her lips onto her _ICup tits and her own girl-cum adds to the messy puddle beneath her!
  "Oh that was so good!" she says when you finally stand up, cum dripping from your sensitive <<Penis>>. Taking one last moment to scoop some white goo from her tits into her mouth, she replies "I'll hope to see you again soon, stud" With that you grab your clothes and leave the area.<<set $sexHistory.XP to $sexHistory.XP +1>>\
<<set $LastPartner to $genericFighter>>\
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$genericFighter.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$genericFighter.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _IAss to $arrayAssSizeDesc[$genericFighter.AssSize]>>\
<<set _SizeComp to $PC.DickSize - $genericFighter.Level + ($GeneralFeats.FalseRep *2)>>\
<<if _SizeComp < 0>>\
<<set _SizeComp to 0>>\
  "Oh hey! I see girl with a cock that needs a home. You just keep laying down there and enjoy the ride while I give your girl-cock a home in my tight ass!" says $genericFighter.Name as she stands nearby looking down at your bruised body. She slowly saunters over to you while groping her _IAss jiggly ass causing your eyes to focus on those bouncing cheeks. She quickly strips your pants off exposing your raging boner along with your wet pussy.
<<switch _SizeComp>>\
<<case 0 1 2>>\
  "Is that it? I really hoped it would be a bit bigger but I guess was wrong. Hopefully with enough ass fucking you'll grow a nice big cock that everyone can enjoy! If you can reach it that is..." she says as she frowns at your small package with pity. "In the mean time how about you get to fucking my jiggly ass cause there's no time like the present to get started on growing bigger!" she says as turns around and slides her _IAss ass against your crotch in a reverse cowgirl position!
<<case 3 4 5 6>>\
  "That's not a bad sized cock but it could be a bit better, just a little bit. So here's whats going to happen, you're going to fuck my ass really really hard and shoot a huge load deep into my ass! Nice and fun for everyone!" she happily says as she bends over and gropes her _IAss ass. After leering back at you she backs up with her huge butt right above your aching <<Penis>>. "Here we go!" she says as she slides her bouncy ass against your crotch in a reverse cowgirl position!
<<case 7 8 9 10 11 12>>\
  "Oh my! Look at that $DickSize <<Penis>> aching to be buried into my hot juicy ass! How about you get started on giving me what your <<Penis>> wants, which is to be shoved deep into my tight ass until you blow your white load?" she lustfully asks as she strokes your <<Penis>> while giving you a hot lusty look. She quickly lowers her hips with her _IAss jiggle butt right above your aching <<Penis>>. "Here we go!" she says as she slides her bouncy ass against your crotch in a reverse cowgirl position!
<<case 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24>>\
  "Ooooh! It looks I found a huge fucking treasure in this neighborhood! I can't wait to slam this treasure deep into my ass and to unlock it's gooey rewards. So how about you get to fucking my jiggly ass and we both can enjoy the rewards?" she lustfully demands as she stares at your <<Penis>> with a hungry look. She quickly lowers her hips with her _IAss jiggly butt right above your aching <<Penis>> while leering at you with a face filled with desire. "Here we go!" she says as she slides her bouncy ass against your crotch in a reverse cowgirl position!
<<default>>\ /* Need update */
  "When ass fucking was invented they didn't mean cocks the size of donkeys! What on earth have you been eating or fucking to get such a monster?" she says as she stares at your gargantuan sized <<Penis>>. "I do want to feel being split in half by this bad boy so I'm going to need a whole lot of lube to get your mega-cock into my super tight ass. Thankfully we Infested heal so quickly." she says as she backs her _IAss ass up against your hard cock. With tons of effort and tons of lube she slowly engulfs part of your <<Penis>> with her tight ass.
  "Oh God! Your ass feels so warm and tight!" you gasp as you finally fully hilt the Infested's tight ass. Her jiggly ass feels so slipperly that it quickly sucks you in but refuses to let you go as it squeezes your futa-cock tight. You revel in the sexy sensation for a moment before she starts slamming her _IAss asscheeks onto your cock.
  "I bet you're liking the feeling of my big ass aren't ya? The pleasure from my huge jiggly ass slamming down on your aching girl-cock has to feel sooo good. How about you get to meeting me halfway with your girl-cock!" she says as she wiggles her ass against you. Before you can even consciously react you feel yourself grabbing onto her wide hips and slamming your <<Penis>> in and out of that slipperly ass. With each of your thrusts you can barely see her _ISD tits bouncing up and down and her _IAss asscheeks jiggling.
  Panting loudly you moan "Oh fuck! Your ass is so hot and slippery!" As the pace of your fucking increases, the sensation of thrusting into her jiggly ass is radiating even more pleasure straight from your <<Penis>>. The sound of both of your moanings and flesh slapping echoes throughout the area.
  "Oh yes! Keep fucking my _IAss juicy ass! Fill it all the way up with your baby-batter!" she yells as she slams her ass back into your thrusts. It feels like you are ramming a huge bowl of jello with each thrust and your cum-filled balls feels like they are on the edge. Even your wet cunt is feeling overcharged from all the frantic assfucking that's going on.
<<if $PC.Infestation is $Infestation.Cap & $Infestation.Progress > 1>>\
<<include "Infestation Increase">>\
  As you thrust your <<Penis>> into her huge ass you feel a surge of energy flowing directly into you! It almost feels like you are burning up but it quickly turns to pleasure that radiates from your hard cock, neglected pussy and jiggling breasts.
  "OH GOD! I can feel you getting thicker and longer in my ass! OH FUCK YES! I'M CUMMING!" The Infested Female screams as she squeezes her ass even harder around your hard cock. With each thrust you can see your breasts growing, blocking more of your view of your cock. It feels like your <<Penis>> is also growing harder and thicker with each thrust into her jiggly ass and even your balls feel like they are about to explode.
  "Oh yes! OH FUCK! I'M CUMMING! I'm hosing your fucking ass with my hot load!" you scream as the feeling of her ass jiggling with pleasure pushes you over the edge and you unleash a unending firehose of white cum, bigger than any other load you've ever had, directly deep into her _IAss ass! The stream of hot cum lasts for over a minute and overflows out of her tight ass!
  As you pull out of her cum drenched ass you notice that you now have a $DickSD $DickSize cock along with a pair of $BallsSD $BallsSize balls! That's not the only changes as you now have $BreastSD $BreastsSize breasts and a $AssSize size ass. Before you can react the Infested strokes your <<Penis>> along with your <<Breasts>> with a smirk and says "Looks like you are on the way to becoming one hot futa!"
  "OH GOD! OH FUCK! I'M CUMMING!" She screams she slaps her ass even harder onto your hard cock. Within seconds a immense orgasm rocks her body, her _ISD tits and ass quivering in pleasure.
  "Oh yes! OH FUCK I'M CUMMMING TOO! I'M SHOOTING MY WAD INTO YOUR FUCKING ASS!" you shout before the feeling of her ass quivering with pleasure pushes you over the edge. Your cock pulses one last time before you to unleash a $CumAD load of white cum directly into her _IAss hot ass. <<if $Cum.Stored > 10>> The stream of hot cum lasts for over a minute and overflows out of her tight ass. <</if>> Even your forgotten pussy squirts out a $GCumAD wave of girl-cum onto the ground below!
  "Oh that was so good!" she says as she stands up from your exhausted body, cum leaking from her ass. "I'll see again soon, I'm sure..." With that she walks away fulfilled leaving you to grab your clothes and to slowly recover.<img @src=$genericEvent.Image width="550px" height="800px" />
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<set $threesomeEvent.Daily to 1>>\
<<set $npcMay.Friendship to $npcMay.Friendship + 1 + $ClassBonus.Celebrity + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set $npcApril.Friendship to $npcApril.Friendship + 1 + $ClassBonus.Celebrity + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Horny to $StatusAffect.Horny+1>>\
<<set $lust to $lust + random(5) + 1 + $StatusAffect.Horny - $LustResist.Visual>>\
<<set $threesomeEvent.Sex to $PC.Sex>>\
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$npcApril.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$npcApril.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _OSD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$npcApril.OBreastsSize]>>\
<<set _OCup to $arrayBreastSize[$npcApril.OBreastsSize]>>\
<<set _TSD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$threesomeEvent.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$npcApril.DickSize]>>\
<<set _DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$npcApril.DickSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$npcApril.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$npcApril.BallsSize]>>\
<<if $npcApril.Sex is not $npcApril.OSex>>\
<<set $npcApril.OSex to "Futa">>\
  "Sure, I'm up for some more fun. Are we heading back to your place?" you ask as you look over the two women with their big jiggly tits and bouncy asses. There was no way you could refuse their offer, not after all the great sex you had last time.
  "Yeah let's head over to my dad's summer place cause that's where we've been holding up for the last couple of weeks." replies May as she grabs your hand and leads you towards her nice looking house. As she walks her _ISD breasts presses into your arm and occasionally her large ass bumps into you as she swaggers down the sidewalk. April grabs your other arm while pressing her own _ISD tits into you as well.
  Before long you find yourself back in May's bedroom after reaching the empty house. April and May settles down on the comfortable chairs with a large amount of groping of each other. You grab your own seat as you admire their toned bodies along with their _ISD breasts and ample asses.
  "So April, it seems you've been hitting the Dr. Pecker earlier than usual?" you ask as you take in the _DickSD tent in her dress. April seems a bit amused as she reaches down and strokes her obvious futa-cock while May looks a bit uncertain.
  "After our last tryst it seems like the affects of the Dr. Pecker is not wearing off. Maybe drinking too many Dr. Peckers might have permenant affects." whispers April as she stops stroking her futa-cock.
  "It was a bit of a surprise but I support my best friend! She might be stuck as a Futa but that just means more fun times!" exclaims May as she gazes at April.
  "Sure, I'm up for some more fun. Are we heading back to your place?" you ask as you look over the two women with their big jiggly tits and bouncy asses. There was no way you could refuse their offer, not after all the great sex you had last time.
  "Yeah let's head over to my dad's summer place cause that's where we've been holding up for the last couple of weeks." replies May as she grabs your hand and leads you towards her nice looking house. As she walks her _ISD breasts presses into your arm and occasionally her large ass bumps into you as she swaggers down the sidewalk. April grabs your other arm while pressing her own _ISD tits into you as well.
  Before long you find yourself back in May's bedroom after reaching the empty house. April and May settles down on the comfortable chairs with a large amount of groping of each other. You grab your own seat as you admire their toned bodies along with their _ISD breasts and ample asses.
  "So what's on the agenda for sexy fun time this evening? April was thinking about chugging another Dr. Pecker to get a bigger dick in order to fuck my tits before moving on to fucking my pussy hard while you fuck my large ass. But I'm worried about even more extreme reactions if she drinks too much so how about we hold of on that for a few days." May asks as she slowly stokes April's futa-cock underneath her dress. April just moans softly while giving you a sultry look.
  "So how we just go with being hopped up on so much Energy Thirst that we fuck for hours and hours. I'm sure you would love to shoot your hot load deep into our tight cunts over and over again..." May continues while moving on to lightly fondling April's _ISD _ICup breasts.
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Drink the Energy Thirst|3some Male April Futa Energy]]>>
<<if $lust + ($StatusAffect.Horny*2) < $MaxLust>>\
<<button [[Refuse to Drink and Leave|3some - Leave]]>> <</button>>
<</if>>\<img @src=$genericEvent.Image width="550px" height="800px" />
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<set $threesomeEvent.Daily to 1>>\
<<set $npcMay.Friendship to $npcMay.Friendship + 1 + $ClassBonus.Celebrity + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set $npcApril.Friendship to $npcApril.Friendship + 1 + $ClassBonus.Celebrity + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Horny to $StatusAffect.Horny+1>>\
<<set $lust to $lust + random(5) + 1 + $StatusAffect.Horny - $LustResist.Visual>>\
<<set $threesomeEvent.Sex to $PC.Sex>>\
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$npcApril.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$npcApril.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _OSD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$npcApril.OBreastsSize]>>\
<<set _OCup to $arrayBreastSize[$npcApril.OBreastsSize]>>\
<<set _TSD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$threesomeEvent.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$npcApril.DickSize]>>\
<<set _DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$npcApril.DickSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$npcApril.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$npcApril.BallsSize]>>\
<<if $npcApril.Sex is not $npcApril.OSex>>\
<<set $npcApril.OSex to "Futa">>\
  "Sure, I'm up for some more fun. Are we heading back to your place?" you ask as you look over the two women with their big jiggly tits and bouncy asses. There was no way you could refuse their offer, not after all the great sex you had last time.
  "Yeah let's head over to my dad's summer place cause that's where we've been holding up for the last couple of weeks." replies May as she grabs your hand and leads you towards her nice looking house. As she walks her _ISD breasts presses into your arm and occasionally her large ass bumps into you as she swaggers down the sidewalk. April grabs your other arm while pressing her own _ISD tits into you as well.
  Before long you find yourself back in May's bedroom after reaching the empty house. April and May settles down on the comfortable chairs with a large amount of groping of each other. You grab your own seat as you admire their toned bodies along with their _ISD breasts and ample asses.
  "So April, it seems you've been hitting the Dr. Pecker earlier than usual?" you ask as you take in the _DickSD tent in her dress. April seems a bit amused as she reaches down and strokes her obvious futa-cock while May looks a bit uncertain.
  "After our last tryst it seems like the affects of the Dr. Pecker is not wearing off. Maybe drinking too many Dr. Peckers might have permenant affects." whispers April as she stops stroking her futa-cock.
  "It was a bit of a surprise but I support my best friend! She might be stuck as a Futa but that just means more fun times!" exclaims May as she gazes at April.
  "Sure, I'm up for some more fun. Are we heading back to your place?" you ask as you look over the two women with their big jiggly tits and bouncy asses. There was no way you could refuse their offer, not after all the great sex you had last time.
  "Yeah let's head over to my dad's summer place cause that's where we've been holding up for the last couple of weeks." replies May as she grabs your hand and leads you towards her nice looking house. As she walks her _ISD breasts presses into your arm and occasionally her large ass bumps into you as she swaggers down the sidewalk. April grabs your other arm while pressing her own _ISD tits into you as well.
  Before long you find yourself back in May's bedroom after reaching the empty house. April and May settles down on the comfortable chairs with a large amount of groping of each other. You grab your own seat as you admire their toned bodies along with their _ISD breasts and ample asses.
<<if $threesomeEvent.BreastsSize < $PC.BreastsSize>>\
  "Oh wow! It looks like $PC.FirstName's breasts have grown a bit larger since last time she was here!" exclaims May with a hint of jealousy as she stares at your $BreastSD tits. Reaching over she cups your breasts thru your clothes as April lustfully looks on while lightly stroking her pussy. "What size are you? I'm guessing your tasty looking tits are now $BreastsSize?"
  "I'm going to have to agree with May. They seem much larger than the last time we've seen them. I definitely approve..." whispers April as she reaches over to give them a good feel as well.
  "Yeah, they have grown a bit after some interesting events. I'm packing a pair of $BreastsSize size breasts and I have to admit they feel wonderful." you admit as you think about your travels the last couple of days. You're enjoying having your $BreastSD breasts groped as your hard nipples harden along with your $DickSD dick.
  "We're going to have to check them out a bit closer here shortly." says May as she gives them one last squeeze. April sighs as she reluctly releases her soft grip on your $BreastSD breasts.
<<if $npcApril.OBreastsSize < $npcApril.BreastsSize>>\
  "Speaking of changes, it looks like the both of you have a lot more weight up top since last time I saw you..." you say as you look more closely at April and May, specifically at their _ISD _ICup breasts. It's easy to tell now that you are sitting down that they are no longer _OCup.
  "Someone was a bit jealous last time and decided we needed an upgrade to keep up." explains April in a low tone while glancing at May. "I personally find it fine and enjoy our new bigger breasts. They have a lot more heft and feel so good." she continues as May does her best to look nonchalant while lightly stroking the outside of her breasts.
  May proudly presents her _ISD breasts while protesting "I wouldn't say I was jealous, just after seeing your how nice your _TSD tits looked I figured it would look even better on us! I bet even you agree $PC.FirstName!"
  "I do have to agree with you, May. Your _ISD breasts look very nice and juicy." you reply as you give their _ISD _ICup breasts a lustful look. Both April and May preen from your compliment as they thrust their _ISD jugs out for you to gaze apon.
<<set $npcApril.OBreastsSize to $npcApril.BreastsSize>>\
<<set $npcMay.OBreastsSize to $npcMay.BreastsSize>>\
<<elseif $threesomeEvent.BreastsSize > $PC.BreastsSize>>\
  "Hey $PC.FirstName? Looks like the MilkShake Jugs have started to wear off cause your tits are looking a bit smaller than last time..." asks May as she gives your $BreastSD tits a piercing look. Reaching over she cups your breasts thru your clothes as April looks on with disappointment while lightly stroking her pussy. "What size are you? I'm guessing your breasts are now a $BreastsSize?"
  "I'm going to have to agree with May. They seem much smaller than the last time we've seen them. I can not say I fully approve..." whispers April as she reaches over to give them a good feel as well.
  "Yeah, they have shrunk a bit but they still feel just as good." you admit as you think about your travels the last couple of days. You're enjoying having your $BreastSD breasts groped as your hard nipples harden along with your $DickSD dick.
  "You have to keep drinking the MilkShake Jugs in order to keep your tits nice and big. Not too much at once but a steady supply will eventually cause them to keep their size without needing to drink one every day." whispers April as she hefts her own _ICup tits before letting them bounce.
<<if $npcApril.OBreastsSize < $npcApril.BreastsSize>>\
  "Speaking of breasts, it looks like the both of you have a lot more weight up top since last time I saw you..." you say as you look more closely at April and May, specifically at their _ISD _ICup breasts. It's easy to tell now that you are sitting down that they are no longer _OCup.
  "Someone was a bit jealous last time and decided we needed an upgrade to keep up." explains April in a low tone while glancing at May. "I personally find it fine and enjoy our new bigger breasts. They have a lot more heft and feel so good." she continues as May does her best to look nonchalant while lightly stroking the outside of her breasts.
  May proudly presents her _ISD breasts while protesting "I wouldn't say I was jealous, just after seeing your how nice your $BreastSD tits looked I figured it would look even better on us! I bet even you agree $PC.FirstName!"
  "I do have to agree with you, May. Your _ISD breasts look very nice and juicy." you reply as you give their _ISD _ICup breasts a lustful look. Both April and May preen from your compliment as they thrust their _ISD jugs out for you to gaze apon.
<<set $npcApril.OBreastsSize to $npcApril.BreastsSize>>\
<<set $npcMay.OBreastsSize to $npcMay.BreastsSize>>\
  "So what's on the agenda for sexy fun time this evening? April was thinking about chugging another Dr. Pecker to get a bigger dick in order to fuck our tits before moving on to fucking my pussy hard while you fuck my large ass. But I'm worried about even more extreme reactions if she drinks too much so how about we hold of on that for a few days." May asks as she slowly stokes April's futa-cock underneath her dress. April just moans softly while giving you a sultry look.
  "So how we just go with being hopped up on so much Energy Thirst that we fuck for hours and hours. I'm sure you would love to shoot your hot load deep into our tight cunts over and over again..." May continues while moving on to lightly fondling April's _ISD _ICup breasts.
<<if (random(19)+ 1) + $Skill.Cooking + $WisdomBonus > 20>>
<div class="pcTalk"><i> "Wait a second! Those drinks were made by the same company that had some of those prominent members from the Cult of Walking Love working at it. I'm not sure how safe it is..."</i></div>
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Just drink the Energy Thirst|3some Futa April Futa Energy]]>>
<<if $npcMay.Friendship > 17>>\
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Suggest May drink the Dr. Pecker|3some Futa - May Futa Sex]]>>
<<if $lust + ($StatusAffect.Horny*2) < $MaxLust>>\
<<button [[Refuse to Drink and Leave|3some - Leave]]>>
<<set $threesomeEvent.BreastsSize to $PC.BreastsSize>>\
<</if>>\<<set $PCChanges.Gender to "Sex">>\
<<set $Infestation.BruiseCap to 100>>\
<<set $Infestation.MilkCap to 100>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.Futa > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Futa to 0>>\
<<set $PC.Sex to "Futa">>\
<<set $Cum.Max to $Cum.Max + 1>>\
<<set $Cum.Min to $Cum.Min + 1>>\
<<set $Cum.Stored to $Cum.Max>>\
<<set $CumAD to $arrayCumAmountDesc[$Cum.Stored]>>\
<<set $GCum.Min to $GCum.Min +1>>\
<<set $GCum.Max to $GCum.Max +1>>\
<<set $GCum.Stored to $GCum.Max>>\
<<set $GCumAD to $arrayGCumAmountDesc[$GCum.Stored]>>\
<<elseif $PC.Sex is "Male">>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Futa to 0>>\
<<set $PC.Sex to "Futa">>\
<<set $PC.HasPussy to 1>>\
<<set $PC.AssSize to 2>>\
<<set $PC.BreastsSize to 2>>\
<<set $BreastSD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set $BreastsSize to $arrayBreastSize[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set $AssSize to $arrayAssSizeDesc[$PC.AssSize]>>\
<<set $GCum.Min to 1>>\
<<set $GCum.Max to 3 + $CharismaBonus>>\
<<set $GCum.Stored to $GCum.Max>>\
<<set $GCumAD to $arrayGCumAmountDesc[$GCum.Stored]>>\
<<elseif $PC.Sex is "Female">>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Futa to 0>>\
<<set $PC.Sex to "Futa">>\
<<set $PC.HasDick to 1>>\
<<set $PC.DickSize to 4>>\
<<set $PC.BallsSize to 4>>\
<<set $DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$PC.DickSize]>>\
<<set $DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$PC.DickSize]>>\
<<set $BallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$PC.BallsSize]>>\
<<set $BallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$PC.BallsSize]>>\
<<set $Cum.Min to 1>>\
<<set $Cum.Max to 3 + $CharismaBonus>>\
<<set $Cum.Stored to $Cum.Max>>\
<<set $CumAD to $arrayCumAmountDesc[$Cum.Stored]>>\
<<include "Profile Update">>\<<set $Infestation.MilkProgress to 1>>\
<<set $GCum.Max to $GCum.Max + 1>>\
<<set $GCum.Min to $GCum.Min + 1>>\
<<set $GCum.Stored to $GCum.Max>>\
<<set $GCumAD to $arrayGCumAmountDesc[$GCum.Stored]>>\
<<set $PC.BreastsSize to $PC.BreastsSize +4>>\
<<set $PC.NippleSize to $PC.NippleSize +4>>\
<<set $PC.MBreastsSize to $PC.MBreastsSize + 4>>\
<<set $PC.MMBreastsSize to $PC.MMBreastsSize +4>>\
<<set $BreastSD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set $BreastsSize to $arrayBreastSize[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set $NippleSize to $arrayNippleSize[$PC.NippleSize]>>\
<<set $Milk.Max to $Milk.Max +4>>\
<<set $Milk.Min to $Milk.Min +4>>\
<<set $Milk.Stored to $Milk.Stored +4>>\
<<set $MilkAD to $arrayMilkAmountDesc[$Milk.Stored]>>\
/* Milkers have Pheromones */ \
<<set $Charisma to $Charisma +2>>\
<<set $CharismaBonus to (($Charisma - 10)/2)>>\
<<set $StatusText.Notice to 1>>\
<<set $StatusText.TransformationFlag to 1>>\
<<set $StatusText.Transformation to "It looks like I have transformed into a Milker giving me a nice pair of $BreastSD $BreastsSize milkjugs! It seems like they will be constantly filling up with milk but luckily I can share that milk with other girls pumping their tits up as well, at least temporarily! With such a $BreastSD pair of tits it's going to be a lot easier to make friends and get along with others! (+2 Charisma).">>\
<<include "Profile Update">>\<<set $npcTroy.SexDetection to "Male">>\
  Feeling quite bold and more than a bit horny you slowly strip out of your clothes while making sure the sexy nurse can see your half-mast $DickSize cock. As you settle down on the medical gurney your dick is still presenting itself as it finishes hardening. Bending over she places a stethoscope against your chest while her full chest is right above your face blocking your vision except for her two rather _ISD breasts!
  "Looks like your lungs are doing good and you don't look to have any issues with your chest, so, now it's time to check your blood pressure." she comments sultrily while putting the stethoscope away between her _ICup breasts. Reaching down she slides her hand down your naked body and grabs your hard dick!
<<if $nurseEvent.DickSize < $PC.DickSize>>\
  You let out a involuntary moan as her wraps around your hard dick. "Oh my! It looks like your dick has grown a bit since your last checkup! It looks to be rather $DickSD so it will need a rather close inspection." she says as she slowly stroke your pre-cum weaping cock. She's leaning down so much her _ISD breasts are resting on your hard chest. The feeling of having your hard dick played with by a sexy nurse is turning you on as your cock leaks even more pre-cum onto her hand and the bed.
<<elseif $nurseEvent.DickSize > $PC.DickSize>>\
  You let out a involuntary moan as her wraps around your hard dick. "Oh my! It looks like your dick has shrunk a bit since your last checkup! It looks to be rather $DickSD so it will need a rather close inspection." she says as she slowly stroke your pre-cum weaping cock. She's leaning down so much her _ISD breasts are resting on your hard chest. The feeling of having your hard dick played with by a sexy nurse is turning you on as your cock leaks even more pre-cum onto her hand and the bed.
  You let out a involuntary moan as her wraps around your hard dick. "It looks like your penis is looking pretty good! I would guess it's about $DickSize long which makes it perfect for various activities. I need to make sure of your size so just relax and let me finish inspecting your delicious looking cock." she huskily says as she slowly strokes your $DickSD <<Penis>>. She's leaning down so much her _ISD breasts are resting on your hard chest. The feeling of having your cock played with by a sexy nurse is turning you on as your your cock leaks even more pre-cum onto her hand and the bed.
  She explains "I find most patients enjoy this method of having their blood pressure checked." as she continues to stroke your $DickSD dick letting her _ISD tits rub up against your chest. The pleasure of being molested by Nurse Troy is quickly building up as her hand-job pace increases and you can feel a strong orgasm coming on fast. "It seems your blood pressure is steadily rising. I'm going to keep testing until I find out why..." she huskily whispers in your ear, her stroking of your $DickSD weeping dick reaching a rapid pace.
  "Oh God, it feels too good! I'm cumming!" you scream as your orgasm hits hard and you unleash a $CumAD flood of cum all over Nurse Troy's hand and chest!<<if $Cum.Stored < 11>> Nurse Troy seems pleased by the $CumAD amount of cum you unleashed as she brings her cum-covered hand to her lips before sucking it clean.<<elseif $Cum.Stored > 10 and $Cum.Stored < 21>> Nurse Troy seems happy by the $CumAD amount of cum you unleashed as she brings her cum-covered hand to her lips before sucking it clean.<<else>>Nurse Troy seems estatic by the $CumAD amount of cum you unleashed as she brings her cum-covered hand to her lips before sucking it clean.<</if>>
<<set $sexHistory.XP to $sexHistory.XP +1>>\
<<set $LastPartner to $npcTroy>>\
<<set _OCup to _ICup>>\
<<set _OSD to _ICup>>\
<<if $Infestation.MilkProgress > 0 or $Milk.Stored > 0>>\
<<set _Breasts to "Milk">>\
<<elseif $StatusAffect.SiliconeB > 5>>\
<<set _Breasts to "Silicone">>\
<<set _Breasts to "Natural">>\
<<if $nurseEvent.BreastsSize < $PC.BreastsSize + ($GeneralFeats.FalseRep *2) >>\
<<set _Size to "Bigger">>\
<<elseif $nurseEvent.BreastsSize > $PC.BreastsSize + ($GeneralFeats.FalseRep *2) >>\
<<set _Size to "Smaller">>\
<<set _Size to "Same">>\
<<if $PC.BreastsSize + ($GeneralFeats.FalseRep *2) > $npcTroy.BreastsSize>>\
<<set _Compare to "Bigger">>\
<<elseif $PC.BreastsSize + ($GeneralFeats.FalseRep *2) < $npcTroy.BreastsSize>>\
<<set _Compare to "Smaller">>\
<<set _Compare to "Same">>\
<<set $npcTroy.SexDetection to "Female">>\
  Feeling quite bold and more than a bit horny you slowly strip out of your clothes while making sure the sexy nurse can see your $BreastsSize tits with your hardening nipples along with your wet pussy. As you settle down on the medical gurney your wet cunt drips on the bed as your arousal spikes. Bending over she places a stethoscope against your $BreastSD chest while her full chest is right above your face blocking your vision except for her two rather _OSD breasts! While listening to your breathing she starts to fondle your $BreastSD breasts. At your aroused gasp she explains "I'm just checking for any abnormalities, just relax and enjoy the exam, $PC.FirstName." as she continues to give them a very thorough inspection while smiling softtly at your obvious arousal.
<<switch _Size>>\
<<case "Bigger">>\
<<switch _Breasts>>\
<<case "Milk">>\
  "Oh my! It looks like your breasts have grown since your last checkup! They look rather $BreastSD so they will need a rather close look. I need to make sure of your size so just relax and let me finish inspecting your jugs." she says as she gropes your $BreastsSize tits and as she does so a $MilkAD squirt of milk shoots out. She gasps as the $MilkAD flow of milk continues to flow out as she pinches your leaking nipples. "That's a suprise! You don't look to be pregnant but let me take a quick taste to make sure." she says before bending down to suck on your milky tits. The feeling of having your milk-filled breasts sucked on by such a sexy nurse is turning you on as your pussy leaks even more fluid onto the bed.
  Coming up for some air, Nurse Troy gasps as she grabs her impressive chest. "Oh my!" she moans as her tits slowly start to expand! It doesn't take long before her breasts have grown to _ISD _ICup milkers as droplets of creamy milk drip from her hard nipples! "That's very interesting! I can feel all that delicious milk filling up my breasts!" she moans as she plays with her _ISD milkjugs.
<<case "Silicone">>\
  "Oh wow! It looks like your enhanced breasts have been pumped up since your last checkup! They look rather $BreastSD so they will need a rather close look. I need to make sure of your size so just relax and let me finish inspecting your fake tits." she says as she gropes your $BreastsSize silicone-filled tits. She even pinches your hard nipples as the fondling continues. The feeling of having your firm breasts played with by such a sexy nurse is turning you on as your pussy leaks even more fluid onto the bed.
<<case "Natural">>\
  "Oh my! It looks like your breasts have grown since your last checkup! They look rather $BreastSD so they will need a rather close inspection." she says as she gropes your $BreastsSize tits. She even pinches your hard nipples as the fondling continues. The feeling of having your breasts played with by a sexy nurse is turning you on as your pussy leaks even more fluid onto the bed.
<<case "Smaller">>\
<<switch _Breasts>>\
<<case "Milk">>\
  "Oh my! It looks like your breasts have shrunk since your last checkup! They look rather $BreastSD so they will need a rather close look. I need to make sure of your size so just relax and let me finish inspecting your jugs." she says as she gropes your $BreastsSize tits and as she does so a $MilkAD squirt of milk shoots out. She gasps as the $MilkAD flow of milk continues to flow out as she pinches your leaking nipples. "That's a suprise! You don't look to be pregnant but let me take a quick taste to make sure." she says before bending down to suck on your milky tits. The feeling of having your milk-filled breasts sucked on by a sexy nurse is turning you on as your pussy leaks even more fluid onto the bed and your rock hard cock is starting to leak pre-cum. "MMMM! That was quite tasty and by my guess you are not pregnant." she says as she finishes drinking your breast milk.
  Coming up for some air, Nurse Troy gasps as she grabs her impressive chest. "Oh my!" she moans as her tits slowly start to expand! It doesn't take long before her breasts have grown to _ISD _ICup milkers as droplets of creamy milk drip from her hard nipples! "That's very interesting! I can feel all that delicious milk filling up my breasts!" she moans as she plays with her _ISD milkjugs.
<<case "Silicone">>\
  "Oh wow! It looks like your enhanced breasts have been deflated since your last checkup! They look rather $BreastSD so they will need a rather close look to make sure they didn't spring a leak! I need to make sure of your size so just relax and let me finish inspecting your fake tits." she says as she gropes your $BreastsSize silicone-filled tits. She even pinches your hard nipples as the fondling continues. The feeling of having your firm breasts played with by such a sexy nurse is turning you on as your pussy leaks even more fluid onto the bed and your rock hard cock is starting to leak pre-cum.
<<case "Natural">>\
  "Oh my! It looks like your breasts have shrunk since your last checkup! They look rather $BreastSD so they will need a rather close inspection." she says as she gropes your $BreastsSize tits. She even pinches your hard nipples as the fondling continues. The feeling of having your breasts played with by a sexy nurse is turning you on as your pussy leaks more fluid onto the bed.
<<case "Same">>\
<<switch _Compare>>\
<<case "Bigger">>\
<<switch _Breasts>>\
<<case "Milk">>\
  "It looks like your breasts are looking pretty good! They look rather $BreastSD which are larger than my _OCup breasts. I need to make sure of your size so just relax and let me finish inspecting your jugs." she says as she gropes your $BreastsSize tits and as she does so a $MilkAD squirt of milk shoots out. She gasps as the $MilkAD flow of milk continues to flow out as she pinches your leaking nipples. "That's a surprise! You don't look to be pregnant but let me take a quick taste to make sure." she says before bending down to suck on your milky tits. The feeling of having your milk-filled breasts sucked on by such a sexy nurse is turning you on as your pussy leaks even more fluid onto the bed.
  Coming up for some air, Nurse Troy gasps as she grabs her impressive chest. "Oh my!" she moans as her tits slowly start to expand! It doesn't take long before her breasts have grown to _ISD _ICup milkers as droplets of creamy milk drip from her hard nipples! "That's very interesting! I can feel all that delicious milk filling up my breasts!" she moans as she plays with her _ISD milkjugs.
<<case "Silicone">>\
  "It looks like your enhanced breasts are looking pretty good! I would guess they are $BreastsSize which are larger than my _ICup breasts. I need to make sure of your size so just relax and let me finish inspecting your fake tits." she huskily says as she continues groping your $BreastsSize silicone-filled tits. The feeling of having your firm breasts played with by a sexy nurse is turning you on as your your pussy leaks even more fluid onto the bed and your rock hard cock is starting to leak pre-cum.
<<case "Natural">>\
  "It looks like your breasts are looking pretty good! I would guess they are $BreastsSize which are larger than my _ICup breasts. I need to make sure of your size so just relax and let me finish inspecting your jugs." she huskily says as she continues groping your $BreastsSize tits. The feeling of having your breasts played with by a sexy nurse is turning you on as your your pussy leaks even more fluid onto the bed.
<<case "Smaller">>\
<<switch _Breasts>>\
<<case "Milk">>\
  "It looks like your breasts are looking pretty good! They look rather $BreastSD which are smaller than my _OCup breasts. I need to make sure of your size so just relax and let me finish inspecting your jugs." she says as she gropes your $BreastsSize tits and as she does so a $MilkAD squirt of milk shoots out. She gasps as the $MilkAD flow of milk continues to flow out as she pinches your leaking nipples. "That's a surprise! You don't look to be pregnant but let me take a quick taste to make sure." she says before bending down to suck on your milky tits. The feeling of having your milk-filled breasts sucked on by such a sexy nurse is turning you on as your pussy leaks even more fluid onto the bed.
  Coming up for some air, Nurse Troy gasps as she grabs her impressive chest. "Oh my!" she moans as her tits slowly start to expand! It doesn't take long before her breasts have grown to _ISD _ICup milkers as droplets of creamy milk drip from her hard nipples! "That's very interesting! I can feel all that delicious milk filling up my breasts!" she moans as she plays with her _ISD milkjugs.
<<case "Silicone">>\
  "It looks like your enhanced breasts are looking pretty good! I would guess they are $BreastsSize which is a bit smaller than my _ICup breasts. I need to make sure of your size so just relax and let me finish inspecting your fake tits." she huskily says as she continues groping your $BreastsSize silicone-filled tits. The feeling of having your firm breasts played with by a sexy nurse is turning you on as your your pussy leaks even more fluid onto the bed.
<<case "Natural"">>\
  "It looks like your breasts are looking pretty good! I would guess they are $BreastsSize which is a bit smaller than my _ICup breasts. I need to make sure of your size so just relax and let me finish inspecting your jugs." she huskily says as she continues groping your $BreastsSize tits. The feeling of having your breasts played with by a sexy nurse is turning you on as your your pussy leaks even more fluid onto the bed and your rock hard cock is starting to leak pre-cum.
<<case "Same">>\
<<switch _Breasts>>\
<<case "Milk">>\
  "It looks like your breasts are looking pretty good! They look rather $BreastSD which are the exast same size as my _OCup breasts, I would guess. I need to make sure of your size so just relax and let me finish inspecting your jugs." she says as she gropes your $BreastsSize tits and as she does so a $MilkAD squirt of milk shoots out. She gasps as the $MilkAD flow of milk continues to flow out as she pinches your leaking nipples. "That's a surprise! You don't look to be pregnant but let me take a quick taste to make sure." she says before bending down to suck on your milky tits. The feeling of having your milk-filled breasts sucked on by such a sexy nurse is turning you on as your pussy leaks even more fluid onto the bed and your rock hard cock is starting to leak pre-cum.
  Coming up for some air, Nurse Troy gasps as she grabs her impressive chest. "Oh my!" she moans as her tits slowly start to expand! It doesn't take long before her breasts have grown to _ISD _ICup milkers as droplets of creamy milk drip from her hard nipples! "That's very interesting! I can feel all that delicious milk filling up my breasts!" she moans as she plays with her _ISD milkjugs.
<<case "Silicone">>\
  "It looks like your enhanced breasts looking pretty good! I would guess they are the exact same size as my _ICup breasts. I need to make sure of your size so just relax and let me finish inspecting your fake tits." she huskily says as she continues groping your $BreastsSize firm breasts. The feeling of having your breasts played with by a sexy nurse is turning you on as your pussy leaks even more fluid onto the bed and your rock hard cock is starting to leak pre-cum.
<<case "Natural"">>\
  "It looks like your breasts looking pretty good! I would guess they are the exact same size as my _ICup breasts. I need to make sure of your size so just relax and let me finish inspecting your jugs." she huskily says as she continues groping your $BreastsSize tits. The feeling of having your breasts played with by a sexy nurse is turning you on as your pussy leaks even more fluid onto the bed and your rock hard cock is starting to leak pre-cum.
  "Looks like your lungs are doing good and you don't look to have any issues with your $BreastSD breasts, so now it's time to check your blood pressure." she comments sultrily while putting the stethoscope away between her _ICup breasts. She does leave one hand idly treaking your $NippleSize nipple before sliding down your naked body with her other hand to your pussy. With no pausing she slides a finger easily into your sopping wet pussy!
  You let out a involuntary moan as her finger goes deep into your tight pussy. She explains "I find most patients enjoy this method of having their blood pressure checked." as she slowly finger-bangs your cunt while fondling your tits hard. The pleasure of being molested by Nurse Troy is quickly building up as her fingering increases and you can feel a strong orgasm coming on fast. "It seems your blood pressure is steadily rising. I'm going to keep testing until I find out why..." she huskily whispers in your ear, her finger-banging reaching a rapid pace.
  "Oh God, it feels too good! I'm cumming!" you scream as your orgasm hits hard and you unleash a $GCumAD flood of girl-cum all over Nurse Troy's finger.<<if $GCum.Stored < 11>> Nurse Troy seems pleased by the $GCumAD amount of cum you unleashed as she brings her cum-covered finger to her lips before sucking it clean.<<elseif $GCum.Stored > 10 and $GCum.Stored < 21>> Nurse Troy seems happy by the $CumAD amount of cum you unleashed as she brings her cum-covered finger to her lips before sucking it clean.<<else>>Nurse Troy seems estatic by the $GCumAD amount of cum you unleashed as she brings her cum-covered finger to her lips before sucking it clean.<</if>><<set $sexHistory.XP to $sexHistory.XP +1>>\
<<set $LastPartner to $npcTroy>>\
<<set _OCup to _ICup>>\
<<set _OSD to _ICup>>\
<<if $Infestation.MilkProgress > 0 or $Milk.Stored > 0>>\
<<set _Breasts to "Milk">>\
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$npcTroy.BreastsSize+2]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$npcTroy.BreastsSize+2]>>
<<elseif $StatusAffect.SiliconeB > 5>>\
<<set _Breasts to "Silicone">>\
<<set _Breasts to "Natural">>\
<<if $nurseEvent.BreastsSize < $PC.BreastsSize + ($GeneralFeats.FalseRep *2) >>\
<<set _Size to "Bigger">>\
<<elseif $nurseEvent.BreastsSize > $PC.BreastsSize + ($GeneralFeats.FalseRep *2) >>\
<<set _Size to "Smaller">>\
<<set _Size to "Same">>\
<<if $PC.BreastsSize + ($GeneralFeats.FalseRep *2) > $npcTroy.BreastsSize>>\
<<set _Compare to "Bigger">>\
<<elseif $PC.BreastsSize + ($GeneralFeats.FalseRep *2) < $npcTroy.BreastsSize>>\
<<set _Compare to "Smaller">>\
<<set _Compare to "Same">>\
<<set $npcTroy.SexDetection to "Futa">>\
<<set _MixedCum to Math.round(($Cum.Stored + $GCum.Stored) /2)>>\
<<set _CumAD to $arrayCumAmountDesc[_MixedCum]>>\
  Feeling quite bold and more than a bit horny you slowly strip out of your clothes while making sure the sexy nurse can see your half-mast $DickSize cock along with your $BreastsSize tits. As you settle down on the medical gurney your dick is still presenting itself as it finishes hardening and your wet cunt drips on the bed. Bending over she places a stethoscope against your chest while her full chest is right above your face blocking your vision except for her two rather _OSD breasts! While listening to your breathing she starts to fondle your $BreastSD breasts. At your aroused gasp she explains "I'm just checking for any abnormalities, just relax and enjoy the exam, $PC.FirstName." as she continues to give them a very thorough inspection while smiling softly at your obvious arousal.
<<switch _Size>>\
<<case "Bigger">>\
<<switch _Breasts>>\
<<case "Milk">>\
  "Oh my! It looks like your breasts have grown since your last checkup! They look rather $BreastSD so they will need a rather close look. I need to make sure of your size so just relax and let me finish inspecting your jugs." she says as she gropes your $BreastsSize tits and as she does so a $MilkAD squirt of milk shoots out. She gasps as the $MilkAD flow of milk continues to flow out as she pinches your leaking nipples. "That's a suprise! You don't look to be pregnant but let me take a quick taste to make sure." she says before bending down to suck on your milky tits. The feeling of having your milk-filled breasts sucked on by such a sexy nurse is turning you on as your pussy leaks even more fluid onto the bed and your rock hard cock is starting to leak pre-cum.
  Coming up for some air, Nurse Troy gasps as she grabs her impressive chest. "Oh my!" she moans as her tits slowly start to expand! It doesn't take long before her breasts have grown to _ISD _ICup milkers as droplets of creamy milk drip from her hard nipples! "That's very interesting! I can feel all that delicious milk filling up my breasts!" she moans as she plays with her _ISD milkjugs.
<<case "Silicone">>\
  "Oh wow! It looks like your enhanced breasts have been pumped up since your last checkup! They look rather $BreastSD so they will need a rather close look. I need to make sure of your size so just relax and let me finish inspecting your fake tits." she says as she gropes your $BreastsSize silicone-filled tits. She even pinches your hard nipples as the fondling continues. The feeling of having your firm breasts played with by such a sexy nurse is turning you on as your pussy leaks even more fluid onto the bed and your rock hard cock is starting to leak pre-cum.
<<case "Natural">>\
  "Oh my! It looks like your breasts have grown since your last checkup! They look rather $BreastSD so they will need a rather close look. I need to make sure of your size so just relax and let me finish inspecting your jugs." she says as she gropes your $BreastsSize tits. She even pinches your hard nipples as the fondling continues. The feeling of having your breasts played with by such a sexy nurse is turning you on as your pussy leaks even more fluid onto the bed and your rock hard cock is starting to leak pre-cum.
<<case "Smaller">>\
<<switch _Breasts>>\
<<case "Milk">>\
  "Oh my! It looks like your breasts have shrunk since your last checkup! They look rather $BreastSD so they will need a rather close look. I need to make sure of your size so just relax and let me finish inspecting your jugs." she says as she gropes your $BreastsSize tits and as she does so a $MilkAD squirt of milk shoots out. She gasps as the $MilkAD flow of milk continues to flow out as she pinches your leaking nipples. "That's a suprise! You don't look to be pregnant but let me take a quick taste to make sure." she says before bending down to suck on your milky tits. The feeling of having your milk-filled breasts sucked on by a sexy nurse is turning you on as your pussy leaks even more fluid onto the bed and your rock hard cock is starting to leak pre-cum. "MMMM! That was quite tasty and by my guess you are not pregnant." she says as she finishes drinking your breast milk.
  Coming up for some air, Nurse Troy gasps as she grabs her impressive chest. "Oh my!" she moans as her tits slowly start to expand! It doesn't take long before her breasts have grown to _ISD _ICup milkers as droplets of creamy milk drip from her hard nipples! "That's very interesting! I can feel all that delicious milk filling up my breasts!" she moans as she plays with her _ISD milkjugs.
<<case "Silicone">>\
  "Oh wow! It looks like your enhanced breasts have been deflated since your last checkup! They look rather $BreastSD so they will need a rather close look to make sure they didn't spring a leak! I need to make sure of your size so just relax and let me finish inspecting your fake tits." she says as she gropes your $BreastsSize silicone-filled tits. She even pinches your hard nipples as the fondling continues. The feeling of having your firm breasts played with by such a sexy nurse is turning you on as your pussy leaks even more fluid onto the bed and your rock hard cock is starting to leak pre-cum.
<<case "Natural">>\
  "Oh my! It looks like your breasts have shrunk since your last checkup! They look rather $BreastSD so your jugs need a rather close look. I need to make sure of your size so just relax and let me finish inspecting your jugs." she says as she gropes your $BreastsSize tits. She even pinches your hard nipples as the fondling continues. The feeling of having your breasts played with by a sexy nurse is turning you on as your pussy leaks even more fluid onto the bed and your rock hard cock is starting to leak pre-cum.
<<case "Same">>\
<<switch _Compare>>\
<<case "Bigger">>\
<<switch _Breasts>>\
<<case "Milk">>\
  "It looks like your breasts are looking pretty good! They look rather $BreastSD which are larger than my _OCup breasts. I need to make sure of your size so just relax and let me finish inspecting your jugs." she says as she gropes your $BreastsSize tits and as she does so a $MilkAD squirt of milk shoots out. She gasps as the $MilkAD flow of milk continues to flow out as she pinches your leaking nipples. "That's a suprise! You don't look to be pregnant but let me take a quick taste to make sure." she says before bending down to suck on your milky tits. The feeling of having your milk-filled breasts sucked on by such a sexy nurse is turning you on as your pussy leaks even more fluid onto the bed and your rock hard cock is starting to leak pre-cum.
  Coming up for some air, Nurse Troy gasps as she grabs her impressive chest. "Oh my!" she moans as her tits slowly start to expand! It doesn't take long before her breasts have grown to _ISD _ICup milkers as droplets of creamy milk drip from her hard nipples! "That's very interesting! I can feel all that delicious milk filling up my breasts!" she moans as she plays with her _ISD milkjugs.
<<case "Silicone">>\
  "It looks like your enhanced breasts are looking pretty good! I would guess they are $BreastsSize which are larger than my _ICup breasts. I need to make sure of your size so just relax and let me finish inspecting your fake tits." she huskily says as she continues groping your $BreastsSize silicone-filled tits. The feeling of having your firm breasts played with by a sexy nurse is turning you on as your your pussy leaks even more fluid onto the bed and your rock hard cock is starting to leak pre-cum.
<<case "Natural">>\
  "It looks like your breasts are looking pretty good! I would guess they are $BreastsSize which are larger than my _ICup breasts. I need to make sure of your size so just relax and let me finish inspecting your jugs." she huskily says as she continues groping your $BreastsSize tits. The feeling of having your breasts played with by a sexy nurse is turning you on as your your pussy leaks even more fluid onto the bed and your rock hard cock is starting to leak pre-cum.
<<case "Smaller">>\
<<switch _Breasts>>\
<<case "Milk">>\
  "It looks like your breasts are looking pretty good! They look rather $BreastSD which are smaller than my _OCup breasts. I need to make sure of your size so just relax and let me finish inspecting your jugs." she says as she gropes your $BreastsSize tits and as she does so a $MilkAD squirt of milk shoots out. She gasps as the $MilkAD flow of milk continues to flow out as she pinches your leaking nipples. "That's a suprise! You don't look to be pregnant but let me take a quick taste to make sure." she says before bending down to suck on your milky tits. The feeling of having your milk-filled breasts sucked on by such a sexy nurse is turning you on as your pussy leaks even more fluid onto the bed and your rock hard cock is starting to leak pre-cum.
  Coming up for some air, Nurse Troy gasps as she grabs her impressive chest. "Oh my!" she moans as her tits slowly start to expand! It doesn't take long before her breasts have grown to _ISD _ICup milkers as droplets of creamy milk drip from her hard nipples! "That's very interesting! I can feel all that delicious milk filling up my breasts!" she moans as she plays with her _ISD milkjugs.
<<case "Silicone">>\
  "It looks like your enhanced breasts are looking pretty good! I would guess they are $BreastsSize which is a bit smaller than my _ICup breasts. I need to make sure of your size so just relax and let me finish inspecting your fake tits." she huskily says as she continues groping your $BreastsSize silicone-filled tits. The feeling of having your firm breasts played with by a sexy nurse is turning you on as your your pussy leaks even more fluid onto the bed and your rock hard cock is starting to leak pre-cum.
<<case "Natural">>\
  "It looks like your breasts are looking pretty good! I would guess they are $BreastsSize which is a bit smaller than my _ICup breasts. I need to make sure of your size so just relax and let me finish inspecting your jugs." she huskily says as she continues groping your $BreastsSize tits. The feeling of having your breasts played with by a sexy nurse is turning you on as your your pussy leaks even more fluid onto the bed and your rock hard cock is starting to leak pre-cum.
<<case "Same">>\
<<switch _Breasts>>\
<<case "Milk">>\
  "It looks like your breasts are looking pretty good! They look rather $BreastSD which are the exast same size as my _OCup breasts, I would guess. I need to make sure of your size so just relax and let me finish inspecting your jugs." she says as she gropes your $BreastsSize tits and as she does so a $MilkAD squirt of milk shoots out. She gasps as the $MilkAD flow of milk continues to flow out as she pinches your leaking nipples. "That's a suprise! You don't look to be pregnant but let me take a quick taste to make sure." she says before bending down to suck on your milky tits. The feeling of having your milk-filled breasts sucked on by such a sexy nurse is turning you on as your pussy leaks even more fluid onto the bed and your rock hard cock is starting to leak pre-cum.
  Coming up for some air, Nurse Troy gasps as she grabs her impressive chest. "Oh my!" she moans as her tits slowly start to expand! It doesn't take long before her breasts have grown to _ISD _ICup milkers as droplets of creamy milk drip from her hard nipples! "That's very interesting! I can feel all that delicious milk filling up my breasts!" she moans as she plays with her _ISD milkjugs.
<<case "Silicone">>\
  "It looks like your enhanced breasts looking pretty good! I would guess they are the exact same size as my _ICup breasts. I need to make sure of your size so just relax and let me finish inspecting your fake tits." she huskily says as she continues groping your $BreastsSize firm breasts. The feeling of having your breasts played with by a sexy nurse is turning you on as your pussy leaks even more fluid onto the bed and your rock hard cock is starting to leak pre-cum.
<<case "Natural">>\
  "It looks like your breasts looking pretty good! I would guess they are the exact same size as my _ICup breasts. I need to make sure of your size so just relax and let me finish inspecting your jugs." she huskily says as she continues groping your $BreastsSize tits. The feeling of having your breasts played with by a sexy nurse is turning you on as your pussy leaks even more fluid onto the bed and your rock hard cock is starting to leak pre-cum.
  "Looks like your lungs are doing good and you don't look to have any issues with your $BreastSD breasts, so now it's time to check your blood pressure." she comments sultrily while putting the stethoscope away between her _ICup breasts. She does leave one hand idly treaking your $NippleSize long nipple before sliding down your naked body with her other hand to grab your hard dick!
<<if $nurseEvent.DickSize < $PC.DickSize>>\
  You let out a involuntary moan as her wraps around your hard dick. "Oh my! It looks like your dick has grown a bit since your last checkup! It looks to be rather $DickSD so it will need a rather close inspection." she says as she slowly stroke your pre-cum weaping cock. The feeling of having your hard dick played with by a sexy nurse is turning you on as your cock leaks even more pre-cum onto her hand and the bed.
<<elseif $nurseEvent.DickSize > $PC.DickSize>>\
  You let out a involuntary moan as her wraps around your hard dick. "Oh my! It looks like your dick has shrunk a bit since your last checkup! It looks to be rather $DickSD so it will need a rather close inspection." she says as she slowly stroke your pre-cum weaping cock. The feeling of having your hard dick played with by a sexy nurse is turning you on as your cock leaks even more pre-cum onto her hand and the bed.
  You let out a involuntary moan as her wraps around your hard dick. "It looks like your penis is looking pretty good! I would guess it's about $DickSize long which makes it perfect for various activities. I need to make sure of your size so just relax and let me finish inspecting your delicious looking cock." she huskily says as she slowly strokes your $DickSD <<Penis>>. The feeling of having your cock played with by a sexy nurse is turning you on as your your cock leaks even more pre-cum onto her hand and the bed.
  She explains "I find most patients enjoy this method of having their blood pressure checked. But there is something else I need to check..." as she slowly strokes your $DickSD dick before moving around the table while keeping the rythym of her stroking constant. The reason for her movement becomes clear as she slides a finger with her other hand easily into your sopping wet pussy! The pleasure of being molested by Nurse Troy is quickly building up as her hand-job pace increases along with her finger-banging your wet cunt and you can feel a strong dual orgasm coming on fast. "It seems your blood pressure is steadily rising. I'm going to keep testing until I find out why..." she huskily whispers in your ear, her stroking and fingering reaching a rapid pace.
  "Oh God, it feels too good! I'm cumming! I'm cumming from my cock and pussy!" you scream as your dual orgasm hits hard and you unleash a _CumAD flood of mixed cum all over Nurse Troy's finger, hand and face!<<if _MixedCum < 11>> Nurse Troy seems pleased by the _CumAD amount of cum you unleashed as she brings her cum-covered hand to her lips before sucking it clean.<<elseif _MixedCum > 10 and _MixedCum < 21>> Nurse Troy seems happy by the _CumAD amount of cum you unleashed as she brings her cum-covered hand to her lips before sucking it clean.<<else>> Nurse Troy seems estatic by the _CumAD amount of cum you unleashed as she brings her cum-covered hand to her lips before sucking it clean.<</if>><<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$genericFighter.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$genericFighter.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$genericFighter.DickSize]>>\
<<set _DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$genericFighter.DickSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$genericFighter.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$genericFighter.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _SizeComp to $PC.DickSize - $genericFighter.Level + ($GeneralFeats.FalseRep *2)>>\<<set $genericEvent.Image = $eventPath1 + $arrayEvent1Naked.random() + '.jpg'>>\
<img @src=$genericEvent.Image />
<<include "Adlibs">>\
<<if (random(19)+ 1) + $Skill.Social + $CharismaBonus > 13>>\
<<set $npcMay.Friendship to $npcMay.Friendship + $CharismaBonus +2 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set $npcApril.Friendship to $npcApril.Friendship + $CharismaBonus +2 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set $npcMay.Friendship to $npcMay.Friendship + $CharismaBonus +1 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set $npcApril.Friendship to $npcApril.Friendship + $CharismaBonus +1 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set $npcMay.SexXP to $npcMay.SexXP +1>>\
<<set $npcApril.SexXP to $npcApril.SexXP +1>>\
<<set $LastPartner to $npcMay>>\
<<if $Cum.Max < 16>>\
<<set $Cum.Max to $Cum.Max + 1>>\
<<set $Cum.Min to $Cum.Min + 1>>\
<<set $Cum.Stored to $Cum.Max>>\
<<set $CumAD to $arrayCumAmountDesc[$Cum.Stored]>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Energized to $StatusAffect.Energized+1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Horny to $StatusAffect.Horny+1>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.Vaccine < 1>>\
<<if (random(19)+ 1) + $PC.Fortitude + $InfectionResist.Fort < 15>>\
<<if $Infestation.Progress < 1>>\
<<set $Infestation.Progress to 1>>\
<<set _Infest to random(5) - $InfectionResist.DR +1>>\
<<if _Infest < 0>>\
<<set _Infest to 0>>\
<<set $PC.Infestation to $PC.Infestation + _Infest>>\
<<if $PC.Infestation > $Infestation.Cap>>\
<<set $PC.Infestation to $Infestation.Cap>>\
<<set $threesomeEvent.Agree to 1>>\
<<set _DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$npcApril.DickSize]>>\
<<set _DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$npcApril.DickSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$npcApril.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$npcApril.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$npcApril.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$npcApril.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _IAss to $arrayAssSizeDesc[$npcApril.AssSize]>>\
  You grab a Energy Drink along with May and April, agreeing that you'll going to need it before the evening is over with. All three of you down the drink at the same and it's not too long before your futa-cock starts hardening. It's easy to tell that April is also feeling the affect of the energy drink as her own futa-cock matches your own in hardness. It's a bit harder to tell with May as she just smirks while glancing at both of your hard dicks.
  "So what's on the agenda tonight, girls?" you ask as you strip out of your clothes. It takes May a moment to respond as she is also stripping out of her tight dress along with April. Your admire how both of the girls _ISD tits are equal in every way that matters while waiting for May to speak.
  "I'm thinking of instead of the usual double titty-fucking, we mix it up with some hot frantic hard core fucking." she says while sitting down on the bed with her legs spread wide. "How about $PC.FirstName fucks my tight pussy with her $DickSD futa-cock while April fucks my _ISD tits with from the other side with her _DickSD girl-cock?" she continues while idly sliding her finger along her wet pussy lips.
  "I'm up for that if April is as well." you say as you step up between May's long shapely legs and position your <<Penis>> at the entrance of her dripping wet pussy. You decided to wait for April to get in position before you start pounding that sweet pussy.
  April responds softly with "Sure, it would be interesting to fuck your breasts from another angle." as she steps around the bed, her _ISD jugs and _DickSD futa-cock bouncing with each step. In response May lies down with her own _ISD <<Breasts>> presenting proudly, ready to be pounded by April's cock.
  Figuring it was time to get started, you press your futa-cock against May's dripping slit causing her to squirm slightly. Pushing forward your $DickSD <<Penis>> is slowly engulfed by her tight pussy lips until all of your $DickSize meat rod is buried deep inside her cunt. May responds by moaning loudly as her over-stuffed pussy adjusts to your thick size.
  "I guess it's my turn to get started as well." April says softly as she lines her own futa-cock up with May's impressive chest. Grabbing May's _ISD breasts, she squishes them together before sliding her dick into May's tight breast valley. Unwilling to stop there, April started giving those big jugs a steady pounding, her pre-cum providing plenty of lubication.
  "Oh fuck does that feel so fucking good!" is May's slightly muffled response as you respond to April's tit-fucking by fucking May's twat with your hard cock. You have to agree with May as her tight pussy squeezes you with each eager thrust with your $BallsSD cum-filled balls slapping into her.
  "I do have to say your _ISD breasts are amazing as usual, May." April huskily replies as she continues to slam her futa-cock into May's jiggling mountains like a pro. Not content with just fucking her tits, April gives May's hard nipples a teasing tweak causing May to gasp loudly.
  "Your fucking pussy is so slippery! Fuck! It's sucking my cock in so tightly!" you moan as your pace slowly increases, your own $BreastSD breasts swaying more and more with each thrust. The pleasure from having your futa-cock buried over and over again inside such a sexy babe is making it hard to hold back. May just moans loudly in ecstasy as she enjoys having her tight cunt and _ICup jugs fucked at the same time.
  As your hard pounding reaches a frantic pace it seems like April has reached her limits. "Oh God, I'm cumming! I'm shooting my hot load onto your incredibly _ISD tits!" April yells as she thrusts one last time before shooting an enormous wad of gooey cum! Some of her cum is trapped in April's <<Breasts>> while the rest squirts out before landing on your own stomach and groin. Not finished yet, April grabs her futa-cock and rapidly strokes it before shooting another large load over May's breasts giving them a nice glazing.
  The sight of April shooting her load pushes you over the edge as your $BallsSD balls pulse one last time. "Fuck! I'm cumming too! I'm creampieing your fucking pussy!" you respond loudly as your thobbing cock twitches before unleashing a $CumAD load deep into May's thirsty pussy!
  The feeling of being creampied must have pushed May to her limits as you feel her pussy tighten around your futa-cock. "YES! OH FUCK YESSS! I'M CUMMING!" May screams in ecstasy as she orgasms hard around your $DickSD dick. Her whole body shakes in pleasure causing her cum-covered tits to jiggle wildly. Her cunt leaks a large amount of girl-cum that's mixed with your own cum onto the bed.
  "Fuck! That was amazing!" you say as you finally pull your still hard futa-dick out of May's cum-filled pussy. Due to the Energy Drink you are still rearing to go again. April's girl-dick is also hard as nails as she shakes her excess cum out onto May's goo covered tits.
  May quickly sits up before lightly scooping up some of April's cum from her messy breasts. "Delicious!" she says after licking her fingers clean. Not wanting you to be left out, she scoops up some of your seed from her dripping wet pussy and sucks if off her finger. Giving you a wink she says "I'm up for round two if you guys are!"
  "Oh, I'm more than ready to go again. How about you bend over and stick your jiggly ass up so I can give it a hard pounding while you suck $PC.FirstName's mouth-watering <<Penis>>?" April suggests softly while stroking May's long hair.
  "That sounds awesome!" May replies as she scoots off the bed before turning around, presenting her _IAss ass to April. Looking over at you she says "How about you sit on the bed so I can get started on your $DickSD yummy meat rod?"
  Nodding in agreement you quickly get onto the bed while avoiding the wet spot near the edge. Sitting back you wait to see what May does. You don't have long to wait as she starts to stroke your $DickSize futa-cock causing some cum to ooze out. Giving you a sly wink she bends down and gives your sensitive dick a nice long lick.
  "That feels great, May!" you moan as she finally takes your $DickSD <<Penis>> into her mouth! The warm and wet feeling of her mouth feels divine as her plump lips bobs up and down your length. It feel so good, you can't help but reach up and grope your $BreastSD breasts as your $NippleSize long nipples press into your hands.
  April had been idly stroking her _DickSize <<Penis>> while watching May give you a deepthroat blowjob. "I think it's about time for me to fuck your _IAss ass, May." she says as she guides her girl-cock to the entrance of May's jiggly ass. Grabbing her shapely hips she gives one hard thrust and buries her dick deep inside May's ass!
  May momentarly pauses her sloppy blowjob as the force of her large ass being impaled causes her to gasp softly. Shaking off the feeling of her butt being pounded, she quickly returns to sucking your futa-cock with a passion. That's not all she does as she slips a finger into your wet pussy! The dual sensation of having your cock sucked while being finger-fucked is driving you wild as your $BallsSD balls churn, eager to unleash their $CumAD load down her throat.
  April hasn't paused at all as she continues to pound May's ass hard, causing May to let out some muffled moans. She really going to town on May's bum with the force of her fucking causing May's _ISD tits to bounce and jiggle with each thrust. Letting go of her large bottom with one hand, April brings it down and slaps May's jiggly ass causing even more muffles groans of pleasure!
  You can feel your orgasm coming in strong as the pleasure from the intense blowjob along with the rapid fingering is too much. Feeling your throbbing cock twitch forcefully, you grab May's head and force your futa-cock deep down her throat! Screaming in ecstasy you yell "Oh shit! I can't hold back anymore! I'm shooting my thick and creamy load down your fucking throat!" You feel the intense pressure from your $BallsSize balls release as you unleash a $CumAD fountain of cum down May's throat. Even your pussy gets in on the action as you squirt out a $GCumAD load of girl-cum all over May's fingers.
  April isn't far off from her own orgasm as she moans loudly "Your large ass feels sooo good, May! I'm shooting my load deep into my best friend's fucking ass!" May just tries to moan but can't do much with your cock deep in her throat. You can see the moment April shoots her load into May's as her seed easily overflows May's tight bum before splashing down onto the carpet. April isn't quite done yet as she pulls her futa-cock out of her best friend's keister and shoots large ribbons of cum all over May's back and _IAss bottom.
  After that all three of you collapse onto the bed in one big pile. "That was so good!" whispers April as she idly licks some of her cum from May's cum glazed ass.
  "Yeah this was a great idea. We have to get together like this again in the future, $PC.FirstName." says May as she looks over at you while stroking your <<Penis>> along with April's _DickSize futa-cock.
  You talk a bit more but eventually have to leave since it's already getting late. You give April and May a promise to do this again sometime. Even after all that sex your futa-dick is still eager and you have a hard time concentrating as you walk towards the street.
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered +1>>\
<<if $PC.BreastsSize > $npcMay.BreastsSize +4>>\
<<set $npcMay.BreastsSize to $npcMay.BreastsSize+2>>\
<<set $npcApril.BreastsSize to $npcApril.BreastsSize+2>>\
<<elseif $PC.BreastsSize > $npcMay.BreastsSize>>\
<<set $npcMay.BreastsSize to $npcMay.BreastsSize+1>>\
<<set $npcApril.BreastsSize to $npcApril.BreastsSize+1>>\
<<button [[Finish|$location.temp]]>>
<<set $threesomeEvent.DickSize to $PC.DickSize>>\
<<set $threesomeEvent.BreastsSize to $PC.BreastsSize>>\
<<set $threesomeEvent.Sex to "Futa">>\
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<include "Lust Passes">>\
<<set $NoEncounter to random(1) +2>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</button>><<set _DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$genericFighter.DickSize]>>\
<<set _DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$genericFighter.DickSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$genericFighter.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$genericFighter.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _SizeComp to $PC.BreastsSize - $genericFighter.Level + ($GeneralFeats.FalseRep *2)>>\
<<if _SizeComp < 0>>\
<<set _SizeComp to 0>>\
<</if>>\<<set $sexHistory.XP to $sexHistory.XP +1>>\
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$genericFighter.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$genericFighter.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$genericFighter.DickSize]>>\
<<set _DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$genericFighter.DickSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$genericFighter.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$genericFighter.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _SizeComp to $PC.DickSize - $genericFighter.Level + ($GeneralFeats.FalseRep *2)>>\
<<if _SizeComp < 0>>\
<<set _SizeComp to 0>>\
Gotta get a blowjob! Scene still needs to be written :(<<set $sexHistory.XP to $sexHistory.XP +1>>\
<<set $LastPartner to $genericFighter>>\
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$genericFighter.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$genericFighter.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$genericFighter.DickSize]>>\
<<set _DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$genericFighter.DickSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$genericFighter.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$genericFighter.BallsSize]>>\
  $genericFighter.Name2 stares at you with a disgruntled look in her eyes as you walk towards her. With those _ISD perky breasts and that yummy _DickSize dick there was no way you could walk away without a taste. "I'm going to suck your nice hard cock so fast and hard that you'll going to be blowing your load down my throat in no time." you say matter-of-factly as you remove your clothes.
  "Do you think your mouth can handle my _DickSD thick cock? I bet you'll be choking on it before you even get it halfway down your throat." she says as she spreads her legs wide, giving you a nice view of her _DickSD throbbing <<Penis>>. Even with her dismissive tone you can tell that she's eager to have you wrap your lips around her beefy shaft.
  Kneeling down you get a close up look at her _DickSize dick and you can't help but grab that meaty cock! $genericFighter.Name2 moans as you give that thick futa-dick a firm stroke causing some of her pre-cum to leak out. The smell of her creamy juices is so intoxicating that you have to taste it! Leaning forward you slowly slide your tongue along her shaft before wrapping your eager lips around her cock!
  $genericFighter.Name2 groans loudly before saying "Oh shit! That feels so fucking good!" You have to admit it does feel good as you start to suck on her _DickSD cock. The flavor of her pre-cum is divine and you need more of it! Bobbing your head up and down her meaty shaft, you can only give out a muffled moan as your pussy wettens.
<<if $PC.BreastsSize + ($GeneralFeats.FalseRep *2) < $genericFighter.BreastsSize>>\
  Reaching down the Infested fondles your $BreastSD breasts and huskily says "Your tits are too small, you cock-sucker! If they were a lot bigger you could be giving me a titty-fuck instead!" Ignoring her remarks about your chest, you focus on trying to coax more of that delicious pre-cum from her dick.
<<elseif $PC.BreastsSize + ($GeneralFeats.FalseRep *2) > $genericFighter.BreastsSize +4>>\
  Reaching down the Infested fondles your $BreastSD breasts and huskily says "Your tits are so fucking big, you cock-sucker! Fuck! I bet getting a titty-fuck from these big titties would be amazing!" Ignoring her remarks about your chest, you focus on trying to coax more of that delicious pre-cum from her dick.
<<elseif $PC.BreastsSize + ($GeneralFeats.FalseRep *2) => $genericFighter.BreastsSize>>\
  Reaching down the Infested fondles your $BreastSD breasts and huskily says "Your tits are so big, you cock-sucker! Fuck! You should be giving me a titty-fuck instead!" Ignoring her remarks about your chest, you focus on trying to coax more of that delicious pre-cum from her dick.
  Wrapping your tongue around her shaft, you are rewarded by more of her tasty pre-cum squirting down your throat. "Mmmm!" you moan as you suck her cock even harder eliciting a loud groan of ecstasy from $genericFighter.Name. She continues to fondle your $BreastSD tits as you continue to give her a sloppy blowjob.
  Briefly coming up for air, you huskily ask "How are you liking having your dick sucked?" before sliding your tongue along her shaft causing even more of her juices to ooze from her meaty tip. Once again wrapping your lips around her _DickSize futa-cock before bobbing up and down her <<Penis>>.
  "Oh fuck yes! My dick feels so good being sucked so hard! Keep going! I'm getting so close to cumming!" she moans as you feel her _DickSD cock twitch proving that she's on her way to giving you want you want. Your own pussy is dripping wet as your own orgasm is drawing close!
<<if $Infestation.FutaVariant >= $Infestation.FutaCap & $Infestation.Progress > 1>>\
<<include "Futa TF">>\
  As you continue to suck the Futa's _DickSD cock you feel a surge of shocking energy flowing directly into you! It feels almost like you are being electrocuted but it quickly turns to pleasure that radiates from above your wet pussy.
  "Oh shit! Oh fuck! Your mouth feels so fucking good! I'm shooting my wad down your fucking throat!" she screams as you feel her dick throb as her grip on your $BreastSD breasts tightens. You thrust your mouth all the way down to her _BallsSD balls allowing her futa-cock to slide deep down your throat. You feel her shaft twitch one last time before huge bursts of gooey baby-batter shoot down your throat!
  There's so much cum that you can't handle all of it and you're forced to come up for air. The Infested isn't done shooting her load as more ribbons of hot jism splash onto your face! It feels like her cumming down your throat should have pushed you to cum as well but it feels like your orgasm is being blocked!
  Glancing down you discover a slight bump forming above your pussy, seemingly a lightning rod for that electric feeling. It slowly grows from a bump to a bulge as each heartbeat thunders in your ears. The large bulge slowly shifts as it pushes outward inch by inch before forming a small mushroom head with a tiny hole. You gasp as you recognize the shape as that of a penis, abit a very tiny baby-sized one!
  You can easily feel the blood rushing to your new organ and your new dick eagerly soaks it all up. Your baby-sized penis hardens and pushes out farther from your groin growing bigger and stronger with each heartbeat. By this point the electric shocking feeling is almost gone, replaced by the pleasant feeling of your new cock becoming engorged with blood!
  After a few moments, you discover that your brand new baby dick has transformed into a $DickSD $DickSize futa-cock! Before you can really take a look at it, there's another tiny surge of electric shock as two bulges form below your new dick! You closely watch as it forms into a ballsack while growing in size to match your big dick. It finally finishes growing leaving you with a $BallsSD pair of $BallsSize sized balls!
  In pure disbelief at how you suddenly grew a dick, you go to grab it but $genericFighter.Name beats you to it as she grips your cock hard! It feels so hard and sensitive that you feel it twitch as the Infested starts to stroke it and you watch in rapture as pre-cum oozes from the tip as you feel your new balls churn with baby-batter!
  "Oh my God! I'M CUMMING FROM MY COCK! I'M SHOOTING MY WAD AS WELL!" you scream as your delayed orgasm comes crashing back with a vengence as your new hard dick explodes with cum, splattering all over the ground and your feet. It feels so good that you can't stop the flow of hot cum as it blasts over and over again!
  Staring in shock you notice that you now have a $DickSD $DickSize cock along with a pair of $BallsSD $BallsSize balls! Before you can react the Infested reaches down and strokes your <<Penis>> with a grin. As your girl-cock squirts out one more shot of gooey cum, she says "Looks like you are now on the way to being one hot looking Futa!"
<<elseif $PC.Infestation >= $Infestation.Cap & $Infestation.Progress > 1>>\
<<set _BreastSD to $BreastSD>>\
<<set _BreastsSize to $BreastsSize>>\
<<include "Infestation Increase">>\
  As you continue to suck the Futa's _DickSD cock you feel a surge of energy flowing directly into you! It almost feels like you are burning up but it quickly turns to pleasure that radiates from your wet pussy and into your ass..
  "OH GOD! I CAN FEEL YOUR <<print _BreastSDtoUpperCase()>> TITS GETTING BIGGER! Oh fuck! I'm shooting my wad down your fucking throat!" she screams as you feel her cock throb as her grip on your growing breasts tightens. You thrust your mouth all the way down to her _BallsSD balls allowing her futa-dick to go deep down your throat. You feel her shaft twitch one last time before huge bursts of gooey jism shoot down your throat!
  There's so much cum that you can't handle all of it and you're forced to come up for air. The Infested isn't done shooting her load as more strands of hot baby-batter splatter onto your face!
  The taste of her delicious cum along with feeling of her seed hitting your face pushes over the edge! "Your cum tastes so good! Holy fuck! I'm cumming!" you manage to gasp out as your orgasm hits like a truck! Your dripping wet pussy clenches once before a massive unending wave of girl-cum squirts out onto your legs before dripping to the ground below.
  Pulling back from $genericFighter.Name, you finally have a moment to check out your changes and discover that you now have $BreastSD $BreastsSize breasts. That's not the only changes as you are now sitting on a $AssSize ass! Before you can react to your bigger tits, $genericFighter.Name cups your $BreastSD breasts and says "Looks like you're on your way to becoming one hot slut!"
  "Oh shit! Oh fuck! Your mouth feels so fucking good! I'm shooting my wad down your fucking throat!" she screams as you feel her dick throb as her grip on your $BreastSD breasts tightens. You thrust your mouth all the way down to her _BallsSD balls allowing her futa-cock to slide deep down your throat. You feel her shaft twitch one last time before huge bursts of gooey baby-batter shoot down your throat!
  "Oh yeah! Suck it all down!" she moans lustfully as there seems to be no end to her white goo! There's so much cum that you can't handle all of it and you're forced to come up for air. The Infested isn't done shooting her load as more ribbons of hot jism splash onto your face!
  The taste of her delicious cum along with feeling of her seed hitting your face pushes over the edge! "Your cum tastes so good! Holy fuck! I'm cumming!" you manage to gasp out as your orgasm hits like a truck! Your dripping wet pussy clenches once before a $GCumAD wave of girl-cum squirts out onto your legs before dripping to the ground below.
  "Oh that was so fucking good!" $genericFighter.Name2 says when you finally stand up, cum dripping from your lips. Giving your cum-glazed face a proud look, she continues "I'll hope to see you again soon, slut" With that you grab your clothes and leave the area.
<<set $StatusAffect.CumFilled to $StatusAffect.CumFilled+1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered+1>>\<<set $sexHistory.XP to $sexHistory.XP +1>>\
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$genericFighter.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$genericFighter.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$genericFighter.DickSize]>>\
<<set _DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$genericFighter.DickSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$genericFighter.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$genericFighter.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _SizeComp to $PC.DickSize - $genericFighter.Level + ($GeneralFeats.FalseRep *2)>>\
<<if _SizeComp < 0>>\
<<set _SizeComp to 0>>\
  $genericFighter.Name2 stares at you with a grumpy look in her eyes as you walk towards her. With those kissible plump lips, and those _ISD jugs of hers, there was no way you could walk away without having her wrap those yummy lips around your rock hard dick. "I'm going to have you suck my hard dick like the goddamn cocksucker I know you are!" you say eagerly as you remove your clothes exposing your $DickSize cock.
<<switch _SizeComp>>\
<<case 0 1 2>>\
  She shakes her head in dissapointment as she stares at your $DickSD dick. "OK, I'm going to have to say that is uh, a rather below average <<Penis>>. You gotta give this baby cock some butter or possible some pussy to get this mini-cock pumped up, you know! Well at the very least I can give your stub the best blowjob it will ever get." she says as she grips your $DickSize cock with her slim hands before taking the mushroom tip between her plump lips.
<<case 3 4 5 6>>\
  She humms softly as she stares at your $DickSD dick intensly. "Not bad, not bad at all. I mean your <<Penis>> could be bigger but not everyone has cunt-slayers like me! Anyways, the least I can do is give your hard cock the best blowjob it will get today." she says as she grips your $DickSize cock with her slim hands before taking the mushroom tip between her plump lips.
<<case 7 8 9 10 11 12>>\
  She gives your hard <<Penis>> a eager look while licking her plump lips. "Fuck yeah! That's a nice, big <<Penis>>! Can't wait to take a nice taste of that bad boy! So how about you stand there and let me get to giving your hard cock the best blowjob it will get today!" she says as she grips your $DickSize cock with her slim hands before taking the mushroom tip between her juicy lips.
<<case 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24>>\
  She gives your hard <<Penis>> a look of astonishment while drool drips from her juicy lips. "Holy shit! I can't believe how big and juicy your throbbing meat monster is! I mean, damn! Can't wait to slide that big bad wolf down my throat! So how about you stand there and let me give your big throbbing cock the best blowjob it will get today!" she says as she grips your $DickSize cock with her slim hands before taking the mushroom tip between her juicy lips.
  She gives your hard <<Penis>> a shocked look while tapping her lips with her fingers, nervously. "Why do you have a 3ft long rocket launcher that looks like a dick just waving around. How? Why? I don't even... I have no idea on how to get that giant club of a <<Penis>> you have down my throat but uh, I'm going to do my best!" she says as she grips your $DickSize cock with her slim hands before taking the mushroom tip between her juicy lips after a few aborted attempts.
  You give out a lusty groan as you feel the Futa slide her wet tongue down the $DickSize length of your hard shaft before returning the meaty tip of your cock back between those moist lips of hers. It feels so warm and slick that you can't help but to moan in pleasure as the Infested starts to bob up and down on your pleasure-filled dick.
  "Oh fuck yeah! Keep sucking my cock, just like that!" you moan loudly as she enthusiastically sucks your shaft like she's trying to drain a pool using with a straw. You let out a breathy groan as she fondles your $BallsSD balls, urging them to unleash their gooey treasures and it's taking all your willpower to resist blowing your load so quickly. You can tell the Infested is really enjoying watching you squirm as she strokes her own _DickSD futa-cock while staring you in the eyes.
  Finally coming up for air, $genericFighter.Name smirks and says huskily "You're really enjoying getting your dick sucked, aren't ya? You like it when I suck you off like this?" Without even waiting for a response, she slaps your $DickSD cock against her _ISD tits causing droplets of pre-cum to splatter onto her perky chest before slamming her plump lips around your throbbing shaft once again! It doesn't take long before she's sucking your dick like a vaccum cleaner and it won't take much more before you're going to blow!
<<if $Infestation.FutaVariant >= $Infestation.FutaCap & $Infestation.Progress > 1 & $Infestation.FutaCap < 200>>\
<<include "Futa TF">>\
  As you rapidly thrust your <<Penis>> down her throat, you feel a ssurge of almost electric energy flowing directly into you! It almost feels like you are burning up but it quickly turns to pleasure that radiates from below your hard <<Penis>> and in your chest.
  Unable to hold back any longer, you grab the back of her head and start to fuck her pretty mouth like a man possessed! Muffled moans of pleasure escape the Infested's overstuffed mouth as you continue to thrust hard, pushing your aching cock even deeper down her throat while your cum-filled balls repeatedly slap her chin hard!
  Strangely enough you find yourself unable to cum as there seems to be something holding you back. The idea of flooding her throat with hot creamy cum while the Futa chokes on your dick would normally push you over the edge but some reason your orgasm feels almost like it's blocked!
  Glancing down you feel a massive surge of electric shock in your hard chest as two soft bulges start to push out! The weight on your chest grows heavier as they form the familiar shape of new breasts! With each heartbeat your tits expands, blocking more and more of your vision as you look towards you dick as you feel a cold wet opening start to form beneath your cock! Your new tits finally finish growing leaving you with a $BreastSD pair of $BreastSize breasts topped by some hard $NippleSize nipples! Even your ass gets in on the action as you feel you bottom expand and grow!
  Grunting loudly, you yell out " Oh fuck! I'm...I'm turning into a fucking Futa! I can't hold back, I'm shooting my big wad down your fucking slutty throat!" WIth one last pulse, your $BallsSD balls unleash all your backed up baby-batter and you feel your throbbing futa-cock shoot $CumAD ribbons of hot cum directly down the Infested's throat! At the same time you a new sensation as your newly discovered pussy squirts out a $GCumAD wave of girl-cum all over your legs and floor!
  $genericFighter.Name2 gives a muffled moan of ecstasy as she feels you shoot your juicy load down her throat. Suddenly you feel a hot splash of gooey cum hit your chest as the Futa shoots her own load so hard that it splashes against your chest and stomach! <<if $Cum.Stored > 10>> Not wanting to be the only one with their chest covered in cum, you pull your $DickSize dick out of her mouth and with a couple of strokes, you're shooting $CumAD blasts of white goo all over her _ICup tits!<</if>>
  As you pull out of her dripping cunt you notice you now have a $BreastSD pair of $BreastSize tits along with a new pussy and a $AssSize derrier! Before you can react the Infested strokes your cum-coated futa-cock and with a smile says "Looks like you are now one hot Futa like me!"
<<elseif $PC.Infestation is $Infestation.Cap & $Infestation.Progress > 1>>\
<<set _DickSD to $DickSD>>\
<<set _DickSize to $DickSize>>\
<<set _BallsSD to $BallsSD>>
<<set _BallsSize to $BallsSize>>\
<<include "Infestation Increase">>\
  As you rapidly thrust your <<Penis>> down her throat, you feel a surge of energy flowing directly into you! It almost feels like you are burning up but it quickly turns to pleasure that radiates from your hard cock and churning balls.
  Unable to hold back any longer, you grab the back of her head and start to fuck her pretty mouth while you can feel your _DickSize dick growing longer and stronger with each thrust! Muffled moans of pleasure escape the Infested's overstuffed mouth as you continue to thrust hard, pushing your big throbbing cock deeper and deeper down her throat while your pulsing cum-filled balls repeatedly slap her chin hard!
  Grunting loudly, you yell out " Oh fuck! Oh FUCK! I'm blasting my big fucking wad down your fucking slutty throat!" WIth one last pulse, your _BallsSD balls unleash all your backed up baby-batter and you feel your throbbing cock shoot endless waves of hot cum directly down the Infested's throat!
  $genericFighter.Name2 gives a muffled moan of ecstasy as she feels you shoot your juicy load down her throat. Suddenly you feel a hot splash of gooey cum hit your chest as the Futa shoots her own load so hard that it splashes against your chest and stomach! Not wanting to be the only one with their chest covered in cum, you pull your $DickSize dick out of her mouth and with a couple of strokes, you're shooting some even bigger blasts of white goo all over her _ICup tits and face!
  Panting heavily, you finally take a moment to explore the changes that you just went thru. Looking down you notice that you now have a $DickSD $DickSize cock along with a pair of $BallsSD $BallsSize balls! Before you can react, the Infested strokes your stronger <<Penis>> and with a smile says "Looks like you are on the way to becoming one hot stud!"
  Unable to hold back any longer, you grab the back of her head and start to fuck her pretty mouth like a man possessed! Muffled moans of pleasure escape the Infested's overstuffed mouth as you continue to thrust hard, pushing your aching cock even deeper down her throat while your cum-filled balls repeatedly slap her chin hard!
  Grunting loudly, you yell out " Oh fuck! Oh FUCK! I'm shooting my big wad down your fucking slutty throat!" WIth one last pulse, your $BallsSD balls unleash all your backed up baby-batter and you feel your throbbing cock shoot $CumAD ribbons of hot cum directly down the Infested's throat!
  $genericFighter.Name2 gives a muffled moan of ecstasy as she feels you shoot your juicy load down her throat. Suddenly you feel a hot splash of gooey cum hit your chest as the Futa shoots her own load so hard that it splashes against your chest and stomach! <<if $Cum.Stored > 10>> Not wanting to be the only one with their chest covered in cum, you pull your $DickSize dick out of her mouth and with a couple of strokes, you're shooting $CumAD blasts of white goo all over her _ICup tits!<</if>>
  "Oh that was so fucking good!" $genericFighter.Name2 says when you finally step away, cum dripping from your sensitive dick. Using her finger to suck down even more of your hot cum, she continues "I'll hope to see you again soon, you horny stud!" With that you grab your clothes and leave the area.
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered+1>>\<<set $sexHistory.XP to $sexHistory.XP +1>>\
<<set $LastPartner to $genericFighter>>\
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$genericFighter.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$genericFighter.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$genericFighter.DickSize]>>\
<<set _DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$genericFighter.DickSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$genericFighter.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$genericFighter.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _SizeComp to $PC.DickSize - $genericFighter.Level + ($GeneralFeats.FalseRep *2)>>\
<<if _SizeComp < 0>>\
<<set _SizeComp to 0>>\
  $genericFighter.Name2 stares at you with a hungry look in her eyes as you walk towards her. With her perky breasts and that yummy _DickSize dick there was no way you could walk away without a taste. "I'm going to suck your throbbing futa-cock so hard your over-filled balls will exploding in no time." you say matter-of-factly as you remove your clothes.
  "Do you think your mouth can handle my _DickSD thick cock? I bet you be choking on it before you even get it halfway down your throat." she says as she spreads her legs wide, giving you a nice view of her _DickSD throbbing <<Penis>>.
  Unable to resist such a delicious looking meat sausage you slide your tongue down her length stopping with a wet kiss on her _BallsSD balls. The salty flavor of her pre-cum is intoxicating and you can't help but give her cock another lick culminating at the large head of her girl-cock. A large drollop of pre-cum drips from her tip and you eagerly lap it up. It tastes so delicious that you can't stop yourself from trying to suck all her cum out.
<<switch _SizeComp>>\
<<case 0 1 2>>\
  "Oh shit that feels good! For a moment I thought you were a girl with a big clitty but I guess you just need more fuel for your cock! So drink up and get yourself a big fucking cock! Oh that's some fucking good cock-sucking!" she moans as you slide your lips up and down her _DickSize cock as you continue to try and drain her balls of that sweet delicious cum.
<<case 3 4 5 6>>\
  "Oh shit that feels good! I can't believe someone with such a small dick would be such a good cock-sucker! I guess if you can't beat them in size you can beat them in skill. Oh that's some fucking good skill!" she moans as you slide your lips up and down her _DickSize cock as you continue to try and drain her balls of that sweet delicious cum.
<<case 7 8 9 10 11 12>>\
  "Oh shit that feels so good! I guess having a nice sized dick would help ya be a good cock-sucker! You must have had a lot of practice to be this goooood! Oh fuck that's a fucking good blowjob!" she moans as you slide your lips up and down her _DickSize cock as you continue to try and drain her balls of that sweet delicious cum.
<<case 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24>>\
  "Oh shit that feels so good! Oh wow, that's a monster cock you're packing! You must have had a lot of practice to be this goooood! Oh fuck that's a fucking good blowjob!" she moans as you slide your lips up and down her _DickSize cock as you continue to try and drain her balls of that sweet delicious cum.
  "Your _DickSize <<Penis>> tastes so good, I can't stop! It's so delicious!" you moan after coming up for some air. You give her cock a few licks before you finally take her delicious cock into your mouth. The taste of her pre-cum is so good that you can't stop yourself from sucking on as much of her futa-cock as your mouth can handle. Streams of her pre-cum is flowing down your throat and your hot body demands more!
  As you bob your head up and down on the Infested's futa-cock she moans loudly, obviously enjoying the blowjob. Grabbing her _ISD tits, she starts to grope them aggresively. She huskily says "Oh shit yes! That's a fucking good cock sucking! My balls feels like they are about to explode!" as she starts to thrust her cock deeper down your throat. Eager to oblige you suck her _DickSD cock deeper down your throat, allowing easier draining of her pre-cum. As her thrusting speeds up your free hand has reached below to stroke your own $DickSD girl-cock as you feel your own orgasm coming closer. Even your pussy is dripping wet from the pleasure of sucking her <<Penis>>.
<<if $Infestation.FutaVariant >= $Infestation.FutaCap and $Infestation.Progress > 1 and $StatusAffect.Futa > 0>>\
<<include "Futa TF">>\
  "Oh God-damn your mouth feels too good! Holy shit! I CAN'T HOLD BACK! I'M GOING TO SHOOT MY FUCKING LOAD DOWN YOUR MOUTH!" she yells as you feel her cock twitch one last time before she thrusts hard down your throat. She just moans even louder as long strands of delicious cum flow down your throat. You can barely taste it until it backups and overflows out of your mouth before splashing down on her groin.
  The heavenly taste of her cum pushes you over the edge as you feel your own $DickSD cock give one last pulse before you shoot your $CumAD load that lands on the Futa's shapely legs.
  As you continue sucking down all the delicious cum from the sexy Futa's _DickSize cock you feel a pleasant warm sensation radiating from your groin. As it spreads throughout your body you feel a fundamental change in your gender identity as it reaches your head. You now know that you are a full-time Futa. Shaking off the distraction you have more important things to do like finishing sucking down all that cum! You finally come up for air with a cum-stained smile.
<<elseif $PC.Infestation >= $Infestation.Cap & $Infestation.Progress > 1>>\
<<include "Infestation Increase">>\
  "Oh God-damn your mouth feels too good! Holy shit! I CAN'T HOLD BACK! I'M GOING TO SHOOT MY FUCKING LOAD DOWN YOUR MOUTH!" she yells as you feel her cock twitch one last time before she thrusts hard down your throat. She just moans even louder as long strands of delicious cum flow down your throat. You can barely taste it until it backups and overflows out of your mouth before splashing down on her groin.
  As you wrap your lips around her futa-cock you feel a surge of energy flowing directly into you! It almost feels like you are burning up but it quickly turns to pleasure that radiates from your hard cock and breasts.
  The heavenly taste of her cum pushes you closer to the edge as it feels like your own futa-cock is growing with each stroke and your chest feels heavier and heavier with each gulp of cum. It doesn't take long before you feel your own $DickSD cock give one last pulse before you shoot a massive load that lands on the Futa's _ISD shapely tits while your drenching wet pussy unleashes a tidal spray of girl-cum down onto her feet below! You quickly suck as much cum down your throat before finally coming up for air with a cum-stained smile. As you do so you notice that you now have a $DickSD $DickSize cock along with a pair of $BallsSD $BallsSize balls! It also looks like your breasts have grown as well so you now have a pair of $BreastSD $BreastsSize breasts. Before you can react the Infested strokes your expanded <<Penis>> and with a smile says "Looks like you are on the way to becoming one hot Futa!"
  "Oh God-damn your mouth feels too good! Holy shit! I CAN'T HOLD BACK! I'M GOING TO SHOOT MY FUCKING LOAD DOWN YOUR MOUTH!" she yells as you feel her cock twitch one last time before she thrusts hard down your throat. She just moans even louder as long strands of delicious cum flow down your throat. You can barely taste it until it backups and overflows out of your mouth before splashing down on her groin.
  The heavenly taste of her cum pushes you over the edge as you feel your own $DickSD cock give one last pulse before you shoot your $CumAD load that lands on the Futa's shapely legs while your drenching wet pussy unleashes a $GCumAD spray of girl-cum down onto her feet. You quickly suck as much cum down your throat before finally coming up for air with a cum-stained smile.
  "Oh that was so good!" she says when you finally stand up, cum dripping from your the sides of your lips. Taking one last moment to scoop some white goo from her cock into her mouth, she replies "I'll hope to see you again soon, cock-sucker!" With that you grab your clothes and leave the area.
<<set $StatusAffect.CumFilled to $StatusAffect.CumFilled+1>>\<<set $genericEvent.Image = $eventPath1 + $arrayEvent1Naked.random() + '.jpg'>>\
<img @src=$genericEvent.Image />
<<include "Adlibs">>\
<<if (random(19)+ 1) + $Skill.Social + $CharismaBonus > 13>>\
<<set $npcMay.Friendship to $npcMay.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity +2 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set $npcApril.Friendship to $npcApril.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity +2 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set $npcMay.Friendship to $npcMay.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity + 1 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set $npcApril.Friendship to $npcApril.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity +1 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set $npcMay.SexXP to $npcMay.SexXP +1>>\
<<set $npcApril.SexXP to $npcApril.SexXP +1>>\
<<set $sexHistory.XP to $sexHistory.XP +1>>\
<<set $LastPartner to $npcMay>>\
<<set $threesomeEvent.Agree to 1>>\
<<if $threesomeEvent.FutaM < 5>>\
<<set $threesomeEvent.FutaM to $threesomeEvent.FutaM +1>>\
<<set $npcMay.DickSize to 3 + $threesomeEvent.FutaM>>\
<<set $npcMay.BallsSize to 2 + $threesomeEvent.FutaM>>\
<<set $threesomeEvent.FutaM to $threesomeEvent.FutaM +1>>\
<<set $npcMay.DickSize to 3 + 5>>\
<<set $npcMay.BallsSize to 2 + 5>>\
<<set _DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$npcApril.DickSize]>>\
<<set _DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$npcApril.DickSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$npcApril.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$npcApril.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _DickSD2 to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$npcMay.DickSize]>>\
<<set _DickSize2 to $arrayDickSize[$npcMay.DickSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSD2 to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$npcMay.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSize2 to $arrayBallsSize[$npcMay.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$npcApril.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$npcApril.BreastsSize]>>
<<set _IAss to $arrayAssSizeDesc[$npcApril.AssSize]>>\
<<if $threesomeEvent.FutaM < 2>>\
  "You know May...Both April and I are Futas and it feels soooo good to have a nice big cock to play with. Have you ever wondered what it would feel like to have strong cock of your very own? To be able to fuck our tits hard before blowing your load all over them?" you ask May as you push the can of Dr. Pecker towards her. The thought of having a Futa threesome is making your $DickSD cock hard.
  May gives you a astonished look as if the thought of growing a penis of her very own never crossed her mind. She than just stares at the can with a complicated look before responding in a uncertain tone "You want me to grow a dick? I don't know...What do you think, April? Do you want me to have a big dick like you?"
  "I think it would be fun if you are up for it. Just one Dr. Pecker wouldn't hurt and it would be interesting to have my _ISD tits fucked by you." April replies huskily as she adjusts her dress to let her hard cock pop free. May's eyes follow April's _DickSize futa-cock as it sways in place.
  May nods slowly before stripping out of her skimpy dress letting her jiggly breasts bounce free. She ends up sitting at the back of the bed with her pussy on display while looking nervous. Grabbing the Dr. Pecker she says "Well I can't be the only one here without a dick. If April thinks I should than I'm willing to try! Here goes nothing!" before she slowly downs the drink.
  Before long you see a red bump appear slightly above her pussy. It quickly bulges out forming a mini-penis that slowly grows to a bigger size. Two other bulges form next to the cock which slowly turns into a pair of balls. May looks down with an astonished look as the growth stops with her now having a _DickSD2 _DickSize2 cock with a _BallsSD2 pair of _BallsSize2 balls!
  "Oh fuck! I can't believe I have a dick!" May exclaims in astonishment as she stares at her newly formed girl-cock. April reaches over and grabs May's new cock. She gives it a gentle squeeze causing May to shudder in pleasure. May moans as some pre-cum flows from the tip as April slowly strokes her girl-cock.
  May moans as April continues to stroke her hard <<Penis>>. Biting her lip she gasps "Oh fuck! I can feel your hand wrapped around my cock! It feels so hard!" She grabs her _ISD breasts in response as April continues to stroke her weeping cock.
  "I think you're ready to put your brand new _DickSD2 girl-cock to use." whispers April as she lets go of May's <<Penis>>. She quickly stips out of her dress letting her _ISD tits bounce eagerly before kneeling before May. Knowing how this goes you follow her lead as you undress, letting your $BreastSD tits bounce free. You quickly move so press your ample breasts up against her own full tits. "So how about you slide your dick in between our tits. Don't worry, it will feel so good that you won't want to stop." she softly says while staring at May's eager dick.
  May looks a bit uncertain as she guides her hard _DickSize2 cock to the entrance of the narrow gap between your and April's breasts. She gives a loud moan of pleasure as she slowly pushes into the deep valley between your and April's breasts. Pausing only for a moment to luxuriate in the warmth of the breast mountains that have engulfed her girl-cock, she pulls her cock almost all the way out before slamming it back in hard.
  "So how do you like your new girl-cock? I know I enjoyed it the first time I was given a tit fuck by you and $PC.FirstName. It must feel sooo good buried between our tits." asks April softly as her _ISD tits jiggle from the force of May's thrusts. Your own tits are jiggling along joyfully to the heavy pace of May's double-tit fucking. The sound of her full balls slapping into your tits fills the room adding to May's heavy panting.
  "Oh fuck your fucking tits feel perfect! No wonder you like fucking tits so much! Oh shit yeah! My cock feels so good!" she gasps as her thusting continues with her weeping cock providing plenty of lube. May has a look of pure estasy as she steadily move closer to her orgasm.
  "Your balls are twitching so much that you must be close to cumming. Go ahead and shoot your load all over our big titties. I promise you that it will feel so good to paint our breasts white with your hot baby-batter!" you encourage May as her tit-fucking becomes frantic.
  "Oh God fucking yes! I'm cumming from my cock!" she yells as her girl-dick gives one last pulse before a geyser of gooey cum launches into the air before landing onto your $BreastSD tits. April is not spared as large drops of white cum splatters on her _ISD breasts and face. "Why does it feel so good?!??!" she moans loudly as she finishes unleashing her load and with that said she collaspes against the bed looking completely spent.
  May nods in agreement before stripping out of her skimpy dress letting her jiggly breasts bounce free. She ends up sitting at the back of the bed with her pussy on display while looking quite confident. Grabbing the Dr. Pecker she says "Well I can't be the only one here without a dick. Time to grow a cock!" before she slowly downs the drink.
  Before long you see a red bump appear slightly above her pussy. It quickly bulges out forming a mini-penis that slowly grows to a bigger size. Two other bulges form next to the cock which slowly turns into a pair of balls. May looks down with an lusty look as the growth stops with her now having a _DickSD2 _DickSize2 cock with a _BallsSD2 pair of _BallsSize2 sized balls!
  "Oh fuck! It feels good to have a dick again!" May exclaims eagerly as she stares at her newly formed girl-cock. April reaches over and grabs May's _DickSD2 cock. She gives it a gentle squeeze causing May to shudder in pleasure. May moans as some pre-cum flows from the tip as April slowly stroked her girl-cock.
  May moans as April continues to stroke her hard <<Penis>>. Biting her lip she gasps "Oh fuck! I love it when you play with my girl-cock! It feels so good!" She grabs her _ISD breasts in response as April continues to stroke her weeping cock.
  "I think you're ready to put your nice _DickSD2 girl-cock to use." whispers April as she lets go of May's <<Penis>>. She quickly stips out of her dress letting her _ISD tits bounce eagerly before kneeling before May. Knowing how this goes you follow her lead as you undress, letting your $BreastSD tits bounce free. You quickly move so press your ample breasts up against her own full tits. "I know you know what to do next and I'm sure you are eager to get started." she softly says while staring at May's twitching dick.
  May looks extremely excited as she guides her hard _DickSize2 cock to the entrance of the narrow gap between your and April's breasts. She gives a loud moan of pleasure as she slowly pushes into the double deep titty valley. Pausing only for a moment to luxuriate in the warmth of the breast mountains that have engulfed her girl-cock, she pulls her cock almost all the way out before slamming it back in hard.
  "So how do you like having your girl-cock again? It feels good doesn't it? I know it feel sooo good to be buried between our tits once again." asks April softly as her _ISD tits jiggle from the force of May's thrusts. Your own tits are jiggling along joyfully to the heavy pace of May's double-tit fucking. The sound of her full balls slapping into your tits fills the room adding to May's heavy panting.
  "Oh fuck your fucking tits feel perfect! I can't get enough of fucking both of your tits! Oh shit yeah! My cock feels so good I can't wait to shoot my load all over your tits!" she gasps as her thusting continues with her weeping cock providing plenty of lube. May has a look of pure estasy as she steadily move closer to her orgasm.
  "Your balls are twitching so much that you must be close to cumming. Go ahead and shoot your load all over our big titties. I can't wait to feel you painting our breasts white with your hot baby-batter!" you encourage May as her tit-fucking becomes frantic.
  "Oh God fucking yes! I'm cumming from my cock! Take it all you cum-loving Futas!" she yells as her girl-dick gives one last pulse before a geyser of gooey cum launches into the air before landing onto your $BreastSD tits. April is not spared as large drops of white cum splatters on her _ISD breasts and face. "Oh fuck that felt so good..." she moans loudly as she finishes unleashing her load and with that said she collaspes against the bed looking completely spent.
  "You should drink a Energy Thirst so we can keep going." April says softly as she gazes at May's exhausted posture in understanding. Not waiting for a response she grabs a can from the mini-fridge and places it on the night stand. May quickly drinks the Energy Thirst which causes her girl-cock to spring back to life, harder and stronger than before.
  "You're looking a lot more energetic, May. So how about you fuck my tight pussy with your yummy girl-cock while $PC.FirstName fucks you from behind?" asks April as she lies on the bed with her legs spreads wide, her dripping cunt on display. May doesn't even hesitate as she springs to her feet, her _ISD breasts and _DickSD2 futa-dick bouncing eagerly.
  "Fuck yeah! That sounds like fun to me!" she exclains as she positions her hard <<Penis>> underneath April's _DickSD cock and slides it to the entrance of her wet pussy. Without pausing she shoves her girl-cock into April's waiting cunt. She pauses for a moment to savor the feeling of her cock being swallowed by April's wet pussy. "Oh shit! Your pussy is sucking me in!" she howls in ecstasy. She quickly pulls her cock back before slamming it back in hard causing April's _ISD tits to jiggle from the force.
  Deciding May could use some help, you grab her shapely hips before sliding your hard cock between her legs. May pauses her fucking in confusion as you press your $DickSize dick against her wet pussy lips. Not giving her a chance to react, you thrust hard impaling her tight pussy with your eager futa-cock! The force of your hard thrust forces May's _DickSize2 deep into April's cunt causing April to groan in pleasure.
  "God Damn! I thought you were going to fuck my large ass not my pussy!" she shouts as she adjusts to your $DickSD size. Holding tightly onto her large ass you pull her back almost to the point her dick escapes April's cunt before shoving your cock hard even deeper into her pussy. Once again her futa-cock is forced to plow deep into April's twat, this time causing both of them to moan in synch.
  "Sorry but your pussy looked so inviting!" you huskily say as you start to pound her tight cunt. It takes her a moment to get into the groove as she times her forward thrusts with your own. The feeling of fucking her best friend's pussy while having her own cunt railed looks to be driving her wild. Reaching down she grabs April's _ISD jigglying tits and starts to play with them while fucking her hard. Deciding to follow suit, you grab May's own _ISD breasts while keeping your pounding in synch with May's frantic pace.
  "Oh Fuck! My pussy feels soooo good being fucked so hard by your _DickSize2 cock! Keep going! I'm almost there!" April groans lustfully as May gropes her jugs. May looks to be close to orgasming as her frantic pace is pushing her to her own limits. You're not far off from cumming as well as the erotic threesome is causing your $BallsSD over-filled balls is feeling eager to unleash your $CumAD load into May's tight pussy.
  "Fuckkkk! I'm cumming! I'm shooting my load into your awesome pussy. April!" May shouts as she give one last thrust and buries her throbbing futa-cock deep into April's pussy. She unloads so much cum that it overflows April's cunt and drips down to the bed below.
  The feeling of being creampied pushes April over the edge as she cums around May's dick. "I'm cumming too! Oh God yesss!" she yells as her own neglected futa-cock pulses before shooting massive ropes of hot cum all over May's _ISD tits and stomach!
  The sight of May and April shooting their wads is the final straw as you can no longer hold back. Gripping May's _ISD jugs hard, you scream in ecstacy "Oh shit! I'm cumming as well! Take all of my fucking cum you horny slut!" before unleashing a $CumAD geyser of hot baby-batter deep into May's tight cunt. <<if $Cum.Stored > 9 and $Cum.Stored < 20>> The flow of hot gooey cum is so strong that you have to pull out your $DickSD cock and shoot large strands of your seed all over May's large ass and back!<<elseif $Cum.Stored > 19>>The flow of hot gooey cum is so strong that you have to pull out your $DickSD cock and shoot huge strands of your seed all over May's large ass and back! The force of your endless cum is so much that several large strands blasts far enough to land on April's _ISD tits and face!<</if>>
  After that all three of you collapse onto the bed in one big pile. "That was so good!" whispers April as she idly licks some of the cum from her pussy while light stroking her _DickSD futa-cock.
  "Yeah this was a great idea. We have to get together like this again in the future, $PC.FirstName." says May as she looks over at you while stroking her own _DickSD2 <<Penis>> as well.
  You talk a bit more but eventually have to leave since it's already getting late. You give April and May a promise to do this again sometime. Even after all that sex your dick is still eager and you have a hard time concentrating as you walk towards the street.
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered +1>>\
<<if $PC.BreastsSize > $npcMay.BreastsSize +4>>\
<<set $npcMay.BreastsSize to $npcMay.BreastsSize+2>>\
<<set $npcApril.BreastsSize to $npcApril.BreastsSize+2>>\
<<elseif $PC.BreastsSize > $npcMay.BreastsSize>>\
<<set $npcMay.BreastsSize to $npcMay.BreastsSize+1>>\
<<set $npcApril.BreastsSize to $npcApril.BreastsSize+1>>\
<<if $npcMay.Sex is "Female">>\
<<set $npcMay.DickSize to 0>>\
<<set $npcMay.BallsSize to 0>>\
<<button [[Finish|$location.temp]]>>
<<set $threesomeEvent.DickSize to $PC.DickSize>>\
<<set $threesomeEvent.BreastsSize to $PC.BreastsSize>>\
<<set $threesomeEvent.Sex to "Futa">>\
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<include "Lust Passes">>\
<<set $NoEncounter to random(1) +2>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</button>><<set $clothes to {}>>
<<set $clothes.bluespringdress = {
type : "Female",
name : "blue spring dress",
slot : "both",
color: "blue",
description : "A light weight blue spring dress.",
quality : 1,
capacity: 5,
maxcapacity: 9,
amount: 1,
cost : 50,
<<set $clothes.blackformaldress = {
type : "dress",
gender : "Female"
name : "black formal dress",
slot : "both",
color: "black",
description : "A black formal dress",
quality : 1,
capacity: 7,
maxcapacity: 11,
amount: 1,
cost : 100,
<<set $clothes.redbikini = {
type : "swim",
gender : "Female",
name : "red bikini",
slot: "both",
color: "red",
description : "A red string bikini",
quality : 1,
capacity: 7,
maxcapacity: 15,
amount: 1,
cost : 50,
<<set $clothes.whitegymshirt = {
type : "shirt",
gender : "Futa",
name : "white gym shirt",
slot : "top",
color: "white",
description : "A white gym shirt",
quality : 1,
capacity: 3,
maxcapacity: 7,
amount: 1,
cost : 10,
<<set $clothes.whitegymshorts = {
type : "shorts",
gender : "Futa",
name : "white gym shorts",
slot : "bottom",
color: "white",
description : "A set of white gym shorts",
quality : 1,
capacity: 3,
maxcapacity: 5,
amount: 1,
cost : 10,
<<set $clothes.greycasualshirt = {
type : "shirt",
gender : "Male",
name : "casual grey shirt",
slot: "top",
color: "grey",
description : "A casual grey shirt.",
quality : 1,
capacity: 3,
maxcapacity: 7,
amount: 1,
cost : 20,
<<set $clothes.whitepanties = {
type : "underwear",
gender : "Female",
name : "white panties",
slot: "under",
color: "white",
description : "A pair of white panties.",
quality : 1,
capacity: 99,
maxcapacity: 100,
amount: 1,
cost : 5,
<<set $clothes.whiteunderwear = {
type : "underwear",
gender : "Male",
name : "white underwar",
slot: "under",
color: "white",
description : "A pair of white underwear.",
quality : 1,
capacity: 99,
maxcapacity: 100,
amount: 1,
cost : 5,
}>> <img @src=$genericEvent.Image />
<<set $StatusAffect.Horny to $StatusAffect.Horny+1>>\
<<set _lusty to random(10) +1 + $StatusAffect.Horny - $LustResist.Visual - $LustResist.Complete>>\
<<if _lusty < 0>>\
<<set _lusty to 0>>\
<<set _BreastCalc to 5 - $PC.BreastsSize>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.Vaccine < 1>>\
<<if (random(19) +1) + $PC.Fortitude + $InfectionResist.Fort + $FoodStatus.Fort < (15 + _BreastCalc + Math.round($Infestation.Progress / 2))>>\
<<if $Infestation.Progress < 1>>\
<<set $Infestation.Progress to 1>>\
<<set _Infest to random(5) - $InfectionResist.DR +1>>\
<<if _Infest < 0>>\
<<set _Infest to 0>>\
<<set $PC.Infestation to $PC.Infestation + _Infest>>\
<<set $Infestation.MilkVariant to $Infestation.MilkVariant + random(5) + _BreastCalc +1>>\
<<if $PC.Infestation > $Infestation.Cap>>\
<<set $PC.Infestation to $Infestation.Cap>>\
<<set _BreastSD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _BreastSize to $arrayBreastSize[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.BigTits to $StatusAffect.BigTits + _BreastCalc -1>>\
<<set $PC.BreastsSize =+ $PC.BreastsSize + _BreastCalc>>\
<<set $BreastSD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set $BreastsSize to $arrayBreastSize[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set $FutaTry to $FutaTry + 1>>\
<<include "Profile Update">>\
  Figuring you can humor May you down the mix smoothie drink she calls "The Milk Jug Express" Before long you feel a pleasant stretching sensation coming from your chest along with some heat from below your dick! Looking down you notice your formally flat chest is actually growing larger and heavier! It felt surprisingly good to have your chest expand as you moan in pleasure. Eventually it slowly stops and you now have $BreastSD $BreastsSize jugs! The heat below your cock grows stronger and as you reach down you notice you have a wet pussy below your balls! April stares at your new larger tits with lust in her eyes while giving the Dr. Pecker an even hungrier look.
  Unable to fully believe that you suddenly grew a whopping pair of $BreastsSize tits on top of a actual pussy you reach up to grab your tits in one hand and the other reaches for your new pussy. Your breasts feel so heavy in your hands and you can feel your $NippleSize nipples poking out between your fingers. You can feel your new pussy wetten from the pleasure of exploring your upgraded $BreastSD breasts along with pussy.
  "Those tits totally look really nice $PC.FirstName! Congratz on joining the DoubleD club!" May says with approval as she watches you grope your expanded chest. Looking down below at your new pussy she continues "Oh yeah and I guess welcome to the Futa club?"
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Continue|3some Female - April Futa Sex]]>>
<<if $lust + ($StatusAffect.Horny*2) < $MaxLust>>\
<<button [[Leave|3some - Leave]]>>
<<set $npcMay.Friendship to $npcMay.Friendship-5>>\
<<set $npcApril.Friendship to $npcApril.Friendship-5>>\
<</if>>\Double-click this passage to edit it.<<set $sexHistory.XP to $sexHistory.XP +1>>\
<<set $LastPartner to $genericFighter>>\
<<set _DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$genericFighter.DickSize]>>\
<<set _DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$genericFighter.DickSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$genericFighter.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$genericFighter.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _SizeComp to $PC.DickSize - $genericFighter.Level + ($GeneralFeats.FalseRep *2)>>\
<<if _SizeComp < 0>>\
<<set _SizeComp to 0>>\
  $genericFighter.Name2 stares at you with a scornful look in his eyes as you walk towards him, your $DickSize cock tenting your underwear. With his _DickSD _DickSize cock, _BallsSD _BallsSize cum-filled balls and his rock hard body there was no way you could walk away. "I'm going fuck your mouth with my hard cock so much you'll be tasting my hot cum for days." you moan lustfully as you strip from your clothes.
<<switch _SizeComp>>\
<<case 0 1 2>>\
  He glares at your $DickSD cock before looking up to your face from his knees. "Dude...Your fucking dick is the size of a french fry and not like one of those big ones." he sadly says while giving your cock a dismissive shake of his head. At your fierce growl he backpeddles "You know what? Fuck it, I'll suck your cock so hard that it will grow three times as big!" You ignore his dismissive tone and slide your $DickSize dick against his lips.
<<case 3 4 5 6>>\
  He stares at your $DickSD cock before nodding softly from his knees. "Well dude, you have a dick that's not half bad. I mean it could be bigger, a lot bigger in fact, like my meat rocket but not everyone can be me." he wisely says while giving your cock another thoughtful nod of his head. Looking at your annoyed face he goes on "I'll do you a favor and I'll suck your cock so hard that it will grow twice as big and as powerful!" You ignore his condescending tone and slide your $DickSize dick against his lips.
<<case 7 8 9 10 11 12>>\
  He gives your $DickSD cock a thorough look before smiling widely from his knees. "I have to say you have a respectable dick that you're packing. It's a quite beefy cock with a nice thickness you know? Now that being said my man meat is truely bigger but yours is a close second." he says with praise while giving your cock thumbs up. Looking at your proud face he goes on "Let's get this started! I'll suck your cock so hard you will be blowing your load in no time!" You appreciate his eager tone and slide your $DickSize dick against his lips.
<<case 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24>>\
  He gives your $DickSD cock a heated look while frowning fiercely from his knees. "What the fuck, dude? How the hell do you have a bigger fucking cock than me? It's like a fucking $DickSize sub sandwhich with extra big meatballs!" he complains loudly with a jealous look on his face. Looking at your amused face he goes on "Fuck you! I'll suck the supersize out of your cock so hard you will be blowing your gooey sauce in no time and then I'll have the bigger dick!" You smirk at his whiny tone and slide your $DickSize dick against his lips.
  "HOLY SHIT!!! I thought you were hiding a fucking crowbar under your clothes as a backup weapon not some God-damn $DickSize long python!" he says in disbelief as he stares at your mega sized <<Penis>> with extreme confusion. Looking at your eager face he goes on "What the fuck! How am I supposed to suck down such a monster cock? You know what? Fuck it! Let's get started you god-damn fucker!" You smile at his defeated tone and slide your $DickSize dick against his lips.
  Figuring enough time has been wasted with talk you decide to fill his mouth with your meat rod. As you press your raging <<Penis>> harder against his mouth, his lips part allowing your cock into slowly enter his mouth. As you slide in you feel his wet lips around your <<Penis>> as his tongue slides along the bottom of your shaft. It feels so warm and slick that you can't help but to moan in pleasure.
  "Oh fuck you mouth feels so fucking good!" You groan as the Infested slowly wraps his tongue around your hard cock while sucking hard at the same time. The pleasure is so great that you can't stop yourself from slowly thrusting your wet dick into his tight mouth.
  The Infested's first response is to moan in pleasure as he continues to cock your hard meat rod. His second response is to grab his hard _DickSD _DickSize cock and to start stroking it without even missing a beat of sucking your dick. You slowly start to fuck his mouth trying to get your cock as deep inside as possible. The expert skill in which the Infested displays by working your shaft with his lips and tongue is pushing you closer to the edge. You can't help but to thrust faster and harder as you grab the back of his head. Your rapid face fucking is pushing you to the edge as you feel your full balls slap the Infested in the face.
<<if $PC.Infestation is $Infestation.Cap & $Infestation.Progress > 1>>\
<<include "Infestation Increase">>\
  As your cock is slamming into his mouth, you feel a surge of energy flowing directly into you! It almost feels like you are burning up but it quickly turns to pleasure that radiates from your achingly hard dick and churning balls.
  With each thrust you can feel your throbbing cock grow longer and thicker. Even your balls are expanding as they slam into the Infested's chin. The feeling of your hard dick growing right in front of your eyes pushes you over the edge as your orgasm comes in strong. "OH FUCK YES! I'M CUMMING DOWN YOUR FUCKING THROAT!" you yell as you unleash a tsunami of hot white cum, bigger than any other load you've ever had, directly down his slick throat! <<if $Cum.Stored > 10>> The flood of cum is so much it overflows the Infested's mouth and leaks down onto his chest!<</if>>
  The feeling of you shooting your load down his throat must have turned the Infested on fiercely as his own _DickSD cock shoots his own load all over his chest. As you pull your spent cock out of his mouth you can finally confirm that your cock is now a $DickSD $DickSize cock with a pair of $BallsSize balls. Before you can react the Infested cups your balls and says warmly "Looks like you are on the way to becoming a hot stud like me!"
  The feeling of dominating the Infested with your hard cock pushes you over the edge as your orgasm comes in strong "OH FUCK OH FUCK! I'M SHOOTING MY LOAD DOWN YOUR FUCKING THROAT! FUCKKK!" you yell as you unleash a $CumAD stream of hot white cum, directly down his slick throat! <<if $Cum.Stored > 10>> The flood of cum is so much it overflows the Infested's mouth and leaks down onto his chest!<</if>>
  The feeling of you shooting your load down his throat must have turned the Infested on fiercely as his own _DickSD cock shoots his own load all over his chest. All that cum ends up leaving a puddle underneath him as you pull your dick out of his mouth.
  "Oh shit that was fucking tight, you crazy mouth fucker!" $genericFighter.Name2 says when you finally step away with your still hot cum dripping from your dripping cock onto his face. Sitting back while stroking his cock, he says "I'll hope to see you again soon, dude". With that you grab your clothes and leave the area.<img src="Images/Items/FirstAid.jpg" />
<<set _totalHeal to 0>>\
<<set _textHeal to $HP>>\
<<if ndef $MedicPath.Pharmacist or ndef $MedicPath>>\
<<set $MedicPath to {Surgeon: 0, Pharmacist: 0, Combat: 0}>>\
<<switch $useItemSubtype2>>\
<<case "healing">>\
<<set _totalHeal to 0>>\
<<for $i = 0; $i < $useitem3.dice; $i++>>\
<<set _healdice to random($useitem3.quality) +1 + ($MedicPath.Pharmacist*2)>>\
<<set _totalHeal to _totalHeal + _healdice>>\
<<set _Medical to (random(19)+ 1) + $Skill.Medical + $WisdomBonus>>\
<<set _Medical to Math.round(_Medical / 6)>>\
<<set _totalHeal to _totalHeal + _Medical>>\
<<if $MedicalSkillFeats.MedicalOverwatch > 0>>\
<<set _totalHeal to _totalHeal + $Prof.Medical>>\
<<set $HP to $HP + _totalHeal>>\
<<if $HP > $MaxHP>>\
<<set $HP to $MaxHP>>\
<<if _textHeal < $HP>>\
<<set _textHeal2 to $HP - _textHeal>>\
<<set $PC.Infestation to $PC.Infestation - ($MedicalSkillFeats.CleanseInfestation * 5)>>\
<<if $PC.Infestation < $Infestation.Min>>\
<<set $PC.Infestation to $Infestation.Min>>\
Using the medkit you was able to heal yourself for _textHeal2 HP! <<if $MedicalSkillFeats.CleanseInfestation > 0>> You've also managed to lower your Infestion virus level to $PC.Infestation %!<</if>>
The medkit does nothing as you are at full health!
<<case "antiviral">>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Energized to 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Horny to 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Vaccine to $StatusAffect.Vaccine +$useitem3.days>>\
<<set _Medical to (random(19)+ 1) + $Skill.Medical + $WisdomBonus>>\
<<set _Medical to Math.round(_Medical / 2)>>\
<<set _Medical2 to random($useitem3.quality)+10>>\
<<set _Medical2 to (_Medical2 + _Medical)>>\
<<set $PC.Infestation to $PC.Infestation - _Medical2>>\
<<if $PC.Infestation < $Infestation.Min>>\
<<set $PC.Infestation to $Infestation.Min>>\
<<if $Infestation.FutaVariant < 100 and $Infestation.FutaVariant > 0>>\
<<set $Infestation.FutaVariant to $Infestation.FutaVariant - _Medical2>>\
<<if $Infestation.FutaVariant < 0>>\
<<set $Infestation.FutaVariant to 0>>\
<<if $Infestation.MilkVariant < 100 and $Infestation.MilkVariant > 0>>\
<<set $Infestation.MilkVariant to $Infestation.MilkVariant - _Medical2>>\
<<if $Infestation.MilkVariant < 0>>\
<<set $Infestation.MilkVariant to 0>>\
<<if $Infestation.BruiseVariant < 100 and $Infestation.BruiseVariant > 0>>\
<<set $Infestation.BruiseVariant to $Infestation.BruiseVariant - _Medical2>>\
<<if $Infestation.BruiseVariant < 0>>\
<<set $Infestation.BruiseVariant to 0>>\
Using the medicine you feel your body flush out any odd ailments and you've managed to lower your Infestation virus level!
Current Infestation Levels:
Infestation: $PC.Infestation: %,
Futa Infestion: $Infestation.FutaVariant %,
Milker Infestation: $Infestation.MilkVariant %,
Bruiser Infestation: $Infestation.BruiseVariant %,
<<case "clean">>\
<<switch $useitem3.type2>>\
<<case "outer">>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - $useitem3.quality>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<set _totalHeal to $useitem3.dice + ($MedicPath.Pharmacist*2)>>\
<<if $MedicalSkillFeats.MedicalOverwatch > 0>>\
<<set _totalHeal to _totalHeal + $Prof.Medical>>\
<<set $HP to $HP + _totalHeal>>\
<<if $HP > $MaxHP>>\
<<set $HP to $MaxHP>>\
<<if _textHeal < $HP>>\
<<set _textHeal2 to $HP - _textHeal>>\
Using $useitem3.name you was able to heal yourself for _textHeal2 HP and clean up some of the fluids covering your body!
<</switch>>\<img src="Images/Player/smartphone.jpg" width="512px" height="768px" />
You have the following crafting schematics on your HandyMan app.
<<for _j = 0; _j < $SchematicBook.length; _j++>>\
<<set _jitem = $SchematicBook[_j]>>\
<<set $ItemName to _jitem.name2>>\
<<set $ItemDesc to _jitem.description2>>\
$ItemName : $ItemDesc
You can add the following schematics to the HandyMan app.
<<for _i = 0; _i < $PCInventory.length; _i++>>\
<<set _uitem = $PCInventory[_i]>>\
<<if _uitem.type is "schematic">>\
<<set $ItemName to _uitem.name>>\
<<capture _uitem>>\
<span id="useButton"><<button "Record $ItemName" "Schematic - Record" >></span>
<<set $uitem2 to _uitem>>\
<<set $SchematicBook.push($uitem2)>>\
<<set $PCInventory.delete(_uitem)>>\
<<button [[Return to Main Menu|SmartPhone]]>> <</button>>
<<button "Finish" $return>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</button>><img src="Images/Player/smartphone.jpg" width="512px" height="768px" />
<<set $useitem3 to $uitem2>>\
You have added the $useitem3.name2 to your HandyMan App on your phone.
$useitem3.name2 :
<<button [[Add Another|Phone Schematic]]>>
<<button "Finish" $return>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</button>><<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<set _Fog to 0>>\
<<set _Rain to 0>>\
<<set _Cold to 0>>\
<<set _Wind to 0>>\
<<switch $Weather.Current>>\
<<case "Cloudy" "Windy">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburb Intersection 1.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Wind to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<case "Foggy">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburb Intersection-F 1.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<case "Misty">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburb Intersection-F 1.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Rainy" "Stormy">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburb Intersection-R 1.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Dreary">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburb Intersection-R 1.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Sleeting">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburb Intersection-S 1.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Cold to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Snowy">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburb Intersection-S 1.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Cold to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $Time.Current > 6>>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburb Intersection-N 1.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburb Intersection 1.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set $location.temp to "Oak Dale - Almond & Tulip">>\
<<set $location.coord to 18>>\
<<if $Time.Current >= $Time.Max >>\
<<set _State to "TooLate">>\
<<set $NoEncounter to 1>>\
<<if $NoEncounter < 1>>\
<<include "Random Encounter Check">>\
You are located at the intersection of Almond Street and Tulip Avenue located in the Oak Dale suburbs. This intersection looks like a war zone with all the destroyed property and bullet holes. There are several fire damaged vehicles lining the street with penty of firearm damage as well. On the northwest corner is a gas station that actually has lights on and might actually be open for business. To the west the Almond Street continues to the entrance to Grove Hills and to the east Almond Street continues onwards toward the deeper part of the city. To the north Tulip Avenue heads closer to the mountainous edge of the city while to the south Tulip Avenue heads in the general direction of the South Haven River.
<<if $StatusText.Notice is 1>>\
<<include "Update Status">>\
<<if _Rain > 0 and $StatusAffect.Wet < _Rain>>\
<<set _Rain to _Rain - $PCResistance.Water>>\
<<if _Rain > $StatusAffect.Wet>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Wet to _Rain>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I'm getting soaking wet!</i> </div>
<<if _Cold > 0 and $PCResistance.Cold < _Cold>>\
<<set _tempDamage to random(_Cold) + $StatusAffect.Wet>>\
<<set _tempDamage2 to _tempDamage - $PCResistance.Cold>>\
<<if _tempDamage2 > 0>>\
<<set $HP to $HP - _tempDamage2>>\
<<if $HP < 1>>\
<<set $HP to 1>>\
You take _tempDamage2 cold damage!
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I'm freezing to death!</i>
<<switch _State>>\
<<case "TooLate">>\
<<set $Time.Current to $Time.Max>>\
It's too dangerous to explore the Oak Dale suburbs at this time of night.
<<button [[Return Home|Oak Dale Returning Home]]>>
<<set $NoEncounter to 0>>\
<<case "Ambush">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Ambushed to 1>>\
You've been ambushed by an enemy!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<case "Combat">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
A hostile enemy is roaming nearby!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<case "NPC">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
You've encountered something unusual!
<<button [[Encounter|Oak Dale Events]]>>
<<set $location.prev to $location.temp>>\
<<button [[Enter Mortons Gas Station|Mortons Gas Station]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Explore one of the Empty Houses|Oak Dale - Suburb House]]>>
<<set $location.temp2 to $location.temp>>\
<<button [[Look around the Area|Oak Dale Event Scout]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Scout the Area for Enemies|Oak Dale Scouting]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[North to Tulip Avenue|Oak Dale - Tulip Ave]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[East to Almond Street|Oak Dale - Almond St 2]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[West to Almond Street|Oak Dale - Almond St]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[South to Tulip Avenue|Oak Dale - Tulip Ave South]]>> <</button>>
<<if $lust >= ($MaxLust / 2) or $GeneralFeats.Horndog > 0>>\
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Masturbate|Masturbate]]>> </span>
<<set $location.Encounter to "Oak Dale">>\
<</switch>>\<img src="Images/Suburb/Gas Station/gasstation.jpg" width="800px" height="400px" />
<<set $location.temp to "Mortons Gas Station">>\
<<set $location.coord to 24>>\
<<include "Time Micro-Passes">>\
<<set _Stop to 0>>\
You are outside of the Mortons Gas Station used by many for the cheap gas and mediocre snacks. The building itself looks to be covered in gang-style grafiti and several gas tanks look to have been damaged. The windows are covered in steel chain coverings along with a metal reinforced door. The lights looks to on inside so it's possible someone is manning this gas station for unknown reasons. There are two exits from the gast station parking lot, one to the east which is Tulip Avenue and one to the southeast which is the intersection between Tulip Avenue and Almond Street.
<<if $npcMorton.Rob is 2>>\
<<set _Stop to 1>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> Morton's probably still angry with me for trying to shoplift last time I was here. I'll need to give him some more time to cool off before I can enter his store...</i></div>
<<if (random(19) + 1) + $Skill.Scouting + $WisdomBonus + $StatusAffect.SilentStalking - ($StatusAffect.Stalking*2) - $StatusAffect.Horny - ($StatusAffect.CumCovered) < (8 + $Time.Current) and $NoEncounter is 0 and $Time.Current < $Time.Max>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
You've encountered something unusual!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<set $location.Encounter to "Oak Dale">>\
<<elseif (random(19) + 1) > (18 - $ScoutingSkillFeats.KeenEye) and $NoEncounter is 0 and $Time.Current < $Time.Max>>\
You've encountered something unusual!
<<button [[Encounter|Oak Dale Events]]>>
<<if $Time.Current >= $Time.Max>>\
<<set $Time.Current to $Time.Max>>\
It's too dangerous to explore the suburbs at this time of night.
<<button [[Return Home|Oak Dale Returning Home]]>>
<<set $NoEncounter to 0>>\
<<if _Stop is 0>>\
<<button [[Enter|Mortons - Inside]]>>
<<set $location.Indoor to 1>>\
<<button [[East|Oak Dale - Tulip Ave 2]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Southeast|Oak Dale - Almond & Tulip]]>> <</button>>
<<if $lust >= ($MaxLust / 2) or $GeneralFeats.Horndog > 0>>\
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Masturbate|Masturbate]]>> </span>
<<set $location.Encounter to "Oak Dale">>\
<</if>>\<img src="Images/Suburb/Gas Station/gasstation.jpg" width="800px" height="400px" />
<<set $location.temp to "Mortons Gas Station">>\
<<include "Time Micro-Passes">>\
<<set $gasstationEvent.Visits to $gasstationEvent.Visits +1>>\
  Inside the gas station all the shelves have been stripped of all the usual wares leaving the place looking empty except for a slightly dented vending machine next to the door. Deeper inside behind a caged counter is a short stocky man standing behind what looks to be bullet-proof glass service window. He looks a bit unusual with him wearing a gas mask and what looks to be some kind of modified PPE.
  "Welcome's to Mortons. All the items for sale is behind the counter due to some people not knowing it's a bad idea to try and loot a place with a guy armed with a flare gun. So do you wish to Buy or Sell since I'm in the business of doing both?" he says in a muffled voice. "Cash only by the way, can't get a good connection to any of the credit card companies."
<<button [[Buy|Mortons - Buy]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<button [[Sell|Mortons - Sell]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<button [[Chat|Mortons - Chat Options]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<if $AdminMode is 1>>\
<<button [[Teleport Home|PCRoom]]>>
<<set $Time.Current to $Time.Max>>\
<<button [[Use the Vending Machine|Mortons Vending]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Waste Some Time|Loitering]]>>
<<set $genericHouseGenericImage to "Images/Suburb/Gas Station/gasstation.jpg">>\
<<set $SafeZone to 1>>\
<<button [[Leave |Oak Dale - Almond & Tulip]]>>
<<set $location.Indoor to 0>>\
<</button>><img src="Images/Suburb/Gas Station/gasstation.jpg" width="800px" height="400px" />
  Morton shows you his current stock. "I restock every day so if I'm out of something you want you should come back another day. Also my stock tends to change depending on what I can get in on that day. Supplies are kind of hard to get it sometimes, you know?"
<<for $i = 0; $i < $lootTempMortonGas.length; $i++>>\
<<set $uitem = $lootTempMortonGas[$i]>>\
<<set $ItemName to $uitem.name>>\
<<set $ItemCost to $uitem.cost>>\
<<capture $uitem>>\
<<if $ThieverySkillFeats.FiveFingeredDiscount is 1>>\
<<set _D10 to Math.round($ItemCost * .1)>>\
<<set $ItemCost to $ItemCost - _D10>>\
<span id="useButton"><<button "Buy $ItemName for $ItemCost Dollars" "Mortons - Buy2" >>
<<set $SkillAction to "Common">>\
<<set $uitem2 to $uitem>>\
<<set $lootTempMortonGas.delete($uitem)>>\
<<if $npcMorton.Friendship >= 15>>\
<<set $ritem to $rarelootTempMortonGas.random()>>\
<<set $ItemName2 to $ritem.name>>\
<<set $ItemCost2 to $ritem.cost>>\
<<if $ThieverySkillFeats.FiveFingeredDiscount is 1>>\
<<set _D10 to Math.round($ItemCost2 * .1)>>\
<<set $ItemCost2 to $ItemCost2 - _D10>>\
<<if $Cash >= $ItemCost2>>\
<span id="useButton"><<button "Buy $ItemName2 for $ItemCost2 Dollars" "Mortons - Buy3" >>
<<set $SkillAction to "Rare">>\
<<set $ritem2 to $ritem>>\
<<set $rarelootTempMortonGas.delete($ritem)>>\
<<button [[Finish|Mortons - Inside]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</button>><img src="Images/Suburb/Gas Station/gasstation.jpg" width="800px" height="400px" />
<<for $i = 0; $i < $PCInventory.length; $i++>>\
<<set $uitem = $PCInventory[$i]>>\
<<set $ItemName to $uitem.name>>\
<<set $ItemCost to Math.round($uitem.cost / 2)>>\
<<if $ThieverySkillFeats.FiveFingeredDiscount is 1>>\
<<set _D10 to Math.round($ItemCost * .1)>>\
<<set $ItemCost to $ItemCost + _D10>>\
<<capture $uitem>>\
<<if $uitem.innate is not 1>>\
<span id="useButton"><<button "Sell $ItemName for $ItemCost Dollars" "Mortons - Sell2" >>
<<set $uitem2 to $uitem>>\
<<set _amount2 to $uitem2.amount>>\
<<if _amount2 > 1>>\
<<set $uitem2.amount to $uitem2.amount -1>>\
<<set $PCInventory.delete($uitem)>>\
<<button [[Finish|Mortons - Inside]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</button>><img src="Images/Suburb/Gas Station/gasstation.jpg" width="800px" height="400px" />
<<set _exists is 0>>\
<<set $ItemCost to $uitem2.cost>>\
<<if $ThieverySkillFeats.FiveFingeredDiscount is 1>>\
<<set _D10 to Math.round($ItemCost * .1)>>\
<<set $ItemCost to $ItemCost - _D10>>\
<<if $SkillAction is "Common">>\
<<set _Buying to "Common">>\
<<if $Cash < $ItemCost>>\
<<set _Buying to "Fail">>\
<<switch _Buying>>\
<<case "Fail">>\
<<if $SkillAction is "Common">>\
<<set $lootTempMortonGas.push($uitem2)>>\
<<set $rarelootTempMortonGas.push($ritem2)>>\
You can't afford the $uitem2.name!
<<case "Common">>\
<<for $i = 0; $i < $PCInventory.length; $i++>>\
<<set $vitem = $PCInventory[$i]>>\
<<set $ItemName to $vitem.name>>\
<<set _TempName to $uitem2.name>>\
<<if $ItemName is _TempName>>\
<<set _amount to $vitem.amount>>\
<<set _exists to 1>>\
<<if _exists is 1>>\
<<set _amount to _amount +1>>\
<<set $vitem.amount to _amount>>\
<<set $PCInventory.push($uitem2)>>\
<<set $Cash to $Cash - $ItemCost>>\
You bought the $uitem2.name for $ItemCost dollars.
<<button [[Finish|Mortons - Buy]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</button>><<include "Auto Update">>\
<<set $BattleFlag to 0>>\
<<set $Weather.Current to $Weather.Tomorrow>>\
<<set $Weather.Array to $arrayWeatherTypes.random()>>\
<<set $Weather.Tomorrow to $arrayWeatherTypes[$Weather.Array]>>\
<<set $Weather.SwitchChance to 8>>\
<<set $SmartPhone.Charge to $SmartPhone.MaxCharge>>\
<<set $LockSmithTools.Charge to $LockSmithTools.MaxCharge>>\
<<set $NoHomeEncounter to 0>>\
<<set $lootSupplies.Looted to 0>>\
<<set $bankEvent.BankerDefeated to 0>>\
<<set $bankEvent.CashLooted to 0>>\
<<set $threesomeEvent.Daily to 0>>\
<<if $joggerEvent.Vaccine > 0>>\
<<set $joggerEvent.Vaccine to $joggerEvent.Vaccine -1>>\
<<if $xmaspresentEvent.Weekly > 0>>\
<<set $xmaspresentEvent.Weekly to $xmaspresentEvent.Weekly -1>>\
<<if $eastervisitEvent.Weekly > 0>>\
<<set $eastervisitEvent.Weekly to $eastervisitEvent.Weekly -1>>\
/* Clinic Events and Resupply */\
<<set $doctorEvent.Appointment to 0>>\
<<set $doctorEvent.Receptionist to 1>>\
<<set $doctorEvent.SiliconeX to 10>>\
<<set $doctorEvent.SiliconeY to 10>>\
<<set $clinicAmbushEvent.SiliconeX to 10>>\
<<set $npcFuckToy.BreastsSize to $npcFuckToy.BreastsSize + $npcFuckToy.Enhance>>\
<<if $ClassBonus.Medic > 0>>\
<<set $PCInventory.push($item.medicfirstaid)>>\
/* Mortons inventory reset */\
<<set $lootTempMortonGas to [$item.energydrink]>>\
<<set $lootTemp to $lootMortonGas>>\
<<for _r = 0; _r < 7; _r++>>\
<<set _randomitem2 to $lootTemp.random()>>\
<<set _ItemName to _randomitem2.name>>\
<<set $lootTempMortonGas.push(clone(_randomitem2))>>\
<<set $rarelootTempMortonGas to []>>\
<<set _randomitem3 to $rarelootMortonGas.random()>>\
<<set _ItemName3 to _randomitem3>>\
<<set $rarelootTempMortonGas.push(clone(_randomitem3))>>\
/* Mortons Vending inventory reset */\
<<set $lootTempBathroomVending to [$item.planpminus]>>\
<<set $lootTemp to $lootBathroomVending>>\
<<for _r = 0; _r < 7; _r++>>\
<<set _randomitem2 to $lootTemp.random()>>\
<<set _ItemName to _randomitem2.name>>\
<<set $lootTempBathroomVending.push(clone(_randomitem2))>>\
/* Oak Grove Vending inventory reset */\
<<set $lootTempBathroomVending2 to [$item.planpminus]>>\
<<set $lootTemp to $lootBathroomVending2>>\
<<for _r = 0; _r < 7; _r++>>\
<<set _randomitem2 to $lootTemp.random()>>\
<<set _ItemName to _randomitem2.name>>\
<<set $lootTempBathroomVending2.push(clone(_randomitem2))>>\
<<set $lootTempAmmoWorld to []>>\
<<set $lootTemp to $lootAmmoWorld>>\
<<for _r = 0; _r < 7; _r++>>\
<<set _randomitem2 to $lootTemp.random()>>\
<<set _ItemName to _randomitem2.name>>\
<<set $lootTempAmmoWorld.push(clone(_randomitem2))>>\
<<set $rarelootTempAmmoWorld to []>>\
<<set _randomitem3 to $rarelootAmmoWorld.random()>>\
<<set _ItemName3 to _randomitem3>>\
<<set $rarelootTempAmmoWorld.push(clone(_randomitem3))>>\
/* Clinic Vending Machine reset */\
<<set $lootTempClinicVending to [$item.smallration]>>\
<<set $lootTemp to $lootClinicVending>>\
<<for _r = 0; _r < 7; _r++>>\
<<set _randomitem2 to $lootTemp.random()>>\
<<set _ItemName to _randomitem2.name>>\
<<set $lootTempClinicVending.push(clone(_randomitem2))>>\
<<set $lootTempOfficerShop to []>>\
<<set $lootTemp to $lootOfficerShop>>\
<<for _r = 0; _r < 4; _r++>>\
<<set _randomitem2 to $lootTemp.random()>>\
<<set _ItemName2 to _randomitem2.name>>\
<<set $lootTempOfficerShop.push(clone(_randomitem2))>>\
<<set $rarelootTempOfficerShop to []>>\
<<set _randomitem3 to $rarelootOfficerShop.random()>>\
<<set _ItemName3 to _randomitem3>>\
<<set $rarelootTempOfficerShop.push(clone(_randomitem3))>>\
/*Cleanup of inventory of junk items */\
<<for $i = 0; $i < $PCInventory.length; $i++>>\
<<set $uitem = $PCInventory[$i]>>\
<<if ndef $uitem>>\
<<set $PCInventory.delete($uitem)>>\
<<for $i = 0; $i < $PCInventory.length; $i++>>\
<<set $uitem = $PCInventory[$i]>>\
<<if ndef $uitem>>\
<<set $PCInventory.delete($uitem)>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.Horde > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Horde to 0>>\
<<if $churchofTriologyLifeEvent.Food > 0 >>\
<<set $churchofTriologyLifeEvent.Food to $churchofTriologyLifeEvent.Food -1>>\
<<if $churchofTriologyLifeEvent.ElisabethVisit > 0>>\
<<set $churchofTriologyLifeEvent.ElisabethVisit to $churchofTriologyLifeEvent.ElisabethVisit -1>>\
<<if $churchofTriologyLifeEvent.LuciaVisit > 0>>\
<<set $churchofTriologyLifeEvent.LuciaVisit to $churchofTriologyLifeEvent.LuciaVisit -1>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.Pregnant > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Pregnant to $StatusAffect.Pregnant +1>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.Infertility > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Infertility to $StatusAffect.Infertility -1>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.FertilityD > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.FertilityD to $StatusAffect.FertilityD -1>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.FertilityD is 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Fertility to 0>>\
<</if>>\<img src="Images/Suburb/Gas Station/gasstation.jpg" width="800px" height="400px" />
<<set $ItemCost to Math.round($uitem2.cost / 2)>>\
<<if $ThieverySkillFeats.FiveFingeredDiscount is 1>>\
<<set _D10 to Math.round($ItemCost * .1)>>\
<<set $ItemCost to $ItemCost + _D10>>\
<<set $Cash to $Cash + $ItemCost >>\
You sold $uitem2.name for $ItemCost dollars.
<<button [[Finish|Mortons - Sell]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</button>><img src="Images/Home/Garage.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<for $i = 0; $i < $SchematicBook.length; $i++>>\
<<set $uitem = $SchematicBook[$i]>>\
<<if $uitem.type is "schematic" and $uitem.subtype is "weapon">>\
<<set $WeaponName to $uitem.name2>>\
<<set $WeaponMatA to $uitem.mat1amount>>\
<<set $WeaponMat to $uitem.mat1>>\
<<if $ClassBonus.Programmer > 0>>\
<<set _MathTemp to ($ClassBonus.Programmer / 10)>>\
<<set _UsedTemp to Math.round($WeaponMatA * _MathTemp)>>\
<<set $WeaponMatA to $WeaponMatA - _UsedTemp>>\
<<if $CraftingSkillFeats.Scavenger > 0>>\
<<set _MathTemp to ($Prof.Crafting / 20)>>\
<<set _UsedTemp to Math.round($WeaponMatA * _MathTemp)>>\
<<set $WeaponMatA to $WeaponMatA - _UsedTemp>>\
<<if $uitem.mat2 is not "Null">>\
<<set $WeaponMatA2 to $uitem.mat2amount>>\
<<set $WeaponMat2 to $uitem.mat2>>\
<<if $ClassBonus.Programmer > 0>>\
<<set _MathTemp to ($ClassBonus.Programmer / 10)>>\
<<set _UsedTemp to Math.round($WeaponMatA2 * _MathTemp)>>\
<<set $WeaponMatA2 to $WeaponMatA2 - _UsedTemp>>\
<<if $CraftingSkillFeats.Scavenger > 0>>\
<<set _MathTemp to ($Prof.Crafting / 20)>>\
<<set _UsedTemp to Math.round($WeaponMatA2 * _MathTemp)>>\
<<set $WeaponMatA2 to $WeaponMatA2 - _UsedTemp>>\
<<capture $uitem>>\
<span id="useButton"><<button "Craft $WeaponName (- $WeaponMatA $WeaponMat - $WeaponMatA2 $WeaponMat2 )" "Crafting - Weapons 2" >></span>
<<set $uitem2 to $uitem>>\
<<capture $uitem>>\
<span id="useButton"><<button "Craft $WeaponName (- $WeaponMatA $WeaponMat)" "Crafting - Weapons 2" >></span>
<<set $uitem2 to $uitem>>\
<<button [[Nevermind|Garage]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</button>><img src="Images/Home/Garage.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<for $i = 0; $i < $SchematicBook.length; $i++>>\
<<set $uitem = $SchematicBook[$i]>>\
<<if $uitem.type is "schematic" and $uitem.subtype is "armor">>\
<<set $ArmorName to $uitem.name2>>\
<<set $ArmorMatA to $uitem.mat1amount>>\
<<set $ArmorMat to $uitem.mat1>>\
<<if $ClassBonus.Programmer > 0>>\
<<set _MathTemp to ($ClassBonus.Programmer / 10)>>\
<<set _UsedTemp to Math.round($ArmorMatA * _MathTemp)>>\
<<set $ArmorMatA to $ArmorMatA - _UsedTemp>>\
<<if $CraftingSkillFeats.Scavenger > 0>>\
<<set _MathTemp to ($Prof.Crafting / 20)>>\
<<set _UsedTemp to Math.round($ArmorMatA * _MathTemp)>>\
<<set $ArmorMatA to $ArmorMatA - _UsedTemp>>\
<<if $uitem.mat2 is not "Null">>\
<<set $ArmorMatA2 to $uitem.mat2amount>>\
<<set $ArmorMat2 to $uitem.mat2>>\
<<if $ClassBonus.Programmer > 0>>\
<<set _MathTemp to ($ClassBonus.Programmer / 10)>>\
<<set _UsedTemp to Math.round($ArmorMatA2 * _MathTemp)>>\
<<set $ArmorMatA2 to $ArmorMatA2 - _UsedTemp>>\
<<if $CraftingSkillFeats.Scavenger > 0>>\
<<set _MathTemp to ($Prof.Crafting / 20)>>\
<<set _UsedTemp to Math.round($ArmorMatA2 * _MathTemp)>>\
<<set $ArmorMatA2 to $ArmorMatA2 - _UsedTemp>>\
<<capture $uitem>>\
<span id="useButton"><<button "Craft $ArmorName (- $ArmorMatA $ArmorMat - $ArmorMatA2 $ArmorMat2 )" "Crafting - Armor 3" >></span>
<<set $uitem2 to $uitem>>\
<<capture $uitem>>\
<span id="useButton"><<button "Craft $ArmorName (- $ArmorMatA $ArmorMat)" "Crafting - Armor 3" >></span>
<<set $uitem2 to $uitem>>\
<<button [[Nevermind|Garage]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</button>><img src="Images/Home/Garage.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<button [[Nevermind|Garage]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</button>><img src="Images/Home/PC.jpg" width="800px" height="400px" />
What would you like to brainstorm about?
<<button [[Weapon|Brain storm 2]]>>
<<set $SkillAction to "Weapon">>\
<<button [[Armor|Brain storm 2]]>>
<<set $SkillAction to "Armor">>\
<<button [[Food|Brain storm 2]]>>
<<set $SkillAction to "Food">>\
<<button [[Nevermind|PCRoom]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</button>><img src="Images/Home/PC.jpg" width="800px" height="400px" />
<<if $SkillAction is "Weapon">>\
<<set $lootTemp to $lootBrainStormW>>\
<<elseif $SkillAction is "Armor">>\
<<set $lootTemp to $lootBrainStormA>>\
<set $lootTemp to $lootBrainStormF>>\
<<set $rarelootTemp to $rarelootBrainStorm>>\
<<for $i = 0; $i < ($Prof.Crafting / 2); $i++>>\
<<set _RareLoot to (random(19) + 1) + ($Prof.Crafting / 2) >>\
Rare Roll: _RareLoot
<<if _RareLoot > 19>>\
<<set _tempLoot to $rarelootTemp.random()>>\
<<set $PCInventory.push(_tempLoot)>>\
A rare <<print _tempLoot.name>> has been found!
<<set _Crafting to (random(19) + 1) + $Skill.Crafting + $IntelligenceBonus>>\
Crafting Roll: _Crafting
<<if _Crafting > (12 + ($i * 2))>>\
<<set _tempLoot to $lootTemp.random()>>\
<<set $PCInventory.push(_tempLoot)>>\
A <<print _tempLoot.name>> has been discovered!
<<button [[Finish|PCRoom]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
Strength: $Strength
<<set $StrengthBonus to (($Strength - 10)/2)>>\
Dexterity: $Dexterity
<<set $DexterityBonus to (($Dexterity - 10)/2)>>\
Constitution: $Constitution
<<set $ConstitutionBonus to (($Constitution - 10)/2)>>\
Wisdom: $Wisdom
<<set $WisdomBonus to (($Wisdom - 10)/2)>>\
Intelligence: $Intelligence
<<set $IntelligenceBonus to (($Intelligence - 10)/2)>>\
Charisma: $Charisma
<<set $CharismaBonus to (($Charisma - 10)/2)>>\
You get to increase 4 of your current attributes. Please choose your first stat bonus. No stat can be taken above 20. It is a good idea to have your attacking stat be high as well as having your primary class stat be high. Most melee weapons use Strength to hit except for Knives for Criminals which used Dexterity while all ranged weapons use Dexterity. All melee weapons get a bonus to damage equal to your Strength bonus.
<<button [[Choose a Skill Feat|Choose Skill Feat 2]]>> <</button>><img src="Images/Suburb/Gas Station/gasstation.jpg" width="800px" height="400px" />
<<set _Cost to 20>>\
<<if (random(19) + 1) + $Skill.Social + $CharismaBonus + $npcMorton.Friendship > 25>>\
<<set _Cost to 10>>\
<<if $ThieverySkillFeats.FiveFingeredDiscount is 1>>\
<<set _D10 to Math.round(_Cost * .1)>>\
<<set _Cost to _Cost - _D10>>\
  You decide to spend some time gathering some information about what's been going on in the city since the Infested Outbreak. As you start to ask a question, Morton stops you by putting his hand up.
  "Time is money someone once said so I'm going to have to charge you for any of my valuable information. I can't promise my information is 100% accurate but I do hear a lot of things from various sources." he says a bit muffled thru his gas mask.
<<if $Cash >= _Cost>>\
<<button "Ask about What's Been Going On - _Cost Dollars" "Mortons General Chat"]]>>
<<set $Cash to $Cash - _Cost>>\
<<if $Cash >= _Cost>>\
<<button "Ask about The Pure Bloods - _Cost Dollars" "Mortons Pure Blood Chat"]]>>
<<set $Cash to $Cash - _Cost>>\
<<if $Prof.Thievery > 0 and $npcMorton.Rob < 1>>\
<span id="moralButton"><<button [[Steal some Supplies|Mortons Steal]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Nevermind|Mortons - Inside]]>> <</button>><img src="Images/Suburb/parking.jpg" width="800px" height="400px" />
<<set _Fog to 0>>\
<<set _Rain to 0>>\
<<set _Cold to 0>>\
<<set _Wind to 0>>\
<<set $location.temp to "Oak Dale - Parking">>\
<<set $location.prev to $location.temp>>\
<<if $VehicleFlags.OakDale < 1>>\
<<set $VehicleFlags.OakDale to 1>>\
<<include "Time Micro-Passes">>\
<<if $Time.Current >= $Time.Max >>\
<<set _State to "TooLate">>\
<<set $NoEncounter to 1>>\
<<if $NoEncounter < 1>>\
<<include "Random Encounter Check">>\
This is a parking lot for an old closed down gas station. The building itself was demolished and the wreckage removed leaving only a lot sized parking lot. People like to use this abandoned lot for seasonal celibrations and the occasional block party. Now it's almost completely empty except for a couple of burnt out cars near the back.
<div class="pcTalk"><i>This would be a good place to park a car if I needed to explore around the southwestern Oak Dale area. It's not 100% safe but it would be a lot safer than parking on the streets...</i></div>
<<if _Rain > 0 and $StatusAffect.Wet < _Rain>>\
<<set _Rain to _Rain - $PCResistance.Water>>\
<<if _Rain > $StatusAffect.Wet>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Wet to _Rain>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I'm getting soaking wet!</i> </div>
<<if _Cold > 0 and $PCResistance.Cold < _Cold>>\
<<set _tempDamage to random(_Cold) + $StatusAffect.Wet>>\
<<set _tempDamage2 to _tempDamage - $PCResistance.Cold>>\
<<if _tempDamage2 > 0>>\
<<set $HP to $HP - _tempDamage2>>\
<<if $HP < 1>>\
<<set $HP to 1>>\
You take _tempDamage2 cold damage!
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I'm freezing to death!</i> </div>
<<switch _State>>\
<<case "TooLate">>\
<<set $Time.Current to $Time.Max>>\
It's too dangerous to explore the Oak Dale suburbs at this time of night.
<<button [[Return Home on Foot|Oak Dale Returning Home]]>>
<<set $NoEncounter to 0>>\
<<if $VehicleFlags.Own is 1 and $VehicleFlags.location is "Oak Dale - Parking">>\
<<set _tempV to $VehicleFlags.Current>>\
<<button "Get in your _tempV.name" "Driving">>
<<set $VehicleFlags.Desc to "the Oak Dale parking lot">>\
<<case "Ambush">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Ambushed to 1>>\
You've been ambushed by an enemy!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<set $location.Encounter to _loc>>\
<<case "Combat">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
A hostile enemy is roaming nearby!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<set $location.Encounter to _loc>>\
<<if $VehicleFlags.Own is 1 and $VehicleFlags.location is "Oak Dale - Parking">>\
<<set _tempV to $VehicleFlags.Current>>\
Your _tempV.name is currently parked here.
<<button "Get in your _tempV.name" "Driving">>
<<set $VehicleFlags.Desc to "the Oak Dale parking lot">>\
<<button [[North|Oak Dale Entrance]]>> <</button>>
<<if $lust >= ($MaxLust / 2) or $GeneralFeats.Horndog > 0>>\
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Masturbate|Masturbate]]>> </span>
<<set $location.Encounter to "Oak Dale">>\
<</switch>>\ <<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<set _Fog to 0>>\
<<set _Rain to 0>>\
<<set _Cold to 0>>\
<<set _Wind to 0>>\
<<switch $Weather.Current>>\
<<case "Cloudy" "Windy">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Rose Suburb 3.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Wind to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<case "Foggy">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Rose Suburb-F 3.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<case "Misty">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Rose Suburb-F 3.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Rainy" "Stormy">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Rose Suburb-R 3.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Dreary">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Rose Suburb-R 3.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Sleeting">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Rose Suburb-S 3.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Cold to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Snowy">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Rose Suburb-S 3.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Cold to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $Time.Current > 6>>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Rose Suburb-N 3.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<img src="Images/Suburb/Rose Suburb 3.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set $location.temp to "Oak Dale - Rose Ave">>\
<<set $location.coord to 6>>\
<<if $Time.Current >= $Time.Max >>\
<<set _State to "TooLate">>\
<<set $NoEncounter to 1>>\
<<if $NoEncounter < 1>>\
<<include "Random Encounter Check">>\
You are located on Rose Avenue in the Oak Dale suburbs. The name of Rose Avenue comes from all the rose shrubs that grow in all lawns of the houses in this area. The damage in this area seems to be less with the only major damage being a few of the rose bushes being torn up. To the north the intersection with Peanut St. can be seen along with the entrace to the Busch Bank subdivision and to the south the intersection with Walnut St. can be seen.
<<if $StatusText.Notice is 1>>\
<<include "Update Status">>\
<<if _Rain > 0 and $StatusAffect.Wet < _Rain>>\
<<set _Rain to _Rain - $PCResistance.Water>>\
<<if _Rain > $StatusAffect.Wet>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Wet to _Rain>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I'm getting soaking wet!</i> </div>
<<if _Cold > 0 and $PCResistance.Cold < _Cold>>\
<<set _tempDamage to random(_Cold) + $StatusAffect.Wet>>\
<<set _tempDamage2 to _tempDamage - $PCResistance.Cold>>\
<<if _tempDamage2 > 0>>\
<<set $HP to $HP - _tempDamage2>>\
<<if $HP < 1>>\
<<set $HP to 1>>\
You take _tempDamage2 cold damage!
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I'm freezing to death!</i>
<<switch _State>>\
<<case "TooLate">>\
<<set $Time.Current to $Time.Max>>\
It's too dangerous to explore the Oak Dale suburbs at this time of night.
<<button [[Return Home|Oak Dale Returning Home]]>>
<<set $NoEncounter to 0>>\
<<case "Ambush">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Ambushed to 1>>\
You've been ambushed by an enemy!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<case "Combat">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
A hostile enemy is roaming nearby!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<case "NPC">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
You've encountered something unusual!
<<button [[Encounter|Oak Dale Events]]>>
<<set $location.prev to $location.temp>>\
<<button [[Explore one of the Empty Houses|Oak Dale - Suburb House]]>>
<<set $location.temp2 to $location.temp>>\
<<button [[Look around the Area|Oak Dale Event Scout]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Scout the Area for Enemies|Oak Dale Scouting]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[North to Rose & Peanut|Oak Dale - Rose & Peanut]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[South to Rose & Walnut|Oak Dale - Rose & Walnut]]>> <</button>>
<<if $lust >= ($MaxLust / 2) or $GeneralFeats.Horndog > 0>>\
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Masturbate|Masturbate]]>> </span>
<<set $location.Encounter to "Oak Dale">>\
<</switch>>\<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<set _Fog to 0>>\
<<set _Rain to 0>>\
<<set _Cold to 0>>\
<<set _Wind to 0>>\
<<switch $Weather.Current>>\
<<case "Cloudy" "Windy">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Tiny Library.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Wind to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<case "Foggy">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Tiny Library-F.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<case "Misty">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Tiny Library-F.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<case "Rainy" "Stormy">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Tiny Library-R.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<case "Dreary">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Tiny Library-R.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<case "Sleeting">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Tiny Library-S.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Cold to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<case "Snowy">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Tiny Library-S.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Cold to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $Time.Current > 6>>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Tiny Library-N.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<img src="Images/Suburb/Tiny Library.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set $location.temp to "Tiny Library Branch">>\
<<if $Time.Current >= $Time.Max >>\
<<set _State to "TooLate">>\
<<set $NoEncounter to 1>>\
<<if $NoEncounter < 1>>\
<<set _EncounterRoll to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<set _TotalEncounterRoll to _EncounterRoll + $Skill.Scouting + $WisdomBonus + $StatusAffect.SilentStalking - ($StatusAffect.Stalking *2) - $StatusAffect.Horny - ($StatusAffect.CumCovered)>>\
<<if _TotalEncounterRoll < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current - 10) or (_EncounterRoll < 2)>>\
<<set _State to "Ambush">>\
<<elseif _TotalEncounterRoll < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current)>>\
<<set _State to "Combat">>\
<<set _NPCEncounterRoll to (random(19) +1)>>\
This is a tiny library used for the gated community of Grove Hills to borrow books without having to travel to the local library on the other side of Oak Dale. The books here are limited and with the Infested Outbreak unlikely to be updated. Even with the limited selection there might be some recipes and schematics to be found but it would take a lot of time to find such treasures.
<<if $StatusText.Notice is 1>>\
<<if $Infestation.MilkProgress > 0>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> $StatusText.Milk </i></div>
<<set $StatusText.Notice to 0>>\
<<switch _State>>\
<<case "TooLate">>\
<<set $Time.Current to $Time.Max>>\
It's too dangerous to explore the Grove Hills suburbs at this time of night.
<<button [[Return Home|Grove Hills Returning Home]]>>
<<set $NoEncounter to 0>>\
<<case "Ambush">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Ambushed to 1>>\
You've been ambushed by an enemy!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<set $location.Encounter to "Grove Hills">>\
<<case "Combat">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
A hostile enemy is roaming nearby!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<set $location.Encounter to "Grove Hills">>\
<<button [[Search the Library|Tiny Library Search]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<if $startingweaponsEvent.Sword < 1>>\
<<button [[Look around the Area|Tiny Library Area]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<button [[Leave|Grove Hills Entrance]]>> <</button>>
<<if $lust >= ($MaxLust / 2) or $GeneralFeats.Horndog > 0>>\
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Masturbate|Masturbate]]>> </span>
<<set $location.Encounter to "Grove Hills">>\
<</switch>>\<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<set _Fog to 0>>\
<<set _Rain to 0>>\
<<set _Cold to 0>>\
<<set _Wind to 0>>\
<<switch $Weather.Current>>\
<<case "Cloudy" "Windy">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburbs 2.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Wind to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<case "Foggy">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburbs-F 2.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<case "Misty">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburbs-F 2.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Rainy" "Stormy">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburbs-R 2.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Dreary">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburbs-R 2.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Sleeting">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburbs-S 2.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Cold to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Snowy">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburbs-S 2.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Cold to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $Time.Current > 6>>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburbs-N 2.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburbs 2.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set $location.temp to "Oak Dale - Tulip Ave">>\
<<set $location.coord to 7>>\
<<if $Time.Current >= $Time.Max >>\
<<set _State to "TooLate">>\
<<set $NoEncounter to 1>>\
<<if $NoEncounter < 1>>\
<<include "Random Encounter Check">>\
You are located on Tulip Avenue located in the Oak Dale suburbs. Tulip Avenue runs north and south and has plenty of small trees growing along the side of the road. A couple of the trees have bullet holes but most look to be intact. The street is lined with a few abandoned houses that can be seen thru the trees but only a few vehicles can be found around here. To the north the intersection with Peanut Street can be seen and to the south the intersection with Walnut Street can be seen as well.
<<if $StatusText.Notice is 1>>\
<<include "Update Status">>\
<<if _Rain > 0 and $StatusAffect.Wet < _Rain>>\
<<set _Rain to _Rain - $PCResistance.Water>>\
<<if _Rain > $StatusAffect.Wet>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Wet to _Rain>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I'm getting soaking wet!</i> </div>
<<if _Cold > 0 and $PCResistance.Cold < _Cold>>\
<<set _tempDamage to random(_Cold) + $StatusAffect.Wet>>\
<<set _tempDamage2 to _tempDamage - $PCResistance.Cold>>\
<<if _tempDamage2 > 0>>\
<<set $HP to $HP - _tempDamage2>>\
<<if $HP < 1>>\
<<set $HP to 1>>\
You take _tempDamage2 cold damage!
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I'm freezing to death!</i>
<<switch _State>>\
<<case "TooLate">>\
<<set $Time.Current to $Time.Max>>\
It's too dangerous to explore the Oak Dale suburbs at this time of night.
<<button [[Return Home|Oak Dale Returning Home]]>>
<<set $NoEncounter to 0>>\
<<case "Ambush">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Ambushed to 1>>\
You've been ambushed by an enemy!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<set $location.Encounter to "Oak Dale">>\
<<case "Combat">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
A hostile enemy is roaming nearby!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<set $location.Encounter to "Oak Dale">>\
<<case "NPC">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
You've encountered something unusual!
<<button [[Encounter|Oak Dale Events]]>>
<<set $location.prev to $location.temp>>\
<<button [[Explore one of the Empty Houses|Oak Dale - Suburb House]]>>
<<set $location.temp2 to $location.temp>>\
<<button [[Look around the Area|Oak Dale Event Scout]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Scout the Area for Enemies|Oak Dale Scouting]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[North to Peanut & Tulip|Oak Dale - Tulip & Peanut]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[South to Walnut & Tulip|Oak Dale - Walnut & Tulip]]>> <</button>>
<<if $lust >= ($MaxLust / 2) or $GeneralFeats.Horndog > 0>>\
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Masturbate|Masturbate]]>> </span>
<<set $location.Encounter to "Oak Dale">>\
<</switch>>\<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<set _Fog to 0>>\
<<set _Rain to 0>>\
<<set _Cold to 0>>\
<<set _Wind to 0>>\
<<switch $Weather.Current>>\
<<case "Cloudy" "Windy">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Rose Suburb 4.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Wind to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<case "Foggy">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Rose Suburb-F 4.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<case "Misty">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Rose Suburb-F 4.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Rainy" "Stormy">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Rose Suburb-R 4.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Dreary">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Rose Suburb-R 4.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Sleeting">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Rose Suburb-S 4.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Cold to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Snowy">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Rose Suburb-S 4.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Cold to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $Time.Current > 6>>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Rose Suburb-N 4.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<img src="Images/Suburb/Rose Suburb 4.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set $location.temp to "Oak Dale - Rose & Peanut">>\
<<set $locationGeneric to $locationOakDale>>\
<<set $location.Encounter to "Oak Dale">>\
<<set $location.Event to "Oak Dale">>\
<<set $location.coord to 1>>\
<<if $Time.Current >= $Time.Max >>\
<<set _State to "TooLate">>\
<<set $NoEncounter to 1>>\
<<if $NoEncounter < 1>>\
<<include "Random Encounter Check">>\
You are standing at the corner of Rose Avenue and Peanut Street which is located on the western edge of the Oak Dale suburbs.. The amount of the large rose shrubs that grow all over this area is enormous. There are a couple of disabled vehicles along with some small building damage along Peanut Street to the east while Rose Ave. has very little damage except for some fallen trees blocking Rose Avenue to the north. To the west is the entrance to the Busch Bank gated subdivision while to the east Peanut Street continues.
<<if $StatusText.Notice is 1>>\
<<include "Update Status">>\
<<if _Rain > 0 and $StatusAffect.Wet < _Rain>>\
<<set _Rain to _Rain - $PCResistance.Water>>\
<<if _Rain > $StatusAffect.Wet>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Wet to _Rain>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I'm getting soaking wet!</i> </div>
<<if _Cold > 0 and $PCResistance.Cold < _Cold>>\
<<set _tempDamage to random(_Cold) + $StatusAffect.Wet>>\
<<set _tempDamage2 to _tempDamage - $PCResistance.Cold>>\
<<if _tempDamage2 > 0>>\
<<set $HP to $HP - _tempDamage2>>\
<<if $HP < 1>>\
<<set $HP to 1>>\
You take _tempDamage2 cold damage!
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I'm freezing to death!</i>
<<switch _State>>\
<<case "TooLate">>\
<<set $Time.Current to $Time.Max>>\
It's too dangerous to explore the Oak Dale suburbs at this time of night.
<<button [[Return Home|Oak Dale Returning Home]]>>
<<set $NoEncounter to 0>>\
<<case "Ambush">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Ambushed to 1>>\
You've been ambushed by an enemy!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<case "Combat">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
A hostile enemy is roaming nearby!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<case "NPC">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
You've encountered something unusual!
<<button [[Encounter|Oak Dale Events]]>>
<<set $location.prev to $location.temp>>\
<<button [[Enter the Busch Bank Subdivision|Busch Bank Entrance]]>>
<<if $StatusAffect.Horde > 0 and $miscRandomEvent.HeliLocation is "Oak Dale">>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Horde to Math.round($StatusAffect.Horde / 2)>>\
<<button [[Explore one of the Empty Houses|Oak Dale - Suburb House]]>>
<<set $location.temp2 to $location.temp>>\
<<button [[Look around the Area|Oak Dale Event Scout]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Scout the Area for Enemies|Oak Dale Scouting]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[East to Peanut Street|Oak Dale - Peanut St 1]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[South to Rose Avenue|Oak Dale - Rose Ave]]>> <</button>>
<<if $lust >= ($MaxLust / 2) or $GeneralFeats.Horndog > 0>>\
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Masturbate|Masturbate]]>> </span>
<<set $location.Encounter to "Oak Dale">>\
<</switch>>\<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<set _Fog to 0>>\
<<set _Rain to 0>>\
<<set _Cold to 0>>\
<<set _Wind to 0>>\
<<switch $Weather.Current>>\
<<case "Cloudy" "Windy">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburb Intersection 2.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Wind to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<case "Foggy">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburb Intersection-F 2.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<case "Misty">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburb Intersection-F 2.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Rainy" "Stormy">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburb Intersection-R 2.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Dreary">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburb Intersection-R 2.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Sleeting">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburb Intersection-S 2.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Cold to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Snowy">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburb Intersection-S 2.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Cold to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $Time.Current > 6>>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburb Intersection-N 2.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburb Intersection 2.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set $location.temp to "Oak Dale - Tulip & Peanut">>\
<<set $location.coord to 3>>\
<<if $Time.Current >= $Time.Max >>\
<<set _State to "TooLate">>\
<<set $NoEncounter to 1>>\
<<if $NoEncounter < 1>>\
<<include "Random Encounter Check">>\
You are located at the intersection of Tulip Avenue and Peanut Street located in the Oak Dale suburbs. Several large trees crowd the sidewalks so much that you have to walk in the street at times. There are several houses that can be seen beyond the trees but there seems to be a lack of cars in the area. This section seems to be free of most of the damage seen elsewhere in Oak Dale. To the west Peanut Street continues towards Rose Avenue and to the east Peanut Street continues onwards toward the deeper part of the city. To the north Tulip Avenue heads slopes upwards towards the mountainous edge of the city while to the south Tulip Avenue heads in the general direction of the Almond Street.
<<if $StatusText.Notice is 1>>\
<<include "Update Status">>\
<<if _Rain > 0 and $StatusAffect.Wet < _Rain>>\
<<set _Rain to _Rain - $PCResistance.Water>>\
<<if _Rain > $StatusAffect.Wet>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Wet to _Rain>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I'm getting soaking wet!</i> </div>
<<if _Cold > 0 and $PCResistance.Cold < _Cold>>\
<<set _tempDamage to random(_Cold) + $StatusAffect.Wet>>\
<<set _tempDamage2 to _tempDamage - $PCResistance.Cold>>\
<<if _tempDamage2 > 0>>\
<<set $HP to $HP - _tempDamage2>>\
<<if $HP < 1>>\
<<set $HP to 1>>\
You take _tempDamage2 cold damage!
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I'm freezing to death!</i>
<<switch _State>>\
<<case "TooLate">>\
<<set $Time.Current to $Time.Max>>\
It's too dangerous to explore the Oak Dale suburbs at this time of night.
<<button [[Return Home|Oak Dale Returning Home]]>>
<<set $NoEncounter to 0>>\
<<case "Ambush">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Ambushed to 1>>\
You've been ambushed by an enemy!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<case "Combat">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
A hostile enemy is roaming nearby!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<case "NPC">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
You've encountered something unusual!
<<button [[Encounter|Oak Dale Events]]>>
<<set $location.prev to $location.temp>>\
<<button [[Explore one of the Empty Houses|Oak Dale - Suburb House]]>>
<<set $location.temp2 to $location.temp>>\
<<button [[Look around the Area|Oak Dale Event Scout]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Scout the Area for Enemies|Oak Dale Scouting]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[North to Tulip Avenue|Oak Dale - Tulip Ave North]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[East to Peanut Street|Oak Dale - Peanut St 2]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[West to Peanut Street|Oak Dale - Peanut St 1]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[South to Tulip Avenue|Oak Dale - Tulip Ave]]>> <</button>>
<<if $lust >= ($MaxLust / 2) or $GeneralFeats.Horndog > 0>>\
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Masturbate|Masturbate]]>> </span>
<<set $location.Encounter to "Oak Dale">>\
<</switch>>\<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<set _Fog to 0>>\
<<set _Rain to 0>>\
<<set _Cold to 0>>\
<<set _Wind to 0>>\
<<set _State to 0>>\
<<switch $Weather.Current>>\
<<case "Cloudy" "Windy">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburbs 4.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Wind to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<case "Foggy">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburbs-F 4.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<case "Misty">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburbs-F 4.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Rainy" "Stormy">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburbs-R 4.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Dreary">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburbs-R 4.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Sleeting">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburbs-S 4.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Cold to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Snowy">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburbs-S 4.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Cold to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $Time.Current > 6>>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburbs-N 4.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburbs 4.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set $location.temp to "Oak Dale - Peanut St 1">>\
<<set $locationGeneric to $locationOakDale>>\
<<set $location.coord to 2>>\
<<set $location.Encounter to "Oak Dale">>\
<<set $location.Event to "Oak Dale">>\
<<if $Time.Current >= $Time.Max >>\
<<set _State to "TooLate">>\
<<set $NoEncounter to 1>>\
<<if $NoEncounter < 1>>\
<<include "Random Encounter Check">>\
You are located on Peanut Street located in the Oak Dale suburbs. Peanut Street runs from east to west and to the north is a small bank branch that seems almost hidden behind a couple of thick trees. From the street entrance, the Civiton National Bank branch seems to be undamaged compared to the carnage seen in parts of the Oak Dale suburbs. To the west Peanut street continues to the intersection with Rose Avenue and the entrance to the Busch Bank subdivision. To the east the street continues onwards toward the intersection with Tulip Avenue.
<<if $StatusText.Notice is 1>>\
<<include "Update Status">>\
<<if _Rain > 0 and $StatusAffect.Wet < _Rain>>\
<<set _Rain to _Rain - $PCResistance.Water>>\
<<if _Rain > $StatusAffect.Wet>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Wet to _Rain>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I'm getting soaking wet!</i> </div>
<<if _Cold > 0 and $PCResistance.Cold < _Cold>>\
<<set _tempDamage to random(_Cold) + $StatusAffect.Wet>>\
<<set _tempDamage2 to _tempDamage - $PCResistance.Cold>>\
<<if _tempDamage2 > 0>>\
<<set $HP to $HP - _tempDamage2>>\
<<if $HP < 1>>\
<<set $HP to 1>>\
You take _tempDamage2 cold damage!
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I'm freezing to death!</i>
<<switch _State>>\
<<case "TooLate">>\
<<set $Time.Current to $Time.Max>>\
It's too dangerous to explore the Oak Dale suburbs at this time of night.
<<button [[Return Home|Oak Dale Returning Home]]>>
<<set $NoEncounter to 0>>\
<<case "Ambush">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Ambushed to 1>>\
You've been ambushed by an enemy!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<case "Combat">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
A hostile enemy is roaming nearby!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<case "NPC">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
You've encountered something unusual!
<<button [[Encounter|Oak Dale Events]]>>
<<set $location.prev to $location.temp>>\
<<button [[Enter the Civiton National Bank|Civiton National Bank Front]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Explore one of the Empty Houses|Oak Dale - Suburb House]]>>
<<set $location.temp2 to $location.temp>>\
<<button [[Look around the Area|Oak Dale Event Scout]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Scout the Area for Enemies|Oak Dale Scouting]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[East to Tulip & Peanut|Oak Dale - Tulip & Peanut]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[West to Rose & Peanut|Oak Dale - Rose & Peanut]]>> <</button>>
<<if $lust >= ($MaxLust / 2) or $GeneralFeats.Horndog > 0>>\
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Masturbate|Masturbate]]>> </span>
<<set $location.Encounter to "Oak Dale">>\
<</switch>>\<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$genericFighter.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$genericFighter.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _SizeComp to $PC.BreastsSize - $genericFighter.Level + ($GeneralFeats.FalseRep *2)>>\
<<if _SizeComp < 0>>\
<<set _SizeComp to 0>>\
<</if>>\<<set $sexHistory.XP to $sexHistory.XP +1>>\
<<set _DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$genericFighter.DickSize]>>\
<<set _DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$genericFighter.DickSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$genericFighter.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$genericFighter.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _SizeComp to $PC.DickSize - $genericFighter.Level + ($GeneralFeats.FalseRep *2)>>\
<<if _SizeComp < 0>>\
<<set _SizeComp to 0>>\
<</if>>\<<set $sexHistory.XP to $sexHistory.XP +1>>\
<<set $LastPartner to $genericFighter>>\
<<set _DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$genericFighter.DickSize]>>\
<<set _DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$genericFighter.DickSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$genericFighter.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$genericFighter.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _SizeComp to $PC.DickSize - $genericFighter.Level + ($GeneralFeats.FalseRep *2)>>\
<<set _SizeComp2 to $PC.BreastsSize - $genericFighter.Level + ($GeneralFeats.FalseRep *2)>>\
<<if _SizeComp < 0>>\
<<set _SizeComp to 0>>\
<<if _SizeComp2 < 0>>\
<<set _SizeComp2 to 0>>\
  $genericFighter.Name2 stares at you with a hopeful look in his eyes as you walk towards him, your hard cock tenting your clothes. With his _DickSD _DickSize cock, _BallsSD _BallsSize cum-filled balls and his rock hard ass there was no way you could walk away. "I'm going to fuck your tight ass until I have completely destroyed your ass so hard you won't be able to sit for days!" you moan lustfully as you strip from your clothes exposing your hard $DickSD $DickSize futa-cock.
<<switch _SizeComp>>\
<<case 0 1 2>>\
  He stares at your $DickSD cock before grimacing with a disappointed look on this face. "Dude? Dudette? Whatever, your fucking dick is the size of a clit and not like the chicks with the super big ones. I guess you need to be a real man to have a real cock." he sadly says while giving your cock another measuring look. At your fierce stare he backpeddles and quickly says "ok Ok OK! Fuck it, I lost, you won. Go ahead and 'destroy' my ass of steel! If you can even reach it..." You ignore his dismissive tone and slide your $DickSize dick against his tight ass.
<<case 3 4 5 6>>\
  He stares at your $DickSD cock before sighing loudly with a conflicting look on this face. "Ok. You have a fucking dick but I gotta say that shitty meat pencil is one small dick. I guess you're doing your best to have a manly cock but just came up a bit short." he says with some disdain in his tone as he gives your cock a measuring look. At your annoyed stare he backpeddles a bit and quickly says "Fucking hell, Maybe it's skill over size? if you're going to try and destroy my ass of steel, go ahead and do it!" You ignore his discouraging tone and slide your $DickSize dick against his tight ass.
<<case 7 8 9 10 11 12>>\
  He stares at your $DickSD cock before smiling with a happy look on this face. "Nice! I have to say that's a strong looking ass pounder you're presenting to the world! Looks like someone manned up with a beefy meat rod that looks eager to plow some asses!" he says with some excitement in his tone as he gives your cock a nice long measuring look. At your questioning stare he explains a bit more and happily says "It looks like you have a nice and proper cock, Futa-chick! Now I wanna see how well you can use your dick cause my ass of steel is ready and willing!" You smile at his encouraging tone and slide your $DickSize dick against his tight ass.
<<case 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24>>\
  He stares at your $DickSD cock while having a disbelieving look on this face. "What the fucking hell! Your crazy dick is hella humongous! How in the fucking hell did you manage to grow such a devastating ass destroyer, you crazy Futa-chick?" he says with a lot of envy in his tone as he gives your cock a nice long astonished look. At your smirking response he explains a bit more and angrily says "It's not fucking fair that a fucking Futa-chick has a dick bigger than me! Go ahead and destroy my ass of steel, it's not like it's going to last long against your massive ass pounder!" Your smirk grows even wider at his grousing tone and slide your $DickSize dick against his tight ass.
  He stares at your $DickSD cock while having a uncomprehending look on this face. "Is that some type of fake strap-on? Cause uhh, dicks don't come in that size? I mean who has a 3ft long dick in their pants, especially some kind of futa-chick?" he says with a confused tone as he gives your cock a nice long piercing look. At your silent smiling he looks even closer and in astonishment says "Holy fuck! That's a real dick! There's no way my ass of steel will be able to handle that monster! Please be gentle?" Your smile grows even wider at his begging tone and slide your $DickSize dick against his tight ass.
  Your firm <<Penis>> easily slides into his rock hard sculpted ass but as it slowly penetrates deeper the pressure of his tight ass increases. You can help but grunt loudly in pleasure as his tight ass squeezes your futa-dick hard but at least the Infested is right there with you giving out an throaty moan. For a moment you luxuriate in the way his tight ass squeezes your $DickSD <<Penis>> but you're not willing to stop at this point. Pulling your cock almost all the way back to his manhole entrance, you don't even pause as you slam your throbbing <<Penis>> back deep into his rock solid ass.
  "Shit! Your fucking ass is too tight! My dick feels like it's being squeezed like a lemon by your man pussy! I bet you love having my <<Penis>> buried dep in your ass!" you moan loudly as your futa-cock plunges into his buns of steel over and over again. Your $BreastSD chest is heaving as you continue to go to poundtown on his ass. You give his taunt ass cheeks a nice squeeze which causes the Infested to give out a throaty moan. As you continue to ass-fuck the Infested, he reaches down and grabs his neglected <<Penis>> while using one arm to easily keep himself braced.
  "Fuckkkk! My ass is being wrecked by your savage $DickSD girl-dick! Oh fuckkkkk!" the Infested yells as he strokes his <<Penis>> in synch with your throbbing dick savagely slams repeatedly into his rear. The rhythmic slapping of flesh into flesh fills the air along with a mix of your moans and the Infested's groans of pleasure. Your hard ass-fucking is rapidly pushing you towards a powerful orgasm as you can feel your $BallsSD balls churning with hot white cum and you can feel your neglected pussy about to orgasm as well.
<<if $PC.Infestation is $Infestation.Cap & $Infestation.Progress > 1>>\
<<include "Infestation Increase">>\
  As your throbbing cock continues to pludge deep into his tight ass, you feel a surge of energy flowing directly into you! It almost feels like you are burning up but it quickly turns to pleasure that radiates from your achingly hard dick and bouncing breasts. Even your ass and balls are feeling extremely good!
  With each thrust you can feel your throbbing cock growing stronger and more powerful. Even your balls are bursting with energy as they slap into the Infested's buns of steel. And with each thrust your breasts swing with a heavier and heavier weight while slowly blocking more of your view of the Infested's ass. The feeling of your powerful dick bursting with energy, being buried into the ass of the Infested over and over again pushes you over the edge as your orgasm hits like a train. "OH FUCK YES! I'M GIVING YOUR ASS A HUGE SHOT OF MY HOT JISM!" you shout as you shoot a tsunami of hot white cum, bigger than any other load you've ever had, directly into his hot ass! You're not done yet as you pull your hard cock out of his rear before shooting even more strands of jism all over his rear and back! Even your pussy shoots an equally tidal wave of girl-cum all over the ground below!
  Your tsunami of hot cum flooding into the Infested's sore ass seems to have pushed him over the edge as the stroking of his own _DickSD throbbing cock reaches a fever pitch. Grunting loudly, he shoots a massive flood of cum that squirts up onto his chest below leaking to the ground below him as he bellows out "FUCK! I'M GOD-DAMN FUCKING CUMMING! YESSS! FUCK YES!" After a few moments the Infested collapses, panting in exhaustion. This allows your dick to escape the tight prison of his ass. Looking down you can easily tell that your breasts have grown to $BreastSD $BreastsSize tits!. Looking past your expanded tits you gaze apon your dick which looks to have grown to a $DickSD $DickSize cock while your balls are now $BallsSD $BallsSize balls. Even your ass looks to have joined the growth party a bit as you now have a $AssSize ass! The Infested recovers faster than you would have expected as the Infested strokes your <<Penis>> with a smirk while saying "Looks like you are becoming one hot Futa."
  With each thrust you can feel your throbbing cock aching to release all the hot cum your $BallsSD balls are filled with. With each thrust your breasts swing with a heavier and heavier weight. The feeling of your powerful dick being buried into the ass of the Infested over and over again pushes you over the edge as your orgasm hits like a train. "OH FUCK YES! I'M GIVING YOUR ASS A HUGE SHOT OF MY HOT JISM!" you shout as you shoot a $CumAD stream of hot white cum directly into his hot ass! <<if $Cum.Stored > 10>> You're not done yet as you pull your hard cock out of his before shooting even more strands of jism all over his ass and back!<</if>> Even your pussy shoots an $GCumAD wave of girl-cum all over the ground below!
  Your $CumAD tsunami of hot cum flooding into the Infested's sore ass seems to have pushed him over the edge as the stroking of his own _DickSD throbbing cock reaches a fever pitch. Grunting loudly, he shoots a massive flood of cum that squirts up onto his chest below leaking to the ground below him as he bellows out "FUCK! I'M GOD-DAMN FUCKING CUMMING! YESSS! FUCK YES!" After a few moments the Infested collapses, panting in exhaustion.
  "Oh fuck that was fucking hard core, dick-girl!" $genericFighter.Name2 says when you finally step away with your still hot cum dripping from your sensitive penis onto the Infested's backside. Sitting back while stroking his cock, he says "I'll hope to see you again soon, dick-girl". With that you grab your clothes and leave the area.<<include "Time Passes">>\
<<set _Fog to 0>>\
<<set _Rain to 0>>\
<<set _Cold to 0>>\
<<set _Wind to 0>>\
<<switch $Weather.Current>>\
<<case "Cloudy" "Windy">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Tiny Library.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Wind to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<case "Foggy">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Tiny Library-F.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<case "Misty">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Tiny Library-F.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<case "Rainy" "Stormy">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Tiny Library-R.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<case "Dreary">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Tiny Library-R.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<case "Sleeting">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Tiny Library-S.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Cold to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<case "Snowy">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Tiny Library-S.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Cold to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $Time.Current > 6>>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Tiny Library-N.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<img src="Images/Suburb/Tiny Library.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set $lootTemp to $lootMiniLibrary>>\
<<set $rarelootTemp to $rarelootMiniLibrary>>\
<<set _Extra to 1>>\
You spend some time searching thru the various books looking for anything of interest.
<<for $i = 0; $i < (($Prof.Crafting / 2) + _Extra); $i++>>\
<<set _RareLoot to (random(19) +1) + ($Prof.Crafting / 2) >>\
Rare Roll: _RareLoot
<<if _RareLoot > 19>>\
<<set _tempLoot to $rarelootTemp.random()>>\
<<for $i = 0; $i < $PCInventory.length; $i++>>\
<<set $uitem = $PCInventory[$i]>>\
<<set $ItemName to $uitem.name>>\
<<set _TempName to _tempLoot.name>>\
<<if $ItemName is _TempName>>\
<<set _amount to $uitem.amount>>\
<<set _exists to 1>>\
<<if _exists is 1>>\
<<set _amount to _amount +1>>\
<<set $uitem.amount to _amount>>\
<<set $PCInventory.push(_tempLoot)>>\
Rare: <<print _tempLoot.name>>
<<set _Crafting to (random(19) +1) + $Skill.Crafting + $IntelligenceBonus>>\
Crafting Roll: _Crafting
<<if _Crafting > (12 + ($i * 2))>>\
<<set _tempLoot to $lootTemp.random()>>\
<<for $i = 0; $i < $PCInventory.length; $i++>>\
<<set $uitem = $PCInventory[$i]>>\
<<set $ItemName to $uitem.name>>\
<<set _TempName to _tempLoot.name>>\
<<if $ItemName is _TempName>>\
<<set _amount to $uitem.amount>>\
<<set _exists to 1>>\
<<if _exists is 1>>\
<<set _amount to _amount +1>>\
<<set $uitem.amount to _amount>>\
<<set $PCInventory.push(_tempLoot)>>\
A <<print _tempLoot.name>> has been discovered!
<<button [[Finish|Tiny Library Branch]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</button>><<set $sexHistory.XP to $sexHistory.XP +1>>\
<<set _DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$genericFighter.DickSize]>>\
<<set _DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$genericFighter.DickSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$genericFighter.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$genericFighter.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _SizeComp to $PC.DickSize - $genericFighter.Level + ($GeneralFeats.FalseRep *2)>>\
<<if _SizeComp < 0>>\
<<set _SizeComp to 0>>\
<</if>>\<<if $Time.Current < 6>>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburbs 7.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburbs-N 7.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _GotFood to 0>>\
<<set _FoodRoll to (random(19) + 1)>>\
<<if $AdminMode is 1>>\
<<if $CelebrityPath.Nature > 0 and _FoodRoll > 15>>\
<<set _GotFood to 1>>\
<<set _exists to 0>>\
<<set _tempLoot to $item.makeshiftfood>>\
<<for $i = 0; $i < $PCInventory.length; $i++>>\
<<set $uitem = $PCInventory[$i]>>\
<<set $ItemName to $uitem.name>>\
<<set _TempName to _tempLoot.name>>\
<<if $ItemName is _TempName>>\
<<set _amount to $uitem.amount>>\
<<set _exists to 1>>\
<<if _exists is 1>>\
<<set _amount to _amount +1>>\
<<set $uitem.amount to _amount>>\
<<set $PCInventory.push(_tempLoot)>>\
<<if $ClassBonus.Ranger > 0 or $ProgrammerPath.Security > 0>>\
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<set $NoEncounter to 0>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set _StopLook to 0>>\
<<set _WanderRoll to (random(19) + 1)>>\
<<if _WanderRoll + $Skill.Scouting + $WisdomBonus - $StatusAffect.Horny - $StatusAffect.CumCovered - $StatusAffect.CumFilled < 10 and _WanderRoll < 19 and _StopLook < 1>>\
<<if _GotFood > 0>>\
While wandering around the Oak Dale subburbs you managed to find _TempName and also ran across a hostile enemy!
While wandering around the Oak Dale subburbs you have run across a hostile enemy!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>> <</button>>
<<elseif _WanderRoll + $Skill.Scouting + $WisdomBonus + $ScoutingSkillFeats.KeenEye > 10 and _StopLook < 1>>\
<<if _GotFood > 0>>\
While wandering around the Oak Dale subburbs you managed to find _TempName and you ran across something interesting!
While wandering around the Oak Dale subburbs you have run across something interesting!
<<button [[Encounter|Oak Dale Events]]>>
<<elseif _StopLook < 1>>\
<<if _GotFood > 0>>\
You spend a some time looking around the area but don't find anything all the interesting besides _TempName...
You spend a some time looking around the area but don't find anything all the interesting...
<<button [[Give up looking for now|$location.temp]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</if>>\<<switch random(2)>>
<<case 0>>\
$genericFighter.Name looks extremely frustrated.
<div class="enemyTalk">You should have just surrendered!</div>
<<case 1>>\
$genericFighter.Name focuses on dodging your attacks.
<div class="enemyTalk">We have a live one here!</div>
<<case 2>>\
$genericFighter.Name fires a couple of shots wildly while ducking for cover.
<div class="enemyTalk">Why won't you just die!</div>
<</switch>>\<<switch random(1)>>
<<case 0>>\
$genericFighter.Name looks extremely frustrated.
<div class="enemyTalk">You should have just surrendered!</div>
<<case 1>>\
$genericFighter.Name focuses on dodging your attacks.
<div class="enemyTalk">We have a live one here!!</div>
<</switch>>\<<set $CombatChoice to 0>>\
<<if $lust > 65>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Horny to $StatusAffect.Horny+1>>\
<<if $PCStatus.Bleed > 0>>\
<<set _Fort to random(19) +1 + $PC.Fortitude + $FoodStatus.Fort>>\
<<if _Fort < 14 + $genericFighter.Level>>\
<<set _TempDamage to random($genericWeapon.criticalamount) +1>>\
<<set $HP to $HP - _TempDamage>>\
You're still bleeding! You take _TempDamage bleed damage!
<<set $PCStatus.Bleed to $PCStatus.Bleed -1>>\
<<set _TempDamage to random($genericWeapon.criticalamount) +1>>\
<<set $HP to $HP - _TempDamage>>\
Your wounds have stopped bleeding after taking _TempDamage bleed damage.
/* Cleanup PC being Dazzled */
<<if $PCStatus.Dazzle > 0>>\
<<set $PCStatus.Dazzle to $PCStatus.Dazzled -1>>\
<<set $PCStatus.AttackDebuff to $PCStatus.AttackDebuff - 1>>\
<<if $PCStatus.Dazzle is 0>>\
You can properly see again!
<<if $PCStatus.Stun > 0>>\
<<set $PCStatus.Stun to $PCStatus.Stun -1>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.Ambushed > 0>>\
<<set $PCStatus.ACDebuff to $PCStatus.ACDebuff -2>>\
<<set $PCStatus.SavesDebuff to $PCStatus.SavesDebuff -2>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Ambushed to 0>>\
<<if $SpecialBonus.HunterShot > 0>>\
<<set $PCStatus.AttackBuff to $PCStatus.AttackBuff - $SpecialBonus.HunterShot>>\
<<set $PCStatus.ACDebuff to $PCStatus.ACDebuff - $SpecialBonus.HunterShot>>\
<<set $SpecialBonus.HunterShot to 0>>\
/* Cleanup Fury */
<<if $PCStatus.Fury > 0>>\
<<set $PCStatus.Fury to $PCStatus.Fury -1>>\
<<if $PCStatus.Fury is 0>>\
<<set $PCStatus.AttackBuff to $PCStatus.AttackBuff - $SpecialBonus.Fury>>\
<<set $PCStatus.DamageBuff to $PCStatus.DamageBuff - $SpecialBonus.Fury>>\
<<set $PCStatus.ACDebuff to $PCStatus.ACDebuff - $SpecialBonus.Fury>>\
Your Focused Offense has been exhausted and you feel your combat focus shift back to normal.
<<if $PCStatus.Prone > 0>>\
<<set _Save to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<if _Save + $PC.Reflex + $armorSaveBonus + $FoodStatus.Refl + $PCStatus.SavesBuff + $GeneralFeats.TouchGrace - $PCStatus.SavesDebuff < ($genericFighter.Level + 10) or _Save is 1>>\
You struggle to get back on your feet but fail to do so!
You get back on your feet ready to continue the fight!
<<set $PCStatus.Prone to 0>>\
<<set $PCStatus.ACDebuff to $PCStatus.ACDebuff -2>>\
<<if $PCStatus.Quick > 0>>\
<<set $PCStatus.Quick to $PCStatus.Quick -1>>\
<<if $PCStatus.Quick is 0>>\
<<set $PCStatus.AttackBuff to $PCStatus.AttackBuff - 1>>\
<<set $PCStatus.SavesBuff to $PCStatus.SavesBuff - 1>>\
<<set $PCStatus.ACBuff to $PCStatus.ACBuff - 1>>\
You feel your movements return to normal.
<<if $StatusAffect.EAmbushed > 0>>\
<<set $EnemyStatus.ACDebuff to $EnemyStatus.ACDebuff -2>>\
<<set $EnemyStatus.SavesDebuff to $EnemyStatus.SavesDebuff -2>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.EAmbushed to 0>>\
<<if $EnemyStatus.Bleed > 0>>\
<<set _Fort to random(19) +1>>\
<<if _Fort + $genericFighter.Fortitude + $EnemyStatus.SavesBuff - $EnemyStatus.SavesDebuff < ($PC.Level + 10) or _Fort is 1>>\
<<set _Bleed to random($equipedWeapon.criticalamount) + $equipedWeapon.superior +1>>\
<<set $genericFighter.HP to $genericFighter.HP - _Bleed>>\
$genericFighter.Name is still bleeding! They take _Bleed bleed damage!
<<set $EnemyStatus.Bleed to $EnemyStatus.Bleed -1>>\
<<set _Bleed to random($equipedWeapon.criticalamount) + $equipedWeapon.superior +1>>\
<<set $genericFighter.HP to $genericFighter.HP - _Bleed>>\
$genericFighter.Name2's wounds have stopped bleeding after taking _Bleed bleed damage.
<<if $EnemyStatus.Burn > 0>>\
<<set _Refl to random(19) +1>>\
<<if _Refl + $genericFighter.Reflex + $EnemyStatus.SavesBuff - $EnemyStatus.SavesDebuff < ($PC.Level + 10) or _Refl is 1>>\
<<set _Burn to random($EnemyStatus.Burn) +1>>\
<<set _Burn to _Burn - $genericFighter.Fire>>\
<<if _Burn < 0>>\
<<set _Burn to 0>>\
<<set $genericFighter.HP to $genericFighter.HP - _Burn>>\
$genericFighter.Name2 is still on fire! They take _Burn fire damage!
<<set _Burn to random($EnemyStatus.Burn) +1>>\
<<set _Burn to _Burn - $genericFighter.Fire>>\
<<if _Burn < 0>>\
<<set _Burn to 0>>\
<<set $genericFighter.HP to $genericFighter.HP - _Burn>>\
<<set $EnemyStatus.Burn to 0>>\
$genericFighter.Name2 is finally no longer on fire after taking _Burn Fire damage.
<<if $EnemyStatus.Dazzle > 0>>\
<<set $EnemyStatus.Dazzle to $EnemyStatus.Dazzle -1>>\
<<set $EnemyStatus.AttackDebuff to $EnemyStatus.AttackDebuff - 1>>\
<<if $EnemyStatus.Stagger > 0>>\
<<set $EnemyStatus.Stagger to $EnemyStatus.Stagger -1>>\
<<set $EnemyStatus.ACDebuff to $EnemyStatus.ACDebuff -1>>\
<<if $EnemyStatus.Stun > 0>>\
<<set $EnemyStatus.Stun to $EnemyStatus.Stun -1>>\
<<set $PCStatus.Control to 0>>\
<<if $EnemyStatus.Nausea > 0>>\
<<set _Chance to random(19) +1>>\
<<if _Chance < 11>>\
<<set $EnemyStatus.Stun to $EnemyStatus.Stun +1>>\
<<set $EnemyStatus.Nausea to $EnemyStatus.Nausea -1>>\
<<if $EnemyStatus.Feint > 0>>\
<<set $EnemyStatus.Feint to $EnemyStatus.Feint -1>>\
<<set $EnemyStatus.AttackDebuff to $EnemyStatus.AttackDebuff -1>>\
<<set $EnemyStatus.ACDebuff to $EnemyStatus.ACDebuff -1>>\
<<if $EnemyStatus.Intimidate > 0>>\
<<set $EnemyStatus.Intimidate to $EnemyStatus.Intimidate -1>>\
<<if $EnemyStatus.Intimidate is 0>>\
<<set $EnemyStatus.AttackDebuff to $EnemyStatus.AttackDebuff - $SpecialBonus.Intimidate>>\
<<set $EnemyStatus.DamageDebuff to $EnemyStatus.DamageDebuff - $SpecialBonus.Intimidate>>\
<<set $EnemyStatus.ACDebuff to $EnemyStatus.ACDebuff - $SpecialBonus.Intimidate>>\
<<set $EnemyStatus.SavesDebuff to $EnemyStatus.SavesDebuff - $SpecialBonus.Intimidate>>\
<<set $EnemyStatus.SkillDebuff to $EnemyStatus.SkillDebuff - $SpecialBonus.Intimidate>>\
<</if>>\<<set $feat to {}>>\
<<set $totalFeats to []>>\
<<include "Class Feats">>\
<<set $ClassBonus to {Athlete: 0, Celebrity: 0, Criminal: 0, Medic: 0, Officer: 0, Programmer: 0, Ranger: 0}>>\
<<set $ClassFeats to {BellowShout: 0, Mug: 0, Flurry: 0, FirstAid: 0, HunterShot: 0, Intimidate: 0, Fury: 0, CriminalAmbush: 0, SpinKick: 0, Flamethrower: 0, PocketSand: 0, ToxicFlask: 0, CommandShout: 0, CalculatedStrike: 0, KnockdownBarrage: 0}>>
<<set $AthletePath to {MartialArts: 0, Football: 0, Baseball: 0, Fire: 0, Water: 0, Wind: 0, Earth: 0}>>\
<<set $CelebrityPath to {Nature: 0, MartialArts: 0, Pornomancer: 0}>>\
<<set $CriminalPath to {Scout: 0, Hitman: 0, ConArtist: 0}>>\
<<set $OfficerPath to {Riot: 0, Detective: 0, Swat: 0}>>\
<<set $MedicPath to {Surgeon: 0, Pharmacist: 0, Combat: 0}>>\
<<set $ProgrammerPath to {Weekend: 0, Security: 0, Blackhat: 0}>>\
<<set $RangerPath to {Army: 0, Forest: 0, Law: 0}>>\
<<set $AthleticSkillFeats to {Hustle: 0, Recovery: 0, ImprovedTrip: 0, Toughness: 0, InstantRecovery: 0, WalkitOff: 0}>>\
<<set $CookingSkillFeats to {ProperNutrition: 0, ChampionBreakfast: 0, EpicBreakfast: 0, GroupCooking: 0}>>\
<<set $CraftingSkillFeats to {Scavenger: 0, Excellence: 0, ExtraSkill: 0, ForgedToughness: 0, Maintenance: 0}>>\
<<set $DrivingSkillFeats to {LockedCar: 0, CombatDriving: 0, SilentDrive: 0, EnhancedCombatDriving: 0}>>\
<<set $ElectronicsSkillFeats to {PowerSaver: 0, BruteForce: 0, CanYouHearMe: 0, CameraFlash: 0}>>\
<<set $MedicalSkillFeats to {MedicalOverwatch: 0, AnatomyLessons: 0, CriticalFocus: 0, ResistInfestation: 0, AnatomyDedication: 0, CleanseInfestation: 0}>>\
<<set $SalvagingSkillFeats to {SecureWallet: 0, ExtraLoot: 0, CashisKing: 0, RareSalvage: 0}>>\
<<set $ScoutingSkillFeats to {IndoorTracking: 0, Stalking: 0, KeenEye: 0, HunterInfested: 0, HunterRaider: 0, HunterGangsta: 0, RareHunter: 0, HunterMilitary: 0}>>\
<<set $SocialSkillFeats to {TalktoMe: 0, WashmyHair: 0, DistractingFeint: 0, EverybodyLikesMe: 0, ExtraCharisma: 0}>>\
<<set $StealthSkillFeats to {SilentStalking: 0, Distraction: 0, Avoidance: 0, WeaknessStrike: 0, Ambush: 0, CoverStance: 0}>>\
<<set $ThieverySkillFeats to {SnareMaster: 0, SturdyTools: 0, FiveFingeredDiscount: 0, RareSteal: 0, Steal: 0, LuckySkillz: 0}>>\
<<set $SkillFeats to {Hustle: 0, Recovery: 0, Toughness: 0, WalkitOff: 0, Maintenance: 0, ExtraSkill: 0, ForgedToughness: 0, ProperNutrition: 0, ChampionBreakfast: 0, EpicBreakfast: 0, GroupCooking: 0, LockedCar: 0, CombatDriving: 0, SilentDrive: 0, EnhancedCombatDriving: 0, PowerSaver: 0, BruteForce: 0, CanYouHearMe: 0, MedicalOverwatch: 0, AnatomyLessons: 0, AnatomyDedication: 0, ResistInfestation: 0, CleanseInfestation: 0, SecureWallet: 0, ExtraLoot: 0, RareSalvage: 0, Stalking: 0, KeenEye: 0, HunterInfested: 0, HunterRaider: 0, HunterGangsta: 0, TalktoMe: 0, WashmyHair: 0, EverybodyLikesMe: 0, ExtraCharisma: 0, SilentStalking: 0, Distraction: 0, Ambush: 0, SnareMaster: 0, SturdyTools: 0, CashisKing: 0, FiveFingeredDiscount: 0, LuckySkillz: 0}>>
<<set $GeneralFeats to {BiggerAss: 0, BiggerBreasts: 0, BiggerDick: 0, ExtraAP: 0, FalseRep: 0, Horndog: 0, InfestedAdaptation: 0, IronReflex: 0, IronToughness: 0, IronWill: 0, LustResist: 0, MessySpray: 0, Patchwork: 0, PotentFertility: 0, SeasonGreetings: 0, SexStudent: 0, TouchGrace: 0, Transformer: 0, WeakWill: 0}>>
\<<set $arrayDickSizeDesc to ["tiny", "minute", "mini", "small", "moderate", "hefty", "large", "large", "huge", "huge", "massive", "massive", "immense", "immense", "enormous", "enormous", "gigantic", "gigantic", "monstrous", "monstrous", "monstrous", "gargantuan", "gargantuan", "gargantuan", "gargantuan", "colossal", "colossal", "colossal", "colossal", "colossal", "titanic", "titanic", "titanic", "titanic", "titanic", "titanic"]>>
<<set $arrayDickSize to ["1-inch", "2-inch", "3-inch", "4-inch", "5-inch", "6-inch", "7-inch", "8-inch", "9-inch", "10-inch", "11-inch", "12-inch", "13-inch", "14-inch", "15-inch", "16-inch", "17-inch", "18-inch", "19-inch", "20-inch", "21-inch", "22-inch", "23-inch", "24-inch", "24.5-inch", "25-inch", "25.5-inch", "26-inch", "26.5-inch", "27-inch", "27.5-inch", "28-inch", "28.5-inch", "29-inch", "29.5-inch", "30-inch", "30.5-inch", "31-inch", "31.5-inch", "32-inch", "32.5-inch", "33-inch", "33.5-inch", "34-inch", "34.5-inch", "35-inch", "35.5-inch", "36-inch"]>>
<<set $arrayBallsSizeDesc to ["tiny", "minute", "mini", "small", "moderate", "hefty", "large", "large", "huge", "huge", "jumbo", "jumbo", "jumbo", "massive", "massive", "massive", "enormous", "enormous", "enormous", "humongous", "humongous", "humongous", "gigantic", "gigantic", "gigantic", "monstrous", "monstrous", "monstrous", "monstrous", "gargantuan", "gargantuan", "gargantuan", "gargantuan", "gargantuan", "colossal", "colossal", "colossal", "colossal", "titanic", "titanic", "titanic", "titanic", "titanic", "titanic"]>>
<<set $arrayBallsSize to ["pea-sized", "bean-sized", "grape-sized", "marble-sized", "golfball-sized", "golfball-sized", "orange-sized", "orange-sized", "tennisball-sized", "tennisball-sized", "baseball-sized", "baseball-sized", "softball-sized", "softball-sized", "grapefruit-sized", "grapefruit-sized", "grapefruit-sized", "coconut-sized", "coconut-sized", "coconut-sized", "bowlingball-sized", "bowlingball-sized", "bowlingball-sized", "bowlingball-sized", "volleyball-sized", "volleyball-sized", "volleyball-sized", "volleyball-sized", "basketball-sized", "basketball-sized", "basketball-sized", "beachball-sized", "beachball-sized", "beachball-sized", "beachball-sized", "beachball-sized", "beachball-sized"]>>
<<set $arrayBreastSizeDesc to ["", "tiny", "small", "hefty", "hefty", "large", "large", "large", "huge", "huge", "huge", "huge", "massive", "massive", "massive", "massive", "enormous", "enormous", "enormous", "enormous", "tremendous", "tremendous", "tremendous", "tremendous", "humongous", "humongous", "humongous", "humongous", "humongous", "gigantic", "gigantic", "gigantic", "gigantic", "gigantic", "gigantic", "gigantic", "colossal", "colossal", "colossal", "colossal", "colossal", "colossal", "colossal", "titanic", "titanic", "titanic", "titanic", "titanic", "titanic", "titanic", "god-like", "god-like", "god-like", "god-like", "god-like", "god-like", "immeasurable", "immeasurable", "immeasurable", "immeasurable", "immeasurable", "immeasurable", "immeasurable", "immeasurable", "immeasurable"]>>
<<set $arrayBreastSize to ["flat", "A-Cup", "B-Cup", "C-Cup", "D-Cup", "DD-Cup", "E-Cup", "EE-Cup", "F-Cup", "FF-Cup", "G-Cup", "GG-Cup", "H-Cup", "HH-Cup", "HHH-Cup", "I-Cup", "II-Cup", "III-Cup", "J-Cup", "JJ-Cup", "JJJ-Cup", "K-Cup", "KK-Cup", "KKK-Cup", "L-Cup", "LL-Cup", "LLL-Cup", "M-Cup", "MM-Cup", "MMM-Cup", "N-Cup", "NN-Cup", "NNN-Cup", "O-Cup", "OO-Cup", "OOO-Cup", "P-Cup", "PP-Cup", "PPP-Cup", "Q-Cup", "QQ-Cup", "QQQ-Cup", "R-Cup", "RR-Cup", "RRR-Cup", "S-Cup", "SS-Cup", "SSS-Cup", "T-Cup", "TT-Cup", "TTT-Cup", "U-Cup", "UU-Cup", "UUU-Cup", "V-Cup", "VV-Cup", "VVV-Cup", "W-Cup", "WW-Cup", "WWW-Cup", "X-Cup", "XXX-Cup", "XXX-Cup", "Y-Cup", "YY-Cup", "YYY-Cup", "Z-Cup"]>>
<<set $arrayBreastMiscSize to ["flat", "A", "B", "C", "D", "DD", "E", "EE", "F", "FF", "G", "GG", "H", "HH", "HHH", "I", "II", "III", "J", "JJ", "JJJ", "K", "KK", "KKK", "L", "LL", "LLL", "M", "MM", "MMM", "N", "NN", "NNN", "O", "OO", "OOO", "P", "PP", "PPP", "Q", "QQ", "QQQ", "R", "RR", "RRR", "S", "SS", "SSS", "T", "TT", "TTT", "U", "UU", "UUU", "V", "VV", "VVV", "W", "WW", "WWW", "X", "XX", "XXX", "Y", "YY", "YYY", "Z"]>>
<<set $arrayNippleSize to ["quarter-inch", "quarter-inch", "quarter-inch", "half-inch", "half-inch", "half-inch", "1-inch", "1-inch", "1-inch", "1-inch", "1-inch", "2-inch", "2-inch", "2-inch", "2-inch", "2-inch", "3-inch", "3-inch", "3-inch", "3-inch", "4-inch", "4-inch", "4-inch", "4-inch", "4-inch", "5-inch", "5-inch", "5-inch", "5-inch", "5-inch", "6-inch", "6-inch", "6-inch"]>>
<<set $arrayAssSizeDesc to ["flat", "tiny", "small", "bubbly", "hefty", "big", "big", "large", "large", "bountiful", "bountiful", "voluptuous", "voluptuous", "voluptuous", "huge", "huge", "huge", "massive", "massive", "massive", "prodigious", "prodigious", "prodigious", "enourmous", "enourmous", "enourmous", "humongous", "humongous", "humongous", "stupendous", "stupendous", "stupendous", "stupendous", "ginormous", "ginormous", "ginormous", "ginormous", "titanic", "titanic", "titanic", "titanic", "titanic"]>>
<<set $arrayCumAmountDesc to ["pathetic", "tiny", "tiny", "small", "small", "moderate", "full", "full", "hefty", "hefty", "large", "large", "large", "huge", "huge", "huge", "massive", "massive", "massive", "immense", "immense", "immense", "enormous", "enormous", "enormous", "humongous", "humongous", "humongous", "tremendous", "tremendous", "tremendous", "tremendous", "stupendous", "stupendous", "stupendous", "stupendous", "monstrous", "monstrous", "monstrous", "titantic", "titantic", "titantic", "titantic", "titantic", "godlike", "godlike", "godlike", "godlike", "godlike", "godlike"]>>
<<set $arrayGCumAmountDesc to ["pathetic", "tiny", "tiny", "small", "small", "moderate", "full", "full", "hefty", "hefty", "large", "large", "large", "huge", "huge", "huge", "massive", "massive", "massive", "immense", "immense", "immense", "enormous", "enormous", "enormous", "humongous", "humongous", "humongous", "tremendous", "tremendous", "tremendous", "tremendous", "stupendous", "stupendous", "stupendous", "stupendous", "monstrous", "monstrous", "monstrous", "titantic", "titantic", "titantic", "titantic", "titantic", "godlike", "godlike", "godlike", "godlike", "godlike", "godlike"]>>
<<set $arrayMilkAmountDesc to ["pathetic", "tiny", "tiny", "small", "small", "moderate", "full", "full", "hefty", "hefty", "large", "large", "large", "huge", "huge", "huge", "massive", "massive", "massive", "immense", "immense", "immense", "enormous", "enormous", "enormous", "humongous", "humongous", "humongous", "tremendous", "tremendous", "tremendous", "tremendous", "stupendous", "stupendous", "stupendous", "stupendous", "monstrous", "monstrous", "monstrous", "titantic", "titantic", "titantic", "titantic", "titantic", "godlike", "godlike", "godlike", "godlike", "godlike", "godlike"]>>
\<<if $questsNeighborhoodParty.Started is 1>>\
A Raider showed up a few days ago and now is blocking the exit from the Grove Hills subdivision! I need help from my neighbors in order to get rid of this menace!
<<if $questsNeighborhoodParty.Started is 1 and $SkillFeats.TalktoMe > 0>>\
On the other hand with the proper negotiations I bet a good chunk of the Infested that's been hunted and injured by the Raider could be convinced to help instead of relying on my neighbors.
<<button "Finish" $return>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</button>><img @src=$genericEvent.Image />
<<set _Milk to 0>>\
<<for $i = 0; $i < $PCInventory.length; $i++>>\
<<set $uitem = $PCInventory[$i]>>\
<<set $ItemName to $uitem.name>>\
<<if $ItemName is "a can of Milkshake Jugs X-Treme">>\
<<set _Milk to 1>>\
What do you want to chat about?
<<if $questsFamilyMom.Diary is 1 and $questsFamilyMom.NurseTroy is 0 and $questsFamilyMom.Started is not 2>>\
<<button "Ask about your $mom.Relationship" "Nurse Clinic Chat - Mom">> <</button>>
<<elseif $questsFamilyMom.Note is 1 and $questsFamilyMom.NurseTroy is 0 and $questsFamilyMom.Started is not 2>>\
<<button "Ask about your $mom.Relationship" "Nurse Clinic Chat - Mom">> <</button>>
<<if $npcTroy.Corrupted is 1>>\
<<button [[Chat about What's Going On|Nurse Clinic Chat - Corrupted]]>>
<<button [[Chat about What's Going On|Nurse Clinic Chat]]>>
<<if $npcTroy.Friendship >= 15 and $nurseEvent.Medical > 0 and $nurseEvent.Agree < 1>>\
<<button [[Ask about her Infested Status|Nurse Clinic Choose]]>>
<<if $nurseEvent.Agree is 1 and $npcTroy.Friendship >= 10>>\
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Ask about Helping with her Condition|Nurse Clinic Choose]]>>
<<if _Milk is 1 and $npcTroy.Corrupted > 0 and $npcTroy.Friendship >= 20 and $nurseEvent.Milk < 6 and $AdminMode is 1>>\
<<button [[Offer her a can of Milkshake Jugs X-Treme AdminMode|Nurse Clinic Milk]]>>
<<if $Prof.Thievery > 0 and $npcTroy.Rob < 1>>\
<span id="moralButton"><<button [[Steal some Supplies|Nurse Clinic Steal]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Just Leave Instead|$location.temp]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<set $genericEvent.Image = $eventPath5 + $arrayEvent5FullBody.random() + '.jpg'>>\
<img @src=$genericEvent.Image width="512px" height="768px" />
<<set $copEvent.Visits to $copEvent.Visits +1>>\
<<set _Stop to 0>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
  As you are walking down the suburban street you see a police car up ahead. It looks like it might be Officer Mark but you can't be positive from this distance. You haven't seen any other police cars patrolling this part of the suburbs so it's a good chance it's him.
<<if $npcMark.Rob is 2>>\
<<set _Stop to 1>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> Officer Mark was pretty angry when he caught me trying to steal some of his supplies. I better hold off on visiting for awhile...</i></div>
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I wonder if I should stop by...</i></div>
<<if $copEvent.Detected < 1 and _Stop is 0>>\
<<button [[Approach the Police Car|Suburban Cop 2]]>> <</button>>
<<elseif $copEvent.Detected is 1 or $copEvent.Detected is 2 and _Stop is 0>>\
<<button [[Approach the Police Car|Suburban Cop Explain]]>> <</button>>
<<elseif $copEvent.Detected is 3 and _Stop is 0>>\
<<button [[Approach the Police Car|Suburban Cop 3]]>> <</button>>
<<elseif $copEvent.Detected is 4 and _Stop is 0>>\
<<button [[Approach the Police Car|Suburban Cop 3]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Leave|$location.temp]]>>
<<set $NoEncounter to random(1) +2>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</button>><img src="Images/Home/Kitchen.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set $Time.Current to 1>>\
<<set $location.coord to 1>>\
<<set $Prologue to 1>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set $Strength to 10>>\
<<set $Dexterity to 10>>\
<<set $Intelligence to 10>>\
<<set $Constitution to 10>>\
<<set $Wisdom to 10>>\
<<set $Charisma to 10>>\
<<set $StartingHp to 10>>\
<<set $PC.Willpower to 0>>\
<<set $PC.Reflex to 0>>\
<<set $PC.Fortitude to 0>>\
<<set $Skill to {Athletics: $PC.Level, Crafting: $PC.Level, Cooking: $PC.Level, Driving: $PC.Level, Electronics: $PC.Level, Medical: $PC.Level, Salvaging: $PC.Level, Scouting: $PC.Level, Social: $PC.Level, Stealth: $PC.Level, Thievery: $PC.Level, SexCraft: $PC.Level, Unarmed: $PC.Level, Swords: $PC.Level, Knives: $PC.Level, Clubs: $PC.Level, Polearms: $PC.Level, Bows: $PC.Level, Pistols: $PC.Level, Rifles: $PC.Level, Shotguns: $PC.Level, Heavy: $PC.Level, Unarmored: $PC.Level, LightArmor: $PC.Level, MediumArmor: $PC.Level, HeavyArmor: $PC.Level}>>
<<set $Prof to {Athletics: 0, Crafting: 0, Cooking: 0, Driving: 0, Electronics: 0, Medical: 0, Salvaging: 0, Scouting: 0, Social: 0, Stealth: 0, Thievery: 0, SexCraft: 0, Unarmed: 0, Swords: 0, Knives: 0, Clubs: 0, Polearms: 0, Bows: 0, Pistols: 0, Rifles: 0, Shotguns: 0, Heavy: 0, Willpower: 0, Reflex: 0, Fortitude: 0, Unarmored: 0, LightArmor: 0, MediumArmor: 0, HeavyArmor: 0, Shield: 0}>>
  "Ok, I need you to focus on the here and now. Now take a deep breath and look at me." A stern voice commands from across the kitchen table. Pulling your eyes away from where the body lies dead on the hallway floor, you focus your shaky gaze onto the policeman sitting at the table across from you.
  Truly looking at the policman you notice that he's a tall man with black hair and a beginning of a beard. Looking a bit closer you realize that he's with the sheriff's department and not the city police. "I'm, uh, I'm sorry... I just have never been attacked by..., I mean I don't know what's going on!" you can't help but babble. Ever since you woke up everything has been so crazy!
  "OK, Let's start at the beginning. So what's your name?" asks the sheriff as he pulls out a notepad and pen. At your baffled silence he gives you a stern look. "Listen citizen, I need you name to start with or there could be some trouble." he says before giving you a slight wink to show he's not serious. "Relax, I just need some basic information for my report."
<div class="infestedTalk"><i> Welcome to Infested Cataclysm The following sections will walk you thru creating your character. Your personal information such as your name, profile and family member's information can be changed in your family bathroom but your stats, background and class can not be changed.</i></div>
Your First Name
<<textbox "$PC.FirstName" "John">>
Your Last Name
<<textbox "$PC.LastName" "Doe">>
<<button [[Next|Prologue - Gender]]>> <</button>><img @src=$genericEvent.Image width="512px" height="768px" />
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<set $copEvent.Chat to $copEvent.Chat +1>>\
<<if (random(19) + 1) + $Skill.Social + $CharismaBonus > 12>>\
<<set $npcMark.Friendship to $npcMark.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity + 2 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set $npcMark.Friendship to $npcMark.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity + 1 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
  "So what's the best way to avoid the Infested?" you ask Office Mark while taking a short break. As a police officer maybe he might have some more insight on how to avoid them and it's kind of important.
  "The Infested in this area seem to be solitary which it makes it easier to fight and escape. They also tend to be more common starting around sunset and spiking in frequency at late night. That's the worst time to be out without sufficent protection." Mark explains as he sits on the hood of his police car. "They are also attracted to the smell of sexual fluids and can smell that type of stuff from blocks away. If you happen to get some of their fluids on you or something you are trying to recover, it's best to take a shower to get rid of it, pronto."
  "That makes a lot of sense. I didn't know about their sense of smell but it really does add up. I do wonder why they are more common at night..." You reply as you try to figure out why a sex zombie would be more active in the evening hours.
  "I don't know and that really bothers me, a lot. A lot of this god-damn Infested Outbreak doesn't make any god-damn sense!" he growls as his hand clinches in a tight grip. "I mean how can they just fucking mutate into whatever? I mean they grow fucking dicks and tits out of nowhere! And how can they regenerate from having a whole clip being emptied into them? What type of disease can cause a person to change so much so quickly?" he continues as he stares off towards the heart of Civiton with an angry scrowl. After a minute he breathes out and says "Sorry $PC.FirstName, just got a lot on my mind and not a lot of people to talk to about it."
  "Oh it's no problem! I have the same questions as well and I hope to find some of those answers out there." you reply as you also stare towards the downtown of Civiton. "I have a feeling there's a bunch of people with the same questions as us looking for answers as well." you continue as you get ready to continue your journey.
  "Yeah, I think so too. You stay safe out there, you hear?" Mark says as he stands up from sitting on the hood of his police car. You nod slowly as you head on out while giving Officer Mark a wave good-bye. It's time to brave the mean streets of Civiton once again.
<<button [[Finish|$location.temp]]>>
<<set $NoEncounter to random(1) +2>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</button>><<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<set _Fog to 0>>\
<<set _Rain to 0>>\
<<set _Cold to 0>>\
<<set _Wind to 0>>\
<<switch $Weather.Current>>\
<<case "Cloudy" "Windy">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Rose Gate 1.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Wind to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<case "Foggy">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Rose Gate-F 1.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<case "Misty">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Rose Gate-F 1.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Rainy" "Stormy">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Rose Gate-R 1.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Dreary">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Rose Gate-R 1.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Sleeting">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Rose Gate-S 1.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Cold to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Snowy">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Rose Gate-S 1.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Cold to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $Time.Current > 6>>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Rose Gate-N 1.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<img src="Images/Suburb/Rose Gate 1.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set $location.temp to "Busch Bank Entrance">>\
<<set $locationGeneric to $locationBuschBank>>\
<<set $location.Encounter to "Busch Bank">>\
<<set $location.Event to "Busch Bank">>\
<<set $location.coord to 7>>\
<<if $Time.Current >= $Time.Max >>\
<<set _State to "TooLate">>\
<<set $NoEncounter to 1>>\
<<if $NoEncounter < 1>>\
<<include "Random Encounter Check">>\
You standing at the gated entrance to the Busch Bank subdivision. With it's abundance of roses and other flowering shrubs it looks to be a nice neighborhood with not much damage from what you can tell on this side of the closed gate. The western gate is sealed tight and there is no one manning the security desk inside the walled subdivision. To the east is the Oak Dale suburbs where plenty of damaged buildings and cars can be seen.
<<if $KeyItemsFlags.GateFob < 1>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I could try climbing over the wall but it looks a bit steep...</i></div>
<<set _A to 1>>\
<<if $LockSmithTools.Active > 0 and $LockSmithTools.Charge > 19>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> Looks like I might be able to pick the side door lock.</i></div>
<<set _T to 1>>\
<<elseif $LockSmithTools.Active > 0 and $LockSmithTools.Charge < 20>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> Looks like I might be able to pick the side door lock but my locksmith tool needs to be recharged first.</i></div>
<<if $Prof.Electronics > 0 and $SmartPhone.Charge > 9>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I might be able to hack the door-opener using my smartphone and my hacking app.</i></div>\
<<set _E to 1>>\
<<elseif $Prof.Electronics > 0 and $SmartPhone.Charge < 10>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> Looks like I might be able to hack the door-opener but my smartphone is out of juice.</i></div>
<<if _Rain > 0 and $StatusAffect.Wet < _Rain>>\
<<set _Rain to _Rain - $PCResistance.Water>>\
<<if _Rain > $StatusAffect.Wet>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Wet to _Rain>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I'm getting soaking wet!</i> </div>
<<if _Cold > 0 and $PCResistance.Cold < _Cold>>\
<<set _tempDamage to random(_Cold) + $StatusAffect.Wet>>\
<<set _tempDamage2 to _tempDamage - $PCResistance.Cold>>\
<<if _tempDamage2 > 0>>\
<<set $HP to $HP - _tempDamage2>>\
<<if $HP < 1>>\
<<set $HP to 1>>\
You take _tempDamage2 cold damage!
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I'm freezing to death!</i> </div>
<<switch _State>>\
<<case "TooLate">>\
<<set $Time.Current to $Time.Max>>\
It's too dangerous to explore the Oak Dale suburbs at this time of night.
<<button [[Return Home|Oak Dale Returning Home]]>>
<<set $NoEncounter to 0>>\
<<case "Ambush">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Ambushed to 1>>\
You've been ambushed by an enemy!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<case "Combat">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
A hostile enemy is roaming nearby!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<case "NPC">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
You've encountered something unusual!
<<button [[Encounter|Oak Dale Events]]>>
<<if _A is 1>>\
<<button [[Climb the Wall|Busch Bank Action]]>>
<<set $SkillAction to "Athletics">>\
<<if _T is 1>>\
<<button [[Pick the Side Gate Lock|Busch Bank Action]]>>
<<set $SkillAction to "Thievery">>\
<<if _E is 1>>\
<<button [[Hack the Gate|Busch Bank Action]]>>
<<set $SkillAction to "Electronics">>\
<<set $location.prev to $location.temp>>\
<<button [[Look around the Area|Oak Dale Event Scout]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Scout the Area for Enemies|Oak Dale Scouting]]>> <</button>>
<<if $KeyItemsFlags.GateFob > 0>>\
<<button [[West to Busch Bank|Busch Bank East]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[East to Oak Dale|Oak Dale - Rose & Peanut]]>>
<<if $StatusAffect.Horde > 0 and $miscRandomEvent.HeliLocation is "Busch Bank">>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Horde to Math.round($StatusAffect.Horde / 2)>>\
<<if $lust >= ($MaxLust / 2) or $GeneralFeats.Horndog > 0>>\
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Masturbate|Masturbate]]>> </span>
<<set $location.Encounter to "Oak Dale">>\
<</switch>>\<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<set _Fog to 0>>\
<<set _Rain to 0>>\
<<set _Cold to 0>>\
<<set _Wind to 0>>\
<<switch $Weather.Current>>\
<<case "Cloudy" "Windy">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Rose Gate 2.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Wind to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<case "Foggy">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Rose Gate-F 2.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<case "Misty">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Rose Gate-F 2.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Rainy" "Stormy">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Rose Gate-R 2.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Dreary">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Rose Gate-R 2.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Sleeting">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Rose Gate-S 2.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Cold to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Snowy">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Rose Gate-S 2.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Cold to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $Time.Current > 6>>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Rose Gate-N 2.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<img src="Images/Suburb/Rose Gate 2.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set $location.temp to "Busch Bank East">>\
<<set $location.coord to 6>>\
<<set $locationGeneric to $locationBuschBank>>\
<<set $location.Encounter to "Busch Bank">>\
<<set $location.Event to "Busch Bank">>\
<<if $Time.Current >= $Time.Max >>\
<<set _State to "TooLate">>\
<<set $NoEncounter to 1>>\
<<if $NoEncounter < 1>>\
<<include "Random Encounter Check">>\
You are located near the entrance to the gated subdivision of Busch Bank. Flowering shrubs of all types fill the yards of the nearby houses with a large garden to the west filled with even more flowers and shubs. The exit gate to the east leads to the Oak Dale suburbs. To the northwest and southwest a clean street circles around the small seemingly untouched subdivision.
<<if $StatusText.Notice is 1>>\
<<include "Update Status">>\
<<if _Rain > 0 and $StatusAffect.Wet < _Rain>>\
<<set _Rain to _Rain - $PCResistance.Water>>\
<<if _Rain > $StatusAffect.Wet>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Wet to _Rain>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I'm getting soaking wet!</i> </div>
<<if _Cold > 0 and $PCResistance.Cold < _Cold>>\
<<set _tempDamage to random(_Cold) + $StatusAffect.Wet>>\
<<set _tempDamage2 to _tempDamage - $PCResistance.Cold>>\
<<if _tempDamage2 > 0>>\
<<set $HP to $HP - _tempDamage2>>\
<<if $HP < 1>>\
<<set $HP to 1>>\
You take _tempDamage2 cold damage!
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I'm freezing to death!</i> </div>
<<switch _State>>\
<<case "TooLate">>\
<<set $Time.Current to $Time.Max>>\
It's too dangerous to explore the Busch Bank suburbs at this time of night.
<<button [[Return Home|Busch Bank Returning Home]]>>
<<set $NoEncounter to 0>>\
<<case "Ambush">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Ambushed to 1>>\
You've been ambushed by an enemy!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<set $location.Encounter to "Busch Bank">>\
<<case "Combat">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
A hostile enemy is roaming nearby!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<set $location.Encounter to "Busch Bank">>\
<<case "NPC">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
You've encountered something unusual!
<<button [[Encounter|Busch Bank Events]]>>
<<set $location.prev to $location.temp>>\
<<button [[Explore one of the Empty Houses|Busch Bank - Suburb House]]>>
<<set $location.temp2 to $location.temp>>\
<<button [[Look around the Area|Busch Bank Event Scout]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Scout the Area for Enemies|Infested Scouting]]>>
<<set $location.Encounter to "Busch Bank">>\
<<button [[Northwest|Busch Bank Northeast]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[East|Busch Bank Entrance]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Southwest|Busch Bank Southeast]]>> <</button>>
<<if $lust >= ($MaxLust / 2) or $GeneralFeats.Horndog > 0>>\
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Masturbate|Masturbate]]>> </span>
<<set $location.Encounter to "Busch Bank">>\
<</switch>>\<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<set _Fog to 0>>\
<<set _Rain to 0>>\
<<set _Cold to 0>>\
<<set _Wind to 0>>\
<<switch $Weather.Current>>\
<<case "Cloudy" "Windy">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Rose Suburb 4.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Wind to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<case "Foggy">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Rose Suburb-F 4.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<case "Misty">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Rose Suburb-F 4.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Rainy" "Stormy">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Rose Suburb-R 4.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Dreary">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Rose Suburb-R 4.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Sleeting">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Rose Suburb-S 4.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Cold to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Snowy">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Rose Suburb-S 4.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Cold to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $Time.Current > 6>>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Rose Suburb-N 4.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<img src="Images/Suburb/Rose Suburb 4.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set $location.temp to "Busch Bank Northeast">>\
<<set $location.coord to 2>>\
<<if $Time.Current >= $Time.Max >>\
<<set _State to "TooLate">>\
<<set $NoEncounter to 1>>\
<<if $NoEncounter < 1>>\
<<include "Random Encounter Check">>\
You are located in the northeastern section of the gated subdivision of Busch Bank. Flowering shrubs of all types fill the yards of the nearby houses while to the south an large overflowing garden is filled with even more flowers and shubs. To the southeast the gated exit can be seen while to the west the clean street circles around the small seemingly untouched subdivision.
<<if $StatusText.Notice is 1>>\
<<include "Update Status">>\
<<if _Rain > 0 and $StatusAffect.Wet < _Rain>>\
<<set _Rain to _Rain - $PCResistance.Water>>\
<<if _Rain > $StatusAffect.Wet>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Wet to _Rain>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I'm getting soaking wet!</i> </div>
<<if _Cold > 0 and $PCResistance.Cold < _Cold>>\
<<set _tempDamage to random(_Cold) + $StatusAffect.Wet>>\
<<set _tempDamage2 to _tempDamage - $PCResistance.Cold>>\
<<if _tempDamage2 > 0>>\
<<set $HP to $HP - _tempDamage2>>\
<<if $HP < 1>>\
<<set $HP to 1>>\
You take _tempDamage2 cold damage!
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I'm freezing to death!</i> </div>
<<switch _State>>\
<<case "TooLate">>\
<<set $Time.Current to $Time.Max>>\
It's too dangerous to explore the Busch Bank suburbs at this time of night.
<<button [[Return Home|Busch Bank Returning Home]]>>
<<set $NoEncounter to 0>>\
<<case "Ambush">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Ambushed to 1>>\
You've been ambushed by an enemy!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<set $location.Encounter to "Busch Bank">>\
<<case "Combat">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
A hostile enemy is roaming nearby!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<set $location.Encounter to "Busch Bank">>\
<<case "NPC">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
You've encountered something unusual!
You've encountered something unusual!
<<button [[Encounter|Busch Bank Events]]>>
<<set $location.prev to $location.temp>>\
<<button [[Explore one of the Empty Houses|Busch Bank - Suburb House]]>>
<<set $location.temp2 to $location.temp>>\
<<button [[Look around the Area|Busch Bank Event Scout]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Scout the Area for Enemies|Infested Scouting]]>>
<<set $location.Encounter to "Busch Bank">>\
<<button [[Southeast|Busch Bank East]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[West|Busch Bank Northwest]]>> <</button>>
<<if $lust >= ($MaxLust / 2) or $GeneralFeats.Horndog > 0>>\
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Masturbate|Masturbate]]>> </span>
<<set $location.Encounter to "Busch Bank">>\
<</switch>>\<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<set _Fog to 0>>\
<<set _Rain to 0>>\
<<set _Cold to 0>>\
<<set _Wind to 0>>\
<<switch $Weather.Current>>\
<<case "Cloudy" "Windy">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Rose Suburb 5.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Wind to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<case "Foggy">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Rose Suburb-F 5.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<case "Misty">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Rose Suburb-F 5.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Rainy" "Stormy">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Rose Suburb-R 5.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Dreary">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Rose Suburb-R 5.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Sleeting">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Rose Suburb-S 5.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Cold to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Snowy">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Rose Suburb-S 5.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Cold to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $Time.Current > 6>>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Rose Suburb-N 5.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<img src="Images/Suburb/Rose Suburb 5.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set $location.temp to "Busch Bank West">>\
<<set $location.coord to 4>>\
<<set $locationGeneric to $locationBuschBank>>\
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<if $Time.Current >= $Time.Max >>\
<<set _State to "TooLate">>\
<<set $NoEncounter to 1>>\
<<if $NoEncounter < 1>>\
<<include "Random Encounter Check">>\
You are located in the western section of the gated subdivision of Busch Bank. Flowering shrubs of all types fill the yards of the nice and tidy houses while to the east the entrance to an large overflowing garden filled a bounty of flowers and shubs can be seen. To the west a small open park with car parking can be seen while to the southeast and northeast the tidy urban road continues towards the gated exit.
<<if $StatusText.Notice is 1>>\
<<include "Update Status">>\
<<if _Rain > 0 and $StatusAffect.Wet < _Rain>>\
<<set _Rain to _Rain - $PCResistance.Water>>\
<<if _Rain > $StatusAffect.Wet>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Wet to _Rain>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I'm getting soaking wet!</i> </div>
<<if _Cold > 0 and $PCResistance.Cold < _Cold>>\
<<set _tempDamage to random(_Cold) + $StatusAffect.Wet>>\
<<set _tempDamage2 to _tempDamage - $PCResistance.Cold>>\
<<if _tempDamage2 > 0>>\
<<set $HP to $HP - _tempDamage2>>\
<<if $HP < 1>>\
<<set $HP to 1>>\
You take _tempDamage2 cold damage!
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I'm freezing to death!</i> </div>
<<switch _State>>\
<<case "TooLate">>\
<<set $Time.Current to $Time.Max>>\
It's too dangerous to explore the Busch Bank suburbs at this time of night.
<<button [[Return Home|Busch Bank Returning Home]]>>
<<set $NoEncounter to 0>>\
<<case "Ambush">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Ambushed to 1>>\
You've been ambushed by an enemy!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<set $location.Encounter to "Busch Bank">>\
<<case "Combat">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
A hostile enemy is roaming nearby!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<set $location.Encounter to "Busch Bank">>\
<<case "NPC">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
You've encountered something unusual!
<<button [[Encounter|Busch Bank Events]]>>
<<set $location.prev to $location.temp>>\
<<button [[Explore one of the Empty Houses|Busch Bank - Suburb House]]>>
<<set $location.temp2 to $location.temp>>\
<<button [[Look around the Area|Busch Bank Event Scout]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Scout the Area for Enemies|Infested Scouting]]>>
<<set $location.Encounter to "Busch Bank">>\
<<button [[Northeast|Busch Bank Northwest]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[East|Busch Bank - Garden]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[West|Busch Bank - Parking]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Southeast|Busch Bank Southwest]]>> <</button>>
<<if $lust >= ($MaxLust / 2) or $GeneralFeats.Horndog > 0>>\
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Masturbate|Masturbate]]>> </span>
<<set $location.Encounter to "Busch Bank">>\
<</switch>>\<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<set _Fog to 0>>\
<<set _Rain to 0>>\
<<set _Cold to 0>>\
<<set _Wind to 0>>\
<<switch $Weather.Current>>\
<<case "Cloudy" "Windy">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Rose Suburb 3.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Wind to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<case "Foggy">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Rose Suburb-F 3.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<case "Misty">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Rose Suburb-F 3.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Rainy" "Stormy">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Rose Suburb-R 3.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Dreary">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Rose Suburb-R 3.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Sleeting">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Rose Suburb-S 3.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Cold to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Snowy">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Rose Suburb-S 3.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Cold to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $Time.Current > 6>>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Rose Suburb-N 3.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<img src="Images/Suburb/Rose Suburb 3.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set $location.temp to "Busch Bank Southeast">>\
<<set $location.coord to 9>>\
<<set $locationGeneric to $locationBuschBank>>\
<<set $location.Encounter to "Busch Bank">>\
<<set $location.Event to "Busch Bank">>\
<<if $Time.Current >= $Time.Max >>\
<<set _State to "TooLate">>\
<<set $NoEncounter to 1>>\
<<if $NoEncounter < 1>>\
<<include "Random Encounter Check">>\
You are located in the southeastern section of the gated subdivision of Busch Bank. A lot of flowering shrubs along with sweet smelling flowers line the unobstructed street. To the north is a large fenced in garden filled with even more beautifully grown flowers and shrubs. The only thing disturbing the beauty of this area is several damaged shrubs to the south. To the northeast the gated exit can be seen while to the west the clean street circles around the small seemingly untouched subdivision.
<<if $StatusText.Notice is 1>>\
<<include "Update Status">>\
<<if _Rain > 0 and $StatusAffect.Wet < _Rain>>\
<<set _Rain to _Rain - $PCResistance.Water>>\
<<if _Rain > $StatusAffect.Wet>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Wet to _Rain>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I'm getting soaking wet!</i> </div>
<<if _Cold > 0 and $PCResistance.Cold < _Cold>>\
<<set _tempDamage to random(_Cold) + $StatusAffect.Wet>>\
<<set _tempDamage2 to _tempDamage - $PCResistance.Cold>>\
<<if _tempDamage2 > 0>>\
<<set $HP to $HP - _tempDamage2>>\
<<if $HP < 1>>\
<<set $HP to 1>>\
You take _tempDamage2 cold damage!
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I'm freezing to death!</i> </div>
<<switch _State>>\
<<case "TooLate">>\
<<set $Time.Current to $Time.Max>>\
It's too dangerous to explore the Busch Bank suburbs at this time of night.
<<button [[Return Home|Busch Bank Returning Home]]>>
<<set $NoEncounter to 0>>\
<<case "Ambush">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Ambushed to 1>>\
You've been ambushed by an enemy!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<set $location.Encounter to "Busch Bank">>\
<<case "Combat">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
A hostile enemy is roaming nearby!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<set $location.Encounter to "Busch Bank">>\
<<case "NPC">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
You've encountered something unusual!
<<button [[Encounter|Busch Bank Events]]>>
<<set $location.prev to $location.temp>>\
<<button [[Explore one of the Empty Houses|Busch Bank - Suburb House]]>>
<<set $location.temp2 to $location.temp>>\
<<if $shortcutEvent.Found is 1>>\
<<button [[Take a Shortcut to Grove Hills|Busch Bank Shortcut]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Look around the Area|Busch Bank Event Scout]]>>
<<if $shortcutEvent.Found < 1>>\
<<set $HiddenLocation.Found to 1>>\
<<set $HiddenLocation.DC to 8>>\
<<set $HiddenLocation.Name to "Shortcut">>\
<<button [[Scout the Area for Enemies|Infested Scouting]]>>
<<set $location.Encounter to "Busch Bank">>\
<<button [[Northeast|Busch Bank East]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[West|Busch Bank Southwest]]>> <</button>>
<<if $lust >= ($MaxLust / 2) or $GeneralFeats.Horndog > 0>>\
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Masturbate|Masturbate]]>> </span>
<<set $location.Encounter to "Busch Bank">>\
<<set $vehicle to {}>>\
<<set $vehicle.jeep = {
type : "car",
name : "jeep",
plural : "jeeps",
disabled: 0,
damage : 5,
dice: 2,
damagetype : "Blunt",
Blunt: 5,
Pierce: 5,
Slash: 5,
Fire: 0,
Cold: 0,
Shock: 0,
Acid: 0,
Sonic: 0,
skill : "Driving",
stat : "Dexterity",
description : "A open top jeep used for off-road trips",
description2 : "It is a car that deals and receives 2d6 Blunt damage when ramming, resists 5 physical damage and has 50 max hp.",
adescription : "run",
adescription2 : "runs",
quality : 1,
superior: 0,
DC: 12,
currentHP: 50,
maxHP : 50,
repair: "Metal",
cost : 500
}>>\<<if $Time.Current < 6>>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Rose Suburb 2.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<img src="Images/Suburb/Rose Suburb-N 2.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set $location.temp to "Busch Bank Returning Home">>\
You are traveling quickly back towards your home but you are a fair distance away. The dark night along with the near pitch black streets of Busch Bank is making it rough as the Infested are also out in force.
<<if (random(19) + 1) + $Skill.Scouting + $WisdomBonus + $StatusAffect.SilentStalking - ($StatusAffect.Stalking*2) - $StatusAffect.Horny - ($StatusAffect.CumCovered) < (7 + $Time.Current) and $NoEncounter is 0>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
You've encountered something unusual!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<set $location.Encounter to "Busch Bank">>\
<<if $VehicleFlags.location is "Oak Dale - Parking">>\
<<button [[Continue going Home|Oak Dale - Parking]]>> <</button>>\
<<elseif $VehicleFlags.location is "Busch Bank - Parking">>\
<<button [[Continue going Home|Busch Bank - Parking]]>> <</button>>\
<<elseif $VehicleFlags.location is "Oak Dale - Clinic Parking">>\
<<button [[Continue going Home|Oak Dale - Clinic Parking]]>> <</button>>\
<<button [[Continue going Home|Oak Dale Returning Home]]>> <</button>>\
<</if>>\<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<set _Fog to 0>>\
<<set _Rain to 0>>\
<<set _Cold to 0>>\
<<set _Wind to 0>>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/parking.jpg" width="800px" height="400px" />
<<set $location.temp to "Busch Bank - Parking">>\
<<set $location.coord to 3>>\
<<set $locationGeneric to $locationBuschBank>>\
<<set $location.Encounter to "Busch Bank">>\
<<set $location.Event to "Busch Bank">>\
<<set $location.prev to $location.temp>>\
<<if $VehicleFlags.BuschBank < 1>>\
<<set $VehicleFlags.BuschBank to 1>>\
<<include "Time Micro-Passes">>\
<<if $Time.Current >= $Time.Max >>\
<<set _State to "TooLate">>\
<<set $NoEncounter to 1>>\
<<if $NoEncounter < 1>>\
<<include "Random Encounter Check">>\
This is a small open park with plenty of open air and greenery. There's a field for children to play sports on with a small hill that allows for picnics for whole families. A small parking lot in near the entrance which gives visiters to Busch Bank a place to park their vehicles. The whole edge of the park is lined with flowering trees giving the area a nice pleasant feel.
<div class="pcTalk"><i>This would be a good place to park a car if I needed to explore around the Busch Bank subdivision. It's not 100% safe but it would be a lot safer than parking on the streets...</i></div>
<<if _Rain > 0 and $StatusAffect.Wet < _Rain>>\
<<set _Rain to _Rain - $PCResistance.Water>>\
<<if _Rain > $StatusAffect.Wet>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Wet to _Rain>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I'm getting soaking wet!</i> </div>
<<if _Cold > 0 and $PCResistance.Cold < _Cold>>\
<<set _tempDamage to random(_Cold) + $StatusAffect.Wet>>\
<<set _tempDamage2 to _tempDamage - $PCResistance.Cold>>\
<<if _tempDamage2 > 0>>\
<<set $HP to $HP - _tempDamage2>>\
<<if $HP < 1>>\
<<set $HP to 1>>\
You take _tempDamage2 cold damage!
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I'm freezing to death!</i> </div>
<<switch _State>>\
<<case "TooLate">>\
<<set $Time.Current to $Time.Max>>\
It's too dangerous to explore the Oak Dale suburbs at this time of night.
<<button [[Return Home on Foot|Busch Bank Returning Home]]>>
<<set $NoEncounter to 0>>\
<<if $VehicleFlags.Own is 1 and $VehicleFlags.location is "Busch Bank - Parking">>\
<<set _tempV to $VehicleFlags.Current>>\
Your _tempV.name is currently parked here.
<<button "Get in your _tempV.name" "Driving">>
<<set $VehicleFlags.Desc to "the Busch Bank parking lot">>\
<<case "Ambush">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Ambushed to 1>>\
You've been ambushed by an enemy!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<set $location.Encounter to _loc>>\
<<case "Combat">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
A hostile enemy is roaming nearby!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<set $location.Encounter to _loc>>\
<<if $VehicleFlags.Own is 1 and $VehicleFlags.location is "Busch Bank - Parking">>\
<<set _tempV to $VehicleFlags.Current>>\
Your _tempV.name is currently parked here.
<<button "Get in your _tempV.name" "Driving">>
<<set $VehicleFlags.Desc to "the Busch Bank parking lot">>\
<<button [[East|Busch Bank West]]>> <</button>>
<<if $lust >= ($MaxLust / 2) or $GeneralFeats.Horndog > 0>>\
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Masturbate|Masturbate]]>> </span>
<<set $location.Encounter to "Busch Bank">>\
<</switch>>\<img @src=$genericHouseOutsideImage />
<<include "Time Micro-Passes">>\
<<set $location.temp to "Average House - Backyard">>\
<<set _State to 0>>\
<<include "Time Micro-Passes">>\
<<if $Time.Current >= $Time.Max >>\
<<set _State to "TooLate">>\
<<set $NoEncounter to 1>>\
<<if $NoEncounter < 1>>\
<<set _EncounterRoll2 to 0>>\
<<set _TotalEncounterRoll2 to 0>>\
<<if $StealthSkillFeats.Distraction > 0>>\
<<set _EncounterRoll2 to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<set _TotalEncounterRoll2 to _EncounterRoll2 + $Skill.Stealth + $DexterityBonus + $StatusAffect.IndoorTracking - $StatusAffect.Horny - ($StatusAffect.CumCovered) -2>>\
<<set _EncounterRoll to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<set _TotalEncounterRoll to _EncounterRoll + $Skill.Stealth + $DexterityBonus + $StatusAffect.IndoorTracking - $StatusAffect.Horny - ($StatusAffect.CumCovered)>>\
<<if _TotalEncounterRoll < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current) and _TotalEncounterRoll2 < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current)>>\
<<if _TotalEncounterRoll + ($ThieverySkillFeats.SnareMaster *2) < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current - 10) or (_EncounterRoll < 2)>>\
<<set _State to "Ambush">>\
<<set _State to "Combat">>\
<<set _NPCEncounterRoll to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<if _NPCEncounterRoll > (18 - $ScoutingSkillFeats.KeenEye) and $NoEncounter is 0>>\
<<set _State to "NPC">>\
<<if $Salvage.Lock < 1>>\
This is the backyard of the suburban two story house. An abandoned trampoline takes up some space next to a tall maple tree while several lounge chairs take up another part of the somewhat clean yard. From here you can see that the house has a large glass sliding door that leads into what looks to be a impressive living room. Another door leads to the attached garage that looks to have a decent amount of lawn and car supplies inside.
<<if $StatusText.Notice is 1>>\
<<include "Update Status">>\
<<switch _State>>\
<<case "TooLate">>\
<<set $Time.Current to $Time.Max>>\
It's too dangerous to explore this suburban house at this time of night.
<<button [[Leave|$location.temp2]]>>
<<set $NoEncounter to 0>>\
<<case "Ambush">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Ambushed to 1>>\
You've been ambushed by an enemy!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<case "Combat">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
A hostile enemy is wandering around the house!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<button [[Enter the Garage|Average House - Garage]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Enter the Kitchen|Average House - Kitchen]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Head back to the Front Door|Average House - Entrance]]>> <</button>>
<<elseif $Salvage.Lock is 1>>\
This is the backyard of the suburban two story house. An abandoned trampoline takes up some space next to a tall maple tree while several lounge chairs take up another part of the somewhat clean yard. From here you can see that the house has a large glass sliding door that leads into what looks to be a impressive living room. Another door leads to the attached garage that looks to have a decent amount of lawn and car supplies inside. The back sliding door looks to be locked with a smart electronic lock while the garage has the typical phyical lock on it's door.
<<if $Prof.Electronics > 0 and $SmartPhone.Charge > 9>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I might be able to hack this electronic lock using my smartphone and my hacking app.>>\
<<set _E to 1>>\
<<elseif $Prof.Electronics > 0 and $SmartPhone.Charge < 10>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> Looks like I might be able to hack this electronic lock but my smartphone is out of juice.</i></div>
<<if _E is 1>>\
<<button [[Hack the Smart Lock|Average House - Action2]]>>
<<set $SkillAction to "Electronics">>\
<<button [[Climb up to the Attic|Average House - Action]]>>
<<set $SkillAction to "Athletics">>\
<<button [[Head back to the Front Door|Average House - Entrance]]>> <</button>>
<</if>>\<img @src=$genericHouseGenericImage />
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<include "Loot Items">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set _tempCash to $PC.Level * 20>>
<<set _tempCash to random(_tempCash) + 5>>\
<<set _Extra to 1>>\
<<if $SalvagingSkillFeats.ExtraLoot > 0>>\
<<set _extraloot to (random(19)+ 1) + ($Prof.Salvaging / 2)>>\
<<if _extraloot > 10>>\
<<set _Extra to 2>>\
<<set _BonusType to $BonusItem.type>>\
You search thru the room and find the following:
<<if _BonusType is "food">>\
<<set _exists to 0>>\
<<set _tempLoot to $BonusItem>>\
<<for $i = 0; $i < $PCInventory.length; $i++>>\
<<set $uitem = $PCInventory[$i]>>\
<<set $ItemName to $uitem.name>>\
<<set _TempName to _tempLoot.name>>\
<<if $ItemName is _TempName>>\
<<set _amount to $uitem.amount>>\
<<set _amount to _amount +1>>\
<<set $uitem.amount to _amount>>\
<<set _exists to 1>>\
<<if _exists is 0>>\
<<set $PCInventory.push(_tempLoot)>>\
<<print _tempLoot.name>>
<<for $i = 0; $i < ($Prof.Salvaging / 2 + _Extra); $i++>>\
<<set _RareLoot to (random(19)+ 1) + ($Prof.Salvaging / 2) + $SalvagingSkillFeats.RareSalvage >>\
Rare Roll: _RareLoot
<<if _RareLoot > 19>>\
<<set _exists to 0>>\
<<set _keyflag to 0>>\
<<set _tempLoot to $rarelootTemp.random()>>\
<<if _tempLoot.name is "a double-ended dildo">>\
<<if $KeyItemsFlags.DoubleDildo is not 1>>\
<<set _keyflag to 1>>\
<<set $KeyItemsFlags.DoubleDildo to 1>>\
<<set $KeyItems.push(_tempLoot)>>\
<<set _tempLoot to $item.jewelry>>\
<<for $j = 0; $j < $PCInventory.length; $j++>>\
<<set $uitem = $PCInventory[$j]>>\
<<set $ItemName to $uitem.name>>\
<<set _TempName to _tempLoot.name>>\
<<if $ItemName is _TempName>>\
<<set _amount to $uitem.amount>>\
<<set _amount to _amount +1>>\
<<set $uitem.amount to _amount>>\
<<set _exists to 1>>\
<<if _keyflag is 0 and _exists is 0>>\
<<set $PCInventory.push(_tempLoot)>>\
Rare: <<print _tempLoot.name>>
<<set _Salvage to (random(19)+ 1) + $Skill.Salvaging + $WisdomBonus>>\
Salvage Roll: _Salvage
<<if _Salvage > (5 + ($i * 2))>>\
<<set _exists to 0>>\
<<set _tempLoot to $lootTemp.random()>>\
<<for $j = 0; $j < $PCInventory.length; $j++>>\
<<set $uitem = $PCInventory[$j]>>\
<<set $ItemName to $uitem.name>>\
<<set _TempName to _tempLoot.name>>\
<<if $ItemName is _TempName>>\
<<set _amount to $uitem.amount>>\
<<set _amount to _amount +1>>\
<<set $uitem.amount to _amount>>\
<<set _exists to 1>>\
<<if _exists is 0>>\
<<set $PCInventory.push(_tempLoot)>>\
<<print _tempLoot.name>>
_tempCash dollars.
<<set $Cash to $Cash + _tempCash>>\
<<button [[Finish|$location.temp]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</button>><<set $locationGeneric = {
Zone : "Grove Hills",
Zone2 : "Grove Hills Suburbs",
Return : "Grove Hills Returning Home",
Encounter: $encounterGroveHills,
RareEncounter: $encounterRareGroveHills,
Outdoors: 1,
ER : 7,
Rare: 18,
Salvage : "Small",
Level: 1
<<set $locationHome = {
Zone : "Home",
Zone2 : "My Home",
Return : "Grove Hills Returning Home",
Encounter: $encounterHome,
RareEncounter: $encounterHome,
Outdoors: 0,
ER : 2,
Rare: 19,
Salvage : "Small",
Level: 1
<<set $locationGroveHills = {
Zone : "Grove Hills",
Zone2 : "Grove Hills Suburbs",
Return : "Grove Hills Returning Home",
Encounter: $encounterGroveHills,
RareEncounter: $encounterRareGroveHills,
Outdoors: 1,
ER : 7,
Rare: 18,
Salvage : "Small",
Level: 1
<<set $locationOakDale = {
Zone : "Oak Dale",
Zone2 : "Oak Dale Suburbs",
Return : "Oak Dale Returning Home",
Encounter: $encounterOakDale,
RareEncounter: $encounterRareOakDale,
Outdoors: 1,
ER : 8,
Rare: 18,
Salvage : "Small",
Level: 2
<<set $locationOakDaleClinic = {
Zone : "Oak Dale Clinic",
Zone2 : "Oak Dale Clinic",
Return : "Oak Dale Clinic Returning Home",
Encounter: $encounterClinic,
RareEncounter: $encounterRareClinic,
Outdoors: 0,
ER : 10,
Rare: 19,
Salvage : "Nice",
Level: 2
<<set $locationOakDaleConvenienceStore = {
Zone : "Oak Dale Convenience Store",
Zone2 : "Oak Dale Convenience Store",
Return : "Oak Dale Returning Home",
Encounter: $encounterOakDaleConvenience,
RareEncounter: $encounterRareOakDaleConvenience,
Outdoors: 0,
ER : 9,
Rare: 16,
Salvage : "Nice",
Level: 1
<<set $locationBuschBank = {
Zone : "Busch Bank",
Zone2 : "Busch Bank Gated Community",
Return : "Busch Bank Returning Home",
Encounter: $encounterBuschBank,
RareEncounter: $encounterRareBuschBank,
Outdoors: 1,
ER : 7,
Rare: 18,
Salvage : "Nice",
Level: 2
<<set $locationWestSunriseView = {
Zone : "West Sunrise View",
Zone2 : "West Sunrise View Riverpark",
Return : "West Sunrise View Home",
Encounter: $encounterWestSunriseView,
RareEncounter: $encounterRareWestSunriseView,
Outdoors: 1,
ER : 10,
Rare: 18,
Salvage : "Nice",
Level: 3
\<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<set _Fog to 0>>\
<<set _Rain to 0>>\
<<set _Cold to 0>>\
<<set _Wind to 0>>\
<<switch $Weather.Current>>\
<<case "Cloudy" "Windy">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburbs 3.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Wind to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<case "Foggy">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburbs-F 3.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<case "Misty">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburbs-F 3.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Rainy" "Stormy">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburbs-R 3.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Dreary">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburbs-R 3.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Sleeting">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburbs-S 3.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Cold to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Snowy">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburbs-S 3.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Cold to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $Time.Current > 6>>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburbs-N 3.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburbs 3.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set $location.temp to "Oak Dale - Tulip Ave South">>\
<<set $location.coord to 25>>\
<<set $locationGeneric to $locationOakDale>>\
<<set $location.Encounter to "Oak Dale">>\
<<set $location.Event to "Oak Dale">>\
<<if $Time.Current >= $Time.Max >>\
<<set _State to "TooLate">>\
<<set $NoEncounter to 1>>\
<<if $NoEncounter < 1>>\
<<include "Random Encounter Check">>\
You are located on Tulip Avenue located in the southwestern part of the Oak Dale suburbs. This part of Tulip avenue has less middle class houses than usual and a few more damaged storage lockers and sheds. Most of the signs and walls around the area is covered in gang symbols and graffiti. To the south the Sunrise View river park is where a lot of cargo and equipment for river traffic is made and stored and it runs along the South Haven river all the way to the far eastern part of Civiton.
<<if $StatusText.Notice is 1>>\
<<include "Update Status">>\
<<if _Rain > 0 and $StatusAffect.Wet < _Rain>>\
<<set _Rain to _Rain - $PCResistance.Water>>\
<<if _Rain > $StatusAffect.Wet>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Wet to _Rain>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I'm getting soaking wet!</i> </div>
<<if _Cold > 0 and $PCResistance.Cold < _Cold>>\
<<set _tempDamage to random(_Cold) + $StatusAffect.Wet>>\
<<set _tempDamage2 to _tempDamage - $PCResistance.Cold>>\
<<if _tempDamage2 > 0>>\
<<set $HP to $HP - _tempDamage2>>\
<<if $HP < 1>>\
<<set $HP to 1>>\
You take _tempDamage2 cold damage!
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I'm freezing to death!</i>
<<switch _State>>\
<<case "TooLate">>\
<<set $Time.Current to $Time.Max>>\
It's too dangerous to explore the Oak Dale suburbs at this time of night.
<<button [[Return Home|Oak Dale Returning Home]]>>
<<set $NoEncounter to 0>>\
<<case "Ambush">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Ambushed to 1>>\
You've been ambushed by an enemy!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<set $location.Encounter to "Oak Dale">>\
<<case "Combat">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
A hostile enemy is roaming nearby!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<set $location.Encounter to "Oak Dale">>\
<<case "NPC">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
You've encountered something unusual!
<<button [[Encounter|Oak Dale Events]]>>
<<set $location.prev to $location.temp>>\
<<button [[Explore one of the Empty Houses|Oak Dale - Suburb House]]>>
<<set $location.temp2 to $location.temp>>\
<<button [[Look around the Area|Oak Dale Event Scout]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Scout the Area for Enemies|Oak Dale Scouting]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[North to Almond & Tulip|Oak Dale - Almond & Tulip]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[South to Sunrise View River Park|Oak Dale - West Sunrise View River Park Entrance]]>>
<<if $StatusAffect.Horde > 0 and $miscRandomEvent.HeliLocation is "Oak Dale">>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Horde to Math.round($StatusAffect.Horde / 2)>>\
<<if $lust >= ($MaxLust / 2) or $GeneralFeats.Horndog > 0>>\
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Masturbate|Masturbate]]>> </span>
<<set $location.Encounter to "Oak Dale">>\
<</switch>>\<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<set _Fog to 0>>\
<<set _Rain to 0>>\
<<set _Cold to 0>>\
<<set _Wind to 0>>\
<<switch $Weather.Current>>\
<<case "Cloudy" "Windy">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Rose Suburb 3.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Wind to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<case "Foggy">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Rose Suburb-F 3.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<case "Misty">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Rose Suburb-F 3.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Rainy" "Stormy">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Rose Suburb-R 3.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Dreary">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Rose Suburb-R 3.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Sleeting">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Rose Suburb-S 3.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Cold to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Snowy">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Rose Suburb-S 3.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Cold to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $Time.Current > 6>>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Rose Suburb-N 3.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<img src="Images/Suburb/Rose Suburb 3.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set $location.temp to "Busch Bank Shortcut">>\
<<set _EncounterStop to 0>>\
You are a on slightly worn path that looks like it's been used to travel between Busch Bank and Grove Hills. Several bike tracks can be seen showing that more than likely kids were the ones who created this path that snakes it's way between various yards and thick trees. To the north the nice looking houses of Busch Bank can be seen while to the south the cozy houses of Grove Hills can be seen.
<<if $StatusText.Notice is 1>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> $StatusText.Text </i></div>
<<set $StatusText.Notice to 0>>\
<<if _Rain > 0 and $StatusAffect.Wet < _Rain>>\
<<set _Rain to _Rain - $PCResistance.Water>>\
<<if _Rain > $StatusAffect.Wet>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Wet to _Rain>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I'm getting soaking wet!</i> </div>
<<if _Cold > 0 and $PCResistance.Cold < _Cold>>\
<<set _tempDamage to random(_Cold) + $StatusAffect.Wet>>\
<<set _tempDamage2 to _tempDamage - $PCResistance.Cold>>\
<<if _tempDamage2 > 0>>\
<<set $HP to $HP - _tempDamage2>>\
<<if $HP < 1>>\
<<set $HP to 1>>\
You take _tempDamage2 cold damage!
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I'm freezing to death!</i> </div>
<<if $NoEncounter < 1>>\
<<if (random(19) + 1) + $Skill.Scouting + $WisdomBonus + $StatusAffect.SilentStalking - ($StatusAffect.Stalking *2) - $StatusAffect.Horny - ($StatusAffect.CumCovered) < (1 + $Time.Current) and $Time.Current < $Time.Max>>\
<<set _EncounterStop to 1>>\
You've encountered something unusual!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set $location.Encounter to "Busch Bank">>\
<<if _EncounterStop is 0>>\
<<if $Time.Current >= $Time.Max>>\
<<set $Time.Current to $Time.Max>>\
It's too dangerous to explore the suburbs at this time of night.
<<button [[Return Home|Grove Hills Returning Home]]>>
<<set $NoEncounter to 0>>\
<<set $location.prev to $location.temp>>\
<<button [[North to Busch Bank|Busch Bank Southeast]]>>
<<if $StatusAffect.Horde > 0 and $miscRandomEvent.HeliLocation is "Grove Hills">>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Horde to Math.round($StatusAffect.Horde / 2)>>\
<<button [[South to Grove Hills|Grove Hills Northeast]]>>
<<if $StatusAffect.Horde > 0 and $miscRandomEvent.HeliLocation is "Busch Bank">>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Horde to Math.round($StatusAffect.Horde / 2)>>\
<</if>>\<img src="Images/Suburb/Rose Gate 1.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set _Charge to 0>>\
<<switch $SkillAction>>\
<<case "Athletics">>\
  Moving over to the side of walled gate you estimate that the wall is about 10ft tall. Seeing a couple of handholds you prepare to climb the wall.
<<set _A to (random(19)+ 1)>>\
<<if _A + $Skill.Athletics + $StrengthBonus + $FoodStatus.Skill - $StatusAffect.Hungry > 12 + ($PC.Level / 2)>>\
<<set _tempXP to $PC.Level * 100>>\
<<set $XP to $XP + _tempXP>>\
  After a few minutes you manage to climb the wall and slide down the other side. On the other side of the gate is a station that is currently unmanned. Looking inside you grab a gate remote that you can use to give yourself permenant access to the Busch Bank subdivision.
<<if $XP >= $NextLevel>> You have reached the maxium experience for your level! Sleep to gain your next level.<<else>> You have gained _tempXP XP! <</if>>
<<button [[Success!|Busch Bank East]]>>
<<set $KeyItems.push($item.gateaccess)>>\
<<set $KeyItemsFlags.GateFob to 1>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
  After almost making it to the top of the wall you lose your grip and slide down the wall hitting the ground with a jarring thud. You decide to leave before anyone investigates the somewhat loud sound of your butt hitting the sidewalk.
<<set _tempDamage to random(2) + 1 - $PCResistance.Blunt>>\
<<if _tempDamage < 0>>\
<<set _tempDamage to 0>>\
<<set $HP to $HP - _tempDamage>>\
<<if $HP < 1>>\
<<set $HP to 1>>\
You take _tempDamage!
<<button [[Leave|Oak Dale - Rose & Peanut]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<case "Electronics">>\
Slowly sliding over to the locked gate you quickly look around for any Infested. Seeing none of them around you take grab your phone and start dialing in the usual frequencies for these types of gates.
<<set _C to (random(19)+ 1) + $Skill.Electronics + $IntelligenceBonus + $FoodStatus.Skill + $PCStatus.SkillBuff - $StatusAffect.Hungry>>\
<<set _C2 to 0>>\
<<if $ElectronicsSkillFeats.BruteForce > 0>>\
<<set _C2 to (random(19)+ 1) + $Skill.Electronics + $IntelligenceBonus + $FoodStatus.Skill + $PCStatus.SkillBuff -2 - $StatusAffect.Hungry>>\
<<if _C > 12 + ($PC.Level / 2) or _C2 > 12 + ($PC.Level / 2)>>\
<<set _tempXP to $PC.Level * 100>>\
<<set $XP to $XP + _tempXP>>\
<<if $ProgrammerPath.Blackhat > 0>>\
<<include "Hacking Heal">>\
<<set $SmartPhone.Charge to $SmartPhone.Charge - 10>>\
  After a few minutes you finally get the right frequency as you hack it with your smart phone. With only a couple of more commands the gate becomes unlocked and slides open. As you walk past the security gate you snag a gate opener key fob so you won't have to mess with trying to hack this gate again.
<<if $XP >= $NextLevel>> You have reached the maxium experience for your level! Sleep to gain your next level.<<else>> You have gained _tempXP XP! <</if>>
<<button [[Success!|Busch Bank East]]>>
<<set $KeyItems.push($item.gateaccess)>>\
<<set $KeyItemsFlags.GateFob to 1>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<set $SmartPhone.Charge to $SmartPhone.Charge - 10>>\
  After almost 30 minutes you finally give up. Either your hacking software isn't up to the task or the frequency is just that uncommon. Giving up for now you leave the secure gate behind.
<<button [[Leave|Oak Dale - Rose & Peanut]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<case "Thievery">>\
  Slowly sliding over to the side door you instictively look around for any Infested. Seeing no one around you take a long look at the side door lock. It should only take a few minutes to pick the lock and gain access to the subdivision.
<<set _T to (random(19)+ 1)>>\
<<if _T + $Skill.Thievery + $DexterityBonus + $FoodStatus.Skill + $PCStatus.SkillBuff - $StatusAffect.Hungry> 12 + ($PC.Level / 2)>>\
<<set _tempXP to $PC.Level * 100>>\
<<set $XP to $XP + _tempXP>>\
<<set _Charge to (random(10)+10)>>\
<<if $ThieverySkillFeats.SturdyTools > 0>>\
<<set _T2 to (random(19)+ 1)>>\
<<if _T2 < $Prof.Thievery +1>>\
<<set _Charge to 0>>\
  After a few minutes you finally get the lock to click as you probe it with your locksmith tool. With only a couple of more twists you get the last of the lock's tumblers to line up. Taking a moment to put away your tools you open the now unlocked door and subdivision. On the way you snag a gate opener fob from the security station so you won't have to waste time messing with the lock again.
<<if $XP >= $NextLevel>> You have reached the maxium experience for your level! Sleep to gain your next level.<<else>> You have gained _tempXP XP! <</if>>
<<button [[Success!|Busch Bank East]]>>
<<set $LockSmithTools.Charge to $LockSmithTools.Charge - _Charge>>\
<<set $KeyItems.push($item.gateaccess)>>\
<<set $KeyItemsFlags.GateFob to 1>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
  No matter what you try to do the door remains locked! You keep getting close to getting the tumblers to align but seem to always lose one at the last moment. Over half an hour has passed without any progress on the gate door so you decide to take a break for now and try again another time.
<<button [[Leave|Oak Dale - Rose & Peanut]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<set $LockSmithTools.Charge to $LockSmithTools.Charge - (random(10)+10)>>\
<</switch>><img src="Images/Vehicles/jeep.jpg" width="800px" height="400px" />
<<set _tempV to $VehicleFlags.Current>>\
<<if $VehicleHP > 0>>\
You are sitting in your _tempV.name in $VehicleFlags.Desc. Since the streets are so unsafe you can only drive to locations with adequate parking such as parking lots or your garage, You can drive to the following known locations.
<<if $Time.Current >= $Time.Max >>\
It's too late to drive anywhere except home.
<<button [[Drive Home|Driving 2]]>>
<<set $VehicleFlags.location to "Garage">>\
<<set $locationGeneric to $locationGroveHills>>\
<<if $VehicleFlags.Desc is not "your garage" and $VehicleFlags.Garage > 0>>\
<<button [[Home|Driving 2]]>>
<<set $VehicleFlags.location to "Garage">>\
<<set $locationGeneric to $locationGroveHills>>\
<<if $VehicleFlags.Desc is not "the Oak Dale parking lot" and $VehicleFlags.OakDale > 0>>\
<<button [[Oak Dale Southwest|Driving 2]]>>
<<set $VehicleFlags.location to "Oak Dale - Parking">>\
<<set $locationGeneric to $locationOakDale>>\
<<if $VehicleFlags.Desc is not "the Oak Dale Clinic parking lot" and $VehicleFlags.OakDaleClinic > 0>>\
<<button [[Oak Dale Clinic|Driving 2]]>>
<<set $VehicleFlags.location to "Oak Dale - Clinic Parking">>\
<<set $locationGeneric to $locationOakDale>>\
<<if $VehicleFlags.Desc is not "the Busch Bank parking lot" and $VehicleFlags.BuschBank > 0>>\
<<button [[Busch Bank|Driving 2]]>>
<<set $VehicleFlags.location to "Busch Bank - Parking">>\
<<set $locationGeneric to $locationBuschBank>>\
<<if $VehicleFlags.Desc is not "the Sunrise View parking lot" and $VehicleFlags.WestSunrise > 0>>\
<<button [[Sunrise View|Driving 2]]>>
<<set $VehicleFlags.location to "West Sunrise View - Parking">>\
<<set $locationGeneric to $locationWestSunriseView>>\
<<button [[Nevermind|$location.temp]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
You are sitting in your _tempV.name in $VehicleFlags.Desc but it won't start! It looks like you will need to push it back to your garage in order to get it fixed!
<<button [[Push it Home|Driving 3]]>>
<<set $VehicleFlags.location to "Garage">>\
<<set $locationGeneric to $locationGroveHills>>\
<<button [[Get Out|$location.temp]]>>
<</if>>\<img src="Images/Vehicles/jeep.jpg" width="800px" height="400px" />
<<set $location.temp to "Driving 2">>\
<<set _EncounterStop to 0>>\
<<set _tempV to $VehicleFlags.Current>>\
<<set _warning1 to (_tempV.maxHP / 2)>>\
<<set _warning2 to (_tempV.maxHP / 4)>>\
<<set _warning0 to (_warning2 * 3)>>\
You're driving down the streets in your _tempV.name while keeping an eye out for any Infested or Raiders.
<<if $NoEncounter < 1>>\
<<if (random(19) +1) + $Skill.Driving + $DexterityBonus + $StatusAffect.SilentDrive - $StatusAffect.Horny - ($StatusAffect.CumCovered) < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current +4) and $Time.Current < $Time.Max>>\
<<set _EncounterStop to 1>>\
You've encountered something unusual!
<<button [[Encounter|Driving Encounter]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set $location.Encounter to "$locationGeneric.zone">>\
<<if _EncounterStop is 0>>\
<<if (random(19) +1)> (18 - $ScoutingSkillFeats.KeenEye) and $NoEncounter is 0 and $Time.Current < $Time.Max>>\
<<set _EncounterStop to 1>>\
You've encountered something unusual!
<<button [[Encounter|Driving Event]]>>
<<set $location.Event to "$locationGeneric.zone">>\
<<if _EncounterStop is 0>>\
<<if $VehicleHP > 0>>\
<<if $VehicleHP is _tempV.maxHP>>\
It seems luck and skill have served you well as you have arrived at your destination with your _tempV.name in perfect shape!
<<elseif $VehicleHP > _warning0>>\
You have arrived at your destination but your _tempV.name has some minor dings and dents from the usual road travel. It might be a good idea to repair it eventually.
<<elseif $VehicleHP > _warning1 and $VehicleHP < _warning0>>\
You have arrived at your destination but your _tempV.name has some major dings, dents and scratches. It might be a good idea to repair it.
<<elseif $VehicleHP < _warning1 and $VehicleHP > _warning2>>\
You have somehow arrived at your destination but your _tempV.name is looking extremely beat up! It's looking quite bad with all the dings, dents and now a warning light has come on. It might be a good idea to repair it sooner than later...
<<elseif $VehicleHP < _warning2>>\
You have by some miracle arrived at your destination but your _tempV.name is barely functional. Multiple warning lights are on and the the engine is making a loud grinding noise each time you step on the gas. It's going to need to be repaired soon or else it's going to break down!
<<elseif $VehicleHP is 0>>\
Your _tempV.name comes to a shuddering stop with a metal grinding groan. It looks like your _tempV.name won't be able to be driven anywhere until it is repaired.
<<button [[Finish Driving|$VehicleFlags.location]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<switch $Prof.Driving>>\
<<case 2>>\
<<set $SmartPhone.Charge to $SmartPhone.Charge +50>>\
<<if $SmartPhone.Charge > $SmartPhone.MaxCharge>>\
<<set $SmartPhone.Charge to $SmartPhone.MaxCharge>>\
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<case 4>>\
<<set $SmartPhone.Charge to $SmartPhone.Charge +30>>\
<<if $SmartPhone.Charge > $SmartPhone.MaxCharge>>\
<<set $SmartPhone.Charge to $SmartPhone.MaxCharge>>\
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<case 6>>\
<<set $SmartPhone.Charge to $SmartPhone.Charge +20>>\
<<if $SmartPhone.Charge > $SmartPhone.MaxCharge>>\
<<set $SmartPhone.Charge to $SmartPhone.MaxCharge>>\
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<case 8>>\
<<set $SmartPhone.Charge to $SmartPhone.Charge +10>>\
<<if $SmartPhone.Charge > $SmartPhone.MaxCharge>>\
<<set $SmartPhone.Charge to $SmartPhone.MaxCharge>>\
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<set $SmartPhone.Charge to $SmartPhone.MaxCharge>>\
<<include "Time Passes">>\
<<include "SpecialAttacks">>\
<<include "Infested Enemies">>\
<<include "Raider Enemies">>\
<<include "Encounter Table">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<include "Combat Status Affects">>\
<<set _tempV to $VehicleFlags.Current>>\
<<set _randBreasts to random (2)>>\
<<set _randDick to random (2)>>\
<<switch $location.Encounter>>\
<<case "Grove Hills">>\
<<set $encounterGeneric to $encounterGroveHills>>\
<<case "Oak Dale">>\
<<set $encounterGeneric to $encounterOakDale>>\
<<case "Home">>\
<<set $encounterGeneric to $encounterHome>>\
<<set $encounterGeneric to $encounterGroveHills>>\
<<set $genericFighter to $encounterGeneric.random()>>\
<<set _Path to $genericFighter.Path>>\
<<set $genericFighter.Image = _Path + $genericFighter.Image.random() + '.jpg'>>\
<<set $genericWeapon to $genericFighter.Weapon>>\
<<set $lootTemp to $genericFighter.Loot>>\
<<set $rarelootTemp to $genericFighter.RareLoot>>\
<<switch $genericFighter.Faction>>\
<<case "Feral">>\
<<switch $genericFighter.Sex>>\
<<case "Futa">>\
<<set $genericComments to "Infested Futa Combat Comments">>\
<<set $genericFighter.BreastsSize to $genericFighter.BreastsSize - _randBreasts>>\
<<set $genericFighter.DickSize to $genericFighter.DickSize - _randDick>>\
<<case "Female">>\
<<set $genericComments to "Infested Female Combat Comments">>\
<<set $genericFighter.BreastsSize to $genericFighter.BreastsSize - _randBreasts>>\
<<case "Male">>\
<<set $genericComments to "Infested Male Combat Comments">>\
<<set $genericFighter.DickSize to $genericFighter.DickSize - _randDick>>\
<<case "Raider">>\
<<switch $genericFighter.Sex>>\
<<case "Futa">>\
<<set $genericComments to "Raider Futa Combat Comments">>\
<<set $genericFighter.BreastsSize to $genericFighter.BreastsSize - _randBreasts>>\
<<set $genericFighter.DickSize to $genericFighter.DickSize - _randDick>>\
<<case "Female">>\
<<set $genericComments to "Raider Female Combat Comments">>\
<<set $genericFighter.BreastsSize to $genericFighter.BreastsSize - _randBreasts>>\
<<case "Male">>\
<<set $genericComments to "Raider Male Combat Comments">>\
<<set $genericFighter.DickSize to $genericFighter.DickSize - _randDick>>\
<img @src=$genericFighter.Image width="550px" height="800px" />
A $genericFighter.Name armed with their $genericWeapon.name is in the area and is heading your way! You could get out of your _tempV.name and fight them, flee from them, or maybe something else? What will you do?
<<button [[Fight!|Suburb Combat]]>> <</button>>
<<if $StealthSkillFeats.Ambush > 0>>\
<<button [[Ambush!|Suburb Ambush]]>> <</button>>
<<if $DrivingSkillFeats.CombatDriving > 0>>\
<<button [[Run over Them!|Driving HitRun]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Flee!|Driving Flee]]>> <</button>>
<<if $SocialSkillFeats.TalktoMe > 0>>\
<<button [[Talk!|Suburb Talk]]>> <</button>>
<</if>>\<<set _SuburbEvent to random(1)>>\
<<switch _SuburbEvent>>\
<<include "Hitchhiker Hummer">>\
<</switch>>\<img src="Images/Suburb/suburbs 7.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<set $NoEncounter to (2 + random(1))>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<if (random(19) + 1) < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current)>>\
As you are cruising down the street you notice a handsome man standing by the side of the street. He is giving the universal sign for hitch hiking while carrying a bagpack. It's a bit strange to see someone trying to get rides in the suburbs but with everything that's going on it's possible he might be wanting protection from the Infested.
<<if (random(19) + 1) + $Skill.Medical + $WisdomBonus > 18>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> Wait a second! I have a feeling that hitchhiker is actually an Infested!</i></div>
<div class="pcTalk"><i> Should I take a risk and pick him up or just ignore him?</i></div>
<<button [[Stop to Pick Him Up|Hitchhiker 2 Infested]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Continue on|Driving 2]]>> <</button>>
As you are cruising down the street you notice a cute guy standing by the side of the street. He is giving the universal sign for hitch hiking while carrying a bagpack. It's a bit strange to see someone trying to get rides in the suburbs but with everything that's going on it's possible he might be wanting protection from the Infested.
<div class="pcTalk"><i> Should I take a risk and pick him up or just ignore him?</i></div>
<<button [[Stop to Pick Him Up|Hitchhiker 2]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Keep on Driving|Driving 2]]>> <</button>>
<img src="Images/Events/Hitchhiker/Hitchhiker 1.jpg" max-width:100% height:auto />
<<set $hitchhikerEvent.Visits to $hitchhikerEvent.Visits +1>>\
<<if (random(19) + 1) + $Skill.Social + $CharismaBonus > 14>>\
<<set $npcJack.Friendship to $npcJack.Friendship +2 + $ClassBonus.Celebrity + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set $npcJack.Friendship to $npcJack.Friendship +1 + $ClassBonus.Celebrity + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<if $hitchhikerEvent.Visits is 1>>\
<<set $npcJack.Met to 1>>\
  Pulling over, you open your passenger's side window while keeping your weapon ready. The young man bends over and says "Hey dude! Can I get a lift over to Mountain View Apartments?" while wearing a big smile. You glance around for any Raiders or Infested nearby but don't see any.
  "Yeah, I can drop you off there." you reply as you open the passenger's door. You look the young man over and he looks like he's fresh out of highschool. He's wearing a tucked in green shirt while also wearing a backpack that helps make him look a bit younger than he really is. "My name's $PC.FirstName, nice to meet you."
  "Thanks $PC.FirstName! With all this Infested bullshit going on I haven't been able to check on my grandma at her apartment as often as I like. I know my sister works nearby but I like to do my part, you know?" he says after he hops into your vehicle. "Oh yeah! My name's Jack by the way. Nice to meet you too! It's good that there's some nice people still willing to help others in this city."
  "Hey, it's not an issue. I should be able to get you over to the Mountain View Apartments pretty quickly. Hopefully there isn't any Infested blocking the road." you reply as you start down the road while keeping an eye out for Infested once again.
  Pulling over, you open your passenger's side window while keeping your weapon ready. Jack bends over and says "Oh hey $PC.FirstName! Nice to see you again! Would it be possible to get a lift over to Mountain View Apartments?" while wearing a big smile. You glance around for any Raiders or Infested nearby but don't see any.
  "Sure, I can drop you off there." you reply as you open the passenger's door. You look Jack over and he's looking the same as usual with the same green shirt, brown backpack and glasses. "Hop on in and I'll drop you off there here shortly."
  "Thanks $PC.FirstName! With all this Infested bullshit going on I haven't been able to check on my grandma at her apartment as often as I like. I know my sister works nearby but I like to do my part, you know?" he says after he hops into your vehicle.
  "Hey, it's not an issue. I should be able to get you over to the Mountain View Apartments pretty quickly. Hopefully there isn't any Infested hordes blocking the road this time." you reply as you start down the road while keeping an eye out for Infested once again.
<<button [[Drive to the Mountain View Apartments|Hitchhiker 3]]>> <</button>>
<img @src=$genericFighter.Image width="550px" height="800px" />
<<set _tempV to $VehicleFlags.Current>>\
<<set _totalDamage to 0>>\
<<set _DRbonus to (1 + $DrivingSkillFeats.EnhancedCombatDriving)>>\
<<for _i = 0; _i < _tempV.dice; $i++>>\
<<set _damage to random(_tempV.damage) +1>>\
<<set _totalDamage to _totalDamage + _damage>>\
<<set _totalDamage to _totalDamage - (_tempV.Blunt * _DRbonus)>>\
<<if _totalDamage < 0>>\
<<set _totalDamage to 0>>\
<<if (random(19) +1) + $Skill.Driving + $DexterityBonus + ($DrivingSkillFeats.CombatDriving * 2) < $genericFighter.AC>>\
<<set $VehicleHP to $VehicleHP - _totalDamage>>\
As you drive towards the $genericFighter.Name they dive out of the way at the last moment causing you to swerve and bang up against some debris causing your _tempV.Name to take _totalDamage damage! Before you can attempt another pass they quickly get up and is now blocking your path! What do you do?
<<button [[Get out and Fight!|Suburb Combat]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Flee!|Driving Flee]]>> <</button>>
<<set $VehicleHP to $VehicleHP - _totalDamage>>\
As you drive towards the the $genericFighter.Name they don't seem to notice you until the very last moment. A look of pure shock is plastered on their face as you send them flying over the hood of your _tempV.Name and leaving them bruised and bleeding on the road behind you. Hitting the $genericFighter.Name caused your _tempV.Name to take _totalDamage damage but it was worth it. You break out a smile as you continue on to your destination.
<<set _tempXP to $PC.Level * 50>>\
<<set $XP to $XP + _tempXP>>\
<<if $XP >= $NextLevel>> You have reached the maxium experience for your level! Sleep to gain your next level.<<else>> You have gained _tempXP XP! <</if>>
<<button [[Continue On|Driving 2]]>> <</button>>
<</if>><img @src=$genericFighter.Image width="550px" height="800px" />
<<set _tempV to $VehicleFlags.Current>>\
You attempt to flee from the $genericFighter.Name!
<<if (random(19) +1) + $Skill.Driving + $DexterityBonus + $DrivingSkillFeats.StealthDrive < 10 + $genericFighter.Scouting>>\
You fail to get away as the $genericFighter.Name blocks your path of your _tempV.Name! The only thing you can do is fight!
<<button [[Next|Suburb Combat]]>> <</button>>\
With using the full speed of your _tempV.Name you managed to get away! The $genericFighter.Name eventually gives up and leaves in search of new prey.
<<set $CombatRound to 0>>\
<<set $NoEncounter to 2>>\
<<set $SpecialUsage to $MaxSpecialUsage>>\
<<if $location.FleeFlag is 0>>\
<<button [[You managed to escape!|Driving 2]]>>
<<set $location.SexFlag to 0>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<elseif $location.FleeFlag is 1>>\
<<button [[You managed to escape!|$location.Flee]]>>
<<set $location.FleeFlag to 0>>\
<<set $location.SexFlag to 0>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<set $location.Flee to $location.temp>>\
<</if>>\<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<include "SpecialAttacks">>\
<<include "Infested Enemies">>\
<<include "Encounter Table">>\
<<include "Combat Status Affects">>\
<<set _randDick to random (2)>>\
<<set $genericFighter to $infestedMale>>\
<<set $genericFighter.Image = $infestedPath + $arrayInfestedMale.random() + '.jpg'>>\
<<set $genericWeapon to $infestedMale.Weapon>>\
<<set $genericComments to "Infested Male Combat Comments">>\
<<set $genericFighter.DickSize to $genericFighter.DickSize - _randDick>>\
<<set $lootTemp to $lootInfestedMale>>\
<<switch random(3)>>\
<<case 0>>\
<<set $genericSpecial to clone($genericFighter.Special1)>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<set $genericSpecial to clone($genericFighter.Special2)>>\
<<case 2>>\
<<set $genericSpecial to clone($genericFighter.Special3)>>\
<<case 3>>\
<<set $genericSpecial to clone($genericFighter.Special4)>>\
<img @src=$genericFighter.Image width="550px" height="800px" />
As you pull over to let the hitchhiker into your $vehicle.name you discover your horrible mistake as the man pulls you out of the $vehicle.name and knees you in the stomach! It's an Infested and he's ambushed you!
<<button [[Fight!|Suburb Combat]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Ambushed to 1>>\
<<set $BattleFlag to 1>>\
<<set $location.FleeFlag to 1>>\
<<set $location.Flee to "Driving 2">>\
<</button>><<set $sexHistory.XP to $sexHistory.XP +1>>\
<<set $LastPartner to $genericFighter>>\
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$genericFighter.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$genericFighter.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$genericFighter.DickSize]>>\
<<set _DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$genericFighter.DickSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$genericFighter.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$genericFighter.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _SizeComp to $PC.AssSize - $genericFighter.Level + ($GeneralFeats.FalseRep *2)>>\
<<if _SizeComp < 0>>\
<<set _SizeComp to 0>>\
<<if $Infestation.MilkProgress > 0 or $Milk.Stored > $Milk.Min>>\
<<set _Breasts to "Milk">>\
<<elseif $StatusAffect.SiliconeB > 5>>\
<<set _Breasts to "Silicone">>\
<<set _Breasts to "Natural">>\
  "You know... You do have a pretty looking mouth with your lips being so fuckable. So how about you plant your lovely lips on my _DickSD _DickSize <<Penis>> and give it a nice long kiss? I know you will love the taste once you gets started..." says the busty $genericFighter.Name3 as she stands over your exhausted body with her futa-cock hard at attention, dripping pre-cum. She moves her pre-cum dripping futa-cock right in front of your face while smirking at your expression.
  The way her _DickSD <<Penis>> throbs in front of you face and the way the intoxicating smell of her pre-cum fills your mind with desire makes it a easy choice in the end. You slowly grab her futa-cock and give a slight gasp as some more of her juicy pre-cum oozes out of her dick. It smells so delicious that you find yourself licking her cock before you realize it!
  It tastes so yummy that you can't help but slide your tongue up and down her _DickSize futa-cock causing even more of her pre-cum to squirt out! Eager to get more of those delightful juices you wrap your lips around the tip of her <<Penis>> before slowly swallowing her mearty shaft.
  "Shit! Your lips are so soft! Fuck it! Suck all of my _DickSD cock you fucking cock-sucker!" $genericFighter.Name gasps lewdly as you start to suck on her futa-dick. With each lick even more of her creamy goo leaks down your throat giving you a sense of euphoria that spikes with each swallow. Evidently enjoying your blowjob the sexy $genericFighter.Name3 starts to thrust her _DickSD <<Penis>> into your mouth, driving it deeper down your needy throat! You continue to suck her futa-dick with one hand guiding it deep into your throat while your other hand slips down to your dripping wet pussy.
  Unwilling to just have you suck her dick, $genericFighter.Name pulls her _DickSize cock out of your mouth to your surprise before shoving your face into her wet pussy! It's sopping wet but you have a hard time seeing anything with her _BallsSD balls blocking your vision. "Get to licking my pussy, bitch! If you eat me out enough I'll let you get back to sucking my cock!" she says with a sadistic glee as you start to tentatively lick her wet pussy. The flavor is quite different from her futa-cock but still delicious! It doesn't take much to get a nice rhythm going and before long $genericFighter.Name's pussy is leaking like a faucet.
  "You're quite good at tossing my salad! Now it's time for to return back to meat!" she says before shoving her futa-cock back into your mouth once again without much warning. This time she rather intent on fucking your face as her _BallsSize balls keep slapping into your chin. You don't mind as much since you are back to drinking down the never-ending flow of pre-cum that's oozing from her <<Penis>>.
<<if _Breasts is "Milk">>\
  "Oh yeah! You like that don't you, ya you cock-sucking fucking $BreastSD-titty bitch! You like having me shove my _DickSD cock down your throat?" $genericFighter.Name moans before reaching down and giving your $BreastSD breasts a heavy squeezing. "I can't believe the size of the fucking $BreastSD milkjugs you're packing! Wait a second! Are you leaking fucking milk?" she says as you stares at the milk leaking from your milk-filled breasts. "That's so fucking hot and what's going to be even hotter is when I give you an extra strong dosage of my nice juicy cum!" she says before letting go of your $BreastsSize milky breasts. Grabbing the back of your head she starts to thrust harder down your thoat as her throbbing cock leaks an endless amount of pre-cum.
<<elseif $PC.BreastsSize + ($GeneralFeats.FalseRep *2) < ($genericFighter.BreastsSize -4)>>\
  "Oh yeah! You like that don't you, ya you little cock-sucking bitch! You like having me shove my _DickSD cock down your throat?" $genericFighter.Name moans before reaching down and giving your $BreastSD breasts a light squeezing. "Look at these pitiful tits you're packing, if you want to even call them tits! Fuck girl, you need to pump those itty bitty titties up with some of my nice juicy cum!" she says before letting go of your $BreastsSize breasts. Grabbing the back of your head she starts to thrust harder down your thoat as her throbbing cock leaks an endless amount of pre-cum.
<<elseif $PC.BreastsSize + ($GeneralFeats.FalseRep *2) < $genericFighter.BreastsSize>>\
  "Oh yeah! You like that don't you, ya you little cock-sucking bitch! You like having me shove my _DickSD cock down your throat?" $genericFighter.Name moans before reaching down and giving your $BreastSD breasts a caresssing squeeze. "Look at these meager tits you're packing! Fuck girl, at least you have something up top but you really need to get them pumped up nice and big with some of my nice juicy cum!" she says before letting go of your $BreastsSize breasts. Grabbing the back of your head she starts to thrust harder down your thoat as her throbbing cock leaks an endless amount of pre-cum.
<<elseif ($PC.BreastsSize + ($GeneralFeats.FalseRep *2)) is $genericFighter.BreastsSize>>\
  "Oh yeah! You like that don't you, ya you little cock-sucking bitch! You like having me shove my _DickSD cock down your throat?" $genericFighter.Name moans before reaching down and giving your $BreastSD breasts a squeezing. "Look at these nice tits you're packing! Wait a second! Your $BreastSD titties are the same size as what I'm packing and looking great! Fuck girl, just for that I'm going to give you an extra dosage of my nice juicy cum!" she says before letting go of your $BreastsSize breasts. Grabbing the back of your head she starts to thrust harder down your thoat as her throbbing cock leaks an endless amount of pre-cum.
<<elseif $PC.BreastsSize + ($GeneralFeats.FalseRep *2) > ($genericFighter.BreastsSize +4)>>\
  "Oh yeah! You like that don't you, ya you cock-sucking fucking $BreastSD-titty bitch! You like having me shove my _DickSD cock down your throat?" $genericFighter.Name moans before reaching down and giving your $BreastSD breasts a heavy squeezing. "I can't believe the size of the fucking $BreastSD mountains you're packing! Fuck girl, you've have to been eating a non-stop buffet of sex and milk to get such fucking $BreastSD jugs and here you are about to suck down even more of my nice juicy cum!" she says before letting go of your $BreastsSize breasts. Grabbing the back of your head she starts to thrust harder down your thoat as her throbbing cock leaks an endless amount of pre-cum.
<<elseif $PC.BreastsSize + ($GeneralFeats.FalseRep *2) > $genericFighter.BreastsSize>>\
  "Oh yeah! You like that don't you, ya you cock-sucking big-titty bitch! You like having me shove my _DickSD cock down your throat?" $genericFighter.Name moans before reaching down and giving your $BreastSD breasts a hefty squeezing. "Look at these fucking $BreastSD jugs you're packing! Fuck girl, you have to have been eating right to be carrying such whoppers and here you are about to suck down a super big dose of my nice juicy cum!" she says before letting go of your $BreastsSize breasts. Grabbing the back of your head she starts to thrust harder down your thoat as her throbbing cock leaks an endless amount of pre-cum.
  The intense pleasure from all that yummy pre-cum flowing down your throat is pushing you closer to the edge as the intense fingering of you wet pussy shows. Your own moans of pleasure are drowned out by the Infested's loud grunts and moans which show that she's close as well to her orgasm. The rapid thrusting of her futa-cock down your throat has reached a fever pitch and your own intense fingering is pushing you over the edge.
<<if $Infestation.FutaVariant >= $Infestation.FutaCap & $Infestation.Progress > 1>>\
<<include "Futa TF">>\
  As your mouth is being completely fucked by her _DickSD <<Penis>> you feel a surge of shocking energy flowing directly into you! It feels almost like you are being electrocuted but it quickly turns to pleasure that radiates from above your wet pussy.
  "Oh fuck yes! I'm shooting my wad down your fucking throat! Take all of it, you cum-slut!" $genericFighter.Name2 yells as you feel her futa-cock pulse one last time. A huge fountain of cum shoots down your throat causing you to choke a bit but you eagerly swallow as much of her divine nector as you can while the rest spills out onto your $BreastSD breasts.
  As you gulp down as much of her intoxicating cum you feel like your orgasm is being blocked somewhow. As you reach around to try and figure out what's going on you discover a bulge of flesh pushing out from you from above your pussy! Letting her futa-cock pop out of you mouth you stare in disbelief as the bulge slowly forms into the shape of a penis along with a pair of balls! In pure disbelief at how you suddenly grew a dick, you go to grab it. It feels so hard and sensitive that you feel it twitch as you start to stroke it!
  "Oh my God! I'M CUMMING FROM MY COCK! I'm blasting my load!" you scream as your delayed orgasm comes crashing back with a vengence as your new hard dick explodes with cum, splattering both you and the Infested Futa's _ISD tits covering them with white goo! It feels so good that you can't stop cumming!
  Staring in shock you notice that you now have a $DickSD $DickSize cock along with a pair of $BallsSD $BallsSize balls! Before you can react the Infested smiles at your <<Penis>> with a dirty grin and says "Looks like you are now one hot looking Futa!"
<<elseif $PC.Infestation >= $Infestation.Cap & $Infestation.Progress > 1>>\
<<set _ISD2 to $BreastSD>>\
<<include "Infestation Increase">>\
  As your mouth is being completely fucked by her _DickSD <<Penis>> you feel a surge of energy flowing directly into you! It almost feels like you are burning up but it quickly turns to pleasure that radiates from your abused mouth down to your chest and ass!
  "Oh fuck yes! I'm shooting my wad down your fucking throat! Take all of it, you cum-slut!" $genericFighter.Name2 yells as you feel her futa-cock pulse one last time. A huge fountain of cum shoots down your throat causing you to choke a bit but you eagerly swallow as much of her divine nector as you can while the rest spills out onto your _ISD2 breasts.
  As you gulp down as much of her intoxicating cum you feel your breasts slowly start to expand as well as your ass. Letting her futa-cock pop out of you mouth you finally get a chance to let out your scream of ecstasy ring out as you yell "OH FUCK! I'm cumming! I'm cumming while my ass and titties are growing!". Your orgasm hits like a truck as your wet pussy squirts out a motherload of girl-cum all over your hand and the ground below!
  As you recovery from your intense orgasm you finally notice you now have a pair of $BreastSD $BreastsSize breasts and a $AssSize ass! Before you can react the Infested fondles your expanded chest with a smirk and says "Looks like you are on the way to becoming one hot slut!"
  "Oh fuck yes! I'm shooting my wad down your fucking throat! Take all of it, you cum-slut!" $genericFighter.Name2 yells as you feel her futa-cock pulse one last time. A huge fountain of cum shoots down your throat causing you to choke a bit but you eagerly swallow as much of her divine nector as you can while the rest spills out onto your $BreastSD breasts.
  The intense feeling you get from swallowing her white goo pushes you over the edge as your pussy tenses up. Letting her futa-cock pop out of your mouth you finally get a chance to let out your scream of ecstasy ring out as you yell "OH FUCK! I'm cumming! I'm cumming so fucking hard!" Your orgasm hits like a truck as your wet pussy squirts out a $GCumAD flood of girl-cum all over your hand and the ground below!
  "Oh that was so fucking good, you god-damn cock-sucker!" $genericFighter.Name2 says as she stands up from your exhausted body, cum dripping from her still erect cock. Taking one last moment to lick some white goo from her _DickSize cock, she replies "I'll see again soon, I'm sure..." With that she walks away fulfilled leaving you to grab your clothes and to slowly recover.
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered+1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumFilled to $StatusAffect.CumFilled+1>>\<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$genericFighter.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$genericFighter.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _SizeComp to $PC.BreastsSize - $genericFighter.Level + ($GeneralFeats.FalseRep *2)>>\
<<if _SizeComp < 0>>\
<<set _SizeComp to 0>>\
<</if>>\<img src="Images/Player/smartphone.jpg" width="512px" height="768px" />
<<if $DrivingSkillFeats.SilentDrive > 0>>\
<<set _TempStealth to $Prof.Stealth>>\
<b>Silent Driving:</b> This feat adds your Stealth proficiency to your Driving checks in order avoid enemies while driving
<<if $StatusAffect.SilentDrive > 0>>\
Potent Fertility On: <label><<radiobutton "$StatusAffect.SilentDrive" _TempStealth checked>></label>
Potent Fertility Off: <label><<radiobutton "$StatusAffect.SilentDrive" 1>></label>
Potent Fertility On: <label><<radiobutton "$StatusAffect.SilentDrive" _TempStealth>></label>
Potent Fertility Off: <label><<radiobutton "$StatusAffect.SilentDrive" 0 checked>></label>
<<button [[Return to Options|Options]]>> <</button>><img src="Images/Home/Garage.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
What would you like to repair today?
<<button [[Vehicle|Repairing - Vehicle]]>><</button>>
/* <<button [[Weapons|Crafting - Weapons]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Armor|Crafting - Armor]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Items|Crafting - Item]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Nevermind|Garage]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</button>><img src="Images/Home/Garage.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _tempV to $VehicleFlags.Current>>\
<<set $RepairAmount to (_tempV.maxHP - $VehicleHP) * _tempV.quality>>\
You have $TotalSalvage.Metal Metal.
<<button "Repair _tempV.name (- $RepairAmount _tempV.repair)" "Repairing - Vehicle 2" >>
<<button [[Nevermind|Garage]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</button>><img src="Images/Home/Garage.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Fail to 0>>\
<<set _UsedMats to $RepairAmount>>\
<<set _tempV to $VehicleFlags.Current>>\
<<set _Crafting to (random(19) +1) + $Skill.Crafting + $IntelligenceBonus>>\
<<set $VehicleHP to _tempV.maxHP>>\
<<if _UsedMats > $TotalSalvage.Metal>>\
<<set _Fail to 1>>\
You don't have enough metal!
<<if _Fail is 0>>\
<<include "Time Passes">>\
<<if _Crafting < _tempV.DC>>\
<<include "Time Passes">>\
<<set $TotalSalvage.Metal to ($TotalSalvage.Metal - $RepairAmount)>>\
You've repaired the _tempV.name but it took way longer than expected.
<<elseif (_Crafting > _tempV.DC) and (_Crafting < (_tempV.DC +10) )>>\
<<set $RepairAmount to ($RepairAmount * 0.9)>>\
<<set $TotalSalvage.Metal to ($TotalSalvage.Metal - $RepairAmount)>>\
You've repaired the _tempV.name and you managed to spend a bit less of the estimated _tempV.repair needed.
<<set $RepairAmount to ($RepairAmount * 0.5)>>\
<<set $TotalSalvage.Metal to ($TotalSalvage.Metal - $RepairAmount)>>\
You've repaired the _tempV.name and you managed to spend half the estimated _tempV.repair needed.
<<button [[Finish|Garage]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</button>><img src="Images/Classes/INTBonus.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<include "General Feats">>\
You have gained a general feat. Choose from the list below.
Skill Feat
Choose a skill feat instead of a general feat.
<<button [[Skill Feats|Skill Feats]]>>
<<if $Infestation.Progress > 0 and $PC.Sex is not "Male">>\
<<button [[$feat.BiggerAss.name|Class Abilities]]>>
<<set $PC.AssSize =+ $PC.AssSize+2>>\
<<set $AssSize to $arrayAssSizeDesc[$PC.AssSize]>>\
<<set $totalFeats.push($feat.BiggerAss)>>\
<<if $Infestation.Progress > 0 and $PC.Sex is not "Male">>\
<<button [[$feat.BiggerBreasts.name|Class Abilities]]>>
<<set $PC.BreastsSize =+ $PC.BreastsSize+2>>\
<<set $PC.NippleSize =+ $PC.NippleSize+2>>\
<<set $BreastSD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set $BreastsSize to $arrayBreastSize[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set $NippleSize to $arrayNippleSize[$PC.NippleSize]>>\
<<set $totalFeats.push($feat.BiggerBreasts)>>\
<<if $Infestation.Progress > 0 and $PC.Sex is not "Female">>\
<<button [[$feat.BiggerDick.name|Class Abilities]]>>
<<set $PC.DickSize =+ $PC.DickSize+2>>\
<<set $DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$PC.DickSize]>>\
<<set $DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$PC.DickSize]>>\
<<set $PC.BallsSize =+ $PC.BallsSize+2>>\
<<set $BallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$PC.BallsSize]>>\
<<set $BallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$PC.BallsSize]>>\
<<set $totalFeats.push($feat.BiggerDick)>>\
<<if $GeneralFeats.ExtraAP < 1>>\
<<button [[$feat.ExtraAP.name|Class Abilities]]>>
<<set $GeneralFeats.ExtraAP to 1>>\
<<set $MaxSpecialUsage to $MaxSpecialUsage + $GeneralFeats.ExtraAP>>\
<<set $totalFeats.push($feat.ExtraAP)>>\
<<if $GeneralFeats.FalseRep < 1>>\
<<button [[$feat.FalseRep.name|Class Abilities]]>>
<<set $GeneralFeats.FalseRep to 1>>\
<<set $totalFeats.push($feat.FalseRep)>>\
<<if $GeneralFeats.Horndog < 1>>\
<<button [[$feat.Horndog.name|Class Abilities]]>>
<<set $GeneralFeats.Horndog to 1>>\
<<set $totalFeats.push($feat.Horndog)>>\
<<if $Infestation.Progress > 1 and $GeneralFeats.InfestedAdaptation < 1>>\
<<button [[$feat.InfestedAdaptation.name|Class Abilities]]>>
<<set $GeneralFeats.InfestedAdaptation to 1>>\
<<set $LustResist.Will to $LustResist.Will + 2>>\
<<set $InfectionResist.Fort to $InfectionResist.Fort + 2>>\
<<set $totalFeats.push($feat.InfestedAdaptation)>>\
<<if $GeneralFeats.IronWill < 1 and $Prof.Willpower < 8>>\
<<button [[$feat.IronWill.name|Class Abilities]]>>
<<set $Prof.Willpower to $Prof.Willpower +2>>\
<<set $GeneralFeats.IronWill to 1>>\
<<set $totalFeats.push($feat.IronWill)>>\
<<if $GeneralFeats.IronReflex < 1 and $Prof.Reflex < 8>>\
<<button [[$feat.IronReflex.name|Class Abilities]]>>
<<set $Prof.Reflex to $Prof.Reflex +2>>\
<<set $GeneralFeats.IronReflex to 1>>\
<<set $totalFeats.push($feat.IronReflex)>>\
<<if $GeneralFeats.IronToughness < 1 and $Prof.Fortitude < 8>>\
<<button [[$feat.IronToughness.name|Class Abilities]]>>
<<set $Prof.Fortitude to $Prof.Fortitude +2>>\
<<set $GeneralFeats.IronToughness to 1>>\
<<set $totalFeats.push($feat.IronToughness)>>\
<<if $GeneralFeats.LustResist < 1>>\
<<button [[$feat.LustResist.name|Class Abilities]]>>
<<set $LustResist.Complete to $LustResist.Complete +2>>\
<<set $GeneralFeats.LustResist to 1>>\
<<set $totalFeats.push($feat.LustResist)>>\
<<if $GeneralFeats.MessySpray < 1>>\
<<button [[$feat.MessySpray.name|Class Abilities]]>>
<<set $GeneralFeats.MessySpray to 2>>\
<<set $Milk.Max to $Milk.Max+2>>\
<<set $totalFeats.push($feat.MessySpray)>>\
<<if $GeneralFeats.Patchwork < 1>>\
Patchwork Repair
Once per day in total when a weapon, armor or vehicle reaches zero HP you can do a patchwork repair that will get the object back to 1HP. This will hopefully allow enough time to get the item properly repaired.
<<button [[Patchwork Repair|Class Abilities]]>>
<<set $GeneralFeats.Patchwork to 1>>\
<<if $GeneralFeats.PotentFertility < 1>>\
<<button [[$feat.PotentFertility.name|Class Abilities]]>>
<<set $GeneralFeats.PotentFertility to 500>>\
<<set $totalFeats.push($feat.PotentFertility)>>\
<<if $GeneralFeats.SeasonGreetings < 1>>\
<<button [[$feat.SeasonGreetings.name|Class Abilities]]>>
<<set $GeneralFeats.SeasonGreetings to 2>>\
<<set $totalFeats.push($feat.SeasonGreetings)>>\
<<if $GeneralFeats.SexStudent < 1>>\
<<button [[$feat.SexStudent.name|Class Abilities]]>>
<<set $GeneralFeats.SexStudent to 1>>\
<<set $Prof.SexCraft to 2>>\
<<set $Skill.SexCraft to $Skill.SexCraft + $Prof.SexCraft>>\
<<set $totalFeats.push($feat.SexStudent)>>\
<<if $GeneralFeats.TouchGrace < 1>>\
<<button [[$feat.TouchGrace.name|Class Abilities]]>>
<<set $GeneralFeats.TouchGrace to 1>>\
<<set $totalFeats.push($feat.TouchGrace)>>\
<<if $GeneralFeats.Transformer < 1>>\
<<button [[$feat.Transformer.name|Class Abilities]]>>
<<set $GeneralFeats.Transformer to 1>>\
<<set $totalFeats.push($feat.Transformer)>>\
<<if $GeneralFeats.WeakWill < 1>>\
<<button [[$feat.WeakWill.name|Class Abilities]]>>
<<set $GeneralFeats.WeakWill to 1>>\
<<set $totalFeats.push($feat.WeakWill)>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.WeakWIll to 20>>\
<<if $LevelUp.Base < 1>>\
<<include "Basic Stats Level Up">>\
<<switch $PC.Level>>\
<<case 2>>\
<<set _Done to 3>>\
<<if $LevelUp.Skill < 1 and $LevelUp.Step is 1>>\
<<button [[Choose Skill Feat|Choose Skill Feat 2]]>>
<<if $LevelUp.Class < 1 and $LevelUp.Step is 2>>\
<<switch $PC.Class>>\
<<case "Athlete">>\
<<include "Athlete Class Abilities">>\
<<case "Criminal">>\
<<include "Criminal Class Abilities">>\
<<case "Celebrity">>\
<<include "Celebrity Class Abilities">>\
<<case "Medic">>\
<<include "Medic Class Abilities">>\
<<case "Officer">>\
<<include "Officer Class Abilities">>\
<<case "Programmer">>\
<<include "Programmer Class Abilities">>\
<<case "Ranger">>\
<<include "Ranger Class Abilities">>\
<<case 3>>\
<<set _Done to 4>>\
<<if $LevelUp.ESkill < 1 and $LevelUp.Step is 1>>\
<<include "Choose Expert Skill">>\
<<if $LevelUp.General < 1 and $LevelUp.Step is 2>>\
<<include "Choose General Feat">>\
<<if $LevelUp.Class < 1 and $LevelUp.Step is 3>>\
<<switch $PC.Class>>\
<<case "Athlete">>\
<<include "Athlete Class Abilities">>\
<<case "Criminal">>\
<<include "Criminal Class Abilities">>\
<<case "Celebrity">>\
<<include "Celebrity Class Abilities">>\
<<case "Medic">>\
<<include "Medic Class Abilities">>\
<<case "Officer">>\
<<include "Officer Class Abilities">>\
<<case "Programmer">>\
<<include "Programmer Class Abilities">>\
<<case "Ranger">>\
<<include "Ranger Class Abilities">>\
<<case 4>>\
<<if $LevelUp.Skill < 1>>\
<<include "Choose Skill Feat">>\
<<if $LevelUp.Class < 1>>\
<<switch $PC.Class>>\
<<case "Athlete">>\
<<include "Athlete Class Abilites">>\
<<case "Criminal">>\
<<include "Criminal Class Abilites">>\
<<case "Celebrity">>\
<<include "Celebrity Class Abilites">>\
<<case "Medic">>\
<<include "Medic Class Abilites">>\
<<case "Officer">>\
<<include "Officer Class Abilites">>\
<<case "Programmer">>\
<<include "Programmer Class Abilites">>\
<<case "Ranger">>\
<<include "Ranger Class Abilites">>\
<<if $LevelUp.Step is _Done>>\
You have finished leveling up!
<<button [[Finish|Dream]]>>
<<set $LevelUp to {Base: 0, Step: 0, Skill: 0, ESkill: 0, General: 0, Class: 0, Stat: 0}>>\
<</if>><img src="Images/Classes/INTBonus.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set $arrayExperience to [1000, 2000, 4000, 6000]>>
<<set $LevelUp.Base to 1>>\
<<set $LevelUp.Step to 1>>\
<<set $PC.Level to $PC.Level +1>>\
<<set $MaxSpecialUsage to ($PC.Level / 2) + $GeneralFeats.ExtraAP>>\
<<set $SpecialUsage to $MaxSpecialUsage>>\
With your experience you have leveled up to <<print $PC.Level>>!
<<set $NextLevel to $NextLevel + ($PC.Level * 1000)>>\
<<set $XP to 0>>\
<<set $PC.Willpower to $PC.Willpower +1>>\
<<set $PC.Reflex to $PC.Reflex +1>>\
<<set $PC.Fortitude to $PC.Fortitude +1>>\
<<set $MaxHP to $MinHP + ($PC.Level * $ConstitutionBonus) + ($PC.Level * $ClassHP)>>\
<<if $feat.Toughness > 0>>\
<<set $MaxHP to $MaxHP + 4 + ($PC.Level)>>\
<<set $HP to $MaxHP>>\
<<set $PC.AC to $PC.AC +1>>\
Your HP is now $MaxHP.
Your Willpower is now $PC.Willpower.
Your Fortitude is now $PC.Fortitude.
Your Reflex is now $PC.Reflex.
<<set $Skill.Athletics to $Skill.Athletics +1>>\
<<set $Skill.Crafting to $Skill.Crafting +1>>\
<<set $Skill.Cooking to $Skill.Cooking +1>>\
<<set $Skill.Driving to $Skill.Driving +1>>\
<<set $Skill.Electronics to $Skill.Electronics +1>>\
<<set $Skill.Medical to $Skill.Medical +1>>\
<<set $Skill.Salvaging to $Skill.Salvaging +1>>\
<<set $Skill.Scouting to $Skill.Scouting +1>>\
<<set $Skill.Social to $Skill.Social +1>>\
<<set $Skill.Stealth to $Skill.Stealth +1>>\
<<set $Skill.Thievery to $Skill.Thievery +1>>\
<<set $Skill.SexCraft to $Skill.SexCraft +1>>\
<<set $Skill.Bows to $Skill.Bows +1>>\
<<set $Skill.Clubs to $Skill.Clubs +1>>\
<<set $Skill.Heavy to $Skill.Heavy +1>>\
<<set $Skill.Knives to $Skill.Knives +1>>\
<<set $Skill.Pistols to $Skill.Pistols +1>>\
<<set $Skill.Polearms to $Skill.Polearms +1>>\
<<set $Skill.Rifles to $Skill.Rifles +1>>\
<<set $Skill.Swords to $Skill.Swords +1>>\
<<set $Skill.Shotguns to $Skill.Shotguns +1>>\
<<set $Skill.Unarmed to $Skill.Unarmed +1>>\
<<set $Skill.Unarmored to $Skill.Unarmored + 1>>\
<<set $Skill.LightArmor to $Skill.LightArmor + 1>>\
<<set $Skill.MediumArmor to $Skill.MediumArmor + 1>>\
<<set $Skill.HeavyArmor to $Skill.HeavyArmor + 1>>\
<<include "Weapon Skill Update">>\
<<Skills>><img src="Images/Classes/Ranger.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<switch $PC.Level>>\
<<case 2>>\
<<set $ClassFeats.HunterShot to 1>>\
<<set _tempFeat to $feat.HunterShot>>\
<<set $totalFeats.push(_tempFeat)>>\
<b>_tempFeat.name </b>
<<case 3>>\
<<set $Prof.Reflex to $Prof.Reflex +2>>\
<<set $PC.Reflex to $PC.Level + $Prof.Reflex + $DexterityBonus>>\
<<set _tempFeat to $feat.RDanger>>\
<<set $totalFeats.push(_tempFeat)>>\
<b>_tempFeat.name </b>
<<case 4>>\
<<set $ClassFeats.KnockdownBarrage to 1>>\
<<set _tempFeat to $feat.KnockdownBarrage>>\
<<set $totalFeats.push(_tempFeat)>>\
<b>_tempFeat.name </b>
<<switch $PC.Level>>\
<<case 4>>\
<<button [[Choose Path|Ranger Path]]>>
<<set $SkillAction to 0>>\
<<button [[Finish|Level Up Stop]]>> <</button>>
<</switch>>\<img src="Images/Classes/Officer.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<switch $PC.Level>>\
<<case 2>>\
<<set $ClassFeats.BellowShout to 1>>\
<<set _tempFeat to $feat.BellowShout>>\
<<set $totalFeats.push(_tempFeat)>>\
<b>_tempFeat.name </b>
<<case 3>>\
<<set $Prof.Willpower to $Prof.Willpower +2>>\
<<set $PC.Willpower to $PC.Level + $Prof.Willpower + $WisdomBonus>>\
<<set _tempFeat to $feat.OJustice>>\
<<set $totalFeats.push(_tempFeat)>>\
<b>_tempFeat.name </b>
<<case 4>>\
<<set $ClassFeats.CommandShout to 1>>\
<<set _tempFeat to $feat.CommandShout>>\
<<set $totalFeats.push(_tempFeat)>>\
<b>_tempFeat.name </b>
<<switch $PC.Level>>\
<<case 4>>\
<<button [[Choose Path|Officer Path]]>>
<<set $SkillAction to 0>>\
<<button [[Finish|Level Up Stop]]>> <</button>>
<</switch>>\<img src="Images/Classes/Athlete.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<switch $PC.Level>>\
<<case 2>>\
<<set $ClassFeats.Flurry to 1>>\
<<set _tempFeat to $feat.Flurry>>\
<<set $totalFeats.push(_tempFeat)>>\
<b>_tempFeat.name </b>
<<case 3>>\
<<set $Prof.Willpower to $Prof.Willpower +2>>\
<<set $PC.Willpower to $PC.Level + $Prof.Willpower + $WisdomBonus>>\
<<set _tempFeat to $feat.AWillpower>>\
<<set $totalFeats.push(_tempFeat)>>\
<b>_tempFeat.name </b>
<<case 4>>\
<<set $ClassFeats.SpinKick to 1>>\
<<set _tempFeat to $feat.SpinKick>>\
<<set $totalFeats.push(_tempFeat)>>\
<b>_tempFeat.name </b>
<<switch $PC.Level>>\
<<case 4>>\
<<button [[Choose Path|Athlete Path]]>>
<<set $SkillAction to 0>>\
<<button [[Finish|Level Up Stop]]>> <</button>>
<</switch>>\<img src="Images/Classes/Medic.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<switch $PC.Level>>\
<<case 2>>\
<<set $ClassFeats.FirstAid to 1>>\
<<set _tempFeat to $feat.FirstAid>>\
<<set $totalFeats.push(_tempFeat)>>\
<b>_tempFeat.name </b>
<<case 3>>\
<<set $Prof.Fortitude to $Prof.Fortitude +2>>\
<<set $PC.Fortitude to $PC.Level + $Prof.Fortitude + $ConstitutionBonus>>\
<<set _tempFeat to $feat.MFortitude>>\
<<set $totalFeats.push(_tempFeat)>>\
<b>_tempFeat.name </b>
<<case 4>>\
<<set $ClassFeats.ToxicFlask to 1>>\
<<set _tempFeat to $feat.ToxicFlask>>\
<<set $totalFeats.push(_tempFeat)>>\
<b>_tempFeat.name </b>
<<switch $PC.Level>>\
<<case 4>>\
<<button [[Choose Path|Medic Path]]>>
<<set $SkillAction to 0>>\
<<button [[Finish|Level Up Stop]]>> <</button>>
<</switch>>\<img src="Images/Classes/Celebrity.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<switch $PC.Level>>\
<<case 2>>\
<<set $ClassFeats.Intimidate to 1>>\
<<set _tempFeat to $feat.Intimidate>>\
<<set $totalFeats.push(_tempFeat)>>\
<b>_tempFeat.name </b>
<<case 3>>\
<<set $Prof.Reflex to $Prof.Reflex +2>>\
<<set $PC.Reflex to $PC.Level + $Prof.Reflex + $DexterityBonus>>\
<<set _tempFeat to $feat.CReflexes>>\
<<set $totalFeats.push(_tempFeat)>>\
<b>_tempFeat.name </b>
<<case 4>>\
<<set $ClassFeats.Flamethrower to 1>>\
<<set _tempFeat to $feat.Flamethrower>>\
<<set $totalFeats.push(_tempFeat)>>\
<b>_tempFeat.name </b>
<<switch $PC.Level>>\
<<case 4>>\
<<button [[Choose Path|Celebrity Path]]>>
<<set $SkillAction to 0>>\
<<button [[Finish|Level Up Stop]]>> <</button>>
<</switch>>\<img src="Images/Classes/Criminal.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<switch $PC.Level>>\
<<case 2>>\
<<set $ClassFeats.Mug to 1>>\
<<set _tempFeat to $feat.Mug>>\
<<set $totalFeats.push(_tempFeat)>>\
<b>_tempFeat.name </b>
<<case 3>>\
<<set $Prof.Fortitude to $Prof.Fortitude +2>>\
<<set $PC.Fortitude to $PC.Level + $Prof.Fortitude + $ConstitutionBonus>>\
<<set _tempFeat to $feat.CStomach>>\
<<set $totalFeats.push(_tempFeat)>>\
<b>_tempFeat.name </b>
<<case 4>>\
<<set $ClassFeats.PocketSand to 1>>\
<<set _tempFeat to $feat.PocketSand>>\
<<set $totalFeats.push(_tempFeat)>>\
<b>_tempFeat.name </b>
<<switch $PC.Level>>\
<<case 4>>\
<<button [[Choose Path|Criminal Path]]>>
<<set $SkillAction to 0>>\
<<button [[Finish|Level Up Stop]]>> <</button>>
<</switch>>\<img src="Images/Classes/Programmer.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<switch $PC.Level>>\
<<case 2>>\
<<set $ClassFeats.Fury to 1>>\
<<set _tempFeat to $feat.Fury>>\
<<set $totalFeats.push(_tempFeat)>>\
<b>_tempFeat.name </b>
<<case 3>>\
<<set $Prof.Willpower to $Prof.Willpower +2>>\
<<set $PC.Willpower to $PC.Level + $Prof.Willpower + $WisdomBonus>>\
<<set _tempFeat to $feat.PTao>>\
<<set $totalFeats.push(_tempFeat)>>\
<b>_tempFeat.name </b>
<<case 4>>\
<<set $ClassFeats.CalculatedStrike to 1>>\
<<set _tempFeat to $feat.CalculatedStrike>>\
<<set $totalFeats.push(_tempFeat)>>\
<b>_tempFeat.name </b>
<<switch $PC.Level>>\
<<case 4>>\
<<button [[Choose Path|Programmer Path]]>>
<<set $SkillAction to 0>>\
<<button [[Finish|Level Up Stop]]>> <</button>>
<</switch>>\<img @src=$genericHouseOutsideImage />
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set _Charge to 0>>\
<<switch $SkillAction>>\
<<case "Athletics">>\
  After looking around for any Infested and not seeing any, you slowly start your way up the side of the house using the siding for makeshift handgrips along with the windows to brace your feet.
<<set _A to (random(19)+ 1)>>\
<<if _A + $Skill.Athletics + $StrengthBonus + $FoodStatus.Skill - $StatusAffect.Hungry > 9 + ($PC.Level / 2)>>\
<<set _tempXP to $PC.Level * 100>>\
<<set $XP to $XP + _tempXP>>\
  After a few minutes you manage to climb the wall of the house and somehow slide into the small attic window.
<<if $XP >= $NextLevel>> You have reached the maxium experience for your level! Sleep to gain your next level.<<else>> You have gained _tempXP XP! <</if>>
<<button [[Enter the Attic|Small House - Attic]]>>
<<set $location.Indoor to 1>>\
<<set $Salvage.Key to 0>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
  After almost making it to the top of the house wall you lose your grip and slide down the wall before slamming into the ground with a jarring thud.
<<set _tempDamage to random(4) + 1 - $PCResistance.Blunt>>\
<<if _tempDamage < 0>>\
<<set _tempDamage to 0>>\
<<set $HP to $HP - _tempDamage>>\
<<if $HP < 1>>\
<<set $HP to 1>>\
You take _tempDamage damage!
<<button [[Stand up|Small House - Entrance]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<case "Thievery">>\
  After glancing around looking around for any Infested or possible cops you pull out your lockpicking tool. Seeing no one around you take a long look at the door lock. It should only take a few minutes to pick the lock and gain access to the house.
<<set _T to (random(19)+ 1)>>\
<<if _T + $Skill.Thievery + $DexterityBonus + $FoodStatus.Skill - $StatusAffect.Hungry > 9 + ($PC.Level / 2)>>\
<<set _tempXP to $PC.Level * 100>>\
<<set $XP to $XP + _tempXP>>\
  After a few minutes you finally get the lock to click as you probe it with your tools. With only a couple of more twists you get the last of the lock's tumblers to line up. Taking a moment to put away your tool you open the now unlocked door.
<<if $XP >= $NextLevel>> You have reached the maxium experience for your level! Sleep to gain your next level.<<else>> You have gained _tempXP XP! <</if>>
<<if $ThieverySkillFeats.SturdyTools > 0>>\
<<set _T2 to (random(19)+ 1)>>\
<<if _T2 < $Prof.Thievery +1>>\
<<set _Charge to 0>>\
<<set _Charge to (random(10)+10)>>\
<<button [[Enter the House|Small House - Main Hallway]]>>
<<set $LockSmithTools.Charge to $LockSmithTools.Charge - _Charge>>\
<<set $location.Indoor to 1>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<set $Salvage.Key to 0>>\
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
  No matter what you try to do the door remains locked! You keep getting close to getting the tumblers to align but seem to always lose one at the last moment. Over half an hour has passed without any progress on the door so you decide to take a break for now to calm your nerves and to refocus.
<<button [[Take a Break|Small House - Entrance]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</switch>><img @src=$genericHouseOutsideImage />
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<switch $SkillAction>>\
<<case "Athletics">>\
  After looking around for any Infested and not seeing any, you slowly start your way up the side of the two story house using the siding and and various windows for makeshift handgrips.
<<set _A to (random(19)+ 1)>>\
<<if _A + $Skill.Athletics + $StrengthBonus + $FoodStatus.Skill + $PCStatus.SkillBuff - $StatusAffect.Hungry > 14+ ($PC.Level / 2)>>\
<<set _tempXP to $PC.Level * 100>>\
<<set $XP to $XP + _tempXP>>\
  After a few minutes you manage to climb the wall of the two story house and somehow slide into the small attic window.
<<if $XP >= $NextLevel>> You have reached the maxium experience for your level! Sleep to gain your next level.<<else>> You have gained _tempXP XP! <</if>>
<<button [[Enter the Attic|Average House - Attic]]>>
<<set $Salvage.Lock to 0>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
  After almost making it to the top of the two story house you lose your grip and slide down the wall before slamming into the ground with a jarring thud.
<<set _tempDamage to random(6) + 1 - $PCResistance.Blunt>>\
<<if _tempDamage < 0>>\
<<set _tempDamage to 0>>\
<<set $HP to $HP - _tempDamage>>\
<<if $HP < 1>>\
<<set $HP to 1>>\
You take _tempDamage damage!
<<button [[Stand up|Average House - Entrance]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<case "Electronics">>\
  After glancing around looking around for any Infested or possible cops you pull out your smartphone and boot up your hacking app. Seeing no one around you take a long look at the smart lock It should only take a few minutes to hack this somewhat simple lock and gain access to the house.
<<set _C to (random(19)+ 1) + $Skill.Electronics + $IntelligenceBonus + $FoodStatus.Skill + $PCStatus.SkillBuff - $StatusAffect.Hungry>>\
<<set _C2 to 0>>\
<<if $ElectronicsSkillFeats.BruteForce > 0>>\
<<set _C2 to (random(19)+ 1) + $Skill.Electronics + $IntelligenceBonus + $FoodStatus.Skill + $PCStatus.SkillBuff - $StatusAffect.Hungry -2>>\
<<if _C > 12 + ($PC.Level / 2) or _C2 > 12 + ($PC.Level / 2)>>\
<<set _tempXP to $PC.Level * 100>>\
<<set $XP to $XP + _tempXP>>\
<<if $ProgrammerPath.Blackhat > 0>>\
<<include "Hacking Heal">>\
<<set $SmartPhone.Charge to $SmartPhone.Charge - (random(5)+5)>>\
<<set _tempXP to $PC.Level * 100>>\
<<set $XP to $XP + _tempXP>>\
  After a few minutes you finally get the right frequency as you hack the door with your smart phone. With only a couple of more commands the door becomes unlocked and you step inside the house.
<<if $XP >= $NextLevel>> You have reached the maxium experience for your level! Sleep to gain your next level.<<else>> You have gained _tempXP XP! <</if>>
<<button [[Enter the House|Average House - Foyer]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<set $Salvage.Lock to 0>>\
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<set $SmartPhone.Charge to $SmartPhone.Charge - (random(5)+5)>>\
  No matter what you try to do the door remains locked! You've spent almost half an hour without being able to locate the correct frequency. With so little progress made on the door so you decide to take a break for now to calm your nerves and to refocus.
<<button [[Take a Break|Average House - Entrance]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</switch>><img @src=$genericHouseAtticImage />
<<set $location.temp to "Small House - Attic">>\
<<set _State to 0>>\
<<include "Time Micro-Passes">>\
<<if $Time.Current >= $Time.Max >>\
<<set _State to "TooLate">>\
<<set $NoEncounter to 1>>\
<<if $NoEncounter < 1>>\
<<set _EncounterRoll2 to 0>>\
<<set _TotalEncounterRoll2 to 0>>\
<<if $StealthSkillFeats.Distraction > 0>>\
<<set _EncounterRoll2 to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<set _TotalEncounterRoll2 to _EncounterRoll2 + $Skill.Stealth + $DexterityBonus + $StatusAffect.IndoorTracking - $StatusAffect.Horny - ($StatusAffect.CumCovered) -2>>\
<<set _EncounterRoll to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<set _TotalEncounterRoll to _EncounterRoll + $Skill.Stealth + $DexterityBonus + $StatusAffect.IndoorTracking - $StatusAffect.Horny - ($StatusAffect.CumCovered)>>\
<<if _TotalEncounterRoll < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current) and _TotalEncounterRoll2 < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current)>>\
<<if _TotalEncounterRoll + ($ThieverySkillFeats.SnareMaster *2) < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current - 10) or (_EncounterRoll < 2)>>\
<<set _State to "Ambush">>\
<<set _State to "Combat">>\
<<set _NPCEncounterRoll to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<if _NPCEncounterRoll > (18 - $ScoutingSkillFeats.KeenEye) and $NoEncounter is 0>>\
<<set _State to "NPC">>\
This is the tiny attic for this small suburban house which looks like it stores mostly junk and decorations. Several boxes block most of the available space and the sloped roof is keeping you slightly hunched. A drop down ladder looks like it will lead down to the master bedroom.
<<if $StatusText.Notice is 1>>\
<<include "Update Status">>\
<<switch _State>>\
<<case "TooLate">>\
<<set $Time.Current to $Time.Max>>\
It's too dangerous to explore this suburban house at this time of night.
<<button [[Return Home|$locationGeneric.Return]]>>
<<set $NoEncounter to 0>>\
<<case "Ambush">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Ambushed to 1>>\
You've been ambushed by an enemy hiding in the attic!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<case "Combat">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
You hear the footsteps of a enemy coming closer!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<if $Salvage.Attic < 1>>\
<<button [[Search for Supplies|Small House Salvage]]>>
<<set $genericHouseGenericImage to $genericHouseAtticImage>>\
<<set $lootTemp to $lootSmallHouse>>\
<<set $rarelootTemp to $rarelootSmallHouse>>\
<<set $Salvage.Attic to $Salvage.Attic +1>>\
It looks like you have found everything of value in the attic.
<<button [[Downstairs|Small House - Bedroom]]>> <</button>>
<</switch>>\<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<set _Fog to 0>>\
<<set _Rain to 0>>\
<<set _Cold to 0>>\
<<set _Wind to 0>>\
<<switch $Weather.Current>>\
<<case "Cloudy" "Windy">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Rose Suburb 1.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Wind to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<case "Foggy">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Rose Suburb-F 1.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<case "Misty">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Rose Suburb-F 1.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Rainy" "Stormy">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Rose Suburb-R 1.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Dreary">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Rose Suburb-R 1.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Sleeting">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Rose Suburb-S 1.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Cold to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Snowy">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Rose Suburb-S 1.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Cold to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $Time.Current > 6>>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Rose Suburb-N 1.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<img src="Images/Suburb/Rose Suburb 1.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set $location.temp to "Busch Bank Northwest">>\
<<set $location.coord to 1>>\
<<if $Time.Current >= $Time.Max >>\
<<set _State to "TooLate">>\
<<set $NoEncounter to 1>>\
<<if $NoEncounter < 1>>\
<<include "Random Encounter Check">>\
You are located in the northwestern section of the gated subdivision of Busch Bank which itself is situated at the most northwestern part of Civiton . Flowering shrubs of all types fill the yards of the nearby houses while to the south an large overflowing garden is filled with even more flowers and shubs. To the east the clean street circles around the small seemingly untouched subdivision while to the southwest a small portion of a park can be see off the street.
<<if $StatusText.Notice is 1>>\
<<include "Update Status">>\
<<if _Rain > 0 and $StatusAffect.Wet < _Rain>>\
<<set _Rain to _Rain - $PCResistance.Water>>\
<<if _Rain > $StatusAffect.Wet>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Wet to _Rain>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I'm getting soaking wet!</i> </div>
<<if _Cold > 0 and $PCResistance.Cold < _Cold>>\
<<set _tempDamage to random(_Cold) + $StatusAffect.Wet>>\
<<set _tempDamage2 to _tempDamage - $PCResistance.Cold>>\
<<if _tempDamage2 > 0>>\
<<set $HP to $HP - _tempDamage2>>\
<<if $HP < 1>>\
<<set $HP to 1>>\
You take _tempDamage2 cold damage!
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I'm freezing to death!</i> </div>
<<switch _State>>\
<<case "TooLate">>\
<<set $Time.Current to $Time.Max>>\
It's too dangerous to explore the Busch Bank suburbs at this time of night.
<<button [[Return Home|Busch Bank Returning Home]]>>
<<set $NoEncounter to 0>>\
<<case "Ambush">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Ambushed to 1>>\
You've been ambushed by an enemy!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<set $location.Encounter to "Busch Bank">>\
<<case "Combat">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
A hostile enemy is roaming nearby!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<set $location.Encounter to "Busch Bank">>\
<<case "NPC">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
You've encountered something unusual!
<<button [[Encounter|Busch Bank Events]]>>
<<set $location.prev to $location.temp>>\
<<button [[Explore one of the Empty Houses|Busch Bank - Suburb House]]>>
<<set $location.temp2 to $location.temp>>\
<<button [[Look around the Area|Busch Bank Event Scout]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Scout the Area for Enemies|Infested Scouting]]>>
<<set $location.Encounter to "Busch Bank">>\
<<button [[East|Busch Bank Northeast]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Southwest|Busch Bank West]]>> <</button>>
<<if $lust >= ($MaxLust / 2) or $GeneralFeats.Horndog > 0>>\
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Masturbate|Masturbate]]>> </span>
<<set $location.Encounter to "Busch Bank">>\
<</switch>>\<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<set _Fog to 0>>\
<<set _Rain to 0>>\
<<set _Cold to 0>>\
<<set _Wind to 0>>\
<<switch $Weather.Current>>\
<<case "Cloudy" "Windy">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Rose Suburb 2.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Wind to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<case "Foggy">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Rose Suburb-F 2.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<case "Misty">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Rose Suburb-F 2.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Rainy" "Stormy">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Rose Suburb-R 2.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Dreary">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Rose Suburb-R 2.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Sleeting">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Rose Suburb-S 2.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Cold to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Snowy">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Rose Suburb-S 2.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Cold to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $Time.Current > 6>>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Rose Suburb-N 2.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<img src="Images/Suburb/Rose Suburb 2.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set $location.temp to "Busch Bank Southwest">>\
<<set $location.coord to 8>>\
<<if $Time.Current >= $Time.Max >>\
<<set _State to "TooLate">>\
<<set $NoEncounter to 1>>\
<<if $NoEncounter < 1>>\
<<include "Random Encounter Check">>\
You are located in the southwestern section of the gated subdivision of Busch Bank. Beautifully grown flowering shrubs of all types fill the yards of the nearby houses while to the north an fenced in garden is filled with even more flowers and shubs. To the east the clean street circles around the small flower filled subdivision while to the northwest a small portion of a park can be see off the street.
<<if $StatusText.Notice is 1>>\
<<include "Update Status">>\
<<if _Rain > 0 and $StatusAffect.Wet < _Rain>>\
<<set _Rain to _Rain - $PCResistance.Water>>\
<<if _Rain > $StatusAffect.Wet>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Wet to _Rain>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I'm getting soaking wet!</i> </div>
<<if _Cold > 0 and $PCResistance.Cold < _Cold>>\
<<set _tempDamage to random(_Cold) + $StatusAffect.Wet>>\
<<set _tempDamage2 to _tempDamage - $PCResistance.Cold>>\
<<if _tempDamage2 > 0>>\
<<set $HP to $HP - _tempDamage2>>\
<<if $HP < 1>>\
<<set $HP to 1>>\
You take _tempDamage2 cold damage!
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I'm freezing to death!</i> </div>
<<switch _State>>\
<<case "TooLate">>\
<<set $Time.Current to $Time.Max>>\
It's too dangerous to explore the Busch Bank suburbs at this time of night.
<<button [[Return Home|Busch Bank Returning Home]]>>
<<set $NoEncounter to 0>>\
<<case "Ambush">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Ambushed to 1>>\
You've been ambushed by an enemy!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<set $location.Encounter to "Busch Bank">>\
<<case "Combat">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
A hostile enemy is roaming nearby!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<set $location.Encounter to "Busch Bank">>\
<<case "NPC">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
You've encountered something unusual!
<<button [[Encounter|Busch Bank Events]]>>
<<set $location.prev to $location.temp>>\
<<button [[Explore one of the Empty Houses|Busch Bank - Suburb House]]>>
<<set $location.temp2 to $location.temp>>\
<<button [[Look around the Area|Busch Bank Event Scout]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Scout the Area for Enemies|Infested Scouting]]>>
<<set $location.Encounter to "Busch Bank">>\
<<button [[East|Busch Bank Southeast]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Northwest|Busch Bank West]]>> <</button>>
<<if $lust >= ($MaxLust / 2) or $GeneralFeats.Horndog > 0>>\
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Masturbate|Masturbate]]>> </span>
<<set $location.Encounter to "Busch Bank">>\
<</switch>>\<<set $genericHouse to []>>\
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<set _Lock to random(19) +1>>\
<<set $BonusItem to $item.jewelry>>\
/* Select size of house */
<<switch random(10)>>\
<<case 0 1 2>>\
<<set $genericHouse.Size to 0>>\
<<include "Random House">>\
<img @src=$genericHouseOutsideImage />
You are standing on the street next to the remains of an almost completely destroyed house. You can return to the Oak Dale suburbs or search for salvage in the ruins of this destroyed building.
<<button [[Explore the House|Destroyed House]]>>
<<set $Salvage to {Misc: 0}>>
<<case 3 4 5>>\
<<set $genericHouse.Size to 2>>\
<<include "Random House">>\
<img @src=$genericHouseOutsideImage />
You are standing on the street outside of a small one-story suburban house. You can return to the neighborhood or explore this house.
<<button [[Explore the House|Small House2 - Entrance]]>>
<<if _Lock > 10>>\
<<set $Salvage to {Lock: 1, Bedroom: 0, Bedroom2: 0, Kitchen: 0, Hallway: 0, Hallway2: 0, Bathroom: 0, Living: 0}>>\
<<set $Salvage to {Lock: 0, Bedroom: 0, Bedroom2: 0, Kitchen: 0, Hallway: 0, Hallway2: 0, Bathroom: 0, Living: 0}>>\
<<case 6 7 8>>\\
<<set $genericHouse.Size to 1>>\
<<include "Random House">>\
<img @src=$genericHouseOutsideImage />
You are standing on the street outside of a small suburban house. You can return to the Oak Dale suburbs or explore this house.
<<button [[Explore the House|Small House - Entrance]]>>
<<if _Lock > 10>>\
<<set $Salvage to {Lock: 1, Attic: 0, Bedroom: 0, Kitchen: 0, Hallway: 0, Bathroom: 0, Living: 0}>>\
<<set $Salvage to {Lock: 0, Attic: 0, Bedroom: 0, Kitchen: 0, Hallway: 0, Bathroom: 0, Living: 0}>>\
<<set $genericHouse.Size to 10>>\
<<include "Random House">>\
<img @src=$genericHouseOutsideImage />
You are standing on the sidewalk outside of a nice suburban house. You can return to the Oak Dale suburbs or explore this house.
<<button [[Explore the House|Average House - Entrance]]>>
<<if _Lock > 5>>\
<<set $Salvage to {Lock: 1, Attic: 0, Bedroom: 0, Bedroom2: 0, Bedroom3: 0, Kitchen: 0, Hallway: 0, Hallway2: 0, Bathroom: 0, Bathroom2: 0, Living: 0, Garage: 0}>>\
<<set $Salvage to {Lock: 0, Attic: 0, Bedroom: 0, Bedroom2: 0, Bedroom3: 0, Kitchen: 0, Hallway: 0, Hallway2: 0, Bathroom: 0, Bathroom2: 0, Living: 0, Garage: 0}>>\
<<button [[Nevermind|$location.temp]]>> <</button>><<set $genericHouse to []>>\
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<set $BonusItem to $item.jewelry>>\
<<set _Lock to random(19) +1>>\
<<switch random(10)>>\
<<case 0 1 2>>\
<<set $genericHouse.Size to 1>>\
<<include "Random House">>\
<img @src=$genericHouseOutsideImage />
You are standing on the street outside of a small suburban house. You can return to the neighborhood or explore this house.
<<button [[Explore the House|Small House - Entrance]]>>
<<if _Lock > 10>>\
<<set $Salvage to {Lock: 1, Attic: 0, Bedroom: 0, Kitchen: 0, Hallway: 0, Bathroom: 0, Living: 0, Garage: 0}>>\
<<set $Salvage to {Lock: 0, Attic: 0, Bedroom: 0, Kitchen: 0, Hallway: 0, Bathroom: 0, Living: 0, Garage: 0}>>\
<<case 3 4 5>>\
<<set $genericHouse.Size to 2>>\
<<include "Random House">>\
<img @src=$genericHouseOutsideImage />
You are standing on the street outside of a small one-story suburban house. You can return to the neighborhood or explore this house.
<<button [[Explore the House|Small House2 - Entrance]]>>
<<if _Lock > 10>>\
<<set $Salvage to {Lock: 1, Bedroom: 0, Bedroom2: 0, Kitchen: 0, Hallway: 0, Hallway2: 0, Bathroom: 0, Living: 0}>>\
<<set $Salvage to {Lock: 0, Bedroom: 0, Bedroom2: 0, Kitchen: 0, Hallway: 0, Hallway2: 0, Bathroom: 0, Living: 0}>>\
<<set $genericHouse.Size to 10>>\
<<include "Random House">>\
<img @src=$genericHouseOutsideImage />
You are standing on the street outside of a nice sized suburban house. You can return to the neighborhood or explore this house.
<<button [[Explore the House|Average House - Entrance]]>>
<<if _Lock > 5>>\
<<set $Salvage to {Lock: 1, Attic: 0, Bedroom: 0, Bedroom2: 0, Bedroom3: 0, Kitchen: 0, Hallway: 0, Hallway2: 0, Bathroom: 0, Bathroom2: 0, Living: 0, Garage: 0}>>\
<<set $Salvage to {Lock: 0, Attic: 0, Bedroom: 0, Bedroom2: 0, Bedroom3: 0, Kitchen: 0, Hallway: 0, Hallway2: 0, Bathroom: 0, Bathroom2: 0, Living: 0, Garage: 0}>>\
<<button [[Nevermind|$location.temp]]>> <</button>>
<<set $gangsterPath to "Images/Enemies/Gangstas/">>\
<<set $gangsterFutaPath to "Images/Enemies/Gangstas/Futa Gangstas/">>\
<<set $gangsterFemalePath to "Images/Enemies/Gangstas/Female Gangstas/">>\
<<set $gangsterMalePath to "Images/Enemies/Gangstas/Male Gangstas/">>\
<<set $arrayGangstaMale to ["Male Gangsta 1", "Male Gangsta 2", "Male Gangsta 3", "Male Gangsta 4", "Male Gangsta 5", "Male Gangsta 6"]>>\
<<set $arrayGangstaFemale to ["Female Gangsta 1", "Female Gangsta 2", "Female Gangsta 3", "Female Gangsta 4", "Female Gangsta 5", "Female Gangsta 6"]>>\
<<set $arrayGangstaFuta to ["Futa Gangsta 1", "Futa Gangsta 2", "Futa Gangsta 3", "Futa Gangsta 4"]>>\
<<set $arrayGangstaMaleNinja to ["Male Ninja 1", "Male Ninja 2", "Male Ninja 3", "Male Ninja 4"]>>\
<<set $arrayGangstaFemaleNinja to ["Female Ninja 1", "Female Ninja 2", "Female Ninja 3", "Female Ninja 4"]>>\
<<set $gangsterMale to {ID: 2001, Name: "the Gangsta Punk", Name2: "The Gangsta Punk", Name3: "Gangsta Punk", Age: 18, Sex: "Male", Arousal: 10, Weapon: $weapon.switchknife, Level: 2, BAB: 6, Damage: 1, AC: 17, DR: 1, HP: 16, MaxHP: 16, Scouting: 6, Social: 2, Willpower: 1, Reflex: 5, Fortitude: 2, Blunt: 1, Slash: 1, Pierce: 1, Fire: 0, Cold: 0, Shock: 0, Acid: 0, Sonic: 0, Water: 2, Stun: 0, Intim: 0, Bleed: 0, EnemyCount: 1, Path: $gangsterMalePath, Pro: $gangsterPath+"Raider-Male-pro.jpg", Image: $arrayGangstaMale, Loot: $lootGangsterMale, RareLoot: $rarelootGangsterMale, Pronoun: "he", Pronoun2: "his", Type: "Human", Faction: "Gang", Friendship: 0, Infestation: 10, HasPenis: 1, HasPussy: 0, DickType: "Normal", DickSize: 4, BallsSize: 2, BreastsSize: 0, OBreastsSize: 0, NippleSize: 0, AssSize: 1, SpNum: 0, Special1: $specials.LethalSpin, SpecialChance: 15}>>\
<<set $gangsterMale2 to {ID: 2001, Name: "the Gangsta Ninja", Name2: "The Gangsta Ninja", Name3: "Gangsta Ninja", Age: 18, Sex: "Male", Arousal: 10, Weapon: $weapon.bowieknife, Level: 3, BAB: 7, Damage: 2, AC: 18, DR: 1, HP: 24, MaxHP: 24, Scouting: 7, Social: 3, Willpower: 2, Reflex: 6, Fortitude: 3, Blunt: 1, Slash: 2, Pierce: 1, Fire: 0, Cold: 1, Shock: 0, Acid: 0, Sonic: 0, Water: 1, Stun: 0, Intim: 0, Bleed: 0, EnemyCount: 1, Path: $gangsterMalePath, Pro: $gangsterPath+"Raider-Male-pro.jpg", Image: $arrayGangstaMaleNinja, Loot: $lootGangsterMale2, RareLoot: $rarelootGangsterMale2, Pronoun: "he", Pronoun2: "his", Type: "Human", Faction: "Gang", Friendship: 0, Infestation: 10, HasPenis: 1, HasPussy: 0, DickType: "Normal", DickSize: 8, BallsSize: 4, BreastsSize: 0, OBreastsSize: 0, NippleSize: 0, AssSize: 1, SpNum: 0, Special1: $specials.LethalSpin, SpecialChance: 15}>>\
<<set $gangsterFemale to {ID: 2002, Name: "the Gangsta Punkette", Name2: "The Gangsta Punkette", Name3: "Gangsta Punkette", Age: 18, Sex: "Female", Arousal: 10, Weapon: $weapon.longsword, Level: 2, BAB: 6, Damage: 1, AC: 17, DR: 1, HP: 18, MaxHP: 18, Scouting: 6, Social: 2, Willpower: 1, Reflex: 5, Fortitude: 2, Blunt: 1, Slash: 1, Pierce: 1, Fire: 0, Cold: 5, Shock: 0, Acid: 0, Sonic: 0, Water: 2, Stun: 0, Intim: 0, Bleed: 0, EnemyCount: 1, Path: $gangsterFemalePath, Pro: $gangsterPath+"Raider-Male-pro.jpg", Image: $arrayGangstaFemale, Loot: $lootGangsterFemale, RareLoot: $rarelootGangsterFemale, Pronoun: "she", Pronoun2: "her", Type: "Human", Faction: "Gang", Friendship: 0, Infestation: 10, HasPenis: 0, HasPussy: 1, DickType: "Normal", DickSize: 4, BallsSize: 2, BreastsSize: 4, OBreastsSize: 4, NippleSize: 2, AssSize: 3, SpNum: 0, Special1: $specials.LethalSpin, SpecialChance: 25}>>\
<<set $gangsterFemale2 to {ID: 2002, Name: "the Gangsta Kunoichi", Name2: "The Gangsta Kunoichi", Name3: "Gangsta Kunoichi", Age: 18, Sex: "Female", Arousal: 10, Weapon: $weapon.katana, Level: 3, BAB: 7, Damage: 2, AC: 18, DR: 1, HP: 27, MaxHP: 27, Scouting: 7, Social: 3, Willpower: 2, Reflex: 6, Fortitude: 3, Blunt: 1, Slash: 2, Pierce: 1, Fire: 0, Cold: 1, Shock: 0, Acid: 0, Sonic: 0, Water: 2, Stun: 0, Intim: 0, Bleed: 0, EnemyCount: 1, Path: $gangsterFemalePath, Pro: $gangsterPath+"Raider-Male-pro.jpg", Image: $arrayGangstaFemaleNinja, Loot: $lootGangsterFemale2, RareLoot: $rarelootGangsterFemale2, Pronoun: "she", Pronoun2: "her", Type: "Human", Faction: "Gang", Friendship: 0, Infestation: 10, HasPenis: 0, HasPussy: 1, DickType: "Normal", DickSize: 4, BallsSize: 2, BreastsSize: 7, OBreastsSize: 4, NippleSize: 2, AssSize: 6, SpNum: 0, Special1: $specials.LethalSpin, SpecialChance: 25}>>\
<<set $gangsterFuta to {ID: 2003, Name: "the Gangsta Futa", Name2: "The Gangsta Futa", Name3: "Gangsta Futa", Age: 19, Sex: "Futa", Arousal: 10, Weapon: $weapon.gunblade, Level: 4, BAB: 9, Damage: 2, AC: 19, DR: 1, HP: 34, MaxHP: 34, Scouting: 8, Social: 2, Willpower: 4, Reflex: 8, Fortitude: 4, Blunt: 1, Slash: 2, Pierce: 1, Fire: 0, Cold: 1, Shock: 0, Acid: 0, Sonic: 0, Water: 2, Stun: 0, Intim: 0, Bleed: 0, EnemyCount: 1, Path: $gangsterFutaPath, Pro: $gangsterPath+"Raider-Male-pro.jpg", Image: $arrayGangstaFuta, Loot: $lootGangsterFuta, RareLoot: $rarelootGangsterFuta, Pronoun: "she", Pronoun2: "her", Type: "Human", Faction: "Gang", Friendship: 0, Infestation: 15, HasPenis: 1, HasPussy: 1, DickType: "Normal", DickSize: 7, BallsSize: 5, BreastsSize: 8, OBreastsSize: 4, NippleSize: 4, AssSize: 6, SpNum: 1, Special1: $specials.FocusFire, Special2: $specials.LethalSpin, SpecialChance: 35}>>\<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<set _Fog to 0>>\
<<set _Rain to 0>>\
<<set _Cold to 0>>\
<<set _Wind to 0>>\
<<switch $Weather.Current>>\
<<case "Cloudy" "Windy">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Rose Gate 1.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Wind to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<case "Foggy">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Rose Gate-F 1.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<case "Misty">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Rose Gate-F 1.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<case "Rainy" "Stormy">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Rose Gate-R 1.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<case "Dreary">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Rose Gate-R 1.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<case "Sleeting">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Rose Gate-S 1.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Cold to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<case "Snowy">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Rose Gate-S 1.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Cold to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $Time.Current > 6>>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Rose Gate-N 1.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<img src="Images/Suburb/Rose Gate 1.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set $location.temp to "Busch Bank - Garden">>\
<<set $location.coord to 5>>\
<<set _EncounterStop to 0>>\
<FONT COLOR="RED">A large sign attached to some chains blocks the entrance to the large garden. It says "To be opened soon!"</FONT>
<<button [[Leave|Busch Bank West]]>> <</button>><img @src=$genericHouseBedroomImage3 />
<<include "Time Micro-Passes">>\
<<set $location.temp to "Average House - Bedroom3">>\
<<set _State to 0>>\
<<include "Time Micro-Passes">>\
<<if $Time.Current >= $Time.Max >>\
<<set _State to "TooLate">>\
<<set $NoEncounter to 1>>\
<<if $NoEncounter < 1>>\
<<set _EncounterRoll2 to 0>>\
<<set _TotalEncounterRoll2 to 0>>\
<<if $StealthSkillFeats.Distraction > 0>>\
<<set _EncounterRoll2 to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<set _TotalEncounterRoll2 to _EncounterRoll2 + $Skill.Stealth + $DexterityBonus + $StatusAffect.IndoorTracking - $StatusAffect.Horny - ($StatusAffect.CumCovered) -2>>\
<<set _EncounterRoll to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<set _TotalEncounterRoll to _EncounterRoll + $Skill.Stealth + $DexterityBonus + $StatusAffect.IndoorTracking - $StatusAffect.Horny - ($StatusAffect.CumCovered)>>\
<<if _TotalEncounterRoll < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current) and _TotalEncounterRoll2 < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current)>>\
<<if _TotalEncounterRoll + ($ThieverySkillFeats.SnareMaster *2) < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current - 10) or (_EncounterRoll < 2)>>\
<<set _State to "Ambush">>\
<<set _State to "Combat">>\
<<set _NPCEncounterRoll to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<if _NPCEncounterRoll > (18 - $ScoutingSkillFeats.KeenEye) and $NoEncounter is 0>>\
<<set _State to "NPC">>\
This is an upstairs bedroom for this nice sized house. A large bed takes up most of the room with a large painting of a spooky tree on the wall closest to the window. A small window allows a nice view of the large backyard. A night stand and a dresser fills up most of the remaining wall space. To the left is the bathroom and to the right is the main hallway.
<<if $StatusText.Notice is 1>>\
<<include "Update Status">>\
<<switch _State>>\
<<case "TooLate">>\
<<set $Time.Current to $Time.Max>>\
It's too dangerous to explore this suburban house at this time of night.
<<button [[Leave|$location.temp2]]>>
<<set $NoEncounter to 0>>\
<<case "Ambush">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Ambushed to 1>>\
You've been ambushed by an enemy!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<case "Combat">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
A hostile enemy is wandering around the house!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<if $Salvage.Bedroom3 < 1>>\
<<button [[Search for Salvage|Average House Salvage]]>>
<<set $genericHouseGenericImage to $genericHouseBedroomImage3>>\
<<set $lootTemp to $lootAverageHouseBedroom2>>\
<<set $rarelootTemp to $rarelootAverageHouseBedroom2>>\
<<set $Salvage.Bedroom3 to $Salvage.Bedroom3 +1>>\
It looks like you have found everything of value in the hallway.
<<button [[Upstairs Hallway|Average House - Upstairs]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Bathroom|Average House - Bathroom2]]>> <</button>>
<</switch>>\<img src="Images/Vehicles/jeep.jpg" width="800px" height="400px" />
<<set _tempV to $VehicleFlags.Current>>\
<<set $location.temp to "Driving 3">>\
<<set _EncounterStop to 0>>\
You're pushing your _tempV.name down the street while trying to keep an eye out for any Infested or Raiders.
<<if $NoEncounter < 1>>\
<<if (random(19) +1) + $Skill.Driving + $DexterityBonus + $StatusAffect.SilentDrive - $StatusAffect.Horny - ($StatusAffect.CumCovered) < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current +4) + 5 and $Time.Current < $Time.Max>>\
<<set _EncounterStop to 1>>\
You've encountered something unusual!
<<button [[Encounter|Driving Encounter]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set $location.Encounter to "$locationGeneric.zone">>\
<<if _EncounterStop is 0>>\
After a grueling time pushing your _tempV.name down multiple streets you have finally made it back home!
<<button [[Finish Driving|$VehicleFlags.location]]>>
<<switch $Prof.Driving>>\
<<case 2>>\
<<include "Time Passes">>\
<<include "Time Passes">>\
<<include "Time Passes">>\
<<include "Time Passes">>\
<<include "Time Passes">>\
<<case 4>>\
<<include "Time Passes">>\
<<include "Time Passes">>\
<<include "Time Passes">>\
<<case 6>>\
<<include "Time Passes">>\
<<include "Time Passes">>\
<<case 8>>\
<<include "Time Passes">>\
<<include "Time Passes">>\
<<include "Time Passes">>\
<<include "Time Passes">>\
<<include "Time Passes">>\
<<include "Time Passes">>\
<<include "Time Passes">>\
<<include "Time Passes">>\
<<include "Time Passes">>\
<<include "Time Passes">>\
<<button [[Increase Dick/Ball Size +1|Increase Size]]>>
<<set $PC.DickSize =+ $PC.DickSize +1>>\
<<set $DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$PC.DickSize]>>\
<<set $DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$PC.DickSize]>>\
<<set $PC.BallsSize =+ $PC.BallsSize +1>>\
<<set $BallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$PC.BallsSize]>>\
<<set $BallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$PC.BallsSize]>>\
<<button [[Increase Breasts Size +1|Increase Size]]>>
<<set $PC.BreastsSize =+ $PC.BreastsSize +1>>\
<<set $PC.NippleSize =+ $PC.NippleSize +1>>\
<<set $BreastSD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set $BreastsSize to $arrayBreastSize[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set $NippleSize to $arrayNippleSize[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<button [[Nevermind|BrowsePC]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</button>><<set $sexHistory.XP to $sexHistory.XP +1>>\
<<set _DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$genericFighter.DickSize]>>\
<<set _DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$genericFighter.DickSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$genericFighter.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$genericFighter.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _SizeComp to $PC.DickSize - $genericFighter.Level + ($GeneralFeats.FalseRep *2)>>\
<<set _SizeComp2 to $PC.BreastsSize - $genericFighter.Level + ($GeneralFeats.FalseRep *2)>>\
<<if _SizeComp < 0>>\
<<set _SizeComp to 0>>\
<<if _SizeComp2 < 0>>\
<<set _SizeComp2 to 0>>\
Gotta get a blowjob! Scene still needs to be written :(<img @src=$genericEvent.Image width="550px" height="800px" />
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<set $threesomeEvent.Daily to 1>>\
<<set $npcMay.Friendship to $npcMay.Friendship + 1 + $ClassBonus.Celebrity + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set $npcApril.Friendship to $npcApril.Friendship + 1 + $ClassBonus.Celebrity + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Horny to $StatusAffect.Horny+1>>\
<<set $lust to $lust + random(5) + 1 + $StatusAffect.Horny - $LustResist.Visual>>\
<<set $threesomeEvent.Sex to $PC.Sex>>\
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$npcApril.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$npcApril.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _OSD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$npcApril.OBreastsSize]>>\
<<set _OCup to $arrayBreastSize[$npcApril.OBreastsSize]>>\
<<set _TSD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$threesomeEvent.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$npcApril.DickSize]>>\
<<set _DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$npcApril.DickSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$npcApril.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$npcApril.BallsSize]>>\
<<if $npcApril.Sex is not $npcApril.OSex>>\
<<set $npcApril.OSex to "Futa">>\
  "Sure, I'm up for some more fun. Are we heading back to your place?" you ask as you look over the two women with their big jiggly tits and bouncy asses. There was no way you could refuse their offer, not after all the great sex you had last time.
  "Yeah let's head over to my dad's summer place cause that's where we've been holding up for the last couple of weeks." replies May as she grabs your hand and leads you towards her nice looking house. As she walks her _ISD breasts presses into your arm and occasionally her large ass bumps into you as she swaggers down the sidewalk. April grabs your other arm while pressing her own _ISD tits into you as well.
  Before long you find yourself back in May's bedroom after reaching the empty house. April and May settles down on the comfortable chairs with a large amount of groping of each other. You grab your own seat as you admire their toned bodies along with their _ISD breasts and ample asses.
  "So April, it seems you've been hitting the Dr. Pecker earlier than usual?" you ask as you take in the _DickSD tent in her dress. April seems a bit amused as she reaches down and strokes her obvious futa-cock while May looks a bit uncertain.
  "After our last tryst it seems like the affects of the Dr. Pecker is not wearing off. Maybe drinking too many Dr. Peckers might have permenant affects." whispers April as she stops stroking her futa-cock.
  "It was a bit of a surprise but I support my best friend! She might be stuck as a Futa but that just means more fun times!" exclaims May as she gazes at April.
  "Sure, I'm up for some more fun. Are we heading back to your place?" you ask as you look over the two women with their big jiggly tits and bouncy asses. There was no way you could refuse their offer, not after all the great sex you had last time.
  "Yeah let's head over to my dad's summer place cause that's where we've been holding up for the last couple of weeks." replies May as she grabs your hand and leads you towards her nice looking house. As she walks her _ISD breasts presses into your arm and occasionally her large ass bumps into you as she swaggers down the sidewalk. April grabs your other arm while pressing her own _ISD tits into you as well.
  Before long you find yourself back in May's bedroom after reaching the empty house. April and May settles down on the comfortable chairs with a large amount of groping of each other. You grab your own seat as you admire their toned bodies along with their _ISD breasts and ample asses.
<<if $threesomeEvent.BreastsSize < $PC.BreastsSize>>\
  "Oh wow! It looks like $PC.FirstName's breasts have grown a bit larger since last time she was here!" exclaims May with a hint of jealousy as she stares at your $BreastSD tits. Reaching over she cups your breasts thru your clothes as April lustfully looks on while lightly stroking her pussy. "What size are you? I'm guessing your tasty looking tits are now $BreastsSize?"
  "I'm going to have to agree with May. They seem much larger than the last time we've seen them. I definitely approve..." whispers April as she reaches over to give them a good feel as well.
  "Yeah, they have grown a bit after some interesting events. I'm packing a pair of $BreastsSize size breasts and I have to admit they feel wonderful." you admit as you think about your travels the last couple of days. You're enjoying having your $BreastSD breasts groped as your hard nipples harden along with your $DickSD dick.
  "We're going to have to check them out a bit closer here shortly." says May as she gives them one last squeeze. April sighs as she reluctly releases her soft grip on your $BreastSD breasts.
<<if $npcApril.OBreastsSize < $npcApril.BreastsSize>>\
  "Speaking of changes, it looks like the both of you have a lot more weight up top since last time I saw you..." you say as you look more closely at April and May, specifically at their _ISD _ICup breasts. It's easy to tell now that you are sitting down that they are no longer _OCup.
  "Someone was a bit jealous last time and decided we needed an upgrade to keep up." explains April in a low tone while glancing at May. "I personally find it fine and enjoy our new bigger breasts. They have a lot more heft and feel so good." she continues as May does her best to look nonchalant while lightly stroking the outside of her breasts.
  May proudly presents her _ISD breasts while protesting "I wouldn't say I was jealous, just after seeing your how nice your _TSD tits looked I figured it would look even better on us! I bet even you agree $PC.FirstName!"
  "I do have to agree with you, May. Your _ISD breasts look very nice and juicy." you reply as you give their _ISD _ICup breasts a lustful look. Both April and May preen from your compliment as they thrust their _ISD jugs out for you to gaze apon.
<<set $npcApril.OBreastsSize to $npcApril.BreastsSize>>\
<<set $npcMay.OBreastsSize to $npcMay.BreastsSize>>\
<<elseif $threesomeEvent.BreastsSize > $PC.BreastsSize>>\
  "Hey $PC.FirstName? Looks like the MilkShake Jugs have started to wear off cause your tits are looking a bit smaller than last time..." asks May as she gives your $BreastSD tits a piercing look. Reaching over she cups your breasts thru your clothes as April looks on with disappointment while lightly stroking her pussy. "What size are you? I'm guessing your breasts are now a $BreastsSize?"
  "I'm going to have to agree with May. They seem much smaller than the last time we've seen them. I can not say I fully approve..." whispers April as she reaches over to give them a good feel as well.
  "Yeah, they have shrunk a bit but they still feel just as good." you admit as you think about your travels the last couple of days. You're enjoying having your $BreastSD breasts groped as your hard nipples harden along with your $DickSD dick.
  "You have to keep drinking the MilkShake Jugs in order to keep your tits nice and big. Not too much at once but a steady supply will eventually cause them to keep their size without needing to drink one every day." whispers April as she hefts her own _ICup tits before letting them bounce.
<<if $npcApril.OBreastsSize < $npcApril.BreastsSize>>\
  "Speaking of breasts, it looks like the both of you have a lot more weight up top since last time I saw you..." you say as you look more closely at April and May, specifically at their _ISD _ICup breasts. It's easy to tell now that you are sitting down that they are no longer _OCup.
  "Someone was a bit jealous last time and decided we needed an upgrade to keep up." explains April in a low tone while glancing at May. "I personally find it fine and enjoy our new bigger breasts. They have a lot more heft and feel so good." she continues as May does her best to look nonchalant while lightly stroking the outside of her breasts.
  May proudly presents her _ISD breasts while protesting "I wouldn't say I was jealous, just after seeing your how nice your $BreastSD tits looked I figured it would look even better on us! I bet even you agree $PC.FirstName!"
  "I do have to agree with you, May. Your _ISD breasts look very nice and juicy." you reply as you give their _ISD _ICup breasts a lustful look. Both April and May preen from your compliment as they thrust their _ISD jugs out for you to gaze apon.
<<set $npcApril.OBreastsSize to $npcApril.BreastsSize>>\
<<set $npcMay.OBreastsSize to $npcMay.BreastsSize>>\
  "So what's on the agenda for sexy fun time this evening? April was thinking about chugging another Dr. Pecker to get a bigger dick in order to fuck our tits before moving on to fucking my pussy hard while you fuck my large ass. But I'm worried about even more extreme reactions if she drinks too much so how about we hold off on that for a few days." May asks as she slowly stokes April's futa-cock underneath her dress. April just moans softly while giving you a sultry look.
  "So how we just go with being hopped up on so much Energy Thirst that we fuck for hours and hours. I'm sure you would love to have April shoot hot load deep into your tight cunt before watching her shoot her wad into my own..." May continues while moving on to lightly fondling April's _ISD _ICup breasts.
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Drink the Energy Thirst|3some Female April Futa Energy]]>>
<<if $lust + ($StatusAffect.Horny*2) < $MaxLust>>\
<<button [[Refuse to Drink and Leave|3some - Leave]]>>
<<set $threesomeEvent.BreastsSize to $PC.BreastsSize>>\
<</if>>\<img src="Images/Suburb/Gas Station/Morton.jpg" />
<<if (random(19) + 1) + $Skill.Social + $CharismaBonus > 13>>\
<<set $npcMorton.Friendship to $npcMorton.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity +2 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set $npcMorton.Friendship to $npcMorton.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity +1 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<include "Time Micro-Passes">>\
  You decide to spend some time gathering some general information about what's been going on with the Infested Outbreak. Glancing outside the barred windows in case an Infested has wandered by you ask "So what exactly has been going on in the city since the Outbreak started? A general overview I mean."
  "Hmm..A general overview? I can do that. OK first of all the military is keeping the city under strict quarantine. No one can get in or out of the city and I heard that they have shoot on sight orders for anyone trying to break quarantine. Now that's the official story but I've also heard some rumors of soldiers being seen inside the city limits on some type of secret mission." Morton says while giving the door a quick look.
  "The Civiton police department is still non-existant with most of police officers either Infested now or in hiding. The Doubleton county sheriff department is still trying to keep order from what I've heard but there's maybe a half a dozen officers left that's not Infested so don't expect much from them." he says before taking a pause to drink from his mug.
  "Speaking of law and order, the next thing to mention is the Raiders and the Gangstas. Raiders are several groups of people have come together who are dedicated to raiding for supplies and other items of interest. The main Raiders in the westerm part of Civiton are the Pure Bloods and the Iron Claws. The Gangstas are just a fancy name for the gang bangers and street rats who ran around in gangs before the Infested Outbreak. Although there has been a couple of rumors regarding the Mafia and Yakuza making plays in the city before the quarantine. The Knives are the biggest gang in this area but they tend to hang out more towards the South Haven river. Now what's interesting is that I've heard a rumor that the Knives and the Pure Bloods are having some type of beef with each other." he explains with a irritated tone.
  "Last of all we have the Infested running around fucking anyone that moves. Regardless of what the media says they are not mindless zombies. Well at least not most of them. I tend to have a several that come in and purchase items of interest. Of course if I didn't have solid steel bars protecting me they would have quickly turned me into a Infested but the ones who still have most of their brains just want snacks I guess." he says while shrugging.
  "Now for the last part of the local information, there's a nurse named Troy who's been going around providing healthcare to locals who need it. Which is nice since the local clinic, the Oak Dale Clinic, looks to be overrun by Infested. A lot of those placed were hit hard when the Infested Outbreak hit since since sick people tend to run to hospitals which included those initially infected with the virus." he finishes as he glances at his watch. "I think that about covers all that I have time for, $PC.FirstName."
<div class="pcTalk"><i> That's some good information but I'm not sure it was worth the cost... </i></div>
<<button [[Finish|Mortons - Inside]]>> <</button>><<set $sexHistory.XP to $sexHistory.XP +1>>\
<<set $LastPartner to $genericFighter>>\
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$genericFighter.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$genericFighter.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$genericFighter.DickSize]>>\
<<set _DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$genericFighter.DickSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$genericFighter.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$genericFighter.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _SizeComp to $PC.DickSize - $genericFighter.Level + ($GeneralFeats.FalseRep *2)>>\
<<if _SizeComp < 0>>\
<<set _SizeComp to 0>>\
  $genericFighter.Name2 smirks as she walks towards your exhausted body. "So this is what's going to happen. I'm going to shove my meaty futa-cock between your lovely lips and you're going to suck my dick until I blow my load all down your throat!" the Infested says as she stands over your defeated body with her _DickSD dick hard at attention, dripping pre-cum. The way her _DickSD <<Penis>> throbs in front of you and the intoxicating smell of her pre-cum has your $DickSD cock nice and hard as well. "How about you slide your lips all over my tip?" she asks as she thrusts her futa-cock at your face.
  Unable to resist the sight smell of her _DickSD futa-dick you find your tongue sliding along her girthy length! It tastes salty with a hint of lemon and you can't resist giving her another lick! This time you guide her futa-dick towards your lips in order to make sure you give all of her cock the proper tasting it deserves. As you do so a burst of pre-cum shoots from her tip into your waiting mouth sending a surge of pleasure at the divine flavor! Wanting even more of her delicious seed, you slowly give her _DickSize shaft a long and sloppy lick before ending with her tip between your lips
  "Fucking hell! You're a fucking goddamn master at cock-sucking!" $genericFighter.Name moans as you wrap your tongue around her meaty tip, urging the Infested to give you more of the gooey juices that's flowing from her fuck rod. More of her salty pre-cum oozes from her beefy shaft as you start to bob your head on her cock but oddly that lemony flavor is missing. Sliding your hand beneath her _BallsSD balls you find her partially hidden pussy behind those _BallsSize orbs. You slide a finger into her tight cunt causing the Futa to thrust forward in surprise, almost gagging you with her _DickSize length!
  "Mmmm!" you mumble as you suck hard on her _DickSize tool while sliding your finger in and out of her dripping wet pussy. $genericFighter.Name2 lets out her own moan of pleasure as she starts to thrust into your greedy mouth with her thick futa-dick, letting even more of her delicious juices flow down your throat. You do your best to coax her cock to release as much of her pre-cum as possible by sucking it nice and hard!
  "Holy fuck! Your mouth is like a vaccum cleaner with how hard your sucking! Keep blowing me just like thatttt!" she moans as she grabs your head and starts to fuck your mouth! You do your best to keep sucking as hard as possible but with her rapid thrusts it's getting hard to keep a good lip seal on her cock. However you do manage to keep your finger firmly in her tight pussy with her momentium allowing her to fingerbang herself on it. Glancing upwards you notice her _ISD breasts are swaying wildly to the beat of her face fucking and at this point her _BallsSize balls are slapping you in the chin!
  Thrusting hard down your overfilled throat, the Infested screams "Oh fuck yes! I'm shooting my load down your Goddamn throat! Fuckkkk!" You don't have any to blink as a flood of her gooey baby-batter flows down your throat as wave after wave erupts from her meaty tip! There's so much cum that you end up choking on it as the excess drips from your open mouth. Not content with just filling your mouth with her seed, the Futa pulls her cock out from between your lips and shoots several strands of gooey cum all over your hard chest and twitching dick. Even your slippery fingers are soaked in her female juices!
  Her cum is so delicious that you almost cum just from tasting it! You start to reach down to your throbbing dick to release that pressure but to your surprise she kicks your hand away from your aching cock! "Since you did such a great job sucking my dick I figured I could reward you by helping you get release as well!" The Futa says with a smirk on her face. Stepping closer to you, she presses her foot on top of your $DickSize dick!
<<if _SizeComp < ($genericFighter.DickSize -4)>>\
  "Look who's packing a pathetic dick! That's you if you didn't realize it." she mocks you as she slides her foot against your $DickSD shaft. "No wonder you are such a good cock-sucker cause with a penis that size you could never get laid..." You want to rage against her words but your dick feels so good and you're so close to release! Sliding her soft foot against your hard cock one more time she says huskily "Cum for me! Shoot your big wad all over my feet!"
  Unable to resist you yell out "Oh fuck yes! I'm cumming so fucking hard all over your feet!" as you feel your $BallsSD cum-filled balls release their restraint as $CumAD ribbons of glistening cum splash all over her feet and your chest! The Infested just smiles as her feet gets covered in warm goo and she makes sure your balls are nice and empty before taking her foot off of your sensitive dick.
<<elseif _SizeComp < $genericFighter.DickSize>>\
  "That's not a bad dick you're packing... I mean it's smaller than my meat rod but perfectly matching such a person as you." she slightly mocks you as she slides her foot against your $DickSD shaft. "With such a usable rod, it must be a gift to be such a good cock-sucker!" You want to argue against her words but your dick feels so good and you're so close to release! Sliding her soft foot against your hard cock one more time she says huskily "Cum for me! Shoot your big wad all over my feet!"
  Unable to resist you yell out "Oh fuck yes! I'm cumming so fucking hard all over your feet!" as you feel your $BallsSD cum-filled balls release their restraint as $CumAD ribbons of glistening cum splash all over her feet and your chest! The Infested just smiles as her feet gets covered in warm goo and she makes sure your balls are nice and empty before taking her foot off of your sensitive dick.
  "That's a nice big meat staff your packing! I can't believe such a person as you would be carrying around such a big meaty dick." she praises your dick as she slides her foot against your $DickSD shaft. "With such a nice rod, it must be divine providence for you to be such an amazing cock-sucker!" You want to react against her words but your dick feels so good and you're so close to release! Sliding her soft foot against your hard cock one more time she says huskily "Cum for me! Shoot your big wad all over my feet!"
<<if $Infestation.FutaVariant >= $Infestation.FutaCap and $Infestation.Progress > 1 and $StatusAffect.Futa > 0>>\
<<include "Futa TF">>\
  As your dick is being massaged by her soft foot, you feel a surge of shocking energy flowing directly into you! It feels almost like you are being electrocuted but it quickly turns to pleasure that radiates from below your hard cock and cum-filled balls.
  Your whole focus is on your groin as a slight depression forms below your dick, seemingly a lightning rod for that electric feeling. It slowly grows deeper from a depression to a tiny slit as each heartbeat thunders in your ears. The slit slowly shifts as it pushes deeper inch by inch while growing longer before forming a tiny bead along with folds of flesh. You gasp as you recognize the shape as that of a tiny baby-sized pussy with a itty-bitty clit!
  You can easily feel the blood rushing to your new organ and your new pussy eagerly soaks it all up. Your baby-sized pussy quickly deepens while growing longer with each heartbeat. By this point the electric shocking feeling is almost gone, replaced by the pleasant feeling of your new pussy slowly shifting into the proper shape and size!
  After a few seconds, you discover that your brand new baby pussy has transformed into a proper cunt! Before you can really take a look at it, there's a massive surge of electric shock in your hard chest as two soft bulges start to push out! The weight on your chest grows heavier as your new breasts take shape. With each heartbeat your tits expands, blocking more and more of your vision as you look toward your pussy. Your new tits finally finish growing leaving you with a $BreastSD pair of $BreastSize breasts topped by some hard $NippleSize nipples!
  As you stare at your new tits, your almost forgotten orgasm hits with a vengence! "Oh Fuckkk! I'm cumming from my dick and pussy!" you scream as you unleash $CumAD strands of gooey baby-batter all over the Infested's legs and feet while your pussy squirts out a $GCumAD wave of girl-cum all over the ground!
  Looking down at your changed body, $genericFighter.Name smirks while saying "Looks like you have become one hot Futa, or at least on your way to being a sexy one."
<<elseif $PC.Infestation >= $Infestation.Cap & $Infestation.Progress > 1>>\
<<include "Infestation Increase">>\
  As your dick is being massaged by her soft foot, you feel a surge of energy flowing directly into you! It almost feels like you are burning up but it quickly turns to pleasure that radiates from your achingly hard dick and your cum-filled balls.
  With each stroke from her foot you feel your dick growing bigger and bigger. Both your balls and dick seem to be drinking deeply from her warm cum allowing them to become thicker and stronger and the Infested seems surprised as your cock pushes back against her foot. Unable to hold back any longer you yell out "Oh fuck! Oh God yes! I'm cumming so fucking hard all over your feet from my big growing dick!" as you feel your $BallsSD cum-filled balls release their restraint and unleash an almost neverending supply of glistening cum ribbons all over her feet and even her _ISD breasts! The Infested blinks in surprise as her feet gets covered in warm goo as well as her heaving cheast. She has to wait for over an minute to verify that your balls are nice and empty before taking her foot off of your sensitive dick.
  Unable to resist you yell out "Oh fuck yes! I'm cumming so fucking hard all over your feet!" as you feel your $BallsSD cum-filled balls release their restraint as $CumAD ribbons of glistening cum splash all over her feet and your chest! The Infested just smiles as her feet gets covered in warm goo and she makes sure your balls are nice and empty before taking her foot off of your sensitive dick.
  "Oh fuck was that good!" $genericFighter.Name2 says as she steps up from your exhausted body, cum leaking from her futa-cock and feet. "I'll see again soon, I'm sure..." With that she walks away fulfilled leaving you to grab your clothes and to slowly recover.
<<set $StatusAffect.CumFilled to $StatusAffect.CumFilled+1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered+1>>\<<set $sexHistory.XP to $sexHistory.XP +1>>\
<<set _DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$genericFighter.DickSize]>>\
<<set _DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$genericFighter.DickSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$genericFighter.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$genericFighter.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _SizeComp to $PC.DickSize - $genericFighter.Level + ($GeneralFeats.FalseRep *2)>>\
<<if _SizeComp < 0>>\
<<set _SizeComp to 0>>\
Gotta give a blowjob! Scene still needs to be written :(<img src="Images/Suburb/Gas Station/gasstation.jpg" width="800px" height="400px" />
<<if $Cash < $ItemCost2>>\
You can't afford the $uitem2.name!
<<for $i = 0; $i < $PCInventory.length; $i++>>\
<<set $vitem = $PCInventory[$i]>>\
<<set $ItemName to $vitem.name>>\
<<set _TempName to $ritem2.name>>\
<<if $ItemName is _TempName>>\
<<set _amount to $vitem.amount>>\
<<set _exists to 1>>\
<<if _exists is 1>>\
<<set _amount to _amount +1>>\
<<set $vitem.amount to _amount>>\
<<set $PCInventory.push($ritem2)>>\
<<set $Cash to $Cash - $ItemCost>>\
<<set $lootTempMortonGas.delete($ritem)>>\
You bought the $ritem2.name for $ItemCost2 Dollars.
<<button [[Finish|Mortons - Inside]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</button>><<set $eventPath to "Images/Events/">>\
<<set $eventPath1 to "Images/Events/Threesome/">>\
<<set $eventPath2 to "Images/Events/Nurse/">>\
<<set $eventPath3 to "Images/Events/Banker/">>\
<<set $eventPath4 to "Images/Events/Repairman/">>\
<<set $eventPath5 to "Images/Events/Police/">>\
<<set $eventPath6 to "Images/Events/Pizza/">>\
<<set $eventPath7 to "Images/Events/Doctor/">>\
<<set $eventPath8 to "Images/Events/Nurse 2/">>\
<<set $eventPath9 to "Images/Events/Clinic Ambush/">>\
<<set $eventPath10 to "Images/Events/X-Mas/">>\
<<set $eventPath11 to "Images/Events/Jogger/">>\
<<set $eventPath12 to "Images/Events/Easter Visit/">>\
<<set $eventPath14 to "Images/Events/Church/">>\
<<set $housePath0 to "Images/Suburb/Houses/Destroyed House/">>\
<<set $housePath1 to "Images/Suburb/Houses/Small House/">>\
<<set $housePath2 to "Images/Suburb/Houses/Large House/">>\
<<set $apartmentPath1 to "Images/Suburb/Houses/Apartments/">>\
<<set $warehousePath1 to "Images/Sunrise View/Buildings/Warehouse/">>\
<<set $npcPath to "Images/Events/NPCs/">>\
<<set $arrayPlayer1Male to ["Player 1 Male Face", "Player 1 Male-Small", "Player 1 Male"]>>\
<<set $arrayPlayer2Male to ["Player 2 Male Face", "Player 2 Male-Small", "Player 2 Male"]>>\
<<set $arrayPlayer3Male to ["Player 3 Male Face", "Player 3 Male-Small", "Player 3 Male"]>>\
<<set $arrayPlayer4Male to ["Player 4 Male Face", "Player 4 Male-Small", "Player 4 Male"]>>\
<<set $arrayPlayer5Male to ["Player 5 Male Face", "Player 5 Male-Small", "Player 5 Male"]>>\
<<set $arrayPlayer1Female to ["Player 1 Female Face", "Player 1 Female-Small", "Player 1 Female", "Player 1 Female-DD", "Player 1 Female-G"]>>\
<<set $arrayPlayer2Female to ["Player 2 Female Face", "Player 2 Female-Small", "Player 2 Female", "Player 2 Female-DD", "Player 2 Female-G"]>>\
<<set $arrayPlayer3Female to ["Player 3 Female Face", "Player 3 Female-Small", "Player 3 Female", "Player 3 Female-DD", "Player 3 Female-G"]>>\
<<set $arrayPlayer4Female to ["Player 4 Female Face", "Player 4 Female-Small", "Player 4 Female", "Player 4 Female-DD", "Player 4 Female-G"]>>\
<<set $arrayPlayer5Female to ["Player 5 Female Face", "Player 5 Female-Small", "Player 5 Female", "Player 5 Female-DD", "Player 5 Female-G"]>>\
/* NPCs */\
<<set $arrayNPCMaleTrader to ["Male Survivor Trader 1", "Male Survivor Trader 2", "Male Survivor Trader 3", "Male Survivor Trader 4"]>>\
<<set $arrayNPCFemaleTrader to ["Female Survivor Trader 1", "Female Survivor Trader 2", "Female Survivor Trader 3", "Female Survivor Trader 4"]>>\
/* Threesome */\
<<set $arrayEvent1 to ["event1-1"]>>\
<<set $arrayEvent1Intro to ["Intro-New N1"]>>\
<<set $arrayEvent1IntroFuta to ["Futa-Intro N1"]>>\
<<set $arrayEvent1IntroLarge to ["Intro-Large N1"]>>\
<<set $arrayEvent1IntroLargeFuta to ["Futa-Large N1"]>>\
<<set $arrayEvent1Sitting to ["SittingBed N1"]>>\
<<set $arrayEvent1SittingFuta to ["FutaBed N1"]>>\
<<set $arrayEvent1SittingLarge to ["SittingBed-Large N1"]>>\
<<set $arrayEvent1SittingLargeFuta to ["FutaBed-Large N1"]>>\
<<set $arrayEvent1Naked to ["NakedBed N1", "NakedBed N2", "NakedBed N3"]>>\
/* Nurse Troy */\
<<set $arrayEvent2FullBody to ["Full Body 1"]>>\
<<set $arrayEvent2FullBodyTits to ["Full Body Tits 1"]>>\
<<set $arrayEvent2Medical to ["Medical Exam 1"]>>\
<<set $arrayEvent2MedicalTits to ["Corrupted Cowgirl 1"]>>\
<<set $arrayEvent2TitFuck to ["TitFuck 1"]>>\
<<set $arrayEvent2TitFuckTits to ["Titfuck Tits 1 "]>>\
<<set $arrayEvent2Sex to ["Spread 1"]>>\
<<set $arrayEvent2SexTits to ["Spread Tits 1"]>>\
<<set $arrayEvent2Chat to ["Sitting 1"]>>\
<<set $arrayEvent2ChatTits to ["Medical Exam Tits 1"]>>\
/* Banker */\
<<set $arrayEvent3 to ["event3-1"]>>\
<<set $arrayEvent3Sitting to ["Sitting 1", "Sitting 2", "Sitting 3", "Sitting 4"]>>\
<<set $arrayEvent3FullBody to ["Standing 1", "Standing 2", "Standing 3", "Standing 4"]>>\
<<set $arrayEvent3Fucked to ["Fucked 1", "Fucked 2", "Fucked 3", "Fucked 4"]>>\
/* Repairman */\
<<set $arrayEvent4Sitting to ["Sitting N1"]>>\
<<set $arrayEvent4Standing to ["Standing N1"]>>\
<<set $arrayEvent4Fucked to ["SofaSex N1"]>>\
/* Police */\
<<set $arrayEvent5 to ["event5-1"]>>\
<<set $arrayEvent5FullBody to ["Fullbody1", "Fullbody2", "Fullbody3"]>>\
<<set $arrayEvent5Combat to ["Combat1", "Combat2", "Combat3"]>>\
<<set $arrayEvent5Naked to ["Naked1", "Naked2", "Naked3"]>>\
<<set $arrayEvent5NakedSex to ["Naked-Sex1", "Naked-Sex2", "Naked3"]>>\
<<set $arrayEvent5Futa to ["Futa1", "Futa2", "Futa3"]>>\
<<set $arrayEvent5FutaSex to ["Futa-Sex1", "Futa-Sex2", "Futa-Sex3"]>>\
/* Pizza Time */\
<<set $arrayEvent6FullBody to ["pizzadelivery1", "pizzadelivery2", "pizzadelivery3"]>>\
<<set $arrayEvent6Blowjob to ["pizzablowjob1", "pizzablowjob2", "pizzablowjob3"]>>\
<<set $arrayEvent6Sex to ["pizzasex1", "pizzasex2", "pizzasex3", "pizzasex4"]>>\
/*Doctor's Visit */\
<<set $arrayEvent7FullBody to ["fullbody1", "fullbody2", "fullbody3", "fullbody"]>>\
<<set $arrayEvent7Blowjob to ["Naked1", "Naked2", "Naked3", "Naked4"]>>\
<<set $arrayEvent7Sex to ["Naked-Sex1", "Naked-Sex2", "Naked-Sex3", "Naked-Sex4"]>>\
<<set $arrayEvent7Candy to ["Candy 1"]>>\
<<set $arrayEvent7CandyFight to ["Candy 2"]>>\
<<set $arrayEvent7CandyLunch to ["Candy 3"]>>\
<<set $arrayEvent7CandySex to ["Candy 4"]>>\
/*Nurse Attack */\
<<set $arrayEvent8FullBody to ["Nurse Attack 1"]>>\
<<set $arrayEvent8Futa to ["Nurse Futa 1"]>>\
/* Clinic Ambush */\
<<set $arrayEvent9FullScreen to ["Doctor Nurse 1", "Doctor Nurse 2", "Doctor Nurse 3", "Doctor Nurse 4"]>>\
<<set $arrayEvent9Office to ["Doctor FuckHard Office 1", "Doctor FuckHard Office 2", "Doctor FuckHard Office 3", "Doctor FuckHard Office 4"]>>\
/* X-Mas Present */\
<<set $arrayEvent10SexyElf to ["Santa Elf 1"]>>\
<<set $arrayEvent10SexyElves to ["Santa Elves 1", "Santa Elves 2", "Santa Elves 3", "Santa Elves 4"]>>\
<<set $arrayEvent10SexyElvesSpread to ["Santa Elves 3"]>>\
<<set $arrayEvent10SexyElfSpread to ["Santa Spread 1"]>>\
<<set $arrayEvent10HunkSanta to ["Santa 1", "Santa 2", "Santa 3", "Santa 4"]>>\
<<set $arrayEvent10HunkSantaDick to ["Santa Sit 1", "Santa Sit 2", "Santa Sit 3", "Santa Sit 4"]>>\
/* Jogger */
<<set $arrayEvent11Samantha to ["Samantha 1", "Samantha 2", "Samantha 3", "Samantha 4"]>>\
<<set $arrayEvent11SamanthaFuta to ["Samantha-F 2", "Samantha-F 3", "Samantha-F 4"]>>\
/* Easter Visit */\
<<set $arrayEvent12EasterNun to ["Easter Nun 1", "Easter Nun 2", "Easter Nun 3", "Easter Nun 4", "Easter Nun 5"]>>\
/* Church of Trilogy Life */\
<<set $arrayEvent14Mother to ["Mother Superior 1", "Mother Superior 2", "Mother Superior 3", "Mother Superior 4"]>>\
<<set $arrayEvent14Librarian to ["Librarian 1", "Librarian 2", "Librarian 3", "Librarian 4", "Librarian 5", "Librarian 6", "Librarian 7", "Librarian 8"]>>\
/* Destroyed House */\
<<set $arrayDestroyedHouse to ["Destroyed House 1", "Destroyed House 2", "Destroyed House 3", "Destroyed House 4"]>>\
/* Small House */\
<<set $arraySmallHouse to ["Small House 1", "Small House 2", "Small House 3", "Small House 4"]>>\
<<set $arraySmallHouseAttic to ["Small Attic 1", "Small Attic 2", "Small Attic 3", "Small Attic 4"]>>\
<<set $arraySmallHouseBathroom to ["Small Bathroom 1", "Small Bathroom 2", "Small Bathroom 3", "Small Bathroom 4"]>>\
<<set $arraySmallHouseBedroom to ["Small Bedroom 1", "Small Bedroom 2", "Small Bedroom 3", "Small Bedroom 4"]>>\
<<set $arraySmallHouseGarage to ["Small Garage 1", "Small Garage 2", "Small Garage 3", "Small Garage 4"]>>\
<<set $arraySmallHouseHallway to ["Small Hallway 1", "Small Hallway 2", "Small Hallway 3", "Small Hallway 4"]>>\
<<set $arraySmallHouseKitchen to ["Small Kitchen 1", "Small Kitchen 2", "Small Kitchen 3", "Small Kitchen 4"]>>\
<<set $arraySmallHouseLiving to ["Small Living Room 1", "Small Living Room 2", "Small Living Room 3", "Small Living Room 4"]>>\
/* Average House */\
<<set $arrayAverageHouse to ["Average House 1", "Average House 2", "Average House 3", "Average House 4"]>>\
<<set $arrayAverageHouseBathroom to ["Average Bathroom 1", "Average Bathroom 2", "Average Bathroom 3", "Average Bathroom 4"]>>\
<<set $arrayAverageHouseBedroom to ["Average Bedroom 1", "Average Bedroom 2", "Average Bedroom 3", "Average Bedroom 4"]>>\
<<set $arrayAverageHouseGarage to ["Average Garage 1", "Average Garage 2", "Average Garage 3", "Average Garage 4"]>>\
<<set $arrayAverageHouseFoyer to ["Average Foyer 1", "Average Foyer 2", "Average Foyer 3", "Average Foyer 4"]>>\
<<set $arrayAverageHouseHallway to ["Average Hallway 1", "Average Hallway 2", "Average Hallway 3", "Average Hallway 4"]>>\
<<set $arrayAverageHouseKitchen to ["Average Kitchen 1", "Average Kitchen 2", "Average Kitchen 3", "Average Kitchen 4"]>>\
<<set $arrayAverageHouseLiving to ["Average Living Room 1", "Average Living Room 2", "Average Living Room 3", "Average Living Room 4"]>>\
/* Small Apartments */\
<<set $arraySmallApartment to ["Apartment Hallway 1", "Apartment Hallway 2", "Apartment Hallway 3", "Apartment Hallway 4"]>>\
<<set $arraySmallApartmentLiving to ["Small Living Room 1", "Small Living Room 2", "Small Living Room 3", "Small Living Room 4"]>>\
<<set $arraySmallApartmentKitchen to ["Small Kitchen 1", "Small Kitchen 2", "Small Kitchen 3", "Small Kitchen 4"]>>\
<<set $arraySmallApartmentBedroom to ["Small Bedroom 1", "Small Bedroom 2", "Small Bedroom 3", "Small Bedroom 4"]>>\
<<set $arraySmallApartmentBathroom to ["Small Bathroom 1", "Small Bathroom 2", "Small Bathroom 3", "Small Bathroom 4"]>>\
/* Warehouses */\
<<set $arrayWarehouse to ["Warehouse Outside 1", "Warehouse Outside 2", "Warehouse Outside 3", "Warehouse Outside 4"]>>\
<<set $arrayWarehouseEntrance to ["Warehouse Entrance 1", "Warehouse Entrance 2", "Warehouse Entrance 3", "Warehouse Entrance 4"]>>\
<<set $arrayWarehouseInside to ["Warehouse Inside 1", "Warehouse Inside 2", "Warehouse Inside 3", "Warehouse Inside 4"]>>\
<<set $arrayWarehouseMain to ["Warehouse Main 1", "Warehouse Main 2", "Warehouse Main 3", "Warehouse Main 4"]>>\
<<set $arrayWarehouseOffice to ["Warehouse Office 1", "Warehouse Office 2", "Warehouse Office 3", "Warehouse Office 4"]>>\<img src="Images/Home/kitchen.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
  "$PC.FirstName $PC.LastName... That's a good name. Now before we go any farther, in the immortal words of a famous professor: Are you a Boy or a Girl?" he asks with a smirk on his face. You can't help but give out a small chuckle as you can't believe you were just asked that.
  "Really? You're asking me that question?" you say as you start to calm down from the events that happened earlier this morning. The officer gives you a smirk while tapping his notepad with his pen. Sighing in defeat you say "I have to say that I am..."
Male <label><<radiobutton "$PC.Sex" "Male" checked>></label>
Female <label><<radiobutton "$PC.Sex" "Female">></label>
<<button [[Next|Prologue - Image]]>> <</button>><img src="Images/Events/Police/S Table 1.jpg" width="512px" height="768px" />
<<if $PC.Sex is "Male">>\
  "So you're a boy, huh? I'm not so sure I can believe that" the sheriff shakes his head as he makes a note on his pad. "You have any IDs or pictures proving it?" he asks as he focuses his attention on your appearance. He seems oddly serious about seeing some ID for whatever reason and you are feeling annoyed by the suggestion that he doesn't believe that you're a guy.
  "So you're a girl, huh? I'm not so sure I can believe that" the sheriff shakes his head as he makes a note on his pad. "You have any IDs or pictures proving it?" he asks as he focuses his attention on your appearance. He seems oddly serious about seeing some ID for whatever reason and you are feeling annoyed by the suggestion that he doesn't believe that you're a girl.
  Getting angry with the sarcastic sheriff you say "Of couse I can fucking prove it!" Pulling out your wallet you show the office your state ID.
<<button [[Choose Your Profile|Choose Image]]>> <</button>><img src="Images/Home/Kitchen.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<if $PC.Sex is "Male">>\
<<switch $PCProfile.Choice>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<set $PCProfile to {Choice: 1, Picture: $playerPath+"Player 1 Male.jpg", Face: $playerPath+"Player 1 Male-Face.jpg", Hair: "Black", HairDescription: "Short", BreastDD: $playerPath+"Player 1 Futa-DD.jpg", BreastG: $playerPath+"Player 1 Futa-G.jpg", OriginalPicture: $playerPath+"Player 1 Male.jpg", OriginalFace: $playerPath+"Player 1 Male-Face.jpg"}>>\
<<case 2>>\
<<set $PCProfile to {Choice: 2, Picture: $playerPath+"Player 2 Male.jpg", Face: $playerPath+"Player 2 Male-Face.jpg", Hair: "Red", HairDescription: "Short", BreastDD: $playerPath+"Player 2 Futa-DD.jpg", BreastG: $playerPath+"Player 2 Futa-G.jpg", OriginalPicture: $playerPath+"Player 2 Male.jpg", OriginalFace: $playerPath+"Player 2 Male-Face.jpg"}>>\
<<case 3>>\
<<set $PCProfile to {Choice: 3, Picture: $playerPath+"Player 3 Male.jpg", Face: $playerPath+"Player 3 Male-Face.jpg", Hair: "Brown", HairDescription: "Short", BreastDD: $playerPath+"Player 3 Futa-DD.jpg", BreastG: $playerPath+"Player 3 Futa-G.jpg", OriginalPicture: $playerPath+"Player 3 Male.jpg", OriginalFace: $playerPath+"Player 3 Male-Face.jpg"}>>\
<<case 4>>\
<<set $PCProfile to {Choice: 4, Picture: $playerPath+"Player 4 Male.jpg", Face: $playerPath+"Player 4 Male-Face.jpg", Hair: "White", HairDescription: "Short", BreastDD: $playerPath+"Player 4 Futa-DD.jpg", BreastG: $playerPath+"Player 4 Futa-G.jpg", OriginalPicture: $playerPath+"Player 4 Male.jpg", OriginalFace: $playerPath+"Player 4 Male-Face.jpg"}>>\
<<set $PCProfile to {Choice: 5, Picture: $playerPath+"Player 5 Male.jpg", Face: $playerPath+"Player 5 Male-Face.jpg", Hair: "Blonde", HairDescription: "Short", BreastDD: $playerPath+"Player 5 Futa-DD.jpg", BreastG: $playerPath+"Player 5 Futa-G.jpg",OriginalPicture: $playerPath+"Player 5 Male.jpg", OriginalFace: $playerPath+"Player 5 Male-Face.jpg"}>>\
<<switch $PCProfile.Choice>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<set $PCProfile to {Choice: 1, Picture: $playerPath+"Player 1 Female.jpg", Face: $playerPath+"Player 1 Female-Face.jpg", Hair: "Black", HairDescription: "Short", BreastDD: $playerPath+"Player 1 Female-DD.jpg", BreastG: $playerPath+"Player 1 Female-G.jpg", OriginalPicture: $playerPath+"Player 1 Female.jpg", OriginalFace: $playerPath+"Player 1 Female-Face.jpg"}>>\
<<case 2>>\
<<set $PCProfile to {Choice: 2, Picture: $playerPath+"Player 2 Female.jpg", Face: $playerPath+"Player 2 Female-Face.jpg", Hair: "Red", HairDescription: "Long", BreastDD: $playerPath+"Player 2 Female-DD.jpg", BreastG: $playerPath+"Player 2 Female-G.jpg", OriginalPicture: $playerPath+"Player 2 Female.jpg", OriginalFace: $playerPath+"Player 2 Female-Face.jpg"}>>\
<<case 3>>\
<<set $PCProfile to {Choice: 3, Picture: $playerPath+"Player 3 Female.jpg", Face: $playerPath+"Player 3 Female-Face.jpg", Hair: "Brown", HairDescription: "Long", BreastDD: $playerPath+"Player 3 Female-DD.jpg", BreastG: $playerPath+"Player 3 Female-G.jpg", OriginalPicture: $playerPath+"Player 3 Female.jpg", OriginalFace: $playerPath+"Player 3 Female-Face.jpg"}>>\
<<case 4>>\
<<set $PCProfile to {Choice: 4, Picture: $playerPath+"Player 4 Female.jpg", Face: $playerPath+"Player 4 Female-Face.jpg", Hair: "White", HairDescription: "Short", BreastDD: $playerPath+"Player 4 Female-DD.jpg", BreastG: $playerPath+"Player 4 Female-G.jpg", OriginalPicture: $playerPath+"Player 4 Female.jpg", OriginalFace: $playerPath+"Player 4 Female-Face.jpg"}>>\
<<set $PCProfile to {Choice: 5, Picture: $playerPath+"Player 5 Female.jpg", Face: $playerPath+"Player 5 Female-Face.jpg", Hair: "Blonde", HairDescription: "Long", BreastDD: $playerPath+"Player 5 Female-DD.jpg", BreastG: $playerPath+"Player 5 Female-G.jpg", OriginalPicture: $playerPath+"Player 5 Female.jpg", OriginalFace: $playerPath+"Player 5 Female-Face.jpg"}>>\
  The sheriff nods slowly as he writes down even more information on his pad. "Sorry about that but with the Infested virus going around mutating people I have to be sure in order to be safe. " he explains but you have no idea what he's talking about.
  "What's this about an virus mutating people and why is it called the Infested virus?" you ask as you glance back at the body in the hallway. You feel your panic start to cloud your mind but before you can give into the fear the sheriff snaps his finger causing you to focus back on his sympathetic face.
  "I'll explain that in a moment. I need you to focus on me and I'll do my best to help you out. You know... You look about the same age as my younger brother and you remind me of him. Did you grow up here in Civiton?" he asks as he taps his fingers onto the table top.
  Nodding your head, you reply "Yes. I grew up here in the Oak Dale suburbs of Civiton. Graduated from New Branch High School a couple years ago." The constent questions is helping you to calm back down even after the horrible events you experienced when you woke up this morning.
  "So what type of cliques were you in High School?" he asks as glances around your kitchen as if looking for any signs of your High School days. "I mean almost anyone would be part of some type of group. Maybe you even ran into my little brother, Brian..."
  "Well to be honest I was part of the..." you reply.
<<button [[Choose your Background|Choose Background]]>> <</button>><<set $genericEvent.Image = $eventPath + $arrayEvent5Combat.random() + '.jpg'>>\
<img @src=$genericEvent.Image />
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<set $copEvent.Chat to $copEvent.Chat +1>>\
<<if (random(19) + 1) + $Skill.Social + $CharismaBonus > 12>>\
<<set $npcMark.Friendship to $npcMark.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity + 2 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set $npcMark.Friendship to $npcMark.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity + 1 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<if $copEvent.Detected is 3>>\
<<set $copEvent.Detected to 4>>\
  As you are walking around the subdivision you notice Officer Mark has his patrol car parked nearby and is leaning up against the door while keeping an eye out for Infested. Seeing you he tenses for a moment before giving you a piercing look. Sighing in relief he waves you over while looking a bit sad.
  "Hey $PC.FirstName... Looks like I was a bit too jumpy when I discovered your uh, rather big changes... Can you forgive this paranoid copper?" he says as a contrite look fills his face. You notice he's looking a lot more relaxed than the last couple of times you visited him.
  "I understand, Mark. I've ran across so many Infested so I can relate to having to be careful out here." you say as you decide to forgive his paranoia. Looking around you don't see any Infested so you should have some time to chat with Officer Mark today.
  As you are walking around the subdivision you notice Officer Mark has his patrol car parked nearby and is leaning up against the door while keeping an eye out for Infested. Deciding to give him a visit you start walking over to his car. He quickly notices your presence and gives a cheery wave to you.
  "Hey $PC.FirstName! So what's been going on with you lately?" Officer Mark asks while keeping an eye on the surroundings. He seems a bit happy to see you today and looking around you don't see any Infested so you should have some time to chat with Officer Mark today.
<<button [[Chat with Officer Mark|Suburban Cop Chat Options]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Leave|$location.temp]]>>
<<set $NoEncounter to random(1) +2>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<button [[Leave|$location.temp]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<set $NoEncounter to random(1) +2>>\
<</button>><img @src=$genericEvent.Image width="512px" height="768px" />
<<set $npcMark.Friendship to $npcMark.Friendship - 5 + $SocialSkillFeats.WashmyHair>>\
  You take off running in pure panic at the thought of being shot by Office Mark! A few bullet shots can be heard but luckily none of them hit you! You quickly manage to escape from Mark's paranoid attack and swiftly move away from his location.
<div class="pcTalk"><i> Oh my god! That was close!</i></div>
<<button [[Continue|$location.temp]]>>
<<set $NoEncounter to random(1) +2>>\
<</button>><<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<set _Fog to 0>>\
<<set _Rain to 0>>\
<<set _Cold to 0>>\
<<set _Wind to 0>>\
<<switch $Weather.Current>>\
<<case "Cloudy" "Windy">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburbs 11.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Wind to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<case "Foggy">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburbs-F 11.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<case "Misty">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburbs-F 11.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Rainy" "Stormy">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburbs-R 11.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Dreary">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburbs-R 11.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Sleeting">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburbs-S 11.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Cold to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Snowy">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburbs-S 11.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Cold to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $Time.Current > 6>>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburbs-N 11.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburbs 11.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set $location.temp to "Oak Dale - Peanut St 2">>\
<<set $location.coord to 4>>\
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<if $Time.Current >= $Time.Max >>\
<<set _State to "TooLate">>\
<<set $NoEncounter to 1>>\
<<if $NoEncounter < 1>>\
<<include "Random Encounter Check">>\
You are located on Peanut Street located in the Oak Dale suburbs. Peanut Street runs from east to west. A lot of trees fill this part of the city with a nice amount of them lining the small apartment complex. The street isn't level as the the hills to the north has caused the street to be slightly sloped while to the south it levels out for the apartment complex parking lot. To the west Peanut street continues to the intersection with Tulip Avenue. To the east the street continues onwards toward the intersection with Sunflower Avenue and what looks to be a clinic of some type.
<<if $StatusText.Notice is 1>>\
<<include "Update Status">>\
<<if _Rain > 0 and $StatusAffect.Wet < _Rain>>\
<<set _Rain to _Rain - $PCResistance.Water>>\
<<if _Rain > $StatusAffect.Wet>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Wet to _Rain>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I'm getting soaking wet!</i> </div>
<<if _Cold > 0 and $PCResistance.Cold < _Cold>>\
<<set _tempDamage to random(_Cold) + $StatusAffect.Wet>>\
<<set _tempDamage2 to _tempDamage - $PCResistance.Cold>>\
<<if _tempDamage2 > 0>>\
<<set $HP to $HP - _tempDamage2>>\
<<if $HP < 1>>\
<<set $HP to 1>>\
You take _tempDamage2 cold damage!
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I'm freezing to death!</i> </div>
<<switch _State>>\
<<case "TooLate">>\
<<set $Time.Current to $Time.Max>>\
It's too dangerous to explore the Oak Dale suburbs at this time of night.
<<button [[Return Home|Oak Dale Returning Home]]>>
<<set $NoEncounter to 0>>\
<<case "Ambush">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Ambushed to 1>>\
You've been ambushed by an enemy!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<case "Combat">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
A hostile enemy is roaming nearby!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<case "NPC">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
You've encountered something unusual!
<<button [[Encounter|Oak Dale Events]]>>
<<set $location.prev to $location.temp>>\
<<button [[Explore one of the Empty Houses|Oak Dale - Suburb House]]>>
<<set $location.temp2 to $location.temp>>\
<<button [[Look around the Area|Oak Dale Event Scout]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Scout the Area for Enemies|Oak Dale Scouting]]>>
<<set $location.Encounter to "Oak Dale">>\
<<button [[Apartments|Oak Dale - Mountain Apartments]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[East to Sunflower & Peanut|Oak Dale - Sunflower & Peanut]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[West to Tulip & Peanut|Oak Dale - Tulip & Peanut]]>> <</button>>
<<if $lust >= ($MaxLust / 2) or $GeneralFeats.Horndog > 0>>\
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Masturbate|Masturbate]]>> </span>
<<set $location.Encounter to "Oak Dale">>\
<</switch>>\<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<set _Fog to 0>>\
<<set _Rain to 0>>\
<<set _Cold to 0>>\
<<set _Wind to 0>>\
<<switch $Weather.Current>>\
<<case "Cloudy" "Windy">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburb Intersection 4.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Wind to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<case "Foggy">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburb Intersection-F 4.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<case "Misty">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburb Intersection-F 4.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<case "Rainy" "Stormy">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburb Intersection-R 4.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<case "Dreary">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburb Intersection-R 4.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<case "Sleeting">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburb Intersection-S 4.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Cold to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<case "Snowy">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburb Intersection-S 4.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Cold to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $Time.Current > 6>>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburb Intersection-N 4.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburb Intersection 4.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set $location.temp to "Oak Dale - Sunflower & Peanut">>\
<<set $location.coord to 5>>\
<<set $locationGeneric to $locationOakDale>>\
<<set $location.Encounter to "Oak Dale">>\
<<set $location.Event to "Oak Dale">>\
<<set _State to 0>>\
<<if $Time.Current >= $Time.Max >>\
<<set _State to "TooLate">>\
<<set $NoEncounter to 1>>\
<<if $NoEncounter < 1>>\
<<include "Random Encounter Check">>\
You are standing at the intersection of Sunflower Avenue and Peanut Street located in the Oak Dale suburbs. Several trees line the street but seem to be trimmed back to look nice. There are several houses that can be seen beyond the trees but there seems to be only a couple of wrecked cars in the area. This section seems to be free of most of the damage seen elsewhere in Oak Dale. To the west Peanut Street continues towards Tulip Avenue and to the east Peanut Street continues onwards toward the deeper part of the city. To the south Sunflower Avenue heads in the general direction of the Almond Street but does not continue to the north due to the steep mountainous walls. To the northeast the entrance to the Oak Dale Clinic can be seen.
<FONT COLOR="RED">The eastern part of Peanut St. is blocked by a horde of Infested having a massive orgy!</FONT>
<<if $StatusText.Notice is 1>>\
<<include "Update Status">>\
<<if _Rain > 0 and $StatusAffect.Wet < _Rain>>\
<<set _Rain to _Rain - $PCResistance.Water>>\
<<if _Rain > $StatusAffect.Wet>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Wet to _Rain>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I'm getting soaking wet!</i> </div>
<<if _Cold > 0 and $PCResistance.Cold < _Cold>>\
<<set _tempDamage to random(_Cold) + $StatusAffect.Wet>>\
<<set _tempDamage2 to _tempDamage - $PCResistance.Cold>>\
<<if _tempDamage2 > 0>>\
<<set $HP to $HP - _tempDamage2>>\
<<if $HP < 1>>\
<<set $HP to 1>>\
You take _tempDamage2 cold damage!
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I'm freezing to death!</i> </div>
<<switch _State>>\
<<case "TooLate">>\
<<set $Time.Current to $Time.Max>>\
It's too dangerous to explore the Oak Dale suburbs at this time of night.
<<button [[Return Home|Oak Dale Returning Home]]>>
<<set $NoEncounter to 0>>\
<<case "Ambush">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Ambushed to 1>>\
You've been ambushed by an enemy!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<case "Combat">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
A hostile enemy is roaming nearby!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<case "NPC">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
You've encountered something unusual!
<<button [[Encounter|Oak Dale Events]]>>
<<set $location.prev to $location.temp>>\
<<button [[Enter the Clinic Parking Lot|Oak Dale - Clinic Parking]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Explore one of the Empty Houses|Oak Dale - Suburb House]]>>
<<set $location.temp2 to $location.temp>>\
<<button [[Look around the Area|Oak Dale Event Scout]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Scout the Area for Enemies|Oak Dale Scouting]]>>
<<set $location.Encounter to "Oak Dale">>\
<<button [[West to Peanut Street|Oak Dale - Peanut St 2]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[South to Northern Sunflower Avenue|Oak Dale - Sunflower Ave]]>> <</button>>
<<if $lust >= ($MaxLust / 2) or $GeneralFeats.Horndog > 0>>\
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Masturbate|Masturbate]]>> </span>
<<set $location.Encounter to "Oak Dale">>\
<</switch>>\ <<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<set _Fog to 0>>\
<<set _Rain to 0>>\
<<set _Cold to 0>>\
<<set _Wind to 0>>\
<<switch $Weather.Current>>\
<<case "Cloudy" "Windy">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburbs 12.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Wind to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<case "Foggy">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburbs-F 12.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<case "Misty">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburbs-F 12.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Rainy" "Stormy">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburbs-R 12.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Dreary">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburbs-R 12.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Sleeting">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburbs-S 12.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Cold to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Snowy">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburbs-S 12.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Cold to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $Time.Current > 6>>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburbs-N 12.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburbs 12.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set $location.temp to "Oak Dale - Sunflower Ave">>\
<<set $location.coord to 8>>\
<<set _State to 0>>\
<<if $Time.Current >= $Time.Max >>\
<<set _State to "TooLate">>\
<<set $NoEncounter to 1>>\
<<if $NoEncounter < 1>>\
<<include "Random Encounter Check">>\
You are located on Sunflower Avenue located near the northern part of the Oak Dale suburbs. Sunflower Avenue runs north and south and several piles of ripped up shrubs have been piled in the middle of the street. The street has multiple abandoned houses along with a few broken down vehicles. To the north the intersection with Peanut Street can be seen along with what looks to be a parking lot and to the south the t-intersection with Walnut Street can be seen.
<<if $StatusText.Notice is 1>>\
<<include "Update Status">>\
<<if _Rain > 0 and $StatusAffect.Wet < _Rain>>\
<<set _Rain to _Rain - $PCResistance.Water>>\
<<if _Rain > $StatusAffect.Wet>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Wet to _Rain>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I'm getting soaking wet!</i> </div>
<<if _Cold > 0 and $PCResistance.Cold < _Cold>>\
<<set _tempDamage to random(_Cold) + $StatusAffect.Wet>>\
<<set _tempDamage2 to _tempDamage - $PCResistance.Cold>>\
<<if _tempDamage2 > 0>>\
<<set $HP to $HP - _tempDamage2>>\
<<if $HP < 1>>\
<<set $HP to 1>>\
You take _tempDamage2 cold damage!
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I'm freezing to death!</i> </div>
<<switch _State>>\
<<case "TooLate">>\
<<set $Time.Current to $Time.Max>>\
It's too dangerous to explore the Oak Dale suburbs at this time of night.
<<button [[Return Home|Oak Dale Returning Home]]>>
<<set $NoEncounter to 0>>\
<<case "Ambush">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Ambushed to 1>>\
You've been ambushed by an enemy!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<case "Combat">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
A hostile enemy is roaming nearby!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<case "NPC">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
You've encountered something unusual!
<<button [[Encounter|Oak Dale Events]]>>
<<set $location.prev to $location.temp>>\
<<button [[Explore one of the Empty Houses|Oak Dale - Suburb House]]>>
<<set $location.temp2 to $location.temp>>\
<<button [[Look around the Area|Oak Dale Event Scout]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Scout the Area for Enemies|Oak Dale Scouting]]>>
<<set $location.Encounter to "Oak Dale">>\
<<button [[North to Sunflower and Peanut|Oak Dale - Sunflower & Peanut]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[South to Walnut and Sunflower|Oak Dale - Walnut & Sunflower]]>> <</button>>
<<if $lust >= ($MaxLust / 2) or $GeneralFeats.Horndog > 0>>\
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Masturbate|Masturbate]]>> </span>
<<set $location.Encounter to "Oak Dale">>\
<</switch>>\<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<set _Fog to 0>>\
<<set _Rain to 0>>\
<<set _Cold to 0>>\
<<set _Wind to 0>>\
<<switch $Weather.Current>>\
<<case "Cloudy" "Windy">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburb Intersection 3.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Wind to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<case "Foggy">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburb Intersection-F 3.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<case "Misty">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburb Intersection-F 3.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Rainy" "Stormy">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburb Intersection-R 3.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Dreary">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburb Intersection-R 3.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Sleeting">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburb Intersection-S 3.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Cold to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Snowy">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburb Intersection-S 3.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Cold to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $Time.Current > 6>>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburb Intersection-N 3.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburb Intersection 3.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set $location.temp to "Oak Dale - Almond & Sunflower">>\
<<set $location.coord to 20>>\
<<set _State to 0>>\
<<if $Time.Current >= $Time.Max >>\
<<set _State to "TooLate">>\
<<set $NoEncounter to 1>>\
<<if $NoEncounter < 1>>\
<<include "Random Encounter Check">>\
You are standing at the intersection of Sunflower Avenue and Almond Street located firmly in the Oak Dale suburbs. There's a massive multi-car pile up taking up much of this intersection. Several broken down semi-trucks are piled up blocking the southern part of Sunflower Ave that leads to the Sunrise View river park due to the train bridge providing a easily blocked underpass. Thankfully the other exits to the rest of the city are open enough to navigate thru. To the west Almond Street continues towards Tupid Avenue and to the east Almond St. continues onwards toward the deeper part of the city. To the north Sunflower Avenue slopes upwards towards the mountainous edge of the city.
<<if $StatusText.Notice is 1>>\
<<include "Update Status">>\
<<if _Rain > 0 and $StatusAffect.Wet < _Rain>>\
<<set _Rain to _Rain - $PCResistance.Water>>\
<<if _Rain > $StatusAffect.Wet>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Wet to _Rain>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I'm getting soaking wet!</i> </div>
<<if _Cold > 0 and $PCResistance.Cold < _Cold>>\
<<set _tempDamage to random(_Cold) + $StatusAffect.Wet>>\
<<set _tempDamage2 to _tempDamage - $PCResistance.Cold>>\
<<if _tempDamage2 > 0>>\
<<set $HP to $HP - _tempDamage2>>\
<<if $HP < 1>>\
<<set $HP to 1>>\
You take _tempDamage2 cold damage!
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I'm freezing to death!</i> </div>
<FONT COLOR="RED">The eastern part of Almond St. is blocked by a horde of Infested having a massive orgy!</FONT>
<<switch _State>>\
<<case "TooLate">>\
<<set $Time.Current to $Time.Max>>\
It's too dangerous to explore the Oak Dale suburbs at this time of night.
<<button [[Return Home|Oak Dale Returning Home]]>>
<<set $NoEncounter to 0>>\
<<case "Ambush">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Ambushed to 1>>\
You've been ambushed by an enemy!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<case "Combat">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
A hostile enemy is roaming nearby!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<case "NPC">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
You've encountered something unusual!
<<button [[Encounter|Oak Dale Events]]>>
<<set $location.prev to $location.temp>>\
<<button [[Explore one of the Empty Houses|Oak Dale - Suburb House]]>>
<<set $location.temp2 to $location.temp>>\
<<button [[Look around the Area|Oak Dale Event Scout]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Scout the Area for Enemies|Oak Dale Scouting]]>>
<<set $location.Encounter to "Oak Dale">>\
<<button [[North to Sunflow Avenue|Oak Dale - Sunflower Ave 2]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[West to Almond Street|Oak Dale - Almond St 2]]>> <</button>>
<<if $lust >= ($MaxLust / 2) or $GeneralFeats.Horndog > 0>>\
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Masturbate|Masturbate]]>> </span>
<<set $location.Encounter to "Oak Dale">>\
<</switch>>\<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<set _Fog to 0>>\
<<set _Rain to 0>>\
<<set _Cold to 0>>\
<<set _Wind to 0>>\
<<switch $Weather.Current>>\
<<case "Cloudy" "Windy">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburbs 9.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Wind to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<case "Foggy">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburbs-F 9.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<case "Misty">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburbs-F 9.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Rainy" "Stormy">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburbs-R 9.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Dreary">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburbs-R 9.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Sleeting">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburbs-S 9.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Cold to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Snowy">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburbs-S 9.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Cold to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $Time.Current > 6>>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburbs-N 9.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburbs 9.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set $location.temp to "Oak Dale - Almond St 2">>\
<<set $location.coord to 19>>\
<<set _State to 0>>\
<<if $Time.Current >= $Time.Max >>\
<<set _State to "TooLate">>\
<<set $NoEncounter to 1>>\
<<if $NoEncounter < 1>>\
<<include "Random Encounter Check">>\
You are located on Almond Street which runs east and west thru the Oak Dale suburbs. A lot of damage to this section of Civiton can be seen with multiple destroyed cars along with various buildings with massive gunfire and fire damage. To the west Almond street continues to the intersection with Tulip Avenue and what looks like a gas station. To the east the street continues onwards toward the intersection with Sunflower Avenue where a giant wreckage can be seen.
<<if $StatusText.Notice is 1>>\
<<include "Update Status">>\
<<if _Rain > 0 and $StatusAffect.Wet < _Rain>>\
<<set _Rain to _Rain - $PCResistance.Water>>\
<<if _Rain > $StatusAffect.Wet>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Wet to _Rain>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I'm getting soaking wet!</i></div>
<<if _Cold > 0 and $PCResistance.Cold < _Cold>>\
<<set _tempDamage to random(_Cold) + $StatusAffect.Wet>>\
<<set _tempDamage2 to _tempDamage - $PCResistance.Cold>>\
<<if _tempDamage2 > 0>>\
<<set $HP to $HP - _tempDamage2>>\
<<if $HP < 1>>\
<<set $HP to 1>>\
You take _tempDamage2 cold damage!
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I'm freezing to death!</i>
<<switch _State>>\
<<case "TooLate">>\
<<set $Time.Current to $Time.Max>>\
It's too dangerous to explore the Oak Dale suburbs at this time of night.
<<button [[Return Home|Oak Dale Returning Home]]>>
<<set $NoEncounter to 0>>\
<<case "Ambush">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Ambushed to 1>>\
You've been ambushed by an enemy!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<case "Combat">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
A hostile enemy is roaming nearby!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<case "NPC">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
You've encountered something unusual!
<<button [[Encounter|Oak Dale Events]]>>
<<set $location.prev to $location.temp>>\
<<button [[Explore one of the Empty Houses|Oak Dale - Suburb House]]>>
<<set $location.temp2 to $location.temp>>\
<<button [[Look around the Area|Oak Dale Event Scout]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Scout the Area for Enemies|Oak Dale Scouting]]>>
<<set $location.Encounter to "Oak Dale">>\
<<button [[East to Almond & Sunflower|Oak Dale - Almond & Sunflower]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[West to Almond & Tulip|Oak Dale - Almond & Tulip]]>> <</button>>
<<if $lust >= ($MaxLust / 2) or $GeneralFeats.Horndog > 0>>\
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Masturbate|Masturbate]]>> </span>
<<set $location.Encounter to "Oak Dale">>\
<</switch>>\<img src="Images/Suburb/parking.jpg" width="800px" height="400px" />
<<set $location.temp to "Oak Dale - Clinic Parking">>\
<<set $location.coord to 23>>\
<<set $location.prev to $location.temp>>\
<<set _Flip to random(19)+1>>\
<<if _Flip > 10>>\
<<set _loc to "Oak Dale">>\
<<set _loc to "Oak Dale Clinic">>\
<<if $VehicleFlags.OakDaleClinic < 1>>\
<<set $VehicleFlags.OakDaleClinic to 1>>\
<<include "Time Micro-Passes">>\
<<if $Time.Current >= $Time.Max >>\
<<set _State to "TooLate">>\
<<set $NoEncounter to 1>>\
<<if $NoEncounter < 1>>\
<<include "Random Encounter Check">>\
This is the main parking lot for the Oak Dale Clinic. Several broken down cars are scattered around the otherwise empty parking lot. There looks to be employee parking towards the east but a gate blocks the access from here. The front door of the clinic looks to be open and the lights are on. To the southwest the exit of the parking lot leads to the interesection of Sunflower and Peanut.
<div class="pcTalk"><i>This would be a good place to park a car if I needed to visit the Oak Dale Clinic. It's not 100% safe but it would be a lot safer than parking on the streets...</i></div>
<<if _Rain > 0 and $StatusAffect.Wet < _Rain>>\
<<set _Rain to _Rain - $PCResistance.Water>>\
<<if _Rain > $StatusAffect.Wet>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Wet to _Rain>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I'm getting soaking wet!</i> </div>
<<if _Cold > 0 and $PCResistance.Cold < _Cold>>\
<<set _tempDamage to random(_Cold) + $StatusAffect.Wet>>\
<<set _tempDamage2 to _tempDamage - $PCResistance.Cold>>\
<<if _tempDamage2 > 0>>\
<<set $HP to $HP - _tempDamage2>>\
<<if $HP < 1>>\
<<set $HP to 1>>\
You take _tempDamage2 cold damage!
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I'm freezing to death!</i> </div>
<<switch _State>>\
<<case "TooLate">>\
<<set $Time.Current to $Time.Max>>\
It's too dangerous to explore the Oak Dale suburbs at this time of night.
<<button [[Return Home on Foot|Oak Dale Returning Home]]>>
<<if $VehicleFlags.Own is 1 and $VehicleFlags.location is "Oak Dale - Clinic Parking">>\
<<set _tempV to $VehicleFlags.Current>>\
Your _tempV.name is currently parked here.
<<button "Get in your _tempV.name and Drive Home" "Driving">>
<<set $VehicleFlags.Desc to "the Oak Dale Clinic Parking">>\
<<set $NoEncounter to 0>>\
<<case "Ambush">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Ambushed to 1>>\
You've been ambushed by an enemy!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<set $location.Encounter to _loc>>\
<<case "Combat">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
A hostile enemy is roaming nearby!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<set $location.Encounter to _loc>>\
<<if $VehicleFlags.Own is 1 and $VehicleFlags.location is "Oak Dale - Clinic Parking">>\
<<set _tempV to $VehicleFlags.Current>>\
Your _tempV.name is currently parked here.
<<button "Get in your _tempV.name" "Driving">>
<<set $VehicleFlags.Desc to "the Oak Dale Clinic parking lot">>\
<<button [[Head to the Clinic's Entrance|Oak Dale Clinic - Front Entrance]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Southwest|Oak Dale - Sunflower & Peanut]]>> <</button>>
<<if $lust >= ($MaxLust / 2) or $GeneralFeats.Horndog > 0>>\
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Masturbate|Masturbate]]>> </span>
<<set $location.Encounter to "Clinic">>\
<</switch>>\<img src="Images/Suburb/Clinic/clinic3.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set $location.temp to "Oak Dale Clinic Front Lobby">>\
<<set _Reception to 1>>\
<<if $doctorEvent.Receptionist is 0>>\
<<set _Reception to 0>>\
<<if $Time.Current is 3 or $Time.Current > 6>>\
<<set _Reception to 0>>\
<<set _State to 0>>\
<<include "Time Micro-Passes">>\
<<if $Time.Current >= $Time.Max >>\
<<set _State to "TooLate">>\
<<set $NoEncounter to 1>>\
This is the front lobby for the Oak Dale Clinic. There are several chairs along with a couch for people sit on while they wait to see a doctor but they all look to be dirty and stained with sexual fluids. At the front of the room is a window to the administration room which looks to contain the check-in reception desk. The main exit for the clinic is here along with a doorway to what looks to be the main part of the clinic. <<if _Reception is 1>> There looks to be a receptionist manning the check-in desk. <<else>> There doesn't seem to be anyone manning the reception desk right now.<</if>>
<<if $StatusText.Notice is 1>>\
<<include "Update Status">>\
<<switch _State>>\
<<case "TooLate">>\
<<set $Time.Current to $Time.Max>>\
It's too dangerous to explore the clinic at this time of night.
<<button [[Return Home|Oak Dale Clinic Returning Home]]>>
<<set $NoEncounter to 0>>\
<<set $location.prev to $location.temp>>\
<<if _Reception is 1 and $npcCandy.Rob < 2>>\
<<button [[Chat with the Receptionist|Oak Dale Clinic Receptionist Chat]]>> <</button>>
<<if $doctorEvent.Appointment > 0 or _Reception is 0>>\
<<button [[Hallway|Oak Dale Clinic West Hallway]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Hallway|Oak Dale Clinic Receptionist Chat 3]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Leave|Oak Dale Clinic - Front Entrance]]>>
<<set $location.Indoor to 0>>\
<<if $lust >= ($MaxLust / 2) or $GeneralFeats.Horndog > 0>>\
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Masturbate|Masturbate]]>> </span>
<<set $location.Encounter to "None">>\
<</if>>\<img src="Images/Suburb/Clinic/clinic2.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set $location.temp to "Oak Dale Clinic West Hallway">>\
<<set _State to 0>>\
<<include "Time Micro-Passes">>\
<<if $Time.Current >= $Time.Max >>\
<<set _State to "TooLate">>\
<<set $NoEncounter to 1>>\
<<if $NoEncounter < 1>>\
<<set _EncounterRoll2 to 0>>\
<<set _TotalEncounterRoll2 to 0>>\
<<if $StealthSkillFeats.Distraction > 0>>\
<<set _EncounterRoll2 to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<set _TotalEncounterRoll2 to _EncounterRoll2 + $Skill.Stealth + $DexterityBonus + $StatusAffect.IndoorTracking - $StatusAffect.Horny - ($StatusAffect.CumCovered) -2>>\
<<set _EncounterRoll to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<set _TotalEncounterRoll to _EncounterRoll + $Skill.Stealth + $DexterityBonus + $StatusAffect.IndoorTracking - $StatusAffect.Horny - ($StatusAffect.CumCovered)>>\
<<if _TotalEncounterRoll < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current) and _TotalEncounterRoll2 < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current)>>\
<<if _TotalEncounterRoll + ($ThieverySkillFeats.SnareMaster *2) < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current - 10) or (_EncounterRoll < 2)>>\
<<set _State to "Ambush">>\
<<set _State to "Combat">>\
<<set _NPCEncounterRoll to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<if _NPCEncounterRoll > (18 - $ScoutingSkillFeats.KeenEye) and $NoEncounter is 0>>\
<<set _State to "NPC">>\
This is the western part of the Oak Dale Clinic hallway closest to the main lobby. Several lights fill the hallway with a warm glow while a couple of chairs that look to be extremely stained by an "unknown" white substance which smells of sex. To the north you can see the administration room and to the south an examination room can be see. The clinic's main hallway conintues to the east.
<<if $StatusText.Notice is 1>>\
<<include "Update Status">>\
<<switch _State>>\
<<case "TooLate">>\
<<set $Time.Current to $Time.Max>>\
It's too dangerous to explore the clinic at this time of night.
<<button [[Return Home|Oak Dale Clinic Returning Home]]>>
<<set $NoEncounter to 0>>\
<<case "Ambush">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Ambushed to 1>>\
You've been ambushed by an enemy!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<set $location.Encounter to "Oak Dale Clinic">>\
<<case "Combat">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
A hostile enemy is roaming the hallways!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<set $location.Encounter to "Oak Dale Clinic">>\
<<case "NPC">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
You've encountered something unusual!
<<button [[Encounter|Clinic Event]]>>
<<set $location.Event to "Oak Dale Clinic">>\
<<set $location.prev to $location.temp>>\
<<button [[East|Oak Dale Clinic Middle Hallway]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Front Entrance|Oak Dale Clinic Front Lobby]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Administration Office|Oak Dale Clinic Administration]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Small Room|Oak Dale Clinic Small Room]]>> <</button>>
<</switch>>\<<set $location.temp to "Oak Dale Clinic Administration">>\
<<set _EncounterStop to 0>>\
<<include "Time Micro-Passes">>\
<<set _Admin to 0>>\
<<if $doctorEvent.Receptionist is 1>>\
<<set _Admin to 1>>\
<<if $Time.Current > 6>>\
<<set _Admin to 0>>\
<<if $Time.Current is 3>>\
<<set _Admin to 0>>\
<<if _Admin is 1>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set $genericEvent.Image = $eventPath7 + 'Candy 2.jpg'>>\
<img @src=$genericEvent.Image />
This is the main administration office for the Oak Dale Clinic. It is surprisingly clean compared to the rest of the clinic with it's only slightly stained white tile floors and mostly clean countertops. There's a glass window to the west displaying the main lobby with a well used desk below it. Sitting at the desk is a rather voluptuous receptionist who looks startled at your presence. A door to the south leads back out to the main hallway while another door to the north looks like it leads to the northern hallway.
Before you can do anything the receptionist yells "Hey! This area is for employees only, jackass! Get the fuck out of here before I beat your ass and throw you out!" She looks rather upset and doesn't look like she is willing to have a long discussion especially since she just pulled out a big metal self-defense baton!
<div class="pcTalk"><i>If I'm going to stay it looks like I will have to fight the receptionist! Or I could come back when she isn't here if I feel the need to search the room...</i></div>
<<button [[Fight!|Suburb Combat]]>>
<<set $genericFighter to $infestedAdmin>>\
<<set $genericFighter.Image to $genericEvent.Image>>\
<<set $genericWeapon to $infestedAdmin.Weapon>>\
<<set $genericComments to "Infested Female Combat Comments">>\
<<set $lootTemp to $genericFighter.Loot>>\
<<set $rarelootTemp to $genericFighter.RareLoot>>\
<<set $BattleFlag to 1>>\
<<set $location.FleeFlag to 1>>\
<<set $location.Flee to $location.prev>>\
<<set $location.BattleWin to "Oak Dale Clinic Receptionist Victory">>\
<<set $location.BattleLose to "Oak Dale Clinic Receptionist Defeat">>\
<<button [[Leave|Oak Dale Clinic West Hallway]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Clinic/clinic admin.jpg" width="800px" height="400px" />
This is the main administration for the Oak Dale Clinic. It is surprisingly clean compared to the rest of the clinic with it's only slightly stained white tile floors and mostly clean countertops. There's a glass window to the west displaying the main lobby with a well used desk below it. A door to the south leads back out to the main hallway.
<<if $StatusText.Notice is 1>>\
<<if $Infestation.MilkProgress > 0>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> $StatusText.Milk </i></div>
<<set $StatusText.Notice to 0>>\
<<if $Time.Current >= $Time.Max >>\
<<set $Time.Current to $Time.Max>>\
It's too dark to search the clinic at this time of night.
<<button [[Leave|Oak Dale - Clinic Parking]]>> <</button>>
<<elseif (random(19)+ 1) + $Skill.Scouting + $WisdomBonus + $StatusAffect.SilentStalking - ($StatusAffect.Stalking *2) - $StatusAffect.Horny - ($StatusAffect.CumCovered) < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current) and $Time.Current < $Time.Max>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
A hostile enemy is in the hallway!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<set $location.Encounter to "Clinic">>\
<<set $location.prev to $location.temp>>\
<<button [[South|Oak Dale Clinic West Hallway]]>> <</button>>
<</if>>\<img src="Images/Suburb/Clinic/clinic4.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set $location.temp to "Oak Dale Clinic Middle Hallway">>\
<<set _State to 0>>\
<<include "Time Micro-Passes">>\
<<if $Time.Current >= $Time.Max >>\
<<set _State to "TooLate">>\
<<set $NoEncounter to 1>>\
<<if $NoEncounter < 1>>\
<<set _EncounterRoll2 to 0>>\
<<set _TotalEncounterRoll2 to 0>>\
<<if $StealthSkillFeats.Distraction > 0>>\
<<set _EncounterRoll2 to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<set _TotalEncounterRoll2 to _EncounterRoll2 + $Skill.Stealth + $DexterityBonus + $StatusAffect.IndoorTracking - $StatusAffect.Horny - ($StatusAffect.CumCovered) -2>>\
<<set _EncounterRoll to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<set _TotalEncounterRoll to _EncounterRoll + $Skill.Stealth + $DexterityBonus + $StatusAffect.IndoorTracking - $StatusAffect.Horny - ($StatusAffect.CumCovered)>>\
<<if _TotalEncounterRoll < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current) and _TotalEncounterRoll2 < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current)>>\
<<if _TotalEncounterRoll + ($ThieverySkillFeats.SnareMaster *2) < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current - 10) or (_EncounterRoll < 2)>>\
<<set _State to "Ambush">>\
<<set _State to "Combat">>\
<<set _NPCEncounterRoll to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<if _NPCEncounterRoll > (18 - $ScoutingSkillFeats.KeenEye) and $NoEncounter is 0>>\
<<set _State to "NPC">>\
This is one of the main hallways in the Oak Dale Clinic that leads westwards towards the main lobby. Several of the ceiling lights have gone out in this part of the hallway but the rest of the lights keep this part of the hallway mostly lit. A small filthy bench that sits next to the southern door is covered by a large puddle of unknown fluids that reeks of recent sexual activities. To the north you can see some medical equipment in a small room and on the south wall a large painting of the Double Peak mountains has been defaced with a crude drawing of a pair of breasts. The clinic's main hallway continues to the east and to the west.
<<if $StatusText.Notice is 1>>\
<<include "Update Status">>\
<<switch _State>>\
<<case "TooLate">>\
<<set $Time.Current to $Time.Max>>\
It's too dangerous to explore the clinic at this time of night.
<<button [[Return Home|Oak Dale Clinic Returning Home]]>>
<<set $NoEncounter to 0>>\
<<case "Ambush">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Ambushed to 1>>\
You've been ambushed by an enemy!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<set $location.Encounter to "Oak Dale Clinic">>\
<<case "Combat">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
A hostile enemy is roaming the hallways!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<set $location.Encounter to "Oak Dale Clinic">>\
<<case "NPC">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
You've encountered something unusual!
<<button [[Encounter|Clinic Event]]>>
<<set $location.Event to "Oak Dale Clinic">>\
<<set $location.prev to $location.temp>>\
<<button [[East |Oak Dale Clinic East Intersection]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[West|Oak Dale Clinic West Hallway]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[X-Ray room|Oak Dale Clinic X-Ray Room]]>> <</button>>
<</switch>>\<img src="Images/Suburb/Clinic/clinic3.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set $location.temp to "Oak Dale Clinic Small Room">>\
<<set _State to 0>>\
<<include "Time Micro-Passes">>\
<<if $Time.Current >= $Time.Max >>\
<<set _State to "TooLate">>\
<<set $NoEncounter to 1>>\
<<if $NoEncounter < 1>>\
<<set _EncounterRoll2 to 0>>\
<<set _TotalEncounterRoll2 to 0>>\
<<if $StealthSkillFeats.Distraction > 0>>\
<<set _EncounterRoll2 to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<set _TotalEncounterRoll2 to _EncounterRoll2 + $Skill.Stealth + $DexterityBonus + $StatusAffect.IndoorTracking - $StatusAffect.Horny - ($StatusAffect.CumCovered) -2>>\
<<set _EncounterRoll to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<set _TotalEncounterRoll to _EncounterRoll + $Skill.Stealth + $DexterityBonus + $StatusAffect.IndoorTracking - $StatusAffect.Horny - ($StatusAffect.CumCovered)>>\
<<if _TotalEncounterRoll < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current) and _TotalEncounterRoll2 < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current)>>\
<<if _TotalEncounterRoll + ($ThieverySkillFeats.SnareMaster *2) < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current - 10) or (_EncounterRoll < 2)>>\
<<set _State to "Ambush">>\
<<set _State to "Combat">>\
<<set _NPCEncounterRoll to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<if _NPCEncounterRoll > (18 - $ScoutingSkillFeats.KeenEye) and $NoEncounter is 0>>\
<<set _State to "NPC">>\
<<set _lusty to random(3) +1 + $StatusAffect.Horny - $LustResist.Complete>>\
<<if _lusty < 0>>\
<<set _lusty to 0>>\
<<set $lust to $lust + _lusty>>\
This is a small examination room located in western section of the Oak Dale Clinic. The medical examination bed looks to be well used and slightly torn up with multiple stains covering the middle of it. A monitor provides most of the lighting in the room with all but one light bulb broken in the ceiling. The thick musk of frantic sex lingers in the room causing you to flush slightly. The door to the north leads to the main halllway and Administration doorway can be seen across the hallway. To the east another small examination room can be seen.
<<if $StatusText.Notice is 1>>\
<<include "Update Status">>\
<<switch _State>>\
<<case "TooLate">>\
<<set $Time.Current to $Time.Max>>\
It's too dangerous to explore the clinic at this time of night.
<<button [[Return Home|Oak Dale Clinic Returning Home]]>>
<<set $NoEncounter to 0>>\
<<case "Ambush">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Ambushed to 1>>\
You've been ambushed by an enemy!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<set $location.Encounter to "Oak Dale Clinic">>\
<<case "Combat">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
A hostile enemy just walked into the room!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<set $location.Encounter to "Oak Dale Clinic">>\
<<set $location.prev to $location.temp>>\
<<if $doctorEvent.Storage2 < 1>>\
<<button [[Search for Supplies|Clinic Salvage]]>>
<<set $lootTemp to $lootClinicOffice>>\
<<set $rarelootTemp to $rarelootClinicOffice>>\
<<set $doctorEvent.Storage2 to $doctorEvent.Storage2 +1>>\
It looks like you have found everything of value in this room.
<<button [[North|Oak Dale Clinic West Hallway]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[East|Oak Dale Clinic Small Room 2]]>> <</button>>
<</switch>>\<img src="Images/Suburb/Clinic/clinic3.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set $location.temp to "Oak Dale Clinic Small Room 2">>\
<<set _State to 0>>\
<<include "Time Micro-Passes">>\
<<if $Time.Current >= $Time.Max >>\
<<set _State to "TooLate">>\
<<set $NoEncounter to 1>>\
<<if $NoEncounter < 1>>\
<<set _EncounterRoll2 to 0>>\
<<set _TotalEncounterRoll2 to 0>>\
<<if $StealthSkillFeats.Distraction > 0>>\
<<set _EncounterRoll2 to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<set _TotalEncounterRoll2 to _EncounterRoll2 + $Skill.Stealth + $DexterityBonus + $StatusAffect.IndoorTracking - $StatusAffect.Horny - ($StatusAffect.CumCovered) -2>>\
<<set _EncounterRoll to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<set _TotalEncounterRoll to _EncounterRoll + $Skill.Stealth + $DexterityBonus + $StatusAffect.IndoorTracking - $StatusAffect.Horny - ($StatusAffect.CumCovered)>>\
<<if _TotalEncounterRoll < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current) and _TotalEncounterRoll2 < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current)>>\
<<if _TotalEncounterRoll + ($ThieverySkillFeats.SnareMaster *2) < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current - 10) or (_EncounterRoll < 2)>>\
<<set _State to "Ambush">>\
<<set _State to "Combat">>\
<<set _NPCEncounterRoll to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<if _NPCEncounterRoll > (18 - $ScoutingSkillFeats.KeenEye) and $NoEncounter is 0>>\
<<set _State to "NPC">>\
This is a small examination room located in the middle of the Oak Dale Clinic. The medical examination bed has been over turned and is lying against a wal next to some clothing. Large piles of discarded clothing complete with mysterious stains takes up most of the floor in this small room. Multiple lights in the ceiling have been destroyed with only the lights from the other doors provide any type of illumination. To the east the door leads to a halllway and the faint light of a emergency exit light can be seen nearby. To the west another small examination room with more lights can be seen.
<<if $StatusText.Notice is 1>>\
<<include "Update Status">>\
<<switch _State>>\
<<case "TooLate">>\
<<set $Time.Current to $Time.Max>>\
It's too dangerous to explore the clinic at this time of night.
<<button [[Return Home|Oak Dale Clinic Returning Home]]>>
<<set $NoEncounter to 0>>\
<<case "Ambush">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Ambushed to 1>>\
You've been ambushed by an enemy!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<set $location.Encounter to "Oak Dale Clinic">>\
<<case "Combat">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
A hostile enemy just walked into the room!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<set $location.Encounter to "Oak Dale Clinic">>\
<<set $location.prev to $location.temp>>\
<<if $doctorEvent.Storage3 < 1>>\
<<button [[Search for Supplies|Clinic Salvage]]>>
<<set $lootTemp to $lootClinicOffice>>\
<<set $rarelootTemp to $rarelootClinicOffice>>\
<<set $doctorEvent.Storage3 to $doctorEvent.Storage3 +1>>\
It looks like you have found everything of value in this room.
<<button [[East|Oak Dale Clinic South Hallway]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[West|Oak Dale Clinic Small Room]]>> <</button>>
<</switch>>\<<set $genericEvent.Image = $eventPath7 + $arrayEvent7FullBody.random() + '.jpg'>>\
<img @src=$genericEvent.Image />
<<set $NoEncounter to random(1) +2>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set $doctorEvent.Visits to $doctorEvent.Visits +1>>\
<<set _Discount to 100>>\
<<if $PC.BreastsSize > 10 or $PC.DickSize > 10>>\
<<set _Discount to 75>>\
<<if $ThieverySkillFeats.FiveFingeredDiscount is 1>>\
<<set _D10 to Math.round(_Discount * .1)>>\
<<set _Discount to _Discount - _D10>>\
<<if $PC.Sex is "Futa" or $StatusAffect.Futa > 0>>\
<<set _Sex to "Futa">>\
<<elseif $PC.Sex is "Female" and $StatusAffect.Futa < 1>>\
<<set _Sex to "Female">>\
<<set _Sex to "Male">>\
<<if $doctorEvent.Visits is 1>>\
<<if $SkillAction is not "Intercom">>\
<<if (random(19) + 1) + $Skill.Social + $CharismaBonus > 14>>\
<<set $npcRichard.Friendship to $npcRichard.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe + 2>>\
<<set $npcCandy.Friendship to $npcCandy.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity + 2>>\
<<set $npcRichard.Friendship to $npcRichard.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity + $SocialSkillFeats.WashmyHair - 4>>\
<<set $npcCandy.Friendship to $npcCandy.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity + $SocialSkillFeats.WashmyHair - 2>>\
<<switch _Sex>>\
<<case "Female">>\
  As you enter the office you notice that it looks like someone is still working in this clinic. There looks to be a handsome blonde haired doctor sitting behind the desk looking thru some paperwork. At your entrance he looks startled for a moment before standing up with with one hand clutching his doctor's coat and the other reaching below his desk.
  "Er, Hello! Welcome to the Oak Dale Clinic." he says as he takes in your appearance. "Uh..Do you have an appointment?" He seems extremely startled by your unexpected appearance as he is still fumbling for something beneath his desk.
  "Oh, hello! My name is $PC.FirstName $PC.LastName and I was just checking out the clinic since the lights were on. Don't worry, I'm not here to start anything." you say as you raise your hands trying to calm him down. He finally pulls what looks to be a needle gun from his desk while giving you a piercing look. You do your best to remain calm and at your non-response to his actions he seems to calm down a bit.
  "Well then greetings $PC.FirstName! My name is Doctor Richard Rack and I'm a Cosmetic Surgeon here at the Oak Dale Clinic." he says with a hint of proudness.
  "So what type of services do you offer here? I mean if you are open for business?" you ask as you take in the rest of the medical office. There's a lot of plaques and charts on the walls along with a newspaper clipping that you can't read from this side of the room.
  "Have you ever wanted to have larger, fuller breasts? Or maybe a bigger juicier ass? Well I have access to the latest in cosmetic medical grade enhancers called Liquid Silicone-X. It can be injected directly into your breasts or ass without surgery and won't wear off like some other items." he explains with a great passion. He continues with a bit less enthusiasm "Or maybe you wish to reduce the size of your breasts or ass instead. That can be done as well using a cosmetic reducer called Liquid Silicone-Y. All of this can be done here at the clinic in about an hour or so with no side affects or scars."
<<if $PC.BreastsSize < 11>>\
  Before you can respond his sales pitch continues "Unfortunately other cosmetic options such as lip injections, nose jobs and cheek fillers can't be done due to lack of supporting staff and medical supplies. But we do have some anti-Infested antibiotics that is critical in resisting becoming Infested if attacked and that goes for _Discount dollars per dose." he finishes with a slight sigh.
  Before you can respond his sales pitch continues as his eyes drift to your chest "Unfortunately other cosmetic options such as lip injections, nose jobs and cheek fillers can't be done due to lack of supporting staff and medical supplies. But we do have some anti-Infested antibiotics that is critical in resisting becoming Infested if attacked and that goes for _Discount dollars per dose." he finishes while giving your $BreastSD breasts a lingering look.
<<case "Male">>\
  As you enter the office you notice that it looks like someone is still working in this clinic. There looks to be a handsome blonde haired doctor sitting behind the desk looking thru some paperwork. At your entrance he looks startled for a moment before standing up with with one hand clutching his doctor's coat and the other reaching below his desk.
  "Er, Hello! Welcome to the Oak Dale Clinic." he says as he takes in your appearance. "Uh..Do you have an appointment?" He seems extremely startled by your unexpected appearance as he is still fumbling for something beneath his desk.
  "Oh, hello! My name is $PC.FirstName $PC.LastName and I was just checking out the clinic since the lights were on. Don't worry, I'm not here to start anything." you say as you raise your hands trying to calm him down. He finally pulls what looks to be a needle gun from his desk while giving you a piercing look. You do your best to remain calm and at your non-response to his actions he seems to calm down a bit.
  "Well then greetings $PC.FirstName! My name is Doctor Richard Rack and I'm a Cosmetic Surgeon here at the Oak Dale Clinic." he says with a hint of proudness.
  "So what type of services do you offer here? I mean if you are open for business?" you ask as you take in the rest of the medical office. There's a lot of plaques and charts on the walls along with a newspaper clipping that you can't read from this side of the room.
  "Have you ever wanted to have a larger thicker dick along with bigger juicier balls? Well I have access to the latest in cosmetic medical grade enhancers called Liquid Silicone-X. It can be injected directly into your penis and balls without surgery and won't wear off like some other items." he explains with a great passion. He continues with a bit less enthusiasm "Or maybe you wish to reduce the size of your penis and balls. That can be done as well using a cosmetic reducer called Liquid Silicone-Y. All of this can be done here at the clinic in about an hour or so with no side affects or scars."
<<if $PC.DickSize < 11>>\
  Before you can respond his sales pitch continues "Unfortunately other cosmetic options such as lip injections, nose jobs and cheek fillers can't be done due to lack of supporting staff and medical supplies. But we do have some anti-Infested antibiotics that is critical in resisting becoming Infested if attacked and that goes for _Discount dollars per dose." he finishes with a slight sigh.
  Before you can respond his sales pitch continues as his eyes drift to your groin "Unfortunately other cosmetic options such as lip injections, nose jobs and cheek fillers can't be done due to lack of supporting staff and medical supplies. But we do have some anti-Infested antibiotics that is critical in resisting becoming Infested if attacked and that goes for _Discount dollars per dose." he finishes while giving the $DickSD tent in your underwear a lingering look.
<<case "Futa">>\
  As you enter the office you notice that it looks like someone is still working in this clinic. There looks to be a handsome blonde haired doctor sitting behind the desk looking thru some paperwork. At your entrance he looks startled for a moment before standing up with with one hand clutching his doctor's coat and the other reaching below his desk.
  "Er, Hello! Welcome to the Oak Dale Clinic." he says as he takes in your appearance. "Uh..Do you have an appointment?" He seems extremely startled by your unexpected appearance as he is still fumbling for something beneath his desk.
  "Oh, hello! My name is $PC.FirstName $PC.LastName and I was just checking out the clinic since the lights were on. Don't worry, I'm not here to start anything." you say as you raise your hands trying to calm him down. He finally pulls what looks to be a needle gun from his desk while giving you a piercing look. You do your best to remain calm and at your non-response to his actions he seems to calm down a bit.
  "Well then greetings $PC.FirstName! My name is Doctor Richard Rack and I'm a Cosmetic Surgeon here at the Oak Dale Clinic." he says with a hint of proudness.
  "So what type of services do you offer here? I mean if you are open for business?" you ask as you take in the rest of the medical office. There's a lot of plaques and charts on the walls along with a newspaper clipping that you can't read from this side of the room.
  "Have you ever wanted to have larger, fuller breasts? Or maybe a bigger juicier ass or even a larger thicker dick along with bigger heavier balls? Well I have access to the latest in cosmetic medical grade enhancers called Liquid Silicone-X. It can be injected directly into the chosen organ without surgery and won't wear off like some other items." he explains with a great passion. He continues with a bit less enthusiasm "Or maybe you wish to reduce the size of your breasts or ass instead. That can be done as well using a cosmetic reducer called Liquid Silicone-Y. All of this can be done here at the clinic in about an hour or so with no side affects or scars."
<<if $PC.BreastsSize < 11 or $PC.DickSize < 11>>\
  Before you can respond his sales pitch continues "Unfortunately other cosmetic options such as lip injections, nose jobs and cheek fillers can't be done due to lack of supporting staff and medical supplies. But we do have some anti-Infested antibiotics that is critical in resisting becoming Infested if attacked and that goes for _Discount dollars per dose." he finishes with a slight sigh.
  Before you can respond his sales pitch continues as his eyes drift to your chest before dipping down to your groin "Unfortunately other cosmetic options such as lip injections, nose jobs and cheek fillers can't be done due to lack of supporting staff and medical supplies. But we do have some anti-Infested antibiotics that is critical in resisting becoming Infested if attacked and that goes for _Discount dollars per dose." he finishes while giving the $DickSD bulge in your underwear a lingering look.
<<if (random(19) + 1) + $Skill.Social + $CharismaBonus > 14>>\
<<set $npcRichard.Friendship to $npcRichard.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe + 2>>\
<<set $npcRichard.Friendship to $npcRichard.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe + 1>>\
<<switch _Sex>>\
<<case "Female">>\
  As you enter the office you notice that it looks like Doctor Rack is still in his office. A handsome blonde haired doctor sitting behind the desk that you assume to be Doctor Rack is looking thru some paperwork. At your entrance he looks up and smiles widely.
  "Hello and welcome to the Oak Dale Clinic." he says as he takes in your appearance. "I'm assuming you are $PC.FirstName $PC.LastName?" He seems relaxed by your appearance as tidies up some of his paperwork.
  "Hello! My name is $PC.FirstName and I spoke with your receptionist. I believe I have an appointment with you." you say as you take a seat.
  "Yes! I do have you listed for an appointment for today, $PC.FirstName! As you may know my name is Doctor Richard Rack and I'm a Cosmetic Surgeon here at the Oak Dale Clinic." he says with a hint of proudness.
  "So what type of services do you offer here? I mean if you are open for business?" you ask as you take in the rest of the medical office. There's a lot of plaques and charts on the walls along with a newspaper clipping that you can't read from this side of the room.
  "Have you ever wanted to have larger, fuller breasts? Or maybe a bigger juicier ass? Well I have access to the latest in cosmetic medical grade enhancers called Liquid Silicone-X. It can be injected directly into your breasts or ass without surgery and won't wear off like some other items." he explains with a great passion. He continues with a bit less enthusiasm "Or maybe you wish to reduce the size of your breasts or ass instead. That can be done as well using a cosmetic reducer called Liquid Silicone-Y. All of this can be done here at the clinic in about an hour or so with no side affects or scars."
<<if $PC.BreastsSize < 11>>\
  Before you can respond his sales pitch continues "Unfortunately other cosmetic options such as lip injections, nose jobs and cheek fillers can't be done due to lack of supporting staff and medical supplies. But we do have some anti-Infested antibiotics that is critical in resisting becoming Infested if attacked and that goes for _Discount dollars per dose." he finishes with a slight sigh.
  Before you can respond his sales pitch continues as his eyes drift to your chest "Unfortunately other cosmetic options such as lip injections, nose jobs and cheek fillers can't be done due to lack of supporting staff and medical supplies. But we do have some anti-Infested antibiotics that is critical in resisting becoming Infested if attacked and that goes for _Discount dollars per dose." he finishes while giving your $BreastSD breasts a lingering look.
<<case "Futa">>\
  As you enter the office you notice that it looks like Doctor Rack is still in his office. A handsome blonde haired doctor sitting behind the desk that you assume to be Doctor Rack is looking thru some paperwork. At your entrance he looks up and smiles widely.
  "Hello and welcome to the Oak Dale Clinic." he says as he takes in your appearance. "I'm assuming you are $PC.FirstName $PC.LastName?" He seems relaxed by your appearance as tidies up some of his paperwork.
  "Hello! My name is $PC.FirstName and I spoke with your receptionist. I believe I have an appointment with you." you say as you take a seat.
  "Yes! I do have you listed for an appointment for today, $PC.FirstName! As you may know my name is Doctor Richard Rack and I'm a Cosmetic Surgeon here at the Oak Dale Clinic." he says with a hint of proudness.
  "So what type of services do you offer here? I mean if you are open for business?" you ask as you take in the rest of the medical office. There's a lot of plaques and charts on the walls along with a newspaper clipping that you can't read from this side of the room.
  "Have you ever wanted to have larger, fuller breasts? Or maybe a bigger juicier ass or even a larger thicker dick along with bigger heavier balls? Well I have access to the latest in cosmetic medical grade enhancers called Liquid Silicone-X. It can be injected directly into the chosen organ without surgery and won't wear off like some other items." he explains with a great passion. He continues with a bit less enthusiasm "Or maybe you wish to reduce the size of your breasts or ass instead. That can be done as well using a cosmetic reducer called Liquid Silicone-Y. All of this can be done here at the clinic in about an hour or so with no side affects or scars."
<<if $PC.BreastsSize < 11 or $PC.DickSize < 11>>\
  Before you can respond his sales pitch continues "Unfortunately other cosmetic options such as lip injections, nose jobs and cheek fillers can't be done due to lack of supporting staff and medical supplies. But we do have some anti-Infested antibiotics that is critical in resisting becoming Infested if attacked and that goes for _Discount dollars per dose." he finishes with a slight sigh.
  Before you can respond his sales pitch continues as his eyes drift to your chest before dipping down to your groin "Unfortunately other cosmetic options such as lip injections, nose jobs and cheek fillers can't be done due to lack of supporting staff and medical supplies. But we do have some anti-Infested antibiotics that is critical in resisting becoming Infested if attacked and that goes for _Discount dollars per dose." he finishes while giving the $DickSD bulge in your underwear a lingering look.
<<case "Male">>\
  As you enter the office you notice that it looks like Doctor Rack is still in his office. A handsome blonde haired doctor sitting behind the desk that you assume to be Doctor Rack is looking thru some paperwork. At your entrance he looks up and smiles widely.
  "Hello and welcome to the Oak Dale Clinic." he says as he takes in your appearance. "I'm assuming you are $PC.FirstName $PC.LastName?" He seems relaxed by your appearance as tidies up some of his paperwork.
  "Hello! My name is $PC.FirstName and I spoke with your receptionist. I believe I have an appointment with you." you say as you take a seat.
  "Yes! I do have you listed for an appointment for today, $PC.FirstName! As you may know my name is Doctor Richard Rack and I'm a Cosmetic Surgeon here at the Oak Dale Clinic." he says with a hint of proudness.
  "So what type of services do you offer here? I mean if you are open for business?" you ask as you take in the rest of the medical office. There's a lot of plaques and charts on the walls along with a newspaper clipping that you can't read from this side of the room.
  "Have you ever wanted to have a larger thicker dick along with bigger juicier balls? Well I have access to the latest in cosmetic medical grade enhancers called Liquid Silicone-X. It can be injected directly into your penis and balls without surgery and won't wear off like some other items." he explains with a great passion. He continues with a bit less enthusiasm "Or maybe you wish to reduce the size of your penis and balls. That can be done as well using a cosmetic reducer called Liquid Silicone-Y. All of this can be done here at the clinic in about an hour or so with no side affects or scars."
<<if $PC.DickSize < 11>>\
  Before you can respond his sales pitch continues "Unfortunately other cosmetic options such as lip injections, nose jobs and cheek fillers can't be done due to lack of supporting staff and medical supplies. But we do have some anti-Infested antibiotics that is critical in resisting becoming Infested if attacked and that goes for _Discount dollars per dose." he finishes with a slight sigh.
  Before you can respond his sales pitch continues as his eyes drift to your groin "Unfortunately other cosmetic options such as lip injections, nose jobs and cheek fillers can't be done due to lack of supporting staff and medical supplies. But we do have some anti-Infested antibiotics that is critical in resisting becoming Infested if attacked and that goes for _Discount dollars per dose." he finishes while giving the $DickSD tent in your underwear a lingering look.
  "That sounds interesting but should I be focusing on how I look with all the Infested attacking people out there?" you ask as you take in his sales pitch. The idea of a quick and painless non-instrusive surgery does sound interesting but it might be a bit of a waste with your money better spent on surviving.
  "Well part of any battle is confidence and if you don't have any confidence in your appearance how are you expected to win against an Infested?" he explains with a sage look in his eyes. "Here, take a look at the Enhancements Menu or the Reductions Menu. The prices are reasonable and listed on those menus."
<div class="pcTalk"><i> "A Cosmetic Surgeon offering cosmetic surgery? Seems a bit odd with the Infested Outbreak going on but who am I do judge..." </i></div>
<<if $SkillAction is not "Intercom">>\
<<if (random(19) + 1) + $Skill.Social + $CharismaBonus > 14>>\
<<set $npcRichard.Friendship to $npcRichard.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe + $SocialSkillFeats.WashmyHair - 3>>\
<<set $npcRichard.Friendship to $npcRichard.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe + $SocialSkillFeats.WashmyHair - 4>>\
  As you enter the office you notice that it looks like Dr. Rack is still working hard. The handsome blonde haired doctor is sitting behind the desk looking thru some paperwork. At your entrance he looks extremely startled for a moment before giving you a weak smile.
  "Welcome back to the Oak Dale clinic, $PC.FirstName. I don't see you listed as having an appointment with me today but I can work to pencil you in. Just a friendly reminder that checking in with my receptionist is the standard and less heart-stopping method of letting me know you are coming to visit. Are you here to have some non-invasive cosmetic surgery or just here to visit?" he asks with a slightly annoyed tone.
  "Sorry Doc, I forget to check in when I decided to stop by since I was in the area." you reply as you take a seat. "I wanted to see how my favorite doctor is doing. So are you still doing OK? No attacks from the Infested?"
  He frowns as he says "Well, there's been no attacks by Infested thankfully. My supplies are still good, just a bit bored with a lack of intelligent conversations. I really do appreciate you stopping by."
<<if (random(19) + 1) + $Skill.Social + $CharismaBonus > 14>>\
<<set $npcRichard.Friendship to $npcRichard.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe + 2>>\
<<set $npcRichard.Friendship to $npcRichard.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe + 1>>\
  As you enter the office you notice that it looks like Dr. Rack is still working hard. The handsome blonde haired doctor is sitting behind the desk looking thru some paperwork which he puts down as you enter the room. He gives you a big smile as you sit down at the chair across from him.
  "Welcome back to the Oak Dale clinic, $PC.FirstName. I do see that you have an appointment with me today. I know that checking in with my receptionist can be a bit tiresome but it does help keep me a safe in these trying times. Are you here to have some non-invasive cosmetic surgery or just here to visit?" he asks with a pleased tone.
<<switch _Sex>>\
<<case "Female">>\
  "If you are interested in cosmetic surgery I have access to the latest in cosmetic medical grade enhancers called Liquid Silicone-X that can be used to enhance the size of your breasts or ass if desired. It can be injected directly without surgery and won't wear off like some other items." he explains with a great passion. He continues with a bit less enthusiasm "Or maybe you wish to reduce the size of your breasts or ass instead. That can be done as well using a cosmetic reducer called Liquid Silicone-Y. All of this can be done here at the clinic in about an hour or so with no side affects or scars."
  "Just a reminder that unfortunately other cosmetic options such as lip injections, nose jobs and cheek fillers can't be done due to lack of supporting staff and medical supplies. But we do still have some anti-Infested antibiotics that is critical in resisting becoming Infested if attacked and that goes for _Discount dollars per dose." he finishes with a slight sigh.
<<case "Futa">>\
  "If you are interested in cosmetic surgery I have access to the latest in cosmetic medical grade enhancers called Liquid Silicone-X that can be used to enhance the size of your breasts, ass or penis and balls if desired. It can be injected directly without surgery and won't wear off like some other items." he explains with a great passion. He continues with a bit less enthusiasm "Or maybe you wish to reduce the size of your breasts, ass, or penis and balls instead. That can be done as well using a cosmetic reducer called Liquid Silicone-Y. All of this can be done here at the clinic in about an hour or so with no side affects or scars."
  "Just a reminder that unfortunately other cosmetic options such as lip injections, nose jobs and cheek fillers can't be done due to lack of supporting staff and medical supplies. But we do still have some anti-Infested antibiotics that is critical in resisting becoming Infested if attacked and that goes for _Discount dollars per dose." he finishes with a slight sigh.
<<case "Male">>\
  "If you are interested in cosmetic surgery I have access to the latest in cosmetic medical grade enhancers called Liquid Silicone-X that can be used to enhance the size of your penis and balls if desired. It can be injected directly without surgery and won't wear off like some other items." he explains with a great passion. He continues with a bit less enthusiasm "Or maybe you wish to reduce the size of your penis and balls. That can be done as well using a cosmetic reducer called Liquid Silicone-Y. All of this can be done here at the clinic in about an hour or so with no side affects or scars."
  "Just a reminder that unfortunately other cosmetic options such as lip injections, nose jobs and cheek fillers can't be done due to lack of supporting staff and medical supplies. But we do still have some anti-Infested antibiotics that is critical in resisting becoming Infested if attacked and that goes for _Discount dollars per dose." he finishes with a slight sigh.
<div class="pcTalk"><i> "Looks like the good doctor is still working. I can't imagine he could be getting many visitors..." </i></div>
<<button [[Check out the Enhancements Menu|Doctor's Rack Enhancement]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Check out the Reductions Menu|Doctor's Rack Reducer]]>> <</button>>
<<if $Cash > _Discount -1>>\
<<button [[Pay for Anti-Infested Treatment|Doctor's Rack Infested Aid]]>>
<<set $Cash to $Cash - _Discountt >>\
<<button [[Chat with Doctor Rack|Doctor's Rack Chat Options]]>>
<<button [[Leave|Doctor's Rack Leave]]>>
<<set $npcRichard.Friendship to $npcRichard.Friendship - 3 + $SocialSkillFeats.WashmyHair>>\
<<if $AdminMode is 1>>\
<<button [[Teleport Home|PCRoom]]>>
<<set $Time.Current to $Time.Max>>\
<</if>>\<img src="Images/Suburb/Clinic/clinic3.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set $location.temp to "Oak Dale Clinic X-Ray Room">>\
<<set _State to 0>>\
<<include "Time Micro-Passes">>\
<<if $Time.Current >= $Time.Max >>\
<<set _State to "TooLate">>\
<<set $NoEncounter to 1>>\
<<if $NoEncounter < 1>>\
<<set _EncounterRoll2 to 0>>\
<<set _TotalEncounterRoll2 to 0>>\
<<if $StealthSkillFeats.Distraction > 0>>\
<<set _EncounterRoll2 to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<set _TotalEncounterRoll2 to _EncounterRoll2 + $Skill.Stealth + $DexterityBonus + $StatusAffect.IndoorTracking - $StatusAffect.Horny - ($StatusAffect.CumCovered) -2>>\
<<set _EncounterRoll to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<set _TotalEncounterRoll to _EncounterRoll + $Skill.Stealth + $DexterityBonus + $StatusAffect.IndoorTracking - $StatusAffect.Horny - ($StatusAffect.CumCovered)>>\
<<if _TotalEncounterRoll < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current) and _TotalEncounterRoll2 < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current)>>\
<<if _TotalEncounterRoll + ($ThieverySkillFeats.SnareMaster *2) < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current - 10) or (_EncounterRoll < 2)>>\
<<set _State to "Ambush">>\
<<set _State to "Combat">>\
<<set _NPCEncounterRoll to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<if _NPCEncounterRoll > (18 - $ScoutingSkillFeats.KeenEye) and $NoEncounter is 0>>\
<<set _State to "NPC">>\
This is a small dimly lit X-ray room located in heart of the Oak Dale Clinic. The X-ray machine looks to be surprisingly intact compared to the rest the clinic. Several X-rays have been scattered around the room with a couple still hanging up. Most of the X-rays are of chests and groins with a few having the skeletal pictures in some type of sexual position with each other. A bright light can be seen thru the southern door which connects to a main hallway while thru the eastern door is only.
<<if $StatusText.Notice is 1>>\
<<include "Update Status">>\
<<switch _State>>\
<<case "TooLate">>\
<<set $Time.Current to $Time.Max>>\
It's too dangerous to explore the clinic at this time of night.
<<button [[Return Home|Oak Dale Clinic Returning Home]]>>
<<set $NoEncounter to 0>>\
<<case "Ambush">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Ambushed to 1>>\
You've been ambushed by an enemy!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<set $location.Encounter to "Oak Dale Clinic">>\
<<case "Combat">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
A hostile enemy just walked into the room!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<set $location.Encounter to "Oak Dale Clinic">>\
<<if $doctorEvent.Storage4 < 1>>\
<<button [[Search for Supplies|Clinic Salvage]]>>
<<set $lootTemp to $lootClinicOffice>>\
<<set $rarelootTemp to $rarelootClinicOffice>>\
<<set $doctorEvent.Storage4 to $doctorEvent.Storage4 +1>>\
It looks like you have found everything of value in this room.
<<button [[East|Oak Dale Clinic North Hallway]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[South|Oak Dale Clinic Middle Hallway]]>> <</button>>
<</switch>>\<img @src=$genericEvent.Image />
<<set _TreatmentCost to 250>>\
<<if $ThieverySkillFeats.FiveFingeredDiscount is 1>>\
<<set _D10 to Math.round(_TreatmentCost * .1)>>\
<<set _TreatmentCost to _TreatmentCost - _D10>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.Futa > 0>>\
<<set _Sex to "FutaTry">>\
<<elseif $PC.Sex is "Futa">>\
<<set _Sex to "Futa">>\
<<elseif $PC.Sex is "Female">>\
<<set _Sex to "Female">>\
<<set _Sex to "Male">>\
<<switch _Sex>>\
<<case "FutaTry">>\
<<switch $PC.Sex>>\
<<case "Male">>\
<<set $npcRichard.SexDetection to "Male">>\
  "Well this is a somewhat novel situation. I haven't actually met many sane Futas who are interested in Cosmetic Surgery. I must ask you $PC.FirstName, did you become a Futa via a chemical method such as a Dr. Pecker or Milkshake Jugs?" the doctor asks as he takes in your appearance.
  "I ended up becoming a Futa by drinking a Milkshake Jugs. Grew some tits and a pussy out of nowhere!" you explain as you heft your $BreastSD chest. It still amazes you that someone can become a Futa just by drinking a softdrink.
  Dr. Rack nods as he makes a note on his clipboard. "Well if that's the case I will only be able to offer the Male Enhancements. I know those 'soda' wear off after some time reverting a person back to their original gender. The human body should absorb any left over Silicone-X but it's not something I want to risk without real clinical trials and tests." he explains.
  "I understand, Doc." you reply as you wonder what would happen if you pumped your tits up with silicone and they suddenly disappeared. Shaking your head at those thoughts, you turn your focus back to the good doctor.
  "Just a heads up, I only have $doctorEvent.SiliconeX units of Silicone-X currently so keep that in mind if you want multiple enhancement sessions." the doctor says as he hands you the menu. <<if $PC.DickSize < 9>>Giving your groin a glance he says "If you don't mind my opinion, a little more oomph in the penis is what most men look for. A lot of patients tend to be happy with around 10 inches which of course slightly larger balls to go along with their bigger penis<</if>>
Reading over the Enhancement menu you see the following options:
Penis & Balls: _TreatmentCost Dollars per size increase
<<button [[Increase Penis Size|Doctor's Rack Enhancement - Penis]]>> <</button>>
<<case "Female">>\
<<set $npcRichard.SexDetection to "Female">>\
  "Well this is a somewhat novel situation. I haven't actually met many sane Futas who are interested in Cosmetic Surgery. I must ask you $PC.FirstName, did you become a Futa via a chemical method such as a Dr. Pecker or Milkshake Jugs?" the doctor asks as he takes in your appearance.
  "I ended up becoming a Futa by drinking a Dr. Pecker. Grew a dick and pair of balls out of nowhere!" you explain as you grip your $DickSD dick. It still amazes you that someone can become a Futa just by drinking a softdrink.
  Dr. Rack nods as he makes a note on his clipboard. "Well if that's the case I will only be able to offer the Female Enhancements. I know those 'soda' wear off after some time reverting a person back to their original gender. The human body should absorb any left over Silicone-X but it's not something I want to risk without real clinical trials and tests." he explains.
  "I understand, Doc." you reply as you wonder what would happen if you pumped your dick up with silicone and it suddenly disappeared. Shaking your head at those thoughts, you turn your focus back to the good doctor.
  "Just a heads up, I only have $doctorEvent.SiliconeX units of Silicone-X currently so keep that in mind if you want multiple enhancement sessions. I can restock after closing but the limit is 10 units per day." the doctor says as he hands you the menu. <<if $PC.BreastsSize < 5>>Giving your chest a glance he says "If you don't mind my opinion, a little more up top couldn't hurt. Most women find a cup size around double Ds an iconic look and quite pleasant as well.<</if>>
Reading over the Enhancement menu you see the following options:
Breasts: _TreatmentCost Dollars per cup size increase
Ass: _TreatmentCost Dollars per size increase
<<button [[Increase Breasts Size|Doctor's Rack Enhancement - Breasts]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Increase Ass Size|Doctor's Rack Enhancement - Ass]]>> <</button>>
<<case "Female">>\
<<set $npcRichard.SexDetection to "Female">>\
  "Just a heads up, I only have $doctorEvent.SiliconeX units of Silicone-X currently so keep that in mind if you want multiple enhancement sessions. I can restock after closing but the limit is 10 units per day." the doctor says as he hands you the menu. <<if $PC.BreastsSize < 5>>Giving your chest a glance he says "If you don't mind my opinion, a little more up top couldn't hurt. Most women find a cup size around double Ds an iconic look and quite pleasant as well.<</if>>
Reading over the Enhancement menu you see the following options:
Breasts: _TreatmentCost Dollars per cup size increase
Ass: _TreatmentCost Dollars per size increase
<<button [[Increase Breasts Size|Doctor's Rack Enhancement - Breasts]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Increase Ass Size|Doctor's Rack Enhancement - Ass]]>> <</button>>
<<case "Male">>\
<<set $npcRichard.SexDetection to "Male">>\
  "Just a heads up, I only have $doctorEvent.SiliconeX units of Silicone-X currently so keep that in mind if you want multiple enhancement sessions." the doctor says as he hands you the menu. <<if $PC.DickSize < 9>>Giving your groin a glance he says "If you don't mind my opinion, a little more oomph in the penis is what most men look for. A lot of patients tend to be happy with around 10 inches which of course slightly larger balls to go along with their bigger penis<</if>>
Reading over the Enhancement menu you see the following options:
Penis & Balls: _TreatmentCost Dollars per size increase
<<button [[Increase Penis Size|Doctor's Rack Enhancement - Penis]]>> <</button>>
<<case "Futa">>\
<<if $npcRichard.SexDetection is not "Futa">>\
<<set $npcRichard.SexDetection to "Futa">>\
  "Well this is a somewhat novel situation. I haven't actually met many sane Futas who are interested in Cosmetic Surgery. I must ask you $PC.FirstName, did you become a Futa via a chemical method such as a Dr. Pecker or Milkshake Jugs?" the doctor asks as he takes in your appearance.
<<switch $PCChanges.Gender>>\
<<case "Surgery">>\
  "I actually went to a colleague of yours, a Doctor FuckHard? He was able hook me up with a treatment called the Futa-Formula." you explain as you heft your $BreastSD chest while thrusting your $DickSD dick. It still amazes you that someone can become a Futa just by being given a shot by a huge ass needle.
  Dr. Rack frowns as he makes a note on his clipboard. "Well that's rather interesting. To be honest I had written Dr. Fu- er, FuckHard off as a crackpot but it sounds like he actually discovered something interesting. So with that said I will be able to offer all of the Enhancements since I know those 'soda' wear off after some time reverting a person back to their original gender. The human body should absorb any left over Silicone-X but it's not something I want to risk without real clinical trials and tests. Luckily you won't have to worry about that but I would like to chat a bit about what exactly FuckHard used on you..." he explains.
  "I ended up becoming a Futa after being attacked by a Futa Infested. Luckily my $dad.Relationship gave me something to protect me from the Infested virus." you explain as you heft your $BreastSD chest while thrusting your $DickSD dick. It still amazes you that someone can become a Futa just by being fucked by a Infested with the Futa variant virus.
  Dr. Rack nods as he makes a note on his clipboard. "Well if that's the case I will be able to offer all of the Enhancements. I know those 'soda' wear off after some time reverting a person back to their original gender. The human body should absorb any left over Silicone-X but it's not something I want to risk without real clinical trials and tests. Luckily you won't have to worry about that but I wouldn't mind talking to you about this protection your $dad.Relationship gave you. Maybe another time..." he explains.
  "Just a heads up, I only have $doctorEvent.SiliconeX units of Silicone-X currently so keep that in mind if you want multiple enhancement sessions." the doctor says as he hands you the menu. <<if $PC.BreastsSize < 5>>Giving your chest a glance he says "If you don't mind my opinion, a little more up top couldn't hurt. I can't say I know much about Futas but I do know most women find a cup size around double Ds an iconic look and quite pleasant as well.<</if>> <<if $PC.DickSize < 9>>Giving your groin a thoughtful stare he says "If you don't mind my opinion, a little more oomph in the penis is what most men look for. I'm not sure about Futas but lot of my male patients tend to be happy with around 10 inches which of course slightly larger balls to go along with their bigger penis<</if>>
Reading over the Enhancement menu you see the following options:
Breasts: _TreatmentCost Dollars per cup size increase
Ass: _TreatmentCost Dollars per size increase
Penis & Balls: _TreatmentCost Dollars per size increase
<<button [[Increase Breasts Size|Doctor's Rack Enhancement - Breasts]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Increase Ass Size|Doctor's Rack Enhancement - Ass]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Increase Penis Size|Doctor's Rack Enhancement - Penis]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Ask about the Enhancement Process|Doctor's Rack Enhancement Process]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Leave|Doctor's Rack Leave]]>>
<<set $npcRichard.Friendship to $npcRichard.Friendship - 3 + $SocialSkillFeats.WashmyHair>>\
<</button>><img @src=$genericEvent.Image />
<<if $PC.Sex is "Futa" or $StatusAffect.Futa > 0>>\
<<set _Sex to "Futa">>\
<<elseif $PC.Sex is "Female" and $StatusAffect.Futa < 1>>\
<<set _Sex to "Female">>\
<<set _Sex to "Male">>\
  "Just a heads up, I only have $doctorEvent.SiliconeY units of Silicone-Y currently so keep that in mind if you want multiple reduction sessions." the doctor says as he hands you the menu.
<<switch _Sex>>\
<<case "Female">>\
Reading over the Reduction menu you see the following options:
Breasts: $250 per cup size decrease
Ass: $125 per size decrease
<<button [[Increase Breasts Size|Doctor's Rack Reducer - Breasts]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Increase Ass Size|Doctor's Rack Reducer - Ass]]>> <</button>>
<<case "Male">>\
Reading over the Enhancement menu you see the following options:
Penis & Balls: $250 per size increase
<<button [[Increase Penis Size|Doctor's Rack Reducer - Penis]]>> <</button>>
<<case "Futa">>\
Reading over the Enhancement menu you see the following options:
Breasts: $250 per cup size increase
Ass: $125 per size increase
Penis & Balls: $250 per size increase
<<button [[Increase Breasts Size|Doctor's Rack Reducer - Breasts]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Increase Ass Size|Doctor's Rack Reducer - Ass]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Increase Penis Size|Doctor's Rack Reducer - Penis]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Chat with the Doctor|Doctor's Rack Chat Options]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Leave|Doctor's Rack Leave]]>>
<<set $npcRichard.Friendship to $npcRichard.Friendship - 5 + $SocialSkillFeats.WashmyHair>>\
<</button>><img @src=$genericEvent.Image />
<<set _Stare to 0>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.SiliconeB > 5 and $npcRichard.Friendship > 9 and $PC.BreastsSize > 5>>
<<set _Stare to 1>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.SiliconeA > 5 and $npcRichard.Friendship > 9 and $PC.AssSize > 5>>
<<set _Stare to 1>>\
<<if _Stare is 1 and $StatusAffect.SiliconeB > 5 and $StatusAffect.SiliconeA > 5>>\
  As you sit back in the chair and think about what to chat about you notice Dr. Rack is having a hard time keeping his eyes off your $BreastSD chest and $AssSize ass.
<<elseif _Stare is 1 and $StatusAffect.SiliconeB > 5>>\
  As you sit back in the chair and think about what to chat about you notice Dr. Rack is having a hard time keeping his eyes off your $BreastSD chest.
<<elseif _Stare is 1 and $StatusAffect.SiliconeA > 5>>\
  As you sit back in the chair and think about what to chat about you notice Dr. Rack is having a hard time keeping his eyes off your $AssSize ass.
  You sit back in the chair and think about what to chat about as Dr. Rack patiently waits.
<<if $questsFamilyMom.Diary is 1 and $questsFamilyMom.NurseTroy is 1 and $questsFamilyMom.Clinic is 0 and $questsFamilyMom.Started is not 2>>\
<<button "Ask about your $mom.Relationship" "Doctor's Rack Chat - Mom">>
<<button [[Ask about the Enhancement Process|Doctor's Rack Enhancement Process]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Chat about What's Going On|Doctor's Rack General Chat]]>><</button>>
<<if _Stare is 1 and $StatusAffect.SiliconeB > 5>>\
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Offer to Give the Doctor a Titfuck |Doctor's Rack - Titfuck]]>>
<<set $SkillAction to 0>>\
<<if _Stare is 1 and $StatusAffect.SiliconeA > 5>>\
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Offer to Let the Doctor Hotdog your Ass |Doctor's Rack - Ass Hotdog]]>>
<<set $SkillAction to 0>>\
<<if $Prof.Thievery > 0 and $npcRichard.Rob < 1 and $doctorEvent.Visits > 1>>\
<span id="moralButton"><<button [[Steal some Supplies|Doctor's Rack Steal]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Just Leave Instead|Doctor's Rack Leave]]>> <</button>><img @src=$genericEvent.Image />
<<if (random(19) + 1) + $Skill.Social + $CharismaBonus > 14>>\
<<set $npcRichard.Friendship to $npcRichard.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity +2 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set $npcRichard.Friendship to $npcRichard.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity +1 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Energized to 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Horny to 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Thirsty to 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Drunk to 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Vaccine to $StatusAffect.Vaccine +3>>\
<<set $PC.Infestation to $PC.Infestation -40 - (random(10))>>>\
<<if $PC.Infestation < $Infestation.Min>>\
<<set $PC.Infestation to $Infestation.Min>>\
<<if $Infestation.FutaVariant < 100>>\
<<set $Infestation.FutaVariant to $Infestation.FutaVariant -40 - (random(10))>>>\
<<if $Infestation.FutaVariant < 0>>\
<<set $Infestation.FutaVariant to 0>>\
<<if $Infestation.MilkVariant < 100>>\
<<set $Infestation.MilkVariant to $Infestation.MilkVariant -40 - (random(10))>>>\
<<if $Infestation.MilkVariant < 0>>\
<<set $Infestation.MilkVariant to 0>>\
<<if $Infestation.BruiseVariant < 100>>\
<<set $Infestation.BruiseVariant to $Infestation.BruiseVariant -40 - (random(10))>>\
<<if $Infestation.BruiseVariant < 0>>\
<<set $Infestation.BruiseVariant to 0>>\
  "A wise choice." The doctor says as he steps towards a medical cabinet. He easily finds a new needle from what looks to be a large box of supplies. He fiddles around the the needle for a couple of moments before you turns and faces you. "Now I need you to hold out your arm $PC.FirstName."
  You roll up your sleave and hold out your arm with a bit of nervousness. You feel a sharp pain as Dr. Rack injects you with the Infested treatment. It takes about 20 seconds for him to finish pressing the plunger all the way down. "Thanks, Doc. So how long should this treatment last?" you ask as you watch him put a band-aid on your sensitive arm.
  "Well it's more of a general antibiotic treatment that looks like it has some general protection against the Infested virus. It should help protect you if you get in contact with the virus for about 3 days or so." he explains as he wraps the used needle up in a bio-bag and throws it away. "Another interesting fact is if someone becomes infected with the Infested virus and they are given an antibiotic within an hour of contact they will have a degree of protection from it. However from the tests I've done if it's longer than an hour than it won't do any good as the virus will have completely spread thru-out their body. Also the person infected with the virus will need a steady supply of antibiotics to resist become an Infested."
  "Anyways, thank you for your visit. I really do appreciate you coming to me for your medical treatment but I do have some work I need to take care of. Here let me show you to the back door so you don't have to worry about being attacked by unwelcome Infested in the clinic." he says as he shows you a one way exit from the back of his office.
<<button [[Leave|Oak Dale Clinic - South Entrance]]>>
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<set $doctorEvent.Appointment to 0>>\
<</button>><img @src=$genericEvent.Image />
<<set _TreatmentCost to 250>>\
<<if $ThieverySkillFeats.FiveFingeredDiscount is 1>>\
<<set _D10 to Math.round(_TreatmentCost * .1)>>\
<<set _TreatmentCost to _TreatmentCost - _D10>>\
<<set _silicone to 27>>\
<<if $PC.BreastsSize < _silicone>>\
  After choosing the Breasts Enhancements option, Dr. Rack smiles. "That's a good option! You can start small and come back another time for another session or go all out all at once! So how big do you want to go?" he asks as he gives your chest a measuring look. "It looks like you are currently a $BreastSD $BreastsSize breast size and just a FYI the limit for one session is 10 cup sizes which comes out to ten units of SIlicone-X. More than that I will have to restock on Liquid Silicone-X and I can only do that after the workday. Also the current limit to the Liquid Silicone-X is that it can't take someone beyond M-Cup size which to be fair I've personally never seen someone with breasts that big...."
<<if (random(19) + 1) + $Skill.Social + $CharismaBonus + $npcRichard.Friendship > 25>>\
<<set _D10 to Math.round(_TreatmentCost * .1)>>\
<<set _TreatmentCost to _TreatmentCost - _D10>>\
  "If you're worried about the cost how about I toss in a 10% friendship discount?" Dr. Rack says as you look over the menu and the various prices.
<div class="pcTalk"><i> "How big do I want to go?" </i></div>
<<if $Cash < (_TreatmentCost)>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> "I can't afford anything on this menu!" </i></div>
<<if $Cash >= (_TreatmentCost) and $PC.BreastsSize < (_silicone -1) and $doctorEvent.SiliconeX > 0>>\
<<button [[Increase Breasts Size by 1 Cup Size|Doctor's Rack Enhancement - B1]]>>
<<set $SkillAction to 1>>\
<<set $Cash to $Cash - (_TreatmentCost *1)>>\
<<set $doctorEvent.SiliconeX to $doctorEvent.SiliconeX - $SkillAction>>\
<<if $Cash >= (_TreatmentCost *2) and $PC.BreastsSize < (_silicone -2) and $doctorEvent.SiliconeX > 1>>\
<<button [[Increase Breasts Size by 2 Cup Sizes|Doctor's Rack Enhancement - B1]]>>
<<set $SkillAction to 2>>\
<<set $Cash to $Cash - (_TreatmentCost *2)>>\
<<set $doctorEvent.SiliconeX to $doctorEvent.SiliconeX - $SkillAction>>\
<<if $Cash >= (_TreatmentCost *3) and $PC.BreastsSize < (_silicone -3) and $doctorEvent.SiliconeX > 2>>\
<<button [[Increase Breasts Size by 3 Cup Sizes|Doctor's Rack Enhancement - B1]]>>
<<set $SkillAction to 3>>\
<<set $Cash to $Cash - (_TreatmentCost *3)>>\
<<set $doctorEvent.SiliconeX to $doctorEvent.SiliconeX - $SkillAction>>\
<<if $Cash >= (_TreatmentCost *4) and $PC.BreastsSize < (_silicone -4) and $doctorEvent.SiliconeX > 3>>\
<<button [[Increase Breasts Size by 4 Cup Sizes|Doctor's Rack Enhancement - B1]]>>
<<set $SkillAction to 4>>\
<<set $Cash to $Cash - (_TreatmentCost *4)>>\
<<set $doctorEvent.SiliconeX to $doctorEvent.SiliconeX - $SkillAction>>\
<<if $Cash >= (_TreatmentCost *5) and $PC.BreastsSize < (_silicone -5) and $doctorEvent.SiliconeX > 4>>\
<<button [[Increase Breasts Size by 5 Cup Sizes|Doctor's Rack Enhancement - B1]]>>
<<set $SkillAction to 5>>\
<<set $Cash to $Cash - (_TreatmentCost *5)>>\
<<set $doctorEvent.SiliconeX to $doctorEvent.SiliconeX - $SkillAction>>\
<<if $Cash >= (_TreatmentCost *6) and $PC.BreastsSize < (_silicone -6) and $doctorEvent.SiliconeX > 5>>\
<<button [[Increase Breasts Size by 6 Cup Sizes|Doctor's Rack Enhancement - B1]]>>
<<set $SkillAction to 6>>\
<<set $Cash to $Cash - (_TreatmentCost *6)>>\
<<set $doctorEvent.SiliconeX to $doctorEvent.SiliconeX - $SkillAction>>\
<<if $Cash >= (_TreatmentCost *7) and $PC.BreastsSize < (_silicone -7) and $doctorEvent.SiliconeX > 6>>\
<<button [[Increase Breasts Size by 7 Cup Sizes|Doctor's Rack Enhancement - B1]]>>
<<set $SkillAction to 7>>\
<<set $Cash to $Cash - (_TreatmentCost *7)>>\
<<set $doctorEvent.SiliconeX to $doctorEvent.SiliconeX - $SkillAction>>\
<<if $Cash >= (_TreatmentCost *8) and $PC.BreastsSize < (_silicone -8) and $doctorEvent.SiliconeX > 7>>\
<<button [[Increase Breasts Size by 8 Cup Sizes|Doctor's Rack Enhancement - B1]]>>
<<set $SkillAction to 8>>\
<<set $Cash to $Cash - (_TreatmentCost *8)>>\
<<set $doctorEvent.SiliconeX to $doctorEvent.SiliconeX - $SkillAction>>\
<<if $Cash >= (_TreatmentCost *9) and $PC.BreastsSize < (_silicone -9) and $doctorEvent.SiliconeX > 8>>\
<<button [[Increase Breasts Size by 9 Cup Sizes|Doctor's Rack Enhancement - B1]]>>
<<set $SkillAction to 9>>\
<<set $Cash to $Cash - (_TreatmentCost *9)>>\
<<set $doctorEvent.SiliconeX to $doctorEvent.SiliconeX - $SkillAction>>\
<<if $Cash >= (_TreatmentCost *10) and $PC.BreastsSize < (_silicone -10) and $doctorEvent.SiliconeX > 9>>\
<<button [[Increase Breasts Size by 10 Cup Sizes|Doctor's Rack Enhancement - B1]]>>
<<set $SkillAction to 10>>\
<<set $Cash to $Cash - (_TreatmentCost *10)>>\
<<set $doctorEvent.SiliconeX to $doctorEvent.SiliconeX - $SkillAction>>\
  After choosing the Breasts Enhancements option, Dr. Rack frowns "I think your $BreastSD $BreastsSize breasts are at the limit of what Liquid-X Silicone can do. Any more and they might explode or rupture. I'm sorry $PC.FirstName but you might want to rethink your plans".
<<button [[Check other Menus|Doctor's Rack Enhancement]]>> <</button>><img @src=$genericEvent.Image />
<<set _TreatmentCost to 250>>\
<<if $ThieverySkillFeats.FiveFingeredDiscount is 1>>\
<<set _D10 to Math.round(_TreatmentCost * .1)>>\
<<set _TreatmentCost to _TreatmentCost - _D10>>\
<<set _silicone to 21>>\
<<if $PC.AssSize < _silicone>>\
  After choosing the Ass Enhancements option, Dr. Rack smiles. "That's a good option! You can start small and come back another time for another session or go all out all at once! So how big do you want to go?" he asks as he gives your ass a measuring look. "It looks like you are currently have a $AssSize ass and just a FYI the limit for one session is 100% increase in size which comes out to ten units of SIlicone-X. More than that I will have to restock on Liquid Silicone-X and I can only do that after the workday. Also the current limit to the Liquid Silicone-X is that it can't take someone beyond prodigious ass size which to be fair I've never seen someone with an ass that big...."
<<if (random(19) + 1) + $Skill.Social + $CharismaBonus + $npcRichard.Friendship > 25>>\
<<set _D10 to Math.round(_TreatmentCost * .1)>>\
<<set _TreatmentCost to _TreatmentCost - _D10>>\
  "If you're worried about the cost how about I toss in a 10% friendship discount?" Dr. Rack says as you look over the menu and the various prices.
<div class="pcTalk"><i> "How big do I want to go?" </i></div>
<<if $Cash < (_TreatmentCost)>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> "I can't afford anything on this menu!" </i></div>
<<if $Cash >= (_TreatmentCost) and $PC.AssSize < ($SizeLimits.Ass -1) and $doctorEvent.SiliconeX > 0>>\
<<button [[Increase Ass Size by 10%|Doctor's Rack Enhancement - Ass 2]]>>
<<set $SkillAction to 1>>\
<<set $Cash to $Cash - (_TreatmentCost *1)>>\
<<set $doctorEvent.SiliconeX to $doctorEvent.SiliconeX - $SkillAction>>\
<<if $Cash >= (_TreatmentCost *2) and $PC.AssSize < ($SizeLimits.Ass -2) and $doctorEvent.SiliconeX > 1>>\
<<button [[Increase Ass Size by 20%|Doctor's Rack Enhancement - Ass 2]]>>
<<set $SkillAction to 2>>\
<<set $Cash to $Cash - (_TreatmentCost *2)>>\
<<set $doctorEvent.SiliconeX to $doctorEvent.SiliconeX - $SkillAction>>\
<<if $Cash >= (_TreatmentCost *3) and $PC.AssSize < ($SizeLimits.Ass -3) and $doctorEvent.SiliconeX > 2>>\
<<button [[Increase Ass Size by 30%|Doctor's Rack Enhancement - Ass 2]]>>
<<set $SkillAction to 3>>\
<<set $Cash to $Cash - (_TreatmentCost *3)>>\
<<set $doctorEvent.SiliconeX to $doctorEvent.SiliconeX - $SkillAction>>\
<<if $Cash >= (_TreatmentCost *4) and $PC.AssSize < ($SizeLimits.Ass -4) and $doctorEvent.SiliconeX > 3>>\
<<button [[Increase Ass Size by 40%|Doctor's Rack Enhancement - Ass 2]]>>
<<set $SkillAction to 4>>\
<<set $Cash to $Cash - (_TreatmentCost *4)>>\
<<set $doctorEvent.SiliconeX to $doctorEvent.SiliconeX - $SkillAction>>\
<<if $Cash >= (_TreatmentCost *5) and $PC.AssSize < ($SizeLimits.Ass -5) and $doctorEvent.SiliconeX > 4>>\
<<button [[Increase Ass Size by 50%|Doctor's Rack Enhancement - Ass 2]]>>
<<set $SkillAction to 5>>\
<<set $Cash to $Cash - (_TreatmentCost *5)>>\
<<set $doctorEvent.SiliconeX to $doctorEvent.SiliconeX - $SkillAction>>\
<<if $Cash >= (_TreatmentCost *6) and $PC.AssSize < ($SizeLimits.Ass -6) and $doctorEvent.SiliconeX > 5>>\
<<button [[Increase Ass Size by 60%|Doctor's Rack Enhancement - Ass 2]]>>
<<set $SkillAction to 6>>\
<<set $Cash to $Cash - (_TreatmentCost *6)>>\
<<set $doctorEvent.SiliconeX to $doctorEvent.SiliconeX - $SkillAction>>\
<<if $Cash >= (_TreatmentCost *7) and $PC.AssSize < ($SizeLimits.Ass -7) and $doctorEvent.SiliconeX > 6>>\
<<button [[Increase Ass Size by 70%|Doctor's Rack Enhancement - Ass 2]]>>
<<set $SkillAction to 7>>\
<<set $Cash to $Cash - (_TreatmentCost *7)>>\
<<set $doctorEvent.SiliconeX to $doctorEvent.SiliconeX - $SkillAction>>\
<<if $Cash >= (_TreatmentCost *8) and $PC.AssSize < ($SizeLimits.Ass -8) and $doctorEvent.SiliconeX > 7>>\
<<button [[Increase Ass Size by 80%|Doctor's Rack Enhancement - Ass 2]]>>
<<set $SkillAction to 8>>\
<<set $Cash to $Cash - (_TreatmentCost *8)>>\
<<set $doctorEvent.SiliconeX to $doctorEvent.SiliconeX - $SkillAction>>\
<<if $Cash >= (_TreatmentCost *9) and $PC.AssSize < ($SizeLimits.Ass -9) and $doctorEvent.SiliconeX > 8>>\
<<button [[Increase Ass Size by 90%|Doctor's Rack Enhancement - Ass 2]]>>
<<set $SkillAction to 9>>\
<<set $Cash to $Cash - (_TreatmentCost *9)>>\
<<set $doctorEvent.SiliconeX to $doctorEvent.SiliconeX - $SkillAction>>\
<<if $Cash >= (_TreatmentCost *10) and $PC.AssSize < ($SizeLimits.Ass -10) and $doctorEvent.SiliconeX > 9>>\
<<button [[Increase Ass Size by 100%|Doctor's Rack Enhancement - Ass 2]]>>
<<set $SkillAction to 10>>\
<<set $Cash to $Cash - (_TreatmentCost *10)>>\
<<set $doctorEvent.SiliconeX to $doctorEvent.SiliconeX - $SkillAction>>\
  After choosing the Ass Enhancements option, Dr. Rack frowns "I think your $AssSize ass is at the limit of what Liquid-X Silicone can do. Any more and it might explode or rupture. I'm sorry $PC.FirstName but you might want to rethink your plans".
<<button [[Check other Menus|Doctor's Rack Enhancement]]>> <</button>><img @src=$genericEvent.Image />
<<set _TreatmentCost to 250>>\
<<if $ThieverySkillFeats.FiveFingeredDiscount is 1>>\
<<set _D10 to Math.round(_TreatmentCost * .1)>>\
<<set _TreatmentCost to _TreatmentCost - _D10>>\
<<set _silicone to 23>>\
<<if $PC.DickSize < _silicone>>\
  After choosing the Penis Enhancements option Dr. Rack smiles. "That's a good option! You can start small and come another time for another session or go all out all at once! So how big do you want to go?" he asks as he gives your groin a measuring look. "It looks like you are currently a $DickSD $DickSize penis along with $BallsSD $BallsSize balls. Just a FYI the limit for one session is 10 inches which comes out to ten units of SIlicone-X. More than that I will have to restock on Liquid Silicone-X and I can only do that after the workday. Also the current limit to the Liquid Silicone-X is that it can't take someone beyond a 24-inch long penis which to be fair I've never seen someone with a dick that big.."
<<if (random(19) + 1) + $Skill.Social + $CharismaBonus + $npcRichard.Friendship > 25>>\
<<set _D10 to Math.round(_TreatmentCost * .1)>>\
<<set _TreatmentCost to _TreatmentCost - _D10>>\
  "If you're worried about the cost how about I toss in a 10% friendship discount?" Dr. Rack says as you look over the menu and the various prices.
<div class="pcTalk"><i> "How big do I want to go? I can always back out but Dr. Rack might be a bit annoyed with me wasting his time..." </i></div>
<<if $Cash < (_TreatmentCost)>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> "I can't afford anything on this menu!" </i></div>
<<if $Cash >= (_TreatmentCost) and $PC.DickSize < (_silicone -1) and $doctorEvent.SiliconeX >= 1>>\
<<button [[Increase Penis Size by 1 inch|Doctor's Rack Enhancement - P1]]>>
<<set $SkillAction to 1>>\
<<set $Cash to $Cash - _TreatmentCost>>\
<<set $doctorEvent.SiliconeX to $doctorEvent.SiliconeX - $SkillAction>>\
<<if $Cash >= (_TreatmentCost *2) and $PC.DickSize < (_silicone -2) and $doctorEvent.SiliconeX >= 2>>\
<<button [[Increase Penis Size by 2 inches|Doctor's Rack Enhancement - P1]]>>
<<set $SkillAction to 2>>\
<<set $Cash to $Cash - (_TreatmentCost *2)>>\
<<set $doctorEvent.SiliconeX to $doctorEvent.SiliconeX - $SkillAction>>\
<<if $Cash >= (_TreatmentCost *3) and $PC.DickSize < (_silicone -3) and $doctorEvent.SiliconeX >= 3>>\
<<button [[Increase Penis Size by 3 inches|Doctor's Rack Enhancement - P1]]>>
<<set $SkillAction to 3>>\
<<set $Cash to $Cash - (_TreatmentCost *3)>>\
<<set $doctorEvent.SiliconeX to $doctorEvent.SiliconeX - $SkillAction>>\
<<if $Cash >= (_TreatmentCost *4) and $PC.DickSize < (_silicone -4) and $doctorEvent.SiliconeX >= 4>>\
<<button [[Increase Penis Size by 4 inches|Doctor's Rack Enhancement - P1]]>>
<<set $SkillAction to 4>>\
<<set $Cash to $Cash - (_TreatmentCost *4)>>\
<<set $doctorEvent.SiliconeX to $doctorEvent.SiliconeX - $SkillAction>>\
<<if $Cash >= (_TreatmentCost *5) and $PC.DickSize < (_silicone -5) and $doctorEvent.SiliconeX >= 5>>\
<<button [[Increase Penis Size by 5 inches|Doctor's Rack Enhancement - P1]]>>
<<set $SkillAction to 5>>\
<<set $Cash to $Cash - (_TreatmentCost *5)>>\
<<set $doctorEvent.SiliconeX to $doctorEvent.SiliconeX - $SkillAction>>\
<<if $Cash >= (_TreatmentCost *6) and $PC.DickSize < (_silicone -6) and $doctorEvent.SiliconeX >= 6>>\
<<button [[Increase Penis Size by 6 inches|Doctor's Rack Enhancement - P1]]>>
<<set $SkillAction to 6>>\
<<set $Cash to $Cash - (_TreatmentCost *6)>>\
<<set $doctorEvent.SiliconeX to $doctorEvent.SiliconeX - $SkillAction>>\
<<if $Cash >= (_TreatmentCost *7) and $PC.DickSize < (_silicone -7) and $doctorEvent.SiliconeX >= 7>>\
<<button [[Increase Penis Size by 7 inches|Doctor's Rack Enhancement - P1]]>>
<<set $SkillAction to 7>>\
<<set $Cash to $Cash - (_TreatmentCost *7)>>\
<<set $doctorEvent.SiliconeX to $doctorEvent.SiliconeX - $SkillAction>>\
<<if $Cash >= (_TreatmentCost *8) and $PC.DickSize < (_silicone -8) and $doctorEvent.SiliconeX >= 8>>\
<<button [[Increase Penis Size by 8 inches|Doctor's Rack Enhancement - P1]]>>
<<set $SkillAction to 8>>\
<<set $Cash to $Cash - (_TreatmentCost *8)>>\
<<set $doctorEvent.SiliconeX to $doctorEvent.SiliconeX - $SkillAction>>\
<<if $Cash >= (_TreatmentCost *9) and $PC.DickSize < (_silicone -9) and $doctorEvent.SiliconeX >= 9>>\
<<button [[Increase Penis Size by 9 inches|Doctor's Rack Enhancement - P1]]>>
<<set $SkillAction to 9>>\
<<set $Cash to $Cash - (_TreatmentCost *9)>>\
<<set $doctorEvent.SiliconeX to $doctorEvent.SiliconeX - $SkillAction>>\
<<if $Cash >= (_TreatmentCost *10) and $PC.DickSize < (_silicone -10) and $doctorEvent.SiliconeX >= 10>>\
<<button [[Increase Penis Size by 10 inches|Doctor's Rack Enhancement - P1]]>>
<<set $SkillAction to 10>>\
<<set $Cash to $Cash - (_TreatmentCost *10)>>\
<<set $doctorEvent.SiliconeX to $doctorEvent.SiliconeX - $SkillAction>>\
  After choosing the Penis Enhancements option, Dr. Rack frowns "I think your $DickSD $DickSize penis is at the limit of what Liquid-X Silicone can do. Any more and it might explode or rupture. I'm sorry $PC.FirstName but you might want to rethink your plans".
<<button [[Check other Menus|Doctor's Rack Enhancement]]>> <</button>><img @src=$genericEvent.Image />
<<set $PCChanges.BreastsGrowth to "Silicone">>\
<<set _BreastSD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _BreastsSize to $arrayBreastSize[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set $PC.BreastsSize to $PC.BreastsSize + $SkillAction>>\
<<set $BreastSD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set $BreastsSize to $arrayBreastSize[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<if $SexScene1 is 1>>\
<<set $PC.NippleSize to $PC.NippleSize + $SkillAction>>\
<<set $NippleSize to $arrayNippleSize[$PC.NippleSize]>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.SiliconeB to $StatusAffect.SiliconeB + $SkillAction>>\
<<set $PC.MBreastsSize to $PC.MBreastsSize + $SkillAction>>\
<<set $PC.MMBreastsSize to $PC.MMBreastsSize + $SkillAction>>\
<<if (random(19) + 1) + $Skill.Social + $CharismaBonus > 14>>\
<<set $npcRichard.Friendship to $npcRichard.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity +2 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe + $SkillAction>>\
<<set $npcRichard.Friendship to $npcRichard.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity +1 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe + $SkillAction>>\
  Dr. Rack has you sit down in a medical examination chair in the surgery room connected to his office. "First of all you will need to remove all of your clothes. This will allow unfettered access for the injection system to your breasts and allow for confirmation that the breasts enhancement is going smoothly. After that I need you to sit back and relax in the chair. The injection system will do the rest of the work. Oh just a heads up, previous patients have expressed that the enhancement system is quite pleasurable so don't be surprised or worried about pain."
  You slowly strip out of your clothes allowing your _BreastSD breasts to be exposed to the world. Dr. Rack just gives you a absent minded nod as he makes a adjustment to the large machine he called the injection system. Two large canisters filled with some type of clear liquid is connected to the injector. You sit back in the examination chair as it adjusts to an almost flat position and do your best to relax.
  Your heart beats quickly in anticipation as Dr. Rack guides the injecter to your chest. It's a large machine on a extended arm with two large looking needles that are currently aimed at your _BreastsSize breasts. You watch closely as the needles extend until you feel two sharp pricks on the underside of your breasts.
  It doesn't take long until the feeling of liquid gel starts to flow into your tits causing you to gasp in pleasure. It feels surprisingly good as you watch your breasts slowly expand as the silicone fills your breasts. Your nipples are rock hard as you try to stifle a pleasure filled moan.
<<switch $SkillAction>>\
<<case 1 2>>\
  All too soon the flow slows down along with the accompanying pleasure. The injector is pulled back allowing you to finally get a good look at your slightly heavier chest. Looking down at your breasts you notice you have gone up a cup size and are now packing a pair of $BreastSD $BreastsSize tits. Even your nipples look like they gained some volume as they are now $NippleSize long.
  "Go ahead and give them a good feel. <<if $StatusAffect.SiliconeB >= 5>>They should feel nice and firm with a high degree of resistance to sagging.<<else>>They should feel almost completely natural with a somewhat amount of resistance to sagging.<</if>>" Dr. Rack says as he gives your breasts a very close look that might not be totally professional. Deciding to follow the doctor's advice you grab your breasts and gasp in pleasure once again. They feel so nice and perky that you can't help but to grope them while exploring the changes.
  "Go ahead and give them a good feel. <<if $StatusAffect.SiliconeB >= 5>>They should feel nice and firm with a high degree of resistance to sagging.<<else>>They should feel almost completely natural with a somewhat amount of resistance to sagging.<</if>>" Dr. Rack says as he gives your breasts a very close look that might not be totally professional. Deciding to follow the doctor's advice you grab your breasts and gasp in pleasure once again. They feel so nice and perky that you can't help but to grope them while exploring the changes. Now that you've had a chance to give your breasts an examination you can tell that they are now $BreastSD $BreastsSize breasts.
  "Well I believe we can call this a success!" says Dr. Rack as you finish examining your improved breasts. "How about you take a look at yourself in the mirror and we can call this a day?" he continues as he presses a button allowing the examination chair to move back to the upright position. It doesn't take much effort for you to stand up and so you quickly get to your feet.
<<set _lusty to random(5) +5 + $StatusAffect.Horny - $LustResist.Visual - $LustResist.Complete>>\
<<if _lusty < 0>>\
<<set _lusty to 0>>\
<<set $lust to $lust + _lusty>>\
<<case 3 4>>\
  The flow of silicone continues causing your pleasure to slowly build as you feel a weight fill your chest. It feels so good you want to grab your tits and squeeze them but you're worried that will cause issues with the injector. Thankfully before you are pushed to your limit the flow of silicone slows down along with the accompanying pleasure. The injector is pulled back allowing you to finally get a good look at your heavier chest. Looking down at your breasts you notice you have gone up $SkillAction cup sizes and are now packing a pair of $BreastSD $BreastsSize tits. Even your nipples look like they gained some volume as they are now $NippleSize long.
  "Go ahead and give them a good feel. <<if $StatusAffect.SiliconeB >= 5>>They should feel nice and firm with a high degree of resistance to sagging.<<else>>They should feel almost completely natural with a moderate degree of resistance to sagging.<</if>>" Dr. Rack says as he gives your breasts a very close look that might not be totally professional. Deciding to follow the doctor's advice you grab your breasts and gasp in pleasure once again. They feel so nice, heavy and firm you can't help but to grope them while exploring the changes. Now that you've had a chance to give your breasts an examination you can tell that they are now $BreastSD $BreastsSize breasts.
  "Well I believe we can call this a success!" says Dr. Rack as you finish examining your improved breasts. "How about you take a look at yourself in the mirror and we can call this a day?" he continues as he presses a button allowing the examination chair to move back to the upright position. It takes a little bit of more effort for you to stand up and so you stagger get to your feet while trying to adjust to the added weight on your chest.
<<set _lusty to random(10) +5 + $StatusAffect.Horny - $LustResist.Visual - $LustResist.Complete>>\
<<if _lusty < 0>>\
<<set _lusty to 0>>\
<<set $lust to $lust + _lusty>>\
<<case 5 6>>\
  The heavy flow of silicone continues causing your pleasure to rapidly increase as you feel a large weight fill your chest. It feels so good you want to grab your tits and squeeze them but you're worried that will cause issues with the injector. Moans of pure pleasure escape your lips as your breasts expand like a balloon being filled with water.
  "You can play with them as long as you avoid the needles from the injector." Dr Rack mentions casually as he watches you squirm on the chair. You reach up carefully and grab your heavy tits. It feels so good as you grope them you feel your pussy fluids start to leak and you feel that you are on the way to cumming.
  Sadly the flow of silicone slows down before you can get your release leaving you a bit frustrated. The injector is pulled back allowing you to finally get a good look at your heavy chest. Looking down at your breasts you notice you have gone up multiple cup sizes and are now packing a pair of $BreastSD tits. Even your nipples look like they gained some volume as they are now $NippleSize long.
  "So how do they feel? They should feel nice and firm with a high degree of resistance to sagging." Dr. Rack says as he gives your $BreastSD breasts a very close look that might not be totally professional. He seems interested in watching you grope your fake tits as you can see he's sporting a bit of a hardon.
  "They feel so good Doc! Fuckkkkk!" you moan as your new and improved tits feel so sensitive. They feel so nice, heavy and firm you can't help but to grope them while exploring the changes. Now that you've had a chance to give your breasts an examination you can tell that they are now $BreastSD $BreastsSize breasts. Your hard nipples poke out from between your fingers and it's taking all your willpower to not shoot a load of girl-cum all over the medical bed.
  "Well I believe we can call this a success!" says Dr. Rack as you finish examining your improved breasts. "How about you take a look at yourself in the mirror and we can call this a day?" he continues as he presses a button allowing the examination chair to move back to the upright position. It takes a lot effort for you to stand up and so you slowly stagger get to your feet while trying to adjust to the extra added weight on your chest.
<<set _lusty to random(20) +5 + $StatusAffect.Horny - $LustResist.Visual - $LustResist.Complete>>\
<<if _lusty < 0>>\
<<set _lusty to 0>>\
<<set $lust to $lust + _lusty>>\
<<case 7 8>>\
  The massive flow of silicone continues causing your pleasure to rapidly increase as you feel a equally massive weight fill your chest. It feels so good you want to grab your tits and squeeze them but you're worried that will cause issues with the injector. Loud moans of pure pleasure escape your lips as your breasts expand like a balloon.
  "You can play with them as long as you avoid the needles from the injector." Dr Rack mentions with a hint of lust as he watches you squirm and moan lustfully on the chair. You reach up carefully and grab your extremely heavy tits. It feels so good as you grope them hard you feel your pussy fluids start to leak and you feel that you are on the way to cumming.
  It doesn't take much longer before the pleasure that is filling your tits pushes you over the edge. "Oh fuck! My big titties feel so good! I'm cumming!" you scream as your pussy unleashes a $GCumAD flood of girl cum all over the examination chair.
  Thankfully the flow of silicone slows down before you are completely wrecked and before long the injector is pulled back allowing you to finally get a good look at your very heavy chest. Looking down at your $BreastSD breasts you notice you have gone up way too many cup sizes to count and are now way bigger than your old size. Even your nipples look like they gained some volume as they are now $NippleSize long.
  "They feel great don't they? So big and fake and so sensitive, right? They should feel nice and firm with a high degree of resistance to sagging." Dr. Rack says as he gives your $BreastSD breasts a very close look that is not professional at all. He seems very interested in watching you grope your fake tits as you can easily see he's sporting a rather obvious hardon.
  "They feel so fucking good Doc! Fuckkkkk! I love my new $BreastSD tits!" you moan as your new and improved tits feel so sensitive. They feel so nice, so very heavy and firm you can't help but to grope them while exploring the changes. Now that you've had a chance to give your breasts an examination you can tell that they are now $BreastSD $BreastsSize breasts.
  "Well I believe we can call this a success!" says Dr. Rack as you finish examining your improved breasts. "How about you take a look at yourself in the mirror and we can call this a day?" he continues as he presses a button allowing the examination chair to move back to the upright position. It takes several attempts for you to stand up and so you slowly stagger to your feet while trying to adjust to the massive weight on your chest.
<<set _lusty to random(20) +5 + $StatusAffect.Horny - $LustResist.Visual - $LustResist.Complete>>\
<<if _lusty < 0>>\
<<set _lusty to 0>>\
<<set $lust to $lust + _lusty + _lusty>>\
  The titanic flow of silicone continues causing your pleasure to rise rapidly as you feel a equally titanic weight fill your chest. It feels so good you want to grab your tits and squeeze them but you're worried that will cause issues with the injector. The worry is quickly being eroded as your loud moans of pure pleasure escape your lips as your breasts expand like a balloon and your hands are inches away from grabbing them.
  "You can play with them as long as you avoid the needles from the injector." Dr Rack mentions with more than a hint of lust as he watches you squirm and moan lustfully on the chair. Your hands grab your extremely heavy tits and start to squeeze, barely avoiding the injector's needles. The gratification you feel as you grope your expanding jugs hits hard causing your pussy fluids to flow like a faucet. The overstimulation is pushing you ever closer to cumming as the neverending flow of silicone pumps into your sensitve jugs. You never in your wildest dreams expected it to feel so good to have your breasts grow so much.
  It doesn't take much longer before the pleasure that is filling your enlarged tits pushes you over the edge. "Oh fuck! My tits feels so good! I'm cumming! FUCKKKK!" you scream as your pussy unleashes a $GCumAD flood of girl cum all over the examination chair. The flow of silicone continues unabated and you feel a second orgasm slam into you hard "FUCK I'M CUMMING! I CAN'T STOP CUMMING!"
  After your second orgasm the flow of silicone slows down leaving you completely wrecked and somehow still horny. Before long the injector is pulled back allowing you to finally explore your extremely heavy chest. After a few minutes you finally look down at your silicone-filled breasts. They are so big now that you have a hard time telling their full sizes as the titanitc titty mountains block your view. Even your nipples look like they gained some volume as they are now $NippleSize long.
  "They feel great don't they? So big and fake and so sensitive, right? They should feel nice and firm with a high degree of resistance to sagging." Dr. Rack says as he gives your $BreastSD breasts a very close look that is not professional at all. He seems very interested in watching you grope your fake tits as you can easily see his large hard cock is tenting his doctor's slacks.
  "They feel so fucking good Doc! Fuckkkkk! I love my new $BreastSD titties!" you moan as your new and improved tits feel so sensitive. They feel so nice, so extremely heavy and firm you can't help but to grope them while exploring the changes. Now that you've had a chance to give your breasts an examination you can tell that they are now $BreastSD $BreastsSize breasts.
  "Well I believe we can call this a success!" says Dr. Rack as you finish examining your improved breasts. "How about you take a look at yourself in the mirror and we can call this a day?" he continues as he presses a button allowing the examination chair to move back to the upright position. It takes multiple attempts for you to stand up and so you slowly stagger to your feet while trying to adjust to the extremely massive weight on your chest.
<<set $lust to 100>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.SiliconeB > 5 and $npcRichard.Friendship >= 8 and $PC.BreastsSize > 5>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> "I'm feeling a bit horny after having all that silicone pumped into my tits. Maybe I should see if the good doctor is up for some fun..." </i></div>
<<if $StatusAffect.SiliconeB > 5 and $npcRichard.Friendship >= 8 and $PC.BreastsSize > 5>>
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Offer to Give the Doctor a Titfuck |Doctor's Rack - Titfuck]]>>
<<button [[Look in the mirror|Doctor's Rack Enhancement - Breasts 3]]>>
<<include "Profile Update">>\
<<include "Lust Passes">>\
<</button>>\<img @src=$genericEvent.Image />
<<set _DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$PC.DickSize]>>\
<<set _DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$PC.DickSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$PC.BallsSize]>>
<<set _BallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$PC.BallsSize]>>\
<<set $PC.DickSize to $PC.DickSize + $SkillAction>>\
<<set $DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$PC.DickSize]>>\
<<set $DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$PC.DickSize]>>\
<<set $PC.MDickSize to $PC.MDickSize + $SkillAction>>\
<<if $SexScene1 is 1>>\
<<set $PC.BallsSize to $PC.BallsSize + $SkillAction>>\
<<set $BallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$PC.BallsSize]>>
<<set $BallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$PC.BallsSize]>>\
<<set $PC.MBallsSize to $PC.MBallsSize + $SkillAction>>\
<<set $Cum.Max to $Cum.Max + $SkillAction>>\
<<set $Cum.Min to $Cum.Min + $SkillAction>>\
<<set $Cum.Stored to $Cum.Max>>\
<<set $CumAD to $arrayCumAmountDesc[$Cum.Stored]>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.SiliconeP to $StatusAffect.SiliconeP + $SkillAction>>\
<<if (random(19) + 1) + $Skill.Social + $CharismaBonus > 14>>\
<<set $npcRichard.Friendship to $npcRichard.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity +2 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe + $SkillAction>>\
<<set $npcRichard.Friendship to $npcRichard.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity +1 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe + $SkillAction>>\
  Dr. Rack has you sit down in a medical examination chair in the surgery room connected to his office. "First of all you will need to remove all of your clothes. This will allow unfettered access for the injection system to your penis and balls and allow for confirmation that the penis enhancement is going smoothly. After that I need you to sit back and relax in the chair. The injection system will do the rest of the work. Oh just a heads up, previous patients have expressed that the enhancement system is quite pleasurable so don't be surprised or worried about pain."
  You slowly strip out of your clothes allowing your _DickSD penis along with your $BallsSD balls to be exposed to the world. Dr. Rack just gives you a absent minded nod as he makes a adjustment to the large machine he called the injection system. You sit back in the examination chair as it adjusts to an almost flat position and do your best to relax.
  Your heart beats quickly in anticipation as Dr. Rack guides the injecter to your groin. It's a large machine on a extended arm with a large looking needle that are currently aimed at your _DickSize dick. You watch partially in dread of the pain as the needles extend until you feel a sharp prick on the base of your penis.
  It doesn't take long until the feeling of liquid gel starts to flow into your cock causing you to gasp in pleasure. It feels surprisingly good as you watch your dick slowly expand and grow thicker with each second that passes. Your cock is rock hard as you try to stifle a pleasure filled grunt.
<<switch $SkillAction>>\
<<case 1 2>>\
  All too soon the flow slows down along with the accompanying pleasure. The injector is pulled back allowing you to finally get a good look at your slightly heavier dick. Giving your cock a close look you can tell that you have grown an inch and are now packing a $DickSD $DickSize dick. Even your balls are looking bigger with them now being $BallsSD $BallsSize balls.
  "Go ahead and give your enhanced penis a good tug. <<if $StatusAffect.SiliconeP >= 5>>It should feel extremely firm with a nice thickness even when not erect.<<else>>It should feel almost completely natural with some thickness even when not erect.<</if>>" Dr. Rack says as he gives your dick a very close look that might not be totally professional. Deciding to follow the doctor's advice you grab your dick and gasp in pleasure once again. It feels so nice and thick that you can't help but to give your dick a couple of strokes while exploring the changes.
  "Well I believe we can call this a success!" says Dr. Rack as you finish examining your improved dick. "How about you take a look at yourself in the mirror and we can call this a day? he continues as he presses a button allowing the examination chair to move back to the upright position. You quickly get to your feet and just as quickly adjust to the added weight down below.
<<set _lusty to random(5) +5 + $StatusAffect.Horny - $LustResist.Visual - $LustResist.Complete>>\
<<if _lusty < 0>>\
<<set _lusty to 0>>\
<<set $lust to $lust + _lusty>>\
<<case 3 4>>\
  The flow of silicone continues causing your pleasure to slowly build as you feel a weight fill your hard dick. It feels so good you want to grab your throbbing cock and give it a nice stroking but you're worried that will cause issues with the injector. Thankfully before you are pushed to your limit the flow of silicone slows down along with the accompanying pleasure. The injector is pulled back allowing you to finally get a good look at your heavier dick. Giving your cock a closer look you can tell that you have grown $SkillAction inches and are now packing a $DickSD $DickSize dick. Even your balls are looking bigger with them now being $BallsSD $BallsSize balls.
  "Go ahead and give your enhanced penis a good tug. <<if $StatusAffect.SiliconeP >= 5>>It should feel extremely firm with a nice thickness even when not erect.<<else>>It should feel somewhat firmer than usual with some extra thickness even when not erect.<</if>>" Dr. Rack says as he gives your dick a very close look that might not be totally professional. Deciding to follow the doctor's advice you grab your dick and gasp in pleasure once again. It feels so nice and thick that you can't help but to give your dick a couple of strokes which causes you to grunt in pleasure. It feels so good that you almost shot your load just from a couple of strokes!
  "Well I believe we can call this a success!" says Dr. Rack as you finish examining your improved dick. "How about you take a look at yourself in the mirror and we can call this a day? he continues as he presses a button allowing the examination chair to move back to the upright position. You steadily get to your feet while taking a moment to adjust to the added weight down below.
<<set _lusty to random(10) +5 + $StatusAffect.Horny - $LustResist.Visual - $LustResist.Complete>>\
<<if _lusty < 0>>\
<<set _lusty to 0>>\
<<set $lust to $lust + _lusty>>\
<<case 5 6>>\
  The heavy flow of silicone continues causing your pleasure to rapidly increase as you feel a weight fill your hard dick. It feels so good you want to grab your throbbing cock and give it a nice long stroking but you're worried that will cause issues with the injector. Moans of pure pleasure escape your lips as your dick expands like a balloon being filled with water.
  "You can play with your dick as long as you avoid the needles from the injector." Dr Rack mentions casually as he watches you squirm on the chair. You reach down carefully and grab your heavy dick. It feels so good as you stroke it you can feel your cock leaking pre-cum and it feels like you are moments away from shooting your load!
  Sadly the flow of silicone slows down before you can get your release leaving you a bit frustrated. The injector is pulled back allowing you to finally get a good look at your heavier dick. Giving your cock a closer look you can tell that you have grown $SkillAction inches and are now packing a $DickSD $DickSize dick. Even your balls are looking bigger with them now being $BallsSD $BallsSize balls.
  "Go ahead and give your enhanced penis a good tug. It should feel extremely firm with a nice thickness even when not erect." Dr. Rack says as he gives your dick a very close look that might not be totally professional. He seems interested in watching you grope your silicone-filled cock as you can see he's sporting a bit of a hardon.
  "It feels so good Doc! Fuckkkkk!" you moan as you grab your dick and gasp in pleasure once again. It feels so nice and thick that you can't help but to give your dick a couple of extra strokes which causes you to grunt in pleasure. It feels so good that you are having to use all your willpower to not shoot your heavy load all over the doctor's medical chair!
  "Well I believe we can call this a success!" says Dr. Rack as you finish examining your improved dick. "How about you take a look at yourself in the mirror and we can call this a day? he continues as he presses a button allowing the examination chair to move back to the upright position. You slowly get to your feet while taking several moments to adjust to the heavy weight down below.
<<set _lusty to random(20) +5 + $StatusAffect.Horny - $LustResist.Visual - $LustResist.Complete>>\
<<if _lusty < 0>>\
<<set _lusty to 0>>\
<<set $lust to $lust + _lusty>>\
<<case 7 8>>\
  The massive flow of silicone continues causing your pleasure to rapidly increase asas you feel a equally massive weight fill your hard dick. It feels so good you want to grab your throbbing cock and give it a nice long stroking but you're worried that will cause issues with the injector. Moans of pure pleasure escape your lips as your dick expands like a balloon being filled with water.
  "You can play with your dick as long as you avoid the needles from the injector." Dr Rack mentions with a hint of lust as he watches you squirm and moan lustfully on the chair. You reach down carefully and grab your very heavy dick. It feels so good as you stroke it you can feel your cock leaking pre-cum and it feels like you are moments away from shooting your load!
  It doesn't take much longer before the pleasure that is filling your cock pushes you over the edge. "Oh fuck! My big fucking dick feel so good! I'm shooting my wad!" you yell as your throbbing cock unleashes a $CumAD geyser of hot white cum that arcs and splatters all over the examination chair and your chest!
  Thankfully the flow of silicone slows down allowing you to recovery a bit from your messy orgasm and before long the injector is pulled back allowing you to finally get a good look at your heavier silicone-filled dick. Giving your cock a closer look you can tell that you have grown $SkillAction inches and are now packing a $DickSD $DickSize dick. Even your balls are looking bigger with them now being $BallsSD $BallsSize balls.
  "Go ahead and give your enhanced penis a couple more tugs just to make sure the silicone has positioned properly. It should feel extremely firm with a nice thickness even when not erect." Dr. Rack says as he gives your dick a very close look that might not be totally professional while ignoring the fact you just came all over his examination chair. He seems interested in watching you stroke your silicone-filled cock as you can see he's sporting an obvious hardon.
  "It feels so good Doc! Fuckkkkk!" you moan as you grab your dick once again and gasp in pleasure from how sensitive it feels. It feels so nice and thick that you can't help but to give your dick a couple of extra strokes which causes you to grunt in pleasure. It feels so good that you are having to use all your willpower to not shoot another heavy load all over the doctor's medical chair!
  "Well I believe we can call this a success!" says Dr. Rack as you finish examining your improved dick. "How about you take a look at yourself in the mirror and we can call this a day? he continues as he presses a button allowing the examination chair to move back to the upright position. You slowly get to your feet while taking several long moments to adjust to the very heavy weight down below.
<<set _lusty to random(20) +5 + $StatusAffect.Horny - $LustResist.Visual - $LustResist.Complete>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered +1>>\
<<if _lusty < 0>>\
<<set _lusty to 0>>\
<<set $lust to $lust + _lusty + _lusty>>\
  The titanic flow of silicone continues causing your pleasure to rise rapidly as you feel a equally titanic weight fill your hard dick. It feels so good you want to grab your throbbing cock and give it a nice long stroking but you're worried that will cause issues with the injector. The worry is quickly being eroded as your loud moans of pure pleasure escape your lips as your throbbing dick expands like a balloon being filled with water and your hands are inches away from grabbing your man meat.
  "You can play with your dick as long as you avoid the needles from the injector." Dr Rack mentions with more than a hint of lust as he watches you squirm and moan lustfully on the chair. Your hands grab your extremely heavy cock and start to stroke and squeeze, barely avoiding the injector's needle. The gratification you feel as you stroke your expanding dick hits hard causing pre-cum to flow freely from your cock. The overstimulation is pushing you ever closer to cumming as the neverending flow of silicone pumps into your sensitve penis. You never in your wildest dreams expected it to feel so good to have your dick grow so much.
  It doesn't take much longer before the pleasure that is filling your cock pushes you over the edge. "Oh fuck! My big fucking dick feel so good! I'm shooting my wad!" you scream as your throbbing cock unleashes a $CumAD geyser of hot white cum that arcs and splatters all over the examination chair and your chest! The flow of silicone continues unabated causing squirt after squirt of gooey cum to explode from your sensitive dick!
  Thankfully the flow of silicone eventually slows down allowing you to recovery a bit from your extraordinarily messy orgasm and before long the injector is pulled back allowing you to finally get a good look at your a extremely heavy silicone-filled dick. Giving your cock a closer look you estimate that you have grown $SkillAction inches and are now packing a $DickSD $DickSize dick. Even your silicone-filled balls are looking bigger with them now being $BallsSD $BallsSize balls.
  "Go ahead and give your enhanced penis a couple more tugs just to make sure the silicone has positioned properly. It should feel extremely firm with a nice thickness even when not erect." Dr. Rack says as he gives your dick a very close look that is not at all professional while ignoring the fact you just came all over his examination chair. He seems interested in watching you stroke your silicone-filled cock as you can see his hard dick is tenting his pants and has almost escaped confinement.
  "It feels so fucking good Doc! Fuck! My dick feels so thick and long now!" you moan as you grab your dick once again and gasp in pleasure from how sensitive it feels. It feels so nice and thick that you can't help but to give your dick a couple of extra strokes which causes you to grunt in pleasure. It feels so good that you are having to use all your willpower to not shoot another heavy load all over the doctor's medical chair!
  "Well I believe we can call this a success!" says Dr. Rack as you finish examining your improved dick. "How about you take a look at yourself in the mirror and we can call this a day? he continues as he presses a button allowing the examination chair to move back to the upright position. You take a couple of attempts get to your feet while taking several long moments to adjust to the very heavy weight down below.
<<set _lusty to random(20) +5 + $StatusAffect.Horny - $LustResist.Visual - $LustResist.Complete>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered +1>>\
<<if _lusty < 0>>\
<<set _lusty to 0>>\
<<set $lust to $lust + _lusty + _lusty>>\
<<button [[Look in the mirror|Doctor's Rack Enhancement - Penis 3]]>>
<<include "Profile Update">>\
<<include "Lust Passes">>\
<</button>>\Fast Travel where?
<<button [[Teleport to Mortons|Mortons Gas Station]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Teleport to Ammo World|Ammo World - Inside]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Teleport to Troy|Nurse Clinic Inside]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Teleport to Oak Dale Clinic|Oak Dale Clinic - Front Entrance]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Teleport to Dr. FuckHard|Doctor Fuckhard Visit]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Teleport to Dr. Rack|Doctor's Rack]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Teleport to Oak Dale|Oak Dale Entrance]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Teleport to Busch Bank|Busch Bank East]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Teleport to April and May|May & April 3some]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Teleport to Mountain View Apartments|Oak Dale - Mountain Apartments]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Teleport to Samantha|Jogger Rescue]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Teleport to Holly|X-Mas Present]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Teleport to Holly and Gloria|X-Mas Returns]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Teleport to Candy|Candy Flirt]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Teleport to Sister Catherine|Easter Visit]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Nevermind|PCRoom]]>> <</button>><img @src=$genericEvent.Image />
  Deciding you have more important things to do than to waste time with messing around with cosmetic surgery you say "Hey Doc? I have some stuff I need to take care of about before I can even think about getting any enhancements or whatnot.."
  Dr. Rack nods slowly as he listens to your excuse. "That's fine $PC.FirstName. If you ever change your mind and would like to explore some cosmetic options, I will be here at the Oak Dale Clinic." Standing up from his chair, he says mildly "Here let me show you a shortcut out of the clinic so you don't have to worry about any Infested inside the clinic." as he shows you a one way exit from the back of his office.
  "Thanks Doc, See ya around..." you say as you exit the clinic.
<<button [[Leave|Oak Dale Clinic - North Exit]]>>
<<set $location.Indoor to 0>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<set $doctorEvent.Appointment to 0>>\
<</button>><img @src=$genericEvent.Image />
<<if (random(19) + 1) + $Skill.Social + $CharismaBonus > 14>>\
<<set $npcRichard.Friendship to $npcRichard.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity +2 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set $npcCandy.Friendship to $npcCandy.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity +2 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe + $SkillAction>>\
<<set $npcRichard.Friendship to $npcRichard.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity +1 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set $npcCandy.Friendship to $npcCandy.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity +1 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe + $SkillAction>>\
  You decide to spend some time gathering information about what's been going on with the good doctor since the city went under quarantine. Looking around the doctor's nice office you ask "So hear any new information about the Infested Pandemic?"
  Dr. Rack sits back in his chair giving your question his full attention. After a minute he finally responds "I'm not sure I would be the best one to ask that question to. Ever since Mayor Windstein put the quarantine order in place at the end of September, I've been living here at the clinic. I left only to get some of my supplies from the Bangslot hotel I was staying in before moving in."
  "Wait a moment! You was staying in a hotel?" you ask as you take in his tale. The idea that a doctor was living in a hotel before hiding away in a clinic is a hard one to believe. Shouldn't he have a big house in the suburbs?
  Dr. Rack nods sadly before continuing his story "I am not from Civiton and I don't even have family in the Double Peaks area. I have a deal with the various hospitals to travel within the network in order to provide cosmetic surgery options for cities with limited choices. I generally stay at a city for a couple of weeks to up to a month before moving to the next city. I had hoped by next year I could settle down in a city with my own practice but that seems a bit unlikely now."
  "And then the Infested Outbreak happened while you were visiting Civiton, I would guess." you reply as piece together his story. With no real contacts nor amy place to call his own besides the dubious safety of a hotel, it would make sense for someone stuck like that to hide inside his workplace.
  "Exactly. Without the help of my receptionist I wouldn't have been able to survive when the rest of my co-workers succumbed to the Infested horde roaming the streets. One look at an Infested assaulting a couple of innocents was enough for me to decide to bunker down and hope for the military to clear out the Infested." he says while glancing back at medical bed with some blankets neatly stacked on it.
  "So why is the clinic so filled with Infested? Did the Infested launch an attack on the clinic and get all of your co-workers?" you ask as you try and figure out how he was able to survive while the rest of the clinic is teeming with Infested. You're pretty positive his 'receptionist' is also Infested.
  Dr. Rack sighs as he cleans his glasses, while gathering his thoughts. Giving you a piercing look he tersely explains "My co-workers all had homes and families to return to. Unfortunately there's nowhere safe in the city from the Infested and it's harder to run and hide when you have family to try and protect. One by one most of my 'co-workers' returned but now as Infested. Even with the Infested virus warping their minds they still remembered their jobs and came back to 'work'. Except now they're playing at being doctors and nurses while attacking anyone who's looking for help. It's dispicable and even worse there's nothing I can do about it."
  "Sorry Doc for bringing up some bad memories. I was just wondering why this place was swarming with Infested who looked like doctors and nurses." you say.
  "It's not your fault, $PC.FirstName. It's a bad situation all around and I fear it won't be resolved until they either find a cure for the Infested or find a way to contain them all." he finishes as he closes his eyes briefly. "Anyways, thank you for your visit. I really do appreciate our chats but I do have some work I need to take care of. Here let me show you to the back door so you don't have to worry about being attacked by unwelcome Infested in the clinic." he says as he shows you a one way exit from the back of his office.
<<button [[Leave|Oak Dale Clinic - North Exit]]>>
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<set $NoEncounter to random(1) +2>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<set $doctorEvent.Appointment to 0>>\
<<set $location.Indoor to 0>>\
<</button>><img @src=$genericEvent.Image />
<<set $questsFamilyMom.Clinic to 1>>\
<<if (random(19) + 1) + $Skill.Social + $CharismaBonus > 14>>\
<<set $npcRichard.Friendship to $npcRichard.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity +2 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set $npcCandy.Friendship to $npcCandy.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity +2 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe + $SkillAction>>\
<<set $npcRichard.Friendship to $npcRichard.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity +1 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set $npcCandy.Friendship to $npcCandy.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity +1 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe + $SkillAction>>\
  You decide to spend some time gathering information on finding your $mom.Relationship. Sitting down on a chair across from Dr. Rack you ask "Excuse me Doc, I'm trying to find my $mom.Relationship, $mom.Name $PC.LastName, and I recently was told she might have been heading here to get some medical supplies for my $sister.Relationship and myself."
  "Hmm...A Mrs. $PC.LastName? I don't recall meeting a Mrs. $PC.LastName in the last couple of weeks but let me check with my receptionist." Doctor Rack replies with a thoughtful frown before picking up his phone. Pressing a number on the dialpad it only takes a moment before he seems to have received a response.
  "Hey Candy, have there been any appointments in the last couple of a weeks for a $mom.Name $PC.LastName? Hmm. Uh huh, yes, I see. What about supplies? Well yes I know we are low on lube but I meant has any other medical supplies ended up missing? OK thanks for checking, I'll talk to you later." he says into the phone before hanging the phone up. Turning back to you he continues "As far as my receptionist can tell a Mrs. $mom.Name $PC.LastName has not entered the clinic. Now it's possible she entered in after hours but there hasn't been any medical supplies that have been reported missing so that makes it unlikely that she did so."
  "Hmm. Thanks for checking for me Doc. Now I'm even more worried about where she is..." you reply as you take in his information. It doesn't sound like she made it to the clinic which makes it likely something happened to her between Nurse Troy's clinic and here.
  "Now I don't think she's become an Infested. A lot of people say they are mindless fucking machines but they seem to retain some of their old personality under their hyper sexuality. That would mean she would likely have returned to your home even if as an Infested it would have been rather problematic for you. I'll be keeping an eye and ear out and if I hear anything about Mrs. $PC.LastName I'll be sure to let you know." he replies while looking at you with concern in his eyes.
  "Thanks Doc for checking for me. Even if she didn't make it here at least I can cross off one of the likely locations where she might be." you reply as you make a note that your $mom.Relationship never made it to the Oak Dale Clinic.
  "Anyways, thank you for your visit. I don't mind helping you out but I do have some work I need to take care of. Here let me show you to the back door so you don't have to worry about being attacked by unwelcome Infested in the clinic." he says as he shows you a one way exit from the back of his office.
<div class="pcTalk"><i> It's looking more and more likely that those Pure Blood bastards have my $mom.Relationship and possible my $sister.Relationship! Fuck! I'm going to have to start really bashing Raider heads in until I get my answer!</i></div>
<<button [[Leave|Oak Dale Clinic - North Exit]]>>
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<set $NoEncounter to random(1) +2>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<set $doctorEvent.Appointment to 0>>\
<<set $location.Indoor to 0>>\
<</button>><<set $genericEvent.Image = $eventPath7 + $arrayEvent7Blowjob.random() + '.jpg'>>\
<img @src=$genericEvent.Image />
<<set $sexHistory.XP to $sexHistory.XP +1>>\
<<set $LastPartner to $npcRichard>>\
<<set $NoEncounter to random(1) +2>>\
<<set $doctorEvent.Agree to 1>>\
<<set $npcRichard.SexXP to $npcRichard.SexXP +1>>\
<<set $sexHistory.XP to $sexHistory.XP +1>>\
<<if (random(19) + 1) + $Skill.Social + $CharismaBonus > 14>>\
<<set $npcRichard.Friendship to $npcRichard.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity +3 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set $npcRichard.Friendship to $npcRichard.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity +2 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set _DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$npcRichard.DickSize]>>\
<<set _DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$npcRichard.DickSize]>>
<<if $PC.Sex is "Futa" or $StatusAffect.Futa > 0>>\
<<set _Sex to "Futa">>\
<<elseif $PC.Sex is "Female" and $StatusAffect.Futa < 1>>\
<<set _Sex to "Female">>\
<<set _Sex to "Male">>\
<<if $SkillAction > 0>>\
  Seeing how Dr. Rack can't keep his eyes off your $BreastSD $BreastsSize tits you can't help but stare back at his _DickSD hard cock that is trying to escape out of his doctor's pants in response. Deciding that you could use some more fun times after having all that silicone pumped into your breasts, you give him a lusty smile.
  "So Doc...See something you like? How about you take a closer look?" you say with some lusty humor as you thrust out your $BreastSD silicone-filled chest in his direction. Dr. Rack looks shocked for a moment as his eyes relock onto your breasts from where they had been trying to look away. The look on his face turns you on even more as your hard $NippleSize nipples display and you can't help but lick your lips.
  "Er, I mean they look nice? I was just checking your breasts out to make sure that the injection went hard, er I mean smoothly! I wasn't imagining how they would feel or anything!" he feebly protests but his responses are a bit lacking since his eyes haven't shifted one time away your tits.
  Seeing how Dr. Rack can't keep his eyes off your $BreastSD $BreastsSize tits you can't help but stare back at his _DickSD hard cock that is trying to escape out of his doctor's pants in response. Deciding that you could use some relief after having dealing with walking thru a Infested filled clinic, you give him a lusty smile.
  "So Doc...See a couple of things you like? Interested in taking a closer look?" you ask with some lusty humor as you thrust out your $BreastSD silicone-filled chest in his direction. Dr. Rack looks shocked for a moment as his eyes relock onto your breasts from where they had been trying to look away. The look on his face turns you on even more as your hard $NippleSize nipples display and you can't help but lick your lips.
  "Er, I mean they look nice? I mean was just admiring the artistic work put into your finely sculpted breasts! I wasn't imagining how they would feel or anything!" he feebly protests but his responses are a bit lacking since his eyes haven't shifted one time away your tits.
  "Come on Doc, don't be so shy. Just admit that my chest looks amazing and that you want to inspect them a bit closer by shoving your long hard dick in between them. It's just you and me here along with my mouth-watering tits." you say as you pull your top off exposing your $BreastsSize breasts along with your $NippleSize nipples to the doctor. The doctor's eyes widen even farther as he watches you step closer to where he is seated, your big silicone titties swaying with each step. It doesn't take long before your bare chest is inches from his handsome face and his eager dick has finally escaped from his pants.
  "Oh God, you have some amazingly $BreastSD tits!" he mumbles as his hands reach up and finally grabs your tits. He starts groping them hesitantly at first but that quickly changes as his slim hands try to encompass your $BreastSD jugs but fails. He starts squeezing them softly while pinching your hard nipples causing you get even hornier.
  Unable to stifle a moan, you gasp loudly as he lustfully plays with your tits "Oooh fuckkkk....You should know, Doc. You helped make them this amazing!" Feeling like you need more you pull his head into your ample cleavage, burying his face between your silicone mountains. After a moment he manages to pull his face out of your tits before latching onto your diamond hard nipples. "So how's my tits feel, Doc? I bet they feel amazing and will feel even better with your _DickSize <<Penis>> in between them!" you moan as you reach down and grab his _DickSD, hard dick.
  Feeling your hand on his <<Penis>>, Dr. Rack stops sucking on your nipples in order to groan loudly "I'm going to fucking shove my cock deep into your fucking tits, $PC.FirstName! I'm going to fuck them hard before blowing my load all over these fake tits!" His grip on your $BreastSD breasts tightens as he slowly pushed you to your knees while standing up. Amused by his sudden dominate attitude you let him pull your chest down until your heavy silicone-filled jugs are right above his twitching cock. Reluctantly letting go of his yummy looking dick, you smirk as Dr. Rack finally lets go of all restraint and thrusts his _DickSize cock straight into your titty valley.
  Gasping loudly as you feel your tits wrap around his raging cock, you place your hands on top of Dr. Rack's slender hands in order to help him tit-fuck your breasts properly. You moan in pleasure so you squish your $BreastSD <<Breasts>> together keeping his raging dick deep in your breast valley. It takes him a surprisingly little time to get a steady rhythm going as his pre-cum weeping cock helps to keep your jugs nice and slick.
  "Your tits feel so fucking great, $PC.FirstName!! My cock feels so good deep between your bouncy breasts!" Dr. Rack moans as he continues slamming his _DickSD cock into your silicone-filled mountains. Each thrust of his hard meat rod is causing them to bounce and jiggle and causes spikes of pure pleasure to radiate from your sensitive jugs. You can't help but to gasp and moan as your sensitive tits are fucked so hard. His lust filled face and his loud panting shows how much he truly loves tit-fucking you.
<<if _Sex is "Female">>\
  "I'm sooo glad you like my tits, Doc. Cause your big cock feels sooo good sandwiched between them!" you say huskily as you release you hands from your breasts letting the horny doctor take charge. His grip on your jugs becomes even tighter in response as his tit-fucking speeds up. The feeling of having his thick cock slamming into your fake tits causes your cunt to wetten from the intense pleasure still radiating from them and your fingers slide in easily.
  "Oh fuck, I'm close to cumming! Fuck, it feels so good!" he suddenly yells loudly as his twitching cock shows that he seems to have reached his limts. His thrusting has become erratic and he is moments away from cumming.
  "Keep going Doc! Shoot your fucking load all over my big fake tits!" you moan as you continue to finger your tight pussy as your firm breasts bounce wildly from the hard tit-fucking. You are feeling very close to cumming as your wet pussy sucks in your fingers and you hope to cum at the same time as Dr. Rack.
  "FUCK YES! I'M SHOOTING MY WAD ALL OVER YOUR FUCKING TITS!" he yells as he rapidly slams his _DickSize cock into your tits several more times before he unleashes a massive shower of white cum all over your $BreastSD breasts and face! His throbbing cock keeps shooting stream after stream of goo all over your fake tits painting them a gooey white!
  "Oh God! I'm cumming too!" you scream as your wet pussy unleashes a $GCumAD flood of girl cum all over the floor beneath you. Coming down from your orgasm you swipe some of his cum and take a taste. It tastes quite good and you can't help but give Dr. Rack a cum-covered smile.
  "I'm sooo glad you like my tits, Doc. Cause your big cock feels sooo good sandwiched between them!" you say huskily as you release you hands from your breasts letting the horny doctor take charge. His grip on your jugs becomes even tighter in response as his tit-fucking speeds up. The feeling of having his thick cock slamming into your breasts causes your futa-cock to get even harder from the intense pleasure and your fingers wrap around your $DickSD dick!
  "Oh fuck, I'm close to cumming! Fuck, it feels so good!" he suddenly yells loudly as his twitching cock shows that he seems to have reached his limts. His thrusting has become erratic and he is moments away from cumming.
  "Keep going Doc! Shoot your fucking load all over my big fake tits!" you moan as you continue to stroke your hard cock as your firm breasts bounce wildly from the hard tit-fucking. You are feeling very close to cumming as your rapid stroking is causing your futa-cock to drip pre-cum and you hope to cum at the same time as Dr. Rack.
  "FUCK YES! I'M SHOOTING MY WAD ALL OVER YOUR FUCKING TITS!" he yells as he rapidly slams his _DickSize cock into your tits several more times before he unleashes a massive shower of white cum all over your $BreastSD breasts and face! His throbbing cock keeps shooting stream after stream of goo all over your fake tits painting them a gooey white!
  "Oh God! I'm cumming too!" you scream as your cock launches a $CumAD spray of cum that hits the underside of your fake tits adding the the doctor's cum coating!. Even your pussy cums as you unload a $GCumAD squirt of girl-cum all over the floor. Coming down from your orgasm you swipe some of the mixed cum and take a taste. It tastes quite good and you can't help but give Dr. Rack a cum-covered smile.
  "That was amazing, $PC.FirstName. I mean as a doctor there should be some personal distance from a patient but in these times we have to do our best to let our libidos be satiated while in a safe environment." he says matter-of-factly as he glances at your cum-covered tits.
  "Well Doc, if you need to have your "libido satiated" I'm more than willing to help you out!" you say as you gather your clothes and get dressed. You use a nearby cloth to wipe off some of his cum but without a shower it will take some time for his goo to dry off.
  "I'll be sure to keep that in mind. You are quite welcome back here any time, well at least during business hours I mean. Here let me show you to the back door so you don't have to worry about being attacked by unwelcome Infested in the clinic." he says as he shows you a one way exit from the back of his office.
<<button [[Leave|Oak Dale Clinic - North Exit]]>>
<<include "Lust Passes">>\
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered +1>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<set $doctorEvent.Appointment to 0>>\
<<set $location.Indoor to 0>>\
<</button>><<include "Adlibs">>\
<<switch $SexScene2>>\
<<case 1>>\ /* Pussy scene */
<<include "Infested Milker Pussy Sex Submissive Male">>\
<<case 2>>\ /* Ass scene */
<<include "Infested Female Ass Sex Submissive Male">>\
<<case 3>>\ /* Titfuck scene */
<<include "Infested Female Tit Sex Submissive Male">>\
<<case 4>>\ /* Blowjob scene */
<<include "Infested Female Blowjob Sex Submissive Male">>\
<<case 5>>\ /* Handjob scene */
<<include "Infested Female Handjob Sex Submissive Male">>\
<</switch>> <<set $sexHistory.XP to $sexHistory.XP +1>>\
<<set $LastPartner to $genericFighter>>\
<<set _TCard to 0>>\
<<set _VCard to 0>>\
<<if $sexHistory.TotalV is 1>>\
<<set $sexHistory.TrueVirginityWho to $genericFighter.Name>>\
<<set _TCard to 1>>\
<<set $sexHistory.TotalV to 0>>\
<<if $sexHistory.PenisV is 1>>\
<<set $sexHistory.PenisVirginityWho to $genericFighter.Name>>\
<<set _VCard to 1>>\
<<set $sexHistory.PenisV to 0>>\
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$genericFighter.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$genericFighter.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _INip to $arrayNippleSize[$genericFighter.NippleSize]>>\
<<set _IAss to $arrayAssSizeDesc[$genericFighter.AssSize]>>\
<<set _SizeComp to $PC.DickSize - $genericFighter.Level + ($GeneralFeats.FalseRep *2)>>\
<<if _SizeComp < 0>>\
<<set _SizeComp to 0>>\
<<if _TCard is 1>>\
  As you look at $genericFighter.Name you can't help but stare at her extremely voluptuous body. Your eyes are focused on her _ISD _ICup breasts that's even now still dripping milk from her hard nipples. It doesn't take long before your eyes drift down to where her pussy glistens with her sexual fluids. You can feel yourself getting hornier as your $DickSize dick gets hard as steel. Your hard throbbing dick is demanding to buried deep inside her tight pussy and you can no longer resist that sweet seductive lure.
  <em>"Shit! I know this is a mistake but she's so fucking hot. I mean those milk jugs look so delicious!"</em> you think as your body moves as if on auto-pilot. Your clothes drop to the ground as your heartbeat races. The $genericFighter.Name looks pleased that you're about to give her what she wanted this whole time. Finally speaking up you stammer out "I'm going to umm, fuck you, ok?"
  She gives you an thoughtful look for a moment before smiling wildly. "Sounds like we have a brand new player stepping up to the table for the very first time." she says warmly while spreading open her wet cunt. "How about you slide your $DickSD hard stack of chips into my tight slot and we'll both come out winners!"
  The $genericFighter.Name stares at you with a horny lust-filled look in her eyes as you walk towards her, your hard <<Penis>> straining against your pants. With her _ISD _ICup breasts dripping sweet delicious milk and her nice _IAss ass there was no way you could refuse pounding her wet pussy with your throbbing cock."I'm going to slam my cock into your pussy so hard you'll be screaming in ecstacy by the time I'm done blowing my hot load deep inside your cunt." you proclaim as you strip out of your clothes.
<<switch _SizeComp>>\
<<case 0 1 2>>\
  "Well I was betting you wouldn't be packing a dick that size but sometimes you can't help losing. That's the way the chips fall sometimes, I guess." she says after giving your <<Penis>> a disappointed look. At your intense glare she hastily continues "Uh, let's see about turning that losing hand into a winner! I bet with enought time in my pot your stakes will raise to enormous size!" She quickly spreads her legs wide, eager to have your $DickSD dick buried deep inside her slutty cunt.
<<case 3 4 5 6>>\
  "A bit smaller than I was betting on but sometimes you have to you play the cards you're dealt." she says after giving your <<Penis>> a thoughtful look. At your irritated glare she quickly continues "I know how to play this hand and by the time I'm done, you will be hitting the jackpot!" She quickly spreads her legs wide, eager to have your $DickSD dick buried deep inside her slutty cunt.
<<case 7 8 9 10 11 12>>\
  "Now that's what I'm calling a nice hand and by hand I mean dick!" she says after giving your <<Penis>> a hungry look. At your pleased look she lewdly continues "I was betting on finding someone with a nice dick and it looks like I ended up with full house! So how about you shove your nice hard cock in my tight house and fill it nice and full with your hot cum!" She quickly spreads her legs wide, eager to have your $DickSD dick buried deep inside her slutty cunt.
<<case 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24>>\
  "Oh fuck! Looks who's playing a stellar hand with that fucking $DickSD Royal Flush! When I say hand I mean your goddam $DickSize <<Penis>>!" she says after giving your <<Penis>> a thirsty look. At your happy look she lewdly continues "I was all in with finding a nice stud who was willing to jam their big stack of chips into my hot tight slot so how about it, big winner?" She quickly spreads her legs wide, eager to have your $DickSD dick buried deep inside her slutty cunt.
  "Why do you have a $DickSize long club that looks like a dick in your pants? What the hell?!?!? I have no idea on how to get that giant club of a <<Penis>> you have into my pussy but I'm kinda wondering if I can... I guess you will just have to try really hard since I'm dying to find out how it feels." she purrs as she starts to stroke your <<Penis>> with one hand while the other is grabbing a tub of lube out of her purse. She slaps a boatload of lube onto your <<Penis>> before spreading her legs wide.
<<if _VCard is 1>>\
  Kneeling down between her legs, you grab your $DickSize cock and guide it towards the entrance of her wet pussy. It takes a moment but you finally have it aimed properly at her slipperly cunt. Taking a deep breath you slowly push forward but your dick slips and slides up against her puffy pussy lips instead of into her wet cunt causing $genericFighter.Name to gasp out "Oooh, that feels nice, you high rolling plunger! How about you stop teasing me and shove your hard <<Penis>> into my tight pussy!"
  Trying again you let out a gasp as your dick slowly gets engulfed by her hot tight pussy and it's one of the best feelings you've ever had! Your meat rod radiates pleasure as your $DickSD dick pushes even deeper into her pussy and before long your feel your $BallsSD balls slap against her groin. It feels so tight and warm that you can't stop yourself from pulling back out and slamming your hard <<Penis>> back in. With each thrust of your cock you get better at getting your timing down as each successful thrust causes her _ISD milkjugs to jiggle obscenely. Before long $genericFighter.Name is screaming and moaning in pleasure as she seems to be enjoying being railed by your $DickSD dick!
  Lining your $DickSize dick with the Infested's dripping wet pussy, you slowly slide your hard cock against her puffy pussy lips. "Oooh, that feels nice, you high rolling plunger! How about you stop teasing me and shove your hard <<Penis>> into my tight pussy!" she cries as you tease her nether lips for a few more seconds with your <<Penis>> before finally slamming your <<Penis>> straight into her pussy, hilting her completely! With her hot pussy being so tight you can't help but repeatedly thrusting your cock deep inside causing her _ISD milkjugs to jiggle obscenely. Before long $genericFighter.Name is screaming and moaning in pleasure as she seems to be enjoying being railed by your $DickSD dick!
  "Fuck! These breasts of yours look amazing!" you say as the sight of $genericFighter.Name's _ISD milk-filled tits bouncing and jiggling from your hard fucking draws your eyes. Drops of delicious smelling milk splatter all over her chest and face from her _INip long milky nipples and you want a taste! $genericFighter.Name2 moans lewdly as you grip her slippery milky breasts causing dual streams of milk to squirt out which drives you to latch onto her leaking nipples!
  "So what did you think of my big milk tanks? Quite yummy aren't they?" $genericFighter.Name2 moans as you drink deeply from her _ISD tits. You have to agree as her heavy milk-filled breasts overfill you hands and there seems to be an almost endless supply of delicious milk! Your hard pounding had slowed for a moment as you focused on her tits but the more you drink from her milkjugs the harder your cock gets. Soon you find a proper rhythm that allows you to keep drilling her tight pussy while keeping your face planted on her milky chest.
  "Your _ISD _ICup tits are fucking amazing! Shit, I can't stop drinking from them!" you moan in delight before switching back to fondling her _ISD tits while sucking on her _INip long nipples. Your hard pounding thrusts have sped up to an extremely fast pace as $genericFighter.Name shows her appreciation by the loud and lewd sounds of her moans and gasps of pleasure.
  "Oooooh! That feeels so goooood! You're pounding my pussy so fucking hard! Goddamn your $DickSD dick is so fucking deep in my pussy!" she yells as thrusts her _ISD breasts against your mouth as her body shakes and quiviers from the hard fucking she's receiving. You reply with your own groan of pleasure as you can feel your $BallsSD balls growing demand to unleash their load into her extremely tight pussy.
<<if $PC.Infestation is $Infestation.Cap & $Infestation.Progress > 1>>\
<<include "Infestation Increase">>\
<<set _DickSize to $DickSize>>\
  As you slam your <<Penis>> into her wet cunt you feel a surge of energy flowing directly into you! It almost feels like you are burning up but it quickly turns to pleasure that radiates from your hard cock and your cum-filled balls.
  "Oh fuck, oh fuck, OH FUCK YESSS! I can feel your _DickSize throbbing <<Penis>> getting so much bigger inside of me! Oh fuckkkk yesss! I'm cumming all over your growing <<Penis>>!" $genericFighter.Name2 screams in ecstasy as she wraps her shapely legs around your hips, forcing your aching $DickSD dick deeper inside her hot pussy. You can feel her tight cunt milk your dick hard while her _ISD milky tits leak even harder onto your face!
  Feeling her tight cunt get even tighter as your dick rapidly plows her, you yell "FUCK! I'm fucking shooting my load into your fucking tight pussy! Oh shit!" as your throbbing cock throbs and then erupts in a powerful tidal wave of hot cum straight into her quivering pussy as your cum-fiilled balls unleash their pent up frustration. There's so much cum unleashed it backs out of her extremely tight pussy onto the ground below.
  You feel completely wiped out from the force of your powerful orgasm along with feeling slightly stickly from all the milk $genericFighter.Name squirted out. Sliding your dick out from $genericFighter.Name's pussy you notice that your _DickSize dick actually grew to be a $DickSD $DickSize cock along with a nice pair of $BallsSD $BallsSize balls! Before you can really process that information, $genericFighter.Name grabs your $DickSD dick and gives it a slow stroke causing some more cum to ooze from the tip. She lustfully says "Looks like you are on your way to becoming one hot gambling man!"
  Feeling her tight cunt squeeze your cock even tighter as your dick rapidly plows her, you yell "FUCK! I'm fucking shooting my load into your fucking tight pussy! Oh shit!" as your throbbing cock throbs and then erupts in a $CumAD wave of hot cum straight into her quivering pussy as your cum-fiilled balls unleash their pent up frustration. <<if $Cum.Stored > 15>> After completely filling up her tight pussy with your neverending cum, you pull your $DickSize cock out of her pussy and shoot large ribbons of gooey baby-batter all over her _ISD breasts!<<elseif $Cum.Stored > 10>> There's so much cum unleashed it backs out of her extremely tight pussy onto the ground below! <</if>>.
  "Oh fuck, oh fuck, OH FUCK YESSS! I can feel your $DickSize <<Penis>> filling me with so much baby-batter! Oh fuckkkk yesss! I'm cumming all over your goddamn <<Penis>>!" $genericFighter.Name2 screams in ecstasy as she wraps her shapely legs around your hips as her orgasm racks her shapely body. You can feel her tight cunt milk your dick of all your cum while her _ISD milky tits leak even harder onto your face!
  "Oh that was so good!" she says when you finally stand up, cum dripping from your sensitive <<Penis>>. Taking one last moment to scoop some white goo from her pussy into her mouth, she replies "I'll hope to see you again soon, gambler." With that you grab your clothes and leave the area.<img src="Images/Suburb/suburbs 1.jpg" width="800px" height="400px" />
<<set $NoEncounter to (2 + random(1))>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
  As you are walking around the Oak Dale suburbs you hear the faint sounds of a fight from a nearby allyway. It sounds like several Infested are attacking someone. The sound of the assault will surely lure in other Infested if not quickly taken care of!
<<button [[Investigate!|Nurse Attack - Main]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Leave|$location.temp]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</button>><<set $genericEvent.Image = $eventPath8 + $arrayEvent8FullBody.random() + '.jpg'>>\
<img @src=$genericEvent.Image />
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$npcTroy.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$npcTroy.BreastsSize]>>
<<set $eventLocation to $location.temp>>\
<<set $nurseattackEvent.Visits to $nurseattackEvent.Visits+1>>\
<<if $NoFutaEncounter is 1>>\
  As you peak around corner of the allyway you see Nurse Troy being assaulted by two Infested! An Infested Male and a Infested Bruiser looks like they have ganged up on her while she was moving to a new location and have trapped her in the allyway! She has been pushed down on the ground and looks like she is completely defenseless with her usual nurse uniform being torn exposing her _ISD _ICup breasts!
  As you peak around corner of the allyway you see Nurse Troy being assaulted by two Infested! An Infested Futa and a Infested Bruiser looks like they have ganged up on her while she was moving to a new location and have trapped her in the allyway! She has been pushed down on the ground and looks like she is completely defenseless with her usual nurse uniform being torn exposing her _ISD _ICup breasts!
<div class="pcTalk"><i> Should I save Nurse Troy? Fighting two Infested at once will be tough but possible. On the other hand Nurse Troy does have her treatment that should protect her from the virus. But that doesn't help against being assaulted by two horny Infested! I don't know what to do!</i></div>
<<button [[Help Her|Nurse Attack - Help]]>> <</button>>
<span id="moralButton"><<button [[Hide|Nurse Attack - Watch]]>> <</button>>
<span id="moralButton"><<button [[Flee|$location.temp]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<set $nurseattackEvent.Corrupt to $nurseattackEvent.Corrupt +1>>
<<set $npcTroy.BreastsSize to $npcTroy.BreastsSize+5>>\
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$npcTroy.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$npcTroy.BreastsSize]>>
</span><<set $genericEvent.Image = $eventPath8 + $arrayEvent8FullBody.random() + '.jpg'>>\
<img @src=$genericEvent.Image />
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$npcTroy.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$npcTroy.BreastsSize]>>
<<set $eventLocation to $location.temp>>\
<<set $genericFighter to $infestedBruiserBoss>>\
<<set $genericFighter.Image = $infestedBruiserPath + $genericFighter.Image.random() + '.jpg'>>\
<<set $genericWeapon to $infestedBruiserBoss.Weapon>>\
<<set $genericComments to "Infested Male Combat Comments">>\
<<set $genericFighter.DickSize to $infestedBruiserBoss.DickSize >>\
<<set $lootTemp to $genericFighter.Loot>>\
<<set $rarelootTemp to $genericFighter.RareLoot>>\
<<switch random(3)>>\
<<case 0>>\
<<set $genericSpecial to clone($genericFighter.Special1)>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<set $genericSpecial to clone($genericFighter.Special2)>>\
<<case 2>>\
<<set $genericSpecial to clone($genericFighter.Special3)>>\
<<case 3>>\
<<set $genericSpecial to clone($genericFighter.Special4)>>\
Seeing Nurse Troy being assaulted by two Infested drives you into a cold rage as you ready your $equipedWeapon.name. Seeing your rapid advance, the Infested Bruiser pushes Nurse Troy to the Infested Futa before stepping in front of you. Looks like you are going to have to fight this out!
<<button [[Fight!|Suburb Combat]]>>
<<set $nurseattackEvent.Try to 1>>\
<<set $BattleFlag to 1>>\
<<set $location.FleeFlag to 1>>\
<<set $location.Flee to "Grove Hills Entrance">>\
<<set $location.BattleWin to "Nurse Attack - Victory">>\
<<set $location.BattleLose to "Nurse Attack - Defeat">>\
<</button>><<set _picture to $PCProfile.Picture>>\
<img @src="_picture" height="768px" width="512px" />
<<switch $StatusAffect.SiliconeB>>\
<<case 1 2>>\
  You take a look at yourself in the mirror and can immediately can tell that your breasts are looking somewhat bigger with them now being $BreastSD $BreastsSize breasts. They still look natural as you adjust your tighter clothes and it would be hard for someone to tell that you had your breasts enhanced.; "They look great Doc!" you say as you model them in different positions.
<<case 3 4 5>>\
  You take a look at yourself in the mirror and can immediately can tell that your breasts are looking bigger with them now being $BreastSD $BreastsSize breasts. They look somewhat natural but still have that higher perky roundness that indicates that you had your breasts enhanced. You adjust your tighter clothes and say "They look great Doc! Nice and firm, just like I like them!" as you model them in different positions.
<<case 6 7 8 9>>\
  You take a look at yourself in the mirror and can immediately can tell that your breasts are looking a lot bigger with them now being $BreastSD $BreastsSize breasts. They have that higher perky roundness that indicates that you had your breasts enhanced and it would be easy for someone to tell at a glance. You adjust your tighter clothes and say "They look great Doc! Looking big, round and in charge!" as you model them in different positions.
  You take a look at yourself in the mirror and can immediately can tell that your breasts are looking extremely bigger with them now being $BreastSD $BreastsSize breasts. They look completely fake with that extreme perky roundness that indicates that you had your breasts enhanced and it would be extremely easy for someone to tell at a glance. You adjust your tighter clothes and say "They look great Doc! Looking big, round and in charge!" as you model them in different positions.
  "Great! You are welcome back here any time, well at least during business hours I mean. Here let me show you to the back door so you don't have to worry about being attacked by unwelcome Infested in the clinic." he says as he shows you a one way exit from the back of his office.
<<button [[Leave|Oak Dale Clinic - North Exit]]>>
<<include "Time Passes">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<set $doctorEvent.Appointment to 0>>\
<</button>><img @src=$genericEvent.Image />
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<set $PC.Corruption to $PC.Corruption+1>>\
<<set $npcTroy.Corrupted to $npcTroy.Corrupted +1>>\
<<set $nurseattackEvent.Corrupt to $nurseattackEvent.Corrupt +1>>\
<<set _OSD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$npcTroy.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _OCup to $arrayBreastSize[$npcTroy.BreastsSize]>>
<<set $npcTroy.BreastsSize to $npcTroy.BreastsSize+5>>\
<<set $npcTroy.NippleSize to $npcTroy.NippleSize+5>>\
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$npcTroy.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$npcTroy.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _lusty to random(20) +1 + $StatusAffect.Horny - $LustResist.Visual - $LustResist.Complete>>\
<<if _lusty < 0>>\
<<set _lusty to 0>>\
<<set $lust to $lust + _lusty>>\
<<set _Caught to 0>>\
<<set _Stealth to (random(19)+ 1) + $Skill.Stealth + $DexterityBonus + $PCStatus.SkillBuff>>\
<<set _Stealth2 to 0>>\
<<if $StealthSkillFeats.Distraction > 0>>\
<<set _Stealth2 to (random(19)+ 1) + $Skill.Stealth + $DexterityBonus + $PCStatus.SkillBuff -2>>\
<<if _Stealth > 15 or _Stealth2 > 15>>\
<<set _Caught to 0>>\
<<set _Caught to 1>>\
<<set $npcTroy.Friendship to $npcTroy.Friendship - 5 + $SocialSkillFeats.WashmyHair>>\
<<if $NoFutaEncounter is 1>>\
  Deciding there was no way you could defeat two Infested at once you stay back at the entrance to the allyway. At least this way you can keep an eye out in case they decide to do more than just assault Troy. It takes you a couple of minutes to find a spot to hide and by the time you turn back to see what's going on the action has already started!
  Nurse Troy is lying on her back with the Infested Futa already pounding away at her pussy with her huge futa-cock while the Infested Male is thrusting his massive dick into her mouth. Troy's nipples are rock hard on top of her _OSD breasts and her shapely legs are wrapped around the Male's back forcing him to fuck her deeper. Her muffled moans of pleasure can be heard even where you are hiding near the entrance to the allyway.
  Looking down at Troy, the Infested Bruiser growls as he roughly fondles her _OSD breasts. "Look at these tiny tits! I'm barely hard having my cock sucked by some bitch with such pathetic tits!" he says with disdain. The displeasure he shows doesn't stop him from continuing to thrust his massive cock into her eager mouth.
  "I don't know...They kind of look cute. Not as big as my GG-Cup tits but still decent." the Infested Male says while pausing his hard fucking for a moment causing a muffled protest from Troy. Seeing the other Infested's scrowl the Male sighs before pulling a can out of his man-purse. Tossing it to the Infested Bruiser he says "Here, feed the whore this, OK?" before returning to slamming his thick cock into Troy's dripping wet pussy.
  Pulling his massive dick out of Troy's mouth, the Infested opened the can after taking a quick look at the label. "Drink up you little bitch! It's time for you get some real breasts!" Troy didn't even have time to respond before the can was emptied down her panting throat.
  For a brief moment nothing happens. Suddenly Troy lets out a erotic moan as her breasts slowly start to expand and grow. Seemingly in shock, she reaches up and grabs her growing jugs. Over the course of a minute they grew from _OCup size to a whopping pair of _ISD _ICup tits! Her breasts are so big her hands don't even cover them!
  Both of the Infested paused as they eagerly watched Troy's tranformation. The smaller Male is the first to respond "So those are some rather big tits. Good enough for you, big guy?" before resuming his hard fucking causing Troy's _ISD tits to bounce and jiggle wildly.
  "That's what I'm talking about! Big fucking tits on a horny slut! Big enough for me to want to fuck them hard with my massive meat rod!" he yells as he mounts Troy's chest with his massive cock eager to be buried between her tits. He doesn't waste any time as he shoves Troy's hands away from exploring her _ISD breasts and wraps her <<Breasts>> around his throbbing cock.
  Troy moans loudly as the Bruiser starts to fuck her big jiggly tits. "My tits are so fucking huge! Fuck! They feel so good! Please! Keep tit-fucking me hard with your big cock!" she gasps huskily as the Infested pounds away at her expanded chest. The Infested responds by groping her _ISD jugs while slamming his cock between them causing Troy to gasp and moan louder.
  "Take it all you fucking slut! I'm going to fuck your tits raw before shooting my load off over those fucking huge milk jugs!" bellows the Infested as he pinches Troy's nipples while fucking her epic breasts. Troy can't even form a sentence any more as her mews of pleasure fill the alllyway.
  "Yeah! Give it to her good, you big fucker!" moans the smaller Male to the other Infested as he rails his cock deep inside of Troy's wet cunt even harder causing Troy to moan even louder. The Infested Bruiser reacts by speeding up his tit-fucking causing the tip of his huge cock to slap into Troy's lust filled face repeatedly.
  The Bruiser's pace reaches a frenzied peak at he bellows "Here it cums, bitch! I'm shooting my fucking load all over ya face and tits!" There's one last twitch from his monster cock before a firehose worth of cum explodes from his dick that splashes all over Troy's _ISD tits and moaning face. The Infested's orgasm seems to last forever as stream after steam of white goo shoots out coating her _ICup breasts a slimy white.
  Not to be left out the smaller Male yells loudly "I'm cumming too! SUCK DOWN MY CREAMPIE YOU WHORE!" as his cock overfills Troy's abused pussy before splashing down below on the ground. The smaller Male pulls out his 8-inch cock out before stroking it hard while moving towards Troy's head. Within seconds he's launching strands all over Troy's soaked face and expanded tits adding to the other Infested's cum.
  Deciding there was no way you could defeat two Infested at once you stay back at the entrance to the allyway. At least this way you can keep an eye out in case they decide to do more than just assault Troy. It takes you a couple of minutes to find a spot to hide and by the time you turn back to see what's going on the action has already started!
  Nurse Troy is lying on her back with the Infested Futa already pounding away at her pussy with her huge futa-cock while the Infested Male is thrusting his massive dick into her mouth. Troy's nipples are rock hard on top of her _OSD breasts and her shapely legs are wrapped around the Futa's back forcing her to fuck her deeper. Her muffled moans of pleasure can be heard even where you are hiding near the entrance to the allyway.
  Looking down at Troy, the Infested Bruiser growls as he roughly fondles her _OSD breasts. "Look at these tiny tits! I'm barely hard having my cock sucked by some bitch with such pathetic tits!" he says with disdain. The displeasure he shows doesn't stop him from continuing to thrust his massive cock into her eager mouth.
  "I don't know...They kind of look cute. Not as big as my GG-Cup tits but still decent." the Futa says while pausing her hard fucking for a moment causing a muffled protest from Troy. Seeing the other Infested's scrowl the Futa sighs before pulling a can out of her purse. Tossing it to the Infested Bruiser she says "Here, feed the whore this, OK?" before returning to slamming her thick futa-cock into Troy's dripping wet pussy.
  Pulling his massive dick out of Troy's mouth, the Infested opened the can after taking a quick look at the label. "Drink up you little bitch! It's time for you get some real breasts!" Troy didn't even have time to respond before the can was emptied down her panting throat.
  For a brief moment nothing happens. Suddenly Troy lets out a erotic moan as her breasts slowly start to expand and grow. Seemingly in shock, she reaches up and grabs her growing jugs. Over the course of a minute they grew from _OCup size to a whopping pair of _ISD _ICup tits! Her breasts are so big her hands don't even cover them!
  Both of the Infested paused as they eagerly watched Troy's tranformation. The Futa is the first to respond "So those are some rather big tits. Good enough for you, big guy?" before resuming her hard fucking causing Troy's _ISD tits to bounce and jiggle wildly.
  "That's what I'm talking about! Big fucking tits on a horny slut! Big enough for me to want to fuck them hard with my massive meat rod!" he yells as he mounts Troy's chest with his massive cock eager to be buried between her tits. He doesn't waste any time as he shoves Troy's hands away from exploring her _ISD breasts and wraps her <<Breasts>> around his throbbing cock.
  Troy moans loudly as the Bruiser starts to fuck her big jiggly tits. "My tits are so fucking huge! Fuck! They feel so good! Please! Keep tit-fucking me hard with your big cock!" she gasps huskily as the Infested pounds away at her expanded chest. The Infested responds by groping her _ISD jugs while slamming his cock between them causing Troy to gasp and moan louder.
  "Take it all you fucking slut! I'm going to fuck your tits raw before shooting my load off over those fucking huge milk jugs!" bellows the Infested as he pinches Troy's nipples while fucking her epic breasts. Troy can't even form a sentence any more as her mews of pleasure fill the alllyway.
  "Yeah! Give it to her good, you big fucker!" moans the Futa to the other Infested as she rails her futa-cock deep inside of Troy's wet cunt even harder causing Troy to moan even louder. The Infested Bruiser reacts by speeding up his tit-fucking causing the tip of his huge cock to slap into Troy's lust filled face repeatedly.
  The Bruiser's pace reaches a frenzied peak at he bellows "Here it cums, bitch! I'm shooting my fucking load all over ya face and tits!" There's one last twitch from his monster cock before a firehose worth of cum explodes from his dick that splashes all over Troy's _ISD tits and moaning face. The Infested's orgasm seems to last forever as stream after steam of white goo shoots out coating her _ICup breasts a slimy white.
  Not to be left out the Futa yells loudly "I'm cumming too! SUCK DOWN MY CREAMPIE YOU WHORE!" as her futa-cock overfills Troy's abused pussy before splashing down below on the ground. The Futa pulls her 8-inch cock out before stroking it hard while moving towards Troy's head. Within seconds she's launching strands all over Troy's soaked face and expanded tits adding to the other Infested's cum.
<<if _Caught is 0>>\
  The two Infested stand up and walk away looking for their next victim without any thought to Troy whose lying semi-conscious in a giant puddle of cum. From where you are hiding you can tell she's just exhausted but there doesn't look to be any permenant injury. Deciding that you don't want to explain that you just watched while she was assaulted you slink away back to the proper suburbs.
  The two Infested stand up and walk away looking for their next victim without any thought to Troy whose lying dazed in a giant puddle of cum. From where you are hiding you can tell she's just exhausted but there doesn't look to be any permenant injury. As you stand up to leave you notice Troy looking in your direction! Deciding that you don't want to explain that you just watched while she was assaulted you slink away back to the proper suburbs.
<<button [[Leave|$location.temp]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</button>><<set $sexHistory.XP to $sexHistory.XP +1>>\
<<set $LastPartner to $npcTroy>>\
  You slowly strip out of your clothes while the drop deady sexy nurse waches you closely. Her gaze instantly locks onto your half-mast $DickSize cock and she sensually licks her lips in response. As you settle down on the medical gurney your cock is still presenting itself as it finishes hardening. Bending over she places a stethoscope against your chest while her epic chest squishes into your face blocking your vision except for what you can see of her two rather _ISD tits!
  "Looks like your lungs are doing good and you don't look to have any issues with your chest, so, now it's time to check your 'blood pressure' by taking a taste of that yummy cock you're packing." she comments sultrily while putting the stethoscope away between her _ICup breasts. Bending over she lowers her plump lips down and takes your whole cock into your mouth!
<<if $nurseEvent.DickSize < $PC.DickSize>>\
  You let out a involuntary moan as her lips wraps around your hard dick. She slowly bobs her head up and down on your rock hard dick while her _ISD jugs are squishing against your hard chest with each bob. "Oh fuck! It looks like your meat rod has grown a bit since last time! That's fucking awesome! Your $DickSD cock will need a very close and long inspection." she says after coming up for air while stroking your pre-cum weaping cock. She quickly returns to giving you a very sloppy blowjob while resting her soft chest on your hard chest. The feeling of having your hard dick sucked hard by a sexy nurse is turning you on as your cock leaks even more pre-cum down her eager throat.
<<elseif $nurseEvent.DickSize > $PC.DickSize>>\
  You let out a involuntary moan as her lips wraps around your hard dick. She slowly bobs her head up and down on your rock hard dick while her _ISD jugs are squishing against your hard chest with each bob. "Oh shit! It looks like your meat rod has shunk a bit since last time! That's a real shame. Your $DickSD will need a very close and long inspection." she says after coming up for air while stroking your pre-cum weaping cock. She quickly returns to giving you a very sloppy blowjob while resting her soft chest on your hard chest. The feeling of having your hard dick sucked hard by a sexy nurse is turning you on as your cock leaks even more pre-cum down her eager throat.
  You let out a involuntary moan as her lips wraps around your hard dick. She slowly bobs her head up and down on your rock hard dick while her _ISD jugs are squishing against your hard chest with each bob. "Yummy! It looks like your meat rod is looking so good and tasty! I bet it will be perfect for what comes next. Your $DickSD cock will need a very close and long inspection." she says after coming up for air while stroking your pre-cum weaping cock. She quickly returns to giving you a very sloppy blowjob while resting her soft chest on your hard chest. The feeling of having your hard dick sucked hard by a sexy nurse is turning you on as your cock leaks even more pre-cum down her eager throat.
  After releasing your throbbing cock from her perfect lips she says "I believe you're going to really enjoy the true method of checking your blood pressure." as she straightens up causing her _ISD breasts to bounce. You're about to protest her leaving you blue-balled but she quickly mounts you in the cow-girl position with her wet pussy directly above your throbbing cock. "I'm going to ride your $DickSize cock, $PC.FirstName, until you blow your hot gooey wad deep into my eager cunt!" she moans as she slowly hilts your $DickSD cock into her tight cunt!
  Her pussy is so tight and warm you can't help but moan in pleasure. Troy quickly starts to slide up and down on your $DickSize meat staff causing her _ICup tits to jiggle and bouce above you. "Your cock feels so good inside my wet pussy! I can feel your throbbing meat getting harder as it pumps more and more blood. Soon you're going to shooting your hot load deep inside me, filling my hot cunt with your potent seed!
  "Oh fuck! Your pussy feels so good, Troy! I can't believe my cock is buried so deep in your tight pussy!" you moan lustfully as Troy pumps your $DickSD <<Penis>> over and over again, causing your $BallsSize full balls to churn as they prepare to unleash your sperm. Reaching up you fondle Troy's amazingly _ISD tits as they bouce close enough to grab. They feel so soft and jiggly as your hands sink into her titty flesh. Troy responds to your groping by moaning louder and her bouncing speeds up. Troy's frantic cow-girl fucking is pushing you to your limits as you yell "Fuckkk! Oh shit! I'm about to cum!"
  Troy shoves her tits into your face as she slams her pussy down hard onto your throbbing cock! That is enough to push you over the edge as your feel your $BallsSD balls pulse one last time before you blast Troy's tight pussy with a $CumAD flood of hot cum! <<if $Cum.Stored < 11>> Troy seems a bit dissapointed by the $CumAD amount of cum you unleashed as she grinds her hips against your cock, trying to coax more cum from your empty balls.<<elseif $Cum.Stored > 10 and $Cum.Stored < 21>> Troy seems happy by the $CumAD amount of cum you unleashed as she slowly grinds her hips against your cock, trying to coax just a little bit more cum from your empty balls.<<else>> Troy seems estatic by the $CumAD amount of cum you unleashed as her pussy overflows from the amount of cum your shot into her. She quickly gathers all that leaked out before licking it all down.<</if>>
<<set $sexHistory.XP to $sexHistory.XP +1>>\
<<set $LastPartner to $npcTroy>>\
<<set _OCup to _ICup>>\
<<set _OSD to _ICup>>\
<<if $Infestation.MilkProgress > 0 or $Milk.Stored > 0>>\
<<set _Breasts to "Milk">>\
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$npcTroy.BreastsSize+2]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$npcTroy.BreastsSize+2]>>
<<elseif $StatusAffect.SiliconeB > 5>>\
<<set _Breasts to "Silicone">>\
<<set _Breasts to "Natural">>\
<<if $nurseEvent.BreastsSize < $PC.BreastsSize>>\
<<set _Size to "Bigger">>\
<<elseif $nurseEvent.BreastsSize > $PC.BreastsSize>>\
<<set _Size to "Smaller">>\
<<set _Size to "Same">>\
<<if $PC.BreastsSize + ($GeneralFeats.FalseRep *2) > $npcTroy.BreastsSize>>\
<<set _Compare to "Bigger">>\
<<elseif $PC.BreastsSize + ($GeneralFeats.FalseRep *2) < $npcTroy.BreastsSize>>\
<<set _Compare to "Smaller">>\
<<set _Compare to "Same">>\
  You slowly strip out of your clothes while the drop deady sexy nurse waches you closely. Her gaze instantly locks onto your half-mast $DickSize cock before staring at your $BreastsSize tits. As you settle down on the medical gurney your dick is still presenting itself as it finishes hardening and your wet cunt drips on the bed. Bending over she places a stethoscope against your bare chest while her epic chest squishes into your face blocking your vision except for what you can see of her two rather _OSD tits! While listening to your breathing she starts to fondle your $BreastSD breasts. At your aroused moan she huskily says "Your tits look so juicy and tasty, $PC.FirstName. I just want grope and fondle them so much..." as she continues to give them a very thorough groping while smirking at your aroused moaning.
<<switch _Size>>\
<<case "Bigger">>\
<<switch _Breasts>>\
<<case "Milk">>\
  "Oh fuck yes! Your titties have grown so big, much bigger since than last time I got to play with them! Give me a moment to check out your bigger $BreastsSize jugs, $PC.FirstName!" she says as she squeezes your $BreastSD tits and as she does so a $MilkAD squirt of milk shoots out. She gasps as the $MilkAD flow of milk continues to flow out as she pinches your leaking nipples. "Oh wow! It looks like your $BreastSD mommy milkers are actually filled with delicious smelling milk! I have to take a taste of those sweet leaking tits!" she says before bending down to suck on your milky nipples. The feeling of having your milk-filled breasts sucked on by such a sexy nurse is turning you on as your pussy leaks even more girl fluids onto the bed and your rock hard cock is starting to leak pre-cum.
  Coming up for some air, Nurse Troy gasps as she grabs her impressive chest. "Oh my!" she moans as her tits slowly start to expand! It doesn't take long before her breasts have grown to _ISD _ICup milkers as droplets of creamy milk drip from her hard nipples! "That's so amazing! I can feel all that delicious milk filling up my big titties!" she moans as she plays with her _ISD milkjugs.
<<case "Silicone">>\
  "Oh fuck yes! Your silicone-filled titties have gotten so much bigger than last time I got to play with them! So big and firm with that perfect roundness that all fake tits have! Give me a moment to check out some of the best tits a person can buy, $PC.FirstName!" she says huskily as she squeezes your $BreastSD tits causing you you to moan loudly. She slowly bends down even more in order to take your hard nipple into her mouth and proceeds to suck on your rock hard nipple. The feeling of having your firm breasts played with by such a sexy nurse is turning you on as your pussy leaks even more girl fluids onto the bed and your rock hard cock is starting to leak pre-cum.
<<case "Natural">>\
  "Oh fuck yes! Your nice titties have grown bigger since than last time I got to play with them! Give me a moment to check out your bigger $BreastsSize jugs, $PC.FirstName!" she says huskily as she squeezes your $BreastSD tits causing you you to moan loudly. She slowly bends down even more in order to take your hard nipple into her mouth and proceeds to suck on your hard nipple. The feeling of having your sensitive breasts played with by such a sexy nurse is turning you on as your pussy leaks even more girl fluids onto the bed and your rock hard cock is starting to leak pre-cum.
<<case "Smaller">>\
<<switch _Breasts>>\
<<case "Milk">>\
  "Oh no! It looks like your tits have somehow became smaller! I can't believe they much they shrank since than last time I got to play with them... Give me a moment to check out your soft $BreastsSize jugs, $PC.FirstName." she says as she squeezes your $BreastSD tits and as she does so a $MilkAD squirt of milk shoots out. She gasps as the $MilkAD flow of milk continues to flow out as she pinches your leaking nipples. "Oh wow! It looks like your $BreastSD mommy milkers are actually filled with delicious smelling milk! Could that be why they shrunk, due to someone drinking all your milk? I have to take a taste of those sweet leaking tits before someone else drinks it all!" she says before bending down to suck on your milky nipples. The feeling of having your milk-filled breasts sucked on by such a sexy nurse is turning you on as your pussy leaks even more girl fluids onto the bed and your rock hard cock is starting to leak pre-cum.
  Coming up for some air, Nurse Troy gasps as she grabs her impressive chest. "Oh my!" she moans as her tits slowly start to expand! It doesn't take long before her breasts have grown to _ISD _ICup milkers as droplets of creamy milk drip from her hard nipples! "That's so amazing! I can feel all that delicious milk filling up my big titties!" she moans as she plays with her _ISD milkjugs.
<<case "Silicone">>\
  "Oh no! It looks like your tits have somehow became smaller since the last time I got to play with them! Did you not like your bigger breasts and get some size reduction surgery? Well anyways, give me a moment to check out your firm $BreastsSize jugs, $PC.FirstName." she says huskily as she squeezes your $BreastSD tits causing you you to moan loudly. She slowly bends down even more in order to take your hard nipple into her mouth and proceeds to suck on your rock hard nipple. The feeling of having your firm breasts played with by such a sexy nurse is turning you on as your pussy leaks even more girl fluids onto the bed and your rock hard cock is starting to leak pre-cum.
<<case "Natural">>\
  "Oh no! It looks like your tits have somehow became smaller since the last time I got to play with them! Did your milkshake jugs wear off? Well anyways, give me a moment to check out your firm $BreastsSize jugs, $PC.FirstName." she says huskily as she squeezes your $BreastSD tits causing you you to moan loudly. She slowly bends down even more in order to take your hard nipple into her mouth and proceeds to suck on your hard nipple. The feeling of having your sensitive breasts played with by such a sexy nurse is turning you on as your pussy leaks even more girl fluids onto the bed and your rock hard cock is starting to leak pre-cum.
<<case "Same">>\
<<switch _Compare>>\
<<case "Bigger">>\
<<switch _Breasts>>\
<<case "Milk">>\
  "Your tits are so fucking $BreastSD! I can't believe your full your milk jugs must be in order to have your $BreastsSize breasts to be bigger than my _OSD _OCup tits! They are so soft and tasty and I love how they feel!" she huskily says before bending over in order to suck on your leaking nipples while groping your $BreastSD milk-filled tits. The feeling of having your breasts played with by such a sexy nurse is turning you on as your pussy leaks even more girl fluids onto the bed and your rock hard cock is starting to leak pre-cum.
  Coming up for some air, Nurse Troy gasps as she grabs her impressive chest. "Oh my!" she moans as her tits slowly start to expand! It doesn't take long before her breasts have grown to _ISD _ICup milkers as droplets of creamy milk drip from her hard nipples! "That's so amazing! I can feel all that delicious milk filling up my big titties!" she moans as she plays with her _ISD milkjugs.
<<case "Silicone">>\
  "Your tits are so fucking $BreastSD! I can't believe how much silicone must have been pumped into them be in order to get your $BreastsSize jugs to be bigger than my _ISD _ICup tits! They are firm and round and I love how they feel!" she huskily says before bending over in order to suck on your diamond hard nipples while groping your $BreastSD fake tits. The feeling of having your breasts played with by such a sexy nurse is turning you on as your pussy leaks even more girl fluids onto the bed and your rock hard cock is starting to leak pre-cum.
<<case "Natural">>\
  "Your tits are so fucking $BreastSD! I can't believe your $BreastsSize jugs are actually bigger than my _ISD _ICup tits! They are bouncy and jiggly and I love how they feel!" she huskily says before bending over in order to suck on your hard nipples while groping your $BreastSD tits. The feeling of having your breasts played with by such a sexy nurse is turning you on as your pussy leaks even more girl fluids onto the bed and your rock hard cock is starting to leak pre-cum.
<<case "Smaller">>\
<<switch _Breasts>>\
<<case "Milk">>\
  "Your tits are so fucking $BreastSD! Your milk jugs must be in so full for your tits to be $BreastsSize size. Can you imagine how much milk you would have if your mommy milkers were the size of my _OSD _OCup tits? Imagine trying to hold in all that milk in a pair of _OCup breasts!" she huskily says while listening to your moans of pleasure. She smiles lustfully before bending over in order to suck on your leaking nipples while groping your $BreastSD milk-filled tits. The feeling of having your breasts played with by such a sexy nurse is turning you on as your pussy leaks even more girl fluids onto the bed and your rock hard cock is starting to leak pre-cum.
  Coming up for some air, Nurse Troy gasps as she grabs her impressive chest. "Oh my!" she moans as her tits slowly start to expand! It doesn't take long before her breasts have grown to _ISD _ICup milkers as droplets of creamy milk drip from her hard nipples! "That's so amazing! I can feel all that delicious milk filling up my big titties!" she moans as she plays with her _ISD milkjugs.
<<case "Silicone">>\
  "Your tits are so fucking $BreastSD! Your breasts must be overfilled with silicone for your tits to be $BreastsSize size! Can you imagine how much silicone it would take to get your fake tits to the size of my _ISD _ICup tits? Imagine all that silicone being pumped into your breasts as they slowly expand to _ICup size!" she huskily says while listening to your moans of pleasure. She smiles lustfully before bending over in order to suck on your diamond hard nipples while groping your $BreastSD fake tits. The feeling of having your breasts played with by such a sexy nurse is turning you on as your pussy leaks even more girl fluids onto the bed and your rock hard cock is starting to leak pre-cum.
<<case "Natural">>\
  "Your tits are so $BreastSD! I love how soft they feel and how perky they are. But could you imagine if you had breasts the size of my _ISD _ICup tits? How big and heavy they would be and how much they would bounce while riding on a nice large cock?" she huskily says while listening to your moans of pleasure. She smiles lustfully before bending over in order to suck on your hard nipples while groping your $BreastSD tits. The feeling of having your breasts played with by such a sexy nurse is turning you on as your pussy leaks even more girl fluids onto the bed and your rock hard cock is starting to leak pre-cum.
<<case "Same">>\
<<switch _Breasts>>\
<<case "Milk">>\
  "Your tits are so amazingly $BreastSD! Your milk jugs must be in so full for your tits to be be matching my _ISD _ICup tits in size! I could only imagine what it feels like holding all that milk that you're carrying in my pair of _ICup breasts!" she huskily says while listening to your moans of pleasure. She smiles lustfully before bending over in order to suck on your leaking nipples while groping your $BreastSD milk-filled tits. The feeling of having your breasts played with by such a sexy nurse is turning you on as your pussy leaks even more girl fluids onto the bed and your rock hard cock is starting to leak pre-cum.
  Coming up for some air, Nurse Troy gasps as she grabs her impressive chest. "Oh my!" she moans as her tits slowly start to expand! It doesn't take long before her breasts have grown to _ISD _ICup milkers as droplets of creamy milk drip from her hard nipples! "That's so amazing! I can feel all that delicious milk filling up my big titties!" she moans as she plays with her _ISD milkjugs.
<<case "Silicone">>\
  "Your fake tits are so amazingly $BreastSD! Your fucking breasts must be overfilled with silicone for your jugs to be the same size as my _ISD _ICup breasts! I could only imagine what it feels like having your tits filled up with so much silicone that you're matching my pair of _ICup tits!" she huskily says while listening to your moans of pleasure. She smiles lustfully before bending over in order to suck on your diamond hard nipples while groping your $BreastSD fake tits. The feeling of having your breasts played with by such a sexy nurse is turning you on as your pussy leaks even more girl fluids onto the bed and your rock hard cock is starting to leak pre-cum.
<<case "Natural">>\
  "Your tits are so amazingly $BreastSD! I can't believe how your big breasts look to be be matching my _ISD _ICup tits in size! I don't know how you got them that big but I bet you're loving having these $BreastSD tits just as much as I am!" she huskily says while listening to your moans of pleasure. She smiles lustfully before bending over in order to suck on your hard nipples while groping your $BreastSD jiggly tits. The feeling of having your breasts played with by such a sexy nurse is turning you on as your pussy leaks even more girl fluids onto the bed and your rock hard cock is starting to leak pre-cum.
  Glancing down at your futa-cock, Troy sultrily says "Looks like your tits are doing just fine, so now it's time to check your 'blood pressure' by taking a taste of that yummy cock you're packing." With a smirk she puts away her stethoscope between her _ICup breasts before giving your $NippleSize nipples one last tweak. Stepping to the end of the medical bed, she lowers her plump lips down and takes your whole cock into her mouth!
<<if $nurseEvent.DickSize < $PC.DickSize>>\
  You let out a deep groan as her lips wraps around your hard dick. She slowly bobs her head up and down on your rock hard dick while her _ISD jugs jiggle along with her blowjob. "Oh fuck! It looks like your futa meat staff has grown a bit since last time! That's fucking awesome! Your $DickSD cock will need a very close and long inspection." she says after coming up for air while stroking your pre-cum weaping cock. She quickly returns to giving you a very sloppy blowjob. The feeling of having your hard dick sucked hard by a sexy nurse is turning you on as your cock leaks even more pre-cum down her eager throat while your neglected pussy drips below.
<<elseif $nurseEvent.DickSize > $PC.DickSize>>\
  You let out a deep moan as her lips wraps around your hard dick. She slowly bobs her head up and down on your rock hard dick while her _ISD jugs jiggle along with her blowjob. "Oh shit! It looks like your futa meat stick has shunk a bit since last time! That's a real shame, maybe I can help blow some life into your poor cock! Your $DickSD will need a very close and long inspection." she says after coming up for air while stroking your pre-cum weaping cock. She quickly returns to giving you a very sloppy blowjob. The feeling of having your hard dick sucked hard by a sexy nurse is turning you on as your cock leaks even more pre-cum down her eager throat while your neglected pussy drips below.
  You let out a involuntary moan as her plump lips wraps around your hard dick. She slowly bobs her head up and down on your rock hard dick while her _ISD jiggle along with her blowjob. "Yummy! It looks like your futa meat rod is looking so good and tasty! I bet it will be perfect for what's next on the examination. Your $DickSD cock will need a very close and long inspection." she says after coming up for air while stroking your pre-cum weaping cock. She quickly returns to giving you a very sloppy blowjob. The feeling of having your hard dick sucked hard by a sexy nurse is turning you on as your cock leaks even more pre-cum down her eager throat while your neglected pussy drips below.
  After releasing your throbbing futa-cock from her perfect lips she says "I believe you're going to really enjoy the true method of checking your blood pressure." as she straightens up causing her _ISD breasts to bounce. You're about to protest her leaving you blue-balled but she quickly mounts you in the cow-girl position with her wet pussy directly above your throbbing cock. "I'm going to ride your $DickSize cock, $PC.FirstName, until you blow your wad deep into my eager cunt!" she moans as she slowly hilts your $DickSD cock into her tight cunt!
  Her pussy is so tight and warm you can't help but moan in pleasure. Troy quickly starts to slide up and down on your $DickSize meat staff causing her _ICup tits to jiggle and bouce above you while using your $BreastSD tits to brace herself. "Your futa-cock feels so good inside my wet pussy! I can feel your throbbing meat getting harder as it pumps more and more blood. Soon you're going to shooting your hot gooey load deep inside me, filling my hot cunt with your potent seed! It's too bad I don't have a futa-cock of my own or I could fuck your wet pussy instead!"
  "Oh fuck! Your pussy feels so good, Troy! I can't believe my cock is buried so deep in your tight pussy!" you moan lustfully as Troy pumps your $DickSD <<Penis>> over and over again, causing your $BallsSize full balls to churn as they prepare to unleash your sperm. Reaching up you return the favor by fondling Troy's amazingly _ISD tits as she fondles your full breasts. They feel so soft and jiggly as your hands sink into her titty flesh. Troy responds to your groping by moaning louder and her bouncing speeds up. Troy's frantic cow-girl fucking is pushing you to your limits as you yell "Fuckkk! Oh shit! I'm about to cum! FUCKKKK!"
  Troy shoves her tits into your own tits as she slams her pussy down hard onto your throbbing cock! That is enough to push you over the edge as your feel your $BallsSD balls pulse one last time before you blast Troy's tight pussy with a $CumAD flood of hot cum and seconds later your pussy sprays a $CumAD amount of girl-cum all over the medical bed! <<if $Cum.Stored < 11>> Troy seems a bit dissapointed by the $CumAD amount of cum you unleashed as she grinds her hips against your cock, trying to coax more cum from your empty balls.<<elseif $Cum.Stored > 10 and $Cum.Stored < 21>> Troy seems happy by the $CumAD amount of cum you unleashed as she slowly grinds her hips against your cock, trying to coax just a little bit more cum from your empty balls.<<else>> Troy seems estatic by the $CumAD amount of cum you unleashed as her pussy overflows from the amount of cum your shot into her. She quickly gathers all that leaked out before licking it all down.<</if>>
<<set $sexHistory.XP to $sexHistory.XP +1>>\
<<set $LastPartner to $npcTroy>>\
<<set _OCup to _ICup>>\
<<set _OSD to _ICup>>\
<<if $Infestation.MilkProgress > 0 or $Milk.Stored > 0>>\
<<set _Breasts to "Milk">>\
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$npcTroy.BreastsSize+2]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$npcTroy.BreastsSize+2]>>
<<elseif $StatusAffect.SiliconeB > 5>>\
<<set _Breasts to "Silicone">>\
<<set _Breasts to "Natural">>\
<<if $nurseEvent.BreastsSize < $PC.BreastsSize>>\
<<set _Size to "Bigger">>\
<<elseif $nurseEvent.BreastsSize > $PC.BreastsSize>>\
<<set _Size to "Smaller">>\
<<set _Size to "Same">>\
<<if $PC.BreastsSize > $npcTroy.BreastsSize>>\
<<set _Compare to "Bigger">>\
<<elseif $PC.BreastsSize < $npcTroy.BreastsSize>>\
<<set _Compare to "Smaller">>\
<<set _Compare to "Same">>\
  You slowly strip out of your clothes while the drop deady sexy nurse waches you closely. Her gaze instantly locks onto your wet pussy before staring lustfully at your $BreastsSize tits. As you settle down on the medical gurney your wet cunt drips on the bed. Bending over she places a stethoscope against your bare chest while her epic chest squishes into your face blocking part of your vision except for what you can see of her two rather _OSD tits! While listening to your breathing she starts to fondle your $BreastSD breasts. At your aroused moan she huskily says "Your tits look so juicy and tasty, $PC.FirstName. I just want grope and fondle them so much..." as she continues to give them a very thorough groping while smirking at your aroused moaning.
<<switch _Size>>\
<<case "Bigger">>\
<<switch _Breasts>>\
<<case "Milk">>\
  "Oh fuck yes! Your titties have grown so big, much bigger since than last time I got to play with them! Give me a moment to check out your bigger $BreastsSize jugs, $PC.FirstName!" she says as she squeezes your $BreastSD tits and as she does so a $MilkAD squirt of milk shoots out. She gasps as the $MilkAD flow of milk continues to flow out as she pinches your leaking nipples. "Oh wow! It looks like your $BreastSD mommy milkers are actually filled with delicious smelling milk! I have to take a taste of those sweet leaking tits!" she says before bending down to suck on your milky nipples. The feeling of having your milk-filled breasts sucked on by such a sexy nurse is turning you on as your pussy leaks even more fluid onto the bed.
  Coming up for some air, Nurse Troy gasps as she grabs her impressive chest. "Oh my!" she moans as her tits slowly start to expand! It doesn't take long before her breasts have grown to _ISD _ICup milkers as droplets of creamy milk drip from her hard nipples! "That's so amazing! I can feel all that delicious milk filling up my big titties!" she moans as she plays with her _ISD milkjugs.
<<case "Silicone">>\
  "Oh fuck yes! Your silicone-filled titties have gotten so much bigger than last time I got to play with them! So big and firm with that perfect roundness that all fake tits have! Give me a moment to check out some of the best tits a person can buy, $PC.FirstName!" she says huskily as she squeezes your $BreastSD tits causing you you to moan loudly. She slowly bends down even more in order to take your hard nipple into her mouth and proceeds to suck on your rock hard nipple. The feeling of having your firm breasts played with by such a sexy nurse is turning you on as your pussy leaks even more fluid onto the bed.
<<case "Natural">>\
  "Oh fuck yes! Your nice titties have grown bigger since than last time I got to play with them! Give me a moment to check out your bigger $BreastsSize jugs, $PC.FirstName!" she says huskily as she squeezes your $BreastSD tits causing you you to moan loudly. She slowly bends down even more in order to take your hard nipple into her mouth and proceeds to suck on your hard nipple. The feeling of having your sensitive breasts played with by such a sexy nurse is turning you on as your pussy leaks even more fluid onto the bed.
<<case "Smaller">>\
<<switch _Breasts>>\
<<case "Milk">>\
  "Oh no! It looks like your tits have somehow became smaller! I can't believe they much they shrank since than last time I got to play with them... Give me a moment to check out your soft $BreastsSize jugs, $PC.FirstName." she says as she squeezes your $BreastSD tits and as she does so a $MilkAD squirt of milk shoots out. She gasps as the $MilkAD flow of milk continues to flow out as she pinches your leaking nipples. "Oh wow! It looks like your $BreastSD mommy milkers are actually filled with delicious smelling milk! Could that be why they shrunk, due to someone drinking all your milk? I have to take a taste of those sweet leaking tits before someone else drinks it all!" she says before bending down to suck on your milky nipples. The feeling of having your milk-filled breasts sucked on by such a sexy nurse is turning you on as your pussy leaks even more girl fluids onto the bed.
  Coming up for some air, Nurse Troy gasps as she grabs her impressive chest. "Oh my!" she moans as her tits slowly start to expand! It doesn't take long before her breasts have grown to _ISD _ICup milkers as droplets of creamy milk drip from her hard nipples! "That's so amazing! I can feel all that delicious milk filling up my big titties!" she moans as she plays with her _ISD milkjugs.
<<case "Silicone">>\
  "Oh no! It looks like your tits have somehow became smaller since the last time I got to play with them! Did you not like your bigger breasts and get some size reduction surgery? Well anyways, give me a moment to check out your firm $BreastsSize jugs, $PC.FirstName." she says huskily as she squeezes your $BreastSD tits causing you you to moan loudly. She slowly bends down even more in order to take your hard nipple into her mouth and proceeds to suck on your rock hard nipple. The feeling of having your firm breasts played with by such a sexy nurse is turning you on as your pussy leaks even more girl fluids onto the bed.
<<case "Natural">>\
  "Oh no! It looks like your tits have somehow became smaller since the last time I got to play with them! Did your milkshake jugs wear off? Well anyways, give me a moment to check out your firm $BreastsSize jugs, $PC.FirstName." she says huskily as she squeezes your $BreastSD tits causing you you to moan loudly. She slowly bends down even more in order to take your hard nipple into her mouth and proceeds to suck on your hard nipple. The feeling of having your sensitive breasts played with by such a sexy nurse is turning you on as your pussy leaks even more girl fluids onto the bed.
<<case "Same">>\
<<switch _Compare>>\
<<case "Bigger">>\
<<switch _Breasts>>\
<<case "Milk">>\
  "Your tits are so fucking $BreastSD! I can't believe your full your milk jugs must be in order to have your $BreastsSize breasts to be bigger than my _OSD _OCup tits! They are so soft and tasty and I love how they feel!" she huskily says before bending over in order to suck on your leaking nipples while groping your $BreastSD milk-filled tits. The feeling of having your breasts played with by such a sexy nurse is turning you on as your pussy leaks even more girl fluids onto the bed.
  Coming up for some air, Nurse Troy gasps as she grabs her impressive chest. "Oh my!" she moans as her tits slowly start to expand! It doesn't take long before her breasts have grown to _ISD _ICup milkers as droplets of creamy milk drip from her hard nipples! "That's so amazing! I can feel all that delicious milk filling up my big titties!" she moans as she plays with her _ISD milkjugs.
<<case "Silicone">>\
  "Your tits are so fucking $BreastSD! I can't believe how much silicone must have been pumped into them be in order to get your $BreastsSize jugs to be bigger than my _ISD _ICup tits! They are firm and round and I love how they feel!" she huskily says before bending over in order to suck on your diamond hard nipples while groping your $BreastSD fake tits. The feeling of having your breasts played with by such a sexy nurse is turning you on as your pussy leaks even more girl fluids onto the bed.
<<case "Natural">>\
  "Your tits are so fucking $BreastSD! I can't believe your $BreastsSize jugs are actually bigger than my _ISD _ICup tits! They are bouncy and jiggly and I love how they feel!" she huskily says before bending over in order to suck on your hard nipples while groping your $BreastSD tits. The feeling of having your breasts played with by such a sexy nurse is turning you on as your pussy leaks even more girl fluids onto the bed.
<<case "Smaller">>\
<<switch _Breasts>>\
<<case "Milk">>\
  "Your tits are so fucking $BreastSD! Your milk jugs must be in so full for your tits to be $BreastsSize size. Can you imagine how much milk you would have if your mommy milkers were the size of my _OSD _OCup tits? Imagine trying to hold in all that milk in a pair of _OCup breasts!" she huskily says while listening to your moans of pleasure. She smiles lustfully before bending over in order to suck on your leaking nipples while groping your $BreastSD milk-filled tits. The feeling of having your breasts played with by such a sexy nurse is turning you on as your pussy leaks even more girl fluids onto the bed.
  Coming up for some air, Nurse Troy gasps as she grabs her impressive chest. "Oh my!" she moans as her tits slowly start to expand! It doesn't take long before her breasts have grown to _ISD _ICup milkers as droplets of creamy milk drip from her hard nipples! "That's so amazing! I can feel all that delicious milk filling up my big titties!" she moans as she plays with her _ISD milkjugs.
<<case "Silicone">>\
  "Your tits are so fucking $BreastSD! Your breasts must be overfilled with silicone for your tits to be $BreastsSize size! Can you imagine how much silicone it would take to get your fake tits to the size of my _ISD _ICup tits? Imagine all that silicone being pumped into your breasts as they slowly expand to _ICup size!" she huskily says while listening to your moans of pleasure. She smiles lustfully before bending over in order to suck on your diamond hard nipples while groping your $BreastSD fake tits. The feeling of having your breasts played with by such a sexy nurse is turning you on as your pussy leaks even more girl fluids onto the bed.
<<case "Natural">>\
  "Your tits are so $BreastSD! I love how soft they feel and how perky they are. But could you imagine if you had breasts the size of my _ISD _ICup tits? How big and heavy they would be and how much they would bounce while riding on a nice large cock?" she huskily says while listening to your moans of pleasure. She smiles lustfully before bending over in order to suck on your hard nipples while groping your $BreastSD tits. The feeling of having your breasts played with by such a sexy nurse is turning you on as your pussy leaks even more girl fluids onto the bed.
<<case "Same">>\
<<switch _Breasts>>\
<<case "Milk">>\
  "Your tits are so amazingly $BreastSD! Your milk jugs must be in so full for your tits to be be matching my _OSD _OCup tits in size! I could only imagine what it feels like holding all that milk that you're carrying in my pair of _OCup breasts!" she huskily says while listening to your moans of pleasure. She smiles lustfully before bending over in order to suck on your leaking nipples while groping your $BreastSD milk-filled tits. The feeling of having your breasts played with by such a sexy nurse is turning you on as your pussy leaks even more girl fluids onto the bed.
  Coming up for some air, Nurse Troy gasps as she grabs her impressive chest. "Oh my!" she moans as her tits slowly start to expand! It doesn't take long before her breasts have grown to _ISD _ICup milkers as droplets of creamy milk drip from her hard nipples! "That's so amazing! I can feel all that delicious milk filling up my big titties!" she moans as she plays with her _ISD milkjugs.
<<case "Silicone">>\
  "Your fake tits are so amazingly $BreastSD! Your fucking breasts must be overfilled with silicone for your jugs to be the same size as my _ISD _ICup breasts! I could only imagine what it feels like having your tits filled up with so much silicone that you're matching my pair of _ICup tits!" she huskily says while listening to your moans of pleasure. She smiles lustfully before bending over in order to suck on your diamond hard nipples while groping your $BreastSD fake tits. The feeling of having your breasts played with by such a sexy nurse is turning you on as your pussy leaks even more girl fluids onto the bed.
<<case "Natural">>\
  "Your tits are so amazingly $BreastSD! I can't believe how your big breasts look to be be matching my _ISD _ICup tits in size! I don't know how you got them that big but I bet you're loving having these $BreastSD tits just as much as I am!" she huskily says while listening to your moans of pleasure. She smiles lustfully before bending over in order to suck on your hard nipples while groping your $BreastSD jiggly tits. The feeling of having your breasts played with by such a sexy nurse is turning you on as your pussy leaks even more girl fluids onto the bed.
  Glancing down at your pussy, Troy sultrily says "Looks like your yummy tits are doing just fine, so now it's time to check your 'blood pressure' by taking a taste of that yummy pussy that's dripping all over my bed." With a smirk she puts away her stethoscope between her _ICup breasts before giving your $NippleSize nipples one last tweak. Stepping to the end of the medical bed, she lowers her plump lips down and slips her tongue into your wet pussy.
  You let out a deep moan as her tongue swirls and probes your tight cunt. She slowly bobs her head up and down as she uses her tongue as a mini-cock while her _ISD jugs jiggle along. "Yummy! Your pussy is tasting so delicious and good! I bet it will be perfectly ready for what's next on the examination. " she says after coming up for air while sliding a finger in and out of her weeping cunt. Her finger-banging is causing your pussy's juices to flow even harder and you can't help but moan even louder at the feeling of having your cunt fingered by such a sexy nurse.
  After sliding her slim finger out of your tight pussys she says "I believe you're going to really enjoy the true method of checking your blood pressure." as Troy straightens up causing her _ISD breasts to bounce and jiggle. Wondering what she has planned next, Troy reaches next to the medical bed and pulls out a massive double-ended dildo! "It felt so good to be railed by one of these when an Infested slut caught me unprepared that I had to get one of my very own!" she says huskily as she slowly inserts the thick dildo into her own wet pussy causing her to moan lustfully.
  "Are you really going to fuck m-!" is all you manager to get out before Troy slams her fake cock into your eager pussy! You feel your $BreastSD breasts jiggle from the impact as the medical bed creaks. Nurse Troy just smiles for a moment before pulling back and slamming her double-ended dildo deeper into your tight pussy causing your to moan and gasp.
  "Oh yes! This is, oh fuck yes, a important part of the examination! Oh fuck it feels so good but it's about to feel even better!" she says while moaning. Uncertain what more she could have store for this 'examination', you yell in shock as she flips a switch causing the double-ended dildo to shake and vibrate! Troy herself shudders in pleasure as she isn't immune to the pure pleasure radiating from her pussy. Shaking her head she starts to thrust into your sensitive pussy causing her _ISD tits to sway with each thrust. Your own body is shaking in pleasure from the vibrator causing your own $BreastSD breasts to jiggle as well. It doesn't take long for the vibrating fucking to push you way over your limits as you feel your orgasm coming in hard and fast! "Cum for me, $PC.FirstName! Give me all your cum while being fucked by my fake cock!" Troy whispers in your ear as her thrusting hips never stops.
  "Oh fucking hell! My pussy can't take any more! I'm fucking cumming! FUCKKKK!" you scream as your pussy clenches around the double-ended vibrator. Troy quickly shoves her _ISD chest onto your own $BreastSD tits as she buries her thick dildo deep into your gushing pussy causing your orgasm to hit even harder! You feel a $CumAD flood of girl-cum gush out soaking the dildo completely. <<if $Cum.Stored < 11>> Troy seems a bit dissapointed by the $CumAD amount of cum you unleashed as she grinds her dildo against your pussy, trying to coax more cum from your wet cunt.<<elseif $Cum.Stored > 10 and $Cum.Stored < 21>> Troy seems happy by the $CumAD amount of cum you unleashed as she slowly grinds her dildo against your pussy, trying to coax just a litlle bit more cum from your soaked cunt.<<else>> Troy seems estatic by the $CumAD amount of cum you unleashed as your pussy overflows from the amount of girl-cum your shot all over her dildo.<</if>>
  Pulling her hips back, Troy dives back into your abused pussy in order to suck down all your girl-cum. You are too weak from your orgasm to protest as she quickly finishes cleaning your wet pussy of your cum. Giving you a sly wink she pulls the double-sided dildo out of her pussy before dep throating the end that's covered by your girl-cum. "Delicious!" she happy says after finishing off all the cum from your messy orgasm.
<<set $genericEvent.Image = $eventPath2 + $arrayEvent2FullBodyTits.random() + '.jpg'>>\
<img @src=$genericEvent.Image />
<<set _Agree to 0>>\
<<set _OSD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$npcTroy.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _OCup to $arrayBreastSize[$npcTroy.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ONipple to $arrayNippleSize[$npcTroy.NippleSize]>>\
<<if $nurseEvent.Milk > 0>>
<<set _Agree to 1>>\
<<elseif (random(19) + 1) + $Skill.Social + $CharismaBonus + $npcTroy.Friendship >= 35>>\
<<set _Agree to 1>>\
<<if _Agree is 0>>\
<<set _Breasts to "No">>\
<<elseif $nurseEvent.Milk is 0 and _Agree is 1>>\
<<set _Breasts to "Start">>\
<<elseif $nurseEvent.Milk > 0 and $nurseEvent.Milk < 5>>\
<<set _Breasts to "Middle">>\
<<elseif $nurseEvent.Milk is 5>>\
<<set _Breasts to "End">>\
<<switch _Breasts>>\
<<case "No">>\
<<set $npcTroy.Friendship to $npcTroy.Friendship - 5 + $SocialSkillFeats.WashmyHair>>\
  Sitting down next to the medical bed you take a moment to dig thru your backpack. "So Troy, I was exploring the suburbs and I found something extremely interesting that you might be interested in..." Nurse Troy looks intrigued as you finally find what you're looking for. Gripping the can tightly you hold it up for Troy to easily see the bright pink and white label on it.
  Troy looks shocked and dismayed by the bright pink can. Before you can even say anything she angrily yells "Get that piece of shit out of here, and you as well while your at it!" You are quickly shoved out the door and you hear the door lock behind you!
<div class="pcTalk"><i> Troy sounded extremely upset! Maybe next time I will need to be a better friend in order to help her overcome her trauma... </i></div>
<<case "Start">>\
<<if (random(19) + 1) + $Skill.Social + $CharismaBonus > 15>>\
<<set $npcTroy.Friendship to $npcTroy.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity +2 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set $npcTroy.Friendship to $npcTroy.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity +1 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set $nurseEvent.Milk to $nurseEvent.Milk +1>>\
<<set $npcTroy.BreastsSize to $npcTroy.BreastsSize+2>>\
<<set $npcTroy.NippleSize to $npcTroy.NippleSize+2>>\
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$npcTroy.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$npcTroy.BreastsSize]>>
<<set _INipple to $arrayNippleSize[$npcTroy.NippleSize]>>\
  Sitting down next to the medical bed you take a moment to dig thru your backpack. "So Troy, I was exploring the suburbs and I found something extremely interesting that you might be interested in..." Nurse Troy looks intrigued as you finally find what you're looking for. Gripping the can tightly you hold it up for Troy to easily see the bright pink and white label on it.
  Troy looks shocked as she takes in the soda-like can "Is, is that a can of Milkshake Jugs X-treme? Where did you find it? I only ran across it that one time...." she says as she stares at the can partially in fear but also in desire. She slowly backs away as if scared to be near the can but her body betrays her as her nipples have become hard and her breathing heavy.
  "It was by pure luck that I was across it. I saw it and figured you might want to have it." you say as you put the can on the table next to the medical bed closer to Troy. She stops moving backwards but her eyes are still locked onto the can.
  "Why, why do you think I would want it?" she whispers as continues to stare at the can, her breathing becoming heavier. She hasn't even noticed her top has once again slipped down exposing her diamond hard nipples. Feeling like she needs a slight push to give in to what she truly desires you stand up and step behind Troy.
  Whispering in her ear you softly say "Ever since you ran across those Infested and grew your bigger tits, you've been enjoying them, loving them, using them in every way. You love how everyone stares at your _OSD tits so you flaunt them. Why wouldn't you want to take control by drinking what was once used to take control away from you and making it YOUR choice. Your decision to grow bigger, juicier breasts."
  Troy doesn't directly respond to your voice but she does step closer to the can. She slowly picks it up but her hands shake while holding it. Figuring she needs one last push you step closer to her. Grabbing her _OSD breasts you say softly "Can you imagine your breasts growing bigger? Their great size straining your clothes before forcing them open? Think on how it would feel to have your _OCup jugs fill up with milk, to grow bigger and bigger with each moment? Can you truly deny that?" Troy's hands stop trembling as her fear is replaced by desire. She pulls the can of Milkshake Jugs X-Treme to her plump lips and downs it without hesitation!
  The first thing you notice is Troy's loud moan of pleasure as her hands come up on top of you hands forcing them into her titty flesh, titty flesh that seems to be slowly growing. "Oh my God! I can feel my tits growing bigger and bigger! I can feel the milk filling me up so much!" Troy moans even louder as you can feel her breasts slowly expanding. It feels like with each heart beat another pulse of growth pushes your hands farther away. Her hands are forcing you to grope her growing chest which you are happily doing. Her tits feel so soft as your hands sink deep into her expanding chest while her nipples are as hard as diamonds as you give them a tweak.
  Finally it seems like her breast growth is over except at the last moment you feel a wetness on your fingers! Letting go of her amazing breasts, you pull you fingers back and discover milk dripping from them! Troy tries to spin around but her bigger breasts causes her to lose her balance momentarily.
  Regaining her balance she thrusts out her bare chest directly at you letting you fully see how much she had grown. Her old and smaller _OSD _OCup breasts are now a proper set of _ISD _ICup tits! What's even more amazing is the extremely minor amount milk that is dripping from her nipples! Before you can even think about taking a taste it looks like her breasts have stopped producing milk.
  "Oh shit! I was hoping it would continue...Anyways what do you think of my bigger chest?" she says happily as she cups her _ISD tits. They look amazing as you reach up and give them a fondling. Her soft moans shows that they are even more sensitive than before.
  "They feel great and look great, Troy!" you say letting your grip on her jugs go. Seeing the time on your phone you unfortunately don't have time to really test out her new tits. Picking up your backpack you say "Well I enjoyed helping you out but I need to head on out. I'll see you later and I hope to see your new titties up and closer next time!"
  Before you get to the exit you hear Troy cough to get your attention. She looks a bit nervous as she says "Um, if you find any more cans of Milkshake Jugs X-treme I wouldn't mind trying some more. I mean could you imagine me with an even bigger chest, filled with milk?" You just nod and smile as you head back out to the city.
<<case "Middle">>\
<<if (random(19) + 1) + $Skill.Social + $CharismaBonus > 15>>\
<<set $npcTroy.Friendship to $npcTroy.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity +2 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set $npcTroy.Friendship to $npcTroy.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity +1 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set $nurseEvent.Milk to $nurseEvent.Milk +1>>\
<<set $npcTroy.BreastsSize to $npcTroy.BreastsSize+1>>\
<<set $npcTroy.NippleSize to $npcTroy.NippleSize+1>>\
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$npcTroy.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$npcTroy.BreastsSize]>>
<<set _INipple to $arrayNippleSize[$npcTroy.NippleSize]>>\
<<if $PC.Sex is "Male" and $StatusAffect.Futa < 1>>\
<<set _Sex to "Male">>\
<<elseif $PC.Sex is "Female" and $StatusAffect.Futa < 1>>\
<<set _Sex to "Female">>\
<<set _Sex to "Futa">>\
<<switch _Sex>>\
<<case "Male">>\
  Sitting down next to the medical bed you take a moment to dig thru your backpack. "So Troy, I was once again exploring the suburbs and I found something I know you will be interested in..." Nurse Troy looks excited as you finally find what you're looking for. Gripping the can tightly you hold it up for Troy to easily see the the bright pink and white label on it.
  Troy looks happy as she takes in the soda-like can "Oh my! Where did you find another can of Milkshake Jugs X-treme? I've been keeping an eye out but I haven't seen one anywhere!" she says as she examines the can closely, her obvious excitement showing via her hard nipples that are tenting her skimpy nurse uniform.
  "It was by pure luck that I was across it. I saw it and figured you would want to have it." you say as you toss the can to Troy who easily snags it out of the air.
  "Thank you, $PC.FirstName! How about you plant your $DickSD dick in between my tits so you can feel them as they grow?" she huskily says as she gets on her knees, her _OSD jugs exposed to you. Unable to resist you quickly get undressed and step up with your hard cock pressed against her full breasts.
  Reaching down your grab both of Troy's magnificently heavy tits. They are so big that they easily overfill your hands and you lightly tease her nipples before slowly fondling them.
  Reaching down your grab both of Troy's magnificently heavy tits. They are so big that they easily overfill your hands and you lightly tease her nipples before slowly fondling them. Troy moans lustfully as you play with her jugs while you enjoy the fondling those _OSD fun bags.
  "Ready to feel my breasts pump up nice and big? Cause I sure am!" she says as she eagerly places the can of Milkshake Jugs X-treme to her plump lips. Without waiting for a response, she downs the can in one big gulp. Tossing the can away she licks her lips before giving you a sultry smirk.
  It doesn't take long before the affects of the Milkshake Jugs X-treme kicks in. Slowly her _OSD breasts starts to expand as more and more milk flows into her tits. You can feel her breast flesh growing in your hands as your hard throbbing cock is slowly engulfed by her milk-jugs. Before long her breasts finish growing to a pair of yummy _ISD _ICup tits!
  "Wow! Those are some impressive tits, Troy!" you say as you explore the changes. The growth of titty flesh wasn't as much as the first or even second time she drank a Milk Jug X-treme but it's still a nice improvement. Your caressing and groping causes Troy to let out a throaty moan of pleasure.
  "They feel so sensitive and so big! How about you explore them a little bit closer with your $DickSize beefy cock?" she says huskily as she starts to rub them against your $DickSD dick. Unwilling to refuse her erotic offer, you start to thrust your throbbing <<Penis>> into her jiggly milk jugs.
  It feels so warm and soft that you can't help but moan softly. "Your _ISD milk filled titties feels so fucking good, Troy!" you gasp loudly as you get a steady rhythm going. The way her expanded chest has swallowed your <<Penis>> is so sexy you can't help but to keep fucking those jugs.
  Troy moans lustily as her ample tits bounce with each thrust. "Fuck! My milk jugs feels so gooood! They're so fucking sensitive! Keep going, just like that, $PC.FirstName!" she screams in utter pleasure. Her eyes are locked onto her <<Breasts>> as they jiggle wildly from the hard pounding of your $DickSD cock.
<<case "Futa">>\
  Sitting down next to the medical bed you take a moment to dig thru your backpack. "So Troy, I was once again exploring the suburbs and I found something I know you will be interested in..." Nurse Troy looks excited as you finally find what you're looking for. Gripping the can tightly you hold it up for Troy to easily see the the bright pink and white label on it.
  Troy looks happy as she takes in the soda-like can "Oh my! Where did you find another can of Milkshake Jugs X-treme? I've been keeping an eye out but I haven't seen one anywhere!" she says as she examines the can closely, her obvious excitement showing via her hard nipples that are tenting her skimpy nurse uniform.
  "It was by pure luck that I was across it. I saw it and figured you would want to have it." you say as you toss the can to Troy who easily snags it out of the air.
  "Thank you, $PC.FirstName! How about you plant your $DickSize dick in between my tits so you can feel them as they grow?" she huskily says as she gets on her knees, her _OSD jugs exposed to you. Unable to resist you quickly get undressed and step up with your hard cock pressed against her full breasts.
  Reaching down your grab both of Troy's magnificently heavy tits. They are so big that they easily overfill your hands and you lightly tease her nipples before slowly fondling them. Troy moans lustfully as you play with her jugs while you enjoy the fondling those _OSD fun bags.
  "Ready to feel my breasts pump up nice and big? Cause I sure am!" she says as she eagerly places the can of Milkshake Jugs X-treme to her plump lips. Without waiting for a response, she downs the can in one big gulp. Tossing the can away she licks her lips before giving you a sultry smirk.
  It doesn't take long before the affects of the Milkshake Jugs X-treme kicks in. Slowly her _OSD breasts starts to expand as more and more milk flows into her tits. You can feel her breast flesh growing in your hands as your hard throbbing cock is slowly engulfed by her milk-jugs. Before long her breasts finish growing to a pair of yummy _ISD _ICup tits!
  "Wow! Those are some impressive tits, Troy!" you say as you explore the changes. The growth of titty flesh wasn't as much as the first or even second time she drank a Milk Jug X-treme but it's still a nice improvement. Your caressing and groping causes Troy to let out a throaty moan of pleasure.
  "They feel so sensitive and so big! How about you explore them a little bit closer with your $DickSize beefy futa-cock?" she says huskily as she starts to rub them against your $DickSD dick. Unwilling to refuse her erotic offer, you start to thrust your throbbing futa-dick into her jiggly milk jugs.
  It feels so warm and soft that you can't help but moan softly. "Your _ISD milk filled titties feels so fucking good, Troy!" you gasp loudly as you get a steady rhythm going. The way her expanded chest has swallowed your <<Penis>> is so sexy you can't help but to keep fucking those jugs.
  Troy moans lustily as her ample tits bounce with each thrust. "Fuck! My milk jugs feels so gooood! They're so fucking sensitive! Keep going, just like that, $PC.FirstName!" she screams in utter pleasure. Her eyes are locked onto her <<Breasts>> as they jiggle wildly from the hard pounding of your $DickSD cock.
<<if $nurseEvent.Milk is 2>>\
  As your eager tit-fucking continues, you notice something unusual start to happen with her chest. Thin streams of milk are leaking from her _INipple long nipples! The sight of her _ISD milk-filled jugs streaming milk down her chest turns you on even more as your futa-cock gets even harder. Her creamy milk adds to the pre-cum your <<Penis>> is leaking making her tits even slippier!
<<elseif $nurseEvent.Milk is 3>>\
  As your eager tit-fucking continues, you notice something unusual start to happen with her chest. Steady streams of milk are leaking from her _INipple long nipples! The sight of her _ISD milk-filled jugs streaming a continuous flow of milk down her chest turns you on even more as your futa-cock gets even harder. Her creamy milk adds to the pre-cum your <<Penis>> is leaking making her tits even slippier!
<<elseif $nurseEvent.Milk is 4>>\
  As your eager tit-fucking continues, you notice something unusual start to happen with her chest. Heavy streams of milk are leaking from her _INipple long nipples! The sight of her _ISD milk-filled jugs streaming plenty of milk down her chest turns you on even more as your futa-cock gets even harder. Her creamy milk adds to the pre-cum your <<Penis>> is leaking making her tits even slippier!
  "Oh fuck yes! My breasts are leaking milk again! Fuck it feels soo goood!" she moans loudly as she seems entranced by the sight of her engorged nipples leaking milk. Her hands grab on top of your own hands, forcing you to squeeze her tits even harder. The added pressure on your throbbing futa-cock intensifies the pleasure as your endurance is about to run out.
  You feel your $BallsSD over-filled balls churn and throbb as your climax quickly approaches. "Oh shit! I'm about to fucking cum all over your milky tits!" you yell as your thrusts speed up past the point of no return. "I can't hold back! Fuck! I'm shooting my wad over your _ISD milk-jugs!" you yell as you feel your $BallsSD balls give one last pulse before your futa-cock launches $CumAD strands of hot gooey cum all over her milk stained tits, adding to the mess on her breasts.
  Troy gasps loudly as several strands of white cum hits her in her face and than she lets out an orgasmic scream of pleasure. "I'M CUMMING! I'M HAVING A FUCKING BOOBGASM!" she yells as her _ISD breasts quiver from her intense climax. Her pussy unleashes a huge puddle of girl-cum down below as her orgasm continues. Troy slumps down seemingly completely drained from her orgasm which allows your futa-cock to escape from it's warm moist prison.
  "Wow! That was pretty intense, Troy! Are you doing OK?" you ask with some concern. She looks to be completely out of it as she sits in the puddle of her own cum.
<<case "End">>\
<<button [[Finish|$location.temp]]>>
<<set $location.Indoor to 0>>\
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<include "Lust Passes">>\
<<set $NoEncounter to random(1) +2>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</button>><<set $genericEvent.Image = $eventPath7 + $arrayEvent7Candy.random() + '.jpg'>>\
<img @src=$genericEvent.Image />
<<set $doctorEvent.RVisits to $doctorEvent.RVisits + 1>>\
<<set _lusty to random(5) +1 + $StatusAffect.Horny - $LustResist.Visual - $LustResist.Complete>>\
<<if _lusty < 0>>\
<<set _lusty to 0>>\
<<set $lust to $lust + _lusty>>\
<<set _ChatState to "">>\
<<set _TreatmentCost to 50>>\
<<if $npcCandy.Friendship < -20>>\
<<set _TreatmentCost to 200>>\
<<elseif $npcCandy.Friendship < -10>>\
<<set _TreatmentCost to 150>>\
<<elseif $npcCandy.Friendship < 0>>\
<<set _TreatmentCost to 100>>\
<<if $ThieverySkillFeats.FiveFingeredDiscount is 1>>\
<<set _D10 to Math.round(_TreatmentCost * .1)>>\
<<set _TreatmentCost to _TreatmentCost - _D10>>\
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$npcCandy.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$npcCandy.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _IAss to $arrayAssSizeDesc[$npcCandy.Ass]>>\
<<set _debt to $clinicAmbushEvent.Debt>>\
<<if $doctorEvent.Appointment < 1 and $npcCandy.Friendship < 5>>\
<<set _ChatState to "New">>\
<<elseif $doctorEvent.Appointment < 1 and $npcCandy.Friendship > 5>>\
<<set _ChatState to "NewFriend">>\
<<elseif $doctorEvent.Appointment > 0>>\
<<set _ChatState to "Appointment">>\
<<switch _ChatState>>\
<<case "NewFriend">>\
  You decide to spend some time speaking with Candy the rather buxom receptionist. Stepping up to the check-in desk you say "Hey Candy, how's it going?" Looking startled for a moment the receptionist's purple eyes dart from the computer monitor before turning to you. She gives you a pleasant smile as she gives you a once over to see if you are injured.
  "Welcome back to the Oak Dale Clinic, $PC.FirstName! Have you come to make an appointment?" she asks in a professional demeanor that's at odds with her rather questionable appearance. The fact that she's wearing a business suit that's been modified to display her rather impressive _ICup breasts makes you wonder if there's anyone left who cares that her outfit is not safe for work at all.
  "I might go ahead and do so but first I wanted to know if anything new has been going on lately here at the clinic." you reply as you watch her input your name into her computer. She spends a decent amount of time typing your name in due to the fact her _ISD breasts occasionally hits some random keys on her keyboard causing her to have to delete her input multiple times.
  "Well I'm not supposed to really gossip with the visitors but it wouldn't hurt to be friendly. Doctor Rack has been complaining about Doctor FuckHard stealing some of his Silicone-X supplies while the janitor has been heard raging about the inane traps Doctor FuckHard has been putting in the hallways. I would suggest talking to Doctor Rack if you want to know more about the Silicone-X? He's currently free and he's a great doctor. But I do have to remind you that there's a _TreatmentCost dollar co-pay before you can be allowed to visit him and the reservation will only be for today. If you fail to show up the co-pay will be forfeit." she asks after finally finishing putting your name into the computer.
<<if (random(19) + 1) + $Skill.Social + $CharismaBonus + $npcRichard.Friendship > 25>>\
<<set _D10 to Math.round(_TreatmentCost * .1)>>\
<<set _TreatmentCost to _TreatmentCost - _D10>>\
  "If you're worried about the cost, how about I toss in a 10% frequest visitor discount?" Candy says as you ponder about the cost.
<<if $clinicAmbushEvent.Debt > 0>>\
<<set _debt to $clinicAmbushEvent.Debt >>\
<<set _TreatmentCost to _TreatmentCost + _debt>>\
  "Wait a moment! It looks like our records show that you have a unpaid bill to the amount of _debt dollars! This debt will be added to the cost for scheduling an appointment making the total to schedule an appointment being _TreatmentCost dollars." Candy frowns she gazes at her monitor screen. You remember Doctor FuckHard taking a good chunk of your money but grumbling how it wasn't enough to cover his services.
<<if $Cash < (_TreatmentCost)>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> "I can't afford to make the co-pay!" </i></div>
<div class="pcTalk"><i> "It looks like I will have to pay if I want to explore the clinic. Or maybe there's another way in?" </i></div>
<span id="useButton"><<button "Make an Appointment with Dr. Rack - $ _TreatmentCost" "Oak Dale Clinic Receptionist Chat 2" >>
<<set $SkillAction to 1>>\
<<set $Cash to $Cash - _TreatmentCost>>\
<<set $clinicAmbushEvent.Debt to 0>>\
<<set $doctorEvent.Appointment to 1>>\
<<if $npcFuckHard.Friendship > 5>>\
<span id="useButton"><<button "Make an Appointment with Dr. FuckHard - $ _TreatmentCost" "Oak Dale Clinic Receptionist Chat 2" >> </span>
<<set $SkillAction to 2>>\
<<set $Cash to $Cash - _TreatmentCost>>\
<<set $clinicAmbushEvent.Debt to 0>>\
<<set $doctorEvent.Appointment to 2>>\
<<if $Prof.Thievery > 0 and $npcCandy.Rob < 1>>\
<span id="moralButton"><<button [[Steal some Supplies|Clinic Reception Steal]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Decline|Oak Dale Clinic Front Lobby]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<case "Appointment">>\
  You decide to see if the buxom receptionist has any more information now that you paid for an appointment. Stepping up to the checkin desk you say "Hello?" Looking startled for a moment the receptionist's purple eyes dart from the computer monitor before turning to you. She takes a moment to give you a quick lookover before giving you a slight frown.
  "Can I help you, $PC.FirstName?" she says in a clipped professional demeanor while her arms are folded underneath her rather impressive _ICup breasts. "Do you need me to repeat the directions for the doctor's office?"
  "Er, I was wondering if I could ask you a few questions?" you reply a bit nervously as the receptionist's somewhat frosty demeanor is a bit off putting.
<<if $doctorEvent.Appointment is 1>>\
  "Like I said earlier, it is official clinic policy that the doctor answers any and all patient questions. In your case that would be Doctor Rack. He is located in the northwest section of the clinic. Just use the intercom to annouce yourself and he should let you in." she says with a bit less hostility. "Is there anything else?"
  "No..." you reply hesitantly while feeling stonewalled by the receptionist. You walk about to the main lobby feeling annoyed by the lack of information the receptionist is willing to give out.
<<elseif $doctorEvent.Appointment is 2>>\
  "Like I said earlier, it is official clinic policy that the doctor answers any and all patient questions. In your case that would be Doctor FuckHard. He is located in the eastern section of the clinic near the restroom. I've sent a page to him so he should know that you are comming." she says with a bit less hostility. "Is there anything else?"
  "No..." you reply hesitantly while feeling stonewalled by the receptionist. You feel quite annoyed by the lack of information the receptionist is willing to give out.
<div class="pcTalk"><i> "Maybe I could check the clinic records for information if Candy isn't manning the desk?" </i></div>
<<if $Prof.Thievery > 0 and $npcCandy.Rob < 1>>\
<span id="moralButton"><<button [[Steal some Supplies|Clinic Reception Steal]]>><</button>> </span>
<<button [[Leave|Oak Dale Clinic Front Lobby]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
  You decide to spend some time speaking with the rather buxom receptionist. Stepping up to the check-in desk you say "Hello?" Looking startled for a moment the receptionist's purple eyes dart from the computer monitor before turning to you. She takes a moment to give you a quick lookover before giving you a small pleasant smile.
  "Greetings and welcome to the Oak Dale Clinic! My name is Candy Harpe and can I get your name please?" she says in a professional demeanor that's at odds with her rather questionable appearance. The fact that she's wearing a business suit that's been modified to displays her rather _ISD _ICup breasts makes you wonder if there's anyone left who cares that her outfit is not safe for work at all.
  "My name is $PC.FirstName $PC.LastName and I was wondering what was going on here at the clinic." you reply as you watch her input your name into her computer. She spends a decent amount of time typing your name in due to the fact her _ISD breasts occasionally hits some random keys on her keyboard causing her to have to delete her input multiple times.
  "Well you will need to speak to a doctor about that. I'm just the receptionist and haven't been informed about any changes here at the clinic. Now I don't see you listed as having a reservation. Would you like to speak to Doctor Rack? He's currently free and will more than likely to be able to answer your questions. But I do have to warn you that there's a _TreatmentCost dollar co-pay before you can be allowed to visit him and the reservation will only be for today. If you fail to show up the co-pay will be forfeit." she asks after scanning her computer monitor for your name.
<<if (random(19) + 1) + $Skill.Social + $CharismaBonus + $npcRichard.Friendship > 25>>\
<<set _D10 to Math.round(_TreatmentCost * .1)>>\
<<set _TreatmentCost to _TreatmentCost - _D10>>\
  "If you're worried about the cost, how about I toss in a 10% frequent visitor discount?" Candy says as you ponder about the cost.
<<if $clinicAmbushEvent.Debt > 0>>\
<<set _debt to $clinicAmbushEvent.Debt >>\
<<set _TreatmentCost to _TreatmentCost + _debt>>\
  "Wait a moment! It looks like our records show that you have a unpaid bill to the amount of _debt dollars! This debt will be added to the cost for scheduling an appointment making the total to schedule an appointment being _TreatmentCost dollars." Candy frowns she gazes at her monitor screen. You remember Doctor FuckHard taking a good chunk of your money but grumbling how it wasn't enough to cover his services.
<<if $Cash < (_TreatmentCost)>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> "I can't afford to make the co-pay!" </i></div>
<div class="pcTalk"><i> "It looks like I will have to pay if I want to explore the clinic. Or maybe there's another way in?" </i></div>
<span id="useButton"><<button "Make an Appointment with Dr. Rack - $ _TreatmentCost" "Oak Dale Clinic Receptionist Chat 2" >>
<<set $SkillAction to 1>>\
<<set $Cash to $Cash - _TreatmentCost>>\
<<set $clinicAmbushEvent.Debt to 0>>\
<<set $doctorEvent.Appointment to 1>>\
<<if $npcFuckHard.Friendship > 5>>\
<span id="useButton"><<button "Make an Appointment with Dr. FuckHard - $ _TreatmentCost" "Oak Dale Clinic Receptionist Chat 2" >> </span>
<<set $SkillAction to 2>>\
<<set $Cash to $Cash - _TreatmentCost>>\
<<set $clinicAmbushEvent.Debt to 0>>\
<<set $doctorEvent.Appointment to 2>>\
<<if $Prof.Thievery > 0 and $npcCandy.Rob < 1>>\
<span id="moralButton"><<button [[Steal some Supplies|Clinic Reception Steal]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Decline|Oak Dale Clinic Front Lobby]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<</switch>>\<<set $genericEvent.Image = $eventPath8 + $arrayEvent8FullBody.random() + '.jpg'>>\
<img @src=$genericEvent.Image />
<<set _Status to "">>\
<<set $CombatRound to 0>>\
<<set $SpecialUsage to $MaxSpecialUsage>>\
<<include "Combat Status Affects">>\
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<set $eventLocation to $location.temp>>\
<<set $sexHistory.XP to $sexHistory.XP +1>>\
<<set $npcTroy.Corrupted to $npcTroy.Corrupted +1>>\
<<set $nurseattackEvent.Corrupt to $nurseattackEvent.Corrupt +1>>\
<<set _OSD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$npcTroy.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _OCup to $arrayBreastSize[$npcTroy.BreastsSize]>>
<<set $npcTroy.BreastsSize to $npcTroy.BreastsSize+5>>\
<<set $npcTroy.NippleSize to $npcTroy.NippleSize+5>>\
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$npcTroy.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$npcTroy.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$genericFighter.DickSize]>>\
<<set _DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$genericFighter.DickSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$genericFighter.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$genericFighter.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _UBreastSD to $BreastSD>>\
<<set _UBreastsSize to $BreastsSize>>\
<<set _SizeComp2 to $PC.DickSize - $genericFighter.Level + ($GeneralFeats.FalseRep *2)>>\
<<if _SizeComp2 < 0>>\
<<set _SizeComp2 to 0>>\
<<set _SizeComp to $PC.BreastsSize - $genericFighter.Level + ($GeneralFeats.FalseRep *2)>>\
<<if _SizeComp < 0>>\
<<set _SizeComp to 0>>\
<<if $PC.Sex is "Futa" or $StatusAffect.Futa > 0>>\
<<set _Sex to "Futa">>\
<<elseif $PC.Sex is "Female" and $StatusAffect.Futa < 1>>\
<<set _Sex to "Female">>\
<<set _Sex to "Male" and $StatusAffect.Futa < 1>>\
<<if $Infestation.MilkProgress > 0 or $Milk.Stored > $Milk.Min>>\
<<set _Breasts to "Milk">>\
<<elseif $StatusAffect.SiliconeB > 5>>\
<<set _Breasts to "Silicone">>\
<<set _Breasts to "Natural">>\
<<switch _Sex>>\
<<case "Female">>\
<<include "Nurse Attack - Defeat Female">>\
<<case "Futa">>\
<<include "Nurse Attack - Defeat Futa">>\
<<include "Nurse Attack - Defeat Male">>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumFilled to $StatusAffect.CumFilled+1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered+1>>\
<<button [[Leave|$location.temp]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</button>><<set $Infestation.BruiseProgress to 1>>\
<<set $Cum.Max to $Cum.Max +5>>\
<<set $Cum.Min to $Cum.Min +5>>\
<<set $Cum.Stored to $Cum.Max>>\
<<set $CumAD to $arrayCumAmountDesc[$Cum.Stored]>>\
<<set $PC.MDickSize to $PC.MDickSize +5>>\
<<set $PC.MBallsSize to $PC.MBallsSize +5>>\
<<set $PC.DickSize to $PC.DickSize +5>>\
<<if $PC.DickSize < $PC.MDickSize>>\
<<set $PC.DickSize to $PC.MDickSize>>\
<<set $PC.BallsSize to $PC.BallsSize +5>>\
<<if $PC.BallsSize < $PC.BallsSize>>\
<<set $PC.BallsSize to $PC.MBallsSize>>\
<<set $DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$PC.DickSize]>>\
<<set $DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$PC.DickSize]>>\
<<set $BallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$PC.BallsSize]>>\
<<set $BallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$PC.BallsSize]>>\
/* Bruisers are STRONK! */ \
<<set $Strength to $Strength +2>>\
<<set $StrengthBonus to (($Strength - 10)/2)>>\
<<set $StatusText.Notice to 1>>\
<<set $StatusText.TransformationFlag to 1>>\
<<set $StatusText.Transformation to "It looks like I have transformed into a Bruiser giving me some nice muscles along with a strong $DickSD $DickSize dick and a nice pair of $BallsSD $BallsSize balls! It feels my balls will be filling up with baby-batter at a very high rate so I'm going to need to relieve that pressure a lot more often. With such big muscles punching Infested and other athletic endeavours is going to be a lot easier! (+2 Strength).">>\
<<switch $weaponEquipSkill>>\
<<case "Unarmed">>\
<<set $weaponAttackBonus to $Skill.Unarmed>>\
<<set $weaponStatBonus to $StrengthBonus>>\
<<case "Knives">>\
<<set $weaponAttackBonus to $Skill.Knives>>\
<<if $PC.Class is "Criminal">>\
<<set $weaponStatBonus to $DexterityBonus>>\
<<set $weaponStatBonus to $StrengthBonus>>\
<<case "Swords">>\
<<set $weaponAttackBonus to $Skill.Swords>>\
<<set $weaponStatBonus to $StrengthBonus>>\
<<case "Clubs">>\
<<set $weaponAttackBonus to $Skill.Clubs>>\
<<set $weaponStatBonus to $StrengthBonus>>\
<<case "Polearms">>\
<<set $weaponAttackBonus to $Skill.Polearms>>\
<<set $weaponStatBonus to $StrengthBonus>>\
<<case "Bows">>\
<<set $weaponAttackBonus to $Skill.Bows>>\
<<set $weaponStatBonus to $DexterityBonus>>\
<<case "Pistols">>\
<<set $weaponAttackBonus to $Skill.Pistols>>\
<<set $weaponStatBonus to $DexterityBonus>>\
<<case "Rifles">>\
<<set $weaponAttackBonus to $Skill.Rifles>>\
<<set $weaponStatBonus to $DexterityBonus>>\
<<case "Shotguns">>\
<<set $weaponAttackBonus to $Skill.Shotguns>>\
<<set $weaponStatBonus to $DexterityBonus>>\
<<case "Heavy">>\
<<set $weaponAttackBonus to $Skill.Heavy>>\
<<set $weaponStatBonus to $DexterityBonus>>\
<<include "Profile Update">>\<img src="Images/Suburb/Clinic/clinic2.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set $location.temp to "Oak Dale Clinic East Intersection">>\
<<set _State to 0>>\
<<include "Time Micro-Passes">>\
<<if $Time.Current >= $Time.Max >>\
<<set _State to "TooLate">>\
<<set $NoEncounter to 1>>\
<<if $NoEncounter < 1>>\
<<set _EncounterRoll2 to 0>>\
<<set _TotalEncounterRoll2 to 0>>\
<<if $StealthSkillFeats.Distraction > 0>>\
<<set _EncounterRoll2 to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<set _TotalEncounterRoll2 to _EncounterRoll2 + $Skill.Stealth + $DexterityBonus + $StatusAffect.IndoorTracking - $StatusAffect.Horny - ($StatusAffect.CumCovered) -2>>\
<<set _EncounterRoll to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<set _TotalEncounterRoll to _EncounterRoll + $Skill.Stealth + $DexterityBonus + $StatusAffect.IndoorTracking - $StatusAffect.Horny - ($StatusAffect.CumCovered)>>\
<<if _TotalEncounterRoll < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current) and _TotalEncounterRoll2 < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current)>>\
<<if _TotalEncounterRoll + ($ThieverySkillFeats.SnareMaster *2) < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current - 10) or (_EncounterRoll < 2)>>\
<<set _State to "Ambush">>\
<<set _State to "Combat">>\
<<set _NPCEncounterRoll to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<if _NPCEncounterRoll > (18 - $ScoutingSkillFeats.KeenEye) and $NoEncounter is 0>>\
<<set _State to "NPC">>\
This is one of the major intersections located in the Oak Dale Clinic which luckily has most of it's lights still intact and working to provide illumination. Two hallways intersect here leading in four cardinal directions. Several neglected house plants can be seen hanging from corner hooks giving the sterile enviroment some greenery. The northern hallway continues into vague darkness as most of the lights have gone out. To the south you can vaguely see what looks to be an emergency exit at the end of the southern hallway. To the west you can see a sign saying Main Lobby/Administration this way and to the east the hallway looks to end at a restroom.
<<if $StatusText.Notice is 1>>\
<<include "Update Status">>\
<<switch _State>>\
<<case "TooLate">>\
<<set $Time.Current to $Time.Max>>\
It's too dangerous to explore the clinic at this time of night.
<<button [[Return Home|Oak Dale Clinic Returning Home]]>>
<<set $NoEncounter to 0>>\
<<case "Ambush">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Ambushed to 1>>\
You've been ambushed by an enemy!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<set $location.Encounter to "Oak Dale Clinic">>\
<<case "Combat">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
A hostile enemy is roaming the hallways!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<set $location.Encounter to "Oak Dale Clinic">>\
<<case "NPC">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
You've encountered something unusual!
<<button [[Encounter|Clinic Event]]>>
<<set $location.Event to "Oak Dale Clinic">>\
<<set $location.prev to $location.temp>>\
<<button [[North|Oak Dale Clinic North Hallway]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[East|Oak Dale Clinic East Hallway]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[West|Oak Dale Clinic Middle Hallway]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[South|Oak Dale Clinic South Hallway]]>> <</button>>
<</switch>>\<img src="Images/Suburb/Clinic/clinic5.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set $location.temp to "Oak Dale Clinic North Hallway">>\
<<set _State to 0>>\
<<include "Time Micro-Passes">>\
<<if $Time.Current >= $Time.Max >>\
<<set _State to "TooLate">>\
<<set $NoEncounter to 1>>\
<<if $NoEncounter < 1>>\
<<set _EncounterRoll2 to 0>>\
<<set _TotalEncounterRoll2 to 0>>\
<<if $StealthSkillFeats.Distraction > 0>>\
<<set _EncounterRoll2 to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<set _TotalEncounterRoll2 to _EncounterRoll2 + $Skill.Stealth + $DexterityBonus + $StatusAffect.IndoorTracking - $StatusAffect.Horny - ($StatusAffect.CumCovered) -2>>\
<<set _EncounterRoll to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<set _TotalEncounterRoll to _EncounterRoll + $Skill.Stealth + $DexterityBonus + $StatusAffect.IndoorTracking - $StatusAffect.Horny - ($StatusAffect.CumCovered)>>\
<<if _TotalEncounterRoll < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current) and _TotalEncounterRoll2 < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current)>>\
<<if _TotalEncounterRoll + ($ThieverySkillFeats.SnareMaster *2) < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current - 10) or (_EncounterRoll < 2)>>\
<<set _State to "Ambush">>\
<<set _State to "Combat">>\
<<set _NPCEncounterRoll to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<if _NPCEncounterRoll > (18 - $ScoutingSkillFeats.KeenEye) and $NoEncounter is 0>>\
<<set _State to "NPC">>\
<<if $SmartPhone.AutoFlash is 1 and $SmartPhone.Charge > 4>>\
<<set $SmartPhone.FlashLight to 1>>\
<<if $SmartPhone.FlashLight is 1>>\
<<set $SmartPhone.Charge to $SmartPhone.Charge - (random(3) +1)>>\
<<if $SmartPhone.Charge < 0>>\
<<set $SmartPhone.Charge to 0>>\
This hallway was rather dark and shadowy before the flashlight of your smartphone lit it up. There's a bench in the middle of the hallway with serveral chairs providing some kind of barrier blocking part of the hallway but luckily you can manuever around the bench. There's a strong scent of sex coming from a questionable puddle near the chairs but you manage to avoid it due to having a good light source. An small X-Ray room can be seen to the west and to the east looks to be a empty doctor's office. To the south is a brightly lit four-way intersection with another hallway and to the north is a shadowy intersection with yet another hallway.
<<if $StatusText.Notice is 1>>\
<<include "Update Status">>\
This hallway is rather dark and shadowy with only the distant lights of the other sections of the hallway providing any real lighting. There is a bench blocking the middle of the hallway with several chairs knocked over but luckily you can manuever around the bench. The scent of sex is strong in this portion of the hallway and you feel like someone could be lurking in the darkness. With the small amount of light shining down the hallway you can see a small X-Ray room to the west and to the east is what looks to be some type of office. To the south the hallway becomes brightly lit and you can see a intersection. To the north the hallway is somewhat brighter than this section but still dimly lit.
<div class="pcTalk"><i>I should probally turn my smart phone light on just to be able to move around in this darkness!</i></div>
<<set _ReflexRoll to (random(19)+ 1)>>\
<<if _ReflexRoll + $PC.Reflex + $PCStatus.SavesBuff + $armorSaveBonus + $FoodStatus.Refl - $PCStatus.SavesDebuff < 15>>\
You feel your shoes get wet and sticky as you accidentally step into a puddle of questionable origins!
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered +1>>\
<<switch _State>>\
<<case "TooLate">>\
<<set $Time.Current to $Time.Max>>\
It's too dangerous to explore the clinic at this time of night.
<<button [[Return Home|Oak Dale Clinic Returning Home]]>>
<<set $NoEncounter to 0>>\
<<case "Ambush">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Ambushed to 1>>\
You've been ambushed by an enemy!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<set $location.Encounter to "Oak Dale Clinic">>\
<<case "Combat">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
A hostile enemy is roaming the hallways!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<set $location.Encounter to "Oak Dale Clinic">>\
<<case "NPC">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
You've encountered something unusual!
<<button [[Encounter|Clinic Event]]>>
<<set $location.Event to "Oak Dale Clinic">>\
<<set $location.prev to $location.temp>>\
<<button [[North|Oak Dale Clinic North Intersection]]>>
<<set $SmartPhone.FlashLight to 0>>\
<<button [[South|Oak Dale Clinic East Intersection]]>>
<<set $SmartPhone.FlashLight to 0>>\
<<button [[Office|Oak Dale Clinic Doctor's Office 2]]>>
<<set $SmartPhone.FlashLight to 0>>\
<<button [[X-Ray room|Oak Dale Clinic X-Ray Room]]>>
<<set $SmartPhone.FlashLight to 0>>\
<</switch>>\<img src="Images/Suburb/Clinic/clinic4.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set $location.temp to "Oak Dale Clinic South Hallway">>\
<<set _State to 0>>\
<<include "Time Micro-Passes">>\
<<if $Time.Current >= $Time.Max >>\
<<set _State to "TooLate">>\
<<set $NoEncounter to 1>>\
<<if $NoEncounter < 1>>\
<<set _EncounterRoll2 to 0>>\
<<set _TotalEncounterRoll2 to 0>>\
<<if $StealthSkillFeats.Distraction > 0>>\
<<set _EncounterRoll2 to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<set _TotalEncounterRoll2 to _EncounterRoll2 + $Skill.Stealth + $DexterityBonus + $StatusAffect.IndoorTracking - $StatusAffect.Horny - ($StatusAffect.CumCovered) -2>>\
<<set _EncounterRoll to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<set _TotalEncounterRoll to _EncounterRoll + $Skill.Stealth + $DexterityBonus + $StatusAffect.IndoorTracking - $StatusAffect.Horny - ($StatusAffect.CumCovered)>>\
<<if _TotalEncounterRoll < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current) and _TotalEncounterRoll2 < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current)>>\
<<if _TotalEncounterRoll + ($ThieverySkillFeats.SnareMaster *2) < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current - 10) or (_EncounterRoll < 2)>>\
<<set _State to "Ambush">>\
<<set _State to "Combat">>\
<<set _NPCEncounterRoll to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<if _NPCEncounterRoll > (18 - $ScoutingSkillFeats.KeenEye) and $NoEncounter is 0>>\
<<set _State to "NPC">>\
This is one of the major hallways located in the Oak Dale Clinic. Several used panties and along with a couple pair of used underwear can be seen scattered around the exit door to the south. All of the under clothes are stained with an sticky white substance and reeks of the scent of sex. To the west is what looks to be a small examination room. This hallway ends at what looks to be a staff exit on the south side of the building and to the north an intersection with another hallway can be seen.
<<if $StatusText.Notice is 1>>\
<<include "Update Status">>\
<<switch _State>>\
<<case "TooLate">>\
<<set $Time.Current to $Time.Max>>\
It's too dangerous to explore the clinic at this time of night.
<<button [[Return Home|Oak Dale Clinic Returning Home]]>>
<<set $NoEncounter to 0>>\
<<case "Ambush">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Ambushed to 1>>\
You've been ambushed by an enemy!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<set $location.Encounter to "Oak Dale Clinic">>\
<<case "Combat">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
A hostile enemy is roaming the hallways!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<set $location.Encounter to "Oak Dale Clinic">>\
<<case "NPC">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
You've encountered something unusual!
<<button [[Encounter|Clinic Event]]>>
<<set $location.Event to "Oak Dale Clinic">>\
<<set $location.prev to $location.temp>>\
<<button [[North|Oak Dale Clinic East Intersection]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Small Room|Oak Dale Clinic Small Room 2]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Staff Exit|Oak Dale Clinic - South Entrance]]>>
<<set $location.Indoor to 0>>\
<</switch>>\<img src="Images/Suburb/Clinic/clinic6.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set $location.temp to "Oak Dale Clinic North Intersection">>\
<<set _State to 0>>\
<<include "Time Micro-Passes">>\
<<if $Time.Current >= $Time.Max >>\
<<set _State to "TooLate">>\
<<set $NoEncounter to 1>>\
<<if $NoEncounter < 1>>\
<<set _EncounterRoll2 to 0>>\
<<set _TotalEncounterRoll2 to 0>>\
<<if $StealthSkillFeats.Distraction > 0>>\
<<set _EncounterRoll2 to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<set _TotalEncounterRoll2 to _EncounterRoll2 + $Skill.Stealth + $DexterityBonus + $StatusAffect.IndoorTracking - $StatusAffect.Horny - ($StatusAffect.CumCovered) -2>>\
<<set _EncounterRoll to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<set _TotalEncounterRoll to _EncounterRoll + $Skill.Stealth + $DexterityBonus + $StatusAffect.IndoorTracking - $StatusAffect.Horny - ($StatusAffect.CumCovered)>>\
<<if _TotalEncounterRoll < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current) and _TotalEncounterRoll2 < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current)>>\
<<if _TotalEncounterRoll + ($ThieverySkillFeats.SnareMaster *2) < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current - 10) or (_EncounterRoll < 2)>>\
<<set _State to "Ambush">>\
<<set _State to "Combat">>\
<<set _NPCEncounterRoll to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<if _NPCEncounterRoll > (18 - $ScoutingSkillFeats.KeenEye) and $NoEncounter is 0>>\
<<set _State to "NPC">>\
<<if $SmartPhone.AutoFlash is 1 and $SmartPhone.Charge > 4>>\
<<set $SmartPhone.FlashLight to 1>>\
<<if $SmartPhone.FlashLight is 1>>\
<<set $SmartPhone.Charge to $SmartPhone.Charge - (random(3) +1)>>\
<<if $SmartPhone.Charge < 0>>\
<<set $SmartPhone.Charge to 0>>\
This hallway was quite shadowy before the flashlight of your smartphone lit it up. To the east is a dimly lit break that's helping to provide some illumination. A gross and severally used medical bed is taking up a good chunk of the floor in the middle of the hallway. It looks to be stained from multiple encounters with the Infested and there is a puddle of fluids surrounding it. To the east the hallway ends at a break room while to the west the hallway continues to a row of offices with one small lightbulb lighting that part of the hallway. The hallway to the south is almost completely dark but you can see a brightly lit intersection beyond that section of hallway.
<<if $StatusText.Notice is 1>>\
<<include "Update Status">>\
This hallway is quite shadowy with only the light of the break room to the east providing any real illumination for this part of the hallway. A medical bed is lying on the floor in the middle of the hallway stained white from the near constant encounters with the Infested. To the east the hallway ends at a somewhat lit break room while to the west the hallway continues into shadows as a lone lightbulb at the end of the hallway provides some meager light. The hallway to the south is almost completely dark but you can see a brightly lit intersection beyond that section of hallway.
<<set _ReflexRoll to (random(19)+ 1)>>\
<<if _ReflexRoll + $PC.Reflex + $PCStatus.SavesBuff + $armorSaveBonus + $FoodStatus.Refl - $PCStatus.SavesDebuff < 15>>\
You feel your shoes get wet and sticky as you accidentally step into a puddle of questionable origins!
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered +1>>\
<<switch _State>>\
<<case "TooLate">>\
<<set $Time.Current to $Time.Max>>\
It's too dangerous to explore the clinic at this time of night.
<<button [[Return Home|Oak Dale Clinic Returning Home]]>>
<<set $NoEncounter to 0>>\
<<case "Ambush">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Ambushed to 1>>\
You've been ambushed by an enemy!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<set $location.Encounter to "Oak Dale Clinic">>\
<<case "Combat">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
A hostile enemy is roaming the hallways!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<set $location.Encounter to "Oak Dale Clinic">>\
<<case "NPC">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
You've encountered something unusual!
<<button [[Encounter|Clinic Event]]>>
<<set $location.Event to "Oak Dale Clinic">>\
<<set $location.prev to $location.temp>>\
<<button [[East|Oak Dale Clinic Centre Hallway 2]]>>
<<set $SmartPhone.FlashLight to 0>>\
<<button [[West|Oak Dale Clinic Centre Hallway]]>>
<<set $SmartPhone.FlashLight to 0>>\
<<button [[South|Oak Dale Clinic North Hallway]]>>
<<set $SmartPhone.FlashLight to 0>>\
<</switch>>\<img src="Images/Suburb/Clinic/breakroom.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set $location.temp to "Oak Dale Clinic Break Room">>\
<<set _State to 0>>\
<<include "Time Micro-Passes">>\
<<if $Time.Current >= $Time.Max >>\
<<set _State to "TooLate">>\
<<set $NoEncounter to 1>>\
<<if $NoEncounter < 1>>\
<<set _EncounterRoll2 to 0>>\
<<set _TotalEncounterRoll2 to 0>>\
<<if $StealthSkillFeats.Distraction > 0>>\
<<set _EncounterRoll2 to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<set _TotalEncounterRoll2 to _EncounterRoll2 + $Skill.Stealth + $DexterityBonus + $StatusAffect.IndoorTracking - $StatusAffect.Horny - ($StatusAffect.CumCovered) -2>>\
<<set _EncounterRoll to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<set _TotalEncounterRoll to _EncounterRoll + $Skill.Stealth + $DexterityBonus + $StatusAffect.IndoorTracking - $StatusAffect.Horny - ($StatusAffect.CumCovered)>>\
<<if _TotalEncounterRoll < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current) and _TotalEncounterRoll2 < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current)>>\
<<if _TotalEncounterRoll + ($ThieverySkillFeats.SnareMaster *2) < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current - 10) or (_EncounterRoll < 2)>>\
<<set _State to "Ambush">>\
<<set _State to "Combat">>\
<<set _NPCEncounterRoll to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<if _NPCEncounterRoll > (18 - $ScoutingSkillFeats.KeenEye) and $NoEncounter is 0>>\
<<set _State to "NPC">>\
This is a general break room located in the northeastern part of the Oak Dale Clinic. There's a large table with several chairs stained with unknown fluids taking up the middle of the room. A bright light illuminates the room allowing you to see how dirty the microwave and other appliances are. In a corner of the room sits a vending machine next to a worn sofa still stocked with snacks and other items. To the west is the doorway back to the shadowy hallway.
<<if $StatusText.Notice is 1>>\
<<include "Update Status">>\
<<switch _State>>\
<<case "TooLate">>\
<<set $Time.Current to $Time.Max>>\
It's too dangerous to explore the clinic at this time of night.
<<button [[Return Home|Oak Dale Clinic Returning Home]]>>
<<set $NoEncounter to 0>>\
<<case "Ambush">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Ambushed to 1>>\
You've been ambushed by an enemy!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<set $location.Encounter to "Oak Dale Clinic">>\
<<case "Combat">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
A hostile enemy just walked into the room!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<set $location.Encounter to "Oak Dale Clinic">>\
<<set $location.prev to $location.temp>>\
<<button [[Use the Vending Machine|Oak Dale Clinic Vending]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[West|Oak Dale Clinic Centre Hallway 2]]>> <</button>>
<</switch>>\<img src="Images/Suburb/Clinic/clinic4.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set $location.temp to "Oak Dale Clinic Centre Hallway">>\
<<set _State to 0>>\
<<include "Time Micro-Passes">>\
<<if $Time.Current >= $Time.Max >>\
<<set _State to "TooLate">>\
<<set $NoEncounter to 1>>\
<<if $NoEncounter < 1>>\
<<set _EncounterRoll2 to 0>>\
<<set _TotalEncounterRoll2 to 0>>\
<<if $StealthSkillFeats.Distraction > 0>>\
<<set _EncounterRoll2 to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<set _TotalEncounterRoll2 to _EncounterRoll2 + $Skill.Stealth + $DexterityBonus + $StatusAffect.IndoorTracking - $StatusAffect.Horny - ($StatusAffect.CumCovered) -2>>\
<<set _EncounterRoll to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<set _TotalEncounterRoll to _EncounterRoll + $Skill.Stealth + $DexterityBonus + $StatusAffect.IndoorTracking - $StatusAffect.Horny - ($StatusAffect.CumCovered)>>\
<<if _TotalEncounterRoll < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current) and _TotalEncounterRoll2 < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current)>>\
<<if _TotalEncounterRoll + ($ThieverySkillFeats.SnareMaster *2) < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current - 10) or (_EncounterRoll < 2)>>\
<<set _State to "Ambush">>\
<<set _State to "Combat">>\
<<set _NPCEncounterRoll to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<if _NPCEncounterRoll > (18 - $ScoutingSkillFeats.KeenEye) and $NoEncounter is 0>>\
<<set _State to "NPC">>\
<<if $SmartPhone.AutoFlash is 1 and $SmartPhone.Charge > 4>>\
<<set $SmartPhone.FlashLight to 1>>\
<<if $SmartPhone.FlashLight is 1>>\
<<set $SmartPhone.Charge to $SmartPhone.Charge - (random(3) +1)>>\
<<if $SmartPhone.Charge < 0>>\
<<set $SmartPhone.Charge to 0>>\
This deadend part of the hallway was quite shadowy before the flashlight of your smartphone lit it up. A large barricade made up of a large couch and multiple chairs has been erected between the last doctor's office door at the end of the hallway and the rest of the clinic. That doctor's door has a small light next to it and a polished plaque that reads 'Dr. Richard Rack M.D." and it's obvious someone one has taken pride in keeping it clean. The rest of the hallway is not so clean with a large puddle of Infested's fluids taking up a big chunk of the floor in front of the barricade. To the east an shadowly intersection can barely be seen and beyond there a dimly lit room provides lighting for the rest of the hallway.
<<if $StatusText.Notice is 1>>\
<<include "Update Status">>\
This shadowy hallway ends at what looks to be a barricade in front of a doctor's office. A lone light next to the doctor's office door provides some light with enough for you to read the plaque next to the door. The polished plaque reads 'Dr. Richard Rack M.D." and it's obvious someone one has taken pride in keeping it clean. The rest of the hallway is not so clean with a couple of mysterious puddles taking up a big chunk of the floor in front of the barricade which consists of a large couch and multiple chairs. To the east an intersection can barely be seen and beyond there a dimly lit room provides lighting for the rest of the hallway.
<<set _ReflexRoll to (random(19)+ 1)>>\
<<if _ReflexRoll + $PC.Reflex + $PCStatus.SavesBuff + $armorSaveBonus + $FoodStatus.Refl - $PCStatus.SavesDebuff < 15>>\
You feel your shoes get wet and sticky as you accidentally step into a puddle of questionable origins!
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered +1>>\
<<switch _State>>\
<<case "TooLate">>\
<<set $Time.Current to $Time.Max>>\
It's too dangerous to explore the clinic at this time of night.
<<button [[Return Home|Oak Dale Clinic Returning Home]]>>
<<set $NoEncounter to 0>>\
<<case "Ambush">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Ambushed to 1>>\
You've been ambushed by an enemy!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<set $location.Encounter to "Oak Dale Clinic">>\
<<case "Combat">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
A hostile enemy is roaming the hallways!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<set $location.Encounter to "Oak Dale Clinic">>\
<<case "NPC">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
You've encountered something unusual!
<<button [[Encounter|Clinic Event]]>>
<<set $location.Event to "Oak Dale Clinic">>\
<<set $location.prev to $location.temp>>\
<<button [[East|Oak Dale Clinic North Intersection]]>>
<<set $SmartPhone.FlashLight to 0>>\
<<button [[Enter the Doctor Rack's Office|Doctor Rack Entrance]]>>
<<set $SmartPhone.FlashLight to 0>>\
<</switch>><img src="Images/Suburb/Clinic/clinic4.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set $location.temp to "Oak Dale Clinic East Hallway">>\
<<set _State to 0>>\
<<include "Time Micro-Passes">>\
<<if $Time.Current >= $Time.Max >>\
<<set _State to "TooLate">>\
<<set $NoEncounter to 1>>\
<<if $NoEncounter < 1>>\
<<set _EncounterRoll2 to 0>>\
<<set _TotalEncounterRoll2 to 0>>\
<<if $StealthSkillFeats.Distraction > 0>>\
<<set _EncounterRoll2 to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<set _TotalEncounterRoll2 to _EncounterRoll2 + $Skill.Stealth + $DexterityBonus + $StatusAffect.IndoorTracking - $StatusAffect.Horny - ($StatusAffect.CumCovered) -2>>\
<<set _EncounterRoll to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<set _TotalEncounterRoll to _EncounterRoll + $Skill.Stealth + $DexterityBonus + $StatusAffect.IndoorTracking - $StatusAffect.Horny - ($StatusAffect.CumCovered)>>\
<<if _TotalEncounterRoll < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current) and _TotalEncounterRoll2 < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current)>>\
<<if _TotalEncounterRoll + ($ThieverySkillFeats.SnareMaster *2) < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current - 10) or (_EncounterRoll < 2)>>\
<<set _State to "Ambush">>\
<<set _State to "Combat">>\
<<set _NPCEncounterRoll to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<if _NPCEncounterRoll > (18 - $ScoutingSkillFeats.KeenEye) and $NoEncounter is 0>>\
<<set _State to "NPC">>\
This is one of the main hallways located in the Oak Dale Clinic that ends at a unisex restroom. Several heavy wooden chairs have been knocked over and lie broken in the middle of the trash filled hallway. A large puddle of slick fluids surround the chairs leaving little room to walk around. To the east is the restroom while to the south is what looks to be a small doctor's office. Off to the west you can see an intersection where this hallway intersects with another major hallway.
<<if $StatusText.Notice is 1>>\
<<include "Update Status">>\
<<switch _State>>\
<<case "TooLate">>\
<<set $Time.Current to $Time.Max>>\
It's too dangerous to explore the clinic at this time of night.
<<button [[Return Home|Oak Dale Clinic Returning Home]]>>
<<set $NoEncounter to 0>>\
<<case "Ambush">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Ambushed to 1>>\
You've been ambushed by an enemy!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<set $location.Encounter to "Oak Dale Clinic">>\
<<case "Combat">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
A hostile enemy is roaming the hallways!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<set $location.Encounter to "Oak Dale Clinic">>\
<<case "NPC">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
You've encountered something unusual!
<<button [[Encounter|Clinic Event]]>>
<<set $location.Event to "Oak Dale Clinic">>\
<<set $location.prev to $location.temp>>\
<<button [[Enter the Restroom|Oak Dale Clinic Restroom]]>> <</button>>
<<if $doctorEvent.Appointment < 2>>\
<<button [[Enter the Office|Doctor FuckHard Office]]>>
<<button [[Enter the Office|Doctor Fuckhard Visit]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[West|Oak Dale Clinic East Intersection]]>> <</button>>
<</switch>>\<img src="Images/Suburb/Clinic/clinic3.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set $location.temp to "Doctor FuckHard Office">>\
<<set _State to 0>>\
<<include "Time Micro-Passes">>\
<<if $Time.Current >= $Time.Max >>\
<<set _State to "TooLate">>\
<<set $NoEncounter to 1>>\
<<if $NoEncounter < 1>>\
<<set _EncounterRoll2 to 0>>\
<<set _TotalEncounterRoll2 to 0>>\
<<if $StealthSkillFeats.Distraction > 0>>\
<<set _EncounterRoll2 to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<set _TotalEncounterRoll2 to _EncounterRoll2 + $Skill.Stealth + $DexterityBonus + $StatusAffect.IndoorTracking - $StatusAffect.Horny - ($StatusAffect.CumCovered) -2>>\
<<set _EncounterRoll to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<set _TotalEncounterRoll to _EncounterRoll + $Skill.Stealth + $DexterityBonus + $StatusAffect.IndoorTracking - $StatusAffect.Horny - ($StatusAffect.CumCovered)>>\
<<if _TotalEncounterRoll < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current) and _TotalEncounterRoll2 < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current)>>\
<<if _TotalEncounterRoll + ($ThieverySkillFeats.SnareMaster *2) < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current - 10) or (_EncounterRoll < 2)>>\
<<set _State to "Ambush">>\
<<set _State to "Combat">>\
<<set _NPCEncounterRoll to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<if _NPCEncounterRoll > (18 - $ScoutingSkillFeats.KeenEye) and $NoEncounter is 0>>\
<<set _State to "NPC">>\
<<set _lusty to random(5) +5 + $StatusAffect.Horny - $LustResist.Complete>>\
<<if _lusty < 0>>\
<<set _lusty to 0>>\
<<set $lust to $lust + _lusty>>\
This looks to be an doctor's office that's been completely trashed or at least lived in by some messy people. Large piles of used clothing along with pornographic magazines soak in a big puddle of unknown fluids. A large heavily used mattress is leaning up against the far wall and several empty canisters are lying next to it. There is a persistant smell of sex that fills the room causing a slight erotic feeling. The desk name plate has been defaced beyond readability and now has a piece of paper saying Dr. FuckHard M.D. S.E.X. The doorway to the north leads back out to the hallway while to the east you can barely see a doorway but it's currently blocked by heavy furniture.
<<if $StatusText.Notice is 1>>\
<<include "Update Status">>\
<<switch _State>>\
<<case "TooLate">>\
<<set $Time.Current to $Time.Max>>\
It's too dangerous to explore the clinic at this time of night.
<<button [[Return Home|Oak Dale Clinic Returning Home]]>>
<<set $NoEncounter to 0>>\
<<case "Ambush">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Ambushed to 1>>\
You've been ambushed by an enemy!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<set $location.Encounter to "Oak Dale Clinic">>\
<<case "Combat">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
A hostile enemy just walked into the room!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<set $location.Encounter to "Oak Dale Clinic">>\
<<set $location.prev to $location.temp>>\
<<if $doctorEvent.Storage5 < 1>>\
<<button [[Search for Supplies|Clinic Salvage]]>>
<<set $lootTemp to $lootClinicDoctor>>\
<<set $rarelootTemp to $rarelootClinicDoctor>>\
<<set $doctorEvent.Storage5 to $doctorEvent.Storage5 +1>>\
It looks like you have found everything of value in this room.
<<button [[North|Oak Dale Clinic East Hallway]]>> <</button>>
<</switch>>\<img src="Images/Suburb/Clinic/clinic3.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set $location.temp to "Oak Dale Clinic Doctor's Office 2">>\
<<set _State to 0>>\
<<include "Time Micro-Passes">>\
<<if $Time.Current >= $Time.Max >>\
<<set _State to "TooLate">>\
<<set $NoEncounter to 1>>\
<<if $NoEncounter < 1>>\
<<set _EncounterRoll2 to 0>>\
<<set _TotalEncounterRoll2 to 0>>\
<<if $StealthSkillFeats.Distraction > 0>>\
<<set _EncounterRoll2 to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<set _TotalEncounterRoll2 to _EncounterRoll2 + $Skill.Stealth + $DexterityBonus + $StatusAffect.IndoorTracking - $StatusAffect.Horny - ($StatusAffect.CumCovered) -2>>\
<<set _EncounterRoll to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<set _TotalEncounterRoll to _EncounterRoll + $Skill.Stealth + $DexterityBonus + $StatusAffect.IndoorTracking - $StatusAffect.Horny - ($StatusAffect.CumCovered)>>\
<<if _TotalEncounterRoll < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current) and _TotalEncounterRoll2 < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current)>>\
<<if _TotalEncounterRoll + ($ThieverySkillFeats.SnareMaster *2) < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current - 10) or (_EncounterRoll < 2)>>\
<<set _State to "Ambush">>\
<<set _State to "Combat">>\
<<set _NPCEncounterRoll to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<if _NPCEncounterRoll > (18 - $ScoutingSkillFeats.KeenEye) and $NoEncounter is 0>>\
<<set _State to "NPC">>\
This looks to be an abandoned office except for a mattress in the middle of the floor. It looks like it's be heavily used for illicit and messy purposes. Multiple empty wrappers of junk food and snacks is piled up in one of the corners. Near the back wall is a large oak desk that has multiple stains covering the top of it and a broken chair leans up against it on the other side. To the west is the door back to a shadow filled hallway.
<<if $StatusText.Notice is 1>>\
<<include "Update Status">>\
<<switch _State>>\
<<case "TooLate">>\
<<set $Time.Current to $Time.Max>>\
It's too dangerous to explore the clinic at this time of night.
<<button [[Return Home|Oak Dale Clinic Returning Home]]>>
<<set $NoEncounter to 0>>\
<<case "Ambush">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Ambushed to 1>>\
You've been ambushed by an enemy!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<set $location.Encounter to "Oak Dale Clinic">>\
<<case "Combat">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
A hostile enemy just walked into the room!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<set $location.Encounter to "Oak Dale Clinic">>\
<<set $location.prev to $location.temp>>\
<<if $doctorEvent.Storage4 < 1>>\
<<button [[Search for Supplies|Clinic Salvage]]>>
<<set $lootTemp to $lootClinicOffice>>\
<<set $rarelootTemp to $rarelootClinicOffice>>\
<<set $doctorEvent.Storage4 to $doctorEvent.Storage4 +1>>\
It looks like you have found everything of value in this room.
<<button [[West|Oak Dale Clinic North Hallway]]>> <</button>>
<</switch>>\<img @src=$genericEvent.Image />
<<if (random(19) + 1) + $Skill.Social + $CharismaBonus > 14>>\
<<set $npcRichard.Friendship to $npcRichard.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity +2 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set $npcCandy.Friendship to $npcCandy.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity +2 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set $npcRichard.Friendship to $npcRichard.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity +1 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set $npcCandy.Friendship to $npcCandy.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity +1 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
  You decide to spend some time gathering information about what's involved with the enhancement process. Looking at the enhancement menus, you ask "So what's going on with these procedures? I mean is it safe and how does it work?"
  "The procedure is perfecly safe and was approved earlier this year by the Feds. If you've been watching some of the more recent movies you've might have even seen a couple of celebrities who have had the enhancement procedure done. I'm actually part of the first group of doctors fully trained and qualified to do the procedure!" Dr. Rack proudly boasts as he leaves forward intently.
  "I've been a bit too busy with college to watch too many movies but I can totally believe it. I have to say it's rather impressive that our small city of Civiton has such an great Cosmetic Surgeon." you reply as the doctor soaks in your words of praise. "So about how it works? I don't think you can just shoot normal silicone into someone's breasts and not get an infection, right?" you ask as you are definitely curious on how it works.
  "That's right! Normal enhancements uses silicone implants but the Silicone-X actually binds with your body's natural fat deposits to increase the size of what's being enhanced. In addition to increasing the size it also works to keep it nice and firm. So in one way you could almost say it's all natural but let's be real, it's still cosmetic surgery at it's core. It's still a work of science and art to help correct a perceived defect or short coming." he explains while looking extremely excited about discussing his work.
  "That's pretty amazing! So how does the Silicone-Y, I think you called it, work? I'm guessing it just doesn't magically shrink your ass or something down?" you ask as you make a note of how the enhancement process works.
  "Silicone-Y works by first neutralizing any Silicone-X it can find and than any extra fat cells. After removing the excess fat or Silicone-X it will be flushed out of the body within 24 hours. It's quite fascinating how it all works." he says with a bit less passion than previously.
  Thinking about how it works you reply "It sounds pretty neat. I'll keep that in mind if I decide to go with either process. So how much of this Silicone-X can be pumped into someone?" You wonder how much of that stuff can actually be put into a person's body.
  The doctor gives you a thoughtful look before saying "Well it depends on where it is placed, I suppose. Breasts has be enhanced up to M-Cup size but there is supposed to be another higher quality silicone that can possibly take someone beyond that size. For a penis the limit is 24-inches and for a person's ass it's enough to give someone a prodigious size butt."
<<button [[Leave|Oak Dale Clinic - North Exit]]>>
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<set $NoEncounter to random(1) +2>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<set $doctorEvent.Appointment to 0>>\
<<set $location.Indoor to 0>>\
<</button>><img src="Images/Suburb/Clinic/clinic entrance.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Fog to 0>>\
<<set _Rain to 0>>\
<<set _Cold to 0>>\
<<set _Wind to 0>>\
<<set $location.temp to "Oak Dale Clinic - South Entrance">>\
<<include "Time Micro-Passes">>\
<<if $Time.Current >= $Time.Max >>\
<<set _State to "TooLate">>\
<<set $NoEncounter to 1>>\
<<if $NoEncounter < 1>>\
<<include "Random Encounter Check">>\
This is the south side of the Oak Dale Clinic which is around the corner from the customer parking lot. There looks to be employee parking which has several high end sports cars parked back here along with a few lower end cars. A staff entrance that leads inside the Oak Dale Clinic sits in the middle of the sidewalk along with what looks to be several trash cans. A small empty sidewalk leads back to the front entrance.
<<if $StatusText.Notice is 1>>\
<<include "Update Status">>\
<<if _Rain > 0 and $StatusAffect.Wet < _Rain>>\
<<set _Rain to _Rain - $PCResistance.Water>>\
<<if _Rain > $StatusAffect.Wet>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Wet to _Rain>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I'm getting soaking wet!</i> </div>
<<if _Cold > 0 and $PCResistance.Cold < _Cold>>\
<<set _tempDamage to random(_Cold) + $StatusAffect.Wet>>\
<<set _tempDamage2 to _tempDamage - $PCResistance.Cold>>\
<<if _tempDamage2 > 0>>\
<<set $HP to $HP - _tempDamage2>>\
<<if $HP < 1>>\
<<set $HP to 1>>\
You take _tempDamage2 cold damage!
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I'm freezing to death!</i> </div>
<<switch _State>>\
<<case "TooLate">>\
<<set $Time.Current to $Time.Max>>\
It's too dangerous to explore the Oak Dale clinic at this time of night.
<<button [[Return Home|Oak Dale Returning Home]]>>
<<set $NoEncounter to 0>>\
<<case "Ambush">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Ambushed to 1>>\
You've been ambushed by an enemy!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<set $location.Encounter to "Clinic">>\
<<case "Combat">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
A hostile enemy is hanging out near the south entrance!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<set $location.Encounter to "Oak Dale Clinic">>\
<<set $location.prev to $location.temp>>\
<<button [[Staff Entrance|Oak Dale Clinic South Hallway Door]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Front Entrance|Oak Dale Clinic - Front Entrance]]>> <</button>>
<<if $lust >= ($MaxLust / 2) or $GeneralFeats.Horndog > 0>>\
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Masturbate|Masturbate]]>> </span>
<<set $location.Encounter to "Clinic">>\
<</switch>>\<img src="Images/Suburb/Clinic/clinic entrance.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Fog to 0>>\
<<set _Rain to 0>>\
<<set _Cold to 0>>\
<<set _Wind to 0>>\
<<set $location.temp to "Oak Dale Clinic - Front Entrance">>\
<<set $locationGeneric to $locationOakDaleClinic>>\
<<set $location.Encounter to "Oak Dale Clinic">>\
<<include "Time Micro-Passes">>\
<<if $Time.Current >= $Time.Max >>\
<<set _State to "TooLate">>\
<<set $NoEncounter to 1>>\
<<if $NoEncounter < 1>>\
<<include "Random Encounter Check">>\
<<set _Stop to 0>>\
<<set _Reception to 1>>\
<<if $Time.Current is 3 or $Time.Current > 6>>\
<<set _Reception to 0>>\
This is the front entrance to the Oak Dale Clinic building. The building has plenty of erotic graffiti on the grey walls which includes one large message mentioning "The Cult of Walking Love shall set everyone free!" Such signs usually indicates an possible Infested presence. Two large sliding doors allow access to the brightly lit lobby while flanked by large shrubs. To the south and north is a sidewalk to leads around the sides of the clinic and to the southwest is the main customer parking for the clinic.
<<if $npcCandy.Rob is 2 and _Reception is 1>>\
<<set _Stop to 1>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I better avoid the main lobby while Candy is manning the reception desk until she cools off.</i></div>
<<if $StatusText.Notice is 1>>\
<<include "Update Status">>\
<<if _Rain > 0 and $StatusAffect.Wet < _Rain>>\
<<set _Rain to _Rain - $PCResistance.Water>>\
<<if _Rain > $StatusAffect.Wet>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Wet to _Rain>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I'm getting soaking wet!</i> </div>
<<if _Cold > 0 and $PCResistance.Cold < _Cold>>\
<<set _tempDamage to random(_Cold) + $StatusAffect.Wet>>\
<<set _tempDamage2 to _tempDamage - $PCResistance.Cold>>\
<<if _tempDamage2 > 0>>\
<<set $HP to $HP - _tempDamage2>>\
<<if $HP < 1>>\
<<set $HP to 1>>\
You take _tempDamage2 cold damage!
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I'm freezing to death!</i> </div>
<<switch _State>>\
<<case "TooLate">>\
<<set $Time.Current to $Time.Max>>\
It's too dangerous to explore the Oak Dale clinic at this time of night.
<<button [[Return Home|Oak Dale Returning Home]]>>
<<set $NoEncounter to 0>>\
<<case "Ambush">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Ambushed to 1>>\
You've been ambushed by an enemy!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<case "Combat">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
A hostile enemy is hanging out near the entrance!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<set $location.prev to $location.temp>>\
<<if _Stop is 0>>\
<<button [[Enter the Clinic|Oak Dale Clinic Front Lobby]]>>
<<set $location.Indoor to 1>>\
<<button [[Explore the North Side of the Clinic|Oak Dale Clinic - North Exit]]>>
<<button [[Explore the South Side of the Clinic|Oak Dale Clinic - South Entrance]]>>
<<button [[Leave the Clinic|Oak Dale - Clinic Parking]]>>
<<if $lust >= ($MaxLust / 2) or $GeneralFeats.Horndog > 0>>\
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Masturbate|Masturbate]]>> </span>
<<set $location.Encounter to "Clinic">>\
<<if $AdminMode is 1>>\
<<button [[Teleport Home|PCRoom]]>>
<<set $Time.Current to $Time.Max>>\
<</switch>>\<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<set _Fog to 0>>\
<<set _Rain to 0>>\
<<set _Cold to 0>>\
<<set _Wind to 0>>\
<<switch $Weather.Current>>\
<<case "Cloudy" "Windy">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburbs 7.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Wind to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<case "Foggy">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburbs-F 7.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<case "Misty">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburbs-F 7.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Rainy" "Stormy">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburbs-R 7.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Dreary">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburbs-R 7.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Sleeting">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburbs-S 7.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Cold to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Snowy">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburbs-S 7.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Cold to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $Time.Current > 6>>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburbs-N 7.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburbs 7.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set $location.temp to "Oak Dale - Tulip & Peanut">>\
<<set $location.coord to 22>>\
<<set $locationGeneric to $locationOakDale>>\
<<set $location.Encounter to "Oak Dale">>\
<<set $location.Event to "Oak Dale">>\
<<if $Time.Current >= $Time.Max >>\
<<set _State to "TooLate">>\
<<set $NoEncounter to 1>>\
<<if $NoEncounter < 1>>\
<<include "Random Encounter Check">>\
You are located on the far northen section of Tulip Avenue. The suburbs of Civiton are fading away as the street heads up into the mountains. Luckily there's still some houses and street lights but the spaces widen between them the farther north you go. To the south the proper Oak Dale suburbs can be seen while to the north Tulip Avenue turns into the Mountain Heights road as it winds slowly up the steep mountains, leaving the outskirts of Civiton.
<<if $StatusText.Notice is 1>>\
<<include "Update Status">>\
<<if _Rain > 0 and $StatusAffect.Wet < _Rain>>\
<<set _Rain to _Rain - $PCResistance.Water>>\
<<if _Rain > $StatusAffect.Wet>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Wet to _Rain>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I'm getting soaking wet!</i> </div>
<<if _Cold > 0 and $PCResistance.Cold < _Cold>>\
<<set _tempDamage to random(_Cold) + $StatusAffect.Wet>>\
<<set _tempDamage2 to _tempDamage - $PCResistance.Cold>>\
<<if _tempDamage2 > 0>>\
<<set $HP to $HP - _tempDamage2>>\
<<if $HP < 1>>\
<<set $HP to 1>>\
You take _tempDamage2 cold damage!
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I'm freezing to death!</i> </div>
<FONT COLOR="RED">The northern part of Tulip Ave. is blocked by a horde of Infested having a massive orgy!</FONT>
<<switch _State>>\
<<case "TooLate">>\
<<set $Time.Current to $Time.Max>>\
It's too dangerous to explore the Oak Dale suburbs at this time of night.
<<button [[Return Home|Oak Dale Returning Home]]>>
<<set $NoEncounter to 0>>\
<<case "Ambush">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Ambushed to 1>>\
You've been ambushed by an enemy!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<set $location.Encounter to "Oak Dale">>\
<<case "Combat">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
A hostile enemy is roaming nearby!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<set $location.Encounter to "Oak Dale">>\
<<case "NPC">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
You've encountered something unusual!
<<button [[Encounter|Oak Dale Events]]>>
<<set $location.prev to $location.temp>>\
<<button [[Explore one of the Empty Houses|Oak Dale - Suburb House]]>>
<<set $location.temp2 to $location.temp>>\
<<button [[Look around the Area|Oak Dale Event Scout]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Scout the Area for Enemies|Oak Dale Scouting]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[South to Tulip & Peanut|Oak Dale - Tulip & Peanut]]>> <</button>>
<<if $lust >= ($MaxLust / 2) or $GeneralFeats.Horndog > 0>>\
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Masturbate|Masturbate]]>> </span>
<<set $location.Encounter to "Oak Dale">>\
<</switch>>\<img src="Images/Suburb/Clinic/restroom.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set $location.temp to "Oak Dale Clinic Restroom">>\
<<set _key to 0>>\
<<if (random(19) +1) + $Skill.Scouting + $WisdomBonus > 14 and $KeyItemsFlags.ClinicKey is 0>>\
<<set _key to 1>>\
<<set _EncounterStop to 0>>\
<<include "Time Micro-Passes">>\
<<set _lusty to random(3) +1 + $StatusAffect.Horny - $LustResist.Complete>>\
<<if _lusty < 0>>\
<<set _lusty to 0>>\
<<set $lust to $lust + _lusty>>\
This is a unisex restroom located in the eastern part of the Oak Dale Clinic. Most of the stall doors have been partially ripped off and all but one of the toilets have been destroyed. There's a large wet puddle that's filled up most of the restroom and the ever present smell of sex lingers strongly in this room. The counter looks to have mysterious stains covering everything from the sinks to the empty paper towel dispensers. A door to the west leads back out to the main hallway.
<<if _key is 1>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> Is there something shiny under one of the sinks?</i></div>
<<if $Time.Current >= $Time.Max >>\
<<set $Time.Current to $Time.Max>>\
It's too dark to search the clinic at this time of night.
<<button [[Leave|Oak Dale - Clinic Parking]]>> <</button>>
<<elseif (random(19)+ 1) + $Skill.Stealth + $DexterityBonus - $StatusAffect.Horny - ($StatusAffect.CumCovered) < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current) and $Time.Current < $Time.Max>>\
A hostile enemy just wandered into the restroom!
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<set $location.Encounter to "Oak Dale Clinic">>\
<<set $location.prev to $location.temp>>\
<<if $KeyItemsFlags.ClinicKey is 0>>\
<<button [[Search the Restroom|Oak Dale Clinic - Restroom Search]]>>
<<if $StatusAffect.Wet > 0>>
<<button [[Dry off using the Dryer|Oak Dale Clinic - Dryer]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Check the Mirror|Oak Dale Clinic - Mirror]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Leave|Oak Dale Clinic East Hallway]]>> <</button>>
<</if>>\<img src="Images/Suburb/Clinc/clinic4.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set $location.temp to "Oak Dale Clinic Returning Home">>\
You are traveling quickly to get out of the clinic before being trapped by the Infested inside. The dark night along with the slick hallways of the Oak Dale Clinic is making it rough as the Infested can be heard all around the clinic. Even worse is the majority of the lights have been turned off making to hard to see!
<<if (random(19) + 1) + $Skill.Stealth + $DexterityBonus - $StatusAffect.Horny - ($StatusAffect.CumCovered) < (10 + $Time.Current) and $NoEncounter is 0>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
You've encountered something unusual!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<set $location.Encounter to "Clinic">>\
<<button [[Continue going Home|Oak Dale - Clinic Parking]]>> <</button>>\
<</if>>\<<switch $location.Event>>\
<<case "Oak Dale Clinic">>\
<<set _ClinicEvent to random(2)>>\
<<switch _ClinicEvent>>\
<<case 0>>\
<<include "Clinic - Fluid Trap">>\
<<include "Clinic Ambush">>\
<</switch>>\<<include "SpecialAttacks">>\
<<include "Infested Enemies">>\
<<include "Encounter Table">>\
<<include "Combat Status Affects">>\
<<set $genericFighter to $infestedFuckHardDoctor>>\
<<set $genericFighter.Image = $infestedFuckHardDoctorPath + $genericFighter.Image.random() + '.jpg'>>\
<<set $genericWeapon to $infestedFuckHardDoctor.Weapon>>\
<<set $genericComments to "Infested Male Combat Comments">>\
<<set $genericFighter.DickSize to $infestedFuckHardDoctor.DickSize >>\
<<set $lootTemp to $genericFighter.Loot>>\
<<set $rarelootTemp to $genericFighter.RareLoot>>\
<<switch random(3)>>\
<<case 0>>\
<<set $genericSpecial to clone($genericFighter.Special1)>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<set $genericSpecial to clone($genericFighter.Special2)>>\
<<case 2>>\
<<set $genericSpecial to clone($genericFighter.Special3)>>\
<<case 3>>\
<<set $genericSpecial to clone($genericFighter.Special4)>>\
<<set _lusty to random(10) +1 + $StatusAffect.Horny - $LustResist.Visual - $LustResist.Complete>>\
<<if _lusty < 0>>\
<<set _lusty to 0>>\
<<set $lust to $lust + _lusty +1>>\
<<set $clinicAmbushEvent.Visits to $clinicAmbushEvent.Visits +1>>\
<<if $clinicAmbushEvent.Visits is 1>>\
<<set $clinicAmbushEvent.Found to 1>>\
<<set $genericEvent.Image = $eventPath9 + $arrayEvent9FullScreen.random() + '.jpg'>>\
<img @src=$genericEvent.Image width="512px" height="768px" />
<<if $clinicAmbushEvent.Patient is 0>>\
  While moving thru a Oak Dale clinic hallway you stumble across the sight of a well endowed Infested Doctor fucking a busty Infested Nurse long and hard! While the sight of their frantic sex is quite erotic the bigger issue is that they are blocking the hallway.
<div class="pcTalk"><i> Well fuck! I could either retreat back to try and find a another path or I could try fighting the Infested....Or I could just wait and enjoy the show. Might end up wasting a lot of time....</i></div>
  While moving thru a Oak Dale clinic hallway you stumble across the sight of Doctor FuckHard giving a hard fucking to his busty nurse, Nurse Fucktoy. While the sight of their frantic sex is quite erotic the bigger issue is that they are blocking the hallway once again.
<div class="pcTalk"><i> Well fuck! I could either retreat back to try and find a another path or I could try fighting Doctor FuckHard....Or I could just wait and enjoy the show. Might end up wasting a lot of time....</i></div>
<<button [[Fight!|Clinic Ambush - Fight]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Watch!|Clinic Ambush - Watch]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Retreat|$location.prev]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<img @src=$genericFighter.Image width="512px" height="768px" />
<<set $BattleFlag to 1>>\
<<set $clinicAmbushEvent.Visits to 1>>\
<<set $location.Flee to $location.prev>>\
<<if $PC.Sex is "Futa" or $StatusAffect.Futa > 0>>\
<<set _Sex to "Futa">>\
<<elseif $PC.Sex is "Female" and $StatusAffect.Futa < 1>>\
<<set _Sex to "Female">>\
<<set _Sex to "Male">>\
<<set $location.BattleWin to "Clinic Ambush - Victory">>\
<<if _Sex is "Futa">>\
<<set $location.BattleLose to "Clinic Ambush - Futa Defeat">>\
<<elseif _Sex is "Female">>\
<<set $location.BattleLose to "Clinic Ambush - Female Defeat">>\
<<set $location.BattleLose to "Clinic Ambush - Male Defeat">>\
<<if $clinicAmbushEvent.Patient is 0>>\
  As you step into the hallway with your weapon ready, the Infested Doctor reacts quicker than you expected as he pulls his throbbing cock out of the Infested nurse's dripping wet pussy. "It's time for a new patient, Nurse Fucktoy! Prepare the hallway for some special sexual probing after my glorious victory!" the Infested Doctor says while grabbing a silver hammer from his doctor's coat. The Infested Nurse looks completely out of it so it's only going to be a fight with the Infested Doctor for now!
  As you step into the hallway with your weapon ready, the Doctor FuckHard reacts just as quickly as expected as he pulls his throbbing cock out of Nurse Fucktoy's dripping wet pussy. "It looks like $PC.FirstName has returned for some glorious combat, Nurse Fucktoy! Prepare the hallway for the results of my impending victory!" Doctor FuckHard says while grabbing a silver hammer from his doctor's coat. Nurse Fucktoy just looks on in excitement as you prepare to fight Doctor FuckHard once again!
<<button [[Fight!|Suburb Combat]]>> <</button>><img @src=$genericFighter.Image width="512px" height="768px" />
<<set $clinicAmbushEvent.Lose to $clinicAmbushEvent.Lose +1>>\
<<set $CombatRound to 0>>\
<<set $SpecialUsage to $MaxSpecialUsage>>\
<<set $BattleFlag to 0>>\
<<set $location.FleeFlag to 0>>\
<<if $HP < 1>>\
<<if $SkillFeats.Recovery > 0>>\
<<set $HP to $PC.Level + $ConstitutionBonus + 1>>\
<<set $HP to 1>>\
<<include "Combat Status Affects">>\
<<if (random(19) + 1) + $Skill.Social + $CharismaBonus > 14>>\
<<set $npcFuckHard.Friendship to $npcFuckHard.Friendship +2 + $ClassBonus.Celebrity + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set $npcFuckToy.Friendship to $npcFuckToy.Friendship +2 + $ClassBonus.Celebrity + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set $npcFuckHard.Friendship to $npcFuckHard.Friendship +1 + $ClassBonus.Celebrity + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set $npcFuckToy.Friendship to $npcFuckToy.Friendship +1 + $ClassBonus.Celebrity + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<if $clinicAmbushEvent.Patient is 0>>\
<<set _patient to "patient">>\
<<set _Patient to "Patient">>\
<<set _patient to $PC.FirstName>>\
<<set _Patient to $PC.FirstName>>\
<<set _tempCash to 600>>\
<<if $SalvagingSkillFeats.SecureWallet > 0>>\
<<set _tempSecure to _tempCash * (.10 * $Prof.Salvaging)>>\
<<set _tempCash to Math.round(_tempCash - _tempSecure)>>\
<<if $Cash > _tempCash + $clinicAmbushEvent.Debt>>\
<<set $Cash to $Cash - _tempCash - $clinicAmbushEvent.Debt>>\
<<set $clinicAmbushEvent.Debt to 0>>\
<<set $clinicAmbushEvent.Debt to $clinicAmbushEvent.Debt + (_tempCash - $Cash)>>\
<<set $Cash to 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Energized to $StatusAffect.Energized+1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Horny to $StatusAffect.Horny+1>>\
<<set _ODickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$PC.DickSize]>>\
<<set _ODickSize to $arrayDickSize[$PC.DickSize]>>\
<<set _OBallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$PC.BallsSize]>>
<<set _OBallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$PC.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _OBreastSD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _OBreastsSize to $arrayBreastSize[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ONippleSize to $arrayNippleSize[$PC.NippleSize]>>\
<<set _OAssSize to $arrayAssSizeDesc[$PC.AssSize]>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.Vaccine < 1>>\
<<if (random(19) +1) + $PC.Fortitude + $InfectionResist.Fort + $FoodStatus.Fort - $StatusAffect.Wet < (21 + Math.round($Infestation.Progress / 2) )>>\
<<if $Infestation.Progress < 1>>\
<<set $Infestation.Progress to 1>>\
<<set _Infest to random(20) - $InfectionResist.DR +5>>\
<<if _Infest < 0>>\
<<set _Infest to 0>>\
<<set $PC.Infestation to $PC.Infestation + _Infest>>\
<<if $PC.Infestation > $Infestation.Cap>>\
<<set $PC.Infestation to $Infestation.Cap>>\
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$npcFuckToy.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$npcFuckToy.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$genericFighter.DickSize]>>\
<<set _DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$genericFighter.DickSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$genericFighter.BallsSize]>>
<<set _BallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$genericFighter.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _Roll to random(20) +1>>\
<<if _Roll > 10>>\
<<set _SexChoice to "Dick">>\
<<set _SexChoice to "Breasts">>\
<<if _SexChoice is "Dick">>\
<<if $PC.DickSize < $npcFuckHard.DickSize>>\
<<set $PCChanges.DickGrowth to "Silicone">>\
<<set $PC.DickSize to $PC.DickSize + 2>>\
<<set $DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$PC.DickSize]>>\
<<set $DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$PC.DickSize]>>\
<<set $PC.BallsSize to $PC.BallsSize + 2>>\
<<set $BallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$PC.BallsSize]>>\
<<set $BallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$PC.BallsSize]>>\
<<set $PC.MDickSize to $PC.MDickSize + 1>>\
<<set $PC.MBallsSize to $PC.MBallsSize + 1>>\
<<set $Cum.Max to $Cum.Max + 1>>\
<<set $Cum.Min to $Cum.Min + 1>>\
<<set $Cum.Stored to $Cum.Max>>\
<<set $CumAD to $arrayCumAmountDesc[$Cum.Stored]>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.SiliconeP to $StatusAffect.SiliconeP + 2>>\
<<set $clinicAmbushEvent.SiliconeX to $clinicAmbushEvent.SiliconeX -2>>\
<<if $clinicAmbushEvent.SiliconeX < 0>>\
<<set $clinicAmbushEvent.SiliconeX to 0>>\
  As you collapse from your defeat at the hands of the Infested Doctor, Nurse Fucktoy recovers from her hard railing and finally stands up. She quickly strips you of your clothes before giving you a piercing look from your _OBreastSD breasts down to your groin. "Dr. FuckHard! We have a patient who has a severe case of small dick syndrome! We need to get her pumped up right away!" she says in shock while staring hard at your _ODickSD cock.
  "Right you are, Nurse Fucktoy! Luckily I have a dose of what I'm calling "Big Dickus!" that should get this patient started on a nice hard throbbing girl-dick! And luckily per the Law of the Clinic the victor can do what they please with the loser!" he says as he pulls out a huge needle out of his doctor's coat. The needle is filled with a clear gel-like substance and looks absolutely huge! Waving the needle around he says happily "Now Nurse Fucktoy, please hold our patient down!"
  Before you can try to escape you find yourself pinned by the Infested Nurse! Her strong arms have your arms pinned to the ground with her massive silicone inflated _ICup tits in your face! The only thing you can see besides her fake breasts is the needle slowly being lowered to your groin. The needle finally penetrates right above your completely flaccid girl-dick but surprisingly it doesn't hurt. The Infested Docter presses the plunger on the needle and you watch in fascination as the clear fluid flows into your groin.
  For a brief moment nothing happens but that moment passes as you feel a strange tingling sensation coming from your dick. With each heartbeat you can feel your dick getting harder and thicker and before long your _ODickSize cock is fully erect. To your surprise your dick continues to grow as each heartbeat causes your throbbing cock to get even bigger! Within moments your hard dick is at least two inches bigger along with an increase in thickness. Even your balls are looking oversized from whatever that crazy doctor did to you!
  "Success! Your puny cock is looking much better now that the surgery has been successful! Another medical miracle performed by the greatest doctor this city has ever seen! Now to make sure everything is working properly. Nurse Fucktoy? Assume the position!" the Infested Doctor proclaims loudly while giving your throbbing dick a hard examining look.
  "Yes sir!" yells Nurse Fucktoy as she finally releases your arms and gets on her hands and knees. Her huge jiggly ass is swaying in the air next to your stunned face. She looks back at you while wiggling her huge bouncy ass back and forth as if waiting for someone to fuck her and that someone looks to be you!
  "Listen up _patient! You will fuck Nurse FuckToy long and hard with your $DickSize cock and not stop until I tell you to! You will not cum until I tell you to! Breaking these rules will result in punishment! Now get to it, _patient!" demands Doctor FuckHard as he stares at you with a iron will.
  Not wanting to see what else he could do to mess with your body, you slowly get to your knees. Your hard throbbing cock is aching to be deep inside the busty nurse so you grab her ample hips. Taking a moment to line your cock up with her dripping wet pussy, you take the plunge as you slide your hard cock into her tight cunt! It feels so good you almost creampie her just from entering her tight pussy! It feels like your dick is way more sensitive now and you have clench tight in order to keep youself from prematurely cumming.
  "Oh no! Is Nurse Fucktoy's pussy too much for you?" asks Nurse Fucktoy as she glances back at you in faux concern. Unwilling to give her the satisfaction of a verbal response, you respond by pulling your cock almost all the way out of her tight pussy before slamming it back in hard. With each thrust of your pulsating dick you get more used to your increased sensitivity and eventually get a nice hard rhythm going. The extra cushioning in her ass helps you keep a even pace as you steadily fuck the slutty nurse.
  "Oooh! Your hard throbbing cock feels so good! Nurse Fucktoy is sooo glad you didn't shoot your load prematurely!" moans the busty nurse as her _ISD silicone filled tits sway with each thrust as well as her extremely jiggly ass. Unwilling to annoy the doctor you keep a steady pace regardless of the fact you really want to fuck the brains out of the nurse before shooting your load all over her massive silicone enhanced ass.
  "Hmm...It seems the patient's enhanced penis is working so far. Now to see if all the parts are in working order. _Patient! You will fuck my nurse until she cums and then you are allowed to cum. No not allowed! You WILL cum! Show me that everything works perfectly, patient!" demands the Infested doctor as he paces around the floor where you are busy fucking his slutty nurse.
  Hearing his order you start to speed up your fucking, giving the erotic nurse the hard fucking she deserves. Her response is to moan even louder and start to thrust her massive ass back against your hard $DickSize cock. Her _ISD jugs are swaying hard from the strong pounding you are giving her and your hard $BallsSize balls are slapping loudly onto her ass with each hard thrust.
<<if $PC.Infestation is $Infestation.Cap & $Infestation.Progress > 1>>\
<<set _OBreastSD to $BreastSD>>\
<<set _OBreastsSize to $BreastsSize>>\
<<include "Infestation Increase">>\
  As you slam your <<Penis>> into her wet cunt you feel a surge of energy flowing directly into you! It almost feels like you are burning up but it quickly turns to pleasure that radiates from your hard <<Penis>> and your _OBreastSD breasts.
  "Oh fuckkkk! Your yummy cock is getting bigger and bigger in Nurse Fucktoy's tight pussy! Oooooh fuckkkkk! Nurse Fucktoy is feeling really really good!" she moans as you pound her pussy even harder. You can feel your <<Penis>> growing longer and thicker and you can even see your _OBreastSD breasts slowly expanding with each thrust. Your silicone-enhanced dick is radiating so much pleasure that you are on the edge of cumming and it's taking all your willpower to hold back. "OH FUCK! NURSE FUCKTOY IS CUMMING FROM YOUR SUPER BIG COCK!" she lets out a echoeing scream of pure pleasure as you feel her wet pussy squeeze your cock hard.
  The feeling of the slutty Infested nurse cumming hard pushes you over the edge as her pussy squeezes your burning cock over and over again. "Fuck! I'm cumming from my growing dick and wet pussy!" you yell as your churning balls give one last pulse before you unleash a tidal wave of cum deep into her pussy! There's so much that you pull your dick out of her pussy and shoot massive strands of hot goo all over her massive ass! Even your neglected pussy shoots a massive stream of girl-cum onto the floor. As you collaspe onto the ground, you can see that you now have a $DickSD $DickSize dick along with a pair of $BallsSD $BallsSize balls! Even your jugs are now $BreastSD $BreastsSize tits!
  "Interesting! It seems _patient has had an unusual reaction to my treatment! I will have to explore this more closely in the future, for Science of course!" Doctor FuckHard says while examing your body.
  "Oh fuck! It feels so good to be fucked so hard by such an improved dick! Oooooh fuckkkkk! Nurse Fucktoy is feeling really really good!" she moans as you pound her pussy even harder. You're quickly reaching your limits but the nurse still hasn't cum yet. Your silicone-enhanced dick is radiating so much pleasure that you are on the edge of cumming and it's taking all your willpower to hold back. "OH FUCK! NURSE FUCKTOY IS CUMMING FROM YOUR BIG COCK!" she lets out a echoeing scream of pure pleasure as you feel her wet pussy squeeze your cock hard.
  The feeling of the slutty Infested nurse cumming hard pushes you over the edge as her pussy squeezes your aching cock over and over again. Your churning balls give one last pulse before you unleash a $CumAD blast of cum deep into her pussy! Your orgasm is so strong that you can't help but collaspe onto the ground, your $DickSize cock easily slipping out her hot pussy.
<<set $PCChanges.DickShrink to "Silicone">>\
<<set $PC.DickSize to $PC.DickSize - 2>>\
<<set $DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$PC.DickSize]>>\
<<set $DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$PC.DickSize]>>\
<<set $PC.BallsSize to $PC.BallsSize - 2>>\
<<set $BallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$PC.BallsSize]>>\
<<set $BallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$PC.BallsSize]>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.SiliconeP > 1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.SiliconeP to $StatusAffect.SiliconeP -2>>\
<<set $PC.MDickSize to $PC.MDickSize - 2>>\
<<set $PC.MBallsSize to $PC.MBallsSize - 2>>\
<<elseif $StatusAffect.SiliconeP is 1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.SiliconeP to $StatusAffect.SiliconeP -1>>\
<<set $PC.MDickSize to $PC.MDickSize - 1>>\
<<set $PC.MBallsSize to $PC.MBallsSize - 1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered +1>>\
<<set $Cum.Max to $Cum.Max - 2>>\
<<set $Cum.Min to $Cum.Min - 2>>\
<<set $Cum.Stored to $Cum.Max>>\
<<set $CumAD to $arrayCumAmountDesc[$Cum.Stored]>>\
  As you collapse from your defeat at the hands of the Infested Doctor, Nurse Fucktoy recovers from her hard railing and finally stands up. She quickly strips you of your clothes before giving you a piercing look from your face down to your groin. "Dr. FuckHard! We have a patient who has a super mega huge dick! I think her futa-dick might even be bigger than yours!" she says in shock while staring hard at your _ODickSD cock in pure lust.
  "Huh... Well we can't be having that, Nurse Fucktoy! Luckily I have a dose of what I'm calling "Tiny Dickus!" that should get this patient's penis back to a reasonable size! And luckily per the Law of the Clinic the victor can do what they please with the loser!" he says as he pulls out a huge needle out of his doctor's coat. The needle is filled with a clear gel-like substance and looks absolutely huge!
  "Are you sure Doctor FuckHard? It looks fine to me and I bet it would feel even better deep inside my pussy!" she protests loudly while gazing at your _ODickSD dick. Her hands are pinching her hard nipples while she stares lustfully at your meat rod.
  At the nurses protest he says sternly while waving the needle around "Having such a monster cock is dangerous and could cause blood flow issues. Now Nurse Fucktoy, please hold our patient down!"
  Before you can try to escape you find yourself pinned by the Infested Nurse! Her strong arms have your arms pinned to the ground with her massive silicone inflated _ICup tits in your face! The only thing you can see besides her fake breasts is the needle slowly being lowered to your groin. The needle finally penetrates right above your completely flaccid penis but surprisingly it doesn't hurt. The Infested Docter presses the plunger on the needle and you watch in horror as the clear fluid flows into your groin.
  For a brief moment nothing happens but that moment passes as you feel a strange tingling sensation coming from your dick. With each heartbeat you can feel your dick getting harder and thicker and before long your $DickSize cock is fully erect. To your surprise your dick starts to shrink while remaining hard as each heartbeat causes your throbbing cock to get smaller! Within moments your hard dick is at least two inches smaller along with an decrease in thickness. Even your balls are looking anemic from whatever that crazy doctor did to you!
  "Success! Your penis is looking much better now that the surgery has been successful! Another medical miracle performed by the greatest doctor this city has ever seen! Now to make sure everything is working properly. Nurse Fucktoy? Assume the position!" the Infested Doctor proclaims loudly while giving your throbbing dick a hard examining look.
  "Yes sir..." Nurse Fucktoy mutters as she finally releases your arms and gets on her hands and knees. Her huge jiggly ass is swaying in the air next to your stunned face. She looks back at you with a bit of sadness in her eyes while wiggling her huge bouncy ass back and forth as if waiting for someone to fuck her.
  "Listen up _patient! You will fuck Nurse FuckToy long and hard with your $DickSize cock and not stop until I tell you to! You will not cum until I tell you to! Breaking these rules will result in punishment! Now get to it _patient!" demands Doctor FuckHard as he stares at you with a iron will.
  Not wanting to see what else he could do to mess with your body, you slowly get to your knees. Your hard throbbing cock is aching to be deep inside the busty nurse so you grab her ample hips. Taking a moment to line your cock up with her dripping wet pussy, you take the plunge as you slide your hard cock into her tight cunt! It feels so good you almost creampie her just from entering her tight pussy! It feels like your dick is way more sensitive now and you have clench tight in order to keep youself from prematurely cumming.
  "Oh no! Is Nurse Fucktoy's pussy too much for you?" asks Nurse Fucktoy as she glances back at you in faux concern. Unwilling to give her the satisfaction of a verbal response, you respond by pulling your cock almost all the way out of her tight pussy before slamming it back in hard. With each thrust of your pulsating dick you get more used to your increased sensitivty and eventually get a nice hard rhythm going. The extra cushioning in her ass helps you keep a even pace as you steadily fuck the slutty nurse.
  "Oooh! Your hard throbbing cock feels so good, but I bet it would have felt better before your treatment! Nurse Fucktoy's sooo glad you didn't shoot your load prematurely into Nurse Fucktoy's tight pussy!" moans the busty nurse as her _ISD silicone filled tits sway with each thrust as well as her extremely jiggly ass. Unwilling to annoy the doctor you keep a steady pace regardless of the fact you really want to fuck the brains out of the nurse before shooting your load all over her massive silicone-enhanced ass.
  "Hmm...It seems the patient's improved penis is working so far. Now to see if all the parts are in working order. _Patient! You will fuck my nurse until she cums and then you are allowed to cum. No not allowed! You WILL cum! Show me that everything works perfectly, patient!" demands the Infested doctor as he paces around the floor where you are busy fucking his slutty nurse.
  Hearing his order you start to speed up your fucking, giving the erotic nurse the hard fucking she deserves and you desire. Her response is to groan even louder and start to thrust her massive ass back against your hard $DickSize cock. Her _ISD jugs are swaying hard from the strong pounding you are giving her and your $BallsSize cum-filled balls are slapping loudly with each hard thrust.
<<if $PC.Infestation is $Infestation.Cap & $Infestation.Progress > 1>>\
<<set _OBreastSD to $BreastSD>>\
<<set _OBreastsSize to $BreastsSize>>\
<<include "Infestation Increase">>\
  As you slam your <<Penis>> into her wet cunt you feel a surge of energy flowing directly into you! It almost feels like you are burning up but it quickly turns to pleasure that radiates from your hard <<Penis>> and your _OBreastSD breasts.
  "Oh what the fuck? Your yummy cock is getting bigger and bigger in Nurse Fucktoy's tight pussy? Oooooh fuckkkkk! Nurse Fucktoy is feeling really really good!" she moans as you pound her pussy even harder. You can feel your <<Penis>> growing longer and thicker and you can even see your _OBreastSD breasts slowly expanding with each thrust. Your growing dick is radiating so much pleasure that you are on the edge of cumming and it's taking all your willpower to hold back. "OH FUCK! NURSE FUCKTOY IS CUMMING FROM YOUR GROWING COCK!" she lets out a echoeing scream of pure pleasure as you feel her wet pussy squeeze your cock hard.
  The feeling of the slutty Infested nurse cumming hard pushes you over the edge as her pussy squeezes your burning cock over and over again. "Fuck! I'm cumming from my growing dick and wet pussy!" you yell as your churning balls give one last pulse before you unleash a tidal wave of cum deep into her pussy! There's so much that you pull your dick out of her pussy and shoot massive strands of hot goo all over her massive ass! Even your neglected pussy shoots a massive stream of girl-cum onto the floor. As you collaspe onto the ground, you can see that you now have a $DickSD $DickSize dick along with a pair of $BallsSD $BallsSize balls! Even your jugs are now $BreastSD $BreastsSize tits!
  "Interesting! It seems _patient has had an unusual reaction to my treatment! I wonder if the reversal was the patient's body trying to fight back against the treatment. I will have to explore this more closely in the future, for Science of course!" Doctor FuckHard says while examing your body while stroking his hard dick.
  "Oh fuck! It feels so good to be fucked so hard by such an $DickSD dick! Oooooh fuckkkkk! Nurse Fucktoy is feeling really really good! OH FUCKITY!" she moans as you pound her pussy even harder. You're quickly reaching your limits but the nurse still hasn't cum yet. Your dick is radiating so much pleasure that you on the edge of cumming once again and it's taking all your willpower to hold back.
  With all your focus on railing the hot slutty big titty nurse you didn't notice what the crazy doctor was doing until almost the last moment. Hearing his grunting you glance over and find that he had taken his massive 15-inch cock out of his pants at one point and is stroking his monster dick rapidly!
  "Prepare to receive my big load!" Doctor FuckHard bellows as his _DickSize meat staff twitches. You can only watch helplessly as multiple massive geysers of hot white cum shoot out from his cock! Several large strands splash onto your face and chest while others land on Nurse FuckToy's massive ass and face!
  The feeling of having her ass and face covered by the doctor's seed pushes Nurse FuckToy over the edge. "OH FUCK! NURSE FUCKTOY IS CUMMING!" she lets out a echoing scream of pure pleasure as you feel her wet pussy squeeze your cock hard.
  You are also not immune to the feeling of getting a gooey facial as your resistance shatters. "FUCK YES! I'm cumming!" you shout as you finally give into the pleasure. You feel your overfilled balls give one last pulse before unleashing your $CumAD load directly into Nurse Fucktoy's quivering pussy. <<if $Cum.Stored > 10>> After filling her tight pussy with your hot cum you pull your <<Penis>> out of her tight pussy and fire $CumAD strands of gooey cum all over her back and massive silicone-filled ass!<</if>> After shooting out all your baby-battery you collapse onto the floor feeling completely spent and exhausted.
<<if $PC.BreastsSize < $npcFuckToy.BreastsSize -1>>\
<<set $PCChanges.BreastsGrowth to "Silicone">>\
<<set $PC.BreastsSize =+ $PC.BreastsSize +2>>\
<<set $PC.MMBreastsSize to $PC.MMBreastsSize +2>>\
<<set $PC.NippleSize =+ $PC.NippleSize +2>>\
<<set $BreastSD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set $BreastsSize to $arrayBreastSize[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set $NippleSize to $arrayNippleSize[$PC.NippleSize]>>\
<<set $PC.MBreastsSize to $PC.MBreastsSize + 2>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.SiliconeB to $StatusAffect.SiliconeB + 2>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered +1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumFilled to $StatusAffect.CumFilled +1>>\
<<set $clinicAmbushEvent.SiliconeX to $clinicAmbushEvent.SiliconeX -2>>\
<<if $clinicAmbushEvent.SiliconeX < 0>>\
<<set $clinicAmbushEvent.SiliconeX to 0>>\
  As you collaspse from your defeat at the hands of the Infested Doctor, Nurse Fucktoy recovers from her hard railing and finally stands up. She quickly strips you of your clothes before giving you a piercing look from your face down to your _OBreastSD breasts. "Dr. FuckHard! We have a patient who has a severe case of flat chest syndrome! Her futa-dick is big enough but we need to get her titties pumped up right away!" she says in shock while staring hard at your _OBreastsSize jugs.
  "Right you are, Nurse Fucktoy! Luckily I have a dose of what I'm calling "Big Titus!" that should get this patient started on a nice bouncy pair of tits! And luckily per the Law of the Clinic the victor can do what they please with the loser!" he says as he pulls out two needles out of his doctor's coat. The needles are filled with a clear gel-like substance and looks absolutely huge! Waving the needles around he says happily "Now Nurse Fucktoy, please hold our patient down!"
  Before you can try to escape you find yourself pinned by the Infested Nurse! Her strong arms have your arms pinned to the ground with her _ISD silicone inflated _ICup tits in your face! The only thing you can see besides her fake breasts are the needles slowly being lowered to your chest. The needles finally penetrates right above your nipples but surprisingly it doesn't hurt. The Infested Docter presses the plunger on the needles and you watch in fascination as the clear fluid flows into your chest.
  For a brief moment nothing happens but that moment passes as you feel a strange pleasurable sensation coming from your chest. With each heartbeat you can feel your nipples getting harder and before long your _ONippleSize nipples are as hard as diamonds. To your surprise your _OBreastSD breasts slowly start to grow as each heartbeat causes your _OBreastsSize tits to expand even bigger! It feels so good that you feel your pussy wetten as well as your $DickSD hardening cock. Within moments your aching chest is at least two cup sizes bigger and even your $NippleSize nipples are looking oversized!
  "Success! Your flat chest is looking much better now that the surgery has been successfuly! Now to make sure everything is working properly. Nurse Fucktoy? Please observe while I try out our patient's new $BreastSD $BreastsSize tits!" Doctor FuckHard proclaims loudly while giving your expanded chest a nice hard look.
  The doctor glances at your throbbing futa-cock but ignores it as he presses his _DickSD meat staff up against your wet pussy causing you to moan loudly. Giving the nurse a lusty smirk he slams his _DickSize silicone enhanced cock deep into your pussy causing your $BreastSD breasts to bounce from his sudden thrust. His thick cock feels so good can't help but feel a burning need for the doctor to keep fucking your extremely tight cunt hard.
  "Oh fuck! You're in so deep! Your cock is so big!" you gasp loudly in pleasure. Doctor FuckHard in response to your moans starts to slam his <<Penis>> in and out of your quivering pussy. As you squirm and moan from the hard pounding you are receiving, Nurse Fucktoy finally releases your arms, allowing you to finally grab your expanded chest. Your breasts feel so much bigger and more sensitive that just touching them almost makes you cum right on the spot!
  "Isn't it sooo good to have a set of big titties? So big and so sensitive! Trust me! You're going to love them just like Nurse Fucktoy!" the Infested Nurse says while placing her pussy onto your face! "But right now Nurse Fucktoy is horny so it's time for you to eat Nurse Fucktoy's tight pussy!" she says while reaching down, placing one hand on top of your hand while the other grabs your futa-cock. She forces you to squeeze your tits tight while stroking your cock causing you to cum hard as you unleash a $GCumAD flood of girl-cum all over the doctor's hard throbbing cock before launching a $CumAD shot from your $DickSD cock all over your own $BreastSD tits and the nurse's hand! Your moans of pleasure are muffled by Nurse Fucktoy's wet pussy that's smothering your face while the doctor doesn't even slow down as he fucks you thru your dual-orgasm.
  "It seems the patient's sensitivity is very high, Nurse Fucktoy! I must see if enough hard fucking can produce the same response! In the mean time, _patient, you need to eat out my nurse for she is rather thirsty!" says Doctor FuckHard as he accelerates his hard pounding causing your already sensitive pussy to get even wetter. Following the doctor's orders you slide your tongue into her dripping wet pussy while doing your best to drink down her juices.
  The hard fucking from the doctor and the sweet delicious taste of the nurse's dripping wet pussy is pushing you closer to another orgasm. The fact the doctor has joined the nurse in playing with your $BreastSD expanded breasts doesn't help as you feel your second orgasm coming any moment now. You try to moan louder but just end up sucking down more pussy-juice from NurseFucktoy.
<<if $PC.Infestation is $Infestation.Cap & $Infestation.Progress > 1>>\
<<include "Infestation Increase">>\
<<set _OBreastSD to $BreastSD>>\
  As the good doctor continues to pound away at your wet pussy you feel a surge of energy flowing directly into you! It almost feels like you are burning up but it quickly turns to pleasure that radiates from your ass that's slightly sore from all the hard hammering from the doctor, your _OBreastSD breasts that's being played with by both the doctor and the nurse and finally your futa-cock that's still be stroked by the nurse!
  "Oh? What's this I see? How interesting! Look, Nurse Fucktoy, it seems our patient is having an interesting reaction to the treatment! Her breasts are growing bigger than expected and it seems her futa-penis is growing bigger as well!" the doctor comments as he watches your breasts grow with fascination. With your face full of bimbo pussy you can't quite see what he's talking about but it does feel like your breasts are growing again along with your aching cock.
  "Oh wow! You're right, Doctor FuckHard! Her titties are growing bigger and Nurse Fucktoy has to say that her bigger futa-cock is looking really nice!" the busty nurse says as she strokes your futa-dick harder. "Nurse Fucktoy wonder how her dick would feel deep inside of Nurse Fucktoy's pussy?" she wonders as she squeezes your dick hard one last time before returning back to your growing chest. The feeling of your sensitive breasts being played with by two hot Infested is pushing you even closer to the edge!
  "Ah yes! A patient with big tits is the best type of patient, Nurse Fucktoy! I can feel my seed-filled balls about to unleash my hot semen into her tight pussy! The patient might be able to shoot a load from her puny cock but it's nothing compared to my god-like cock! Yes, yes, YESSS!" the doctor yells as you feel his throbbing cock thrust hard one last time into your weeping pussy and unleash a firehose of hot cum directly into your eager womb! Not content with just creampieing you, Doctor FuckHard pulls out his _DickSize <<Penis>> while saying "I'm going to coat those $BreastsSize breasts of yours with my cream!" before shooting huge strands of gooey cum all over your $BreastSD tits along with Nurse Fucktoy's _ISD _ICup tits!
  "Ooooh Doctor FuckHard! Feeling your hot yummy cum while Nurse Fucktoy is playing with a patients new bigger tits is making Nurse Fucktoy cum so hard!" moans the Infested Nurse as grabs her _ISD fake tits with her hands. The feeling of having her jugs painted white must have turned on fiercely as she unleashes her firehose of girl-cum directly into your mouth.
  The feeling of being creampied along with being coated in the doctor's cum and the nurse's girl-cum pushes your aching pussy even farther as your second orgasm hits like a train. A second tidal wave of girl-cum squirts out of your pussy along with some of the doctor's own cum and your futa-cock quickly follows by shooting a massive wave of gooey cum all over the Nurse Fucktoy's face and tits! Still feeling some energy left over, you finally get a glimpse of your breasts and you can verify that they have indeed grown to $BreastSD $BreastsSize breasts with $NippleSize long nipples standing erect with the doctor's cum dripping from them. Reaching back you can feel that your ass has also grown to $AssSize size and you now have a $DickSD $DickSize dick along with a pair of $BallsSD $BallsSize balls!
  "Ahhh! The patient's tight pussy is pushing me to cum, Nurse Fucktoy! I can feel my heavy balls about to unload my hot semen into her tight pussy! The patient might be able to shoot a load from her puny cock but it's nothing compared to my god-like cock! Yes, yes, YESSS!" the doctor yells as you feel his throbbing cock pulse thrust hard one last time into your weeping pussy and unleash a firehose of hot cum directly into your eager womb! Not content with just creampieing you, Doctor FuckHard pulls out his _DickSize <<Penis>> and shoots large strands of gooey cum all over your $BreastSD $BreastsSize tits along with Nurse Fucktoy's _ISD _ICup tits!
  "Ooooh Doctor FuckHard! Your hot yummy cum is making Nurse Fucktoy cum!" moans the Infested Nurse as grabs her _ISD fake tits with her hands. The feeling of having her jugs painted white must have turned on fiercely as she unleashes her firehose of girl-cum directly into your mouth.
  The feeling of being creampied along with being coated in the doctor's cum and the nurse's girl-cum pushes your aching pussy even farther as your second dual-orgasm hits like a train. A $GCumAD gushing of girl-cum squirts out of your pussy while your hard futa-cock shoots $CumAD wads of cum all over your tits, adding to the white glistening cum coating. After orgasming so many times in such a short time you collapse onto the floor feeling completely spent and exhausted.
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered +1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumFilled to $StatusAffect.CumFilled +1>>\
<<set $PC.MBreastsSize to $PC.MBreastsSize - 2>>\
<<set $PCChanges.BreastsShrink to "Silicone">>\
<<set $PC.BreastsSize =+ $PC.BreastsSize -2>>\
<<set $PC.NippleSize =+ $PC.NippleSize -2>>\
<<set $BreastSD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set $BreastsSize to $arrayBreastSize[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set $NippleSize to $arrayNippleSize[$PC.NippleSize]>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.SiliconeB > 1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.SiliconeB to $StatusAffect.SiliconeB - 2>>\
<<elseif $StatusAffect.SiliconeB is 1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.SiliconeB to $StatusAffect.SiliconeB - 1>>\
  As you collapse from your defeat at the hands of the Infested Doctor, Nurse Fucktoy recovers from her hard railing and finally stands up. She quickly strips you of your clothes before giving you a piercing look from your face down to your _OBreastSD breasts. "Dr. FuckHard! We have a patient who has a severe case of inflated chest syndrome! We need to get her drained right away!" she says in shock while staring hard at your _OBreastsSize tits in what looks to be envy.
  "Are you sure, Nurse Fucktoy? They look pretty nice to me..." At her glare he sighs loudly. "Fine! Have it your way. Luckily I have a dose of what I'm calling "Tiny Titus!" that should get this patient back to reasonably size tits! And luckily per the Law of the Clinic the victor can do what they please with the loser!" he says as he pulls out two needles out of his doctor's coat. The needles are filled with a clear gel-like substance and looks absolutely huge! Waving the needles around he says happily "Now Nurse Fucktoy, please hold our patient down!"
  Before you can try to escape you find yourself pinned by the Infested Nurse! Her strong arms have your arms pinned to the ground with her _ISD silicone inflated _ICup tits in your face! The only thing you can see besides her fake breasts are the needles slowly being lowered to your chest. The needles finally penetrates right above your nipples but surprisingly it doesn't hurt. The Infested Docter presses the plunger on the needles and you watch in horror as the clear fluid flows into your chest.
  For a brief moment nothing happens but that moment passes as you feel a strange pleasurable sensation coming from your chest. With each heartbeat you can feel your nipples getting harder and before long your _ONippleSize nipples are as hard as diamonds. To your surprise your _OBreastSD breasts slowly start to shrink as each heartbeat causes your _OBreastsSize tits to slowly decrease! It feels so good that you feel your futa-cock harden as you become horny as hell. Within moments your aching chest is at least two cup sizes smaller and even your $NippleSize nipples are looking anemic!
  "Success! Your chest is looking much better now that the surgery has been successful! Now to make sure everything is working properly. Nurse Fucktoy? Please observe while I try out our patient's new $BreastSD $BreastsSize tits!" Doctor FuckHard proclaims loudly while giving your shruken chest a nice hard look.
  The doctor glances at your throbbing futa-cock but ignores it as he presses his _DickSD meat staff up against your wet pussy causing you to moan loudly. Giving the nurse a lusty smirk he slams his _DickSize silicone enhanced cock deep into your pussy causing your $BreastSD breasts to bounce from his sudden thrust. His thick cock feels so good can't help but feel a burning need for the doctor to keep fucking your extremely tight cunt hard.
  "Oh fuck! You're in so deep! Your cock is so big!" you gasp loudly in pleasure. Doctor FuckHard in response to your moans starts to slam his <<Penis>> in and out of your quivering pussy. As you squirm and moan from the hard pounding you are receiving, Nurse Fucktoy finally releases your arms, allowing you to finally grab your shrunken chest. Your breasts feel so much smaller and more sensitive that just touching them almost makes you cum right on the spot!
  "Isn't it sooo good to have a proper set of titties? So much better with them being a nice size! Trust me! You're going to love them just like Nurse Fucktoy and have way less back pain!" the Infested Nurse says while placing her pussy onto your face! "But right now Nurse Fucktoy is horny so it's time for you to eat Nurse Fucktoy's tight pussy!" she says while reaching down, placing her hands on top of your hands. She forces you to squeeze your tits tight and this time you do cum hard as you unleash a $CumAD flood of girl-cum all over the doctor's hard throbbing cock before launching a $CumAD shot from your $DickSD cock all over your own $BreastSD tits. Your moans of pleasure are muffled by Nurse Fucktoy's wet pussy that's smothering your face while the doctor doesn't even slow down as he fucks you thru your dual-orgasm.
  "It seems the patient's sensitivity is very high, Nurse Fucktoy! I must see if enough hard fucking can produce the same response! In the mean time, _patient, you need to eat out my nurse for she is rather thirsty!" says Doctor FuckHard as he accelerates his hard pounding causing your already sensitive pussy to get even wetter. Following the doctor's orders you slide your tongue into her dripping wet pussy while doing your best to drink down her juices.
  The hard fucking from the doctor and the sweet delicious taste of the nurse's dripping wet pussy is pushing you closer to another orgasm. The fact the doctor has joined the nurse in playing with your smaller $BreastSD breasts doesn't help as you feel your second orgasm coming any moment now. You try to moan louder but just end up sucking down more pussy-juice from NurseFucktoy.
<<if $PC.Infestation is $Infestation.Cap & $Infestation.Progress > 1>>\
<<include "Infestation Increase">>\
  As the good doctor continues to pound away at your wet pussy you feel a surge of energy flowing directly into you! It almost feels like you are burning up but it quickly turns to pleasure that radiates from your ass that's slightly sore from all the hard hammering from the doctor, your _BreastSD breasts that's being played with by both the doctor and the nurse and finally your futa-cock that's still be stroked by the nurse!
  "Oh? What's this I see? How interesting! Look, Nurse Fucktoy, it seems our patient is having an interesting reaction to the treatment! Her breasts are growing bigger, almost like they are fighting back against the treatment! And even better it looks like her futa-penis is growing as well!" the doctor comments as he watches your breasts grow with fascination. With your face full of bimbo pussy you can't quite see what he's talking about but it does feel like your breasts have reversed course as they push against the doctor's hands. They feel like they expanding with each heartbeat along with with your aching cock.
  "Nurse Fucktoy can't believe it! Her titties are growing even bigger, Doctor FuckHard!" the busty nurse says as she fondles your growing jugs along with the doctor before switching to your rock hard dick. "Nurse Fucktoy has to say at least her bigger futa-cock is looking a lot nicer and juicier!" the busty nurse says as she strokes your futa-dick even faster. "I wonder how her dick would feel deep inside of Nurse Fucktoy?" she wonders as she squeezes your dick hard one last time before returning back to your growing chest. The feeling of your sensitive breasts being played with by two hot Infested is pushing you even closer to the edge!
  "Ah yes! A patient with big tits is the best type of patient, Nurse Fucktoy! I can feel my seed-filled about to unleash my hot semen into her tight pussy! The patient might be able to shoot a load from her puny cock but it's nothing compared to my god-like cock! Yes, yes, YESSS!" the doctor yells as you feel his throbbing cock thrust hard one last time into your weeping pussy and unleash a firehose of hot cum directly into your eager womb! Not content with just creampieing you, Doctor FuckHard pulls out his _DickSize <<Penis>> while saying "I'm going to coat those $BreastsSize breasts of yours with my cream!" before shooting huge strands of gooey cum all over your $BreastSD tits along with Nurse Fucktoy's _ISD _ICup tits!
  "Ooooh Doctor FuckHard! Feeling your hot yummy cum while Nurse Fucktoy is playing with a patients somewhat bigger tits is making Nurse Fucktoy cum so hard!" moans the Infested Nurse as grabs her _ISD fake tits with her hands. The feeling of having her jugs painted white must have turned on fiercely as she unleashes her firehose of girl-cum directly onto your face.
  The feeling of being creampied along with being coated in the doctor's cum and the nurse's girl-cum pushes your aching pussy even farther as your dual-orgasm hits like a train. A seemingly neverending tidal wave of girl-cum squirts out of your pussy while your hard futa-cock shoots blast after blasts of of gooey cum all over your tits and the busty nurses's tits, adding to the white glistening cum coating. Still feeling some energy left over, you finally get a glimpse of your breasts and you can verify that they have indeed grown to $BreastSD $BreastsSize breasts with $NippleSize long nipples standing erect with the doctor's cum dripping from them. Reaching down you can verify that your futa-dick has grown to a $DickSD $DickSize dick along with your $BallsSD $BallsSize balls.
  "Ahhh! The patient's tight pussy is pushing me to cum, Nurse Fucktoy! I can feel my heavy balls about to unload my hot semen into her tight pussy! She thinks she can shoot a load from her puny cock but it's nothing compared to my god-like cock! Yes, yes, YESSS!" the doctor yells as you feel his throbbing cock pulse thrust hard one last time into your weeping pussy and unleash a firehose of hot cum directly into your eager womb! Not content with just creampieing you, Doctor FuckHard pulls out his _DickSize <<Penis>> and shoots large strands of gooey cum all over your $BreastSD $BreastsSize tits along with Nurse Fucktoy's _ISD _ICup tits!
  "Ooooh Doctor FuckHard! Your hot yummy cum is making Nurse Fucktoy cum!" moans the Infested Nurse as grabs her _ISD fake tits with her hands. The feeling of having her jugs painted white must have turned on fiercely as she unleashes her firehose of girl-cum directly into your waiting mouth.
  The feeling of being creampied along with being coated in the doctor's cum and the nurse's girl-cum pushes your aching pussy even farther as your second dual-orgasm hits like a train. A $GCumAD gushing of girl-cum squirts out of your pussy while your hard futa-cock shoots $CumAD wads of cum all over your tits, adding to the white glistening cum coating. After orgasming so many times in such a short time you collapse onto the floor feeling completely spent and exhausted.
<<if $clinicAmbushEvent.Patient is 0>>\
  "Well Nurse Fucktoy it's time for us to say goodbye to....hmm? I don't think I got the patient's name!" says Doctor FuckHard before looking thru your wallet. Smiling down at your abused body he says "Ah hah! Good-bye $PC.FirstName $PC.LastName! I'll be taking the payment for your treatment out of your wallet. No need for billing to get involved! Come along Nurse Fucktoy, we have more patients to find!"
  "Good-bye $PC.FirstName! Nurse Fucktoy hopes to see you again soon!" says Nurse Fucktoy as she walks down the hallway with her pussy dripping. Doctor FuckHard smiles lustfully as slaps her jiggly ass as she passes by.
  It takes you a few minutes to recover and you slowly get dressed. Looking thru your wallet you discover <<if $Cash is 0>> he took all of your money!<<else>> he took _tempCash dollars! <</if>>\
  "Well Nurse Fucktoy it's time for us to say goodbye to $PC.FirstName once again!" says Doctor FuckHard before looking thru your wallet. Smiling down at your abused body he says "It was a good fight $PC.FirstName but the victory was mine! I'll be taking the payment for your treatment out of your wallet as the price for me winning. No need for billing to get involved! Come along Nurse Fucktoy, we have more patients to find!"
  "Good-bye $PC.FirstName! Nurse Fucktoy hopes to see you again soon!" says Nurse Fucktoy as she walks down the hallway with her pussy dripping. Doctor FuckHard smiles lustfully as slaps her jiggly ass as she passes by.
  It takes you a few minutes to recover and you slowly get dressed. Looking thru your wallet you discover <<if $Cash is 0>> he took all of your money!<<else>> he took _tempCash dollars! <</if>>\
<<button [[Leave|$location.temp]]>>
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<include "Lust Passes">>\
<<set $NoEncounter to random(1) +2>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<set $clinicAmbushEvent.Patient to 1>>\
<<if ndef $npcFuckToy.Enhance>>\
<<set $npcFuckToy.Enhance to 0>>\
<<if $npcFuckToy.BreastsSize + $npcFuckToy.Enhance < $PC.BreastsSize>>\
<<set $npcFuckToy.Enhance to $npcFuckToy.Enhance +2>>\
<</button>><img @src=$genericEvent.Image width="512px" height="768px" />
<<set $clinicAmbushEvent.Watch to $clinicAmbushEvent.Watch +1>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$npcFuckToy.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$npcFuckToy.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$genericFighter.DickSize]>>\
<<set _DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$genericFighter.DickSize]>>\
<<if $PC.Sex is "Futa" or $StatusAffect.Futa > 0>>\
<<set _Sex to "Futa">>\
<<elseif $PC.Sex is "Female" and $StatusAffect.Futa < 1>>\
<<set _Sex to "Female">>\
<<set _Sex to "Male" and $StatusAffect.Futa < 1>>\
<<set _LustRoll to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<if _LustRoll - $StatusAffect.Horny + $armorSaveBonus + $FoodStatus.Will - $StatusAffect.WeakWill < 19>>\
<<set _lusty to random(15) +5 + $StatusAffect.Horny - $LustResist.Visual - $LustResist.Complete>>\
<<if _lusty < 0>>\
<<set _lusty to 0>>\
<<set _lusty to random(5) +5 + $StatusAffect.Horny - $LustResist.Visual - $LustResist.Complete>>\
<<if _lusty < 0>>\
<<set _lusty to 0>>\
<<set $lust to $lust + _lusty>>\
<<set _Stealth to (random(19)+ 1) + $Skill.Stealth + $DexterityBonus + $PCStatus.SkillBuff>>\
<<set _Stealth2 to 0>>\
<<if $StealthSkillFeats.Distraction > 0>>\
<<set _Stealth2 to (random(19)+ 1) + $Skill.Stealth + $DexterityBonus + $PCStatus.SkillBuff -2>>\
<<if _Stealth < 13 and _Stealth2 < 13>>\
<<set $BattleFlag to 1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Ambushed to 1>>\
<<set $location.FleeFlag to 1>>\
<<set $location.Flee to $location.prev>>\
<<set $location.BattleWin to "Clinic Ambush - Victory">>\
<<if _Sex is "Futa">>\
<<set $location.BattleLose to "Clinic Ambush - Futa Defeat">>\
<<elseif _Sex is "Female">>\
<<set $location.BattleLose to "Clinic Ambush - Female Defeat">>\
<<set $location.BattleLose to "Clinic Ambush - Male Defeat">>\
  "I can probally just wait it out, I mean...How long could it take for them to finish fucking?" you ponder as you look for a good hiding spot. Deciding to wait it out you find a hiding spot behind one of the chairs in the hallway. Looking back at the action you find the Infested Doctor has picked up the Infested Nurse and is moving her to a gurney nearby. The busty nurse looks estatic as she is easily being carried and is busy rubbing her massive chest up against the doctor.
  "Here you go Nurse FuckToy! It's the perfect place for me to pound your exquisite pussy!" The Infested Doctor stated loudly as he sets her down with her massive ass taking up a good chunk of the gurney.
  Grabbing her legs she eagerly spreads them wide exposing her wet pussy in anticipation. With her _ISD _ICup <<Breasts>> heaving, she says huskily "Nurse Fucktoy can't wait to be fucked by such a hot doctor which such a massive cock!"
  "Right you are, Nurse Fucktoy! I'm going to be plowing your tight pussy with my ultra-cock so much that you're going to cumming your brains out in no time!" boasts the Infested Doctor as he plants his _DickSize dick against her pussy lips. "Now prepare to be mega-fucked!" he shouts as he thrusts his _DickSD dick hard into her weeping cunt!
  The force of his thrust is strong enough to cause the nurse's _ISD titties to bounce from the force and her loud scream of pleasure makes sure everyone nearby knows it. The doctor doesn't even pause as he continues to hammer the nurses's pussy. The sight of their frantic fucking is turning you on as your hand reaches inside your tights clothes.
<<switch _Sex>>\
<<case "Male">>\
  As you start to stroke your cock you notice the sound of fucking has stopped. Focusing back on the action you find that the Infested Doctor is staring at you! The Infested Doctor reacts quicker than you expected as he pulls his throbbing cock out of the Infested nurse's dripping wet pussy. "It's time for a new patient, Nurse Fucktoy! Prepare the hallway for some special sexual probing after my glorious victory!" the Infested Doctor says while grabbing a silver hammer from his doctor's coat. The Infested Nurse looks completely out of it so it's only going to be a fight with the Infested Doctor for now but now you're caught completely off guard!
<<case "Futa">>\
  As you start to stroke your girl-cock you notice the sound of fucking has stopped. Focusing back on the action you find that the Infested Doctor is staring at you! The Infested Doctor reacts quicker than you expected as he pulls his throbbing cock out of the Infested nurse's dripping wet pussy. "It's time for a new patient, Nurse Fucktoy! Prepare the hallway for some special sexual probing after my glorious victory!" the Infested Doctor says while grabbing a silver hammer from his doctor's coat. The Infested Nurse looks completely out of it so it's only going to be a fight with the Infested Doctor for now but now you're caught completely off guard!
<<case "Female">>\
  As you start to finger your wet pussy you notice the sound of fucking has stopped. Focusing back on the action you find that the Infested Doctor is staring at you! The Infested Doctor reacts quicker than you expected as he pulls his throbbing cock out of the Infested nurse's dripping wet pussy. "It's time for a new patient, Nurse Fucktoy! Prepare the hallway for some special sexual probing after my glorious victory!" the Infested Doctor says while grabbing a silver hammer from his doctor's coat. The Infested Nurse looks completely out of it so it's only going to be a fight with the Infested Doctor for now but now you're caught completely off guard!
<<button [[Fight!|Suburb Combat]]>>
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
  "I can probally just wait it out, I mean...How long could it take for them to finish fucking?" you ponder as you look for a good hiding spot. Deciding to wait it out you find a hiding spot behind one of the chairs in the hallway. Looking back at the action you find the Infested Doctor has picked up the Infested Nurse and is moving her to a gurney nearby. The busty nurse looks estatic as she is easily being carried and is busy rubbing her massive chest up against the doctor.
  "Here you go Nurse Fucktoy! It's the perfect place for me to pound your exquisite pussy!" The Infested Doctor stated loudly as he sets her down with her massive ass taking up a good chunk of the gurney. Grabbing her legs she eagerly spreads them wide exposing her wet pussy in anticipation. With her _ISD _ICup <<Breasts>> heaving, she says huskily "Nurse Fucktoy can't wait to be fucked by such a hot doctor which such a massive cock!"
  "Right you are, Nurse Fucktoy! I'm going to be plowing your tight pussy with my ultra-cock so much that you're going to cumming your brains out in no time!" boasts the Infested Doctor as he plants his _DickSize dick against her pussy lips. "Now prepare to be mega-fucked!" he shouts as he thrusts his _DickSD dick hard into her weeping cunt!
  The impact of his thrust is strong enough to cause the nurse's _ISD titties to bounce from the force and her loud scream of pleasure makes sure everyone nearby knows it. The doctor doesn't even pause as he continues to hammer the nurses's pussy. The sight of their frantic fucking is turning you on as your hand reaches inside our clothes and grabs your dick. You slowly start stroking it as you turn your attention back to the action.
  "Fuck yes! Your cock feels so good deep in Nurse Fucktoy's slutty pussy!" Nurse FuckToy screams as the Infested Doctor's hammering of the her wet pussy continues to echo thru the hallway while his grunts and groans add to the noise of frantic sex. Letting go of her hips the Infested Doctor reaches up and grabs her _ISD tits and squeezes them hard.
  "Yes! Yes! Yes! Your big fake tits are perfect, Nurse Fucktoy! So pumped full of silicone making them so nice and firm! They are among the very best breasts ever sculpted!" he says loudly as he continues to grope her _ISD silicone-filled jugs while still pounding away at her pussy. The Infested Nurse is too busy mewing in pleasure to give a proper response as her moans and gasps fill the air.
<<switch _Sex>>\
<<case "Male">>\
  You feel your lust rise as you continue to stroke your hard cock to the erotic sight in front of you. The hot smell of sex combined with the visual and sounds of sex is almost overwhelming. The Infested Nurse has her long shapely legs wrapped around the Infested Doctor's back and is begging loudly to be fucked even harder.
  "Ahh yesss! I feel the overpowering need to cum! Prepare to have your tight pussy flooded with my hot cum, Nurse Fucktoy!" the Infested Doctor bellows loudly as his hammering of the busty nurse's pussy has reached a frenzied pace.
  "Oh yesss! Shoot your big wad in Nurse FuckToy's naughty pussy! Fill Nurse FuckToy's needy pussy up with your thick seed!" she screams as her _ISD silicone-filled jugs are squeezed tight by the lust-filled doctor. Your own frenzied stroking of your $DickSD cock has pushed you to your limits and you are about to spray your hot load all over the floor!
  "Yes, yes, YESSS! Take all over my hot cum, Nurse Fucktoy!" the Infested Doctor screams as you watch him shoot his load deep into her pussy. Not satisfied with just creampieing the busty nurse's pussy, he pulls out his _DickSize meat rod and sprays _ISD her tits and excited face with his never-ending stream of goo!
  "Fuck yes Doctor FuckHard! Your hot yummy cum is making Nurse Fucktoy squirt so much!" moans the Infested Nurse as grabs her _ISD fake tits with her hands. The feeling of having her jugs painted white must have turned on fiercely as she squirts out a massive wave of girl-cum mixed with the doctor's cum all over the gurney!
  Seeing the Infested Doctor shoot his load all over the Infested Nurse's tits and the responding orgasm from the Infested Nurse pushes you over the edge as you feel your $BallsSD balls pulse one last time before your $DickSD cock shoot out multiple $CumAD strands of cum all over the your feet and floor!
<<case "Futa">>\
  You feel your lust rise as you continue to stroke your hard girl-cock while also fingering your tight pussy to the erotic sight in front of you. The hot smell of sex combined with the visual and sounds of sex is almost overwhelming. The Infested Nurse has her long shapely legs wrapped around the Infested Doctor's back and is begging loudly to be fucked even harder.
  "Ahh yesss! I feel the overpowering need to cum! Prepare to have your tight pussy flooded with my hot cum, Nurse Fucktoy!" the Infested Doctor bellows loudly as his hammering of the busty nurse's pussy has reached a frenzied pace.
  "Oh yesss! Shoot your big wad in Nurse Fucktoy's naughty pussy! Fill Nurse FuckToy's needy pussy up with your thick seed!" she screams as her _ISD silicone-filled jugs are squeezed tight by the lust-filled doctor. Your own frenzied stroking of your $DickSD girl-cock along with the rapid fingering of your dripping pussy has pushed you to your limits and you are about to spray your dual loads all over the floor!
  "Yes, yes, YESSS! Take all over my hot cum, Nurse Fucktoy!" the Infested Doctor screams as you watch him shoot his load deep into her pussy. Not satisfied with just creampieing the busty nurse's pussy, he pulls out his _DickSize meat rod and sprays _ISD her tits and excited face with his never-ending stream of goo!
  "Fuck yes Doctor FuckHard! Your hot yummy cum is making Nurse Fucktoy squirt so much!" moans the Infested Nurse as grabs her _ISD fake tits with her hands. The feeling of having her jugs painted white must have turned on fiercely as she squirts out a massive wave of girl-cum mixed with the doctor's cum all over the gurney!
  Seeing the Infested Doctor shoot his load all over the Infested Nurse's tits and the responding orgasm from the Infested Nurse pushes you over the edge as you feel your $BallsSD balls pulse one last time before your $DickSD cock shoot out multiple $CumAD strands of cum all over the your feet and floor! Your tight wet pussy contracts around your finger and spray out $GCumAD squirt after squirt of girl-cum onto the floor below adding to your boy-cum!
<<case "Female">>\
  You feel your lust rise as you continue to finger your tight pussy to the erotic sight in front of you. The hot smell of sex combined with the visual and sounds of sex is almost overwhelming. The Infested Nurse has her long shapely legs wrapped around the Infested Doctor's back and is begging loudly to be fucked even harder.
  "Ahh yesss! I feel the overpowering need to cum! Prepare to have your tight pussy flooded with my hot cum, Nurse Fucktoy!" the Infested Doctor bellows loudly as his hammering of the busty nurse's pussy has reached a frenzied pace.
  "Oh yesss! Shoot your big wad in Nurse Fucktoy's naughty pussy! Fill Nurse FuckToy's needy pussy up with your thick seed!" she screams as her _ISD silicone-filled jugs are squeezed tight by the lust-filled doctor. Your own frenzied fingering of your dripping pussy has pushed you to your limits and you are about to spray your wet load all over the floor!
  "Yes, yes, YESSS! Take all over my hot cum, Nurse Fucktoy!" the Infested Doctor screams as you watch him shoot his load deep into her pussy. Not satisfied with just creampieing the busty nurse's pussy, he pulls out his _DickSize meat rod and sprays _ISD her tits and excited face with his never-ending stream of goo!
  "Fuck yes Doctor FuckHard! Your hot yummy cum is making Nurse Fucktoy squirt so much!" moans the Infested Nurse as grabs her _ISD fake tits with her hands. The feeling of having her jugs painted white must have turned on fiercely as she squirts out a massive wave of girl-cum mixed with the doctor's cum all over the gurney!
  Seeing the Infested Doctor shoot his load all over the Infested Nurse's tits and the responding orgasm from the Infested Nurse pushes you over the edge as your tight wet pussy contracts rapidly around your finger and spray out $GCumAD squirt after squirt of girl-cum onto the floor below!
  It takes the Infested Nurse and Doctor a few minutes to recover from their hard and frantic sex session. Eventually they do move on leaving you free to explore the rest of the clinic but it looks like you did waste a lot of time waiting for them to finish!
<<button [[Finish|$location.temp]]>>
<<include "Lust Passes">>\
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<set $NoEncounter to random(1) +2>>\
<</if>>\<img @src=$genericFighter.Image width="512px" height="768px" />
<<set $clinicAmbushEvent.Win to $clinicAmbushEvent.Win +1>>\
<<set $CombatRound to 0>>\
<<set $NoEncounter to random(1) +2>>\
<<set $SpecialUsage to $MaxSpecialUsage>>\
<<include "Combat Status Affects">>\
<<set $BattleFlag to 0>>\
<<set $location.FleeFlag to 0>>\
<<if (random(19) + 1) + $Skill.Social + $CharismaBonus > 14>>\
<<set $npcFuckHard.Friendship to $npcFuckHard.Friendship +2 + $ClassBonus.Celebrity + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set $npcFuckToy.Friendship to $npcFuckToy.Friendship +2 + $ClassBonus.Celebrity + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set $npcCandy.Friendship to $npcCandy.Friendship +2 + $ClassBonus.Celebrity + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set $npcFuckHard.Friendship to $npcFuckHard.Friendship +1 + $ClassBonus.Celebrity + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set $npcFuckToy.Friendship to $npcFuckToy.Friendship +1 + $ClassBonus.Celebrity + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set $npcCandy.Friendship to $npcCandy.Friendship +1 + $ClassBonus.Celebrity + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set _tempCash2 to 250 + random(50)>>\
<<if $ThieverySkillFeats.CashisKing > 0>>\
<<set _tempCash2 to _tempCash2 + Math.round(_tempCash2 / $SalvagingSkillFeats.CashisKing)>>\
<<set _tempXP to $genericFighter.Level * 150>>\
<<set $XP to $XP + _tempXP>>\
<<if $XP > $NextLevel>>\
<<set $XP to $NextLevel>>\
  You watch as the crazy doctor collaspses to the floor next to the slutty nurse as you finally defeat him. At the noise of the doctor hitting the ground the nurse finally recovers from her hard fucking. She gasps in shock at the state of the doctor and quickly grabs the doctor into a hug with her massive tits pressed into his head!
  "You have bested me in honorable combat but please don't hurt my precious nurse! For while she is quite busty and slutty, she doesn't like to fight!" begs Doctor FuckHard as he tries to put himself in between you and his very buxom nurse. "Per the law of the clinic, those who are defeated in combat must allow themselves to be used to quench the thirst of the victors! So invader, will you sate your lusts by joining us in glorious fucking or will you continue on your journey?"
<div class="pcTalk"><i> Law of the clinic? What the fuck is he talking about?</i></div>
You take your time searching thu the doctor's belongings while you ponder his interesting question. You find the following items:
<<include "Loot">>\
<<set _exists to 0>>\
<<set _tempLoot to $accessory.stethoscope>>\
<<for $i = 0; $i < $PCInventory.length; $i++>>\
<<set $uitem = $PCInventory[$i]>>\
<<set $ItemName to $uitem.name>>\
<<set _TempName to _tempLoot.name>>\
<<if $ItemName is _TempName>>\
<<set _amount to $uitem.amount>>\
<<set _exists to 1>>\
<<if _exists is 1>>\
<<set _amount to _amount +1>>\
<<set $uitem.amount to _amount>>\
<<set $PCInventory.push(_tempLoot)>>\
<<print _tempLoot.name>>
_tempCash2 dollars
<<set $Cash to $Cash + _tempCash2>>\
<<if $lust > 0 or $GeneralFeats.Horndog > 0>>\
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Sate Your Lust|Clinic Ambush - Sex]]>>
<<if $lust + ($StatusAffect.Horny*5) + $StatusAffect.Energized - $PC.Willpower - $armorSaveBonus - $FoodStatus.Will < $MaxLust>>\
<<button [[Leave|$location.temp]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</if>>\<img @src=$genericFighter.Image width="512px" height="768px" />
<<set $CombatRound to 0>>\
<<if (random(19) + 1) + $Skill.Social + $CharismaBonus > 14>>\
<<set $npcFuckHard.Friendship to $npcFuckHard.Friendship +3 + $ClassBonus.Celebrity + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set $npcFuckToy.Friendship to $npcFuckToy.Friendship +3 + $ClassBonus.Celebrity + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set $npcFuckHard.Friendship to $npcFuckHard.Friendship +2 + $ClassBonus.Celebrity + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set $npcFuckToy.Friendship to $npcFuckToy.Friendship +2 + $ClassBonus.Celebrity + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.Vaccine < 1>>\
<<if (random(19) +1) + $PC.Fortitude + $InfectionResist.Fort + $FoodStatus.Fort - $StatusAffect.Wet < (21 + Math.round($Infestation.Progress / 2) )>>\
<<if $Infestation.Progress < 1>>\
<<set $Infestation.Progress to 1>>\
<<set _Infest to random(20) - $InfectionResist.DR +5>>\
<<if _Infest < 0>>\
<<set _Infest to 0>>\
<<set $PC.Infestation to $PC.Infestation + _Infest>>\
<<if $PC.Infestation > $Infestation.Cap>>\
<<set $PC.Infestation to $Infestation.Cap>>\
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$npcFuckToy.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$npcFuckToy.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$genericFighter.DickSize]>>\
<<set _DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$genericFighter.DickSize]>>\
<<set $clinicAmbushEvent.Sex to $clinicAmbushEvent.Sex +1>>\
<<if $clinicAmbushEvent.Patient is 0>>\
<<set _patient to "patient">>\
<<set _Patient to "Patient">>\
<<set _patient to $PC.FirstName>>\
<<set _Patient to $PC.FirstName>>\
<<if $PC.Sex is "Futa" or $StatusAffect.Futa > 0>>\
<<set _Sex to "Futa">>\
<<elseif $PC.Sex is "Female" and $StatusAffect.Futa < 1>>\
<<set _Sex to "Female">>\
<<set _Sex to "Male" and $StatusAffect.Futa < 1>>\
<<if $Infestation.MilkProgress > 0 or $Milk.Stored > $Milk.Min>>\
<<set _Breasts to "Milk">>\
<<elseif $StatusAffect.SiliconeB > 5>>\
<<set _Breasts to "Silicone">>\
<<set _Breasts to "Natural">>\
<<switch _Sex>>\
<<case "Female">>\
  Staring at the sexy couple you decide to obey the law of the clinic as your wet pussy is aching to be used. Stripping out of your clothes, your $BreastSD breasts bounce free grabbing the attention of both of the Infested. "Here's how it's going to be. I'm going to eat your pussy Nurse Fucktoy, while the good doctor fucks my pussy." you say as you step closer to where they are lying on the floor.
  Nurse Fucktoy's fear quickly changes to excitement as she releases the doctor from her grip and stands up, causing her silicone-enhanced titties to bounce slightly. Looking around she finds a medical gurney nearby. Smiling lustfully she hops up onto it with her massive silicone-enhanced ass taking most of the space of the gurney. Grabbing her legs she eagerly spreads them wide exposing her wet pussy in anticipation. With her _ISD _ICup <<Breasts>> heaving, she says huskily "Nurse Fucktoy can't wait to be eaten out by such a hot babe!"
  The doctor nods slowly as he stands up with _DickSD _DickSize <<Penis>> standing proud. "I see... Since it's the law of the clinic I am willing to do as you say. Actually no, to be truthful I am eager to fuck such a fine specimen!" he says while gazing at you intently. You can feel his gaze sweep from your slightly wet pussy to your $BreastSD breasts. Moving behind you, you can feel his eyes focus on your $AssSize ass as he gives out a thoughtful noise.
  Shaking your head at the doctor's eccentric attitude, you turn your focus to whats truly important, Nurse Fucktoy's glistening cunt. Stepping up to the gurney, you slide tongue up against her wet slit making sure it was nice and slick. Nurse Fucktoy's moans shows that she's more than ready as you press a slim finger up against her snatch. Giving the slutty nurse a smirk you grab her shapely hips before plunging your tongue and fingers deep into her hot pussy!
  "Fuck yes! Your tongue and fingers feels so good deep in Nurse Fucktoy's slutty pussy!" Nurse Fucktoy screams as you finish fitting a second finger deep into her tight pussy. For a long moment you luxuriate in the sublime taste of her pussy juices before you start doing your best to lap it all up. You start finger-banging the slutty nurse in the hopes of getting more of her delicious pussy juices to flow. Nurse Fucktoy doesn't disappoint as she has a forceful mini-orgasm causing her _ISD tits to bounce from the force and her pussy to squirt out more girl-cum.
  Feeling a pair of hands on your $AssSize ass you glance back to see that Doctor FuckHard had followed you over where Nurse Fucktoy was lying on the gurney. You pause your eating of the nurse for a moment as he slides his _DickSD dick against your asscheeks before sliding it to the entrance of your pussy. "Prepare to have your delightful pussy pounded by my mega cock!" he says boastfully before slamming his _DickSD <<Penis>> deep into your tight pussy!
  The force of his thrust pushes you forward a half-step causing you to slam your face deeper into the slutty nurse's pussy! It's so thick and meaty that it stretches your tight pussy causing you to moan loudly in delight. Loving the feeling of his girthy cock, you push back against it while luxurating in the pleasure of having your pussy filled while being able to eat as much sweet girl-cum as you want.
  "Oh God yes!" you moan as resume your licking and finger-banging, the hot tight pussy of the slutty nurse tasting too good to deny. It takes the doctor a moment to moderate his hard pounding of your tight pussy so that your not being forced away from the nurse's dripping wet pussy but when he does the pleasure is divine. The chain fucking is having an erotic affect on Nurse Fucktoy as her _ICup titties jiggle with each thrust and her loud moans and gasps of pleasure echo throughout the hallway.
  Grabbing her _ISD silicone-filled jugs, Nurse Fucktoy moans "Oh fuck yes! Keep fucking Nurse Fucktoy's naughty pussy with your strong fingers!" You are more than happy to comply as you continue to slam even more fingers into her tight cunt to the point where you are almost fisting her. Nurse Fucktoy isn't the only one grabbing some tits as you suddenly you feel the doctor grab your swaying breasts from behind.
<<if _Breasts is "Milk">>\
  "Hmm. You have some amazing milky tits, _Patient! So $BreastSD and filled with so much milk! I approve!" he says huskily while playing with your milk-filled jugs causing them to leak milk. He brings a finger up to take a taste of your milk without even missing a beat fucking your pleasure filled pussy. He pinches your hard $NippleSize long nipples with his meaty fingers causing you to moan and gasp in ecstasy as even more milk squirts out. "Quite tasty!" he proclaims loudly.
<<elseif _Breasts is "Silicone">>\
  "Hmm. You have some amazing fake tits, _Patient! So $BreastSD and firm and filled with so much silicone! I approve!" he says huskily while playing with your silicone-enhanced jugs without missing a beat fucking your pleasure filled pussy. He pinches your hard $NippleSize long nipples with his meaty fingers causing you to moan and gasp in ecstasy. "Girls filled with plastic are the best!" he proclaims loudly.
  "Hmm. You have some amazing tits, _Patient! So $BreastSD and soft and so natural! I approve!" he says huskily while playing with your $BreastsSize jugs without missing a beat fucking your pleasure filled pussy. He pinches your hard $NippleSize long nipples with his meaty fingers causing you to moan and gasp in ecstasy. "Sometimes all natural is good!" he proclaims loudly.
  The insane amount of pussy juices you've been eating along with the hard pounding your wet pussy is recieving is steadily pushing you towards a powerful orgasm. "Fuck yes! Your pussy tastes so fucking good you fucking whore! Oh shit! Keep fucking my cunt with your _DickSize meat staff! Yes!" you scream as you come up for air with most of your hand still inside her tight pussy. The pleasure from having your tits played with pushes you even closer to cumming.
<<if $PC.Infestation is $Infestation.Cap & $Infestation.Progress > 1>>\
<<set _OBreastSize to $BreastsSize>>\
<<set _OBreastSD to $BreastSD>>\
<<include "Infestation Increase">>\
  As you continue to eat away at the busty nurse's dripping wet pussy along with being pounded away by the well endowed doctor, you feel a surge of energy flowing directly into you! It almost feels like you are burning up but it quickly turns to pleasure that radiates from your ass that's slightly sore from all the hard hammering from the doctor, and your _OBreastSD breasts that's being played with by the doctor.
  "Oh? What's this I see? How interesting! Look, Nurse Fucktoy, it seems our patient is having an interesting reaction! Her breasts are growing bigger and it feels like her ass is expanding as well!" the doctor comments as he watches your slick breasts grow with fascination. With your face full of bimbo pussy you can't quite see what he's talking about but it does feel like your breasts are growing along with with your sensitive booty.
  "Oh wow! You're right, Doctor FuckHard! Her titties are growing even bigger!" the busty nurse says as she fondles your growing jugs along with the doctor. "I wonder if her titties will grow as big as Nurse Fucktoy's?" she wonders as she pinches your hard nipples. The feeling of your sensitive breasts being played with by the two hot Infested is pushing you even closer to the edge!
  "Ah yes! A patient with big tits is the best type of patient, Nurse Fucktoy! I can feel my seed-filled balls about to unleash my hot semen into her tight pussy! Yes, yes, YESSS!" the doctor yells as you feel his throbbing cock thrust hard one last time into your weeping pussy and unleash a firehose of hot cum directly into your eager womb! Not content with just creampieing you, Doctor FuckHard pulls out his _DickSize <<Penis>> while saying "I'm going to coat that $AssSize booty of yours with my cream!" before shooting huge strands of gooey cum all over your ass along with Nurse Fucktoy's _ISD _ICup tits!
  "Ooooh Doctor FuckHard! Feeling your hot yummy cum while Nurse Fucktoy is playing with a patients new bigger tits is making Nurse Fucktoy cum so hard again!" moans the Infested Nurse as grabs her _ISD slick tits with her hands. The feeling of having her jugs painted white must have turned on fiercely as she unleashes another firehose of girl-cum directly into your mouth.
  The feeling of being creampied along with being coated in the doctor's cum and the nurse's girl-cum pushes your aching pussy even farther as your delayed orgasm hits like a train. A tidal wave of girl-cum squirts out of your pussy along with some of the doctor's own cum. <<if _Breasts is "Milk">>Even your milkers explode with $MilkAD streams of milk from the intense pleasure!<</if>> Still feeling some energy left over, you finally get a glimpse of your breasts and you can verify that they have indeed grown to $BreastSD $BreastsSize breasts with $NippleSize long nipples standing erect. Reaching back you can feel that your cum covered ass has also grown to $AssSize size.
  "Fuck, that was intense." you mutter as spend a moment recovering from your intense orgasm and exploring your changes. After you manage to catch your breath, you pull your cum-covered face out of the nurses soaking wet pussy and step away from the doctor. Your pussy is dripping from all the cum the doctor pumped into you and it takes a moment to get dressed into your clothes again. While you are doing so both of the Infested watch you with lusty smiles on their faces.
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered +1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumFilled to $StatusAffect.CumFilled +1>>\
  "Oooooh! Nurse Fucktoy's cumming so hard! Fuckkkk!" screams Nurse Fucktoy as she squeezes her silicone titties hard and you feel her tight pussy clench hard onto your hand You feel her wet pussy get even wetter as her girl-cum squirts all over your hand before splattering onto the gurney and her screams of pleasure echo throughout the hallways!
  The feeling of Nurse Fucktoy's orgasm pushes you over the edge as your own orgasm hits you like a train. "Oh fuck yes! I'm cumming too! Shit! I'm squirting my load from stuffed pussy!" you scream as you feel your over-filled pussy unleashes it's $GCumAD load of girl-cum all over Doctor FuckHard's _DickSD cock! <<if _Breasts is "Milk">>Even your milkers explode with $MilkAD streams of milk from the intense pleasure! <</if>>\
  "Ahhh! The patient's tight pussy is pushing me to cum, Nurse Fucktoy! I can feel my heavy balls about to unload my hot cum in her beautiful pussy! Yes, yes, YESSS!" the doctor yells as you feel his throbbing cock pulse thrust hard one last time into your tight pussy and unleash a firehose of hot cum directly into your pleasure-filled cunt! He's not finished yet as he pulls out his _DickSD cock and shoots more strands of hot cum all over your $AssSize ass and back!
  "Fuck, that was good." you mutter as spend a moment recovering from shooting your load. After you manage to catch your breath, you pull your cum-covered face out of the nurses soaking wet pussy and step away from the doctor. Your pussy is dripping from all the cum the doctor pumped into you and it takes a moment to get dressed again. While you are doing so both of the Infested watch you with lusty smiles on their faces.
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered +1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumFilled to $StatusAffect.CumFilled +1>>\
<<case "Futa">>\
  Staring at the sexy couple you decide to obey the law of the clinic as your $DickSD futa-cock is aching to be used. Stripping out of your clothes, your $BreastSD breasts bounce free grabbing the attention of both of the Infested. "Here's how it's going to be. I'm going to pound your slutty pussy, Nurse Fucktoy, while the good doctor fucks my pussy." you say as you step closer to where they are lying on the floor.
  Nurse Fucktoy's fear quickly changes to excitement as she releases the doctor from her grip and stands up, causing her silicone-enhanced titties to bounce slightly. Looking around she finds a medical gurney nearby. Smiling lustfully she hops up onto it with her massive silicone-enhanced ass taking most of the space of ther gurney. Grabbing her legs she eagerly spreads them wide exposing her wet pussy in anticipation. With her _ISD _ICup <<Breasts>> heaving, she says huskily "Nurse Fucktoy can't wait to be fucked by such a hot futa-babe!"
  The doctor nods slowly as he stands up with _DickSD _DickSize <<Penis>> standing proud. "I see... Since it's the law of the clinic I am willing to as you say. Actually no, to be truthful I am eager to fuck such a fine specimen!" he says while gazing at you intently. You can feel his gaze sweep from your $DickSize futa-cock to your $BreastSD breasts. Moving behind you, you can feel his eyes focus on your $AssSize ass as he gives out a thoughtful noise.
  Shaking your head at the doctor's eccentric attitude, you turn your focus to whats truly important, Nurse Fucktoy's glistening cunt. Stepping up to the gurney, you slide your futa-dick up against her wet slit making sure it was nice and slick. Nurse Fucktoy's moans shows that she's more than ready as you press the head of your cock against her snatch. Giving the slutty nurse a smirk you grab her shapely hips before plunging your $DickSize futa-cock deep into her hot pussy!
  "Fuck yes! Your cock feels so good deep in Nurse Fucktoy's slutty pussy!" Nurse FuckToy screams as you finish hilting your $DickSize futa-cock deep into her tight pussy. For a long moment you luxuriate in the feeling of being buried so deep in her cunt but you can’t resist pulling back before thrusting your cock back in causing her _ISD tits to bounce from the force.
  Feeling a pair of hands on your $AssSize ass you glance back to see that Doctor FuckHard had followed you over where Nurse FuckToy was lying on the gurney. You pause your fucking for a moment with your cock half-way mid-stroke as he slides his _DickSD dick against your asscheeks before sliding it to the entrance of your pussy. "Prepare to have your delightful pussy pounded by my mega cock!" he says boastfully before slamming his _DickSD <<Penis>> deep into your tight pussy!
  The force of his thrust pushes you forward a half-step causing you to slam your futa-cock deeper into the slutty nurse's pussy! It's so thick and meaty that it stretches your tight pussy causing you to moan loudly in delight. Loving the feeling of his girthy cock, you push back against it while luxurating in the pleasure of having your pussy filled while having your dick squeezed at the same time.
  "Oh God yes!" you moan as resume your thrusting, the hot tight pussy of the slutty nurse feeling too good to deny. It takes the doctor a moment to synch up his hard pounding of your tight pussy to your own but when he does the pleasure is divine. The chain fucking is having an erotic affect on Nurse FuckHard as her _ICup titties jiggle with each thrust and her loud moans and gasps of pleasure echo throughout the hallway.
  Grabbing her _ISD silicone-filled jugs, Nurse Fucktoy moans "Oh fuck yes! Keep fucking Nurse Fucktoy's naughty pussy with your amazingly $DickSD firehose!" You are more than happy to comply as you continue to slam your futa-cock into her tight cunt. Nurse Fucktoy isn't the only one grabbing some tits as you suddenly you feel the doctor grab your swaying breasts from behind.
<<if _Breasts is "Milk">>\
  "Hmm. You have some amazing milky tits, _Patient! So $BreastSD and filled with so much milk! I approve!" he says huskily while playing with your milk-filled jugs causing them to leak milk. He brings a finger up to take a taste of your milk without even missing a beat fucking your pleasure filled pussy. He pinches your hard $NippleSize long nipples with his meaty fingers causing you to moan and gasp in ecstasy as even more milk squirts out. "Quite tasty!" he proclaims loudly.
<<elseif _Breasts is "Silicone">>\
  "Hmm. You have some amazing fake tits, _Patient! So $BreastSD and firm and filled with so much silicone! I approve!" he says huskily while playing with your silicone-enhanced jugs without missing a beat fucking your pleasure filled pussy. He pinches your hard $NippleSize long nipples with his meaty fingers causing you to moan and gasp in ecstasy. "Girls filled with plastic are the best!" he proclaims loudly.
  "Hmm. You have some amazing tits, _Patient! So $BreastSD and soft and so natural! I approve!" he says huskily while playing with your $BreastsSize jugs without missing a beat fucking your pleasure filled pussy. He pinches your hard $NippleSize long nipples with his meaty fingers causing you to moan and gasp in ecstasy. "Sometimes all natural is good!" he proclaims loudly.
  The hard pounding you are giving with your futa-dick along with the equally hard pounding your wet pussy is recieving is steadily pushing you towards a powerful orgasm. "Fuck yes! Your pussy feels so fucking good! Take all of my cock you slutty whore! Oh shit! Keep fucking my cunt too with your _DickSize meat staff! Yes!" you scream in pleasure as your $BallsSD balls churn, eager to unload all your baby-batter into Nurse Fucktoy's hot pussy. The pleasure from having your tits played with pushes you even closer to cumming.
<<if $PC.Infestation is $Infestation.Cap & $Infestation.Progress > 1>>\
<<set _ODickSize to $DickSize>>\
<<set _ODickSD to $DickSD>>\
<<set _OBreastSD to $BreastSD>>\
<<include "Infestation Increase">>\
  As you continue to drill the busty nurse's tight pussy along with being pounded away by the well endowed doctor, you feel a surge of energy flowing directly into you! It almost feels like you are burning up but it quickly turns to pleasure that radiates from your ass that's slightly sore from all the hard hammering from the doctor, your _OBreastSD breasts that's being played with by the doctor and finally your futa-cock that's still buried deep inside the nurse!
  "Oh? What's this I see? How interesting! Look, Nurse Fucktoy, it seems our patient is having an interesting reaction! Her breasts are growing bigger and it feels like her ass is expanding as well!" the doctor comments as he fondles your breasts with fascination. With your cock buried deep inside the nurse's tight pussy you're too busy fucking to stop and look but it does feel like your breasts are growing along with with your sensitive asscheeks.
  You can however definitely feel your _ODickSD cock grow larger and thicker with each thrust. The feeling of Nurse Fucktoy's long lasting orgasm squeezing you even tighter pushes you over the edge as your own orgasm hits you like a train. "Oh fuck yes! I'm cumming too! Shit! I'm shooting my loads from my cock and pussy!" you scream as you feel your $BallsSD $BallsSize balls unleash their $CumAD wad directly into Nurse FuckToy's quivering pussy! At the same time your over-filled pussy unleashes it's $GCumAD load of girl-cum all over Doctor FuckHard's _DickSD cock before dripping to the floor below! <<if _Breasts is "Milk">>Even your milkers explode with $MilkAD streams of milk from the intense pleasure! <</if>>
  "Ah yes! A patient with big tits is the best type of patient, Nurse Fucktoy! I can feel my heavy balls about to unload my hot cum in her tight pussy! Yes, yes, YESSS!" the doctor yells as you feel his throbbing cock pulse thrust hard one last time into your weeping pussy and unleash a firehose of hot cum directly into your eager womb! He's not finished yet as he pulls out his _DickSD cock and shoots more strands of hot cum all over your $AssSize ass and back!
  As you pull your dick out of the nurse's creampied pussy, you can see that you now have a $DickSD $DickSize dick along with a pair of $BallsSD $BallsSize balls! Even your jugs are now $BreastSD $BreastsSize tits capped with $NippleSize long nipples!
  "Fuck, that was intense." you mutter as spend a moment recovering from shooting your load and exploring your changes. After you manage to catch your breath, you pull your dripping cock out of the nurses soaking wet pussy and step away from the doctor. Your pussy is dripping from all the cum the doctor pumped into you and it takes a moment to get dressed into your clothes again. While you are doing so both of the Infested watch you with lusty smiles on their faces.
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered +1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumFilled to $StatusAffect.CumFilled +1>>\
  "Oooooh! Nurse Fucktoy's cumming so hard! Fuckkkk!" screams Nurse Fucktoy as she squeezed her silicone titties hard and you feel her tight pussy clench hard onto your throbbing dick. You feel her wet pussy get even wetter as her girl-cum squirts all over the gurney and her screeams of pleasure echo throughout the hallways!
  The feeling of Nurse Fucktoy's orgasm pushes you over the edge as your own orgasm hits you like a train. "Oh fuck yes! I'm cumming too! Shit! I'm shooting my loads from my cock and pussy!" you scream as you feel your $BallsSD $BallsSize balls unleash their $CumAD wad directly into the busty nurse's quivering pussy! At the same time your over-filled pussy unleashes it's $GCumAD load of girl-cum all over Doctor FuckHard's _DickSD cock! <<if _Breasts is "Milk">>Even your milkers explode with $MilkAD streams of milk from the intense pleasure! <</if>>\
  "Ahhh! The patient's tight pussy is pushing me to cum, Nurse Fucktoy! I can feel my heavy balls about to unload my hot cum in her tight pussy! Yes, yes, YESSS!" the doctor yells as you feel his throbbing cock pulse thrust hard one last time into your weeping pussy and unleash a firehose of hot cum directly into your eager womb! He's not finished yet as he pulls out his _DickSD cock and shoots more strands of hot cum all over your $AssSize ass and back!
  "Fuck, that was good." you mutter as spend a moment recovering from shooting your load. After you manage to catch your breath, you pull your dripping cock out of the nurses soaking wet pussy and step away from the doctor. Your pussy is dripping from all the cum the doctor pumped into you and it takes a moment to get dressed again. While you are doing so both of the Infested watch you with lusty smiles on their faces.
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered +1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumFilled to $StatusAffect.CumFilled +1>>\
<<case "Male">>\
  Staring at the sexy couple you decide to obey the law of the clinic as your $DickSD dick is aching to be used. Stripping out of your clothes, your $DickSize cock bounces free grabbing the attention of both of the Infested. "Here's how it's going to be. I'm going to pound your slutty pussy, Nurse Fucktoy, while the good doctor fucks my ass." you say as you step closer to where they are lying on the floor.
  Nurse Fucktoy's fear quickly changes to excitement as she releases the doctor from her grip and stands up, causing her silicone-enhanced titties to bounce slightly. Looking around she finds a medical gurney nearby. Smiling lustfully she hops up onto it with her massive silicone-enhanced ass taking most of the space of ther gurney. Grabbing her legs she eagerly spreads them wide exposing her wet pussy in anticipation. With her _ISD _ICup <<Breasts>> heaving, she says huskily "Nurse Fucktoy can't wait to be fucked by such a hot hunk!"
  The doctor nods slowly as he stands up with _DickSD _DickSize <<Penis>> standing proud. "I see... Since it's the law of the clinic I am willing to as you say. Actually no, to be truthful I am eager to fuck such a fine specimen!" he says while gazing at you intently. You can feel his gaze sweep from your $DickSize <<Penis>> to your hard ass as he gives out a thoughtful noise.
  Shaking your head at the doctor's eccentric attitude, you turn your focus to whats truly important, Nurse FuckToy's glistening cunt. Stepping up to the gurney, you slide your <<Penis>> up against her wet slit making sure it was nice and slick. Nurse FuckToy's moans shows that she's more than ready as you press the head of your cock against her snatch. Giving the slutty nurse a smirk grab her shapely hips before you plunging your $DickSize <<Penis>> deep into her hot pussy!
  "Fuck yes! Your cock feels so good deep in Nurse FuckToy's slutty pussy!" Nurse Fucktoy screams as you finish hilting your $DickSize cock deep into her tight pussy. For a long moment you luxuriate in the feeling of being buried so deep in her cunt but you can’t resist pulling back before thrusting your <<Penis>> back in causing her _ISD tits to bounce from the force.
  Feeling a pair of hands on your hard ass you glance back to see that Doctor FuckHard had followed you over where Nurse Fucktoy was lying on the gurney. You pause your fucking for a moment with your cock half-way mid-stroke as he slides his _DickSD dick against your asscheeks before sliding it to the entrance of your asshole. "Prepare to have your delightful ass destroyed by my mega cock!" he says boastfully before slamming his _DickSD <<Penis>> deep into your tight ass!
  The force of his thrust pushes you forward a half-step causing you to slam your cock deeper into the slutty nurse's pussy! It's so thick and meaty that it stretches your tight ass causing you to moan loudly in delight. Loving the feeling of his girthy cock, you push back against it while luxurating in the pleasure of having your ass filled while having your dick squeezed at the same time.
  "Oh God yes!" you moan as you resume your thrusting, the hot tight pussy of the slutty nurse feeling too good to deny. It takes the doctor a moment to synch up his hard pounding of your ass to your own but when he does the pleasure is divine. The chain fucking is having an erotic affect on Nurse Fucktoy as her _ICup titties jiggle with each thrust and her loud moans and gasps of pleasure echo throughout the hallway.
  Grabbing her _ISD silicone-filled jugs, Nurse Fucktoy moans "Oh fuck yes! Keep fucking Nurse Fucktoy's naughty pussy with your amazingly $DickSD firehose!" You are more than happy to comply as you continue to slam your powerful dick into her tight cunt. Seeing Nurse Fucktoy playing with her jiggly breasts, you can't help but want a feel of those epic breasts as well! Releasing her hips you grab onto her silicone-filled fun-bags and give them a hard squeezing.
  "Hmm. So what do you think of my nurses's amazing tits, _Patient? So _ISD and firm and filled with so much silicone! They are among the best breasts ever sculpted by yours truly!" he asks huskily while watching you grope Nurse Fucktoy's silicone-enhanced jugs with what sounds like pride. He slaps your hard ass with his meaty hand causing you to moan and gasp in ecstasy while still pounding your overstuffed ass!
  The hard pounding you are giving with your <<Penis> along with the equally hard pounding your ass is recieving is steadily pushing you towards a powerful orgasm. "Fuck yes Nurse Fucktoy's titties are fucking great! And her fucking pussy feels so fucking good! Oh shit! Keep fucking my ass too with your _DickSize <<Penis>>!" you scream in pleasure as your $BallsSD balls churn, eager to unload all your baby-batter into Nurse FuckToy's hot pussy.
  "Oooooh! Nurse FuckToy's cumming so hard! Fuckkkk!" screams Nurse Fucktoy as she squeezes your hands on top of her silicone titties hard and you feel her tight pussy clench hard onto your throbbing dick. You feel her wet pussy get even wetter as her girl-cum squirts all over the gurney and her screeams of pleasure echo throughout the hallways!
  The feeling of Nurse Fucktoy's wet and sloppy orgasm pushes you over the edge as your own orgasm hits you like a train. "Oh fuck yes! I'm cumming too! Shit! I'm shooting my load straight into your fucking pussy!" you scream as you feel your $BallsSD $BallsSize balls unleash their $CumAD wad directly into the busty nurse's quivering pussy!
  "Ahhh! The patient's tight ass is pushing me to cum, Nurse Fucktoy! I can feel my heavy balls about to unload my hot cum in his man pussy! Yes, yes, YESSS!" the doctor yells as you feel his throbbing cock pulse thrust hard one last time into your sore ass and unleash a firehose of hot cum directly into your tight asshole! He's not finished yet as he pulls out his _DickSD cock and shoots more strands of hot cum all over your ass and back!
  "Fuck, that was good." you mutter as spend a moment recovering from shooting your load. After you manage to catch your breath, you pull your dripping cock out of the nurses soaking wet pussy and step away from the doctor. Your ass is dripping from all the cum the doctor pumped into you and it takes a moment to get dressed again. While you are doing so both of the Infested watch you with lusty smiles on their faces.
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered +1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumFilled to $StatusAffect.CumFilled +1>>\
<<if $clinicAmbushEvent.Patient is 0>>\
<<set $clinicAmbushEvent.Patient to 1>>\
  "That was a good hard heart pounding session, _patient! May I have the name of the one who bested me and whose fucking was suburb?" asks Doctor FuckHard as he gazes at you intently.
  Seeing no reason not to give him your name, you reply "$PC.FirstName. $PC.FirstName $PC.LastName is my name." You finish grabbing your gear before starting to leave the two Infested behind.
  "I'll be sure to remember it, $PC.FirstName... Goodbye and good luck on your journeys!" he says softly while stroking his still hard dick softly.
  "Goodbye, $PC.FirstName! Nurse Fucktoy can't wait to be fucked by you again and again!" Nurse Fucktoy says cheerfully while waving bye to you.
  "Well $PC.FirstName. you defeated me and fucked me and my nurse hard. I can respect that! I wish you good luck on your journeys but next time I will be victorious!" Doctor FuckHard says while stroking his still hard dick softly.
  "Goodbye, $PC.FirstName! Nurse Fucktoy was fucked really hard by you and can't wait to be fucked by you again and again!" Nurse Fucktoy says cheerfully while waving bye to you.
<div class="pcTalk"><i> Those two are kinda strange. On one hand they are weirdly friendly but on the other hand still horny just like all the other Infested</i></div>
<<button [[Finish|$location.temp]]>>
<<include "Lust Passes">>\
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<set $NoEncounter to random(1) +2>>\
<<if ndef $npcFuckToy.Enhance>>\
<<set $npcFuckToy.Enhance to 0>>\
<<if $npcFuckToy.BreastsSize + $npcFuckToy.Enhance < $PC.BreastsSize>>\
<<set $npcFuckToy.Enhance to $npcFuckToy.Enhance +2>>\
<</button>><img @src=$genericEvent.Image />
<<set _TreatmentCost to 250>>\
<<if $ThieverySkillFeats.FiveFingeredDiscount is 1>>\
<<set _D10 to Math.round(_TreatmentCost * .1)>>\
<<set _TreatmentCost to _TreatmentCost - _D10>>\
<<if $PC.BreastsSize > $PC.MBreastSize>>\
  After choosing the Breasts Reduction option, Dr. Rack gives you a neutral look. "That's is an option. You can start small and come back another time for another session or get it completely done in one session. So how small do you want to go?" he asks as he gives your chest a measuring look. "It looks like you are currently a $BreastSD $BreastsSize breast size and just a FYI the limit for one session is 10 cup sizes reductions which comes out to ten units of SIlicone-Y. More than that I will have to restock on Liquid Silicone-Y and I can only do that after the workday. Also the current limit to the Liquid Silicone-Y is that it can't take someone smaller than A-Cup size."
<<if (random(19) + 1) + $Skill.Social + $CharismaBonus + $npcRichard.Friendship > 25>>\
<<set _D10 to Math.round(_TreatmentCost * .1)>>\
<<set _TreatmentCost to _TreatmentCost - _D10>>\
  "If you're worried about the cost how about I toss in a 10% friendship discount?" Dr. Rack says as you look over the menu and the various prices.
<div class="pcTalk"><i> "How small do I want to go?" </i></div>
<<if $Cash < (_TreatmentCost)>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> "I can't afford anything on this menu!" </i></div>
<<if $Cash >= (_TreatmentCost) and $PC.BreastsSize > ($PC.MBreastSize +1) and $doctorEvent.SiliconeY > 0>>\
<<button [[Decrease Breasts Size by 1 Cup Size|Doctor's Rack Reducer - Breasts 2]]>>
<<set $SkillAction to 1>>\
<<set $Cash to $Cash - (_TreatmentCost *1)>>\
<<set $doctorEvent.SiliconeY to $doctorEvent.SiliconeY - $SkillAction>>\
<<if $Cash >= (_TreatmentCost) and $PC.BreastsSize > ($PC.MBreastSize +2) and $doctorEvent.SiliconeY > 0>>\
<<button [[Decrease Breasts Size by 2 Cup Sizes|Doctor's Rack Reducer - Breasts 2]]>>
<<set $SkillAction to 2>>\
<<set $Cash to $Cash - (_TreatmentCost *2)>>\
<<set $doctorEvent.SiliconeY to $doctorEvent.SiliconeY - $SkillAction>>\
<<if $Cash >= (_TreatmentCost) and $PC.BreastsSize > ($PC.MBreastSize +3) and $doctorEvent.SiliconeY > 0>>\
<<button [[Decrease Breasts Size by 3 Cup Sizes|Doctor's Rack Reducer - Breasts 2]]>>
<<set $SkillAction to 3>>\
<<set $Cash to $Cash - (_TreatmentCost *3)>>\
<<set $doctorEvent.SiliconeY to $doctorEvent.SiliconeY - $SkillAction>>\
<<if $Cash >= (_TreatmentCost) and $PC.BreastsSize > ($PC.MBreastSize +4) and $doctorEvent.SiliconeY > 0>>\
<<button [[Decrease Breasts Size by 4 Cup Sizes|Doctor's Rack Reducer - Breasts 2]]>>
<<set $SkillAction to 4>>\
<<set $Cash to $Cash - (_TreatmentCost *4)>>\
<<set $doctorEvent.SiliconeY to $doctorEvent.SiliconeY - $SkillAction>>\
<<if $Cash >= (_TreatmentCost) and $PC.BreastsSize > ($PC.MBreastSize +5) and $doctorEvent.SiliconeY > 0>>\
<<button [[Decrease Breasts Size by 5 Cup Sizes|Doctor's Rack Reducer - Breasts 2]]>>
<<set $SkillAction to 5>>\
<<set $Cash to $Cash - (_TreatmentCost *5)>>\
<<set $doctorEvent.SiliconeY to $doctorEvent.SiliconeY - $SkillAction>>\
<<if $Cash >= (_TreatmentCost) and $PC.BreastsSize > ($PC.MBreastSize +6) and $doctorEvent.SiliconeY > 0>>\
<<button [[Decrease Breasts Size by 6 Cup Sizes|Doctor's Rack Reducer - Breasts 2]]>>
<<set $SkillAction to 6>>\
<<set $Cash to $Cash - (_TreatmentCost *6)>>\
<<set $doctorEvent.SiliconeY to $doctorEvent.SiliconeY - $SkillAction>>\
<<if $Cash >= (_TreatmentCost) and $PC.BreastsSize > ($PC.MBreastSize +7) and $doctorEvent.SiliconeY > 0>>\
<<button [[Decrease Breasts Size by 7 Cup Sizes|Doctor's Rack Reducer - Breasts 2]]>>
<<set $SkillAction to 7>>\
<<set $Cash to $Cash - (_TreatmentCost *7)>>\
<<set $doctorEvent.SiliconeY to $doctorEvent.SiliconeY - $SkillAction>>\
<<if $Cash >= (_TreatmentCost) and $PC.BreastsSize > ($PC.MBreastSize +8) and $doctorEvent.SiliconeY > 0>>\
<<button [[Decrease Breasts Size by 8 Cup Sizes|Doctor's Rack Reducer - Breasts 2]]>>
<<set $SkillAction to 8>>\
<<set $Cash to $Cash - (_TreatmentCost *8)>>\
<<set $doctorEvent.SiliconeY to $doctorEvent.SiliconeY - $SkillAction>>\
<<if $Cash >= (_TreatmentCost) and $PC.BreastsSize > ($PC.MBreastSize +9) and $doctorEvent.SiliconeY > 0>>\
<<button [[Decrease Breasts Size by 9 Cup Sizes|Doctor's Rack Reducer - Breasts 2]]>>
<<set $SkillAction to 9>>\
<<set $Cash to $Cash - (_TreatmentCost *9)>>\
<<set $doctorEvent.SiliconeY to $doctorEvent.SiliconeY - $SkillAction>>\
<<if $Cash >= (_TreatmentCost) and $PC.BreastsSize > ($PC.MBreastSize +10) and $doctorEvent.SiliconeY > 0>>\
<<button [[Decrease Breasts Size by 10 Cup Sizes|Doctor's Rack Reducer - Breasts 2]]>>
<<set $SkillAction to 10>>\
<<set $Cash to $Cash - (_TreatmentCost *10)>>\
<<set $doctorEvent.SiliconeY to $doctorEvent.SiliconeY - $SkillAction>>\
  After choosing the Breasts Reduction option, Dr. Rack frowns "I think your $BreastSD $BreastsSize breasts are as small as they can go with Silicone-Y. I'm sorry $PC.FirstName but you might want to rethink your plans".
<<button [[Check other Menus|Doctor's Rack Enhancement]]>> <</button>><img @src=$genericEvent.Image />
<<set _TreatmentCost to 250>>\
<<if $ThieverySkillFeats.FiveFingeredDiscount is 1>>\
<<set _D10 to Math.round(_TreatmentCost * .1)>>\
<<set _TreatmentCost to _TreatmentCost - _D10>>\
<<if $PC.AssSize > $PC.MAssSize>>\
  After choosing the Ass Reduction option, Dr. Rack gives you a neutral look. "That's is an option. You can start small and come back another time for another session or get it completely done in one session. So how small do you want to go?" he asks as he gives your ass a measuring look. "It looks like you are currently packing a $AssSize ass and just a FYI the limit for one session is 10-point reductions which comes out to ten units of SIlicone-Y. More than that I will have to restock on Liquid Silicone-Y and I can only do that after the workday. Also the current limit to the Liquid Silicone-Y is that it can't take someone smaller than flat size."
<<if (random(19) + 1) + $Skill.Social + $CharismaBonus + $npcRichard.Friendship > 25>>\
<<set _D10 to Math.round(_TreatmentCost * .1)>>\
<<set _TreatmentCost to _TreatmentCost - _D10>>\
  "If you're worried about the cost how about I toss in a 10% friendship discount?" Dr. Rack says as you look over the menu and the various prices.
<div class="pcTalk"><i> "How small do I want to go? I can always back out but Dr. Rack might be a bit annoyed with me wasting his time..." </i></div>
<<if $Cash < (_TreatmentCost)>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> "I can't afford anything on this menu!" </i></div>
<<if $Cash >= (_TreatmentCost) and $PC.AssSize > ($PC.MAssSize +1)>>\
<<button [[Reduce Ass Size by 1 inch|Doctor's Rack Reducer - Ass 2]]>>
<<set $SkillAction to 1>>\
<<set $Cash to $Cash - _TreatmentCost>>\
<<set $doctorEvent.SiliconeY to $doctorEvent.SiliconeY - $SkillAction>>\
<<if $Cash >= (_TreatmentCost) and $PC.AssSize > ($PC.MAssSize +2)>>\
<<button [[Reduce Ass Size by 2 inches|Doctor's Rack Reducer - Ass 2]]>>
<<set $SkillAction to 2>>\
<<set $Cash to $Cash - _TreatmentCost>>\
<<set $doctorEvent.SiliconeY to $doctorEvent.SiliconeY - $SkillAction>>\
<<if $Cash >= (_TreatmentCost) and $PC.AssSize > ($PC.MAssSize +3)>>\
<<button [[Reduce Ass Size by 3 inches|Doctor's Rack Reducer - Ass 2]]>>
<<set $SkillAction to 3>>\
<<set $Cash to $Cash - _TreatmentCost>>\
<<set $doctorEvent.SiliconeY to $doctorEvent.SiliconeY - $SkillAction>>\
<<if $Cash >= (_TreatmentCost) and $PC.AssSize > ($PC.MAssSize +4)>>\
<<button [[Reduce Ass Size by 4 inches|Doctor's Rack Reducer - Ass 2]]>>
<<set $SkillAction to 4>>\
<<set $Cash to $Cash - _TreatmentCost>>\
<<set $doctorEvent.SiliconeY to $doctorEvent.SiliconeY - $SkillAction>>\
<<if $Cash >= (_TreatmentCost) and $PC.AssSize > ($PC.MAssSize +5)>>\
<<button [[Reduce Ass Size by 5 inches|Doctor's Rack Reducer - Ass 2]]>>
<<set $SkillAction to 5>>\
<<set $Cash to $Cash - _TreatmentCost>>\
<<set $doctorEvent.SiliconeY to $doctorEvent.SiliconeY - $SkillAction>>\
<<if $Cash >= (_TreatmentCost) and $PC.AssSize > ($PC.MAssSize +6)>>\
<<button [[Reduce Ass Size by 6 inches|Doctor's Rack Reducer - Ass 2]]>>
<<set $SkillAction to 6>>\
<<set $Cash to $Cash - _TreatmentCost>>\
<<set $doctorEvent.SiliconeY to $doctorEvent.SiliconeY - $SkillAction>>\
<<if $Cash >= (_TreatmentCost) and $PC.AssSize > ($PC.MAssSize +7)>>\
<<button [[Reduce Ass Size by 7 inches|Doctor's Rack Reducer - Ass 2]]>>
<<set $SkillAction to 7>>\
<<set $Cash to $Cash - _TreatmentCost>>\
<<set $doctorEvent.SiliconeY to $doctorEvent.SiliconeY - $SkillAction>>\
<<if $Cash >= (_TreatmentCost) and $PC.AssSize > ($PC.MAssSize +8)>>\
<<button [[Reduce Ass Size by 8 inches|Doctor's Rack Reducer - Ass 2]]>>
<<set $SkillAction to 8>>\
<<set $Cash to $Cash - _TreatmentCost>>\
<<set $doctorEvent.SiliconeY to $doctorEvent.SiliconeY - $SkillAction>>\
<<if $Cash >= (_TreatmentCost) and $PC.AssSize > ($PC.MAssSize +9)>>\
<<button [[Reduce Ass Size by 9 inches|Doctor's Rack Reducer - Ass 2]]>>
<<set $SkillAction to 9>>\
<<set $Cash to $Cash - _TreatmentCost>>\
<<set $doctorEvent.SiliconeY to $doctorEvent.SiliconeY - $SkillAction>>\
<<if $Cash >= (_TreatmentCost) and $PC.AssSize > ($PC.MAssSize +10)>>\
<<button [[Reduce Ass Size by 10 inches|Doctor's Rack Reducer - Ass 2]]>>
<<set $SkillAction to 10>>\
<<set $Cash to $Cash - _TreatmentCost>>\
<<set $doctorEvent.SiliconeY to $doctorEvent.SiliconeY - $SkillAction>>\
<<button [[Check other Menus|Doctor's Rack Enhancement]]>> <</button>><img @src=$genericEvent.Image />
<<set _TreatmentCost to 250>>\
<<if $ThieverySkillFeats.FiveFingeredDiscount is 1>>\
<<set _D10 to Math.round(_TreatmentCost * .1)>>\
<<set _TreatmentCost to _TreatmentCost - _D10>>\
<<if $PC.DickSize > $PC.MDickSize>>\
  After choosing the Penis Reduction option, Dr. Rack gives you a neutral look. "That's is an option. You can start small and come back another time for another session or get it completely done in one session. So how small do you want to go?" he asks as he gives your groin a measuring look. "It looks like you are currently packing a $DickSD $DickSize penis and just a FYI the limit for one session is a 10 inch reduction which comes out to ten units of SIlicone-Y. More than that I will have to restock on Liquid Silicone-Y and I can only do that after the workday. Also the current limit to the Liquid Silicone-Y is that it can't take someone smaller than one inch."
<<if (random(19) + 1) + $Skill.Social + $CharismaBonus + $npcRichard.Friendship > 25>>\
<<set _D10 to Math.round(_TreatmentCost * .1)>>\
<<set _TreatmentCost to _TreatmentCost - _D10>>\
  "If you're worried about the cost how about I toss in a 10% friendship discount?" Dr. Rack says as you look over the menu and the various prices.
<div class="pcTalk"><i> "How small do I want to go? I can always back out but Dr. Rack might be a bit annoyed with me wasting his time..." </i></div>
<<if $Cash < (_TreatmentCost)>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> "I can't afford anything on this menu!" </i></div>
<<if $Cash >= (_TreatmentCost) and $PC.DickSize > ($PC.MDickSize +1)>>\
<<button [[Reduce Penis Size by 1 inch|Doctor's Rack Reducer - Penis 2]]>>
<<set $SkillAction to 1>>\
<<set $Cash to $Cash - _TreatmentCost>>\
<<set $doctorEvent.SiliconeY to $doctorEvent.SiliconeY - $SkillAction>>\
<<if $Cash >= (_TreatmentCost) and $PC.DickSize > ($PC.MDickSize +2)>>\
<<button [[Reduce Penis Size by 2 inches|Doctor's Rack Reducer - Penis 2]]>>
<<set $SkillAction to 2>>\
<<set $Cash to $Cash - _TreatmentCost>>\
<<set $doctorEvent.SiliconeY to $doctorEvent.SiliconeY - $SkillAction>>\
<<if $Cash >= (_TreatmentCost) and $PC.DickSize > ($PC.MDickSize +3)>>\
<<button [[Reduce Penis Size by 3 inches|Doctor's Rack Reducer - Penis 2]]>>
<<set $SkillAction to 3>>\
<<set $Cash to $Cash - _TreatmentCost>>\
<<set $doctorEvent.SiliconeY to $doctorEvent.SiliconeY - $SkillAction>>\
<<if $Cash >= (_TreatmentCost) and $PC.DickSize > ($PC.MDickSize +4)>>\
<<button [[Reduce Penis Size by 4 inches|Doctor's Rack Reducer - Penis 2]]>>
<<set $SkillAction to 4>>\
<<set $Cash to $Cash - _TreatmentCost>>\
<<set $doctorEvent.SiliconeY to $doctorEvent.SiliconeY - $SkillAction>>\
<<if $Cash >= (_TreatmentCost) and $PC.DickSize > ($PC.MDickSize +5)>>\
<<button [[Reduce Penis Size by 5 inches|Doctor's Rack Reducer - Penis 2]]>>
<<set $SkillAction to 5>>\
<<set $Cash to $Cash - _TreatmentCost>>\
<<set $doctorEvent.SiliconeY to $doctorEvent.SiliconeY - $SkillAction>>\
<<if $Cash >= (_TreatmentCost) and $PC.DickSize > ($PC.MDickSize +6)>>\
<<button [[Reduce Penis Size by 6 inches|Doctor's Rack Reducer - Penis 2]]>>
<<set $SkillAction to 6>>\
<<set $Cash to $Cash - _TreatmentCost>>\
<<set $doctorEvent.SiliconeY to $doctorEvent.SiliconeY - $SkillAction>>\
<<if $Cash >= (_TreatmentCost) and $PC.DickSize > ($PC.MDickSize +7)>>\
<<button [[Reduce Penis Size by 7 inches|Doctor's Rack Reducer - Penis 2]]>>
<<set $SkillAction to 7>>\
<<set $Cash to $Cash - _TreatmentCost>>\
<<set $doctorEvent.SiliconeY to $doctorEvent.SiliconeY - $SkillAction>>\
<<if $Cash >= (_TreatmentCost) and $PC.DickSize > ($PC.MDickSize +8)>>\
<<button [[Reduce Penis Size by 8 inches|Doctor's Rack Reducer - Penis 2]]>>
<<set $SkillAction to 8>>\
<<set $Cash to $Cash - _TreatmentCost>>\
<<set $doctorEvent.SiliconeY to $doctorEvent.SiliconeY - $SkillAction>>\
<<if $Cash >= (_TreatmentCost) and $PC.DickSize > ($PC.MDickSize +9)>>\
<<button [[Reduce Penis Size by 9 inches|Doctor's Rack Reducer - Penis 2]]>>
<<set $SkillAction to 9>>\
<<set $Cash to $Cash - _TreatmentCost>>\
<<set $doctorEvent.SiliconeY to $doctorEvent.SiliconeY - $SkillAction>>\
<<if $Cash >= (_TreatmentCost) and $PC.DickSize > ($PC.MDickSize +10)>>\
<<button [[Reduce Penis Size by 10 inches|Doctor's Rack Reducer - Penis 2]]>>
<<set $SkillAction to 10>>\
<<set $Cash to $Cash - _TreatmentCost>>\
<<set $doctorEvent.SiliconeY to $doctorEvent.SiliconeY - $SkillAction>>\
  After choosing the Penis Reduction option, Dr. Rack frowns "I think your $DickSD $DickSize penis is as small as it can go with Silicone-Y. I'm sorry $PC.FirstName but you might want to rethink your plans".
<<button [[Check other Menus|Doctor's Rack Enhancement]]>> <</button>><img @src=$genericEvent.Image />
<<set $PCChanges.BreastsShrink to "Silicone">>\
<<set _BreastSD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _BreastsSize to $arrayBreastSize[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set $PC.BreastsSize to $PC.BreastsSize - $SkillAction>>\
<<set $PC.MMBreastsSize to $PC.MMBreastsSize -$SkillAction>>\
<<set $PC.NippleSize to $PC.NippleSize - $SkillAction>>\
<<set $BreastSD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set $BreastsSize to $arrayBreastSize[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set $NippleSize to $arrayNippleSize[$PC.NippleSize]>>\
<<set _ReductionCheck to $StatusAffect.SiliconeB - $SkillAction>>\
<<if _ReductionCheck > 0>>\
<<set $PC.MBreastsSize to $PC.MBreastsSize - $SkillAction>>\
<<set $PC.MBreastsSize to $PC.MBreastsSize - $StatusAffect.SiliconeB>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.SiliconeB to $StatusAffect.SiliconeB - $SkillAction>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.SiliconeB < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.SiliconeB to 0>>\
<<if (random(19) + 1) + $Skill.Social + $CharismaBonus > 14>>\
<<set $npcRichard.Friendship to $npcRichard.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity +2 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set $npcRichard.Friendship to $npcRichard.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity +1 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
  Dr. Rack has you sit down in a medical examination chair in the room connected to his office. "First of all you will need to remove all of your clothes. This will allow unfettered access for the injection system to your breasts and allow for confirmation that the breasts reduction is going smoothly. After that I need you to sit back and relax in the chair. The injection system will do the rest of the work. Oh just a heads up, previous patients have expressed that there was no pain so don't worry about any discomfort."
  You slowly strip out of your clothes allowing your _BreastSD breasts to be exposed to the world. Dr. Rack just gives you a absent minded nod as he makes a adjustment to the large machine he called the injection system. You sit back in the examination chair as it adjusts to an almost flat position and do your best to relax.
  Your heart beats quickly in anticipation as Dr. Rack guides the injecter to your chest. It's a large machine on a extended arm with two large looking needles that are currently aimed at your _BreastsSize breasts. You watch closely as the needles extend until you feel two sharp pricks on the underside of your breasts.
  It doesn't take long until the feeling of liquid gel starts to flow into your tits causing you to gasp in pleasure. It feels surprisingly good as you watch your breasts slowly shrink as the silicone starts to dissolve excess material in your breasts. Your nipples are rock hard as you try to stifle a pleasure filled moan.
<<switch $SkillAction>>\
<<case 1>>\
  All too soon the flow slows down along with the accompanying pleasure. The injector is pulled back allowing you to finally get a good look at your lighter chest. Looking down at your breasts you notice you have gone down a cup size and are now packing a more reasonable pair of $BreastSD $BreastsSize tits. Even your nipples look like they lost some volume as they are now $NippleSize long.
  "Go ahead and give them a good feel. They should feel completely natural and a bit easier on your back." Dr. Rack says as he gives your breasts a detached professional look. Deciding to follow the doctor's advice you grab your breasts and gasp in pleasure once again. They feel so nice that you can't help but to grope them while exploring the changes.
  "Well I believe we can call this a success, $PC.FirstName." says Dr. Rack as you finish examining your improved breasts. "How about you take a look at yourself in the mirror and we can call this a day?" he continues as he presses a button allowing the examination chair to move back to the upright position. You find it's a bit easier for you to stand up and so you quickly get to your feet.
  You take a look at yourself in the mirror and after a few moments of intense searching tell that your breasts are looking smaller with them now being $BreastSD $BreastsSize breasts. They look fine as you adjust your looser clothes and it would be quite hard for someone else to tell that you had your breasts' size reduced. "They look great Doc!" you say as you model them in different positions.
<<set _lusty to random(5) +1 + $StatusAffect.Horny - $LustResist.Visual - $LustResist.Complete>>\
<<if _lusty < 0>>\
<<set _lusty to 0>>\
<<set $lust to $lust + _lusty>>\
<<case 2 3>>\
  The flow of silicone continues causing your pleasure to slowly build as you feel a weight lift off your chest. It feels so good you want to grab your tits and squeeze them but you're worried that will cause issues with the injector. Thankfully before you are pushed to your limit the flow of silicone slows down along with the accompanying pleasure. The injector is pulled back allowing you to finally get a good look at your lighter chest. Looking down at your breasts you notice you have gone down $SkillAction cup sizes and are now packing a reasonable pair of $BreastSD $BreastsSize breasts. Even your nipples look like they lost some volume as they are now $NippleSize long.
  "Go ahead and give them a good feel. They should feel completely natural and a easier on your back." Dr. Rack says as he gives your breasts a detached professional look. Deciding to follow the doctor's advice you grab your breasts and gasp in pleasure once again. They feel so nice that you can't help but to grope them while exploring the varied changes.
  "Well I believe we can call this a success, $PC.FirstName." says Dr. Rack as you finish examining your improved breasts. "How about you take a look at yourself in the mirror and we can call this a day?" he continues as he presses a button allowing the examination chair to move back to the upright position. You find it's easier for you to stand up and so you quickly get to your feet.
  You take a look at yourself in the mirror and can quickly tell that your breasts are looking smaller with them now being $BreastSD $BreastsSize breasts. They look fine as you adjust your looser clothes and it wouldn't be hard for someone else to tell that you had your breasts reduced. "They look great Doc!" you say as you model them in different positions.
<<set _lusty to random(10) +1 + $StatusAffect.Horny - $LustResist.Visual - $LustResist.Complete>>\
<<if _lusty < 0>>\
<<set _lusty to 0>>\
<<set $lust to $lust + _lusty>>\
<<case 4 5 6>>\
  The heavy flow of silicone continues causing your pleasure to rapidly increase as you feel a large weight evaporate from your chest. It feels so good you want to grab your tits and squeeze them but you're worried that will cause issues with the injector. Moans of pure pleasure escape your lips as your breasts deflate like a balloon with all the air being let out.
  "You can play with them as long as you avoid the needles from the injector." Dr Rack mentions casually as he watches you squirm on the chair. You reach up carefully and grab your lighter tits. It feels so good as you grope them you feel your pussy fluids start to leak and you feel that you are on the way to cumming.
  Sadly the flow of silicone slows down before you can get your release leaving you a bit frustrated. The injector is pulled back allowing you to finally get a good look at your light chest. Looking down at your breasts you notice you have gone down $SkillAction cup sizes and are now packing a reasonable pair of $BreastSD tits. Even your nipples look like they lost some volume as they are now $NippleSize long.
  "Go ahead and give them another good feel. They should feel completely natural and a lot easier on your back." Dr. Rack says as he gives your breasts a detached professional look. Deciding to follow the doctor's advice you grip your breasts and gasp in pleasure once again. They feel so nice that you can't help but to grope them again while exploring the varied changes.
  "Well I believe we can call this a success, $PC.FirstName." says Dr. Rack as you finish examining your improved breasts. "How about you take a look at yourself in the mirror and we can call this a day?" he continues as he presses a button allowing the examination chair to move back to the upright position. You find it's a lot easier for you to stand up and so you quickly get to your feet.
  You take a look at yourself in the mirror and can easily tell that your breasts are looking a lot smaller with them now being $BreastSD $BreastsSize breasts. They look fine as you adjust your very loose clothes and it would be extremely easy for someone else to tell that you had your breasts reduced. "They look great Doc!" you say as you model them in different positions.
<<set _lusty to random(15) +1 + $StatusAffect.Horny - $LustResist.Visual - $LustResist.Complete>>\
<<if _lusty < 0>>\
<<set _lusty to 0>>\
<<set $lust to $lust + _lusty>>\
  The massive flow of silicone continues causing your pleasure to rapidly increase as you feel a equally massive weight lift off your chest as if by magic. It feels so good you want to grab your tits and squeeze them but you're worried that will cause issues with the injector. Loud moans of pure pleasure escape your lips as your breasts rapidly deflate like a balloon.
  "You can play with them as long as you avoid the needles from the injector." Dr Rack mentions with a slight bit of lust as he watches you squirm and moan lustfully on the chair. You reach up carefully and grab your rapidly lightening tits. It feels so good as you grope them hard you feel your pussy fluids start to leak and you feel that you are on the way to cumming.
  It doesn't take much longer before the pleasure that is filling your tits pushes you over the edge. "Oh fuck! My titties feel so good! I'm cumming!" you scream as your pussy unleashes a $GCumAD flood of girl cum all over the examination chair.
  Thankfully the titanic flow of silicone slows down before you are completely wrecked and before long the injector is pulled back allowing you to finally get a good look at your extremely lighter chest. Looking down at your $BreastSD breasts you notice you have gone down $SkillAction cup sizes and are now way smaller than your old size. Even your nipples look like they lost some volume as they are now $NippleSize long.
  "Go ahead and give them another good feel. They should feel completely natural and a extremely easier on your back." Dr. Rack says as he gives your breasts a detached professional look. Deciding to follow the doctor's advice you grip your breasts and gasp in pleasure once again. They feel so nice that you can't help but to grope them again while exploring the major changes.
  "Well I believe we can call this a success, $PC.FirstName." says Dr. Rack as you finish examining your improved breasts. "How about you take a look at yourself in the mirror and we can call this a day?" he continues as he presses a button allowing the examination chair to move back to the upright position. You find it's a extremely easier for you to stand up and so you quickly get to your feet.
  You take a look at yourself in the mirror and can quickly and easily tell that your breasts are looking extremely smaller with them now being $BreastSD $BreastsSize breasts. They look fine as you adjust your extremely loose clothes and anyone could tell at a glance that you had your breasts reduced. "They look great Doc!" you say as you model them in different positions.
<<include "Lust Passes">>\
  "Great! You are welcome back here any time, well at least during business hours I mean. Here let me show you to the back door so you don't have to worry about being attacked by unwelcome Infested in the clinic." he says as he shows you a one way exit from the back of his office.
<<button [[Leave|Oak Dale Clinic - South Entrance]]>>
<<include "Time Passes">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<set $doctorEvent.Appointment to 0>>\
<</button>><img @src=$genericEvent.Image />
<<set $PCChanges.DickShrink to "Silicone">>\
<<set _DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$PC.DickSize]>>\
<<set _DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$PC.DickSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$PC.BallsSize]>>
<<set _BallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$PC.BallsSize]>>\
<<set $PC.DickSize to $PC.DickSize - $SkillAction>>\
<<set $PC.BallsSize to $PC.BallsSize - $SkillAction>>\
<<set $DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$PC.DickSize]>>\
<<set $DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$PC.DickSize]>>\
<<set $BallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$PC.BallsSize]>>
<<set $BallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$PC.BallsSize]>>\
<<set $Cum.Max to $Cum.Max - $SkillAction>>\
<<set $Cum.Min to $Cum.Min - $SkillAction>>\
<<set $Cum.Stored to $Cum.Max>>\
<<set $CumAD to $arrayCumAmountDesc[$Cum.Stored]>>\
<<set _ReductionCheck to $StatusAffect.SiliconeP - $SkillAction>>\
<<if _ReductionCheck > 0>>\
<<set $PC.MDickSize to $PC.MDickSize - $SkillAction>>\
<<set $PC.MDickSize to $PC.MDickSize - $StatusAffect.SiliconeD>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.SiliconeB to $StatusAffect.SiliconeD - $SkillAction>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.SiliconeD < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.SiliconeD to 0>>\
<<if (random(19) + 1) + $Skill.Social + $CharismaBonus > 14>>\
<<set $npcRichard.Friendship to $npcRichard.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity +2 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set $npcRichard.Friendship to $npcRichard.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity +1 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
  Dr. Rack has you sit down in a medical examination chair in the room connected to his office. "First of all you will need to remove all of your clothes. This will allow unfettered access for the injection system to your penis and allow for confirmation that the penis reduction is going smoothly. After that I need you to sit back and relax in the chair. The injection system will do the rest of the work. Oh just a heads up, previous patients have expressed that there was no pain so don't worry about any discomfort."
  You slowly strip out of your clothes allowing your _DickSD dick to be exposed to the world. Dr. Rack just gives you a absent minded nod as he makes a adjustment to the large machine he called the injection system. You sit back in the examination chair as it adjusts to an almost flat position and do your best to relax.
  Your heart beats quickly in anticipation as Dr. Rack guides the injecter to your groin. It's a large machine on a extended arm with a large looking needle that are currently aimed at your _DickSize dick. You watch partially in dread of the pain as the needles extend until you feel a sharp prick on the base of your penis.
  It doesn't take long until the feeling of liquid gel starts to flow into your cock causing you to gasp in pleasure. It feels surprisingly good as you watch your dick slowly shrinks as the silicone starts to dissolve excess material. Your cock is rock hard as you try to stifle a pleasure filled grunt.
<<switch $SkillAction>>\
<<case 1>>\
  All too soon the flow slows down along with the accompanying pleasure. The injector is pulled back allowing you to finally get a good look at your slightly lighter dick. Giving your cock a close look you can tell that you have shrunk an inch and are now packing a $DickSD $DickSize dick. Even your balls are looking smaller with them now being $BallsSD $BallsSize balls.
  "Go ahead and give it a good feel. Your penis should feel completely natural and a bit lighter between your legs." Dr. Rack says as he gives your dick a detached professional look. Deciding to follow the doctor's advice you grab your dick and gasp in pleasure once again. It feel so nice that you can't help but to grope your shaft while exploring the changes.
  "Well I believe we can call this a success, $PC.FirstName." says Dr. Rack as you finish examining your improved penis. "How about you take a look at yourself in the mirror and we can call this a day?" he continues as he presses a button allowing the examination chair to move back to the upright position. You find it's a bit easier for you to sit up and so you quickly get to your feet.
  You take a look at yourself in the mirror and after a few moments of intense searching tell that your dick is looking smaller with it now being a $DickSD $DickSize dick. They look fine as you adjust your looser clothes and it would be quite hard for someone else to tell that you had your dick's size reduced. "It look great Doc!" you say as you model your groin in different positions.
<<case 2 3>>\
  The flow of silicone continues causing your pleasure to slowly build as you feel a weight lift off your dick. It feels so good you want to grab your cock and give it a squeeze but you're worried that will cause issues with the injector.
  Thankfully before you are pushed to your limit the flow of silicone slows down along with the accompanying pleasure. The injector is pulled back allowing you to finally get a good look at your lighter penis. Looking down at your dick you notice you have gone down $SkillAction inches in length and are now packing a reasonable pair of $DickSD $DickSize dick. Even your balls are looking smaller with them now being $BallsSD $BallsSize balls.
  "Go ahead and give it a nice strong feel. Your penis should feel completely natural and lighter between your legs." Dr. Rack says as he gives your dick a detached professional look. Deciding to follow the doctor's advice you grab your dick and gasp in pleasure once again. It feel so nice that you can't help but to grope your shaft while exploring the changes.
  "Well I believe we can call this a success, $PC.FirstName." says Dr. Rack as you finish examining your improved penis. "How about you take a look at yourself in the mirror and we can call this a day?" he continues as he presses a button allowing the examination chair to move back to the upright position. You find it's easier for you to sit up and so you quickly get to your feet.
  You take a look at yourself in the mirror and you quickly can tell that your dick is looking smaller with it now being a $DickSD $DickSize dick. It look fine as you adjust your looser clothes and it wouldn't be hard for someone else to tell that you had your dick's size reduced. "It look great Doc!" you say as you model your groin in different positions.
<<case 4 5 6>>\
  The heavy flow of silicone continues causing your pleasure to rapidly build as you feel a large weight evaporate from your dick. It feels so good you want to grab your cock and give it a squeeze but you're worried that will cause issues with the injector. Moans of pure pleasure escape your lips as your dick deflates like a balloon with all the air being let out.
  Sadly the flow of silicone slows down before you can get your release leaving you a bit frustrated. The injector is pulled back allowing you to finally get a good look at your featherweight feeling penis. Looking down at your dick you notice you have gone down $SkillAction inches in length and are now packing a reasonable pair of $DickSD $DickSize dick. Even your balls are looking smaller with them now being $BallsSD $BallsSize balls.
  "Go ahead and give it a nice strong grip. Your penis should feel completely natural and much lighter between your legs." Dr. Rack says as he gives your dick a detached professional look. Deciding to follow the doctor's advice you grab your dick and gasp in pleasure once again. It feel so nice that you can't help but to grope your shaft while exploring the changes.
  "Well I believe we can call this a success, $PC.FirstName." says Dr. Rack as you finish examining your improved penis. "How about you take a look at yourself in the mirror and we can call this a day?" he continues as he presses a button allowing the examination chair to move back to the upright position. You find it's much easier for you to sit up and so you quickly get to your feet.
  You take a look at yourself in the mirror and you easily and quickly can tell that your dick is looking much smaller with it now being a $DickSD $DickSize dick. It look fine as you adjust your looser clothes and it would be quite easy for someone else to tell that you had your dick's size reduced. "It look great Doc!" you say as you model your groin in different positions.
  The massive flow of silicone continues causing your pleasure to rapidly increase as you feel a equally massive weight lift off your groin as if by magic. It feels so good you want to grab your dick and squeeze it but you're worried that will cause issues with the injector. Loud moans of pure pleasure escape your lips as your penis rapidly deflate like a balloon.
  "You can play with it as long as you avoid the needles from the injector." Dr Rack mentions with a slight bit of lust as he watches you squirm and moan lustfully on the chair. You reach down carefully and grab your rapidly lightening dick. It feels so good as you stroke it hard you feel the tip of your dick start to leak. It doesn't take long before you feel that you are on the way to cumming.
  It doesn't take much longer before the pleasure that is filling your cock and balls pushes you over the edge. "Oh fuck! My dick feel so good! I'm cumming!" you scream as your cock unleashes a $CumAD flood of gooey cum all over the examination chair.
  Thankfully the titanic flow of silicone slows down before you are completely wrecked and before long the injector is pulled back allowing you to finally get a good look at your very featherweight feeling penis. Looking down at your dick you notice you have gone down $SkillAction inches in length and are now packing a reasonable pair of $DickSD $DickSize dick. Even your balls are looking smaller with them now being $BallsSD $BallsSize balls.
  "Go ahead and give it another nice strong grip. Your penis should feel completely natural and extremely lighter between your legs." Dr. Rack says as he gives your dick a detached professional look. Deciding to follow the doctor's advice you grab your dick and gasp in pleasure once again. It feel so nice that you can't help but to grope your shaft while exploring the changes.
  "Well I believe we can call this a success, $PC.FirstName." says Dr. Rack as you finish examining your improved penis. "How about you take a look at yourself in the mirror and we can call this a day?" he continues as he presses a button allowing the examination chair to move back to the upright position. You find it's extremely easy for you to sit up and so you quickly get to your feet.
  You take a look at yourself in the mirror and you easily and quickly can tell that your dick is looking extremely smaller with it now being a $DickSD $DickSize dick. It look fine as you adjust your looser clothes and it would be quite easy for someone else to tell at a glance that you had your dick's size reduced. "It look great Doc!" you say as you model your groin in different positions.
  "Great! You are welcome back here any time, well at least during business hours I mean. Here let me show you to the back door so you don't have to worry about being attacked by unwelcome Infested in the clinic." he says as he shows you a one way exit from the back of his office.
<<button [[Leave|Oak Dale Clinic - South Entrance]]>>
<<include "Time Passes">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<set $doctorEvent.Appointment to 0>>\
<</button>><img @src=$genericEvent.Image />
<<set $PCChanges.AssShrink to "Silicone">>\
<<set _AssSize to $arrayAssSizeDesc[$PC.AssSize]>>\
<<set $PC.AssSize to $PC.AssSize - $SkillAction>>\
<<set $AssSize to $arrayAssSizeDesc[$PC.AssSize]>>\
<<set _ReductionCheck to $StatusAffect.SiliconeB - $SkillAction>>\
<<if _ReductionCheck > 0>>\
<<set $PC.MAssSize to $PC.MAssSize - $SkillAction>>\
<<set $PC.MAssSize to $PC.MAssSize - $StatusAffect.SiliconeA>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.SiliconeA to $StatusAffect.SiliconeA - $SkillAction>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.SiliconeA < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.SiliconeA to 0>>\
<<if (random(19) + 1) + $Skill.Social + $CharismaBonus > 14>>\
<<set $npcRichard.Friendship to $npcRichard.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity +2 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set $npcRichard.Friendship to $npcRichard.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity +1 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
  Dr. Rack has you sit down in a medical examination chair in the room connected to his office. "First of all you will need to remove all of your clothes. This will allow unfettered access for the injection system to your ass and allow for confirmation that the ass cheek reduction is going smoothly. After that I need you to down on your front facing the headrest. The injection system will do the rest of the work. Oh just a heads up, previous patients have expressed that there was no pain so don't worry about any discomfort."
  You slowly strip out of your clothes allowing your _AssSize ass to be exposed to the world. Dr. Rack just gives you a absent minded nod as he makes a adjustment to the large machine he called the injection system. You lie down on the examination chair as it adjusts to an almost flat position and do your best to relax.
  Your heart beats quickly in anticipation as Dr. Rack guides the injecter to your buttcheeks. It's a large machine on a extended arm with two large looking needles that are currently aimed at your _AssSize ass. Looking around you notice the doctor has set up a mirror so you can watch your ass modification. In the time it took to discover the mirror the injector has already reached your ass! After a moment you feel two sharp pricks on the upper part of your ass.
  It doesn't take long until the feeling of liquid gel starts to flow into your ass causing you to gasp in pleasure. It feels surprisingly good as you watch your ass cheeks slowly shrink as the silicone starts to dissolve any excess material in your ass cheeks. Your nipples are rock hard as you try to stifle a pleasure filled moan.
<<switch $SkillAction>>\
<<case 1>>\
  All too soon the flow slows down along with the accompanying pleasure. The injector is pulled back allowing you to finally get a good look at your slightly lighter caboose. Looking back at your butt you notice you are now packing a $AssSize ass that jiggles a bit less as you test the flexibility.
  "Go ahead and give your ass a good feel. <<if $StatusAffect.SiliconeA >= 5>>It should feel nice and firm with a high degree of resistance to sagging.<<else>>It should feel almost completely natural with your balance hopefully improved.<</if>>" says as he gives your ass a detached professional look. Deciding to follow the doctor's advice you grab your ass cheeks and gasp in pleasure once again. It feels so nice that you can't help but to grope them while exploring the changes.
  "Well I believe we can call this a success, $PC.FirstName." says Dr. Rack as you finish examining your improved ass cheeks. "How about you take a look at yourself in the mirror and we can call this a day?" he continues as he presses a button allowing the examination chair to move back to the upright position. You find it's a bit easier for you to stand up and so you quickly get to your feet.
  You take a look at yourself in the mirror and can after a few moments of intense searching tell that your ass cheeks are looking smaller with you now having a $AssSize ass. It looks fine as you adjust your looser clothes and it would be quite hard for someone else to tell that you had your ass cheek's reduced. "It looks great Doc!" you say as you model your $AssSize ass in different positions.
  "Great! You are welcome back here any time, well at least during business hours I mean. Here let me show you to the back door so you don't have to worry about being attacked by unwelcome Infested in the clinic." he says as he shows you a one way exit from the back of his office.
<<set _lusty to random(5) +1 + $StatusAffect.Horny - $LustResist.Visual - $LustResist.Complete>>\
<<if _lusty < 0>>\
<<set _lusty to 0>>\
<<set $lust to $lust + _lusty>>\
<<case 2 3>>\
  The flow of silicone continues causing your pleasure to slowly build as you feel a weight lift off your ass. It feels so good you want to grab your ass cheeks and squeeze them but you're worried that will cause issues with the injector. Thankfully before you are pushed to your limit the flow of silicone slows down along with the accompanying pleasure. The injector is pulled back allowing you to finally get a good look at your smaller ass in the mirror. Looking back at your ass you notice you are now packing a $AssSize ass that feels a lot lighter than before.
  "Go ahead and give your cheeks a good feel. They should feel completely natural and a easier on your sense of balance." Dr. Rack says as he gives your ass a detached professional look. Deciding to follow the doctor's advice you grab your ass cheeks and gasp in pleasure once again. They feel so nice that you can't help but to grope them while exploring the varied changes.
  "Well I believe we can call this a success, $PC.FirstName." says Dr. Rack as you finish examining your improved ass. "How about you take a look at yourself in the mirror and we can call this a day? he continues as he presses a button allowing the examination chair to move back to the upright position. You find it's easier for you to stand up and so you quickly get to your feet.
  You take a look at yourself in the mirror and can easily tell that your ass cheeks are looking smaller with you now having a $AssSize ass. It looks fine as you adjust your looser clothes and it wouldn't be hard for someone else to tell that you had your ass cheek's reduced. "It looks great Doc!" you say as you model your $AssSize ass in different positions.
  "Great! You are welcome back here any time, well at least during business hours I mean. Here let me show you to the back door so you don't have to worry about being attacked by unwelcome Infested in the clinic." he says as he shows you a one way exit from the back of his office.
<<set _lusty to random(10) +1 + $StatusAffect.Horny - $LustResist.Visual - $LustResist.Complete>>\
<<if _lusty < 0>>\
<<set _lusty to 0>>\
<<set $lust to $lust + _lusty>>\
<<case 4 5 6>>\
  The heavy flow of silicone continues causing your pleasure to rapidly increase as you feel a large weight evaporate from your ass. It feels so good you want to grab your ass cheeks and squeeze them but you're worried that will cause issues with the injector. Moans of pure pleasure escape your lips as your ass deflate like a balloon with all the air being let out.
  "You can play with your ass as long as you avoid the needles from the injector." Dr Rack mentions casually as he watches you squirm on the chair. You reach behind yourself carefully and grab your lighter ass cheeks. It feels so good as you grope them you feel your pussy fluids start to leak and you feel that you are on the way to cumming.
  Sadly the flow of silicone slows down before you can get your release leaving you a bit frustrated. The injector is pulled back allowing you to finally get a good look at your smaller ass in the mirror. Looking back at your ass you notice you are now packing a $AssSize ass that feels a lot lighter than before.
  "Go ahead and give your cheeks a good feel. They should feel completely natural and a lot easier on your sense of balance." Dr. Rack says as he gives your ass a detached professional look. Deciding to follow the doctor's advice you grab your ass cheeks and gasp in pleasure once again. They feel so nice that you can't help but to grope them while exploring the varied changes.
  "Well I believe we can call this a success, $PC.FirstName." says Dr. Rack as you finish examining your improved ass. "How about you take a look at yourself in the mirror and we can call this a day?" he continues as he presses a button allowing the examination chair to move back to the upright position. You find it's a lot easier for you to stand up and so you quickly get to your feet.
  You take a look at yourself in the mirror and can quickly tell that your ass cheeks are looking a lot smaller with you now having a $AssSize ass. It looks fine as you adjust your looser clothes and it would be quite easy for someone else to tell that you had your ass cheek's reduced. "It looks great Doc!" you say as you model your $AssSize ass in different positions.
  "Great! You are welcome back here any time, well at least during business hours I mean. Here let me show you to the back door so you don't have to worry about being attacked by unwelcome Infested in the clinic." he says as he shows you a one way exit from the back of his office.
<<set _lusty to random(20) +1 + $StatusAffect.Horny - $LustResist.Visual - $LustResist.Complete>>\
<<if _lusty < 0>>\
<<set _lusty to 0>>\
<<set $lust to $lust + _lusty>>\
  The massive flow of silicone continues causing your pleasure to rapidly increase as you feel a equally massive weight lift off your ass as if by magic. It feels so good you want to grab your ass cheeks and squeeze them but you're worried that will cause issues with the injector. Loud moans of pure pleasure escape your lips as your ass cheeks rapidly deflate like a balloon.
  "You can play with your ass as long as you avoid the needles from the injector." Dr Rack mentions with a slight bit of lust as he watches you squirm and moan lustfully on the chair. You reach behind you carefully and grab your rapidly lightening ass cheeks. It feels so good as you grope them hard you feel your pussy fluids start to leak and you feel that you are on the way to cumming.
  It doesn't take much longer before the pleasure that is filling your ass pushes you over the edge. "Oh fuck! My ass cheeks feel so good! I'm cumming!" you scream as your pussy unleashes a $CumAD flood of girl cum all over the examination chair.
  Thankfully the flow of silicone slows down before you are completely wrecked and before long the injector is pulled back allowing you to finally get a partial look at your extremely smaller ass. Looking back at your $AssSize ass you notice you are now way smaller than your old _AssSize size.
  "Go ahead and give your cheeks a good feel. They should feel completely natural and a lot easier on your sense of balance." Dr. Rack says as he gives your ass a detached professional look. Deciding to follow the doctor's advice you grab your ass cheeks and gasp in pleasure once again. They feel so nice that you can't help but to grope them while exploring the varied changes.
  "Well I believe we can call this a success, $PC.FirstName." says Dr. Rack as you finish examining your improved ass. "How about you take a look at yourself in the mirror and we can call this a day?" he continues as he presses a button allowing the examination chair to move back to the upright position. You find it's a extremely easier for you to stand up and so you quickly get to your feet.
  You take a look at yourself in the mirror and can quickly and easily with a glance tell that your ass cheeks are a lot smaller with you now having a $AssSize ass. It looks fine as you adjust your extremely loose clothes and it would be extremely easy for someone to tell at a glance that you had your ass cheek's reduced. "It looks great Doc!" you say as you model your $AssSize ass in different positions.
  "Great! You are welcome back here any time, well at least during business hours I mean. Here let me show you to the back door so you don't have to worry about being attacked by unwelcome Infested in the clinic." he says as he shows you a one way exit from the back of his office.
<<include "Lust Passes">>\
<<button [[Leave|Oak Dale Clinic - South Entrance]]>>
<<include "Time Passes">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<set $doctorEvent.Appointment to 0>>\
<</button>><<set _picture to $PCProfile.Picture>>\
<img @src="_picture" height="768px" width="512px" />
<<switch $StatusAffect.SiliconeP>>\
<<case 1 2>>\
  You take a look at yourself in the mirror and can tell that your dick is looking somewhat bigger than before being pumped with silicone with it now being a $DickSD $DickSize cock. It still looks and feels natural as you adjust your tighter clothes and it would be hard for someone to tell that you had your dick enhanced. "Looks good Doc!" you say as you swing your hips from side to side.
<<case 3 4 5>>\
  You take a look at yourself in the mirror and can immediately tell that your dick is looking bigger than before being pumped with silicone with it now being a $DickSD $DickSize cock. It still looks somewhat natural at a distance but has that extra firmness that exposes it as being enhanced. You adjust your tighter clothes "Looks great Doc! Nice and firm!" you say as you swing your hips from side to side.
<<case 6 7 8 9>>\
  You take a look at yourself in the mirror and can immediately tell that your dick is looking a lot bigger than before being pumped with silicone with it now being a $DickSD $DickSize cock. It's easy to tell that it's been pumped up with silicone as that extra firmness shows that it's been enhanced. You adjust your tighter clothes "Looks awesome Doc! Looking big, thick and in charge!" you say as you swing your hips from side to side.
  You take a look at yourself in the mirror and can immediately tell that your dick is looking a extremely bigger than before being pumped with silicone with it now being a $DickSD $DickSize cock. It's easy to tell that it's been pumped up with a lot silicone as that extra firmness shows that it's been enhanced. You adjust your tighter clothes "Looks awesome Doc! Looking big, thick and in charge!" you say as you swing your hips from side to side.
  "Great! You are welcome back here any time, well at least during business hours I mean. Here let me show you to the back door so you don't have to worry about being attacked by unwelcome Infested in the clinic." he says as he shows you a one way exit from the back of his office.
<<button [[Leave|Oak Dale Clinic - North Exit]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<set $doctorEvent.Appointment to 0>>\
<<include "Time Passes">>\
<</button>><<include "Basic Stats Level Up">>\
<<switch $PC.Level>>\
<<case 2>>\
<<button [[Choose Skill Feat|Skill Feats]]>>
<<case 3>>\
<<button [[Choose Expert Skill|Choose Expert Skill]]>>
<<case 4>>\
<<button [[Choose Skill|Skill Feats]]>>
<img src="Images/Classes/INTBonus.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
You have gained a skill feat from a skill you are at least trained in. Choose from the list below.
<<include "Feat Descriptions">>\
<<include "Athletic Skill Feats">>\
<<include "Crafting Skill Feats">>\
<<include "Cooking Skill Feats">>\
<<include "Driving Skill Feats">>\
<<include "Electronics Skill Feats">>\
<<include "Medical Skill Feats">>\
<<include "Salvaging Skill Feats">>\
<<include "Scouting Skill Feats">>\
<<include "Social Skill Feats">>\
<<include "Stealth Skill Feats">>\
<<include "Thievery Skill Feats">>\<<if $Prof.Athletics >= 2 and $AthleticSkillFeats.Hustle < 1>>\
<<button [[$feat.Hustle.name|Class Abilities]]>>
<<set $AthleticSkillFeats.Hustle to 2>>\
<<set $totalFeats.push($feat.Hustle)>>\
<<if $Prof.Athletics >= 2 and $AthleticSkillFeats.Recovery < 1>>\
<<button [[$feat.Recovery.name|Class Abilities]]>>
<<set $AthleticSkillFeats.Recovery to 1>>\
<<set $totalFeats.push($feat.Recovery)>>\
<<if $Prof.Athletics >= 4 and $AthleticSkillFeats.ImprovedTrip < 1>>\
<<button [[$feat.ImprovedTrip.name|Class Abilities]]>>
<<set $AthleticSkillFeats.ImprovedTrip to 1>>\
<<set $totalFeats.push($feat.ImprovedTrip)>>\
<<if $Prof.Athletics >= 4 and $AthleticSkillFeats.Toughness < 1>>\
<<button [[$feat.Toughness.name|Class Abilities]]>>
<<set $AthleticSkillFeats.Toughness to 1>>\
<<set $MaxHP to $MaxHP + 4 + ($PC.Level)>>\
<<set $HP to $MaxHP>>\
<<set $totalFeats.push($feat.Toughness)>>\
<<if $Prof.Athletics >= 6 and $AthleticSkillFeats.Recovery > 0 and $AthleticSkillFeats.InstantRecovery < 1>>\
<<button [[$feat.InstantRecovery.name|Class Abilities]]>>
<<set $AthleticSkillFeats.InstantRecovery to 1>>\
<<set $totalFeats.push($feat.InstantRecovery)>>\
<<if $Prof.Athletics >= 6 and $AthleticSkillFeats.Toughness > 0 and $AthleticSkillFeats.WalkitOff < 1>>\
<<button [[$feat.WalkitOff.name|Class Abilities]]>>
<<set $AthleticSkillFeats.WalkitOff to 1>>\
<<set $totalFeats.push($feat.WalkitOff)>>\
<</if>>\<<if $Prof.Crafting >= 2 and $CraftingSkillFeats.Scavenger < 1>>\
<<button [[$feat.Scavenger.name|Class Abilities]]>>
<<set $CraftingSkillFeats.Scavenger to 1>>\
<<set $totalFeats.push($feat.Scavenger)>>\
<<if $Prof.Crafting >= 2 and $CraftingSkillFeats.Excellence < 1>>\
<<button [[$feat.Excellence.name|Class Abilities]]>>
<<set $CraftingSkillFeats.Excellence to 2>>\
<<set $totalFeats.push($feat.Excellence)>>\
<<if $Prof.Crafting >= 4 and $CraftingSkillFeats.ExtraSkill < 1>>\
<<button [[$feat.ExtraSkill.name|Class Abilities]]>>
<<set $CraftingSkillFeats.ExtraSkill to 1>>\
<<set $totalFeats.push($feat.ExtraSkill)>>\
<<if $Prof.Crafting >= 4 and $CraftingSkillFeats.ForgedToughness < 1>>\
<<button [[$feat.ForgedToughness.name|Class Abilities]]>>
<<set $CraftingSkillFeats.ForgedToughness to 1>>\
<<set $totalFeats.push($feat.ForgedToughness)>>\
<<if $Prof.Crafting >= 6 and $CraftingSkillFeats.Maintenance < 1>>\
<<button [[$feat.Maintenance.name|Class Abilities]]>>
<<set $CraftingSkillFeats.Maintenance to 1>>\
<<set $totalFeats.push($feat.Maintenance)>>\
\<<if $Prof.Cooking >= 2 and $CookingSkillFeats.ProperNutrition < 1>>\
<<button [[$feat.ProperNutrition.name|Class Abilities]]>>
<<set $CookingSkillFeats.ProperNutrition to 1>>\
<<set $totalFeats.push($feat.ProperNutrition)>>\
<<if $Prof.Cooking >= 2 and $CookingSkillFeats.ChampionBreakfast < 1>>\
<<button [[$feat.ChampionBreakfast.name|Class Abilities]]>>
<<set $CookingSkillFeats.ChampionBreakfast to ($Prof.Cooking/2)>>\
<<set $totalFeats.push($feat.ChampionBreakfast)>>\
<<if $Prof.Cooking >= 4 and $CookingSkillFeats.ProperNutrition > 0 and $CookingSkillFeats.GroupCooking < 1>>\
<<button [[$feat.GroupCooking.name|Class Abilities]]>>
<<set $CookingSkillFeats.GroupCooking to 1>>\
<<set $totalFeats.push($feat.GroupCooking)>>\
<<if $Prof.Cooking >= 6 and $CookingSkillFeats.ChampionBreakfast > 0 and $CookingSkillFeats.EpicBreakfast < 1>>\
<<button [[$feat.EpicBreakfast.name|Class Abilities]]>>
<<set $CookingSkillFeats.EpicBreakfast to 1>>\
<<set $totalFeats.push($feat.EpicBreakfast)>>\
<</if>>\<<if $Prof.Driving >= 2 and $DrivingSkillFeats.CombatDriving < 1>>\
<<button [[$feat.CombatDriving.name|Class Abilities]]>>
<<set $DrivingSkillFeats.CombatDriving to 1>>\
<<set $totalFeats.push($feat.CombatDriving)>>\
<<if $Prof.Driving >= 2 and $DrivingSkillFeats.LockedCar < 1>>\
<<button [[$feat.LockedCar.name|Class Abilities]]>>
<<set $DrivingSkillFeats.LockedCar to 1>>\
<<set $totalFeats.push($feat.$feat.LockedCar)>>\
<<if $Prof.Driving >= 2 and $Prof.Stealth > 2 and $DrivingSkillFeats.SilentDrive < 1>>\
<<button [[$feat.SilentDrive.name|Class Abilities]]>>
<<set $DrivingSkillFeats.SilentDrive to 1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.SilentDrive to $Prof.Stealth>>\
<<set $totalFeats.push($feat.SilentDrive)>>\
<<if $Prof.Driving >= 4 and ($DrivingSkillFeats.EnhancedCombatDriving < 1) and $DrivingSkillFeats.CombatDriving > 0>>\
<<button [[$feat.EnhancedCombatDriving.name|Class Abilities]]>>
<<set $DrivingSkillFeats.EnhancedCombatDriving to 1>>\
<<set $DrivingSkillFeats.CombatDriving to 2>>\
<<set $totalFeats.push($feat.EnhancedCombatDriving)>>\
\<<if $Prof.Electronics >= 2 and $ElectronicsSkillFeats.PowerSaver < 1>>\
<<button [[$feat.PowerSaver.name|Class Abilities]]>>
<<set $ElectronicsSkillFeats.PowerSaver to 1>>\
<<if $Prof.Electronics < 8>>\
<<set $SmartPhone.MaxCharge to ($Prof.Electronics * 100)>>\
<<set $SmartPhone.MaxCharge to ($Prof.Electronics * 10000)>>\
<<set $SmartPhone.Charge to $SmartPhone.MaxCharge>>\
<<set $totalFeats.push($feat.PowerSaver)>>\
<<if $Prof.Electronics >= 2 and $ElectronicsSkillFeats.BruteForce < 1>>\
<<button [[$feat.BruteForce.name|Class Abilities]]>>
<<set $ElectronicsSkillFeats.BruteForce to 1>>\
<<set $totalFeats.push($feat.BruteForce)>>\
<<if $Prof.Electronics >= 4 and $ElectronicsSkillFeats.CanYouHearMe < 1>>\
<<set _tempFeat to $feat.CanYouHearMe>>\
<<button [[$feat.CanYouHearMe.name|Class Abilities]]>>
<<set $ElectronicsSkillFeats.CanYouHearMe to 1>>\
<<set $totalFeats.push($feat.CanYouHearMe)>>\
<<if $Prof.Electronics >= 4 and $ElectronicsSkillFeats.CameraFlash < 1>>\
<<button [[$feat.CameraFlash.name|Class Abilities]]>>
<<set $ElectronicsSkillFeats.CameraFlash to 1>>\
<<set $totalFeats.push($feat.CameraFlash)>>\
\<<if $Prof.Medical >= 2 and $MedicalSkillFeats.MedicalOverwatch < 1>>\
<<button [[$feat.MedicalOverwatch.name|Class Abilities]]>>
<<set $MedicalSkillFeats.MedicalOverwatch to 1>>\
<<set $totalFeats.push($feat.MedicalOverwatch)>>\
<<if $Prof.Medical >= 2 and $MedicalSkillFeats.AnatomyLessons < 1>>\
<<button [[$feat.AnatomyLessons.name|Class Abilities]]>>
<<set $MedicalSkillFeats.AnatomyLessons to 1>>\
<<set $totalFeats.push($feat.AnatomyLessons)>>\
<<set $LustResist.Visual to $LustResist.Visual + 2>>\
<<if $Prof.Medical >= 4 and $MedicalSkillFeats.ResistInfestation < 1>>\
<<button [[$feat.ResistInfestation.name|Class Abilities]]>>
<<set $MedicalSkillFeats.ResistInfestation to 1>>\
<<set $totalFeats.push($feat.ResistInfestation)>>\
<<set $InfectionResist.Fort to $InfectionResist.Fort + 2>>\
<<set $InfectionResist.DR to $InfectionResist.DR + 2>>\
<<if $Prof.Medical >= 4 and $MedicalSkillFeats.CriticalFocus < 1>>\
<<button [[$feat.CriticalFocus.name|Class Abilities]]>>
<<set $MedicalSkillFeats.CriticalFocus to 2>>\
<<set $totalFeats.push($feat.CriticalFocus)>>\
<<if $Prof.Medical >= 6 and $MedicalSkillFeats.AnatomyLessons is 1 and $MedicalSkillFeats.AnatomyDedication < 1>>\
<<button [[$feat.AnatomyDedication.name|Class Abilities]]>>
<<set $MedicalSkillFeats.AnatomyDedication to 1>>\
<<set $totalFeats.push($feat.AnatomyDedication)>>\
<<set $LustResist.Visual to $LustResist.Visual + 3>>\
<<set $LustResist.Will to $LustResist.Will + 2>>\
<<if $Prof.Medical >= 6 and $MedicalSkillFeats.ResistInfestation > 0 and $MedicalSkillFeats.CleanseInfestation < 1>>\
<<button [[$feat.CleanseInfestation.name|Class Abilities]]>>
<<set $totalFeats.push($feat.CleanseInfestation)>>\
<<set $MedicalSkillFeats.CleanseInfestation to 1>>\
\<<if $Prof.Salvaging >= 2 and $SalvagingSkillFeats.SecureWallet < 1>>\
<<button [[$feat.SecureWallet.name|Class Abilities]]>>
<<set $SalvagingSkillFeats.SecureWallet to 1>>\
<<set $totalFeats.push($feat.SecureWallet)>>\
<<if $Prof.Salvaging >= 2 and $SalvagingSkillFeats.ExtraLoot < 1>>\
<<button [[$feat.ExtraLoot.name|Class Abilities]]>>
<<set $SalvagingSkillFeats.ExtraLoot to 1>>\
<<set $totalFeats.push($feat.ExtraLoot)>>\
<<if $Prof.Salvaging >= 4 and $SalvagingSkillFeats.CashisKing < 1>>\
<<button [[$feat.CashisKing.name|Class Abilities]]>>
<<set $SalvagingSkillFeats.CashisKing to 10>>\
<<set $totalFeats.push($feat.CashisKing)>>\
<<if $Prof.Salvaging >= 4 and $SalvagingSkillFeats.RareSalvage < 1>>\
<<button [[$feat.RareSalvage.name|Class Abilities]]>>
<<set $SalvagingSkillFeats.RareSalvage to 2>>\
<<set $totalFeats.push($feat.RareSalvage)>>\
\<<if $Prof.Scouting >= 2 and $ScoutingSkillFeats.IndoorTracking < 1>>\
<<button [[$feat.IndoorTracking.name|Class Abilities]]>>
<<set $ScoutingSkillFeats.IndoorTracking to 1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.IndoorTracking to $Prof.Scouting>>\
<<set $totalFeats.push($feat.IndoorTracking)>>\
<<if $Prof.Scouting >= 2 and $ScoutingSkillFeats.Stalking < 1>>\
<<button [[$feat.Stalking.name|Class Abilities]]>>
<<set $ScoutingSkillFeats.Stalking to 1>>\
<<set $totalFeats.push($feat.Stalking)>>\
<<if $Prof.Scouting >= 2 and $ScoutingSkillFeats.KeenEye < 1>>\
<<button [[$feat.KeenEye.name|Class Abilities]]>>
<<set $ScoutingSkillFeats.KeenEye to 2>>\
<<set $totalFeats.push($feat.KeenEye)>>\
<<if $Prof.Scouting >= 4 and $ScoutingSkillFeats.HunterInfested < 1>>\
<<button [[$feat.HunterInfested.name|Class Abilities]]>>
<<set $ScoutingSkillFeats.HunterInfested to 1>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.HuntingG is 0 and $StatusAffect.HuntingR is 0 and $StatusAffect.HuntingM is 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.HuntingI to 1>>\
<<set $totalFeats.push($feat.HunterInfested)>>\
<<if $Prof.Scouting >= 4 and $ScoutingSkillFeats.HunterRaider < 1>>\
<<button [[$feat.HunterRaider.name|Class Abilities]]>>
<<set $ScoutingSkillFeats.HunterRaider to 1>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.HuntingI is 0 and $StatusAffect.HuntingG is 0 and $StatusAffect.HuntingM is 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.HuntingR to 1>>\
<<set $totalFeats.push($feat.HunterRaider)>>\
<<if $Prof.Scouting >= 4 and $ScoutingSkillFeats.HunterGangsta < 1>>\
<<button [[$feat.HunterGangsta.name|Class Abilities]]>>
<<set $ScoutingSkillFeats.HunterGangsta to 1>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.HuntingI is 0 and $StatusAffect.HuntingR is 0 and $StatusAffect.HuntingM is 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.HuntingG to 1>>\
<<set $totalFeats.push($feat.HunterGangsta)>>\
<<if $Prof.Scouting >= 4 and $ScoutingSkillFeats.RareHunter < 1>>\
<<button [[$feat.RareHunter.name|Class Abilities]]>>
<<set $ScoutingSkillFeats.RareHunter to 2>>\
<<set $totalFeats.push($feat.RareHunter)>>\
<<if $Prof.Scouting >= 6 and $ScoutingSkillFeats.HunterMilitary < 1>>\
<<button [[$feat.HunterMilitary.name|Class Abilities]]>>
<<set $ScoutingSkillFeats.HunterMilitary to 1>>\
<<set $totalFeats.push($feat.HunterMilitary)>>\
\<<if $Prof.Social >= 2 and $SocialSkillFeats.TalktoMe < 1>>\
<<button [[$feat.TalktoMe.name|Class Abilities]]>>
<<set $SocialSkillFeats.TalktoMe to 1>>\
<<set $totalFeats.push($feat.TalktoMe)>>\
<<if $Prof.Social >= 2 and $SocialSkillFeats.WashmyHair < 1>>\
<<button [[$feat.WashmyHair.name|Class Abilities]]>>
<<set $SocialSkillFeats.WashmyHair to 3>>\
<<set $totalFeats.push($feat.WashmyHair)>>\
<<if $Prof.Social >= 4 and $SocialSkillFeats.DistractingFeint < 1>>\
<<button [[$feat.DistractingFeint.name|Class Abilities]]>>
<<set $SocialSkillFeats.DistractingFeint to 1>>\
<<set $totalFeats.push($feat.DistractingFeint)>>\
<<if $Prof.Social >= 4 and $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe < 1>>\
<<button [[$feat.EverybodyLikesMe.name|Class Abilities]]>>
<<set $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe to 1>>\
<<set $totalFeats.push($feat.EverybodyLikesMe)>>\
<<if $Prof.Social >= 6 and $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe > 0 and $SkillFeats.ExtraCharisma < 1>>\
<<button [[$feat.ExtraCharisma.name|Class Abilities]]>>
<<set $Charisma to $Charisma+2>>\
<<set $CharismaBonus to (($Charisma - 10)/2)>>\
<<set $SocialSkillFeats.ExtraCharisma to 1>>\
<<set $totalFeats.push($feat.ExtraCharisma)>>\
\<<if $Prof.Stealth >= 2 and $StealthSkillFeats.Distraction < 1>>\
<<button [[$feat.Distraction.name|Class Abilities]]>>
<<set $StealthSkillFeats.Distraction to 2>>\
<<set $totalFeats.push($feat.Distraction)>>\
<<if $Prof.Stealth >= 2 and $StealthSkillFeats.SilentStalking < 1>>\
<<button [[$feat.SilentStalking.name|Class Abilities]]>>
<<set $StealthSkillFeats.SilentStalking to 1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.SilentStalking to $Prof.Stealth>>\
<<set $totalFeats.push($feat.SilentStalking)>>\
<<if $Prof.Stealth >= 4 and $StealthSkillFeats.Avoidance < 1>>\
<<button [[$feat.Avoidance.name|Class Abilities]]>>
<<set $StealthSkillFeats.Avoidance to 1>>\
<<set $PC.AC to $PC.AC + $StealthSkillFeats.Avoidance>>\
<<set $PC.Reflex to $PC.Reflex + ($StealthSkillFeats.Avoidance *2)>>\
<<set $totalFeats.push($feat.Avoidance)>>\
<<if $Prof.Stealth >= 4 and $StealthSkillFeats.WeaknessStrike < 1>>\
<<button [[$feat.WeaknessStrike.name|Class Abilities]]>>
<<set $StealthSkillFeats.WeaknessStrike to 1>>\
<<set $totalFeats.push($feat.WeaknessStrike)>>\
<<if $Prof.Stealth >= 6 and $StealthSkillFeats.Ambush < 1>>\
<<button [[$feat.Ambush.name|Class Abilities]]>>
<<set $StealthSkillFeats.Ambush to 1>>\
<<set $totalFeats.push($feat.Ambush)>>\
<<if $Prof.Stealth >= 6 and $StealthSkillFeats.CoverStance < 1>>\
<<button [[$feat.CoverStance.name|Class Abilities]]>>
<<set $StealthSkillFeats.CoverStance to 1>>\
<<set $totalFeats.push($feat.CoverStance)>>\
\<<if $Prof.Thievery >= 2 and $ThieverySkillFeats.SnareMaster < 1>>\
<<button [[$feat.SnareMaster.name|Class Abilities]]>>
<<set $ThieverySkillFeats.SnareMaster to 1>>\
<<set $totalFeats.push($feat.SnareMaster)>>\
<<if $Prof.Thievery >= 2 and $ThieverySkillFeats.SturdyTools < 1>>\
<<button [[$feat.SturdyTools.name|Class Abilities]]>>
<<set $LockSmithTools.MaxCharge to $LockSmithTools.MaxCharge +100>>\
<<set $LockSmithTools.Charge to $LockSmithTools.MaxCharge>>\
<<set $ThieverySkillFeats.SturdyTools to 1>>\
<<set $totalFeats.push($feat.SturdyTools)>>\
<<if $Prof.Thievery >= 4 and $ThieverySkillFeats.FiveFingeredDiscount < 1>>\
<<button [[$feat.FiveFingeredDiscount.name|Class Abilities]]>>
<<set $ThieverySkillFeats.FiveFingeredDiscount to 1>>\
<<set $totalFeats.push($feat.FiveFingeredDiscount)>>\
<<if $Prof.Thievery >= 4 and $ThieverySkillFeats.RareSteal < 1>>\
<<button [[$feat.RareSteal.name|Class Abilities]]>>
<<set $ThieverySkillFeats.RareSteal to 1>>\
<<set $totalFeats.push($feat.RareSteal)>>\
<<if $Prof.Thievery >= 4 and $ThieverySkillFeats.Steal < 1>>\
<<button [[$feat.Steal.name|Class Abilities]]>>
<<set $ThieverySkillFeats.Steal to 1>>\
<<set $totalFeats.push($feat.Steal)>>\
<<if $Prof.Thievery >= 6 and $ThieverySkillFeats.LuckySkillz < 1>>\
<<button [[$feat.LuckySkillz.name|Class Abilities]]>>
<<set $ThieverySkillFeats.LuckySkillz to 4>>\
<<set $totalFeats.push($feat.LuckySkillz)>>\
<</if>>\<<include "Class Feats">>\
<<switch $PC.Class>>\
<<case "Athlete">>\
<<include "Athlete Class Abilities">>\
<<case "Criminal">>\
<<include "Criminal Class Abilities">>\
<<case "Celebrity">>\
<<include "Celebrity Class Abilities">>\
<<case "Medic">>\
<<include "Medic Class Abilities">>\
<<case "Officer">>\
<<include "Officer Class Abilities">>\
<<case "Programmer">>\
<<include "Programmer Class Abilities">>\
<<case "Ranger">>\
<<include "Ranger Class Abilities">>\
<</switch>>\You have finished leveling up!
<<button [[Finish|Dream]]>> <</button>><<set $feat.Hustle = {
type: "Skill",
subtype : "Athletics",
name : "Hustle",
description : "The ability to hustle allows you to do more than others in the same amount of time. This gives you 20% more minor actions between Major time stages.",
prof : 2,
<<set $feat.Recovery = {
type: "Skill",
subtype : "Athletics",
name : "Recovery",
description : "Sometimes when you've been beaten down and defeated, the ability to recover and get back on your feet is the most important skill of all. When you have been defeated instead of being left at only 1 HP you get your level and your Constitution modifier in addition back.",
prof : 2,
<<set $feat.ImprovedTrip = {
type: "Skill",
subtype : "Athletics",
name : "Improved Trip",
description : "You have learned how to knock an enemy off balance and possibly on to their ass for a round or two. You make a strike with your melee weapon that deals an extra 1d4 damage and can possible knock them down on a failed Reflex save. The Reflex DC to resist this attack is 10 + your level + Strength modifier. This attack takes 1 AP.",
prof : 4,
<<set $feat.Toughness = {
type: "Skill",
subtype : "Athletics",
name : "Toughness",
description : "You are extra tough and gain +5 HP and +1 HP per level including future level ups.",
prof : 4,
<<set $feat.InstantRecovery = {
type: "Skill",
subtype : "Athletics",
name : "Instant Recovery",
description : "Sometimes when you've almost completely beaten down and defeated, the ability to draw deep from your strength of will and stay on your feet is the most important skill of all. When you are about to be defeated by HP damage instead of being defeated you actually recover 1 HP + your Constitution modifier. This can only happen once per combat.",
prof : 6,
<<set $feat.WalkitOff = {
type: "Skill",
subtype : "Athletics",
name : "Walk it Off",
description : "You learned long ago that most injuries can just to be walked off. Get shot in the arm? Walk it off! You recover your Constitution modifier back in HP at each Long Time stage.",
prof : 6,
<<include "Athletics Feats">>\
<<include "Cooking Feats">>\
<<include "Crafting Feats">>\
<<include "Driving Feats">>\
<<include "Electronics Feats">>\
<<include "Medical Feats">>\
<<include "Salvaging Feats">>\
<<include "Scouting Feats">>\
<<include "Social Feats">>\
<<include "Stealth Feats">>\
<<include "Thievery Feats">>\<<set $feat.ProperNutrition = {
type: "Skill",
subtype : "Cooking",
name : "Proper Nutrition",
description : "You have learned to eat only what is necessary and to cut out unneeded and unwanted calories. You require 33% less food each day.",
prof : 2,
<<set $feat.ChampionBreakfast = {
type: "Skill",
subtype : "Cooking",
name : "Champion Breakfast",
description : "Your cooked breakfasts are the stuff champions dream of. The benefits of your food buffs lasts until Early Afternoon instead of Noon. This increases to Early Evening at Expert proficiency, Night at Master proficiency and lasts all day at Legendary proficiency. You still can only have one food buff at a time.",
prof : 2,
<<set $feat.GroupCooking = {
type: "Skill",
subtype : "Cooking",
name : "Group Cooking",
description : "You have learned what Proper Nutrition is for a group and can make large meals out less ingredients. Everyone in the house hold requires 33% less food each day. ",
prof : 4,
<<set $feat.EpicBreakfast = {
type: "Skill",
subtype : "Cooking",
name : "Epic Breakfast",
description : "Your cooked breafasts are the stuff epics are written about. The benefits of your breakfast buffs are increased by +1 for the duration. You still can only have one breakfast buff at a time.",
prof : 6,
}>>\<<set $feat.Scavenger = {
type: "Skill",
subtype : "Crafting",
name : "Scavenger",
description : "You tend to use each and every piece of scrap when crafting items regardless of how much effort or how little each piece of scrap is worth. When Crafting items you use 10% less materials than expected. This increases by 10% per Proficiency above trained. This stacks with the Crafter class feat.",
prof : 2,
<<set $feat.Excellence = {
type: "Skill",
subtype : "Crafting",
name : "Seeking Excellence",
description : "While crafting items you focus on making the very best superior items as possible. This gives a +2 on crafting checks for the purpose of determining if a item is a superior one or not.",
prof : 2,
<<set $feat.ForgedToughness = {
type: "Skill",
subtype : "Crafting",
name : "Forged Toughness",
description : "Any armor or weapons you create will have 50% more HP.",
prof : 4,
<<set $feat.ExtraSkill = {
type: "Skill",
subtype : "Crafting",
name : "Extra Skill",
description : "When you craft items you now add the relevant skill proficency as a bonus to the crafting roll. This includes armor and weapon proficency when creating the respective items.",
prof : 4,
<<set $feat.Maintenance = {
type: "Skill",
subtype : "Crafting",
name : "Maintenance",
description : "You are extra careful at keeping your gear maintained in order to avoid letting it get damaged. When your weapons and armor would normally take damage there's a 50% chance to not take any damage instead. This increases by 5% as your proficency increases beyond trained.",
prof : 6,
}>>\<<set $feat.CombatDriving = {
type: "Skill",
subtype : "Driving",
name : "Combat Driving",
description : "You have learned the ways of running over people efficiently with your car. While your car might take some damage the look on the Infested's faces when you run over them will always bring a smile to your face. Your driving check is made at a +2 for your hit and runs.",
prof : 2,
<<set $feat.LockedCar = {
type: "Skill",
subtype : "Driving",
name : "Locked Car",
description : "You have figured out how to protect your parked car even when you are not around. This skill feat keeps your car from taking damage from Raiders and Infested when you are out and about in the town.",
prof : 2,
<<set $feat.SilentDrive = {
type: "Skill",
subtype : "Driving",
name : "Silent Driving",
description : "You have figured out how to drive around town without making nearly as much noise. A upgraded muffler and stealthy skills allows you to add your Stealth proficiency to your checks to avoid and to escape enemies while driving. This can be turned off/on in your smart phone options.",
prof : 2,
<<set $feat.EnhancedCombatDriving = {
type: "Skill",
subtype : "Driving",
name : "Enhanced Combat Driving",
description : "You have learned how to hit enemies with a vehicle without it taking too much damage and your bonus to hit while doing so increases. A vehicle's physical resistance is doubled when ramming enemies and your driving check is made at a +4 for your hit and runs.",
prof : 4,
}>>\<<set $feat.PowerSaver = {
type: "Skill",
subtype : "Electronics",
name : "Power Saver",
description : "You have added a extra large battery to your smart phone. This gives your phone twice the battery power used for hacking and other uses for your phone. This increases to quadruple at Expert proficiency and sextuple at Master. At Legendary your phone has UNLIMITED POWER for taking phone calls and such...",
prof : 2,
<<set $feat.BruteForce = {
type: "Skill",
subtype : "Electronics",
name : "Brute Force",
description : "Sometimes when hacking a system brute force can work when finess fails. When trying to hack a system or fix a broken electronics device if the initial check is a failure a second check is automatically rolled at a -2 penalty.",
prof : 2,
<<set $feat.CanYouHearMe = {
type: "Skill",
subtype : "Electronics",
name : "Can You Hear Me?",
description : "When the Infested pandemic hit most of the cell phone towers went down allowing only land lines to be used. You have found a way to connect to a pirate cell phone tower and can now make phone calls away from home on your smart phone.",
prof : 4,
<<set $feat.CameraFlash = {
type: "Skill",
subtype : "Electronics",
name : "Camera Flash",
description : "You've taken your smart phone's camera flash to a whole new level. You can now use it to blind enemies giving them a -4 to hit for a round. This decreases by one each round until it wears off by the fourth round of combat. The DC to resist this attack is the enemies Reflex vs 10 + your level + Intelligence modifier. This uses one AP and 10% charge from your phone per use.",
prof : 4,
<<set $feat.MedicalOverwatch = {
type: "Skill",
subtype : "Medical",
name : "Medical Overwatch",
description : "Due to all the time spent slapping bandages on your friends and family you've gained that golden touch for healing even the most greivious wounds. When you use any healing medicine you add your Medical proficency bonus as extra HPs healed. ",
prof : 2,
<<set $feat.AnatomyLessons = {
type: "Skill",
subtype : "Medical",
name : "Anatomy Lessons",
description : "All those anatomy lessons you've taken has somewhat desensitized you to casual displays of nudity and other erotic displays. While not immune you do take 2 less lust damage from visual sources.",
prof : 2,
<<set $feat.ResistInfestation = {
type: "Skill",
subtype : "Medical",
name : "Resist Infestation",
description : "You have learned how to resist the Infested virus using a combination of antiviral drugs and a liberal amounts of disinfectants. You gain a +2 bonus on Fortitude saves vs the Infested virus and reduces the amount of Infested virus gained by 2 each time you are exposed.",
prof : 4,
<<set $feat.CriticalFocus = {
type: "Skill",
subtype : "Medical",
name : "Critical Focus",
description : "All the time spent learning how to heal an grievous injury has taught you how to create that same grievous injury in the first place. You gain a +2 damage on any critical hits in combat.",
prof : 4,
<<set $feat.AnatomyDedication = {
type: "Skill",
subtype : "Medical",
name : "Anatomy Dedication",
description : "You've continued your study of anatomy which which has desensitized you even more to casual displays of nudity and other erotic displays. While not immune you do take 3 less lust damage from visual sources which stacks with Anatomy Lessons and you gain a +2 on Will saves to resist lust.",
prof : 6,
<<set $feat.CleanseInfestation = {
type: "Skill",
subtype : "Medical",
name : "CleanseInfestation",
description : "You have started adding disinfectants and antiviral drugs to all your first-aid kits allowing for some minor success against the Infested virus. This will slightly lower your Infested virus level by 5% when using a first-aid kit but only to the miminal for which stage you are currently at. This does not work on the Infested virus variants and mutations.",
prof : 6,
}>>\<<set $feat.SecureWallet = {
type: "Skill",
subtype : "Salvaging",
name : "Secure Wallet",
description : "You have quickly learned that some people like to steal money from your wallet when you are preoccupied or exhausted. This will lower the amount of money lost when you lose battles by 20%. This increases by 20% for each increase in Salvaging proficiency to a maximum of 80%. This feat also adds the bonus on your checks to keep food hidden from those who want more than just cash!",
prof : 2,
<<set $feat.ExtraLoot = {
type: "Skill",
subtype : "Salvaging",
name : "Extra Loot",
description : "You have learned that sometimes people like to hide their belongings in the most unlikely locations. You have a 30% chance for an extra roll for loot and salvage allowing for more loot in general. This increases by 5% for each increase in Salvaging proficiency to a max of 45%.",
prof : 2,
<<set $feat.CashisKing = {
type: "Skill",
subtype : "Salvaging",
name : "Cash is King",
description : "Your knowledge of how to find the best loot allows you to discover extra cash that might be hidden away. When you defeat a enemy or find a stash of cash you get an extra 10% cash when looting.",
prof : 4,
<<set $feat.RareSalvage = {
type: "Skill",
subtype : "Salvaging",
name : "Rare Salvage",
description : "Sometimes there is something rare and outrageous to be found and you have the knack for finding it! You get a bonus 10% chance on finding Rare loot and Salvage rolls.",
prof : 4,
}>>\ <<set $feat.IndoorTracking = {
type: "Skill",
subtype : "Scouting",
name : "Indoor Tracking",
description : "Sometimes while creeping thru an apocalypse Scouting for enemies while indoors might be useful. You now add your Scouting proficiency to your Stealth rolls to avoid detection when indoors.",
prof : 2,
<<set $feat.KeenEye = {
type: "Skill",
subtype : "Scouting",
name : "Keen Eye",
description : "Keeping an eye out for more than just danger can be extremely useful while moving thru an area. This will add a 10% bonus on finding non-enemy encounters when traveling.",
prof : 2,
<<set $feat.Stalking = {
type: "Skill",
subtype : "Scouting",
name : "Stalking",
description : "Sometimes the hunters become the hunted. With this skill feat you can turn your Scouting away from avoidance and towards finding your prey when outdoors. This feat is initially disabled but can be switched on and off in your Smartphone -> Options -> Scouting Options screen.",
prof : 2,
<<set $feat.HunterInfested = {
type: "Skill",
subtype : "Scouting",
name : "Hunter: Infested",
description : "Your unrelenting drive to hunt down all the Infested allows you to more often run across Infested instead of other types of enemies. You also gain a +1 bonus damage vs Infested. This can be switched off and on in your Smartphone screen but only one Hunter skill feat can be active at a time. The bonus damage is always active. ",
prof : 4,
<<set $feat.HunterRaider = {
type: "Skill",
subtype : "Scouting",
name : "Hunter: Raider",
description : "Your unrelenting drive to hunt down all the Raiders allows you to more often run across Raiders instead of other types of enemies. You also gain a +1 bonus damage vs Raiders. This can be switched off and on in your Smartphone screen but only one Hunter skill feat can be active at a time. The bonus damage is always active. ",
prof : 4,
<<set $feat.HunterGangsta = {
type: "Skill",
subtype : "Scouting",
name : "Hunter: Gangsta",
description : "Your unrelenting drive to hunt down all the Gangstas allows you to more often run across Gangstas instead of other types of enemies. You also gain a +1 bonus damage vs Gangstas. This can be switched off and on in your Smartphone screen but only one Hunter skill feat can be active at a time. The bonus damage is always active. ",
prof : 4,
<<set $feat.RareHunter = {
type: "Skill",
subtype : "Scouting",
name : "Rare Hunter",
description : "You have a knack for finding even the rarest of prey. When you run into a enemy you have a 10% greater chance of it being a rare enemy.",
prof : 4,
<<set $feat.HunterMilitary = {
type: "Skill",
subtype : "Scouting",
name : "Hunter: Military",
description : "Your unrelenting drive to hunt down all the rogue Military soldiers or otherwise allows you to more often run across Military squad members instead of other types of enemies. You also gain a +1 bonus damage vs Military members. This can be switched off and on in your Smartphone screen but only one Hunter skill feat can be active at a time. The bonus damage is always active. ",
prof : 6,
}>>\<<set $feat.Distraction = {
type: "Skill",
subtype : "Stealth",
name : "Distraction",
description : "Sometimes when you stumble while sneaking by some enemies a quick distraction can help avoid detection. When trying to sneak, if the initial check is a failure a second check is automatically rolled at a -2 penalty.",
prof : 2,
<<set $feat.SilentStalking = {
type: "Skill",
subtype : "Stealth",
name : "Silent Stalking",
description : "Sometimes while creeping thru an apocalypse Stealth is just as important as Scouting. You now add you Stealth proficiency to your Scouting rolls to avoid detection when outdoors.",
prof : 2,
<<set $feat.Avoidance = {
type: "Skill",
subtype : "Stealth",
name : "Avoidance",
description : "You have learned that keeping an eye out for cover and other hiding places while in combat has helped you to escape more than one close call. You gain a +2 bonus to Reflex saving throws and gain a +1 bonus to AC.",
prof : 4,
<<set $feat.WeaknessStrike = {
type: "Skill",
subtype : "Stealth",
name : "Weakness Strike",
description : "You have learned how to strike back hard when an enemy overreaches or misses with an predictable attack. You make a strike with your weapon that deals an extra 1d6 damage and ignores any resistances the enemy might have. This attack takes 1 AP and only be used after an enemy misses with an attack.",
prof : 4,
<<set $feat.Ambush = {
type: "Skill",
subtype : "Stealth",
name : "Ambush",
description : "You have learned to take advantage of ambushing targets who are unaware of you. At the beginning of a random encounter you can attempt to hide and unleash a attack against their defenseless body.",
prof : 6,
<<set $feat.CoverStance = {
type: "Skill",
subtype : "Stealth",
name : "Cover Stance",
description : "Your skills in stealth has helped you learn how to use cover and other distracting objects on the battfield as your shield and defense. When in this stance you have a 20% chance to avoid any physical hits from an enemy. Activating this stance takes 1 AP and lasts for 1 + your Dexterity modifier in rounds",
prof : 6,
}>>\ <<set $feat.TalktoMe = {
type: "Skill",
type : "Social",
name : "Talk to Me",
description : "Everyone says the Infested are just lust zombies but they can talk right? Has anyone ever really tried to talk to them to find out what they really want? You can try Talking to an Infested at the beginning of combat to see if you can cum to a mutual agreement. This can also be used for other negotiations with Infested.",
prof : 2,
<<set $feat.WashmyHair = {
type: "Skill",
type : "Social",
name : "Wash my Hair",
description : "Sometimes people get really upset even when it's no fault of yours. You have learned the skill of letting people down gently. When you end up upsetting people this will decrease the amount they are upset by. Results vary depending on the person and situation.",
prof : 2,
<<set $feat.EverybodyLikesMe = {
type: "Skill",
type : "Social",
name : "Everybody Likes Me",
description : "You just have a way about you that makes everyone like you, or at least respect you. When talking and interacting with people you increase their relationship value by a bonus of +1.",
prof : 4,
<<set $feat.DistractingFeint = {
type: "Skill",
type : "Social",
name : "Distracting Feint",
description : "Some say that combat is ugly and deadly but you like to believe it's a dance of skill and physical diplomacy. With a misleading flourish you can make an attack and if you hit, the enemy will take a -2 to AC and -2 attack rolls for 2 rounds. This attack takes 1 AP.",
prof : 4,
<<set $feat.ExtraCharisma = {
type: "Skill",
type : "Social",
name : "Extra Charisma",
description : "You have learned how to more easily influence friends and strangers alike. You gain a +2 to your Charisma stat which will increase all your social skill checks by +1.",
prof : 6,
}>>\<<set $feat.SnareMaster = {
type: "Skill",
subtype : "Thievery",
name : "Snare Master",
description : "You are quite skilled at making snares and traps in just the right spot. When making traps and snares in the field if the initial check is a failure a second check is automatically rolled at a -2 penalty. You also gain a +2 bonus on detecting traps and preventing ambushes. This also applies for avoiding traps.",
prof : 2,
<<set $feat.SturdyTools = {
type: "Skill",
subtype : "Thievery",
name : "Sturdy Tools",
description : "You have upgraded the battery for your locksmith tool. This gives your locksmith tool double the usual charge and you now have a 10% chance per proficiency bonus to not use a charge when successfully picking locks.",
prof : 2,
<<set $feat.FiveFingeredDiscount = {
type: "Skill",
subtype : "Thievery",
name : "Five Fingered Discount",
description : "A lot of times when you are selling an item to a merchant or purchasing services, they tend be distracted and give you more value than expected. When you sell items you get 10% more cash back from the sellers 'mistakes' and when you pay for services you get a 10% discount.",
prof : 4,
<<set $feat.RareSteal = {
type: "Skill",
subtype : "Thievery",
name : "Rare Steal",
description : "When stealing items from people you tend to focus on what's most important, the rare loot! You get a bonus 10% chance on aquiring Rare loot while stealing.",
prof : 4,
<<set $feat.Steal = {
type: "Skill",
subtype : "Thievery",
name : "Steal",
description : "While in combat enemies tend to focus more on attacking a person instead of protecting their belongings. You can take advantage of this in an attempt to Steal an unprotected item from them. This takes 1 AP.",
prof : 4,
<<set $feat.LuckySkillz = {
type: "Skill",
subtype : "Thievery",
name : "Lucky Skillz",
description : "Sometimes when you're hot you're hot but other times you're not. When using the Thievery skill you add 1d4 to the skill check.",
prof : 6,
}>>\ These are the skill feats you have.
<b>Skill Feats:</b>
<<for $i = 0; $i < $totalFeats.length; $i++>>\
<<set $ifeat = $totalFeats[$i]>>\
<<if $ifeat.type is "Skill">>\
<<button [[Return to Profile|Profile]]>> <</button>>
<<button "Finish" $return>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</button>><<include "Athlete Class Feats">>\
<<include "Celebrity Class Feats">>\
<<include "Criminal Class Feats">>\
<<include "Medic Class Feats">>\
<<include "Officer Class Feats">>\
<<include "Programmer Class Feats">>\
<<include "Ranger Class Feats">>\
<<set _picture to $PCProfile.Picture>>\
<img @src="_picture" height="768px" width="512px" />
This is your current Profile.
Name: $PC.FirstName $PC.LastName
Sex: $PC.Sex
Age: 21
Height: 5"10
<<if $PC.Sex is "Male" or $PC.Sex is "Futa">>
Penis: A $DickSD $DickSize Penis
Balls: A pair of $BallsSD $BallsSize balls
<<if $PC.Sex is "Female" or $PC.Sex is "Futa">>
Breasts: A pair of $BreastSD $BreastsSize breasts
Ass: A $AssSize ass
<<button [[Class Feats|List Class Feats]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Skill Feats|List Skill Feats]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[General Feats|List General Feats]]>> <</button>>
<<if $AdminMode is 1>>\
<<button [[Diary|Diary]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Return to Main Menu|SmartPhone]]>> <</button>>
<<button "Finish" $return>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</button>>These are the Class feats you have.
<b>Class Feats:</b>
<<for $i = 0; $i < $totalFeats.length; $i++>>\
<<set $ifeat = $totalFeats[$i]>>\
<<if $ifeat.type is "Class">>\
<<button [[Return to Profile|Profile]]>> <</button>>
<<button "Finish" $return>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</button>><img src="Images/Player/smartphone.jpg" width="512px" height="768px" />
<<set _name to $LastPartner.Name>>\
Your last sexual partner was _name.
<<button [[Return to Diary|Diary]]>> <</button>>
<<button "Finish" $return>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</button>><img src="Images/Player/smartphone.jpg" width="512px" height="768px" />
<<button [[Sexual History|Sexual History]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Return to Main Menu|SmartPhone]]>> <</button>>
<<button "Finish" $return>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</button>><img @src=$genericEvent.Image />
<<set $arrayAssSizeDesc to ["flat", "tiny", "small", "bubbly", "bubbly", "big", "big", "large", "large", "bountiful", "bountiful", "voluptuous", "voluptuous", "voluptuous", "huge", "huge", "huge", "massive", "massive", "massive", "prodigious", "prodigious", "prodigious", "enourmous", "enourmous", "enourmous", "humongous", "humongous", "humongous", "stupendous", "stupendous", "stupendous", "stupendous", "ginormous", "ginormous", "ginormous", "ginormous", "titanic", "titanic", "titanic", "titanic", "titanic"]>>
<<set _percent to ($SkillAction * 10)>>\
<<set $PCChanges.AssGrowth to "Silicone">>\
<<set _AssSize to $AssSize>>\
<<set $PC.AssSize to $PC.AssSize + $SkillAction>>\
<<set $AssSize to $arrayAssSizeDesc[$PC.AssSize]>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.SiliconeA to $StatusAffect.SiliconeA + $SkillAction>>\
<<set $PC.MAssSize to $PC.MAssSize + $SkillAction>>\
<<if (random(19) + 1) + $Skill.Social + $CharismaBonus > 14>>\
<<set $npcRichard.Friendship to $npcRichard.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity +2 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe + $SkillAction>>\
<<set $npcRichard.Friendship to $npcRichard.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity +1 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe + $SkillAction>>\
  Dr. Rack has you lie face down on a medical examination table in the surgery room connected to his office. "First of all you will need to remove all of your clothes. This will allow unfettered access for the injection system to your ass and allow for confirmation that the ass enhancement is going smoothly. After that I need you to lay there and relax on the table. The injection system will do the rest of the work. Oh just a heads up, previous patients have expressed that the enhancement system is quite pleasurable so don't be surprised or worried about pain."
  You slowly strip out of your clothes allowing your _AssSize butt to be exposed to the world. Dr. Rack just gives you an absent minded nod as he makes a adjustment to the large machine he called the injection system. Two large canisters filled with some type of clear liquid is connected to the injector. You lie back back on the examination table and do your best to relax.
  Your heart beats quickly in anticipation as Dr. Rack guides the injecter to your buttcheeks. It's a large machine on a extended arm with two large looking needles that are currently aimed at your _AssSize ass. Looking around you notice the doctor has set up a mirror so you can watch your ass enhancement. In the time it took to discover the mirror the injector has already reached your ass! After a moment you feel two sharp pricks on the upper part of your ass.
  It doesn't take long until the feeling of liquid gel starts to flow into your ass causing you to gasp in pleasure. It feels surprisingly good as you watch your asscheeks slowly expand as the silicone fills your butt. Your nipples are rock hard as you try to stifle a pleasure filled moan.
<<switch $SkillAction>>\
<<case 1 2>>\
  All too soon the flow slows down along with the accompanying pleasure. The injector is pulled back allowing you to finally get a good look at your slightly heavier caboose. Looking back at your butt you notice you are now packing a $AssSize ass that jiggles as you test the flexibility.
  "Go ahead and give your ass a good feel. <<if $StatusAffect.SiliconeA >= 5>>It should feel nice and firm with a high degree of resistance to sagging.<<else>>It should feel almost completely natural with a somewhat amount of resistance to sagging.<</if>>" Dr. Rack says as he gives your behind a very close look that might not be totally professional. Deciding to follow the doctor's advice you grab your ass cheeks and gasp in pleasure once again. It feels so nice and firm that you can't help but to fondly your ass cheeks while exploring the extra cushioning.
  "Well I believe we can call this a success!" says Dr. Rack as you finish examining your improved ass. "How about you take a look at yourself in the mirror and we can call this a day?" he continues as he glances at your $AssSize ass. It doesn't take much effort for you to roll over and so you quickly get to your feet.
<<set _lusty to random(5) +5 + $StatusAffect.Horny - $LustResist.Visual - $LustResist.Complete>>\
<<if _lusty < 0>>\
<<set _lusty to 0>>\
<<set $lust to $lust + _lusty>>\
<<case 3 4>>\
  The flow of silicone continues causing your pleasure to slowly build as you feel a weight fill your ass. It feels so good you want to grab your ass cheeks and squeeze them but you're worried that will cause issues with the injector. Thankfully before you are pushed to your limit the flow of silicone slows down along with the accompanying pleasure. The injector is pulled back allowing you to finally get a good look at your heavier caboose. Looking back at your ass you notice you now have a _percent% bigger ass making it a $AssSize ass!
  "Go ahead and give you ass a good feel. <<if $StatusAffect.SiliconeA >= 5>>It should feel nice and firm with a high degree of resistance to sagging.<<else>>It should feel almost completely natural with a moderate amount of resistance to sagging.<</if>>" Dr. Rack says as he gives your behind a very close look that might not be totally professional. Deciding to follow the doctor's advice you grab your ass cheeks and gasp in pleasure once again. It feels so nice and firm that you can't help but to fondly your ass cheeks while exploring the extra cushioning.
  "Well I believe we can call this a success!" says Dr. Rack as you finish examining your improved ass. "How about you take a look at yourself in the mirror and we can call this a day?" he continues as he stares at your $AssSize ass. It takes a little bit of more effort for you to roll over and so you quickly get to your feet.
<<set _lusty to random(10) +5 + $StatusAffect.Horny - $LustResist.Visual - $LustResist.Complete>>\
<<if _lusty < 0>>\
<<set _lusty to 0>>\
<<set $lust to $lust + _lusty>>\
<<case 5 6>>\
  The heavy flow of silicone continues causing your pleasure to rapidly increase as you feel a large weight fill your ass. It feels so good you want to grab your butt cheeks and squeeze them but you're worried that will cause issues with the injector. Moans of pure pleasure escape your lips as your ass cheeks expand like a balloon being filled with water.
  "You can play with your ass as long as you avoid the needles from the injector." Dr Rack mentions casually as he watches you squirm on the chair. You reach back carefully and grab your heavy ass cheeks. It feels so good as you grope them you feel your pussy fluids start to soak the table below and you feel that you are on the way to cumming.
  Sadly the flow of silicone slows down before you can get your release leaving you a bit frustrated. The injector is pulled back allowing you to finally get a good look at your heavy caboose. Looking back at your ass you notice you now have a _percent% bigger ass making it a $AssSize ass!
  "So how does it feel? It should feel nice and firm with a high degree of resistance to sagging." Dr. Rack says as he gives your $AssSize behind a very close look that might not be totally professional. He seems interested in watching you grope your silicone-filled ass as you can see he's sporting a bit of a hardon.
  "It feels so good Doc! Fuckkkkk!" you moan as your new and improved ass feels so sensitive. It feel so nice, heavy and firm you can't help but to fondle it while exploring the extra cushioning. Your hard nipples are displaying how good your improved ass feels and it's taking all your willpower to not shoot a load of girl-cum all over the medical bed.
  "Well I believe we can call this a success!" says Dr. Rack as you finish examining your improved ass. "How about you take a look at yourself in the mirror and we can call this a day?" he continues as he stares intently at your $AssSize ass. It takes a lot of effort for you to roll over and so you slowly stagger get to your feet while trying to adjust to the extra added weight in your badonkadonk.
<<set _lusty to random(20) +5 + $StatusAffect.Horny - $LustResist.Visual - $LustResist.Complete>>\
<<if _lusty < 0>>\
<<set _lusty to 0>>\
<<set $lust to $lust + _lusty>>\
<<case 7 8>>\
  The massive flow of silicone continues causing your pleasure to rapidly increase as you feel a equally massive weight fill your ass. It feels so good you want to grab your butt cheeks and squeeze them but you're worried that will cause issues with the injector. Loud moans of pure pleasure escape your lips as your butt expands like a balloon.
  "You can play with your ass as long as you avoid the needles from the injector." Dr Rack mentions with a hint of lust as he watches you squirm and moan lustfully on the chair. You reach back carefully and grab your extremely heavy ass cheeks. It feels so good as you grope them hard that you feel your pussy fluids start to soak the table below and you feel that you are on the way to cumming.
  It doesn't take much longer before the pleasure that is filling your ass pushes you over the edge. "Oh fuck! My fucking silicone-filled ass feel so good! I'm cumming!" you scream as your pussy unleashes a $CumAD flood of girl-cum all over the examination table.
  Thankfully the flow of silicone slows down before you are completely wrecked and before long the injector is pulled back allowing you to finally get a good look at your very heavy caboose. The injector is pulled back allowing you to finally get a good look at your heavy ass. Looking back at your ass you notice you now have a _percent% bigger ass making it a $AssSize ass!
  "It feels great, doesn't it? So big and fake and so sensitive, right? It should feel nice and firm with a high degree of resistance to sagging." Dr. Rack says as he gives your $AssSize behind a very close look that is not professional at all. He seems very interested in watching you grope your fake ass cheeks as you can easily see he's sporting a rather obvious hardon.
  "It feels so fucking good Doc! Fuckkkkk! I love my new $AssSize booty!" you moan as your new and improved butt feels so sensitive. It feels like there's so much junk in your trunk and feeling so firm you can't help but to grope your butt while exploring the mega amounts of cushioning.
  "Well I believe we can call this a success!" says Dr. Rack as you finish examining your improved ass. "How about you take a look at yourself in the mirror and we can call this a day?" he continues as he stares intently at your $AssSize ass. It takes a supreme amount of effort for you to roll over and so you slowly stagger get to your feet while trying to adjust to the insane amount off added weight in your badonkadonk.
<<set $lust to 100>>\
  The titanic flow of silicone continues causing your pleasure to rise rapidly as you feel a equally titanic weight fill your ass. It feels so good you want to grab your butt cheeks and squeeze them hard but you're worried that will cause issues with the injector. The worry is quickly being eroded as your loud moans of pure pleasure escape your lips as your butt expands like a balloon and your hands are inches away from grabbing them.
  "You can play with your ass as long as you avoid the needles from the injector." Dr Rack mentions with more than a hint of lust as he watches you squirm and moan lustfully on the chair. You reach back carefully and grab your extremely heavy ass cheeks. The gratification you feel as you grope your expanding ass cheeks hits hard causing your pussy fluids to flow like a faucet. The overstimulation is pushing you ever closer to cumming as the neverending flow of silicone pumps into your sensitve ass. You never in your wildest dreams expected it to feel so good to have your bootie grow so much.
  It doesn't take much longer before the pleasure that is filling your buttocks pushes you over the edge. "Oh fuck! My fucking silicone-filled ass feel so good! I'm cumming! FUCKKKK!" you scream as your pussy unleashes a $CumAD flood of girl-cum all over the examination table. The flow of silicone continues unabated and you feel a second orgasm slam into you hard "FUCK I'M CUMMING! I CAN'T STOP CUMMING!"
  After your second orgasm the flow of silicone slows down leaving you completely wrecked and somehow still horny. Before long the injector is pulled back allowing you to finally get a good look at your extremely heavy caboose. The injector is pulled back allowing you to finally get a good look at your heavy ass. Looking back at your ass you notice you now have a _percent% bigger ass making it a $AssSize ass!
  "It feels great, doesn't it? So big and fake and so sensitive, right? It should feel nice and firm with a high degree of resistance to sagging." Dr. Rack says as he gives your $AssSize behind a very intense look that is not professional at all. He seems very interested in watching you grope your fake ass cheeks as you can easily see he's sporting a rather obvious hardon.
  "It feels so fucking good Doc! Fuckkkkk! I love my new $AssSize booty!" you moan as your new and improved butt feels so sensitive. It feels like there's so much junk in your trunk and feeling so firm you can't help but to grope your butt while exploring the mega amounts of cushioning.
  "Well I believe we can call this a success!" says Dr. Rack as you finish examining your improved ass. "How about you take a look at yourself in the mirror and we can call this a day?" he continues as he stares intently at your $AssSize ass. It takes several attempts for you to roll over and so you slowly stagger get to your feet while trying to adjust to the insane amount off added weight in your badonkadonk.
<<if $StatusAffect.SiliconeA > 5 and $npcRichard.Friendship >= 8 and $PC.AssSize > 5>>
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Offer to Let the Doctor Hotdog your Ass|Doctor's Rack - Ass Hotdog]]>>
<<button [[Look in the mirror|Doctor's Rack Enhancement - Ass 3]]>>
<<include "Profile Update">>\
<<include "Lust Passes">>\
<</button>>\<img src="Images/Suburb/Clinic/clinic entrance.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Fog to 0>>\
<<set _Rain to 0>>\
<<set _Cold to 0>>\
<<set _Wind to 0>>\
<<set $location.temp to "Oak Dale Clinic - North Exit">>\
<<include "Time Micro-Passes">>\
<<if $Time.Current >= $Time.Max >>\
<<set _State to "TooLate">>\
<<set $NoEncounter to 1>>\
<<if $NoEncounter < 1>>\
<<include "Random Encounter Check">>\
This is the north side of the Oak Dale Clinic which is around the corner from the front customer entrance. A sidewalk leads towards the main entrance while several exit doors without handles can be seen lining this side of the clinic. A small bench can be seen next to what looks to be smoking trashcans and the light smell of smoke lingers around the area. This is an obvious smoking dock used by the employees for their smoke breaks. To the west the main entrance can be seen.
<<if $StatusText.Notice is 1>>\
<<include "Update Status">>\
<<if _Rain > 0 and $StatusAffect.Wet < _Rain>>\
<<set _Rain to _Rain - $PCResistance.Water>>\
<<if _Rain > $StatusAffect.Wet>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Wet to _Rain>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I'm getting soaking wet!</i> </div>
<<if _Cold > 0 and $PCResistance.Cold < _Cold>>\
<<set _tempDamage to random(_Cold) + $StatusAffect.Wet>>\
<<set _tempDamage2 to _tempDamage - $PCResistance.Cold>>\
<<if _tempDamage2 > 0>>\
<<set $HP to $HP - _tempDamage2>>\
<<if $HP < 1>>\
<<set $HP to 1>>\
You take _tempDamage2 cold damage!
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I'm freezing to death!</i> </div>
<<switch _State>>\
<<case "TooLate">>\
<<set $Time.Current to $Time.Max>>\
It's too dangerous to explore the Oak Dale clinic at this time of night.
<<button [[Return Home|Oak Dale Returning Home]]>>
<<set $NoEncounter to 0>>\
<<case "Ambush">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Ambushed to 1>>\
You've been ambushed by an enemy!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<set $location.Encounter to "Oak Dale Clinic">>\
<<case "Combat">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
A hostile enemy is hanging out near the smoking dock!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<set $location.Encounter to "Oak Dale Clinic">>\
<<set $location.prev to $location.temp>>\
<<button [[Front Entrance|Oak Dale Clinic - Front Entrance]]>> <</button>>
<<if $lust >= ($MaxLust / 2) or $GeneralFeats.Horndog > 0>>\
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Masturbate|Masturbate]]>> </span>
<<set $location.Encounter to "Clinic">>\
<</switch>>\<img src="Images/Player/smartphone.jpg" width="512px" height="768px" />
<<if $StatusAffect.HuntingI is 0 and $ScoutingSkillFeats.HunterInfested > 0>>\
Turn on Hunting: Infested - More likely to run across more Infested when encounters happen. This will turn off encounter part of the other Hunter: skill feats.
<<button [[Turn on Hunting: Infested|Options]]>>
<<set $StatusAffect.HunterR to 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.HunterG to 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.HunterM to 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.HunterI to 1>>\
<<elseif $StatusAffect.HuntingI is 1 and $ScoutingSkillFeats.HunterInfested > 0>>\
Turn off Hunting: Infested - Run across the usual amount of Infested when encounters happen.
<<button [[Turn off Hunting: Infested|Options]]>>
<<set $StatusAffect.HunterInfested to 0>>\
<<elseif $StatusAffect.HuntingR is 0 and $ScoutingSkillFeats.HunterRaider > 0>>\
Turn on Hunting: Raider - More likely to run across more Raiders when encounters happen. This will turn off encounter part of the other Hunter: skill feats.
<<button [[Turn on Hunting: Raider|Options]]>>
<<set $StatusAffect.HunterI to 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.HunterG to 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.HunterM to 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.HunterR to 1>>\
<<elseif $StatusAffect.HuntingR is 1 and $ScoutingSkillFeats.HunterRaider > 0>>\
Turn off Hunting: Raider - Run across the usual amount of Raiders when encounters happen.
<<button [[Turn off Hunting: Raider|Options]]>>
<<set $StatusAffect.HunterR to 0>>\
<<elseif $StatusAffect.HuntingG is 0 and $ScoutingSkillFeats.HunterGangsta > 0>>\
Turn on Hunting: Gangstas - More likely to run across more Gangstas when encounters happen. This will turn off encounter part of the other Hunter: skill feats.
<<button [[Turn on Hunting: Gangsta|Options]]>>
<<set $StatusAffect.HunterR to 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.HunterI to 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.HunterM to 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.HunterG to 1>>\
<<elseif $StatusAffect.HuntingR is 1 and $ScoutingSkillFeats.HunterGangsta > 0>>\
Turn off Hunting: Gangstas - Run across the usual amount of Gangstas when encounters happen.
<<button [[Turn off Hunting: Gangsta|Options]]>>
<<set $StatusAffect.HunterG to 0>>\
<<elseif $StatusAffect.HuntingM is 0 and $ScoutingSkillFeats.HunterMilitary > 0>>\
Turn on Hunting: Military - More likely to run across more Military when encounters happen. This will turn off encounter part of the other Hunter: skill feats.
<<button [[Turn on Hunting: Military|Options]]>>
<<set $StatusAffect.HunterR to 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.HunterI to 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.HunterM to 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.HunterG to 1>>\
<<elseif $StatusAffect.HuntingM is 1 and $ScoutingSkillFeats.HunterMilitary > 0>>\
Turn off Hunting: Military - Run across the usual amount of Military when encounters happen.
<<button [[Turn off Hunting: Military|Options]]>>
<<set $StatusAffect.HunterR to 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.HunterI to 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.HunterG to 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.HunterM to 1>>\
<<button [[Return to Options|Options]]>> <</button>>
<</if>>\<<set $genericEvent.Image = $eventPath8 + $arrayEvent8FullBody.random() + '.jpg'>>\
<img @src=$genericEvent.Image />
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$npcTroy.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$npcTroy.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set $eventLocation to $location.temp>>\
<<set $BattleFlag to 0>>\
<<set $CombatRound to 0>>\
<<set $SpecialUsage to $MaxSpecialUsage>>\
<<include "Combat Status Affects">>\
<<set _tempXP to $genericFighter.Level * 150>>\
<<set $XP to $XP + _tempXP>>\
<<if $XP > $NextLevel>>\
<<set $XP to $NextLevel>>\
<<if (random(19) + 1) + $Skill.Social + $CharismaBonus > 13>>\
<<set $npcTroy.Friendship to $npcTroy.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity + 5 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set $npcTroy.Friendship to $npcTroy.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity + 4 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set $HP to $MaxHP>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Energized to 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Horny to 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Thirsty to 0>>\
<<set $TempLust to 0>>\
  After seeing you defeat the Bruiser, the Futa lets go of her grip on Nurse Troy and takes off running. It takes Nurse Troy a few moments to get on her feet but eventually she's able to stand steady. Looking directly at you she says gratefully "Thank you so much, $PC.FirstName! I can't believe I let those two Infested get the drop on me!"
  "It's no problem, Troy. Can't let the Infested mess with my favorite nurse, now can I?" you reply as you look her over. Her nurse's top looks a bit damaged causing her _ISD breasts to show a an impressive amount of cleavage but besides that she doesn't look to be injured.
  "This isn't a proper place for an examination but I should be able to quickly patch up your wounds! It's the least I can do for my hero!" she says as she grabs a bandage and a thermos filled with cherry flavored medicine. You quickly down the thermos while Nurse Troy patches you up. "Thanks again, $PC.FirstName! Next time you catch me at my clinic I'll be sure to reward you properly!"
  With that said she quickly leaves the allyway, your eyes forcused on her large jiggly ass. Shaking your head you focus on looting the unconscious Infested before also heading on your way.
<<include "Loot">>\
<<button [[Leave|$location.temp]]>>
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<set $NoEncounter to random(1) +2>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</button>><<set $sexHistory.XP to $sexHistory.XP +1>>\
<<set $LastPartner to $genericFighter>>\
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$genericFighter.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$genericFighter.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$genericFighter.DickSize]>>\
<<set _DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$genericFighter.DickSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$genericFighter.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$genericFighter.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _SizeComp to $PC.DickSize - $genericFighter.Level + ($GeneralFeats.FalseRep *2)>>\
<<if _SizeComp < 0>>\
<<set _SizeComp to 0>>\
<<set _SizeComp2 to $PC.BreastsSize - $genericFighter.Level + ($GeneralFeats.FalseRep *2)>>\
<<if _SizeComp < 0>>\
<<set _SizeComp to 0>>\
  $genericFighter.Name2 stares at your face with a smirk on her face. "I'm feeling quite horny right now and you have a nice pair of lips that I bet would look great wrapped around my futa-dick." she says as she slowly strokes her _DickSize cock causing pre-cum to ooze from the tip. The way her _DickSD <<Penis>> throbs in front of you and the intoxicating smell of her pre-cum has your $DickSD girl-cock nice and hard as well. "How about you take a nice long taste?" she asks as she thrusts her futa-cock at your face.
  Before you know it, you have your hands wrapped around her _DickSD futa-dick! It feels so thick and heavy that you can't help but give it a little squeeze. Even more of her pre-cum squirts out splashing onto your face sending a surge of pleasure right through your body. Wanting even more of her delicious goo you slowly give her _DickSize shaft a long and sloppy lick.
  The taste of her girl-cock is so good that you can't help but wrap your tongue around the tip, urging the Infested to give you more of the gooey juices that's flowing from her fuck rod. Eager to get even more of those delightful juices you wrap your lips around the tip of her <<Penis>> before slowly swallowing her mearty shaft.
  "Fuck yeah! Keep sucking my _DickSD cock you god-damn cock-sucker!" $genericFighter.Name yells as she grabs your head while slowly face-fucking your throat. You do your absolute best to not gag on her thick futa-cock while simultaneously doing your best to drain her balls of her pre-cum.
<<if _SizeComp < ($genericFighter.DickSize -4)>>\
  As the Infested continues to fuck your throat, she glances down at your own rock hard $DickSD dick."Fuck, that's the tiniest girl-cock I've ever seen! You definitely need to suck more fucking cock if you ever want to be packing something bigger than that little piece of meat!" she acidly comments on your hard dick. Speeding up her thrusts, she moans "The good news is that by the time I'm done with you, your $DickSD girl-dick might grow to something resembling a proper futa-cock!"
<<elseif _SizeComp <= $genericFighter.DickSize >>\
  As the Infested continues to fuck your throat, she looks down at your own rock hard $DickSD dick."Well shit! Look whose packing some $DickSD meat! I gotta say it's not looking too bad, of course it's nowhere as big as my monster futa-cock!" she casually comments on your hard dick. Speeding up her thrusts, she moans "The good news is that by the time I'm done with you, your $DickSD girl-dick might grow close to the size of my _DickSize futa-cock!"
<<elseif _SizeComp > $genericFighter.DickSize >>\
  As the Infested continues to fuck your throat, she stares down at your own rock hard $DickSD dick. "What the fuck? How the fuck do you have a bigger dick than me? You must be going around sucking cock left and right to get a dick that big!" she angrily growls at your hard dick. Speeding up her thrusts, she moans "Fuck! I want a <<Penis>> that size! I guess gotta go around sucking more cock..."
  At this point you can only let out muffled moans of pleasure as the Infested fucks your face. Thick streams of pre-cum is pouring down your throat. The taste of $genericFighter.Name's juices are so divine that you can't help but to try and suck it all down. Your painfully hard futa-cock is rock hard as you start to stroke it while letting go of your tight grip on her cock in order to slide your fingers into your dripping wet pussy. $genericFighter.Name2 smirks at your obvious arousal as she repeatedly forces your head onto her _DickSD cock!
<<if $Infestation.MilkProgress > 0 or $StatusAffect.MilkTits > 0>>\
  $genericFighter.Name2 slows down her thrusts into your mouth as her gaze turns towards your $BreastSD breasts. Reaching down with one hand she gives your left $BreastSD breast a caresssing squeeze. "Look at these fucking jugs! Wait a second! Are you leaking fucking milk?" she says as you stares at the milk leaking from your milk-filled milkjugs. "That's so fucking hot and I can't wait to shoot my goeey wad down your throat!" she moans as her thrusts start to speed up again. The sensation of having your milk-filled breast groped while sucking down her futa-cock is pushing you to the edge and you can feel her dick twitch as she's close to cumming as well!
<<elseif _SizeComp2 < ($genericFighter.BreastsSize -4)>>\
  $genericFighter.Name2 slows down her thrusts into your mouth as her gaze turns towards your $BreastSD breasts. Reaching down with one hand she gives your left $BreastSD breast a caresssing squeeze. "Look at these tiny tits! Fuck girl, you're in desperate need of a nice pair of funbags and luckily I have just the hard throbbing cock to pump them up!" she moans as her thrusts start to speed up again. The sensation of having your breast groped while sucking down her futa-cock is pushing you to the edge and you can feel her dick twitch as she's close to cumming as well!
<<elseif _SizeComp2 <= $genericFighter.BreastsSize>>\
  $genericFighter.Name2 slows down her thrusts into your mouth as her gaze turns towards your $BreastSD breasts. Reaching down with one hand she gives your left $BreastSD breast a gentle squeeze. "Hey girl! Your tits aren't half bad, I mean they're nothing compared to my _BreastSD jugs. Maybe after swallowing my hot load your $BreastSD titties might grow enough to rival me!" she moans as her thrusts start to speed up again. The sensation of having your breast groped while sucking down her futa-cock is pushing you to the edge and you can feel her dick twitch as she's close to cumming as well!
<<elseif _SizeComp2 > ($genericFighter.BreastsSize +4)>>\
  $genericFighter.Name2 slows down her thrusts into your mouth as her gaze turns towards your $BreastSD breasts. Reaching down with one hand she gives your left $BreastSD breast a tight squeeze. "Holy fuck girl! Your tits are so fucking $BreastSD! How the fuck do you have fucking titties so much bigger than me? Shit, you're making me so horny with those $BreastSD funbags!" she moans as her thrusts start to speed up again. The sensation of having your breast groped while sucking down her futa-cock is pushing you to the edge and you can feel her dick twitch as she's close to cumming as well!
<<elseif _SizeComp2 > $genericFighter.BreastsSize>>\
  $genericFighter.Name2 slows down her thrusts into your mouth as her gaze turns towards your $BreastSD breasts. Reaching down with one hand she gives your left $BreastSD breast a firm squeeze. "Oh wow girl! You have some nice fucking big tits! Goddamn! They're bigger than my _BreastSD tits! What the fuck, girl? "she moans as her thrusts start to speed up again. The sensation of having your breast groped while sucking down her futa-cock is pushing you to the edge and you can feel her dick twitch as she's close to cumming as well!
<<if $Infestation.FutaVariant >= $Infestation.FutaCap and $Infestation.Progress > 1 and $StatusAffect.Futa > 0>>\
<<include "Futa TF">>\
  As your mouth is being completely fucked by her _DickSD <<Penis>> you feel pleasant warm sensation radiating from your groin. As it spreads throughout your body you feel a fundamental change in your gender identity as it reaches your head. You now know that you are a full-time Futa. Shaking off the distraction you have more important things to do like continuing to have your mouth fucked by the Futa's _DickSize rock hard cock.
  "Oh fuckkkkk yesss! I'm cumming! Take all of my big load you fucking cock-sucker!" $genericFighter.Name2 yells as you feel her futa-cock twitch and pulse one last time. A enormous geyser of cum shoots down your thirsty throat causing you to choke a bit but you eagerly swallow as much of her delicious nector as you can while the rest spills out onto your $BreastSD breasts.
  The intense feeling you get from swallowing as much of her cum as possible pushes you over the edge as your cum-filled balls give one last pulse. Letting her futa-cock pop out of your mouth you finally get a chance to let out your scream of ecstasy ring out as you yell "Oh yes fuck yes! I'm cumming so hard" Your $BallsSD unleash their pleasure-filled load as the rapid stroking of your $DIckSD futa-cock gives fruit as you shoot out a $CumAD wad of hot cum all over your $BreastSD chest and stomach while your dripping wet pussy squirts out a $CumAD flood of girl-cum all over the ground below!
<<elseif $PC.Infestation >= $Infestation.Cap & $Infestation.Progress > 1>>\
<<set _ISD2 to $BreastSD>>\
<<include "Infestation Increase">>\
  As your mouth is being completely fucked by her _DickSD <<Penis>> you feel a surge of energy flowing directly into you! It almost feels like you are burning up but it quickly turns to pleasure that radiates from your abused mouth down to your throbbing futa-cock, heaving breasts and shaking ass!
  "Oh fuckkkkk yesss! I'm cumming! Take all of my big load you fucking cock-sucker!" $genericFighter.Name2 yells as you feel her futa-cock twitch and pulse one last time. A enormous geyser of cum shoots down your thirsty throat causing you to choke a bit but you eagerly swallow as much of her delicious nector as you can while the rest spills out onto your _ISD2 breasts.
  As you gulp down as much of her intoxicating cum you feel your futa-cock grow bigger as well as your cum-filled balls. Even your heaving breasts aren't spared as with each heartbeat they grow bigger and bigger. Letting her futa-cock pop out of you mouth you finally get a chance to let out your scream of ecstasy ring out as you yell "OH FUCK! I'm cumming! I'm cumming while my cock and titties are growing!" Your $BallsSD unleash their pleasure-filled load as the rapid stroking of your $DIckSD futa-cock gives fruit as you shoot out a unending geyser of hot cum all over your $BreastSD chest and stomach while your dripping wet pussy squirts out a tital wave of girl-cum all over the ground below!
  As you recovery from your intense orgasm you finally notice you now have a pair of $BreastSD $BreastsSize breasts and a $AssSize ass! Exploring further you notice you now have a $DickSD $DickSize futa-cock and a $BallsSD $BallsSize set of balls! $genericFighter.Name3 says "Looks like you are on the way to becoming one hot cock-sucking Futa!"
  "Oh fuckkkkk yesss! I'm cumming! Take all of my big load you fucking cock-sucker!" $genericFighter.Name2 yells as you feel her futa-cock twitch and pulse one last time. A enormous geyser of cum shoots down your thirsty throat causing you to choke a bit but you eagerly swallow as much of her delicious nector as you can while the rest spills out onto your $BreastSD breasts.
  The intense feeling you get from swallowing as much of her cum as possible pushes you over the edge as your cum-filled balls give one last pulse. Letting her futa-cock pop out of your mouth you finally get a chance to let out your scream of ecstasy ring out as you yell "Oh yes fuck yes! I'm cumming so hard" Your $BallsSD unleash their pleasure-filled load as the rapid stroking of your $DIckSD futa-cock gives fruit as you shoot out a $CumAD wad of hot cum all over your $BreastSD chest and stomach while your dripping wet pussy squirts out a $GCumAD flood of girl-cum all over the ground below!
  "Oh that was so fucking good, you god-damn cock-sucker!" $genericFighter.Name2 says as she stands up from your exhausted body, cum dripping from her still erect cock. Taking one last moment to lick some white goo from her _DickSize cock, she replies "I'll see again soon, I'm sure..." With that she walks away fulfilled leaving you to grab your clothes and to slowly recover.
<<set $StatusAffect.CumFilled to $StatusAffect.CumFilled+1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered+1>>\<<set $sexHistory.XP to $sexHistory.XP +1>>\
<<set _DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$genericFighter.DickSize]>>\
<<set _DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$genericFighter.DickSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$genericFighter.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$genericFighter.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _SizeComp to $PC.DickSize - $genericFighter.Level + ($GeneralFeats.FalseRep *2)>>\
<<set _SizeComp2 to $PC.BreastsSize - $genericFighter.Level + ($GeneralFeats.FalseRep *2)>>\
<<if _SizeComp < 0>>\
<<set _SizeComp to 0>>\
<<if _SizeComp2 < 0>>\
<<set _SizeComp2 to 0>>\
Gotta give a blowjob! Scene still needs to be written :(<img src="Images/Suburb/Clinic/storage.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set $location.temp to "Oak Dale Clinic Storage Room">>\
<<include "Time Micro-Passes">>\
This is the main storage room for the clinic with multiple shelves and storage boxes. It's mostly clean compared to how the rest of the clinic looks. It seems to be somewhat ransacked with a lot of the shelves empty but there still looks to be some supplies scattered around the room. There's a small shower in the corner that could be used to clean off any fluids or wastes. To the south is the exit door back to the rest of the clinic.
<<if $StatusText.Notice is 1>>\
<<include "Update Status">>\
<<if $Time.Current >= $Time.Max >>\
<<set $Time.Current to $Time.Max>>\
It's too dark to search the clinic at this time of night.
<<button [[Leave|Oak Dale - Clinic Parking]]>> <</button>>
<<set $location.prev to $location.temp>>\
<<if $doctorEvent.Storage is 0>>\
<<button [[Search the Storage Room|Oak Dale Clinic - Storage Search]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<button [[Take a Quick Shower|Oak Dale Clinic Shower]]>> <</button>>
<<if $lust >= ($MaxLust / 2) or $GeneralFeats.Horndog > 0>>\
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Masturbate|Masturbate]]>> </span>
<<set $location.Encounter to "None">>\
<<button [[Exit|Oak Dale Clinic Centre Hallway 2]]>> <</button>>
<</if>>\<img src="Images/Home/Garage.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<include "Time Passes">>\
<<set _Fail to 0>>\
<<set _UsedMats to $ArmorMatA>>\
<<set _UsedMats2 to $ArmorMatA2>>\
<<set _Crafting to (random(19) +1) + $Skill.Crafting + $IntelligenceBonus>>\
/* Check to see if Materials for crafting are there */
<<switch $ArmorMat>>\
<<case "Cloth">>\
<<if $TotalSalvage.Cloth < _UsedMats>>\
<<set _Fail to 1>>\
You don't have enough $ArmorMat!
<<case "Metal">>\
<<if $TotalSalvage.Metal < _UsedMats>>\
<<set _Fail to 1>>\
You don't have enough $ArmorMat!
<<case "Wood">>\
<<if $TotalSalvage.Wood < _UsedMats>>\
<<set _Fail to 1>>\
You don't have enough $ArmorMat!
<<case "Electronics">>\
<<if $TotalSalvage.Electronics < _UsedMats>>\
<<set _Fail to 1>>\
You don't have enough $ArmorMat!
<<switch $ArmorMat2>>\
<<case "cloth">>\
<<if $TotalSalvage.Cloth < $ArmorMatA2>>\
<<set _Fail to 1>>\
You don't have enough $ArmorMat2!
<<case "metal">>\
<<if $TotalSalvage.Metal < $ArmorMatA2>>\
<<set _Fail to 1>>\
You don't have enough $ArmorMat2!
<<case "wood">>\
<<if $TotalSalvage.Wood < $ArmorMatA2>>\
<<set _Fail to 1>>\
You don't have enough $ArmorMat2!
<<case "electronics">>\
<<if $TotalSalvage.Electronics < $ArmorMatA2>>\
<<set _Fail to 1>>\
You don't have enough $ArmorMat2!
/* Adding Skill Feat: Extra Skill bonus */
<<switch $uitem2.prof>>\
<<case "Light">>\
<<if $CraftingSkillFeats.ExtraSkill > 0>>\
<<set _Crafting to _Crafting + $Prof.LightArmor>>\
<<case "Medium">>\
<<if $CraftingSkillFeats.ExtraSkill > 0>>\
<<set _Crafting to _Crafting + $Prof.MediumArmor>>\
<<case "Heavy">>\
<<if $CraftingSkillFeats.ExtraSkill > 0>>\
<<set _Crafting to _Crafting + $Prof.HeavyArmor>>\
<<if _Fail < 1>>\
/* The meat of the crafting part! */
<<if _Crafting < $uitem2.DC >>\
<<set _UsedMats to Math.round(_UsedMats / 2)>>\
You've failed at crafting a $uitem2.name2. You've lost _UsedMats units of $ArmorMat.
<<elseif _Crafting >= $uitem2.DC and _Crafting < ($uitem2.DC + 10 - $CraftingSkillFeats.Excellence)>>\
<<set _exists to 0>>\
<<set _tempLoot to $uitem2.link>>\
<<for $i = 0; $i < $PCInventory.length; $i++>>\
<<set $uitem = $PCInventory[$i]>>\
<<set $ItemName to $uitem.name>>\
<<set _TempName to _tempLoot.name>>\
<<if $ItemName is _TempName>>\
<<set _amount to $uitem.amount>>\
<<set _exists to 1>>\
<<if _exists is 1>>\
<<set _amount to _amount +1>>\
<<set $uitem.amount to _amount>>\
<<set $PCInventory.push(_tempLoot)>>\
You've crafted a $uitem2.name2! _tempLoot.description2 You've used _UsedMats units of $ArmorMat to do so.
<<set _exists to 0>>\
<<set _tempLoot to $uitem2.link2>>\
<<for $i = 0; $i < $PCInventory.length; $i++>>\
<<set $uitem = $PCInventory[$i]>>\
<<set $ItemName to $uitem.name>>\
<<set _TempName to _tempLoot.name>>\
<<if $ItemName is _TempName>>\
<<set _amount to $uitem.amount>>\
<<set _exists to 1>>\
<<if _exists is 1>>\
<<set _amount to _amount +1>>\
<<set $uitem.amount to _amount>>\
<<set $PCInventory.push(_tempLoot)>>\
Through luck and skill you've managed to craft a superior $uitem2.name2! _tempLoot.description2 You've used _UsedMats units of $ArmorMat to do so.
/* Have to pay the cost! */
<<switch $ArmorMat>>\
<<case "Cloth">>\
<<set $TotalSalvage.Cloth to $TotalSalvage.Cloth - _UsedMats>>\
<<case "Metal">>\
<<set $TotalSalvage.Metal to $TotalSalvage.Metal - _UsedMats>>\
<<case "Wood">>\
<<set $TotalSalvage.Wood to $TotalSalvage.Wood - _UsedMats>>\
<<case "Electronics">>\
<<set $TotalSalvage.Electronics to $TotalSalvage.Electronics - _UsedMats>>\
<<switch $ArmorMat2>>\
<<case "Cloth">>\
<<set $TotalSalvage.Cloth to $TotalSalvage.Cloth - _UsedMats2>>\
<<case "Metal">>\
<<set $TotalSalvage.Metal to $TotalSalvage.Metal - _UsedMats2>>\
<<case "Wood">>\
<<set $TotalSalvage.Wood to $TotalSalvage.Wood - _UsedMats2>>\
<<case "Electronics">>\
<<set $TotalSalvage.Electronics to $TotalSalvage.Electronics - _UsedMats2>>\
<<button [[Finish|Garage]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</button>><img src="Images/Home/Garage.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<include "Time Passes">>\
<<set _Fail to 0>>\
<<set _UsedMats to $WeaponMatA>>\
<<set _UsedMats2 to $WeaponMatA2>>\
<<set _Crafting to (random(19) +1) + $Skill.Crafting + $IntelligenceBonus>>\
/* Check to see if Materials for crafting are there */
<<switch $WeaponMat>>\
<<case "Cloth">>\
<<if $TotalSalvage.Cloth < _UsedMats>>\
<<set _Fail to 1>>\
You don't have enough $WeaponMat!
<<case "Metal">>\
<<if $TotalSalvage.Metal < _UsedMats>>\
<<set _Fail to 1>>\
You don't have enough $WeaponMat!
<<case "Wood">>\
<<if $TotalSalvage.Wood < _UsedMats>>\
<<set _Fail to 1>>\
You don't have enough $WeaponMat!
<<case "Electronics">>\
<<if $TotalSalvage.Electronics < _UsedMats>>\
<<set _Fail to 1>>\
You don't have enough $WeaponMat!
<<switch $WeaponMat2>>\
<<case "cloth">>\
<<if $TotalSalvage.Cloth < $WeaponMatA2>>\
<<set _Fail to 1>>\
You don't have enough $WeaponMat2!
<<case "metal">>\
<<if $TotalSalvage.Metal < $WeaponMatA2>>\
<<set _Fail to 1>>\
You don't have enough $WeaponMat2!
<<case "wood">>\
<<if $TotalSalvage.Wood < $WeaponMatA2>>\
<<set _Fail to 1>>\
You don't have enough $WeaponMat2!
<<case "electronics">>\
<<if $TotalSalvage.Electronics < $WeaponMatA2>>\
<<set _Fail to 1>>\
You don't have enough $WeaponMat2!
/* Adding Skill Feat: Extra Skill bonus */
<<switch $uitem2.prof>>\
<<case "Bows">>\
<<if $CraftingSkillFeats.ExtraSkill > 0>>\
<<set _Crafting to _Crafting + $Prof.Bows>>\
<<case "Clubs">>\
<<if $CraftingSkillFeats.ExtraSkill > 0>>\
<<set _Crafting to _Crafting + $Prof.Clubs>>\
<<case "Heavy">>\
<<if $CraftingSkillFeats.ExtraSkill > 0>>\
<<set _Crafting to _Crafting + $Prof.Heavy>>\
<<case "Knives">>\
<<if $CraftingSkillFeats.ExtraSkill > 0>>\
<<set _Crafting to _Crafting + $Prof.Knives>>\
<<case "Pistols">>\
<<if $CraftingSkillFeats.ExtraSkill > 0>>\
<<set _Crafting to _Crafting + $Prof.Pistols>>\
<<case "Polearms">>\
<<if $CraftingSkillFeats.ExtraSkill > 0>>\
<<set _Crafting to _Crafting + $Prof.Polearms>>\
<<case "Rifles">>\
<<if $CraftingSkillFeats.ExtraSkill > 0>>\
<<set _Crafting to _Crafting + $Prof.Rifles>>\
<<case "Swords">>\
<<if $CraftingSkillFeats.ExtraSkill > 0>>\
<<set _Crafting to _Crafting + $Prof.Swords>>\
<<case "Shotguns">>\
<<if $CraftingSkillFeats.ExtraSkill > 0>>\
<<set _Crafting to _Crafting + $Prof.Shotguns>>\
<<case "Unarmed">>\
<<if $CraftingSkillFeats.ExtraSkill > 0>>\
<<set _Crafting to _Crafting + $Prof.Unarmed>>\
<<if _Fail < 1>>\
/* The meat of the crafting part! */
<<if _Crafting < $uitem2.DC >>\
<<set _UsedMats to Math.round(_UsedMats / 2)>>\
You've failed at crafting a $uitem2.name2. You've lost _UsedMats units of $WeaponMat.
<<elseif _Crafting >= $uitem2.DC and _Crafting < ($uitem2.DC + 10 - $CraftingSkillFeats.Excellence)>>\
<<set _exists to 0>>\
<<set _tempLoot to $uitem2.link>>\
<<for $i = 0; $i < $PCInventory.length; $i++>>\
<<set $uitem = $PCInventory[$i]>>\
<<set $ItemName to $uitem.name>>\
<<set _TempName to _tempLoot.name>>\
<<if $ItemName is _TempName>>\
<<set _amount to $uitem.amount>>\
<<set _exists to 1>>\
<<if _exists is 1>>\
<<set _amount to _amount +1>>\
<<set $uitem.amount to _amount>>\
<<set $PCInventory.push(_tempLoot)>>\
You've crafted a $uitem2.name2! _tempLoot.description2 You've used _UsedMats units of $WeaponMat to do so.
<<set _exists to 0>>\
<<set _tempLoot to $uitem2.link2>>\
<<for $i = 0; $i < $PCInventory.length; $i++>>\
<<set $uitem = $PCInventory[$i]>>\
<<set $ItemName to $uitem.name>>\
<<set _TempName to _tempLoot.name>>\
<<if $ItemName is _TempName>>\
<<set _amount to $uitem.amount>>\
<<set _exists to 1>>\
<<if _exists is 1>>\
<<set _amount to _amount +1>>\
<<set $uitem.amount to _amount>>\
<<set $PCInventory.push(_tempLoot)>>\
Through luck and skill you've managed to craft a superior $uitem2.name2! _tempLoot.description2 You've used _UsedMats units of $WeaponMat to do so.
/* Have to pay the cost! */
<<switch $WeaponMat>>\
<<case "Cloth">>\
<<set $TotalSalvage.Cloth to $TotalSalvage.Cloth - _UsedMats>>\
<<case "Metal">>\
<<set $TotalSalvage.Metal to $TotalSalvage.Metal - _UsedMats>>\
<<case "Wood">>\
<<set $TotalSalvage.Wood to $TotalSalvage.Wood - _UsedMats>>\
<<case "Electronics">>\
<<set $TotalSalvage.Electronics to $TotalSalvage.Electronics - _UsedMats>>\
<<switch $WeaponMat2>>\
<<case "Cloth">>\
<<set $TotalSalvage.Cloth to $TotalSalvage.Cloth - _UsedMats2>>\
<<case "Metal">>\
<<set $TotalSalvage.Metal to $TotalSalvage.Metal - _UsedMats2>>\
<<case "Wood">>\
<<set $TotalSalvage.Wood to $TotalSalvage.Wood - _UsedMats2>>\
<<case "Electronics">>\
<<set $TotalSalvage.Electronics to $TotalSalvage.Electronics - _UsedMats2>>\
<<button [[Finish|Garage]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</button>><<switch random(2)>>
<<case 0>>\
$genericFighter.Name looks extremely frustrated.
<div class="enemyTalk">You should have just surrendered!</div>
<<case 1>>\
$genericFighter.Name focuses on dodging your attacks.
<div class="enemyTalk">Just give up your money!</div>
<<case 2>>\
$genericFighter.Name swings their blade around in a menacing pattern.
<div class="enemyTalk">Why won't you just die!</div>
<</switch>>\<<switch random(2)>>
<<case 0>>\
$genericFighter.Name looks extremely frustrated.
<div class="enemyTalk">You should have just surrendered!</div>
<<case 1>>\
$genericFighter.Name focuses on dodging your attacks.
<div class="enemyTalk">Just give up your money!</div>
<<case 2>>\
$genericFighter.Name swings their blade around in a menacing pattern.
<div class="enemyTalk">Why won't you just die!</div>
<</switch>>\<img src="Images/Player/SelfLove.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<if (random(19) +1) + $Skill.Scouting + $WisdomBonus + $StatusAffect.SilentStalking - ($StatusAffect.Stalking *2) - $StatusAffect.Horny - ($StatusAffect.CumCovered) < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current) and $Time.Current < $Time.Max and $location.Encounter is not "None">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set _lusty to random(20)+5>>\
<<set $lust to $lust + _lusty>>\
You've been ambushed with your defenses down!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<set $StatusAffect.Ambushed to 1>>\
<<set _name to $LastPartner.Name>>\
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$LastPartner.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$LastPartner.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _IAss to $arrayAssSizeDesc[$LastPartner.AssSize]>>\
<<set _DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$LastPartner.DickSize]>>\
<<set _DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$LastPartner.DickSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$LastPartner.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$LastPartner.BallsSize]>>\
<<if $PC.Sex is "Male" and $StatusAffect.Futa < 1>>\
<<set _Sex to "Male">>\
<<elseif $PC.Sex is "Female" and $StatusAffect.Futa < 1>>\
<<set _Sex to "Female">>\
<<set _Sex to "Futa">>\
<<if $LastPartner.Sex is "Male">>\
<<set _Partner to "Male">>\
<<elseif $LastPartner.Sex is "Female">>\
<<set _Partner to "Female">>\
<<set _Partner to "Futa">>\
<<switch _Sex>>\
<<case "Male">>\
<<switch _Partner>>\
<<case "Female">>\
  Feeling extremely horny you quickly find a spot to hide in order to find some release. Grabbing your $DickSD dick you start remembering how _name looked. The way her _ISD tits bounced around and how her _IAss ass jiggled was so erotic that you can't help but stroke your cock at the memory. You start imagining thrusting your $DickSize cock in between her juicy lips before slamming your dick between her _ICup jugs. The stroking of your $DickSD dick starts to rapidly increase as you visualize thrusting your hard cock deep into her tight pussy! You can almost hear her begging for release as you pound that dripping wet pussy nice and hard! Your $BallsSD balls are slamming into her with each thrust and you can feel them about to explode!
  Moaning softly you finally reach the point of no return! You feel your $DickSize cock throb as your $BallsSize balls churn before a $CumAD burst of hot cum shoots out! Luckily you were able to aim away from yourself as $CumAD strands of gooey seed splatter onto the ground below! Finally feeling more clear minded you zip up your clothes and grab your bagpack.
<<case "Male">>\
  Feeling extremely horny you quickly find a spot to hide in order to find some release. Grabbing your $DickSD dick you start remembering how _name looked. The way his _DickSD cock bounced around and how his _BallsSD balls swayed beneath his hard long cock was so erotic that you can't help but stroke your cock at the memory. You start imagining having your $DickSize cock licked by his rough tongue before sliding your dick between his lips. The stroking of your $DickSD dick starts to rapidly increase as you visualize thrusting your hard cock deep into his tight ass! You can almost hear him begging for release as you pound that firm ass nice and hard and you can see _name stroking his own _DickSize cock as you do so! Your $BallsSD balls are slamming into him with each thrust and you can feel them about to explode!
  Moaning softly you finally reach the point of no return! You feel your $DickSize cock throb as your $BallsSize balls churn before a $CumAD burst of hot cum shoots out! Luckily you were able to aim away from yourself as $CumAD strands of gooey seed splatter onto the ground below! Finally feeling more clear minded you zip up your clothes and grab your bagpack.
  Feeling extremely horny you quickly find a spot to hide in order to find some release. Grabbing your $DickSD dick you start remembering how _name looked. The way her _ISD tits bounced around and how her _DickSD dick was so hard was so erotic that you can't help but stroke your cock at the memory. You start imagining thrusting your $DickSize cock in between her juicy lips before slamming your dick between her _ICup jugs. The stroking of your $DickSD dick starts to rapidly increase as you visualize thrusting your hard cock deep into her tight pussy while stroking her _DickSize futa-cock! You can almost hear her begging for release as you pound that dripping wet pussy nice and hard! Your $BallsSD balls are slamming into her with each thrust and you can feel them about to explode!
  Moaning softly you finally reach the point of no return! You feel your $DickSize cock throb as your $BallsSize balls churn before a $CumAD burst of hot cum shoots out! Luckily you were able to aim away from yourself as $CumAD strands of gooey seed splatter onto the ground below! Finally feeling more clear minded you zip up your clothes and grab your bagpack.
<<case "Female">>\
<<switch _Partner>>\
<<case "Female">>\
  Feeling extremely horny you quickly find a spot to hide in order to find some release. Sliding a hand down to your wet pussy you start remembering how _name looked. The way her _ISD tits bounced around and how her _IAss ass jiggled was so erotic that you can't help but finger your damp pussy at the memory. You start imagining sucking on those _ICup jugs as she slides her fingers into your dripping wet cunt. She switches to sucking on your $BreastSD $BreastsSize tits while grabbing your $AssSize ass causing you to moan in pleasure. The fingering of your tight pussy starts to rapidly increase as you visualize grabbing her _IAss ass while eating out her pussy while she does the same with your $AssSize butt! You can almost hear her begging for release as you slide your tongue deep into her dripping wet pussy nice and deep!
  Moaning softly you finally reach the point of no return! You feel your tight pussy quiver before your orgasm crashes into you and you squirt out a $GCumAD spray of girl-cum! Luckily you were able to aim away from yourself as $GCumAD streams of girl-cum splash onto the ground below! Finally feeling more clear minded you zip up your clothes and grab your bagpack.
<<case "Male">>\
  Feeling extremely horny you quickly find a spot to hide in order to find some release. Sliding a hand down to your wet pussy you start remembering how _name looked. The way his _DickSD cock bounced around and how his _BallsSD balls swayed beneath his hard long cock was so erotic that you can't help but finger your damp pussy at the memory. You start imagining sucking on that beefy _DickSize cock before he shoves that meat rod in between your $BreastSD tits! He switches to sucking on your $BreastsSize tits while grabbing your $AssSize ass causing you to moan in pleasure. The fingering of your tight pussy starts to rapidly increase as you visualize him slamming his _DickSize cock straight into your eager cunt and pounding away at you as you moan and gasp! You can almost hear him begging for release as he rapidly thrusts his cock into your wet pussy nice and deep!
  Moaning softly you finally reach the point of no return! You feel your tight pussy quiver before your orgasm crashes into you and you squirt out a $GCumAD spray of girl-cum! Luckily you were able to aim away from yourself as $GCumAD streams of girl-cum splash onto the ground below! Finally feeling more clear minded you zip up your clothes and grab your bagpack.
  Feeling extremely horny you quickly find a spot to hide in order to find some release. Sliding a hand down to your wet pussy you start remembering how _name looked. The way her _ISD tits bounced around and how her _DickSD dick was so hard was so erotic that you can't help but finger your damp pussy at the memory. You start imagining sucking on that beefy _DickSize futa-cock before she shoves that meat rod in between your $BreastSD tits! She switches to sucking on your $BreastSD $BreastsSize tits while grabbing your $AssSize ass causing you to moan in pleasure. The fingering of your tight pussy starts to rapidly increase as you visualize her slamming his _DickSize futa-cock straight into your eager cunt and pounding away as her _ISD breasts jiggle from her thrusts! You can almost hear her begging for release as he rapidly thrusts his futa-dick into your wet pussy nice and deep!
  Moaning softly you finally reach the point of no return! You feel your tight pussy quiver before your orgasm crashes into you and you squirt out a $GCumAD spray of girl-cum! Luckily you were able to aim away from yourself as $GCumAD streams of girl-cum splash onto the ground below! Finally feeling more clear minded you zip up your clothes and grab your bagpack.
<<switch _Partner>>\
<<case "Female">>\
  Feeling extremely horny you quickly find a spot to hide in order to find some release. Grabbing your $DickSD futa-dick in one hand and your finger in your tight pussy with the other, you start remembering how _name looked. The way her _ISD tits bounced around and how her _IAss ass jiggled as so erotic that you can't help but stroke your futa-cock at the memory. You start imagining thrusting your $DickSize cock in between her juicy lips before slamming your dick between her _ICup jugs. She switches to sucking on your $BreastSD $BreastsSize tits while sliding her finger into your tight pussy causing your cock to throb nice and hard! The stroking of your $DickSD dick starts to rapidly increase along with the fingering of your wet pussy as you visualize thrusting your hard shaft deep into her tight pussy! You can almost hear her begging for release as you pound that dripping wet pussy nice and hard! Your $BreastSD breasts jiggle with each thrust you make and you can feel your $BallsSD balls about to explode!
  Moaning softly you finally reach the point of no return! You feel your $DickSize futa-cock throb as your $BallsSize balls churn before $CumAD ribbons of hot cum shoots out and land down below! And at the same time you feel your tight pussy quiver before your orgasm crashes into you and you squirt out a $GCumAD spray of girl-cum onto the ground! Finally feeling more clear minded you zip up your clothes and grab your bagpack.
<<case "Male">>\
  Feeling extremely horny you quickly find a spot to hide in order to find some release. Grabbing your $DickSD futa-dick in one hand and your finger in your tight pussy with the other, you start remembering how _name looked. The way his _DickSD cock bounced around and how his _BallsSD balls swayed beneath his hard long cock was so erotic that you can't help but finger your damp pussy at the memory. You start imagining sucking on that beefy _DickSize cock before he shoves that meat rod in between your $BreastSD tits! He switches to sucking on your $BreastSD $BreastsSize tits while sliding his finger into your tight pussy causing your cock to throb nice and hard! The stroking of your $DickSD dick starts to rapidly increase along with the fingering of your wet pussy as you visualize _name thrusting his hard _DickSize cock straight into your tight pussy while stroking your $DickSize futa-dick as well! You can almost hear him begging for release as he continued to pound your dripping wet pussy nice and hard! Your $BreastSD breasts jiggle with each thrust he makes and you can feel your $BallsSD balls about to explode!
  Moaning softly you finally reach the point of no return! You feel your $DickSize futa-cock throb as your $BallsSize balls churn before $CumAD ribbons of hot cum shoots out and land down below! And at the same time you feel your tight pussy quiver before your orgasm crashes into you and you squirt out a $GCumAD spray of girl-cum onto the ground! Finally feeling more clear minded you zip up your clothes and grab your bagpack.
  Feeling extremely horny you quickly find a spot to hide in order to find some release. Grabbing your $DickSD futa-dick in one hand and your finger in your tight pussy with the other, you start remembering how _name looked. The way her _ISD tits bounced around and how her _DickSD futa-cock bounced as well was so erotic that you can't help but stroke your own futa-cock at the memory. You start imagining sucking on that beefy _DickSize cock before she shoves that meat rod in between your $BreastSD tits! She switches to sucking on your $BreastSD $BreastsSize tits while sliding her finger into your tight pussy causing your cock to throb nice and hard! The stroking of your $DickSD dick starts to rapidly increase along with the fingering of your wet pussy as you visualize thrusting your hard shaft deep into her tight pussy while stroking her _DickSD futa-dick! You can almost hear her begging for release as you continue to pound that dripping wet pussy nice and hard causing her _ISD tits to bounce and jiggle! Your $BreastSD breasts are swaying with each thrust you make and you can feel your $BallsSD balls about to explode!
  Moaning softly you finally reach the point of no return! You feel your $DickSize futa-cock throb as your $BallsSize balls churn before $CumAD ribbons of hot cum shoots out and land down below! And at the same time you feel your tight pussy quiver before your orgasm crashes into you and you squirt out a $GCumAD spray of girl-cum onto the ground! Finally feeling more clear minded you zip up your clothes and grab your bagpack.
<div class="pcTalk">I needed that!</div>
<<button [[Finish|$location.temp]]>>
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<include "Lust Passes">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</if>><<include "Time Micro-Passes">>\
<<set _Fog to 0>>\
<<set _Rain to 0>>\
<<set _Cold to 0>>\
<<set _Wind to 0>>\
<<switch $Weather.Current>>\
<<case "Cloudy" "Windy">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Tiny Library.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Wind to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<case "Foggy">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Tiny Library-F.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<case "Misty">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Tiny Library-F.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<case "Rainy" "Stormy">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Tiny Library-R.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<case "Dreary">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Tiny Library-R.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<case "Sleeting">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Tiny Library-S.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Cold to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<case "Snowy">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Tiny Library-S.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Cold to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $Time.Current > 6>>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Tiny Library-N.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<img src="Images/Suburb/Tiny Library.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set $startingweaponsEvent.Sword to 1>>\
While looking around the area you notice behind one of the reading benches a pristine fencing sword! Wondering how one came to be here you notice there's a noticeable scruffing of the grass near the bench and the faintest hint of sex in the air. Looking closer to the bench you notice a white stain covering part of it.
<div class="pcTalk"><i> It looks like someone was ambushed by an Infested while reading and either became an Infested or forgot their weapon when they left. Either way, it's a free sword for me! </i></div>
<<set _exists to 0>>\
<<set _tempLoot to $weapon.fencingsword>>\
<<for $i = 0; $i < $PCInventory.length; $i++>>\
<<set $uitem = $PCInventory[$i]>>\
<<set $ItemName to $uitem.name>>\
<<set _TempName to _tempLoot.name>>\
<<if $ItemName is _TempName>>\
<<set _amount to $uitem.amount>>\
<<set _exists to 1>>\
<<if _exists is 1>>\
<<set _amount to _amount +1>>\
<<set $uitem.amount to _amount>>\
<<set $PCInventory.push(_tempLoot)>>\
You found a <<print _tempLoot.name>>!
<<button [[Back|Tiny Library Branch]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<</button>><img src="Images/Home/Master Bedroom.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<set $startingweaponsEvent.Shotgun to 1>>\
<<set _exists to 0>>\
<<set _tempLoot to $weapon.shotgun28>>\
<<for $i = 0; $i < $PCInventory.length; $i++>>\
<<set $uitem = $PCInventory[$i]>>\
<<set $ItemName to $uitem.name>>\
<<set _TempName to _tempLoot.name>>\
<<if $ItemName is _TempName>>\
<<set _amount to $uitem.amount>>\
<<set _exists to 1>>\
<<if _exists is 1>>\
<<set _amount to _amount +1>>\
<<set $uitem.amount to _amount>>\
<<set $PCInventory.push(_tempLoot)>>\
You found a <<print _tempLoot.name>>!
<<button [[Finish|Parent Room]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</button>><img @src=$genericEvent.Image width="512px" height="768px" />
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<set $copEvent.Chat to $copEvent.Chat +1>>\
<<if (random(19) + 1) + $Skill.Social + $CharismaBonus > 12>>\
<<set $npcMark.Friendship to $npcMark.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity + 2 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set $npcMark.Friendship to $npcMark.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity + 1 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
  "So Mark, any good suggestions about where to find some stronger weapons?" you ask as you look at your $equipedWeapon.name. It's served you well so far but having a better weapon would really help in the fight with the Infested and Raiders.
  "Well as a officer of the law per offical policy I can't officially recomend trying to get heavier firepower but as someone dealing with this fucked up situation I can say that policy can go fuck itself." Officer Mark says with some dry humor.
  "Ok, let's be a bit serious. If you are looking for some knives I know the Oak Dale Clinic have a nice supply of scalpels that are pretty sharp. Just be careful, a lot of the doctors and nurses were the second major group hit by the Infested virus and most of them hang out there for whatever reason." he says as he thinks hard on your question. "If you don't want to deal with the clinic than there's been some gangsters running around with knives and swords of all things. Instead of doing the smart thing and hunkering down, they've been robbing folks and being a general menance." he shakes his head in annoyance.
  "I know lots of folks in this area have shotguns, bows and handguns for dealing with bears and mountain lions. Lot's of time these weapons are in their homes, with the closets in hallways and bedrooms being the most likely place for them to be kept. I'm not saying you should go rob someone but if a Infested filled house happens to have a couple of firearms, then that's just keeping weapons away from the bad guys." he says as he switches topics. "I know there's a gun shop closer to downtown that used to sell rifles, pistols, shotguns and such but last time I checked there was a horde of Infested having a orgy nearby so keep that in mind. It might be a while before they stop."
  "That's a nice list! But what about clubs, staves and such?" you ask a bit curious if the officer knows where to find some of the more strange weapons.
  "Well staves and polearms and whatnots I have no idea where to find such old archaic weapons, maybe in some martial arts dojo? Batons? You might be able to find a couple in some homes or maybe off some Infested Police officers but that's risky, really risky." he says while giving you a look of disbelief.
<<if $startingweaponsEvent.Pistol < 1>>\
<<set $startingweaponsEvent.Pistol to 1>>\
  "You know...I have ran across a couple of weapons after taking out some Infested. I was able to clean one up and you can have it. Just be sure I never have to regret giving a civilian a loaded weapon, ok?" Mark gravely says while pulling a 22mm pistol from the passenger seat of his police car. Giving you a slight smirk he hands it over to you and watches you handle it with care.
  "Thanks for the pistol, Mark!" you reply as you look over the gun. It looks like it could be useful against the Infested but the caliber is a bit low for true stopping power.
<<set _tempLoot to $weapon.pistol22mm>>\
You now have a <<print _tempLoot.name>>!
<<for $i = 0; $i < $PCInventory.length; $i++>>\
<<set $uitem = $PCInventory[$i]>>\
<<set $ItemName to $uitem.name>>\
<<set _TempName to _tempLoot.name>>\
<<if $ItemName is _TempName>>\
<<set _amount to $uitem.amount>>\
<<set _exists to 1>>\
<<if _exists is 1>>\
<<set _amount to _amount +1>>\
<<set $uitem.amount to _amount>>\
<<set $PCInventory.push(_tempLoot)>>\
  "I'm thinking of collecting some of the weapons I've confiscated from raiders and gangstas and selling them to other survivors such as yourself. Thinking of calling it a community outreach program. So be sure to check back with me later to see what I have found." Mark concludes as he checks his service pistol to make sure it's clean and ready. "Talk to you later, $PC.FirstName. Duty calls."
<<button [[Finish|$location.temp]]>>
<<set $copEvent.Weapon to 1>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</button>><<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<set _Fog to 0>>\
<<set _Rain to 0>>\
<<set _Cold to 0>>\
<<set _Wind to 0>>\
<<switch $Weather.Current>>\
<<case "Cloudy" "Windy">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Rose Suburb 1.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Wind to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<case "Foggy">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Rose Suburb-F 1.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<case "Misty">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Rose Suburb-F 1.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Rainy" "Stormy">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Rose Suburb-R 1.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Dreary">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Rose Suburb-R 1.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Sleeting">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Rose Suburb-S 1.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Cold to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Snowy">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Rose Suburb-S 1.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Cold to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $Time.Current > 6>>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Rose Suburb-N 1.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<img src="Images/Suburb/Rose Suburb 1.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set $location.temp to "Oak Dale - Rose Ave 2">>\
<<set $location.coord to 13>>\
<<if $Time.Current >= $Time.Max >>\
<<set _State to "TooLate">>\
<<set $NoEncounter to 1>>\
<<if $NoEncounter < 1>>\
<<include "Random Encounter Check">>\
You are located on Rose Avenue in the Oak Dale suburbs. The name of Rose Avenue comes from all the rose shrubs that grow in all lawns of the houses in this area. The damage in this area seems to be less with the only major damage being a few of the rose bushes being torn up. To the north the intersection with Walnut St. can be seen and to the south the intersection with Almond St. can be barely seen along with the entrance to the Grove Hills subdivision.
<<if $StatusText.Notice is 1>>\
<<include "Update Status">>\
<<if _Rain > 0 and $StatusAffect.Wet < _Rain>>\
<<set _Rain to _Rain - $PCResistance.Water>>\
<<if _Rain > $StatusAffect.Wet>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Wet to _Rain>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I'm getting soaking wet!</i> </div>
<<if _Cold > 0 and $PCResistance.Cold < _Cold>>\
<<set _tempDamage to random(_Cold) + $StatusAffect.Wet>>\
<<set _tempDamage2 to _tempDamage - $PCResistance.Cold>>\
<<if _tempDamage2 > 0>>\
<<set $HP to $HP - _tempDamage2>>\
<<if $HP < 1>>\
<<set $HP to 1>>\
You take _tempDamage2 cold damage!
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I'm freezing to death!</i>
<<switch _State>>\
<<case "TooLate">>\
<<set $Time.Current to $Time.Max>>\
It's too dangerous to explore the Oak Dale suburbs at this time of night.
<<button [[Return Home|Oak Dale Returning Home]]>>
<<set $NoEncounter to 0>>\
<<case "Ambush">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Ambushed to 1>>\
You've been ambushed by an enemy!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<case "Combat">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
A hostile enemy is roaming nearby!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<case "NPC">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
You've encountered something unusual!
<<button [[Encounter|Oak Dale Events]]>>
<<set $location.prev to $location.temp>>\
<<button [[Explore one of the Empty Houses|Oak Dale - Suburb House]]>>
<<set $location.temp2 to $location.temp>>\
<<button [[Look around the Area|Oak Dale Event Scout]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Scout the Area for Enemies|Oak Dale Scouting]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[North to Walnut & Rose|Oak Dale - Rose & Walnut]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[South to Almond & Rose|Oak Dale Entrance]]>> <</button>>
<<if $lust >= ($MaxLust / 2) or $GeneralFeats.Horndog > 0>>\
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Masturbate|Masturbate]]>> </span>
<<set $location.Encounter to "Oak Dale">>\
<</switch>>\<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<set _Fog to 0>>\
<<set _Rain to 0>>\
<<set _Cold to 0>>\
<<set _Wind to 0>>\
<<switch $Weather.Current>>\
<<case "Cloudy" "Windy">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Rose Suburb 2.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Wind to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<case "Foggy">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Rose Suburb-F 2.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<case "Misty">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Rose Suburb-F 2.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Rainy" "Stormy">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Rose Suburb-R 2.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Dreary">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Rose Suburb-R 2.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Sleeting">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Rose Suburb-S 2.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Cold to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Snowy">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Rose Suburb-S 2.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Cold to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $Time.Current > 6>>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Rose Suburb-N 2.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<img src="Images/Suburb/Rose Suburb 2.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set $location.temp to "Oak Dale - Rose & Walnut">>\
<<set $location.coord to 9>>\
<<if $Time.Current >= $Time.Max >>\
<<set _State to "TooLate">>\
<<set $NoEncounter to 1>>\
<<if $NoEncounter < 1>>\
<<include "Random Encounter Check">>\
You are located at the intersection of Rose Avenue and Walnut Street located on the western edge of the Oak Dale suburbs. Plenty of rose shrubs are growing in this neighborhood but there are few actual walnut treet. There doesn't seem to be much damage in the area leaving most of the buildings looking perfect. To the north Rose Avenue continues to Peanut Street and to the south the intersection with Almond Street can be barely seen.
<<if $StatusText.Notice is 1>>\
<<include "Update Status">>\
<<if _Rain > 0 and $StatusAffect.Wet < _Rain>>\
<<set _Rain to _Rain - $PCResistance.Water>>\
<<if _Rain > $StatusAffect.Wet>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Wet to _Rain>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I'm getting soaking wet!</i> </div>
<<if _Cold > 0 and $PCResistance.Cold < _Cold>>\
<<set _tempDamage to random(_Cold) + $StatusAffect.Wet>>\
<<set _tempDamage2 to _tempDamage - $PCResistance.Cold>>\
<<if _tempDamage2 > 0>>\
<<set $HP to $HP - _tempDamage2>>\
<<if $HP < 1>>\
<<set $HP to 1>>\
You take _tempDamage2 cold damage!
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I'm freezing to death!</i>
<<switch _State>>\
<<case "TooLate">>\
<<set $Time.Current to $Time.Max>>\
It's too dangerous to explore the Oak Dale suburbs at this time of night.
<<button [[Return Home|Oak Dale Returning Home]]>>
<<set $NoEncounter to 0>>\
<<case "Ambush">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Ambushed to 1>>\
You've been ambushed by an enemy!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<case "Combat">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
A hostile enemy is roaming nearby!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<case "NPC">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
You've encountered something unusual!
<<button [[Encounter|Oak Dale Events]]>>
<<set $location.prev to $location.temp>>\
<<button [[Explore one of the Empty Houses|Oak Dale - Suburb House]]>>
<<set $location.temp2 to $location.temp>>\
<<button [[Look around the Area|Oak Dale Event Scout]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Scout the Area for Enemies|Oak Dale Scouting]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[North to Rose Avenue|Oak Dale - Rose Ave]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[East to Walnut Street|Oak Dale - Walnut St]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[South to Rose Avenue|Oak Dale - Rose Ave 2]]>> <</button>>
<<if $lust >= ($MaxLust / 2) or $GeneralFeats.Horndog > 0>>\
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Masturbate|Masturbate]]>> </span>
<<set $location.Encounter to "Oak Dale">>\
<</switch>>\<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<set _Fog to 0>>\
<<set _Rain to 0>>\
<<set _Cold to 0>>\
<<set _Wind to 0>>\
<<switch $Weather.Current>>\
<<case "Cloudy" "Windy">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburbs 3.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Wind to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<case "Foggy">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburbs-F 3.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<case "Misty">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburbs-F 3.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Rainy" "Stormy">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburbs-R 3.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Dreary">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburbs-R 3.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Sleeting">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburbs-S 3.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Cold to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Snowy">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburbs-S 3.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Cold to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $Time.Current > 6>>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburbs-N 3.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburbs 3.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set $location.temp to "Oak Dale - Walnut St">>\
<<set $location.coord to 10>>\
<<if $Time.Current >= $Time.Max >>\
<<set _State to "TooLate">>\
<<set $NoEncounter to 1>>\
<<if $NoEncounter < 1>>\
<<include "Random Encounter Check">>\
You are located on Walnut Street located in the western parts of the Oak Dale suburbs. The Walnut street runs from east to west but it looks like Walnust street ends at the interesection with Rose avenue. There doesn't seem to be much damage in this area as most of the building are intact but vacant. There are a couple of wrecked vehicles on the south side of the street with mysterious stains covering most of the front and back seats. To the west the Walnut Street continues on to intersect with Rose Avenue. To the east Walnut street continues onwards toward the intersection with Tulip Avenue and what looks to be a small corner grocery store.
<<if $StatusText.Notice is 1>>\
<<include "Update Status">>\
<<if _Rain > 0 and $StatusAffect.Wet < _Rain>>\
<<set _Rain to _Rain - $PCResistance.Water>>\
<<if _Rain > $StatusAffect.Wet>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Wet to _Rain>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I'm getting soaking wet!</i> </div>
<<if _Cold > 0 and $PCResistance.Cold < _Cold>>\
<<set _tempDamage to random(_Cold) + $StatusAffect.Wet>>\
<<set _tempDamage2 to _tempDamage - $PCResistance.Cold>>\
<<if _tempDamage2 > 0>>\
<<set $HP to $HP - _tempDamage2>>\
<<if $HP < 1>>\
<<set $HP to 1>>\
You take _tempDamage2 cold damage!
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I'm freezing to death!</i>
<<switch _State>>\
<<case "TooLate">>\
<<set $Time.Current to $Time.Max>>\
It's too dangerous to explore the Oak Dale suburbs at this time of night.
<<button [[Return Home|Oak Dale Returning Home]]>>
<<set $NoEncounter to 0>>\
<<case "Ambush">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Ambushed to 1>>\
You've been ambushed by an enemy!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<set $location.Encounter to "Oak Dale">>\
<<case "Combat">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
A hostile enemy is roaming nearby!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<set $location.Encounter to "Oak Dale">>\
<<case "NPC">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
You've encountered something unusual!
<<button [[Encounter|Oak Dale Events]]>>
<<set $location.prev to $location.temp>>\
<<button [[Explore one of the Empty Houses|Oak Dale - Suburb House]]>>
<<set $location.temp2 to $location.temp>>\
<<button [[Look around the Area|Oak Dale Event Scout]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Scout the Area for Enemies|Oak Dale Scouting]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[East to Tulip & Walnut|Oak Dale - Walnut & Tulip]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[West to Rose & Walnut|Oak Dale - Rose & Walnut]]>> <</button>>
<<if $lust >= ($MaxLust / 2) or $GeneralFeats.Horndog > 0>>\
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Masturbate|Masturbate]]>> </span>
<<set $location.Encounter to "Oak Dale">>\
<</switch>>\<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<set _Fog to 0>>\
<<set _Rain to 0>>\
<<set _Cold to 0>>\
<<set _Wind to 0>>\
<<switch $Weather.Current>>\
<<case "Cloudy" "Windy">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburb Intersection 3.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Wind to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<case "Foggy">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburb Intersection-F 3.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<case "Misty">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburb Intersection-F 3.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Rainy" "Stormy">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburb Intersection-R 3.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Dreary">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburb Intersection-R 3.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Sleeting">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburb Intersection-S 3.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Cold to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Snowy">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburb Intersection-S 3.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Cold to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $Time.Current > 6>>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburb Intersection-N 3.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburb Intersection 3.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set $location.temp to "Oak Dale - Walnut & Tulip">>\
<<set $location.coord to 11>>\
<<set $locationGeneric to $locationOakDale>>\
<<set $location.Encounter to "Oak Dale">>\
<<set $location.Event to "Oak Dale">>\
<<if $Time.Current >= $Time.Max >>\
<<set _State to "TooLate">>\
<<set $NoEncounter to 1>>\
<<if $NoEncounter < 1>>\
<<include "Random Encounter Check">>\
You are located at the T-intersection of Tulip Avenue and Walnut Street located in the western part of the Oak Dale suburbs. A small almost pristine convenience store sits on the eastern side of the t-intersection in the small Walnut Plaza with it's doors wide open. The only thing marring the convience store is that on one it's walls is a message spray painted in bright red stating "The Cult of Walking Love shall show everyone the path of true Love!" Several large trees fill up the corners of this intersection with only a couple of signs that there is a Infested Outbreak going on. To the west Walnut Street continues towards Rose Avenue. To the north Tulip Avenue gently slopes upwards towards Peanut Street while to the south Tulip Avenue heads in the general direction of the Almond Street.
<<if $StatusText.Notice is 1>>\
<<include "Update Status">>\
<<if _Rain > 0 and $StatusAffect.Wet < _Rain>>\
<<set _Rain to _Rain - $PCResistance.Water>>\
<<if _Rain > $StatusAffect.Wet>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Wet to _Rain>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I'm getting soaking wet!</i> </div>
<<if _Cold > 0 and $PCResistance.Cold < _Cold>>\
<<set _tempDamage to random(_Cold) + $StatusAffect.Wet>>\
<<set _tempDamage2 to _tempDamage - $PCResistance.Cold>>\
<<if _tempDamage2 > 0>>\
<<set $HP to $HP - _tempDamage2>>\
<<if $HP < 1>>\
<<set $HP to 1>>\
You take _tempDamage2 cold damage!
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I'm freezing to death!</i>
<<switch _State>>\
<<case "TooLate">>\
<<set $Time.Current to $Time.Max>>\
It's too dangerous to explore the Oak Dale suburbs at this time of night.
<<button [[Return Home|Oak Dale Returning Home]]>>
<<set $NoEncounter to 0>>\
<<case "Ambush">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Ambushed to 1>>\
You've been ambushed by an enemy!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<set $location.Encounter to "Oak Dale">>\
<<case "Combat">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
A hostile enemy is roaming nearby!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<set $location.Encounter to "Oak Dale">>\
<<case "NPC">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
You've encountered something unusual!
<<button [[Encounter|Oak Dale Events]]>>
<<set $location.prev to $location.temp>>\
<<button [[Explore one of the Empty Houses|Oak Dale - Suburb House]]>>
<<set $location.temp2 to $location.temp>>\
<<button [[Look around the Area|Oak Dale Event Scout]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Scout the Area for Enemies|Oak Dale Scouting]]>>
<<set $location.Encounter to "Oak Dale">>\
<<button [[Enter the Grocery Store|Oak Dale - Convenience Store Entrance]]>>
<<set $location.Indoor to 1>>\
<<button [[North to Tulip Avenue|Oak Dale - Tulip Ave]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[West to Walnut Street|Oak Dale - Walnut St]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[South to Tulip Avenue|Oak Dale - Almond & Tulip]]>> <</button>>
<<if $lust >= ($MaxLust / 2) or $GeneralFeats.Horndog > 0>>\
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Masturbate|Masturbate]]>> </span>
<<set $location.Encounter to "Oak Dale">>\
<</switch>>\<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<set _Fog to 0>>\
<<set _Rain to 0>>\
<<set _Cold to 0>>\
<<set _Wind to 0>>\
<<switch $Weather.Current>>\
<<case "Cloudy" "Windy">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburbs 13.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Wind to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<case "Foggy">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburbs-F 13.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<case "Misty">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburbs-F 13.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Rainy" "Stormy">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburbs-R 13.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Dreary">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburbs-R 13.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Sleeting">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburbs-S 13.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Cold to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Snowy">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburbs-S 13.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Cold to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $Time.Current > 6>>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburbs-N 13.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburbs 13.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set $location.temp to "Oak Dale - Tulip Ave 2">>\
<<set $location.coord to 14>>\
<<if $Time.Current >= $Time.Max >>\
<<set _State to "TooLate">>\
<<set $NoEncounter to 1>>\
<<if $NoEncounter < 1>>\
<<include "Random Encounter Check">>\
You are located on Tulip Avenue located in the western part of the Oak Dale suburbs. Tulip Avenue runs north and south and has plenty of small trees growing along the side of the road. A couple of the trees have bullet holes but most look to be undamaged. The street is lined with a few abandoned houses that can be seen thru the trees but only a few vehicles can be found around here. To the north the intersection with Walnut Street can be seen and to the south the intersection with Almond Street can be seen as well. To the west is a Mortons Gas Station that looks like it is still open
<<if $StatusText.Notice is 1>>\
<<include "Update Status">>\
<<if _Rain > 0 and $StatusAffect.Wet < _Rain>>\
<<set _Rain to _Rain - $PCResistance.Water>>\
<<if _Rain > $StatusAffect.Wet>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Wet to _Rain>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I'm getting soaking wet!</i> </div>
<<if _Cold > 0 and $PCResistance.Cold < _Cold>>\
<<set _tempDamage to random(_Cold) + $StatusAffect.Wet>>\
<<set _tempDamage2 to _tempDamage - $PCResistance.Cold>>\
<<if _tempDamage2 > 0>>\
<<set $HP to $HP - _tempDamage2>>\
<<if $HP < 1>>\
<<set $HP to 1>>\
You take _tempDamage2 cold damage!
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I'm freezing to death!</i>
<<switch _State>>\
<<case "TooLate">>\
<<set $Time.Current to $Time.Max>>\
It's too dangerous to explore the Oak Dale suburbs at this time of night.
<<button [[Return Home|Oak Dale Returning Home]]>>
<<set $NoEncounter to 0>>\
<<case "Ambush">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Ambushed to 1>>\
You've been ambushed by an enemy!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<set $location.Encounter to "Oak Dale">>\
<<case "Combat">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
A hostile enemy is roaming nearby!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<set $location.Encounter to "Oak Dale">>\
<<case "NPC">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
You've encountered something unusual!
<<button [[Encounter|Oak Dale Events]]>>
<<set $location.prev to $location.temp>>\
<<button [[Explore one of the Empty Houses|Oak Dale - Suburb House]]>>
<<set $location.temp2 to $location.temp>>\
<<button [[Look around the Area|Oak Dale Event Scout]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Scout the Area for Enemies|Oak Dale Scouting]]>>
<<set $location.Encounter to "Oak Dale">>\
<<button [[Enter Mortons Gas Station|Mortons Gas Station]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[North to Walnut & Tulip|Oak Dale - Walnut & Tulip]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[South to Almond & Tulip|Oak Dale - Almond & Tulip]]>> <</button>>
<<if $lust >= ($MaxLust / 2) or $GeneralFeats.Horndog > 0>>\
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Masturbate|Masturbate]]>> </span>
<<set $location.Encounter to "Oak Dale">>\
<</switch>>\<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<set _Fog to 0>>\
<<set _Rain to 0>>\
<<set _Cold to 0>>\
<<set _Wind to 0>>\
<<switch $Weather.Current>>\
<<case "Cloudy" "Windy">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburbs 10.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Wind to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<case "Foggy">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburbs-F 10.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<case "Misty">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburbs-F 10.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Rainy" "Stormy">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburbs-R 10.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Dreary">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburbs-R 10.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Sleeting">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburbs-S 10.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Cold to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Snowy">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburbs-S 10.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Cold to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $Time.Current > 6>>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburbs-N 10.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburbs 10.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set $location.temp to "Oak Dale - Sunflower Ave 2">>\
<<set $location.coord to 15>>\
<<set _State to 0>>\
<<if $Time.Current >= $Time.Max >>\
<<set _State to "TooLate">>\
<<set $NoEncounter to 1>>\
<<if $NoEncounter < 1>>\
<<include "Random Encounter Check">>\
<<if $StatusText.Notice is 1>>\
<<include "Update Status">>\
<<if _Rain > 0 and $StatusAffect.Wet < _Rain>>\
<<set _Rain to _Rain - $PCResistance.Water>>\
<<if _Rain > $StatusAffect.Wet>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Wet to _Rain>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I'm getting soaking wet!</i> </div>
<<if _Cold > 0 and $PCResistance.Cold < _Cold>>\
<<set _tempDamage to random(_Cold) + $StatusAffect.Wet>>\
<<set _tempDamage2 to _tempDamage - $PCResistance.Cold>>\
<<if _tempDamage2 > 0>>\
<<set $HP to $HP - _tempDamage2>>\
<<if $HP < 1>>\
<<set $HP to 1>>\
You take _tempDamage2 cold damage!
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I'm freezing to death!</i> </div>
You are located on Sunflower Avenue located in the Oak Dale suburbs. Sunflower Avenue runs north and south and has several small shrubs lining the steet. Most of the shrubs look to be intact but a couple have been trampled. The street has multiple abandoned houses along with a few broken down vehicles. To the north the intersection with Walnut Street can be seen and to the south the intersection with Almond Street can be seen but it looks like there's a major accident with multiple cars looking to be wrecked.
<<switch _State>>\
<<case "TooLate">>\
<<set $Time.Current to $Time.Max>>\
It's too dangerous to explore the Oak Dale suburbs at this time of night.
<<button [[Return Home|Oak Dale Returning Home]]>>
<<set $NoEncounter to 0>>\
<<case "Ambush">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Ambushed to 1>>\
You've been ambushed by an enemy!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<case "Combat">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
A hostile enemy is roaming nearby!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<case "NPC">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
You've encountered something unusual!
<<button [[Encounter|Oak Dale Events]]>>
<<set $location.prev to $location.temp>>\
<<button [[Explore one of the Empty Houses|Oak Dale - Suburb House]]>>
<<set $location.temp2 to $location.temp>>\
<<button [[Look around the Area|Oak Dale Event Scout]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Scout the Area for Enemies|Oak Dale Scouting]]>>
<<set $location.Encounter to "Oak Dale">>\
<<button [[North to Walnut and Sunflower|Oak Dale - Walnut & Sunflower]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[South to Almond and Sunflower|Oak Dale - Almond & Sunflower]]>> <</button>>
<<if $lust >= ($MaxLust / 2) or $GeneralFeats.Horndog > 0>>\
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Masturbate|Masturbate]]>> </span>
<<set $location.Encounter to "Oak Dale">>\
<</switch>>\<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<set _Fog to 0>>\
<<set _Rain to 0>>\
<<set _Cold to 0>>\
<<set _Wind to 0>>\
<<switch $Weather.Current>>\
<<case "Cloudy" "Windy">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburb Intersection 1.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Wind to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<case "Foggy">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburb Intersection-F 1.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<case "Misty">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburb Intersection-F 1.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Rainy" "Stormy">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburb Intersection-R 1.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Dreary">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburb Intersection-R 1.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Sleeting">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburb Intersection-S 1.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Cold to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Snowy">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburb Intersection-S 1.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Cold to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $Time.Current > 6>>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburb Intersection-N 1.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburb Intersection 1.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set $location.temp to "Oak Dale - Walnut & Sunflower">>\
<<set $location.coord to 12>>\
<<set _State to 0>>\
<<if $Time.Current >= $Time.Max >>\
<<set _State to "TooLate">>\
<<set $NoEncounter to 1>>\
<<if $NoEncounter < 1>>\
<<include "Random Encounter Check">>\
You are located at the intersection of Sunflower Avenue and Walnut Street located in the near the center part of the Oak Dale suburbs. Walnut Street ends at the t-intersection with Sunflower Ave. There is a wall on the western side of the intersection that's been covered with a mural of sunflowers. Unfortunently there's plenty gang graffiti covering chunks of the mural along with some more recent pornographic graffiti as well. To the east Walnut Street continues onwards toward the deeper part of the city. To the north Tulip Avenue heads slopes upwards towards the Peanut Street while to the south Tulip Avenue heads in the general direction of the Almond Street.
<FONT COLOR="RED">The eastern part of Walnut St. is blocked by a horde of Infested having a massive orgy!</FONT>
<<if $StatusText.Notice is 1>>\
<<include "Update Status">>\
<<if _Rain > 0 and $StatusAffect.Wet < _Rain>>\
<<set _Rain to _Rain - $PCResistance.Water>>\
<<if _Rain > $StatusAffect.Wet>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Wet to _Rain>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I'm getting soaking wet!</i> </div>
<<if _Cold > 0 and $PCResistance.Cold < _Cold>>\
<<set _tempDamage to random(_Cold) + $StatusAffect.Wet>>\
<<set _tempDamage2 to _tempDamage - $PCResistance.Cold>>\
<<if _tempDamage2 > 0>>\
<<set $HP to $HP - _tempDamage2>>\
<<if $HP < 1>>\
<<set $HP to 1>>\
You take _tempDamage2 cold damage!
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I'm freezing to death!</i> </div>
<<switch _State>>\
<<case "TooLate">>\
<<set $Time.Current to $Time.Max>>\
It's too dangerous to explore the Oak Dale suburbs at this time of night.
<<button [[Return Home|Oak Dale Returning Home]]>>
<<set $NoEncounter to 0>>\
<<case "Ambush">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Ambushed to 1>>\
You've been ambushed by an enemy!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<case "Combat">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
A hostile enemy is roaming nearby!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<case "NPC">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
You've encountered something unusual!
<<button [[Encounter|Oak Dale Events]]>>
<<set $location.prev to $location.temp>>\
<<button [[Explore one of the Empty Houses|Oak Dale - Suburb House]]>>
<<set $location.temp2 to $location.temp>>\
<<button [[Look around the Area|Oak Dale Event Scout]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Scout the Area for Enemies|Oak Dale Scouting]]>>
<<set $location.Encounter to "Oak Dale">>\
<<button [[North to Northern Sunflower Avenue|Oak Dale - Sunflower Ave]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[South to Southern Sunflower Avenue|Oak Dale - Sunflower Ave 2]]>> <</button>>
<<if $lust >= ($MaxLust / 2) or $GeneralFeats.Horndog > 0>>\
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Masturbate|Masturbate]]>> </span>
<<set $location.Encounter to "Oak Dale">>\
<</switch>>\<<set _picture to $PCProfile.Picture>>\
<img @src="_picture" height="768px" width="512px" />
<<switch $StatusAffect.SiliconeA>>\
<<case 1 2>>\
  You take a look at yourself in the mirror and can immediately can tell that your backside is looking somewhat bigger with your caboose now being a $AssSize ass. It still looks natural as you adjust your tighter clothes and it would be hard for someone to tell that you had your buttocks enhanced. "It look great Doc!" you say as you model your ass in different positions.
<<case 3 4 5>>\
  You take a look at yourself in the mirror and can immediately can tell that your backside is looking bigger with your caboose now being a $AssSize ass. It looks somewhat natural but while having that higher perky roundness that indicates that you had your buttocks enhanced. You adjust your tighter clothes and say "It look great Doc! Nice and firm, just like I like it!" as you model your ass in different positions.
<<case 6 7 8 9>>\
  You take a look at yourself in the mirror and can immediately tell that your backside is looking a lot bigger than before with it now being a $AssSize ass. It's easy to tell that it's been pumped up with silicone as that extra firmness and roundness shows that your buttocks's been enhanced. You adjust your tighter clothes and say "Looks awesome Doc! Looking big and firm with plenty of junk in my trunk!" as you model your ass in different positions.
  You take a look at yourself in the mirror and can immediately can tell that your backside are looking extremely bigger before with it now being a $AssSize ass. It looks completely fake with that extreme perky roundness that indicates that you had your buttocks enhanced and it would be extremely easy for someone to tell at a glance. You adjust your tighter clothes and say "It looks great Doc! Looking big and firm with plenty of junk in my trunk!" as you model your ass in different positions.
  "Great! You are welcome back here any time, well at least during business hours I mean. Here let me show you to the back door so you don't have to worry about being attacked by unwelcome Infested in the clinic." he says as he shows you a one way exit from the back of his office.
<<button [[Leave|Oak Dale Clinic - North Exit]]>>
<<include "Time Passes">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<set $doctorEvent.Appointment to 0>>\
<</button>><img src="Images/Suburb/suburb1.jpg" width="800px" height="400px" />
<<set $NoEncounter to 3>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<button [[Leave|$location.temp]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</button>><img src="Images/Suburb/Gas Station/Morton.jpg" />
<<if (random(19) + 1) + $Skill.Social + $CharismaBonus > 13>>\
<<set $npcMorton.Friendship to $npcMorton.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity +2 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set $npcMorton.Friendship to $npcMorton.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity +1 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<include "Time Micro-Passes">>\
  You decide to spend some time gathering some information about the Pure Blood Raiders. Giving Morton an intense look you ask "So what can you tell me about those bastards, the Pure Blood Raiders? Cause I have a score to settle with them and I need all the information you've got."
  Morton slowly nods his gas mask covered face before starting "The Pure Blood Raiders... A bunch of crazy successors to an older racial purity ideology. From what I've been able to gather they believe that they will be the only ones who survive the Infested Outbreak and that they need 'Pure' untouched members in order to breed a new pure race afterwards."
  "I've heard that they've been kidnapping women and taking them to their base nearby. None of the law enforcement have been able to do anything and with all the chaos no one else have been able to take them out. Oh yeah, that's right! Carlo over at the Ammo World has posted a bounty on wiping them out. If you bring him proof of taking out the leader named Axel and his second in command named Jacob, he'll pay out the bounty of 1000 Dollars." he continues his explanation while giving you a piercing look.
 "So where's their base?" you ask as you take in the information. A thousand dollars would help pay for a lot of supplies but taking out the leader of a slaver raider cult could be tough you're not sure you can handle it.
  "Well...That's a really good question. I've heard conflicting rumors about where their base is. I had heard that they had fortified a small apartment building not too far away. It's supposed to be off of Walnut but I'm not sure where exactly on Walnut. The other rumor was that they were hiding out in the Sunrise View riverfront to the south. Supposedly they have taken over a warehouse and that's why they are fighting with the Knives. If you really want to know, a ruthless or determined person might get the answer from a member of the Pure Blood Raiders themselves."
  "Any idea on where to find one of these members of the Pure Bloods?" you ask after making a note of the possible locations of the Pure Blood Raider's base. It sounds like both locations could be where their base is but it's hard to guess which is more likely.
  "They've been menacing the Oak Dale and the Sunrise View areas the most. Busch Bank and Grove Hills have been mostly ignored from what I've heard and there's bigger issues downtown that no one wants to mess with." he finishes while giving the outside window another glance.
<div class="pcTalk"><i> Those sound like some good places to check out. If I can find one of these Pure Blood Raiders and beat the answer out of them, then great. Otherwise I'll need to check both locations...</i></div>
<<button [[Finish|Mortons - Inside]]>> <</button>><img src="Images/Suburb/Convenience Store/Convenience Store Front.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set $location.temp to "Oak Dale - Convenience Store Entrance">>\
<<set $locationGeneric to $locationOakDaleConvenienceStore>>\
<<set _State to 0>>\
<<include "Time Micro-Passes">>\
<<if $Time.Current >= $Time.Max >>\
<<set _State to "TooLate">>\
<<set $NoEncounter to 1>>\
<<if $NoEncounter < 1>>\
<<set _EncounterRoll2 to 0>>\
<<set _TotalEncounterRoll2 to 0>>\
<<if $StealthSkillFeats.Distraction > 0>>\
<<set _EncounterRoll2 to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<set _TotalEncounterRoll2 to _EncounterRoll2 + $Skill.Stealth + $DexterityBonus + $StatusAffect.IndoorTracking - $StatusAffect.Horny - ($StatusAffect.CumCovered) -2>>\
<<set _EncounterRoll to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<set _TotalEncounterRoll to _EncounterRoll + $Skill.Stealth + $DexterityBonus + $StatusAffect.IndoorTracking - $StatusAffect.Horny - ($StatusAffect.CumCovered)>>\
<<if _TotalEncounterRoll < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current) and _TotalEncounterRoll2 < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current)>>\
<<if _TotalEncounterRoll + ($ThieverySkillFeats.SnareMaster *2) < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current - 10) or (_EncounterRoll < 2)>>\
<<set _State to "Ambush">>\
<<set _State to "Combat">>\
<<set _NPCEncounterRoll to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<if _NPCEncounterRoll > (18 - $ScoutingSkillFeats.KeenEye) and $NoEncounter is 0>>\
<<set _State to "NPC">>\
This is the front entrance of the Walnut Plaza Convenience Store and luckily the lights are still on. A large checkout desk takes up a big chunk of this part of the store but it looks like the cash registers have been smashed open already. Behind the desk there's a small metal door next to where the secure items used to be stored that looks to still be intact. All of the food and snacks have been ransacked in this part of the convenience store but there still might be some food hidden in the aisles heading to the back of the store. To the south and to the east the only aisles for this small store can be seen. To the west the t-intersection of Tulip Avenue and Walnut Street can be seen outside the open doors.
<<switch _State>>\
<<case "TooLate">>\
<<set $Time.Current to $Time.Max>>\
It's too dangerous to explore the convenience store at this time of night.
<<button [[Return Home|Oak Dale Returning Home]]>>
<<set $NoEncounter to 0>>\
<<case "Ambush">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Ambushed to 1>>\
You've been ambushed by an enemy!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<set $location.Encounter to "Oak Dale Convenience Store">>\
<<case "Combat">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
A hostile enemy is wandering around the store!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<set $location.Encounter to "Oak Dale Convenience Store">>\
<<set $location.prev to $location.temp>>\
<<button [[Leave|Oak Dale - Walnut & Tulip]]>>
<<set $location.Indoor to 0>>\
<<button [[East|Oak Dale - Convenience Store East]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[South|Oak Dale - Convenience Store South]]>> <</button>>
<<if $lust >= ($MaxLust / 2) or $GeneralFeats.Horndog > 0>>\
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Masturbate|Masturbate]]>> </span>
<<set $location.Encounter to "Oak Dale Convenience Store">>\
<</switch>>\<<set $genericEvent.Image = $eventPath7 + $arrayEvent7Blowjob.random() + '.jpg'>>\
<img @src=$genericEvent.Image />
<<set $sexHistory.XP to $sexHistory.XP +1>>\
<<set $LastPartner to $npcRichard>>\
<<set $doctorEvent.Agree to 1>>\
<<set $npcRichard.SexXP to $npcRichard.SexXP +1>>\
<<set $sexHistory.XP to $sexHistory.XP +1>>\
<<if (random(19) + 1) + $Skill.Social + $CharismaBonus > 14>>\
<<set $npcRichard.Friendship to $npcRichard.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity +3 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set $npcRichard.Friendship to $npcRichard.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity +2 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set _DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$npcRichard.DickSize]>>\
<<set _DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$npcRichard.DickSize]>>
<<if $PC.Sex is "Futa" or $StatusAffect.Futa > 0>>\
<<set _Sex to "Futa">>\
<<elseif $PC.Sex is "Female" and $StatusAffect.Futa < 1>>\
<<set _Sex to "Female">>\
<<set _Sex to "Male">>\
<<if $SkillAction > 0>>\
  Seeing how Dr. Rack can't keep his eyes off your $AssSize ass, you also can't help but stare back at his _DickSD hard cock that's trying to escape out of his doctor's pants. Deciding that you could use some more fun after having all that silicone pumped into your ass, you give him a lusty smirk.
  "So Doc, it's looking like something big and juicy has caught your eye... So how about you take a closer look?" you say with some lusty humor as you thrust out your $AssSize silicone-filled ass in his direction. Dr. Rack seems completely shocked for a moment as his eyes relock onto your ass from where they had been trying to look away. That hungry gaze in his eyes turns you on even more as your hard $NippleSize nipples display and you can't help but lick your lips.
  "Er, I mean your ass look nice? I was just checking your ass out to make sure that the injection went hard, er I mean smoothly! I wasn't imagining how it would feel or anything!" he feebly protests but his responses are a bit lacking since his eyes haven't shifted one time away your juicy ass.
  Seeing how Dr. Rack can't keep his eyes off your $AssSize ass, you also can't help but stare back at his _DickSD hard cock that's trying to escape out of his doctor's pants. Deciding that you could use some relief after having dealing with walking thru a Infested filled clinic, you give him a lusty smile.
  "So doc... See something you like? How about you take a closer look?" you say with some lusty humor as you thrust out your $AssSize silicone-filled ass in his direction. Dr. Rack looks shocked for a moment as his eyes relock onto your ass from where they had been trying to look away. The look on his face turns you on even more as your hard $NippleSize nipples display and you can't help but lick your lips.
  "Er, I mean it look nice? I mean was just admiring the artistic work put into your finely sculpted butt! I wasn't imagining how it would feel or anything!" he feebly protests but his responses are a bit lacking since his eyes haven't shifted one time away your booty.
  Bending over your pull down your pants and shake your $AssSize caboose at him. You can feel his gaze focused on all that silicone-filled junk in your trunk and his cock looks hard as a diamond. "But Doc, my ass feels sooo heavy and I would love to have a nice thick cock sliding between my juicy asscheeks!"
  The doctor's eyes widen even farther as he watches you back your bare ass closer to where he is seated, your big silicone enhanced ass jiggling joyfully with each backward step. It doesn't take long before your bare ass is inches from his eager dick that's finally escaped from his tight pants.
  "Oh God! You have such an amazingly $AssSize ass, $PC.FirstName!" he gasps as his hands reach up and finally grabs your butt. You let out a lusty moan as he starts to gropes your jiggly booty. He starts squeezing your asscheeks softly while his hard cock rubs against you gets you get even hornier. In this position you are forced to prop yourself up with a nearby chair while your $BreastSD breasts hang free.
  You let out a long and throaty moan as the good doctor lustfully plays with your ass "Oooh fuckkkk....You should know, Doc. You helped make my thicc ass this amazing!" You push your tush back against him and you can feel his throbbing cock start to slide into it's proper position between your $AssSize ass cleavage. "So how's my booty feel, Doc? I know it has to feel real good and I bet it will feel even better with your _DickSize <<Penis>> sliding in between my plump asscheeks!!" you moan as you encourage the doctor to give you what you both want. Your pussy is already wet and you can't wait to get started.
  Feeling his cock between your slick derriere cleft, Dr. Rack groans loudly "I'm going to fucking shove my cock deep between your fucking ass crack, $PC.FirstName! I'm going to fuck your silicone-filled cheeks so hard that I'll be blowing my load fast and hard all over that fat ass!" His grip on your bouncy ass tightens as he starts sliding his _DickSize cock between your ass cleavage. With your $AssSize buttery asscheeks, it's easy for him to keep his dick between them and he quickly gets a steady pace going.
<<if _Sex is "Female">>\
  "Your slick booty feel so fucking great, $PC.FirstName!! My cock feels so good deep between your big buttocks!" Dr. Rack moans as he continues slamming his _DickSD cock between your silicone-filled caboose cleavage. Feeling a sharp slap against your derriere, you let out a gasp of pleasure as you feel your booty jiggle like a bowl of jello and that pleasurable feeling in your ass spikes higher. "Take that, you ass-slut!" the doctor yells as he gives your ass another slap without missing a beat with his steady hotdogging. Using one arm to keep yourself propped up, the other hand slides down to your wet pussy and slides a finger into your tight cunt!
  "I'm sooo glad you like my big badonkadonk, Doc. Cause your big cock feels sooo good sandwiched between my $AssSize asscheeks!" you moans as you feel your pussy get dripping wet as the thought of the doctor getting off due to how juicy your booty is adds to the pleasure. Your finger is quickly sliding in and out of your tight slit while the doctor slowly increases his thrusts against your ass.
  "Oh fuck, I'm so fucking close to cumming! Oh shit, your ass feels so good!" he suddenly yells loudly as his twitching cock shows that he seems to have reached his limts. His thrusting has become erratic and he is moments away from cumming.
  "Keep going Doc! Shoot your fucking load all over my big fake ass!" you moan as you continue to finger your tight pussy as your firm breasts swing wildly from the hard hotdogging. You are feeling very close to cumming as your wet pussy sucks in your fingers and you hope to cum at the same time as Dr. Rack.
  "FUCK YES! I'M SHOOTING MY WAD ALL OVER YOUR BIG FUCKING BOOTY!" he yells as he rapidly slams his _DickSize cock into your ass cleavage several more times before he unleashes a massive shower of white cum all over your $AssSize ass and back! His throbbing cock keeps shooting stream after stream of goo all over your fake buttcheeks painting them a gooey white!
  "Oh God! I'm cumming too!" you scream as your wet pussy unleashes a $GCumAD flood of girl cum all over the floor beneath you. Coming down from your orgasm you swipe some of his cum off your ass and take a taste. It tastes quite good and you can't help but give Dr. Rack a cum-covered smile.
  "Your slick booty feel so fucking great, $PC.FirstName!! My cock feels so good deep between your big buttocks!" Dr. Rack moans as he continues slamming his _DickSD cock between your silicone-filled caboose cleavage. Feeling a sharp slap against your derriere, you let out a gasp of pleasure as you feel your booty jiggle like a bowl of jello and that pleasurable feeling in your ass spikes higher. "Take that, you ass-slut!" the doctor yells as he gives your ass another slap without missing a beat with his steady hotdogging. Using one arm to keep yourself propped up, the other hand slides down to your hard $DickSD futa-cock and start to stroke it!
  "I'm sooo glad you like my big badonkadonk, Doc. Cause your big cock feels sooo good sandwiched between my $AssSize asscheeks!" you moans as you feel your pussy get dripping wet as the thought of the doctor getting off due to how juicy your booty is adds to the pleasure. However you are focused on your hard throbbing dick so you continue stroking your pre-cum leaking shaft while the doctor slowly increases his thrusts against your ass.
  "Oh fuck, I'm so fucking close to cumming! Oh shit, your ass feels so good!" he suddenly yells loudly as his twitching cock shows that he seems to have reached his limts. His thrusting has become erratic and he is moments away from cumming.
  "Keep going Doc! Shoot your fucking load all over my big fake ass!" you moan as you continue to jack your hard cock as your firm breasts swing wildly from the hard hotdogging. You are feeling very close to cumming as your $BallsSD cum-filled balls feel like they are moments away from unleashing your juicy load and you hope to cum at the same time as Dr. Rack.
  "FUCK YES! I'M SHOOTING MY WAD ALL OVER YOUR BIG FUCKING BOOTY!" he yells as he rapidly slams his _DickSize cock into your ass cleavage several more times before he unleashes a massive shower of white cum all over your $AssSize ass and back! His throbbing cock keeps shooting stream after stream of goo all over your fake buttcheeks painting them a gooey white!
  "Oh God! I'm cumming too!" you scream as your cock launches a $CumAD spray of cum that hits the underside of your $BreastSD breasts before dripping down to the floor. Even your pussy cums as you unload a $GCumAD burst of girl-cum all over the floor. Coming down from your orgasm you swipe some of his cum off your ass and take a taste. It tastes quite good and you can't help but give Dr. Rack a cum-covered smile.
  "That was amazing, $PC.FirstName. I mean as a doctor there should be some personal distance from a patient but in these times we have to do our best to let our libidos be satiated while in a safe environment." he says matter-of-factly as he glances at your cum-glazed ass.
  "Well Doc, if you need to have your "libido satiated" I'm more than willing to help you out!" you say as you gather your clothes and get dressed. You use a nearby cloth to wipe off some of his cum but without a shower it will take some time for his goo to dry off.
  "I'll be sure to keep that in mind. You are quite welcome back here any time, well at least during business hours I mean. Here let me show you to the back door so you don't have to worry about being attacked by unwelcome Infested in the clinic." he says as he shows you a one way exit from the back of his office.
<<button [[Leave|Oak Dale Clinic - North Exit]]>>
<<include "Lust Passes">>\
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered +1>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<set $doctorEvent.Appointment to 0>>\
<<set $location.Indoor to 0>>\
<</button>><img src="Images/Suburb/Clinic/clinic2.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set $location.temp to "Oak Dale Clinic Centre Hallway 2">>\
<<set _State to 0>>\
<<include "Time Micro-Passes">>\
<<if $Time.Current >= $Time.Max >>\
<<set _State to "TooLate">>\
<<set $NoEncounter to 1>>\
<<if $NoEncounter < 1>>\
<<set _EncounterRoll2 to 0>>\
<<set _TotalEncounterRoll2 to 0>>\
<<if $StealthSkillFeats.Distraction > 0>>\
<<set _EncounterRoll2 to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<set _TotalEncounterRoll2 to _EncounterRoll2 + $Skill.Stealth + $DexterityBonus + $StatusAffect.IndoorTracking - $StatusAffect.Horny - ($StatusAffect.CumCovered) -2>>\
<<set _EncounterRoll to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<set _TotalEncounterRoll to _EncounterRoll + $Skill.Stealth + $DexterityBonus + $StatusAffect.IndoorTracking - $StatusAffect.Horny - ($StatusAffect.CumCovered)>>\
<<if _TotalEncounterRoll < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current) and _TotalEncounterRoll2 < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current)>>\
<<if _TotalEncounterRoll + ($ThieverySkillFeats.SnareMaster *2) < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current - 10) or (_EncounterRoll < 2)>>\
<<set _State to "Ambush">>\
<<set _State to "Combat">>\
<<set _NPCEncounterRoll to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<if _NPCEncounterRoll > (18 - $ScoutingSkillFeats.KeenEye) and $NoEncounter is 0>>\
<<set _State to "NPC">>\
This partially shadowly hallway ends at what looks to be the entrance to a breakroom with all it's lights on. A few knocked cafeteria chairs clutter this part of the hallway but there doesn't seem to be much more damage than that. A few small stains are splattered on the walls but luckily there isn't any puddles around this section of the hallway. To the north a small locked door can be seen with a Storage Room plate next to it. To the west the hallway continues into darkness as the lights of the breakroom fail to provide much lighting beyond this section of the hallway.
<<if $StatusText.Notice is 1>>\
<<include "Update Status">>\
<<switch _State>>\
<<case "TooLate">>\
<<set $Time.Current to $Time.Max>>\
It's too dangerous to explore the clinic at this time of night.
<<button [[Return Home|Oak Dale Clinic Returning Home]]>>
<<set $NoEncounter to 0>>\
<<case "Ambush">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Ambushed to 1>>\
You've been ambushed by an enemy!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<set $location.Encounter to "Oak Dale Clinic">>\
<<case "Combat">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
A hostile enemy is roaming the hallways!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<set $location.Encounter to "Oak Dale Clinic">>\
<<case "NPC">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
You've encountered something unusual!
<<button [[Encounter|Clinic Event]]>>
<<set $location.Event to "Oak Dale Clinic">>\
<<set $location.prev to $location.temp>>\
<<button [[Check out the Storage Room|Oak Dale Clinic Storage Room Door]]>> <</button>>
<<if $Time.Current is 3 or $Time.Current is 7>>\
<<button [[Break Room|Candy Break]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Break Room|Oak Dale Clinic Break Room]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[West|Oak Dale Clinic North Intersection]]>> <</button>>
<</switch>>\<<set $accessory to {}>>\
<<set $accessory.none = {
type: "Accessory",
type2: "Skills",
subtype : "Athletics",
name : "no accessory",
plural : "accessories",
description : "No accessory is equipped. +0 to Nothing",
bonus: 0,
negativetype: "None",
negative: 0,
quality : 0,
innate: 1,
amount: 1,
cost : 100
<<set $accessory.leathergloves = {
type: "Accessory",
type2: "Skills",
subtype : "Thievery",
name : "a pair of leather gloves",
plural : "leather gloves",
description : "A pair of black leather gloves used by crimincals for nefarious reasons. It gives a +2 to Thievery checks while equipped.",
bonus: 2,
negativetype: "None",
negative: 0,
quality : 1,
amount: 1,
cost : 200
<<set $accessory.goldmedallion = {
type: "Accessory",
type2: "Skills",
subtype : "Social",
name : "a gold medallion",
plural : "gold medallions",
description : "A piece of gold in the shape of a medal, worn as a pendant. It gives a +2 to Social checks while equipped.",
bonus: 1,
negativetype: "None",
negative: 0,
quality : 2,
amount: 1,
cost : 100
<<set $accessory.medicalmask = {
type: "Accessory",
type2: "Saves",
subtype : "Fortitude",
name : "a medical mask",
plural : "medical masks",
description : "A medical device covering the mouth used to help prevent the transmission and reception of diseases. It gives a +2 to Fortitude saves while equipped.",
bonus: 2,
negativetype: "None",
negative: 0,
quality : 1,
amount: 1,
cost : 200
<<set $accessory.smartwatch = {
type: "Accessory",
type2: "Skills",
subtype : "Electronics",
name : "a smart watch",
plural : "smart watches",
description : "A watch with a built in mini-computer that help's with everyday activities. It gives a +2 to Electronics checks while equipped.",
bonus: 2,
negativetype: "None",
negative: 0,
quality : 1,
amount: 1,
cost : 100
<<set $accessory.stethoscope = {
type: "Accessory",
type2: "Skills",
subtype : "Medical",
name : "a stethoscope",
plural : "stethoscopes",
description : "A medical instrument for listening to the action of someone's heart or breathing. It gives a +2 to Medical checks while equipped.",
bonus: 2,
negativetype: "None",
negative: 0,
quality : 1,
amount: 1,
cost : 100
<<set $accessory.warmscarf = {
type: "Accessory",
type2: "Defense",
subtype : "Cold",
name : "a warm scarf",
plural : "scarfs",
description : "A warm scarf used in the colder months to protect against the deep chiils of the mountains. It gives +1 Cold Resistance while equipped.",
bonus: 1,
negativetype: "None",
negative: 0,
quality : 1,
amount: 1,
cost : 100
<<set $accessory.lightparasol = {
type: "Accessory",
type2: "Defense",
subtype : "Water",
name : "a light parasol",
plural : "scarfs",
description : "A light parasol used to protect against harsh sunlight and some light rain. It gives +1 Water Resistance while equipped.",
bonus: 1,
negativetype: "None",
negative: 0,
quality : 1,
amount: 1,
cost : 100
<<set $accessory.whitesantahat = {
type: "Accessory",
type2: "Misc",
subtype : "Cum",
name : "a white santa hat",
plural : "white santa hats",
description : "A white santa hat that protects your head during winter and more importantly helps promote a white Christmas. It gives +1 to minimum Cum stored as well as +1 to maximum Cum stored for as long as you wear it.",
bonus: 1,
negativetype: "None",
negative: 0,
quality : 1,
amount: 1,
cost : 100
<<set $accessory.redsantahat = {
type: "Accessory",
type2: "Misc",
subtype : "Lust",
name : "a red santa hat",
plural : "red santa hats",
description : "A red santa hat that protects your head during winter and more importantly helps promote a lust-filled Christmas. It gives +5 to minimum lust for as long as you wear it.",
bonus: 5,
negativetype: "None",
negative: 0,
quality : 1,
amount: 1,
cost : 100
<<set $accessory.silverbrooch = {
type: "Accessory",
type2: "Saves",
subtype : "Infested Resist",
name : "a silver winter brooch",
plural : "silver winter brooches",
description : "A silver winter brooch that shows off the holiday spirits and more importantly helps promote a Infested-free Christmas. It gives +2 bonus to resist gaining any Infested % as long as you wear it.",
bonus: 2,
negativetype: "None",
negative: 0,
quality : 1,
amount: 1,
cost : 100
<<set $accessory.goldbrooch = {
type: "Accessory",
type2: "Defense",
subtype : "Lust Resist",
name : "a gold winter brooch",
plural : "gold winter brooches",
description : "A gold winter brooch that shows off the holiday spirits and more importantly helps promote a Infested-free Christmas. It reduces all lust gains by 1 as long as you wear it.",
bonus: 1,
negativetype: "None",
negative: 0,
quality : 1,
amount: 1,
cost : 100
<<set $accessory.headband = {
type: "Accessory",
type2: "Skills",
subtype : "Athletics",
name : "a headband",
plural : "headbands",
description : "A sport headband used to keep sweat away from your eyes. It gives a +2 to Athletic checks while equipped.",
bonus: 2,
negativetype: "None",
negative: 0,
quality : 1,
amount: 1,
cost : 200
}>>\<<set _CurrentAccessoryEQ = $EquippedAccessory.first()>>\
Here are the accessories in your inventory that you can equip.
<<for $i = 0; $i < $PCInventory.length; $i++>>\
<<set $accessoryEQ = $PCInventory[$i]>>\
<<if $accessoryEQ.type is "Accessory">>\
<<set $ItemName to $accessoryEQ.name>>\
<<capture $accessoryEQ>>\
<span id="equipButton"><<button "Equip $ItemName" >></span><<set $eaccessory2 to $accessoryEQ>>\
<<set $equipedAccessory to $eaccessory2>>\
/* Put copy of Current Accessory Weapon back in main inventory */
<<set _exists to 0>>\
<<for $j = 0; $j < $PCInventory.length; $j++>>\
<<set $uitem = $PCInventory[$j]>>\
<<set $ItemName to $uitem.name>>\
<<set _TempName to _CurrentAccessoryEQ.name>>\
<<if $ItemName is _TempName>>\
<<set _amount to $uitem.amount>>\
<<set _exists to 1>>\
<<if _exists is 1>>\
<<set _amount to _amount +1>>\
<<set $uitem.amount to _amount>>\
<<set $PCInventory.push(_CurrentAccessoryEQ)>>\
/* Deletes old equipped weapon from Equipped inventory */
<<set $EquippedAccessory.delete( _CurrentAccessoryEQ)>>\
/* puts new equipped weapon into Equipped inventory */
<<set $EquippedAccessory.push($equipedAccessory)>>\
/* deletes current weapon from main inventory */
<<set $PCInventory.delete($equipedAccessory)>>\
/* resets Item bonus */
<<set $PC.Fortitude to $PC.Fortitude - $ItemBonus.Fortitude>>\
<<set $PC.Reflex to $PC.Reflex - $ItemBonus.Reflex>>\
<<set $PC.Willpower to $PC.Willpower - $ItemBonus.Willpower>>\
<<set $PCResistance.Blunt to $PCResistance.Blunt - $ItemBonus.Blunt>>\
<<set $PCResistance.Pierce to $PCResistance.Pierce - $ItemBonus.Pierce>>\
<<set $PCResistance.Slash to $PCResistance.Slash - $ItemBonus.Slash>>\
<<set $PCResistance.Fire to $PCResistance.Fire - $ItemBonus.Fire>>\
<<set $PCResistance.Cold to $PCResistance.Cold - $ItemBonus.Cold>>\
<<set $PCResistance.Shock to $PCResistance.Shock - $ItemBonus.Shock>>\
<<set $PCResistance.Acid to $PCResistance.Acid - $ItemBonus.Acid>>\
<<set $PCResistance.Sonic to $PCResistance.Sonic - $ItemBonus.Sonic>>\
<<set $PCResistance.Water to $PCResistance.Water - $ItemBonus.Water>>\
<<set $Skill.Athletics to $Skill.Athletics - $ItemBonus.Athletics>>\
<<set $Skill.Crafting to $Skill.Crafting - $ItemBonus.Crafting>>\
<<set $Skill.Cooking to $Skill.Cooking - $ItemBonus.Cooking>>\
<<set $Skill.Driving to $Skill.Driving - $ItemBonus.Driving>>\
<<set $Skill.Electronics to $Skill.Electronics - $ItemBonus.Electronics>>\
<<set $Skill.Medical to $Skill.Medical - $ItemBonus.Medical>>\
<<set $Skill.Salvaging to $Skill.Salvaging - $ItemBonus.Salvaging>>\
<<set $Skill.Scouting to $Skill.Scouting - $ItemBonus.Scouting>>\
<<set $Skill.Social to $Skill.Social - $ItemBonus.Social>>\
<<set $Skill.Stealth to $Skill.Stealth - $ItemBonus.Stealth>>\
<<set $Skill.Thievery to $Skill.Thievery - $ItemBonus.Thievery>>\
<<set $Cum.Max to $Cum.Max - $ItemBonus.Cum>>\
<<set $Cum.Min to $Cum.Min - $ItemBonus.Cum>>\
<<set $GCum.Max to $GCum.Max - $ItemBonus.Cum>>\
<<set $GCum.Min to $GCum.Min - $ItemBonus.Cum>>\
<<set $MinLust to $MinLust - $ItemBonus.Lust>>\
<<set $InfectionResist.Fort to $InfectionResist.Fort - $ItemBonus.InfestedResist>>\
<<set $LustResist.Complete to $LustResist.Complete - $ItemBonus.LustResist>>\
<<set $ItemBonus to {Athletics: 0, Crafting: 0, Cooking: 0, Driving: 0, Electronics: 0, Medical: 0, Salvaging: 0, Scouting: 0, Social: 0, Stealth: 0, Thievery: 0, Fortitude: 0, Reflex: 0, Willpower: 0, Blunt: 0, Pierce: 0, Slash: 0, Fire: 0, Cold: 0, Shock: 0, Acid: 0, Sonic: 0, Water: 0, Cum: 0, Lust: 0, InfestedResist: 0, LustResist: 0}>>\
<<switch $equipedAccessory.type2>>\
<<case "Saves">>\
<<switch $equipedAccessory.subtype>>\
<<case "Fortitude">>\
<<set $ItemBonus.Fortitude to $equipedAccessory.bonus>>\
<<set $PC.Fortitude to $PC.Fortitude + $ItemBonus.Fortitude>>\
<<case "Reflex">>\
<<set $ItemBonus.Reflex to $equipedAccessory.bonus>>\
<<set $PC.Reflex to $PC.Reflex + $ItemBonus.Reflex>>\
<<case "Willpower">>\
<<set $ItemBonus.Willpower to $equipedAccessory.bonus>>\
<<set $PC.Willpower to $PC.Willpower + $ItemBonus.Willpower>>\
<<case "Infested Resist">>\
<<set $ItemBonus.InfestedResist to $equipedAccessory.bonus>>\
<<set $InfectionResist.Fort to $InfectionResist.Fort + $ItemBonus.InfestedResist>>\
<<case "Skills">>\
<<switch $equipedAccessory.subtype>>\
<<case "Athletics">>\
<<set $ItemBonus.Athletics to $equipedAccessory.bonus>>\
<<set $Skill.Athletics to $Skill.Athletics + $ItemBonus.Athletics>>\
<<case "Crafting">>\
<<set $ItemBonus.Crafting to $equipedAccessory.bonus>>\
<<set $Skill.Crafting to $Skill.Crafting + $ItemBonus.Crafting>>\
<<case "Cooking">>\
<<set $ItemBonus.Cooking to $equipedAccessory.bonus>>\
<<set $Skill.Cooking to $Skill.Cooking + $ItemBonus.Cooking>>\
<<case "Driving">>\
<<set $ItemBonus.Driving to $equipedAccessory.bonus>>\
<<set $Skill.Driving to $Skill.Driving + $ItemBonus.Driving>>\
<<case "Electronics">>\
<<set $ItemBonus.Electronics to $equipedAccessory.bonus>>\
<<set $Skill.Electronics to $Skill.Electronics + $ItemBonus.Electronics>>\
<<case "Medical">>\
<<set $ItemBonus.Medical to $equipedAccessory.bonus>>\
<<set $Skill.Medical to $Skill.Medical + $ItemBonus.Medical>>\
<<case "Salvaging">>\
<<set $ItemBonus.Salvaging to $equipedAccessory.bonus>>\
<<set $Skill.Salvaging to $Skill.Salvaging + $ItemBonus.Salvaging>>\
<<case "Scouting">>\
<<set $ItemBonus.Scouting to $equipedAccessory.bonus>>\
<<set $Skill.Scouting to $Skill.Scouting + $ItemBonus.Scouting>>\
<<case "Social">>\
<<set $ItemBonus.Social to $equipedAccessory.bonus>>\
<<set $Skill.Social to $Skill.Social + $ItemBonus.Social>>\
<<case "Stealth">>\
<<set $ItemBonus.Stealth to $equipedAccessory.bonus>>\
<<set $Skill.Stealth to $Skill.Stealth + $ItemBonus.Stealth>>\
<<case "Thievery">>\
<<set $ItemBonus.Thievery to $equipedAccessory.bonus>>\
<<set $Skill.Thievery to $Skill.Thievery + $ItemBonus.Thievery>>\
<<case "Defense">>\
<<switch $equipedAccessory.subtype>>\
<<case "Blunt">>\
<<set $ItemBonus.Blunt to $equipedAccessory.bonus>>\
<<set $PCResistance.Blunt to $PCResistance.Blunt + $ItemBonus.Blunt>>\
<<case "Pierce">>\
<<set $ItemBonus.Pierce to $equipedAccessory.bonus>>\
<<set $PCResistance.Pierce to $PCResistance.Pierce + $ItemBonus.Pierce>>\
<<case "Slash">>\
<<set $ItemBonus.Slash to $equipedAccessory.bonus>>\
<<set $PCResistance.Slash to $PCResistance.Slash + $ItemBonus.Slash>>\
<<case "Fire">>\
<<set $ItemBonus.Fire to $equipedAccessory.bonus>>\
<<set $PCResistance.Fire to $PCResistance.Fire + $ItemBonus.Fire>>\
<<case "Cold">>\
<<set $ItemBonus.Cold to $equipedAccessory.bonus>>\
<<set $PCResistance.Cold to $PCResistance.Cold + $ItemBonus.Cold>>\
<<case "Shock">>\
<<set $ItemBonus.Shock to $equipedAccessory.bonus>>\
<<set $PCResistance.Shock to $PCResistance.Shock + $ItemBonus.Shock>>\
<<case "Acid">>\
<<set $ItemBonus.Acid to $equipedAccessory.bonus>>\
<<set $PCResistance.Acid to $PCResistance.Acid + $ItemBonus.Acid>>\
<<case "Sonic">>\
<<set $ItemBonus.Sonic to $equipedAccessory.bonus>>\
<<set $PCResistance.Sonic to $PCResistance.Sonic + $ItemBonus.Sonic>>\
<<case "Water">>\
<<set $ItemBonus.Water to $equipedAccessory.bonus>>\
<<set $PCResistance.Water to $PCResistance.Water + $ItemBonus.Water>>\
<<case "Lust">>\
<<set $ItemBonus.LustResist to $equipedAccessory.bonus>>\
<<set $LustResist.Complete to $LustResist.Complete + $ItemBonus.LustResist>>\
<<case "Misc">>
<<switch $equipedAccessory.subtype>>\
<<case "Cum">>\
<<set $ItemBonus.Cum to $equipedAccessory.bonus>>\
<<set $Cum.Max to $Cum.Max + $ItemBonus.Cum>>\
<<set $Cum.Min to $Cum.Min + $ItemBonus.Cum>>\
<<set $GCum.Max to $GCum.Max + $ItemBonus.Cum>>\
<<set $GCum.Min to $GCum.Min + $ItemBonus.Cum>>\
<<case "Lust">>\
<<set $ItemBonus.Lust to $equipedAccessory.bonus>>\
<<set $MinLust to $MinLust + $ItemBonus.Lust>>\
<<script>>state.display(state.active.title, null, "back")<</script>>\
In slot one you have <b>$equipedAccessory.name</b> equipped.
In slot two you have <b>$equipedAccessory2.name</b> equipped.
<<button [[Back to Inventory|Inventory]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<button "Finish" $return>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</button>><<include "Adlibs">>\
<<set $SexScene1 to random(2)>>\
<<switch $SexScene1>>\
<<default>>\ /* Fingering Sex*/
<<include "Infested Milker Fingering Sex Dominate Female">>\
<</switch>> <img src="Images/Suburb/Clinic/restroom.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set $location.temp to "Oak Dale Clinic Restroom">>\
<<set _EncounterStop to 0>>\
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<set _lusty to random(3) +1 + $StatusAffect.Horny - $LustResist.Complete>>\
<<if _lusty < 0>>\
<<set _lusty to 0>>\
<<set $lust to $lust + _lusty>>\
Searching around the filthy restoom you manage to find a janitor's key lying of the floor underneath the countertop sink. You manage to snag it but not before getting a huge whiff of pure sex from the fluids coating a good chunk of the floor.
<div class="pcTalk"><i> Looks like this key might be used to open a couple of physical locks...</i></div>
<<set _tempLoot to $item.clinickey>>\
<<set $KeyItems.push(_tempLoot)>>\
<<set $KeyItemsFlags.ClinicKey to 1>>\
<<button [[Finish|Oak Dale Clinic Restroom]]>> <</button>><<set $item.locksmithtools = {
type : "key",
name : "locksmith tool",
plural : "locksmith tools",
description : "a multi-use locksmith tool with various attachments and heads used for unlocking multiple types of locks",
quality : 1,
cost : 99
<<set $item.doubledildo = {
type : "key",
name : "a double-ended dildo",
plural : "double-ended dildos",
description : "double ended dildo used to pleasure two females at once",
quality : 3,
cost : 99
<<set $item.bankaccess = {
type : "key",
name : "a bank branch access card",
plural : "bank branch access cards",
description : "key card used to access a northern suburban bank branch",
quality : 3,
cost : 99
<<set $item.clinickey = {
type : "key",
name : "a Oak Dale clinic key",
plural : "Oak Dale clinic keys",
description : "a key used to access the storage room at the Oak Dale clinic",
quality : 3,
cost : 99
<<set $item.gateaccess = {
type : "key",
name : "Busch Bank gate gate opener",
plural : "Busch Bank gate gate openers",
description : "a gate opener used to open the Busch Bank gate",
quality : 3,
cost : 99
<<set $item.spikestrip = {
type : "key",
name : "a roll of spike strips",
plural : "a roll of spike strips",
description : "a set of spike strips used to pop the tires of cars",
quality : 1,
cost : 99
<<set $item.badfood = {
type : "key",
name : "a badly cooked set of rations",
plural : "a badly cooked set of rations",
description : "a badly cooked set of rations that will cause severe food poisoning",
quality : 1,
cost : 99
<<set $item.xxxhentaibook = {
type : "key",
name : "a hentai manga",
plural : "a set of hentai manga",
description : "a slightly used hentai manga of <i>My XXX Girlfriend is the Overfiend!</i> vol 1",
quality : 1,
cost : 35
}>>\ <<set $armor.jacket = {
type : "armor",
name : "windbreaker jacket",
plural : "windbreaker jackets",
AC : 1,
DR : 1,
Blunt: 1,
Pierce: 1,
Slash: 1,
Fire: 0,
Cold: 1,
Shock: 0,
Acid: 0,
Sonic: 0,
Water: 1,
prof : "Light",
MaxDex : 8,
description : "A heavy windbreaker jacket used to keep the chill off in the Fall.",
description2 : "It is light armor that provides +1 AC. It also provides 1 Resistance to Blunt, Pierce, Slash and Cold damage and 1 Resistance to Water.",
quality : 1,
superior: 0,
critresist: 0,
special: "None",
hp: 15,
repair: "Cloth",
amount: 1,
cost : 50
<<set $armor.superiorjacket = {
type : "armor",
name : "superior windbreaker jacket",
plural : "superior windbreaker jackets",
AC : 2,
DR : 1,
Blunt: 1,
Pierce: 1,
Slash: 1,
Fire: 0,
Cold: 1,
Shock: 0,
Acid: 0,
Sonic: 0,
Water: 1,
prof : "Light",
MaxDex : 8,
description : "A strong windbreaker jacket used to keep the chill off in the Fall.",
description2 : "It is light armor that provides +2 AC, and +1 to Saves. It also provides 1 Resistance to Blunt, Pierce, Slash and Cold damage and 1 Resistance to Water.",
quality : 1,
superior: 1,
critresist: 0,
special: "None",
hp: 30,
repair: "Cloth",
amount: 1,
cost : 150
<<set $armor.raincoat = {
type : "armor",
name : "rain coat",
plural : "rain coats",
AC : 1,
DR : 1,
Blunt: 1,
Pierce: 1,
Slash: 1,
Fire: 0,
Cold: 0,
Shock: 0,
Acid: 0,
Sonic: 0,
Water: 3,
prof : "Light",
MaxDex : 8,
description : "A light rain coat used to keep a person dry even in heavy rainstormsl.",
description2 : "It is light armor that provides +1 AC. It also provides 1 Resistance to Blunt, Pierce, Slash and 3 Resistance to Water.",
quality : 1,
superior: 0,
critresist: 0,
special: "None",
hp: 15,
repair: "Cloth",
amount: 1,
cost : 50
<<set $armor.superiorraincoat = {
type : "armor",
name : "superior rain coat",
plural : "superior rain coats",
AC : 1,
DR : 1,
Blunt: 1,
Pierce: 1,
Slash: 1,
Fire: 0,
Cold: 0,
Shock: 0,
Acid: 0,
Sonic: 0,
Water: 3,
prof : "Light",
MaxDex : 8,
description : "A light rain coat used to keep a person dry even in heavy rainstorms.",
description2 : "It is light armor that provides +1 AC. It also provides 1 Resistance to Blunt, Pierce, Slash and 3 Resistance to Water.",
quality : 1,
superior: 0,
critresist: 0,
special: "None",
hp: 15,
repair: "Cloth",
amount: 1,
cost : 50
<<set $armor.leatherjacket = {
type : "armor",
name : "leather jacket",
plural : "leather jackets",
AC : 2,
DR : 1,
Blunt: 1,
Pierce: 1,
Slash: 1,
Fire: 0,
Cold: 2,
Shock: 0,
Acid: 0,
Sonic: 0,
Water: 1,
prof : "Light",
MaxDex : 7,
description : "A leather jacket used to keep warm at night and somewhat keeps you dry in a storm.",
description2 : "It is light armor that provides +2 AC. It also provides 1 Resistance to Blunt, Pierce, and Slash damage, 2 Resistance to Cold damage and 1 Resistance to Water.",
quality : 1,
superior: 0,
critresist: 0,
special: "None",
hp: 25,
repair: "Cloth",
amount: 1,
cost : 75
<<set $armor.superiorleatherjacket = {
type : "armor",
name : "superior leather jacket",
plural : "superior leather jackets",
AC : 3,
DR : 1,
Blunt: 1,
Pierce: 1,
Slash: 1,
Fire: 0,
Cold: 2,
Shock: 0,
Acid: 0,
Sonic: 0,
Water: 1,
prof : "Light",
MaxDex : 7,
description : "A leather jacket used to keep warm at night somewhat keeps you dry in a storm.",
description2 : "It is light armor that provides +3 AC, and +1 to Saves. It also provides 1 Resistance to Blunt, Pierce, and Slash damage, 2 Resistance to Cold damage and 1 Resistance to Water.",
quality : 1,
superior: 1,
critresist: 0,
special: "None",
hp: 50,
repair: "Cloth",
amount: 1,
cost : 175
<<set $armor.parka = {
type : "armor",
name : "parka coat",
plural : "parka coats",
AC : 2,
DR : 1,
Blunt: 1,
Pierce: 1,
Slash: 1,
Fire: 0,
Cold: 3,
Shock: 0,
Acid: 0,
Sonic: 0,
Water: 2,
prof : "Light",
MaxDex : 7,
description : "A wool lined parka used to keep warm at night and dry in a rain storm.",
description2 : "It is light armor that provides +2 AC. It also provides 1 Resistance to Blunt, Pierce, and Slash damage, 3 Resistance to Cold damage and 2 Resistance to Water.",
quality : 1,
superior: 0,
critresist: 0,
special: "None",
hp: 25,
repair: "Cloth",
amount: 1,
cost : 75
<<set $armor.superiorparka = {
type : "armor",
name : "superior parka coat",
plural : "superior parka coats",
AC : 3,
DR : 1,
Blunt: 1,
Pierce: 1,
Slash: 1,
Fire: 0,
Cold: 3,
Shock: 0,
Acid: 0,
Sonic: 0,
Water: 2,
prof : "Light",
MaxDex : 7,
description : "A wool lined parka used to keep warm at night and dry in a rain storm.",
description2 : "It is light armor that provides +3 AC, and +1 to Saves. It also provides 1 Resistance to Blunt, Pierce, and Slash damage, 3 Resistance to Cold damage and 2 Resistance to Water.",
quality : 1,
superior: 0,
critresist: 0,
special: "None",
hp: 25,
repair: "Cloth",
amount: 1,
cost : 75
<<set $armor.doctorcoat = {
type : "armor",
name : "doctor's coat",
plural : "doctor's coats",
AC : 2,
DR : 1,
Blunt: 1,
Pierce: 1,
Slash: 1,
Fire: 0,
Cold: 0,
Shock: 0,
Acid: 5,
Sonic: 0,
Water: 3,
prof : "Light",
MaxDex : 7,
description : "A lightweight coat typically used by doctors and lab technicians. It has excellent splash protection.",
description2 : "It is light armor that provides +2 AC. It also provides 1 Resistance to Blunt, Pierce and Slash damage, 3 Resistance to Water and 5 Resistance to Acid damage.",
quality : 1,
superior: 0,
critresist: 0,
special: "None",
hp: 50,
repair: "Cloth",
amount: 1,
cost : 200
<<set $armor.superiordoctorcoat = {
type : "armor",
name : "superior doctor's coat",
plural : "superior doctor's coats",
AC : 3,
DR : 1,
Blunt: 1,
Pierce: 1,
Slash: 1,
Fire: 0,
Cold: 0,
Shock: 0,
Acid: 5,
Sonic: 0,
Water: 3,
prof : "Light",
MaxDex : 7,
description : "A strong lightweight coat typically used by doctors and lab technicians. It has excellent splash protection.",
description2 : "It is light armor that provides +3 AC, and +1 to Saves. It also provides 1 Resistance to Blunt, Pierce and Slash damage, 3 Resistance to Water and 5 Resistance to Acid damage.",
quality : 1,
superior: 1,
critresist: 0,
special: "None",
hp: 100,
repair: "Cloth",
amount: 1,
cost : 500
<<set $armor.skijacket = {
type : "armor",
name : "puffer jacket",
plural : "puffer jackets",
AC : 2,
DR : 1,
Blunt: 1,
Pierce: 1,
Slash: 1,
Fire: 0,
Cold: 5,
Shock: 0,
Acid: 0,
Sonic: 0,
Water: 2,
prof : "Light",
MaxDex : 6,
description : "A puffer jacket used to keep warm in the dead of winter even on top of tall mountains.",
description2 : "It is light armor that provides +2 AC. It also provides 1 Resistance to Blunt, Pierce and Slash damage, 5 Resistance to Cold damage and 3 Resistance to Water.",
quality : 2,
superior: 0,
critresist: 0,
special: "None",
hp: 27,
repair: "Cloth",
amount: 1,
cost : 100
<<set $armor.superiorskijacket = {
type : "armor",
name : "superior puffer jacket",
plural : "superior puffer jackets",
AC : 3,
DR : 1,
Blunt: 1,
Pierce: 1,
Slash: 1,
Fire: 0,
Cold: 5,
Shock: 0,
Acid: 0,
Sonic: 0,
Water: 2,
prof : "Light",
MaxDex : 6,
description : "A strong puffer jacket used to keep warm in the dead of winter even on top of tall mountains.",
description2 : "It is light armor that provides +3 AC, and +1 to Saves. It also provides 1 Resistance to Blunt, Pierce and Slash damage, 5 Resistance to Cold damage and 3 Resistance to Water.",
quality : 2,
superior: 1,
critresist: 0,
special: "None",
hp: 55,
repair: "Cloth",
amount: 1,
cost : 200
<<set $armor.spikedleatherjacket = {
type : "armor",
name : "spiked leather jacket",
plural : "spiked leather jackets",
AC : 1,
DR : 2,
Blunt: 2,
Pierce: 2,
Slash: 2,
Fire: 0,
Cold: 1,
Shock: 0,
Acid: 0,
Sonic: 0,
Water: 0,
prof : "Light",
MaxDex : 6,
description : "A leather jacket with metal spikes, rusty chains and random metal patches provides a road warrior apocalypse style.",
description2 : "It is light armor that provides +1 AC. It also provides 2 Resistance to Blunt, Pierce, and Slash damage and 1 Resistance to Cold damage.",
quality : 2,
superior: 0,
critresist: 0,
special: "None",
hp: 30,
repair: "Metal",
amount: 1,
cost : 500
<<set $armor.superiorspikedleatherjacket = {
type : "armor",
name : "superior spiked leather jacket",
plural : "superior spiked leather jackets",
AC : 2,
DR : 2,
Blunt: 2,
Pierce: 2,
Slash: 2,
Fire: 0,
Cold: 1,
Shock: 0,
Acid: 0,
Sonic: 0,
Water: 0,
prof : "Light",
MaxDex : 6,
description : "A glossy leather jacket with metal spikes, bright shiny chains and random metal patches provides a road warrior apocalypse style.",
description2 : "It is light armor that provides +2 AC and +1 to Saves. It also provides 2 Resistance to Blunt, Pierce, and Slash damage and 1 Resistance to Cold damage.",
quality : 2,
superior: 1,
critresist: 0,
special: "None",
hp: 60,
repair: "Metal",
amount: 1,
cost : 1000
<<set $armor.heavytrenchcoat = {
type : "armor",
name : "heavy leather trenchcoat",
plural : "heavy leather trenchcoats",
AC : 2,
DR : 1,
Blunt: 1,
Pierce: 1,
Slash: 1,
Fire: 0,
Cold: 3,
Shock: 0,
Acid: 0,
Sonic: 0,
Water: 3,
prof : "Light",
MaxDex : 6,
description : "A leather trenchcoat used to keep the harsh cold of Winter away.",
description2 : "It is light armor that provides +2 AC. It also provides 1 Resistance to Blunt, Pierce, and Slash damage, 3 Resistance to Cold damage and 3 Resistance to Water.",
quality : 1,
superior: 0,
critresist: 0,
special: "None",
hp: 30,
repair: "Cloth",
amount: 1,
cost : 200
<<set $armor.superiorheavytrenchcoat = {
type : "armor",
name : "superior heavy leather trenchcoat",
plural : "superior heavy leather trenchcoats",
AC : 3,
DR : 1,
Blunt: 1,
Pierce: 1,
Slash: 1,
Fire: 0,
Cold: 3,
Shock: 0,
Acid: 0,
Sonic: 0,
Water: 3,
prof : "Light",
MaxDex : 6,
description : "A heavy leather tenchcoat used to keep the harshest cold of Winter away.",
description2 : "It is light armor that provides +3 AC and +1 to Saves. It also provides 1 Resistance to Blunt, Pierce, and Slash damage, 3 Resistance to Cold damage and 3 Resistance to Water.",
quality : 1,
superior: 1,
critresist: 0,
special: "None",
hp: 60,
repair: "Cloth",
amount: 1,
cost : 300
<<set $armor.ninjaarmor = {
type : "armor",
name : "ninja armor",
plural : "ninja armors",
AC : 2,
DR : 1,
Blunt: 1,
Pierce: 1,
Slash: 2,
Fire: 0,
Cold: 1,
Shock: 0,
Acid: 0,
Sonic: 0,
Water: 1,
prof : "Light",
MaxDex : 6,
description : "A black suit of clothing reinforced with a thin chainlink underweave.",
description2 : "It is light armor that provides +2 AC. It also provides 1 Resistance to Blunt, Pierce damage and 2 Resistance to Slash damage, 1 Resistance to Cold damage and 1 Resistance to Water.",
quality : 1,
superior: 0,
critresist: 0,
special: "None",
hp: 40,
repair: "Cloth",
amount: 1,
cost : 200
<<set $armor.superiorninjaarmor = {
type : "armor",
name : "superior ninja armor",
plural : "superior ninja armors",
AC : 3,
DR : 1,
Blunt: 1,
Pierce: 1,
Slash: 2,
Fire: 0,
Cold: 1,
Shock: 0,
Acid: 0,
Sonic: 0,
Water: 1,
prof : "Light",
MaxDex : 6,
description : "A expertly crafted black suit of clothing reinforced with a strong chainlink underweave.",
description2 : "It is light armor that provides +3 AC and +1 to Saves. It also provides 1 Resistance to Blunt, Pierce damage and 2 Resistance to Slash damage, 1 Resistance to Cold damage and 1 Resistance to Water.",
quality : 1,
superior: 1,
critresist: 0,
special: "None",
hp: 40,
repair: "Cloth",
amount: 1,
cost : 200
<<set $armor.sexyninjaarmor = {
type : "armor",
name : "skimpy ninja armor",
plural : "skimpy ninja armors",
AC : 1,
DR : 1,
Blunt: 1,
Pierce: 1,
Slash: 2,
Fire: 0,
Cold: 1,
Shock: 0,
Acid: 0,
Sonic: 0,
Water: 1,
prof : "Light",
MaxDex : 6,
description : "A skimpy suit of clothing reinforced with a thin chainlink underweave that does not protect the chest area nor the groin.",
description2 : "It is light armor that provides +1 AC. It also provides 1 Resistance to Blunt, Pierce damage and 2 Resistance to Slash damage, 1 Resistance to Cold damage, 1 Resistance to Water and has a 10% chance to resist Criticals.",
quality : 1,
superior: 0,
critresist: 2,
special: "Sexy",
hp: 40,
repair: "Cloth",
amount: 1,
cost : 300
<<set $armor.superiorsexyninjaarmor = {
type : "armor",
name : "superior skimpy ninja armor",
plural : "superior skimpy ninja armors",
AC : 1,
DR : 1,
Blunt: 1,
Pierce: 1,
Slash: 2,
Fire: 0,
Cold: 1,
Shock: 0,
Acid: 0,
Sonic: 0,
Water: 1,
prof : "Light",
MaxDex : 6,
description : "A skimpy suit of clothing reinforced with a strong chainlink underweave that does not protect the chest area nor the groin.",
description2 : "It is light armor that provides +2 AC. It also provides 1 Resistance to Blunt, Pierce damage and 2 Resistance to Slash damage, 1 Resistance to Cold damage, 1 Resistance to Water and has a 10% chance to resist Criticals.",
quality : 1,
superior: 1,
critresist: 2,
special: "Sexy",
hp: 40,
repair: "Cloth",
amount: 1,
cost : 400
<<set $armor.motorcyclejacket = {
type : "armor",
name : "motorcycle jacket",
plural : "motorcycle jackets",
AC : 3,
DR : 1,
Blunt: 1,
Pierce: 1,
Slash: 1,
Fire: 0,
Cold: 2,
Shock: 0,
Acid: 0,
Sonic: 0,
Water: 2,
prof : "Light",
MaxDex : 5,
description : "A motorcycle jacket with metal plates sown in for extra protection for bad wrecks.",
description2 : "It is light armor that provides +3 AC. It also provides 1 Resistance to Blunt, Pierce and Slash damage, 2 Resistance to Cold damage and 2 Resistance to Water.",
quality : 1,
superior: 0,
critresist: 0,
special: "None",
hp: 40,
repair: "Cloth",
amount: 1,
cost : 150
<<set $armor.superiormotorcyclejacket = {
type : "armor",
name : "superior motorcycle jacket",
plural : "superior motorcycle jackets",
AC : 4,
DR : 1,
Blunt: 1,
Pierce: 1,
Slash: 1,
Fire: 0,
Cold: 2,
Shock: 0,
Acid: 0,
Sonic: 0,
Water: 2,
prof : "Light",
MaxDex : 5,
description : "A strong motorcycle jacket with solid metal plates sown in for extra protection for bad wrecks.",
description2 : "It is light armor that provides +4 AC and +1 to Saves. It also provides 1 Resistance to Blunt, Pierce and Slash damage, 2 Resistance to Cold damage and 2 Resistance to Water",
quality : 1,
superior: 1,
critresist: 0,
special: "None",
hp: 80,
repair: "Cloth",
amount: 1,
cost : 300
}>>\<<set $armor.firefightertrenchcoat = {
type : "armor",
name : "firefighting trenchcoat",
plural : "firefighting trenchcoats",
AC : 2,
DR : 2,
Blunt: 2,
Pierce: 2,
Slash: 2,
Fire: 5,
Cold: 2,
Shock: 0,
Acid: 0,
Sonic: 0,
Water: 2,
prof : "Medium",
MaxDex : 4,
description : "Earlier style of fire fighting uniform still used in places without access to the newest bunker gear",
description2 : "It is medium armor that provides +2 AC. It also provides 2 Resistance to Blunt, Pierce, Slash, and Cold damage, 5 Resistance to Fire damage and 2 Resistance to Water.",
quality : 1,
superior: 0,
critresist: 0,
special: "None",
hp: 75,
mat1: "Cloth",
mat1amount: 100,
repair: "Cloth",
amount: 1,
cost : 500
<<set $armor.superiorfirefightertrenchcoat = {
type : "armor",
name : "firefighting trenchcoat",
plural : "firefighting trenchcoats",
AC : 3,
DR : 2,
Blunt: 2,
Pierce: 2,
Slash: 2,
Fire: 5,
Cold: 2,
Shock: 0,
Acid: 0,
Sonic: 0,
Water: 2,
prof : "Medium",
MaxDex : 4,
description : "Earlier style of fire fighting uniform still used in places without access to the newest bunker gear",
description2 : "It is medium armor that proves +3 AC, and +1 to Saves. It also provides 2 Resistance to Blunt, Pierce, Slash, and Cold damage, 5 Resistance to Fire damage, and 2 Resistance to Water.",
quality : 1,
superior: 1,
critresist: 0,
special: "None",
hp: 150,
mat1: "Cloth",
mat1amount: 100,
repair: "Cloth",
amount: 1,
cost : 1000
<<set $armor.chainmail = {
type : "armor",
name : "chainmail armor",
plural : "chainmail armors",
AC : 3,
DR : 2,
Blunt: 2,
Pierce: 2,
Slash: 2,
Fire: 0,
Cold: 0,
Shock: 0,
Acid: 0,
Sonic: 0,
Water: 0,
prof : "Medium",
MaxDex : 3,
description : "Medieval style chainmail armor might be out of style but is still useful against Infested",
description2 : "It is medium armor that provides +3 AC. It also provides 2 Resistance to Blunt, Pierce and Slash damage and a 20% chance to resist Criticals.",
quality : 2,
superior: 0,
critresist: 4,
special: "None",
hp: 75,
mat1: "Metal",
mat1amount: 50,
repair: "Metal",
amount: 1,
cost : 800
<<set $armor.superiorchainmail = {
type : "armor",
name : "superior chainmail armor",
plural : "superior chainmail armors",
AC : 4,
DR : 2,
Blunt: 2,
Pierce: 2,
Slash: 2,
Fire: 0,
Cold: 0,
Shock: 0,
Acid: 0,
Sonic: 0,
Water: 0,
prof : "Medium",
MaxDex : 3,
description : "Medieval style chainmail armor might be out of style but is still useful against Infested",
description2 : "It is medium armor that provides +4 AC and +1 to Saves. It also provides 3 Resistance to Blunt, Pierce and Slash damage and a 20% chance to resist Criticals.",
quality : 2,
superior: 1,
critresist: 4,
special: "None",
hp: 150,
repair: "Metal",
amount: 1,
cost : 1200
<<set $armor.vest = {
type : "armor",
name : "bullet-proof vest",
plural : "bullet-proof vests",
AC : 3,
DR : 2,
Blunt: 2,
Pierce: 2,
Slash: 2,
Fire: 0,
Cold: 2,
Shock: 0,
Acid: 0,
Sonic: 0,
Water: 1,
prof : "Medium",
MaxDex : 4,
description : "A bullet-proof vest commonly used by police officers to hopefully stop bullets.",
description2 : "It is medium armor that provides +3 AC. It also provides 2 Resistance to Blunt, Pierce Slash, and Cold damage and 1 Resistance to Water.",
quality : 1,
superior: 0,
critresist: 0,
special: "None",
hp: 50,
repair: "Metal",
amount: 1,
cost : 1500
<<set $armor.superiorvest = {
type : "armor",
name : "superior bullet-proof vest",
plural : "superior bullet-proof vests",
AC : 4,
DR : 2,
Blunt: 2,
Pierce: 2,
Slash: 2,
Fire: 0,
Cold: 2,
Shock: 0,
Acid: 0,
Sonic: 0,
Water: 1,
prof : "Medium",
MaxDex : 4,
description : "A sturdy bullet-proof vest commonly used by police officers to stop bullets.",
description2 : "It is medium armor that provides +4 AC +1 to Saves. It also provides 2 Resistance to Blunt, Pierce Slash, and Cold damage and 1 Resistance to Water.",
quality : 1,
superior: 1,
critresist: 0,
special: "None",
hp: 100,
repair: "Metal",
amount: 1,
cost : 3000
<<set $armor.swatbodyarmor = {
type : "armor",
name : "SWAT body armor",
plural : "SWAT body armors",
AC : 4,
DR : 2,
Blunt: 2,
Pierce: 2,
Slash: 2,
Fire: 0,
Cold: 3,
Shock: 0,
Acid: 0,
Sonic: 0,
Water: 1,
prof : "Medium",
MaxDex : 3,
description : "A full set of body armor used by SWAT officers for use in fire fights.",
description2 : "It is medium armor that provides +4 AC. It also provides 2 Resistance to Blunt, Pierce, and Slash damage, 3 Resistance to Cold damage and 1 Resistance to Water.",
quality : 1,
superior: 0,
critresist: 0,
special: "None",
hp: 125,
repair: "Metal",
amount: 1,
cost : 150
<<set $armor.superiorswatbodyarmor = {
type : "armor",
name : "superior SWAT body armor",
plural : "superior SWAT body armors",
AC : 5,
DR : 2,
Blunt: 2,
Pierce: 2,
Slash: 2,
Fire: 0,
Cold: 3,
Shock: 0,
Acid: 0,
Sonic: 0,
Water: 1,
prof : "Medium",
MaxDex : 3,
description : "A sturdy set of body armor used by SWAT officers for use in fire fights.",
description2 : "It is medium armor that provides +5 AC and +1 to Saves. It also provides 2 Resistance to Blunt, Pierce, and Slash damage, 3 Resistance to Cold damage and 1 Resistance to Water.",
quality : 1,
superior: 1,
critresist: 0,
special: "None",
hp: 250,
repair: "Metal",
amount: 1,
cost : 300
<<set $armor.riotbodyarmor = {
type : "armor",
name : "riot gear body armor",
plural : "riot gear body armors",
AC : 5,
DR : 2,
Blunt: 2,
Pierce: 2,
Slash: 2,
Fire: 0,
Cold: 3,
Shock: 0,
Acid: 0,
Sonic: 0,
Water: 2,
prof : "Medium",
MaxDex : 2,
description : "A heavy set of protective gear used by police officers during mass riots and other civil unrest.",
description2 : "It is medium armor that provides +5 AC. It also provides 2 Resistance to Blunt, Pierce, and Slash damage, 3 Resistance to Cold damage and 2 Resistance to Water.",
quality : 1,
superior: 0,
critresist: 0,
special: "None",
hp: 150,
repair: "Metal",
amount: 1,
cost : 150
<<set $armor.superiorriotbodyarmor = {
type : "armor",
name : "superior riot gear body armor",
plural : "superior riot gear body armor",
AC : 6,
DR : 2,
Blunt: 2,
Pierce: 2,
Slash: 2,
Fire: 0,
Cold: 3,
Shock: 0,
Acid: 0,
Sonic: 0,
Water: 2,
prof : "Medium",
MaxDex : 2,
description : "A heavy set of protective gear used by police officers during mass riots and other civil unrest.",
description2 : "It is medium armor that provides +6 AC and +1 to Saves. It also provides 2 Resistance to Blunt, Pierce, and Slash damage, 3 Resistance to Cold damage and 2 Resistance to Water.",
quality : 1,
superior: 1,
critresist: 0,
special: "None",
hp: 300,
repair: "Metal",
amount: 1,
cost : 150
}>>\<<set $armor.diybodyarmor = {
type : "armor",
name : "DIY body armor",
plural : "DIY body armors",
AC : 1,
DR : 3,
Blunt: 3,
Pierce: 3,
Slash: 3,
Fire: 0,
Cold: 2,
Shock: 0,
Acid: 0,
Sonic: 0,
Water: 1,
prof : "Heavy",
MaxDex : 1,
description : "Heavy makeshift body armor made by an amateur emphasizing protection over mobility.",
description2 : "It is heavy armor that proves +1 AC. It also provides 3 Resistance to Blunt, Pierce, Slash damage, 1 Resistance to Cold damage and 1 Resistance to Water.",
quality : 1,
superior: 0,
critresist: 0,
special: "None",
hp: 75,
repair: "Metal",
amount: 1,
cost : 200
<<set $armor.tacticalbodyarmor = {
type : "armor",
name : "tactical body armor",
plural : "tactical body armors",
AC : 2,
DR : 3,
Blunt: 3,
Pierce: 3,
Slash: 3,
Fire: 0,
Cold: 2,
Shock: 0,
Acid: 0,
Sonic: 0,
Water: 1,
prof : "Heavy",
MaxDex : 2,
description : "Lightweight yet strong armor commonly used by police and military for police actions.",
description2 : "It is heavy armor that proves +2 AC. It also provides 3 Resistance to Blunt, Pierce, Slash damage, 2 Resistance to Cold damage and 1 Resistance to Water.",
quality : 1,
superior: 0,
critresist: 0,
special: "None",
hp: 75,
repair: "Metal",
amount: 1,
cost : 2000
<<set $armor.superiortacticalbodyarmor = {
type : "armor",
name : "superior tactical body armor",
plural : "superior tactical body armors",
AC : 3,
DR : 3,
Blunt: 3,
Pierce: 3,
Slash: 3,
Fire: 0,
Cold: 2,
Shock: 0,
Acid: 0,
Sonic: 0,
Water: 1,
prof : "Heavy",
MaxDex : 2,
description : "Lightweight yet strong armor commonly used by police and military for police actions.",
description2 : "It is heavy armor that proves +3 AC, and +1 to Saves. It also provides 3 Resistance to Blunt, Pierce, Slash damage, 2 Resistance to Cold damage and 1 Resistance to Water.",
quality : 1,
superior: 0,
critresist: 0,
special: "None",
hp: 150,
repair: "Metal",
amount: 1,
cost : 2400
<<set $armor.heavybodyarmor = {
type : "armor",
name : "heavy-duty body armor",
plural : "heavy-duty body armors",
AC : 3,
DR : 3,
Blunt: 3,
Pierce: 3,
Slash: 3,
Fire: 0,
Cold: 2,
Shock: 0,
Acid: 0,
Sonic: 0,
Water: 2,
prof : "Heavy",
MaxDex : 1,
description : "A full set of heavy-duty tactical body armor used by private mercenaries and small militias.",
description2 : "It is heavy tactical body armor that proves +3 AC. It also provides 3 Resistance to Blunt, Pierce, Slash damage, 2 Resistance to Cold damage and 2 Resistance to Water.",
quality : 1,
superior: 0,
critresist: 0,
special: "None",
hp: 175,
repair: "Metal",
amount: 1,
cost : 3000
<<set $armor.superiorheavybodyarmor = {
type : "armor",
name : "superior heavy-duty body armor",
plural : "superior heavy-duty body armors",
AC : 4,
DR : 3,
Blunt: 3,
Pierce: 3,
Slash: 3,
Fire: 0,
Cold: 2,
Shock: 0,
Acid: 0,
Sonic: 0,
Water: 2,
prof : "Heavy",
MaxDex : 1,
description : "A full set of heavy-duty tactical body armor used by private mercenaries and small militias.",
description2 : "It is heavy tactical body armor that proves +4 AC, and +1 to Saves. It also provides 3 Resistance to Blunt, Pierce, Slash damage, 2 Resistance to Cold damage and 2 Resistance to Water.",
quality : 1,
superior: 1,
critresist: 0,
special: "None",
hp: 350,
repair: "Metal",
amount: 1,
cost : 3600
<<set $armor.militarybodyarmor = {
type : "armor",
name : "military body armor",
plural : "military body armor",
AC : 4,
DR : 3,
Blunt: 3,
Pierce: 3,
Slash: 3,
Fire: 0,
Cold: 2,
Shock: 0,
Acid: 0,
Sonic: 0,
Water: 2,
prof : "Heavy",
MaxDex : 1,
description : "A full set of military grade body armor used by various government armies.",
description2 : "It is heavy tactical body armor that proves +4 AC. It also provides 3 Resistance to Blunt, Pierce, Slash damage, 2 Resistance to Cold damage and 2 Resistance to Water.",
quality : 1,
superior: 0,
critresist: 0,
special: "None",
cost : 500,
amount: 1,
hp: 200
<<set $armor.superiormilitarybodyarmor = {
type : "armor",
name : "superiormilitary body armor",
plural : "superiormilitary body armor",
AC : 5,
DR : 3,
Blunt: 3,
Pierce: 3,
Slash: 3,
Fire: 0,
Cold: 2,
Shock: 0,
Acid: 0,
Sonic: 0,
Water: 2,
prof : "Heavy",
MaxDex : 1,
description : "A full set of military grade body armor used by various government armies.",
description2 : "It is heavy tactical body armor that proves +5 AC, and +1 to Saves. It also provides 3 Resistance to Blunt, Pierce, Slash damage, 2 Resistance to Cold damage and 2 Resistance to Water.",
quality : 1,
superior: 1,
critresist: 0,
special: "None",
cost : 1500,
amount: 1,
hp: 5000
<<set $armor.platemail = {
type : "armor",
name : "platemail armor",
plural : "platemail armors",
AC : 3,
DR : 3,
Blunt: 3,
Pierce: 3,
Slash: 3,
Fire: 0,
Cold: 0,
Shock: 0,
Acid: 0,
Sonic: 0,
Water: 0,
prof : "Heavy",
MaxDex : 0,
description : "Medieval style platemail armor is really out of style but is still useful against Infested.",
description2 : "It is heavy armor that proves +3 AC. It also provides 3 Resistance to Blunt, Pierce and Slash damage, and a 25% chance to resist Criticals.",
quality : 2,
superior: 0,
critresist: 5,
special: "None",
hp: 300,
repair: "Metal",
amount: 1,
cost : 1750
<<set $armor.superiorplatemail = {
type : "armor",
name : "superior platemail armor",
plural : "superior platemail armors",
AC : 4,
DR : 3,
Blunt: 3,
Pierce: 3,
Slash: 3,
Fire: 0,
Cold: 0,
Shock: 0,
Acid: 0,
Sonic: 0,
Water: 0,
prof : "Heavy",
MaxDex : 0,
description : "Solid medieval style platemail armor is really out of style but is still extremely useful against Infested.",
description2 : "It is heavy armor that proves +4 AC and +1 to Saves. It also provides 3 Resistance to Blunt, Pierce and Slash damage, and a 25% chance to resist Criticals.",
quality : 2,
superior: 1,
critresist: 5,
special: "None",
hp: 600,
repair: "Metal",
amount: 1,
cost : 2500
}>>\<<set $weapon.dagger = {
type : "weapon",
range : "melee",
name : "dagger",
plural : "daggers",
damage : 3,
damagetype : "Pierce",
skill : "Knives",
stat : "Dexterity",
description : "A small dagger",
description2 : "It is a melee knife weapon that deals 1d4 pierce damage.",
special : "None",
adescription : "stab",
adescription2 : "stabs",
quality : 1,
superior: 0,
critical: "None",
criticalamount: 0,
hp : 10,
repair: "Metal",
special2: "None",
specialD: "None",
amount: 1,
cost : 10
<<set $weapon.kitchenknife = {
type : "weapon",
range : "melee",
name : "kitchen knife",
plural : "kitchen knives",
damage : 5,
damagetype : "Slash",
skill : "Knives",
stat : "Dexterity",
description : "A standard kitchen knife",
description2 : "It is a melee knife weapon that deals 1d6 slash damage.",
special : "None",
adescription : "slash",
adescription2 : "slashes",
quality : 1,
superior: 0,
critical: "None",
criticalamount: 0,
hp : 20,
repair: "Metal",
special2: "None",
specialD: "None",
amount: 1,
cost : 25
<<set $weapon.superiorkitchenknife = {
type : "weapon",
range : "melee",
name : "superior kitchen knife",
plural : "superior kitchen knives",
damage : 5,
damagetype : "Slash",
skill : "Knives",
stat : "Dexterity",
description : "A standard kitchen knife",
description2 : "It is a melee knife weapon that deals 1d6+1 slash damage and gives +1 to hit.",
special : "None",
adescription : "slash",
adescription2 : "slashes",
quality : 1,
superior: 1,
critical: "None",
criticalamount: 0,
hp : 40,
repair: "Metal",
special2: "None",
amount: 1,
cost : 125
<<set $weapon.scalpel = {
type : "weapon",
range : "melee",
name : "scalpel",
plural : "scalpels",
damage : 7,
damagetype : "Slash",
skill : "Knives",
stat : "Dexterity",
description : "A medical scalpel",
description2 : "It is a melee knife weapon that deals 1d8 slash damage and causes 1d4 bleeding on critical hits.",
special : "Causes 1d4 bleeding on critical hits",
adescription : "slash",
adescription2 : "slashes",
quality : 1,
superior: 0,
critical: "Bleed",
criticalamount: 3,
hp : 20,
repair: "Metal",
special2: "None",
specialD: "None",
amount: 1,
cost : 40
<<set $weapon.superiorscalpel = {
type : "weapon",
range : "melee",
name : "superior scalpel",
plural : "superior scalpels",
damage : 7,
damagetype : "Slash",
skill : "Knives",
stat : "Dexterity",
description : "A very sharp medical scalpel",
description2 : "It is a melee knife weapon that deals 1d8+1 slash damage and gives a +1 to hit and causes 1d4+1 bleeding on critical hits.",
special : "Causes 1d4+1 bleeding on critical hits",
adescription : "slash",
adescription2 : "slashes",
quality : 1,
superior: 1,
critical: "Bleed",
criticalamount: 3,
hp : 40,
repair: "Metal",
special2: "None",
specialD: "None",
amount: 1,
cost : 140
<<set $weapon.switchknife = {
type : "weapon",
range : "melee",
name : "switch knife",
plural : "switch knives",
damage : 7,
damagetype : "Pierce",
skill : "Knives",
stat : "Dexterity",
description : "A switch knife",
description2 : "It is a melee knife weapon that deals 1d8 pierce damage.",
special : "None",
adescription : "stab",
adescription2 : "stabs",
quality : 1,
superior: 0,
critical: "None",
criticalamount: 3,
special2: "Hidden",
specialD: "Adds 1d4 extra damage against ambushed enemies",
hp : 20,
repair: "Metal",
amount: 1,
cost : 50
<<set $weapon.superiorswitchknife = {
type : "weapon",
range : "melee",
name : "superior switch knife",
plural : "superior switch knives",
damage : 7,
damagetype : "Pierce",
skill : "Knives",
stat : "Dexterity",
description : "A very sharp switch knife",
description2 : "It is a melee knife weapon that deals 1d8+1 pierce damage and gives a +1 to hit.",
special : "None",
adescription : "stab",
adescription2 : "stabs",
quality : 1,
superior: 1,
critical: "None",
criticalamount: 3,
special2: "Hidden",
specialD: "Adds 1d4 extra damage against ambushed enemies",
hp : 40,
repair: "Metal",
amount: 1,
cost : 150
<<set $weapon.bowieknife = {
type : "weapon",
range : "melee",
name : "bowie knife",
plural : "bowie knives",
damage : 9,
damagetype : "Pierce",
skill : "Knives",
stat : "Dexterity",
description : "A bowie knife uses for hunting",
description2 : "It is a melee knife weapon that deals 1d10 pierce damage and causes 1d4 bleeding on critical hits..",
special : "Causes 1d4 bleeding on critical hits",
adescription : "stab",
adescription2 : "stabs",
quality : 1,
superior: 0,
critical: "Bleed",
criticalamount: 3,
special2: "None",
specialD: "None",
hp : 20,
repair: "Metal",
amount: 1,
cost : 50
<<set $weapon.superiorbowieknife = {
type : "weapon",
range : "melee",
name : "superior bowie knife",
plural : "superior bowie knives",
damage : 9,
damagetype : "Pierce",
skill : "Knives",
stat : "Dexterity",
description : "A bowie knife used for hunting",
description2 : "It is a melee knife weapon that deals 1d10+1 pierce damage and gives +1 to hit and causes 1d4+1 bleeding on critical hits.",
special : "Causes 1d4+1 bleeding on critical hits",
adescription : "stab",
adescription2 : "stabs",
quality : 1,
superior: 1,
critical: "Bleed",
criticalamount: 3,
special2: "None",
specialD: "None",
hp : 30,
repair: "Metal",
amount: 1,
cost : 150
<<set $weapon.karambit = {
type : "weapon",
range : "melee",
name : "karambit knife",
plural : "karambit knives",
damage : 9,
damagetype : "Slash",
skill : "Knives",
stat : "Dexterity",
description : "A curved knife that looks like a tiger's claw",
description2 : "It is a melee knife weapon that deals 1d10 slash damage and deals 1d6 extra damage on critical hits.",
special : "Deals 1d6 extra damage on critical hits",
adescription : "slash",
adescription2 : "slashes",
quality : 1,
superior: 0,
critical: "Deadly",
criticalamount: 5,
special2: "None",
specialD: "None",
hp : 30,
repair: "Metal",
amount: 1,
cost : 150
<<set $weapon.superiorkarambit = {
type : "weapon",
range : "melee",
name : "superior karambit knife",
plural : "superior karambit knives",
damage : 9,
damagetype : "Slash",
skill : "Knives",
stat : "Dexterity",
description : "A vicious curved knife that looks like a tiger's claw",
description2 : "It is a melee knife weapon that deals 1d10+1 slash damage, deals 1d6 extra damage on critical hits, and gives +1 to hit.",
special : "Deals 1d6 extra damage on critical hits",
adescription : "slash",
adescription2 : "slashes",
quality : 1,
superior: 1,
critical: "Deadly",
criticalamount: 5,
special2: "None",
specialD: "None",
hp : 50,
repair: "Metal",
amount: 1,
cost : 250
<<set $weapon.gunblade = {
type : "weapon",
range : "melee",
name : "gunblade",
plural : "gunblades",
damage : 3,
damagetype : "Slash",
skill : "Knives",
stat : "Dexterity",
description : "A long blade with a gun built in so you can shoot while you slash!",
description2 : "It is a melee knife weapon that deals 2d4 slash damage and staggers for 3 rounds on critical hit.",
special : "Staggers for 3 rounds on critical hits. Stagger gives an enemy a -3 penalty to AC which decreases by 1 each round.",
adescription : "slash",
adescription2 : "slashes",
quality : 2,
superior: 0,
critical: "Stagger",
criticalamount: 3,
special2: "Focus Fire",
specialD: "Grants the use of Focus Fire special attack",
hp : 30,
repair: "Metal",
amount: 1,
cost : 250
<<set $weapon.superiorgunblade = {
type : "weapon",
range : "melee",
name : "superior gunblade",
plural : "superior gunblades",
damage : 3,
damagetype : "Slash",
skill : "Knives",
stat : "Dexterity",
description : "A finely crafted long blade with a gun built in so you can shoot while you slash!",
description2 : "It is a melee knife weapon that deals 2d4+1 slash damage, gives +1 to hit and staggers for 3 rounds on critical hit.",
special : "Staggers for 3 rounds on critical hits. Stagger gives an enemy a -3 penalty to AC which decreases by 1 each round.",
adescription : "slash",
adescription2 : "slashes",
quality : 2,
superior: 1,
critical: "Stagger",
criticalamount: 3,
special2: "Focus Fire",
specialD: "Grants the use of Focus Fire special attack",
hp : 30,
repair: "Metal",
amount: 1,
cost : 250
}>>\<<set $weapon.fencingsword = {
type : "weapon",
range : "melee",
name : "fencing sword",
plural : "fencing swords",
damage : 5,
damagetype : "Pierce",
skill : "Swords",
stat : "Strength",
description : "A fencing sword",
description2 : "It is a melee sword weapon that deals 1d6 pierce damage.",
special : "None",
adescription : "thrust",
adescription2 : "thrusts",
quality : 1,
superior: 0,
critical: "None",
criticalamount: 0,
special2: "None",
specialD: "None",
hp : 20,
repair: "Metal",
amount: 1,
cost : 40
<<set $weapon.superiorfencingsword = {
type : "weapon",
range : "melee",
name : "superior fencing sword",
plural : "superior fencing swords",
damage : 5,
damagetype : "Pierce",
skill : "Swords",
stat : "Strength",
description : "A fancy fencing sword",
description2 : "It is a melee sword weapon that deals 1d6+1 pierce damage and gives a +1 to hit.",
special : "None",
adescription : "thrust",
adescription2 : "thrusts",
quality : 1,
superior: 1,
critical: "None",
criticalamount: 0,
special2: "None",
specialD: "None",
hp : 40,
repair: "Metal",
amount: 1,
cost : 140
<<set $weapon.longsword = {
type : "weapon",
range : "melee",
name : "long sword",
plural : "long swords",
damage : 7,
damagetype : "Slash",
skill : "Swords",
stat : "Strength",
description : "A long sword",
description2 : "It is a melee sword weapon that deals 1d8 slash damage.",
special : "None",
adescription : "slash",
adescription2 : "slashes",
quality : 1,
superior: 0,
critical: "None",
criticalamount: 0,
special2: "None",
specialD: "None",
hp : 35,
repair: "Metal",
amount: 1,
cost : 75
<<set $weapon.superiorlongsword = {
type : "weapon",
range : "melee",
name : "superior long sword",
plural : "superior long swords",
damage : 7,
damagetype : "Slash",
skill : "Swords",
stat : "Strength",
description : "A long sword",
description2 : "It is a melee sword weapon that deals 1d8+1 slash damage and gives a +1 to hit.",
special : "None",
adescription : "slash",
adescription2 : "slashes",
quality : 1,
superior: 1,
critical: "None",
criticalamount: 0,
special2: "None",
specialD: "None",
hp : 35,
repair: "Metal",
amount: 1,
cost : 200
<<set $weapon.seventhornsword = {
type : "weapon",
range : "melee",
name : "seven thorn sword",
plural : "seven thorn swords",
damage : 7,
damagetype : "Slash",
skill : "Swords",
stat : "Strength",
description : "A sword with seven short wave blades jutting out from the blade giving it a sinister look",
description2 : "It is a melee sword weapon that deals 1d8 slash damage and causes 1d4 bleeding on critical hits.",
special : "Causes 1d4 bleeding on critical hits",
adescription : "slash",
adescription2 : "slashes",
quality : 1,
superior: 0,
critical: "Bleed",
criticalamount: 3,
special2: "None",
specialD: "None",
hp : 25,
repair: "Metal",
amount: 1,
cost : 150
<<set $weapon.superiorseventhornsword = {
type : "weapon",
range : "melee",
name : "seven thorn sword",
plural : "seven thorn swords",
damage : 7,
damagetype : "Slash",
skill : "Swords",
stat : "Strength",
description : "A sharp sword with seven short wave blades jutting out from the blade giving it a sinister look",
description2 : "It is a melee sword weapon that deals 1d8+1 slash damage and gives a +1 to hit and causes 1d4+1 bleeding on critical hits.",
special : "Causes 1d4+1 bleeding on critical hits",
adescription : "slash",
adescription2 : "slashes",
quality : 1,
superior: 1,
critical: "Bleed",
criticalamount: 3,
special2: "None",
specialD: "None",
hp : 50,
repair: "Metal",
amount: 1,
cost : 250
<<set $weapon.katana = {
type : "weapon",
range : "melee",
name : "katana",
plural : "katanas",
damage : 9,
damagetype : "Slash",
skill : "Swords",
stat : "Strength",
description : "A mass-produced japanese sword used by samurai.",
description2 : "It is a melee sword weapon that deals 1d10 slash damage.",
special : "None",
adescription : "slash",
adescription2 : "slashes",
quality : 1,
superior: 0,
critical: "None",
criticalamount: 0,
special2: "None",
specialD: "None",
hp : 50,
repair: "Metal",
amount: 1,
cost : 150
<<set $weapon.superiorkatana = {
type : "weapon",
range : "melee",
name : "superior katana",
plural : "superior katanas",
damage : 9,
damagetype : "Slash",
skill : "Swords",
stat : "Strength",
description : "A deadly mass-produced japanese sword used by samurai.",
description2 : "It is a melee sword weapon that deals 1d10+1 slash damage and gives +1 to hit.",
special : "None",
adescription : "slash",
adescription2 : "slashes",
quality : 1,
superior: 1,
critical: "None",
criticalamount: 0,
special2: "None",
specialD: "None",
hp : 70,
repair: "Metal",
amount: 1,
cost : 250
<<set $weapon.zweihander = {
type : "weapon",
range : "melee",
name : "zweihander sword",
plural : "zweihander swords",
damage : 5,
damagetype : "Slash",
skill : "Swords",
stat : "Strength",
description : "A two-handed zweihander sword",
description2 : "It is a melee sword weapon that deals 2d6 slash damage.",
special : "None",
adescription : "slash",
adescription2 : "slashes",
quality : 2,
superior: 0,
critical: "None",
criticalamount: 0,
special2: "None",
specialD: "None",
hp : 50,
repair: "Metal",
amount: 1,
cost : 200
<<set $weapon.superiorzweihander = {
type : "weapon",
range : "melee",
name : "superior zweihander sword",
plural : "superior zweihander swords",
damage : 5,
damagetype : "Slash",
skill : "Swords",
stat : "Strength",
description : "A deadly two-handed zweihander sword",
description2 : "It is a melee sword weapon that deals 2d6+1 slash damage and gives +1 to hit.",
special : "None",
adescription : "slash",
adescription2 : "slashes",
quality : 2,
superior: 1,
critical: "None",
criticalamount: 0,
special2: "None",
specialD: "None",
hp : 70,
repair: "Metal",
amount: 1,
cost : 300
}>>\<<set $weapon.oldbaseballbat = {
type : "weapon",
range : "melee",
name : "old baseball bat",
plural : "old baseball bats",
damage : 1,
damagetype : "Blunt",
skill : "Clubs",
stat : "Strength",
description : "A old baseball bat that's cracked and splintered",
description2 : "It is a melee club weapon that deals 1d4 blunt damage.",
special : "None",
adescription : "swing",
adescription2 : "swings",
quality : 1,
superior: 0,
critical: "None",
criticalamount: 0,
special2: "None",
specialD: "None",
hp : 2,
repair: "Wood",
amount: 1,
cost : 10
<<set $weapon.baseballbat = {
type : "weapon",
range : "melee",
name : "baseball bat",
plural : "baseball bats",
damage : 5,
damagetype : "Blunt",
skill : "Clubs",
stat : "Strength",
description : "A baseball bat",
description2 : "It is a melee club weapon that deals 1d6 blunt damage.",
special : "None",
adescription : "swing",
adescription2 : "swings",
quality : 1,
superior: 0,
critical: "None",
criticalamount: 0,
special2: "None",
specialD: "None",
hp : 10,
repair: "Wood",
amount: 1,
cost : 25
<<set $weapon.superiorbaseballbat = {
type : "weapon",
range : "melee",
name : "superior baseball bat",
plural : "superior baseball bats",
damage : 5,
damagetype : "Blunt",
skill : "Clubs",
stat : "Strength",
description : "A pristine baseball bat",
description2 : "It is a melee club weapon that deals 1d6+1 blunt damage and gives a +1 to hit.",
special : "None",
adescription : "swing",
adescription2 : "swings",
quality : 2,
superior: 1,
critical: "None",
criticalamount: 0,
special2: "None",
specialD: "None",
hp : 20,
repair: "Wood",
amount: 1,
cost : 125
<<set $weapon.stungun = {
type : "weapon",
range : "melee",
name : "superior stun gun",
plural : "superior stun guns",
damage : 5,
damagetype : "Shock",
skill : "Clubs",
stat : "Strength",
description : "A stun gun",
description2 : "It is a melee club weapon that deals 1d6 shock damage and stuns for 1 round on critical hits",
special : "Causes stun for 1 round on critical hits",
adescription : "jab",
adescription2 : "jabs",
quality : 1,
superior: 0,
critical: "Stun",
criticalamount: 1,
special2: "None",
specialD: "None",
hp : 20,
repair: "Electronics",
amount: 1,
cost : 200
<<set $weapon.superiorstungun = {
type : "weapon",
range : "melee",
name : "stun gun",
plural : "stun guns",
damage : 5,
damagetype : "Shock",
skill : "Clubs",
stat : "Strength",
description : "A stun gun",
description2 : "It is a melee club weapon that deals 1d6+1 shock damage, stuns for 1 round on critical hits and gives a +1 to hit",
special : "Causes stun for 1 round on critical hits",
adescription : "jab",
adescription2 : "jabs",
quality : 1,
superior: 1,
critical: "Stun",
criticalamount: 1,
special2: "None",
specialD: "None",
hp : 20,
repair: "Electronics",
amount: 1,
cost : 200
<<set $weapon.baton = {
type : "weapon",
range : "melee",
name : "baton",
plural : "batons",
damage : 7,
damagetype : "Blunt",
skill : "Clubs",
stat : "Strength",
description : "A simple self-defense baton",
description2 : "It is a melee club weapon that deals 1d8 blunt damage",
special : "None",
adescription : "swing",
adescription2 : "swings",
quality : 1,
superior: 0,
critical: "None",
criticalamount: 0,
special2: "None",
specialD: "None",
hp : 20,
repair: "Wood",
amount: 1,
cost : 50
<<set $weapon.superiorbaton = {
type : "weapon",
range : "melee",
name : "superior baton",
plural : "superior batons",
damage : 7,
damagetype : "Blunt",
skill : "Clubs",
stat : "Strength",
description : "A solid self-defense baton",
description2 : "It is a melee club weapon that deals 1d8+1 blunt damage and gives a +1 to hit.",
special: "None",
adescription : "swing",
adescription2 : "swings",
quality : 1,
superior: 1,
critical: "None",
criticalamount: 0,
special2: "None",
specialD: "None",
hp : 40,
repair: "Wood",
amount: 1,
cost : 150
<<set $weapon.silverhammer = {
type : "weapon",
range : "melee",
name : "silver hammer",
plural : "silver hammers",
damage : 7,
damagetype : "Blunt",
skill : "Clubs",
stat : "Strength",
description : "A simple silver hammer used for skull crushing",
description2 : "It is a melee club weapon that deals 1d8 blunt damage and stuns for 1 round on critical hits",
special : "Causes stun for 1 round on critical hits",
adescription : "swing",
adescription2 : "swings",
quality : 1,
superior: 0,
critical: "Stun",
criticalamount: 1,
special2: "None",
specialD: "None",
hp : 50,
repair: "Metal",
amount: 1,
cost : 250
<<set $weapon.superiorsilverhammer = {
type : "weapon",
range : "melee",
name : "superior silver hammer",
plural : "superior silver hammers",
damage : 7,
damagetype : "Blunt",
skill : "Clubs",
stat : "Strength",
description : "A superior silver hammer used for skull crushing",
description2 : "It is a melee club weapon that deals 1d8+1 blunt damage, stuns for 1 round on critical hits and gives a +1 to hit",
special: "Causes stun for 1 round on critical hits",
adescription : "swing",
adescription2 : "swings",
quality : 1,
superior: 1,
critical: "Stun",
criticalamount: 1,
special2: "None",
specialD: "None",
hp : 100,
repair: "Metal",
amount: 1,
cost : 400
<<set $weapon.giantwrench = {
type : "weapon",
range : "melee",
name : "giant wrench",
plural : "giant wrenches",
damage : 6,
damagetype : "Blunt",
skill : "Clubs",
stat : "Strength",
description : "A giant wrench used for breaking bones",
description2 : "It is a melee club weapon that deals 2d6 blunt damage and staggers for 3 rounds on critical hits",
special : "Staggers for 3 rounds on critical hits. Stagger gives an enemy a -3 penalty to AC which decreases by 1 each round",
adescription : "swing",
adescription2 : "swings",
quality : 2,
superior: 0,
critical: "Stagger",
criticalamount: 3,
special2: "None",
specialD: "None",
hp : 70,
repair: "Metal",
amount: 1,
cost : 200
<<set $weapon.superiorgiantwrench = {
type : "weapon",
range : "melee",
name : "superior giant wrench",
plural : "superior giant wrenches",
damage : 6,
damagetype : "Blunt",
skill : "Clubs",
stat : "Strength",
description : "A superior giant wrench used for breaking bones",
description2 : "It is a melee club weapon that deals 2d6+1 blunt damage, gives +1 to hit and staggers for 3 rounds on critical hits",
special : "Staggers for 3 rounds on critical hits. Stagger gives an enemy a -3 penalty to AC which decreases by 1 each round",
adescription : "swing",
adescription2 : "swings",
quality : 2,
superior: 1,
critical: "Stagger",
criticalamount: 3,
special2: "None",
specialD: "None",
hp : 150,
repair: "Metal",
amount: 1,
cost : 200
}>>\ <<set $weapon.pistolcrossbow = {
type : "weapon",
range : "range",
name : "pistol crossbow",
plural : "pistol crossbows",
damage : 7,
damagetype : "Pierce",
skill : "Bows",
stat : "Dexterity",
description : "A small pistol crossbow",
description2 : "It is a ranged bow weapon that deals 1d8 pierce damage",
special : "None",
adescription : "shoot",
adescription2 : "shoots",
quality : 1,
superior: 0,
critical: "None",
criticalamount: 0,
special2: "None",
specialD: "None",
hp : 20,
repair: "Metal",
amount: 1,
cost : 50
<<set $weapon.superiorpistolcrossbow = {
type : "weapon",
range : "range",
name : "superior pistol crossbow",
plural : "superior pistol crossbows",
damage : 7,
damagetype : "Pierce",
skill : "Bows",
stat : "Dexterity",
description : "A pristine pistol crossbow",
description2 : "It is a ranged bow weapon that deals 1d8+1 pierce damage and gives a +1 to hit.",
special : "None",
adescription : "shoot",
adescription2 : "shoots",
quality : 1,
superior: 1,
critical: "None",
criticalamount: 0,
special2: "None",
specialD: "None",
hp : 40,
repair: "Metal",
amount: 1,
cost : 150
<<set $weapon.needlecrossbow = {
type : "weapon",
range : "range",
name : "needle crossbow",
plural : "needle crossbows",
damage : 7,
damagetype : "Acid",
skill : "Bows",
stat : "Dexterity",
description : "A tranquilizer pistol crossbow with modified acid needles.",
description2 : "It is a ranged bow weapon that deals 1d8 acid damage.",
special : "None",
adescription : "shoot",
adescription2 : "shoots",
quality : 1,
superior: 0,
critical: "None",
criticalamount: 0,
special2: "None",
specialD: "None",
hp : 40,
repair: "Metal",
amount: 1,
cost : 500
<<set $weapon.superiorneedlecrossbow = {
type : "weapon",
range : "range",
name : "superior needle crossbow",
plural : "superior needle crossbows",
damage : 7,
damagetype : "Acid",
skill : "Bows",
stat : "Dexterity",
description : "A deadly tranquilizer pistol crossbow with modified acid needles..",
description2 : "It is a ranged bow weapon that deals 1d8+1 acid damage and gives +1 to attack..",
special : "None",
adescription : "shoot",
adescription2 : "shoots",
quality : 1,
superior: 1,
critical: "None",
criticalamount: 0,
special2: "None",
specialD: "None",
hp : 40,
repair: "Metal",
amount: 1,
cost : 750
<<set $weapon.mediumcrossbow = {
type : "weapon",
range : "range",
name : "medium crossbow",
plural : "medium crossbows",
damage : 9,
damagetype : "Pierce",
skill : "Bows",
stat : "Dexterity",
description : "A medium crossbow used for hunting animals.",
description2 : "It is a ranged bow weapon that deals 1d10 pierce damage",
special : "None",
adescription : "shoot",
adescription2 : "shoots",
quality : 1,
superior: 0,
critical: "None",
criticalamount: 0,
special2: "None",
specialD: "None",
hp : 40,
repair: "Metal",
amount: 1,
cost : 100
<<set $weapon.superiormediumcrossbow = {
type : "weapon",
range : "range",
name : "superior medium crossbow",
plural : "superior medium crossbows",
damage : 9,
damagetype : "Pierce",
skill : "Bows",
stat : "Dexterity",
description : "A very accurate medium crossbow used for hunting animals.",
description2 : "It is a ranged bow weapon that deals 1d10+1 pierce damage and gives +1 to attack.",
special : "None",
adescription : "shoot",
adescription2 : "shoots",
quality : 1,
superior: 1,
critical: "None",
criticalamount: 0,
special2: "None",
specialD: "None",
hp : 80,
repair: "Metal",
amount: 1,
cost : 200
<<set $weapon.shockingcrossbow = {
type : "weapon",
range : "range",
name : "Ravin R1500-E",
plural : "Ravin R1500-Es",
damage : 5,
damagetype : "Shock",
skill : "Bows",
stat : "Dexterity",
description : "A high-tech battery powered crossbow modified to fire electrified bolts.",
description2 : "It is a ranged bow weapon that deals 2d4 shock damage and stuns for 1 round on critical hits",
special : "Causes stun for 1 round on critical hits.",
adescription : "shoot",
adescription2 : "shoots",
quality : 2,
superior: 0,
critical: "Stun",
criticalamount: 1,
special2: "None",
specialD: "None",
hp : 50,
repair: "Metal",
amount: 1,
cost : 400
<<set $weapon.superiorshockingcrossbow = {
type : "weapon",
range : "range",
name : "superior Ravin R1500-E",
plural : "superior Ravin R1500-Es",
damage : 5,
damagetype : "Shock",
skill : "Bows",
stat : "Dexterity",
description : "A high-tech battery powered crossbow modified to fire superior electrified bolts.",
description2 : "It is a ranged bow weapon that deals 2d4+1 shock damage, gives +1 to hit and stuns for 1 round on critical hits",
special : "Causes stun for 1 round on critical hits.",
adescription : "shoot",
adescription2 : "shoots",
quality : 2,
superior: 1,
critical: "Stun",
criticalamount: 1,
special2: "None",
specialD: "None",
hp : 50,
repair: "Metal",
amount: 1,
cost : 600
<<set $weapon.repeatingcrossbow = {
type : "weapon",
range : "range",
name : "repeating crossbow",
plural : "repeating crossbows",
damage : 5,
damagetype : "Pierce",
skill : "Bows",
stat : "Dexterity",
description : "A repeating crossbow used mainly for self-defense.",
description2 : "It is a ranged bow weapon that deals 2d6 pierce damage",
special : "None",
adescription : "shoot",
adescription2 : "shoots",
quality : 2,
superior: 0,
critical: "None",
criticalamount: 0,
special2: "None",
specialD: "None",
hp : 50,
repair: "Metal",
amount: 1,
cost : 200
<<set $weapon.superiorrepeatingcrossbow = {
type : "weapon",
range : "range",
name : "superior repeating crossbow",
plural : "superior repeating crossbows",
damage : 5,
damagetype : "Pierce",
skill : "Bows",
stat : "Dexterity",
description : "A deadly repeating crossbow used mainly for self-defense.",
description2 : "It is a ranged bow weapon that deals 2d6+1 pierce damage and gives +1 to hit",
special : "None",
adescription : "shoot",
adescription2 : "shoots",
quality : 2,
superior: 1,
critical: "None",
criticalamount: 0,
special2: "None",
specialD: "None",
hp : 70,
repair: "Metal",
amount: 1,
cost : 400
}>>\<<set $weapon.pistol22mm = {
type : "weapon",
range : "range",
name : ".22lr pistol",
plural : ".22lr pistols",
damage : 7,
damagetype : "Pierce",
skill : "Pistols",
stat : "Dexterity",
description : "A small caliber pistol",
description2 : "It is a ranged pistol weapon that deals 1d8 pierce damage",
special : "None",
adescription : "fire",
adescription2 : "fires",
quality : 1,
superior: 0,
critical: "None",
criticalamount: 0,
special2: "None",
specialD: "None",
hp : 20,
repair: "Metal",
amount: 1,
cost : 50
<<set $weapon.superiorpistol22mm = {
type : "weapon",
range : "range",
name : "superior .22lr pistol",
plural : "superior .22lr pistols",
damage : 7,
damagetype : "Pierce",
skill : "Pistols",
stat : "Dexterity",
description : "A deadly small caliber pistol",
description2 : "It is a ranged pistol weapon that deals 1d8+1 pierce damage and gives a +1 to hit.",
special : "None",
adescription : "fire",
adescription2 : "fires",
quality : 1,
superior: 1,
critical: "None",
criticalamount: 0,
special2: "None",
specialD: "None",
hp : 40,
repair: "Metal",
amount: 1,
cost : 150
<<set $weapon.pistolbyrna68caliber = {
type : "weapon",
range : "range",
name : ".68 caliber byrna pistol",
plural : ".68 caliber byrna pistols",
damage : 7,
damagetype : "Blunt",
skill : "Pistols",
stat : "Dexterity",
description : "A small caliber pistol",
description2 : "It is a ranged pistol weapon that deals 1d8 blunt damage and stuns for 2 rounds on critical hits.",
special : "Causes stun for 2 rounds on critical hits.",
adescription : "fire",
adescription2 : "fires",
quality : 1,
superior: 0,
critical: "Stun",
criticalamount: 2,
special2: "None",
specialD: "None",
hp : 20,
repair: "Metal",
amount: 1,
cost : 50
<<set $weapon.superiorpistolbyrna68caliber = {
type : "weapon",
range : "range",
name : "superior .68 caliber byrna pistol",
plural : "superior .68 caliber byrna pistols",
damage : 7,
damagetype : "Blunt",
skill : "Pistols",
stat : "Dexterity",
description : "A small caliber pistol",
description2 : "It is a ranged pistol weapon that deals 1d8+1 blunt damage, stuns for 2 round on critical hits and gives a +1 to hit.",
special : "Causes stun for 2 rounds on critical hits.",
adescription : "fire",
adescription2 : "fires",
quality : 1,
superior: 1,
critical: "Stun",
criticalamount: 2,
special2: "None",
specialD: "None",
hp : 20,
repair: "Metal",
amount: 1,
cost : 50
<<set $weapon.pistol25flare = {
type : "weapon",
range : "range",
name : "25mm flare gun",
plural : "25mm flare guns",
damage : 7,
damagetype : "Fire",
skill : "Pistols",
stat : "Dexterity",
description : "A flare gun used for distress signals",
description2 : "It is a ranged pistol weapon that deals 1d8 fire damage and causes 1d4 burning on critical hits.",
special : "1d4 burning on critical hits",
adescription : "fire",
adescription2 : "fires",
quality : 1,
superior: 0,
critical: "Burn",
criticalamount: 3,
special2: "None",
specialD: "None",
hp : 40,
repair: "Metal",
amount: 1,
cost : 200
<<set $weapon.superiorpistol25flare = {
type : "weapon",
range : "range",
name : "25mm flare gun",
plural : "25mm flare guns",
damage : 7,
damagetype : "Fire",
skill : "Pistols",
stat : "Dexterity",
description : "A flare gun used for distress signals",
description2 : "It is a ranged pistol weapon that deals 1d8+1 fire damage, gives a +1 to hit and causes 1d4+1 burning on critical hits.",
special : "1d4 burning on critical hits",
adescription : "fire",
adescription2 : "fires",
quality : 1,
superior: 1,
critical: "Burn",
criticalamount: 3,
special2: "None",
specialD: "None",
hp : 20,
repair: "Metal",
amount: 1,
cost : 400
<<set $weapon.pistol25tazer = {
type : "weapon",
range : "range",
name : "TAZER-25 stun gun",
plural : "TAZER-25 stun guns",
damage : 3,
damagetype : "Shock",
skill : "Pistols",
stat : "Dexterity",
description : "A latest generation stun gun used for non-lethal takedowns",
description2 : "It is a ranged pistol weapon that deals 2d4 shock damage and stuns for 1 round on critical hits.",
special : "Causes stun for 1 round on critical hits.",
adescription : "fire",
adescription2 : "fires",
quality : 2,
superior: 0,
critical: "Stun",
criticalamount: 1,
special2: "None",
specialD: "None",
hp : 40,
repair: "Metal",
amount: 1,
cost : 400
<<set $weapon.superiorpistol25tazer = {
type : "weapon",
range : "range",
name : "superior TAZER-25 stun gun",
plural : "superior TAZER-25 stun guns",
damage : 3,
damagetype : "Shock",
skill : "Pistols",
stat : "Dexterity",
description : "A latest generation stun gun used for superior non-lethal takedowns",
description2 : "It is a ranged pistol weapon that deals 2d4+1 shock damage, gives a +1 to hit and stuns for 1 round on critical hits.",
special : "Causes stun for 1 round on critical hits.",
adescription : "fire",
adescription2 : "fires",
quality : 2,
superior: 1,
critical: "Stun",
criticalamount: 1,
special2: "None",
specialD: "None",
hp : 40,
repair: "Metal",
amount: 1,
cost : 600
<<set $weapon.pistol9mm = {
type : "weapon",
range : "range",
name : "9mm pistol",
plural : "9mm pistols",
damage : 9,
damagetype : "Pierce",
skill : "Pistols",
stat : "Dexterity",
description : "A popular home defense pistol",
description2 : "It is a ranged pistol weapon that deals 1d10 pierce damage",
special : "None",
adescription : "fire",
adescription2 : "fires",
quality : 1,
superior: 0,
critical: "None",
criticalamount: 0,
special2: "None",
specialD: "None",
hp : 40,
repair: "Metal",
amount: 1,
cost : 100
<<set $weapon.superiorpistol9mm = {
type : "weapon",
range : "range",
name : "superior 9mm pistol",
plural : "superior 9mm pistols",
damage : 9,
damagetype : "Pierce",
skill : "Pistols",
stat : "Dexterity",
description : "A powerful home defense pistol",
description2 : "It is a ranged pistol weapon that deals 1d10+1 pierce damage and gives a +1 to hit.",
special : "None",
adescription : "fire",
adescription2 : "fires",
quality : 1,
superior: 1,
critical: "None",
criticalamount: 0,
special2: "None",
specialD: "None",
hp : 80,
repair: "Metal",
amount: 1,
cost : 200
<<set $weapon.pistolP99mm = {
type : "weapon",
range : "range",
name : "P99 pistol",
plural : "P99 pistols",
damage : 9,
damagetype : "Pierce",
skill : "Pistols",
stat : "Dexterity",
description : "A popular sidearm for police officers",
description2 : "It is a ranged pistol weapon that deals 1d10 pierce damage and staggers for 3 rounds on critical hits.",
special : "Staggers for 3 rounds on critical hits. Stagger gives an enemy a -3 penalty to AC which decreases by 1 each round.",
adescription : "fire",
adescription2 : "fires",
quality : 1,
superior: 0,
critical: "Stagger",
criticalamount: 3,
special2: "Burst Fire",
specialD: "Grants the use of Burst Fire special attack",
hp : 40,
repair: "Metal",
amount: 1,
cost : 150
<<set $weapon.superiorpistolP99mm = {
type : "weapon",
range : "range",
name : "superior 9mm P99 pistol",
plural : "superior 9mm P99 pistols",
damage : 9,
damagetype : "Pierce",
skill : "Pistols",
stat : "Dexterity",
description : "A popular sidearm for police officers",
description2 : "It is a ranged pistol weapon that deals 1d10+1 pierce damage, staggers for 3 rounds on critical hits and gives a +1 to hit.",
special : "Staggers for 3 rounds on critical hits. Stagger gives an enemy a -3 penalty to AC which decreases by 1 each round.",
adescription : "fire",
adescription2 : "fires",
quality : 1,
superior: 1,
critical: "Stagger",
criticalamount: 3,
special2: "Burst Fire",
specialD: "Grants the use of Burst Fire special attack",
hp : 40,
repair: "Metal",
amount: 1,
cost : 250
<<set $weapon.pistol40sw = {
type : "weapon",
range : "range",
name : ".40 S&W pistol",
plural : ".40 S&W pistols",
damage : 5,
damagetype : "Pierce",
skill : "Pistols",
stat : "Dexterity",
description : "A pistol commonly used by law enforcement in the past",
description2 : "It is a ranged pistol weapon that deals 2d6 pierce damage and 1d4 bleeding on critical hits",
special : "Causes 1d4 bleeding on critical hits",
adescription : "fire",
adescription2 : "fires",
quality : 2,
superior: 0,
critical: "Bleed",
criticalamount: 3,
special2: "None",
specialD: "None",
hp : 50,
repair: "Metal",
amount: 1,
cost : 300
<<set $weapon.superiorpistol40sw = {
type : "weapon",
range : "range",
name : "superior .40 S&W pistol",
plural : "superior .40 S&W pistols",
damage : 5,
damagetype : "Pierce",
skill : "Pistols",
stat : "Dexterity",
description : "A powerful pistol commonly used by law enforcement in the past",
description2 : "It is a ranged pistol weapon that deals 2d6+1 pierce damage, 1d4+1 bleeding on critical hits, and gives a +1 to hit.",
special : "Causes 1d4+1 bleeding on critical hits",
adescription : "fire",
adescription2 : "fires",
quality : 2,
superior: 1,
critical: "Bleed",
criticalamount: 3,
special2: "None",
specialD: "None",
hp : 90,
repair: "Metal",
amount: 1,
cost : 600
<<set $weapon.pistolVP70Z = {
type : "weapon",
range : "range",
name : "9mm VP70Z pistol",
plural : "9mm VP70Z pistols",
damage : 5,
damagetype : "Pierce",
skill : "Pistols",
stat : "Dexterity",
description : "A pistol used by West German law enforcement in the past",
description2 : "It is a ranged pistol weapon that deals 2d6 pierce damage and deals an extra 1d4 damage on critical hits.",
special : "Deals 1d6 extra damage on critical hits",
adescription : "fire",
adescription2 : "fires",
quality : 2,
superior: 0,
critical: "Deadly",
criticalamount: 5,
special2: "None",
specialD: "None",
hp : 50,
repair: "Metal",
amount: 1,
cost : 325
<<set $weapon.superiorpistolVP70Z = {
type : "weapon",
range : "range",
name : "superior 9mm VP70Z pistol",
plural : "superior 9mm VP70Z pistols",
damage : 5,
damagetype : "Pierce",
skill : "Pistols",
stat : "Dexterity",
description : "A powerful pistol used by West German law enforcement in the past",
description2 : "It is a ranged pistol weapon that deals 2d6+1 pierce damage, deals an extra 1d6 damage on critical hits and gives a +1 to hit..",
special : "Deals 1d6 extra damage on critical hits",
adescription : "fire",
adescription2 : "fires",
quality : 2,
superior: 1,
critical: "Deadly",
criticalamount: 5,
special2: "None",
specialD: "None",
hp : 50,
repair: "Metal",
amount: 1,
cost : 325
}>>\<<set $weapon.shotgun28 = {
type : "weapon",
range : "range",
name : "28-gauge shotgun",
plural : "28-gauge shotguns",
damage : 7,
damagetype : "Blunt",
skill : "Shotguns",
stat : "Dexterity",
description : "A accurate small gauge shotgun used for bird hunting.",
description2 : "It is a ranged shotgun weapon that deals 1d8 blunt damage.",
special : "None",
adescription : "shoot",
adescription2 : "shoots",
quality : 1,
superior: 0,
critical: "None",
criticalamount: 0,
special2: "None",
specialD: "None",
hp : 20,
repair: "Metal",
amount: 1,
cost : 50
<<set $weapon.superiorshotgun28 = {
type : "weapon",
range : "range",
name : "superior 28-gauge shotgun",
plural : "superior 28-gauge shotguns",
damage : 7,
damagetype : "Blunt",
skill : "Shotguns",
stat : "Dexterity",
description : "A very accurate small gauge shotgun used for bird hunting.",
description2 : "It is a ranged shotgun weapon that deals 1d8+1 blunt damage and gives a +1 to hit.",
special : "None",
adescription : "blast",
adescription2 : "blasts",
quality : 1,
superior: 1,
critical: "None",
criticalamount: 0,
special2: "None",
specialD: "None",
hp : 40,
repair: "Metal",
amount: 1,
cost : 150
<<set $weapon.shotgun410 = {
type : "weapon",
range : "range",
name : ".410-gauge shotgun",
plural : ".410-gauge shotguns",
damage : 6,
damagetype : "Pierce",
skill : "Shotguns",
stat : "Dexterity",
description : "A accurate tiny gauge shotgun used for bird hunting using flechette ammo.",
description2 : "It is a ranged shotgun weapon that deals 1d6+1 pierce damage and causes 1d4 bleeding on critical hit.",
special : "Causes 1d4 bleeding on critical hit",
adescription : "shoot",
adescription2 : "shoots",
quality : 1,
superior: 0,
critical: "Bleed",
criticalamount: 3,
special2: "None",
specialD: "None",
hp : 20,
repair: "Metal",
amount: 1,
cost : 50
<<set $weapon.superiorshotgun410 = {
type : "weapon",
range : "range",
name : "superior .410-gauge shotgun",
plural : "superior .410-gauge shotguns",
damage : 6,
damagetype : "Pierce",
skill : "Shotguns",
stat : "Dexterity",
description : "A superior tiny gauge shotgun used for bird hunting using flechette ammo.",
description2 : "It is a ranged shotgun weapon that deals 1d6+1 pierce damage, gives +1 to hit and causes 1d4+1 bleeding on critical hit.",
special : "Causes 1d4+1 bleeding on critical hit",
adescription : "shoot",
adescription2 : "shoots",
quality : 1,
superior: 1,
critical: "Bleed",
criticalamount: 3,
special2: "None",
specialD: "None",
hp : 20,
repair: "Metal",
amount: 1,
cost : 50
<<set $weapon.shotgun20g = {
type : "weapon",
range : "range",
name : "20-gauge shotgun",
plural : "20-gauge shotguns",
damage : 9,
damagetype : "Blunt",
skill : "Shotguns",
stat : "Dexterity",
description : "A small gauge shotgun used for hunting birds and small animals.",
description2 : "It is a ranged shotgun weapon that deals 1d10 blunt damage.",
special : "None",
adescription : "shoot",
adescription2 : "shoots",
quality : 1,
superior: 0,
critical: "None",
criticalamount: 0,
special2: "None",
specialD: "None",
hp : 35,
repair: "Metal",
amount: 1,
cost : 100
<<set $weapon.superiorshotgun20g = {
type : "weapon",
range : "range",
name : "superior 20-gauge shotgun",
plural : "superior 20-gauge shotguns",
damage : 9,
damagetype : "Blunt",
skill : "Shotguns",
stat : "Dexterity",
description : "A very accurate small gauge shotgun used for hunting birds and small animals.",
description2 : "It is a ranged shotgun weapon that deals 1d10 +1 blunt damage and gives a +1 to hit..",
special : "None",
adescription : "shoot",
adescription2 : "shoots",
quality : 1,
superior: 1,
critical: "None",
criticalamount: 0,
special2: "None",
specialD: "None",
hp : 70,
repair: "Metal",
amount: 1,
cost : 200
<<set $weapon.shotgunbeanbag20g = {
type : "weapon",
range : "range",
name : "20-gauge beanbag shotgun",
plural : "20-gauge beanbag shotguns",
damage : 9,
damagetype : "Blunt",
skill : "Shotguns",
stat : "Dexterity",
description : "A small gauge shotgun modified to only shoot stunning beanbag ammo.",
description2 : "It is a ranged shotgun weapon that deals 1d10 blunt damage and stuns for 1 round on critical hits.",
special : "Causes stun for 1 round on critical hits",
adescription : "shoot",
adescription2 : "shoots",
quality : 1,
superior: 0,
critical: "Stun",
criticalamount: 1,
special2: "None",
specialD: "None",
hp : 45,
repair: "Metal",
amount: 1,
cost : 200
<<set $weapon.superiorshotgunbeanbag20g = {
type : "weapon",
range : "range",
name : "superior 20-gauge beanbag shotgun",
plural : "superior 20-gauge beanbag shotguns",
damage : 9,
damagetype : "Blunt",
skill : "Shotguns",
stat : "Dexterity",
description : "A small gauge shotgun modified to only shoot stunning beanbag ammo.",
description2 : "It is a ranged shotgun weapon that deals 1d10 +1 blunt damage, gives a +1 to hit and stuns for 1 round on critical hits.",
special : "Causes stun for 1 round on critical hits",
adescription : "shoot",
adescription2 : "shoots",
quality : 1,
superior: 1,
critical: "Stun",
criticalamount: 1,
special2: "None",
specialD: "None",
hp : 45,
repair: "Metal",
amount: 1,
cost : 400
<<set $weapon.shotgun16g = {
type : "weapon",
range : "range",
name : "16-gauge shotgun",
plural : "16-gauge shotguns",
damage : 5,
damagetype : "Blunt",
skill : "Shotguns",
stat : "Dexterity",
description : "A average gauge shotgun used for hunting animals.",
description2 : "It is a ranged shotgun weapon that deals 2d6 blunt damage and staggers for 3 rounds on critical hit.",
special : "Staggers for 3 rounds on critical hits. Stagger gives an enemy a -3 penalty to AC which decreases by 1 each round.",
adescription : "shoot",
adescription2 : "shoots",
quality : 2,
superior: 0,
critical: "Stagger",
criticalamount: 3,
special2: "None",
specialD: "None",
hp : 55,
repair: "Metal",
amount: 1,
cost : 400
<<set $weapon.superiorshotgun16g = {
type : "weapon",
range : "range",
name : "superior 16-gauge shotgun",
plural : "superior 16-gauge shotguns",
damage : 5,
damagetype : "Blunt",
skill : "Shotguns",
stat : "Dexterity",
description : "A average gauge shotgun used for hunting animals.",
description2 : "It is a ranged shotgun weapon that deals 2d6 +1 blunt damage, staggers for 3 rounds on critical hit and gives a +1 to hit.",
special : "Staggers for 3 rounds on critical hits. Stagger gives an enemy a -3 penalty to AC which decreases by 1 each round",
adescription : "shoot",
adescription2 : "shoots",
quality : 2,
superior: 1,
critical: "Stagger",
criticalamount: 3,
special2: "None",
specialD: "None",
hp : 55,
repair: "Metal",
amount: 1,
cost : 800
<<set $weapon.shotgundragonfire16g = {
type : "weapon",
range : "range",
name : "16-gauge dragonfire shotgun",
plural : "16-gauge dragonfire shotguns",
damage : 5,
damagetype : "Blunt",
skill : "Shotguns",
stat : "Dexterity",
description : "A average gauge shotgun modified to help set things on fire.",
description2 : "It is a ranged shotgun weapon that deals 2d6 blunt damage and causes 1d4 burning on critical hits.",
special : "1d4 burning on critical hits",
adescription : "shoot",
adescription2 : "shoots",
quality : 2,
superior: 0,
critical: "Burn",
criticalamount: 3,
special2: "None",
specialD: "None",
hp : 55,
repair: "Metal",
amount: 1,
cost : 300
<<set $weapon.superiorshotgundragonfire16g = {
type : "weapon",
range : "range",
name : "superior 16-gauge dragonfire shotgun",
plural : "superior 16-gauge dragonfire shotguns",
damage : 5,
damagetype : "Blunt",
skill : "Shotguns",
stat : "Dexterity",
description : "A superior average gauge shotgun modified to help set things on fire.",
description2 : "It is a ranged shotgun weapon that deals 2d6+1 blunt damage, causes 1d4+1 burning on critical hits and gives a +1 to hit..",
special : "1d4 burning on critical hits",
adescription : "shoot",
adescription2 : "shoots",
quality : 2,
superior: 1,
critical: "Burn",
criticalamount: 3,
special2: "None",
specialD: "None",
hp : 55,
repair: "Metal",
amount: 1,
cost : 300
}>>\<<set $weapon.rifle22lr = {
type : "weapon",
range : "range",
name : ".22lr semi-automatic rifle",
plural : ".22lr semi-automatic rifles",
damage : 7,
damagetype : "Pierce",
skill : "Rifles",
stat : "Dexterity",
description : "A semi-automatic rifle used for hunting small animals",
description2 : "It is a ranged rifle weapon that deals 1d8 pierce damage and deals an extra 1d6 damage on critical hits.",
special : "Deals 1d6 extra damage on critical hits",
adescription : "fire",
adescription2 : "fires",
quality : 1,
superior: 0,
critical: "Deadly",
criticalamount: 5,
special2: "None",
specialD: "None",
hp : 30,
repair: "Metal",
amount: 1,
cost : 100
<<set $weapon.superiorrifle22lr = {
type : "weapon",
range : "range",
name : "superior .22lr semi-automatic rifle",
plural : "superior .22lr semi-automatic rifles",
damage : 7,
damagetype : "Pierce",
skill : "Rifles",
stat : "Dexterity",
description : "A very accurate semi-automatic rifle used for hunting small animals",
description2 : "It is a ranged rifle weapon that deals 1d8+1 pierce damage, deals an extra 1d6 damage on critical hits and gives a +1 to hit.",
special : "Deals 1d6 extra damage on critical hits",
adescription : "fire",
adescription2 : "fires",
quality : 1,
superior: 1,
critical: "Deadly",
criticalamount: 5,
special2: "None",
specialD: "None",
hp : 60,
repair: "Metal",
amount: 1,
cost : 200
<<set $weapon.Remington223 = {
type : "weapon",
range : "range",
name : ".223 Remington semi-automatic rifle",
plural : ".223 Remington semi-automatic rifles",
damage : 9,
damagetype : "Pierce",
skill : "Rifles",
stat : "Dexterity",
description : "A semi-automatic rifle used for hunting",
description2 : "It is a ranged rifle weapon that deals 1d10 pierce damage and deals an extra 1d6 damage on critical hits.",
special : "Deals 1d6 extra damage on critical hits",
adescription : "fire",
adescription2 : "fires",
quality : 1,
superior: 0,
critical: "Deadly",
criticalamount: 5,
special2: "None",
specialD: "None",
hp : 40,
repair: "Metal",
amount: 1,
cost : 250
<<set $weapon.superiorRemington223 = {
type : "weapon",
range : "range",
name : "superior .223 Remington semi-automatic rifle",
plural : "superior .223 Remington semi-automatic rifles",
damage : 9,
damagetype : "Pierce",
skill : "Rifles",
stat : "Dexterity",
description : "A semi-automatic rifle used for hunting",
description2 : "It is a ranged rifle weapon that deals 1d10+1 pierce damage, gives a +1 to hit and deals an extra 1d6 damage on critical hits.",
special : "Deals 1d6 extra damage on critical hits",
adescription : "fire",
adescription2 : "fires",
quality : 1,
superior: 1,
critical: "Deadly",
criticalamount: 5,
special2: "None",
specialD: "None",
hp : 50,
repair: "Metal",
amount: 1,
cost : 500
<<set $weapon.Winchester308 = {
type : "weapon",
range : "range",
name : ".308 Winchester semi-automatic rifle",
plural : ".308 Winchester semi-automatic rifles",
damage : 5,
damagetype : "Pierce",
skill : "Rifles",
stat : "Dexterity",
description : "A semi-automatic rifle used for hunting large prey",
description2 : "It is a ranged rifle weapon that deals 2d6 pierce damage and deals an extra 1d6 damage on critical hits.",
special : "Deals 1d6 extra damage on critical hits",
adescription : "fire",
adescription2 : "fires",
quality : 2,
superior: 0,
critical: "Deadly",
criticalamount: 5,
special2: "Burst Fire",
specialD: "Grants the use of Burst Fire special attack",
hp : 50,
repair: "Metal",
amount: 1,
cost : 500
<<set $weapon.superiorWinchester308 = {
type : "weapon",
range : "range",
name : "superior .308 Winchester semi-automatic rifle",
plural : "superior .308 Winchester semi-automatic rifles",
damage : 5,
damagetype : "Pierce",
skill : "Rifles",
stat : "Dexterity",
description : "A deadly semi-automatic rifle used for hunting large prey",
description2 : "It is a ranged rifle weapon that deals 2d6+1 pierce damage and deals an extra 1d6 damage on critical hits.",
special : "Deals 1d6 extra damage on critical hits",
adescription : "fire",
adescription2 : "fires",
quality : 2,
superior: 1,
critical: "Deadly",
criticalamount: 5,
special2: "Burst Fire",
specialD: "Grants the use of Burst Fire special attack",
hp : 50,
repair: "Metal",
amount: 1,
cost : 1000
<<set $weapon.SAFN49 = {
type : "weapon",
range : "range",
name : "SAFN-49 semi-automatic rifle",
plural : "SAFN-49 semi-automatic rifles",
damage : 5,
damagetype : "Pierce",
skill : "Rifles",
stat : "Dexterity",
description : "A semi-automatic rifle developed in Belgian for military use",
description2 : "It is a ranged rifle weapon that deals 2d6 pierce damage and staggers for 3 rounds on critical hit.",
special : "Staggers for 3 rounds on critical hits. Stagger gives an enemy a -3 penalty to AC which decreases by 1 each round",
adescription : "fire",
adescription2 : "fires",
quality : 2,
superior: 0,
critical: "Stagger",
criticalamount: 3,
special2: "Burst Fire",
specialD: "Grants the use of Burst Fire special attack",
hp : 50,
repair: "Metal",
amount: 1,
cost : 500
<<set $weapon.superiorSAFN49 = {
type : "weapon",
range : "range",
name : "superior SAFN-49 semi-automatic rifle",
plural : "superior SAFN-49 semi-automatic rifles",
damage : 5,
damagetype : "Pierce",
skill : "Rifles",
stat : "Dexterity",
description : "A finely crafted semi-automatic rifle developed in Belgian for military use",
description2 : "It is a ranged rifle weapon that deals 2d6+1 pierce damage, gives +1 to hit and staggers for 3 rounds on critical hit.",
special : "Staggers for 3 rounds on critical hits. Stagger gives an enemy a -3 penalty to AC which decreases by 1 each round",
adescription : "fire",
adescription2 : "fires",
quality : 2,
superior: 1,
critical: "Stagger",
criticalamount: 3,
special2: "Burst Fire",
specialD: "Grants the use of Burst Fire special attack",
hp : 50,
repair: "Metal",
amount: 1,
cost : 1000
}>>\ <<set $weapon.mop = {
type : "weapon",
range : "melee",
name : "mop",
plural : "mops",
damage : 9,
damagetype : "Blunt",
skill : "Polearms",
stat : "Strength",
description : "A mop used to clean the floors",
description2 : "It is a melee polearm weapon that deals 1d10 blunt damage and dazzles a enemy on a critical hit.",
special : "Causes Dazzle(-2 to hit) for 1 round on critical hits",
adescription : "swing",
adescription2 : "swings",
quality : 1,
superior: 0,
critical: "Dazzle",
criticalamount: 2,
special2: "None",
specialD: "None",
hp : 35,
repair: "Wood",
amount: 1,
cost : 100
<<set $weapon.quarterstaff = {
type : "weapon",
range : "melee",
name : "quarterstaff",
plural : "quarterstaves",
damage : 9,
damagetype : "Blunt",
skill : "Polearms",
stat : "Strength",
description : "A quarterstaff",
description2 : "It is a melee polearm weapon that deals 1d10 blunt damage and trips a enemy on a critical hit.",
special : "Trips on critical hits",
adescription : "swing",
adescription2 : "swings",
quality : 1,
superior: 0,
critical: "Trip",
criticalamount: 1,
special2: "None",
specialD: "None",
hp : 30,
repair: "Wood",
amount: 1,
cost : 150
<<set $weapon.superiorquarterstaff = {
type : "weapon",
range : "melee",
name : "superior quarterstaff",
plural : "superior quarterstaves",
damage : 9,
damagetype : "Blunt",
skill : "Polearms",
stat : "Strength",
description : "A stout quarterstaff",
description2 : "It is a melee polearm weapon that deals 1d10+1 blunt damage, gives a +1 to hit and trips a enemy on a critical hit.",
special : "Trips on critical hits",
adescription : "swing",
adescription2 : "swings",
quality : 1,
superior: 1,
critical: "Trip",
criticalamount: 1,
special2: "None",
specialD: "None",
hp : 60,
repair: "Wood",
amount: 1,
cost : 300
}>>\<img src="Images/Suburb/Clinic/breakroom.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<for $i = 0; $i < $lootTempClinicVending.length; $i++>>\
<<set $uitem = $lootTempClinicVending[$i]>>\
<<set $ItemName to $uitem.name>>\
<<set $ItemCost to $uitem.cost>>\
<<capture $uitem>>\
<<if $ThieverySkillFeats.FiveFingeredDiscount is 1>>\
<<set _D10 to Math.round($ItemCost * .1)>>\
<<set $ItemCost to $ItemCost - _D10>>\
<span id="useButton"><<button "Buy $ItemName for $ItemCost Dollars" "Oak Dale Clinic Vending 2" >>
<<set $SkillAction to "Common">>\
<<set $uitem2 to $uitem>>\
<<set $lootTempClinicVending.delete($uitem)>>\
<<button [[Finish|Oak Dale Clinic Break Room]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</button>><<set $ItemCost to $uitem2.cost>>\
<<if $ThieverySkillFeats.FiveFingeredDiscount is 1>>\
<<set _D10 to Math.round($ItemCost * .1)>>\
<<set $ItemCost to $ItemCost - _D10>>\
<<if $SkillAction is "Common">>\
<<set _Buying to "Common">>\
<<if $Cash < $ItemCost>>\
<<set _Buying to "Fail">>\
<<switch _Buying>>\
<<case "Fail">>\
You can't afford the $uitem2.name!
<<set $lootTempClinicVending.push($uitem2)>>\
<<case "Common">>\
<<for $i = 0; $i < $PCInventory.length; $i++>>\
<<set $vitem = $PCInventory[$i]>>\
<<set $ItemName to $vitem.name>>\
<<set _TempName to $uitem2.name>>\
<<if $ItemName is _TempName>>\
<<set _amount to $vitem.amount>>\
<<set _exists to 1>>\
<<if _exists is 1>>\
<<set _amount to _amount +1>>\
<<set $vitem.amount to _amount>>\
<<set $PCInventory.push($uitem2)>>\
<<set $Cash to $Cash - $ItemCost>>\
You bought the $uitem2.name for $ItemCost dollars.
<<button [[Finish|Oak Dale Clinic Vending]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</button>><img src="Images/Suburb/Clinic/clinic3.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set _T to 0>>\
<<set _E to 0>>\
There's a nice thick metal door blocking entrance to what sounds like a Storage Room that holds the vast majority of the supplies for the clinic. It looks rather reinforced to withstand someone trying to physically break in with what looks to be an alarm system wired to it. There's a physical keyhole along with a keycard badge in system.
<<if $KeyItemsFlags.ClinicKey < 1>>\
<<if $LockSmithTools.Active > 0 and $LockSmithTools.Charge > 19>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> Looks like I might be able to pick this physical lock.</i></div>
<<set _T to 1>>\
<<elseif $LockSmithTools.Active > 0 and $LockSmithTools.Charge < 20>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> Looks like I might be able to pick this physical lock but my locksmith tool needs to be recharged first.</i></div>
<<if $Prof.Electronics > 0 and $SmartPhone.Charge > 9>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I might be able to hack the keycard electronic lock.</i></div>\
<<set _E to 1>>\
<<elseif $Prof.Electronics > 0 and $SmartPhone.Charge < 10>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> Looks like I might be able to hack this electronic lock but my smartphone is out of juice.</i></div>
<<if $KeyItemsFlags.ClinicKey < 1>>\
<<if _T is 1>>\
<<button [[Pick the Storage Room Lock|Oak Dale Clinic Storage Action]]>>
<<set $SkillAction to "Thievery">>\
<<if _E is 1>>\
<<button [[Hack the Storage Room Lock|Oak Dale Clinic Storage Action]]>>
<<set $SkillAction to "Electronics">>\
<<button [[Use the Janitor Key|Oak Dale Clinic Storage Room]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<button [[Nevermind|Oak Dale Clinic Centre Hallway 2]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</button>><img src="Images/Suburb/Clinic/clinic3.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<switch $SkillAction>>\
<<case "Electronics">>\
Slowly sliding over to the locked door you quickly look around for any Infested. Seeing none of them around you take grab your phone and start dialing in the usual frequencies for these types of door keycard systems.
<<set _C to (random(19)+ 1) + $Skill.Electronics + $IntelligenceBonus + $FoodStatus.Skill + $PCStatus.SkillBuff - $StatusAffect.Hungry>>\
<<set _C2 to 0>>\
<<if $ElectronicsSkillFeats.BruteForce > 0>>\
<<set _C2 to (random(19)+ 1) + $Skill.Electronics + $IntelligenceBonus + $FoodStatus.Skill + $PCStatus.SkillBuff - $StatusAffect.Hungry -2 >>\
<<if _C > 12 + ($PC.Level / 2) or _C2 > 14 + ($PC.Level / 2)>>\
<<set _tempXP to $PC.Level * 100>>\
<<set $XP to $XP + _tempXP>>\
<<set $SmartPhone.Charge to $SmartPhone.Charge - 10>>\
  After a few minutes you finally get the right frequency as you hack the door with your smart phone. With only a couple of more commands the door becomes unlocked.
<<if $XP >= $NextLevel>> You have reached the maxium experience for your level! Sleep to gain your next level.<<else>> You have gained _tempXP XP! <</if>>
<<if $ProgrammerPath.Blackhat > 0>>\
<<include "Hacking Heal">>\
<<button [[Success!|Oak Dale Clinic Storage Room]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<set $SmartPhone.Charge to $SmartPhone.Charge - 10>>\
  After almost 30 minutes you are about to finally give up. Either your hacking software isn't up to the task or the frequency is just that uncommon. Giving one last brute force attempt you accidently trigger the security alarm! As you put away your phone a piercing alarm goes off that grabs the attention of a nearby Infested!
You've been ambushed by an enemy!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Ambushed to 1>>\
<<set $location.Encounter to "Oak Dale Clinic">>\
<<case "Thievery">>\
  Slowly sliding over to the side door you instictively look around for any Infested. Seeing no one around you take a long look at the Storage Room lock. It should only take a few minutes to pick the lock and gain access to the Storage Room.
<<set _T to (random(19)+ 1)>>\
<<if _T + $Skill.Thievery + $DexterityBonus + $FoodStatus.Skill + $PCStatus.SkillBuff - $StatusAffect.Hungry > 14 + ($PC.Level / 2)>>\
<<set _tempXP to $PC.Level * 100>>\
<<set $XP to $XP + _tempXP>>\
<<set _Charge to (random(10)+10)>>\
  After a few minutes you finally get the lock to click as you probe it with your tools. With only a couple of more twists you get the last of the lock's tumblers to line up. Taking a moment to put away your tools, you open the now unlocked door.
<<if $XP >= $NextLevel>> You have reached the maxium experience for your level! Sleep to gain your next level.<<else>> You have gained _tempXP XP! <</if>>
<<if $ThieverySkillFeats.SturdyTools > 0>>\
<<set _T2 to (random(19)+ 1)>>\
<<if _T2 < $Prof.Thievery +1>>\
<<set _Charge to 0>>\
<<button [[Success!|Oak Dale Clinic Storage Room]]>>
<<set $LockSmithTools.Charge to $LockSmithTools.Charge - _Charge>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
  No matter what you try to do the door remains locked! You keep getting close to getting the tumblers to align but seem to always lose one at the last moment. After giving the lock a frustrated bump in order to try and force the tumbles to align, a piercing alarm goes off that grabs the attention of a nearby Infested!
You've been ambushed by an enemy!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set $LockSmithTools.Charge to $LockSmithTools.Charge - _Charge>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Ambushed to 1>>\
<<set $location.Encounter to "Oak Dale Clinic">>\
<</switch>>\<img src="Images/Suburb/Clinic/clinic3.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set $location.temp to "Oak Dale Clinic Storage Room">>\
<<set $lootTemp to $lootClinicStorage>>\
<<set $rarelootTemp to $rarelootClinicStorage>>\
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<include "Loot Items">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set _tempCash to 500>>\
<<if $SalvagingSkillFeats.CashisKing > 0>>\
<<set _tempCash to _tempCash + Math.round(_tempCash / $SalvagingSkillFeats.CashisKing)>>\
<<set $Cash to $Cash + _tempCash>>\
<<set _Extra to 1>>\
<<if $SalvagingSkillFeats.ExtraLoot > 0>>\
<<set _extraloot to (random(19)+ 1) + ($Prof.Salvaging / 2)>>\
<<if _extraloot > 15>>\
<<set _Extra to 2>>\
Looking around the Storage Room you discover the following:
<<for $i = 0; $i < ($Prof.Salvaging / 2 + _Extra); $i++>>\
<<set _RareLoot to (random(19)+ 1) + ($Prof.Salvaging / 2) + $SalvagingSkillFeats.RareSalvage >>\
Rare Roll: _RareLoot
<<if _RareLoot > 19>>\
<<set _exists to 0>>\
<<set _keyflag to 0>>\
<<set _tempLoot to $rarelootTemp.random()>>\
<<if _tempLoot.name is "a double-ended dildo">>\
<<if $KeyItemsFlags.DoubleDildo is not 1>>\
<<set _keyflag to 1>>\
<<set $KeyItemsFlags.DoubleDildo to 1>>\
<<set $KeyItems.push(_tempLoot)>>\
<<set _tempLoot to $item.jewelry>>\
<<for $j = 0; $j < $PCInventory.length; $j++>>\
<<set $uitem = $PCInventory[$j]>>\
<<set $ItemName to $uitem.name>>\
<<set _TempName to _tempLoot.name>>\
<<if $ItemName is _TempName>>\
<<set _amount to $uitem.amount>>\
<<set _amount to _amount +1>>\
<<set $uitem.amount to _amount>>\
<<set _exists to 1>>\
<<if _keyflag is 0 and _exists is 0>>\
<<set $PCInventory.push(_tempLoot)>>\
Rare: <<print _tempLoot.name>>
<<set _Salvage to (random(19)+ 1) + $Skill.Salvaging + $WisdomBonus>>\
Salvage Roll: _Salvage
<<if _Salvage > (5 + ($i * 2))>>\
<<set _exists to 0>>\
<<set _tempLoot to $lootTemp.random()>>\
<<for $j = 0; $j < $PCInventory.length; $j++>>\
<<set $uitem = $PCInventory[$j]>>\
<<set $ItemName to $uitem.name>>\
<<set _TempName to _tempLoot.name>>\
<<if $ItemName is _TempName>>\
<<set _amount to $uitem.amount>>\
<<set _amount to _amount +1>>\
<<set $uitem.amount to _amount>>\
<<set _exists to 1>>\
<<if _exists is 0>>\
<<set $PCInventory.push(_tempLoot)>>\
<<print _tempLoot.name>>
<<set _exists to 0>>\
<<set _tempLoot to $weapon.shotgunbeanbag20g>>\
<<for $i = 0; $i < $PCInventory.length; $i++>>\
<<set $uitem = $PCInventory[$i]>>\
<<set $ItemName to $uitem.name>>\
<<set _TempName to _tempLoot.name>>\
<<if $ItemName is _TempName>>\
<<set _amount to $uitem.amount>>\
<<set _amount to _amount +1>>\
<<set $uitem.amount to _amount>>\
<<set _exists to 1>>\
<<if _exists is 0>>\
<<set $PCInventory.push(_tempLoot)>>\
<<print _tempLoot.name>>
<<set _exists to 0>>\
<<set _tempLoot to $weapon.scalpel>>\
<<for $i = 0; $i < $PCInventory.length; $i++>>\
<<set $uitem = $PCInventory[$i]>>\
<<set $ItemName to $uitem.name>>\
<<set _TempName to _tempLoot.name>>\
<<if $ItemName is _TempName>>\
<<set _amount to $uitem.amount>>\
<<set _amount to _amount +1>>\
<<set $uitem.amount to _amount>>\
<<set _exists to 1>>\
<<if _exists is 0>>\
<<set $PCInventory.push(_tempLoot)>>\
<<print _tempLoot.name>>
<<set _exists to 0>>\
<<set _tempLoot to $accessory.medicalmask>>\
<<for $i = 0; $i < $PCInventory.length; $i++>>\
<<set $uitem = $PCInventory[$i]>>\
<<set $ItemName to $uitem.name>>\
<<set _TempName to _tempLoot.name>>\
<<if $ItemName is _TempName>>\
<<set _amount to $uitem.amount>>\
<<set _amount to _amount +1>>\
<<set $uitem.amount to _amount>>\
<<set _exists to 1>>\
<<if _exists is 0>>\
<<set $PCInventory.push(_tempLoot)>>\
<<print _tempLoot.name>>
You also find a cash box that has _tempCash dollars inside!
<<button [[Finish|Oak Dale Clinic Storage Room]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<set $doctorEvent.Storage to 1>>\
<</button>><img src="Images/Suburb/Clinic/clinic entrance.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set $location.temp to "Oak Dale Clinic - South Entrance">>\
<<include "Time Micro-Passes">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set _T to 0>>\
<<set _A to 1>>\
<<set _E to 0>>\
There's a metal door blocking the employee entrance to the Oak Dale Clinic. It looks somewhat reinforced to withstand someone trying to physically break in with what looks to be an alarm system hardwired into it. There's a physical keyhole along with a keycard badge in system.
<<if $KeyItemsFlags.ClinicKey < 1>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I might be able to kick the door open but it's going to be loud and the alarm will go off.</i></div>\
<<if $LockSmithTools.Active > 0 and $LockSmithTools.Charge > 19>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> Looks like I might be able to pick this physical lock.</i></div>
<<set _T to 1>>\
<<elseif $LockSmithTools.Active > 0 and $LockSmithTools.Charge < 20>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> Looks like I might be able to pick this physical lock but my locksmith tool needs to be recharged first.</i></div>
<<if $Prof.Electronics > 0 and $SmartPhone.Charge > 9>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I might be able to hack this electronic lock using my smartphone and my hacking app.</i></div>\
<<set _E to 1>>\
<<elseif $Prof.Electronics > 0 and $SmartPhone.Charge < 10>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> Looks like I might be able to hack this electronic lock but my smartphone is out of juice.</i></div>\
<<if $KeyItemsFlags.ClinicKey < 1>>\
<<if _A is 1>>\
<<button [[Kick Open the South Entrance Door |Oak Dale Clinic South Action]]>>
<<set $SkillAction to "Athletics">>\
<<if _T is 1>>\
<<button [[Pick the South Entrance Door Lock|Oak Dale Clinic South Action]]>>
<<set $SkillAction to "Thievery">>\
<<if _E is 1>>\
<<button [[Hack the South Entrance Door Lock|Oak Dale Clinic South Action]]>>
<<set $SkillAction to "Electronics">>\
<<button [[Use the Janitor Key|Oak Dale Clinic South Hallway]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<button [[Nevermind|Oak Dale Clinic - South Entrance]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</button>><img src="Images/Suburb/Clinic/clinic3.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<switch $SkillAction>>\
<<case "Athletics">>\
Slowly backing up, you get yourself in a direct line to the door while glancing around for any Infested. Seeing none of them around you sprint rapidly towards the door and lash out a mighty kick to the doorknob!
<<set _A to (random(19)+ 1)>>\
<<if _A + $Skill.Athletics + $StrengthBonus + $FoodStatus.Skill - $StatusAffect.Hungry > 14 + ($PC.Level / 2)>>\
With your great strength and speed you manage to smash thru the door and into the clinic. The alarm goes off as expected but at least now you are inside the clinic! It doesn't take long for a enemy to find you!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<set $location.temp to "Oak Dale Clinic South Hallway">>\
<<set $location.Indoor to 1>>\
<<set $location.Encounter to "Oak Dale Clinic">>\
Even with all of your strength and speed you fail to force the door open and end up bouncing off! The alarm goes off as expected but you are too stunned to respond! It doesn't take long for a enemy to find you!
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Ambushed to 1>>\
You've been ambushed by an enemy!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<case "Electronics">>\
Slowly sliding over to the locked door you quickly look around for any Infested. Seeing none of them around you take grab your phone and start dialing in the usual frequencies for these types of door keycard systems.
<<set _C to (random(19)+ 1) + $Skill.Electronics + $IntelligenceBonus + $FoodStatus.Skill + $PCStatus.SkillBuff - $StatusAffect.Hungry>>\
<<set _C2 to 0>>\
<<if $ElectronicsSkillFeats.BruteForce > 0>>\
<<set _C2 to (random(19)+ 1) + $Skill.Electronics + $IntelligenceBonus + $FoodStatus.Skill + $PCStatus.SkillBuff -2 - $StatusAffect.Hungry>>\
<<if _C > 12 + ($PC.Level / 2) or _C2 > 14 + ($PC.Level / 2)>>\
<<set _tempXP to $PC.Level * 100>>\
<<set $XP to $XP + _tempXP>>\
<<set $SmartPhone.Charge to $SmartPhone.Charge - 10>>\
  After a few minutes you finally get the right frequency as you hack the door with your smart phone. With only a couple of more commands the door becomes unlocked and you step inside the clinic.
<<if $XP >= $NextLevel>> You have reached the maxium experience for your level! Sleep to gain your next level.<<else>> You have gained _tempXP XP! <</if>>
<<if $ProgrammerPath.Blackhat > 0>>\
<<include "Hacking Heal">>\
<<button [[Success!|Oak Dale Clinic South Hallway]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<set $location.Indoor to 1>>\
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<set $SmartPhone.Charge to $SmartPhone.Charge - 10>>\
  After almost 30 minutes you are about to finally give up. Either your hacking software isn't up to the task or the frequency is just that uncommon. Giving one last brute force attempt you accidently trigger the security alarm! As you put away your phone a piercing alarm goes off that grabs the attention of a nearby Infested!
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Ambushed to 1>>\
You've been ambushed by an enemy!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<case "Thievery">>\
  Slowly sliding over to the side door you instictively look around for any Infested. Seeing no one around you take a long look at the Storage Room lock. It should only take a few minutes to pick the lock and gain access to the Storage Room.
<<set _T to (random(19)+ 1)>>\
<<if _T + $Skill.Thievery + $DexterityBonus + $FoodStatus.Skill + $PCStatus.SkillBuff - $StatusAffect.Hungry > 14 + ($PC.Level / 2)>>\
<<set _tempXP to $PC.Level * 100>>\
<<set $XP to $XP + _tempXP>>\
<<set _Charge to (random(10)+10)>>\
  After a few minutes you finally get the lock to click as you probe it with your tools. With only a couple of more twists you get the last of the lock's tumblers to line up. Taking a moment to put away your tools, you open the now unlocked door and step inside.
<<if $XP >= $NextLevel>> You have reached the maxium experience for your level! Sleep to gain your next level.<<else>> You have gained _tempXP XP! <</if>>
<<if $ThieverySkillFeats.SturdyTools > 0>>\
<<set _T2 to (random(19)+ 1)>>\
<<if _T2 < $Prof.Thievery +1>>\
<<set _Charge to 0>>\
<<button [[Success!|Oak Dale Clinic South Hallway]]>>
<<set $location.Indoor to 1>>\
<<set $LockSmithTools.Charge to $LockSmithTools.Charge - _Charge>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
  No matter what you try to do the door remains locked! You keep getting close to getting the tumblers to align but seem to always lose one at the last moment. After giving the lock a frustrated bump in order to try and force the tumbles to align, a piercing alarm goes off that grabs the attention of a nearby Infested!
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
You've been ambushed by an enemy!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<set $StatusAffect.Ambushed to 1>>\
<<set $LockSmithTools.Charge to $LockSmithTools.Charge - _Charge>>\
<</switch>>\<img @src=$genericFighter.Image width="512px" height="768px" />
<<set $clinicAmbushEvent.Lose to $clinicAmbushEvent.Lose +1>>\
<<set $CombatRound to 0>>\
<<set $SpecialUsage to $MaxSpecialUsage>>\
<<set $BattleFlag to 0>>\
<<set $location.FleeFlag to 0>>\
<<if $HP < 1>>\
<<if $SkillFeats.Recovery > 0>>\
<<set $HP to $PC.Level + $ConstitutionBonus + 1>>\
<<set $HP to 1>>\
<<include "Combat Status Affects">>\
<<if (random(19) + 1) + $Skill.Social + $CharismaBonus > 14>>\
<<set $npcFuckHard.Friendship to $npcFuckHard.Friendship +2 + $ClassBonus.Celebrity + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set $npcFuckToy.Friendship to $npcFuckToy.Friendship +2 + $ClassBonus.Celebrity + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set $npcFuckHard.Friendship to $npcFuckHard.Friendship +1 + $ClassBonus.Celebrity + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set $npcFuckToy.Friendship to $npcFuckToy.Friendship +1 + $ClassBonus.Celebrity + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<if $clinicAmbushEvent.Patient is 0>>\
<<set _patient to "patient">>\
<<set _Patient to "Patient">>\
<<set _patient to $PC.FirstName>>\
<<set _Patient to $PC.FirstName>>\
<<set _tempCash to 600>>\
<<if $SalvagingSkillFeats.SecureWallet > 0>>\
<<set _tempSecure to _tempCash * (.10 * $Prof.Salvaging)>>\
<<set _tempCash to Math.round(_tempCash - _tempSecure)>>\
<<if $Cash > _tempCash + $clinicAmbushEvent.Debt>>\
<<set $Cash to $Cash - _tempCash - $clinicAmbushEvent.Debt>>\
<<set $clinicAmbushEvent.Debt to 0>>\
<<set $clinicAmbushEvent.Debt to $clinicAmbushEvent.Debt + (_tempCash - $Cash)>>\
<<set $Cash to 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Energized to $StatusAffect.Energized+1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Horny to $StatusAffect.Horny+1>>\
<<set _OBreastSD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _OBreastsSize to $arrayBreastSize[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ONippleSize to $arrayNippleSize[$PC.NippleSize]>>\
<<set _OAssSize to $arrayAssSizeDesc[$PC.AssSize]>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.Vaccine < 1>>\
<<if (random(19) +1) + $PC.Fortitude + $InfectionResist.Fort + $FoodStatus.Fort - $StatusAffect.Wet < (21 + Math.round($Infestation.Progress / 2) )>>\
<<if $Infestation.Progress < 1>>\
<<set $Infestation.Progress to 1>>\
<<set _Infest to random(20) - $InfectionResist.DR +5>>\
<<if _Infest < 0>>\
<<set _Infest to 0>>\
<<set $PC.Infestation to $PC.Infestation + _Infest>>\
<<if $PC.Infestation > $Infestation.Cap>>\
<<set $PC.Infestation to $Infestation.Cap>>\
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$npcFuckToy.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$npcFuckToy.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$genericFighter.DickSize]>>\
<<set _DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$genericFighter.DickSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$genericFighter.BallsSize]>>
<<set _BallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$genericFighter.BallsSize]>>\
<<if $PC.BreastsSize < $npcFuckToy.BreastsSize -1>>\
<<set $PCChanges.BreastsGrowth to "Silicone">>\
<<set _BreastSD to $BreastsSD>>\
<<set _BreastsSize to $BreastsSize>>\
<<set $PC.BreastsSize =+ $PC.BreastsSize +2>>\
<<set $PC.MMBreastsSize to $PC.MMBreastsSize +2>>\
<<set $PC.NippleSize =+ $PC.NippleSize +2>>\
<<set $BreastSD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set $BreastsSize to $arrayBreastSize[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set $NippleSize to $arrayNippleSize[$PC.NippleSize]>>\
<<set $PC.MBreastsSize to $PC.MBreastsSize + 2>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.SiliconeB to $StatusAffect.SiliconeB + 2>>\
<<set $clinicAmbushEvent.SiliconeX to $clinicAmbushEvent.SiliconeX -2>>\
<<if $clinicAmbushEvent.SiliconeX < 0>>\
<<set $clinicAmbushEvent.SiliconeX to 0>>\
  As you collapse from your defeat at the hands of the Infested Doctor, Nurse Fucktoy recovers from her hard railing and finally stands up. She quickly strips you of your clothes before giving you a piercing look from your face down to your _OBreastSD breasts. "Dr. FuckHard! We have a patient who has a severe case of flat chest syndrome! We need to get her pumped up right away!" she says in shock while staring hard at your _OBreastsSize tits in what looks to be pity.
  "Right you are, Nurse Fucktoy! Luckily I have a dose of what I'm calling "Big Titus!" that should get this patient started on a nice bouncy pair of tits! And luckily per the Law of the Clinic the victor can do what they please with the loser!" he says as he pulls out two needles out of his doctor's coat. The needles are filled with a clear gel-like substance and looks absolutely huge! Waving the needles around he says happily "Now Nurse Fucktoy, please hold our patient down!"
  Before you can try to escape you find yourself pinned by the Infested Nurse! Her strong arms have your arms pinned to the ground with her _ISD silicone inflated _ICup tits in your face! The only thing you can see besides her fake breasts are the needles slowly being lowered to your chest. The needles finally penetrates right above your nipples but surprisingly it doesn't hurt. The Infested Docter presses the plunger on the needles and you watch in fascination as the clear fluid flows into your chest.
  For a brief moment nothing happens but that moment passes as you feel a strange pleasurable sensation coming from your chest. With each heartbeat you can feel your nipples getting harder and before long your _ONippleSize nipples are as hard as diamonds. To your surprise your _OBreastSD breasts slowly start to grow as each heartbeat causes your _OBreastsSize tits to expand even bigger! It feels so good that you feel your pussy wetten as you become horny. Within moments your aching chest is at least two cup sizes bigger and even your $NippleSize nipples are looking oversized!
  "Success! Your flat chest is looking much better now that the surgery has been successfuly! Now to make sure everything is working properly. Nurse Fucktoy? Please observe while I try out our patient's new $BreastSD $BreastsSize tits!" Doctor FuckHard proclaims loudly while giving your expanded chest a nice hard look.
  The doctor wastes no time pressing his _DickSD meat staff up against your wet pussy causing you to moan loudly. Giving the nurse a lusty smirk he slams his _DickSize silicone-enhanced cock deep into your pussy causing your $BreastSD breasts to bounce from his sudden thrust. His thick cock feels so good can't help but desire that he keep fucking your extremely tight cunt hard.
  "Oh fuck! Your cock is so big! Keep going, don't stop! Fuck my tight pussy, please!" you gasp loudly in pleasure. Doctor FuckHard in response to your moans starts to slam his <<Penis>> in and out of your needy pussy. As you squirm and moan from the hard pounding you are receiving, Nurse Fucktoy finally releases your arms, allowing you to finally grab your expanded chest. Your breasts feel so much bigger and more sensitive that just touching them almost makes you cum right on the spot!
  "Isn't it sooo good to have a set of big titties? So big and so sensitive! Trust me! You're going to love them just like Nurse Fucktoy!" the Infested Nurse says while placing her pussy onto your face! "But right now Nurse Fucktoy is horny so it's time for you to eat Nurse Fucktoy's tight pussy!" she says while reaching down, placing her hands on top of your hands. She forces you to squeeze your tits tight and this time you do cum hard as you shoot a $GCumAD flood of girl-cum all over the doctor's hard throbbing cock. Your moans of pleasure are muffled by Nurse Fucktoy's wet pussy that's smothering your face while the doctor doesn't even slow down as he fucks you thru your orgasm.
  "It seems the patient's sensitivity is very high, Nurse Fucktoy! I must see if enough hard fucking can produce the same response! In the mean time, _patient, you need to eat out my nurse for she is rather thirsty!" says Doctor FuckHard as he accelerates his hard pounding causing your already sensitive pussy to get even wetter. Following the doctor's orders you slide your tongue into her dripping wet pussy while doing your best to drink down her juices.
  The hard fucking from the doctor and the sweet delicious taste of the nurse's dripping wet pussy is pushing you closer to another orgasm. The fact the doctor has joined the nurse in playing with your expanded $BreastSD breasts doesn't help as you feel your second orgasm coming any moment now. You try to moan louder but just end up sucking down more pussy-juice from NurseFucktoy.
<<if $PC.Infestation is $Infestation.Cap & $Infestation.Progress > 1>>\
<<set _BreastSD to $BreastsSD>>\
<<set _BreastsSize to $BreastsSize>>\
<<include "Infestation Increase">>\
  As the good doctor continues to pound away at your wet pussy you feel a surge of energy flowing directly into you! It almost feels like you are burning up but it quickly turns to pleasure that radiates from your ass that's slightly sore from all the hard fucking and your _BreastSD breasts that's being played with by both the doctor and the nurse!
  "Oh? What's this I see? How interesting! Look, Nurse Fucktoy, it seems our patient is having an interesting reaction to the treatment! Her breasts are growing bigger than expected and it feels like her ass is expanding as well!" the doctor comments as he watches your breasts grow with fascination. With your face full of bimbo pussy you can't quite see what he's talking about but it does feel like your breasts are growing again along with with your sensitive asscheeks.
  "Oh wow! You're right, Doctor FuckHard! Her titties are growing even bigger!" the busty nurse says as she fondles your growing jugs along with the doctor. "I wonder if her titties will grow as big as Nurse Fucktoy's?" she wonders as she pinches your hard nipples. The feeling of your sensitive breasts being played with by two hot Infested is pushing you even closer to the edge!
  "Ah yes! A patient with big tits is the best type of patient, Nurse Fucktoy! I can feel my seed-filled balls about to unleash my hot semen into her tight pussy! Yes, yes, YESSS!" the doctor yells as you feel his throbbing cock thrust hard one last time into your weeping pussy and unleash a firehose of hot cum directly into your eager womb! Not content with just creampieing you, Doctor FuckHard pulls out his _DickSize <<Penis>> while saying "I'm going to coat those $BreastsSize breasts of yours with my cream!" before shooting huge strands of gooey cum all over your $BreastSD tits along with Nurse Fucktoy's _ISD _ICup tits!
  "Ooooh Doctor FuckHard! Feeling your hot yummy cum while Nurse Fucktoy is playing with a patients new bigger tits is making Nurse Fucktoy cum so hard!" moans the Infested Nurse as grabs her _ISD fake tits with her hands. The feeling of having her jugs painted white must have turned on fiercely as she unleashes her firehose of girl-cum directly into your mouth.
  The feeling of being creampied along with being coated in the doctor's cum and the nurse's girl-cum pushes your aching pussy even farther as your second orgasm hits like a train. A tidal wave of girl-cum squirts out of your pussy along with some of the doctor's own cum. Still feeling some energy left over, you finally get a glimpse of your breasts and you can verify that they have indeed grown to $BreastSD $BreastsSize breasts with $NippleSize long nipples standing erect with the doctor's cum dripping from them. Reaching back you can feel that your ass has also grown to $AssSize size.
  "Ahhh! The patient's tight pussy is pushing me to cum, Nurse Fucktoy! I can feel my heavy balls about to unload my hot semen into her tight pussy! Yes, yes, YESSS!" the doctor yells as you feel his throbbing cock thrust hard one last time into your weeping pussy and unleash a firehose of hot cum directly into your eager womb! Not content with just creampieing you, Doctor FuckHard pulls out his _DickSize <<Penis>> and shoots large strands of gooey cum all over your $BreastSD $BreastsSize tits along with Nurse Fucktoy's _ISD _ICup tits!
  "Ooooh Doctor FuckHard! Your hot yummy cum is making Nurse Fucktoy cum!" moans the Infested Nurse as grabs her _ISD fake tits with her hands. The feeling of having her jugs painted white must have turned on fiercely as she unleashes her firehose of girl-cum directly into your mouth.
  The feeling of being creampied along with being coated in the doctor's cum and the nurse's girl-cum pushes your aching pussy even farther as your second orgasm hits like a train. A $GCumAD gushing of girl-cum squirts out of your pussy along with some of the doctor's own cum. After orgasming so many times in such a short time you collapse onto the floor feeling completely spent and exhausted.
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered +1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumFilled to $StatusAffect.CumFilled +1>>\
<<set $PC.MBreastsSize to $PC.MBreastsSize - 2>>\
<<set $PCChanges.BreastsShrink to "Silicone">>\
<<set _BreastSD to $BreastsSD>>\
<<set _BreastsSize to $BreastsSize>>\
<<set $PC.BreastsSize =+ $PC.BreastsSize -2>>\
<<set $PC.NippleSize =+ $PC.NippleSize -2>>\
<<set $BreastSD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set $BreastsSize to $arrayBreastSize[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set $NippleSize to $arrayNippleSize[$PC.NippleSize]>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.SiliconeB > 1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.SiliconeB to $StatusAffect.SiliconeB - 2>>\
<<set $PC.MMBreastsSize to $PC.MMBreastsSize -2>>\
<<elseif $StatusAffect.SiliconeB is 1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.SiliconeB to $StatusAffect.SiliconeB - 1>>\
<<set $PC.MMBreastsSize to $PC.MMBreastsSize -1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered +1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumFilled to $StatusAffect.CumFilled +1>>\
  As you collapse from your defeat at the hands of the Infested Doctor, Nurse Fucktoy recovers from her hard railing and finally stands up. She quickly strips you of your clothes before giving you a piercing look from your face down to your _OBreastSD breasts. "Dr. FuckHard! We have a patient who has a severe case of inflated chest syndrome! We need to get her drained right away!" she says in shock while staring hard at your _OBreastsSize tits in what looks to be envy.
  "Are you sure, Nurse Fucktoy? They look pretty nice to me..." At her glare he sighs loudly. "Fine! Have it your way. Luckily I have a dose of what I'm calling "Tiny Titus!" that should get this patient back to reasonably size tits! And luckily per the Law of the Clinic the victor can do what they please with the loser!" he says as he pulls out two needles out of his doctor's coat. The needles are filled with a clear gel-like substance and looks absolutely huge! Waving the needles around he says happily "Now Nurse Fucktoy, please hold our patient down!"
  Before you can try to escape you find yourself pinned by the Infested Nurse! Her strong arms have your arms pinned to the ground with her _ISD silicone inflated _ICup tits in your face! The only thing you can see besides her fake breasts are the needles slowly being lowered to your chest. The needles finally penetrates right above your nipples but surprisingly it doesn't hurt. The Infested Docter presses the plunger on the needles and you watch in horror as the clear fluid flows into your chest.
  For a brief moment nothing happens but that moment passes as you feel a strange pleasurable sensation coming from your chest. With each heartbeat you can feel your nipples getting harder and before long your _ONippleSize nipples are as hard as diamonds. To your surprise your _OBreastSD breasts slowly start to shrink as each heartbeat causes your _OBreastsSize tits to slowly decrease! It feels so good that you feel your pussy wetten as you become horny as hell. Within moments your aching chest is at least two cup sizes smaller and even your $NippleSize nipples are looking anemic!
  "Success! Your chest is looking much better now that the surgery has been successful! Now to make sure everything is working properly. Nurse Fucktoy? Please observe while I try out our patient's new $BreastSD $BreastsSize tits!" Doctor FuckHard proclaims loudly while giving your shruken chest a nice hard look.
  The doctor wastes no time pressing his _DickSD meat staff up against your wet pussy causing you to moan loudly. Giving the nurse a lusty smirk he slams his _DickSize silicone-enhanced cock deep into your pussy causing your $BreastSD breasts to bounce from his sudden thrust. His thick cock feels so good can't help but desire that he keep fucking your extremely tight cunt hard.
  "Oh fuck! Your cock is so big! Keep going, don't stop! Fuck my tight pussy, please!" you gasp loudly in pleasure. Doctor FuckHard in response to your moans starts to slam his <<Penis>> in and out of your needy pussy. As you squirm and moan from the hard pounding you are receiving, Nurse Fucktoy finally releases your arms, allowing you to finally grab your shunken chest. Your breasts feel so much smaller and more sensitive that just touching them almost makes you cum right on the spot!
  "Isn't it sooo good to have a proper set of titties? So much better with them being a nice and proper size! Trust Nurse Fucktoy on this! You're going to love them just like Nurse Fucktoy and have way less back pain!" the Infested Nurse says while placing her pussy onto your face! "But right now Nurse Fucktoy is horny so it's time for you to eat Nurse Fucktoy's tight pussy!" she says while reaching down, placing her hands on top of your hands. She forces you to squeeze your tits tight and this time you do cum hard as you shoot a $GCumAD spray of girl-cum all over the doctor's hard throbbing cock. Your moans of pleasure are muffled by Nurse Fucktoy's wet pussy that's smothering your face while the doctor doesn't even slow down as he fucks you thru your orgasm.
  "It seems the patient's sensitivity is very high, Nurse Fucktoy! I must see if enough hard fucking can produce the same response! In the mean time, _patient, you need to eat out my nurse for she is rather thirsty!" says Doctor FuckHard as he accelerates his hard pounding causing your already sensitive pussy to get even wetter. Following the doctor's orders you slide your tongue into her dripping wet pussy while doing your best to drink down her juices.
  The hard fucking from the doctor and the sweet delicious taste of the nurse's dripping wet pussy is pushing you closer to another orgasm. The fact the doctor has joined the nurse in playing with your smaller $BreastSD breasts doesn't help as you feel your second orgasm coming any moment now. You try to moan louder but just end up sucking down more pussy-juice from NurseFucktoy.
<<if $PC.Infestation is $Infestation.Cap & $Infestation.Progress > 1>>\
<<set _BreastSD to $BreastsSD>>\
<<set _BreastsSize to $BreastsSize>>\
<<include "Infestation Increase">>\
  As the good doctor continues to pound away at your wet pussy you feel a surge of energy flowing directly into you! It almost feels like you are burning up but it quickly turns to pleasure that radiates from your ass that's slightly sore from all the hard fucking and your _BreastSD breasts that's being played with by both the doctor and the nurse!
  "Oh? What's this I see? How interesting! Look, Nurse Fucktoy, it seems our patient is having an interesting reaction to the treatment! Her breasts are growing bigger, almost like they are fighting back against the treatment! And even better it feels like her ass is expanding as well!" the doctor comments as he watches your breasts grow with fascination. With your face full of bimbo pussy you can't quite see what he's talking about but it does feel like your breasts have reversed course as they push against the doctor's hands. They feel like they expanding with each heartbeat along with with your sensitive asscheeks.
  "Nurse Fucktoy can't believe it! Her titties are growing even bigger, Doctor FuckHard!" the busty nurse says as she fondles your growing jugs along with the doctor. "That's not fair! Why can't Nurse Fucktoy's titties grow bigger whenever Nurse Fucktoy wants?" she pounts as she pinches your hard nipples. The feeling of your sensitive breasts being played with by two hot Infested is pushing you even closer to the edge!
  "Ah yes! A patient with big tits is the best type of patient, Nurse Fucktoy! I can feel my seed-filled about to unleash my hot semen into her tight pussy! Yes, yes, YESSS!" the doctor yells as you feel his throbbing cock thrust hard one last time into your weeping pussy and unleash a firehose of hot cum directly into your eager womb! Not content with just creampieing you, Doctor FuckHard pulls out his _DickSize <<Penis>> while saying "I'm going to coat those $BreastsSize breasts of yours with my cream!" before shooting huge strands of gooey cum all over your $BreastSD tits along with Nurse Fucktoy's _ISD _ICup tits!
  "Ooooh Doctor FuckHard! Feeling your hot yummy cum while Nurse Fucktoy is playing with a patients unfair tits is making Nurse Fucktoy cum so hard!" moans the Infested Nurse as grabs her _ISD fake tits with her hands. The feeling of having her jugs painted white must have turned on fiercely as she unleashes her firehose of girl-cum directly into your mouth.
  The feeling of being creampied along with being coated in the doctor's cum and the nurse's girl-cum pushes your aching pussy even farther as your second orgasm hits like a train. A tidal wave of girl-cum squirts out of your pussy along with some of the doctor's own cum. Still feeling some energy left over, you finally get a glimpse of your breasts and you can verify that they have indeed grown to $BreastSD $BreastsSize breasts with $NippleSize long nipples standing erect with the doctor's cum dripping from them. Reaching back you can feel that your ass has also grown to $AssSize size.
  "Ahhh! The patient's tight pussy is pushing me to cum, Nurse Fucktoy! I can feel my heavy balls about to unload my hot semen into her tight pussy! Yes, yes, YESSS!" the doctor yells as you feel his throbbing cock pulse thrust hard one last time into your weeping pussy and unleash a firehose of hot cum directly into your eager womb! Not content with just creampieing you, Doctor FuckHard pulls out his _DickSize <<Penis>> and shoots large strands of gooey cum all over your $BreastSD $BreastsSize tits along with Nurse Fucktoy's _ISD _ICup tits!
  "Ooooh Doctor FuckHard! Your hot yummy cum is making Nurse Fucktoy cum!" moans the Infested Nurse as grabs her _ISD fake tits with her hands. The feeling of having her jugs painted white must have turned on fiercely as she unleashes her firehose of girl-cum directly into your mouth.
  The feeling of being creampied along with being coated in the doctor's cum and the nurse's girl-cum pushes your aching pussy even farther as your second orgasm hits like a train. A $GCumAD gushing of girl-cum squirts out of your pussy along with some of the doctor's own cum. After orgasming so many times in such a short time you collapse onto the floor feeling completely spent and exhausted.
<<if $clinicAmbushEvent.Patient is 0>>\
  "Well Nurse Fucktoy it's time for us to say goodbye to....hmm? I don't think I got the patient's name!" says Doctor FuckHard before looking thru your wallet. Smiling down at your abused body he says "Ah hah! Good-bye $PC.FirstName $PC.LastName! I'll be taking the payment for your treatment out of your wallet. No need for billing to get involved! Come along Nurse Fucktoy, we have more patients to find!"
  "Good-bye $PC.FirstName! Nurse Fucktoy hopes to see you again soon!" says Nurse Fucktoy as she walks down the hallway with her pussy dripping. Doctor FuckHard smiles lustfully as slaps her jiggly ass as she passes by.
  It takes you a few minutes to recover and you slowly get dressed. Looking thru your wallet you discover <<if $Cash is 0>> he took all of your money!<<else>> he took _tempCash dollars! <</if>>\
  "Well Nurse Fucktoy it's time for us to say goodbye to $PC.FirstName once again!" says Doctor FuckHard before looking thru your wallet. Smiling down at your abused body he says "It was a good fight $PC.FirstName but the victory was mine! I'll be taking the payment for your treatment out of your wallet as the price for me winning. No need for billing to get involved! Come along Nurse Fucktoy, we have more patients to find!"
  "Good-bye $PC.FirstName! Nurse Fucktoy hopes to see you again soon!" says Nurse Fucktoy as she walks down the hallway with her pussy dripping. Doctor FuckHard smiles lustfully as slaps her jiggly ass as she passes by.
  It takes you a few minutes to recover and you slowly get dressed. Looking thru your wallet you discover <<if $Cash is 0>> he took all of your money!<<else>> he took _tempCash dollars! <</if>>\
<<button [[Leave|$location.temp]]>>
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<include "Lust Passes">>\
<<set $NoEncounter to random(1) +2>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<set $clinicAmbushEvent.Patient to 1>>\
<<if ndef $npcFuckToy.Enhance>>\
<<set $npcFuckToy.Enhance to 0>>\
<<if $npcFuckToy.BreastsSize + $npcFuckToy.Enhance < $PC.BreastsSize>>\
<<set $npcFuckToy.Enhance to $npcFuckToy.Enhance +2>>\
<</button>> <img @src=$genericFighter.Image width="512px" height="768px" />
<<set $clinicAmbushEvent.Lose to $clinicAmbushEvent.Lose +1>>\
<<set $CombatRound to 0>>\
<<set $SpecialUsage to $MaxSpecialUsage>>\
<<set $BattleFlag to 0>>\
<<set $location.FleeFlag to 0>>\
<<if $HP < 1>>\
<<if $SkillFeats.Recovery > 0>>\
<<set $HP to $PC.Level + $ConstitutionBonus + 1>>\
<<set $HP to 1>>\
<<include "Combat Status Affects">>\
<<if (random(19) + 1) + $Skill.Social + $CharismaBonus > 14>>\
<<set $npcFuckHard.Friendship to $npcFuckHard.Friendship +2 + $ClassBonus.Celebrity + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set $npcFuckToy.Friendship to $npcFuckToy.Friendship +2 + $ClassBonus.Celebrity + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set $npcFuckHard.Friendship to $npcFuckHard.Friendship +1 + $ClassBonus.Celebrity + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set $npcFuckToy.Friendship to $npcFuckToy.Friendship +1 + $ClassBonus.Celebrity + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<if $clinicAmbushEvent.Patient is 0>>\
<<set _patient to "patient">>\
<<set _Patient to "Patient">>\
<<set _patient to $PC.FirstName>>\
<<set _Patient to $PC.FirstName>>\
<<set _tempCash to 600>>\
<<if $SalvagingSkillFeats.SecureWallet > 0>>\
<<set _tempSecure to _tempCash * (.10 * $Prof.Salvaging)>>\
<<set _tempCash to Math.round(_tempCash - _tempSecure)>>\
<<if $Cash > _tempCash + $clinicAmbushEvent.Debt>>\
<<set $Cash to $Cash - _tempCash - $clinicAmbushEvent.Debt>>\
<<set $clinicAmbushEvent.Debt to 0>>\
<<set $clinicAmbushEvent.Debt to $clinicAmbushEvent.Debt + (_tempCash - $Cash)>>\
<<set $Cash to 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Energized to $StatusAffect.Energized+1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Horny to $StatusAffect.Horny+1>>\
<<set _ODickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$PC.DickSize]>>\
<<set _ODickSize to $arrayDickSize[$PC.DickSize]>>\
<<set _OBallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$PC.BallsSize]>>
<<set _OBallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$PC.BallsSize]>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.Vaccine < 1>>\
<<if (random(19) +1) + $PC.Fortitude + $InfectionResist.Fort + $FoodStatus.Fort - $StatusAffect.Wet < (21 + Math.round($Infestation.Progress / 2) )>>\
<<if $Infestation.Progress < 1>>\
<<set $Infestation.Progress to 1>>\
<<set _Infest to random(20) - $InfectionResist.DR +5>>\
<<if _Infest < 0>>\
<<set _Infest to 0>>\
<<set $PC.Infestation to $PC.Infestation + _Infest>>\
<<if $PC.Infestation > $Infestation.Cap>>\
<<set $PC.Infestation to $Infestation.Cap>>\
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$npcFuckToy.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$npcFuckToy.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$genericFighter.DickSize]>>\
<<set _DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$genericFighter.DickSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$genericFighter.BallsSize]>>
<<set _BallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$genericFighter.BallsSize]>>\
<<if $PC.DickSize < $npcFuckHard.DickSize>>\
<<set $PCChanges.DickGrowth to "Silicone">>\
<<set $PC.DickSize to $PC.DickSize + 2>>\
<<set $DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$PC.DickSize]>>\
<<set $DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$PC.DickSize]>>\
<<set $PC.BallsSize to $PC.BallsSize + 2>>\
<<set $BallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$PC.BallsSize]>>\
<<set $BallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$PC.BallsSize]>>\
<<set $PC.MDickSize to $PC.MDickSize + 2>>\
<<set $PC.MBallsSize to $PC.MBallsSize + 2>>\
<<set $Cum.Max to $Cum.Max + 2>>\
<<set $Cum.Min to $Cum.Min + 2>>\
<<set $Cum.Stored to $Cum.Max>>\
<<set $CumAD to $arrayCumAmountDesc[$Cum.Stored]>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.SiliconeP to $StatusAffect.SiliconeP + 2>>\
<<set $clinicAmbushEvent.SiliconeX to $clinicAmbushEvent.SiliconeX -2>>\
<<if $clinicAmbushEvent.SiliconeX < 0>>\
<<set $clinicAmbushEvent.SiliconeX to 0>>\
  As you collapse from your defeat at the hands of the Infested Doctor, Nurse Fucktoy recovers from her hard railing and finally stands up. She quickly strips you of your clothes before giving you a piercing look from your face down to your groin. "Dr. FuckHard! We have a patient who has a severe case of small dick syndrome! We need to get him pumped up right away!" she says in shock while staring hard at your _ODickSD cock.
  "Right you are, Nurse Fucktoy! Luckily I have a dose of what I'm calling "Big Dickus!" that should get this patient started on a nice hard throbbing dick! And luckily per the Law of the Clinic the victor can do what they please with the loser!" he says as he pulls out a huge needle out of his doctor's coat. The needle is filled with a clear gel-like substance and looks absolutely huge! Waving the needle around he says happily "Now Nurse Fucktoy, please hold our patient down!"
  Before you can try to escape you find yourself pinned by the Infested Nurse! Her strong arms have your arms pinned to the ground with her massive silicone inflated II-cup tits in your face! The only thing you can see besides her fake breasts is the needle slowly being lowered to your groin. The needle finally penetrates right above your completely flaccid penis but surprisingly it doesn't hurt. The Infested Docter presses the plunger on the needle and you watch in fascination as the clear fluid flows into your groin.
  For a brief moment nothing happens but that moment passes as you feel a strange tingling sensation coming from your dick. With each heartbeat you can feel your dick getting harder and thicker and before long your $DickSize cock is fully erect. To your surprise your dick continues to grow beyond it's limits as each heartbeat causes your throbbing cock to get even bigger! Within moments your hard dick is at least two inches bigger along with an increase in thickness. Even your balls are looking oversized from whatever that crazy doctor did to you!
  "Success! Your puny cock is looking much better now that the surgery has been successful! Another medical miracle performed by the greatest doctor this city has ever seen! Now to make sure everything is working properly. Nurse Fucktoy? Assume the position!" the Infested Doctor proclaims loudly while giving your throbbing dick a hard examining look.
  "Yes sir!" yells Nurse Fucktoy as she finally releases your arms and gets on her hands and knees. Her huge jiggly ass is swaying in the air next to your stunned face. She looks back at you while wiggling her huge bouncy ass back and forth as if waiting for someone to fuck her.
  "Listen up _patient! You will fuck Nurse FuckToy long and hard with your $DickSize cock and not stop until I tell you to! You will not cum until I tell you to! Breaking these rules will result in punishment! Now get to it _patient!" demands Doctor FuckHard as he stares at you with a iron will.
  Not wanting to see what else he could do to mess with your body, you slowly get to your knees. Your hard throbbing cock is aching to be deep inside the busty nurse so you grab her ample hips. Taking a moment to line your cock up with her dripping wet pussy, you take the plunge as you slide your hard cock into her tight cunt! It feels so good you almost creampie her just from entering her tight pussy! It feels like your dick is way more sensitive now and you have clench tight in order to keep youself from prematurely cumming.
  "Oh no! Is Nurse Fucktoy's pussy too much for you?" asks Nurse Fucktoy as she glances back at you in faux concern. Unwilling to give her the satisfaction of a verbal response, you respond by pulling your cock almost all the way out of her tight pussy before slamming it back in hard. With each thrust of your pulsating dick you get more used to your increased sensitivty and eventually get a nice hard rhythm going. The extra cushioning in her ass helps you keep a even pace as you steadily fuck the slutty nurse.
  "Oooh! Your hard throbbing cock feels so good! Nurse Fucktoy's sooo glad you didn't shoot your load prematurely into Nurse Fucktoy's tight pussy!" moans the busty nurse as her _ISD silicone filled tits sway with each thrust as well as her extremely jiggly ass. Unwilling to annoy the doctor you keep a steady pace regardless of the fact you really want to fuck the brains out of the nurse before shooting your load all over her massive silicone-enhanced ass.
  "Hmm...It seems the patient's enhanced penis is working so far. Now to see if all the parts are in working order. _Patient! You will fuck my nurse until she cums and then you are allowed to cum. No not allowed! You WILL cum! Show me that everything works perfectly, patient!" demands the Infested doctor as he paces around the floor where you are busy fucking his slutty nurse.
  Hearing his order you start to speed up your fucking, giving the erotic nurse the hard fucking she deserves and you desire. Her response is to groan even louder and start to thrust her massive ass back against your hard $DickSize cock. Her _ISD jugs are swaying hard from the strong pounding you are giving her and your $BallsSize cum-filled balls are slapping loudly with each hard thrust.
<<if $PC.Infestation is $Infestation.Cap & $Infestation.Progress > 1>>\
<<set _ODickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$PC.DickSize]>>\
<<set _ODickSize to $arrayDickSize[$PC.DickSize]>>\
<<set _OBallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$PC.BallsSize]>>
<<set _OBallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$PC.BallsSize]>>\
<<include "Infestation Increase">>\
  As you slam your <<Penis>> into her wet cunt you feel a surge of energy flowing directly into you! It almost feels like you are burning up but it quickly turns to pleasure that radiates from your _ODickSD hard <<Penis>> and balls!
  "Oh fuckkkk! Your yummy cock is getting bigger and bigger in Nurse Fucktoy's tight pussy! Oooooh fuckkkkk! Nurse Fucktoy is feeling really really good!" she moans as you pound her pussy even harder. You can feel your _ODickSize <<Penis>> growing longer and thicker as her pussy gets tighter and tighter. Your silicone-enhanced dick is radiating so much pleasure that you are on the edge of cumming and it's taking all your willpower to hold back. "OH FUCK! NURSE FUCKTOY IS CUMMING FROM YOUR SUPER BIG COCK!" she lets out a echoing scream of pure pleasure as you feel her wet pussy squeeze your cock hard.
  The feeling of the slutty Infested nurse cumming hard pushes you over the edge as her pussy squeezes your burning cock over and over again. "Fuck! I'm cumming from my growing dick!" you yell as your churning balls give one last pulse before you unleash a tidal wave of cum deep into her pussy! There's so much that you pull your dick out of her pussy and shoot massive strands of hot goo all over her massive ass! Looking down you can see that you now have a $DickSD $DickSize dick along with a pair of $BallsSD $BallsSize balls!
  "Prepare to receive my big load!" Doctor FuckHard bellows as his _DickSize meat staff twitches. You were so focused on your rapid changes that you didn't even notice the doctor stroking his dick right next to you. You can only watch helplessly as multiple massive geysers of hot white cum shoot out from his cock! Several large strands splash onto your face and chest while others land on Nurse FuckToy's massive ass and face! The feeling of shooting your load along with getting a facial from the doctor saps your remaining strength and you collaspse onto the ground.
  "Oh fuck! It feels so good to be fucked so hard by such an big improved dick! Oooooh fuckkkkk! Nurse Fucktoy is feeling really really good! OH FUCKITY!" she moans as you pound her pussy even harder. You're quickly reaching your limits but the nurse still hasn't cum yet. Your dick is radiating so much pleasure that you on the edge of cumming once again and it's taking all your willpower to hold back.
  With all your focus on railing the hot slutty big titty nurse you didn't notice what the crazy doctor was doing until almost the last moment. Hearing his grunting you glance over and find that he had taken his massive 15-inch cock out of his pants at one point and is stroking his monster dick rapidly!
  "Prepare to receive my big load!" Doctor FuckHard bellows as his _DickSize meat staff twitches. You can only watch helplessly as multiple massive geysers of hot white cum shoot out from his cock! Several large strands splash onto your face and chest while others land on Nurse FuckToy's massive ass and face!
  The feeling of having her ass and face covered by the doctor's seed pushes Nurse FuckToy over the edge. "OH FUCK! NURSE FUCKTOY IS CUMMING!" she lets out a echoing scream of pure pleasure as you feel her wet pussy squeeze your cock hard.
  You are also not immune to the feeling of getting a gooey facial as your resistance shatters. "FUCK YES! I'm cumming!" you shout as you finally give into the pleasure. You feel your overfilled balls give one last pulse before unleashing your $CumAD load directly into Nurse Fucktoy's quivering pussy. <<if $Cum.Stored > 10>> After filling her tight pussy with your hot cum you pull your <<Penis>> out of her tight pussy and fire $CumAD strands of gooey cum all over her back and massive silicone-filled ass!<</if>> After shooting out all your baby-battery you collapse onto the floor feeling completely spent and exhausted.
<<set $PCChanges.DickShrink to "Silicone">>\
<<set $PC.DickSize to $PC.DickSize - 2>>\
<<set $DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$PC.DickSize]>>\
<<set $DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$PC.DickSize]>>\
<<set $PC.BallsSize to $PC.BallsSize - 2>>\
<<set $BallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$PC.BallsSize]>>\
<<set $BallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$PC.BallsSize]>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.SiliconeP > 1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.SiliconeP to $StatusAffect.SiliconeP -2>>\
<<set $PC.MDickSize to $PC.MDickSize - 2>>\
<<set $PC.MBallsSize to $PC.MBallsSize - 2>>\
<<elseif $StatusAffect.SiliconeP is 1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.SiliconeP to $StatusAffect.SiliconeP -1>>\
<<set $PC.MDickSize to $PC.MDickSize - 1>>\
<<set $PC.MBallsSize to $PC.MBallsSize - 1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered +1>>\
<<set $Cum.Max to $Cum.Max - 2>>\
<<set $Cum.Min to $Cum.Min - 2>>\
<<set $Cum.Stored to $Cum.Max>>\
<<set $CumAD to $arrayCumAmountDesc[$Cum.Stored]>>\
  As you collapse from your defeat at the hands of the Infested Doctor, Nurse Fucktoy recovers from her hard railing and finally stands up. She quickly strips you of your clothes before giving you a piercing look from your face down to your groin. "Dr. FuckHard! We have a patient who has a super mega huge penis! I think his dick might even be bigger than yours!" she says in shock while staring hard at your _ODickSD cock in pure lust.
  "Huh... Well we can't be having that, Nurse Fucktoy! Luckily I have a dose of what I'm calling "Tiny Dickus!" that should get this patient's penis back to a reasonable size! And luckily per the Law of the Clinic the victor can do what they please with the loser!" he says as he pulls out a huge needle out of his doctor's coat. The needle is filled with a clear gel-like substance and looks absolutely huge!
  "Are you sure Doctor FuckHard? It looks fine to me and I bet it would feel even better deep inside my pussy!" she protests loudly while gazing at your _ODickSD dick with intense longing.
  At the nurses protest he says sternly while waving the needle around "Having such a monster cock is dangerous and could cause blood flow issues. Now Nurse Fucktoy, please hold our patient down!"
  Before you can try to escape you find yourself pinned by the Infested Nurse! Her strong arms have your arms pinned to the ground with her massive silicone inflated II-cup tits in your face! The only thing you can see besides her fake breasts is the needle slowly being lowered to your groin. The needle finally penetrates right above your completely flaccid penis but surprisingly it doesn't hurt. The Infested Docter presses the plunger on the needle and you watch in horror as the clear fluid flows into your groin.
  For a brief moment nothing happens but that moment passes as you feel a strange tingling sensation coming from your dick. With each heartbeat you can feel your dick getting harder and thicker and before long your $DickSize cock is fully erect. To your surprise your dick starts to shrink while remaining hard as each heartbeat causes your throbbing cock to get smaller! Within moments your hard dick is at least two inches smaller along with an decrease in thickness. Even your balls are looking anemic from whatever that crazy doctor did to you!
  "Success! Your penis is looking much better now that the surgery has been successful! Another medical miracle performed by the greatest doctor this city has ever seen! Now to make sure everything is working properly. Nurse Fucktoy? Assume the position!" the Infested Doctor proclaims loudly while giving your throbbing dick a hard examining look.
  "Yes sir..." Nurse Fucktoy mutters as she finally releases your arms and gets on her hands and knees. Her huge jiggly ass is swaying in the air next to your stunned face. She looks back at you with a bit of sadness in her eyes while wiggling her huge bouncy ass back and forth as if waiting for someone to fuck her.
  "Listen up _patient! You will fuck Nurse FuckToy long and hard with your $DickSize cock and not stop until I tell you to! You will not cum until I tell you to! Breaking these rules will result in punishment! Now get to it _patient!" demands Doctor FuckHard as he stares at you with a iron will.
  Not wanting to see what else he could do to mess with your body, you slowly get to your knees. Your hard throbbing cock is aching to be deep inside the busty nurse so you grab her ample hips. Taking a moment to line your cock up with her dripping wet pussy, you take the plunge as you slide your hard cock into her tight cunt! It feels so good you almost creampie her just from entering her tight pussy! It feels like your dick is way more sensitive now and you have clench tight in order to keep youself from prematurely cumming.
  "Oh no! Is Nurse Fucktoy's pussy too much for you?" asks Nurse Fucktoy as she glances back at you in faux concern. Unwilling to give her the satisfaction of a verbal response, you respond by pulling your cock almost all the way out of her tight pussy before slamming it back in hard. With each thrust of your pulsating dick you get more used to your increased sensitivty and eventually get a nice hard rhythm going. The extra cushioning in her ass helps you keep a even pace as you steadily fuck the slutty nurse.
  "Oooh! Your hard throbbing cock feels so good, but I bet it would have felt much better before your surgery! Nurse Fucktoy's sooo glad you didn't shoot your load prematurely into Nurse Fucktoy's tight pussy!" moans the busty nurse as her _ISD silicone filled tits sway with each thrust as well as her extremely jiggly ass. Unwilling to annoy the doctor you keep a steady pace regardless of the fact you really want to fuck the brains out of the nurse before shooting your load all over her massive silicone-enhanced ass.
  "Hmm...It seems the patient's improved penis is working so far. Now to see if all the parts are in working order. _Patient! You will fuck my nurse until she cums and then you are allowed to cum. No not allowed! You WILL cum! Show me that everything works perfectly, patient!" demands the Infested doctor as he paces around the floor where you are busy fucking his slutty nurse.
  Hearing his order you start to speed up your fucking, giving the erotic nurse the hard fucking she deserves and you desire. Her response is to groan even louder and start to thrust her massive asss back against your hard $DickSize cock. Her _ISD jugs are swaying hard from the strong pounding you are giving her and your $BallsSize cum-filled balls are slapping loudly with each hard thrust.
<<if $PC.Infestation is $Infestation.Cap & $Infestation.Progress > 1>>\
<<set _ODickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$PC.DickSize]>>\
<<set _ODickSize to $arrayDickSize[$PC.DickSize]>>\
<<set _OBallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$PC.BallsSize]>>
<<set _OBallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$PC.BallsSize]>>\
<<include "Infestation Increase">>\
  As you slam your <<Penis>> into her wet cunt you feel a surge of energy flowing directly into you! It almost feels like you are burning up but it quickly turns to pleasure that radiates from your _ODickSD hard <<Penis>> and balls!
  "Oh fuckkkk! Your yummy cock is getting bigger and bigger in Nurse Fucktoy's tight pussy! Oooooh fuckkkkk! Nurse Fucktoy is feeling really really good!" she moans as you pound her pussy even harder. You can feel your _ODickSize <<Penis>> growing longer and thicker as her pussy gets tighter and tighter. Your silicone-enhanced dick is radiating so much pleasure that you are on the edge of cumming and it's taking all your willpower to hold back. "OH FUCK! NURSE FUCKTOY IS CUMMING FROM YOUR BIG COCK!" she lets out a echoing scream of pure pleasure as you feel her wet pussy squeeze your cock hard.
  The feeling of the slutty Infested nurse cumming hard pushes you over the edge as her pussy squeezes your burning cock over and over again. "Fuck! I'm cumming from my growing dick!" you yell as your churning balls give one last pulse before you unleash a tidal wave of cum deep into her pussy! There's so much that you pull your dick out of her pussy and shoot massive strands of hot goo all over her massive ass! Looking down you can see that you now have a $DickSD $DickSize dick along with a pair of $BallsSD $BallsSize balls!
  "Prepare to receive my big load!" Doctor FuckHard bellows as his _DickSize meat staff twitches. You were so focused on your rapid changes that you didn't even notice the doctor stroking his dick right next to you. You can only watch helplessly as multiple massive geysers of hot white cum shoot out from his cock! Several large strands splash onto your face and chest while others land on Nurse FuckToy's massive ass and face! The feeling of shooting your load along with getting a facial from the doctor saps your remaining strength and you collaspse onto the ground.
  "Oh fuck! It feels so good to be fucked so hard by such an $DickSD dick! Oooooh fuckkkkk! Nurse Fucktoy is feeling really really good! OH FUCKITY!" she moans as you pound her pussy even harder. You're quickly reaching your limits but the nurse still hasn't cum yet. Your dick is radiating so much pleasure that you on the edge of cumming once again and it's taking all your willpower to hold back.
  With all your focus on railing the hot slutty big titty nurse you didn't notice what the crazy doctor was doing until almost the last moment. Hearing his grunting you glance over and find that he had taken his massive 15-inch cock out of his pants at one point and is stroking his monster dick rapidly!
  "Prepare to receive my big load!" Doctor FuckHard bellows as his _DickSize meat staff twitches. You can only watch helplessly as multiple massive geysers of hot white cum shoot out from his cock! Several large strands splash onto your face and chest while others land on Nurse FuckToy's massive ass and face!
  The feeling of having her ass and face covered by the doctor's seed pushes Nurse FuckToy over the edge. "OH FUCK! NURSE FUCKTOY IS CUMMING!" she lets out a echoing scream of pure pleasure as you feel her wet pussy squeeze your cock hard.
  You are also not immune to the feeling of getting a gooey facial as your resistance shatters. "FUCK YES! I'm cumming!" you shout as you finally give into the pleasure. You feel your overfilled balls give one last pulse before unleashing your $CumAD load directly into Nurse Fucktoy's quivering pussy. <<if $Cum.Stored > 10>> After filling her tight pussy with your hot cum you pull your <<Penis>> out of her tight pussy and fire $CumAD strands of gooey cum all over her back and massive silicone-filled ass!<</if>> After shooting out all your baby-battery you collapse onto the floor feeling completely spent and exhausted.
<<if $clinicAmbushEvent.Patient is 0>>\
  "Well Nurse Fucktoy it's time for us to say goodbye to....hmm? I don't think I got the patient's name!" says Doctor FuckHard before looking thru your wallet. Smiling down at your abused body he says "Ah hah! Good-bye $PC.FirstName $PC.LastName! I'll be taking the payment for your treatment out of your wallet. No need for billing to get involved! Come along Nurse Fucktoy, we have more patients to find!"
  "Good-bye $PC.FirstName! Nurse Fucktoy hopes to see you again soon!" says Nurse Fucktoy as she walks down the hallway with her pussy dripping. Doctor FuckHard smiles lustfully as slaps her jiggly ass as she passes by.
  It takes you a few minutes to recover and you slowly get dressed. Looking thru your wallet you discover <<if $Cash is 0>> he took all of your money!<<else>> he took _tempCash dollars! <</if>>\
  "Well Nurse Fucktoy it's time for us to say goodbye to $PC.FirstName once again!" says Doctor FuckHard before looking thru your wallet. Smiling down at your abused body he says "It was a good fight $PC.FirstName but the victory was mine! I'll be taking the payment for your treatment out of your wallet as the price for me winning. No need for billing to get involved! Come along Nurse Fucktoy, we have more patients to find!"
  "Good-bye $PC.FirstName! Nurse Fucktoy hopes to see you again soon!" says Nurse Fucktoy as she walks down the hallway with her pussy dripping. Doctor FuckHard smiles lustfully as slaps her jiggly ass as she passes by.
  It takes you a few minutes to recover and you slowly get dressed. Looking thru your wallet you discover <<if $Cash is 0>> he took all of your money!<<else>> he took _tempCash dollars! <</if>>\
<<button [[Leave|$location.temp]]>>
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<include "Lust Passes">>\
<<set $NoEncounter to random(1) +2>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<set $clinicAmbushEvent.Patient to 1>>\
<</button>> <<switch $useitem3.name>>\
<<case "a tasty milkshake">>\
<<include "Milk Shake Prologue">>\
<<case "a battery">>\
What item do you wish to recharge?
<<button [[Phone|Charge Item]]>>
<<set $SkillAction to "Phone">>\
<<if $LockSmithTools.Active > 0>>\
<<button [[Locksmith Tool|Charge Item]]>>
<<set $SkillAction to "Lock">>\
<<button "Nevermind" $return>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</button>><<set $item.smallration = {
type : "food",
name : "a snack",
plural : "snacks",
description : "a small snack that can take the edge off but doesn't count as a whole meal",
quality : 2,
amount: 1,
cost : 1
<<set $item.makeshiftfood = {
type : "food",
name : "a mix of makeshift food",
plural : "mixes of makeshift food",
description : "a mix of makeshift food that can be used to stave off hunger for one meal",
quality : 3,
amount: 1,
cost : 1
<<set $item.ration = {
type : "food",
name : "a bag of fast food",
plural : "bags of fast food",
description : "a bag of fast food from a national brand. It's enough food to count as two meals",
quality : 6,
amount: 1,
cost : 5
<<set $item.heavyration = {
type : "food",
name : "a tiny bag of groceries",
plural : "tiny bags of groceries",
description : "a tiny plastic bag filed with enough food inside for one person to survive for one day",
quality : 9,
amount: 1,
cost : 10
<<set $item.largeration = {
type : "food",
name : "a small bag of groceries",
plural : "small bags of groceries",
description : "a small paper bag filed with enough food inside for one person to survive for two days",
quality : 18,
amount: 1,
cost : 20
<<set $item.bigration = {
type : "food",
name : "a bag of groceries",
plural : "bags of groceries",
description : "a paper bag filed with enough food inside for one person to survive for three days",
quality : 27,
amount: 1,
cost : 40
<<set $item.hugeration = {
type : "food",
name : "a large bag of groceries",
plural : "large bags of groceries",
description : "a large paper bag filed with enough food inside for one person to survive for five days",
quality : 45,
amount: 1,
cost : 75
<<set $item.superration = {
type : "food",
name : "a huge bag of groceries",
plural : "huge bags of groceries",
description : "a huge oversized paper bag filed with enough food inside for one person to survive for a week",
quality : 63,
amount: 1,
cost : 100
<<set $item.megaration = {
type : "food",
name : "a mega bag of groceries",
plural : "mega bags of groceries",
description : "a huge mega-sized cloth bag filed with enough food inside for one person to survive for two weeks",
quality : 126,
amount: 1,
cost : 150
}>>\<<set $item.weakantiviralmedicine = {
type : "use",
subtype : "medicine",
subtype2 : "antiviral",
name : "weak anti-viral medicine",
plural : "weak anti-viral medicines",
description : "a tiny bottle of weak anti-viral medicine",
days: 1,
quality : 25,
amount: 1,
cost : 50
<<set $item.antiviralmedicine = {
type : "use",
subtype : "medicine",
subtype2 : "antiviral",
name : "anti-viral medicine",
plural : "anti-viral medicines",
description : "a bottle of anti-viral medicine",
days: 3,
quality : 50,
amount: 1,
cost : 100
<<set $item.strongantiviralmedicine = {
type : "use",
subtype : "medicine",
subtype2 : "antiviral",
name : "strong anti-viral medicine",
plural : "strong anti-viral medicines",
description : "a large bottle of strong anti-viral medicine",
days: 7,
quality : 100,
amount: 1,
cost : 200
<<set $item.medicfirstaid = {
type : "use",
subtype : "medicine",
subtype2 : "healing",
name : "a makeshift medkit",
plural : "makeshift medkits",
description : "a makeshift medkit used to heal minor wounds",
quality : 6,
dice : 1,
amount: 1,
cost : 0
<<set $item.smallfirstaid = {
type : "use",
subtype : "medicine",
subtype2 : "healing",
name : "a small first-aid kit",
plural : "small first-aid kits",
description : "a small kit used to heal minor wounds",
quality : 6,
dice : 1,
amount: 1,
cost : 10
<<set $item.firstaid = {
type : "use",
subtype : "medicine",
subtype2 : "healing",
name : "a first-aid kit",
plural : "first-aid kits",
description : "a kit used to heal wounds",
quality : 6,
dice : 2,
amount: 1,
cost : 25
<<set $item.largefirstaid = {
type : "use",
subtype : "medicine",
subtype2 : "healing",
name : "a large first-aid kit",
plural : "large first-aid kits",
description : "a large kit used to heal major wounds",
quality : 6,
dice : 4,
amount: 1,
cost : 50
<<set $item.smallwetwipe = {
type : "use",
subtype : "clean",
subtype2 : "outer",
name : "a small wet-wipe package",
plural : "small wet-wipes",
description : "A small wet-wipe used to clean off some minor dirt and fluids, It also heals for a very minor amount",
quality : 1,
dice : 1,
amount: 1,
cost : 10
<<set $item.wetwipe = {
type : "use",
subtype : "clean",
subtype2 : "outer",
name : "a package of wet-wipes",
plural : "packages of wet-wipes",
description : "A wet-wipe used to clean off most dirt and fluids, It also heals for a very minor amount",
quality : 3,
dice : 1,
amount: 1,
cost : 30
<<set $item.largewetwipe = {
type : "use",
subtype : "clean",
subtype2 : "outer",
name : "a jumbo box of wet-wipes",
plural : "jobs boxes of wet-wipes",
description : "A jumbo wet-wipe used to clean off an insane amount of dirt and fluids. It also heals for a very minor amount",
quality : 10,
dice : 1,
amount: 1,
cost : 100
<<set $item.planpminus = {
type : "use",
subtype : "drug",
subtype2 : "contraceptive",
name : "a box of Plan P-Minus",
plural : "boxes of Plan P-Minus",
description : "Plan P-Minus is a contraceptive pill that is used for the prevention of pregnancy. It can be used by men and women and if used soon enough after sex, it prevents a pregnancy. Lasts for 3 days - Proud product of Bioslut Corporation.",
quality : 3,
days: 3,
amount: 1,
cost : 25
<<set $item.planfplus = {
type : "use",
subtype : "drug",
subtype2 : "contraceptive",
name : "a box of Plan F-Plus",
plural : "boxes of Plan F-Plus",
description : "Plan F-Plus is a fertility pill that is used to increase the chances of impregnation. It can be used by men and women and if used before sex, it should increase the chances of pregnancy by up to 10%. Lasts for 3 days - Proud product of Bioslut Corporation.",
quality : 2,
days: 3,
amount: 1,
cost : 200
}>>\<<set $item.battery = {
type : "use",
subtype : "misc",
name : "a battery",
plural : "batteries",
description : "a small battery used to power electronical devices.",
quality : 1,
amount: 1,
cost : 10
<<set $item.taintedmilkshake = {
type : "use",
subtype : "misc",
name : "a tasty milkshake",
plural : "milkshakes",
description : "a delicious milkshake bought by your loving $dad.Relationship.",
quality : 1,
amount: 1,
cost : 999
<<set $item.beer = {
type : "use",
subtype : "alcohol",
name : "a can of Civiton Beer",
plural : "several cans of Civiton Beer",
description : "If Beer isn't the answer, you need more Beer! - Civiton Beer Company",
quality : 4,
strength: 1,
DC: 12,
amount: 1,
dice : 1,
cost : 10
<<set $item.whiskey = {
type : "use",
subtype : "alcohol",
name : "a bottle of Double Peaks Whiskey",
plural : "several cans of Double Peaks Whiskey",
description : "Whiskey is liquid sunshine! - Double Peaks Brewery",
quality : 4,
strength: 2,
DC: 14,
amount: 1,
dice : 1,
cost : 20
}>>\<<set $item.energydrink = {
type : "use",
subtype : "drug",
name : "a can of Energy Thirst",
plural : "several cans of Energy Thirst",
description : "Be able to quench any thirst for hours on end! -A proud product created by BioWetX",
quality : 1,
amount: 1,
dice : 1,
cost : 30
<<set $item.energydrinkx = {
type : "use",
subtype : "drug",
name : "a can of Energy Thirst-X",
name2: "Energy Thirst-X",
plural : "several cans of Energy Thirst-X",
description : "Be able to quench your epic thirst for days on end! -A proud product created by BioWetX",
quality : 1,
amount: 1,
dice : 1,
cost : 150
<<set $item.focusdrink = {
type : "use",
subtype : "drug",
name : "a can of Focus Time",
plural : "several cans of Focus Time",
description : "Be able to finally Focus on your Time properly! -A proud product created by BioWetX",
quality : 1,
amount: 1,
dice : 1,
cost : 30
<<set $item.lustpotion = {
type : "use",
subtype : "drug",
name : "a can of Lust Potion #9",
name2: "Lust Potion #9",
plural : "several cans of Lust Potion #9",
description : "What you need is lust potion number nine! -A proud product created by LoveSoftian",
quality : 1,
amount: 1,
dice : 1,
cost : 20
<<set $item.lustpotionx = {
type : "use",
subtype : "drug",
name : "a can of Lust Potion #69",
name2: "Lust Potion #69",
plural : "several cans of Lust Potion #69",
description : "When you need more than just a lust potion you need to go 69! -A proud product created by LoveSoftian",
quality : 1,
amount: 1,
dice : 1,
cost : 100
<<set $item.drpecker = {
type : "use",
subtype : "drug",
name : "a can of Dr. Pecker",
name2 : "Dr. Pecker",
plural : "several cans of Dr. Pecker",
description : "Wouldn't you like to have a bigger Pecker too? -A proud product created by BioWetX",
quality : 1,
amount: 1,
dice : 1,
cost : 100
<<set $item.drpeckerx = {
type : "use",
subtype : "drug",
name : "a can of Dr. Pecker-X",
name2 : "Dr. Pecker-X",
plural : "several cans of Dr. Pecker-X",
description : "Wouldn't you like to have a monster Pecker too? -A proud product created by BioWetX",
quality : 1,
amount: 1,
dice : 1,
cost : 200
<<set $item.dietdrpecker = {
type : "use",
subtype : "drug",
name : "a can of Diet Dr. Pecker-Lite",
name2 : "Diet Dr. Pecker-Lite",
plural : "several cans of Diet Dr. Pecker-Lite",
description : "For those times when you've had too much Dr. Pecker and want something a bit lighter! -A proud product created by BioWetX",
quality : 1,
amount: 1,
dice : 1,
cost : 150
<<set $item.milkshakejugs = {
type : "use",
subtype : "drug",
name : "a can of Milkshake Jugs",
name2 : "Milkshake Jugs",
plural : "several cans of Milkshake Jugs",
description : "Bring all the kids to your yard with some Milkshake Jugs! -A proud product created by BioWetX",
quality : 1,
amount: 1,
dice : 1,
cost : 100
<<set $item.milkshakejugsx = {
type : "use",
subtype : "drug",
name : "a can of Milkshake Jugs X-Treme",
name2 : "Milkshake Jugs-Xtreme",
plural : "several cans of Milkshake Jugs X-Treme",
description : "Bring all the adults to your yard with some Milkshake Jugs X-Treme! -A proud product created by BioWetX",
quality : 1,
amount: 1,
dice : 1,
cost : 200
<<set $item.dietmilkshakejugs = {
type : "use",
subtype : "drug",
name : "a can of Diet Milkshake Jugs-Lite",
name2 : "Diet Milkshake Jugs-Lite",
plural : "several cans of Diet Milkshake Jugs-Lite",
description : "For those times when you've had too much Milkshake Jugs and want something a bit lighter! -A proud product created by BioWetX",
quality : 1,
amount: 1,
dice : 1,
cost : 150
<<set $item.milktanks = {
type : "use",
subtype : "drug",
name : "a bottle of Milk Tanks",
name2 : "Milk Tanks",
plural : "several bottles of Milk Tanks",
description : "For when you need to refill your tanks with milk! -A proud product created by LoveSoftian",
quality : 1,
amount: 1,
dice : 1,
cost : 100
<<set $item.milktanksx = {
type : "use",
subtype : "drug",
name : "a bottle of Milk Tanks X-treme",
name2 : "Milk Tanks X-treme",
plural : "several bottles of Milk Tanks X-treme",
description : "For when you need to refill your tanks with eXtra milk! -A proud product created by LoveSoftian",
quality : 1,
amount: 1,
dice : 1,
cost : 200
<<set $item.milkdrain = {
type : "use",
subtype : "drug",
name : "a can of Milk Drain",
name2 : "Milk Drains",
plural : "several cans of Milk Drain",
description : "For when you need to empty your tanks of milk! -A proud product created by LoveSoftian",
quality : 1,
amount: 1,
dice : 1,
cost : 100
<<set $item.junktrunk = {
type : "use",
subtype : "drug",
name : "a can of Junk in the Trunk",
name2 : "Junk in the Trunk",
plural : "several cans of Junk in the Trunk",
description : "Time to show off all that Junk in your Trunk! -A proud product created by BioWetX",
quality : 1,
amount: 1,
dice : 1,
cost : 100
<<set $item.junktrunkx = {
type : "use",
subtype : "drug",
name : "a can of Junk in the Trunk-Xtreme",
name2 : "Junk in the Trunk-Xtreme",
plural : "several cans of Junk in the Trunk-Xtreme",
description : "Time to show off all that extreme Junk in your Trunk! -A proud product created by BioWetX",
quality : 1,
amount: 1,
dice : 1,
cost : 200
<<set $item.dietjunktrunk = {
type : "use",
subtype : "drug",
name : "a can of Diet Junk in the Trunk-Lite",
name2 : "Diet Junk in the Trunk-Lite",
plural : "several cans of Diet Junk in the Trunk-Lite",
description : "For those times when you've have too much Junk in your Trunk and want something a bit lighter! -A proud product created by BioWetX",
quality : 1,
amount: 1,
dice : 1,
cost : 150
<<set $item.bruisercanTF = {
type : "use",
subtype : "drug",
name : "a can of Bruiser-TF",
name2 : "Bruiser-TF",
plural : "several cans of Bruiser-TF",
description : "For those times when you need to bulk out but can't afford to do it the hard way! -A proud product created by UNKNOWN",
quality : 1,
amount: 1,
dice : 1,
cost : 1
<<set $item.milkercanTF = {
type : "use",
subtype : "drug",
name : "a can of Milker-TF",
name2 : "Milker-TF",
plural : "several cans of Milker-TF",
description : "For those times when you need to milk out but can't afford to do it the hard way! -A proud product created by UNKNOWN",
quality : 1,
amount: 1,
dice : 1,
cost : 1
<<set $item.doubledelicious = {
type : "use",
subtype : "drug",
name : "a can of Double-Delicious Cans",
name2 : "Double-Delicious Cans",
plural : "several cans of Double-Delicious Cans",
description : "The drink of the new bustier generation! -A proud product created by LoveSoftian",
quality : 1,
amount: 1,
dice : 1,
cost : 150
<<set $item.mrpimpledickxtra = {
type : "use",
subtype : "drug",
name : "a can of Mr. Pimpledick-Xtra",
name2 : "Mr. Pimpledick-Xtra",
plural : "several cans of Mr. Pimpledick-Xtra",
description : "For when when you need to get rid of all that extra heat you're packing in your pants! -A proud product created by LoveSoftian",
quality : 1,
amount: 1,
dice : 1,
cost : 200
}>>\ <<set $item.smallcloth = {
type : "salvage",
subtype: "cloth",
name : "a small supply of cloth salvage",
plural : "a small supply of cloth salvage",
description : "a few pieces of nice usable cloth",
quality : 3,
amount: 1,
cost : 10
<<set $item.cloth = {
type : "salvage",
subtype: "cloth",
name : "a supply of cloth salvage",
plural : "a supply of cloth salvage",
description : "several pieces of nice usable cloth",
quality : 5,
amount: 1,
cost : 30
<<set $item.largecloth = {
type : "salvage",
subtype: "cloth",
name : "a large supply of cloth salvage",
plural : "a large supply of cloth salvage",
description : "large pieces of nice usable cloth",
quality : 10,
amount: 1,
cost : 50
<<set $item.smallwood = {
type : "salvage",
subtype: "wood",
name : "a small supply of wood salvage",
plural : "a small supply of wood salvage",
description : "a few pieces of nice usable wood",
quality : 3,
amount: 1,
cost : 10
<<set $item.wood = {
type : "salvage",
subtype: "wood",
name : "a supply of wood salvage",
plural : "a supply of wood salvage",
description : "pieces of nice usable wood",
quality : 5,
amount: 1,
cost : 30
<<set $item.largewood = {
type : "salvage",
subtype: "wood",
name : "a large supply of wood salvage",
plural : "a large supply of wood salvage",
description : "multiple pieces of nice usable wood",
quality : 10,
amount: 1,
cost : 50
<<set $item.smallmetal = {
type : "salvage",
subtype: "metal",
name : "a small supply of metal salvage",
plural : "a small supply of wood salvage",
description : "a few pieces of nice usable metal",
quality : 3,
amount: 1,
cost : 10
<<set $item.metal = {
type : "salvage",
subtype: "metal",
name : "a supply of metal salvage",
plural : "a supply of metal salvage",
description : "a bunch of nice usable metal",
quality : 5,
amount: 1,
cost : 30
<<set $item.largemetal = {
type : "salvage",
subtype: "metal",
name : "a large supply of metal salvage",
plural : "a large supply of wood salvage",
description : "multiple pieces of nice usable metal",
quality : 10,
amount: 1,
cost : 50
<<set $item.smallelectronics = {
type : "salvage",
subtype: "electronics",
name : "a small supply of electronic salvage",
plural : "a small supply of electronics salvage",
description : "a small bit of electronics",
quality : 3,
amount: 1,
cost : 10
<<set $item.electronics = {
type : "salvage",
subtype: "electronics",
name : "a supply of electronic salvage",
plural : "a supply of electronics salvage",
description : "a bunch of electronics",
quality : 5,
amount: 1,
cost : 30
<<set $item.largeelectronics = {
type : "salvage",
subtype: "electronics",
name : "a large supply of electronic salvage",
plural : "a large supply of electronics salvage",
description : "a large bunch of electronics",
quality : 10,
amount: 1,
cost : 50
}>>\<img src="Images/Suburb/Clinic/shower.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set $location.temp to "Oak Dale Clinic Storage Room">>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumFilled to 0>>\
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<if $lust >= ($MaxLust / 2)>>\
<<set $lust to $lust -10>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.Wet > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Wet to 0>>\
You take a quick shower to quickly clean off any strange fluids and other dirt.
<<button [[Finish|Oak Dale Clinic Storage Room]]>> <</button>><img @src=$genericEvent.Image />
  "By the way, do you want your nipples enhanced as well? Some women like it while others like to keep their original size." he asks as he fiddles with a machine next to the medical bed. "It doesn't cost any extra since it takes a neglible amount of Silicone-X."
<div class="pcTalk"><i> "Do I want to have bigger nipples?" </i></div>
<<button [[Yes|Doctor's Rack Enhancement - Breasts 2]]>>
<<set $SexScene1 to 1>>\
<<button [[No|Doctor's Rack Enhancement - Breasts 2]]>>
<<set $SexScene1 to 0>>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Clinic/clinic4.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set $NoEncounter to random(1) +2>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set _Scout to (random(19) + 1) + $Skill.Scouting + $WisdomBonus + ($ThieverySkillFeats.SnareMaster *2)>>\
<<if _Scout > 14>>\
<<set _tempXP to $PC.Level * 50>>\
<<set $XP to $XP + _tempXP>>\
  While walking down a hallway inside the Oak Dale clinic you notice a thin tripwire at ankle height strung across the hallway directly in your path! Looking at the wire it runs up the wall and connects to something above the ceiling panels. You don't see any Infested nearby so it would be quite easy to just step over the thin wire.
<div class="pcTalk"><i> What? Is this some kind of boobie trap or something?</i></div>
<<if $XP >= $NextLevel>> You have reached the maxium experience for your level! Sleep to gain your next level.<<else>> You have gained _tempXP XP! <</if>>
<<button [[Avoid the Trap|$location.temp]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<button [[Set off the Trap|Clinic Fluid Trap - Trap]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
  While walking down a hallway inside the Oak Dale clinic you suddenly stumble as you feel something catch your ankle! Looking down to see what you stepped on, you discover you've stepped on a tripwire and set it off! With you being so off balanced you don't even have time to leave the area before the trap goes off!
<div class="pcTalk"><i> Oh fuck!</i></div>
<<button [[Trap!|Clinic Fluid Trap - Trap]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</if>>\<<include "SpecialAttacks">>\
<<include "Infested Enemies">>\
<<include "Combat Status Affects">>\
<<set _Coin to random(19) +1>>\
<<set $NoEncounter to random(1) +2>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<if $PC.Sex is "Futa" or $StatusAffect.Futa > 0>>\
<<set _Sex to "Futa">>\
<<elseif $PC.Sex is "Female" and $StatusAffect.Futa < 1>>\
<<set _Sex to "Female">>\
<<set _Sex to "Male">>\
<<if _Coin > 10>>\
<<set _Infested to "Janitor">>\
<<set _Infested to "Doctor">>\
<<switch _Infested>>\
<<case "Janitor">>\
<<if $NoMenEncounter is 1>>\
<<set $genericFighter to $infestedFutaJanitor>>\
<<set _Path to $genericFighter.Path>>\
<<set $genericFighter.Image = _Path + $genericFighter.Image.random() + '.jpg'>>\
<<set $genericWeapon to $infestedFutaJanitor.Weapon>>\
<<set $genericComments to "Infested Female Combat Comments">>\
<<set $genericFighter.DickSize to $infestedJanitor.DickSize >>\
<<set $lootTemp to $genericFighter.Loot>>\
<<set $rarelootTemp to $genericFighter.RareLoot>>\
<<set $genericFighter to $infestedJanitor>>\
<<set _Path to $genericFighter.Path>>\
<<set $genericFighter.Image = _Path + $genericFighter.Image.random() + '.jpg'>>\
<<set $genericWeapon to $infestedJanitor.Weapon>>\
<<set $genericComments to "Infested Male Combat Comments">>\
<<set $genericFighter.DickSize to $infestedJanitor.DickSize >>\
<<set $lootTemp to $genericFighter.Loot>>\
<<set $rarelootTemp to $genericFighter.RareLoot>>\
<<case "Doctor">>\
<<set $BattleFlag to 1>>\
<<set $location.BattleWin to "Clinic - Fluid Trap Win vs Doctor">>\
<<if _Sex is "Futa">>\
<<set $location.BattleLose to "Clinic Ambush - Futa Defeat">>\
<<elseif _Sex is "Female">>\
<<set $location.BattleLose to "Clinic Ambush - Female Defeat">>\
<<set $location.BattleLose to "Clinic Ambush - Male Defeat">>\
<<set $genericFighter to $infestedFuckHardDoctor>>\
<<set $genericFighter.Image = $infestedFuckHardDoctorPath + $genericFighter.Image.random() + '.jpg'>>\
<<set $genericWeapon to $infestedFuckHardDoctor.Weapon>>\
<<set $genericComments to "Infested Male Combat Comments">>\
<<set $genericFighter.DickSize to $infestedFuckHardDoctor.DickSize >>\
<<set $lootTemp to $genericFighter.Loot>>\
<<set $rarelootTemp to $genericFighter.RareLoot>>\
<img @src=$genericFighter.Image width="512px" height="768px" />
<<set _ReflexRoll to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<if _ReflexRoll + $PC.Reflex + $PCStatus.SavesBuff + $armorSaveBonus + $FoodStatus.Refl - $PCStatus.SavesDebuff < 13>>\
<<set $PCStatus.Prone to 1>>\
<<set $PCStatus.ACDebuff to $PCStatus.ACDebuff +2>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered +3>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Wet to $StatusAffect.Wet +3>>\
<<switch _Infested>>\
<<case "Janitor">>\
<<if $NoMenEncounter is 1>>\
  As you frantically try to regain your balance, the water sprinklers in the ceiling above open up and start spraying fluids down on this part of the hallway. For a brief moment you believe it to be water but your hopes are dashed as it seems to be a mix of lubrication and Infested sexual fluids! Your already precarious footing slips due to the slippery mess now covering the hallway and you fall down hard. After a few moments the sprinklers stop spraying their gooey mess but an Infested Futa in a janitor outfit has found you before you could regain your footing!
  Her incoherent screams of rage is quite different from the normal Infested's screams of lust and you feel a sense of unease as she brandishes her mop. Unfortunately it's going to take you a moment to get up in order to defend yourself!
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I've been knocked down by a trap, soaked by cum & lube and about to be attacked by an crazy Infested Janitor!?</i></div>
<<button [[Fight!|Suburb Combat]]>>
  As you frantically try to regain your balance, the water sprinklers in the ceiling above open up and start spraying fluids down on this part of the hallway. For a brief moment you believe it to be water but your hopes are dashed as it seems to be a mix of lubrication and Infested sexual fluids! Your already precarious footing slips due to the slippery mess now covering the hallway and you fall down hard. After a few moments the sprinklers stop spraying their gooey mess but an Infested Male in a janitor outfit has found you before you could regain your footing!
  His incoherent screams of rage is quite different from the normal Infested's screams of lust and you feel a sense of unease as he brandishes his mop. Unfortunately it's going to take you a moment to get up in order to defend yourself!
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I've been knocked down by a trap, soaked by cum & lube and about to be attacked by an crazy Infested Janitor!?</i></div>
<<button [[Fight!|Suburb Combat]]>>
<<case "Doctor">>\
  As you frantically try to regain your balance, the water sprinklers in the ceiling above open up and start spraying fluids down on this part of the hallway. For a brief moment you believe it to be water but your hopes are dashed as it seems to be a mix of lubrication and Infested sexual fluids! Your already precarious footing slips due to the slippery mess now covering the hallway and you fall down hard. After a few moments the sprinklers stop spraying their gooey mess but an Infested in a doctor's outfit being followed by a busty Infested Nurse has found you before you could regain your footing!
  "Look Nurse FuckToy! My excellent trap has downed yet another soon to be patient! Don't be too mad my patient for you were up against Doctor FuckHard and had no chance to win against my superiour intellect ! Now my patient, to glorious battle!" he projects loudly as he grabs a silver hammer out of his coat! The Infested Nurse on the other hand just slips on the messy floor and falls on her back a couple of feet from you.
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I've been knocked down by a trap, soaked by cum & lube and about to be attacked by an crazy Infested Doctor!?</i></div>
<<button [[Fight!|Suburb Combat]]>>
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered +2>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Wet to $StatusAffect.Wet +2>>\
<<switch _Infested>>\
<<case "Janitor">>\
<<if $NoMenEncounter is 1>>\
  You quickly regain your balance just in time for the water sprinklers in the ceiling above open up and start spraying fluids down on this part of the hallway. For a brief moment you believe it to be water but your hopes are dashed as it seems to be a mix of lubrication and Infested sexual fluids! Luckily since you are still on your feat you are able to avoid much of the gooey mess but not all of it. After a few moments the sprinklers stop spraying their gooey mess but an Infested in a janitor's outfit has found you before you leave the messy area
  Her incoherent screams of rage is quite different from the normal Infested's screams of lust and you feel a sense of unease as she brandishes her mop. Luckily you are still on your feet as you ready your $equipedWeapon.name and prepare for combat!
  You quickly regain your balance just in time for the water sprinklers in the ceiling above open up and start spraying fluids down on this part of the hallway. For a brief moment you believe it to be water but your hopes are dashed as it seems to be a mix of lubrication and Infested sexual fluids! Luckily since you are still on your feat you are able to avoid much of the gooey mess but not all of it. After a few moments the sprinklers stop spraying their gooey mess but an Infested in a janitor's outfit has found you before you leave the messy area
  His incoherent screams of rage is quite different from the normal Infested's screams of lust and you feel a sense of unease as he brandishes his mop. Luckily you are still on your feet as you ready your $equipedWeapon.name and prepare for combat!
<div class="pcTalk"><i>Great, I get to fight a crazy Infested Janitor after being covered in cum & lube...</i></div>
<<button [[Fight!|Suburb Combat]]>>
<<case "Doctor">>\
  You quickly regain your balance just in time for the water sprinklers in the ceiling above open up and start spraying fluids down on this part of the hallway. For a brief moment you believe it to be water but your hopes are dashed as it seems to be a mix of lubrication and Infested sexual fluids! Luckily since you are still on your feat you are able to avoid much of the gooey mess but not all of it. After a few moments the sprinklers stop spraying their gooey mess but an Infested in a doctor's outfit being followed by a busty Infested Nurse has found you before you leave the messy area
  "Look Nurse Fucktoy! My excellent trap has ensnared a soon to be new patient! Be joyful that you were't completely incapacitated my patient for you almost won against Doctor FuckHard. Alas you have no real chance to win against my superiour intellect! Now my patient, to glorious battle!" he projects loudly as he grabs a silver hammer out of his coat! The Infested Nurse on the other hand just slips on the messy floor and falls on her back a couple of feet from you.
<div class="pcTalk"><i>Great, I get to fight a crazy Infested Doctor after being covered in cum & lube...</i></div>
<<button [[Fight!|Suburb Combat]]>>
<</if>>\<img @src=$genericFighter.Image width="512px" height="768px" />
<<set $clinicAmbushEvent.Win to $clinicAmbushEvent.Win +1>>\
<<set $CombatRound to 0>>\
<<set $NoEncounter to random(1) +2>>\
<<set $BattleFlag to 0>>\
<<set $location.FleeFlag to 0>>\
<<set $SpecialUsage to $MaxSpecialUsage>>\
<<include "Combat Status Affects">>\
<<if (random(19) + 1) + $Skill.Social + $CharismaBonus > 14>>\
<<set $npcFuckHard.Friendship to $npcFuckHard.Friendship +2 + $ClassBonus.Celebrity + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set $npcFuckToy.Friendship to $npcFuckToy.Friendship +2 + $ClassBonus.Celebrity + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set $npcCandy.Friendship to $npcCandy.Friendship +2 + $ClassBonus.Celebrity + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set $npcFuckHard.Friendship to $npcFuckHard.Friendship +1 + $ClassBonus.Celebrity + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set $npcFuckToy.Friendship to $npcFuckToy.Friendship +1 + $ClassBonus.Celebrity + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set $npcCandy.Friendship to $npcCandy.Friendship +1 + $ClassBonus.Celebrity + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set _tempCash2 to 250 + random(50)>>\
<<if $ThieverySkillFeats.CashisKing > 0>>\
<<set _tempCash2 to _tempCash2 + Math.round(_tempCash / $SalvagingSkillFeats.CashisKing)>>\
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$npcFuckToy.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$npcFuckToy.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$genericFighter.DickSize]>>\
<<set _DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$genericFighter.DickSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$genericFighter.BallsSize]>>
<<set _BallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$genericFighter.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _LustRoll to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<if _LustRoll - $StatusAffect.Horny + $armorSaveBonus + $FoodStatus.Will - $StatusAffect.WeakWill < 19>>\
<<set _lusty to random(15) +10 + $StatusAffect.Horny - $LustResist.Visual - $LustResist.Complete>>\
<<if _lusty < 0>>\
<<set _lusty to 0>>\
<<set _lusty to random(5) +5 + $StatusAffect.Horny - $LustResist.Visual - $LustResist.Complete>>\
<<if _lusty < 0>>\
<<set _lusty to 0>>\
<<set $lust to $lust + _lusty>>\
<<set _tempXP to $genericFighter.Level * 150>>\
<<set $XP to $XP + _tempXP>>\
<<if $XP > $NextLevel>>\
<<set $XP to $NextLevel>>\
<<if $clinicAmbushEvent.Patient is 0>>\
  You watch as the crazy doctor collaspses to the slippery floor close to the slutty nurse with both of them looking completely soaked with lube and cum. At the noise of the doctor sliding across the slippery hallway floor the nurse finally manages to sit up after slipping and sliding all over the floor all while the combat was going on. She gasps in shock at the state of the doctor and quickly grabs the doctor into a hug with her _ISD wet tits pressed into his head!
  "So the hunter has become the hunted, I see....Anyways you have bested me in honorable combat and defeated my devious trap. Do with me as you will but please don't hurt my precious nurse! For while she is quite busty and slutty, she doesn't like to fight!" begs Doctor FuckHard as he tries to put himself in between you and his very busty nurse but fails due to the slimy floor... "Per the law of the clinic, those who are defeated in combat must allow themselves to be used to quench the thirst of the victors! So invader, will you sate your lusts by joining us in glorious lubed-up fucking or will you continue on your journey?"
<div class="pcTalk"><i> Law of the clinic? What the fuck is he talking about?</i></div>
  You watch as Doctor FuckHard collaspses to the slippery floor close to Nurse FuckToy with both of them looking completely soaked with lube and cum. At the noise of the doctor sliding across the slippery hallway floor Nurse Fucktoy finally manages to sit up after slipping and sliding all over the floor all while the combat was going on. She gasps in shock at the state of the doctor and quickly grabs the doctor into a hug with her _ISD wet tits pressed into his head!
  "So the hunter has become the hunted, I see....Anyways $PC.FirstName, you have bested me in honorable combat and defeated my devious trap. Do with me as you will but please don't hurt my precious nurse! For while she is quite busty and slutty, she doesn't like to fight!" begs Doctor FuckHard as he tries to put himself in between you and his very busty nurse but fails due to the slimy floor... "As you know per the law of the clinic, those who are defeated in combat must allow themselves to be used to quench the thirst of the victors! So $PC.FirstName, will you sate your lusts by joining us in glorious lubed-up fucking or will you continue on your journey?"
<div class="pcTalk"><i> That law of the clinic shit again? Do I want to really want to 'sate my lust' these two while the hallway is so slippery with lube and cum? </i></div>
You take your time searching thu the doctor's belongings while you ponder his interesting question. You find the following items:
<<include "Loot">>\
<<set _exists to 0>>\
<<set _tempLoot to $accessory.stethoscope>>\
<<for $i = 0; $i < $PCInventory.length; $i++>>\
<<set $uitem = $PCInventory[$i]>>\
<<set $ItemName to $uitem.name>>\
<<set _TempName to _tempLoot.name>>\
<<if $ItemName is _TempName>>\
<<set _amount to $uitem.amount>>\
<<set _exists to 1>>\
<<if _exists is 1>>\
<<set _amount to _amount +1>>\
<<set $uitem.amount to _amount>>\
<<set $PCInventory.push(_tempLoot)>>\
<<print _tempLoot.name>>
_tempCash2 dollars
<<set $Cash to $Cash + _tempCash2>>\
<<if $lust > 24 or $GeneralFeats.Horndog > 0>>\
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Sate Your Lust|Clinic Fluid Trap - Doctor Sex]]>>
<<button [[Leave|$location.temp]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</button>><img @src=$genericFighter.Image width="512px" height="768px" />
<<set $CombatRound to 0>>\
<<set $BattleFlag to 0>>\
<<set $location.FleeFlag to 0>>\
<<if (random(19) + 1) + $Skill.Social + $CharismaBonus > 14>>\
<<set $npcFuckHard.Friendship to $npcFuckHard.Friendship +2 + $ClassBonus.Celebrity + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set $npcFuckToy.Friendship to $npcFuckToy.Friendship +2 + $ClassBonus.Celebrity + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set $npcFuckHard.Friendship to $npcFuckHard.Friendship +1 + $ClassBonus.Celebrity + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set $npcFuckToy.Friendship to $npcFuckToy.Friendship +1 + $ClassBonus.Celebrity + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<if $npcFuckToy.BreastsSize + $npcFuckToy.Enhance < $PC.BreastsSize>>\
<<set $npcFuckToy.Enhance to $npcFuckToy.Enhance +2>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.Vaccine < 1>>\
<<if (random(19) +1) + $PC.Fortitude + $InfectionResist.Fort + $FoodStatus.Fort < (21 + Math.round($Infestation.Progress / 2) )>>\
<<if $Infestation.Progress < 1>>\
<<set $Infestation.Progress to 1>>\
<<set _Infest to random(20) - $InfectionResist.DR +5>>\
<<if _Infest < 0>>\
<<set _Infest to 0>>\
<<set $PC.Infestation to $PC.Infestation + _Infest>>\
<<if $PC.Infestation > $Infestation.Cap>>\
<<set $PC.Infestation to $Infestation.Cap>>\
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$npcFuckToy.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$npcFuckToy.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$genericFighter.DickSize]>>\
<<set _DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$genericFighter.DickSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$genericFighter.BallsSize]>>
<<set _BallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$genericFighter.BallsSize]>>\
<<set $clinicAmbushEvent.Sex to $clinicAmbushEvent.Sex +1>>\
<<if $clinicAmbushEvent.Patient is 0>>\
<<set _patient to "patient">>\
<<set _Patient to "Patient">>\
<<set _patient to $PC.FirstName>>\
<<set _Patient to $PC.FirstName>>\
<<if $PC.Sex is "Futa" or $StatusAffect.Futa > 0>>\
<<set _Sex to "Futa">>\
<<elseif $PC.Sex is "Female" and $StatusAffect.Futa < 1>>\
<<set _Sex to "Female">>\
<<set _Sex to "Male" and $StatusAffect.Futa < 1>>\
<<if $Infestation.MilkProgress > 0 or $Milk.Stored > $Milk.Min>>\
<<set _Breasts to "Milk">>\
<<elseif $StatusAffect.SiliconeB > 5>>\
<<set _Breasts to "Silicone">>\
<<set _Breasts to "Natural">>\
<<switch _Sex>>\
<<case "Female">>\
  Staring at the slime-covered couple you decide to obey the law of the clinic as your wet pussy is aching to be used. Stripping out of your soaked clothes, your $BreastSD glistening breasts bounce free grabbing the attention of both of the Infested. "Here's how it's going to be. I'm going to eat your pussy Nurse FuckToy, while the good doctor fucks my pussy." you say as you step carefully closer to where they are lying on the floor while trying to avoid all the bio-waste.
  Nurse Fucktoy's fear quickly changes to excitement as she releases the doctor from her grip and tries to stand up, causing her silicone-enhanced titties to bounce wildly as she completely fails to do so. Landing face down on her fake tits, she gives a mournful moan as she takes a couple attempts to flop over with her _ISD tits finally facing the ceiling. Smiling faintly with a somewhat frustrated look on her face she tries once again to stand up but ends up landing hard on her massive silicone-enhanced ass. Giving up on trying to stand up, she just grabs her legs and eagerly spreads them wide exposing her wet pussy in anticipation. With her _ISD _ICup <<Breasts>> heaving, she says huskily "Nurse Fucktoy can't stand up! Nurse Fucktoy is so so sorry! Nurse FuckToy will have be eaten out by such a hot babe here!"
  The doctor nods with a embarrassed look as he scoots away from Nurse Fucktoy with his _DickSD _DickSize <<Penis>> standing proud. "I see... Since it's the law of the clinic, I am willing to as you say. Actually no, to be truthful I am eager to fuck such a fine specimen!" he says while gazing at you intently. You can feel his gaze sweep from your slightly wet pussy to your $BreastSD glistening breasts. Sliding behind you, you can feel his eyes focus on your $AssSize lube-covered ass as he gives out a thoughtful noise.
  Shaking your head at the doctor's eccentric attitude, you turn your focus to whats truly important, Nurse Fucktoy's glistening cunt. Getting on your knees, you slide tongue up against her wet slit making sure it was nice and slick. Nurse Fucktoy's moans shows that she's more than ready as you press a slim finger up against her slippery snatch. Giving the slutty nurse a smirk you grab her wet slippery hips firmly before plunging your tongue and fingers deep into her hot pussy!
  "Fuck yes! Your tongue and fingers feels so good deep in Nurse Fucktoy's slutty pussy!" Nurse Fucktoy screams as you finish fitting a second finger deep into her tight pussy. For a long moment you luxuriate in the sublime taste of her pussy juices before you start doing your best to lap it all up. You start finger-banging the slutty nurse in the hopes of getting more of her delicious pussy juices to flow. Nurse Fucktoy doesn't disappoint as she has a forceful mini-orgasm causing her _ISD soaking wet tits to bounce from the force and her pussy to squirt out more girl-cum adding to the already wet and slippery hallway.
  Feeling a pair of hands on your $AssSize slimy ass you glance back to see that Doctor FuckHard had finally managed to slide over to where you were eating out Nurse FuckToy on the cum and lube covered floor. You pause your eating of the busty nurse for a moment as he slides his _DickSD lube-covered dick against your wet asscheeks before sliding it to the entrance of your pussy. "Prepare to have your delightful pussy pounded by my mega cock! Wait, hold on! Got to get braced a little bit more... Now it's fucking time!" he says boastfully while bracing his legs against a nearby chair before slamming his _DickSD <<Penis>> deep into your tight pussy!
  The force of his thrust easily pushes you forward causing you to slam your face deeper into the slutty nurse's pussy and causing the doctor to lose his grip on your slimy hips. Of courses the force of the slamming also causes you and the busty nurse to slide across the hallway floor and up against the wall leaving the poor doctor behind! The doctor was able to quickly follow you across the hallway before trying again. This time when he slammed his thick cock back into your pussy he was able to hold on! It's so thick and meaty that it stretches your tight pussy causing you to moan loudly in delight. Loving the feeling of his girthy cock, you push back against it while luxurating in the pleasure of having your pussy filled while being able to eat as much sweet girl-cum as you want.
  "Oh God yes!" you moan as resume your licking and finger-banging of the slutty nurses' tight pussy as it tastes too good to deny. It takes the doctor a moment to moderate his hard pounding of your tight pussy so that your not being forced down the hallway but when he does the pleasure is divine. The chain fucking is having an erotic affect on Nurse Fucktoy as her wet titties jiggle with each thrust and her loud moans and gasps of pleasure echo throughout the messy hallway.
  Grabbing her _ISD lube-covered jugs, Nurse Fucktoy moans "Oh fuck yes! Keep fucking Nurse Fucktoy's naughty pussy with your strong fingers!" You are more than happy to comply as you continue to slam even more fingers into her tight cunt to the point where you are almost fisting her. The extra lube is making it extremely easy to insert your fingers and the busty nurse is loving it! Nurse Fucktoy isn't the only one grabbing some tits as you suddenly you feel the doctor grab your wet and slippery breasts from behind.
<<if _Breasts is "Milk">>\
  "Hmm. You have some amazingly milky tits, _Patient! So $BreastSD and filled with so much milk! I approve!" he says huskily while playing with your milk-filled jugs causing them to leak milk, adding to the soaking mess you're covered in. He brings a finger up to take a taste of your milk without even missing a beat fucking your pleasure filled pussy. He pinches your hard $NippleSize long nipples with his meaty fingers causing you to moan and gasp in ecstasy as even more milk squirts out. "Quite tasty!" he proclaims loudly.
<<elseif _Breasts is "Silicone">>\
  "Hmm. You have some amazing fake tits, _Patient! So $BreastSD and firm and filled with so much silicone! I approve!" he says huskily while playing with your silicone-enhanced jugs without missing a beat fucking your pleasure filled pussy. He pinches your hard $NippleSize long nipples with his meaty fingers causing you to moan and gasp in ecstasy. "Girls filled with plastic are the best!" he proclaims loudly.
  "Hmm. You have some amazing tits, _Patient! So $BreastSD and soft and so natural! I approve!" he says huskily while playing with your $BreastsSize jugs without missing a beat fucking your pleasure filled pussy. He pinches your hard $NippleSize long nipples with his meaty fingers causing you to moan and gasp in ecstasy. "Sometimes all natural is good!" he proclaims loudly.
  The insane amount of pussy juices you've been eating along with the hard pounding your wet pussy is recieving is steadily pushing you towards a powerful orgasm. "Fuck yes! Your pussy tastes so fucking good you fucking whore! Oh shit! Keep fucking my cunt with your _DickSize meat staff! Yes!" you scream as you come up for air with most of your hand still inside her tight pussy. The pleasure from having your slippery tits played with pushes you even closer to cumming.
  "Oooooh! Nurse Fucktoy's cumming so hard! Fuckkkk!" screams Nurse Fucktoy as she squeezes her wet silicone titties hard and you feel her tight pussy clench hard onto your hand. You feel her wet pussy get even wetter as her girl-cum squirts all over your hand before splattering onto the lube-covered floor and her screams of pleasure echo throughout the hallways!
<<if $PC.Infestation is $Infestation.Cap & $Infestation.Progress > 1>>\
<<set _OBreastSize to $BreastsSize>>\
<<set _OBreastSD to $BreastSD>>\
<<include "Infestation Increase">>\
  As you continue to eat away at the busty nurse's dripping wet pussy along with being pounded away by the well endowed doctor, you feel a surge of energy flowing directly into you! It almost feels like you are burning up but it quickly turns to pleasure that radiates from your ass that's slightly sore from all the hard hammering from the doctor, and your _OBreastSD breasts that's being played with by the doctor.
  "Oh? What's this I see? How interesting! Look, Nurse Fucktoy, it seems our patient is having an interesting reaction! Her breasts are growing bigger and it feels like her ass is expanding as well!" the doctor comments as he watches your slick breasts grow with fascination. With your face full of bimbo pussy you can't quite see what he's talking about but it does feel like your breasts are growing along with with your sensitive booty.
  "Oh wow! You're right, Doctor FuckHard! Her titties are growing even bigger!" the busty nurse says as she fondles your growing jugs along with the doctor. "I wonder if her titties will grow as big as Nurse Fucktoy's?" she wonders as she pinches your hard nipples. The feeling of your sensitive breasts being played with by the two hot Infested is pushing you even closer to the edge!
  "Ah yes! A patient with big tits is the best type of patient, Nurse Fucktoy! I can feel my seed-filled balls about to unleash my hot semen into her tight pussy! Yes, yes, YESSS!" the doctor yells as you feel his throbbing cock thrust hard one last time into your weeping pussy and unleash a firehose of hot cum directly into your eager womb! Not content with just creampieing you, Doctor FuckHard pulls out his _DickSize <<Penis>> while saying "I'm going to coat that $AssSize booty of yours with my cream!" before shooting huge strands of gooey cum all over your ass along with Nurse Fucktoy's _ISD _ICup tits adding to the gooey mess!
  "Ooooh Doctor FuckHard! Feeling your hot yummy cum while Nurse Fucktoy is playing with a patients new bigger tits is making Nurse Fucktoy cum so hard again!" moans the Infested Nurse as grabs her _ISD slick tits with her hands. The feeling of having her jugs painted white must have turned on fiercely as she unleashes another firehose of girl-cum directly into your mouth.
  The feeling of being creampied along with being coated in the doctor's cum and the nurse's girl-cum pushes your aching pussy even farther as your delayed orgasm hits like a train. A tidal wave of girl-cum squirts out of your pussy along with some of the doctor's own cum. Still feeling some energy left over, you finally get a glimpse of your breasts and you can verify that they have indeed grown to $BreastSD $BreastsSize breasts with $NippleSize long nipples standing erect. Reaching back you can feel that your cum covered ass has also grown to $AssSize size.
  "Fuck, that was intense." you mutter as spend a moment recovering from your intense orgasm and exploring your changes. After you manage to catch your breath, you pull your cum-covered face out of the nurses soaking wet pussy and step away from the doctor. Your pussy is dripping from all the cum the doctor pumped into you and it takes a moment to get dressed into your soaked clothes again. While you are doing so both of the Infested watch you with lusty smiles on their faces.
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered +1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumFilled to $StatusAffect.CumFilled +1>>\
  The feeling of Nurse Fucktoy's orgasm pushes you over the edge as your own orgasm hits you like a train. "Oh fuck yes! I'm cumming too! Shit! I'm squirting my load from my stuffed pussy!" you scream as you feel your over-filled pussy unleashes it's $GCumAD load of girl-cum all over Doctor FuckHard's _DickSD cock and down to the dirty floor below!
  "Ahhh! The patient's tight pussy is pushing me to cum, Nurse Fucktoy! I can feel my heavy balls about to unload my hot cum in her beautiful pussy! Yes, yes, YESSS!" the doctor yells as you feel his throbbing cock pulse thrust hard one last time into your tight pussy and unleash a firehose of hot cum directly into your pleasure-filled cunt! He's not finished yet as he pulls out his _DickSD cock and shoots more strands of hot cum all over your already cum-covered $AssSize ass and back!
  "Fuck, that was good." you mutter as spend a moment recovering from your intense orgasm. After you manage to catch your breath, you pull your cum-covered face out of the nurses soaking wet pussy and step away from the doctor. Your pussy is dripping from all the cum the doctor pumped into you and it takes a moment to get dressed into your soaked clothes again. While you are doing so both of the Infested watch you with lusty smiles on their faces.
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered +1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumFilled to $StatusAffect.CumFilled +1>>\
<<case "Futa">>\
  Staring at the silime-covered couple you decide to obey the law of the clinic as your $DickSD futa-cock is aching to be used. Stripping out of your soaked clothes, your $BreastSD glistening breasts bounce free grabbing the attention of both of the Infested. "Here's how it's going to be. I'm going to pound your slutty pussy, Nurse Fucktoy, while the good doctor fucks my pussy." you say as you carefully step closer to where they are lying on the floor.
  Nurse Fucktoy's fear quickly changes to excitement as she releases the doctor from her grip and tries to stand up, causing her silicone-enhanced titties to bounce wildly as she completely fails to do so. Landing face down on her fake tits, she gives a mournful moan as she takes a couple attempts to flop over with her _ISD tits finally facing the ceiling. Smiling faintly with a somewhat frustrated look on her face she tries once again to stand up but ends up landing hard on her massive silicone-enhanced ass. Giving up on trying to stand up, she just grabs her legs and eagerly spreads them wide exposing her wet pussy in anticipation. With her _ISD _ICup <<Breasts>> heaving, she says huskily "Nurse Fucktoy can't stand up! Nurse Fucktoy is so so sorry! Nurse Fucktoy can't wait to be fucked by such a hot futa-babe here instead!"
  The doctor nods with a embarrassed look as he scoots away from Nurse Fucktoy with his _DickSD _DickSize <<Penis>> standing proud. "I see... Since it's the law of the clinic, I am willing to as you say. Actually no, to be truthful I am eager to fuck such a fine specimen!" he says while gazing at you intently. You can feel his gaze sweep from your $DickSize lubed-up futa-cock to your $BreastSD glistening breasts. Sliding behind you, you can feel his eyes focus on your $AssSize lube-covered ass as he gives out a thoughtful noise.
  Shaking your head at the doctor's eccentric attitude, you turn your focus to whats truly important, Nurse Fucktoy's glistening cunt. Getting on your knees, you slide your futa-dick up against her wet slit making sure it was nice and slick. Nurse Fucktoy's moans shows that she's more than ready as you press the head of your slick cock against her slippery snatch. Giving the slutty nurse a smirk you grab her wet slippery hips before plunging your $DickSize futa-cock deep into her hot pussy!
  "Fuck yes! Your cock feels so good deep in Nurse Fucktoy's slutty pussy!" Nurse Fucktoy screams as you finish hilting your $DickSize futa-cock deep into her tight pussy. For a long moment you luxuriate in the feeling of being buried so deep in her cunt but you can’t resist pulling back before thrusting your cock back in causing her _ISD wet tits to bounce from the force. The force of your hard pounding is slowly causing you to push the busty nurse across the wet floor!
  Feeling a pair of hands on your $AssSize slimy ass you glance back to see that Doctor FuckHard had managed to slide over to where you were jackhammering Nurse Fucktoy's tight pussy on the cum and lube covered floor. You pause your fucking for a moment with your cock half-way mid-stroke as he slides his _DickSD lube-covered dick against your wet asscheeks before sliding it to the entrance of your pussy. "Prepare to have your delightful pussy pounded by my mega cock! Wait, hold on! Got to get braced a little bit more... Now it's fucking time!" he says boastfully before slamming his _DickSD <<Penis>> deep into your tight pussy!
  The force of his thrust easily pushes you forward causing you to slam your slam your futa-cock deeper into the slutty nurse's pussy and causing the doctor to lose his grip on your slimy hips! Of courses the force of the slamming also causes you and the busty nurse to slide across the hallway floor and up against the wall leaving the poor doctor behind! The doctor was able to quickly follow you across the hallway before trying again. This time when he slammed his thick cock back into your pussy he was able to hold on! You can finally actually get a chance to really get of feel of how it's so thick and meaty that it stretches your tight pussy causing you to moan loudly in delight. Loving the feeling of his girthy cock, you push back against it while luxurating in the pleasure of having your pussy filled while having your dick squeezed at the same time.
  "Oh God yes!" you moan as resume your thrusting, the hot tight pussy of the slutty nurse feeling too good to deny. It takes the doctor a moment to moderate his hard pounding of your tight pussy so that you're not being forced down the hallway but when he does the pleasure is divine. The chain fucking is having an erotic affect on Nurse Fucktoy as her wet and slippery titties jiggle with each thrust and her loud moans and gasps of pleasure echo throughout the messy hallway.
  Grabbing her _ISD lube-covered jugs, Nurse Fucktoy moans "Oh fuck yes! Keep fucking Nurse Fucktoy's naughty pussy with your amazingly $DickSD firehose!" You are more than happy to comply as you continue to slam your futa-cock into her tight cunt. The extra lube is making it extremely easy to slide your cock in and out and the busty nurse is loving it! Nurse Fucktoy isn't the only one grabbing some tits as you suddenly you feel the doctor grab your own wet and slippery breasts from behind.
<<if _Breasts is "Milk">>\
  "Hmm. You have some amazing milky tits, _Patient! So $BreastSD and filled with so much milk! I approve!" he says huskily while playing with your milk-filled jugs causing them to leak milk, adding to the soaking mess you're covered in.. He brings a finger up to take a taste of your milk without even missing a beat fucking your pleasure filled pussy. He pinches your hard $NippleSize long nipples with his meaty fingers causing you to moan and gasp in ecstasy as even more milk squirts out. "Quite tasty!" he proclaims loudly.
<<elseif _Breasts is "Silicone">>\
  "Hmm. You have some amazing fake tits, _Patient! So $BreastSD and firm and filled with so much silicone! I approve!" he says huskily while playing with your silicone-enhanced jugs without missing a beat fucking your pleasure filled pussy. He pinches your hard $NippleSize long nipples with his meaty fingers causing you to moan and gasp in ecstasy. "Girls filled with plastic are the best!" he proclaims loudly.
  "Hmm. You have some amazing tits, _Patient! So $BreastSD and soft and so natural! I approve!" he says huskily while playing with your $BreastsSize jugs without missing a beat fucking your pleasure filled pussy. He pinches your hard $NippleSize long nipples with his meaty fingers causing you to moan and gasp in ecstasy. "Sometimes all natural is good!" he proclaims loudly.
  The hard pounding you are giving with your futa-dick along with the equally hard pounding your wet pussy is recieving is steadily pushing you towards a powerful orgasm. "Fuck yes! Your pussy feels so fucking good! Take all of my cock you slutty whore! Oh shit! Keep fucking my cunt too with your _DickSize meat staff! Yes!" you scream in pleasure as your $BallsSD balls churn, eager to unload all your baby-batter into Nurse Fucktoy's hot pussy. The pleasure from having your slippery tits played with pushes you even closer to cumming.
  "Oooooh! Nurse Fucktoy's cumming so hard! Fuckkkk!" screams Nurse Fucktoy as she squeezed her slick silicone titties hard and you feel her tight pussy clench hard onto your throbbing dick. You feel her wet pussy get even wetter as her girl-cum squirts all over your futa-cock before splattering onto the lube-covered floor and her screams of pleasure echo throughout the hallways!
<<if $PC.Infestation is $Infestation.Cap & $Infestation.Progress > 1>>\
<<set _ODickSize to $DickSize>>\
<<set _ODickSD to $DickSD>>\
<<set _OBreastSD to $BreastSD>>\
<<include "Infestation Increase">>\
  As you continue to drill the busty nurse's tight pussy along with being pounded away by the well endowed doctor, you feel a surge of energy flowing directly into you! It almost feels like you are burning up but it quickly turns to pleasure that radiates from your ass that's slightly sore from all the hard hammering from the doctor, your _OBreastSD breasts that's being played with by the doctor and finally your futa-cock that's still buried deep inside the nurse!
  "Oh? What's this I see? How interesting! Look, Nurse Fucktoy, it seems our patient is having an interesting reaction! Her breasts are growing bigger and it feels like her ass is expanding as well!" the doctor comments as he fondles your slick breasts with fascination. With your cock buried deep inside the nurse's tight pussy you're too busy fucking to stop and look but it does feel like your breasts are growing along with with your sensitive asscheeks.
  You can however definitely feel your _ODickSD cock grow larger and thicker with each thrust. The feeling of Nurse Fucktoy's long lasting orgasm squeezing you even tighter pushes you over the edge as your own orgasm hits you like a train. "Oh fuck yes! I'm cumming too! Shit! I'm shooting my loads from my cock and pussy!" you scream as you feel your $BallsSD $BallsSize balls unleash their $CumAD wad directly into Nurse FuckToy's quivering pussy! At the same time your over-filled pussy unleashes it's $GCumAD load of girl-cum all over Doctor FuckHard's _DickSD cock before dripping to the wet floor below!
  "Ah yes! A patient with big tits is the best type of patient, Nurse Fucktoy! I can feel my heavy balls about to unload my hot cum in her tight pussy! Yes, yes, YESSS!" the doctor yells as you feel his throbbing cock pulse thrust hard one last time into your weeping pussy and unleash a firehose of hot cum directly into your eager womb! He's not finished yet as he pulls out his _DickSD cock and shoots more strands of hot cum all over your already cum-covered $AssSize ass and back!
  As you pull your dick out of the nurse's creampied pussy, you can see that you now have a $DickSD $DickSize dick along with a pair of $BallsSD $BallsSize balls! Even your jugs are now $BreastSD $BreastsSize tits capped with $NippleSize long nipples!
  "Fuck, that was intense." you mutter as spend a moment recovering from shooting your load and exploring your changes. After you manage to catch your breath, you pull your dripping cock out of the nurses soaking wet pussy and step away from the doctor. Your pussy is dripping from all the cum the doctor pumped into you and it takes a moment to get dressed into your soaked clothes again. While you are doing so both of the Infested watch you with lusty smiles on their faces.
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered +1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumFilled to $StatusAffect.CumFilled +1>>\
  The feeling of Nurse Fucktoy's orgasm pushes you over the edge as your own orgasm hits you like a train. "Oh fuck yes! I'm cumming too! Shit! I'm shooting my loads from my cock and pussy!" you scream as you feel your $BallsSD $BallsSize balls unleash their $CumAD wad directly into Nurse FuckToy's quivering pussy! At the same time your over-filled pussy unleashes it's $GCumAD load of girl-cum all over Doctor FuckHard's _DickSD cock before dripping to the wet floor below!
  "Ahhh! The patient's tight pussy is pushing me to cum, Nurse Fucktoy! I can feel my heavy balls about to unload my hot cum in her tight pussy! Yes, yes, YESSS!" the doctor yells as you feel his throbbing cock pulse thrust hard one last time into your weeping pussy and unleash a firehose of hot cum directly into your eager womb! He's not finished yet as he pulls out his _DickSD cock and shoots more strands of hot cum all over your already cum-covered $AssSize ass and back!
  "Fuck, that was good." you mutter as spend a moment recovering from shooting your load. After you manage to catch your breath, you pull your dripping cock out of the nurses soaking wet pussy and step away from the doctor. Your pussy is dripping from all the cum the doctor pumped into you and it takes a moment to get dressed into your soaked clothes again. While you are doing so both of the Infested watch you with lusty smiles on their faces.
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered +1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumFilled to $StatusAffect.CumFilled +1>>\
<<case "Male">>\
  Staring at the slime-covered couple you decide to obey the law of the clinic as your $DickSD dick is aching to be used. Stripping out of your soaked clothes, your $DickSize glistening cock bounces free grabbing the attention of both of the Infested. "Here's how it's going to be. I'm going to pound your slutty pussy, Nurse Fucktoy, while the good doctor fucks my ass." you say as you carefully step closer to where they are lying on the floor.
  Nurse Fucktoy's fear quickly changes to excitement as she releases the doctor from her grip and tries to stand up, causing her silicone-enhanced titties to bounce wildly as she completely fails to do so. Landing face down on her fake tits, she gives a mournful moan as she takes a couple attempts to flop over with her _ISD tits finally facing the ceiling. Smiling faintly with a somewhat frustrated look on her face she tries once again to stand up but ends up landing hard on her massive silicone-enhanced ass. Giving up on trying to stand up, she just grabs her legs and eagerly spreads them wide exposing her wet pussy in anticipation. With her _ISD _ICup <<Breasts>> heaving, she says huskily "Nurse Fucktoy can't stand up! Nurse Fucktoy is so so sorry! Nurse Fucktoy can't wait to be fucked by such a hot hunk here instead!"
  The doctor nods with an embarrassed look as he scoots away from Nurse Fucktoy with his _DickSD _DickSize <<Penis>> standing proud. "I see... Since it's the law of the clinic I am willing to as you say. Actually no, to be truthful I am eager to fuck such a fine specimen!" he says while gazing at you intently. You can feel his gaze sweep from your $DickSize lubed-up <<Penis>> to your hard glistening ass as he gives out a thoughtful noise.
  Shaking your head at the doctor's eccentric attitude, you turn your focus to whats truly important, Nurse Fucktoy's glistening cunt. Getting on your knees, you slide your <<Penis>> up against her wet slit making sure it was nice and slick. Nurse FuckToy's moans shows that she's more than ready as you press the head of your click cock against her snatch. Giving the slutty nurse a smirk grab her wet slippery hips before you plunging your $DickSize <<Penis>> deep into her hot pussy!
  "Fuck yes! Your cock feels so good deep in Nurse Fucktoy's slutty pussy!" Nurse Fucktoy screams as you finish hilting your $DickSize cock deep into her tight pussy. For a long moment you luxuriate in the feeling of being buried so deep in her cunt but you can’t resist pulling back before thrusting your <<Penis>> back in causing her _ISD wet tits to bounce from the force. The force of your hard pounding is slowly causing you to push the busty nurse across the wet floor!
  Feeling a pair of hands on your hard slimy ass you glance back to see that Doctor FuckHard had managed to slide over to where you were jackhammering Nurse Fucktoy's tight pussy on the cum and lube covered floor. You pause your fucking for a moment with your cock half-way mid-stroke as he slides his _DickSD lube-covered dick against your wet asscheeks before sliding it to the entrance of your asshole. "Prepare to have your delightful ass destroyed by my mega cock! Wait, hold on! Got to get braced a little bit more... Now it's fucking time!"" he says boastfully before slamming his _DickSD <<Penis>> deep into your tight ass!
 The force of his thrust easily pushes you forward causing you to slam your slam your cock deeper into the slutty nurse's pussy and causing the doctor to lose his grip on your slimy hips! Of courses the force of the slamming also causes you and the busty nurse to slide across the hallway floor and up against the wall leaving the poor doctor behind! The doctor was able to quickly follow you across the hallway before trying again. This time when he slammed his thick cock back into your ass he was able to hold on! This time you can actually get a chance to really get of feel of how it's so thick and meaty that it stretches your tight ass causing you to moan loudly in delight. Loving the feeling of his girthy cock, you push back against it while luxurating in the pleasure of having your ass filled while having your dick squeezed at the same time.
  "Oh God yes!" you moan as you resume your thrusting, the hot tight pussy of the slutty nurse feeling too good to deny. It takes the doctor a moment to moderate his hard pounding of your tight ass so that you're not being forced down the hallway but when he does the pleasure is divine!. The chain fucking is having an erotic affect on Nurse Fucktoy as her _ICup wet and slippery titties jiggle with each thrust and her loud moans and gasps of pleasure echo throughout the hallway.
  Grabbing her _ISD lube-covered jugs, Nurse Fucktoy moans "Oh fuck yes! Keep fucking Nurse Fucktoy's naughty pussy with your amazingly $DickSD firehose!" You are more than happy to comply as you continue to slam your powerful dick into her tight cunt. The extra lube is making it extremely easy to slide your cock in and out and the busty nurse is loving it! Seeing Nurse Fucktoy playing with her jiggly breasts, you can't help but want a feel of those epic breasts as well! Releasing her hips you grab onto her slippery silicone-filled fun-bags and give them a hard squeezing.
  "Hmm. So what do you think of my nurses's amazing tits, _Patient? So _ISD and firm and filled with so much silicone! They are among the best breasts ever sculpted by yours truly and I bet they're extra slippery today!" he asks huskily while watching you grope Nurse Fucktoy's silicone-enhanced jugs with what sounds like pride. He slaps your hard lubed-up ass with his meaty hand causing you to moan and gasp in ecstasy while still pounding your overstuffed ass!
  The hard pounding you are giving with your <<Penis> along with the equally hard pounding your tiht ass is recieving is steadily pushing you towards a powerful orgasm. "Fuck yes Nurse Fucktoy's titties are fucking great! And her fucking pussy feels so fucking good! Oh shit! Keep fucking my ass too with your _DickSize <<Penis>>!" you scream in pleasure as your $BallsSD balls churn, eager to unload all your baby-batter into Nurse FuckToy's hot pussy.
<<if $PC.Infestation is $Infestation.Cap & $Infestation.Progress > 1>>\
<<set _ODickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$PC.DickSize]>>\
<<set _ODickSize to $arrayDickSize[$PC.DickSize]>>\
<<set _OBallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$PC.BallsSize]>>
<<set _OBallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$PC.BallsSize]>>\
<<include "Infestation Increase">>\
  As you slam your <<Penis>> into her wet cunt you feel a surge of energy flowing directly into you! It almost feels like you are burning up but it quickly turns to pleasure that radiates from your _ODickSD hard <<Penis>> and balls!
  "Oh fuckkkk! Your yummy cock is getting bigger and bigger in Nurse Fucktoy's tight pussy! Oooooh fuckkkkk! Nurse Fucktoy is feeling really really good!" she moans as you pound her pussy even harder. You can feel your _ODickSize <<Penis>> growing longer and thicker as her pussy gets tighter and tighter. Your silicone-enhanced dick is radiating so much pleasure that you are on the edge of cumming and it's taking all your willpower to hold back. "OH FUCK! NURSE FUCKTOY IS CUMMING FROM YOUR BIG COCK!" she lets out a echoing scream of pure pleasure as you feel her wet pussy squeeze your cock hard.
  The feeling of the fluid soaked nurse cumming hard pushes you over the edge as her pussy squeezes your burning cock over and over again. "Fuck! I'm cumming from my growing dick!" you yell as your churning balls give one last pulse before you unleash a tidal wave of cum deep into her pussy! There's so much that you pull your dick out of her pussy and shoot massive strands of hot goo all over her _ISD slick tits! Looking down you can see that you now have a $DickSD $DickSize dick along with a pair of $BallsSD $BallsSize balls!
  "Ahhh! The patient's tight ass is pushing me to cum, Nurse Fucktoy! I can feel my heavy balls about to unload my hot cum in his man pussy! Yes, yes, YESSS!" the doctor yells as you feel his throbbing cock pulse thrust hard one last time into your sore ass and unleash a firehose of hot cum directly into your tight asshole! He's not finished yet as he pulls out his _DickSD cock and shoots more strands of hot cum all over your already cum-covered booty and back!
  "Fuck, that was good." you mutter as spend a moment recovering from shooting your load and exploring your changes. After you manage to catch your breath, you pull your dripping cock out of the nurses soaking wet pussy and step away from the doctor. Your ass is dripping from all the cum the doctor pumped into you and it takes a moment to get dressed into your soaked clothes again. While you are doing so both of the Infested watch you with lusty smiles on their faces.
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered +1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumFilled to $StatusAffect.CumFilled +1>>\
  "Oooooh! Nurse Fucktoy's cumming so hard! Fuckkkk!" screams Nurse FuckToy as she squeezes your hands on top of her slick silicone titties hard and you feel her tight pussy clench hard onto your throbbing dick. You feel her wet pussy get even wetter as her girl-cum squirts all over your dick before splattering onto the lube-covered floor and her screeams of pleasure echo throughout the hallways!
  The feeling of Nurse Fucktoy's wet and sloppy orgasm pushes you over the edge as your own orgasm hits you like a train. "Oh fuck yes! I'm cumming too! Shit! I'm shooting my load straight into your fucking pussy!" you scream as you feel your $BallsSD $BallsSize balls unleash their $CumAD wad directly into Nurse Fucktoy's quivering pussy!
  "Ahhh! The patient's tight ass is pushing me to cum, Nurse Fucktoy! I can feel my heavy balls about to unload my hot cum in his man pussy! Yes, yes, YESSS!" the doctor yells as you feel his throbbing cock pulse thrust hard one last time into your sore ass and unleash a firehose of hot cum directly into your tight asshole! He's not finished yet as he pulls out his _DickSD cock and shoots more strands of hot cum all over your already cum-covered $AssSize ass and back!
  "Fuck, that was good." you mutter as spend a moment recovering from shooting your load. After you manage to catch your breath, you pull your dripping cock out of the nurses soaking wet pussy and step away from the doctor. Your ass is dripping from all the cum the doctor pumped into you and it takes a moment to get dressed into your soaked clothes again. While you are doing so both of the Infested watch you with lusty smiles on their faces.
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered +1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumFilled to $StatusAffect.CumFilled +1>>\
<<if $clinicAmbushEvent.Patient is 0>>\
  "That was a good but wet hard heart pounding session, _patient! May I have the name of the one who bested me and whose fucking was suburb even under these lubed up conditions?" asks Doctor FuckHard as he gazes at you intently.
  Seeing no reason not to give him your name, you reply "$PC.FirstName. $PC.FirstName $PC.LastName is my name." You finish grabbing your soaked gear before starting to leave the two Infested behind.
  "I'll be sure to remember it, $PC.FirstName... Goodbye and good luck on your journeys!" he says softly while stroking his still hard dick softly.
  "Goodbye, $PC.FirstName! Nurse Fucktoy can't wait to be fucked by you again and again!" Nurse Fucktoy says cheerfully while waving bye to you.
  "Well $PC.FirstName. you defeated me and fucked me and my nurse hard even under these lubed up conditions. I can respect that! I wish you good luck on your journeys but next time I will be victorious and hopefully drier!" Doctor FuckHard says while stroking his still hard dick softly.
  "Goodbye, $PC.FirstName! Nurse Fucktoy was fucked really hard by you and can't wait to be fucked by you again and again!" Nurse Fucktoy says cheerfully while waving bye to you.
<div class="pcTalk"><i> Those two are kinda strange. On one hand they are weirdly friendly but on the other hand still horny just like all the other Infested</i></div>
<<button [[Finish|$location.temp]]>>
<<include "Lust Passes">>\
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<set $NoEncounter to random(1) +2>>\
<<if ndef $npcFuckToy.Enhance>>\
<<set $npcFuckToy.Enhance to 0>>\
<<if $npcFuckToy.BreastsSize + $npcFuckToy.Enhance < $PC.BreastsSize>>\
<<set $npcFuckToy.Enhance to $npcFuckToy.Enhance +2>>\
<</button>><img @src=$genericFighter.Image width="512px" height="768px" />
<<set $BattleFlag to 0>>\
<<set $location.FleeFlag to 0>>\
<<set $CombatRound to 0>>\
<<set $NoEncounter to random(1) +2>>\
<<set $SpecialUsage to $MaxSpecialUsage>>\
<<include "Combat Status Affects">>\
<<set _DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$genericFighter.DickSize]>>\
<<set _DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$genericFighter.DickSize]>>\
<<if $NoMenEncounter is 1>>\
  You watch as the crazy janitor collaspses to the slippery floor. She still looks extremely upset by the state of the hallway and is glaring at you hard. On the other hand her large meaty hand is gripping her hard _DickSD futa-cock while staring at your mouth.
<div class="pcTalk"><i> That's one pissed of janitor. I could always give her what she wants but should I?</i></div>
<<include "Loot">>\
<<set $PCInventory.push(_tempLoot)>>\
<<print _tempLoot.name>>
<<print _TempCash>>
_tempCash dollars
<<set $Cash to $Cash + _tempCash>>\
<<if $lust > 24 or $GeneralFeats.Horndog > 0>>\
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Let The Janitor Have What She Wants|Clinic Fluid Trap - Janitor Sex]]>>
  You watch as the crazy janitor collaspses to the slippery floor. He still looks extremely upset by the state of the hallway and is glaring at you hard. On the other hand his large meaty hand is gripping his hard _DickSD cock while staring at your mouth.
<div class="pcTalk"><i> That's one pissed of janitor. I could always give him what he wants but should I?</i></div>
<<include "Loot">>\
<<set $PCInventory.push(_tempLoot)>>\
<<print _tempLoot.name>>
<<print _TempCash>>
_tempCash dollars
<<set $Cash to $Cash + _tempCash>>\
<<if $lust > 24 or $GeneralFeats.Horndog > 0>>\
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Let The Janitor Have What he Wants|Clinic Fluid Trap - Janitor Sex]]>>
<<button [[Leave|$location.temp]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</button>><img @src=$genericFighter.Image width="512px" height="768px" />
<<set $CombatRound to 0>>\
<<set $NoEncounter to random(1) +2>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.Vaccine < 1>>\
<<if (random(19) +1) + $PC.Fortitude + $InfectionResist.Fort + $FoodStatus.Fort < (21 + Math.round($Infestation.Progress / 2) )>>\
<<if $Infestation.Progress < 1>>\
<<set $Infestation.Progress to 1>>\
<<set _Infest to random(20) - $InfectionResist.DR +5>>\
<<if _Infest < 0>>\
<<set _Infest to 0>>\
<<set $PC.Infestation to $PC.Infestation + _Infest>>\
<<if $PC.Infestation > $Infestation.Cap>>\
<<set $PC.Infestation to $Infestation.Cap>>\
<<set _DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$genericFighter.DickSize]>>\
<<set _DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$genericFighter.DickSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$genericFighter.BallsSize]>>
<<set _BallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$genericFighter.BallsSize]>>\
<<if $PC.Sex is "Futa" or $StatusAffect.Futa > 0>>\
<<set _Sex to "Futa">>\
<<elseif $PC.Sex is "Female" and $StatusAffect.Futa < 1>>\
<<set _Sex to "Female">>\
<<set _Sex to "Male" and $StatusAffect.Futa < 1>>\
<<switch _Sex>>\
<<case "Female">>\
<<case "Futa">>\
<</switch>>\ <img @src=$genericFighter.Image width="512px" height="768px" />
<<set $CombatRound to 0>>\
<<set $NoEncounter to random(1) +2>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.Vaccine < 1>>\
<<if (random(19) +1) + $PC.Fortitude + $InfectionResist.Fort + $FoodStatus.Fort < (21 + Math.round($Infestation.Progress / 2) )>>\
<<if $Infestation.Progress < 1>>\
<<set $Infestation.Progress to 1>>\
<<set _Infest to random(20) - $InfectionResist.DR +5>>\
<<if _Infest < 0>>\
<<set _Infest to 0>>\
<<set $PC.Infestation to $PC.Infestation + _Infest>>\
<<if $PC.Infestation > $Infestation.Cap>>\
<<set $PC.Infestation to $Infestation.Cap>>\
<<set _DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$genericFighter.DickSize]>>\
<<set _DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$genericFighter.DickSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$genericFighter.BallsSize]>>
<<set _BallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$genericFighter.BallsSize]>>\
<<if $PC.Sex is "Futa" or $StatusAffect.Futa > 0>>\
<<set _Sex to "Futa">>\
<<elseif $PC.Sex is "Female" and $StatusAffect.Futa < 1>>\
<<set _Sex to "Female">>\
<<set _Sex to "Male" and $StatusAffect.Futa < 1>>\
<<set _SizeComp to $PC.BreastsSize - $genericFighter.Level + ($GeneralFeats.FalseRep *2)>>\
<<if _SizeComp < 0>>\
<<set _SizeComp to 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered +1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumFilled to $StatusAffect.CumFilled +1>>\
<<switch _Sex>>\
<<case "Female">>\
  As you collapse from your defeat at the hands of the Infested Janitor he gives you a fierce hungry look. Staring at your lips he growls "Either you get over here and get to sucking my cock or I'm going to fuck your mouth, you little filthy whore! Trashing my building, MY WORK PLACE with your your lube and your condoms and your sexy sex fluids THAT GET EVERYWHERE!" He pulls out his _ISD dick and impatiently waits for you to get over to where he's standing.
  As you crawl over where the Infested is standing he gives you a wide smile that doesn't reach his eyes. Planting a big meaty hand on your head, he guides your lips towards his thick, juicy _DickSize cock. It smells so good you can't help but enjoy how it fills your whole body with pleasure. Unable to resist you stick your tongue out and give the tip of his _DickSD dick a light taste. The flavor is a bit salty but tastes exquisite! Wanting even more of that delightful flavor you start to lick all around the tip and before long up and down his meaty cock.
  "That's it little girl, just like that." the Infested says softly as you slide your tongue up and down his _DickSD beefy dick. As you do so some of his pre-cum oozes from the tip of his <<Penis>> and starts to slowly ooze it's way down his shaft. Eager to get a taste you slide you lips closer to his tip and give it a kiss, allowing you to suck down his yummy pre-cum! It tastes even better than before and you feel a flush of arousal as your $NippleSize long nipples get hard. Wanting even more of his delicious baby-batter you wrap your lips around his girthy shaft and slide his cock down your tight throat!
  The Infested's heavy cock twitches and produces even more pre-cum as he moans loudly in pleasure. You quickly suck down his juicy fluids while wrapping your tongue around his shaft. Your desire for more of his cum forces you to start sucking hard on his dick in search of more of his precious fluids. It feels so good to be sucking on his meat rod that your pussy glistens as your girl-fluids leak into the floor.
  "Fuck, girl! You're a god-damn cock-sucking machine!" The Infested Janitor groans as you bob your head up and down on his meaty dick. Your only responses is a muffled moan of your own pleasure and a slipping of hand towards your aching pussy. You are rewarded by having more of the Infested's musky pre-cum leak and drip down your needy throat causing another spike of pleasure to erupt throughout your body.
  Suddenly you feel the Infested grab the back of your head as he starts to thrust his _DickSD throbbing cock down your throat! You continue to do your best to suck his cock but with the rough way he's using your mouth it's a bit hard as he thrusts way past your mouth down your tight throat. You focus a bit more on your wet pussy as you slide your fingers in and out of your tight slit, your fingers glistening with your girl-fluids.
  The Infested Janitor is moaning even louder as his cock leaks pre-cum like a faucet down your eager throat. "Take all over my fucking cock you filthy whore! Fuck! I'm about to cum all down your throat!" he moans as he continues to fuck your face, his _BallsSD cum-filled balls slapping into your chin. You know he's moments away from cumming and awarding you with his exquisite treasure! Your whole body is tense with excitement, just waiting for your final reward!
  The Infested doesn't prove you wrong as you feel his _DickSize cock twitch one last time before shooting a massive geyser of hot white cum down your aching throat. You're forced to cough as you choke on the insane amount of baby-batter being poured down your throat but it tastes so good that you feel your orgasm coming in hard! You feel your wet cunt tighten for a brief moment before you unleash a $CumAD all over your wet fingers and floor! Your pussy is unleashing orgasm after orgasm as you shake and quiver in pleasure.
<<switch _SizeComp>>\
<<case 0 1 2 3>>\
  "Your titties are too small, you fucking whore!" He growls angrily, as he pulls his throbbing cock out of your mouth and aims in at your chest! "I was too focused on your pretty mouth but god-damn you need some bigger tits!" With that said he shoots multiple strands of hot gooey cum all over your $BreastSD tits and face as your multiple orgasms continue.
<<case 4 5 6 7 8 9>>\
  "You got some decent titties but they can always be a lot bigger like those nurses who like filling their tits up with plastic!" He growls in frustraion as he pulls his throbbing cock out of your mouth and aims in at your chest! "In the mean time try soaking them in my fucking cum!" With that said he shoots multiple strands of hot gooey cum all over your $BreastSD tits and face as your multiple orgasms continue.
<<case 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17>>\
  "Those fucking titties so fucking big, you slut! Shit! I can't believe I missed having the chance to play with these great knockers!" He growls lustfully as he pulls his throbbing cock out of your mouth and aims in at your chest! "At least I can fucking paint them white with my fucking cum!" With that said he shoots multiple strands of hot gooey cum all over your $BreastSD tits and face as your multiple orgasms continue.
  "Your big fucking titties are humongous, you fucking cock-sucking slut!" He growls extremely lustfully as he pulls his throbbing cock out of your mouth and aims in at your chest! "Take all of my big load onto your big fucking tits, you big titty cow!" With that said he shoots multiple strands of hot gooey cum all over your $BreastSD tits and face as your multiple orgasms continue.
<<case "Futa">>\
  As you collapse from your defeat at the hands of the Infested Janitor he gives you a fierce hungry look. Staring at your lips he growls "Either you get over here and get to sucking my cock or I'm going to fuck your mouth, you little filthy whore! Trashing my building, MY WORK PLACE with your your lube and your condoms and your sexy sex fluids THAT GET EVERYWHERE!" He pulls out his _ISD dick and impatiently waits for you to get over to where he's standing.
  As you crawl over where the Infested is standing he gives you a wide smile that doesn't reach his eyes. Planting a big meaty hand on your head, he guides your lips towards his thick, juicy _DickSize cock. It smells so good you can't help but enjoy how it fills your whole body with pleasure. Unable to resist you stick your tongue out and give the tip of his _DickSD dick a light taste. The flavor is a bit salty but tastes exquisite! Wanting even more of that delightful flavor you start to lick all around the tip and before long up and down his meaty cock.
  "That's it little dick-girl, just like that." the Infested says softly as you slide your tongue up and down his _DickSD beefy dick. As you do so some of his pre-cum oozes from the tip of his <<Penis>> and starts to slowly ooze it's way down his shaft. Eager to get a taste you slide you lips closer to his tip and give it a kiss, allowing you to suck down his yummy pre-cum! It tastes even better than before and you feel a flush of arousal as your $NippleSize long nipples get hard along with your $DickSD futa-cock. Wanting even more of his delicious baby-batter you wrap your lips around his girthy shaft and slide his cock down your tight throat!
  The Infested's heavy cock twitches and produces even more pre-cum as he moans loudly in pleasure. You quickly suck down his juicy fluids while wrapping your tongue around his shaft. Your desire for more of his cum forces you to start sucking hard on his dick in search of more of his precious fluids. It feels so good to be sucking on his meat rod that your pussy glistens as your girl-fluids leak into the floor while your rock hard futa-cock is leaking pre-cum as well.
  "Fuck, dick-girl! You're a god-damn cock-sucking machine!" The Infested Janitor groans as you bob your head up and down on his meaty dick. Your only responses is a muffled moan of your own pleasure and a slipping of hand towards your aching groin. You are rewarded by having more of the Infested's musky pre-cum leak and drip down your needy throat causing another spike of pleasure to erupt throughout your body.
  Suddenly you feel the Infested grab the back of your head as he starts to thrust his _DickSD throbbing cock down your throat! You continue to do your best to suck his cock but with the rough way he's using your mouth it's a bit hard as he thrusts way past your mouth down your tight throat. You focus a bit more on your hard futa-cock as you stroke your hard dick, your fingers glistening with your pre-cum.
  The Infested Janitor is moaning even louder as his cock leaks pre-cum like a faucet down your eager throat. "Take all over my fucking cock you filthy whore! Fuck! I'm about to cum all down your throat!" he moans as he continues to fuck your face, his _BallsSD cum-filled balls slapping into your chin. You know he's moments away from cumming and awarding you with his exquisite treasure! Your whole body is tense with excitement, just waiting for your final reward!
  The Infested doesn't prove you wrong as you feel his _DickSize cock twitch one last time before shooting a massive geyser of hot white cum down your aching throat. You're forced to cough as you choke on the insane amount of baby-batter being poured down your throat but it tastes so good that you feel your orgasm coming in hard! You feel your futa-cock twitch for a brief moment before you unleash a $CumAD all over your hand and floor! Your pussy is also unleashing orgasm after orgasm as you shake and quiver in pleasure.
<<switch _SizeComp>>\
<<case 0 1 2 3>>\
  "Your titties are too small, you fucking whore!" He growls angrily, as he pulls his throbbing cock out of your mouth and aims in at your chest! "I was too focused on your pretty mouth but god-damn you need some bigger tits!" With that said he shoots multiple strands of hot gooey cum all over your $BreastSD tits and face as your multiple orgasms continue.
<<case 4 5 6 7 8 9>>\
  "You got some decent titties but they can always be a lot bigger like those nurses who like filling their tits up with plastic!" He growls in frustraion as he pulls his throbbing cock out of your mouth and aims in at your chest! "In the mean time try soaking them in my fucking cum!" With that said he shoots multiple strands of hot gooey cum all over your $BreastSD tits and face as your multiple orgasms continue.
<<case 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17>>\
  "Those fucking titties so fucking big, you slut! Shit! I can't believe I missed having the chance to play with these great knockers!" He growls lustfully as he pulls his throbbing cock out of your mouth and aims in at your chest! "At least I can fucking paint them white with my fucking cum!" With that said he shoots multiple strands of hot gooey cum all over your $BreastSD tits and face as your multiple orgasms continue.
  "Your big fucking titties are so fucking humongous, you fucking cock-sucking slut!" He growls extremely lustfully as he pulls his throbbing cock out of your mouth and aims in at your chest! "Take all of my big load onto your big fucking tits, you big titty bull-cow!" With that said he shoots multiple strands of hot gooey cum all over your $BreastSD tits and face as your multiple orgasms continue.
  As you collapse from your defeat at the hands of the Infested Janitor he gives you a fierce hungry look. Staring at your lips he growls "Either you get over here and get to sucking my cock or I'm going to fuck your mouth, you little filthy whore! Trashing my building, MY WORK PLACE with your your lube and your condoms and your sexy sex fluids THAT GET EVERYWHERE!" He pulls out his _ISD dick and impatiently waits for you to get over to where he's standing.
  As you crawl over where the Infested is standing he gives you a wide smile that doesn't reach his eyes. Planting a big meaty hand on your head, he guides your lips towards his thick, juicy _DickSize cock. It smells so good you can't help but enjoy how it fills your whole body with pleasure. Unable to resist you stick your tongue out and give the tip of his _DickSD dick a light taste. The flavor is a bit salty but tastes exquisite! Wanting even more of that delightful flavor you start to lick all around the tip and before long up and down his meaty cock.
  "That's it little dick-girl, just like that." the Infested says softly as you slide your tongue up and down his _DickSD beefy dick. "<i>Dick-girl?</i>" you ponder as some of his pre-cum oozes from the tip of his <<Penis>> and starts to slowly ooze it's way down his shaft. Eager to get a taste you slide you lips closer to his tip and give it a kiss, allowing you to suck down his yummy pre-cum! It tastes even better than before and you feel a flush of arousal as your $DickSize <<Penis>> starts to harden. Wanting even more of his delicious baby-batter you wrap your lips around his girthy shaft and slide his cock down your tight throat!
  The Infested's heavy cock twitches and produces even more pre-cum as he moans loudly in pleasure. You quickly suck down his juicy fluids while wrapping your tongue around his shaft. Your desire for more of his cum forces you to start sucking hard on his dick in search of more of his precious fluids. It feels so good to be sucking on his meat rod that your own rock hard cock is leaking pre-cum onto the floor as well.
  "Fuck, dick-girl! You're a god-damn cock-sucking machine!" The Infested Janitor groans as you bob your head up and down on his meaty dick. Your only responses is a muffled moan of your own pleasure and a slipping of hand towards your aching dick. You are rewarded by having more of the Infested's musky pre-cum leak and drip down your needy throat causing another spike of pleasure to erupt throughout your body.
  "<i>Why does he keep going me a dick-girl?</i>" you ponder before suddenly feeling the Infested grab the back of your head as he starts to thrust his _DickSD throbbing cock down your throat! You continue to do your best to suck his cock but with the rough way he's using your mouth it's a bit hard as he thrusts way past your mouth down your tight throat. You focus a bit more on your hard $DickSize cock as you stroke your hard <<Penis>>, your fingers glistening with your pre-cum.
"Take all over my fucking cock you filthy whore! Fuck! I'm about to cum all down your throat!" he moans as he continues to fuck your face, his _BallsSD cum-filled balls slapping into your chin. You know he's moments away from cumming and awarding you with his exquisite treasure! Your whole body is tense with excitement, just waiting for your final reward!
  The Infested doesn't prove you wrong as you feel his _DickSize cock twitch one last time before shooting a massive geyser of hot white cum down your aching throat. You're forced to cough as you choke on the insane amount of baby-batter being poured down your throat but it tastes so good that you feel your orgasm coming in hard! You feel your cock twitch for a brief moment before you unleash a $CumAD all over your hand and floor!
  "Your titties are too small, you fucking dick-girl!" He growls angrily as he pulls his throbbing cock out of your mouth and then stops as he finally gets a good look at you. "What the fuck? You're not a futa, are you? Fuck! I was too focused on your pretty mouth to notice I was getting a blowjob from a dude! Fuck it! Whatever!" With that said he shoots multiple strands of hot gooey cum all over your $hard chest and face as well.
  "Oh that was so good, you fucking cock-sucking whore!" he says as he steps away from your exhausted body, drops of cum leaking from the his still hard cock. Taking one last moment to glance at your cum-covered chest, he says "Now stay out of my fucking workplace!" With that he briskly walks away leaving you to grab your clothes and to slowly recover.<<include "Adlibs">>\
<<set $SexScene1 to random(2)>>\
<<switch $SexScene1>>\
<<default>>\ /* Default Blowjob Scene */
<<include "Infested Janitor Blowjob Dominate Female">>\
<</switch>> <<set $sexHistory.XP to $sexHistory.XP +1>>\
<<set $LastPartner to $genericFighter>>\
<<set _DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$genericFighter.DickSize]>>\
<<set _DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$genericFighter.DickSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$genericFighter.BallsSize]>>
<<set _BallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$genericFighter.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _SizeComp to $PC.BreastsSize - $genericFighter.Level + ($GeneralFeats.FalseRep *2)>>\
<<if _SizeComp < 0>>\
<<set _SizeComp to 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered +1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumFilled to $StatusAffect.CumFilled +1>>\
  As you collapse from your defeat at the hands of the Infested Janitor he gives you a fierce hungry look. Staring at your lips he growls "Either you get over here and get to sucking my cock or I'm going to fuck your mouth, you little filthy whore! Trashing my building, MY WORK PLACE with your your lube and your condoms and your sexy sex fluids THAT GET EVERYWHERE!" He pulls out his _DickSize dick and impatiently waits for you to get over to where he's standing.
  As you crawl over where the Infested is standing he gives you a wide smile that doesn't reach his eyes. Planting a big meaty hand on your head, he guides your lips towards his thick, juicy _DickSize cock. It smells so good you can't help but enjoy how it fills your whole body with pleasure. Unable to resist you stick your tongue out and give the tip of his _DickSD dick a light taste. The flavor is a bit salty but tastes exquisite! Wanting even more of that delightful flavor you start to lick all around the tip and before long up and down his meaty cock.
  "That's it little girl, just like that." the Infested says gruffly as you slide your tongue up and down his _DickSD beefy dick. As you do so some of his pre-cum oozes from the tip of his <<Penis>> and starts to slowly ooze it's way down his shaft. Eager to get a taste you slide you lips closer to his tip and give it a kiss, allowing you to suck down his yummy pre-cum! It tastes even better than before and you feel a flush of arousal as your $NippleSize long nipples get hard. Wanting even more of his delicious baby-batter you wrap your lips around his girthy shaft and slide his cock down your tight throat!
  The Infested's heavy cock twitches and produces even more pre-cum as he moans loudly in pleasure. You quickly suck down his juicy fluids while wrapping your tongue around his shaft. Your desire for more of his cum forces you to start sucking hard on his dick in search of more of his precious fluids. It feels so good to be sucking on his meat rod that your pussy glistens as your girl-fluids leak into the floor.
  "Fuck, girl! You're a god-damn cock-sucking machine!" The Infested Janitor groans as you bob your head up and down on his meaty dick. Your only responses is a muffled moan of your own pleasure and a slipping of hand towards your aching pussy. You are rewarded by having more of the Infested's musky pre-cum leak and drip down your needy throat causing another spike of pleasure to erupt throughout your body.
  Suddenly you feel the Infested grab the back of your head as he starts to thrust his _DickSD throbbing cock down your throat! You continue to do your best to suck his cock but with the rough way he's using your mouth it's a bit hard as he thrusts way past your mouth down your tight throat. You focus a bit more on your wet pussy as you slide your fingers in and out of your tight slit, your fingers glistening with your girl-fluids.
  The Infested Janitor is moaning even louder as his cock leaks pre-cum like a faucet down your eager throat. "Take all over my fucking cock you filthy whore! Fuck! I'm about to cum all down your throat!" he moans as he continues to fuck your face, his _BallsSD cum-filled balls slapping into your chin. You know he's moments away from cumming and awarding you with his exquisite treasure! Your whole body is tense with excitement, just waiting for your final reward!
  The Infested doesn't prove you wrong as you feel his _DickSize cock twitch one last time before shooting a massive geyser of hot white cum down your aching throat. You're forced to cough as you choke on the insane amount of baby-batter being poured down your throat but it tastes so good that you feel your orgasm coming in hard! You feel your wet cunt tighten for a brief moment before you unleash a $GCumAD spray of girl-cum all over your wet fingers and floor! Your senstive pussy is unleashing orgasm after orgasm as you shake and quiver in pleasure.
<<switch _SizeComp>>\
<<case 0 1 2 3>>\
  "Your titties are too small, you fucking whore!" He growls angrily, as he pulls his throbbing cock out of your mouth and aims in at your chest! "I was too focused on your pretty mouth but god-damn you need some bigger tits!" With that said he shoots multiple strands of hot gooey cum all over your $BreastSD tits and face as your multiple orgasms continue.
<<case 4 5 6 7 8 9>>\
  "You got some decent titties but they can always be a lot bigger like those nurses who like filling their tits up with plastic!" He growls in frustraion as he pulls his throbbing cock out of your mouth and aims in at your chest! "In the mean time try soaking them in my fucking cum!" With that said he shoots multiple strands of hot gooey cum all over your $BreastSD tits and face as your multiple orgasms continue.
<<case 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17>>\
  "Those fucking titties so fucking big, you slut! Shit! I can't believe I missed having the chance to play with these great knockers!" He growls lustfully as he pulls his throbbing cock out of your mouth and aims in at your chest! "At least I can fucking paint them white with my fucking cum!" With that said he shoots multiple strands of hot gooey cum all over your $BreastSD tits and face as your multiple orgasms continue.
  "Your big fucking titties are humongous, you fucking cock-sucking slut!" He growls extremely lustfully as he pulls his throbbing cock out of your mouth and aims in at your chest! "Take all of my big load onto your big fucking tits, you big titty cow!" With that said he shoots multiple strands of hot gooey cum all over your $BreastSD tits and face as your multiple orgasms continue.
  "Oh that was so good, you fucking cock-sucking whore!" he says as he steps away from your exhausted body, drops of cum leaking from the his still hard cock. Taking one last moment to glance at your cum-covered chest, he says "Now stay out of my fucking workplace!" With that he briskly walks away leaving you to grab your clothes and to slowly recover.<<include "Adlibs">>\
<<set $SexScene1 to random(2)>>\
<<switch $SexScene1>>\
<<default>>\ /* Default Blowjob Scene */
<<include "Infested Janitor Blowjob Dominate Futa">>\
<</switch>> <<set $sexHistory.XP to $sexHistory.XP +1>>\
<<set $LastPartner to $genericFighter>>\
<<set _DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$genericFighter.DickSize]>>\
<<set _DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$genericFighter.DickSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$genericFighter.BallsSize]>>
<<set _BallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$genericFighter.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _SizeComp to $PC.BreastsSize - $genericFighter.Level + ($GeneralFeats.FalseRep *2)>>\
<<if _SizeComp < 0>>\
<<set _SizeComp to 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered +1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumFilled to $StatusAffect.CumFilled +1>>\
  As you collapse from your defeat at the hands of the Infested Janitor he gives you a fierce hungry look. Staring at your lips he growls "Either you get over here and get to sucking my cock or I'm going to fuck your mouth, you little filthy whore! Trashing my building, MY WORK PLACE with your your lube and your condoms and your sexy sex fluids THAT GET EVERYWHERE!" He pulls out his _DickSize dick and impatiently waits for you to get over to where he's standing.
  As you crawl over where the Infested is standing he gives you a wide smile that doesn't reach his eyes. Planting a big meaty hand on your head, he guides your lips towards his thick, juicy _DickSize cock. It smells so good you can't help but enjoy how it fills your whole body with pleasure. Unable to resist you stick your tongue out and give the tip of his _DickSD dick a light taste. The flavor is a bit salty but tastes exquisite! Wanting even more of that delightful flavor you start to lick all around the tip and before long up and down his meaty cock.
  "That's it little dick-girl, just like that." the Infested says gruffly as you slide your tongue up and down his _DickSD beefy dick. As you do so some of his pre-cum oozes from the tip of his <<Penis>> and starts to slowly ooze it's way down his shaft. Eager to get a taste you slide you lips closer to his tip and give it a kiss, allowing you to suck down his yummy pre-cum! It tastes even better than before and you feel a flush of arousal as your $NippleSize long nipples get hard along with your $DickSD futa-cock. Wanting even more of his delicious baby-batter you wrap your lips around his girthy shaft and slide his cock down your tight throat!
  The Infested's heavy cock twitches and produces even more pre-cum as he moans loudly in pleasure. You quickly suck down his juicy fluids while wrapping your tongue around his shaft. Your desire for more of his cum forces you to start sucking hard on his dick in search of more of his precious fluids. It feels so good to be sucking on his meat rod that your pussy glistens as your girl-fluids leak into the floor while your rock hard futa-cock is leaking pre-cum as well.
  "Fuck, dick-girl! You're a god-damn cock-sucking machine!" The Infested Janitor groans as you bob your head up and down on his meaty dick. Your only responses is a muffled moan of your own pleasure and a slipping of hand towards your aching groin. You are rewarded by having more of the Infested's musky pre-cum leak and drip down your needy throat causing another spike of pleasure to erupt throughout your body.
  Suddenly you feel the Infested grab the back of your head as he starts to thrust his _DickSD throbbing cock down your throat! You continue to do your best to suck his cock but with the rough way he's using your mouth it's a bit hard as he thrusts way past your mouth down your tight throat. You focus a bit more on your hard futa-cock as you stroke your hard dick, your fingers glistening with your pre-cum.
  The Infested Janitor is moaning even louder as his cock leaks pre-cum like a faucet down your eager throat. "Take all over my fucking cock you filthy whore! Fuck! I'm about to cum all down your throat!" he moans as he continues to fuck your face, his _BallsSD cum-filled balls slapping into your chin. You know he's moments away from cumming and awarding you with his exquisite treasure! Your whole body is tense with excitement, just waiting for your final reward!
<<if $Infestation.BruiseProgress < 1 and $Infestation.BruiseVariant > 99 and $Infestation.Progress > 1>>\
<<set _ODickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$PC.DickSize]>>\
<<set _ODickSize to $arrayDickSize[$PC.DickSize]>>\
<<set _OBallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$PC.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _OBallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$PC.BallsSize]>>\
<<include "Bruiser TF">>\
  As your mouth is being completely wrecked by his _DickSD cock you feel a strange vibrating feeling that starts in your throbbing dick but quickly spreads throughout your body making you feel so much stronger! Before you can ponder what is happening the vibrating sensation increases rapidly in your achingly hard futa-dick and cum-filled balls!
  The Infested doesn't prove you wrong as you feel his _DickSize cock twitch one last time before shooting a massive geyser of hot white cum down your aching throat. You can easily suck down all his yummy cum as you feel stronger, harder, so full of cum! It tastes so delicious that your own cock feels like it's growing!
  As more and more cum floods your mouth you suddenly feel that growing sensation from your hard throbbing dick and cum-filled balls grow more intense. The feeling of your dick growing thicker and stronger as his cum flows down your throat pushes you over the edge! "OH FUCK YESSS! I'm cumming so fucking much from my big growing dick! Oh fuck, oh fuck ooooh fuckkk!" you scream loudly as you pop off of his throbbing dick while at the same time you feel your rock hard futa-cock twitch one last time before your $BallsSD cum-filled balls unleash their pent up load directly as massive never-ending strands of jizz splash onto the ground below! There's so much cum down below a puddle has formed beneath you! Your sensitive pussy sprays a $GCumAD squirting of girl-cum as orgasm after orgasm shakes your whole body in pleasure.
  Seeing you cum all over the ground, $genericFighter.Name breathlessly gasps out "Oh you think you can shoot a load now that you have a slightly bigger dick, dick-girl? How about you see how a real man shoots his big fucking load?" He strokes his _DickSize cock a couple of times before shooting massive ribbons of cum all over your cum-soaked face and $BreastSD chest!
  "Oh fuck that was good, little dick-girl! Gotta love finishing off by coating some futa's $BreastsSize tits with my baby-batter! " He laughs while checking you out. After being coated by the Infested's rain of white baby-batter, you can finally confirm that your cock is now a $DickSD $DickSize cock with a pair of $BallsSize balls. And it feels like your balls are producing baby-batter at a much faster rate! Before you can react the Infested slaps your face with his monster cock with a smirk and says "Looks like you are a fucking Bruiser like me but you need to man up some more if you don't want to be mistaken for being a little girl!"
  The Infested doesn't prove you wrong as you feel his _DickSize cock twitch one last time before shooting a massive geyser of hot white cum down your aching throat. You're forced to cough as you choke on the insane amount of baby-batter being poured down your throat but it tastes so good that you feel your orgasm coming in hard! You feel your futa-cock twitch for a brief moment before you unleash a $CumAD wave of cum all over your hand and floor! Your sensitive pussy sprays a $GCumAD of girl-cum as orgasm after orgasm shakes your whole body in pleasure.
<<switch _SizeComp>>\
<<case 0 1 2 3>>\
  "Your titties are too small, you fucking whore!" He growls angrily, as he pulls his throbbing cock out of your mouth and aims in at your chest! "I was too focused on your pretty mouth but god-damn you need some bigger tits!" With that said he shoots multiple strands of hot gooey cum all over your $BreastSD tits and face as your multiple orgasms continue.
<<case 4 5 6 7 8 9>>\
  "You got some decent titties but they can always be a lot bigger like those nurses who like filling their tits up with plastic!" He growls in frustraion as he pulls his throbbing cock out of your mouth and aims in at your chest! "In the mean time try soaking them in my fucking cum!" With that said he shoots multiple strands of hot gooey cum all over your $BreastSD tits and face as your multiple orgasms continue.
<<case 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17>>\
  "Those fucking titties so fucking big, you slut! Shit! I can't believe I missed having the chance to play with these great knockers!" He growls lustfully as he pulls his throbbing cock out of your mouth and aims in at your chest! "At least I can fucking paint them white with my fucking cum!" With that said he shoots multiple strands of hot gooey cum all over your $BreastSD tits and face as your multiple orgasms continue.
  "Your big fucking titties are so fucking humongous, you fucking cock-sucking slut!" He growls extremely lustfully as he pulls his throbbing cock out of your mouth and aims in at your chest! "Take all of my big load onto your big fucking tits, you big titty bull-cow!" With that said he shoots multiple strands of hot gooey cum all over your $BreastSD tits and face as your multiple orgasms continue.
  "Oh that was so good, you fucking cock-sucking whore!" he says as he steps away from your exhausted body, drops of cum leaking from the his still hard cock. Taking one last moment to glance at your cum-covered chest, he says "Now stay out of my fucking workplace!" With that he briskly walks away leaving you to grab your clothes and to slowly recover.<<include "Adlibs">>\
<<set $SexScene1 to random(2)>>\
<<switch $SexScene1>>\
<<default>>\ /* Default Blowjob Scene */
<<include "Infested Janitor Blowjob Dominate Male">>\
<</switch>> <<set $sexHistory.XP to $sexHistory.XP +1>>\
<<set $LastPartner to $genericFighter>>\
<<set _DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$genericFighter.DickSize]>>\
<<set _DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$genericFighter.DickSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$genericFighter.BallsSize]>>
<<set _BallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$genericFighter.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _SizeComp to $PC.BreastsSize - $genericFighter.Level + ($GeneralFeats.FalseRep *2)>>\
<<if _SizeComp < 0>>\
<<set _SizeComp to 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered +1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumFilled to $StatusAffect.CumFilled +1>>\
  As you collapse from your defeat at the hands of the Infested Janitor he gives you a fierce hungry look. Staring at your lips he growls "Either you get over here and get to sucking my cock or I'm going to fuck your mouth, you little filthy whore! Trashing my building, MY WORK PLACE with your your lube and your condoms and your sexy sex fluids THAT GET EVERYWHERE!" He pulls out his _DickSize dick and impatiently waits for you to get over to where he's standing.
  As you crawl over where the Infested is standing he gives you a wide smile that doesn't reach his eyes. Planting a big meaty hand on your head, he guides your lips towards his thick, juicy _DickSize cock. It smells so good you can't help but enjoy how it fills your whole body with pleasure. Unable to resist you stick your tongue out and give the tip of his _DickSD dick a light taste. The flavor is a bit salty but tastes exquisite! Wanting even more of that delightful flavor you start to lick all around the tip and before long up and down his meaty cock.
  "That's it little dick-girl, just like that." the Infested says gruffly as you slide your tongue up and down his _DickSD beefy dick. "<i>Dick-girl?</i>" you ponder as some of his pre-cum oozes from the tip of his <<Penis>> and starts to slowly ooze it's way down his shaft. Eager to get a taste you slide you lips closer to his tip and give it a kiss, allowing you to suck down his yummy pre-cum! It tastes even better than before and you feel a flush of arousal as your $DickSize <<Penis>> starts to harden. Wanting even more of his delicious baby-batter you wrap your lips around his girthy shaft and slide his cock down your tight throat!
  The Infested's heavy cock twitches and produces even more pre-cum as he moans loudly in pleasure. You quickly suck down his juicy fluids while wrapping your tongue around his shaft. Your desire for more of his cum forces you to start sucking hard on his dick in search of more of his precious fluids. It feels so good to be sucking on his meat rod that your own rock hard cock is leaking pre-cum onto the floor as well.
  "Fuck, dick-girl! You're a god-damn cock-sucking machine!" The Infested Janitor groans as you bob your head up and down on his meaty dick. Your only responses is a muffled moan of your own pleasure and a slipping of hand towards your aching dick. You are rewarded by having more of the Infested's musky pre-cum leak and drip down your needy throat causing another spike of pleasure to erupt throughout your body.
  "<i>Why does he keep going me a dick-girl?</i>" you ponder before suddenly feeling the Infested grab the back of your head as he starts to thrust his _DickSD throbbing cock down your throat! You continue to do your best to suck his cock but with the rough way he's using your mouth it's a bit hard as he thrusts way past your mouth down your tight throat. You focus a bit more on your hard $DickSize cock as you stroke your hard <<Penis>>, your fingers glistening with your pre-cum.
"Take all over my fucking cock you filthy whore! Fuck! I'm about to cum all down your throat!" he moans as he continues to fuck your face, his _BallsSD cum-filled balls slapping into your chin. You know he's moments away from cumming and awarding you with his exquisite treasure! Your whole body is tense with excitement, just waiting for your final reward!
<<if $Infestation.BruiseProgress < 1 and $Infestation.BruiseVariant > 99 and $Infestation.Progress > 1>>\
<<set _ODickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$PC.DickSize]>>\
<<set _ODickSize to $arrayDickSize[$PC.DickSize]>>\
<<set _OBallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$PC.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _OBallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$PC.BallsSize]>>\
<<include "Bruiser TF">>\
  As your mouth is being completely wrecked by his _DickSD cock you feel a strange vibrating feeling that starts in your throbbing dick but quickly spreads throughout your body making you feel so much stronger! Before you can ponder what is happening the vibrating sensation increases rapidly in your achingly hard dick and cum-filled balls!
  The Infested doesn't prove you wrong as you feel his _DickSize cock twitch one last time before shooting a massive geyser of hot white cum down your aching throat. You can easily suck down all him yummy cum as you feel stronger, harder, so full of cum! It tastes so delicious that your own cock feels like it's growing!
  As more and more cum floods your mouth you suddenly feel that growing sensation from your hard throbbing dick and cum-filled balls grow more intense. The feeling of your dick growing thicker and stronger as his cum flows down your throat pushes you over the edge! "OH FUCK YESSS! I'm cumming so fucking much from my big growing dick! Oh fuck, oh fuck ooooh fuckkk!" you scream loudly as you pop off of his cock while at the same time you feel your rock hard cock twitch one last time before your $BallsSD cum-filled balls unleash their pent up load directly as massive never-ending strands of jizz splash onto the ground below! There's so much cum down below a puddle has formed beneath you!
  Seeing you cum all over the ground, $genericFighter.Name breathlessly gasps out "Oh you think you can shoot a load now that you have a slightly bigger dick, dick-girl? How about you see how a real man shoots his big fucking load?" He strokes his _DickSize cock a couple of times before shooting massive ribbons of cum all over your cum-soaked face and chest!
  "Wait a second! You're not a fucking dick-girl futa! You're just a pretty boy! Fuck! I was too focused on your pretty mouth to notice I was getting a blowjob from a dude! Fuck it! Whatever!" He grumbles while checking you out. After being coated by the Infested's rain of white baby-batter, you can finally confirm that your cock is now a $DickSD $DickSize cock with a pair of $BallsSize balls. And it feels like your balls are producing baby-batter at a much faster rate! Before you can react the Infested slaps your face with his cock with a smirk and says "Looks like you are a fucking Bruiser like me but you need to man up more if you don't want to be mistaken for being a dick-girl!"
  The Infested doesn't prove you wrong as you feel his _DickSize cock twitch one last time before shooting a massive geyser of hot white cum down your aching throat. You're forced to cough as you choke on the insane amount of baby-batter being poured down your throat but it tastes so good that you feel your orgasm coming in hard! You feel your cock twitch for a brief moment before you unleash a $CumAD wave of gooey cum all over your hand and floor!
  "Your titties are too small, you fucking dick-girl!" He growls angrily as he pulls his throbbing cock out of your mouth and then stops as he finally gets a good look at you. "What the fuck? You're not a futa, are you? Fuck! I was too focused on your pretty mouth to notice I was getting a blowjob from a dude! Fuck it! Whatever!" With that said he shoots multiple strands of hot gooey cum all over your hard chest and face as well.
  "Oh that was so good, you fucking cock-sucking whore!" he says as he steps away from your exhausted body, drops of cum leaking from the his still hard cock. Taking one last moment to glance at your cum-covered chest, he says "Now stay out of my fucking workplace!" With that he briskly walks away leaving you to grab your clothes and to slowly recover.<img @src=$genericFighter.Image />
<<set $CombatRound to 0>>\
<<set $SpecialUsage to $MaxSpecialUsage>>\
<<include "Combat Status Affects">>\
<<if $MedicPath.Combat > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Undying to 1>>\
<<set $location.FleeFlag to 0>>\
<<set _tempCash to $genericFighter.Level * 15>>\
<<set _tempCash to random(_tempCash) + ($genericFighter.Level * 4)>>\
<<if $SalvagingSkillFeats.SecureWallet > 0>>\
<<set _tempSecure to _tempCash * (.10 * $Prof.Salvaging)>>\
<<set _tempCash to Math.round(_tempCash - _tempSecure)>>\
<<set $Cash to $Cash - _tempCash>>\
<<if $Cash < 0>>\
<<set $Cash to 0>>\
<<if $HP < 1>>\
<<if $AthleticSkillFeats.Recovery > 0>>\
<<set $HP to $PC.Level + $ConstitutionBonus + 1>>\
<<set $HP to 1>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.Vaccine < 1>>\
<<if (random(19) +1) + $PC.Fortitude + $InfectionResist.Fort + $FoodStatus.Fort - $StatusAffect.Wet < (20 + $genericFighter.Level + Math.round($Infestation.Progress / 2) )>>\
<<if $Infestation.Progress < 1>>\
<<set $Infestation.Progress to 1>>\
<<set _Infest to random(10) - $InfectionResist.DR +5>>\
<<if _Infest < 0>>\
<<set _Infest to 0>>\
<<set $PC.Infestation to $PC.Infestation + _Infest>>\
<<if $PC.Infestation > $Infestation.Cap>>\
<<set $PC.Infestation to $Infestation.Cap>>\
<<set $Infestation.BruiseVariant to $Infestation.BruiseVariant + random(10) +5>>\
<<if $Infestation.BruiseVariant > $Infestation.BruiseCap>>\
<<set $Infestation.BruiseVariant to $Infestation.BruiseCap>>\
<<switch $genericFighter.SubID>>\
<<case 2>>\
<<if $PC.Sex is "Futa" or $StatusAffect.Futa > 0>>\
<<include "Infested Futa Janitor Sex Dominate Futa">>\
<<elseif $PC.Sex is "Male" and $StatusAffect.Futa < 1>>\
<<include "Infested Futa Janitor Sex Dominate Male">>\
<<elseif $PC.Sex is "Female" and $StatusAffect.Futa < 1>>\
<<include "Infested Futa Janitor Sex Dominate Female">>\
<<if $PC.Sex is "Futa" or $StatusAffect.Futa > 0>>\
<<include "Infested Janitor Sex Dominate Futa">>\
<<elseif $PC.Sex is "Male" and $StatusAffect.Futa < 1>>\
<<include "Infested Janitor Sex Dominate Male">>\
<<elseif $PC.Sex is "Female" and $StatusAffect.Futa < 1>>\
<<include "Infested Janitor Sex Dominate Female">>\
<<if $Cash > 0>>\
As you gather your gear you discover that you are missing _tempCash dollars!
<<button [[Return|$location.temp]]>>
<<include "Lust Passes">>\
<<if $StatusAffect.Horde > 0 and $location.Indoor is 0>>\
<<set $NoEncounter to random(3)>>\
<<set $NoEncounter to random(1) +2>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</button>><<include "Adlibs">>\
<<set $SexScene1 to random(2)>>\
<<switch $SexScene1>>\
<<default>>\ /* Pussy Sex scene */
<<include "Infested Bruiser Pussy Sex Dominate Female">>\
<</switch>> <img @src=$genericFighter.Image />
Staring down at the defeated $genericFighter.Name3 you are feeling extremely horny and feeling like giving them what they want. How do you want to fuck them?
<<switch $genericFighter.SubID>>\
<<case 2>>\
<<if $PC.Sex is not "Female" or $StatusAffect.Futa > 0>>\
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Fuck her Pussy|Suburb Futa Infested Fuck]]>>
<<set $SexScene2 to 1>>
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Fuck her Ass|Suburb Futa Infested Fuck]]>>
<<set $SexScene2 to 2>>
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Fuck her Tits|Suburb Futa Infested Fuck]]>>
<<set $SexScene2 to 3>>
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Get a Blowjob|Suburb Futa Infested Fuck]]>>
<<set $SexScene2 to 4>>
<<if $PC.Sex is not "Male" or $StatusAffect.Futa > 0>>\
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Ride her Cock|Suburb Futa Infested Fuck]]>>
<<set $SexScene2 to 5>>
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Get Ass Fucked by her Cock|Suburb Futa Infested Fuck]]>>
<<set $SexScene2 to 7>>
<<if $KeyItemsFlags.DoubleDildo > 0 and $PC.Sex is "Female" and $StatusAffect.Futa < 1>>\
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Fuck Her with Double-Ended Dildo|Suburb Futa Infested Fuck]]>>
<<set $SexScene2 to 8>>\
<<if $PC.Sex is "Female" and $StatusAffect.Futa < 1>>\
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Suck her Cock|Suburb Futa Infested Fuck]]>>
<<set $SexScene2 to 9>>
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Let Her Take Charge|Suburb Janitor Infested Submit]]>>
<<if $PC.Sex is not "Male" or $StatusAffect.Futa > 0>>\
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Ride his Cock|Suburb Bruiser Infested Fuck]]>>
<<set $SexScene2 to 1>>
<<if $PC.Sex is "Male" and $StatusAffect.Futa < 1>>\
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Fuck his Ass|Suburb Bruiser Infested Fuck]]>>
<<set $SexScene2 to 2>>
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Let Him Take Charge|Suburb Janitor Infested Submit]]>>
<<if $lust + ($StatusAffect.Horny*2) < 100>>\
<<button [[Nevermind|$location.temp]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</if>>\<img @src=$genericFighter.Image />
<<set $CombatRound to 0>>\
<<set $SpecialUsage to $MaxSpecialUsage>>\
<<include "Combat Status Affects">>\
<<if $MedicPath.Combat > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Undying to 1>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.Vaccine < 1>>\
<<if (random(19) +1) + $PC.Fortitude + $InfectionResist.Fort + $FoodStatus.Fort - $StatusAffect.Wet < (20 + $genericFighter.Level + Math.round($Infestation.Progress / 2) )>>\
<<if $Infestation.Progress < 1>>\
<<set $Infestation.Progress to 1>>\
<<set _Infest to random(10) - $InfectionResist.DR +5>>\
<<if _Infest < 0>>\
<<set _Infest to 0>>\
<<set $PC.Infestation to $PC.Infestation + _Infest>>\
<<if $PC.Infestation > $Infestation.Cap>>\
<<set $PC.Infestation to $Infestation.Cap>>\
<<switch $genericFighter.SubID>>\
<<case 2>>\
<<if $PC.Sex is "Futa" or $StatusAffect.Futa > 0>>\
<<include "Infested Futa Janitor Sex Dominate Futa">>\
<<elseif $PC.Sex is "Male" and $StatusAffect.Futa < 1>>\
<<include "Infested Futa Janitor Sex Dominate Male">>\
<<elseif $PC.Sex is "Female" and $StatusAffect.Futa < 1>>\
<<include "Infested Futa Janitor Sex Dominate Female">>\
<<if $PC.Sex is "Futa" or $StatusAffect.Futa > 0>>\
<<include "Infested Janitor Sex Dominate Futa">>\
<<elseif $PC.Sex is "Male" and $StatusAffect.Futa < 1>>\
<<include "Infested Janitor Sex Dominate Male">>\
<<elseif $PC.Sex is "Female" and $StatusAffect.Futa < 1>>\
<<include "Infested Janitor Sex Dominate Female">>\
<<button [[Return|$location.temp]]>>
<<include "Lust Passes">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.Horde > 0 and $location.Indoor is 0>>\
<<set $NoEncounter to random(3)>>\
<<set $NoEncounter to random(1) +2>>\
<</button>><img @src=$genericFighter.Image />
<<if $StatusAffect.Vaccine < 1>>\
<<if (random(19) +1) + $PC.Fortitude + $InfectionResist.Fort + $FoodStatus.Fort - $StatusAffect.Wet < (20 + $genericFighter.Level + Math.round($Infestation.Progress / 2) )>>\
<<if $Infestation.Progress < 1>>\
<<set $Infestation.Progress to 1>>\
<<set _Infest to random(10) - $InfectionResist.DR +5>>\
<<if _Infest < 0>>\
<<set _Infest to 0>>\
<<set $PC.Infestation to $PC.Infestation + _Infest>>\
<<if $PC.Infestation > $Infestation.Cap>>\
<<set $PC.Infestation to $Infestation.Cap>>\
<<set $Infestation.BruiseVariant to $Infestation.BruiseVariant + random(10) +5>>\
<<if $Infestation.BruiseVariant > $Infestation.BruiseCap>>\
<<set $Infestation.BruiseVariant to $Infestation.BruiseCap>>\
<<switch $genericFighter.Sex>>\
<<case "Futa">>\
<<if $PC.Sex is "Male" and $StatusAffect.Futa < 1>>\
<<include "Infested Futa Sex Submissive Male">>\
<<elseif $PC.Sex is "Female" and $StatusAffect.Futa < 1>>\
<<include "Infested Futa Sex Submissive Female">>\
<<elseif $PC.Sex is "Futa" or $StatusAffect.Futa > 0>>\
<<include "Infested Futa Sex Submissive Futa">>\
<<if $PC.Sex is "Male" and $StatusAffect.Futa < 1>>\
<<include "Infested Bruiser Sex Submissive Male">>\
<<elseif $PC.Sex is "Female" and $StatusAffect.Futa < 1 >>\
<<include "Infested Bruiser Sex Submissive Female">>\
<<elseif $PC.Sex is "Futa" or $StatusAffect.Futa > 0>>\
<<include "Infested Bruiser Sex Submissive Futa">>\
<<include "Lust Passes">>\
<<if $location.SexFlag is 1>>\
<<button [[Return|$location.Sex]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<set $location.SexFlag to 0>>\
<<set $NoEncounter to random(1) +2>>\
<<button [[Return|$location.temp]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.Horde > 0 and $location.Indoor is 0>>\
<<set $NoEncounter to random(3)>>\
<<set $NoEncounter to random(1) +2>>\
<</if>>\<<include "Adlibs">>\
<<set $SexScene1 to random(11)>>\
<<switch $SexScene1>>\
<<default>>\ /* Cowgirl scene */
<<include "Infested Milker Pussy Sex Dominate Male">>\
<</switch>> <<include "Adlibs">>\
<<set $SexScene1 to random(2)>>\
<<switch $SexScene1>>\
<<default>>\ /* Cowgirl scene */
<<include "Infested Milker Pussy Sex Dominate Futa">>\
<</switch>> <<set $sexHistory.XP to $sexHistory.XP +1>>\
<<set $LastPartner to $genericFighter>>\
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$genericFighter.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$genericFighter.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _IAss to $arrayAssSizeDesc[$genericFighter.AssSize]>>\
<<set _INip to $arrayNippleSize[$genericFighter.NippleSize]>>\
<<set _OSD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$genericFighter.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _OCup to $arrayBreastSize[$genericFighter.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _BreastSD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _BreastsSize to $arrayBreastSize[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<if $Infestation.MilkProgress > 0 or $Milk.Stored > $Milk.Min>>\
<<set _Breasts to "Milk">>\
<<elseif $StatusAffect.SiliconeB > 5>>\
<<set _Breasts to "Silicone">>\
<<set _Breasts to "Natural">>\
<<if $PC.BreastsSize + ($GeneralFeats.FalseRep *2) > $genericFighter.BreastsSize>>\
<<set _Compare to "Bigger">>\
<<elseif $PC.BreastsSize + ($GeneralFeats.FalseRep *2) < $genericFighter.BreastsSize -4>>\
<<set _Compare to "Tiny">>\
<<elseif $PC.BreastsSize + ($GeneralFeats.FalseRep *2) < $genericFighter.BreastsSize>>\
<<set _Compare to "Smaller">>\
<<set _Compare to "Same">>\
  "Oh my! I see a pretty girl with some nice tits, I bet. How about you just lie back and I bet you will enjoy having them played with. In fact I bet you will be begging for more before I'm done with you!" says $genericFighter.Name with a hint of unyielding passion as she stands above your waist. Giving your chest a long thoughtful look, she nods with a lustful grin as she squeezes her _ISD _ICup tits for a slight moment causing a couple drops of milk to ooze out. She quickly strips your clothes off exposing your $BreastSD tits along with your wet pussy.
  She slowly slides between your open legs with her _ISD breasts hanging like tiny moons above your own $BreastSD tits. Gazing at you lustfully she draws you in for a deep and sloppy kiss! As she does so her _ISD tits press into your own chest and you luxerate in the the warmth as her _INip long nipples rub against your own $NippleSize long nipples.
  "Mmmm!" she moans as her tongue swirls around your mouth. You grab her _IAss ass as you fervently return her kiss and enjoy how soft it feels. You feel your pussy getting wetter as she makes out with you. Coming up for air she giggles slightly before gazing down at you with a lusty smirk. She slides a hand down below towards your wet pussy and slips a finger into your tight cunt!
<<set $StatusAffect.MilkTits to $StatusAffect.MilkTits +2>>\
<<if $Milk.Stored < $Milk.Max>>\
<<if $Milk.Stored < $Milk.Max -1>>\
<<set $Milk.Stored to $Milk.Stored +2>>\
<<set $PC.BreastsSize to $PC.BreastsSize + 2>>\
<<set $Milk.Stored to $Milk.Stored +1>>\
<<set $PC.BreastsSize to $PC.BreastsSize + 1>>\
<<set $PCChanges.BreastsGrowth to "Sex">>\
<<set $MilkAD to $arrayMilkAmountDesc[$Milk.Stored]>>\
<<set $BreastSD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set $BreastsSize to $arrayBreastSize[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
  "How about you take a taste of my titties!" she says before shoving her _ISD milkjugs into your face! You can't help but latch onto her milky nipple and within moments her tasty milk is flowing down your thoat! Wanting even more of her delicious milk you start to squeeze and fondle her _ISD tits causing her to moan loudly. She continues to finger your tight pussy as you suck on her milky nipples and your wet slit is dripping like a faucet.
  As you come up from air you feel some of her milk drip down your face onto your _BreastSD breasts. All that intoxicating milk you drank is making your tits feel all bubbly and you can't resist grabbing them. The Infested smirks as she stares at your chest for some reason. Looking down you notice your _BreastSD _BreastsSize tits are growing as if being filled with all the milk you drank and they are slowly pushing back against your hands! They eventually stop and it looks like you are now packing a $BreastSD pair of $BreastsSize milkjugs! Giving them a slight squeeze you moan in pleasure as $MilkAD drops of milk drips from your nipples.
  "How about you take a taste of my titties!" she says before shoving her _ISD milkjugs into your face! You can't help but latch onto her milky nipple and within moments her tasty milk is flowing down your thoat! Wanting even more of her delicious milk you start to squeeze and fondle her _ISD tits causing her to moan loudly. She continues to finger your tight pussy as you suck on her milky nipples and your wet slit is dripping like a faucet.
  As you come up from air you feel some of her milk drip down your face onto your $BreastSD breasts. All that intoxicating milk you drank is making your already overfilled tits feel all milky and you can't resist grabbing them. The Infested blinks as she stares at your chest for some reason and looks a bit disappointed. Looking down you notice your $BreastSD $BreastsSize tits are leaking some of the milk you drank and they are slowly covering your hands with a fair amount of milk! They eventually stop leaking and it looks like your $BreastSD pair of $BreastsSize milkjugs are the same as usual! Giving them a slight squeeze you moan in pleasure as $MilkAD streams of milk flood from your nipples.
<<switch _Breasts>>\
<<case "Milk">>\
<<set _ISD2 to _ISD>>\
<<set _ICup2 to _ICup>>\
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$genericFighter.BreastsSize +2]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$genericFighter.BreastsSize +2]>>\
  $genericFighter.Name2 smirks as she reaches down and squeezes your $BreastSD chest causing your milkjugs to squirt out some milk! She gives your heavy tits a couple of more squeezes and each time some milk leaks out. "I figured you were a Milker just like me! Or maybe you've been drinking too much milk? " she whistles happily before she bends over and takes your milky nipple into her mouth.
  "Fuckkkk! Keep going! My mommy milkers feel so fucking good!" you gasp and moan as she drinks from your milk-filled tits. Her tongue is flicking your hard $NippleSize long nipples while her lips encourages your milk to keep flowing from your heavy breasts. While she is focused mostly on your tits, she still has her fingers up your wet pussy and is still giving you a slow finger-banging.
  Her heavy drinking from your $BreastSD milkers has had an affect on $genericFighter.Name as her _ISD2 milkjungs start to overfill with milk! They slowly expand to a _ISD milky pair of _ICup megatits! "Ooooh! I love it when my tits grow from sucking on another Milker's tits!" she moans as she finishes getting her fill of your juicy breasts.
<<case "Silicone">>\
  $genericFighter.Name2 smirks as she reaches down and squeezes your $BreastSD firm chest causing you to moan lustfully and for several droplets of creamy milk to ooze out. She gives your fake tits a couple of more squeezes and each time you let out a soft little moan as even more milk drips onto her soft fingers. "Looks like someone bought themselves a nice pair of fake tits! I have to say that while they do look really nice, having a nice pair of real milk-filled tits is better! " she whistles happily before she bends over and takes your hard nipple into her mouth.
  "Fuckkkk! Keep going! My sensitive tits feel so fucking good!" you gasp and moan as she drinks from your milk and silicone-filled tits. Her tongue is flicking your hard $NippleSize long nipples while her lips kiss around your areolas. While she is focused mostly on your tits, she still has her fingers up your wet pussy and is still giving you a slow finger-banging.
  "Too bad these $BreastSD firm titties don't have much milk for me." she says as she gives them a nice firm squeeze with one hand while the other is still sliding in and out of your tight pussy. "But they are still fun to play with!" she finishes as she starts to focus on her fingering.
  $genericFighter.Name2 smirks as she reaches down and squeezes your $BreastSD chest causing you moan lustfully and for a couple of droplets of milk to ooze out. She gives your sensitive tits a couple of more squeezes and each time you let out a soft little moan as even more milk drips onto her soft fingers. "Looks like someone as a pair of tits on their way to becoming true milkjugs! I have to say that while they do look really nice, they would feel so much better as mega-milkers! " she whistles happily before she bends over and takes your hard nipple into her mouth.
  "Fuckkkk! Keep going! My sensitive tits feel so fucking good!" you gasp and moan as she drinks from your milky tits. Her tongue is flicking your hard $NippleSize long nipples while her lips kiss around your areolas. While she is focused mostly on your tits, she still has her fingers up your wet pussy and is still giving you a slow finger-banging.
  "Too bad these $BreastSD natural titties don't have much milk for me." she says as she gives them a nice firm squeeze with one hand while the other is still sliding in and out of your tight pussy. "But they are still fun to play with!" she finishes as she starts to focus on her fingering.
  "Here I need to focus on that hard little clit of yours if I want to get more of that sweet nector flowing! A person can't live off of just milk you know..." $genericFighter.Name says after pulling back a bit and staring at your wet pussy. Letting go of your $BreastsSize breasts she dives in and plants her plump lips onto your hard clit! She still has a finger slamming into your pussy but now she's added her tongue into the mix as it swirls and pokes your tight slit.
  The feeling of being eaten out while the Infested finger-bangs you is pushing you to the edge "Oh shit! Your tongue feels so fucking good! Oh fuck it's so deep!" you moan and groan as she continues to explore the inner layers of your pussy. You can't help but grab your milky tits as you arch your back from an intense spike in divine pleasure. With how heavy your $BreastSD breasts are and how they still continue to leak milk it's a miracle you can focus on what's going on below.
  As you try and focus on what's going on down below you notice $genericFighter.Name is fingering her own pussy as well as your own. Her own pants and moans are slightly muffled by your muff but you can still hear some of it. You can feel your orgasm rapidly approaching as her finger-banging reaches a fever pitch and your wet pussy is leaking so much pre-cum that it's a wonder the Infested hasn't drowned yet!
<<if $Infestation.MilkProgress < 1 and $Infestation.MilkVariant > 99 and $Infestation.Progress > 1>>\
<<set _BreastSD to $BreastSD>>\
<<set _BreastsSize to $BreastsSize>>\
<<set _NippleSize to $NippleSize>>\
<<include "Milk TF">>\
  As you thrust your <<Penis>>> into the Infested's tight pussy you feel a strange bubbling sensation that starts in your breasts but quickly spreads throughout your body! Before you can ponder what is happening the bubbling sensation increases rapidly in your breasts!
  "Oh fuck! I'm about to cum! Fuckkkkkk!" you scream as $genericFighter.Name hits your g-spot and your overly sensitive clit at the same time. As you grasp your breasts in pleasure you find that they are expanding again, slowly at first but quickly speeding up. Before long your tits have grown from _BreastSD _BreastSize to whopping $BreastSD $BreastsSize milkjugs! Even your $NippleSize long nipples are looking longer and thicker as they push out from between your fingers!
  The feeling of having your breasts suddenly grow into $BreastSD fucking mega-jugs pushes you over the edge as you scream "MY TITS ARE FUCKING GROWING SO FUCKING MUCH! OH FUCK! I'M CUMMING!" you shout as you squirt out a tsunami of girl-cum onto the Infested's face. Even your milk-filled tits start to squirt $MilkAD streams of milk down your chest as you squeeze your $BreastSD milkjugs tight! $genericFighter.Name screams of pleasure are muffled as her own fingering and being soaked by your girl-cum sends her over the edge as well.
  As she comes up for air she says "Oh fuck! Your titties are so much bigger now!" as she checks out your $BreastSD $BreastsSize breasts. Giving your milkjugs a light squeeze she smiles as you leak even more milk from your tits. "Nice! Looks like you are one hot Milker and now you can pump up other girl's tits with your milk! Well at least for an hour or two!" she says as she licks some of your milk off your chest.
<<elseif $PC.Infestation is $Infestation.Cap & $Infestation.Progress > 1>>\
<<include "Infestation Increase">>\
<<set $Milk.Stored to $Milk.Stored +2>>\
<<set $MilkAD to $arrayMilkAmountDesc[$Milk.Stored]>>\
  As you squirm from how good your wet cunt feels from being eaten out, you feel a surge of energy flowing directly into you! It almost feels like you are burning up but it quickly turns to pleasure that radiates from your asscheeks and sensitive breasts.
  "Oh fuck! I'm about to cum! Fuckkkkkk!" you scream as $genericFighter.Name hits your g-spot and your overly sensitive clit at the same time. As you grasp your breasts in pleasure you find that they are slowly expanding again as they push your hands farther away from your chest. Even your ass feels like you are gaining even more cushioning. "I'm cumming as my ttities are fucking growing!" you shout as you squirt out a tsunami of girl-cum onto the Infested's face. Even your milk-filled tits start to squirt $MilkAD streams of milk down your chest as you squeeze your $BreastSD milkjugs tight! $genericFighter.Name screams of pleasure are muffled as her own fingering and being soaked by your girl-cum sends her over the edge as well.
  As you slowly recover from your orgasm you notice your breasts are no longer leaking milk but you can still feel that they are filled with milk and will fill up over time. You have a feeling that it's going to be extremely easy for you to leak milk from now on, especially during sexual acts.
  As the Infested comes up for air she says "Oh fuck! Your titties are so much bigger now!" as she checks out your $BreastSD $BreastsSize mommy milkers. "Nice! You're on your way to becoming a hot Milker!" she says as she licks some of your milk off your chest.
  "Oh fuck! I'm cummmming! Fuckkkkkk!" you scream as $genericFighter.Name hits your g-spot and your overly sensitive clit at the same time. You feel your tight pleasure-filled pussy clench into her finger as your orgasm hits like a truck. You unleash a $GCumAD load of girl-cum all over the Infested's mouth as you yell "Fuck!!!! I'm cumming all over your face!" Even your milk-filled tits start to squirt $MilkAD streams of milk down your chest as you squeeze your $BreastSD milkjugs tight!
  $genericFighter.Name screams of pleasure is muffled as her own fingering and being soaked by your girl-cum sends her over the edge as well. As the Infested comes up for air she says "Fuck! That really hit the spot!" before giving your $BreastSD breasts a gentle squeeze, causing them to squirt out some more milk.
  "Oh that was so fucking good!" $genericFighter.Name2 says as she stands up from your exhausted body, girl-cum leaking from her face and milk from her tits. "I'll see again soon, I'm sure..." With that she walks away fulfilled leaving you to grab your clothes and to slowly recover.<<set $sexHistory.XP to $sexHistory.XP +1>>\
<<set $LastPartner to $genericFighter>>\
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$genericFighter.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$genericFighter.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _OSD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$genericFighter.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _OCup to $arrayBreastSize[$genericFighter.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _INip to $arrayNippleSize[$genericFighter.NippleSize]>>\
<<set _BreastSD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _BreastsSize to $arrayBreastSize[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _SizeComp to $PC.DickSize - $genericFighter.Level + ($GeneralFeats.FalseRep *2)>>\
<<if _SizeComp < 0>>\
<<set _SizeComp to 0>>\
<<if $Infestation.MilkProgress > 0 or $Milk.Stored > $Milk.Min>>\
<<set _Breasts to "Milk">>\
<<elseif $StatusAffect.SiliconeB > 5>>\
<<set _Breasts to "Silicone">>\
<<set _Breasts to "Natural">>\
<<if $PC.BreastsSize + ($GeneralFeats.FalseRep *2) > $genericFighter.BreastsSize>>\
<<set _Compare to "Bigger">>\
<<elseif $PC.BreastsSize + ($GeneralFeats.FalseRep *2) < $genericFighter.BreastsSize -4>>\
<<set _Compare to "Tiny">>\
<<elseif $PC.BreastsSize + ($GeneralFeats.FalseRep *2) < $genericFighter.BreastsSize>>\
<<set _Compare to "Smaller">>\
<<set _Compare to "Same">>\
  "Oh my! I see a pretty girl with a hopefully nice sized dick, I bet. How about you just lie back and I bet you will enjoy the upcoming ride just as much as I will. In fact I bet you will be begging for more before I'm done with you!" says $genericFighter.Name with a bit of passion as she stands above your waist. Giving your groin a long thoughtful look, she nods with a lustful grin as she squeezes her _ISD _ICup tits for a slight moment causing a couple drops of milk to ooze out. She quickly strips your clothes off exposing your raging boner along with your wet pussy.
<<switch _SizeComp>>\
<<case 0 1 2>>\
  "Oh? Is that the rare mini-futa dick I've heard legends about? I bet on you have a nice juicy sized girl-dick but I guess I lost that bet. Well we can't all be winners all the time, cant we? So I'll take the big L and give your micro-penis a nice ride." she says after giving your <<Penis>> a disappointed look. Grabbing her _ISD chest. she slowly lowers her wet cunt and engulfs your $DickSize <<Penis>>! With a low moan she says "Looks like this little micro-cock is a bit of a fatty!"
<<case 3 4 5 6>>\
  "Huh. I wouldn't say that's the smallest futa-cock I've ever seen but it's not exactly as big as I was hoping for. I was betting on it being a bit bigger but comming up short happens to the best of us, sometimes." she says after giving your <<Penis>> a measuring look. Grabbing her _ISD chest. she slowly lowers her wet cunt and engulfs your $DickSize <<Penis>>! With a lusty moan she says "Don't get me wrong, I'm still going to enjoy this ride as will you as well!"
<<case 7 8 9 10 11 12>>\
  "Look who just won her bet! I was betting your <<Penis>> would be nice, big and juicy and I won that bet!" she says as after giving your <<Penis>> a lusty look. After winking at you she slowly lowers her pussy to the tip of your <<Penis>>, giving it a wet kiss while grabbing her _ISD chest. After a few moments she engulfs your $DickSize cock into her wet pussy. With an erotic moan she says "I love it when when I win!"
<<case 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24>>\
  "Jackpot! While I was looking to win an hand, I ended up winning the whole damn pot!" she says after giving your <<Penis>> a hungry look. After licking her lips while staring at your futa-cock she slowly lowers her pussy to the shaft of you <<Penis>>, getting it nicely lubed while grabbing her _ISD chest. After a few moments she engulfs your $DickSize <<Penis>> into her wet pussy! With an ecstatic moan she says "Soon I'll get my creamy grand reward!"
  "Why do you have a $DickSize long club that looks like a dick in your pants? What the hell?!?!? I have no idea on how to get that giant club of a <<Penis>> you have into my pussy but I'm kinda wondering if I can... I guess I'll just have to try really hard since I'm dying to find out how it feels..." she says as she starts to stroke your <<Penis>> with one hand while the other is grabbing a tub of lube out of her purse. After using an extreme amount of lube she is slowly able to get your your <<Penis>> slipped into her extremely tight pussy.
  As soon as your futa-dick is hilted inside of the busty Infested you can't help but moan in pure pleasure. "Fuck your pussy is so tight!" you groan as it feels so extremely tight that it's a wonder the Infested was able to take your dick in one attempt. As you lie there luxuriating in the warm tight feeling of the Infested's rapturous pussy, the Milker just looks down at you with a smile on her face.
  "Like the feeling of my tight pussy, do ya?" $genericFighter.Name asks as she starts to raise her thick shapely hips up, almost letting your throbbing boner escape the prison of her moist pussy. She suddenly slams her hips back down forcing your cock back deep into her tight cunt and causing you to let out another gasp of pleasure. "What's that? You want some more? You want your $DickSD cock deep inside my pussy?" she asks sweetly as she repeatedly slams her hips down hard onto you with a force that's pure pleasure as your pelvis is being smashed by her massive hips and ass!
  As the utter pleasure of her hard smashing radiates from your futa-cock you moan "Fuck! It feels so fucking good!" You watch with perverse focus as her _ISD _ICup titties bounce with each hard thrust and with each bounce you can see drops of milk flick and splatter from her _INip long milky nipples onto your own chest and face! Just watching those milkjugs bounce and jiggle makes you wish you could grab those big puppers and suck them dry!
<<switch _Breasts>>\
<<case "Milk">>\
  Noticing where your gaze is focused the Infested smirks as she reaches down and squeezes your $BreastSD chest causing your milkjugs to squirt out some milk! "I figured you were a Milker just like me!" she says happily as she plants her full lips on your milky nipples and starts to drink down your milk! The whole time she is sucking on your milk-filled tits, her fucking movements don't miss a beat as her hips continue to slam into your throbbing futa-cock.
<<switch _Compare>>\
<<case "Bigger">>\
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$genericFighter.BreastsSize +2]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$genericFighter.BreastsSize +2]>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.MilkTits to $StatusAffect.MilkTits +1>>\
<<if $Milk.Stored < $Milk.Max>>\
<<if $Milk.Stored < $Milk.Max -1>>\
<<set $Milk.Stored to $Milk.Stored +2>>\
<<set $PC.BreastsSize to $PC.BreastsSize + 2>>\
<<set $Milk.Stored to $Milk.Stored +1>>\
<<set $PC.BreastsSize to $PC.BreastsSize + 1>>\
<<set $PCChanges.BreastsGrowth to "Sex">>\
<<set $MilkAD to $arrayMilkAmountDesc[$Milk.Stored]>>\
<<set $BreastSD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set $BreastsSize to $arrayBreastSize[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
  "Fuckkkk! Keep going! My mommy milkers feel so fucking good!" you gasp and moan from the dual pleasure of being fucked by such a hot babe and having your breasts sucked on. You thrust your futa-cock back against her bouncing as she slows down a bit as she focuses on messing around with your milk-filled tits! She's been sucking hard on your titties and it feels so good!
  "Fuck you and your _BreastSD milkjugs! I can't believe you have bigger tits than my own _ISD milkers! I'm going to fucking drain them dry and get me some bigger tanks!" $genericFighter.Name2 replies with some frustration as she tries to make good on her claim. She seems to be doing her best to drain your tits dry as you feel her hard suction draining as much milk as possible out of your milky $NippleSize long nipples!
  Before long she comes up for air as she releases your dripping nipples. You can only stare as her _OSD _OCup breasts are now _ISD _ICup milkjugs! "That's more like it! Big and in charge and full of milk!" $genericFighter.Name brags as she resumes her forceful bouncing on your $DickSD futa-cock. She looks extremely proud of her bigger tits as she gropes them before she glances down at your envious look.
  "I guess I can help you pump up your own tits with my own milk!" she says with some fake reluctance as she guides your mouth to her _INip long nipple. Unable to refuse you start to suck on her _ISD milkjugs. It tastes so good that you almost shoot your hot load into her tight pussy! Mouthful after mouthful of milk drains down your throat as she continues to steadily ride your futa-cock. Eventually you are forced to come up for air as you release her milky nipple and come to discover where all the milk went to! Looking down you are shocked as your _BreastSD _BreastsSize breasts have grown to $BreastSD $BreastsSize milkjugs!
  "Looks like both of are now bigger and full of milk!" $genericFighter.Name says happily as she resumes her forceful bouncing on your $DickSD futa-cock. She looks happy that she helped pump up your tits to a bigger size as she gropes her own _ISD milkjugs while moaning in pleasure from riding your throbbing dick.
  "Fuckkkk! Keep going! My mommy milkers feel so fucking good!" you gasp and moan from the dual pleasure of being fucked by such a hot babe and having your breasts sucked on. You thrust your futa-cock back against her bouncing as she slows down a bit as she focuses on messing around with your milk-filled tits! She's been sucking hard on your titties and it feels so good!
  "Fuck you and your _BreastSD milkjugs! I can't believe you have bigger tits than my own _ISD milkers! I'm going to fucking drain them dry and get me some bigger tanks!" $genericFighter.Name2 replies with some frustration as she tries to make good on her claim. She seems to be doing her best to drain your tits dry as you feel her hard suction draining as much milk as possible out of your milky $NippleSize long nipples!
  Before long she comes up for air as she releases your dripping nipples. You can only stare as her _OSD _OCup breasts are now _ISD _ICup milkjugs! "That's more like it! Big and in charge and full of milk!" $genericFighter.Name brags as she resumes her forceful bouncing on your $DickSD futa-cock. She looks extremely proud of her bigger tits as she gropes them before she glances down at your envious look.
  "I guess I can help you pump up your own tits with my own milk!" she says with some fake reluctance as she guides your mouth to her _INip long nipple. Unable to refuse you start to suck on her _ISD milkjugs. It tastes so good that you almost shoot your hot load into her tight pussy! Mouthful after mouthful of milk drains down your throat as she continues to steadily ride your futa-cock. Eventually you are forced to come up for air as you release her milky nipple and come to discover that it looks like all that milk you drank is leaking out your milky nipples! "Too bad! It looks like you are already completely full of milk!" she says while glancing down at your milky tits.
<<case "Smaller">>\
<<set $StatusAffect.MilkTits to $StatusAffect.MilkTits +1>>\
<<if $Milk.Stored < $Milk.Max>>\
<<if $Milk.Stored < $Milk.Max -1>>\
<<set $Milk.Stored to $Milk.Stored +2>>\
<<set $PC.BreastsSize to $PC.BreastsSize + 2>>\
<<set $Milk.Stored to $Milk.Stored +1>>\
<<set $PC.BreastsSize to $PC.BreastsSize + 1>>\
<<set $PCChanges.BreastsGrowth to "Sex">>\
<<set $MilkAD to $arrayMilkAmountDesc[$Milk.Stored]>>\
<<set $BreastSD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set $BreastsSize to $arrayBreastSize[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
  "Fuckkkk! Keep going! My mommy milkers feel so fucking good!" you gasp in moan from the dual pleasure of being fucked by such a hot babe and having your breasts sucked on. As you start to thrust your futa-cock back against her pussy she lets go of your leaking breasts before forcing your face into her _ISD chest!
  "Your _BreastSD _BreastsSize milkers are just too small! I'll help you pump them up with my own milk so you can have a nice juicy pair of tits with plenty of milk in the tanks!" she says happily as she guides your mouth to her _INip long nipple. Unable to refuse you start to suck on her _ISD milkjugs. It tastes so good that you almost shoot your hot load into her tight pussy! Mouthful after mouthful of milk drains down your throat as she continues to steadily ride your futa-cock. Eventually you are forced to come up for air as you release her milky nipple and come to discover where all the milk went to! Looking down you are shocked as your _BreastSD _BreastsSize breasts have grown to $BreastSD $BreastsSize milkjugs!
  "That's more like it! Big and full of milk!" $genericFighter.Name says happily as she resumes her forceful bouncing on your $DickSD futa-cock. She looks happy that she helped pump up your tits to a bigger size as she gropes her own _ISD milkjugs while moaning in pleasure from riding your throbbing dick.
  "Fuckkkk! Keep going! My mommy milkers feel so fucking good!" you gasp in moan from the dual pleasure of being fucked by such a hot babe and having your breasts sucked on. As you start to thrust your futa-cock back against her pussy she lets go of your leaking breasts before forcing your face into her _ISD chest!
  "Your _BreastSD _BreastsSize milkers are just too small! I'll help you pump them up with my own milk so you can have a nice juicy pair of tits with plenty of milk in the tanks!" she says happily as she guides your mouth to her _INip long nipple. Unable to refuse you start to suck on her _ISD milkjugs. It tastes so good that you almost shoot your hot load into her tight pussy! Mouthful after mouthful of milk drains down your throat as she continues to steadily ride your futa-cock. Eventually you are forced to come up for air as you release her milky nipple and come to discover that it looks like all that milk you drank is leaking out your milky nipples!
  "Too bad! It looks like you are already completely full of milk!" she says while glancing down at your milky tits. She shakes her head as she resumes her forceful bouncing on your $DickSD futa-cock. She looks happy as she gropes her own _ISD milkjugs while moaning in pleasure from riding your throbbing dick.
<<case "Same">>\
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$genericFighter.BreastsSize +2]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$genericFighter.BreastsSize +2]>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.MilkTits to $StatusAffect.MilkTits +1>>\
<<if $Milk.Stored < $Milk.Max>>\
<<if $Milk.Stored < $Milk.Max -1>>\
<<set $Milk.Stored to $Milk.Stored +2>>\
<<set $PC.BreastsSize to $PC.BreastsSize + 2>>\
<<set $Milk.Stored to $Milk.Stored +1>>\
<<set $PC.BreastsSize to $PC.BreastsSize + 1>>\
<<set $PCChanges.BreastsGrowth to "Sex">>\
<<set $MilkAD to $arrayMilkAmountDesc[$Milk.Stored]>>\
<<set $BreastSD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set $BreastsSize to $arrayBreastSize[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
  "Fuckkkk! Keep going! My mommy milkers feel so fucking good!" you gasp in moan from the dual pleasure of being fucked by such a hot babe and having your breasts sucked on. ou thrust your futa-cock back against her bouncing as she slows down a bit as she focuses on messing around with your milk-filled tits! She's been sucking hard on your titties and it feels so good! She seems to be doing her best to drain your tits as much milk as possible as you feel her hard suction draining as much milk as possible out of your milky $NippleSize long nipples!
  Before long she comes up for air as she releases your dripping nipples. You can only stare as her _OSD _OCup breasts are now _ISD _ICup milkjugs! "That's more like it! Big and in charge and full of milk!" $genericFighter.Name brags as she resumes her forceful bouncing on your $DickSD futa-cock. She looks extremely proud of her bigger tits as she gropes them before she glances down at your envious look.
  "I guess I can help you pump up your own tits with my own milk since we started with the same size tits!" she says with joyful happiness as she guides your mouth to her _INip long nipple. Unable to refuse you start to suck on her _ISD milkjugs. It tastes so good that you almost shoot your hot load into her tight pussy! Mouthful after mouthful of milk drains down your throat as she continues to steadily ride your futa-cock. Eventually you are forced to come up for air as you release her milky nipple and come to discover where all the milk went to! Looking down you are shocked as your _BreastSD _BreastsSize breasts have grown to $BreastSD $BreastsSize milkjugs!
  "Now we both have the same _BreastSD _BreastsSize milkers!" she says while admiring your milkjugs. "Looks like we both got a nice mouthful of milk!" $genericFighter.Name says happily as she resumes her forceful bouncing on your $DickSD futa-cock. She looks happy as she gropes her own _ISD milkjugs while moaning in pleasure from riding your throbbing dick.
  "Fuckkkk! Keep going! My mommy milkers feel so fucking good!" you gasp in moan from the dual pleasure of being fucked by such a hot babe and having your breasts sucked on. ou thrust your futa-cock back against her bouncing as she slows down a bit as she focuses on messing around with your milk-filled tits! She's been sucking hard on your titties and it feels so good! She seems to be doing her best to drain your tits as much milk as possible as you feel her hard suction draining as much milk as possible out of your milky $NippleSize long nipples!
  Before long she comes up for air as she releases your dripping nipples. You can only stare as her _OSD _OCup breasts are now _ISD _ICup milkjugs! "That's more like it! Big and in charge and full of milk!" $genericFighter.Name brags as she resumes her forceful bouncing on your $DickSD futa-cock. She looks extremely proud of her bigger tits as she gropes them before she glances down at your envious look.
  "I guess I can help you pump up your own tits with my own milk since we started with the same size tits!" she says with joyful happiness as she guides your mouth to her _INip long nipple. Unable to refuse you start to suck on her _ISD milkjugs. It tastes so good that you almost shoot your hot load into her tight pussy! Mouthful after mouthful of milk drains down your throat as she continues to steadily ride your futa-cock. Eventually you are forced to come up for air as you release her milky nipple and come to discover that it looks like all that milk you drank is leaking out your milky nipples!
  "Too bad! It looks like you are already completely full of milk!" she says while glancing down at your milky tits. She shakes her head as she resumes her forceful bouncing on your $DickSD futa-cock. She looks happy as she gropes her own _ISD milkjugs while moaning in pleasure from riding your throbbing dick.
<<case "Silicone">>\
  Noticing where your gaze is focused the Infested smirks as she reaches down and squeezes your $BreastSD firm breasts causing you to moan in delight! "Looks like somone bought themselves a nice pair of fake tits!" she says teasingly as she plants her full lips on your rock hard nipples and gives them a nice and sloppy kiss! The whole time she is sucking on your fake tits, her fucking movements don't miss a beat as her hips continue to slam into your throbbing futa-cock.
<<switch _Compare>>\
<<case "Bigger">>\
  "Fuckkkk! Keep going! My fake titties feel so fucking good!" you gasp in moan from the dual pleasure of being fucked by such a hot babe and having your breasts sucked on. You thrust your futa-cock back against her bouncing as she slows down a bit as she focuses on messing around with your silicone-filled tits! She's been sucking hard on your breasts and it feels so good!
  "I can't believe how big and heavy your fake tits are! They're even bigger than my _ISD milkers and a lot firmer as well!" $genericFighter.Name2 replies with some envy as she continues to play your $BreastSD breasts. "Look! Just grab my _ICup milkjugs and you can tell the difference!" she says as she eagerly guides your hands to her milkers!
  They feel so soft and squishy as you give them a nice gently squeeze. Some of her milk leaks out of her hard _INip long nipple and you can't help but take a lick off your finger. Her milk is rather delicious and you can't help but take another taste from your soaked fingers. "Yeah, I can tell a real difference..." You say as you explore her big milk-dripping tiddies and verify that yes, her _ICup tits are smaller than your $BreastsSize tits.
  "Looks like you got a nice taste of my milk and I got a taste of your silicone!" $genericFighter.Name says teasingly as she resumes her forceful bouncing on your $DickSD futa-cock. She looks happy as she gropes her own _ISD milkjugs while moaning in pleasure from riding your throbbing dick.
<<case "Smaller">>\
  "Fuckkkk! Keep going! My fake titties feel so fucking good!" you gasp in moan from the dual pleasure of being fucked by such a hot babe and having your breasts sucked on. You thrust your futa-cock back against her bouncing as she slows down a bit as she focuses on messing around with your silicone-filled tits! She's been sucking hard on your breasts and it feels so good!
  "I can't believe how heavy your fake tits are! They're big but nowhere as big as my _ISD milkers! I will say that they are a lot firmer than my milkjugs though..." $genericFighter.Name replies with some pride as she continues to play your $BreastSD breasts. "Look! Just grab my _ICup milkjugs and you can tell the difference!" she says as she eagerly guides your hands to her milkers!
  They feel so soft and squishy as you give them a nice gently squeeze. Some of her milk leaks out of her hard _INip long nipple and you can't help but take a lick off your finger. Her milk is rather delicious and you can't help but take another taste from your soaked fingers. "Yeah, I can tell a real difference..." You say as you explore her big milk-dripping tiddies and verify that yes, her _ICup tits are bigger than your $BreastsSize tits.
  "Looks like you got a nice taste of my milk and I got a taste of your silicone!" $genericFighter.Name says teasingly as she resumes her forceful bouncing on your $DickSD futa-cock. She looks happy as she gropes her own _ISD milkjugs while moaning in pleasure from riding your throbbing dick.
<<case "Same">>\
  "Fuckkkk! Keep going! My fake titties feel so fucking good!" you gasp in moan from the dual pleasure of being fucked by such a hot babe and having your breasts sucked on. You thrust your futa-cock back against her bouncing as she slows down a bit as she focuses on messing around with your silicone-filled tits! She's been sucking hard on your breasts and it feels so good!
  "I can't believe how heavy your fake tits are! I don't know how this happened but they are as big as my _ISD milkers! I will say that the main difference is that they are a lot firmer than my milkjugs though..." $genericFighter.Name2 replies with some pondering as she continues to play your $BreastSD breasts. "Look! Just grab my _ICup milkjugs and you can tell the difference!" she says as she eagerly guides your hands to her milkers!
  They feel so soft and squishy as you give them a nice gently squeeze. Some of her milk leaks out of her hard _INip long nipple and you can't help but take a lick off your finger. Her milk is rather delicious and you can't help but take another taste from your soaked fingers. "Yeah, I can't tell a real size difference..." You say as you explore her big milk-dripping tiddies and verify that yes, her _ICup tits are about the same size as your $BreastsSize tits.
  "Looks like you got a nice taste of my milk and I got a taste of your silicone!" $genericFighter.Name says teasingly as she resumes her forceful bouncing on your $DickSD futa-cock. She looks happy as she gropes her own _ISD milkjugs while moaning in pleasure from riding your throbbing dick.
  Noticing where your gaze is focused the Infested smirks as she reaches down and squeezes your $BreastSD breasts causing you to moan in delight! "Looks like somone has a nice pair of tits!" she says teasingly as she plants her full lips on your rock hard nipples and gives them a nice and sloppy kiss! The whole time she is sucking on your sensitive tits, her fucking movements don't miss a beat as her hips continue to slam into your throbbing futa-cock.
<<switch _Compare>>\
<<case "Bigger">>\
<<set $StatusAffect.MilkTits to $StatusAffect.MilkTits +1>>\
<<if $Milk.Stored < $Milk.Max>>\
<<if $Milk.Stored < $Milk.Max -1>>\
<<set $Milk.Stored to $Milk.Stored +2>>\
<<set $PC.BreastsSize to $PC.BreastsSize + 2>>\
<<set $Milk.Stored to $Milk.Stored +1>>\
<<set $PC.BreastsSize to $PC.BreastsSize + 1>>\
<<set $PCChanges.BreastsGrowth to "Sex">>\
<<set $MilkAD to $arrayMilkAmountDesc[$Milk.Stored]>>\
<<set $BreastSD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set $BreastsSize to $arrayBreastSize[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
  "Fuckkkk! Keep going! My big titties feel so fucking good!" you gasp in moan from the dual pleasure of being fucked by such a hot babe and having your breasts sucked on. You thrust your futa-cock back against her bouncing as she slows down a bit as she focuses on messing around with your _BreastSD tits! She's been sucking hard on your breasts and it feels so good!
  "You have some fucking big jugs but they aren't milkjugs, not yet at least! It should be a crime to have bigger tits than my own _ISD milkers!" $genericFighter.Name2 replies with some humor as she continues to play your _BreastSD breasts. "Well it's time for your _BreastSD jugs to evolve into mega-milkers!" she says happily as she guides your mouth to her _INip long nipple. Unable to refuse you start to suck on her _ISD milkjugs. It tastes so good that you almost shoot your hot load into her tight pussy! Mouthful after mouthful of milk drains down your throat as she continues to steadily ride your futa-cock. Eventually you are forced to come up for air as you release her milky nipple and come to discover where all the milk went to! Looking down you are shocked as your _BreastSD _BreastsSize breasts have grown to $BreastSD $BreastsSize milkjugs! Even your hard $NippleSize long nipples are dripping milk now!
  "That's more like it! Nice and big and full of milk!" The Infested says happily as she resumes her forceful bouncing on your $DickSD futa-cock. She looks happy that she helped pump up your tits to a bigger size as she gropes her own _ISD milkjugs while moaning in pleasure from riding your throbbing dick.
  "You have some fucking big jugs but they aren't milkjugs, not yet at least! It should be a crime to have bigger tits than my own _ISD milkers!" $genericFighter.Name2 replies with some humor as she continues to play your _BreastSD breasts. "Well it's time for your _BreastSD jugs to evolve into mega-milkers!" she says happily as she guides your mouth to her _INip long nipple. Unable to refuse you start to suck on her _ISD milkjugs. It tastes so good that you almost shoot your hot load into her tight pussy! Mouthful after mouthful of milk drains down your throat as she continues to steadily ride your futa-cock. Eventually you are forced to come up for air as you release her milky nipple and come to discover that it looks like all that milk you drank is leaking out your milky nipples!
  "Too bad! It looks like you are already completely full of milk!" she says while glancing down at your milky tits. She shakes her head as she resumes her forceful bouncing on your $DickSD futa-cock. She looks happy as she gropes her own _ISD milkjugs while moaning in pleasure from riding your throbbing dick.
<<case "Smaller">>\
<<set $StatusAffect.MilkTits to $StatusAffect.MilkTits +1>>\
<<if $Milk.Stored < $Milk.Max>>\
<<if $Milk.Stored < $Milk.Max -1>>\
<<set $Milk.Stored to $Milk.Stored +2>>\
<<set $PC.BreastsSize to $PC.BreastsSize + 2>>\
<<set $Milk.Stored to $Milk.Stored +1>>\
<<set $PC.BreastsSize to $PC.BreastsSize + 1>>\
<<set $PCChanges.BreastsGrowth to "Sex">>\
<<set $MilkAD to $arrayMilkAmountDesc[$Milk.Stored]>>\
<<set $BreastSD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set $BreastsSize to $arrayBreastSize[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
  "Fuckkkk! Keep going! My titties feel so fucking good!" you gasp in moan from the dual pleasure of being fucked by such a hot babe and having your breasts sucked on. You thrust your futa-cock back against her bouncing as she slows down a bit as she focuses on messing around with your _BreastSD tits! She's been sucking hard on your breasts and it feels so good!
  "You have some nice tits but nowhere near as big as my mommy milkers! Of course few can compare to my _ISD _ICup jugs of milk!" $genericFighter.Name2 replies with some humor as she continues to play your _BreastSD breasts. "Well it's time for your _BreastSD jugs to evolve into mega-milkers!" she says happily as she guides your mouth to her _INip long nipple. Unable to refuse you start to suck on her _ISD milkjugs. It tastes so good that you almost shoot your hot load into her tight pussy! Mouthful after mouthful of milk drains down your throat as she continues to steadily ride your futa-cock. Eventually you are forced to come up for air as you release her milky nipple and come to discover where all the milk went to! Looking down you are shocked as your _BreastSD _BreastsSize breasts have grown to $BreastSD $BreastsSize milkjugs! Even your hard $NippleSize long nipples are dripping milk now!
  "That's more like it! Nice and big and full of milk!" The Infested says happily as she resumes her forceful bouncing on your $DickSD futa-cock. She looks happy that she helped pump up your tits to a bigger size as she gropes her own _ISD milkjugs while moaning in pleasure from riding your throbbing dick.
  "You have some nice tits but nowhere near as big as my mommy milkers! Of course few can compare to my _ISD _ICup jugs of milk!" $genericFighter.Name2 replies with some humor as she continues to play your _BreastSD breasts. "Well it's time for your _BreastSD jugs to evolve into mega-milkers!" she says happily as she guides your mouth to her _INip long nipple. Unable to refuse you start to suck on her _ISD milkjugs. It tastes so good that you almost shoot your hot load into her tight pussy! Mouthful after mouthful of milk drains down your throat as she continues to steadily ride your futa-cock. Eventually you are forced to come up for air as you release her milky nipple and come to discover that it looks like all that milk you drank is leaking out your milky nipples!
  "Too bad! It looks like you are already completely full of milk!" she says while glancing down at your milky tits. She shakes her head as she resumes her forceful bouncing on your $DickSD futa-cock. She looks happy as she gropes her own _ISD milkjugs while moaning in pleasure from riding your throbbing dick.
<<case "Tiny">>\
<<set $StatusAffect.MilkTits to $StatusAffect.MilkTits +1>>\
<<if $Milk.Stored < $Milk.Max>>\
<<if $Milk.Stored < $Milk.Max -1>>\
<<set $Milk.Stored to $Milk.Stored +2>>\
<<set $PC.BreastsSize to $PC.BreastsSize + 2>>\
<<set $Milk.Stored to $Milk.Stored +1>>\
<<set $PC.BreastsSize to $PC.BreastsSize + 1>>\
<<set $PCChanges.BreastsGrowth to "Sex">>\
<<set $MilkAD to $arrayMilkAmountDesc[$Milk.Stored]>>\
<<set $BreastSD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set $BreastsSize to $arrayBreastSize[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
  "Fuckkkk! Keep going! My tits feel so fucking good!" you gasp in moan from the dual pleasure of being fucked by such a hot babe and having your breasts sucked on. You thrust your futa-cock back against her bouncing as she slows down a bit as she focuses on messing around with your _BreastSD tits! She's been sucking hard on your breasts and it feels so good!
  "Fuck! You have some itty bitty tiny titties! I would like to call them jugs but that would be an insult to jugs everywhere! They can be barely considered in the same ballpark as my _ISD _ICup jugs of milk!" $genericFighter.Name2 replies with some dark humor as she continues to play your _BreastSD breasts. "Well it's time for your _BreastSD tea cups to evolve into mega-milkers!" she says happily as she guides your mouth to her _INip long nipple. Unable to refuse you start to suck on her _ISD milkjugs. It tastes so good that you almost shoot your hot load into her tight pussy! Mouthful after mouthful of milk drains down your throat as she continues to steadily ride your futa-cock. Eventually you are forced to come up for air as you release her milky nipple and come to discover where all the milk went to! Looking down you are shocked as your _BreastSD _BreastsSize breasts have grown to $BreastSD $BreastsSize milkjugs! Even your hard $NippleSize long nipples are dripping milk now!
  "That's more like it! Nice and big and full of milk!" $genericFighter.Name says happily as she resumes her forceful bouncing on your $DickSD futa-cock. She looks happy that she helped pump up your tits to a bigger size as she gropes her own _ISD milkjugs while moaning in pleasure from riding your throbbing dick.
  "You have some rather tiny tits but of course most tits look small compared to my mommy milkers! I know all the boys love my _ISD _ICup jugs of milk!" $genericFighter.Name2 replies with some humor as she continues to play your _BreastSD breasts. "Well it's time for your _BreastSD jugs to evolve into mega-milkers!" she says happily as she guides your mouth to her _INip long nipple. Unable to refuse you start to suck on her _ISD milkjugs. It tastes so good that you almost shoot your hot load into her tight pussy! Mouthful after mouthful of milk drains down your throat as she continues to steadily ride your futa-cock. Eventually you are forced to come up for air as you release her milky nipple and come to discover that it looks like all that milk you drank is leaking out your milky nipples!
  "Too bad! It looks like you are already completely full of milk!" she says while glancing down at your milky tits. She shakes her head as she resumes her forceful bouncing on your $DickSD futa-cock. She looks happy as she gropes her own _ISD milkjugs while moaning in pleasure from riding your throbbing dick.
<<case "Same">>\
  "Fuckkkk! Keep going! My tits feel so fucking good!" you gasp in moan from the dual pleasure of being fucked by such a hot babe and having your breasts sucked on. You thrust your futa-cock back against her bouncing as she slows down a bit as she focuses on messing around with your _BreastSD tits! She's been sucking hard on your breasts and it feels so good!
  "You have some fucking big jugs but they aren't milkjugs, not yet at least! It's odd that you have tits the same size as my own _ISD milkers!" $genericFighter.Name2 replies with some humor as she continues to play your _BreastSD breasts. "Well it's time for your _BreastSD jugs to evolve into mega-milkers!" she says happily as she guides your mouth to her _INip long nipple. Unable to refuse you start to suck on her _ISD milkjugs. It tastes so good that you almost shoot your hot load into her tight pussy! Mouthful after mouthful of milk drains down your throat as she continues to steadily ride your futa-cock. Eventually you are forced to come up for air as you release her milky nipple and come to discover where all the milk went to! Looking down you are shocked as your _BreastSD _BreastsSize breasts have grown to $BreastSD $BreastsSize milkjugs! Even your hard $NippleSize long nipples are dripping milk now!
  "That's more like it! Nice and big and full of milk!" The Infested says happily as she resumes her forceful bouncing on your $DickSD futa-cock. She looks happy that she helped pump up your tits to a bigger size as she gropes her own _ISD milkjugs while moaning in pleasure from riding your throbbing dick.
  "Your tits are so milky and so fucking great!" you moan as your cum-filled balls are aching to unleash their baby-batter deep into $genericFighter.Name due to all the pleasurable breast play and you can't help but thrust back into her hot tight pussy! Even your pussy is leaking girl-fluids all over the ground as she continues to attempt to destroy your pelvis. You are still being sprayed by the occasional droplet of milk but with how much milk is covering your own tits, it doesn't make much difference at this point. Your moans and groans of excitement fills the area and joins with $genericFighter.Name own loud moaning.
  "Fuck yes! Your god-damn futa-cock is so fucking deep in my pussy and feels so fucking good!" she yells as she leans forward, pressing her _ISD breasts up against your $BreastSD breasts hard. Leaning forward even farther she locks her lips with your own and dives into a deep kiss. Her jackhammering of your futa-cock is reaching a frantic pace and you feel that you are moments away from cumming!
<<if $Infestation.MilkProgress < 1 and $Infestation.MilkVariant > 99 and $Infestation.Progress > 1>>\
<<set _BreastSD to $BreastSD>>\
<<set _BreastsSize to $BreastsSize>>\
<<set _NippleSize to $NippleSize>>\
<<include "Milk TF">>\
  As you thrust your <<Penis>> into the Infested's tight pussy you feel a strange bubbling sensation that starts in your breasts but quickly spreads throughout your body! Before you can ponder what is happening the bubbling sensation increases rapidly in your breasts!
  "Oh fuck! I can feel your tits growing even more, even without drinking from my milkjugs!" $genericFighter.Name moans loudly as you can feel your breasts pushing back against her own, slowly at first but quickly speeding up. Before long your tits have grown from _BreastSD _BreastsSize to whopping $BreastSD $BreastsSize jugs! Even your $NippleSize long nipples are looking longer and thicker as they slide against the Infested's milky _INip long nipples!
  The feeling of having your breasts suddenly grow into $BreastSD fucking milkjugs pushes you over the edge as you scream "MY TITS ARE FUCKING GROWING SO FUCKING MUCH! OH FUCK! I'M CUMMING!" Without warning your cum-filled balls pulse one last time before you shoot your $CumAD wad directly into the Infested's tight pussy! As you do so you feel your nipples start to squirt $MilkAD streams of milk out as well, coating $genericFighter.Name's mommy milkers as well as your tits in milk!
  "Fuck! I can feel your futa-cock creampieing my tight pussy while your milkjugs are squirting milk! Oh fuck, I'm cumming too!" $genericFighter.Name screams as you feel her pussy tighten hard onto your dick as it tries to squeeze all of your baby-batter out. Her milk covered tits also start squirting milk onto your jugs adding to the mutual mess as her orgasm hits over and over again.
  As you slowly recover from your orgasm you notice your breasts are no longer leaking milk but you can still feel that they are filled with milk and will fill up even more over time. You have a feeling that it's going to be extremely easy for you to leak milk from now on, especially during sexual acts.
  While checking out your $BreastSD jugs, $genericFighter.Name gives them a light squeeze causing some sweet smelling milk to squirt out and happily says "Looks like you are one hot Futa Milker and now you can pump up other girl's tits with your milk! Well at least for an hour or two!"
<<elseif $PC.Infestation is $Infestation.Cap & $Infestation.Progress > 1>>\
<<include "Infestation Increase">>\
  As you slam your <<Penis>> into her wet cunt you feel a surge of energy flowing directly into you! It almost feels like you are burning up but it quickly turns to pleasure that radiates from your hard cock, wet pussy and sensitive breasts.
  "Fuck! I can feel your futa-cock getting bigger and bigger inside me! Oh oh fuckkkk!! I can feel your FUCKING JUGS pushing back against my titties! OH FUCK YESSSS! I'M CUMMING!" she screams as she presses her milkjugs against your own breasts. It feels like your <<Penis>> is growing harder and thicker with each thrust into her wet cunt! Even your chest is feeling heavier as you continue to frantically pump into her pussy.
  The feeling of having your breasts suddenly grow into even bigger milkjugs pushes you over the edge as you scream "MY TITS ARE FUCKING GROWING AND SO IS MY FUCKING COCK! OH FUCK! I'M CUMMING!" Without warning your cum-filled balls pulse one last time before you shoot your tidal wave of hot cum directly into the Infested's tight pussy while your milkjugs squirt out $MilkAD streams of milk! Even your neglected pussy gets into the action as it shoots a massive wave of girl-cum all over the floor!
  As $genericFighter.Name pulls away from you notice you now have a $DickSD $DickSize cock along with a nice pair of $BallsSD $BallsSize balls! Before you can react to that information, the Infested gropes your pair of $BreastSD $BreastsSize breasts while you explore your $AssSize ass!! Noticing your look the Infested gropes your <<Breasts>> with a smirk while saying "Looks like you are becoming one hot Futa!"
  "Fuck yes! I can feel your futa-cock twitching like crazy! Yes fuck yessss! I'm cumming all over your hard futa-dick!" The Infested screams in ecstasy as she grinds her shapely hips against your aching $DickSD dick. You can feel her tight pussy squeeze your dick hard and even her _ISD milky tits are leaking all over your $BreastSD chest!
  Feeling your cum-filled balls give one last pulse, you yell back "I'm shooting my wad into your fucking cunt, you big titty whore! FUCKKKK!" Your cock throbs and then erupts in a $CumAD wave of hot cum straight into her quivering pussy while your milkjugs squirt out a $MilkAD amount of milk! Even your neglected pussy gets in on the actions as it squirts out a $GCumAD spray of girl-cum onto the ground below. The force of the Infested's strong orgasm looks to have drained the strength out of her as she rests her head on your $BreastSD chest. You are also feeling exhausted as you lie there panting from the force of your dual orgasm.
  "Oh that was so fucking good!" $genericFighter.Name2 says as she stands up from your exhausted body, cum leaking from her pussy and milk from her tits. "I'll see again soon, I'm sure..." With that she walks away fulfilled leaving you to grab your clothes and to slowly recover.<<include "Adlibs">>\
<<switch $SexScene2>>\
<<case 1>>\ /* Pussy scene */
<<include "Infested Milker Pussy Sex Submissive Futa">>\
<<case 2>>\ /* Ass scene */
<<include "Infested Female Ass Sex Submissive Futa">>\
<<case 3>>\ /* Titfuck scene */
<<include "Infested Female Tit Sex Submissive Futa">>\
<<case 4>>\ /* Blowjob scene */
<<include "Infested Female Blowjob Sex Submissive Male">>\
<<case 5>>\ /* Handjob scene */
<<include "Infested Female Handjob Sex Submissive Male">>\
<</switch>> <<include "Adlibs">>\
<<switch $SexScene2>>\
<<case 1>>\ /* Get Pussy/69 scene */
<<include "Infested Milker 69 Sex Submissive Female">>\
<<case 2>>\ /* Dildo Pussy Hidden Scene*/
<<include "Infested Female Dildo Pussy Sex Submissive Female">>\
<<case 3>>\ /* Dildo Ass Hidden Scene*/
<<include "Infested Female Dildo Ass Sex Submissive Female">>\
<</switch>> <<set $sexHistory.XP to $sexHistory.XP +1>>\
<<set $LastPartner to $genericFighter>>\
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$genericFighter.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$genericFighter.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _INip to $arrayNippleSize[$genericFighter.NippleSize]>>\
<<set _SizeComp to $PC.DickSize - $genericFighter.Level + ($GeneralFeats.FalseRep *2)>>\
<<if _SizeComp < 0>>\
<<set _SizeComp to 0>>\
  "Oh my! The little boy who couldn't fight might turn into the big man who came!" says $genericFighter.Name with a smirk as she stands above your waist. Giving your groin a long thoughtful look, she nods with another lustful grin as she squeezes her _ISD _ICup tits for a slight moment causing a couple drops of milk to drip from her nipples. She quickly strips your clothes off exposing your throbbing hardon.
<<switch _SizeComp>>\
<<case 0 1 2>>\
  "Well I was right about you being a little boy with a dick that size... Well maybe after I get done burying your cock into my pussy you will finally grow up a bit closer to being a real man. Anyways I'll be sure to let you nurse from my mommy milkers here shortly!" she says after giving your <<Penis>> a disappointed look. Grabbing her _ISD chest. she slowly lowers her wet cunt onto your $DickSize <<Penis>>! With a low moan she says "Oooh! I can feel your little chubby getting so excited!"
<<case 3 4 5 6>>\
  "Looks like we have someone on the edge of greatness but is just a bit shy of being a winner. With time, determination and a nice warm pussy to workout in, any dick can grow to be a winner! I'll even get you some milk for your workout!" she says after giving your <<Penis>> a measuring look. Grabbing her _ISD chest. she slowly lowers her wet cunt and engulfs your $DickSize <<Penis>>! With a lusty moan she says "Ooooh! Looks like someone's growing up nice and strong like a champion!"
<<case 7 8 9 10 11 12>>\
  "Well there's a time in a boy's life where he finally becomes a man and that time is now! With a dick that size how can anyone say that you are a boy? In honor of your manhood I'll be sure to reward you with some milk!" she says as after giving your <<Penis>> a lusty look. After blowing you a kiss from her plump lips, she slowly lowers her pussy to the tip of your <<Penis>> while grabbing her _ISD chest. After a few moments of sliding her pussy lip against your dick, she engulfs your $DickSize cock into her wet pussy. With a lusty moan she says "Ooooh! Looks like someone's growing up nice and strong like a champion!"
<<case 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24>>\
  "Huh... Some might say the difference between a man and a great man is their unique talents and I have to say your unique talent is the size of your dick! What a fucking great looking cock you have there! In honor of your great achievement I'll be sure to shower you with some milk!" she says after giving your <<Penis>> a hungry look. After kissing your cheek with her plump lips, she slowly lowers her pussy to the tip of your <<Penis>> while grabbing her _ISD chest. After a few moments of sliding her pussy lip against your dick, she engulfs your $DickSize cock into her wet pussy. With a loud lusty moan she says "I feel that I'm on the peak of greatness and it fills my pussy like no other!"
  "Why do you have a $DickSize long club that looks like a dick in your pants? What the hell?!?!? I have no idea on how to get that giant club of a <<Penis>> you have into my pussy but I'm kinda wondering if I can... I guess I'll just have to try really hard since I'm dying to find out how it feels..." she says as she starts to stroke your <<Penis>> with one hand while the other is grabbing a tub of lube out of her purse. After using an extreme amount of lube she is slowly able to get your <<Penis>> slipped into her extremely tight pussy.
  Her pussy is so extremely tight that it's a wonder the Infested was able to take your dick in one attempt. A loud moan of pleasure is forced from your lips as she completely hilts you! At your lust filled moan of pleasure at being inside the rapturous pussy of the Infested, she looks at your ecstatic face with a smile on her face. "Oh fuck yes! Your pussy's so fucking tight!" you moan as $genericFighter.Name's tight cunt squeezes your $DickSD cock as she grinds against your pelvis.
  "Seems like someone is liking how their $DickSize dick is being milked by my pussy" $genericFighter.Name smirks as she raises her thick shapely hips up, almost letting your throbbing cock escape the prison of her moist pussy. She suddenly slams her hips back down forcing your cock deep into her tight cunt and causing you to let out another gasp of pleasure. As she starts to repeat the process, your eyes are drawn to her _ISD milky tits as they bounce and jiggle wildly as she smashes back into your groin! You watch with perverse focus as her _ISD _ICup drips and splatter milk onto your hard chest from her _INip long milky nipples! Just watching those milk jugs bounce and jiggle makes you wish you could grab those big o'titties and suck them dry!
  Seeing where your gaze is focused the Infested smiles widely as she cups her _ISD jiggling milky breasts. "I guess I did promise you some milk, didn't I?" she says happily as she guides your mouth to her _INip long nipple. Unable to refuse you start to suck on her _ISD milk jugs. It tastes so good that you almost shoot your hot load into her tight pussy! Mouthful after mouthful of milk drains down your throat as she continues to slowly ride your throbbing cock. Eventually you are forced to come up for air as you release her milky nipple and you discover your face covered in her milk!
  "So what did you think? Quite tasty isn't it?" $genericFighter.Name2 asks as she starts to speed up her fucking once again. Even with all the milk in your stomach there's still a part of you wishing to drink even more of her intoxicating milk. Even now you still have a tight grip on her _ISD titties as she continues to pound your pelvis with her $AssSize ass!
  "Your milk jugs are so fucking delicious! Fuck! I could drink from them all day!" you moan as you start to thrust back into her extremely tight cunt with your $DickSD cock. Your grip on her slippery tits soon fails as the speed of the frantic fucking causes them to slip out of your grasp. So you shift your hands to her $AssSize hips and you focus even more on thrusting your $DickSD dick deep into her pussy. Your moans and groans of excitement fills the area and joins with $genericFighter.Name own loud moaning as your cum-filled balls are eager to unleash their full load of baby-batter into her wet pussy!
  "Fuck yes! Your $DickSD god-damn dick is so fucking deep in my pussy and feels so fucking good!" she yells as she leans forward, pressing her _ISD breasts up against your hard chest. Leaning forward even farther she locks her lips with your own and dives into a deep kiss. Her jackhammering of your twitching <<Penis>> is reaching a frantic pace and you feel that you are moments away from cumming!
<<if $PC.Infestation is $Infestation.Cap & $Infestation.Progress > 1>>\
<<include "Infestation Increase">>\
<<set _DickSize to $DickSize>>\
  As you slam your <<Penis>> into her wet cunt you feel a surge of energy flowing directly into you! It almost feels like you are burning up but it quickly turns to pleasure that radiates from your hard cock and your cum-filled balls.
  "Fuck yes! I can feel your _DickSize throbbing <<Penis>> getting bigger and bigger inside of me! Oh fuckkkk yesss! I'm cumming all over your growing <<Penis>>!" The Infested screams in ecstasy as she grinds her shapely hips against your aching $DickSD dick. You can feel her tight pussy milk your dick hard while her _ISD milky tits leak all over your already milk covered chest!
  Feeling her extremely tight cunt get even tighter as your dick grows bigger, you yell "FUCK! I'M SHOOTING MY WAD FROM MY GROWING COCK INTO YOUR FUCKING CUNT! FUCKKKK!" as your throbbing cock throbs and then erupts in a powerful tidal wave of hot cum straight into her quivering pussy as your cum-fiilled balls unleash their pent up frustration. There's so much cum unleashed it backs out of her extremely tight pussy onto the ground below.
  The force of the Infested's strong orgasm looks to have drained the strength out of her as she rests her head on your messy chest. You are also feeling exhausted as you lie there panting from the force of your powerful orgasm. As your dick finally escapes the tight prison of $genericFighter.Name's pussy you can confirm that you now have a $DickSD $DickSize cock along with a nice pair of $BallsSD $BallsSize balls! Before you can really process that information, the Infested grabs your $DickSD dick and gives it a slow stroke causing some more cum to ooze from the tip. She lustfully says "Looks like you are on your way to becoming one hot stud!"
  "Fuck yes! I can feel your $DickSize <<Penis>> throbbing, eager to shoot your load! Oh fuckkkk yesss! I'm cumming all over your rock hard <<Penis>>!" The Infested screams in ecstasy as she grinds her shapely hips against your aching $DickSD dick. It feels like your <<Penis>> is growing harder with each thrust into her wet cunt as her tight pussy becomes tighter and wetter! You can feel her _ISD milky tits squirt large streams of milk all over your already milk covered chest!
  Feeling her extremely tight cunt get even tighter as she cums her brains out, you yell "I'm shooting my wad into your fucking cunt, you big titty milk-whore! FUCKKKK!" as your throbbing cock throbs and then erupts in a $CumAD wave of hot cum straight into her quivering pussy as your cum-fiilled balls unleash their pent up frustration. The force of the Infested's strong orgasm looks to have drained the strength out of her as she rests her head on your messy chest. You are also feeling exhausted as you lie there panting from the force of your powerful orgasm.
  "Oh that was so fucking good!" $genericFighter.Name2 says as she stands up from your exhausted body, cum leaking from her pussy and milk from her tits. "I'll see again soon, I'm sure..." With that she walks away fulfilled leaving you to grab your clothes and to slowly recover.<img src="Images/Items/EnergyDrink.jpg" />
<<set _desc to $useitem3.description>>\
<<set _name to $useitem3.name>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Energized to $StatusAffect.Energized+2>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Horny to $StatusAffect.Horny+1>>\
<<set $lust to $lust + 25>>\
<<if $lust > $MaxLust>>\
<<set $lust to $MaxLust>>\
<<if $PC.Sex is "Male" and $StatusAffect.Futa < 1>>\
<<if $Cum.Max < 16>>\
<<set $Cum.Max to $Cum.Max + 1>>\
<<set $Cum.Min to $Cum.Min + 1>>\
<<set $Cum.Stored to $Cum.Max>>\
<<set $CumAD to $arrayCumAmountDesc[$Cum.Stored]>>\
Looking down at _name, you read the followng from the side of the can: _desc. Deciding to try it out you down $useitem3.name quickly which oddly tastes like carbonated lemon juice. After a minute you feel your balls fill up to the max and your dick is rock hard! You feel like you can quench any thirst for hours on end!
<<elseif $PC.Sex is "Female" and $StatusAffect.Futa < 1>>\
<<if $GCum.Max < 16>>\
<<set $GCum.Max to $GCum.Max + 1>>\
<<set $GCum.Min to $GCum.Min + 1>>\
<<set $GCum.Stored to $GCum.Max>>\
<<set $GCumAD to $arrayGCumAmountDesc[$GCum.Stored]>>\
Looking down at _name, you read the followng from the side of the can: _desc. Deciding to try it out you down $useitem3.name quickly which oddly tastes like carbonated lemon juice. After a minute you feel your pussy become dripping wet and your nipples are rock hard! You feel like you can quench any thirst for hours on end!
<<elseif $PC.Sex is "Futa" or $StatusAffect.Futa > 0>>\
<<if $Cum.Max < 16>>\
<<set $Cum.Max to $Cum.Max + 1>>\
<<set $Cum.Min to $Cum.Min + 1>>\
<<set $Cum.Stored to $Cum.Max>>\
<<set $CumAD to $arrayCumAmountDesc[$Cum.Stored]>>\
<<if $GCum.Max < 16>>\
<<set $GCum.Max to $GCum.Max + 1>>\
<<set $GCum.Min to $GCum.Min + 1>>\
<<set $GCum.Stored to $GCum.Max>>\
<<set $GCumAD to $arrayGCumAmountDesc[$GCum.Stored]>>\
Looking down at _name, you read the followng from the side of the can: _desc. Deciding to try it out you down $useitem3.name quickly which oddly tastes like carbonated lemon juice. After a minute you feel your balls fill up to the max and your pussy is sopping wet! You feel like you can quench any thirst for hours on end!
Looking down at _name, you read the followng from the side of the can: _desc. Deciding to try it out you down $useitem3.name quickly which oddly tastes like carbonated lemon juice. After a minute you feel your pussy get sopping wet! You feel like you can quench any thirst for hours on end!
<img src="Images/Items/EnergyDrink.jpg" />
<<set _desc to $useitem3.description>>\
<<set _name to $useitem3.name>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Energized to $StatusAffect.Energized +5>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Horny to $StatusAffect.Horny+3>>\
<<set $lust to $lust + 50>>\
<<if $lust > $MaxLust>>\
<<set $lust to $MaxLust>>\
<<if $PC.Sex is "Male" and $StatusAffect.Futa < 1>>\
<<if $Cum.Max < 16>>\
<<set $Cum.Max to $Cum.Max + 3>>\
<<set $Cum.Min to $Cum.Min + 3>>\
<<elseif $Cum.Max < 26>>\
<<set $Cum.Max to $Cum.Max + 1>>\
<<set $Cum.Min to $Cum.Min + 1>>\
<<set $Cum.Stored to $Cum.Max>>\
<<set $CumAD to $arrayCumAmountDesc[$Cum.Stored]>>\
Looking down at _name, you read the followng from the side of the can: _desc. Deciding to try it out you down $useitem3.name quickly which oddly tastes like strong carbonated lemon juice. After a minute you feel your balls fill up to the max and your dick is rock hard! A mini-orgasm hits you like a truck as you shoot a small load into your underwear! You feel like you can quench any thirst for days on end!
<<elseif $PC.Sex is "Futa" or $StatusAffect.Futa > 0>>\
<<if $Cum.Max < 16>>\
<<set $Cum.Max to $Cum.Max + 3>>\
<<set $Cum.Min to $Cum.Min + 3>>\
<<elseif $Cum.Max < 26>>\
<<set $Cum.Max to $Cum.Max + 1>>\
<<set $Cum.Min to $Cum.Min + 1>>\
<<if $GCum.Max < 16>>\
<<set $GCum.Max to $GCum.Max + 3>>\
<<set $GCum.Min to $GCum.Min + 3>>\
<<elseif $GCum.Max < 26>>\
<<set $GCum.Max to $GCum.Max + 1>>\
<<set $GCum.Min to $GCum.Min + 1>>\
<<set $GCum.Stored to $GCum.Max>>\
<<set $GCumAD to $arrayGCumAmountDesc[$GCum.Stored]>>\
<<set $Cum.Stored to $Cum.Max>>\
<<set $CumAD to $arrayCumAmountDesc[$Cum.Stored]>>\
Looking down at _name, you read the followng from the side of the can: _desc. Deciding to try it out you down $useitem3.name quickly which oddly tastes like strong carbonated lemon juice. After a minute you feel your balls fill up to the max, your dick gets rock hard and your pussy is soaking wet! A mini-orgasm hits you like a truck as you shoot a small double load into your underwear from your dick and pussy! You feel like you can quench any thirst for days on end!
<<if $GCum.Max < 16>>\
<<set $GCum.Max to $GCum.Max + 3>>\
<<set $GCum.Min to $GCum.Min + 3>>\
<<elseif $GCum.Max < 26>>\
<<set $GCum.Max to $GCum.Max + 1>>\
<<set $GCum.Min to $GCum.Min + 1>>\
<<set $GCum.Stored to $GCum.Max>>\
<<set $GCumAD to $arrayGCumAmountDesc[$GCum.Stored]>>\
Looking down at _name, you read the followng from the side of the can: _desc. Deciding to try it out you down $useitem3.name quickly which oddly tastes like strong carbonated lemon juice. After a minute you feel your pussy get soaking wet! A mini-orgasm hits you like a truck as you shoot a small load of girl-cum into your underwear! You feel like you can quench any thirst for days on end!
<img src="Images/Items/LustPotion.jpg" />
<<set _desc to $useitem3.description>>\
<<set _name to $useitem3.name>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Thirsty to $StatusAffect.Thirsty+1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Horny to $StatusAffect.Horny+1>>\
<<set $TempLust to $StatusAffect.Thirsty * 5>>\
<<if $TempLust > ($MaxLust / 2)>>\
<<set $TempLust to ($MaxLust / 2)>>\
<<set $lust to $lust + $TempLust>>\
<<if $lust > $MaxLust>>\
<<set $lust to $MaxLust>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.Vaccine < 1>>\
<<if (random(19) +1) + $PC.Fortitude + $InfectionResist.Fort + $FoodStatus.Fort < (10 + Math.round($Infestation.Progress / 2) )>>\
<<if $Infestation.Progress < 1>>\
<<set $Infestation.Progress to 1>>\
<<set $PC.Infestation to $PC.Infestation + random(5) +1>>\
<<if $PC.Infestation > $Infestation.Cap>>\
<<set $PC.Infestation to $Infestation.Cap>>\
<<set _tempHeal to $HP>>\
<<set $HP to $HP + random($Skill.Medical + $WisdomBonus) +1>>\
<<if $HP > $MaxHP>>\
<<set $HP to $MaxHP>>\
<<if $PC.Sex is "Male">>\
Looking down at _name, you read the followng from the side of the can: _desc. Deciding to try it out you quickly drink $useitem3.name which tastes like carbonated cherry juice. After a few moments you feel your dick harden as a wave of pure lust fills your groin! <<if _tempHeal < $HP>> <<set _textHeal2 to $HP - _tempHeal>> Your body is more than ready for more action as you feel your scrapes and bruises fade as you heal _textHeal2 HP! <</if>>\
<<elseif $PC.Sex is "Female" and $StatusAffect.Futa < 1 >>\
You quickly drink $useitem3.name which tastes like carbonated cherry juice. After a few moments you feel your pussy wetten as a wave of pure lust fills your groin! <<if _tempHeal < $HP>> <<set _textHeal2 to $HP - _tempHeal>> Your body is more than ready for more action as you feel your scrapes and bruises fade as you heal _textHeal2 HP! <</if>>\
<<elseif $PC.Sex is "Futa" or $StatusAffect.Futa > 0>>\
Looking down at _name, you read the followng from the side of the can: _desc. Deciding to try it out you quickly drink $useitem3.name which tastes like carbonated cherry juice. After a few moments you feel your dick harden as well as your pussy wetten as a wave of pure lust fills your groin! <<if _tempHeal < $HP>> <<set _textHeal2 to $HP - _tempHeal>> Your body is more than ready for more action as you feel your scrapes and bruises fade as you heal _textHeal2 HP! <</if>>\
<img src="Images/Items/DrPecker.jpg" />
<<set _desc to $useitem3.description>>\
<<set _name to $useitem3.name>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.Vaccine < 1>>\
<<if (random(19) +1) + $PC.Fortitude + $InfectionResist.Fort + $FoodStatus.Fort < (8 + Math.round($Infestation.Progress / 2) )>>\
<<if $Infestation.Progress < 1>>\
<<set $Infestation.Progress to 1>>\
<<set $PC.Infestation to $PC.Infestation + random(5) +1>>\
<<if $PC.Infestation > $Infestation.Cap>>\
<<set $PC.Infestation to $Infestation.Cap>>\
<<set $Infestation.BruiseVariant to $Infestation.BruiseVariant + random(5) +1>>\
<<if $Infestation.BruiseVariant > $Infestation.BruiseCap>>\
<<set $Infestation.BruiseVariant to $Infestation.BruiseCap>>\
<<if $PC.Sex is "Female">>\
<<set $Infestation.FutaVariant to $Infestation.FutaVariant + random(5) +1>>\
<<if $Infestation.FutaVariant > $Infestation.FutaCap>>\
<<set $Infestation.FutaVariant to $Infestation.FutaCap>>\
<<if $PC.Sex is "Female" and $StatusAffect.Futa < 1>>\
<<set $PCChanges.Gender to "Soda">>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Futa to $StatusAffect.Futa+1>>\
<<set _FutaSize to Math.round($Infestation.FutaVariant / 25)>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.BigDick to $StatusAffect.BigDick +1 + _FutaSize>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Horny to $StatusAffect.Horny+1>>\
<<set $PC.HasDick to 1>>\
<<set $PC.DickSize to 5 + _FutaSize>>\
<<set $DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$PC.DickSize]>>\
<<set $DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$PC.DickSize]>>\
<<set $PC.BallsSize to 5 + _FutaSize>>\
<<set $BallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$PC.BallsSize]>>\
<<set $BallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$PC.BallsSize]>>\
<<if $Cum.Max < 16>>\
<<set $Cum.Max to $Cum.Max + 1 + _FutaSize>>\
<<set $Cum.Min to $Cum.Min + 1 + _FutaSize>>\
<<set $Cum.Stored to $Cum.Max>>\
<<set $CumAD to $arrayCumAmountDesc[$Cum.Stored]>>\
<<set $Infestation.FutaVariant to $Infestation.FutaVariant + random(5) +1>>\
<<set $FutaTry to $FutaTry + 1>>\
Looking down at _name, you read the following from the side of the can: _desc. Deciding to try it out you down $useitem3.name and it tastes like green grape and lime mixed soda. Glancing down you discover a slight bump forming above your pussy, seemingly a lightning rod for that electric feeling. It slowly grows from a bump to a bulge as each heartbeat thunders in your ears. The large bulge slowly shifts as it pushes outward inch by inch before forming a small mushroom head with a tiny hole. You gasp as you recognize the shape as that of a penis, abit a very tiny baby-sized one!
  You can easily feel the blood rushing to your new organ and your new dick eagerly soaks it all up. Your baby-sized penis hardens and pushes out farther from your groin growing bigger and stronger with each heartbeat. By this point the electric shocking feeling is almost gone, replaced by the pleasant feeling of your new cock becoming engorged with blood!
  After a few moments, you discover that your brand new baby dick has transformed into a $DickSD $DickSize futa-cock! Before you can really take a look at it, there's another tiny surge of electric shock as two bulges form below your new dick! You closely watch as it forms into a ballsack while growing in size to match your big dick. It finally finishes growing leaving you with a $BallsSD pair of $BallsSize sized balls!
<<elseif $StatusAffect.BigDick > (6 + ($MedicPath.Pharmacist*2))>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.BigDick to 0>>\
<<set _DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$PC.DickSize]>>\
<<set _DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$PC.DickSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSD to $arrayBallskSizeDesc[$PC.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$PC.BallsSize]>>\
<<set $PCChanges.DickShrink to "Soda">>\
<<set $PC.DickSize to $PC.MDickSize>>\
<<set $DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$PC.DickSize]>>\
<<set $DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$PC.DickSize]>>\
<<set $PC.BallsSize to $PC.MBallsSize>>\
<<set $BallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$PC.BallsSize]>>\
<<set $BallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$PC.BallsSize]>>\
<<set $Cum.Min to 1>>\
<<set $Cum.Max to 3 + $CharismaBonus>>\
<<if $Cum.Stored < $Cum.Min>>\
<<set $Cum.Stored to $Cum.Min>>\
Looking down at _name, you read the followng from the side of the can: _desc. Deciding to try it out you down $useitem3.name and and it tastes like green grape and lime mixed soda. You quickly feel a strange noxious feeling come from your _DickSD dick. You start to feel a painful fluid dripping from your penis and within seconds it becomes a flood. To your astonishment gallons of carbonated grape and lime flavored cum floods out of your dick in what seems to be a never-ending stream. After a few minutes the flow of carbonated cum stops but to your dissapointment you find your once _DickSD _DickSize dick is now a $DickSD $DickSize dick! Even your _BallsSD balls have shrunk to $BallsSD size!
<<elseif $StatusAffect.BigDick > (4 + ($MedicPath.Pharmacist*2)) and $StatusAffect.BigDick < 7>>\
<<if $PC.DickSize > 9>>\
You down the $useitem3.name but nothing happens! Maybe you need something stronger than a $useitem3.name...
<<set _DickBonus to Math.round($Infestation.BruiseVariant / 25)>>\
<<if (random(19)+ 1) + $StatusAffect.BigDick + _DickBonus + ($GeneralFeats.Transformer *2) < 25>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.BigDick to $StatusAffect.BigDick +1>>\
<<set $PCChanges.DickGrowth to "Soda">>\
<<set $PC.DickSize =+ $PC.DickSize +1>>\
<<set $DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$PC.DickSize]>>\
<<set $DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$PC.DickSize]>>\
<<set $PC.BallsSize =+ $PC.BallsSize +1>>\
<<set $BallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$PC.BallsSize]>>\
<<set $BallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$PC.BallsSize]>>\
<<if $Cum.Max < 16>>\
<<set $Cum.Max to $Cum.Max +1>>\
<<set $Cum.Min to $Cum.Min +1>>\
<<set $Cum.Stored to $Cum.Max>>\
<<set $CumAD to $arrayCumAmountDesc[$Cum.Stored]>>\
Looking down at _name, you read the followng from the side of the can: _desc. Deciding to try it out you down $useitem3.name and it tastes like green grape and lime mixed soda. You slowly feel a growing sensation coming from your groin quickly chased by a noxious feeling coming from your stomach. You can't help but stop and puke out what seems to be carbonated grape and lime cum! After a few moments it stops and you can take a moment to notice you now have a $DickSD $DickSize cock along with some $BallsSD $BallsSize balls! Maybe drinking too much $useitem3.name2 is a bad thing?
<<if $PC.DickSize > 9 and $StatusAffect.TinyDick < 1>>\
You down the $useitem3.name but nothing happens! Maybe you need something stronger than a $useitem3.name...
<<elseif $StatusAffect.TinyDick > 0>>\
<<set $PCChanges.DickGrowth to "Soda">>\
<<set $Cum.Stored to $Cum.Max>>\
<<set $CumAD to $arrayCumAmountDesc[$Cum.Stored]>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.TinyDick is 1>>\
<<set $PC.DickSize =+ $PC.DickSize +1>>\
<<set $DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$PC.DickSize]>>\
<<set $DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$PC.DickSize]>>\
<<set $PC.BallsSize =+ $PC.BallsSize +1>>\
<<set $BallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$PC.BallsSize]>>\
<<set $BallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$PC.BallsSize]>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.TinyDick to 0>>\
Looking down at _name, you read the followng from the side of the can: _desc. Deciding to try it out you down $useitem3.name and it tastes like green grape and lime mixed soda. It doesn't take long before you feel a pleasant growing sensation coming from your shrunken dick along with some heat! Looking down you notice your cock is growing bigger and bigger! Eventually it slowly stops and you now have a $DickSD $DickSize dick along with $BallsSD $BallsSize balls! Relieved that your dick is back to your orginal size, you reach down to grab your enhanced $DickSize dick. It feels so thick and heavy in your hand you can't resist stroking it. You feel a drop of liquid lust ooze from the tip before you finally stop. Who wouldn't want to have a bigger Pecker too?
<<set $StatusAffect.TinyDick to $StatusAffect.TinyDick -2>>\
<<set $PC.DickSize =+ $PC.DickSize +2>>\
<<set $DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$PC.DickSize]>>\
<<set $DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$PC.DickSize]>>\
<<set $PC.BallsSize =+ $PC.BallsSize +2>>\
<<set $BallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$PC.BallsSize]>>\
<<set $BallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$PC.BallsSize]>>\
Looking down at _name, you read the following from the side of the can: _desc. Deciding to try it out you down $useitem3.name and it tastes like green grape and lime mixed soda. It doesn't take long before you feel a pleasant growing sensation coming from your shrunken dick along with some heat! Looking down you notice your cock is growing bigger and bigger! Eventually it slowly stops and you now have a $DickSD $DickSize dick along with $BallsSD $BallsSize balls! Relieved that your dick is closer to your orginal size, you reach down to grab your enhanced $DickSize dick. It feels so thick and heavy in your hand you can't resist stroking it. You feel a drop of liquid lust ooze from the tip before you finally stop. Who wouldn't want to have a bigger Pecker too?
<<set _DickBonus to Math.round($Infestation.BruiseVariant / 25)>>\
<<if (random(19)+ 1) + $StatusAffect.BigDick + _DickBonus + ($GeneralFeats.Transformer *2) < 21>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.BigDick to $StatusAffect.BigDick +1>>\
<<set $PCChanges.DickGrowth to "Soda">>\
<<set $PC.DickSize =+ $PC.DickSize +1>>\
<<set $DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$PC.DickSize]>>\
<<set $DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$PC.DickSize]>>\
<<set $PC.BallsSize =+ $PC.BallsSize +1>>\
<<set $BallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$PC.BallsSize]>>\
<<set $BallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$PC.BallsSize]>>\
<<if $Cum.Max < 16>>\
<<set $Cum.Max to $Cum.Max +1>>\
<<set $Cum.Min to $Cum.Min +1>>\
<<set $Cum.Stored to $Cum.Max>>\
<<set $CumAD to $arrayCumAmountDesc[$Cum.Stored]>>\
<<set $lust to $lust + 10>>\
Looking down at _name, you read the followng from the side of the can: _desc. Deciding to try it out you down $useitem3.name and it tastes like green grape and lime mixed soda. It doesn't take long before you feel a pleasant growing sensation coming from your dick along with some heat! Looking down you notice your cock is growing bigger and bigger along with your balls! Eventually it slowly stops and you now have a $DickSD $DickSize dick with the extra benefit of $BallsSD $BallsSize balls! Unable to fully believe that your dick suddenly grew, you reach down to grab your enhanced $DickSize dick. It feels so thick and heavy in your hand you can't resist stroking it. You feel a drop of liquid lust ooze from the tip before you finally stop. Who wouldn't want to have a bigger Pecker too?
<img src="Images/Items/DrPecker.jpg" />
<<set _desc to $useitem3.description>>\
<<set _name to $useitem3.name>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.Vaccine < 1>>\
<<if (random(19) +1) + $PC.Fortitude + $InfectionResist.Fort + $FoodStatus.Fort < (10 + Math.round($Infestation.Progress / 2) )>>\
<<if $Infestation.Progress < 1>>\
<<set $Infestation.Progress to 1>>\
<<set $PC.Infestation to $PC.Infestation + random(10) +1>>\
<<if $PC.Infestation > $Infestation.Cap>>\
<<set $PC.Infestation to $Infestation.Cap>>\
<<set $Infestation.BruiseVariant to $Infestation.BruiseVariant + (random(10)+ 1) +5>>\
<<if $Infestation.BruiseVariant > $Infestation.BruiseCap>>\
<<set $Infestation.BruiseVariant to $Infestation.BruiseCap>>\
<<if $PC.Sex is "Female">>\
<<set $Infestation.FutaVariant to $Infestation.FutaVariant + (random(10)+ 1) +5>>\
<<if $Infestation.FutaVariant > $Infestation.FutaCap>>\
<<set $Infestation.FutaVariant to $Infestation.FutaCap>>\
<<if $PC.Sex is "Female" and $StatusAffect.Futa < 1 >>\
<<set _Status to "Futa">>\
<<set $PCChanges.Gender to "Soda">>\
<<elseif $StatusAffect.TinyDick > 0>>\
<<set _Status to "TinyDick">>\
<<elseif $StatusAffect.BigDick > (9 + ($MedicPath.Pharmacist*2))>>\
<<set _Status to "Too Much">>\
<<elseif $StatusAffect.BigDick > (6 + ($MedicPath.Pharmacist*2)) and $StatusAffect.BigDick < (10 + ($MedicPath.Pharmacist*2))>>\
<<set _Status to "Almost Too Much">>\
<<set _Status to "Good">>\
<<if $PC.DickSize > 9 and $PC.DickSize < 21>>\
<<set _Variation to "PlusOne">>\
<<elseif $PC.DickSize > 20>>\
<<set _Variation to "PlusZero">>\
<<set _Variation to "PlusFive">>\
<<switch _Status>>\
<<case "Futa">>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Futa to $StatusAffect.Futa+1>>\
<<set _FutaSize to Math.round($Infestation.FutaVariant / 25) +2>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.BigDick to $StatusAffect.BigDick +5 + _FutaSize>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Horny to $StatusAffect.Horny+1>>\
<<set $PC.HasDick to 1>>\
<<set $PC.DickSize to 9 + _FutaSize>>\
<<set $DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$PC.DickSize]>>\
<<set $DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$PC.DickSize]>>\
<<set $PC.BallsSize to 5 + _FutaSize>>\
<<set $BallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$PC.BallsSize]>>\
<<set $BallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$PC.BallsSize]>>\
<<if $Cum.Max < 21>>\
<<set $Cum.Max to $Cum.Max + 5 + _FutaSize>>\
<<set $Cum.Min to $Cum.Min + 5 + _FutaSize>>\
<<set $Cum.Stored to $Cum.Max>>\
<<set $CumAD to $arrayCumAmountDesc[$Cum.Stored]>>\
<<if $Infestation.FutaVariant < $Infestation.FutaCap>>\
<<set $Infestation.FutaVariant to $Infestation.FutaVariant + (random(19)+ 1) +5>>\
<<set $FutaTry to $FutaTry + 1>>\
<<set $lust to $lust + 10 - $LustResist.Complete>>\
<<if $lust < 0>>\
<<set $lust to 0>>\
Looking down at _name, you read the followng from the side of the can: _desc. Deciding to try it out you down $useitem3.name and it tastes like black grape and lime mixed soda. You quickly feel a strange sensation coming from your groin. Looking down you watch in awe as a $DickSD $DickSize penis quickly bursts out of you groin along with a pair of $BallsSD $BallsSize balls!
<<case "TinyDick">>\
<<set $PCChanges.DickGrowth to "Soda">>\
<<set $PC.DickSize to $PC.DickSize + $StatusAffect.TinyDick>>\
<<set $DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$PC.DickSize]>>\
<<set $DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$PC.DickSize]>>\
<<set $PC.BallsSize to $PC.BallsSize + $StatusAffect.TinyDick>>\
<<set $BallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$PC.BallsSize]>>\
<<set $BallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$PC.BallsSize]>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.TinyDick to 0>>\
Looking down at _name, you read the followng from the side of the can: _desc. Deciding to try it out you down the $useitem3.name and it tastes like black grape and lime mixed soda. Before long you feel a pleasant growing sensation coming from your dick along with some heat! Looking down you notice your cock is growing bigger and bigger! Eventually it slowly stops and you now have your original $DickSD $DickSize dick back along with $BallsSD $BallsSize balls! Unable to fully believe that your dick suddenly grew back to it's original size, you reach down to grab your enhanced $DickSize dick. It feels so thick and heavy in your hand you can't resist stroking it. You feel a drop of liquid lust ooze from the tip before you finally stop. Who wouldn't want to have a bigger Pecker too?
<<case "Too Much">>\
<<set $PCChanges.DickGrowth to "Soda">>\
<<set _DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$PC.DickSize]>>\
<<set _DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$PC.DickSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$PC.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$PC.BallsSize]>>\
<<set $PC.DickSize to $PC.MDickSize>>\
<<set $DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$PC.DickSize]>>\
<<set $DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$PC.DickSize]>>\
<<set $PC.BallsSize to $PC.MBallsSize>>\
<<set $BallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$PC.BallsSize]>>\
<<set $BallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$PC.BallsSize]>>\
<<set $Cum.Min to 1>>\
<<set $Cum.Max to 3 + $CharismaBonus>>\
<<if $Cum.Stored < $Cum.Min>>\
<<set $Cum.Stored to $Cum.Min>>\
Looking down at _name, you read the followng from the side of the can: _desc. Deciding to try it out you down $useitem3.name and it tastes like black grape and lime mixed soda. You quickly feel a strange noxious feeling come from your _DickSD dick. You start to feel a painful fluid dripping from your penis and within seconds it becomes a flood. To your astonishment gallons of carbonated cum floods out of your dick in what seems to be a never-ending stream. After a few minutes the flow of carbonated cum stops but to your dissapointment you find your once _DickSD is now a $DickSD $DickSize dick! Even your once _BallsSize balls have shrunk to $BallsSD $BallsSize size!
<<case "Almost Too Much">>\
<<switch _Variation>>\
<<case "PlusOne">>\
<<set $PCChanges.DickGrowth to "Soda">>\
<<set _DickBonus to Math.round($Infestation.BruiseVariant / 25)>>\
<<if (random(19)+ 1) + $StatusAffect.BigDick + _DickBonus + ($GeneralFeats.Transformer *2) < 25>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.BigDick to $StatusAffect.BigDick +1>>\
<<set $PC.DickSize =+ $PC.DickSize +1>>\
<<set $DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$PC.DickSize]>>\
<<set $DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$PC.DickSize]>>\
<<set $PC.BallsSize =+ $PC.BallsSize +1>>\
<<set $BallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$PC.BallsSize]>>\
<<set $BallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$PC.BallsSize]>>\
<<if $Cum.Max < 16>>\
<<set $Cum.Max to $Cum.Max +1>>\
<<set $Cum.Min to $Cum.Min +1>>\
<<set $Cum.Stored to $Cum.Max>>\
<<set $CumAD to $arrayCumAmountDesc[$Cum.Stored]>>\
Looking down at _name, you read the followng from the side of the can: _desc. Deciding to try it out you down $useitem3.name and it tastes like black grape and lime mixed soda. You slowly feel a growing sensation coming from your groin quickly chased by a noxious feeling coming from your stomach. You can't help but stop and puke out what seems to be carbonated cum! After a few moments it stops and you can take a moment to notice you now have a $DickSD $DickSize cock along with some $BallsSD $BallsSize balls! Maybe drinking too much $useitem3.name2 is a bad thing?
<<case "PlusFive">>\
<<if $PC.DickSize < 10>>\
<<set $PCChanges.DickGrowth to "Soda">>\
<<set $StatusAffect.BigDick to $StatusAffect.BigDick +3>>\
<<set $PC.DickSize =+ $PC.DickSize +5>>\
<<set $DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$PC.DickSize]>>\
<<set $DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$PC.DickSize]>>\
<<set $PC.BallsSize =+ $PC.BallsSize +5>>\
<<set $BallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$PC.BallsSize]>>\
<<set $BallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$PC.BallsSize]>>\
<<if $Cum.Max < 21>>\
<<set $Cum.Max to $Cum.Max +5>>\
<<set $Cum.Min to $Cum.Min +5>>\
<<set $Cum.Stored to $Cum.Max>>\
<<set $CumAD to $arrayCumAmountDesc[$Cum.Stored]>>\
Looking down at _name, you read the followng from the side of the can: _desc. Deciding to try it out you down $useitem3.name and it tastes like black grape and lime mixed soda. You slowly feel a growing sensation coming from your groin quickly chased by a chased by a noxious feeling coming from your stomach. You can't help but stop and puke out what seems to be carbonated cum! Looking down you notice your penis is growing and it almost looks it isn't going to stop! After a few moments it stops and you can take a moment to notice you now have a $DickSD $DickSize cock along with some $BallsSD $BallsSize balls! Maybe drinking too much $useitem3.name is a bad thing?
<<case "PlusZero">>\
You down the $useitem3.name but nothing happens! Maybe you need something stronger than $useitem3.name...
<<case "Good">>\
<<switch _Variation>>\
<<case "PlusOne">>\
<<set $PCChanges.DickGrowth to "Soda">>\
<<set _DickBonus to Math.round($Infestation.BruiseVariant / 25)>>\
<<if (random(19)+ 1) + $StatusAffect.BigDick + _DickBonus + ($GeneralFeats.Transformer *2) < 25>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.BigDick to $StatusAffect.BigDick +1>>\
<<set $PC.DickSize =+ $PC.DickSize +1>>\
<<set $DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$PC.DickSize]>>\
<<set $DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$PC.DickSize]>>\
<<set $PC.BallsSize =+ $PC.BallsSize +1>>\
<<set $BallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$PC.BallsSize]>>\
<<set $BallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$PC.BallsSize]>>\
<<if $Cum.Max < 16>>\
<<set $Cum.Max to $Cum.Max +1>>\
<<set $Cum.Min to $Cum.Min +1>>\
<<set $Cum.Stored to $Cum.Max>>\
<<set $CumAD to $arrayCumAmountDesc[$Cum.Stored]>>\
Looking down at _name, you read the followng from the side of the can: _desc. Deciding to try it out you down the $useitem3.name and it tastes like black grape and lime mixed soda. Before long you feel a pleasant growing sensation coming from your dick along with some heat! Looking down you notice your cock is growing bigger and bigger along with your balls! Eventually it slowly stops and you now have a $DickSD $DickSize dick with the extra benefit of $BallsSD $BallsSize balls! Unable to fully believe that your dick suddenly grew, you reach down to grab your enhanced $DickSize dick. It feels so thick and heavy in your hand you can't resist stroking it. You feel a drop of liquid lust ooze from the tip before you finally stop. Who wouldn't want to have a bigger Pecker too?
<<case "PlusFive">>\
<<set $PCChanges.DickGrowth to "Soda">>\
<<set $StatusAffect.BigDick to $StatusAffect.BigDick +3>>\
<<set $PC.DickSize =+ $PC.DickSize +5>>\
<<set $DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$PC.DickSize]>>\
<<set $DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$PC.DickSize]>>\
<<set $PC.BallsSize =+ $PC.BallsSize +5>>\
<<set $BallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$PC.BallsSize]>>\
<<set $BallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$PC.BallsSize]>>\
<<if $Cum.Max < 21>>\
<<set $Cum.Max to $Cum.Max +5>>\
<<set $Cum.Min to $Cum.Min +5>>\
<<set $Cum.Stored to $Cum.Max>>\
<<set $CumAD to $arrayCumAmountDesc[$Cum.Stored]>>\
<<set $lust to $lust + 10 - $LustResist.Complete>>\
<<if $lust < 0>>\
<<set $lust to 0>>\
Looking down at _name, you read the followng from the side of the can: _desc. Deciding to try it out you down the $useitem3.name and it tastes like black grape and lime mixed soda. You quickly feel a rapid growing sensation coming from your groin. Looking down you notice your penis is growing and it almost looks it isn't going to stop! Eventually the growth slows leaving you with a $DickSD $DickSize cock along with some $BallsSD $BallsSize balls! Unable to fully believe that your dick suddenly grew, you reach down to grab your enhanced $DickSize dick. It feels so thick and heavy in your hand you can't resist stroking it. You feel a drop of liquid lust ooze from the tip before you finally stop. Who wouldn't want to have a monster Pecker too?
<<case "PlusZero">>\
You down the $useitem3.name but nothing happens! Maybe you need something stronger than a $useitem3.name...
<</switch>>\<img src="Images/Items/DrPecker.jpg" />
<<set _desc to $useitem3.description>>\
<<set _name to $useitem3.name>>\
<<if $PC.Sex is "Female" and $StatusAffect.Futa > 0 >>\
<<set _Status to "Futa">>\
<<elseif $StatusAffect.BigDick > 0>>\
<<set _Status to "Big Dick">>\
<<elseif $PC.DickSize > $PC.MDickSize>>\
<<set _Status to "Dick">>\
<<set _Status to "None">>\
<<switch _Status>>\
<<case "Futa">>\
<<set $Infestation.FutaVariant to $Infestation.FutaVariant - (random(5) +1)>>\
<<if $Infestation.FutaVariant < 0>>\
<<set $Infestation.FutaVariant to 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Futa to 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.BigDick to 0>>\
<<set _ODickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$PC.DickSize]>>\
<<set _ODickSize to $arrayDickSize[$PC.DickSize]>>\
<<set _OBallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$PC.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _OBallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$PC.BallsSize]>>\
<<set $PC.HasDick to 0>>\
<<set $PC.DickSize to 0>>\
<<set $PC.BallsSize to 0>>\
<<set $DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$PC.DickSize]>>\
<<set $DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$PC.DickSize]>>\
<<set $BallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$PC.BallsSize]>>\
<<set $BallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$PC.BallsSize]>>\
<<set $Cum.Max to $Cum.Max - 1>>\
<<set $Cum.Min to $Cum.Min - 1>>\
Looking down at _name, you read the followng from the side of the can: _desc. Deciding to try it out you down $useitem3.name and it tastes like red grape and lime mixed juice. You feel a strange sensation before your _ODickSD _ODickSize girl-dick slowly start to shrink! Even your _OBallsSD _OBallsSize balls are shrinking as well. Before long your girl-dick disappears along with your balls leaving you now purely $PC.Sex.
<<case "Big Dick">>\
<<set $PCChanges.DickShrink to "Soda">>\
<<set _Size to $StatusAffect.BigDick>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.BigDick to 0>>\
<<set _ODickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$PC.DickSize]>>\
<<set _ODickSize to $arrayDickSize[$PC.DickSize]>>\
<<set _OBallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$PC.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _OBallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$PC.BallsSize]>>\
<<set $PC.DickSize to $PC.DickSize - _Size>>\
<<set $DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$PC.DickSize]>>\
<<set $DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$PC.DickSize]>>\
<<set $PC.BallsSize to $PC.BallsSize - _Size>>\
<<set $BallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$PC.BallsSize]>>\
<<set $BallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$PC.BallsSize]>>\
<<if $Cum.Max > 11>>\
<<set $Cum.Max to $Cum.Max - _Size>>\
<<set $Cum.Min to $Cum.Min - _Size>>\
<<set $Cum.Stored to $Cum.Min>>\
<<set $CumAD to $arrayCumAmountDesc[$Cum.Stored]>>\
Looking down at _name, you read the followng from the side of the can: _desc. Deciding to try it out you down $useitem3.name and it tastes like red grape and lime mixed juice. You feel a strange sensation before your _ODickSD _ODickSize dick quickly starts to shrink! Even your _OBallsSD _OBallsSize balls are shrinking as well. Before long your penis shrinks down to a $DickSD $DickSize dick with your balls being $BallsSD $BallsSize!
<<case "Dick">>\
<<set $PCChanges.DickShrink to "Soda">>\
<<set _ODickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$PC.DickSize]>>\
<<set _ODickSize to $arrayDickSize[$PC.DickSize]>>\
<<set _OBallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$PC.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _OBallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$PC.BallsSize]>>\
<<set $PC.DickSize to $PC.DickSize -1>>\
<<set $DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$PC.DickSize]>>\
<<set $DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$PC.DickSize]>>\
<<set $PC.BallsSize to $PC.BallsSize -1>>\
<<set $BallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$PC.BallsSize]>>\
<<set $BallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$PC.BallsSize]>>\
<<if $Cum.Max > 11>>\
<<set $Cum.Max to $Cum.Max -1>>\
<<set $Cum.Min to $Cum.Min -1>>\
<<set $Cum.Stored to $Cum.Min>>\
<<set $CumAD to $arrayCumAmountDesc[$Cum.Stored]>>\
Looking down at _name, you read the followng from the side of the can: _desc. Deciding to try it out you down $useitem3.name and it tastes like red grape and lime mixed juice. You feel a strange sensation before your _ODickSD _ODickSize dick slowly starts to shrink! Even your _OBallsSD _OBallsSize balls are shrinking as well. Before long your penis shrinks down to a $DickSD $DickSize dick with your balls being $BallsSD $BallsSize!
After downing $useitem3.name you feel nothing change. Maybe you need something else for this to have an affect?
<</switch>>\ <img src="Images/Items/MilkShakeJugs.jpg" />
<<set _desc to $useitem3.description>>\
<<set _name to $useitem3.name>>\
<<set _BreastSD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _BreastsSize to $arrayBreastSize[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.Vaccine < 1>>\
<<if (random(19) +1) + $PC.Fortitude + $InfectionResist.Fort + $FoodStatus.Fort < (15 + Math.round($Infestation.Progress / 2) )>>\
<<if $Infestation.Progress < 1>>\
<<set $Infestation.Progress to 1>>\
<<set $PC.Infestation to $PC.Infestation + random(5) +1>>\
<<set $Infestation.MilkVariant to $Infestation.MilkVariant + random(5) +1>>\
<<if $Infestation.MilkVariant > $Infestation.MilkCap>>\
<<set $Infestation.MilkVariant to $Infestation.MilkCap>>\
<<if $PC.Sex is "Male">>\
<<set $Infestation.FutaVariant to $Infestation.FutaVariant + random(5) +1>>\
<<if $Infestation.FutaVariant > $Infestation.FutaCap>>\
<<set $Infestation.FutaVariant to $Infestation.FutaCap>>\
<<if $PC.Infestation > $Infestation.Cap>>\
<<set $PC.Infestation to $Infestation.Cap>>\
<<if $PC.Sex is "Male" and $StatusAffect.Futa < 1 >>\
<<set _Status to "Futa">>\
<<set $PCChanges.Gender to "Soda">>\
<<if $StatusAffect.BigTits > (6 + ($MedicPath.Pharmacist*2))>>\
<<set _Status to "Too Much">>\
<<elseif $StatusAffect.BigTits > (4 + ($MedicPath.Pharmacist*2)) and $StatusAffect.BigTits < (7 + ($MedicPath.Pharmacist*2))>>\
<<set _Status to "Almost Too Much">>\
<<set _Status to "Good">>\
<<if $PC.BreastsSize > 9>>\
<<set _Variation to "PlusZero">>\
<<set _Variation to "PlusOne">>\
<<switch _Status>>\
<<case "Futa">>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Futa to $StatusAffect.Futa +1>>\
<<set _FutaSize to Math.round($Infestation.MilkVariant / 25)>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.BigTits to $StatusAffect.BigTits +1 + _FutaSize>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Horny to $StatusAffect.Horny +1>>\
<<set $PC.HasPussy to 1>>\
<<set $PC.BreastsSize to 1 + _FutaSize>>\
<<set $PC.NippleSize to 1 + _FutaSize>>\
<<set $BreastSD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set $BreastsSize to $arrayBreastSize[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set $NippleSize to $arrayNippleSize[$PC.NippleSize]>>\
<<set $Infestation.FutaVariant to $Infestation.FutaVariant + random(5) +1>>\
<<set $FutaTry to $FutaTry + 1>>\
<<set $PC.MMBreastsSize to $PC.BreastsSize>>\
<<set $Milk.Max to $Milk.Max + 2>>\
<<set $GCum.Max to $GCum.Max + 5>>\
<<set $GCum.Min to $GCum.Min + 1>>\
<<set $GCum.Stored to $GCum.Max>>\
<<set $GCumAD to $arrayGCumAmountDesc[$Cum.Stored]>>\
<<set $lust to $lust + 10 - $LustResist.Complete>>\
<<if $lust < 0>>\
<<set $lust to 0>>\
You down the $useitem3.name and it tastes like watermelon flavored milk. You quickly feel a strange feeling coming from below your balls. Looking down you notice your previously flat chest has a bit more heft to it. Reaching up you cup your now $BreastSD $BreastsSize breasts which feels so sensitive it makes your dick hard but more importantly you feel something wetten beneath your balls. Reaching down you discover you now have a pussy!
<<case "Too Much">>\
<<set $StatusAffect.BigTits to 0>>\
<<set $PCChanges.BreastsShrink to "Soda">>\
<<set _BreastSD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _BreastsSize to $arrayBreastSize[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set $PC.BreastsSize to $PC.MBreastsSize>>\
<<set $PC.NippleSize to $PC.MBreastsSize>>\
<<set $PC.MMBreastsSize to $PC.BreastsSize>>\
<<set $Milk.Max to $PC.BreastsSize + $CharismaBonus + $Infestation.Progress + ($Infestation.MilkProgress *4)>>\
<<set $Milk.Min to $PC.BreastsSize>>\
<<set $BreastSD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set $BreastsSize to $arrayBreastSize[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set $NippleSize to $arrayNippleSize[$PC.NippleSize]>>\
You down the $useitem3.name and it tastes like watermelon flavored milk. You quickly feel a strange noxious feeling come from your $BreastSD breasts. You start to feel a painful fluid dripping from your tits and within seconds it becomes a flood. To your astonishment gallons of pink carbonated milk spew from your breasts in what seems to be a never-ending stream. After a few minutes the flow of carbonated milk stops but to your dissapointment you find your once _BreastSD _BreastsSize breasts are now $BreastSD $BreastsSize!
<<case "Almost Too Much">>\
<<switch _Variation>>\
<<case "PlusOne">>\
<<set $PCChanges.BreastsGrowth to "Soda">>\
<<set _BreastsBonus to Math.round($Infestation.MilkVariant / 25)>>\
<<if (random(19)+ 1) + $StatusAffect.BigTits + _BreastsBonus + ($GeneralFeats.Transformer *2) < 25>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.BigTits to $StatusAffect.BigTits +1>>\
<<set $PC.MMBreastsSize to $PC.MMBreastsSize+1>>\
<<set $PC.BreastsSize =+ $PC.BreastsSize +1>>\
<<set $PC.NippleSize =+ $PC.NippleSize +1>>\
<<set $Milk.Max to $Milk.Max +1>>\
<<set $BreastSD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set $BreastsSize to $arrayBreastSize[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set $NippleSize to $arrayNippleSize[$PC.NippleSize]>>\
<<set $lust to $lust + 10 - $LustResist.Complete>>\
<<if $lust < 0>>\
<<set $lust to 0>>\
You down the $useitem3.name and it tastes like watermelon flavored milk. You quickly feel a stretching sensation from your breasts which is chased by a noxious feeling coming from your stomach. You can't help but stop and puke out what seems to be pink carbonated milk! After a few moments it stops and you can take a moment to notice you now have $BreastSD $BreastsSize jugs! Maybe drinking too much $useitem3.name is a bad thing?
<<case "PlusZero">>\
You down the $useitem3.name but nothing happens! Maybe you need something stronger than a $useitem3.name...
<<case "Good">>\
<<switch _Variation>>\
<<case "PlusOne">>\
<<set $PCChanges.BreastsGrowth to "Soda">>\
<<set _BreastsBonus to Math.round($Infestation.MilkVariant / 25)>>\
<<if (random(19)+ 1) + $StatusAffect.BigTits + _BreastsBonus + ($GeneralFeats.Transformer *2) < 21>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.BigTits to $StatusAffect.BigTits +1>>\
<<set $PC.MMBreastsSize to $PC.MMBreastsSize+1>>\
<<set $PC.BreastsSize =+ $PC.BreastsSize +1>>\
<<set $PC.NippleSize =+ $PC.NippleSize +1>>\
<<set $Milk.Max to $Milk.Max +1>>\
<<set $BreastSD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set $BreastsSize to $arrayBreastSize[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set $NippleSize to $arrayNippleSize[$PC.NippleSize]>>\
<<set $lust to $lust + 10 - $LustResist.Complete>>\
<<if $lust < 0>>\
<<set $lust to 0>>\
You down the $useitem3.name and it tastes like watermelon flavored milk. It doesn't take long before you feel a pleasant stretching sensation coming from your chest along with some heat! Looking down you notice your _BreastSD _BreastsSize breasts are growing larger and heavier! Eventually it slowly stops and you now have $BreastSD $BreastsSize jugs!
  Unable to fully believe that you suddenly grew a whopping pair of $BreastsSize tits you reach up to grab them. They feel so heavy in your hands and you can feel your $NippleSize nipples poking out between your fingers. You can feel your pussy wetten from the pleasure of exploring your upgraded $BreastSD breasts. Now all the kids will want to come to your yard!
<<case "PlusZero">>\
You down the $useitem3.name but nothing happens! Maybe you need something stronger than a $useitem3.name...
<<include "Profile Update">>\<img src="Images/Items/MilkShakeJugs.jpg" />
<<set _desc to $useitem3.description>>\
<<set _name to $useitem3.name>>\
<<set _BreastSD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _BreastsSize to $arrayBreastSize[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.Vaccine < 1>>\
<<if (random(19) +1) + $PC.Fortitude + $InfectionResist.Fort + $FoodStatus.Fort < (17 + Math.round($Infestation.Progress / 2) )>>\
<<if $Infestation.Progress < 1>>\
<<set $Infestation.Progress to 1>>\
<<set $PC.Infestation to $PC.Infestation + random(10) +1>>\
<<set $Infestation.MilkVariant to $Infestation.MilkVariant + (random(10)+ 1) +5>>\
<<if $Infestation.MilkVariant > $Infestation.MilkCap>>\
<<set $Infestation.MilkVariant to $Infestation.MilkCap>>\
<<if $PC.Sex is "Male">>\
<<set $Infestation.FutaVariant to $Infestation.FutaVariant + random(10) +1>>\
<<if $Infestation.FutaVariant > $Infestation.FutaCap>>\
<<set $Infestation.FutaVariant to $Infestation.FutaCap>>\
<<if $PC.Infestation > $Infestation.Cap>>\
<<set $PC.Infestation to $Infestation.Cap>>\
<<if $PC.Sex is "Male" and $StatusAffect.Futa < 1 >>\
<<set _Status to "Futa">>\
<<elseif $StatusAffect.BigTits > (9 + ($MedicPath.Pharmacist*2))>>\
<<set _Status to "Too Much">>\
<<elseif $StatusAffect.BigTits > (6 + ($MedicPath.Pharmacist*2)) and $StatusAffect.BigTits < (10 + ($MedicPath.Pharmacist*2))>>\
<<set _Status to "Almost Too Much">>\
<<set _Status to "Good">>\
<<if $PC.BreastsSize > 9 and $PC.BreastsSize < 21>>\
<<set _Variation to "PlusOne">>\
<<elseif $PC.BreastsSize > 20>>\
<<set _Variation to "PlusZero">>\
<<set _Variation to "PlusFive">>\
<<switch _Status>>\
<<case "Futa">>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Futa to $StatusAffect.Futa+1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.BigTits to $StatusAffect.BigTits +5>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Horny to $StatusAffect.Horny+1>>\
<<set $PC.HasPussy to 1>>\
<<set $PC.BreastsSize to 5>>\
<<set $PC.NippleSize to 5>>\
<<set $BreastSD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set $BreastsSize to $arrayBreastSize[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set $NippleSize to $arrayNippleSize[$PC.NippleSize]>>\
<<set $Infestation.FutaVariant to $Infestation.FutaVariant + random(5) +1>>\
<<set $FutaTry to $FutaTry + 1>>\
<<set $PC.MMBreastsSize to $PC.BreastsSize>>\
<<set $Milk.Max to $Milk.Max + 2>>\
<<if $GCum.Max < 16>>\
<<set $GCum.Max to $GCum.Max + 5>>\
<<set $GCum.Min to $GCum.Min + 1>>\
<<set $GCum.Stored to $GCum.Max>>\
<<set $GCumAD to $arrayGCumAmountDesc[$Cum.Stored]>>\
<<set $lust to $lust + 10>>\
Looking down at _name, you read the followng from the side of the can: _desc. Deciding to try it out you down the $useitem3.name and it tastes like watermelon flavored milk. You quickly feel a strange feeling coming from below your balls along with a stretching sensation from your chest. Looking down you notice your previously flat chest has a alot more heft to it and it keeps getting bigger! Reaching up you cup your now $BreastSD $BreastsSize breasts which feels so sensitive it makes your dick hard but more importantly you feel something wetten beneath your balls. Reaching down you discover you now have a pussy!
<<case "Too Much">>\
<<set $StatusAffect.BigTits to 0>>\
<<set $PCChanges.BreastsShrink to "Soda">>\
<<set _BreastSD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _BreastsSize to $arrayBreastSize[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set $PC.BreastsSize to $PC.MBreastsSize>>\
<<set $PC.NippleSize to $PC.MBreastsSize>>\
<<set $PC.MMBreastsSize to $PC.BreastsSize>>\
<<set $Milk.Max to $PC.BreastsSize + $CharismaBonus + $Infestation.Progress + ($Infestation.MilkProgress *4)>>\
<<set $Milk.Min to $PC.BreastsSize>>\
<<set $BreastSD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set $BreastsSize to $arrayBreastSize[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set $NippleSize to $arrayNippleSize[$PC.NippleSize]>>\
Looking down at _name, you read the followng from the side of the can: _desc. Deciding to try it out you down the $useitem3.name and it tastes like watermelon flavored milk. You quickly feel a strange noxious feeling come from your $BreastSD breasts. You start to feel a painful fluid dripping from your tits and within seconds it becomes a flood. To your astonishment gallons of pink carbonated milk spew from your breasts in what seems to be a never-ending stream. After a few minutes the flow of carbonated milk stops but to your dissapointment you find your once _BreastSD _BreastsSize breasts are now $BreastSD $BreastsSize
<<case "Almost Too Much">>\
<<switch _Variation>>\
<<case "PlusFive">>\
<<set $StatusAffect.BigTits to $StatusAffect.BigTits +3>>\
<<set $PC.MMBreastsSize to $PC.MMBreastsSize+2>>\
<<set $PCChanges.BreastsGrowth to "Soda">>\
<<set _BreastSD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _BreastsSize to $arrayBreastSize[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set $PC.BreastsSize =+ $PC.BreastsSize +5>>\
<<set $PC.NippleSize =+ $PC.NippleSize +5>>\
<<set $Milk.Max to $Milk.Max + 5>>\
<<set $BreastSD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set $BreastsSize to $arrayBreastSize[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set $NippleSize to $arrayNippleSize[$PC.NippleSize]>>\
Looking down at _name, you read the followng from the side of the can: _desc. Deciding to try it out you down the $useitem3.name and it tastes like watermelon flavored milk. You quickly feel a stretching sensation from your breasts which is chased by a noxious feeling coming from your stomach. You can't help but stop and puke out what seems to be pink carbonated milk! Looking down you notice your _BreastSD breasts are growing and it almost looks it isn't going to stop! After a few moments it slows to a stop and you can take a moment to notice you now have $BreastSD $BreastsSize jugs! Maybe drinking too much Milkshake Jugs X-Treme is a bad thing?
<<case "PlusOne">>\
<<set _BreastsBonus to Math.round($Infestation.MilkVariant / 25)>>\
<<if (random(19)+ 1) + $StatusAffect.BigTits + _BreastsBonus + ($GeneralFeats.Transformer *2) < 25>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.BigTits to $StatusAffect.BigTits +1>>\
<<set $PC.MMBreastsSize to $PC.MMBreastsSize+1>>\
<<set $PCChanges.BreastsGrowth to "Soda">>\
<<set $PC.BreastsSize =+ $PC.BreastsSize +1>>\
<<set $PC.NippleSize =+ $PC.NippleSize +1>>\
<<set $Milk.Max to $Milk.Max + 1>>\
<<set $BreastSD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set $BreastsSize to $arrayBreastSize[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set $NippleSize to $arrayNippleSize[$PC.NippleSize]>>\
Looking down at _name, you read the followng from the side of the can: _desc. Deciding to try it out you down the $useitem3.name and it tastes like watermelon flavored milk. Before long you feel a stretching sensation from your breasts which is chased by a noxious feeling coming from your stomach. You can't help but stop and puke out what seems to be pink carbonated milk! After a few moments it stops and you can take a moment to notice you now have $BreastSD $BreastsSize jugs! Maybe drinking too much $useitem3.name is a bad thing?
<<case "PlusZero">>\
You down the $useitem3.name but nothing happens! Maybe you need something stronger than a $useitem3.name...
<<case "Good">>\
<<switch _Variation>>\
<<case "PlusFive">>\
<<set $StatusAffect.BigTits to $StatusAffect.BigTits +3>>\
<<set $PC.MMBreastsSize to $PC.MMBreastsSize+2>>\
<<set $PCChanges.BreastsGrowth to "Soda">>\
<<set $PC.BreastsSize =+ $PC.BreastsSize +5>>\
<<set $PC.NippleSize =+ $PC.NippleSize +5>>\
<<set $BreastSD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set $BreastsSize to $arrayBreastSize[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set $NippleSize to $arrayNippleSize[$PC.NippleSize]>>\
<<set $lust to $lust + 10 - $LustResist.Complete>>\
<<set $Milk.Max to $Milk.Max + 5>>\
<<if $lust < 0>>\
<<set $lust to 0>>\
Looking down at _name, you read the followng from the side of the can: _desc. Deciding to try it out you down the $useitem3.name and it tastes like watermelon flavored milk. It doesn't take long before you feel a pleasant stretching sensation coming from your chest along with some heat! Looking down you notice your _BreastSD _BreastsSize breasts are growing larger and heavier! Eventually it slowly stops and you now have $BreastSD $BreastsSize jugs!
  Unable to fully believe that you suddenly grew a whopping pair of $BreastsSize tits you reach up to grab them. They feel so heavy in your hands and you can feel your $NippleSize nipples poking out between your fingers. You can feel your pussy wetten from the pleasure of exploring your upgraded $BreastSD breasts. Now all the kids will want to come to your yard!
<<case "PlusOne">>\
<<set _BreastsBonus to Math.round($Infestation.MilkVariant / 25)>>\
<<if (random(19)+ 1) + $StatusAffect.BigTits + _BreastsBonus + ($GeneralFeats.Transformer *2) < 21>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.BigTits to $StatusAffect.BigTits +1>>\
<<set $PC.MMBreastsSize to $PC.MMBreastsSize+1>>\
<<set $PCChanges.BreastsGrowth to "Soda">>\
<<set $PC.BreastsSize =+ $PC.BreastsSize +1>>\
<<set $PC.NippleSize =+ $PC.NippleSize +1>>\
<<set $BreastSD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set $BreastsSize to $arrayBreastSize[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set $NippleSize to $arrayNippleSize[$PC.NippleSize]>>\
<<set $PC.MMBreastsSize to $PC.BreastsSize>>\
<<set $Milk.Max to $Milk.Max + 1>>\
<<set $lust to $lust + 10 - $LustResist.Complete>>\
<<if $lust < 0>>\
<<set $lust to 0>>\
Looking down at _name, you read the followng from the side of the can: _desc. Deciding to try it out you down the $useitem3.name and it tastes like watermelon flavored milk. It doesn't take long before you feel a pleasant stretching sensation coming from your chest along with some heat! Looking down you notice your _BreastSD _BreastsSize breasts are growing larger and heavier! Eventually it slowly stops and you now have $BreastSD $BreastsSize jugs!
  Unable to fully believe that you suddenly grew a whopping pair of $BreastsSize tits you reach up to grab them. They feel so heavy in your hands and you can feel your $NippleSize nipples poking out between your fingers. You can feel your pussy wetten from the pleasure of exploring your upgraded $BreastSD breasts. Now all the kids will want to come to your yard!
<<case "PlusZero">>\
You down the $useitem3.name but nothing happens! Maybe you need something stronger than a $useitem3.name...
<<include "Profile Update">>\<img src="Images/Items/MilkShakeJugs.jpg" />
<<set _desc to $useitem3.description>>\
<<set _name to $useitem3.name>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.Vaccine < 1>>\
<<if (random(19) +1) + $PC.Fortitude + $InfectionResist.Fort + $FoodStatus.Fort < (11 + Math.round($Infestation.Progress / 2) )>>\
<<if $Infestation.Progress < 1>>\
<<set $Infestation.Progress to 1>>\
<<set $PC.Infestation to $PC.Infestation + random(2) +1>>\
<<set $Infestation.MilkVariant to $Infestation.MilkVariant + random(2) +1>>\
<<if $Infestation.MilkVariant > $Infestation.MilkCap>>\
<<set $Infestation.MilkVariant to $Infestation.MilkCap>>\
<<if $PC.Infestation > $Infestation.Cap>>\
<<set $PC.Infestation to $Infestation.Cap>>\
<<if $PC.Sex is "Male" and $StatusAffect.Futa > 0 >>\
<<set _Status to "Futa">>\
<<elseif $StatusAffect.BigTits > 0>>\
<<set _Status to "Big Tits">>\
<<elseif $PC.BreastsSize > $PC.MBreastsSize +1>>\
<<set _Status to "Tits">>\
<<set _Status to "None">>\
<<switch _Status>>\
<<case "Futa">>\
<<set $Infestation.FutaVariant to $Infestation.FutaVariant - (random(5) +1)>>\
<<if $Infestation.FutaVariant < 0>>\
<<set $Infestation.FutaVariant to 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Futa to 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.BigTits to 0>>\
<<set _BreastSD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _BreastsSize to $arrayBreastSize[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _NippleSize to $arrayNippleSize[$PC.NippleSize]>>\
<<set $PC.HasPussy to 0>>\
<<set $PC.BreastsSize to 0>>\
<<set $PC.NippleSize to 0>>\
<<set $PC.MMBreastsSize to $PC.BreastsSize>>\
<<set $Milk.Max to $Milk.Max - 2>>\
<<set $Milk.Min to $Milk.Min - 1>>\
<<set $BreastSD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set $BreastsSize to $arrayBreastSize[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set $NippleSize to $arrayNippleSize[$PC.NippleSize]>>\
Looking down at _name, you read the followng from the side of the can: _desc. Deciding to try it out you decide to down $useitem3.name. You suddenly feel your _BreastSD _BreastsSize breasts slowly start to shrink while your pussy slowly starts to seal up! Even your _NippleSize nipples are flattening out as your futa features start to fade away. Before long your breasts become normal pecs while your girl-pussy seals up as well leaving you as a $PC.Sex.
<<case "Big Tits">>\
<<set $PCChanges.BreastsShrink to "Soda">>\
<<set _Size to $StatusAffect.BigTits>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.BigTits to 0>>\
<<set _BreastSD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _BreastsSize to $arrayBreastSize[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _NippleSize to $arrayNippleSize[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set $PC.BreastsSize to $PC.BreastsSize - _Size>>\
<<set $Milk.Max to $Milk.Max - 1>>\
<<set $BreastSD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set $BreastsSize to $arrayBreastSize[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set $PC.NippleSize to $PC.NippleSize - _Size>>\
<<set $NippleSize to $arrayNippleSize[$PC.NippleSize]>>\
Looking down at _name, you read the followng from the side of the can: _desc. Deciding to try it out you decide to down $useitem3.name. After downing $useitem3.name you feel your _BreastSD _BreastsSize breasts start to quickly shrink! Even your __NippleSize nipples are shrinking as well. Before long your breasts flatten down to a $BreastSD $BreastsSize jugs with your nipples being $NippleSize long!
<<case "Tits">>\
<<set $PCChanges.BreastsShrink to "Soda">>\
<<set _BreastSD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _BreastsSize to $arrayBreastSize[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _NippleSize to $arrayNippleSize[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set $PC.BreastsSize to $PC.BreastsSize - 1>>\
<<set $Milk.Max to $Milk.Max -1>>\
<<set $BreastSD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set $BreastsSize to $arrayBreastSize[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set $PC.NippleSize to $PC.NippleSize - 1>>\
<<set $NippleSize to $arrayNippleSize[$PC.NippleSize]>>\
Looking down at _name, you read the followng from the side of the can: _desc. Deciding to try it out you decide to down $useitem3.name. After downing $useitem3.name you feel your _BreastSD _BreastsSize breasts start to quickly shrink! Even your __NippleSize nipples are shrinking as well. Before long your breasts flatten down to a $BreastSD $BreastsSize jugs with your nipples being $NippleSize long!
Looking down at _name, you read the followng from the side of the can: _desc. Deciding to try it out you decide to down $useitem3.name. After downing $useitem3.name you feel nothing. Maybe you need something else for this to have an affect?
<<include "Profile Update">>\<img src="Images/Items/JunkTrunk.jpg" />
<<set _desc to $useitem3.description>>\
<<set _name to $useitem3.name>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.Vaccine < 1>>\
<<if (random(19) +1) + $PC.Fortitude + $InfectionResist.Fort + $FoodStatus.Fort < (15 + Math.round($Infestation.Progress / 2) )>>\
<<if $Infestation.Progress < 1>>\
<<set $Infestation.Progress to 1>>\
<<set $PC.Infestation to $PC.Infestation + random(5) +1>>\
<<set $Infestation.JunkVariant to $Infestation.JunkVariant + random(5) +1>>\
<<if $Infestation.JunkVariant > $Infestation.JunkCap>>\
<<set $Infestation.JunkVariant to $Infestation.JunkCap>>\
<<if $PC.Infestation > $Infestation.Cap>>\
<<set $PC.Infestation to $Infestation.Cap>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.BigAss > (7 + ($MedicPath.Pharmacist*2))>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.BigAss to 0>>\
<<set $PCChanges.AssShrink to "Soda">>\
<<set _AssSize to $arrayAssSizeDesc[$PC.AssSize]>>\
<<set $PC.AssSize to $PC.MAssSize>>\
<<set $AssSize to $arrayAssSizeDesc[$PC.AssSize]>>\
Looking down at _name, you read the followng from the side of the can: _desc. Deciding to try it out you down the $useitem3.name and quickly feel a strange noxious feeling come from your $AssSize ass. You start to feel a painful fluid dripping from your ass and within seconds it becomes a flood. To your astonishment gallons of carbonated caramel spew from your ass in what seems to be a never-ending stream. After a few minutes the flow of carbonated caramel stops but to your dissapointment you find your once _AssSize ass is now $AssSize!
<<elseif $StatusAffect.BigAss > (4 + ($MedicPath.Pharmacist*2)) and $StatusAffect.BigAss < (7 + ($MedicPath.Pharmacist*2))>>\
<<set $PCChanges.AssGrowth to "Soda">>\
<<set _AssBonus to Math.round($Infestation.JunkVariant / 25)>>\
<<if (random(19)+ 1) + $StatusAffect.BigAss + _AssBonus + ($GeneralFeats.Transformer *2) < 25>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.BigAss to $StatusAffect.BigAss +1>>\
<<set $PC.AssSize =+ $PC.AssSize+1>>\
<<set $AssSize to $arrayAssSizeDesc[$PC.AssSize]>>\
Looking down at _name, you read the followng from the side of the can: _desc. Deciding to try it out you down the $useitem3.name and quickly feel a stretching sensation from your ass which is chased by a noxious feeling coming from your stomach. You can't help but stop and puke out what seems to be carbonated caramel! After a few moments it stops and you can take a moment to notice you now have a $AssSize ass! Maybe drinking too much $useitem3.name is a bad thing?
<<set $PCChanges.AssGrowth to "Soda">>\
<<set _AssBonus to Math.round($Infestation.JunkVariant / 25)>>\
<<if (random(19)+ 1) + $StatusAffect.BigAss + _AssBonus + ($GeneralFeats.Transformer *2) < 21>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.BigAss to $StatusAffect.BigAss +1>>\
<<set $PC.AssSize =+ $PC.AssSize+1>>\
<<set $AssSize to $arrayAssSizeDesc[$PC.AssSize]>>\
Looking down at _name, you read the followng from the side of the can: _desc. Deciding to try it out you down the $useitem3.name and quickly feel a pleasurable stretching sensation coming from your ass. Looking behind you notice your ass is growing larger! Eventually it slowly stops and now you have a $AssSize ass! Now it's time to shake that junk in your trunk!
<img src="Images/Items/JunkTrunk.jpg" />
<<set _desc to $useitem3.description>>\
<<set _name to $useitem3.name>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.Vaccine < 1>>\
<<if (random(19) +1) + $PC.Fortitude + $InfectionResist.Fort + $FoodStatus.Fort < (15 + Math.round($Infestation.Progress / 2) )>>\
<<if $Infestation.Progress < 1>>\
<<set $Infestation.Progress to 1>>\
<<set $PC.Infestation to $PC.Infestation + random(5) +1>>\
<<set $Infestation.JunkVariant to $Infestation.JunkVariant + random(2) +1>>\
<<if $Infestation.JunkVariant > $Infestation.JunkCap>>\
<<set $Infestation.JunkVariant to $Infestation.JunkCap>>\
<<if $PC.Infestation > $Infestation.Cap>>\
<<set $PC.Infestation to $Infestation.Cap>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.BigAss > 0>>\
<<set _Status to "Big Ass">>\
<<elseif $PC.AssSize > $PC.MAssSize +1>>\
<<set _Status to "Ass">>\
<<set _Status to "None">>\
<<case "Big Ass">>\
<<set $PCChanges.AssShrink to "Soda">>\
<<set _Size to $StatusAffect.BigAss>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.BigAss to 0>>\
<<set _AssSize to $arrayAssSizeDesc[$PC.AssSize]>>\
<<set $PC.AssSize to $PC.AssSize - _Size>>\
<<set $AssSize to $arrayAssSizeDesc[$PC.AssSize]>>\
Looking down at _name, you read the followng from the side of the can: _desc. Deciding to try it out you down $useitem3.name and you suddenly feel your _AssSize ass start to quickly shrink! Before long your ass shrinks down to a _AssSize jugs ass wih no hint of any junk in your trunk!
<<case "Ass">>\
<<set $PCChanges.AssShrink to "Soda">>\
<<set _AssSize to $arrayAssSizeDesc[$PC.AssSize]>>\
<<set $PC.AssSize to $PC.AssSize - 1>>\
<<set $AssSize to $arrayAssSizeDesc[$PC.AssSize]>>\
Looking down at _name, you read the followng from the side of the can: _desc. Deciding to try it out you down $useitem3.name and you suddenly feel your _AssSize ass start to quickly shrink! Before long your ass shrinks down to a _AssSize jugs ass wih a bit less junk in your trunk!
<</switch>>\<img src="Images/Items/JunkTrunk.jpg" />
<<set _desc to $useitem3.description>>\
<<set _name to $useitem3.name>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.Vaccine < 1>>\
<<if (random(19) +1) + $PC.Fortitude + $InfectionResist.Fort + $FoodStatus.Fort < (17 + Math.round($Infestation.Progress / 2) )>>\
<<if $Infestation.Progress < 1>>\
<<set $Infestation.Progress to 1>>\
<<set $PC.Infestation to $PC.Infestation + random(10) +1>>\
<<set $Infestation.JunkVariant to $Infestation.JunkVariant + random(10) +1>>\
<<if $Infestation.JunkVariant > $Infestation.JunkCap>>\
<<set $Infestation.JunkVariant to $Infestation.JunkCap>>\
<<if $PC.Infestation > $Infestation.Cap>>\
<<set $PC.Infestation to $Infestation.Cap>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.BigAss > (9 + ($MedicPath.Pharmacist*2))>>\
<<set _Status to "Too Much">>\
<<elseif $StatusAffect.BigAss > (6 + ($MedicPath.Pharmacist*2)) and $StatusAffect.BigAss < (10 + ($MedicPath.Pharmacist*2))>>\
<<set _Status to "Almost Too Much">>\
<<set _Status to "Good">>\
<<if $PC.AssSize > 9 and $PC.AssSize < 21>>\
<<set _Variation to "PlusOne">>\
<<elseif $PC.AssSize > 20>>\
<<set _Variation to "PlusZero">>\
<<set _Variation to "PlusFive">>\
<<switch _Status>>\
<<case "Too Much">>\
<<set $StatusAffect.BigAss to 0>>\
<<set $PCChanges.AssShrink to "Soda">>\
<<set _AssSize to $arrayAssSizeDesc[$PC.AssSize]>>\
<<set $PC.AssSize to $PC.MAssSize>>\
<<set $AssSize to $arrayAssSizeDesc[$PC.AssSize]>>\
Looking down at _name, you read the followng from the side of the can: _desc. Deciding to try it out you down the $useitem3.name and quickly feel a strange noxious feeling come from your $AssSize ass. You start to feel a painful fluid dripping from your ass and within seconds it becomes a flood. To your astonishment gallons of carbonated caramel spew from your ass in what seems to be a never-ending stream. After a few minutes the flow of caramel soup stops but to your dissapointment you find your once _AssSize ass is now $AssSize!
<<case "Almost Too Much">>\
<<switch _Variation>>\
<<case "PlusFive">>\
<<set $PCChanges.AssGrowth to "Soda">>\
<<set $StatusAffect.BigAss to $StatusAffect.BigAss +3>>\
<<set $PC.AssSize to $PC.AssSize + 5>>\
<<set $AssSize to $arrayAssSizeDesc[$PC.AssSize]>>\
Looking down at _name, you read the followng from the side of the can: _desc. Deciding to try it out you down the $useitem3.name and quickly feel a stretching sensation from your ass which is chased by a noxious feeling coming from your stomach. You can't help but stop and puke out what seems to be carbonated caramel! After a few moments it stops and you can take a moment to notice you now have a $AssSize ass! Maybe drinking too much $useitem3.name is a bad thing?
<<case "PlusOne">>\
<<set $PCChanges.AssGrowth to "Soda">>\
<<set _AssBonus to Math.round($Infestation.JunkVariant / 25)>>\
<<if (random(19)+ 1) + $StatusAffect.BigAss + _AssBonus + ($GeneralFeats.Transformer *2) < 25>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.BigAss to $StatusAffect.BigAss +1>>\
Looking down at _name, you read the followng from the side of the can: _desc. Deciding to try it out you down the $useitem3.name and slowly feel a stretching sensation from your ass which is chased by a noxious feeling coming from your stomach. You can't help but stop and puke out what seems to be carbonated caramel! After a few moments it stops and you can take a moment to notice you now have a $AssSize ass! Maybe drinking too much $useitem3.name is a bad thing?
<<case "PlusZero">>\
You down the $useitem3.name but nothing happens! Maybe you need something stronger than a $useitem3.name...
<<case "Good">>\
<<switch _Variation>>\
<<case "PlusFive">>\
<<set $PCChanges.AssGrowth to "Soda">>\
<<set $StatusAffect.BigAss to $StatusAffect.BigAss +3>>\
<<set $PC.AssSize to $PC.AssSize + 5>>\
<<set $AssSize to $arrayAssSizeDesc[$PC.AssSize]>>\
<<set $lust to $lust + 10 - $LustResist.Complete>>\
<<if $lust < 0>>\
<<set $lust to 0>>\
Looking down at _name, you read the followng from the side of the can: _desc. Deciding to try it out you down the $useitem3.name and quickly feel a pleasurable stretching sensation coming from your ass. Looking behind you notice your ass is growing larger and larger with no indication that it will stop! Eventually it does finally slow to a stop and you now have a $AssSize ass! Now it's time to shake the extreme amount of junk in your trunk!
<<case "PlusOne">>\
<<set $PCChanges.AssGrowth to "Soda">>\
<<set _AssBonus to Math.round($Infestation.JunkVariant / 25)>>\
<<if (random(19)+ 1) + $StatusAffect.BigAss + _AssBonus + ($GeneralFeats.Transformer *2) < 25>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.BigAss to $StatusAffect.BigAss +1>>\
<<if $lust < 0>>\
<<set $lust to 0>>\
Looking down at _name, you read the followng from the side of the can: _desc. Deciding to try it out you down the $useitem3.name and quickly feel a pleasurable stretching sensation coming from your ass. Looking behind you notice your ass is growing larger! Eventually it does finally slow to a stop and you now have a $AssSize ass! Now it's time to shake the extreme amount of junk in your trunk!
<<case "PlusZero">>\
Looking down at _name, you read the followng from the side of the can: _desc. Deciding to try it out you down the $useitem3.name but nothing happens! Maybe you need something stronger than a $useitem3.name...
<</switch>>\<img src="Images/Items/MilkTanks.jpg" />
<<set _desc to $useitem3.description>>\
<<set _name to $useitem3.name>>\
<<set _BreastSD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _BreastsSize to $arrayBreastSize[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.Vaccine < 1>>\
<<if (random(19) +1) + $PC.Fortitude + $InfectionResist.Fort + $FoodStatus.Fort < (16 + Math.round($Infestation.Progress / 2) )>>\
<<if $Infestation.Progress < 1>>\
<<set $Infestation.Progress to 1>>\
<<set $PC.Infestation to $PC.Infestation + random(5) +1>>\
<<set $Infestation.MilkVariant to $Infestation.MilkVariant + random(5) +1>>\
<<if $Infestation.MilkVariant > $Infestation.MilkCap>>\
<<set $Infestation.MilkVariant to $Infestation.MilkCap>>\
<<if $PC.Infestation > $Infestation.Cap>>\
<<set $PC.Infestation to $Infestation.Cap>>\
<<if $PC.Sex is "Male" and $StatusAffect.Futa is 0 >>\
<<set _Status to "None">>\
<<elseif $Milk.Stored >= $Milk.Max and $Milk.Max > 9>>\
<<set _Status to "Full">>\
<<set _Status to "Good">>\
<<switch _Status>>\
<<case "Good">>\
<<set $StatusAffect.MilkTits to $StatusAffect.MilkTits +1>>\
<<if $Milk.Max < 10>>\
<<set $Milk.Max to $Milk.Max +1>>\
<<set $PCChanges.BreastsGrowth to "Soda">>\
<<if $Milk.Stored < $Milk.Max -1>>\
<<set $Milk.Stored to $Milk.Stored +2>>\
<<set $PC.BreastsSize to $PC.BreastsSize + 2>>\
<<set $Milk.Stored to $Milk.Max>>\
<<set $PC.BreastsSize to $PC.BreastsSize + 1>>\
<<set $BreastSD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set $BreastsSize to $arrayBreastSize[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set $MilkAD to $arrayMilkAmountDesc[$Milk.Stored]>>\
<<if $GCum.Max < 16>>\
<<set $GCum.Max to $GCum.Max + 1>>\
<<set $GCum.Min to $GCum.Min + 1>>\
<<set $GCum.Stored to $GCum.Max>>\
<<set $GCumAD to $arrayGCumAmountDesc[$Cum.Stored]>>\
Looking down at _name, you read the following from the side of the can: _desc. Deciding to try it out you down the $useitem3.name and it takes like pure unadulterated milk! After a couple of seconds, you feel a bubbly sensation coming from your _BreastSD _BreastsSize breasts. Slowly but surely you feel your _BreastSD breasts start to expand and grow as you feel a milky fluid flow into them. Soon your $NippleSize long nipples start to drip milk as your jugs evolve into $BreastSD $BreastsSize milkjugs! You feel your pussy wetten at the feeling of being filled up with so much milk!
<<case "Full">>\
Looking down at _name, you read the following from the side of the can: _desc. Deciding to try it out you down the $useitem3.name but happens due to the fact your milk tanks are already completely full!
Looking down at _name, you read the following from the side of the can: _desc. Deciding to try it out you down the $useitem3.name but nothing happens...Maybe you need a couple of milk tanks of your own for this to work?
<<include "Profile Update">>\<img src="Images/Items/MilkTanks.jpg" />
<<set _desc to $useitem3.description>>\
<<set _name to $useitem3.name>>\
<<set _BreastSD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _BreastsSize to $arrayBreastSize[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.Vaccine < 1>>\
<<if (random(19) +1) + $PC.Fortitude + $InfectionResist.Fort + $FoodStatus.Fort < (18 + Math.round($Infestation.Progress / 2) )>>\
<<if $Infestation.Progress < 1>>\
<<set $Infestation.Progress to 1>>\
<<set $PC.Infestation to $PC.Infestation + random(10) +1>>\
<<set $Infestation.MilkVariant to $Infestation.MilkVariant + random(10) +1>>\
<<if $Infestation.MilkVariant > $Infestation.MilkCap>>\
<<set $Infestation.MilkVariant to $Infestation.MilkCap>>\
<<if $PC.Infestation > $Infestation.Cap>>\
<<set $PC.Infestation to $Infestation.Cap>>\
<<if $PC.Sex is "Male" and $StatusAffect.Futa is 0 >>\
<<set _Status to "None">>\
<<elseif $Milk.Stored >= $Milk.Max and $Milk.Max > 19>>\
<<set _Status to "Full">>\
<<set _Status to "Good">>\
<<switch _Status>>\
<<case "Good">>\
<<set $StatusAffect.MilkTits to $StatusAffect.MilkTits +4>>\
<<if $Milk.Max < 20>>\
<<set $Milk.Max to $Milk.Max +2>>\
<<if $Milk.Stored < $Milk.Max -3>>\
<<set $Milk.Stored to $Milk.Stored +4>>\
<<set $PC.BreastsSize to $PC.BreastsSize +4>>\
<<set _MilkMath to $Milk.Max - $Milk.Stored>>
<<set $Milk.Stored to $Milk.Max>>\
<<set $PC.BreastsSize to $PC.BreastsSize + _MilkMath>>\
<<set $PCChanges.BreastsGrowth to "Soda">>\
<<set $BreastSD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set $BreastsSize to $arrayBreastSize[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set $MilkAD to $arrayMilkAmountDesc[$Milk.Stored]>>\
<<if $GCum.Max < 16>>\
<<set $GCum.Max to $GCum.Max + 1>>\
<<set $GCum.Min to $GCum.Min + 1>>\
<<set $GCum.Stored to $GCum.Max>>\
<<set $GCumAD to $arrayGCumAmountDesc[$Cum.Stored]>>\
Looking down at _name, you read the followng from the side of the can: _desc. Deciding to try it out you down the $useitem3.name and it tasts like pure unadulterated milk! After a couple of seconds, you feel a crazy amount of bubbling and churning sensations coming from your _BreastSD _BreastsSize breasts. Within moments you feel your _BreastSD breasts start to expand and grow as you feel a tidal wave of milky fluids flow into them. Soon your $NippleSize long nipples start to leak milk as your jugs evolve into $BreastSD $BreastsSize milkjugs! You feel your pussy wetten at the feeling of being filled up with so much milk!
<<case "Full">>\
Looking down at _name, you read the followng from the side of the can: _desc. Deciding to try it out you down the $useitem3.name but happens due to the fact your quite heavy milk tanks are already completely full!
Looking down at _name, you read the followng from the side of the can: _desc. Deciding to try it out you down the $useitem3.name but nothing happens...Maybe you need a couple of milk tanks of your own for this to work?
<<include "Profile Update">>\<img src="Images/Items/EnergyDrink.jpg" />
<<set _desc to $useitem3.description>>\
<<set _name to $useitem3.name>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Energized to 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Horny to $StatusAffect.Horny -2>>\
<<set $TempLust to 0>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.Horny < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Horny to 0>>\
<<if $Cum.Max < 16 and $Cum.Min > 1>>\
<<set $Cum.Max to $Cum.Max - 1>>\
<<set $Cum.Min to $Cum.Min - 1>>\
<<set $Cum.Stored to $Cum.Min>>\
<<set $CumAD to $arrayCumAmountDesc[$Cum.Stored]>>\
<<set $lust to $lust - 25>>\
<<if $lust < $MinLust>>\
<<set $lust to $MinLust>>\
<<if $PC.Sex is "Male" and $StatusAffect.Futa < 1>>\
Looking down at _name, you read the followng from the side of the can: _desc. Deciding to try it out you down $useitem3.name quickly which oddly tastes like orange-flavored decaf coffee. After a minute you feel your balls calm down and your dick finally gets soft. You feel like you can finally focus on something besides sex!
<<elseif $PC.Sex is "Female" and $StatusAffect.Futa < 1>>\
You down $useitem3.name quickly which oddly tastes like orange-flavored decaf coffee. After a minute you feel your pussy stop dripping and your nipples are back to normal! You feel like you can finally focus on something besides sex!
Looking down at _name, you read the followng from the side of the can: _desc. Deciding to try it out you down $useitem3.name quickly which oddly tastes like orange-flavored decaf coffee. After a minute you feel your balls calm down and your pussy stops dripping! You feel like you can finally focus on something besides sex!
<</if>>\<img src="Images/Items/MilkTanks.jpg" />
<<set _desc to $useitem3.description>>\
<<set _name to $useitem3.name>>\
<<set _BreastSD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _BreastsSize to $arrayBreastSize[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<if $PC.Sex is "Male" and $StatusAffect.Futa is 0>>\
<<set _Status to "None">>\
<<elseif $Infestation.MilkProgress > 0 and $Milk.Stored > $Milk.Min>>\
<<set _Status to "Milker">>\
<<elseif $StatusAffect.MilkTits is 0 and $Milk.Stored > $Milk.Min>>\
<<set _Status to "Empty">>\
<<set _Status to "Good">>\
<<switch _Status>>\
<<case "Good">>\
<<if $StatusAffect.MilkTits < 4>>\
<<set $PC.BreastsSize to $PC.BreastsSize - $Milk.Stored>>\
<<set $BreastSD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set $BreastsSize to $arrayBreastSize[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set $Milk.Stored to $Milk.Min>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.MilkTits to 0>>\
Looking down at _name, you read the followng from the side of the can: _desc. Deciding to try it out you down $useitem3.name and feel a bubbly sensation coming from your _BreastSD _BreastsSize breasts. Slowly but surely you feel your _BreastSD breasts start to shrink and contract as you feel your stored milk disappear. Soon your $NippleSize long nipples stop dripping milk as your milkjugs turn back into $BreastSD $BreastsSize breasts!
<<set $StatusAffect.MilkTits to $StatusAffect.MilkTits -4>>\
<<set $Milk.Stored to $Milk.Stored -4>>\
<<if $Milk.Stored < $Milk.Min>>\
<<set $Milk.Stored to $Milk.Min>>\
<<set $PC.BreastsSize to $PC.BreastsSize -4>>\
<<set $BreastSD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set $BreastsSize to $arrayBreastSize[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
Looking down at _name, you read the followng from the side of the can: _desc. Deciding to try it out you down $useitem3.name and feel a bubbly sensation coming from your _BreastSD _BreastsSize breasts. Slowly but surely you feel your _BreastSD breasts start to shrink a bit as you feel some of your stored milk disappear. Soon your milkjugs shrink to smaller $BreastSD $BreastsSize milkjugs!
<<case "Empty">>\
You down the $useitem3.name but happens due to the fact your milk tanks are already completely empty!
<<case "Milker">>\
<<if $Milk.Stored > $Milk.Min +3>>\
<<set $Milk.Stored to $Milk.Stored -4>>\
<<set $PC.BreastsSize to $PC.BreastsSize -4>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.MilkTits to 0>>\
<<set $BreastSD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set $BreastsSize to $arrayBreastSize[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _MilkMath to $Milk.Stored - $Milk.Min>>\
<<set $Milk.Stored to $Milk.Min>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.MilkTits to 0 >>\
<<set $PC.BreastsSize to $PC.BreastsSize -_MilkMath>>\
<<set $BreastSD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set $BreastsSize to $arrayBreastSize[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
Looking down at _name, you read the followng from the side of the can: _desc. Deciding to try it out you down $useitem3.name and feel a bubbly sensation coming from your _BreastSD _BreastsSize breasts. Slowly but surely you feel your _BreastSD breasts start to shrink a bit as you feel some of your stored milk disappear. Soon your milkjugs shrink to smaller $BreastSD $BreastsSize milkjugs!
<<case "None">>\
Looking down at _name, you read the followng from the side of the can: _desc. Deciding to try it out you down the $useitem3.name but nothing happens...Maybe you need a couple of milk tanks for this to work?
<<include "Profile Update">>\<<set $Time.MicroTime += 1>>\
<<if $Time.MicroTime >= $Time.MaxMicro + $AthleticSkillFeats.Hustle>>\
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<set $Time.MicroTime to 0>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumFilled > 0>>\
<<set _lusty to random(1) + ($StatusAffect.CumFilled *2) + $StatusAffect.Horny - $LustResist.Complete>>\
<<if _lusty < 0>>\
<<set _lusty to 0>>\
<<set $lust to $lust + _lusty>>\
<<if $Infestation.MilkProgress > 0 and $Milk.Stored > $Milk.Min>>\
<<set _lusty to random(5) + $StatusAffect.Horny - $LustResist.Complete>>\
<<if _lusty < 0>>\
<<set _lusty to 0>>\
<<set $lust to $lust + _lusty>>\
<<if $Infestation.BruiseProgress > 0>>\
<<if $Cum.Stored is ($Cum.Max + ($GeneralFeats.MessySpray *2))>>\
<<set _lusty to random(5) + $StatusAffect.Horny - $LustResist.Complete>>\
<<if _lusty < 0>>\
<<set _lusty to 0>>\
<<set $lust to $lust + _lusty>>\
<<set $Cum.Stored += 1>>\
<<set $CumAD to $arrayCumAmountDesc[$Cum.Stored]>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.Energized > 0>>\
<<set $Cum.Stored to $Cum.Max + ($GeneralFeats.MessySpray *2)>>\
<<set $CumAD to $arrayCumAmountDesc[$Cum.Stored]>>\
<<if $NoEncounter > 0>>\
<<set $NoEncounter -= 1>>\
<<if $lust > $MaxLust>>\
<<set $lust to $MaxLust>>\
<</if>>\ <<include "Adlibs">>\
<<set $SexScene1 to random(2)>>\
<<switch $SexScene1>>\
<<default>>\ /* Missionary scene */
<<include "Infested Bruiser Pussy Sex Dominate Futa">>\
<</switch>> <<include "Adlibs">>\
<<set $SexScene1 to random(2)>>\
<<switch $SexScene1>>\
<<default>>\ /* Assfuck scene */
<<include "Infested Bruiser Ass Sex Dominate Male">>\
<</switch>> <<set $sexHistory.XP to $sexHistory.XP +1>>\
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$genericFighter.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$genericFighter.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$genericFighter.DickSize]>>\
<<set _DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$genericFighter.DickSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$genericFighter.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$genericFighter.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _SizeComp to $PC.DickSize - $genericFighter.Level + ($GeneralFeats.FalseRep *2)>>\<<set $genericEvent.Image = $eventPath7 + $arrayEvent7Candy.random() + '.jpg'>>\
<img @src=$genericEvent.Image />
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$npcCandy.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$npcCandy.BreastsSize]>>\
<<if (random(19) + 1) + $Skill.Social + $CharismaBonus > 15>>\
<<set $npcCandy.Friendship to $npcCandy.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity +3 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set $npcCandy.Friendship to $npcCandy.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity +2 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<if $SkillAction is 1>>\
  "I think I would like to make a reservation for Dr. Rack." you inform the receptionist. She slowly types out a few more lines onto her computer before turning back to face you.
  "You are now scheduled in for today with Doctor Rack. Just a warning, there are some rogue Infested doctors and nurses roaming the hallways so you should take proper precautions before entering the rest of the clinic. I do my best to keep my lobby free of such riff raff but I can't guarantee the rest of the clinic is as cleared." she explains as she hits a button causing the door to the rest of the clinic to open.
  As you are about to head back to the lobby you suddenly remember she hasn't told you where the doctor's office is located. "So where's Doctor Rack's office?"
  "Oh right! He's located near the back of the clinic at the west end of the northern hallway. His office has a sign so you will know which office is his. Just be sure to use the intercom to announce yourself. Anyways I hope you have a pleasant visit here at the Oak Dale Clinic!" she replies before going back her computer.
  "I think I would like to make a reservation for Dr. FuckHard." you inform the receptionist. She slowly starts to type but stops as she finally realizes who you are asking to meet. Turning back to face you she gives you a look of disgusted disbelief.
  "Are you sure you want to meet with him? He's a rather unorthodox doctor who's caused some issues in the clinic in the past. Doctor Rack would be a much better choice of doctor in my opinion." she replies with a huge amount of disdain in her voice.
  For a brief moment you wonder if you should go ahead with meeting Dr. FuckHard but in the end you decide that you need to speak with him. "I wish to speak with Dr. FuckHard and a reservation would be the best way to do so." you explain with some steel in your tone.
  "OK fine! You are now scheduled in for today with Doctor FuckHard. Just a warning, there are some rogue Infested doctors and nurses roaming the hallways so you should take proper precautions before entering the rest of the clinic. I do my best to keep my lobby free of such riff raff but I can't guarantee the rest of the clinic is as cleared." she explains as she hits a button causing the door to the rest of the clinic to open.
  As you are about to head back to the lobby you suddenly remember she hasn't told you where the doctor's office is located. "So where's Doctor FuckHard's office?" you ask a bit annoyed with her attitude.
  "Oh yeah. He's located at the east end of the main hallway next to the restroom. Anyways I hope you have a pleasant visit here at the Oak Dale Clinic!" she replies before going back her computer.
<div class="pcTalk"><i> She's an interesting administrator. I wonder if she's Infested? If so she's the calmest one I've ever seen... </i></div>
<<button [[Finish|Oak Dale Clinic Front Lobby]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</button>><<set $genericEvent.Image = $eventPath7 + 'Candy 2.jpg'>>\
<img @src=$genericEvent.Image />
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$npcCandy.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$npcCandy.BreastsSize]>>\
<<if $npcCandy.Rob < 2>>\
  "Hey! Excuse me! You need to check in before you can head into the clinic!" the voice of the receptionist yells from the check-in window. Looking over at the administration window you see the rather busty receptionist staring at you. Deciding not to antagonize her, you step back from the door. As you give the door one last glance you don't see a badge in system nor a physical lock. It looks like the lock is controlled by the receptionist with a buzz-in system.
<div class="pcTalk"><i> "It looks like I will need to speak with the receptionist to get access to the clinic. Or maybe there's another way in? </i></div>
<<button [[Return|Oak Dale Clinic Front Lobby]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
  "Hey you fucking thief! I told you I didn't want to see you around here!" the voice of Candy yells from the check-in window. Looking over at the administration window you see the rather busty receptionist glaring quite harshly at you while holding her self-defense baton.
<div class="pcTalk"><i> Oh fuck! Looks like Candy is still pissed about me trying to steal some cash! I better get out of here, pronto! </i></div>
<<button [[Quickly Leave|Oak Dale Clinic - Front Entrance]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</if>>\<img src="Images/Suburb/Clinic/clinic4.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<include "Time Micro-Passes">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set _T to 0>>\
<<set _E to 0>>\
<<set _Stop to 0>>\
There's a metal door blocking the entrance to Doctor Rack's office. It's a sturdy door but you can still hear the sounds of someone inside the office. To the right of the door is a intercom system that's commonly used to let people know you are there. The door itself has a physical keyhole along with a keycard badge-in system.
<<if $npcRichard.Rob is 2>>\
<<set _Stop to 1>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I'm pretty sure Doctor Rack is still too ticked off with me to want to have a little chat and having an angry cosmetic surgeon do work on me sounds like a bad idea all around...</i></div>
<<if $doctorEvent.Appointment < 1 and _Stop is 0>>\
<<if $LockSmithTools.Active > 0 and $LockSmithTools.Charge > 19>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> Looks like I might be able to pick this physical lock.</i></div>
<<set _T to 1>>\
<<elseif $LockSmithTools.Active > 0 and $LockSmithTools.Charge < 20>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> Looks like I might be able to pick this physical lock but my locksmith tool needs to be recharged first.</i></div>
<<if $Prof.Electronics > 0 and $SmartPhone.Charge > 9>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I might be able to hack the keycard electronic lock.>>\
<<set _E to 1>>\
<<elseif $Prof.Electronics > 0 and $SmartPhone.Charge < 10>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> Looks like I might be able to hack this electronic lock but my smartphone is out of juice.</i></div>
<<if $KeyItemsFlags.ClinicKey is 1>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I could use the janitor key to just bypass those pesky locks.</i>
<<if $doctorEvent.Appointment is 1 and _Stop is 0>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> Looks like there is a intercom to let the doctor know I'm here. I might as well give him a call since I did pay the co-pay...</i>
<<if $doctorEvent.Appointment is 1 and _Stop is 0>>\
<<button [[Use the Intercom|Doctor Rack Entrance Action]]>>
<<set $SkillAction to "Intercom">>\
<<if $KeyItemsFlags.ClinicKey is 1 and _Stop is 0>>\
<<button [[Use the Janitor's Key|Doctor Rack Entrance Action]]>>
<<set $SkillAction to "Key">>\
<<if _T is 1 and _Stop is 0>>\
<<button [[Pick the South Entrance Door Lock|Doctor Rack Entrance Action]]>>
<<set $SkillAction to "Thievery">>\
<<if _E is 1 and _Stop is 0>>\
<<button [[Hack the South Entrance Door Lock|Doctor Rack Entrance Action]]>>
<<set $SkillAction to "Electronics">>\
<<button [[Nevermind|Oak Dale Clinic Centre Hallway]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</button>><img src="Images/Suburb/Clinic/clinic4.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<switch $SkillAction>>\
<<case "Intercom">>\
<<if $Time.Current > 7>>\
Reaching for the intercom button you give it a quick press. After a few moments you hear a young man's voice breathlessly gasp out "Who...oh God!... is it? Oh fuckkk! Don't stop!" followed by the sound of flesh slapping against flesh while a familiar sounding woman moans in the background.
Taken back by the rather erotic sounds coming from the intercom, you check the time and realize that it's pretty late and that the doctor sounds pretty busy right now. "Nevermind, I'll come back another day..." you reply before the intercom quickly disconnects.
<<button [[Nevermind|Oak Dale Clinic Centre Hallway]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
Reaching for the intercom button you give it a quick press. After a moment you hear a young man's voice ask "Who is it?"
Taken back by his quick response you reply with "$PC.FirstName $PC.LastName, here to visit Doctor Rack."
The intercom disconnects and it doesn't take long before you hear the door click as it unlocks.
<<button [[Success!|Doctor's Rack]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<case "Key">>\
<<if $Time.Current > 7>>\
As you go to slide the janitor's key into the doctor's office lock, you hear the sound of flesh slapping into flesh on the other side of the door. Listening closer you can hear the sounds of a younger man moaning in pleasure while being answered by a woman's louder moans. Deciding against interupting the two having some rather loud and intense sex, you decide to come back another day.
<<button [[Nevermind|Oak Dale Clinic Centre Hallway]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
You quickly slide the janitor's key into the lock and it easily unlocks for you! Time to enter the doctor's office.
<<button [[Success!|Doctor's Rack]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<case "Electronics">>\
<<if $Time.Current > 7>>\
As you go to hack the doctor's office electronic lock, you hear the sound of flesh slapping into flesh on the other side of the door. Listening closer you can hear the sounds of a younger man moaning in pleasure while being answered by a woman's louder moans. Deciding against interupting the two having some rather loud and intense sex, you decide to come back another day.
<<button [[Nevermind|Oak Dale Clinic Centre Hallway]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
Slowly sliding over to the doctor's office door you quickly look around for any Infested. Seeing none of them around you take grab your phone and start dialing in the usual frequencies for these types of door keycard systems.
<<set _C to (random(19)+ 1) + $Skill.Electronics + $IntelligenceBonus + $FoodStatus.Skill + $PCStatus.SkillBuff>>\
<<set _C2 to 0>>\
<<if $ElectronicsSkillFeats.BruteForce > 0>>\
<<set _C2 to (random(19)+ 1) + $Skill.Electronics + $IntelligenceBonus + $FoodStatus.Skill + $PCStatus.SkillBuff -2>>\
<<if _C > 12 + ($PC.Level / 2) or _C2 > 14 + ($PC.Level / 2)>>\
<<if $ProgrammerPath.Blackhat > 0>>\
<<include "Hacking Heal">>\
<<set _tempXP to $PC.Level * 100>>\
<<set $XP to $XP + _tempXP>>\
<<set $SmartPhone.Charge to $SmartPhone.Charge - 10>>\
  After a few minutes you finally get the right frequency as you hack the door with your smart phone. With only a couple of more commands the door becomes unlocked and you step inside the doctor's office.
<<if $XP >= $NextLevel>> You have reached the maxium experience for your level! Sleep to gain your next level.<<else>> You have gained _tempXP XP! <</if>>
<<button [[Success!|Doctor's Rack]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<set $SmartPhone.Charge to $SmartPhone.Charge - 10>>\
  After almost 30 minutes you are about to finally give up. Either your hacking software isn't up to the task or the frequency is just that uncommon. Giving one last brute force attempt you accidently trigger the security alarm! As you scramble to put away your phone the piercing alarm grabs the attention of a nearby Infested!
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Ambushed to 1>>\
You've been ambushed by an enemy!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<set $location.Encounter to "Oak Dale Clinic">>\
<<case "Thievery">>\
<<if $Time.Current > 7>>\
As you go to pick the doctor's office lock, you hear the sound of flesh slapping into flesh on the other side of the door. Listening closer you can hear the sounds of a younger man moaning in pleasure while being answered by a woman's louder moans. Deciding against interupting the two having some rather loud and intense sex, you decide to come back another day.
<<button [[Nevermind|Oak Dale Clinic Centre Hallway]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<set _Charge to (random(10)+10)>>\
  Slowly sliding over to the doctor's door you instictively look around for any Infested. Seeing no one around you take a long look at the office door lock. It should only take a few minutes to pick the lock and gain access to the doctor's office.
<<set _T to (random(19)+ 1)>>\
<<if _T + $Skill.Thievery + $DexterityBonus + $FoodStatus.Skill + $PCStatus.SkillBuff > 14 + ($PC.Level / 2)>>\
<<set _tempXP to $PC.Level * 100>>\
<<set $XP to $XP + _tempXP>>\
<<if $ThieverySkillFeats.SturdyTools > 0>>\
<<set _T2 to (random(19)+ 1)>>\
<<if _T2 < $Prof.Thievery +1>>\
<<set _Charge to 0>>\
  After a few minutes you finally get the lock to click as you probe it with your locksmith tool. With only a couple of more twists you get the last of the lock's tumblers to line up. Taking a moment to put away your tools, you open the now unlocked door.
<<if $XP >= $NextLevel>> You have reached the maxium experience for your level! Sleep to gain your next level.<<else>> You have gained _tempXP XP! <</if>>
<<button [[Success!|Doctor's Rack]]>>
<<set $LockSmithTools.Charge to $LockSmithTools.Charge - _Charge>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
  No matter what you try to do the door remains locked! You keep getting close to getting the tumblers to align but seem to always lose one at the last moment. After giving the lock a frustrated bump in order to try and force the tumbles to align, a piercing alarm goes off that grabs the attention of a nearby Infested!
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
You've been ambushed by an enemy!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<set $StatusAffect.Ambushed to 1>>\
<<set $LockSmithTools.Charge to $LockSmithTools.Charge - _Charge>>\
<<set $location.Encounter to "Oak Dale Clinic">>\
<</switch>>\<img @src=$genericEvent.Image />
<<set $doctorEvent.Receptionist to 0>>\
<<set $location.FleeFlag to 0>>\
<<set $BattleFlag to 0>>\
<<set $npcRichard.Friendship to $npcRichard.Friendship + $SocialSkillFeats.WashmyHair - 5>>\
<<set $npcCandy.Friendship to $npcCandy.Friendship + $SocialSkillFeats.WashmyHair - 10>>\
<<set _tempCash to 250 + random(250)>>\
<<if $SalvagingSkillFeats.CashisKing > 0>>\
<<set _tempCash to _tempCash + Math.round(_tempCash / $SalvagingSkillFeats.CashisKing)>>\
<<set _E to 0>>\
<<set $npcCandy.Rob to 2>>\
  You have defeated the Oak Dale Clinic's Receptionist who is now out cold lying on the floor. You quickly search her for some loot and also discover __tempCash dollars in a cash box!l Throwing her in the closet will hopefully give you enough time to search the administration office for the information and supplies you need. Looking around the room the only exits is to the south hallway and to the northern hallway.
<<include "Loot">>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> "I feel kind of bad beating her up and throwing her into a closet... Oh well she didn't give me much choice...</i></div>
<<if $Prof.Electronics > 0>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> "I should be able to search her computer for information.">>\
<<set _E to 1>>\
<<button [[Search the Room|Oak Dale Clinic Administration Search]]>>
<<if_E is 1>>\
<<button [[Search the Computer|Oak Dale Clinic Administration PC]]>>
<<button [[South Hallway|Oak Dale Clinic West Hallway]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<button [[North Hallway|Oak Dale Clinic Centre Hallway]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</button>><img @src=$genericEvent.Image />
<<set $npcRichard.Friendship to $npcRichard.Friendship + $SocialSkillFeats.WashmyHair - 3>>\
<<set $npcCandy.Friendship to $npcCandy.Friendship + $SocialSkillFeats.WashmyHair - 5>>\
<<set _tempCash to 250>>\
<<set $location.FleeFlag to 0>>\
<<set $BattleFlag to 0>>\
<<if $SalvagingSkillFeats.SecureWallet > 0>>\
<<set _tempSecure to _tempCash * (.10 * $Prof.Salvaging)>>\
<<set _tempCash to Math.round(_tempCash - _tempSecure)>>\
<<if $Cash > _tempCash>>\
<<set $Cash to $Cash - _tempCash >>\
<<set $Cash to 0>>\
<<if $HP < 1>>\
<<if $SkillFeats.Recovery > 0>>\
<<set $HP to $PC.Level + $ConstitutionBonus + 1>>\
<<set $HP to 1>>\
<<if $Cash > 0>>\
  Staring down at your bruised and beaten body, Candy just shakes her head in disgust. "Fucking Raiders can't accept a shapely woman telling them what to do. Well I'm going to raid your cash just like you were going to do to me, fucking idiot!" she says as she grabs _tempCash dollars from your wallet! You are too injured to do more than just moan in pain.
  Staring down at your bruised and beaten body, Candy just shakes her head in disgust. "Fucking Raiders can't accept a shapely woman telling them what to do. Well I'm going to raid your cash just like you were going to do to me, fucking idiot!" she says as she grabs all the money from your wallet! You are too injured to do more than just moan in pain.
  "I don't know why you couldn't just leave me in peace but now I'm going to take out the trash!" she says as she starts to drag you out the building! It takes a few minutes but she eventually deposits you at the front entrance to the clinic. Seeing her walk back into the clinic without giving you a second thought is the last thing you see before passing out.
<<button [[Wake Up|Oak Dale Clinic - Front Entrance]]>>
<<set $Time.Current to $Time.Max>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</button>><img @src=$genericEvent.Image />
  You quickly start searching the filing cabinets hoping to find any records regarding your $mom.Relationship. Unfortunately most of the records are sorted by the date of the visit and not by name. Glancing at the most recent records you notice that there has been several large shipments of some type of chemical called SX1 delivered to the clinic right before the Infested Pandemic began. Looking even closer you discover the schematics for a needle crossbow supposedly used to passively take down Infested. You make sure to snag a copy of that schematics just in case.
  Ignoring that for now you start checking for patient check-ins for the last week or so still trying to find your $mom.Relationship's information without any luck. Deciding on another approach you look up the active doctors in the clinic. You discover that most of the doctors and nurses have had large INFESTED symbols stamped on their employment records except for one doctor. It looks like Dr. Richard Rack's file doesn't show that he has been infected with the Infested virus and is currently still employed. Glancing over his record you notice he's a cosmetic surgeon contracted by the clinic starting about 6 months ago and still has a active office in the back of the clinic.
<<set _exists to 0>>\
<<set _tempLoot to $item.recipeNeedleCrossbow>>\
<<for $i = 0; $i < $PCInventory.length; $i++>>\
<<set $uitem = $PCInventory[$i]>>\
<<set $ItemName to $uitem.name>>\
<<set _TempName to _tempLoot.name>>\
<<if $ItemName is _TempName>>\
<<set _amount to $uitem.amount>>\
<<set _exists to 1>>\
<<if _exists is 1>>\
<<set _amount to _amount +1>>\
<<set $uitem.amount to _amount>>\
<<set $PCInventory.push(_tempLoot)>>\
<<print _tempLoot.name>> has been found!
<div class="pcTalk"><i>Looks like if I want to get some answers, I'll need to speak with this Dr. Rack!</i></div>
<<button [[Leave the Room|Oak Dale Clinic West Hallway]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</button>><img @src=$genericEvent.Image />
  You quickly start scanning the adminstration computer for any information regarding your $mom.Relationship. The first thing you do is search for anyone with her name being admitted since the start of the Infested Pandemic. Finding nothing under her name for patients you search for your $sister.Relationship in the off chance she stopped by while looking for your $mom.Relationship. Once again you come up empty with no patients under her name.
  Feeling a bit desperate you search for employees under your $mom.Relationship's name, $mom.FirstName $PC.LastName. You get a hit from the employee database! Looking over her employee record your excitement turns to ash as the record is from over two years ago. It looks like she worked here as a nurse for about a year and then moved on.
  Doing one last search of Candy's emails you don't find any mention of $mom.FirstName $PC.LastName nor $sister.FirstName $PC.LastName. Looks like neither your $mom.Relationship nor your $sister.Relationship has stopped by the Oak Dale Clinic and you need to search elsewhere.
<div class="pcTalk"><i>Looks like this is a bust... I guess it's time for me to get out of here since it sound like Candy is about to break free from the closet!</i></div>
<<button [[Leave the Room|Oak Dale Clinic West Hallway]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</button>><img src="Images/Items/LustPotion.jpg" />
<<set _desc to $useitem3.description>>\
<<set _name to $useitem3.name>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Thirsty to $StatusAffect.Thirsty+3>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Horny to $StatusAffect.Horny+3>>\
<<set $TempLust to ($StatusAffect.Thirsty + $StatusAffect.Horny) * 5>>\
<<if $TempLust > ($MaxLust / 2)>>\
<<set $TempLust to ($MaxLust / 2)>>\
<<if $MinLust < ($MaxLust / 2)>>\
<<set $MinLust to $MinLust +1>>\
<<set $lust to $lust + $TempLust>>\
<<if $lust > $MaxLust>>\
<<set $lust to $MaxLust>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.Vaccine < 1>>\
<<if (random(19) +1) + $PC.Fortitude + $InfectionResist.Fort + $FoodStatus.Fort < (15 + Math.round($Infestation.Progress / 2) )>>\
<<if $Infestation.Progress < 1>>\
<<set $Infestation.Progress to 1>>\
<<set $PC.Infestation to $PC.Infestation + random(20) +1>>\
<<if $PC.Infestation > $Infestation.Cap>>\
<<set $PC.Infestation to $Infestation.Cap>>\
<<set _tempHeal to $HP>>\
<<set $HP to $HP + random($Skill.Medical + $WisdomBonus) +5>>\
<<if $HP > $MaxHP>>\
<<set $HP to $MaxHP>>\
<<if $PC.Sex is "Male">>\
Looking down at _name, you read the followng from the side of the can: _desc. Deciding to try it out you quickly drink $useitem3.name which tastes like carbonated black cherry juice. After a few seconds you feel your dick get as hard as a diamond as a tidal wave of pure lust fills your groin and mind! <<if _tempHeal < $HP>> <<set _textHeal2 to $HP - _tempHeal>> Your body is more than ready for more action as you feel your scrapes and bruises fade as you heal _textHeal2 HP! <</if>>\
<<elseif $PC.Sex is "Female" and $StatusAffect.Futa < 1 >>\
Looking down at _name, you read the followng from the side of the can: _desc. Deciding to try it out you quickly drink $useitem3.name which tastes like carbonated black cherry juice. After a few seconds you feel your pussy get soaking wet as a tidal wave of pure lust fills your groin and mind! <<if _tempHeal < $HP>> <<set _textHeal2 to $HP - _tempHeal>> Your body is more than ready for more action as you feel your scrapes and bruises fade as you heal _textHeal2 HP! <</if>>\
<<elseif $PC.Sex is "Futa" or $StatusAffect.Futa > 0>>\
Looking down at _name, you read the followng from the side of the can: _desc. Deciding to try it out you quickly drink $useitem3.name which tastes like carbonated black cherry juice. After a few seconds you feel your dick get as hard as diamond as well as your pussy getting soaking wet as a tidal wave of pure lust fills your groin and mind! <<if _tempHeal < $HP>> <<set _textHeal2 to $HP - _tempHeal>> Your body is more than ready for more action as you feel your scrapes and bruises fade as you heal _textHeal2 HP! <</if>>\
<<set $lootInfestedTester to [$item.energydrink]>>\
<<set $rarelootInfestedTester to [$item.energydrinkx]>>\
<<set $lootInfestedMale to [$item.smallration, $item.smallration, $item.beer, $item.smallfirstaid, $item.usedunderwear, $item.lube, $item.energydrink, $item.lustpotion]>>\
<<set $rarelootInfestedMale to [$item.drpecker]>>\
<<set $lootInfestedFemale to [$item.smallration, $item.smallration, $item.beer, $item.smallfirstaid, $item.usedpanties, $item.lube, $item.energydrink, $item.lustpotion]>>\
<<set $rarelootInfestedFemale to [$item.milkshakejugs, $item.doubledildo]>>\
<<set $lootInfestedFuta to [$item.smallration, $item.smallration, $item.beer, $item.smallfirstaid, $item.usedpanties, $item.usedunderwear, $item.lube, $item.energydrink, $item.lustpotion]>>\
<<set $rarelootInfestedFuta to [$item.drpecker, $item.milkshakejugs, $item.junktrunk]>>\
<<set $lootInfestedMilker to [$item.ration, $item.milktanks, $item.milkdrain, $item.milktanks, $item.firstaid, $item.usedpanties, $item.energydrink, $item.milkshakejugs]>>\
<<set $rarelootInfestedMilker to [$item.milkshakejugsx, $item.lustpotionx, $item.milktanksx]>>\
<<set $lootInfestedBanker to [$item.ration, $item.milktanks, $item.milkdrain, $item.milktanks, $item.energydrink, $item.milkshakejugs, $item.lustpotionx]>>\
<<set $rarelootInfestedBanker to [$item.milkshakejugsx, $accessory.smartwatch]>>\
<<set $lootInfestedBruiser to [$item.ration, $item.ration, $item.ration, $item.firstaid, $item.usedunderwear, $item.energydrink, $item.lustpotion, $item.drpecker]>>\
<<set $rarelootInfestedBruiser to [$item.drpeckerx, $item.energydrinkx, $item.lustpotionx]>>\
<<set $lootInfestedFutaBruiser to [$item.ration, $item.ration, $item.firstaid, $item.usedunderwear, $item.usedpanties, $item.energydrink, $item.milkshakejugs, $item.drpecker]>>\
<<set $rarelootInfestedFutaBruiser to [$item.junktrunkx, $weapon.giantwrench, $item.lustpotionx]>>\
<<set $lootInfestedBruiserBoss to [$item.drpecker, $item.largeration, $item.recipeQuarterstaff, $item.energydrinkx, $item.lustpotionx]>>\
<<set $rarelootInfestedBruiserBoss to [$item.drpeckerx, $weapon.quarterstaff]>>\
<<set $lootInfestedDoctor to [$item.smallration, $item.ration, $item.smallwetwipe, $item.firstaid, $item.firstaid, $item.lube, $item.energydrink, $item.focusdrink]>>\
<<set $rarelootInfestedDoctor to [$armor.doctorcoat, $weapon.scalpel, $item.planfplus]>>\
<<set $lootInfestedNurse to [$item.ration, $item.smallwetwipe, $item.firstaid, $item.firstaid, $item.lube, $item.energydrink, $item.focusdrink, $item.milkdrain]>>\
<<set $rarelootInfestedNurse to [$accessory.lightparasol, $item.planpminus, $weapon.scalpel]>>\
<<set $lootInfestedFutaNurse to [$item.ration, $item.milkdrain, $item.smallwetwipe, $item.firstaid, $item.firstaid, $item.lube, $item.energydrink, $item.focusdrink]>>\
<<set $rarelootInfestedFutaNurse to [$item.junktrunkx, $item.planfplus, $weapon.scalpel]>>\
<<set $lootInfestedAdmin to [$item.ration, $item.smallwetwipe, $item.ration, $item.lube, $item.focusdrink, $item.focusdrink]>>\
<<set $rarelootInfestedAdmin to [$weapon.baton, $accessory.smartwatch]>>\
<<set $lootInfestedDoctorFuckHard to [$item.planfplus, $item.firstaid, $item.lustpotionx, $item.dietdrpecker, $item.energydrinkx, $item.dietjunktrunk]>>\
<<set $rarelootDoctorFuckHard to [$item.drpeckerx, $item.antiviralmedicine, $weapon.silverhammer]>>\
<<set $lootInfestedJanitor to [$item.beer, $item.wetwipe, $item.wetwipe, $item.wetwipe, $item.wetwipe, $item.wetwipe, $item.wetwipe, $item.wetwipe, $item.energydrink, $item.drpecker, $item.lustpotionx]>>\
<<set $rarelootJanitor to [$item.energydrinkx, $weapon.mop, $item.largewetwipe]>>\
<<set $lootInfestedSamantha to [$item.ration, $item.firstaid, $item.usedpanties, $item.recipeStunGun, $item.energydrinkx, $item.lustpotionx]>>\
<<set $rarelootInfestedSamantha to [$weapon.stungun, $item.junktrunkx]>>\
<<set $lootInfestedRaiderMale to [$item.ration, $item.firstaid, $item.energydrink, $item.smallelectronics, $item.smallmetal, $item.smallcloth, $item.smallwood, $item.recipePistol40sw, $item.drpecker, $item.usedunderwear]>>\
<<set $rarelootInfestedRaiderMale to [$weapon.pistol40sw]>>\
<<set $lootInfestedRaiderFemale to [$item.ration, $item.firstaid, $item.energydrink, $item.smallelectronics, $item.smallmetal, $item.smallcloth, $item.smallwood, $item.recipeWinchester308, $item.milkshakejugs, $item.usedpanties]>>\
<<set $rarelootInfestedRaiderFemale to [$weapon.Winchester308]>>\
<<set $lootInfestedRaiderFuta to [$item.ration, $item.firstaid, $item.energydrink, $item.smallelectronics, $item.smallmetal, $item.smallcloth, $item.smallwood, $item.recipeSAFN49, $item.junktrunk, $item.usedunderwear, $item.usedpanties]>>\
<<set $rarelootInfestedRaiderFuta to [$weapon.SAFN49]>>\
<<set $lootInfestedFemaleGangsta to [$item.whiskey, $item.beer, $item.recipeKatana, $item.firstaid, $item.milkshakejugs, $item.usedpanties]>>\
<<set $rarelootInfestedFemaleGangsta to [$weapon.katana]>>\
<<set $lootInfestedMaleGangsta to [$item.whiskey, $item.beer, $item.firstaid, $item.drpecker, $item.usedunderwear, $item.recipeIronFists]>>\
<<set $rarelootInfestedMaleGangsta to [$weapon.ironfists]>>\
<<set $lootInfestedFutaGangsta to [$item.whiskey, $item.beer, $item.recipeRepeatingCrossbow, $item.firstaid, $item.junktrunk, $item.usedunderwear, $item.usedpanties]>>\
<<set $rarelootInfestedFutaGangsta to [$weapon.repeatingcrossbow]>>\
<<set $lootInfestedDFemale to [$item.ration, $item.firstaid, $item.usedpanties, $item.energydrinkx, $item.lustpotionx]>>\
<<set $rarelootInfestedDFemale to [$item.doubledelicious, $item.mrpimpledickxtra, $item.doubledildo, $accessory.headband]>>\<<set $lootRaiderMale to [$item.ration, $item.firstaid, $item.energydrink, $item.smallelectronics, $item.smallmetal, $item.smallcloth, $item.smallwood, $item.recipePistol9mm, $item.focusdrink]>>\
<<set $rarelootRaiderMale to [$weapon.pistol9mm, $armor.skijacket, $item.weakantiviralmedicine]>>\
<<set $lootRaiderFemale to [$item.ration, $item.firstaid, $item.energydrink, $item.recipeShotgun20g, $item.smallmetal, $item.smallcloth, $item.smallwood, $item.smallelectronics, $item.milktanks]>>\
<<set $rarelootRaiderFemale to [$weapon.shotgun20g, $armor.leatherjacket, $item.weakantiviralmedicine]>>\
<<set $lootRaiderMiniBoss to [$item.lustpotion, $item.lustpotionx, $item.energydrink, $item.electronics, $item.metal, $item.cloth, $item.wood]>>\
<<set $rarelootRaiderMiniBoss to [$armor.superiorparka, $item.antiviralmedicine]>>\
<<set $lootRaiderRobberFemale1 to [$item.beer, $item.ration, $item.ration, $item.largeration, $item.largeration, $item.recipeShotgun410]>>\
<<set $rarelootRaiderRobberFemale1 to [$weapon.shotgun410, $armor.leatherjacket]>>\
<<set $lootRaiderRobberFemale2 to [$item.beer, $item.ration, $item.largeration, $item.largeration, $item.largeration, $item.recipeShotgunbeanbag20g]>>\
<<set $rarelootRaiderRobberFemale2 to [$weapon.shotgunbeanbag20g, $armor.heavytrenchcoat]>>\
<<set $lootRaiderRobberFemale3 to [$item.whiskey, $item.largeration, $item.bigration, $item.largeration, $item.bigration, $item.recipeShotgunDragonfire16g]>>\
<<set $rarelootRaiderRobberFemale3 to [$weapon.shotgundragonfire16g, $armor.motorcyclejacket]>>\
<<set $lootRaiderRobberMale1 to [$item.beer, $item.ration, $item.ration, $item.largeration, $item.largeration, $item.recipePistolbyrna68caliber]>>\
<<set $rarelootRaiderRobberMale1 to [$weapon.pistolbyrna68caliber, $armor.leatherjacket]>>\
<<set $lootRaiderRobberMale2 to [$item.beer, $item.largeration, $item.largeration, $item.ration, $item.largeration, $item.recipePistolP99mm]>>\
<<set $rarelootRaiderRobberMale2 to [$weapon.pistolP99mm, $armor.heavytrenchcoat]>>\
<<set $lootRaiderRobberMale3 to [$item.whiskey, $item.largeration, $item.largeration, $item.bigration, $item.bigration, $item.recipePistolVP70Z]>>\
<<set $rarelootRaiderRobberMale3 to [$weapon.pistolVP70Z, $armor.motorcyclejacket]>>\
\<<set $lootGangsterMale to [$item.ration, $item.energydrink, $item.smallelectronics, $item.beer, $item.beer, $item.smallwood, $item.recipeSwitchKnife, $item.focusdrink]>>\
<<set $rarelootGangsterMale to [$weapon.switchknife, $armor.superiorjacket, $item.mediumjewelry]>>\
<<set $lootGangsterFemale to [$item.ration, $item.energydrink, $item.smallmetal, $item.beer, $item.beer, $item.recipeLongSword, $item.milktanks, $item.focusdrink]>>\
<<set $rarelootGangsterFemale to [$weapon.longsword, $armor.skijacket, $item.mediumjewelry]>>\
<<set $lootGangsterMale2 to [$item.ration, $item.energydrink, $item.drpecker, $item.recipeBowieKnife, $item.beer]>>\
<<set $rarelootGangsterMale2 to [$weapon.bowieknife, $armor.ninjaarmor]>>\
<<set $lootGangsterFemale2 to [$item.ration, $item.milkshakejugs, $item.recipeKatana, $item.milktanks, $item.beer]>>\
<<set $rarelootGangsterFemale2 to [$weapon.katana, $armor.sexyninjaarmor]>>\
<<set $lootGangsterFuta to [$item.ration, $item.milkshakejugs, $item.drpecker, $item.recipeGunblade, $item.energydrink, $item.whiskey]>>\
<<set $rarelootGangsterFuta2 to [$weapon.gunblade, $armor.sexyninjaarmor]>>\
\<<set $lootSmallHouse to [$item.battery, $item.wood, $item.wood, $item.electronics, $item.electronics, $item.metal, $item.metal, $item.cloth, $item.cloth, $item.book]>>\
<<set $rarelootSmallHouse to [$item.jewelry]>>\
<<set $lootSmallHouseHallway to [$item.battery, $item.smallwood, $item.smallelectronics, $item.smallmetal, $item.smallcloth, $armor.raincoat]>>\
<<set $rarelootSmallHouseHallway to [$armor.leatherjacket, $weapon.baseballbat]>>\
<<set $lootSmallHouseKitchen to [$item.beer, $item.ration, $item.ration, $item.ration, $item.ration, $item.ration, $item.largeration, $item.largeration, $item.energydrink, $item.focusdrink]>>\
<<set $rarelootSmallHouseKitchen to [$item.milkshakejugs, $item.milktanks, $item.milkdrain, $item.drpecker, $item.recipeHeartyToast, $item.recipeStrongCoffee, $item.recipeSpeedySandwich, $item.dietmilkshakejugs, $item.dietdrpecker, $item.dietjunktrunk, $item.bigration]>>\
<<set $lootSmallHouseBathroom to [$item.cloth, $item.cloth, $item.smallwetwipe, $item.smallwetwipe, $item.firstaid, $item.firstaid, $item.firstaid]>>\
<<set $rarelootSmallHouseBathroom to [$item.weakantiviralmedicine, $item.largefirstaid]>>\
<<set $lootSmallHouseBedroom to [$item.battery, $item.smallwood, $item.wood, $item.smallelectronics, $item.electronics, $item.smallmetal, $item.metal, $item.smallcloth, $item.cloth, $item.cloth, $item.eroticbook]>>\
<<set $rarelootSmallHouseBedroom to [$weapon.pistol22mm, $item.doubledildo, $weapon.rifle22lr]>>\
<<set $lootSmallHouseGarage to [$item.battery, $item.smallmetal, $item.smallmetal, $item.metal, $item.metal, $item.cloth, $item.cloth]>>\
<<set $rarelootSmallHouseGarage to [$item.largemetal, $weapon.shotgun410]>>\<<set $lootAverageHouse to [$item.battery, $item.wood, $item.wood, $item.electronics, $item.electronics, $item.metal, $item.metal, $item.cloth, $item.cloth, $item.book]>>\
<<set $rarelootAverageHouse to [$item.jewelry]>>\
<<set $lootAverageHouseHallway to [$item.wood, $item.electronics, $item.metal, $item.cloth, $armor.leatherjacket]>>\
<<set $rarelootAverageHouseHallway to [$weapon.shotgun20g, $armor.skijacket]>>\
<<set $lootAverageHouseKitchen to [$item.whiskey, $item.beer, $item.largeration, $item.bigration, $item.milkdrain, $item.milktanks, $item.largeration, $item.largeration, $item.largeration, $item.largeration, $item.largeration, $item.drpecker, $item.milkshakejugs, $item.energydrink, $item.dietmilkshakejugs, $item.dietdrpecker, $item.dietjunktrunk]>>\
<<set $rarelootAverageHouseKitchen to [$item.milkshakejugsx, $item.drpeckerx, $item.hugeration, $item.recipeHeartyToast, $item.recipeStrongCoffee, $item.recipeSpeedySandwich]>>\
<<set $lootAverageHouseBathroom to [$item.largecloth, $item.largecloth, $item.largefirstaid, $item.largefirstaid, $item.largefirstaid, $item.largefirstaid, $item.largefirstaid, $item.largefirstaid, $item.largefirstaid]>>\
<<set $rarelootAverageHouseBathroom to [$item.antiviralmedicine, $weapon.scalpel]>>\
<<set $lootAverageHouseBedroom to [$item.battery, $item.wood, $item.wood, $item.largewood, $item.electronics, $item.electronics, $item.largeelectronics, $item.metal, $item.metal, $item.largemetal, $item.cloth, $item.cloth, $item.largecloth, $item.eroticbook]>>\
<<set $rarelootAverageHouseBedroom to [$accessory.warmscarf, $weapon.Remington223, $weapon.mediumcrossbow]>>\
<<set $lootAverageHouseBedroom2 to [$item.battery, $item.wood, $item.wood, $item.largewood, $item.electronics, $item.electronics, $item.largeelectronics, $item.metal, $item.metal, $item.largemetal, $item.cloth, $item.cloth, $item.largecloth, $item.eroticbook]>>\
<<set $rarelootAverageHouseBedroom2 to [$weapon.pistol9mm, $weapon.switchknife, $weapon.brassknuckles]>>
<img src="Images/Suburb/Convenience Store/Convenience Store 1.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set $location.temp to "Oak Dale - Convenience Store South">>\
<<set _State to 0>>\
<<include "Time Micro-Passes">>\
<<if $Time.Current >= $Time.Max >>\
<<set _State to "TooLate">>\
<<set $NoEncounter to 1>>\
<<if $NoEncounter < 1>>\
<<set _EncounterRoll2 to 0>>\
<<set _TotalEncounterRoll2 to 0>>\
<<if $StealthSkillFeats.Distraction > 0>>\
<<set _EncounterRoll2 to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<set _TotalEncounterRoll2 to _EncounterRoll2 + $Skill.Stealth + $DexterityBonus + $StatusAffect.IndoorTracking - $StatusAffect.Horny - ($StatusAffect.CumCovered) -2>>\
<<set _EncounterRoll to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<set _TotalEncounterRoll to _EncounterRoll + $Skill.Stealth + $DexterityBonus + $StatusAffect.IndoorTracking - $StatusAffect.Horny - ($StatusAffect.CumCovered)>>\
<<if _TotalEncounterRoll < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current) and _TotalEncounterRoll2 < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current)>>\
<<if _TotalEncounterRoll + ($ThieverySkillFeats.SnareMaster *2) < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current - 10) or (_EncounterRoll < 2)>>\
<<set _State to "Ambush">>\
<<set _State to "Combat">>\
<<set _NPCEncounterRoll to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<if _NPCEncounterRoll > (18 - $ScoutingSkillFeats.KeenEye) and $NoEncounter is 0>>\
<<set _State to "NPC">>\
This is the main stored food aisle of the Walnut Plaza Convenience Store. The isle is surprisingly clean of trash but unsurprisingly the shelves look to be mostly cleaned out as well. There might still be some food hidden around but it would take awhile to locates such hidden gems. To the north is the main checkout/exit from the convenience store while to the east is the cold section of the store.
<<switch _State>>\
<<case "TooLate">>\
<<set $Time.Current to $Time.Max>>\
It's too dangerous to explore the convenience store at this time of night.
<<button [[Return Home|Oak Dale Returning Home]]>>
<<set $NoEncounter to 0>>\
<<case "Ambush">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Ambushed to 1>>\
You've been ambushed by an enemy!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<set $location.Encounter to "Oak Dale Convenience Store">>\
<<case "Combat">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
A hostile enemy is wandering around the store!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<set $location.Encounter to "Oak Dale Convenience Store">>\
<<set $location.prev to $location.temp>>\
<<if $marketEvent.Food < 1>>\
<<button [[Search for Supplies|Oak Dale - Convenience Salvage]]>>
<<set $lootTemp to $lootCornerMarket>>\
<<set $rarelootTemp to $rarelootCornerMarket>>\
<<set $marketEvent.Food to $marketEvent.Food +1>>\
It looks like you have found everything of value in this aisle.
<<button [[North|Oak Dale - Convenience Store Entrance]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[East|Oak Dale - Convenience Store SouthEast]]>> <</button>>
<<if $lust >= ($MaxLust / 2) or $GeneralFeats.Horndog > 0>>\
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Masturbate|Masturbate]]>> </span>
<<set $location.Encounter to "Oak Dale Convenience Store">>\
<</switch>>\<img src="Images/Suburb/Convenience Store/Convenience Store 2.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set $location.temp to "Oak Dale - Convenience Store SouthEast">>\
<<include "Time Micro-Passes">>\
<<set _lusty to random(3) +1 + $StatusAffect.Horny - $LustResist.Complete>>\
<<if _lusty < 0>>\
<<set _lusty to 0>>\
<<set $lust to $lust + _lusty>>\
<<set _State to 0>>\
<<include "Time Micro-Passes">>\
<<if $Time.Current >= $Time.Max >>\
<<set _State to "TooLate">>\
<<set $NoEncounter to 1>>\
<<if $NoEncounter < 1>>\
<<set _EncounterRoll2 to 0>>\
<<set _TotalEncounterRoll2 to 0>>\
<<if $StealthSkillFeats.Distraction > 0>>\
<<set _EncounterRoll2 to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<set _TotalEncounterRoll2 to _EncounterRoll2 + $Skill.Stealth + $DexterityBonus + $StatusAffect.IndoorTracking - $StatusAffect.Horny - ($StatusAffect.CumCovered) -2>>\
<<set _EncounterRoll to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<set _TotalEncounterRoll to _EncounterRoll + $Skill.Stealth + $DexterityBonus + $StatusAffect.IndoorTracking - $StatusAffect.Horny - ($StatusAffect.CumCovered)>>\
<<if _TotalEncounterRoll < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current) and _TotalEncounterRoll2 < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current)>>\
<<if _TotalEncounterRoll + ($ThieverySkillFeats.SnareMaster *2) < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current - 10) or (_EncounterRoll < 2)>>\
<<set _State to "Ambush">>\
<<set _State to "Combat">>\
<<set _NPCEncounterRoll to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<if _NPCEncounterRoll > (18 - $ScoutingSkillFeats.KeenEye) and $NoEncounter is 0>>\
<<set _State to "NPC">>\
This is the cold storage section of the Walnut Plaza Convenience Store. Most of the freezer doors have been propped open letting all cold desserts melt. There's a large puddle of some strange fluid next to the freezer door which you hope is just melted ice cream. To the north is the main snack aisle while to the west is the stored food section of the store.
<<set _ReflexRoll to (random(19)+ 1)>>\
<<if _ReflexRoll + $PC.Reflex + $PCStatus.SavesBuff + $armorSaveBonus + $FoodStatus.Refl - $PCStatus.SavesDebuff < 14>>\
You feel your shoes get wet and sticky as you accidentally step into a puddle of questionable origins!
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered +1>>\
<<switch _State>>\
<<case "TooLate">>\
<<set $Time.Current to $Time.Max>>\
It's too dangerous to explore the convenience store at this time of night.
<<button [[Return Home|Oak Dale Returning Home]]>>
<<set $NoEncounter to 0>>\
<<case "Ambush">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Ambushed to 1>>\
You've been ambushed by an enemy!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<set $location.Encounter to "Oak Dale Convenience Store">>\
<<case "Combat">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
A hostile enemy is wandering around the store!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<set $location.Encounter to "Oak Dale Convenience Store">>\
<<set $location.prev to $location.temp>>\
<<if $marketEvent.Ice < 1>>\
<<button [[Search for Supplies|Oak Dale - Convenience Salvage]]>>
<<set $lootTemp to $lootCornerMarketIce>>\
<<set $rarelootTemp to $rarelootCornerMarketIce>>\
<<set $marketEvent.Ice to $marketEvent.Ice +1>>\
It looks like you have found everything of value in this aisle.
<<button [[North|Oak Dale - Convenience Store East]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[West|Oak Dale - Convenience Store South]]>> <</button>>
<<if $lust >= ($MaxLust / 2) or $GeneralFeats.Horndog > 0>>\
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Masturbate|Masturbate]]>> </span>
<<set $location.Encounter to "Oak Dale Convenience Store">>\
<</switch>>\<img src="Images/Suburb/Convenience Store/Convenience Store 3.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set $location.temp to "Oak Dale - Convenience Store East">>\
<<include "Time Micro-Passes">>\
<<set _State to 0>>\
<<include "Time Micro-Passes">>\
<<if $Time.Current >= $Time.Max >>\
<<set _State to "TooLate">>\
<<set $NoEncounter to 1>>\
<<if $NoEncounter < 1>>\
<<set _EncounterRoll2 to 0>>\
<<set _TotalEncounterRoll2 to 0>>\
<<if $StealthSkillFeats.Distraction > 0>>\
<<set _EncounterRoll2 to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<set _TotalEncounterRoll2 to _EncounterRoll2 + $Skill.Stealth + $DexterityBonus + $StatusAffect.IndoorTracking - $StatusAffect.Horny - ($StatusAffect.CumCovered) -2>>\
<<set _EncounterRoll to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<set _TotalEncounterRoll to _EncounterRoll + $Skill.Stealth + $DexterityBonus + $StatusAffect.IndoorTracking - $StatusAffect.Horny - ($StatusAffect.CumCovered)>>\
<<if _TotalEncounterRoll < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current) and _TotalEncounterRoll2 < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current)>>\
<<if _TotalEncounterRoll + ($ThieverySkillFeats.SnareMaster *2) < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current - 10) or (_EncounterRoll < 2)>>\
<<set _State to "Ambush">>\
<<set _State to "Combat">>\
<<set _NPCEncounterRoll to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<if _NPCEncounterRoll > (18 - $ScoutingSkillFeats.KeenEye) and $NoEncounter is 0>>\
<<set _State to "NPC">>\
This is the main snack aisle of the Walnut Plaza Convenience Store. A lot of trash and empty boxes fill the aisle making it slightly difficult to navigate. Most of the shelves look to be empty but there might be something hidden behind the trash filling the aisle. To the west is the main checkout/exit from the convenience store while to the south is the cold section of the store.
<<switch _State>>\
<<case "TooLate">>\
<<set $Time.Current to $Time.Max>>\
It's too dangerous to explore the convenience store at this time of night.
<<button [[Return Home|Oak Dale Returning Home]]>>
<<set $NoEncounter to 0>>\
<<case "Ambush">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Ambushed to 1>>\
You've been ambushed by an enemy!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<set $location.Encounter to "Oak Dale Convenience Store">>\
<<case "Combat">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
A hostile enemy is wandering around the store!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<set $location.Encounter to "Oak Dale Convenience Store">>\
<<set $location.prev to $location.temp>>\
<<if $marketEvent.Snack < 1>>\
<<button [[Search for Supplies|Oak Dale - Convenience Salvage]]>>
<<set $lootTemp to $lootCornerMarket>>\
<<set $rarelootTemp to $rarelootCornerMarket>>\
<<set $marketEvent.Snack to $marketEvent.Snack +1>>\
It looks like you have found everything of value in this aisle.
<<button [[West|Oak Dale - Convenience Store Entrance]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[South|Oak Dale - Convenience Store SouthEast]]>> <</button>>
<<if $lust >= ($MaxLust / 2) or $GeneralFeats.Horndog > 0>>\
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Masturbate|Masturbate]]>> </span>
<<set $location.Encounter to "Oak Dale Convenience Store">>\
<</switch>>\<img src="Images/Suburb/Convenience Store/Convenience Store Front.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<set _tempCash to $PC.Level * 20>>
<<set _tempCash to random(_tempCash) + 5>>\
<<set _Extra to 1>>\
<<if $SalvagingSkillFeats.ExtraLoot > 0>>\
<<set _extraloot to (random(19)+ 1) + ($Prof.Salvaging / 2)>>\
<<if _extraloot > 15>>\
<<set _Extra to 2>>\
You search thru the aisle and find the following:
<<for $i = 0; $i < ($Prof.Salvaging / 2 + _Extra); $i++>>\
<<set _RareLoot to (random(19)+ 1) + ($Prof.Salvaging / 2) + $SalvagingSkillFeats.RareSalvage >>\
Rare Roll: _RareLoot
<<if _RareLoot > 19>>\
<<set _exists to 0>>\
<<set _keyflag to 0>>\
<<set _tempLoot to $rarelootTemp.random()>>\
<<if _tempLoot.name is "a double-ended dildo">>\
<<if $KeyItemsFlags.DoubleDildo is not 1>>\
<<set _keyflag to 1>>\
<<set $KeyItemsFlags.DoubleDildo to 1>>\
<<set $KeyItems.push(_tempLoot)>>\
<<set _tempLoot to $item.jewelry>>\
<<for $j = 0; $j < $PCInventory.length; $j++>>\
<<set $uitem = $PCInventory[$j]>>\
<<set $ItemName to $uitem.name>>\
<<set _TempName to _tempLoot.name>>\
<<if $ItemName is _TempName>>\
<<set _amount to $uitem.amount>>\
<<set _exists to 1>>\
<<if _exists is 1>>\
<<set _amount to _amount +1>>\
<<set $uitem.amount to _amount>>\
<<elseif _keyflag is 0>>\
<<set $PCInventory.push(_tempLoot)>>\
Rare: <<print _tempLoot.name>>
<<set _Salvage to (random(19)+ 1) + $Skill.Salvaging + $WisdomBonus>>\
Salvage Roll: _Salvage
<<if _Salvage > (5 + ($i * 2))>>\
<<set _exists to 0>>\
<<set _tempLoot to $lootTemp.random()>>\
<<for $j = 0; $j < $PCInventory.length; $j++>>\
<<set $uitem = $PCInventory[$j]>>\
<<set $ItemName to $uitem.name>>\
<<set _TempName to _tempLoot.name>>\
<<if $ItemName is _TempName>>\
<<set _amount to $uitem.amount>>\
<<set _exists to 1>>\
<<if _exists is 1>>\
<<set _amount to _amount +1>>\
<<set $uitem.amount to _amount>>\
<<set $PCInventory.push(_tempLoot)>>\
<<print _tempLoot.name>>
_tempCash dollars
<<button [[Finish|$location.temp]]>> <</button>><<set $lootClinicVending to [$item.battery, $item.energydrink, $item.focusdrink, $item.wetwipe, $item.dietmilkshakejugs, $item.drpecker, $item.milkshakejugs, $item.junktrunk, $item.dietdrpecker, $item.smallration, $item.smallfirstaid, $item.dietjunktrunk, $item.milktanks, $item.planpminus]>>\
<<set $lootTempClinicVending to [$item.battery, $item.energydrink, $item.focusdrink, $item.wetwipe, $item.smallration, $item.smallfirstaid, $item.dietjunktrunk, $item.dietdrpecker, $item.dietmilkshakejugs, $item.milktanks, $item.planpminus]>>\
<<set $lootClinicStorage to [$item.energydrink, $item.largewetwipe, $item.largefirstaid, $item.weakantiviralmedicine, $item.largecloth, $item.battery, $item.dietdrpecker, $item.dietmilkshakejugs, $item.milktanksx]>>\
<<set $rarelootClinicStorage to [$item.hugeration, $item.planfplus, $item.antiviralmedicine]>>\
<<set $lootClinicOffice to [$item.battery, $item.largewetwipe, $item.firstaid, $item.firstaid, $item.firstaid, $item.weakantiviralmedicine, $item.cloth, $item.cloth, $item.recipeDoctorCoat, $item.recipeScalpel]>>\
<<set $rarelootClinicOffice to [$item.antiviralmedicine, $item.largefirstaid, $armor.doctorcoat]>>\
<<set $lootClinicDoctor to [$item.usedunderwear, $item.usedpanties, $item.lube, $item.energydrink, $item.lustpotion, $item.drpecker, $item.milkshakejugs, $item.junktrunk]>>\
<<set $rarelootClinicDoctor to [$item.milkshakejugsx, $item.planfplus, $item.drpeckerx, $item.energydrinkx, $item.milktanksx, $item.junktrunkx]>>\
\<<set $bankEvent.Vault to 0>>\
<<set $bankEvent.OfficeCube to 0>>\
<<set $bankEvent.Office2 to 0>>\
<<set $bankEvent.Stairs to 0>>\
<<set $doctorEvent.Storage to 0>>\
<<set $doctorEvent.Storage2 to 0>>\
<<set $doctorEvent.Storage3 to 0>>\
<<set $doctorEvent.Storage4 to 0>>\
<<set $doctorEvent.Storage5 to 0>>\
<<set $marketEvent.Loot to 0>>\
<<set $marketEvent.Snack to 0>>\
<<set $marketEvent.Food to 0>>\
<<set $marketEvent.Ice to 0>>\ <<switch $genericHouse.Size>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<set _OutsideView to random(3)>>\
<<set _HallwayView to random(3)>>\
<<set _KitchenView to random(3)>>\
<<set _BedroomView to random(3)>>\
<<set _LivingView to random(3)>>\
<<set _BathroomView to random(3)>>\
<<set _AtticView to random(3)>>\
<<set _GarageView to random(3)>>\
<<set $genericHouseOutside to _OutsideView>>\
<<set $genericHouseHallway to _HallwayView>>\
<<set $genericHouseKitchen to _KitchenView>>\
<<set $genericHouseBedroom to _BedroomView>>\
<<set $genericHouseLiving to _LivingView>>\
<<set $genericHouseBathroom to _BathroomView>>\
<<set $genericHouseAttic to _AtticView>>\
<<set $genericHouseGarage to _GarageView>>\
<<set $genericHouseOutsideImage to $housePath1 + $arraySmallHouse[$genericHouseOutside] + '.jpg'>>\
<<set $genericHouseHallwayImage to $housePath1 + $arraySmallHouseHallway[$genericHouseHallway] + '.jpg'>>\
<<set $genericHouseKitchenImage to $housePath1 + $arraySmallHouseKitchen[$genericHouseKitchen] + '.jpg'>>\
<<set $genericHouseBathroomImage to $housePath1 + $arraySmallHouseBathroom[$genericHouseBathroom] + '.jpg'>>\
<<set $genericHouseBedroomImage to $housePath1 + $arraySmallHouseBedroom[$genericHouseBedroom] + '.jpg'>>\
<<set $genericHouseLivingImage to $housePath1 + $arraySmallHouseLiving[$genericHouseLiving] + '.jpg'>>\
<<set $genericHouseAtticImage to $housePath1 + $arraySmallHouseAttic[$genericHouseAttic] + '.jpg'>>\
<<set $genericHouseGarageImage to $housePath1 + $arraySmallHouseGarage[$genericHouseGarage] + '.jpg'>>\
<<case 2>>\
<<set _OutsideView to random(3)>>\
<<set _HallwayView to random(3)>>\
<<set _HallwayView2 to random(3)>>\
<<set _KitchenView to random(3)>>\
<<set _BedroomView to random(3)>>\
<<set _BedroomView2 to random(3)>>\
<<set _LivingView to random(3)>>\
<<set _BathroomView to random(3)>>\
<<set _AtticView to random(3)>>\
<<set _GarageView to random(3)>>\
<<set $genericHouseOutside to _OutsideView>>\
<<set $genericHouseHallway to _HallwayView>>\
<<set $genericHouseHallway2 to _HallwayView2>>\
<<set $genericHouseKitchen to _KitchenView>>\
<<set $genericHouseBedroom to _BedroomView>>\
<<set $genericHouseBedroom2 to _BedroomView2>>\
<<set $genericHouseLiving to _LivingView>>\
<<set $genericHouseBathroom to _BathroomView>>\
<<set $genericHouseAttic to _AtticView>>\
<<set $genericHouseGarage to _GarageView>>\
<<set $genericHouseOutsideImage to $housePath1 + $arraySmallHouse[$genericHouseOutside] + '.jpg'>>\
<<set $genericHouseHallwayImage to $housePath1 + $arraySmallHouseHallway[$genericHouseHallway] + '.jpg'>>\
<<set $genericHouseHallwayImage2 to $housePath1 + $arraySmallHouseHallway[$genericHouseHallway2] + '.jpg'>>\
<<set $genericHouseKitchenImage to $housePath1 + $arraySmallHouseKitchen[$genericHouseKitchen] + '.jpg'>>\
<<set $genericHouseBathroomImage to $housePath1 + $arraySmallHouseBathroom[$genericHouseBathroom] + '.jpg'>>\
<<set $genericHouseBedroomImage to $housePath1 + $arraySmallHouseBedroom[$genericHouseBedroom] + '.jpg'>>\
<<set $genericHouseBedroomImage2 to $housePath1 + $arraySmallHouseBedroom[$genericHouseBedroom] + '.jpg'>>\
<<set $genericHouseLivingImage to $housePath1 + $arraySmallHouseLiving[$genericHouseLiving] + '.jpg'>>\
<<set $genericHouseGarageImage to $housePath1 + $arraySmallHouseGarage[$genericHouseGarage] + '.jpg'>>\
<<case 10>>\
<<set _OutsideView to random(3)>>\
<<set _FoyerView to random(3)>>\
<<set _HallwayView to random(3)>>\
<<set _HallwayView2 to random(3)>>\
<<set _KitchenView to random(3)>>\
<<set _BedroomView to random(3)>>\
<<set _BedroomView2 to random(3)>>\
<<set _BedroomView3 to random(3)>>\
<<set _LivingView to random(3)>>\
<<set _BathroomView to random(3)>>\
<<set _BathroomView2 to random(3)>>\
<<set _AtticView to random(3)>>\
<<set _GarageView to random(3)>>\
<<set $genericHouseOutside to _OutsideView>>\
<<set $genericHouseFoyer to _FoyerView>>\
<<set $genericHouseHallway to _HallwayView>>\
<<set $genericHouseHallway2 to _HallwayView2>>\
<<set $genericHouseKitchen to _KitchenView>>\
<<set $genericHouseBedroom to _BedroomView>>\
<<set $genericHouseBedroom2 to _BedroomView2>>\
<<set $genericHouseBedroom3 to _BedroomView3>>\
<<set $genericHouseLiving to _LivingView>>\
<<set $genericHouseBathroom to _BathroomView>>\
<<set $genericHouseAttic to _AtticView>>\
<<set $genericHouseGarage to _GarageView>>\
<<set $genericHouseOutsideImage to $housePath2 + $arrayAverageHouse[$genericHouseOutside] + '.jpg'>>\
<<set $genericHouseFoyerImage to $housePath2 + $arrayAverageHouseFoyer[$genericHouseFoyer] + '.jpg'>>\
<<set $genericHouseHallwayImage to $housePath2 + $arrayAverageHouseHallway[$genericHouseHallway] + '.jpg'>>\
<<set $genericHouseHallwayImage2 to $housePath1 + $arraySmallHouseHallway[$genericHouseHallway2] + '.jpg'>>\
<<set $genericHouseKitchenImage to $housePath2 + $arrayAverageHouseKitchen[$genericHouseKitchen] + '.jpg'>>\
<<set $genericHouseBathroomImage to $housePath2 + $arrayAverageHouseBathroom[$genericHouseBathroom] + '.jpg'>>\
<<set $genericHouseBathroomImage2 to $housePath1 + $arraySmallHouseBathroom[$genericHouseBathroom] + '.jpg'>>\
<<set $genericHouseBedroomImage to $housePath2 + $arrayAverageHouseBedroom[$genericHouseBedroom] + '.jpg'>>\
<<set $genericHouseBedroomImage2 to $housePath1 + $arraySmallHouseBedroom[$genericHouseBedroom2] + '.jpg'>>\
<<set $genericHouseBedroomImage3 to $housePath1 + $arraySmallHouseBedroom[$genericHouseBedroom3] + '.jpg'>>\
<<set $genericHouseLivingImage to $housePath2 + $arrayAverageHouseLiving[$genericHouseLiving] + '.jpg'>>\
<<set $genericHouseAtticImage to $housePath1 + $arraySmallHouseAttic[$genericHouseAttic] + '.jpg'>>\
<<set $genericHouseLivingImage to $housePath2 + $arrayAverageHouseLiving[$genericHouseLiving] + '.jpg'>>\
<<set $genericHouseGarageImage to $housePath2 + $arrayAverageHouseGarage[$genericHouseGarage] + '.jpg'>>\
<<case 111>>\
<<set _OutsideView to random(3)>>\
<<set _KitchenView to random(3)>>\
<<set _BedroomView to random(3)>>\
<<set _LivingView to random(3)>>\
<<set _BathroomView to random(3)>>\
<<set $genericHouseOutside to _OutsideView>>\
<<set $genericHouseKitchen to _KitchenView>>\
<<set $genericHouseBedroom to _BedroomView>>\
<<set $genericHouseLiving to _LivingView>>\
<<set $genericHouseBathroom to _BathroomView>>\
<<set $genericHouseOutsideImage to $apartmentPath1 + $arraySmallApartment[$genericHouseOutside] + '.jpg'>>\
<<set $genericHouseKitchenImage to $apartmentPath1 + $arraySmallApartmentKitchen[$genericHouseKitchen] + '.jpg'>>\
<<set $genericHouseBathroomImage to $apartmentPath1 + $arraySmallApartmentBathroom[$genericHouseBathroom] + '.jpg'>>\
<<set $genericHouseBedroomImage to $apartmentPath1 + $arraySmallApartmentBedroom[$genericHouseBedroom] + '.jpg'>>\
<<set $genericHouseLivingImage to $apartmentPath1 + $arraySmallApartmentLiving[$genericHouseLiving] + '.jpg'>>\
<<case 112>>\
<<case 200>>\
<<set _OutsideView to random(3)>>\
<<set _EntranceView to random(3)>>\
<<set _InsideView to random(3)>>\
<<set _MainView to random(3)>>\
<<set _OfficeView to random(3)>>\
<<set $genericWarehouseOutside to _OutsideView>>\
<<set $genericWarehouseEntrance to _EntranceView>>\
<<set $genericWarehouseInside to _InsideView>>\
<<set $genericWarehouseMain to _MainView>>\
<<set $genericWarehouseOffice to _OfficeView>>\
<<set $genericWarehouseOutsideImage to $warehousePath1 + $arrayWarehouse[$genericWarehouseOutside] + '.jpg'>>\
<<set $genericWarehouseEntranceImage to $warehousePath1 + $arrayWarehouseEntrance[$genericWarehouseEntrance] + '.jpg'>>\
<<set $genericWarehouseInsideImage to $warehousePath1 + $arrayWarehouseInside[$genericWarehouseInside] + '.jpg'>>\
<<set $genericWarehouseMainImage to $warehousePath1 + $arrayWarehouseMain[$genericWarehouseMain] + '.jpg'>>\
<<set $genericWarehouseOfficeImage to $warehousePath1 + $arrayWarehouseOffice[$genericWarehouseOffice] + '.jpg'>>\
<<set _OutsideView to random(3)>>\
<<set $genericHouseOutside to _OutsideView>>\
<<set $genericHouseOutsideImage to $housePath0 + $arrayDestroyedHouse[$genericHouseOutside] + '.jpg'>>\
<</switch>>\ <<set _EncounterRoll2 to 0>>\
<<set _TotalEncounterRoll2 to 0>>\
<<if $StealthSkillFeats.Distraction > 0>>\
<<set _EncounterRoll2 to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<set _TotalEncounterRoll2 to _EncounterRoll2 + $Skill.Stealth + $DexterityBonus + $StatusAffect.IndoorTracking - $StatusAffect.Horny - ($StatusAffect.CumCovered) -2>>\
<<set _EncounterRoll to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<set _TotalEncounterRoll to _EncounterRoll + $Skill.Stealth + $DexterityBonus + $StatusAffect.IndoorTracking - $StatusAffect.Horny - ($StatusAffect.CumCovered)>>\
<<if _TotalEncounterRoll < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current) and _TotalEncounterRoll2 < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current)>>\
<<if _TotalEncounterRoll + ($ThieverySkillFeats.SnareMaster *2) < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current - 10) or (_EncounterRoll < 2)>>\
<<set _State to "Ambush">>\
<<set _State to "Combat">>\
<<set _NPCEncounterRoll to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<if _NPCEncounterRoll > (18 - $ScoutingSkillFeats.KeenEye) and $NoEncounter is 0>>\
<<set _State to "NPC">>\
<</if>>\<img @src=$genericHouseGarageImage />
<<set $location.temp to "Small House - Garage">>\
<<set _State to 0>>\
<<include "Time Micro-Passes">>\
<<if $Time.Current >= $Time.Max >>\
<<set _State to "TooLate">>\
<<set $NoEncounter to 1>>\
<<if $NoEncounter < 1>>\
<<set _EncounterRoll2 to 0>>\
<<set _TotalEncounterRoll2 to 0>>\
<<if $StealthSkillFeats.Distraction > 0>>\
<<set _EncounterRoll2 to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<set _TotalEncounterRoll2 to _EncounterRoll2 + $Skill.Stealth + $DexterityBonus + $StatusAffect.IndoorTracking - $StatusAffect.Horny - ($StatusAffect.CumCovered) -2>>\
<<set _EncounterRoll to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<set _TotalEncounterRoll to _EncounterRoll + $Skill.Stealth + $DexterityBonus + $StatusAffect.IndoorTracking - $StatusAffect.Horny - ($StatusAffect.CumCovered)>>\
<<if _TotalEncounterRoll < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current) and _TotalEncounterRoll2 < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current)>>\
<<if _TotalEncounterRoll + ($ThieverySkillFeats.SnareMaster *2) < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current - 10) or (_EncounterRoll < 2)>>\
<<set _State to "Ambush">>\
<<set _State to "Combat">>\
<<set _NPCEncounterRoll to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<if _NPCEncounterRoll > (18 - $ScoutingSkillFeats.KeenEye) and $NoEncounter is 0>>\
<<set _State to "NPC">>\
This is the tiny garage for this small suburban house. There's no car present but if it was it would barely fit as much of the space has been taken up with storage boxes and handyman tools. There's a door that leads into the house's kitchen while the door to the backyard is blocked by boxes.
<<if $StatusText.Notice is 1>>\
<<include "Update Status">>\
<<switch _State>>\
<<case "TooLate">>\
<<set $Time.Current to $Time.Max>>\
It's too dangerous to explore this suburban house at this time of night.
<<button [[Leave|$locationGeneric.Return]]>>
<<set $NoEncounter to 0>>\
<<case "Ambush">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Ambushed to 1>>\
You've been ambushed by an enemy!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<case "Combat">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
A hostile enemy is wandering around the house!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<set $location.prev to $location.temp>>\
<<if $Salvage.Garage < 1>>\
<<button [[Search for Supplies|Small House Salvage]]>>
<<set $genericHouse.GenericImage to $genericHouse.GarageImage>>\
<<set $lootTemp to $lootSmallHouseGarage>>\
<<set $rarelootTemp to $rarelootSmallHouseGarage>>\
<<set $Salvage.Garage to $Salvage.Garage +1>>\
It looks like you have found everything of value in the garage.
<<button [[Kitchen|Small House - Kitchen]]>> <</button>>
<</switch>>\<img src="Images/Suburb/Clinic/clinic3.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<set _tempCash to $PC.Level * 20>>
<<set _tempCash to random(_tempCash) + 5>>\
<<set _Extra to 1>>\
<<if $SalvagingSkillFeats.ExtraLoot > 0>>\
<<set _extraloot to (random(19)+ 1) + ($Prof.Salvaging / 2)>>\
<<if _extraloot > 15>>\
<<set _Extra to 2>>\
You search thru the room and find the following:
<<for $i = 0; $i < ($Prof.Salvaging / 2 + _Extra); $i++>>\
<<set _RareLoot to (random(19)+ 1) + ($Prof.Salvaging / 2) + $SalvagingSkillFeats.RareSalvage >>\
Rare Roll: _RareLoot
<<if _RareLoot > 19>>\
<<set _exists to 0>>\
<<set _keyflag to 0>>\
<<set _tempLoot to $rarelootTemp.random()>>\
<<if _tempLoot.name is "a double-ended dildo">>\
<<if $KeyItemsFlags.DoubleDildo is not 1>>\
<<set _keyflag to 1>>\
<<set $KeyItemsFlags.DoubleDildo to 1>>\
<<set $KeyItems.push(_tempLoot)>>\
<<set _tempLoot to $item.jewelry>>\
<<for $j = 0; $j < $PCInventory.length; $j++>>\
<<set $uitem = $PCInventory[$j]>>\
<<set $ItemName to $uitem.name>>\
<<set _TempName to _tempLoot.name>>\
<<if $ItemName is _TempName>>\
<<set _amount to $uitem.amount>>\
<<set _exists to 1>>\
<<if _exists is 1>>\
<<set _amount to _amount +1>>\
<<set $uitem.amount to _amount>>\
<<elseif _keyflag is 0>>\
<<set $PCInventory.push(_tempLoot)>>\
Rare: <<print _tempLoot.name>>
<<set _Salvage to (random(19)+ 1) + $Skill.Salvaging + $WisdomBonus>>\
Salvage Roll: _Salvage
<<if _Salvage > (5 + ($i * 2))>>\
<<set _exists to 0>>\
<<set _tempLoot to $lootTemp.random()>>\
<<for $j = 0; $j < $PCInventory.length; $j++>>\
<<set $uitem = $PCInventory[$j]>>\
<<set $ItemName to $uitem.name>>\
<<set _TempName to _tempLoot.name>>\
<<if $ItemName is _TempName>>\
<<set _amount to $uitem.amount>>\
<<set _exists to 1>>\
<<if _exists is 1>>\
<<set _amount to _amount +1>>\
<<set $uitem.amount to _amount>>\
<<set $PCInventory.push(_tempLoot)>>\
<<print _tempLoot.name>>
_tempCash dollars
<<button [[Finish|$location.temp]]>> <</button>><<set $genericEvent.Image = $eventPath4 + $arrayEvent4Standing.random() + '.jpg'>>\
<img @src=$genericEvent.Image />
<<set $npcDiane.Friendship to $npcDiane.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity +1 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Horny to $StatusAffect.Horny+1>>\
<<set _lusty to random(15) +5 + $StatusAffect.Horny - $LustResist.Visual - $LustResist.Complete>>\
<<if _lusty < 0>>\
<<set _lusty to 0>>\
<<set _LustRoll to (random(19) + 1)>>\
<<if _LustRoll + $PC.Willpower - $StatusAffect.Horny < 15>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Horny to $StatusAffect.Horny+1>>\
<<set $lust to $lust + _lusty +1>>\
<<set $lust to $lust + _lusty>>\
<<if $repairEvent.Visits > 2>>\
<<set $SexScene2 to random(1)>>\
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$npcDiane.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$npcDiane.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _IAss to $arrayAssSizeDesc[$npcDiane.AssSize]>>\
<<if $npcDiane.SexDetection is "Futa">>\
  "I'll go ahead and take a look at the television. Hopefully it's a simple issue like last time so it can be fixed rather quickly." you say feeling sorry for Diane. She seems to have lots of bad luck with electronics and with the Infested pandemic it's a bit rough to get appliances repaired.
  As you start to check out the TV, Diane moves up next to you while staring at the TV. "It was working late last night but starting this morning it just won't turn on!" she says as she futility hits the power button on the remote. This close to Diane is rather intoxicating as her perfume envelopes you and you unconsciously turn to face her. She shoves her impressive chest up against your $BreastSD breasts while showing you the non-functioning remote "See it doesn't work!" You go to look at the remote but your eyes are locked onto her _ISD tits as she continues to explain how the remote just doesn't work.
  You feel your pussy get even wetter as she rubs her impressive tits against your $BreastSD breasts and soon she starts to slide her thigh up to your groin. Diane looks slightly surprised as you ask "How about I check the outlet just to make sure nothing broke back there?" you ask staring down at her _ICup breasts. The way they fill out her business suit, with the top showing off so much tanned cleavage, is rapidly turning you on.
  "Wait, let me check something out. I would hate for it to be the damn power cable again!" she says before handing you the dead remote. She bends over deep to look behind the media center with her large bouncy ass up in the air. "Can you shine a light to help me see back here?" she asks while searching for the power cable.
  You grab your smart phone and turn on the flashlight. As you are shining the light behind the TV you feel your groin being rubbed against by her _IAss ass! It seems like Diane had moved back a bit and is rubbing her juicy ass against where your futa-cock used to be while she looking behind the TV.
  "You know, $PC.FirstName... You seem to be missing something big and hard that should be pressing up against my big jiggly ass." Diane questioning says while glancing over her shoulder at you. "I'm pretty sure the last time you visitied you had a nice thick futa-cock. Care to explain?"
<<switch $PCChanges.Gender>>\
<<case "Soda">>\
  With what's she doing with her soft ass to your pussy it takes a moment to respond "It looks like the Dr. Pecker has worn off. Maybe I'll try it out again if I find another can of it but for now I'm back to my usual womanly self." you explain how your futa-dick disappeared.
  Hearing your response, she suddenly straightens up and turns to face you. "That sounds a bit strange. I mean I had assumed it would be a permanent change since growing something like a penis should have lasting changes. But I'm no medical expert so what do I know..." Diane says as her whole demeanor switched from sexy MILF to business woman. She taps her face with her slim finger before giving you a lewd look as her focus shifts to your tits. "So you grew a dick from one of BioWetX's products and now it's gone, huh? Well if you can get my television fixed I'll be sure to help you get over the loss of your futa-dick." she says in a husky tone while crossing her arms under her impressive chest.
<<case "Surgery">>\
  With what's she doing with her soft ass to your pussy it takes a moment to respond "I went to a doctor who was able to remove my dick using some experimental treatments. I felt too much like one of the Infested running around as a Futa so now I'm back to being 100% female." you explain how your futa-dick disappeared.
  Hearing your response, she suddenly straightens up and turns to face you. "I'm so sorry, $PC.FirstName. I didn't realize how much being a Futa was weighing on you." Diane says as her whole demeanor switched from sexy MILF to business woman. She taps her face with her slim finger before giving you a lewd look as her focus shifts to your tits. "So you're now 100% woman, eh? Well if you can get my television fixed I'll be sure to help you celebrate your return to being a full women." she says in a husky tone while crossing her arms under her impressive chest.
  With what's she doing with her soft ass to your pussy it takes a moment to respond "It just disappeared one night for no apparent reason. I mean I was a full on Futa going to sleep and then I wake up as a full on woman." you explain how you have no idea on why your futa-dick disappeared.
  Hearing your response, she suddenly straightens up and turns to face you. "That sounds a bit strange. I mean I had assumed it would be a permanent change since growing something like a penis should have lasting changes. But I'm no medical expert so what do I know..." Diane says as her whole demeanor switched from sexy MILF to business woman. She taps her face with her slim finger before giving you a lewd look as her focus shifts to your tits. "So you grew a dick from one of BioWetX's products and now it's gone, huh? Well if you can get my television fixed I'll be sure to help you get over the loss of your futa-dick." she says in a husky tone while crossing her arms under her impressive chest.
<<set $npcDiane.SexDetection to "Female">>\
  Glancing away from her _ISD breasts you look down at the remote to see if you can turn it on now that's she's checked at least the power cable. You quickly notice that when you press the power button no lights flash nor is there any response from the remote at all.
  Looking at the television you decide to try manually turning the TV on with the power button. It instantly responds and starts playing the last video before it was turned off...
<<set $pornVid = $pornPath + $arrayStraight.random() + '.mp4'>>
<<if $Sound is "On">>\
<video autoplay loop>
<source @src="$pornVid" type="video/mp4">
<video autoplay loop muted>
<source @src="$pornVid" type="video/mp4">
  You stare in disbelief as you get a front seat viewing of a pornographic movie that starts playing on the TV. The sight of a big titty milf being plowed by a muscular stud less than a foot away causes you to take a couple of steps back. Diane quickly launches herself into giving you a big tight hug while gripping your ass. Her _ISD breasts squish against your own $BreastSD chest while she kisses you deeply.
  "Thank you! Thank you! You fixed my broken TV! How about I go ahead and reward you for your efforts my hero! In fact the show on the TV is giving me a good idea for how to reward you!" she says as the kiss ends. Before you can form a response she shoves your face into her ample cleavage!
<<elseif $repairEvent.Visits is 1 or $SexScene2 is 0>>\
  "I'll go ahead and take a look at the TV. I'm no expert but I should be able to fix it if it's a simple issue." you say feeling sorry for Diane. She seems to be kind of bad with electronics and with the Infested pandemic going on it's impossible to get repair men to fix broken appliances.
  As you start to check out the TV the shapely woman moves up behind you while staring at the TV. "It was working yesterday but today it just won't work." she says as she futility hits the power button on the remote. This close to Diane is rather intoxicating as her perfume envelopes you. "See it doesn't work!" she says as she spins you around to look the remote in her hand. You go to look at the remote but two rather large bouncy obstacles are blocking your view. It doesn't help that her jiggle chest ends up pressing up against your $BreastSD breasts. Your eyes are locked onto her _ICup tits as they jiggle and rub against your $NippleSize long nipples.
  "How about I check the outlet just to make sure nothing broke back there?" you ask using a supreme amount of willpower to pull your eyes away from those lucious breasts. The way they fill out her business suit with the top showing off so much tanned cleavage, it can't be work appropriate.
  "Sure! Go ahead, you're the expert." she says as she watches you bend over to get behind the media center. Searching around in the darkened you manage to find the power cable. It looks like it has been unplugged from the power outlet and it doesn't look by accident! Before you can even get it plugged back in you feel two hands on your $AssSize ass! You quickly plug the power cable back in and start to get back on your feet. As you are straightening up you bump your head into two rather soft obstacles! It seems like Diane had moved rather close to in order to grope your $AssSize ass while you was working on the TV and didn't back off when you tried to stand.
  Before you have a chance to explain what happened or to apologize for your head bumping into her _ISD tits, the TV suddenly turns on and starts playing the last video before it was unplugged...
<<set $pornVid = $pornPath + $arrayStraight.random() + '.mp4'>>
<<if $Sound is "On">>\
<video autoplay loop>
<source @src="$pornVid" type="video/mp4">
<video autoplay loop muted>
<source @src="$pornVid" type="video/mp4">
  You stare in disbelief as a pornographic movie starts playing on the TV. The sight of a big titty milf being plowed by a muscular stud throws you for a loop and completely off balance. Diane takes advantage of you being stunned to wrap her arms around you giving you a tight hug! Her _ISD breasts squish against your own $BreastSD chest while she kisses you deeply.
  "Thank you! Thank you! You fixed my broken TV! How about I go ahead and reward you for your efforts my hero! In fact the show on the TV is giving me a good idea for how to reward you!" she says as the kiss ends. Before you can form a response she shoves your face into her ample cleavage!
<<elseif $repairEvent.Visits > 1 or $SexScene2 is 1>>\
  "I'll go ahead and take a look at the television. Hopefully it's a simple issue like last time so it can be fixed rather quickly." you say feeling sorry for Diane. She seems to have lots of bad luck with electronics and with the Infested pandemic it's a bit rough to get appliances repaired.
  As you start to check out the TV, Diane moves up next to you while staring at the TV. "It was working late last night but starting this morning it just won't turn on!" she says as she futility hits the power button on the remote. This close to Diane is rather intoxicating as her perfume envelopes you and you unconsciously turn to face her. She shoves her impressive chest up against your $BreastSD breasts while showing you the non-functioning remote "See it doesn't work!" You go to look at the remote but your eyes are locked onto her _ISD tits as she continues to explain how the remote just doesn't work.
  "How about I check the outlet just to make sure nothing broke back there?" you ask staring down at her _ICup breasts. The way they fill out her business suit, with the top showing off so much tanned cleavage, is rapidly turning you on.
  "Wait a second, let me check again. I would hate for it to be the damned power cable again!" she says before handing you the dead remote. She bends over deep to look behind the media center with her _IAss bouncy ass up in the air. "Can you shine a light to help me see back here?" she asks while searching for the power cable.
  You grab your smart phone and turn on the flashlight. As you are shining the light behind the TV you feel your crotch rubbed up against two soft obstacles! It seems like Diane had moved back a bit and is rubbing her _IAss juicy ass against your groin while she is looking behind the TV.
  "Hold the light steady, $PC.FirstName! I gotta check just a couple of my hard thick cables that's plugged in some soft moist connections!" Diane huskily says while wiggling her _IAss ass against your slightly wet pussy. In order to try to distract yourself from what's her soft ass is doing, you look at the remote to see if you can turn it on now that's she's checked at least the power cable. You quickly notice that when you press the power button no lights flash nor is there any response from the remote at all.
  Looking at the television you decide to try manually turning the TV on with the power button. It instantly responds and starts playing the last video before it was turned off...
<<set $pornVid = $pornPath + $arrayStraight.random() + '.mp4'>>
<<if $Sound is "On">>\
<video autoplay loop>
<source @src="$pornVid" type="video/mp4">
<video autoplay loop muted>
<source @src="$pornVid" type="video/mp4">
  You stare in disbelief as you get a front seat viewing of a pornographic movie that starts playing on the TV. The sight of a big titty milf being plowed by a muscular stud less than a foot away causes you to take a couple of steps back. Diane quickly gets to her feet and launches herself into giving you a big tight hug! Her _ISD breasts squish against your own $BreastSD chest while she kisses you deeply.
  "Thank you! Thank you! You fixed my broken TV! How about I go ahead and reward you for your efforts my hero! In fact the show on the TV is giving me a good idea for how to reward you!" she says as the kiss ends. Before you can form a response she shoves your face into her ample cleavage!
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Stay for your Reward|TV Repairman Reward Female]]>>
<<if $lust + ($StatusAffect.Horny*5) - $PC.Willpower - $armorSaveBonus - $FoodStatus.Will < $MaxLust>>\
<<button [[Leave|TV Repairman Leave]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<set $NoEncounter to random(1) +2>>\
<</if>>\<<set $genericEvent.Image = $eventPath4 + $arrayEvent4Standing.random() + '.jpg'>>\
<img @src=$genericEvent.Image />
<<set $npcDiane.Friendship to $npcDiane.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity +1 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Horny to $StatusAffect.Horny+1>>\
<<set _lusty to random(15) +5 + $StatusAffect.Horny - $LustResist.Visual - $LustResist.Complete>>\
<<if _lusty < 0>>\
<<set _lusty to 0>>\
<<set _LustRoll to (random(19) + 1)>>\
<<if _LustRoll + $PC.Willpower - $StatusAffect.Horny < 15>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Horny to $StatusAffect.Horny+1>>\
<<set $lust to $lust + _lusty +1>>\
<<set $lust to $lust + _lusty>>\
<<if $repairEvent.Visits > 2>>\
<<set $SexScene2 to random(1)>>\
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$npcDiane.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$npcDiane.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _IAss to $arrayAssSizeDesc[$npcDiane.AssSize]>>\
<<if $npcDiane.SexDetection is "Female">>\
  "I'll go ahead and take a look at the television. Hopefully it's a simple issue like last time so it can be fixed rather quickly." you say feeling sorry for Diane. She seems to have lots of bad luck with electronics and with the Infested pandemic it's a bit rough to get appliances repaired.
  As you start to check out the TV, Diane moves up next to you while staring at the TV. "It was working late last night but starting this morning it just won't turn on!" she says as she futility hits the power button on the remote. This close to Diane is rather intoxicating as her perfume envelopes you and you unconsciously turn to face her. She shoves her impressive chest up against your $BreastSD breasts while showing you the non-functioning remote "See it doesn't work!" You go to look at the remote but your eyes are locked onto her _ISD tits as she continues to explain how the remote just doesn't work.
  You feel your $DickSize futa-dick harden as she rubs her impressive tits against you and soon you can feel your $DickSD shaft pressing against her thigh. Diane looks slightly surprised as you ask "How about I check the outlet just to make sure nothing is broken back there?" while staring down at her _ICup breasts. The way they fill out her business suit, with the top showing off so much tanned cleavage, is rapidly turning you on.
  "Wait, let me check something out. I would hate for it to be the damn power cable again!" she says before handing you the dead remote. She bends over deep to look behind the media center with her large bouncy ass up in the air. "Can you shine a light to help me see back here?" she asks while searching for the power cable.
  You grab your smart phone and turn on the flashlight. As you are shining the light behind the TV you feel your futa-dick being rubbed between two soft obstacles! It seems like Diane had moved back a bit and is rubbing her large juicy ass against your cock while she is looking behind the TV.
  "You know, $PC.FirstName... I'm feeling a long hard dick pressing up against my big jiggly ass." Diane huskily says while wiggling her massive ass against your raging cock. "I'm pretty sure the last time you visitied you didn't have such a thick meaty rod. Care to explain?"
<<switch $PCChanges.Gender>>\
<<case "Soda">>\
  With what's she doing with her soft ass to your hard dick, it takes a moment to respond "I, uh, ran across a soda can that caused me to grow a dick after drinking it?" you explain but feel a bit lame at such a weak response. "It's called Dr. Pecker and I guess it was made by some bioengineering company?"
  Hearing your response she suddenly straightens up and turns to face you. "That sounds like the BioWetX Corporation. I heard that they were working on some revolutionary new items to bring to the market but it wasn't approved for release yet..." Diane says as her whole demeanor switched from sexy MILF to business woman. She taps her face with her slim finger before giving you a lewd look as her focus shifts to your dick. "So you grew a nice $DickSD dick from one of their products, huh? Well if you can get my television fixed I'll be sure to help take that new dick out for a test drive." she says in a husky tone while crossing her arms under her impressive chest.
<<case "Sex">>\
  With what's she doing with her soft ass to your hard dick, it takes a moment to respond "I, uh, was attacked by an Infested that happened to be a Futa. Afterwards I ended up, uh, growing my own dick and balls." you explain but hastily continue as you notice Diane starting to look panicked. "Don't worry, my $dad.Relationship gave me a vaccine which protects against the Infested virus before he disappeared. So far it's been mostly effective and I've had verification that it works."
  Hearing your response Diane suddenly straightens up and turns to face you. "Your $dad.Relationship has a vaccine for the Infested virus?" she says with a hopeful look on her face while her words has a hint of doubt.
  Nodding slowly you explain "He showed up at the house one day after work looking really agitated. Tricked my $mom.Relationship, my $sister.Relationship and myself into drinking something spiked with the vaccine. It ended up making us pretty sick so I'm not sure what happened to my $dad.Relationship. I woke up a week later to find that there was a bunch of sex-zombies running around and a note from him stating the vaccine should protect us from them."
  "That's pretty interesting, I have to say." she says as she takes in your tale. She taps her face with her slim finger before giving you a lewd look as her focus shifts to your dick. "So you grew a nice $DickSD dick from fucking a Infested Futa? Well if you can get my television fixed I'll be sure to help take that new dick out for a test drive." she says in a breathless tone while crossing her arms under her impressive chest.
<<case "Surgery">>\
  With what's she doing with her soft ass to your hard dick, it takes a moment to respond "I, uh, found a doctor who claimed to be able to let me grow a dick with worrying about the Infested virus." you explain but feel a bit lame at such a weak response. "All it took was a quick shot and suddenly I grew a nice big dick and some balls!"
  "That's pretty interesting, I have to say." she says as she takes in your tale before standing up and facing you. She taps her face with her slim finger before giving you a lewd look as her focus shifts to your dick. "So you decided you needed a nice $DickSD dick so you went out and bought one? Well if you can get my television fixed I'll be sure to help take that new dick out for a test drive." she says in a breathless tone while crossing her arms under her impressive chest.
<<set $npcDiane.SexDetection to "Futa">>\
  Glancing away from her _ISD breasts you look down at the remote to see if you can turn it on now that's she's checked at least the power cable. You quickly notice that when you press the power button no lights flash nor is there any response from the remote at all.
  Looking at the television you decide to try manually turning the TV on with the power button. It instantly responds and starts playing the last video before it was turned off...
<<set $pornVid = $pornPath + $arrayStraight.random() + '.mp4'>>
<<if $Sound is "On">>\
<video autoplay loop>
<source @src="$pornVid" type="video/mp4">
<video autoplay loop muted>
<source @src="$pornVid" type="video/mp4">
  You stare in disbelief as you get a front seat viewing of a pornographic movie that starts playing on the TV. The sight of a big titty milf being plowed by a muscular stud less than a foot away causes you to take a couple of steps back. Diane quickly launches herself into giving you a big tight hug while grinding her shapely leg against your hard <<Penis>>! Her _ISD breasts squish against your own $BreastSD chest while she kisses you deeply.
  "Thank you! Thank you! You fixed my broken TV! How about I go ahead and reward you for your efforts my hero! In fact the show on the TV is giving me a good idea for how to reward you!" she says as the kiss ends. Before you can form a response she shoves your face into her ample cleavage!
<<elseif $npcDiane.SexDetection is "Male">>\
  "I'll go ahead and take a look at the television. Hopefully it's a simple issue like last time so it can be fixed rather quickly." you say feeling sorry for Diane. She seems to have lots of bad luck with electronics and with the Infested pandemic it's a bit rough to get appliances repaired.
  As you start to check out the TV, Diane moves up next to you while staring at the TV. "It was working late last night but starting this morning it just won't turn on!" she says as she futility hits the power button on the remote. This close to Diane is rather intoxicating as her perfume envelopes you and you unconsciously turn to face her. She shoves her impressive chest up against your $BreastSD breasts while showing you the non-functioning remote "See it doesn't work!" You go to look at the remote but your eyes are locked onto her _ISD tits as she continues to explain how the remote just doesn't work.
  You feel your $DickSize futa-dick harden as she rubs her impressive tits against you and soon you can feel your $DickSD shaft pressing against her thigh. Diane looks slightly surprised as you ask "How about I check the outlet just to make sure nothing is broken back there?" while staring down at her _ICup breasts. The way they fill out her business suit, with the top showing off so much tanned cleavage, is rapidly turning you on as your $NippleSize long nipples display.
  "You know, $PC.FirstName... I'm feeling two soft somethings pressing up against my big tits." Diane huskily says while wiggling her impressive chest against your own $BreastSD breasts while sliding her hand beneath your dick to your damp pussy! "I'm pretty sure the last time you visitied you didn't have such nice tits and what feels like a pussy. Care to explain?"
<<switch $PCChanges.Gender>>\
<<case "Soda">>\
  Feeling her hand rub against your pussy while her chest presses against your soft chest, it takes a moment to respond "I, uh, ran across a soda can that caused me to grow a pussy along with some breasts?" you explain but feel a bit lame at such a weak response. "It's called Milkshake Jugs and I guess it was made by some bioengineering company?"
  Hearing your response she suddenly straightens up and turns to face you. "That sounds like the BioWetX Corporation. I heard that they were working on some revolutionary new items to bring to the market but it wasn't approved for release yet..." Diane says as her whole demeanor switched from sexy MILF to business woman. She taps her face with her slim finger before giving you a lewd look as her focus shifts to your boobs. "So you grew a nice $BreastSD pair of tits along with a pussy from one of their products, huh? Well if you can get my television fixed I'll be sure to help take that new cunt out for a test drive." she says in a husky tone while crossing her arms under her impressive chest.
<<case "Sex">>\
  Feeling her hand rub against your pussy while her chest presses against your soft chest, it takes a moment to respond "I, uh, was attacked by an Infested that happened to be a Futa. Afterwards I ended up, uh, growing my own pair of breasts and a pussy." you explain but hastily continue as you notice Diane starting to look panicked. "Don't worry, my $dad.Relationship gave me a vaccine which protects against the Infested virus before he disappeared. So far it's been mostly effective and I've had verification that it works."
  Hearing your response Diane suddenly straightens up and turns to face you. "Your $dad.Relationship has a vaccine for the Infested virus?" she says with a hopeful look on her face while her words has a hint of doubt.
  Nodding slowly you explain "He showed up at the house one day after work looking really agitated. Tricked my $mom.Relationship, my $sister.Relationship and myself into drinking something spiked with the vaccine. It ended up making us pretty sick so I'm not sure what happened to my $dad.Relationship. I woke up a week later to find that there was a bunch of sex-zombies running around and a note from him stating the vaccine should protect us from them."
  "That's pretty interesting, I have to say." she says as she takes in your tale. She taps her face with her slim finger before giving you a lewd look as her focus shifts to your dick. "So you grew some tits and a pussy from fucking a Infested Futa? Well if you can get my television fixed I'll be sure to help take that new cunt out for a test drive." she says in a breathless tone while crossing her arms under her impressive chest.
<<case "Surgery">>\
  Feeling her hand rub against your pussy while her chest presses against your soft chest, it takes a moment to respond "I, uh, found a doctor who claimed to be able to let me grow some tits along with a pussy with worrying about the Infested virus." you explain but feel a bit lame at such a weak response. "All it took was a quick shot and suddenly I grew some breasts and a wet pussy!"
  "That's pretty interesting, I have to say." she says as she takes in your tale. She taps her face with her slim finger before giving you a lewd look as her focus shifts to your chest. "So you decided you needed a nice pair of $BreastSD tits along with a pussy so you went out and bought the whole package? Well if you can get my television fixed I'll be sure to help take that new cunt out for a test drive." she says in a breathless tone while crossing her arms under her impressive chest.
  Glancing away from her _ISD breasts you look down at the remote to see if there's any reaction when you try to turn it on. You quickly notice that when you press the power button no lights flash nor is there any response from the remote at all.
  Looking at the television you decide to try manually turning the TV on with the power button. It instantly responds and starts playing the last video before it was turned off...
<<set $pornVid = $pornPath + $arrayStraight.random() + '.mp4'>>
<<if $Sound is "On">>\
<video autoplay loop>
<source @src="$pornVid" type="video/mp4">
<video autoplay loop muted>
<source @src="$pornVid" type="video/mp4">
  You stare in disbelief as you get a front seat viewing of a pornographic movie that starts playing on the TV. The sight of a big titty milf being plowed by a muscular stud less than a foot away causes you to take a couple of steps back. Diane quickly launches herself into giving you a big tight hug while grinding her shapely leg against your hard <<Penis>>! Her _ISD breasts squish against your own $BreastSD chest while she kisses you deeply.
  "Thank you! Thank you! You fixed my broken TV! How about I go ahead and reward you for your efforts my hero! In fact the show on the TV is giving me a good idea for how to reward you!" she says as the kiss ends. Before you can form a response she shoves your face into her ample cleavage!
<<elseif $repairEvent.Visits is 1 or $SexScene2 is 0>>\
  "I'll go ahead and take a look at the TV. I'm no expert but I should be able to fix it if it's a simple issue." you say feeling sorry for Diane. She seems to be kind of bad with electronics and with the Infested pandemic going on it's impossible to get repair men to fix broken appliances.
  As you start to check out the TV the shapely woman moves up behind you while staring at the TV. "It was working yesterday but today it just won't work." she says as she futility hits the power button on the remote. This close to Diane is rather intoxicating as her perfume envelopes you. "See it doesn't work!" she says as she spins you around to look the remote in her hand. You go to look at the remote but two rather large bouncy obstacles are blocking your view. Your eyes are locked onto her _ICup tits as she continues to explain how the remote just doesn't work.
  "How about I check the outlet just to make sure nothing broke back there?" you ask using a supreme amount of willpower to pull your eyes away from those lucious breasts. The way they fill out her business suit with the top showing off so much tanned cleavage, it can't be work appropriate.
  "Sure! Go ahead, you're the expert." she says as she watches you bend over to get behind the media center. Searching around in the darkened you manage to find the power cable. It looks like it has been unplugged from the power outlet and it doesn't look by accident! Before you can even get it plugged back in you feel two hands on your $AssSize ass! You quickly plug the power cable back in and start to get back on your feet. As you are straightening up you bump your head into two rather soft obstacles! It seems like Diane had moved rather close to in order to grope your $AssSize ass while you was working on the TV and didn't back off when you tried to stand.
  Before you have a chance to explain what happened or to apologize for your head bumping into her _ISD tits, the TV suddenly turns on and starts playing the last video before it was unplugged...
<<set $pornVid = $pornPath + $arrayStraight.random() + '.mp4'>>
<<if $Sound is "On">>\
<video autoplay loop>
<source @src="$pornVid" type="video/mp4">
<video autoplay loop muted>
<source @src="$pornVid" type="video/mp4">
  You stare in disbelief as a pornographic movie starts playing on the TV. The sight of a big titty milf being plowed by a muscular stud throws you for a loop and completely off balance. Diane takes advantage of you being stunned to wrap her arms around you giving you a tight hug! Her _ISD breasts squish against your own $BreastSD chest while she kisses you deeply.
  "Thank you! Thank you! You fixed my broken TV! How about I go ahead and reward you for your efforts my hero! In fact the show on the TV is giving me a good idea for how to reward you!" she says as the kiss ends. Before you can form a response she shoves your face into her ample cleavage!
<<elseif $repairEvent.Visits > 1 or $SexScene2 is 1>>\
  "I'll go ahead and take a look at the television. Hopefully it's a simple issue like last time so it can be fixed rather quickly." you say feeling sorry for Diane. She seems to have lots of bad luck with electronics and with the Infested pandemic it's a bit rough to get appliances repaired.
  As you start to check out the TV, Diane moves up next to you while staring at the TV. "It was working late last night but starting this morning it just won't turn on!" she says as she futility hits the power button on the remote. This close to Diane is rather intoxicating as her perfume envelopes you and you unconsciously turn to face her. She shoves her impressive chest up against your $BreastSD breasts while showing you the non-functioning remote "See it doesn't work!" You go to look at the remote but your eyes are locked onto her _ISD tits as she continues to explain how the remote just doesn't work.
  "How about I check the outlet just to make sure nothing is broken back there?" you ask staring down at her _ICup breasts. The way they fill out her business suit, with the top showing off so much tanned cleavage, is rapidly turning you on.
  "Wait a second, let me check again. I would hate for it to be the damned power cable again!" she says before handing you the dead remote. She bends over deep to look behind the media center with her large bouncy ass up in the air. "Can you shine a light to help me see back here?" she asks while searching for the power cable.
  You grab your smart phone and turn on the flashlight. As you are shining the light behind the TV you feel your dick being rubbed between two soft obstacles! It seems like Diane had moved back a bit and is rubbing her large juicy ass against your cock while she is looking behind the TV.
  "Hold the light steady, $PC.FirstName! I gotta check just a couple of my hard thick cables that's plugged in some soft moist connections!" Diane huskily says while wiggling her massive ass against your raging cock. In order to try to distract yourself from what's her soft ass is doing to your hard dick, you look at the remote to see if you can turn it on now that's she's checked at least the power cable. You quickly notice that when you press the power button no lights flash nor is there any response from the remote at all.
  Looking at the television you decide to try manually turning the TV on with the power button. It instantly responds and starts playing the last video before it was turned off...
<<set $pornVid = $pornPath + $arrayStraight.random() + '.mp4'>>
<<if $Sound is "On">>\
<video autoplay loop>
<source @src="$pornVid" type="video/mp4">
<video autoplay loop muted>
<source @src="$pornVid" type="video/mp4">
  You stare in disbelief as you get a front seat viewing of a pornographic movie that starts playing on the TV. The sight of a big titty milf being plowed by a muscular stud less than a foot away causes you to take a couple of steps back. Diane quickly gets to her feet and launches herself into giving you a big tight hug! Her _ISD breasts squish against your own $BreastSD chest while she kisses you deeply.
  "Thank you! Thank you! You fixed my broken TV! How about I go ahead and reward you for your efforts my hero! In fact the show on the TV is giving me a good idea for how to reward you!" she says as the kiss ends. Before you can form a response she shoves your face into her ample cleavage!
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Stay for your Reward|TV Repairman Reward Futa]]>>
<<if $lust + ($StatusAffect.Horny*5) - $PC.Willpower - $armorSaveBonus - $FoodStatus.Will < $MaxLust>>\
<<button [[Leave|TV Repairman Leave]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<set $NoEncounter to random(1) +2>>\
<</if>>\<<include "Time Micro-Passes">>\
<<set _Fog to 0>>\
<<set _Rain to 0>>\
<<set _Cold to 0>>\
<<set _Wind to 0>>\
<<set _State to 0>>\
<<switch $Weather.Current>>\
<<case "Cloudy" "Windy">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Bank/Bank 2.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Wind to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<case "Foggy">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Bank/Bank-F 2.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<case "Misty">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Bank/Bank-F 2.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<case "Rainy" "Stormy">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Bank/Bank-R 2.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<case "Dreary">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Bank/Bank-R 2.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<case "Sleeting">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Bank/Bank-S 2.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Cold to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<case "Snowy">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Bank/Bank-S 2.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Cold to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $Time.Current > 6>>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Bank/Bank-N 2.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<img src="Images/Suburb/Bank/Bank 2.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set $location.temp to "Civiton National Bank Side">>\
<<set _E to 0>>\
<<if $Time.Current >= $Time.Max >>\
<<set _State to "TooLate">>\
<<set $NoEncounter to 1>>\
<<if $NoEncounter < 1>>\
<<set _EncounterRoll to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<set _TotalEncounterRoll to _EncounterRoll + $Skill.Scouting + $WisdomBonus + $StatusAffect.SilentStalking - ($StatusAffect.Stalking *2) - $StatusAffect.Horny - ($StatusAffect.CumCovered)>>\
<<if _TotalEncounterRoll + ($ThieverySkillFeats.SnareMaster *2) < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current - 10 + _Fog) or (_EncounterRoll < 2)>>\
<<set _State to "Ambush">>\
<<elseif _TotalEncounterRoll < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current - _Fog + _Rain - _Cold)>>\
<<set _State to "Combat">>\
<<set _NPCEncounterRoll to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<if _NPCEncounterRoll - _Rain + _Wind > (18 - $ScoutingSkillFeats.KeenEye) and $NoEncounter is 0>>\
<<set _State to "NPC">>\
You are standing in the tiny customer parking lot of the Civiton National Bank. Unfortunately the parking lot is completely filled with damaged cars. In fact there's so many cars it's somewhat hard to navigate around them. The side customer door looks clear of any chains and locks that's present on the main front doors of the bank. The bad news is that the door does seem to be locked with a electronics key card system. From here you can see some lights in the lobby of the bank giving some indication of someone inside. To the Southeast the front door to the bank can be seen along with the exit to Peanut street while to the Northeast the backside of the bank can be see.
<<if $StatusText.Notice is 1>>\
<<include "Update Status">>\
<<if $Prof.Electronics > 0 and $SmartPhone.Charge > 9>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> Looks like I might be hack the customer door electronic lock.</i></div>
<<set _E to 1>>\
<<elseif $Prof.Electronics > 0 and $SmartPhone.Charge < 10>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> Looks like I might be hack the customer door electronic lock but my smartphone needs to be recharged first.</i></div>
<<if _Rain > 0 and $StatusAffect.Wet < _Rain>>\
<<set _Rain to _Rain - $PCResistance.Water>>\
<<if _Rain > $StatusAffect.Wet>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Wet to _Rain>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I'm getting soaking wet!</i> </div>
<<if _Cold > 0 and $PCResistance.Cold < _Cold>>\
<<set _tempDamage to random(_Cold) + $StatusAffect.Wet>>\
<<set _tempDamage2 to _tempDamage - $PCResistance.Cold>>\
<<if _tempDamage2 > 0>>\
<<set $HP to $HP - _tempDamage2>>\
<<if $HP < 1>>\
<<set $HP to 1>>\
You take _tempDamage2 cold damage!
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I'm freezing to death!</i>
<<switch _State>>\
<<case "TooLate">>\
<<set $Time.Current to $Time.Max>>\
It's too dangerous to explore the Civiton National Bank at this time of night.
<<button [[Return Home|Oak Dale Returning Home]]>>
<<set $NoEncounter to 0>>\
<<case "Ambush">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Ambushed to 1>>\
You've been ambushed by an enemy!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<case "Combat">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
A hostile enemy is roaming nearby!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<if $bankEvent.BankerDefeated is 0>>\
<<if _E > 0>>\
<<button [[Hack the Customer Entrance Door|Milk Bank Heist Action]]>>
<<set $SkillAction to "Electronics">>\
<<if $KeyItemsFlags.BankAccess is 1>>\
<<button [[Use the Keycard|Milk Bank Heist Action]]>>
<<set $SkillAction to "Salvaging">>\
<<button [[Northeast|Civiton National Bank Back]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Southeast|Civiton National Bank Front]]>> <</button>>
<div class="pcTalk"><i> "It looks like the Civiton National Bank security systems have locked the place down for today. I'm going to have to come back another day." </i></div>
<<button [[Leave|Oak Dale - Peanut St 1]]>> <</button>>
<</switch>>\<<include "Time Micro-Passes">>\
<<set _Fog to 0>>\
<<set _Rain to 0>>\
<<set _Cold to 0>>\
<<set _Wind to 0>>\
<<set _State to 0>>\
<<switch $Weather.Current>>\
<<case "Cloudy" "Windy">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Bank/Bank 3.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Wind to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<case "Foggy">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Bank/Bank-F 3.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<case "Misty">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Bank/Bank-F 3.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<case "Rainy" "Stormy">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Bank/Bank-R 3.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<case "Dreary">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Bank/Bank-R 3.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<case "Sleeting">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Bank/Bank-S 3.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Cold to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<case "Snowy">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Bank/Bank-S 3.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Cold to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $Time.Current > 6>>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Bank/Bank-N 3.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<img src="Images/Suburb/Bank/Bank 3.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set $location.temp to "Civiton National Bank Back">>\
<<set _T to 0>>\
<<if $Time.Current >= $Time.Max >>\
<<set _State to "TooLate">>\
<<set $NoEncounter to 1>>\
<<if $NoEncounter < 1>>\
<<set _EncounterRoll to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<set _TotalEncounterRoll to _EncounterRoll + $Skill.Scouting + $WisdomBonus + $StatusAffect.SilentStalking - ($StatusAffect.Stalking *2) - $StatusAffect.Horny - ($StatusAffect.CumCovered)>>\
<<if _TotalEncounterRoll + ($ThieverySkillFeats.SnareMaster *2) < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current - 10 + _Fog) or (_EncounterRoll < 2)>>\
<<set _State to "Ambush">>\
<<elseif _TotalEncounterRoll < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current - _Fog + _Rain - _Cold)>>\
<<set _State to "Combat">>\
<<set _NPCEncounterRoll to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<if _NPCEncounterRoll - _Rain + _Wind > (18 - $ScoutingSkillFeats.KeenEye) and $NoEncounter is 0>>\
<<set _State to "NPC">>\
You are standing behind the Civiton National Bank in the completely crammed pack drive-thru section of the bank. Multiple vehicles are completely stuck behind a large delivery van that looks to have crashed into the corner of the bank. No bodies can be found so it looks like whoever was here got out alive at the very least. Luckily the back delivery door looks to be clear of any debris but unluckily it looks to be completely locked with a physical lock. From this vantage point it looks like you can use the delivery van as a starting point to climb to the roof of the bank. To the Southwest you can see the tiny parking lot of the bank.
<<if $StatusText.Notice is 1>>\
<<include "Update Status">>\
<<if _Rain > 0 and $StatusAffect.Wet < _Rain>>\
<<set _Rain to _Rain - $PCResistance.Water>>\
<<if _Rain > $StatusAffect.Wet>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Wet to _Rain>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I'm getting soaking wet!</i> </div>
<<if _Cold > 0 and $PCResistance.Cold < _Cold>>\
<<set _tempDamage to random(_Cold) + $StatusAffect.Wet>>\
<<set _tempDamage2 to _tempDamage - $PCResistance.Cold>>\
<<if _tempDamage2 > 0>>\
<<set $HP to $HP - _tempDamage2>>\
<<if $HP < 1>>\
<<set $HP to 1>>\
You take _tempDamage2 cold damage!
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I'm freezing to death!</i> </div>
<<if $LockSmithTools.Active > 0 and $LockSmithTools.Charge > 19>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> Looks like I might be able to pick the delivery door lock.</i></div>
<<set _T to 1>>\
<<elseif $LockSmithTools.Active > 0 and $LockSmithTools.Charge < 20>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> Looks like I might be able to pick the delivery door lock but my locksmith tool needs to be recharged first.</i></div>
<<switch _State>>\
<<case "TooLate">>\
<<set $Time.Current to $Time.Max>>\
It's too dangerous to explore the Civiton National Bank at this time of night.
<<button [[Return Home|Oak Dale Returning Home]]>>
<<set $NoEncounter to 0>>\
<<case "Ambush">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Ambushed to 1>>\
You've been ambushed by an enemy!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<case "Combat">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
A hostile enemy is roaming nearby!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<if $bankEvent.BankerDefeated is 0>>\
<<if _T is 1>>\
<<button [[Pick the lock|Milk Bank Heist Action]]>>
<<set $SkillAction to "Thievery">>\
<<button [[Climb to the Rooftop|Milk Bank Heist Action]]>>
<<set $SkillAction to "Athletics">>\
<<button [[Southwest|Civiton National Bank Side]]>> <</button>>
<div class="pcTalk"><i> "It looks like the Civiton National Bank security systems have locked the place down for today. I'm going to have to come back another day." </i></div>
<<button [[Leave|Oak Dale - Peanut St 1]]>> <</button>>
<</switch>>\<<set $sexHistory.XP to $sexHistory.XP +1>>\
<<set $LastPartner to $genericFighter>>\
<<set _TCard to 0>>\
<<set _VCard to 0>>\
<<if $sexHistory.TotalV is 1>>\
<<set $sexHistory.TrueVirginityWho to $genericFighter.Name>>\
<<set _TCard to 1>>\
<<set $sexHistory.TotalV to 0>>\
<<if $sexHistory.PenisV is 1>>\
<<set $sexHistory.PenisVirginityWho to $genericFighter.Name>>\
<<set _VCard to 1>>\
<<set $sexHistory.PenisV to 0>>\
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$genericFighter.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$genericFighter.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _INip to $arrayNippleSize[$genericFighter.NippleSize]>>\
<<set _IAss to $arrayAssSizeDesc[$genericFighter.AssSize]>>\
<<set _OSD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$genericFighter.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _OCup to $arrayBreastSize[$genericFighter.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _BreastSD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _BreastsSize to $arrayBreastSize[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _SizeComp to $PC.DickSize - $genericFighter.Level + ($GeneralFeats.FalseRep *2)>>\
<<if _SizeComp < 0>>\
<<set _SizeComp to 0>>\
<<if $Infestation.MilkProgress > 0 or $Milk.Stored > $Milk.Min>>\
<<set _Breasts to "Milk">>\
<<elseif $StatusAffect.SiliconeB > 5>>\
<<set _Breasts to "Silicone">>\
<<set _Breasts to "Natural">>\
<<if $PC.BreastsSize + ($GeneralFeats.FalseRep *2) > $genericFighter.BreastsSize>>\
<<set _Compare to "Bigger">>\
<<elseif $PC.BreastsSize + ($GeneralFeats.FalseRep *2) < $genericFighter.BreastsSize -4>>\
<<set _Compare to "Tiny">>\
<<elseif $PC.BreastsSize + ($GeneralFeats.FalseRep *2) < $genericFighter.BreastsSize>>\
<<set _Compare to "Smaller">>\
<<set _Compare to "Same">>\
<<if _TCard is 1>>\
  As you look at $genericFighter.Name you can't help but stare at her extremely voluptuous body. Your eyes are focused on her _ISD _ICup breasts that's even now still dripping milk from her hard nipples. It doesn't take long before your eyes drift down to where her pussy glistens with her sexual fluids. You can feel yourself getting hornier as your $DickSize futa-dick gets hard as steel while your pussy dampens. Your hard throbbing girl-cock is demanding to buried deep inside her tight pussy and you can no longer resist that sweet seductive lure.
  <em>"Shit! I know this is a mistake but she's so fucking hot. I mean those milk jugs look so delicious!"</em> you think as your body moves as if on auto-pilot. Your clothes drop to the ground as your heartbeat races. $genericFighter.Name3 looks pleased that you're about to give her what she wanted this whole time. Finally speaking up you stammer out "I'm going to umm, fuck you, ok?"
  She gives you an thoughtful look for a moment before smiling wildly. "Sounds like we have a brand new player stepping up to the table for the very first time." she says warmly while spreading open her wet cunt. "How about you slide your $DickSD hard stack of chips into my tight slot and we'll both come out winners!"
  $genericFighter.Name3 stares at you with a horny lust-filled look in her eyes as you walk towards her, your hard <<Penis>> straining against your pants while your $NippleSize long nipples tent the front of your shirt. With her _ISD _ICup breasts dripping sweet delicious milk and her nice _IAss ass wiggling against the ground there was no way you could refuse pounding away at her wet pussy with your hard throbbing girl-cock. "I'm going to slam my girl-cock into your pussy so hard you'll be screaming in ecstacy by the time I'm done shooting my hot load deep inside your fucking cunt." you proclaim as you strip out of your clothes.
<<switch _SizeComp>>\
<<case 0 1 2>>\
  "Well girl that dick of yours might impress some penny slot rollers but for a high roller like myself it looks more like a big clit..." she says after giving your <<Penis>> a disappointed look. At your hostile look she quickly continues "I mean to be honest, there's way too many people running around with twelve-inch monster dicks thinking that's all it takes to win a hand. So how about you show me how skilled you are at the poker table by turning a couple of deuces into a full house, if you get my drift." She quickly spreads her legs wide, eager to have your $DickSD dick buried deep inside her slutty cunt.
<<case 3 4 5 6>>\
  "Well girl, your futa-cock is looking a bit smaller than I was hoping for but sometimes you have to you play the cards you're dealt." she says after giving your <<Penis>> a thoughtful look. At your annoyed glare she quickly continues "As they say it's not the size of the hand but the skill of the player that determines a winner. So how about you show me how skilled of a player you truly are?" She quickly spreads her legs wide, eager to have your $DickSD dick buried deep inside her slutty cunt.
<<case 7 8 9 10 11 12>>\
  "Now girl, that looks like you're packing a hand filled with aces and when I say hand I mean your futa-cock!" she says after giving your <<Penis>> a pleased look. At your wide smile she huskily continues "How about you show me what you can win with a four of a kind by slamming that big hand deep into my tight pussy?" She quickly spreads her legs wide, eager to have your $DickSD dick buried deep inside her slutty cunt.
<<case 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24>>\
  "Oh fucking wow! Someone's playing a stellar hand with that fucking $DickSD Royal Flush and that's you!" she says after giving your <<Penis>> a hungry stare. At your pleased smile she huskily continues "How about you claim your winnings by slamming your $DickSize futa-cock deep inside my hot and tight jackpot?" She quickly spreads her legs wide, eager to have your $DickSD dick buried deep inside her slutty cunt.
  "Why do you have a $DickSize long club that looks like a dick in your pants? What the hell?!?!? I have no idea on how to get that giant club of a <<Penis>> you have into my pussy but I'm kinda wondering if I can... I guess you will just have to try really hard since I'm dying to find out how it feels." she purrs as she starts to stroke your <<Penis>> with one hand while the other is grabbing a tub of lube out of her purse. She slaps a boatload of lube onto your <<Penis>> before spreading her legs wide.
<<if _VCard is 1>>\
  Kneeling down between her legs, you grab your $DickSize cock and guide it towards the entrance of her wet pussy. It takes a moment but you finally have it aimed properly at her slipperly cunt. Taking a deep breath you slowly push forward but your futa-dick slips and slides up against her puffy pussy lips instead of into her wet cunt causing $genericFighter.Name to gasp out "Oooh, that feels nice, you high rolling plunger! How about you stop teasing me and shove your hard <<Penis>> into my tight pussy!"
  Taking another deep breath you answer her prayers by finally sliding your your $DickSD futa-cock inside her hot and tight pussy! You can feel every inch of her tight pussy as she squeezes your dick nice and hard. It doesn't take long before your $DickSize cock is completely hilted inside as your $BallsSD balls slap against her groin. The pleasure is so extreme that that you can't stop yourself from pulling back out and slamming your hard <<Penis>> back in. With each thrust of your cock you find yourself getting your timing down as each successful thrust causes her _ISD milkjugs to jiggle and bounce obscenely. It doesn't take long before $genericFighter.Name is screaming and moaning in pleasure as she vocally enjoys being railed by your $DickSD girl-dick!
  Lining your $DickSize dick with the Infested's dripping wet pussy, you slowly slide your hard futa-cock up against her dripping wet slit, smearing her pussy lips with your slimy pre-cum. "Oh fuck! God please stop teasing me and just slam your <<Penis>> straight into my hot cunt!" she moans loudly. Taking a deep breath you answer her prayers by slamming your your $DickSD futa-cock deep inside her hot and tight pussy! It feels so good as you hilt her completely with your $DickSize futa-cock while your $BallsSD balls slap hard against her groin. Wanting even more of that erotic pleasure you pull your <<Penis>> back before slamming it back into her tight pussy nice and hard, again and again. It doesn't take long before $genericFighter.Name is screaming and moaning in pleasure as she vocally enjoys being railed by your $DickSD girl-dick!
<<switch _Breasts>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.MilkTits to $StatusAffect.MilkTits +1>>\
<<if $Milk.Stored < $Milk.Max>>\
<<if $Milk.Stored < $Milk.Max -1>>\
<<set $Milk.Stored to $Milk.Stored +2>>\
<<set $PC.BreastsSize to $PC.BreastsSize + 2>>\
<<set $Milk.Stored to $Milk.Stored +1>>\
<<set $PC.BreastsSize to $PC.BreastsSize + 1>>\
<<set $MilkAD to $arrayMilkAmountDesc[$Milk.Stored]>>\
<<set $BreastSD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set $BreastsSize to $arrayBreastSize[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
  "Oh shit! Those milk jugs of yours look amazing!" you gasp as the sight of $genericFighter.Name's _ISD milk-filled tits bouncing and jiggling from your hard fucking draws your eyes. The sight of her milkjugs leaking huge drops of sweet smelling milk all over her impressive chest makes you want to take a taste from her _INip long milky nipples. $genericFighter.Name2 moans lewdly as you latch onto her leaking nipples and her moans grow even louder as your firm grip on her _ISD tits causes her delicious milk to flow freely!
  It tastes so good that your hard pounding of her hot pussy slows as you focus on drinking as much milk from her _ISD tits as possible. $genericFighter.Name3 huskily says "So what did you think of my big juicy milkjugs? I bet a fellow Milker like you knows how good it feels when someone drinks from them!" You are more than willing to oblige as mouthful after mouthful of tasty milk flows down your throat. Eventually you come up for air as you release her milky nipple and quickly to discover where all that milk went to! Looking down you are shocked as your _BreastSD _BreastsSize tits start to grow as the milk adds to your milk tanks finally settling in leaving you with a pair of $BreastSD $BreastsSize milkjugs!
<<if $PC.BreastsSize + ($GeneralFeats.FalseRep *2) > $genericFighter.BreastsSize>>\
  "Oh fuck! Your $BreastSD milkers are bigger than my _ISD tits!" $genericFighter.Name says in shock as she stares at your milky breasts. Leaning forward, you let your milkjugs press against her _ISD milky breasts as you pick up your pace, slamming your hard <<Penis>> deep into her tight snatch.
  "Oh wow! Your $BreastSD milkers are so much bigger now! Too bad they are still smaller than my _ISD tits! Maybe with enough milk you might be able to compete with me!" $genericFighter.Name says gleefully as she gives your milky breasts a focused look. Leaning forward, you let your milkjugs press against her _ISD milky breasts as you pick up your pace, slamming your hard <<Penis>> deep into her tight snatch.
  "Oh shit! Those milk jugs of yours look amazing!" you gasp as the sight of $genericFighter.Name's _ISD milk-filled tits bouncing and jiggling from your hard fucking draws your eyes. The sight of her milkjugs leaking huge drops of sweet smelling milk all over her impressive chest makes you want to take a taste from her _INip long milky nipples. $genericFighter.Name2 moans lewdly as you latch onto her leaking nipples and her moans grow even louder as your firm grip on her _ISD tits causes her delicious milk to flow freely!
  It tastes so good that your hard pounding of her hot pussy slows as you focus on drinking as much milk from her _ISD tits as possible. $genericFighter.Name3 huskily says "So what did you think of my big juicy milkjugs? I bet a fellow Milker like you knows how good it feels when someone drinks from them!" You are more than willing to oblige as mouthful after mouthful of tasty milk flows down your throat. Eventually you come up for air as you release her milky nipple and quickly to discover where all that milk went to! Looking down you are shocked as your $BreastSD $BreastsSize milkjugs are leaking all that milk down the front of your chest! It looks like your milkers are already completely full!
<<set $StatusAffect.MilkTits to $StatusAffect.MilkTits +1>>\
<<if $Milk.Stored < $Milk.Max>>\
<<if $Milk.Stored < $Milk.Max -1>>\
<<set $Milk.Stored to $Milk.Stored +2>>\
<<set $PC.BreastsSize to $PC.BreastsSize + 2>>\
<<set $Milk.Stored to $Milk.Stored +1>>\
<<set $PC.BreastsSize to $PC.BreastsSize + 1>>\
<<set $MilkAD to $arrayMilkAmountDesc[$Milk.Stored]>>\
<<set $BreastSD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set $BreastsSize to $arrayBreastSize[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
  "Oh shit! Those milk jugs of yours look amazing!" you gasp as the sight of $genericFighter.Name's _ISD milk-filled tits bouncing and jiggling from your hard fucking draws your eyes. The sight of her milkjugs leaking huge drops of sweet smelling milk all over her impressive chest makes you want to take a taste from her _INip long milky nipples. $genericFighter.Name2 moans lewdly as you latch onto her leaking nipples and her moans grow even louder as your firm grip on her _ISD tits causes her delicious milk to flow freely!
  It tastes so good that your hard pounding of her hot pussy slows as you focus on drinking as much milk from her _ISD tits as possible. $genericFighter.Name3 huskily says "So what did you think of my big juicy milkjugs? Keep going cause it feels so good when someone drinks from them!" You are more than willing to oblige as mouthful after mouthful of tasty milk flows down your throat. Eventually you come up for air as you release her milky nipple and quickly to discover where all that milk went to! Looking down you are shocked as your _BreastSD _BreastsSize fake tits start to grow without any silicone before finally settling in leaving you with a pair of $BreastSD $BreastsSize milkjugs!
<<if $PC.BreastsSize + ($GeneralFeats.FalseRep *2) > $genericFighter.BreastsSize>>\
  "Oh fuck! Your $BreastSD plastic titties are bigger than my _ISD tits! I guess it's only natural with such huge amounts of silicone already pumping them up!" $genericFighter.Name says in shock as she stares at your firm milky breasts. Leaning forward, you let your milkjugs press against her _ISD milky breasts as you pick up your pace, slamming your hard <<Penis>> deep into her tight snatch.
  "Oh wow! Your $BreastSD plastic titties are so much bigger now! Too bad they are still smaller than my _ISD tits! Maybe you need to pump them up with some more silicone if you want bigger tits then me!" $genericFighter.Name says gleefully as she gives your milky breasts a focused look. Leaning forward, you let your firm milkjugs press against her _ISD milky breasts as you pick up your pace, slamming your hard <<Penis>> deep into her tight snatch.
  "Oh shit! Those milk jugs of yours look amazing!" you gasp as the sight of $genericFighter.Name's _ISD milk-filled tits bouncing and jiggling from your hard fucking draws your eyes. The sight of her milkjugs leaking huge drops of sweet smelling milk all over her impressive chest makes you want to take a taste from her _INip long milky nipples. $genericFighter.Name2 moans lewdly as you latch onto her leaking nipples and her moans grow even louder as your firm grip on her _ISD tits causes her delicious milk to flow freely!
  It tastes so good that your hard pounding of her hot pussy slows as you focus on drinking as much milk from her _ISD tits as possible. $genericFighter.Name3 huskily says "So what did you think of my big juicy milkjugs? Keep going cause it feels so good when someone drinks from them!" You are more than willing to oblige as mouthful after mouthful of tasty milk flows down your throat. Eventually you come up for air as you release her milky nipple and quickly to discover where all that milk went to! Looking down you are shocked as your silicone-filled $BreastSD $BreastsSize milkjugs are leaking all that milk down the front of your chest! It looks like your milkers are already completely full!
<<set $StatusAffect.MilkTits to $StatusAffect.MilkTits +1>>\
<<if $Milk.Stored < $Milk.Max>>\
<<if $Milk.Stored < $Milk.Max -1>>\
<<set $Milk.Stored to $Milk.Stored +2>>\
<<set $PC.BreastsSize to $PC.BreastsSize + 2>>\
<<set $Milk.Stored to $Milk.Stored +1>>\
<<set $PC.BreastsSize to $PC.BreastsSize + 1>>\
<<set $MilkAD to $arrayMilkAmountDesc[$Milk.Stored]>>\
<<set $BreastSD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set $BreastsSize to $arrayBreastSize[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
  "Oh shit! Those milk jugs of yours look amazing!" you gasp as the sight of $genericFighter.Name's _ISD milk-filled tits bouncing and jiggling from your hard fucking draws your eyes. The sight of her milkjugs leaking huge drops of sweet smelling milk all over her impressive chest makes you want to take a taste from her _INip long milky nipples. $genericFighter.Name2 moans lewdly as you latch onto her leaking nipples and her moans grow even louder as your firm grip on her _ISD tits causes her delicious milk to flow freely!
  It tastes so good that your hard pounding of her hot pussy slows as you focus on drinking as much milk from her _ISD tits as possible. $genericFighter.Name3 huskily says "So what did you think of my big juicy milkjugs? Keep going cause it feels so good when someone drinks from them!" You are more than willing to oblige as mouthful after mouthful of tasty milk flows down your throat. Eventually you come up for air as you release her milky nipple and quickly to discover where all that milk went to! Looking down you are shocked as your _BreastSD _BreastsSize breasts start to grow before finally settling in leaving you with a pair of $BreastSD $BreastsSize milkjugs!
<<if $PC.BreastsSize + ($GeneralFeats.FalseRep *2) > $genericFighter.BreastsSize>>\
  "Oh fuck! Your $BreastSD titties are bigger than my _ISD tits!" $genericFighter.Name says in shock as she stares at your milky breasts. Leaning forward, you let your milkjugs press against her _ISD milky breasts as you pick up your pace, slamming your hard <<Penis>> deep into her tight snatch.
  "Oh wow! Your $BreastSD titties are so much bigger now! Too bad they are still smaller than my _ISD tits!" $genericFighter.Name says gleefully as she gives your milky breasts a focused look. Leaning forward, you let your milkjugs press against her _ISD milky breasts as you pick up your pace, slamming your hard <<Penis>> deep into her tight snatch.
  "Oh shit! Those milk jugs of yours look amazing!" you gasp as the sight of $genericFighter.Name's _ISD milk-filled tits bouncing and jiggling from your hard fucking draws your eyes. The sight of her milkjugs leaking huge drops of sweet smelling milk all over her impressive chest makes you want to take a taste from her _INip long milky nipples. $genericFighter.Name2 moans lewdly as you latch onto her leaking nipples and her moans grow even louder as your firm grip on her _ISD tits causes her delicious milk to flow freely!
  It tastes so good that your hard pounding of her hot pussy slows as you focus on drinking as much milk from her _ISD tits as possible. $genericFighter.Name3 huskily says "So what did you think of my big juicy milkjugs? Keep going cause it feels so good when someone drinks from them!" You are more than willing to oblige as mouthful after mouthful of tasty milk flows down your throat. Eventually you come up for air as you release her milky nipple and quickly to discover where all that milk went to! Looking down you are shocked as your $BreastSD $BreastsSize milkjugs are leaking all that milk down the front of your chest! It looks like your milkers are already completely full!
  "You like me pounding your tight cunt with my $DickSize cock? Fuck! I'm going to keep slamming my <<Penis>> in your slutty twat before blowing my load deep inside!" you yell as you continue to fuck the Infested nice and hard. You can feel your $BallsSD balls churn with hot cum, eager to unleash your goeey treasure into $genericFighter.Name's hot pussy.
  Moaning loudly, $genericFighter.Name rubs her milky jugs against your tits as her legs wrap around your back, urging you to keep your futa-cock deep inside her pussy. "Fuck yes! Keep fucking my slutty cunt with your hard throbbing cock! Your fucking $DickSize <<Penis>> is driving me crazy! FUCK!" she yells as her milk-filled tits jiggle wildly from your rapid thrusts. It's lucky that $genericFighter.Name has such a _IAss to cushion your pushing as you couldn't slow down your vigorous railing even if you wanted to. The pure pleasure from fucking this extremely busty Infested is pushing you to your breaking point and your cum-filled balls are about to explode!
<<if $Infestation.MilkProgress < 1 and $Infestation.MilkVariant > 99 and $Infestation.Progress > 1>>\
<<set _BreastSD to $BreastSD>>\
<<set _BreastsSize to $BreastsSize>>\
<<set _NippleSize to $NippleSize>>\
<<include "Milk TF">>\
  As you pound your <<Penis>> into the Infested's tight pussy you feel a strange bubbling sensation that starts in your breasts but quickly spreads throughout your body! Before you can ponder what is happening the bubbling sensation increases rapidly in your breasts!
  "Oh fuck! I can feel your milkjugs growing even more, pushing against my titties! Shit! Your cock is so fucking hard!" $genericFighter.Name moans loudly as you can feel your breasts pushing back against her own mountains, slowly at first but quickly speeding up. Before long your tits have expanded from _BreastSD _BreastsSize to whopping $BreastSD $BreastsSize jugs! Even your $NippleSize long nipples are looking longer and thicker as they slide against the Infested's milky _INip long nipples!
  The feeling of having your breasts suddenly expand into $BreastSD milk-filled jugs pushes you over the edge as you scream "MY TITTIES ARE FUCKING GROWING SO FUCKING MUCH! OH FUCK YESSS! I'M CUMMING!" Without warning your cum-filled balls pulse one last time before you shoot your $CumAD wad straight into the Infested's tight pussy! As you do so you feel your $NippleSize long nipples start to squirt $MilkAD streams of milk out as well, coating $genericFighter.Name's mommy milkers as well as your tits in milk!
  "Fuck! I can feel your futa-cock completely filling my tight pussy with your hot creamy cum! Even your milkjugs are squirting milk all over my big titties! Oh fuck, I'm cumming so much!" $genericFighter.Name screams as you feel her slippery cunt tighten hard onto your dick as it tries to squeeze all of your creamy cum out. Her milk covered tits also start squirting milk onto your enlarged breasts creating an even bigger mess as her orgasm hits over and over again.
  As you do your best to recover from your intense orgasm you notice your breasts are no longer leaking milk but you can still feel that they are filled with milk and will fill up even more over time. You have a feeling that it's going to be extremely easy for you to leak milk from now on, especially during sexual acts.
  While checking out your $BreastSD jugs, $genericFighter.Name gives them a light squeeze causing some sweet smelling milk to squirt out and happily says "Looks like you are one hot Futa Milker I guess? And now you should be able pump up other girl's titties with your milk! Well at least for an hour or two!"
<<elseif $PC.Infestation is $Infestation.Cap & $Infestation.Progress > 1>>\
<<include "Infestation Increase">>\
<<set _DickSize to $DickSize>>\
  As you slam your <<Penis>> into her wet cunt you feel a surge of energy flowing directly into you! It almost feels like you are burning up but it quickly turns to pleasure that radiates from your hard cock and your _BreastSD breasts.
  "Oh fuck, oh fuck, OH FUCK YESSS! I can feel your _DickSize throbbing futa-cock getting so much bigger and thicket inside of me! Oh shit it feels so good!" $genericFighter.Name screams as her cunt feels tighter and tighter with each thrust. You can feel her tight cunt milk your dick hard while she forces you to firmly grip her _ISD leaking jugs!
  The feeling of your futa-dick growing bigger, thicker, stronger is such a powerful aphrodisiac that you scream out "Oh shit, oh shit! I'm blasting my wad right into your super tight cunt with my fucking big cock! I'm cumming so fucking hard!" The pressure from your steadily growing balls is finally released as your throbbing <<Penis>> throbs one last time and then erupts with enormous waves of hot cum straight into her quivering pussy. There's so much cum being shot out of your dick that it quickly backs up, forcing you to pull out and shooting massive ribbons of gooey cum all over her _ISD tits!
  Even your growing milkjugs get in on the action as tremendous streams of milk squirt out from the force of you full body orgasm while your neglected pussy squirts out a tidal wave ofgirl-cum as well. Sliding your futa-dick out from $genericFighter.Name's creamfilled pussy you notice that your _DickSize dick actually grew to be a $DickSD $DickSize cock along with a nice pair of $BallsSD $BallsSize balls! That's not the only thing that grew as you now have a $BreastSD pair of $BreastsSize breasts and a $AssSize ass!
  Before you can really process that information, $genericFighter.Name strokes your $DickSD dick while rubbing her _ISD tits against your $BreastSD breasts. She lustfully says "Looks like you are on your way to becoming one hot gambling futa!"
  $genericFighter.Name3 screams as she reaches her limit "I'm cumming! I'm cumming so fucking hard! Yes! Goddamn I want you to shoot your big fat load deep inside me! FUCKKKK!" as she forces your hands to grip her milky tits as large streams of white milk squirt out of her hard _INip long nipples while doing her best to force your aching $DickSD dick deeper inside her orgasming pussy.
  Hearing $genericFighter.Name beg for you to creampie her strokes your passion as your pounding reaches a frantic pace while being squeezed by her extremely tight pussy. Gripping her _ISD milkjugs tight you scream out "Oh shit, oh shit! I'm blasting my wad right into your fucking cunt! I'm cumming!" The pressure from your $BallsSD overfilled balls is finally released as your throbbing cock throbs one last time and then erupts with $CumAD waves of hot cum straight into her quivering pussy.<<if $Cum.Stored > 15>> After completely filling up her tight pussy with your neverending cum, you pull your $DickSize cock out of her pussy and shoot large ribbons of gooey baby-batter all over her _ISD breasts!<<elseif $Cum.Stored > 10>> There's so much cum unleashed it backs out of her extremely tight pussy onto the ground below! <</if>>.
  Even your milkjugs get in on the action as $MilkAD streams of milk squirt out from the force of you full body orgasm while your neglected pussy squirts out a $GCumAD splattering of girl-cum as well. Such a powerful orgasm leaves you temporarily exhausted as you collaspse on top of $genericFighter.Name, your head resting on top of her _ISD milky breasts.
  "Oh that was so good!" she says when you finally stand up, cum dripping from your sensitive <<Penis>> onto her _ISD chest. Taking one last moment to scoop some white goo from her tits into her mouth, she replies "I'll hope to see you again soon, gambler." With that you grab your clothes and leave the area.<img @src=$genericHouseAtticImage />
<<set $location.temp to "Average House - Attic">>\
<<set _State to 0>>\
<<include "Time Micro-Passes">>\
<<if $Time.Current >= $Time.Max >>\
<<set _State to "TooLate">>\
<<set $NoEncounter to 1>>\
<<if $NoEncounter < 1>>\
<<set _EncounterRoll2 to 0>>\
<<set _TotalEncounterRoll2 to 0>>\
<<if $StealthSkillFeats.Distraction > 0>>\
<<set _EncounterRoll2 to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<set _TotalEncounterRoll2 to _EncounterRoll2 + $Skill.Stealth + $DexterityBonus + $StatusAffect.IndoorTracking - $StatusAffect.Horny - ($StatusAffect.CumCovered) -2>>\
<<set _EncounterRoll to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<set _TotalEncounterRoll to _EncounterRoll + $Skill.Stealth + $DexterityBonus + $StatusAffect.IndoorTracking - $StatusAffect.Horny - ($StatusAffect.CumCovered)>>\
<<if _TotalEncounterRoll < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current) and _TotalEncounterRoll2 < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current)>>\
<<if _TotalEncounterRoll + ($ThieverySkillFeats.SnareMaster *2) < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current - 10) or (_EncounterRoll < 2)>>\
<<set _State to "Ambush">>\
<<set _State to "Combat">>\
<<set _NPCEncounterRoll to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<if _NPCEncounterRoll > (18 - $ScoutingSkillFeats.KeenEye) and $NoEncounter is 0>>\
<<set _State to "NPC">>\
This is the attic for this suburban house which looks like it stores mostly junk and decorations. Several boxes take up a portion of the attic but leaves plenty of room to move around. A drop down ladder looks like it will lead down to the second floor hallway.
<<if $StatusText.Notice is 1>>\
<<include "Update Status">>\
<<switch _State>>\
<<case "TooLate">>\
<<set $Time.Current to $Time.Max>>\
It's too dangerous to explore this suburban house at this time of night.
<<button [[Leave|$location.temp2]]>>
<<set $NoEncounter to 0>>\
<<case "Ambush">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Ambushed to 1>>\
You've been ambushed by an enemy hiding in the attic!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<case "Combat">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
You hear the footsteps of a enemy coming closer!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<if $Salvage.Attic < 1>>\
<<button [[Search for Supplies|Average House Salvage]]>>
<<set $genericHouse.GenericImage to $genericHouse.AtticImage>>\
<<set $lootTemp to $lootSmallHouse>>\
<<set $rarelootTemp to $rarelootSmallHouse>>\
<<set $Salvage.Attic to $Salvage.Attic +1>>\
It looks like you have found everything of value in the attic.
<<button [[Downstairs|Average House - Upstairs]]>> <</button>>
<</switch>>\<<switch $SkillAction>>\
<<case "Lock">>\
<<set $LockSmithTools.Charge to $LockSmithTools.MaxCharge>>\
You quickly replace the battery in your locksmith tool with the fully charged one and watch as the charge reaches 100%.
<img src="Images/Player/smartphone.jpg" width="512px" height="768px" />
<<set $SmartPhone.Charge to $SmartPhone.MaxCharge>>\
You quickly replace the battery in your smartphone with the fully charged one and watch as the charge reaches 100%.
<<button "Finish" $return>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</button>><<set $location.temp to "Civiton National Bank Inside Front">>\
<<include "Time Micro-Passes">>\
<<set _SomeOne to 1>>\
<<if $Time.Day is 0 or $Time.Day is 6>>\
<<set _SomeOne to 0>>\
<<if $Time.Current > 6>>\
<<set _SomeOne to 0>>\
<<if _SomeOne is 0 or $bankEvent.BankerDefeated is 1>>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Bank/BankInside 1.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
You are standing in the main lobby of the Civiton National Bank. It's a nice spacious lobby with various modern chairs and benches along the walls while the white tile floors look immaculate. To the north is where the tellers have their registers along with their massive desks but there is no one manning them right now. To the west is the customer entrance/exit door which leads back out to the parking lot. The southern door has been chained shut and has a couple of smaller desks that have been piled up, keeping it blocked.
<<if $StatusText.Notice is 1>>\
<<include "Update Status">>\
<<set $location.prev to $location.temp>>\
<<button [[Teller Employee Section|Civiton National Bank Inside Teller]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Leave|Civiton National Bank Side]]>>
<<set $location.Indoor to 0>>\
<<set $genericFighter to $infestedBanker>>\
<<set $genericFighter.Image = $eventPath3 + $arrayEvent3FullBody.random() + '.jpg'>>\
<<set $genericWeapon to $infestedBanker.Weapon>>\
<<set $genericComments to "Infested Female Combat Comments">>\
<<set $lootTemp to $genericFighter.Loot>>\
<<set $rarelootTemp to $genericFighter.RareLoot>>\
<<set $genericFighter.Image = $eventPath3 + $arrayEvent3FullBody.random() + '.jpg'>>\
<<set $genericEvent.Image = $eventPath3 + $arrayEvent3Sitting.random() + '.jpg'>>\
<<set _lusty to random(10) +1 + $StatusAffect.Horny - $LustResist.Visual - $LustResist.Complete>>\
<<if _lusty < 0>>\
<<set _lusty to 0>>\
<<set _LustRoll to (random(19) + 1)>>\
<<if _LustRoll + $PC.Willpower - $StatusAffect.Horny < 15>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Horny to $StatusAffect.Horny +1>>\
<<set $lust to $lust + _lusty +1>>\
<<set $lust to $lust + (_lusty / 2)>>\
<img @src=$genericEvent.Image width="512px" height="768px" />
You are standing in the main lobby of the Civiton National Bank. There are two registers on top of massive desks and there looks to be someone manning one of the registers! An extremely busty female with white hair is sitting at one of the teller stations messing with a laptop next to her. At your entrance she looks up from her laptop and gives you a surprised look at a non-employee standing in a forbidden area. At your entrance she looks up from her laptop and gives you a piercing lusty smile while looking you over.
  "Hello and welcome to the Grove Hills branch of Civiton National Bank! At this current time we are only taking deposits due to a temporary lack of funds. So be prepared to deposit your load into the attending teller!" she huskily says with a lust-filled grin while staring at your crotch, her hard nipples tenting her thick work blouse.
<div class="pcTalk"><i> She is obviously Infested!</i></div>
<<button [[Fight!|Suburb Combat]]>>
<<include "SpecialAttacks">>\
<<include "Infested Enemies">>\
<<include "Encounter Table">>\
<<include "Combat Status Affects">>\
<<set _lusty to random(10) +1 + $StatusAffect.Horny - $LustResist.Visual - $LustResist.Complete>>\
<<if _lusty < 0>>\
<<set _lusty to 0>>\
<<set $bankEvent.Visits to $bankEvent.Visits +1>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set $BattleFlag to 1>>\
<<set $bankEvent.Combat to 1>>\
<<set $location.FleeFlag to 1>>\
<<set $location.Flee to "Civiton National Bank Front">>\
<<set $location.BattleWin to "Milk Bank Heist Victory">>\
<<set $location.BattleLose to "Milk Bank Heist Defeat">>\
<<if $Cash > 99>>\
<<button [[Use Cash to Make a Deposit (-$100)|Milk Bank Heist Inside Deposit]]>> <</button>>
<<if $PC.Sex is "Male" and $StatusAffect.Futa is 0>>\
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Make a "Deposit"|MBH Deposit Male]]>> </span>
<<set $SexScene2 to 2>>\
<<elseif $PC.Sex is "Female" and $StatusAffect.Futa is 0>>\
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Make a "Deposit"|MBH Deposit Female]]>> </span>
<<set $SexScene2 to 2>>\
<<elseif $PC.Sex is "Futa" or $StatusAffect.Futa > 0>>\
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Make a "Deposit"|MBH Deposit Futa]]>> </span>
<<set $SexScene2 to 2>>\
<<set $location.temp to "Civiton National Bank Inside Teller">>\
<<include "Time Micro-Passes">>\
<<set _SomeOne to 1>>\
<<if $Time.Day is 0 or $Time.Day is 6>>\
<<set _SomeOne to 0>>\
<<if $Time.Current > 6>>\
<<set _SomeOne to 0>>\
<<if _SomeOne is 0 or $bankEvent.BankerDefeated is 1>>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Bank/BankInside 2.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
This is the employee teller section of the main lobby for the bank. There are two registers on top of massive desks that are currently unmanned for the main lobby. Farther back you can see the drive-thru window along with another register used for the drive-thru. From here you can see that the drive-thru is clogged with broken down vehicles. To the east you can see the bank vault which looks like it is locked up tight. To the west you can see a hallway which looks like it leads to the back of the bank. To the south the rest of the perfectly clean main lobby can be seen.
<div class="pcTalk"><i> It looks like one of the registers look to be unlocked if I want to grab some cash but the bank employees will get mad if they discover the theft...</i></div>
<<if $StatusText.Notice is 1>>\
<<include "Update Status">>\
<<button [[Loot the Register|Civiton National Bank Register]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[East|Civiton National Bank Vault]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[West|Civiton National Bank Stairwell]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Lobby|Civiton National Bank Inside Front]]>> <</button>>
<<include "Infested Enemies">>\
<<set $genericFighter to $infestedBanker>>\
<<set $genericFighter.Image = $eventPath3 + $arrayEvent3FullBody.random() + '.jpg'>>\
<<set $genericWeapon to $infestedBanker.Weapon>>\
<<set $genericComments to "Infested Female Combat Comments">>\
<<set $lootTemp to $genericFighter.Loot>>\
<<set $rarelootTemp to $genericFighter.RareLoot>>\
<<set $genericFighter.Image = $eventPath3 + $arrayEvent3FullBody.random() + '.jpg'>>\
<<set $genericEvent.Image = $eventPath3 + $arrayEvent3Sitting.random() + '.jpg'>>\
<<set _lusty to random(10) +1 + $StatusAffect.Horny - $LustResist.Visual - $LustResist.Complete>>\
<<if _lusty < 0>>\
<<set _lusty to 0>>\
<<set _LustRoll to (random(19) + 1)>>\
<<if _LustRoll + $PC.Willpower - $StatusAffect.Horny < 15>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Horny to $StatusAffect.Horny +1>>\
<<set $lust to $lust + _lusty +1>>\
<<set $lust to $lust + (_lusty / 2)>>\
<img @src=$genericEvent.Image width="512px" height="768px" />
You are standing in the teller employee section of the Civiton National Bank. It's a nice spacious lobby with various modern chairs and benches along the walls while the white tile floors look immaculate. To the north is where the tellers have their registers along with their massive desks and there looks to be someone manning one of the registers! An extremely busty female with white hair is sitting at one of the teller stations messing with a laptop next to her. At your entrance she looks up from her laptop and gives you a surprised look at a non-employee standing in a forbidden area.
  "Hello and welcome to the Grove Hills branch of Civiton National Bank! This is an employee only area but I can make a minor exception for you since you seem quite eager to take part in our services. Right now we are only taking deposits due to a temporary lack of funds. So be prepared to deposit your load into the attending teller!" she huskily says with a lust-filled grin while staring at your crotch, her hard nipples tenting her thick work blouse.
<div class="pcTalk"><i> She is obviously Infested!</i></div>
<<button [[Fight!|Suburb Combat]]>>
<<include "SpecialAttacks">>\
<<include "Encounter Table">>\
<<include "Combat Status Affects">>\
<<set $bankEvent.Visits to $bankEvent.Visits +1>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set $BattleFlag to 1>>\
<<set $bankEvent.Combat to 1>>\
<<set $location.FleeFlag to 1>>\
<<set $location.Flee to "Civiton National Bank Front">>\
<<set $location.BattleWin to "Milk Bank Heist Victory">>\
<<set $location.BattleLose to "Milk Bank Heist Defeat">>\
<<if $Cash > 99>>\
<<button [[Use Cash to Make a Deposit (-$100)|Milk Bank Heist Inside Deposit]]>> <</button>>
<<if $PC.Sex is "Male" and $StatusAffect.Futa is 0>>\
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Make a "Deposit"|MBH Deposit Male]]>> </span>
<<set $SexScene2 to 2>>\
<<elseif $PC.Sex is "Female" and $StatusAffect.Futa is 0>>\
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Make a "Deposit"|MBH Deposit Female]]>> </span>
<<set $SexScene2 to 2>>\
<<elseif $PC.Sex is "Futa" or $StatusAffect.Futa > 0>>\
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Make a "Deposit"|MBH Deposit Futa]]>> </span>
<<set $SexScene2 to 2>>\
<</if>>\<img src="Images/Suburb/Bank/BankStairs.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set $location.temp to "Civiton National Bank Stairwell">>\
<<include "Time Micro-Passes">>\
<<set _NoOne to 0>>\
<<if $Time.Day is 0 or $Time.Day is 6>>\
<<set _NoOne to 1>>\
<<if $Time.Current > 6>>\
<<set _NoOne to 1>>\
<<set _S to (random(19) + 1) + $Skill.Stealth + $DexterityBonus + $FoodStatus.Skill>>\
<<set _S2 to 0>>\
<<if $StealthSkillFeats.Distraction > 0>>\
<<set _S2 to (random(19) + 1) + $Skill.Stealth + $DexterityBonus + $FoodStatus.Skill + $PCStatus.SkillBuff - ($StealthSkillFeats.Distraction *2)>>\
This wide hallway stretches from the backdoor to the employee teller section of the bank. It also looks like it serves as a temporary storage area for deliveries. Multiple boxes have piled up leaving a nice chunk of this hallway completely blocked. In the middle of the hallway is a nice metal staircase which leads to the second story floor. To the east the hallway leads to the employee teller section of the bank lobby while to the north is the exit door leading back out to the parking lot.
<<if _NoOne is 0>>\
<<if _S >= 13 + ($PC.Level / 2) or _S2 >= 13 + ($PC.Level / 2)>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I can hear someone in the employee part of the lobby!</i></div>
<<elseif $StatusText.Notice is 1>>\
<<include "Update Status">>\
<<set $location.prev to $location.temp>>\
<<if $bankEvent.Stairs < 1>>\
<<button [[Search for Supplies|Civiton National Bank Salvage]]>>
<<set $lootTemp to $lootBankStairs>>\
<<set $rarelootTemp to $rarelootBankStairs>>\
<<set $bankEvent.Stairs to $bankEvent.Stairs +1>>\
It looks like you have found everything of value in this part of the bank.
<<button [[Upstairs|Civiton National Bank Office 1]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[East|Civiton National Bank Inside Teller]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Leave|Civiton National Bank Back]]>>
<<set $location.Indoor to 0>>\
<</button>><img src="Images/Suburb/Bank/BankOffice 1.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set $location.temp to "Civiton National Bank Office 1">>\
<<include "Time Micro-Passes">>\
<<set _NoOne to 0>>\
<<if $Time.Day is 0>>\
<<set _NoOne to 1>>\
<<if $Time.Current > 6>>\
<<set _NoOne to 1>>\
<<set _S to (random(19) + 1) + $Skill.Stealth + $DexterityBonus + $FoodStatus.Skill>>\
<<set _S2 to 0>>\
<<if $StealthSkillFeats.Distraction > 0>>\
<<set _S2 to (random(19) + 1) + $Skill.Stealth + $DexterityBonus + $FoodStatus.Skill + $PCStatus.SkillBuff - ($StealthSkillFeats.Distraction *2)>>\
This is the upper floor of the Civiton National Bank which seems to be the number crunching section of the bank. Several cubicals fill this part of the second floor with a large open hallway leading south toward actual offices instead of just open floor cubes. The ceiling lights shine brightly in this part of a surprisingly clean office while soft white noise is piped thru some hidden speakers. A open staircase leads down towards the back of the office floor while a smaller staircase leads up to what looks to be a roof exit.
<<if _NoOne is 1>>\
<<if _S >= 13 + ($PC.Level / 2) or _S2 >= 13 + ($PC.Level / 2)>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I can hear someone in the southern part of the office! It sounds like they are watching TV?</i></div>
<<elseif $StatusText.Notice is 1>>\
<<include "Update Status">>\
<<set $location.prev to $location.temp>>\
<<if $bankEvent.OfficeCube < 1>>\
<<button [[Search for Supplies|Civiton National Bank Salvage]]>>
<<set $lootTemp to $lootBankCube>>\
<<set $rarelootTemp to $rarelootBankCube>>\
<<set $bankEvent.OfficeCube to $bankEvent.OfficeCube +1>>\
It looks like you have found everything of value in this part of the office.
<<button [[Downstairs|Civiton National Bank Stairwell]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[South|Civiton National Bank Office 2]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Roof|Civiton National Bank Roof]]>>
<<set $location.Indoor to 0>>\
<</button>><<set $location.temp to "Civiton National Bank Office 2">>\
<<include "Time Micro-Passes">>\
<<set _SomeOne to 0>>\
<<if $Time.Day is 0>>\
<<set _SomeOne to 1>>\
<<if $Time.Current > 6>>\
<<set _SomeOne to 1>>\
<<if _SomeOne is 0 or $bankEvent.BankerDefeated is 1>>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Bank/BankOffice 2.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
This is the upper floor of the Civiton National Bank where the big offices are located. Soft soothing light fills this part of the second floor while big empty offices give a bird's eye view out into the city. However one of the offices looks like it has been converted into a mini-apartment as there's a folding cot, mini-fridge, a large screen TV and even multiple pieces of feminine clothing tossed about! To the north there's a brightly lit hallway leading into a cubical farm along with a staircase that leads to the rest of the bank.
<<if $StatusText.Notice is 1>>\
<<include "Update Status">>\
<<set $location.prev to $location.temp>>\
<<if $bankEvent.Office2 < 1>>\
<<button [[Search for Supplies|Civiton National Bank Salvage]]>>
<<set $lootTemp to $lootBankerOffice>>\
<<set $rarelootTemp to $rarelootBankerOffice>>\
<<set $bankEvent.Office2 to $bankEvent.Office2 +1>>\
It looks like you have found everything of value in this part of the office.
<<button [[North|Civiton National Bank Office 1]]>> <</button>>
<<include "Infested Enemies">>\
<<set $genericFighter to $infestedBanker>>\
<<set $genericFighter.Image = $eventPath3 + $arrayEvent3FullBody.random() + '.jpg'>>\
<<set $genericWeapon to $infestedBanker.Weapon>>\
<<set $genericComments to "Infested Female Combat Comments">>\
<<set $lootTemp to $genericFighter.Loot>>\
<<set $rarelootTemp to $genericFighter.RareLoot>>\
<<set $genericFighter.Image = $eventPath3 + $arrayEvent3FullBody.random() + '.jpg'>>\
<<set $genericEvent.Image = $eventPath3 + $arrayEvent3Sitting.random() + '.jpg'>>\
<<set _lusty to random(10) +1 + $StatusAffect.Horny - $LustResist.Visual - $LustResist.Complete>>\
<<if _lusty < 0>>\
<<set _lusty to 0>>\
<<set _LustRoll to (random(19) + 1)>>\
<<if _LustRoll + $PC.Willpower - $StatusAffect.Horny < 15>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Horny to $StatusAffect.Horny +1>>\
<<set $lust to $lust + _lusty +1>>\
<<set $lust to $lust + (_lusty / 2)>>\
<img @src=$genericEvent.Image width="512px" height="768px" />
This is the upper floor of the Civiton National Bank where the big offices are located. Soft soothing light fills this part of the second floor while big empty offices give a bird's eye view out into the city. However one of the offices looks to be occupied! An extremely busty female with white hair is sitting in one of the offices messing with a laptop while idly watching some porn on a big screen TV. At your entrance she looks up from her laptop and gives you a surprised look at a non-employee standing in the employee offices.
  "Oh fuck! Someone's trying to rob the Civiton National Bank! I'm the only one who can save the bank and I'm sure to get a promotion for stopping a bank robber! And as a extra I'll be sure to get a nice big load while I'm at it!" she yells with a lust-filled grin as she quickly gets to her feet, her hard nipples tenting her thick work blouse.
<<button [[Fight!|Suburb Combat]]>>
<<include "SpecialAttacks">>\
<<include "Encounter Table">>\
<<include "Combat Status Affects">>\
<<set $bankEvent.Visits to $bankEvent.Visits +1>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set $BattleFlag to 1>>\
<<set $bankEvent.Combat to 1>>\
<<set $location.FleeFlag to 1>>\
<<set $location.Flee to "Civiton National Bank Front">>\
<<set $location.BattleWin to "Milk Bank Heist Victory">>\
<<set $location.BattleLose to "Milk Bank Heist Defeat">>\
<</if>>\<img src="Images/Suburb/Bank/BankInside 2.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set $location.temp to "Civiton National Bank Roof">>\
<<include "Time Micro-Passes">>\
You are standing on the roof of the Civiton National Bank which has a nice view of the Oak Dale suburbs that stretch out to the south. The roof is covered in gravel with a few vents popping up in and there. There's a door that looks like it leads down to the second floor of the bank. Next to the door is a small concrete bench with several cigarette butts littered around it. To the north is a fire escape ladder that leads down to the backside of this small bank.
<<if $StatusText.Notice is 1>>\
<<include "Update Status">>\
<<set $location.prev to $location.temp>>\
<<button [[Stairs|Civiton National Bank Office 1]]>>
<<set $location.Indoor to 1>>\
<<button [[Leave|Civiton National Bank Back]]>> <</button>><img src="Images/Suburb/Bank/BankVault 1.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set $location.temp to "Civiton National Bank Vault">>\
<<include "Time Micro-Passes">>\
<<set _E to 0>>\
<<set _T to 0>>\
<<if $Prof.Electronics > 0 and $SmartPhone.Charge > 9>>\
<<set _E to 1>>\
<<if $LockSmithTools.Active > 0 and $LockSmithTools.Charge > 19>>\
<<set _T to 1>>\
This is the entrance to the main vault located deep in the heart of the bank. A large solid steel door with large heavy bolts blocks the inside of the vault and the rest of the security looks to be ironclad as well. There's a terminal next to the vault door which controls the electronical security but there's also the physical multi-lock that adds another layer of security to the vault.
<<if $bankEvent.Vault is 1>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I already ransacked the bank vault and from the information on the terminals it doesn't get restocked until Monday morning...</i></div>
<div class="pcTalk"><i> It looks like I would have to hack the security terminal and then within a minute pick three seperate locks if I want to access the inside of the bank's vault.</i></div>
<<if _E > 0 and _T > 0 and $bankEvent.Vault < 1>>\
<<button [[Crack the Vault|Civiton National Bank Vault Crack]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<button [[Leave|Civiton National Bank Inside Teller]]>> <</button>><img src="Images/Suburb/Bank/BankVault 1.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<set _ESucc to 0>>\
<<set _TSucc to 0>>\
<<set _E to (random(19)+ 1) + $Skill.Electronics + $IntelligenceBonus + $FoodStatus.Skill + $PCStatus.SkillBuff>>\
<<set _E2 to 0>>\
<<if $SkillFeats.BruteForce > 0>>\
<<set _E2 to (random(19)+ 1) + $Skill.Electronics + $IntelligenceBonus + $FoodStatus.Skill + $PCStatus.SkillBuff -2>>\
<<if _E > 24 + ($PC.Level / 2) or _E2 > 24 + ($PC.Level / 2)>>\
<<set _ESucc to 1>>\
<<set _T to (random(19)+ 1) + $Skill.Thievery + $DexterityBonus + $FoodStatus.Skill>>\
<<if _T > 24 + ($PC.Level / 2)>>\
<<set _TSucc to 1>>\
<<if $ThieverySkillFeats.SturdyTools > 0>>\
<<set _T2 to (random(19)+ 1)>>\
<<if _T2 < $Prof.Thievery +1>>\
<<set _Charge to 0>>\
<<set _Charge to (random(10)+10)>>\
<<if _ESucc is 1 and _TSucc is 1>>\
<<set _tempXP to $PC.Level * 100>>\
<<set $XP to $XP + _tempXP>>\
The security software is no match for your elite skills and you quickly initiate the software shutdown portion of cracking the vault. You easily unlock the first of the three locks but second takes a bit longer. The third lock looks like it's going to defeat you but in the end the third lock clicks seconds before the lockout! Slowly the vault door opens exposing the inside of the bank vault in all it's glory!
<<if $ProgrammerPath.Blackhat > 0>>\
<<include "Hacking Heal">>\
<<if $XP >= $NextLevel>> You have reached the maxium experience for your level! Sleep to gain your next level.<<else>><<print _tempText>> You have gained _tempXP XP! <</if>>
<<button [[Enter the Vault|Civiton National Bank Vault Room]]>>
<<set $SmartPhone.Charge to $SmartPhone.Charge - 10>>\
<<set $LockSmithTools.Charge to $LockSmithTools.Charge - _Charge>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<elseif _ESucc is 0>>\
You are unable to hack the security system at the top end security is too much for your skills and soon the whole system locks you out! A warning shows up on the screen stating the bank will be going into lockdown in 2 minutes! You decide to quickly leave the building and barely get out the back door before all the doors go into lockdown!
<<button [[Leave|Civiton National Bank Back]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<set $SmartPhone.Charge to $SmartPhone.Charge - 10>>\
<<set $LockSmithTools.Charge to $LockSmithTools.Charge - _Charge>>\
<<elseif _ESucc is 1 and _TSucc is 0>>\
The security software is no match for your elite skills and you quickly initiate the software shutdown portion of cracking the vault. As you go to disable to the physical locks, you find the challenge a bit rougher and before you know it the system goes into lockdown! A warning shows up on the screen stating the bank itself will also be going into physical lockdown within the next 2 minutes! You decide to quickly leave the building and barely get out the back door before all the exits become sealed!
<<button [[Leave|Civiton National Bank Back]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<set $SmartPhone.Charge to $SmartPhone.Charge - 10>>\
<<set $LockSmithTools.Charge to $LockSmithTools.Charge - _Charge>>\
<</if>>\<img src="Images/Suburb/Bank/BankVault 2.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set $location.temp to "Civiton National Bank Vault Room">>\
<<include "Time Micro-Passes">>\
This is the main vault located deep inside the bank. Row after row of safe desposit boxes line the walls and are here for your taking. On a side table is several bags of cash that can be looted as well. The main vault door is currently open and leads back to the teller employee section of the lobby.
<div class="pcTalk"><i> This is a lot of loot! I never thought I would be robbing a bank in the middle of a sex zombie apocalypse! However, if I do take all this loot I have a feeling that the bank employees will be extremely pissed at finding the place empty...</i></div>
<<button [[Loot the Vault|Civiton National Bank Vault Loot]]>>
<<set $lootTemp to $lootBankVault>>\
<<set $rarelootTemp to $rarelootBankVault>>\
<<set $bankEvent.Stairs to $bankEvent.Vault +1>>\
<<set $npcAmy.Friendship to $npcAmy.Friendship - 20 + $SocialSkillFeats.WashmyHair>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<button [[Leave|Civiton National Bank Inside Teller]]>> <</button>><<set $lootBankVault to [$item.jewelry, $item.mediumjewelry]>>\
<<set $rarelootBankVault to [$weapon.pistol9mm, $weapon.switchknife, $weapon.brassknuckles]>>\
<<set $lootBankCube to [$item.smallration, $item.ration, $item.energydrink, $item.battery, $item.wood, $item.cloth, $item.metal, $item.electronics]>>\
<<set $rarelootBankCube to [$item.weakantiviralmedicine, $armor.skijacket]>>\
<<set $lootBankStairs to [$item.wood, $item.cloth, $item.metal, $item.electronics, $item.battery]>>\
<<set $rarelootBankStairs to [$item.largecloth, $item.largewood, $item.largemetal, $item.largeelectronics]>>\
<<set $lootBankerOffice to [$item.largeration, $item.largeration, $item.milktanks, $item.milkshakejugs, $item.usedpanties, $item.lube]>>\
<<set $rarelootBankerOffice to [$item.bankaccess, $item.milkshakejugsx, $item.doubledildo]>>\<img src="Images/Suburb/Bank/Bank.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set _tempCash to $PC.Level * 25>>
<<set _tempCash to random(_tempCash) + 25>>\
<<set _Extra to 1>>\
<<if $SalvagingSkillFeats.ExtraLoot > 0>>\
<<set _extraloot to (random(19)+ 1) + ($Prof.Salvaging / 2)>>\
<<if _extraloot > 15>>\
<<set _Extra to 2>>\
You search thru the area and find the following:
<<for $i = 0; $i < ($Prof.Salvaging / 2 + _Extra); $i++>>\
<<set _RareLoot to (random(19)+ 1) + ($Prof.Salvaging / 2) + $SalvagingSkillFeats.RareSalvage >>\
Rare Roll: _RareLoot
<<if _RareLoot > 19>>\
<<set _exists to 0>>\
<<set _keyflag to 0>>\
<<set _tempLoot to $rarelootTemp.random()>>\
<<if _tempLoot.name is "a double-ended dildo">>\
<<if $KeyItemsFlags.DoubleDildo is not 1>>\
<<set _keyflag to 1>>\
<<set $KeyItemsFlags.DoubleDildo to 1>>\
<<set $KeyItems.push(_tempLoot)>>\
<<set _tempLoot to $item.mediumjewelry>>\
<<elseif _tempLoot.name is "a bank branch access card">>\
<<if $KeyItemsFlags.BankAccess is not 1>>\
<<set _keyflag to 1>>\
<<set $KeyItemsFlags.BankAccess to 1>>\
<<set $KeyItems.push(_tempLoot)>>\
<<set _tempLoot to $item.mediumjewelry>>\
<<for $j = 0; $j < $PCInventory.length; $j++>>\
<<set $uitem = $PCInventory[$j]>>\
<<set $ItemName to $uitem.name>>\
<<set _TempName to _tempLoot.name>>\
<<if $ItemName is _TempName>>\
<<set _amount to $uitem.amount>>\
<<set _amount to _amount +1>>\
<<set $uitem.amount to _amount>>\
<<set _exists to 1>>\
<<if _keyflag is 0 and _exists is 0>>\
<<set $PCInventory.push(_tempLoot)>>\
Rare: <<print _tempLoot.name>>
<<set _Salvage to (random(19)+ 1) + $Skill.Salvaging + $WisdomBonus>>\
Salvage Roll: _Salvage
<<if _Salvage > (5 + ($i * 2))>>\
<<set _exists to 0>>\
<<set _tempLoot to $lootTemp.random()>>\
<<for $j = 0; $j < $PCInventory.length; $j++>>\
<<set $uitem = $PCInventory[$j]>>\
<<set $ItemName to $uitem.name>>\
<<set _TempName to _tempLoot.name>>\
<<if $ItemName is _TempName>>\
<<set _amount to $uitem.amount>>\
<<set _amount to _amount +1>>\
<<set $uitem.amount to _amount>>\
<<set _exists to 1>>\
<<if _exists is 0>>\
<<set $PCInventory.push(_tempLoot)>>\
<<print _tempLoot.name>>
_tempCash dollars.
<<set $Cash to $Cash + _tempCash>>\
<<button [[Finish|$location.temp]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</button>><img src="Images/Suburb/Bank/BankVault 2.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set _tempCash to $PC.Level * 250>>
<<set _tempCash to random(_tempCash) + 1000>>\
<<if $SalvagingSkillFeats.CashisKing > 0>>\
<<set _tempCash to _tempCash + Math.round(_tempCash / $SalvagingSkillFeats.CashisKing)>>\
<<set _Extra to 1>>\
<<if $SalvagingSkillFeats.ExtraLoot > 0>>\
<<set _extraloot to (random(19)+ 1) + ($Prof.Salvaging / 2)>>\
<<if _extraloot > 15>>\
<<set _Extra to 2>>\
You dive into searching the bank vault find the following:
<<for $i = 0; $i < ($Prof.Salvaging / 2 + _Extra); $i++>>\
<<set _RareLoot to (random(19)+ 1) + ($Prof.Salvaging / 2) + $SalvagingSkillFeats.RareSalvage >>\
Rare Roll: _RareLoot
<<if _RareLoot > 19>>\
<<set _exists to 0>>\
<<set _keyflag to 0>>\
<<set _tempLoot to $rarelootTemp.random()>>\
<<if _tempLoot.name is "a double-ended dildo">>\
<<if $KeyItemsFlags.DoubleDildo is not 1>>\
<<set _keyflag to 1>>\
<<set $KeyItemsFlags.DoubleDildo to 1>>\
<<set $KeyItems.push(_tempLoot)>>\
<<set _tempLoot to $item.mediumjewelry>>\
<<elseif _tempLoot.name is "a bank branch access card">>\
<<if $KeyItemsFlags.BankAccess is not 1>>\
<<set _keyflag to 1>>\
<<set $KeyItemsFlags.BankAccess to 1>>\
<<set $KeyItems.push(_tempLoot)>>\
<<set _tempLoot to $item.mediumjewelry>>\
<<for $j = 0; $j < $PCInventory.length; $j++>>\
<<set $uitem = $PCInventory[$j]>>\
<<set $ItemName to $uitem.name>>\
<<set _TempName to _tempLoot.name>>\
<<if $ItemName is _TempName>>\
<<set _amount to $uitem.amount>>\
<<set _amount to _amount +1>>\
<<set $uitem.amount to _amount>>\
<<set _exists to 1>>\
<<if _keyflag is 0 and _exists is 0>>\
<<set $PCInventory.push(_tempLoot)>>\
Rare: <<print _tempLoot.name>>
<<set _Salvage to (random(19)+ 1) + $Skill.Salvaging + $WisdomBonus>>\
Salvage Roll: _Salvage
<<if _Salvage > (5 + ($i * 2))>>\
<<set _exists to 0>>\
<<set _tempLoot to $lootTemp.random()>>\
<<for $j = 0; $j < $PCInventory.length; $j++>>\
<<set $uitem = $PCInventory[$j]>>\
<<set $ItemName to $uitem.name>>\
<<set _TempName to _tempLoot.name>>\
<<if $ItemName is _TempName>>\
<<set _amount to $uitem.amount>>\
<<set _amount to _amount +1>>\
<<set $uitem.amount to _amount>>\
<<set _exists to 1>>\
<<if _exists is 0>>\
<<set $PCInventory.push(_tempLoot)>>\
<<print _tempLoot.name>>
_tempCash dollars!
<<set $Cash to $Cash + _tempCash>>\
<<button [[Finish|$location.temp]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Bank/BankInside 2.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<if $bankEvent.CashLooted is 0>>\
<<set $npcAmy.Friendship to $npcAmy.Friendship - 10 + $SocialSkillFeats.WashmyHair>>\
<<set $bankEvent.CashLooted to 1>>\
<<set _tempCash to $PC.Level * 100>>
<<set _tempCash to random(_tempCash) + 100>>\
<<if $SalvagingSkillFeats.CashisKing > 0>>\
<<set _tempCash to _tempCash + Math.round(_tempCash / $SalvagingSkillFeats.CashisKing)>>\
You quickly pop open the cash register and find _tempCash dollars!
<<set $Cash to $Cash + _tempCash>>\
You quickly pop open the cash register but find that it's already been emptied of all it's cash!
<<button [[Finish|Civiton National Bank Inside Teller]]>> <</button>>
<<if $StatusText.TransformationFlag is 1>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> $StatusText.Transformation </i></div>
<<set $StatusText.TransformationFlag to 0>>\
<<elseif $StatusText.FoodFlag is 1>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> $StatusText.Food </i></div>
<<set $StatusText.FoodFlag to 0>>\
<<elseif $StatusText.WeatherFlag is 1 and $location.Indoor is 0>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> $StatusText.Weather </i></div>
<<set $StatusText.WeatherFlag to 0>>\
<<elseif $StatusText.EnergyFlag is 1>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> $StatusText.Energy </i></div>
<<set $StatusText.EnergyFlag to 0>>\
<<elseif $StatusText.MilkFlag is 1>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> $StatusText.Milk </i></div>
<<set $StatusText.MilkFlag to 0>>\
<<elseif $StatusText.BallsFlag is 1>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> $StatusText.Balls </i></div>
<<set $StatusText.BallsFlag to 0>>\
<<set $StatusText.Notice to 0>>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Rose Suburb 4.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<if $ClassBonus.Ranger > 0 or $ProgrammerPath.Security > 0>>\
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<set _GotFood to 0>>\
<<set _FoodRoll to (random(19) + 1)>>\
<<if $AdminMode is 1>>\
<<if $CelebrityPath.Nature > 0 and _FoodRoll > 15>>\
<<set _GotFood to 1>>\
<<set _exists to 0>>\
<<set _tempLoot to $item.makeshiftfood>>\
<<for $i = 0; $i < $PCInventory.length; $i++>>\
<<set $uitem = $PCInventory[$i]>>\
<<set $ItemName to $uitem.name>>\
<<set _TempName to _tempLoot.name>>\
<<if $ItemName is _TempName>>\
<<set _amount to $uitem.amount>>\
<<set _exists to 1>>\
<<if _exists is 1>>\
<<set _amount to _amount +1>>\
<<set $uitem.amount to _amount>>\
<<set $PCInventory.push(_tempLoot)>>\
<<set $NoEncounter to 0>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set _StopLook to 0>>\
<<set _WanderRoll to (random(19) + 1)>>\
<<if $HiddenLocation.Found > 0>>\
<<switch $HiddenLocation.Name>>\
<<case "Shortcut">>\
<<if _WanderRoll + $Skill.Scouting + $WisdomBonus + $ScoutingSkillFeats.KeenEye > $HiddenLocation.DC>>\
<<set _StopLook to 1>>\
While looking around the Busch Bank subdivision you notice what looks to be a slightly worn path between some houses that looks like it would lead directly towards Grove Hills!
<<button [[Check out the Shortcut|Busch Bank Shortcut]]>>
<<set $shortcutEvent.Found to 1>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<set $HiddenLocation.Found to 0>>\
<<set $HiddenLocation.Name to "null">>\
<<if _WanderRoll + $Skill.Scouting + $WisdomBonus - $StatusAffect.Horny - $StatusAffect.CumCovered - $StatusAffect.CumFilled < 10 and _WanderRoll < 19 and _StopLook < 1>>\
<<if _GotFood > 0>>\
While wandering around the Busch Bank gated community you managed to find _TempName and also ran across a hostile enemy!
While wandering around the Busch Bank gated community you have run across a hostile enemy!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>> <</button>>
<<elseif _WanderRoll + $Skill.Scouting + $WisdomBonus + $ScoutingSkillFeats.KeenEye > 10 and _StopLook < 1>>\
<<if _GotFood > 0>>\
While wandering around the Busch Bank gated community you managed to find _TempName and you ran across something interesting!
While wandering around the Busch Bank gated community you have run across something interesting!
<<button [[Encounter|Busch Bank Events]]>>
<<elseif _StopLook < 1>>\
<<if _GotFood > 0>>\
You spend a some time looking around the area but don't find anything all the interesting besides _TempName...
You spend a some time looking around the area but don't find anything all the interesting...
<<button [[Give up looking for now|$location.temp]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</if>>\<img src="Images/Home/PC.jpg" width="800px" height="400px" />
<<button [[Finish|PCRoom]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</button>><<set $sexHistory.XP to $sexHistory.XP +1>>\
<<set $LastPartner to $genericFighter>>\
<<set _TCard to 0>>\
<<set _VCard to 0>>\
<<if $sexHistory.TotalV is 1>>\
<<set $sexHistory.TrueVirginityWho to $genericFighter.Name>>\
<<set _TCard to 1>>\
<<set $sexHistory.TotalV to 0>>\
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$genericFighter.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$genericFighter.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _INip to $arrayNippleSize[$genericFighter.NippleSize]>>\
<<set _IAss to $arrayAssSizeDesc[$genericFighter.AssSize]>>\
<<set _OSD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$genericFighter.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _OCup to $arrayBreastSize[$genericFighter.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _BreastSD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _BreastsSize to $arrayBreastSize[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<if $Infestation.MilkProgress > 0 or $Milk.Stored > $Milk.Min>>\
<<set _Breasts to "Milk">>\
<<elseif $StatusAffect.SiliconeB > 5>>\
<<set _Breasts to "Silicone">>\
<<set _Breasts to "Natural">>\
<<if $PC.BreastsSize + ($GeneralFeats.FalseRep *2) > $genericFighter.BreastsSize>>\
<<set _Compare to "Bigger">>\
<<elseif $PC.BreastsSize + ($GeneralFeats.FalseRep *2) < $genericFighter.BreastsSize -4>>\
<<set _Compare to "Tiny">>\
<<elseif $PC.BreastsSize + ($GeneralFeats.FalseRep *2) < $genericFighter.BreastsSize>>\
<<set _Compare to "Smaller">>\
<<set _Compare to "Same">>\
<<if _TCard is 1>>\
  As you look at $genericFighter.Name you can't help but stare at her extremely voluptuous body. Your eyes are focused on her _ISD _ICup breasts that's even now still dripping milk from her hard nipples. It doesn't take long before your eyes drift down to where her pussy glistens with her sexual fluids. You can feel yourself getting hornier as your pussy gets dripping wet and your underwear starts to dampen. You feel a overwhelming urge to have your face buried deep between her shapely legs while having her do the same and you can no longer resist that sweet seductive lure.
  <em>"Fucking hell! This might be a mistake but she's so fucking hot. I mean those milk jugs look so delicious!"</em> you think as your body moves as if on auto-pilot. Your clothes drop to the ground as your heartbeat races. $genericFighter.Name2 looks pleased that you're about to give her what she wanted this whole time. Finally speaking up you stammer out "I'm going to umm, eat you out if you want to do these same I guess?"
  She gives you an thoughtful look for a moment before smiling wildly. "Sounds like we have a brand new player stepping up to the table for the very first time." she says warmly while cupping her _ISD breasts. "How about a drink before we get started, to help calm down the nerves?"
  Slowly sliding between her legs, you hesitantly grip those milk heavy breasts of hers causing $genericFighter.Name to moan softly. Your hands are already getting soaked by her leaking milk so you lock on to her already leaking nipples with your eager lips!
<<switch _Breasts>>\
<<case "Milk">>\
<<set $StatusAffect.MilkTits to $StatusAffect.MilkTits +2>>\
<<if $Milk.Stored < $Milk.Max>>\
<<if $Milk.Stored < $Milk.Max -1>>\
<<set $Milk.Stored to $Milk.Stored +2>>\
<<set $PC.BreastsSize to $PC.BreastsSize + 2>>\
<<set $Milk.Stored to $Milk.Stored +1>>\
<<set $PC.BreastsSize to $PC.BreastsSize + 1>>\
<<set $PCChanges.BreastsGrowth to "Sex">>\
<<set $MilkAD to $arrayMilkAmountDesc[$Milk.Stored]>>\
<<set $BreastSD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set $BreastsSize to $arrayBreastSize[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
  Within moments her tasty milk is flowing down your thoat as you eagerly suck on her erect nipple! Wanting even more of her delicious milk you start to squeeze and fondle her _ISD tits causing her to moan even louder. As you come up from air you feel some of her milk drip down your face onto your _BreastSD breasts that are currently pressing against the Infested's stomach. All that intoxicating milk you drank is making your own milkjugs feel all bubbly and you can't resist sitting back and grabbing them!
  Looking down at your chest, you quickly notice your _BreastSD _BreastsSize milk-filled tits are growing as they absorb all that milk you just drank and they are slowly pushing back against your hands! Your breasts growth eventually stop and it looks like you are now packing a $BreastSD pair of $BreastsSize milkjugs! Giving them a slight squeeze, you moan in pleasure as $MilkAD drops of milk drips from your nipples.
  $genericFighter.Name3 watches as you grope your milky tits before giving a soft giggle "Looks like you refilled your $BreastSD milkjugs making look quite nice!" As you focus returns to the Infested, she continues "It's a sure bet that it would feel even better playing with your milk-heavy titties while sitting on my face. So how about it, brand new gambler?"
  Within moments her tasty milk is flowing down your thoat as you eagerly suck on her erect nipple! Wanting even more of her delicious milk you start to squeeze and fondle her _ISD tits causing her to moan even louder. As you come up from air you feel some of her milk drip down your face onto your _BreastSD breasts that are currently pressing against the Infested's stomach. All that intoxicating milk you drank is making your own milkjugs feel all bubbly and you can't resist sitting back and grabbing them!
  Looking down at your chest, you quickly notice your $BreastSD $BreastsSize milk-filled tits are leaking milk covering your hands with all they extra milk you just drank! Even the slightest touch causes $MilkAD drops of milk to drip from your nipples as you let out moans of pleasure.
  $genericFighter.Name3 watches as you grope your milky tits before giving a soft giggle "Looks like your $BreastSD milkjugs are completely full!" As you focus returns to the Infested, she continues "It's a sure bet that it would feel even better playing with your full titties while sitting on my face. So how about it, brand new gambler?"
<<case "Silicone">>\
<<set $StatusAffect.MilkTits to $StatusAffect.MilkTits +2>>\
<<set $Milk.Stored to $Milk.Stored +2>>\
<<set $PC.BreastsSize to $PC.BreastsSize + 2>>\
<<set $PCChanges.BreastsGrowth to "Sex">>\
<<set $MilkAD to $arrayMilkAmountDesc[$Milk.Stored]>>\
<<set $BreastSD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set $BreastsSize to $arrayBreastSize[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
  Within moments her tasty milk is flowing down your thoat as you eagerly suck on her erect nipple! Wanting even more of her delicious milk you start to squeeze and fondle her _ISD tits causing her to moan even louder. As you come up from air you feel some of her milk drip down your face onto your _BreastSD fake tits that are currently pressing against the Infested's stomach. All that intoxicating milk you drank is making your own silicone-filled breasts feel all bubbly and you can't resist sitting back and grabbing them!
  Looking down at your chest, you quickly notice your _BreastSD _BreastsSize tits are growing as if all that silicone packed in your tits is being transformed into pure milk and they are slowly pushing back against your hands! Your breasts growth eventually stop and it looks like you are now packing a $BreastSD pair of $BreastsSize milkjugs! Giving them a slight squeeze, you moan in pleasure as $MilkAD drops of milk drips from your nipples.
  $genericFighter.Name3 watches as you grope your milky tits before giving a soft giggle "Looks like your plastic-filled tits are now instead $BreastSD milkjugs!" As you focus returns to the Infested, she continues "It's a sure bet that it would feel even better playing with your new and improved titties while sitting on my face. So how about it, brand new gambler?"
<<set $StatusAffect.MilkTits to $StatusAffect.MilkTits +2>>\
<<set $Milk.Stored to $Milk.Stored +2>>\
<<set $PC.BreastsSize to $PC.BreastsSize + 2>>\
<<set $PCChanges.BreastsGrowth to "Sex">>\
<<set $MilkAD to $arrayMilkAmountDesc[$Milk.Stored]>>\
<<set $BreastSD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set $BreastsSize to $arrayBreastSize[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
  Within moments her tasty milk is flowing down your thoat as you eagerly suck on her erect nipple! Wanting even more of her delicious milk you start to squeeze and fondle her _ISD tits causing her to moan even louder. As you come up from air you feel some of her milk drip down your face onto your _BreastSD breasts that are currently pressing against the Infested's stomach. All that intoxicating milk you drank is making your tits feel all bubbly and you can't resist sitting back and grabbing them!
  Looking down at your chest, you quickly notice your _BreastSD _BreastsSize tits are growing as if being filled with all that milk you just drank and they are slowly pushing back against your hands! Your breasts growth eventually stop and it looks like you are now packing a $BreastSD pair of $BreastsSize milkjugs! Giving them a slight squeeze, you moan in pleasure as $MilkAD drops of milk drips from your nipples.
  $genericFighter.Name3 watches as you grope your milky tits before giving a soft giggle "Looks like you now have some nice $BreastSD milkjugs as well!" As you focus returns to the Infested, she continues "It's a sure bet that it would feel even better playing with your new and improved titties while sitting on my face. So how about it, brand new gambler?"
  $genericFighter.Name2 stares at you with a horny lust-filled look in her eyes as you walk towards her, your wet pussy soaking your underwear while your $NippleSize long nipples tent the front of your shirt. With her _ISD _ICup breasts dripping sweet delicious milk and her pump cock-sucking lips, there was no way you could refuse sucking on those tits before having that delicious looking mouth all over your pussy. "I'm going to take a nice long drink from your big tits before having you eat my pussy!" you proclaim as you strip out of your clothes.
  "Well come get a drink from my milkjugs then! I bet after one taste of these milkers you won't be able to stop!" $genericFighter.Name says happily as she cups her _ISD milky breasts. Sliding between her legs, you happily grip those milk heavy breasts of hers causing $genericFighter.Name to moan softly. Your hands are already getting soaked by her leaking milk so you lock on to her hard leaking nipples with your eager lips!
<<switch _Breasts>>\
<<case "Milk">>\
<<set $StatusAffect.MilkTits to $StatusAffect.MilkTits +2>>\
<<if $Milk.Stored < $Milk.Max>>\
<<if $Milk.Stored < $Milk.Max -1>>\
<<set $Milk.Stored to $Milk.Stored +2>>\
<<set $PC.BreastsSize to $PC.BreastsSize + 2>>\
<<set $Milk.Stored to $Milk.Stored +1>>\
<<set $PC.BreastsSize to $PC.BreastsSize + 1>>\
<<set $PCChanges.BreastsGrowth to "Sex">>\
<<set $MilkAD to $arrayMilkAmountDesc[$Milk.Stored]>>\
<<set $BreastSD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set $BreastsSize to $arrayBreastSize[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
  Within moments her tasty milk is flowing down your thoat as you eagerly suck on her erect nipple! Wanting even more of her delicious milk you start to squeeze and fondle her _ISD tits causing her to moan even louder. As you come up from air you feel some of her milk drip down your face onto your _BreastSD breasts that are currently pressing against the Infested's stomach. All that intoxicating milk you drank is making your own milkjugs feel all bubbly and you can't resist sitting back and grabbing them!
  Looking down at your chest, you quickly notice your _BreastSD _BreastsSize milk-filled tits are growing as they absorb all that milk you just drank and they are slowly pushing back against your hands! Your breasts growth eventually stop and it looks like you are now packing a $BreastSD pair of $BreastsSize milkjugs! Giving them a slight squeeze, you moan in pleasure as $MilkAD drops of milk drips from your nipples.
  $genericFighter.Name3 watches as you grope your milky tits before giving a soft giggle "Looks like you refilled your $BreastSD milkjugs making look quite nice!" As you focus returns to the Infested, she continues "It's a sure bet that it would feel even better playing with your milk-heavy titties while sitting on my face. So how about it, big Milker?"
  Within moments her tasty milk is flowing down your thoat as you eagerly suck on her erect nipple! Wanting even more of her delicious milk you start to squeeze and fondle her _ISD tits causing her to moan even louder. As you come up from air you feel some of her milk drip down your face onto your _BreastSD breasts that are currently pressing against the Infested's stomach. All that intoxicating milk you drank is making your own milkjugs feel all bubbly and you can't resist sitting back and grabbing them!
  Looking down at your chest, you quickly notice your $BreastSD $BreastsSize milk-filled tits are leaking milk covering your hands with all they extra milk you just drank! Even the slightest touch causes $MilkAD drops of milk to drip from your nipples as you let out moans of pleasure.
  $genericFighter.Name3 watches as you grope your milky tits before giving a soft giggle "Looks like your $BreastSD milkjugs are completely full!" As you focus returns to the Infested, she continues "It's a sure bet that it would feel even better playing with your full titties while sitting on my face. So how about it, big Milker?"
<<case "Silicone">>\
<<set $StatusAffect.MilkTits to $StatusAffect.MilkTits +2>>\
<<set $Milk.Stored to $Milk.Stored +2>>\
<<set $PC.BreastsSize to $PC.BreastsSize + 2>>\
<<set $PCChanges.BreastsGrowth to "Sex">>\
<<set $MilkAD to $arrayMilkAmountDesc[$Milk.Stored]>>\
<<set $BreastSD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set $BreastsSize to $arrayBreastSize[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
  Within moments her tasty milk is flowing down your thoat as you eagerly suck on her erect nipple! Wanting even more of her delicious milk you start to squeeze and fondle her _ISD tits causing her to moan even louder. As you come up from air you feel some of her milk drip down your face onto your _BreastSD fake tits that are currently pressing against the Infested's stomach. All that intoxicating milk you drank is making your own silicone-filled breasts feel all bubbly and you can't resist sitting back and grabbing them!
  Looking down at your chest, you quickly notice your _BreastSD _BreastsSize tits are growing as if all that silicone packed in your tits is being transformed into pure milk and they are slowly pushing back against your hands! Your breasts growth eventually stop and it looks like you are now packing a $BreastSD pair of $BreastsSize milkjugs! Giving them a slight squeeze, you moan in pleasure as $MilkAD drops of milk drips from your nipples.
  $genericFighter.Name3 watches as you grope your milky tits before giving a soft giggle "Looks like your plastic-filled tits are now instead $BreastSD milkjugs!" As you focus returns to the Infested, she continues "It's a sure bet that it would feel even better playing with your new and improved titties while sitting on my face. So how about it, big gambler?"
<<set $StatusAffect.MilkTits to $StatusAffect.MilkTits +2>>\
<<set $Milk.Stored to $Milk.Stored +2>>\
<<set $PC.BreastsSize to $PC.BreastsSize + 2>>\
<<set $PCChanges.BreastsGrowth to "Sex">>\
<<set $MilkAD to $arrayMilkAmountDesc[$Milk.Stored]>>\
<<set $BreastSD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set $BreastsSize to $arrayBreastSize[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
  Within moments her tasty milk is flowing down your thoat as you eagerly suck on her erect nipple! Wanting even more of her delicious milk you start to squeeze and fondle her _ISD tits causing her to moan even louder. As you come up from air you feel some of her milk drip down your face onto your _BreastSD breasts that are currently pressing against the Infested's stomach. All that intoxicating milk you drank is making your tits feel all bubbly and you can't resist sitting back and grabbing them!
  Looking down at your chest, you quickly notice your _BreastSD _BreastsSize tits are growing as if being filled with all that milk you just drank and they are slowly pushing back against your hands! Your breasts growth eventually stop and it looks like you are now packing a $BreastSD pair of $BreastsSize milkjugs! Giving them a slight squeeze, you moan in pleasure as $MilkAD drops of milk drips from your nipples.
  $genericFighter.Name3 watches as you grope your milky tits before giving a soft giggle "Looks like you now have some nice $BreastSD milkjugs as well!" As you focus returns to the Infested, she continues "It's a sure bet that it would feel even better playing with your new and improved titties while sitting on my face. So how about it, big gambler?"
  "That sounds like a great idea!" You reply as you watch $genericFighter.Name lies on back with her _ISD mountains aimed at the sky. You quickly reposition yourself so that your damp pussy is above her beautiful face while facing her milk covered tits and equally wet pussy. The $genericFighter.Name3 dives in quickly as you feel her plump lips on your pussy lips causing you to gasp out "Oh fuck! That feels gooood!" as you squeeze your perky milkjugs causing $MilkAD streams of milk to squirt from them.
  The feeling of her tongue sliding into your tight slit causes another moan of pleasure but it's the slim finger that slides deep into your wet cunt is what causes you to squirm and moan almost uncontrollably. Seeing her ample milkjugs you grab ahold of them again in order to brace yourself from all the erotic waves of ecstasy that's pulsating from your sensitive pussy. The $genericFighter.Name3 let's out her lusty moan as you grope her _ISD breasts and she soon returns the favor by slamming her finger in and out of your tight pussy/
  "Oh shit yes! Your tongue is so fucking deep inside my wet pussy. Oh fuckkkk your finger feels sooo good!" you moan loudly as the Infested goes to town on your pleasure-filled muff. The feeling of her finger slamming into your tight cunt while she's busy sucking on your clit feels so good that it's hard to resist cumming all over her face. Looking down at $genericFighter.Name's own wet pussy you've overtaken with desire to take a taste of her arousing cunt.
  Bending over you dive face first into her sweet smelling pussy causing $genericFighter.Name to let out a surprised gasp. Her pussy is so enticing that you find your tongue sliding into her wet slit before you can even decide to do so. It tastes like honey with a hint of salt and you eagerly lick and swallow her delicious juices. The $genericFighter.Name3 quickens her own tongue action on your dripping wet pussy while also speeding up her finger-banging as well. It feels so good that you feel your orgasm quickly rising while you do your best to match her insane pace.
<<if $Infestation.MilkProgress < 1 and $Infestation.MilkVariant > 99 and $Infestation.Progress > 1>>\
<<set _BreastSD to $BreastSD>>\
<<set _BreastsSize to $BreastsSize>>\
<<set _NippleSize to $NippleSize>>\
<<include "Milk TF">>\
  As you slide your tongue around the Infested's tight pussy you feel a strange bubbling sensation that starts in your breasts but quickly spreads throughout your body! Before you can ponder what is happening the bubbling sensation increases rapidly in your _BreastSD breasts!
  "Oh my God! Oh fuck, oh shit! I'm fucking cumming all over your fucking face! Fuckkkkkk!" you scream as $genericFighter.Name rails your tight pussy with her fingers while sucking on your engorged clit. You feel the weight of your _BreastsSize breasts rapidly increase as they increasing press against $genericFighter.Name to the point it feels like they have gained almost of foot in size! You feel one of the most intense orgasms you've ever had crash into you as your whole body shakes and quivers. <<if $Cum.Stored < 10>>Your dripping wet pussy unleashes a $CumAD squirting of girl-cum that splashes onto the Infested's face. <<elseif $Cum.Stored > 10>>Your soaking wet pussy unleashes a $CumAD flood of girl-cum that soaks the Infested's face. <<else>> Your soaking wet pussy unleashes a $CumAD tsunami of girl-cum that soaks the Infested's face. The stream of girl cum lasts for over a minute and completely coats the her face!<</if>> Even your expanded milk-filled breasts shake in pleasure as $MilkAD streams of milk soak the Infested's body below you.
  It looks like your intense orgasm has pushed $genericFighter.Name over the edge as her wet pussy squirts a massive flood of girl-cum all over your mouth and part of your face! Her long loud moan of pleasure echoes thru the area as you desperately do your best to suck down as much of her delicious fluids as possible.
  As you slowly recover from your orgasm you finally sit up and notice your breasts are now $BreastSD $BreastsSize breasts! They are no longer leaking milk but you can still feel that they are filled with milk and will fill up even more over time. You have a feeling that it's going to be extremely easy for you to leak milk from now on, especially during sexual acts.
  As the Infested comes up for air she says "Oh fuck! Your titties are so much bigger now!" as she checks out your $BreastSD $BreastsSize mommy milkers. "Nice! You're on your way to becoming a hot Milker!" she says as she licks some of your milk off your chest.
<<elseif $PC.Infestation is $Infestation.Cap & $Infestation.Progress > 1>>\
<<set _BreastSD to $BreastSD>>\
<<set _BreastsSize to $BreastsSize>>\
<<set _NippleSize to $NippleSize>>\
<<include "Infestation Increase">>\
  As she continues to expertly eat out your wet pussy while being finger-banged, you feel a surge of energy flowing directly into you! It almost feels like you are burning up but it quickly turns to pleasure that radiates from your ass and _BreastSD breasts.
  "Oh my God! Oh fuck, oh shit! I'm fucking cumming all over your fucking face! Fuckkkkkk!" you scream as $genericFighter.Name rails your tight pussy with her fingers while sucking on your engorged clit. You feel the weight of your _BreastsSize breasts increase as they increasing press against $genericFighter.Name. You feel one of the most intense orgasms you've ever had crash into you as your whole body shakes and quivers. Your soaking wet pussy unleashes an insane tsunami of girl-cum that soaks the Infested's face. The stream of girl cum lasts for over a minute and completely coats the her face! Even your milk-filled breasts shake in pleasure as $MilkAD streams of milk soak the Infested's body below you.
  It looks like your intense orgasm has pushed $genericFighter.Name over the edge as her wet pussy squirts a massive flood of girl-cum all over your mouth and part of your face! Her long loud moan of pleasure echoes thru the area as you desperately do your best to suck down as much of her delicious fluids as possible.
  As you come down from your intense orgasm you notice that you now have $BreastSD $BreastsSize breasts along with a $AssSize ass! Before you can react the Infested fondles your expanded ass and with a muffled voice says "It feels like you are on the way to becoming one hot slut!"
  "Oh fuck! Oh fuck yes! I'm cummmming all over your fucking face! Fuckkkkkk!" you scream as $genericFighter.Name hits your g-spot while sucking on your overly sensitive clit at the same time. You feel your much desired orgasm crash into you as your whole body shakes and quivers. <<if $GCum.Stored < 10>>Your dripping wet pussy unleashes a $GCumAD squirting of girl-cum that splashes onto the Infested's face. <<elseif $GCum.Stored > 10>>Your soaking wet pussy unleashes a $GCumAD flood of girl-cum that soaks the Infested's face. <<else>> Your soaking wet pussy unleashes a $CumAD tsunami of girl-cum that soaks the Infested's face. The stream of girl cum lasts for over a minute and completely coats the her face!<</if>>
  It looks like your intense orgasm has pushed $genericFighter.Name over the edge as her wet pussy squirts a massive flood of girl-cum all over your mouth and part of your face! Her long loud moan of pleasure echoes thru the area as you desperately do your best to suck down as much of her delicious fluids as possible.
  "Oh that was so good!" she says when you finally stand up, your pussy juices dripping from your sensitive pussy onto the ground. Taking one last moment to lick down some of your girl-cum from her lips, she replies "I'll hope to see you again soon, gambler." With that you grab your clothes and leave the area.<<set $sexHistory.XP to $sexHistory.XP +1>>\
<<set $LastPartner to $genericFighter>>\
<<set _DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$genericFighter.DickSize]>>\
<<set _DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$genericFighter.DickSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$genericFighter.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$genericFighter.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _BreastSD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _BreastsSize to $arrayBreastSize[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _SizeComp to $PC.BreastsSize - $genericFighter.Level + ($GeneralFeats.FalseRep *2)>>\
<<if _SizeComp < 0>>\
<<set _SizeComp to 0>>\
<<if $Infestation.MilkProgress > 0 or $Milk.Stored > $Milk.Min>>\
<<set _Breasts to "Milk">>\
<<elseif $StatusAffect.SiliconeB > 5>>\
<<set _Breasts to "Silicone">>\
<<set _Breasts to "Natural">>\
  "I see a little bitch who can't resist the _DickSize dick of a true Alpha... Luckily I'm in the mood to show ya a good time by fucking you so hard you won't be able to walk straight for days." says $genericFighter.Name as he stands over your exhausted body with his _DickSD dick hard at attention, dripping pre-cum. "How about you just lay there as I shove my _DickSD _DickSize <<Penis>> into your dripping cunt and enjoy being fucked by a master stud?" he continues as he stares at your wet pussy that's dripping in aching need as you gaze back at his _DickSize cock.
<<switch _SizeComp>>\
<<case 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8>>\
<<set _TitRoll to (random(19) + 1)>>\
<<if _TitRoll < ( ($GeneralFeats.Transformer * 2) +1)>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.BigTits to $StatusAffect.BigTits +2>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.BigTits to $StatusAffect.BigTits +3>>\
<<set $PCChanges.BreastsGrowth to "Soda">>\
<<set $PC.BreastsSize =+ $PC.BreastsSize +5>>\
<<set $PC.NippleSize =+ $PC.NippleSize +5>>\
<<set $Milk.Max to $Milk.Max + 2>>\
<<set $PCChanges.BreastsGrowth to "Soda">>\
<<set $BreastSD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set $BreastsSize to $arrayBreastSize[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set $NippleSize to $arrayNippleSize[$PC.NippleSize]>>\
  Looking down at your _BreastSD _BreastsSize breasts, $genericFighter.Name looks to be pretty unhappy. "Look you little slut, when I fuck a girl I want them to have nice big titties. Whatever you want to call those mosquito bites, they ain't no tits." You feel a surge of annoyance as the bastard judges your perfectly good breasts. Ignoring your look of displeasure, $genericFighter.Name grabs a pink can from his supplies. "Luckily I have a contact that keeps me supplied with some of these, you know?"
  "What are y-?" you start to say before $genericFighter.Name opens the can while grabbing your face. You have no chance to resist as he pours the contents down your throat! You can briefly taste the watermelon flavor before the carbonated milk hits your stomach. Finally able to speak after swallowing the whole can, you stammer out "What did you just give me?"
  Smirking widely $genericFighter.Name pulls off your top exposing your _BreastSD breasts. "Just watch and see, little slut." he says as you start to feel a strange stretching sensation coming from your breasts. You stare in shock as your _BreastsSize tits start to grow larger and heavier! With each heartbeat your breasts surge in size and before long you have a $BreastSD pair of $BreastsSize jugs proudly presenting from your chest!
  "Now those are a proper set of tits!" The Infested says as he admires your $BreastsSize tits while stroking his fully erect cock. "It makes me so hard when I see a women with $BreastSD titties ready to be fucked nice and hard. So how about you get my _DickSize cock nice and wet so I can get to pounding your tight looking pussy!" With that said the Infested thrusts his _DickSD dick at your face!
  Leering lewdly at your $BreastSD $BreastsSize breasts, $genericFighter.Name looks to be quite happy. "I have to say you have some nice big jugs, little slut! Those are more than just jugs, they are some $BreastSD titties, nice and big!" You feel a sense of pride as the bastard judges your nice breasts. The Infested smiles widely as he admires your $BreastsSize tits while stroking his fully erect cock. "It makes me so hard when I see a women with $BreastSD titties ready to be fucked nice and hard. So how about you get my _DickSize cock nice and wet so I can get to pounding your tight looking pussy!" With that said the Infested thrusts his _DickSD dick straight at your face!
  The way his fully erect <<Penis>> throbs in front of you face makes it a easy choice in the end as it smells so erotic and sooo good. Your tongue slowly slides across his meaty shaft causing a droplet of pre-cum to ooze from his spongy tip. Unable to resist such a delicious smelling treat you quickly maneuver your mouth to catch his delicious gooey treasure and it's one of the best things you have ever tasted! You quickly wrap your lips around his tip before sliding them down his long lengthy shaft before bottoming out at his _BallsSize balls.
  Before you can really get going on sucking his delicious cock, $genericFighter.Name grabs your head and pulls you back! "Hey slow the fuck down, slut...I'm going to need you to spread your legs cause I'm needing more than just a good blowjob." he growls as he shoves you back onto your back with your $AssSize asscheeks providing some cushioning. The idea of having his big _DickSize cock buried deep inside your tight pussy causes your slit to get dripping wet as you spread your legs wide, waiting eagerly for his <<Penis>>!
  "That's what I'm talking about!" $genericFighter.Name groans as he presses his wet <<Penis>> up against your wet cunt! Your pussy is weeping at the thought of his meaty cock being buried deep inside you as he slides his dick up against your tight slit. The Infested looks you in your eyes and demands "Beg for it! I want to hear you beg for me to fuck you so hard you won't be able to walk straight for days."
  "Wha-?" you gasp before you comprehend what $genericFighter.Name is asking. With how much you NEED his dick you quickly start to beg "Yes please! Fuck my tight pussy with your big cock, you fucking hunk of man-meat! I gotta have it inside me, fuck please!" Your begging seems to have worked as the Infested gives you one last smirk before slamming his _DickSize <<Penis>> straight into your extremely tight pussy!
  Moaning loudly you gasp out "Oh fuck! You're so deep inside my overstuffed pussy! Oh shit yes!" $genericFighter.Name3 doesn't waste any time letting you adjust to his size as he pulls his extremely thick cock almost out of your tight muff before slamming it back in nice and hard, causing your $BreastSD titties to bounce and jiggle from the force of his repeated thrusts! It feels so good, so full as he hammers away at your tight cunt that your legs wrap around his back, urging him to keep his dick pounding away.
<<switch _Breasts>>\
<<case "Milk">>\
<<set _type to "MILF">>\
  "Oh yeah! Take it like the little cock-hungry slut you are! You like how my _DickSD alpha cock is pounding away at your tight pussy? Yeah?" $genericFighter.Name bellows as he continues to fuck like a bullet train, plowing your abused busy with no hint at stopping anytime soon. Grabbing your $BreastSD milk-filled breasts, he starts to roughly fondle them as his hips continue their hard thrusting. "God damn! I love your big milkjugs! So big and soft and filled with so much fucking milk! It's just how a fucking MILF should look!" he groans as he pinches your $NippleSize long nipples between his meaty fingers, causing you to let out another gasp of pleasure as milk squirts out of your hard nipples.
<<case "Silicone">>\
<<set _type to "bimbo">>\
  "Oh yeah! Take it like the little cock-hungry slut you are! You like how my _DickSD alpha cock is pounding away at your tight pussy? Yeah?" $genericFighter.Name bellows as he continues to fuck like a bullet train, plowing your abused busy with no hint at stopping anytime soon. Grabbing your $BreastSD silicon-filled breasts, he starts to roughly fondle them as his hips continue their hard thrusting. "God damn! I love your big fake tits! So big and firm, just how a plastic bimbo should look!" he groans as he pinches your $NippleSize long nipples between his meaty fingers, causing you to let out another gasp of pleasure.
<<set _type to "slut">>\
  "Oh yeah! Take it like the little cock-hungry slut you are! You like how my _DickSD alpha cock is pounding away at your tight pussy? Yeah?" $genericFighter.Name bellows as he continues to fuck like a bullet train, plowing your abused busy with no hint at stopping anytime soon. Grabbing your $BreastSD breasts, he starts to roughly fondle them as his hips continue their hard thrusting. "God damn! I love your fucking tits! So big and juicy, just how a slutty whore should look!" he groans as he pinches your $NippleSize long nipples between his meaty fingers, causing you to let out another gasp of pleasure.
  "Ohhhh! Fuckkkk! Your _DickSize <<Penis>> feels so good! Fuck keep going! Oh fuckkkk yess!" you moan loudly as he hammers away at your weeping pussy with his _DickSD mega-sized cock. Your $BreastSD tits are bouncing and jiggling from his hard pounding and you can't help but moan and gasp in pleasure. You can feel his twitching shaft as he buries it over and over again in your pleasure-filled pussy and the growing sounds of his lusty moans let's you know he's getting close to cumming.
  "Oh fuck babe! Your pussy feels so fine I'm about to bust a nut all inside your hot twat!" $genericFighter.Name shouts as he's reached a frantic almost out of control pace of slamming your abused pussy with his jackhammering cock. There's so much pre-cum leaking from his cock you would be tempted to think he's shooting his wad but such a Alpha male couldn't have such enemic amount of baby-batter. Your over-stuffed pussy feels like your about to cum as well from all the pleasurable abuse that you're loving from his eager cock.
<<if $PC.Infestation is $Infestation.Cap & $Infestation.Progress > 1>>\
<<include "Infestation Increase">>\
<<set _BreastSD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _BreastsSize to $arrayBreastSize[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
  As your pussy is being completely fucked by his _DickSD cock you feel a surge of energy flowing directly into you! It almost feels like you are burning up but it quickly turns to pleasure that radiates from your asscheeks and sensitive breasts.
  "Oh fucking yes! Your big o'titties are getting even bigger! OH FUCK YEAH! Seeing such big titties makes me want to shoot my load all over them! Get ready you fucking _type cause I'm about to shoot my load right into your tight cunt!" he screams as you can feel a pleasant growing sensation from your _BreastSD breasts. $genericFighter.Name3 bellows a shout of pure excitment as he slams his _DickSize cock into you one last time before shooting your womb with never-ending waves of hot cum! There's so much that it easily overflows your stuffed pussy!
  As he creampies your pussy you scream out"Oh god! Oh fuck! I'm cumming all over your goddamn cock as my ttties keep growing!" you scream as the feeling of you breasts and ass growing pushes you over the edge as your over-filled pussy squeezes hard on the Infested's _DickSD <<Penis>>! Massive waves of ecstasy slams into you as your orgasm bursts from your pleasure box and you unleash the biggest tsunami of girl-cum all over the Infested's dick! Feeling your quivering orgasm $genericFighter.Name pulls his _DickSize cock out of your leaking pussy and shoots several large ribbons of gooey cum all over your $BreastSD tits and face!
  As $genericFighter.Name stares down at you with a dirty smirk on his face, you finally notice you now have a pair of $BreastSD $BreastsSize cum-covered breasts and a $AssSize sore ass! Before you can react the Infested gropes your expanded chest with a smirk and says "Looks like you are on the way to becoming an even hotter _type!"
  "Oh fucking yes! Get ready you fucking _type cause I'm about to blast my big fucking wad right into your slutty cunt! Fuck yesss! I'm cumming so fucking hard!" he screams as an epic body-shaking orgasm starts to rocks his body. $genericFighter.Name3 bellows a shout of pure excitment as he slams his _DickSize cock into you one last time before shooting your womb with never-ending waves of hot cum! There's so much that it easily overflows your stuffed pussy!
  "Oh god! Oh fuck! I'm cumming all over your goddamn cock!" you scream as the feeling of the Infested creampieing your cunt pushes you over the edge as your over-filled pussy squeezes hard on the Infested's _DickSD <<Penis>>! <<if $GCum.Stored > 15>> Massive waves of ecstasy slams into you as your orgasm bursts from your pleasure box and you unleash a $CumAD tital wave of girl-cum all over the Infested's dick!<<elseif $GCum.Stored > 10>>Waves of ecstasy slams you hard as your orgasm erupts from your pleasure box and you unleash a $GCumAD flood of girl-cum all over the Infested's dick. <<else>> Ripples of ecstasy hits you hard as your orgasm sprays from your pleasure box and you unleash a $GCumAD river of girl-cum all over the Infested's dick.<</if>> Feeling your quivering orgasm $genericFighter.Name pulls his _DickSize cock out of your leaking pussy and shoots several large ribbons of gooey cum all over your $BreastSD tits and face!
  "Oh that was a good fuck, you goddamn fucking machine!" $genericFighter.Name2 says as he stands up from your exhausted body, cum dripping from his still erect cock. Taking one last moment to shake loose some white goo from his huge cock, he continues with "I can't wait to run across you again, you fucking slut!" With that he walks away fulfilled leaving you to grab your clothes and to slowly recover.
<<set $StatusAffect.CumFilled to $StatusAffect.CumFilled+1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered+1>>\<<set $sexHistory.XP to $sexHistory.XP +1>>\
<<set $LastPartner to $genericFighter>>\
<<set _DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$genericFighter.DickSize]>>\
<<set _DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$genericFighter.DickSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$genericFighter.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$genericFighter.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _SizeComp to $PC.DickSize - $genericFighter.Level + ($GeneralFeats.FalseRep *2)>>\
<<if _SizeComp < 0>>\
<<set _SizeComp to 0>>\
  "I see a little bitch who can't stand up to a real Alpha male and his _DickSize man meat!" says $genericFighter.Name as he stands over your exhausted body with his _DickSD dick hard at attention, dripping pre-cum. "A true Alpha knows how to win his battles while a pathetic Beta can only drop to his knees begging to be ass fucked by the Alpha's _DickSD <<Penis>>." he continues as he glances at your $DickSize dick that's hard as a rock due to how juicy his _DickSize meat rod looks.
<<if _SizeComp > 8>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.BigDick > 0>>\
<<set _Status to "Big Dick">>\
<<elseif $PC.DickSize > $PC.MDickSize>>\
<<set _Status to "Dick">>\
<<set _Status to "None">>\
<<switch _Status>>\
<<case "Big Dick">>\
<<set $PCChanges.DickShrink to "Soda">>\
<<set _Size to $StatusAffect.BigDick>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.BigDick to 0>>\
<<set _ODickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$PC.DickSize]>>\
<<set _ODickSize to $arrayDickSize[$PC.DickSize]>>\
<<set _OBallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$PC.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _OBallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$PC.BallsSize]>>\
<<set $PC.DickSize to $PC.DickSize - _Size>>\
<<set $DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$PC.DickSize]>>\
<<set $DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$PC.DickSize]>>\
<<set $PC.BallsSize to $PC.BallsSize - _Size>>\
<<set $BallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$PC.BallsSize]>>\
<<set $BallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$PC.BallsSize]>>\
<<if $Cum.Max > 11>>\
<<set $Cum.Max to $Cum.Max - _Size>>\
<<set $Cum.Min to $Cum.Min - _Size>>\
<<set $Cum.Stored to $Cum.Min>>\
<<set $CumAD to $arrayCumAmountDesc[$Cum.Stored]>>\
  "What the hell? How does some Beta male have a dick that size?" He growls as he frowns at the _ODickSD size of your _ODickSize dick. "Can't have some fucking Beta trying to pass themselves off as an Alpha!" Ignoring your look of displeasure, $genericFighter.Name grabs a light purple can from his supplies. "Luckily I know a place that has some of these in stock and is always willing to help a brother, you know?"
  "What are y-?" you start to say before $genericFighter.Name opens the can while grabbing your face. You have no chance to resist as he pours the contents down your throat! You can briefly taste the red grape and lime mix flavor before the juice hits your stomach. Finally able to speak after swallowing the whole can, you stammer out "What the fuck was that?"
  Smirking widely $genericFighter.Name pulls off your clothes, exposing your _ODickSize dick. "Just watch and see, pathetic little Beta." he gloats as he tosses the empty can into the street. You start to feel a strange shrinking sensation coming from your penis and balls and you stare in shock as your _ODickSize slowly shrinks in size which each heartbeat that passes. Eventually your poor dick shrinks down to a $DickSD $DickSize penis! Even your poor balls are not spared as they also shrank down to $BallsSD $BallsSize balls!
  "Now that's a dick that's the proper size for a Beta" The Infested says as he mocks your $DickSize dick while stroking his fully erect cock. "So how about you get my _DickSize cock nice and wet so I can get to pounding your Beta ass!" The Infested demands as he thrusts his _DickSD dick at your face!
<<case "Dick">>\
<<set $PCChanges.DickShrink to "Soda">>\
<<set _ODickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$PC.DickSize]>>\
<<set _ODickSize to $arrayDickSize[$PC.DickSize]>>\
<<set _OBallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$PC.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _OBallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$PC.BallsSize]>>\
<<set $PC.DickSize to $PC.DickSize -1>>\
<<set $DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$PC.DickSize]>>\
<<set $DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$PC.DickSize]>>\
<<set $PC.BallsSize to $PC.BallsSize -1>>\
<<set $BallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$PC.BallsSize]>>\
<<set $BallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$PC.BallsSize]>>\
<<if $Cum.Max > 11>>\
<<set $Cum.Max to $Cum.Max -1>>\
<<set $Cum.Min to $Cum.Min -1>>\
<<set $Cum.Stored to $Cum.Min>>\
<<set $CumAD to $arrayCumAmountDesc[$Cum.Stored]>>\
  "What the hell? How does some Beta male have a dick that size?" He growls as he frowns at the _ODickSD size of your _ODickSize dick. "Can't have some fucking Beta trying to pass themselves off as an Alpha!" Ignoring your look of displeasure, $genericFighter.Name grabs a light purple can from his supplies. "Luckily I know a place that has some of these in stock and is always willing to help a brother, you know?"
  "What are y-?" you start to say before $genericFighter.Name opens the can while grabbing your face. You have no chance to resist as he pours the contents down your throat! You can briefly taste the red grape and lime mix flavor before the juice hits your stomach. Finally able to speak after swallowing the whole can, you stammer out "What the fuck was that?"
  Smirking widely $genericFighter.Name pulls off your clothes, exposing your _ODickSize dick. "Just watch and see, pathetic little Beta." he gloats as he tosses the empty can into the street. You start to feel a strange shrinking sensation coming from your penis and balls and you stare in shock as your _ODickSize slowly shrinks in size which each heartbeat that passes. Eventually your dick shrinks down to a $DickSD $DickSize penis! Even your poor balls are not spared as they also shrank down to $BallsSD $BallsSize balls!
  "Now that's a dick that's the proper size for a Beta" The Infested says as he mocks your $DickSize dick while stroking his fully erect cock. "So how about you get my _DickSize cock nice and wet so I can get to pounding your Beta ass!" The Infested demands as he thrusts his _DickSD dick at your face!
  "What the hell? How does some Beta male have a dick that size?" He growls as he frowns at the $DickSD size of your $DickSize dick. "Can't have some fucking Beta trying to pass themselves off as an Alpha!" Ignoring your look of displeasure, $genericFighter.Name grabs a light purple can from his supplies. "Luckily I know a place that has some of these in stock and is always willing to help a brother, you know?"
  "What are y-?" you start to say before $genericFighter.Name opens the can while grabbing your face. You have no chance to resist as he pours the contents down your throat! You can briefly taste the red grape and lime mix flavor before the juice hits your stomach. Finally able to speak after swallowing the whole can, you stammer out "What the fuck was that?"
  Smirking widely $genericFighter.Name pulls off your clothes, exposing your $DickSize dick. "Just watch and see, pathetic little Beta." he gloats as you wait for something to happen. "What the hell?" he exclaims as he notices that nothing is happening.
  "Fuck! It must have been a dud!" he growls as he tosses the empty can into the street. "You know what? Let's stop wasting time and how about you get my _DickSize cock nice and wet so I can get to pounding your Beta ass!" The Infested demands as he thrusts his _DickSD dick at your face!
  "You know, that's a proper sized dick for a Beta." He smirks as he mocks the $DickSD size of your $DickSize dick. "If it was any bigger I would have had to shrunk it down to a proper sized dick, for a Beta." $genericFighter.Name continues as he starts to stroke his _DickSize <<Penis>>. "Anyways Let's stop wasting time and how about you get my _DickSize cock nice and wet so I can get to pounding your Beta ass!" The Infested demands as he thrusts his _DickSD dick at your face!
  Even with all the insults you feel your cock harden even more as you slide your hands over his hard <<Penis>> while cupping his _BallsSD balls. As you grip his throbbing cock, a drop of juicy pre-cum oozes from his _DickSD tip! Unwilling to let such a treasure be wasted, you slide your tongue from the base to the tip, capturing that delicious fortune. It's one of the most tasty things you have ever tasted and you want more! Wrapping your lips around his meaty shaft, you start to slide your tongue up and down, trying to get the Infested to release some more of that gooey delight.
  "Oh yeah! Keep sucking on my cock, you slutty Beta bitch!" $genericFighter.Name3 moans as more and more of his _DickSize <<Penis>> slides down your throat. You feel that your throat is completely filled with his man meat but you don't mind as that gives you more to work with as you tongue wraps around his dick. "Fuck! Your mouth feels so smooth, you fucking cock-sucker!" he groans and soon you are rewarded with several spurts of hot juicy pre-cum that easily slides down your throat, evoking a lewd muffled moan from how good it tastes! Your $DickSD dick is so hard just from the little taste that you almost
  Before you can really get to really going to town on sucking his <<Penis>>, $genericFighter.Name pulls your face off his wet dick! "Goddamn! You truly are a fucking awesome cock-sucker but I don't want to just have my dick sucked. I want to fuck that man pussy of yours! So go ahead and bend over cause I'm going to be ramming that tight ass, pronto!"
  It takes you a moment to comprehend what he's saying but when you do so, you quickly turn around on your knees and present your eager ass. Just the small amount of his divine pre-cum you tasted makes you eager for more. No, not just eager, desperate for more of his juicy cum! Looking over your shoulder, you say "Come on you big Alpha! Fuck my tight ass with your _DickSize cock!"
  You let out a soft moan as you feel $genericFighter.Name slide his beefy cock between your hard asscheeks before pressing his _DickSD <<Penis>> against your tight asshole. Your moan slowly grows in volume as he presses his steel rod into your ass before bottoming out! $genericFighter.Name3 moans loudly as he grips your hips with his big thick hands.
  "Fuck yes! Your ass is fucking tight!" he groans lustfully as enjoys having his _DickSD <<Penis>> buried deep inside your ass. You feel your ass is completely stuffed by his meat staff to the point it's somewhat uncomfortable. Not giving you any real time to adjust to his extreme size, he pulls back his beefy dick almost all the way out of your ass before slamming it back in!
  Breathing heavily, your entire focus is on how hard he's pounding your poor ass. "Oh fuckkkk! You're destroying my ass with your fucking _DickSD <<Penis>>!" you grunt loudly as the Infested steadily thrusts his cock into your sore ass. Luckily the pain is changing quickly into pleasure as he slams his hips into your ass without even acknowledging your painful complaint.
  "You like that, you little bitch? You like me pounding your pathetic ass with my monster cock?" $genericFighter.Name bellows as he speeds up his ass-fucking with the forces of his thrusting pushing your face closer to the ground. "Goddamn your ass feels so fucking good!" he moans while doing his best to keep his _DickSize <<Penis>> buried in your ass. By this point all of the initial pain has long faded away leaving only pure bliss behind. Your own moans of pleasure adds to his while your aching cock feels like it's going to shoot your load any moment now!
<<if $Infestation.BruiseProgress < 1 and $Infestation.BruiseVariant > 99 and $Infestation.Progress > 1>>\
<<set _ODickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$PC.DickSize]>>\
<<set _ODickSize to $arrayDickSize[$PC.DickSize]>>\
<<set _OBallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$PC.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _OBallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$PC.BallsSize]>>\
<<include "Bruiser TF">>\
  As your ass is being completely wrecked by his _DickSD cock you feel a strange vibrating feeling that starts in your throbbing dick but quickly spreads throughout your body making you feel so much stronger! Before you can ponder what is happening the vibrating sensation increases rapidly in your achingly hard dick and cum-filled balls!
  "Oh Fuck! Your ass is squeezing me even tighter! Oh fuck, it's so fucking tight! Wait a second, are you fucking bulking out just from being ass-fucked? Oh shit, I'm going to blow my load all up in your fucking super-tight man pussy!" $genericFighter.Name yells loudly as his ass pounding has become frantic while his grip on your ass tightens. "Fuck! I'm CUMMMMING!" he screams before burying his <<Penis>> deep into your asshole before unleashing a massive shot of pure gooey cum straight into your ass!
  As more and more cum floods your ass, you do feel your body changing right in front of your eyes. Your arms and legs surge in thickness as muscles you've never had before suddenly bulk up to insane levels! Strength flows in and it's not just your usual muscles that's bulking up as your _ODickSD _ODickSize dick surges in size and strength as well! Feeling all of that powerful energy flowing thru you pushes you over the edge! "OH FUCK YESSS! I'm cumming so fucking much from my big growing dick! Oh fuck, I feel so fucking STRONG!" you bellow loudly as you feel your rock hard cock twitch one last time before your $BallsSD cum-filled balls unleash their pent up load directly as massive never-ending strands of cum splash onto the ground below! There's so much cum down below a large puddle has formed beneath you!
  Seeing you cum all over the ground, $genericFighter.Name breathlessly gasps out "Oh you think you can shoot a load now that you bulked up like a Bruiser? How about you see how a real Alpha shoots his big fucking load?" Pulling his _DickSize cock out of your ass he strokes it a couple of times before shooting massive ribbons of cum all over your cum-filled ass and back!
  After being coated by the Infested's rain of white baby-batter, you can finally confirm that your cock is now a $DickSD $DickSize cock with a pair of $BallsSize balls. And it feels like your balls are producing baby-batter at a much faster rate! Before you can react the Infested slaps your ass with a smirk and says "Looks like you are a hot studly Bruiser like me but you still have a way to go before you can be called a true Alpha!"
<<elseif $PC.Infestation is $Infestation.Cap & $Infestation.Progress > 1>>\
<<include "Infestation Increase">>\
  As your ass is being completely wrecked by his _DickSD cock you feel a surge of energy flowing directly into you! It almost feels like you are burning up but it quickly turns to pleasure that radiates from your achingly hard dick and cum-filled balls!
  "OH FUCK! OH YES! Your fucking ass is squeezing me so Goddamn much! Shit, I'm going to blow my load all up in your fucking slutty man pussy!" $genericFighter.Name yells loudly as his ass pounding has become frantic while his grip on your ass tightens. "Fuck! I'm CUMMMMING!" he screams before burying his <<Penis>> deep into your asshole before unleashing a massive shot of pure gooey cum straight into your ass!
  As more and more cum floods your ass, you suddenly feel growing sensation from your hard throbbing dick and cum-filled balls. The feeling of your dick growing thicker and stronger as his cum floods your body pushes you over the edge! "OH FUCK YESSS! I'm cumming so fucking much from my big growing dick! Oh fuck, oh fuck ooooh fuckkk!" you scream loudly as you feel your rock hard cock twitch one last time before your $BallsSD cum-filled balls unleash their pent up load directly as massive never-ending strands of jizz splash onto the ground below! There's so much cum down below a puddle has formed beneath you!
  Seeing you cum all over the ground, $genericFighter.Name breathlessly gasps out "Oh you think you can shoot a load now that you have a slightly bigger dick? How about you see how a real man shoots his big fucking load?" Pulling his _DickSize cock out of your ass he strokes it a couple of times before shooting massive ribbons of cum all over your cum-filled ass and back!
  After being coated by the Infested's rain of white baby-batter, you can finally confirm that your cock is now a $DickSD $DickSize cock with a pair of $BallsSize balls. Before you can react the Infested slaps your ass with a smirk and says "Looks like you are on the way to becoming a hot Alpha like me but you still have a way to go!"
  "OH FUCKING YES! Your tight ass is squeezing me so fucking much! Goddamn, I'm going to nut all up in your fucking slutty man pussy!" $genericFighter.Name yells loudly as his ass pounding has become frantic while his grip on your ass tightens. "Fuck! I'm CUMMMMING!" he bellows before shoving his <<Penis>> deep into your asshole before unleashing a massive shot of pure gooey cum straight into your ass!
  Feeling the Infested shoot hit big wad directly into your ass pushes you over the edge as you yell out "Oh fuck! I can feel your hot cum filling my tight ass up so much! Oh God! I'm cumming so hard!" Your rock hard cock twitches one last time as your $BallsSD cum-filled balls unleash their pent up load directly as $CumAD strands of cum splash onto the ground below! <<if $Cum.Stored > 10>>The stream of hot cum from your $DickSD cock lasts for over a minute and splatters all over your chest and the ground below!<</if>>
  Seeing you cum all over the ground, $genericFighter.Name breathlessly gasps out "Oh you think you can shoot a load? How about you see how a real man shoots his big fucking load?" Pulling his _DickSize cock out of your ass he strokes it a couple of times before shooting massive ribbons of cum all over your cum-filled ass and back!
  "Oh that was a good fuck, bitch!" $genericFighter.Name2 says as he stands up from your exhausted body, cum dripping from his still erect dick. Taking one last moment to shake loose some white goo from his huge cock onto your ass, he continues with "See ya around, ass-slut..." With that he walks away fulfilled leaving you to grab your clothes and to slowly recover.
<<set $StatusAffect.CumFilled to $StatusAffect.CumFilled+1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered+1>>\<<include "Adlibs">>\
<<switch $SexScene2>>\
<<case 1>>\ /* Ass fucking scene */
<<include "Infested Bruiser Ass Sex Submissive Male">>\
<<case 2>>\
<<include "Infested Male Blowjob Submissive Male">>\
<</switch>> <<set $sexHistory.XP to $sexHistory.XP +1>>\
<<set $LastPartner to $genericFighter>>\
<<set _DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$genericFighter.DickSize]>>\
<<set _DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$genericFighter.DickSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$genericFighter.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$genericFighter.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _SizeComp to $PC.DickSize - $genericFighter.Level + ($GeneralFeats.FalseRep *2)>>\
<<if _SizeComp < 0>>\
<<set _SizeComp to 0>>\
<<set _BreastSD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _BreastsSize to $arrayBreastSize[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _SizeComp2 to $PC.BreastsSize - $genericFighter.Level + ($GeneralFeats.FalseRep *2)>>\
<<if _SizeComp2 < 0>>\
<<set _SizeComp2 to 0>>\
<<if $Infestation.MilkProgress > 0 or $Milk.Stored > $Milk.Min>>\
<<set _Breasts to "Milk">>\
<<elseif $StatusAffect.SiliconeB > 5>>\
<<set _Breasts to "Silicone">>\
<<set _Breasts to "Natural">>\
  "I see a little bitch who must have been fucked by one too many Futas. Pathetic. I'm going to show you how it feels to be fucked by a real Alpha male and his _DickSize man meat!" says $genericFighter.Name as he stands over your exhausted body with his _DickSD dick hard at attention, dripping pre-cum. Eager to see how it feels to be railed by such a big dick, you quickly get undressed exposing your hard $DickSize futa-cock and $BreastsSize breasts.
<<if _SizeComp2 < 9>>\
<<set _TitRoll to (random(19) + 1)>>\
<<if _TitRoll < ( ($GeneralFeats.Transformer * 2) +1)>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.BigTits to $StatusAffect.BigTits +2>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.BigTits to $StatusAffect.BigTits +3>>\
<<set $PCChanges.BreastsGrowth to "Soda">>\
<<set $PC.BreastsSize =+ $PC.BreastsSize +5>>\
<<set $PC.NippleSize =+ $PC.NippleSize +5>>\
<<set $Milk.Max to $Milk.Max + 2>>\
<<set $BreastSD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set $BreastsSize to $arrayBreastSize[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set $NippleSize to $arrayNippleSize[$PC.NippleSize]>>\
  Shaking his head at the sight of your _BreastSD _BreastsSize breasts, $genericFighter.Name looks to be displeased. "Look you fucking bitch, when I fuck a girl I want them to have nice big and juicy jugs even if they are fucking dick-girls. Those mosquito bites of yours, they ain't no tits." You feel quite pissed as the bastard judges your perfectly good breasts. "Oh get over yourself. Your tits are pathetic itty-bitty molehills." $genericFighter.Name says dismissively as he grabs a pink can from his supplies. "Luckily I have a contact that keeps me supplied with some of these, you know?"
  "Hey! My tits are perf-!" you start to say before $genericFighter.Name opens the can while grabbing your face. You have no chance to resist as his strength is overwhelming and he easily forces the contents of the unknown can down your throat! The flavor of watermelon milk lingers in your mouth before the rich milk hits your stomach. Finally able to speak after swallowing the whole can, you stammer out "What the fuck was that?"
  Smirking widely, $genericFighter.Name leers at your _BreastSD breasts. "Just watch and see, you whiny little bitch." he says as you start to feel a strange stretching sensation coming from your breasts. You almost can't believe it as your _BreastsSize tits start to grow larger and heavier! With each heartbeat your breasts surge in size and heft and before long you have a $BreastSD pair of $BreastsSize jugs proudly presenting from your chest!
  Leering lewdly at your $BreastSD $BreastsSize jugs, $genericFighter.Name lets out a happy whistle. "Look who now has a proper set of tits! That's you if you couldn't figure it out, slut!" The Infested says as he admires your $BreastsSize tits while stroking his fully erect cock.
  "Look, my cock is so fucking hard cause when I see a women with big titties I start blasting with my hot cum! And hey, seems like your girl-dick is just as hard as mine!" he continues as he glances at your painfully erect futa-cock. "So how about you get to sucking my _DickSD man meat like the cock-sucker I know you are so we can both get what we want?" he demands as he thrusts his _DickSize dick at your face while a delicious smelling drop of pre-cum oozes from the tip!
<<elseif _SizeComp > 8>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.BigDick > 0>>\
<<set _Status to "Big Dick">>\
<<elseif $PC.DickSize > $PC.MDickSize>>\
<<set _Status to "Dick">>\
<<set _Status to "None">>\
<<switch _Status>>\
<<case "Big Dick">>\
<<set $PCChanges.DickShrink to "Soda">>\
<<set _Size to $StatusAffect.BigDick>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.BigDick to 0>>\
<<set _ODickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$PC.DickSize]>>\
<<set _ODickSize to $arrayDickSize[$PC.DickSize]>>\
<<set _OBallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$PC.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _OBallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$PC.BallsSize]>>\
<<set $PC.DickSize to $PC.DickSize - _Size>>\
<<set $DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$PC.DickSize]>>\
<<set $DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$PC.DickSize]>>\
<<set $PC.BallsSize to $PC.BallsSize - _Size>>\
<<set $BallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$PC.BallsSize]>>\
<<set $BallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$PC.BallsSize]>>\
<<if $Cum.Max > 11>>\
<<set $Cum.Max to $Cum.Max - _Size>>\
<<set $Cum.Min to $Cum.Min - _Size>>\
<<set $Cum.Stored to $Cum.Min>>\
<<set $CumAD to $arrayCumAmountDesc[$Cum.Stored]>>\
  "How does some dick-girl have a dick that big? I mean, what the hell?!?!" $genericFighter.Name stares in disbelief at the _ODickSD size of your _ODickSize futa-dick. "Oh hell no! I can't fucking let some dick-girl run around trying to pass themselves off as an Alpha!" Ignoring your pissed off look of displeasure, $genericFighter.Name grabs a light purple can from his supplies. "Luckily I know a guy who knows another guy who has a nice supply of these special sodas that can help fix these type of issues, you know?"
  "Hey! My dick is jus-!" you start to say before $genericFighter.Name opens the can while grabbing your face. You have no chance to resist as his strength is overwhelming and he easily forces the contents of the unknown can down your throat! The flavor of red grape and lime mixed together lingers in your mouth before the juice hits your stomach. Finally able to speak after swallowing the whole can, you stammer out "What the fuck was that?"
  Smirking widely $genericFighter.Name watches your futa-cock with intense interest. "Just watch and see, you whiny little bitch." he says and before long you start to feel a strange shrinking sensation coming from your penis and balls! You can't help but stare in shock as your _ODickSize slowly shrinks in size which each heartbeat that passes. Eventually your poor dick shrinks down to a $DickSD $DickSize penis! Even your unfortunate balls are not spared as they also shrank down to $BallsSD $BallsSize balls!
  "Now that girl-dick is the proper size for a real Beta!" The Infested says as he mocks your $DickSize dick while stroking his fully erect cock. "So how about you get my _DickSize cock nice and wet so I can get to pounding your tight cunt!" he demands as he thrusts his _DickSize dick at your face while a delicious smelling drop of pre-cum oozes from the tip!
<<case "Dick">>\
<<set $PCChanges.DickShrink to "Soda">>\
<<set _ODickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$PC.DickSize]>>\
<<set _ODickSize to $arrayDickSize[$PC.DickSize]>>\
<<set _OBallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$PC.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _OBallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$PC.BallsSize]>>\
<<set $PC.DickSize to $PC.DickSize -1>>\
<<set $DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$PC.DickSize]>>\
<<set $DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$PC.DickSize]>>\
<<set $PC.BallsSize to $PC.BallsSize -1>>\
<<set $BallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$PC.BallsSize]>>\
<<set $BallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$PC.BallsSize]>>\
<<if $Cum.Max > 11>>\
<<set $Cum.Max to $Cum.Max -1>>\
<<set $Cum.Min to $Cum.Min -1>>\
<<set $Cum.Stored to $Cum.Min>>\
<<set $CumAD to $arrayCumAmountDesc[$Cum.Stored]>>\
  "How does some dick-girl have a dick that big? I mean, what the hell?!?!" $genericFighter.Name stares in disbelief at the _ODickSD size of your _ODickSize futa-dick. "Oh hell no! I can't fucking let some dick-girl run around trying to pass themselves off as an Alpha!" Ignoring your pissed off look of displeasure, $genericFighter.Name grabs a light purple can from his supplies. "Luckily I know a guy who knows another guy who has a nice supply of these special sodas that can help fix these type of issues, you know?"
  "Hey! My dick is jus-!" you start to say before $genericFighter.Name opens the can while grabbing your face. You have no chance to resist as his strength is overwhelming and he easily forces the contents of the unknown can down your throat! The flavor of red grape and lime mixed together lingers in your mouth before the juice hits your stomach. Finally able to speak after swallowing the whole can, you stammer out "What the fuck was that?"
  Smirking widely $genericFighter.Name watches your futa-cock with intense interest. "Just watch and see, you whiny little bitch." he says and before long you start to feel a strange shrinking sensation coming from your penis and balls! You can't help but stare in shock as your _ODickSize slowly shrinks in size which each heartbeat that passes. Eventually your poor dick shrinks down to a $DickSD $DickSize penis! Even your unfortunate balls are not spared as they also shrank down to $BallsSD $BallsSize balls!
  "Now that girl-dick is the proper size for a real Beta!" The Infested says as he mocks your $DickSize dick while stroking his fully erect cock. "So how about you get my _DickSize cock nice and wet so I can get to pounding your tight cunt!" he demands as he thrusts his _DickSize dick at your face while a delicious smelling drop of pre-cum oozes from the tip!
  "How does some dick-girl have a dick that big? I mean, what the hell?!?!" $genericFighter.Name stares in disbelief at the _ODickSD size of your _ODickSize futa-dick. "Oh hell no! I can't fucking let some dick-girl run around trying to pass themselves off as an Alpha!" Ignoring your pissed off look of displeasure, $genericFighter.Name grabs a light purple can from his supplies. "Luckily I know a guy who knows another guy who has a nice supply of these special sodas that can help fix these type of issues, you know?"
  "Hey! My dick is jus-!" you start to say before $genericFighter.Name opens the can while grabbing your face. You have no chance to resist as his strength is overwhelming and he easily forces the contents of the unknown can down your throat! The flavor of red grape and lime mixed together lingers in your mouth before the juice hits your stomach. Finally able to speak after swallowing the whole can, you stammer out "What the fuck was that?"
  Smirking widely $genericFighter.Name watches your futa-cock with intense interest. "Just watch and see, you whiny little bitch." he says as you wait for something to happen. "What the hell?" he exclaims as he notices that nothing is happening.
  "Fuck! It must have been a dud!" $genericFighter.Name growls as he tosses the empty can away. "You know what? Let's stop wasting time and how about you get my _DickSize cock nice and wet so I can get to pounding your Beta-ass pussy!" he demands as he thrusts his _DickSize dick at your face while a delicious smelling drop of pre-cum oozes from the tip!
  "Fucking nice! A dick-girl with some big o'titties and a girl-cock that's not too big! You're looking like a fine piece of meat!" $genericFighter.Name smiles widely as he takes in your $BreastSD chest and your $DickSize futa-cock while stroking his _DickSize <<Penis>>. "Anyways Let's stop wasting time so how about you get my _DickSize cock nice and wet. If you do a good enough job I treat ya right by pounding your dick-girl cunt!" he demands as he thrusts his _DickSize dick at your face while a delicious smelling drop of pre-cum oozes from the tip!
  The Infested's fully erect <<Penis>> throbs right in front of your face, enticing you to get a closer look at that big man meat. Your tongue slowly slides across his rock hard shaft letting even more of his pre-cum to ooze from his spongy tip. Wanting all of his pre-cum you quickly wrap your lips around his tip before sliding them down his long lengthy shaft before bottoming out at his _BallsSize balls. You start to suck on his beefy dick, encouraging him to release more of his tasty cum.
  "Oh fuck you super cock-sucking slut! Keep sucking on my _DickSize Alpha meatstaff just like that!" $genericFighter.Name3 groans loudly as more and more of his _DickSize <<Penis>> slides down your throat. You can feel streams of his pre-cum flowing down your throat and your futa-cock surges in hardness at the pleasurable taste!
  Just as you get to really sucking his delicious cock hard, $genericFighter.Name pulls your head away from his sloppy dick to your immense disappointment. "Ok, that's enough you goddamn cock-sucking bitch! I'm needing to have my dick buried inside your fucking pussy!" he demands as he shoves you back onto your back with your $AssSize asscheeks providing some cushioning. "So go ahead and spread your legs cause I'm going to be ramming that tight pussy, slut!"
  The thought of having his big _DickSize cock buried deep inside your tight pussy causes your dripping wet cunt to get even wetter as you spread your legs wide, waiting eagerly for his <<Penis>>! "Come on you big Alpha and fuck my pussy! Please! I need to be fucked so hard!" you moan and beg as you pinch your hard $NippleSize long nipples on top of your $BreastSD breasts.
  "That's what I'm talking about! A slutty bitch who know's how it is!" $genericFighter.Name growls lustfully as he grabs his _DickSize cock and slides it to the entrance of your wet pussy after moving your $BallsSD balls out of the way. With one savage thrust you feel your dripping wet cunt impaled fully by his big beefy <<Penis>>! "Fucking bitch, your snatch is so Goddamn tight!" he moans as $genericFighter.Name enjoys having his cock buried deep inside you. He doesn't even hesitate to start slamming his _DickSD meat rod repeatedly into your wet slit!
  Groaning and quivering in pure ecstasy from being pounded so hard by his monster cock, you gasp out "Oh fuck yes! Your fucking dick is making my cunt feel so fucking good! Oh shit!" You can feel your $BreastsSize tits shake so much from the forces of his thrusts that you have to grab them to keep your big titties from slapping you in your face. You can't help but give them a gentle squeeze adding to the intense pleasure filling your whole body. Your breasts aren't the only thing jiggling as your $DickSD futa-dick is bouncing and jiggling as well!
  Huffing and puffing, the Infested is drilling your pussy hard with his $DickSD cock with no hint of slowing down in sight. "Fucking slut with a girl-cock getting fucked by my meaty Alpha cock! You like that bitch? You like being fucked? How about this?" he groans before grabbing your dick! You let out a gasp of pleasure as he starts to jack your futa-cock while still pounding your pussy just as hard if not even harder. "Sounds like the little dickgirl likes getting her big clitty-dick stroked!" His pace has reached a frantic pace and you feel your orgasm rapidly approaching!
<<if $Infestation.BruiseProgress < 1 and $Infestation.BruiseVariant > 99 and $Infestation.Progress > 1>>\
<<set _OBreastSD to $BreastSD>>\
<<set _ODickSD to $DickSD>>\
<<set _ODickSize to $DickSize]>>\
<<set _OBallsSD to $BallsSD]>>\
<<set _OBallsSize to $BallsSize>>\
<<include "Bruiser TF">>\
  As your pussy is being completely wrecked by his _DickSD cock you feel a strange vibrating feeling that starts in your throbbing futa-dick but quickly spreads throughout your body making you feel so much stronger! Before you can ponder what is happening the vibrating sensation increases rapidly in your achingly hard dick and cum-filled balls!
  "Oh fuck! Your fucking girl-dick is growing bigger almost like it wants to be a real dick! Oh fuck! It's not slowing down, in fact it's bulking out! Oh shit! I'm fucking shooting my load into a dick-girl who's transforming into a fucking Alpha!" he bellows as a immense orgasm rocks his body before he buries his _DickSize alpha cock deep inside you one last time as a geyser of hot cum floods your pleasure wracked pussy!
  As more and more cum floods your wet cunt, you do feel your body changing right in front of your eyes. You can feel your _ODickSD _ODickSize futa-cock growing within the grip of the Infested as it slowly forces his grip to widen while your other muscles start to bulk up as strength flows in! Feeling all of that powerful energy flowing thru you pushes you over the edge!
  "OH FUCK YESSS! I'm cumming so fucking much from my big growing dick and my super tight cunt! Oh fuck, I feel so fucking STRONG!" you bellow loudly as you feel your rock hard futa-cock twitch one last time before your $BallsSD cum-filled balls unleash their pent up load as massive never-ending strands of cum splash onto your $BreastSD tits! Your pussy of steel quickly follows suit as you squeeze the Infested's cock hard before unleashing a $GCumAD wave of girl-cum all over that meaty shaft!
  Seeing you cum all over your own titties, $genericFighter.Name breathlessly gasps out "Oh you think you can shoot a load now that you bulked up like a Bruiser? How about you see how a real Alpha shoots his big fucking load?" Pulling his _DickSize cock out of your tight pussy he strokes it a couple of times before shooting massive ribbons of cum all over your cum-coated tits!
  After being coated by the Infested's rain of white baby-batter, you can finally confirm that your futa-cock is now a $DickSD $DickSize futa-dick with a pair of $BallsSize balls. Before you can react the Infested pinches your $NippleSize nipples with a smirk and says "Looks like you are on the way to becoming a hot Alpha like me but you still have a way to go!"
<<elseif $PC.Infestation is $Infestation.Cap & $Infestation.Progress > 1>>\
<<set _OBreastSD to $BreastSD>>\
<<set _ODickSD to $DickSD>>\
<<set _ODickSize to $DickSize]>>\
<<set _OBallsSD to $BallsSD]>>\
<<set _OBallsSize to $BallsSize>>\
<<include "Infestation Increase">>\
  As your pussy is being completely wrecked by his _DickSD cock you feel a surge of energy flowing directly into you! It almost feels like you are burning up but it quickly turns to pleasure that radiates from your hard _ODickSize dick, jiggling chest and abused ass.
  "Oh fuck! Your fucking girl-dick is growing bigger almost like it wants to be a real dick! Even your titties are blowing up like fucking balloons! Seeing you with even bigger titties makes me nut so hard that I'm filling your cunt with my Alpha cum!" he bellows as a immense orgasm rocks his body before he buries his _DickSize alpha cock deep inside you one last time as a geyser of hot cum floods your pleasure wracked pussy!
  You can feel your futa-cock growing within the grip of the Infested while it's easy to tell your tits are slowing growing within your own grasp. The feeling of $genericFighter.Name _DickSD shooting his hot cum deep into your tight cunt pushes you over that last step as your orgasm hits like a truck! Screaming in ecstasy "Oh fuck! My titties and big dick is growing so fucking much! I'm fucking cumming all over your big Alpha dick and shooting my wad!" You feel your pussy squeeze his _DickSD cock hard before coating it with an endless tsunami of girl-cum. The Infested is still jacking your growing futa-cock as you feel your _OBallsSD balls unleash their own hot goo letting your dick shoot out a cosmic load of cum right onto your _OBreastSD tits!
  Seeing you cum all over your own chest, $genericFighter.Name breathlessly gasps out "Oh you think you can shoot a load now that you have a slightly bigger dick? How about you see how a real Alpha shoots his big fucking load?" Pulling his _DickSize cock out of your cum-filled pussy, he strokes it a couple of times before shooting massive ribbons of cum all over your cum-coated tits and face!
  After being coated by the Infested's rain of white baby-batter, you can finally confirm that you now have a pair of $BreastSD $BreastsSize breasts and a $AssSize ass! You also confirm your futa-cock is now a $DickSD $DickSize dick with a pair of $BallsSize balls. Before you can react the Infested pinches your $NippleSize nipples with a smirk and says "Looks like you are on the way to becoming an even hotter dick-slut!"
  "FUCK YES! Your slutty cunt feels so fucking good! Get fucking ready cause I'm filling your cunt with my Alpha cum!" he bellows as a immense orgasm rocks his body before he buries his _DickSize alpha cock deep inside you one last time as a geyser of hot cum floods your pleasure wracked pussy!
  Feeling $genericFighter.Name _DickSD shoot his gooey treasure deep into your tight cunt pushes you over the edge as you feel your orgasm crash into you! Screaming in ecstasy "Oh God! Oh fuck yesss! I'm cumming all over your big Alpha dick!" You feel your pussy squeeze his _DickSD cock hard before coating it with a $GCumAD wave of girl-cum. The Infested is still jacking your futa-cock as you feel your $BallsSD balls unleash their juice letting your dick shoot out a $CumAD load of cum right onto your $BreastSD tits!
  "Oh that was a good fuck, bitch!" $genericFighter.Name2 says as he stands up from your exhausted body, cum dripping from his still erect dick. Taking one last moment to shake loose some white goo from his huge cock onto your chest, he continues with "See ya around, cock slut..." With that he walks away fulfilled leaving you to grab your clothes and to slowly recover.
<<set $StatusAffect.CumFilled to $StatusAffect.CumFilled+1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered+1>>\<<include "Adlibs">>\
<<switch $SexScene2>>\
<<case 1>>\ /* Pussy scene */
<<include "Infested Bruiser Pussy Sex Submissive Futa">>\
<<case 2>>\ /* Ass scene */
<<include "Infested Male Ass Sex Submissive Futa">>\
<<case 3>>\ /* Blowjob scene */
<<include "Infested Male Blowjob Submissive Futa">>\
<</switch>> <<include "Adlibs">>\
<<switch $SexScene2>>\
<<case 1>>\ /* Pussy scene */
<<include "Infested Bruiser Pussy Sex Submissive Female">>\
<<case 2>>\ /* Ass scene */
<<include "Infested Male Ass Sex Submissive Female">>\
<</switch>>\<<set $sexHistory.XP to $sexHistory.XP +1>>\
<<set $LastPartner to $genericFighter>>\
<<set _DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$genericFighter.DickSize]>>\
<<set _DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$genericFighter.DickSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$genericFighter.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$genericFighter.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _SizeComp to $PC.DickSize - $genericFighter.Level + ($GeneralFeats.FalseRep *2)>>\
<<if _SizeComp < 0>>\
<<set _SizeComp to 0>>\
  "I can't believe a little bitch like you defeated a mighty Alpha!" gripes $genericFighter.Name as he strokes his _DickSize cock while sitting on the ground. "Must have cheated, can't lose a real fight. Fucking Beta males trying to make themselves Alphas..." he continues to grumble as you roll your eyes at his whining. With his_DickSize cock in hand along with his _BallsSize cum-filled balls along with the rock solid muscles he's packing, there is no way you're going to walk away without pounding his tight ass! "That's looking like a mighty tight ass I'm going to be going to go pound town on today!" you declare lustfully as you strip from your clothes.
<<if _SizeComp > $genericFighter.DickSize>>\
  "What the fuck? How does a Beta such as you have a dick bigger than my Alpha meat staff? Fuck! That's not fucking fair!" $genericFighter.Name continues to whine as he stares at the $DickSD shaft that's you're stroking while walking towards him. "I think you could fucking destroy someone's ass with such a big cock!" he mutters as shakes his head.
  "Oh? That's exactly what I'm going to do!" you brag as you gaze at his _DickSD meatrod. Shoving him backwards onto his back, you get a partial view of his ass as your hard cock feels eager to be inside such a stud muffin. Grabbing his tight butt you admire how strong and firm his glutes are. "I have to say this is a nice ass!" you compliment him before slapping his rock solid ass. Hearing $genericFighter.Name grunt loudly from your slap, you slide your $DickSD dick up against his tight ass while pushing him even farther onto his back. Grabbing his beefy legs of steel, you push them over your shoulders while rocking the Infested backwards even farther. In this mating-press position he can only moan defenselessly as you slam your $DickSize <<Penis>> straight into his extremely tight ass!
  "Just what I thought! Fucking Beta has a fucking dick that's way smaller than my Alpha rod! That's just how life works!" $genericFighter.Name starts to brag as he stares at the $DickSD shaft that's you're stroking while walking towards him. "Can't believe you're going to try fucking my ass with such a small dick!" he mutters as shakes his head.
  "Oh? It's more than big enough to plow your tight ass, you whiny bitch!" you growl as you gaze at his _DickSD meatrod. Shoving him backwards onto his back, you get a partial view of his ass as your hard cock feels eager to be inside such a stud muffin. Grabbing his tight butt you admire how strong and firm his glutes are. "I have to say this is a nice ass!" you compliment him before slapping his rock solid ass. Hearing $genericFighter.Name grunt loudly from your slap, you slide your $DickSD dick up against his tight ass while pushing him even farther onto his back. Grabbing his beefy legs of steel, you push them over your shoulders while rocking the Infested backwards even farther. In this mating-press position he can only moan defenselessly as you slam your $DickSize <<Penis>> straight into his extremely tight ass!
  You're forced to let out a lusty gasp as your $DickSD shaft plunges deep inside his man pussy before bottoming out with yout $BallsSD balls slamming against his buttcheeks. From the sound of the Infested's loud moans, it sounds like he's enjoyed having your cock buried deep inside his ass.
  "Fuck! Your ass is too fucking tight!" you grunt as you feel his anus squeeze your <<Penis>> like a vice. Pulling back a little bit, you thrust down hard forcing your cock deep inside that tight ass while groaning loudly. Again and again you slam your eager cock into the Infested's steel booty and with each thrust spikes of pure ectasy erupt from your hard <<Penis>>> while your cum-filled balls slowly churn.
  Groaning loudly, $genericFighter.Name gasps out from his defenseless position "Oh shit! You're fucking my ass so hard and I can't even fucking move!" His grasping hand reaches for his _DickSize cock and starts to stroke it once again. "Fuck! Why does getting fucked by a Beta feel so fucking good!" he moans as kicks his flailing legs some more as you continue to pound his whiny ass.
  Puffing loudly you manage to gasp out "Maybe it's cause you're a fucking bitch and not some fucking Alpha!" as you continue to go to pound town on his beefy keister. The pressure in your $BallsSize balls is steadily increasing as the pace of your ass ravaging increases. The Infested doesn't even have a verbal response to your mocking statement but he does stroke his _DickSD dick even harder.
  With the way the Infested looks so helpless in your mating press position, you're having a hard time holding back your orgasm as your thrusts have reached a frantic speed. Your moans and groans of pleasure have mixed with $genericFighter.Name as the whole area is flooded with the sounds of your loud and hard sex.
<<if $Infestation.BruiseProgress < 1 and $Infestation.BruiseVariant > 99 and $Infestation.Progress > 1>>\
<<set _ODickSD to $DickSD]>>\
<<set _ODickSize to $DickSize]>>\
<<set _OBallsSD to $BallsSD>>\
<<set _OBallsSize to $BallsSize]>>\
<<include "Bruiser TF">>\
  As you completely wreck the ass of $genericFighter.Name with your _ODickSD cock you feel a strange vibrating feeling that starts in your throbbing dick but quickly spreads throughout your body making you feel so much stronger! Before you can ponder what is happening the vibrating sensation increases rapidly in your achingly hard dick and _OBallsSD cum-filled balls!
  "Oh Fuck! My ass feels so destroyed by your big thick cock! Oh fuck, it's getting so much bigger and bigger! Wait a second, are you fucking bulking out just from ass-fucking an Alpha? Oh God! I'm about to shoot my load, it feels so fucking good!" $genericFighter.Name yells loudly as you continue to pound that tight ass! "Fuck! I'm CUMMMMING!" he screams before massive strands of hot pearly baby-batter shoots from his hard cock all over his chiseled chest!
  As you watch the Infested shoot his load, you do feel your body changing right in front of your eyes. Your arms and legs surge in thickness as muscles you've never had before suddenly bulk up to insane levels! Strength flows in and it's not just your usual muscles that's bulking up as your _ODickSD _ODickSize dick surges in size and strength as well! Feeling all of that powerful energy flowing thru you pushes you over the edge! "OH GOD FUCK YES! I'm shooting so much cum from my big throbbing dick! Oh fuck, I feel so fucking STRONG!" you bellow loudly as you feel your rock hard cock twitch one last time before your $BallsSD cum-filled balls unleash their pent up load directly into his tight ass as massive never-ending strands of jizz shoot hard into his ass before overflowing onto the hard ground below!
  Pulling your hard beefy cock out of the Infested's booty, you feel another pulse of pleasure as several more strands of gooey seen shoots out of your dick onto the Infested's face and chest. After shooting that bonus load of cum, you can finally confirm that your cock is now a $DickSD $DickSize cock with a pair of $BallsSize balls. The Infested pants loudly as he gets soaked in cum and after a minute to recover he says "Looks like you are on the way to becoming a fucking hot Alpha like me!"
<<elseif $PC.Infestation is $Infestation.Cap & $Infestation.Progress > 1>>\
<<include "Infestation Increase">>\
  As you completely wreck the ass of $genericFighter.Name, you feel a surge of energy flowing directly into you! It almost feels like you are burning up but it quickly turns to pleasure that radiates from your achingly hard dick and cum-filled balls!
  "Oh Fuck! My ass feels stuffed by your big thick cock! Oh fuck, it's feels like it's growing even bigger!" Oh God! I'm about to shoot my load, it feels so fucking good!" $genericFighter.Name yells loudly as you continue to pound that tight ass! "Fuck yeah! I'm CUMMMMING!" he screams before massive strands of hot pearly baby-batter shoots from his hard cock all over his chiseled chest!
  As you watch the Infested shoot his load, you suddenly feel a growing tightness from your hard throbbing dick and cum-filled balls. The feeling of your dick growing thicker and stronger as it spreads the Infested's ass even wider pushes you over the edge! "Goddamn! Your fucking ass is getting so tight around my growing dick! Oh God! I'm cumming so hard!" you scream in ecstasy as you feel your hard throbbing cock twitch one last time before your $BallsSD cum-filled balls unleash their pent up load directly into his much abused ass as massive never-ending strands of jizz fill it completely up! There's so much that you end up pulling your dick before shooting pearly spurts of baby-batter all over his toned chest and chiseled face!
  After shooting all of your juicy cum, you can finally confirm that your cock is now a $DickSD $DickSize cock with a pair of $BallsSize balls. The Infested pants loudly as he gets soaked in cum and after a minute to recover he says "Looks like you are on the way to becoming a fucking hot stud like me!"
  "Oh Fuck! My ass feels stuffed by your $DickSD thick cock! Holy shit, it's feels like it's destroying my anus!" Oh God! I'm about to shoot my load, it feels so fucking good!" $genericFighter.Name yells loudly as you continue to pound that tight ass! "Fuck yeah! I'm CUMMMMING!" he screams before massive strands of hot pearly baby-batter shoots from his hard cock all over his chiseled chest!
  The feeling of your dick as you pound the Infested's ass even pushes you over the edge as your $BallsSD cum-filled balls can no longer contain their pleasure-filled jizz! "Goddamn! Your fucking tight ass feels so fucking GOOD! Oh God! I'm cumming so hard! Fuckkkk!" you scream in ecstasy as you feel your hard throbbing cock twitch one last time before your $BallsSize balls unleash their pent up load directly into his much abused ass as $CumAD strands of jizz fill it completely up!<<if $CumAD > 10>> There's so much that you end up pulling your dick before shooting pearly spurts of baby-batter all over his toned chest and chiseled face! <</if>>
  "Oh fuck that was a fucking A+ ass pounding!" $genericFighter.Name2 says as you stand up with cum dripping from your still hard dick. Finally able to stretch after being fucked so hard, he says "I'll hope to see you again soon, you fucking Beta!" Shaking your head at the Infested, you grab your clothes and leave the area.<<set $sexHistory.XP to $sexHistory.XP +1>>\
<<set $LastPartner to $genericFighter>>\
<<set _DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$genericFighter.DickSize]>>\
<<set _DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$genericFighter.DickSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$genericFighter.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$genericFighter.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _BreastSD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _BreastsSize to $arrayBreastSize[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _SizeComp to $PC.BreastsSize - $genericFighter.Level + ($GeneralFeats.FalseRep *2)>>\
<<if _SizeComp < 0>>\
<<set _SizeComp to 0>>\
<<if $Infestation.MilkProgress > 0 or $Milk.Stored > $Milk.Min>>\
<<set _Breasts to "Milk">>\
<<elseif $StatusAffect.SiliconeB > 5>>\
<<set _Breasts to "Silicone">>\
<<set _Breasts to "Natural">>\
  "I can't believe a little bitch like you defeated me! Me, who's a fucking Alpha!" gripes $genericFighter.Name as he strokes his _DickSize cock. "Must have cheated, can't lose a real fight. Fucking Beta bitches trying to bring the real men down..." he continues to grumble as you roll your eyes at his whining.
  With his_DickSize cock in hand along with his _BallsSize cum-filled balls along with the rock solid muscles he's packing, there is no way you're going to walk away without limping away. "I'm going to bounce on your monster cock until you fill my pussy up so much that I won't be able to walk straight for days!" you moan lustfully as you strip from your clothes.
<<if _SizeComp > 9>>\
  "At least the slut who beat me has some nice big tits!" he mutters as he stares at your $BreastSD chest. Shaking your head at his single-mindedness you step closer to him. Grabbing your $BreastsSize tits you say "How would you like to have these $BreastSD titties bounce in your face while your fucking me in a standing position? That's if your Alpha muscles are strong enough to lift little o'me..."
  "Even worse, the slut who beat me has fucking mosquito bites for tits!" he mutters as he glares at your $BreastSD chest. Shaking your head at his single-mindedness you step closer to him. Grabbing your $BreastsSize tits you say "How would you like to have these $BreastSD titties bounce in your face while your fucking me in a standing position? That's if your Alpha muscles are strong enough to lift little o'me..."
  The Infested looks pissed at the idea he couldn't handle your weight. "Fuck you! This Alpha male can lift and fuck any pathetic girls!" Surging to his feet, you let out a breathy gasp as he grabs your $AssSize ass! With his muscles barely being strained you quickly find yourself lifted easily off the ground! Not wanting to be accidently dropped you wrap your legs around $genericFighter.Name's waist as you press closer to him. This allows to you to feel his hot throbbing shaft press against your groin!
  "Ooh! That's nice!" you moan as his _DickSD cock slides against your pussy lips. "How about you slam that big dick of yours into my tight pussy?" you demand as you are eager to feel that dick deep inside you. Not needing to be asked twice, $genericFighter.Name slams his hard <<Penis>> deep into your tight cunt causing you to let out a scream of ecstasy!
  Grunting loudly, the Infested's face shows that he's luxuriating in the feeling of hilting your tight pussy. You can't blame him as your wet cunt feels so stuffed by his _DickSize <<Penis>> that you can barely breathe! "Goddam! Your pussy's tight as fuck!" $genericFighter.Name groans before lifting you up higher by your caboose before slamming you back down onto his monster cock with his _BallsSize balls slapping into you! You barely have any time for your cunt to accommodate his thickness before you are left panting and moaning from the hard.
  Everytime he thrusts upwards you find yourself bouncing even higher as the force of his raging cock can not be denied. And with bounce you find a spike of pleasure radiating from your over-stuffed cunt. You can barely hold on by wrapping your arms around the Infested's neck as your gasps and groans of pleasure fill the air.
<<switch _Breasts>>\
<<case "Milk">>\
  "Fuck!" you moan as you repeatedly bounce on that _DickSize <<Penis>> causing your $BreastSD milk-filled jugs to bounce up and down in his face. His grip on your $AssSize booty tightens as he starts to grope your juicy ass while your $BreastsSize milkers rub against his hard chest. Your $NippleSize long nipples feel so hard as they slide up and down his sculpted muscles and the slight pressure on them causes your hard nipples to start leaking milk!
  "Your leaking milkjugs feel so good against my chest, you cock-loving girl! Gotta love a milk maid filled up with all that delicious milk! If I wasn't busy holding you up, I would be sucking on those milky titties!" the Infested grunts as slams his beefy meatrod deep inside your tight pussy. "Fuck! Even your $AssSize ass feels so fucking nice!" he bellows as he gives your buttocks another squeeze.
<<case "Silicone">>\
  "Fuck!" you moan as you repeatedly bounce on that _DickSize <<Penis>> causing your $BreastSD silicone-filled jugs to bounce up and down in his face. His grip on your $AssSize booty tightens as he starts to grope your juicy ass while your $BreastsSize fake tits rub against his hard chest. Your $NippleSize long nipples feel as hard as diamonds as they slide up and down his sculpted muscles.
  "Your fake titties feel so good against my chest, you cock-loving girl! Gotta love a high-class woman pumped up with all that silicone! If I wasn't busy holding you up, I would be squeezing so hard on those big fake tits!" the Infested grunts as slams his beefy meatrod deep inside your tight pussy. "Fuck! Even your $AssSize ass feels so fucking nice!" he bellows as he gives your buttocks another squeeze.
  "Fuck!" you moan as you repeatedly bounce on that _DickSize <<Penis>> causing your $BreastSD breasts to bounce up and down in his face. His grip on your $AssSize booty tightens as he starts to grope your juicy ass while your $BreastsSize tits rub against his hard chest. Your $NippleSize long nipples feel so hard as they slide up and down his sculpted muscles.
  "Your fucking titties feel so good against my chest, you cock-loving girl! They're so soft and squishy! If I wasn't busy holding you up, I would be playing with those tasty looking funbag!" the Infested grunts as slams his beefy meatrod deep inside your tight pussy. "Fuck! Even your $AssSize ass feels so fucking nice!" he bellows as he gives your buttocks another squeeze.
  "Oh shit! I can't believe I'm being fucked so fucking hard!" you moan as another wave of pleasure bursts from your pleasantly plundered cunt. The steady pounding of your pussy is quickly pushing you to an imminent orgasm and from the way the Infested's cock is twitching wildly, he's not far behind.
<<if $PC.Infestation is $Infestation.Cap & $Infestation.Progress > 1>>\
<<set _BreastSD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _BreastsSize to $arrayBreastSize[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<include "Infestation Increase">>\
  As your pussy is being devastatedly pounded by his _DickSD cock you feel a surge of energy flowing directly into you! It almost feels like you are burning up but it quickly turns to pleasure that radiates from your over-filled pussy, slightly sore ass and your bouncing chest.
  "Oh fuck! Your titties are growing right in front of my fucking face! Even your fucking ass is overflowing my grip! Oh shit! I'm shooting my Alpha was right into your super-tight pussy!" $genericFighter.Name bellows as you feel his throbbing cock unleash a massive amount of hot white cum directly into your waiting womb! There's so much gooey cum that it overflows your stuffed pussy and onto the ground below!
  You can feel your _BreastSD chest getting heavier and heavier with each heartbeat. With the Infested blasting your sensitive cunt with his massive amounts of seed, you can no longer hold back your intense orgasm. Screaming in ecstasy as your pussy squeezes his dick hard, you somehow get the words out "Oh God! I can feel my titties getting even bigger! Oh Fuck yes! I'm cumming so hard all over your _DickSD cock, you fucking stud!" Your pussy unleases a neverend tidal wave of girl-cum all over the Infested's dick as stars flash behind your eyes. The stream of girl-cum lasts for over a minute and overflows out of your tight pussy!
  As you return back to reality from your powerful orgasm, you finally confirm that you now have a pair of $BreastSD $BreastsSize breasts capped with $NippleSize long nipples and a $AssSize fine ass! Before you can react the Infested fondles your expanded booty with a smirk and says "Looks like you are on the way to becoming one hot slut!"
  "FUCK YES! Get ready to have your super-tight cunt filled with my Alpha baby-batter! Oh fuck yes! I'm shooting my load so fucking hard!" $genericFighter.Name bellows as you feel his throbbing cock unleash a massive amount of hot white cum directly into your waiting womb! There's so much gooey cum that it overflows your stuffed pussy and onto the ground below!
  Feeling the Infested creampie your tight pussy with so much cum, you feel your orgasm crash into you hard! Screaming in ecstasy as your pussy squeezes his dick hard, you somehow get the words out "Oh God yes! I'm cumming all over your _DickSD cock, you fucking stud! Fuckkkkk!". Your pussy unleases a $GCumAD wave of girl-cum all over the Infested's dick as stars flash behind your eyes!<<if $GCum.Stored > 10>> The stream of girl-cum lasts for over a minute and overflows out of your tight pussy!<</if>>
  "Oh fuck that was a fucking A+ fuckfest!" $genericFighter.Name2 says after setting you down gently, cum dripping from your sensitive pussy. Sitting down to recovery his breath, he says "I'll hope to see you again soon, Beta bitch!". With that you grab your clothes and leave the area.
<<set $StatusAffect.CumFilled to $StatusAffect.CumFilled+1>>\<img @src=$genericHouseFoyerImage />
<<include "Time Micro-Passes">>\
<<set $location.temp to "Average House - Foyer">>\
<<set _State to 0>>\
<<include "Time Micro-Passes">>\
<<if $Time.Current >= $Time.Max >>\
<<set _State to "TooLate">>\
<<set $NoEncounter to 1>>\
<<if $NoEncounter < 1>>\
<<set _EncounterRoll2 to 0>>\
<<set _TotalEncounterRoll2 to 0>>\
<<if $StealthSkillFeats.Distraction > 0>>\
<<set _EncounterRoll2 to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<set _TotalEncounterRoll2 to _EncounterRoll2 + $Skill.Stealth + $DexterityBonus + $StatusAffect.IndoorTracking - $StatusAffect.Horny - ($StatusAffect.CumCovered) -2>>\
<<set _EncounterRoll to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<set _TotalEncounterRoll to _EncounterRoll + $Skill.Stealth + $DexterityBonus + $StatusAffect.IndoorTracking - $StatusAffect.Horny - ($StatusAffect.CumCovered)>>\
<<if _TotalEncounterRoll < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current) and _TotalEncounterRoll2 < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current)>>\
<<if _TotalEncounterRoll + ($ThieverySkillFeats.SnareMaster *2) < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current - 10) or (_EncounterRoll < 2)>>\
<<set _State to "Ambush">>\
<<set _State to "Combat">>\
<<set _NPCEncounterRoll to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<if _NPCEncounterRoll > (18 - $ScoutingSkillFeats.KeenEye) and $NoEncounter is 0>>\
<<set _State to "NPC">>\
This is the foyer for this suburban house. There's a coat closet next to the front door that might have some supplies that could be salvaged. A staircase leads upstairs to the second floor while the main hallway leads deeper into the house.
<<if $StatusText.Notice is 1>>\
<<include "Update Status">>\
<<switch _State>>\
<<case "TooLate">>\
<<set $Time.Current to $Time.Max>>\
It's too dangerous to explore this suburban house at this time of night.
<<button [[Leave|$location.temp2]]>>
<<set $NoEncounter to 0>>\
<<case "Ambush">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Ambushed to 1>>\
You've been ambushed by an enemy!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<case "Combat">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
A hostile enemy is wandering around the house!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<if $Salvage.Hallway < 1>>\
<<button [[Search for Supplies|Average House Salvage]]>>
<<set $genericHouseGenericImage to $genericHouseFoyerImage>>\
<<set $lootTemp to $lootAverageHouse>>\
<<set $rarelootTemp to $rarelootAverageHouseHallway>>\
<<set $Salvage.Hallway to $Salvage.Hallway +1>>\
It looks like you have found everything of value in the foyer.
<<button [[Upstairs|Average House - Upstairs]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Main Hallway|Average House - Main Hallway]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Waste Some Time|Loitering]]>>
<<set $genericHouseGenericImage to $genericHouseFoyerImage>>\
<<button [[Leave the House|Average House - Entrance]]>> <</button>>
<</switch>>\<img @src=$genericHouse.OutsideImage />
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set _Charge to 0>>\
<<case "Thievery">>\
  After glancing around looking around for any Infested or possible cops you pull out your lockpicking tool. Seeing no one around you take a long look at the garage backdoor lock. It should only take a few minutes to pick the lock and gain access to the garage.
<<set _T to (random(19)+ 1)>>\
<<if _T + $Skill.Thievery + $DexterityBonus + $FoodStatus.Skill - $StatusAffect.Hungry > 12 + ($PC.Level / 2)>>\
<<set _tempXP to $PC.Level * 100>>\
<<set $XP to $XP + _tempXP>>\
  After a few minutes you finally get the lock to click as you probe it with your tools. With only a couple of more twists you get the last of the lock's tumblers to line up. Taking a moment to put away your tool you open the now unlocked garage backdoor.
<<if $XP >= $NextLevel>> You have reached the maxium experience for your level! Sleep to gain your next level.<<else>> You have gained _tempXP XP! <</if>>
<<if $ThieverySkillFeats.SturdyTools > 0>>\
<<set _T2 to (random(19)+ 1)>>\
<<if _T2 < $Prof.Thievery +1>>\
<<set _Charge to 0>>\
<<set _Charge to (random(10)+10)>>\
<<button [[Enter the Garage|Average House - Garage]]>>
<<set $LockSmithTools.Charge to $LockSmithTools.Charge - _Charge>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<set $Salvage.Key to 0>>\
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
  No matter what you try to do the door remains locked! You keep getting close to getting the tumblers to align but seem to always lose one at the last moment. Over half an hour has passed without any progress on the garage backdoor so you decide to take a break for now to calm your nerves and to refocus.
<<button [[Take a Break|Small House - Entrance]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<case "Electronics">>\
  After glancing around looking around for any Infested or possible cops you pull out your smartphone and boot up your hacking app. Seeing no one around you take a long look at the smart lock It should only take a few minutes to hack this somewhat simple lock and gain access to the house.
<<set _C to (random(19)+ 1) + $Skill.Electronics + $IntelligenceBonus + $FoodStatus.Skill + $PCStatus.SkillBuff - $StatusAffect.Hungry>>\
<<set _C2 to 0>>\
<<if $ElectronicsSkillFeats.BruteForce > 0>>\
<<set _C2 to (random(19)+ 1) + $Skill.Electronics + $IntelligenceBonus + $FoodStatus.Skill + $PCStatus.SkillBuff - $StatusAffect.Hungry -2>>\
<<if _C > 12 + ($PC.Level / 2) or _C2 > 12 + ($PC.Level / 2)>>\
<<set _tempXP to $PC.Level * 100>>\
<<set $XP to $XP + _tempXP>>\
<<if $ProgrammerPath.Blackhat > 0>>\
<<include "Hacking Heal">>\
<<set $SmartPhone.Charge to $SmartPhone.Charge - (random(5)+5)>>\
<<set _tempXP to $PC.Level * 100>>\
<<set $XP to $XP + _tempXP>>\
  After a few minutes you finally get the right frequency as you hack the door with your smart phone. With only a couple of more commands the door becomes unlocked and you step inside the house.
<<if $XP >= $NextLevel>> You have reached the maxium experience for your level! Sleep to gain your next level.<<else>> You have gained _tempXP XP! <</if>>
<<button [[Enter the House|Average House - Living Room]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<set $Salvage.Lock to 0>>\
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<set $SmartPhone.Charge to $SmartPhone.Charge - (random(5)+5)>>\
  No matter what you try to do the door remains locked! You've spent almost half an hour without being able to locate the correct frequency. With so little progress made on the door so you decide to take a break for now to calm your nerves and to refocus.
<<button [[Take a Break|Average House - Entrance]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</switch>><img src="Images/Home/PC.jpg" width="800px" height="400px" />
You re-read the text message that was left on your PC by your $dad.Relationship.
<i>$PC.FirstName, if you are reading this message than the worst has happened. I have discovered a vast-reaching conspiracy that involves multiple organizations that wish to unleash a plague upon the world! Their goal is to turn everyone in the whole world into mind-controlled super sex zombies! The milkshakes I provided earlier were spiked with a vaccine that should protect all of my family from that deadly virus. I'll send the rest of the information I've discovered in the next message. - $dad.Name </i>
<div class="pcTalk"><i> Sadly this is the only message I've received from my $dad.Relationship...</i></div>
<<button [[Finish|PCRoom]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</button>><img @src=$genericEvent.Image />
  "By the way, do you want your balls enhanced as well? A lot of men like it while others like to keep their original size." he asks as he fiddles with a machine next to the medical bed. "It doesn't cost any extra since it takes a neglible amount of Silicone-X."
<div class="pcTalk"><i> "Do I want to have bigger balls?" </i></div>
<<button [[Yes|Doctor's Rack Enhancement - Penis 2]]>>
<<set $SexScene1 to 1>>\
<<button [[No|Doctor's Rack Enhancement - Penis 2]]>>
<<set $SexScene1 to 0>>\
<</button>><img @src=$genericHouseOutsideImage />
<<include "Time Micro-Passes">>\
<<set $location.temp to "Small House2 - Entrance">>\
<<set _E to 0>>\
<<set _T to 0>>\
<<if $Time.Current >= $Time.Max >>\
<<set _State to "TooLate">>\
<<set $NoEncounter to 1>>\
<<if $NoEncounter < 1>>\
<<set _EncounterRoll to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<set _TotalEncounterRoll to _EncounterRoll + $Skill.Scouting + $WisdomBonus + $StatusAffect.SilentStalking - ($StatusAffect.Stalking *2) - $StatusAffect.Horny - ($StatusAffect.CumCovered)>>\
<<if _TotalEncounterRoll + ($ThieverySkillFeats.SnareMaster *2) < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current - 10) or (_EncounterRoll < 2)>>\
<<set _State to "Ambush">>\
<<elseif _TotalEncounterRoll < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current)>>\
<<set _State to "Combat">>\
<<set _NPCEncounterRoll to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<if _NPCEncounterRoll > (18 - $ScoutingSkillFeats.KeenEye) and $NoEncounter is 0>>\
<<set _State to "NPC">>\
<<if $Salvage.Lock < 1>>\
This is the front door of this small suburban house. It looks mostly intact with very little damage. Looking around you don't see any obvious signs of anyone living here currently. There's a slightly worn path that leads around the house to the backyard.
<<if $StatusText.Notice is 1>>\
<<include "Update Status">>\
<<switch _State>>\
<<case "TooLate">>\
<<set $Time.Current to $Time.Max>>\
It's too dangerous to explore the $locationGeneric.Zone2 at this time of night.
<<button [[Return Home|$locationGeneric.Return]]>>
<<set $NoEncounter to 0>>\
<<case "Ambush">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Ambushed to 1>>\
You've been ambushed by an enemy!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<set $location.Encounter to "Oak Dale">>\
<<case "Combat">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
A hostile enemy is roaming nearby!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<set $location.Encounter to "Oak Dale">>\
<<set $location.prev to $location.temp>>\
<<button [[Enter the House|Small House - Main Hallway]]>>
<<set $location.Indoor to 1>>\
<<button [[Backyard|Small House2 - Backyard]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Leave|$location.temp2]]>> <</button>>
<<elseif $Salvage.Lock is 1>>\
This is the front door of this small suburban house. It looks intact with very little damage but you don't see any obvious signs of anyone living here currently. The front door looks to be locked and the side windows are closed. There's a slightly worn path that leads around the house to the backyard.
<<if $Prof.Thievery > 0 and $LockSmithTools.Charge > 19>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> Looks like I might be able to pick the front door lock.</i></div>
<<set _T to 1>>\
<<elseif $Prof.Thievery > 0 and $LockSmithTools.Charge < 20>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> Looks like I might be able to pick the front door lock but my locksmith tool needs to be recharged first.</i></div>
<<if $Prof.Electronics > 0 and $SmartPhone.Charge > 9>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I might be able to hack the garage door using my smartphone and my hacking app.</i></div>
<<set _E to 1>>\
<<elseif $Prof.Electronics > 0 and $SmartPhone.Charge < 10>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> Looks like I might be able to hack the garage door but my smartphone is out of juice.</i></div>
<<switch _State>>\
<<case "TooLate">>\
<<set $Time.Current to $Time.Max>>\
It's too dangerous to explore the Oak Dale suburbs at this time of night.
<<button [[Return Home|Oak Dale Returning Home]]>>
<<set $NoEncounter to 0>>\
<<case "Ambush">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Ambushed to 1>>\
You've been ambushed by an enemy!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<case "Combat">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
A hostile enemy is roaming nearby!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<set $location.prev to $location.temp>>\
<<if _T > 0>>\
<<button [[Pick the lock|Small House2 - Action]]>>
<<set $SkillAction to "Thievery">>\
<<if _E is 1>>\
<<button [[Hack the Garage Door|Small House2 - Action]]>>
<<set $SkillAction to "Electronics">>\
<<button [[Backyard|Small House2 - Backyard]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Leave|$location.temp2]]>>
<<set $Salvage.Key to 0>>\
<img @src=$genericHouseOutsideImage />
<<include "Time Micro-Passes">>\
<<set $location.temp to "Small House2 - Backyard">>\
<<set _T to 0>>\
<<set _State to 0>>\
<<include "Time Micro-Passes">>\
<<if $Time.Current >= $Time.Max >>\
<<set _State to "TooLate">>\
<<set $NoEncounter to 1>>\
<<if $NoEncounter < 1>>\
<<set _EncounterRoll2 to 0>>\
<<set _TotalEncounterRoll2 to 0>>\
<<if $StealthSkillFeats.Distraction > 0>>\
<<set _EncounterRoll2 to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<set _TotalEncounterRoll2 to _EncounterRoll2 + $Skill.Stealth + $DexterityBonus + $StatusAffect.IndoorTracking - $StatusAffect.Horny - ($StatusAffect.CumCovered) -2>>\
<<set _EncounterRoll to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<set _TotalEncounterRoll to _EncounterRoll + $Skill.Stealth + $DexterityBonus + $StatusAffect.IndoorTracking - $StatusAffect.Horny - ($StatusAffect.CumCovered)>>\
<<if _TotalEncounterRoll < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current) and _TotalEncounterRoll2 < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current)>>\
<<if _TotalEncounterRoll + ($ThieverySkillFeats.SnareMaster *2) < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current - 10) or (_EncounterRoll < 2)>>\
<<set _State to "Ambush">>\
<<set _State to "Combat">>\
<<set _NPCEncounterRoll to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<if _NPCEncounterRoll > (18 - $ScoutingSkillFeats.KeenEye) and $NoEncounter is 0>>\
<<set _State to "NPC">>\
<<if $Salvage.Lock < 1>>\
This is the small backyard of this one-story suburban house. A chainlink fence lines the boundry of the unkept backyard with a small tree providing some shade. You can see into the master bedroom from the large window that takes up a bing chunk of the back side of the house. From here you can see that there is a small door that leads into the small attached garage.
<<if $StatusText.Notice is 1>>\
<<include "Update Status">>\
<<switch _State>>\
<<case "TooLate">>\
<<set $Time.Current to $Time.Max>>\
It's too dangerous to explore this suburban house at this time of night.
<<button [[Leave|$location.temp2]]>>
<<set $NoEncounter to 0>>\
<<case "Ambush">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Ambushed to 1>>\
You've been ambushed by an enemy!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<case "Combat">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
A hostile enemy is wandering around the backyard!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<button [[Enter the Garage|Small House2 - Garage]]>>
<<set $location.Indoor to 1>>\
<<button [[Head back to the Front Door|Small House2 - Entrance]]>> <</button>>
<<elseif $Salvage.Lock is 1>>\
This is the small backyard of this one-story suburban house. A chainlink fence lines the boundry of the unkept backyard with a small tree providing some shade. You can see into the master bedroom from the large window that takes up a bing chunk of the back side of the house. From here you can see that there is a small door that leads into the small attached garage. That backdoor looks to be locked with a physical while the window looks like it might be able to be forced open.
<<if $Prof.Thievery > 0 and $LockSmithTools.Charge > 19>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> Looks like I might be able to pick the back door lock.</i></div>
<<set _T to 1>>\
<<elseif $Prof.Thievery > 0 and $LockSmithTools.Charge < 20>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> Looks like I might be able to pick the back door lock but my locksmith tool needs to be recharged first.</i></div>
<<button [[Force the Window Open|Small House2 - Action2]]>>
<<set $SkillAction to "Athletics">>\
<<if _T is 1>>\
<<button [[Pick the Backdoor lock|Small House2 - Action2]]>>
<<set $SkillAction to "Thievery">>\
<<button [[Head back to the Front Door|Small House2 - Entrance]]>> <</button>>
<</if>>\<img @src=$genericHouseOutsideImage />
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set _Charge to 0>>\
<<switch $SkillAction>>\
<<case "Thievery">>\
  After glancing around looking around for any Infested or possible cops you pull out your locksmith tool. Seeing no one around you take a long look at the door lock. It should only take a few minutes to pick the lock and gain access to the house.
<<set _T to (random(19)+ 1)>>\
<<if _T + $Skill.Thievery + $DexterityBonus + $FoodStatus.Skill - $StatusAffect.Hungry > 9 + ($PC.Level / 2)>>\
<<set _tempXP to $PC.Level * 100>>\
<<set $XP to $XP + _tempXP>>\
<<set _Charge to (random(10)+10)>>\
  After a few minutes you finally get the lock to click as you probe it with your tools. With only a couple of more twists you get the last of the lock's tumblers to line up. Taking a moment to put away your tool you open the now unlocked door.
<<if $XP >= $NextLevel>> You have reached the maxium experience for your level! Sleep to gain your next level.<<else>> You have gained _tempXP XP! <</if>>
<<if $ThieverySkillFeats.SturdyTools > 0>>\
<<set _T2 to (random(19)+ 1)>>\
<<if _T2 < $Prof.Thievery +1>>\
<<set _Charge to 0>>\
<<button [[Enter the House|Small House2 - Foyer]]>>
<<set $LockSmithTools.Charge to $LockSmithTools.Charge - _Charge>>\
<<set $location.Indoor to 1>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<set $Salvage.Key to 0>>\
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
  No matter what you try to do the door remains locked! You keep getting close to getting the tumblers to align but seem to always lose one at the last moment. Over half an hour has passed without any progress on the door so you decide to take a break for now to calm your nerves and to refocus.
<<button [[Take a Break|Small House2 - Entrance]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<case "Electronics">>\
  After glancing around looking around for any Infested or possible cops you pull out your smartphone and boot up your hacking app. Seeing no one around you take a long look at the garage door. It should only take a few minutes to hack this simple encryped frequency lock and gain access to the garage.
<<set _C to (random(19)+ 1) + $Skill.Electronics + $IntelligenceBonus + $FoodStatus.Skill + $PCStatus.SkillBuff - $StatusAffect.Hungry>>\
<<set _C2 to 0>>\
<<if $ElectronicsSkillFeats.BruteForce > 0>>\
<<set _C2 to (random(19)+ 1) + $Skill.Electronics + $IntelligenceBonus + $FoodStatus.Skill + $PCStatus.SkillBuff - $StatusAffect.Hungry -2>>\
<<if _C > 12 + ($PC.Level / 2) or _C2 > 9 + ($PC.Level / 2)>>\
<<set _tempXP to $PC.Level * 100>>\
<<set $XP to $XP + _tempXP>>\
<<set $SmartPhone.Charge to $SmartPhone.Charge - (random(5)+5)>>\
<<set _tempXP to $PC.Level * 100>>\
<<set $XP to $XP + _tempXP>>\
  After a few minutes you finally get the right frequency as you hack the door with your smart phone. With only a couple of more commands the garage door slides up and you step inside the garage.
<<if $XP >= $NextLevel>> You have reached the maxium experience for your level! Sleep to gain your next level.<<else>> You have gained _tempXP XP! <</if>>
<<button [[Enter the Garage|Small House2 - Garage]]>>
<<set $location.Indoor to 1>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<set $Salvage.Lock to 0>>\
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<set $SmartPhone.Charge to $SmartPhone.Charge - (random(5)+5)>>\
  No matter what you try to do the garage door remains closed! You've spent almost half an hour without being able to locate the correct frequency. With so little progress made on the garage door so you decide to take a break for now to calm your nerves and to refocus.
<<button [[Take a Break|Small House2 - Entrance]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</switch>><img @src=$genericHouseHallwayImage />
<<set $location.temp to "Small House2 - Foyer">>\
<<set _State to 0>>\
<<include "Time Micro-Passes">>\
<<if $Time.Current >= $Time.Max >>\
<<set _State to "TooLate">>\
<<set $NoEncounter to 1>>\
<<if $NoEncounter < 1>>\
<<set _EncounterRoll2 to 0>>\
<<set _TotalEncounterRoll2 to 0>>\
<<if $StealthSkillFeats.Distraction > 0>>\
<<set _EncounterRoll2 to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<set _TotalEncounterRoll2 to _EncounterRoll2 + $Skill.Stealth + $DexterityBonus + $StatusAffect.IndoorTracking - $StatusAffect.Horny - ($StatusAffect.CumCovered) -2>>\
<<set _EncounterRoll to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<set _TotalEncounterRoll to _EncounterRoll + $Skill.Stealth + $DexterityBonus + $StatusAffect.IndoorTracking - $StatusAffect.Horny - ($StatusAffect.CumCovered)>>\
<<if _TotalEncounterRoll < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current) and _TotalEncounterRoll2 < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current)>>\
<<if _TotalEncounterRoll + ($ThieverySkillFeats.SnareMaster *2) < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current - 10) or (_EncounterRoll < 2)>>\
<<set _State to "Ambush">>\
<<set _State to "Combat">>\
<<set _NPCEncounterRoll to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<if _NPCEncounterRoll > (18 - $ScoutingSkillFeats.KeenEye) and $NoEncounter is 0>>\
<<set _State to "NPC">>\
This is the small foyer for this cozy one-story house. The main exit is here along with a coat closet next the the front door. The foyer stretches back and looks like it opens up to a decently sized living room.
<<if $StatusText.Notice is 1>>\
<<include "Update Status">>\
<<switch _State>>\
<<case "TooLate">>\
<<set $Time.Current to $Time.Max>>\
It's too dangerous to explore this suburban house at this time of night.
<<button [[Return Home|$locationGeneric.Return]]>>
<<set $NoEncounter to 0>>\
<<case "Ambush">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Ambushed to 1>>\
You've been ambushed by an enemy!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<case "Combat">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
A hostile enemy is wandering around the house!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<set $location.prev to $location.temp>>\
<<if $Salvage.Hallway < 1>>\
<<button [[Search for Supplies|Small House Salvage]]>>
<<set $genericHouseGenericImage to $genericHouseHallwayImage>>\
<<set $lootTemp to $lootSmallHouse>>\
<<set $rarelootTemp to $rarelootSmallHouseHallway>>\
<<set $Salvage.Hallway to $Salvage.Hallway +1>>\
It looks like you have found everything of value in the hallway.
<<button [[Living Room|Small House2 - Living Room]]>> <</button>>\
<<button [[Waste Some Time|Loitering]]>>
<<set $genericHouseGenericImage to $genericHouseHallwayImage>>\
<<button [[Leave the House|$location.temp2]]>>
<<set $location.Indoor to 0>>\
<</switch>>\<img @src=$genericHouseGarageImage />
<<set $location.temp to "Small House2 - Garage">>\
<<set _State to 0>>\
<<include "Time Micro-Passes">>\
<<if $Time.Current >= $Time.Max >>\
<<set _State to "TooLate">>\
<<set $NoEncounter to 1>>\
<<if $NoEncounter < 1>>\
<<set _EncounterRoll2 to 0>>\
<<set _TotalEncounterRoll2 to 0>>\
<<if $StealthSkillFeats.Distraction > 0>>\
<<set _EncounterRoll2 to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<set _TotalEncounterRoll2 to _EncounterRoll2 + $Skill.Stealth + $DexterityBonus + $StatusAffect.IndoorTracking - $StatusAffect.Horny - ($StatusAffect.CumCovered) -2>>\
<<set _EncounterRoll to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<set _TotalEncounterRoll to _EncounterRoll + $Skill.Stealth + $DexterityBonus + $StatusAffect.IndoorTracking - $StatusAffect.Horny - ($StatusAffect.CumCovered)>>\
<<if _TotalEncounterRoll < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current) and _TotalEncounterRoll2 < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current)>>\
<<if _TotalEncounterRoll + ($ThieverySkillFeats.SnareMaster *2) < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current - 10) or (_EncounterRoll < 2)>>\
<<set _State to "Ambush">>\
<<set _State to "Combat">>\
<<set _NPCEncounterRoll to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<if _NPCEncounterRoll > (18 - $ScoutingSkillFeats.KeenEye) and $NoEncounter is 0>>\
<<set _State to "NPC">>\
This is the tiny garage for this small suburban house. There's no car present but if it was it would barely fit as much of the space has been taken up with storage boxes and handyman tools. There's a door that leads into the house's kitchen while the door to the small backyard looks clear.
<<if $StatusText.Notice is 1>>\
<<include "Update Status">>\
<<switch _State>>\
<<case "TooLate">>\
<<set $Time.Current to $Time.Max>>\
It's too dangerous to explore this suburban house at this time of night.
<<button [[Leave|$locationGeneric.Return]]>>
<<set $NoEncounter to 0>>\
<<case "Ambush">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Ambushed to 1>>\
You've been ambushed by an enemy!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<case "Combat">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
A hostile enemy is wandering around the house!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<if $Salvage.Garage < 1>>\
<<button [[Search for Supplies|Small House Salvage]]>>
<<set $genericHouse.GenericImage to $genericHouse.GarageImage>>\
<<set $lootTemp to $lootSmallHouseGarage>>\
<<set $rarelootTemp to $rarelootSmallHouseGarage>>\
<<set $Salvage.Garage to $Salvage.Garage +1>>\
It looks like you have found everything of value in the garage.
<<button [[Kitchen|Small House2 - Kitchen]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Waste Some Time|Loitering]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Backyard|Small House2 - Backyard]]>>
<<set $location.Indoor to 0>>\
<</switch>>\<img @src=$genericHouseLivingImage />
<<set $location.temp to "Small House2 - Living Room">>\
<<set _State to 0>>\
<<include "Time Micro-Passes">>\
<<if $Time.Current >= $Time.Max >>\
<<set _State to "TooLate">>\
<<set $NoEncounter to 1>>\
<<if $NoEncounter < 1>>\
<<set _EncounterRoll2 to 0>>\
<<set _TotalEncounterRoll2 to 0>>\
<<if $StealthSkillFeats.Distraction > 0>>\
<<set _EncounterRoll2 to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<set _TotalEncounterRoll2 to _EncounterRoll2 + $Skill.Stealth + $DexterityBonus + $StatusAffect.IndoorTracking - $StatusAffect.Horny - ($StatusAffect.CumCovered) -2>>\
<<set _EncounterRoll to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<set _TotalEncounterRoll to _EncounterRoll + $Skill.Stealth + $DexterityBonus + $StatusAffect.IndoorTracking - $StatusAffect.Horny - ($StatusAffect.CumCovered)>>\
<<if _TotalEncounterRoll < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current) and _TotalEncounterRoll2 < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current)>>\
<<if _TotalEncounterRoll + ($ThieverySkillFeats.SnareMaster *2) < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current - 10) or (_EncounterRoll < 2)>>\
<<set _State to "Ambush">>\
<<set _State to "Combat">>\
<<set _NPCEncounterRoll to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<if _NPCEncounterRoll > (18 - $ScoutingSkillFeats.KeenEye) and $NoEncounter is 0>>\
<<set _State to "NPC">>\
This is the nice sized living room for this empty house. A large screen TV takes up a good chunk of one wall while a older sofa sits in the middle of the room. Several tables line the walls with faded pictures. In the corner is a bird cage that is empty. To the left is the main hallway and to the right is the attached kitchen.
<<if $StatusText.Notice is 1>>\
<<include "Update Status">>\
<<switch _State>>\
<<case "TooLate">>\
<<set $Time.Current to $Time.Max>>\
It's too dangerous to explore this suburban house at this time of night.
<<button [[Leave|$location.temp2]]>>
<<set $NoEncounter to 0>>\
<<case "Ambush">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Ambushed to 1>>\
You've been ambushed by an enemy!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<case "Combat">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
A hostile enemy is wandering around the house!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<if $Salvage.Living < 1>>\
<<button [[Search for Supplies|Small House Salvage]]>>
<<set $genericHouseGenericImage to $genericHouseLivingImage>>\
<<set $lootTemp to $lootSmallHouse>>\
<<set $rarelootTemp to $rarelootSmallHouse>>\
<<set $Salvage.Living to $Salvage.Living +1>>\
It looks like you have found everything of value in the hallway.
<<button [[Foyer|Small House2 - Foyer]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Kitchen|Small House2 - Kitchen]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Main Hallway|Small House2 - Main Hallway]]>> <</button>>
<</switch>>\<img @src=$genericHouseKitchenImage />
<<set $location.temp to "Small House2 - Kitchen">>\
<<set _State to 0>>\
<<include "Time Micro-Passes">>\
<<if $Time.Current >= $Time.Max >>\
<<set _State to "TooLate">>\
<<set $NoEncounter to 1>>\
<<if $NoEncounter < 1>>\
<<set _EncounterRoll2 to 0>>\
<<set _TotalEncounterRoll2 to 0>>\
<<if $StealthSkillFeats.Distraction > 0>>\
<<set _EncounterRoll2 to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<set _TotalEncounterRoll2 to _EncounterRoll2 + $Skill.Stealth + $DexterityBonus + $StatusAffect.IndoorTracking - $StatusAffect.Horny - ($StatusAffect.CumCovered) -2>>\
<<set _EncounterRoll to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<set _TotalEncounterRoll to _EncounterRoll + $Skill.Stealth + $DexterityBonus + $StatusAffect.IndoorTracking - $StatusAffect.Horny - ($StatusAffect.CumCovered)>>\
<<if _TotalEncounterRoll < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current) and _TotalEncounterRoll2 < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current)>>\
<<if _TotalEncounterRoll + ($ThieverySkillFeats.SnareMaster *2) < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current - 10) or (_EncounterRoll < 2)>>\
<<set _State to "Ambush">>\
<<set _State to "Combat">>\
<<set _NPCEncounterRoll to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<if _NPCEncounterRoll > (18 - $ScoutingSkillFeats.KeenEye) and $NoEncounter is 0>>\
<<set _State to "NPC">>\
This is the cozy kitchen for this empty house. A large refridgerator is on one wall with cabinets on each side. A midsize table fills the center of the room and it looks like this place has been abandoned for at least several days. To the right is the main hallway and to the left is attached living room. Next to the fridge is a door that looks like it leads to the attached garage.
<<if $startingweaponsEvent.Knife < 1>>\
<<set $startingweaponsEvent.Knife to 1>>\
As you glance around the kitchen you notice a sharp kitchen knife sitting out on the counter! Deciding you could always use a sharp knife you snag it before putting it away in your backpack.
<<set _tempLoot to $weapon.kitchenknife>>\
You now have a <<print _tempLoot.name>>!
<<set $PCInventory.push(_tempLoot)>>\
<<if $StatusText.Notice is 1>>\
<<include "Update Status">>\
<<switch _State>>\
<<case "TooLate">>\
<<set $Time.Current to $Time.Max>>\
It's too dangerous to explore this suburban house at this time of night.
<<button [[Return Home|$locationGeneric.Return]]>>
<<set $NoEncounter to 0>>\
<<case "Ambush">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Ambushed to 1>>\
You've been ambushed by an enemy!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<case "Combat">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
A hostile enemy is wandering around the house!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<set $location.prev to $location.temp>>\
<<if $Salvage.Kitchen < 1>>\
<<button [[Search for Supplies|Small House Salvage]]>>
<<set _FoodRoll to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<if _FoodRoll > 10>>\
<<set $BonusItem to $item.ration>>\
<<set $BonusItem to $item.makeshiftfood>>\
<<set $genericHouseGenericImage to $genericHouseKitchenImage>>\
<<set $lootTemp to $lootSmallHouseKitchen>>\
<<set $rarelootTemp to $rarelootSmallHouseKitchen>>\
<<set $Salvage.Kitchen to $Salvage.Kitchen +1>>\
It looks like you have found everything of value in the kitchen.
<<button [[Living Room|Small House2 - Living Room]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Garage|Small House2 - Garage]]>> <</button>>
<</switch>>\<img @src=$genericHouseHallwayImage2 />
<<set $location.temp to "Small House2 - Main Hallway">>\
<<set _State to 0>>\
<<include "Time Micro-Passes">>\
<<if $Time.Current >= $Time.Max >>\
<<set _State to "TooLate">>\
<<set $NoEncounter to 1>>\
<<if $NoEncounter < 1>>\
<<set _EncounterRoll2 to 0>>\
<<set _TotalEncounterRoll2 to 0>>\
<<if $StealthSkillFeats.Distraction > 0>>\
<<set _EncounterRoll2 to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<set _TotalEncounterRoll2 to _EncounterRoll2 + $Skill.Stealth + $DexterityBonus + $StatusAffect.IndoorTracking - $StatusAffect.Horny - ($StatusAffect.CumCovered) -2>>\
<<set _EncounterRoll to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<set _TotalEncounterRoll to _EncounterRoll + $Skill.Stealth + $DexterityBonus + $StatusAffect.IndoorTracking - $StatusAffect.Horny - ($StatusAffect.CumCovered)>>\
<<if _TotalEncounterRoll < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current) and _TotalEncounterRoll2 < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current)>>\
<<if _TotalEncounterRoll + ($ThieverySkillFeats.SnareMaster *2) < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current - 10) or (_EncounterRoll < 2)>>\
<<set _State to "Ambush">>\
<<set _State to "Combat">>\
<<set _NPCEncounterRoll to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<if _NPCEncounterRoll > (18 - $ScoutingSkillFeats.KeenEye) and $NoEncounter is 0>>\
<<set _State to "NPC">>\
This looks to be the main hallway for this cozy house which has some noce carpet and several wall art lining the walls. The main hallway leads from the open living room to the sleeping area of the house. There's two bedroom doors and a door that leads to the bathroom. There's a linen closet is next to the bathroom door that's partially open.
<<if $StatusText.Notice is 1>>\
<<include "Update Status">>\
<<switch _State>>\
<<case "TooLate">>\
<<set $Time.Current to $Time.Max>>\
It's too dangerous to explore this suburban house at this time of night.
<<button [[Return Home|$locationGeneric.Return]]>>
<<set $NoEncounter to 0>>\
<<case "Ambush">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Ambushed to 1>>\
You've been ambushed by an enemy!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<case "Combat">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
A hostile enemy is wandering around the house!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<set $location.prev to $location.temp>>\
<<if $Salvage.Hallway < 1>>\
<<button [[Search for Supplies|Small House Salvage]]>>
<<set $genericHouseGenericImage to $genericHouseHallwayImage2>>\
<<set $lootTemp to $lootSmallHouse>>\
<<set $rarelootTemp to $rarelootSmallHouseHallway>>\
<<set $Salvage.Hallway to $Salvage.Hallway +1>>\
It looks like you have found everything of value in the hallway.
<<button [[Living Room|Small House2 - Living Room]]>> <</button>>\
<<button [[Master Bedroom|Small House2 - Bedroom]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Guest Bedroom|Small House2 - Bedroom2]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Bathroom|Small House2 - Bathroom]]>> <</button>>
<</switch>>\<img @src=$genericHouseOutsideImage />
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<switch $SkillAction>>\
<<case "Athletics">>\
  After looking around for any Infested and not seeing any, you grab the botton of the loose window and start to try and force it open.
<<set _A to (random(19)+ 1)>>\
<<if _A + $Skill.Athletics + $StrengthBonus + $FoodStatus.Skill > 9 + ($PC.Level / 2)>>\
<<set _tempXP to $PC.Level * 100>>\
<<set $XP to $XP + _tempXP>>\
  After a few minutes you force the window open allowing you to climb into the master bedroom!
<<if $XP >= $NextLevel>> You have reached the maxium experience for your level! Sleep to gain your next level.<<else>> You have gained _tempXP XP! <</if>>
<<button [[Enter the Master Bedroom|Small House2 - Bedroom]]>>
<<set $location.Indoor to 1>>\
<<set $Salvage.Key to 0>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
  After a few minutes you find that you can't quite get the window open. It seems to be stuck and no amount of pushing or pulling can move it! You decide to take a break and recover your strength.
<<button [[Take a Break|Small House2 - Backyard]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<case "Thievery">>\
  After glancing around looking around for any Infested or possible cops you pull out your locksmith tool. Seeing no one around you take a long look at the door lock. It should only take a few minutes to pick the lock and gain access to the garage.
<<set _T to (random(19)+ 1)>>\
<<if _T + $Skill.Thievery + $DexterityBonus + $FoodStatus.Skill > 9 + ($PC.Level / 2)>>\
<<set _tempXP to $PC.Level * 100>>\
<<set $XP to $XP + _tempXP>>\
  After a few minutes you finally get the lock to click as you probe it with your tools. With only a couple of more twists you get the last of the lock's tumblers to line up. Taking a moment to put away your tool you open the now unlocked door.
<<if $XP >= $NextLevel>> You have reached the maxium experience for your level! Sleep to gain your next level.<<else>> You have gained _tempXP XP! <</if>>
<<if $ThieverySkillFeats.SturdyTools > 0>>\
<<set _T2 to (random(19)+ 1)>>\
<<if _T2 < $Prof.Thievery +1>>\
<<set _Charge to 0>>\
<<set _Charge to (random(10)+10)>>\
<<button [[Enter the Garage|Small House2 - Garage]]>>
<<set $LockSmithTools.Charge to $LockSmithTools.Charge - _Charge>>\
<<set $location.Indoor to 1>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<set $Salvage.Key to 0>>\
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
  No matter what you try to do the door remains locked! You keep getting close to getting the tumblers to align but seem to always lose one at the last moment. Over half an hour has passed without any progress on the door so you decide to take a break for now to calm your nerves and to refocus.
<<button [[Take a Break|Small House2 - Backyard]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</switch>>\<img @src=$genericHouseBedroomImage />
<<set $location.temp to "Small House2 - Bedroom">>\
<<set _State to 0>>\
<<include "Time Micro-Passes">>\
<<if $Time.Current >= $Time.Max >>\
<<set _State to "TooLate">>\
<<set $NoEncounter to 1>>\
<<if $NoEncounter < 1>>\
<<set _EncounterRoll2 to 0>>\
<<set _TotalEncounterRoll2 to 0>>\
<<if $StealthSkillFeats.Distraction > 0>>\
<<set _EncounterRoll2 to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<set _TotalEncounterRoll2 to _EncounterRoll2 + $Skill.Stealth + $DexterityBonus + $StatusAffect.IndoorTracking - $StatusAffect.Horny - ($StatusAffect.CumCovered) -2>>\
<<set _EncounterRoll to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<set _TotalEncounterRoll to _EncounterRoll + $Skill.Stealth + $DexterityBonus + $StatusAffect.IndoorTracking - $StatusAffect.Horny - ($StatusAffect.CumCovered)>>\
<<if _TotalEncounterRoll < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current) and _TotalEncounterRoll2 < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current)>>\
<<if _TotalEncounterRoll + ($ThieverySkillFeats.SnareMaster *2) < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current - 10) or (_EncounterRoll < 2)>>\
<<set _State to "Ambush">>\
<<set _State to "Combat">>\
<<set _NPCEncounterRoll to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<if _NPCEncounterRoll > (18 - $ScoutingSkillFeats.KeenEye) and $NoEncounter is 0>>\
<<set _State to "NPC">>\
This is the master bedroom for this small one-story suburban house. A large bed takes up a good chunk of the room with a large metal painting of several silver trees on the wall behind the bed. A large window allows a good view of the small unkept backyard. A night stand and a small flat screen TV helps to fill up a nice chunk of this bedroom. A large walk-in closet takes up another corner of the room. There's a door that leads to the small bathroom while another door leads to the hallway.
<<if $StatusText.Notice is 1>>\
<<include "Update Status">>\
<<switch _State>>\
<<case "TooLate">>\
<<set $Time.Current to $Time.Max>>\
It's too dangerous to explore this suburban house at this time of night.
<<button [[Return Home|$locationGeneric.Return]]>>
<<set $NoEncounter to 0>>\
<<case "Ambush">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Ambushed to 1>>\
You've been ambushed by an enemy!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<case "Combat">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
A hostile enemy is wandering around the house!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<if $Salvage.Bedroom < 1>>\
<<button [[Search for Supplies|Small House Salvage]]>>
<<set $genericHouseGenericImage to $genericHouseBedroomImage>>\
<<set $lootTemp to $lootSmallHouseBedroom>>\
<<set $rarelootTemp to $rarelootSmallHouseBedroom>>\
<<set $Salvage.Bedroom to $Salvage.Bedroom +1>>\
It looks like you have found everything of value in the hallway.
<<button [[Main Hallway|Small House2 - Main Hallway]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Bathroom|Small House2 - Bathroom]]>> <</button>>
<</switch>>\<img @src=$genericHouseBathroomImage />
<<set $location.temp to "Small House2 - Bathroom">>\
<<set _State to 0>>\
<<include "Time Micro-Passes">>\
<<if $Time.Current >= $Time.Max >>\
<<set _State to "TooLate">>\
<<set $NoEncounter to 1>>\
<<if $NoEncounter < 1>>\
<<set _EncounterRoll2 to 0>>\
<<set _TotalEncounterRoll2 to 0>>\
<<if $StealthSkillFeats.Distraction > 0>>\
<<set _EncounterRoll2 to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<set _TotalEncounterRoll2 to _EncounterRoll2 + $Skill.Stealth + $DexterityBonus + $StatusAffect.IndoorTracking - $StatusAffect.Horny - ($StatusAffect.CumCovered) -2>>\
<<set _EncounterRoll to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<set _TotalEncounterRoll to _EncounterRoll + $Skill.Stealth + $DexterityBonus + $StatusAffect.IndoorTracking - $StatusAffect.Horny - ($StatusAffect.CumCovered)>>\
<<if _TotalEncounterRoll < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current) and _TotalEncounterRoll2 < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current)>>\
<<if _TotalEncounterRoll + ($ThieverySkillFeats.SnareMaster *2) < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current - 10) or (_EncounterRoll < 2)>>\
<<set _State to "Ambush">>\
<<set _State to "Combat">>\
<<set _NPCEncounterRoll to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<if _NPCEncounterRoll > (18 - $ScoutingSkillFeats.KeenEye) and $NoEncounter is 0>>\
<<set _State to "NPC">>\
This is the only bathroom for this small empty house. A bathtub takes up most of the room with a small mirror and vanity taking up part of the right wall. On the left wall is a toilet that almost blocks the door from opening into this tiny bathroom. Behind you is the main hallway and to the right is a door leading to the master bedroom.
<<if $StatusText.Notice is 1>>\
<<include "Update Status">>\
<<switch _State>>\
<<case "TooLate">>\
<<set $Time.Current to $Time.Max>>\
It's too dangerous to explore this suburban house at this time of night.
<<button [[Return Home|$locationGeneric.Return]]>>
<<set $NoEncounter to 0>>\
<<case "Ambush">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Ambushed to 1>>\
You've been ambushed by an enemy!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<case "Combat">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
A hostile enemy is wandering around the house!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<if $Salvage.Bathroom < 1>>\
<<button [[Search for Salvage|Small House Salvage]]>>
<<set $genericHouseGenericImage to $genericHouseBathroomImage>>\
<<set $lootTemp to $lootSmallHouseBathroom>>\
<<set $rarelootTemp to $rarelootSmallHouseBathroom>>\
<<set $Salvage.Bathroom to $Salvage.Bathroom +1>>\
It looks like you have found everything of value in the bathroom.
<<button [[Take a Shower|Small House2 Bathroom Shower]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Main Hallway|Small House2 - Main Hallway]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Bedroom|Small House2 - Bedroom]]>> <</button>>
<</switch>>\<img @src=$genericHouseBedroomImage2 />
<<set $location.temp to "Small House2 - Bedroom2">>\
<<set _State to 0>>\
<<include "Time Micro-Passes">>\
<<if $Time.Current >= $Time.Max >>\
<<set _State to "TooLate">>\
<<set $NoEncounter to 1>>\
<<if $NoEncounter < 1>>\
<<set _EncounterRoll2 to 0>>\
<<set _TotalEncounterRoll2 to 0>>\
<<if $StealthSkillFeats.Distraction > 0>>\
<<set _EncounterRoll2 to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<set _TotalEncounterRoll2 to _EncounterRoll2 + $Skill.Stealth + $DexterityBonus + $StatusAffect.IndoorTracking - $StatusAffect.Horny - ($StatusAffect.CumCovered) -2>>\
<<set _EncounterRoll to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<set _TotalEncounterRoll to _EncounterRoll + $Skill.Stealth + $DexterityBonus + $StatusAffect.IndoorTracking - $StatusAffect.Horny - ($StatusAffect.CumCovered)>>\
<<if _TotalEncounterRoll < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current) and _TotalEncounterRoll2 < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current)>>\
<<if _TotalEncounterRoll + ($ThieverySkillFeats.SnareMaster *2) < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current - 10) or (_EncounterRoll < 2)>>\
<<set _State to "Ambush">>\
<<set _State to "Combat">>\
<<set _NPCEncounterRoll to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<if _NPCEncounterRoll > (18 - $ScoutingSkillFeats.KeenEye) and $NoEncounter is 0>>\
<<set _State to "NPC">>\
This is the guest bedroom for this small one-story suburban house. A small sofa takes up the wall next to the outside window while a computer desk takes up another wall. A small window above the small bed allows a decent view of the neighborhood. Several computer game boxes line a small bookshelf along with some stratagy guides. There's a small door that leads back to the main hallway.
<<if $StatusText.Notice is 1>>\
<<include "Update Status">>\
<<switch _State>>\
<<case "TooLate">>\
<<set $Time.Current to $Time.Max>>\
It's too dangerous to explore this suburban house at this time of night.
<<button [[Return Home|$locationGeneric.Return]]>>
<<set $NoEncounter to 0>>\
<<case "Ambush">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Ambushed to 1>>\
You've been ambushed by an enemy!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<case "Combat">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
A hostile enemy is wandering around the house!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<set $location.prev to $location.temp>>\
<<if $Salvage.Bedroom < 1>>\
<<button [[Search for Supplies|Small House Salvage]]>>
<<set $genericHouseGenericImage to $genericHouseBedroomImage2>>\
<<set $lootTemp to $lootSmallHouseBedroom>>\
<<set $rarelootTemp to $rarelootSmallHouseBedroom>>\
<<set $Salvage.Bedroom to $Salvage.Bedroom +1>>\
It looks like you have found everything of value in the hallway.
<<button [[Main Hallway|Small House2 - Main Hallway]]>> <</button>>
<</switch>>\<<set $genericEvent.Image = $eventPath9 + $arrayEvent9Office.random() + '.jpg'>>\
<img @src=$genericEvent.Image />
<<set $clinicAmbushEvent.Visits to $clinicAmbushEvent.Visits +1>>\
<<set $NoEncounter to random(1) +2>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$npcFuckToy.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$npcFuckToy.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$npcFuckHard.DickSize]>>\
<<set _DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$npcFuckHard.DickSize]>>\
<<set _Discount to 100>>\
<<if $PC.BreastsSize > 10 or $PC.DickSize > 10>>\
<<set _Discount to 75>>\
<<if $ThieverySkillFeats.FiveFingeredDiscount is 1>>\
<<set _D10 to Math.round(_Discount * .1)>>\
<<set _Discount to _Discount - _D10>>\
<<if $PC.Sex is "Futa" or $StatusAffect.Futa > 0>>\
<<set _Sex to "Futa">>\
<<elseif $PC.Sex is "Female" and $StatusAffect.Futa < 1>>\
<<set _Sex to "Female">>\
<<set _Sex to "Male">>\
<<if (random(19) + 1) + $Skill.Social + $CharismaBonus > 15>>\
<<set $npcFuckHard.Friendship to $npcFuckHard.Friendship +2 + $ClassBonus.Celebrity + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set $npcFuckToy.Friendship to $npcFuckToy.Friendship +2 + $ClassBonus.Celebrity + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set $npcFuckHard.Friendship to $npcFuckHard.Friendship +1 + $ClassBonus.Celebrity + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set $npcFuckToy.Friendship to $npcFuckToy.Friendship +1 + $ClassBonus.Celebrity + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set _lusty to random(5) +5 + $StatusAffect.Horny - $LustResist.Complete>>\
<<if _lusty < 0>>\
<<set _lusty to 0>>\
<<set $lust to $lust + _lusty>>\
  As you enter the doctor's office the first thing you notice is the arousing smell of sex. Glancing around the office you find the grey hair doctor sitting at his desk with his pants actually pulled up and buttoned! Nurse Fucktoy looks to be busy cleaning up some of the filth that's been scattered around the office.
  "$PC.FirstName! It's good to see you again!" Doctor FuckHard greets you while standing up from his desk. His huge hand thrust out for a handshake. Seeing no reason to refuse, you grasp his hand and give him a hearty handshake back. "Now have a seat and we can get right to business." he continues before sitting back down in his large leather chair.
  "It's a uh, good to see you too, Doc!" you reply before taking a seat in a slightly stained chair. The busty silicone-filled nurse walks up and hands the doctor a mug of what looks to be coffee. Smiling widely at you, she places another cup in front of you before heading back to cleaning the office.
  After drinking heavily from his cup, Doctor FuckHard says "It's been awhile since I've been paged for an appointment with a patient. Imagine my surprise that it's my new favorite patient, $PC.FirstName." Giving you a piercing look he continues "I'm glad to see that my skills are still appreciated by the public! So in the name of Science what can I help you with?"
  Before you can respond Nurse Fucktoy speaks up from behind you "Doctor! Nurse Fucktoy thinks you might want to let $PC.FirstName know what your specialties are! Like making people's tits and dicks bigger!"
  "Ahh... That makes sense, Nurse Fucktoy! Please forgive me $PC.FirstName for jumping the gun a bit. I specialize in cosmetic surgery using a revolutionary chemical called Silicone-X and it's counterpart Silicone-Y. This chemical allows the reshaping of the body, especially the primary and secondary sexual parts." he explains excitedly. "Recently I've been working with these chemicals along with those produced by the company BioWetX to help completely reshape and regender a person! I'm only in the early stage trials but the experimental treatment does look to be wonderfully promising!"
<<button [[Check out the Enhancements Menu|Doctor FuckHard Enhancement]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Ask about the Experimental Treatment|Doctor FuckHard Experimental]]>>
<<button [[Chat with the Doctor|Doctor FuckHard Chat Options]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Leave|Doctor Fuckhard Leave]]>>
<</button>><img @src=$genericEvent.Image />
  Deciding that this has been a waste of time and money you say "Hey Doctor FuckHard? I have some stuff I need to take care of about before I can even think about getting any enhancements or experimental treatments. I hope you don't mind if I take a day or so to think about such a major change."
  Dr. FuckHard frowns he listens to your excuse. "Well $PC.FirstName, that's a shame but I understand wanting to think things over before commiting to such amazing changes. So once you make a decision be sure to keep my office in mind." he says as he stands up from his desk and reaches over to shake your hand.
  "Oh going so soon, $PC.FirstName? Nurse Fucktoy can't wait until your next visit!" Nurse Fucktoy says as she watches you grab your belongings.
<<button [[Leave|Oak Dale Clinic East Hallway]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<set $doctorEvent.Appointment to 0>>\
<</button>><img @src=$genericEvent.Image />
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$npcFuckToy.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$npcFuckToy.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$npcFuckHard.DickSize]>>\
<<set _DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$npcFuckHard.DickSize]>>\
<<set _TreatmentCost to 300>>\
<<if $ThieverySkillFeats.FiveFingeredDiscount is 1>>\
<<set _D10 to Math.round(_TreatmentCost * .1)>>\
<<set _TreatmentCost to _TreatmentCost - _D10>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.Futa > 0>>\
<<set _Sex to "FutaTry">>\
<<elseif $PC.Sex is "Futa">>\
<<set _Sex to "Futa">>\
<<elseif $PC.Sex is "Female">>\
<<set _Sex to "Female">>\
<<set _Sex to "Male">>\
<<switch _Sex>>\
<<case "FutaTry">>\
<<switch $PC.Sex>>\
<<case "Male">>\
<<set $npcRichard.SexDetection to "Male">>\
  "I believe I already know the answer but I must still ask the question to be sure! $PC.FirstName, did you become a Futa via the chemicals from the sodas produced by BioWetX or did you become one by fucking one too many Futas..." the doctor asks as he takes in your appearance, his eyes checking out your $BreastSD chest before going down to your groin.
  "I ended up becoming a Futa by drinking a Milkshake Jugs. Grew some tits and a pussy out of nowhere!" you explain as you heft your $BreastSD chest. It still amazes you that someone can become a Futa just by drinking a softdrink.
  "Yeah that will do it all right and my guess was correct! Well I would suggest sticking to getting your dick pumped up instead of focusing on blowing up your tits or ass. I'm about 99% sure that once the soda wears off any Silicone-X that's been pumped into those foreign parts will be absorbed by the body. And there's no refunds for that..." Doctor FuckHard explains patiently. "I'm still willing to do any of the options but it might be a better choice to go for a permanent change to the Futa gender instead of relying on those products from BioWetX."
  "Nurse Fucktoy thinks you should go for the bigger dick option! Bigger dick means better sex!" Nurse Fucktoy offers her opinion on what you should go for. You notice she rubs her legs together as she imagines you with a bigger futa-cock.
  The doctor nods at Nurse Fucktoy's suggestion. "I personally believe going with some bigger tits is the best choice but regardless any choice you make is workable. Just a heads up, I only have $clinicAmbushEvent.SiliconeX units of Silicone-X currently so that's the limit of what I can increase until I restock in the morning. Also the current sad limit to the Liquid Silicone-X is that it can't take someone beyond M-Cup size, you can't go beyond a massive ass size and 24-inches is the max size for a dick. I have heard rumors of a Silicone-XX that can take someone bigger but unfortunately we do not have any stocked here."
Reading over the Enhancement menu you see the following options:
Breasts: _TreatmentCost Dollars per cup size increase
Ass: _TreatmentCost Dollars per size increase
Penis & Balls: _TreatmentCost Dollars per size increase
<<button [[Increase Breasts Size|Doctor FuckHard Enhancement - Breasts]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Increase Ass Size|Doctor FuckHard Enhancement - Ass]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Increase Penis Size|Doctor FuckHard Enhancement - Penis]]>> <</button>>
<<case "Female">>\
<<set $npcRichard.SexDetection to "Female">>\
  "I believe I already know the answer but I must still ask the question to be sure! $PC.FirstName, did you become a Futa via the chemicals from the sodas produced by BioWetX or did you become one by fucking one too many Futas..." the doctor asks as he takes in your appearance, his eyes checking out your $BreastSD chest before going down to your groin.
  "I ended up becoming a Futa by drinking a Dr. Pecker. Grew a dick and pair of balls out of nowhere!" you explain as you grip your $DickSD dick. It still amazes you that someone can become a Futa just by drinking a softdrink.
  "Yeah that will do it all right and my guess was correct! Well I would suggest sticking to getting your tits and ass pumped up instead of focusing on blowing up your dick and balls. I'm about 99% sure that once the soda wears off any Silicone-X that's been pumped into those foreign parts will be absorbed by the body. And there's no refunds for that..." Doctor FuckHard explains patiently. "I'm still willing to do any of the options but it might be a better choice to go for a permanent change to the Futa gender instead of relying on those products from BioWetX."
  "Nurse Fucktoy thinks you should go for the bigger dick option! Bigger dick means better sex even if it might go away someday!" Nurse Fucktoy offers her opinion on what you should go for. You notice she rubs her legs together as she imagines you with a bigger futa-cock.
  The doctor nods at Nurse Fucktoy's suggestion. "I personally believe going with some bigger tits is the best choice but regardless any choice you make is workable. Just a heads up, I only have $clinicAmbushEvent.SiliconeX units of Silicone-X currently so that's the limit of what I can increase until I restock in the morning. Also the current sad limit to the Liquid Silicone-X is that it can't take someone beyond M-Cup size, you can't go beyond a massive ass size and 24-inches is the max size for a dick. I have heard rumors of a Silicone-XX that can take someone bigger but unfortunately we do not have any stocked here."
Reading over the Enhancement menu you see the following options:
Breasts: _TreatmentCost Dollars per cup size increase
Ass: _TreatmentCost Dollars per size increase
Penis & Balls: _TreatmentCost Dollars per size increase
<<button [[Increase Breasts Size|Doctor FuckHard Enhancement - Breasts]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Increase Ass Size|Doctor FuckHard Enhancement - Ass]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Increase Penis Size|Doctor FuckHard Enhancement - Penis]]>> <</button>>
<<case "Female">>\
<<set $npcRichard.SexDetection to "Female">>\
  "So you're thinking of getting a bigger ass or some bigger tits?" asks the horny doctor. "I've always been a bit of a breast man and fucking some slut's big o'titties has always been a really good time. But a bigger juicier ass is never bad and gives a girl some nice cushioning for the pounding."
  "Nurse Fucktoy thinks having big titties is tons of fun! Everyone loves girls with big silicone-filled tits!" Nurse Fucktoy offers her opinion on what you should go for. You notice she rubs her legs together as she imagines you with bigger breasts.
  The doctor nods at Nurse Fucktoy's suggestion. "Just a heads up, I only have $clinicAmbushEvent.SiliconeX units of Silicone-X currently so that's the limit of what I can increase until I restock in the morning. Also the current sad limit to the Liquid Silicone-X is that it can't take someone beyond M-Cup size and you can't go beyond a massive ass size. I have heard rumors of a Silicone-XX that can take someone bigger but unfortunately we do not have any stocked here."
Reading over the Enhancement menu you see the following options:
Breasts: _TreatmentCost Dollars per cup size increase
Ass: _TreatmentCost Dollars per size increase
<<button [[Increase Breasts Size|Doctor's Rack Enhancement - Breasts]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Increase Ass Size|Doctor's Rack Enhancement - Ass]]>> <</button>>
<<case "Male">>\
<<set $npcRichard.SexDetection to "Male">>\
  "So you're thinking of getting a bigger cock and balls?" asks the horny doctor. "I've found having a big fat dick helps to please all the ladies running around and the benefit of bigger balls means bigger loads of baby-batter to fill their cunts with."
  "Nurse Fucktoy thinks you should go for a bigger dick! Bigger dick means better sex and bigger balls means more juicy cum!" Nurse Fucktoy offers her opinion on what you should go for. You notice she rubs her legs together as she imagines you with a bigger cock.
  The doctor nods at Nurse Fucktoy's suggestion. "Like I said, a bigger dick is a great option. Just a heads up, I only have $clinicAmbushEvent.SiliconeX units of Silicone-X currently so that's the limit of what I can increase until I restock in the morning. Also the current sad limit to the Liquid Silicone-X is that it can't take someone beyond a 24-inch dick. I have heard rumors of a Silicone-XX that can take someone bigger but unfortunately we do not have any stocked here."
Reading over the Enhancement menu you see the following options:
Penis & Balls: _TreatmentCost Dollars per size increase
<<button [[Increase Penis Size|Doctor's Rack Enhancement - Penis]]>> <</button>>
<<case "Futa">>\
<<if $npcRichard.SexDetection is not "Futa">>\
<<set $npcRichard.SexDetection to "Futa">>\
  "I believe I already know the answer but I must still ask the question to be sure! $PC.FirstName, did you become a Futa via the chemicals from the sodas produced by BioWetX or did you become one by fucking one too many Futas..." the doctor asks as he takes in your appearance, his eyes checking out your $BreastSD chest before going down to your groin.
  "I ended up becoming a Futa after being attacked by a Futa Infested. Luckily my $dad.Relationship gave me something to protect me from the Infested virus." you explain as you heft your $BreastSD chest while thrusting your $DickSD dick. It still amazes you that someone can become a Futa just by being fucked by a Infested with the Futa variant virus.
  "So I was correct that you've been busy fucking all those Futa sluts! Those Futas do tend to have the best of both worlds, rocking those big tits and big cocks." Doctor FuckHard replies while giving your chest a closer look. "I've always been a bit of a breast man and fucking some slut's big o'titties has always been a really good time. But a bigger juicier ass is never bad and gives a girl some nice cushioning for the pounding.
  "Nurse Fucktoy thinks you should go for the bigger dick option! Bigger dick means better sex and bigger balls means more juicy cum!" Nurse Fucktoy offers her opinion on what you should go for. You notice she rubs her legs together as she imagines you with a bigger futa-cock.
  The doctor nods at Nurse Fucktoy's suggestion. "I personally believe going with some bigger tits is still the best choice but regardless any choice you make is workable. Just a heads up, I only have $clinicAmbushEvent.SiliconeX units of Silicone-X currently so that's the limit of what I can increase until I restock in the morning. Also the current sad limit to the Silicone-X is that it can't take someone beyond M-Cup size, you can't go beyond a massive ass size and 24-inches is the max size for a dick. I have heard rumors of a Silicone-XX that can take someone bigger but unfortunately we do not have any stocked here."
Reading over the Enhancement menu you see the following options:
Breasts: _TreatmentCost Dollars per cup size increase
Ass: _TreatmentCost Dollars per size increase
Penis & Balls: _TreatmentCost Dollars per size increase
<<button [[Increase Breasts Size|Doctor FuckHard Enhancement - Breasts]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Increase Ass Size|Doctor FuckHard Enhancement - Ass]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Increase Penis Size|Doctor FuckHard Enhancement - Penis]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Chat about Something Else|Doctor FuckHard Chat Options]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Leave|Doctor Fuckhard Leave]]>>
<<set $npcFuckHard.Friendship to $npcFuckHard.Friendship - 3 + $SocialSkillFeats.WashmyHair>>\
<<set $npcFuckToy.Friendship to $npcFuckToy.Friendship - 3 + $SocialSkillFeats.WashmyHair>>\
<</button>><img @src=$genericEvent.Image />
<<set _TreatmentCost to 300>>\
<<if $ThieverySkillFeats.FiveFingeredDiscount is 1>>\
<<set _D10 to Math.round(_TreatmentCost * .1)>>\
<<set _TreatmentCost to _TreatmentCost - _D10>>\
<<set _silicone to 27>>\
<<if $PC.BreastsSize < _silicone>>\
  After choosing the Breasts Enhancement option, Nurse Fucktoy pouts while Doctor FuckHard smiles lewdly. "That's a great option in my professional opinion! So how big do you want your tits to be?" he asks as he gives your chest a measuring look. "It looks like you have a nice pair of $BreastSD $BreastsSize jugs. Just a reminder, I only have $clinicAmbushEvent.SiliconeX units of SIlicone-X and I only have time for one session right now."
  "Don't forget you can't go beyond M-Cup titties! Even Nurse Fucktoy isn't that big!" Nurse Fucktoy reminds you before she starts to clear off furniture blocking a semi-hidden surgery room.
<<if (random(19) + 1) + $Skill.Social + $CharismaBonus + $npcFuckHard.Friendship + $npcFuckToy.Friendship > 40>>\
<<set _D10 to Math.round(_TreatmentCost * .1)>>\
<<set _TreatmentCost to _TreatmentCost - _D10>>\
  "You know $PC.FirstName, you've been an excellent patient so far so why don't I toss in a 10% frequent patient discount?" Dr. FuckHard says as you look over the menu and the various prices.
<<if $Cash < (_TreatmentCost)>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> "I can't afford anything on this menu!" </i></div>
<div class="pcTalk"><i> "How big do I want to go?" </i></div>
<<if $Cash >= (_TreatmentCost) and $PC.BreastsSize < (_silicone -1) and $clinicAmbushEvent.SiliconeX > 0>>\
<<button [[Increase Breasts Size by 1 Cup Size|Doctor FuckHard Enhancement - Breasts 2]]>>
<<set $SkillAction to 1>>\
<<set $Cash to $Cash - (_TreatmentCost *1)>>\
<<set $clinicAmbushEvent.SiliconeX to $clinicAmbushEvent.SiliconeX - $SkillAction>>\
<<if $Cash >= (_TreatmentCost *2) and $PC.BreastsSize < (_silicone -2) and $clinicAmbushEvent.SiliconeX > 1>>\
<<button [[Increase Breasts Size by 2 Cup Sizes|Doctor FuckHard Enhancement - Breasts 2]]>>
<<set $SkillAction to 2>>\
<<set $Cash to $Cash - (_TreatmentCost *2)>>\
<<set $clinicAmbushEvent.SiliconeX to $clinicAmbushEvent.SiliconeX - $SkillAction>>\
<<if $Cash >= (_TreatmentCost *3) and $PC.BreastsSize < (_silicone -3) and $clinicAmbushEvent.SiliconeX > 2>>\
<<button [[Increase Breasts Size by 3 Cup Sizes|Doctor FuckHard Enhancement - Breasts 2]]>>
<<set $SkillAction to 3>>\
<<set $Cash to $Cash - (_TreatmentCost *3)>>\
<<set $clinicAmbushEvent.SiliconeX to $clinicAmbushEvent.SiliconeX - $SkillAction>>\
<<if $Cash >= (_TreatmentCost *4) and $PC.BreastsSize < (_silicone -4) and $clinicAmbushEvent.SiliconeX > 3>>\
<<button [[Increase Breasts Size by 4 Cup Sizes|Doctor FuckHard Enhancement - Breasts 2]]>>
<<set $SkillAction to 4>>\
<<set $Cash to $Cash - (_TreatmentCost *4)>>\
<<set $clinicAmbushEvent.SiliconeX to $clinicAmbushEvent.SiliconeX - $SkillAction>>\
<<if $Cash >= (_TreatmentCost *5) and $PC.BreastsSize < (_silicone -5) and $clinicAmbushEvent.SiliconeX > 4>>\
<<button [[Increase Breasts Size by 5 Cup Sizes|Doctor FuckHard Enhancement - Breasts 2]]>>
<<set $SkillAction to 5>>\
<<set $Cash to $Cash - (_TreatmentCost *5)>>\
<<set $clinicAmbushEvent.SiliconeX to $clinicAmbushEvent.SiliconeX - $SkillAction>>\
<<if $Cash >= (_TreatmentCost *6) and $PC.BreastsSize < (_silicone -6) and $clinicAmbushEvent.SiliconeX > 5>>\
<<button [[Increase Breasts Size by 6 Cup Sizes|Doctor FuckHard Enhancement - Breasts 2]]>>
<<set $SkillAction to 6>>\
<<set $Cash to $Cash - (_TreatmentCost *6)>>\
<<set $clinicAmbushEvent.SiliconeX to $clinicAmbushEvent.SiliconeX - $SkillAction>>\
<<if $Cash >= (_TreatmentCost *7) and $PC.BreastsSize < (_silicone -7) and $clinicAmbushEvent.SiliconeX > 6>>\
<<button [[Increase Breasts Size by 7 Cup Sizes|Doctor FuckHard Enhancement - Breasts 2]]>>
<<set $SkillAction to 7>>\
<<set $Cash to $Cash - (_TreatmentCost *7)>>\
<<set $clinicAmbushEvent.SiliconeX to $clinicAmbushEvent.SiliconeX - $SkillAction>>\
<<if $Cash >= (_TreatmentCost *8) and $PC.BreastsSize < (_silicone -8) and $clinicAmbushEvent.SiliconeX > 7>>\
<<button [[Increase Breasts Size by 8 Cup Sizes|Doctor FuckHard Enhancement - Breasts 2]]>>
<<set $SkillAction to 8>>\
<<set $Cash to $Cash - (_TreatmentCost *8)>>\
<<set $clinicAmbushEvent.SiliconeX to $clinicAmbushEvent.SiliconeX - $SkillAction>>\
<<if $Cash >= (_TreatmentCost *9) and $PC.BreastsSize < (_silicone -9) and $clinicAmbushEvent.SiliconeX > 8>>\
<<button [[Increase Breasts Size by 9 Cup Sizes|Doctor FuckHard Enhancement - Breasts 2]]>>
<<set $SkillAction to 9>>\
<<set $Cash to $Cash - (_TreatmentCost *9)>>\
<<set $clinicAmbushEvent.SiliconeX to $clinicAmbushEvent.SiliconeX - $SkillAction>>\
<<if $Cash >= (_TreatmentCost *10) and $PC.BreastsSize < (_silicone -10) and $clinicAmbushEvent.SiliconeX > 9>>\
<<button [[Increase Breasts Size by 10 Cup Sizes|Doctor FuckHard Enhancement - Breasts 2]]>>
<<set $SkillAction to 10>>\
<<set $Cash to $Cash - (_TreatmentCost *10)>>\
<<set $clinicAmbushEvent.SiliconeX to $clinicAmbushEvent.SiliconeX - $SkillAction>>\
  After choosing the Breasts Enhancement option, Nurse Fucktoy frowns and says "Nurse Fucktoy thinks your $BreastSD $BreastsSize titties are too big for the juicy silicone to do anything."
  Doctor FuckHard looks closer at your chest and replies "I will have to agree with my nurse, $PC.FirstName. Sadly Silicone-X can't take you beyond your current size. I would suggest another option for now."
<<button [[Check other Menus|Doctor's Rack Enhancement]]>> <</button>><img @src=$genericEvent.Image />
<<set _TreatmentCost to 300>>\
<<if $ThieverySkillFeats.FiveFingeredDiscount is 1>>\
<<set _D10 to Math.round(_TreatmentCost * .1)>>\
<<set _TreatmentCost to _TreatmentCost - _D10>>\
<<set _silicone to 16>>\
<<if $PC.AssSize < _silicone>>\
  After choosing the Ass Enhancement option, Nurse Fucktoy smiles widely while Doctor FuckHard smiles lewdly. "That's a goof option in my professional opinion! So how big do you want your ass to be?" he asks as he gives your ass a measuring look. "It looks like you have a nice $AssSize ass. Just a reminder, I only have $clinicAmbushEvent.SiliconeX units of SIlicone-X and I only have time for one session right now."
  "Don't forget you can't go beyond a massive ass! Even Nurse Fucktoy's badonkadonk isn't that big!" Nurse Fucktoy reminds you before she starts to clear off furniture blocking a semi-hidden surgery room.
<<if (random(19) + 1) + $Skill.Social + $CharismaBonus + $npcFuckHard.Friendship + $npcFuckToy.Friendship > 40>>\
<<set _D10 to Math.round(_TreatmentCost * .1)>>\
<<set _TreatmentCost to _TreatmentCost - _D10>>\
  "You know $PC.FirstName, you've been an excellent patient so far so why don't I toss in a 10% frequent patient discount?" Dr. FuckHard says as you look over the menu and the various prices.
<<if $Cash < (_TreatmentCost)>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> "I can't afford anything on this menu!" </i></div>
<div class="pcTalk"><i> "How big do I want to go?" </i></div>
<<if $Cash >= (_TreatmentCost) and $PC.AssSize < (_silicone -1) and $clinicAmbushEvent.SiliconeX > 0>>\
<<button [[Increase Ass Size by 10%|Doctor FuckHard Enhancement - Ass 2]]>>
<<set $SkillAction to 1>>\
<<set $Cash to $Cash - (_TreatmentCost *1)>>\
<<set $clinicAmbushEvent.SiliconeX to $clinicAmbushEvent.SiliconeX - $SkillAction>>\
<<if $Cash >= (_TreatmentCost *2) and $PC.AssSize < (_silicone -2) and $clinicAmbushEvent.SiliconeX > 1>>\
<<button [[Increase Ass Size by 20%|Doctor FuckHard Enhancement - Ass 2]]>>
<<set $SkillAction to 2>>\
<<set $Cash to $Cash - (_TreatmentCost *2)>>\
<<set $clinicAmbushEvent.SiliconeX to $clinicAmbushEvent.SiliconeX - $SkillAction>>\
<<if $Cash >= (_TreatmentCost *3) and $PC.AssSize < (_silicone -3) and $clinicAmbushEvent.SiliconeX > 2>>\
<<button [[Increase Ass Size by 30%|Doctor FuckHard Enhancement - Ass 2]]>>
<<set $SkillAction to 3>>\
<<set $Cash to $Cash - (_TreatmentCost *3)>>\
<<set $clinicAmbushEvent.SiliconeX to $clinicAmbushEvent.SiliconeX - $SkillAction>>\
<<if $Cash >= (_TreatmentCost *4) and $PC.AssSize < (_silicone -4) and $clinicAmbushEvent.SiliconeX > 3>>\
<<button [[Increase Ass Size by 40%|Doctor FuckHard Enhancement - Ass 2]]>>
<<set $SkillAction to 4>>\
<<set $Cash to $Cash - (_TreatmentCost *4)>>\
<<set $clinicAmbushEvent.SiliconeX to $clinicAmbushEvent.SiliconeX - $SkillAction>>\
<<if $Cash >= (_TreatmentCost *5) and $PC.AssSize < (_silicone -5) and $clinicAmbushEvent.SiliconeX > 4>>\
<<button [[Increase Ass Size by 50%|Doctor FuckHard Enhancement - Ass 2]]>>
<<set $SkillAction to 5>>\
<<set $Cash to $Cash - (_TreatmentCost *5)>>\
<<set $clinicAmbushEvent.SiliconeX to $clinicAmbushEvent.SiliconeX - $SkillAction>>\
  After choosing the Ass Enhancement option, Nurse Fucktoy frowns and says "Nurse Fucktoy thinks your $AssSize ass is too big for the juicy silicone to do anything."
  Doctor FuckHard looks closer at your ass and replies "I will have to agree with my nurse, $PC.FirstName. Sadly Silicone-X can't take you beyond your current size. I would suggest another option for now."
<<button [[Check other Menus|Doctor's Rack Enhancement]]>> <</button>><img @src=$genericEvent.Image />
<<set _TreatmentCost to 300>>\
<<if $ThieverySkillFeats.FiveFingeredDiscount is 1>>\
<<set _D10 to Math.round(_TreatmentCost * .1)>>\
<<set _TreatmentCost to _TreatmentCost - _D10>>\
<<set _silicone to 23>>\
<<if $PC.DickSize < _silicone>>\
  After choosing the Penis Enhancements option Nurse Fucktoy smiles widely while Doctor FuckHard nods. "Ok, we can go with that option! So how big of a dick do you want?" he asks as he gives your groin a measuring look. "It looks like you are packing a $DickSD $DickSize cock along with $BallsSD $BallsSize balls. Just a reminder, I only have $clinicAmbushEvent.SiliconeX units of SIlicone-X and I only have time for one session right now."
  "Don't forget you can't go beyond 24 inches even if Nurse Fucktoy would like it be bigger!" Nurse Fucktoy reminds you before she starts to clear off furniture blocking a semi-hidden surgery room.
<<if (random(19) + 1) + $Skill.Social + $CharismaBonus + $npcFuckHard.Friendship + $npcFuckToy.Friendship > 40>>\
<<set _D10 to Math.round(_TreatmentCost * .1)>>\
<<set _TreatmentCost to _TreatmentCost - _D10>>\
  "You know $PC.FirstName, you've been an excellent patient so far so why don't I toss in a 10% frequent patient discount?" Dr. FuckHard says as you look over the menu and the various prices.
<<if $Cash < (_TreatmentCost)>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> "I can't afford anything on this menu!" </i></div>
<div class="pcTalk"><i> "How big do I want to go?" </i></div>
<<if $Cash >= (_TreatmentCost) and $PC.DickSize < (_silicone -1) and $clinicAmbushEvent.SiliconeX >= 1>>\
<<button [[Increase Penis Size by 1 inch|Doctor FuckHard Enhancement - Penis 2]]>>
<<set $SkillAction to 1>>\
<<set $Cash to $Cash - _TreatmentCost>>\
<<set $clinicAmbushEvent.SiliconeX to $clinicAmbushEvent.SiliconeX - $SkillAction>>\
<<if $Cash >= (_TreatmentCost *2) and $PC.DickSize < (_silicone -2) and $clinicAmbushEvent.SiliconeX >= 2>>\
<<button [[Increase Penis Size by 2 inches|Doctor FuckHard Enhancement - Penis 2]]>>
<<set $SkillAction to 2>>\
<<set $Cash to $Cash - (_TreatmentCost *2)>>\
<<set $clinicAmbushEvent.SiliconeX to $clinicAmbushEvent.SiliconeX - $SkillAction>>\
<<if $Cash >= (_TreatmentCost *3) and $PC.DickSize < (_silicone -3) and $clinicAmbushEvent.SiliconeX >= 3>>\
<<button [[Increase Penis Size by 3 inches|Doctor FuckHard Enhancement - Penis 2]]>>
<<set $SkillAction to 3>>\
<<set $Cash to $Cash - (_TreatmentCost *3)>>\
<<set $clinicAmbushEvent.SiliconeX to $clinicAmbushEvent.SiliconeX - $SkillAction>>\
<<if $Cash >= (_TreatmentCost *4) and $PC.DickSize < (_silicone -4) and $clinicAmbushEvent.SiliconeX >= 4>>\
<<button [[Increase Penis Size by 4 inches|Doctor FuckHard Enhancement - Penis 2]]>>
<<set $SkillAction to 4>>\
<<set $Cash to $Cash - (_TreatmentCost *4)>>\
<<set $clinicAmbushEvent.SiliconeX to $clinicAmbushEvent.SiliconeX - $SkillAction>>\
<<if $Cash >= (_TreatmentCost *5) and $PC.DickSize < (_silicone -5) and $clinicAmbushEvent.SiliconeX >= 5>>\
<<button [[Increase Penis Size by 5 inches|Doctor FuckHard Enhancement - Penis 2]]>>
<<set $SkillAction to 5>>\
<<set $Cash to $Cash - (_TreatmentCost *5)>>\
<<set $clinicAmbushEvent.SiliconeX to $clinicAmbushEvent.SiliconeX - $SkillAction>>\
<<if $Cash >= (_TreatmentCost 65) and $PC.DickSize < (_silicone -6) and $clinicAmbushEvent.SiliconeX >= 6>>\
<<button [[Increase Penis Size by 6 inches|Doctor FuckHard Enhancement - Penis 2]]>>
<<set $SkillAction to 6>>\
<<set $Cash to $Cash - (_TreatmentCost *6)>>\
<<set $clinicAmbushEvent.SiliconeX to $clinicAmbushEvent.SiliconeX - $SkillAction>>\
<<if $Cash >= (_TreatmentCost *7) and $PC.DickSize < (_silicone -7) and $clinicAmbushEvent.SiliconeX >= 7>>\
<<button [[Increase Penis Size by 7 inches|Doctor FuckHard Enhancement - Penis 2]]>>
<<set $SkillAction to 7>>\
<<set $Cash to $Cash - (_TreatmentCost *7)>>\
<<set $clinicAmbushEvent.SiliconeX to $clinicAmbushEvent.SiliconeX - $SkillAction>>\
<<if $Cash >= (_TreatmentCost *8) and $PC.DickSize < (_silicone -8) and $clinicAmbushEvent.SiliconeX >= 8>>\
<<button [[Increase Penis Size by 85 inches|Doctor FuckHard Enhancement - Penis 2]]>>
<<set $SkillAction to 8>>\
<<set $Cash to $Cash - (_TreatmentCost *8)>>\
<<set $clinicAmbushEvent.SiliconeX to $clinicAmbushEvent.SiliconeX - $SkillAction>>\
<<if $Cash >= (_TreatmentCost *9) and $PC.DickSize < (_silicone -9) and $clinicAmbushEvent.SiliconeX >= 9>>\
<<button [[Increase Penis Size by 9 inches|Doctor FuckHard Enhancement - Penis 2]]>>
<<set $SkillAction to 9>>\
<<set $Cash to $Cash - (_TreatmentCost *9)>>\
<<set $clinicAmbushEvent.SiliconeX to $clinicAmbushEvent.SiliconeX - $SkillAction>>\
<<if $Cash >= (_TreatmentCost *10) and $PC.DickSize < (_silicone -10) and $clinicAmbushEvent.SiliconeX >= 10>>\
<<button [[Increase Penis Size by 10 inches|Doctor FuckHard Enhancement - Penis 2]]>>
<<set $SkillAction to 10>>\
<<set $Cash to $Cash - (_TreatmentCost *10)>>\
<<set $clinicAmbushEvent.SiliconeX to $clinicAmbushEvent.SiliconeX - $SkillAction>>\
  After choosing the Penis Enhancements option, Nurse Fucktoy frowns and says "Nurse Fucktoy thinks your $DickSD $DickSize penis is too big for the juicy silicone to do anything."
  Doctor FuckHard looks closer at your dick and replies "I will have to agree with my nurse, $PC.FirstName. Sadly Silicone-X can't take you beyond your current size. I would suggest another option for now."
<<button [[Check other Menus|Doctor FuckHard Enhancement]]>> <</button>><img @src=$genericEvent.Image />
  You sit back in the chair and think about what to chat about as Dr. FuckHard waits while obviously checking you out and Nurse Fucktoy keeps busy cleaning the dirty office. It's hard to believe that he's an actual doctor but he does have that plaque saying Dr. FuckHard M.D. S.E.X on his desk.
<<if $questsFamilyMom.Diary is 1 and $questsFamilyMom.NurseTroy is 1 and $questsFamilyMom.Clinic is 0 and $questsFamilyMom.Started is not 2>>\
<<button "Ask about your $mom.Relationship" "Doctor FuckHard Mom Chat">>
<<button [[Ask about the Experimental Treatment|Doctor FuckHard Experimental]]>>
<<button [[Chat about What's Going On|Doctor FuckHard General Chat]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Just Leave Instead|Doctor Fuckhard Leave]]>> <</button>><img @src=$genericEvent.Image />
<<set $NoEncounter to random(1) +2>>\
<<if (random(19) + 1) + $Skill.Social + $CharismaBonus > 15>>\
<<set $npcFuckHard.Friendship to $npcFuckHard.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity +2 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set $npcFuckToy.Friendship to $npcFuckToy.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity +2 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set $npcFuckHard.Friendship to $npcFuckHard.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity +1 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set $npcFuckToy.Friendship to $npcFuckToy.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity +1 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$npcFuckToy.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$npcFuckToy.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$npcFuckHard.DickSize]>>\
<<set _DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$npcFuckHard.DickSize]>>\
  You decide to spend some time gathering information on finding your $mom.Relationship. Fidgeting slightly while sitting on your chair across from Dr. Rack, you ask "Excuse me Doc, I'm trying to find my $mom.Relationship, $mom.Name $PC.LastName, and I recently was told she might have been heading here to get some medical supplies for my $sister.Relationship and myself."
  Doctor FuckHard looks at you with a hard look before his gaze softens. "I see...I can understand wanting to find a lost relative in these dark times. Do you have a good description of your $mom.Relationship?"
  "She's in her upper 30s, long black hair and green eyes. She used to work as a nurse so she knows her away around medical supplies" you do your best to give the doctor a good description. It's a long shot but it's possible Doctor FuckHard has run across your $mom.Relationship in his random patrols on the clinic.
  "Hmm. So what's the size of her tits and ass?" Doctor FuckHard asks as he seems to be deep in thought. It takes you a moment to understand what's he asking but with how the doctor and nurse act you shouldn't have been surprised...
  It takes you a few minutes to remember the breast cup size of your $mom.Relationship, the information being almost lost. Sighing loudly you reluctantly respond with "D-Cup, she's a hefty D-Cup size. And I guess her butt is kinda bubbly?"
  "Well $PC.FirstName, I have some bad news and some irrelevant news. Now for the bad news, I have not ran across anyone who looks like that here at the clinic since the Infested Pandemic hit." he says as he gives you a sympathetic look. "Nurse Fucktoy, have you seen $PC.FirstName's $mom.Relationship?" he asks his busty nurse companion.
  Shaking her head, Nurse Fucktoy says "Nurse Fucktoy hasn't seen a Ms. $PC.LastName but that name seems familiar to Nurse Fucktoy. Sorry, Nurse Fucktoy just can't remember her. It's too bad cause she sounds kinda sexy!"
  "Oh, but here's the irrelevant news Nurse Fucktoy! Ms. $PC.LastName used to work here as a nurse about 2 years ago! In fact she used to work with you back then." the doctor explains wisely. "I could never forget a such a rack like that along with a nice ass on such a fine nurse!"
  Gasping loudly Nurse Fucktoy shouts "Ahhh! That's right! Nurse Fucktoy used to be so jealous of Ms. $PC.LastName cause of her big titties! But now Nurse Fucktoy's tits are way bigger than hers!" Grabbing her _ISD silicone-filled jugs, she jiggles them joyfully.
  "So it sounds like you haven't ran across my $mom.Relationship. I figured it would be a longshot but I needed to ask." you say as you listen to the pair talk about how sexy your $mom.Relationship was when she worked here. "Anyways I need to get going and thanks again for your time, Doctor FuckHard and Nurse Fucktoy."
  "I wish you good luck on your search, $PC.FirstName. Be sure to stop by any time." replies Doctor FuckHard as you stand up and head to the door.
<div class="pcTalk"><i> It's looking more and more likely that those Pureblood bastards have my $mom.Relationship and possibly my $sister.Relationship! Fuck! I'm going to have to start really bashing Raider heads in until I get my answer!</i></div>
<<button [[Leave|Oak Dale Clinic East Hallway]]>>
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<set $doctorEvent.Appointment to 0>>\
<</button>><img @src=$genericEvent.Image />
<<set $NoEncounter to random(1) +2>>\
<<if (random(19) + 1) + $Skill.Social + $CharismaBonus > 15>>\
<<set $npcFuckHard.Friendship to $npcFuckHard.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity +2 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set $npcFuckToy.Friendship to $npcFuckToy.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity +2 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set $npcFuckHard.Friendship to $npcFuckHard.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity +1 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set $npcFuckToy.Friendship to $npcFuckToy.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity +1 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$npcFuckToy.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$npcFuckToy.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$npcFuckHard.DickSize]>>\
<<set _DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$npcFuckHard.DickSize]>>\
  You decide to spend some time gathering information about what's been going on lately with the clinic and possibly interview a couple of obviously Infested individuals. "So how's the clinic been treating you two? I mean there has to have beeen some changes that you've noticed since the Infested Pandemic started..."
  Doctor FuckHard taps the top of his desk as he listens to your question. "Well $PC.FirstName, the clinic has been quite a bit more crowded then it used to. I'm seeing a lot more doctors and nurses that I don't recognize but that just allows me more subjects to use for proper testing. In fact there's a nice looking red hair nurse that I've seen a couple of times that can definently use some Silicone-X enhancements!"
  "Oh yes! Nurse Fucktoy has seen so many sexy nurses and doctors running around! After they got proper enhancement treatment from Doctor FuckHard, Nurse Fucktoy thinks they are even sexier with all that silicone pumped into them!" Nurse Fucktoy gushes as she grips her groin thru her slutty nurse outfit while smiling lewdly.
  Blinking at her response you mutter "I guess that's why all the Infested around here are so busty and carrying logs in their pants." Nurse Fucktoy just nods happily while Doctor FuckHard lets a manic grin fill his face. "So what about Doctor Rack and the receptionist Candy?"
  Doctor FuckHard's eyes become sharp at the mention of Doctor Rack. "Doctor Rack is not a true resident of the clinic. He actually was contracted to help explain the wonders of Silicone-X and would have already have moved on to another clinic if not for the Infested Pandemic. I won't say he doesn't know how to do his job but he has no passion for experimenting with what Silicone-X can truly do and that's something I can not forgive!" he rants as he raises his hand in a fisty grip.
  Nurse Fucktoy nods along with the Infested doctor's disgruntled ranting. "Nurse Fucktoy thinks Doctor Rack looks handsome but he always stays in his office so Nurse Fucktoy can't have any fun sexy times with his big silicone-filled dick!" she says while sadly shaking her head. "Nurse Fucktoy is positive that he's been fucking the receptionist, Candy, but he won't fuck Nurse Fucktoy!"
  "That sounds about right, Nurse Fucktoy! After Candy received her own enhancement treatments from yours truly, she has been reluctant to visit us again and even denies all non-patients access to the front lobby!" Doctor FuckHard says as shakes his head at the thought. "But I can respect her strength so I permit her to control the lobby. That is what is important in this changed world, a person's own strength!"
  Listening to the two talk about their co-workers like that is making you slightly worried about your own personal safetly. Looking at the time on your phone you notice it's getting a bit late and you have a good excuse to leave. Gathering your bagpack you say "Well that's about all the time I can spend chatting about what's going on here. Thanks for all the information, Nurse Fucktoy, Doctor FuckHard."
  Doctor FuckHard stands up and shakes your hand once again "Thank you for stopping by, $PC.FirstName. Be sure to keep my office in mind if you want any enhancements done. I would be more than happy to help such a stunning patient become even more beautiful!"
  Waving goodbye to you, Nurse Fucktoy says "Thanks for stopping by $PC.FirstName! Nurse Fucktoy can't wait for the next time we fuck again!" while staring at your groin with a huge lewd smile on her face! Shaking your head you head to the exit.
<<button [[Leave|Oak Dale Clinic East Hallway]]>>
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<set $doctorEvent.Appointment to 0>>\
<</button>><img @src=$genericEvent.Image />
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$npcFuckToy.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$npcFuckToy.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$npcFuckHard.DickSize]>>\
<<set _DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$npcFuckHard.DickSize]>>\
<<set _TreatmentCost to 300>>\
<<set _TreatmentCost2 to 1000>>\
<<set _TreatmentCost2b to 2500>>\
<<set _TreatmentCost3 to 3000>>\
<<if $ThieverySkillFeats.FiveFingeredDiscount is 1>>\
<<set _D10 to Math.round(_TreatmentCost * .1)>>\
<<set _D20 to Math.round(_TreatmentCost2 * .1)>>\
<<set _D20b to Math.round(_TreatmentCost2b * .1)>>\
<<set _D30 to Math.round(_TreatmentCost3 * .1)>>\
<<set _TreatmentCost to _TreatmentCost - _D10>>\
<<set _TreatmentCost2 to _TreatmentCost2 - _D20>>\
<<set _TreatmentCost2b to _TreatmentCost2b - _D20b>>\
<<set _TreatmentCost3 to _TreatmentCost3 - _D30>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.Futa > 0>>\
<<set _Sex to "FutaTry">>\
<<elseif $PC.Sex is "Futa">>\
<<set _Sex to "Futa">>\
<<elseif $PC.Sex is "Female">>\
<<set _Sex to "Female">>\
<<set _Sex to "Male">>\
<<if $Admin is 1>>\
Doctor Friendship = $npcFuckHard.Friendship
Nurse Friendship = $npcFuckToy.Friendship
<<switch _Sex>>\
<<case "FutaTry">>\
<<switch $PC.Sex>>\
<<case "Male">>\
<<set $npcFuckHard.SexDetection to "Male">>\
  You decide to ask the doctor about the experimental treatments he had mentioned. "So what's this about experimental science you mentioned?" you ask as you glance around the room some more. There's still the smell of sex that lingers around the room but Nurse Fucktoy has at least cleaned up some of the pornographic magazines that had been discarded on the floor.
  "I believe I already know the answer but I must still ask the question to be sure! $PC.FirstName, did you become a Futa via the chemicals from the sodas produced by BioWetX or did you become one by fucking one too many Futas..." the doctor asks as he takes in your appearance, his eyes checking out your $BreastSD chest before going down to your groin.
  "I ended up becoming a Futa by drinking a Milkshake Jugs. Grew some tits and a pussy out of nowhere!" you explain as you heft your $BreastSD chest. It still amazes you that someone can become a Futa just by drinking a softdrink.
  "You see, $PC.FirstName I have discovered a way to turn someone permanently into a Futa and without needing to be exposed to the Infested virus!" he says as his voice rises. "Well I said permanently but I have also discovered a way to turn a Futa back into their orginal gender as well!"
  "Wait! How does that even work?" you ask as the idea of someone permanently becoming an Futa without the sodas or virus sounds possible. But the idea of someone turning back from being a Futa sounds a bit farfetche
  "With the right mix of chemicals and other techniques allows a brilliant cosmetic surgeon to do what everyone thought was impossible! In your case I wouldn't take much since you are only affected by the chemicals in the BioWetX products. So $PC.FirstName, would you like to get rid of your tits and pussy?" he asks as he stares at you.
  "Oooh! Nurse Fucktoy thinks you should stay the way you are!" Nurse Fucktoy says as she stands behind you, looking down at your groin. "Nurse Fucktoy thinks your $BreastSize breasts are too nice to give up!"
  Tapping his desk, Doctor FuckHard comments "Undoing such a radical change will not be cheap but also not that expensive. Purging the unwanted changes cause by the product of a pathetic bioengineering company is en easy task due to the best skills of the most skilled surgeon in this entire city! So the cost will come out to be _TreatmentCost dollars."
  He continues while giving you a piercing stare "Or you could choose to embrace your Futa-ness and allow my revolutionary technique to make your temporary change a permanent one! That would be a bit of a more expensive choice however, coming in at _TreatmentCost2 dollars."
<<if (random(19) + 1) + $Skill.Social + $CharismaBonus + $npcFuckHard.Friendship + $npcFuckToy.Friendship > 40>>\
<<set _D10 to Math.round(_TreatmentCost * .1)>>\
<<set _D20 to Math.round(_TreatmentCost2 * .1)>>\
<<set _TreatmentCost to _TreatmentCost - _D10>>\
<<set _TreatmentCost2 to _TreatmentCost2 - _D20>>\
  "You know $PC.FirstName, you've been an excellent patient so far so why don't I toss in a 10% frequent patient discount?" Dr. FuckHard says as you consider the idea and the associated costs.
<div class="pcTalk"><i> Do I really want to trust this doctor's mad science? I mean he sounds positive he can change me back to being male but do I truly want to? Or should I pay to have this be my permenant gender? </i></div>
<<if $Cash >= _TreatmentCost2>>\
<<button [[Become a True Futa|Doctor FuckHard Male to Futa]]>>
<<set $SkillAction to 1>>\
<<set $Cash to $Cash - _TreatmentCost2>>\
<<if $Cash >= _TreatmentCost>>\
<<button [[Return to being Male|Doctor FuckHard Futa to Male]]>>
<<set $SkillAction to 1>>
<<set $Cash to $Cash - _TreatmentCost>>\
<<case "Female">>\
<<set $npcFuckHard.SexDetection to "Female">>\
  You decide to ask the doctor about the experimental treatments he had mentioned. "So what's this about experimental science you mentioned?" you ask as you glance around the room some more. There's still the smell of sex that lingers around the room but Nurse Fucktoy has at least cleaned up some of the pornographic magazines that had been discarded on the floor.
  "I believe I already know the answer but I must still ask the question to be sure! $PC.FirstName, did you become a Futa via the chemicals from the sodas produced by BioWetX or did you become one by fucking one too many Futas..." the doctor asks as he takes in your appearance, his eyes checking out your $BreastSD chest before going down to your groin.
  "I ended up becoming a Futa by drinking a Milkshake Jugs. Grew some tits and a pussy out of nowhere!" you explain as you heft your $BreastSD chest. It still amazes you that someone can become a Futa just by drinking a softdrink.
  "You see, $PC.FirstName I have discovered a way to turn someone permanently into a Futa and without needing to be exposed to the Infested virus! I'm calling it the Futa-Formula, created by Doctor FuckHard MD S.E.X.!" he says as his voice rises. "Well I said permanently but I have also discovered a way to turn a Futa back into their orginal gender as well!"
  "Wait! How does that even work?" you ask as the idea of someone permanently becoming an Futa without the sodas or virus sounds possible. But the idea of someone turning back from being a Futa sounds a bit farfetched.
  "With the right mix of chemicals and other techniques allows a brilliant cosmetic surgeon to do what everyone thought was impossible! In your case I wouldn't take much since you are only affected by the chemicals in the BioWetX products. So $PC.FirstName, would you like to get rid of your dick and balls?" he asks as he stares at you.
  "Oooh! Nurse Fucktoy thinks you should stay the way you are!" Nurse Fucktoy says as she stands behind you, looking down at your groin. "Nurse Fucktoy thinks your $DickSize cock is too nice to give up!"
  Tapping his desk, Doctor FuckHard comments "Undoing such a radical change will not be cheap but also not that expensive. Purging the unwanted changes cause by the product of a pathetic bioengineering company is en easy task due to the best skills of the most skilled surgeon in this entire city! So the cost will come out to be _TreatmentCost dollars."
  He continues while giving you a piercing stare "Or you could choose to embrace your Futa-ness and allow my revolutionary technique to make your temporary change a permanent one! That would be a bit of a more expensive choice however, coming in at _TreatmentCost2 dollars."
<<if (random(19) + 1) + $Skill.Social + $CharismaBonus + $npcFuckHard.Friendship + $npcFuckToy.Friendship > 40>>\
<<set _D10 to Math.round(_TreatmentCost * .1)>>\
<<set _D20 to Math.round(_TreatmentCost2 * .1)>>\
<<set _TreatmentCost to _TreatmentCost - _D10>>\
<<set _TreatmentCost2 to _TreatmentCost2 - _D20>>\
  "You know $PC.FirstName, you've been an excellent patient so far so why don't I toss in a 10% frequent patient discount?" Dr. FuckHard says as you consider the idea and the associated costs.
<div class="pcTalk"><i> Do I really want to trust this doctor's mad science? I mean he sounds positive he can change me back to being female but do I truly want to? Or should I pay to have this be my permenant gender? </i></div>
<<if $Cash >= _TreatmentCost2>>\
<<button [[Become a True Futa|Doctor FuckHard Female to Futa]]>>
<<set $SkillAction to 1>>\
<<set $Cash to $Cash - _TreatmentCost2>>\
<<if $Cash >= _TreatmentCost3>>\
<<button [[Return to being Female|Doctor FuckHard Futa to Female]]>>
<<set $SkillAction to 1>>
<<set $Cash to $Cash - _TreatmentCost3>>\
<<case "Female">>\
<<set $npcFuckHard.SexDetection to "Female">>\
  You decide to ask the doctor about the experimental treatments he had mentioned. "So what's this about experimental science you mentioned?" you ask as you glance around the room some more. There's still the smell of sex that lingers around the room but Nurse Fucktoy has at least cleaned up some of the pornographic magazines that had been discarded on the floor.
  "Oh? You want to know about my great discoveries? I'm more than happy to explain about how a great genius such as I has discovered a way to turn someone into a Futa!" he boasts as his eyes light up. Nurse Fucktoy claps loudly in the background at his grand announcement.
  "That, uh sounds great, Doc... But can't those drinks from BioWetX allow someone to become a Futa already?" you reply slightly unenthusiastically to his grand procedure idea. The idea of needing surgery to do what a soda can could already do sounds a bit of a waste.
  "Ah! You don't understand! This process is a permanent one and without needing to be exposed to the Infested virus! I'm calling it the Futa-Formula, created by Doctor FuckHard MD S.E.X.!" he says as his voice rises. "Well I said permanently but I have also discovered a way to turn a Futa back into their orginal gender as well!"
  "Wait! How does that even work?" you ask as the idea of someone permanently becoming an Futa without the sodas or virus sounds possible. But the idea of someone turning back from being a Futa sounds a bit farfetched.
  "With the right mix of chemicals and other techniques allows a brilliant cosmetic surgeon to do what everyone thought was impossible! So $PC.FirstName, would you like to grow a dick and balls?" he asks as he stares at you.
  "Oooh! Nurse Fucktoy thinks you would look so sexy with nice big futa-cock!" Nurse Fucktoy says as she stands behind you, looking down at your groin. "Nurse Fucktoy would love to be impaled by $PC.FirstName's dick as well!"
  Tapping his desk, Doctor FuckHard comments "I must warn you that such a radical change will not be cheap. Changing someone into a Futa requires hard to aquire supplies and the best skills of the most skilled surgeon in this entire city! So the cost for the basic treatment will come out to be _TreatmentCost2 dollars. But if you want the deluxe treatment I can add even more Silicone-X to the Futa-Formula to allow for an even bigger futa-dick and balls. Of course the deluxe treatment costs more due to the extra Silicone-X and so the price ends up being _TreatmentCost2b dollars."
  Nurse Fucktoy gasps at the thought of you growing an even bigger dick. "That sounds even more amazing! A bigger cock means even more fun! You should go for that option, $PC.FirstName!" she says as her hand slides down beneath her short nurse's uniform.
<<if (random(19) + 1) + $Skill.Social + $CharismaBonus + $npcFuckHard.Friendship + $npcFuckToy.Friendship > 40>>\
<<set _D20 to Math.round(_TreatmentCost2 * .1)>>\
<<set _TreatmentCost2 to _TreatmentCost2 - _D20>>\
<<set _D20b to Math.round(_TreatmentCost2b * .1)>>\
<<set _TreatmentCost2b to _TreatmentCost2b - _D20b>>\
  "You know $PC.FirstName, you've been an excellent patient so far so why don't I toss in a 10% frequent patient discount?" Dr. FuckHard says as you consider the idea and the associated costs.
<div class="pcTalk"><i> Do I really want to trust this doctor's mad science? I mean he sounds positive he can turn me permanently into a Futa but do I really want to become one? </i></div>
<<if $Cash >= _TreatmentCost2>>\
<<button [[Become a Futa|Doctor FuckHard Female to Futa]]>>
<<set $SkillAction to 2>>\
<<set $Cash to $Cash - _TreatmentCost2>>\
<<if $Cash >= _TreatmentCost2b>>\
<<button [[Become a Futa with Deluxe Treatment|Doctor FuckHard Female to Futa]]>>
<<set $SkillAction to 3>>\
<<set $Cash to $Cash - _TreatmentCost2b>>\
<<case "Male">>\
<<set $npcFuckHard.SexDetection to "Male">>\
  You decide to ask the doctor about the experimental treatments he had mentioned. "So what's this about experimental science you mentioned?" you ask as you glance around the room some more. There's still the smell of sex that lingers around the room but Nurse Fucktoy has at least cleaned up some of the pornographic magazines that had been discarded on the floor.
  "Oh? You want to know about my great discoveries? I'm more than happy to explain about how a great genius such as I has discovered a way to turn someone into a Futa!" he boasts as his eyes light up. Nurse Fucktoy claps loudly in the background at his grand announcement.
  "That, uh sounds great, Doc... But can't those drinks from BioWetX allow someone to become a Futa already?" you reply slightly unenthusiastically to his grand procedure idea. The idea of needing surgery to do what a soda can could already do sounds a bit of a waste.
  "Ah! You don't understand! This process is a permanent one and without needing to be exposed to the Infested virus! I'm calling it the Futa-Formula, created by Doctor FuckHard MD S.E.X.!" he says as his voice rises. "Well I said permanently but I have also discovered a way to turn a Futa back into their orginal gender as well!"
  "Wait! How does that even work?" you ask as the idea of someone permanently becoming an Futa without the sodas or virus sounds possible. But the idea of someone turning back from being a Futa sounds a bit farfetched.
  "With the right mix of chemicals and other techniques allows a brilliant cosmetic surgeon to do what everyone thought was impossible! So $PC.FirstName, would you like to grow some tits and a pussy?" he asks as he stares at you.
  "Oooh! Nurse Fucktoy thinks you would look so sexy with nice pair of big titties!" Nurse Fucktoy says as she stands behind you, looking down at your groin. "Nurse Fucktoy would love to eat out $PC.FirstName's wet pussy as well!"
  Tapping his desk, Doctor FuckHard comments "I must warn you that such a radical change will not be cheap. Changing someone into a Futa requires hard to aquire supplies and the best skills of the most skilled surgeon in this entire city! So the cost will come out to be _TreatmentCost2 dollars. But if you want the deluxe treatment I can add even more Silicone-X to the Futa-Formula to allow for an even bigger tits and nipples. Of course the deluxe treatment costs more due to the extra Silicone-X and so the price ends up being _TreatmentCost2b dollars."
  Nurse Fucktoy gasps at the thought of you growing an even bigger chest. "That sounds even more amazing! Bigger tits means even more fun! You should go for that option, $PC.FirstName!" she says as her hand slides down beneath her short nurse's uniform."
<<if (random(19) + 1) + $Skill.Social + $CharismaBonus + $npcFuckHard.Friendship + $npcFuckToy.Friendship > 40>>\
<<set _D20 to Math.round(_TreatmentCost2 * .1)>>\
<<set _TreatmentCost2 to _TreatmentCost2 - _D20>>\
<<set _D20b to Math.round(_TreatmentCost2b * .1)>>\
<<set _TreatmentCost2b to _TreatmentCost2b - _D20b>>\
  "You know $PC.FirstName, you've been an excellent patient so far so why don't I toss in a 10% frequent patient discount?" Dr. FuckHard says as you consider the idea and the associated costs.
<div class="pcTalk"><i> Do I really want to trust this doctor's mad science? I mean he sounds positive he can turn me permanently into a Futa but do I really want to become one? </i></div>
<<if $Cash >= _TreatmentCost2>>\
<<button [[Become a Futa|Doctor FuckHard Male to Futa]]>>
<<set $SkillAction to 2>>\
<<set $Cash to $Cash - _TreatmentCost2>>\
<<button [[Become a Futa with Deluxe Treatment|Doctor FuckHard Male to Futa]]>>
<<set $SkillAction to 3>>\
<<set $Cash to $Cash - _TreatmentCost2b>>\
<<case "Futa">>\
<<set $npcRichard.SexDetection to "Futa">>\
  You decide to ask the doctor about the experimental treatments he had mentioned. "So what's this about experimental science you mentioned?" you curiously ask as you glance around the room some more. There's still the smell of sex that lingers around the room but Nurse Fucktoy has at least cleaned up some of the pornographic magazines that had been discarded on the floor.
  "Oh? You want to know about my great discoveries? I'm more than happy to explain about how a great genius such as I has discovered a way to turn someone into a Futa!" he boasts as his eyes light up. Nurse Fucktoy claps loudly in the background at his grand announcement.
  "That, uh sounds great, Doc... But can't those drinks from BioWetX allow someone to become a Futa already?" you reply slightly unenthusiastically to his grand procedure idea. The idea of needing surgery to do what a soda can could already do sounds a bit of a waste.
  "Ah! You don't understand! This process is a permanent one and without needing to be exposed to the Infested virus! I'm calling it the Futa-Formula, created by Doctor FuckHard MD S.E.X.!" he says as his voice rises. "Well I said permanently but I have also discovered a way to turn a Futa back into their orginal gender as well!"
  "Wait! How does that even work?" you ask as the idea of someone permanently becoming an Futa without the sodas or virus sounds possible. But the idea of someone turning back from being a Futa sounds a bit farfetched.
<<if $PC.OSex is "Female">>\
  "With the right mix of chemicals and other techniques allows a brilliant cosmetic surgeon to do what everyone thought was impossible! In your case it will be a bit more difficult due to the semi-permanent change you've under gone but it's possible! So $PC.FirstName, would you like to get rid of your dick and balls?" he asks as he stares at you.
  "Oooh! Nurse Fucktoy thinks you should stay the way you are!" Nurse Fucktoy says as she stands behind you, looking down at your groin. "Nurse Fucktoy thinks your $DickSize cock is too nice to give up!"
  Tapping his desk, Doctor FuckHard comments "I must warn you that such a radical change will be quite expensive. Changing a Futa back to a their original female gender requires hard to aquire supplies and the best skills of the most skilled surgeon in this entire city! So the cost will come out to be _TreatmentCost3 dollars."
<<if (random(19) + 1) + $Skill.Social + $CharismaBonus + $npcFuckHard.Friendship + $npcFuckToy.Friendship > 40>>\
<<set _D30 to Math.round(_TreatmentCost3 * .1)>>\
<<set _TreatmentCost3 to _TreatmentCost3 - _D30>>\
  "You know $PC.FirstName, you've been an excellent patient so far so why don't I toss in a 10% frequent patient discount?" Dr. FuckHard says as you consider the idea and the associated costs.
<div class="pcTalk"><i> Do I really want to trust this doctor's mad science? I mean he sounds positive he can turn me back into being female but do I really want to turn back? </i></div>
<<if $Cash >= _TreatmentCost3>>\
<<button [[Return to being Female|Doctor FuckHard Futa to Female]]>>
<<set $SkillAction to 2>>\
<<set $Cash to $Cash - _TreatmentCost3>>\
  "With the right mix of chemicals and other techniques allows a brilliant cosmetic surgeon to do what everyone thought was impossible! In your case it will be a bit more difficult due to the semi-permanent change you've under gone but it's possible! So $PC.FirstName, would you like to get rid of your tits and pussy?" he asks as he stares at you.
  "Oooh! Nurse Fucktoy thinks you should stay the way you are!" Nurse Fucktoy says as she stands behind you, looking down at your chest. "Nurse Fucktoy thinks your $BreastSize breasts are too nice to give up!"
  Tapping his desk, Doctor FuckHard comments "I must warn you that such a radical change will be quite expensive. Changing a Futa back to a their original male gender requires hard to aquire supplies and the best skills of the most skilled surgeon in this entire city! So the cost will come out to be _TreatmentCost3 dollars."
<<if (random(19) + 1) + $Skill.Social + $CharismaBonus + $npcFuckHard.Friendship + $npcFuckToy.Friendship > 40>>\
<<set _D30 to Math.round(_TreatmentCost3 * .1)>>\
<<set _TreatmentCost3 to _TreatmentCost3 - _D30>>\
  "You know $PC.FirstName, you've been an excellent patient so far so why don't I toss in a 10% frequent patient discount?" Dr. FuckHard says as you consider the idea and the associated costs.
<div class="pcTalk"><i> Do I really want to trust this doctor's mad science? I mean he sounds positive he can turn me back into being male but do I really want to turn back? </i></div>
<<if $Cash >= _TreatmentCost3>>\
<<button [[Return to being Male|Doctor FuckHard Futa to Male]]>>
<<set $SkillAction to 2>>\
<<set $Cash to $Cash - _TreatmentCost3>>\
<<button [[Chat about Something Else|Doctor FuckHard Chat Options]]>>
<<button [[Leave|Doctor Fuckhard Leave]]>>
<<set $npcFuckHard.Friendship to $npcFuckHard.Friendship - 3 + $SocialSkillFeats.WashmyHair>>\
<<set $npcFuckToy.Friendship to $npcFuckToy.Friendship - 3 + $SocialSkillFeats.WashmyHair>>\
<</button>><<set $genericEvent.Image = $eventPath9 + $arrayEvent9FullScreen[0] + '.jpg'>>\
<img @src=$genericEvent.Image width="512px" height="768px" />
<<set $sexHistory.XP to $sexHistory.XP +1>>\
<<set $LastPartner to $npcFuckToy>>\
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$npcFuckToy.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$npcFuckToy.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _IAss to $arrayAssSizeDesc[$npcFuckToy.AssSize]>>\
<<set _DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$npcFuckHard.DickSize]>>\
<<set _DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$npcFuckHard.DickSize]>>\
<<set $PCChanges.Gender to "Surgery">>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Futa to 0>>\
<<set $Infestation.FutaVariant to $Infestation.FutaCap>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Energized to $StatusAffect.Energized+2>>\
<<set $PC.Sex to "Futa">>\
<<set $npcRichard.SexDetection to "Futa">>\
<<set $Infestation.BruiseCap to 100>>\
<<set $Infestation.MilkCap to 100>>\
<<if $sexHistory.PenisV is 1>>\
<<set $sexHistory.PenisVirginityWho to $npcFuckToy.Name>>\
<<set $sexHistory.PenisV to 0>>\
<<switch $SkillAction>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<set $Cum.Max to $Cum.Max + 1>>\
<<set $Cum.Min to $Cum.Min + 1>>\
<<set $Cum.Stored to $Cum.Max>>\
<<set $CumAD to $arrayCumAmountDesc[$Cum.Stored]>>\
<<set $GCum.Min to $GCum.Min +1>>\
<<set $GCum.Max to $GCum.Max +1>>\
<<set $GCum.Stored to $GCum.Max>>\
<<set $GCumAD to $arrayGCumAmountDesc[$GCum.Stored]>>\
<<case 3>>\
<<set $Infestation.BruiseCap to 100>>\
<<set $PC.HasDick to 1>>\
<<set $PC.DickSize to 12>>\
<<set $PC.MDickSize to $PC.MDickSize + 8>>\
<<set $PC.BallsSize to 12>>\
<<set $PC.MBallsSize to $PC.MBallsSize + 5>>\
<<set $DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$PC.DickSize]>>\
<<set $DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$PC.DickSize]>>\
<<set $BallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$PC.BallsSize]>>\
<<set $BallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$PC.BallsSize]>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.SiliconeP to 7>>\
<<set $Cum.Min to 9>>\
<<set $Cum.Max to 11 + $CharismaBonus>>\
<<set $Cum.Stored to $Cum.Max>>\
<<set $CumAD to $arrayCumAmountDesc[$Cum.Stored]>>\
<<set $Infestation.BruiseCap to 100>>\
<<set $PC.HasDick to 1>>\
<<set $PC.DickSize to 7>>\
<<set $PC.MDickSize to $PC.MDickSize + 3>>\
<<set $PC.BallsSize to 7>>\
<<set $PC.MBallsSize to $PC.MBallsSize + 3>>\
<<set $DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$PC.DickSize]>>\
<<set $DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$PC.DickSize]>>\
<<set $BallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$PC.BallsSize]>>\
<<set $BallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$PC.BallsSize]>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.SiliconeP to 2>>\
<<set $Cum.Min to 4>>\
<<set $Cum.Max to 6 + $CharismaBonus>>\
<<set $Cum.Stored to $Cum.Max>>\
<<set $CumAD to $arrayCumAmountDesc[$Cum.Stored]>>\
<<switch $SkillAction>>\
<<case 1>>\
  Nurse Fucktoy opens the door at the back of the office and leads you into a small examination room. The room is surprisingly clean compared to the office and it looks almost sterile. "Please lie down on the medical bed after removing all of your clothes, $PC.FirstName. Doctor FuckHard will be with you shortly!" Nurse Fucktoy says as she gestures to the bed before stepping back into the dirty office.
  You slowly strip out of your clothes allowing your $BreastSD breasts and your $DickSD futa-cock to be exposed to the world. Lying down on the bed you wait for Doctor FuckHard to show up. The idea of your futa-dick becoming permanent fills you with excitement and you can't wait to get started!
  Your wait is soon over as the doctor strides into the room holding a huge needle filled with grey fluid. He's followed by Nurse Fucktoy who closes the door behind her. "Hello again, $PC.FirstName! Are you ready to fully become a Futa?" he asks as he steps closer to you.
  "I'm ready! Is there anything I need to do or be aware of?" you eagerly reply as you watch Doctor FuckHard fiddle with his huge needle. The thought of such a huge needle being jabbed into you is a bit worrying but you are willing to endure it if it let's you keep your dick.
  "I need you to spread your legs a bit while placing your arms next to your head, $PC.FirstName. After that just sit back, relax and enjoy what's about to happen." the doctor says as stands above your naked body. You quickly spread your legs and place your arms stretched above your head. His gaze sweeps from your $BreastsSize breasts down to your $DickSize futa-cock along with your fully exposed pussy. "Nurse Fucktoy, please restrain our patient's arms for I am about to do Science!"
  Nurse Fucktoy quickly grabs your arms before you can even protest. As you are about to demand to be let go she whispers into your ear "Shhh! Doctor FuckHard wants to make sure you don't accidently damage the needle once it's inserted. Nurse Fucktoy has been told that the sensation can feel a bit intense so he doesn't want to risk something going wrong with his latest patient!"
  You suddenly feel a sharp piercing pain right at the base of your dick and looking down you discover that the doctor had just impaled you with that huge fucking needle while you were distracted! You can only watch as he slowly presses the plunger on that large needle causing that grey fluid to flow into you! As the fluid level on the needle drops you start to feel a surge of almost electric energy from your penis causing you to suddenly feel wet and horny! As the plunger gets lower, the feeling grows stronger and you can't help but let out a lust filled moan.
  "Almost done, $PC.FirstName! Just endure for a moment longer!" Doctor FuckHard demands as he slowly finishes injecting you with his Futa-Formula or whatever he wants to call it. You're having a hard time focusing on what he's saying as the electric feeling is only intensifying! Pulling back with an empty needle, the doctor says "Now it might not be visable, $PC.FirstName, but the miracles of Science and all it's glory is at work!"
  Your whole focus in on your futa-cock that's throbbing from all that electric energy flowing thru it and the energy that's overflowing into your balls. Your $BallsSD balls feel like they are working overtime as pre-cum oozes from the mushroom tip of your penis. The energy spikes one last time before slowly fading away leaving you with quite horny along with a raging futa-cock!
  The sound of clapping breaks you out your intense focus on what just happened. "Congratulations on truly becoming a Futa, $PC.FirstName! Nurse Fucktoy think your dick looks nice!" Nurse Fucktoy says while gazing at your $DickSD futa-dick with no small amount of lust while cupping her _ISD silicone-filled tits. "Nurse Fucktoy wonders how it would feel inside her tight pussy..."
  "It looks like the treatment was a success! There doesn't look like there are any weird changes to your fine futa-dick and I'm sure you will enjoy using it to fuck plenty of people in the future. But before you do that, I believe it's time to verify everything is in working order." Doctor FuckHard says as he steps away.
  "Wait what was that about verifying?" you exclaim as you reluctantly turn your gaze from your dick and focus on the doctor. Your futa-cock bobs gently and it remains hard as a nail even as your focus is elsewhere. Your dick is feeling extra sensitive and you're worried that you would shoot your load if you were to grab it right now.
  "Proper testing is the only way to be sure your newly permanent penis is in full working condition. With that said, Nurse Fucktoy? I leave the testing in your capable hands, er pussy." he explains with a lewd smile before giving Nurse Fucktoy's huge jiggle ass a slap. "Be sure to give our patient a very thorough examination."
  Smiling widely Nurse Fucktoy enthusiasticly replies "Yes sir! Nurse Fucktoy is going to enjoy testing $PC.FirstName's cock!" Before you can protest, the busty nurse hops onto the medical bed and quickly mounts you with her wet pussy inches away from your fully erect futa-cock! Giving you a wink, Nurse Fucktoy huskily says "Just sit back and enjoy the ride, $PC.FirstName!" before sliding her wet pussy against your sensitive dick causing you to let out another lust filled moan. Smirking at your obvious arousal, the naughty buxom nurse slowly lowers her cunt onto your $DickSD futa-dick, completely engulfing all $DickSize's!
  You can feel every inch of your cock being squeezed so tightly by the busty nurse's extremely tight pussy! "Oh fuck! My dick is buried so deep inside your pussy and it's sooo fucking tight! It feels so good!" you groan loudly as you do your best to adjust to the highly sensitive pleasure bombarding your mind. It feels like your futa-cock is leaking pre-cum like a sieve inside the nurse's cunt and your $BallsSD balls feel like they could explode at any moment!
  "Sounds like you are liking being deep inside Nurse Fucktoy's pussy! But what if Nurse Fucktoy does this?" she says before starting to bounce on top your $DickSD futa-cock causing her _ISD silicone-filled tits to bounce and jiggle in front of your face. She uses your $BreastSD breasts in order to brace herself as she continues to fuck you hard. You feel a massive spike in pleasure as your hard shaft is repeatedly buried into her dripping wet pussy and you can't help but grip her _IAss hips in order to start thrusting your $DickSize <<Penis>> deep into her cunt.
  Synching her enthusiastic bounces with your thrusts, Nurse Fucktoy moans "Nurse Fucktoy can feel your twitching futa-cock so eager to blow your load! Go ahead cause it must feel sooo good to know your cock is buried in Nurse Fucktoy's tight cunt!" You can't deny how good it feels and how much it's taking you to not already shoot your load into her tight pussy. Feeling her speed up her fucking to a frantic speed is pushing you to the edge and it doesn't help that she's fondling your $BreastSD titties as well!
  "Oh fuck oh fuck! I'm going to cum! I'm, oh God, oh fuck yes! I'm shooting my hot wad into your fucking pussy!" you scream as you feel the intense pressure in your $BallsSize balls suddenly release and a massive spike of pleasure bursts thru your futa-cock. A $CumAD burst of hot cum shoots from your futa-dick directly into Nurse Fucktoy's hot tight pussy! It feels so good you can't stop thrusting as squirt after squirt of baby-batter splatters inside her cunt. Even your neglected pussy sprays out a $GCumAD wave of girl-cum onto the bed below.
  Nurse Fucktoy screams out "Nurse Fucktoy can feel all your hot cum fill her tight pussy so much! Nurse Fucktoy's cumming so hard! FUCKKKKKK!" You feel her tight cunt squeeze your cock hard as if trying to squeeze out as much of your hot white goo as possible and her grip on your $BreastsSize tits tightens. As her orgasm ends, Nurse Fucktoy huskily says "That was some really good sex, $PC.FirstName!"
  "Indeed! It looks like everything is working 100%!" Doctor FuckHard says loudly from where he was watching the frantic sex session. He has a _DickSD bulge in his pants but luckily he hasn't pulled out his dick. "Your penis should be eager to be used for the next couple of hours with your balls working overtime to produce as much sperm as possible. After that time it should revert to the usual refractory period. If you are still hard after 4 hours than you obviously need to fuck more sluts and bitches." he continues his explanation. You wouldn't mind as having a conversation about your changes but your futa-cock is still hard and still buried in the busty nurse's snatch.
  Luckily Nurse Fucktoy slowly gets out of bed with your male seed dripping from her pussy allowing you to finally sit up. "Uh thanks for that information, Doc. I'll keep that in mind" you mumble as you grab your discarded clothes. "So I'm good to go, I guess?"
  "That is correct, $PC.FirstName! If you desire any other alterations be sure to keep my office in mind. I wish you well on your journey ahead." he says as he watches you get dressed. It's a bit awkward getting your pants on with your dick still being so hard but eventually you figure it out.
  Waving goodbye Nurse Fucktoy says "Good luck, $PC.FirstName! Nurse Fucktoy can't wait to see you again in the future! You and your $DickSize dick!" With that said you head on out of the office and back into the clinic hallways.
<div class="pcTalk"><i> "It felt like it worked! I can feel that I'm now a Futa with a $DickSize futa-dick and a pair of $BallsSize balls filled with cum!" </i></div>
  Nurse Fucktoy opens the door at the back of the office and leads you into a small examination room. The room is surprisingly clean compared to the office and it looks almost sterile. "Please lie down on the medical bed after removing all of your clothes, $PC.FirstName. Doctor FuckHard will be with you shortly!" Nurse Fucktoy says as she gestures to the bed before stepping back into the dirty office.
  You slowly strip out of your clothes allowing your $BreastSD breasts along with your pussy to be exposed to the world. Lying down on the bed you wait for Doctor FuckHard to show up. The idea of growing your own dick fills you with excitement and you can't wait to get started!
  Your wait is soon over as the doctor strides into the room holding a huge needle filled with grey fluid. He's followed by Nurse Fucktoy who closes the door behind her. "Hello again, $PC.FirstName! Are you ready to grow your futa-cock?" he asks as he steps closer to you.
  "I'm ready! Is there anything I need to do or be aware of?" you eagerly reply as you watch Doctor FuckHard fiddle with his huge needle. The thought of such a huge needle being jabbed into you is a bit worrying but you are willing to endure it if it let's you grow a dick.
  "I need you to spread your legs a bit while placing your arms next to your head, $PC.FirstName. After that just sit back, relax and enjoy what's about to happen." the doctor says as stands above your naked body. You quickly spread your legs and place your arms stretched above your head. His gaze sweeps from your $BreastsSize breasts down to your $AssSize ass along with your fully exposed pussy. "Nurse Fucktoy, please restrain our patient's arms for I am about to do Science!"
  Nurse Fucktoy quickly grabs your arms before you can even protest. As you are about to demand to be let go she whispers into your ear "Shhh! Doctor FuckHard wants to make sure you don't accidently damage the needle once it's inserted. Nurse Fucktoy has been told that the sensation can feel a bit intense so he doesn't want to risk something going wrong with his latest patient!"
  You suddenly feel a sharp piercing pain right above your vagina and looking down you discover that the doctor had just impaled you with that huge fucking needle while you were distracted! You can only watch as he slowly presses the plunger on that large needle causing that grey fluid to flow into you! As the fluid level on the needle drops you start to feel a surge of almost electric energy from above your pussy causing you to suddenly feel wet and horny! As the plunger gets lower the feeling grows stronger and you can't help but let out a lust filled moan.
  "Almost done, $PC.FirstName! Just endure for a moment longer!" Doctor FuckHard demands as he slowly finishes injecting you with his Futa-Formula or whatever he wants to call it. You're having a hard time focusing on what he's saying as the electric feeling is only intensifying! Pulling back with an empty needle the doctor says "Now watch closely, $PC.FirstName, and marvel at the miracles of Science and all it's glory!"
  Your whole focus in on your groin as a slight bump forms above your pussy, seemingly a lightning rod for that electric feeling. It slowly grows from a bump to a bulge as each heartbeat thunders in your ears. The large bulge slowly shifts as it pushes outward inch by inch before forming a small mushroom head with a tiny hole. You gasp as you recognize the shape as that of a penis, abit a very tiny baby-sized one!
  As you are about to ask about the size of your new penis, you feel your heart suddenly start to race! You can easily feel the blood rushing to your new organ and your new dick eagerly soaks it all up. Your baby-sized penis hardens and pushes out farther from your groin growing bigger and stronger with each heartbeat. By this point the electric shocking feeling is almost gone, replaced by the pleasant feeling of your new cock becoming engorged with blood!
  After a few moments, you discover that your brand new baby dick has transformed into a $DickSD $DickSize futa-cock! Before you can really take a look at it, there's another tiny surge of electric shock as two bulges form below your new dick! You closely watch as it forms into a ballsack while growing in size to match your big dick. It finally finishes growing leaving you with a $BallsSD pair of $BallsSize balls!
  The sound of clapping breaks you out your intense and total focus on how you just grew a penis. "Congratulations on growing a new dick, $PC.FirstName! Nurse Fucktoy think it looks nice!" Nurse Fucktoy says while gazing at your $DickSD futa-dick no small amount of lust while cupping her _ISD silicone-filled tits. "Nurse Fucktoy wonders how it would feel inside her tight pussy..."
  You're still having a hard believing that the treatment worked and that you just grew a dick! Finding your arms free you reach down and grab your hard futa-cock and give it a squeeze. It feels so thick and heavy that you can't resist giving a stroke causing a droplet of pre-cum to ooze from the tip! A lusty moan escapes your lips as it feels so good!
  "It looks like the treatment was a success! That's a fine futa-dick you have there and I'm sure you will enjoy using it to fuck plenty of people in the future. Now it's time to verify everything is in working order." Doctor FuckHard says as he steps away.
  "Oh yes! I can feel my dick and everything! Wait what was that about verifying?" you exclaim as you reluctantly let go of your new dick and focus on the doctor. Your futa-cock bobs gently after you let go of it and it remains hard as a nail.
  "Proper testing is the only way to be sure your new penis is in full working condition. With that said, Nurse Fucktoy? I leave the testing in your capable hands, er pussy." he explains with a lewd smile before giving Nurse Fucktoy's huge jiggle ass a slap. "Be sure to give our patient a very thorough examination."
  Smiling widely Nurse Fucktoy enthusiasticly replies "Yes sir! Nurse Fucktoy is going to enjoy testing $PC.FirstName's new cock!" Before you can protest, the busty nurse hops onto the medical bed and quickly mounts you with her wet pussy inches away from your fully erect futa-cock! Giving you a wink, Nurse Fucktoy huskily says "Just sit back and enjoy the ride, $PC.FirstName!" before sliding her wet pussy against your sensitive dick causing you to let out another lust filled moan. Smirking at your obvious arousal, the naughty buxom nurse slowly lowers her cunt onto your $DickSD futa-dick, completely engulfing all $DickSize's!
  You can feel every inch of your cock being squeezed so tightly by the busty nurse's extremely tight pussy! "Oh fuck! I can feel my dick buried inside your pussy and it's sooo fucking tight! It feels so good!" you groan loudly as you do your best to adjust to the new sensations and pleasure bombarding your mind. It feels like your futa-cock is leaking pre-cum like a sieve inside the nurse's cunt and your $BallsSD balls feel like they could explode at any moment!
  "Sounds like you are liking being deep inside Nurse Fucktoy's pussy! But what if Nurse Fucktoy does this?" she says before starting to bounce on top your $DickSD futa-cock causing her _ISD silicone-filled tits to bounce and jiggle in front of your face. She uses your $BreastSD breasts in order to brace herself as she continues to fuck you hard. You feel a massive spike in pleasure as your hard shaft is repeatedly buried into her dripping wet pussy and you can't help but grip her _IAss hips in order to start thrusting your $DickSize <<Penis>> deep into her cunt.
  Synching her enthusiastic bounces with your thrusts, Nurse Fucktoy moans "Nurse Fucktoy can feel your twitching futa-cock so eager to blow your load! Go ahead cause it must feel sooo good to have a new strong cock buried in Nurse Fucktoy's tight cunt!" You can't deny how good it feels and how much it's took to not blow your first male load into her tight pussy already. Feeling her speed up her fucking to a frantic speed is pushing you to the edge and it doesn't help that she's fondling your $BreastSD titties as well!
  "Oh fuck oh fuck! I'm going to cum! I'm, oh God, oh fuck yes! I'm cumming so hard from my fucking dick!" you scream as you feel the pressure in your $BallsSize balls suddenly release and a massive spike of pleasure bursts thru your futa-cock. A $CumAD burst of hot cum shoots from your futa-dick directly into Nurse Fucktoy's hot tight pussy! It feels so good you can't stop thrusting as squirt after squirt of baby-batter splatters inside her cunt. Even your neglected pussy sprays out a $GCumAD wave of girl-cum onto the bed below.
  Nurse Fucktoy screams out "Nurse Fucktoy can feel all your hot cum fill her tight pussy! Nurse Fucktoy's cumming so hard! FUCKKKKKK!" You feel her tight cunt squeeze your cock hard as if trying to squeeze out as much of your hot white goo as possible and her grip on your $BreastsSize tits tightens. As her orgasm ends, Nurse Fucktoy huskily says "That was some really good sex, $PC.FirstName!"
  "Indeed! It looks like everything is working 100%!" Doctor FuckHard says loudly from where he was watching the frantic sex session. He has a _DickSD bulge in his pants but luckily he hasn't pulled out his dick. "Your new penis should be eager to be used for the next couple of hours with your balls working overtime to produce as much sperm as possible. After that time it should revert to the usual refractory period. If you are still hard after 4 hours than you obviously need to fuck more sluts and bitches." he continues his explanation. You wouldn't mind having a conversation about your new penis but your futa-cock is still hard while still buried in the busty nurse's snatch.
  Luckily Nurse Fucktoy slowly gets out of bed with your male seed dripping from her pussy allowing you to finally sit up. "Uh thanks for that information, Doc. I'll keep that in mind" you mumble as you grab your discarded clothes. "So I'm good to go, I guess?"
  "That is correct, $PC.FirstName! If you desire any other alterations be sure to keep my office in mind. I wish you well on your journey ahead." he says as he watches you get dressed. It's a bit awkward getting your pants on with your new dick being so hard but eventually you figure it out.
  Waving goodbye Nurse Fucktoy says "Good luck, $PC.FirstName! Nurse Fucktoy can't wait to see you again in the future! You and your $DickSize dick!" With that said you head on out of the office and back into the clinic hallways.
<div class="pcTalk"><i> It really did work! I now have a $DickSize futa-dick and a pair of $BallsSize balls filled with cum! </i></div>
<<button [[Finish|Oak Dale Clinic East Hallway]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<set $doctorEvent.Appointment to 0>>\
<<if ndef $npcFuckToy.Enhance>>\
<<set $npcFuckToy.Enhance to 0>>\
<<if $npcFuckToy.BreastsSize + $npcFuckToy.Enhance < $PC.BreastsSize>>\
<<set $npcFuckToy.Enhance to $npcFuckToy.Enhance +2>>\
<<include "Lust Passes">>\
<<include "Time Passes">>\
<</button>><<set $genericEvent.Image = $eventPath9 + $arrayEvent9FullScreen.random() + '.jpg'>>\
<img @src=$genericEvent.Image width="512px" height="768px" />
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$npcFuckToy.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$npcFuckToy.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$npcFuckHard.DickSize]>>\
<<set _DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$npcFuckHard.DickSize]>>\
<<set $PCChanges.Gender to "Surgery">>\
<<set $PC.Sex to "Futa">>\
<<set $npcRichard.SexDetection to "Futa">>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Futa to 0>>\
<<set $Infestation.FutaVariant to $Infestation.FutaCap>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Energized to $StatusAffect.Energized+2>>\
<<set $Infestation.BruiseCap to 100>>\
<<set $Infestation.MilkCap to 100>>\
<<switch $SkillAction>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<set $Cum.Max to $Cum.Max + 1>>\
<<set $Cum.Min to $Cum.Min + 1>>\
<<set $Cum.Stored to $Cum.Max>>\
<<set $CumAD to $arrayCumAmountDesc[$Cum.Stored]>>\
<<set $GCum.Min to $GCum.Min +1>>\
<<set $GCum.Max to $GCum.Max +1>>\
<<set $GCum.Stored to $GCum.Max>>\
<<set $GCumAD to $arrayGCumAmountDesc[$GCum.Stored]>>\
<<case 3>>\
<<set $PC.HasPussy to 1>>\
<<set $PC.AssSize to 5>>\
<<set $PC.BreastsSize to 10>>\
<<set $PC.NippleSize to 6>>\
<<set $NippleSize to $arrayNippleSize[$PC.NippleSize]>>\
<<set $BreastSD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set $BreastsSize to $arrayBreastSize[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set $AssSize to $arrayAssSizeDesc[$PC.AssSize]>>\
<<set $GCum.Min to 9>>\
<<set $GCum.Max to 11 + $CharismaBonus>>\
<<set $GCum.Stored to $GCum.Max>>\
<<set $GCumAD to $arrayGCumAmountDesc[$GCum.Stored]>>\
<<set $PC.HasPussy to 1>>\
<<set $PC.AssSize to 3>>\
<<set $PC.BreastsSize to 5>>\
<<set $PC.NippleSize to 4>>\
<<set $NippleSize to $arrayNippleSize[$PC.NippleSize]>>\
<<set $BreastSD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set $BreastsSize to $arrayBreastSize[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set $AssSize to $arrayAssSizeDesc[$PC.AssSize]>>\
<<set $GCum.Min to 4>>\
<<set $GCum.Max to 6 + $CharismaBonus>>\
<<set $GCum.Stored to $GCum.Max>>\
<<set $GCumAD to $arrayGCumAmountDesc[$GCum.Stored]>>\
<<switch $SkillAction>>\
<<case 1>>\
  Nurse Fucktoy opens the door at the back of the office and leads you into a small examination room. The room is surprisingly clean compared to the office and it looks almost sterile. "Please lie down on the medical bed after removing all of your clothes, $PC.FirstName. Doctor FuckHard will be with you shortly!" Nurse Fucktoy says as she gestures to the bed before stepping back into the dirty office.
  You slowly strip out of your clothes allowing your $BreastSD breasts and your $DickSD futa-cock to be exposed to the world. Lying down on the bed you wait for Doctor FuckHard to show up. The idea of your pussy becoming permanent fills you with excitement and you can't wait to get started!
  Your wait is soon over as the doctor strides into the room holding a huge needle filled with grey fluid. He's followed by Nurse Fucktoy who closes the door behind her. "Hello again, $PC.FirstName! Are you ready to fully become a Futa?" he asks as he steps closer to you.
  "I'm ready! Is there anything I need to do or be aware of?" you eagerly reply as you watch Doctor FuckHard fiddle with his huge needle. The thought of such a huge needle being jabbed into you is a bit worrying but you are willing to endure it if it let's you keep your pussy.
  "I need you to spread your legs a bit while placing your arms next to your head, $PC.FirstName. After that just sit back, relax and enjoy what's about to happen." the doctor says as stands above your naked body. You quickly spread your legs and place your arms stretched above your head. His gaze sweeps from your $BreastsSize breasts down to your $DickSize futa-cock along with your fully exposed pussy. "Nurse Fucktoy, please restrain our patient's arms for I am about to do Science!"
  Nurse Fucktoy quickly grabs your arms before you can even protest. As you are about to demand to be let go she whispers into your ear "Shhh! Doctor FuckHard wants to make sure you don't accidently damage the needle once it's inserted. Nurse Fucktoy has been told that the sensation can feel a bit intense so he doesn't want to risk something going wrong with his latest patient!"
  You suddenly feel a sharp piercing pain right at the base of your dick and looking down you discover that the doctor had just impaled you with that huge fucking needle while you were distracted! You can only watch as he slowly presses the plunger on that large needle causing that grey fluid to flow into you! As the fluid level on the needle drops you start to feel a surge of almost electric energy from your pussy causing you to suddenly feel wet and horny! As the plunger gets lower, the feeling grows stronger and you can't help but let out a lust filled moan.
  "Almost done, $PC.FirstName! Just endure for a moment longer!" Doctor FuckHard demands as he slowly finishes injecting you with his Futa-Formula or whatever he wants to call it. You're having a hard time focusing on what he's saying as the electric feeling is only intensifying! Pulling back with an empty needle, the doctor says "Now it might not be visable, $PC.FirstName, but the miracles of Science and all it's glory is at work!"
  Your whole focus in on your wet pussy that's leakling like a faucet from all that electric energy flowing thru it and the energy that's overflowing into your chest and ass. Your $BreastSD breasts feel like they are jiggling without being touched as well as your $AssSize caboose! The energy spikes one last time before slowly fading away leaving you with quite horny along with a raging futa-cock!
  The sound of clapping breaks you out your intense focus on what just happened. "Congratulations on truly becoming a Futa, $PC.FirstName! Nurse Fucktoy think your dick looks nice as well as your pussy!" Nurse Fucktoy says while gazing at your $DickSD futa-dick with no small amount of lust while cupping her _ISD silicone-filled tits. "Nurse Fucktoy wonders how it would feel inside her tight pussy..."
  "It looks like the treatment was a success! There doesn't look like there are any weird changes to your fine pussy and I'm sure you will enjoy using it to fuck plenty of people in the future. Now it's time to verify everything is in working order." Doctor FuckHard says as he steps closer to you.
  "Wait, what was that about verifying?" you exclaim as you reluctantly pull your finger out of your cunt and focus on the doctor. Your pussy still feels quite needy and you want to explore that feeling some more.
  "Proper testing is the only way to be sure your new permanent pussy is in full working condition. With that said, Nurse Fucktoy? I need you to keep watch on our vitals as I will be testing out $PC.FirstName's new cunt!" he explains with a lewd smile while staring at your $BreastsSize tits. "I'll be sure to give our patient a very thorough examination."
  Nurse Fucktoy unenthusiastically replies "Yes sir... Nurse Fucktoy will watch you test $PC.FirstName's upgraded pussy..." Before you can even protest, Doctor Fuckhard has his pants unzipped exposing his _DickSize cock and _BallsSD balls! You can only stare in shock as your virgin pussy gets dripping wet from the sight of his _DickSD <<Penis>> bobbing back and forth as he steps between your legs!
  Guiding his long meaty shaft to the entrance of your slit, you can't help but moan as he slides his cock against your sensitive pussy lips before pressing that meat staff against your slit! You eagerly watch as inch by inch his _DickSize <<Penis>> slowly disappears into your extremely tight pussy causing you to let out another louder moan of pure ecstasy! Before long he's completely buried his _DickSD cock into your thirsty pussy!
  "Ahh! It feels like $PC.FirstName's new upgraded pussy is gripping my penis quite hard! Yes! I can feel every inch of her tight pussy and it's about time to fully test out this amazing cunt of yours!" the Infested doctor growls as he pulls his lengthy dick almost all the way out of your pussy before slamming it back in nice and hard!
  Your $BreastSD titties bounce and jiggle from his hard thrusts and you can't help but moan loudly from the divine feeling of having a _DickSD dick inside your new upgraded pussy! Even your $DickSD dick is throbbing hard as you are pounded joyfully by his powerful cock!
  "Oh fuck yes! It feels so amazing being fucked by your _DickSize mega cock! Oh God yess!" you moan as Doctor FuckHard continues to ram his meat staff straight into your cunt. The sound of the hard paces fucking fills the small examination room along with your breathy moans of pleasure! You let out a soft gasp as you feel his firm grip on your $BreastsSize titties and the erotic feeling of the doctor playing with your $BreastSD tits is pushing you ever closer to cumming!
  Still groping your senstive titties, Doctor FuckHard moans "Ah yes! I can feel my patient's pussy gripping my cock so hard while dripping with so many fluids! Cum for me, $PC.FirstName!" His rapid pace hasn't slowed down even a little bit and your only response is even louder moaning as that hard pounding has you on the raze thin edge of orgasm!
emsp; "Oh fuck oh fuck! I'm going to cum! I'm, oh God, oh fuck yes! I'm cumming so hard from my fucking tight pussy!" you scream as you feel your overstuffed pussy clench the doctor's _DickSize dick so hard before suddenly you feel the biggest wave of pleasure you have ever felt erupt from your dripping wet cunt! The pleasure is so intense that you swear you see stars before you feel your cunt unleash a $GCumAD wave of girl-cum all over the good doctor's big dick! Even your neglected futa-cock shoots out a $CumAD ribbon of man-seed onto Doctor FuckHard's hard chest!
  The feeling of you cumming so hard must have pushed Doctor FuckHard over the edge as well as he bellows "Yes..YES...YESSSS! I can feel your tight vagina cumming all over my meaty dick! Prepare for the first creampie of your new pussy!" You can feel his throbbing cock twitch one last time before a firehose of hot cum shoots deep into your thirsty pussy and straight to your new womb! There's so much baby-batter that his seed leaks out from your overfilled pussy and onto the medical bed below!
  From behind your head you hear Nurse Fucktoy scream out "Oh fuck! Nurse Fucktoy is cumming from watching all this hot erotic fucking!" From the sound of if she's having an intense orgasm and the strong smell of sex in the room gets even stronger. As her orgasm ends, Nurse Fucktoy huskily says "That was really hot Doctor FuckHard, $PC.FirstName!"
  "Indeed! It looks like everything is working 100%!" Doctor FuckHard says loudly as he steps back while letting his still hard cock pull out of your satisfied pussy."Your new upgraded pussy should be eager to be used for the next couple of hours with your female prostate working overtime to produce ejaculate fluid. After that time it should revert to the usual production of girl-cum. If you are still wet after 4 hours than you obviously need to fuck more studs and bitches." he continues his explanation while smiling at your creampied pussy.
  "Uh thanks for that information, Doc. I'll keep that in mind" you mumble as you grab your discarded clothes. "So I'm good to go, I guess?" you ask as you watch Nurse Fucktoy lick some of her girl-cum off of her fingers before adjusting her soaking we panties. Doctor FuckHard also follows suit as he zips up his pants hiding his massive dick.
  "That is correct, $PC.FirstName! If you desire any other alterations be sure to keep my office in mind. I wish you well on your journey ahead." he says as he watches you get dressed. It's a bit awkward getting your pants on with your new $BreastSD tits and $AssSize ass being so much bigger but eventually you figure it out.
  Waving goodbye Nurse Fucktoy says "Good luck, $PC.FirstName! Nurse Fucktoy can't wait to see you again in the future! You and your $DickSize dick!" With that said you head on out of the office and back into the clinic hallways.
<div class="pcTalk"><i> It really did work! I permanently have a tight pussy and a $BreastSD pair of $BreastsSize breasts along with my $AssSize ass! </i></div>
  Nurse Fucktoy opens the door at the back of the office and leads you into a small examination room. The room is surprisingly clean compared to the office and it looks almost sterile. "Please lie down on the medical bed after removing all of your clothes, $PC.FirstName. Doctor FuckHard will be with you shortly!" Nurse Fucktoy says as she gestures to the bed before stepping back into the dirty office.
  You slowly strip out of your clothes allowing your $DickSD dick and balls to be exposed to the world. Lying down on the bed you wait for Doctor FuckHard to show up. The idea of growing your own pussy and breasts fills you with excitement and you can't wait to get started!
  Your wait is soon over as the doctor strides into the room holding a huge needle filled with grey fluid. He's followed by Nurse Fucktoy who closes the door behind her. "Hello again. $PC.FirstName! Are you ready to grow a nice pair of tits and a juicy pussy?" he asks as he steps closer to you.
  "I'm ready! Is there anything I need to do or be aware of?" you eagerly reply as you watch Doctor FuckHard fiddle with his huge needle. The thought of such a huge needle being jabbed into you is a bit worrying but you are willing to endure it if it let's you grow a pussy and breasts.
  "I need you to spread your legs a bit while placing your arms next to your head, $PC.FirstName. After that just sit back, relax and enjoy what's about to happen." the doctor says as stands above your naked body. You quickly spread your legs and place your arms stretched above your head. His gaze focuses on your $DickSize dick and $BallsSize balls before glancing at his busty nurse. "Nurse Fucktoy, please restrain our patient's arms for I am about to do Science!"
  Nurse Fucktoy quickly grabs your arms before you can even protest. As you are about to demand to be let go she whispers into your ear "Shhh! Doctor FuckHard wants to make sure you don't accidently damage the needle once it's inserted. Nurse Fucktoy has been told that the sensation can feel a bit intense so he doesn't want to risk something going wrong with his latest patient!"
  You suddenly feel a sharp piercing pain right below your penis and looking down you discover that the doctor had just impaled you with that huge fucking needle while you were distracted! You can only watch as he slowly presses the plunger on that large needle causing that grey fluid to flow into you! As the fluid level on the needle drops you start to feel a surge of almost electric energy from below your dick causing you to suddenly feel wet and horny! As the plunger gets lower the feeling grows stronger and you can't help but let out a lust filled moan.
  "Almost done, $PC.FirstName! Just endure for a moment longer!" Doctor FuckHard demands as he slowly finishes injecting you with his Futa-Formula or whatever he wants to call it. You're having a hard time focusing on what he's saying as the electric feeling is only intensifying! Pulling back with an empty needle the doctor says "Now watch closely, $PC.FirstName, and marvel at the miracles of Science and all it's glory!"
  Your whole focus is on your groin as a slight depression forms below your dick, seemingly a lightning rod for that electric feeling. It slowly grows deeper from a depression to a tiny slit as each heartbeat thunders in your ears. The slit slowly shifts as it pushes deeper inch by inch while growing longer before forming a tiny bead along with folds of flesh. You gasp as you recognize the shape as that of a tiny baby-sized pussy with a itty-bitty clit!
  As you are about to ask about the size of your new pussy, you feel your heart suddenly start to race! You can easily feel the blood rushing to your new organ and your new pussy eagerly soaks it all up. Your baby-sized pussy quickly deepens while growing longer with each heartbeat. By this point the electric shocking feeling is almost gone, replaced by the pleasant feeling of your new pussy slowly shifting into the proper shape and size!
  After a few moments, you discover that your brand new baby pussy has transformed into a proper cunt! Before you can really take a look at it, there's a massive surge of electric shock in your hard chest as two soft bulges start to push out! The weight on your chest grows heavier as your new breasts take shape. With each heartbeat your tits expands, blocking more and more of your vision as you look toward your pussy. Your new tits finally finish growing leaving you with a $BreastSD pair of $BreastSize breasts topped by some hard $NippleSize nipples!
  Just as you believe it's all over you feel your ass start to expand as another bolt of electricity surges in that area. Your growing butt slowly pushes you away from the table you are sitting on as more cushioning flows into your posterior! Before long the expanding sensation slows down leaving you with a $AssSize ass!
  The sound of clapping breaks you out your intense and total focus on how you just grew a pair of tits, a tight pussy and a nice ass. "Congratulations on growing a new pussy, $PC.FirstName! Nurse Fucktoy think it looks nice!" Nurse Fucktoy says while gazing at your wet pussy no small amount of lust while cupping her _ISD silicone-filled tits. "Nurse Fucktoy also thinks your $BreastSD tits look really nice as well. Not as big as Nurse Fucktoy's _ICup jugs but they are still some great looking titties!"
  You're still having a hard believing that the treatment worked and that you just grew a pussy and tits! Finding your arms free you reach down and cup your wet pussy and give it a slight rub. It feels so wet and rubbery that you can't resist slipping a finger in causing a droplet of pre-cum to drip from your slit! A lusty moan escapes your lips as it feels so good!
  "It looks like the treatment was a success! That's a fine pussy you have there and I'm sure you will enjoy using it to fuck plenty of people in the future. Now it's time to verify everything is in working order." Doctor FuckHard says as he steps closer to you.
  "Oh yes! I can feel my pussy and everything! Wait, what was that about verifying?" you exclaim as you reluctantly pull your finger out of your cunt and focus on the doctor. Your pussy still feels quite needly and you want to explore that feeling some more.
  "Proper testing is the only way to be sure your new pussy is in full working condition. With that said, Nurse Fucktoy? I need you to keep watch on our vitals as I will be testing out $PC.FirstName's new cunt!" he explains with a lewd smile while staring at your $BreastsSize tits. "I'll be sure to give our patient a very thorough examination."
  Nurse Fucktoy unenthusiastically replies "Yes sir... Nurse Fucktoy will watch you test $PC.FirstName's new pussy..." Before you can even protest, Doctor Fuckhard has his pants unzipped exposing his _DickSize cock and _BallsSD balls! You can only stare in shock as your virgin pussy gets dripping wet from the sight of his _DickSD <<Penis>> bobbing back and forth as he steps between your legs!
  Guiding his long meaty shaft to the entrance of your slit, you can't help but moan as he slides his cock against your sensitive pussy lips before pressing that meat staff against your slit! You eagerly watch as inch by inch his _DickSize <<Penis>> slowly disappears into your extremely tight pussy causing you to let out another louder moan of pure ecstasy! Before long he's completely buried his _DickSD cock into your ex-virgin pussy!
  "Ahh! It feels like $PC.FirstName's new pussy is gripping my penis quite hard! Yes! I can feel every inch of her tight pussy and it's about time to fully test out this amazing cunt of yours!" the Infested doctor growls as he pulls his lengthy dick almost all the way out of your pussy before slamming it back in nice and hard!
  Your new $BreastSD titties bounce and jiggle from his hard thrusts and you can't help but moan loudly from the divine feeling of having a _DickSD dick inside your new pussy! Even your $DickSD dick is throbbing hard as you are pounded joyfully by his powerful cock!
  "Oh fuck yes! It feels so amazing being fucked by your _DickSize mega cock! Oh God yess!" you moan as Doctor FuckHard continues to ram his meat staff straight into your cunt. The sound of the hard paces fucking fills the small examination room along with your breathy moans of pleasure! You let out a soft gasp as you feel his firm grip on your $BreastsSize titties and the erotic feeling of the doctor playing with your $BreastSD tits is pushing you ever closer to cumming!
  Still groping your senstive titties, Doctor FuckHard moans "Ah yes! I can feel my patient's pussy gripping my cock so hard while dripping with so many fluids! Cum for me, $PC.FirstName!" His rapid pace hasn't slowed down even a little bit and your only response is even louder moaning as that hard pounding has you on the raze thin edge of orgasm!
  "Oh fuck oh fuck! I'm going to cum! I'm, oh God, oh fuck yes! I'm cumming so hard from my fucking tight pussy!" you scream as you feel your overstuffed pussy clench the doctor's _DickSize dick so hard before suddenly you feel the biggest wave of pleasure you have ever felt erupt from your dripping wet cunt! The pleasure is so intense that you swear you see stars before you feel your cunt unleash a $GCumAD wave of girl-cum all over the good doctor's big dick! Even your neglected futa-cock shoots out a $CumAD ribbon of man-seed onto Doctor FuckHard's hard chest!
  The feeling of you cumming so hard must have pushed Doctor FuckHard over the edge as well as he bellows "Yes..YES...YESSSS! I can feel your tight vagina cumming all over my meaty dick! Prepare for the first creampie of your new pussy!" You can feel his throbbing cock twitch one last time before a firehose of hot cum shoots deep into your thirsty pussy and straight to your new womb! There's so much baby-batter that his seed leaks out from your overfilled pussy and onto the medical bed below!
  From behind your head you hear Nurse Fucktoy scream out "Oh fuck! Nurse Fucktoy is cumming from watching all this hot erotic fucking!" From the sound of if she's having an intense orgasm and the strong smell of sex in the room gets even stronger. As her orgasm ends, Nurse Fucktoy huskily says "That was really hot Doctor FuckHard, $PC.FirstName!"
  "Indeed! It looks like everything is working 100%!" Doctor FuckHard says loudly as he steps back while letting his still hard cock pull out of your satisfied pussy."Your new pussy should be eager to be used for the next couple of hours with your female prostate working overtime to produce ejaculate fluid. After that time it should revert to the usual production of girl-cum. If you are still wet after 4 hours than you obviously need to fuck more studs and bitches." he continues his explanation while smiling at your creampied pussy.
  "Uh thanks for that information, Doc. I'll keep that in mind" you mumble as you grab your discarded clothes. "So I'm good to go, I guess?" you ask as you watch Nurse Fucktoy lick some of her girl-cum off of her fingers before adjusting her soaking we panties. Doctor FuckHard also follows suit as he zips up his pants hiding his massive dick.
  "That is correct, $PC.FirstName! If you desire any other alterations be sure to keep my office in mind. I wish you well on your journey ahead." he says as he watches you get dressed. It's a bit awkward getting your pants on with your new $BreastSD tits and $AssSize ass being so much bigger but eventually you figure it out.
  Waving goodbye Nurse Fucktoy says "Good luck, $PC.FirstName! Nurse Fucktoy can't wait to see you again in the future! You and your $DickSize dick!" With that said you head on out of the office and back into the clinic hallways.
<div class="pcTalk"><i> It really did work! I now have a tight pussy and a $BreastSD pair of $BreastsSize breasts! Even my $AssSize ass is looking a bit bigger! </i></div>
<<button [[Finish|Oak Dale Clinic East Hallway]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<set $doctorEvent.Appointment to 0>>\
<<if ndef $npcFuckToy.Enhance>>\
<<set $npcFuckToy.Enhance to 0>>\
<<if $npcFuckToy.BreastsSize + $npcFuckToy.Enhance < $PC.BreastsSize>>\
<<set $npcFuckToy.Enhance to $npcFuckToy.Enhance +2>>\
<<include "Lust Passes">>\
<<include "Time Passes">>\
<</button>><img @src=$genericEvent.Image />
<<set _DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$PC.DickSize]>>\
<<set _DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$PC.DickSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$PC.BallsSize]>>
<<set _BallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$PC.BallsSize]>>\
<<set $PC.DickSize to $PC.DickSize + $SkillAction>>\
<<set $DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$PC.DickSize]>>\
<<set $DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$PC.DickSize]>>\
<<set $PC.MDickSize to $PC.MDickSize + $SkillAction>>\
<<if $SexScene1 is 1>>\
<<set $PC.BallsSize to $PC.BallsSize + $SkillAction>>\
<<set $BallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$PC.BallsSize]>>
<<set $BallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$PC.BallsSize]>>\
<<set $PC.MBallsSize to $PC.MBallsSize + $SkillAction>>\
<<set $Cum.Max to $Cum.Max + $SkillAction>>\
<<set $Cum.Min to $Cum.Min + $SkillAction>>\
<<set $Cum.Stored to $Cum.Max>>\
<<set $CumAD to $arrayCumAmountDesc[$Cum.Stored]>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.SiliconeP to $StatusAffect.SiliconeP + $SkillAction>>\
<<if (random(19) + 1) + $Skill.Social + $CharismaBonus > 15>>\
<<set $npcFuckHard.Friendship to $npcFuckHard.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity +2 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set $npcFuckToy.Friendship to $npcFuckToy.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity +2 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe + $SkillAction>>\
<<set $npcFuckHard.Friendship to $npcFuckHard.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity +1 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set $npcFuckToy.Friendship to $npcFuckToy.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity +1 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe + $SkillAction>>\
<<switch _Sex>>\
<<case "Futa">>\
  Nurse Fucktoy opens the door at the back of the office and leads you into a small examination room. The room is surprisingly clean compared to the office and it looks almost sterile. "Please lie down on the medical bed after removing all of your clothes, $PC.FirstName. Doctor FuckHard will be with you shortly!" Nurse Fucktoy says as she gestures to the bed before stepping back into the dirty office.
  You slowly strip out of your clothes allowing your $BreastSD breasts along with your $DickSize futa-cock to be exposed to the world. Lying down on the bed you wait for Doctor FuckHard to show up. The idea of your dick being pumped up to an even bigger size fills you with excitement and you can't wait to get started!
  Soon Doctor FuckHard walks into the room with a large portable machine that has a long hose connected to a huge fucking needle. He's followed by Nurse Fucktoy who closes the door behind her. "Hello again, $PC.FirstName! Are you ready to get your your dick pumped up nice and big?" he asks as he steps closer to you.
  "I'm ready! Is there anything I need to do or be aware of?" you hesitantly reply as you watch Doctor FuckHard fiddle with the machine. The thought of such huge needles being jabbed into you is a bit worrying but you are willing to endure at the thought of having a bigger penis.
  "Just lie back and relax. The process of being injected with Silicone-X is quite pleasurable so enjoy the feeling of having your _DickSD noodle become a proper $DickSD meat staff!" he says as he finishes messing with the injector machine. You watch in nervous anticipation as he guides the huge needle to your _DickSD _DickSize dick and soon there's a sharp prick on the underside of your futa-cock.
  It doesn't take long until the feeling of liquid gel starts to flow into your dick and balls causing you to gasp in pleasure. It feels surprisingly good as you watch your shaft slowly expand as the silicone fills your penis. Your nipples are rock hard as you try to stifle a pleasure filled moan.
  Hearing your lusty moan, Nurse Fucktoy reaches down and grips your expanding dick! "Doesn't it feel so good to have your cock and balls grow bigger? To have your dick jacked off by Nurse Fucktoy?" she asks as she strokes your sensitive shaft and you can't deny how amazing it feels as all the silicone pumps into your penis! Your pussy feels soaking wet as your _DickSD futa-cock leaks pre-cum all over her hand. Your breathing becomes heavy with a decent amount of moaning mixed in. "Nurse Fucktoy thinks you are going to cum so hard by the time your dick finishes growing!" she whispers huskily into your ear as she fondles your growing balls! You are already getting close to cumming as your sensitive dick just feels too good to handle!
  Almost without thought, your own hands reach down and covers Nurse Fucktoy's slim hands! The dual sensation of Nurse Fucktoy's hand and your own hands gripping your pleasure-filled dick pushes you over the edge as you scream out "Oh fuck yes! I'm cmming so hard from having my big cock played with!" You feel your wet pussy clench hard and you unleash a $GCumAD wave of girl-cum all over the medical bed while at the same time your futa-dick shoots out a $CumAD wad of gooey cum all over Nurse Fucktoy's eager face and hands!
  As you come down from your intense orgasm the injector pulls away from your groin as the flow of silicone stops. Taking a deep breath you finally check out the changes to your dick as Nurse Fucktoy reluctantly releases her grip on it in order to scoop some of your cum off of her face. Looking down you verify that you now have a $DickSD $DickSize futa-cock along with a $BallsSD pair of $BallsSize balls!
  "It looks like the enhancement treatment was a success! Not that there was any doubt with the work being done by the best cosmetic surgeon in the city!" Doctor FuckHard says as he admires your $DickSD dick with a huge bulge in his pants!
  "Nurse Fucktoy thinks $PC.FirstName's $DickSD pumped up cock look hot as hell and wants to play with it some more!" Nurse Fucktoy says as she stares down at your $DickSize shaft with a lewd smile on her face while licking her fingers clean. It seems like it's taking all her willpower to not grope your dick again and for a moment you are tempted to let her.
  It takes you a moment to sit up as you have to adjust to the extra weight down below. As you finally manage to sit up you reply "Thanks, Doctor FuckHard! I've loving how my upgraded cock look and feel!" as you admire the weight and heft of your upgraded dick and balls. It look so nice on your body and you can't wait to see how much of a bulge your clothes will display once you get dressed which you start to do so.
  "Well it looks like this is all the time we have today, $PC.FirstName! If you desire any other alterations be sure to keep my office in mind. I wish you well on your journey ahead." he says as he watches you get dressed. It's a bit awkward getting your bottom on with the additional weight down below but eventually you do so.
  Waving goodbye Nurse Fucktoy says "Good luck, $PC.FirstName! Nurse Fucktoy can't wait to see you again in the future! You and your $DickSize futa-cock!" With that said you head on out of the office and back into the clinic hallways.
  Nurse Fucktoy opens the door at the back of the office and leads you into a small examination room. The room is surprisingly clean compared to the office and it looks almost sterile. "Please lie down on the medical bed after removing all of your clothes, $PC.FirstName. Doctor FuckHard will be with you shortly!" Nurse Fucktoy says as she gestures to the bed before stepping back into the dirty office.
  You slowly strip out of your clothes allowing your $DickSize cock along with your $BallsSize balls to be exposed to the world. Lying down on the bed you wait for Doctor FuckHard to show up. The idea of your dick being pumped up to an even bigger size fills you with excitement and you can't wait to get started!
  Soon Doctor FuckHard walks into the room with a large portable machine that has a long hose connected to a huge fucking needle. He's followed by Nurse Fucktoy who closes the door behind her. "Hello again, $PC.FirstName! Are you ready to get your your dick pumped up nice and big?" he asks as he steps closer to you.
  "I'm ready! Is there anything I need to do or be aware of?" you hesitantly reply as you watch Doctor FuckHard fiddle with the machine. The thought of such huge needles being jabbed into you is a bit worrying but you are willing to endure at the thought of having a bigger penis.
  "Just lie back and relax. The process of being injected with Silicone-X is quite pleasurable so enjoy the feeling of having your _DickSD noodle become a proper $DickSD meat staff!" he says as he finishes messing with the injector machine. You watch in nervous anticipation as he guides the huge needle to your _DickSD _DickSize dick and soon there's a sharp prick on the underside of your cock.
  It doesn't take long until the feeling of liquid gel starts to flow into your dick and balls causing you to gasp in pleasure. It feels surprisingly good as you watch your shaft slowly expand as the silicone fills your penis. Your nipples are rock hard as you try to stifle a pleasure filled moan.
  Hearing your lusty moan, Nurse Fucktoy reaches down and grips your expanding dick! "Doesn't it feel so good to have your cock and balls grow bigger? To have your dick jacked off by Nurse Fucktoy?" she asks as she strokes your sensitive shaft and you can't deny how amazing it feels as all the silicone pumps into your penis! You can feel your _DickSD futa-cock leaking pre-cum all over her hand as your balls expand, filling up with silicone. Your breathing becomes heavy with a decent amount of moaning mixed in. "Nurse Fucktoy thinks you are going to cum so hard by the time your dick finishes growing!" she whispers huskily into your ear as she fondles your growing balls! You are already getting close to cumming as your sensitive dick just feels too good to handle!
  Almost without thought, your own hands reach down and covers Nurse Fucktoy's slim hands! The dual sensation of Nurse Fucktoy's hand and your own hands gripping your pleasure-filled dick pushes you over the edge as you scream out "Oh fuck yes! I'm cmming so hard from having my big cock played with!" You feel your balls puse one last time before your throbbing dick shoots out a $CumAD wad of gooey cum all over Nurse Fucktoy's eager face and hands!
  As you come down from your intense orgasm the injector pulls away from your groin as the flow of silicone stops. Taking a deep breath you finally check out the changes to your dick as Nurse Fucktoy reluctantly releases her grip on it in order to scoop some of your cum off of her face. Looking down you verify that you now have a $DickSD $DickSize cock along with a $BallsSD pair of $BallsSize balls!
  "It looks like the enhancement treatment was a success! Not that there was any doubt with the work being done by the best cosmetic surgeon in the city!" Doctor FuckHard says as he admires your $DickSD dick with a huge bulge in his pants!
  "Nurse Fucktoy thinks $PC.FirstName's $DickSD pumped up cock look hot as hell and wants to play with it some more!" Nurse Fucktoy says as she stares down at your $DickSize shaft with a lewd smile on her face while licking her fingers clean. It seems like it's taking all her willpower to not grope your dick again and for a moment you are tempted to let her.
  It takes you a moment to sit up as you have to adjust to the extra weight down below. As you finally manage to sit up you reply "Thanks, Doctor FuckHard! I've loving how my upgraded cock look and feel!" as you admire the weight and heft of your upgraded dick and balls. It look so nice on your body and you can't wait to see how much of a bulge your clothes will display once you get dressed which you start to do so.
  "Well it looks like this is all the time we have today, $PC.FirstName! If you desire any other alterations be sure to keep my office in mind. I wish you well on your journey ahead." he says as he watches you get dressed. It's a bit awkward getting your bottom on with the additional weight down below but eventually you do so.
  Waving goodbye Nurse Fucktoy says "Good luck, $PC.FirstName! Nurse Fucktoy can't wait to see you again in the future! You and your $DickSize cock!" With that said you head on out of the office and back into the clinic hallways.
<div class="pcTalk"><i> It really did work! I now have a $DickSD $DickSize penis along with a pair of $BallsSD $BallsSize balls!</i></div>
<<button [[Finish|Oak Dale Clinic East Hallway]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<set $doctorEvent.Appointment to 0>>\
<<if ndef $npcFuckToy.Enhance>>\
<<set $npcFuckToy.Enhance to 0>>\
<<include "Time Passes">>\
<</button>><img @src=$genericEvent.Image />
<<set $PCChanges.BreastsGrowth to "Silicone">>\
<<set _BreastSD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _BreastsSize to $arrayBreastSize[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set $PC.BreastsSize to $PC.BreastsSize + $SkillAction>>\
<<set $BreastSD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set $BreastsSize to $arrayBreastSize[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set $PC.NippleSize to $PC.NippleSize + $SkillAction>>\
<<set $NippleSize to $arrayNippleSize[$PC.NippleSize]>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.SiliconeB to $StatusAffect.SiliconeB + $SkillAction>>\
<<set $PC.MBreastsSize to $PC.MBreastsSize + $SkillAction>>\
<<set $PC.MMBreastsSize to $PC.MMBreastsSize + $SkillAction>>\
<<if (random(19) + 1) + $Skill.Social + $CharismaBonus > 15>>\
<<set $npcFuckHard.Friendship to $npcFuckHard.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity +2 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe + $SkillAction>>\
<<set $npcFuckToy.Friendship to $npcFuckToy.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity +2 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set $npcFuckHard.Friendship to $npcFuckHard.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity +1 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe + $SkillAction>>\
<<set $npcFuckToy.Friendship to $npcFuckToy.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity +1 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<if $PC.Sex is "Futa" or $StatusAffect.Futa > 0>>\
<<set _Sex to "Futa">>\
<<elseif $PC.Sex is "Male" and $StatusAffect.Futa < 1>>\
<<set _Sex to "Male">>\
<<set _Sex to "Female">>\
<<switch _Sex>>\
<<case "Futa">>\
  Nurse Fucktoy opens the door at the back of the office and leads you into a small examination room. The room is surprisingly clean compared to the office and it looks almost sterile. "Please lie down on the medical bed after removing all of your clothes, $PC.FirstName. Doctor FuckHard will be with you shortly!" Nurse Fucktoy says as she gestures to the bed before stepping back into the dirty office.
  You slowly strip out of your clothes allowing your $BreastSD breasts along with your $DickSize futa-cock to be exposed to the world. Lying down on the bed you wait for Doctor FuckHard to show up. The idea of your breasts being pumped up to an even bigger size fills you with excitement and you can't wait to get started!
  Soon Doctor FuckHard walks into the room with a large portable machine that has two long hoses connected to a pair of needles. He's followed by Nurse Fucktoy who closes the door behind her. "Hello again, $PC.FirstName! Are you ready to get your tits pumped up nice and big?" he asks as he steps closer to you.
  "I'm ready! Is there anything I need to do or be aware of?" you hesitantly reply as you watch Doctor FuckHard fiddle with the machine. The thought of such huge needles being jabbed into you is a bit worrying but you are willing to endure at the thought of having a bigger chest.
  "Just lie back and relax. The process of being injected with Silicone-X is quite pleasurable so enjoy the feeling of having your _BreastSD breasts become proper $BreastSD tits!" he says as he finishes messing with the injector machine. You watch in nervous anticipation as he guides the huge needles to your _BreastSD _BreastsSize breasts and soon there's two sharp pricks on the underside of your breasts.
  It doesn't take long until the feeling of liquid gel starts to flow into your tits causing you to gasp in pleasure. It feels surprisingly good as you watch your breasts slowly expand as the silicone fills your breasts. Your nipples are rock hard as you try to stifle a pleasure filled moan.
  Hearing your lusty moan, Nurse Fucktoy reaches down and grips your expanding tits! "Doesn't it feel so good to have your titties grow bigger? To have them played with by Nurse Fucktoy?" she asks as she fondles your sensitive breasts and you can't deny how amazing it feels as all the silicone pumps into your tits! Your pussy feels soaking wet along with your $DickSD futa-cock becoming rock hard. Your breathing becomes heavy with a decent amount of moaning mixed in. "Nurse Fucktoy thinks you are going to cum so hard by the time your titties finish growing!" she whispers huskily into your ear as she pinches your hard nipple! You are already getting close to cumming as your sensitive tits just feels too good to handle!
  Almost without thought, your own hands reach up and cup your growing jugs! The dual sensation of Nurse Fucktoy's hand and your own hands groping your pleasure-filled tits pushes you over the edge as you scream out "Oh fuck yes! I'm cumming so hard from having my big tits played with!" You feel your wet pussy clench hard and you unleash a $GCumAD wave of girl-cum all over the medical bed while at the same time your futa-dick shoots out a $CumAD wad of gooey cum all over Nurse Fucktoy's eager face!
  As you come down from your intense orgasm the injector pulls away from your chest as the flow of silicone stops. Taking a deep breath you finally check out the changes to your breasts as Nurse Fucktoy reluctantly releases her grip on them in order to scoop some of your cum off of her face. Looking down you verify that you now have a $BreastSD pair of $BreastsSize breasts with $NippleSize long nipples topping them!
  "It looks like the enhancement treatment was a success! Not that there was any doubt with the work being done by the best cosmetic surgeon in the city!" Doctor FuckHard says as he admires your $BreastSD chest with a huge bulge in his pants!
  "Nurse Fucktoy thinks $PC.FirstName's $BreastSD fake tits look hot as hell and wants to play with them some more!" Nurse Fucktoy says as she stares down at your $BreastsSize jugs with a lewd smile on her face while licking her fingers clean. It seems like it's taking all her willpower to not grope them again and for a moment you are tempted to let her.
  It takes you a moment to sit up as you have to adjust to the extra weight up top. As you finally manage to sit up you reply "Thanks, Doctor FuckHard! I've loving how my upgraded breasts look and feel!" as you admire the weight and heft of your new titties. They look so nice on your body and you can't wait to see how much cleavage your clothes will display once you get dressed which you start to do so.
  "Well it looks like this is all the time we have today, $PC.FirstName! If you desire any other alterations be sure to keep my office in mind. I wish you well on your journey ahead." he says as he watches you get dressed. It's a bit awkward getting your top on with the additional weight up top but eventually you do so.
  Waving goodbye Nurse Fucktoy says "Good luck, $PC.FirstName! Nurse Fucktoy can't wait to see you again in the future! You and your $BreastsSize breasts!" With that said you head on out of the office and back into the clinic hallways.
  Nurse Fucktoy opens the door at the back of the office and leads you into a small examination room. The room is surprisingly clean compared to the office and it looks almost sterile. "Please lie down on the medical bed after removing all of your clothes, $PC.FirstName. Doctor FuckHard will be with you shortly!" Nurse Fucktoy says as she gestures to the bed before stepping back into the dirty office.
  You slowly strip out of your clothes allowing your $BreastSD breasts and $AssSize ass to be exposed to the world. Lying down on the bed you wait for Doctor FuckHard to show up. The idea of your breasts being pumped up to an even bigger size fills you with excitement and you can't wait to get started!
  Soon Doctor FuckHard walks into the room with a large portable machine that has two long hoses connected to a pair of needles. He's followed by Nurse Fucktoy who closes the door behind her. "Hello again, $PC.FirstName! Are you ready to get your your tits pumped up nice and big?" he asks as he steps closer to you.
  "I'm ready! Is there anything I need to do or be aware of?" you hesitantly reply as you watch Doctor FuckHard fiddle with the machine. The thought of such huge needles being jabbed into you is a bit worrying but you are willing to endure at the thought of having a bigger chest.
  "Just lie back and relax. The process of being injected with Silicone-X is quite pleasurable so enjoy the feeling of having your _BreastSD breasts become proper $BreastSD tits!" he says as he finishes messing with the injector machine. You watch in nervous anticipation as he guides the huge needles to your _BreastSD _BreastsSize breasts and soon there's two sharp pricks on the underside of your breasts.
  It doesn't take long until the feeling of liquid gel starts to flow into your tits causing you to gasp in pleasure. It feels surprisingly good as you watch your breasts slowly expand as the silicone fills your breasts. Your nipples are rock hard as you try to stifle a pleasure filled moan.
  Hearing your lusty moan, Nurse Fucktoy reaches down and grips your expanding tits! "Doesn't it feel so good to have your titties grow bigger? To have them played with by Nurse Fucktoy?" she asks as she fondles your sensitive breasts and you can't deny how amazing it feels as all the silicone pumps into your tits! Your pussy feels soaking wet as your breathing becomes heavy with a decent amount of moaning mixed in. "Nurse Fucktoy thinks you are going to cum so hard by the time your titties finish growing!" she whispers huskily into your ear as she pinches your hard nipple! You are already getting close to cumming as your sensitive tits just feels too good to handle!
  Almost without thought, your own hands reach up and cup your growing jugs! The dual sensation of Nurse Fucktoy's hand and your own hands groping your pleasure-filled tits pushes you over the edge as you scream out "Oh fuck yes! I'm cumming so hard from having my big tits played with!" You feel your wet pussy clench hard and you unleash a $GCumAD wave of girl-cum all over the medical bed!
  As you come down from your intense orgasm the injector pulls away from your chest as the flow of silicone stops. Taking a deep breath you finally check out the changes to your breasts as Nurse Fucktoy reluctantly releases her grip on them. Looking down you verify that you now have a $BreastSD pair of $BreastsSize breasts with $NippleSize long nipples topping them!
  "It looks like the enhancement treatment was a success! Not that there was any doubt with the work being done by the best cosmetic surgeon in the city!" Doctor FuckHard says as he admires your $BreastSD chest with a huge bulge in his pants!
  "Nurse Fucktoy thinks $PC.FirstName's $BreastSD fake tits look hot as hell and wants to play with them some more!" Nurse Fucktoy says as she stares down at your $BreastsSize jugs with a lewd smile on her face. It seems like it's taking all her willpower to not grope them again and for a moment you are tempted to let her.
  It takes you a moment to sit up as you have to adjust to the extra weight up top. As you finally manage to sit up you reply "Thanks, Doctor FuckHard! I've loving how my upgraded breasts look and feel!" as you admire the weight and heft of your new titties. They look so nice on your body and you can't wait to see how much cleavage your clothes will display once you get dressed which you start to do so.
  "Well it looks like this is all the time we have today, $PC.FirstName! If you desire any other alterations be sure to keep my office in mind. I wish you well on your journey ahead." he says as he watches you get dressed. It's a bit awkward getting your top on with the additional weight up top but eventually you do so.
  Waving goodbye Nurse Fucktoy says "Good luck, $PC.FirstName! Nurse Fucktoy can't wait to see you again in the future! You and your $BreastsSize breasts!" With that said you head on out of the office and back into the clinic hallways.
<div class="pcTalk"><i> It really did work! I now have a $BreastSD pair of $BreastsSize breasts with $NippleSize long nipples!</i></div>
<<button [[Finish|Oak Dale Clinic East Hallway]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<set $doctorEvent.Appointment to 0>>\
<<if ndef $npcFuckToy.Enhance>>\
<<set $npcFuckToy.Enhance to 0>>\
<<include "Lust Passes">>\
<<include "Time Passes">>\
<</button>><img @src=$genericEvent.Image />
<<set $PCChanges.Gender to "Surgery">>\
<<set $LastPartner to $npcFuckHard>>\
<<set $sexHistory.XP to $sexHistory.XP +1>>\
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$npcFuckToy.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$npcFuckToy.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _IAss to $arrayAssSizeDesc[$npcFuckToy.AssSize]>>\
<<set _DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$npcFuckHard.DickSize]>>\
<<set _DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$npcFuckHard.DickSize]>>\
<<set _ODickSD to $DickSD>>\
<<set _ODickSize to $DickSize>>\
<<set _OBallsSD to $BallsSD>>\
<<set _OBallsSize to $BallsSize>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Futa to 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.BigDick to 0>>\
<<set $PC.HasDick to 0>>\
<<set $PC.DickSize to 0>>\
<<set $PC.MDickSize to 0>>\
<<set $PC.BallsSize to 0>>\
<<set $PC.MBallsSize to 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.SiliconeP to 0>>\
<<set $DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$PC.DickSize]>>\
<<set $DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$PC.DickSize]>>\
<<set $BallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$PC.BallsSize]>>\
<<set $BallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$PC.BallsSize]>>\
<<set $Cum.Max to 0>>\
<<set $Cum.Min to 0>>\
<<set $PC.Sex to "Female">>\
<<set $npcRichard.SexDetection to "Female">>\
  Nurse Fucktoy opens the door at the back of the office and leads you into a small examination room. The room is surprisingly clean compared to the office and it looks almost sterile. "Please lie down on the medical bed after removing all of your clothes, $PC.FirstName. Doctor FuckHard will be with you shortly!" Nurse Fucktoy says as she gestures to the bed before stepping back into the dirty office.
  You slowly strip out of your clothes allowing your $BreastSD breasts and your $DickSD futa-cock to be exposed to the world. Lying down on the bed you wait patiently for Doctor FuckHard to show up. The idea of finally getting rid of your futa-dick fills you with relief and you can't wait to get started.
  Your wait is soon over as the doctor strides into the room holding a huge needle filled with grey fluid. He's followed by Nurse Fucktoy who closes the door behind her. "Hello again. $PC.FirstName! Are you ready to give up the Futa life in order to become fully Female?" he asks as he steps closer to you.
  "I'm ready! Is there anything I need to do or be aware of?" you eagerly reply as you watch Doctor FuckHard fiddle with his huge needle. The thought of such a huge needle being jabbed into you is a bit worrying but you are willing to endure anything if it will allow you to get rid of your embarrassing dick.
  "I need you to spread your legs a bit while placing your arms next to your head, $PC.FirstName. After that just sit back, relax and enjoy what's about to happen." the doctor says as stands above your naked body. You quickly spread your legs and place your arms stretched above your head. His gaze sweeps from your $BreastsSize breasts down to your $DickSize futa-cock along with your fully exposed pussy. "Nurse Fucktoy, please restrain our patient's arms for I am about to do Science!"
  Nurse Fucktoy quickly grabs your arms before you can even protest. As you are about to demand to be let go she whispers into your ear "Shhh! Doctor FuckHard wants to make sure you don't accidently damage the needle once it's inserted. Nurse Fucktoy has been told that the sensation can feel a bit intense so he doesn't want to risk something going wrong with his latest patient!"
  You suddenly feel a sharp piercing pain right at the base of your dick and looking down you discover that the doctor had just impaled you with that huge fucking needle while you were distracted! You can only watch as he slowly presses the plunger on that large needle causing that grey fluid to flow into you! As the fluid level on the needle drops you start to feel a surge of almost electric energy from your penis causing you to suddenly feel wet and horny! As the plunger gets lower, the feeling grows stronger and you can't help but let out a lust filled moan.
  "Almost done, $PC.FirstName! Just endure for a moment longer!" Doctor FuckHard demands as he slowly finishes injecting you with his Futa-Remover Formula or whatever he wants to call it. You're having a hard time focusing on what he's saying as the electric feeling is only intensifying inside your dick and balls! Pulling back with an empty needle the doctor says "Now watch closely, $PC.FirstName, and marvel at the miracles of Science and all it's glory!"
  You let out a gasp as the electric feeling spikes from inside your _ODickSD futa-dick! Staring in shock you can only watch as your _ODickSize penis slowly shrinks smaller and smaller with each heartbeat. Even your _OBallsSD balls are slowly shrinking as well as the electricity spreads to your _OBallsSize balls. You can only stare in wonder are your male organs slowly retreat into your body and before long there's only smooth flesh where your dick and balls used to hang! The only lingering issue is the fact your wet pussy is aching for something big and long to be slammed into it!
  The sound of clapping breaks you out your intense focus on what just happened. "Congratulations on returning to your Female gender, $PC.FirstName! Nurse Fucktoy will miss your dick but your pussy is still looking very nice!" Nurse Fucktoy says while gazing at your spread wide open pussy with no small amount of lust while cupping her _ISD silicone-filled tits. "Nurse Fucktoy wonders how it would feel to eat out $PC.FirstName's tight pussy..."
  "It looks like the treatment was a success! There doesn't look like there are any weird changes to your fine pussy and it looks like your futa-dick is long gone! I'm sure you will enjoy using your unisex pussy to fuck plenty of people in the future. Now it's time to verify everything is in working order." Doctor FuckHard says as he steps closer to you.
  "Wait, what was that about verifying?" you exclaim as you reluctantly pull your finger out of your juicy cunt and focus on the doctor. Your pussy still feels quite needy and you want to explore that feeling some more.
  "Proper testing is the only way to be sure your pussy is still in full working condition. With that said, Nurse Fucktoy? I need you to keep watch on our vitals as I will be testing out $PC.FirstName's hopefully healthy cunt!" he explains with a lewd smile while staring at your $BreastsSize tits. "I'll be sure to give our patient a very thorough examination."
  Nurse Fucktoy unenthusiastically replies "Yes sir... Nurse Fucktoy will watch you test $PC.FirstName's pussy..." Before you can even protest, Doctor Fuckhard has his pants unzipped exposing his _DickSize cock and _BallsSD balls! You can only stare in shock as your virgin pussy gets dripping wet from the sight of his _DickSD <<Penis>> bobbing back and forth as he steps between your legs!
  Guiding his long meaty shaft to the entrance of your slit, you can't help but moan as he slides his cock against your sensitive pussy lips before pressing that meat staff against your cunt! You eagerly watch as inch by inch his _DickSize <<Penis>> slowly disappears into your extremely tight pussy causing you to let out another louder moan of pure ecstasy! Before long he's completely buried his _DickSD cock into your thirsty pussy!
  "Ahh! It feels like $PC.FirstName's pussy is gripping my penis quite hard! Yes! I can feel every inch of her tight pussy and it's about time to fully test out this amazing cunt of yours!" the Infested doctor growls as he pulls his lengthy dick almost all the way out of your pussy before slamming it back in nice and hard!
  Your $BreastSD titties bounce and jiggle from his hard thrusts and you can't help but moan loudly from the divine feeling of having a _DickSD dick inside your overstuffed pussy! Even your $DickSD dick is throbbing hard as you are pounded joyfully by his powerful cock!
  "Oh fuck yes! It feels so amazing being fucked by your _DickSize mega cock! Oh God yess!" you moan as Doctor FuckHard continues to ram his meat staff straight into your cunt. The sound of the hard paces fucking fills the small examination room along with your breathy moans of pleasure! You let out a soft gasp as you feel his firm grip on your $BreastsSize titties and the erotic feeling of the doctor playing with your $BreastSD tits is pushing you ever closer to cumming!
  Still groping your senstive titties, Doctor FuckHard moans "Ah yes! I can feel my patient's pussy gripping my cock so hard while dripping with so many fluids! Cum for me, $PC.FirstName!" His rapid pace hasn't slowed down even a little bit and your only response is even louder moaning as that hard pounding has you on the raze thin edge of orgasm!
emsp; "Oh fuck oh fuck! I'm going to cum! I'm, oh God, oh fuck yes! I'm cumming so hard from my fucking tight pussy!" you scream as you feel your overstuffed pussy clench the doctor's _DickSize dick so hard before suddenly you feel the biggest wave of pleasure you have ever felt erupt from your dripping wet cunt! The pleasure is so intense that you swear you see stars before you feel your cunt unleash a $GCumAD wave of girl-cum all over the good doctor's big dick!
  The feeling of you cumming so hard must have pushed Doctor FuckHard over the edge as well as he bellows "Yes..YES...YESSSS! I can feel your tight vagina cumming all over my meaty dick! Prepare for the best creampie of your wonderful pussy!" You can feel his throbbing cock twitch one last time before a firehose of hot cum shoots deep into your thirsty pussy and straight to your new womb! There's so much baby-batter that his seed leaks out from your overfilled pussy and onto the medical bed below!
  From behind your head you hear Nurse Fucktoy scream out "Oh fuck! Nurse Fucktoy is cumming from watching all this hot erotic fucking!" From the sound of if she's having an intense orgasm and the strong smell of sex in the room gets even stronger. As her orgasm ends, Nurse Fucktoy huskily says "That was really hot Doctor FuckHard, $PC.FirstName!"
  "Indeed! It looks like everything is working 100%!" Doctor FuckHard says loudly as he steps back while letting his still hard cock pull out of your satisfied pussy."Your pussy should be eager to be used for the next couple of hours with your female prostate working overtime to produce ejaculate fluid. After that time it should revert to the usual production of girl-cum. If you are still wet after 4 hours than you obviously need to fuck more studs and bitches." he continues his explanation while smiling at your creampied pussy.
  "Uh thanks for that information, Doc. I'll keep that in mind" you mumble as you grab your discarded clothes. "So I'm good to go, I guess?" you ask as you watch Nurse Fucktoy lick some of her girl-cum off of her fingers before adjusting her soaking we panties. Doctor FuckHard also follows suit as he zips up his pants hiding his massive dick.
  "That is correct, $PC.FirstName! If you desire any other alterations be sure to keep my office in mind. I wish you well on your journey ahead." he says as he watches you get dressed. It's a bit awkward getting your pants on with you now no longer having a dick but eventually you figure it out.
  Waving goodbye Nurse Fucktoy says "Good luck, $PC.FirstName! Nurse Fucktoy can't wait to see you again in the future!" With that said you head on out of the office and back into the clinic hallways.
<div class="pcTalk"><i> It really did work! I finally got rid of that pesky dick and those messy balls! Time to enjoy being 100% female once again! </i></div>
<<button [[Finish|Oak Dale Clinic East Hallway]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<set $doctorEvent.Appointment to 0>>\
<<if ndef $npcFuckToy.Enhance>>\
<<set $npcFuckToy.Enhance to 0>>\
<<if $npcFuckToy.BreastsSize + $npcFuckToy.Enhance < $PC.BreastsSize>>\
<<set $npcFuckToy.Enhance to $npcFuckToy.Enhance +2>>\
<<include "Lust Passes">>\
<<include "Time Passes">>\
<</button>><img @src=$genericEvent.Image />
<<set $sexHistory.XP to $sexHistory.XP +1>>\
<<set $LastPartner to $npcFuckToy>>\
<<set $PCChanges.Gender to "Surgery">>\
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$npcFuckToy.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$npcFuckToy.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _IAss to $arrayAssSizeDesc[$npcFuckToy.AssSize]>>\
<<set _DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$npcFuckHard.DickSize]>>\
<<set _DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$npcFuckHard.DickSize]>>\
<<set _OBreastSD to $BreastSD>>\
<<set _OBreastsSize to $BreastsSize>>\
<<set _OAssSize to $AssSize>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Futa to 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.BigTits to 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.BigAss to 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.MilkTits to 0>>\
<<set $Milk.Stored to 0>>\
<<set $PC.HasPussy to 0>>\
<<set $PC.AssSize to 0>>\
<<set $PC.BreastsSize to 0>>\
<<set $GCum.Max to 0>>\
<<set $GCum.Min to 0>>\
<<set $PC.Sex to "Male">>\
<<set $npcRichard.SexDetection to "Male">>\
<<set $BreastSD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set $BreastsSize to $arrayBreastSize[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set $AssSize to $arrayAssSizeDesc[$PC.AssSize]>>\
  Nurse Fucktoy opens the door at the back of the office and leads you into a small examination room. The room is surprisingly clean compared to the office and it looks almost sterile. "Please lie down on the medical bed after removing all of your clothes, $PC.FirstName. Doctor FuckHard will be with you shortly!" Nurse Fucktoy says as she gestures to the bed before stepping back into the dirty office.
  You slowly strip out of your clothes allowing your $BreastSD breasts and your $DickSD dick to be exposed to the world. Lying down on the bed you wait patiently for Doctor FuckHard to show up. The idea of finally getting rid of your feminine parts fills you with relief and you can't wait to get started.
  Your wait is soon over as the doctor strides into the room holding a huge needle filled with grey fluid. He's followed by Nurse Fucktoy who closes the door behind her. "Hello again. $PC.FirstName! Are you ready to give up the Futa life in order to become fully Male?" he asks as he steps closer to you.
  "I'm ready! Is there anything I need to do or be aware of?" you eagerly reply as you watch Doctor FuckHard fiddle with his huge needle. The thought of such a huge needle being jabbed into you is a bit worrying but you are willing to endure anything if it will allow you to get rid of your embarrassing pussy and tits!
  "I need you to spread your legs a bit while placing your arms next to your head, $PC.FirstName. After that just sit back, relax and enjoy what's about to happen." the doctor says as stands above your naked body. You quickly spread your legs and place your arms stretched above your head. His gaze sweeps from your $BreastsSize breasts down to your $DickSize cock along with your fully exposed pussy. "Nurse Fucktoy, please restrain our patient's arms for I am about to do Science!"
  Nurse Fucktoy quickly grabs your arms before you can even protest. As you are about to demand to be let go she whispers into your ear "Shhh! Doctor FuckHard wants to make sure you don't accidently damage the needle once it's inserted. Nurse Fucktoy has been told that the sensation can feel a bit intense so he doesn't want to risk something going wrong with his latest patient!"
  You suddenly feel a sharp piercing pain right above your pussy and looking down you discover that the doctor had just impaled you with that huge fucking needle while you were distracted! You can only watch as he slowly presses the plunger on that large needle causing that grey fluid to flow into you! As the fluid level on the needle drops you start to feel a surge of almost electric energy from your pussy causing you to suddenly feel hard and horny! As the plunger gets lower, the feeling grows stronger and you can't help but let out a lust filled moan.
  "Almost done, $PC.FirstName! Just endure for a moment longer!" Doctor FuckHard demands as he slowly finishes injecting you with his Futa-Remover Formula or whatever he wants to call it. You're having a hard time focusing on what he's saying as the electric feeling is only intensifying inside your pussy and it's spreading to your breasts and ass! Pulling back with an empty needle the doctor says "Now watch closely, $PC.FirstName, and marvel at the miracles of Science and all it's glory!"
  You let out a gasp as the electric feeling spikes from inside your surprisingly dry cunt! Staring in shock you can only watch as your vagina slowly closes up more and more with with each heartbeat. Even your _OBreastSD breasts look like they are flattening out as well as the electricity along with the cushioning in your ass. You can only stare in wonder are your pussy is slowly sealed away and before long there's only smooth flesh where your pussy used to be! The only lingering issue is the fact your hard cock is aching for someone to be slammed into!
  The sound of clapping breaks you out your intense focus on what just happened. "Congratulations on returning to your Male gender, $PC.FirstName! Nurse Fucktoy will miss your pussy but your man-meat is still looking very nice!" Nurse Fucktoy says while gazing at your fully erect dick with no small amount of lust while cupping her _ISD silicone-filled tits. "Nurse Fucktoy wonders how it would feel to be railed by $PC.FirstName's meaty dick..."
  "It looks like the treatment was a success! That's a fine dick you have there and I'm sure you will enjoy using it to fuck plenty of people in the future. Now it's time to verify everything is in working order." Doctor FuckHard says as he steps away.
  "Wait, what was that about verifying?" you exclaim as you reluctantly pull your hand off your $DickSD cock and focus on the doctor. Your dick still feels quite hard and it's getting pretty hard to ignore that $DickSize throbbing dick of yours.
  "Proper testing is the only way to be sure your permanent penis is in full working condition. With that said, Nurse Fucktoy? I leave the testing in your capable hands, er pussy." he explains with a lewd smile before giving Nurse Fucktoy's huge jiggle ass a slap. "Be sure to give our patient a very thorough examination."
  Smiling widely Nurse Fucktoy enthusiasticly replies "Yes sir! Nurse Fucktoy is going to enjoy testing $PC.FirstName's cock!" Before you can protest, the busty nurse hops onto the medical bed and quickly mounts you with her wet pussy inches away from your fully erect cock! Giving you a wink, Nurse Fucktoy huskily says "Just sit back and enjoy the ride, $PC.FirstName!" before sliding her wet pussy against your sensitive dick causing you to let out another lust filled moan. Smirking at your obvious arousal, the naughty buxom nurse slowly lowers her cunt onto your $DickSD shaft, completely engulfing all $DickSize's!
  You can feel every inch of your cock being squeezed so tightly by the busty nurse's extremely tight pussy! "Oh fuck! My dick is buried so deep inside your pussy and it's sooo fucking tight! It feels so good!" you groan loudly as you do your best to adjust to the highly sensitive pleasure bombarding your mind. It feels like your meat rod is leaking pre-cum like a sieve inside the nurse's cunt and your $BallsSD balls feel like they could explode at any moment!
  "Sounds like you are liking being deep inside Nurse Fucktoy's pussy! But what if Nurse Fucktoy does this?" she says before starting to bounce on top your $DickSD cock causing her _ISD silicone-filled tits to bounce and jiggle in front of your face. She uses your manly chest in order to brace herself as she continues to fuck you hard. You feel a massive spike in pleasure as your hard shaft is repeatedly buried into her dripping wet pussy and you can't help but grip her _IAss hips in order to start thrusting your $DickSize <<Penis>> deep into her cunt.
  Synching her enthusiastic bounces with your thrusts, Nurse Fucktoy moans "Nurse Fucktoy can feel your big twitching penis, so eager to blow your load! Go ahead cause it must feel sooo good to know your cock is buried in Nurse Fucktoy's tight cunt!" You can't deny how good it feels and how much it's taking you to not already shoot your load into her tight pussy. Feeling her speed up her fucking to a frantic speed is pushing you to the edge and it doesn't help that she's now rubbing her big tits against your face!
  "Oh fuck oh fuck! I'm going to cum! I'm, oh God, oh fuck yes! I'm shooting my hot wad into your fucking pussy!" you scream as you feel the intense pressure in your $BallsSize balls suddenly release and a massive spike of pleasure bursts thru your futa-cock. A $CumAD burst of hot cum shoots from your futa-dick directly into Nurse Fucktoy's hot tight pussy! It feels so good you can't stop thrusting as squirt after squirt of baby-batter splatters inside her cunt.
  Nurse Fucktoy screams out "Nurse Fucktoy can feel all your hot cum fill her tight pussy so much! Nurse Fucktoy's cumming so hard! FUCKKKKKK!" You feel her tight cunt squeeze your cock hard as if trying to squeeze out as much of your hot white goo as possible while your face is smothered between her _ISD tits! As her orgasm ends, Nurse Fucktoy huskily says "That was some really good sex, $PC.FirstName!"
  "Indeed! It looks like everything is working 100%!" Doctor FuckHard says loudly from where he was watching the frantic sex session. He has a _DickSD bulge in his pants but luckily he hasn't pulled out his dick. "Your penis should be eager to be used for the next couple of hours with your balls working overtime to produce as much sperm as possible. After that time it should revert to the usual refractory period. If you are still hard after 4 hours than you obviously need to fuck more sluts and bitches." he continues his explanation. You wouldn't mind as having a conversation about your changes but your still hard cock is still buried in the busty nurse's snatch.
  Luckily Nurse Fucktoy slowly gets out of bed with your male seed dripping from her pussy allowing you to finally sit up. "Uh thanks for that information, Doc. I'll keep that in mind" you mumble as you grab your discarded clothes. "So I'm good to go, I guess?"
  "That is correct, $PC.FirstName! If you desire any other alterations be sure to keep my office in mind. I wish you well on your journey ahead." he says as he watches you get dressed. It's a bit awkward getting your pants on with your dick still being so hard but eventually you figure it out.
  Waving goodbye Nurse Fucktoy says "Good luck, $PC.FirstName! Nurse Fucktoy can't wait to see you again in the future! You and your $DickSize dick!" With that said you head on out of the office and back into the clinic hallways.
<div class="pcTalk"><i> It really did work! I finally got rid of my pesky pussy and flattened out my chest and ass! Time to enjoy being 100% male once again! </i></div>
<<button [[Finish|Oak Dale Clinic East Hallway]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<set $doctorEvent.Appointment to 0>>\
<<include "Lust Passes">>\
<<include "Time Passes">>\
<</button>><img @src=$genericEvent.Image />
<<set _percent to ($SkillAction * 10)>>\
<<set $PCChanges.AssGrowth to "Silicone">>\
<<set _AssSize to $PC.AssSize>>\
<<set $PC.AssSize to $PC.AssSize + $SkillAction>>\
<<set $AssSize to $arrayAssSizeDesc[$PC.AssSize]>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.SiliconeA to $StatusAffect.SiliconeA + $SkillAction>>\
<<set $PC.MAssSize to $PC.MAssSize + $SkillAction>>\
<<if (random(19) + 1) + $Skill.Social + $CharismaBonus > 15>>\
<<set $npcFuckHard.Friendship to $npcFuckHard.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity +2 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set $npcFuckToy.Friendship to $npcFuckToy.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity +2 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set $npcFuckHard.Friendship to $npcFuckHard.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity +1 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set $npcFuckToy.Friendship to $npcFuckToy.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity +1 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<if $PC.Sex is "Futa" or $StatusAffect.Futa > 0>>\
<<set _Sex to "Futa">>\
<<elseif $PC.Sex is "Male" and $StatusAffect.Futa < 1>>\
<<set _Sex to "Male">>\
<<set _Sex to "Female">>\
<<switch _Sex>>\
<<case "Futa">>\
  Nurse Fucktoy opens the door at the back of the office and leads you into a small examination room. The room is surprisingly clean compared to the office and it looks almost sterile. "Please lie face down on the medical bed after removing all of your clothes, $PC.FirstName. Doctor FuckHard will be with you shortly!" Nurse Fucktoy says as she gestures to the bed before stepping back into the dirty office.
  You slowly strip out of your clothes allowing your $AssSize ass along with your $DickSize futa-cock to be exposed to the world. Lying face down on the bed you wait for Doctor FuckHard to show up. The idea of your ass being pumped up to an even bigger size fills you with excitement and you can't wait to get started!
  Soon Doctor FuckHard walks into the room with a large portable machine that has two long hoses connected to a pair of needles. He's followed by Nurse Fucktoy who closes the door behind her. "Hello again, $PC.FirstName! Are you ready to get your ass pumped up nice and big?" he asks as he steps closer to you.
  "I'm ready! Is there anything I need to do or be aware of?" you hesitantly reply as you watch Doctor FuckHard fiddle with the machine. The thought of such huge needles being jabbed into you is a bit worrying but you are willing to endure at the thought of having a bigger derriere.
  "Just lie down and relax. The process of being injected with Silicone-X is quite pleasurable so enjoy the feeling of having your _AssSize butt become a proper $AssSize ass!" he says as he finishes messing with the injector machine. You watch over your shoulder in nervous anticipation as he guides the huge needles to your _AssSize bottom and soon there's two sharp pricks on the top of your ass.
  It doesn't take long until the feeling of liquid gel starts to flow into your tush causing you to gasp in pleasure. It feels surprisingly good as you watch your backside slowly expand as the silicone fills your ass and you feel your futa-cock harden. Your nipples are also rock hard as you try to stifle a pleasure filled moan.
  Hearing your lusty moan, Nurse Fucktoy reaches down and grips your expanding keister! "Doesn't it feel so good to have your ass grow bigger? To have you tush played with by Nurse Fucktoy?" she asks as she fondles your sensitive ass and you can't deny how amazing it feels as all the silicone pumps into your butt! Your pussy feels soaking wet along and you can feel pre-cum dripping from your dick onto the medical bed. Your breathing becomes heavy with a decent amount of moaning mixed in. "Nurse Fucktoy thinks you are going to cum so hard by the time your ass finishes growing!" she whispers huskily into your ear as she slaps your jiggly ass! You are already getting close to cumming as your sensitive ass just feels too good to handle!
  Almost without thought, your own hands reach back and fondle your growing asscheeks! The dual sensation of Nurse Fucktoy's hands and your own hands groping your pleasure-filled ass pushes you over the edge as you scream out "Oh fuck yes! I'm cumming so hard from having my big ass played with!" Your throbbing cock twitches before you shoot a $CumAD wad all over the bed while your wet pussy clenches hard before unleashes a $GCumAD wave of girl-cum all over the medical bed as well!
  As you come down from your intense orgasm the injector pulls away from your bottom as the flow of silicone stops. Taking a deep breath you finally check out the changes to your derriere as Nurse Fucktoy reluctantly releases her grip on your sensitive asscheeks. Looking back you verify that you now have a $AssSize ass!
  "It looks like the enhancement treatment was a success! Not that there was any doubt with the work being done by the best cosmetic surgeon in the city!" Doctor FuckHard says as he admires your $AssSize butt with a huge bulge in his pants!
  It takes you a moment to sit up as you have to adjust to the extra weight down below. As you finally manage to sit up you reply "Thanks, Doctor FuckHard! I've loving how my upgraded ass look and feel!" as you admire the weight and look of your new behind. It looks so nice on your body and you can't wait to see how much junk in your trunk will display once you get dressed which you start to do so.
  "Well it looks like this is all the time we have today, $PC.FirstName! If you desire any other alterations be sure to keep my office in mind. I wish you well on your journey ahead." he says as he watches you get dressed. It's a bit awkward getting your bottom on with the additional weight down below but eventually you do so.
  Waving goodbye Nurse Fucktoy says "Good luck, $PC.FirstName! Nurse Fucktoy can't wait to see you again in the future! You and your $AssSize ass!" With that said you head on out of the office and back into the clinic hallways.
  Nurse Fucktoy opens the door at the back of the office and leads you into a small examination room. The room is surprisingly clean compared to the office and it looks almost sterile. "Please lie face down on the medical bed after removing all of your clothes, $PC.FirstName. Doctor FuckHard will be with you shortly!" Nurse Fucktoy says as she gestures to the bed before stepping back into the dirty office.
  You slowly strip out of your clothes allowing your $BreastSD breasts and $AssSize ass to be exposed to the world. Lying face down on the bed you wait for Doctor FuckHard to show up. The idea of your ass being pumped up to an even bigger size fills you with excitement and you can't wait to get started!
  Soon Doctor FuckHard walks into the room with a large portable machine that has two long hoses connected to a pair of needles. He's followed by Nurse Fucktoy who closes the door behind her. "Hello again, $PC.FirstName! Are you ready to get your ass pumped up nice and big?" he asks as he steps closer to you.
  "I'm ready! Is there anything I need to do or be aware of?" you hesitantly reply as you watch Doctor FuckHard fiddle with the machine. The thought of such huge needles being jabbed into you is a bit worrying but you are willing to endure at the thought of having a bigger derriere.
  "Just lie down and relax. The process of being injected with Silicone-X is quite pleasurable so enjoy the feeling of having your _AssSize butt become a proper $AssSize ass!" he says as he finishes messing with the injector machine. You watch over your shoulder in nervous anticipation as he guides the huge needles to your _AssSize bottom and soon there's two sharp pricks on the top of your ass.
  It doesn't take long until the feeling of liquid gel starts to flow into your tush causing you to gasp in pleasure. It feels surprisingly good as you watch your backside slowly expand as the silicone fills your ass. Your nipples are rock hard as you try to stifle a pleasure filled moan.
  Hearing your lusty moan, Nurse Fucktoy reaches down and grips your expanding keister! "Doesn't it feel so good to have your ass grow bigger? To have you tush played with by Nurse Fucktoy?" she asks as she fondles your sensitive ass and you can't deny how amazing it feels as all the silicone pumps into your butt! Your pussy feels soaking wet along and you can feel your fluids drip onto the medical bed. Your breathing becomes heavy with a decent amount of moaning mixed in. "Nurse Fucktoy thinks you are going to cum so hard by the time your ass finishes growing!" she whispers huskily into your ear as she slaps your jiggly ass! You are already getting close to cumming as your sensitive ass just feels too good to handle!
  Almost without thought, your own hands reach back and cup your growing asscheeks! The dual sensation of Nurse Fucktoy's hand and your own hands groping your pleasure-filled ass pushes you over the edge as you scream out "Oh fuck yes! I'm cumming so hard from having my big ass played with!" You feel your wet pussy clench hard and you unleash a $GCumAD wave of girl-cum all over the medical bed!
  As you come down from your intense orgasm the injector pulls away from your bottom as the flow of silicone stops. Taking a deep breath you finally check out the changes to your derriere as Nurse Fucktoy reluctantly releases her grip on your sensitive asscheeks. Looking back you verify that you now have a $AssSize ass!
  "It looks like the enhancement treatment was a success! Not that there was any doubt with the work being done by the best cosmetic surgeon in the city!" Doctor FuckHard says as he admires your $AssSize butt with a huge bulge in his pants!
  "Nurse Fucktoy thinks $PC.FirstName's $AssSize ass looks hot as hell and wants to play with that jiggly butt some more!" Nurse Fucktoy says as she stares down at your $AssSize tush with a lewd smile on her face. It seems like it's taking all her willpower to not grope your ass again and for a moment you are tempted to let her.
  It takes you a moment to sit up as you have to adjust to the extra weight down below. As you finally manage to sit up you reply "Thanks, Doctor FuckHard! I've loving how my upgraded ass look and feel!" as you admire the weight and look of your new behind. It looks so nice on your body and you can't wait to see how much junk in your trunk will display once you get dressed which you start to do so.
  "Well it looks like this is all the time we have today, $PC.FirstName! If you desire any other alterations be sure to keep my office in mind. I wish you well on your journey ahead." he says as he watches you get dressed. It's a bit awkward getting your bottom on with the additional weight down below but eventually you do so.
  Waving goodbye Nurse Fucktoy says "Good luck, $PC.FirstName! Nurse Fucktoy can't wait to see you again in the future! You and your $AssSize ass!" With that said you head on out of the office and back into the clinic hallways.
<div class="pcTalk"><i> It really did work! I now have a $AssSize ass!</i></div>
<<button [[Finish|Oak Dale Clinic East Hallway]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<set $doctorEvent.Appointment to 0>>\
<<if ndef $npcFuckToy.Enhance>>\
<<set $npcFuckToy.Enhance to 0>>\
<<include "Time Passes">>\
<</button>><<set $sexHistory.XP to $sexHistory.XP +1>>\
<<set $LastPartner to $genericFighter>>\
<<set _DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$genericFighter.DickSize]>>\
<<set _DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$genericFighter.DickSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$genericFighter.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$genericFighter.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _BreastSD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _BreastsSize to $arrayBreastSize[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _SizeComp to $PC.BreastsSize - $genericFighter.Level + ($GeneralFeats.FalseRep *2)>>\
<<if _SizeComp < 0>>\
<<set _SizeComp to 0>>\
<<set _SizeComp2 to $PC.DickSize - $genericFighter.Level + ($GeneralFeats.FalseRep *2)>>\
<<if _SizeComp2 < 0>>\
<<set _SizeComp2 to 0>>\
<<if $Infestation.MilkProgress > 0 or $Milk.Stored > $Milk.Min>>\
<<set _Breasts to "Milk">>\
<<elseif $StatusAffect.SiliconeB > 5>>\
<<set _Breasts to "Silicone">>\
<<set _Breasts to "Natural">>\
  "I can't believe a Alpha was beaten by a fucking dick-girl Beta! Fucking unbelievable!" gripes $genericFighter.Name as he strokes his _DickSize cock. "Cheaters can't win without cheating! Shitty Futa-Betas trying to bring the real studs down..." he continues to grumble as you roll your eyes at his whining.
  With his_DickSize cock in hand along with his _BallsSize cum-filled balls along with the rock solid muscles he's packing, there is no way you're going to walk away without having your wet pussy creampied even if you're tempted to rail his ass with your futa-cock. Jumping up on the hood of a broken down car you huskily say "How about you get to pounding my tight pussy with that Alpha cock of yours? You know.. Show me how much of a stud you truly are." as you strip out of your clothes and spread your legs.
<<if _SizeComp > 9>>\
  "Fuck you! I'll show you who's a Alpha stud!" $genericFighter.Name growls as he surges to his feet. Staring at your $BreastSD breasts he smiles lustfully. "At least the Beta who beat me has some nice big o'titties!" Grabbing his _DickSize cock he steps forward before pausing and cupping your $BallsSize balls. Lifting them up slightly, he then slides his _DickSD <<Penis>> up against your wet slit.
  Moaning slightly you gasp out "Come on big boy! Give me that big meatrod of yours!" Hearing your words $genericFighter.Name smirks before slamming his dick straight into your tight pussy causing your $BreastsSize to bounce towards your face from the sudden force! Without giving you a chance to adjust to his _DickSD size, he starts going to town on your pleasure-filled cunt with his _DickSize cock causing the car to shake from the force of his thrusts! His grunts and groans of pleasure combines with the sound of the car rocking fills the surrounding area with the sound of hot frantic sex.
<<switch _Breasts>>\
<<case "Milk">>\
  "Goddamn! I love these $BreastSD milk jugs of yours! Watching them shake and bounce from being fucked is fucking amazing!" $genericFighter.Name moans as he watches your milkers jiggle from the enthusiastic pounding he's giving your tight pussy. Reaching up he grabs your jugs and gives them a gentle squeeze causing a gasp of pleasure to escape your lips along with a squirt of milk from your nipples. "Fucking A+ tits! Gotta love it when a pair of titties start squirting milk all over the place even if they are on a dick-girl!" he says with a warm tone before he gives your your $NippleSize long nipples a brief kiss causing some of your milk to leak out onto his rough lips. You've noticed that he's so engrossed with your tits that he's barely even paying attention to the fact your futa-cock is pressing against his stomach.
  "Oh? You like playing with my big mommy milkers?" you start to ask when suddenly $genericFighter.Name grabs your dick and starts jacking it! "Oh God! Grab my big dick and my big milk jugs!" you moan as the Infested fucks your pussy without missing a beat while groping your milk-filled breasts with one hand while the other hard strokes your $DickSD hard futa-cock.
<<case "Silicone">>\
  "Goddamn! I love these $BreastSD fake tits of yours! Watching them shake and bounce from being fucked is fucking amazing!" $genericFighter.Name moans as he watches your silicone-filled breasts jiggle from the enthusiastic pounding he's giving your tight pussy. Reaching up he grabs your jugs and gives them a firm squeeze causing a gasp of pleasure to escape your lips. "Fucking A+ tits! Gotta love a girl filed with silicone even if she's a dick-girl!" he says with a warm tone as he pinches your $NippleSize long nipples. You've noticed that he's so engrossed with your firm tits that he's barely even paying attention to the fact your futa-cock is pressing against his stomach.
  "Oh? You like playing with my big fake titties?" you start to ask when suddenly $genericFighter.Name grabs your dick and starts jacking it! "Oh God! Grab my big dick and my big titties!" you moan as the Infested fucks your pussy without missing a beat while groping your silicone-filled jugs with one hand while the other hard strokes your $DickSD hard futa-cock.
  "Goddamn! I love these $BreastSD tits of yours!! Watching them shake and bounce from being fucked is fucking amazing!" $genericFighter.Name moans as he watches your breasts jiggle from the enthusiastic pounding he's giving your tight pussy. Reaching up he grabs your jugs and gives them a gentle squeeze causing a gasp of pleasure to escape your lips. "Fucking A+ tits, dick-girl!" he says with a warm tone as he pinches your $NippleSize long nipples. You've noticed that he's so engrossed with your tits that he's barely even paying attention to the fact your futa-cock is pressing against his stomach.
  "Oh? You like playing with my big tits?" you start to ask when suddenly $genericFighter.Name grabs your dick and starts jacking it! "Oh God! Grab my big dick and my big titties!" you moan as the Infested fucks your pussy without missing a beat while groping your jugs with one hand while the other hard strokes your $DickSD hard futa-cock.
  "Fuck you! I'll show you who's a Alpha stud!" $genericFighter.Name growls as he surges to his feet. Glaring at your $BreastSD breasts he frowns in annoyance. "Why couldn't you have some big o'titties! Fucking tiny titty Beta..." Grabbing his _DickSize cock he steps forward before pausing and cupping your $BallsSize balls. Lifting them up slightly, he then slides his _DickSD <<Penis>> up against your wet slit.
  Moaning slightly you gasp out "Come on big boy! Give me that big meatrod of yours!" Hearing your words $genericFighter.Name smirks before slamming his dick straight into your tight pussy causing your $BreastsSize to bounce towards your face from the sudden force! Without giving you a chance to adjust to his _DickSD size, he starts going to town on your pleasure-filled cunt with his _DickSize cock causing the car to shake from the force of his thrusts!
<<if _SizeComp2 > $genericFighter.DickSize>>\
  "Goddamn! Your fucking dick is a $DickSD monster meat rod! How the hell do you have a <<Penis>> that rivals a true Alpha?" $genericFighter.Name moans as he watches your $DickSize throbbing futa-cock and $BallsSD sweaty balls bounce and jiggle from the enthusiastic pounding he's giving your tight pussy. That's not all that's bouncing at your $BreastsSD chest is jiggling from his thrusts but the Infested seems to be focused more on your dick then your tits.
  "Oh? You like watching my $DickSize futa-cock bounce around from your hard pounding?" you start to ask when suddenly $genericFighter.Name grabs your dick and starts jacking it! "Oh God! Fuck yes! Grab my big dick!" you scream out as the dual pleasure of being fucked and given a handjob feels so fucking good!
  "Goddamn! Your fucking dick is too fucking small! If you're going to around beating up Alphas you're going to need a bigger dick than that $DickSD girl-cock!" $genericFighter.Name moans as he watches your $DickSize throbbing futa-cock and $BallsSD sweaty balls bounce and jiggle from the enthusiastic pounding he's giving your tight pussy. That's not all that's bouncing at your $BreastsSD chest is jiggling from his thrusts but the Infested seems to be focused more on your dick then your tits.
  "Oh? You like watching my $DickSize futa-cock bounce around from your hard pounding?" you start to ask when suddenly $genericFighter.Name grabs your dick and starts jacking it! "Oh God! Fuck yes! Grab my big dick!" you scream out as the dual pleasure of being fucked and given a handjob feels so fucking good!
  Moaning and puffing loudly the Infested groans "Fuck dick-girl! Your pussy's sucking me in so fucking much! Goddamn, I'm just about to bust a nut all up inside your pink taco!" The feeling of the Infested hammering away at your overstuffed pussy is pushing you closer to cumming while his handjob continues at a steady pace.
  Panting in pleasure, you manage to gasp out "Fuck yes! Fuck me even harder! Keep shoving your fucking monster rod deep inside my pussy and don't stop until you blow your load!" Hearing your orders, the Infested grabs the hood of the car your $AssSize ass is resting on with the hand that's not jacking your cock and starts hammering your pleasure-filled cunt even harder with his _DickSize cock! The abandoned car is shaking so much from $genericFighter.Name's hard thrusts that you're almost afraid it's going flip over!
<<if $Infestation.BruiseProgress < 1 and $Infestation.BruiseVariant > 99 and $Infestation.Progress > 1>>\
<<set _OBreastSD to $BreastSD>>\
<<set _ODickSD to $DickSD>>\
<<set _ODickSize to $DickSize]>>\
<<set _OBallsSD to $BallsSD]>>\
<<set _OBallsSize to $BallsSize>>\
<<include "Bruiser TF">>\
  As your overstuffed pussy is being destroyed by $genericFighter.Name _DickSD cock, you feel a strange vibrating feeling that starts in your _ODickSize throbbing dick but quickly spreads throughout your body making you feel so much stronger! Before you can ponder what is happening the vibrating sensation increases rapidly in your achingly hard dick and _OBallsSD cum-filled balls!
  "Oh fuck! Your fucking futa-cock is growing bigger almost like it's turning into a real Alpha cock! Oh fuck! It's not slowing down, in fact it's bulking out! Oh shit! I'm fucking shooting my load into a hot slutty Futa who's transforming into a fucking Alpha!" he screams as he buries his _DickSize meaty cock deep inside you one last time before unleashing a geyser of hot cum into your pleasure wracked pussy! The force of his last thrust is enough to force the car onto two wheels!
  As more and more of his juicy cum floods your tight cunt, you do feel your body changing right in front of your eyes. You can feel your _ODickSD _ODickSize futa-cock growing within the grip of the Infested as it slowly forces his grip to widen while your other muscles start to bulk up as strength flows in! Feeling all of that powerful energy flowing thru you pushes you over the edge!
  "OH GOD OH FUCK YES! I'm fucking cumming so hard from my big strong dick and my super tight cunt! FUCK YES, I feel so fucking POWERFUL!" you bellow loudly as you feel your expanding futa-cock twitch one last time before your $BallsSD cum-filled balls unleash their pent up load as massive never-ending ribbons of cum splash onto your $BreastSD tits and the Infested's hard chest! Your pussy of steel quickly follows suit as you squeeze the Infested's cock hard before unleashing a $GCumAD wave of girl-cum all over that _DickSD thick shaft!
  Seeing you splash your heaving titties with your hot cum, $genericFighter.Name breathlessly gasps out "Oh you think you can shoot a load now that you bulked up like a Bruiser? How about I show you how it's done?" Pulling his _DickSize cock out of your tight pussy he strokes it a couple of times before shooting massive ribbons of cum all over your cum-coated tits!
  After being coated by the Infested's rain of white baby-batter, you can finally confirm that your futa-cock is now a $DickSD $DickSize futa-dick with a pair of $BallsSize balls. Glancing down at the car hood you notice that you actually bent it during your intense orgasm! Before you can really react to that, the Infested pinches your $NippleSize nipples with a smile and says "Looks like you are on the way to becoming a hot Alpha like me!"
<<elseif $PC.Infestation is $Infestation.Cap & $Infestation.Progress > 1>>\
<<set _OBreastSD to $BreastSD>>\
<<set _ODickSD to $DickSD>>\
<<set _ODickSize to $DickSize]>>\
<<set _OBallsSD to $BallsSD]>>\
<<set _OBallsSize to $BallsSize>>\
<<include "Infestation Increase">>\
  As your pussy is being fucked nice and hard by his _DickSD cock you feel a surge of energy flowing directly into you! It almost feels like you are burning up but it quickly turns to pleasure that radiates from your hard _ODickSize dick, jiggling chest and abused ass.
  "Oh fuck! Your fucking futa-cock is growing bigger almost like it's turning into a real Alpha cock! Even your titties are blowing up like fucking balloons! Oh shit! I'm fucking shooting my load into a hot slutty dick-girl who's transforming into an even sexier Futa!" he screams as he slams his _DickSize meaty cock deep inside you one last time before unleashing a geyser of hot cum into your overstuffed pussy! The force of his last thrust is enough to force the car onto two wheels!
  You can easily feel your futa-cock growing within the grip of the Infested while at the same time you watch as your tits slowly start to expand. The feeling of $genericFighter.Name _DickSD flooding your tight cunt with his hot cum pushes you over that last step as your orgasm hits like a truck! Screaming in ecstasy "Your hot cum feels so good flooding my pussy! Oh fuck! I'm cumming so hard from your handjob while being fucked soo good!" You feel your pussy grip and squeeze his _DickSD cock so hard before an endless tsunami of girl-cum soaks his _DickSize dick. The Infested is still jacking your growing futa-cock as you feel your _OBallsSD balls unleash their own hot goo letting your dick shoot out a cosmic load of cum right onto your $BreastSD tits along with his chiseled chest!
  Seeing you splash your heaving titties with your hot cum, $genericFighter.Name breathlessly gasps out "So you think you can shoot a big load? How about I show you how it's truly done?" Pulling his _DickSize cock out of your tight pussy he strokes it a couple of times before shooting massive ribbons of cum all over your cum-coated tits!
  After being soaked by the Infested's rain of white baby-batter, you can finally confirm that you now have a pair of $BreastSD $BreastsSize breasts and a $AssSize ass! You also confirm your futa-cock is now a $DickSD $DickSize dick with a pair of $BallsSize balls. Before you can react the Infested pinches your $NippleSize nipples with a smirk and says "Looks like you are on the way to becoming an even hotter dick-slut!"
  "Oh fuck! I can't hold back! I'm fucking shooting my load into a hot slutty dick-girl I'm banging on top of a car hood!" he screams as he slams his _DickSize meaty cock deep inside you one last time before unleashing a geyser of hot cum into your overstuffed pussy! The force of his last thrust is enough to force the car onto two wheels!
  The feeling of $genericFighter.Name _DickSD shooting his wad into your tight cunt pushes you over that last step as your orgasm hits like a truck! Screaming in ecstasy "Your hot cum feels so good flooding my tight cunt! Oh fuck! I'm cumming so hard from your handjob while being fucked soo good and hard!" You feel your pussy grip and squeeze his _DickSD cock quite firmly before an $GCumAD girl-cum soaks his _DickSize dick. The Infested is still jacking your growing futa-cock as you feel your $BallsSD balls unleash their own hot goo letting your dick shoot out a $CumAD load of cum right onto your $BreastSD tits along with his chiseled chest!
  Seeing you splash your heaving titties with your hot cum, $genericFighter.Name breathlessly gasps out "So you think you can shoot a big load? How about I show you how it's truly done?" Pulling his _DickSize cock out of your tight pussy he strokes it a couple of times before shooting massive ribbons of cum all over your cum-coated tits!
  "Oh fuck that was a fucking awesome fuck session!" $genericFighter.Name2 says as you get off the car hood with cum dripping from your $BreastSD tits and $DickSD dick. Stepping back from you he says "I'll hope to see you again soon, you fucking slutty Beta!" Shaking your head at the Infested, you grab your clothes and leave the area.
<<set $StatusAffect.CumFilled to $StatusAffect.CumFilled+1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered+1>>\<img @src=$genericEvent.Image width="512px" height="768px" />
  Officer Mark pops the lid of his patrol car's trunk. "This is what I've confiscated off of some of the worse criminal scum and the poor fucking Infested. If you don't see something you want, you can always hit me up tomorrow to see what I've managed to find."
<<for $i = 0; $i < $lootTempOfficerShop.length; $i++>>\
<<set $uitem = $lootTempOfficerShop[$i]>>\
<<set $ItemName to $uitem.name>>\
<<set $ItemCost to $uitem.cost>>\
<<capture $uitem>>\
<<if $ThieverySkillFeats.FiveFingeredDiscount is 1>>\
<<set _D10 to Math.round($ItemCost * .1)>>\
<<set $ItemCost to $ItemCost - _D10>>\
<span id="useButton"><<button "Buy $ItemName for $ItemCost Dollars" "Suburban Cop Vendor C" >>
<<set $SkillAction to "Common">>\
<<set $uitem2 to $uitem>>\
<<set $lootTempOfficerShop.delete($uitem)>>\
<<if $npcMark.Friendship >= 20>>\
<<set $ritem to $rarelootTempOfficerShop.random()>>\
<<set $ItemName2 to $ritem.name>>\
<<set $ItemCost2 to $ritem.cost>>\
<<if $ThieverySkillFeats.FiveFingeredDiscount is 1>>\
<<set _D10 to Math.round($ItemCost2 * .1)>>\
<<set $ItemCost2 to $ItemCost2 - _D10>>\
<<if $Cash >= $ItemCost2>>\
<span id="useButton"><<button "Buy $ItemName2 for $ItemCost2 Dollars" "Suburban Cop Vendor R" >>
<<set $SkillAction to "Rare">>\
<<set $ritem2 to $ritem>>\
<<set $rarelootTempOfficerShop.delete($ritem)>>\
<<button [[Finish Shopping|$location.temp]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<set $NoEncounter to random(1) +2>>\
<</button>><img @src=$genericEvent.Image width="512px" height="768px" />
<<set _exists is 0>>\
<<set $ItemCost to $uitem2.cost>>\
<<if $ThieverySkillFeats.FiveFingeredDiscount is 1>>\
<<set _D10 to Math.round($ItemCost * .1)>>\
<<set $ItemCost to $ItemCost - _D10>>\
<<if $SkillAction is "Common">>\
<<set _Buying to "Common">>\
<<if $Cash < $ItemCost>>\
<<set _Buying to "Fail">>\
<<switch _Buying>>\
<<case "Fail">>\
<<if $SkillAction is "Common">>\
<<set $lootTempOfficerShop.push($uitem2)>>\
<<set $rarelootTempOfficerShop.push($ritem2)>>\
You can't afford the $uitem2.name!
<<case "Common">>\
<<for $i = 0; $i < $PCInventory.length; $i++>>\
<<set $vitem = $PCInventory[$i]>>\
<<set $ItemName to $vitem.name>>\
<<set _TempName to $uitem2.name>>\
<<if $ItemName is _TempName>>\
<<set _amount to $vitem.amount>>\
<<set _exists to 1>>\
<<if _exists is 1>>\
<<set _amount to _amount +1>>\
<<set $vitem.amount to _amount>>\
<<set $PCInventory.push($uitem2)>>\
<<set $Cash to $Cash - $ItemCost>>\
You bought the $uitem2.name for $ItemCost dollars.
<<button [[Next|Suburban Cop Vendor]]>>
<</button>><img @src=$genericEvent.Image width="512px" height="768px" />
<<if $Cash < $ItemCost2>>\
You can't afford the $uitem2.name!
<<set $PCInventory.push($ritem2)>>\
<<set $Cash to $Cash - $ritem2.cost>>\
<<set $rarelootTempOfficerShop.delete($ritem)>>\
You bought the $ritem2.name for $ItemCost2 dollars.
<<button [[Next|Suburban Cop Vendor]]>>
<</button>><img src="Images/IntroNurse.jpg" max-width:100% height:auto/>
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
Infested Cataclysm Public Build - $Version
Infested Cataclysm takes place in a fictional universe in the year 20XX where a virus known as the "Infested Virus" has transformed a vast amount of the city of Civiton's adult population into sex obsessed mutant zombies. Your character must survive the mean streets of Civiton which is filled with these Infested while trying to uncover the truth behind this Infested Cataclysm.
Currently the max level cap for $Version is Level 4, while the current story ends with the Sunrise View industrial park section open with the Church of Trilogy Life advancing the main story slightly. Warning! You are unable to rescue your family members at this time! The plan is for the max level cap to increase in later updates along with advancing the main storyline.
<b><FONT COLOR="RED">Warning! If you have a older save file please update using the in-game smartphone update option once your save has been loaded! Your file will also update when you sleep but strange and buggy things can happen if you don't update before running across something new. </FONT></b>
Do you wish to have sound on or off? (This option can be changed in the SmartPhone Options Menu)
Sound On: <label><<radiobutton "$Sound" "On" checked>></label>
Sound Off: <label><<radiobutton "$Sound" "Off">></label>
<<if $Admin is 1>>\
This is a developer/cheat build. There are several places where events and locations are being worked on which are marked Admin. Please be aware of such locations/events and save before hand just in case. Several cheats can be access from the computer in the PC's bedroom.
Do you wish to have Admin mode enabled? (This option can be changed in the SmartPhone Options Menu) Developer Warning: This will allow access to unfinished scenes and events!
Admin Mode On: <label><<radiobutton "$AdminMode" 1 checked>></label>
Admin Mode Off: <label><<radiobutton "$AdminMode" 0>></label>
This game contains adult imagery and themes, and should not be played by anyone under the age of 18.
<<button [[I am over the Age of 18|PreStart]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[I want to check out the Updates|Updates]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[I want to check out the Credits|Credits]]>> <</button>>
<<if $Sound is "On">>\
<video src="videos/Intro.mp4" autoplay loop></video>
<video src="videos/Intro.mp4" autoplay loop muted></video>
Do you wish to encounter Enemy Infested Futas? (Warning: Some NPCs can still be Futas and certain items can turn your character into a Futa temporarily. This option can be changed in the SmartPhone Options Menu)
Yes! <label><<radiobutton "$NoFutaEncounter" 0 checked>></label>
No! <label><<radiobutton "$NoFutaEncounter" 1>></label>
Do you wish to encounter Enemy Infested Men? (Warning: Some NPCs can still be men along with a couple of event bosses. This option can be changed in the SmartPhone Options Menu)
Yes! <label><<radiobutton "$NoMenEncounter" 0 checked>></label>
No! <label><<radiobutton "$NoMenEncounter" 1>></label>
Is this your first time playing Infested Cataclysm?
<<button [[I have never played Infested Cataclysm|Prologue 1]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[I have played Infested Cataclysm and Wish to Get to the Character Creator|Start]]>> <</button>><<if $PC.Sex is "Male">>\
<<set _option1 to $playerPath + $arrayPlayer1Male[1] + '.jpg' >>\
<<set _option2 to $playerPath + $arrayPlayer2Male[1] + '.jpg' >>\
<<set _option3 to $playerPath + $arrayPlayer3Male[1] + '.jpg' >>\
<<set _option4 to $playerPath + $arrayPlayer4Male[1] + '.jpg' >>\
<<set _option5 to $playerPath + $arrayPlayer5Male[1] + '.jpg' >>\
<<set _option1 to $playerPath + $arrayPlayer1Female[1] + '.jpg' >>\
<<set _option2 to $playerPath + $arrayPlayer2Female[1] + '.jpg' >>\
<<set _option3 to $playerPath + $arrayPlayer3Female[1] + '.jpg' >>\
<<set _option4 to $playerPath + $arrayPlayer4Female[1] + '.jpg' >>\
<<set _option5 to $playerPath + $arrayPlayer5Female[1] + '.jpg' >>\
<<if $Prologue is 0>>\
[img[_option1][Choose Background][$PCProfile.Choice to 1]] [img[_option2][Choose Background][$PCProfile.Choice to 2]] [img[_option3][Choose Background][$PCProfile.Choice to 3]]
[img[_option4][Choose Background][$PCProfile.Choice to 4]] [img[_option5][Choose Background][$PCProfile.Choice to 5]]
[img[_option1][Prologue - Background][$PCProfile.Choice to 1]] [img[_option2][Prologue - Background][$PCProfile.Choice to 2]] [img[_option3][Prologue - Background][$PCProfile.Choice to 3]]
[img[_option4][Prologue - Background][$PCProfile.Choice to 4]] [img[_option5][Prologue - Background][$PCProfile.Choice to 5]]
<<set _picture to $PCProfile.Picture>>\
<img @src="_picture" height="768px" width="512px" />
<<button [[Update your Profile|Profiler Update1]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Change your Name|Name Update]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Update your Family Information|Family Update]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Finish|Bathroom]]>> <</button>><<if $PC.Sex is "Futa" or $StatusAffect.Futa > 0>>\
<<set _Sex to "Futa">>\
<<elseif $PC.Sex is "Female" and $StatusAffect.Futa < 1>>\
<<set _Sex to "Female">>\
<<set _Sex to "Male" and $StatusAffect.Futa < 1>>\
<<switch _Sex>>\
<<case "Female">>\
<<if $PC.BreastsSize > 4 and $PC.BreastsSize < 10>>\
<<set $PCProfile.Picture to $PCProfile.BreastDD>>\
<<elseif $PC.BreastsSize > 9>>\
<<set $PCProfile.Picture to $PCProfile.BreastG>>\
<<case "Futa">>\
<<if $PC.BreastsSize > 4 and $PC.BreastsSize < 10>>\
<<set $PCProfile.Picture to $PCProfile.BreastDD>>\
<<elseif $PC.BreastsSize > 9>>\
<<set $PCProfile.Picture to $PCProfile.BreastG>>\
<</switch>>\<<set _WeatherRoll to (random(19)+1)>>\
<<if _WeatherRoll < $Weather.SwitchChance>>\
<<set $Weather.Previous to $Weather.Current>>\
<<set $Weather.Current to $Weather.Future>>\
<<set _FutureRoll to (random(19)+1)>>\
<<switch _FutureRoll>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<set $Weather.SwitchChance to $Weather.SwitchChance+5>>\
<<if $Weather.SwitchChance > 19>>\
<<set $Weather.SwitchChance to 19>>\
<<set $Weather.Array to $arrayWeatherTypes.random()>>\
<<set $Weather.Future to $arrayWeatherTypes[$Weather.Array]>>\
<<case 2 3 4 5>>\
<<set $Weather.SwitchChance to $Weather.SwitchChance+1>>\
<<set $Weather.Future to $Weather.Previous>>\
<<case 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16>>\
<<set _Weathershift to (random(19)+1)>>\
<<set _WeatherAmount to (random(3)+1)>>\
<<if _Weathershift < 8 and $Weather.Array > 0>>\
<<set $Weather.Array to $Weather.Array - _WeatherAmount>>\
<<if $Weather.Array < 0>>\
<<set $Weather.Array to 0>>\
<<set $Weather.Future to $arrayWeatherTypes[$Weather.Array]>>\
<<elseif $Weather.Array < 9>>\
<<set $Weather.Array to $Weather.Array + _WeatherAmount>>\
<<if $Weather.Array > 9>>\
<<set $Weather.Array to 9>>\
<<set $Weather.Future to $arrayWeatherTypes[$Weather.Array]>>\
<<set $Weather.Array to 4>>\
<<set $Weather.Future to $arrayWeatherTypes[$Weather.Array]>>\
<<set $Weather.SwitchChance to $Weather.SwitchChance+5>>\
<<if $Weather.SwitchChance > 19>>\
<<set $Weather.SwitchChance to 19>>\
<<set $Weather.Future to "None">>\
<<set $StatusText.Notice to 1>>\
<<set $StatusText.WeatherFlag to 1>>\
<<switch $Weather.Current>>\
<<case "Windy">>\
<<set _StrengthRoll to (random(1)+1)>>\
<<set $Weather.Strength to _StrengthRoll>>
<<set $StatusText.Weather to "Looks like the wind is picking up.">>\
<<case "Cloudy">>\
<<set $Weather.Strength to 1>>\
<<set $StatusText.Weather to "It's getting pretty cloudy today. It might be awhile before I can see the sun again.">>\
<<case "Misty">>\
<<set $Weather.Strength to 1>>\
<<set $StatusText.Weather to "This light mist is making it a bit hard to see anything in this area.">>\
<<case "Foggy">>\
<<set _StrengthRoll to (random(2)+2)>>\
<<set $Weather.Strength to _StrengthRoll>>\
<<set $StatusText.Weather to "Looks like a fog bank has swallowed the whole damn city!">>\
<<case "Dreary">>\
<<set _StrengthRoll to (random(2)+1)>>\
<<set $Weather.Strength to _StrengthRoll>>\
<<set $StatusText.Weather to "Those dark clouds, pesistant rain and light mist is making the whole city look so dreary.">>\
<<case "Rainy">>\
<<set _StrengthRoll to (random(2)+1)>>\
<<set $Weather.Strength to _StrengthRoll>>\
<<set $StatusText.Weather to "Looks like it's starting to rain...">>\
<<case "Stormy">>\
<<set _StrengthRoll to (random(2)+2)>>\
<<set $Weather.Strength to _StrengthRoll>>\
<<set $StatusText.Weather to "Uh Oh! That sounds like a thunderstorm! I'm going to need to seek shelter fast!">>\
<<case "Sleeting">>\
<<set _StrengthRoll to (random(2)+1)>>\
<<set $Weather.Strength to _StrengthRoll>>\
<<set $StatusText.Weather to "Is that sleet I'm feeling? That's a bit early in the season but that's just mountain weather, I guess...">>\
<<case "Snowy">>\
<<set _StrengthRoll to (random(2)+2)>>\
<<set $Weather.Strength to _StrengthRoll>>\
<<set $StatusText.Weather to "Snowing in the middle of Fall? Strange... Anyways I'm going to need to get some warm clothes if I want to wander around while it's snowing.">>\
<<set $Weather.Strength to 0>>\
<<switch $Weather.Previous>>\
<<case "Windy">>\
<<set $StatusText.Weather to "Looks like the wind has died down.">>\
<<case "Cloudy">>\
<<set $StatusText.Weather to "Looks like the clouds are clearing out a bit. It's good to see the open sky again.">>\
<<case "Misty">>\
<<set $StatusText.Weather to "I'm glad the mist has finally cleared up.">>\
<<case "Foggy">>\
<<set $StatusText.Weather to "Finally! I can actually see something beyond my face now that the fog is lifting!">>\
<<case "Dreary">>\
<<set $StatusText.Weather to "Looks like those dark clouds have cleared up. I'm glad to get out of that dreary weather...">>\
<<case "Rainy">>\
<<set $StatusText.Weather to "Looks like the rain is finally stopping. Hopefully it won't take too long to dry out.">>\
<<case "Stormy">>\
<<set $StatusText.Weather to "Sounds like the thunderstorm has finally moved out of the area. It should be a bit safer to move around the city again.">>\
<<case "Sleeting">>\
<<set $StatusText.Weather to "Looks like the sleet is finally stopping. Hopefully it should warm up some more so that I can get nice and dry.">>\
<<case "Snowy">>\
<<set $StatusText.Weather to "Looks like the snowstorm has moved on. Hopefully it should warm up some more so that I can get nice and dry.">>\
<</if>><<set _picture to $PCProfile.Picture>>\
<img @src="_picture" height="768px" width="512px" />
<<button [[Finish|Oak Dale Clinic Restroom]]>> <</button>><img src="Images/Suburb/Clinic/restroom.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set $StatusAffect.Wet to 0>>
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
You use the restroom automatic dryer to dry off from all the water that's soaked your hair and clothes. It takes awhile but eventually you feel decently dry as you finally let the dryer turn off.
<div class="pcTalk"><i>It feels nice to finally be dry again!</i></div>
<<button [[Finish|Oak Dale Clinic Restroom]]>> <</button>><img src="Images/Suburb/Park/park 2.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set $location.temp to "Grove Hills Park West">>\
<<include "Time Micro-Passes">>\
You are located in the western part of the Grove Hills Park. Several wild flowers can be seen around this part as the concrete path you are on passes by a public restroom. The smell of nature is strong and you feel a sense of peace here in the park. A slightly overgrown concrete path heads to the north and to the east which is where the exit to the park is located.
<<button [[Enter Restroom|Grove Hills Park Restroom]]>>
<<set $location.Indoor to 1>>\
<<button [[North|Grove Hills Park Northwest]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[East|Grove Hills Park]]>> <</button>>
<<if $lust >= ($MaxLust / 2) or $GeneralFeats.Horndog > 0>>\
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Masturbate|Masturbate]]>> </span>
<<set $location.Encounter to "Grove Hills">>\
<</if>>\<img src="Images/Suburb/Park/park 4.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set $location.temp to "Grove Hills Park Northwest">>\
<<include "Time Micro-Passes">>\
You are located in the northwestern part of the Grove Hills Park. A large utility shed can be seen slightly off the concrete path to the north. Multiple trees surround the shack while several overgrown weeds can be seen behind the shed. A slightly overgrown concrete path heads to the east and to the south which is where a public restroom can be seen.
<<button [[Check out the Shed|Grove Hills Park Shed]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[East|Grove Hills Park Northeast]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[South|Grove Hills Park West]]>> <</button>>
<<if $lust >= ($MaxLust / 2) or $GeneralFeats.Horndog > 0>>\
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Masturbate|Masturbate]]>> </span>
<<set $location.Encounter to "Grove Hills">>\
<</if>>\<img src="Images/Suburb/Park/park 3.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set $location.temp to "Grove Hills Park Northeast">>\
<<include "Time Micro-Passes">>\
You are located in the northeastern part of the Grove Hills Park. Large trees showing the signs of fall can be seen all around the path you are on. Usually the faint sounds of the city could be heard here but with the Infested pandemic going on there's not much noice except that of nature. A slightly overgrown concrete path heads to the west and to the south which is where the exit to the park is located.
<<button [[West|Grove Hills Park Northwest]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[South|Grove Hills Park]]>> <</button>>
<<if $lust >= ($MaxLust / 2) or $GeneralFeats.Horndog > 0>>\
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Masturbate|Masturbate]]>> </span>
<<set $location.Encounter to "Grove Hills">>\
<</if>>\<img src="Images/Suburb/Park/Restroom.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set $location.temp to "Grove Hills Park Restroom">>\
<<include "Time Micro-Passes">>\
This is the inside of the public restroom for the Grove Hills Park. It doesn't look like it's been used all that often but that's offset by the fact it hasn't been cleaned all that often as well. There's a tiny shower typically off in the corner along with several toilet stalls. A large mirror takes up a big part of the wall above where the sinks are located. There's a door that leads back out to the park and next to the door is a vending machine.
<<button [[Check the Mirror|Grove Hills Park Mirror]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Take a Shower|Grove Hills Park Shower]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Use the Vending Machine|Grove Hills Park Vending]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Leave|Grove Hills Park West]]>>
<<set $location.Indoor to 0>>\
<<if $lust >= ($MaxLust / 2) or $GeneralFeats.Horndog > 0>>\
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Masturbate|Masturbate]]>> </span>
<<set $location.Encounter to "Grove Hills">>\
<</if>>\<<set _picture to $PCProfile.Picture>>\
<img @src="_picture" height="768px" width="512px" />
<<button [[Finish|Grove Hills Park Restroom]]>> <</button>><img @src=$genericHouseBathroomImage />
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumFilled to 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Wet to 0>>\
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<if $lust >= ($MaxLust / 2)>>\
<<set $lust to $lust -10>>\
You take a quick shower in the small bathroom to quickly clean off any bodily fluids and other clinging debris. You are lucky that there are some towels ready which helps you to quickly get dry. You finish up and return to the bathroom proper.
<<button [[Finish|Small House - Bathroom]]>> <</button>><img @src=$genericHouseBathroomImage />
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumFilled to 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Wet to 0>>\
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<if $lust >= ($MaxLust / 2)>>\
<<set $lust to $lust -10>>\
You take a quick shower in the small bathroom to quickly clean off any bodily fluids and other clinging debris. You are lucky that there are some towels ready which helps you to quickly get dry. You finish up and return to the bathroom proper.
<<button [[Finish|Small House2 - Bathroom]]>> <</button>><img @src=$genericHouseBathroomImage />
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumFilled to 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Wet to 0>>\
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<if $lust >= ($MaxLust / 2)>>\
<<set $lust to $lust -10>>\
You take a quick shower in the nice bathroom to quickly clean off any bodily fluids and other clinging debris. Y You are lucky that there are some towels ready which helps you to quickly get dry. You finish up and return to the bathroom proper.
<<button [[Finish|$location.temp]]>> <</button>><<set $genericEvent.Image = $eventPath7 + $arrayEvent7Blowjob.random() + '.jpg'>>\
<img @src=$genericEvent.Image />
<<set $NoEncounter to random(1) +2>>\
<<set $doctorEvent.Agree to 1>>\
<<set $npcRichard.SexXP to $npcRichard.SexXP +1>>\
<<set $sexHistory.XP to $sexHistory.XP +1>>\
<<if (random(19) + 1) + $Skill.Social + $CharismaBonus > 14>>\
<<set $npcRichard.Friendship to $npcRichard.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity +3 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set $npcRichard.Friendship to $npcRichard.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity +2 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set _DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$npcRichard.DickSize]>>\
<<set _DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$npcRichard.DickSize]>>
<<if $PC.Sex is "Futa" or $StatusAffect.Futa > 0>>\
<<set _Sex to "Futa">>\
<<elseif $PC.Sex is "Female" and $StatusAffect.Futa < 1>>\
<<set _Sex to "Female">>\
<<set _Sex to "Male">>\
<<button [[Leave|Oak Dale Clinic - North Exit]]>>
<<include "Lust Passes">>\
<<include "Time Passes">>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered +1>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<set $doctorEvent.Appointment to 0>>\
<<set $location.Indoor to 0>>\
<</button>><<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<set _Fog to 0>>\
<<set _Rain to 0>>\
<<set _Cold to 0>>\
<<set _Wind to 0>>\
<<switch $Weather.Current>>\
<<case "Cloudy" "Windy">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Houses/Apartments/Small Apartment Building.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Wind to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<case "Foggy">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Houses/Apartments/Small Apartment Building-F.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<case "Misty">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Houses/Apartments/Small Apartment Building-F.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<case "Rainy" "Stormy">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Houses/Apartments/Small Apartment Building-R.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<case "Dreary">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Houses/Apartments/Small Apartment Building-R.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<case "Sleeting">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Houses/Apartments/Small Apartment Building-S.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Cold to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<case "Snowy">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Houses/Apartments/Small Apartment Building-S.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Cold to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $Time.Current > 6>>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Houses/Apartments/Small Apartment Building-N.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<img src="Images/Suburb/Houses/Apartments/Small Apartment Building.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set $location.temp to "Oak Dale - Mountain Apartments">>\
<<set $locationGeneric to $locationOakDale>>\
<<set $location.Encounter to "Oak Dale">>\
<<set $location.Event to "Oak Dale">>\
<<if $Time.Current >= $Time.Max >>\
<<set _State to "TooLate">>\
<<set $NoEncounter to 1>>\
<<if $NoEncounter < 1>>\
<<set _EncounterRoll to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<set _TotalEncounterRoll to _EncounterRoll + $Skill.Scouting + $WisdomBonus + $StatusAffect.SilentStalking - ($StatusAffect.Stalking *2) - $StatusAffect.Horny - ($StatusAffect.CumCovered)>>\
<<if _TotalEncounterRoll + ($ThieverySkillFeats.SnareMaster *2) < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current - 10 + _Fog) or (_EncounterRoll < 2)>>\
<<set _State to "Ambush">>\
<<elseif _TotalEncounterRoll < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current - _Fog + _Rain - _Cold)>>\
<<set _State to "Combat">>\
<<set _NPCEncounterRoll to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<if _NPCEncounterRoll - _Rain + _Wind > (18 - $ScoutingSkillFeats.KeenEye) and $NoEncounter is 0>>\
<<set _State to "NPC">>\
You are located in the Mountain View Apartments parking lot located in the northwestern part of the Oak Dale suburbs. Several burnt out vehicles mostly block the entrance to the parking lot but there's just enough space to walk in. There are two main buildings that form this apartment complex and from the look of it, the Infested have cleared out any remaining survivors very early on in the Infested Pandemic. You can explore the empty apartments for supplies and salvage or you can return back to Peanut Street to the north.
<<if $StatusText.Notice is 1>>\
<<include "Update Status">>\
<<if _Rain > 0 and $StatusAffect.Wet < _Rain>>\
<<set _Rain to _Rain - $PCResistance.Water>>\
<<if _Rain > $StatusAffect.Wet>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Wet to _Rain>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I'm getting soaking wet!</i> </div>
<<if _Cold > 0 and $PCResistance.Cold < _Cold>>\
<<set _tempDamage to random(_Cold) + $StatusAffect.Wet>>\
<<set _tempDamage2 to _tempDamage - $PCResistance.Cold>>\
<<if _tempDamage2 > 0>>\
<<set $HP to $HP - _tempDamage2>>\
<<if $HP < 1>>\
<<set $HP to 1>>\
You take _tempDamage2 cold damage!
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I'm freezing to death!</i> </div>
<<switch _State>>\
<<case "TooLate">>\
<<set $Time.Current to $Time.Max>>\
It's too dangerous to explore the Oak Dale suburbs at this time of night.
<<button [[Return Home|Oak Dale Returning Home]]>>
<<set $NoEncounter to 0>>\
<<case "Ambush">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Ambushed to 1>>\
You've been ambushed by an enemy!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<set $location.Encounter to "Oak Dale">>\
<<case "Combat">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
A hostile enemy is roaming nearby!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<set $location.Encounter to "Oak Dale">>\
<<case "NPC">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
You've encountered something unusual!
<<button [[Encounter|Oak Dale Events]]>>
<<button [[Enter One the Apartment Buildings|Oak Dale - Apartments]]>>
<<set $location.Indoor to 1>>\
<<set $location.temp2 to $location.temp>>\
<<button [[Leave|Oak Dale - Peanut St 2]]>> <</button>>
<<if $lust >= ($MaxLust / 2) or $GeneralFeats.Horndog > 0>>\
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Masturbate|Masturbate]]>> </span>
<<set $location.Encounter to "Oak Dale">>\
<</switch>>\<<set $genericHouse to []>>\
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<set $BonusItem to $item.jewelry>>\
<<set _Lock to random(19) +1>>\
/* Select size of Apartment */
<<switch random(10)>>\
<<set $genericHouse.Size to 111>>\
<<include "Random House">>\
<<if _Lock > 10>>\
<<set $Salvage to {Lock: 1, Bedroom: 0, Kitchen: 0, Bathroom: 0, Living: 0}>>\
<<set $Salvage to {Lock: 0, Bedroom: 0, Kitchen: 0, Bathroom: 0, Living: 0}>>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Houses/Apartments/Small Apartment Building Entrance.jpg" />
You are standing at the entrance to one of the multi-story apartment buildings. You can enter the main hallway and explore one of the apartment units or you can return to the parking lot.
<<button [[Explore one of the Apartments|Small Apartment Entrance]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Nevermind|$location.temp]]>> <</button>><img @src=$genericHouseOutsideImage />
<<include "Time Micro-Passes">>\
<<set $location.temp to "Small Apartment Entrance">>\
<<if $Time.Current >= $Time.Max >>\
<<set _State to "TooLate">>\
<<set $NoEncounter to 1>>\
<<if $NoEncounter < 1>>\
<<set _EncounterRoll to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<set _TotalEncounterRoll to _EncounterRoll + $Skill.Scouting + $WisdomBonus + $StatusAffect.SilentStalking - ($StatusAffect.Stalking *2) - $StatusAffect.Horny - ($StatusAffect.CumCovered)>>\
<<if _TotalEncounterRoll + ($ThieverySkillFeats.SnareMaster *2) < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current - 10) or (_EncounterRoll < 2)>>\
<<set _State to "Ambush">>\
<<elseif _TotalEncounterRoll < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current)>>\
<<set _State to "Combat">>\
<<set _NPCEncounterRoll to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<if _NPCEncounterRoll > (18 - $ScoutingSkillFeats.KeenEye) and $NoEncounter is 0>>\
<<set _State to "NPC">>\
<<if $Salvage.Lock < 1>>\
This is one of the major hallways for the Mountain View Apartments. The red floor carpet along with the yellow wallpaper is showing the age of the older building. Several doors to the various apartment units line the hallway and you can't hear anyone nearby.
<<if $StatusText.Notice is 1>>\
<<include "Update Status">>\
<<switch _State>>\
<<case "TooLate">>\
<<set $Time.Current to $Time.Max>>\
It's too dangerous to explore the apartment at this time of night.
<<button [[Return Home|$location.temp2]]>>
<<set $NoEncounter to 0>>\
<<case "Ambush">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Ambushed to 1>>\
You've been ambushed by an enemy!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<case "Combat">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
A hostile enemy is roaming nearby!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<set $location.prev to $location.temp>>\
<<button [[Enter a Apartment|Small Apartment - Living Room]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Leave|$location.temp2]]>> <</button>>
<<elseif $Salvage.Lock is 1>>\
This is one of the major hallways for the Mountain View Apartments. The red floor carpet along with the yellow wallpaper is showing the age of the older building. Several doors to the various apartment units line the hallway and you can't hear anyone nearby. The nearest doors look to be locked with old fashion physical key locks.
<<if $Prof.Thievery > 0 and $LockSmithTools.Charge > 19>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> Looks like I might be able to pick the front door lock.</i></div>
<<set _T to 1>>\
<<elseif $Prof.Thievery > 0 and $LockSmithTools.Charge < 20>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> Looks like I might be able to pick the front door lock but my locksmith tool needs to be recharged first.</i></div>
<<switch _State>>\
<<case "TooLate">>\
<<set $Time.Current to $Time.Max>>\
It's too dangerous to explore the Oak Dale suburbs at this time of night.
<<button [[Return Home|Oak Dale Returning Home]]>>
<<set $NoEncounter to 0>>\
<<case "Ambush">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Ambushed to 1>>\
You've been ambushed by an enemy!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<case "Combat">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
A hostile enemy is roaming nearby!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<button [[Kick open the Door|Small Apartment Action]]>>
<<set $SkillAction to "Athletics">>\
<<if _T > 0>>\
<<button [[Pick the Lock|Small Apartment Action]]>>
<<set $SkillAction to "Thievery">>\
<<button [[Waste Some Time|Loitering]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Leave|$location.temp2]]>>
<<set $Salvage.Key to 0>>\
<</if>>\<img @src=$genericHouseOutsideImage />
<<include "Time Micro-Passes">>\
<<set $location.temp to "Small Apartment Entrance">>\
<<if $Time.Current >= $Time.Max >>\
<<set _State to "TooLate">>\
<<set $NoEncounter to 1>>\
<<if $NoEncounter < 1>>\
<<set _EncounterRoll to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<set _TotalEncounterRoll to _EncounterRoll + $Skill.Scouting + $WisdomBonus + $StatusAffect.SilentStalking - ($StatusAffect.Stalking *2) - $StatusAffect.Horny - ($StatusAffect.CumCovered)>>\
<<if _TotalEncounterRoll + ($ThieverySkillFeats.SnareMaster *2) < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current - 10) or (_EncounterRoll < 2)>>\
<<set _State to "Ambush">>\
<<elseif _TotalEncounterRoll < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current)>>\
<<set _State to "Combat">>\
<<set _NPCEncounterRoll to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<if _NPCEncounterRoll > (18 - $ScoutingSkillFeats.KeenEye) and $NoEncounter is 0>>\
<<set _State to "NPC">>\
<<if $Salvage.Lock < 1>>\
<<button [[Leave|$location.temp2]]>><img @src=$genericHouseLivingImage />
<<set $location.temp to "Small Apartment - Living Room">>\
<<set _State to 0>>\
<<include "Time Micro-Passes">>\
<<if $Time.Current >= $Time.Max >>\
<<set _State to "TooLate">>\
<<set $NoEncounter to 1>>\
<<if $NoEncounter < 1>>\
<<set _EncounterRoll2 to 0>>\
<<set _TotalEncounterRoll2 to 0>>\
<<if $StealthSkillFeats.Distraction > 0>>\
<<set _EncounterRoll2 to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<set _TotalEncounterRoll2 to _EncounterRoll2 + $Skill.Stealth + $DexterityBonus + $StatusAffect.IndoorTracking - $StatusAffect.Horny - ($StatusAffect.CumCovered) -2>>\
<<set _EncounterRoll to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<set _TotalEncounterRoll to _EncounterRoll + $Skill.Stealth + $DexterityBonus + $StatusAffect.IndoorTracking - $StatusAffect.Horny - ($StatusAffect.CumCovered)>>\
<<if _TotalEncounterRoll < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current) and _TotalEncounterRoll2 < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current)>>\
<<if _TotalEncounterRoll + ($ThieverySkillFeats.SnareMaster *2) < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current - 10) or (_EncounterRoll < 2)>>\
<<set _State to "Ambush">>\
<<set _State to "Combat">>\
<<set _NPCEncounterRoll to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<if _NPCEncounterRoll > (18 - $ScoutingSkillFeats.KeenEye) and $NoEncounter is 0>>\
<<set _State to "NPC">>\
This is a small and cluttered living room that takes up a major portion of the small apartment unit. A large screen TV takes up a good chunk of one wall while a older sofa sits near one of the other walls. Several pictures line the walls above the sofa give some attempt at making the dirty apartment a more homely look. To the right is the attached kitchen along with the bathroom while to the left is the one and only bedroom. Behind you is the exit to the apartment hallway.
<<if $StatusText.Notice is 1>>\
<<include "Update Status">>\
<<switch _State>>\
<<case "TooLate">>\
<<set $Time.Current to $Time.Max>>\
It's too dangerous to explore the apartment at this time of night.
<<button [[Leave|$location.temp2]]>>
<<set $NoEncounter to 0>>\
<<case "Ambush">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Ambushed to 1>>\
You've been ambushed by an enemy!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<case "Combat">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
A hostile enemy is wandering around the house!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<if $Salvage.Living < 1>>\
<<button [[Search for Supplies|Small Apartment Salvage]]>>
<<set $genericHouseGenericImage to $genericHouseLivingImage>>\
<<set $lootTemp to $lootSmallApartment>>\
<<set $rarelootTemp to $rarelootSmallApartment>>\
<<set $Salvage.Living to $Salvage.Living +1>>\
It looks like you have found everything of value in this room.
<<button [[Kitchen|Small Apartment - Kitchen]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Bedroom|Small Apartment - Bedroom]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Leave the Apartment|$location.temp2]]>> <</button>>
<</switch>>\<img @src=$genericHouseOutsideImage />
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set _Charge to 0>>\
<<switch $SkillAction>>\
<<case "Athletics">>\
Slowly backing up, you get yourself in a direct line to the door while glancing around for any Infested. Seeing none of them around you sprint rapidly towards the door and lash out a mighty kick to the doorknob!
<<set _A to (random(19)+ 1)>>\
<<if _A + $Skill.Athletics + $StrengthBonus + $FoodStatus.Skill - $StatusAffect.Hungry > 9 + ($PC.Level / 2)>>\
With your great strength and speed you manage to smash the flimsy apartment door open! Looking around it doesn't seem like anyone noticed so you quickly stride into the apartment.
<<button [[Enter the Apartment|Small Apartment - Living Room]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<set $Salvage.Key to 0>>\
Even with all of your strength and speed you fail to force the door open and end up bouncing off! Your foot stings a bit from the failed attempt and you decide to head back to the entrance before an Infested can locate the source of the noise.
<<set _tempDamage to (random(3) + 1) - $PCResistance.Blunt>>\
<<set $HP to $HP - _tempDamage>>\
<<if $HP < 1>>\
<<set $HP to 1>>\
You took _tempDamage damage!
<<button [[Take a Break|Small Apartment Entrance]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<case "Thievery">>\
  After glancing around looking around for any Infested or possible cops you pull out your lockpicking tool. Seeing no one around you take a long look at the door lock. It should only take a few minutes to pick the lock and gain access to the apartment.
<<set _T to (random(19)+ 1)>>\
<<if _T + $Skill.Thievery + $DexterityBonus + $FoodStatus.Skill - $StatusAffect.Hungry > 7 + ($PC.Level / 2)>>\
<<set _tempXP to $PC.Level * 100>>\
<<set $XP to $XP + _tempXP>>\
<<set _Charge to (random(10)+10)>>\
  After a few minutes you finally get the lock to click as you probe it with your tools. With only a couple of more twists you get the last of the lock's tumblers to line up. Taking a moment to put away your tool you open the now unlocked door.
<<if $XP >= $NextLevel>> You have reached the maxium experience for your level! Sleep to gain your next level.<<else>> You have gained _tempXP XP! <</if>>
<<if $ThieverySkillFeats.SturdyTools > 0>>\
<<set _T2 to (random(19)+ 1)>>\
<<if _T2 < $Prof.Thievery +1>>\
<<set _Charge to 0>>\
<<button [[Enter the Apartment|Small Apartment - Living Room]]>>
<<set $LockSmithTools.Charge to $LockSmithTools.Charge - _Charge>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<set $Salvage.Key to 0>>\
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<set _Charge to (random(10)+10)>>\
  No matter what you try to do the door remains locked! You keep getting close to getting the tumblers to align but seem to always lose one at the last moment. Over half an hour has passed without any progress on the door so you decide to take a break for now to calm your nerves and to refocus.
<<button [[Take a Break|Small Apartment Entrance]]>>
<<set $LockSmithTools.Charge to $LockSmithTools.Charge - _Charge>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</switch>>\<img @src=$genericHouseGenericImage />
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<include "Loot Items">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set _tempCash to $PC.Level * 20>>
<<set _tempCash to random(_tempCash) + 5>>\
<<set _Extra to 1>>\
<<if $SalvagingSkillFeats.ExtraLoot > 0>>\
<<set _extraloot to (random(19)+ 1) + ($Prof.Salvaging / 2)>>\
<<if _extraloot > 15>>\
<<set _Extra to 2>>\
<<set _BonusType to $BonusItem.type>>\
You search thru the room and find the following:
<<if _BonusType is "food">>\
<<set _exists to 0>>\
<<set _tempLoot to $BonusItem>>\
<<for $i = 0; $i < $PCInventory.length; $i++>>\
<<set $uitem = $PCInventory[$i]>>\
<<set $ItemName to $uitem.name>>\
<<set _TempName to _tempLoot.name>>\
<<if $ItemName is _TempName>>\
<<set _amount to $uitem.amount>>\
<<set _amount to _amount +1>>\
<<set $uitem.amount to _amount>>\
<<set _exists to 1>>\
<<if _exists is 0>>\
<<set $PCInventory.push(_tempLoot)>>\
<<print _tempLoot.name>>
<<for $i = 0; $i < ($Prof.Salvaging / 2 + _Extra); $i++>>\
<<set _RareLoot to (random(19)+ 1) + ($Prof.Salvaging / 2) + $SalvagingSkillFeats.RareSalvage >>\
Rare Roll: _RareLoot
<<if _RareLoot > 19>>\
<<set _exists to 0>>\
<<set _keyflag to 0>>\
<<set _tempLoot to $rarelootTemp.random()>>\
<<if _tempLoot.name is "a double-ended dildo">>\
<<if $KeyItemsFlags.DoubleDildo is not 1>>\
<<set _keyflag to 1>>\
<<set $KeyItemsFlags.DoubleDildo to 1>>\
<<set $KeyItems.push(_tempLoot)>>\
<<set _tempLoot to $item.jewelry>>\
<<for $j = 0; $j < $PCInventory.length; $j++>>\
<<set $uitem = $PCInventory[$j]>>\
<<set $ItemName to $uitem.name>>\
<<set _TempName to _tempLoot.name>>\
<<if $ItemName is _TempName>>\
<<set _amount to $uitem.amount>>\
<<set _amount to _amount +1>>\
<<set $uitem.amount to _amount>>\
<<set _exists to 1>>\
<<if _keyflag is 0 and _exists is 0>>\
<<set $PCInventory.push(_tempLoot)>>\
Rare: <<print _tempLoot.name>>
<<set _Salvage to (random(19)+ 1) + $Skill.Salvaging + $WisdomBonus>>\
Salvage Roll: _Salvage
<<if _Salvage > (5 + ($i * 2))>>\
<<set _exists to 0>>\
<<set _tempLoot to $lootTemp.random()>>\
<<for $j = 0; $j < $PCInventory.length; $j++>>\
<<set $uitem = $PCInventory[$j]>>\
<<set $ItemName to $uitem.name>>\
<<set _TempName to _tempLoot.name>>\
<<if $ItemName is _TempName>>\
<<set _amount to $uitem.amount>>\
<<set _amount to _amount +1>>\
<<set $uitem.amount to _amount>>\
<<set _exists to 1>>\
<<if _exists is 0>>\
<<set $PCInventory.push(_tempLoot)>>\
<<print _tempLoot.name>>
_tempCash dollars
<<button [[Finish|$location.temp]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</button>><img @src=$genericHouseKitchenImage />
<<set $location.temp to "Small Apartment - Kitchen">>\
<<set _State to 0>>\
<<include "Time Micro-Passes">>\
<<if $Time.Current >= $Time.Max >>\
<<set _State to "TooLate">>\
<<set $NoEncounter to 1>>\
<<if $NoEncounter < 1>>\
<<set _EncounterRoll2 to 0>>\
<<set _TotalEncounterRoll2 to 0>>\
<<if $StealthSkillFeats.Distraction > 0>>\
<<set _EncounterRoll2 to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<set _TotalEncounterRoll2 to _EncounterRoll2 + $Skill.Stealth + $DexterityBonus + $StatusAffect.IndoorTracking - $StatusAffect.Horny - ($StatusAffect.CumCovered) -2>>\
<<set _EncounterRoll to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<set _TotalEncounterRoll to _EncounterRoll + $Skill.Stealth + $DexterityBonus + $StatusAffect.IndoorTracking - $StatusAffect.Horny - ($StatusAffect.CumCovered)>>\
<<if _TotalEncounterRoll < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current) and _TotalEncounterRoll2 < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current)>>\
<<if _TotalEncounterRoll + ($ThieverySkillFeats.SnareMaster *2) < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current - 10) or (_EncounterRoll < 2)>>\
<<set _State to "Ambush">>\
<<set _State to "Combat">>\
<<set _NPCEncounterRoll to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<if _NPCEncounterRoll > (18 - $ScoutingSkillFeats.KeenEye) and $NoEncounter is 0>>\
<<set _State to "NPC">>\
This is a tight and cluttered kitchen that's barely squeezed in for this tiny apartment. A small refridgerator is on one wall with cabinets on each side. Several diry plates fill the sink and it looks like no one has been here for a long while. To the right is a small bathroom while to the left is the small living room.
<<if $StatusText.Notice is 1>>\
<<include "Update Status">>\
<<switch _State>>\
<<case "TooLate">>\
<<set $Time.Current to $Time.Max>>\
It's too dangerous to explore this suburban house at this time of night.
<<button [[Leave|$location.temp2]]>>
<<set $NoEncounter to 0>>\
<<case "Ambush">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Ambushed to 1>>\
You've been ambushed by an enemy!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<case "Combat">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
A hostile enemy is wandering around the house!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<if $Salvage.Kitchen < 1>>\
<<button [[Search for Supplies|Small Apartment Salvage]]>>
<<set _FoodRoll to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<if _FoodRoll > 15>>\
<<set $BonusItem to $item.largeration>>\
<<elseif _FoodRoll > 10>>\
<<set $BonusItem to $item.ration>>\
<<elseif _FoodRoll > 5>>\
<<set $BonusItem to $item.makeshiftfood>>\
<<set $BonusItem to $item.smallration>>\
<<set $genericHouseGenericImage to $genericHouseKitchenImage>>\
<<set $lootTemp to $lootSmallApartmentKitchen>>\
<<set $rarelootTemp to $rarelootApartmentHouseKitchen>>\
<<set $Salvage.Kitchen to $Salvage.Kitchen +1>>\
It looks like you have found everything of value in the kitchen.
<<button [[Bathroom|Small Apartment - Bathroom]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Living Room|Small Apartment - Living Room]]>> <</button>>
<</switch>>\<img @src=$genericHouseBedroomImage />
<<set $location.temp to "Small Apartment - Bedroom">>\
<<set _State to 0>>\
<<include "Time Micro-Passes">>\
<<if $Time.Current >= $Time.Max >>\
<<set _State to "TooLate">>\
<<set $NoEncounter to 1>>\
<<if $NoEncounter < 1>>\
<<set _EncounterRoll2 to 0>>\
<<set _TotalEncounterRoll2 to 0>>\
<<if $StealthSkillFeats.Distraction > 0>>\
<<set _EncounterRoll2 to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<set _TotalEncounterRoll2 to _EncounterRoll2 + $Skill.Stealth + $DexterityBonus + $StatusAffect.IndoorTracking - $StatusAffect.Horny - ($StatusAffect.CumCovered) -2>>\
<<set _EncounterRoll to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<set _TotalEncounterRoll to _EncounterRoll + $Skill.Stealth + $DexterityBonus + $StatusAffect.IndoorTracking - $StatusAffect.Horny - ($StatusAffect.CumCovered)>>\
<<if _TotalEncounterRoll < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current) and _TotalEncounterRoll2 < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current)>>\
<<if _TotalEncounterRoll + ($ThieverySkillFeats.SnareMaster *2) < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current - 10) or (_EncounterRoll < 2)>>\
<<set _State to "Ambush">>\
<<set _State to "Combat">>\
<<set _NPCEncounterRoll to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<if _NPCEncounterRoll > (18 - $ScoutingSkillFeats.KeenEye) and $NoEncounter is 0>>\
<<set _State to "NPC">>\
This is the one and only bedroom for this small apartment and it's the second largest room as well. A dirty bed takes up most of the room with several clothes are scattered around it. A small window on the remaining wall allows a nice view of the Double Peeks mountains. A night stand and a dresser fills up most of the remaining wall space. To the right is the living room along with the exit back to the apartment complex hallways.
<<if $StatusText.Notice is 1>>\
<<include "Update Status">>\
<<switch _State>>\
<<case "TooLate">>\
<<set $Time.Current to $Time.Max>>\
It's too dangerous to explore this suburban house at this time of night.
<<button [[Leave|$location.temp2]]>>
<<set $NoEncounter to 0>>\
<<case "Ambush">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Ambushed to 1>>\
You've been ambushed by an enemy!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<case "Combat">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
A hostile enemy is wandering around the apartment!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<if $Salvage.Bedroom < 1>>\
<<button [[Search for Supplies|Small Apartment Salvage]]>>
<<set $genericHouseGenericImage to $genericHouseBedroomImage>>\
<<set $lootTemp to $lootSmallApartmentBedroom>>\
<<set $rarelootTemp to $rarelootSmallApartmentBedroom>>\
<<set $Salvage.Bedroom to $Salvage.Bedroom +1>>\
It looks like you have found everything of value in this room.
<<button [[Living Room|Small Apartment - Living Room]]>> <</button>>
<</switch>>\<img @src=$genericHouseBathroomImage />
<<set $location.temp to "Small Apartment - Bathroom">>\
<<set _State to 0>>\
<<include "Time Micro-Passes">>\
<<if $Time.Current >= $Time.Max >>\
<<set _State to "TooLate">>\
<<set $NoEncounter to 1>>\
<<if $NoEncounter < 1>>\
<<set _EncounterRoll2 to 0>>\
<<set _TotalEncounterRoll2 to 0>>\
<<if $StealthSkillFeats.Distraction > 0>>\
<<set _EncounterRoll2 to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<set _TotalEncounterRoll2 to _EncounterRoll2 + $Skill.Stealth + $DexterityBonus + $StatusAffect.IndoorTracking - $StatusAffect.Horny - ($StatusAffect.CumCovered) -2>>\
<<set _EncounterRoll to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<set _TotalEncounterRoll to _EncounterRoll + $Skill.Stealth + $DexterityBonus + $StatusAffect.IndoorTracking - $StatusAffect.Horny - ($StatusAffect.CumCovered)>>\
<<if _TotalEncounterRoll < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current) and _TotalEncounterRoll2 < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current)>>\
<<if _TotalEncounterRoll + ($ThieverySkillFeats.SnareMaster *2) < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current - 10) or (_EncounterRoll < 2)>>\
<<set _State to "Ambush">>\
<<set _State to "Combat">>\
<<set _NPCEncounterRoll to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<if _NPCEncounterRoll > (18 - $ScoutingSkillFeats.KeenEye) and $NoEncounter is 0>>\
<<set _State to "NPC">>\
This is the tiny, cramped bathroom for this small apartment unit. A small standing shower takes up a corner of the room while a toilet takes up another corner of the tiny bathroom. An pathetic attempt at a sink and mirror completes the bathroom. Behind you is a door leading back into an equally small kitchen.
<<if $StatusText.Notice is 1>>\
<<include "Update Status">>\
<<switch _State>>\
<<case "TooLate">>\
<<set $Time.Current to $Time.Max>>\
It's too dangerous to explore the apartment at this time of night.
<<button [[Leave|$location.temp2]]>>
<<set $NoEncounter to 0>>\
<<case "Ambush">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Ambushed to 1>>\
You've been ambushed by an enemy!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<case "Combat">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
A hostile enemy is wandering around the apartment!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<if $Salvage.Bathroom < 1>>\
<<button [[Search for Salvage|Small House Salvage]]>>
<<set $genericHouseGenericImage to $genericHouseBathroomImage>>\
<<set $lootTemp to $lootSmallApartmentBathroom>>\
<<set $rarelootTemp to $rarelootSmallApartmentBathroom>>\
<<set $Salvage.Bathroom to $Salvage.Bathroom +1>>\
It looks like you have found everything of value in the bathroom.
<<button [[Take a Shower|Small Apartment Bathroom Shower]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Kitchen|Small Apartment - Kitchen]]>> <</button>>
<</switch>>\<img @src=$genericHouseBathroomImage />
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumFilled to 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Wet to 0>>\
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<if $lust >= ($MaxLust / 2)>>\
<<set $lust to $lust -10>>\
You take a quick shower in the tiny bathroom to quickly clean off any bodily fluids and other clinging debris. You are lucky that there are some towels ready which helps you to quickly get dry. You finish up and return to the bathroom proper.
<<button [[Finish|Small Apartment - Bathroom]]>> <</button>><<set $lootSmallApartment to [$item.battery, $item.wood, $item.wood, $item.electronics, $item.electronics, $item.metal, $item.metal, $item.cloth, $item.cloth, $item.book]>>\
<<set $rarelootSmallApartment to [$armor.leatherjacket, $weapon.mop, $accessory.lightparasol]>>\
<<set $lootSmallApartmentKitchen to [$item.beer, $item.ration, $item.ration, $item.ration, $item.ration, $item.ration, $item.largeration, $item.largeration, $item.energydrink, $item.focusdrink]>>\
<<set $rarelootSmallApartmentKitchen to [$item.milkshakejugs, $item.milktanks, $item.drpecker, $item.recipeHeartyToast, $item.recipeStrongCoffee, $item.recipeSpeedySandwich, $item.dietmilkshakejugs, $item.dietdrpecker]>>\
<<set $lootSmallApartmentBathroom to [$item.cloth, $item.cloth, $item.smallwetwipe, $item.smallwetwipe, $item.firstaid, $item.firstaid, $item.firstaid]>>\
<<set $rarelootSmallApartmentBathroom to [$item.weakantiviralmedicine, $item.largefirstaid]>>\
<<set $lootSmallApartmentBedroom to [$item.battery, $item.smallwood, $item.wood, $item.smallelectronics, $item.electronics, $item.smallmetal, $item.metal, $item.smallcloth, $item.cloth, $item.cloth, $item.eroticbook]>>\
<<set $rarelootSmallApartmentBedroom to [$weapon.pistol9mm, $weapon.switchknife, $weapon.brassknuckles, $item.doubledildo]>>\
<<set $item.recipeBaseballBat = {
link: $weapon.baseballbat,
link2: $weapon.superiorbaseballbat,
type : "schematic",
subtype: "weapon",
name : "Baseball Bat schematic",
name2: "Baseball Bat",
plural : "Baseball Bat schematics",
description : $weapon.baseballbat.description,
description2 : $weapon.baseballbat.description2,
quality : 1,
DC: 10,
mat1: "Wood",
mat1amount: 5,
mat2: "Null",
amount: 1,
cost : 10
<<set $item.recipeStunGun = {
link: $weapon.stungun,
link2: $weapon.superiorstungun,
type : "schematic",
subtype: "weapon",
name : "Stun Gun schematic",
name2: "Stun gun",
plural : "Stun Gun schematics",
description : $weapon.stungun.description,
description2 : $weapon.stungun.description2,
quality : 1,
DC: 15,
mat1: "Electronics",
mat1amount: 30,
mat2: "Metal",
mat2amount: 5,
amount: 1,
cost : 10
<<set $item.recipeBaton = {
link: $weapon.baton,
link2: $weapon.superiorbaton,
type : "schematic",
subtype: "weapon",
name : "Baton schematic",
name2: "Baton",
plural : "Baseball Bat schematics",
description : $weapon.baton.description,
description2 : $weapon.baton.description2,
quality : 1,
DC: 12,
mat1: "Wood",
mat1amount: 10,
mat2: "Null",
amount: 1,
cost : 10
<<set $item.recipeFencingSword = {
link: $weapon.fencingsword,
link2: $weapon.superiorfencingsword,
type : "schematic",
subtype: "weapon",
name : "Fencing Sword schematic",
name2: "Fencing Sword",
plural : "Fencing Sword schematics",
description : $weapon.fencingsword.description,
description2 : $weapon.fencingsword.description2,
quality : 1,
DC: 12,
mat1: "Metal",
mat1amount: 10,
mat2: "Null",
amount: 1,
cost : 10
<<set $item.recipeLongSword = {
link: $weapon.longsword,
link2: $weapon.superiorlongsword,
type : "schematic",
subtype: "weapon",
name : "Long Sword schematic",
name2: "Long Sword",
plural : "Long Sword schematics",
description : $weapon.longsword.description,
description2 : $weapon.longsword.description2,
quality : 1,
DC: 15,
mat1: "Metal",
mat1amount: 30,
mat2: "Null",
amount: 1,
cost : 10
<<set $item.recipeKatana = {
link: $weapon.katana,
link2: $weapon.superiorkatana,
type : "schematic",
subtype: "weapon",
name : "Katana schematic",
name2: "Katana",
plural : "Katana schematics",
description : $weapon.katana.description,
description2 : $weapon.katana.description2,
quality : 1,
DC: 15,
mat1: "Metal",
mat1amount: 50,
mat2: "Null",
amount: 1,
cost : 20
<<set $item.recipePistolCrossbow = {
link: $weapon.pistolcrossbow,
link2: $weapon.superiorpistolcrossbow,
type : "schematic",
subtype: "weapon",
name : "Pistol Crossbow schematic",
name2: "Pistol Crossbow",
plural : "Pistol Crossbow schematics",
description : $weapon.pistolcrossbow.description,
description2 : $weapon.pistolcrossbow.description2,
quality : 1,
DC: 12,
mat1: "Metal",
mat1amount: 10,
mat2: "Cloth",
mat2amount: 1,
amount: 1,
cost : 10
<<set $item.recipeMediumCrossbow = {
link: $weapon.mediumcrossbow,
link2: $weapon.superiormediumcrossbow,
type : "schematic",
subtype: "weapon",
name : "Medium Crossbow schematic",
name2: "Medium Crossbow",
plural : "Medium Crossbow schematics",
description : $weapon.mediumcrossbow.description,
description2 : $weapon.mediumcrossbow.description2,
quality : 1,
DC: 15,
mat1: "Metal",
mat1amount: 30,
mat2: "Cloth",
mat2amount: 5,
amount: 1,
cost : 20
<<set $item.recipeNeedleCrossbow = {
link : $weapon.needlecrossbow,
link2 : $weapon.superiorneedlecrossbow,
type : "schematic",
subtype : "weapon",
name : "Needle Crossbow schematic",
name2 : "Needle Crossbow",
plural : "Needle Crossbow schematics",
description : $weapon.needlecrossbow.description,
description2 : $weapon.needlecrossbow.description2,
quality : 1,
DC: 12,
mat1: "Metal",
mat1amount : 20,
mat2 : "Junk",
mat2amount : 1,
amount: 1,
cost : 10
<<set $item.recipeRepeatingCrossbow = {
link: $weapon.repeatingcrossbow,
link2: $weapon.superiorrepeatingcrossbow,
type : "schematic",
subtype: "weapon",
name : "Repeating Crossbow schematic",
name2: "Repeating Crossbow",
plural : "Repeating Crossbow schematics",
description : $weapon.repeatingcrossbow.description,
description2 : $weapon.repeatingcrossbow.description2,
quality : 1,
DC: 15,
mat1: "Metal",
mat1amount: 50,
mat2: "Cloth",
mat2amount: 5,
amount: 1,
cost : 30
<<set $item.recipePistol22mm = {
link: $weapon.pistol22mm,
link2: $weapon.superiorpistol22mm,
type : "schematic",
subtype: "weapon",
name : "22mm Pistol schematic",
name2: "22mm Pistol",
plural : "22mm Pistol schematics",
description : $weapon.pistol22mm.description,
description2 : $weapon.pistol22mm.description2,
quality : 1,
DC: 12,
mat1: "Metal",
mat1amount: 10,
mat2: "Junk",
mat2amount: 1,
amount: 1,
cost : 10
<<set $item.recipePistolbyrna68caliber = {
link: $weapon.pistolbyrna68caliber,
link2: $weapon.superiorpistolbyrna68caliber,
type : "schematic",
subtype: "weapon",
name : ".68 caliber Byrna Pistol schematic",
name2: ".68 caliber Byrna Pistol",
plural : ".68 caliber Byrna Pistol schematics",
description : $weapon.pistolbyrna68caliber.description,
description2 : $weapon.pistolbyrna68caliber.description2,
quality : 1,
DC: 14,
mat1: "Junk",
mat1amount: 15,
mat2: "Null",
mat2amount: 1,
amount: 1,
cost : 10
<<set $item.recipePistol9mm = {
link: $weapon.pistol9mm,
link2: $weapon.superiorpistol9mm,
type : "schematic",
subtype: "weapon",
name : "9mm Pistol schematic",
name2: "9mm Pistol",
plural : "9mm Pistol schematics",
description : $weapon.pistol9mm.description,
description2 : $weapon.pistol9mm.description2,
quality : 1,
DC: 15,
mat1: "Metal",
mat1amount: 30,
mat2: "Junk",
mat2amount: 2,
amount: 1,
cost : 20
<<set $item.recipePistolP99mm = {
link: $weapon.pistolP99mm,
link2: $weapon.superiorpistolP99mm,
type : "schematic",
subtype: "weapon",
name : "P99 Pistol schematic",
name2: "P99 Pistol",
plural : "P99 Pistol schematics",
description : $weapon.pistolP99mm.description,
description2 : $weapon.pistolP99mm.description2,
quality : 1,
DC: 15,
mat1: "Metal",
mat1amount: 25,
mat2: "Junk",
mat2amount: 5,
amount: 1,
cost : 30
<<set $item.recipePistol40sw = {
link: $weapon.pistol40sw,
link2: $weapon.superiorpistol40sw,
type : "schematic",
subtype: "weapon",
name : ".40 S&W Pistol schematic",
name2: ".40 S&W Pistol",
plural : ".40 S&W Pistol schematics",
description : $weapon.pistol40sw.description,
description2 : $weapon.pistol40sw.description2,
quality : 1,
DC: 15,
mat1: "Metal",
mat1amount: 50,
mat2: "Junk",
mat2amount: 2,
amount: 1,
cost : 30
<<set $item.recipePistolVP70Z = {
link: $weapon.pistolVP70Z,
link2: $weapon.superiorpistolVP70Z,
type : "schematic",
subtype: "weapon",
name : "9mm VP70Z pistol schematic",
name2: "9mm VP70Z Pistol",
plural : "9mm VP70Z pistol schematics",
description : $weapon.pistolVP70Z.description,
description2 : $weapon.pistolVP70Z.description2,
quality : 1,
DC: 15,
mat1: "Metal",
mat1amount: 40,
mat2: "Junk",
mat2amount: 5,
amount: 1,
cost : 30
<<set $item.recipeShotgun28 = {
link: $weapon.shotgun28,
link2: $weapon.superiorshotgun28,
type : "schematic",
subtype: "weapon",
name : "28-Gauge Shotgun schematic",
name2: "28-Gauge Shotgun",
plural : "28-Gauge Shotgun Shotgun schematics",
description : $weapon.shotgun28.description,
description2 : $weapon.shotgun28.description2,
quality : 1,
DC: 12,
mat1: "Metal",
mat1amount: 10,
mat2: "Junk",
mat2amount: 1,
amount: 1,
cost : 10
<<set $item.recipeShotgun410 = {
link: $weapon.shotgun410 ,
link2: $weapon.superiorshotgun410,
type : "schematic",
subtype: "weapon",
name : ".410-gauge shotgun schematic",
name2: "$weapon.shotgun410.name",
plural : ".410-gauge shotgun schematics",
description : $weapon.shotgun410.description,
description2 : $weapon.shotgun410.description2,
quality : 1,
DC: 14,
mat1: "Metal",
mat1amount: 35,
mat2: "Junk",
mat2amount: 3,
amount: 1,
cost : 20
<<set $item.recipeShotgun20g = {
link: $weapon.shotgun20g,
link2: $weapon.superiorshotgun20g,
type : "schematic",
subtype: "weapon",
name : "20-Gauge Shotgun schematic",
name2: "20-Gauge Shotgun",
plural : "20-Gauge Shotgun schematics",
description : $weapon.shotgun20g.description,
description2 : $weapon.shotgun20g.description2,
quality : 1,
DC: 15,
mat1: "Metal",
mat1amount: 30,
mat2: "Junk",
mat2amount: 2,
amount: 1,
cost : 30
<<set $item.recipeShotgunbeanbag20g = {
link: $weapon.shotgunbeanbag20g,
link2: $weapon.superiorshotgunbeanbag20g,
type : "schematic",
subtype: "weapon",
name : "20-Gauge Beanbag Shotgun schematic",
name2: "20-Gauge Beanbag Shotgun",
plural : "20-Gauge Beanbag Shotgun schematics",
description : $weapon.shotgunbeanbag20g.description,
description2 : $weapon.shotgunbeanbag20g.description2,
quality : 1,
DC: 16,
mat1: "Metal",
mat1amount: 30,
mat2: "Junk",
mat2amount: 5,
amount: 1,
cost : 30
<<set $item.recipeShotgun16g = {
link: $weapon.shotgun16g,
link2: $weapon.superiorshotgun16g,
type : "schematic",
subtype: "weapon",
name : "16-gauge Shotgun schematic",
name2: "16-gauge Shotgun",
plural : "16-gauge Shotgun schematics",
description : $weapon.shotgun16g.description,
description2 : $weapon.shotgun16g.description2,
quality : 1,
DC: 16,
mat1: "Metal",
mat1amount: 40,
mat2: "Junk",
mat2amount: 2,
amount: 1,
cost : 30
<<set $item.recipeShotgunDragonfire16g = {
link: $weapon.shotgundragonfire16g,
link2: $weapon.superiorshotgundragonfire16g,
type : "schematic",
subtype: "weapon",
name : "16-gauge Dragonfire Shotgun schematic",
name2: "16-gauge Dragonfire Shotgun",
plural : "16-gauge Dragonfire Shotgun schematics",
description : $weapon.shotgundragonfire16g.description,
description2 : $weapon.shotgundragonfire16g.description2,
quality : 1,
DC: 15,
mat1: "Metal",
mat1amount: 35,
mat2: "Junk",
mat2amount: 7,
amount: 1,
cost : 30
<<set $item.recipeRifle22lr = {
link: $weapon.rifle22lr,
link2: $weapon.superiorrifle22lr,
type : "schematic",
subtype: "weapon",
name : "22lr Semi-automatic Rifle schematic",
name2: "22lr Semi-automatic Rifle",
plural : "22lr Semi-automatic Rifle schematics",
description : $weapon.rifle22lr.description,
description2 : $weapon.rifle22lr.description2,
quality : 1,
DC: 14,
mat1: "Metal",
mat1amount: 40,
mat2: "Junk",
mat2amount: 4,
amount: 1,
cost : 20
<<set $item.recipeWinchester308 = {
link: $weapon.Winchester308,
link2: $weapon.superiorWinchester308,
type : "schematic",
subtype: "weapon",
name : ".308 Winchester semi-automatic rifle schematic",
name2: ".308 Winchester semi-automatic rifle",
plural : ".308 Winchester semi-automatic rifle schematics",
description : $weapon.Winchester308.description,
description2 : $weapon.Winchester308.description2,
quality : 1,
DC: 15,
mat1: "Metal",
mat1amount: 50,
mat2: "Junk",
mat2amount: 6,
amount: 1,
cost : 20
<<set $item.recipeSAFN49 = {
link: $weapon.SAFN49,
link2: $weapon.superiorSAFN49,
type : "schematic",
subtype: "weapon",
name : "SAFN-49 semi-automatic rifle schematic",
name2: "SAFN-49 semi-automatic rifle",
plural : "SAFN-49 semi-automatic rifle schematics",
description : $weapon.SAFN49.description,
description2 : $weapon.SAFN49.description2,
quality : 1,
DC: 16,
mat1: "Metal",
mat1amount: 50,
mat2: "Junk",
mat2amount: 6,
amount: 1,
cost : 20
<<set $item.recipeScalpel = {
link: $weapon.scalpel,
link2: $weapon.superiorscalpel,
type : "schematic",
subtype: "weapon",
name : "Scalpel schematic",
name2: "Scalpel",
plural : "Scalpel schematics",
description : $weapon.scalpel.description,
description2 : $weapon.scalpel.description2,
quality : 2,
DC: 14,
mat1: "Metal",
mat1amount: 25,
mat2: "Null",
amount: 1,
cost : 20
<<set $item.recipeKitchenKnife = {
link: $weapon.kitchenknife,
link2: $weapon.superiorkitchenknife,
type : "schematic",
subtype: "weapon",
name : "Kitchen Knife schematic",
name2: "Kitchen Knife",
plural : "Kitchen Knife schematics",
description : $weapon.kitchenknife.description,
description2 : $weapon.kitchenknife.description2,
quality : 1,
DC: 12,
mat1: "Metal",
mat1amount: 10,
mat2: "Null",
amount: 1,
cost : 10
<<set $item.recipeSwitchKnife = {
link: $weapon.switchknife,
link2: $weapon.superiorswitchknife,
type : "schematic",
subtype: "weapon",
name : "Switch Knife schematic",
name2: "Switch Knife",
plural : "Switch Knife schematics",
description : $weapon.switchknife.description,
description2 : $weapon.switchknife.description2,
quality : 1,
DC: 15,
mat1: "Metal",
mat1amount: 30,
mat2: "Null",
amount: 1,
cost : 20
<<set $item.recipeBowieKnife = {
link: $weapon.bowieknife,
link2: $weapon.superiorbowieknife,
type : "schematic",
subtype: "weapon",
name : "Bowie Knife schematic",
name2: "Bowie Knife",
plural : "Bowie Knife schematics",
description : $weapon.bowieknife.description,
description2 : $weapon.bowieknife.description2,
quality : 1,
DC: 15,
mat1: "Metal",
mat1amount: 50,
mat2: "Null",
amount: 1,
cost : 30
<<set $item.recipeGunblade = {
link: $weapon.gunblade,
link2: $weapon.superiorgunblade,
type : "schematic",
subtype: "weapon",
name : "Gunblade schematic",
name2: "Gunblade",
plural : "Gunblade schematics",
description : $weapon.gunblade.description,
description2 : $weapon.gunblade.description2,
quality : 1,
DC: 17,
mat1: "Metal",
mat1amount: 50,
mat2: "Junk",
amount: 5,
cost : 30
<<set $item.recipeHandwraps = {
link: $weapon.handwraps,
link2: $weapon.superiorhandwraps,
type : "schematic",
subtype: "weapon",
name : "Handwraps schematic",
name2: "Handwraps",
plural : "Handwraps schematics",
description : $weapon.handwraps.description,
description2 : $weapon.handwraps.description2,
quality : 1,
DC: 12,
mat1: "Cloth",
mat1amount: 10,
mat2: "Null",
amount: 1,
cost : 10
<<set $item.recipeBrassKnuckles = {
link: $weapon.brassknuckles,
link2: $weapon.superiorbrassknuckles,
type : "schematic",
subtype: "weapon",
name : "Brass Knuckles schematic",
name2: "Brass Knuckles",
plural : "Brass Knuckles schematics",
description : $weapon.brassknuckles.description,
description2 : $weapon.brassknuckles.description2,
quality : 1,
DC: 15,
mat1: "Metal",
mat1amount: 30,
mat2: "Null",
amount: 1,
cost : 10
<<set $item.recipeIronFists = {
link: $weapon.ironfists,
link2: $weapon.superiorironfists,
type : "schematic",
subtype: "weapon",
name : "Iron Fists schematic",
name2: "Iron Fists",
plural : "Iron Fists schematics",
description : $weapon.ironfists.description,
description2 : $weapon.ironfists.description2,
quality : 1,
DC: 16,
mat1: "Metal",
mat1amount: 40,
mat2: "Null",
amount: 1,
cost : 10
<<set $item.recipeQuarterstaff = {
link: $weapon.quarterstaff,
link2: $weapon.superiorquarterstaff,
type : "schematic",
subtype: "weapon",
name : "Quarterstaff schematic",
name2: "Quarterstaff",
plural : "Quarterstafft schematics",
description : $weapon.quarterstaff.description,
description2 : $weapon.quarterstaff.description2,
quality : 1,
DC: 14,
mat1: "Wood",
mat1amount: 20,
mat2: "Null",
amount: 1,
cost : 10
<<set $item.recipeSevenThornSword = {
link: $weapon.seventhornsword,
link2: $weapon.superiorseventhornsword,
type : "schematic",
subtype: "weapon",
name : "Seven Thorn Sword schematic",
name2: "Seven Thorn Sword",
plural : "Seven Thorn Sword schematics",
description : $weapon.seventhornsword.description,
description2 : $weapon.seventhornsword.description2,
quality : 1,
DC: 13,
mat1: "Metal",
mat1amount: 20,
mat2: "Null",
amount: 1,
cost : 30
}>>\<<set $item.recipeJacket = {
link: $armor.jacket,
link2: $armor.superiorjacket,
type : "schematic",
subtype: "armor",
name : "Windbreaker Jacket schematic",
name2: "Windbreaker Jacket",
plural : "Windbreaker Jacket schematics",
description : $armor.jacket.description,
description2 : $armor.jacket.description2,
quality : 1,
mat1: "Cloth",
mat1amount: 20,
mat2: "Null",
DC: 12,
amount: 1,
cost : 25,
<<set $item.recipeRainCoat = {
link: $armor.raincoat,
link2: $armor.superiorraincoat,
type : "schematic",
subtype: "armor",
name : "Rain Coat schematic",
name2: "Rain Coat Jacket",
plural : "Rain Coat Jacket schematics",
description : $armor.raincoat.description,
description2 : $armor.raincoat.description2,
quality : 1,
mat1: "Cloth",
mat1amount: 25,
mat2: "Null",
DC: 12,
amount: 1,
cost : 25,
<<set $item.recipeLeatherJacket = {
link: $armor.leatherjacket,
link2: $armor.superiorleatherjacket,
type : "schematic",
subtype: "armor",
name : "Leather Jacket schematic",
name2: "Leather Jacket",
plural : "Leather Jacket schematics",
description : $armor.leatherjacket.description,
description2 : $armor.leatherjacket.description2,
quality : 1,
DC: 13,
mat1: "Cloth",
mat1amount: 30,
mat2: "Null",
amount: 1,
cost : 25
<<set $item.recipeSkiJacket = {
link: $armor.skijacket,
link2: $armor.superiorskijacket,
type : "schematic",
subtype: "armor",
name : "Puffer Jacket schematic",
name2: "Puffer Jacket",
plural : "Puffer Jacket schematics",
description : $armor.skijacket.description,
description2 : $armor.skijacket.description2,
quality : 2,
DC: 14,
mat1: "Cloth",
mat1amount: 40,
mat2: "Null",
amount: 1,
cost : 30
<<set $item.recipeParka = {
link: $armor.parka,
link2: $armor.superiorparka,
type : "schematic",
subtype: "armor",
name : "Parka Coat schematic",
name2: "Parka Coat",
plural : "Parka Coat schematics",
description : $armor.parka.description,
description2 : $armor.parka.description2,
quality : 2,
DC: 14,
mat1: "Cloth",
mat1amount: 35,
mat2: "Null",
amount: 1,
cost : 35
<<set $item.recipeDoctorCoat = {
link: $armor.doctorcoat,
link2: $armor.superiordoctorcoat,
type : "schematic",
subtype: "armor",
name : "Doctor's Coat schematic",
name2: "Doctor's Coat",
plural : "Doctor's Coat schematics",
description : $armor.doctorcoat.description,
description2 : $armor.doctorcoat.description2,
quality : 2,
DC: 15,
mat1: "Cloth",
mat1amount: 50,
mat2: "Junk",
mat2amount: 5,
amount: 1,
cost : 40
<<set $item.recipeSpikedLeatherJacket = {
link: $armor.spikedleatherjacket,
link2: $armor.superiorspikedleatherjacket,
type : "schematic",
subtype: "armor",
name : "Spiked Leather Jacket schematic",
name2: "Spiked Leather Jacket",
plural : "Spiked Leather Jacket schematics",
description : $armor.spikedleatherjacket.description,
description2 : $armor.spikedleatherjacket.description2,
quality : 1,
DC: 15,
mat1: "Cloth",
mat1amount: 30,
mat2: "Metal",
mat2amount: 20,
amount: 1,
cost : 50
<<set $item.recipeHeavyTrenchCoat = {
link: $armor.heavytrenchcoat,
link2: $armor.superiorheavytrenchcoat,
type : "schematic",
subtype: "armor",
name : "Heavy Leather Trenchcoat schematic",
name2: "Heavy Leather Trenchcoat ",
plural : "Heavy Leather Trenchcoat schematics",
description : $armor.heavytrenchcoat.description,
description2 : $armor.heavytrenchcoat.description2,
quality : 1,
DC: 14,
mat1: "Cloth",
mat1amount: 50,
mat2: "Null",
amount: 1,
cost : 25
<<set $item.recipeMotorcycleJacket = {
link: $armor.motorcyclejacket,
link2: $armor.superiormotorcyclejacket,
type : "schematic",
subtype: "armor",
name : "Motorcycle Jacket schematic",
name2: "Motorcycle Jacket",
plural : "Motorcycle Jacket schematics",
description : $armor.motorcyclejacket.description,
description2 : $armor.motorcyclejacket.description2,
quality : 1,
DC: 15,
mat1: "Cloth",
mat1amount: 40,
mat2: "Metal",
mat2amount: 10,
amount: 1,
cost : 25
<<set $item.recipeChainMailArmor = {
link: $armor.chainmail,
link2: $armor.superiorschainmail,
type : "schematic",
subtype: "armor",
name : "Chainmail Armor schematic",
name2: "Chainmail Armor",
plural : "Chainmail Armor schematics",
description : $armor.chainmail.description,
description2 : $armor.chainmail.description2,
quality : 1,
DC: 17,
mat1: "Metal",
mat1amount: 50,
mat1: "Cloth",
mat2amount: 10,
amount: 1,
cost : 100
<<set $item.recipeVest = {
link: $armor.vest,
link2: $armor.superiorvest,
type : "schematic",
subtype: "armor",
name : "Bullet-proof Vest schematic",
name2: "Bullet-proof Vest",
plural : "Bullet-proof Vest schematics",
description : $armor.vest.description,
description2 : $armor.vest.description2,
quality : 1,
DC: 17,
mat1: "Cloth",
mat1amount: 50,
mat1: "Metal",
mat2amount: 30,
amount: 1,
cost : 50
<<set $item.recipeSwatBodyArmor = {
link: $armor.swatbodyarmor,
link2: $armor.superiorswatbodyarmor,
type : "schematic",
subtype: "armor",
name : "SWAT Body Armor schematic",
name2: "SWAT Body Armor",
plural : "SWAT Body Armor schematics",
description : $armor.swatbodyarmor.description,
description2 : $armor.swatbodyarmor.description2,
quality : 1,
DC: 18,
mat1: "Cloth",
mat1amount: 100,
mat1: "Metal",
mat2amount: 60,
amount: 1,
cost : 50
<<set $item.recipeRiotBodyArmor = {
link: $armor.riotbodyarmor,
link2: $armor.superiorriotbodyarmor,
type : "schematic",
subtype: "armor",
name : "Riot Gear Body Armor schematic",
name2: "Riot Gear Body Armor",
plural : "Riot Gear Body Armor schematics",
description : $armor.riotbodyarmor.description,
description2 : $armor.riotbodyarmor.description2,
quality : 1,
DC: 19,
mat1: "Cloth",
mat1amount: 100,
mat1: "Metal",
mat2amount: 60,
amount: 1,
cost : 50
<<set $item.recipeTacticalBodyArmor = {
link: $armor.tacticalbodyarmor,
link2: $armor.superiortacticalbodyarmor,
type : "schematic",
subtype: "armor",
name : "Tactical Body Armor schematic",
name2: "Tactical Body Armor",
plural : "Tactical Body Armor schematics",
description : $armor.tacticalbodyarmor.description,
description2 : $armor.tacticalbodyarmor.description2,
quality : 1,
DC: 20,
mat1: "Cloth",
mat1amount: 75,
mat1: "Metal",
mat2amount: 50,
amount: 1,
cost : 100
<<set $item.recipeHeavyBodyArmor = {
link: $armor.heavybodyarmor,
link2: $armor.superiorheavybodyarmor,
type : "schematic",
subtype: "armor",
name : "Heavy-Duty Body Armor schematic",
name2: "Heavy-Duty Body Armor",
plural : "Heavy-Duty Body Armor schematics",
description : $armor.heavybodyarmor.description,
description2 : $armor.heavybodyarmor.description2,
quality : 1,
DC: 21,
mat1: "Cloth",
mat1amount: 100,
mat1: "Metal",
mat2amount: 75,
amount: 1,
cost : 50
<<set $item.recipePlatemailArmor = {
link: $armor.platemail,
link2: $armor.superiorplatemail,
type : "schematic",
subtype: "armor",
name : "Platemail Armor schematic",
name2: "a set of Platemail armor",
plural : "Platemail Armor schematics",
description : $armor.platemail.description,
description2 : $armor.platemail.description2,
quality : 1,
DC: 25,
mat1: "Metal",
mat1amount: 300,
amount: 1,
cost : 200
}>>\<<set $item.recipeSpoiledFood = {
type : "recipe",
subtype: "key",
name : "Spoiled Food recipe",
name2: "Spoiled Food",
plural : "recipes for Spoiled Food",
description : "A recipe for spoiled food which can be used to help take down the raider plaguing Grove Hills",
description2 : "Gives really bad gas.",
quality : 99,
mat1amount: 1,
DC: 1,
amount: 1,
cost : 10
<<set $item.recipeSpeedySandwich = {
type : "recipe",
subtype: "food",
name : "Speedy Sandwich recipe",
name2: "Speedy Sandwich",
plural : "recipes for Speedy Sandwich",
description : "A recipe for Speedy Sandwich whose secret ingredient might be speed",
description2 : "A Speedy Sandwich breakfast gives +1 bonus to AC for about 3 hours.",
mat1amount: 4,
quality : 1,
DC: 12,
amount: 1,
cost : 10
<<set $item.recipeHeartyToast = {
type : "recipe",
subtype: "food",
name : "Hearty Toast recipe",
name2: "Hearty Toast",
plural : "recipes for Hearty Toast",
description : "A recipe for Hearty Toast which girths a person for a new day.",
description2 : "A Hearty Toast breakfast gives +2 bonus to Fortitude saves for about 3 hours.",
quality : 1,
mat1amount: 4,
DC: 11,
amount: 1,
cost : 25
<<set $item.recipeStrongCoffee = {
type : "recipe",
subtype: "food",
name : "Strong Coffee recipe",
name2: "Strong Coffee",
plural : "recipes for Strong Coffee",
description : "A recipe for Strong Coffee which gets a person nice a wired for a new day.",
description2 : "A Strong Coffee breakfast gives +2 bonus to Reflex saves for about 3 hours.",
quality : 1,
mat1amount: 4,
DC: 11,
amount: 1,
cost : 25
<<set $item.recipeContraryCereal = {
type : "recipe",
subtype: "food",
name : "Contrary Cereal recipe",
name2 : "Contrary Cereal",
plural : "recipes for Contrary Cereal",
description : "a recipe for Contrary Cereal which if you can eat this you can mentally power thru anything.",
description2 : "A Contrary Cereal breakfast which gives +2 bonus to Will saves for about 3 hours",
quality : 1,
mat1amount: 4,
DC: 11,
amount: 1,
cost : 25
<<set $item.recipeHollyEggnog = {
type : "recipe",
subtype: "food",
name : "Holly Eggnog recipe",
name2 : "Holly Eggnog",
plural : "recipes for Holly Eggnog",
description : "A recipe for Holly Eggnog which if you drink this it's sure to let you have a white Christmas!",
description2 : "A Holly Eggnog which gives +5 to maximum cum stored and keeps you at maximum cum for about 3 hours.",
quality : 1,
mat1amount: 4,
DC: 11,
amount: 1,
cost : 25
<<set $item.recipeAdultHollyEggnog = {
type : "recipe",
subtype: "food",
name : "Holly's Alcoholic Eggnog recipe",
name2 : "Holly's Alcoholic Eggnog Eggnog",
plural : "recipes for Holly's Alcoholic Eggnog",
description : "A recipe for Holly's Alcoholic Eggnog which if you drink this it's sure to let you have a white Christmas!",
description2 : "Holly's Alcoholic Eggnog gives +10 to maximum cum stored, keeps you at maximum cum for about 3 hours and gives you a massive buzz.",
quality : 1,
mat1amount: 4,
DC: 12,
amount: 1,
cost : 25
}>>\ <img src="Images/Events/Police/S Table 1.jpg" width="512px" height="768px" />
<<if $PC.Background is "Stoner">>\
  "So you were a $PC.Background? Oh yeah, I can definitely believe that." the sheriff laughs as you mention how you spent your time in High School. You would like to say you are beyond that but you know that history has a way of leaving a mark on a person for good or for ill. "My little brother Brian used to be a stoner as well. I say used to be but I believe he's still one as well."
  "So you were a $PC.Background? I think I can see that." the sheriff replies as you mention how you spent your time in High School. You would like to say you are beyond that but you know that history has a way of leaving a mark on a person for good or for ill. "I don't believe you were in the same clique as my younger brother. He tended to hang with a rougher crowd if you know what I mean."
  Before you can ask what High School has to do with what's happening and what he's going do about the dead body in the hallway the sheriff continues "So I'm assuming you're going to college? Any particular job you were wanting to apply for once you graduated?"
  Sighing deeply you reply "Yes... I was going to college and in fact just came home for the weekend. Before you ask, I was going to school to learn how to be a..."
<<button [[Choose Your Class|Choose Class]]>> <</button>><img src="Images/Events/Police/S Table 1.jpg" width="512px" height="768px" />
<<if $ClassBonus.Athlete is 1>>
<<set $EquippedArmor.push($armor.unarmoredA)>>\
<<set $equipedArmor to $armor.unarmoredA>>\
<<set $EquippedWeapon.push($weapon.monkfists)>>\
<<set $equipedWeapon to $weapon.monkfists>>\
<<set $WeaponDamageType to $equipedWeapon.damagetype>>\
<<set $weaponEquipSkill to $equipedWeapon.skill>>\
<<set $weaponAttackBonus to $Skill.Unarmed>>\
<<set $weaponStatBonus to $StrengthBonus>>\
<<set $EquippedArmor.push($armor.unarmored)>>\
<<set $equipedArmor to $armor.unarmored>>\
<<set $EquippedWeapon.push($weapon.fists)>>\
<<set $equipedWeapon to $weapon.fists>>\
<<set $WeaponDamageType to $equipedWeapon.damagetype>>\
<<set $weaponEquipSkill to $equipedWeapon.skill>>\
<<set $weaponAttackBonus to $Skill.Unarmed>>\
<<set $weaponStatBonus to $StrengthBonus>>\
<<set $EquippedAccessory.push($accessory.none)>>\
<<set $equipedAccessory to $accessory.none>>\
<<set $EquippedAccessory2.push($accessory.none)>>\
<<set $equipedAccessory2 to $accessory.none>>\
<<set $armorProf to $equipedArmor.prof>>
<<set $armorACBonus to $equipedArmor.AC>>
<<set $dexACBonus to $DexterityBonus>>\
<<set $armorMaxDex to $equipedArmor.MaxDex>>
<<set $armorSaveBonus to $equipedArmor.superior>>\
<<set $PCResistance.Blunt to $equipedArmor.Blunt>>\
<<set $PCResistance.Pierce to $equipedArmor.Pierce>>\
<<set $PCResistance.Slash to $equipedArmor.Slash>>\
<<set $PCResistance.Fire to $equipedArmor.Fire>>\
<<set $PCResistance.Cold to $equipedArmor.Cold>>\
<<set $PCResistance.Shock to $equipedArmor.Shock>>\
<<set $PCResistance.Acid to $equipedArmor.Acid>>\
<<set $PCResistance.Sonic to $equipedArmor.Sonic>>\
<<set $armorSaveBonus to $equipedArmor.superior>>\
<<set $PC.AC to 10 + $armorACBonus + $dexACBonus + $Skill.Unarmored>>\
<<if $PC.Class is "Criminal">>\
  "I'm going to college in order to become an accountant. It's been real interesting going to classes." you lie to the police sheriff. There's no way in hell you will admit that you have working side jobs with some of the gangs around the nearby college. "I came back here to visit...my family! What's happened to my family?!?!?" your voice starts to rise as your panic returns full force. You came back home to spend a couple of days with your family and you wake up almost a week later to some strange mostly naked woman breaking into your parent's house!
  "I'm going to college in order to become an $PC.Class. It's been real interesting going to classes." you say as you focus on how school has been going for you so far. "I came back here to visit...my family! What's happened to my family?!?!?" your voice starts to rise as your panic returns full force. You came back home to spend a couple of days with your family and you wake up almost a week later to some strange mostly naked woman breaking into your parent's house!
  The sheriff "It's going to be OK, $PC.FirstName! First of all I need to know many family members live here and what their names are along with how they are related to you! Can you do that for me, $PC.FirstName?" the sheriff says as he raises his voice, breaking your panic spiral.
  Focusing back on the sheriff, you finally realize his first name is Mark and you quickly say "My family members are..."
<<listbox "$mom.Relationship" autoselect>>
<<option "Step-Mom" step-mom>>
<<option "Mom" mom>>
<<option "Nurse" nurse>>
<<textbox "$mom.Name" "Selena">>
<<listbox "$sister.Relationship" autoselect>>
<<option "Step-Sister" step-sister>>
<<option "Sister" sister>>
<<option "Roommate" roommate>>
<<textbox "$sister.Name" "Alice">>
<<listbox "$dad.Relationship" autoselect>>
<<option "Step-Father" step-father>>
<<option "Father" father>>
<<option "Lawyer" lawyer>>
<<textbox "$dad.Name" "George">>
<<button [[Finish Listing your Family|Prologue 7]]>> <</button>><img src="Images/IntroNurse.jpg" width="800px" height="200px"/>
<<include "Credits 2">>\
The credits can also be viewed by using the computer in the player's room.
<<button [[Return|Start Intro]]>> <</button>>I want to give a thanks to all my Patreons for all the support they gave me for making this game!
Lord Silver
I also want to give a shoutout to the following awesome creators:
Anon42 and his great metroidvania game: Crisis Point Extinction.
Westane and his amazing Twine game: The Company
Zem and his two fun RPG games: Paccsu and AIDA
ZXC and his greatly deviant RPG game: Latex Dungeon
<img src="Images/IntroNurse.jpg" width="800px" height="200px"/>
<<include "Credits 2">>\
<<button [[Stop Browsing|PCRoom]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</button>><<set $sexHistory.XP to $sexHistory.XP +1>>\
<<set $LastPartner to $infestedFuta>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.Vaccine < 1>>\
<<if (random(19) +1) + $PC.Fortitude + $InfectionResist.Fort + $FoodStatus.Fort - $StatusAffect.Wet < (19 + $genericFighter.Level + Math.round($Infestation.Progress / 2) )>>\
<<if $Infestation.Progress < 1>>\
<<set $Infestation.Progress to 1>>\
<<set _Infest to random(10) - $InfectionResist.DR +5>>\
<<if _Infest < 0>>\
<<set _Infest to 0>>\
<<set $PC.Infestation to $PC.Infestation + _Infest>>\
<<if $Infestation.FutaVariant < 100>>\
<<set $Infestation.FutaVariant to $Infestation.FutaVariant + random(10) +5>>\
<<if $Infestation.FutaVariant > $Infestation.FutaCap>>\
<<set $Infestation.FutaVariant to $Infestation.FutaCap>>\
<<if $PC.Infestation > $Infestation.Cap>>\
<<set $PC.Infestation to $Infestation.Cap>>\
  Looking down at your defeated body, the Infested Bruiser shakes his head "Fucking bitch thought they were a hero. There's no fucking heroes in this town, just winners and losers!" Pushing you onto your back, the Infested steps away while stroking his _DickSD cock. "Here, how about you fuck this whiny bitch while I fuck her friend right in front of her." he says to the Infested Futa that's currently holding Troy. Nurse Troy has a look of defeat as she stares at where you are lying in defeat.
  You can only watch as he steps closer to where Nurse Troy is being held by the Infested Futa. The Futa eagerly releases Troy from her grip with a wide smile and says "All your's big guy!" Stepping closer to you, the Futa smirks and says "Guess I'll be fucking the hot hero of the day!"
  Looking down at Troy, the Infested Bruiser growls as he roughly fondles her _OSD breasts. "Look at these tiny tits! How am I supposed to fuck someone with such pathetic jugs?" Nurse Troy lets out a low moan of pleasure as her breasts are fondled hard by the Infested that's cut off as the Infested Bruiser shoves his _DickSize cock between her lips!
  "I don't know...They kind of look cute. Not as big as my GG-Cup tits but still pretty decent." the Futa says while pausing her walking. Seeing the other Infested's scrowl, the Futa sighs before pulling a can out of her purse. Tossing it to the Infested Bruiser she says "Here, feed the whore this, OK?" before stepping next to you.
  Pulling his massive dick out of Troy's mouth, the Bruiser opens the can after taking a quick look at the label. "Drink up you little whore! It's time for you get some real breasts!" Troy didn't even have time to respond before the can is pored down her panting throat!
  For a brief moment nothing happens. Suddenly Troy lets out a erotic moan as her breasts slowly start to expand and grow. Seemingly in shock, she reaches up and grabs her growing jugs. Over the course of a minute they grew from _OCup size to a whopping pair of _ISD _ICup tits! Her breasts are so big her hands don't even cover them!
<<if _SizeComp < 10>>\
<<switch _Breasts>>\
<<case "Milk">>\
<<if $Milk.Stored >= $Milk.Max>>\
<<set _Status to "Full">>\
  Both of the Infested eagerly watch Troy's transformation into a even bigger titty nurse. The Futa is the first to respond "So, those are some rather _ISD tits. Good enough for you, big guy?" before glancing back at you and your _UBreastSD pair of milkers. "Fuck it! I want to fuck someone with some nice big tits as well even if they are already half-filled with milk!" she grumbles as she pulls a bottle with white fluids out of her purse to your dread.
  "Here you go hero! Time for your reward!" she says as she pours the milk bottle down your throat and you easily recognise that taste! "Make sure to drink all of it, you milk-filled hero!" she taunts you as you try your best to not drown in all the milky drink. Soon all of the milk has settled in your stomach giving you that familiar gassy feeling.
  Finally able to speak after swallowing the whole bottle, you mumble softly "Did you really try to give me even more milk for my already full tits?" The Futa just smiles but her smile drops off as nothing happens except a couple of drops of milk ooze out from your hard nipples. It looks like your were correct that your $BreastSD $BreastsSize milkjugs are already completely full. "Yep, it definitely feels like my mommy milkers are already full!" you confirm to the Futa with a smirk while enjoying the tiny victory.
  "Fuck yeah! That's what I'm talking about! Big fucking tits on a pair of horny sluts!" You hear the Infested Bruiser yell out from nearby. Pulling you gaze away from the fuming Futa, you notice that he had already started fucking Nurse Troy while you were too busy focusing on what the Futa was trying to do.
<<set $StatusAffect.MilkTits to $StatusAffect.MilkTits +4>>\
<<if $Milk.Stored < $Milk.Max -3>>\
<<set $Milk.Stored to $Milk.Stored +4>>\
<<set $PC.BreastsSize to $PC.BreastsSize +4>>\
<<set _MilkMath to $Milk.Max - $Milk.Stored>>
<<set $Milk.Stored to $Milk.Max>>\
<<set $PC.BreastsSize to $PC.BreastsSize + _MilkMath>>\
<<set $PCChanges.BreastsGrowth to "Soda">>\
<<set $BreastSD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set $BreastsSize to $arrayBreastSize[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set $MilkAD to $arrayMilkAmountDesc[$Milk.Stored]>>\
<<if $GCum.Max < 16>>\
<<set $GCum.Max to $GCum.Max + 1>>\
<<set $GCum.Min to $GCum.Min + 1>>\
<<set $GCum.Stored to $GCum.Max>>\
<<set $GCumAD to $arrayGCumAmountDesc[$Cum.Stored]>>\
  Both of the Infested eagerly watch Troy's transformation into a even bigger titty nurse. The Futa is the first to respond "So, those are some rather _ISD tits. Good enough for you, big guy?" before glancing back at you and your _UBreastSD pair of milkers. "Fuck it! I want to fuck someone with some nice big tits as well even if they are already half-filled with milk!" she grumbles as she pulls a bottle with white fluids out of her purse to your dread.
  "Here you go hero! Time for your reward!" she says as she pours the milk bottle down your throat and you easily recognise that taste! "Make sure to drink all of it, you milk-filled hero!" she taunts you as you try your best to not drown in all the milky drink. Soon all of the milk has settled in your stomach giving you that familiar gassy feeling.
  Finally able to speak after swallowing the whole bottle, you mumble softly "Did you really have to given me even more milk for my tits?" The Futa just smiles as you suddenly feel an intense bubbling sensation in your chest. Within moments you feel your _UBreastSD _UBreastsSize breasts start to expand and grow as you feel a tidal wave of milky fluids flow into them adding to the partially filled milk tanks. Soon your expanding jugs finish growing into $BreastSD $BreastsSize milkjugs ! "Oh fuck! My mommy milkers are filling up even more!" you gasp in ecstasy.
  "Fuck yeah! That's what I'm talking about! Big fucking tits on a pair of horny sluts!" You hear the Infested Bruiser yell out from nearby. Finally pulling your eyes away from your expanded bust you notice that he had already started fucking Nurse Troy while you were too busy focusing on the changes you were going thru.
<<case "Silicone">>\
<<set $StatusAffect.MilkTits to $StatusAffect.MilkTits +4>>\
<<if $Milk.Stored < $Milk.Max -3>>\
<<set $Milk.Stored to $Milk.Stored +4>>\
<<set $PC.BreastsSize to $PC.BreastsSize +4>>\
<<set _MilkMath to $Milk.Max - $Milk.Stored>>
<<set $Milk.Stored to $Milk.Max>>\
<<set $PC.BreastsSize to $PC.BreastsSize + _MilkMath>>\
<<set $PCChanges.BreastsGrowth to "Soda">>\
<<set $BreastSD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set $BreastsSize to $arrayBreastSize[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set $MilkAD to $arrayMilkAmountDesc[$Milk.Stored]>>\
<<if $GCum.Max < 16>>\
<<set $GCum.Max to $GCum.Max + 1>>\
<<set $GCum.Min to $GCum.Min + 1>>\
<<set $GCum.Stored to $GCum.Max>>\
<<set $GCumAD to $arrayGCumAmountDesc[$Cum.Stored]>>\
  Both of the Infested eagerly watch Troy's transformation into a even bigger titty nurse. The Futa is the first to respond "So, those are some rather _ISD tits. Good enough for you, big guy?" before glancing back at you and your _UBreastSD pair of fake tits. "Fuck it! I want to fuck someone with some nice big tits as well even if they are made of plastic!" she grumbles as she pulls a bottle with white fluids out of her purse to your dread.
  "Here you go hero! Time for your reward!" she says as she pours the milk bottle down your throat! "Make sure to drink all of it, you silicone-filled hero!" she taunts you as you try your best to not drown in all the milky drink. Soon all of the drink has settled in your stomach making you feel slightly gassy.
  Finally able to speak after swallowing the whole bottle, you stammer out "What did you just give me?" The Futa just smiles as you suddenly feel an intense bubbling sensation in your chest. Within moments you feel your _UBreastSD _UBreastsSize fake breasts start to expand and grow as you feel a tidal wave of milky fluids flow into them. Soon your expanding jugs finish growing into $BreastSD $BreastsSize milkjugs while losing that fake roundish look of silicone-enhanced breasts! "Oh fuck! My silcione-filled tits transformed into fucking milk-filled jugs!" you gasp in ecstasy.
  "Fuck yeah! That's what I'm talking about! Big fucking tits on a pair of horny sluts!" You hear the Infested Bruiser yell out from nearby. Finally pulling your eyes away from your expanded bust you notice that he had already started fucking Nurse Troy while you were too busy focusing on the changes you were going thru.
<<set $StatusAffect.MilkTits to $StatusAffect.MilkTits +4>>\
<<if $Milk.Stored < $Milk.Max -3>>\
<<set $Milk.Stored to $Milk.Stored +4>>\
<<set $PC.BreastsSize to $PC.BreastsSize +4>>\
<<set _MilkMath to $Milk.Max - $Milk.Stored>>
<<set $Milk.Stored to $Milk.Max>>\
<<set $PC.BreastsSize to $PC.BreastsSize + _MilkMath>>\
<<set $PCChanges.BreastsGrowth to "Soda">>\
<<set $BreastSD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set $BreastsSize to $arrayBreastSize[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set $MilkAD to $arrayMilkAmountDesc[$Milk.Stored]>>\
<<if $GCum.Max < 16>>\
<<set $GCum.Max to $GCum.Max + 1>>\
<<set $GCum.Min to $GCum.Min + 1>>\
<<set $GCum.Stored to $GCum.Max>>\
<<set $GCumAD to $arrayGCumAmountDesc[$Cum.Stored]>>\
  Both of the Infested eagerly watch Troy's transformation into a even bigger titty nurse. The Futa is the first to respond "So, those are some rather _ISD tits. Good enough for you, big guy?" before glancing back at you and your _UBreastSD chest. "Fuck it! I want to fuck someone with some nice big tits as well!" she grumbles as she pulls a bottle with white fluids out of her purse to your dread.
  "Here you go hero! Time for your reward!" she says as she pours the milk bottle down your throat! "Make sure to drink all of it, you slut!" she taunts you as you try your best to not drown in all the milky drink. Soon all of the drink has settled in your stomach making you feel slightly gassy.
  Finally able to speak after swallowing the whole bottle, you stammer out "What did you just give me?" The Futa just smiles as you suddenly feel an intense bubbling sensation in your chest. Within moments you feel your _UBreastSD _UBreastsSize jugs start to expand and grow as you feel a tidal wave of milky fluids flow into them. Soon your expanding jugs finish growing into $BreastSD $BreastsSize tits! "Oh fuck! My tits grew into fucking milkjugs!" you gasp in ecstasy.
  "Fuck yeah! That's what I'm talking about! Big fucking tits on a pair of horny sluts!" You hear the Infested Bruiser yell out from nearby. Finally pulling your eyes away from your expanded bust you notice that he had already started fucking Nurse Troy while you were too busy focusing on the changes you were going thru.
  Troy moans loudly as the Bruiser continues to fuck her tight pussy "Our tits are so fucking huge, $PC.FirstName! Fuck! My titties feel so good! Please! Keep fucking me deep with your _DickSD beefy cock, you big stud!" she moans loudly as the Infested pounds away at her dripping wet cunt while groping her expanded chest.
  You feel a pressue on your wet pussy lips and turn back to discover the Futa is pressing her 8-inch futa-cock up against your slit! The Futa grabs your sensitive milk jugs and gives them a quick squeeze causing $MilkAD streams of milk to pour from your sensitive nipples. As you become distrcted by the feeling of your milk-filled tits leaking all over your chest, you feel the Futa slam her cock deep inside your tight pussy causing you to let out your own moans of pleasure.
  "Oh fuck! Your dick is so fucking deep inside my tight pussy! I can't believe how much milk my titties are leaking!" you scream as your pleasure-filled pussy grabs at the Futa's cock. The Futa's grip on your big titties doesn't let up as she uses those $BreastSD funbags as leverage to fuck your cunt nice and hard! Non-stop streams of milk flow from your hard nipples all over the Infested's groping grip and you're loving it!
  The Bruiser's fucking looks to have reached full speed at he bellows "Your fucking pussy feels so fucking tight and your titties are so fucking big!" as he repeatedly slams his dick into Troy's pussy while playing with her _ISD jugs. Her mews of pleasure from having her titties played with combine with the hard pounding the Infested is giving her cunt looks to be pushing her closer to the edge of cumming.
  Letting go of your breasts, the Futa grips your hips while pressing her massive chest against you in order to fuck you even harder. The feeling of the Futa's huge tits pressing into your $BreastSD leaking milkjugs is turning you on even more and you can't help but wrap your legs around the Futa's waist. Your own loud lusty moans from having your pussy railed by the Futa's huge futa-cock shows that you are also on your way to a powerful orgasm.
  "Goddamn! I'm about to shoot my wad all up in your hot twat!" The Infested Bruiser screams as there's one last twitch from his monster cock before a firehose worth of cum explodes from his dick that floods her overstuffed pussy before splaying down onto the ground below! Pulling his _DickSize <<Penis>> out of Troy's flooded pussy, he shoots massive ribbons of gooey baby-batter all over Troy's _ISD tits and moaning face. The Infested's orgasm seems to last forever as stream after steam of white seed shoots out coating her _ICup breasts a slimy white.
  Troy screams out "FUCKKKK!" I'm cumming so hard!" while arching her back letting her newly enhanced _ISD tits catch as much of the Infested's cum as possible! After her scream of ecstasy, Nurse Troy collaspes back onto the alleyway looking completely out of it as her _ICup breasts displays her exhausted breathing.
  Breathing heavily the Futa gasps out "Fuck dude! That was a fucking awesome cumshot! Oh fuck! I'm getting close, you fucking hero-slut!" You can feel the Futa's huge shaft start to twitch as her pace quickens as if to catch up to the Bruiser. With only a couple more thrusts, the Futa screams out "Take it all, you slutty bitch! I'm shooting my load in your fucking cunt!" The Infested slams her futa-cock deep inside your pussy and you can feel her sperm being unloaded deep inside. Looking to emulate the Bruiser, the Futa pulls her shaft out of your overfilled cunt and with a couple of strokes a couple of smaller strands of gooey seed land on top of your $BreastsSize breasts!
<<if $Infestation.FutaVariant >= $Infestation.FutaCap & $Infestation.Progress > 1>>\
<<include "Futa TF">>\
  As you feel the Futa's hot cum soak your tits, you feel a surge of shocking energy flowing directly into you! It feels almost like you are being electrocuted but it quickly turns to pleasure that radiates from above your wet pussy.
  The feeling of being creampied along with getting a glazing on your $BreastSD tits almost pushes you over the edge but something feels like it's blocking your orgasm! Glancing down you discover a slight bump forming above your pussy, seemingly a lightning rod for that electric feeling. It slowly grows from a bump to a bulge as each heartbeat thunders in your ears. The large bulge slowly shifts as it pushes outward inch by inch before forming a small mushroom head with a tiny hole. You gasp as you recognize the shape as that of a penis, abit a very tiny baby-sized one!
  You can easily feel the blood rushing to your new organ and your new dick eagerly soaks it all up. Your baby-sized penis hardens and pushes out farther from your groin growing bigger and stronger with each heartbeat. By this point the electric shocking feeling is almost gone, replaced by the pleasant feeling of your new cock becoming engorged with blood!
  After a few moments, you discover that your brand new baby dick has transformed into a $DickSD $DickSize futa-cock! Before you can really take a look at it, there's another tiny surge of electric shock as two bulges form below your new dick! You closely watch as it forms into a ballsack while growing in size to match your big dick. It finally finishes growing leaving you with a $BallsSD pair of $BallsSize sized balls!
  "Oh my God! I'M CUMMING FROM MY COCK! I'm blasting my load!" you scream as your new futa-cock shoots a $CumAD blast of hot cum all over your milky tits and face! In response to your cock shooting your load, your seed-filled pussy quivers as your orgasm hits hard as a $GCumAD wave of girl cum hits the ground below along with some of the Futa's cum. Even your milkjugs get in on the action as they squirt out $MilkAD streams of milk down your chest!
  After finally calming down from your intense orgasm, you can confirm that you now have a $DickSD $DickSize dick with a pair of $BallsSize balls! Before you can react to the changes, the Infested pinches your hard $NippleSize nipples with a smirk and says "Looks like you are on the way to becoming an hot Futa-hero!"
<<elseif $PC.Infestation >= $Infestation.Cap & $Infestation.Progress > 1>>\
<<include "Infestation Increase">>\
  As you feel the Futa's hot cum soak your tits, you feel a surge of energy flowing directly into you! It almost feels like you are burning up but it quickly turns to pleasure that radiates from your wet pussy before spreading into your sensitive breasts and slightly sore ass.
  You can feel your breasts slowly start to expand as they soak up the Futa's hot baby-batter with your nipples looking bigger as well. Even your ass is feeling more powerful as you can feel more cushioning flow into your backside. All these changes pushes you over the edge as you scream out "Fuck! I'm cumming from being creampied so much! Fuckkkk!" Your seed-filled pussy quivers as your orgasm hits insanely hard and a endless wave of girl cum hits the ground below along with some of the Futa's cum. Even your milkjugs get in on the action as they squirt out $MilkAD streams of milk down your chest!
  After finally calming down from your intense orgasm, you can finally confirm that you now have a pair of $BreastSD $BreastsSize breasts and a $AssSize ass! Before you can react to the changes, the Infested pinches your hard $NippleSize nipples with a smirk and says "Looks like you are on the way to becoming an even hotter bitch-hero!"
  The feeling of being creampied along with getting a glazing on your $BreastSD tits causes you to be pushed over the edge! Your seed-filled pussy suddenly quivers as your orgasm hits and you yell out "Fuck! I'm cumming from being creampied so much! Fuckkkk!" as a $GCumAD spray of girl cum hits the ground below along with some more of the Futa's man-cum. Even your milkers explode in a $MilkAD squirting of milk all over the rest of your chest and legs!
  The two Infested stand up and give each other a high five before walking away to look for their next victims. Luckily they leave without any more thoughts about their last victims such as you and Troy as you both are lying is a big giant puddle of fluids.
<<if _Status is "Full">>\
  Nurse Troy is the first to stand up and she gives you a pitying look. "I'm so sorry, $PC.FirstName. I was looking for some more medical supplies when they caught me out in the open. Are you OK?" she explains as she attempts to get dressed but has some issues with how her expanded chest can no longer fit inside of her uniform.
  "I'm OK. I'm sorry I wasn't able to save you, Troy..." you say as you quickly sit up without any issues. "Do you need any help getting back to your clinic?" you ask as you start to get dresssed.
  Nurse Troy is the first to stand up and she gives you a pitying look. "I'm so sorry, $PC.FirstName. I was looking for some more medical supplies when they caught me out in the open. Are you OK?" she explains as she attempts to get dressed but has some issues with how her expanded chest can no longer fit inside of her uniform.
  "I'm OK. I'm sorry I wasn't able to save you, Troy..." you say as you slowly sit up with your own expanded chest causing some minor issues. "Do you need any help getting back to your clinic?" you ask as you start to get dresssed.
  Shaking her head, Nurse Troy says tiredly "I'm good so thanks for the offer. I would highly suggest stopping by to get a dose of antibiotics the next time you come to the clinic but right now I need to just recover from this. I'll see you around, $PC.FirstName." With that said she heads back into the suburbs and you soon head your own way.
<<switch _Breasts>>\
<<case "Milk">>\
  Both of the Infested eagerly watch Troy's transformation into a even bigger titty nurse. The Futa is the first to respond "So, those are some rather _ISD tits. Good enough for you, big guy?" before glancing back at you and your _UBreastSD chest. "Hey! At least my partner already has a nice pair of tits and look! They are already filled with milk!" she brags as she grabs her futa-cock and strides over to you!
  "Fuck yeah! That's what I'm talking about! Big fucking tits on a pair of horny sluts!" You hear the Infested Bruiser yell out from nearby. Pulling you gaze away from the smiling Futa, you notice that he had already started fucking Nurse Troy while you were too busy focusing on what the Futa was trying to say.
  Troy moans loudly as the Bruiser continues to fuck her tight pussy "My tits are so fucking huge, $PC.FirstName! Fuck! My titties feel so good! Please! Keep fucking me deep with your _DickSD beefy cock, you big stud!" she moans loudly as the Infested pounds away at her dripping wet cunt while groping her expanded chest.
  You feel a pressure on your wet pussy lips and turn back to discover the Futa is pressing her 8-inch futa-cock up against your slit! The Futa grabs your milkers and gives them a gentle squeeze, causing you to let out a soft gasp that turns into a breathy moan as milk leaks from your hard nipples. You feel the Futa push her cock deep inside your tight pussy causing you to let out another, louder moan of pleasure.
  "Oh fuck! Your dick is so fucking deep inside my tight pussy! I can't believe how much good my milk-filled tits feel when you play with them!" you scream as your pleasure-filled pussy grabs at the Futa's cock. The Futa's grip on your big titties doesn't let up as she uses those $BreastSD funbags as leverage to fuck your cunt nice and hard! Non-stop bursts of pleasure erupt from hard nipples along with full streams of milk as the Infested's groping grip keeps going and you're loving it!
  The Bruiser's fucking looks to have reached full speed at he bellows "Your fucking pussy feels so fucking tight and your titties are so fucking big!" as he repeatedly slams his dick into Troy's pussy while playing with her _ISD jugs. Her mews of pleasure from having her titties played with combine with the hard pounding the Infested is giving her cunt looks to be pushing her closer to the edge of cumming.
  Letting go of your leaking breasts, the Futa grips your hips while pressing her massive chest against you in order to fuck you even harder. The feeling of the Futa's huge tits pressing into your $BreastSD milky tits is turning you on even more and you can't help but wrap your legs around the Futa's waist. Your own loud lusty moans from having your pussy railed by the Futa's huge futa-cock shows that you are also on your way to a powerful orgasm.
  "Goddamn! I'm about to shoot my wad all up in your hot twat!" The Infested Bruiser screams as there's one last twitch from his monster cock before a firehose worth of cum explodes from his dick that floods her overstuffed pussy before splaying down onto the ground below! Pulling his _DickSize <<Penis>> out of Troy's flooded pussy, he shoots massive ribbons of gooey baby-batter all over Troy's _ISD tits and moaning face. The Infested's orgasm seems to last forever as stream after steam of white seed shoots out coating her _ICup breasts a slimy white.
  Troy screams out "FUCKKKK!" I'm cumming so hard!" while arching her back letting her newly enhanced _ISD tits catch as much of the Infested's cum as possible! After her scream of ecstasy, Nurse Troy collaspes back onto the alleyway looking completely out of it as her _ICup breasts displays her exhausted breathing.
  Breathing heavily the Futa gasps out "Fuck dude! That was a fucking awesome cumshot! Oh fuck! I'm getting close, you fucking hero-cow!" You can feel the Futa's huge shaft start to twitch as her pace quickens as if to catch up to the Bruiser. With only a couple more thrusts, the Futa screams out "Take it all, you slutty bitch! I'm shooting my load in your fucking cunt!" The Infested slams her futa-cock deep inside your pussy and you can feel her sperm being unloaded deep inside. Looking to emulate the Bruiser, the Futa pulls her shaft out of your overfilled cunt and with a few rapid strokes, a couple of smaller strands of gooey seed land on top of your $BreastsSize breasts!
<<if $Infestation.FutaVariant >= $Infestation.FutaCap & $Infestation.Progress > 1>>\
<<include "Futa TF">>\
  As you feel the Futa's hot cum soak your tits, you feel a surge of shocking energy flowing directly into you! It feels almost like you are being electrocuted but it quickly turns to pleasure that radiates from above your wet pussy.
  The feeling of being creampied along with getting a glazing on your $BreastSD tits almost pushes you over the edge but something feels like it's blocking your orgasm! Glancing down you discover a slight bump forming above your pussy, seemingly a lightning rod for that electric feeling. It slowly grows from a bump to a bulge as each heartbeat thunders in your ears. The large bulge slowly shifts as it pushes outward inch by inch before forming a small mushroom head with a tiny hole. You gasp as you recognize the shape as that of a penis, abit a very tiny baby-sized one!
  You can easily feel the blood rushing to your new organ and your new dick eagerly soaks it all up. Your baby-sized penis hardens and pushes out farther from your groin growing bigger and stronger with each heartbeat. By this point the electric shocking feeling is almost gone, replaced by the pleasant feeling of your new cock becoming engorged with blood!
  After a few moments, you discover that your brand new baby dick has transformed into a $DickSD $DickSize futa-cock! Before you can really take a look at it, there's another tiny surge of electric shock as two bulges form below your new dick! You closely watch as it forms into a ballsack while growing in size to match your big dick. It finally finishes growing leaving you with a $BallsSD pair of $BallsSize sized balls!
  "Oh my God! I'M CUMMING FROM MY COCK! I'm blasting my load!" you scream as your new futa-cock shoots a $CumAD blast of hot cum all over your milky tits and face! In response to your cock shooting your load, your seed-filled pussy quivers as your orgasm hits hard as a $GCumAD wave of girl cum hits the ground below along with some of the Futa's cum. Even your milkjugs get in on the action as they squirt out $MilkAD streams of milk down your chest!
  After finally calming down from your intense orgasm, you can confirm that you now have a $DickSD $DickSize dick with a pair of $BallsSize balls! Before you can react to the changes, the Infested pinches your hard $NippleSize nipples with a smirk and says "Looks like you are on the way to becoming an hot Futa-hero!"
<<elseif $PC.Infestation >= $Infestation.Cap & $Infestation.Progress > 1>>\
<<include "Infestation Increase">>\
  As you feel the Futa's hot cum soak your tits, you feel a surge of energy flowing directly into you! It almost feels like you are burning up but it quickly turns to pleasure that radiates from your wet pussy before spreading into your sensitive breasts and slightly sore ass.
  You can feel your breasts slowly start to expand as they soak up the Futa's hot baby-batter with your nipples looking bigger as well. Even your ass is feeling more powerful as you can feel more cushioning flow into your backside. All these changes pushes you over the edge as you scream out "Fuck! I'm cumming from being creampied so much! Fuckkkk!" Your seed-filled pussy quivers as your orgasm hits insanely hard and a endless wave of girl cum hits the ground below along with some of the Futa's cum. Even your milkjugs get in on the action as they squirt out $MilkAD streams of milk down your chest!
  After finally calming down from your intense orgasm, you can finally confirm that you now have a pair of $BreastSD $BreastsSize breasts and a $AssSize ass! Before you can react to the changes, the Infested pinches your hard $NippleSize nipples with a smirk and says "Looks like you are on the way to becoming an even hotter bitch-hero!"
  The feeling of being creampied along with getting a glazing on your $BreastSD tits causes you to be pushed over the edge! Your seed-filled pussy suddenly quivers as your orgasm hits and you yell out "Fuck! I'm cumming from being creampied so much! Fuckkkk!" as a $GCumAD spray of girl cum hits the ground below along with some more of the Futa's cum.
<<case "Silicone">>\
  Both of the Infested eagerly watch Troy's transformation into a even bigger titty nurse. The Futa is the first to respond "So, those are some rather _ISD tits. Good enough for you, big guy?" before glancing back at you and your _UBreastSD chest. "Hey! At least my partner already has a nice pair of tits even if they're filled with plastic!" she brags as she grabs her futa-cock and strides over to you!
  "Fuck yeah! That's what I'm talking about! Big fucking tits on a pair of horny sluts!" You hear the Infested Bruiser yell out from nearby. Pulling you gaze away from the smiling Futa, you notice that he had already started fucking Nurse Troy while you were too busy focusing on what the Futa was trying to say.
  Troy moans loudly as the Bruiser continues to fuck her tight pussy "My tits are so fucking huge, $PC.FirstName! Fuck! My titties feel so good! Please! Keep fucking me deep with your _DickSD beefy cock, you big stud!" she moans loudly as the Infested pounds away at her dripping wet cunt while groping her expanded chest.
  You feel a pressure on your wet pussy lips and turn back to discover the Futa is pressing her 8-inch futa-cock up against your slit! The Futa grabs your fake tits and gives them a firm squeeze, causing you to let out a soft gasp that turns into a breathy moan. You feel the Futa push her cock deep inside your tight pussy causing you to let out another, louder moan of pleasure.
  "Oh fuck! Your dick is so fucking deep inside my tight pussy! I can't believe how much good my silicone-filled tits feel when you play with them!" you scream as your pleasure-filled pussy grabs at the Futa's cock. The Futa's grip on your big titties doesn't let up as she uses those $BreastSD funbags as leverage to fuck your cunt nice and hard! Non-stop bursts of pleasure erupt from hard nipples as the Infested's groping grip keeps going and you're loving it!
  The Bruiser's fucking looks to have reached full speed at he bellows "Your fucking pussy feels so fucking tight and your titties are so fucking big!" as he repeatedly slams his dick into Troy's pussy while playing with her _ISD jugs. Her mews of pleasure from having her titties played with combine with the hard pounding the Infested is giving her cunt looks to be pushing her closer to the edge of cumming.
  Letting go of your enhanced breasts, the Futa grips your hips while pressing her massive chest against you in order to fuck you even harder. The feeling of the Futa's huge tits pressing into your $BreastSD firm tits is turning you on even more and you can't help but wrap your legs around the Futa's waist. Your own loud lusty moans from having your pussy railed by the Futa's huge futa-cock shows that you are also on your way to a powerful orgasm.
  "Goddamn! I'm about to shoot my wad all up in your hot twat!" The Infested Bruiser screams as there's one last twitch from his monster cock before a firehose worth of cum explodes from his dick that floods her overstuffed pussy before splaying down onto the ground below! Pulling his _DickSize <<Penis>> out of Troy's flooded pussy, he shoots massive ribbons of gooey baby-batter all over Troy's _ISD tits and moaning face. The Infested's orgasm seems to last forever as stream after steam of white seed shoots out coating her _ICup breasts a slimy white.
  Troy screams out "FUCKKKK!" I'm cumming so hard!" while arching her back letting her newly enhanced _ISD tits catch as much of the Infested's cum as possible! After her scream of ecstasy, Nurse Troy collaspes back onto the alleyway looking completely out of it as her _ICup breasts displays her exhausted breathing.
  Breathing heavily the Futa gasps out "Fuck dude! That was a fucking awesome cumshot! Oh fuck! I'm getting close, you fucking plastic-hero!" You can feel the Futa's huge shaft start to twitch as her pace quickens as if to catch up to the Bruiser. With only a couple more thrusts, the Futa screams out "Take it all, you slutty bitch! I'm shooting my load in your fucking cunt!" The Infested slams her futa-cock deep inside your pussy and you can feel her sperm being unloaded deep inside. Looking to emulate the Bruiser, the Futa pulls her shaft out of your overfilled cunt and with a few rapid strokes, a couple of smaller strands of gooey seed land on top of your $BreastsSize breasts!
<<if $Infestation.FutaVariant >= $Infestation.FutaCap & $Infestation.Progress > 1>>\
<<include "Futa TF">>\
  As you feel the Futa's hot cum soak your tits, you feel a surge of shocking energy flowing directly into you! It feels almost like you are being electrocuted but it quickly turns to pleasure that radiates from above your wet pussy.
  The feeling of being creampied along with getting a glazing on your $BreastSD tits almost pushes you over the edge but something feels like it's blocking your orgasm! Glancing down you discover a slight bump forming above your pussy, seemingly a lightning rod for that electric feeling. It slowly grows from a bump to a bulge as each heartbeat thunders in your ears. The large bulge slowly shifts as it pushes outward inch by inch before forming a small mushroom head with a tiny hole. You gasp as you recognize the shape as that of a penis, abit a very tiny baby-sized one!
  You can easily feel the blood rushing to your new organ and your new dick eagerly soaks it all up. Your baby-sized penis hardens and pushes out farther from your groin growing bigger and stronger with each heartbeat. By this point the electric shocking feeling is almost gone, replaced by the pleasant feeling of your new cock becoming engorged with blood!
  After a few moments, you discover that your brand new baby dick has transformed into a $DickSD $DickSize futa-cock! Before you can really take a look at it, there's another tiny surge of electric shock as two bulges form below your new dick! You closely watch as it forms into a ballsack while growing in size to match your big dick. It finally finishes growing leaving you with a $BallsSD pair of $BallsSize sized balls!
  "Oh my God! I'M CUMMING FROM MY COCK! I'm blasting my load!" you scream as your new futa-cock shoots a $CumAD blast of hot cum all over your fake tits and face! In response to your cock shooting your load, your seed-filled pussy quivers as your orgasm hits hard as a $GCumAD wave of girl cum hits the ground below along with some of the Futa's cum.
  After finally calming down from your intense orgasm, you can confirm that you now have a $DickSD $DickSize dick with a pair of $BallsSize balls! Before you can react to the changes, the Infested pinches your hard $NippleSize nipples with a smirk and says "Looks like you are on the way to becoming an hot Futa-hero!"
<<elseif $PC.Infestation >= $Infestation.Cap & $Infestation.Progress > 1>>\
<<include "Infestation Increase">>\
  As you feel the Futa's hot cum soak your tits, you feel a surge of energy flowing directly into you! It almost feels like you are burning up but it quickly turns to pleasure that radiates from your wet pussy before spreading into your sensitive breasts and slightly sore ass.
  You can feel your breasts slowly start to expand as they soak up the Futa's hot baby-batter with your nipples looking bigger as well. Even your ass is feeling more powerful as you can feel more cushioning flow into your backside. All these changes pushes you over the edge as you scream out "Fuck! I'm cumming from being creampied so much! Fuckkkk!" Your seed-filled pussy quivers as your orgasm hits insanely hard and a endless wave of girl cum hits the ground below along with some of the Futa's cum.
  After finally calming down from your intense orgasm, you can finally confirm that you now have a pair of $BreastSD $BreastsSize breasts and a $AssSize ass! Before you can react to the changes, the Infested pinches your hard $NippleSize nipples with a smirk and says "Looks like you are on the way to becoming an even hotter bitch-hero!"
  The feeling of being creampied along with getting a glazing on your $BreastSD tits causes you to be pushed over the edge! Your seed-filled pussy suddenly quivers as your orgasm hits and you yell out "Fuck! I'm cumming from being creampied so much! Fuckkkk!" as a $GCumAD spray of girl cum hits the ground below along with some more of the Futa's cum.
  Both of the Infested eagerly watch Troy's transformation into a even bigger titty nurse. The Futa is the first to respond "So, those are some rather _ISD tits. Good enough for you, big guy?" before glancing back at you and your _UBreastSD chest. "Hey! At least my partner already has a nice pair of tits!" she brags as she grabs her futa-cock and strides over to you!
  "Fuck yeah! That's what I'm talking about! Big fucking tits on a pair of horny sluts!" You hear the Infested Bruiser yell out from nearby. Pulling you gaze away from the smiling Futa, you notice that he had already started fucking Nurse Troy while you were too busy focusing on what the Futa was trying to say.
  Troy moans loudly as the Bruiser continues to fuck her tight pussy "Our tits are so fucking huge, $PC.FirstName! Fuck! My titties feel so good! Please! Keep fucking me deep with your _DickSD beefy cock, you big stud!" she moans loudly as the Infested pounds away at her dripping wet cunt while groping her expanded chest.
  You feel a pressure on your wet pussy lips and turn back to discover the Futa is pressing her 8-inch futa-cock up against your slit! The Futa grabs your bouncy jugs and gives them a quick squeeze, causing you to let out a soft gasp that turns into a breathy moan. You feel the Futa push her cock deep inside your tight pussy causing you to let out another, louder moan of pleasure.
  "Oh fuck! Your dick is so fucking deep inside my tight pussy! I can't believe how much good my tits feel when you play with them!" you scream as your pleasure-filled pussy grabs at the Futa's cock. The Futa's grip on your big titties doesn't let up as she uses those $BreastSD funbags as leverage to fuck your cunt nice and hard! Non-stop bursts of pleasure erupt from hard nipples as the Infested's groping grip keeps going and you're loving it!
  The Bruiser's fucking looks to have reached full speed at he bellows "Your fucking pussy feels so fucking tight and your titties are so fucking big!" as he repeatedly slams his dick into Troy's pussy while playing with her _ISD jugs. Her mews of pleasure from having her titties played with combine with the hard pounding the Infested is giving her cunt looks to be pushing her closer to the edge of cumming.
  Letting go of your breasts, the Futa grips your hips while pressing her massive chest against you in order to fuck you even harder. The feeling of the Futa's huge tits pressing into your $BreastSD jugs is turning you on even more and you can't help but wrap your legs around the Futa's waist. Your own loud lusty moans from having your pussy railed by the Futa's huge futa-cock shows that you are also on your way to a powerful orgasm.
  "Goddamn! I'm about to shoot my wad all up in your hot twat!" The Infested Bruiser screams as there's one last twitch from his monster cock before a firehose worth of cum explodes from his dick that floods her overstuffed pussy before splaying down onto the ground below! Pulling his _DickSize <<Penis>> out of Troy's flooded pussy, he shoots massive ribbons of gooey baby-batter all over Troy's _ISD tits and moaning face. The Infested's orgasm seems to last forever as stream after steam of white seed shoots out coating her _ICup breasts a slimy white.
  Troy screams out "FUCKKKK!" I'm cumming so hard!" while arching her back letting her newly enhanced _ISD tits catch as much of the Infested's cum as possible! After her scream of ecstasy, Nurse Troy collaspes back onto the alleyway looking completely out of it as her _ICup breasts displays her exhausted breathing.
  Breathing heavily the Futa gasps out "Fuck dude! That was a fucking awesome cumshot! Oh fuck! I'm getting close, you fucking hero-slut!" You can feel the Futa's huge shaft start to twitch as her pace quickens as if to catch up to the Bruiser. With only a couple more thrusts, the Futa screams out "Take it all, you slutty bitch! I'm shooting my load in your fucking cunt!" The Infested slams her futa-cock deep inside your pussy and you can feel her sperm being unloaded deep inside. Looking to emulate the Bruiser, the Futa pulls her shaft out of your overfilled cunt and with a few rapid strokes, a couple of smaller strands of gooey seed land on top of your $BreastsSize breasts!
<<if $Infestation.FutaVariant >= $Infestation.FutaCap & $Infestation.Progress > 1>>\
<<include "Futa TF">>\
  As you feel the Futa's hot cum soak your tits, you feel a surge of shocking energy flowing directly into you! It feels almost like you are being electrocuted but it quickly turns to pleasure that radiates from above your wet pussy.
  The feeling of being creampied along with getting a glazing on your $BreastSD tits almost pushes you over the edge but something feels like it's blocking your orgasm! Glancing down you discover a slight bump forming above your pussy, seemingly a lightning rod for that electric feeling. It slowly grows from a bump to a bulge as each heartbeat thunders in your ears. The large bulge slowly shifts as it pushes outward inch by inch before forming a small mushroom head with a tiny hole. You gasp as you recognize the shape as that of a penis, abit a very tiny baby-sized one!
  You can easily feel the blood rushing to your new organ and your new dick eagerly soaks it all up. Your baby-sized penis hardens and pushes out farther from your groin growing bigger and stronger with each heartbeat. By this point the electric shocking feeling is almost gone, replaced by the pleasant feeling of your new cock becoming engorged with blood!
  After a few moments, you discover that your brand new baby dick has transformed into a $DickSD $DickSize futa-cock! Before you can really take a look at it, there's another tiny surge of electric shock as two bulges form below your new dick! You closely watch as it forms into a ballsack while growing in size to match your big dick. It finally finishes growing leaving you with a $BallsSD pair of $BallsSize sized balls!
  "Oh my God! I'M CUMMING FROM MY COCK! I'm blasting my load!" you scream as your new futa-cock shoots a $CumAD blast of hot cum all over your chest and face! In response to your cock shooting your load, your seed-filled pussy quivers as your orgasm hits hard as a $GCumAD wave of girl cum hits the ground below along with some of the Futa's cum.
  After finally calming down from your intense orgasm, you can finally confirm that you now have a pair of $BreastSD $BreastsSize breasts and a $AssSize ass! You also confirm you now have a $DickSD $DickSize dick with a pair of $BallsSize balls! Before you can react to the changes, the Infested pinches your hard $NippleSize nipples with a smirk and says "Looks like you are on the way to becoming an hot Futa-hero!"
<<elseif $PC.Infestation >= $Infestation.Cap & $Infestation.Progress > 1>>\
<<include "Infestation Increase">>\
  As you feel the Futa's hot cum soak your tits, you feel a surge of energy flowing directly into you! It almost feels like you are burning up but it quickly turns to pleasure that radiates from your wet pussy before spreading into your sensitive breasts and slightly sore ass.
  You can feel your breasts slowly start to expand as they soak up the Futa's hot baby-batter with your nipples looking bigger as well. Even your ass is feeling more powerful as you can feel more cushioning flow into your backside. All these changes pushes you over the edge as you scream out "Fuck! I'm cumming from being creampied so much! Fuckkkk!" Your seed-filled pussy quivers as your orgasm hits insanely hard and a endless wave of girl cum hits the ground below along with some of the Futa's cum.
  After finally calming down from your intense orgasm, you can finally confirm that you now have a pair of $BreastSD $BreastsSize breasts and a $AssSize ass! Before you can react to the changes, the Infested pinches your hard $NippleSize nipples with a smirk and says "Looks like you are on the way to becoming an even hotter bitch-hero!"
  The feeling of being creampied along with getting a glazing on your $BreastSD tits causes you to be pushed over the edge! Your seed-filled pussy suddenly quivers as your orgasm hits and you yell out "Fuck! I'm cumming while my titties and ass are growing so much! Fuckkkk!" as a $GCumAD spray of girl cum hits the ground below along with some more of the Futa's cum.
  The two Infested stand up and give each other a high five before walking away to look for their next victims. Luckily they leave without any more thoughts about their last victims such as you and Troy as you both are lying is a big giant puddle of fluids.
  Nurse Troy is the first to stand up and she gives you a pitying look. "I'm so sorry, $PC.FirstName. I was looking for some more medical supplies when they caught me out in the open. Are you OK?" she explains as she attempts to get dressed but has some issues with how her expanded chest can no longer fit inside of her uniform.
  "I'm OK. I'm sorry I wasn't able to save you, Troy..." you say as you slowly sit up without any issues. "Do you need any help getting back to your clinic?" you ask as you start to get dresssed.
  Shaking her head, Nurse Troy says tiredly "I'm good so thanks for the offer. I would highly suggest stopping by to get a dose of antibiotics the next time you come to the clinic but right now I need to just recover from this. I'll see you around, $PC.FirstName." With that said she heads back into the suburbs and you soon head your own way.
<</if>>\<<set $sexHistory.XP to $sexHistory.XP +1>>\
<<set $LastPartner to $infestedFuta>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.Vaccine < 1>>\
<<if (random(19) +1) + $PC.Fortitude + $InfectionResist.Fort + $FoodStatus.Fort - $StatusAffect.Wet < (19 + $genericFighter.Level + Math.round($Infestation.Progress / 2) )>>\
<<if $Infestation.Progress < 1>>\
<<set $Infestation.Progress to 1>>\
<<set _Infest to random(10) - $InfectionResist.DR +5>>\
<<if _Infest < 0>>\
<<set _Infest to 0>>\
<<set $PC.Infestation to $PC.Infestation + _Infest>>\
<<if $Infestation.FutaVariant < 100>>\
<<set $Infestation.FutaVariant to $Infestation.FutaVariant + random(10) +5>>\
<<if $Infestation.FutaVariant > $Infestation.FutaCap>>\
<<set $Infestation.FutaVariant to $Infestation.FutaCap>>\
<<if $PC.Infestation > $Infestation.Cap>>\
<<set $PC.Infestation to $Infestation.Cap>>\
  Looking down at your defeated body, the Infested Bruiser shakes his head "Fucking dick-girl bitch thought they were a hero. There's no fucking heroes in this town, just winners and losers!" Pushing you onto your back, the Infested steps away while stroking his _DickSD cock. "Here, how about you fuck this whiny bitch while I fuck her friend right in front of her." he says to the Infested Futa that's currently holding Troy. Nurse Troy has a look of defeat as she stares at where you are lying in defeat.
  You can only watch as he steps closer to where Nurse Troy is being held by the Infested Futa. The Futa eagerly releases Troy from her grip with a wide smile and says "All your's big guy!" Stepping closer to you, the Futa smirks and says "Guess I'll be fucking the hot futa-hero of the day!"
  Looking down at Troy, the Infested Bruiser growls as he roughly fondles her _OSD breasts. "Look at these tiny tits! How am I supposed to fuck someone with such pathetic jugs?" Nurse Troy lets out a low moan of pleasure as her breasts are fondled hard by the Infested that's cut off as the Infested Bruiser shoves his _DickSize cock between her lips!
  "I don't know...They kind of look cute. Not as big as my GG-Cup tits but still pretty decent." the Futa says while pausing her walking. Seeing the other Infested's scrowl, the Futa sighs before pulling a can out of her purse. Tossing it to the Infested Bruiser she says "Here, feed the whore this, OK?" before stepping next to you.
  Pulling his massive dick out of Troy's mouth, the Bruiser opens the can after taking a quick look at the label. "Drink up, you little whore! It's time for you get some real breasts!" Troy didn't even have time to respond before the can is pored down her panting throat!
  For a brief moment nothing happens. Suddenly Troy lets out a erotic moan as her breasts slowly start to expand and grow. Seemingly in shock, she reaches up and grabs her growing jugs. Over the course of a minute they grew from _OCup size to a whopping pair of _ISD _ICup tits! Her breasts are so big her hands don't even cover them!
<<if _SizeComp < 10>>\
<<switch _Breasts>>\
<<case "Milk">>\
<<if $Milk.Stored >= $Milk.Max>>\
<<set _Status to "Full">>\
  Both of the Infested eagerly watch Troy's transformation into a even bigger titty nurse. The Futa is the first to respond "So, those are some rather _ISD tits. Good enough for you, big guy?" before glancing back at you and your _UBreastSD pair of milkers. "Fuck it! I want to fuck someone with some nice big tits as well even if they are already half-filled with milk!" she grumbles as she pulls a bottle with white fluids out of her purse to your dread.
  "Here you go hero! Time for your reward!" she says as she pours the milk bottle down your throat and you easily recognise that taste! "Make sure to drink all of it, you milk-filled hero!" she taunts you as you try your best to not drown in all the milky drink. Soon all of the milk has settled in your stomach giving you that familiar gassy feeling.
  Finally able to speak after swallowing the whole bottle, you mumble softly "Did you really try to give me even more milk for my already full tits?" The Futa just smiles but her smile drops off as nothing happens except a couple of drops of milk ooze out from your hard nipples. It looks like your were correct that your $BreastSD $BreastsSize milkjugs are already completely full. "Yep, it definitely feels like my mommy milkers are already full!" you confirm to the Futa with a smirk while enjoying the tiny victory.
  "Fuck yeah! That's what I'm talking about! Big fucking tits on a pair of horny sluts!" You hear the Infested Bruiser yell out from nearby. Pulling you gaze away from the fuming Futa, you notice that he had already started fucking Nurse Troy while you were too busy focusing on what the Futa was trying to do.
<<set $StatusAffect.MilkTits to $StatusAffect.MilkTits +4>>\
<<if $Milk.Stored < $Milk.Max -3>>\
<<set $Milk.Stored to $Milk.Stored +4>>\
<<set $PC.BreastsSize to $PC.BreastsSize +4>>\
<<set _MilkMath to $Milk.Max - $Milk.Stored>>
<<set $Milk.Stored to $Milk.Max>>\
<<set $PC.BreastsSize to $PC.BreastsSize + _MilkMath>>\
<<set $PCChanges.BreastsGrowth to "Soda">>\
<<set $BreastSD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set $BreastsSize to $arrayBreastSize[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set $MilkAD to $arrayMilkAmountDesc[$Milk.Stored]>>\
<<if $GCum.Max < 16>>\
<<set $GCum.Max to $GCum.Max + 1>>\
<<set $GCum.Min to $GCum.Min + 1>>\
<<set $GCum.Stored to $GCum.Max>>\
<<set $GCumAD to $arrayGCumAmountDesc[$Cum.Stored]>>\
  Both of the Infested eagerly watch Troy's transformation into a even bigger titty nurse. The Futa is the first to respond "So, those are some rather _ISD tits. Good enough for you, big guy?" before glancing back at you and your _UBreastSD pair of milkers. "Fuck it! I want to fuck someone with some nice big tits as well even if they are already half-filled with milk!" she grumbles as she pulls a bottle with white fluids out of her purse to your dread.
  "Here you go hero! Time for your reward!" she says as she pours the milk bottle down your throat and you easily recognise that taste! "Make sure to drink all of it, you milk-filled hero!" she taunts you as you try your best to not drown in all the milky drink. Soon all of the milk has settled in your stomach giving you that familiar gassy feeling.
  Finally able to speak after swallowing the whole bottle, you mumble softly "Did you really have to given me even more milk for my tits?" The Futa just smiles as you suddenly feel an intense bubbling sensation in your chest. Within moments you feel your _UBreastSD _UBreastsSize breasts start to expand and grow as you feel a tidal wave of milky fluids flow into them adding to the partially filled milk tanks. Soon your expanding jugs finish growing into $BreastSD $BreastsSize milkjugs ! "Oh fuck! My mommy milkers are filling up even more!" you gasp in ecstasy.
  "Fuck yeah! That's what I'm talking about! Big fucking tits on a pair of horny sluts!" You hear the Infested Bruiser yell out from nearby. Finally pulling your eyes away from your expanded bust you notice that he had already started fucking Nurse Troy while you were too busy focusing on the changes you were going thru.
<<case "Silicone">>\
<<set $StatusAffect.MilkTits to $StatusAffect.MilkTits +4>>\
<<if $Milk.Stored < $Milk.Max -3>>\
<<set $Milk.Stored to $Milk.Stored +4>>\
<<set $PC.BreastsSize to $PC.BreastsSize +4>>\
<<set _MilkMath to $Milk.Max - $Milk.Stored>>
<<set $Milk.Stored to $Milk.Max>>\
<<set $PC.BreastsSize to $PC.BreastsSize + _MilkMath>>\
<<set $PCChanges.BreastsGrowth to "Soda">>\
<<set $BreastSD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set $BreastsSize to $arrayBreastSize[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set $MilkAD to $arrayMilkAmountDesc[$Milk.Stored]>>\
<<if $GCum.Max < 16>>\
<<set $GCum.Max to $GCum.Max + 1>>\
<<set $GCum.Min to $GCum.Min + 1>>\
<<set $GCum.Stored to $GCum.Max>>\
<<set $GCumAD to $arrayGCumAmountDesc[$Cum.Stored]>>\
  Both of the Infested eagerly watch Troy's transformation into a even bigger titty nurse. The Futa is the first to respond "So, those are some rather _ISD tits. Good enough for you, big guy?" before glancing back at you and your _UBreastSD pair of fake tits. "Fuck it! I want to fuck someone with some nice big tits as well even if they are made of plastic!" she grumbles as she pulls a bottle with white fluids out of her purse to your dread.
  "Here you go hero! Time for your reward!" she says as she pours the milk bottle down your throat! "Make sure to drink all of it, you silicone-filled hero!" she taunts you as you try your best to not drown in all the milky drink. Soon all of the drink has settled in your stomach making you feel slightly gassy.
  Finally able to speak after swallowing the whole bottle, you stammer out "What did you just give me?" The Futa just smiles as you suddenly feel an intense bubbling sensation in your chest. Within moments you feel your _UBreastSD _UBreastsSize fake breasts start to expand and grow as you feel a tidal wave of milky fluids flow into them. Soon your expanding jugs finish growing into $BreastSD $BreastsSize milkjugs while losing that fake roundish look of silicone-enhanced breasts! "Oh fuck! My silcione-filled tits transformed into fucking milk-filled jugs!" you gasp in ecstasy.
  "Fuck yeah! That's what I'm talking about! Big fucking tits on a pair of horny sluts!" You hear the Infested Bruiser yell out from nearby. Finally pulling your eyes away from your expanded bust you notice that he had already started fucking Nurse Troy while you were too busy focusing on the changes you were going thru.
<<set $StatusAffect.MilkTits to $StatusAffect.MilkTits +4>>\
<<if $Milk.Stored < $Milk.Max -3>>\
<<set $Milk.Stored to $Milk.Stored +4>>\
<<set $PC.BreastsSize to $PC.BreastsSize +4>>\
<<set _MilkMath to $Milk.Max - $Milk.Stored>>
<<set $Milk.Stored to $Milk.Max>>\
<<set $PC.BreastsSize to $PC.BreastsSize + _MilkMath>>\
<<set $PCChanges.BreastsGrowth to "Soda">>\
<<set $BreastSD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set $BreastsSize to $arrayBreastSize[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set $MilkAD to $arrayMilkAmountDesc[$Milk.Stored]>>\
<<if $GCum.Max < 16>>\
<<set $GCum.Max to $GCum.Max + 1>>\
<<set $GCum.Min to $GCum.Min + 1>>\
<<set $GCum.Stored to $GCum.Max>>\
<<set $GCumAD to $arrayGCumAmountDesc[$Cum.Stored]>>\
  Both of the Infested eagerly watch Troy's transformation into a even bigger titty nurse. The Futa is the first to respond "So, those are some rather _ISD tits. Good enough for you, big guy?" before glancing back at you and your _UBreastSD chest. "Fuck it! I want to fuck someone with some nice big tits as well!" she grumbles as she pulls a bottle with white fluids out of her purse to your dread.
  "Here you go hero! Time for your reward!" she says as she pours the milk bottle down your throat! "Make sure to drink all of it, you slut!" she taunts you as you try your best to not drown in all the milky drink. Soon all of the drink has settled in your stomach making you feel slightly gassy.
  Finally able to speak after swallowing the whole bottle, you stammer out "What did you just give me?" The Futa just smiles as you suddenly feel an intense bubbling sensation in your chest. Within moments you feel your _UBreastSD _UBreastsSize jugs start to expand and grow as you feel a tidal wave of milky fluids flow into them. Soon your expanding jugs finish growing into $BreastSD $BreastsSize tits! "Oh fuck! My tits grew into fucking milkjugs!" you gasp in ecstasy.
  "Fuck yeah! That's what I'm talking about! Big fucking tits on a pair of horny sluts!" You hear the Infested Bruiser yell out from nearby. Finally pulling your eyes away from your expanded bust you notice that he had already started fucking Nurse Troy while you were too busy focusing on the changes you were going thru.
  Troy moans loudly as the Bruiser continues to go to town on her tight pussy "Our tits are so fucking huge, $PC.FirstName! Fuck! My titties feel so good! Please! Keep fucking me deep with your _DickSD beefy cock, you big stud!" she moans loudly as the Infested pounds away at her dripping wet cunt while groping her expanded chest.
  You feel a pressure on your wet pussy lips and turn back to discover the Futa is pressing her 8-inch futa-cock up against your slit after sliding your $BallsSD balls out of the way! The Futa grabs your sensitive milk jugs and gives them a quick squeeze causing $MilkAD streams of milk to pour from your sensitive nipples. As you become distracted by the feeling of your milk-filled tits leaking all over your chest, you feel the Futa slam her cock deep inside your tight pussy causing you to let out your own moans of pleasure.
  "Oh fuck! Your dick is filling up my tight pussy so fucking much! I can't believe how much milk my titties are leaking!" you scream as your pleasure-filled pussy grabs at the Futa's cock while your own futa-dick throbs in pleasure. The Futa's grip on your big titties doesn't let up as she uses those $BreastSD funbags as leverage to fuck your cunt nice and hard! Non-stop streams of milk flow from your hard nipples all over the Infested's groping grip and you're loving it as your hard futa-cock shows!
  The Bruiser's fucking looks to have reached full speed at he bellows "Your fucking pussy feels so fucking tight and your titties are so fucking big!" as he repeatedly slams his dick into Troy's pussy while playing with her _ISD jugs. Her mews of pleasure from having her titties played with combine with the hard pounding the Infested is giving her cunt looks to be pushing her closer to the edge of cumming.
  Letting go of your leaking breasts, the Futa grabs your hips with one hand while the other grabs your $DickSize cock! She starts jacking your sensitive dick while pressing her massive chest against you as her fucking speed increases. The feeling of the Futa's huge tits pressing into your $BreastSD milky tits is turning you on even more and you can't help but thrust your cock against her tight grip. Your own loud lusty moans from having your pussy railed by the Futa's huge futa-cock shows that you are also on your way to a powerful orgasm.
  "Goddamn! I'm about to shoot my wad all up in your hot twat!" The Infested Bruiser screams as there's one last twitch from his monster cock before a firehose worth of cum explodes from his dick that floods her overstuffed pussy before splaying down onto the ground below! Pulling his _DickSize <<Penis>> out of Troy's flooded pussy, he shoots massive ribbons of gooey baby-batter all over Troy's _ISD tits and moaning face. The Infested's orgasm seems to last forever as stream after steam of white seed shoots out coating her _ICup breasts a slimy white.
  Troy screams out "FUCKKKK! I'm cumming so hard!" while arching her back letting her newly enhanced _ISD tits catch as much of the Infested's cum as possible! After her scream of ecstasy, Nurse Troy collaspes back onto the alleyway looking completely out of it as her _ICup breasts displays her exhausted breathing.
  Breathing heavily the Futa gasps out "Fuck dude! That was a fucking awesome cumshot! Oh fuck! I'm getting close, you fucking futa-hero!" You can feel the Futa's huge shaft start to twitch as her pace quickens as if to catch up to the Bruiser. With only a couple more thrusts, the Futa screams out "Take it all, you slutty bitch! I'm shooting my load in your fucking cunt!" The Infested slams her futa-cock deep inside your pussy and you can feel her sperm being unloaded deep inside. Looking to emulate the Bruiser, the Futa pulls her shaft out of your overfilled cunt and with a couple of strokes a couple of smaller strands of gooey seed land on top of your $BreastsSize breasts and throbbing shaft!
<<if $Infestation.FutaVariant >= $Infestation.FutaCap and $Infestation.Progress > 1 and $StatusAffect.Futa > 0>>\
<<include "Futa TF">>\
  As you feel the Futa's hot cum soak your tits and dick, you feel a pleasant warm sensation radiating from your groin. As it spreads throughout your body you feel a fundamental change in your gender identity as it reaches your head. You now know that you are a full-time Futa. Shaking off the distraction you have more important things to to worry about such as the impending orgasm that's about to crash into you!
<<elseif $PC.Infestation >= $Infestation.Cap & $Infestation.Progress > 1>>\
<<include "Infestation Increase">>\
  As you feel the Futa's hot cum soak your tits and dick, you feel a surge of energy flowing directly into you! It almost feels like you are burning up but it quickly turns to pleasure that radiates from your hard throbbing <<Penis>>, your sensitive tits and even your slightly sore butt!
  You can feel your dick grow as it soaks up the Futa's cum along with your cum-filled balls! With each heartbeat your breasts grow bigger and bigger and the ground feels even softer as you gain more cushioning. Your futa-cock twitches one last time as you scream out "Oh Fuck! I'm cumming from my big growing cock! Even my creampied pussy is unleashing it's load! Fuck! It feels so gooood!" as never-ending strands of thick baby-batter shoots out from your cock before landing back onto your expanding tits! In response to your cock shooting your load, your seed-filled pussy quivers as your orgasm hits hard and a tidal wave of girl cum hits the ground below along with some more of the Futa's cum.
  After finally calming down from your intense orgasm, you can finally confirm that you now have a pair of $BreastSD $BreastsSize breasts and a $AssSize ass! You also confirm your futa-cock is now a $DickSD $DickSize dick with a pair of $BallsSize balls! Before you can react to the changes, the Infested pinches your hard $NippleSize nipples with a smirk and says "Looks like you are on the way to becoming an even hotter Futa-hero!"
  The feeling of being creampied along with getting a glazing on your $BreastSD tits causes you to be pushed over the edge! Your futa-cock twitches one last time as you scream out "Fuck! I'm cumming from my big fucking cock and pussy! Fuck! It feels so gooood!" as $CumAD strands of thick baby-batter shoots out from your cock before landing back onto your tits! In response to your cock shooting your load, your seed-filled pussy quivers as your orgasm hits hard as a $GCumAD wave of girl cum hits the ground below along with some more of the Futa's cum. Even your milkers explode in a $MilkAD squirting of milk all over the rest of your chest and legs!
<<switch _Breasts>>\
<<case "Milk">>\
  Both of the Infested eagerly watch Troy's transformation into a even bigger titty nurse. The Futa is the first to respond "So, those are some rather _ISD tits. Good enough for you, big guy?" before glancing back at you and your _UBreastSD chest. "Hey! At least my partner already has a nice pair of tits and look! They are already filled with milk!" she brags as she grabs her futa-cock and strides over to you!
  "Fuck yeah! That's what I'm talking about! Big fucking tits on a pair of horny sluts!" You hear the Infested Bruiser yell out from nearby. Pulling you gaze away from the smiling Futa, you notice that he had already started fucking Nurse Troy while you were too busy focusing on what the Futa was trying to say.
  You feel a pressure on your wet pussy lips and turn back to discover the Futa is pressing her 8-inch futa-cock up against your slit after sliding your $BallsSD balls out of the way! The Futa grabs your sensitive milk jugs and gives them a quick squeeze causing $MilkAD streams of milk to pour from your sensitive nipples. As you become distrcted by the feeling of your milk-filled tits leaking all over your chest, you feel the Futa slam her cock deep inside your tight pussy causing you to let out your own moans of pleasure.
  "Oh fuck! Your dick is filling up my tight pussy so fucking much! I can't believe how much milk my titties are leaking!" you scream as your pleasure-filled pussy grabs at the Futa's cock while your own futa-dick throbs in pleasure. The Futa's grip on your big titties doesn't let up as she uses those $BreastSD funbags as leverage to fuck your cunt nice and hard! Non-stop streams of milk flow from your hard nipples all over the Infested's groping grip and you're loving it as your hard futa-cock shows!
  The Bruiser's fucking looks to have reached full speed at he bellows "Your fucking pussy feels so fucking tight and your titties are so fucking big!" as he repeatedly slams his dick into Troy's pussy while playing with her _ISD jugs. Her mews of pleasure from having her titties played with combine with the hard pounding the Infested is giving her cunt looks to be pushing her closer to the edge of cumming.
  Letting go of your leaking breasts, the Futa grabs your hips with one hand while the other grabs your $DickSize cock! She starts jacking your sensitive dick while pressing her massive chest against you as her fucking speed increases. The feeling of the Futa's huge tits pressing into your $BreastSD milky tits is turning you on even more and you can't help but thrust your cock against her tight grip. Your own loud lusty moans from having your pussy railed by the Futa's huge futa-cock shows that you are also on your way to a powerful orgasm.
  "Goddamn! I'm about to shoot my wad all up in your hot twat!" The Infested Bruiser screams as there's one last twitch from his monster cock before a firehose worth of cum explodes from his dick that floods her overstuffed pussy before splaying down onto the ground below! Pulling his _DickSize <<Penis>> out of Troy's flooded pussy, he shoots massive ribbons of gooey baby-batter all over Troy's _ISD tits and moaning face. The Infested's orgasm seems to last forever as stream after steam of white seed shoots out coating her _ICup breasts a slimy white.
  Troy screams out "FUCKKKK! I'm cumming so hard!" while arching her back letting her newly enhanced _ISD tits catch as much of the Infested's cum as possible! After her scream of ecstasy, Nurse Troy collaspes back onto the alleyway looking completely out of it as her _ICup breasts displays her exhausted breathing.
  Breathing heavily the Futa gasps out "Fuck dude! That was a fucking awesome cumshot! Oh fuck! I'm getting close, you fucking futa-hero!" You can feel the Futa's huge shaft start to twitch as her pace quickens as if to catch up to the Bruiser. With only a couple more thrusts, the Futa screams out "Take it all, you slutty bitch! I'm shooting my load in your fucking cunt!" The Infested slams her futa-cock deep inside your pussy and you can feel her sperm being unloaded deep inside. Looking to emulate the Bruiser, the Futa pulls her shaft out of your overfilled cunt and with a couple of strokes a couple of smaller strands of gooey seed land on top of your $BreastsSize breasts and throbbing shaft!
<<if $Infestation.FutaVariant >= $Infestation.FutaCap and $Infestation.Progress > 1 and $StatusAffect.Futa > 0>>\
<<include "Futa TF">>\
  As you feel the Futa's hot cum soak your tits and dick, you feel a pleasant warm sensation radiating from your groin. As it spreads throughout your body you feel a fundamental change in your gender identity as it reaches your head. You now know that you are a full-time Futa. Shaking off the distraction you have more important things to to worry about such as the impending orgasm that's about to crash into you!
<<elseif $PC.Infestation >= $Infestation.Cap & $Infestation.Progress > 1>>\
<<include "Infestation Increase">>\
  As you feel the Futa's hot cum soak your tits and dick, you feel a surge of energy flowing directly into you! It almost feels like you are burning up but it quickly turns to pleasure that radiates from your hard throbbing <<Penis>>, your sensitive tits and even your slightly sore butt!
  You can feel your dick grow as it soaks up the Futa's cum along with your cum-filled balls! With each heartbeat your breasts grow bigger and bigger and the ground feels even softer as you gain more cushioning. Your futa-cock twitches one last time as you scream out "Oh Fuck! I'm cumming from my big growing cock! Even my creampied pussy is unleashing it's load! Fuck! It feels so gooood!" as never-ending strands of thick baby-batter shoots out from your cock before landing back onto your expanding tits! In response to your cock shooting your load, your seed-filled pussy quivers as your orgasm hits hard and a tidal wave of girl cum hits the ground below along with some more of the Futa's cum.
  After finally calming down from your intense orgasm, you can finally confirm that you now have a pair of $BreastSD $BreastsSize breasts and a $AssSize ass! You also confirm your futa-cock is now a $DickSD $DickSize dick with a pair of $BallsSize balls! Before you can react to the changes, the Infested pinches your hard $NippleSize nipples with a smirk and says "Looks like you are on the way to becoming an even hotter Futa-hero!"
  The feeling of being creampied along with getting a glazing on your $BreastSD tits causes you to be pushed over the edge! Your futa-cock twitches one last time as you scream out "Fuck! I'm cumming from my big fucking cock and pussy! Fuck! It feels so gooood!" as $CumAD strands of thick baby-batter shoots out from your cock before landing back onto your tits! In response to your cock shooting your load, your seed-filled pussy quivers as your orgasm hits hard as a $GCumAD wave of girl cum hits the ground below along with some more of the Futa's cum. Even your milkers explode in a $MilkAD squirting of milk all over the rest of your chest and legs!
<<case "Silicone">>\
  Both of the Infested eagerly watch Troy's transformation into a even bigger titty nurse. The Futa is the first to respond "So, those are some rather _ISD tits. Good enough for you, big guy?" before glancing back at you and your _UBreastSD chest. "Hey! At least my partner already has a nice pair of tits even if they're filled with plastic!" she brags as she grabs her futa-cock and strides over to you!
  "Fuck yeah! That's what I'm talking about! Big fucking tits on a pair of horny sluts!" You hear the Infested Bruiser yell out from nearby. Pulling you gaze away from the smiling Futa, you notice that he had already started fucking Nurse Troy while you were too busy focusing on what the Futa was trying to say.
  Troy moans loudly as the Bruiser continues to fuck her tight pussy "My tits are so fucking huge, $PC.FirstName! Fuck! My titties feel so good! Please! Keep fucking me deep with your _DickSD beefy cock, you big stud!" she moans loudly as the Infested pounds away at her dripping wet cunt while groping her expanded chest.
  You feel a pressure on your wet pussy lips and turn back to discover the Futa is pressing her 8-inch futa-cock up against your slit after sliding your $BallsSD balls out of the way!! The Futa grabs your fake tits and gives them a firm squeeze, causing you to let out a soft gasp that turns into a breathy moan. You feel the Futa push her cock deep inside your tight pussy causing you to let out another, louder moan of pleasure.
  "Oh fuck! Your dick is so fucking deep inside my tight pussy! I can't believe how much good my silicone-filled tits feel when you play with them!" you scream as your pleasure-filled pussy grabs at the Futa's cock. The Futa's grip on your big titties doesn't let up as she uses those $BreastSD funbags as leverage to fuck your cunt nice and hard! Non-stop bursts of pleasure erupt from hard nipples as the Infested's groping grip keeps going and you're loving it!
  Letting go of your big silicone titties, the Futa grabs your hips with one hand while the other grabs your $DickSize cock! She starts jacking your sensitive dick while pressing her massive chest against you as her fucking speed increases. The feeling of the Futa's huge tits pressing into your $BreastSD ample tits is turning you on even more and you can't help but thrust your cock against her tight grip. Your own loud lusty moans from having your pussy railed by the Futa's huge futa-cock shows that you are also on your way to a powerful orgasm.
  "Goddamn! I'm about to shoot my wad all up in your hot twat!" The Infested Bruiser screams as there's one last twitch from his monster cock before a firehose worth of cum explodes from his dick that floods her overstuffed pussy before splaying down onto the ground below! Pulling his _DickSize <<Penis>> out of Troy's flooded pussy, he shoots massive ribbons of gooey baby-batter all over Troy's _ISD tits and moaning face. The Infested's orgasm seems to last forever as stream after steam of white seed shoots out coating her _ICup breasts a slimy white.
  Troy screams out "FUCKKKK! I'm cumming so hard!" while arching her back letting her newly enhanced _ISD tits catch as much of the Infested's cum as possible! After her scream of ecstasy, Nurse Troy collaspes back onto the alleyway looking completely out of it as her _ICup breasts displays her exhausted breathing.
  Breathing heavily, the Futa gasps out "Fuck dude! That was a fucking awesome cumshot! Oh fuck! I'm getting close, you fucking futa-hero!" You can feel the Futa's huge shaft start to twitch as her pace quickens as if to catch up to the Bruiser. With only a couple more thrusts, the Futa screams out "Take it all, you slutty bitch! I'm shooting my load in your fucking cunt!" The Infested slams her futa-cock deep inside your pussy and you can feel her sperm being unloaded deep inside. Looking to emulate the Bruiser, the Futa pulls her shaft out of your overfilled cunt and with a couple of strokes a couple of smaller strands of gooey seed land on top of your $BreastsSize breasts and throbbing shaft!
<<if $Infestation.FutaVariant >= $Infestation.FutaCap and $Infestation.Progress > 1 and $StatusAffect.Futa > 0>>\
<<include "Futa TF">>\
  As you feel the Futa's hot cum soak your tits and dick, you feel a pleasant warm sensation radiating from your groin. As it spreads throughout your body you feel a fundamental change in your gender identity as it reaches your head. You now know that you are a full-time Futa. Shaking off the distraction you have more important things to to worry about such as the impending orgasm that's about to crash into you!
<<elseif $PC.Infestation >= $Infestation.Cap & $Infestation.Progress > 1>>\
<<include "Infestation Increase">>\
  As you feel the Futa's hot cum soak your tits and dick, you feel a surge of energy flowing directly into you! It almost feels like you are burning up but it quickly turns to pleasure that radiates from your hard throbbing <<Penis>>, your sensitive tits and even your slightly sore butt!
  You can feel your dick grow as it soaks up the Futa's cum along with your cum-filled balls! With each heartbeat your breasts grow bigger and bigger and the ground feels even softer as you gain more cushioning. Your futa-cock twitches one last time as you scream out "Oh Fuck! I'm cumming from my big growing cock! Even my creampied pussy is unleashing it's load! Fuck! It feels so gooood!" as never-ending strands of thick baby-batter shoots out from your cock before landing back onto your expanding tits! In response to your cock shooting your load, your seed-filled pussy quivers as your orgasm hits hard and a tidal wave of girl cum hits the ground below along with some more of the Futa's cum.
  After finally calming down from your intense orgasm, you can finally confirm that you now have a pair of $BreastSD $BreastsSize breasts and a $AssSize ass! You also confirm your futa-cock is now a $DickSD $DickSize dick with a pair of $BallsSize balls! Before you can react to the changes, the Infested pinches your hard $NippleSize nipples with a smirk and says "Looks like you are on the way to becoming an even hotter Futa-hero!"
  The feeling of being creampied along with getting a glazing on your $BreastSD fake tits causes you to be pushed over the edge! Your futa-cock twitches one last time as you scream out "Fuck! I'm cumming from my big fucking cock and pussy! Fuck! It feels so gooood!" as $CumAD strands of thick baby-batter shoots out from your cock before landing back onto your tits! In response to your cock shooting your load, your seed-filled pussy quivers as your orgasm hits hard as a $GCumAD wave of girl cum hits the ground below along with some more of the Futa's cum.
  Both of the Infested eagerly watch Troy's transformation into a even bigger titty nurse. The Futa is the first to respond "So, those are some rather _ISD tits. Good enough for you, big guy?" before glancing back at you and your _UBreastSD chest. "Hey! At least my partner already has a nice pair of tits!" she brags as she grabs her futa-cock and strides over to you!
  "Fuck yeah! That's what I'm talking about! Big fucking tits on a pair of horny sluts!" You hear the Infested Bruiser yell out from nearby. Pulling you gaze away from the smiling Futa, you notice that he had already started fucking Nurse Troy while you were too busy focusing on what the Futa was trying to say.
  Troy moans loudly as the Bruiser continues to fuck her tight pussy "My tits are so fucking huge, $PC.FirstName! Fuck! My titties feel so good! Please! Keep fucking me deep with your _DickSD beefy cock, you big stud!" she moans loudly as the Infested pounds away at her dripping wet cunt while groping her expanded chest.
  You feel a pressure on your wet pussy lips and turn back to discover the Futa is pressing her 8-inch futa-cock up against your slit after sliding your $BallsSD balls out of the way! The Futa grabs your bouncy breasts and gives them a quick squeeze causing you to let out a sharp gasp. As you become distracted by the feeling of your tits being played with, you feel the Futa slam her cock deep inside your tight pussy causing you to let out your own moans of pleasure.
  "Oh fuck! Your dick is filling up my tight pussy so fucking much! I can't believe how much good my tits feel when you play with them!" you scream as your pleasure-filled pussy grabs at the Futa's cock while your own futa-dick throbs in pleasure. The Futa's grip on your big titties doesn't let up as she uses those $BreastSD funbags as leverage to fuck your cunt nice and hard! Non-stop bursts of pleasure erupt from hard nipples as the Infested's groping grip keeps going and you're loving it!
  The Bruiser's fucking looks to have reached full speed at he bellows "Your fucking pussy feels so fucking tight and your titties are so fucking big!" as he repeatedly slams his dick into Troy's pussy while playing with her _ISD jugs. Her mews of pleasure from having her titties played with combine with the hard pounding the Infested is giving her cunt looks to be pushing her closer to the edge of cumming.
  Letting go of your leaking breasts, the Futa grabs your hips with one hand while the other grabs your $DickSize cock! She starts jacking your sensitive dick while pressing her massive chest against you as her fucking speed increases. The feeling of the Futa's huge tits pressing into your $BreastSD ample tits is turning you on even more and you can't help but thrust your cock against her tight grip. Your own loud lusty moans from having your pussy railed by the Futa's huge futa-cock shows that you are also on your way to a powerful orgasm.
  "Goddamn! I'm about to shoot my wad all up in your hot twat!" The Infested Bruiser screams as there's one last twitch from his monster cock before a firehose worth of cum explodes from his dick that floods her overstuffed pussy before splaying down onto the ground below! Pulling his _DickSize <<Penis>> out of Troy's flooded pussy, he shoots massive ribbons of gooey baby-batter all over Troy's _ISD tits and moaning face. The Infested's orgasm seems to last forever as stream after steam of white seed shoots out coating her _ICup breasts a slimy white.
  Troy screams out "FUCKKKK! I'm cumming so hard!" while arching her back letting her newly enhanced _ISD tits catch as much of the Infested's cum as possible! After her scream of ecstasy, Nurse Troy collaspes back onto the alleyway looking completely out of it as her _ICup breasts displays her exhausted breathing.
  Breathing heavily, the Futa gasps out "Fuck dude! That was a fucking awesome cumshot! Oh fuck! I'm getting close, you fucking futa-hero!" You can feel the Futa's huge shaft start to twitch as her pace quickens as if to catch up to the Bruiser. With only a couple more thrusts, the Futa screams out "Take it all, you slutty bitch! I'm shooting my load in your fucking cunt!" The Infested slams her futa-cock deep inside your pussy and you can feel her sperm being unloaded deep inside. Looking to emulate the Bruiser, the Futa pulls her shaft out of your overfilled cunt and with a couple of strokes a couple of smaller strands of gooey seed land on top of your $BreastsSize breasts and throbbing shaft!
<<if $Infestation.FutaVariant >= $Infestation.FutaCap and $Infestation.Progress > 1 and $StatusAffect.Futa > 0>>\
<<include "Futa TF">>\
  As you feel the Futa's hot cum soak your tits and dick, you feel a pleasant warm sensation radiating from your groin. As it spreads throughout your body you feel a fundamental change in your gender identity as it reaches your head. You now know that you are a full-time Futa. Shaking off the distraction you have more important things to to worry about such as the impending orgasm that's about to crash into you!
<<elseif $PC.Infestation >= $Infestation.Cap & $Infestation.Progress > 1>>\
<<include "Infestation Increase">>\
  As you feel the Futa's hot cum soak your tits and dick, you feel a surge of energy flowing directly into you! It almost feels like you are burning up but it quickly turns to pleasure that radiates from your hard throbbing <<Penis>>, your sensitive tits and even your slightly sore butt!
  You can feel your dick grow as it soaks up the Futa's cum along with your cum-filled balls! With each heartbeat your breasts grow bigger and bigger and the ground feels even softer as you gain more cushioning. Your futa-cock twitches one last time as you scream out "Oh Fuck! I'm cumming from my big growing cock! Even my creampied pussy is unleashing it's load! Fuck! It feels so gooood!" as never-ending strands of thick baby-batter shoots out from your cock before landing back onto your expanding tits! In response to your cock shooting your load, your seed-filled pussy quivers as your orgasm hits hard and a tidal wave of girl cum hits the ground below along with some more of the Futa's cum.
  After finally calming down from your intense orgasm, you can finally confirm that you now have a pair of $BreastSD $BreastsSize breasts and a $AssSize ass! You also confirm your futa-cock is now a $DickSD $DickSize dick with a pair of $BallsSize balls! Before you can react to the changes, the Infested pinches your hard $NippleSize nipples with a smirk and says "Looks like you are on the way to becoming an even hotter Futa-hero!"
  The feeling of being creampied along with getting a glazing on your $BreastSD tits causes you to be pushed over the edge! Your futa-cock twitches one last time as you scream out "Fuck! I'm cumming from my big fucking cock and pussy! Fuck! It feels so gooood!" as $CumAD strands of thick baby-batter shoots out from your cock before landing back onto your tits! In response to your cock shooting your load, your seed-filled pussy quivers as your orgasm hits hard as a $GCumAD wave of girl cum hits the ground below along with some more of the Futa's cum.
  The two Infested stand up and give each other a high five before walking away to look for their next victims. Luckily they leave without any more thoughts about their last victims such as you and Troy as you both are lying is a big giant puddle of fluids.
  Nurse Troy is the first to stand up and she gives you a pitying look. "I'm so sorry, $PC.FirstName. I was looking for some more medical supplies when they caught me out in the open. Are you OK?" she explains as she attempts to get dressed but has some issues with how her expanded chest can no longer fit inside of her uniform.
  "I'm OK. I'm sorry I wasn't able to save you, Troy..." you say as you slowly sit up without any issues. "Do you need any help getting back to your clinic?" you ask as you start to get dresssed.
  Shaking her head, Nurse Troy says tiredly "I'm good so thanks for the offer. I would highly suggest stopping by to get a dose of antibiotics the next time you come to the clinic but right now I need to just recover from this. I'll see you around, $PC.FirstName." With that said she heads back into the suburbs and you soon head your own way.
<<set $LastPartner to $infestedFuta>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.Vaccine < 1>>\
<<if (random(19) +1) + $PC.Fortitude + $InfectionResist.Fort + $FoodStatus.Fort - $StatusAffect.Wet < (19 + $genericFighter.Level + Math.round($Infestation.Progress / 2) )>>\
<<if $Infestation.Progress < 1>>\
<<set $Infestation.Progress to 1>>\
<<set _Infest to random(10) - $InfectionResist.DR +5>>\
<<if _Infest < 0>>\
<<set _Infest to 0>>\
<<set $PC.Infestation to $PC.Infestation + _Infest>>\
<<if $Infestation.FutaVariant < 100>>\
<<set $Infestation.FutaVariant to $Infestation.FutaVariant + random(10) +10>>\
<<if $Infestation.FutaVariant > $Infestation.FutaCap>>\
<<set $Infestation.FutaVariant to $Infestation.FutaCap>>\
<<if $PC.Infestation > $Infestation.Cap>>\
<<set $PC.Infestation to $Infestation.Cap>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Futa to $StatusAffect.Futa+1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.BigTits to $StatusAffect.BigTits +5>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Horny to $StatusAffect.Horny+1>>\
<<set $PC.HasPussy to 1>>\
<<set $PC.BreastsSize to 5>>\
<<set $PC.NippleSize to 5>>\
<<set $BreastSD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set $BreastsSize to $arrayBreastSize[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set $NippleSize to $arrayNippleSize[$PC.NippleSize]>>\
<<set $Infestation.FutaVariant to $Infestation.FutaVariant + random(5) +1>>\
<<set $FutaTry to $FutaTry + 1>>\
<<set $PC.MMBreastsSize to $PC.BreastsSize>>\
<<set $Milk.Max to $Milk.Max + 2>>\
<<if $GCum.Max < 16>>\
<<set $GCum.Max to $GCum.Max + 5>>\
<<set $GCum.Min to $GCum.Min + 1>>\
<<set $GCum.Stored to $GCum.Max>>\
<<set $GCumAD to $arrayGCumAmountDesc[$Cum.Stored]>>\
<<set $lust to $lust + 10>>\
  Looking down at your defeated body, the Infested Bruiser shakes his head "Fucking pathetic bitch thought they were a hero. There's no fucking heroes in this town, just winners and losers!" Pushing you onto your back, the Infested steps away while stroking his _DickSD cock. "Here, how about you fuck this whiny bitch while I fuck his friend right in front of him." he says to the Infested Futa that's currently holding Troy. Nurse Troy has a look of defeat as she stares at where you are lying in defeat.
  You can only watch as he steps closer to where Nurse Troy is being held by the Infested Futa. The Futa eagerly releases Troy from her grip with a wide smile and says "All your's big guy!" Stepping closer to you, the Futa smirks and says "Guess I'll be fucking the hot hero of the day!"
  Looking down at Troy, the Infested Bruiser growls as he roughly fondles her _OSD breasts. "Look at these tiny tits! How am I supposed to fuck someone with such pathetic jugs?" Nurse Troy lets out a low moan of pleasure as her breasts are fondled hard by the Infested that's cut off as the Infested Bruiser shoves his _DickSize cock between her lips!
  "I don't know...They kind of look cute. Not as big as my GG-Cup tits but still pretty decent." the Futa says while pausing her walking. Seeing the other Infested's scrowl, the Futa sighs before pulling a can out of her purse. Tossing it to the Infested Bruiser she says "Here, feed the whore this, OK?" before stepping next to you.
  Pulling his massive dick out of Troy's mouth, the Bruiser opens the can after taking a quick look at the label. "Drink up you little whore! It's time for you get some real breasts!" Troy didn't even have time to respond before the can is pored down her panting throat!
  For a brief moment nothing happens. Suddenly Troy lets out a erotic moan as her breasts slowly start to expand and grow. Seemingly in shock, she reaches up and grabs her growing jugs. Over the course of a minute they grew from _OCup size to a whopping pair of _ISD _ICup tits! Her breasts are so big her hands don't even cover them!
  Both of the Infested eagerly watch Troy's transformation into an even bigger titty nurse. The Futa is the first to respond "So, those are some rather _ISD tits. Good enough for you, big guy?" before glancing back at you and your hard chest. "Fuck it! I want to fuck someone with some big tits as well!" she grumbles as she pulls another pink can out of her purse to your dread.
<<if $FutaTry is 1>>\
  "Here you go hero! Time for your reward cause you're about to take a ride on the wild side!" she says as she pours the pink can down your throat! "Make sure to drink all of it, you macho hero!" she taunts you as you try your best to not drown in all the watermelon flavored milk. Soon all of the milk has settled in your stomach giving you a weird tingling sensation.
  Finally able to speak after swallowing the whole damn can, you stammer out "What did you just give me?" The Futa just smiles as feel a strange sensation coming from below your balls along with a pleasant stretching feeling from your chest. Looking down you notice your previously flat chest has alot more heft to it and it keeps getting bigger! Reaching up you cup your now $BreastSD $BreastsSize breasts which feels so sensitive it makes your dick hard but more importantly you feel something wetten beneath your balls. Reaching down you discover you now have a pussy! "Oh fuck! My chest grew into fucking tits!" you gasp as you cup your $BreastSD chest.
  "Here you go hero! Time for your reward cause you're about to take a ride on the wild side!" she says as she pours the pink can down your throat! "Make sure to drink all of it, you macho hero!" she taunts you as you try your best to not drown in all the watermelon flavored milk. Soon all of the milk has settled in your stomach giving you a weird tingling sensation that's vaguely familiar.
  Finally able to speak after swallowing the whole damn can, you stammer out "What did you just give me?" The Futa just smiles as feel a slightly familiar sensation coming from below your balls along with a pleasant stretching feeling from your chest. Looking down you notice your previously flat chest has alot more heft to it and it keeps getting bigger! Reaching up you cup your now $BreastSD $BreastsSize breasts which feels so sensitive it makes your dick hard but more importantly you feel something wetten beneath your balls. Reaching down you discover you now have a pussy! "Oh fuck! I'm a Futa again?" you gasp as you cup your $BreastSD chest.
  "Fuck yeah! That's what I'm talking about! Big fucking tits on a pair of horny sluts!" You hear the Infested Bruiser yell out from nearby. Finally pulling your eyes away from your expanded bust you notice that he had already started fucking Nurse Troy while you were too busy focusing on the changes you were going thru.
  Troy moans loudly as the Bruiser continues to fuck her tight pussy "Our tits are so fucking huge, $PC.FirstName! Fuck! My titties feel so good! Please! Keep fucking me deep with your _DickSD beefy cock, you big stud!" she moans loudly as the Infested pounds away at her dripping wet cunt while groping her expanded chest.
<<if $FutaTry is 1>>\
  You gasp in shock as you feel a pressure on your wet pussy lips and turn back to discover the Futa is pressing her 8-inch futa-cock up against your new slit after sliding your $BallsSD balls out of the way! The Futa grabs your bouncy jugs and gives them a quick squeeze, causing you to let out a soft gasp that turns into a breathy moan as a spike of pleasure erupts from your new breasts. You don't even resist as you feel the Futa push her cock deep inside your tight virgin pussy causing you to let out another, louder moan of pleasure as you feel a cock inside your pussy for the first time!
  "Oh fuck! Your dick feels so big, so fucking deep inside my pussy! I can't believe how good it feels to be fucked like this! Fuck! Even my tits feel so good when you play with them!" you scream as your pleasure-filled pussy grabs at the Futa's cock while your dick bobs along to the pounding you are receiving. The Futa's grip on your big titties doesn't let up as she uses those $BreastSD funbags as leverage to fuck your cunt nice and hard! Non-stop bursts of pleasure erupt from hard nipples as the Infested's groping grip keeps going and you're loving it!
  You gasp in shock as you feel a pressure on your wet pussy lips and turn back to discover the Futa is pressing her 8-inch futa-cock up against your slit after sliding your $BallsSD balls out of the way! The Futa grabs your bouncy jugs and gives them a quick squeeze, causing you to let out a soft gasp that turns into a breathy moan as a spike of pleasure erupts from your breasts. You don't even resist as you feel the Futa push her cock deep inside your tight pussy causing you to let out another, louder moan of pleasure!
  "Oh fuck! Your dick is filling up my tight pussy so fucking much! I can't believe how much good my tits feel when you play with them!" you scream as your pleasure-filled pussy grabs at the Futa's cock while your own futa-dick throbs in pleasure. The Futa's grip on your big titties doesn't let up as she uses those $BreastSD funbags as leverage to fuck your cunt nice and hard! Non-stop bursts of pleasure erupt from hard nipples as the Infested's groping grip keeps going and you're loving it!
  The Bruiser's fucking looks to have reached full speed at he bellows "Your fucking pussy feels so fucking tight and your titties are so fucking big!" as he repeatedly slams his dick into Troy's pussy while playing with her _ISD jugs. Her mews of pleasure from having her titties played with combine with the hard pounding the Infested is giving her cunt looks to be pushing her closer to the edge of cumming.
  Letting go of your senstive breasts, the Futa grabs your hips with one hand while the other grabs your $DickSize cock! She starts jacking your throbbing dick while pressing her massive chest against you as her fucking pace increases. The feeling of the Futa's huge tits pressing into your $BreastSD ample tits is turning you on even more and you can't help but thrust your cock against her tight grip. Your own loud lusty moans from having your pussy railed by the Futa's huge futa-cock shows that you are also on your way to a powerful orgasm.
  "Goddamn! I'm about to shoot my wad all up in your hot twat!" The Infested Bruiser screams as there's one last twitch from his monster cock before a firehose worth of cum explodes from his dick that floods her overstuffed pussy before splaying down onto the ground below! Pulling his _DickSize <<Penis>> out of Troy's flooded pussy, he shoots massive ribbons of gooey baby-batter all over Troy's _ISD tits and moaning face. The Infested's orgasm seems to last forever as stream after steam of white seed shoots out coating her _ICup breasts a slimy white.
  Troy screams out "FUCKKKK! I'm cumming so hard!" while arching her back letting her newly enhanced _ISD tits catch as much of the Infested's cum as possible! After her scream of ecstasy, Nurse Troy collaspes back onto the alleyway looking completely out of it as her _ICup breasts displays her exhausted breathing.
  Breathing heavily, the Futa gasps out "Fuck dude! That was a fucking awesome cumshot! Oh fuck! I'm getting close, you fucking brand new futa-hero!" You can feel the Futa's huge shaft start to twitch as her pace quickens as if to catch up to the Bruiser. With only a couple more thrusts, the Futa screams out "Take it all, you slutty bitch! I'm shooting my load in your fucking cunt!" The Infested slams her futa-cock deep inside your pussy and you can feel her sperm being unloaded deep inside. Looking to emulate the Bruiser, the Futa pulls her shaft out of your overfilled cunt and with a couple of strokes a couple of smaller strands of gooey seed land on top of your $BreastsSize breasts and throbbing shaft!
<<if $Infestation.FutaVariant >= $Infestation.FutaCap and $Infestation.Progress > 1 and $StatusAffect.Futa > 0>>\
<<include "Futa TF">>\
  As you feel the Futa's hot cum soak your tits and dick, you feel a pleasantly warm sensation radiating from your groin. As it spreads throughout your body you feel a fundamental change in your gender identity as it reaches your head. You now know that you are a full-time Futa. Shaking off the distraction you have more important things to to worry about such as the impending orgasm that's about to crash into you!
<<elseif $PC.Infestation >= $Infestation.Cap & $Infestation.Progress > 1>>\
<<include "Infestation Increase">>\
  As you feel the Futa's hot cum soak your tits and dick, you feel a surge of energy flowing directly into you! It almost feels like you are burning up but it quickly turns to pleasure that radiates from your hard throbbing <<Penis>>, your sensitive tits and even your slightly sore butt!
  You can feel your dick grow as it soaks up the Futa's cum along with your cum-filled balls! With each heartbeat your breasts grow bigger and bigger and the ground feels even softer as you gain more cushioning. Your futa-cock twitches one last time as you scream out "Oh Fuck! I'm cumming from my big growing cock! Even my creampied pussy is unleashing it's load! Fuck! It feels so gooood!" as never-ending strands of thick baby-batter shoots out from your cock before landing back onto your expanding tits! In response to your cock shooting your load, your seed-filled pussy quivers as your orgasm hits hard and a tidal wave of girl cum hits the ground below along with some more of the Futa's cum.
  After finally calming down from your intense orgasm, you can finally confirm that you now have a pair of $BreastSD $BreastsSize breasts and a $AssSize ass! You also confirm your futa-cock is now a $DickSD $DickSize dick with a pair of $BallsSize balls! Before you can react to the changes, the Infested pinches your hard $NippleSize nipples with a smirk and says "Looks like you are on the way to becoming an even hotter Futa-hero!"
  The feeling of being creampied along with getting a glazing on your $BreastSD tits causes you to be pushed over the edge! Your futa-cock twitches one last time as you scream out "Fuck! I'm cumming from my big fucking cock and pussy! Fuck! It feels so gooood!" as $CumAD strands of thick baby-batter shoots out from your cock before landing back onto your tits! In response to your cock shooting your load, your seed-filled pussy quivers as your orgasm hits hard and a $GCumAD wave of girl cum hits the ground below along with some more of the Futa's cum.
  The two Infested stand up and give each other a high five before walking away to look for their next victims. Luckily they leave without any more thoughts about their last victims such as you and Troy as you both are lying is a big giant puddle of fluids.
  Nurse Troy is the first to stand up and she gives you a pitying look. "I'm so sorry, $PC.FirstName. I was looking for some more medical supplies when they caught me out in the open. Are you OK?" she explains as she attempts to get dressed but has some issues with how her expanded chest can no longer fit inside of her uniform.
  "I'm OK. I'm sorry I wasn't able to save you, Troy..." you say as you slowly sit up while trying to adjust to the new weight on your chest. "Do you need any help getting back to your clinic?" you ask as you start to get dresssed.
  Shaking her head, Nurse Troy says tiredly "I'm good so thanks for the offer. I would highly suggest stopping by to get a dose of antibiotics the next time you come to the clinic but right now I need to just recover from this. I'll see you around, $PC.FirstName." With that said she heads back into the suburbs and you soon head your own way. <img @src=$genericEvent.Image />
<<set $RobDay.Troy to random(3)+ 5>>\
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$npcTroy.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$npcTroy.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _IAss to $arrayAssSizeDesc[$npcTroy.AssSize]>>\
<<include "NPC Steal Table">>\
<<set $lootTemp to $stealNurseTroy>>\
<<set $rarelootTemp to $rarestealNurseTroy>>\
<<set _Thievery to (random(19) +1) + $Skill.Thievery + $DexterityBonus - $StatusAffect.Hungry>>\
<<if _Thievery > 10 + $npcTroy.Scouting>>\
<<set _RareSteal to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<if _RareSteal + ($Prof.Thievery / 2) + ($ThieverySkillFeats.RareSteal *2) >= 19>>\
<<set _tempLoot to $rarelootTemp.random()>>\
<<elseif _RareSteal is 1>>\
<<set _tempLoot to $item.bottlecum>>\
<<set _tempLoot to $lootTemp.random()>>\
<<for $i = 0; $i < $PCInventory.length; $i++>>\
<<set $uitem = $PCInventory[$i]>>\
<<set $ItemName to $uitem.name>>\
<<set _TempName to _tempLoot.name>>\
<<if $ItemName is _TempName>>\
<<set _amount to $uitem.amount>>\
<<set _exists to 1>>\
<<if _exists is 1>>\
<<set _amount to _amount +1>>\
<<set $uitem.amount to _amount>>\
<<set $PCInventory.push(_tempLoot)>>\
<<set $npcTroy.Rob to 1>>\
  "Hey Nurse Troy, what do you think the weather is going to be like tomorrow?" you ask as you make small talk while waiting for the perfect opportunity to steal some medical supplies. Nurse Troy has more than enough supplies for her small roving clinic and those supplies could be life or death for you or even your family!
  "Hmm... You know it tends to get pretty foggy around this time of year. I'm guessing some morning fog before disappearing by the afternoon?" she replies as she works on tidying up the room while giving you a great view of her _IAss bouncy ass. "What about you? Any guesses on tomorrow's weather?"
  "Well I'm guessing it's going to ra... Wait! What was that sound?" you reply as you glance towards the covered window. Nurse Troy freezes for a moment before heading to the closed window in order to peak outside for any Infested.
  With only a few seconds of distraction available, you quickly grab the nearest medical item which happens to be _tempLoot.name and hide it in your backpack. Stepping close to Nurse Troy, you casually glance over her shoulder but don't see any Infested as expected.
  "I don't see any Infested..." Nurse Troy says as she backs away from the window causing you to back up in order to avoid her _ISD chest. You make a show of poking your head closer to the window but still don't see any Infested.
  "Me neither but I'm not willing to risk it. I'm going to head on out, thanks for chatting with me, Troy!" you say as you head towards the door with your stolen loot hidden inside your backpack.
  "Stay safe, $PC.FirstName!" Nurse Troy whispers to you as you notice that she's starting to pack up her supplies in order to head to a new location.
<div class="pcTalk"><i> Sweet! Nurse Troy didn't notice a thing and I now have _tempLoot.name, for free! However I better hold off on stealing anything else from them for awhile to let the heat cool down. </i></div>
<<set $npcTroy.Friendship to $npcTroy.Friendship - 10 + $SocialSkillFeats.WashmyHair>>\
<<set $npcTroy.Rob to 2>>\
  "Hey Nurse Troy, what do you think the weather is going to be like tomorrow?" you ask as you make small talk while waiting for the the perfect opportunity to steal some medical supplies. Nurse Troy has more than enough supplies for her small roving clinic and those supplies could be life or death for you or even your family!
  "Hmm... You know it tends to get pretty foggy around this time of year. I'm guessing some morning fog before disappearing by the afternoon?" she replies as she works on tidying up the room while giving you a great view of her _IAss bouncy ass. "What about you? Any guesses on tomorrow's weather?"
  "Well I'm guessing it's going to ra... Wait! What was that sound?" you reply as you glance towards the covered window. Nurse Troy freezes for a moment before heading to the closed window in order to peak outside for any Infested.
  With only a few seconds of distraction available, you quickly grab the nearest medical item which happens to be a first-aid kit but before you can hide it in your backpack you hear Nurse Troy frostily ask "What do you think you're doing, $PC.FirstName?" Glancing up you notice Troy had looked back at you when she arrived at the window and you've been caught!
  Thinking fast you say "I was thinking about buying some medkits and I wanted to check out what you had in stock..." you lie with a straight face while fiddling with the first-aid kit but it doesn't look like Troy is believing a word you are saying.
  "Well those first-aid kits are not for sale, they are used for patients of my clinic who truly need help. And since I don't see any Infested I think you should leave now, $PC.FirstName." she says with suspicion in her voice. and some heat as well. Dropping the first-aid kit back onto the table, you grab your backpack and head to the door. As you glance back at Troy you notice she's busy packing her supplies up but still keeping an suspicious eye on you.
<div class="pcTalk"><i> Shit! I don't think I've ever seen Nurse Troy this mad before. I'm going to have to give her some space and hopefully she'll calm down eventually.</i></div>
<<button [[Leave|$location.temp]]>>
<<set $location.Indoor to 0>>\
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<set $NoEncounter to random(1) +2>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</button>><<set $stealNurseTroy to [$item.firstaid, $item.energydrinkx, $accessory.medicalmask, $item.antiviralmedicine]>>\
<<set $rarestealNurseTroy to [$weapon.superiorscalpel]>>\
<<set $stealDoctorRack to [$item.firstaid, $accessory.medicalmask, $accessory.stethoscope, $armor.doctorcoat, $item.antiviralmedicine]>>\
<<set $rarestealDoctorRack to [$weapon.needlecrossbow]>>\
<<set $stealOfficerMark to [$weapon.pistol9mm, $weapon.rifle22lr, $weapon.shotgun20g, $weapon.switchknife]>>\
<<set $rarestealOfficerMark to [$armor.vest, $weapon.watercannon]>>\
<<set $stealMorton to [$item.drpeckerx, $item.milkshakejugsx, $item.junktrunkx, $item.milktanksx, $item.energydrinkx]>>\
<<set $rarestealMorton to [$weapon.pistol25flare]>>\
<<set $rarestealCandy to [$weapon.superiorbaton]>>\<img @src=$genericEvent.Image width="512px" height="768px" />
<<include "NPC Steal Table">>\
<<set $RobDay.Richard to random(3)+ 5>>\
<<set $lootTemp to $stealDoctorRack>>\
<<set $rarelootTemp to $rarestealDoctorRack>>\
<<set _Thievery to (random(19) +1) + $Skill.Thievery + $DexterityBonus - $StatusAffect.Hungry>>\
<<if _Thievery > 10 + $npcRichard.Scouting>>\
<<set _RareSteal to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<if _RareSteal + ($Prof.Thievery / 2) + ($ThieverySkillFeats.RareSteal *2) >= 19>>\
<<set _tempLoot to $rarelootTemp.random()>>\
<<elseif _RareSteal is 1>>\
<<set _tempLoot to $item.stressball>>\
<<set _tempLoot to $lootTemp.random()>>\
<<for $i = 0; $i < $PCInventory.length; $i++>>\
<<set $uitem = $PCInventory[$i]>>\
<<set $ItemName to $uitem.name>>\
<<set _TempName to _tempLoot.name>>\
<<if $ItemName is _TempName>>\
<<set _amount to $uitem.amount>>\
<<set _exists to 1>>\
<<if _exists is 1>>\
<<set _amount to _amount +1>>\
<<set $uitem.amount to _amount>>\
<<set $PCInventory.push(_tempLoot)>>\
<<set $npcRichard.Rob to 1>>\
  "Hey Doc, what do those cannisters of Silicone-X look like?" you ask as you make small talk while waiting for the perfect opportunity to steal some of his medical supplies. Doctor Rack looks like he's been hoarding supplies since the start of the Infested Outbreak and has more than enough supplies for what has to be 20 people or so. Snagging a part of those supplies could be the difference between life or death for you or even your family!
  Looking confused by your question, he replies "Why do you want to know something like that?" as he gives you a questioning gaze while tapping the top of his desk.
  "Well, I know with all the Infested running around it's pretty likely some of those cannisters were stolen. I figure if I run across an Infested who has one of those cannisters on them I could return it to my favorite doctor!" you explain as you know he doesn't have any of the cannisters in his front office and will have to leave for a minute to get one to show you.
  Standing up, Dr. Rack says "Give me a moment and I'll show you what the cannister's look like." Stepping around his big wooden desk, he strides back into the surgery room. With only a few moments of distraction available, you quickly grab the nearest supply item which happens to be _tempLoot.name and hide it in your backpack.
  Walking back into his office, Doctor Rack shows you a large white cylinder cannister that has black lettering saying 'Silicone-X - Property of Oak Dale Clinic'. "Here's what it looks like. I'm not sure if any Infested would keep such a thing but if you do find any I would be extremely appreciative about it."
  "Can do Doc! Anyways I need to head on out. If I find any of these cannisters I'll be sure to bring them straight to you!" you say as you grab your backpack.
  "Here let me show you to the back door so you don't have to worry about being attacked by unwelcome Infested lurking inside the clinic. Be careful out there, $PC.FirstName..." he says as he shows you a one way exit from the back of his office.
<div class="pcTalk"><i> Sweet! Doctor Rack didn't notice a thing and I now have _tempLoot.name, for free! However I better hold off on stealing anything else from them for awhile to let the heat cool down.</i></div>
<<set $npcRichard.Friendship to $npcRichard.Friendship - 10 + $SocialSkillFeats.WashmyHair>>\
<<set $npcCandy.Friendship to $npcCandy.Friendship - 5 + $SocialSkillFeats.WashmyHair>>\
<<set $npcRichard.Rob to 2>>\
  "Hey Doc, what do those cannisters of Silicone-X look like?" you ask as you make small talk while waiting for the the perfect opportunity to steal some of his medical supplies. Doctor Rack looks like he's been hoarding supplies since the start of the Infested Outbreak and has more than enough supplies for what has to be 20 people or so. Snagging a part of those supplies could be the difference between life or death for you or even your family!
  Looking confused by your question, he replies "Why do you want to know something like that?" as he gives you a questioning gaze.
  "Well, I know with all the Infested running around it's pretty likely some of those cannisters were stolen. I figure if I run across an Infested who has one of those cannisters on them I could return it to my favorite doctor!" you explain as you know he doesn't have any of the cannisters in his front office and will have to leave for a minute to get one to show you.
  Standing up, Dr. Rack says "Give me a moment and I'll show you what the cannister's look like." Stepping around his big wooden desk, he strides back into the surgery room. With only a few moments of distraction available, you quickly grab the nearest supply item which happens to be a first-aid kit but before you can stash it away you hear the doctor shout "Hey! What the hell are you doing, $PC.FirstName!" Glancing towards the doctor you notice Doctor Rack had turned around after stepping into the surgery room and you've been caught!
  Thinking fast you say "I was thinking about buying some medkits and I wanted to check out what you had in stock..." you lie with a straight face while fiddling with the first-aid kit but it doesn't look like the good doctor is believing a word you are saying.
  Nodding slowly, Doctor Rack says with a tired tone "Is that so... Well I have to say my first-aid kits are not for sale since they are to be used for surgery purposes. Anyways I believe your appointment is over with, $PC.FirstName. Please exit thru the back door and I wish you a good day."
  Dropping the first-aid kit back onto the table, you grab your backpack and head to the backdoor. Doctor Rack just watches you with a neutral look on his face as you step out into the back side of the clinic.
<div class="pcTalk"><i> Shit! Doctor Rack sounded pissed and even if he played it off I'm sure he's mad as hell right now. Better give him some time to cool off.</i></div>
<<button [[Leave|Oak Dale Clinic - North Exit]]>>
<<set $location.Indoor to 0>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<set $doctorEvent.Appointment to 0>>\
<</button>><img @src=$genericEvent.Image width="512px" height="768px" />
<<include "NPC Steal Table">>\
<<set $RobDay.Mark to random(3)+ 5>>\
<<set $lootTemp to $stealOfficerMark>>\
<<set $rarelootTemp to $rarestealOfficerMark>>\
<<set _Thievery to (random(19) +1) + $Skill.Thievery + $DexterityBonus - $StatusAffect.Hungry>>\
<<if _Thievery > 10 + $npcMark.Scouting>>\
<<set _RareSteal to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<if _RareSteal + ($Prof.Thievery / 2) >= 19>>\
<<set _tempLoot to $rarelootTemp.random()>>\
<<elseif _RareSteal is 1>>\
<<set _tempLoot to $item.pinkhandcuffs>>\
<<set _tempLoot to $lootTemp.random()>>\
<<for $i = 0; $i < $PCInventory.length; $i++>>\
<<set $uitem = $PCInventory[$i]>>\
<<set $ItemName to $uitem.name>>\
<<set _TempName to _tempLoot.name>>\
<<if $ItemName is _TempName>>\
<<set _amount to $uitem.amount>>\
<<set _exists to 1>>\
<<if _exists is 1>>\
<<set _amount to _amount +1>>\
<<set $uitem.amount to _amount>>\
<<set $PCInventory.push(_tempLoot)>>\
<<set $npcMark.Rob to 1>>\
  "Hey Mark... Do you ever wonder if the Civiton Mountain Raiders could ever make it to the state championships?" you ask as you make small talk while waiting for the perfect opportunity to steal some of the armory on display in his trunk. Officer Mark has enough weapons to field a small army and those supplies could be life or death for you or even your family!
  "The Mountain Raiders? Those guys couldn't hit the basket on the best night of the year! Last game they played the didn't even make it to double digits!" he replies at he scoffs at the idea of the local team making it to the championships.
  "But what if we replaced all the players on the team with Infested? I mean, they couldn't do any worse?" you joke as you are having a hard time finding a good distraction. Mark starts laughing up a storm at the idea of a entire team of Infested trying to play basketball.
  Suddenly his laughter stops are he looks off into the distance. "There looks to be an Infested heading this way. I'll take care of it while you watch my car, ok?" he says in a serious manner. Grabbing his service revolver off his side, he starts to stride down the street while focusing his total attention on the distant figure.
  With only a few moments of distraction available, you quickly grab the nearest armory item which happens to be _tempLoot.name and hide it in your backpack. You quickly step away from the trunk while watching for Officer Mark's return.
  He quickly returns to his car before holstering his weapon. "False alarm. That was a survivor travelling the deadly streets for whatever reason. They looked pretty spooked by my presence so I let them go without a hassle." he explains as he leans against the hood of his patrol car.
  "Well that's probably a good sign for me to head on out, thanks for chatting with me, Mark!" you say as you pick up your backpack stuffed with your stolen loot.
  "Be careful out there, $PC.FirstName!" Officer Mark says as watches the area for any more Infested. "Until next time..."
  Taking the hint, you grab your bagpack and start heading down the road. It doesn't take long before you hear Officer Mark's patrol car pull away.
<div class="pcTalk"><i> Sweet! Officer Mark didn't notice a thing and I now have _tempLoot.name, for free! </i></div>
<<set $npcMark.Friendship to $npcMark.Friendship - 10 + $SocialSkillFeats.WashmyHair>>\
<<set $npcMark.Rob to 2>>\
  "Hey Mark... Do you ever wonder if the Civiton Mountain Raiders could ever make it to the state championships?" you ask as you make small talk while waiting for the perfect opportunity to steal some of the armory on display in his trunk. Officer Mark has enough weapons to field a small army and those supplies could be life or death for you or even your family!
  "The Mountain Raiders? Those guys couldn't hit the basket on the best night of the year! Last game they played the didn't even make it to double digits!" he replies at he scoffs at the idea of the local team making it to the championships.
  "But what if we replaced all the players on the team with Infested? I mean, they couldn't do any worse?" you joke as you are having a hard time finding a good distraction. Mark starts laughing up a storm at the idea of a entire team of Infested trying to play basketball.
  Suddenly his laughter stops are he looks off into the distance. "There looks to be an Infested heading this way. I'll take care of it while you watch my car, ok?" he says in a serious manner. Grabbing his service revolver off his side, he starts to stride down the street while focusing his total attention on the distant figure.
  With only a few moments of distraction available, you quickly grab the nearest armory item which happens to be a 9mm pistol but before you can hide it in your backpack you hear the deadly serious voice of Officer Mark "What the fuck do you think you are doing, $PC.FirstName?"
  Startled you glance back and discover that Officer Mark had turned around for some reason and has caught you red handed! "I, er, was thinking of buying a gun and wanted to check it out before hand!" you quickly lie as he looks quite dangerous right now.
  Glaring at you, Officer Mark says in a low dangerous tone "Is that so, $PC.FirstName? I hope that's true or otherwise somoneone I thought was pretty smart was stupid enough to try and steal from a cop. Anyways I need to go out on patrol in order to catch some more criminals." he growls as he checks his trunk for any missing items before getting into the driver's seat.
<div class="pcTalk"><i> Fuck! Officer Mark sounded so fucking angry! I'm almost surprised he didn't try and arrest me or worse! I Better give him plenty of time to cool off.</i></div>
<<button [[Leave|$location.temp]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<set $NoEncounter to random(1) +2>>\
<</button>><img @src=$genericEvent.Image width="512px" height="768px" />
<<set _Item to 0>>\
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$npcCandy.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$npcCandy.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _IAss to $arrayAssSizeDesc[$npcCandy.AssSize]>>\
<<include "NPC Steal Table">>\
<<set $RobDay.Candy to random(3)+ 5>>\
<<set _tempCash to 250 + random(250)>>\
<<if $SalvagingSkillFeats.CashisKing > 0>>\
<<set _tempCash to _tempCash + Math.round(_tempCash / $SalvagingSkillFeats.CashisKing)>>\
<<set $rarelootTemp to $rarestealCandy>>\
<<set _Thievery to (random(19) +1) + $Skill.Thievery + $DexterityBonus - $StatusAffect.Hungry>>\
<<if _Thievery > 10 + $npcCandy.Scouting>>\
<<set _RareSteal to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<if _RareSteal + ($Prof.Thievery / 2) + ($ThieverySkillFeats.RareSteal *2) >= 19>>\
<<set _tempLoot to $rarelootTemp.random()>>\
<<set _Item to 1>>\
<<elseif _RareSteal is 1>>\
<<set _Item to 1>>\
<<set _tempLoot to $item.mp3player>>\
<<set $Cash to $Cash + _tempCash>>\
<<set _exists to 0>>\
<<for $i = 0; $i < $PCInventory.length; $i++>>\
<<set $uitem = $PCInventory[$i]>>\
<<set $ItemName to $uitem.name>>\
<<set _TempName to _tempLoot.name>>\
<<if $ItemName is _TempName>>\
<<set _amount to $uitem.amount>>\
<<set _exists to 1>>\
<<if _exists is 1>>\
<<set _amount to _amount +1>>\
<<set $uitem.amount to _amount>>\
<<set $PCInventory.push(_tempLoot)>>\
<<set $npcCandy.Rob to 1>>\
  "Excuse me Ms. Harpe? Do you have my insurance paperwork on file for my first visit to the clinic when I was a kid?" you ask as you make small talk while waiting for the perfect opportunity to steal some of the cash from her register. There's enough cash in that cash box to keep your family fed for at least a couple of weeks! Snagging some of that dirty cash could be the difference between life or death for you or even your whole family!
  Looking annoyed by your question, she replies "If you have visited in the past we should have it on record..." while tapping on her keyboard. "Do you know how long it was for your first visit to the Oak Dale Clinic?" she asks as she scrowls on her monitor.
  "Oh, it must have been almost 20 years ago, way before they started using computers and such..." you reply as you glance at the massive filing cabinets nearby. You know that it's going to take her awhile to find anything if what you remember from your $mom.Relationship's griping about old paperwork at hospitals being almost never digitalized and how she would have to spend tons of time trying to locate some old fart's ancient paperwork is correct.
  Sighing loudly, Candy looks over at the same filing cabinets with a visible sense of dread. "Please give me a few moments to see if I can find your paperwork. Please excuse me." she says with a hint of defeat. Standing up from her receptionist desk she strides over and starts searching the cabinets while giving you a nice view of her _IAss ass!
<<if _Item is 0>>\
  With only a few moments of distraction available, you quickly but silently grab some cash from the cash box and discover about _tempCash dollars! You quickly stash all that juicy cash away in your backpack before quietly moving back away from the cash box.
  With only a few moments of distraction available, you quickly but silently go to grab some cash from the cash box but discover something more intesting! You snag the _tempLoot.name and quickly it away in your backpack before quietly moving back away from the cash box.
  After a few minutes Candy comes back to the reception desk with an annoyed look on her face. "I'm sorry $PC.FirstName. I was unable to locate your information and since we are short staffed due to the Infested Outbreak it might be awhile before we will be able to locate it." she says with a textbook example of a customer service smile.
  "That's ok. I was a bit curious about a couple of things but I can have that checked out once all this crazyness is overwith." you say with a smile while grabbing your backpack. "Anyways I need to head on out and thanks again for checking."
  "Thanks for stopping by the Oak Dale Clinic, $PC.FirstName. We hope to see again soon." she replies smoothly as she watches you walk back into the main lobby.
<<if _Item is 1>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> Sweet! Candy didn't notice a thing and I now have _tempLoot.name, for free! However I better hold off on stealing anything else from them for awhile to let the heat cool down.</i></div>
<div class="pcTalk"><i> Sweet! Candy didn't notice a thing and I now have an extra _tempCash dollars! However I better hold off on stealing anything else from them for awhile to let the heat cool down. </i></div>
<<set $npcCandy.Friendship to $npcCandy.Friendship - 10 + $SocialSkillFeats.WashmyHair>>\
<<set $npcRichard.Friendship to $npcRichard.Friendship - 5 + $SocialSkillFeats.WashmyHair>>\
<<set $npcCandy.Rob to 2>>\
  "Excuse me Ms. Harpe? Do you have my insurance paperwork on file for my first visit to the clinic when I was a kid?" you ask as you make small talk while waiting for the perfect opportunity to steal some of the cash from her register. There's enough cash in that cash box to keep your family fed for at least a couple of weeks! Snagging some of that dirty cash could be the difference between life or death for you or even your whole family!
  Looking annoyed by your question, she replies "If you have visited in the past we should have it on record..." while tapping on her keyboard. "Do you know how long it was for your first visit to the Oak Dale Clinic?" she asks as she scrowls on her monitor.
  "Oh, it must have been almost 20 years ago, way before they started using computers and such..." you reply as you glance at the massive filing cabinets nearby. You know that it's going to take her awhile to find anything if what you remember from your $mom.Relationship's griping about old paperwork at hospitals being almost never digitalized and how she would have to spend tons of time trying to locate some old fart's ancient paperwork is correct.
  Sighing loudly, Candy looks over at the same filing cabinets with a visible sense of dread. "Please give me a few moments to see if I can find your paperwork. Please excuse me." she says with a hint of defeat. Standing up from her receptionist desk she strides over and starts searching the cabinets while giving you a nice view of her _IAss ass!
  With only a few moments of distraction available, you quickly go to grab some cash from the cash box but you hear the receptionist shout "Hey! What the fuck do you think you are doing? Step away from the cash box or I'll bash your head in, $PC.FirstName!" Candy shouts as she quickly pulls out a self-defense baton!
  Backing away quickly from the reception desk, you quickly lie "I was just checking the time on the clock on your desk! Sorry if it looked like I was doing something." It doesn't look like Candy is buying your lie as she picks up the cashbox and places it far away from the desk.
  "Sure, that's real likely. Anyways I think I've wasted enough fucking time with you today. I'm cancelling your appointments for today and I better not see you anytime soon, you hear?" she says scornfully. Nodding softly you grab your backpack and head back to lobby as Candy watches you closely.
<div class="pcTalk"><i> Shit! Candy was fucking mad as hell and I bet she really was going to bash my head in! I better give her some time to cool off...</i></div>
<<button [[Leave|Oak Dale Clinic Front Lobby]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<</button>><<if $npcTroy.Rob > 0>>\
<<if $RobDay.Troy > 0>>\
<<set $RobDay.Troy to $RobDay.Troy -1>>\
<<set $npcTroy.Rob to $npcTroy.Rob -1>>\
<<set $RobDay.Troy to random(3) + 5>>\
<<if $npcMark.Rob > 0>>\
<<if $RobDay.Mark > 0>>\
<<set $RobDay.Mark to $RobDay.Mark -1>>\
<<set $npcMark.Rob to $npcMark.Rob -1>>\
<<set $RobDay.Mark to random(3) + 5>>\
<<if $npcRichard.Rob > 0>>\
<<if $RobDay.Richard > 0>>\
<<set $RobDay.Richard to $RobDay.Richard -1>>\
<<set $npcRichard.Rob to $npcRichard.Rob -1>>\
<<set $RobDay.Richard to random(3) + 5>>\
<<if $npcCandy.Rob > 0>>\
<<if $RobDay.Candy > 0>>\
<<set $RobDay.Candy to $RobDay.Candy -1>>\
<<set $npcCandy.Rob to $npcCandy.Rob -1>>\
<<set $RobDay.Candy to random(3) + 5>>\
<<if $npcMorton.Rob > 0>>\
<<if $RobDay.Morton > 0>>\
<<set $RobDay.Morton to $RobDay.Morton -1>>\
<<set $npcMorton.Rob to $npcMorton.Rob -1>>\
<<set $RobDay.Morton to random(3) + 5>>\
<</if>>\<img src="Images/Suburb/Gas Station/Morton.jpg" />
<<set $RobDay.Morton to random(3)+ 5>>\
<<set $lootTemp to $stealMorton>>\
<<set $rarelootTemp to $rarestealMorton>>\
<<set _Thievery to (random(19) +1) + $Skill.Thievery + $DexterityBonus - $StatusAffect.Hungry>>\
<<if _Thievery > 10 + $npcMorton.Scouting>>\
<<set _RareSteal to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<if _RareSteal + ($Prof.Thievery / 2) + ($ThieverySkillFeats.RareSteal *2) >= 19>>\
<<set _tempLoot to $rarelootTemp.random()>>\
<<elseif _RareSteal is 1>>\
<<set _tempLoot to $item.pinupcalendar>>\
<<set _tempLoot to $lootTemp.random()>>\
<<for $i = 0; $i < $PCInventory.length; $i++>>\
<<set $uitem = $PCInventory[$i]>>\
<<set $ItemName to $uitem.name>>\
<<set _TempName to _tempLoot.name>>\
<<if $ItemName is _TempName>>\
<<set _amount to $uitem.amount>>\
<<set _exists to 1>>\
<<if _exists is 1>>\
<<set _amount to _amount +1>>\
<<set $uitem.amount to _amount>>\
<<set $PCInventory.push(_tempLoot)>>\
<<set $npcMorton.Rob to 1>>\
  "Hey Morton, I have a question about your-." you start to ask Morton in order to get some small talk going in the hopes you can to find the perfect opportunity to steal some of his supplies that are on sale. But the way Morton holds his hand up for you to stop makes you pause for a moment.
  "If you want to ask about where I got my suit, it's going to cost you a lot more than you can probably afford." his muffled voice explains as he rubs his fingers together. Having him cut you off along with his elitist attitude makes you want to rob him completely blind.
  Shaking your head, you say "It's not that. I was just wondering if that tear on the backside is supposed to be there or not?" you lie as you gaze at a spot on his back that can't easily seen by Morton. The store keeper starts to panic as he tries to see what you claimed was a torn spot but honestly looks like a dirt smudge.
  "Oh fuck! I'm going to check my suit real quick. I'll be right back!" he quickly says as he dashes into the back office behind the count and slams the door close. With only a few moments of distraction available, you quickly grab the nearest supply item which happens to be _tempLoot.name and hide it in your backpack.
  Walking back from the store office, Morton says in his muffled voice "False alarm, $PC.FirstName! That was just a dirt smudge thank goodness! I was really panicking at the idea of being exposed to the Infested virus Anyways thanks for looking out for me even if you were wrong."
  "Well, I guess better safe than sorry. Anyways I need to head on out and I'll be stopping by again in the future." you say as you grab your backpack. As you walk towards the door, you notice Morton rechecking his back one more time for any damage to his PPE suit.
<div class="pcTalk"><i> Sweet! Morton didn't notice a thing and I now have _tempLoot.name, for free! However I better hold off on stealing anything else from them for awhile to let the heat cool down.</i></div>
<<set $npcMorton.Friendship to $npcMorton.Friendship - 10 + $SocialSkillFeats.WashmyHair>>\
<<set $npcMorton.Rob to 2>>\
  "Hey Morton, I have a question about your-." you start to ask Morton in order to get some small talk going in the hopes you can to find the perfect opportunity to steal some of his supplies that are on sale. But the way Morton holds his hand up for you to stop makes you pause for a moment.
  "If you want to ask about where I got my suit, it's going to cost you a lot more than you can probably afford." his muffled voice explains as he rubs his fingers together. Having him cut you off along with his elitist attitude makes you want to rob him completely blind.
  Shaking your head, you say "It's not that. I was just wondering if that tear on the backside is supposed to be there or not?" you lie as you gaze at a spot on his back that can't easily seen by Morton. The store keeper starts to panic as he tries to see what you claimed was a torn spot but honestly looks like a dirt smudge.
  "Oh fuck! I'm going to check my suit real quick. I'll be right back!" he quickly says as he dashes into the back office behind the count and slams the door close. With only a few moments of distraction available, you quickly grab the nearest supply item which happens to be a can of Energy Thirst-X before you can stash the can into your backpack you here Morton yell out "What the fuck! We've got a shoplifter I'm about to pop a cap into!"
  Looking over at Morton you discover he has his flair gun out and is in the process of aiming it at you! Dropping the can you dash to the exit as the sound of a firearm going off rings out!
<div class="pcTalk"><i> What the fucking hell? It sounded like Morton took a shot at me but I'm betting it was a warning shot. Better give him plenty of time to cool off before I can even think about returning!</i></div>
<<button [[Leave |Oak Dale - Almond & Tulip]]>>
<<set $location.Indoor to 0>>\
<</button>> <img src="Images/Player/smartphone.jpg" width="512px" height="768px" />
These are the sexual options gained thru feats that can be toggled.
<<if $GeneralFeats.PotentFertility > 0>>\
<b>Potent Fertility:</b> Your chance of impregnating someone and/or being impregnated raises from the normal base 5% chance to base 55% chance! This only applies to certain sub-type of Infested who are obsessed with fertility.
<<if $GeneralFeats.PotentFertility > 1>>\
Potent Fertility On: <label><<radiobutton "$GeneralFeats.PotentFertility" 500 checked>></label>
Potent Fertility Off: <label><<radiobutton "$GeneralFeats.PotentFertility" 1>></label>
Potent Fertility On: <label><<radiobutton "$GeneralFeats.PotentFertility" 500 checked>></label>
Potent Fertility Off: <label><<radiobutton "$GeneralFeats.PotentFertility" 1>></label>
<<if $feat.WeakWill > 0>>\
<b>Weak Will:</b> You take a -20 penalty to Saves vs Infested Lust attacks and other lust based decisions. Infested will also have a 20% greater chance to use Lust attacks as well as they can easily detect your weakness.
<<if $StatusAffect.WeakWill > 0>>\
Weak Will On: <label><<radiobutton "$StatusAffect.WeakWill" 20 checked>></label>
Weak Will Off: <label><<radiobutton "$StatusAffect.WeakWill" 0>></label>
Weak Will On: <label><<radiobutton "$StatusAffect.WeakWill" 20>></label>
Weak Will Off: <label><<radiobutton "$StatusAffect.WeakWill" 0 checked>></label>
<<button [[Return to Options|Options]]>> <</button>><<set $feat.MartialArts = {
type : "Class",
class : "Athlete",
name : "Martial Arts",
description : "You have learned the ways of fighting unarmed and unarmored. With no weapons equipped you deal 1d6 blunt damage. While wearing no armor you have a +1 to AC (+Unarmored Proficiency), 1 Resistance to all Damage and +1 to Saves.",
level : 1,
<<set $feat.Flurry = {
type : "Class",
class : "Athlete",
name : "Flurry",
description : "You can unleash a flurry of attacks that allows you to strike twice with a -1 penalty but dealing normal damage for each attack that hits. The amount of attacks launched increases with each increase in your Unarmed Profiency. This uses one AP from your AP pool. Your AP pool is equal to 1 AP per every 2 levels you have. Your AP pool recharges after at the end of combat.",
level : 2,
<<set $feat.AWillpower = {
type : "Class",
class : "Athlete",
name : "Unyielding Willpower",
description : "Your ability to push through the pain and to keep on going in order to grab that gold medal at the end takes skill but also takes pure willpower. You gain a +2 to Willpower Saves.",
level : 3,
<<set $feat.SpinKick = {
type : "Class",
class : "Athlete",
name : "Spinning Kick",
description : "You can unleash a spinning kick that can hit all enemies at once. This attack deals normal unarmed damage plus an extra 4d6 damage per 2 levels your have and has a chance to stagger the enemy (-Strength to AC, debuf decreases by 1 for each round) . This uses two AP from your AP pool. Your AP pool is equal to 1 AP per every 2 levels you have. Your AP pool recharges after at the end of combat.",
level : 4,
}>>\<<set $feat.SocialInfluence = {
type : "Class",
class: "Celebrity",
name : "Social Influence",
description : "As a Celebrity you find it easy to make friends with people from all walks of life. When you have a social interaction that ends on a positive note you add half your Social skill proficiency as a boost to the influence gained with that person.",
level : 1,
<<set $feat.Intimidate = {
type : "Class",
class: "Celebrity",
name : "Intimidate",
description : "You can now intimidate enemies giving them a -2 to attack, saves, skills, damage and AC for a number of rounds equal to your level + your Charisma Bonus. Intimidating someone who is already intimidated will only increase the duration not the debuffs. This uses one AP from your AP pool. Your AP pool is equal to 1 AP per every 2 levels you have. Your AP pool recharges at the end of combat.",
level : 2,
<<set $feat.CReflexes = {
type : "Class",
class: "Celebrity",
name : "Catlike Reflexes",
description : "Spending all day avoiding paparazzi and dodging spilled drinks and food on your expensive clothes has made you instinctively avoid such events by pure reflex. You gain a +2 to Reflex Saves.",
level : 3,
<<set $feat.Flamethrower = {
type : "Class",
class: "Celebrity",
name : "Flamethrower",
description : "You can use your lighter and hair spray as a improvised flamerthrow to torch an enemy. They take 1d6 Fire damage per every 2 levels you have + your Charisma bonus Fire damage with a Reflex save for half damage. They also have a chance to catch on fire being dealt 1d4 Fire damage each round until extinguished. This uses two AP from your AP pool. Your AP pool is equal to 1 AP per every 2 levels you have. Your AP pool recharges at the end of combat.",
level : 4,
}>>\<<set $feat.BladedHand = {
type : "Class",
class : "Criminal",
name : "Bladed Hand",
description : "You've learned how to spin and jab with a knife using your Dexterity instead of Strength. When you have a knife equipped you use your Dexterity to hit instead of Strength. You still use your Strength for damage.",
level : 1,
<<set $feat.Mug = {
type : "Class",
class : "Criminal",
name : "Mug",
description : "You can now do an attack that deals normal weapon damage plus an extra 1d4 damage per every 2 levels you have and attempts to steal an item from your enemy. This uses one AP from your AP pool. Your AP pool is equal to 1 AP per every 2 levels you have. Your AP pool recharges at the end of combat.",
level : 2,
<<set $feat.CStomach = {
type : "Class",
class : "Criminal",
name : "Iron Stomach",
description : "Spending a lot of late nights staking places out and eating questionable food has helped you fortify your immune system allowing you to fight off the worst stomach-aches out there. You gain a +2 to Fortitude Saves.",
level : 3,
<<set $feat.PocketSand = {
type : "Class",
class : "Criminal",
name : "Pocket Sand",
description : "You can throw a handful of sand into the eyes of an enemy. This has a chance to stun them for 2 rounds and leaves them Dazzled ( -Dexterity Bonus penalty to attack rolls, the penalty decreases by one each round). This uses two AP from your AP pool. Your AP pool is equal to 1 AP per every 2 levels you have. Your AP pool recharges at the end of combat.",
level : 4,
}>>\<<set $feat.AlwaysPrepared = {
type : "Class",
class: "Medic",
name : "Always Prepared",
description : "As a Medic you have to be prepared for any type of emergency. Every night you manage to somehow scrounge enough materials to make a makeshift medkit for the next day. This medkit has no cash value but is useful for healing when out in the city.",
level : 1,
<<set $feat.FirstAid = {
type : "Class",
class: "Medic",
name : "First Aid",
description : "You can use a emergency supply of first aid to heal yourself for 1d8 per every 2 levels you have + Wisdom Bonus while in combat and also gain a +1 to Hit, Saves and AC for a number of rounds equal to 1 + your Wisdom bonus. The buff does not stack and will only be extended if this feat is used again while the duration is active. This uses one AP from your AP pool. Your AP pool is equal to 1 AP per every 2 levels you have. Your AP pool recharges after at the end of combat.",
level : 2,
<<set $feat.MFortitude = {
type : "Class",
class: "Medic",
name : "Medical Fortitude",
description : "Spending a lot of time around people who are critically ill has helped your immune system resist some of the worst illnesses out there. You gain a +2 to Fortitude Saves.",
level : 3,
<<set $feat.ToxicFlask = {
type : "Class",
class: "Medic",
name : "Toxic Flask",
description : "The difference between medicine and poison is razer thin and you know how to cross that line. You can throw a makeshift toxic flask at an enemy that deals 1d6 Acid damage per every 2 levels you have + Wisdom Bonus Acid damage with a Reflex save for half damage. This can poison the enemy causing them to suffer from Nausea (50% chance to be stunned that round) each round for 1 + Wisdom Bonus rounds. This uses two AP from your AP pool. Your AP pool is equal to 1 AP per every 2 levels you have. Your AP pool recharges after at the end of combat.",
level : 4,
}>>\ <<set $feat.Armoured = {
type : "Class",
class: "Officer",
name : "Armoured",
description : "Training school helped to teach you how to properly wear armor such as bullet-proof vests and tactical gear. You have a +1 bonus to AC while wearing any armor and a 5% chance to negate critical hits with Light Armor, 10% chance with Medium Armor, and 15% chance with Heavy Armor. ",
level : 1,
<<set $feat.BellowShout = {
type : "Class",
class: "Officer",
name : "Bellowing Shout",
description : "You can let out a loud shout ordering the enemy to halt and stand down. This does 1d6 Sonic damage for every 2 levels you have and has a chance to stun the enemy for two rounds. This uses one AP from your AP pool. Your AP pool is equal to 1 AP per every 2 levels you have. Your AP pool recharges at the end of combat.",
level : 2,
<<set $feat.OJustice = {
type : "Class",
class: "Officer",
name : "Unyielding Justice",
description : "When you set your mind to it nothing can change it and when criminals try to outlast your pursuits your will for justice can't be beat. You gain a +2 to Will Saves.",
level : 3,
<<set $feat.CommandShout = {
type : "Class",
class: "Officer",
name : "Commanding Shout",
description : "You can let out a commanding shout ordering the enemy to drop to the ground. This has a chance to knocking them prone but regardless of the outcome you recover 1d4 HP for every 2 levels you have + your Constitution Bonus. This uses two AP from your AP pool. Your AP pool is equal to 1 AP per every 2 levels you have. Your AP pool recharges at the end of combat.",
level : 4,
}>>\ <<set $feat.Crafter = {
type : "Class",
class: "Programmer",
name : "Crafter",
description : "You have the ability to craft and repair items using less materials than what might take others to do so. You use 20% less materials when crafting items, weapons and armor but not food.",
level : 1,
<<set $feat.Fury = {
type : "Class",
class: "Programmer",
name : "Focused Offense",
description : "You enter a state of complete focus dedicated to defeating your target as quickly as possible. You gain a +2 to hit and +2 to damage but take a -2 penalty to AC. This focus lasts for a number of rounds equal to your Intelligence Bonus. Using Focused Fury while under the affect of Focused Fury will only extend the duration not increase the bonuses. This uses one AP from your AP pool. Your AP pool is equal to 1 AP per every 2 levels you have. Your AP pool recharges at the end of combat.",
level : 2,
<<set $feat.PTao = {
type : "Class",
class: "Programmer",
name : "The Tao of Coding",
description : "Spending a lot of time programming has taught you it isn't just pure smarts that's important, it's the willpower to continue on when when crunch time hits. You gain a +2 to Willpower Saves.",
level : 3,
<<set $feat.CalculatedStrike = {
type : "Class",
class: "Programmer",
name : "Calculated Strike",
description : "You can use your vast intelligence to determine the weak point in a enemy's defense. You can make a strike with a bonus to hit equal to your Intelligence bonus that ignores any resistances the enemy might have and deal normal weapon damage plus an extra 1d4 damage for every two levels you have. This uses two AP from your AP pool. Your AP pool is equal to 1 AP per every 2 levels you have. Your AP pool recharges at the end of combat.",
level : 4,
}>>\ <<set $feat.MostDangerousGame = {
type : "Class",
class : "Ranger",
name : "Most Dangerous Game",
description : "You've learned the art of hunting quickly and quietly. What takes most people almost an hour to find you can do it within a half the time instead. This allows you to take half the time when using the Scouting action.",
level : 1,
<<set $feat.HunterShot = {
type : "Class",
class : "Ranger",
name : "Hunter's Shot",
description : "You can now fire a deadly shot straight at a enemie's vitals with a +2 bonus to hit that deals an normal damage plus an extra 1d6 damage for every two levels you have. Since you are so focused on your shot you take a -2 penalty to AC for the round and this attack requires a ranged weapon. This uses one AP from your AP pool. Your AP pool is equal to 1 AP per every 2 levels you have. Your AP pool recharges at the end of combat.",
level : 2,
<<set $feat.RDanger = {
type : "Class",
class : "Ranger",
name : "Danger Sense",
description : "Spending a lot of time out in the woods gives a person time to reflect but more importantly the ability to avoid dangerous situations. It doesn't matter if it's a old bear trap or a avalanche, it's your quick reflexes that helped you to get back out of the woods in one piece. You gain a +2 to Reflex Saves.",
level : 3,
<<set $feat.KnockdownBarrage = {
type : "Class",
class : "Ranger",
name : "Knockdown Barrage",
description : "You can now fire a barrage of shots at a enemy that deals 1d6 damage of your ranged weapon damage type for every two levels you have + Dexterity bonus with a Reflex save for half damage and on a critical failure they will be knocked prone. This uses two AP from your AP pool. Your AP pool is equal to 1 AP per every 2 levels you have. Your AP pool recharges at the end of combat.",
level : 4,
}>>\<img src="Images/Events/Police/S Table 1.jpg" width="512px" height="768px" />
<<set $copEvent.Sex to $PC.Sex>>\
<<set $copEvent.DickSize to $PC.DickSize>>\
<<set $copEvent.BreastSize to $PC.BreastsSize>>\
  "So we have a $mom.Relationship named $mom.Name with her age being 38. A $sister.Relationship named $sister.Name with her age being 18. And a $dad.Relationship named $dad.Name with his age being 41. Does that sound correct to you?" he asks as he writes down the information.
  Listening to his question you reply "That..."
<<button [[That Sounds Correct|Prologue 8]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Wait! That's not Right|Prologue 6]]>> <</button>><img src="Images/Events/Police/S Table 1.jpg" width="512px" height="768px" />
  Officer Mark nods as he finishes writing down some more notes on his large pad. "Looks like I have the basic information, $PC.FirstName. So how about you start in the beginning. You said you ended up sick last week?" he asks as he gives you a stiff look before glancing back at the dead body in the hallway. "How about you start there? We should have enough time if your story isn't too long."
  "I remember coming home Tuesday. My classes were done for the day and I figured I could spend a couple of days at home instead of hanging with my friends. Besides there was this freaky cult that was trying to recuit members and they ended up causing one of friends some trouble so I figured I might want to avoid those guys for awhile."
  "A cult?" he asks as his gaze flickers back to you for a moment. "That wouldn't be that Cult of Walking Love or whatever shit they called themselves?" A little bit surprised he's heard of them you give a nod of your own as you remember how your friend David had his girlfriend join and from what David told you it was like she changed after only a couple of days. She went from a shy studious student to a free-sex slut giving guys blowjobs in the bathroom to get them to join the cult.
  "Yeah, that was them. My friend David, got in a uh, fight with one of the members and while I wasn't directly involved I didn't want to deal with any potential fallout. So I left on the next city bus and got off next to the entrance to the Grove Hills. Walking down the sidewalk I remember thinking it was a nice September day. Not too hot and not too cold, you know?" you say as you do your best to remember that day.
  Listening intensly, Office Mark still hasn't take his eyes off the dead corpse which still hasn't been touched nor have you heard the sheriff call it in. Shaking your head at the madness today has been, you continue:
<<button [[I walked into my Family Home on Sept 24th|Prologue - Main Hallway]]>>
<<set $Time.Current to 5>>\
<<set $Time.Day to 2>>\
<</button>><img src="Images/Home/foyer.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set $location.temp to "Prologue - Main Hallway">>\
  You're standing in the foyer which is the main entrance and hallway for your family home. Straight ahead is a staircase you fondly remember climbing up and sliding down when you were a kid while to the left is the family room which houses a big flat-screen TV and a huge sofa while to the right is the kitchen where you also fondly remember plenty of home cooked meals.
  As you are about to head to your bedroom upstairs, you hear your $dad.Relationship call your name from the kitchen. From the sound of it, the whole family is hanging out in the kitchen. That's somewhat weird but you decide to go and see what he wants.
<div class="pcTalk"><i> You can use the blue buttons below to navigate around areas and to make choices inside the game! </i></div>
<<button [[Go to the Kitchen|Prologue - Kitchen]]>> <</button>><img src="Images/Family/Father/Father 1.jpg" width="512px" height="768px" />
<<include "Time Micro-Passes">>\
  As you step into the kitchen you discover your whole family is there. Your $mom.Relationship, $mom.Name, is standing next to the kitchen sink in her nurse's uniform while your $sister.Relationship, $sister.Name, is sitting at the table along with your $dad.Relationship, $dad.Name. It's so strange seeing everyone at the kitchen table since you've been spending more time at college while $sister.Name has started working at the local SubStationMart as a sandwhich constructor(tm).
  Your $mom.Relationship has always been tied up with her work as a nurse practitioner but at least spent time with you and $sister.Name while the same can't be said about your $dad.Relationship. He spends the vast majority of his time working for various companies many of which were the alphabet organizations of the Government or contractors of such groups. Despite hating the Government while being a conspiracy nut at times, he did make some good money as a contractor for them and tended to bounce between such powerful groups.
  "Hey $PC.FirstName! Glad you could join us tonight!" $dad.Name says with a huge grin showing thru his unkempt beard. "Your hardworking $dad.Relationship received a huge promotion and I figured I could treat everyone tonight to some... Milkshakes! Everyone needs to make sure to grab one and drink it all!" he continues as he gestures to four milkshakes sitting on the kitchen counter.
  "Really $dad.Name? Some milkshakes?" your $mom.Relationship asks while rolling her eyes. "Getting the whole family togethether just to drink some shakes?" she says while picking up one of the shakes. Your $dad.Relationship nods eagerly as he grabs his own milkshake as well.
  "Yeah, I have to say that celebrating a promotion with milkshakes is kinda...sad." $sister.Name says while grabbing her own milkshake as well. Soon it looks like you are the only one who hasn't grabbed a milkshake yet as you stand watching everyone from the kitchen door.
  Staring at you, $dad.Name asks "So $PC.FirstName, you gonna grab a milkshake to raise a toast with the whole family to my promotion?" while having an intense look in his unsettling gaze.
<div class="pcTalk"><i> Click below to pick up the milkshake and have it added to your inventory! </i></div>
<<button [[Grab the Milkshake|Prologue - Kitchen 2]]>> <</button>><img src="Images/Family/Milkshake.jpg" width="512px" height="768px" />
<<set $StatusAffect.Sick to 1>>\
You down $useitem3.name which initially has rich vanilla flavor combined with strawberries along with other yummy toppings but soon a weird cherry flavor overwhelms the initial flavor. After a minute you manage to finish off the milkshake but it's left you feeling a bit queasy.<img src="Images/Family/Father/Father 1.jpg" width="512px" height="768px" />
<<include "Time Micro-Passes">>\
<<set $location.temp to "Prologue - Kitchen 2">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.Sick < 1>>\
<<set _tempLoot to $item.taintedmilkshake>>\
<<set $PCInventory.push(_tempLoot)>>\
  You pick up the milkshake and notice it looks to be vanilla flavored just from the white coloring but there's some strawberries and other toppings as well. Your $dad.Relationship smiles and says "I want everyone to celebrate my promotion so drink up! A toast for the future and what what will come!"
  Looking around you notice everyone has started drinking their milkshakes including your $dad.Relationship. Your $mom.Relationship looks to be giving her half-filled milkshake a odd look while your $sister.Relationship has downed all of her milkshake rather quickly. However your $dad.Relationship is looking slightly impatient after finishing his milkshake and seems oddly fixated on wanting you to drink your own.
<div class="pcTalk"><i> The milkshake is now in your Inventory which can be accessed on the left side of the screen where the Character Sheet, Inventory and Smart Phone menus can be checked. The Inventory and Smart Phone menus can not be accessed in combat and some scenes. If you don't see a UI menu then at the top of the red and pink bars should a arrow that will allow the UI bar to be expanded and compressed.</i></div>
<div class="pcTalk"><i> So go ahead and access your Inventory and once inside click the Use Items button. That will allow you access to any usable items in your Inventory such as milkshakes and other items you can find later on. Be sure to click the Milkshake button under the Use Items sub-menu under Inventory since everyone is waiting for you!</i></div>
  You finally finish the off-tasting milkshake and notice everyone else has finished as well. "Umm. Was is supposed to taste like that?" you say as you glance at the milkshake cup. It doesn't look like it's been tampered with but it's hard to tell with a plastic cup along with a plastic lid. "Cause I have to say it tasted like ass!"
  "I agree, $PC.FirstName. It almost tasted like someone mixed in some type of medicine in here." your $mom.Relationship says as she looks at her cup before looking over at $dad.Name. Your $dad.Relationship has the look on his face that he knows he has been caught doing something he shouldn't but doesn't want to admit it. Your $mom.Relationship's eyes narrow in suspicion.
  "Hey $mom.Name? I'm not feeling so good..." $sister.Name says while holding her stomach. There's a solid bead of sweat on your $sister.Relationship's forhead and she's looking pretty unsteady. $mom.Name rushes over to $sister.Name and feels her forehead to check her temperture.
  "$PC.FirstName? Can you take your $sister.Relationship to her bedroom? I need to speak to $dad.Name about what he dosed us all with..." $mom.Name says as she stares at your $dad.Relationship with daggers in her eyes. $dad.Name looks like he's a bit scared but determinined for whatever reason.
  "Come on, $sister.Name. Let's get you to your room." you say as you escort her out of the kitchen and into the hallway while feeling a bit sick yourself.
  You hear your $dad.Relationship shout from the kitchen "I did it to protect my family from them!" It takes a few minutes to help her climb the stairs but eventually she makes it to the upstairs hallway. By the time you get her to her bed you are feeling extremely tired.
<<button [[Go to Your Bedroom|Prologue - PCRoom]]>> <</button>>
<</if>>\<img src="Images/Home/PCbedroom.jpg" width="768px" height="512px"/>
<<set $location.temp to "Prologue - PCRoom">>\
<<include "Time Micro-Passes">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<if $Prologue is 1>>\
  You finally reach your bedroom which is across the hallway from your $sister.Relationship's bedroom. It's still the same as when you started going to Civiton University which relieves you sense you are feeling dead tired and exhausted beyond belief. A large bed takes up a huge chunk of the room while the same floor length mirror sits in the corner close the window. Ignoring your computer desk and PC you drag yourself to the edge of your bed and sit down. Slowly undressing you slide into the bed and close your eyes while the sound of your parent's fighting drifts up from downstairs.
<div class="pcTalk"><i> Sleeping in a bed will usually recover all of your HP and help cure some but not all statuses along with other odd issues. Sleeping also allows you to level up when you have enough experience and it also allows the next day to start!</i></div>
<<button [[Go to Sleep|Prologue - Interrupt]]>> <</button>>
<<set $Time.Day to 0>>\
  The sound of a window breaking is what finally awakens you from your troubled slumber. Blinking at the harsh morning light you glance around your bedroom and notice sometime during the night a chair was left next to your bed. Sitting up, you are shocked to discover a IV has been placed in your arm and you don't even remember how it got there! As you try and get your bearings you hear the sound of more glass breaking downstairs!
<div class="pcTalk"><i> There are times when you have different dialogue/navigation options depending on if you are trained in a skill or not. If you are Trained or better in the Medical skill you will have an different choice down below.</i></div>
<<if $Prof.Medical > 0>>\
<<button [[Gently Remove the IV|Prologue - PCRoom 2]]>> <</button>>
<<set $SkillAction to "Medical">>\
<<button [[Remove the IV|Prologue - PCRoom 2]]>> <</button>>
<</if>>\<img src="Images/Home/Kitchen.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set $Time.Day to 0>>\
  Officer Mark listens patiently to your story as you explain the last night you can easily remember. "So your $dad.Relationship gave you and the rest of your family spiked drinks?" he asks as he does his best to make sense of your story.
  "Yes, but he also drank the same stuff as well. I mean, maybe $dad.Name knew which ones were spiked but from what I could tell everyone just grabbed a random milkshake." You explain as you look around the kitchen for any signs of the milkshake cups but don't see any.
  "And then?" he asks as he makes another note in his pad while frowning fiercely. He doesn't seem thrilled by the fact your $dad.Relationship gave everyone spiked drinks and neither are you.
  Shaking your heads you reply "I remember fever dreams and weird noises. People yelling and gun shots or possibly thunder. I remember my $mom.Relationship crying next to my bed and getting up to use the restroom randomly. It's all been a chaotic blur until this morning..." You can't help but glance over at the dead body lying in the hallway but notice something unsettling. You notice that it looks like she is just sleeping and it almost looks like she's still breathing...
  Seeing where your gaze is focued the sheriff says softly "And that's when you ran across a Infested..." He grips his pistol hard as he stares at the dead body with a look of suspision on his face.
<<button [[Continue your Story|Prologue - PCRoom]]>>
<<set $Time.Day to 0>>\
<<set $Prologue to 2>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Sick to 0>>\
<</button>><img src="Images/Home/PCbedroom.jpg" width="768px" height="512px"/>
<<set $location.temp to "Prologue - PCRoom">>\
<<include "Time Micro-Passes">>\
<<if $SkillAction is "Medical">>\
  After gently removing the IV while doing your best to avoid hurting yourself, you stagger to your feet but almost collapse back onto the bed due to some unexpected weakness in your legs. As you do your best to focus on what's going on you can still hear someone downstairs and it sounds like they are tearing the living room apart!
  After removing the IV, you flinch as blood starts to leak from your arm! You do your best to endure the pain as the leak starts to slow down and finally wrap a piece of cloth around your arm.
<div class="pcTalk"><i> You lost 1 HP from removing the IV incorrectly. Your HP bar on the leftside is in Red and if your HPs reach zero while in combat you will lose the fight! (but not the game)</i></div>
  You finally stagger to your feet after taking care of the wound from the IV but almost collapse back onto the bed due to some unexpected weakness in your legs. As you do your best to focus on what's going on you can still hear someone downstairs and it sounds like they are tearing the living room apart!
<div class="pcTalk"><i>Luckily you are trained in Medical otherwise you would have lost HP. Your HP bar on the leftside is in Red and if your HPs reach zero while in combat you will lose the fight! (but not the game)</i></div>
  Grabbing your phone off your nightstand you are confused as the date shows September 30th and you know for a fact your last class for the week was on the September 24th. "Fuck! Have I've been out of it for almost a whole fucking week?" you mumble to yourself as you grab some clothes to put on. Finally getting dressed you can finally try and figure out what's going on!
<<button [[Head to the Hallway|Prologue - Upstairs]]>> <</button>><img src="Images/Home/upstairs.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set $location.temp to "Prologue - Upstairs">>\
<<include "Time Micro-Passes">>\
  As you step out into the upstair's hallway you discover that the lights are all out. Luckily with the morning light shining thru the various windows you have enough light to navigate around the house. Swaying slightly, you make it to your sister's room and discover it's empty. Moving slowly down the hallway you almost trip when you hear a lamp hit the floor downstairs. Peeking into your parent's room, you're not shocked to find the room empty but something at the back of you mind makes you pause for a moment.
  "Oh yeah! My $dad.Relationship always kept a baseball bat near their nightstand in case of intruders!" you remember as you look around the room. You don't see it with just a casual look so it looks like you will need to look a bit harder.
<div class="pcTalk"><i> Searching for hidden loot uses the Salvaging skill even if you are not trained in it. Being Trained gives you extra changes to get even more loot so it's a great skill to have. Salvaging can be used to find supplies in various locations and an even loot off of enemies!</i></div>
<<button [[Search Your Parent's Bedroom|Prologue - Upstairs Search]]>>
<</button>>\<img src="Images/Home/Master Bedroom.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<if $Prologue is 2>>\
<<set $Prologue to 3>>\
<<set _RareLoot to 8 + random(4) >>\
Rare Roll: _RareLoot
<<set _Salvage to (random(8)+ 1) + $Skill.Salvaging + $WisdomBonus>>\
Salvage Roll: _Salvage
You search thru the room and find the following:
<<set _tempLoot to $weapon.oldbaseballbat>>\
<<print _tempLoot.name>>!
<<set $PCInventory.push(_tempLoot)>>\
<<if $equipedWeapon.name is "old baseball bat">>\
  With the old baseball bat in hand you feel alot safer for fending off any intruders. You can still hear someone down stairs moving around so gripping your bat firmly you slowly start walking down the stairs.
<div class="pcTalk"><i> Great! Now that you have a weapon in hand it's time to find out who's downstairs robbing your family home and make them pay!</i></div>
<<button [[Head Downstairs|Prologue - Infested 1]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> The old baseball bat is now in your Inventory which can be accessed on the left side of the screen where the Character Sheet, Inventory and Smart Phone menus can be checked. The Inventory and Smart Phone menus can not be accessed in combat and some scenes. If you don't see a UI menu then at the top of the red and pink bars should a arrow that will allow the UI bar to be expanded and compressed.</i></div>
<div class="pcTalk"><i> So go ahead and access your Inventory and once inside click the Equip Weapon button. That will allow you access to equipable weapons in your Inventory such as baseball bats and other more deadlier weapons you can find later on. Be sure to click the Old Baseball Bat button under the Equip Weapon sub-menu under Inventory since there's someone breaking into your house and they will probably need a baseball bat upside their head!</i></div>
<</if>>\<img src="Images/Enemies/Infested/Female/Infested Female 1.jpg" width="512px" height="768px" />
<<set $lust to $lust + 10>>\
  As your feet finally hit the ground floor and you finally get a good look at what's going on in the living room, you are completely shocked! Standing in the middle of the living room is a mostly naked woman wearing some pink lingerie that barely contains her huge breasts and equally huge ass! In fact as she turns towards your direction, you can easily see that a inch-long pink nipple has slipped out of her overflowing bra!
<<if $PC.Sex is "Male">>\
  Her light blonde hair shimmers in the morning light and she gives you an angelic smile. You slowly lower your weapon as you take in her appearance and you can feel your $DickSize dick slowly start to get hard. Doing your best to turn your gaze away from her impressive tits, you focus on her face and say "Hello?"
  She responds to your greeting by smiling wider and saying "I'm going to enjoy riding on your cock!" For a brief moment you can't even comprehend what she just said. Stepping closer to you, she moans while groping her F-cup tits "I'm going to bounce and and down on your dick until you blow your big load inside my tight pussy!" Her eyes look completely wild and her grin has turned from angelic to insane.
  For a second you contemplate giving her what she wants but that crazy look just spells trouble "Fuck off! What are you doing in my house?" you shout as your grip on your bat firms. The unknown woman screams in rage as her hands ball into fists and it doesn't look like she is willing to take no as an answer!
<<elseif $PC.Sex is "Female">>\
  Her light blonde hair shimmers in the morning light and she gives you an angelic smile. You slowly lower your weapon as you take in her appearance and you can feel your pussy slowly start to get wet. Doing your best to turn your gaze away from her impressive tits, you focus on her face and say "Hello?"
  She responds to your greeting by smiling wider and saying "I'm going to enjoy riding on your face!" For a brief moment you can't even comprehend what she just said. Stepping closer to you, she moans while groping her F-cup tits "I'm going to grind my wet pussy all over on your face before cumming all over it! " Her eyes look completely wild and her grin has turned from angelic to insane.
  For a second you contemplate giving her what she wants but that crazy look just spells trouble "Fuck off! What are you doing in my house?" you shout as your grip on your bat firms. The unknown woman screams in rage as her hands ball into fists and it doesn't look like she is willing to take no as an answer!
  Her light blonde hair shimmers in the morning light and she gives you an angelic smile. You slowly lower your weapon as you take in her appearance and you can feel your $DickSize dick slowly start to get hard as well as your tight pussy. Doing your best to turn your gaze away from her impressive tits, you focus on her face and say "Hello?"
  She responds to your greeting by smiling wider and saying "I'm going to enjoy riding on your futa-cock!" For a brief moment you can't even comprehend what she just said. Stepping closer to you, she moans while groping her F-cup tits "I'm going to bounce and and down on your girl-dick until you blow your big load inside my tight pussy cause Futas are the best fuckers!" Her eyes look completely wild and her grin has turned from angelic to insane.
  For a second you contemplate giving her what she wants but that crazy look just spells trouble "Fuck off! What are you doing in my house?" you shout as your grip on your bat firms. The unknown woman screams in rage as her hands ball into fists and it doesn't look like she is willing to take no as an answer!
<<button [[Fight!|Prologue - Infested Fight]]>> <</button>><<include "SpecialAttacks">>\
<<include "Infested Enemies">>\
<<include "Combat Status Affects">>\
<<set $genericFighter to $infestedTutorialFemale>>\
<<set $genericFighter.Image to "Images/Enemies/Infested/Female/Infested Female 1.jpg">>\
<<set $genericComments to "Infested Female Combat Comments">>\
<<set $genericWeapon to $genericFighter.Weapon>>\
<<set $lootTemp to $genericFighter.Loot>>\
<<set $LastPartner to $infestedTutorialFemale>>\
<img @src=$genericFighter.Image width="512px" height="768px" />
You are fighting the unknown woman!
Your HP: $HP
$genericFighter.Name3 HP: $genericFighter.HP
<div class="pcTalk"><i> It looks like you are in a fight. Usually there would be other commands to choose from but since you are fighting to protect your home such commands as Flee and Surrender are unavailable. When you get to level 2 you will learn a special move that you can use but for now you only have Attack and Inspect!</i></div>
<<button [[Attack|Prologue - Infested Fight 2]]>>
<<set $CombatChoice to "Attack">>\
<<button [[Inspect|Prologue - Infested Fight 2]]>>
<<set $CombatChoice to "Inspect">>\
<</button>><img @src=$genericFighter.Image width="512px" height="768px" />
<<include "Combat Status Affects">>\
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$genericFighter.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$genericFighter.BreastsSize]>>\
<<if $CombatChoice is "Attack">>\
<<set _AttackRoll to 12 + (random(4) +1)>>\
Attack Roll: _AttackRoll
<<set _TA to _AttackRoll + $weaponAttackBonus + $weaponStatBonus + $PCStatus.AttackBuff + $equipedWeapon.superior - $PCStatus.AttackDebuff>>\
Total Attack: _TA
<<set _tempDamage to random($equipedWeapon.damage) + $StrengthBonus +2>>\
<<set _InfestedWeaponResist to $genericFighter.Blunt>>\
<<set _tempDamage2 to _tempDamage - $genericFighter.Blunt>>\
You swing at $genericFighter.Name with your $equipedWeapon.name and barely graze them. You do a total of <<print _tempDamage2>> and they resisted 1 damage!
<<set $genericFighter.HP to $genericFighter.HP - _tempDamage2>>\
<<set _AttackRoll to 15 + (random(3))>>\
<<set _swing to $genericWeapon.adescription2>>\
<<set _EnemyWeaponDamageType to $genericWeapon.damagetype>>\
Enemy Roll: _AttackRoll
<<set _TA2 to _AttackRoll + $genericFighter.BAB - $EnemyStatus.AttackDebuff + $EnemyStatus.AttackBuff>>\
Total attack: <<print _TA2>>\
<<set _tempDamage3 to random($genericWeapon.damage) + $genericFighter.Damage +1>>\
<<set _PCWeaponResist to $PCResistance.Blunt>>\
<<set _tempDamage4 to _tempDamage3 - $PCResistance.Blunt>>\
$genericFighter.Name2 growls at your attack and _swing back at you with her fists! She moves quicker than you expected lands a strong hit to your face! $genericFighter.Pronoun does a total of <<print _tempDamage4>> <<print _EnemyWeaponDamageType>> damage to you<<if _tempDamage4 is not _tempDamage3>> and your armor resisted <<print _PCWeaponResist>> damage<</if>>!
<<set $HP to $HP - _tempDamage4>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i>It looks like you did some minor damage to the unknown woman but her return strike really hurt! Your HP bar is shown on the left hand side and it's the red colored one. As you take damage it slowly lowers and if your HP runs out then you will be defeated.. Maybe you should Inspect the woman to see if there's any weakness you could exploit?</i></div>
<<button [[Inspect|Prologue - Infested Fight 3]]>>
<<set $CombatChoice to "Inspect">>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Horny to $StatusAffect.Horny+1>>\
<<set $lust to $lust + 20 - $LustResist.Visual>>\
<<set _lusty to random(20) +10 + $StatusAffect.Horny - $LustResist.Visual - $LustResist.Complete>>\
<<set $lust to $lust + _lusty>>\
<<if $PC.Sex is "Male">>\
You initially start to try and analyze the unknown woman to see if there's a weakness or anything you can exploit. But as you gaze over her almost naked body you can't help but take a moment to appreciate the $genericFighter.Name's smoking hot body. Her hourglass figure framed by her _ISD _ICup breasts and her jiggly ass grabs your near total focus and you can feel your hard cock throb at the sight. Imagining how it would feel to grab those _ISD tits in order to suck on those long nipples along with grabbing that beautiful ass causes your hand to dip toward your groin before you snap out of it and remember that you are in combat.
Sensing that you are checking her out, $genericFighter.Name2 grabs $genericFighter.Pronoun2 _ISD _ICup breasts and starts to grope them! $genericFighter.Pronoun moans lustily as her hard nipples peek thru her slim fingers and she says "Stop teasing me so much! Come over here and fuck me hard like the sexy stud you are!" $genericFighter.Pronoun2 gasps loudly as her dripping wet pussy unleashes a flood of girl-fluids down her thicc thighs causing a erotic smell to fill the air.
You initially start to try and analyze the unknown woman to see if there's a weakness or something to exploit. But as you gaze over her almost naked body you can't help but take a moment to appreciate $genericFighter.Name's smoking hot body. Her hourglass figure framed by her _ISD _ICup breasts and her jiggly ass grabs your near total focus and you can feel your slightly damp pussy get even wetter at the sight. Imagining how it would feel to grab those _ISD tits in order to suck on those long nipples along with grabbing that beautiful ass causes your hand to dip toward your groin before you snap out of it and remember that you are in combat.
Sensing that you are checking her out, $genericFighter.Name2 grabs $genericFighter.Pronoun2 _ISD _ICup breasts and starts to grope them! $genericFighter.Pronoun moans lustily as her hard nipples peek thru her slim fingers and she says "Stop teasing me so much! Come over here and let me eat you out so hard like the sexy bitch you are!" $genericFighter.Pronoun2 gasps loudly as her dripping wet pussy unleashes a flood of girl-fluids down her thicc thighs causing a erotic smell to fill the air.
<div class="pcTalk"><i> Holy shit! That looks to have been a bad idea! You've gained a lot of lust from that Inspection and now you are feeling horny as well! If your lust hits 100% than you will lose the fight as you won't be able to resist the woman's advances anymore! How about you try and hit them with that old baseball bat?</i></div>
<<button [[Attack|Prologue - Infested Fight 3]]>>
<<set $CombatChoice to "Attack">>\
<</if>>\<img @src=$genericFighter.Image width="512px" height="768px" />
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$genericFighter.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$genericFighter.BreastsSize]>>\
<<if $CombatChoice is "Attack">>\
<<set _AttackRoll to 12 + (random(4) +1)>>\
Attack Roll: _AttackRoll
<<set _TA to _AttackRoll + $weaponAttackBonus + $weaponStatBonus + $PCStatus.AttackBuff + $equipedWeapon.superior - $PCStatus.AttackDebuff>>\
Total Attack: _TA
<<set _tempDamage to random($equipedWeapon.damage) + $StrengthBonus +2>>\
<<set _InfestedWeaponResist to $genericFighter.Blunt>>\
<<set _tempDamage2 to _tempDamage - $genericFighter.Blunt>>\
You swing at $genericFighter.Name with your $equipedWeapon.name and barely graze them. You do a total of <<print _tempDamage2>> and they resisted 1 damage!
<<set $genericFighter.HP to $genericFighter.HP - _tempDamage2>>\
<<set _AttackRoll to 15 + (random(3))>>\
<<set _swing to $genericWeapon.adescription2>>\
<<set _EnemyWeaponDamageType to $genericWeapon.damagetype>>\
Enemy Roll: _AttackRoll
<<set _TA2 to _AttackRoll + $genericFighter.BAB - $EnemyStatus.AttackDebuff + $EnemyStatus.AttackBuff>>\
Total attack: <<print _TA2>>\
<<set _tempDamage3 to random($genericWeapon.damage) + $genericFighter.Damage +1>>\
<<set _PCWeaponResist to $PCResistance.Blunt>>\
<<set _tempDamage4 to _tempDamage3 - $PCResistance.Blunt>>\
$genericFighter.Name2 growls at your attack and _swing back at you with her fists! She moves quicker than you expected lands a strong hit to your face! $genericFighter.Pronoun does a total of <<print _tempDamage4>> <<print _EnemyWeaponDamageType>> damage to you<<if _tempDamage4 is not _tempDamage3>> and your armor resisted <<print _PCWeaponResist>> damage<</if>>!
<<set $HP to $HP - _tempDamage4>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i>It looks like you did some minor damage to the unknown woman but her return strike really hurt! Your HP bar is shown on the left hand side and it's the red colored one. As you take damage it slowly lowers and if your HP runs out then you will be defeated... At this point the only thing you can do is keep swinging!</i></div>
<<button [[Attack|Prologue - Infested Fight 4]]>>
<<set $CombatChoice to "Attack">>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Horny to $StatusAffect.Horny+1>>\
<<set $lust to $lust + 20 - $LustResist.Visual>>\
<<set _lusty to random(20) +10 + $StatusAffect.Horny - $LustResist.Visual - $LustResist.Complete>>\
<<set $lust to $lust + _lusty>>\
<<if $PC.Sex is "Male">>\
You initially start to try and analyze the unknown woman to see if there's a weakness or anything you can exploit. But as you gaze over her almost naked body you can't help but take a moment to appreciate the $genericFighter.Name's smoking hot body. Her hourglass figure framed by her _ISD _ICup breasts and her jiggly ass grabs your near total focus and you can feel your hard cock throb at the sight. Imagining how it would feel to grab those _ISD tits in order to suck on those long nipples along with grabbing that beautiful ass causes your hand to dip toward your groin before you snap out of it and remember that you are in combat.
Sensing that you are checking her out, $genericFighter.Name2 grabs $genericFighter.Pronoun2 _ISD _ICup breasts and starts to grope them! $genericFighter.Pronoun moans lustily as her hard nipples peek thru her slim fingers and she says "Stop teasing me so much! Come over here and fuck me hard like the sexy stud you are!" $genericFighter.Pronoun2 gasps loudly as her dripping wet pussy unleashes a flood of girl-fluids down her thicc thighs causing a erotic smell to fill the air.
You initially start to try and analyze the unknown woman to see if there's a weakness or something to exploit. But as you gaze over her almost naked body you can't help but take a moment to appreciate $genericFighter.Name's smoking hot body. Her hourglass figure framed by her _ISD _ICup breasts and her jiggly ass grabs your near total focus and you can feel your slightly damp pussy get even wetter at the sight. Imagining how it would feel to grab those _ISD tits in order to suck on those long nipples along with grabbing that beautiful ass causes your hand to dip toward your groin before you snap out of it and remember that you are in combat.
Sensing that you are checking her out, $genericFighter.Name2 grabs $genericFighter.Pronoun2 _ISD _ICup breasts and starts to grope them! $genericFighter.Pronoun moans lustily as her hard nipples peek thru her slim fingers and she says "Stop teasing me so much! Come over here and let me eat you out so hard like the sexy bitch you are!" She gasps loudly as her dripping wet pussy unleashes a flood of girl-fluids down her thicc thighs causing a erotic smell to fill the air.
<div class="pcTalk"><i> Holy shit! That looks to have been a bad idea! You've gained a lot of lust from that Inspection and now you are feeling horny as well! If your lust hits 100% than you will lose the fight as you won't be able to resist the woman's advances anymore! How about you try and hit them with that old baseball bat?</i></div>
<<button [[Attack|Prologue - Infested Fight 4]]>>
<<set $CombatChoice to "Attack">>\
<</if>>\<img @src=$genericFighter.Image width="512px" height="768px" />
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$genericFighter.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$genericFighter.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _AttackRoll to 12 + (random(4) +1)>>\
Attack Roll: _AttackRoll
<<set _TA to _AttackRoll + $weaponAttackBonus + $weaponStatBonus + $PCStatus.AttackBuff + $equipedWeapon.superior - $PCStatus.AttackDebuff>>\
Total Attack: _TA
  You swing at $genericFighter.Name with your $equipedWeapon.name but to your horror your old baseball shatters on impact doing no damage to the unknown woman! She initially flinches from the sound of the bat breaking but slowly her smile grows wider as you are left defenseless. Backing up, you throw away the broken piece of bat while trying to find a way to escape this mad woman.
  She slowly follows you with her amazing chest bouncing gently with each steady step. "I think it's about time for you to give me what I want and I know we both will definitely enjoy it." She says as she slips a finger beneath her dripping wet panties into her wet pussy. The erotic smell filling the room is making it so hard to think and you can feel your resistance slowly crumbling.
  Suddenly the loud sound of gunfire erupts in the air as the woman suddenly is knocked back from you! "Not today, you Goddamn fucking Infested!" a man shouts from behind you. Dropping to the ground, you hear several more gunshots ring out as the woman is knocked to the ground looking completely dead.
  "Are you OK?" the man's voice asks as you glance over at him. You discover a police officer standing in the main entrance doorway with his revolver held out. He looks to be in his 20s with his dark black hair and short beard. He's also wearing a pair of mirrored sunglasses even indoors which strikes you as strange for some odd reason. "Did the Infested assault you?" he asks while looking over your disheveled look
<<button [[Finish Your Story|Prologue - Story Ends]]>>
<</button>>\<img src="Images/Events/Police/S Table 1.jpg" width="512px" height="768px" />
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$genericFighter.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$genericFighter.BreastsSize]>>\
  "And that's how you found me in the living room with a mostly naked woman." you conclude your story while still feeling confused and anxious. "So now I have a dead woman in my living room while my family is missing and I have a police officer who won't tell what's going the fuck is going on!" your voice rises until you are almost shouting.
  Nodding slowly Officer Mark says softly "$PC.FirstName I understand your frustration but you need to keep your voice down, Loud sounds can attract the Infested. And no, you don't have a dead woman in your living room."
  Keeping his revolver aimed at the dead woman, you let out a short yell as she suddenly sits up and screams "I need cock!" You can only stare at the uninjured woman as it looks like all the gunshot wounds have vanished over the course of telling your story. She looks to be disoriented as she looks around the room before seeing you and the sheriff sitting in the kitchen across the hallway. Quickly jumping to her feat, she smiles wildly while cupping her jiggly _ICup breasts. "I love threesomes!" she moans as she starts to strut towards the kitchen.
  "Uh, no..." Officer Mark says before pulling the trigger on his revolver. The woman staggers once before collasping onto the ground next to the front door. "That should put her down for a few more minutes. Here, help me toss her outside." he says as he steps closer to the unconsious woman.
  "What? How? I mean she's been shot what, six times now? How can she be still alive!" you ask in confusion as you follow Officer Mark. He grabs her upper arms leaving you to grab her legs. Finding that you don't really have much choice you go ahead and do so. It takes you both a minute or so but eventually the two of you carry her outside.
  "Infested like her can survive most fatal wounds. They heal real quick and it takes an insane amount of firepower to put one down permanently. A few bullets from a police issue revolver won't do more than knock them out for 10 to 15 minutes." he explains as he leads you to the curb where you drop the unconsious woman.
  "What's an Infested? I've heard you mention that term but you've never explained it..." you ask as you follow the sheriff back into your house. You make sure to close your front door firmly while keeping an eye out for anyone else that could be nearby.
  "There's a virus turning people into sex obsessed freaks which we call Infested and the common term for the virus is the Infested Virus. Their minds become completely broken with fucking being the only thing they can think of while their bodies mutate. Unfortunately that's how the virus spreads from Infested to regular person." he explains as he sits back down at the table.
  "Mutate?" you ask as you try to take it all in. A virus that turns people into sex obsessed freaks that can heal from being shot? That sounds almost impossible and you have trouble believing it.
  "Yeah... They tend to turn into sex bombs that are almost fucking impossible to kill due to their fucking healing factor. I mean the Female Infested's tits and asses tend to explode in size while the Male Infested's dicks can be used as clubs. Even better there's a few Infested who have mutated into turning into what's usually called Futas. Girls with dicks or boys with cunts, it's the same in the end. I've heard of other mutations like non-human style Infested but I haven't seen any in this part of the city..."
<<button [[Ponder on What he Told You|Prologue - Story Ends 2]]>>
<</button>>\<img src="Images/Events/Police/S Table 1.jpg" width="512px" height="768px" />
  "So why are they called Infested? And when did this all start to happen? I mean last week everything was fine!" you ask in rapid fire as you try to understand everything going on. If you didn't see that woman stand up after having a clip pumped into her you would think Mark was lying to you.
  "Well that's all related, funny enough. On September 26th there was some type of 'incident' at the city jail downtown. Incident being a light term for what happened cause that's the location of the first Infested outbreak. Hundreds of Infested sprang out of nowhere at the city jail overwhelmg the city police stationed there and turning them into Infested within minutes. Mayor McDouglas called those freaks 'Infested with Lust' and called in more support from the county sheriff's office. Everyone who responded became an Infested." he explains with a depressed tone. "I lost a lot of good friends that day. I was actually placed in charge of county station security so I guess I was 'lucky' enough to avoid that whole mess. Anyway, from there the Infested spread throughout Civiton causing the city to fall into chaos."
  Your eyes widen in horror as you hear about what happened that fateful day. "But what about the national guard? Shouldn't they have stepped in to stop those Infested?" you ask as you nevously glance out the kitchen window.
  Officer Mark nods and says "They did call in tha national guard. They ended up taking a couple of days to get the troops here but something happened when they tried to enter the city over South Haven bridge and the troops were decimated by the Infested. There's plenty of rumors about what exactly happened but nothing concrete except that South Haven bridge has been blown up and Civiton is under quarantine. The Blue River bridge has been closed off and I know they have been sending drones to stop anyone from leaving using the older mountain passes. Fuck, I'm positive that they are behind the fact Mountain Heights had a rockfall blocking any travel on that older highway."
  Continuing his story, he sighs and says "There's even Raiders and Gangstas as they call themselves rampaging around the city causing havoc and even more misery to everyone around. In fact there's one that's been hanging out near the entrance to the Grove Hills. I've tried taking him out but he hightails it out of here in his big jeep everytime he sees me..."
<<button [[But What about my Family|Prologue - Story Ends 3]]>>
<</button>>\<img src="Images/Home/kitchen.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _tempLoot to $lootInfestedFemale.random()>>\
<<set $PCInventory.push(_tempLoot)>>\
  "But what about my family?" you ask while hating the sound of desperation tinting your question. The whole idea of sex-crazed freaks running around infecting others sounds crazy you're a firm believer at this point. The information about the crazies coming out makes sense since some people are just bad egss waiting for a chance to make everything just a little bit. Nothing about what Officer Mark said explains what happened to your family or maybe it does... Your stomach turns queasy as you think about your family becoming Infested or possible killed by these Raiders or Gangsters...
  Officer Mark explains while standing back up from the kitchen table "It's possible that they moved to a hospital or another relative's location. One thing I have noticed is that Infested tend to return to their formal homes occasionally. Considering it's taken this long for an Infested to investigate this home, there's a good possibility your family are not Infested themselves and in fact might be searching for supplies since there's safety in numbers. I would wait for the rest of today to see if, no, when they return."
  Seeing you about to protest, he says sharply "I heard the noise coming from what I thought was an empty house. I'm glad to have helped you out but I can't drop my patrols in order to try and find three people in this big city. I'll keep an eye out for your family but if they don't return you might need to take things into your own hands." His gaze softening, he says "I will keep an eye out for them. Trust me on that, $PC.FirstName. But I need to get back out on patrols even if I normally take Sundays off. Hey maybe I'll even bag that fucking Raider... Anyways stay safe, $PC.FirstName..."
  You watch helplessly as he walks out the front door. Glancing out the window you notice he's keeping an eye on that Infested woman as he gets into his patrol car. Feeling tired and exhausted you make sure to close all the window curtains before standing uncertain in the foyer. As you look around the hallway you notice _tempLoot.name lying on the floor. It looks like that Infested woman dropped it after being taken down my Officer Mark. Picking it up you put it in your backpack before deciding to head back to your bedroom.
<div class="pcTalk"><i>I might hav be missing my family but at least I made an acquaintance with Officer Mark. Maybe if I keep chatting with the kind officer whenever I happen to run across him I could become friends with him?</i></div>
<div class="infestedTalk"><i> Chatting with NPCs will help you raise your Affection/Friendship with them leading to some interesting new developments, possible discounts and even possibly some hot action! So be sure to check in with the NPCs you run across occasionally to see if they have something new to say or do!</i></div>
<<button [[Head back to your Bedroom|Prologue - Story Ends 4]]>>
<</button>>\<img src="Images/Home/PCbedroom.jpg" width="768px" height="512px"/>
<<set $location.temp to "Prologue - Story Ends 4">>\
<<include "Time Passes">>\
  As you walk into your bedroom feeling listless, you notice your computer is on and there's an message indicator blinking slowly on the bottom right of your monitor! Logging into your PC you discover that there's an encrypted message sent to you from your $dad.Relationship! He was always paranoid about the government hacking the major popular communication systems so he programmed his own email style program.
  You type all of the multiple 20 character passwords in order to decrypt the message and your eyes widen as you read the following information.
<i>$PC.FirstName, if you are reading this message than the worst has happened. I have discovered a vast-reaching conspiracy that involves multiple organizations that wish to unleash a plague upon the world! Their goal is to turn everyone in the whole world into mind-controlled super sex zombies! The milkshakes I provided earlier were spiked with a vaccine that should protect all of my family from that deadly virus. I'll send the rest of the information I've discovered in the next message. - $dad.Name </i>
  You quickly reread the note but if it wasn't for what you learned about the Infested you would think it's his typical conspiracy theory junk. You check the time stamp on the note and discover the date the note was sent was September 24th, the same day you came home. "I wonder what my $dad.Relationship discovered!" you mutter to yourself as you search for any other messages but come up empty. Deciding to wait and ask your $mom.Relationship when she gets back, you try to investigate what's going with the city via the Internet but discover there's no internet.
  Pulling open your smartphone you discover there's no cellular connections at all so you can't even try calling your family. The unsettling sound of a empty house fills you with dread as you wait for your family to walk thru the front door but as the hours pass you are left with the idea that you are on your own...
<div class="pcTalk"><i> Tomorrow I'll find my family regardless of how many of these Infested's heads I need to bash in!</i></div>
<<button [[Go to bed|Prologue - Sleep]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<</button>>\<img src="Images/Home/PCbed.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Horny to 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumFilled to 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Wet to 0>>\
<<set $HP to $MaxHP>>\
<<if $Prof.Cooking > 0>>\
/* If you are cooking trained get your free recipe! */
<<set $HomeStorage.push($item.recipeSpeedySandwich)>>\
<<if $Prof.Crafting > 0>>\
/* If you are crafting trained get your free recipe! */
<<set $HomeStorage.push($item.recipeJacket)>>\
<<switch $PC.Class>>\
<<case "Athlete">>\
<<set $HomeStorage.push($weapon.handwraps)>>\
<<set $HomeStorage.push($item.recipeHandwraps)>>\
<<case "Celebrity">>\
<<set $ClassBonus.Celebrity to ($Prof.Social / 2)>>\
<<set $HomeStorage.push($weapon.baseballbat)>>\
<<set $HomeStorage.push($item.recipeBaseballBat)>>\
<<set $HomeStorage.push($weapon.kitchenknife)>>\
<<set $HomeStorage.push($item.recipeKitchenKnife)>>\
<<case "Ranger">>\
<<set $HomeStorage.push($weapon.pistolcrossbow)>>\
<<set $HomeStorage.push($item.recipePistolCrossbow)>>\
<<case "Medic">>\
<<set $HomeStorage.push($weapon.shotgun28)>>\
<<set $HomeStorage.push($item.recipeShotgun28)>>\
<<set $PCInventory.push($item.medicfirstaid)>>\
<<case "Officer">>\
<<set $HomeStorage.push($weapon.pistol22mm)>>\
<<set $HomeStorage.push($item.recipePistol22mm)>>\
<<case "Programmer">>\
<<set $HomeStorage.push($weapon.fencingsword)>>\
<<set $HomeStorage.push($item.recipeFencingSword)>>\
  You don't remember dreaming as you have a restless night. Multiple times throuout the night you are awakened by the sound of the house settling, leaving you hoping it's your family coming home but each time you are left disapointed. You have recovered your health after a long night's rest.
<div class="pcTalk"><i> It's time to get started! </i></div>
<<button [[Wake Up|PCRoom]]>>
<<set $Prologue to 4>>\
<<set $NoEncounter to 0>>\
<<set $Time.Current to 0>>\
<<set $Time.MiniTime to 0>>\
<<set $Time.Day to 1>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<set $questsMainStory.PartOne to 1>>\
<<set $questsFamilyMom.Started to 1>>\
<<set $questsFamilySister.Started to 1>>\
<</button>><<set $weapon.watercannon = {
type : "weapon",
range : "range",
name : "water cannon",
plural : "water cannons",
damage : 11,
damagetype : "Blunt",
skill : "Heavy",
stat : "Dexterity",
description : "A man portable water cannon with attached water tank",
description2 : "It is a ranged heavy weapon that deals 1d12 blunt damage and trips on critical hits.",
special : "Trips on critical hits",
adescription : "sweep",
adescription2 : "sweeps",
quality : 1,
superior: 0,
critical: "Trip",
criticalamount: 5,
special2: "None",
specialD: "None",
hp : 50,
repair: "Metal",
amount: 1,
cost : 800
<<set $weapon.superiorwatercannon = {
type : "weapon",
range : "range",
name : "water cannon",
plural : "water cannons",
damage : 11,
damagetype : "Blunt",
skill : "Heavy",
stat : "Dexterity",
description : "A man portable water cannon with attached water tank",
description2 : "It is a ranged heavy weapon that deals 1d12+1 blunt damage, gives a +1 to hit and trips on critical hits.",
special : "Trips on critical hits",
adescription : "sweep",
adescription2 : "sweeps",
quality : 1,
superior: 1,
critical: "Trip",
criticalamount: 5,
special2: "None",
specialD: "None",
hp : 50,
repair: "Metal",
amount: 1,
cost : 1800
<<set $weapon.flamethrower = {
type : "weapon",
range : "range",
name : "flamethrower",
plural : "flamethrowers",
damage : 11,
damagetype : "Fire",
skill : "Heavy",
stat : "Dexterity",
description : "A clunky flamethrower with a fuel tank attached",
description2 : "It is a ranged heavy weapon that deals 1d12 fire damage and causes 1d6 burning on critical hits.",
special : "Causes 1d6 burning on critical hits",
adescription : "sweep",
adescription2 : "sweeps",
quality : 1,
superior: 0,
critical: "Burn",
criticalamount: 5,
special2: "None",
specialD: "None",
hp : 50,
repair: "Metal",
amount: 1,
cost : 1000
<<set $weapon.superiorflamethrower = {
type : "weapon",
range : "range",
name : "superior flamethrower",
plural : "superior flamethrowers",
damage : 11,
damagetype : "Fire",
skill : "Heavy",
stat : "Dexterity",
description : "A steady flamethrower with a fuel tank attached",
description2 : "It is a ranged heavy weapon that deals 1d12+1 fire damage, gives a +1 to hit and causes 1d6+1 burning on critical hits.",
special : "Causes 1d6+1 burning on critical hits",
adescription : "sweep",
adescription2 : "sweeps",
quality : 1,
superior: 1,
critical: "Burn",
criticalamount: 5,
special2: "None",
specialD: "None",
hp : 150,
repair: "Metal",
amount: 1,
cost : 2000
}>>\<<set $encounterGeneric to [$genericFighter]>>\
<<set $encounterHome to [$infestedMale, $infestedFemale]>>\
<<set $encounterGroveHills to [$infestedMale, $infestedMale, $infestedFemale, $infestedFemale]>>\
<<set $encounterRareGroveHills to [$infestedBruiser, $infestedMilker, $raiderMale, $raiderFemale]>>\
<<set $encounterOakDale to [$raiderMale, $raiderFemale, $infestedMale, $infestedMale2, $infestedFemale, $infestedFemale2, $gangsterMale, $gangsterFemale]>>\
<<set $encounterRareOakDale to [$infestedBruiser, $infestedMilker]>>\
<<set $encounterBuschBank to [$infestedMale2, $infestedMale2, $infestedFemale2, $infestedFemale2]>>\
<<set $encounterRareBuschBank to [$infestedDoctor, $infestedNurse, $infestedBruiser, $infestedMilker]>>\
<<set $encounterWestSunriseView to [$infestedMale2, $infestedFemale2, $infestedFemaleRaider, $infestedMaleRaider, $raiderFemale2, $raiderMale2, $gangsterFemale2, $gangsterMale2, $infestedMaleGangsta]>>\
<<set $encounterRareWestSunriseView to [$infestedDoubleFemale]>>\
<<set $encounterClinic to [$infestedDoctor, $infestedDoctor, $infestedNurse, $infestedNurse]>>\
<<set $encounterRareClinic to [$infestedJanitor]>>\
<<set $encounterOakDaleConvenience to [$raiderMale, $raiderFemale, $infestedMale2, $infestedFemale2, $gangsterMale, $gangsterFemale]>>\
<<set $encounterRareOakDaleConvenience to [$infestedBruiser, $infestedMilker, $infestedDoctor, , $infestedNurse]>>\
<<set $encounterSupplies to [$infestedMale, $infestedMale, $infestedFemale, $infestedFemale]>>\
<<set $encounterRareSupplies to [$infestedBruiser, $infestedMilker]>>\
<<set $encounterHorde to [$infestedMale, $infestedMale2, $infestedFemale, $infestedFemale2, $infestedBruiser, $infestedMilker, $infestedDoctor, $infestedNurse, $infestedFemaleRaider, $infestedMaleRaider, $infestedFemaleGangsta, $infestedMaleGangsta, $infestedJanitor, $infestedDoubleFemale]>>\
<<set $encounterRareHorde to [$infestedFuckHardDoctor, $infestedBruiserBoss, $infestedGAdmin]>>\
\<img src="Images/Player/smartphone.jpg" width="512px" height="768px" />
<<if $Admin is 1>>\
Do you wish to have Admin Mode enabled?
<<if $AdminMode is 1>>\
Admin Mode On: <label><<radiobutton "$AdminMode" 1 checked>></label>
Admin Mode Off: <label><<radiobutton "$AdminMode" 0>></label>
Admin Mode On: <label><<radiobutton "$AdminMode" 1>></label>
Admin Mode Off: <label><<radiobutton "$AdminMode" 0 checked>></label>
Do you wish to have sound on or off?
<<if $Sound is "On">>\
Sound On: <label><<radiobutton "$Sound" "On" checked>></label>
Sound Off: <label><<radiobutton "$Sound" "Off">></label>
Sound On: <label><<radiobutton "$Sound" "On">></label>
Sound Off: <label><<radiobutton "$Sound" "Off" checked>></label>
Do you wish to encounter Enemy Infested Futas? (Warning: Some NPCs can still be Futas and certain items can turn your character into a Futa temporarily.)
<<if $NoFutaEncounter is 0>>\
Yes! <label><<radiobutton "$NoFutaEncounter" 0 checked>></label>
No! <label><<radiobutton "$NoFutaEncounter" 1>></label>
Yes! <label><<radiobutton "$NoFutaEncounter" 0>></label>
No! <label><<radiobutton "$NoFutaEncounter" 1 checked>></label>
Do you wish to encounter Enemy Infested Men? (Warning: Some NPCs can still be men along with a couple of event bosses.)
<<if $NoMenEncounter is 0>>\
Yes! <label><<radiobutton "$NoMenEncounter" 0 checked>></label>
No! <label><<radiobutton "$NoMenEncounter" 1>></label>
Yes! <label><<radiobutton "$NoMenEncounter" 0>></label>
No! <label><<radiobutton "$NoMenEncounter" 1 checked>></label>
<<button [[Return to Options|Options]]>> <</button>><<if $PC.Sex is "Male">>\
<<set _option1 to $playerPath + $arrayPlayer1Male[1] + '.jpg' >>\
<<set _option2 to $playerPath + $arrayPlayer2Male[1] + '.jpg' >>\
<<set _option3 to $playerPath + $arrayPlayer3Male[1] + '.jpg' >>\
<<set _option4 to $playerPath + $arrayPlayer4Male[1] + '.jpg' >>\
<<set _option5 to $playerPath + $arrayPlayer5Male[1] + '.jpg' >>\
<<set _option1 to $playerPath + $arrayPlayer1Female[1] + '.jpg' >>\
<<set _option2 to $playerPath + $arrayPlayer2Female[1] + '.jpg' >>\
<<set _option3 to $playerPath + $arrayPlayer3Female[1] + '.jpg' >>\
<<set _option4 to $playerPath + $arrayPlayer4Female[1] + '.jpg' >>\
<<set _option5 to $playerPath + $arrayPlayer5Female[1] + '.jpg' >>\
[img[_option1][Profile Update2][$PCProfile.Choice to 1]] [img[_option2][Profile Update2][$PCProfile.Choice to 2]] [img[_option3][Profile Update2][$PCProfile.Choice to 3]] [img[_option4][Profile Update2][$PCProfile.Choice to 4]] [img[_option5][Profile Update2][$PCProfile.Choice to 5]]
<<include "Profile Update">>\
<<button [[Finish|Bathroom]]>> <</button>><<if $PC.Sex is not "Female">>\
<<switch $PCProfile.Choice>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<set $PCProfile to {Choice: 1, Picture: $playerPath+"Player 1 Male.jpg", Face: $playerPath+"Player 1 Male-Face.jpg", Hair: "Black", HairDescription: "Short", BreastDD: $playerPath+"Player 1 Futa-DD.jpg", BreastG: $playerPath+"Player 1 Futa-G.jpg", OriginalPicture: $playerPath+"Player 1 Male.jpg", OriginalFace: $playerPath+"Player 1 Male-Face.jpg"}>>\
<<case 2>>\
<<set $PCProfile to {Choice: 2, Picture: $playerPath+"Player 2 Male.jpg", Face: $playerPath+"Player 2 Male-Face.jpg", Hair: "Red", HairDescription: "Short", BreastDD: $playerPath+"Player 2 Futa-DD.jpg", BreastG: $playerPath+"Player 2 Futa-G.jpg", OriginalPicture: $playerPath+"Player 2 Male.jpg", OriginalFace: $playerPath+"Player 2 Male-Face.jpg"}>>\
<<case 3>>\
<<set $PCProfile to {Choice: 3, Picture: $playerPath+"Player 3 Male.jpg", Face: $playerPath+"Player 3 Male-Face.jpg", Hair: "Brown", HairDescription: "Short", BreastDD: $playerPath+"Player 3 Futa-DD.jpg", BreastG: $playerPath+"Player 3 Futa-G.jpg", OriginalPicture: $playerPath+"Player 3 Male.jpg", OriginalFace: $playerPath+"Player 3 Male-Face.jpg"}>>\
<<case 4>>\
<<set $PCProfile to {Choice: 4, Picture: $playerPath+"Player 4 Male.jpg", Face: $playerPath+"Player 4 Male-Face.jpg", Hair: "White", HairDescription: "Short", BreastDD: $playerPath+"Player 4 Futa-DD.jpg", BreastG: $playerPath+"Player 4 Futa-G.jpg", OriginalPicture: $playerPath+"Player 4 Male.jpg", OriginalFace: $playerPath+"Player 4 Male-Face.jpg"}>>\
<<case 5>>\
<<set $PCProfile to {Choice: 5, Picture: $playerPath+"Player 5 Male.jpg", Face: $playerPath+"Player 5 Male-Face.jpg", Hair: "Blonde", HairDescription: "Short", BreastDD: $playerPath+"Player 5 Futa-DD.jpg", BreastG: $playerPath+"Player 5 Futa-G.jpg",OriginalPicture: $playerPath+"Player 5 Male.jpg", OriginalFace: $playerPath+"Player 5 Male-Face.jpg"}>>\
<<elseif $PC.Sex is noy "Male">>\
<<switch $PCProfile.Choice>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<set $PCProfile to {Choice: 6, Picture: $playerPath+"Player 1 Female.jpg", Face: $playerPath+"Player 1 Female-Face.jpg", Hair: "Black", HairDescription: "Short", BreastDD: $playerPath+"Player 1 Female-DD.jpg", BreastG: $playerPath+"Player 1 Female-G.jpg", OriginalPicture: $playerPath+"Player 1 Female.jpg", OriginalFace: $playerPath+"Player 1 Female-Face.jpg"}>>\
<<case 2>>\
<<set $PCProfile to {Choice: 7, Picture: $playerPath+"Player 2 Female.jpg", Face: $playerPath+"Player 2 Female-Face.jpg", Hair: "Red", HairDescription: "Long", BreastDD: $playerPath+"Player 2 Female-DD.jpg", BreastG: $playerPath+"Player 2 Female-G.jpg", OriginalPicture: $playerPath+"Player 2 Female.jpg", OriginalFace: $playerPath+"Player 2 Female-Face.jpg"}>>\
<<case 3>>\
<<set $PCProfile to {Choice: 8, Picture: $playerPath+"Player 3 Female.jpg", Face: $playerPath+"Player 3 Female-Face.jpg", Hair: "Brown", HairDescription: "Long", BreastDD: $playerPath+"Player 3 Female-DD.jpg", BreastG: $playerPath+"Player 3 Female-G.jpg", OriginalPicture: $playerPath+"Player 3 Female.jpg", OriginalFace: $playerPath+"Player 3 Female-Face.jpg"}>>\
<<case 4>>\
<<set $PCProfile to {Choice: 9, Picture: $playerPath+"Player 4 Female.jpg", Face: $playerPath+"Player 4 Female-Face.jpg", Hair: "White", HairDescription: "Short", BreastDD: $playerPath+"Player 4 Female-DD.jpg", BreastG: $playerPath+"Player 4 Female-G.jpg", OriginalPicture: $playerPath+"Player 4 Female.jpg", OriginalFace: $playerPath+"Player 4 Female-Face.jpg"}>>\
<<set $PCProfile to {Choice: 10, Picture: $playerPath+"Player 5 Female.jpg", Face: $playerPath+"Player 5 Female-Face.jpg", Hair: "Blonde", HairDescription: "Long", BreastDD: $playerPath+"Player 5 Female-DD.jpg", BreastG: $playerPath+"Player 5 Female-G.jpg", OriginalPicture: $playerPath+"Player 5 Female.jpg", OriginalFace: $playerPath+"Player 5 Female-Face.jpg"}>>\
<<set _picture to $PCProfile.Picture>>\
<img @src="_picture" height="768px" width="512px" />
Your profiile has been updated!
<<button [[Finish|Bathroom]]>> <</button>><<set _picture to $PCProfile.Picture>>\
<img @src="_picture" height="768px" width="512px" />
Who are your family members?
<<listbox "$mom.Relationship" autoselect>>
<<option "Step-Mom" step-mom>>
<<option "Mom" mom>>
<<option "Nurse" nurse>>
<<textbox "$mom.Name" "Selena">>
<<listbox "$sister.Relationship" autoselect>>
<<option "Step-Sister" step-sister>>
<<option "Sister" sister>>
<<option "Roommate" roommate>>
<<textbox "$sister.Name" "Alice">>
<<listbox "$dad.Relationship" autoselect>>
<<option "Step-Father" step-father>>
<<option "Father" father>>
<<option "Lawyer" lawyer>>
<<textbox "$dad.Name" "George">>
<<button [[Finish|Bathroom]]>> <</button>><<set _picture to $PCProfile.Picture>>\
<img @src="_picture" height="768px" width="512px" />
Please input your new name. This will change the last name of the members of your household as well.
Your First Name
<<textbox "$PC.FirstName" "John">>
Your Last Name
<<textbox "$PC.LastName" "Doe">>
<<button [[Update!|Name Update 2]]>> <</button>><img src="Images/Items/DrPecker.jpg" />
<<set _desc to $useitem3.description>>\
<<set _name to $useitem3.name>>\
<<if $PC.Sex is "Futa">>\
<<set _Sex to "Futa">>\
<<elseif $PC.Sex is "Female">>\
<<set _Sex to "Female">>\
<<set _Sex to "Male" and $StatusAffect.Futa < 1>>\
<<if _Sex is not "Female">>\
<<set $Infestation.BruiseVariant to 100>>\
<<include "Bruiser TF">>\
Looking down at _name, you read the followng from the side of the can: _desc. Deciding to try it out you down $useitem3.name and and it tastes like pure macho-ism! You now have a $DickSD $DickSize dick along with $BallsSD $BallsSize balls and an urge to bury that meat staff in any pussy you can find!
<</if>>\<img src="Images/Items/MilkTanks.jpg" />
<<set _desc to $useitem3.description>>\
<<set _name to $useitem3.name>>\
<<if $PC.Sex is "Futa" or $StatusAffect.Futa > 0>>\
<<set _Sex to "Futa">>\
<<elseif $PC.Sex is "Female" and $StatusAffect.Futa < 1>>\
<<set _Sex to "Female">>\
<<set _Sex to "Male" and $StatusAffect.Futa < 1>>\
<<if _Sex is "Futa" or _Sex is "Female">>\
<<set $Infestation.MilkVariant to 100>>\
<<include "Milk TF">>\
Looking down at _name, you read the followng from the side of the can: _desc. Deciding to try it out you down $useitem3.name and and it tastes like pure milky goodness! You now have $BreastSD $BreastsSize milkjugs filled with milk along with $NippleSize long nipples and an urge to feed the world with your milky goods!
<</if>>\<img src="Images/Player/backpack.jpg" width="800px" height="400px" />
<<for $i = 0; $i < $PCInventory.length; $i++>>\
<<set $uitem = $PCInventory[$i]>>\
<<if $uitem.type is "food">>\
<<set $ItemName to $uitem.name>>\
<<capture $uitem>>\
<span id="useButton"><<button "Eat $ItemName" "Eat Food2" >></span><<set $uitem2 to $uitem>>\ <<set $PCInventory.delete($uitem)>>\<</button>>
<<button "Finish" $return>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</button>><<set $useitem3 to $uitem2>>\
<<set _useItemQuality to $useitem3.quality>>\
<<set _useItemName to $useitem3.name>>\
<<set $TotalFood to $TotalFood + _useItemQuality>>\
<<if $TotalFood >= 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Hungry to 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Starving to 0>>\
You quickly eat _useItemName and finally fill that big hole in your stomach!
<<if $StatusAffect.Hungry > 19>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Hungry to $StatusAffect.Hungry -1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Starving to 0>>\
<<set _tempCalc to Math.round(_useItemQuality / 3)>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Hungry to $StatusAffect.Hungry - _tempCalc>>\
You quickly eat _useItemName but you are still feeling pretty hungry!
<<button "Return" $return>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</button>><<set $genericEvent.Image = $eventPath1 + $arrayEvent1Naked.random() + '.jpg'>>\
<img @src=$genericEvent.Image />
<<include "Adlibs">>\
<<if $Cum.Max < 16>>\
<<set $Cum.Max to $Cum.Max + 1>>\
<<set $Cum.Min to $Cum.Min + 1>>\
<<set $Cum.Stored to $Cum.Max>>\
<<set $CumAD to $arrayCumAmountDesc[$Cum.Stored]>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Energized to $StatusAffect.Energized+1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Horny to $StatusAffect.Horny+1>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.Vaccine < 1>>\
<<if (random(19)+ 1) + $PC.Fortitude + $InfectionResist.Fort < 15>>\
<<if $Infestation.Progress < 1>>\
<<set $Infestation.Progress to 1>>\
<<set _Infest to random(5) - $InfectionResist.DR +1>>\
<<if _Infest < 0>>\
<<set _Infest to 0>>\
<<set $PC.Infestation to $PC.Infestation + _Infest>>\
<<if $PC.Infestation > $Infestation.Cap>>\
<<set $PC.Infestation to $Infestation.Cap>>\
<<set $threesomeEvent.Agree to 1>>\
<<set $threesomeEvent.Energy to $threesomeEvent.Energy +1>>\
<<if (random(19)+ 1) + $Skill.Social + $CharismaBonus > 13>>\
<<set $npcMay.Friendship to $npcMay.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity +2 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set $npcApril.Friendship to $npcApril.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity +2 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set $npcMay.Friendship to $npcMay.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity +1 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set $npcApril.Friendship to $npcApril.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity +1 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set $npcMay.SexXP to $npcMay.SexXP +1>>\
<<set $npcApril.SexXP to $npcApril.SexXP +1>>\
<<set $LastPartner to $npcMay>>\
<<set $sexHistory.XP to $sexHistory.XP +1>>\
<<set _DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$npcApril.DickSize]>>\
<<set _DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$npcApril.DickSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$npcApril.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$npcApril.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$npcApril.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$npcApril.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _IAss to $arrayAssSizeDesc[$npcApril.AssSize]>>\
  You grab a Energy Drink along with May and April, agreeing that you'll going to need it before the evening is over with. All three of you down the drink at the same and it's not too long before your cock starts hardening. It's easy to tell that April is also feeling the affect of the energy drink as her futa-cock matches your own dick in hardness. It's a bit harder to tell with May as she just smirks while glancing at both of your hard dicks.
  "So what's on the agenda tonight, girls?" you ask as you strip out of your clothes. It takes May a moment to respond as she is also stripping out of her tight dress along with April. Your admire how both of the girls _ISD tits are equal in every way that matters while waiting for May to speak.
  "I'm thinking of instead of the usual double titty-fucking, we mix it up with some hot frantic hard core fucking." she says while sitting down on the bed with her legs spread wide. "How about $PC.FirstName fucks my tight pussy with her $DickSD meat rod while April fucks my _ISD tits with from the other side with her _DickSD girl-cock?" she continues while idly sliding her finger along her wet pussy lips.
  "I'm up for that if April is as well." you say as you step up between May's long shapely legs and position your <<Penis>> at the entrance of her dripping wet pussy. You decided to wait for April to get in position before you start pounding that sweet pussy.
  April responds softly with "Sure, it would be interesting to fuck your breasts from another angle." as she steps around the bed, her _ISD jugs and _DickSD futa-cock bouncing with each step. In response May lies down with her own _ISD <<Breasts>> presenting proudly, ready to be pounded by April's cock.
  Figuring it was time to get started, you press your shaft against May's dripping slit causing her to squirm slightly. Pushing forward your $DickSD <<Penis>> is slowly engulfed by her tight pussy lips until all of your $DickSize meat rod is buried deep inside her cunt! May responds by moaning loudly as her over-stuffed pussy adjusts to your thick size.
  "I guess it's my turn to get started as well." April says softly as she lines her own futa-cock up with May's impressive chest. Grabbing May's _ISD breasts, she squishes them together before sliding her dick into May's tight breast valley. Unwilling to stop there, April started giving those big jugs a steady pounding, her pre-cum providing plenty of lubication.
  "Oh fuck does that feel so fucking good!" is May's slightly muffled response due to April's _BallsSD balls slapping her in the face. You respond to April's tit-fucking by fucking May's twat with your hard cock nice and hard. You have to agree with May as her tight pussy squeezes you with each eager thrust with your $BallsSD cum-filled balls slapping into her.
  "I do have to say your _ISD breasts are amazing as usual, May." April huskily replies as she continues to slam her futa-cock into May's jiggling mountains like a pro. Not content with just fucking her tits, April gives May's hard nipples a teasing tweak causing May to gasp loudly.
  "Your fucking pussy is so slippery! Fuck! It's sucking my cock in so tightly!" you moan as your pace slowly increases, your own $BallsSD balls slapping into her groin with each thrust. The pleasure from having your dick buried over and over again inside such a sexy babe is making it hard to hold back. May just moans loudly in ecstasy as she enjoys having her tight cunt and _ICup jugs fucked at the same time.
  As your hard pounding reaches a frantic pace it seems like April has reached her limits. "Oh God, I'm cumming! I'm shooting my hot load onto your incredibly _ISD tits!" April yells as she thrusts one last time before shooting an enormous wad of gooey cum! Some of her cum is trapped in April's <<Breasts>> while the rest squirts out before landing on your own stomach and groin. Not finished yet, April grabs her futa-cock and rapidly strokes it before shooting another large load over May's breasts giving them a nice glazing.
  The sight of April shooting her load pushes you over the edge as your $BallsSD balls pulse one last time. "Fuck! I'm cumming too! I'm creampieing your fucking pussy!" you respond loudly as your thobbing cock twitches before unleashing a $CumAD load deep into May's thirsty pussy!
  The feeling of being creampied must have pushed May to her limits as you feel her pussy tighten around your shaft. "YES! OH FUCK YESSS! I'M CUMMING!" May screams in ecstasy as she orgasms hard around your $DickSD dick. Her whole body shakes in pleasure causing her cum-covered tits to jiggle wildly. Her cunt leaks a large amount of girl-cum that's mixed with your own cum onto the bed.
  "Fuck! That was amazing!" you say as you finally pull your still hard <<Penis>> out of May's cum-filled pussy. Due to the Energy Drink you are still rearing to go again. April's girl-dick is also hard as nails as she shakes her excess cum out onto May's goo covered tits.
  May quickly sits up before lightly scooping up some of April's cum from her messy breasts. "Delicious!" she says after licking her fingers clean. Not wanting you to be left out, she scoops up some of your seed from her dripping wet pussy and sucks if off her finger. Giving you a wink she says "I'm up for round two if you guys are!"
  "Oh, I'm more than ready to go again. How about you bend over and stick your jiggly ass up so I can give it a hard pounding while you suck $PC.FirstName's mouth-watering <<Penis>>?" April suggests softly while stroking May's long hair.
  "That sounds awesome!" May replies as she scoots off the bed before turning around, presenting her large ass to April. Looking over at you she says "How about you sit on the bed so I can get started on your $DickSD yummy meat rod?"
  Nodding in agreement you quickly get onto the bed while avoiding the wet spot near the edge. Sitting back you wait to see what May does. You don't have long to wait as she starts to stroke your $DickSize cock causing some cum to ooze out. Giving you a sly wink she bends down and gives your sensitive dick a nice long lick.
  "That feels great, May!" you moan as she finally takes your $DickSD <<Penis>> into her mouth! The warm and wet feeling of her mouth feels divine as her plump lips bobs up and down your length. It feel so good, you can't help but reach down and grope her _ISD breasts before giving her hard nipples a playful tweak.
  April had been idly stroking her _DickSize <<Penis>> while watching May give you a deepthroat blowjob. "I think it's about time for me to fuck your large ass, May." she says as she guides her girl-cock to the entrance of May's jiggly keister. Grabbing her shapely hips she gives one hard thrust and buries her dick deep inside May's ass!
  May momentarly pauses her sloppy blowjob as the force of her large ass being impaled causes her to gasp softly. Shaking off the feeling of her butt being pounded, she quickly returns to sucking your hrd shaft with a passion. That's not all she does as she cups your $BallsSD balls! The dual sensation of having your cock sucked while having your $BallsSize balls fondles makes your overfilled balls churn, eager to unleash their $CumAD load down her throat.
  April hasn't paused at all as she continues to pound May's bum hard, causing May to let out some muffled moans. She really going to town on May's ass with the force of her fucking causing May's _ISD tits to jiggle within your light grip with each thrust. Letting go of her large bottom with one hand, April brings it down and slaps May's jiggly ass causing even more muffles groans of pleasure!
  You can feel your orgasm coming in strong as the pleasure from the intense blowjob is too much. Feeling your throbbing cock twitch forcefully, you grab May's head and force your dick deep down her throat! Screaming in ecstasy you yell "Oh shit! I can't hold back anymore! I'm shooting my thick and creamy load down your fucking throat!" You feel the intense pressure from your $BallsSize balls release as you unleash a $CumAD fountain of cum down May's throat!
  April isn't far off from her own orgasm as she moans loudly "Your large ass feels sooo good, May! I'm shooting my load deep into my best friend's fucking ass!" May just tries to moan but can't do much with your cock deep in her throat. You can see the moment April shoots her load into May's ass as her seed easily overflows May's tight bum before splashing down onto the carpet. April isn't quite done yet as she pulls her futa-cock out of her best friend's ass and shoots large ribbons of cum all over May's back and large bottom.
  The feeling of being cummed in so much from both sides looks to have pushed May past her limits as her whole body shakes in what looks to be an epic orgasm! A large stream of girl-cum splashes down onto the floor before as a louder muffled moan escapes her cock stuffed mouth!
  After that all three of you collapse onto the bed in one big pile. "That was so good!" whispers April as she idly licks some of her cum from May's cum glazed ass.
  "Yeah this was a great idea. We have to get together like this again in the future, $PC.FirstName." says May as she looks over at you while stroking your <<Penis>> along with April's _DickSize futa-cock.
  You talk a bit more but eventually have to leave since it's already getting late. You give April and May a promise to do this again sometime. Even after all that sex your dick is still eager and you have a hard time concentrating as you walk towards the street.
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered +1>>\
<<if $PC.BreastsSize > $npcMay.BreastsSize +4>>\
<<set $npcMay.BreastsSize to $npcMay.BreastsSize+2>>\
<<set $npcApril.BreastsSize to $npcApril.BreastsSize+2>>\
<<elseif $PC.BreastsSize > $npcMay.BreastsSize>>\
<<set $npcMay.BreastsSize to $npcMay.BreastsSize+1>>\
<<set $npcApril.BreastsSize to $npcApril.BreastsSize+1>>\
<<if $npcMay.Sex is "Female">>\
<<set $npcMay.DickSize to 0>>\
<<set $npcMay.BallsSize to 0>>\
<<button [[Finish|$location.temp]]>>
<<set $threesomeEvent.DickSize to $PC.DickSize>>\
<<set $threesomeEvent.BreastsSize to $PC.BreastsSize>>\
<<set $threesomeEvent.Sex to "Male">>\
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<include "Lust Passes">>\
<<set $NoEncounter to random(1) +2>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</button>><img src="Images/Home/PC.jpg" width="800px" height="400px" />
<<button [[Reset Images|BrowsePC]]>>
<<include "Images">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</button>>\<<set $genericEvent.Image = $eventPath1 + $arrayEvent1Naked.random() + '.jpg'>>\
<img @src=$genericEvent.Image />
<<include "Adlibs">>\
<<if (random(19)+ 1) + $Skill.Social + $CharismaBonus > 13>>\
<<set $npcMay.Friendship to $npcMay.Friendship + $CharismaBonus +2 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set $npcApril.Friendship to $npcApril.Friendship + $CharismaBonus +2 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set $npcMay.Friendship to $npcMay.Friendship + $CharismaBonus +1 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set $npcApril.Friendship to $npcApril.Friendship + $CharismaBonus +1 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set $npcMay.SexXP to $npcMay.SexXP +1>>\
<<set $npcApril.SexXP to $npcApril.SexXP +1>>\
<<set $LastPartner to $npcMay>>\
<<if $Cum.Max < 16>>\
<<set $Cum.Max to $Cum.Max + 1>>\
<<set $Cum.Min to $Cum.Min + 1>>\
<<set $Cum.Stored to $Cum.Max>>\
<<set $CumAD to $arrayCumAmountDesc[$Cum.Stored]>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Energized to $StatusAffect.Energized+1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Horny to $StatusAffect.Horny+1>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.Vaccine < 1>>\
<<if (random(19)+ 1) + $PC.Fortitude + $InfectionResist.Fort < 15>>\
<<if $Infestation.Progress < 1>>\
<<set $Infestation.Progress to 1>>\
<<set _Infest to random(5) - $InfectionResist.DR +1>>\
<<if _Infest < 0>>\
<<set _Infest to 0>>\
<<set $PC.Infestation to $PC.Infestation + _Infest>>\
<<if $PC.Infestation > $Infestation.Cap>>\
<<set $PC.Infestation to $Infestation.Cap>>\
<<set $threesomeEvent.Agree to 1>>\
<<set _DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$npcApril.DickSize]>>\
<<set _DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$npcApril.DickSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$npcApril.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$npcApril.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$npcApril.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$npcApril.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _IAss to $arrayAssSizeDesc[$npcApril.AssSize]>>\
  You grab a Energy Drink along with May and April, agreeing that you'll going to need it before the evening is over with. All three of you down the drink at the same and it's not too long before your pussy starts to wetten. It's easy to tell that April is also feeling the affect of the energy drink as her futa-cock gets hard as steel. It's a bit harder to tell with May as she just smirks while glancing at April's hard shaft.
  "So what's on the agenda tonight, girls?" you ask as you strip out of your clothes. It takes May a moment to respond as she is also stripping out of her tight dress along with April. Your admire how both of the girls _ISD tits are equal in every way that matters while waiting for May to speak.
  May smirks at your question and reaches into a nightstand drawer "Tada! Behold Mr. Cunt Destroyer! The uh, destroyer of cunts!" May says as she holds up a double-ended dildo to you as April just sighs softly. "April won't be the only one with a big cock fucking pussies tonight!" she continues as she slowly inserts the double-ended dildo into her dripping wet pussy but not without letting out a breathy moan.
  April shakes her head and softly says "So I'm assuming you want to fuck $PC.FirstName's pussy while I fuck her ass at the same time?" May can only nod as she's busy stuffing her tight cunt with one end of her fake cock. "That sounds like a fun time to me. How about you $PC.FirstName?" she asks as she strokes her futa-cock.
  The thought of being double teamed by May and April does sound appealing so you agree with "Sure! That sounds like an amazingly fun time!" You watch as May smiles broadly before lying down on the bed with her fake cock aiming at the ceiling along with her _ISD breasts. You slowly slide your $BreastSD tits across her fake cock as if you were about to tit-fuck it before pressing your $BreastsSize jugs against her own _ICup breasts causing May to gasp softly.
  "Oooh! Going all in on my big dick?" May says huskily as she presses her fake dick against your pussy lips causing you to let out your own gasp. Deciding to help her out you press downward while using her _ISD chest to brace yourself. May lets out a breathy groan "Oh yes! Squeeze my big titties!" as you firmly grip those _ISD funbags as the fake cock pushes into your cunt. The feeling of that fake cock sliding deep into your wet pussy feels so good that you can't help but moan even louder.
  Feeling something thick and beefy pressing up against your behind, you hear April whisper softly in your ear "Don't forget about me or my big dick!" You let a surprised yelp as she pushes her cock firmly into your $AssSize tender ass! The feeling of having two dicks inside of you is quite intense and you can't help having to loudly moan in pleasure as both your bum and pussy feel stuffed to the brim!
  "Oh God! I can feel both of your fucking cocks in my cunt and ass! Oh fuckkkk!" you moan as May starts to thrust upwards while April follows suit by starting her thrusts forward as well. You have to keep both hands on top of May's amazing tits just to keep from being thrown off her fake cock due to April's increasingly more forceful ass-fucking.
  Groping your behind, April huskily says "Your $AssSize derriere is so quite nice, $PC.FirstName. I can feel your ass squeezing my shaft so hard!" while going to pound town on your abused butt. Before you can respond she gives your $AssSize ass a quick slap causing you gasp in shock. The speed of her thrusts intensifies as she repeatedly slams her _DickSize futa-cock deep inside your ass and you have to let out another pleasure-filled moan.
  "She does have a nice ass but her pussy is so much better!" pants May as she continues to thrust her fake cock into your stuffed pussy while breathing heavily. Her hands have gripped your hips as she does her best to keep her double-sided dildo in your tight pussy. You can tell she's enjoying fucking you with it as her nipples are as hard as diamonds on top of her shapely tits!
  The wild bumpy fuck-ride is pushing you to your limits as both of the girls hard paced fucking is simply too much for you to handle. "Oh fuck yes! I'm cumming so hard from being double-teamed! Oh fuckkkkk!" you scream as your overstuffed cunt squirts out a $GCumAD stream of girl-cum all over May's fake cock! Your orgasm is so intense that your whole body quivers in pure pleasure as you squeeze May's _ISD tits hard!
  Feeling you shake from your mind-blowing orgasm, April is the next to reach her limits. Moaning loudly while frantically slamming your shaking bum with her _DickSD dick, she finally screams out "I'm shooting my hot load deep inside your $AssSize ass! Fuck yessss!" You feel her futa-cock twitch one last time before a hot wad of gooey cum shoots deep inside your derriere, completely filling your rear end up with her baby-batter! There's so much of her seed in your ass that you can feel it leaking out onto the bed below!
  Hearing her two lovers cum so hard, May frantically thrusts her fake cock into your sensitive pussy as she races to reach her own orgasm. After a few moments it seems like she's finally pushed over the edge as she grabs your hips and screams "I'm cumming too! I'm squirting all over my fake dick!" You can feel her shake and quiver as girl-cum leaks from around her double-sided dildo before she flops back onto the bed.
  Still feeling full of energy, you pull yourself off of the double-dicks and turn to May and April. "So what's next?" you ask as you feel some of April's cum leaking from your $AssSize bum as you sit on their bed. May perks up as she glances over at April who taps her chin whle her dick leaks even more of her seed from the tip
  "How about I fuck May's tight pussy while you ride her face?" April says softly as she strokes her still hard cock while staring down at May's wet cunt. May's face lights up at the idea as she reaches down for her double-ended dildo and pulls it out with a lusty moan. May gives the beefy fake cock a couple licks of your pussy juices before offering it to April who smiles before taking her own taste of your cum.
  Sliding a bit away from May, you watch the two of them suck on the double-ended dildo for a couple of moments while they grope each other's _ISD breasts. "I'm up for having my pussy eaten out!" you finally say as it looks like they are ready for the next stage. May smiles lewdly as she drops the slick dildo and lies back onto the bed with her beautiful face ready for your wet pussy! You are more than happy to comply as you plant your $AssSize ass onto her face with your dripping wet pussy next to her mouth!
  May doesn't waste any time as she dives into your soaking wet cunt with her tongue and fingers sliding right in causing you moan loudly! April steps and says softly "No getting started without me!" as she guides her _DickSD futa-cock to the entrance of May's wet cunt. May's muffled moans can be faintly heard from below you as she tries to continue sliding her wet tongue against your erect clit while being impaled by April's _DickSize cock!
  "Fuck! Your tight pussy is squeezing my dick so hard!" April moans as she starts to pound May's tight cunt causing her _ICup tits to bounce and jiggle from the thrusts. Feeling rather good from your wet pussy being eaten out so enthusiastically you reach down and grab May's _ISD jugs to keep from sliding off her face!
  You have to let out your own lusty moan as April carefully cups your $BreastSD tits as she continue to thrust into May's weeping pussy. "Fuck! Getting eaten out while having my titties played with feels so fucking amazing!" you groan as you do your best to grind your wet cunt against May's eager face.
  May groans as best she can and you can hear her muffled voice say "Goddamn! Keep fucking me hard, April!" The pace of April's hard thrusting speeds up as you do your best to keep yourself seated on May's face by groping her _ISD tits even harder! You can feel your orgasm rapidly approaching as your wet pussy drips all over May's fingers and face! You're not the only one close to cumming as April's heavy panting has reached a high pitch with her rapid thrusting almost out of control!
  This time April is the first to cum as she screams out "Fuckkk! Your pussy feels sooo fucking good, May! Oh God yes! I'm shooting my load hard into your tight pussy!" Looking down you can see her cum overflow May's tight pussy before dripping down onto the bed below! Not fully done yet April pulls her fut-cock out of May's cum-filled cunt and shoots several strands of hot cum all over her stomach and legs!
  Being creampied by her best-friend looks to have pushed May over the edge as well as she yells out "Oh fuckking hell! I'm cumming so head from being creampied so fucking much! Fuckkkk!" You can feel her whole body shake and quiver from her intense orgasm. Even after cumming so much May keeps going to town on your dripping wet pussy and you feel that you are moments away from cumming as well!
  Feeling your wet pussy clench tightly around May's probing fingers you scream out "Oh fuck yes! I'm cumming so hard all over your fucking face, May!" as your pussy clenches some more before unleashing a $GCumAD squirting of girl-cum all over May's eager face! You can feel your $BreastSD tits shake in Aprils hand as your intense orgasm shakes your whole body!
  After that all three of you collapse onto the bed in one big pile. "That was so good!" whispers April as she idly licks some of her seed from your cum-glazed ass while smiling at May who's a;sp looking pretty exhausted.
  "Yeah this was a great idea. We have to get together like this again in the future, $PC.FirstName." says May as she looks over at you while fondling your $BreastSD breast along with April's _DickSize futa-cock.
  You talk a bit more but eventually have to leave since it's already getting late. You give April and May a promise to do this again sometime. Even after all that sex your pussy is still eager and you have a hard time concentrating as you walk towards the street.
<<if $PC.BreastsSize > $npcMay.BreastsSize +4>>\
<<set $npcMay.BreastsSize to $npcMay.BreastsSize+2>>\
<<set $npcApril.BreastsSize to $npcApril.BreastsSize+2>>\
<<elseif $PC.BreastsSize > $npcMay.BreastsSize>>\
<<set $npcMay.BreastsSize to $npcMay.BreastsSize+1>>\
<<set $npcApril.BreastsSize to $npcApril.BreastsSize+1>>\
<<button [[Finish|$location.temp]]>>
<<set $threesomeEvent.BreastsSize to $PC.BreastsSize>>\
<<set $threesomeEvent.Sex to "Female">>\
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<include "Lust Passes">>\
<<set $NoEncounter to random(1) +2>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</button>><img src="Images/Events/Hitchhiker/Hitchhiker 1.jpg" max-width:100% height:auto />
<<set $NoEncounter to random(1) +2>>\
<<set _tempV to $VehicleFlags.Current>>\
<<set _Driving to (random(19) + 1) + $Skill.Driving + $DexterityBonus - $StatusAffect.Horny - ($StatusAffect.CumCovered)>>\
<<set _Social to (random(19) + 1) + $Skill.Social + $CharismaBonus + $ClassBonus.Celebrity + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<if _Driving + _Social >= 35>>\
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<set _tempCash to random(40) + 10>>\
<<set $Cash to $Cash + _tempCash>>\
<<set _tempLoot to $rarelootHitchhiker.random()>>\
<<set $PCInventory.push(_tempLoot)>>\
  The trip to the Mountain View Apartments went amazingly smooth. You were almost to the Mountain View Apartments when a horde of Infested broke from a nearby house but you were able to skillfully manuever around the sexy bodies without even a scratch on your vehicle. Within minutes you approach the apartments before sliding smoothly into a spot next to the parking lot. The whole time you've been driving Jack has been yelling with joy about your incredible driving skill and you've been popping off some smooth one-liners as you drove like a pro.
  Putting the _tempV.name in park you say "We're here, Jack and right on time." The apartments looks to be slightly worn down with some broken down vehicles blocking the parking lot but you figured the curb next to the parking lot is good enough of a drop off spot.
  Jack gives you a look of adoration as he grabs his backpack. "Holy fuck dude! That was a awesome ride and you did a fucking amazing job! Here's some cash for all the gas you used and <<print _tempLoot.name>> for your troubles. Thanks again, $PC.FirstName!" he says after exiting your _tempV.name. Looking down you discover that he gave you _tempCash for the ride and <<print _tempLoot.name>>. Putting that away in your own backpack, you pull out and head back to where you were traveling to in the first place.
They gave you a <<print _tempLoot.name>> and _tempCash dollars for the quick and smooth ride!
<<elseif _Driving + _Social >= 20>>\
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<set _tempCash to random(20) + 5>>\
<<set $Cash to $Cash + _tempCash>>\
<<set _tempLoot to $lootHitchhiker.random()>>\
<<set $PCInventory.push(_tempLoot)>>\
  The trip to the Mountain View Apartments took a little bit longer than expected. You were almost to the Mountain View Apartments when a horde of Infested broke from a nearby house causing you to take a detour in order to avoid that whole mess. Luckily you found a shortcut that allows you to circle around and approach the apartments from another angle. The whole time you've been driving Jack has been chatting about the city in general and you've been easily able to respond except for that whole horde issue.
  Finally after about 20 minutes or so you arrive outside the Mountain View Apartments. Letting out a sigh of relief you say "OK, we've here. It got a bit dicey there for a few minutes but we made it." The apartments looks to be slightly worn down with some broken down vehicles blocking the parking lot but you figure the curb next to the parking lot is good enough of a drop off spot.
  Jack gives you a look of gratitude as he grabs his backpack. "Hey dude! That was a nice ride and you did a great job! Here's some cash for all the gas you used and <<print _tempLoot.name>> for your troubles. Thanks again $PC.FirstName!" he says after exiting your _tempV.name. Looking down you discover that he gave you _tempCash for the ride and <<print _tempLoot.name>>. Putting that away in your own backpack, you pull out and head back to where you were traveling to in the first place.
<<include "Time Passes">>\
<<set _tempCash to random(5) + 5>>\
<<set $Cash to $Cash + _tempCash>>\
  This has been the road trip from hell... You were almost to the Mountain View Apartments when a horde of Infested broke from a nearby house causing you to take a detour in order to avoid that whole mess. And then you ended up near where some Raiders were fighting some Gangstas so you had to detour again! Eventually you ended up almost at your house when an Infested Bruiser jumped out and tried to fuck your vehicle causing you to floor it in panic! The whole time you've been driving Jack has been trying to keep up a conversation but you've been so stressed out that you've barely been able to say a word.
  Finally after what seems like over an hour you arrive outside the Mountain View Apartments. Letting out a sigh of relief you say "OK, we've finally fucking arrived after all that bullshit!" The apartments looks to be slightly worn down with some broken down vehicles blocking the parking lot but you figure the curb next to the parking lot is good enough of a drop off spot.
  Jack gives you a look of pity as he grabs his backpack. "Hey dude! That was a wild ride and you did a uh, good job! Here's some cash for all the gas you used. Thanks again $PC.FirstName!" he says after exiting your _tempV.name. Looking down you discover that he gave you _tempCash for the ride. Shaking your head you pull out and head back to where you were traveling to in the first place.
<<button [[Finish|Driving 2]]>> <</button>><<if $npcApril.Sex is "Futa" and $npcApril.BreastsSize > 9>>\
<<set $genericEvent.Image = $eventPath1 + $arrayEvent1IntroLargeFuta.random() + '.jpg'>>\
<<elseif $npcApril.Sex is "Futa">>\
<<set $genericEvent.Image = $eventPath1 + $arrayEvent1IntroFuta.random() + '.jpg'>>\
<<elseif $npcApril.BreastsSize > 9>>\
<<set $genericEvent.Image = $eventPath1 + $arrayEvent1IntroLarge.random() + '.jpg'>>\
<<set $genericEvent.Image = $eventPath1 + $arrayEvent1Intro.random() + '.jpg'>>\
<img @src=$genericEvent.Image />
<<set $threesomeEvent.Visits to $threesomeEvent.Visits +1>>\
<<set _lusty to random(5) +1 + $StatusAffect.Horny - $LustResist.Visual - $LustResist.Complete>>\
<<if _lusty < 0>>\
<<set _lusty to 0>>\
<<set _LustRoll to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<if _LustRoll + $PC.Willpower - $StatusAffect.Horny < 13>>\
<<set $lust to $lust + _lusty >>\
<<set $lust to $lust + (_lusty / 2)>>\
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$npcApril.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$npcApril.BreastsSize]>>
<<set _DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$npcApril.DickSize]>>\
<<set _DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$npcApril.DickSize]>>\
<<if $PC.Sex is "Futa" or $StatusAffect.Futa > 0>>\
<<set _Sex to "Futa">>\
<<elseif $PC.Sex is "Male" and $StatusAffect.Futa < 1>>\
<<set _Sex to "Male">>\
<<set _Sex to "Female">>\
<<if $npcMay.Met is 0>>\
<<set _Tude to "New">>\
<<elseif $npcMay.Met is 1 and $threesomeEvent.Refuse < 1 and $npcMay.Friendship is 0>>\
<<set _Tude to "Casual">>\
<<elseif $threesomeEvent.Agree > 0 and $npcMay.Friendship > 0 and $threesomeEvent.Refuse < 1>>\
<<set _Tude to "Friend">>\
<<elseif $threesomeEvent.Refuse is 1 and $npcMay.Friendship > 0>>\
<<set _Tude to "Retry">>\
<<elseif $threesomeEvent.Refuse is 1 and $npcMay.Friendship < 1>>\
<<set _Tude to "Angry">>\
<<if $npcApril.Sex is "Female">>\
<<set _Futa to "None">>
<<elseif $npcApril.Sex is "Futa" and $npcMay.Sex is "Female">>\
<<set _Futa to "April">>\
<<elseif $npcApril.Sex is "Futa" and $npcMay.Sex is "Futa">>\
<<set _Futa to "Both">>\
<<if (random(19) +1) + $Skill.Social + $CharismaBonus > 15>>\
<<set _Social to "They look to be some rich girls out to experience the wilder side of life...">>\
<<set _Social to "I can't tell if they are raiders looking for a quick mark or some rich girls out to experience the wilder side of life.">>\
<<if (random(19) +1) + $Skill.Medical + $WisdomBonus > 15>>\
<<set _Infested to "They don't look to be Infested.">>\
<<set _Infested to "I can't tell if they are Infested or not.">>\
<<switch _Tude>>\
<<case "New">>\
<<set $npcMay.Met to 1>>\
<<set $npcApril.Met to 1>>\
  As you are walking around the Grove Hills subdivision you suddenly hear several voices chatting behind you! Quickly looking over your shoulder you discover two well dressed rather buxom girls walking towards you. Their thin black latex dresses strain over bursting breasts that look like they will break free at any second. The one on the left is groping the ass of the other girl while the one on the right grinds her _ISD breasts against the other. Stopping several feet away the girl on the left gives you a large smile while looking you over.
  "Heya! My name's May and this is my girlfriend April. We are looking to have a good time and you look like you might be into some wild and crazy shit." says May as she slides her hand down towards the April's skirt. Some faint moaning is the response from April as May's hand slips into the front of the skirt.
<<switch _Sex>>\
<<case "Female">>\
  April gives you a measuring look while whispering to May who glances over at her, "Another girl will add some interesting of spice to the bedroom." May just gives a nod while looking back at you.
  "So how about it? Wanna join us for a good time with a side of craziness?" May asks with a eager look in her eyes. April glances up at you with a smoldering look before licking her lips.
<div class="pcTalk"><i> _Social _Infested</i></div>
<<button [[Agree!|3some - Female]]>> <</button>>
<<case "Male">>\
  April gives you a thoughtfuk look while whispering to May who glances over at her, "We haven't been with many guys but he's looking pretty intesting. It will definitely add some interesting of spice to the bedroom." May just gives a nod while looking back at you.
  "So how about it? Wanna join us for a good time with a side of craziness?" May asks with a eager look in her eyes. April glances up at you with a smoldering look before licking her lips.
<div class="pcTalk"><i> _Social _Infested</i></div>
<<button [[Agree!|3some - Male]]>> <</button>>
<<case "Futa">>\
  April gives you a eager look while whispering to May who glances over at her, "A Futa like her will add tons of spice to the bedroom." May just gives a nod while looking back at you.
  "So how about it? Wanna join us for a good time with a side of craziness?" May asks with a eager look in her eyes. April glances up at you with a smoldering look before licking her lips.
<div class="pcTalk"><i> _Social _Infested</i></div>
<<button [[Agree!|3some - Futa]]>> <</button>>
<<if $lust < $MaxLust>>\
<<button [[Decline for Now|$location.temp]]>>
<<set $NoEncounter to random(1) +2>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<case "Casual">>\
  As you are walking around the Grove Hills subdivision you suddenly hear several voices chatting behind you! Quickly looking over your shoulder you find two vaguely familiar well dressed buxom girls walking towards you. Their thin black latex dresses strain over bursting breasts that look like they will break free at any second. If you remember correctly the one on the left is May who's currently groping the ass of the right side girl which happens to be April who is grinding her _ISD breasts against the other. Stopping several feet away the girl on the left gives you a questioning smile while looking you over.
  "Oh hey? We've seen you around the neighborhood before, right? My name's May and this is my girlfriend April. We've been on the look out to find someone to have a good time with and you look like you might be into some wild and crazy shit." says May as she slides her hand down towards the April's skirt. Some faint moaning is the response from April as May's hand slips into the front of the skirt.
<<switch _Sex>>\
<<case "Female">>\
  April gives you a measuring look while whispering to May who glances over at her, "Another girl will add some interesting spice to the bedroom." May just gives a nod while looking back at you.
  "So how about it? Wanna join us for a good time with a side of craziness or are you still too busy?" May asks with a eager look in her eyes. April glances up at you with a smoldering look before licking her lips.
<div class="pcTalk"><i> _Social _Infested</i></div>
<<button [[Agree!|3some - Female]]>> <</button>>
<<case "Male">>\
  April gives you a thoughtfuk look while whispering to May who glances over at her, "We haven't been with many guys but he's looking pretty intesting. It will definitely add some interesting of spice to the bedroom." May just gives a nod while looking back at you.
  "So how about it? Wanna join us for a good time with a side of craziness or are you still too busy?" May asks with a eager look in her eyes. April glances up at you with a smoldering look before licking her lips.
<div class="pcTalk"><i> _Social _Infested</i></div>
<<button [[Agree!|3some - Male]]>> <</button>>
<<case "Futa">>\
  April gives you a eager look while whispering to May who glances over at her, "A Futa like her will add tons of spice to the bedroom." May just gives a nod while looking back at you.
  "So how about it? Wanna join us for a good time with a side of craziness or are you still too busy?" May asks with a eager look in her eyes. April glances up at you with a smoldering look before licking her lips.
<div class="pcTalk"><i> _Social _Infested</i></div>
<<button [[Agree!|3some - Futa]]>> <</button>>
<<if $lust < $MaxLust>>\
<<button [[Decline for Now|$location.temp]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<set $NoEncounter to random(1) +2>>\
<<case "Retry">>\
  As you are walking around the Grove Hills subdivision you suddenly hear your name being called out behind you! Quickly turning around you see May and April walking towards you. It looks the two are out on the town still dressed in their rather revealing black latex outfits and for once not giving you death glares.
  "Hey $PC.FirstName. April and I got to thinking that maybe we were a bit harsh about ditching us. We're willing to give you another chance if you truly sorry and not too busy with your family issues. So how about it? Up for a freaky threesome?" asks May as she reaches her hand around April's back and up towards her exposed cleavage in order to grope her _ISD breasts. Some faint moaning is the response from April as May's pinches her hard nipple thru her dress.
  "I think $PC.FirstName won't let us down again." moans April as she eyes you with a slight smile before wrapping her lower arm around May's nice ass.
<div class="pcTalk"><i> Well I did leave May and April hanging. Do I want to try to make it up to them?</i></div>
<<switch _Sex>>\
<<case "Female">>\
<<button [[Agree!|3some - Female]]>> <</button>>
<<case "Male">>\
<<button [[Agree!|3some - Male]]>> <</button>>
<<case "Futa">>\
<<button [[Agree!|3some - Futa]]>> <</button>>
<<if $lust < $MaxLust>>\
<<button [[Decline for Now|$location.temp]]>>
<<set $NoEncounter to random(1) +2>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<case "Angry">>\
  As you are walking around the Grove Hills subdivision you suddenly hear your name being spoken with a great amount of anger. Quickly turning around you see May and April staring at you with looks of anger. It looks the two are out on the town still dressed in their rather revealing black latex outfits but look a bit too angry to do their erotic shows like usual.
  "Hey it's that asshole $PC.FirstName! I wonder why we are cursed to run into such a fucking asshat once again." says May as she gives you a look of scorn while pointing her finger at your chest.
  "Just ignore them May, $PC.FirstName isn't worth the effort." whispers April as she eyes you with disdain while crossing her arms. May gives her a reassuring hug before stepping closer to you.
  "So how about it? Got any excuses for why you are a pile of shit?" May asks with a scornful look.
<div class="pcTalk"><i> Well I did leave May and April hanging and it must have hurt them more than I expected it would. Do I want to try to make it up to them?</i></div>
<<button [[Apologize|3some - Apologize]]>>
<<button [[Decline|$location.temp]]>>
<<set $NoEncounter to random(1) +2>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<switch _Futa>>\
<<case "April">>\
  As you are walking around the Grove Hills subdivision you suddenly hear your name being called out behind you! Quickly turning around you see May and April walking towards you. It looks the two are out on the town still dressed in their rather revealing black latex outfits but this time April has an _DickSD unmistakable bulge tenting her dress.
  "Hey $PC.FirstName! Fancy running into you once again. We had such a fun time last time and I was wondering if you're up for a repeat performance." says May as she reaches her hand around April's back and down towards her groin in order to grope her _DickSD cock. Some faint moaning is the response from April as May strokes her hardening futa-cock.
<<switch _Sex>>\
<<case "Female">>\
<<if $threesomeEvent.Sex is "Futa">>\
  "I wouldn't mind another round of great sex with $PC.FirstName." moans April as she eyes you with a dirty smile before moaning once again as May tweaks her nipple, her eyes closed in pleasure.
  "So how about it? Wanna join us for a wild and crazy good time once again?" May asks with a lusty look in her eyes. April opens her eyes once more to give you another familiar smoldering look.
  "Oh my! Are you no longer a Futa, $PC.FirstName?" April asks as she stares at your groin. May also looks down and seems a bit curious about the lack of futa-dick.
  Not wanting to get into that right now you say "We can talk about that later..."
  "I wouldn't mind another round of great sex with $PC.FirstName." moans April as she eyes you with a dirty smile before moaning once again as May tweaks her nipple, her eyes closed in pleasure.
  "So how about it? Wanna join us for a wild and crazy good time once again?" May asks with a lusty look in her eyes. April opens her eyes once more to give you another familiar smoldering look.
<div class="pcTalk"><i> Hey it's May and April! I wonder if I have time to hang out with them today...</i></div>
<<button [[Agree!|3some - Female A-Futa]]>> <</button>>
<<if $lust < $MaxLust>>\
<<button [[Decline for Now|$location.temp]]>>
<<set $NoEncounter to random(1) +2>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<case "Male">>\
<<if $threesomeEvent.Sex is "Futa">>\
  "I wouldn't mind another round of great sex with $PC.FirstName." moans April as she eyes you with a dirty smile before moaning once again as May tweaks her nipple, her eyes closed in pleasure.
  "So how about it? Wanna join us for a wild and crazy good time once again?" May asks with a lusty look in her eyes. April opens her eyes once more to give you another familiar smoldering look before gasping in shock.
  "Oh my! Are you no longer a Futa, $PC.FirstName?" April asks as she stares at your groin. May also looks down and seems a bit curious about the lack of pussy.
  Not wanting to get into that right now you say "We can talk about that later..."
  "I wouldn't mind another round of great sex with $PC.FirstName." moans April as she eyes you with a dirty smile before moaning once again as May tweaks her nipple, her eyes closed in pleasure.
  "So how about it? Wanna join us for a wild and crazy good time once again?" May asks with a lusty look in her eyes. April opens her eyes once more to give you another familiar smoldering look.
<div class="pcTalk"><i> Hey it's May and April! I wonder if I have time to hang out with them today...</i></div>
<<button [[Agree!|3some - Male A-Futa]]>> <</button>>
<<if $lust < $MaxLust>>\
<<button [[Decline for Now|$location.temp]]>>
<<set $NoEncounter to random(1) +2>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<if $threesomeEvent.Sex is "Female">>\
  "I wouldn't mind another round of great sex with $PC.FirstName." moans April as she eyes you with a dirty smile before moaning once again as May tweaks her nipple, her eyes closed in pleasure.
  "So how about it? Wanna join us for a wild and crazy good time once again?" May asks with a lusty look in her eyes. April opens her eyes once more to give you another familiar smoldering look before gasping in shock.
  "Oh my! That looks to be a nice $DickSize dick you're packing, $PC.FirstName!" April comments lustfully as she stares at your groin. May also looks down and seems a bit curious about the new futa-dick that's bulging your clothes.
  Not wanting to get into that right now you say "We can talk about that later..."
<<elseif $threesomeEvent.Sex is "Male">>\
  "I wouldn't mind another round of great sex with $PC.FirstName." moans April as she eyes you with a dirty smile before moaning once again as May tweaks her nipple, her eyes closed in pleasure.
  "So how about it? Wanna join us for a wild and crazy good time once again?" May asks with a lusty look in her eyes. April opens her eyes once more to give you another familiar smoldering look before gasping in shock.
  "Oh my! Those looks to be a nice pair of $BreastSD breasts, $PC.FirstName!" April comments lustfully as she stares at your chest. May also looks down and seems a bit curious about the new pair of $BreastsSize tits you are packing.
  Not wanting to get into that right now you say "We can talk about that later..."
  "I wouldn't mind another round of great sex with $PC.FirstName." moans April as she eyes you with a dirty smile before moaning once again as May tweaks her nipple, her eyes closed in pleasure.
  "So how about it? Wanna join us for a wild and crazy good time once again?" May asks with a lusty look in her eyes. April opens her eyes once more to give you another familiar smoldering look.
<div class="pcTalk"><i> Hey it's May and April! I wonder if I have time to hang out with them today...</i></div>
<<button [[Agree!|3some - Futa A-Futa]]>> <</button>>
<<if $lust < $MaxLust>>\
<<button [[Decline for Now|$location.temp]]>>
<<set $NoEncounter to random(1) +2>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<case "Both">>\
  As you are walking around the Grove Hills subdivision you suddenly hear your name being called out behind you! Quickly turning around you see May and April walking towards you. It looks the two are out on the town still dressed in their rather revealing black latex outfits but this time April has an _DickSD unmistakable bulge tenting her dress as does May!
  "Hey $PC.FirstName! Fancy running into you once again. We had such a fun time last time and I was wondering if you're up for a repeat performance." says May as she reaches her hand around April's back and down towards her groin in order to grope her _DickSD cock. Some faint moaning is the response from April as May strokes her hardening futa-cock and you can see May's futa-cock hardening as well.
<<switch _Sex>>\
<<case "Female">>\
<<if $threesomeEvent.Sex is "Futa">>\
  "I wouldn't mind another round of great sex with $PC.FirstName." moans April as she eyes you with a dirty smile before moaning once again as May tweaks her nipple, her eyes closed in pleasure.
  "So how about it? Wanna join us for a wild and crazy good time once again?" May asks with a lusty look in her eyes. April opens her eyes once more to give you another familiar smoldering look.
  "Oh my! Are you no longer a Futa, $PC.FirstName?" April asks as she stares at your groin. May also looks down and seems a bit curious about the lack of futa-dick.
  Not wanting to get into that right now you say "We can talk about that later..."
  "I wouldn't mind another round of great sex with $PC.FirstName." moans April as she eyes you with a dirty smile before moaning once again as May tweaks her nipple, her eyes closed in pleasure.
  "So how about it? Wanna join us for a wild and crazy good time once again?" May asks with a lusty look in her eyes. April opens her eyes once more to give you another familiar smoldering look.
<div class="pcTalk"><i> Hey it's May and April! I wonder if I have time to hang out with them today...</i></div>
<<button [[Agree!|3some - Female MA-Futa]]>> <</button>>
<<if $lust < $MaxLust>>\
<<button [[Decline for Now|$location.temp]]>>
<<set $NoEncounter to random(1) +2>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<case "Male">>\
<<if $threesomeEvent.Sex is "Futa">>\
  "I wouldn't mind another round of great sex with $PC.FirstName." moans April as she eyes you with a dirty smile before moaning once again as May tweaks her nipple, her eyes closed in pleasure.
  "So how about it? Wanna join us for a wild and crazy good time once again?" May asks with a lusty look in her eyes. April opens her eyes once more to give you another familiar smoldering look before gasping in shock.
  "Oh my! Are you no longer a Futa, $PC.FirstName?" April asks as she stares at your groin. May also looks down and seems a bit curious about the lack of pussy.
  Not wanting to get into that right now you say "We can talk about that later..."
  "I wouldn't mind another round of great sex with $PC.FirstName." moans April as she eyes you with a dirty smile before moaning once again as May tweaks her nipple, her eyes closed in pleasure.
  "So how about it? Wanna join us for a wild and crazy good time once again?" May asks with a lusty look in her eyes. April opens her eyes once more to give you another familiar smoldering look.
<div class="pcTalk"><i> Hey it's May and April! I wonder if I have time to hang out with them today...</i></div>
<<button [[Agree!|3some - Male MA-Futa]]>> <</button>>
<<if $lust < $MaxLust>>\
<<button [[Decline for Now|$location.temp]]>>
<<set $NoEncounter to random(1) +2>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<if $threesomeEvent.Sex is "Female">>\
  "I wouldn't mind another round of great sex with $PC.FirstName." moans April as she eyes you with a dirty smile before moaning once again as May tweaks her nipple, her eyes closed in pleasure.
  "So how about it? Wanna join us for a wild and crazy good time once again?" May asks with a lusty look in her eyes. April opens her eyes once more to give you another familiar smoldering look before gasping in shock.
  "Oh my! That looks to be a nice $DickSize dick you're packing, $PC.FirstName!" April comments lustfully as she stares at your groin. May also looks down and seems a bit curious about the new futa-dick that's bulging your clothes.
  Not wanting to get into that right now you say "We can talk about that later..."
<<elseif $threesomeEvent.Sex is "Male">>\
  "I wouldn't mind another round of great sex with $PC.FirstName." moans April as she eyes you with a dirty smile before moaning once again as May tweaks her nipple, her eyes closed in pleasure.
  "So how about it? Wanna join us for a wild and crazy good time once again?" May asks with a lusty look in her eyes. April opens her eyes once more to give you another familiar smoldering look before gasping in shock.
  "Oh my! Those looks to be a nice pair of $BreastSD breasts, $PC.FirstName!" April comments lustfully as she stares at your chest. May also looks down and seems a bit curious about the new pair of $BreastsSize tits you are packing.
  Not wanting to get into that right now you say "We can talk about that later..."
  "I wouldn't mind another round of great sex with $PC.FirstName." moans April as she eyes you with a dirty smile before moaning once again as May tweaks her nipple, her eyes closed in pleasure.
  "So how about it? Wanna join us for a wild and crazy good time once again?" May asks with a lusty look in her eyes. April opens her eyes once more to give you another familiar smoldering look.
<div class="pcTalk"><i> Hey it's May and April! I wonder if I have time to hang out with them today...</i></div>
<<button [[Agree!|3some - Futa MA-Futa]]>> <</button>>
<<if $lust < $MaxLust>>\
<<button [[Decline for Now|$location.temp]]>>
<<set $NoEncounter to random(1) +2>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<case "None">>\
  As you are walking around the Grove Hills subdivision you suddenly hear your name being called out behind you! Quickly turning around you see May and April walking towards you. It looks the two are out on the town still dressed in their rather revealing black latex outfits and still fondling each other's asses.
  "Hey $PC.FirstName! Fancy running into you once again. We had such a fun time last time and I was wondering if you're up for a repeat performance." says May as she reaches her hand around April's back and up towards her exposed cleavage in order to grope her _ISD breasts. Some faint moaning is the response from April as May's pinches her hard nipple thru her dress.
<<switch _Sex>>\
<<case "Female">>\
<<if $threesomeEvent.Sex is "Futa">>\
  "I wouldn't mind another round of great sex with $PC.FirstName." moans April as she eyes you with a dirty smile before moaning once again as May tweaks her nipple, her eyes closed in pleasure.
  "So how about it? Wanna join us for a wild and crazy good time once again?" May asks with a lusty look in her eyes. April opens her eyes once more to give you another familiar smoldering look before gasping in shock.
  "Oh my! Are you no longer a Futa, $PC.FirstName?" April asks as she stares at your groin. May also looks down and seems a bit curious about the lack of futa-dick.
  Not wanting to get into that right now you say "We can talk about that later..."
  "I wouldn't mind another round of great sex with $PC.FirstName." moans April as she eyes you with a dirty smile before moaning once again as May tweaks her nipple, her eyes closed in pleasure.
  "So how about it? Wanna join us for a wild and crazy good time once again?" May asks with a lusty look in her eyes. April opens her eyes once more to give you another familiar smoldering look.
<div class="pcTalk"><i> Hey it's May and April! I wonder if I have time to hang out with them today...</i></div>
<<button [[Agree!|3some - Female]]>> <</button>>
<<if $lust < $MaxLust>>\
<<button [[Decline for Now|$location.temp]]>>
<<set $NoEncounter to random(1) +2>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<case "Male">>\
<<if $threesomeEvent.Sex is "Futa">>\
  "I wouldn't mind another round of great sex with $PC.FirstName." moans April as she eyes you with a dirty smile before moaning once again as May tweaks her nipple, her eyes closed in pleasure.
  "So how about it? Wanna join us for a wild and crazy good time once again?" May asks with a lusty look in her eyes. April opens her eyes once more to give you another familiar smoldering look before gasping in shock.
  "Oh my! Are you no longer a Futa, $PC.FirstName?" April asks as she stares at your groin. May also looks down and seems a bit curious about the lack of pussy.
  Not wanting to get into that right now you say "We can talk about that later..."
  "I wouldn't mind another round of great sex with $PC.FirstName." moans April as she eyes you with a dirty smile before moaning once again as May tweaks her nipple, her eyes closed in pleasure.
  "So how about it? Wanna join us for a wild and crazy good time once again?" May asks with a lusty look in her eyes. April opens her eyes once more to give you another familiar smoldering look.
<div class="pcTalk"><i> Hey it's May and April! I wonder if I have time to hang out with them today...</i></div>
<<button [[Agree!|3some - Male]]>> <</button>>
<<if $lust < $MaxLust>>\
<<button [[Decline for Now|$location.temp]]>>
<<set $NoEncounter to random(1) +2>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<if $threesomeEvent.Sex is "Female">>\
  "I wouldn't mind another round of great sex with $PC.FirstName." moans April as she eyes you with a dirty smile before moaning once again as May tweaks her nipple, her eyes closed in pleasure.
  "So how about it? Wanna join us for a wild and crazy good time once again?" May asks with a lusty look in her eyes. April opens her eyes once more to give you another familiar smoldering look before gasping in shock.
  "Oh my! That looks to be a nice $DickSize dick you're packing, $PC.FirstName!" April comments lustfully as she stares at your groin. May also looks down and seems a bit curious about the new futa-dick that's bulging your clothes.
  Not wanting to get into that right now you say "We can talk about that later..."
<<elseif $threesomeEvent.Sex is "Male">>\
  "I wouldn't mind another round of great sex with $PC.FirstName." moans April as she eyes you with a dirty smile before moaning once again as May tweaks her nipple, her eyes closed in pleasure.
  "So how about it? Wanna join us for a wild and crazy good time once again?" May asks with a lusty look in her eyes. April opens her eyes once more to give you another familiar smoldering look before gasping in shock.
  "Oh my! Those looks to be a nice pair of $BreastSD breasts, $PC.FirstName!" April comments lustfully as she stares at your chest. May also looks down and seems a bit curious about the new pair of $BreastsSize tits you are packing.
  Not wanting to get into that right now you say "We can talk about that later..."
  "I wouldn't mind another round of great sex with $PC.FirstName." moans April as she eyes you with a dirty smile before moaning once again as May tweaks her nipple, her eyes closed in pleasure.
  "So how about it? Wanna join us for a wild and crazy good time once again?" May asks with a lusty look in her eyes. April opens her eyes once more to give you another familiar smoldering look.
<div class="pcTalk"><i> Hey it's May and April! I wonder if I have time to hang out with them today...</i></div>
<<button [[Agree!|3some - Futa]]>> <</button>>
<<if $lust < $MaxLust>>\
<<button [[Decline for Now|$location.temp]]>>
<<set $NoEncounter to random(1) +2>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</switch>>\<<set $genericEvent.Image = $eventPath1 + $arrayEvent1Naked.random() + '.jpg'>>\
<img @src=$genericEvent.Image />
<<include "Adlibs">>\
<<set $NoEncounter to random(1) +2>>\
<<if (random(19)+ 1) + $Skill.Social + $CharismaBonus > 13>>\
<<set $npcMay.Friendship to $npcMay.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity +2 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set $npcApril.Friendship to $npcApril.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity +2 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set $npcMay.Friendship to $npcMay.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity + 1 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set $npcApril.Friendship to $npcApril.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity +1 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set $npcMay.SexXP to $npcMay.SexXP +1>>\
<<set $npcApril.SexXP to $npcApril.SexXP +1>>\
<<set $sexHistory.XP to $sexHistory.XP +1>>\
<<set $threesomeEvent.Agree to 1>>\
<<set _DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$npcApril.DickSize]>>\
<<set _DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$npcApril.DickSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$npcApril.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$npcApril.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _DickSD2 to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$npcMay.DickSize]>>\
<<set _DickSize2 to $arrayDickSize[$npcMay.DickSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSD2 to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$npcMay.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSize2 to $arrayBallsSize[$npcMay.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$npcApril.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$npcApril.BreastsSize]>>
<<set _IAss to $arrayAssSizeDesc[$npcApril.AssSize]>>\
To be continued...
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered +1>>\
<<if $PC.BreastsSize > $npcMay.BreastsSize +4>>\
<<set $npcMay.BreastsSize to $npcMay.BreastsSize+2>>\
<<set $npcApril.BreastsSize to $npcApril.BreastsSize+2>>\
<<elseif $PC.BreastsSize > $npcMay.BreastsSize>>\
<<set $npcMay.BreastsSize to $npcMay.BreastsSize+1>>\
<<set $npcApril.BreastsSize to $npcApril.BreastsSize+1>>\
<<if $npcMay.Sex is "Female">>\
<<set $npcMay.DickSize to 0>>\
<<set $npcMay.BallsSize to 0>>\
<<button [[Finish|$location.temp]]>>
<<set $threesomeEvent.DickSize to $PC.DickSize>>\
<<set $threesomeEvent.BreastsSize to $PC.BreastsSize>>\
<<set $threesomeEvent.Sex to "Futa">>\
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<include "Lust Passes">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</button>><<set $genericEvent.Image = $eventPath1 + $arrayEvent1Naked.random() + '.jpg'>>\
<img @src=$genericEvent.Image />
<<include "Adlibs">>\
<<set $NoEncounter to random(1) +2>>\
<<if (random(19)+ 1) + $Skill.Social + $CharismaBonus > 13>>\
<<set $npcMay.Friendship to $npcMay.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity +2 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set $npcApril.Friendship to $npcApril.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity +2 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set $npcMay.Friendship to $npcMay.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity + 1 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set $npcApril.Friendship to $npcApril.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity +1 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set $npcMay.SexXP to $npcMay.SexXP +1>>\
<<set $npcApril.SexXP to $npcApril.SexXP +1>>\
<<set $sexHistory.XP to $sexHistory.XP +1>>\
<<set $threesomeEvent.Agree to 1>>\
<<set _DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$npcApril.DickSize]>>\
<<set _DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$npcApril.DickSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$npcApril.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$npcApril.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _DickSD2 to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$npcMay.DickSize]>>\
<<set _DickSize2 to $arrayDickSize[$npcMay.DickSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSD2 to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$npcMay.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSize2 to $arrayBallsSize[$npcMay.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$npcApril.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$npcApril.BreastsSize]>>
<<set _IAss to $arrayAssSizeDesc[$npcApril.AssSize]>>\
To be continued...
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered +1>>\
<<if $PC.BreastsSize > $npcMay.BreastsSize +4>>\
<<set $npcMay.BreastsSize to $npcMay.BreastsSize+2>>\
<<set $npcApril.BreastsSize to $npcApril.BreastsSize+2>>\
<<elseif $PC.BreastsSize > $npcMay.BreastsSize>>\
<<set $npcMay.BreastsSize to $npcMay.BreastsSize+1>>\
<<set $npcApril.BreastsSize to $npcApril.BreastsSize+1>>\
<<if $npcMay.Sex is "Female">>\
<<set $npcMay.DickSize to 0>>\
<<set $npcMay.BallsSize to 0>>\
<<button [[Finish|$location.temp]]>>
<<set $threesomeEvent.DickSize to $PC.DickSize>>\
<<set $threesomeEvent.BreastsSize to $PC.BreastsSize>>\
<<set $threesomeEvent.Sex to "Futa">>\
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<include "Lust Passes">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</button>><<set $genericEvent.Image = $eventPath1 + $arrayEvent1Naked.random() + '.jpg'>>\
<img @src=$genericEvent.Image />
<<include "Adlibs">>\
<<set $NoEncounter to random(1) +2>>\
<<if (random(19)+ 1) + $Skill.Social + $CharismaBonus > 13>>\
<<set $npcMay.Friendship to $npcMay.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity +2 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set $npcApril.Friendship to $npcApril.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity +2 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set $npcMay.Friendship to $npcMay.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity + 1 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set $npcApril.Friendship to $npcApril.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity +1 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set $npcMay.SexXP to $npcMay.SexXP +1>>\
<<set $npcApril.SexXP to $npcApril.SexXP +1>>\
<<set $sexHistory.XP to $sexHistory.XP +1>>\
<<set $threesomeEvent.Agree to 1>>\
<<set _DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$npcApril.DickSize]>>\
<<set _DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$npcApril.DickSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$npcApril.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$npcApril.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _DickSD2 to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$npcMay.DickSize]>>\
<<set _DickSize2 to $arrayDickSize[$npcMay.DickSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSD2 to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$npcMay.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSize2 to $arrayBallsSize[$npcMay.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$npcApril.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$npcApril.BreastsSize]>>
<<set _IAss to $arrayAssSizeDesc[$npcApril.AssSize]>>\
To be continued...
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered +1>>\
<<if $PC.BreastsSize > $npcMay.BreastsSize +4>>\
<<set $npcMay.BreastsSize to $npcMay.BreastsSize+2>>\
<<set $npcApril.BreastsSize to $npcApril.BreastsSize+2>>\
<<elseif $PC.BreastsSize > $npcMay.BreastsSize>>\
<<set $npcMay.BreastsSize to $npcMay.BreastsSize+1>>\
<<set $npcApril.BreastsSize to $npcApril.BreastsSize+1>>\
<<if $npcMay.Sex is "Female">>\
<<set $npcMay.DickSize to 0>>\
<<set $npcMay.BallsSize to 0>>\
<<button [[Finish|$location.temp]]>>
<<set $threesomeEvent.DickSize to $PC.DickSize>>\
<<set $threesomeEvent.BreastsSize to $PC.BreastsSize>>\
<<set $threesomeEvent.Sex to "Futa">>\
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<include "Lust Passes">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</button>><img src="Images/Home/LivingRoom.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set $NoEncounter to random(1) +2>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set $xmaspresentEvent.Visits to $xmaspresentEvent.Visits +1>>\
<<if $xmaspresentEvent.Visits is 1>>\
  As you are walking around your family home, you hear what sounds like the soft jigglying of bells and the crinkling of paper coming from what sounds like the living room. Keeping your $equipedWeapon.name ready, you move quickly but quietly towards that room. Peeking your head into that large room you are completely baffled by what you are seeing!
<<button [[A Woman Dressed as a Christmas Elf!|X-Mas Present - Elf]]>>
  As you are walking around your family home, you hear what sounds like the soft jigglying of bells and the crinkling of paper coming from what sounds like the living room. "<i>That sounds like Holly!</i>" you ponder as you you move quickly towards the living room. Peeking your head into that large room you confirm that is who is decorating your living room once again!
<<button [[Say Hello to Holly the Christmas Elf!|X-Mas Present - Elf]]>>
<<set $genericEvent.Image = $eventPath10 + $arrayEvent10SexyElf.random() + '.jpg'>>\
<img @src=$genericEvent.Image />
<<set $NoEncounter to random(1) +2>>\
<<if (random(19) + 1) + $Skill.Social + $CharismaBonus > 14>>\
<<set $npcHolly.Friendship to $npcHolly.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity +2 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set $npcHolly.Friendship to $npcHolly.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity +1 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<if $xmaspresentEvent.Visits is 1>>\
  Standing next to the living room's fireplace is a woman who's dressed up in Christmas colors with a red mini-dress lined with white fur along with some pieces of green holly accenting her look. Even stranger is her long pointed ears and piercing green eyes that seem to shimmer between various green shades in the light. She hasn't notices you walking into the living room as she seems to be busy trying to put up a Christmas stocking onto the fireplace.
  As you step closer to the unknown woman you detect the sound of humming coming from her. It takes a moment but you eventually realize that she's humming seasonal holiday music. Shaking your head at the oddity you loudly demand "Hey! Who are you and what are you doing in my house?"
  Letting out a high pitched "Eep!" the elven woman drops the stocking she was holding while spinning to stare at you in surprise before dipping down to the dropped stocking. Her perky breasts jiggle wildly as she tries to snatch the stocking off the floor before stopping and looking back at you. "Oh, uh, hello?" she stutters as eyes flit around the room.
  Sighing loudly you repeat your question "Who are you and what are you doing in my house?" with a little less heat than before. She looks to be a somewhat harmless but with so many Infested running around pretending to be 'harmless' it's hard to let your guard down.
  "I'm, uh... Holly! I mean, Holly Noel! I was..putting up some, uh, holiday decorations? There's a severe lack of good cheer going around along with a lack of decorations in this house so I figured I could help out!" she babbles nervously as she gestures around the room to the fact there isn't any Christmas decor. She might even have a point if it wasn't the middle of October... "So do you want to help me put some decorations up in order to spread some christmas cheer, $PC.FirstName?" she asks as she gestures with the stocking she's holding towards a box filled with holiday decorations.
<div class="pcTalk"><i>She's definitely an odd one for sure. Wait a second! How does she know my name? </i></div>
  Standing next to the living room's fireplace is Holly still dressed up in Christmas colors with a red mini-dress lined with white fur along with some pieces of green holly accenting her look. Her long pointed ears are still a bit of an oddity whole her piercing green eyes still seem to shimmer between various green shades in the light. She hasn't notices you walking into the living room as she seems to be busy trying to put up a Christmas stocking onto the fireplace.
  As you step closer to Holly you detect the sound of humming coming from her. It takes a moment but you eventually realize that she's humming seasonal holiday music. Shaking your head at the oddity you loudly demand "So Holly... What are you doing back here again?"
  Letting out a high pitched "Eep!" the elven woman drops the stocking she was holding while spinning to stare at you in surprise before dipping down to the dropped stocking. Her perky breasts jiggle wildly as she tries to snatch the stocking off the floor before stopping and looking back at you. "Oh! Hello, $PC.FirstName!" she stutters as eyes light up as she looks at you from across the room.
  "I was putting up some holiday decorations! There's a severe lack of good cheer going around along with a lack of decorations in this house so I figured I could help out!" she babbles nervously as she gestures around the room to the fact there isn't any Christmas decor. She might even have a point if it wasn't the middle of October... "So do you want to help me put some decorations up in order to spread some christmas cheer, $PC.FirstName?" she asks as she gestures with the stocking she's holding towards a box filled with holiday decorations.
<div class="pcTalk"><i>She's definitely an odd one for sure. Do I want to help her put some decorations up? </i></div>
<<button [[Help her Out|X-Mas Present - Help Elf]]>>
<<button [[Kick her Out|X-Mas Present - Kick Out]]>>
<</button>><img @src=$genericEvent.Image />
<<if $xmaspresentEvent.Visits is 1>>\
<<set $xmaspresentEvent.Refuse to 1>>\
  Scrowling at yet another Infested breaking into your house, you say heatedly "OK, listen! This is my house and I don't need any decorations! It's not even December, it's fucking October! So will you leave willingly?" The lithe woman gives you a startled look that slowly transitions to a sad smile.
  "I'm sorry $PC. FirstName... I'll leave you in peace." she says as she backs away from you and heads to the front door. Opening the front door, she paused to turn to you and says "Have a Merry Christmas, $PC.FirstName!" with that sad smile on her face. You can only watch as she leaves your house and you can only shake your head in disbelief at how Infested's minds get locked into such crazy ideas.
<<elseif $xmaspresentEvent.Refuse > 0>>\
<<set $xmaspresentEvent.Refuse to $xmaspresentEvent.Refuse +1>>\
  Scrowling at the crazy Infested breaking into your house once again, you say heatedly "OK, listen! I've already told you that this is my house and I don't need any decorations! It's not even December, it's fucking October! So will you leave willingly?" The lithe woman gives you a startled look that slowly transitions to a sad smile.
  "I'm sorry $PC. FirstName... I'll leave you in peace." she says as she backs away from you and heads to the front door. Opening the front door, she paused to turn to you and says "Have a Merry Christmas, $PC.FirstName!" with that sad smile on her face. You can only watch as she leaves your house and you can only shake your head in disbelief at how Infested's minds get locked into such crazy ideas.
<<set $xmaspresentEvent.Refuse to 1>>\
  Sighing at the fact Holly has broken into your house again, you say patiently "Hey Holly? I don't think this is a good time to be messing around with decorations and I don't like people breaking into my house. So would you kindly please leave?" The lithe woman gives you a startled look that slowly transitions to a sad smile.
  "I'm sorry $PC. FirstName... I'll leave you in peace." she says as she backs away from you and heads to the front door. Opening the front door, she paused to turn to you and says "Have a Merry Christmas, $PC.FirstName!" with that sad smile on her face. You can only watch as she leaves your house and you can only shake your head in disbelief at how Infested's minds get locked into such crazy ideas.
<div class="pcTalk"><i>She was definitely an odd one for sure, time to make sure all the doors are double-locked once again. </i></div>
<<button [[Finish|Main Hallway]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</button>><img @src=$genericEvent.Image />
<<set $NoEncounter to random(1) +2>>\
<<set _lusty to random(5) +1 + $StatusAffect.Horny - $LustResist.Visual - $LustResist.Complete>>\
<<if _lusty < 0>>\
<<set _lusty to 0>>\
<<set $lust to $lust + _lusty>>\
<<if (random(19) + 1) + $Skill.Social + $CharismaBonus > 14>>\
<<set $npcHolly.Friendship to $npcHolly.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity +2 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set $npcHolly.Friendship to $npcHolly.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity +1 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<if $PC.Sex is "Futa" or $StatusAffect.Futa > 0>>\
<<set _Sex to "Futa">>\
<<elseif $PC.Sex is "Male" and $StatusAffect.Futa < 1>>\
<<set _Sex to "Male">>\
<<set _Sex to "Female">>\
  Deciding to humor Holly, you say "Well, It's a bit early for Christmas decor but I guess I can help you put some up." Picking up a shiny piece of Christmas decoration from the box you place it on the mantle above the fireplace. Looking back at the box to pick up another piece you notice Holly is bent over as well giving you a clear view of her perky cleavage.
  Straightening up, she asks politely as her tits jiggle slightly "What do you mean it's a bit early? Isn't it December?" Not waiting for your response, she puts up some mistletoe above the living room door before bending over to grab another Christmas item giving you a view of her tight ass.
  "It's uhh, actually October. I mean Halloween is still on the horizon..." you reply distractedly as you try and figure out where to put the empty Christmas present. There isn't a Christmas tree up so maybe you could just put it in a corner with some other boxes? Turning back to Holly you are shocked to discover somehow she had put up a Christmas tree near the entrance to the living room in the time it took you to figure out what to do with a empty box!
  "Wait! Did you just say October? But, it's, wait no! Uh no! It's way too early for Christmas! I must have gotten the dates all messed up! Oh sugardust, I've screwed up!" she quickly stammers with panic tinting her tone while she grips the artifical Christmas tree's trunk.
  Giving Holly a comforting look, you warmly say "It's OK, Holly. With all the chaos that's going on with the Infested pandemic, a little early holiday cheer never hurt anyone." Grabbing the extra Christmas presents you bundle them all up under the impressive Christmas tree and you have to admire how nice it looks. Holly perks up a bit at your reassuring comment and helps you finish decorating the living room.
  You can't help but stare at how your living room has transformed into a proper Christmas room filled with presents and decorations. "Excuse me, $PC.FirstName?" Holly says as she holds up two presents, one red and the other white in front of her jiggly chest. "It might be a bit early to be opening Christmas presents but since you were willing to help me you can choose any of these presents! Or maybe something else.." she says while blushing slightly.
<div class="pcTalk"><i> So do I choose one of the presents or do I go for the "Elf"...</i></div>
<<button [[Choose the White Present|X-Mas Present - Present]]>>
<<set $SkillAction to 0>>\
<<button [[Choose the Red Present|X-Mas Present - Present]]>>
<<set $SkillAction to 1>>\
<<switch _Sex>>\
<<case "Male">>\
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Choose the Elf|X-Mas Present - Elf Sex Male]]>>
<<case "Female">>\
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Choose the Elf|X-Mas Present - Elf Sex Female]]>>
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Choose the Elf|X-Mas Present - Elf Sex Futa]]>>
<</switch>>\<<set $genericEvent.Image = $eventPath10 + $arrayEvent10SexyElfSpread.random() + '.jpg'>>\
<img @src=$genericEvent.Image />
<<set $sexHistory.XP to $sexHistory.XP +1>>\
<<set $LastPartner to $npcHolly>>\
<<set $xmaspresentEvent.Sex to $xmaspresentEvent.Sex +1>>\
<<set _exists to 0>>\
<<set _tempLoot to $item.recipeHollyEggnog>>\
<<for $i = 0; $i < $PCInventory.length; $i++>>\
<<set $uitem = $PCInventory[$i]>>\
<<set $ItemName to $uitem.name>>\
<<set _TempName to _tempLoot.name>>\
<<if $ItemName is _TempName>>\
<<set _amount to $uitem.amount>>\
<<set _exists to 1>>\
<<if _exists is 1>>\
<<set _amount to _amount +1>>\
<<set $uitem.amount to _amount>>\
<<set $PCInventory.push(_tempLoot)>>\
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$npcHolly.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$npcHolly.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _IAss to $arrayAssSizeDesc[$npcHolly.AssSize]>>\
<<set $Weather.Previous to $Weather.Current>>\
<<set $Weather.Current to $arrayWeatherTypes[9]>>\
<<set $StatusText.Notice to 1>>\
<<set $StatusText.WeatherFlag to 1>>\
<<set $Weather.Strength to 1>>\
<<set $StatusText.Weather to "Looks like a snowstorm has settled over the city. For some reason I'm reminded of Christmas...">>\
  "What would you say if I chose you instead of one of those presents?" you ask lustfully as you look her over. With how sexy Holly looks you decide to see how she reacts to you choosing her! Those _ISD perky tits and _IAss jiggly ass look so nice on her that can't help but feel turned on by the sight!
  Smiling warmly at you, Holly steps closer to you after dropping the presents to the floor. Thrusting her _ICup breasts up against your hard chest she says perkily "I would say that would be an amazing choice!" You can feel her busty bosom rubbing up against you as her slim hand grabs your $DickSD dick through your clothes! "I think that would be a great way to make this a white Christmas!"
  You slide your hands up and cup her perky breasts causing Holly to let out a delighted moan of pleasure. Your fingers slide against her short hard nipples and you give those nubs of hers a light pinch, ripping a soft gasp of delight from Holly's lips. Hearing her encouraging moans, you pull down her top fully exposing her _ICup breasts!
  "How do you like playing with my _ISD tits?" she moans softly as you grope those amazing jugs of hers. Bending over slightly you cup her breasts and latch onto her hard nipple! She lets out a moan as you suck on her rubbery nub and huskily says "My breasts are so sensitive! Please! Keep sucking on my tits!" You're more than happy to do so as she starts to rub your dick through your clothes!
  Coming up for air, you moan lustfully "Your breasts are amazing! I love them!" Switching breasts you latch onto her hard nipple and give it a nice and sloppy kiss. Holly lets out another louder moan as you firmly fondle her _ISD jugs while sucking her on tasty nipple.
  Finally breaking free from your greedy grasp, Holly huskily says "How about you get undressed so we can get started on making this a truly white Christmas?" Slowly sitting down next to the Christmas tree, she hikes her short skirt up demonstrating that she isn't wearing any panties!
  Holly eagerly watches you get undressed while sliding her dainty fingers against her glistening wet pussy. She gasps as she stares at your fully erect $DickSize cock and says playfully "Looks like someone has a nice thick candy cane! How about you stick that thick rod of yours into my hot honeypot?" She spreads her legs wide inviting you to shove your dick inside her wet cunt!
  Dropping down to your knees, you slide your $DickSD shaft against her dripping wet slit causing the busty elf to moan in pleasure from the sensation. Figuring that she is more than wet enough, you slowly thrust your hard dick into her tight pussy until all $DickSize's inches is buried deep inside her hot pussy!
  "Oh fuck! You're so fucking tight!" you groan as you feel her tight cunt grip your diamond hard cock nice and hard. Luxuriating in the glorious feeling of being so deep inside her pussy you can't help but pull back before slamming your cock even deeper inside Holly's epic honeypot causing her _ICup jugs to bounce softly from the force of your thrust!
  Holly's legs wrap around your back as she moans "Oh yes! I can feel your big dick deep inside my pussy! Go on and fuck me hard!" You don't need any encouragement as you grab her _ISD tits to use as leverage in order to pound her tight cunt nice and hard just as she's begging for! Her moans grow even louder as you grope and fondle her breasts while jackhammering your $DickSD cock deep inside her pussy while your $BallsSD balls slap away with each thrust!
  Bending forward you give her jugs a quick kiss while still fucking her tight cunt with your eager tool. "Oh fuck yes! Keep fucking me just like that!" she screams as she grips places your hands on top of yours and forces you to grip her _ISD breasts even harder before mewing and gasping in pure ecstasy!
  "Oh fuck yes! I'm about to cum so fucking hard!" you yell as your $BallsSD cum-filled feel like they are about to explode! Your hammering of her delightful pussy has reached a frantic pace and your moments away from releasing all that baby-batter straight into her dripping wet cunt!
  "Do it! Fill my pussy with your hot seed and give me that amazing white Christmas!" she yells back in between her lusty moans and gasps of pleasure. "I'm about to cum from your marvelous cock!"
  Unable to hold back any longer you bellow "I'm cumming so much! Fuck! I'm shooting my big load into your fucking pussy!" Thrusting one last into Holly's hot pussy you feel your balls unleash their juicy cargo! A $CumAD wad of hot cum shoots from your throbbing dick deep inside her tight cunt!
  The feeling of being creampied by the $CumAD amount of your seed you just shot out pushes Holly over the edge as she screams out "Oh God! I'm cumming too! Oh fuck yesss!" as her back arches, thrusting her _ISD tits upwards as her orgasm hits hard and fast! You can feel her tight cunt squeeze your $DickSD cock rapidly as her girl-cum squirts around your dick and out onto the carpet!
  Feeling exhausted after shooting such a powerful load of cum, you sit back allowing your $DickSize dick to slide out of her cream-filled pussy. Holly gives you a powerful look of delight as she gazes into your eyes and softly says "That was an amazing sexual time! Rest your eyes now, $PC.FirstName, and dream of many holidays to cum!" You try to say something but you find your eyes closing just for a moment to recover your stamina.
  With a start you wake up and find yourself in your holiday decorated living room completely dressed. Looking around you don't see Holly anywhere but you do find a note along with a recipe for some Eggnog. Reading the note, it says - <b>"Merry Christmas, $PC.FirstName! I hope you have a safe and happy journey until I see you once again! - Holly Noel :)"</b> Still a bit unsettled by her vanishing, you can't help but smile at the note and the cute smiley face at the bottom.
You now have <<print _tempLoot.name>>!
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I think I'll leave the decorations up for a week or so just to have a little bit cheer in these dire times.</i></div>
<<button [[Finish|Main Hallway]]>>
<<set $npcHolly.SexDetection to "Male">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<include "Lust Passes">>\
<<include "Time Passes">>\
<<set $xmaspresentEvent.Weekly to 7>>\
<<set $NoEncounter to random(1) +2>>\
<</button>><<set $genericEvent.Image = $eventPath10 + $arrayEvent10SexyElfSpread.random() + '.jpg'>>\
<img @src=$genericEvent.Image />
<<set $xmaspresentEvent.Sex to $xmaspresentEvent.Sex +1>>\
<<set $sexHistory.XP to $sexHistory.XP +1>>\
<<set $LastPartner to $npcHolly>>\
<<set _exists to 0>>\
<<set _tempLoot to $item.recipeHollyEggnog>>\
<<for $i = 0; $i < $PCInventory.length; $i++>>\
<<set $uitem = $PCInventory[$i]>>\
<<set $ItemName to $uitem.name>>\
<<set _TempName to _tempLoot.name>>\
<<if $ItemName is _TempName>>\
<<set _amount to $uitem.amount>>\
<<set _exists to 1>>\
<<if _exists is 1>>\
<<set _amount to _amount +1>>\
<<set $uitem.amount to _amount>>\
<<set $PCInventory.push(_tempLoot)>>\
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$npcHolly.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$npcHolly.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _IAss to $arrayAssSizeDesc[$npcHolly.AssSize]>>\
<<set $Weather.Previous to $Weather.Current>>\
<<set $Weather.Current to $arrayWeatherTypes[9]>>\
<<set $StatusText.Notice to 1>>\
<<set $StatusText.WeatherFlag to 1>>\
<<set $Weather.Strength to 1>>\
<<set $StatusText.Weather to "Looks like a snowstorm has settled over the city. For some reason I'm reminded of Christmas...">>\
  "What would you say if I chose you instead of one of those presents?" you ask lustfully as you look her over. With how sexy Holly looks you decide to see how she reacts to you choosing her! Those _ISD perky tits and _IAss jiggly ass look so nice on her that can't help but feel a bit turned on by the sight!
  Smiling warmly at you, Holly steps closer to you after dropping the presents to the floor. Thrusting her _ICup breasts up against your own $BreastSD chest she says perkily "I would say that would be an amazing choice!" You can feel her busty bossom rubbing up against your $BreastsSize tits as her slim hand grabs your $DickSD futa-dick thru your clothes! "I think that would be a great way to make this a white Christmas!"
  You slide you hands up and cup her perky breasts causing Holly to let out a delighted moan of pleasure. Your fingers slide against her short hard nipples and you give those nubs of hers a light pinch, ripping a soft gasp of delight from Holly's lips. Hearing her encouraging moans, you pull down her top fully exposing her _ICup breasts!
<<if $PC.BreastsSize + ($GeneralFeats.FalseRep *2) > ($npcHolly.BreastsSize)>>\
  "How do you like playing with my _ISD tits? I mean your amazing breasts are a lot bigger than mine but they are still big enough, right?" she moans softly as you grope those breathtaking jugs of hers. Bending over slightly you cup her breasts and latch onto her hard nipple! She lets out a moan as you suck on her rubbery nub and huskily says "My breasts are so sensitive! Please! Keep sucking on my tits!" You're more than happy to do so as she starts to rub your dick thru your clothes!
  Coming up for air, you moan lustfully "Your breasts are also amazing as well! I love them!" Switching breasts you latch onto her hard nipple and give it a nice and sloppy kiss. Holly lets out another louder moan as your firmly fondle her _ISD jugs while sucking her on tasty nipple.
  "How do you like playing with my _ISD tits?" she moans softly as you grope those amazing jugs of hers. Bending over slightly you cup her breasts and latch onto her hard nipple! She lets out a moan as you suck on her rubbery nub and huskily says "My breasts are so sensitive! Please! Keep sucking on my tits!" You're more than happy to do so as she starts to rub your dick thru your clothes!
  Coming up for air, you moan lustfully "Your breasts are amazing! I love them!" Switching breasts you latch onto her hard nipple and give it a nice and sloppy kiss. Holly lets out another louder moan as your firmly fondle her _ISD jugs while sucking her on tasty nipple.
  Finally breaking free from your greedy grasp, Holly huskily says "How about you get undressed so we can get started on making this a truly white Christmas?" Slowing sitting down next the Christmas tree, she hikes her short skirt up demostrating that she isn't wearing any panties!
  Holly eagerly watches you get undressed while sliding her dainty fingers against her glistening wet pussy. She gasps as she stares at your fully erect $DickSize cock and $BreastsSize tits. She then says playfully "Looks like someone has a nice thick candy cane! How about you stick that thick rod of yours into my hot honeypot?" She spreads her legs wide inviting you to shove your dick inside her wet cunt!
  Dropping down to your knees, you slide your $DickSD shaft against her dripping wet slit causing the busty elf to moan in pleasure from the sensation. Figuring that she more than wet enough, you slowly thrust your hard futa-dick into her tight pussy until all $DickSize's inches is buried deep inside her hot pussy!
  "Oh fuck! You're so fucking tight!" you groan as you feel her tight cunt grip your diamond hard cock nice and hard. Luxuriating in the glorious feeling of being so deep inside her pussy you can't help but pull back before slamming your cock even deeper inside Holly's epic honeypot causing her _ICup jugs to bounce softly from the force of your thrust along with your own $BreastSD breasts!
  Holly's legs wrap around your back as she moans "Oh yes! I can feel your big dick deep inside my pussy! Go on and fuck me hard!" You don't need any encouragement as you grab her _ISD tits to use as leverage in order to pound her tight cunt nice and hard just as she's begging for! Her moans grow even louder as you grope and fondle her breasts while jackhammering your $DickSD cock deep inside her pussy while your $BallsSD balls slap away with each thrust!
  Leaning forward, you give her jugs a quick kiss while still fucking her tight cunt with your eager tool. "Oh fuck yes! Keep fucking me just like that!" she screams as she reaches up and fondles your $BreastSD tits before mewing and gasping in pure ecstasy!
  "Oh fuck yes! I'm about to cum so fucking hard!" you yell as your $BallsSD cum-filled feel like they are about to explode! Your hammering of her delightful pussy has reached a frantic pace and her eager groping of your $BreastsSize tits feels so good that you're moments away from releasing all that baby-batter straight into her dripping wet cunt! Even your wet pussy feels about to explode from pure pleasure!
  "Do it! Fill my pussy with your hot seed and give me that amazing white Christmas!" she yells back in between her lusty moans and gasps of pleasure from your rapid thrusts into her super tight cunt. "Your marvelous cock feels so big and good and I'm... I'm about to cum all over that meaty rod!"
  Unable to hold back any longer you bellow "I'm cumming so much! Fuck! I'm shooting my big load into your fucking pussy!" Thrusting one last into Holly's hot pussy you feel your $BallsSize balls unleash their juicy cargo! A $CumAD wad of hot cum shoots from your throbbing dick deep inside her tight cunt while your own cunt sprays out a $GCumAD wave of girl-cum onto the floor!
  The feeling of being creampied by the $CumAD amount of your seed you just shot out pushes Holly over the edge as she screams out "Oh God! I'm cumming too! Oh fuck yesss!" as her back arches, thrusting her _ISD tits upwards as her orgasm hits hard and fast! You can feel her tight cunt squeeze your $DickSD futa-cock rapidly as her girl-cum squirts around your dick and out onto the carpet!
  Feeling exhausted after shooting such a powerful load of cum, you sit back allowing your $DickSize dick to slide out of her cream-filled pussy. Holly gives you a powerful look of delight as she gazes into your eyes and softly says "That was an amazing sexual time! Rest your eyes now, $PC.FirstName, and dream of many holidays to cum!" You try to say something but you find your eyes closing just for a moment to recover your stamina.
  With a start you wake up and find yourself in your holiday decorated living room completely dressed. Looking around you don't see Holly anywhere but you do find a note along with a recipe for some Eggnog. Reading the note, it says - "Merry Christmas, $PC.FirstName! I hope you have a safe and happy journey until I see you once again! - Holly Noel :)" Still a bit unsettled by her vanishing, you can't help but smile at the note and the cute smilely face at the bottom.
You now have <<print _tempLoot.name>>!
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I think I'll leave the decorations up for a week or so just to have a little bit cheer in these dire times.</i></div>
<<button [[Finish|Main Hallway]]>>
<<set $npcHolly.SexDetection to "Futa">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<include "Lust Passes">>\
<<include "Time Passes">>\
<<set $xmaspresentEvent.Weekly to 7>>\
<<set $NoEncounter to random(1) +2>>\
<</button>><<set $genericEvent.Image = $eventPath10 + $arrayEvent10SexyElfSpread.random() + '.jpg'>>\
<img @src=$genericEvent.Image />
<<set $xmaspresentEvent.Sex to $xmaspresentEvent.Sex +1>>\
<<set $sexHistory.XP to $sexHistory.XP +1>>\
<<set $LastPartner to $npcHolly>>\
<<set _exists to 0>>\
<<set _tempLoot to $item.recipeHollyEggnog>>\
<<for $i = 0; $i < $PCInventory.length; $i++>>\
<<set $uitem = $PCInventory[$i]>>\
<<set $ItemName to $uitem.name>>\
<<set _TempName to _tempLoot.name>>\
<<if $ItemName is _TempName>>\
<<set _amount to $uitem.amount>>\
<<set _exists to 1>>\
<<if _exists is 1>>\
<<set _amount to _amount +1>>\
<<set $uitem.amount to _amount>>\
<<set $PCInventory.push(_tempLoot)>>\
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$npcHolly.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$npcHolly.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _IAss to $arrayAssSizeDesc[$npcHolly.AssSize]>>\
<<set $Weather.Previous to $Weather.Current>>\
<<set $Weather.Current to $arrayWeatherTypes[9]>>\
<<set $StatusText.Notice to 1>>\
<<set $StatusText.WeatherFlag to 1>>\
<<set $Weather.Strength to 1>>\
<<set $StatusText.Weather to "Looks like a snowstorm has settled over the city. For some reason I'm reminded of Christmas...">>\
  "What would you say if I chose you instead of one of those presents?" you ask lustfully as you look her over. With how sexy Holly looks you decide to see how she reacts to you choosing her! Those _ISD perky tits and _IAss jiggly ass look so nice on her that can't help but feel a bit turned on by the sight!
  Smiling warmly at you, Holly steps closer to you after dropping the presents to the floor. Thrusting her _ICup breasts up against your own $BreastSD chest she says perkily "I would say that would be an amazing choice!" You can feel her busty bossom rubbing up against your $BreastsSize tits as her slim hand grabs your moist pussy thru your clothes! "I think that would be a great way to make this a white Christmas!"
  You slide you hands up and cup her perky breasts causing Holly to let out a delighted moan of pleasure. Your fingers slide against her short hard nipples and you give those nubs of hers a light pinch, ripping a soft gasp of delight from Holly's lips. Hearing her encouraging moans, you pull down her top fully exposing her _ICup breasts!
<<if $PC.BreastsSize + ($GeneralFeats.FalseRep *2) > ($npcHolly.BreastsSize)>>\
  "How do you like playing with my _ISD tits? I mean your amazing breasts are a lot bigger than mine but they are still big enough, right?" she moans softly as you grope those breathtaking jugs of hers. Bending over slightly you cup her breasts and latch onto her hard nipple! She lets out a moan as you suck on her rubbery nub and huskily says "My titties are so sensitive! Please! Keep sucking on my tits!" You're more than happy to do so as she starts to rub your dick thru your clothes!
  Coming up for air, you moan lustfully "Your breasts are also amazing as well! I love them!" Switching breasts you latch onto her hard nipple and give it a nice and sloppy kiss. Holly lets out another louder moan as your firmly fondle her _ISD jugs while sucking her on tasty nipple.
  "How do you like playing with my _ISD tits?" she moans softly as you grope those amazing jugs of hers. Bending over slightly you cup her breasts and latch onto her hard nipple! She lets out a moan as you suck on her rubbery nub and huskily says "My titties are so sensitive! Please! Keep sucking on my tits!" You're more than happy to do so as she starts to rub your dick thru your clothes!
  Coming up for air, you moan lustfully "Your breasts are amazing! I love them!" Switching breasts you latch onto her hard nipple and give it a nice and sloppy kiss. Holly lets out another louder moan as your firmly fondle her _ISD jugs while sucking her on tasty nipple.
  Finally breaking free from your greedy grasp, Holly huskily says "How about you get undressed so we can get started on making this a truly white Christmas? And I know exactly how to do that!" Reaching behind her back she pulls out a massive double-ended dildo colored like a candy cane! "I wouldn't mind eating out your pussy but I'm feeling the need for something big and thick inside my pussy and I figured you might enjoy it as well!" she explains as she hands you the humongous dildo with a playful wink before slowing sitting down next the Christmas tree. Still giving you that warm smile, she hikes her short skirt up demostrating that she isn't wearing any panties!
  Giving the dildo a measuring look, you decide that some double-dildo action sounds like a fun way to have a good time with the busty elf. Holly eagerly watches you get undressed while sliding her dainty fingers against her glistening wet pussy before glancing down at your own bare pussy. She lets out a tiny happy gasp as gaze reaches upwards toward your $BreastSD $BreastsSize tits along with your hard $NippleSize long nipples.
  Firmly gripping the candy-cane colored double-dildo, you slowly slide one end directly into your wet pussy while moaning softly at the pleasurable feeling. After a minute you finally have it nice and deep inside your tight cunt and now you're ready to go to poundtown on Holly's pussy! The busty elf eyes your fake-dick and playfully says "Looks like someone has a nice thick candy cane cock! How about you stick that thick rod of yours into my hot honeypot?" She spreads her legs wide inviting you to shove your fake-cock inside her wet cunt!
  Dropping down to your knees, you slide your massive shaft against her dripping wet slit causing the busty elf to moan in pleasure from the sensation. Figuring that she more than wet enough, you slowly thrust your hard fake-dick into her tight pussy until most of the 16 inches of the dildo is buried deep inside her hot pussy!
  "Oh fuck! My candy cock slid right into your tight pussy!" you groan as you feel her tight cunt push back against you fake cock as you bottom out. You luxuriate at the sight of Holly's pleasure filled face gasping in pleasure from having your candy cock being so deep inside her pussy and so you can't help but pull back before slamming your colorful fake-cock even deeper inside Holly's epic honeypot causing her _ICup jugs to bounce softly from the force of your thrust along with your own $BreastSD breasts!
  Holly's legs wrap around your back as she moans "Oh yes! I can feel your big dick deep inside my pussy! Go on and fuck me hard!" You don't need any encouragement as you grab her _ISD tits to use as leverage in order to pound her tight cunt nice and hard just as she's begging for! Her moans grow even louder as you grope and fondle her breasts while jackhammering your candy cock deep inside her pussy while your own pussy echoes her own pleasure as each thrust slides the other end deep inside your cunt back and forth as well!
  Leaning forward, you give her jugs a quick kiss while still fucking her tight cunt with your candy cane tool. "Oh fuck yes! Keep fucking me just like that!" she screams as she reaches up and fondles your $BreastSD tits before mewing and gasping in pure ecstasy!
  "Oh fuck yes! I'm about to cum so fucking hard!" you yell as your pleasure-filled cunt feels like your about to explode! Your hammering of her delightful pussy has reached a frantic pace and her eager groping of your $BreastsSize tits feels so good that you're moments away from releasing all your girl-cum all over the double-ended dildo!
  "Do it! Let's cum together and enjoy amazing white Christmas!" she yells back in between her lusty moans and gasps of pleasure. Her face has a look of pure ecstasy as you rapidly slam your fake dick into her super tight cunt. "Your marvelous cock feels so big and good and I'm... I'm about to cum all over that candy rod!"
  Unable to hold back any longer you bellow "I'm cumming so much! Fuck! I'm shooting my load all over my big dildo!" Thrusting one last into Holly's hot pussy you feel yourcunt spras out a $GCumAD wave of girl-cum all over that candy-cane dildo!
  The sound of your noisy orgasm filling the living room pushes Holly over the edge as she screams out "Oh God! I'm cumming too! Oh fuck yesss!" as her back arches, thrusting her _ISD tits upwards as her orgasm hits hard and fast! You can see her tight cunt squeeze your fake dick rapidly as her girl-cum squirts all over your mutual dildo and out onto the carpet!
  Feeling exhausted after shooting such a powerful load of girl-cum, you sit back allowing your double-ended dildo to slide out of her cream-filled pussy. Holly gives you a powerful look of delight as she gazes into your eyes and softly says "That was an amazing sexual time! Rest your eyes now, $PC.FirstName, and dream of many holidays to cum!" You try to say something but you find your eyes closing just for a moment to recover your stamina.
  With a start you wake up and find yourself in your holiday decorated living room completely dressed. Looking around you don't see Holly anywhere but you do find a note along with a recipe for some Eggnog. Reading the note, it says - "Merry Christmas, $PC.FirstName! I hope you have a safe and happy journey until I see you once again! - Holly Noel :)" Still a bit unsettled by her vanishing, you can't help but smile at the note and the cute smilely face at the bottom.
You now have <<print _tempLoot.name>>!
<<if $KeyItemsFlags.DoubleDildo is not 1>>\
<<set $KeyItemsFlags.DoubleDildo to 1>>\
<<set _tempLoot to $item.doubledildo>\
<<set $KeyItems.push(_tempLoot)>>\
You now have <<print _tempLoot.name>>!
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I think I'll leave the decorations up for a week or so just to have a little bit cheer in these dire times.</i></div>
<<button [[Finish|Main Hallway]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<set $npcHolly.SexDetection to "Female">>\
<<include "Lust Passes">>\
<<include "Time Passes">>\
<<set $xmaspresentEvent.Weekly to 7>>\
<<set $NoEncounter to random(1) +2>>\
<</button>><img @src=$genericEvent.Image />
<<if $SkillAction is 0>>\
  You decide on the white Christmas present which Holly happily gives to you with a smile on her beautiful face. Deciding to open it up, you discover a white santa hat with a couple of red threads for accents. Picking it up you can tell it's of a nice high quality and it feels quite soft. As you look up to thank Holly for the nice present, you are shocked to discover there's no one there!
  Feeling unsettled by the abrupt disappearance of someone standing right next to you, you look around the room and discover a small note on the coffee table. Reading the note, it says - "Merry Christmas, $PC.FirstName! I hope you have a safe and happy journey until I see you once again! - Holly Noel :)" Still a bit unsettled by Holly's vanishing, you can't help but smile at the note and the cute smilely face at the bottom.
<<set $xmaspresentEvent.WPresent to $xmaspresentEvent.WPresent +1>>\
<<set _exists to 0>>\
<<set _tempLoot to $accessory.whitesantahat>>\
<<for $i = 0; $i < $PCInventory.length; $i++>>\
<<set $uitem = $PCInventory[$i]>>\
<<set $ItemName to $uitem.name>>\
<<set _TempName to _tempLoot.name>>\
<<if $ItemName is _TempName>>\
<<set _amount to $uitem.amount>>\
<<set _exists to 1>>\
<<if _exists is 1>>\
<<set _amount to _amount +1>>\
<<set $uitem.amount to _amount>>\
<<set $PCInventory.push(_tempLoot)>>\
<<set $xmaspresentEvent.RPresent to $xmaspresentEvent.RPresent +1>>\
<<set _exists to 0>>\
<<set _tempLoot to $accessory.redsantahat>>\
<<for $i = 0; $i < $PCInventory.length; $i++>>\
<<set $uitem = $PCInventory[$i]>>\
<<set $ItemName to $uitem.name>>\
<<set _TempName to _tempLoot.name>>\
<<if $ItemName is _TempName>>\
<<set _amount to $uitem.amount>>\
<<set _exists to 1>>\
<<if _exists is 1>>\
<<set _amount to _amount +1>>\
<<set $uitem.amount to _amount>>\
<<set $PCInventory.push(_tempLoot)>>\
  You decide on the red Christmas present which Holly happily gives to you with a smile on her beautiful face. Deciding to open it up, you discover a red santa hat with a couple of white threads for accents. Picking it up you can tell it's of a nice high quality and it feels quite soft. As you look up to thank Holly for the nice present, you are shocked to discover there's no one there!
  Feeling unsettled by the abrupt disappearance of someone standing right next to you, you look around the room and discover a small note on the coffee table. Reading the note, it says - "Merry Christmas, $PC.FirstName! I hope you have a safe and happy journey until I see you once again! - Holly Noel :)" Still a bit unsettled by Holly's vanishing, you can't help but smile at the note and the cute smilely face at the bottom.
You now have <<print _tempLoot.name>>!
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I think I'll leave the decorations up for a week or so just to have a little bit cheer in these dire times.</i></div>
<<button [[Finish|Main Hallway]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<set $xmaspresentEvent.Weekly to 7>>\
<<set $NoEncounter to random(1) +2>>\
<</button>><<set $Holiday to {NewYear: 0, Valentine: 0, Patty: 0, Easter: 0, Freedom: 0, Halloween: 0, Thanksgiving: 0, Christmas: 0}>>\
<<set _date to new Date()>>\
<<set _month to _date.getMonth()>>\
<<switch _month>>\
<<case 0>>\
<<set $Holiday.Christmas to 1>>\
<<set $Holiday.NewYear to 1>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<set $Holiday.Valentine to 1>>\
<<case 2>>\
<<set $Holiday.Patty to 1>>\
<<case 3>>\
<<set $Holiday.Easter to 1>>\
<<case 4>>\
<<set $Holiday.Easter to 1>>\
<<case 6>>\
<<set $Holiday.Freedom to 1>>\
<<case 9>>\
<<set $Holiday.Halloween to 1>>\
<<case 10>>\
<<set $Holiday.Thanksgiving to 1>>\
<<case 11>>\
<<set $Holiday.Christmas to 1>>\
<</switch>>\ <<set _IAss to $arrayAssSizeDesc[$npcSamantha.AssSize]>>\
<<set _DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$npcSamantha.DickSize]>>\
<<set _DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$npcSamantha.DickSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$npcSamantha.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$npcSamantha.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$npcSamantha.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$npcSamantha.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set $joggerEvent.Fight to 1>>\
<<if $npcSamantha.Sex is "Female">>\
<<include "SpecialAttacks">>\
<<include "Infested Enemies">>\
<<include "Encounter Table">>\
<<include "Combat Status Affects">>\
<<set $genericFighter to $infestedSamantha>>\
<<set $genericFighter.Image = $eventPath11 + $arrayEvent11Samantha[3] + '.jpg'>>\
<<set $genericWeapon to $infestedSamantha.Weapon>>\
<<set $genericComments to "Infested Female Combat Comments">>\
<<set $lootTemp to $genericFighter.Loot>>\
<<set $rarelootTemp to $genericFighter.RareLoot>>\
<<switch random($genericFighter.SpNum)>>\
<<case 0>>\
<<set $genericSpecial to clone($genericFighter.Special1)>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<set $genericSpecial to clone($genericFighter.Special2)>>\
<<case 2>>\
<<set $genericSpecial to clone($genericFighter.Special3)>>\
<<set $genericSpecial to clone($genericFighter.Special4)>>\
<<include "SpecialAttacks">>\
<<include "Infested Enemies">>\
<<include "Encounter Table">>\
<<include "Combat Status Affects">>\
<<set $genericFighter to $infestedSamanthaFuta>>\
<<set $genericFighter.Image = $eventPath11 + $arrayEvent11SamanthaFuta[2] + '.jpg'>>\
<<set $genericWeapon to $infestedSamantha.Weapon>>\
<<set $genericComments to "Infested Female Combat Comments">>\
<<set $genericFighter.DickSize to $npcSamantha.DickSize >>\
<<set $lootTemp to $genericFighter.Loot>>\
<<set $rarelootTemp to $genericFighter.RareLoot>>\
<<switch random($genericFighter.SpNum)>>\
<<case 0>>\
<<set $genericSpecial to clone($genericFighter.Special1)>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<set $genericSpecial to clone($genericFighter.Special2)>>\
<<case 2>>\
<<set $genericSpecial to clone($genericFighter.Special3)>>\
<<set $genericSpecial to clone($genericFighter.Special4)>>\
<img @src=$genericFighter.Image />
<<set _lusty to random(5) +5 + $StatusAffect.Horny - $LustResist.Complete>>\
<<if _lusty < 0>>\
<<set _lusty to 0>>\
<<set $lust to $lust + _lusty>>\
Walking around corner you discover Samantha standing next to a wall seemingly waiting for you! "Hello $PC.FirstName! I've been waiting so eagerly for you!" she moans as she thrusts out her _ISD _ICup tits while groping them fiercely! "So how about you give me a nice big sloppy kiss so we can get started on having a very raunchy fuck-session!"
<div class="pcTalk"><i> Well fuck! It looks like Samantha has fully succumbed Infected to the Infested virus!</i></div>
<<button [[Fight!|Suburb Combat]]>> <</button>><img @src=$genericFighter.Image />
<<set $CombatRound to 0>>\
Staring at $genericFighter.Name you like what you see and feel like giving them what they want. How do you want to fuck them?
<<if $PC.Sex is not "Male" or $StatusAffect.Futa > 1>>\
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Get Fucked by His Cock|Suburb Bruiser Infested Fuck]]>>
<<set $SexScene2 to 1>> </span><</button>>
<<if $PC.Sex is "Male" and $StatusAffect.Futa < 1>>\
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Fuck his Ass|Suburb Bruiser Infested Fuck]]>>
<<set $SexScene2 to 1>> </span><</button>>
<<button [[Refuse!|Suburb Combat]]>> <</button>><img @src=$genericFighter.Image />
<<set $CombatRound to 0>>\
Staring at $genericFighter.Name you like what you see and feel like giving them what they want. How do you want to fuck them?
<<if $PC.Sex is not "Male" or $StatusAffect.Futa > 1>>\
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Get Fucked by His Cock|Suburb Bruiser Infested Fuck]]>>
<<set $SexScene2 to 1>> </span><</button>>
<<if $PC.Sex is "Male" and $StatusAffect.Futa < 1>>\
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Fuck his Ass|Suburb Bruiser Infested Fuck]]>>
<<set $SexScene2 to 1>> </span><</button>>
<<button [[Refuse!|Suburb Combat]]>> <</button>><<include "SpecialAttacks">>\
<<include "Infested Enemies">>\
<<include "Encounter Table">>\
<<include "Combat Status Affects">>\
<<if $NoMenEncounter is 1>>\
<<set $genericFighter to $infestedFutaBruiser>>\
<<set $genericFighter.Image = $infestedFutaBruiserPath + $genericFighter.Image.random() + '.jpg'>>\
<<set $genericComments to "Infested Futa Combat Comments">>\
<<elseif $NoFutaEncounter is 1>>\
<<set $genericFighter to $infestedBruiserBoss>>\
<<set $genericFighter.Image = $infestedBruiserPath + $genericFighter.Image.random() + '.jpg'>>\
<<set $genericComments to "Infested Male Combat Comments">>\
<<set _random to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<if _random > 10>>\
<<set $genericFighter to $infestedFutaBruiser>>\
<<set $genericFighter.Image = $infestedFutaBruiserPath + $genericFighter.Image.random() + '.jpg'>>\
<<set $genericComments to "Infested Futa Combat Comments">>\
<<set $genericFighter to $infestedBruiserBoss>>\
<<set $genericFighter.Image = $infestedBruiserPath + $genericFighter.Image.random() + '.jpg'>>\
<<set $genericComments to "Infested Male Combat Comments">>\
<<set $genericWeapon to $genericFighter.Weapon>>\
<<set $lootTemp to $genericFighter.Loot>>\
<<set $rarelootTemp to $genericFighter.RareLoot>>\
<<switch random($genericFighter.SpNum)>>\
<<case 0>>\
<<set $genericSpecial to clone($genericFighter.Special1)>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<set $genericSpecial to clone($genericFighter.Special2)>>\
<<case 2>>\
<<set $genericSpecial to clone($genericFighter.Special3)>>\
<<set $genericSpecial to clone($genericFighter.Special4)>>\
<img @src=$genericFighter.Image width="512px" height="768px" />
<<if $genericFighter.Sex is "Male">>\
Walking around corner you discover the Infested Bruiser standing next to a wall waiting for you! As he spots you his laughter stops while replaced with a huge grin! "Hey there little hero-wannabe! I've been waiting for someone to get my cock nice and wet and I figured if I waited here long enough you would show up!" he says as he hefts his massive quarterstaff!
Walking around corner you discover the Infested Futa Bruiser standing next to a wall waiting for you! As she spots you she gives you a lewd grin while flexing her muscles! "Hey there little weakling! I've been wanting to work on my gains and you look to be a perfect workout partner!" she says as she hefts her giant wrench!
<div class="pcTalk"><i>Oh fuck! Looks like this is going to be a tough fight!</i></div>
<<button [[Fight!|Suburb Combat]]>> <</button>><<if $npcSamantha.BreastsSize < 6>>\
<<set $genericEvent.Image = $eventPath11 + $arrayEvent11Samantha[1] + '.jpg'>>\
<<elseif $npcSamantha.BreastsSize < 9>>
<<set $genericEvent.Image = $eventPath11 + $arrayEvent11Samantha[2] + '.jpg'>>\
<<set $genericEvent.Image = $eventPath11 + $arrayEvent11Samantha[3] + '.jpg'>>\
<<if (random(19) + 1) + $Skill.Social + $CharismaBonus > 11>>\
<<set $npcSamantha.Friendship to $npcSamantha.Friendship + 3 + $ClassBonus.Celebrity + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set $npcSamantha.Friendship to $npcSamantha.Friendship + 2 + $ClassBonus.Celebrity + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$npcSamantha.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$npcSamantha.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _IAss to $arrayAssSizeDesc[$npcSamantha.AssSize]>>\
<img @src=$genericEvent.Image />
  Grabbing the anti-viral medicine that's at the top of your bagback, you say "Hey Samantha? I have something that will help you with the Infested virus but you need to take it now!" She pauses her examination of her _ISD _ICup breasts long enough to give you a quizzical look before her eyes focus on the auto-injector you are holding.
  "What is that?" she asks as she takes a step back, with worry clouding her eyes. She looks like she might take off running at any moment and so you're going to have to talk fast if you don't want to miss your chance to save her!
<<if $npcSamantha.BreastsSize < $joggerEvent.BreastsSize +1>>\
<<set _Vaccine to $uitem2.days>>\
<<set $joggerEvent.Vaccine to _Vaccine>>\
<<set $joggerEvent.Agree to 1>>\
<<switch _Vaccine>>\
<<case 1>>\
  "It's a anti-viral vaccine that will protect you from the Infested virus for about a day or so. It won't hurt and you can stay safe." you say quickly as you step closer to Samantha who pauses at your explanation.
  Tilting her head she mumbles while looking at the auto-injector "A vaccine like the doctors give for illnesses? Huh..." Sticking her arm out she grimaces and growls out "I guess I better get the shot then if I don't want to become an Infested..." Taking the chance provided you jab her with the auto-injector and with some relief you watch the medicine flow directly into her arm.
  You quickly discard the used auto-injector before quickly gathering your stuff. Grabbing your bagpack you explain to Samantha "That should protect you for about a day or two? From what I've been told you might need to get another injector after it wears off but for at least for now you should be ok."
  "Thanks, $PC.FirstName. I guess I really do owe you one." she mumbles as she gets dressed and heads out back into the suburbs while giving you one last thankful look. You give her a nod before heading back out to the suburbs as well.
<<case 3>>\
  "It's a anti-viral vaccine that will protect you from the Infested virus for about three days or so. It won't hurt and you can stay safe." you say quickly as you step closer to Samantha who pauses at your explanation.
  Tilting her head she mumbles while looking at the auto-injector "A vaccine like the doctors give for illnesses? Huh..." Sticking her arm out she grimaces and growls out "I guess I better get the shot then if I don't want to become an Infested..." Taking the chance provided you jab her with the auto-injector and with some relief you watch the medicine flow directly into her arm.
  You quickly discard the used auto-injector before quickly gathering your stuff. Grabbing your bagpack you explain to Samantha "That should protect you for about half a week or so? From what I've been told you might need to get another injector after it wears off but for at least for now you should be ok."
  "Thanks, $PC.FirstName. I guess I really do owe you one." she mumbles as she gets dressed and heads out back into the suburbs while giving you one last thankful look. You give her a nod before heading back out to the suburbs as well.
  "It's a anti-viral vaccine that will protect you from the Infested virus for about a week. It won't hurt and you can stay safe." you say quickly as you step closer to Samantha who pauses at your explanation.
  Tilting her head she mumbles while looking at the auto-injector "A vaccine like the doctors give for illnesses? Huh..." Sticking her arm out she grimaces and growls out "I guess I better get the shot then if I don't want to become an Infested..." Taking the chance provided you jab her with the auto-injector and with some relief you watch the medicine flow directly into her arm.
  You quickly discard the used auto-injector before quickly gathering your stuff. Grabbing your bagpack you explain to Samantha "That should protect you for about seven or eight days? From what I've been told you might need to get another injector after it wears off but for at least for now you should be ok."
  "Thanks, $PC.FirstName. I guess I really do owe you one." she mumbles as she gets dressed and heads out back into the suburbs while giving you one last thankful look. You give her a nod before heading back out to the suburbs as well.
<div class="pcTalk"><i> Hopefully the anti-viral medicine will keep Samantha from turning into an Infested...</i></div>
<<set $joggerEvent.Agree to 0>>\
  "It's a anti-viral vaccine that will protect you from the Infested virus..." you start to say when Samantha slaps it out of your hands! "What the fuck?!??! Why did you do that?" you ask as you stare at the broken auto-injector shattered on the ground.
  Grabbing her _ISD tits she says huskily "Cause my titties feel so good! Why would I give this up? Wanna explore my big juicy jugs a bit closer, $PC.FirstName?" Moaning loudly she slides a hand down to her pussy and starts to finger her dripping wet cunt! "Hey? Wanna fuck? Cause I'm so fucking horny!" she asks as she pinches her hard nipples with one hand while the other finger bangs her pussy.
  It looks like Samantha has finally become fully Infested as she starts to masturbate without a care that she's out in the open. You can feel the familiar lustful feeling radiating from her just like an Infested so you start to back away. "I think I'll pass, Samantha..." you say as you gather your bagpack. Shaking your head sadly you head back to the suburbs.
<<button [[Leave|$location.temp]]>>
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<include "Lust Passes">>\
<<set $NoEncounter to random(1) +2>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</button>><img src="Images/Player/smartphone.jpg" width="512px" height="768px" />
<<include "Update Notes">>
Current Version: <<print $Version>>
In order to avoid bugs please unequip any Accessories before updating.
<<if $VersionNumber < 15.2>>\
<<button [[Update to Latest Version 0.1.5b|Update Process]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Return to Main Menu|SmartPhone]]>> <</button>><u>Update Notes for 0.1.5</u>
Added: Initial start for the Church of Trilogy Life, currently only has limited interactions with Mother Elisabeth
Added: X-Mas Returns holiday event for the months of December and Janurary which includes a Threesome sex scene with a couple of busty elves
Added: Nurse Troy has new information if you chat with her after defeating the Raider Mini-boss
Added: Corrupted Nurse Troy has an even sexier information scene if you chat with her
Added: Helicopter Event
Added: Raider Robbery Event
Added: Survivor Trading Event
Added: New Status Affect of Drunk. There's no way having a high Drunk status could turn out badly in a porn mutant/zombie style apocalypse ;)
Added: You can now equip two accessories at the same time. The Future of being able to wear a hat while holding an umbrella is now!
Added: You now have the ability to waste some time inside of some buildings and homes. This will allow for waiting out bad weather or if the streets happen to be filled with a horde of Infested...
Added: 16-gauge dragonfire shotgun, .68 caliber byrna pistol, P99 pistol, 9mm VP70Z pistol, TAZER-25 stun gun, Ravin R1500-E crossbow have all been added
Added: 6 weapon recipes
Added: Ninja Armor (cause these Gangstas are Xtra Edgy!)
Added: Bag of Groceries (medium food item between small and large) to some loot tables
Added: Kitchens in random houses/apartments will always have a bonus food item when Salvaging with the item determined by how big the place is
Added: 3 Male Robber Raiders and 3 Female Robber Raiders added as part of the Raider Robbery Event, Their levels will be determined by the level range of the zone.
Added: Level range for zones. See note above
Added: Milk Tanks now increase Max Milk by 1 up to a max of 10
Added: Milk Tanks-X now increase Max Milk by 2 up to a max of 20
Added: The Infested Double Females now have another Lust attack to keep the PCs hot and bothered
Added: The ability to turn on and off the numerical results of combat rolls, loot rolls and the new robbery rolls under the options menu-> Options - Rolls. Social Rolls and Skill Check Rolls should be added soon.
Modifed: I went ahead and modified part of the main quest. Before there was going to be a strip mall with a guy having a bounty on the Pure Blood raiders but now I've changed it so that Carlo at Ammo World is the one with the bounty posted on the leaders. I did this to cut down on the NPCs and avoiding having to add another store location to the Sunrise View zone. I've modified Morton's chat, the quest log regarding that information and added a chat with Carlo regarding the Pure Blood Raiders. The base will still not available in 0.1.5 since there's a quest involving forging a coalition to take them down and I need to add those potential allies to the Sunrise View zone first.
Modified: There's now a chance for Raiders to not steal all your food on losing based on your Salvaging skill. They will still take the first piece of food item but other food items have a chance to be missed
Modified: I've been working on updating the Infested images with higher quality and with a constant style. Right now just the base Infested Males, Infested Females, Infested Futas and the Infested Double Females have the new art. Please let me know what you think of the new images
Modified: The Secure Wallet feat now gives a bonus to hiding extra food on losing to Raiders and Gangstas
Modified: Increased food amount for food items allowing for less time spent looting random houses for snacks
Modified: Candy the Receptionist can now be found in the breakroom in the Early Evening
Modified: Dr. Rack is now too busy after Early Evening to deal with patients
Fixed: Bug with Candy the Receptionist's friendship value becoming corrupted
Fixed: Nurse Troy's Assault event being disabled if you have a medical session before seeing it
Fixed: The bathroom Profile Updater has now been fixed and there's even new options for choice of family members with it being Step-Mom->Nurse, Step-Sister->Roommate and Step-Dad->Lawyer
Fixed: Superior 28-gauge shotgun and Superior longsword were actually missing the superior flag making them a not-so-superior 28-gauge shotgun and not-so-superior longsword
Fixed: Doctor Fuckhard throwing errors on temp Futas checking out his experimental treatments.
<u>Update Notes for 0.1.5a</u>
Added: Male PC Pregnancy bad end scene. Poor Nurse Troy does not appreciate being told that you are Male pregnant and she wants you to know that she did not go to nursing school for 2 years just to have to deal with such shenanigans
Added: New Tracker for PC's Pregnancy with a new grace period of 3 days. If the time on the grace period runs out than it's time for bad endings
Added: Plan P-Minus, A medical item to help protect against Pregnancy from occuring for both Men and Women. Be sure to keep stocked up if you don't want to end up with a nunnery full of pregnant nuns! Nurses like to carry these
Added: Plan F-Plus, a medical item to increase fertility for Men and Women in case you really do want a nunnery full of pregnant nuns along with yourself! Doctors tend to like carrying these
Added: Nurse Troy can detect a possible pre-curser to a pregnancy when she does a proper "examination" and will administer the PC a Plan P-Minus just in case. These medical tests of the year 20XX are so amazing they can detect a possible pregnancy on the same day you were creampied!
Added: A Futa Gangsta enemy who wants you to know that she is NOT an Infested, just messed around with one too many TF items...
Added: Gunblade & Gunblade recipe
Added: Skimpy Ninja Armor now with 50% less chest coverage!
Added: Books and Erotic Books have now been created and added to Warehouses loot pool along with some homes. These two items can be given to help improve relations with certain NPCs or could just be sold for cash
Added: New art for Infested Nurses, Infested Futa Nurses, Infested Doctors, Infested Janitor, Infested Futa Janitor, Infested Bruisers, Male Raiders, Female Raiders, Male Robbers, Female Robbers, Female Gangstas, Female Kunoichi, Male Gangstas, and Male Ninjas! Even the Raider Mini-boss has his own art now! Please let me know what think of the new art and I hope to finish off the enemies by the public release!
Fixed: Special attacks for enemies were not working properly with some weapons. Fixed the ability for multi-dice weapons to actually do proper damge with specials and added ability for these attacks to be critical hits
Modified: Futa PC Pregnancy bad end scene updated
Fixed: Some PC Reflex saves being messed up due to old unused variable
Fixed: Warehouse lockpicking throwing errors
Fixed: Doctor Fuckhard forgetting that he's the one who turned you into a Futa. I mean he has a lot on his mind but still!
<u>Update Notes for 0.1.5b</u>
Added: Sister Lucia is now available at the Church of Trilogy Life! She can be visited once a day and has a love of books. Be sure to raise your friendship with this sister in order to unlock her rather fun scenes ;)
Added: All regular non-event enemies have had their art updated to a more stylish style. Next on the list is NPCs which will include their fight art as well.
Added: Iron Fist Unarmed weapons and recipe
Added: SAFN-49 semi-automatic rifle and recipe
Added: Burst Fire special to the Winchester .308 rifle, SAFN-49 rifle and P99 pistol, this is a 3 attack burst with the first being usual attack, 2nd with -5 to hit and 3rd with -10 hit
Modified: Infested Male Gangstas now use unarmed Iron Fist weapons instead of knives cause it makes more sense lorewise and has nothing to due with the art program I use having no idea on how knives work...
Modified: Infested Futa Raiders now use the SAFN-49 semi-automatic rifle instead of shotguns and Infested Female Raiders uses the .308 Winchester semi-automatic rifle instead of shotguns due to wanting a wider variety of weapons equipped and dropped
Fixed: Candy's friendship corruption striked again! Found it and fixed it. This update should resolve any issues if your Friendship with the friendly receptionist has been corrupted.
Fixed: Raider Robbery Event was not clearing some battle flags properly resulting in some interesting robberies from normal enemies on defeat. Fixed that and added extra checks to clear battle flags whenever a major time passes
Fixed: Church of Trilogy life accidently being blocked off. It should be open down for all your earthly desires
Ongoing: The new art update is a ongoing process with NPCs being done next
Ongoing: Bad end for pregnancies with the Sisters still not quite finished. You can still access New Game+ but the scene cuts off rather quickly
Ongoing: The Driving fast travel system is still a mess and will be redone in 0.1.X (if I can ever get away from pushing out bug fixes for my...interesting code...)
<img src="Images/Home/PC.jpg" width="800px" height="400px" />
<<set $xmaspresentEvent.Weekly to 0>>\
<<set $eastervisitEvent.Weekly to 0>>\
Turn on Holidays?
<<if $HolidayCheat.Christmas is 0>>\
<<button [[Turn on Christmas|Holiday Cheat Options]]>>
<<set $HolidayCheat.Christmas to 1>>\
<<button [[Turn off Christmas|Holiday Cheat Options]]>>
<<set $HolidayCheat.Christmas to 0>>\
<<if $HolidayCheat.Easter is 0>>\
<<button [[Turn on Easter|Holiday Cheat Options]]>>
<<set $HolidayCheat.Easter to 1>>\
<<button [[Turn off Easter|Holiday Cheat Options]]>>
<<set $HolidayCheat.Easter to 0>>\
<<button [[Finish|BrowsePC]]>>
<</button>><img src="Images/Player/smartphone.jpg" width="512px" height="768px" />
<<include "Images">>\
<<if $VersionNumber < 11>>\
<<set $Version to "0.1.1b">>\
<<set $VersionNumber to 11.1>>\
<<set $NoMenEncounter to 0>>\
<<set $doctorEvent.RChat to 0>>\
<<set $doctorEvent.RVisits to 0>>\
<<set $PCStatus.Nausea to 0>>\
<<set $EnemyStatus.Nausea to 0>>\
<<set $accessory.whitesantahat = {
type: "Accessory",
type2: "Misc",
subtype : "Cum",
name : "a white santa hat",
plural : "white santa hats",
description : "A white santa hat that protects your head during winter and more importantly helps promote a white Christmas. It gives +1 to minimum Cum stored as well as +1 to maximum Cum stored for as long as you wear it.",
bonus: 1,
negativetype: "None",
negative: 0,
quality : 1,
cost : 100
<<set $accessory.redsantahat = {
type: "Accessory",
type2: "Misc",
subtype : "Lust",
name : "a red santa hat",
plural : "red santa hats",
description : "A red santa hat that protects your head during winter and more importantly helps promote a lust-filled Christmas. It gives +5 to minimum lust for as long as you wear it.",
bonus: 5,
negativetype: "None",
negative: 0,
quality : 1,
cost : 100
<<set $item.recipeHollyEggnog = {
type : "recipe",
subtype: "food",
name : "Holly Eggnog recipe",
name2 : "Holly Eggnog",
plural : "recipes for Holly Eggnog",
description : "a recipe for Holly Eggnog which if you drink this it's sure to let you have a white Christmas!",
description2 : "A Holly Eggnog breakfast which gives +5 to maximum cum strored and keeps you at maximum cum until noon.",
quality : 1,
mat1amount: 4,
DC: 11,
cost : 25
<<set $Holiday to {NewYear: 0, Valentine: 0, Patty: 0, Fools: 0, Freedom: 0, Halloween: 0, Thanksgiving: 0, Christmas: 0}>>\
<<set $HolidayCheat to {NewYear: 0, Valentine: 0, Patty: 0, Fools: 0, Freedom: 0, Halloween: 0, Thanksgiving: 0, Christmas: 0}>>\
<<set $ItemBonus.Cum to 0>>\
<<set $ItemBonus.Lust to 0>>\
<<set $npcHolly to {Name: "Holly Noel", Age: 999, Sex: "Female", OSex: "Female", SexXP: 0, Friendship: 0, Met: 0, Rob: 0, InfestationLevel: 0, SexDetection: "Male", DickType: "Normal", DickSize: 0, ODickSize: 0, BallsSize: 0, BreastsSize: 5, OBreastsSize: 5, NippleSize: 4, AssSize: 5, OAssSize: 5, Scouting: 9}>>
<<set $xmaspresentEvent to {Name: "X-Mas Present", Found: 0, Visits: 0, Refuse: 0, RPresent: 0, WPresent: 0, Weekly: 0, Sex: 0, Image: $eventPath10, Knowledge: 0}>>\
<<if $VersionNumber < 12>>\
<<set $Version to "0.1.2">>\
<<set $VersionNumber to 12>>\
<<set $EnemyStatus.Stagger to 0>>\
<<set $PCStatus.Stagger to 0>>\
<<set $location.coord to 0>>\
<<set $joggerEvent.BreastSize to 8>>\
<<set $UpdateStorage to []>>
<<for $i = 0; $i < $PCInventory.length; $i++>>\
<<set $uitem = $PCInventory[$i]>>\
<<if ndef $uitem>>\
<<set $PCInventory.delete($uitem)>>\
<<for $i = 0; $i < $PCInventory.length; $i++>>\
<<set $uitem = $PCInventory[$i]>>\
<<if ndef $uitem>>\
<<set $PCInventory.delete($uitem)>>\
<<for $i = 0; $i < $PCInventory.length; $i++>>\
<<set $uitem = $PCInventory[$i]>>\
<<set $ItemName to $uitem.name>>\
<<set $uitem.amount to 1>>\
<<set $uitem2 to $uitem>>\
<<set _tempLoot to $uitem2>>\
<<set $UpdateStorage.push(_tempLoot)>>\
<<set $PCInventory to []>>
<<for $i = 0; $i < $UpdateStorage.length; $i++>>\
<<set $uitem = $UpdateStorage[$i]>>\
<<set $ItemName to $uitem.name>>\
<<set $uitem2 to $uitem>>\
<<set _exists to 0>>\
<<set _tempLoot to $uitem2>>\
<<for $j = 0; $j < $PCInventory.length; $j++>>\
<<set $vitem = $PCInventory[$j]>>\
<<set $ItemName to $vitem.name>>\
<<set _TempName to _tempLoot.name>>\
<<if $ItemName is _TempName>>\
<<set _amount to $vitem.amount>>\
<<set _amount to _amount +1>>\
<<set $vitem.amount to _amount>>\
<<set _exists to 1>>\
<<if _exists is 0>>\
<<set $PCInventory.push(_tempLoot)>>\
<<for $i = 0; $i < $PCInventory.length; $i++>>\
<<set $uitem = $PCInventory[$i]>>\
<<set $ItemName to $uitem.name>>\
<<set $ItemSkill to $uitem.skill>>\
<<if $itemSkill is "Rifles">>\
<<set $uitem.criticalamount to 5>>\
<<if $equipedWeapon.skill is "Rifles">>\
<<set $equipedWeapon.criticalamount to 5>>\
<<if $VersionNumber < 13>>\
<<set $Version to "0.1.3">>\
<<set $VersionNumber to 13>>\
<<set $BadEnd to 0>>\
<<set $Achievements to {EasterPreg: 0, StarvingAir: 0}>>\
<<set $eastervisitEvent to {Name: "Easter Visit", Found: 0, Visits: 0, Refuse: 0, EPresent: 0, Weekly: 0, Sex: 0, Image: $eventPath11, Knowledge: 0}>>\
<<set $arrayEvent12EasterNun to ["Easter Nun 1", "Easter Nun 2", "Easter Nun 3", "Easter Nun 4", "Easter Nun 5"]>>\
<<set $npcCatherine to {Name: "Catherine", Age: 18, Sex: "Female", OSex: "Female", SexXP: 0, Friendship: 0, Met: 0, Rob: 0, InfestationLevel: 2, SexDetection: "Male", DickType: "Normal", DickSize: 11, ODickSize: 0, BallsSize: 10, BreastsSize: 11, OBreastsSize: 3, NippleSize: 6, AssSize: 8, OAssSize: 3, Scouting: 8, Pregnant: 0}>>
<<set $Holiday to {NewYear: 0, Valentine: 0, Patty: 0, Easter: 0, Freedom: 0, Halloween: 0, Thanksgiving: 0, Christmas: 0}>>\
<<set $HolidayCheat to {NewYear: 0, Valentine: 0, Patty: 0, Easter: 0, Freedom: 0, Halloween: 0, Thanksgiving: 0, Christmas: 0}>>\
<<set $Infestation.GrowFutaVariant to 0>>\
<<set $Infestation.GrowFutaProgress to 0>>\
<<set $GeneralFeats.PotentFertility to 0>>\
<<set $GeneralFeats.BiggerAss to 0>>\
<<set $GeneralFeats.BiggerBreasts to 0>>\
<<set $GeneralFeats.BiggerDick to 0>>\
<<if $VersionNumber < 14>>\
<<set $Version to "0.1.4e">>\
<<set $VersionNumber to 14.6>>\
<<include "Images">>\
<<include "Loot Items">>\
<<include "Loot Table">>\
<<include "Shields">> /* Set the items as objects */
<<set $ItemBonus2 to {Athletics: 0, Crafting: 0, Cooking: 0, Driving: 0, Electronics: 0, Medical: 0, Salvaging: 0, Scouting: 0, Social: 0, Stealth: 0, Thievery: 0, Fortitude: 0, Reflex: 0, Willpower: 0, Blunt: 0, Pierce: 0, Slash: 0, Fire: 0, Cold: 0, Shock: 0, Acid: 0, Sonic: 0, Water: 0, Cum: 0, Lust: 0}>>\
<<set $ShieldBonus to {AC: 0, Athletics: 0, Crafting: 0, Cooking: 0, Driving: 0, Electronics: 0, Medical: 0, Salvaging: 0, Scouting: 0, Social: 0, Stealth: 0, Thievery: 0, Fortitude: 0, Reflex: 0, Willpower: 0, Blunt: 0, Pierce: 0, Slash: 0, Fire: 0, Cold: 0, Shock: 0, Acid: 0, Sonic: 0, Water: 0, Cum: 0, Lust: 0}>>\
<<set $ClassFeats.SpinKick to 0>>\
<<set $ClassFeats.Flamethrower to 0>>\
<<set $ClassFeats.PocketSand to 0>>\
<<set $ClassFeats.ToxicFlask to 0>>\
<<set $ClassFeats.CommandShout to 0>>\
<<set $ClassFeats.CalculatedStrike to 0>>\
<<set $ClassFeats.KnockdownBarrage to 0>>\
<<set $VehicleFlags.WestSunrise to 0>>\
<<set $MaxLevel to 4>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.TinyDick to 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.TinyTits to 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.TinyAss to 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.EAmbushed to 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Undying to 0>>\
<<set $AthletePath to {MartialArts: 0, Football: 0, Baseball: 0, Fire: 0, Water: 0, Wind: 0, Earth: 0}>>\
<<set $CelebrityPath to {Nature: 0, MartialArts: 0, Pornomancer: 0}>>\
<<set $CriminalPath to {Scout: 0, Hitman: 0, ConArtist: 0}>>\
<<set $MedicPath to {Surgeon: 0, Pharmacist: 0, Combat: 0}>>\
<<set $OfficerPath to {Riot: 0, Detective: 0, Swat: 0}>>\
<<set $ProgrammerPath to {Security: 0, Blackhat: 0, Weekend: 0}>>\
<<set $RangerPath to {Army: 0, Forest: 0, Law: 0}>>\
<<set $EquippedShield to []>>\
<<set $Prof.Shield to 0>>\
<<set $TrainedExtra to {RangedHit: 0, RangedDamage: 0, MeleeHit: 0, MeleeDamage: 0}>>\
<<set $npcFuckToy.Enhance to 0>>\
<<set $npcFuckHard.Enhance to 0>>\
<<set $GeneralFeats.SeasonGreetings to 0>>\
<<if $PC.Class is "Officer">>\
<<set $Prof.HeavyArmor to 0>>\
<<set $Skill.HeavyArmor to 0>>\
<<elseif $VersionNumber < 14.6>>\
<<set $Version to "0.1.4e">>\
<<set $VersionNumber to 14.6>>\
<<set $npcCarlo to {Name: "Carlo", Age: 25, Sex: "Male", OSex: "Male", SexXP: 0, Friendship: 0, Met: 0, Rob: 0, Infestation: 0, InfestationLevel: 0, SexDetection: "Male", DickType: "Normal", DickSize: 8, ODickSize: 8, BallsSize: 5, BreastsSize: 0, OBreastsSize: 0, AssSize: 0, OAssSize: 0, Scouting: 8}>>\
<<if $PC.Level < 4>>\
<<set $AthletePath to {MartialArts: 0, Football: 0, Baseball: 0, Fire: 0, Water: 0, Wind: 0, Earth: 0}>>\
<<set $CelebrityPath to {Nature: 0, MartialArts: 0, Pornomancer: 0}>>\
<<set $CriminalPath to {Scout: 0, Hitman: 0, ConArtist: 0}>>\
<<set $MedicPath to {Surgeon: 0, Pharmacist: 0, Combat: 0}>>\
<<set $OfficerPath to {Riot: 0, Detective: 0, Swat: 0}>>\
<<set $ProgrammerPath to {Security: 0, Blackhat: 0, Weekend: 0}>>\
<<set $RangerPath to {Army: 0, Forest: 0, Law: 0}>>\
<<if $VersionNumber < 15>>\
<<set $Version to "0.1.5">>\
<<set $VersionNumber to 15.0>>\
<<include "Images">>\
<<set _tempCandy to $npcCandy.Friendship>>\
<<if _tempCandy > -1>>\
<<elseif typeof _tempCandy === "string">>\
<<set _tempCandy = _tempCandy.replace(/[^0-9]/g,"")>>\
<<set _tempCandy to Number(_tempCandy)>>\
<<set $npcCandy.Friendship to _tempCandy>>\
<<if $npcCandy.Friendship > 1000>>\
<<set $npcCandy.Friendship to 25>>\
<<set $miscRandomEvent to {Name: "Misc Random Events", Helicopter: 0, HeliLocation: "None", Robbery: 0, Trader: 0, Drone: 0, Image: $eventPath13, Knowledge: 0}>>\
<<set $churchofTriologyLifeEvent to {Name: "Church of Trinity Life", Found: 0, Visits: 0, Refuse: 0, ElisabethVisit: 0, CatherineVisit: 0, HTrick: 0, Food: 0, Weekly: 0, Sex: 0, Pregnant: 0, Image: $eventPath14, Knowledge: 0}>>\
<<set $xmasreturnsEvent to {Name: "X-Mas Returns", Found: 0, Visits: 0, Refuse: 0, SPresent: 0, GPresent: 0, Weekly: 0, Sex: 0, Image: $eventPath10, Knowledge: 0}>>\
<<include "Location Table">>\
<<include "Weapons">>\
<<include "Armor">>\
<<include "Items">>\
<<include "Accessories">>\
<<include "Shields">>\
<<set $ShowRolls to {Combat: 1, Skills: 0, Social: 0, Loot: 1, Rob: 1}>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Drunk to 0>>\
<<set $StatusText.DrunkFlag to 0>>\
<<set $StatusText.Drunk to "None">>\
<<set $SafeZone to 0>>\
<<set $nurseEvent.Lore to 0>>\
<<set $ItemBonus.InfestedResist to 0>>\
<<set $ItemBonus.LustResist to 0>>\
<<set $ShieldBonus.InfestedResist to 0>>\
<<set $ShieldBonus.LustResist to 0>>\
<<set $EquippedAccessory2 to []>>\
<<set $EquippedAccessory2.push($accessory.none)>>\
<<set $equipedAccessory2 to $accessory.none>>\
<<set $questsPureBloodRaiders to {Base: 0, Nuns: 0, Knives: 0, Boss: 0, Bounty: 0, Cop: 0}>>\
<<set $npcElisabeth to {Name: "Elisabeth", Age: 40, Sex: "Female", OSex: "Female", SexXP: 0, Friendship: 0, Met: 0, Rob: 0, InfestationLevel: 3, SexDetection: "Male", DickType: "Normal", DickSize: 13, ODickSize: 0, BallsSize: 12, BreastsSize: 13, OBreastsSize: 5, NippleSize: 8, AssSize: 9, OAssSize: 4, Scouting: 10, Pregnant: 0}>>\
<<set $npcIsabella to {Name: "Isabella", Age: 18, Sex: "Female", OSex: "Female", SexXP: 0, Friendship: 0, Met: 0, Rob: 0, InfestationLevel: 0, SexDetection: "Male", DickType: "Normal", DickSize: 0, ODickSize: 0, BallsSize: 0, BreastsSize: 8, OBreastsSize: 8, NippleSize: 6, AssSize: 5, OAssSize: 7, Scouting: 4}>>\
<<set $npcGloria to {Name: "Gloria Belle", Age: 999, Sex: "Female", OSex: "Female", SexXP: 0, Friendship: 0, Met: 0, Rob: 0, InfestationLevel: 0, SexDetection: "Male", DickType: "Normal", DickSize: 0, ODickSize: 0, BallsSize: 0, BreastsSize: 5, OBreastsSize: 5, NippleSize: 4, AssSize: 5, OAssSize: 5, Scouting: 9}>>\
<<if $VersionNumber < 15.1>>\
<<set $Version to "0.1.5a">>\
<<set $VersionNumber to 15.1>>\
<<include "Weapons">>\
<<include "Armor">>\
<<include "Items">>\
<<include "Accessories">>\
<<include "Shields">>\
<<set $PregnantWho to "None">>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Pregnant to 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Infertility to 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Fertility to 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.FertilityD to 0>>\
<<set $churchofTriologyLifeEvent.LuciaVisit to 0>>\
<<set $npcLucia to {Name: "Lucia", Age: 25, Sex: "Female", OSex: "Female", SexXP: 0, Friendship: 0, Met: 0, Rob: 0, InfestationLevel: 3, SexDetection: "Male", DickType: "Normal", DickSize: 10, ODickSize: 0, BallsSize: 10, BreastsSize: 15, OBreastsSize: 6, NippleSize: 6, AssSize: 9, OAssSize: 3, Scouting: 8, Pregnant: 0}>>
<<set $churchofTriologyLifeEvent.CatherineMet to 0>>\
<<set $churchofTriologyLifeEvent.LuciaMet to 0>>\
<<if $VersionNumber < 15.2>>\
<<set $Version to "0.1.5b">>\
<<set $VersionNumber to 15.2>>\
<<set $churchofTriologyLifeEvent.Choose to "None">>\
<<set _tempCandy to $npcCandy.Friendship>>\
<<if _tempCandy > -1>>\
<<elseif typeof _tempCandy === "string">>\
<<set _tempCandy = _tempCandy.replace(/[^0-9]/g,"")>>\
<<set _tempCandy to Number(_tempCandy)>>\
<<set $npcCandy.Friendship to _tempCandy>>\
<<if $npcCandy.Friendship > 1000>>\
<<set $npcCandy.Friendship to 25>>\
<<set $npcAgnos to {Name: "Agnos", Age: 29, Sex: "Female", OSex: "Female", SexXP: 0, Friendship: 0, Met: 0, Rob: 0, InfestationLevel: 3, SexDetection: "Male", DickType: "Normal", DickSize: 12, ODickSize: 0, BallsSize: 12, BreastsSize: 10, OBreastsSize: 3, NippleSize: 4, AssSize: 8, OAssSize: 3, Scouting: 9, Pregnant: 0}>>
<<set $churchofTriologyLifeEvent.AgnosVisit to 0>>\
<b> Update has been completed! </b>
<<if $UpdateAuto is not 1>>\
<<button [[Return to Main Menu|SmartPhone]]>> <</button>>
<</if>>\<<if $npcSamantha.BreastsSize < 6>>\
<<set $genericEvent.Image = $eventPath11 + $arrayEvent11Samantha[1] + '.jpg'>>\
<<elseif $npcSamantha.BreastsSize < 9>>
<<set $genericEvent.Image = $eventPath11 + $arrayEvent11Samantha[2] + '.jpg'>>\
<<set $genericEvent.Image = $eventPath11 + $arrayEvent11Samantha[3] + '.jpg'>>\
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$npcSamantha.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$npcSamantha.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _IAss to $arrayAssSizeDesc[$npcSamantha.AssSize]>>\
<img @src=$genericEvent.Image />
<<if $joggerEvent.Vaccine < 1 or $npcSamantha.BreastsSize > $joggerEvent.BreastSize>>\
  You lie there recovering from the frantic sex-session the Infested gave the two of you. Samantha is the first to recover as she grabs her _ISD chest and says "Oh wow! My titties are so much bigger now! Fuck! They're so much more senstive and feels so nice!" Standing up she glances back at her _IAss ass and says "And hey! My butt is way bigger now as well! Wanna give it a feel?"
  Sitting up you say "I'm so sorry Samantha. I wasn't able to stop the Infested..." She doesn't even seem to have heard you as she grips her _IAss butt and gives her buttcheeks a nice firm squeeze. She slides her hands across her _ICup breasts once again, but this time swiping up some of the Infested's still warm cum. Before you can stop her she licks it off her finger and moans lewdly from the flavor!
  "I'm not sure what you are sorry about, $PC.FirstName! It was kinda scary in the beginning but the ending was mind-blowing! I kinda want to do that again..." she says as she slides her hands down to her cum-filled pussy and scoops up some more of that gooey treasure. Licking her finger clean she smiles at you with cum dripping from her lips and says "Delicious!"
<div class="pcTalk"><i> Oh shit! It looks like Samantha has been infected by the Infested virus!</i></div>
<<for $i = 0; $i < $PCInventory.length; $i++>>\
<<set $uitem = $PCInventory[$i]>>\
<<set $ItemName to $uitem.name>>\
<<if $ItemName is "weak anti-viral medicine" or $ItemName is "anti-viral medicine" or $ItemName is "strong anti-viral medicine">>\
<<capture $uitem>>\
<<button [[Offer her the Anti-viral Medicine|Jogger Rescue Vaccine]]>>
<<set $uitem2 to $uitem>>\
<<set $PCInventory.delete($uitem)>>\
<<button [[Leave|$location.temp]]>>
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<include "Lust Passes">>\
<<set $NoEncounter to random(1) +2>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<if $genericFighter.Sex is "Male">>\
  You lie there recovering from the frantic sex-session the Infested gave the two of you. Samantha is the first to recover as she grabs her clothes and grumbles "Really? I got caught by that motherfucking Bruiser, again! Fuck! I can't believe how big my chest is getting! I'm still having a hard time joging with these _ISD boobs bouncing around all over the place!" Standing up she glances back at her _IAss ass and says "I'm still working out to get rid of all this extra weight on my hips!"
  Sitting up you say "I'm sorry Samantha, I wasn't able to stop the Infested. I swear that Bruiser hits like a truck with that staff of his and no, I don't mean his dick!" Samantha just nods as she uses a piece of cloth to start wiping off all of the Infested's sticky seed from her face and her groin.
  "Well I'm still alive and sane so that's a win in my book. Thanks for trying..." she says as she slowly walks away with a particular limp in her step. You also gather your belongings and head on your way.
  You lie there recovering from the frantic sex-session the Infested gave the two of you. Samantha is the first to recover as she grabs her clothes and grumbles "Really? I got caught by that motherfucking Bruiser, again! Fuck! I can't believe how big my chest is getting! I'm still having a hard time joging with these _ISD boobs bouncing around all over the place!" Standing up she glances back at her _IAss ass and says "I'm still working out to get rid of all this extra weight on my hips!"
  Sitting up you say "I'm sorry Samantha, I wasn't able to stop the Infested. I swear that Futa Bruiser hits like a truck with that wrench of hers and no, I don't mean her dick!" Samantha just nods as she uses a piece of cloth to start wiping off all of the Infested's sticky seed from her face and her groin.
  "Well I'm still alive and sane so that's a win in my book. Thanks for trying..." she says as she slowly walks away with a particular limp in her step. You also gather your belongings and head on your way.
<div class="pcTalk"><i> It looks like the anti-viral medicine is still working for Samantha, at least for now...</i></div>
<<button [[Leave|$location.temp]]>>
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<include "Lust Passes">>\
<<set $NoEncounter to random(1) +2>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</if>>\<<set $feat.BiggerAss = {
type : "General",
subtype : "Size",
name : "Bigger Ass",
description : "Sometimes a person wishes they had a bigger juicier ass than what was granted by puberty. Good news! Your ass somehow grew a lot thicker during the night! Maybe it's due to your exposure to the Infested virus or maybe you are just a late bloomer.",
level : 3,
<<set $feat.BiggerBreasts = {
type : "General",
subtype : "Size",
name : "Bigger Breasts",
description : "Sometimes a person wishes they had bigger breasts than what was granted by puberty. Good news! Your breasts somehow grew two cup sizes during the night! Maybe it's due to your exposure to the Infested virus or maybe you are just a late bloomer.",
level : 3,
<<set $feat.BiggerDick = {
type : "General",
subtype : "Size",
name : "Bigger Dick & Balls",
description : "Sometimes a person wishes they had a bigger dick than what was granted by puberty. Good news! Your dick somehow grew two inches bigger during the night! Maybe it's due to your exposure to the Infested virus or maybe you are just a late bloomer.",
level : 3,
<<set $feat.ExtraAP = {
type : "General",
subtype : "AP",
name : "Extra AP",
description : "Ever wanted to have more uses of class feats and skill feats in combat? Good news! This feats allows for an extra AP to be used every combat. AP recharges at the end of combat and this feat stacks with other AP gains.",
level : 3,
<<set $feat.FalseRep = {
type : "General",
subtype : "Size",
name : "False Representation",
description : "Some people can be quite judgemental when it comes to the size of certain sexual organs and other related body parts. This feat allows for about 20% larger false representation of the size of those organs allowing for less mockery and derision. It also helps to keep people from freaking out about the size of your sexual organs.",
level : 3,
<<set $feat.Horndog = {
type : "General",
subtype : "Lust",
name : "Horndog",
description : "Some times a person just isn't in the mood for some sexy fun times but not you! You're always ready for a good tumble in the sack regardless of your lust levels.",
level : 3,
<<set $feat.InfestedAdaptation = {
type : "General",
subtype : "Resistance",
name : "Infested Adaptation",
description : "You've learned to adapt to the Infested virus and in doing so grew stronger in mind and body. You now reduce the penalty to Fortitude saves against becoming even more infected and reduced your penalty to Will saves to resist the Infested's advances by 2.",
level : 3,
<<set $feat.IronReflex = {
type : "General",
subtype : "Saves",
name : "Iron Reflexes",
description : "Your proficiency in Reflex Saving throws increases by 2. This stacks with other bonus to saving throws.",
level : 3,
<<set $feat.IronWill = {
type : "General",
subtype : "Saves",
name : "Iron Will",
description : "Your proficiency in Will Saving throws increases by 2. This stacks with other bonus to saving throws.",
level : 3,
<<set $feat.IronToughness = {
type : "General",
subtype : "Saves",
name : "Iron Toughness",
description : "Your proficiency in Fortitude Saving throws increases by 2. This stacks with other bonus to saving throws.",
level : 3,
<<set $feat.LustResist = {
type : "General",
subtype : "Resistance",
name : "Lust Resistance",
description : "After being around all the Infested you've learned to resist the constant lust broadcasted by them. You take 2 less lust damage from all sources. This stacks with Anatomy Lessons and Anatomy Dedication.",
level : 3,
<<set $feat.MessySpray = {
type : "General",
subtype : "Lust",
name : "Messy Sprayer",
description : "You tend to have an high amount of bodily fluid ready to be unleashed at any time. This feat raises the minimum amount of stored fluid and maximum amount expelled of fluids by ~40%. This stacks with other modifiers to fluid levels.",
level : 3,
<<set $feat.PatchworkRepair = {
type : "General",
subtype : "Repair",
name : "Patchwork Repair",
description : "Once per day in total when a weapon, armor or vehicle reaches zero HP you can do a patchwork repair that will get the object back to 1HP. This will hopefully allow enough time to get the item properly repaired. (Developer Warning: Not Implemented yet",
level : 3,
<<set $feat.PotentFertility = {
type : "General",
subtype : "Lust",
name : "Potent Fertility",
description : "Some people come from super huge families due to how potent and fertile the family line tends to be. You have inherited this recessive trait and you can almost knock someone up just looking at them funny. Your chance of impregnating someone and/or being impregnated raises from 5% to 55%! This only applies with a specific sub-type of Infested who are obsessed with fertility. Warning! Being impregnated will lead to a end to your adventuring career! This can be toggled in the Options menu on your Smartphone.",
level : 3,
<<set $feat.SeasonGreetings = {
type : "General",
subtype : "Holiday",
name : "Season's Greetings",
description : "Sometimes a person wishes to enjoy the holidays all year long regardless of what month it is. This feat allows you to experience holiday content outside of the usual time periods at a much higher rate. This feat can be toggled in the Options menu on your Smartphone ",
level : 3,
<<set $feat.SexStudent = {
type : "General",
subtype : "Lust",
name : "Student of Sexy Times",
description : "A lot of time sex comes down to doing what feels natural but some people want to be faster, stronger, and lasting longer! While others might have been learning the ways of the blade or guns, you focused on learning the Tau of Orgasms! This feat raises you to Trained in SexCraft which gives you a +2 proficiency bonus on any sex related contests. (Developer Warning: Not a lot of scenes are based on this skill right now...)",
level : 3,
<<set $feat.TouchGrace = {
type : "General",
subtype : "Saves",
name : "Touch of Grace",
description : "Some people are born lucky while others might be viewed as having the touch of grace to avoid bad outcomes in hostile situations. Whichever the case may be, you gain a +1 to all Saves while in combat.",
level : 3,
<<set $feat.Transformer = {
type : "General",
subtype : "Saves",
name : "Transformer",
description : "There are plenty of items out there that can temporarily enhance certain body parts but sometimes those temporary enhancements can become permanent. This feat gives a +2 on those rolls to permanently keep those enhancements making you more than meets the eye.",
level : 3,
<<set $feat.WeakWill = {
type : "General",
subtype : "Saves",
name : "Weak Will",
description : "Sometimes a person can't help but be weak to anyone and everyone's horny advances. This feat increases the odds of an Infested using their lust attack by 20% and it almost guarantees that you won't be able to resist it when used as you will take a -20 penalty to Saves vs these attacks and as well as other lust based decisions! This can be toggled in the Options menu on your Smartphone.",
level : 3,
}>>\These are the skill feats you have.
<b>Skill Feats:</b>
<<for $i = 0; $i < $totalFeats.length; $i++>>\
<<set $ifeat = $totalFeats[$i]>>\
<<if $ifeat.type is "General">>\
<<button [[Return to Profile|Profile]]>> <</button>>
<<button "Finish" $return>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</button>><<set $sexHistory.XP to $sexHistory.XP +1>>\
<<set $LastPartner to $genericFighter>>\
<<set _TCard to 0>>\
<<set _VCard to 0>>\
<<set $sexHistory.LastPartner to $genericFighter.Name>>\
<<set $sexHistory.Type to "Mouth">>\
<<set $sexHistory.Consent to "Yes">>\
<<if $sexHistory.TotalV is 1>>\
<<set $sexHistory.TrueVirginityWho to $genericFighter.Name>>\
<<set _TCard to 1>>\
<<set $sexHistory.TotalV to 0>>\
<<if $sexHistory.PussyV is 1>>\
<<set $sexHistory.PussyVirginityWho to $genericFighter.Name>>\
<<set _VCard to 1>>\
<<set $sexHistory.PussyV to 0>>\
<<if $Infestation.MilkProgress > 0 or $Milk.Stored > $Milk.Min>>\
<<set _Breasts to "Milk">>\
<<elseif $StatusAffect.SiliconeB > 5>>\
<<set _Breasts to "Silicone">>\
<<set _Breasts to "Natural">>\
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$genericFighter.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$genericFighter.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$genericFighter.DickSize]>>\
<<set _DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$genericFighter.DickSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$genericFighter.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$genericFighter.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _SizeComp to $PC.BreastsSize - $genericFighter.Level>>\
<<if _SizeComp < 0>>\
<<set _SizeComp to 0>>\
  The haughty $genericFighter.Name3 stares at you with a disgruntled look in her eyes as you walk towards her, you can't help but admire her sexy body. With her big _ICup breasts, _DickSD futa-cock and those clit-sucking lips there was no way you could walk away. "I'm going to have you shove your cute face deep between my legs and have you eat my pussy until I cum all over those plump lips of yours." you say as you strip out of you clothes, giving the Infested a nice view of your naked body. She can't help but give your wet pussy a lusty look before gazing up at your $BreastSD breasts and $AssSize ass.
<<if $PC.BreastsSize + ($GeneralFeats.FalseRep *2) < ($genericFighter.BreastsSize -4)>>\
  The $genericFighter.Name3 gives your $BreastsSize tits a look of pity and says "Well with tits that small it's probably best to go with some rug munching instead of a titty fuck cause uh, those $BreastSD melons won't cut it." You give the Infested an angry scrowl which causes her look of pity to shift to one of nervousness. "Ok, fine, your breasts are decent, happy? Anyways... why are we talking about titties when we can talk about pussies along with how nice it's going to be to butter your muffin?"
<<elseif $PC.BreastsSize + ($GeneralFeats.FalseRep *2) < $genericFighter.BreastsSize>>\
  The $genericFighter.Name3 gives your $BreastsSize tits a measuring look and says "I can see why you would rather go with some rug munching instead of a titty fuck. Cause those $BreastSD melons might barely be enough for a normal size cock but nowhere big enough for my _DickSD cock!" You give the Infested an exasperated look which causes her measuring look to shift to one of nervousness. "Ok, to be honest your breasts are perfectly fine. Anyways... why are we talking about titties when we can talk about pussies along with how nice it's going to be to butter your muffin?"
  The $genericFighter.Name3 gives your $BreastsSize tits a delighted smile and says "Are you sure you would rather go with some rug munching instead of a titty fuck. Cause I bet those $BreastSD jugs would feel amazing wrapped around my _DickSD cock!" You give the Infested an exasperated look which causes her swarmy look to shift to one of nervousness. "Ok, sorry, just got a too bit excited at seeing your big tits. Anyways... why are we talking about titties when we can talk about pussies along with how nice it's going to be to butter your muffin?"
  Lying down on the ground, you slide a slim finger along the length of your wet pussy lips before showing your glistening juices to the $genericFighter.Name3. Her eyes light up as she kneels down to worship at the alter of your hot pussy, her plump lips salivating at the sight. You let out a breathy moan as you can feel her hot breath brushing against your sensitive pussy lips and it doesn't take long before you feel her slick tongue slide into the hot steamy depths of your dripping wet cunt!
  "Oh God! I can feel your tongue so deep! Keep going just like that! Fuck yessss!" you moan loudly as you grab the top of the Infested's head to force her to keep going. The $genericFighter.Name3 looks to be more than happy to do so as she aggressively penetrates deeply into your dripping hole with her long tongue before swirling around wildly much to your vocal delight.
  In response to your pleasure-filled moans and groans, the Infested slips a finger into your tight pussy! She quickly starts slamming her finger in and out of your wet pussy while still licking your clit with her long tongue. The intense fingering action causes your already wet pussy to turn into a faucet as a steady stream of fluids leak from your weeping cunt onto the Infested's sexy face.
  "Fuck yes!" you scream as the pleasure radiating from your soaking wet pussy causes your whole body to shiver. Grabbing your $BreastSD jugs, you squirm and wiggle as the Infested continues to eat your pussy out like a pro while expertly fingering your tight cunt at the same time. "Oh shit! If you keep going like that I'm going to fucking cum all over your face so hard!" you scream as your squeeze your $BreastsSize tits hard while pushing hard against the $genericFighter.Name3's face!
<<if $Infestation.FutaVariant >= $Infestation.FutaCap & $Infestation.Progress > 1>>\
<<include "Futa TF">>\
  As your pussy is being completely wrecked by her expert tongue skills you feel a surge of shocking energy flowing directly into you! It feels almost like you are being electrocuted but it quickly turns to pleasure that radiates from above your wet pussy.
  Glancing down you discover a slight bump forming above your pussy, seemingly a lightning rod for that electric feeling. It slowly grows from a bump to a bulge as each heartbeat thunders in your ears. The large bulge slowly shifts as it pushes outward inch by inch before forming a small mushroom head with a tiny hole. You gasp as you recognize the shape as that of a penis, abit a very tiny baby-sized one!
  You can easily feel the blood rushing to your new organ and your new dick eagerly soaks it all up. Your baby-sized penis hardens and pushes out farther from your groin growing bigger and stronger with each heartbeat. By this point the electric shocking feeling is almost gone, replaced by the pleasant feeling of your new cock becoming engorged with blood!
  The $genericFighter.Name3 looks to be startled for a moment before a huge grin fills her beautiful face. Abandoning your pussy, she quickly wraps her plump lips around the tip of your new cock causing you to arch your back from the intense pleasure erupting from your new organ!
  "Oh fuck! My new cock feels so amazing! Fuckkk yesss!" you moan as the $genericFighter.Name3 bobs up and down on your new girl-dick and with each passing moment you can feel your futa-cock growing bigger and stronger inside her warm moist mouth! The Infested sucks on your cock even harder after hearing your moaning and as you another surge of electricity as your balls form you can't possibly hold back any longer!
  "Oh my God! I'M CUMMING FROM MY NEW COCK!" you scream as your delayed orgasm comes crashing back with a vengence as your new hard dick explodes with cum shooting down the Futa's throat before spilling out the sides of her tight lips! It feels so good that you can't stop cumming! Even your over-stimulated pussy explodes from the new pleasure radiating from your cock, shooting a $GCum.AD wave of girl-cum all over the Infested's slim fingers!
  Finally coming up for air, the Infested grabs her _DickSD futa-cock and rapidly starts stroking it! "Fuck! Your fucking cum tastes so good! Shit! I can't hold back any more, I'm shooting my load!" she screams as her _DickSize dick shoots out multiple ribbons of hot cum all over the ground and your $BreastSD tits!
  As you sit there catching your breath, you can see that you now have a $DickSD $DickSize cock along with a pair of $BallsSD $BallsSize balls! Before you can react the Infested strokes your <<Penis>> some more and with a grin and says "Looks like you are now one hot looking Futa!"
<<elseif $PC.Infestation is $Infestation.Cap & $Infestation.Progress > 1>>\
<<set _BreastSD to $BreastSD>>\
<<set _BreastsSize to $BreastsSize>>\
<<set _NippleSize to $NippleSize>>\
<<set _AssSize to $AssSize>>\
<<include "Infestation Increase">>\
  As she continues to expertly eat your dripping wet pussy you feel a surge of energy flowing directly into you! It almost feels like you are burning up but it quickly turns to pleasure that radiates from your _AssSize bottom and _BreastSD breasts.
  You can easily feel your limits have been breached as your orgasm comes in like a tidal wave and your over stimulated pussy can't handle any more. A strange growing sensation is eminating from your _BreastSD breasts as you watch them slowly expand within your tight grasp. The sight of your tits growing while being eaten out by such an expert rugmuncher pushes you over the edge. "OH FUCKING GODDAMN YES! OH FUCKKKKK! I'M CUMMING ALL OVER YOUR SEXY FACE!" you scream out as your growing _AssSize ass shakes while your drenched pussy quivers against the Infested's slim finger. With one last cresting wave your soaking wet cunt squirts out your own tidal wave of girl-cum all over the $genericFighter.Name3 beautiful face and eager lips!
  Finally coming up for air, the Infested grabs her _DickSD futa-cock and rapidly starts stroking it! "Fuck! Your fucking cum tastes so good! Shit! I can't hold back any more, I'm shooting my load all over your growing titties!" she screams as her _DickSize dick shoots out multiple ribbons of hot cum all over your new $BreastSD tits!
  As you come down from your intense orgasm you notice that you now have $BreastSD $BreastsSize breasts partially covered by her hot cum along with a bigger, $AssSize sized ass! Before you can react the Infested fondles your expanded titties and with a husky voice says "Fuck! Looks like you are on the way to becoming one hot slut!"
<<elseif _Breasts is "Milk">>\
  You can easily feel your limits have been breached as your orgasm comes in like a tidal wave and your over stimulated pussy can't handle any more. "OH FUCKING GODDAMN YES! OH FUCKKKKK! I'M CUMMING ALL OVER YOUR SEXY FACE!" you scream out as your $AssSize ass shakes while your drenched pussy quivers against the Infested's slim finger. With one last cresting wave your soaking wet cunt squirts out a $GCumAD wave of girl-cum all over the $genericFighter.Name3 beautiful face and eager lips!<<if $GCum.Stored > 10>> The stream of girl cum lasts for over a minute and completely soaks the Infested's thirsty face!<</if>> At the same time your milk jugs squirt out a $MilkAD wave of milk from your hard $NippleSize long nipples all over your hands!
  Finally coming up for air, the Infested grabs her _DickSD futa-cock and rapidly starts stroking it! "Fuck! Your fucking cum tastes so good! Shit! I can't hold back any more, I'm shooting my load all over your fucking milkers!" she screams as her _DickSize dick shoots out multiple ribbons of hot cum all over the ground and your $BreastSD milk jugs!
  You can easily feel your limits have been breached as your orgasm comes in like a tidal wave and your over stimulated pussy can't handle any more. "OH FUCKING GODDAMN YES! OH FUCKKKKK! I'M CUMMING ALL OVER YOUR SEXY FACE!" you scream out as your $AssSize ass shakes while your drenched pussy quivers against the Infested's slim finger. With one last cresting wave your soaking wet cunt squirts out a $GCumAD wave of girl-cum all over the $genericFighter.Name3 beautiful face and eager lips!<<if $GCum.Stored > 10>> The stream of girl cum lasts for over a minute and completely soaks the Infested's thirsty face!<</if>>
  Finally coming up for air, the Infested grabs her _DickSD futa-cock and rapidly starts stroking it! "Fuck! Your fucking cum tastes so good! Shit! I can't hold back any more, I'm shooting my load!" she screams as her _DickSize dick shoots out multiple ribbons of hot cum all over the ground and your $BreastSD tits!
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered+1>>\
  "Oh fuck, that was pretty rocking!" she says as you stand up from your latest conquest, girl-cum leaking from your pussy. "Maybe next time I can go to pound town on that juicy pussy instead!" she says as she licks her fingers clean of cum. With that you grab your clothes and leave the area.<<set $genericEvent.Image = $eventPath7 + $arrayEvent7CandyLunch.random() + '.jpg'>>\
<img @src=$genericEvent.Image />
<<set $location.temp to "Oak Dale Clinic Break Room">>\
<<if $npcCandy.Friendship > 0>>\
<<if $Time.Current is 3>>\
This is a general break room located in the northeastern part of the Oak Dale Clinic. Candy the receptionist is sitting at the large table in the middle of the room looking to be eating her lunch. She looks up as you enter the room while gripping her self-defense baton but lowers it as she sees who you are. A bright light illuminates the room allowing you to see how dirty the microwave and other appliances are. In a corner of the room sits a vending machine next to a worn sofa still stocked with snacks and other items. To the west is the doorway back to a shadowy hallway.
This is a general break room located in the northeastern part of the Oak Dale Clinic. Candy the receptionist is sitting at the large table in the middle of the room looking to be eating her dinner. She looks up as you enter the room while gripping her self-defense baton but lowers it as she sees who you are. A bright light illuminates the room allowing you to see how dirty the microwave and other appliances are. In a corner of the room sits a vending machine next to a worn sofa still stocked with snacks and other items. To the west is the doorway back to a shadowy hallway.
<<set $location.prev to $location.temp>>\
<<button [[Talk with Candy|Candy Talk]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<button [[Use the Vending Machine|Oak Dale Clinic Vending]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Leave|Oak Dale Clinic Centre Hallway 2]]>> <</button>>
<<if $Time.Current is 3>>\
This is a general break room located in the northeastern part of the Oak Dale Clinic. As you walk into the room you see a rather buxom women eating her lunch at the large table taking up the middle of the room. Looking up at you she growls while gripping a mean looking baton in her hand. "Hey! This breakroom is for employees only! You need to check in at the reception desk at the front lobby. So how about you go there and wait for my lunch to be over with or are we going to have a problem?"
This is a general break room located in the northeastern part of the Oak Dale Clinic. As you walk into the room you see a rather buxom women eating her dinner at the large table taking up the middle of the room. Looking up at you she growls while gripping a mean looking baton in her hand. "Hey! This breakroom is for employees only and the clinic is closed for the day! You'll need to check in at the reception desk at the front lobby tomorrow morning. So how about you leave the premise or are we going to have a problem?"
<div class="pcTalk"><i> She seem pretty pissed off! I guess I should check in at the main lobby if I don't want to annoy her even more! </i></div>
<<button [[Leave|Oak Dale Clinic Centre Hallway 2]]>> <</button>>
<</if>>\<<set $genericEvent.Image = $eventPath7 + $arrayEvent7CandyLunch.random() + '.jpg'>>\
<img @src=$genericEvent.Image />
<<set _DC to 12>>\
<<if $npcRichard.SexXP > 0>>\
<<set _DC to 7>>\
<<set _lusty to random(5) +1 + $StatusAffect.Horny - $LustResist.Visual - $LustResist.Complete>>\
<<if _lusty < 0>>\
<<set _lusty to 0>>\
<<set $lust to $lust + _lusty>>\
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$npcCandy.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$npcCandy.BreastsSize]>>\
<<if $PC.Sex is "Futa" or $StatusAffect.Futa > 0>>\
<<set _Sex to "Futa">>\
<<elseif $PC.Sex is "Male" and $StatusAffect.Futa < 1>>\
<<set _Sex to "Male">>\
<<set _Sex to "Female">>\
<<if $AdminMode is 1>>\
Candy Friendship: $npcCandy.Friendship
  Figuring you would like to get to know Candy a little bit more, you decide to see if she's up for chatting now that she isn't working. Stepping up to the table you calmly greet Candy while making sure your hands away away from any weapons "Hey Candy! Mind if I grab a seat?"
  The rather buxom receptionist looks pleased to see you and nods while saying "Hello $PC.FirstName, it's nice to see you again! Technically this break room is for employees only but I won't tell anyone if you don't..." Taking that as permission to sit down you grab a seat across from her and sit down. "So what do you want to chat about?" she asks before taking a bite out of her sandwich.
<<if $npcCandy.Friendship > _DC>>\
<<button [[Flirt with Candy|Candy Flirt]]>>
<<button [[Ask about What's Going On|Candy General Chat]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Nevermind|Candy Break]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</button>><<set $genericEvent.Image = $eventPath7 + $arrayEvent7CandyLunch.random() + '.jpg'>>\
<img @src=$genericEvent.Image />
<<set $doctorEvent.RChat to $doctorEvent.RChat +1>>\
<<set _lusty to random(5) +1 + $StatusAffect.Horny - $LustResist.Visual - $LustResist.Complete>>\
<<if _lusty < 0>>\
<<set _lusty to 0>>\
<<set $lust to $lust + _lusty>>\
<<set _Book to 0>>\
<<for $i = 0; $i < $PCInventory.length; $i++>>\
<<set $uitem = $PCInventory[$i]>>\
<<set $ItemName to $uitem.name>>\
<<if $ItemName is "a book" or $ItemName is "a erotic book">>\
<<set _Book to 1>>\
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$npcCandy.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$npcCandy.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _IAss to $arrayAssSizeDesc[$npcCandy.AssSize]>>\
<<if (random(19) + 1) + $Skill.Social + $CharismaBonus > 15>>\
<<set $npcCandy.Friendship to $npcCandy.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity +2 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe + $SkillAction>>\
<<set $npcCandy.Friendship to $npcCandy.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity +1 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe + $SkillAction>>\
  "So what's been going on with you lately?" you ask as your eyes drift to her _ISD chest before focusing back on her face. You figure getting her to open up a little bit more could be worth it with finding out more about the clinic and how she managed to keep her lobby free from Infested.
  She frowns slightly as she seems to be recalling the last few weeks. "Ugh! It's been a mixed bag with everything that's been going on. With all those Infested freaks along with those annoying Raiders running the city around, it makes it so goddamn hard to get supplies even when I can find something in the non-looted stores. It's either trying to have sex with me or trying to steal my supplises, I don't know what's worse!" she complains as her arms wave around in annoyance.
  You nod in understanding and reply "Yeah, I've had to deal with Infested along with Raiders as well. In fact a Raider was camping out the entrance to the Grove Hills subdivision keeping anyone from easily leaving. Luckily I was able to get rid of him but it was a massive pain in the ass doing so."
  She nods in sympathy and says heatedly "I know! I've had to bash in more than a few heads with my baton just to make sure Dr. Rack and myself have enough food to last the week!" Tapping her baton against the table she continues "Luckily I've had some self-defense courses and know how to use it!"
  Glancing at her baton you ask curiously "Is that how you keep your lobby clean of Infested?" Everytime you've visited the main lobby it's been pretty clean and you've never ran across an Infested in there even when she wasn't manning her check-in desk.
  Nodding once again she says "Yeah, some of those heads I've bashed in have been those doctors and nurses infected with the Infested virus. And it's not just those who used to work here! Others have shown up that I've never seen before wearing medical outfits and roaming the hallways attacking patients along with each other." Sighing in annoyance she mutters "And then there's 'Doctor FuckHard' and his sidekick 'Nurse Fucktoy'! They are the fucking worst out of the bunch!"
<<if $clinicAmbushEvent.Visits > 0>>\
  "They've been causing you some issues?" you ask a bit curious about those two. You've ran across them before and know that they can be rather troublesome. You wonder if Candy had run across them and had fallen victim to their 'enhancement' treatments. It might explain why she's packing a pair of _ISD _ICup breasts even if she isn't an Infested herself.
  Growling in anger she takes another bite of her sandwich before saying heatedly "You can say that. They like to set booby-traps in the hallways in order to capture anyone who happens across it. Doctor FuckHard likes to claim it's for 'Science' but it's just another way for them to have their fun. It doesn't matter if it's co-workers, patients or random Infested, anyone can fall victim to their shenanigans... So be careful when traveling the hallways, $PC.FirstName."
  "I don't think I've run across a Doctor FuckHard or Nurse Fucktoy? Is they anything you cal tell me about them?" you ask a bit curious about the two she mentioned. With names like that they sound like Infested but generally Infested don't bother mentioning their names to their victims. You wonder if Candy had run across them and had been exposed to the Infested virus. It might explain why she's packing a pair of _ISD _ICup breasts even if she isn't fully an Infested herself.
  Growling in anger she takes another bite of her sandwich before saying heatedly "You are so lucky then. They like to set booby-traps in the hallways in order to capture anyone who happens across it. Doctor FuckHard likes to claim it's for 'Science' but it's just another way for them to have their fun. It doesn't matter if it's co-workers, patients or random Infested, anyone can fall victim to their shenanigans... So be careful when traveling the hallways, $PC.FirstName."
  "You mentioned co-workers, right? How's it going with Doctor Rack?" you ask as she paused her rant to drink from her can of soda. Candy immediately coughs as your question seems to take her by surprise and you can detect a flush of embarrassment across her face.
<<if $Time.Current is 3>>\
  Putting down her can, she says warmly "Doctor Rack is a great guy! He came to the clinic to demostrate the latest in a revolutionary cosmetic surgery and it's too bad that he's stuck here until the Infested Pandemic is over with. It's been real nice to be able to talk to someone sane here at the clinic. I mean, besides you of course, $PC.FirstName." Finishing off her sandwich she stands up from the table causing her _ISD chest to bounce gently "I'm sorry $PC.FirstName but I need to get back to work. It's been nice chatting with you off the clock but duty calls you know."
  Putting down her can, she says warmly "Doctor Rack is a great guy! He came to the clinic to demostrate the latest in a revolutionary cosmetic surgery and it's too bad that he's stuck here until the Infested Pandemic is over with. It's been real nice to be able to talk to someone sane here at the clinic. I mean, besides you of course, $PC.FirstName." Finishing off her sandwich she stands up from the table causing her _ISD chest to bounce gently "I'm sorry $PC.FirstName but the clinic is closed and I need to head on out. It's been nice chatting with you off the clock and it would be great if you could stop by again."
  Standing up as well you say warmly "It's no big issue. I need to get back to my journey as well. I'll enjoyed talking with you as well, Candy. Stay safe out there!" She smiles warmly at you before tossing her lunch into the trashcan before walking towards the hallway with her baton ready in her hand.
<div class="pcTalk"><i> She seem a lot nicer when she's off the clock. Maybe I should chat with her more often on her lunch break? </i></div>
<<if _Book > 0>>\
<<button [[Offer Her the Books You've Found|Candy Book]]>>
<<button [[Finish|Oak Dale Clinic Break Room]]>>
<<include "Time Passes">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</button>><<set $genericEvent.Image = $eventPath7 + $arrayEvent7CandySex.random() + '.jpg'>>\
<img @src=$genericEvent.Image />
<<set $sexHistory.XP to $sexHistory.XP +1>>\
<<set $npcCandy.SexXP to $npcCandy.SexXP +1>>\
<<set $LastPartner to $npcCandy>>\
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$npcCandy.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$npcCandy.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _IAss to $arrayAssSizeDesc[$npcCandy.AssSize]>>\
<<if (random(19) + 1) + $Skill.Social + $CharismaBonus > 15>>\
<<set $npcCandy.Friendship to $npcCandy.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity +2 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set $npcCandy.Friendship to $npcCandy.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity +1 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
  With how sexy Candy looks there's no way you would ever refuse to help her out and in fact you are eager to do so. Standing up from the table you say with a lusty smile "I could never refuse to help such a beautiful woman with her steamy hobbies." Your cock is rock hard and you can't wait to fuck such a voluptuous woman.
  Candy smiles warmly as she stand up causing her impressive chest to bounce gently. Hopping up onto the break room table, her _IAss jiggly ass takes up a nice chunk of the space on that sturdy table. Giving you a lewd smile of her own, she says huskily "Well I know you're going to love this 'hobby' and so will I... So how about you get started by warming up my big tits?" as she pops the top buttons on her business suit letting her _ISD _ICup tits spring free from their tight confinment!
  "Who am I to refuse such a sexy woman?" you reply sultrily as your admire her _ISD silicone-filled breasts. The way her mouth-watering tits sit so high on her body and with how round they look, they must be filled to the brim with silicone! Stepping between her thicc legs, you grab those juicy tits of hers and give them a firm squeeze!
  They feel so heavy in your hands and easily overflow your hands. Candy leans into your firm grip and she can't help but moan as you grope those _ISD fun-bags. You love how your fingers sink into her soft titty flesh and from the lusty sounds coming from her plump lips, the buxom receptionist is loving it as you play with her big fake tits! Leaning forward you latch onto her huge nipples and give those rubbery nipples a nice sloppy lick before starting to suck on them!
  "Oh God! My tits feel so much more sensitive since they got pumped up with all that silicone!" she moans loudly as she grabs the back of your head, forcing you to keep sucking on delicious jugs. You are happy to comply as you continue to suck on her hard nipples while fondling those _ISD tits. Your $DickSD hard dick is rubbing against her crotch and you know she can easily feel it.
  Finally coming up for some air, you huskily say "How about we get started on the next stage of this amazing 'hobby' of yours? Cause my dick's rock hard and I want to see those big tits of yours bouncing as I slam all $DickSize's into your hot pussy!" Candy's eyes light up at your lewd suggestion and she quickly pulls up her skirt exposing her dripping wet pussy!
  You quickly follow suit as you undress exposing your hard chest along with your $DickSD $DickSize cock much to the busty receptionist's delight. "That's a nice $DickSD beefy dick your packing, $PC.FirstName!" she says huskily as she stares at your manly chest before focusing on your fully engorged dick. Licking her lips, she continues "I can't wait to feel that $DickSize shaft deep inside my tight pussy!"
  Eager to give her what you both need, you step a bit closer while guiding your dick to the entrance of her delightful slit. Sliding your <<Penis>> against her pussy lips, it's easy to tell that she's more than ready to be fucked nice and hard. Pushing your $DickSD cock against her wet pussy, you let out a soft moan as all $DickSize's are soon buried deep inside her wonderful cunt!
  "Fuck! You're so fucking tight!" you groan as you feel her pussy squeeze your shaft like a vice! For a brief moment you stand there luxerating in the feeling of being deep inside such a hot babe. Unwilling to pause for too long. you pull back before slamming your eager cock deep inside her pussy causing Candy to moan loudly as her mouth-watering breasts bounce from your forceful thrust!
  Candy moans even louder as you rail her nice and hard. "Oh fuck yes! I can feel your $DickSD dick deep inside my cunt and it feels so amazing!" You have to admit that it does feel pretty amazing as you pound her pussy hard with your $BallsSD balls slapping against her. The busty receptionist lies back onto the shaking table and you lustfully watch her _ISD silicone-filled tits bounce and jiggle from your thrusts!
  Unable to resist those impressive breasts of hers, you grab those jiggling tits and give them a playful squeeze. Her breathy moans shows that Candy is loving the fact that you are groping her _ISD titties while pounding her tight pussy. The sight of the buxom receptionist squirming in pleasure is so erotic that you groan lustfully. "Goddamn! You're so fucking sexy! FUCK! Your pussy feel so fucking good that I'm about to nut so hard!" you say as the pleasure from fucking her tight cunt is so intense that it's taking all your willpower to not shoot your load!
  Gasping loudly in utter pleasure, she yells "Do it, $PC.FirstName! Shoot your big fucking load deep inside my hot pussy!" Grabbing your hands, she forces you to grip her big titties even harder as she moans "Fuck! My tits and cunt feel so fucking amazing that I'm about to cum all over your $DickSD cock!"
  Your hard fucking has reached a frantic pace causing her big titties to jiggle within your firm grasp due to the fast pace of your thrusting. Moaning loudly you feel your $BallsSD cum-filled balls churn, eager to unleash their pent-up goo and from the sound of Candy's loud panting she's close to cumming as well!
  Reaching the point of no return, you bury your $DickSD throbbing cock deep inside her hot pussy! Bellowing loudy you shout "I'm cumming so fucking hard! I'm shooting my $CumAD wad deep inside your cunt!" You feel your $BallsSize balls pulse one last time before unleashing their hot load! You groan in ecstasy as $CumAD bursts of gooey cum blasts from your pleasure-filled dick deep inside her tight pussy and you can't help but grip her silicone tits tightly as you shoot your load!
  The feeling of being creampied must have pushed Candy over the edge as well as you feel her tight pussy squeeze your cock hard! "Oh God! I can feel your hot baby-batter filling up my pussy so much! Oh fuck yessss! I'm cumming all over your dick!" she screams as her cunt rapidly squeezes your $DickSD cock!<<if $Cum.Stored > 10>> Feeling some juice left in your $BallsSD balls you pull your shaft out of her soaking wet pussy and shoot several large strands of seed onto her _ICup tits!<<else>> Feeling that your $BallsSD balls are completely empty you pull shaft out of her soaking wet pussy and watch the mixed fluids drip onto the table.<</if>>
<<if $Time.Current is 3>>\
  Candy lies there on the table looking extremely satisfied from her intense orgasm. "That was so fucking amazing, $PC.FirstName! You really gave it to me good!" she says with a dreamy smile on her face. Finally sitting up, she says "I would love to go for another round but it looks like my lunch hour is over."
  Candy lies there on the table looking extremely satisfied from her intense orgasm. "That was so fucking amazing, $PC.FirstName! You really gave it to me good!" she says with a dreamy smile on her face. Finally sitting up, she says "I would love to go for another round but the clinic is closed and I need to head on out."
  "I have to admit that this was an amazing hobby, Candy." you reply as you watch her get dressed and you feel your cock start to stir to life again. Following suit you quickly get dressed as well. "Anyways I had fun and hopefully we can do this again."
  Grabbing her baton she says "Me too, $PC.FirstName! See you around!" With that said she walks out of the break room with her _IAss ass swaying gently. Smiling at the thought of helping her out again. you finish grabbing your supplies and prepare to continue your journey.
<<button [[Finish|Oak Dale Clinic Break Room]]>>
<<include "Time Passes">>\
<<include "Lust Passes">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</button>><<set $genericEvent.Image = $eventPath7 + $arrayEvent7CandySex.random() + '.jpg'>>\
<img @src=$genericEvent.Image />
<<set _Virgin to 0>>\
<<set _TCard to 0>>\
<<if $sexHistory.TotalV is 1>>\
<<set $sexHistory.TrueVirginityWho to $npcCandy.Name>>\
<<set _TCard to 1>>\
<<set _Virgin to 10>>\
<<set $sexHistory.TotalV to 0>>\
<<set $sexHistory.XP to $sexHistory.XP +1>>\
<<set $npcCandy.SexXP to $npcCandy.SexXP +1>>\
<<set $LastPartner to $npcCandy>>\
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$npcCandy.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$npcCandy.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _IAss to $arrayAssSizeDesc[$npcCandy.AssSize]>>\
<<if (random(19) + 1) + $Skill.Social + $CharismaBonus > 15>>\
<<set $npcCandy.Friendship to $npcCandy.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity +2 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set $npcCandy.Friendship to $npcCandy.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity +1 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<if $Infestation.MilkProgress > 0 or $Milk.Stored > $Milk.Min>>\
<<set _Breasts to "Milk">>\
<<elseif $StatusAffect.SiliconeB > 5>>\
<<set _Breasts to "Silicone">>\
<<set _Breasts to "Natural">>\
<<set _SexyDC to 20 + Math.round($npcCandy.SexXP / 3)>>\
<<if _SexyRoll + $Skill.SexCraft + $CharismaBonus + Math.round($sexHistory.XP / 10) - _Virgin < _SexyDC or _SexyRoll is 1>>\
<<set _Challenge to "Lost">>\
<<set _Challenge to "Won">>\
  With how sexy Candy looks there's no way you would ever refuse to help her out and in fact you are eager to do so. Standing up from the table you say with a lusty smile "I could never refuse to help such a beautiful woman with her steamy hobbies." Your pussy is dripping wet and you can't wait to make love to such a voluptuous woman. You quickly strip out of your clothes as Candy's hungry gaze wanders across your naked body.
  Candy smiles warmly as she stands up causing her impressive chest to bounce gently, obviously straining against her business suit. Her _IAss jiggly ass bounces and wiggles as she steps next to the break room sofa and says with a lewd smile on her face "How about you join me on the sofa and we can see about how much you're going to love this 'hobby'?" while stripping out of her tight clothes.
  Stepping behind Candy, you slide your hands over her _IAss derriere before sliding your grip up to the undersides of her impressive breasts. The way her _ISD jugs press so tightly against her suit calls for you to give them a nice long feel which you answer by gripping those silicone-filled tits! "I'm already loving what I'm feeling!" you whisper gently into her ear as she grabs your hands and forces you to squeeze her ample chest firmly!
<<switch _Breasts>>\
<<case "Milk">>\
<<set _ISD2 to _ISD>>\
<<set _ICup2 to _ICup>>\
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$npcCandy.BreastsSize +2]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$npcCandy.BreastsSize +2]>>\
  Spinning around, you let out a gasp as she slams her plump lips onto your own lips while her impressive chest presses against your own breasts! This time her slim hands slide up your sides and you can't help but let out a soft moan as she cups your $BreastSD milk-filled breasts! She releases her sloppy kiss as her light squeezing causes $MilkAD streams of milk to flow out of your hard $NippleSize long nipples and whispers in amazement "Oh fuck! Your $BreastSD tits are fucking filled with milk!"
  "So I guess you like my $BreastSD milk jugs?" you reply as you watch Candy go to town on your breasts. Initially she's content to just just fondle them but before long she latches onto your milky $NippleSize long nipple and starts to suckle on it! You groan softly at the pleasurable sensation of having your milk drank and you feel your pussy start to wetten.
  Coming up for air, Candy gasps as she stares down at her chest. "I feel kinda funny..." she moans as she cups her _ISD2 chest. It doesn't take long before her _ISD2 _ICup2 breasts start to grow as they absorb your milky goodness. Candy moans loudly as eventually the growth stops leaving her with a _ISD pair of _ICup milk jugs of her own!
  "Don't worry, that breast growth should wear off here in a couple of hours." you explain as you thrust your milky tits against her milky breasts. Candy blinks while looking down at her heavier chest and finally smirks as she thrusts her chest back against you.
  Grabbing her _IAss bottom, you give that jiggly ass a gentle squeeze as you enjoy having your own milky tits rubbed against by the impressive chest of such a sexy babe. Feeling the sofa behind your legs, you pull Candy down to your lap as you collapse hard onto the soft cushions. Your vision is almost completely blocked by the view of her mouth-watering breasts and you can feel Candy's hot pussy grinding against your already soaking wet groin!
  "Oooh! Wanna play with my big milkers some more?" Candy asks as she grabs the back of your head while thrusting her amazingly _ISD tits at your lust filled face! With her tits being less than a inch away from your face, you find yourself unable to resist such beautiful jugs! Surrendering to your raging libido, you quickly grab her _ICup breasts and start fondling them while Candy makes loud moans of pleasure. Feeling her milky 1-inch long nipples between your fingers, you eagerly latch on in order to drain those milk tanks dry while still playing with her milk-stuffed tits! "Oh God! That feels so nice!" Candy moans even louder as you give her hard nipple a gentle bite causing some of her milk to squirt into your mouth before switching to her other boob.
  You are forced to let go of sucking on her big titties as you feel her hand expertly slide down to where your pussy is rubbing against her own dripping wet cunt and without a pause her slim finger slides right into your dripping wet slit! "Oh fuck! That feels so fucking good!" you moan as she starts to finger-bang your hot pussy while forcing your face back into her _ISD cleavage! Soon you are back to pinching and twisting her hard nipples causing milk to squirt from them while letting out soft moans as the pleasure intensifies in your soaking wet groin.
  Unwilling to let Candy do all the hot and sweaty work, you dig deep with one of your hands to the hot depths of Candy's dripping wet pussy. As your finger slides deep into her moist cunt, Candy lets out a scream of pleasure as she grinds her pussy against you even harder. Your other hand is still busy playing with her _ISD fake tits while your plump lips start to suckle on her milk leaking nipples once again.
  "Oh fucking holy shit! If you keep doing that, I'm going to cum so fucking hard all over your hand!" Candy screams as you slip yet another finger into her tight cunt. The mutual finger-banging session is pushing you close to the edge as well as the sofa beneath you indicates by how soaking wet it's becoming.
<<switch _Challenge>>\
<<case "Lost">>\
  The pure pleasure of your dripping wet pussy being finger-fucked by Candy as your face is buried deep between her _ISD tits is too much for you to hold out any longer. "Oh fuck! Oh shit! I'm cumming all over your fucking fingers so fucking hard! Fuckkkk!" you scream as your pussy squeezes her fingers hard before unleashing spraying $GCumAD waves of girl-cum all over Candy's hand. Bursts of pure pleasure erupts inside your mind as your intense orgasm seems to last forever! Your milk-filled jugs have mini-orgasms of their own as $MilkAD streams of milk squirt out from your leaky nipples!
  Seeing you cum so hard from her adminstrations looks to have pushed Candy over the edge as well! "Oh shit yes! I'm cumming too! Fuck yesss!" she screams as she squirts a massive amount of girl cum all over your hand and even onto your stomach! Her orgasm is so intense you can feel her _ISD tits shake and quiver from the force and you can barely keep her upright! You feel a large amount milk squirt out from her milky nipples adding the mess on both of your chests!
  Your rapid finger strokes looks to have pushed Candy over the edge! "Oh shit yes! I'm cumming so fucking hard! Fuck yesss!" she screams as she squirts a massive amount of girl cum all over your hand and even onto your stomach! Her orgasm is so intense you can feel her _ISD tits shake and quiver from the force and you can barely keep her upright! You feel a large amount milk squirt out from her milky nipples coating both of your chests with a nice glazing of warm milk!
  The pure pleasure of your dripping wet pussy being finger-fucked by Candy and the feeling of her quivering _ISD tits shivering from her intense orgasm is too much for you to hold out any longer. "Oh fuck! Oh shit! I'm cumming all over your fucking fingers so fucking hard! Fuckkkk!" you scream as your pussy squeezes her fingers hard before unleashing spraying $GCumAD waves of girl-cum all over Candy's hand. Bursts of pure pleasure erupts inside your mind as your intense orgasm seems to last forever! Your milk-filled jugs have mini-orgasms of their own as $MilkAD streams of milk squirt out from your leaky nipples adding to the milky mess!
<<case "Silicone">>\
  Spinning around, you let out a gasp as she slams her plump lips onto your own lips while her impressive chest presses against your own breasts! This time her slim hands slide up your sides and you can't help but let out a soft moan as she cups your $BreastSD silicone-filled breasts! She releases her sloppy kiss as she gives your tits a nice firm squeeze and exclaims "Oh nice! You have some big fake tits just like me! Oooh! They feel so $BreastSD!"
  "So I guess you like my $BreastSD silicone-filled titties?" you reply as you watch Candy go to town on your breasts. Initially she's content to just just fondle them but before long she latches onto your $NippleSize long nipple and starts to suck on it! You groan softly at the pleasurable sensation and you feel your pussy start to wetten.
  Grabbing her _IAss bottom, you give that jiggly ass a gentle squeeze as you enjoy having your own silicone tits played with by such a sexy babe. Feeling the sofa behind your legs, you pull Candy down to your lap as you collapse hard onto the soft cushions. Your vision is almost completely blocked by the view of her mouth-watering breasts and you can feel Candy's hot pussy grinding against your already soaking wet groin!
  "Oooh! Wanna play with my big titties some more?" Candy asks as she grabs the back of your head while thrusting her amazingly _ISD tits at your lust filled face! With her tits being less than a inch away from your face, you find yourself unable to resist such beautiful jugs! Surrendering to your raging libido, you quickly grab her _ICup breasts and start fondling them while Candy makes loud moans of pleasure. Feeling her hard 1-inch long nipples between your fingers, you eagerly latch on in order to suck on that rubbery nub while playing with her silicone-stuffed tits! "Oh God! That feels so nice!" Candy moans even louder as you give her hard nipple a gentle bite before switching to her other boob.
  You are forced to let go of sucking on her big titties as you feel her hand expertly slide down to where your pussy is rubbing against her own dripping wet cunt and without a pause her slim finger slides right into your dripping wet slit! "Oh fuck! That feels so fucking good!" you moan as she starts to finger-bang your hot pussy while forcing your face back into her _ISD cleavage! Soon you are back to pinching and twisting her hard nipples while letting out soft moans as the pleasure intensifies in your soaking wet groin.
  Unwilling to let Candy do all the hot and sweaty work, you dig deep with one of your hands to the hot depths of Candy's dripping wet pussy. As your finger slides deep into her moist cunt, Candy lets out a scream of pleasure as she grinds her pussy against you even harder. Your other hand is still busy playing with her _ISD fake tits while your plump lips start to suckle on her hard nipples once again.
  "Oh fucking holy shit! If you keep doing that, I'm going to cum so fucking hard all over your hand!" Candy screams as you slip yet another finger into her tight cunt. The mutual finger-banging session is pushing you close to the edge as well as the sofa beneath you indicates by how soaking wet it's becoming.
<<switch _Challenge>>\
<<case "Lost">>\
  The pure pleasure of your dripping wet pussy being finger-fucked by Candy as your face is buried deep between her _ISD tits is too much for you to hold out any longer. "Oh fuck! Oh shit! I'm cumming all over your fucking fingers so fucking hard! Fuckkkk!" you scream as your pussy squeezes her fingers hard before unleashing spraying $GCumAD waves of girl-cum all over Candy's hand. Bursts of pure pleasure erupts inside your mind as your intense orgasm seems to last forever!
  Seeing you cum so hard from her adminstrations looks to have pushed Candy over the edge as well! "Oh shit yes! I'm cumming too! Fuck yesss!" she screams as she squirts a massive amount of girl cum all over your hand and even onto your stomach! Her orgasm is so intense you can feel her _ISD tits shake and quiver from the force and you can barely keep her upright!
  Your rapid finger strokes looks to have pushed Candy over the edge! "Oh shit yes! I'm cumming so fucking hard! Fuck yesss!" she screams as she squirts a massive amount of girl cum all over your hand and even onto your stomach! Her orgasm is so intense you can feel her _ISD tits shake and quiver from the force and you can barely keep her upright!
  The pure pleasure of your dripping wet pussy being finger-fucked by Candy and the feeling of her quivering _ISD tits shivering from her intense orgasm is too much for you to hold out any longer. "Oh fuck! Oh shit! I'm cumming all over your fucking fingers so fucking hard! Fuckkkk!" you scream as your pussy squeezes her fingers hard before unleashing spraying $GCumAD waves of girl-cum all over Candy's hand. Bursts of pure pleasure erupts inside your mind as your intense orgasm seems to last forever!
  Spinning around, you let out a gasp as she slams her plump lips onto your own lips while her impressive chest presses against your own breasts! This time her slim hands slide up your sides and you can't help but let out a soft moan as she cups your $BreastSD breasts! She releases her sloppy kiss as she gives your jugs a nice gentle squeeze and huskily whispers "Oh nice! You have some rather nice tits! Oooh! They feel so amazing!"
  "So I guess you like my $BreastSD titties?" you reply as you watch Candy go to town on your breasts. Initially she's content to just just fondle them but before long she latches onto your $NippleSize long nipple and starts to suck on it! You groan softly at the pleasurable sensation and you feel your pussy start to wetten.
  Grabbing her _IAss bottom, you give that jiggly ass a gentle squeeze as you enjoy having your titties played with by such a sexy babe. Feeling the sofa behind your legs, you pull Candy down to your lap as you collapse hard onto the soft cushions. Your vision is almost completely blocked by the view of her mouth-watering breasts and you can feel Candy's hot pussy grinding against your already soaking wet groin!
  "Oooh! Wanna play with my big titties some more?" Candy asks as she grabs the back of your head while thrusting her amazingly _ISD tits at your lust filled face! With her tits being less than a inch away from your face, you find yourself unable to resist such beautiful jugs! Surrendering to your raging libido, you quickly grab her _ICup breasts and start fondling them while Candy makes loud moans of pleasure. Feeling her hard 1-inch long nipples between your fingers, you eagerly latch on in order to suck on that rubbery nub while playing with her silicone-stuffed tits! "Oh God! That feels so nice!" Candy moans even louder as you give her hard nipple a gentle bite before switching to her other boob.
  You are forced to let go of sucking on her big titties as you feel her hand expertly slide down to where your pussy is rubbing against her own dripping wet cunt and without a pause her slim finger slides right into your dripping wet slit! "Oh fuck! That feels so fucking good!" you moan as she starts to finger-bang your hot pussy while forcing your face back into her _ISD cleavage! Soon you are back to pinching and twisting her hard nipples while letting out soft moans as the pleasure intensifies in your soaking wet groin.
  Unwilling to let Candy do all the hot and sweaty work, you dig deep with one of your hands to the hot depths of Candy's dripping wet pussy. As your finger slides deep into her moist cunt, Candy lets out a scream of pleasure as she grinds her pussy against you even harder. Your other hand is still busy playing with her _ISD fake tits while your plump lips start to suckle on her hard nipples once again.
  "Oh fucking holy shit! If you keep doing that, I'm going to cum so fucking hard all over your hand!" Candy screams as you slip yet another finger into her tight cunt. The mutual finger-banging session is pushing you close to the edge as well as the sofa beneath you indicates by how soaking wet it's becoming.
<<switch _Challenge>>\
<<case "Lost">>\
  The pure pleasure of your dripping wet pussy being finger-fucked by Candy as your face is buried deep between her _ISD tits is too much for you to hold out any longer. "Oh fuck! Oh shit! I'm cumming all over your fucking fingers so fucking hard! Fuckkkk!" you scream as your pussy squeezes her fingers hard before unleashing spraying $GCumAD waves of girl-cum all over Candy's hand. Bursts of pure pleasure erupts inside your mind as your intense orgasm seems to last forever!
  Seeing you cum so hard from her adminstrations looks to have pushed Candy over the edge as well! "Oh shit yes! I'm cumming too! Fuck yesss!" she screams as she squirts a massive amount of girl cum all over your hand and even onto your stomach! Her orgasm is so intense you can feel her _ISD tits shake and quiver from the force and you can barely keep her upright!
  Your rapid finger strokes looks to have pushed Candy over the edge! "Oh shit yes! I'm cumming so fucking hard! Fuck yesss!" she screams as she squirts a massive amount of girl cum all over your hand and even onto your stomach! Her orgasm is so intense you can feel her _ISD tits shake and quiver from the force and you can barely keep her upright!
  The pure pleasure of your dripping wet pussy being finger-fucked by Candy and the feeling of her quivering _ISD tits shivering from her intense orgasm is too much for you to hold out any longer. "Oh fuck! Oh shit! I'm cumming all over your fucking fingers so fucking hard! Fuckkkk!" you scream as your pussy squeezes her fingers hard before unleashing spraying $GCumAD waves of girl-cum all over Candy's hand. Bursts of pure pleasure erupts inside your mind as your intense orgasm seems to last forever!
<<if $Time.Current is 3>>\
  Candy sits there on your lap looking extremely satisfied from her intense orgasm. "That was so fucking amazing, $PC.FirstName! You really got me off good!" she says with a dreamy smile on her face. Finally standing up, she says "I would love to go for another round but it looks like my lunch hour is over."
  Candy lies there on the table looking extremely satisfied from her intense orgasm. "That was so fucking amazing, $PC.FirstName! You really gave it to me good!" she says with a dreamy smile on her face. Finally sitting up, she says "I would love to go for another round but the clinic is closed and I need to head on out."
  "I have to admit that this was an amazing hobby, Candy." you reply as you watch her get dressed and you feel your pussy start to stir to life again. Following suit you quickly get dressed as well. "Anyways I had fun and hopefully we can do this again."
  Grabbing her baton she says "Me too, $PC.FirstName! See you around!" With that said she walks out of the break room with her _IAss ass swaying gently. Smiling at the thought of helping her out again. you finish grabbing your supplies and prepare to continue your journey.
<<button [[Finish|Oak Dale Clinic Break Room]]>>
<<include "Time Passes">>\
<<include "Lust Passes">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</button>><<set $genericEvent.Image = $eventPath7 + $arrayEvent7CandySex.random() + '.jpg'>>\
<img @src=$genericEvent.Image />
<<set $sexHistory.XP to $sexHistory.XP +1>>\
<<set $npcCandy.SexXP to $npcCandy.SexXP +1>>\
<<set $LastPartner to $npcCandy>>\
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$npcCandy.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$npcCandy.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _IAss to $arrayAssSizeDesc[$npcCandy.AssSize]>>\
<<if (random(19) + 1) + $Skill.Social + $CharismaBonus > 15>>\
<<set $npcCandy.Friendship to $npcCandy.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity +2 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set $npcCandy.Friendship to $npcCandy.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity +1 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
  With how sexy Candy looks there's no way you would ever refuse to help her out and in fact you are eager to do so. Standing up from the table you say with a lusty smile "I could never refuse to help such a beautiful woman with her steamy hobbies." Your futa-cock is rock hard and you can't wait to fuck such a voluptuous woman.
  Candy smiles warmly as she stand up causing her impressive chest to bounce gently. Hopping up onto the break room table, her _IAss jiggly ass takes up a nice chunk of the space on that sturdy table. Giving you a lewd smile of her own, she says huskily "Well I know you're going to love this 'hobby' and so will I... So how about you get started by warming up my big tits?" as she pops the top buttons on her business suit letting her _ISD _ICup tits spring free from their tight confinement!
  "Who am I to refuse such a sexy woman?" you reply sultrily as your admire her _ISD silicone-filled breasts. The way her mouth-watering tits sit so high on her body and with how round they look, they must be filled to the brim with silicone! Stepping between her thicc legs, you grab those juicy tits of hers and give them a firm squeeze!
  They feel so heavy in your hands and easily overflow your hands. Candy leans into your firm grip and she can't help but moan as you grope those _ISD fun-bags. You love how your fingers sink into her soft titty flesh and from the lusty sounds coming from her plump lips, the buxom receptionist is loving it as you play with her big fake tits! Leaning forward you latch onto her huge nipples and give those rubbery nipples a nice sloppy lick before starting to suck on them!
  "Oh God! My tits feel so much more sensitive since they got pumped up with all that silicone!" she moans loudly as she grabs the back of your head, forcing you to keep sucking on delicious jugs. You are happy to comply as you continue to suck on her hard nipples while fondling those _ISD tits. Your $DickSD hard futa-dick is rubbing against her crotch and you know she can easily feel it.
  Finally coming up for some air, you huskily say "How about we get started on the next stage of this amazing 'hobby' of yours? Cause my dick's rock hard and I want to see those big tits of yours bouncing as I slam all $DickSize's into your hot pussy!" Candy's eyes light up at your lewd suggestion and she quickly pulls up her skirt exposing her dripping wet pussy!
  You quickly follow suit as you undress exposing your $BreastSD $BreastsSize breasts and your $DickSD $DickSize futa-cock much to the busty receptionist's delight. "You have a nice pair of $BreastSD tits and even better is that $DickSD beefy dick your packing, $PC.FirstName!" she says huskily as she stares at your chest before focusing on your fully engorged dick. Licking her lips, she continues "I can't wait to feel that $DickSize futa-cock deep inside my tight pussy!"
  Eager to give her what you both need, you step a bit closer while guiding your dick to the entrance of her delightful slit. Sliding your <<Penis>> against her pussy lips, it's easy to tell that she's more than ready to be fucked nice and hard. Pushing your $DickSD cock against her wet pussy, you let out a soft moan as all $DickSize's are soon buried deep inside her wonderful cunt!
  "Fuck! You're so fucking tight!" you groan as you feel her pussy squeeze your shaft like a vice! For a brief moment you stand there luxuriating in the feeling of being deep inside such a hot babe. Unwilling to pause for too long. you pull back before slamming your eager cock deep inside her pussy causing Candy to moan loudly as her mouth-watering breasts bounce from your forceful thrust!
  Candy moans even louder as you rail her nice and hard. "Oh fuck yes! I can feel your $DickSD dick deep inside my cunt and it feels so amazing!" You have to admit that it does feel pretty amazing as you pound her pussy hard with your $BallsSD balls slapping against her. The busty receptionist lies back onto the shaking table and you lustfully watch her _ISD silicone-filled tits bounce and jiggle from your thrusts!
  Unable to resist those impressive breasts of hers, you grab those jiggling tits and give them a playful squeeze. Her breathy moans shows that Candy is loving the fact that you are groping her _ISD titties while pounding her tight pussy. The sight of the buxom receptionist squirming in pleasure is so erotic that you groan lustfully. "Goddamn! You're so fucking sexy! FUCK! Your pussy feel so fucking good that I'm about to nut so hard!" you say as the pleasure from fucking her tight cunt is so intense that it's taking all your willpower to not shoot your load!
  Gasping loudly in utter pleasure, she yells "Do it, $PC.FirstName! Shoot your big fucking load deep inside my hot pussy!" Grabbing your hands, she forces you to grip her big titties even harder as she moans "Fuck! My tits and cunt feel so fucking amazing that I'm about to cum all over your $DickSD futa-cock!"
  Your hard fucking has reached a frantic pace causing your $BreastSD jugs to bounce and sway from the fast pace of your thrusting. Moaning loudly you feel your $BallsSD cum-filled balls churn, eager to unleash their pent-up goo and from the sound of Candy's loud panting she's close to cumming as well!
  Reaching the point of no return, you bury your $DickSD throbbing cock deep inside her hot pussy! Bellowing loudly you shout "I'm cumming so fucking hard! I'm shooting my $CumAD wad deep inside your cunt!" You feel your $BallsSize balls pulse one last time before unleashing their hot load! You groan in ecstasy as $CumAD bursts of gooey cum blasts from your pleasure-filled dick deep inside her tight pussy and you can't help but grip her silicone tits tightly as you shoot your load!
  The feeling of being creampied must have pushed Candy over the edge as well as you feel her tight pussy squeeze your cock hard! "Oh God! I can feel your hot baby-batter filling up my pussy so much! Oh fuck yessss! I'm cumming all over your dick!" she screams as her cunt rapidly squeezes your $DickSD cock!<<if $Cum.Stored > 10>> Feeling some juice left in your $BallsSD balls you pull your futa-cock out of her soaking wet pussy and shoot several large strands of seed onto her _ICup tits!<<else>> Feeling that your $BallsSD balls are completely empty you pull futa-cock out of her soaking wet pussy and watch the mixed fluids drip onto the table.<</if>>
<<if $Time.Current is 3>>\
  Candy lies there on the table looking extremely satisfied from her intense orgasm. "That was so fucking amazing, $PC.FirstName! You really gave it to me good!" she says with a dreamy smile on her face. Finally sitting up, she says "I would love to go for another round but it looks like my lunch hour is over."
  Candy lies there on the table looking extremely satisfied from her intense orgasm. "That was so fucking amazing, $PC.FirstName! You really gave it to me good!" she says with a dreamy smile on her face. Finally sitting up, she says "I would love to go for another round but the clinic is closed and I need to head on out."
  "I have to admit that this was an amazing hobby, Candy." you reply as you watch her get dressed and you feel your futa-cock start to stir to life again. Following suit you quickly get dressed as well. "Anyways I had fun and hopefully we can do this again."
  Grabbing her baton she says "Me too, $PC.FirstName! See you around!" With that said she walks out of the break room with her _IAss ass swaying gently. Smiling at the thought of helping her out again. you finish grabbing your supplies and prepare to continue your journey.
<<button [[Finish|Oak Dale Clinic Break Room]]>>
<<include "Time Passes">>\
<<include "Lust Passes">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</button>><<set $genericEvent.Image = $eventPath7 + $arrayEvent7CandyLunch.random() + '.jpg'>>\
<img @src=$genericEvent.Image />
<<set _DC to 34>>\
<<if $npcRichard.SexXP > 0>>\
<<set _DC to 24>>\
<<if (random(19) + 1) + $Skill.Social + $CharismaBonus > 15>>\
<<set $npcCandy.Friendship to $npcCandy.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe +2>>\
<<set $npcCandy.Friendship to $npcCandy.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe +1>>\
<<set _flirt to (random(19) + 1) + $Skill.Social + $CharismaBonus + $npcCandy.Friendship>>\
<<set _lusty to random(5) +1 + $StatusAffect.Horny - $LustResist.Visual - $LustResist.Complete>>\
<<if _lusty < 0>>\
<<set _lusty to 0>>\
<<set $lust to $lust + _lusty>>\
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$npcCandy.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$npcCandy.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _IAss to $arrayAssSizeDesc[$npcCandy.AssSize]>>\
<<if $PC.Sex is "Futa" or $StatusAffect.Futa > 0>>\
<<set _Sex to "Futa">>\
<<elseif $PC.Sex is "Male" and $StatusAffect.Futa < 1>>\
<<set _Sex to "Male">>\
<<set _Sex to "Female">>\
<<if $AdminMode is 1>>\
Candy Friendship: $npcCandy.Friendship
Flirt Roll: _flirt vs DC: _DC
  Deciding to flirt with Candy, you ask "Aside from being this good-looking, what else do you do in your free time?" as you take in her rather voluptuous body. The way her _ISD breasts fill out her business outfit and the way her _IAss booty is framed by her thicc thighs really gets your juices flowing.
  Candy looks a bit startled at your compliment before relaxing at the somewhat cheezy line. Smiling warmly she replies "I guess I read some books when I have some time to spare. I haven't been able to get to the library since the Infested pandemic started so I'm a little bit low on new books."
  You find it quite interesting that she likes to read so you ask a bit curiously "So what's the latest book you've read?" To your surprise Candy blushes at your question and she quickly looks away. "Come on, it can't be that bad? It's not like it's one of those heaving bosom romance novels that my $mom.Relationship likes to read is it?" you say teasingly but trail off as her embarassment grows even deeper.
  "Hey! They are perfectly good novels and most of them are fun to read! And it's not like I have a lot to choose from right now, OK!" she stammers as covers her face with her hands while still blushing. The fact that Candy is so embarassed about admitting that she likes to read cheezy romance novels is rather cute and you can't help but smile.
  Putting your hands up in fake surrender, you say warmly "Hey, it's fine, Candy. I once wondered why my $mom.Relationship liked them so much so I ended up reading one of hers. While not my particular cup of tea it was still a fun read." She finally pulls her face out of her hands and gives you a disbelieving look. "It's true! The best parts were the hot and steamy sex scenes. Those really got me going if you know what I mean..." you continue while giving the busty receptionist a playful wink.
  Candy gives you a slight smirk as she recovers her equilibrium after hearig you admit to reading the same type of books she likes to read and asks teasingly "So you liked reading about those big heaving bossoms being pressed up against big manly chests? Is that kind of steamy smut you like reading, $PC.FirstName?" She thrusts her amazingly _ISD chest out as if imitating one of those scenes from the book while pretending to swoon.
  Glancing down at her eye-catching _ICup tits you reply "Well I do enjoy women with big heaving bossoms so call me a sucker for those type of erotic scenes." Looking back up at her face you notice that she must have noticed you checking out her _ISD breasts but doesn't seem to mind as she winks at you playfully. "So besides reading some delightfully naughty books is there anything else a beautiful women like you likes to do?" you ask smoothly.
<<if _flirt > _DC or $npcCandy.SexXP > 0>>\
  Fiddling with the buttons at the top of her business suit, Candy says "Well there's something I like to do but it requires the help of another person. How about it $PC.FirstName? Want to help me with this hobby? But be warned that you're going to get pretty sweaty and tired by the end but I promise it will feel real nice!" Her face is flushed with desire and you can see her hard nipples pressing against her suit.
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I'm pretty sure I know what 'hobby' she's talking about...So the question is should I go for it? </i></div>
<<if _Sex is "Male">>\
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Offer to Help Her Out|Candy Pussy Sex - Male]]>>
<<elseif _Sex is "Female">>\
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Offer to Help Her Out|Candy Pussy Sex - Female]]>>
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Offer to Help Her Out|Candy Pussy Sex - Futa]]>>
<<if $Time.Current is 3>>\
  Shaking her head she stands up and says reluctantly "Unfortunately most of my other free time is spent trying to survive this crazy city. It's been rough but it sure beats the alternative. Anyways $PC.FirstName I've enjoyed our chat but I really have to get back to work. Feel free to stop by on my meal breaks!"
  Shaking her head she stands up and says reluctantly "Unfortunately most of my other free time is spent trying to survive this crazy city. It's been rough but it sure beats the alternative. Anyways $PC.FirstName I've enjoyed our chat but the clinic is closed and I need to head on out! Feel free to stop by on my meal breaks!"
  Standing up as well you say warmly "It's no big issue. I need to get back to my journey as well. I'll enjoyed talking with you as well, Candy. Stay safe out there!" She smiles warmly at you before tossing her lunch into the trashcan and heads out to the hallway with her baton ready in her hand.
<<button [[Finish|Oak Dale Clinic Break Room]]>>
<<include "Time Passes">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</button>><<set $encounterGeneric to [$genericFighter]>>\
<<set $encounterHome to [$infestedFuta, $infestedFemale]>>\
<<set $encounterGroveHills to [$infestedFuta, $infestedFemale, $infestedFemale]>>\
<<set $encounterRareGroveHills to [$infestedMilker, $raiderMale, $raiderFemale]>>\
<<set $encounterOakDale to [$raiderMale, $raiderFemale, $infestedFuta, $infestedFuta2, $infestedFemale, $infestedFemale2, $gangsterMale, $gangsterFemale]>>\
<<set $encounterRareOakDale to [$infestedMilker]>>\
<<set $encounterBuschBank to [$infestedFuta2, $infestedFemale2, $infestedFemale2]>>\
<<set $encounterRareBuschBank to [$infestedFutaNurse, $infestedNurse, $infestedMilker]>>\
<<set $encounterWestSunriseView to [$infestedFuta2, $infestedFemale2, $infestedFemaleRaider, $raiderFemale2, $gangsterFemale2, $infestedFemaleGangsta, $infestedFutaRaider, $infestedFutaGangsta]>>\
<<set $encounterRareWestSunriseView to [$infestedDoubleFemale]>>\
<<set $encounterClinic to [$infestedFutaNurse, $infestedNurse, $infestedNurse]>>\
<<set $encounterRareClinic to [$infestedFutaJanitor]>>\
<<set $encounterOakDaleConvenience to [$raiderMale, $raiderFemale, $infestedFuta2, $infestedFemale2, $gangsterMale, $gangsterFemale]>>\
<<set $encounterRareOakDaleConvenience to [$infestedMilker, $infestedFutaNurse, $infestedNurse]>>\
<<set $encounterSupplies to [$infestedFuta, $infestedFemale, $infestedFemale]>>\
<<set $encounterRareSupplies to [$infestedMilker]>>\
<<set $encounterHorde to [$infestedFuta, $infestedFuta2, $infestedFemale, $infestedFemale2, $infestedMilker, $infestedFutaNurse, $infestedNurse, $infestedFemaleRaider, $infestedFemaleGangsta, $infestedFutaRaider, $infestedFutaGangsta, $infestedFutaJanitor]>>\
<<set $encounterRareHorde to [$infestedFutaBruiser, $infestedGAdmin, $infestedDoubleFemale]>>\<<set $encounterGeneric to [$genericFighter]>>\
<<set $encounterHome to [$infestedFemale]>>\
<<set $encounterGroveHills to [$infestedFemale, $infestedFemale]>>\
<<set $encounterRareGroveHills to [$infestedMilker, $raiderMale, $raiderFemale]>>\
<<set $encounterOakDale to [$raiderMale, $raiderFemale, $infestedFemale, $infestedFemale2, $gangsterMale, $gangsterFemale]>>\
<<set $encounterRareOakDale to [$infestedMilker]>>\
<<set $encounterBuschBank to [$infestedFemale2, $infestedFemale2]>>\
<<set $encounterRareBuschBank to [$infestedNurse, $infestedMilker]>>\
<<set $encounterWestSunriseView to [$infestedFemale2, $infestedFemaleRaider,, $raiderFemale2, $gangsterFemale2, $infestedFemaleGangsta]>>\
<<set $encounterRareWestSunriseView to [$infestedDoubleFemale]>>\
<<set $encounterClinic to [$infestedNurse, $infestedNurse]>>\
<<set $encounterRareClinic to [$infestedFutaJanitor]>>\
<<set $encounterOakDaleConvenience to [$raiderMale, $raiderFemale, $infestedFemale2, $gangsterMale, $gangsterFemale]>>\
<<set $encounterRareOakDaleConvenience to [$infestedMilker, $infestedNurse]>>\
<<set $encounterSupplies to [$infestedFemale, $infestedFemale]>>\
<<set $encounterRareSupplies to [$infestedMilker]>>\
<<set $encounterHorde to [$infestedFemale, $infestedFemale2, $infestedMilker, $infestedNurse, $infestedFemaleRaider, $infestedFemaleGangsta]>>\
<<set $encounterRareHorde to [$infestedGAdmin, $infestedDoubleFemale]>>\<<include "Adlibs">>\
<<set $SexScene1 to random(2)>>\
<<switch $SexScene1>>\
<<default>>\ /* Default Blowjob Scene */
<<include "Infested Futa Janitor Blowjob Dominate Male">>\
<</switch>> <<set $sexHistory.XP to $sexHistory.XP +1>>\
<<set $LastPartner to $genericFighter>>\
<<set _DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$genericFighter.DickSize]>>\
<<set _DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$genericFighter.DickSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$genericFighter.BallsSize]>>
<<set _BallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$genericFighter.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$genericFighter.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$genericFighter.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _INip to $arrayNippleSize[$genericFighter.NippleSize]>>\
<<set _IAss to $arrayAssSizeDesc[$genericFighter.AssSize]>>\
<<set _SizeComp to $PC.BreastsSize - $genericFighter.Level + ($GeneralFeats.FalseRep *2)>>\
<<if _SizeComp < 0>>\
<<set _SizeComp to 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered +1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumFilled to $StatusAffect.CumFilled +1>>\
  As you collapse from your defeat at the hands of the Infested Futa Janitor she gives you a fierce lusty look. Staring at your lips she growls "Either you get over here and get to sucking my big futa-cock or I'm going to fuck your mouth, you little pretty boy piece of meat! I can't believe someone so pretty is trashing my MY WORK PLACE with your your lube and your condoms and your sexy sex fluids! Shit! Now I'm going to be shooting my sticky fluids all down your throat!" She pulls out her _DickSize dick and impatiently waits for you to get over to where she's standing.
  As you crawl over where the Infested is standing she gives you a wide smile that doesn't reach her eyes. Planting a big meaty hand on your head, she guides your lips towards her thick, juicy _DickSize cock. It smells so good you can't help but enjoy how it fills your whole body with pleasure. Unable to resist you stick your tongue out and give the tip of her _DickSD dick a light taste. The flavor is a bit salty but tastes exquisite! Wanting even more of that delightful flavor you start to lick all around the tip and before long up and down her meaty cock.
  "That's it little pretty boy, just like that." the Infested moans loudly as you slide your tongue up and down her _DickSD beefy dick. "<i>Pretty-boy?</i>" you ponder as some of her pre-cum oozes from the tip of her <<Penis>> and starts to slowly ooze it's way down her shaft. Eager to get a taste you slide you lips closer to her tip and give it a kiss, allowing you to suck down her yummy pre-cum! It tastes even better than before and you feel a flush of arousal as your $DickSize <<Penis>> starts to harden. Wanting even more of her delicious baby-batter you wrap your lips around her girthy shaft and slide her cock down your tight throat!
  The Infested's heavy cock twitches and produces even more pre-cum as she moans loudly in pleasure while groping her _ISD chest. You quickly suck down her juicy fluids while wrapping your tongue around her thick futa shaft. Your desire for more of her cum forces you to start sucking hard on her dick while sliding a finger into her tight pussy causing another moan to erupt from her lips. It feels so good to be sucking on her meat rod that your own rock hard cock is leaking pre-cum onto the floor as well.
  "You're a god-damn cock-sucking machine! You know that, little dick-girl?" The Infested Futa Janitor groans as you bob your head up and down on her meaty shaft. Your only responses is a muffled moan of your own pleasure and a slipping of hand towards your aching dick. You are rewarded by having more of the Infested's musky pre-cum leak and drip down your needy throat causing another spike of pleasure to erupt throughout your body.
  "<i>Why did she just call me a dick-girl Does she think I'm a Futa like her?</i>" you ponder before suddenly feeling the Infested grab the back of your head as she starts to thrust her _DickSD throbbing cock down your throat! You continue to do your best to suck her cock but with the rough way she's using your mouth it's a bit hard ass he thrusts way past your mouth down your tight throat. You focus a bit more on your hard $DickSize cock as you stroke your hard <<Penis>>, your fingers glistening with your pre-cum.
  "Take all over my fucking cock you filthy whore! Fuck! I'm about to cum all down your throat!" she moans as she continues to fuck your face, her _BallsSD cum-filled balls slapping into your chin while her _ICup tits bounce with each hard thrust. You know she's moments away from cumming and awarding you with her exquisite treasure! Your whole body is tense with excitement, just waiting for your final reward!
<<if $Infestation.BruiseProgress < 1 and $Infestation.BruiseVariant > 99 and $Infestation.Progress > 1>>\
<<set _ODickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$PC.DickSize]>>\
<<set _ODickSize to $arrayDickSize[$PC.DickSize]>>\
<<set _OBallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$PC.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _OBallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$PC.BallsSize]>>\
<<include "Bruiser TF">>\
  As your mouth is being completely wrecked by her _DickSD futa-cock you feel a strange vibrating feeling that starts in your throbbing dick but quickly spreads throughout your body making you feel so much stronger! Before you can ponder what is happening the vibrating sensation increases rapidly in your achingly hard dick and cum-filled balls!
  The Infested doesn't prove you wrong as you feel her _DickSize cock twitch one last time before shooting a massive geyser of hot white cum down your aching throat. You can easily suck down all her yummy cum as you feel stronger, harder, so full of cum! It tastes so delicious that your own cock feels like it's growing!
  As more and more cum floods your mouth you suddenly feel that growing sensation from your hard throbbing dick and cum-filled balls grow more intense. The feeling of your dick growing thicker and stronger as her cum flows down your throat pushes you over the edge! "OH FUCK YESSS! I'm cumming so fucking much from my big growing dick! Oh fuck, oh fuck ooooh fuckkk!" you scream loudly as you pop off of her futa-dick while at the same time you feel your rock hard cock twitch one last time before your $BallsSD cum-filled balls unleash their pent up load directly as massive never-ending strands of jizz splash onto the ground below! There's so much cum down below a puddle has formed beneath you!
  Seeing you cum all over the ground, $genericFighter.Name breathlessly gasps out "Oh you think you can shoot a load now that you have a slightly bigger dick, dick-girl? How about you see how a real woman shoots her big fucking load?" She strokes her _DickSize cock a couple of times before shooting massive ribbons of cum all over your cum-soaked face and chest!
  "Wait a second! You're a pretty little boy not a not a fucking dick-girl Futa like me! Ooops!!! Fuck! I was too focused on your pretty mouth to remember that I was getting a blowjob from a dude! Oh well, pretty boys gotta pretty!" She laughs while checking you out. After being coated by the Infested's rain of white baby-batter, you can finally confirm that your cock is now a $DickSD $DickSize cock with a pair of $BallsSize balls. And it feels like your balls are producing baby-batter at a much faster rate! Before you can react the Infested slaps your face with her futa-cock with a smirk and says "Looks like you are a fucking Bruiser like me but you need to man up some more if you don't want to be mistaken for being a dick-girl!"
  The Infested doesn't prove you wrong as you feel her _DickSize futa-cock twitch one last time before shooting a massive geyser of hot white cum down your aching throat while squirting a large wave of girl-cum all over your fingers! You're forced to cough as you choke on the insane amount of baby-batter being poured down your throat but it tastes so good that you feel your orgasm coming in hard! You feel your cock twitch for a brief moment before you unleash a $CumAD wave of gooey cum all over your hand and floor!
  "Your titties are too small, you fucking dick-girl!" She growls angrily as she pulls her throbbing cock out of your mouth and then stops as she finally gets a good look at you. "Oh wait a second! You're not a little dick-girl Futa but a pretty little boy! Oops! Fuck! I was too focused on your pretty mouth to remember that I was getting a blowjob from one of those pretty boys! Oh well, pretty boys gotta pretty!" With that said she shoots multiple strands of hot gooey cum all over your hard chest and face as well!
  "Oh that was so good, you fucking cock-sucking whore!" she says as she steps away from your exhausted body, drops of cum leaking from the her still hard futa-cock along with girl-cum leaking from her pussy. Taking one last moment to glance at your cum-covered chest, she says "Now stay the hell out of my fucking workplace!" With that she briskly walks away leaving you to grab your clothes and to slowly recover.<<include "Adlibs">>\
<<set $SexScene1 to random(2)>>\
<<switch $SexScene1>>\
<<default>>\ /* Default Blowjob Scene */
<<include "Infested Futa Janitor Blowjob Dominate Futa">>\
<</switch>> <<set $sexHistory.XP to $sexHistory.XP +1>>\
<<set $LastPartner to $genericFighter>>\
<<set _DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$genericFighter.DickSize]>>\
<<set _DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$genericFighter.DickSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$genericFighter.BallsSize]>>
<<set _BallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$genericFighter.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$genericFighter.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$genericFighter.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _INip to $arrayNippleSize[$genericFighter.NippleSize]>>\
<<set _IAss to $arrayAssSizeDesc[$genericFighter.AssSize]>>\
<<set _SizeComp to $PC.BreastsSize - $genericFighter.Level + ($GeneralFeats.FalseRep *2)>>\
<<if _SizeComp < 0>>\
<<set _SizeComp to 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered +1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumFilled to $StatusAffect.CumFilled +1>>\
  As you collapse from your defeat at the hands of the Infested Futa Janitor she gives you a fierce hungry look. Staring at your lips she growls "Either you get over here and get to sucking my futa-cock or I'm going to fuck your mouth, you little filthy whore! Trashing my building, MY WORK PLACE with your your lube and your condoms and your sexy sex fluids THAT GET EVERYWHERE!" She pulls out her _DickSize dick and impatiently waits for you to get over to where she's standing.
  As you crawl over where the Infested is standing she gives you a wide smile that doesn't reach her eyes. Planting a big meaty hand on your head, she guides your lips towards her thick, juicy _DickSize futa-dick. It smells so good you can't help but enjoy how it fills your whole body with pleasure. Unable to resist you stick your tongue out and give the tip of her _DickSD dick a light taste. The flavor is a bit salty but tastes exquisite! Wanting even more of that delightful flavor you start to lick all around the tip and before long up and down her meaty cock.
  "That's it little dick-girl, just like that." the Infested says gruffly as you slide your tongue up and down her _DickSD beefy dick. As you do so some of her pre-cum oozes from the tip of her <<Penis>> and starts to slowly ooze it's way down her shaft. Eager to get a taste you slide you lips closer to her tip and give it a kiss, allowing you to suck down her yummy pre-cum! It tastes even better than before and you feel a flush of arousal as your $NippleSize long nipples get hard along with your $DickSD futa-cock. Wanting even more of her delicious baby-batter you wrap your lips around her girthy shaft and slide her cock down your tight throat!
  The Infested's heavy cock twitches and produces even more pre-cum as she moans loudly in pleasure. You quickly suck down her juicy fluids while wrapping your tongue around her shaft. Your desire for more of her cum forces you to start sucking hard on her dick while sliding a finger into her tight pussy causing another moan to erupt from her lips. It feels so good to be sucking on her meat rod that your pussy glistens as your girl-fluids leak into the floor while your rock hard futa-cock is leaking pre-cum as well.
  "Fuck, dick-girl! You're a god-damn cock-sucking machine!" The Infested Futa Janitor groans as you bob your head up and down on her meaty shaft. Your only responses is a muffled moan of your own pleasure and a slipping of hand towards your aching groin. You are rewarded by having more of the Infested's musky pre-cum leak and drip down your needy throat causing another spike of pleasure to erupt throughout your body.
  Suddenly you feel the Infested grab the back of your head as she starts to thrust her _DickSD throbbing cock down your throat! You continue to do your best to suck her cock but with the rough way she's using your mouth it's a bit hard as she thrusts way past your mouth down your tight throat. You focus a bit more on your hard futa-cock as you stroke your hard dick, your fingers glistening with your pre-cum.
  The Infested Futa Janitor is moaning even louder as her futa-cock leaks pre-cum like a faucet down your eager throat. "Take all over my fucking cock you filthy whore! Fuck! I'm about to cum all down your throat!" she moans as she continues to fuck your face, her _BallsSD cum-filled balls slapping into your chin while her _ICup tits bounce with each hard thrust. You know she's moments away from cumming and awarding you with her exquisite treasure! Your whole body is tense with excitement, just waiting for your final reward!
<<if $Infestation.BruiseProgress < 1 and $Infestation.BruiseVariant > 99 and $Infestation.Progress > 1>>\
<<set _ODickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$PC.DickSize]>>\
<<set _ODickSize to $arrayDickSize[$PC.DickSize]>>\
<<set _OBallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$PC.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _OBallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$PC.BallsSize]>>\
<<include "Bruiser TF">>\
  As your mouth is being completely wrecked by her _DickSD futa-cock you feel a strange vibrating feeling that starts in your throbbing dick but quickly spreads throughout your body making you feel so much stronger! Before you can ponder what is happening the vibrating sensation increases rapidly in your achingly hard futa-dick and cum-filled balls!
  The Infested doesn't prove you wrong as you feel her _DickSize cock twitch one last time before shooting a massive geyser of hot white cum down your aching throat. You can easily suck down all her yummy cum as you feel stronger, harder, so full of cum! It tastes so delicious that your own cock feels like it's growing!
  As more and more cum floods your mouth you suddenly feel that growing sensation from your hard throbbing dick and cum-filled balls grow more intense. The feeling of your dick growing thicker and stronger as her cum flows down your throat pushes you over the edge! "OH FUCK YESSS! I'm cumming so fucking much from my big growing dick! Oh fuck, oh fuck ooooh fuckkk!" you scream loudly as you pop off of her futa-dick while at the same time you feel your rock hard futa-cock twitch one last time before your $BallsSD cum-filled balls unleash their pent up load directly as massive never-ending strands of jizz splash onto the ground below! There's so much cum down below a puddle has formed beneath you! Your sensitive pussy sprays a $GCumAD squirting of girl-cum as orgasm after orgasm shakes your whole body in pleasure.
  Seeing you cum all over the ground, $genericFighter.Name breathlessly gasps out "Oh you think you can shoot a load now that you have a slightly bigger dick, dick-girl? How about you see how a real woman shoots her big fucking load?" She strokes her _DickSize cock a couple of times before shooting massive ribbons of cum all over your cum-soaked face and $BreastSD chest!
  "Oh fuck that was good, little dick-girl! Gotta love finishing off by coating some futa's $BreastsSize tits with my baby-batter! " She laughs while checking you out. After being coated by the Infested's rain of white baby-batter, you can finally confirm that your cock is now a $DickSD $DickSize cock with a pair of $BallsSize balls. And it feels like your balls are producing baby-batter at a much faster rate! Before you can react the Infested slaps your face with her futa-cock with a smirk and says "Looks like you are a fucking Futa Bruiser like me but you need to man up some more if you don't want to be mistaken for being a little girl!"
  The Infested doesn't prove you wrong as you feel her _DickSize futa-cock twitch one last time before shooting a massive geyser of hot white cum down your aching throat while squirting a large wave of girl-cum all over your fingers! You're forced to cough as you choke on the insane amount of baby-batter being poured down your throat but it tastes so good that you feel your orgasm coming in hard! You feel your futa-cock twitch for a brief moment before you unleash a $CumAD wave of cum all over your hand and floor! Your sensitive pussy sprays a $GCumAD squirting of girl-cum as orgasm after orgasm shakes your whole body in pleasure.
<<switch _SizeComp>>\
<<case 0 1 2 3>>\
  "Your titties are too small, you fucking whore!" She growls angrily, as she pulls her throbbing cock out of your mouth and aims in at your chest! "I was too focused on your pretty mouth but god-damn you need some bigger tits!" With that said she shoots multiple strands of hot gooey cum all over your $BreastSD tits and face as your multiple orgasms continue.
<<case 4 5 6 7 8 9>>\
  "You got some decent titties but they can always be a lot bigger like those nurses who like filling their tits up with plastic!" She growls in frustraion as she pulls her throbbing cock out of your mouth and aims in at your chest! "In the mean time try soaking them in my fucking cum!" With that said she shoots multiple strands of hot gooey cum all over your $BreastSD tits and face as your multiple orgasms continue.
<<case 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17>>\
  "Those fucking titties are so fucking big, you slut! Shit! I can't believe I missed having the chance to play with these great knockers!" She growls lustfully as she pulls her throbbing cock out of your mouth and aims in at your chest! "At least I can fucking paint them white with my fucking cum!" With that said she shoots multiple strands of hot gooey cum all over your $BreastSD tits and face as your multiple orgasms continue.
  "Your big fucking titties are so fucking humongous, you fucking cock-sucking slut!" She growls extremely lustfully as she pulls her throbbing cock out of your mouth and aims in at your chest! "Take all of my big load onto your big fucking tits, you big titty bull-cow!" With that said she shoots multiple strands of hot gooey cum all over your $BreastSD tits and face as your multiple orgasms continue.
  "Oh that was so good, you fucking cock-sucking whore!" she says as she steps away from your exhausted body, drops of cum leaking from the her still hard futa-cock along with girl-cum leaking from her pussy. Taking one last moment to glance at your cum-covered chest, she says "Now stay out of my fucking workplace!" With that she briskly walks away leaving you to grab your clothes and to slowly recover.<<include "Adlibs">>\
<<set $SexScene1 to random(2)>>\
<<switch $SexScene1>>\
<<default>>\ /* Default Blowjob Scene */
<<include "Infested Futa Janitor Blowjob Dominate Female">>\
<</switch>> <<set $sexHistory.XP to $sexHistory.XP +1>>\
<<set $LastPartner to $genericFighter>>\
<<set _DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$genericFighter.DickSize]>>\
<<set _DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$genericFighter.DickSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$genericFighter.BallsSize]>>
<<set _BallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$genericFighter.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$genericFighter.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$genericFighter.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _INip to $arrayNippleSize[$genericFighter.NippleSize]>>\
<<set _IAss to $arrayAssSizeDesc[$genericFighter.AssSize]>>\
<<set _SizeComp to $PC.BreastsSize - $genericFighter.Level + ($GeneralFeats.FalseRep *2)>>\
<<if _SizeComp < 0>>\
<<set _SizeComp to 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered +1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumFilled to $StatusAffect.CumFilled +1>>\
  As you collapse from your defeat at the hands of the Infested Futa Janitor she gives you a fierce hungry look. Staring at your lips she growls "Either you get over here and get to sucking my futa-cock or I'm going to fuck your mouth, you little filthy whore! Trashing my building, MY WORK PLACE with your your lube and your condoms and your sexy sex fluids THAT GET EVERYWHERE!" She pulls out her _DickSize dick and impatiently waits for you to get over to where she's standing.
  As you crawl over where the Infested is standing she gives you a wide smile that doesn't reach her eyes. Planting a big meaty hand on your head, she guides your lips towards her thick, juicy _DickSize cock. It smells so good you can't help but enjoy how it fills your whole body with pleasure. Unable to resist you stick your tongue out and give the tip of her _DickSD futa-dick a light taste. The flavor is a bit salty but tastes exquisite! Wanting even more of that delightful flavor you start to lick all around the tip and before long up and down his meaty cock.
  "That's it little girl, just like that." the Infested says gruffly as you slide your tongue up and down her _DickSD beefy dick. As you do so some of her pre-cum oozes from the tip of her <<Penis>> and starts to slowly ooze it's way down her shaft. Eager to get a taste you slide you lips closer to his tip and give it a kiss, allowing you to suck down his yummy pre-cum! It tastes even better than before and you feel a flush of arousal as your $NippleSize long nipples get hard. Wanting even more of her delicious baby-batter you wrap your lips around her girthy shaft and slide her cock down your tight throat!
  The Infested's heavy cock twitches and produces even more pre-cum as she moans loudly in pleasure. You quickly suck down her juicy fluids while wrapping your tongue around her shaft. Your desire for more of her cum forces you to start sucking hard on her dick while sliding a finger into her tight pussy causing another moan to erupt from her lips. It feels so good to be sucking on her meat rod that your pussy glistens as your girl-fluids leak into the floor adding to the Infested's own leaking girl-juices and your hard nipples ache to be touched.
  "Fuck, girl! You're a god-damn cock-sucking machine!" The Infested Futa Janitor groans as you bob your head up and down on her meaty dick. Your only responses is a muffled moan of your own pleasure and a slipping of hand towards your aching pussy. You are rewarded by having more of the Infested's musky pre-cum leak and drip down your needy throat causing another spike of pleasure to erupt throughout your body.
  Suddenly you feel the Infested grab the back of your head as she starts to thrust her _DickSD throbbing futa-cock down your throat! You continue to do your best to suck her cock but with the rough way she's using your mouth it's a bit hard as she thrusts way past your mouth down your tight throat. You focus a bit more on your wet pussy as you slide your fingers in and out of your tight slit, your fingers glistening with your girl-fluids.
  The Infested Futa Janitor is moaning even louder as her futa-cock leaks pre-cum like a faucet down your eager throat. "Take all over my fucking cock you filthy whore! Fuck! I'm about to cum all down your throat!" she moans as she continues to fuck your face, her _BallsSD cum-filled balls slapping into your chin while her _ICup tits bounce with each hard thrust. You know she's moments away from cumming and awarding you with her exquisite treasure! Your whole body is tense with excitement, just waiting for your final reward!
  The Infested doesn't prove you wrong as you feel her _DickSize futa-cock twitch one last time before shooting a massive geyser of hot white cum down your aching throat while squirting a large wave of girl-cum all over your fingers! You're forced to cough as you choke on the insane amount of baby-batter being poured down your throat but it tastes so good that you feel your orgasm coming in hard! Your sensitive pussy sprays a $GCumAD squirting of girl-cum as orgasm after orgasm shakes your whole body in pleasure.
<<switch _SizeComp>>\
<<case 0 1 2 3>>\
  "Your titties are too small, you fucking whore!" She growls angrily, as she pulls her throbbing cock out of your mouth and aims in at your chest! "I was too focused on your pretty mouth but god-damn you need some bigger tits!" With that said she shoots multiple strands of hot gooey cum all over your $BreastSD tits and face as your multiple orgasms continue.
<<case 4 5 6 7 8 9>>\
  "You got some decent titties but they can always be a lot bigger like those nurses who like filling their tits up with plastic!" She growls in frustration as she pulls her throbbing cock out of your mouth and aims in at your chest! "In the mean time try soaking them in my fucking cum!" With that said she shoots multiple strands of hot gooey cum all over your $BreastSD tits and face as your multiple orgasms continue.
<<case 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17>>\
  "Those fucking titties so fucking big, you slut! Shit! I can't believe I missed having the chance to play with these great knockers!" She growls lustfully as she pulls her throbbing cock out of your mouth and aims in at your chest! "At least I can fucking paint them white with my fucking cum!" With that said she shoots multiple strands of hot gooey cum all over your $BreastSD tits and face as your multiple orgasms continue.
  "Your big fucking titties are humongous, you fucking cock-sucking slut!" She growls extremely lustfully as she pulls her throbbing cock out of your mouth and aims in at your chest! "Take all of my big load onto your big fucking tits, you big titty cow!" With that said she shoots multiple strands of hot gooey cum all over your $BreastSD tits and face as your multiple orgasms continue.
  "Oh that was so good, you fucking cock-sucking whore!" she says as she steps away from your exhausted body, drops of cum leaking from the her still hard futa-cock along with girl-cum leaking from her pussy. Taking one last moment to glance at your cum-covered chest, she says "Now stay out of my fucking workplace!" With that she briskly walks away leaving you to grab your clothes and to slowly recover.<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<set _Fog to 0>>\
<<set _Rain to 0>>\
<<set _Cold to 0>>\
<<set _Wind to 0>>\
<<switch $Weather.Current>>\
<<case "Cloudy" "Windy">>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/Sunrise View Gate 1.jpg" />
<<set _Wind to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<case "Foggy">>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/Sunrise View Gate-F 1.jpg" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<case "Misty">>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/Sunrise View Gate-F 1.jpg" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Rainy" "Stormy">>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/Sunrise View Gate-R 1.jpg" />
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Dreary">>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/Sunrise View Gate-R 1.jpg" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Sleeting">>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/Sunrise View Gate-S 1.jpg" />
<<set _Cold to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Snowy">>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/Sunrise View Gate-S 1.jpg" />
<<set _Cold to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $Time.Current > 6>>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/Sunrise View Gate-N 1.jpg" />
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/Sunrise View Gate 1.jpg" />
<<set $location.temp to "Oak Dale - West Sunrise View River Park Entrance">>\
<<set $location.coord to 1>>\
<<set $locationGeneric to $locationWestSunriseView>>\
<<set $location.Encounter to "West Sunrise View">>\
<<set $location.Event to "West Sunrise View">>\
<<if $Time.Current >= $Time.Max >>\
<<set _State to "TooLate">>\
<<set $NoEncounter to 1>>\
<<if $NoEncounter < 1>>\
<<include "Random Encounter Check">>\
You are located at the south end of Tulip Avenue which stops at the gate to the entrance of the Sunrise View River Park. It's called a gate when it's actually an office building that has an walkway extension above the road connecting both sides of the building. Several damaged trees line the street along with mostly empty offices and storage buildings giving the whole area a slightly disturbing vibe. To the north the Oak Dale suburbs can be seen while to the south Iron Gate road leads into the Sunrise View river park.
<<if $PC.Level < 3>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> This area looks to be a bit rough! I might want to come back later when I have more experience...</i>
<<if $StatusText.Notice is 1>>\
<<include "Update Status">>\
<<if _Rain > 0 and $StatusAffect.Wet < _Rain>>\
<<set _Rain to _Rain - $PCResistance.Water>>\
<<if _Rain > $StatusAffect.Wet>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Wet to _Rain>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I'm getting soaking wet!</i> </div>
<<if _Cold > 0 and $PCResistance.Cold < _Cold>>\
<<set _tempDamage to random(_Cold) + $StatusAffect.Wet>>\
<<set _tempDamage2 to _tempDamage - $PCResistance.Cold>>\
<<if _tempDamage2 > 0>>\
<<set $HP to $HP - _tempDamage2>>\
<<if $HP < 1>>\
<<set $HP to 1>>\
You take _tempDamage2 cold damage!
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I'm freezing to death!</i>
<<switch _State>>\
<<case "TooLate">>\
<<set $Time.Current to $Time.Max>>\
It's too dangerous to explore the Sunrise View river park at this time of night.
<<button [[Return Home|Sunrise View Returning Home]]>>
<<set $NoEncounter to 0>>\
<<case "Ambush">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Ambushed to 1>>\
You've been ambushed by an enemy!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<case "Combat">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
A hostile enemy is roaming nearby!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<case "NPC">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
You've encountered something unusual!
<<button [[Encounter|West Sunrise View Events]]>>
<<set $location.prev to $location.temp>>\
<<button [[Explore one of the Empty Buildings|West Sunrise View - Office Building]]>>
<<set $location.temp2 to $location.temp>>\
<<button [[Look around the Area|West Sunrise View Event Scout]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Scout the Area for Enemies|West Sunrise View Scouting]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[North to Southern Tulip|Oak Dale - Tulip Ave South]]>>
<<if $StatusAffect.Horde > 0 and $miscRandomEvent.HeliLocation is "West Sunrise View">>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Horde to Math.round($StatusAffect.Horde / 2)>>\
<<button [[South to Iron Gate|West Sunrise View - Iron Gate North]]>> <</button>>
<<if $lust >= ($MaxLust / 2) or $GeneralFeats.Horndog > 0>>\
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Masturbate|Masturbate]]>> </span>
<</switch>>\<<if $Time.Current < 6>>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburbs 7.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburbs-N 7.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set $location.temp to "Sunrise View Returning Home">>\
<<set _tempV to $VehicleFlags.Current>>\
You are traveling quickly back towards your home but you are a fair distance away. The dark night along with the damaged streets of the Sunrise View River Park is making it rough as the Infested are also out in force and they hunger for sex!
<<if (random(19) + 1) + $Skill.Scouting + $WisdomBonus + $StatusAffect.SilentStalking - ($StatusAffect.Stalking*2) - $StatusAffect.Horny - ($StatusAffect.CumCovered) < (8 + $Time.Current) and $NoEncounter is 0>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
You've encountered something unusual!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<set $location.Encounter to "West Sunrise View">>\
<<if $VehicleFlags.location is "Oak Dale - Parking">>\
<<button [[Grab your _tempV.name before going Home|Oak Dale - Parking]]>> <</button>>\
<<elseif $VehicleFlags.location is "Busch Bank - Parking">>\
<<button [[Grab your _tempV.name before going Home|Busch Bank - Parking]]>> <</button>>\
<<elseif $VehicleFlags.location is "Oak Dale - Clinic Parking">>\
<<button [[Grab your _tempV.name before going Home|Oak Dale - Clinic Parking]]>> <</button>>\
<<button [[Continue going Home|Oak Dale Returning Home]]>> <</button>>\
<</if>>\<<include "Images">>\
<<set $genericHouse to []>>\
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<set $BonusItem to $item.jewelry>>\
<<set _Lock to random(19) +1>>\
<<switch random(10)>>\
<<set $genericHouse.Size to 200>>\
<<include "Random House">>\
<img @src=$genericWarehouseOutsideImage />
You are standing on the empty street outside of an small abandoned warehouse. You can return to the industrial district or explore this empty warehouse.
<<button [[Explore the Warehouse|Small Warehouse - Entrance]]>>
<<if _Lock > 10>>\
<<set $Salvage to {Lock: 1, Entrance: 0, Inside: 0, Main: 0, Office: 0}>>\
<<set $Salvage to {Lock: 0, Entrance: 0, Inside: 0, Main: 0, Office: 0}>>\
<<button [[Nevermind|$location.temp]]>> <</button>><<if $Time.Current < 6>>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/Sunrise View 1.jpg" />
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/Sunrise View-N 1.jpg" />
<<set _GotFood to 0>>\
<<set _FoodRoll to (random(19) + 1)>>\
<<if $AdminMode is 1>>\
<<if $CelebrityPath.Nature > 0 and _FoodRoll > 15>>\
<<set _GotFood to 1>>\
<<set _exists to 0>>\
<<set _tempLoot to $item.makeshiftfood>>\
<<for $i = 0; $i < $PCInventory.length; $i++>>\
<<set $uitem = $PCInventory[$i]>>\
<<set $ItemName to $uitem.name>>\
<<set _TempName to _tempLoot.name>>\
<<if $ItemName is _TempName>>\
<<set _amount to $uitem.amount>>\
<<set _exists to 1>>\
<<if _exists is 1>>\
<<set _amount to _amount +1>>\
<<set $uitem.amount to _amount>>\
<<set $PCInventory.push(_tempLoot)>>\
<<if $ClassBonus.Ranger > 0 or $ProgrammerPath.Security > 0>>\
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<set $NoEncounter to 0>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set _StopLook to 0>>\
<<set _WanderRoll to (random(19) + 1)>>\
<<if _WanderRoll + $Skill.Scouting + $WisdomBonus - $StatusAffect.Horny - $StatusAffect.CumCovered - $StatusAffect.CumFilled < 10 and _WanderRoll < 19 and _StopLook < 1>>\
<<if _GotFood > 0>>\
While wandering around the Sunrise View River Park you managed to find _TempName and also ran across a hostile enemy!
While wandering around the Sunrise View River Park you have run across a hostile enemy!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>> <</button>>
<<elseif _WanderRoll + $Skill.Scouting + $WisdomBonus + $ScoutingSkillFeats.KeenEye > 13 and _StopLook < 1>>\
<<if _GotFood > 0>>\
While wandering around the Sunrise View River Park you managed to find _TempName and you ran across something interesting!
While wandering around the Sunrise View River Park you have run across something interesting!
<<button [[Encounter|West Sunrise View Events]]>>
<<elseif _StopLook < 1>>\
<<if _GotFood > 0>>\
You spend a some time looking around the area but don't find anything all the interesting besides _TempName...
You spend a some time looking around the area but don't find anything all the interesting...
<<button [[Give up looking for now|$location.temp]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</if>>\<<set _Zone to $locationGeneric.Zone>>\
<<if _Zone is "Oak Dale Clinic">>\
<<set _Zone to "Oak Dale">>\
<<switch _Zone>>\
<<case "Grove Hills">>\
<<switch $location.coord>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<set $LocalMap to "Map/GroveHills/GroveHills 1.png">>\
<<case 2>>\
<<set $LocalMap to "Map/GroveHills/GroveHills 2.png">>\
<<case 3>>\
<<set $LocalMap to "Map/GroveHills/GroveHills 3.png">>\
<<case 4>>\
<<set $LocalMap to "Map/GroveHills/GroveHills 4.png">>\
<<case 5>>\
<<set $LocalMap to "Map/GroveHills/GroveHills 5.png">>\
<<case 6>>\
<<set $LocalMap to "Map/GroveHills/GroveHills 6.png">>\
<<case 7>>\
<<set $LocalMap to "Map/GroveHills/GroveHills 7.png">>\
<<case 8>>\
<<set $LocalMap to "Map/GroveHills/GroveHills 8.png">>\
<<case 9>>\
<<set $LocalMap to "Map/GroveHills/GroveHills 9.png">>\
<<case 10>>\
<<set $LocalMap to "Map/GroveHills/GroveHills 10.png">>\
<<set $LocalMap to "Map/GroveHills/GroveHills 0.png">>\
<<case "Busch Bank">>\
<<switch $location.coord>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<set $LocalMap to "Map/BuschBank/BuschBank 1.png">>\
<<case 2>>\
<<set $LocalMap to "Map/BuschBank/BuschBank 2.png">>\
<<case 3>>\
<<set $LocalMap to "Map/BuschBank/BuschBank 3.png">>\
<<case 4>>\
<<set $LocalMap to "Map/BuschBank/BuschBank 4.png">>\
<<case 5>>\
<<set $LocalMap to "Map/BuschBank/BuschBank 5.png">>\
<<case 6>>\
<<set $LocalMap to "Map/BuschBank/BuschBank 6.png">>\
<<case 7>>\
<<set $LocalMap to "Map/BuschBank/BuschBank 7.png">>\
<<case 8>>\
<<set $LocalMap to "Map/BuschBank/BuschBank 8.png">>\
<<case 9>>\
<<set $LocalMap to "Map/BuschBank/BuschBank 9.png">>\
<<set $LocalMap to "Map/BuschBank/BuschBank 0.png">>\
<<case "Oak Dale">>\
<<switch $location.coord>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<set $LocalMap to "Map/OakDale/OakDale 1.png">>\
<<case 2>>\
<<set $LocalMap to "Map/OakDale/OakDale 2.png">>\
<<case 3>>\
<<set $LocalMap to "Map/OakDale/OakDale 3.png">>\
<<case 4>>\
<<set $LocalMap to "Map/OakDale/OakDale 4.png">>\
<<case 5>>\
<<set $LocalMap to "Map/OakDale/OakDale 5.png">>\
<<case 6>>\
<<set $LocalMap to "Map/OakDale/OakDale 6.png">>\
<<case 7>>\
<<set $LocalMap to "Map/OakDale/OakDale 7.png">>\
<<case 8>>\
<<set $LocalMap to "Map/OakDale/OakDale 8.png">>\
<<case 9>>\
<<set $LocalMap to "Map/OakDale/OakDale 9.png">>\
<<case 10>>\
<<set $LocalMap to "Map/OakDale/OakDale 10.png">>\
<<case 11>>\
<<set $LocalMap to "Map/OakDale/OakDale 11.png">>\
<<case 12>>\
<<set $LocalMap to "Map/OakDale/OakDale 12.png">>\
<<case 13>>\
<<set $LocalMap to "Map/OakDale/OakDale 13.png">>\
<<case 14>>\
<<set $LocalMap to "Map/OakDale/OakDale 14.png">>\
<<case 15>>\
<<set $LocalMap to "Map/OakDale/OakDale 15.png">>\
<<case 16>>\
<<set $LocalMap to "Map/OakDale/OakDale 16.png">>\
<<case 17>>\
<<set $LocalMap to "Map/OakDale/OakDale 17.png">>\
<<case 18>>\
<<set $LocalMap to "Map/OakDale/OakDale 18.png">>\
<<case 19>>\
<<set $LocalMap to "Map/OakDale/OakDale 19.png">>\
<<case 20>>\
<<set $LocalMap to "Map/OakDale/OakDale 20.png">>\
<<case 21>>\
<<set $LocalMap to "Map/OakDale/OakDale 21.png">>\
<<case 22>>\
<<set $LocalMap to "Map/OakDale/OakDale 22.png">>\
<<case 23>>\
<<set $LocalMap to "Map/OakDale/OakDale 23.png">>\
<<case 24>>\
<<set $LocalMap to "Map/OakDale/OakDale 24.png">>\
<<case 25>>\
<<set $LocalMap to "Map/OakDale/OakDale 25.png">>\
<<set $LocalMap to "Map/OakDale/OakDale 0.png">>\
<<case "West Sunrise View">>\
<<switch $location.coord>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<set $LocalMap to "Map/SunriseView/Sunrise View 1.png">>\
<<case 2>>\
<<set $LocalMap to "Map/SunriseView/Sunrise View 2.png">>\
<<case 3>>\
<<set $LocalMap to "Map/SunriseView/Sunrise View 3.png">>\
<<case 4>>\
<<set $LocalMap to "Map/SunriseView/Sunrise View 4.png">>\
<<case 5>>\
<<set $LocalMap to "Map/SunriseView/Sunrise View 5.png">>\
<<case 6>>\
<<set $LocalMap to "Map/SunriseView/Sunrise View 6.png">>\
<<case 7>>\
<<set $LocalMap to "Map/SunriseView/Sunrise View 7.png">>\
<<case 8>>\
<<set $LocalMap to "Map/SunriseView/Sunrise View 8.png">>\
<<case 9>>\
<<set $LocalMap to "Map/SunriseView/Sunrise View 9.png">>\
<<case 10>>\
<<set $LocalMap to "Map/SunriseView/Sunrise View 10.png">>\
<<case 11>>\
<<set $LocalMap to "Map/SunriseView/Sunrise View 11.png">>\
<<case 12>>\
<<set $LocalMap to "Map/SunriseView/Sunrise View 12.png">>\
<<case 13>>\
<<set $LocalMap to "Map/SunriseView/Sunrise View 13.png">>\
<<case 14>>\
<<set $LocalMap to "Map/SunriseView/Sunrise View 14.png">>\
<<case 15>>\
<<set $LocalMap to "Map/SunriseView/Sunrise View 15.png">>\
<<case 16>>\
<<set $LocalMap to "Map/SunriseView/Sunrise View 16.png">>\
<<case 17>>\
<<set $LocalMap to "Map/SunriseView/Sunrise View 17.png">>\
<<case 18>>\
<<set $LocalMap to "Map/SunriseView/Sunrise View 18.png">>\
<<case 19>>\
<<set $LocalMap to "Map/SunriseView/Sunrise View 19.png">>\
<<case 20>>\
<<set $LocalMap to "Map/SunriseView/Sunrise View 20.png">>\
<<case 21>>\
<<set $LocalMap to "Map/SunriseView/Sunrise View 21.png">>\
<<case 22>>\
<<set $LocalMap to "Map/SunriseView/PlasticLoop 1.png">>\
<<case 23>>\
<<set $LocalMap to "Map/SunriseView/PlasticLoop 2.png">>\
<<case 24>>\
<<set $LocalMap to "Map/SunriseView/PlasticLoop 3.png">>\
<<case 25>>\
<<set $LocalMap to "Map/SunriseView/PlasticLoop 4.png">>\
<<case 26>>\
<<set $LocalMap to "Map/SunriseView/PlasticLoop 5.png">>\
<<case 27>>\
<<set $LocalMap to "Map/SunriseView/PlasticLoop 6.png">>\
<<set $LocalMap to "Map/SunriseView/Sunrise View 0.png">>\
<img @src=$LocalMap />
<img @src=$genericWarehouseOutsideImage />
<<include "Time Micro-Passes">>\
<<include "Loot Table">>\
<<set $location.temp to "Small Warehouse - Entrance">>\
<<if $Time.Current >= $Time.Max >>\
<<set _State to "TooLate">>\
<<set $NoEncounter to 1>>\
<<if $NoEncounter < 1>>\
<<set _EncounterRoll to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<set _TotalEncounterRoll to _EncounterRoll + $Skill.Scouting + $WisdomBonus + $StatusAffect.SilentStalking - ($StatusAffect.Stalking *2) - $StatusAffect.Horny - ($StatusAffect.CumCovered)>>\
<<if _TotalEncounterRoll + ($ThieverySkillFeats.SnareMaster *2) < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current - 10) or (_EncounterRoll < 2)>>\
<<set _State to "Ambush">>\
<<elseif _TotalEncounterRoll < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current)>>\
<<set _State to "Combat">>\
<<set _NPCEncounterRoll to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<if _NPCEncounterRoll > (18 - $ScoutingSkillFeats.KeenEye) and $NoEncounter is 0>>\
<<set _State to "NPC">>\
<<if $Salvage.Lock < 1>>\
This is the front door to one of many abandoned warehouses that fill the Sunrise View industrial park. Gang grafitti can be seen all over the side the building but luckily there isn't any obvious signs of any Infested nearby. Large empty boxes can be seen scattered around the area along with various puddles of questionable origins.
<<if $StatusText.Notice is 1>>\
<<include "Update Status">>\
<<switch _State>>\
<<case "TooLate">>\
<<set $Time.Current to $Time.Max>>\
It's too dangerous to explore a warehouse at this time of night.
<<button [[Return Home|$location.temp2]]>>
<<set $NoEncounter to 0>>\
<<case "Ambush">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Ambushed to 1>>\
You've been ambushed by an enemy!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<case "Combat">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
A hostile enemy is roaming nearby!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<set $location.prev to $location.temp>>\
<<button [[Enter the Warehouse|Small Warehouse - Entryway]]>>
<<set $location.Indoor to 1>>\
<<button [[Leave|$location.temp2]]>> <</button>>
<<elseif $Salvage.Lock is 1>>\
This is the front door to one of many abandoned warehouses that fill the Sunrise View industrial park. Gang grafitti can be seen all over the side the building but luckily there isn't any signs of Infested nearby. The big metal reinforced door looks to be locked with an older physical lock. From this position you can see a skylight on the roof that might allow you access to the building.
<<if $Prof.Thievery > 0 and $LockSmithTools.Charge > 19>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> Looks like I might be able to pick the lock.</i></div>
<<set _T to 1>>\
<<elseif $Prof.Thievery > 0 and $LockSmithTools.Charge < 20>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> Looks like I might be able to pick the lock but my locksmith tool needs to be recharged first.</i></div>
<<switch _State>>\
<<case "TooLate">>\
<<set $Time.Current to $Time.Max>>\
It's too dangerous to explore a warehouse at this time of night.
<<button [[Return Home|Sunrise View Returning Home]]>>
<<set $NoEncounter to 0>>\
<<case "Ambush">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Ambushed to 1>>\
You've been ambushed by an enemy!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<case "Combat">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
A hostile enemy is roaming nearby!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<button [[Climb to the Roof|Small Warehouse Action]]>>
<<set $SkillAction to "Athletics">>\
<<if _T > 0>>\
<<button [[Pick the Lock|Small Warehouse Action]]>>
<<set $SkillAction to "Thievery">>\
<<button [[Leave|$location.temp2]]>>
<<set $Salvage.Key to 0>>\
<</if>>\<img @src=$genericWarehouseEntranceImage />
<<set $location.temp to "Small Warehouse - Entryway">>\
<<set _State to 0>>\
<<include "Time Micro-Passes">>\
<<if $Time.Current >= $Time.Max >>\
<<set _State to "TooLate">>\
<<set $NoEncounter to 1>>\
<<if $NoEncounter < 1>>\
<<set _EncounterRoll2 to 0>>\
<<set _TotalEncounterRoll2 to 0>>\
<<if $StealthSkillFeats.Distraction > 0>>\
<<set _EncounterRoll2 to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<set _TotalEncounterRoll2 to _EncounterRoll2 + $Skill.Stealth + $DexterityBonus + $StatusAffect.IndoorTracking - $StatusAffect.Horny - ($StatusAffect.CumCovered) -2>>\
<<set _EncounterRoll to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<set _TotalEncounterRoll to _EncounterRoll + $Skill.Stealth + $DexterityBonus + $StatusAffect.IndoorTracking - $StatusAffect.Horny - ($StatusAffect.CumCovered)>>\
<<if _TotalEncounterRoll < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current) and _TotalEncounterRoll2 < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current)>>\
<<if _TotalEncounterRoll + ($ThieverySkillFeats.SnareMaster *2) < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current - 10) or (_EncounterRoll < 2)>>\
<<set _State to "Ambush">>\
<<set _State to "Combat">>\
<<set _NPCEncounterRoll to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<if _NPCEncounterRoll > (18 - $ScoutingSkillFeats.KeenEye) and $NoEncounter is 0>>\
<<set _State to "NPC">>\
You are standing at the main entryway for this warehouse. Luckily there still seems to be power keeping the weak lights partially lit as the dark shadows cover over half the area. Large boxes and crates line the walls while signs of water damage and mold can be seen all over the area. From here you can access the main warehouse floor along with a side storage room. Or you could leave the warehouse and head back into the Sunrise View industrial park.
<<if $StatusText.Notice is 1>>\
<<include "Update Status">>\
<<switch _State>>\
<<case "TooLate">>\
<<set $Time.Current to $Time.Max>>\
It's too dangerous to explore a warehouse at this time of night.
<<button [[Leave|$location.temp2]]>>
<<set $NoEncounter to 0>>\
<<case "Ambush">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Ambushed to 1>>\
You've been ambushed by an enemy!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<case "Combat">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
A hostile enemy is wandering around the warehouse!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<if $Salvage.Entrance < 1>>\
<<button [[Search for Supplies|Small Warehouse Salvage]]>>
<<set $genericHouseGenericImage to $genericWarehouseEntranceImage>>\
<<set $lootTemp to $lootSmallWarehouse>>\
<<set $rarelootTemp to $rarelootSmallApartment>>\
<<set $Salvage.Entrance to $Salvage.Entrance +1>>\
It looks like you have found everything of value in this room.
<<button [[Main Warehouse Floor|Small Warehouse - Main Room]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Storage|Small Entrance - Inside]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Waste Some Time|Loitering]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Leave the Warehouse|$location.temp2]]>>
<<set $location.Indoor to 0>>\
<</switch>>\<img @src=$genericWarehouseOutsideImage />
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set _Charge to 0>>\
<<switch $SkillAction>>\
<<case "Athletics">>\
Looking around you discover a rusty ladder that leads to the roof. It takes a couple of minutes to climb that shaky ladder to the roof but eventually you make it. Looking around you confirm that the skylight does allow access to the warehouse as one panel looks to be unlocked but it's going to be a bit of a jump to make it down safely.
<<set _A to (random(19)+ 1)>>\
<<if _A + $Skill.Athletics + $StrengthBonus + $FoodStatus.Skill - $StatusAffect.Hungry > 12 + ($PC.Level / 2)>>\
<<set _tempXP to $PC.Level * 100>>\
<<set $XP to $XP + _tempXP>>\
With your great strength and skill you manage to land on top of a large box before hopping down to a lower box! Before long you finally reach the warehouse floor and land with a three point landing!
<<if $XP >= $NextLevel>> You have reached the maxium experience for your level! Sleep to gain your next level.<<else>> You have gained _tempXP XP! <</if>>
<<button [[Stand up|Small Warehouse - Main Room]]>>
<<set $location.Indoor to 1>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<set $Salvage.Key to 0>>\
Even with all of your strength and skill you fail to judge the jump properly and completely miss the box! You do however manage to hit another box with your face before tumbling down onto the warehouse floor below with a loud crunch!
<<set _tempDamage to (random(8) + 1) - $PCResistance.Blunt>>\
<<set $HP to $HP - _tempDamage>>\
<<if $HP < 1>>\
<<set $HP to 1>>\
You took _tempDamage damage from the fall!
<<button [[Stand up|Small Warehouse - Main Room]]>>
<<set $location.Indoor to 1>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<set $Salvage.Key to 0>>\
<<case "Thievery">>\
  After glancing around looking around for any Infested or possible cops you pull out your lockpicking tool. Seeing no one around you take a long look at the door lock. It should only take a few minutes to pick the lock and gain access to the warehouse.
<<set _T to (random(19)+ 1)>>\
<<if _T + $Skill.Thievery + $DexterityBonus + $FoodStatus.Skill - $StatusAffect.Hungry > 10 + ($PC.Level / 2)>>\
<<set _tempXP to $PC.Level * 100>>\
<<set $XP to $XP + _tempXP>>\
<<set _Charge to (random(10)+10)>>\
  After a few minutes you finally get the lock to click as you probe it with your tools. With only a couple of more twists you get the last of the lock's tumblers to line up. Taking a moment to put away your tool you open the now unlocked door.
<<if $XP >= $NextLevel>> You have reached the maxium experience for your level! Sleep to gain your next level.<<else>> You have gained _tempXP XP! <</if>>
<<if $ThieverySkillFeats.SturdyTools > 0>>\
<<set _T2 to (random(19)+ 1)>>\
<<if _T2 < $Prof.Thievery +1>>\
<<set _Charge to 0>>\
<<button [[Enter the Warehouse|Small Warehouse - Entryway]]>>
<<set $LockSmithTools.Charge to $LockSmithTools.Charge - _Charge>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<set $Salvage.Key to 0>>\
<<set $location.Indoor to 1>>\
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<set _Charge to (random(10)+10)>>\
  No matter what you try to do the door remains locked! You keep getting close to getting the tumblers to align but seem to always lose one at the last moment. Over half an hour has passed without any progress on the door so you decide to take a break for now to calm your nerves and to refocus.
<<button [[Take a Break|Small Warehouse - Entrance]]>>
<<set $LockSmithTools.Charge to $LockSmithTools.Charge - _Charge>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</switch>>\<img @src=$genericWarehouseMainImage />
<<set $location.temp to "Small Warehouse - Main Room">>\
<<set _State to 0>>\
<<include "Time Micro-Passes">>\
<<if $Time.Current >= $Time.Max >>\
<<set _State to "TooLate">>\
<<set $NoEncounter to 1>>\
<<if $NoEncounter < 1>>\
<<set _EncounterRoll2 to 0>>\
<<set _TotalEncounterRoll2 to 0>>\
<<if $StealthSkillFeats.Distraction > 0>>\
<<set _EncounterRoll2 to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<set _TotalEncounterRoll2 to _EncounterRoll2 + $Skill.Stealth + $DexterityBonus + $StatusAffect.IndoorTracking - $StatusAffect.Horny - ($StatusAffect.CumCovered) -2>>\
<<set _EncounterRoll to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<set _TotalEncounterRoll to _EncounterRoll + $Skill.Stealth + $DexterityBonus + $StatusAffect.IndoorTracking - $StatusAffect.Horny - ($StatusAffect.CumCovered)>>\
<<if _TotalEncounterRoll < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current) and _TotalEncounterRoll2 < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current)>>\
<<if _TotalEncounterRoll + ($ThieverySkillFeats.SnareMaster *2) < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current - 10) or (_EncounterRoll < 2)>>\
<<set _State to "Ambush">>\
<<set _State to "Combat">>\
<<set _NPCEncounterRoll to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<if _NPCEncounterRoll > (18 - $ScoutingSkillFeats.KeenEye) and $NoEncounter is 0>>\
<<set _State to "NPC">>\
This is the main warehouse floor which is covered in even more boxes that are piled high enough to almost reach the ceiling. What remains of the floor is covered by plenty of garbage along with rusty parts and slimy puddles. A couple of hanging lights provide some illumination but not nearly as much as needed for a room of this size. From here you can access what looks to be the manager's office or you can head to the main entryway.
<<if $StatusText.Notice is 1>>\
<<include "Update Status">>\
<<switch _State>>\
<<case "TooLate">>\
<<set $Time.Current to $Time.Max>>\
It's too dangerous to explore a warehouse at this time of night.
<<button [[Leave|$location.temp2]]>>
<<set $NoEncounter to 0>>\
<<case "Ambush">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Ambushed to 1>>\
You've been ambushed by an enemy!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<case "Combat">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
A hostile enemy is wandering around the warehouse!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<if $Salvage.Main < 1>>\
<<button [[Search for Supplies|Small Warehouse Salvage]]>>
<<set $genericHouseGenericImage to $genericWarehouseMainImage>>\
<<set $lootTemp to $lootSmallWarehouse>>\
<<set $rarelootTemp to $rarelootSmallWarehouse>>\
<<set $Salvage.Main to $Salvage.Main +1>>\
It looks like you have found everything of value in this room.
<<button [[Entryway|Small Warehouse - Entryway]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Office|Small Entrance - Office]]>> <</button>>
<</switch>>\<img @src=$genericHouseGenericImage />
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set _tempCash to $PC.Level * 20>>
<<set _tempCash to random(_tempCash) + 5>>\
<<set _Extra to 1>>\
<<if $SalvagingSkillFeats.ExtraLoot > 0>>\
<<set _extraloot to (random(19)+ 1) + ($Prof.Salvaging / 2)>>\
<<if _extraloot > 15>>\
<<set _Extra to 2>>\
You search thru the warehouse and find the following:
<<for $i = 0; $i < ($Prof.Salvaging / 2 + _Extra); $i++>>\
<<set _RareLoot to (random(19)+ 1) + ($Prof.Salvaging / 2) + $SalvagingSkillFeats.RareSalvage >>\
Rare Roll: _RareLoot
<<if _RareLoot > 19>>\
<<set _exists to 0>>\
<<set _keyflag to 0>>\
<<set _tempLoot to $rarelootTemp.random()>>\
<<if _tempLoot.name is "a double-ended dildo">>\
<<if $KeyItemsFlags.DoubleDildo is not 1>>\
<<set _keyflag to 1>>\
<<set $KeyItemsFlags.DoubleDildo to 1>>\
<<set $KeyItems.push(_tempLoot)>>\
<<set _tempLoot to $item.jewelry>>\
<<for $j = 0; $j < $PCInventory.length; $j++>>\
<<set $uitem = $PCInventory[$j]>>\
<<set $ItemName to $uitem.name>>\
<<set _TempName to _tempLoot.name>>\
<<if $ItemName is _TempName>>\
<<set _amount to $uitem.amount>>\
<<set _amount to _amount +1>>\
<<set $uitem.amount to _amount>>\
<<set _exists to 1>>\
<<if _keyflag is 0 and _exists is 0>>\
<<set $PCInventory.push(_tempLoot)>>\
Rare: <<print _tempLoot.name>>
<<set _Salvage to (random(19)+ 1) + $Skill.Salvaging + $WisdomBonus>>\
Salvage Roll: _Salvage
<<if _Salvage > (5 + ($i * 2))>>\
<<set _exists to 0>>\
<<set _tempLoot to $lootTemp.random()>>\
<<for $j = 0; $j < $PCInventory.length; $j++>>\
<<set $uitem = $PCInventory[$j]>>\
<<set $ItemName to $uitem.name>>\
<<set _TempName to _tempLoot.name>>\
<<if $ItemName is _TempName>>\
<<set _amount to $uitem.amount>>\
<<set _amount to _amount +1>>\
<<set $uitem.amount to _amount>>\
<<set _exists to 1>>\
<<if _exists is 0>>\
<<set $PCInventory.push(_tempLoot)>>\
<<print _tempLoot.name>>
_tempCash dollars.
<<button [[Finish|$location.temp]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</button>><img @src=$genericWarehouseInsideImage />
<<set $location.temp to "Small Entrance - Inside">>\
<<set _State to 0>>\
<<include "Time Micro-Passes">>\
<<if $Time.Current >= $Time.Max >>\
<<set _State to "TooLate">>\
<<set $NoEncounter to 1>>\
<<if $NoEncounter < 1>>\
<<set _EncounterRoll2 to 0>>\
<<set _TotalEncounterRoll2 to 0>>\
<<if $StealthSkillFeats.Distraction > 0>>\
<<set _EncounterRoll2 to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<set _TotalEncounterRoll2 to _EncounterRoll2 + $Skill.Stealth + $DexterityBonus + $StatusAffect.IndoorTracking - $StatusAffect.Horny - ($StatusAffect.CumCovered) -2>>\
<<set _EncounterRoll to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<set _TotalEncounterRoll to _EncounterRoll + $Skill.Stealth + $DexterityBonus + $StatusAffect.IndoorTracking - $StatusAffect.Horny - ($StatusAffect.CumCovered)>>\
<<if _TotalEncounterRoll < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current) and _TotalEncounterRoll2 < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current)>>\
<<if _TotalEncounterRoll + ($ThieverySkillFeats.SnareMaster *2) < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current - 10) or (_EncounterRoll < 2)>>\
<<set _State to "Ambush">>\
<<set _State to "Combat">>\
<<set _NPCEncounterRoll to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<if _NPCEncounterRoll > (18 - $ScoutingSkillFeats.KeenEye) and $NoEncounter is 0>>\
<<set _State to "NPC">>\
This is a small storage room set off to the side of the warehouse entrance. Cardboard boxes are stacked all the way up to the ceiling with several near the top looking to be unbalanced. There's barely any room to walk as all those boxes take up a most of the space while a single lone light provides some illumination. There's plenty of rust parts and water puddles covering what parts of the floor you can see. From here you can easily head back to the warehouse entryway.
<<if $StatusText.Notice is 1>>\
<<include "Update Status">>\
<<switch _State>>\
<<case "TooLate">>\
<<set $Time.Current to $Time.Max>>\
It's too dangerous to explore a warehouse at this time of night.
<<button [[Leave|$location.temp2]]>>
<<set $NoEncounter to 0>>\
<<case "Ambush">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Ambushed to 1>>\
You've been ambushed by an enemy!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<case "Combat">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
A hostile enemy is wandering around the warehouse!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<if $Salvage.Inside < 1>>\
<<button [[Search for Supplies|Small Warehouse Salvage]]>>
<<set $genericHouseGenericImage to $genericWarehouseInsideImage>>\
<<set $lootTemp to $lootSmallWarehouse>>\
<<set $rarelootTemp to $rarelootSmallWSide>>\
<<set $Salvage.Inside to $Salvage.Inside +1>>\
It looks like you have found everything of value in this room.
<<button [[Entryway|Small Warehouse - Entryway]]>> <</button>>
<</switch>>\<img @src=$genericWarehouseOfficeImage />
<<set $location.temp to "Small Entrance - Office">>\
<<set _State to 0>>\
<<include "Time Micro-Passes">>\
<<if $Time.Current >= $Time.Max >>\
<<set _State to "TooLate">>\
<<set $NoEncounter to 1>>\
<<if $NoEncounter < 1>>\
<<set _EncounterRoll2 to 0>>\
<<set _TotalEncounterRoll2 to 0>>\
<<if $StealthSkillFeats.Distraction > 0>>\
<<set _EncounterRoll2 to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<set _TotalEncounterRoll2 to _EncounterRoll2 + $Skill.Stealth + $DexterityBonus + $StatusAffect.IndoorTracking - $StatusAffect.Horny - ($StatusAffect.CumCovered) -2>>\
<<set _EncounterRoll to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<set _TotalEncounterRoll to _EncounterRoll + $Skill.Stealth + $DexterityBonus + $StatusAffect.IndoorTracking - $StatusAffect.Horny - ($StatusAffect.CumCovered)>>\
<<if _TotalEncounterRoll < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current) and _TotalEncounterRoll2 < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current)>>\
<<if _TotalEncounterRoll + ($ThieverySkillFeats.SnareMaster *2) < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current - 10) or (_EncounterRoll < 2)>>\
<<set _State to "Ambush">>\
<<set _State to "Combat">>\
<<set _NPCEncounterRoll to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<if _NPCEncounterRoll > (18 - $ScoutingSkillFeats.KeenEye) and $NoEncounter is 0>>\
<<set _State to "NPC">>\
This small grungy office looks like it should be used for keeping track of inventory but judging by the pornagraphic movie playing on the small out of date PC, it's been used by managers to screw around and possible screw their employees. Several small boxes can be seen scattered across the floor and it's only the light of the PC monitor that's providing any illumination. From here you can access the main warehouse floor even if you can't see it due to all the clutter blocking the large internal window.
<<if $StatusText.Notice is 1>>\
<<include "Update Status">>\
<<switch _State>>\
<<case "TooLate">>\
<<set $Time.Current to $Time.Max>>\
It's too dangerous to explore a warehouse at this time of night.
<<button [[Leave|$location.temp2]]>>
<<set $NoEncounter to 0>>\
<<case "Ambush">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Ambushed to 1>>\
You've been ambushed by an enemy!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<case "Combat">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
A hostile enemy is wandering around the warehouse!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<if $Salvage.Office < 1>>\
<<button [[Search for Supplies|Small Warehouse Salvage]]>>
<<set $genericHouseGenericImage to $genericWarehouseOfficeImage>>\
<<set $lootTemp to $lootSmallWarehouse>>\
<<set $rarelootTemp to $rarelootSmallWOffice>>\
<<set $Salvage.Office to $Salvage.Office +1>>\
It looks like you have found everything of value in this room.
<<button [[Main Warehouse Floor|Small Warehouse - Main Room]]>> <</button>>
<</switch>>\<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<set _Fog to 0>>\
<<set _Rain to 0>>\
<<set _Cold to 0>>\
<<set _Wind to 0>>\
<<switch $Weather.Current>>\
<<case "Cloudy" "Windy">>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/Sunrise View 1.jpg" />
<<set _Wind to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<case "Foggy">>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/Sunrise View-F 1.jpg" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<case "Misty">>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/Sunrise View-F 1.jpg" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Rainy" "Stormy">>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/Sunrise View-R 1.jpg" />
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Dreary">>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/Sunrise View-R 1.jpg" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Sleeting">>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/Sunrise View-S 1.jpg" />
<<set _Cold to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Snowy">>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/Sunrise View-S 1.jpg" />
<<set _Cold to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $Time.Current > 6>>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/Sunrise View-N 1.jpg" />
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/Sunrise View 1.jpg" />
<<set $location.temp to "West Sunrise View - Iron Gate North">>\
<<set $location.coord to 4>>\
<<set $locationGeneric to $locationWestSunriseView>>\
<<set $location.Encounter to "West Sunrise View">>\
<<set $location.Event to "West Sunrise View">>\
<<if $Time.Current >= $Time.Max >>\
<<set _State to "TooLate">>\
<<set $NoEncounter to 1>>\
<<if $NoEncounter < 1>>\
<<include "Random Encounter Check">>\
You are located at the northern end of Iron Gate road which heads north to the entrance to the Oak Dale suburbs and heads south deeper into the Sunrise View industrial park towards the South Haven river. Most of the empty buildings look to be warehouses along side several abandoned office buildings. To the north the Oak Dale suburbs can barely be seen past the tall buildings while to the south the Iron Gate road continues towards a intersection with Bronze Cup avenue.
<<if $StatusText.Notice is 1>>\
<<include "Update Status">>\
<<if _Rain > 0 and $StatusAffect.Wet < _Rain>>\
<<set _Rain to _Rain - $PCResistance.Water>>\
<<if _Rain > $StatusAffect.Wet>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Wet to _Rain>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I'm getting soaking wet!</i> </div>
<<if _Cold > 0 and $PCResistance.Cold < _Cold>>\
<<set _tempDamage to random(_Cold) + $StatusAffect.Wet>>\
<<set _tempDamage2 to _tempDamage - $PCResistance.Cold>>\
<<if _tempDamage2 > 0>>\
<<set $HP to $HP - _tempDamage2>>\
<<if $HP < 1>>\
<<set $HP to 1>>\
You take _tempDamage2 cold damage!
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I'm freezing to death!</i>
<<switch _State>>\
<<case "TooLate">>\
<<set $Time.Current to $Time.Max>>\
It's too dangerous to explore the Sunrise View river park at this time of night.
<<button [[Return Home|Sunrise View Returning Home]]>>
<<set $NoEncounter to 0>>\
<<case "Ambush">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Ambushed to 1>>\
You've been ambushed by an enemy!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<case "Combat">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
A hostile enemy is roaming nearby!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<case "NPC">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
You've encountered something unusual!
<<button [[Encounter|West Sunrise View Events]]>>
<<set $location.prev to $location.temp>>\
<<button [[Explore one of the Empty Buildings|West Sunrise View - Office Building]]>>
<<set $location.temp2 to $location.temp>>\
<<button [[Look around the Area|West Sunrise View Event Scout]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Scout the Area for Enemies|West Sunrise View Scouting]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[North to Sunrise View Entrance|Oak Dale - West Sunrise View River Park Entrance]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[South to Iron Gate & Bronze Cup|West Sunrise View - Iron Gate & Bronze Cup]]>> <</button>>
<<if $lust >= ($MaxLust / 2) or $GeneralFeats.Horndog > 0>>\
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Masturbate|Masturbate]]>> </span>
<</switch>>\<img @src=$genericFighter.Image />
Deciding this is a fight you can not win you attempt to flee from the $genericFighter.Name!
<<if (random(19) +1) + $Skill.Athletics + $StrengthBonus < 10 + $genericFighter.Scouting>>\
You fail to get away as $genericFighter.Name blocks your path!
<<include "Enemy Attack">>\
<<if $HP < 1 or $lust > 99>>\
<<set $CombatRound to 0>>\
You have been defeated by $genericFighter.Name...
<<button [[Next|Suburb Combat]]>> <</button>>\
With your speed you managed to get away! The $genericFighter.Name2 turns back to Nurse Troy as they grumble at the loss of an additional victim.
<<button [[Flee|$location.temp]]>>
<<set $npcTroy.Friendship to $npcTroy.Friendship - 5 + $SocialSkillFeats.WashmyHair>>\
<<set $nurseattackEvent.Corrupt to $nurseattackEvent.Corrupt +1>>\
<<set $npcTroy.BreastsSize to $npcTroy.BreastsSize+5>>\
<<set $npcTroy.NippleSize to $npcTroy.NippleSize+5>>\
<<set $NoEncounter to random(1) +2>>\
<<set $CombatRound to 0>>\
<<set $SpecialUsage to $MaxSpecialUsage>>\
<<include "Combat Status Affects">>\
<<set $CombatRound to 0>>\
<<set $location.FleeFlag to 0>>\
<<set $BattleFlag to 0>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</if>>\<<include "Weapons">>\
<<include "Armor">>\
<<include "Items">>\
<<include "Accessories">>\<img src="Images/Home/Closet.jpg" width="512px" height="768px"/>
Which item do you wish to remove from the closet?
<<for $i = 0; $i < $HomeStorage.length; $i++>>\
<<set $uitem = $HomeStorage[$i]>>\
<<set $ItemName to $uitem.name>>\
<<capture $uitem>>\
<<if $uitem.innate is not 1>>\
<span id="useButton"><<button "Remove $ItemName" "Closet Remove2" >>
<<set $uitem2 to $uitem>>\
<<set _amount2 to $uitem2.amount>>\
<<if _amount2 > 1>>\
<<set $uitem2.amount to $uitem2.amount -1>>\
<<set $HomeStorage.delete($uitem)>>\
<<set _exists to 0>>\
<<set _tempLoot to $uitem2>>\
<<for $j = 0; $j < $PCInventory.length; $j++>>\
<<set $vitem = $PCInventory[$j]>>\
<<capture $vitem>>\
<<set $ItemName to $vitem.name>>\
<<set _TempName to _tempLoot.name>>\
<<if $ItemName is _TempName>>\
<<set $vitem.amount to $vitem.amount+1>>\
<<set _exists to 1>>\
<<set _amount to $vitem.amount>>\
<<if _exists is 0>>\
<<set $uitem3 to clone($uitem2)>>\
<<set $uitem3.amount to 1>>\
<<set $PCInventory.push($uitem3)>>\
<<button [[Return|PCRoom]]>> <</button>><img src="Images/Home/Closet.jpg" width="512px" height="768px"/>
<<for $i = 0; $i < $PCInventory.length; $i++>>\
<<set $uitem = $PCInventory[$i]>>\
<<set $ItemName to $uitem.name>>\
<<capture $uitem>>\
<<if $uitem.innate is not 1>>\
<span id="useButton"><<button "Store $ItemName" "Closet Store2" >>
<<set $uitem2 to $uitem>>\
<<set _amount2 to $uitem2.amount>>\
<<if _amount2 > 1>>\
<<set $uitem2.amount to $uitem2.amount -1>>\
<<set $PCInventory.delete($uitem)>>\
<<set _exists to 0>>\
<<set _tempLoot to $uitem2>>\
<<for $j = 0; $j < $HomeStorage.length; $j++>>\
<<set $vitem = $HomeStorage[$j]>>\
<<set $ItemName to $vitem.name>>\
<<set _TempName to _tempLoot.name>>\
<<if $ItemName is _TempName>>\
<<set _exists to 1>>\
<<set _amount to $vitem.amount>>\
<<set _amount to _amount +1>>\
<<if _exists is 1>>\
<<set $vitem.amount to _amount>>\
<<set $uitem3 to clone($uitem2)>>\
<<set $uitem3.amount to 1>>\
<<set $HomeStorage.push($uitem3)>>\
<<button [[Return|PCRoom]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</button>><img src="Images/Home/Closet.jpg" width="512px" height="768px"/>
<<set $ItemName to $uitem2.name>>\
<<for $i = 0; $i < $HomeStorage.length; $i++>>\
<<set $uitem = $HomeStorage[$i]>>\
<<if ndef $uitem>>\
<<set $HomeStorage.delete($uitem)>>\
<<for $i = 0; $i < $PCInventory.length; $i++>>\
<<set $uitem = $PCInventory[$i]>>\
<<if ndef $uitem>>\
<<set $PCInventory.delete($uitem)>>\
You stored $ItemName.
<<button [[Store More|Closet Store]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Finish|PCRoom]]>> <</button>><img src="Images/Home/Closet.jpg" width="512px" height="768px"/>
<<set $ItemName to $uitem2.name>>\
<<for $i = 0; $i < $HomeStorage.length; $i++>>\
<<set $uitem = $HomeStorage[$i]>>\
<<if ndef $uitem>>\
<<set $HomeStorage.delete($uitem)>>\
<<for $i = 0; $i < $PCInventory.length; $i++>>\
<<set $uitem = $PCInventory[$i]>>\
<<if ndef $uitem>>\
<<set $PCInventory.delete($uitem)>>\
You removed $ItemName from the closet.
<<button [[Remove More|Closet Remove]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Finish|PCRoom]]>> <</button>><img @src=$genericFighter.Image width="512px" height="768px" />
<<set $npcSamantha.Friendship to $npcSamantha.Friendship - 4 + $SocialSkillFeats.WashmyHair>>\
<<set $BattleFlag to 0>>\
<<set $CombatRound to 0>>\
<<set $SpecialUsage to $MaxSpecialUsage>>\
<<include "Combat Status Affects">>\
<<if $MedicPath.Combat > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Undying to 1>>\
<<set $location.FleeFlag to 0>>\
<<set _tempCash to $genericFighter.Level * 15>>\
<<set _tempCash to random(_tempCash) + ($genericFighter.Level * 4)>>\
<<if $SalvagingSkillFeats.SecureWallet > 0>>\
<<set _tempSecure to _tempCash * (.10 * $Prof.Salvaging)>>\
<<set _tempCash to Math.round(_tempCash - _tempSecure)>>\
<<set $Cash to $Cash - _tempCash>>\
<<if $Cash < 0>>\
<<set $Cash to 0>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.Vaccine < 1>>\
<<if (random(19) +1) + $PC.Fortitude + $InfectionResist.Fort + $FoodStatus.Fort < (23 + Math.round($Infestation.Progress / 2) )>>\
<<if $Infestation.Progress < 1>>\
<<set $Infestation.Progress to 1>>\
<<set _Infest to random(15) - $InfectionResist.DR +5>>\
<<if _Infest < 0>>\
<<set _Infest to 0>>\
<<set $PC.Infestation to $PC.Infestation + _Infest>>\
<<if $PC.Infestation > $Infestation.Cap>>\
<<set $PC.Infestation to $Infestation.Cap>>\
<<set $Infestation.BruiseVariant to $Infestation.BruiseVariant + random(10) +5>>\
<<if $Infestation.BruiseVariant > $Infestation.BruiseCap>>\
<<set $Infestation.BruiseVariant to $Infestation.BruiseCap>>\
<<if $HP < 1>>\
<<if $SkillFeats.Recovery > 0>>\
<<set $HP to $PC.Level + $ConstitutionBonus + 1>>\
<<set $HP to 1>>\
<<set $sexHistory.XP to $sexHistory.XP +1>>\
<<set $LastPartner to $genericFighter>>\
<<set _DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$genericFighter.DickSize]>>\
<<set _DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$genericFighter.DickSize]>>\
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$genericFighter.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$genericFighter.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _IAss to $arrayAssSizeDesc[$genericFighter.AssSize]>>\
<<set _OSD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$npcSamantha.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _OCup to $arrayBreastSize[$npcSamantha.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _OAss to $arrayAssSizeDesc[$npcSamantha.AssSize]>>\
<<if $joggerEvent.Vaccine < 1>>\
<<set $npcSamantha.InfestationLevel to $npcSamantha.InfestationLevel +1>>\
<<set $npcSamantha.BreastsSize to $npcSamantha.BreastsSize+2>>\
<<set $npcSamantha.AssSize to $npcSamantha.AssSize+2>>\
<<set _VSD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$npcSamantha.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _VCup to $arrayBreastSize[$npcSamantha.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _VAss to $arrayAssSizeDesc[$npcSamantha.AssSize]>>\
<<if $PC.Sex is "Futa" or $StatusAffect.Futa > 0>>\
<<set _Sex to "Futa">>\
<<elseif $PC.Sex is "Female" and $StatusAffect.Futa < 1>>\
<<set _Sex to "Female">>\
<<set _Sex to "Male">>\
<<switch _Sex>>\
<<case "Male">>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumFilled to $StatusAffect.CumFilled +1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered +1>>\
  Samantha's look of hope turns to despair as you collapse next to her after being defeated by the Infested Futa Bruiser. As you gaze upward at her from the ground her _DickSD _DickSize futa-dick is presenting proudly in front of your exhausted face with her _ISD _ICup breasts blocking the view of her lewd face. You can't take your eyes off her delicious looking meat rod and neither can Samantha.
  "Now, that wasn't very nice was it, weak little boy? I'm thinking you and your good friend here is going to need to make it up to your new muscle mommy!" she growls in a low threatening tone. Planting a big meaty hand on your head, she guides your lips towards her thick, juicy cock. You don't even resist as the lure of her thick shaft is too great and you stick your tongue out to take a small taste of her juicy pre-cum. It's so delicious that you moan as you luxuriate in the divine taste. Just a single drop is enough to make your own dick hard as a rock as the pleasure of drinking it down radiates throughout your body. As you go back for another taste you discover that Samantha has taken your spot!
  Unwilling to allow her to have all the juicy fun, you move her cum-filled balls to the side and dive into her wet pussy. You take a quick lick of her tight slit before sliding your lips over her clit causing the Infested to moan loudly. Soon however, Samantha comes up from air from where she had been deepthroating her thick meat log. Seeing your chance you abandon her pussy before quickly wrapping your lips around the tip of her cock before sliding your full lips down the length of her _DickSize shaft.
  Her girl-dick is so beefy and thick, it's almost impossible to take it all in. But the rewards are worth it as more of her pre-cum is flowing down your throat, igniting all the pleasure centers in your brain all at once. Your dick is leaking pre-cum like a sieve and your nipples are rock hard on top of your hard chest! As you suck down her delicious pre-cum you can hear Samantha's meager protests from next to you.
  "Now now, don't need to be greedy. Both of you can enjoy sucking down dommy-mommy's meat sickle, you horny little cock-suckers!" she moans as she pulls her monster cock out of your needy mouth. Samantha quickly slides her tongue along her length before pulling back allowing you to do the same. Another taste of her never ending pre-cum is enough to make you almost cum as your hand grips your throbbing cock and you give out a throaty moan. Reluctantly pulling back to allow Samantha her turn, she takes advantage to get a good lick in before deepthroating her _DickSD cock once again!
  Samantha goes in hard on sucking the Infested's <<Penis>> and it's obvious to tell that she's being affected as well by the pure pleasure of drinking down her pre-cum as her nipples harden on top of her _OSD tits. She tries to moan as well but with her fat cock buried in her throat it's rather muffled. Just when you think she's not going to let you have a turn, she lets the Futa's thick dick pop free from her thin mouth. You quickly dive back in while Samantha presses her chest up against you while sliding her tongue deep inside the Futa's cunt. As you wrap your tongue around her rod and start trying to suck down her pre-cum you can feel her prick start to pulse!
  "OH SHIT! I'M ABOUT TO SHOOT MY LOAD, YOU FUCKING COCK-SUCKING WEAKLINGS! GODDAMN! THAT FEELS SO FUCKING GOOD!" the Infested bellows as you feel her cock twitch some more before a tidal wave of hot gooey cum explodes down your throat while another stream of girl-cum splashes onto Samantha's face. There's so much cum that you can't swallow it all and you are forced to let her monster meat staff pop out of your mouth while still spewing cum like a firehose. Samantha's lips latches onto her cock while trying to contain all of the never-ending stream of cum but has to conceed as the firehose of baby-batter overflows her mouth as well. "I'm not done yet weaklings! Gotta make sure you get those sexy gains!" she yells as she shoots several more massive strands all over your hard chest along with Samantha's _OSD tits!
  The arousing feeling of being coated in her hot seed along with the divine fluids oozing down your throat thows your completely over the edge as you feel your orgasm hit like a truck. "FUCK! SHOOT YOUR WAD ALL OVER ME I'M CUMMING SO HARD!" you scream as you unleash a $CumAD load of gooey seed straight into your underwear, soaking it completetly!
  You're not alone in cumming as Samantha joins in with her own screams of utter pleasure. "FUCK! FUCK! OOOOH FUCK! IT FEELS SO GOOD!" she screams as her girl-fluids creates a girl-cum puddle on the floor. Her noise orgasm lasts a bit longer than yours but in the end she collaspses next to you on the ground.
  "I was planning on just getting a blowjob and heading back to working out in my garage... But since I was interrupted so rudely my blood is boiling which means my _DickSD dick is still fucking hard. And lucky for me, there's two nice weaklings ready and eager to be fucked hard into shape!" she says as she gazes at your weak exhausted bodies. "Now strip for me and the jogger gets on the bottom while the so-called hero gets to be on top." she demands while stroking her _DickSize monster meat.
  "Really?" asks Samantha as she gazes at the Infested in desire with her eyes glancing at the Futa's _ISD tits. You feel the same way as your ass aches to be fillled even after just having a mind-blowing orgasm. At the Infested's lusty look she quickly strips out of her yoga outfit exposing her _OSD _OCup tits along with her _OAss ass. You finish checking out Samantha and then quickly follow suite by stripping out of your clothes letting your $DickSize cock and $BallsSize balls bounce free.
  Samantha lies down on the ground with her _OSD breasts facing the sky. You gently lower yourself so that you are lying on top of Samantha with your hard goo-covered chest pressed against her own _OSD cum-covered chest while your cock is wedged between your bodies. With your face so close to hers she gets a good look at you and finally a look of recognition fills her face.
  You don't have time to contemplate your reunion as you feel the Infested's _DickSD futa-cock pressing up against your asshole! A soft moan escapes your mouth as she rubs her cum-soaked dick against the entrance to your tight butt. "That's right, little weaklings! I'm going to fuck your twats nice and hard and give you both a good workout! And that means I'm going to fuck the hero's man-pussy!" she declares proudly as she pushes her meat staff straight into your extremely tight derriere!
  Her _DickSize shaft fills your tight buttocks so much that you have to moan loudly as your overstuffed man-pussy stretches to accommodate her extremely thick size. She doesn't give you any time to adjust as she pulls back her _DickSD shaft back before slamming it hard into your needy ass! The force of her thrusts are pushing your hard chest against Samantha's _OSD jugs and you can feel your tiny nipples rubbing against hers!
  You barely have time enjoy her hard fucking before the Infested pulls her long shaft out of your pleasure-filled bottom before sliding her meaty dick against Samantha's wet pussy. She eagerly gasps as she thrusts her meat rod into her tight twat and before long she's moaning loudly from being railed by the Infested Futa Bruiser!
  You jealously watch as Samantha is fucked so completely by the Infested's powerful cock and the only thing you can do is wait for your turn. That is until you feel Samantha's arms wrap around the back of your head, guiding your lips to her own. You quickly start kissing her with your tongue dueling with her own slippery tongue.
  Feeling the Infested's big beefy futa-cock slam back into your tight rear end, you release your lip-lock with Samantha and moan "Oh God! Your cock feels so deep inside my ass! Fuck! It feels so good!" Your dick is rock hard and you can feel it throbbing at it presses against Samantha. Hearing your lewd moans, she pounds your bum even harder and you feel your orgasm rapidly approaching!
  Switching back to jackhammering Samantha's cunt the Futa grunts "Fuck! Your weakass's pussies are so fucking tight! I'm about to shoot my hot wad all up inside your fucking snatches and get you all pumped up!" Samantha can only moan even louder in pleasure as the Futa rapidly thrusts her _DickSize tool deep inside her pussy and it looks like she's on her way to her own powerful orgasm.
<<if $PC.Infestation is $Infestation.Cap & $Infestation.Progress > 1>>\
<<set _ODickSD to $DickSD>>\
<<set _ODickSize to $DickSize>>\
<<set _OBallsSD to $BallsSD>>\
<<set _OBallsSize to $BallsSize>>\
<<include "Infestation Increase">>\
  As your ass is being completely fucked by her _DickSD futa-meat you feel a surge of energy flowing directly into you! It almost feels like you are burning up but it quickly turns to pleasure that radiates from your hard dick and cum-filled balls!
  "OH FUCKING GODDAMN! WEAK-ASS BITCH PUSSIES FEELS SO FUCKING GOOD! I'M SHOOTING MY HEAVY LOAD DEEP INTO YOUR FUCKING CUNT!" she bellows as she buries her mighty meat staff deep inside your eager ass while gripping your buttcheeks hard. She grunts loudly before shooting a massive amount of her seed straight to your asshole! There's so much cum that it leaks out of your ass and onto Samantha's legs! The surge of energy spikes as you feel your _DickSize trapped cock start to grow larger with each heartbeat and begin to press harder against Samantha's stomach!
  The feeling of being creampied by the Infested along with your growing dick feels so good that your long awaited orgasm crashes into you hard! "Oh shit yes! My cock is getting so big! Oh fuck! I'm cumming so fucking hard!! Yesssss!" you scream as your ass clenches her dick hard before your own dick shoots a tsunami amount of seed out, blasting your chest along with Samantha's own tits!
  While you were busy dealing with your messy orgasm and your erotic changes, the Infested pulled her dick out of your tight bum and buried her meat rod back into Samantha's pussy! "Oh fuck give it to me!" she gasps in pure ecstasy. "I love how your big dick feels so deep inside me! Oh fuck! I'm cumming again as you're creampieing my pussy!" she screams as her whole body shakes and quivers!
<<if $joggerEvent.Vaccine > 0>>\
  Suddenly you feel Samantha's _OSD _OCup breasts start to shake and quiver from her intense orgasm as they press into your manly chest! Glancing down at yourself you discover that your cock is looking bigger with you now having a $DickSD $DickSize dick along with a pair of $BallsSD $BallsSize balls! Samantha looks to be too out of it to notice your changes due to the mindblowing orgasm. Standing up the Infested Futa Bruiser looks down at Samantha and says with a frown "That's too bad, little weakling! I was hoping for some major gains but guess it just wasn't meant to be. Anyways look me up again if you want another hard workout." Glancing at you he continues "You might look a lot sexier if you grew a pair of tits and some muscles, little weakling." With that said she struts away leaving the two of you to recover from the hard pounding sex-session.
  Suddenly you feel Samantha's _OSD _OCup breasts start to expand, pushing back against your manly chest! Sliding off of Samantha you watch as her breasts grow to a pair of _VSD _VCup tits! From this position you can tell that even her ass is growing eventually leaving her with a _VAss booty!
  Glancing down at yourself you discover that your cock is looking bigger with you now having a $DickSD $DickSize dick along with a pair of $BallsSD $BallsSize balls! Samantha looks to be too out of it to really notice the changes her body has undergone due to the Infested virus. Standing up the Infested Futa Bruiser looks down at Samantha and says with a grin "That's looking a lot better! You gotta have some nice big tits along with a fucking monster ass in order to rock the muscle queen look! I'll be around if you want another hard workout." Glancing at you she continues "You might look a lot sexier if you grew a pair of tits and muscles, little weakling..." With that said she struts away leaving the two of you to recover from the hard pounding sex-session.
  "OH FUCKING GODDAMN! WEAK-ASS BITCH PUSSIES FEELS SO FUCKING GOOD! I'M SHOOTING MY HEAVY LOAD DEEP INTO YOUR FUCKING CUNT!" she bellows as she buries her mighty meat staff deep inside your eager ass while gripping your buttcheeks hard. Shee grunts loudly before shooting a massive amount of her seed straight to your asshole! There's so much cum that it leaks out of your ass and onto Samantha's legs!
  The feeling of being creampied by the Infested along with your throbbing dick feels so good that your long awaited orgasm crashes into you hard! "Oh shit yes!! Oh fuck! I'm cumming so fucking hard!! Yesssss!" you scream as your ass clenches his dick hard before your own dick shoots a $CumAD amount of seed out, blasting your chest along with Samantha's own tits!
  While you were busy dealing with your messy orgasm, the Infested pulled her dick out of your tight bum and buried her meat rod back into Samantha's pussy! "Oh fuck give it to me!" she gasps in pure ecstasy. "I love how your big dick feels so deep inside me! Oh fuck! I'm cumming again as you're creampieing my pussy!" she screams as her whole body shakes and quivers!
<<if $joggerEvent.Vaccine > 0>>\
  Suddenly you feel Samantha's _OSD _OCup breasts start to shake and quiver from her intense orgasm as they press into your manly chest! Samantha looks to be too out of it to notice much of anything due to the mindblowing orgasm. Standing up the Infested Futa Bruiser looks down at Samantha and says with a frown "That's too bad, little weakling! I was hoping for some major gains but guess it just wasn't meant to be. Anyways look me up again if you want another hard workout." Glancing at you he continues "You might look a lot sexier if you grew a pair of tits and some muscles, little weakling." With that said she struts away leaving the two of you to recover from the hard pounding sex-session.
  Suddenly you feel Samantha's _OSD _OCup breasts start to expand, pushing back against your manly chest! Sliding off of Samantha you watch as her breasts grow to a pair of _VSD _VCup tits! From this position you can tell that even her ass is growing eventually leaving her with a _VAss booty!
  Samantha looks to be too out of it to really notice the changes her body has undergone due to the Infested virus. Standing up the Infested Futa Bruiser looks down at Samantha and says with a grin "That's looking a lot better! You gotta have some nice big tits along with a fucking monster ass in order to rock the muscle queen look! I'll be around if you want another hard workout." Glancing at you she continues "You might look a lot sexier if you grew a pair of tits and muscles, little weakling..." With that said she struts away leaving the two of you to recover from the hard pounding sex-session.
<<case "Female">>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumFilled to $StatusAffect.CumFilled +1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered +1>>\
  Samantha's look of hope turns to despair as you collapse next to her after being defeated by the Infested Futa Bruiser. As you gaze upward at her from the ground her _DickSD _DickSize futa-dick is presenting proudly in front of your exhausted face with her _ISD _ICup breasts blocking the view of her lewd face. You can't take your eyes off her delicious looking meat rod and neither can Samantha.
  "Now, that wasn't very nice was it, weak little girl? I'm thinking you and your good friend here is going to need to make it up to your new muscle mommy!" she growls in a low threatening tone. Planting a big meaty hand on your head, she guides your lips towards her thick, juicy cock. You don't even resist as the lure of her thick shaft is too great and you stick your tongue out to take a small taste of her juicy pre-cum. It's so delicious that you moan as you luxuriate in the divine taste. Just a single drop is enough to make your own pussy completely wet as the pleasure of drinking it down radiates throughout your body. As you go back for another taste you discover that Samantha has taken your spot!
  Unwilling to allow her to have all the juicy fun, you move her cum-filled balls to the side and dive into her wet pussy. You take a quick lick of her tight slit before sliding your lips over her clit causing the Infested to moan loudly. Soon however, Samantha comes up from air from where she had been deepthroating her thick meat log. Seeing your chance you abandon her pussy before quickly wrapping your lips around the tip of her cock before sliding your full lips down the length of her _DickSize shaft.
  Her girl-dick is so beefy and thick, it's almost impossible to take it all in. But the rewards are worth it as more of her pre-cum is flowing down your throat, igniting all the pleasure centers in your brain all at once. Your wet cunt is leaking girl-cum like a sieve and your nipples are rock hard on top of your $BreastSD chest! As you suck down her delicious pre-cum you can hear Samantha's meager protests from next to you.
  "Now now, don't need to be greedy. Both of you can enjoy sucking down dommy-mommy's meat sickle, you horny little cock-suckers!" she moans as she pulls her monster cock out of your needy mouth. Samantha quickly slides her tongue along her length before pulling back allowing you to do the same. Another taste of her never ending pre-cum is enough to make you almost cum as your hand slides in and out of your tight pussy and you give out a throaty moan. Reluctantly pulling back to allow Samantha her turn, she takes advantage to get a good lick in before deepthroating her _DickSD cock once again!
  Samantha goes in hard on sucking the Infested's <<Penis>> and it's obvious to tell that she's being affected as well by the pure pleasure of drinking down her pre-cum as her nipples harden on top of her _OSD tits. She tries to moan as well but with her fat cock buried in her throat it's rather muffled. Just when you think she's not going to let you have a turn, she lets the Futa's thick dick pop free from her thin mouth. You quickly dive back in while Samantha presses her chest up against you while sliding her tongue deep inside the Futa's cunt. As you wrap your tongue around her rod and start trying to suck down his pre-cum you can feel her prick start to pulse!
  "OH SHIT! I'M ABOUT TO SHOOT MY LOAD, YOU FUCKING COCK-SUCKING WEAKLINGS! GODDAMN! THAT FEELS SO FUCKING GOOD!" the Infested bellows as you feel her cock twitch some more before a tidal wave of hot gooey cum explodes down your throat while another stream of girl-cum splashes onto Samantha's face. There's so much cum that you can't swallow it all and you are forced to let her monster meat staff pop out of your mouth while still spewing cum like a firehose. Samantha's lips latches onto her cock while trying to contain all of the never-ending stream of cum but has to conceed as the firehose of baby-batter overflows her mouth as well. "I'm not done yet weaklings! Gotta make sure you get those sexy gains!" she yells as she shoots several more massive strands all over your $BreastSD chest along with Samantha's _OSD tits!
  The arousing feeling of being coated in her hot seed along with the divine fluids oozing down your throat thows your completely over the edge as you feel your orgasm hit like a truck. "FUCK! SHOOT YOUR WAD ALL OVER ME! I'M CUMMING!" you scream as you unleash a $GCumAD load of girl-cum soaking your underwear.
  You're not alone in cumming as Samantha joins in with her own screams of utter pleasure. "FUCK! FUCK! OOOOH FUCK! IT FEELS SO GOOD!" she screams as her girl-fluids creates a girl-cum puddle on the floor. Her noise orgasm lasts a bit longer than yours but in the end she collaspses next to you on the ground.
  "I was planning on just getting a blowjob and heading back to working out in my garage... But since I was interrupted so rudely my blood is boiling which means my _DickSD dick is still fucking hard. And lucky for me, there's two nice weaklings ready and eager to be fucked hard into shape!" she says as she gazes at your weak exhausted bodies."Now strip for me and the jogger gets on the bottom while the so-called hero gets to be on top." she demands while stroking her _DickSize monster meat.
  "Really?" asks Samantha as she gazes at the Infested in desire. You feel the same way as your sensitive pussy aches to be fillled even after just having a mind-blowing orgasm. At the Infested's lusty look she quickly strips out of her yoga outfit exposing her _OSD _OCup tits along with her _OAss ass. You finish checking out Samantha and then quickly follow suite by stripping out of your clothes letting your $BreastSD jugs bounce free as well as your $AssSize booty.
  Samantha lies down on the ground with her _OSD breasts facing the sky. You gently lower yourself so that you are lying on top of Samantha with your $BreastSD goo-covered breasts pressed against her own _OSD cum-covered chest. With your face so close to hers she gets a good look at you and finally a look of recognition fills her face.
  You don't have time to contemplate your reunion as you feel the Infested's _DickSD futa-cock pressing up against your pussy lips! A soft moan escapes your mouth as she rubs her cum-soaked dick against the entrance to your dripping wet slit. "That's right, little weaklings! I'm going to fuck your twats nice and hard and give you both a good workout!" she declares proudly as she pushes her meat staff straight into your extremely tight pussy!
  Her _DickSize cock fills your tight cunt so much that you have to moan loudly as your overstuffed pussy stretches to accommodate her extremely thick size. She doesn't give you any time to adjust as pulls back her _DickSD shaft back before slamming it hard into your needy pussy! The force of her thrusts are pushing your $BreastSD tits against Samantha's _OSD jugs and you can feel your hard $NippleSize long nipples rubbing against hers!
  You barely have time enjoy his hard fucking before the Infested pulls her long shaft out of your pleasure-filled cunt before sliding her meaty dick against Samantha's wet pussy. She eagerly gasps as she thrusts her meat rod into her tight twat and before long she's moaning loudly from being railed by the busty Futa!
  You jealously watch as Samantha is fucked so completely by the Infested's powerful cock and the only thing you can do is wait for your turn. That is until you feel Samantha's arms wrap around the back of your head, guiding your lips to her own. You quickly start kissing her with your tongue dueling with her own slippery tongue.
  Feeling the Infested's big cock slam back into your tight cunt. you release your lip-lock with Samantha and moan "Oh God! Your cock feels so deep inside my pussy! Fuck! It feels so good!" Hearing your lewd moans, she pounds your twat even harder and you feel your orgasm rapidly approaching!
  Switching back to jackhammering Samantha's cunt the Futa grunts "Fuck! Your weakass's pussies are so fucking tight! I'm about to shoot my hot wad all up inside your fucking snatches and get you all pumped up!" Samantha can only moan even louder in pleasure as the Futa rapidly thrusts her _DickSize tool deep inside her pussy and it looks like she's on her way to her own powerful orgasm.
<<if $PC.Infestation is $Infestation.Cap & $Infestation.Progress > 1>>\
<<set _BreastSD to $BreastSD>>\
<<set _BreastsSize to $BreastsSize>>\
<<set _AssSize to $AssSize>>\
<<include "Infestation Increase">>\
  As your pussy is being completely fucked by her _DickSD futa-rod you feel a surge of energy flowing directly into you! It almost feels like you are burning up but it quickly turns to pleasure that radiates from your wet pussy and your heaving chest.
  "OH FUCKING GODDAMN! WEAK-ASS BITCH PUSSIES FEELS SO FUCKING GOOD! I'M SHOOTING MY HEAVY LOAD DEEP INTO YOUR FUCKING CUNT!" she bellows as she buries her mighty meat staff deep inside your eager pussy while gripping your _AssSize ass hard. She grunts loudly before shooting a massive amount of her seed straight to your womb! The surge of energy spikes as you feel your _BreastSD breasts start to grow larger and begin to press harder against Samantha's _OSD tits! That's not all you are feeling as you can feel your _AssSize buttcheeks pushing against her meaty grip as they pump up!
  The feeling of being creampied by the Infested along with your growing ass and tits feels so good that your long awaited orgasm crashes into you hard! "Oh shit yes! My titties are getting so big! Oh fuck! I'm cumming all over your _DickSD cock! Yesssss!" you scream as your pussy clenches his dick hard before squirting an almost never ending spray of girl-cum all over her meaty shaft! There's so much girl-cum that it leaks out of your stuffed pussy and soaks Samantha's legs below you!
  While you were busy dealing with your messy orgasm and your erotic changes, the Infested pulled her dick out of your tight bum and buried her meat rod back into Samantha's pussy! "Oh fuck give it to me!" she gasps in pure ecstasy. "I love how your big dick feels so deep inside me! Oh fuck! I'm cumming again as you're creampieing my pussy!" she screams as her whole body shakes and quivers!
<<if $joggerEvent.Vaccine > 0>>\
  Suddenly you feel Samantha's _OSD _OCup breasts start to shake and quiver from her intense orgasm as they press into against your own $BreastSD growing jugs. Glancing down at yourself you discover that you now have a pair of $BreastSD $BreastsSize jugs along with a $AssSize derriere! Samantha looks to be too out of it to really notice the changes your body has undergone due to being fucked hard by an Infested. Standing up the Infested Futa Bruiser looks down at Samantha and says with a frown "That's too bad, little weakling! I was hoping for some major gains but guess it just wasn't meant to be. Anyways look me up again if you want another hard workout." Smiling at you she continues "You on the other hand are looking a lot sexier! You gotta have some big fucking tits and a nice monster ass to rock the muscle queen look!" With that said she struts away leaving the two of you to recover from the hard pounding sex-session.
  Suddenly you feel Samantha's _OSD _OCup breasts start to expand, pushing back against your own $BreastSD jugs as it seems you're not the only with a pair of growing tits! Sliding off of Samantha you watch as her breasts grow to a pair of _VSD _VCup tits! From this position you can tell that even her ass is growing eventually leaving her with a _VAss booty!
  Glancing down at yourself you discover that you now have a pair of $BreastSD $BreastsSize jugs along with a $AssSize derriere! Samantha looks to be too out of it to really notice the changes her body has undergone due to the Infested virus. Standing up the Infested Futa Bruiser looks down at you and Samantha and says with a grin "That's fucking awesome! You both packed on some sexy gains and are now packing some bigger tits and asses! Keep up the hard work and give me a call when you want another hard workout!" With that said she struts away leaving the two of you to recover from the hard pounding sex-session.
  "OH FUCKING GODDAMN! WEAK-ASS BITCH PUSSIES FEELS SO FUCKING GOOD! I'M SHOOTING MY HEAVY LOAD DEEP INTO YOUR FUCKING CUNT!" she bellows as she buries his might meat staff deep inside your eager pussy while gripping your $AssSize ass hard. sHe grunts loudly before shooting a massive amount of her seed straight to your womb!
  The feeling of being creampied by the Infested feels so good that your long awaited orgasm crashes into you hard! "Oh shit yes! I'm cumming all over your _DickSD cock! Yesssss!" you scream as your pussy clenches her dick hard before squirting a $GCumAD spray of girl-cum all over her meaty shaft!
  While you were busy dealing with your messy orgasm, the Infested pulled her shaft out of your slit and buried her meat rod back into Samantha's pussy! "Oh fuck give it to me!" she gasps in pure ecstasy. "I love how your big dick feels so deep inside me! Oh fuck! I'm cumming again as you're creampieing my pussy!" she screams as her whole body start to shake!
<<if $joggerEvent.Vaccine > 0>>\
  You can feel Samantha's _OSD _OCup breasts start to shake and quiver from her intense orgasm as they press into against your own $BreastSD jugs and it doesn't take long before Samantha is too out of it to really notice much of anything due to her mind-blowing orgasm. Standing up, the Infested Futa Bruiser looks down at you and Samantha with a frown "I can't believe both of you didn't get any gains after that hard workout! You have to be willing to put in the work if you want some nice big titties and asses!" With that said she struts away leaving the two of you to recover from the hard pounding sex-session.
  Suddenly you feel Samantha's _OSD _OCup breasts start to expand, pushing back against your own $BreastSD jugs! Sliding off of Samantha you watch as her tits grow to _VSD _VCup tits! From this position you can tell that even her ass is growing eventually leaving her with a _VAss booty!
  Samantha looks to be too out of it to really notice the changes her body has undergone due to the Infested virus. Standing up the Infested Futa Bruiser looks down at Samantha and says with a grin "You are looking a lot sexier after all those sexy gains! You gotta have some big fucking tits and a nice monster ass to rock the muscle queen look!" Glancing at you she continues "You on the other hand need to work on your gains. With enough hard work you can be the one packing some nice big titties and ass!" With that said she struts away leaving the two of you to recover from the hard pounding sex-session.
<<case "Futa">>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumFilled to $StatusAffect.CumFilled +1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered +1>>\
  Samantha's look of hope turns to despair as you collapse next to her after being defeated by the Infested Futa Bruiser. As you gaze upward at her from the ground her _DickSD _DickSize futa-dick is presenting proudly in front of your exhausted face with her _ISD _ICup breasts blocking the view of her lewd face. You can't take your eyes off her delicious looking meat rod and neither can Samantha.
  "Now, that wasn't very nice was it, weak little girl? I'm thinking you and your good friend here is going to need to make it up to your new muscle mommy!" she growls in a low threatening tone. Planting a big meaty hand on your head, she guides your lips towards her thick, juicy cock. You don't even resist as the lure of her thick shaft is too great and you stick your tongue out to take a small taste of her juicy pre-cum. It's so delicious that you moan as you luxuriate in the taste. Just a single drop is enough to make your futa-cock hard as well as make your pussy glisten as the pleasure of drinking it down radiates throughout your body. As you go back for another taste you discover that Samantha has taken your spot!
  Unwilling to allow her to have all the juicy fun, you move her cum-filled balls to the side and dive into her wet pussy. You take a quick lick of her tight slit before sliding your lips over her clit causing the Infested to moan loudly. Soon however, Samantha comes up from air from where she had been deepthroating her thick meat log. Seeing your chance you abandon her pussy before quickly wrapping your lips around the tip of her cock before sliding your full lips down the length of her _DickSize shaft.
  Her girl-dick is so beefy and thick, it's almost impossible to take it all in. But the rewards are worth it as more of her pre-cum is flowing down your throat, igniting all the pleasure centers in your brain all at once. Your wet cunt is leaking girl-cum like a sieve and your nipples are rock hard on top of your $BreastSD chest! Even your futa-cock is rock hard with pre-cum dropping from the mushroom tip. As you suck down her delicious pre-cum you can hear Samantha's meager protests from next to you.
  "Now now, don't need to be greedy. Both of you can enjoy sucking down dommy-mommy's meat sickle, you horny little cock-suckers!" she moans as she pulls her monster cock out of your needy mouth. Samantha quickly slides her tongue along her length before pulling back allowing you to do the same. Another taste of her never ending pre-cum is enough to make you almost cum as is enough to make you almost cum as your hand slides down your throbbing futa-dick and you give out a throaty moan. Reluctantly pulling back to allow Samantha her turn, she takes advantage to get a good lick in before deepthroating her _DickSD cock once again!
  Samantha goes in hard on sucking the Infested's <<Penis>> and it's obvious to tell that she's being affected as well by the pure pleasure of drinking down her pre-cum as her nipples harden on top of her _OSD tits. She tries to moan as well but with her fat cock buried in her throat it's rather muffled. Just when you think she's not going to let you have a turn, she lets the Futa's thick dick pop free from her thin mouth. You quickly dive back in while Samantha presses her chest up against you while sliding her tongue deep inside the Futa's cunt. As you wrap your tongue around her rod and start trying to suck down her pre-cum you can feel her prick start to pulse!
  "OH SHIT! I'M ABOUT TO SHOOT MY LOAD, YOU FUCKING COCK-SUCKING WEAKLINGS! GODDAMN! THAT FEELS SO FUCKING GOOD!" the Infested bellows as you feel her cock twitch some more before a tidal wave of hot gooey cum explodes down your throat while another stream of girl-cum splashes onto Samantha's face. There's so much cum that you can't swallow it all and you are forced to let her monster meat staff pop out of your mouth while still spewing cum like a firehose. Samantha's lips latches onto her cock while trying to contain all of the never-ending stream of cum but has to conceed as the firehose of baby-batter overflows her mouth as well. "I'm not done yet weaklings! Gotta make sure you get those sexy gains!" she yells as she shoots several more massive strands all over your $BreastSD chest along with Samantha's _OSD tits!
  The arousing feeling of being coated in her hot seed along with the divine fluids oozing down your throat throws you completely over the edge as you feel your orgasm hit like a truck. "FUCK! SHOOT YOUR WAD ALL OVER ME! I'M CUMMING!" you scream as you unleash a $GCumAD load of girl-cum from your pussy while your hard futa-cock shoots a $CumAD wad of gooey cum, soaking your underwear.
  You're not alone in cumming as Samantha joins in with her own screams of utter pleasure. "FUCK! FUCK! OOOOH FUCK! IT FEELS SO GOOD!" she screams as her girl-fluids creates a girl-cum puddle on the floor. Her noise orgasm lasts a bit longer than yours but in the end she collaspses next to you on the ground.
  "I was planning on just getting a blowjob and heading back to working out in my garage... But since I was interrupted so rudely my blood is boiling which means my _DickSD dick is still fucking hard. And lucky for me, there's two nice weaklings ready and eager to be fucked hard into shape!" she says as she gazes at your weak exhausted bodies. "Now strip for me and the jogger gets on the bottom while the so-called hero gets to be on top." she demands while stroking her _DickSize monster meat.
  "Really?" asks Samantha as she gazes at the Infested in desire. You feel the same way as your sensitive pussy aches to be fillled even after just having a mind-blowing orgasm. At the Infested's lusty look she quickly strips out of her yoga outfit exposing her _OSD _OCup tits along with her _OAss ass. You finish checking out Samantha and then quickly follow suite by stripping out of your clothes letting your $BreastSD jugs bounce free as well as your $DickSize futa-cock.
  Samantha lies down on the ground with her _OSD breasts facing the sky. You gently lower yourself so that you are lying on top of Samantha with your $BreastSD goo-covered breasts pressed against her own _OSD cum-covered chest while your futa-cock is wedged between your bodies. With your face so close to hers she gets a good look at you and finally a look of recognition fills her face.
  You don't have time to contemplate your reunion as you feel the Infested's _DickSD futa-cock pressing up against your pussy lips! A soft moan escapes your mouth as she rubs her cum-soaked dick against the entrance to your dripping wet slit. "That's right, little weaklings! I'm going to fuck your twats nice and hard and give you both a good workout!" she declares proudly as she pushes her meat staff straight into your extremely tight pussy!
  Her _DickSize cock fills your tight cunt so much that you have to moan loudly as your overstuffed pussy stretches to accommodate her extremely thick size. She doesn't give you any time to adjust as pulls back her _DickSD shaft back before slamming it hard into your needy pussy! The force of her thrusts are pushing your $BreastSD tits against Samantha's _OSD jugs and you can feel your hard $NippleSize long nipples rubbing against hers!
  You barely have time enjoy his hard fucking before the Infested pulls her long shaft out of your pleasure-filled cunt before sliding her meaty dick against Samantha's wet pussy. She eagerly gasps as she thrusts her meat rod into her tight twat and before long she's moaning loudly from being railed by the busty Futa!
  You jealously watch as Samantha is fucked so completely by the Infested's powerful cock and the only thing you can do is wait for your turn. That is until you feel Samantha's arms wrap around the back of your head, guiding your lips to her own. You quickly start kissing her with your tongue dueling with her own slippery tongue.
  Feeling the Infested's big cock slam back into your tight cunt. you release your lip-lock with Samantha and moan "Oh God! Your cock feels so deep inside my pussy! Fuck! It feels so good!" Your futa-dick is rock hard and you can feel it throbbing at it presses against Samantha. Hearing your lewd moans, she pounds your twat even harder and you feel your orgasm rapidly approaching!
  Switching back to jackhammering Samantha's cunt the Futa grunts "Fuck! Your weakass's pussies are so fucking tight! I'm about to shoot my hot wad all up inside your fucking snatches and get you all pumped up!" Samantha can only moan even louder in pleasure as the Futa rapidly thrusts her _DickSize tool deep inside her pussy and it looks like she's on her way to her own powerful orgasm.
<<if $PC.Infestation is $Infestation.Cap & $Infestation.Progress > 1>>\
<<set _BreastSD to $BreastSD>>\
<<set _BreastsSize to $BreastsSize>>\
<<set _AssSize to $AssSize>>\
<<include "Infestation Increase">>\
  As your pussy is being completely fucked by her _DickSD meat rod you feel a surge of energy flowing directly into you! It almost feels like you are burning up but it quickly turns to pleasure that radiates from your wet pussy, your hard dick and your heaving chest.
  "OH FUCKING GODDAMN! WEAK-ASS BITCH PUSSIES FEELS SO FUCKING GOOD! I'M SHOOTING MY HEAVY LOAD DEEP INTO YOUR FUCKING CUNT!" she bellows as she buries her mighty meat staff deep inside your eager pussy while gripping your _AssSize ass hard. She grunts loudly before shooting a massive amount of her seed straight to your womb! The surge of energy spikes as you feel your _BreastSD breasts start to grow larger and begin to press harder against Samantha's _OSD tits! That's not all you are feeling as you can feel your _AssSize buttcheeks pushing against her meaty grip as they pump up! Even your trapped futa-cock feels like it's growing larger with each heartbeat!
  The feeling of being creampied by the Infested along with your growing ass and tits feels so good that your long awaited orgasm crashes into you hard! "Oh shit yes! My titties are getting so big! Oh fuck! I'm cumming all over your _DickSD cock! Yesssss!" you scream as your pussy clenches her dick hard before squirting an almost never ending spray of girl-cum all over her meaty shaft! There's so much girl-cum that it leaks out of your stuffed pussy and soaks Samantha's legs below you! Your own futa-dick also gets in with the action as you shoot a tsunami amount of seed out, blasting your growing titties along with Samantha's own tits!
  While you were busy dealing with your messy orgasm and your erotic changes, the Infested pulled her dick out of your tight bum and buried her meat rod back into Samantha's pussy! "Oh fuck give it to me!" she gasps in pure ecstasy. "I love how your big dick feels so deep inside me! Oh fuck! I'm cumming again as you're creampieing my pussy!" she screams as her whole body shakes and quivers!
<<if $joggerEvent.Vaccine > 0>>\
  Suddenly you feel Samantha's _OSD _OCup breasts start to shake and quiver from her intense orgasm as they press into against your own $BreastSD growing jugs. Glancing down at yourself you discover that you now have a pair of $BreastSD $BreastsSize jugs along with a $AssSize derriere! Even your futa-cock is looking bigger with you now having a $DickSD $DickSize dick along with a pair of $BallsSD $BallsSize balls!
  Samantha looks to be too out of it to really notice the changes your body has undergone due to being fucked hard by an Infested. Standing up the Infested Futa Bruiser looks down at Samantha and says with a frown "That's too bad, little weakling! I was hoping for some major gains but guess it just wasn't meant to be. Anyways look me up again if you want another hard workout." Smiling at you she continues "You on the other hand are looking a lot sexier! You gotta have some big fucking tits and a nice monster ass to rock the muscle queen look!" With that said she struts away leaving the two of you to recover from the hard pounding sex-session.
  Suddenly you feel Samantha's _OSD _OCup breasts start to expand, pushing back against your own $BreastSD jugs as it seems you're not the only with a pair of growing tits! Sliding off of Samantha you watch as her breasts grow to a pair of _VSD _VCup tits! From this position you can tell that even her ass is growing eventually leaving her with a _VAss booty!
  Glancing down at yourself you discover that you now have a pair of $BreastSD $BreastsSize jugs along with a $AssSize derriere! Even your futa-cock is looking bigger with you now having a $DickSD $DickSize dick along with a pair of $BallsSD $BallsSize balls!
  Samantha looks to be too out of it to really notice the changes her body has undergone due to the Infested virus. Standing up the Infested Futa Bruiser looks down at you and Samantha and says with a grin "That's fucking awesome! You both packed on some sexy gains and are now packing some bigger tits and asses! Keep up the hard work and give me a call when you want another hard workout!" With that said she struts away leaving the two of you to recover from the hard pounding sex-session.
  "OH FUCKING GODDAMN! WEAK-ASS BITCH PUSSIES FEELS SO FUCKING GOOD! I'M SHOOTING MY HEAVY LOAD DEEP INTO YOUR FUCKING CUNT!" she bellows as she buries her mighty meat staff deep inside your eager pussy while gripping your _AssSize ass hard. She grunts loudly before shooting a massive amount of her seed straight to your womb!
  The feeling of being creampied by the Infested feels so good that your long awaited orgasm crashes into you hard! "Oh shit yes! I'm cumming all over your _DickSD cock! Yesssss!" you scream as your pussy clenches her dick hard before squirting a $GCumAD spray of girl-cum all over her meaty shaft! Your own futa-dick also gets in with the action as you shoot a $CumAD amount of seed out, blasting your cum-covered titties along with Samantha's own tits!
  While you were busy dealing with your messy orgasm, the Infested pulled her shaft out of your slit and buried her meat rod back into Samantha's pussy! "Oh fuck give it to me!" she gasps in pure ecstasy. "I love how your big dick feels so deep inside me! Oh fuck! I'm cumming again as you're creampieing my pussy!" she screams as her whole body start to shake!
<<if $joggerEvent.Vaccine > 0>>\
  You can feel Samantha's _OSD _OCup breasts start to shake and quiver from her intense orgasm as they press into against your own $BreastSD jugs and it doesn't take long before Samantha is too out of it to really notice much of anything due to her mind-blowing orgasm. Standing up, the Infested Futa Bruiser looks down at you and Samantha with a frown "I can't believe both of you didn't get any gains after that hard workout! You have to be willing to put in the work if you want some nice big titties and asses!" With that said she struts away leaving the two of you to recover from the hard pounding sex-session.
  Suddenly you feel Samantha's _OSD _OCup breasts start to expand, pushing back against your own $BreastSD jugs! Sliding off of Samantha you watch as her tits grow to _VSD _VCup tits! From this position you can tell that even her ass is growing eventually leaving her with a _VAss booty!
  Samantha looks to be too out of it to really notice the changes her body has undergone due to the Infested virus. Standing up the Infested Futa Bruiser looks down at Samantha and says with a grin "You are looking a lot sexier after all those sexy gains! You gotta have some big fucking tits and a nice monster ass to rock the muscle queen look!" Glancing at you she continues "You on the other hand need to work on your gains. With enough hard work you can be the one packing some nice big titties and ass!" With that said she struts away leaving the two of you to recover from the hard pounding sex-session.
<<button [[Next|Jogger Rescue Defeat 2]]>>
<</button>>\<<include "Adlibs">>\
<<set $SexScene1 to random(8)>>\
<<switch $SexScene1>>\
<<case 0 1 2>>\ /* Cowgirl scene */
<<include "Infested Futa Pussy Sex Dominate Male">>\
<<case 3 4 5>>\ /* Ass fucking */
<<include "Infested Futa Ass Sex Dominate Male">>\
<<case 6 7 8>>\ /* Blowjob scene */
<<include "Infested Futa Blowjob Dominate Male">>\
<<default>>\ /* Handjob scene */
<<include "Infested Futa Handjob Sex Dominate Male">>\
<</switch>> <<include "Adlibs">>\
<<set $SexScene1 to random(8)>>\
<<switch $SexScene1>>\
<<case 0 1 2>>\ /* Cowgirl scene */
<<include "Infested Futa Pussy Sex Dominate Futa">>\
<<case 3 4 5>>\ /* Pussy Fucked Scene */
<<include "Infested Futa Pussy2 Sex Dominate Futa">>\
<<case 6 7 8>>\ /* Blowjob scene */
<<include "Infested Futa Blowjob Sex Dominate Futa">>\
<<case 9 10 11>>\ /* Titfuck scene */
<<if $PC.BreastsSize > 3>>\
<<include "Infested Futa Tit Sex Dominate Futa">>\
<<include "Infested Futa Pussy Sex Dominate Futa">>\
<<case 12>>\ /* Handjob scene */
<<include "Infested Futa Handjob Sex Dominate Futa">>\
<</switch>> <<include "Adlibs">>\
<<set $SexScene1 to random(8)>>\
<<switch $SexScene1>>\
<<case 0 1 2>>\ /* Cowgirl scene */
<<include "Infested Futa Pussy Sex Dominate Female">>\
<<case 3 4 5>>\ /* Ass fucking */
<<include "Infested Futa Ass Sex Dominate Female">>\
<<case 6 7 8>>\ /* Blowjob scene */
<<include "Infested Futa Blowjob Dominate Female">>\
<<case 9 10 11>>\ /* Titfuck scene */
<<include "Infested Futa Tit Sex Dominate Female">>\
<<default>>\ /* Handjob scene */
<<include "Infested Futa Handjob Sex Dominate Female">>\
<</switch>> <<include "Adlibs">>\
<<switch $SexScene2>>\
<<case 1>>\ /* Pussy scene */
<<include "Infested Futa Pussy Sex Submissive Male">>\
<<case 2>>\ /* Ass scene */
<<include "Infested Futa Ass Sex Submissive Male">>\
<<case 3>>\ /* Titfuck scene */
<<include "Infested Futa Tit Sex Submissive Male">>\
<<case 4>>\ /* Blowjob scene */
<<include "Infested Futa Blowjob Sex Submissive Male">>\
<<case 5>>\ /* Get Ass Fucked */
<<include "Infested Futa Ass Fucked Sex Submissive Male">>\
<</switch>><<include "Adlibs">>\
<<switch $SexScene2>>\
<<case 1>>\ /* Fuck her Pussy scene */
<<include "Infested Futa Pussy Sex Submissive Futa">>\
<<case 2>>\ /* Fuck her Ass scene */
<<include "Infested Futa Ass Sex Submissive Male">>\
<<case 3>>\ /* Fuck her Tits scene */
<<include "Infested Futa Tit Sex Submissive Futa">>\
<<case 4>>\ /* Get Your Cock Sucked Scene */
<<include "Infested Futa Blowjob Sex Submissive Futa">>\
<<case 5>>\ /* Ride Her Cock Scene */
<<include "Infested Futa Pussy2 Sex Submissive Futa">>\
<<case 7>>\ /* Get Ass Fucked Scene */
<<include "Infested Futa Pussy2 Sex Submissive Futa">>\
<<case 9>>\ /* Suck her Cock Scene */
<<include "Infested Futa Blowjob2 Sex Submissive Futa">>\
<</switch>> <<include "Adlibs">>\
<<switch $SexScene2>>\
<<case 5>>\ /* Pussy scene */
<<include "Infested Futa Pussy Sex Submissive Female">>\
<<case 6>>\ /* Pussy eat out scene */
<<include "Infested Futa Eaten Sex Submissive Female">>\
<<case 7>>\ /* Ass fucked Scene */
<<include "Infested Futa Ass Sex Submissive Female">>\
<<case 8>>\ /* Hidden Dildo Scene */
<<include "Infested Futa Dildo Pussy Sex Submissive Female">>\
<<case 9>>\ /* Suck her Cock */
<<include "Infested Futa Blowjob Sex Submissive Female">>\
<</switch>>\<img @src=$genericFighter.Image />
<<set $CombatRound to 0>>\
<<set $SpecialUsage to $MaxSpecialUsage>>\
<<include "Combat Status Affects">>\
<<if $MedicPath.Combat > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Undying to 1>>\
<<set $location.FleeFlag to 0>>\
<<set _tempCash to $genericFighter.Level * 15>>\
<<set _tempCash to random(_tempCash) + ($genericFighter.Level * 4)>>\
<<if $SalvagingSkillFeats.SecureWallet > 0>>\
<<set _tempSecure to _tempCash * (.10 * $Prof.Salvaging)>>\
<<set _tempCash to Math.round(_tempCash - _tempSecure)>>\
<<set $Cash to $Cash - _tempCash>>\
<<if $Cash < 0>>\
<<set $Cash to 0>>\
<<if $HP < 1>>\
<<if $AthleticSkillFeats.Recovery > 0>>\
<<set $HP to $PC.Level + $ConstitutionBonus + 1>>\
<<set $HP to 1>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.Vaccine < 1>>\
<<if (random(19) +1) + $PC.Fortitude + $InfectionResist.Fort + $FoodStatus.Fort - $StatusAffect.Wet < (20 + $genericFighter.Level + Math.round($Infestation.Progress / 2) )>>\
<<if $Infestation.Progress < 1>>\
<<set $Infestation.Progress to 1>>\
<<set _Infest to random(10) - $InfectionResist.DR +5>>\
<<if _Infest < 0>>\
<<set _Infest to 0>>\
<<set $PC.Infestation to $PC.Infestation + _Infest>>\
<<if $PC.Infestation > $Infestation.Cap>>\
<<set $PC.Infestation to $Infestation.Cap>>\
<<set $Infestation.BruiseVariant to $Infestation.BruiseVariant + random(10) +5>>\
<<if $Infestation.BruiseVariant > $Infestation.BruiseCap>>\
<<set $Infestation.BruiseVariant to $Infestation.BruiseCap>>\
<<if $PC.Sex is "Futa" or $StatusAffect.Futa > 0>>\
<<include "Infested Futa Sex Dominate Futa">>\
<<elseif $PC.Sex is "Male" and $StatusAffect.Futa < 1>>\
<<include "Infested Futa Sex Dominate Male">>\
<<elseif $PC.Sex is "Female" and $StatusAffect.Futa < 1>>\
<<include "Infested Futa Sex Dominate Female">>\
<<if $Cash > 0>>\
As you gather your gear you discover that you are missing _tempCash dollars!
<<button [[Return|$location.temp]]>>
<<include "Lust Passes">>\
<<if $StatusAffect.Horde > 0 and $location.Indoor is 0>>\
<<set $NoEncounter to random(3)>>\
<<set $NoEncounter to random(1) +2>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<img @src=$genericFighter.Image />
<<set $CombatRound to 0>>\
Staring at $genericFighter.Name you like what you see and feel like giving them what they want. How do you want to fuck them?
<<if $PC.Sex is not "Male" or $StatusAffect.Futa > 1>>\
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Get Fucked by Her Cock|Suburb Futa Bruiser Infested Fuck]]>>
<<set $SexScene2 to 1>> </span><</button>>
<<if $PC.Sex is "Male" and $StatusAffect.Futa < 1>>\
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Fuck Her Ass|Suburb Futa Bruiser Infested Fuck]]>>
<<set $SexScene2 to 1>> </span><</button>>
<<button [[Refuse!|Suburb Combat]]>> <</button>><img @src=$genericFighter.Image />
<<if $StatusAffect.Vaccine < 1>>\
<<if (random(19) +1) + $PC.Fortitude + $InfectionResist.Fort + $FoodStatus.Fort - $StatusAffect.Wet < (20 + $genericFighter.Level + Math.round($Infestation.Progress / 2) )>>\
<<if $Infestation.Progress < 1>>\
<<set $Infestation.Progress to 1>>\
<<set _Infest to random(10) - $InfectionResist.DR +5>>\
<<if _Infest < 0>>\
<<set _Infest to 0>>\
<<set $PC.Infestation to $PC.Infestation + _Infest>>\
<<if $PC.Infestation > $Infestation.Cap>>\
<<set $PC.Infestation to $Infestation.Cap>>\
<<set $Infestation.BruiseVariant to $Infestation.BruiseVariant + random(10) +5>>\
<<if $Infestation.BruiseVariant > $Infestation.BruiseCap>>\
<<set $Infestation.BruiseVariant to $Infestation.BruiseCap>>\
<<if $PC.Sex is "Male" and $StatusAffect.Futa < 1>>\
<<include "Infested Futa Bruiser Sex Submissive Male">>\
<<elseif $PC.Sex is "Female" and $StatusAffect.Futa < 1 >>\
<<include "Infested Futa Bruiser Sex Submissive Female">>\
<<elseif $PC.Sex is "Futa" or $StatusAffect.Futa > 0>>\
<<include "Infested Futa Bruiser Sex Submissive Futa">>\
<<include "Lust Passes">>\
<<if $location.SexFlag is 1>>\
<<button [[Return|$location.Sex]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<set $NoEncounter to random(1) +2>>\
<<set $location.SexFlag to 0>>\
<<button [[Return|$location.temp]]>>
<<if $StatusAffect.Horde > 0 and $location.Indoor is 0>>\
<<set $NoEncounter to random(3)>>\
<<set $NoEncounter to random(1) +2>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</if>>\<img @src=$genericFighter.Image />
<<set $CombatRound to 0>>\
Staring down at the defeated $genericFighter.Name3 you are feeling extremely horny and feeling like giving them what they want. How do you want to fuck them?
<<if $PC.Sex is not "Female" or $StatusAffect.Futa > 0>>\
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Fuck her Pussy|Suburb Futa Bruiser Infested Fuck]]>>
<<set $SexScene2 to 1>>
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Fuck her Ass|Suburb Futa Bruiser Infested Fuck]]>>
<<set $SexScene2 to 2>>
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Fuck her Tits|Suburb Futa Bruiser Infested Fuck]]>>
<<set $SexScene2 to 3>>
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Get a Blowjob|Suburb Futa Bruiser Infested Fuck]]>>
<<set $SexScene2 to 4>>
<<if $PC.Sex is not "Male" or $StatusAffect.Futa > 0>>\
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Ride her Cock|Suburb Futa Bruiser Infested Fuck]]>>
<<set $SexScene2 to 5>>
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Get Eaten Out|Suburb Futa Bruiser Infested Fuck]]>>
<<set $SexScene2 to 6>>
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Get Ass Fucked by her Cock|Suburb Futa Bruiser Infested Fuck]]>>
<<set $SexScene2 to 7>>
<<if $KeyItemsFlags.DoubleDildo > 0 and $PC.Sex is "Female" and $StatusAffect.Futa < 1>>\
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Fuck Her with Double-Ended Dildo|Suburb Futa Bruiser Infested Fuck]]>>
<<set $SexScene2 to 8>>\
<<if $PC.Sex is "Female" and $StatusAffect.Futa < 1>>\
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Suck her Cock|Suburb Futa Bruiser Infested Fuck]]>>
<<set $SexScene2 to 9>>
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Let Them Take Charge|Suburb Futa Bruiser Infested Submit]]>>
<<if $lust + ($StatusAffect.Horny*2) < 100>>\
<<button [[Nevermind|$location.temp]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</if>>\<img @src=$genericFighter.Image />
<<set $CombatRound to 0>>\
<<set $SpecialUsage to $MaxSpecialUsage>>\
<<include "Combat Status Affects">>\
<<if $MedicPath.Combat > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Undying to 1>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.Vaccine < 1>>\
<<if (random(19) +1) + $PC.Fortitude + $InfectionResist.Fort + $FoodStatus.Fort - $StatusAffect.Wet < (20 + $genericFighter.Level + Math.round($Infestation.Progress / 2) )>>\
<<if $Infestation.Progress < 1>>\
<<set $Infestation.Progress to 1>>\
<<set _Infest to random(10) - $InfectionResist.DR +5>>\
<<if _Infest < 0>>\
<<set _Infest to 0>>\
<<set $PC.Infestation to $PC.Infestation + _Infest>>\
<<if $PC.Infestation > $Infestation.Cap>>\
<<set $PC.Infestation to $Infestation.Cap>>\
<<set $Infestation.BruiseVariant to $Infestation.BruiseVariant + random(10) +5>>\
<<if $Infestation.BruiseVariant > $Infestation.BruiseCap>>\
<<set $Infestation.BruiseVariant to $Infestation.BruiseCap>>\
<<if $PC.Sex is "Futa" or $StatusAffect.Futa > 0>>\
<<include "Infested Futa Bruiser Sex Dominate Futa">>\
<<elseif $PC.Sex is "Male" and $StatusAffect.Futa < 1>>\
<<include "Infested Futa Bruiser Sex Dominate Male">>\
<<elseif $PC.Sex is "Female" and $StatusAffect.Futa < 1>>\
<<include "Infested Futa Bruiser Sex Dominate Female">>\
<<button [[Return|$location.temp]]>>
<<include "Lust Passes">>\
<<if $StatusAffect.Horde > 0 and $location.Indoor is 0>>\
<<set $NoEncounter to random(3)>>\
<<set $NoEncounter to random(1) +2>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</button>><<set $UpdateStorage to []>>
<<for $i = 0; $i < $PCInventory.length; $i++>>\
<<set $uitem = $PCInventory[$i]>>\
<<if ndef $uitem>>\
<<set $PCInventory.delete($uitem)>>\
<<for $i = 0; $i < $PCInventory.length; $i++>>\
<<set $uitem = $PCInventory[$i]>>\
<<if ndef $uitem>>\
<<set $PCInventory.delete($uitem)>>\
<<for $i = 0; $i < $PCInventory.length; $i++>>\
<<set $uitem = $PCInventory[$i]>>\
<<set $ItemName to $uitem.name>>\
<<set $uitem.amount to 1>>\
<<set $uitem2 to $uitem>>\
<<set _tempLoot to $uitem2>>\
<<set $UpdateStorage.push(_tempLoot)>>\
<<set $PCInventory to []>>
<<for $k = 0; $k < $UpdateStorage.length; $k++>>\
<<set _kitem = $UpdateStorage[$k]>>\
<<if _kitem.innate is not 1>>\
<<set $ItemName to _kitem.name>>\
<<set $ItemAmount to _kitem.amount>>\
$ItemName x $ItemAmount, \
<<for $i = 0; $i < $UpdateStorage.length; $i++>>\
<<set $uitem = $UpdateStorage[$i]>>\
<<set $ItemName to $uitem.name>>\
<<set $uitem2 to $uitem>>\
<<set _exists to 0>>\
<<set _tempLoot to $uitem2>>\
<<for $j = 0; $j < $PCInventory.length; $j++>>\
<<set $vitem = $PCInventory[$j]>>\
<<set $ItemName to $vitem.name>>\
<<set _TempName to _tempLoot.name>>\
<<if $ItemName is _TempName>>\
<<set _amount to $vitem.amount>>\
<<set _amount to _amount +1>>\
<<set $vitem.amount to _amount>>\
<<set _exists to 1>>\
<<if _exists is 0>>\
<<set $PCInventory.push(_tempLoot)>>\
<<for $i = 0; $i < $PCInventory.length; $i++>>\
<<set $uitem = $PCInventory[$i]>>\
<<set $ItemName to $uitem.name>>\
<<set $ItemSkill to $uitem.skill>>\
<<if $itemSkill is "Rifles">>\
<<set $uitem.criticalamount to 5>>\
<<if $equipedWeapon.skill is "Rifles">>\
<<set $equipedWeapon.criticalamount to 5>>\
<<button [[Finish|PCRoom]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</button>><img src="Images/IntroNurse.jpg" width="800px" height="200px"/>
<<include "Update Notes">>\
Current Version: <<print $Version>>
<<button [[Return|Start Intro]]>> <</button>><<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<set _Fog to 0>>\
<<set _Rain to 0>>\
<<set _Cold to 0>>\
<<set _Wind to 0>>\
<<switch $Weather.Current>>\
<<case "Cloudy" "Windy">>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/Sunrise View 3.jpg" />
<<set _Wind to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<case "Foggy">>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/Sunrise View-F 3.jpg" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<case "Misty">>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/Sunrise View-F 3.jpg" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Rainy" "Stormy">>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/Sunrise View-R 3.jpg" />
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Dreary">>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/Sunrise View-R 3.jpg" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Sleeting">>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/Sunrise View-S 3.jpg" />
<<set _Cold to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Snowy">>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/Sunrise View-S 3.jpg" />
<<set _Cold to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $Time.Current > 6>>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/Sunrise View-N 3.jpg" />
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/Sunrise View 3.jpg" />
<<set $location.temp to "West Sunrise View - Iron Gate & Bronze Cup">>\
<<set $location.coord to 6>>\
<<set $locationGeneric to $locationWestSunriseView>>\
<<set $location.Encounter to "West Sunrise View">>\
<<set $location.Event to "West Sunrise View">>\
<<if $Time.Current >= $Time.Max >>\
<<set _State to "TooLate">>\
<<set $NoEncounter to 1>>\
<<if $NoEncounter < 1>>\
<<include "Random Encounter Check">>\
You are located at the intersection of Iron Gate avenue with Bronze Cup street where several broken down trucks and vans line the street. Multiple rusted docking doors along with broken windows gives this part of the Sunrise View park a rather rundown look. Several walls have lewd graffiti covering them making it look like this industrial area is either overrun by Infested or is the home to a very erotic gang. To the far north you can see the exit to the Oak Dale suburbs while to the south Iron Gate continues all the way to the river. Bronze Cup heads off to the east towards the deeper industrial part of the river park.
<<if $StatusText.Notice is 1>>\
<<include "Update Status">>\
<<if _Rain > 0 and $StatusAffect.Wet < _Rain>>\
<<set _Rain to _Rain - $PCResistance.Water>>\
<<if _Rain > $StatusAffect.Wet>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Wet to _Rain>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I'm getting soaking wet!</i> </div>
<<if _Cold > 0 and $PCResistance.Cold < _Cold>>\
<<set _tempDamage to random(_Cold) + $StatusAffect.Wet>>\
<<set _tempDamage2 to _tempDamage - $PCResistance.Cold>>\
<<if _tempDamage2 > 0>>\
<<set $HP to $HP - _tempDamage2>>\
<<if $HP < 1>>\
<<set $HP to 1>>\
You take _tempDamage2 cold damage!
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I'm freezing to death!</i>
<<switch _State>>\
<<case "TooLate">>\
<<set $Time.Current to $Time.Max>>\
It's too dangerous to explore the Sunrise View river park at this time of night.
<<button [[Return Home|Sunrise View Returning Home]]>>
<<set $NoEncounter to 0>>\
<<case "Ambush">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Ambushed to 1>>\
You've been ambushed by an enemy!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<case "Combat">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
A hostile enemy is roaming nearby!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<case "NPC">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
You've encountered something unusual!
<<button [[Encounter|West Sunrise View Events]]>>
<<set $location.prev to $location.temp>>\
<<button [[Explore one of the Empty Buildings|West Sunrise View - Office Building]]>>
<<set $location.temp2 to $location.temp>>\
<<button [[Look around the Area|West Sunrise View Event Scout]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Scout the Area for Enemies|West Sunrise View Scouting]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[North to Northern Iron Gate|West Sunrise View - Iron Gate North]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[East to Bronze Cup & Plastic Loop|West Sunrise View Bronze Cup & Plastic Loop]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[South to Southern Iron Gate|West Sunrise View Iron Gate South]]>> <</button>>
<<if $lust >= ($MaxLust / 2) or $GeneralFeats.Horndog > 0>>\
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Masturbate|Masturbate]]>> </span>
<</switch>>\<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<set _Fog to 0>>\
<<set _Rain to 0>>\
<<set _Cold to 0>>\
<<set _Wind to 0>>\
<<switch $Weather.Current>>\
<<case "Cloudy" "Windy">>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/Sunrise View 4.jpg" />
<<set _Wind to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<case "Foggy">>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/Sunrise View-F 4.jpg" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<case "Misty">>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/Sunrise View-F 4.jpg" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Rainy" "Stormy">>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/Sunrise View-R 4.jpg" />
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Dreary">>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/Sunrise View-R 4.jpg" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Sleeting">>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/Sunrise View-S 4.jpg" />
<<set _Cold to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Snowy">>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/Sunrise View-S 4.jpg" />
<<set _Cold to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $Time.Current > 6>>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/Sunrise View-N 4.jpg" />
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/Sunrise View 4.jpg" />
<<set $location.temp to "West Sunrise View Iron Gate South">>\
<<set $location.coord to 11>>\
<<set $locationGeneric to $locationWestSunriseView>>\
<<set $location.Encounter to "West Sunrise View">>\
<<set $location.Event to "West Sunrise View">>\
<<if $Time.Current >= $Time.Max >>\
<<set _State to "TooLate">>\
<<set $NoEncounter to 1>>\
<<if $NoEncounter < 1>>\
<<include "Random Encounter Check">>\
You are located just north of the South Haven river near the southern end of Iron Gate Avenue. Several worn down industrial buildings line the street leaving plenty of places for hostile enemies to hide. Broken windows with shattered glass allow for brief glimpses into those old buildings but from here there doesn't seem to be much of a value to be found. To the south you can see the South Haven river along with the River Path that follows the river while to the north Iron Gate Avenue heads towards the Oak Dale suburbs of Civiton. To the east you can see a free parking lot that could be used to park a vehicle.
<<if $StatusText.Notice is 1>>\
<<include "Update Status">>\
<<if _Rain > 0 and $StatusAffect.Wet < _Rain>>\
<<set _Rain to _Rain - $PCResistance.Water>>\
<<if _Rain > $StatusAffect.Wet>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Wet to _Rain>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I'm getting soaking wet!</i> </div>
<<if _Cold > 0 and $PCResistance.Cold < _Cold>>\
<<set _tempDamage to random(_Cold) + $StatusAffect.Wet>>\
<<set _tempDamage2 to _tempDamage - $PCResistance.Cold>>\
<<if _tempDamage2 > 0>>\
<<set $HP to $HP - _tempDamage2>>\
<<if $HP < 1>>\
<<set $HP to 1>>\
You take _tempDamage2 cold damage!
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I'm freezing to death!</i>
<<switch _State>>\
<<case "TooLate">>\
<<set $Time.Current to $Time.Max>>\
It's too dangerous to explore the Sunrise View river park at this time of night.
<<button [[Return Home|Sunrise View Returning Home]]>>
<<set $NoEncounter to 0>>\
<<case "Ambush">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Ambushed to 1>>\
You've been ambushed by an enemy!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<case "Combat">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
A hostile enemy is roaming nearby!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<case "NPC">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
You've encountered something unusual!
<<button [[Encounter|West Sunrise View Events]]>>
<<set $location.prev to $location.temp>>\
<<button [[Explore one of the Empty Buildings|West Sunrise View - Office Building]]>>
<<set $location.temp2 to $location.temp>>\
<<button [[Look around the Area|West Sunrise View Event Scout]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Scout the Area for Enemies|West Sunrise View Scouting]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[North to Iron Gate & Bronze Cup|West Sunrise View - Iron Gate & Bronze Cup]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[East to the Parking Lot|West Sunrise View - Parking]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[South to Iron Gate & River Path|West Sunrise View Iron Gate South & River Path]]>> <</button>>
<<if $lust >= ($MaxLust / 2) or $GeneralFeats.Horndog > 0>>\
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Masturbate|Masturbate]]>> </span>
<</switch>>\<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<set _Fog to 0>>\
<<set _Rain to 0>>\
<<set _Cold to 0>>\
<<set _Wind to 0>>\
<<switch $Weather.Current>>\
<<case "Cloudy" "Windy">>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/Sunrise View 5.jpg" />
<<set _Wind to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<case "Foggy">>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/Sunrise View-F 5.jpg" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<case "Misty">>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/Sunrise View-F 5.jpg" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Rainy" "Stormy">>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/Sunrise View-R 5.jpg" />
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Dreary">>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/Sunrise View-R 5.jpg" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Sleeting">>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/Sunrise View-S 5.jpg" />
<<set _Cold to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Snowy">>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/Sunrise View-S 5.jpg" />
<<set _Cold to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $Time.Current > 6>>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/Sunrise View-N 5.jpg" />
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/Sunrise View 5.jpg" />
<<set $location.temp to "West Sunrise View Bronze Cup & Plastic Loop">>\
<<set $location.coord to 7>>\
<<set $locationGeneric to $locationWestSunriseView>>\
<<set $location.Encounter to "West Sunrise View">>\
<<set $location.Event to "West Sunrise View">>\
<<if $Time.Current >= $Time.Max >>\
<<set _State to "TooLate">>\
<<set $NoEncounter to 1>>\
<<if $NoEncounter < 1>>\
<<include "Random Encounter Check">>\
You are standing on Bronze Cup street where a small intersection leads north to what people call the Plastic Loop. There's lots of pornagraphic graffiti covering a nice chunk of the worn down walls of the mostly empty warehouses. A few broken down delivery trucks can be seen parked next to the street with signs that everything of value has been stolen from them. To the west you can see Iron Gate avenue while to the east Bronze Cup street continues towards Copper Sun avenue. A small street called Plastic Loop heads north with a sign saying 'No Exit'.
<<if $StatusText.Notice is 1>>\
<<include "Update Status">>\
<<if _Rain > 0 and $StatusAffect.Wet < _Rain>>\
<<set _Rain to _Rain - $PCResistance.Water>>\
<<if _Rain > $StatusAffect.Wet>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Wet to _Rain>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I'm getting soaking wet!</i> </div>
<<if _Cold > 0 and $PCResistance.Cold < _Cold>>\
<<set _tempDamage to random(_Cold) + $StatusAffect.Wet>>\
<<set _tempDamage2 to _tempDamage - $PCResistance.Cold>>\
<<if _tempDamage2 > 0>>\
<<set $HP to $HP - _tempDamage2>>\
<<if $HP < 1>>\
<<set $HP to 1>>\
You take _tempDamage2 cold damage!
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I'm freezing to death!</i>
<<switch _State>>\
<<case "TooLate">>\
<<set $Time.Current to $Time.Max>>\
It's too dangerous to explore the Sunrise View river park at this time of night.
<<button [[Return Home|Sunrise View Returning Home]]>>
<<set $NoEncounter to 0>>\
<<case "Ambush">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Ambushed to 1>>\
You've been ambushed by an enemy!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<case "Combat">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
A hostile enemy is roaming nearby!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<case "NPC">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
You've encountered something unusual!
<<button [[Encounter|West Sunrise View Events]]>>
<<set $location.prev to $location.temp>>\
<<button [[Explore one of the Empty Buildings|West Sunrise View - Office Building]]>>
<<set $location.temp2 to $location.temp>>\
<<button [[Look around the Area|West Sunrise View Event Scout]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Scout the Area for Enemies|West Sunrise View Scouting]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[North to Plastic Loop|West Sunrise View Plastic Loop South]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[East to Bronze Cup & Sunflower|West Sunrise View Bronze Cup & Copper Sun]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[West to Iron Gate & Bronze Cup|West Sunrise View - Iron Gate & Bronze Cup]]>> <</button>>
<<if $lust >= ($MaxLust / 2) or $GeneralFeats.Horndog > 0>>\
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Masturbate|Masturbate]]>> </span>
<</switch>>\<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<set _Fog to 0>>\
<<set _Rain to 0>>\
<<set _Cold to 0>>\
<<set _Wind to 0>>\
<<switch $Weather.Current>>\
<<case "Cloudy" "Windy">>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/Sunrise View 6.jpg" />
<<set _Wind to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<case "Foggy">>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/Sunrise View-F 6.jpg" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<case "Misty">>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/Sunrise View-F 6.jpg" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Rainy" "Stormy">>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/Sunrise View-R 6.jpg" />
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Dreary">>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/Sunrise View-R 6.jpg" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Sleeting">>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/Sunrise View-S 6.jpg" />
<<set _Cold to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Snowy">>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/Sunrise View-S 6.jpg" />
<<set _Cold to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $Time.Current > 6>>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/Sunrise View-N 6.jpg" />
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/Sunrise View 6.jpg" />
<<set $location.temp to "West Sunrise View Bronze Cup & Copper Sun">>\
<<set $location.coord to 8>>\
<<set $locationGeneric to $locationWestSunriseView>>\
<<set $location.Encounter to "West Sunrise View">>\
<<set $location.Event to "West Sunrise View">>\
<<if $Time.Current >= $Time.Max >>\
<<set _State to "TooLate">>\
<<set $NoEncounter to 1>>\
<<if $NoEncounter < 1>>\
<<include "Random Encounter Check">>\
This is the corner of Bronze Cup street and Copper Sun boulevard which lies deep inside the Sunrise View industrial park. Multiple dilapidated buildings crowd these narrow streets with several broken down delivery vans piled up in the middle of the intersection. Luckily there's enough space to manuever around the wreck but it's a tight squeeze in several places. The ever existing presence of the Infested can be felt as puddles of mysterious fluids stain the sidewalks around this area. The Bronze Cup street continues to the west where more run down buildings line the street and to the east where what remains of the South Haven Bridge can vaguely be seen. Copper Sun boulevard heads north towards the Oak Dale suburbs and also to the south where the South Haven river can be faintly heard.
<<if $StatusText.Notice is 1>>\
<<include "Update Status">>\
<<if _Rain > 0 and $StatusAffect.Wet < _Rain>>\
<<set _Rain to _Rain - $PCResistance.Water>>\
<<if _Rain > $StatusAffect.Wet>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Wet to _Rain>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I'm getting soaking wet!</i> </div>
<<if _Cold > 0 and $PCResistance.Cold < _Cold>>\
<<set _tempDamage to random(_Cold) + $StatusAffect.Wet>>\
<<set _tempDamage2 to _tempDamage - $PCResistance.Cold>>\
<<if _tempDamage2 > 0>>\
<<set $HP to $HP - _tempDamage2>>\
<<if $HP < 1>>\
<<set $HP to 1>>\
You take _tempDamage2 cold damage!
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I'm freezing to death!</i>
<<switch _State>>\
<<case "TooLate">>\
<<set $Time.Current to $Time.Max>>\
It's too dangerous to explore the Sunrise View river park at this time of night.
<<button [[Return Home|Sunrise View Returning Home]]>>
<<set $NoEncounter to 0>>\
<<case "Ambush">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Ambushed to 1>>\
You've been ambushed by an enemy!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<case "Combat">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
A hostile enemy is roaming nearby!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<case "NPC">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
You've encountered something unusual!
<<button [[Encounter|West Sunrise View Events]]>>
<<set $location.prev to $location.temp>>\
<<button [[Explore one of the Empty Buildings|West Sunrise View - Office Building]]>>
<<set $location.temp2 to $location.temp>>\
<<button [[Look around the Area|West Sunrise View Event Scout]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Scout the Area for Enemies|West Sunrise View Scouting]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[North to Northern Copper Sun|West Sunrise View - Copper Sun]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[East to Eastern Bronze Cup|West Sunrise View Bronze Cup East]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[West to Bronze Cup & Plastic Loop|West Sunrise View Bronze Cup & Plastic Loop]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[South to Southern Cupper Sun|West Sunrise View Copper Sun South]]>> <</button>>
<<if $lust >= ($MaxLust / 2) or $GeneralFeats.Horndog > 0>>\
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Masturbate|Masturbate]]>> </span>
<</switch>>\<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<set _Fog to 0>>\
<<set _Rain to 0>>\
<<set _Cold to 0>>\
<<set _Wind to 0>>\
<<switch $Weather.Current>>\
<<case "Cloudy" "Windy">>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/River Park 1.jpg" />
<<set _Wind to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<case "Foggy">>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/River Park-F 1.jpg" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<case "Misty">>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/River Park-F 1.jpg" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Rainy" "Stormy">>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/River Park-R 1.jpg" />
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Dreary">>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/River Park-R 1.jpg" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Sleeting">>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/River Park-S 1.jpg" />
<<set _Cold to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Snowy">>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/River Park-S 1.jpg" />
<<set _Cold to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $Time.Current > 6>>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/River Park-N 1.jpg" />
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/River Park 1.jpg" />
<<set $location.temp to "West Sunrise View Iron Gate South & River Path">>\
<<set $location.coord to 17>>\
<<set $locationGeneric to $locationWestSunriseView>>\
<<set $location.Encounter to "West Sunrise View">>\
<<set $location.Event to "West Sunrise View">>\
<<if $Time.Current >= $Time.Max >>\
<<set _State to "TooLate">>\
<<set $NoEncounter to 1>>\
<<if $NoEncounter < 1>>\
<<include "Random Encounter Check">>\
You are located just east of the river bend where the South Haven river meets up with the southern banks of Civiton. This part of the Sunrise View river park looks nicer than the more industrial buildings to the north of the river. Several untounched benches line the grass allowing people to gaze out at the wide river. To the north the Iron Gate road heads into the main part of the city via the Oak Dale suburbs. To the east River Path boulevard follows the northern edge of the South Haven river towards the South Haven bridge while a large stone church can be seen towards the western end of River Path.
<<if $StatusText.Notice is 1>>\
<<include "Update Status">>\
<<if _Rain > 0 and $StatusAffect.Wet < _Rain>>\
<<set _Rain to _Rain - $PCResistance.Water>>\
<<if _Rain > $StatusAffect.Wet>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Wet to _Rain>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I'm getting soaking wet!</i> </div>
<<if _Cold > 0 and $PCResistance.Cold < _Cold>>\
<<set _tempDamage to random(_Cold) + $StatusAffect.Wet>>\
<<set _tempDamage2 to _tempDamage - $PCResistance.Cold>>\
<<if _tempDamage2 > 0>>\
<<set $HP to $HP - _tempDamage2>>\
<<if $HP < 1>>\
<<set $HP to 1>>\
You take _tempDamage2 cold damage!
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I'm freezing to death!</i>
<<switch _State>>\
<<case "TooLate">>\
<<set $Time.Current to $Time.Max>>\
It's too dangerous to explore the Sunrise View river park at this time of night.
<<button [[Return Home|Sunrise View Returning Home]]>>
<<set $NoEncounter to 0>>\
<<case "Ambush">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Ambushed to 1>>\
You've been ambushed by an enemy!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<case "Combat">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
A hostile enemy is roaming nearby!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<case "NPC">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
You've encountered something unusual!
<<button [[Encounter|West Sunrise View Events]]>>
<<set $location.prev to $location.temp>>\
<<button [[Explore one of the Empty Buildings|West Sunrise View - Office Building]]>>
<<set $location.temp2 to $location.temp>>\
<<button [[Look around the Area|West Sunrise View Event Scout]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Scout the Area for Enemies|West Sunrise View Scouting]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[North to Southern Iron Gate|West Sunrise View Iron Gate South]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[East to Western River Path|West Sunrise View River Path West]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[West to the Church|West Sunrise View Church]]>> <</button>>
<<if $lust >= ($MaxLust / 2) or $GeneralFeats.Horndog > 0>>\
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Masturbate|Masturbate]]>> </span>
<</switch>>\<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<set _Fog to 0>>\
<<set _Rain to 0>>\
<<set _Cold to 0>>\
<<set _Wind to 0>>\
<<switch $Weather.Current>>\
<<case "Cloudy" "Windy">>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/Sunrise View 9.jpg" />
<<set _Wind to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<case "Foggy">>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/Sunrise View-F 9.jpg" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<case "Misty">>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/Sunrise View-F 9.jpg" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Rainy" "Stormy">>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/Sunrise View-R 9.jpg" />
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Dreary">>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/Sunrise View-R 9.jpg" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Sleeting">>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/Sunrise View-S 9.jpg" />
<<set _Cold to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Snowy">>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/Sunrise View-S 9.jpg" />
<<set _Cold to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $Time.Current > 6>>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/Sunrise View-N 9.jpg" />
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/Sunrise View 9.jpg" />
<<set $location.temp to "West Sunrise View Plastic Loop South">>\
<<set $location.coord to 22>>\
<<set $locationGeneric to $locationWestSunriseView>>\
<<set $location.Encounter to "West Sunrise View">>\
<<set $location.Event to "West Sunrise View">>\
<<if $Time.Current >= $Time.Max >>\
<<set _State to "TooLate">>\
<<set $NoEncounter to 1>>\
<<if $NoEncounter < 1>>\
<<include "Random Encounter Check">>\
This is the entrance to the Plastic Loop named for the fact a lot of plastic items were made here back in the day before the factories moved to other locations. This narrow street has plenty of garbage scattered around along with some mildly sexual graffiti covering some of the empty buildings. To the west and to the east the loop continues in a circle around the large Pinktech Plastics abandoned factory while to the south is the exit to the rest of the industrial park via Bronze Cup.
<<if $StatusText.Notice is 1>>\
<<include "Update Status">>\
<<if _Rain > 0 and $StatusAffect.Wet < _Rain>>\
<<set _Rain to _Rain - $PCResistance.Water>>\
<<if _Rain > $StatusAffect.Wet>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Wet to _Rain>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I'm getting soaking wet!</i> </div>
<<if _Cold > 0 and $PCResistance.Cold < _Cold>>\
<<set _tempDamage to random(_Cold) + $StatusAffect.Wet>>\
<<set _tempDamage2 to _tempDamage - $PCResistance.Cold>>\
<<if _tempDamage2 > 0>>\
<<set $HP to $HP - _tempDamage2>>\
<<if $HP < 1>>\
<<set $HP to 1>>\
You take _tempDamage2 cold damage!
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I'm freezing to death!</i>
<<switch _State>>\
<<case "TooLate">>\
<<set $Time.Current to $Time.Max>>\
It's too dangerous to explore the Sunrise View river park at this time of night.
<<button [[Return Home|Sunrise View Returning Home]]>>
<<set $NoEncounter to 0>>\
<<case "Ambush">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Ambushed to 1>>\
You've been ambushed by an enemy!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<case "Combat">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
A hostile enemy is roaming nearby!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<case "NPC">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
You've encountered something unusual!
<<button [[Encounter|West Sunrise View Events]]>>
<<set $location.prev to $location.temp>>\
<<button [[Explore one of the Empty Buildings|West Sunrise View - Office Building]]>>
<<set $location.temp2 to $location.temp>>\
<<button [[Look around the Area|West Sunrise View Event Scout]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Scout the Area for Enemies|West Sunrise View Scouting]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[East|West Sunrise View Plastic Loop SouthEast]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[West|West Sunrise View Plastic Loop SouthWest]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[South to Bronze Cup|West Sunrise View Bronze Cup & Plastic Loop]]>> <</button>>
<<if $lust >= ($MaxLust / 2) or $GeneralFeats.Horndog > 0>>\
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Masturbate|Masturbate]]>> </span>
<</switch>>\<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<set _Fog to 0>>\
<<set _Rain to 0>>\
<<set _Cold to 0>>\
<<set _Wind to 0>>\
<<switch $Weather.Current>>\
<<case "Cloudy" "Windy">>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/Sunrise View Factory 1.jpg" />
<<set _Wind to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<case "Foggy">>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/Sunrise View Factory-F 1.jpg" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<case "Misty">>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/Sunrise View Factory-F 8.jpg" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Rainy" "Stormy">>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/Sunrise View Factory-R 8.jpg" />
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Dreary">>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/Sunrise View Factory-R 8.jpg" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Sleeting">>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/Sunrise View Factory-S 8.jpg" />
<<set _Cold to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Snowy">>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/Sunrise View Factory-S 8.jpg" />
<<set _Cold to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $Time.Current > 6>>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/Sunrise View Factory-N 1.jpg" />
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/Sunrise View Factory 1.jpg" />
<<set $location.temp to "West Sunrise View Plastic Loop North">>\
<<set $location.coord to 25>>\
<<set $locationGeneric to $locationWestSunriseView>>\
<<set $location.Encounter to "West Sunrise View">>\
<<set $location.Event to "West Sunrise View">>\
<<if $Time.Current >= $Time.Max >>\
<<set _State to "TooLate">>\
<<set $NoEncounter to 1>>\
<<if $NoEncounter < 1>>\
<<include "Random Encounter Check">>\
This is the northern most section of Plastic Loop where the entrance to the enormous looming Pinktech Plastics factory is. A large gate blocks direct access to the abandoned factory but oddly enough there isn't any Infested graffiti anywhere in sight. Looking closer at the factory there looks to be hints of recent activity on the other side of the gate making you believe the factory isn't quite as empty at it appears. To the east and west Plastic Loop heads back to the Sunrise View industrial park while to the south the closed off gate to the factory sits silently.
<<if $StatusText.Notice is 1>>\
<<include "Update Status">>\
<<if _Rain > 0 and $StatusAffect.Wet < _Rain>>\
<<set _Rain to _Rain - $PCResistance.Water>>\
<<if _Rain > $StatusAffect.Wet>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Wet to _Rain>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I'm getting soaking wet!</i> </div>
<<if _Cold > 0 and $PCResistance.Cold < _Cold>>\
<<set _tempDamage to random(_Cold) + $StatusAffect.Wet>>\
<<set _tempDamage2 to _tempDamage - $PCResistance.Cold>>\
<<if _tempDamage2 > 0>>\
<<set $HP to $HP - _tempDamage2>>\
<<if $HP < 1>>\
<<set $HP to 1>>\
You take _tempDamage2 cold damage!
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I'm freezing to death!</i>
<FONT COLOR="RED">The Pinktech Plastics factory will be opening soon!</FONT>
<<switch _State>>\
<<case "TooLate">>\
<<set $Time.Current to $Time.Max>>\
It's too dangerous to explore the Sunrise View river park at this time of night.
<<button [[Return Home|Sunrise View Returning Home]]>>
<<set $NoEncounter to 0>>\
<<case "Ambush">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Ambushed to 1>>\
You've been ambushed by an enemy!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<case "Combat">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
A hostile enemy is roaming nearby!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<case "NPC">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
You've encountered something unusual!
<<button [[Encounter|West Sunrise View Events]]>>
<<set $location.prev to $location.temp>>\
<<button [[Explore one of the Empty Buildings|West Sunrise View - Office Building]]>>
<<set $location.temp2 to $location.temp>>\
<<button [[Look around the Area|West Sunrise View Event Scout]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Scout the Area for Enemies|West Sunrise View Scouting]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[East|West Sunrise View Plastic Loop NorthEast]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[West|West Sunrise View Plastic Loop NorthWest]]>> <</button>>
<<if $lust >= ($MaxLust / 2) or $GeneralFeats.Horndog > 0>>\
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Masturbate|Masturbate]]>> </span>
<</switch>>\<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<set _Fog to 0>>\
<<set _Rain to 0>>\
<<set _Cold to 0>>\
<<set _Wind to 0>>\
<<switch $Weather.Current>>\
<<case "Cloudy" "Windy">>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/Sunrise View 10.jpg" />
<<set _Wind to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<case "Foggy">>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/Sunrise View-F 10.jpg" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<case "Misty">>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/Sunrise View-F 10.jpg" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Rainy" "Stormy">>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/Sunrise View-R 10.jpg" />
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Dreary">>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/Sunrise View-R 10.jpg" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Sleeting">>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/Sunrise View-S 10.jpg" />
<<set _Cold to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Snowy">>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/Sunrise View-S 10.jpg" />
<<set _Cold to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $Time.Current > 6>>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/Sunrise View-N 10.jpg" />
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/Sunrise View 10.jpg" />
<<set $location.temp to "West Sunrise View Plastic Loop NorthEast">>\
<<set $location.coord to 24>>\
<<set $locationGeneric to $locationWestSunriseView>>\
<<set $location.Encounter to "West Sunrise View">>\
<<set $location.Event to "West Sunrise View">>\
<<if $Time.Current >= $Time.Max >>\
<<set _State to "TooLate">>\
<<set $NoEncounter to 1>>\
<<if $NoEncounter < 1>>\
<<include "Random Encounter Check">>\
This is the northeastern section of Plastic Loop where most of the cluttered road has been blocked off my a makeshift barricade. Signs of a recent fight can be seen with multiple broken blades scattered across the ground surrounded by sticky stains of unknown orgins. To the west is the front entrance to the Pinktech Plastics factory while to the south Plastic Loop eventually loops towards to the main part of the Sunrise View industrial park.
<<if $StatusText.Notice is 1>>\
<<include "Update Status">>\
<<if _Rain > 0 and $StatusAffect.Wet < _Rain>>\
<<set _Rain to _Rain - $PCResistance.Water>>\
<<if _Rain > $StatusAffect.Wet>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Wet to _Rain>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I'm getting soaking wet!</i> </div>
<<if _Cold > 0 and $PCResistance.Cold < _Cold>>\
<<set _tempDamage to random(_Cold) + $StatusAffect.Wet>>\
<<set _tempDamage2 to _tempDamage - $PCResistance.Cold>>\
<<if _tempDamage2 > 0>>\
<<set $HP to $HP - _tempDamage2>>\
<<if $HP < 1>>\
<<set $HP to 1>>\
You take _tempDamage2 cold damage!
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I'm freezing to death!</i>
<<switch _State>>\
<<case "TooLate">>\
<<set $Time.Current to $Time.Max>>\
It's too dangerous to explore the Sunrise View river park at this time of night.
<<button [[Return Home|Sunrise View Returning Home]]>>
<<set $NoEncounter to 0>>\
<<case "Ambush">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Ambushed to 1>>\
You've been ambushed by an enemy!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<case "Combat">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
A hostile enemy is roaming nearby!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<case "NPC">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
You've encountered something unusual!
<<button [[Encounter|West Sunrise View Events]]>>
<<set $location.prev to $location.temp>>\
<<button [[Explore one of the Empty Buildings|West Sunrise View - Office Building]]>>
<<set $location.temp2 to $location.temp>>\
<<button [[Look around the Area|West Sunrise View Event Scout]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Scout the Area for Enemies|West Sunrise View Scouting]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[West|West Sunrise View Plastic Loop North]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[South|West Sunrise View Plastic Loop SouthEast]]>> <</button>>
<<if $lust >= ($MaxLust / 2) or $GeneralFeats.Horndog > 0>>\
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Masturbate|Masturbate]]>> </span>
<</switch>>\<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<set _Fog to 0>>\
<<set _Rain to 0>>\
<<set _Cold to 0>>\
<<set _Wind to 0>>\
<<switch $Weather.Current>>\
<<case "Cloudy" "Windy">>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/Sunrise View 11.jpg" />
<<set _Wind to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<case "Foggy">>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/Sunrise View-F 11.jpg" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<case "Misty">>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/Sunrise View-F 11.jpg" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Rainy" "Stormy">>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/Sunrise View-R 11.jpg" />
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Dreary">>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/Sunrise View-R 11.jpg" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Sleeting">>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/Sunrise View-S 11.jpg" />
<<set _Cold to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Snowy">>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/Sunrise View-S 11.jpg" />
<<set _Cold to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $Time.Current > 6>>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/Sunrise View-N 11.jpg" />
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/Sunrise View 11.jpg" />
<<set $location.temp to "West Sunrise View Plastic Loop SouthEast">>\
<<set $location.coord to 23>>\
<<set $locationGeneric to $locationWestSunriseView>>\
<<set $location.Encounter to "West Sunrise View">>\
<<set $location.Event to "West Sunrise View">>\
<<if $Time.Current >= $Time.Max >>\
<<set _State to "TooLate">>\
<<set $NoEncounter to 1>>\
<<if $NoEncounter < 1>>\
<<include "Random Encounter Check">>\
This is the southeastern section of Plastic Loop where several warehouses look to store supplies for the factories nearby. From the look of the tiny trashed parking lots in fron warehouses, the Infested have a strong presence with multiple dirty mattresses covered in questionable fluids are scattered around the area. To the west the exit from Plastic Loop can be see while to the north the narrow street continues.
<<if $StatusText.Notice is 1>>\
<<include "Update Status">>\
<<if _Rain > 0 and $StatusAffect.Wet < _Rain>>\
<<set _Rain to _Rain - $PCResistance.Water>>\
<<if _Rain > $StatusAffect.Wet>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Wet to _Rain>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I'm getting soaking wet!</i> </div>
<<if _Cold > 0 and $PCResistance.Cold < _Cold>>\
<<set _tempDamage to random(_Cold) + $StatusAffect.Wet>>\
<<set _tempDamage2 to _tempDamage - $PCResistance.Cold>>\
<<if _tempDamage2 > 0>>\
<<set $HP to $HP - _tempDamage2>>\
<<if $HP < 1>>\
<<set $HP to 1>>\
You take _tempDamage2 cold damage!
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I'm freezing to death!</i>
<<switch _State>>\
<<case "TooLate">>\
<<set $Time.Current to $Time.Max>>\
It's too dangerous to explore the Sunrise View river park at this time of night.
<<button [[Return Home|Sunrise View Returning Home]]>>
<<set $NoEncounter to 0>>\
<<case "Ambush">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Ambushed to 1>>\
You've been ambushed by an enemy!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<case "Combat">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
A hostile enemy is roaming nearby!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<case "NPC">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
You've encountered something unusual!
<<button [[Encounter|West Sunrise View Events]]>>
<<set $location.prev to $location.temp>>\
<<button [[Explore one of the Empty Buildings|West Sunrise View - Office Building]]>>
<<set $location.temp2 to $location.temp>>\
<<button [[Look around the Area|West Sunrise View Event Scout]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Scout the Area for Enemies|West Sunrise View Scouting]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[North|West Sunrise View Plastic Loop NorthEast]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[West|West Sunrise View Plastic Loop South]]>> <</button>>
<<if $lust >= ($MaxLust / 2) or $GeneralFeats.Horndog > 0>>\
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Masturbate|Masturbate]]>> </span>
<</switch>>\<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<set _Fog to 0>>\
<<set _Rain to 0>>\
<<set _Cold to 0>>\
<<set _Wind to 0>>\
<<switch $Weather.Current>>\
<<case "Cloudy" "Windy">>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/Sunrise View 2.jpg" />
<<set _Wind to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<case "Foggy">>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/Sunrise View-F 2.jpg" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<case "Misty">>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/Sunrise View-F 2.jpg" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Rainy" "Stormy">>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/Sunrise View-R 2.jpg" />
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Dreary">>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/Sunrise View-R 2.jpg" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Sleeting">>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/Sunrise View-S 2.jpg" />
<<set _Cold to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Snowy">>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/Sunrise View-S 2.jpg" />
<<set _Cold to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $Time.Current > 6>>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/Sunrise View-N 2.jpg" />
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/Sunrise View 2.jpg" />
<<set $location.temp to "West Sunrise View - Copper Sun">>\
<<set $location.coord to 5>>\
<<set $locationGeneric to $locationWestSunriseView>>\
<<set $location.Encounter to "West Sunrise View">>\
<<set $location.Event to "West Sunrise View">>\
<<if $Time.Current >= $Time.Max >>\
<<set _State to "TooLate">>\
<<set $NoEncounter to 1>>\
<<if $NoEncounter < 1>>\
<<include "Random Encounter Check">>\
You are standing on the northern part of Copper Sun boulevard which is close to the middle exit for the Sunrise View industrial park. The area looks to have been the scene of a major battle as bullet holes can be seen covering almost every broken down building along an insane amount of broken windows. The glass from those windows line the street along with bullet casings. Interesting there also looks to be plenty of damaged knives along with half of a broken sword in the southern part of the street. To the north it looks like Copper Sun boulevard heads towards the exit to the Oak Dale suburbs while to the south the boulevard continues towards the intersection with Bronze Cup street.
<<if $StatusText.Notice is 1>>\
<<include "Update Status">>\
<<if _Rain > 0 and $StatusAffect.Wet < _Rain>>\
<<set _Rain to _Rain - $PCResistance.Water>>\
<<if _Rain > $StatusAffect.Wet>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Wet to _Rain>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I'm getting soaking wet!</i> </div>
<<if _Cold > 0 and $PCResistance.Cold < _Cold>>\
<<set _tempDamage to random(_Cold) + $StatusAffect.Wet>>\
<<set _tempDamage2 to _tempDamage - $PCResistance.Cold>>\
<<if _tempDamage2 > 0>>\
<<set $HP to $HP - _tempDamage2>>\
<<if $HP < 1>>\
<<set $HP to 1>>\
You take _tempDamage2 cold damage!
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I'm freezing to death!</i>
<<switch _State>>\
<<case "TooLate">>\
<<set $Time.Current to $Time.Max>>\
It's too dangerous to explore the Sunrise View river park at this time of night.
<<button [[Return Home|Sunrise View Returning Home]]>>
<<set $NoEncounter to 0>>\
<<case "Ambush">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Ambushed to 1>>\
You've been ambushed by an enemy!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<case "Combat">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
A hostile enemy is roaming nearby!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<case "NPC">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
You've encountered something unusual!
<<button [[Encounter|West Sunrise View Events]]>>
<<set $location.prev to $location.temp>>\
<<button [[Explore one of the Empty Buildings|West Sunrise View - Office Building]]>>
<<set $location.temp2 to $location.temp>>\
<<button [[Look around the Area|West Sunrise View Event Scout]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Scout the Area for Enemies|West Sunrise View Scouting]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[North to the Oak Dale Secondary Entrance|Oak Dale - West Sunrise View River Park Entrance2]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[South to Bronze Cup & Copper Sun|West Sunrise View Bronze Cup & Copper Sun]]>> <</button>>
<<if $lust >= ($MaxLust / 2) or $GeneralFeats.Horndog > 0>>\
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Masturbate|Masturbate]]>> </span>
<</switch>>\<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<set _Fog to 0>>\
<<set _Rain to 0>>\
<<set _Cold to 0>>\
<<set _Wind to 0>>\
<<switch $Weather.Current>>\
<<case "Cloudy" "Windy">>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/Sunrise View 7.jpg" />
<<set _Wind to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<case "Foggy">>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/Sunrise View-F 7.jpg" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<case "Misty">>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/Sunrise View-F 7.jpg" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Rainy" "Stormy">>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/Sunrise View-R 7.jpg" />
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Dreary">>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/Sunrise View-R 7.jpg" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Sleeting">>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/Sunrise View-S 7.jpg" />
<<set _Cold to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Snowy">>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/Sunrise View-S 7.jpg" />
<<set _Cold to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $Time.Current > 6>>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/Sunrise View-N 7.jpg" />
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/Sunrise View 7.jpg" />
<<set $location.temp to "Oak Dale - West Sunrise View River Park Entrance2">>\
<<set $location.coord to 2>>\
<<set $locationGeneric to $locationWestSunriseView>>\
<<set $location.Encounter to "West Sunrise View">>\
<<set $location.Event to "West Sunrise View">>\
<<if $Time.Current >= $Time.Max >>\
<<set _State to "TooLate">>\
<<set $NoEncounter to 1>>\
<<if $NoEncounter < 1>>\
<<include "Random Encounter Check">>\
You are located at center entrance to the Sunrise View industrial park where Copper Sun boulevard turns into Sunflower avenue. Several large semi-trucks have flipped over blocking the tunnel under the railroad bridge to the north and from this side it looks deliberate as any extra spacing from the accident have been filled in with extra wreckage from nearby abandoned cars. There's a lot of bullet holes lining the buildings and there's a sense of danger as you can almost feel hostile eyes staring at you. To the east you can see the access road Silicon Valley that heads towards the mostly destroyed South Haven bridge while to the south Copper Sun boulevard heads into the deeper parts of the Sunrise View industrial park.
<<if $StatusText.Notice is 1>>\
<<include "Update Status">>\
<<if _Rain > 0 and $StatusAffect.Wet < _Rain>>\
<<set _Rain to _Rain - $PCResistance.Water>>\
<<if _Rain > $StatusAffect.Wet>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Wet to _Rain>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I'm getting soaking wet!</i> </div>
<<if _Cold > 0 and $PCResistance.Cold < _Cold>>\
<<set _tempDamage to random(_Cold) + $StatusAffect.Wet>>\
<<set _tempDamage2 to _tempDamage - $PCResistance.Cold>>\
<<if _tempDamage2 > 0>>\
<<set $HP to $HP - _tempDamage2>>\
<<if $HP < 1>>\
<<set $HP to 1>>\
You take _tempDamage2 cold damage!
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I'm freezing to death!</i>
<<switch _State>>\
<<case "TooLate">>\
<<set $Time.Current to $Time.Max>>\
It's too dangerous to explore the Sunrise View river park at this time of night.
<<button [[Return Home|Sunrise View Returning Home]]>>
<<set $NoEncounter to 0>>\
<<case "Ambush">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Ambushed to 1>>\
You've been ambushed by an enemy!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<case "Combat">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
A hostile enemy is roaming nearby!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<case "NPC">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
You've encountered something unusual!
<<button [[Encounter|West Sunrise View Events]]>>
<<set $location.prev to $location.temp>>\
<<button [[Explore one of the Empty Buildings|West Sunrise View - Office Building]]>>
<<set $location.temp2 to $location.temp>>\
<<button [[Look around the Area|West Sunrise View Event Scout]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Scout the Area for Enemies|West Sunrise View Scouting]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[East to Silicon Valley|West Sunrise View - Silicon Valley]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[South to Northern Copper Sun|West Sunrise View - Copper Sun]]>> <</button>>
<<if $lust >= ($MaxLust / 2) or $GeneralFeats.Horndog > 0>>\
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Masturbate|Masturbate]]>> </span>
<</switch>>\<img src="Images/Home/PC.jpg" width="800px" height="400px" />
Which NPC do you wish to increase Affection with?
<<button [[All of them|BrowsePC]]>>
<<set $npcFuckHard.Friendship to $npcFuckHard.Friendship +25>>\
<<set $npcFuckToy.Friendship to $npcFuckToy.Friendship +25>>\
<<set $npcCandy.Friendship to $npcCandy.Friendship +25>>\
<<set $npcRichard.Friendship to $npcRichard.Friendship + 25>>\
<<set $npcMay.Friendship to $npcMay.Friendship + 25>>\
<<set $npcApril.Friendship to $npcApril.Friendship + 25>>\
<<set $npcTroy.Friendship to $npcTroy.Friendship + 25>>\
<<set $npcDiane.Friendship to $npcDiane.Friendship + 25>>\
<<set $npcMark.Friendship to $npcMark.Friendship +25>>\
<<set $npcSamantha.Friendship to $npcSamantha.Friendship + 25>>\
<<set $npcAmy.Friendship to $npcAmy.Friendship +25>>\
<<set $npcJack.Friendship to $npcJack.Friendship +25>>\
<<set $npcMorton.Friendship to $npcMorton.Friendship + 25>>\
<<set $npcSteve.Friendship to $npcSteve.Friendship + 25>>\
<<set $npcHolly.Friendship to $npcHolly.Friendship + 25>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<button [[Nevermind|BrowsePC]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</button>><img src="Images/Home/foyer.jpg" />
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$npcCatherine.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$npcCatherine.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _IAss to $arrayAssSizeDesc[$npcCatherine.AssSize]>>\
<<set _DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$npcCatherine.DickSize]>>\
<<set _DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$npcCatherine.DickSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$npcCatherine.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$npcCatherine.BallsSize]>>\
<<if $eastervisitEvent.Visits is 0>>\
  As you were walking towards the bathroom, you hear the sound of your doorbell ringing softly throughout the house. Keeping your $equipedWeapon.name ready, you head to the front door while keeping your eyes peeled. Finally reaching the front door you peek thru the eye hole and discover what looks to be a nun standing on your doorstep but the blurry lens is making it hard to see much more than the fact that the nun's outfit looks to have more exposed cleavage than normal for standard sisters of the faith.
  As you try and get a good look at the visitor standing on your doorstep, she bends over slightly in order to ring your doorbell once again, causing her impressive chest to jiggle from the movement. Otherwise she is standing there patiently as if waiting for a response.
<div class="pcTalk"><i>Why is some nun ringing my doorbell? She might not be a sister of the faith based on what I can see of her outfit but it's hard to tell..</i></div>
<<button [[Answer the Door|Easter Visit - Nun]]>>
<<set $eastervisitEvent.Visits to $eastervisitEvent.Visits +1>>\
<<button [[Ignore Her|Easter Visit - Ignore]]>>
<<set _lusty to random(5) +2 + $StatusAffect.Horny - $LustResist.Visual - $LustResist.Complete>>\
<<if _lusty < 0>>\
<<set _lusty to 0>>\
<<set $lust to $lust + _lusty>>\
  As you were walking towards the bathroom, you hear the sound of your doorbell ringing softly throughout the house. Keeping your $equipedWeapon.name ready, you head to the front door while keeping your eyes peeled. Finally reaching the front door you peek thru the eye hole and discover the busty Sister Catherine standing on your doorstep! Her distinct fetish nun outfit makes it quite easy to recognize her even looking thru the blurry lens of the peephole..
  Before you have a chance to open the door, she bends over slightly in order to ring your doorbell once again, causing her impressive chest to jiggle from the movement. Otherwise she is standing there patiently waiting for a response.
<<if $npcCatherine.SexXP > 0>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i>Do I really want to deal with Sister Catherine today? It looks like she has some more food to share once again but the last time we had sex it was pretty weird with both us being all strangely obsessed with eggs, seed and wombs...</i></div>
<div class="pcTalk"><i>Do I have time to deal with Sister Catherine? It looks like she has some more food to share once again and it wouldn't hurt to have some more stock just in case...</i></div>
<<button [[Answer the Door|Easter Visit - Nun]]>>
<<set $eastervisitEvent.Visits to $eastervisitEvent.Visits +1>>\
<<button [[Ignore Her|Easter Visit - Ignore]]>>
<</if>>\<img src="Images/Home/foyer.jpg" />
<<set $eastervisitEvent.Weekly to 7>>\
<<if $npcCatherine.Friendship is 0>>\
  Deciding that you have better things to deal with today then some stranger ringing your doorbell, you ignore the unwanted guest and pretend to not be home. Luckily It doesn't take long before the doorbell stops ringing. Checking the door one last time it looks like the strange nun has left.
  Deciding that you have better things to deal with today then dealing with Sister Catherine, you ignore the unwanted nun and pretend to not be home. Luckily It doesn't take long before the doorbell stops ringing. Checking the door one last time it looks like the busty nun has left.
<div class="pcTalk"><i>Glad to see that she's left!</i></div>
<<button [[Finish|$location.temp]]>>
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</button>><<if $npcCatherine.Pregnant is 1>>\
<<set $genericEvent.Image = $eventPath12 + $arrayEvent12EasterNun[4] + '.jpg'>>\
<<set $genericEvent.Image = $eventPath12 + $arrayEvent12EasterNun[0] + '.jpg'>>\
<img @src=$genericEvent.Image />
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set $eastervisitEvent.Weekly to 7>>\
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$npcCatherine.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$npcCatherine.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _IAss to $arrayAssSizeDesc[$npcCatherine.AssSize]>>\
<<set _DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$npcCatherine.DickSize]>>\
<<set _DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$npcCatherine.DickSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$npcCatherine.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$npcCatherine.BallsSize]>>\
<<if (random(19) + 1) + $Skill.Social + $CharismaBonus > 15>>\
<<set $npcCatherine.Friendship to $npcCatherine.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity +2 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set $npcCatherine.Friendship to $npcCatherine.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity +1 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set _LustRoll to (random(19) + 1)>>\
<<if _LustRoll + $PC.Willpower - $StatusAffect.Horny < 15>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Horny to $StatusAffect.Horny+1>>\
<<set _lusty to random(7) +5 + $StatusAffect.Horny - $LustResist.Visual - $LustResist.Complete>>\
<<if _lusty < 0>>\
<<set _lusty to 0>>\
<<set $lust to $lust + _lusty>>\
<<set _Medical to 0>>\
<<if $eastervisitEvent.Visits is 1>>\
  Deciding to at least speak with the nun standing on your doorstep, you open the door and finally get a good look at the person standing there. At least it's someone dressed like a nun with her fetish nun outfit being made out of black cloth and where a normal nun would be modestly covered up, she has her _ISD breasts almost completely on display. A couple of white prayer shawls is helping to keep her nipples covered and her dress from falling off. Her striking red eyes are almost covered by her long brown hair while a large backpack is lying next to her high heel stripper boots. Blinking in shock you manage to say "Hello? What can I do for you, sister?"
  The fetish looking nun looks at you with a soft smile on her face and says warmly "Hello! My name is Sister Catherine and I am with the Church of Trilogy Life. I was sent out from the church in order to help the poor people in this troubled city in these dire times! I have some supplies I am willing to provide to you and your family and of course some words of wisdom if you wish to listen."
  With that that last part of her sentence she gives you a playful wink, as if letting you know that there is going to be at least a little bit of preaching if you accept her offer. However besides that playful wink there hasn't been any sexual innuendo or any overt flirting that most Infested can't help but spout.
<<if $lust + ($StatusAffect.Horny*5) - $PC.Willpower - $armorSaveBonus - $FoodStatus.Will > $MaxLust -1>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i>That sexy fetish nun outfit is too hot to resist! I have to get to know this busty sister ASAP!</i></div>
<<elseif (random(19) + 1) + $Skill.Medical + $WisdomBonus > 18>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i>For some reason this sister reminds me of an Infested! She's not acting like one but for some reason I'm feeling a bit horny just like when I'm fighting Infested!</i></div>
<div class="pcTalk"><i>Should I invite her in? It's a bit risky but if she really has some food that will really help keep everyone in the house nice and fed...</i></div>
<<button [[Invite her In|Easter Visit - Nun2]]>>
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<if $lust + ($StatusAffect.Horny*5) - $PC.Willpower - $armorSaveBonus - $FoodStatus.Will < $MaxLust>>\
<<button [[Decline|Easter Visit - Decline]]>>
<<set $SexScene2 to 1>>\
<<elseif $npcCatherine.Pregnant is 1>>\
<<set $npcCatherine.Pregnant to 2>>\
<<set $TotalFood to $TotalFood +27>>\
<<if (random(19) + 1) + $Skill.Social + $CharismaBonus > 13>>\
<<set $npcCatherine.Friendship to $npcCatherine.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity +10 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe + $SkillAction>>\
<<set $npcCatherine.Friendship to $npcCatherine.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity +9 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe + $SkillAction>>\
  Deciding to greet Sister Catherine you unlock the door and find her still standing on your doorstep in her high heel stripper boots. She's still dressed in her black nun fetish outfit with her bigger than usual _ISD breasts almost completely on display. A couple of white prayer shawls is helping to keep her nipples covered and her dress from falling off while her long brown hair falls down her back. The shocking change is the fact her round stomach is pushing out against her outfit!
  She smiles at you with her striking red eyes looking at you with warmth "Hello $PC.FirstName! It's good to see you again! I have some important and wonderful news for you!" she says as she rubs her round belly fondly. "Do you mind if I come in? This news is something you will want to be sitting down for."
  You stare is shock as you take in her look and you have a sinking feeling you know what she's going to tell you. "Uh, sure! Come on in, Sister Catherine." you reply as you can't stop staring at her stomach and what it will mean for your future.
  Grabbing her backpack she hands the heavy bag to you while saying "I have some more supplies for you." You numbly grab the supplies before quickly putting them on the kitchen table. You hastily get back to the the sexy sister and lead her directly to the living room before sitting down. Sister Catherine sits down next to you before grabbing your hand.
  "The wonderful news is that I'm pregnant! The day after our last sacred coupling I woke up with a mild case of morning sickness and after a medical checkup it was confirmed that my Fertile Egg was ignited with the miracle of life!" she says enthusiastically as she pulls your hand to her pregnant stomach!
  "Are you sure, I mean, is it mine? I mean it's so soon! It's only been a short while and umm..." you stammer as you gently rub her belly as you try to comprehend the fact that you knocked up the busty sister. At the time of the 'sacred coupling' all you wanted to do was fuck the sexy sister pregnant but now that it's happened it feels so strange.
  Instead of being angry at your question she replies warmly "I'm sure, $PC.FirstName since I haven't been with anyone else recently. If you are worried about providing support that's not going to be an issue as the church will happily provide everything I could possibly need for myself and the child." Glancing down at your groin she continues "Which brings me to another topic. The other sisters were so jealous when they found out I was pregnant and asked me to pass along a message to the father of my child. They said they would love for you to come visit them at the church and impregnate their Fertile Eggs with your rather potent Virile Seed! They don't have time to make house calls but if you visit the church you would have plenty of chances to engage in some hot and sweaty sacred couplings!"
  Your thoughts screech to a halt as you take in the outrageous words of Sister Catherine. The idea of a church full of hot sexy sisters begging to be knocked up as they are being fucked hard by your hard throbbing cock sends blood rushing to your groin. Sister Catherine gives you a lewd smirk as she notices your obvious arousal and before you even notice she has guided your hand to her pussy!
  "Just something to keep in mind, $PC.FirstName! I won't be able to make any visits to your home until after the child is born but I would enjoy having you visit me at the Church of Trilogy Life! Anyways I need to head back to the church so please keep yourself safe and I hope to see you once again!" she says as she reluctantly stands up as your hand falls away from her hot groin.
  Standing up as well, you say "Goodbye Sister Catherine. I have a lot to think about." as you escort her to the doorway. She smiles warmly as she gives you a crushing hug you with her _ISD breasts pressed against you and you can feel her stomach pressing against you as well. After a minute she finally lets you go and with another serene smile she walks down the driveway and out to the street. As you watch her walk away you have to admit she does look rather radiant as there almost sees to be a halo of contentment surrounding her.
<div class="pcTalk"><i>I can't believe I managed to get Sister Catherine pregnant! It's possible it's not mine but somehow I feel that the child is mine. I'm not sure what to do! Should I go to the church and donate money? Ask some type of holy nun to marry me? Or should I just ignore this whole pregnancy thing?</i></div>
<<button [[Finish|$location.temp]]>>
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<set $NoEncounter to random(1) +2>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
  Deciding to greet Sister Catherine you unlock the door and find her still standing on your doorstep in her high heel stripper boots. She's still dressed in her black nun fetish outfit with her _ISD breasts almost completely on display. A couple of white prayer shawls is helping to keep her nipples covered and her dress from falling off while her long brown hair falls down her back. She smiles at you with her striking red eyes looking at you with warmth "Hello $PC.FirstName! It's good to see you again!"
  "Hello to you too, Sister Catherine! So what brings you to this part of the city?" you greet the busty nun warmly and you are a not surprised that she gives you a hug in return. You can feel her impressive _ICup tits pressing against you as the hug continues and you can feel your lust rising.
  "I have some more supplies and since I was in the area I decided to stop by! Everyone can always use some more food and of course some more words of wisdom if you wish to listen." she replies with a playful wink and a wide smile. It takes a moment to find the backpack filled with supplies as her _ISD jugs are blocking most of you view but eventually you do notice it sitting on the floor behind her. Finally breaking the warm hug she grabs her backpack and says "So where should I put the food?"
<<if $lust + ($StatusAffect.Horny*5) - $PC.Willpower - $armorSaveBonus - $FoodStatus.Will > $MaxLust -1>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> Sister Catherine is back and still rocking that sexy nun fetish outfit! I can't resist hanging out with the busty nun today!</i></div>
<<elseif (random(19) + 1) + $Skill.Medical + $WisdomBonus > 18>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i>For some reason Sister Catherine reminds me of an Infested! She's not acting like one but for some reason I'm feeling a bit horny just being near her! It's just like when I'm fighting Infested!</i></div>
<div class="pcTalk"><i>Looks like she's doing fine! I should probably go ahead and invite her in otherwise there wasn't much point to answering the door.</i></div>
<<button [[Invite her In|Easter Visit - Nun2]]>>
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<if $lust + ($StatusAffect.Horny*5) - $PC.Willpower - $armorSaveBonus - $FoodStatus.Will < $MaxLust>>\
<<button [[Decline Her Offer|Easter Visit - Decline]]>>
<<set $SexScene2 to 1>>\
<</if>>\<<set $genericEvent.Image = $eventPath12 + $arrayEvent12EasterNun[0] + '.jpg'>>\
<img @src=$genericEvent.Image />
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$npcCatherine.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$npcCatherine.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _IAss to $arrayAssSizeDesc[$npcCatherine.AssSize]>>\
<<set _DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$npcCatherine.DickSize]>>\
<<set _DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$npcCatherine.DickSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$npcCatherine.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$npcCatherine.BallsSize]>>\
<<set $TotalFood to $TotalFood +27>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Hungry to $StatusAffect.Hungry -9>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Starving to 0>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.Hungry < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Hungry to 0>>\
<<if (random(19) + 1) + $Skill.Social + $CharismaBonus > 13>>\
<<set $npcCatherine.Friendship to $npcCatherine.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity +2 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe + $SkillAction>>\
<<set $npcCatherine.Friendship to $npcCatherine.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity +1 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe + $SkillAction>>\
<<set _Medical to 0>>\
<<if $eastervisitEvent.Visits is 1>>\
<<set _LustRoll to (random(19) + 1)>>\
<<if _LustRoll + $PC.Willpower - $StatusAffect.Horny < 16>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Horny to $StatusAffect.Horny+1>>\
<<set _lusty to random(9) +7 + $StatusAffect.Horny - $LustResist.Visual - $LustResist.Complete>>\
<<if _lusty < 0>>\
<<set _lusty to 0>>\
<<set $lust to $lust + _lusty>>\
  You decide that you could at least invite her in since she has much needed supplies. "How about you come on in, Sister Catherine? I would hate to have the Infested catching either of us out here. By the way, my name is $PC.FirstName." you say while doing you best to keep an eye on her. The problem is that her nun's outfit is rather sensual and you are having some trouble keeping your eyes from staring at her _ICup tits that are straining against her outfit.
  Sister Catherine smiles warmly at your offer before bending over to grab her large backpack. You get a nice view of her _IAss derriere that seems to jiggle and wiggle as she struggles a bit with the heavy load. She finally stands up with the heavy backpack and says "So I have a couple of days worth of food here in my backpack, enough for a whole family to stay fed! So where shall I put it, $PC.FirstName?"
  "Right over here in the kitchen." you say as you guide her past the foyer and into the kitchen. You do a quick inspection of the food and it all looks to be canned food and sealed water. The busty sister helps you put away the food and you occasionally catch a sight of her _IAss derrier as she bends up to put away some dry goods. Soon all the food has been stored away leaving your stock of food a lot higher than before.
  Sister Catherine says "I wish I had more supplies to give but with everyone needing so much, there's only so much that can be split fairly. There's been so many attacks by raiders and gangstas stealing people's food and supplies and it's so wrong! And that's not the counting the issues with the Infested!"
  "Thank you for the supplies, Sister Catherine! it's going to make living here a lot nicer with all that food and water. You're a saint and a hero for going around giving supplies to people in need!" You say as you walk with her back to the foyer. Sister Catherine looks pleased by your praise as a slight blush fills her face.
<<if $lust + ($StatusAffect.Horny*5) - $PC.Willpower - $armorSaveBonus - $FoodStatus.Will > $MaxLust -1>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i>I'm having a hard time keeping my eyes off her sexy body! I have to see if she wants to chat and maybe if she's as slutty as her outfit suggests I might get lucky!</i></div>
<<elseif (random(19) + 1) + $Skill.Medical + $WisdomBonus > 18>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i>For some reason Sister Catherine reminds me of an Infested! She's not acting like one but there's just something about her that's pinging my Infested radar...</i></div>
<div class="pcTalk"><i>Well the good sister really helped me out by giving enough food to last me for at least a couple of days. I could kick her out at this point but that would be extremely rude for someone who is only asking to listen to her religious talk in exchange for a huge supply of food...</i></div>
<<button [[Invite Her to Stay and Chat|Easter Visit - Nun3]]>>
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<if $lust + ($StatusAffect.Horny*5) - $PC.Willpower - $armorSaveBonus - $FoodStatus.Will < $MaxLust>>\
<<button [[Ask Her to Leave|Easter Visit - Decline]]>>
<<set $SexScene2 to 2>>\
<<if $npcCatherine.SexXP > 0>>\
<<set _LustRoll to (random(19) + 1)>>\
<<if _LustRoll + $PC.Willpower - $StatusAffect.Horny < 16>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Horny to $StatusAffect.Horny+1>>\
<<set _lusty to random(20) +20 + $StatusAffect.Horny - $LustResist.Visual - $LustResist.Complete>>\
<<if _lusty < 0>>\
<<set _lusty to 0>>\
<<set $lust to $lust + _lusty>>\
  You decide to invite her in since she has much needed supplies and you enjoyed the 'sacred coupling' the last time she stopped by. "You are more than welcome inside my home, Sister Catherine! How about you come on in so that I might enjoy your presence." you say while obviously staring at Sister Catherine's amazingly _ISD breasts. The busty sister's nun outfit is rather sensual with how those _ICup tits of hers are straining against against her fetish outfit, trying to break free from that sinful prison.
  Sister Catherine smiles warmly at your offer before bending over to grab her large backpack while obviously thrusting out her jiggly ass for your viewing pleasure. You make sure to get a nice long view of that _IAss derriere of hers that seems to jiggle and wiggle as she struggles a bit with the heavy load. She finally stands up with the heavy backpack and says "So I have a couple of days worth of food here in my backpack, enough for a whole family to stay fed! So I'm assuming you want it stored the the kitchen again, $PC.FirstName?"
  "That's right, it's right over here." you say as you guide her past the foyer and into the kitchen. As the voluptuous nun starts to put away the food supplies, you slip behind her and grab her _ISD tits! Sister Catherine lets out a soft gasp as your fingers sink into her titty flesh but beyond that she doesn't react to you playing with her big tits as she continues to put away the donated food.
  As the last item is put away, Sister Catherine leans back against you while grabbing your hands with her slim hands in order to force you to fondle her soft titties even harder! "I'm so glad to see someone embracing our true faith! After finding out about the three divine concepts most of the people either fall to the Infested or refuse to allow me entrance to their homes again. I'm so happy to find someone willing to believe in the faith and to put into such enthusiastic practice!" she moans as she wiggles her _IAss bottom against your groin. "Would you like for me to give you a refresher on those three divine concepts? On the couch perhaps?" she moans huskily.
<div class="pcTalk"><i>I'm pretty sure a refresher on the three divine concepts will quickly lead some 'sacred coupling'. I could always just ask her to leave but that will mean I will miss out on some great sex!</i></div>
<<button [[Listen to the Refresher|Easter Visit - Nun5]]>>
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<if $lust + ($StatusAffect.Horny*5) - $PC.Willpower - $armorSaveBonus - $FoodStatus.Will < $MaxLust>>\
<<button [[Ask Her to Leave|Easter Visit - Decline]]>>
<<set $SexScene2 to 2>>\
<<set _LustRoll to (random(19) + 1)>>\
<<if _LustRoll + $PC.Willpower - $StatusAffect.Horny < 16>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Horny to $StatusAffect.Horny+1>>\
<<set _lusty to random(9) +7 + $StatusAffect.Horny - $LustResist.Visual - $LustResist.Complete>>\
<<if _lusty < 0>>\
<<set _lusty to 0>>\
<<set $lust to $lust + _lusty>>\
  You decide to invite her in since she has much needed supplies and you enjoyed her visit last time she stopped by. "How about you come on in, Sister Catherine? I would hate to have the Infested catching us just chatting at the doorway." you say while doing you best to keep an eye out for any Infested. The problem is that the busty sister's nun outfit is rather sensual and you are having a hard time keeping your eyes out looking for trouble as your eyes tend to drift to her _ICup tits that are straining against her fetish outfit.
  Sister Catherine smiles warmly at your offer before bending over to grab her large backpack. You get a nice view of her _IAss derriere that seems to jiggle and wiggle as she struggles a bit with the heavy load. She finally stands up with the heavy backpack and says "So I have a couple of days worth of food here in my backpack, enough for a whole family to stay fed! So I'm assuming you want it stored the the kitchen again, $PC.FirstName?"
  "That's right, it's right over here." you say as you guide her past the foyer and into the kitchen. The busty sister helps you put away the food and you occasionally catch a sight of her _AssSize derrier as she bends up to put away some dry goods. Soon all the food has been stored away leaving your stock of food a lot higher than before.
  Sister Catherine says "I wish I had more supplies to give but with everyone needing so much, there's only so much that can be split fairly. There's been so many attacks by raiders and gangstas stealing people's food and supplies and it's so wrong! And that's not the counting the issues with the Infested!"
  "Thank you once again for the supplies, Sister Catherine! it's going to make living here a lot nicer with all that food and water. I still think you are a saint and a hero for going around giving supplies to people in need!" You say as you walk with her back to the foyer. Sister Catherine looks pleased by your praise as a slight blush fills her face.
<<if $lust + ($StatusAffect.Horny*5) - $PC.Willpower - $armorSaveBonus - $FoodStatus.Will > $MaxLust -1>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i>I'm having a hard time keeping my eyes off her sexy body! I have to see if she wants to chat and maybe if she's as slutty as her outfit suggests I might get lucky!</i></div>
<<elseif (random(19) + 1) + $Skill.Medical + $WisdomBonus > 18>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i>For some reason Sister Catherine reminds me of an Infested! She's not acting like one but there's just something about her that's pinging my Infested radar...</i></div>
<div class="pcTalk"><i>Well the good sister really helped me out by giving enough food to last me for at least a couple of days. I could kick her out at this point but that would be extremely rude for someone who is only asking to listen to her religious talk in exchange for a huge supply of food...</i></div>
<<button [[Invite Her to Stay and Chat|Easter Visit - Nun3]]>>
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<if $lust + ($StatusAffect.Horny*5) - $PC.Willpower - $armorSaveBonus - $FoodStatus.Will < $MaxLust>>\
<<button [[Ask Her to Leave|Easter Visit - Decline]]>>
<<set $SexScene2 to 2>>\
<</if>>\<<set $genericEvent.Image = $eventPath12 + $arrayEvent12EasterNun[0] + '.jpg'>>\
<img @src=$genericEvent.Image />
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$npcCatherine.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$npcCatherine.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _IAss to $arrayAssSizeDesc[$npcCatherine.AssSize]>>\
<<set _LustRoll to (random(19) + 1)>>\
<<if _LustRoll + $PC.Willpower - $StatusAffect.Horny < 16>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Horny to $StatusAffect.Horny+1>>\
<<set _lusty to random(3) +2 + $StatusAffect.Horny - $LustResist.Visual - $LustResist.Complete>>\
<<if _lusty < 0>>\
<<set _lusty to 0>>\
<<set $lust to $lust + _lusty>>\
<<switch $SexScene2>>\
<<case 1>>\
  As you look down at the backpack full of food you are so tempted to agree but in the end you decide to decline her generous offer. "Sorry sister but I'm going to have to refuse. We are doing good on supplies here and there must be others who are in more need of such an bounty then my family." you explain as your eyes return to the buxom sister.
  Sister Catherine's smile doesn't leave her face as she listens to your refusal. "That's very generous of you! I'll be sure to let the next family know about your generosity and I'll be sure to stop by next week to see how you and your family are doing!" she says as she bends over to grab her heavy backpack and incidently showing off her _IAss derriere as she does so. "Farewell!" she says with that same smile as she turns away and heads off down the street.
<div class="pcTalk"><i>That food would have been nice but with that sister looking like a slutty fetish nun I don't feel safe taking supplies from an possible Infested...</i></div>
<<case 2>>\
  Turning to Sister Catherine you say with reluctances "I'm sorry but I'm really busy right now. I'll be more than happy to continue our conversations on another day but today I'm completely swamped with the issues with my family."
  The buxom sister's warm face turns to a more serious expression as she stands up. "Oh! I can perfectly understand that, $PC.FirstName! Please let me know if there is anything myself or my sisters can do to help you with your family issues!" she says as she bends over to grab her heavy backpack and incidently showing off her _IAss derriere as she does so. "So which way is the front door again?" she says as she looks around the room with a soft smile.
  You make sure to walk her to the front door while your eyes occasionally glance at her _IAss ass and say "Thanks for the offer, Sister Catherine. I'm hoping to resolve the issue on my own. However I might stop by your church someday to help you out as a thank you for all the supplies."
  "Well you don't have to do anything to repay us. The supplies are for the greater good of the city and the people living in these crazy times." she says as she pauses on your front doorstep. Turning to face you, the sexy nun says "If you would like to stop by, the Church of Trilogy Life would be more than happy to entertain you! Our church is located in the southwest part of Sunrise View district next to the river. Anyways I hope to see you again soon, $PC.FirstName!" before she turns away and heads off down the street.
<div class="pcTalk"><i>That food is going to help me out a lot but it's too bad I don't have any time to spend with Sister Catherine today. Maybe next time she shows up I'll have more time to sit around and chat...</i></div>
<<case 3>>\
  Hearing the horny sister's crazy sermon about eggs and seed and whatnots along with her erotic display is more than enough to decide that you want nothing to do with her or her church. "Er, I'm sorry Sister Catherine but I'm going to have to say no. I'm uhh, way too busy with my family issues and hey! Can you look at the time! I'm going to have to go do something I almost forgot about!" you say as you prepare to be attacked by what is looking like another crazy Infested.
  Sister Catherine blinks in shock as she takes in your answer. "Oh, I see. I can respect your decision, $PC.FirstName and I hope you didn't mind my sermon getting a bit too deep." Grabbing her clothes she quickly gets dressed into her fetish nun outfit. Giving you a wam smile she says "I hope your family issues get resolved quickly and peacefully, $PC.FirstName! I'll be sure to stop by in another week or so with some more supplies."
  You do your best to stay prepared for an sneak attack as you follow her to the main door. "Uh, thanks for all the food, Sister Catherine. Try and stay safe out there, ok?" you say as you watch her walk out from your home and out to the street.
<div class="pcTalk"><i>What the hell was that all about! All that talk of Virile Seed, and Eggs and wombs?!?!? That crazy 'nun' must have some type of impregnation fetish! Fuck! She sounded like an Infested but just gave up when I said no. So odd...</i></div>
<<button [[Finish|$location.temp]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</button>><<set $genericEvent.Image = $eventPath12 + $arrayEvent12EasterNun[1] + '.jpg'>>\
<img @src=$genericEvent.Image />
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$npcCatherine.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$npcCatherine.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _IAss to $arrayAssSizeDesc[$npcCatherine.AssSize]>>\
<<set _DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$npcCatherine.DickSize]>>\
<<set _DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$npcCatherine.DickSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$npcCatherine.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$npcCatherine.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _LustRoll to (random(19) + 1)>>\
<<if _LustRoll + $PC.Willpower - $StatusAffect.Horny < 17>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Horny to $StatusAffect.Horny+1>>\
<<set _lusty to random(10) +10 + $StatusAffect.Horny - $LustResist.Visual - $LustResist.Complete>>\
<<if _lusty < 0>>\
<<set _lusty to 0>>\
<<set $lust to $lust + _lusty>>\
<<set _Medical to 0>>\
  "Can I offer you something to drink?" you ask as you take a seat on the sofa. Sister Catherine shakes her head as she takes a seat next to you. With her sitting so close to you, your eyes drift to her impressive breasts. They look absolutely _ISD with only a couple of pieces of white cloth covering her nipples while the rest is completely bare.
  Unable to resist, you ask curiously "I have to say that's a rather interesting outfit you are wearing. Most sisters I've seen tend to be dressed a bit, um more conservatively..." You know you shouldn't be asking but the idea of a real sister wanting to dress like this is a bit strange.
  For a moment you are worried that she might get angry with your question but instead she just smiles warmly at you. "Our church was attacked by raiders awhile back. Luckily no one was injured but the raiders took everything of value that they could find. Before leaving they took all of our clothes as well. I believe they did so in order to leave us vulnerable to the Infested and making it hard to seek help from others."
  You listen in shock at the cruel misfortune that befell the sisters. She notices your look of sympathy and pats your leg. "Don't feel bad for us as it's all part of a divine plan. Our church is located next to the river in the industrial park so we were able to locate some brand new clothing in a warehouse nearby. That these outfits happened to be sexy nun Halloween costumes felt like divine providence even if some people might say a bit too naughty."
  "So we decided to wear those costumes as a source of pride. It also helps to protect us against the poor unfortunate Infested as they believe that we are Infested as well. Since that day we have been doing our best to share the supplies not discovered by the raiders with the citizens of this besieged city and to help out those who need it." she finishes her story with a proud smile. "Enough about me, would you be willing to tell me a bit about yourself?"
<<if $lust + ($StatusAffect.Horny*5) - $PC.Willpower - $armorSaveBonus - $FoodStatus.Will > $MaxLust -1>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i>I can't stop staring at her _ISD tits! Fuck! Why am I so fucking horny?</i></div>
<<elseif (random(19) + 1) + $Skill.Medical + $WisdomBonus > 18>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i>For some reason Sister Cathering is reminding me of when I fight the Infested! She's not acting like one but for some reason I'm feeling a lot hornier than I should be!</i></div>
<div class="pcTalk"><i>Should I tell her how I ended up here alone or should I end this conversation...</i></div>
<<button [[Explain Your Story|Easter Visit - Nun4]]>>
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<if $lust + ($StatusAffect.Horny*5) - $PC.Willpower - $armorSaveBonus - $FoodStatus.Will < $MaxLust>>\
<<button [[Ask Her to Leave|Easter Visit - Decline]]>>
<<set $SexScene2 to 2>>\
<</if>>\<<set $genericEvent.Image = $eventPath12 + $arrayEvent12EasterNun[1] + '.jpg'>>\
<img @src=$genericEvent.Image />
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$npcCatherine.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$npcCatherine.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _IAss to $arrayAssSizeDesc[$npcCatherine.AssSize]>>\
<<set _DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$npcCatherine.DickSize]>>\
<<set _DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$npcCatherine.DickSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$npcCatherine.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$npcCatherine.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _LustRoll to (random(19) + 1)>>\
<<if _LustRoll + $PC.Willpower - $StatusAffect.Horny < 18>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Horny to $StatusAffect.Horny+1>>\
<<set _lusty to random(15) +15 + $StatusAffect.Horny - $LustResist.Visual - $LustResist.Complete>>\
<<if _lusty < 0>>\
<<set _lusty to 0>>\
<<set $lust to $lust + _lusty>>\
<<set _Medical to 0>>\
  Sitting back against the sofa, you start to explain your story. "I was going to college in order to get my degree when it all started. My father had received a promotion and wanted everyone to celebrate, you know? Except the drinks he gave everyone was spiked with something causing me and my sister to get real sick." you say as you remember that fateful day. Sister Catherine looks aghast at the thought of you being poisoned by your own father.
  "Well I found out later he did it due to finding something out about the Infested. I'm not sure what he truly found out but it was enough for him to act that night. The drink was spiked with something to protect us all against the Infested virus. I ended up passing out that night and woke up over a week later with the city in chaos with all these Infested running around." you continue your story with a hint of bitterness. "Even worse I woke up alone with my whole family missing along with an Infested wandering around my home."
  You suddenly find your face planted into the _ISD bosom of Sistere Catherine as she pulls you into a tight hug! "It's OK, $PC.FirstName! I'm sure you weren't abandoned by your family by choice! I'm betting they are working hard to return to you and each other!" she says as she runs a hand thru your hair while making soothing noises. "Even when things are dark, there's always the light of hope to lead the way. A family is at their strongest when they all work together for a common goal and I know your family is fighting to come back to you!"
  "Thanks, Sister Catherine. I'm doing my best to find my family but it's always nice to get some encouragement." you reply as you reluctantly pull your face out of her tantalizing cleavage. You wanted to keep your face between her tits forever but didn't want to anger the sister.
  Sister Catherine gives you a warm smile and says "I do have a few more words of wisdom if you are interested in hearing a bit more about my Faith. I believe such words might help you keep a light heart in the days ahead but the choice is yours."
<<if $lust + ($StatusAffect.Horny*5) - $PC.Willpower - $armorSaveBonus - $FoodStatus.Will > $MaxLust -1>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i>I'm feeling so horny right now! My eyes keep drifting to the busty sister's _ISD tits and I can't look away!</i></div>
<<elseif (random(19) + 1) + $Skill.Medical + $WisdomBonus > 18>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I'm getting some really weird vibes from Sister Catherine. I'm not 100% positive that she's an Infested but I'm at least 90% sure she is...</i></div>
<div class="pcTalk"><i>Do I have time to listen to her preach about her Faith? She's been pretty nice so far but it's getting a bit late...</i></div> </div>
<<button [[Listen to her Preaching|Easter Visit - Nun5]]>>
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<if $lust + ($StatusAffect.Horny*5) - $PC.Willpower - $armorSaveBonus - $FoodStatus.Will < $MaxLust>>\
<<button [[Ask Her to Leave|Easter Visit - Decline]]>>
<<set $SexScene2 to 2>>\
<</if>>\<<set $genericEvent.Image = $eventPath12 + $arrayEvent12EasterNun[1] + '.jpg'>>\
<img @src=$genericEvent.Image />
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$npcCatherine.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$npcCatherine.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _IAss to $arrayAssSizeDesc[$npcCatherine.AssSize]>>\
<<set _DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$npcCatherine.DickSize]>>\
<<set _DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$npcCatherine.DickSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$npcCatherine.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$npcCatherine.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _LustRoll to (random(19) + 1)>>\
<<if _LustRoll + $PC.Willpower - $StatusAffect.Horny < 19>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Horny to $StatusAffect.Horny+1>>\
<<set _lusty to random(20) +20 + $StatusAffect.Horny - $LustResist.Visual - $LustResist.Complete>>\
<<if _lusty < 0>>\
<<set _lusty to 0>>\
<<set $lust to $lust + _lusty>>\
<<if $PC.Sex is "Futa" or $StatusAffect.Futa > 0>>\
<<set _Sex to "Futa">>\
<<elseif $PC.Sex is "Male" and $StatusAffect.Futa < 1>>\
<<set _Sex to "Male">>\
<<set _Sex to "Female">>\
<<if $churchofTriologyLifeEvent.Knowledge < 1>>\
<<set $churchofTriologyLifeEvent.Knowledge to 1>>\
<<switch _Sex>>\
<<case "Male">>\
<<if $Cum.Max < 26>>\
<<set $Cum.Max to $Cum.Max + 1>>\
<<set $Cum.Min to $Cum.Min + 1>>\
<<set $Cum.Stored to $Cum.Max>>\
<<set $CumAD to $arrayCumAmountDesc[$Cum.Stored]>>\
  Sister Catherine turns towards you while smoothing out her outfit. "Our faith centers around three divine concepts with the first being the Fertile Egg. It is from there all life comes from and where unlimited protential starts." Sister Catherine explains huskily. To your shocked disbelief she pulls up her black nun robe exposing her bare pussy! Looking you straight in the eyes, the busty nun makes sure you are watching as she slides her finger into her wet pussy! She gives a soft moan as her finger slides in and out of her wet cunt before continuing "The Fertile Egg is the domain of all women and is one of the cornerstones of life."
  Before you can react to her sudden and extreme change of attitude, Sister Catherin grabs your hard $DickSD dick! She starts to stroke your throbbing shaft thru your clothes while sultrily saying "The second divine concept is the Virile Seed! It is the catalyst to ignite the spark of life and bestows pleasure onto all." The whole time she's been rubbing your cock, she hasn't stopped masturbating with her fingers sliding in and out of her dripping wet pussy. You feel your $BallsSD balls churn with cum as they feel overfilled with hot sticky baby-batter causing you to moan softly. "The Virile Seed is the doman of all men and is another cornerstone of life."
  Just as you are about to stop her or fuck her, you're not sure which, Sister Catherine lets go of your rock hard shaft and stands up. Pulling up her white prayer top, you can only stare at her _ISD pair of _ICup tits! "The last divine concept is the Sacred Womb. It is where the Fertile Egg and the Virile Seed comes together to form new life." Grabbing her mouth-watering jugs, she starts to grope them while huskily saying "The Sacred Womb is shared with all humanity in order to provide a sacred sanctuary for life. It is the last cornerstone and the most important one."
  "So $PC.FirstName, will you fuck me senseless with your hard throbbing $DickSize cock? To shoot your hot sticky Virile Seed deep inside my tight thirsty cunt? To completely fill my Sacred Womb with so much cum that my Fertile Egg has no choice but to accept your divine offering?" she says huskily as she stares you in the eyes.
<<case "Female">>\
<<if $GCum.Max < 26>>\
<<set $GCum.Max to $GCum.Max + 1>>\
<<set $GCum.Min to $GCum.Min + 1>>\
<<set $GCum.Stored to $GCum.Max>>\
<<set $GCumAD to $arrayCumAmountDesc[$GCum.Stored]>>\
  Sister Catherine turns towards you while smoothing out her outfit. "Our faith centers around three divine concepts with the first being the Fertile Egg. It is from there all life comes from and where unlimited protential starts." Sister Catherine explains huskily. To your shocked disbelief she pulls up her black nun robe exposing her bare pussy! Looking you straight in the eyes, the busty nun makes sure you are watching as she slides her finger into her wet pussy! She gives a soft moan as her finger slides in and out of her wet cunt before continuing "The Fertile Egg is the domain of all women and is one of the cornerstones of life." As she finger-bangs her wet pussy, you feel your own pussy start to wettten at the sight and it doesn't take long before your underwear is soaking wet!
  Before you can react to her sudden and extreme change of attitude, Sister Catherin groans softly as lump of flesh starts to form above her groin. Before your shocked gaze a _DickSD _DickSize futa-dick grows from that lump of flesh complete with _BallsSD balls! Still staring you in the eyes, she grabs her futa-cock with her other hand and gives it a squeeze causing some pre-cum to leak from the meaty tip! She starts to stroke her throbbing shaft while sultrily saying "The second divine concept is the Virile Seed! It is the catalyst to ignite the spark of life and bestows pleasure onto all." The whole time she's been stroking her pre-cum leaking cock, she hasn't stopped masturbating with her finger sliding in and out of her dripping wet pussy. "The Virile Seed is the doman of all men and is another cornerstone of life."
  Just as you are about to stop her or fuck her, you're not sure which, Sister Catherine stops masturbating her meaty cock and wet pussy in order to stand up. Pulling up white prayer top, you can only stare as her _ISD pair of _ICup tits bounce free! "The last divine concept is the Sacred Womb. It is where the Fertile Egg and the Virile Seed comes together to form new life." Grabbing her mouth-watering jugs, she starts to grope them while huskily saying "The Sacred Womb is shared with all humanity in order to provide a sacred sanctuary for life. It is the last cornerstone and the most important one."
  "So $PC.FirstName, will you let me fuck you senseless with my hard throbbing _DickSize futa-cock? To shoot my hot sticky Virile Seed deep inside your tight thirsty cunt? To completely fill your Sacred Womb with so much cum that your Fertile Egg has no choice but to accept my divine offering?" she says huskily as she stares you in the eyes.
<<if $Cum.Max < 26>>\
<<set $Cum.Max to $Cum.Max + 1>>\
<<set $Cum.Min to $Cum.Min + 1>>\
<<set $Cum.Stored to $Cum.Max>>\
<<set $CumAD to $arrayCumAmountDesc[$Cum.Stored]>>\
<<if $GCum.Max < 26>>\
<<set $GCum.Max to $GCum.Max + 1>>\
<<set $GCum.Min to $GCum.Min + 1>>\
<<set $GCum.Stored to $GCum.Max>>\
<<set $GCumAD to $arrayCumAmountDesc[$GCum.Stored]>>\
  Sister Catherine turns towards you while smoothing out her outfit. "Our faith centers around three divine concepts with the first being the Fertile Egg. It is from there all life comes from and where unlimited protential starts." Sister Catherine explains huskily. To your shocked disbelief she pulls up her black nun robe exposing her pussy! Sliding her finger into her wet pussy she gives a soft moan before continuing "The Fertile Egg is the domain of all women and is one of the cornerstones of life." As she finger-bangs her wet pussy, you feel your own pussy start to wettten at the sight and it doesn't take long before your underwear is soaking wet!
  Before you can react to her sudden and extreme change of attitude, Sister Catherin groans softly as a _DickSD _DickSize futa-dick grows from above her pussy complete with _BallsSD balls! She starts to stroke her throbbing shaft while sultrily saying "The second divine concept is the Virile Seed! It is the catalyst to ignite the spark of life and bestows pleasure onto all." The whole time she's been stroking her cock, she hasn't stopped masturbating with her fingers sliding in and out of her dripping wet pussy. You feel your $BallsSD balls churn with cum as they feel overfilled with hot sticky baby-batter causing you to moan softly. "The Virile Seed is the doman of all men and is another cornerstone of life."
  Just as you are about to stop her or fuck her, you're not sure which, Sister Catherine lets go of her shaft and stands up. Pulling up her white prayer top, you can only stare at her _ISD pair of _ICup tits! "The last divine concept is the Sacred Womb. It is where the Fertile Egg and the Virile Seed comes together to form new life." Grabbing her mouth-watering jugs, she starts to grope them while huskily saying "The Sacred Womb is the domain shared with all of humanity in order to provide a sacred sanctuary for life. It is the last cornerstone and the most important one."
  "So $PC.FirstName, will you fuck me senseless with your hard throbbing $DickSize futa-cock? To shoot your hot Virile Seed deep inside my tight thirsty cunt? To completely fill my Sacred Womb with so much cum that my Fertile Egg has no choice but to accept your divine offering?" she says huskily as she stares you in the eyes.
  "Or would you rather I fuck you senseless with my hard throbbing _DickSize futa-cock? To unleash my thick Virile Seed deep inside your wet and eager cunt? To completely flood your Sacred Womb with so much cum that your Fertile Egg has no place to hide from my divine offering?" she says huskily as she stares you in the eyes.
<<if $lust + ($StatusAffect.Horny*5) - $PC.Willpower - $armorSaveBonus - $FoodStatus.Will < $MaxLust>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i>What the hell? Is she some kind of weird Infested?</i></div>
<div class="pcTalk"><i>Her words are filling my mind, echoing deep into my soul! I, I can't deny the sacred truth of the Fertile Egg, Virile Seed, and the Sacred Womb! The only thing I can do is...</i></div>
<<switch _Sex>>\
<<case "Male">>\
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Fill Her with Your Virile Seed|Easter Visit - Nun Sex Male]]>>
<<case "Female">>\
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Be Filled by Her Virile Seed|Easter Visit - Nun Sex Female]]>>
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Be Filled by Her Virile Seed|Easter Visit - Nun Sex Futa]]>>
<<set $SexScene2 to 1>>\
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Fill Her with Your Virile Seed|Easter Visit - Nun Sex Futa]]>>
<<set $SexScene2 to 2>>\
<<if $lust + ($StatusAffect.Horny*5) - $PC.Willpower - $armorSaveBonus - $FoodStatus.Will < $MaxLust>>\
<<button [[Refuse|Easter Visit - Decline]]>>
<<set $SexScene2 to 3>>\
<</if>>\<<set $genericEvent.Image = $eventPath12 + $arrayEvent12EasterNun[2] + '.jpg'>>\
<img @src=$genericEvent.Image />
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$npcCatherine.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$npcCatherine.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _IAss to $arrayAssSizeDesc[$npcCatherine.AssSize]>>\
<<set _DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$npcCatherine.DickSize]>>\
<<set _DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$npcCatherine.DickSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$npcCatherine.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$npcCatherine.BallsSize]>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.Vaccine < 1>>\
<<if (random(19) +1) + $PC.Fortitude + $InfectionResist.Fort + $FoodStatus.Fort - $StatusAffect.Wet < (23 + Math.round($Infestation.Progress / 2) )>>\
<<if $Infestation.Progress < 1>>\
<<set $Infestation.Progress to 1>>\
<<set _Infest to random(15) - $InfectionResist.DR +5>>\
<<if _Infest < 0>>\
<<set _Infest to 0>>\
<<set $PC.Infestation to $PC.Infestation + _Infest>>\
<<if $Infestation.FutaVariant < 100>>\
<<set $Infestation.FutaVariant to $Infestation.FutaVariant + random(15) +5>>\
<<if $Infestation.FutaVariant > $Infestation.FutaCap>>\
<<set $Infestation.FutaVariant to $Infestation.FutaCap>>\
<<if $PC.Infestation > $Infestation.Cap>>\
<<set $PC.Infestation to $Infestation.Cap>>\
<<set _LustRoll to (random(19) + 1)>>\
<<if _LustRoll + $PC.Willpower - $StatusAffect.Horny < 19>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Horny to $StatusAffect.Horny+1>>\
<<set _lusty to random(20) +20 + $StatusAffect.Horny - $LustResist.Visual - $LustResist.Complete>>\
<<if _lusty < 0>>\
<<set _lusty to 0>>\
<<set $lust to $lust + _lusty>>\
<<if (random(19) + 1) + $Skill.Social + $CharismaBonus > 13>>\
<<set $npcCatherine.Friendship to $npcCatherine.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity +3 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe + $SkillAction>>\
<<set $npcCatherine.Friendship to $npcCatherine.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity +2 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe + $SkillAction>>\
<<set _Preg to (random(999) +1)>>\
<<set _Vs to 51 + ($Cum.Stored *2) + ($GeneralFeats.MessySpray *20) + ($GeneralFeats.PotentFertility) + ($StatusAffect.Fertility * 50) + ($StatusAffect.Energized * 5 ) - (Math.round($Infestation.Progress / 2) )>>\
<<if $AdminMode is 1>>\
_Preg vs _Vs
<<if _Preg < 51 + ($Cum.Stored *2) + ($GeneralFeats.MessySpray *20) + ($GeneralFeats.PotentFertility) + ($StatusAffect.Fertility * 50) + ($StatusAffect.Energized * 5) - (Math.round($Infestation.Progress / 2) )>>\
<<set $npcCatherine.Pregnant to 1>>\
<<set $npcCatherine.BreastsSize to $npcCatherine.BreastsSize +2>>\
  As you stare at Sister Catherine her holy words echoes thru your mind feeling so right and holy. Your $DickSD cock is rock hard as your eyes lowers from her _ISD chest in order to focus on her completely exposed pussy. Her cum-starved pussy looks eager to have all of your Virile Seed unloaded deep inside her, to guide that life-bearing seed to her Sacred Womb where her Fertile Egg would become one with your Virile Seed! The thought of such an act almost makes you cum on the spot as your fully erect dick leaks pre-cum. Dropping to your knees in front the the holy Sister Catherine, you put your hands together as if in prayer and say "Yes! Please let me shoot my Virile Seed into you!"
  Sister Catherine beams down at you with pride and says "I'm so glad you are willing to listen to the words of the Faithful! Now $PC.FirstName, undress so that all may be laid bare to the world." You quickly undress exposing your $DickSD $DickSize dick along with your $BallsSD pair of $BallsSize balls. After giving your $DickSize shaft a measuring stare, the buxom nun smiles and says "You look to have a proper rod along with a nice pair of balls, $PC.FirstName!"
  Pulling you to your feet, Sister Catherine then kneels before you while cupping her _ICup jugs and huskily says "So the next thing we need to do is to strengthen your holy rod by bathing it between the jugs of the sister. And by that I mean you will be getting your hard throbbing cock nice and ready by fucking my _ISD tits! Just be sure not to prematurely unleash your Virile Seed all over them!"
  With no need to check to see if your cock is hard enough to fuck those mouth-watering tits, you grab the buxom sister's _ISD jugs and slowly slide all $DickSize's in between those _ICup titty mountains! You're forced to moan loudly as you luxurate in the intoxicating feeling of those divine orbs wrapped around your shaft! You start to drive your cock in and out of her big jiggly titties while moaning "Oh Fuck! I love your big fucking tits! They're so _ISD and bouncy!"
  Sister Cathering gazes warmly at you with a pleased smile on her face "I'm so glad you are enjoying the pleasure of my big breasts, $PC.FirstName! The scriptures say that having large breasts is a duty to allow pleasure for yourself and for others as well! To allow other people the joy of seeing such magnificent tits and showing them the way by letting them use them is the proper path! It doesn't matter if your breasts are natural, silicone-filled or even milk-filled as long as people enjoy seeing and playing with them!" she explains huskily you continue to fuck her big jugs with your strong holy rod and it feels so good that drops of your Virile Seed is dripping onto the tops of her _ISD tits!
  Just as you start to get a good rhythm going, Sister Catherine pulls her mouth-watering jugs back, causing your cock to spring free from that glorious titty-prison! "I think that should be enough tit-fucking to get your holy rod properly prepared! Too much more and you would be shooting all your Virile Seed all over my tits, which is perfectly fine for fun and practice. But today we are engaging in the sacred coupling which means I need as much of your Virile Seed shot into my tight pussy as your $BallsSD balls can put out!" Lying down, the busty sister spreads her shapely legs wide exposing her wet pussy to you once again! She smiles warmly at you and solemnly says "So are you ready to flood your Virile Seed into my Sacred Womb to become one with my Fertile Egg? To have your thick potent Virile Seed ignite my Fertile Egg with the miracle of life?"
  Staring down at the naked nun who's begging you to fuck her so hard that she can't help but become pregnant, the only thing you can do is give her what she wants! "Fuck yes! I'm going to fuck you so hard that there's no chance you won't end up with your Fertile Egg completely knocked up by my Virile Seed! I'm going to shoot so much of my seed into your Sacred Womb that you're going to be walking around dripping baby-batter from your pussy for days!" you say roughly as you guide your $DickSize shaft to the entrance of her tight slit before slamming it into her dripping wet cunt!
  Sister Catherine looks estatic at your response as she moans and groans from having her pussy unrelenting pounded by your $DickSD cock! There's nothing more you want at this moment then to breed this holy sister completely and utterly pregnant and your eager cock is more then willing to do so! The sound of hot sweaty sex rises as you continue to drill the lewd sister's cunt nice and hard and you soon get into a nice strong rhythm.
  Grabbing your meaty hands, Sister Catherine places them on her bouncing chest, encouraging you to grope her _ISD pair of titties which you are more than happy to do so! "Don't forget about a person's tits! They are there to entice and excite their partner in order to intensify the pleasure! Now can you imagine how much bigger my breasts will get once my Fertile Egg surrenders to your Virile Seed? How my big and round my stomach will get as new life grows inside my Sacred Womb?" she moans loudly as she feels your pace speed up! Her words spurn you on as you imagine the sexy sister's _ISD breasts growing even larger as they fill with milk, her pregnant stomach pushing out against her fetish nun outfit and how radiant she would look completely knocked up!
  Grabbing her shapely legs, you force her into a mating press position in order to fuck her even deeper! You can feel the tip of your $DickSize cock slam into the entrance of her womb with each deep thrust which the sexy sister seems to be enjoying as she moans and grown in ecstasy!
  "Fuck! I'm about to shoot my big load of Virile Seed all up your tight pussy!" you grunt as you each time your $DickSD shaft rams into the entrance of her Sacred Womb it gets harder to hold back your $BallsSD balls from unleashing your big load of Virile Seed!
  Sister Catherine looks you in the eyes with pure lust and desire and huskily says between breathy moans "Do it! Fill my Sacred Womb with so much of your Virile Seed that my Fertile Egg has no choice but to surrender to your potest seed! Impregnate my Fertile Egg and bestow upon me the gift of new life!"
<<if $PC.Infestation >= $Infestation.Cap & $Infestation.Progress > 1>>\
<<include "Infestation Increase">>\
  As you completely destroy the sexy sister's pussy with your beefy cock, you feel a surge of energy flowing directly into you! It almost feels like you are burning up but it quickly turns to pleasure that radiates from your hard dick before spreading into your scum-filled balls!
  Hearing the sexy nun passionately beg to be impregnated by your Virile Seed pushes you over the edge as you thrust one last time into her tight pussy and to your shock and amazement you feel your cock grow so big that you end up penetrating her womb! "Oh fuck! I'm shooting my Virile Seed straight into your fucking Sacred Womb with my big fucking cock! Take all of my hot Vital Seed into your slutty Fertile Egg!" you yell as you feel your growing cum-filled balls unleash their sacred treasure and an endless firehose of potent Virile Seed floods into her Sacred Womb!
<<if $npcCatherine.Pregnant is 1>>\
  Feeling her womb being creampied pushes Sister Catherine over the edge as she screams out in ecstasy "Oh God yes! I can feel your Virile Seed flooding my Sacred Womb, completely filling me up! Oh fuck! I can literally feel my Fertile Egg being impregnated by $PC.FirstName's thick potent Virile Seed!" You can feel her tight pussy squeeze your shaft hard as a flood of girl-cum squirts out from her stuffed cunt!
  Feeling her womb being creampied pushes Sister Catherine over the edge as she screams out "Oh God yes! I can feel your Virile Seed flooding my Sacred Womb, completely filling me up! I can feel my defenseless Fertile Egg being assaulted by your thick, strong Virile Seed! Dear God, please let $PC.FirstName's Virile Seed ignite my Fertile Egg so that new life may be formed in my Sacred Womb!" You can feel her tight pussy squeeze your shaft hard as a flood of girl-cum squirts out from her stuffed cunt!
  You collapse on top of the busty sister as you feel competely spent from shooting so much baby-batter. You finally get a chance to check out your changes as your manly chest is resting on top of her _ISD breasts. Sister Catherine has the radiant glow of being fucked nice and hard as she rubs her hands thru your hair. Feeling a bit more energy, you finally decide that you've recovered enough to sit up which allows your new and improved $DickSD $DickSize dick to pop free from the slutty sister's creampies pussy. Glancing down you notice that your balls have grown to be a $BallSD pair of $BallsSize balls!
<<if $npcCatherine.Pregnant is 1>>\
  Laughing softly, she says "Congratulations, $PC.FirstName! It might be hard to believe but you've received a blessing of studly form! It's a good omen to have your body grow to be more pleasing while in the midst of a sacred coupling!" Giving you another warm smile while rubbing her lower abdomen, she says "Usually there's only a slim chance of my Fertile Egg being ignited but this time I felt something amazing when you creampied me! However the Infested virus seems to have caused a massive decrease in fertality rates so it's possible I just imagined it. If it does turn out that I wasn't impregnated by your juicy see I'll be sure to return however many times it takes to finally ignite my Fertile Egg!"
  Laughing softly, she says "Congratulations, $PC.FirstName! It might be hard to believe but you've received a blessing of studly form! It's a good omen to have your body grow to be more pleasing while in the midst of a sacred coupling!" Giving you another warm smile while rubbing her lower abdomen, she says "That was wonderful, $PC.FirstName! I'm so glad you chose to engage in the sacred coupling with me. Now that being said, there's only a slim chance of my Fertile Egg being ignited. The Infested virus seems to have caused a massive decrease in fertality rates so don't be dissapointed if it doesn't happen. I'll be sure to return however long as it takes to finally ignite my Fertile Egg!"
  She slowly gathers her clothes before getting dressed once again in her nun fetish outfit. She looks to be very careful about making sure none of your cum leaks out of her stuffed pussy. "Thanks again for your wonderful gift, $PC.FirstName! If I do end up pregnant I'll be sure to let you know! Anyways I bid you goodbye, $PC.FirstName, and stay safe!" WIth that said Sister Catherine leaves the house leaving you with only your thoughts.
  As you sit there on the floor recovering from shooting so much Virile Seed, you can't help but wonder if Sister Catherine will end up pregnant. As the minutes go by you start to feel the haze on your thoughts start to lift and you start to notice some strange oddities to your behavor since that sister showed up. Sitting up you shake your head hard to finally break free from that odd trance you've been in for the last few minutes...
  Hearing the sexy nun passionately beg to be impregnated by your Virile Seed pushes you over the edge as you thrust one last time into her tight pussy and to your shock and amazement you feel your $DickSize cock penetrate her womb! "Oh fuck! I'm shooting my Virile Seed straight into your fucking Sacred Womb! Take all of my hot Virile Seed into your slutty Fertile Egg!" you yell as you feel your $BallsSD cum-filled balls unleash their sacred treasure and a $CumAD firehose of potent Virile Seed floods into her Sacred Womb!
<<if $npcCatherine.Pregnant is 1>>\
  Feeling her womb being creampied pushes Sister Catherine over the edge as she screams out in ecstasy "Oh God yes! I can feel your Virile Seed flooding my Sacred Womb, completely filling me up! Oh fuck! I can literally feel my Fertile Egg eagerly being impregnated by $PC.FirstName's thick potent Virile Seed!" You can feel her tight pussy squeeze your shaft hard as a flood of girl-cum squirts out from her stuffed cunt!
  Feeling her womb being creampied pushes Sister Catherine over the edge as she screams out "Oh God yes! I can feel your Virile Seed flooding my Sacred Womb, completely filling me up! I can feel my defenseless Fertile Egg being assaulted by your thick, strong Virile Seed! Dear God, please let $PC.FirstName's Virile Seed ignite my Fertile Egg so that new life may be formed in my Sacred Womb!" You can feel her tight pussy squeeze your shaft hard as a flood of girl-cum squirts out from her stuffed cunt!
  You collapse on top of the busty sister as you feel competely spent from shooting so much baby-batter. Your manly chest is resting on top of her _ISD breasts and you can feel her breathing heavily. Sister Catherine has the radiant glow of being fucked nice and hard as she rubs her hands thru your hair. Feeling a bit more energy, you finally decide that you've recovered enough to sit up which allows your $DickSize cock to pop free from the slutty sister's creampied pussy.
<<if $npcCatherine.Pregnant is 1>>\
  Giving you a warm smile while rubbing her lower abdomen, she says "That was wonderful, $PC.FirstName! I'm so glad you chose to engage in the sacred coupling with me. Usually there's only a slim chance of my Fertile Egg being ignited but this time I felt something amazing when you creampied me! However the Infested virus seems to have caused a massive decrease in fertality rates so it's possible I just imagined it. If it does turn out that I wasn't impregnated by your juicy see I'll be sure to return however many times it takes to finally ignite my Fertile Egg!"
  Giving you a warm smile while rubbing her lower abdomen, she says "That was wonderful, $PC.FirstName! I'm so glad you chose to engage in the sacred coupling with me. Now that being said, there's only a slim chance of my Fertile Egg being ignited. The Infested virus seems to have caused a massive decrease in fertality rates so don't be dissapointed if it doesn't happen. I'll be sure to return however long as it takes to finally ignite my Fertile Egg!"
  She slowly gathers her clothes before getting dressed once again in her nun fetish outfit. She looks to be very careful about making sure none of your cum leaks out of her stuffed pussy. "Thanks again for your wonderful gift, $PC.FirstName! If I do end up pregnant I'll be sure to let you know! Anyways I bid you goodbye, $PC.FirstName, and stay safe!" WIth that said Sister Catherine leaves the house leaving you with only your thoughts.
  As you sit there on the floor recovering from shooting so much Virile Seed, you can't help but wonder if Sister Catherine will end up pregnant. As the minutes go by you start to feel the haze on your thoughts start to lift and you start to notice some strange oddities to your behavor since that sister showed up. Sitting up you shake your head hard to finally break free from that odd trance you've been in for the last few minutes...
<div class="pcTalk"><i>Why was I calling fucking cum something like Virile Seed?!?!? And what's up with the whole Sacred Womb and Fertile Egg? What the fuck! I'm not sure what that weird sister did to me but it was very odd thinking that way! Oh Double Fuck! I can't believe I tried to impregnate Sister Catherine! I can't be going around getting people pregnant right now with all these Infested and raiders and who knows what out there!</i></div>
<<button [[Finish|$location.temp]]>>
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<include "Lust Passes">>\
<<set $NoEncounter to random(1) +2>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</button>><<set $genericEvent.Image = $eventPath12 + $arrayEvent12EasterNun[3] + '.jpg'>>\
<img @src=$genericEvent.Image />
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set $sexHistory.XP to $sexHistory.XP +1>>\
<<set $npcCatherine.SexXP to $npcCatherine.SexXP +1>>\
<<set $LastPartner to $npcCatherine>>\
<<set $npcCatherine.SexDetection to "Female">>\
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$npcCatherine.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$npcCatherine.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _IAss to $arrayAssSizeDesc[$npcCatherine.AssSize]>>\
<<set _DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$npcCatherine.DickSize]>>\
<<set _DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$npcCatherine.DickSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$npcCatherine.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$npcCatherine.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _SizeComp to $PC.BreastsSize + ($GeneralFeats.FalseRep *2)>>\
<<if (random(19) + 1) + $Skill.Social + $CharismaBonus > 15>>\
<<set $npcCatherine.Friendship to $npcCatherine.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity +3 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set $npcCatherine.Friendship to $npcCatherine.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity +2 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.Vaccine < 1>>\
<<if (random(19) +1) + $PC.Fortitude + $InfectionResist.Fort + $FoodStatus.Fort - $StatusAffect.Wet < (23 + Math.round($Infestation.Progress / 2) )>>\
<<if $Infestation.Progress < 1>>\
<<set $Infestation.Progress to 1>>\
<<set _Infest to random(15) - $InfectionResist.DR +5>>\
<<if _Infest < 0>>\
<<set _Infest to 0>>\
<<set $PC.Infestation to $PC.Infestation + _Infest>>\
<<if $Infestation.FutaVariant < 100>>\
<<set $Infestation.FutaVariant to $Infestation.FutaVariant + random(15) +5>>\
<<if $Infestation.FutaVariant > $Infestation.FutaCap>>\
<<set $Infestation.FutaVariant to $Infestation.FutaCap>>\
<<if $PC.Infestation > $Infestation.Cap>>\
<<set $PC.Infestation to $Infestation.Cap>>\
<<if $Infestation.MilkProgress > 0 or $Milk.Stored > 0>>\
<<set _Breasts to "Milk">>\
<<elseif $StatusAffect.SiliconeB > 5>>\
<<set _Breasts to "Silicone">>\
<<set _Breasts to "Natural">>\
<<set _Preg to (random(999) +1)>>\
<<set _Vs to 51 + ($GCum.Stored *2) + ($GeneralFeats.MessySpray *20) + ($GeneralFeats.PotentFertility) + ($StatusAffect.Fertility * 50) + ($StatusAffect.Energized * 5 ) - (Math.round($Infestation.Progress / 2) )>>\
<<if $AdminMode is 1>>\
_Preg vs _Vs
<<if _Preg < 51 + ($GCum.Stored *2) + ($GeneralFeats.MessySpray *20) + ($GeneralFeats.PotentFertility) + ($StatusAffect.Fertility * 50) + ($StatusAffect.Energized * 5 ) - (Math.round($Infestation.Progress / 2) ) and ($StatusAffect.Pregnant < 1) and $StatusAffect.Infertility is 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Pregnant to 1>>\
<<set $PregnantWho to "Sister Catherine">>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumFilled to $StatusAffect.CumFilled +1>>\
  As you stare at Sister Catherine her holy words echoes thru your mind feeling so right and holy. Your eyes dip down to where her _DickSize futa-cock is presenting proudly with her _BallsSD balls beneath it. The _BallsSize balls filled with hot gooey Virile Seed so eager to flood your Sacred Womb in order to fertilize your Fertile Egg. The thought of such an act almost makes you cum on the spot as wet pussy juices flow down your thighs before you suddenly a faint dull pain that erupts from your abdominal before quickly fading away! Dropping to your knees in front the the holy Sister Catherine, you put your hands together as if in prayer and say "Yes! Please bestow upon me your Virile Seed!"
<<if _SizeComp < 5>>\
  Sister Catherine beams down at you with pride and says "I'm so glad you are willing to listen to the words of the Faithful! Now $PC.FirstName, undress so that all may be laid bare to the world." You quickly undress exposing your $BreastSD pair of $BreastsSize tits along with your $AssSize bottom. After giving your $BreastSD breasts a measuring stare, the buxom nun frowns and says "One of the first scriptures say that having large breasts is a sacred duty to allow pleasure for yourself and for others as well! Let me help you reach the proper state, my dear child!" Grabbing a hidden can from her backpack she hands it to you and says "Drink and be busty!"
<<set _BreastCalc to 5 - _SizeComp>>\
<<set $PCChanges.BreastsGrowth to "Soda">>\
<<set _BreastSD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _BreastSize to $arrayBreastSize[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set $PC.BreastsSize =+ $PC.BreastsSize + _BreastCalc>>\
<<set $PC.NippleSize =+ $PC.NippleSize + _BreastCalc>>\
<<set $BreastSD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set $BreastsSize to $arrayBreastSize[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set $NippleSize to $arrayNippleSize[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
  Eager to please the sexy nun, you down the drink called Double-Delicious Cans and before long you feel a strange pleasant growing sensation from your _BreastSD chest. Gasping in pleasure you watch as your _BreastSize breasts slowly expand to a $BreastSD pair of DoubleD tits! "Oh God! I can't believe how big my titties are now!" you say as your grasp your sensitive breasts. They feel so nice and you feel so sexy with your $BreastsSize tits on display.
  The busty nun smiles lewdly and says "I'm so glad you now have a proper pair of breasts, $PC.FirstName! You look like a proper maiden now with those mouth-watering tits of yours! So the next thing we need to do is to strengthen my holy rod by bathing it between the jugs of the maiden. And by that I mean I'm going to get my hard throbbing futa-cock nice and ready by fucking your big tits!"
<<switch _Breasts>>\
<<case "Silicone">>\
  Sister Catherine beams down at you with pride and says "I'm so glad you are willing to listen to the words of the Faithful! Now $PC.FirstName, undress so that all may be laid bare to the world." You quickly undress exposing your $BreastSD pair of silicone-filled $BreastsSize breasts along with your $AssSize bottom. After giving your $BreastSD fake tits a measuring stare, the busty nun smiles lewdly and says "I'm so glad you already have a proper pair of breasts, $PC.FirstName! You almost look just like a proper sister with those mouth-watering fake tits of yours! So the first thing we need to do is to stengthen my holy rod by bathing it between the jugs of the maiden. And by that I mean I'm going to get my hard throbbing futa-cock nice and ready by fucking your big silicone-filled tits!"
<<case "Milk">>\
  Sister Catherine beams down at you with pride and says "I'm so glad you are willing to listen to the words of the Faithful! Now $PC.FirstName, undress so that all may be laid bare to the world." You quickly undress exposing your $BreastSD pair of milk-filled $BreastsSize breasts along with your $AssSize bottom. After giving your $BreastSD milk jugs a measuring stare, the busty nun smiles lewdly and says "I'm so glad you already have a proper pair of breasts, $PC.FirstName! You almost look pregnant already with those $BreastSD breasts of yours filled with so much life nurishing milk! So the first thing we need to do is to stengthen my holy rod by bathing it between the jugs of the maiden. And by that I mean I'm going to get my hard throbbing futa-cock nice and ready by fucking your big milk-filled tits!"
  Sister Catherine beams down at you with pride and says "I'm so glad you are willing to listen to the words of the Faithful! Now $PC.FirstName, undress so that all may be laid bare to the world." You quickly undress exposing your $BreastSD pair of $BreastsSize tits along with your $AssSize bottom. After giving your $BreastSD breasts a measuring stare, the busty nun smiles lewdly and says "I'm so glad you already have a proper pair of breasts, $PC.FirstName! You look just like a proper maiden with those mouth-watering tits of yours! So the first thing we need to do is to stengthen my holy rod by bathing it between the jugs of the maiden. And by that I mean I'm going to get my hard throbbing futa-cock nice and ready by fucking your big tits!"
  Grabbing your $BreastsSize jugs, you watch in anticipation as the lewd sister strokes her futa-dick before sliding them in between your big tits! "Oooh! Your tits are very fine, $PC.FirstName! A nice and proper size for raising a child or to be titty-fucked nice and hard!" Sister Catherine moans as she starts to thrust her holy rod deep between your unusually senstive titties! "The scriptures say that having large breasts is a duty to allow pleasure for yourself and for others as well! To allow other people the joy of seeing such magnificent tits and showing them the way by letting them use them is the proper path! It doesn't matter if your breasts are natural, silicone-filled or even milk-filled as long as people enjoy seeing and playing with them!" she explains as she pinches your $NippleSize long nipples while keeping a steady pace fucking your jiggly jugs.
  "Oh God! I love having you fuck my big tits with your holy staff! Please use them any way you want!" you moan as you feverishly listen to the sister explain the proper path of using your tits for pleasure. With each thrust of her mighty cock you feel a surge of pleasure in your $BreastSD tits as they jiggle and bounce from the force of her titty-fucking and you are loving the fact that she's using your jugs strengthen her thick rod. To your utter arousal you notice that the sister's thick juicy shaft is leaking small amounts of precious Virile Seed from the tip onto your full breasts while her own moans of pleasure grow ever louder.
  Sister Catherine slows down her titty-fucking with what looks to be using her iron willpower and before long she pulls her futa-cock out from between your tits with a grunt of pleasure. She smiles warmly at you and solemnly says "I think that's enough tit-fucking to get my cock properly prepared! So now it's time for the sacred coupling to begin so are you ready for my Virile Seed to be unleashed into your Sacred Womb to become one with your Fertile Egg? To have my Virile Seed ignite your Fertile Egg with the miracle of life?"
  Falling back onto your $AssSize bottom, you quickly spread your legs wide exposing your dripping wet pussy. "Please fuck me with your _DickSize futa-cock and shoot your Virile Seed straight into my Sacred Womb! I want you to breed me with your Virile Seed!" you beg as you stare at the hot and sweaty nun. There's nothing more you want at this moment then to be bred by the holy sister and your soaking wet pussy is eager to get that started. She gives you a broad smile before kneeling down with her thick holy rod in hand. The busty sister slowly guides her _DickSD throbbing man meat to the entrance of your tight pussy. You're forced to give out a low moan as she presses her cock against your swollen pussy lips before thrusting all _DickSize's of her shaft deep inside your cunt!
  "Oooh! $PC.FirstName! Your pussy is so tight! Let me know when you are ready!" Sister Catherine moans as she waits for your pussy to adjust to her size. It doesn't take long for you to adjust to the size of her meaty cock and at your eager nod, Sister Catherine starts to thrust in and out of your stuffed cunt causing you to moan loudly in pleasure.
<<if $Infestation.MilkProgress > 0 or $Milk.Stored > 0>>\
  Grabbing your $BreastSD breasts, the buxom sister starts to fondle them adding to the pleasure radiating from your pussy as milk squirts out from your milk-filled jugs. "Oh fuck yes! Keep playing with my big milkers while fucking me so fucking hard with your big rod!" you moan lustfully and in response Sister Catherine gives your jugs a nice firm squeeze causing some more milk to leak out from your $NippleSize long nipples. Her forceful pounding is causing bursts of pleasure to erupt from your stuffed pussy and you can't wait to feel her _DickSD cock unleash her load inside of you!
  Grabbing your $BreastSD breasts, the buxom sister starts to fondle them adding to the pleasure radiating from your pussy. "Oh fuck yes! Keep playing with my titties while fucking me so fucking hard with your big rod!" you moan lustfully and in response Sister Catherine gives your jugs a nice firm squeeze. Her forceful pounding is causing bursts of pleasure to erupt from your stuffed pussy and you can't wait to feel her _DickSD cock unleash her load inside of you!
  "I can feel my _BallsSD balls churn with Virile Seed, eager to flood straight into your Sacred Womb! Are you ready to have your Fertile Egg surrender utterly to my potent Virile Seed?" Sister Catherin says huskily as she grabs your legs and pushes them above your head, forcing you into a mating press position! From there she rapidly slams her cock even deeper inside your tight pussy over and over again and you can feel the tip of her shaft slamming into the entrance to your womb! You can only gasp and moan as your pussy is wrecked by her _DickSD throbbing shaft while your $BreastSD tits jiggle from her hard thrusts! The divine pleasure radiating from your cunt is pushing you closer to a holy climax and you eagerly anticipate being impregnated by such a sexy sister, to have new life form inside of your Sacred Womb!
  "Do it! Breed my Fertile Egg with your thick juicy Virile Seed! I want to feel my Sacred Womb completely flooded with your hot Virile Seed!" you scream as your orgasm draws rapidly closer and it's almost like you can feel your Fertile Egg finally complete it's journey to your Sacred Womb! Hearing your heartfelt pleas, the lewd nun rails your eager pussy even harder as she moans and groans in utter ecstasy. You can feel her cock twitching inside your tight cunt and you know she's moments away from cumming!
<<if $Infestation.FutaVariant >= $Infestation.FutaCap & $Infestation.Progress > 1>>\
<<include "Futa TF">>\
<<set $npcCatherine.SexDetection to "Futa">>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered+1>>\
  As your pussy is being completely destroyed by the sister's _DickSize cock you feel a surge of shocking energy flowing directly into you! It feels almost like you are being electrocuted but it quickly turns to pleasure that radiates from above your wet pussy.
  Sister Catherine thrusts her futa-cock so deep into your tight pussy you actually feel a slight discomfort as she penetrates your Sacred Womb! "I'm cumming so hard! I'm shooting all of my Virile Seed staight into your Sacred Womb! Dear God, please let my Virile Seed ignite $PC.FirstNam's Fertile Egg so that new life may formed inside her Sacred Womb!" she screams as you feel a flood of hot cum completely fill your womb and pussy as wave after wave of thick Virile Seed shoots from her twitching cock! There's so much baby-batter that it spills out onto the carpet below! The feeling of being creampied by Sister Catherine feels like it should have pushed you over the edge but somehow your sweet release has been blocked!
  Glancing down you discover a slight bump forming above your pussy, seemingly a lightning rod for that electric feeling. It slowly grows from a bump to a bulge as each heartbeat thunders in your ears. The large bulge slowly shifts as it pushes outward inch by inch before forming a small mushroom head with a tiny hole. You gasp as you recognize the shape as that of a penis, abit a very tiny baby-sized one!
  You can easily feel the blood rushing to your new organ and your new dick eagerly soaks it all up. Your baby-sized penis hardens and pushes out farther from your groin growing bigger and stronger with each heartbeat. By this point the electric shocking feeling is almost gone, replaced by the pleasant feeling of your new cock becoming engorged with blood!
  After a few moments, you discover that your brand new baby dick has transformed into a $DickSD $DickSize futa-cock! Before you can really take a look at it, there's another tiny surge of electric shock as two bulges form below your new dick! You closely watch as it forms into a ballsack while growing in size to match your big dick. It finally finishes growing leaving you with a $BallsSD pair of $BallsSize sized balls!
  The erotic feeling of growing your own divine rod along with balls filled with Virile Seed pushes you over the edge! "Oh God! Your Virile Seed is flooding my Sacred Womb engulfing my Fertile Egg! There's so much cum filling me up! Oh Fuckkkk I'm shooting Virile Seed from my new cock!" you scream as your delayed orgasm hits you like a train and you shoot a massive geyser of gooey baby-batter from your brand-new futa-cock all over your $BreastSD tits along with Sister Catherine's own _ISD breasts as well! The force of your orgasm causes your cum-filled pussy to soak her holy rod with an $GCumAD amount of girl-cum! <<if $Infestation.MilkProgress > 0 or $Milk.Stored > 0>> Even your milk-filled titties get in on the celebration as $MilkAD streams of milk explode from your hard nipples!<</if>>
  Sister Catherine looks like she's about to collapse but instead gives you a beaming wide smile as she releases your legs from the mating press. "Congratulations, $PC.FirstName! It might be hard to believe but you've been blessed by a holy rod of your own. It's a good omen to have one grown while in the midst of a sacred coupling!" she says with a smile. Shaking her head she gives you another smile and says "I have to say that was a wonderful sacred coupling, $PC.FirstName, with such an explosive ending! I'm so happy that you chose to engage in the sacred coupling with me! Now that being said, there's only a slim chance of your Fertile Egg being ignited. The Infested virus seems to have caused a massive decrease in fertality rates so don't be dissapointed if it doesn't happen. I'll be sure to return again and maybe at that time you will be the one to ignite my Fertile Egg with your thick juicy Virile Seed!"
  She slowly gathers her clothes before getting dressed once again in her nun fetish outfit. You are surprised to notice her futa-cock and balls disappears as if her male organs was being absorbed back into her body. Seeing your confused look, the busty sister gives you a lewd smirk and says "That's an holy technique taught at the church to allow us to travel without undue distress among the innocent citizens. You might be able to learn this holy technique with enough practice with myself and other sisters. Anyways I bid you goodbye, $PC.FirstName and stay safe!" WIth that said Sister Catherine leaves the house leaving you with your thoughts.
<<elseif $PC.Infestation >= $Infestation.Cap & $Infestation.Progress > 1>>\
<<include "Infestation Increase">>\
  As your pussy is being completely destroyed by the sister's _DickSize cock, you feel a surge of energy flowing directly into you! It almost feels like you are burning up but it quickly turns to pleasure that radiates from your wet pussy into your sensitive breasts and ass.
<<if $StatusAffect.Pregnant is 1 and $PregnantWho is "Sister Catherine">>\
  Sister Catherine thrusts her futa-cock so deep into your tight pussy you that you actually feel a slight discomfort as she penetrates your Sacred Womb! "I'm cumming so hard! I'm shooting all of my Virile Seed staight into your Sacred Womb! Dear God, please let my Virile Seed ignite $PC.FirstName's Fertile Egg so that new life may be formed in her Sacred Womb!" she screams as you feel a flood of hot cum completely overflows your womb and pussy as wave after wave of hot thick Virile Seed shoots from her twitching cock! As you feel your womb flooded by her holy seed you feel a strange electric sensation from deep inside your womb as you feel your Fertile Egg eagerly embrace her Virile Seed, your egg's defenses no match for her potent baby-batter!
  The discomfort of being wombed is quickly replaced by the intense sensation of your breasts growing along with your ass! With each heartbeat you can see your big titties expand to an even bigger more tantalizing size! The feeling of your expanding tits and the pure pleasure of being impregnated by the sexy sister's Virile Seed pushes you over the edge! "Oh God! I'm cumming so much! I can feel my Fertile Egg surrendering to your Virile Seed inside my Sacred Womb as my tits grow bigger! Oh Fuckkkk!" you scream as your orgasm hits you like a train and you soak her holy rod with an tidal wave of girl-cum! <<if $Infestation.MilkProgress > 0 or $Milk.Stored > 0>> Even your milk-filled titties get in on the celebration as $MilkAD streams of milk explode from your hard nipples!<</if>>
  Sister Catherine thrusts her futa-cock so deep into your tight pussy you actually feel a slight discomfort as she penetrate your Sacred Womb! "I'm cumming so hard! I'm shooting all of my Virile Seed staight into your Sacred Womb! Dear God, please let my Virile Seed ignite your Fertile Egg!" she screams as you feel a flood of hot cum completely fill your womb and pussy as wave after wave of thick Virile Seed shoots from her twitching cock! There's so much baby-batter that it spills out onto the carpet below!
  The discomfort of being wombed is quickly replaced by the intense sensation of your breasts growing along with your ass! With each heartbeat you can see your big titties expand to an even bigger more tantalizing size! The feeling of your expanding tits and the pure pleasure of being creampied by so much of her Virile Seed pushes you over the edge! "Oh God! I'm cumming so much! Your Virile Seed is flooding my Sacred Womb engulfing my Fertile Egg! Oh Fuck! My titties are growing sooo big!" you scream as your orgasm hits you like a train and you soak her holy rod with an tidal wave of girl-cum! <<if $Infestation.MilkProgress > 0 or $Milk.Stored > 0>> Your milk-filled titties explode from the pleasure as $MilkAD streams of milk squirt from your hard nipples!<</if>>
  Sister Catherine collaspes on top of you looking competely spent while your legs finally are finally releaed from the mating press. Her _ISD breasts are resting on top of your new larger $BreastsSize jugs and you can feel her breathing heavily. Soon she looks to have recovered some of her strength as she finally sits up with her _DickSD futa-dick popping free from your creampied pussy.
  Giving you a warm smile, she says "Congratulations, $PC.FirstName! It might be hard to believe but you've received a blessing of voluptuous form! It's a good omen to have your body grow to be more pleasing while in the midst of a sacred coupling!" Shaking her head she gives you another smile and says "I have to say that was a wonderful sacred coupling, $PC.FirstName, along with such a blessed ending! I'm so happy that you chose to engage in the sacred coupling with me! Now that being said, there's only a slim chance of your Fertile Egg being ignited. The Infested virus seems to have caused a massive decrease in fertality rates so don't be dissapointed if it doesn't happen even with such a blessing happening. I'll be sure to return however long as it takes to finally ignite your Fertile Egg!"
  She slowly gathers her clothes before getting dressed once again in her nun fetish outfit. You are surprised to notice her futa-cock and balls disappears as if her male organs was being absorbed back into her body. Seeing your confused look, the busty sister gives you a lewd smirk and says "That's an holy technique taught at the church to allow us to travel without undue distress among the innocent citizens. Anyways I bid you goodbye, $PC.FirstName and stay safe!" WIth that said Sister Catherine leaves the house leaving you with only your thoughts.
<<if $StatusAffect.Pregnant is 1 and $PregnantWho is "Sister Catherine">>\
  Sister Catherine thrusts her futa-cock so deep into your tight pussy you that you actually feel a slight discomfort as she penetrates your Sacred Womb! "I'm cumming so hard! I'm shooting all of my Virile Seed staight into your Sacred Womb! Dear God, please let my Virile Seed ignite $PC.FirstName's Fertile Egg so that new life may be formed in her Sacred Womb!" she screams as you feel a flood of hot cum completely overflows your womb and pussy as wave after wave of hot thick Virile Seed shoots from her twitching cock! As you feel your womb flooded by her holy seed you feel a strange electric sensation from deep inside your womb as you feel your Fertile Egg eagerly embrace her Virile Seed, your egg's defenses no match for her potent baby-batter!
  The discomfort of being wombed is quickly replaced by pure pleasure as the feeling of being impregnated by the sexy sister's Virile Seed pushes you over the edge! "Oh God! I'm cumming so much! I can feel my Fertile Egg surrendering to your Virile Seed deep inside my Sacred Womb! Oh Fuckkkk!" you scream as your orgasm hits you like a train and you soak her holy rod with an $GCumAD amount of girl-cum!<<if $Infestation.MilkProgress > 0 or $Milk.Stored > 0>> Even your milk-filled titties get in on the celebration as $MilkAD streams of milk explode from your hard nipples!<</if>>
  Sister Catherine thrusts her futa-cock so deep into your tight pussy you that you actually feel a slight discomfort as she penetrate your Sacred Womb! "I'm cumming so hard! I'm shooting all of my Virile Seed staight into your Sacred Womb! Dear God, please let my Virile Seed ignite $PC.FirstName's Fertile Egg so that new life may be formed in her Sacred Womb!" she screams as you feel a flood of hot cum completely overflows your womb and pussy as wave after wave of hot thick Virile Seed shoots from her twitching cock! There's so much baby-batter that it spills out onto the carpet below!
  The discomfort of being wombed is quickly replaced by pure pleasure as the feeling of being creampied by so much of her Virile Seed pushes you over the edge! "Oh God! I'm cumming so much! Your Virile Seed is flooding my Sacred Womb engulfing my Fertile Egg! Oh Fuckkkk!" you scream as your orgasm hits you like a train and you soak her holy rod with an $GCumAD amount of girl-cum! <<if $Infestation.MilkProgress > 0 or $Milk.Stored > 0>> Your milk-filled titties explode from the pleasure as $MilkAD streams of milk squirt from your hard nipples!<</if>>
  Sister Catherine collaspes on top of you looking competely spent while your legs finally are finally released from the mating press. Her _ISD breasts are resting on top of your $BreastSD jugs and you can feel her breathing heavily. Soon she looks to have recovered some of her strength as she finally sits up with her _DickSD futa-dick popping free from your creampied pussy.
  Giving you a warm smile, she says "That was wonderful, $PC.FirstName! I'm so glad you chose to engage in the sacred coupling with me. Now that being said, there's only a slim chance of your Fertile Egg being ignited. The Infested virus seems to have caused a massive decrease in fertality rates so don't be dissapointed if it doesn't happen. I'll be sure to return however long as it takes to finally ignite your Fertile Egg!"
  She slowly gathers her clothes before getting dressed once again in her nun fetish outfit. You are surprised to notice her futa-cock and balls disappears as if her male organs was being absorbed back into her body. Seeing your confused look, the busty sister gives you a lewd smirk and says "That's an holy technique taught at the church to allow us to travel without undue distress among the innocent citizens. Anyways I bid you goodbye, $PC.FirstName, and stay safe!" WIth that said Sister Catherine leaves the house leaving you with only your thoughts.
  As you lay there on the floor radiating in the afterglow feeling of being creampied by so much Virile Seed, you can't help but run your hands over your lower stomach as if searching to see if life is growing in your flooded womb. As the minutes go by you start to feel the haze on your thoughts start to lift and you start to notice some strange oddities to your behavor since that sister showed up. Sitting up you shake your head hard to finally break free from that odd trance you've been in for the last few minutes...
<div class="pcTalk"><i>Why was I calling fucking cum something like Virile Seed?!?!? And what's up with the whole Sacred Womb and Fertile Egg? What the fuck! I'm not sure what that weird sister did to me but it was very odd thinking that way! Oh Double Fuck! I can't believe I tried to get Sister Catherine to impregnate me! I can't get pregnant right now with all these Infested and raiders and who knows what out there!</i></div>
<<button [[Finish|$location.temp]]>>
<<set $StatusAffect.CumFilled to $StatusAffect.CumFilled +1>>\
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<include "Lust Passes">>\
<<set $NoEncounter to random(1) +2>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</button>><<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set $sexHistory.XP to $sexHistory.XP +1>>\
<<set $npcCatherine.SexXP to $npcCatherine.SexXP +1>>\
<<set $LastPartner to $npcCatherine>>\
<<set $npcCatherine.SexDetection to "Female">>\
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$npcCatherine.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$npcCatherine.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _IAss to $arrayAssSizeDesc[$npcCatherine.AssSize]>>\
<<set _DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$npcCatherine.DickSize]>>\
<<set _DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$npcCatherine.DickSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$npcCatherine.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$npcCatherine.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _SizeComp to $PC.BreastsSize + ($GeneralFeats.FalseRep *2)>>\
<<if (random(19) + 1) + $Skill.Social + $CharismaBonus > 15>>\
<<set $npcCatherine.Friendship to $npcCatherine.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity +3 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set $npcCatherine.Friendship to $npcCatherine.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity +2 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.Vaccine < 1>>\
<<if (random(19) +1) + $PC.Fortitude + $InfectionResist.Fort + $FoodStatus.Fort - $StatusAffect.Wet < (23 + Math.round($Infestation.Progress / 2) )>>\
<<if $Infestation.Progress < 1>>\
<<set $Infestation.Progress to 1>>\
<<set _Infest to random(15) - $InfectionResist.DR +5>>\
<<if _Infest < 0>>\
<<set _Infest to 0>>\
<<set $PC.Infestation to $PC.Infestation + _Infest>>\
<<if $Infestation.GrowFutaVariant < 100>>\
<<set $Infestation.GrowFutaVariant to $Infestation.GrowFutaVariant + random(15) +5>>\
<<if $Infestation.GrowFutaVariant > $Infestation.FutaCap>>\
<<set $Infestation.GrowFutaVariant to $Infestation.FutaCap>>\
<<if $PC.Infestation > $Infestation.Cap>>\
<<set $PC.Infestation to $Infestation.Cap>>\
<<if $Infestation.MilkProgress > 0 or $Milk.Stored > 0>>\
<<set _Breasts to "Milk">>\
<<elseif $StatusAffect.SiliconeB > 5>>\
<<set _Breasts to "Silicone">>\
<<set _Breasts to "Natural">>\
<<set _Preg to (random(999) +1)>>\
<<if $SexScene2 is 1>>\
<<set $genericEvent.Image = $eventPath12 + $arrayEvent12EasterNun[3] + '.jpg'>>\
<img @src=$genericEvent.Image />
<<set _Preg to (random(999) +1)>>\
<<set _Vs to 51 + ($GCum.Stored *2) + ($GeneralFeats.MessySpray *20) + ($GeneralFeats.PotentFertility) + ($StatusAffect.Fertility * 50) + ($StatusAffect.Energized * 5 ) - (Math.round($Infestation.Progress / 2) )>>\
<<if $AdminMode is 1>>\
_Preg vs _Vs
<<if _Preg < 51 + ($GCum.Stored *2) + ($GeneralFeats.MessySpray *20) + ($GeneralFeats.PotentFertility) + ($StatusAffect.Fertility * 50)+ ($StatusAffect.Energized * 5 ) - (Math.round($Infestation.Progress / 2) ) and ($StatusAffect.Pregnant < 1) and $StatusAffect.Infertility is 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Pregnant to 1>>\
<<set $PregnantWho to "Sister Catherine">>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumFilled to $StatusAffect.CumFilled +1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered +1>>\
  As you stare at Sister Catherine her holy words echoes thru your mind feeling so right and holy. Your eyes dip down to where her _DickSize futa-cock is presenting proudly with her _BallsSD balls beneath it. The _BallsSize balls filled with hot gooey Virile Seed so eager to flood your Sacred Womb in order to fertilize your Fertile Egg. The thought of such an act almost makes you cum on the spot as your futa-cock gets rock hard while wet pussy juices flow down your thighs. Dropping to your knees in front the the holy Sister Catherine, you suddenly a faint dull pain that erupts from your abdominal before quickly fading away! Ignoring that faint twinge of pain you put your hands together as if in prayer and say "Yes! Please bestow upon me your Virile Seed!"
<<if _SizeComp < 5>>\
  Sister Catherine beams down at you with pride and says "I'm so glad you are willing to listen to the words of the Faithful! Now $PC.FirstName, undress so that all may be laid bare to the world." You quickly undress exposing your $BreastSD pair of $BreastsSize tits along with your $DickSD $DickSize futa-cock. After giving your $BreastSD breasts a measuring stare, the buxom nun frowns and says "One of the first scriptures say that having large breasts is a sacred duty to allow pleasure for yourself and for others as well! Let me help you reach the proper state, my dear child!" Grabbing a hidden can from her backpack she hands it to you and says "Drink and be busty!"
<<set _BreastCalc to 5 - _SizeComp>>\
<<set $PCChanges.BreastsGrowth to "Soda">>\
<<set _BreastSD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _BreastSize to $arrayBreastSize[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set $PC.BreastsSize =+ $PC.BreastsSize + _BreastCalc>>\
<<set $PC.NippleSize =+ $PC.NippleSize + _BreastCalc>>\
<<set $BreastSD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set $BreastsSize to $arrayBreastSize[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set $NippleSize to $arrayNippleSize[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
  Eager to please the sexy nun, you down the drink called Double-Delicious Cans and before long you feel a strange pleasant growing sensation from your _BreastSD chest. Gasping in pleasure you watch as your _BreastSize breasts slowly expand to a $BreastSD pair of DoubleD tits! "Oh God! I can't believe how big my titties are now!" you say as your grasp your sensitive breasts. They feel so nice and you feel so sexy with your $BreastsSize tits on display.
  The busty nun smiles lewdly and says "I'm so glad you now have a proper pair of breasts, $PC.FirstName! You look like a proper initiate now with those mouth-watering tits of yours! So the next thing we need to do is to strengthen my holy rod by bathing it between the jugs of the maiden. And by that I mean I'm going to get my hard throbbing futa-cock nice and ready by fucking your big tits!"
<<switch _Breasts>>\
<<case "Silicone">>\
  Sister Catherine beams down at you with pride and says "I'm so glad you are willing to listen to the words of the Faithful! Now $PC.FirstName, undress so that all may be laid bare to the world." You quickly undress exposing your $BreastSD pair of $BreastsSize fake tits along with your $DickSD $DickSize futa-cock. After giving your $BreastSD gravity defying orbs a measuring stare, the busty nun smiles lewdly and says "I'm so glad you already have a proper pair of breasts, $PC.FirstName! You almost look just like a proper sister with those silicone-filled tits of yours! So the first thing we need to do is to stengthen my holy rod by bathing it between the jugs of the maiden. And by that I mean I'm going to get my hard throbbing futa-cock nice and ready by fucking your big silicone-filled tits!"
<<case "Milk">>\
  Sister Catherine beams down at you with pride and says "I'm so glad you are willing to listen to the words of the Faithful! Now $PC.FirstName, undress so that all may be laid bare to the world." You quickly undress exposing your $BreastSD pair of $BreastsSize milk jugs along with your $DickSD $DickSize futa-cock. After giving your $BreastSD milk-filled beasts a measuring stare, the busty nun smiles lewdly and says "I'm so glad you already have a proper pair of breasts, $PC.FirstName! You almost look pregnant already with those $BreastSD breasts of yours filled with so much life nurishing milk! So the first thing we need to do is to stengthen my holy rod by bathing it between the jugs of the maiden. And by that I mean I'm going to get my hard throbbing futa-cock nice and ready by fucking your big milk-filled tits!"
  Sister Catherine beams down at you with pride and says "I'm so glad you are willing to listen to the words of the Faithful! Now $PC.FirstName, undress so that all may be laid bare to the world." You quickly undress exposing your $BreastSD pair of $BreastsSize tits along with your $DickSD $DickSize futa-cock. After giving your $BreastSD breasts a measuring stare, the busty nun smiles lewdly and says "I'm so glad you already have a proper pair of breasts, $PC.FirstName! You look just like a proper initiate with those mouth-watering tits of yours! So the first thing we need to do is to stengthen my holy rod by bathing it between the jugs of the maiden. And by that I mean I'm going to get my hard throbbing futa-cock nice and ready by fucking your big tits!"
  Grabbing your $BreastsSize jugs, you watch in anticipation as the lewd sister strokes her futa-dick before sliding them in between your big tits! "Oooh! Your tits are very fine, $PC.FirstName! A nice and proper size for raising a child or to be titty-fucked nice and hard!" Sister Catherine moans as she starts to thrust her holy rod deep between your unusually senstive titties! "The scriptures say that having large breasts is a duty to allow pleasure for yourself and for others as well! To allow other people the joy of seeing such magnificent tits and showing them the way by letting them use them is the proper path! It doesn't matter if your breasts are natural, silicone-filled or even milk-filled as long as people enjoy seeing and playing with them!" she explains as she pinches your $NippleSize long nipples while keeping a steady pace fucking your jiggly jugs.
  "Oh God! I love having you fuck my big tits with your holy staff! Please use them any way you want!" you moan as you feverishly listen to the sister explain the proper path of using your tits for pleasure. With each thrust of her mighty cock you feel a surge of pleasure in your $BreastSD tits as they jiggle and bounce from the force of her titty-fucking and you are loving the fact that she's using your jugs strengthen her thick rod. To your utter arousal you notice that the sister's thick juicy shaft is leaking small amounts of precious Virile Seed from the tip onto your full breasts while her own moans of pleasure grow ever louder. Your own holy rod is leaking some Virile Seed as well from the very sight.
  Sister Catherine slows down her titty-fucking with what looks to be using her iron willpower and before long she pulls her futa-cock out from between your tits with a grunt of pleasure. She smiles warmly at you and solemnly says "I think that's enough tit-fucking to get my cock properly prepared! So now it's time for the sacred coupling to begin so are you ready for my Virile Seed to be unleashed into your Sacred Womb to become one with your Fertile Egg? To have my Virile Seed ignite your Fertile Egg with the miracle of life?"
  Falling back onto your $AssSize bottom, you quickly spread your legs wide exposing your dripping wet pussy along with your $DickSD dick. "Please fuck me with your _DickSize futa-cock and shoot your Virile Seed straight into my Sacred Womb! I want you to breed me with your Virile Seed!" you beg as you stare at the hot and sweaty nun. There's nothing more you want at this moment then to be bred by the holy sister and your soaking wet pussy is eager to get that started. She gives you a broad smile before kneeling down with her thick holy rod in hand. The busty sister slowly guides her _DickSD throbbing man meat below your $BallsSD balls to the entrance of your tight pussy. You're forced to give out a low moan as she presses her cock against your swollen pussy lips before thrusting all _DickSize's of her shaft deep inside your cunt!
  "Oooh! $PC.FirstName! Your pussy is so tight! Let me know when you are ready!" Sister Catherine moans as she waits for your pussy to adjust to her size. It doesn't take long for you to adjust to the size of her meaty cock and at your eager nod, Sister Catherine starts to thrust in and out of your stuffed cunt causing you to moan loudly in pleasure.
<<if $Infestation.MilkProgress > 0 or $Milk.Stored > 0>>\
  Grabbing your $BreastSD breasts, the buxom sister starts to fondle them adding to the pleasure radiating from your pussy as milk squirts out from your milk-filled jugs. "Oh fuck yes! Keep playing with my big milkers while fucking me so fucking hard with your big rod!" you moan lustfully and in response Sister Catherine gives your jugs a nice firm squeeze causing some more milk to leak out from your $NippleSize long nipples. Her forceful pounding is causing bursts of pleasure to erupt from your stuffed pussy and you can't wait to feel her _DickSD cock unleash her load inside of you!
  Grabbing your $BreastSD breasts, the buxom sister starts to fondle them adding to the pleasure radiating from your pussy. "Oh fuck yes! Keep playing with my titties while fucking me so fucking hard with your big rod!" you moan lustfully and in response Sister Catherine gives your jugs a nice firm squeeze. Her forceful pounding is causing bursts of pleasure to erupt from your stuffed pussy and you can't wait to feel her _DickSD cock unleash her load inside of you!
  "I can feel my _BallsSD balls churn with Virile Seed, eager to flood straight into your Sacred Womb! Are you ready to have your Fertile Egg surrender utterly to my potent Virile Seed?" Sister Catherin says huskily as she grabs your legs and pushes them above your head, forcing you into a mating press position! From there she rapidly slams her cock even deeper inside your tight pussy over and over again and you can feel the tip of her shaft slamming into the entrance to your womb! You can only gasp and moan as your pussy is wrecked by her _DickSD throbbing shaft while your hard $DickSize futa-cock is being pressed between your $BreastSD breasts! The divine pleasure radiating from your cunt is pushing you closer to a holy climax and you eagerly anticipate being impregnated by such a sexy sister, to have new life form inside of your Sacred Womb!
<<if $PC.Infestation >= $Infestation.Cap & $Infestation.Progress > 1>>\
<<include "Infestation Increase">>\
  As your pussy is being completely destroyed by the sister's _DickSize cock, you feel a surge of energy flowing directly into you! It almost feels like you are burning up but it quickly turns to pleasure that radiates from your wet pussy along with your hard dick before spreading into your sensitive breasts and ass.
<<if $StatusAffect.Pregnant is 1>>\
  Sister Catherine thrusts her futa-cock so deep into your tight pussy you that you actually feel a sharp burst of pain as she penetrates your Sacred Womb! "I'm cumming so hard! I'm shooting all of my Virile Seed staight into your Sacred Womb! Dear God, please let my Virile Seed ignite $PC.FirstName's Fertile Egg so that new life may be formed in her Sacred Womb!" she screams as you feel a flood of hot cum completely overflows your womb and pussy as wave after wave of hot thick Virile Seed shoots from her twitching cock! As you feel your womb flooded by her holy seed you feel a strange electric sensation from deep inside your womb as you feel your Fertile Egg eagerly embrace her Virile Seed, your egg's defenses no match for her potent baby-batter!
  The sharp pain of being wombed is quickly replaced by the intense sensation of your breasts growing along with your ass! With each heartbeat you can see your big titties expand to an even bigger more tantalizing size while your futa-cock and balls look to be growing as well! The feeling of your expanding tits and the pure pleasure of being impregnated by the sexy sister's Virile Seed pushes you over the edge! "Oh God! I'm cumming so much! I can feel my Fertile Egg surrendering to your Virile Seed inside my Sacred Womb! Oh Fuckkkk!" you scream as your orgasm hits you like a train and you soak her holy rod with an tidal wave of girl-cum! Even your neglected futa-cock is unleashed as you shoot an almost limitless amount of hot Virile Seed ribbons onto your $BreastSD breasts along with the sister's _ISD tits! <<if $Infestation.MilkProgress > 0 or $Milk.Stored > 0>> Even your milk-filled titties get in on the celebration as $MilkAD streams of milk explode from your hard nipples!<</if>>
  Sister Catherine thrusts her futa-cock so deep into your tight pussy you that you actually feel a sharp burst of pain as she penetrate your Sacred Womb! "I'm cumming so hard! I'm shooting all of my Virile Seed staight into your Sacred Womb! Dear God, please let my Virile Seed ignite $PC.FirstName's Fertile Egg so that new life may be formed in her Sacred Womb!" she screams as you feel a flood of hot cum completely overflows your womb and pussy as wave after wave of hot thick Virile Seed shoots from her twitching cock! There's so much baby-batter that it spills out onto the carpet below!
  The sharp pain of being wombed is quickly replaced by the intense sensation of your breasts growing along with your ass! With each heartbeat you can see your big titties expand to an even bigger more tantalizing size while your futa-cock and balls look to be growing as well! The feeling of your expanding tits and the pure pleasure of being creampied by so much of her Virile Seed pushes you over the edge! "Oh God! I'm cumming so much! Your Virile Seed is flooding my Sacred Womb engulfing my Fertile Egg! Oh Fuck! My titties and cock are growing sooo big!" you scream as your orgasm hits you like a train and you soak her holy rod with an tidal wave of girl-cum! Even your neglected futa-cock is unleashed as you shoot an almost limitless amount of hot Virile Seed ribbons onto your $BreastSD breasts along with the sister's _ISD tits! <<if $Infestation.MilkProgress > 0 or $Milk.Stored > 0>> Your milk-filled titties explode from the pleasure as $MilkAD streams of milk squirt from your hard nipples!<</if>>
  Sister Catherine collaspes on top of you looking competely spent while your legs finally are finally releaed from the mating press. Her _ISD breasts are resting on top of your new larger $BreastsSize jugs and you can feel her breathing heavily. Soon she looks to have recovered some of her strength as she finally sits up with her _DickSD futa-dick popping free from your creampied pussy. You finally get a chance to check out the rest of the changes and notice that your dick is now a $DickSD $DickSize futa-cock along with a $BallsSD pair of $BallsSize balls! Even your ass is slightly bigger with you now packing a $AssSize caboose!
  Giving you a warm smile, she says "Congratulations, $PC.FirstName! It might be hard to believe but you've received a blessing of voluptuous form! It's a good omen to have your body grow to be more pleasing while in the midst of a sacred coupling!" Shaking her head she gives you another smile and says "I have to say that was a wonderful sacred coupling, $PC.FirstName, along with such a blessed ending! I'm so happy that you chose to engage in the sacred coupling with me! Now that being said, there's only a slim chance of your Fertile Egg being ignited. The Infested virus seems to have caused a massive decrease in fertality rates so don't be dissapointed if it doesn't happen even with such a blessing happening. I'll be sure to return however long as it takes to finally ignite your Fertile Egg!"
  She slowly gathers her clothes before getting dressed once again in her nun fetish outfit. You are surprised to notice her futa-cock and balls disappears as if her male organs were being absorbed back into her body. Seeing your confused look, the busty sister gives you a lewd smirk and says "That's an holy technique taught at the church to allow us to travel without undue distress among the innocent citizens. Anyways I bid you goodbye, $PC.FirstName and stay safe!" WIth that said Sister Catherine leaves the house leaving you with only your thoughts.
<<if $StatusAffect.Pregnant is 1 and $PregnantWho is "Sister Catherine">>\
  Sister Catherine thrusts her futa-cock so deep into your tight pussy you that you actually feel a sharp burst of pain as she penetrates your Sacred Womb! "I'm cumming so hard! I'm shooting all of my Virile Seed staight into your Sacred Womb! Dear God, please let my Virile Seed ignite $PC.FirstName's Fertile Egg so that new life may be formed in her Sacred Womb!" she screams as you feel a flood of hot cum completely overflows your womb and pussy as wave after wave of hot thick Virile Seed shoots from her twitching cock! As you feel your womb flooded by her holy seed you feel a strange electric sensation from deep inside your womb as you feel your Fertile Egg eagerly embrace her Virile Seed, your egg's defenses no match for her potent baby-batter!
  The sharp pain of being wombed is quickly replaced by pure pleasure as the feeling of being impregnated by the sexy sister's Virile Seed pushes you over the edge! "Oh God! I'm cumming so much! I can feel my Fertile Egg surrendering to your Virile Seed inside my Sacred Womb! Oh Fuckkkk!" you scream as your orgasm hits you like a train and you soak her holy rod with an $GCumAD amount of girl-cum! Your neglected futa-cock is unleashed as you shoot $CumAD ribbons of hot Virile Seed of your own onto your $BreastSD breasts! <<if $Infestation.MilkProgress > 0 or $Milk.Stored > 0>> Even your milk-filled titties get in on the celebration as $MilkAD streams of milk explode from your hard nipples!<</if>>
  Sister Catherine thrusts her futa-cock so deep into your tight pussy you that you actually feel a sharp burst of pain as she penetrate your Sacred Womb! "I'm cumming so hard! I'm shooting all of my Virile Seed staight into your Sacred Womb! Dear God, please let my Virile Seed ignite $PC.FirstName's Fertile Egg so that new life may be formed in her Sacred Womb!" she screams as you feel a flood of hot cum completely overflows your womb and pussy as wave after wave of hot thick Virile Seed shoots from her twitching cock! There's so much baby-batter that it spills out onto the carpet below!
  The sharp pain of being wombed is quickly replaced by pure pleasure as the feeling of being creampied by so much of her Virile Seed pushes you over the edge! "Oh God! I'm cumming so much! Your Virile Seed is flooding my Sacred Womb engulfing my Fertile Egg! Oh Fuckkkk!" you scream as your orgasm hits you like a train and you soak her holy rod with an $GCumAD amount of girl-cum! Even your neglected futa-cock is unleashed as you shoot $CumAD ribbons of hot Virile Seed of your own onto your $BreastSD breasts! <<if $Infestation.MilkProgress > 0 or $Milk.Stored > 0>> Your milk-filled titties explode from the pleasure as $MilkAD streams of milk squirt from your hard nipples!<</if>>
  Sister Catherine collaspes on top of you looking competely spent while your legs finally are finally releaed from the mating press. Her _ISD breasts are resting on top of your $BreastSD jugs and you can feel your dick pressed between your two bodies. Soon she looks to have recovered some of her strength as she finally sits up with her _DickSD own futa-dick popping free from your creampied pussy.
  Giving you a warm smile, she says "That was wonderful, $PC.FirstName! I'm so glad you chose to engage in the sacred coupling with me. Now that being said, there's only a slim chance of your Fertile Egg being ignited. The Infested virus seems to have caused a massive decrease in fertality rates so don't be dissapointed if it doesn't happen. I'll be sure to return however long as it takes to finally ignite your Fertile Egg or perhaps next time you could be the one to impregnate my Fertile Egg instead?"
  She slowly gathers her clothes before getting dressed once again in her nun fetish outfit. You are surprised to notice her futa-cock and balls disappears as if her male organs were being absorbed back into her body. Seeing your confused look, the busty sister gives you a lewd smirk and says "That's an holy technique taught at the church in order to allow us to travel without undue distress among the innocent citizens. Anyways I bid you goodbye, $PC.FirstName, and stay safe!" WIth that said Sister Catherine leaves the house leaving you with only your thoughts.
<<set $genericEvent.Image = $eventPath12 + $arrayEvent12EasterNun[2] + '.jpg'>>\
<img @src=$genericEvent.Image />
<<set _Preg to (random(999) +1)>>\
<<set _Vs to 51 + ($Cum.Stored *2) + ($GeneralFeats.MessySpray *20) + ($GeneralFeats.PotentFertility) +($StatusAffect.Fertility * 50) + ($StatusAffect.Energized * 5 ) - (Math.round($Infestation.Progress / 2) )>>\
<<if $AdminMode is 1>>\
_Preg vs _Vs
<<if _Preg < 51 + ($Cum.Stored *2) + ($GeneralFeats.MessySpray *20) + ($GeneralFeats.PotentFertility) + ($StatusAffect.Fertility * 50) + ($StatusAffect.Energized * 5 ) - (Math.round($Infestation.Progress / 2) ) and $StatusAffect.Infertility is not 0>>\
<<set $npcCatherine.Pregnant to 1>>\
<<set $npcCatherine.BreastsSize to $npcCatherine.BreastsSize +2>>\
  As you stare at Sister Catherine her holy words echoes thru your mind feeling so right and holy. Your $DickSD futa-cock is rock as your eyes lowers from her _ISD chest in order to try to focus on her mostly hidden pussy. Seemingly reading your thoughts you watch as Sister Catherine's own futa-cock and balls disappears back into her body as her glistening wet pussy is one more revealed. Her cum-starved pussy looks eager to have all of your Virile Seed unloaded deep inside her, to guide that life-bearing seed to her Sacred Womb where her Fertile Egg would become one with your Virile Seed! The thought of such an act almost makes you cum on the spot as your fully erect futa-dick leaks pre-cum while wet pussy juices flow down your thighs. Dropping to your knees in front the the holy Sister Catherine, you put your hands together as if in prayer and say "Yes! Please let me shoot my Virile Seed into you!"
<<if _SizeComp < 5>>\
  Sister Catherine beams down at you with pride and says "I'm so glad you are willing to listen to the words of the Faithful! Now $PC.FirstName, undress so that all may be laid bare to the world." You quickly undress exposing your $BreastSD pair of $BreastsSize tits along with your $DickSD $DickSize futa-cock. After giving your $BreastSD breasts a measuring stare, the buxom nun frowns and says "One of the first scriptures say that having large breasts is a sacred duty to allow pleasure for yourself and for others as well! Let me help you reach the proper state, my dear child!" Grabbing a hidden can from her backpack she hands it to you and says "Drink and be busty!"
<<set _BreastCalc to 5 - _SizeComp>>\
<<set $PCChanges.BreastsGrowth to "Soda">>\
<<set _BreastSD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _BreastSize to $arrayBreastSize[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set $PC.BreastsSize =+ $PC.BreastsSize + _BreastCalc>>\
<<set $PC.NippleSize =+ $PC.NippleSize + _BreastCalc>>\
<<set $BreastSD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set $BreastsSize to $arrayBreastSize[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set $NippleSize to $arrayNippleSize[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
  Eager to please the sexy nun, you down the drink called Double-Delicious Cans and before long you feel a strange pleasant growing sensation from your _BreastSD chest. Gasping in pleasure you watch as your _BreastSize breasts slowly expand to a $BreastSD pair of DoubleD tits! "Oh God! I can't believe how big my titties are now!" you say as your grasp your sensitive breasts. They feel so nice and you feel so sexy with your $BreastsSize tits on display.
  The busty nun smiles lewdly and says "I'm so glad you now have a proper pair of breasts, $PC.FirstName! You look like a proper initiate now with those mouth-watering tits of yours along with your $DickSD dick!" Pulling you to your feet, Sister Catherine then kneels before you while cupping her _ICup jugs and huskily says "So the next thing we need to do is to strengthen you holy rod by bathing it between the jugs of the sister. And by that I mean you will be getting your hard throbbing futa-cock nice and ready by fucking my _ISD tits! Just be sure not to prematurely unleash your Vital Seed all over them!"
<<switch _Breasts>>\
<<case "Silicone">>\
  Sister Catherine beams down at you with pride and says "I'm so glad you are willing to listen to the words of the Faithful! Now $PC.FirstName, undress so that all may be laid bare to the world." You quickly undress exposing your $BreastSD pair of $BreastsSize fake tits along with your $DickSD $DickSize futa-cock. After giving your $BreastSD gravity defying orbs a measuring stare, the busty nun smiles lewdly and says "You look like a proper initiate with those silicone-filled tits of yours along with your $DickSD dick!"
<<case "Milk">>\
  Sister Catherine beams down at you with pride and says "I'm so glad you are willing to listen to the words of the Faithful! Now $PC.FirstName, undress so that all may be laid bare to the world." You quickly undress exposing your $BreastSD pair of $BreastsSize milk jugs along with your $DickSD $DickSize futa-cock. After giving your $BreastSD breasts a measuring stare, the busty nun smiles lewdly and says "You almost look pregnant already with those $BreastSD breasts of yours filled with so much life nurishing milk! And of course I can't deny how nice that $DickSD dick of yours looks!"
  Sister Catherine beams down at you with pride and says "I'm so glad you are willing to listen to the words of the Faithful! Now $PC.FirstName, undress so that all may be laid bare to the world." You quickly undress exposing your $BreastSD pair of $BreastsSize tits along with your $DickSD $DickSize futa-cock. After giving your $BreastSD breasts a measuring stare, the busty nun smiles lewdly and says "You look like a proper initiate with those mouth-watering tits of yours along with your $DickSD dick!"
  Pulling you to your feet, Sister Catherine then kneels before you while cupping her _ICup jugs and huskily says "So the next thing we need to do is to strengthen your holy rod by bathing it between the jugs of the sister. And by that I mean you will be getting your hard throbbing futa-cock nice and ready by fucking my _ISD tits! Just be sure not to prematurely unleash your Virile Seed all over them!"
  With no need to check to see if your cock is hard enough to fuck those mouth-watering tits, you grab the buxom sister's _ISD jugs and slowly slide all $DickSize's in between those _ICup titty mountains! You're forced to moan loudly as you luxurate in the intoxicating feeling of those divine orbs wrapped around your shaft! You start to drive your cock in and out of her big jiggly titties while moaning "Oh Fuck! I love your big fucking tits! They're so _ISD and bouncy!"
  Sister Cathering gazes warmly at you with a pleased smile on her face "I'm so glad you are enjoying the pleasure of my big breasts, $PC.FirstName! The scriptures say that having large breasts is a duty to allow pleasure for yourself and for others as well! To allow other people the joy of seeing such magnificent tits and showing them the way by letting them use them is the proper path! It doesn't matter if your breasts are natural, silicone-filled or even milk-filled as long as people enjoy seeing and playing with them!" she explains huskily you continue to fuck her big jugs with your strong holy rod and it feels so good that drops of your Virile Seed is dripping onto the tops of her _ISD tits!
  Just as you start to get a good rhythm going, Sister Catherine pulls her mouth-watering jugs back, causing your futa-cock to spring free from that glorious titty-prison! "I think that should be enough tit-fucking to get your holy rod properly prepared! Too much more and you would be shooting all your Virile Seed all over my tits, which is perfectly fine for fun and practice. But today we are engaging in the sacred coupling which means I need as much of your Virile Seed shot into my tight pussy as your $BallsSD balls can put out!" Lying down, the busty sister spreads her shapely legs wide exposing her wet pussy to you once again! She smiles warmly at you and solemnly says "So are you ready to flood your Virile Seed into my Sacred Womb to become one with my Fertile Egg? To have your thick potent Virile Seed ignite my Fertile Egg with the miracle of life?"
  Staring down at the naked nun who's begging you to fuck her so hard that she can't help but become pregnant, the only thing you can do is give her what she wants! "Fuck yes! I'm going to fuck you so hard that there's no chance you won't end up with your Fertile Egg completely knocked up by my Virile Seed! I'm going to shoot so much of my seed into your Sacred Womb that you're going to be walking around dripping baby-batter from your pussy for days!" you say roughly as you guide your $DickSize shaft to the entrance of her tight slit before slamming it into her dripping wet cunt!
  Sister Catherine looks estatic at your response as she moans and groans from having her pussy unrelenting pounded by your $DickSD cock! There's nothing more you want at this moment then to breed this holy sister completely and utterly pregnant and your eager cock is more then willing to do so! The sound of hot sweaty sex rises as you continue to drill the lewd sister's cunt nice and hard and you soon get into a nice strong rhythm.
  Grabbing your meaty hands, Sister Catherine places them on her bouncing chest, encouraging you to grope her _ISD pair of titties which you are more than happy to do so! "Don't forget about a person's tits! They are there to entice and excite their partner in order to intensify the pleasure! Now can you imagine how much bigger my breasts will get once my Fertile Egg surrenders to your Virile Seed? How my big and round my stomach will get as new life grows inside my Sacred Womb?" she moans loudly as she feels your pace speed up! Her words spurn you on as you imagine the sexy sister's _ISD breasts growing even larger as they fill with milk, her pregnant stomach pushing out against her fetish nun outfit and how radiant she would look completely knocked up!
  Grabbing her shapely legs, you force her into a mating press position in order to fuck her even deeper! You can feel the tip of your $DickSize cock slam into the entrance of her womb with each deep thrust which the sexy sister seems to be enjoying as she screams out in ecstasy! "Fuck! I'm about to shoot my big load of Virile Seed all up your tight pussy!" you grunt as you each time your $DickSD shaft rams into the entrance of her Sacred Womb it gets harder to hold back your $BallsSD balls from unleashing your big load of Virile Seed!
  Sister Catherine looks you in the eyes with pure lust and desire and huskily says between breathy moans "Do it! Fill my Sacred Womb with so much of your Virile Seed that my Fertile Egg has no choice but to surrender to your potest seed! Impregnate my Fertile Egg and bestow upon me the gift of new life!"
<<if $PC.Infestation >= $Infestation.Cap & $Infestation.Progress > 1>>\
<<include "Infestation Increase">>\
  As you completely destroy the sexy sister's pussy with your beefy cock, you feel a surge of energy flowing directly into you! It almost feels like you are burning up but it quickly turns to pleasure that radiates from your wet pussy along with your hard dick before spreading into your sensitive breasts and ass.
  Hearing the sexy nun passionately beg to be impregnated by your Vital Seed pushes you over the edge as you thrust one last time into her tight pussy and to your shock and amazement you feel your cock grow so big that you end up penetrating her womb! "Oh fuck! I'm shooting my Virile Seed straight into your fucking Sacred Womb with my big fucking cock! Take all of my hot Virile Seed into your slutty Fertile Egg!" you yell as you feel your growing cum-filled balls unleash their sacred treasure and an endless firehose of potent Virile Seed floods into her Sacred Womb!
<<if $npcCatherine.Pregnant is 1>>\
  Feeling her womb being creampied pushes Sister Catherine over the edge as she screams out in ecstasy "Oh God yes! I can feel your Virile Seed flooding my Sacred Womb, completely filling me up! Oh fuck! I can literally feel my Fertile Egg eagerly being impregnated by $PC.FirstName's thick potent Virile Seed!" You can feel her tight pussy squeeze your futa-cock hard as a flood of girl-cum squirts out from her stuffed cunt!
  Feeling her womb being creampied pushes Sister Catherine over the edge as she screams out "Oh God yes! I can feel your Virile Seed flooding my Sacred Womb, completely filling me up! I can feel my defenseless Fertile Egg being assaulted by your thick, strong Virile Seed! Dear God, please let $PC.FirstName's Virile Seed ignite my Fertile Egg so that new life may be formed in my Sacred Womb!" You can feel her tight pussy squeeze your futa-cock hard as a flood of girl-cum squirts out from her stuffed cunt!
  You collapse on top of the busty sister as you feel competely spent from shooting so much baby-batter. You finally get a chance to check out your changes as your new bigger $BreastSD $BreastSize jugs are resting on top of her _ISD breasts. Sister Catherine has the radiant glow of being fucked nice and hard as she rubs her hands thru your hair. Feeling a bit more energy, you finally decide that you've recovered enough to sit up which allows your new and improved $DickSD $DickSize futa-cock to pop free from the slutty sister's creampies pussy. Glancing down you notice that your balls are now $BallSD $BallsSize balls and that you now have a $AssSize caboose!
<<if $npcCatherine.Pregnant is 1>>\
  Laughing softly, she says "Congratulations, $PC.FirstName! It might be hard to believe but you've received a blessing of voluptuous form! It's a good omen to have your body grow to be more pleasing while in the midst of a sacred coupling!" Giving you another warm smile while rubbing her lower abdomen, she says "That was wonderful, $PC.FirstName! I'm so glad you chose to engage in the sacred coupling with me. Usually there's only a slim chance of my Fertile Egg being ignited but this time I felt something amazing when you creampied me! However the Infested virus seems to have caused a massive decrease in fertality rates so it's possible I just imagined it. If it does turn out that I wasn't impregnated by your juicy seed I'll be sure to return however many times it takes to finally ignite my Fertile Egg!"
  Laughing softly, she says "Congratulations, $PC.FirstName! It might be hard to believe but you've received a blessing of voluptuous form! It's a good omen to have your body grow to be more pleasing while in the midst of a sacred coupling!" Giving you another warm smile while rubbing her lower abdomen, she says "That was wonderful, $PC.FirstName! I'm so glad you chose to engage in the sacred coupling with me. Now that being said, there's only a slim chance of my Fertile Egg being ignited. The Infested virus seems to have caused a massive decrease in fertality rates so don't be dissapointed if it doesn't happen. I'll be sure to return however long as it takes to finally ignite my Fertile Egg!"
  She slowly gathers her clothes before getting dressed once again in her nun fetish outfit. She looks to be very careful about making sure none of your cum leaks out of her stuffed pussy. "Thanks again for your wonderful gift, $PC.FirstName! If I do end up pregnant I'll be sure to let you know! Anyways I bid you goodbye, $PC.FirstName, and stay safe!" WIth that said Sister Catherine leaves the house leaving you with only your thoughts.
  As you sit there on the floor recovering from shooting so much Virile Seed, you can't help but wonder if Sister Catherine will end up pregnant. As the minutes go by you start to feel the haze on your thoughts start to lift and you start to notice some strange oddities to your behavor since that sister showed up. Sitting up you shake your head hard to finally break free from that odd trance you've been in for the last few minutes...
  Hearing the sexy nun passionately beg to be impregnated by your Vital Seed pushes you over the edge as you thrust one last time into her tight pussy and to your shock and amazement you feel your $DickSize cock penetrate her womb! "Oh fuck! I'm shooting my Virile Seed straight into your fucking Sacred Womb! Take all of my hot Virile Seed into your slutty Fertile Egg!" you yell as you feel your $BallsSD cum-filled balls unleash their sacred treasure and a $CumAD firehose of potent Virile Seed floods into her Sacred Womb!
<<if $npcCatherine.Pregnant is 1>>\
  Feeling her womb being creampied pushes Sister Catherine over the edge as she screams out in ecstasy "Oh God yes! I can feel your Virile Seed flooding my Sacred Womb, completely filling me up! Oh fuck! I can literally feel my Fertile Egg eagerly being impregnated by $PC.FirstName's thick potent Virile Seed!" You can feel her tight pussy squeeze your futa-cock hard as a flood of girl-cum squirts out from her stuffed cunt!
  Feeling her womb being creampied pushes Sister Catherine over the edge as she screams out "Oh God yes! I can feel your Virile Seed flooding my Sacred Womb, completely filling me up! I can feel my defenseless Fertile Egg being assaulted by your thick, strong Virile Seed! Dear God, please let $PC.FirstName's Virile Seed ignite my Fertile Egg so that new life may be formed in my Sacred Womb!" You can feel her tight pussy squeeze your futa-cock hard as a flood of girl-cum squirts out from her stuffed cunt!
  You collapse on top of the busty sister as you feel competely spent from shooting so much baby-batter. Your $BreastSD jugs are resting on top of her _ISD breasts and you can feel her breathing heavily. Sister Catherine has the radiant glow of being fucked nice and hard as she rubs her hands thru your hair. Feeling a bit more energy, you finally decide that you've recovered enough to sit up which allows your $DickSize futa-cock to pop free from the slutty sister's creampies pussy.
<<if $npcCatherine.Pregnant is 1>>\
  Giving you a warm smile while rubbing her lower abdomen, she says "That was wonderful, $PC.FirstName! I'm so glad you chose to engage in the sacred coupling with me. Usually there's only a slim chance of my Fertile Egg being ignited but this time I felt something amazing when you creampied me! However the Infested virus seems to have caused a massive decrease in fertality rates so it's possible I just imagined it. If it does turn out that I wasn't impregnated by your juicy seed I'll be sure to return however many times it takes to finally ignite my Fertile Egg!"
  Giving you a warm smile while rubbing her lower abdomen, she says "That was wonderful, $PC.FirstName! I'm so glad you chose to engage in the sacred coupling with me. Now that being said, there's only a slim chance of my Fertile Egg being ignited. The Infested virus seems to have caused a massive decrease in fertality rates so don't be dissapointed if it doesn't happen. I'll be sure to return however long as it takes to finally ignite my Fertile Egg!"
  She slowly gathers her clothes before getting dressed once again in her nun fetish outfit. She looks to be very careful about making sure none of your cum leaks out of her stuffed pussy. "Thanks again for your wonderful gift, $PC.FirstName! If I do end up pregnant I'll be sure to let you know! Anyways I bid you goodbye, $PC.FirstName, and stay safe!" WIth that said Sister Catherine leaves the house leaving you with only your thoughts.
  As you sit there on the floor recovering from shooting so much Virile Seed, you can't help but wonder if Sister Catherine will end up pregnant. As the minutes go by you start to feel the haze on your thoughts start to lift and you start to notice some strange oddities to your behavor since that sister showed up. Sitting up you shake your head hard to finally break free from that odd trance you've been in for the last few minutes...
<div class="pcTalk"><i>Why was I calling fucking cum something like Virile Seed?!?!? And what's up with the whole Sacred Womb and Fertile Egg? What the fuck! I'm not sure what that weird sister did to me but it was very odd thinking that way! Oh Double Fuck! I can't believe I tried to impregnate Sister Catherine! I can't be going around getting people pregnant right now with all these Infested and raiders and who knows what out there!</i></div>
<<button [[Finish|$location.temp]]>>
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<include "Lust Passes">>\
<<set $NoEncounter to random(1) +2>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</button>><<switch $BadEnd>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<include "Spring Pregnant">>\
<<include "Starving on Air">>\
<</switch>>\<img src="Images/Home/Home.jpg" max-width:100% height:auto />
<<include "Events">>\
<<include "NPCs">>\
<<include "Quests">>\
<<set $copEvent.Sex to $PC.Sex>>\
<<set $copEvent.DickSize to $PC.DickSize>>\
<<set $copEvent.BreastSize to $PC.BreastsSize>>\
<<include "SpecialAttacks">>\
<<include "Infested Enemies">>\
<<include "Combat Status Affects">>\
<<if $TotalFood < 27>>\
<<set $TotalFood to 27>>
<<set $sexHistory to {TotalV: 1, TrueVirginityWho: "None", PenisV: 1, PenisVirginityWho: "None", PussyV: 1, PussyVirginityWho: "None", AssV: 1, AssVirginityWho: "None", MouthV: 1, MouthVirginityWho: "None", LastPartner: $PC, LastPartnerType: "Human", Consent: "Yes", Type: "Masturbation", XP: 0}>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Horny to 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Energized to 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Thirsty to 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Vaccine to 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Futa to 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.BigDick to 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.BigTits to 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.MilkTits to 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.BigAss to 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.SiliconeB to 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.SiliconeA to 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.SiliconeD to 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Hungry to 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Starving to 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Sick to 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Pregnant to 0>>\
<<set $LastPartner to $infestedTutorialFemale>>\
<<set _tempLoot to $lootInfestedFemale.random()>>\
<<set $PCInventory.push(_tempLoot)>>\
<<switch $PC.Class>>\
<<case "Athlete">>\
<<set $HomeStorage.push($weapon.handwraps)>>\
<<set $HomeStorage.push($item.recipeHandwraps)>>\
<<case "Celebrity">>\
<<set $ClassBonus.Celebrity to ($Prof.Social / 2)>>\
<<set $HomeStorage.push($weapon.baseballbat)>>\
<<set $HomeStorage.push($item.recipeBaseballBat)>>\
<<set $HomeStorage.push($weapon.kitchenknife)>>\
<<set $HomeStorage.push($item.recipeKitchenKnife)>>\
<<case "Medic">>\
<<set $HomeStorage.push($weapon.shotgun28)>>\
<<set $HomeStorage.push($item.recipeShotgun28)>>\
<<set $PCInventory.push($item.medicfirstaid)>>\
<<case "Officer">>\
<<set $HomeStorage.push($weapon.pistol22mm)>>\
<<set $HomeStorage.push($item.recipePistol22mm)>>\
<<case "Programmer">>\
<<set $HomeStorage.push($weapon.fencingsword)>>\
<<set $HomeStorage.push($item.recipeFencingSword)>>\
<<case "Ranger">>\
<<set $HomeStorage.push($weapon.pistolcrossbow)>>\
<<set $HomeStorage.push($item.recipePistolCrossbow)>>\
<<if $Prof.Cooking > 0>>\
/* If you are cooking trained get your free recipe! */
<<set $HomeStorage.push($item.recipeSpeedySandwich)>>\
<<if $Prof.Crafting > 0>>\
/* If you are crafting trained get your free recipe! */
<<set $HomeStorage.push($item.recipeJacket)>>\
You live at your parent's house while going to the local college, Civiton University. A strange sex cult called the Cult of Walking Love showed up at the college and due to some misunderstandings with your friend David, you decided to come home for a couple of days. That day, your $dad.Relationship, who tends to work as a contractor for various government agencies shows up with milk shakes that he is strangely insistant on everyone drinking. Afterwards you pass out and wake up a week later to a bunch of sex zombies called Infested running around. Luckily a local sheriff named Mark helped saved you from a Infested that had broken into your home. Your family is missing and you are low on food while the Infested owns the streets. Looks like it's time to kick ass, rescue your family and get some lovin' on!
You start out with <<print _tempLoot.name>> dropped by the Infested defeated by Officer Mark!
<<button [[Time to Start Your Adventure|PCRoom]]>>
<<set $lust to $lust + random(10) +40>>\
<<set $NoEncounter to 0>>\
<<set $Time.Current to 0>>\
<<set $Time.MiniTime to 0>>\
<<set $Time.Day to 1>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<set $questsMainStory.PartOne to 1>>\
<<set $questsFamilyMom.Started to 1>>\
<<set $questsFamilySister.Started to 1>>\
<</button>><img src="Images/Home/Bathroom.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<if $PC.Sex is "Futa" or $StatusAffect.Futa > 0>>\
<<set _Sex to "Futa">>\
<<elseif $PC.Sex is "Male" and $StatusAffect.Futa < 1>>\
<<set _Sex to "Male">>\
<<set _Sex to "Female">>\
<<switch _Sex>>\
<<case "Male">>\
  As you lie down on your bed you feel a sense of contentment as you hands unconsciously rub against your stomach while your $DickSD cock flops against your thigh. Thoughts of your sexual encounter with $PregnantWho where she pounded your pussy so hard before shooting her huge load of baby-batter into your now gone cunt fills your mind and you idly wonder what she's up to and if she's safe. Putting those thoughts out of your mind you softly fall into a deep sleep.
  The next morning you wake up feeling extremely nausious and sick! Dashing to the bathroom you barely make it there before unleashing your previous days meals into the toilet! It takes several minutes to finally recover from your bout of nausia and eventually you release your death grip on the toilet.
  "I wonder what brought that on?" you wonder as you slowly stand up. For some reason thoughts of your last encounter with $PregnantWho lingers in your mind along with the whole Fertile Egg and and Virile Seed thing causing a rising sense of dread to fill your mind. "I can't be pregnant! I mean, I don't even have a fucking vagina even more!" you mumble to yourself as you dig thru the medicine cabinet.
  After a few minutes you find a sealed pregnancy test and you quickly use it. After soaking the tester, you impatiently wait for the results. After about five minutes the results show up and to your utter disbelief it shows positive! "No, fuck no! It has to be mistaken!" you shout as you grab another tester. Your hopes are dashed as the second pregnancy tester shows the same results much to your disbelieving eyes.
<<if $nurseEvent.Visits < 1>>\
<<switch $PregnantWho>>\
<<case "Sister Catherine">>\
  With no one able to double check your findings the only thing you can do is sit around in a dazed state. "I wish I knew a nurse or doctor or someone who could give me a pregnancy test to be sure but I haven't found anyone like that around. And with all those Infested running around attacking people I doubt there's any clinics left standing..." you grumble to yourself as you check the food supplies once again. There should be enough food to last you for a few more days. You hope that you can finally confront Sister Catherine before you are forced to go salvaging from your neighbor's houses while possibly pregnant!
<<button [[Wait for Sister Catherine|Spring Pregnant 3]]>> <</button>>
  With no one able to double check your findings the only thing you can do is sit around in a dazed state. "I wish I knew a nurse or doctor or someone who could give me a pregnancy test to be sure but I haven't found anyone like that around. And with all those Infested running around attacking people I doubt there's any clinics left standing..." you grumble to yourself as you check the food supplies once again. Suddenly you remember that one of the sisters at the church is supposed to be a part-time nurse or something! You quickly gather your weapon and supplies and head out to the Church of Trilogy Life.
<<button [[Head to the Church|Spring Pregnant 4]]>> <</button>>
  Collasping onto the ground, you grab your knees while trying desperately to figure out how you will handle somehow being pregnant while being a guy with a fucking cataclysm filled with insane Infested running around! "Wait! It's possible that whatever my $dad.Relationship gave me might be messing with the results! I need to go to a professional and that means Nurse Troy!" You quickly gather your weapon and supplies and head out to find the Wandering Clinic.
<<button [[Head to the Wandering Clinic|Spring Pregnant 2]]>> <</button>>
<<case "Futa">>\
  As you lie down on your bed you feel a sense of contentment as you hands unconsciously rub against your stomach while your $DickSD futa-cock flops against your thigh. Thoughts of your sexual encounter with $PregnantWho where she pounded your pussy so hard before shooting her huge load of baby-batter into your overstuffed cunt fills your mind and you idly wonder what she's up to and if she's safe. Putting those thoughts out of your mind you softly fall into a deep sleep.
  The next morning you wake up feeling extremely nausious and sick! Dashing to the bathroom you barely make it there before unleashing your previous days meals into the toilet! It takes several minutes to finally recover from your bout of nausia and eventually you release your deathgrip on the toilet.
  "I wonder what brought that on?" you wonder as you slowly stand up. For some reason thoughts of your last encounter with $PregnantWho lingers in your mind along with the whole Fertile Egg and and Virile Seed thing causing a rising sense of dread to fill your mind. "I can't be pregnant! I mean, can Futas even get pregnant?!??!" you mumble to yourself as you dig thru the medicine cabinet.
  After a few minutes you find a sealed pregnancy test and you quickly use it. After soaking the tester, you impatiently wait for the results. After about five minutes the results show up and to your utter disbelief it shows positive! "No, fuck no! It has to be mistaken!" you shout as you grab another tester. Your hopes are dashed as the second pregnancy tester shows the same results much to your disbelieving eyes.
<<if $nurseEvent.Visits < 1>>\
<<switch $PregnantWho>>\
<<case "Sister Catherine">>\
  With no one able to double check your findings the only thing you can do is sit around in a dazed state. "I wish I knew a nurse or doctor or someone who could give me a pregnancy test to be sure but I haven't found anyone like that around. And with all those Infested running around attacking people I doubt there's any clinics left standing..." you grumble to yourself as you check the food supplies once again. There should be enough food to last you for a few more days. You hope that you can finally confront Sister Catherine before you are forced to go salvaging from your neighbor's houses while possibly pregnant!
<<button [[Wait for Sister Catherine|Spring Pregnant 3]]>> <</button>>
  With no one able to double check your findings the only thing you can do is sit around in a dazed state. "I wish I knew a nurse or doctor or someone who could give me a pregnancy test to be sure but I haven't found anyone like that around. And with all those Infested running around attacking people I doubt there's any clinics left standing..." you grumble to yourself as you check the food supplies once again. Suddenly you remember that one of the sisters at the church is supposed to be a part-time nurse or something! You quickly gather your weapon and supplies and head out to the Church of Trilogy Life.
<<button [[Head to the Church|Spring Pregnant 4]]>> <</button>>
  Collasping onto the ground, you grab your knees while trying desperately to figure out how you will handle being pregnant with a fucking cataclysm filled with insane Infested going on! "Wait! It's possible that whatever my $dad.Relationship gave me might be messing with the results! I need to go to a professional and that means Nurse Troy!" You quickly gather your weapon and supplies and head out to find the Wandering Clinic.
<<button [[Head to the Wandering Clinic|Spring Pregnant 2]]>> <</button>>
  As you lie down on your bed you feel a sense of contentment as you hands unconsciously rub against your stomach. Thoughts of your sexual encounter with $PregnantWho where she pounded your pussy so hard before shooting her huge load of baby-batter into your overstuffed cunt fills your mind and you idly wonder what she's up to and if she's safe. Putting those thoughts out of your mind you softly fall into a deep sleep.
  The next morning you wake up feeling extremely nausious and sick! Dashing to the bathroom you barely make it there before unleashing your previous days meals into the toilet! It takes several minutes to finally recover from your bout of nausia and eventually you release your deathgrip on the toilet.
  "I wonder what brought that on?" you wonder as you slowly stand up. For some reason thoughts of your last encounter with $PregnantWho lingers in your mind along with the whole Fertile Egg and and Virile Seed thing causing a rising sense of dread to fill your mind. "I can't be pregnant!" you mumble to yourself as you dig thru the medicine cabinet.
  After a few minutes you find a sealed pregnancy test and you quickly use it. After soaking the tester, you impatiently wait for the results. After about five minutes the results show up and to your utter disbelief it shows positive! "No, fuck no! It has to be mistaken!" you shout as you grab another tester. Your hopes are dashed as the second pregnancy tester shows the same results much to your disbelieving eyes.
<<if $nurseEvent.Visits < 1>>\
<<switch $PregnantWho>>\
<<case "Sister Catherine">>\
  With no one able to double check your findings the only thing you can do is sit around in a dazed state. "I wish I knew a nurse or doctor or someone who could give me a pregnancy test to be sure but I haven't found anyone like that around. And with all those Infested running around attacking people I doubt there's any clinics left standing..." you grumble to yourself as you check the food supplies once again. There should be enough food to last you for a few more days. You hope that you can finally confront Sister Catherine before you are forced to go salvaging from your neighbor's houses while possibly pregnant!
<<button [[Wait for Sister Catherine|Spring Pregnant 3]]>> <</button>>
  With no one able to double check your findings the only thing you can do is sit around in a dazed state. "I wish I knew a nurse or doctor or someone who could give me a pregnancy test to be sure but I haven't found anyone like that around. And with all those Infested running around attacking people I doubt there's any clinics left standing..." you grumble to yourself as you check the food supplies once again. Suddenly you remember that one of the sisters at the church is supposed to be a part-time nurse or something! You quickly gather your weapon and supplies and head out to the Church of Trilogy Life.
<<button [[Head to the Church|Spring Pregnant 4]]>> <</button>>
  Collasping onto the ground, you grab your knees while trying desperately to figure out how you will handle being pregnant with a fucking cataclysm filled with insane Infested going on! "Wait! It's possible that whatever my $dad.Relationship gave me might be messing with the results! I need to go to a professional and that means Nurse Troy!" You quickly gather your weapon and supplies and head out to find the Wandering Clinic.
<<button [[Head to the Wandering Clinic|Spring Pregnant 2]]>> <</button>>
<</switch>>\<<if $npcTroy.Corrupted is 1>>\
<<set $genericEvent.Image = $eventPath2 + $arrayEvent2FullBodyTits.random() + '.jpg'>>\
<<set _State to "Corrupt">>\
<<set $genericEvent.Image = $eventPath2 + $arrayEvent2FullBody.random() + '.jpg'>>\
<<set _State to "Standard">>\
<img @src=$genericEvent.Image />
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$npcTroy.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$npcTroy.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _IAss to $arrayAssSizeDesc[$npcTroy.AssSize]>>\
<<switch _Sex>>\
<<case "Male">>\
<<switch $PregnantWho>>\
<<case "Sister Catherine">>\
  It doesn't take you long to find the current location of Nurse Troy's clinic even with stopping once more to empty the contents of your stomach. As you step into the clinic, Nurse Troy immediately notices something's off as she asks hurriedly "What's wrong, $PC.FirstName? Are you injured?" as she looks you over in concern.
  "Nurse Troy, I think I might be pregnant!" you say with a certain degree of dread and worry. You can't believe you would be saying these type of words while still in college and what's worse is saying it while a guy!
  She looks shocked at your statement before a look of complete and utter disbelief fills her face. "What the hell, $PC.FirstName!?!?! Cause from my indepth research you are a guy and guys can't get pregnant! Even if guys could get pregnant the Infested look to be completely sterile so if you've been attacked by them you shouldn't need to worry about becoming pregnant." She taps her chin and asks "Is this some type of joke?"
  "It was a sister from the Church of Triology Life. She brought me some food and supplies earlier while I was experimenting with being a Futa and we started talking. Before I knew it she had grown a futa-cock and she was so damn beautiful and I was so horny I, I just couldn't resist! It wasn't long before she was pounding away at my pussy while talking about Fertile Eggs and Virile Seed and igniting new life in Sacred Wombs and such!" you babble as you remember the sex session you had yesterday with Sister Catherine.
  Nurse Troy's look of disbelief fades a little bit as she listens to to your story. "Hmm... Not all Futas are Infested since there's ways around growing a dick or a pair of tits that don't involve the Infested virus as you are well aware of. I'm not sure how deep the biological changes happen with Futas so it's possible that a pregnancy could maybe occur? But! It should be aborted if you change to a male since a man does not have a womb or birth canal, meaning there is no way for life to be nurtured nor born, right? So it might be possible that this sister impregnated you at one point but you should be fine now that you are a guy."
  "Are you sure? Cause I did a at home pregnancy test and it showed positive! And I'm feeling morning sickness, I think?" you reply as you absent mindlessly rub your stomach much to Nurse Troy's apparent annoyance.
Nurse Troy shakes her head and says "Fine! I can do a blood draw to help show you how utterly and completely wrong you are. However none of the tests should show that you are knocked up after a couple of days." she explains as she grabs a big ass needle. "But to help calm you down I'll take a blood draw and run a test just to be sure, OK?"
  "That would be great relief, Nurse Troy!" you say as you present your arm for the blood draw. You wince as she jabs you with that huge needle but it doesn't take long before she's finished with the blood draw. You watch as her bouncy _IAss booty sways she walks towards the kitchen where the lab equipment is temporarily stored. After about 15 minutes she comes back with a perplexed expression on her face.
  "OK, $PC.FirstName, I have some bad news and some impossible news." she says as she looks down at your stomach with a look of confusion. "The bad news is that you are indeed pregnant, in fact very pregnant! Which of course is impossible cause you are a man and men don't have fucking wombs or uterus! In fact the test should not have have been to tell just after a couple of days after sex but here comes the even more impossible part. The test shows that you are about four weeks along in your pregnancy which should be impossible since the last time I checked your fluid sample it didn't show anything at all and that's been way less than a month!" she almost yells the last part as you listen to her in shock.
  "Wait! I'm already four weeks along?!?!?" you stammer as you glance down at your belly. Your belly thats starting to look slightly pudgy to your critical eye and it looks to be starting on that round look most pregnant women have. "How is that even possible!"
  "I have no fucking idea how this is happening! The best guess I can make is that maybe some variant of the usually infertile causing Infested virus carried by that sister who fucked you somehow managed to infect you as well and caused a quickened ass pregnancy. I can't even imagine how you will even be able to give birh, maybe shit the baby out your ass?!?!? You will need to speak to that sister if you want more answers cause I'm fucking done! I did not go to college to deal with fucking male pregnancies and other fucking shenanigans!" she says as she disposes of your blood sample along with her gloves.
  Knowing that Nurse Troy doesn't have any more answers for you beyond confirming your pregnancy you say firmly "I'll do that! I'll talk with Sister Catherine and get some answers!" as you gather up your supplies and quickly head out the door.
<<case "Sister Lucia">>\
  It doesn't take you long to find the current location of Nurse Troy's clinic even with stopping once more to empty the contents of your stomach. As you step into the clinic, Nurse Troy immediately notices something's off as she asks hurriedly "What's wrong, $PC.FirstName? Are you injured?" as she looks you over in concern.
  "Nurse Troy, I think I might be pregnant!" you say with a certain degree of dread and worry. You can't believe you would be saying these type of words while still in college and what's worse is saying it while a guy!
  She looks shocked at your statement before a look of complete and utter disbelief fills her face. "What the hell, $PC.FirstName!?!?! Cause from my indepth research you are a guy and guys can't get pregnant! Even if guys could get pregnant the Infested look to be completely sterile so if you've been attacked by them you shouldn't need to worry about becoming pregnant." She taps her chin and asks "Is this some type of joke?"
  "It was a sister from the Church of Triology Life. We were chatting about books while I was experimenting with being a Futa and we started talking. Before I knew it she had grown a futa-cock and she was so damn beautiful and I was so horny I, I just couldn't resist! It wasn't long before she was pounding away at my pussy while talking about Fertile Eggs and Virile Seed and igniting new life in Sacred Wombs and such!" you babble as you remember the sex session you had earlier with Sister Lucia.
  Nurse Troy's look of disbelief fades a little bit as she listens to to your story. "Hmm... Not all Futas are Infested since there's ways around growing a dick or a pair of tits that don't involve the Infested virus as you are well aware of. I'm not sure how deep the biological changes happen with Futas so it's possible that a pregnancy could maybe occur? But! It should be aborted if you change to a male since a man does not have a womb or birth canal, meaning there is no way for life to be nurtured nor born, right? So it might be possible that this sister impregnated you at one point but you should be fine now that you are a guy."
  "Are you sure? Cause I did a at home pregnancy test and it showed positive! And I'm feeling morning sickness, I think?" you reply as you absent mindlessly rub your stomach much to Nurse Troy's apparent annoyance.
Nurse Troy shakes her head and says "Fine! I can do a blood draw to help show you how utterly and completely wrong you are. However none of the tests should show that you are knocked up after a couple of days." she explains as she grabs a big ass needle. "But to help calm you down, I'll take a damn blood draw and run a test just to be sure, OK?"
  "That would be great relief, Nurse Troy!" you say as you present your arm for the blood draw. You wince as she jabs you with that huge needle but it doesn't take long before she's finished with the blood draw. You watch as her bouncy _IAss booty sways she walks towards the kitchen where the lab equipment is temporarily stored. After about 15 minutes she comes back with a perplexed expression on her face.
  "OK, $PC.FirstName, I have some bad news and some impossible news." she says as she looks down at your stomach with a look of confusion. "The bad news is that you are indeed pregnant, in fact very pregnant! Which of course is impossible cause you are a man and men don't have fucking wombs or uterus! In fact the test should not have have been to tell just after a couple of days after sex but here comes the even more impossible part. The test shows that you are about four weeks along in your pregnancy which should be impossible since the last time I checked your fluid sample it didn't show anything at all and that's been way less than a month!" she almost yells the last part as you listen to her in shock.
  "Wait! I'm already four weeks along?!?!?" you stammer as you glance down at your belly. Your belly thats starting to look slightly pudgy to your critical eye and it looks to be starting on that round look most pregnant women have. "How is that even possible!"
  "I have no fucking idea how this is happening! The best guess I can make is that maybe some variant of the usually infertile causing Infested virus carried by that sister who fucked you somehow managed to infect you as well and caused a quickened ass pregnancy. I can't even imagine how you will even be able to give birh, maybe shit the baby out your ass?!?!? You will need to speak to that sister if you want more answers cause I'm fucking done! I did not go to college to deal with fucking male pregnancies and other fucking shenanigans!" she says as she disposes of your blood sample along with her gloves.
  Knowing that Nurse Troy doesn't have any more answers for you beyond confirming your pregnancy you say firmly "I'll do that! I'll talk with Sister Lucia and get some answers!" as you gather up your supplies and quickly head out the door.
<<case "Futa">>\
<<switch $PregnantWho>>\
<<case "Sister Catherine">>\
  It doesn't take you long to find the current location of Nurse Troy's clinic even with stopping once more to empty the contents of your stomach. As you step into the clinic, Nurse Troy immediately notices something's off as she asks hurriedly "What's wrong, $PC.FirstName? Are you injured?" as she looks you over in concern.
  "Nurse Troy, I think I might be pregnant!" you say with a certain degree of dread and worry. You can't believe you would be saying these type of words while still in college!
  She looks shocked at your statement before a look of sympathy fills her face. "Are you sure, $PC.FirstName? From my indepth research the Infested look to be completely sterile so if you've been attacked by them you shouldn't need to worry about becoming pregnant." She taps her chin and says with some more sympathy "Could it possibly have been a Raider or Gangsta?"
  "It was a sister from the Church of Triology Life. She brought me some food and supplies earlier and we started talking. Before I knew it she had grown a futa-cock and she was so damn beautiful and I was so horny I, I just couldn't resist! It wasn't long before she was pounding away at my pussy while talking about Fertile Eggs and Virile Seed and igniting new life in Sacred Wombs and such!" you babble as you remember the sex session you had earlier with Sister Catherine.
  Nurse Troy frowns a bit as she listens to to your story. "Hmm... Not all Futas are Infested since there's ways around growing a dick or a pair of tits that don't involve the Infested virus as you are well aware of. So it might be possible that this sister impregnated you but none of the tests should show that you are knocked up after a couple of days." she explains as she grabs a big ass needle. "But to help calm you down I'll take a blood draw and run a test just to be sure, OK?"
  "That would be great relief, Nurse Troy!" you say as you present your arm for the blood draw. You wince as she pokes you with that huge needle but it doesn't take long before she's finished with the blood draw. You watch as her bouncy _IAss booty sways she walks towards the kitchen where the lab equipment is temporarily stored. After about 15 minutes she comes back with a serious expression on her face.
  "OK, $PC.FirstName, I have some bad news and some impossible news." she says as she looks down at your stomach. "The bad news is that you are indeed pregnant, in fact very pregnant! The test should not have have been to tell just after a couple of days after sex but here comes the impossible part. The test shows that you are about four weeks along in your pregnancy which should be impossible since the last time I checked your fluid sample it didn't show anything at all and that's been way less than a month!" she almost yells the last part as you listen to her in shock.
  "Wait! I'm already four weeks along?!?!? Can Futas even get pregnant?!?!?" you stammer as you glance down at your belly. Your belly thats starting to look slightly pudgy to your critical eye and it looks to be starting on that round look most pregnant women have. "How is that even possible!"
  "I have no fucking idea how this is happening! The best guess I can make is that maybe some variant of the usually infertile causing Infested virus carried by that sister who fucked you somehow managed to infect you as well and caused a quickened pregnancy. You will need to speak to that sister if you want more answers cause whatever is happening wasn't covered in any of my schooling!" she says as she disposes of your blood sample along with her gloves.
<<case "Sister Lucia">>\
  It doesn't take you long to find the current location of Nurse Troy's clinic even with stopping once more to empty the contents of your stomach. As you step into the clinic, Nurse Troy immediately notices something's off as she asks hurriedly "What's wrong, $PC.FirstName? Are you injured?" as she looks you over in concern.
  "Nurse Troy, I think I might be pregnant!" you say with a certain degree of dread and worry. You can't believe you would be saying these type of words while still in college!
  She looks shocked at your statement before a look of sympathy fills her face. "Are you sure, $PC.FirstName? From my indepth research the Infested look to be completely sterile so if you've been attacked by them you shouldn't need to worry about becoming pregnant." She taps her chin and says with some more sympathy "Could it possibly have been a Raider or Gangsta?"
  "It was a sister from the Church of Triology Life. We were chatting about books and stuff and we started talking about religion. Before I knew it she had grown a futa-cock and she was so damn beautiful and I was so horny I, I just couldn't resist! It wasn't long before she was pounding away at my pussy while talking about Fertile Eggs and Virile Seed and igniting new life in Sacred Wombs and such!" you babble as you remember the sex session you had earlier with Sister Catherine.
  Nurse Troy frowns a bit as she listens to to your story. "Hmm... Not all Futas are Infested since there's ways around growing a dick or a pair of tits that don't involve the Infested virus as you are well aware of. So it might be possible that this sister impregnated you but none of the tests should show that you are knocked up after a couple of days." she explains as she grabs a big ass needle. "But to help calm you down I'll take a blood draw and run a test just to be sure, OK?"
  "That would be great relief, Nurse Troy!" you say as you present your arm for the blood draw. You wince as she pokes you with that huge needle but it doesn't take long before she's finished with the blood draw. You watch as her bouncy _IAss booty sways she walks towards the kitchen where the lab equipment is temporarily stored. After about 15 minutes she comes back with a serious expression on her face.
  "OK, $PC.FirstName, I have some bad news and some impossible news." she says as she looks down at your stomach. "The bad news is that you are indeed pregnant, in fact very pregnant! The test should not have have been to tell just after a couple of days after sex but here comes the impossible part. The test shows that you are about four weeks along in your pregnancy which should be impossible since the last time I checked your fluid sample it didn't show anything at all and that's been way less than a month!" she almost yells the last part as you listen to her in shock.
  "Wait! I'm already four weeks along?!?!? Can Futas even get pregnant?!?!?" you stammer as you glance down at your belly. Your belly thats starting to look slightly pudgy to your critical eye and it looks to be starting on that round look most pregnant women have. "How is that even possible!"
  "I have no fucking idea how this is happening! The best guess I can make is that maybe some variant of the usually infertile causing Infested virus carried by that sister who fucked you somehow managed to infect you as well and caused a quickened pregnancy. You will need to speak to that sister if you want more answers cause whatever is happening wasn't covered in any of my schooling!" she says as she disposes of your blood sample along with her gloves.
<<switch $PregnantWho>>\
<<case "Sister Catherine">>\
  It doesn't take you long to find the current location of Nurse Troy's clinic even with stopping once more to empty the contents of your stomach. As you step into the clinic, Nurse Troy immediately notices something's off as she asks hurriedly "What's wrong, $PC.FirstName? Are you injured?" as she looks you over in concern.
  "Nurse Troy, I think I might be pregnant!" you say with a certain degree of dread and worry. You can't believe you would be saying these type of words while still in college!
  She looks shocked at your statement before a look of sympathy fills her face. "Are you sure, $PC.FirstName? From my indepth research the Infested look to be completely sterile so if you've been attacked by them you shouldn't need to worry about becoming pregnant." She taps her chin and says with some more sympathy "Could it possibly have been a Raider or Gangsta?"
  "It was a sister from the Church of Triology Life. She brought me some food and supplies earlier and we started talking. Before I knew it she had grown a futa-cock and she was so damn beautiful and I was so horny I, I just couldn't resist! It wasn't long before she was pounding away at my pussy while talking about Fertile Eggs and Virile Seed and igniting new life in Sacred Wombs and such!" you babble as you remember the sex session you had yesterday with Sister Catherine.
  Nurse Troy frowns a bit as she listens to to your story. "Hmm... Not all Futas are Infested since there's ways around growing a dick or a pair of tits that don't involve the Infested virus. So it might be possible that this sister impregnated you but none of the tests should show that you are knocked up after a couple of days." she explains as she grabs a big ass needle. "But to help calm you down I'll take a blood draw and run a test just to be sure, OK?"
  "That would be great relief, Nurse Troy!" you say as you present your arm for the blood draw. You wince as she pokes you with that huge needle but it doesn't take long before she's finished with the blood draw. You watch as her bouncy _IAss booty sways she walks towards the kitchen where the lab equipment is temporarily stored. After about 15 minutes she comes back with a serious expression on her face.
  "OK, $PC.FirstName, I have some bad news and some impossible news." she says as she looks down at your stomach. "The bad news is that you are indeed pregnant, in fact very pregnant! The test should not have have been to tell just after a couple of days after sex but here comes the impossible part. The test shows that you are about four weeks along in your pregnancy which should be impossible since the last time I checked your fluid sample it didn't show anything at all and that's been way less than a month!" she almost yells the last part as you listen to her in shock.
  "Wait! I'm already four weeks along?!?!?" you stammer as you glance down at your belly. Your belly thats starting to look slightly pudgy to your critical eye and it looks to be starting on that round look most pregnant women have. "How is that even possible!"
  "I have no fucking idea how this is happening! The best guess I can make is that maybe some variant of the usually infertile causing Infested virus carried by that sister who fucked you somehow managed to infect you as well and caused a quickened pregnancy. You will need to speak to that sister if you want more answers cause whatever is happening wasn't covered in any of my schooling!" she says as she disposes of your blood sample along with her gloves.
  Knowing that Nurse Troy doesn't have any more answers for you beyond confirming your pregnancy you say firmly "I'll do that! I'll talk with Sister Catherine and get some answers!" as you gather up your supplies and head out the door.
<<case "Sister Lucia">>\
  It doesn't take you long to find the current location of Nurse Troy's clinic even with stopping once more to empty the contents of your stomach. As you step into the clinic, Nurse Troy immediately notices something's off as she asks hurriedly "What's wrong, $PC.FirstName? Are you injured?" as she looks you over in concern.
  "Nurse Troy, I think I might be pregnant!" you say with a certain degree of dread and worry. You can't believe you would be saying these type of words while still in college!
  She looks shocked at your statement before a look of sympathy fills her face. "Are you sure, $PC.FirstName? From my indepth research the Infested look to be completely sterile so if you've been attacked by them you shouldn't need to worry about becoming pregnant." She taps her chin and says with some more sympathy "Could it possibly have been a Raider or Gangsta?"
  "It was a sister from the Church of Triology Life. We were chatting about books and stuff and we started talking about religion. Before I knew it she had grown a futa-cock and she was so damn beautiful and I was so horny I, I just couldn't resist! It wasn't long before she was pounding away at my pussy while talking about Fertile Eggs and Virile Seed and igniting new life in Sacred Wombs and such!" you babble as you remember the sex session you had earlier with Sister Catherine.
  Nurse Troy frowns a bit as she listens to to your story. "Hmm... Not all Futas are Infested since there's ways around growing a dick or a pair of tits that don't involve the Infested virus as you are well aware of. So it might be possible that this sister impregnated you but none of the tests should show that you are knocked up after a couple of days." she explains as she grabs a big ass needle. "But to help calm you down I'll take a blood draw and run a test just to be sure, OK?"
  "That would be great relief, Nurse Troy!" you say as you present your arm for the blood draw. You wince as she pokes you with that huge needle but it doesn't take long before she's finished with the blood draw. You watch as her bouncy _IAss booty sways she walks towards the kitchen where the lab equipment is temporarily stored. After about 15 minutes she comes back with a serious expression on her face.
  "OK, $PC.FirstName, I have some bad news and some impossible news." she says as she looks down at your stomach. "The bad news is that you are indeed pregnant, in fact very pregnant! The test should not have have been to tell just after a couple of days after sex but here comes the impossible part. The test shows that you are about four weeks along in your pregnancy which should be impossible since the last time I checked your fluid sample it didn't show anything at all and that's been way less than a month!" she almost yells the last part as you listen to her in shock.
  "Wait! I'm already four weeks along?!?!? Can Futas even get pregnant?!?!?" you stammer as you glance down at your belly. Your belly thats starting to look slightly pudgy to your critical eye and it looks to be starting on that round look most pregnant women have. "How is that even possible!"
  "I have no fucking idea how this is happening! The best guess I can make is that maybe some variant of the usually infertile causing Infested virus carried by that sister who fucked you somehow managed to infect you as well and caused a quickened pregnancy. You will need to speak to that sister if you want more answers cause whatever is happening wasn't covered in any of my schooling!" she says as she disposes of your blood sample along with her gloves.
<<switch $PregnantWho>>\
<<case "Sister Catherine">>\
<<button [[Head Back Home|Spring Pregnant 3]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Head to the Church|Spring Pregnant 4]]>> <</button>>
<</switch>>\<<set $genericEvent.Image = $eventPath12 + $arrayEvent12EasterNun[0] + '.jpg'>>\
<img @src=$genericEvent.Image />
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$npcCatherine.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$npcCatherine.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _IAss to $arrayAssSizeDesc[$npcCatherine.AssSize]>>\
<<set _DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$npcCatherine.DickSize]>>\
<<set _DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$npcCatherine.DickSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$npcCatherine.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$npcCatherine.BallsSize]>>\
<<set $Achievements.EasterPreg to 1>>\
<<switch _Sex>>\
<<case "Male">>\
  You spend the next few days planning what to do while waiting for Sister Catherine to show back up to your home. Each day your stomach gets slightly bigger and each morning you end up dashing to the bathroom as your morning sickness hits like a truck. Your food supplies are running very low and you are worried that you might have to go salvaging here within a day or so. As you are checking the pantry once again for the third time today, suddenly you hear a knocking on your front door!
  You waddle over to the front door before quickly peeking thru the eye hole and discover that Sister Catherine is standing on your doorstep! Her distinct fetish nun outfit makes it quite easy to recognize her even looking thru the blurry lens of the peephole and you are so glad to finally see her once again!
  Throwing open the door you give the busty sister a glare while Sister Catherine looks a bit startled at the rapid movement. "Hello, $PC.FirstName! It's good to see you ag...." she starts to greet you before her eyes glances at your stomach and her words just stop midsentence. She seems flabbergasted as she takes in your rather obvious pregancy!
  "Hello, Sister Catherine, I think we need to have a talk..." you say frostily as you step back from the door. Sister Catherine nods absently while a look of wonder fills her face. As she steps inside the house you say "Let's have this conversation in the living room." as you slowly walk to the nice comfortable sofa in the living room with the buxom sister following you closely before gingerly sitting down.
  You wait for Sister Catherine to take her seat next to you before you gather your courage and say with heavy tones "I can't believe I'm saying this but I'm pregnant and I believe you to be the father..." For a brief moment there is only silence as you wait for a response with your eyes downcast.
  Finally looking up you discover that Sister Catherine looks to be estatic at the news as a broad smile breaks out across her face "Congratulations $PC.FirstName! I'm so happy for you to be blessed with the miracle of life! I can hardly believe that I'm the father but it must be true! God truly did bless us with a miracle!" she gushes as her eyes keep glancing down from your face to your pregnant stomach.
  "Wait, so you're happy about being pregnant even if I'm a guy!?!? And you're fine with being the father to someone's who is now Male Pregnant?" you shout as you take in her happy expression. You know that whatever religion Sister Catherine follows it seems to have a heavy emphasis on life along with those three cornerstones if you remember correctly. At her questioning look you hastily continue "I mean I never asked for this!"
  "Wait! I thought you looked a bit different! Are you telling me that you are now a man?" she replies while looking even closer at your lack of breasts and pussy. "You should be happy! The greatest gift and duty is that of providing new life and by some miracle the spark of Life still burns on even with your loss of your womanly parts! Besides weren't you the one who was begging me to and I quote 'breed me with your Virile Seed! back when you had a pussy'?" she replies easily with a certain teasing tone as she mimics your voice.
  You can't help but blush as you remember the hot and erotic sexual encounter that led to you getting pregnant and how vocal you were about wanting to be knocked up. "Did you not enjoy having my big thick futa-cock deep inside your tight pussy? To be fucked over and over again before my Virile Seed was unleashed deep into your Sacred Womb?" she asks huskily as her hands slide down to your legs before grabbing your $DickSD cock "Or perhaps you wish it was me who was knocked up by your potent Virile Seed?"
  You can't help but spread your legs wide to allow the busty sister access to your hard throbbing dick. Moaning softly as she slides her hand up and down your sensitive cock, you gasp out "I, I, I'm just worried...about the safety! Fuck!! The safety of my child with...oh God yes! All those fuckers running around and me being a guy!" you moans and gasp as Sister Catherine steadily gives you a handjob while slowly repositioning herself between your legs!
  Sister Catherine whispers softly to you "Well if you so worried than why not join me and my sisters at the church? I bet we can find a way to turn you into a Futa so that you can have plenty of sacred couplings with myself while safely carrying our child to term. And maybe if you're luck you'll be able to ignite my Fertile Egg with your hot and sticky Virile Seed? And if not than you can spend plenty of time with sinful couplings with me and the other sisters while you are pregnant and afterwards?" You scream out in ecstasy as she places her beautiful face between your legs and dives straight into sucking and licking your pre-cum dripping cock! Everything feels so amplified as the pleasure is more intense than ever before!
  Coming up for air, the sexy sister huskily says "After the child is born and you are ready, I will pump your tight pussy with so much Virile Seed that your Fertile Egg would once again eagerly surrender and allow yet again a new life to be formed inside your Sacred Womb!" With that lewd smile on her face, Sister Catherine eagerly heads back to your hard cock and easily takes all $DickSize inches down her throat.
<<case "Futa">>\
  You spend the next few days planning what to do while waiting for Sister Catherine to show back up to your home. Each day your stomach gets slightly bigger and each morning you end up dashing to the bathroom as your morning sickness hits like a truck. Your food supplies are running very low and you are worried that you might have to go salvaging here within a day or so. As you are checking the pantry once again for the third time today, suddenly you hear a knocking on your front door!
  You waddle over to the front door before quickly peeking thru the eye hole and discover that Sister Catherine is standing on your doorstep! Her distinct fetish nun outfit makes it quite easy to recognize her even looking thru the blurry lens of the peephole and you are so glad to finally see her once again!
  Throwing open the door you give the busty sister a glare while Sister Catherine looks a bit startled at the rapid movement. "Hello, $PC.FirstName! It's good to see you ag...." she starts to greet you before her eyes glances at your stomach and her words just stop midsentence. She seems flabbergasted as she takes in your rather obvious pregancy!
  "Hello, Sister Catherine, I think we need to have a talk..." you say frostily as you step back from the door. Sister Catherine nods absently while a look of wonder fills her face. As she steps inside the house you say "Let's have this conversation in the living room." as you slowly walk to the nice comfortable sofa in the living room with the buxom sister following you closely before gingerly sitting down.
  You wait for Sister Catherine to take her seat next to you before you gather your courage and say with heavy tones "I'm pregnant and I believe you to be the father..." For a brief moment there is only silence as you wait for a response with your eyes downcast.
  Finally looking up you discover that Sister Catherine looks to be estatic at the news as a broad smile breaks out across her face "Congratulations $PC.FirstName! I'm so happy for you to be blessed with the miracle of life! I can hardly believe that I'm the father but it must be true! God truly did bless us with a miracle!" she gushes as her eyes keep glancing down from your face to your pregnant stomach.
  "So I guess you are happy about me being pregnant? And you're fine with being the father?" you ask as you take in her happy expression. You know that whatever religion Sister Catherine follows it seems to have a heavy emphasis on life along with those three cornerstones if you remember correctly. At her questioning look you hastily continue "I mean I never asked for this!"
  "Of course! The greatest gift and duty is that of providing new life! Besides weren't you the one who was begging me to and I quote 'breed me with your Virile Seed!'?" she replies easily with a certain teasing tone as she mimics your voice. You blush as you remember the hot and erotic sexual encounter that led to you getting pregnant and how vocal you were about wanting to be knocked up. "Did you not enjoy having my big thick futa-cock deep inside your tight pussy? To be fucked over and over again before my Virile Seed was unleashed deep into your Sacred Womb?" she asks huskily as her hands slide down to your legs and you feel your pussy wetten from remembering how good it felt. Grabbing your $DickSD futa-cock "Or perhaps you wish it was me who was knocked up by your potent Virile Seed?"
  You can't help but spread your legs wide to allow the busty sister access to your hard throbbing dick. Moaning softly as she slides her hand up and down your futa-cock, you gasp out "I, I, I'm just worried...about the safety! Fuck!! The safety of my child with...oh God yes! All those fuckers running around!" you moans and gasp as Sister Catherine steadily gives you a handjob while slowly repositioning herself between your legs!
  Sister Catherine whispers softly to you "Well if you so worried than why not join me and my sisters at the church? You can have plenty of sacred couplings with myself and maybe you'll be able to ignite my Fertile Egg with your Virile Seed? And if not than you can spend plenty of time with sinful couplings with me and the other sisters while you are pregnant and afterwards?" You scream out in ecstasy as she places her beautiful face between your legs and dives straight into sucking and licking your pre-cum dripping cock! Everything feels so amplified as the pleasure is more intense than ever before as she slides a finger into your tight slit!
  Coming up for air, the sexy sister huskily says "After the child is born and you are ready, I will pump your tight pussy with so much Virile Seed that your Fertile Egg would once again eagerly surrender and allow yet again a new life to be formed inside your Sacred Womb!" With that lewd smile on her face, Sister Catherine eagerly heads into teasing your wet slit with her slick lips and long tongue before going back to your hard cock.
  You spend the next few days planning what to do while waiting for Sister Catherine to show back up to your home. Each day your stomach gets slightly bigger and each morning you end up dashing to the bathroom as your morning sickness hits like a truck. Your food supplies are running very low and you are worried that you might have to go salvaging here within a day or so. As you are checking the pantry once again for the third time today, suddenly you hear a knocking on your front door!
  You waddle over to the front door before quickly peeking thru the eye hole and discover that Sister Catherine is standing on your doorstep! Her distinct fetish nun outfit makes it quite easy to recognize her even looking thru the blurry lens of the peephole and you are so glad to finally see her once again!
  Throwing open the door you give the busty sister a glare while Sister Catherine looks a bit startled at the rapid movement. "Hello, $PC.FirstName! It's good to see you ag...." she starts to greet you before her eyes glances at your stomach and her words just stop midsentence. She seems flabbergasted as she takes in your rather obvious pregancy!
  "Hello, Sister Catherine, I think we need to have a talk..." you say frostily as you step back from the door. Sister Catherine nods absently while a look of wonder fills her face. As she steps inside the house you say "Let's have this conversation in the living room." as you slowly walk to the nice comfortable sofa in the living room with the buxom sister following you closely before gingerly sitting down.
  You wait for Sister Catherine to take her seat next to you before you gather your courage and say with heavy tones "I'm pregnant and I believe you to be the father..." For a brief moment there is only silence as you wait for a response with your eyes downcast.
  Finally looking up you discover that Sister Catherine looks to be estatic at the news as a broad smile breaks out across her face "Congratulations $PC.FirstName! I'm so happy for you to be blessed with the miracle of life! I can hardly believe that I'm the father but it must be true! God truly did bless us with a miracle!" she gushes as her eyes keep glancing down from your face to your pregnant stomach.
  "So I guess you are happy about me being pregnant? And you're fine with being the father?" you ask as you take in her happy expression. You know that whatever religion Sister Catherine follows it seems to have a heavy emphasis on life along with those three cornerstones if you remember correctly. At her questioning look you hastily continue "I mean I never asked for this!"
  "Of course! The greatest gift and duty is that of providing new life! Besides weren't you the one who was begging me to and I quote 'breed me with your Virile Seed!'?" she replies easily with a certain teasing tone as she mimics your voice. You blush as you remember the hot and erotic sexual encounter that led to you getting pregnant and how vocal you were about wanting to be knocked up. "Did you not enjoy having my big thick futa-cock deep inside your tight pussy? To be fucked over and over again before my Virile Seed was unleashed deep into your Sacred Womb?" she asks huskily as her hands slide down to your legs and you feel your pussy wetten from remembering how good it felt.
  You can't help but spread your legs wide to allow the busty sister access to your wet cunt. Moaning softly as she slides a finger against your slit you gasp out "I, I, I'm just worried...about the safety! Fuck!! The safety of my child with...oh God yes! All those fuckers running around!" you moans and gasp as Sister Catherine steadily fingerbangs your tight pussy while slowly repositioning herself between your legs!
  Sister Catherine whispers softly to you "Well if you so worried than why not join me and my sisters at the church? You can have plenty of sinful non-sacred couplings with myself and the other sisters while you are pregnant and afterwards?" You scream out in ecstasy as she places her beautiful face between your legs and dives straight into eating your pussy out! Everything feels so amplified as the pleasure is more intense than ever before!
  Coming up for air, the sexy sister huskily says "After the child is born and you are ready, I will pump your tight pussy with so much Virile Seed that your Fertile Egg would once again eagerly surrender and allow yet again a new life to be formed inside your Sacred Womb!" With that lewd smile on her face, Sister Catherine eagerly heads back into teasing your wet slit with her slick lips and long tongue.
  As you settle in for a nice long sexfest with the buxom sister, you know that you will eagerly join the sisters at their church. Mainly for protection but also for the amazing sex. But this will end your journey and the mystery of the origins of the Infested Virus will remain unsolved, for now.
<<include "Bad Endings 2">>\<<button [[It Was All Just a Dream|Sleep]]>>
<<set $StatusAffect.Pregnant to 0>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set $BadEnd to 0>>\
<<button [[New Game+|New Game Plus Choice]]>>
<<set $StatusAffect.Pregnant to 0>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set $BadEnd to 0>>\
<</button>>\<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<set _Fog to 0>>\
<<set _Rain to 0>>\
<<set _Cold to 0>>\
<<set _Wind to 0>>\
<<switch $Weather.Current>>\
<<case "Cloudy" "Windy">>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/River Park 2.jpg" />
<<set _Wind to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<case "Foggy">>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/River Park-F 2.jpg" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<case "Misty">>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/River Park-F 2.jpg" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Rainy" "Stormy">>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/River Park-R 2.jpg" />
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Dreary">>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/River Park-R 2.jpg" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Sleeting">>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/River Park-S 2.jpg" />
<<set _Cold to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Snowy">>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/River Park-S 2.jpg" />
<<set _Cold to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $Time.Current > 6>>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/River Park-N 2.jpg" />
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/River Park 2.jpg" />
<<set $location.temp to "West Sunrise View River Path West">>\
<<set $location.coord to 18>>\
<<set $locationGeneric to $locationWestSunriseView>>\
<<set $location.Encounter to "West Sunrise View">>\
<<set $location.Event to "West Sunrise View">>\
<<if $Time.Current >= $Time.Max >>\
<<set _State to "TooLate">>\
<<set $NoEncounter to 1>>\
<<if $NoEncounter < 1>>\
<<include "Random Encounter Check">>\
Standing next to the South Haven river, the sound of the steady flowing water washes over you. The soft grass along with the softer view is a sharp contrast to the usual industrial Sunrise View riverpark view. However there are still some signs of the Infested as several pieces of erotic graffiti art has been plastered on several of the benches facing the river. To the north is a parking lot used by people interested in walking along the river. To the west River Path boulevard terminates where the riverbend curves away from the city at the Iron Gate road while to the east River Path boulevard continues to follow the river towards the Civiton South Marina.
<<if $StatusText.Notice is 1>>\
<<include "Update Status">>\
<<if _Rain > 0 and $StatusAffect.Wet < _Rain>>\
<<set _Rain to _Rain - $PCResistance.Water>>\
<<if _Rain > $StatusAffect.Wet>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Wet to _Rain>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I'm getting soaking wet!</i> </div>
<<if _Cold > 0 and $PCResistance.Cold < _Cold>>\
<<set _tempDamage to random(_Cold) + $StatusAffect.Wet>>\
<<set _tempDamage2 to _tempDamage - $PCResistance.Cold>>\
<<if _tempDamage2 > 0>>\
<<set $HP to $HP - _tempDamage2>>\
<<if $HP < 1>>\
<<set $HP to 1>>\
You take _tempDamage2 cold damage!
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I'm freezing to death!</i>
<<switch _State>>\
<<case "TooLate">>\
<<set $Time.Current to $Time.Max>>\
It's too dangerous to explore the Sunrise View river park at this time of night.
<<button [[Return Home|Sunrise View Returning Home]]>>
<<set $NoEncounter to 0>>\
<<case "Ambush">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Ambushed to 1>>\
You've been ambushed by an enemy!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<case "Combat">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
A hostile enemy is roaming nearby!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<case "NPC">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
You've encountered something unusual!
<<button [[Encounter|West Sunrise View Events]]>>
<<set $location.prev to $location.temp>>\
<<button [[Explore one of the Empty Buildings|West Sunrise View - Office Building]]>>
<<set $location.temp2 to $location.temp>>\
<<button [[Look around the Area|West Sunrise View Event Scout]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Scout the Area for Enemies|West Sunrise View Scouting]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Parking Lot|West Sunrise View - Parking]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[East to Copper Sun & River Path|West Sunrise View Copper Sun & River Path]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[West to Iron Gate South & River Path|West Sunrise View Iron Gate South & River Path]]>> <</button>>
<<if $lust >= ($MaxLust / 2) or $GeneralFeats.Horndog > 0>>\
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Masturbate|Masturbate]]>> </span>
<</switch>>\<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<set _Fog to 0>>\
<<set _Rain to 0>>\
<<set _Cold to 0>>\
<<set _Wind to 0>>\
<<switch $Weather.Current>>\
<<case "Cloudy" "Windy">>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/River Park 3.jpg" />
<<set _Wind to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<case "Foggy">>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/River Park-F 3.jpg" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<case "Misty">>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/River Park-F 3.jpg" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Rainy" "Stormy">>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/River Park-R 3.jpg" />
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Dreary">>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/River Park-R 3.jpg" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Sleeting">>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/River Park-S 3.jpg" />
<<set _Cold to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Snowy">>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/River Park-S 3.jpg" />
<<set _Cold to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $Time.Current > 6>>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/River Park-N 3.jpg" />
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/River Park 3.jpg" />
<<set $location.temp to "West Sunrise View Copper Sun & River Path">>\
<<set $location.coord to 19>>\
<<set $locationGeneric to $locationWestSunriseView>>\
<<set $location.Encounter to "West Sunrise View">>\
<<set $location.Event to "West Sunrise View">>\
<<if $Time.Current >= $Time.Max >>\
<<set _State to "TooLate">>\
<<set $NoEncounter to 1>>\
<<if $NoEncounter < 1>>\
<<include "Random Encounter Check">>\
Standing at the intersection of Copper Sun boulevard and River Path is a green oxidized statue of a man holding a equally oxidized copper sun. Plenty of gang graffiti covers the base making it hard to determine who and what the statue is supposed to represent while a giant wall mounted dildo has been placed in the statues crotch, more than likely by an Infested. The South Haven river flows gently past this part of the city to the south while the River Path follows along river's edge from east to west. To the north Copper Sun boulevard heads deeper into the industrial park before eventually reaching the suburbs.
<<if $StatusText.Notice is 1>>\
<<include "Update Status">>\
<<if _Rain > 0 and $StatusAffect.Wet < _Rain>>\
<<set _Rain to _Rain - $PCResistance.Water>>\
<<if _Rain > $StatusAffect.Wet>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Wet to _Rain>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I'm getting soaking wet!</i> </div>
<<if _Cold > 0 and $PCResistance.Cold < _Cold>>\
<<set _tempDamage to random(_Cold) + $StatusAffect.Wet>>\
<<set _tempDamage2 to _tempDamage - $PCResistance.Cold>>\
<<if _tempDamage2 > 0>>\
<<set $HP to $HP - _tempDamage2>>\
<<if $HP < 1>>\
<<set $HP to 1>>\
You take _tempDamage2 cold damage!
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I'm freezing to death!</i>
<<switch _State>>\
<<case "TooLate">>\
<<set $Time.Current to $Time.Max>>\
It's too dangerous to explore the Sunrise View river park at this time of night.
<<button [[Return Home|Sunrise View Returning Home]]>>
<<set $NoEncounter to 0>>\
<<case "Ambush">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Ambushed to 1>>\
You've been ambushed by an enemy!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<case "Combat">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
A hostile enemy is roaming nearby!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<case "NPC">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
You've encountered something unusual!
<<button [[Encounter|West Sunrise View Events]]>>
<<set $location.prev to $location.temp>>\
<<button [[Explore one of the Empty Buildings|West Sunrise View - Office Building]]>>
<<set $location.temp2 to $location.temp>>\
<<button [[Look around the Area|West Sunrise View Event Scout]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Scout the Area for Enemies|West Sunrise View Scouting]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[North to Southern Copper Sun|West Sunrise View Copper Sun South]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[East to the Eastern River Path|West Sunrise View River Path East]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[West to the Western River Path|West Sunrise View River Path West]]>> <</button>>
<<if $lust >= ($MaxLust / 2) or $GeneralFeats.Horndog > 0>>\
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Masturbate|Masturbate]]>> </span>
<</switch>>\<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<set _Fog to 0>>\
<<set _Rain to 0>>\
<<set _Cold to 0>>\
<<set _Wind to 0>>\
<<switch $Weather.Current>>\
<<case "Cloudy" "Windy">>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/Sunrise View 4.jpg" />
<<set _Wind to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<case "Foggy">>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/Sunrise View-F 4.jpg" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<case "Misty">>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/Sunrise View-F 4.jpg" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Rainy" "Stormy">>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/Sunrise View-R 4.jpg" />
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Dreary">>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/Sunrise View-R 4.jpg" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Sleeting">>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/Sunrise View-S 4.jpg" />
<<set _Cold to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Snowy">>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/Sunrise View-S 4.jpg" />
<<set _Cold to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $Time.Current > 6>>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/Sunrise View-N 4.jpg" />
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/Sunrise View 4.jpg" />
<<set $location.temp to "West Sunrise View Copper Sun South">>\
<<set $location.coord to 13>>\
<<set $locationGeneric to $locationWestSunriseView>>\
<<set $location.Encounter to "West Sunrise View">>\
<<set $location.Event to "West Sunrise View">>\
<<if $Time.Current >= $Time.Max >>\
<<set _State to "TooLate">>\
<<set $NoEncounter to 1>>\
<<if $NoEncounter < 1>>\
<<include "Random Encounter Check">>\
You are standing on Copper Sun boulevard which is quite a bit north of River Path, a small road that runs along the borders of the South Haven river. Several dilapidated warehouses line the street with multiple broken down trucks sit abandoned along the sides of Copper Sun boulevard. Gang graffiti looks to be quite prominent on the sides of the rundown buildings but there is also signs of the Infested as multiple erotic works of art cover up some of that older graffiti. To the north the intersection with Bronze Cup can be seen while to the south, River Path can barely be made out. A tiny cul-de-sac can also be seen heading to the east with the sign of Gravel Court next to the entrance.
<<if $StatusText.Notice is 1>>\
<<include "Update Status">>\
<<if _Rain > 0 and $StatusAffect.Wet < _Rain>>\
<<set _Rain to _Rain - $PCResistance.Water>>\
<<if _Rain > $StatusAffect.Wet>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Wet to _Rain>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I'm getting soaking wet!</i> </div>
<<if _Cold > 0 and $PCResistance.Cold < _Cold>>\
<<set _tempDamage to random(_Cold) + $StatusAffect.Wet>>\
<<set _tempDamage2 to _tempDamage - $PCResistance.Cold>>\
<<if _tempDamage2 > 0>>\
<<set $HP to $HP - _tempDamage2>>\
<<if $HP < 1>>\
<<set $HP to 1>>\
You take _tempDamage2 cold damage!
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I'm freezing to death!</i>
<<switch _State>>\
<<case "TooLate">>\
<<set $Time.Current to $Time.Max>>\
It's too dangerous to explore the Sunrise View river park at this time of night.
<<button [[Return Home|Sunrise View Returning Home]]>>
<<set $NoEncounter to 0>>\
<<case "Ambush">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Ambushed to 1>>\
You've been ambushed by an enemy!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<case "Combat">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
A hostile enemy is roaming nearby!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<case "NPC">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
You've encountered something unusual!
<<button [[Encounter|West Sunrise View Events]]>>
<<set $location.prev to $location.temp>>\
<<button [[Explore one of the Empty Buildings|West Sunrise View - Office Building]]>>
<<set $location.temp2 to $location.temp>>\
<<button [[Look around the Area|West Sunrise View Event Scout]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Scout the Area for Enemies|West Sunrise View Scouting]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[North to Bronze Cup & Copper Sun|West Sunrise View Bronze Cup & Copper Sun]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[East to Gravel Court|West Sunrise View Gravel Court]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[South to Copper Sun & River Path|West Sunrise View Copper Sun & River Path]]>> <</button>>
<<if $lust >= ($MaxLust / 2) or $GeneralFeats.Horndog > 0>>\
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Masturbate|Masturbate]]>> </span>
<</switch>>\<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<set _Fog to 0>>\
<<set _Rain to 0>>\
<<set _Cold to 0>>\
<<set _Wind to 0>>\
<<switch $Weather.Current>>\
<<case "Cloudy" "Windy">>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/River Park 4.jpg" />
<<set _Wind to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<case "Foggy">>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/River Park-F 4.jpg" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<case "Misty">>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/River Park-F 4.jpg" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Rainy" "Stormy">>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/River Park-R 4.jpg" />
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Dreary">>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/River Park-R 4.jpg" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Sleeting">>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/River Park-S 4.jpg" />
<<set _Cold to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Snowy">>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/River Park-S 4.jpg" />
<<set _Cold to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $Time.Current > 6>>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/River Park-N 4.jpg" />
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/River Park 4.jpg" />
<<set $location.temp to "West Sunrise View River Path East">>\
<<set $location.coord to 20>>\
<<set $locationGeneric to $locationWestSunriseView>>\
<<set $location.Encounter to "West Sunrise View">>\
<<set $location.Event to "West Sunrise View">>\
<<if $Time.Current >= $Time.Max >>\
<<set _State to "TooLate">>\
<<set $NoEncounter to 1>>\
<<if $NoEncounter < 1>>\
<<include "Random Encounter Check">>\
This part of River Path looks to have once had a thriving dock but as of today there is only the mostly burnt out remains of one along with several sunken boats resting beneath the surface of the South Haven river. There doesn't seem to be much of an Infested presence around here as it looks like most people have avoided this part of the Sunrise View park. To the west, Copper Sun avenue can be seen heading towards the denser parts of the industrial park while to the east the ruined docks continue into the proper marina that connects to Silver Tree road.
<<if $StatusText.Notice is 1>>\
<<include "Update Status">>\
<<if _Rain > 0 and $StatusAffect.Wet < _Rain>>\
<<set _Rain to _Rain - $PCResistance.Water>>\
<<if _Rain > $StatusAffect.Wet>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Wet to _Rain>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I'm getting soaking wet!</i> </div>
<<if _Cold > 0 and $PCResistance.Cold < _Cold>>\
<<set _tempDamage to random(_Cold) + $StatusAffect.Wet>>\
<<set _tempDamage2 to _tempDamage - $PCResistance.Cold>>\
<<if _tempDamage2 > 0>>\
<<set $HP to $HP - _tempDamage2>>\
<<if $HP < 1>>\
<<set $HP to 1>>\
You take _tempDamage2 cold damage!
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I'm freezing to death!</i>
<<switch _State>>\
<<case "TooLate">>\
<<set $Time.Current to $Time.Max>>\
It's too dangerous to explore the Sunrise View river park at this time of night.
<<button [[Return Home|Sunrise View Returning Home]]>>
<<set $NoEncounter to 0>>\
<<case "Ambush">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Ambushed to 1>>\
You've been ambushed by an enemy!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<case "Combat">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
A hostile enemy is roaming nearby!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<case "NPC">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
You've encountered something unusual!
<<button [[Encounter|West Sunrise View Events]]>>
<<set $location.prev to $location.temp>>\
<<button [[Explore one of the Empty Buildings|West Sunrise View - Office Building]]>>
<<set $location.temp2 to $location.temp>>\
<<button [[Look around the Area|West Sunrise View Event Scout]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Scout the Area for Enemies|West Sunrise View Scouting]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[East to the Civiton South Marina|West Sunrise View Silver Tree & River Path]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[West to Copper Sun & River Path|West Sunrise View Copper Sun & River Path]]>> <</button>>
<<if $lust >= ($MaxLust / 2) or $GeneralFeats.Horndog > 0>>\
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Masturbate|Masturbate]]>> </span>
<</switch>>\<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<set _Fog to 0>>\
<<set _Rain to 0>>\
<<set _Cold to 0>>\
<<set _Wind to 0>>\
<<switch $Weather.Current>>\
<<case "Cloudy" "Windy">>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/Sunrise View 14.jpg" />
<<set _Wind to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<case "Foggy">>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/Sunrise View-F 14.jpg" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<case "Misty">>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/Sunrise View-F 14.jpg" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Rainy" "Stormy">>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/Sunrise View-R 14.jpg" />
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Dreary">>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/Sunrise View-R 14.jpg" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Sleeting">>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/Sunrise View-S 14.jpg" />
<<set _Cold to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Snowy">>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/Sunrise View-S 14.jpg" />
<<set _Cold to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $Time.Current > 6>>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/Sunrise View-N 14.jpg" />
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/Sunrise View 14.jpg" />
<<set $location.temp to "West Sunrise View Bronze Cup East">>\
<<set $location.coord to 9>>\
<<set $locationGeneric to $locationWestSunriseView>>\
<<set $location.Encounter to "West Sunrise View">>\
<<set $location.Event to "West Sunrise View">>\
<<if $Time.Current >= $Time.Max >>\
<<set _State to "TooLate">>\
<<set $NoEncounter to 1>>\
<<if $NoEncounter < 1>>\
<<set _EncounterRoll to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<set _TotalEncounterRoll to _EncounterRoll + $Skill.Scouting + $WisdomBonus + $StatusAffect.SilentStalking - ($StatusAffect.Stalking *2) - $StatusAffect.Horny - ($StatusAffect.CumCovered)>>\
<<if _TotalEncounterRoll + ($ThieverySkillFeats.SnareMaster *2) < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current - 10 + _Fog) or (_EncounterRoll < 2)>>\
<<set _State to "Ambush">>\
<<elseif _TotalEncounterRoll < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current - _Fog + _Rain - _Cold)>>\
<<set _State to "Combat">>\
<<set _NPCEncounterRoll to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<if _NPCEncounterRoll - _Rain + _Wind > (18 - $ScoutingSkillFeats.KeenEye) and $NoEncounter is 0>>\
<<set _State to "NPC">>\
This dark and narrow street leads from the western part of the Sunrise View industrial park towards the South Haven Bridge or what remains of the bridge. From this distance it's easy to tell that the majority of the bridge is completely gone with large chunks of rumble cutting off any access to what used to be below the bridge. The usual signs of the Infested look to be almost absent from this part of the industrial park as there's only a couple of lewd gang signs on the walls of the desolate buildings. To the east you can see that Bronze Cup ends at Silver Tree road while to the west you can see where Bronze Cup intersects with Copper Sun boulevard.
<<if $StatusText.Notice is 1>>\
<<include "Update Status">>\
<<if _Rain > 0 and $StatusAffect.Wet < _Rain>>\
<<set _Rain to _Rain - $PCResistance.Water>>\
<<if _Rain > $StatusAffect.Wet>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Wet to _Rain>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I'm getting soaking wet!</i> </div>
<<if _Cold > 0 and $PCResistance.Cold < _Cold>>\
<<set _tempDamage to random(_Cold) + $StatusAffect.Wet>>\
<<set _tempDamage2 to _tempDamage - $PCResistance.Cold>>\
<<if _tempDamage2 > 0>>\
<<set $HP to $HP - _tempDamage2>>\
<<if $HP < 1>>\
<<set $HP to 1>>\
You take _tempDamage2 cold damage!
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I'm freezing to death!</i>
<<switch _State>>\
<<case "TooLate">>\
<<set $Time.Current to $Time.Max>>\
It's too dangerous to explore the Sunrise View river park at this time of night.
<<button [[Return Home|Sunrise View Returning Home]]>>
<<set $NoEncounter to 0>>\
<<case "Ambush">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Ambushed to 1>>\
You've been ambushed by an enemy!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<case "Combat">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
A hostile enemy is roaming nearby!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<case "NPC">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
You've encountered something unusual!
<<button [[Encounter|West Sunrise View Events]]>>
<<set $location.prev to $location.temp>>\
<<button [[Explore one of the Empty Buildings|West Sunrise View - Office Building]]>>
<<set $location.temp2 to $location.temp>>\
<<button [[Look around the Area|West Sunrise View Event Scout]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Scout the Area for Enemies|West Sunrise View Scouting]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[East to Bronze Cup & Silver Tree|West Sunrise View Bronze Cup & Silver Tree]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[West to Bronze Cup & Copper Sun|West Sunrise View Bronze Cup & Copper Sun]]>> <</button>>
<<if $lust >= ($MaxLust / 2) or $GeneralFeats.Horndog > 0>>\
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Masturbate|Masturbate]]>> </span>
<</switch>>\<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<set _Fog to 0>>\
<<set _Rain to 0>>\
<<set _Cold to 0>>\
<<set _Wind to 0>>\
<<switch $Weather.Current>>\
<<case "Cloudy" "Windy">>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/Church Outside 1.jpg" />
<<set _Wind to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<case "Foggy">>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/Church Outside-F 1.jpg" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<case "Misty">>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/Church Outside-F 1.jpg" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Rainy" "Stormy">>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/Church Outside-R 1.jpg" />
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Dreary">>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/Church Outside-R 1.jpg" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Sleeting">>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/Church Outside-S 1.jpg" />
<<set _Cold to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Snowy">>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/Church Outside-S 1.jpg" />
<<set _Cold to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $Time.Current > 6>>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/Church Outside-N 1.jpg" />
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/Church Outside 1.jpg" />
<<set $location.temp to "West Sunrise View Church">>\
<<set $location.coord to 16>>\
<<set $locationGeneric to $locationWestSunriseView>>\
<<set $location.Encounter to "West Sunrise View">>\
<<set $location.Event to "West Sunrise View">>\
<<if $Time.Current >= $Time.Max >>\
<<set _State to "TooLate">>\
<<set $NoEncounter to 1>>\
<<if $NoEncounter < 1>>\
<<include "Random Encounter Check">>\
A large church sits at the South Haven riverbend with a rather large grassy field along with some dense trees. A large cobble stone path leads from the city street to the big wooden entry doors which have some words carved into the area above them stating "Welcome to the Church of Trilogy Life!". The signs of Infested seem to be missing from this area as if even those sex crazed maniacs can feel the holy ground. To the east the rest of the Sunrise View industrial park can be seen.
<<if $StatusText.Notice is 1>>\
<<include "Update Status">>\
<<if _Rain > 0 and $StatusAffect.Wet < _Rain>>\
<<set _Rain to _Rain - $PCResistance.Water>>\
<<if _Rain > $StatusAffect.Wet>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Wet to _Rain>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I'm getting soaking wet!</i> </div>
<<if _Cold > 0 and $PCResistance.Cold < _Cold>>\
<<set _tempDamage to random(_Cold) + $StatusAffect.Wet>>\
<<set _tempDamage2 to _tempDamage - $PCResistance.Cold>>\
<<if _tempDamage2 > 0>>\
<<set $HP to $HP - _tempDamage2>>\
<<if $HP < 1>>\
<<set $HP to 1>>\
You take _tempDamage2 cold damage!
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I'm freezing to death!</i>
<<switch _State>>\
<<case "TooLate">>\
<<set $Time.Current to $Time.Max>>\
It's too dangerous to explore the Sunrise View river park at this time of night.
<<button [[Return Home|Sunrise View Returning Home]]>>
<<set $NoEncounter to 0>>\
<<case "Ambush">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Ambushed to 1>>\
You've been ambushed by an enemy!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<case "Combat">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
A hostile enemy is roaming nearby!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<case "NPC">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
You've encountered something unusual!
<<button [[Encounter|West Sunrise View Events]]>>
<<set $location.prev to $location.temp>>\
<<button [[Enter the Church|Church Entrance 1]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Look around the Area|West Sunrise View Event Scout]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Scout the Area for Enemies|West Sunrise View Scouting]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[East|West Sunrise View Iron Gate South & River Path]]>> <</button>>
<<if $lust >= ($MaxLust / 2) or $GeneralFeats.Horndog > 0>>\
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Masturbate|Masturbate]]>> </span>
<</switch>>\<<include "Adlibs">>\
<<set $SexScene1 to random(11)>>\
<<switch $SexScene1>>\
<<default>>\ /* Cowgirl scene */
<<include "Infested D.Female Pussy Sex Dominate Male">>\
<</switch>> <<set $sexHistory.XP to $sexHistory.XP +1>>\
<<set $LastPartner to $genericFighter>>\
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$genericFighter.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$genericFighter.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _INip to $arrayNippleSize[$genericFighter.NippleSize]>>\
<<set _IAss to $arrayAssSizeDesc[$genericFighter.AssSize]>>\
<<set _ISD2 to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$genericFighter.BreastsSize -2]>>\
<<set _ICup2 to $arrayBreastSize[$genericFighter.BreastsSize -2]>>\
<<set _INip2 to $arrayNippleSize[$genericFighter.NippleSize -2]>>\
<<set _IAss2 to $arrayAssSizeDesc[$genericFighter.AssSize +1]>>\
<<set _SizeComp to $PC.DickSize - $genericFighter.Level + ($GeneralFeats.FalseRep *2)>>\
<<if _SizeComp < 0>>\
<<set _SizeComp to 0>>\
<<include "Names">>\
<<set _rand1 to random(16)>>\
<<set _rand2 to random(16)>>\
<<set _TN1 to $femaleNames1[_rand1]>>\
<<set _TN2 to $femaleNames2[_rand2]>>\
<<set _dickState to 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Energized to $StatusAffect.Energized+2>>\
  As you lie on the ground feeling completely defeated by the two Infested, the bustier of the two looks down at you and says with a smirk on her face "Hey _TN2, it looks like we have another little boy to turn into a proper studly man!" _TN2 looks to be focused on fondling _TN1's _ISD impressive tits and so it takes her a moment to focus on what her fellow Infested is saying.
  Finally looking down at you, _TN2 licks her lips as she stares at the $DickSD tent in your clothes. "You're right, _TN1! There's nothing funner then turning pathetic cucks begging to have their tiny 2-inch pencil stubs fucked by our big titties into fuck machine studs who can't stop shooting their big wads into all the neighborhood sluts' tight pussies with their fucking massive foot long meat rods!" she says as she pinches _TN1's hard _INip long nipples. "So how about you strip out of your clothes and let us see what we have to work with?"
<<switch $PC.DickSize>>\
<<case 0 1 2 3>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.TinyDick > 1>>\
<<set _dickState to 1>>\
<<set _dickState to 5>>\
  You quickly strip out of your clothes leaving your $DickSize dick fully exposed along with your $BallsSize balls! At the sight of your $DickSD shaft, _TN1 laughs and says "When I said cucks with 2-inch dicks I was joking about the dick size! But don't worry cause _TN2 and I love blowing up the tiny dicks of losers like you! By the time we're done that pencil stub is going to be a fucking foot long club!"
  _TN2 blinks as she hears _TN1 statement and then finally glances down at your exposed dick. "Oh my God! Are you seeing this, _TN1! We need to get started on getting that $DickSize dick growing like ASAP!" she says as releases her grip on _TN1's _ISD tits in order to pull down her slutty clothes in order to expose her own _ISD2 chest!
  _TN1 nods as she cups her _ICup titties while slowly kneeling on your left side while _TN2 kneels on your left side with her own _ICup2 tits ready! "Just sit back, relax and enjoy having your $DickSize cock buried in between our big titties and before you know it you'll be a brand new stud!" _TN1 huskily says as presses her _ISD jugs against your rock hard cock while _TN2 does the same on the other side with her _ISD2 breasts!
<<case 4 5 6 7 8 9 10>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.TinyDick > 1>>\
<<set _dickState to 1>>\
<<set _dickState to 5>>\
  You quickly strip out of your clothes leaving your $DickSize dick fully exposed along with your $BallsSize balls! At the sight of your $DickSD shaft, _TN1 smiles and says "Just as I expect, a pathetic little weiner so eager to grow bigger! You're in luck cause _TN2 and I love blowing up weak-ass dicks! By the time we're done that weak pitiful pencil is going to be a fucking foot long club!"
  _TN2 blinks as she hears _TN1 statement and then finally glances down at your exposed dick. "That's right, _TN1! That little dick is the perfect size to be buried deep in between our big titties!" she says as releases her grip on _TN1's _ISD tits in order to pull down her slutty clothes in order to expose her own _ISD2 chest!
  _TN1 smiles widely as she cups her _ICup titties while slowly kneeling on your left side while _TN2 kneels on your left side with her own _ICup2 tits ready! "Just sit back, relax and enjoy having your $DickSize cock buried in between our big titties and before you know it you'll be a brand new stud!" _TN1 huskily says as presses her _ISD jugs against your rock hard cock while _TN2 does the same on the other side with her _ISD2 breasts!
  You quickly strip out of your clothes leaving your $DickSize dick fully exposed along with your $BallsSize balls! At the sight of your $DickSD shaft, _TN1 frowns and says "I can't believe you have a dick that $DickSD! Fuck! _TN2 and I love blowing up the pathetic dicks of losers and turning them into proper studs with foot-long dicks! Thanks for ruining that for us!"
  _TN2 frowns as she hears _TN1 statement and then finally glances down at your exposed dick. "Huh. _TN1 is right, that's a pretty big dick... Wait! I know what we can do!" she exclaims as she searches her purse for something before pulling out a bright red soda can. "This can of Mr. Pimpledick X-tra should do the trick of getting your dick to the proper size for a cuck like you!"
<<if $PC.MDickSize > 10 and $PC.MDickSize < $PC.DickSize>>\
<<set _dickState to 2>>\
<<set _DickSD to $DickSD>>\
<<set _DickSize to $DickSize>>\
<<set _sizeCheck to $PC.DickSize - $PC.MDickSize>>\
<<set _sizeCheck2 to _sizeCheck - $StatusAffect.BigDick>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.TinyDick to $StatusAffect.TinyDick + _sizeCheck2>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.BigDick to 0>>\
<<set $PCChanges.DickShrink to "Sex">>\
<<set $PC.DickSize to $PC.MDickSize>>\
<<set $DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$PC.DickSize]>>\
<<set $DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$PC.DickSize]>>\
<<set $PC.BallsSize to $PC.MBallsSize>>\
<<set $BallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$PC.BallsSize]>>\
<<set $BallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$PC.BallsSize]>>\
  Unable to refuse the Infested's demands, you grab the can of Mr. Pimpledick X-tra and slowly down the drink. It tastes like some kind of sour green cherry soda but doesn't taste all that bad. You feel a strange sensation down in your groin and you quickly take a look after tossing the can away.
  To your horror you discover your _DickSize dick is slowly shrinking! Inch by inch of your meat rod is slowly withdrawing back into your body before leaving you with a $DickSD $DickSize cock! Reeling from shock, you grab your $DickSize shaft and discover that your dick is quite sensitive from it's sudden shrinkage. At least you still have a nice sized dick even if it's a bit smaller than before.
  _TN1 looks down at your crotch and with a frown on her face says "What the fuck? How do you still have a $DickSize meat staff even after drinking all that Mr. Pimpledick!" At your smirk she shakes her head and says "Fuck you! Fucking Goddamn studs with their $DickSD juicy heavenly meat staff ruining our fun! But you know what? We're still going to give you a double titty-fuck just cause your cock is so fucking big but don't think we'll forget about this!"
  _TN1 tries to hide her smile as she cups her _ICup titties while slowly kneeling on your left side while _TN2 kneels on your left side with her own _ICup2 tits ready! "In the meantime, just sit back, relax and enjoy having your $DickSize cock buried in between our big titties and before you know it you'll be blowing your big load all over them!" _TN2 huskily says as presses her _ISD2 jugs against your rock hard cock while _TN1 does the same on the other side with her _ISD breasts!
<<elseif $PC.MDickSize < $PC.DickSize>>\
<<set _DickSD to $DickSD>>\
<<set _DickSize to $DickSize>>\
<<set _dickState to 1>>\
<<set _sizeCheck to $PC.DickSize - $PC.MDickSize>>\
<<set _sizeCheck2 to _sizeCheck - $StatusAffect.BigDick>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.TinyDick to $StatusAffect.TinyDick + _sizeCheck2>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.BigDick to 0>>\
<<set $PCChanges.DickShrink to "Sex">>\
<<set $PC.DickSize to $PC.MDickSize>>\
<<set $DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$PC.DickSize]>>\
<<set $DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$PC.DickSize]>>\
<<set $PC.BallsSize to $PC.MBallsSize>>\
<<set $BallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$PC.BallsSize]>>\
<<set $BallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$PC.BallsSize]>>\
  Unable to refuse the Infested's demands, you grab the can of Mr. Pimpledick X-tra and slowly down the drink. It tastes like some kind of sour green cherry soda but doesn't taste all that bad. You feel a strange sensation down in your groin and you quickly take a look after tossing the can away.
  To your horror you discover your _DickSize futa-dick is slowly shrinking! Inch by inch of your meat rod is slowly withdrawing back into your body before leaving you with a $DickSD $DickSize cock! Reeling from shock, you grab your $DickSize shaft and discover that your dick is quite sensitive from it's sudden shrinkage.
  _TN1 looks down at your crotch and with a smirk on her face says "Now that's the proper sized pencil nub for a cuck loser like you!" At your frown she shakes her head and says "Oh don't be so mad, your fucking cock will soon be back to it's proper size in no time. But in the meantime..."
  _TN1 smiles widely as she cups her _ICup titties while slowly kneeling on your left side while _TN2 kneels on your left side with her own _ICup2 tits ready! "In the meantime, just sit back, relax and enjoy having your $DickSize cock buried in between our big titties and before you know it you'll be a brand new stud!" _TN2 huskily says as presses her _ISD2 jugs against your rock hard cock while _TN1 does the same on the other side with her _ISD breasts!
<<set _dickState to 3>>\
  Unable to refuse the Infested's demands, you grab the can of Mr. Pimpledick and slowly down the drink. It tastes like some kind of sour green cherry soda but doesn't taste all that bad. After a few moments you just shrug as nothing seems to happen and so you toss the empty can off to the side.
  _TN1 looks down at your crotch with confusion on her face and says "Was that can of Mr. Pimpledick X-tra a dud?!?!?" At your resigned look she shakes her head and says "I mean it was supposed to shrink your dick so we could blow it up nice and big but it didn't work..."
  _TN1 pouts a bit as she cups her _ICup titties while slowly kneeling on your left side while _TN2 kneels on your left side with her own _ICup2 tits ready! "Oh well, there's nothing we can do about it now. So how about you just sit back, relax and enjoy having your $DickSize cock buried in between our big titties before blowing your juicy load all over them!" _TN2 huskily says as presses her _ISD2 jugs against your rock hard cock while _TN1 does the same on the other side with her _ISD breasts!
<<switch _dickState>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<set _DickSD to $DickSD>>\
<<set _DickSize to $DickSize>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.TinyDick > 1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.TinyDick to $StatusAffect.TinyDick -2>>\
<<set $PC.DickSize to $PC.DickSize +2>>\
<<set $DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$PC.DickSize]>>\
<<set $DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$PC.DickSize]>>\
<<set $PC.BallsSize =+ $PC.BallsSize +2>>\
<<set $BallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$PC.BallsSize]>>\
<<set $BallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$PC.BallsSize]>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.TinyDick to $StatusAffect.TinyDick -1>>\
<<set $PC.DickSize to $PC.DickSize +2>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.BigDick to 1>>\
<<set $DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$PC.DickSize]>>\
<<set $DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$PC.DickSize]>>\
<<set $PC.BallsSize =+ $PC.BallsSize +2>>\
<<set $BallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$PC.BallsSize]>>\
<<set $BallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$PC.BallsSize]>>\
  You let out a loud breathy moan as you feel your _DickSize shaft completely engulfed by the big squishy titties of the two busty Infested! "Fuck! Your tits are so fucking amazing! Keep going!" you groan as _TN1 starts to titty-fuck you with her _ISD tits while _TN2 swiftly follows along with her _ISD2 jugs, giving your cock a titty sandwitch.
  "Look at this horny loser, moaning and begging for our big titties!" _TN1 says with a lusty smirk. "I mean, his _DickSD dick is so small that his nub can't even be seen!" Even with her dismissive tone she still keeps a steady pace, stroking your hard throbbing dick with her perky tits. She is right about the fact her titties are so big your shrunken dick is dwarfed by her _ISD jugs and remains deeply buried deep inside that fleshy mountain range.
  "I know! I can't wait to get him pumped back up to his proper size, like ASAP!" _TN2 moans as she jiggles her _ICup2 tits against your throbbing shaft while working in synch with _TN1 to give you an such an exquisite double titty-fuck! Your eyes lock on to where her hard nipples are rubbing against her friend's rubbery nub as their titties bounce enthusiastically in your lap! "Looks like the little guy is enjoying our big tits! Good news is that that tiny weiner isn't going to be so tiny for much longer!" _TN2 smirks sinfully as she watches your lustful reactions.
  Groaning loudly, you gasp out "Fuck! Your big o'titties feel so fucking amazing!" as your hard throbbing shaft is repeatedly buried between both of the Infested's massive boobage. It feels so incredible that you almost miss the feeble warm sensation that's radiating from your hard cock. With each heartbeat you can feel the sensation grow slightly stronger as if silently urging your dick to grow to greater heights! Unable to hold back you start to uncontrollably thrust into the Infested's titty mountains as you feel the warm sensation reach your cum-filled balls!
  "That's it! Keep humping our big tits with your tiny dick! Keep going until you shoot your hot sticky goo all over them!" _TN1 moans huskily as she watches you surrender yourself to your erotic desires. _TN2 smiles in anticipation as she watches your frantic efforts to find release by slamming your dick rapidly into the titty valley's of the two busty Infested. With each new thrust the pleasure spikes even higher than the last and it feels like you are ramming the gates of Heaven with no chance of holding back!
  Thrusting one last time, you bellow out "Fuck yes! I'm shooting my big load all over your big fucking tits!" Your _DickSize cock is still buried deep inside of their titty prison but ther's just enough space to shoot $CumAD ribbons of hot baby-batter out from between those tits before landing all over _TN1 and TN2's big jugs and faces! Your intense orgasm seems to last forever as more and $CumAD squirts of hot goo splatter all over their slippery tits!
<<if $StatusAffect.TinyDick is 0>>\
  As you lay there recovering from your mind-blowing orgasm, the two Infested finally pull their fat titties away from your dick. To your confusion you discover that your shrunken _DickSD _DickSize dick is back to being a proper $DickSD $DickSize piece of man-meat! "Thank God! I'm finally back to my original size!" you mumble as you give your $DickSize cock that's oozing cum from the tip a look of relief at the familiar shape and size!
  As you lay there recovering from your mind-blowing orgasm, the two Infested finally pull their fat titties away from your dick. To your confusion you discover that your shrunken _DickSD _DickSize dick is now a $DickSD $DickSize piece of man-meat! "At least I'm partially back to my original size?" you mumble as you give your $DickSize cock that's oozing cum from the tip a look of relief at your beefier, thicker meat rod!
<<if _SizeComp < 12>>\
  Looking completely confused, _TN1 stares at your $DickSD dick as _TN2 starts to lick your hot seed off of _TN1's _ISD breasts. "Hold up _TN2! Stop sucking on my big tits for a moment cause we have issues!" she moans as _TN2 kisses and sucks on her breasts before continuing "Looks like someone's packing a $DickSize cream-filled puff instead of a twelve-inch monster hotdog!"
  _TN2 gives _TN1's cream glazed tits one last long lick with her long tongue before she glances down at your cum-covered dick. "What the fuck? Your cock is looking bigger than before but not even close to being a twelve-inch meat rod! Maybe we need to power this guy with even more juice by taking a ride on that $DickSize dick?" Gasping softly she moans "Ooooh! My big titties feel so good when you suck on them, _TN1!" Your cock twitches at the sight of _TN1 returning the favor by licking your sticky mess off of _TN2's _ISD2 perky chest and you feel your balls pulse with desire as they work overtime to produce more baby-batter as you lay on the ground watching the two Infested finish licking each other's chests clean of your cum.
  "Well that dick is smaller than I would like but it does look like you still have some more juice in your $BallsSD sperm tanks! I think it's about time we take that half-assed cock of yours for a test drive and see about draining those $BallsSize balls of yours dry!" _TN1 says as she breaks away from _TN2 before standing above you while looking down at your fully erect dick.
  Laughing in delight, _TN1 admires your $DickSD dick as _TN2 starts to lick your hot seed off of _TN1's _ISD breasts. "Fuck _TN2! Keep sucking on my big tits!" she moans as _TN2 kisses and sucks on her breasts before continuing "Looks like someone's now packing a $DickSize cream-filled sausage! Fuck yeah! I love seeing a nub grow into a foot long club even if you were already pretty big so I guess it's a $DickSize club?!"
  _TN2 gives _TN1's cream glazed tits one last long lick with her long tongue before she glances down at your cum-covered dick. "Oh my! Your cock is looking so much bigger now! Makes me want to take a ride on that $DickSize meat staff!" Gasping softly she moans " Ooooh! My big titties feel so good when you suck on them, _TN1!" Your cock twitches at the sight of _TN1 returning the favor by licking your sticky mess off of _TN2's _ISD2 perky chest and you feel your balls pulse with desire as they work overtime to produce more baby-batter as you lay on the ground watching the two Infested finish licking each other's chests clean of your cum.
  "Seems like someone has some more juice in their $BallsSD sperm tanks! I think it's about time we take that new and improved big dick of yours for a test drive and see about draining those $BallsSize balls of yours dry!" _TN1 says as she breaks away from _TN2 before standing above you while looking down at your fully erect dick.
  You watch eagerly as the sexy Infested plants her _IAss ass onto your lap with her dripping cunt sliding against your hard shaft. A soft moan escapes your lips as she rubs her pussy against your throbbing dick, smearing your cum all over her pussy lips. Hearing your lusty moans, _TN1 smirks before impaling her slippery cunt onto your hard cock!
  "Holy shit! Your pussy feels so amazing!" you groan loudly as all $DickSize's are buried deep inside her cunt! She doesn't waste any time before she's bouncing up and down your $DickSD shaft causing her _ICup breasts to bounce and jiggle from the erotic movements and you can't help but moan from how fucking pleasurable it feels to have your cock deep inside her extremely tight cunt!.
  Leaning forward, _TN1 huskily asks "You like that, don't ya? The divine feeling of your strong cock deep inside my tight pussy as my big titties bounce in front of your face?" Cupping her _ICup titties, she jiggles and bounces them right in front of your eyes while not missing a single beat as she expertly rides your dick. Your eyes can't help but focus on her diamond hard _INip long nipples and you wonder how it would taste to suck on those fun bags!
  As you are about to respond, _TN2 speaks up "Oh I bet he's feeling real good right now but I want to have some fun too!" Glancing over at _TN2 you discover that she has a huge double-ended dildo inserted in her pussy and she's aiming it right at _TN1's _IAss juicy derriere! "And by having fun I mean fucking my BFF's big fucking ass!
  _TN1 gasps loudly as _TN2 presses her fake cock against her bouncy bottom and you can feel her dildo pushing in as _TN1 becomes double-stuffed! Not one to hold back _TN2 starts to go to pound town on _TN1's big ass as she grunts loudly.
  The busty Infested squeals in delight at being double teamed by you and _TN2 and starts passionately bouncing on your cock again much to your vigorous pleasure. As you are about to respond, _TN2 speaks up "Oh I bet he's feeling real good right now but I want to have some fun too!" Glancing over at _TN2 you discover that she has a huge double-ended dildo inserted in her pussy and she's aiming it right at _TN1's _IAss juicy derriere! "And by having fun I mean fucking my BFF's big fucking ass!
  _TN1 gasps loudly as _TN2 presses her fake cock against her bouncy bottom and you can feel her dildo pushing in as _TN1 becomes double-stuffed!
  The busty Infested squeals in delight at being double teamed by you and _TN2 and starts passionately bouncing on your cock again much to your vigorous pleasure. "Fuck yes! Fuck my ass as I ride this stud's $DickSize cock!" _TN1 yells as she syncs up her movements with _TN2's thrusts causing her _ISD titties to bounce wildly in front of your face. Unable to resist, you grab her big fucking tits and start to fondle those heavy fun bags!
  The pleasure radiating from your dick intensifies as _TN1 slowly speeds up her pace as _TN2 rails her _IAss rear. "I love fucking your big jiggly ass! Feels so fucking amazing! Makes me wish I had a futa-cock of my own!" _TN2 moans as she gropes her own _ISD2 jugs.
  "Oh fuck! I'm, uhhh, not sure how much...Fuck yes! How much longer I can last!" you moan loudly as you feel your cum-filled balls churn with hot seed, eager to be unleashed. Your words spur them on as the threeway fuckfest intensifies with your $DickSD dick being repeatedly buried deep inside _TN1's tight pussy as you squeeze and maul her _ICup tits!
  Grunting loudly from her vigorous efforts, _TN2 yells "Do it! I want you to creampie her slutty pussy with so much cum that _TN1's cunt leaks for days!" She continues to frantically plow her friend's bouncy derriere while her _ISD2 breasts sways freely. _TN1 is too out of it to do more than moan and pant loudly as her pussy and ass are being destroyed by the double-team of your throbbing dick and the other Infested's fake cock.
<<case 2>>\
<<set _DickSD to $DickSD>>\
<<set _DickSize to $DickSize>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.TinyDick > 1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.TinyDick to $StatusAffect.TinyDick -2>>\
<<set $PC.DickSize to $PC.DickSize +2>>\
<<set $DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$PC.DickSize]>>\
<<set $DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$PC.DickSize]>>\
<<set $PC.BallsSize =+ $PC.BallsSize +2>>\
<<set $BallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$PC.BallsSize]>>\
<<set $BallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$PC.BallsSize]>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.TinyDick to $StatusAffect.TinyDick -1>>\
<<set $PC.DickSize to $PC.DickSize +2>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.BigDick to 1>>\
<<set $DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$PC.DickSize]>>\
<<set $DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$PC.DickSize]>>\
<<set $PC.BallsSize =+ $PC.BallsSize +2>>\
<<set $BallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$PC.BallsSize]>>\
<<set $BallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$PC.BallsSize]>>\
<<set $Cum.Stored to $Cum.Max>>\
<<set $CumAD to $arrayCumAmountDesc[$Cum.Stored]>>\
  You let out a loud breathy moan as you feel your _DickSize shaft completely engulfed by the big squishy titties of the two busty Infested! "Fuck! Your tits are so fucking amazing! Keep going!" you groan as _TN1 starts to titty-fuck you with her _ISD tits while _TN2 swiftly follows along with her _ISD2 jugs, giving your cock a titty sandwitch.
  "Look at this horny stud, moaning and begging for our big titties!" _TN1 says with a lusty smirk. "I mean, fuck! His _DickSD dick is so big that our titties can barely wrap around that big thick log of his even after losing some size from that soda!" Her tone shows that she's pleased by your size even if in the beginning she was sounding a bit annoyed. The busty Infested keeps a steady pace while still stroking your hard throbbing dick with her perky tits while her friend matches her pace. She is right about the fact your _DickSize dick is can still be seen even being wrapped by her _ISD jugs and remains deeply buried deep inside that fleshy mountain range.
  "That's it! Keep humping our big tits with your _DickSD dick! Keep going until you shoot your hot sticky goo all over them!" _TN1 moans huskily as she watches you surrender yourself to your erotic desires. _TN2 smiles in anticipation as she watches your frantic efforts to find release by slamming your dick rapidly into the titty valley's of the two busty Infested. With each new thrust the pleasure spikes even higher than the last and it feels like you are ramming the gates of Heaven with no chance of holding back!
  Thrusting one last time, you bellow out "Fuck yes! I'm shooting my big load all over your big fucking tits!" The mushroom tip of your meaty cock manages to easily escape to the top of their titty prison before shooting a $CumAD ribbon of hot baby-batter all over _TN1 and TN2's big jugs and faces! Your intense orgasm seems to last forever as more and $CumAD squirts of hot goo splatter all over their slippery tits!
<<if $StatusAffect.TinyDick is 0>>\
  As you lay there recovering from your mind-blowing orgasm, the two Infested finally pull their fat titties away from your dick. To your confusion you discover that your shrunken _DickSD _DickSize dick is back to being a proper $DickSD $DickSize piece of man-meat! "Thank God! I'm finally back to my original size!" you mumble as you give your $DickSize cock that's oozing cum from the tip a look of relief at the familiar shape and size!
  Laughing in delight, _TN1 admires your $DickSD dick as _TN2 starts to lick your hot seed off of _TN1's _ISD breasts. "Fuck _TN2! Keep sucking on my big tits!" she moans as _TN2 kisses and sucks on her breasts before continuing "Looks like someone's now packing a $DickSize cream-filled sausage! Fuck yeah! I love seeing a nub grow into a foot long club even if you were already pretty big so I guess it's now a $DickSize club?!"
  _TN2 gives _TN1's cream glazed tits one last long lick with her long tongue before she glances down at your cum-covered dick. "Oh my! Your cock is looking back to its big beefy size! Makes me want to take a ride on that $DickSize meat staff!" Gasping softly she moans " Ooooh! My big titties feel so good when you suck on them, _TN1!" Your cock twitches at the sight of _TN1 returning the favor by licking your sticky mess off of _TN2's _ISD2 perky chest and you feel your balls pulse with desire as they work overtime to produce more baby-batter as you lay on the ground watching the two Infested finish licking each other's chests clean of your cum.
  As you lay there recovering from your mind-blowing orgasm, the two Infested finally pull their fat titties away from your dick. To your confusion you discover that your shrunken _DickSD _DickSize dick is now a $DickSD $DickSize piece of man-meat! "At least I'm partially back to my original size?" you mumble as you give your $DickSize cock that's oozing cum from the tip a look of relief at your beefier, thicker meat rod!
  Laughing in delight, _TN1 admires your $DickSD dick as _TN2 starts to lick your hot seed off of _TN1's _ISD breasts. "Fuck _TN2! Keep sucking on my big tits!" she moans as _TN2 kisses and sucks on her breasts before continuing "Looks like someone's now packing a $DickSize cream-filled sausage! Fuck yeah! I love seeing a nub grow into a foot long club even if you were already pretty big so I guess it's now a $DickSize club?!"
  _TN2 gives _TN1's cream glazed tits one last long lick with her long tongue before she glances down at your cum-covered dick. "Oh my! Your cock is looking a bit bigger now, but you know it's not quite as big as before! Makes me want to take a ride on that $DickSize meat staff!" Gasping softly she moans " Ooooh! My big titties feel so good when you suck on them, _TN1!" Your cock twitches at the sight of _TN1 returning the favor by licking your sticky mess off of _TN2's _ISD2 perky chest and you feel your balls pulse with desire as they work overtime to produce more baby-batter as you lay on the ground watching the two Infested finish licking each other's chests clean of your cum.
  "Seems like someone has some more juice in their $BallsSD sperm tanks! I think it's about time we take that big dick of yours for a test drive and see about draining those $BallsSize balls of yours dry!" _TN1 says as she breaks away from _TN2 before standing above you while looking down at your fully erect dick.
  You watch eagerly as the sexy Infested plants her _IAss ass onto your lap with her dripping cunt sliding against your hard shaft. A soft moan escapes your lips as she rubs her pussy against your throbbing dick, smearing your cum all over her pussy lips. Hearing your lusty moans, _TN1 smirks before impaling her slippery cunt onto your hard cock!
  "Holy shit! Your pussy feels so amazing!" you groan loudly as all $DickSize's are buried deep inside her cunt! She doesn't waste any time before she's bouncing up and down your $DickSD shaft causing her _ICup breasts to bounce and jiggle from the erotic movements and you can't help but moan from how fucking pleasurable it feels to have your big cock deep inside her extremely tight cunt!.
  Leaning forward, _TN1 huskily asks "You like that, don't ya? The divine feeling of your big strong cock deep inside my tight pussy as my big titties bounce in front of your face?" Cupping her _ICup titties, she jiggles and bounces them right in front of your eyes while not missing a single beat as she expertly rides your dick. Your eyes can't help but focus on her diamond hard _INip long nipples and you wonder how it would taste to suck on those fun bags!
  As you are about to respond, _TN2 speaks up "Oh I bet he's feeling real good right now but I want to have some fun too!" Glancing over at _TN2 you discover that she has a huge double-ended dildo inserted in her pussy and she's aiming it right at _TN1's _IAss juicy derriere! "And by having fun I mean fucking my BFF's big fucking ass!
  _TN1 gasps loudly as _TN2 presses her fake cock against her bouncy bottom and you can feel her dildo pushing in as _TN1 becomes double-stuffed! Not one to hold back _TN2 starts to go to pound town on _TN1's big ass as she grunts loudly.
  The busty Infested squeals in delight at being double teamed by you and _TN2 and starts passionately bouncing on your cock again much to your vigorous pleasure. "Fuck yes! Fuck my ass as I ride this stud's big $DickSize cock!" _TN1 yells as she syncs up her movements with _TN2's thrusts causing her _ISD titties to bounce wildly in front of your face. Unable to resist, you grab her big fucking tits and start to fondle those heavy fun bags!
  The pleasure radiating from your dick intensifies as _TN1 slowly speeds up her pace as _TN2 rails her _IAss rear. "I love fucking your big jiggly ass! Feels so fucking amazing! Makes me wish I had a futa-cock of my own!" _TN2 moans as she gropes her own _ISD2 jugs.
  "Oh fuck! I'm, uhhh, not sure how much...Fuck yes! How much longer I can last!" you moan loudly as you feel your cum-filled balls churn with hot seed, eager to be unleashed. Your words spur them on as the threeway fuckfest intensifies with your $DickSD dick being repeatedly buried deep inside _TN1's tight pussy as you squeeze and maul her _ICup tits!
  Grunting loudly from her vigorous efforts, _TN2 yells "Do it! I want you to creampie her slutty pussy with so much cum that _TN1's cunt leaks for days!" She continues to frantically plow her friend's bouncy derriere while her _ISD2 breasts sways freely. _TN1 is too out of it to do more than moan and pant loudly as her pussy and ass are being destroyed by the double-team of your throbbing dick and the other Infested's fake cock.
<<case 3>>\
<<set $Cum.Stored to $Cum.Max>>\
<<set $CumAD to $arrayCumAmountDesc[$Cum.Stored]>>\
  You let out a loud breathy moan as you feel your _DickSize shaft completely engulfed by the big squishy titties of the two busty Infested! "Fuck! Your tits are so fucking amazing! Keep going!" you groan as _TN1 starts to titty-fuck you with her _ISD tits while _TN2 swiftly follows along with her _ISD2 jugs, giving your cock a titty sandwitch.
  "Look at this horny stud, moaning and begging for our big titties!" _TN1 says with a lusty smirk. "I mean, fuck! His _DickSD dick is so big that your titties can barely wrap around that big thick log of his!" Her tone shows that's pleased by your size even if in the beginning she was annoyed. The busty Infested keeps a steady pace while still stroking your hard throbbing dick with her perky tits. She is right about the fact your _DickSize dick is can still be seen even being wrapped by her _ISD jugs and remains deeply buried deep inside that fleshy mountain range.
  "That's it! Keep humping our big tits with your _DickSD dick! Keep going until you shoot your hot sticky goo all over them!" _TN1 moans huskily as she watches you surrender yourself to your erotic desires. _TN2 smiles in anticipation as she watches your frantic efforts to find release by slamming your dick rapidly into the titty valley's of the two busty Infested. With each new thrust the pleasure spikes even higher than the last and it feels like you are ramming the gates of Heaven with no chance of holding back!
  Thrusting one last time, you bellow out "Fuck yes! I'm shooting my big load all over your big fucking tits!" The mushroom tip of your meaty cock manages to easily escape to the top of their titty prison before shooting a $CumAD ribbon of hot baby-batter all over _TN1 and _TN2's big jugs and faces! Your intense orgasm seems to last forever as more and $CumAD squirts of hot goo splatter all over their slippery tits!
<<if $StatusAffect.TinyDick is 0>>\
  As you lay there recovering from your mind-blowing orgasm, the two Infested finally pull their fat titties away from your dick. Your $DickSize cock is still partially covered in cum from all that seed you just shot out but you still feel like you can go for days!
  Laughing in delight, _TN1 admires your $DickSD dick as _TN2 starts to lick your hot seed off of _TN1's _ISD breasts. "Fuck _TN2! Keep sucking on my big tits!" she moans as _TN2 kisses and sucks on her breasts before continuing "Looks like someone's $DickSize cream-filled sausage hasn't changed one bit! I mean they shrugged off the soda and our big titties? What the fuck?"
  _TN2 gives _TN1's cream glazed tits one last long lick with her long tongue before she glances down at your cum-covered dick. "Oh my! Your cock is still looking fine! Makes me want to take a ride on that $DickSize meat staff!" Gasping softly she moans " Ooooh! My big titties feel so good when you suck on them, _TN1!" Your cock twitches at the sight of _TN1 returning the favor by licking your sticky mess off of _TN2's _ISD2 perky chest and you feel your balls pulse with desire as they work overtime to produce more baby-batter as you lay on the ground watching the two Infested finish licking each other's chests clean of your cum.
<<if $StatusAffect.TinyDick > 1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.TinyDick to $StatusAffect.TinyDick -2>>\
<<set $PC.DickSize to $PC.DickSize +2>>\
<<set $DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$PC.DickSize]>>\
<<set $DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$PC.DickSize]>>\
<<set $PC.BallsSize =+ $PC.BallsSize +2>>\
<<set $BallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$PC.BallsSize]>>\
<<set $BallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$PC.BallsSize]>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.TinyDick to $StatusAffect.TinyDick -1>>\
<<set $PC.DickSize to $PC.DickSize +2>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.BigDick to 1>>\
<<set $DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$PC.DickSize]>>\
<<set $DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$PC.DickSize]>>\
<<set $PC.BallsSize =+ $PC.BallsSize +2>>\
<<set $BallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$PC.BallsSize]>>\
<<set $BallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$PC.BallsSize]>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.TinyDick is 0>>\
  As you lay there recovering from your mind-blowing orgasm, the two Infested finally pull their fat titties away from your dick. To your confusion you discover that your shrunken _DickSD _DickSize dick is back to being a proper $DickSD $DickSize piece of man-meat! "Thank God! I'm finally back to my original size!" you mumble as you give your $DickSize cock that's oozing cum from the tip a look of relief at the familiar shape and size!
  Laughing in delight, _TN1 admires your $DickSD dick as _TN2 starts to lick your hot seed off of _TN1's _ISD breasts. "Fuck _TN2! Keep sucking on my big tits!" she moans as _TN2 kisses and sucks on her breasts before continuing "Looks like someone's now packing a $DickSize cream-filled sausage! Fuck yeah! I love seeing a nub grow into a foot long club even if you were already pretty big so I guess it's now a $DickSize club?!"
  _TN2 gives _TN1's cream glazed tits one last long lick with her long tongue before she glances down at your cum-covered dick. "Oh my! Your cock is looking back to its big beefy size! Makes me want to take a ride on that $DickSize meat staff!" Gasping softly she moans " Ooooh! My big titties feel so good when you suck on them, _TN1!" Your cock twitches at the sight of _TN1 returning the favor by licking your sticky mess off of _TN2's _ISD2 perky chest and you feel your balls pulse with desire as they work overtime to produce more baby-batter as you lay on the ground watching the two Infested finish licking each other's chests clean of your cum.
  As you lay there recovering from your mind-blowing orgasm, the two Infested finally pull their fat titties away from your dick. To your confusion you discover that your shrunken _DickSD _DickSize dick is now a $DickSD $DickSize piece of man-meat! "At least I'm partially back to my original size?" you mumble as you give your $DickSize cock that's oozing cum from the tip a look of relief at your beefier, thicker meat rod!
  Laughing in delight, _TN1 admires your $DickSD dick as _TN2 starts to lick your hot seed off of _TN1's _ISD breasts. "Fuck _TN2! Keep sucking on my big tits!" she moans as _TN2 kisses and sucks on her breasts before continuing "Looks like someone's now packing a $DickSize cream-filled sausage! Fuck yeah! I love seeing a nub grow into a foot long club even if you were already pretty big so I guess it's now a $DickSize club?!"
  _TN2 gives _TN1's cream glazed tits one last long lick with her long tongue before she glances down at your cum-covered dick. "Oh my! Your cock is looking a bit bigger now! Makes me want to take a ride on that $DickSize meat staff!" Gasping softly she moans " Ooooh! My big titties feel so good when you suck on them, _TN1!" Your cock twitches at the sight of _TN1 returning the favor by licking your sticky mess off of _TN2's _ISD2 perky chest and you feel your balls pulse with desire as they work overtime to produce more baby-batter as you lay on the ground watching the two Infested finish licking each other's chests clean of your cum.
  "Seems like someone has some more juice in their $BallsSD sperm tanks! I think it's about time we take that big dick of yours for a test drive and see about draining those $BallsSize balls of yours dry!" _TN1 says as she breaks away from _TN2 before standing above you while looking down at your fully erect dick.
  You watch eagerly as the sexy Infested plants her _IAss ass onto your lap with her dripping cunt sliding against your hard shaft. A soft moan escapes your lips as she rubs her pussy against your throbbing dick, smearing your cum all over her pussy lips. Hearing your lusty moans, _TN1 smirks before impaling her slippery cunt onto your hard cock!
  "Holy shit! Your pussy feels so amazing!" you groan loudly as all $DickSize's are buried deep inside her cunt! She doesn't waste any time before she's bouncing up and down your $DickSD shaft causing her _ICup breasts to bounce and jiggle from the erotic movements and you can't help but moan from how fucking pleasurable it feels to have your big cock deep inside her extremely tight cunt!
  Leaning forward, _TN1 huskily asks "You like that, don't ya? The divine feeling of your big strong cock deep inside my tight pussy as my big titties bounce in front of your face?" Cupping her _ICup titties, she jiggles and bounces them right in front of your eyes while not missing a single beat as she expertly rides your dick. Your eyes can't help but focus on her diamond hard _INip long nipples and you wonder how it would taste to suck on those fun bags!
  As you are about to respond, _TN2 speaks up "Oh I bet he's feeling real good right now but I want to have some fun too!" Glancing over at _TN2 you discover that she has a huge double-ended dildo inserted in her pussy and she's aiming it right at _TN1's _IAss juicy derriere! "And by having fun I mean fucking my BFF's big fucking ass!
  _TN1 gasps loudly as _TN2 presses her fake cock against her bouncy bottom and you can feel her dildo pushing in as _TN1 becomes double-stuffed! Not one to hold back _TN2 starts to go to pound town on _TN1's big ass as she grunts loudly.
  The busty Infested squeals in delight at being double teamed by you and _TN2 and starts passionately bouncing on your cock again much to your vigorous pleasure. "Fuck yes! Fuck my ass as I ride this stud's big $DickSize cock!" _TN1 yells as she synchs up her movements with _TN2's thrusts causing her _ISD titties to bounce wildly in front of your face. Unable to resist, you grab her big fucking tits and start to fondle those heavy fun bags!
  The pleasure radiating from your dick intensifies as _TN1 slowly speeds up her pace as _TN2 rails her _IAss rear. "I love fucking your big jiggly ass! Feels so fucking amazing! Makes me wish I had a futa-cock of my own!" _TN2 moans as she gropes her own _ISD2 jugs.
  "Oh fuck! I'm, uhhh, not sure how much...Fuck yes! How much longer I can last!" you moan loudly as you feel your cum-filled balls churn with hot seed, eager to be unleashed. Your words spur them on as the threeway fuckfest intensifies with your $DickSD dick being repeatedly buried deep inside _TN1's tight pussy as you squeeze and maul her _ICup tits!
  Grunting loudly from her vigorous efforts, _TN2 yells "Do it! I want you to creampie her slutty pussy with so much cum that _TN1's cunt leaks for days!" She continues to frantically plow her friend's bouncy derriere while her _ISD2 breasts sways freely. _TN1 is too out of it to do more than moan and pant loudly as her pussy and ass are being destroyed by the double-team of your throbbing dick and the other Infested's fake cock.
<<set $PCChanges.DickGrowth to "Sex">>\
<<set _DickSD to $DickSD>>\
<<set _DickSize to $DickSize>>\
<<set _MaxSize to 11>>\
<<set _TempCalc to _MaxSize - $PC.DickSize>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.BigDick to $StatusAffect.BigDick + (_TempCalc -1)>>\
<<set $PC.DickSize =+ $PC.DickSize + _TempCalc>>\
<<set $DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$PC.DickSize]>>\
<<set $DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$PC.DickSize]>>\
<<set $PC.BallsSize =+ $PC.BallsSize + _TempCalc>>\
<<set $BallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$PC.BallsSize]>>\
<<set $BallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$PC.BallsSize]>>\
<<set $Cum.Stored to $Cum.Max>>\
<<set $CumAD to $arrayCumAmountDesc[$Cum.Stored]>>\
  You let out a loud breathy moan as you feel your _DickSize shaft completely engulfed by the big squishy titties of the two busty Infested! "Fuck! Your tits are so fucking amazing! Keep going!" you groan as _TN1 starts to titty-fuck you with her _ISD tits while _TN2 swiftly follows along with her _ISD2 jugs, giving your cock a titty sandwitch.
  "Look at this horny loser, moaning and begging for our big titties!" _TN1 says with a lusty smirk. "I mean, his _DickSD dick is so small that his nub can't even be seen!" Even with her dismissive tone she still keeps a steady pace, stroking your hard throbbing dick with her perky tits. She is right about the fact her titties are so big your dick is dwarfed by her _ISD jugs and remains deeply buried deep inside that fleshy mountain range.
  "I know! But we have to get him pumped up, like ASAP!" _TN2 moans as she jiggles her _ICup2 tits against your throbbing shaft while working in synch with _TN1 to give you an such an exquisite double titty-fuck! Your eyes lock on to where her hard nipples are rubbing against her friend's rubbery nubs as their titties bounce enthusiastically in your lap! "Looks like the little guy is enjoying our big tits! Good news is that that tiny weiner isn't going to be so tiny for much longer!" _TN2 smirks sinfully as she watches your lustful reactions.
  Groaning loudly, you gasp out "Fuck! Your big o'titties feel so fucking amazing!" as your hard throbbing shaft is repeatedly buried between both of the Infested's massive boobage. It feels so incredible that you almost miss the slowly building warm sensation that's radiating from your hard cock. With each heartbeat you can feel the sensation grow stronger as if pushing your dick to grow to greater heights! Unable to hold back you start to uncontrollably thrust into the Infested's titty mountains as you feel the warm sensation reach your cum-filled balls!
  "That's it! Keep humping our big tits with your tiny dick! Keep going until you shoot your hot sticky goo all over them!" _TN1 moans huskily as she watches you surrender yourself to your erotic desires. _TN2 smiles in anticipation as she watches your frantic efforts to find release by slamming your dick rapidly into the titty valley's of the two busty Infested. With each new thrust the pleasure spikes even higher than the last and it feels like you are ramming the gates of Heaven with no chance of holding back!
  Thrusting one last time, you bellow out "Fuck yes! I'm shooting my big load all over your big fucking tits!" To your amazement the tip of your cock manages to escape to the top of their titty prison before shooting a $CumAD ribbon of hot baby-batter all over _TN1 and _TN2's big jugs and faces! Your intense orgasm seems to last forever as more and $CumAD squirts of hot goo splatter all over their slippery tits!
  As you lay there recovering from your mind-blowing orgasm, the two Infested finally pull their titties away from your dick. To your shock you discover that your _DickSD _DickSize dick is now a $DickSD $DickSize piece of man-meat! "What the hell?" you stammer as you stare at your big $DickSize cock that's oozing cum from the tip partially in disbelief but another part of you looks on in pride at your beefier, thicker meat rod!
  Laughing in delight, _TN1 admires your $DickSD dick as _TN2 starts to lick your hot seed off of _TN1's _ISD breasts. "Fuck _TN2! Keep sucking on my big tits!" she moans as _TN2 kisses and sucks on her breasts before continuing "Looks like someone's now packing a $DickSize cream-filled sausage! Fuck yeah! I love seeing a nub grow into a foot long club!"
  _TN2 gives _TN1's cream glazed tits one last long lick with her long tongue before she glances down at your cum-covered dick. "Oh my! Your cock is looking so much bigger now! Makes me want to take a ride on that $DickSize meat staff!" Gasping softly she moans "Ooooh! My big titties feels so good when you suck on them, _TN1!" Your cock twitches at the sight of _TN1 returning the favor by licking your sticky mess off of _TN2's _ISD2 perky chest and you feel your balls pulse with desire as they work overtime to produce more baby-batter as you lay on the ground watching the two Infested finish licking each other's chests clean of your cum.
  "Seems like someone has some more juice in their $BallsSD sperm tanks! I think it's about time we take that new and improved big dick of yours for a test drive and see about draining those $BallsSize balls of yours dry!" _TN1 says as she breaks away from _TN2 before standing above you while looking down at your fully erect dick.
  You watch eagerly as the sexy Infested plants her _IAss ass onto your lap with her dripping cunt sliding against your hard shaft. A soft moan escapes your lips as she rubs her pussy against your throbbing dick, smearing your cum all over her pussy lips. Hearing your lusty moans, _TN1 smirks before impaling her slippery cunt onto your hard cock!
  "Holy shit! Your pussy feels so amazing!" you groan loudly as all $DickSize's are buried deep inside her cunt! She doesn't waste any time before she's bouncing up and down your $DickSD shaft causing her _ICup breasts to bounce and jiggle from the erotic movements and you can't help but moan from how fucking pleasurable it feels to have your big cock deep inside her extremely tight cunt!
  Leaning forward, _TN1 huskily asks "You like that, don't ya? The divine feeling of your big strong cock deep inside my tight pussy as my big titties bounce in front of your face?" Cupping her _ICup titties, she jiggles and bounces them right in front of your eyes while not missing a single beat as she expertly rides your dick. Your eyes can't help but focus on her diamond hard _INip long nipples and you wonder how it would taste to suck on those fun bags!
  As you are about to respond, _TN2 speaks up "Oh I bet he's feeling real good right now but I want to have some fun too!" Glancing over at _TN2 you discover that she has a huge double-ended dildo inserted in her pussy and she's aiming it right at _TN1's _IAss juicy derriere! "And by having fun I mean fucking my BFF's big fucking ass!
  _TN1 gasps loudly as _TN2 presses her fake cock against her bouncy bottom and you can feel her dildo pushing in as _TN1 becomes double-stuffed! Not one to hold back _TN2 starts to go to pound town on _TN1's big ass as she grunts loudly.
  The busty Infested squeals in delight at being double teamed by you and _TN2 and starts passionately bouncing on your cock once again much to your vigorous pleasure. "Fuck yes! Fuck my ass as I ride this stud's big $DickSize cock!" _TN1 yells as she syncs up her movements with _TN2's thrusts causing her _ISD titties to bounce wildly in front of your face. Unable to resist, you grab her big fucking tits and start to fondle those heavy fun bags!
  The pleasure radiating from your dick intensifies as _TN1 slowly speeds up her pace matching _TN2's powerful efforts as she rails her _IAss rear. "I love fucking your big jiggly ass! Feels so fucking amazing! Makes me wish I had a futa-cock of my own!" _TN2 moans as she gropes her own _ISD2 jugs.
  "Oh fuck! I'm, uhhh, not sure how much...Fuck yes! How much longer I can last!" you moan loudly as you feel your cum-filled balls churn with hot seed, eager to be unleashed. Your words spur them on as the threeway fuckfest intensifies with your $DickSD dick being repeatedly buried deep inside _TN1's tight pussy as you squeeze and maul her _ICup tits!
  Grunting loudly from her vigorous efforts, _TN2 yells "Do it! I want you to creampie her slutty pussy with so much cum that _TN1's cunt leaks for days!" She continues to frantically plow her friend's bouncy derriere while her _ISD2 breasts sways freely. _TN1 is too out of it to do more than moan and pant loudly as her pussy and ass are being destroyed by the double-team of your throbbing dick and the other Infested's fake cock.
<<if $PC.Infestation is $Infestation.Cap and $Infestation.Progress > 1>>\
<<include "Infestation Increase">>\
<<set _DickSize to $DickSize>>\
  As you slam your <<Penis>> into _TN1's wet cunt you feel a surge of energy flowing directly into you! It almost feels like you are burning up but it quickly turns to pleasure that radiates from your hard cock and your cum-filled balls.
  Finally reaching your limit, you thrust your growing cock deep inside the Infested's extremely tight pussy before bellowing out "Oh Fuckkkk! I'm shooting my load deep inside your fucking cunt with my big fucking dick!" Your cum-heavy balls give one last pulse before the flood gates open and a tidal wave of hot seed shoots out of your hard dick! It feels so amazing that you see stars for a brief moment as your gooey semen floods the Infested's pussy and womb before leaking down below!
  Feeling you creampie her overstuffed pussy pushes _TN1 past her limits as she screams out "Oh God yes! I can feel your dick getting bigger and bigger! Fuck yes I'm cumming all over your big fat cock!" Before you can react to her words you find your face buried in her _ISD cleavage as she slams her _ICup titties into your head as her whole body shakes and quivers from her intense orgasm. Her extremely wet cunt squeezes your cock tightly as squirts out a massive wave of girl-cum all over your throbbing dick!
  Seeing you creampie her BFF's tight pussy along with _TN1's own intense orgasm pushes _TN2 over her edge as she screams out "You're not the only one with big fucking dick! I'm cumming all over my massive dildo!" as she rapidly shoves the double-ended dildo deep inside _TN1's _IAss ass pushing _TN1's tits even deeper into your face!
  As you all lay there recoverying for mutual orgasms eventually _TN1 stands up with your cum dripping from your pussy. As your dick finally escapes the tight prison of _TN1's pussy you can confirm that you now have a $DickSD $DickSize cock along with a nice pair of $BallsSD $BallsSize balls! Before you can really process that information, the _TN2 grabs your $DickSD dick and gives it a slow stroke causing some more cum to ooze from the tip. She lustfully says "Looks like you are on your way to becoming one hot stud!"
  Finally reaching your limit, you thrust your throbbing cock deep inside the Infested's tight pussy before bellowing out "Oh Fuckkkk! I'm shooting my load deep inside your fucking cunt!" Your cum-heavy balls give one last pulse before the flood gates open and a $CumAD flood of hot seed shoots out of your hard dick! It feels so amazing that you see stars for a brief moment as your gooey semen floods the Infested's pussy and womb!
  Feeling you creampie her extremely tight pussy pushes _TN1 past her limits as she screams out "Oh God yes! I'm cumming all over your big fat cock!" Before you can react to her words you find your face buried in her _ISD cleavage as she slams her _ICup titties into your head as her whole body shakes and quivers from her intense orgasm. Her extremely wet cunt squeezes your cock tightly as squirts out a massive wave of girl-cum all over your dick!
  Seeing you shoot your $CumAD load into her BFF's tight pussy along with _TN1's own intense orgasm pushes _TN2 over her edge as she screams out "Fuck yes! I'm cumming all over my massive dildo!" as she rapidly shoves the double-ended dildo deep inside _TN1's _IAss ass pushing _TN1's tits even deeper into your face!
  The only thing you can do is lay there exhausted from your powerful orgasms. Cumming twice in such a short time has left you feeling drained but there's something telling you that you should be good to go here shortly as you can feel your balls working overtime to resupply all that baby-batter you've spent.
  Both of the Infested looks to recovery faster than you as they gather their belongings. "That was fucking awesome!" says _TN1 as she gazes at your $DickSize dick covered in her pussy juices. "We have to do this again and again sometime!"
  "I agree! See ya around, stud!" replies _TN2 as they link up arms and walk away leaving you to slowly recover your strength and gather your discarded clothes. It takes you a few minutes but you eventually gather all your supplies and prepare to continue your journey. <<if _dickState is 5>>Something tells you that you will probably need to stay away from any Dr. Pecker's for awhile as you stare at your $DickSize dick.<</if>><<set $femaleNames1 to ["Amy", "Beth", "Cathy", "Danielle", "Erica", "Fiona", "Ginny", "Helen", "Irene", "Jessica", "Kathy", "Lucy", "Mary", "Nancy", "Olivia", "Paula", "Rita", "Stacy", "Tracy", "Zelda"]>>\
<<set $femaleNames2 to ["Alice", "Bella", "Charlotte", "Daisy", "Emily", "Faith", "Gianna", "Hannah", "Ivy", "Julia", "Kate", "Leah", "Mia", "Naomi", "Paige", "Rachel", "Selena", "Tabitha", "Valerie", "Zoey"]>>\
<<set $maleNames1 to ["Alex", "Bob", "Chris", "Dusty", "Emmanuel", "Fred", "George", "Harry", "Ivan", "James", "Kyle", "Larry", "Marx", "Neil", "Oscar", "Perry", "Ryan", "Sean", "Tim", "Zedd"]>>\
<<set $raiderNames1 to ["Yellow", "Red", "Green", "Purple", "Orange", "White", "Black", "Burning", "Shocking", "Freezing", "Melting", "Fire", "Ice", "Acid", "Ice", "Rainbow", "Loud", "Screaming", "Civiton", "Hungry"]>>\
<<set $raiderNames2 to ["Jackets", "Sky", "Grass", "Rain", "Diamonds", "Scarecrows", "Night", "Rock", "Skulls", "Bones", "Fever", "Decay", "Leaf", "Gunners", "Militia", "Homies", "Defense Force", "Security", "League", "Guild"]>>\<img src="Images/Home/Home.jpg" max-width:100% height:auto />
<<if $PC.Sex is "Futa" or $StatusAffect.Futa > 0>>\
<<set _Sex to "Futa">>\
<<elseif $PC.Sex is "Female" and $StatusAffect.Futa < 1>>\
<<set _Sex to "Female">>\
<<set _Sex to "Male" and $StatusAffect.Futa < 1>>\
<<switch _Sex>>
<<case "Futa">>\
Would you like to keep your Infested level/changes along with remaining a Futa, plus any changes to your dick/balls/breasts and ass?
<<case "Female">>\
Would you like to keep your Infested level/changes along with any changes to your breasts and ass?
Would you like to keep your Infested level/changes along with any changes to your dick and balls?
<<button [[Keep Changes|New Game Plus Keep]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set $BadEnd to 0>>\
<<button [[Revert Changes|New Game Plus Revert]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set $BadEnd to 0>>\
<img src="Images/Home/Home.jpg" max-width:100% height:auto />
<<include "Events">>\
<<include "NPCs">>\
<<include "Quests">>\
<<set $copEvent.Sex to $PC.Sex>>\
<<set $copEvent.DickSize to $PC.DickSize>>\
<<set $copEvent.BreastSize to $PC.BreastsSize>>\
<<include "SpecialAttacks">>\
<<include "Infested Enemies">>\
<<include "Combat Status Affects">>\
<<if $TotalFood < 27>>\
<<set $TotalFood to 27>>
<<set $sexHistory to {TotalV: 1, TrueVirginityWho: "None", PenisV: 1, PenisVirginityWho: "None", PussyV: 1, PussyVirginityWho: "None", AssV: 1, AssVirginityWho: "None", MouthV: 1, MouthVirginityWho: "None", LastPartner: $PC, LastPartnerType: "Human", Consent: "Yes", Type: "Masturbation", XP: 0}>>\
<<set $LastPartner to $infestedTutorialFemale>>\
<<set _tempLoot to $lootInfestedFemale.random()>>\
<<set $PCInventory.push(_tempLoot)>>\
<<set $Infestation.Progesss to 0>>\
<<set $Infestation.Base to 0>>\
<<set $Infestation.Min to 0>>\
<<set $Infestation.Cap to 50>>\
<<set $PC.Infestation to $Infestation.Min>>\
<<set $Infestation.FutaVariant to 0>>\
<<set $Infestation.GrowFutaVariant to 0>>\
<<if $Infestation.MilkProgress > 0>>\
<<set $Infestation.MilkProgress to 0>>\
<<set $Charisma to $Charisma -2>>\
<<set $CharismaBonus to (($Charisma - 10)/2)>>\
<<set $Infestation.MilkVariant to 0>>\
<<set $Infestation.JunkVariant to 0>>\
<<set $Infestation.BruiseVariant to 0>>\
<<if $Infestation.BruiseProgress > 0>>\
<<set $Infestation.BruiseProgress to 0>>\
<<set $Strength to $Strength -2>>\
<<set $StrengthBonus to (($Strength - 10)/2)>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Horny to 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Energized to 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Thirsty to 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Vaccine to 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Futa to 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.BigDick to 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.BigTits to 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.MilkTits to 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.BigAss to 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Wet to 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumFilled to 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.SiliconeB to 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.SiliconeA to 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.SiliconeD to 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Hungry to 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Starving to 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Sick to 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Pregnant to 0>>\
<<set $PC.Sex to $PC.OSex>>\
<<switch $CharismaBonus>>\
<<case 0 1>>\
<<set _SexBonus to 0>>\
<<case 2 3>>\
<<set _SexBonus to 1>>\
<<set _SexBonus to 2>>\
<<switch $PC.Sex>>\
<<case "Male">>\
<<set $PC.OSex to "Male">>\
<<set $PC.HasPenis to 1>>\
<<set $PC.DickSize to 3 + _SexBonus>>\
<<set $PC.ODickSize to 3 + _SexBonus>>\
<<set $PC.MDickSize to 1>>\
<<set $PC.BallsSize to 2 + _SexBonus>>\
<<set $PC.OBallsSize to 2 + _SexBonus>>\
<<set $PC.MBallsSize to 1>>\
<<set $PC.BreastsSize to 0>>\
<<set $PC.OBreastsSize to 0>>\
<<set $PC.MBreastsSize to 0>>\
<<set $PC.MMBreastsSize to $BreastsSize>>\
<<set $PC.AssSize to 0>>\
<<set $PC.OAssSize to 0>>\
<<set $PC.MAssSize to 0>>\
<<set $PC.Pro to $playerPath+"male-pro.jpg">>\
<<set $arrayPCGender = $arrayPCGenderBoy>>\
<<set $Milk.Max to 1 + _SexBonus + $CharismaBonus>>\
<<set $Milk.Min to 0>>\
<<set $Cum.Max to 3 + $CharismaBonus>>\
<<set $Cum.Min to 1>>\
<<set $Cum.Stored to $Cum.Max>>\
<<set $CumAD to $arrayCumAmountDesc[$Cum.Stored]>>\
<<set $DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$PC.DickSize]>>\
<<set $DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$PC.DickSize]>>\
<<set $BallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$PC.BallsSize]>>\
<<set $BallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$PC.BallsSize]>>\
<<set $PC.OSex to "Female">>\
<<set $PC.HasPenis to 0>>\
<<set $PC.BreastsSize to 1 + _SexBonus>>\
<<set $PC.OBreastsSize to 1 + _SexBonus>>\
<<set $PC.MBreastsSize to 1>>\
<<set $PC.MMBreastsSize to $BreastsSize>>\
<<set $PC.NippleSize to 1 + _SexBonus>>\
<<set $PC.HasPussy to 1>>\
<<set $PC.AssSize to 1 + _SexBonus>>\
<<set $PC.OAssSize to 1 + _SexBonus>>\
<<set $PC.MAssSize to 0>>\
<<set $Milk.Max to 1 + _SexBonus + $CharismaBonus>>\
<<set $Milk.Min to 0>>\
<<set $GCum.Min to 1>>\
<<set $GCum.Max to 3 + $CharismaBonus>>\
<<set $GCum.Stored to $GCum.Max>>\
<<set $PC.Pro to $playerPath+"female-pro.jpg">>\
<<set $arrayPCGender = $arrayPCGenderGirl >>\
<<set $BreastSD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set $BreastsSize to $arrayBreastSize[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set $NippleSize to $arrayNippleSize[$PC.NippleSize]>>\
<<set $AssSize to $arrayAssSizeDesc[$PC.AssSize]>>\
<<switch $PC.Class>>\
<<case "Athlete">>\
<<set $HomeStorage.push($weapon.handwraps)>>\
<<set $HomeStorage.push($item.recipeHandwraps)>>\
<<case "Celebrity">>\
<<set $ClassBonus.Celebrity to ($Prof.Social / 2)>>\
<<set $HomeStorage.push($weapon.baseballbat)>>\
<<set $HomeStorage.push($item.recipeBaseballBat)>>\
<<set $HomeStorage.push($weapon.kitchenknife)>>\
<<set $HomeStorage.push($item.recipeKitchenKnife)>>\
<<case "Medic">>\
<<set $HomeStorage.push($weapon.shotgun28)>>\
<<set $HomeStorage.push($item.recipeShotgun28)>>\
<<set $PCInventory.push($item.medicfirstaid)>>\
<<case "Officer">>\
<<set $HomeStorage.push($weapon.pistol22mm)>>\
<<set $HomeStorage.push($item.recipePistol22mm)>>\
<<case "Programmer">>\
<<set $HomeStorage.push($weapon.fencingsword)>>\
<<set $HomeStorage.push($item.recipeFencingSword)>>\
<<case "Ranger">>\
<<set $HomeStorage.push($weapon.pistolcrossbow)>>\
<<set $HomeStorage.push($item.recipePistolCrossbow)>>\
<<if $Prof.Cooking > 0>>\
/* If you are cooking trained get your free recipe! */
<<set $HomeStorage.push($item.recipeSpeedySandwich)>>\
<<if $Prof.Crafting > 0>>\
/* If you are crafting trained get your free recipe! */
<<set $HomeStorage.push($item.recipeJacket)>>\
You live at your parent's house while going to the local college, Civiton University. A strange sex cult called the Cult of Walking Love showed up at the college and due to some misunderstandings with your friend David, you decided to come home for a couple of days. That day, your $dad.Relationship, who tends to work as a contractor for various government agencies shows up with milk shakes that he is strangely insistant on everyone drinking. Afterwards you pass out and wake up a week later to a bunch of sex zombies called Infested running around. Luckily a local sheriff named Mark helped saved you from a Infested that had broken into your home. Your family is missing and you are low on food while the Infested owns the streets. Looks like it's time to kick ass, rescue your family and get some lovin' on!
You start out with <<print _tempLoot.name>> dropped by the Infested defeated by Officer Mark!
<<button [[Time to Start Your Adventure|PCRoom]]>>
<<set $lust to $lust + random(10) +40>>\
<<set $NoEncounter to 0>>\
<<set $Time.Current to 0>>\
<<set $Time.MiniTime to 0>>\
<<set $Time.Day to 1>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<set $questsMainStory.PartOne to 1>>\
<<set $questsFamilyMom.Started to 1>>\
<<set $questsFamilySister.Started to 1>>\
<</button>><img src="Images/Home/Death.jpg" width="768px" height="512px"/>
<<set $Achievements.StarvingAir to 1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Starving to 0>>\
  As you lay down on your bed in exhaustion, your stomach aches as the sensation of starving is making it hard to fall asleep. Unable to find any edible food for a over a week now you wonder how many nutrients Infested cum has as your desperation makes the unsavory idea a possible life-saving one. Closing your eyes you find yourself drifting off to sleep...for the last time. Your food deprived body can't handle it anymore as your life slowly slips from your hungry grip. This ends your journey and the mystery of the origins of the Infested Virus will remain unsolved, for now.
<<include "Bad Endings 2">>\<img src="Images/Home/Kitchen.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _hungry to 0>>\
<<for $i = 0; $i < $PCInventory.length; $i++>>\
<<set $efood = $PCInventory[$i]>>\
<<if $efood.type is "food">>\
<<set _FoodAmount to $efood.quality>>\
<<set _tempCalc to Math.round(_FoodAmount / 3)>>\
<<if _tempCalc < 1>>\
<<set _tempCalc to 1>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.Hungry > 0>>\
<<set _hungry to 1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Hungry to $StatusAffect.Hungry - _tempCalc>>\
<<set $TotalFood to $TotalFood + _FoodAmount>>\
<<set $PCInventory.delete($efood)>>\
<<if $TotalFood >= 0 and _hungry > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Hungry to 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Starving to 0>>\
  You make a quick meal in order to finally take care of that pesky hungry sensation that's been messing with you for a while. After finishing off your delicious meal you store the remaining food in the cabinets and fridge.
<<elseif $TotalFood < 0 and $StatusAffect.Hungry > 0>>\
  You make a quick meal in order to finally take care of that pesky hungry sensation that's been messing with you for a while. Even after your meal you are still filling a bit hungry.
  You quickly store the various food supplies found around the area in the cabinets and fridge.
<<button [[Finish|Kitchen]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</button>><<set $sexHistory.XP to $sexHistory.XP +1>>\
<<set $LastPartner to $genericFighter>>\
<<set _DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$genericFighter.DickSize]>>\
<<set _DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$genericFighter.DickSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$genericFighter.BallsSize]>>
<<set _BallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$genericFighter.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$genericFighter.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$genericFighter.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _INip to $arrayNippleSize[$genericFighter.NippleSize]>>\
<<set _IAss to $arrayAssSizeDesc[$genericFighter.AssSize]>>\
<<set _SizeComp to $PC.BreastsSize - $genericFighter.Level + ($GeneralFeats.FalseRep *2)>>\
<<if _SizeComp < 0>>\
<<set _SizeComp to 0>>\
<<set _SizeComp2 to $PC.AssSize - $genericFighter.Level + ($GeneralFeats.FalseRep *2)>>\
<<if _SizeComp2 < 0>>\
<<set _SizeComp2 to 0>>\
  As you collapse from your defeat at the hands of the $genericFighter.Name, she gives you a fiercely aggressive look of pure lust. Staring down at you, she growls huskily "Ok, little girl. My big futa-cock is feeling extra randy today so I'm going to need you to bend over and spread those ass cheeks of yours nice and wide!" The muscle-bound Futa pulls out her _DickSize dick and impatiently waits for you to obey her order. You quickly get on your knees with your $AssSize butt aimed straight at her _DickSD cock!
<<switch _SizeComp2>>\
<<case 0 1 2 3 4 5>>\
<<set $PCChanges.AssGrowth to "Silicone">>\
<<set _AssSize to $AssSize>>\
<<set $PC.AssSize to $PC.AssSize + 2>>\
<<set $AssSize to $arrayAssSizeDesc[$PC.AssSize]>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.SiliconeA to $StatusAffect.SiliconeA + 2>>\
  "Damn, girl! Your ass is as flat as a pancake and nowhere are tasty as one!" $genericFighter.Name2 growls as she stares at your _AssSize derriere in disappointment. Shaking her head, she says "Good thing I have these! as she pulls out two oversized needles!
  "Wait! What's the fuck is that?!?!" you yell as you stare at the huge-ass needles the Futa is just casually waving around. $genericFighter.Name2 looks startled for a moment by your outburst before laughing loudly in response.
  "Oh these? It's called something like 'Big Ass-itus', I think? I don't know how it works but it can permanently pump someone's ass up to a nice big size using something called Silicone-X! Luckily I know a doctor who is willing to keep me supplied with these at a nice price and luckily for you, you get a couple of shots for free!" she explains while aiming those huge needles filled with some type of clear fluids right at your naked ass!
  Before you can put up any resistance, you feel those sharp needles jam hard into your _AssSize bottom! It doesn't take long until the feeling of liquid gel starts to flow into your ass causing you to gasp in pleasure. It feels surprisingly good as you feel your asscheeks slowly expand as the silicone fills your butt. Your nipples are rock hard as you try to stifle a pleasure filled moan all while the $genericFighter.Name watches the changes.
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered +1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumFilled to $StatusAffect.CumFilled +1>>\<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<set _Fog to 0>>\
<<set _Rain to 0>>\
<<set _Cold to 0>>\
<<set _Wind to 0>>\
<<switch $Weather.Current>>\
<<case "Cloudy" "Windy">>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/River Park Marina 1.jpg" />
<<set _Wind to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<case "Foggy">>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/River Park Marina-F 1.jpg" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<case "Misty">>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/River Park Marina-F 1.jpg" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Rainy" "Stormy">>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/River Park Marina-R 1.jpg" />
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Dreary">>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/River Park Marina-R 1.jpg" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Sleeting">>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/River Park Marina-S 1.jpg" />
<<set _Cold to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Snowy">>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/River Park Marina-S 1.jpg" />
<<set _Cold to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $Time.Current > 6>>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/River Park Marina-N 1.jpg" />
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/River Park Marina 1.jpg" />
<<set $location.temp to "West Sunrise View Silver Tree & River Path">>\
<<set $location.coord to 21>>\
<<set $locationGeneric to $locationWestSunriseView>>\
<<set $location.Encounter to "West Sunrise View">>\
<<set $location.Event to "West Sunrise View">>\
<<if $Time.Current >= $Time.Max >>\
<<set _State to "TooLate">>\
<<set $NoEncounter to 1>>\
<<if $NoEncounter < 1>>\
<<include "Random Encounter Check">>\
Location: $locationGeneric.Zone
You are standing in the outer edge of the almost completely destroyed Civiton South Marina. Several severely damaged piers still jutt out into the South Haven river but all of the small ships are now resting on the bottom of the river. Most of the buildings have also been destroyed by fire and bombs. Luckily there's still a Ammo World building standing with only some minor fire damage and it looks to be open for business even if the door's have heavy metal bars and a couple of cameras to keep the undesirables out. To the west River Path wanders along the river's edge while to the east the destroyed remains of the marina blocks the eastern section of River Path. To the north Silver Tree road heads towards the industrial parts of Sunrise View.
<<if $StatusText.Notice is 1>>\
<<include "Update Status">>\
<<if _Rain > 0 and $StatusAffect.Wet < _Rain>>\
<<set _Rain to _Rain - $PCResistance.Water>>\
<<if _Rain > $StatusAffect.Wet>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Wet to _Rain>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I'm getting soaking wet!</i> </div>
<<if _Cold > 0 and $PCResistance.Cold < _Cold>>\
<<set _tempDamage to random(_Cold) + $StatusAffect.Wet>>\
<<set _tempDamage2 to _tempDamage - $PCResistance.Cold>>\
<<if _tempDamage2 > 0>>\
<<set $HP to $HP - _tempDamage2>>\
<<if $HP < 1>>\
<<set $HP to 1>>\
You take _tempDamage2 cold damage!
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I'm freezing to death!</i>
<FONT COLOR="RED">The Civiton South Marina will be opening soon!</FONT>
<<switch _State>>\
<<case "TooLate">>\
<<set $Time.Current to $Time.Max>>\
It's too dangerous to explore the Sunrise View river park at this time of night.
<<button [[Return Home|Sunrise View Returning Home]]>>
<<set $NoEncounter to 0>>\
<<case "Ambush">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Ambushed to 1>>\
You've been ambushed by an enemy!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<case "Combat">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
A hostile enemy is roaming nearby!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<case "NPC">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
You've encountered something unusual!
<<button [[Encounter|West Sunrise View Events]]>>
<<set $location.prev to $location.temp>>\
<<button [[Explore one of the Empty Buildings|West Sunrise View - Office Building]]>>
<<set $location.temp2 to $location.temp>>\
<<button [[Look around the Area|West Sunrise View Event Scout]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Scout the Area for Enemies|West Sunrise View Scouting]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Enter Ammo World|Ammo World - Inside]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[North to Southern Silver Tree|West Sunrise View Silver Tree South]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[West to Eastern River Path|West Sunrise View River Path East]]>> <</button>>
<<if $lust >= ($MaxLust / 2) or $GeneralFeats.Horndog > 0>>\
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Masturbate|Masturbate]]>> </span>
<</switch>>\<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<set _Fog to 0>>\
<<set _Rain to 0>>\
<<set _Cold to 0>>\
<<set _Wind to 0>>\
<<switch $Weather.Current>>\
<<case "Cloudy" "Windy">>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/Sunrise View 12.jpg" />
<<set _Wind to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<case "Foggy">>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/Sunrise View-F 12.jpg" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<case "Misty">>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/Sunrise View-F 12.jpg" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Rainy" "Stormy">>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/Sunrise View-R 12.jpg" />
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Dreary">>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/Sunrise View-R 12.jpg" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Sleeting">>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/Sunrise View-S 12.jpg" />
<<set _Cold to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Snowy">>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/Sunrise View-S 12.jpg" />
<<set _Cold to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $Time.Current > 6>>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/Sunrise View-N 12.jpg" />
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/Sunrise View 12.jpg" />
<<set $location.temp to "West Sunrise View Silver Tree South">>\
<<set $location.coord to 15>>\
<<set $locationGeneric to $locationWestSunriseView>>\
<<set $location.Encounter to "West Sunrise View">>\
<<set $location.Event to "West Sunrise View">>\
<<if $Time.Current >= $Time.Max >>\
<<set _State to "TooLate">>\
<<set $NoEncounter to 1>>\
<<if $NoEncounter < 1>>\
<<include "Random Encounter Check">>\
You are standing on the narrow street of Silver Tree road located just north of the Civiton South Marina which is located on South Haven river. Multiple tall buildings line the street with several wires and cables connecting across the thin steet. Several signs of Infested presence can be seen as large puddles of smelly sexual fluids stain the building's cracked sidewalks while lewd graffiti fills the walls. To the north Silver Tree road continues to Bronze Cup while to the south Silver Tree road intersects with River Path at the Civiton South Marina.
<<if $StatusText.Notice is 1>>\
<<include "Update Status">>\
<<if _Rain > 0 and $StatusAffect.Wet < _Rain>>\
<<set _Rain to _Rain - $PCResistance.Water>>\
<<if _Rain > $StatusAffect.Wet>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Wet to _Rain>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I'm getting soaking wet!</i> </div>
<<if _Cold > 0 and $PCResistance.Cold < _Cold>>\
<<set _tempDamage to random(_Cold) + $StatusAffect.Wet>>\
<<set _tempDamage2 to _tempDamage - $PCResistance.Cold>>\
<<if _tempDamage2 > 0>>\
<<set $HP to $HP - _tempDamage2>>\
<<if $HP < 1>>\
<<set $HP to 1>>\
You take _tempDamage2 cold damage!
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I'm freezing to death!</i>
<<switch _State>>\
<<case "TooLate">>\
<<set $Time.Current to $Time.Max>>\
It's too dangerous to explore the Sunrise View river park at this time of night.
<<button [[Return Home|Sunrise View Returning Home]]>>
<<set $NoEncounter to 0>>\
<<case "Ambush">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Ambushed to 1>>\
You've been ambushed by an enemy!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<case "Combat">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
A hostile enemy is roaming nearby!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<case "NPC">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
You've encountered something unusual!
<<button [[Encounter|West Sunrise View Events]]>>
<<set $location.prev to $location.temp>>\
<<button [[Explore one of the Empty Buildings|West Sunrise View - Office Building]]>>
<<set $location.temp2 to $location.temp>>\
<<button [[Look around the Area|West Sunrise View Event Scout]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Scout the Area for Enemies|West Sunrise View Scouting]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[North to Bronze Cup & Silver Tree|West Sunrise View Bronze Cup & Silver Tree]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[South to the Civiton South Marina|West Sunrise View Silver Tree & River Path]]>> <</button>>
<<if $lust >= ($MaxLust / 2) or $GeneralFeats.Horndog > 0>>\
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Masturbate|Masturbate]]>> </span>
<</switch>>\<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<set _Fog to 0>>\
<<set _Rain to 0>>\
<<set _Cold to 0>>\
<<set _Wind to 0>>\
<<switch $Weather.Current>>\
<<case "Cloudy" "Windy">>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/Sunrise View 13.jpg" />
<<set _Wind to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<case "Foggy">>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/Sunrise View-F 13.jpg" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<case "Misty">>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/Sunrise View-F 13.jpg" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Rainy" "Stormy">>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/Sunrise View-R 13.jpg" />
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Dreary">>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/Sunrise View-R 13.jpg" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Sleeting">>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/Sunrise View-S 13.jpg" />
<<set _Cold to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Snowy">>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/Sunrise View-S 13.jpg" />
<<set _Cold to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $Time.Current > 6>>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/Sunrise View-N 13.jpg" />
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/Sunrise View 13.jpg" />
<<set $location.temp to "West Sunrise View Bronze Cup & Silver Tree">>\
<<set $location.coord to 10>>\
<<set $locationGeneric to $locationWestSunriseView>>\
<<set $location.Encounter to "West Sunrise View">>\
<<set $location.Event to "West Sunrise View">>\
<<if $Time.Current >= $Time.Max >>\
<<set _State to "TooLate">>\
<<set $NoEncounter to 1>>\
<<if $NoEncounter < 1>>\
<<include "Random Encounter Check">>\
This shadowy intersection of Bronze Cup and Silver Tree is filled with dust and debris from the mostly destroyed South Haven Bridge which can be seen off to the east. A couple of broken down vans lying on their sides look to have been knocked over when the bridge was destroyed. Large chunks of rubble completely block the eastern part of Bronze Cup that usually heads under the South Haven bridge to the more downtown areas but the Silver Tree road to the south is still open.
<<if $StatusText.Notice is 1>>\
<<include "Update Status">>\
<<if _Rain > 0 and $StatusAffect.Wet < _Rain>>\
<<set _Rain to _Rain - $PCResistance.Water>>\
<<if _Rain > $StatusAffect.Wet>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Wet to _Rain>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I'm getting soaking wet!</i> </div>
<<if _Cold > 0 and $PCResistance.Cold < _Cold>>\
<<set _tempDamage to random(_Cold) + $StatusAffect.Wet>>\
<<set _tempDamage2 to _tempDamage - $PCResistance.Cold>>\
<<if _tempDamage2 > 0>>\
<<set $HP to $HP - _tempDamage2>>\
<<if $HP < 1>>\
<<set $HP to 1>>\
You take _tempDamage2 cold damage!
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I'm freezing to death!</i>
<<switch _State>>\
<<case "TooLate">>\
<<set $Time.Current to $Time.Max>>\
It's too dangerous to explore the Sunrise View river park at this time of night.
<<button [[Return Home|Sunrise View Returning Home]]>>
<<set $NoEncounter to 0>>\
<<case "Ambush">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Ambushed to 1>>\
You've been ambushed by an enemy!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<case "Combat">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
A hostile enemy is roaming nearby!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<case "NPC">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
You've encountered something unusual!
<<button [[Encounter|West Sunrise View Events]]>>
<<set $location.prev to $location.temp>>\
<<button [[Explore one of the Empty Buildings|West Sunrise View - Office Building]]>>
<<set $location.temp2 to $location.temp>>\
<<button [[Look around the Area|West Sunrise View Event Scout]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Scout the Area for Enemies|West Sunrise View Scouting]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[West to Eastern Bronze Cup|West Sunrise View Bronze Cup East]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[South to Southern Silver Tree|West Sunrise View Silver Tree South]]>> <</button>>
<<if $lust >= ($MaxLust / 2) or $GeneralFeats.Horndog > 0>>\
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Masturbate|Masturbate]]>> </span>
<</switch>>\<<if $PC.Level is 4>>\
<<set _StatCap to 20>>\
<<set _CStatCap to _StatCap>>\
<<set _SStatCap to _StatCap>>\
<<if $Infestation.MilkProgress > 0>>\
<<set _CStatCap to 22>>\
<<if $Infestation.BruiseProgress > 0>>\
<<set _SStatCap to 22>>\
Current Stats:
Strength: $Strength
<<set $StrengthBonus to (($Strength - 10)/2)>>\
Dexterity: $Dexterity
<<set $DexterityBonus to (($Dexterity - 10)/2)>>\
Constitution: $Constitution
<<set $ConstitutionBonus to (($Constitution - 10)/2)>>\
Wisdom: $Wisdom
<<set $WisdomBonus to (($Wisdom - 10)/2)>>\
Intelligence: $Intelligence
<<set $IntelligenceBonus to (($Intelligence - 10)/2)>>\
Charisma: $Charisma
<<set $CharismaBonus to (($Charisma - 10)/2)>>\
<<if $SkillAction < 4>>\
You get four additional stats bonuses to add to your current attributes. Please choose a stat bonus but keep in mind that no stat can go above _StatCap. It is a good idea to have your attacking stat be high as well as having your primary class stat be high. Most melee weapons use Strength to hit except for Knives which uses Dexterity while all ranged weapons use Dexterity to hit. All melee weapons get a bonus to damage equal to your Strength bonus.
<<if $Strength < _SStatCap>>\
<<button [[Strength|Level Up Stats]]>>
<<set $Strength to $Strength+2>>\
<<set $StrengthBonus to $StrengthBonus +1>>\
<<set $SkillAction to $SkillAction +1>>\
<<if $Dexterity < _StatCap>>\
<<button [[Dexterity|Level Up Stats]]>>
<<set $Dexterity to $Dexterity+2>>\
<<set $DexterityBonus to $DexterityBonus +1>>\
<<set $PC.Reflex to $PC.Reflex +1>>\
<<set $SkillAction to $SkillAction +1>>\
<<if $Constitution < _StatCap>>\
<<button [[Constitution|Level Up Stats]]>>
<<set $Constitution to $Constitution+2>>\
<<set $ConstitutionBonus to $ConstitutionBonus +1>>\
<<set $MaxHP to $MaxHP + $PC.Level>>\
<<set $HP to $MaxHP>>\
<<set $PC.Fortitude to $PC.Fortitude +1>>\
<<set $SkillAction to $SkillAction +1>>\
<<if $Wisdom < _StatCap>>\
<<button [[Wisdom|Level Up Stats]]>>
<<set $Wisdom to $Wisdom+2>>\
<<set $WisdomBonus to $WisdomBonus +1>>\
<<set $PC.Willpower to $PC.Willpower +1>>\
<<set $SkillAction to $SkillAction +1>>\
<<if $Intelligence < _StatCap>>\
<<button [[Intelligence|Bonus Skill Update]]>>
<<set $Intelligence to $Intelligence+2>>\
<<set $IntelligenceBonus to $IntelligenceBonus +1>>\
<<set $SkillAction to $SkillAction +1>>\
<<if $Charisma < _CStatCap>>\
<<button [[Charisma|Level Up Stats]]>>
<<set $Charisma to $Charisma+2>>\
<<set $CharismaBonus to $CharismaBonus +1>>\
<<set $SkillAction to $SkillAction +1>>\
<<include "Weapon Skill Update">>\
<<include "Armor AC Update">>\
Looks like your stats are finished!
<<button [[Finish|Level Up Stop]]>> <</button>>
<</if>>\<<switch $weaponEquipSkill>>\
<<case "Unarmed">>\
<<set $weaponAttackBonus to $Skill.Unarmed>>\
<<set $weaponStatBonus to $StrengthBonus>>\
<<case "Knives">>\
<<set $weaponAttackBonus to $Skill.Knives>>\
<<if $PC.Class is "Criminal">>\
<<set $weaponStatBonus to $DexterityBonus>>\
<<set $weaponStatBonus to $StrengthBonus>>\
<<case "Swords">>\
<<set $weaponAttackBonus to $Skill.Swords>>\
<<set $weaponStatBonus to $StrengthBonus>>\
<<case "Clubs">>\
<<set $weaponAttackBonus to $Skill.Clubs>>\
<<set $weaponStatBonus to $StrengthBonus>>\
<<case "Polearms">>\
<<set $weaponAttackBonus to $Skill.Polearms>>\
<<set $weaponStatBonus to $StrengthBonus>>\
<<case "Bows">>\
<<set $weaponAttackBonus to $Skill.Bows>>\
<<set $weaponStatBonus to $DexterityBonus>>\
<<case "Pistols">>\
<<set $weaponAttackBonus to $Skill.Pistols>>\
<<set $weaponStatBonus to $DexterityBonus>>\
<<case "Rifles">>\
<<set $weaponAttackBonus to $Skill.Rifles>>\
<<set $weaponStatBonus to $DexterityBonus>>\
<<case "Shotguns">>\
<<set $weaponAttackBonus to $Skill.Shotguns>>\
<<set $weaponStatBonus to $DexterityBonus>>\
<<case "Heavy">>\
<<set $weaponAttackBonus to $Skill.Heavy>>\
<<set $weaponStatBonus to $DexterityBonus>>\
<</switch>>\<img src="Images/Classes/INTBonus.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
Your Intelligence gives you a bonus Trained proficiency skill. This can be either a extra skill proficiency, weapon proficiency or armor proficiency. Being trained in a skill gives a +2 to that skill and allows Active skill checks to be done with it. The Athetics skill is the only exception as it allows a Active skill check without training. Choose from the list below.
<<if $Prof.Athletics < 2>>\
<<button [[Athletics|Level Up Stats]]>>
<<set $Prof.Athletics to $Prof.Athletics+2>>\
<<set $Skill.Athletics to $Skill.Athletics +2>>\
<<if $Prof.Crafting < 2>>\
<<button [[Crafting|Level Up Stats]]>>
<<set $Prof.Crafting to $Prof.Crafting+2>>\
<<set $Skill.Crafting to $Skill.Crafting +2>>\
<<if $Prof.Cooking < 2>>\
<<button [[Cooking|Level Up Stats]]>>
<<set $Prof.Cooking to $Prof.Cooking+2>>\
<<set $Skill.Cooking to $Skill.Cooking +2>>\
<<if $Prof.Driving < 2>>\
<<button [[Driving|Level Up Stats]]>>
<<set $Prof.Driving to $Prof.Driving+2>>\
<<if $Prof.Electronics < 2>>\
<<button [[Electronics|Level Up Stats]]>>
<<set $Prof.Electronics to $Prof.Electronics+2>>\
<<set $Skill.Electronics to $Skill.Electronics +2>>\
<<if $Prof.Medical < 2>>\
<<button [[Medical|Level Up Stats]]>>
<<set $Prof.Medical to $Prof.Medical+2>>\
<<set $Skill.Medical to $Skill.Medical +2>>\
<<if $Prof.Salvaging < 2>>\
<<button [[Salvaging|Level Up Stats]]>>
<<set $Prof.Salvaging to $Prof.Salvaging+2>>\
<<set $Skill.Salvaging to $Skill.Salvaging +2>>\
<<if $Prof.Scouting < 2>>\
<<button [[Scouting|Level Up Stats]]>>
<<set $Prof.Scouting to $Prof.Scouting+2>>\
<<set $Skill.Scouting to $Skill.Scouting +2>>\
<<if $Prof.Social < 2>>\
<<button [[Social|Level Up Stats]]>>
<<set $Prof.Social to $Prof.Social+2>>\
<<set $Skill.Social to $Skill.Social +2>>\
<<if $Prof.Stealth < 2>>\
<<button [[Stealth|Level Up Stats]]>>
<<set $Prof.Stealth to $Prof.Stealth+2>>\
<<set $Skill.Stealth to $Skill.Stealth +2>>\
<<if $Prof.Thievery < 2>>\
<<button [[Thievery|Level Up Stats]]>>
<<set $Prof.Thievery to $Prof.Thievery+2>>\
<<set $Skill.Thievery to $Skill.Thievery +2>>\
<<set $LockSmithTools.Active to 1>>\
<<if $Prof.Bows < 2>>\
<<button [[Bows|Level Up Stats]]>>
<<set $Prof.Bows to $Prof.Bows+2>>\
<<if $Prof.Clubs < 2>>\
<<button [[Clubs|Level Up Stats]]>>
<<set $Prof.Clubs to $Prof.Clubs+2>>\
<<if $Prof.Knives < 2>>\
<<button [[Knives|Level Up Stats]]>>
<<set $Prof.Knives to $Prof.Knives+2>>\
<<if $Prof.Polearms < 2>>\
<<button [[Polearms|Level Up Stats]]>>
<<set $Prof.Polearms to $Prof.Polearms+2>>\
<<if $Prof.Swords < 2>>\
<<button [[Swords|Level Up Stats]]>>
<<set $Prof.Swords to $Prof.Swords+2>>\
<<if $Prof.Unarmed < 2>>\
<<button [[Unarmed|Level Up Stats]]>>
<<set $Prof.Unarmed to $Prof.Unarmed+2>>\
<<if $Prof.Pistols < 2>>\
<<button [[Pistols|Level Up Stats]]>>
<<set $Prof.Pistols to $Prof.Pistols+2>>\
<<if $Prof.Rifles < 2>>\
<<button [[Rifles|Level Up Stats]]>>
<<set $Prof.Rifles to $Prof.Rifles+2>>\
<<if $Prof.Shotguns < 2>>\
<<button [[Shotguns|Level Up Stats]]>>
<<set $Prof.Shotguns to $Prof.Shotguns+2>>\
<<if $Prof.Heavy < 2>>\
<<button [[Heavy Weapons|Level Up Stats]]>>
<<set $Prof.Heavy to $Prof.Heavy+2>>\
<<if $Prof.Unarmored < 2>>\
<<button [[Unarmored Defense|Level Up Stats]]>>
<<set $Prof.Unarmored to $Prof.Unarmored+2>>\
<<if $Prof.LightArmor < 2>>\
<<button [[Light Armor Defense|Level Up Stats]]>>
<<set $Prof.LightArmor to $Prof.LightArmor+2>>\
<<if $Prof.MediumArmor < 2 & $Prof.LightArmor > 0>>\
<<button [[Medium Armor Defense|Level Up Stats]]>>
<<set $Prof.MediumArmor to $Prof.MediumArmor+2>>\
<<if $Prof.HeavyArmor < 2 & $Prof.MediumArmor > 0>>\
<<button [[Heavy Armor Defense|Level Up Stats]]>>
<<set $Prof.HeavyArmor to $Prof.HeavyArmor+2>>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/parking.jpg" width="800px" height="400px" />
<<set _Fog to 0>>\
<<set _Rain to 0>>\
<<set _Cold to 0>>\
<<set _Wind to 0>>\
<<set $locationGeneric to $locationWestSunriseView>>\
<<set $location.Encounter to "West Sunrise View">>\
<<set $location.coord to 12>>\
<<set $location.Event to "West Sunrise View">>\
<<set $location.temp to "West Sunrise View - Parking">>\
<<set $location.prev to $location.temp>>\
<<if $VehicleFlags.WestSunrise < 1>>\
<<set $VehicleFlags.WestSunrise to 1>>\
<<include "Time Micro-Passes">>\
<<if $Time.Current >= $Time.Max >>\
<<set _State to "TooLate">>\
<<set $NoEncounter to 1>>\
<<if $NoEncounter < 1>>\
<<include "Random Encounter Check">>\
This is a parking lot used by people who wish to walk along the South Haven river or need temporary parking for their factory jobs. The signs of the Infested look to be a bit less than usual in this area while the sounds of the city seem to be a bit quieter in this small parking lot. To the south is the River Path road that runs along the South Haven river while to the west is the Iron Gate road which leads back to the more residential part of Civiton.
<div class="pcTalk"><i>This would be a good place to park a car if I needed to explore around the western part of the Sunrise View area. It's not 100% safe but it would be a lot safer than parking on the streets...</i></div>
<<if _Rain > 0 and $StatusAffect.Wet < _Rain>>\
<<set _Rain to _Rain - $PCResistance.Water>>\
<<if _Rain > $StatusAffect.Wet>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Wet to _Rain>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I'm getting soaking wet!</i> </div>
<<if _Cold > 0 and $PCResistance.Cold < _Cold>>\
<<set _tempDamage to random(_Cold) + $StatusAffect.Wet>>\
<<set _tempDamage2 to _tempDamage - $PCResistance.Cold>>\
<<if _tempDamage2 > 0>>\
<<set $HP to $HP - _tempDamage2>>\
<<if $HP < 1>>\
<<set $HP to 1>>\
You take _tempDamage2 cold damage!
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I'm freezing to death!</i> </div>
<<switch _State>>\
<<case "TooLate">>\
<<set $Time.Current to $Time.Max>>\
It's too dangerous to explore the Oak Dale suburbs at this time of night.
<<button [[Return Home on Foot|Sunrise View Returning Home]]>>
<<set $NoEncounter to 0>>\
<<if $VehicleFlags.Own is 1 and $VehicleFlags.location is "West Sunrise View - Parking">>\
<<set _tempV to $VehicleFlags.Current>>\
<<button "Get in your _tempV.name" "Driving">>
<<set $VehicleFlags.Desc to "the Sunrise View parking lot">>\
<<case "Ambush">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Ambushed to 1>>\
You've been ambushed by an enemy!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<set $location.Encounter to _loc>>\
<<case "Combat">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
A hostile enemy is roaming nearby!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<set $location.Encounter to _loc>>\
<<if $VehicleFlags.Own is 1 and $VehicleFlags.location is "West Sunrise View - Parking">>\
<<set _tempV to $VehicleFlags.Current>>\
Your _tempV.name is currently parked here.
<<button "Get in your _tempV.name" "Driving">>
<<set $VehicleFlags.Desc to "the Sunrise View parking lot">>\
<<button [[South to the River Path|West Sunrise View River Path West]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[West to Iron Gate Road|West Sunrise View Iron Gate South]]>> <</button>>
<<if $lust >= ($MaxLust / 2) or $GeneralFeats.Horndog > 0>>\
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Masturbate|Masturbate]]>> </span>
<<set $location.Encounter to "West Sunrise View">>\
<</switch>>\ <<switch $armorProf>>\
<<case "Unarmored">>\
<<set $dexACBonus to $DexterityBonus>>\
<<set $armorCritResist to $equipedArmor.critresist>>\
<<set $PC.AC to 10 + $armorACBonus + $dexACBonus + $Skill.Unarmored + $StealthSkillFeats.Avoidance>>\
<<case "Light">>\
<<if $DexterityBonus > $armorMaxDex>>\
<<set $dexACBonus to $armorMaxDex>>\
<<set $dexACBonus to $DexterityBonus>>\
<<set $armorCritResist to $equipedArmor.critresist + $ClassBonus.Officer>>\
<<set $PC.AC to 10 + $armorACBonus + $dexACBonus + $Skill.LightArmor + $ClassBonus.Officer + $StealthSkillFeats.Avoidance>>\
<<case "Medium">>\
<<if $DexterityBonus > $armorMaxDex>>\
<<set $dexACBonus to $armorMaxDex>>\
<<set $dexBonusAC to $DexterityBonus>>\
<<set $PC.AC to 10 + $armorACBonus + $dexACBonus + $Skill.MediumArmor + $ClassBonus.Officer + $StealthSkillFeats.Avoidance>>\
<<set $armorCritResist to $equipedArmor.critresist + ($ClassBonus.Officer * 2)>>\
<<case "Heavy">>\
<<if $DexterityBonus > $armorMaxDex>>\
<<set $dexACBonus to $armorMaxDex>>\
<<set $dexBonusAC to $DexterityBonus>>\
<<set $PC.AC to 10 + $armorACBonus + $dexACBonus + $Skill.HeavyArmor + $ClassBonus.Officer + $StealthSkillFeats.Avoidance>>\
<<set $armorCritResist to $equipedArmor.critresist + ($ClassBonus.Officer * 3)>>\
<</switch>>\<img src="Images/Classes/Athlete.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
Choose from one of the following paths for your martial art philosophy. Once chosen this Path can not be changed.
<b>Martial Art's Paths</b>
<<switch $PC.Level>>\
<b>Path of Volcanic Flames</b>
You know that fire is the domain of Mankind and you are more than willing to grant the gift of fire to your foes! You gain burning fists which deals 1d8 Blunt damage but doesn't have the +1 to hit/damage as your usual unarmed fists. However these burning firsts gain the Burning critical affect which sets an opponent on fire dealing 1d4 Fire damage each round until they get the fire put out.
<<button [[Choose Path of Fire|Level Up Stats]]>>
<<set $PCInventory.push($weapon.firefists)>>\
<<set $AthletePath.Fire to 1>>\
<<set $SkillAction to 0>>\
<b>Path of Oceanic Waves</b>
You accept that the flow of water might look weak but the ever crashing waves can wear down even the strongest of materials over time. So what better way to fight than like the ocean? You gain cascading fists which deals 1d8 Blunt damage but doesn't have the +1 to hit/damage as your usual unarmed fists. However, these cascading fists gain the Tripping critical affect which trips an opponent and lowers their defense by 2 as long as they are prone.
<<button [[Choose Path of Rain|Level Up Stats]]>>
<<set $PCInventory.push($weapon.waterfists)>>\
<<set $AthletePath.Water to 1>>\
<<set $SkillAction to 0>>\
<b>Path of Mountainous Stone</b>
You understand that a strong offense supplements a rock solid defense. So like the DoublePeak mountains you strive to be the rocky cliffs your foes are crushed against. You gain stone fists which deals 1d8 Blunt damage but doesn't have the +1 to hit/damage as your usual unarmed fists. However these stone fists attacks gain the Stunning critical affect which stuns an opponent on critical hits for 2 rounds.
<<button [[Choose Path of Stone|Level Up Stats]]>>
<<set $PCInventory.push($weapon.stonefists)>>\
<<set $AthletePath.Earth to 1>>\
<<set $SkillAction to 0>>\
<b>Path of the Endless Storm</b>
You believe that a bewildering flurry of movements is the best all around offense since who can fight against the storm? You gain storming fists which deals 1d8 Blunt damage but doesn't have the +1 to hit/damage as your usual unarmed fists. However these storming fists gain the Feinting critical affect which lowers an opponent's attack and defense by 2. This penalty decreases each round but can stack higher on multiple criticals.
<<button [[Choose Path of Wind|Level Up Stats]]>>
<<set $PCInventory.push($weapon.windfists)>>\
<<set $AthletePath.Wind to 1>>\
<<set $SkillAction to 0>>\
<</switch>>\<img src="Images/Classes/Criminal.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<b>Criminal Paths</b>
<b>Path of the Scout</b>
You quickly learned that keeping an eye out for any possible trouble is a great way of staying healthy and out of prison! All that paranoia has helped your proficiency in the Scouting skill to be increased. You have a chance to ambush most enemies you find on the streets which gives you a free round to act while they are stunned and you also get a bonus reroll to avoid any ambushes that would happen to you. All of these checks are made with a +2 bonus.
<<button [[Choose Path of the Scout|Level Up Stats]]>>
<<set $CriminalPath.Scout to 1>>\
<<set $Prof.Scouting to $Prof.Scouting+2>>\
<<set $Skill.Scouting to $Skill.Scouting +2>>\
<<set $SkillAction to 0>>\
<b>Path of the Hitman</b>
You've stepped deeper into the underworld then most people and started taking contracts for money. It's a bloody job but it helps to pay the bills for college. You gain proficency with rifles and when using pistols and rifles you add your skill proficiency with that weapon to the damage dealt. You can also use the Mug attack with ranged weapons as well.
<<button [[Choose Path of the Hitman|Level Up Stats]]>>
<<set $Prof.Rifles to $Prof.Rifles+2>>\
<<set $Skill.Rifles to $Skill.Rifles +2>>\
<<set $CriminalPath.Hitman to 1>>\
<<if $weaponEquipSkill is "Pistols">>\
<<set $TrainedExtra.RangedDamage to ($Prof.Pistols)>>\
<<elseif $weaponEquipSkill is "Rifles">>\
<<set $TrainedExtra.RangedDamage to ($Prof.Rifles)>>\
<<set $SkillAction to 0>>\
<b>Path of the Con Artist</b>
You've learned how to sucker people in with your false personas and lies in order to get what you deserve. However sometimes these cons and lies catches up to you so you have gained proficieny in the Athletic skill in order to vacate the area quickly or when you can't escape, you use your Dexterity to hurt them hard. WIth a knife equipped you use your Dexterity bonus for damage instead of Strength. When you have a social interaction that ends on a positive note you add half your Social skill proficiency as a boost to the influence gained with that person.
<<button [[Choose Path of the Con Artist|Level Up Stats]]>>
<<set $CriminalPath.ConArtist to 1>>\
<<set $Prof.Athletics to $Prof.Athletics+2>>\
<<set $Skill.Athletics to $Skill.Athletics +2>>\
<<set $ClassBonus.Celebrity to ($Prof.Social / 2)>>\
<<set $SkillAction to 0>>\
<</button>><img src="Images/Classes/Officer.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<include "Weapons">>\
<<include "Armor">>\
<<include "Shields">>\
<b>Officer Paths</b>
<b>Path of the Riot Police</b>
You've been trained on how to confront and control large crowds in order to keep the peace of the city. You become proficient with Heavy Armor in order to remain protected while standing side by side with your fellow officers. You also gain a shield equipment slot that allows you to equip shields and you automatically gain a training riot shield that gives you +1 to your AC once equipped.
<<button [[Choose Path of the Riot Police|Level Up Stats]]>>
<<set $OfficerPath.Riot to 1>>\
<<set $Prof.HeavyArmor to $Prof.HeavyArmor+2>>\
<<set $Skill.HeavyArmor to $Skill.HeavyArmor+2>>\
<<set $Prof.Shield to 1>>\
<<set _tempLoot to $shield.riotshield>>\
<<set $PCInventory.push(_tempLoot)>>\
<<set $SkillAction to 0>>\
<b>Path of the Detective</b>
You've been trained on how to solve crime mainly by talking to victims and suspects. Since you need to drive all over town in order to follow up on leads, you gain proficiency with the Driving skill. When you have a social interaction that ends on a positive note you add half your Social skill proficiency as a boost to the influence gained with that person.
<<button [[Choose Path of the Detective|Level Up Stats]]>>
<<set $OfficerPath.Detective to 1>>\
<<set $Prof.Driving to $Prof.Driving+2>>\
<<set $Skill.Driving to $Skill.Driving+2>>\
<<set $ClassBonus.Celebrity to ($Prof.Social / 2)>>\
<<set $SkillAction to 0>>\
<b>Path of the SWAT Officer</b>
You've been trained on how to take down the meanest and most vicious of criminal scum with the deadliest of force. You gain proficiency with Heavy Armor and Heavy Weapons in order to remain protected when busting down doors. When using rifles, shotguns and heavy weapons you add your skill proficiency with that weapon to the damage dealt.
<<button [[Choose Path of the SWAT|Level Up Stats]]>>
<<set $Prof.HeavyArmor to $Prof.HeavyArmor+2>>\
<<set $Skill.HeavyArmor to $Skill.HeavyArmor+2>>\
<<set $Prof.Heavy to $Prof.Heavy+2>>\
<<set $Skill.Heavy to $Skill.Heavy+2>>\
<<set $OfficerPath.Swat to 1>>\
<<if $weaponEquipSkill is "Rifles">>\
<<set $TrainedExtra.RangedDamage to ($Prof.Rifles)>>\
<<elseif $weaponEquipSkill is "Shotguns">>\
<<set $TrainedExtra.RangedDamage to ($Prof.Shotguns)>>\
<<elseif $weaponEquipSkill is "Heavy">>\
<<set $TrainedExtra.RangedDamage to ($Prof.Heavy)>>\
<<set $SkillAction to 0>>\
<</button>> <<set _CurrentShieldEQ = $EquippedShield.first()>>\
Here are the shields in your inventory that you can equip.
<<for $i = 0; $i < $PCInventory.length; $i++>>\
<<set $shieldEQ = $PCInventory[$i]>>\
<<if $shieldEQ.type is "Shield">>\
<<set $ItemName to $shieldEQ.name>>\
<<capture $shieldEQ>>\
<span id="equipButton"><<button "Equip $ItemName" >></span><<set $eshield2 to $shieldEQ>>\
<<set $equipedShield to $eshield2>>\
/* Put copy of Current Shield back in main inventory */
<<set _exists to 0>>\
<<for $j = 0; $j < $PCInventory.length; $j++>>\
<<set $uitem = $PCInventory[$j]>>\
<<set $ItemName to $uitem.name>>\
<<set _TempName to _CurrentShieldEQ.name>>\
<<if $ItemName is _TempName>>\
<<set _amount to $uitem.amount>>\
<<set _exists to 1>>\
<<if _exists is 1>>\
<<set _amount to _amount +1>>\
<<set $uitem.amount to _amount>>\
<<set $PCInventory.push(_CurrentShieldEQ)>>\
/* Deletes old equipped weapon from Equipped inventory */
<<set $EquippedShield.delete( _CurrentShieldEQ)>>\
/* puts new equipped weapon into Equipped inventory */
<<set $EquippedShield.push($equipedShield)>>\
/* deletes current weapon from main inventory */
<<set $PCInventory.delete($equipedShield)>>\
/* resets Item bonus */
<<set $PC.AC to $PC.AC - $ShieldBonus.AC>>\
<<set $PC.Fortitude to $PC.Fortitude - $ShieldBonus.Fortitude>>\
<<set $PC.Fortitude to $PC.Fortitude - $ShieldBonus.Fortitude>>\
<<set $PC.Reflex to $PC.Reflex - $ShieldBonus.Reflex>>\
<<set $PC.Willpower to $PC.Willpower - $ShieldBonus.Willpower>>\
<<set $PCResistance.Blunt to $PCResistance.Blunt - $ShieldBonus.Blunt>>\
<<set $PCResistance.Pierce to $PCResistance.Pierce - $ShieldBonus.Pierce>>\
<<set $PCResistance.Slash to $PCResistance.Slash - $ShieldBonus.Slash>>\
<<set $PCResistance.Fire to $PCResistance.Fire - $ShieldBonus.Fire>>\
<<set $PCResistance.Cold to $PCResistance.Cold - $ShieldBonus.Cold>>\
<<set $PCResistance.Shock to $PCResistance.Shock - $ShieldBonus.Shock>>\
<<set $PCResistance.Acid to $PCResistance.Acid - $ShieldBonus.Acid>>\
<<set $PCResistance.Sonic to $PCResistance.Sonic - $ShieldBonus.Sonic>>\
<<set $PCResistance.Water to $PCResistance.Water - $ShieldBonus.Water>>\
<<set $Skill.Athletics to $Skill.Athletics - $ShieldBonus.Athletics>>\
<<set $Skill.Crafting to $Skill.Crafting - $ShieldBonus.Crafting>>\
<<set $Skill.Cooking to $Skill.Cooking - $ShieldBonus.Cooking>>\
<<set $Skill.Driving to $Skill.Driving - $ShieldBonus.Driving>>\
<<set $Skill.Electronics to $Skill.Electronics - $ShieldBonus.Electronics>>\
<<set $Skill.Medical to $Skill.Medical - $ShieldBonus.Medical>>\
<<set $Skill.Salvaging to $Skill.Salvaging - $ShieldBonus.Salvaging>>\
<<set $Skill.Scouting to $Skill.Scouting - $ShieldBonus.Scouting>>\
<<set $Skill.Social to $Skill.Social - $ShieldBonus.Social>>\
<<set $Skill.Stealth to $Skill.Stealth - $ShieldBonus.Stealth>>\
<<set $Skill.Thievery to $Skill.Thievery - $ShieldBonus.Thievery>>\
<<set $Cum.Max to $Cum.Max - $ShieldBonus.Cum>>\
<<set $Cum.Min to $Cum.Min - $ShieldBonus.Cum>>\
<<set $GCum.Max to $GCum.Max - $ShieldBonus.Cum>>\
<<set $GCum.Min to $GCum.Min - $ShieldBonus.Cum>>\
<<set $MinLust to $MinLust - $ShieldBonus.Lust>>\
<<set $InfectionResist.Fort to $InfectionResist.Fort - $ItemBonus.InfestedResist>>\
<<set $LustResist.Complete to $LustResist.Complete - $ItemBonus.LustResist>>\
<<set $ShieldBonus to {AC: 0, Athletics: 0, Crafting: 0, Cooking: 0, Driving: 0, Electronics: 0, Medical: 0, Salvaging: 0, Scouting: 0, Social: 0, Stealth: 0, Thievery: 0, Fortitude: 0, Reflex: 0, Willpower: 0, Blunt: 0, Pierce: 0, Slash: 0, Fire: 0, Cold: 0, Shock: 0, Acid: 0, Sonic: 0, Water: 0, Cum: 0, Lust: 0, InfestedResist: 0, LustResist: 0}>>\
<<set $ShieldBonus.AC to $equipedShield.AC>>\
<<set $PC.AC to $PC.AC + $ShieldBonus.AC>>\
<<switch $equipedShield.type2>>\
<<case "Saves">>\
<<switch $equipedShield.subtype>>\
<<case "Fortitude">>\
<<set $ShieldBonus.Fortitude to $equipedShield.bonus>>\
<<set $PC.Fortitude to $PC.Fortitude + $ShieldBonus.Fortitude>>\
<<case "Reflex">>\
<<set $ShieldBonus.Reflex to $equipedShield.bonus>>\
<<set $PC.Reflex to $PC.Reflex + $ShieldBonus.Reflex>>\
<<case "Willpower">>\
<<set $ShieldBonus.Willpower to $equipedShield.bonus>>\
<<set $PC.Willpower to $PC.Willpower + $ShieldBonus.Willpower>>\
<<case "Skills">>\
<<switch $equipedShield.subtype>>\
<<case "Athletics">>\
<<set $ShieldBonus.Athletics to $equipedShield.bonus>>\
<<set $Skill.Athletics to $Skill.Athletics + $ShieldBonus.Athletics>>\
<<case "Crafting">>\
<<set $ShieldBonus.Crafting to $equipedShield.bonus>>\
<<set $Skill.Crafting to $Skill.Crafting + $ShieldBonus.Crafting>>\
<<case "Cooking">>\
<<set $ShieldBonus.Cooking to $equipedShield.bonus>>\
<<set $Skill.Cooking to $Skill.Cooking + $ShieldBonus.Cooking>>\
<<case "Driving">>\
<<set $ShieldBonus.Driving to $equipedShield.bonus>>\
<<set $Skill.Driving to $Skill.Driving + $ShieldBonus.Driving>>\
<<case "Electronics">>\
<<set $ShieldBonus.Electronics to $equipedShield.bonus>>\
<<set $Skill.Electronics to $Skill.Electronics + $ShieldBonus.Electronics>>\
<<case "Medical">>\
<<set $ShieldBonus.Medical to $equipedShield.bonus>>\
<<set $Skill.Medical to $Skill.Medical + $ShieldBonus.Medical>>\
<<case "Salvaging">>\
<<set $ShieldBonus.Salvaging to $equipedShield.bonus>>\
<<set $Skill.Salvaging to $Skill.Salvaging + $ShieldBonus.Salvaging>>\
<<case "Scouting">>\
<<set $ShieldBonus.Scouting to $equipedShield.bonus>>\
<<set $Skill.Scouting to $Skill.Scouting + $ShieldBonus.Scouting>>\
<<case "Social">>\
<<set $ShieldBonus.Social to $equipedShield.bonus>>\
<<set $Skill.Social to $Skill.Social + $ShieldBonus.Social>>\
<<case "Stealth">>\
<<set $ShieldBonus.Stealth to $equipedShield.bonus>>\
<<set $Skill.Stealth to $Skill.Stealth + $ShieldBonus.Stealth>>\
<<case "Thievery">>\
<<set $ShieldBonus.Thievery to $equipedShield.bonus>>\
<<set $Skill.Thievery to $Skill.Thievery + $ShieldBonus.Thievery>>\
<<case "Defense">>\
<<switch $equipedShield.subtype>>\
<<case "Blunt">>\
<<set $ShieldBonus.Blunt to $equipedShield.Blunt>>\
<<set $PCResistance.Blunt to $PCResistance.Blunt + $ShieldBonus.Blunt>>\
<<case "Pierce">>\
<<set $ShieldBonus.Pierce to $equipedShield.Pierce>>\
<<set $PCResistance.Pierce to $PCResistance.Pierce + $ShieldBonus.Pierce>>\
<<case "Slash">>\
<<set $ShieldBonus.Slash to $equipedShield.Slash>>\
<<set $PCResistance.Slash to $PCResistance.Slash + $ShieldBonus.Slash>>\
<<case "Fire">>\
<<set $ShieldBonus.Fire to $equipedShield.Fire>>\
<<set $PCResistance.Fire to $PCResistance.Fire + $ShieldBonus.Fire>>\
<<case "Cold">>\
<<set $ShieldBonus.Cold to $equipedShield.Cold>>\
<<set $PCResistance.Cold to $PCResistance.Cold + $ShieldBonus.Cold>>\
<<case "Shock">>\
<<set $ShieldBonus.Shock to $equipedShield.Shock>>\
<<set $PCResistance.Shock to $PCResistance.Shock + $ShieldBonus.Shock>>\
<<case "Acid">>\
<<set $ShieldBonus.Acid to $equipedShield.Acid>>\
<<set $PCResistance.Acid to $PCResistance.Acid + $ShieldBonus.Acid>>\
<<case "Sonic">>\
<<set $ShieldBonus.Sonic to $equipedShield.Sonic>>\
<<set $PCResistance.Sonic to $PCResistance.Sonic + $ShieldBonus.Sonic>>\
<<case "Water">>\
<<set $ShieldBonus.Water to $equipedShield.Water>>\
<<set $PCResistance.Water to $PCResistance.Water + $ShieldBonus.Water>>\
<<case "Misc">>
<<switch $equipedShield.subtype>>\
<<case "Cum">>\
<<set $ItemBonus.Cum to $equipedShield.bonus>>\
<<set $Cum.Max to $Cum.Max + $ShieldBonus.Cum>>\
<<set $Cum.Min to $Cum.Min + $ShieldBonus.Cum>>\
<<set $GCum.Max to $GCum.Max + $ShieldBonus.Cum>>\
<<set $GCum.Min to $GCum.Min + $ShieldBonus.Cum>>\
<<case "Lust">>\
<<set $ShieldBonus.Lust to $equipedShield.bonus>>\
<<set $MinLust to $MinLust + $ShieldBonus.Lust>>\
<<case "Infested Resist">>\
<<set $ItemBonus.InfestedResist to $equipedAccessory.bonus>>\
<<set $InfectionResist.Fort to $InfectionResist.Fort + $ItemBonus.InfestedResist>>\
<<script>>state.display(state.active.title, null, "back")<</script>>\
You have the $equipedShield.name equipped.
It gives you a $ShieldBonus.AC to AC
Your Resistance is now:
Blunt: $PCResistance.Blunt
Pierce: $PCResistance.Pierce
Slash: $PCResistance.Slash
Fire: $PCResistance.Fire
Cold: $PCResistance.Cold
Shock: $PCResistance.Shock
Acid: $PCResistance.Acid
Sonic: $PCResistance.Sonic
Water: $PCResistance.Water
<<button "Finish" $return>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</button>><<set $shield to {}>>\
<<set $shield.noshield = {
type : "Shield",
type2: "AC",
subtype: "Defense",
name : "no shield",
plural : "unarmored",
AC : 0,
DR : 0,
Blunt: 0,
Pierce: 0,
Slash: 0,
Fire: 0,
Cold: 0,
Shock: 0,
Acid: 0,
Sonic: 0,
Water: 0,
prof : "Shield",
MaxDex : 100,
description : "You have no shield equipped",
description2 : "You have no shield equipped giving you no bonuses!",
quality : 0,
superior: 0,
innate: 1,
critresist: 0,
cost : 0,
amount: 1,
hp: 10000
<<set $shield.trainingshield = {
type : "Shield",
type2: "AC",
subtype: "Defense",
name : "training riot shield",
plural : "training riot shields",
AC : 1,
Bonus: 0,
Blunt: 0,
Pierce: 0,
Slash: 0,
Fire: 0,
Cold: 0,
Shock: 0,
Acid: 0,
Sonic: 0,
Water: 0,
prof : "Shield",
description : "A training riot shield used by cadets to learn how to move quickly with a shield.",
description2 : "It is a shield that provides +1 AC while equipped.",
quality : 1,
superior: 0,
critresist: 0,
amount: 1,
cost : 200
<<set $shield.lightshield = {
type : "Shield",
type2: "AC",
subtype: "Defense",
name : "light aluminum shield",
plural : "light aluminum shields",
AC : 1,
Bonus: 0,
Blunt: 0,
Pierce: 0,
Slash: 0,
Fire: 0,
Cold: 0,
Shock: 0,
Acid: 0,
Sonic: 0,
Water: 0,
prof : "Shield",
description : "A light aluminum shield used by beginner LARPers before moving up to a proper shield.",
description2 : "It is a shield that provides +1 AC while equipped.",
quality : 1,
superior: 0,
critresist: 0,
amount: 1,
cost : 200
<<set $shield.riotshield = {
type : "Shield",
type2: "AC",
subtype: "Defense",
name : "riot shield",
plural : "riot shields",
AC : 2,
Bonus: 0,
Blunt: 0,
Pierce: 0,
Slash: 0,
Fire: 0,
Cold: 0,
Shock: 0,
Acid: 0,
Sonic: 0,
Water: 0,
prof : "Shield",
description : "A riot shield used by police to protect themselves while controlling large crowds.",
description2 : "It is a shield that provides +2 AC while equipped.",
quality : 1,
superior: 0,
critresist: 0,
amount: 1,
cost : 200
}>>\ <<set $weapon.fists = {
type : "weapon",
range : "melee",
name : "fists",
plural : "fists",
damage : 2,
damagetype : "Blunt",
skill : "Unarmed",
stat : "Strength",
description : "Your fists",
description2 : "It is a melee unarmed weapon that deals 1d3 blunt damage",
adescription : "punch",
adescription2 : "punches",
special : "None",
quality : 1,
superior: 0,
innate: 1,
critical: "None",
criticalamount: 0,
special2: "None",
specialD: "None",
hp : 100000,
amount: 1,
cost : 0
<<set $weapon.handwraps = {
type : "weapon",
range : "melee",
name : "handwraps",
plural : "handwraps",
damage : 5,
damagetype : "Blunt",
skill : "Unarmed",
stat : "Strength",
description : "A set of handwraps",
description2 : "It is a melee unarmed weapon that deals 1d6 blunt damage.",
adescription : "punch",
adescription2 : "punches",
special : "None",
quality : 1,
superior: 0,
critical: "None",
criticalamount: 0,
special2: "None",
specialD: "None",
hp : 20,
repair: "Cloth",
amount: 1,
cost : 20
<<set $weapon.superiorhandwraps = {
type : "weapon",
range : "melee",
name : "superior handwraps",
plural : "superior handwraps",
damage : 5,
damagetype : "Blunt",
skill : "Unarmed",
stat : "Strength",
description : "A set of handwraps",
description2 : "It is a melee unarmed weapon that deals 1d6+1 blunt damage and gives a +1 to hit.",
adescription : "punch",
adescription2 : "punches",
special : "None",
quality : 1,
superior: 1,
critical: "None",
criticalamount: 0,
special2: "None",
specialD: "None",
hp : 40,
repair: "Cloth",
amount: 1,
cost : 120
<<set $weapon.brassknuckles = {
type : "weapon",
range : "melee",
name : "brass knuckles",
plural : "brass knuckles",
damage : 7,
damagetype : "Blunt",
skill : "Unarmed",
stat : "Strength",
description : "A set of brass knuckles",
description2 : "It is a melee unarmed weapon that deals 1d8 blunt damage.",
adescription : "punch",
adescription2 : "punches",
special : "None",
quality : 1,
superior: 0,
critical: "None",
criticalamount: 0,
special2: "None",
specialD: "None",
hp : 40,
repair: "Metal",
amount: 1,
cost : 50
<<set $weapon.superiorbrassknuckles = {
type : "weapon",
range : "melee",
name : "superior brass knuckles",
plural : "superior brass knuckles",
damage : 7,
damagetype : "Blunt",
skill : "Unarmed",
stat : "Strength",
description : "A set of brass knuckles",
description2 : "It is a melee unarmed weapon that deals 1d8+1 blunt damage and gives a +1 to hit.",
adescription : "punch",
adescription2 : "punches",
special : "None",
quality : 1,
superior: 1,
critical: "None",
criticalamount: 0,
special2: "None",
specialD: "None",
hp : 80,
repair: "Metal",
amount: 1,
cost : 150
<<set $weapon.ironfists = {
type : "weapon",
range : "melee",
name : "iron fists",
plural : "iron fists",
damage : 7,
damagetype : "Blunt",
skill : "Unarmed",
stat : "Strength",
description : "A set of gloves with brass knuckles built in",
description2 : "It is a melee unarmed weapon that deals 1d8 blunt damage and stuns for 1 round on critical hits.",
adescription : "punch",
adescription2 : "punches",
special : "None",
quality : 1,
superior: 0,
critical: "Stun",
criticalamount: 1,
special2: "None",
specialD: "None",
hp : 40,
repair: "Metal",
amount: 1,
cost : 200
<<set $weapon.superiorironfists = {
type : "weapon",
range : "melee",
name : "superior iron fists",
plural : "superior iron fists",
damage : 7,
damagetype : "Blunt",
skill : "Unarmed",
stat : "Strength",
description : "A wellcrafted set of gloves with brass knuckles built in",
description2 : "It is a melee unarmed weapon that deals 1d8+1 blunt damage, gives a +1 to hit and stuns for 1 round on critical hits.",
adescription : "punch",
adescription2 : "punches",
special : "None",
quality : 1,
superior: 1,
critical: "Stun",
criticalamount: 1,
special2: "None",
specialD: "None",
hp : 80,
repair: "Metal",
amount: 1,
cost : 150
<<set $weapon.monkfists = {
type : "weapon",
range : "melee",
name : "fists",
plural : "fists",
damage : 5,
damagetype : "Blunt",
skill : "Unarmed",
stat : "Strength",
description : "Your fists",
description2 : "It is a melee unarmed weapon that deals 1d6 blunt damage.",
adescription : "punch",
adescription2 : "punches",
special : "None",
quality : 1,
superior: 0,
critical: "None",
criticalamount: 0,
special2: "None",
specialD: "None",
innate: 1,
hp : 100000,
amount: 1,
cost : 0
<<set $weapon.superiormonkfists = {
type : "weapon",
range : "melee",
name : "fists",
plural : "fists",
damage : 7,
damagetype : "Blunt",
skill : "Unarmed",
stat : "Strength",
description : "Your fists",
description2 : "It is a melee unarmed weapon that deals 1d8+1 blunt damage and gives a +1 to hit.",
adescription : "punch",
adescription2 : "punches",
special : "None",
quality : 1,
superior: 1,
critical: "None",
criticalamount: 0,
special2: "None",
specialD: "None",
innate: 1,
hp : 100000,
amount: 1,
cost : 0
<<set $weapon.stonefists = {
type : "weapon",
range : "melee",
name : "stone fists",
plural : "stone fists",
damage : 7,
damagetype : "Blunt",
skill : "Unarmed",
stat : "Strength",
description : "Your fists",
description2 : "It is a melee unarmed weapon that deals 1d8 blunt damage and stuns for 2 rounds on critical hits.",
adescription : "punch",
adescription2 : "punches",
special : "Causes stun for 2 rounds on critical hits",
quality : 1,
superior: 0,
critical: "Stun",
criticalamount: 2,
special2: "None",
specialD: "None",
innate: 1,
hp : 100000,
amount: 1,
cost : 0
<<set $weapon.waterfists = {
type : "weapon",
range : "melee",
name : "cascading fists",
plural : "cascading fists",
damage : 7,
damagetype : "Blunt",
skill : "Unarmed",
stat : "Strength",
description : "Your fists",
description2 : "It is a melee unarmed weapon that deals 1d8 blunt damage and trips a enemy on a critical hit.",
adescription : "punch",
adescription2 : "punches",
special : "Trips on critical hits",
quality : 1,
superior: 0,
critical: "Trip",
criticalamount: 2,
special2: "None",
specialD: "None",
innate: 1,
hp : 100000,
amount: 1,
cost : 0
<<set $weapon.windfists = {
type : "weapon",
range : "melee",
name : "storming fists",
plural : "storming fists",
damage : 7,
damagetype : "Blunt",
skill : "Unarmed",
stat : "Strength",
description : "Your fists",
description2 : "It is a melee unarmed weapon that deals 1d8 blunt damage and feints a enemy on a critical hit.",
adescription : "punch",
adescription2 : "punches",
special : "Feints (-2 to AC/Attack) on critical hits",
quality : 1,
superior: 0,
critical: "Feint",
criticalamount: 2,
special2: "None",
specialD: "None",
innate: 1,
hp : 100000,
amount: 1,
cost : 0
<<set $weapon.firefists = {
type : "weapon",
range : "melee",
name : "burning fists",
plural : "burning fists",
damage : 7,
damagetype : "Blunt",
skill : "Unarmed",
stat : "Strength",
description : "Your fists",
description2 : "It is a melee unarmed weapon that deals 1d8 blunt damage and causes 1d4 burning on critical hits.",
adescription : "punch",
adescription2 : "punches",
special : "1d4 burning on critical hits",
quality : 1,
superior: 0,
critical: "Burn",
criticalamount: 3,
special2: "None",
specialD: "None",
innate: 1,
hp : 100000,
amount: 1,
cost : 0
<<set $weapon.starfists = {
type : "weapon",
range : "melee",
name : "star fists",
plural : "star fists",
damage : 5,
damagetype : "Blunt",
skill : "Unarmed",
stat : "Charisma",
description : "Your fists that can be used for great justice or terrible tyranny",
description2 : "It is a melee unarmed weapon that deals 1d6 blunt damage.",
adescription : "punch",
adescription2 : "punches",
special : "Uses Charisma to hit and for damage",
quality : 1,
superior: 0,
critical: "None",
criticalamount: 0,
special2: "None",
specialD: "None",
innate: 1,
hp : 100000,
amount: 1,
cost : 0
}>>\<img src="Images/Classes/Celebrity.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<include "Weapons">>\
<b>Celebrity Paths</b>
<b>Path of the Nature Guru Star</b>
With how much you love nature you couldn't stop yourself from wanting to help others to become one with nature by live streaming your nature walks inside the large city of Civiton! You become proficient in Scouting and you take half the amount of time when using the Scouting action such as searching for enemies and unusual encounters. In addition you when you use the "Look around the Area" action you have a small chance of finding some makeshift food as well!
<<button [[Choose Path of the Nature Guru|Level Up Stats]]>>
<<set $CelebrityPath.Nature to 1>>\
<<set $Prof.Scouting to $Prof.Scouting+2>>\
<<set $Skill.Scouting to $Skill.Scouting +2>>\
<<set $ClassBonus.Ranger to 1>>\
<<set $SkillAction to 0>>\
<b>Path of the Martial Art Star</b>
Deciding to become famous like your favorite martial artists actors, you worked on improving your mind, body, and soul at the local martial art school and your kitchen. You become proficient in Unarmed attacks and Unarmored defense along with the Cooking skill. You gain star fists which do 1d6 blunt damage and uses your Charisma modifier to hit and for damage instead of Strength. While wearing no armor you have a +1 to AC (+Unarmored Proficiency), 1 Resistance to all Damage and +1 to Saves.
<<button [[Choose Path of the Martial Art Star|Level Up Stats]]>>
<<set $CelebrityPath.MartialArts to 1>>\
<<set $Prof.Unarmed to $Prof.Unarmed+2>>\
<<set $Skill.Unarmed to $Skill.Unarmed +2>>\
<<set $Prof.Unarmored to $Prof.Unarmored + 2>>\
<<set $Skill.Unarmored to $Skill.Unarmored +2>>\
<<for $i = 0; $i < $PCInventory.length; $i++>>\
<<set $uitem = $PCInventory[$i]>>\
<<set $ItemName to $uitem.name>>\
<<if $ItemName is "unarmored">>\
<<set $PCInventory.delete($uitem)>>\
<<set _tempLoot to $armor.unarmoredA>>\
<<set $PCInventory.push(_tempLoot)>>\
<<set _tempLoot2 to $weapon.starfists>>\
<<set $PCInventory.push(_tempLoot2)>>\
<<set $Prof.Cooking to $Prof.Cooking+2>>\
<<set $Skill.Cooking to $Skill.Cooking +2>>\
<<set $SkillAction to 0>>\
<b>Path of the Adult Porn Star</b>
You started off streaming in what some prudes might call slutty outfits but it was the easiest way to make money! Eventually the lure of bigger paychecks swayed you to earn a bit more by wearing less. In the end you started streaming amateur porn videos which improved your sexual techniques and got you the big bucks! You become proficient in the SexCraft skill and if you are already proficent you become an expert in the skill! Learning all these sexual techniques has raised your resistance to Lust attacks by 2 and you are 10% more likely to keep any upgrades from the various transformation drugs found around the city.
<<button [[Choose Path of the Adult Porn Star|Level Up Stats]]>>
<<set $CelebrityPath.Pornomancer to 1>>\
<<set $LustResist.Complete to $LustResist.Complete +2>>\
<<set $Prof.SexCraft to $Prof.SexCraft + 2>>\
<<set $Skill.SexCraft to $Skill.SexCraft + 2>>\
<<set $SkillAction to 0>>\
<</button>> <img src="Images/Classes/Ranger.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<b>Ranger Paths</b>
<b>Path of the Army Ranger</b>
You had just been accepted into the US Army Ranger School before being stranded inside of Civiton when the Infested Cataclysm happened. You were trained in Medium armor and when using bows and rifles you add your skill proficiency with those weapons to the damage dealt.
<<button [[Choose Path of the Army Ranger|Level Up Stats]]>>
<<set $RangerPath.Army to 1>>\
<<set $Prof.MediumArmor to $Prof.MediumArmor+2>>\
<<set $Skill.MediumArmor to $Skill.MediumArmor+2>>\
<<set $SkillAction to 0>>\
<<if $weaponEquipSkill is "Rifles">>\
<<set $TrainedExtra.RangedDamage to ($Prof.Rifles)>>\
<<elseif $weaponEquipSkill is "Bows">>\
<<set $TrainedExtra.RangedDamage to ($Prof.Bows)>>\
<b>Path of the Forest Ranger</b>
You quickly learned that keeping an eye out for wild animals and troublemakers is a great way of staying healthy! And if you find them before they find you, that's even better! Driving around the deep wilderness has helped your proficiency in the Driving skill to improve. You have a chance to ambush most enemies you find on the streets which gives you a free round to act while they are stunned and you also get a bonus reroll to avoid any ambushes that would happen to you. All of these checks are made with a +2 bonus.
<<button [[Choose Path of the Forest Ranger|Level Up Stats]]>>
<<set $RangerPath.Forest to 1>>\
<<set $Prof.Driving to $Prof.Driving+2>>\
<<set $Skill.Driving to $Skill.Driving+2>>\
<<set $SkillAction to 0>>\
<b>Path of the Federal Ranger</b>
You've worked with various law enforcement units before being asked to join as an apprentice for the Federal Rangers, a federal law group dedicated to providing assistance to local law enforcement and rooting out corruption. You were trained in Medium armor along with shotguns gaining proficiency with both. Your Maximum Dexterity Bonus for any type of of armor you are trained in increases by two.
<<button [[Choose Path of the Law Ranger|Level Up Stats]]>>
<<set $RangerPath.Law to 1>>\
<<set $Prof.Shotguns to $Prof.Shotguns+2>>\
<<set $Skill.Shotguns to $Skill.Shotguns+2>>\
<<set $Prof.MediumArmor to $Prof.MediumArmor+2>>\
<<set $Skill.MediumArmor to $Skill.MediumArmor+2>>\
<<set $SkillAction to 0>>\
<</button>><img src="Images/Classes/Medic.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<b>Medic Paths</b>
<b>Path of the Surgeon</b>
You've focused on the surgical part of medicine while interning at the local hospital and learned to wield a mean scalpel as a result. You've learned to hide the fact you tend to carry your scalpels everywhere you go giving you proficiency with Stealth. When you have a knife equipped you use your Dexterity to hit instead of Strength and use your Dexterity bonus for damage.
<<button [[Choose Path of the Surgeon|Level Up Stats]]>>
<<set $MedicPath.Surgeon to 1>>\
<<set $ClassBonus.Criminal to 1>>\
<<set $Prof.Stealth to $Prof.Stealth+2>>\
<<set $Skill.Stealth to $Skill.Stealth+2>>\
<<set $SkillAction to 0>>\
<b>Path of the Pharmacist</b>
You've focused on the various medicines and how they interact with each other. As a result of your focus on the pharmacy side of medicine, you have gained proficiency in the Crafting skill. When healing with medkits you recover an additonal 2 HP per dice and when using transformation items that have a limit you can safely use those items by an additional 20% before risking a bad side affect. You have the ability to craft and repair items using less materials than what might take others to do so. You use 20% less materials when crafting items, weapons and armor but not food.
<<button [[Choose Path of the Pharmacist|Level Up Stats]]>>
<<set $MedicPath.Pharmacist to 1>>\
<<set $ClassBonus.Programmer to 1>>\
<<set $Prof.Crafting to $Prof.Crafting+2>>\
<<set $Skill.Crafting to $Skill.Crafting+2>>\
<<set $SkillAction to 0>>\
<b>Path of the Combat Medic</b>
You've trained with the Army on how to treat soldiers in the field for medical emergencies. You were trained in Medium armor along with rifles gaining proficiency with both even if your role was to stay back for support. You have a +1 bonus to Saves while wearing any armor and once per combat you can survive a normally lethal physical hit leaving you with 1HP.
<<button [[Choose Path of the Combat Medic|Level Up Stats]]>>
<<set $MedicPath.Combat to 1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Undying to 1>>\
<<set $Prof.Rifles to $Prof.Rifles+2>>\
<<set $Skill.Rifles to $Skill.Rifles +2>>\
<<set $Prof.MediumArmor to $Prof.MediumArmor+2>>\
<<set $Skill.MediumArmor to $Skill.MediumArmor+2>>\
<<set $SkillAction to 0>>\
<</button>> <img src="Images/Classes/Programmer.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<include "Shields">> /* Set the shields as objects */
<b>Progammer Paths</b>
<b>Path of the Security Admin</b>
You took some network security classes and impressed your bosses so much that it ended up leading to you being assigned to be the assistant of main security administrator for the company you were interning at. This led to you spending extra time monitoring security cameras along with the various network traffic. You've spent so much time keeping an eye out for intruders that your proficiency with Scouting increased and you take half the amount of time when using the Scouting action such as searching for enemies and unusual encounters. These added security training has allowed you to better protect your home from invaders which greatly decreases the chances of any raids or assaults on your home.
<<button [[Choose Path of the Security Admin|Level Up Stats]]>>
<<set $ProgrammerPath.Security to 1>>\
<<set $Prof.Scouting to $Prof.Scouting+2>>\
<<set $Skill.Scouting to $Skill.Scouting +2>>\
<<set $ClassBonus.Ranger to 1>>\
<<set $SkillAction to 0>>\
<b>Path of the Black Hat Hacker</b>
You've gone down a dark path in order to aquire what's truly important in life, money! You've spent your time learning how to exploit vulnerabilities in systems without being caught, even if you have to sneak around in order to do so! You've spent so much time doing your best to not be detected that your proficiency with Stealth has increased and when you successfully use the Electronics skill to hack a system you recover 1d4 HP for every two levels you have.
<<button [[Choose Path of the Black Hat Hacker|Level Up Stats]]>>
<<set $ProgrammerPath.Blackhat to 1>>\
<<set $Prof.Stealth to $Prof.Stealth+2>>\
<<set $Skill.Stealth to $Skill.Stealth +2>>\
<<set $SkillAction to 0>>\
<b>Path of the Weekend Warrior</b>
You've spent most weekends LARPing with your fellow nerds while running around in platemail and carrying a heavy shield. You become proficient with Heavy Armor in order to remain protected from lightning bolts and other heavy thrown objects. You also gain a shield equipment slot that allows you to equip shields and you automatically gain a light aluminum shield that gives you +1 to your AC once equipped.
<<button [[Choose Path of the Weekend Warrior|Level Up Stats]]>>
<<set $ProgrammerPath.Weekend to 1>>\
<<set $Prof.HeavyArmor to $Prof.HeavyArmor+2>>\
<<set $Prof.Shield to 1>>\
<<set _tempLoot to $shield.lightshield>>\
<<set $PCInventory.push(_tempLoot)>>\
<<set $SkillAction to 0>>\
<</button>><img @src=$genericFighter.Image width="512px" height="768px" />
<<set $CombatRound to 0>>\
<<set $SpecialUsage to $MaxSpecialUsage>>\
<<include "Combat Status Affects">>\
<<if $MedicPath.Combat > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Undying to 1>>\
<<set $location.FleeFlag to 0>>\
<<set _tempCash to $genericFighter.Level * 15>>\
<<set _tempCash to random(_tempCash) + ($genericFighter.Level * 4)>>\
<<if $SalvagingSkillFeats.SecureWallet > 0>>\
<<set _tempSecure to _tempCash * (.10 * $Prof.Salvaging)>>\
<<set _tempCash to Math.round(_tempCash - _tempSecure)>>\
<<set $Cash to $Cash - _tempCash>>\
<<if $Cash < 0>>\
<<set $Cash to 0>>\
<<if $HP < 1>>\
<<if $AthleticSkillFeats.Recovery > 0>>\
<<set $HP to $PC.Level + $ConstitutionBonus + 1>>\
<<set $HP to 1>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.Vaccine < 1>>\
<<if (random(19) +1) + $PC.Fortitude + $InfectionResist.Fort + $FoodStatus.Fort - $StatusAffect.Wet < (22 + $genericFighter.Level + Math.round($Infestation.Progress / 2) )>>\
<<if $Infestation.Progress < 1>>\
<<set $Infestation.Progress to 1>>\
<<set _Infest to random(10) - $InfectionResist.DR +10>>\
<<if _Infest < 0>>\
<<set _Infest to 0>>\
<<set $PC.Infestation to $PC.Infestation + _Infest>>\
<<if $PC.Infestation > $Infestation.Cap>>\
<<set $PC.Infestation to $Infestation.Cap>>\
<<if $PC.Sex is "Futa" or $StatusAffect.Futa > 0>>\
<<include "Infested D.Female Sex Dominate Futa">>\
<<elseif $PC.Sex is "Male" and $StatusAffect.Futa < 1>>\
<<include "Infested D.Female Sex Dominate Male">>\
<<elseif $PC.Sex is "Female" and $StatusAffect.Futa < 1>>\
<<include "Infested D.Female Sex Dominate Female">>\
<<if $Cash > 0>>\
As you gather your gear you discover that you are missing _tempCash dollars!
<<button [[Return|$location.temp]]>>
<<include "Lust Passes">>\
<<if $StatusAffect.Horde > 0 and $location.Indoor is 0>>\
<<set $NoEncounter to random(3)>>\
<<set $NoEncounter to random(1) +2>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<include "Adlibs">>\
<<set $SexScene1 to random(11)>>\
<<switch $SexScene1>>\
<<default>>\ /* Cowgirl scene */
<<include "Infested D.Female Pussy Sex Dominate Futa">>\
<</switch>>\ <<set _bonusHorde to 0>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.Horde > 0 and $location.Indoor is 0>>\
<<set _bonusHorde to $StatusAffect.Horde>>\
<<if ndef _bonusHorde>>\
<<set _bonusHorde to 0>>\
<<if $AdminMode is 1 and $StatusAffect.Horde > 0>>\
Horde Status: _bonusHorde
<<set _bonusAmbush to 0>>\
<<if $RangerPath.Forest > 0 or $CriminalPath.Scout > 0>>\
<<set _bonusAmbush to 2>>\
<<set _EncounterRoll to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<set _TotalEncounterRoll to _EncounterRoll + $Skill.Scouting + $WisdomBonus + $StatusAffect.SilentStalking - ($StatusAffect.Stalking *2) - $StatusAffect.Horny - ($StatusAffect.CumCovered) - (_bonusHorde*3)>>\
<<if _TotalEncounterRoll + ($ThieverySkillFeats.SnareMaster *2) + _bonusAmbush < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current - 10 + _Fog) or (_EncounterRoll < 2)>>\
<<set _State to "Ambush">>\
<<if $RangerPath.Forest > 0 or $CriminalPath.Scout > 0>>\
<<set _EncounterRoll to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<set _TotalEncounterRoll to _EncounterRoll + $Skill.Scouting + $WisdomBonus + $StatusAffect.SilentStalking - ($StatusAffect.Stalking *2) - $StatusAffect.Horny - ($StatusAffect.CumCovered) - (_bonusHorde*2)>>\
<<if _TotalEncounterRoll + ($ThieverySkillFeats.SnareMaster *2) + _bonusAmbush < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current - 10 + _Fog) or (_EncounterRoll < 2)>>\
<<set _State to "Ambush">>\
<<set _State to "Combat">>\
<<elseif _TotalEncounterRoll < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current - _Fog + _Rain - _Cold)>>\
<<set _State to "Combat">>\
<<if _State is "Combat">>\
<<if $RangerPath.Forest > 0 or $CriminalPath.Scout > 0>>\
<<set _EncounterRoll to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<set _TotalEncounterRoll to _EncounterRoll + $Skill.Scouting + $WisdomBonus + $StatusAffect.SilentStalking - ($StatusAffect.Stalking *2) - $StatusAffect.Horny - ($StatusAffect.CumCovered) -(_bonusHorde*2)>>\
<<if _TotalEncounterRoll + ($ThieverySkillFeats.SnareMaster *2) + _bonusAmbush > ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current + 10 - _Fog)>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.EAmbushed to 1>>\
<<set _NPCEncounterRoll to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<if _NPCEncounterRoll - _Rain + _Wind > (18 - $ScoutingSkillFeats.KeenEye) and $NoEncounter is 0>>\
<<set _State to "NPC">>\
<</if>>\<<set _totalHeal to 0>>\
<<set _dice to Math.floor($PC.Level / 2)>>\
<<for $i = 0; $i < _dice; $i++>>\
<<set _healdice to random(3) +1>>\
<<set _totalHeal to _totalHeal + _healdice>>\
<<set $HP to $HP + _totalHeal>>\
<<if $MedicalSkillFeats.MedicalOverwatch > 0>>\
<<set _totalHeal to _totalHeal + $Prof.Medical>>\
<<if $HP > $MaxHP>>\
<<set $HP to $MaxHP>>\
The rush of hacking a system allowed you to recover _totalHeal HP!<img src="Images/Items/MilkShakeJugs.jpg" />
<<set _desc to $useitem3.description>>\
<<set _name to $useitem3.name>>\
<<set _BreastSD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _BreastsSize to $arrayBreastSize[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<if $PC.Sex is "Male" and $StatusAffect.Futa is 0>>\
<<set _Status to "None">>\
<<elseif $PC.BreastsSize is 5>>\
<<set _Status to "Same">>\
<<elseif $PC.BreastsSize > 5>>\
<<set _Status to "Shrink">>\
<<set _Status to "Grow">>\
<<switch _Status>>\
<<case "None">>\
Looking down at _name, you read the following from the side of the can: _desc. Deciding to try it out you down the $useitem3.name but nothing happens... Maybe you need a couple of cans of your own for this to work?
<<case "Shrink">>\
<<if $PC.MBreastsSize > 5>>\
<<set $PC.BreastsSize to $PC.MBreastsSize>>\
<<set $PC.BreastsSize to 5>>\
<<set $BreastSD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set $BreastsSize to $arrayBreastSize[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set $NippleSize to $arrayNippleSize[$PC.NippleSize]>>\
Looking down at _name, you read the following from the side of the can: _desc. Deciding to try it out you down the $useitem3.name and it tastes like chocolate covered cherries in liquid form. It doesn't take long before you feel a pleasant shrinking sensation coming from your chest! Looking down you notice your _BreastSD _BreastsSize breasts are becoming smaller and lighter! Eventually it slowly stops shrinking and you now have a $BreastSD pair of $BreastsSize cans!
  You give a sigh of relief as the weight of$BreastsSize sensitive tits decreases, letting your back recover from carrying around your previous _BreastSD chest. Reaching up to cup your still impressive titties, you let out a low moan as they are still quite sensitive. You can feel your $NippleSize long nipples poking out between your fingers as you give your jugs a nice firm squeeze causing another erotic moan to escape your lips. It's taking all your willpower to keep from masturbating like no there's to tomorrow as you play with your $BreastSD breasts. Finally regaining your composure, you smile widely as you feel a sense of pride at still being part of the bustier generation!
<<case "Same">>\
Looking down at _name, you read the following from the side of the can: _desc. Deciding to try it out you down the $useitem3.name and it tastes like chocolate covered cherries in liquid form. Afer a couple of minutes you don't sense any changes but at least it tasted delicious?
<<set $PC.BreastsSize to 5>>\
<<if $NippleSize < 5>>\
<<set $NippleSize to $NippleSize +1>>\
<<set $BreastSD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set $BreastsSize to $arrayBreastSize[$PC.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set $NippleSize to $arrayNippleSize[$PC.NippleSize]>>\
Looking down at _name, you read the following from the side of the can: _desc. Deciding to try it out you down the $useitem3.name and it tastes like chocolate covered cherries in liquid form. It doesn't take long before you feel a pleasant stretching sensation coming from your chest! Looking down you notice your _BreastSD _BreastsSize breasts are growing larger and heavier! Eventually it slowly stops growing and you now have a $BreastSD pair of $BreastsSize cans!
  Moaning loudly from the pleasant sensations of your $BreastsSize sensitive tits, you reach up to cup those big titties of yours. You can feel your $NippleSize long nipples poking out between your fingers as you give your jugs a nice firm squeeze causing another erotic moan to escape your lips. It's taking all your willpower to keep from masturbating like no there's to tomorrow as you play with your $BreastSD breasts. Finally regaining your composure, you smile widely as you feel a sense of pride at joining the bustier generation!
<</switch>>\<<set $sexHistory.XP to $sexHistory.XP +1>>\
<<set $LastPartner to $genericFighter>>\
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$genericFighter.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$genericFighter.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _INip to $arrayNippleSize[$genericFighter.NippleSize]>>\
<<set _IAss to $arrayAssSizeDesc[$genericFighter.AssSize]>>\
<<set _ISD2 to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$genericFighter.BreastsSize2]>>\
<<set _ICup2 to $arrayBreastSize[$genericFighter.BreastsSize2]>>\
<<set _INip2 to $arrayNippleSize[$genericFighter.NippleSize -2]>>\
<<set _IAss2 to $arrayAssSizeDesc[$genericFighter.AssSize +1]>>\
<<set _SizeComp to $PC.DickSize - $genericFighter.Level + ($GeneralFeats.FalseRep *2)>>\
<<if _SizeComp < 0>>\
<<set _SizeComp to 0>>\
<<include "Names">>\
<<set _rand1 to random(18)>>\
<<set _rand2 to random(18)>>\
<<set _TN1 to $femaleNames1[_rand1]>>\
<<set _TN2 to $femaleNames2[_rand2]>>\
<<set _dickState to 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Energized to $StatusAffect.Energized+2>>\
  As you lie on the ground feeling completely defeated by the two Infested, the bustier of the two looks down at you and says with a smirk on her face "Hey _TN2, it looks like we have another dick-girl to turn into a Futa with a proper bitch-breaking futa-cock!" _TN2 looks to be focused on fondling _TN1's _ISD impressive tits and so it takes her a moment to focus on what her fellow Infested is saying.
  Finally looking down at you, _TN2 licks her lips as she stares at the $DickSD tent in your clothes. "You're right, _TN1! There's nothing funner then turning pathetic cucks begging to have their tiny 2-inch pencil stubs fucked by our big titties into fuck machine studs who can't stop shooting their big wads into all the neighborhood sluts' tight pussies with their fucking massive foot long meat rods!" she says as she pinches _TN1's hard _INip long nipples. "So how about you strip out of your clothes and let us see what type of futa we have to play with?"
<<switch $PC.DickSize>>\
<<case 0 1 2 3 4>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.TinyDick > 1>>\
<<set _dickState to 1>>\
<<set _dickState to 5>>\
  You quickly strip out of your clothes leaving your $DickSize futa-dick fully exposed along with your $BallsSize balls and $BreastSD tits! Ignoring your $BreastsSize chest in order to focus on your $DickSD shaft, _TN1 laughs and says "I thought most Futas have fucking clubs in their pants but I guess that's just a filthy rumor! But don't worry cause _TN2 and I love blowing up the tiny dicks of dick-girl posers like you! By the time we're done that pencil stub is going to be a fucking foot-long sub filled with extra sauce!"
  _TN2 blinks as she hears _TN1 statement and then finally glances down at your exposed dick. "Oh my God! Are you seeing this, _TN1! We need to get started on getting this poor futa's $DickSize cock growing like ASAP!" she says as releases her grip on _TN1's _ISD tits in order to pull down her slutty clothes in order to expose her own _ISD2 chest!
  _TN1 nods as she cups her _ICup titties while slowly kneeling on your left side while _TN2 kneels on your left side with her own _ICup2 tits ready! "Just sit back, relax and enjoy having your $DickSize futa-cock buried in between our big titties and before you know it you'll be a brand new Futa with a cunt-destroying thunder cock!" _TN1 huskily says as presses her _ISD jugs against your rock hard futa-cock while _TN2 does the same on the other side with her _ISD2 breasts!
<<case 5 6 7 8 9 10>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.TinyDick > 1>>\
<<set _dickState to 1>>\
<<set _dickState to 5>>\
  You quickly strip out of your clothes leaving your $DickSize futa-dick fully exposed along with your $BallsSize balls and $BreastSD breasts! Ignoring your $BreastsSize chest in order to focus on your $DickSD shaft, _TN1 smirks and says "Just as I expect, a pathetic little girly weiner so eager to grow bigger and stronger! You're in luck little futa cause _TN2 and I love blowing up weak-ass girl-dicks! By the time we're done that weak pitiful reed is going to be a fucking foot-long sub filled with extra sauce!"
  _TN2 blinks as she hears _TN1 statement and then finally glances down at your exposed futa-cock. "That's right, _TN1! That little girl-dick is the perfect size to be buried deep in between our big titties!" she says as releases her grip on _TN1's _ISD tits in order to pull down her slutty clothes in order to expose her own _ISD2 chest!
  _TN1 smiles widely as she cups her _ICup titties while slowly kneeling on your left side while _TN2 kneels on your left side with her own _ICup2 tits ready! "Just sit back, relax and enjoy having your _DickSize futa-cock buried in between our big titties and before you know it you'll be a brand new Futa with a cunt-destroying thunder cock!" _TN1 huskily says as presses her _ISD jugs against your rock hard futa-cock while _TN2 does the same on the other side with her _ISD2 breasts!
  You quickly strip out of your clothes leaving your $DickSize futa-dick fully exposed along with your $BallsSize balls and $BreastSD tits! Ignoring your $BreastsSize chest in order to focus on your $DickSD shaft, _TN1 frowns and says "I can't believe you have a girl-dick that $DickSD! Fuck! _TN2 and I love blowing up the pathetic dicks of losers and turning them into proper bitch-breakers with foot-long dicks! Thanks for ruining that for us!"
  _TN2 frowns as she hears _TN1 statement and then finally glances down at your exposed futa-cock. "Huh. _TN1 is right, that's a pretty big dick... Wait! I know what we can do!" she exclaims as she searches her purse for something before pulling out a bright red soda can. "This can of Mr. Pimpledick X-tra should do the trick of getting your dick to the proper size for a cuck like you!"
<<if $PC.MDickSize > 11 and $PC.MDickSize < $PC.DickSize>>\
<<set _dickState to 2>>\
<<set _DickSD to $DickSD>>\
<<set _DickSize to $DickSize>>\
<<set _sizeCheck to $PC.DickSize - $PC.MDickSize>>\
<<set _sizeCheck2 to _sizeCheck - $StatusAffect.BigDick>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.TinyDick to $StatusAffect.TinyDick + _sizeCheck2>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.BigDick to 0>>\
<<set $PCChanges.DickShrink to "Sex">>\
<<set $PC.DickSize to $PC.MDickSize>>\
<<set $DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$PC.DickSize]>>\
<<set $DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$PC.DickSize]>>\
<<set $PC.BallsSize to $PC.MBallsSize>>\
<<set $BallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$PC.BallsSize]>>\
<<set $BallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$PC.BallsSize]>>\
  Unable to refuse the Infested's demands, you grab the can of Mr. Pimpledick X-tra and slowly down the drink. It tastes like some kind of sour green cherry soda but doesn't taste all that bad. You feel a strange sensation down in your groin and you quickly take a look after tossing the can away.
  To your horror you discover your _DickSize dick is slowly shrinking! Inch by inch of your meat rod is slowly withdrawing back into your body before leaving you with a $DickSD $DickSize cock! Reeling from shock, you grab your $DickSize shaft and discover that your dick is quite sensitive from it's sudden shrinkage. At least you still have a nice sized dick even if it's a bit smaller than before.
  _TN1 looks down at your crotch and with a frown on her face says "What the fuck? How do you still have a $DickSize meat staff even after drinking all that Mr. Pimpledick X-tra!" At your smirk she shakes her head and says "Fuck you! Fucking Futas with their $DickSD juicy godly rod of beefiness ruining our fun! But you know what? We're still going to give you a double titty-fuck just cause your cock is so fucking big but don't think we'll forget about this!"
  _TN1 tries to hide her smile as she cups her _ICup titties while slowly kneeling on your left side while _TN2 kneels on your left side with her own _ICup2 tits ready! "In the meantime, just sit back, relax and enjoy having your $DickSize cock buried in between our big titties and before you know it you'll be blowing your big load all over them!" _TN2 huskily says as presses her _ISD2 jugs against your rock hard cock while _TN1 does the same on the other side with her _ISD breasts!
<<elseif $PC.MDickSize < $PC.DickSize>>\
<<set _DickSD to $DickSD>>\
<<set _DickSize to $DickSize>>\
<<set _dickState to 1>>\
<<set _sizeCheck to $PC.DickSize - $PC.MDickSize>>\
<<set _sizeCheck2 to _sizeCheck - $StatusAffect.BigDick>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.TinyDick to $StatusAffect.TinyDick + _sizeCheck2>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.BigDick to 0>>\
<<set $PCChanges.DickShrink to "Sex">>\
<<set $PC.DickSize to $PC.MDickSize>>\
<<set $DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$PC.DickSize]>>\
<<set $DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$PC.DickSize]>>\
<<set $PC.BallsSize to $PC.MBallsSize>>\
<<set $BallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$PC.BallsSize]>>\
<<set $BallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$PC.BallsSize]>>\
  Unable to refuse the Infested's demands, you grab the can of Mr. Pimpledick X-tra and slowly down the drink. It tastes like some kind of sour green cherry soda but doesn't taste all that bad. You feel a strange sensation down in your groin and you quickly take a look after tossing the can away.
  To your horror you discover your _DickSize futa-dick is slowly shrinking! Inch by inch of your meat rod is slowly withdrawing back into your body before leaving you with a $DickSD $DickSize cock! Reeling from shock, you grab your $DickSize shaft and discover that your dick is quite sensitive from it's sudden shrinkage.
  _TN1 looks down at your crotch and with a smirk on her face says "Now that's the proper sized pencil nub for a cuck loser like you!" At your frown she shakes her head and says "Oh don't be so mad, your fucking futa-cock will soon be back to it's proper size in no time. But in the meantime..."
  _TN1 smiles widely as she cups her _ICup titties while slowly kneeling on your left side while _TN2 kneels on your left side with her own _ICup2 tits ready! "In the meantime, just sit back, relax and enjoy having your $DickSize cock buried in between our big titties and before you know it you'll be a brand new futa-stud!" _TN2 huskily says as presses her _ISD2 jugs against your rock hard cock while _TN1 does the same on the other side with her _ISD breasts!
<<set _dickState to 3>>\
  Unable to refuse the Infested's demands, you grab the can of Mr. Pimpledick X-tra and slowly down the drink. It tastes like some kind of sour green cherry soda but doesn't taste all that bad. After a few moments you just shrug as nothing seems to happen and so you toss the empty can off to the side.
  _TN1 looks down at your crotch with confusion on her face and says "Was that can of Mr. Pimpledick a dud?!?!?" At your resigned look she shakes her head and says "I mean it was supposed to shrink your futa-dick so we could blow it up nice and big but it didn't work..."
  _TN1 smiles widely as she cups her _ICup titties while slowly kneeling on your left side while _TN2 kneels on your left side with her own _ICup2 tits ready! "Oh well, there's nothing we can do about it now. So how about you just sit back, relax and enjoy having your $DickSize cock buried in between our big titties before blowing your juicy load all over them!" _TN2 huskily says as presses her _ISD2 jugs against your rock hard cock while _TN1 does the same on the other side with her _ISD breasts!
<<switch _dickState>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<set _DickSD to $DickSD>>\
<<set _DickSize to $DickSize>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.TinyDick > 1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.TinyDick to $StatusAffect.TinyDick -2>>\
<<set $PC.DickSize to $PC.DickSize +2>>\
<<set $DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$PC.DickSize]>>\
<<set $DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$PC.DickSize]>>\
<<set $PC.BallsSize =+ $PC.BallsSize +2>>\
<<set $BallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$PC.BallsSize]>>\
<<set $BallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$PC.BallsSize]>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.TinyDick to $StatusAffect.TinyDick -1>>\
<<set $PC.DickSize to $PC.DickSize +2>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.BigDick to 1>>\
<<set $DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$PC.DickSize]>>\
<<set $DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$PC.DickSize]>>\
<<set $PC.BallsSize =+ $PC.BallsSize +2>>\
<<set $BallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$PC.BallsSize]>>\
<<set $BallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$PC.BallsSize]>>\
  You let out a loud breathy moan as you feel your _DickSize shaft completely engulfed by the big squishy titties of the two busty Infested! "Fuck! Your tits are so fucking amazing! I can feel my cock completely engulfed by your fucking _ISD titties!" you groan as _TN1 starts to titty-fuck you with her _ISD tits while _TN2 swiftly follows along with her _ISD2 jugs, giving your cock a titty sandwitch.
  "Look at this horny little futa, squirming and begging for our big titties!" _TN1 says with a lusty smirk. "I mean, her _DickSD futa-dick is so small that her little nub can't even be seen!" Even with her dismissive tone she still keeps a steady pace, stroking your hard throbbing dick with her perky tits. She is right about the fact her titties are so big your _DickSize dick is dwarfed by her _ISD jugs along with the other pair of _ISD2 titties and remains deeply buried deep inside that fleshy mountain range.
  "Oh? Is our big titties too much for you? I bet it feels real amazing in between our big fucking tits! Go ahead, fuck our tits with your _DickSD dick until you shoot your hot sticky goo all over them!" _TN1 moans huskily as she watches you surrender yourself to your erotic desires. _TN2 smiles in anticipation as she watches your frantic efforts to find release by slamming your dick rapidly into the titty valley's of the two busty Infested. With each new thrust the pleasure spikes even higher than the last and it feels like you are ramming the gates of Heaven with no chance of holding back!
  Thrusting one last time, you bellow out "Oh God yes! I'm shooting my big wad! Oh fuckkk!" Your _DickSize futa-cock is still buried deep inside of their titty prison but there's just enough space to shoot $CumAD ribbons of hot baby-batter out from between those tits before landing all over _TN1 and _TN2's big jugs and faces! Your intense orgasm seems to last forever as more $CumAD squirts of hot goo splatter all over their slippery titties! Even your neglected pussy squirts out a $GCumAD amount of girl-cum onto the ground below.
<<if $StatusAffect.TinyDick is 0>>\
  As you lay there recovering from your mind-blowing orgasm, the two Infested finally pull their fat titties away from your girl-dick. To your confusion you discover that your shrunken _DickSD _DickSize dick is back to being a proper $DickSD $DickSize piece of man-meat! "Thank God! My meat rod's back to it's proper size!" you mumble as you give your $DickSize futa-cock that's oozing cum from the tip a look of relief at the familiar shape and size!
  As you lay there recovering from your mind-blowing orgasm, the two Infested finally pull their fat titties away from your girl-dick. To your confusion you discover that your shrunken _DickSD _DickSize dick is now a $DickSD $DickSize piece of man-meat! "Looking better I guess?" you mumble as you give your $DickSize cock that's oozing cum from the tip a look of partial relief at your beefier, thicker meat rod!
<<if _SizeComp < 12>>\
  Looking completely confused, _TN1 stares at your $DickSD futa-cock as _TN2 starts to lick your hot seed off of _TN1's _ISD breasts. "Hold up _TN2! We have a problem so can you stop playing with my big titties for a moment?" she moans as _TN2 kisses and sucks on her breasts before continuing "Instead of a twelve-inch fuck rod, they are only packing a $DickSize fuck stick!"
  _TN2 gives _TN1's cream glazed tits one last long lick with her long tongue before she glances down at your cum-covered dick. "What the hell? Did the power of our epic titties fail? I mean, your futa-cock is looking bigger than before but not even close to being a twelve-inch meat rod! Maybe the power of our tight cunts will pump that $DickSize dick to it's proper size?" Gasping softly she moans "Ooooh! My big titties feel so good when you suck on them, _TN1!" Your cock twitches at the sight of _TN1 returning the favor by licking your sticky mess off of _TN2's _ISD2 perky chest and you feel your balls pulse with desire as they work overtime to produce more baby-batter as you lay on the ground watching the two Infested finish licking each other's chests clean of your cum.
  Laughing in delight, _TN1 admires your $DickSD dick as _TN2 starts to lick your hot seed off of _TN1's _ISD breasts. "Mmmm! That feels so good, _TN2! Keep playing with my big titties!" she moans as _TN2 kisses and sucks on her breasts before continuing "Take a look at that $DickSize meat log! Oh fuck yes! I love seeing little trigs growing into mighty trees!"
  _TN2 gives _TN1's cream glazed tits one last long lick with her long tongue before she glances down at your cum-covered dick. "Oh my God! Your dick, is like, looking so much bigger and jucier! My pussy is fucking dripping wet just looking at that powerful $DickSize staff!" Gasping softly she moans " Ooooh! My big jugs feel so amazing when you play with them, _TN1!" Your cock twitches at the sight of _TN1 returning the favor by licking your sticky mess off of _TN2's _ISD2 perky chest and you feel your balls pulse with desire as they work overtime to produce more baby-batter as you lay on the ground watching the two Infested finish licking each other's chests clean of your cum.
  "Oh oh? Is that futa-cock twitching and throbbing at the sight of two sexy women sucking on each other's big tits! How about I bury that improved cock of yours deep inside my pussy and drain those $BallsSD balls of all that yummy seed?" _TN1 says as she breaks away from _TN2 before standing above you while looking down at your fully erect dick. The thought of having your dick buried deep inside her tight cunt causes your futa-cock to twitch as some more cum oozes from your meaty tip.
<<case 2>>\
<<set _DickSD to $DickSD>>\
<<set _DickSize to $DickSize>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.TinyDick > 1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.TinyDick to $StatusAffect.TinyDick -2>>\
<<set $PC.DickSize to $PC.DickSize +2>>\
<<set $DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$PC.DickSize]>>\
<<set $DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$PC.DickSize]>>\
<<set $PC.BallsSize =+ $PC.BallsSize +2>>\
<<set $BallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$PC.BallsSize]>>\
<<set $BallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$PC.BallsSize]>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.TinyDick to $StatusAffect.TinyDick -1>>\
<<set $PC.DickSize to $PC.DickSize +2>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.BigDick to 1>>\
<<set $DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$PC.DickSize]>>\
<<set $DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$PC.DickSize]>>\
<<set $PC.BallsSize =+ $PC.BallsSize +2>>\
<<set $BallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$PC.BallsSize]>>\
<<set $BallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$PC.BallsSize]>>\
<<set $Cum.Stored to $Cum.Max>>\
<<set $CumAD to $arrayCumAmountDesc[$Cum.Stored]>>\
  You let out a loud breathy moan as you feel your _DickSize shaft completely engulfed by the big squishy titties of the two busty Infested! "Fuck! Your tits are so fucking amazing! I can feel my cock completely engulfed by your fucking _ISD titties!" you groan as _TN1 starts to titty-fuck you with her _ISD tits while _TN2 swiftly follows along with her _ISD2 jugs, giving your cock a titty sandwitch.
  "Look at this horny little futa, squirming and begging for our big titties!" _TN1 says with a lusty smirk. I mean, fuck! Our big titties can barely wrap around her _DickSD girl-dick even after losing some size from that fucking soda!" Her tone shows that she's pleased by your size even if in the beginning she was sounding a bit annoyed. The busty Infested keeps a steady pace while still stroking your hard throbbing dick with her perky tits while her friend matches her pace. She is right about the fact your _DickSize dick can still be seen even being wrapped by her _ISD jugs and remains deeply buried deep inside that fleshy mountain range.
  "Oh? Is our big titties too much for you? I bet it feels real amazing in between our big fucking tits! Go ahead, fuck our tits with your _DickSD dick until you shoot your hot sticky goo all over them!" _TN1 moans huskily as she watches you surrender yourself to your erotic desires. _TN2 smiles in anticipation as she watches your frantic efforts to find release by slamming your dick rapidly into the titty valley's of the two busty Infested. With each new thrust the pleasure spikes even higher than the last and it feels like you are ramming the gates of Heaven with no chance of holding back!
  Thrusting one last time, you bellow out "Oh God yes! I'm shooting my big wad! Oh fuckkk!" The mushroom tip of your meaty cock manages to easily escape to the top of their titty prison before shooting a $CumAD ribbon of hot baby-batter all over _TN1 and TN2's big jugs and faces! Your intense orgasm seems to last forever as more $CumAD squirts of hot goo splatter all over their slippery titties! Even your neglected pussy squirts out a $GCumAD amount of girl-cum onto the ground below.
<<if $StatusAffect.TinyDick is 0>>\
  As you lay there recovering from your mind-blowing orgasm, the two Infested finally pull their fat titties away from your girl-dick. To your confusion you discover that your shrunken _DickSD _DickSize dick is back to being a proper $DickSD $DickSize piece of man-meat! "Thank God! My meat rod's back to it's proper size!" you mumble to yourself as you give your $DickSize futa-cock that's oozing cum from the tip a look of relief at the familiar shape and size!
  As you lay there recovering from your mind-blowing orgasm, the two Infested finally pull their fat titties away from your girl-dick. To your confusion you discover that your shrunken _DickSD _DickSize dick is now a $DickSD $DickSize piece of man-meat! "Looking better I guess?" you mumble to yourself as you give your $DickSize futa-cock that's oozing cum from the tip a look of partial relief at your beefier, thicker meat rod!
  Laughing in delight, _TN1 admires your $DickSD dick as _TN2 starts to lick your hot seed off of _TN1's _ISD breasts. "Mmmm! That feels so good, _TN2! Keep playing with my big titties!" she moans as _TN2 kisses and sucks on her breasts before continuing "Take a look at that $DickSize meat log! Oh fuck yes! I love seeing little trigs growing into mighty trees even if that those trigs weren't so little!"
  _TN2 gives _TN1's cream glazed tits one last long lick with her long tongue before she glances down at your cum-covered dick. "Oh my God! Your dick, is like, looking so much bigger and jucier! My pussy is fucking dripping wet just looking at that powerful $DickSize staff!" Gasping softly she moans " Ooooh! My big jugs feel so amazing when you play with them, _TN1!" Your cock twitches at the sight of _TN1 returning the favor by licking your sticky mess off of _TN2's _ISD2 perky chest and you feel your balls pulse with desire as they work overtime to produce more baby-batter as you lay on the ground watching the two Infested finish licking each other's chests clean of your cum.
  "Oooh! Looks like someone's futa-cock is twitching at the sight of two sexy women sucking on each other's big tits! How about I bury that big cock of yours deep inside my pussy and drain those $BallsSD balls of all that yummy seed?" _TN1 says as she breaks away from _TN2 before standing above you while looking down at your fully erect dick. The thought of having your improved cock buried deep inside her tight cunt causes your futa-cock to twitch as some more cum oozes from your meaty tip.
<<case 3>>\
<<set $Cum.Stored to $Cum.Max>>\
<<set $CumAD to $arrayCumAmountDesc[$Cum.Stored]>>\
  You let out a loud breathy moan as you feel your _DickSize shaft completely engulfed by the big squishy titties of the two busty Infested! "Fuck! Your tits are so fucking amazing! I can feel my cock completely engulfed by your fucking _ISD titties!" you groan as _TN1 starts to titty-fuck you with her _ISD tits while _TN2 swiftly follows along with her _ISD2 jugs, giving your cock a titty sandwitch.
  "Look at this horny little futa, squirming and begging for our big titties!" _TN1 says with a lusty smirk. I mean, fuck! Our big titties can barely wrap around her _DickSD girl-dick!" Her tone shows that she's pleased by your size even if in the beginning she was sounding a bit annoyed. The busty Infested keeps a steady pace while still stroking your hard throbbing dick with her perky tits while her friend matches her pace. She is right about the fact your _DickSize dick can still be seen even being wrapped by her _ISD jugs and remains deeply buried deep inside that fleshy mountain range.
  "Oh? Is our big titties too much for you? I bet it feels real amazing in between our big fucking tits! Go ahead, fuck our tits with your _DickSD dick until you shoot your hot sticky goo all over them!" _TN1 moans huskily as she watches you surrender yourself to your erotic desires. _TN2 smiles in anticipation as she watches your frantic efforts to find release by slamming your dick rapidly into the titty valley's of the two busty Infested. With each new thrust the pleasure spikes even higher than the last and it feels like you are ramming the gates of Heaven with no chance of holding back!
  Thrusting one last time, you bellow out "Oh God yes! I'm shooting my big wad! Oh fuckkk!" The mushroom tip of your meaty cock manages to easily escape to the top of their titty prison before shooting a $CumAD ribbon of hot baby-batter all over _TN1 and TN2's big jugs and faces! Your intense orgasm seems to last forever as more $CumAD squirts of hot goo splatter all over their slippery titties! Even your neglected pussy squirts out a $GCumAD amount of girl-cum onto the ground below.
<<if $StatusAffect.TinyDick is 0>>\
  As you lay there recovering from your mind-blowing orgasm, the two Infested finally pull their fat titties away from your dick. Your $DickSize cock is still partially covered in cum from all that seed you just shot out but you still feel like you can go for days!
  Laughing in delight, _TN1 admires your $DickSD dick as _TN2 starts to lick your hot seed off of _TN1's _ISD breasts. "Mmmm! That feels so good, _TN2! Keep playing with my big titties!" she moans as _TN2 kisses and sucks on her breasts before continuing "Take a look at that $DickSize meat log! I mean fuck, it hasn't changed one bit! How the fuck did that $DickSD cock shrug off both the soda and out big titties?"
  _TN2 gives _TN1's cream glazed tits one last long lick with her long tongue before she glances down at your cum-covered dick. "Oh my God! Your dick, is like, still looking fine! My pussy is fucking dripping wet just looking at that powerful $DickSize staff!" Gasping softly she moans " Ooooh! My big jugs feel so amazing when you play with them, _TN1!" Your cock twitches at the sight of _TN1 returning the favor by licking your sticky mess off of _TN2's _ISD2 perky chest and you feel your balls pulse with desire as they work overtime to produce more baby-batter as you lay on the ground watching the two Infested finish licking each other's chests clean of your cum.
<<if $StatusAffect.TinyDick > 1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.TinyDick to $StatusAffect.TinyDick -2>>\
<<set $PC.DickSize to $PC.DickSize +2>>\
<<set $DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$PC.DickSize]>>\
<<set $DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$PC.DickSize]>>\
<<set $PC.BallsSize =+ $PC.BallsSize +2>>\
<<set $BallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$PC.BallsSize]>>\
<<set $BallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$PC.BallsSize]>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.TinyDick to $StatusAffect.TinyDick -1>>\
<<set $PC.DickSize to $PC.DickSize +2>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.BigDick to 1>>\
<<set $DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$PC.DickSize]>>\
<<set $DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$PC.DickSize]>>\
<<set $PC.BallsSize =+ $PC.BallsSize +2>>\
<<set $BallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$PC.BallsSize]>>\
<<set $BallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$PC.BallsSize]>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.TinyDick is 0>>\
  As you lay there recovering from your mind-blowing orgasm, the two Infested finally pull their fat titties away from your girl-dick. To your confusion you discover that your shrunken _DickSD _DickSize dick is back to being a proper $DickSD $DickSize piece of man-meat! "Thank God! My meat rod's back to it's proper size!" you mumble to yourself as you give your $DickSize futa-cock that's oozing cum from the tip a look of relief at the familiar shape and size!
  As you lay there recovering from your mind-blowing orgasm, the two Infested finally pull their fat titties away from your girl-dick. To your confusion you discover that your shrunken _DickSD _DickSize dick is now a $DickSD $DickSize piece of man-meat! "Looking better I guess?" you mumble to yourself as you give your $DickSize futa-cock that's oozing cum from the tip a look of partial relief at your beefier, thicker meat rod!
  Laughing in delight, _TN1 admires your $DickSD dick as _TN2 starts to lick your hot seed off of _TN1's _ISD breasts. "Mmmm! That feels so good, _TN2! Keep playing with my big titties!" she moans as _TN2 kisses and sucks on her breasts before continuing "Take a look at that $DickSize meat log! Oh fuck yes! I love seeing little trigs growing into mighty trees even if that those trigs weren't so little!"
  _TN2 gives _TN1's cream glazed tits one last long lick with her long tongue before she glances down at your cum-covered dick. "Oh my God! Your dick, is like, looking so much bigger and jucier! My pussy is fucking dripping wet just looking at that powerful $DickSize staff!" Gasping softly she moans " Ooooh! My big jugs feel so amazing when you play with them, _TN1!" Your cock twitches at the sight of _TN1 returning the favor by licking your sticky mess off of _TN2's _ISD2 perky chest and you feel your balls pulse with desire as they work overtime to produce more baby-batter as you lay on the ground watching the two Infested finish licking each other's chests clean of your cum.
  "Oh oh? Is that futa-cock twitching and throbbing at the sight of two sexy women sucking on each other's big tits! How about I bury that improved cock of yours deep inside my pussy and drain those $BallsSD balls of all that yummy seed?" _TN1 says as she breaks away from _TN2 before standing above you while looking down at your fully erect dick. The thought of having your dick buried deep inside her tight cunt causes your futa-cock to twitch as some more cum oozes from your meaty tip.
<<set $PCChanges.DickGrowth to "Sex">>\
<<set _DickSD to $DickSD>>\
<<set _DickSize to $DickSize>>\
<<set _MaxSize to 11>>\
<<set _TempCalc to _MaxSize - $PC.DickSize>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.BigDick to $StatusAffect.BigDick + (_TempCalc -1)>>\
<<set $PC.DickSize =+ $PC.DickSize + _TempCalc>>\
<<set $DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$PC.DickSize]>>\
<<set $DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$PC.DickSize]>>\
<<set $PC.BallsSize =+ $PC.BallsSize + _TempCalc>>\
<<set $BallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$PC.BallsSize]>>\
<<set $BallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$PC.BallsSize]>>\
<<set $Cum.Stored to $Cum.Max>>\
<<set $CumAD to $arrayCumAmountDesc[$Cum.Stored]>>\
  You let out a loud breathy moan as you feel your _DickSize shaft completely engulfed by the big squishy titties of the two busty Infested! "Fuck! Your jugs feel so fucking amazing! I can feel my cock completely engulfed by your fucking _ISD mountains!" you groan as _TN1 starts to titty-fuck you with her _ISD tits while _TN2 swiftly follows along with her _ISD2 jugs, giving your cock a titty sandwitch.
  "Look at this horny little futa, panting in desire for our big mouth-watering titties!" _TN1 says with a lusty smirk. "I mean, her _DickSD futa-dick is so pathetic I guess she can't help it. I mean her little futa-stump can't even be seen!" Even with her dismissive tone she still keeps a steady pace, stroking your hard throbbing dick with her perky tits. She is right about the fact her titties are so big your _DickSize dick is dwarfed by her _ISD jugs along with the other pair of _ISD2 titties and remains deeply buried deep inside that fleshy mountain range.
  "Oh? Is our big titties too much for you? I bet it feels real amazing in between our big fucking tits! Go ahead, fuck our tits with your _DickSD dick until you shoot your hot sticky goo all over them!" _TN1 moans huskily as she watches you surrender yourself to your erotic desires. _TN2 smiles in anticipation as she watches your frantic efforts to find release by slamming your dick rapidly into the titty valley's of the two busty Infested. With each new thrust the pleasure spikes even higher than the last and it feels like you are ramming the gates of Heaven with no chance of holding back!
  Thrusting one last time, you bellow out "Oh God yes! I'm shooting my big wad! Oh fuckkk!" To your amazement the tip of your futa-cock manages to escape to the top of their titty prison before shooting a $CumAD ribbon of hot baby-batter all over _TN1 and _TN2's big jugs and faces! Your intense orgasm seems to last forever as more $CumAD squirts of hot goo splatter all over their slippery titties! Even your neglected pussy squirts out a $GCumAD amount of girl-cum onto the ground below.
  As you lay there recovering from your mind-blowing orgasm, the two Infested finally pull their titties away from your dick. To your shock you discover that your _DickSD _DickSize dick is now a $DickSD $DickSize piece of man-meat! "When did my dick grow so big?" you stammer as you stare at your big $DickSize futa-cock that's oozing cum from the tip partially in disbelief but another part of you looks on in pride at your beefier, thicker meat rod!
  Laughing in delight, _TN1 admires your $DickSD dick as _TN2 starts to lick your hot seed off of _TN1's _ISD breasts. "Mmmm _TN2! Keep sucking on my big fucking jugs!" she moans as _TN2 kisses and sucks on her breasts before continuing "See, I knew you would enjoy having your dick shooting your creamy load all over our big titties and look at how you're now packing a $DickSize mega cock! Fuck yeah! Dick-girls with big fucking cocks are the best!"
  _TN2 gives _TN1's cream glazed tits one last long lick with her long tongue before she glances down at your cum-covered dick. "Oh hey! Someone's driving a big fucking futa love rocket and that's you! I bet you want to take that big boy out for a test drive by ramming it into our tight pussies!" Gasping softly she moans "Ooooh! My big titties feels so good when you kiss them so hard, _TN1!" Your cock twitches at the sight of _TN1 returning the favor by licking your sticky mess off of _TN2's _ISD2 perky chest and you feel your $BallsSD balls pulse with desire as they work overtime to produce more baby-batter as you lay on the ground watching the two Infested finish licking each other's chests clean of your cum.
  "Oooh! Looks like someone's futa-cock is twitching at the sight of two sexy women sucking on each other's big tits! How about I bury that big cock of yours deep inside my pussy and drain those $BallsSD balls of all that yummy seed?" _TN1 says as she breaks away from _TN2 before standing above you while looking down at your fully erect dick. The thought of having your improved cock buried deep inside her tight cunt causes your futa-cock to twitch as some more cum oozes from your meaty tip.
  You watch in anticipation as the sexy Infested plants her _IAss ass onto your lap with her dripping cunt sliding against your hard slick shaft while her hands rest on top of your $BreastSD tits. A soft moan escapes your lips as she rubs her pussy against your throbbing girl-dick, smearing your cum all over her pussy lips. Hearing your lusty moans, _TN1 gives you a lusty smirk before impaling her slippery cunt onto your hard cock!
  "Oh fuck yes! My dick feels so good buried deep inside your fucking cunt! Shit! Your fucking twat is amazing!" you groan loudly as your studly $DickSize cock is balls deep in her tight pussy! _TN1 moans loudly as she settles onto your cock while her grip on your $BreastSD jugs tightens from her rising pleasure. It doesn't take her long before she's bouncing up and down your $DickSD shaft causing her _ICup breasts to bounce and jiggle from the erotic movements and you can't help but moan from how fucking pleasurable it feels to have your big futa-cock deep inside her extremely tight cunt!
  Leaning forward, _TN1 huskily asks "Mmmm! I'm loving the feeling of your big throbbing cock deep inside my pussy! Fuck! You're in so deep, the tip of your cock is pressing against my womb!" Cupping her _ICup titties, she jiggles and bounces them right in front of your eyes while not missing a single beat as she expertly rides your throbbing dick. Your eyes can't help but focus on her diamond hard _INip long nipples and you wonder how it would taste to suck on those fun bags!
  As you are about to respond, _TN2 speaks up "Oh I bet she's feeling real good right now but I want to have some fun too!" Glancing behind _TN1 at _TN2 you discover that she has positioned herself directly above your head and she has her pussy aimed directly at your face! "And by having fun I mean sitting on her face with my dripping wet cunt being eaten out!" she continues as she gropes her _ISD2 breasts with a lust-filled look on her face!
  "Wait! What the f-!" is all you get out before your vision is completely blocked by the Infested's dripping wet muff as she plants her _IAss2 ass on your face! It smells so delicious that you can't help but slide your tongue against those glistening wet lips causing _TN2 to groan loudly in ecstasy.
  _TN1 giggles as she gazes down at your mostly covered face with your hard futa-cock twitching in pleasure while still balls deep inside her tight cunt. "Make sure to lick her cunt clean, _TN2!" she moans while playing with your hard $NippleSize long nipples. As _TN2 starts to grind her soaking wet pussy against your mouth, _TN1 resumes her erotic ride on your $DickSize futa-cock! "Fuck! Look at her! She's drowning in pussy juice!" _TN1 laughs as she slides up and down your slick shaft while bracing herself on your $BreastsSize titties.
  Grunting loudly in pleasure, _TN2 moans "Yes, oh fuck yes! Slide your tongue in deeper, you fucking horny slut!" as she repeatedly grinds her cunt against your lips and you happily oblige her by diving in a deep as you can with your juice covered tongue. Seeing your enthusiastic efforts, _TN1 starts playing with your $BreastSD breasts even harder and you can feel your hard nipples pinched by her slim fingers. She lets out her own moan of pleasure as _TN2 grips her _ISD tits causing the lusty Infested to pump your futa-cock even faster.
  "Mmmm!" you mumble with a mouth full of juicy pussy as the passionate threesome with the two Infested continues at a frantic pace. Hearing your lust-filled response both of the Infested speeds up causing you to let out another loud moan of ecstasy. You can feel your $BallsSD balls working overtime to refill your supply of hot seed and you're not sure how much longer you will be able to last!
  Grunting loudly from your vigorous efforts, _TN2 groans "Fuck! That feels amazing and I'm so fucking close to cumming all over your motu! But I want you to creampie my best friend's slutty pussy with so much cum that _TN1's cunt leaks for days!" She continues to grind her pussy against your mouth while her _ISD2 breasts sways freely. _TN1 squeals in delight at the thought of being creampied by your futa-cock while watching you eat out her BFF's pussy.
<<if $PC.Infestation is $Infestation.Cap & $Infestation.Progress > 1>>\
<<include "Infestation Increase">>\
<<set _DickSize to $DickSize>>\
  As she slams her wet cunt onto your <<Penis>>, you feel a surge of energy flowing directly into you! It almost feels like you are burning up but it quickly turns to pleasure that radiates from your hard <<Penis>>, abused ass and your heaving breasts.
  Finally reaching your limit, you thrust your growing futa-cock deep inside the Infested's tight pussy before letting out a a muffled "Fuck! Cumming!" Your cum-heavy balls give one last pulse before the flood gates open and a tidal wave of hot seed shoots out of your hard dick! It feels so amazing that you see stars for a brief moment as your gooey semen floods the Infested's pussy and womb before leaking down below! At the same time your stuffed pussy cums hard as you unleash a unholy flood of girl-cum all over the floor and ground!
  Feeling you creampie her extremely tight pussy pushes _TN1 past her limits as she screams out "Oh God yes! I'm cumming all over your big fat futa-cock!" Before you can react to her words, her grip on your expanding titties tightens as her whole body shakes and quivers from her intense orgasm. Her extremely wet cunt squeezes your cock hard as she squirts out a massive wave of girl-cum all over your growing dick!
  Seeing you shoot your $CumAD load into her BFF's tight pussy along with _TN1's own intense orgasm pushes _TN2 over her edge as she screams out "Fuck yes! I'm cumming allyou Goddamn mouth!" as a flood of girl-cum explodes from her already dripping wet cunt all over your face and mouth! There's so much girl-cum that you can only drink down a small fraction of her yummy fluids!
  As both of the Infested slide to your sides, you notice that you now have a $DickSD $DickSize cock along with a pair of $BallsSD $BallsSize balls! Before you can react to your bigger futa-dick, your eyes focus on your pair of $BreastSD $BreastsSize breasts as does _TN1 as she cups those bigger titties! Even your $AssSize ass looks to be providing some extra cushioning as you sit there recovering from your intense orgasms! _TN2 giggles while stroking your $DickSize <<Penis>> while saying "Looks like you are becoming one hot Futa!"
  Finally reaching your limit, you thrust your throbbing cock deep inside the Infested's tight pussy before letting out a a muffled "Fuck! Cumming!" Your cum-heavy balls give one last pulse before the flood gates open and a $CumAD flood of hot seed shoots out of your hard dick! It feels so amazing that you see stars for a brief moment as your gooey semen floods the Infested's pussy and womb! At the same time your ignored pussy cums hard as you unleash a $GCumAD flood of girl-cum all over the floor!
  Feeling you creampie her extremely tight pussy pushes _TN1 past her limits as she screams out "Oh fuck! Oh fuck! Oh fuck yes! I'm squirting all over your big fat futa-cock!" Before you can react to her words, her grip on your $BreastSD titties tightens as her whole body shakes and quivers from her intense orgasm. Her extremely wet cunt squeezes your cock tightly as she squirts out a massive wave of girl-cum all over your dick!
  Seeing you shoot your $CumAD load into her BFF's tight pussy along with _TN1's own intense orgasm pushes _TN2 over her edge as she screams out "Fuck yes! I'm cumming all over your Goddamn mouth!" as a flood of girl-cum explodes from her already dripping wet cunt all over your face and mouth! There's so much girl-cum that you can only drink down a small fraction of her yummy fluids!
  The only thing you can do is lay there exhausted from your powerful dual-orgasms. Cumming so much in such a short time has left you feeling drained but there's something telling you that you should be good to go here shortly as you can feel your overworked balls pushing hard to resupply all that baby-batter you've spent and even your pussy is aching for some much needed action.
  Both of the Infested looks to recovery faster than you as they gather their belongings. "That was fucking awesome!" says _TN1 as she gazes at your $DickSize futa-dick covered in her pussy juices. "We have to do this again and again sometime!"
  "I agree! See ya around, you futa-stud!" replies _TN2 as they link up arms and walk away leaving you to slowly recover your strength and gather your discarded clothes. It takes you a few minutes but you eventually gather all your supplies and prepare to continue your journey.
<<include "Adlibs">>\
<<set $SexScene1 to random(11)>>\
<<switch $SexScene1>>\
<<default>>\ /* Cowgirl scene */
<<include "Infested D.Female Pussy Sex Dominate Female">>\
<</switch>>\<<set $sexHistory.XP to $sexHistory.XP +1>>\
<<set $LastPartner to $genericFighter>>\
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$genericFighter.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$genericFighter.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _INip to $arrayNippleSize[$genericFighter.NippleSize]>>\
<<set _IAss to $arrayAssSizeDesc[$genericFighter.AssSize]>>\
<<set _ISD2 to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$genericFighter.BreastsSize2]>>\
<<set _ICup2 to $arrayBreastSize[$genericFighter.BreastsSize2]>>\
<<set _INip2 to $arrayNippleSize[$genericFighter.NippleSize -2]>>\
<<set _IAss2 to $arrayAssSizeDesc[$genericFighter.AssSize +1]>>\
<<set _SizeComp to $PC.BreastsSize - $genericFighter.Level + ($GeneralFeats.FalseRep *2)>>\
<<if _SizeComp < 0>>\
<<set _SizeComp to 0>>\
<<include "Names">>\
<<set _rand1 to random(18)>>\
<<set _rand2 to random(18)>>\
<<set _TN1 to $femaleNames1[_rand1]>>\
<<set _TN2 to $femaleNames2[_rand2]>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Energized to $StatusAffect.Energized+2>>\
<<set $PCChanges.Gender to "Soda">>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Futa to $StatusAffect.Futa+1>>\
<<set _FutaSize to Math.round($Infestation.FutaVariant / 25)>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.BigDick to $StatusAffect.BigDick +1 + _FutaSize>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Horny to $StatusAffect.Horny+1>>\
<<set $PC.HasDick to 1>>\
<<set $PC.DickSize to 2 + _FutaSize>>\
<<set _DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$PC.DickSize]>>\
<<set _DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$PC.DickSize]>>\
<<set _TempCalc to 11 - $PC.DickSize>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.BigDick to $StatusAffect.BigDick + (_TempCalc -1)>>\
<<set $PC.DickSize =+ $PC.DickSize + _TempCalc>>\
<<set $DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$PC.DickSize]>>\
<<set $DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$PC.DickSize]>>\
<<set $PC.BallsSize to 3 + _FutaSize>>\
<<set $BallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$PC.BallsSize]>>\
<<set $BallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$PC.BallsSize]>>\
<<if $Cum.Max < 16>>\
<<set $Cum.Max to $Cum.Max + 4 + _FutaSize>>\
<<set $Cum.Min to $Cum.Min + 4 + _FutaSize>>\
<<set $Cum.Stored to $Cum.Max>>\
<<set $CumAD to $arrayCumAmountDesc[$Cum.Stored]>>\
<<set $Infestation.FutaVariant to $Infestation.FutaVariant + random(5) +1>>\
<<set $FutaTry to $FutaTry + 1>>\
<<if $Infestation.MilkProgress > 0 or $Milk.Stored > $Milk.Min>>\
<<set _Breasts to "Milk">>\
<<elseif $StatusAffect.SiliconeB > 5>>\
<<set _Breasts to "Silicone">>\
<<set _Breasts to "Natural">>\
  As you lie on the ground feeling completely defeated by the two Infested, the bustier of the two looks down at you and says with a smirk on her face "Hey _TN2, looks like we have a new girl to have some fun with today!" _TN2 looks to be focused on fondling _TN1's impressively _ISD tits and so it takes her a moment to focus on what her fellow Infested is saying.
  Finally glancing down at you, _TN2 licks her lips as she gives your groin a quick look. "You're right, _TN1! There's nothing funner then turning pathetic cucks begging to have their tiny 2-inch pencil stubs fucked by our big titties into fuck machine studs who can't stop shooting their big wads into all the neighborhood sluts' tight pussies with their fucking massive foot long meat rods!" she says as she pinches _TN1's hard _INip long nipples. "So how about you strip out of your clothes and let us see what type of dick-girl we have to play with?"
  Feeling rather confused by being called a dick-girl, you quickly strip out of your clothes leaving your $BreastSD tits exposed along with your slightly wet pussy! _TN1 gives her fellow Infested an pointed look and says "Umm, _TN2, she's a girl not a Futa, you know?"
  Looking even closer at your groin, _TN2 gasps in shock at your lack of penis. "Fuck! I thought she was a fucking Futa with a tiny dick!" Shaking her head, _TN2 dejectedly says "I was really hoping to pump her cock up to a nice size with my big titties..." as she fondles her own _ISD2 tits while glancing down at your pussy.
  Digging into her purse, _TN1 says "Don't worry, _TN2! I have just the thing to get that fixed." Pulling a red can out of her purse, you notice that it's a can of Dr. Pecker! "I was saving this for just the right occassion and I figure this will be a perfect time! Gotta get rid of some of this..." she said as she opened the can and poured some out before offering the half empty can to you.
  Unable to refuse the Infested's demands, you grab the open can of Dr. Pecker and slowly down the drink. It tastes like some kind of cherry soda but doesn't taste all that bad. It doesn't take long before you feel a strange electric sensation down in your groin and you quickly take a look after tossing the empty can away.
  Your whole focus in on your groin as a slight bump forms above your pussy, seemingly a lightning rod for that electric feeling. It slowly grows from a bump to a bulge as each heartbeat thunders in your ears. The large bulge slowly shifts as it pushes outward inch by inch before forming a small mushroom head with a tiny hole. You gasp as you recognize the shape as that of a penis, abit a very tiny baby-sized one!
  You can easily feel the blood rushing to your new organ and your new dick eagerly soaks it all up. Your baby-sized penis hardens and pushes out farther from your groin growing bigger and stronger with each heartbeat. By this point the electric shocking feeling is almost gone, replaced by the pleasant feeling of your new cock becoming engorged with blood!
  After a few moments, you discover that your brand new baby dick has transformed into a _DickSD _DickSize futa-cock! Before you can really take a look at it, there's another tiny surge of electric shock as two bulges form below your new dick! You closely watch as it forms into a ballsack while growing in size to match your big dick. It finally finishes growing leaving you with a $BallsSD pair of $BallsSize balls!
  "Hey it looks like someone just grew a pathetic little girl-dick!" _TN1 says licking her plump lips before bending over to gaze at the sight of the _DickSize futa-cock you just grew. You can feel your hard futa-cock twitch at the sight of the busty Infested's sexy body even as you get annoyed at her comments about the size of your new dick. At your frown she smirks and says "Oh don't be so mad, I bet you're going to love having a cock and by the time we're done that pencil stub is going to be a fucking foot long bitch destroying rod of god!"
  _TN2 blinks as she hears _TN1 comment and finally registers what's she talking about before looking down at your new dick. "Oh my God! It's like a Christmas miracle, _TN1! Our new toy just grew a brand new dick and I bet she'll end up loving it by the time we're done milking her balls dry! So let's get started on getting that _DickSize dick growing like ASAP!" she says as releases her grip on her own _ISD2 tits in order to pull down her slutty clothes in order to expose her own hefty chest!
  _TN1 smiles widely as she cups her _ICup titties while slowly kneeling on your left side while _TN2 kneels on your left side with her own _ICup2 tits ready! "Just sit back, relax and enjoy having your new _DickSize futa-cock buried in between our big titties and before you know it you'll be a brand new stud!" _TN1 huskily says as presses her _ISD jugs against your rock hard cock while _TN2 does the same on the other side with her _ISD2 breasts!
  You let out a loud breathy moan as you feel your _DickSize sensitive shaft buried deep inside the cleavage of the big squishy titties of the two extremely busty Infested! "Oh God! I can feel my cock completely engulfed by your fucking _ISD titties!" you groan as _TN1 starts to titty-fuck you with her _ISD tits while _TN2 swiftly follows along with her _ISD2 jugs, giving your cock a titty sandwitch. "Fuck! My new dick feels so amazing! Please, don't stop!" you beg as the new sensations radiating from your futa-cock feels so wonderful as the buxom Infested give you an intoxicating titty-fuck!
  "Look at this horny little loser, squirming and begging to be fucked by our big titties!" _TN1 says with a lusty smirk. "I mean, her _DickSD futa-dick is so small that her little nub can't even be seen!" Even with her dismissive tone she still keeps a steady pace, stroking your hard throbbing dick with her perky tits. She is right about the fact her titties are so big your _DickSize dick is dwarfed by her _ISD jugs along with the other pair of _ISD2 titties and remains deeply buried deep inside that fleshy mountain range.
  "See?!?! I knew you would love having a dick! I can tell that you're loving the feeling of having your dick in between our big titties! Surrender yourself to the erotic pleasures of your new cock and shoot your hot sticky seed all over them!" _TN2 moans huskily as she watches you start to lose yourself to your erotic desires. _TN1 smiles in anticipation as she watches your frantic efforts to find release by humping your dick rapidly into the titty valley of the two busty Infested. With each new thrust the pleasure spikes even higher than the last as your swear you can feel your dick getting stronger, thicker, more powerful with each push! It feels like you are ramming the gates of Heaven and soon those gates will flood open!
<<if $FutaTry is 1>>\
  You feel an unfamiliar sensation pulsating in your new balls, an eagerness that can not be contained! Thrusting one last time, you bellow out "Oh God! I feel something coming! My dick feels so fucking good! Oh Fuck yes! Fuckkkk!" To your amazement the tip of your futa-cock manages to escape to the top of their titty prison before shooting a $CumAD ribbon of hot baby-batter all over _TN1 and _TN2's big jugs and faces! You've never felt anything this intensely pleasurable before as your orgasm seems to last forever as more $CumAD squirts of hot goo splatter all over their slippery titties! Even your neglected pussy squirts out a $GCumAD amount of girl-cum onto the ground below.
  Thrusting one last time, you bellow out "Fuck yes! I'm shooting my big load all over your big fucking tits!" To your amazement the tip of your futa-cock manages to escape to the top of their titty prison before shooting a $CumAD ribbon of hot baby-batter all over _TN1 and _TN2's big jugs and faces! Your intense orgasm seems to last forever as more $CumAD squirts of hot goo splatter all over their slippery titties! Even your neglected pussy squirts out a $GCumAD amount of girl-cum onto the ground below.
  As you lay there recovering from your mind-blowing orgasm, the two Infested finally pull their titties away from your dick. To your shock you discover that your _DickSD _DickSize dick is now a $DickSD $DickSize piece of man-meat! "What the hell?" you stammer as you stare at your big $DickSize futa-cock that's oozing cum from the tip partially in disbelief but another part of you looks on in pride at your beefier, thicker meat rod!
  Laughing in delight, _TN1 admires your $DickSD dick as _TN2 starts to lick your hot seed off of _TN1's _ISD breasts. "Fuck _TN2! Keep sucking on my big tits!" she moans as _TN2 kisses and sucks on her breasts before continuing "See, I knew you would enjoy having a dick and look at how your now packing a $DickSize meat staff! Fuck yeah! Dick-girls with big fucking cocks are the best!"
  _TN2 gives _TN1's cream glazed tits one last long lick with her long tongue before she glances down at your cum-covered dick. "Oh my! Your new cock is looking so much bigger now! I bet you want to fuck my tight pussy with that $DickSize futa-dick of yours!" Gasping softly she moans "Ooooh! My big titties feels so good when you suck on them, _TN1!" Your cock twitches at the sight of _TN1 returning the favor by licking your sticky mess off of _TN2's _ISD2 perky chest and you feel your $BallsSD balls pulse with desire as they work overtime to produce more baby-batter as you lay on the ground watching the two Infested finish licking each other's chests clean of your cum.
  "Seems like someone has some more juice in their $BallsSD barely used baby-batter factories! I think it's about time we take that super improved dick of yours for a test drive and see about draining those $BallsSize balls of yours completely dry!" _TN1 says as she breaks away from _TN2 before standing above you while looking down at your fully erect dick. The thought of having your new cock buried deep inside her tight cunt causes your futa-cock to twitch as some more cum oozes from your meaty tip.
  You watch in anticipation as the sexy Infested plants her _IAss ass onto your lap with her dripping cunt sliding against your hard slick shaft while her hands rest on top of your $BreastSD tits. A soft moan escapes your lips as she rubs her pussy against your throbbing girl-dick, smearing your cum all over her pussy lips. Hearing your lusty moans, _TN1 gives you a lusty smirk before impaling her slippery cunt onto your hard cock!
  "Oh God yes! Having a big dick is so amazing and feels so good deep inside your tight cunt!" you groan loudly as your studly $DickSize cock is balls deep in her tight pussy! _TN1 moans loudly as she settles onto your cock while her grip on your $BreastSD jugs tightens from her rising pleasure. It doesn't take her long before she's bouncing up and down your $DickSD shaft causing her _ICup breasts to bounce and jiggle from the erotic movements and you can't help but moan from how fucking pleasurable it feels to have your big futa-cock deep inside her extremely tight cunt!
  Leaning forward, _TN1 huskily asks "Sounds like someone is loving the erotic feeling of having their big strong futa-cock deep inside my tight pussy! I knew you would grow to love having a dick! I mean, I can feel your big futa-cock throb at the sight of my big titties bouncing in front of your face as I ride that monster dick!" Cupping her _ICup titties, she jiggles and bounces them right in front of your eyes while not missing a single beat as she expertly rides your throbbing dick. Your eyes can't help but focus on her diamond hard _INip long nipples and you wonder how it would taste to suck on those fun bags!
  As you are about to respond, _TN2 speaks up "Oh I bet she's feeling real good right now but I want to have some fun too!" Glancing behind _TN1 at _TN2 you discover that she has a massive double-ended dildo inserted in her pussy and she's aiming it right at your neglected pussy! "And by having fun I mean fucking our new toy's tight cunt!" she continues as she gropes her _ISD2 breasts with a lust-filled look on her face!
  "Oh fuck! That's going to completely wreck my pussy!" you gasp loudly as you take in the sight of _TN2's massive fake cock. It's so big and massive that your already wet pussy gets soaking wet as you stare at that cunt destroying dildo! She just smirks as she jacks that fake dick before stepping closer to you and _TN1 with her big strong dildo pressing against your balls!
  "Oops! Give me one second here, _TN1! Gotta move these $BallsSD balls of hers out of the way!" _TN2 says as she does just that and soon your pussy is completely exposed! "There's that tight pussy that I've been looking for!" _TN2 says with a lusty grin before pushing her fake dick against your pussy causing you let out a soft moan. You gasp loudly as she presses forward and it does't take long before her massive double-ended dildo is buried deep inside your overstuffed cunt!
<<if _Breasts is "Milk">>\
  _TN1 giggles as she gazes down at your ecstasy-filled face with your hard futa-cock twitching in pleasure while still balls deep inside her tight cunt. "Make sure to give it to her nice and hard, _TN2!" she moans while playing with your hard $NippleSize long nipples. As _TN2 starts to thrust in and out of your tight pussy, _TN1 resumes her erotic ride on your $DickSize futa-cock! "Fuck! Look at her! She's drowning in pure ecstasy!" _TN1 laughs as she slides up and down your slick shaft while bracing herself on your $BreastsSize titties causing some milk to leak out of your milk jugs much to her delight! "Looks like we have a milker!" she says as she squeezes your tits causing some more milk to leak out!
  Grunting loudly in pleasure, _TN2 moans "Is...oh yes!...Is that so? Fuck! I wonder if this horny milk maid is loving the feeling of fucking your tight snatch as much as I love slamming my fake cock into her tight pussy!" as she repeatedly thrusts her massive dildo into your pleasure-filled pussy. The force of her hard fucking is pushing _TN1 forward, causing her _ISD tits to rub against your own $BreastSD milk-filled breasts. _TN1 lets out her own moan as she starts to synch up her movements with her good friend and you can feel her hard nipples sliding against your own leaking nubs.
<<elseif _Breasts is "Silicone">>\
  _TN1 giggles as she gazes down at your ecstasy-filled face with your hard futa-cock twitching in pleasure while still balls deep inside her tight cunt. "Make sure to give it to her nice and hard, _TN2!" she moans while playing with your hard $NippleSize long nipples. As _TN2 starts to thrust in and out of your tight pussy, _TN1 resumes her erotic ride on your $DickSize futa-cock! "Fuck! Look at her! She's drowning in pure ecstasy!" _TN1 laughs as she slides up and down your slick shaft while bracing herself on your $BreastSize silicone-filled tits causing you to moan even louder! "Looks like we have someone who bought themselves the biggest tits money can buy!" she says as she squeezes your big fake titties!
  Grunting loudly in pleasure, _TN2 moans "Is...oh yes!...Is that so? Fuck! I wonder if this horny bimbo is loving the feeling of fucking your tight snatch as much as I love slamming my fake cock into her tight pussy!" as she repeatedly thrusts her massive dildo into your pleasure-filled pussy. The force of her hard fucking is pushing _TN1 forward, causing her _ISD tits to rub against your own $BreastSD silicone-filled breasts. _TN1 lets out her own moan as she starts to synch up her movements with her good friend and you can feel her hard nipples sliding against your own rock hard nubs.
  _TN1 giggles as she gazes down at your ecstasy-filled face with your hard futa-cock twitching in pleasure while still balls deep inside her tight cunt. "Make sure to give it to her nice and hard, _TN2!" she moans while playing with your hard $NippleSize long nipples. As _TN2 starts to thrust in and out of your tight pussy, _TN1 resumes her erotic ride on your $DickSize futa-cock! "Fuck! Look at her! She's drowning in pure ecstasy!" _TN1 laughs as she slides up and down your slick shaft while bracing herself on your $BreastsSize titties.
  Grunting loudly in pleasure, _TN2 moans "Is...oh yes!...Is that so? Fuck! I wonder if this horny slut is loving the feeling of fucking your tight snatch as much as I love slamming my fake cock into her tight pussy!" as she repeatedly thrusts her massive dildo into your pleasure-filled pussy. The force of her hard fucking is pushing _TN1 forward, causing her _ISD tits to rub against your own $BreastSD breasts. _TN1 lets out her own moan as she starts to synch up her movements with her good friend and you can feel her hard nipples sliding against your own rock hard nubs.
  "Oh fuck yes! Get fucked while fucking a tight pussy feels fucking amazing! Fuck! Not....uhh sure how much fuckkk! I can last!" you moan loudly as the passionate threesome with the two Infested continues at a frantic pace. Hearing your lust-filled response both of the Infested speeds up causing you to let out another loud moan of ecstasy. You can feel your $BallsSD balls working overtime to refill your supply of hot seed and you're not sure how much longer you will be able to last!
  Grunting loudly from her vigorous efforts, _TN2 yells "Do it! I want you to creampie her slutty pussy with so much cum that _TN1's cunt leaks for days!" She continues to frantically plow your overstuffed pussy while her _ISD2 breasts sways freely. _TN1 squeals in delight at the thought of being creampied by your futa-cock while watching you be fucked by her BFF's fake cock.
<<if $PC.Infestation is $Infestation.Cap & $Infestation.Progress > 1>>\
<<include "Infestation Increase">>\
<<set _DickSize to $DickSize>>\
  As you slam your <<Penis>> into her wet cunt you feel a surge of energy flowing directly into you! It almost feels like you are burning up but it quickly turns to pleasure that radiates from your hard <<Penis>>, abused ass and your heaving breasts.
  Finally reaching your limit, you thrust your growing girl-dick deep inside the Infested's extremely tight pussy before bellowing out "Oh Fuckkkk! I'm shooting my load deep inside your fucking cunt with my big fucking dick!" Your cum-heavy balls give one last pulse before the flood gates open and a tidal wave of hot seed shoots out of your hard dick! It feels so amazing that you see stars for a brief moment as your gooey semen floods the Infested's pussy and womb before leaking down below! At the same time your stuffed pussy cums hard as you unleash a unholy flood of girl-cum all over the double-dildo that rammed deep inside your cunt!
<<if _Breasts is "Milk">>\
  Feeling you creampie her extremely tight pussy pushes _TN1 past her limits as she screams out "Oh God yes! I'm cumming all over your big fat futa-cock!" Before you can react to her words you find her heavy chest crushing against your $BreastSD tits as her whole body shakes and quivers from her intense orgasm. Her extremely wet cunt squeezes your cock tightly as squirts out a massive wave of girl-cum all over your dick! In response an endless wave of milk sprays out from your $BreastSD Milk jugs all over the side of _TN1's big fucking tits!
  Seeing you shoot your $CumAD load into her BFF's tight pussy along with _TN1's own intense orgasm pushes _TN2 over her edge as she screams out "Fuck yes! I'm cumming all over my massive dildo!" as she rapidly shoves the double-ended dildo deep inside your tight pussy, causing your expanding jugs to jiggle even harder against _TN1's face letting even more milk to gush free from your milkers!
  Feeling you creampie her extremely tight pussy pushes _TN1 past her limits as she screams out "Oh God yes! I'm cumming all over your big fat futa-cock!" Before you can react to her words find her heavy chest crushing against your expanding tits as her whole body shakes and quivers from her intense orgasm. Her extremely wet cunt squeezes your cock hard as she squirts out a massive wave of girl-cum all over your growing dick!
  Seeing you shoot your $CumAD load into her BFF's tight pussy along with _TN1's own intense orgasm pushes _TN2 over her edge as she screams out "Fuck yes! I'm cumming all over my massive dildo!" as she rapidly shoves the double-ended dildo deep inside your tight pussy, causing your expanding titties to jiggle even harder against _TN1's face!
  As you pull out of her overfilled cunt you notice that you now have a $DickSD $DickSize cock along with a pair of $BallsSD $BallsSize balls! Before you can react to your bigger futa-dick, your eyes focus on your pair of $BreastSD $BreastsSize breasts that _TN1's face is buried in! Even your $AssSize ass looks to be providing some extra cushioning as you sit there recovering from your intense orgasms! _TN2 giggles while gazing at your $DickSize <<Penis>> and bigger <<Breasts>> before saying "Looks like you are becoming one hot Futa!"
<<if _Breasts is "Milk">>\
  Finally reaching your limit, you thrust your throbbing cock deep inside the Infested's tight pussy before bellowing out "Oh Fuckkkk! I'm shooting my load deep inside your fucking cunt!" Your cum-heavy balls give one last pulse before the flood gates open and a $CumAD flood of hot seed shoots out of your hard dick! It feels so amazing that you see stars for a brief moment as your gooey semen floods the Infested's pussy and womb! At the same time your stuffed pussy cums hard as you unleash a $GCumAD flood of girl-cum all over the double-dildo that rammed deep inside your cunt!
  Feeling you creampie her extremely tight pussy pushes _TN1 past her limits as she screams out "Oh God yes! I'm cumming all over your big fat futa-cock!" Before you can react to her words, you find her heavy chest crushing against your $BreastSD tits as her whole body shakes and quivers from her intense orgasm. Her extremely wet cunt squeezes your cock hard as she squirts out a massive wave of girl-cum all over your dick! In response $MilkAD squirts of milk spray out from your $BreastSD Milk jugs all over the side of _TN1's face and chest!
  Seeing you shoot your $CumAD load into her BFF's tight pussy along with _TN1's own intense orgasm pushes _TN2 over her edge as she screams out "Fuck yes! I'm cumming all over my massive dildo!" as she rapidly shoves the double-ended dildo deep inside your tight pussy, causing your tits to jiggle even harder against _TN1's face letting even more milk to gush free from your milkers!
  Finally reaching your limit, you thrust your throbbing cock deep inside the Infested's tight pussy before bellowing out "Oh Fuckkkk! I'm shooting my load deep inside your fucking cunt!" Your cum-heavy balls give one last pulse before the flood gates open and a $CumAD flood of hot seed shoots out of your hard dick! It feels so amazing that you see stars for a brief moment as your gooey semen floods the Infested's pussy and womb! At the same time your stuffed pussy cums hard as you unleash a $GCumAD flood of girl-cum all over the double-dildo that rammed deep inside your cunt!
  Feeling you creampie her extremely tight pussy pushes _TN1 past her limits as she screams out "Oh God yes! I'm cumming all over your big fat futa-cock!" Before you can react to her words, you find her heavy chest crushing against your $BreastSD tits as her whole body shakes and quivers from her intense orgasm. Her extremely wet cunt squeezes your cock hard as she squirts out a massive wave of girl-cum all over your dick!
  Seeing you shoot your $CumAD load into her BFF's tight pussy along with _TN1's own intense orgasm pushes _TN2 over her edge as she screams out "Fuck yes! I'm cumming all over my massive dildo!" as she rapidly shoves the double-ended dildo deep inside your tight pussy, causing your tits to jiggle even harder against _TN1's face!
  The only thing you can do is lay there exhausted from your powerful duel-orgasms. Cumming so much in such a short time has left you feeling drained but there's something telling you that you should be good to go here shortly as you can feel your overworked balls pushing hard to resupply all that baby-batter you've spent and even your pussy is aching for some more action.
  Both of the Infested looks to recovery faster than you as they gather their belongings. "That was fucking awesome!" says _TN1 as she gazes at your $DickSize dick covered in her pussy juices. "We have to do this again and again sometime!"
  "I agree! See ya around, stud!" replies _TN2 as they link up arms and walk away leaving you to slowly recover your strength and gather your discarded clothes. It takes you a few minutes but you eventually gather all your supplies and prepare to continue your journey. Looking down at your futa-dick and balls you realize it might take about <<print $StatusAffect.BigDick -2>> days before your new dick disappears.
<<set $FutaTry to 1>>\<<include "Adlibs">>\
<<switch $SexScene2>>\
<<case 1>>\ /* Pussy scene */
<<include "Infested D.Female Pussy Sex Submissive Male">>\
<</switch>><<set $sexHistory.XP to $sexHistory.XP +1>>\
<<set $LastPartner to $genericFighter>>\
<<set _TCard to 0>>\
<<set _VCard to 0>>\
<<if $sexHistory.TotalV is 1>>\
<<set $sexHistory.TrueVirginityWho to $genericFighter.Name>>\
<<set _TCard to 1>>\
<<set $sexHistory.TotalV to 0>>\
<<if $sexHistory.PenisV is 1>>\
<<set $sexHistory.PenisVirginityWho to $genericFighter.Name>>\
<<set _VCard to 1>>\
<<set $sexHistory.PenisV to 0>>\
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$genericFighter.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$genericFighter.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _INip to $arrayNippleSize[$genericFighter.NippleSize]>>\
<<set _IAss to $arrayAssSizeDesc[$genericFighter.AssSize]>>\
<<set _ISD2 to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$genericFighter.BreastsSize2]>>\
<<set _ICup2 to $arrayBreastSize[$genericFighter.BreastsSize2]>>\
<<set _INip2 to $arrayNippleSize[$genericFighter.NippleSize -2]>>\
<<set _IAss2 to $arrayAssSizeDesc[$genericFighter.AssSize +1]>>\
<<set _SizeComp to $PC.DickSize - $genericFighter.Level + ($GeneralFeats.FalseRep *2)>>\
<<if _SizeComp < 0>>\
<<set _SizeComp to 0>>\
<<include "Names">>\
<<set _rand1 to random(16)>>\
<<set _rand2 to random(16)>>\
<<set _end to (random(20) +1)>>\
<<set _TN1 to $femaleNames1[_rand1]>>\
<<set _TN2 to $femaleNames2[_rand2]>>\
<<set _dickState to 0>>\
<<set _SizeComp to $PC.DickSize - $genericFighter.Level + ($GeneralFeats.FalseRep *2)>>\
<<if _SizeComp < 0>>\
<<set _SizeComp to 0>>\
  As you look down at the two defeated Infested you can't help but stare at their extremely sexy figures while the busty women stare back at you with a lust-filled look in their eyes. You can feel your $DickSD dick throb at the sight of them lying on the ground in each other's arms while they stare at the bulge tenting your lower clothes. "I'm going to have both of you busty babes titty-fuck my $DickSD cock with your big o'titties and then I'm going to pound someone's tight pussy!" you proclaim as you strip out of your clothes.
<<switch _SizeComp>>\
<<case 0 1 2 3>>\
<<set _dickState to 1>>\
  Sitting there on the ground with your $DickSize dick fully exposed, the bustier of the two Infested says excitedly "Hey _TN2! Looks like we have some stud wanting to have his $DickSD dick titty-fucked! I'm up for it if you are, my BFF!" as she stares at your rock hard cock while groping her _ISD tits.
  "What's that, _TN1?" asks _TN2 before looking down at your dick. Gasping in excitement, _TN2 yells out "Oh fuck yeah! This boss dude has a tiny little dick!" Seeing the fierce frown on your face, _TN2 hastily continues "I mean we love pumping up little dicks into fucking foot long bitch destroying rods of god! So uh, sit back and enjoy the best double titty-fucking in the whole Goddamn city, big bossman!!"
  _TN1 smiles as she cups her _ICup titties while slowly kneeling on your left side while _TN2 kneels on your right side with her own _ICup2 tits ready! "Yeah, I'm going to fucking enjoy having you bury your $DickSize cock into our big titties! I bet it's going to feel so good that before you know it you'll be blowing your big studly load all over them!" _TN1 huskily says as presses her _ISD2 jugs against your rock hard cock while _TN2 does the same on the other side with her _ISD breasts!
<<case 4 5 6 7 8 9 10>>\
<<set _dickState to 1>>\
  Sitting there on the ground with your $DickSize dick fully exposed, the bustier of the two Infested says excitedly "Hey _TN2! Looks like we have some boss stud wanting to have his $DickSD dick titty-fucked! I'm up for it if you are, my BFF!" as she stares at your rock hard cock while groping her _ISD tits.
  "What's that, _TN1?" asks _TN2 before looking down at your dick. Gasping in excitement, _TN2 gasps "Oooh! Not too bad! I mean, you have to love the fact that this dude has a smaller sized dick!" Seeing the angry frown on your face, _TN2 hastily continues "I mean we love pumping up smaller dicks into fucking foot long bitch destroying rods of god! So uh, sit back and enjoy the best double titty-fucking in the whole Goddamn city, big bossman!"
  _TN1 smiles as she cups her _ICup titties while slowly kneeling on your left side while _TN2 kneels on your right side with her own _ICup2 tits ready! "Yeah, I'm going to fucking enjoy having you bury your $DickSize cock into our big titties! I bet it's going to feel so good that before you know it you'll be blowing your big studly load all over them!" _TN1 huskily says as presses her _ISD2 jugs against your rock hard cock while _TN2 does the same on the other side with her _ISD breasts!
<<case 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24>>\
<<set _dickState to 2>>\
  Sitting there on the ground with your $DickSize dick fully exposed, the bustier of the two Infested says excitedly "Hey _TN2! Looks like we have some stud wanting to have his $DickSD dick titty-fucked! I'm up for it if you are, my BFF!" as she stares at your rock hard cock while groping her _ISD tits.
  "What's that, _TN1?" asks _TN2 before looking down at your dick. Gasping in excitement, _TN2 gasps "Hmm... That's a way bigger dick than we usually titty-fuck..." Seeing the confused look on your face, _TN2 hastily continues "I mean we usually love pumping up smaller dicks into fucking foot long bitch destroying rods of god but uh, you already have a nice big cock! So I guess you should just sit back and enjoy the best double titty-fucking in the whole Goddamn city, big bossman!"
  _TN1 smiles as she cups her _ICup titties while slowly kneeling on your left side while _TN2 kneels on your right side with her own _ICup2 tits ready! "Yeah, I'm going to fucking enjoy having you bury your $DickSize cock into our big titties! I bet it's going to feel so good that before you know it you'll be blowing your big studly load all over them!" _TN1 huskily says as presses her _ISD2 jugs against your rock hard cock while _TN2 does the same on the other side with her _ISD breasts!
<<set _dickState to 2>>\
  Sitting there on the ground with your $DickSize dick fully exposed, the bustier of the two Infested says excitedly "Hey _TN2! Looks like we have some stud wanting to have his $DickSD dick titty-fucked! I'm up for it if you are, my BFF!" as she stares at your rock hard cock while groping her _ISD tits.
  "What's that, _TN1?" asks _TN2 before looking down at your dick. Gasping in excitement, _TN2 gasps "What the fuck!?!? I'm not sure how we're going to be able to titty-fuck such a monster cock that size!" Seeing the pleased look on your face, _TN2 hastily continues "I mean we usually love pumping up smaller dicks into fucking foot long bitch destroying rods of god but you already have a fucking $DickSize golf club of wrecking hiding in your pants! So I guess you should just sit back and enjoy the best double titty-fucking in the whole Goddamn city!"
  _TN1 smiles as she cups her _ICup titties while slowly kneeling on your left side while _TN2 kneels on your right side with her own _ICup2 tits ready! "Yeah, I'm going to fucking enjoy having you bury your $DickSize cock into our big titties! I bet it's going to feel so good that before you know it you'll be blowing your big studly load all over them!" _TN1 huskily says as presses her _ISD2 jugs against your rock hard cock while _TN2 does the same on the other side with her _ISD breasts!
  You let out a loud breathy moan as you feel your $DickSize shaft completely engulfed by the big squishy titties of the two busty Infested! "Oh nice! Your fucking big titties feel amazing!" you moan as _TN1 starts to titty-fuck you with her _ISD tits while _TN2 swiftly follows along with her _ISD2 jugs, giving your cock a titty sandwitch. "Keep going! Just like that, you fucking bimbo sluts!" you moan even louder as you luxuriate in the heavenly feeling of their impressive fleshy mountains stroking your dick while their fat nipples slide against each other in such an erotic pattern.
  Smiling at your lusty reactions to their amazing tit-fuck, _TN2 moans "It sounds like you are enjoying our big titties, sir!" _TN1 smirks as she speeds up her titty-fucking while also pushing her _ISD tits against _TN2's own _ISD2 jugs even harder causing that slippery breast valley to squish so pleasantly against your $DickSD dick. _TN2 gasps loudly "Oh keep doing that _TN1! It feels so amazing when our titties rub against each other with such a fun dick nestled in between them! And it looks like the boss stud is liking it as well cause his $DickSize dick is leaking pre-cum all over out big titties!"
  _TN1 moans softly "Sure thing, _TN2! We gotta keep going so this stud can get his much needed release! And by release, I mean having the bossman shoot his big load all over our big titties!" With that said both of the busty Infested speed up their mutual titty-fucking pace causing you own moan to escape from your lips as the pleasure intensifies.
  "Fuck! Your big o'titties feel so fucking amazing!" you groan as you feel your $BallsSD balls churn with baby-batter. Each stroke with their big breasts causes a burst of pleasure to erupt from your $DickSD cock and you're not sure how much longer before something much stickier erupts from your dick! "Goddamn! I'm, fuck! I'm not sure...shit! how much longer I can hold back!" you yell to your sex partners as the pleasure just grows stronger and stronger!
  Instead of slowing down, the Infested pair speeds up their efforts with their _ISD2 breasts rapidly bouncing up and down your lap! "Do it big bossman! Shoot your load all over all big fucking tits!" _TN2 yells as she squeezes her _ISD2 tits even harder against your $DickSize cock, doing her best to milk you cock of all your hot cum!
  "Yeah bossman! Cum all over our _ISD tits! I wanna see you paint them white with your thick juicy seed!" _TN1 yells back as she matches her BFF's titty-fucking speed much to your exquisite delight. You don't need much encouragement as your $BallsSD balls feel like they're going to explode any second now!
<<switch _dickState>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<set _DickBonus to Math.round($Infestation.BruiseVariant / 25)>>\
<<set _DickSD to $DickSD>>\
<<set _DickSize to $DickSize>>\
<<set _BallsSD to $BallsSD>>\
<<if (random(19)+ 1) + $StatusAffect.BigDick + _DickBonus + ($GeneralFeats.Transformer *2) < 21>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.BigDick to $StatusAffect.BigDick +2>>\
<<set $PCChanges.DickGrowth to "Soda">>\
<<set $PC.DickSize =+ $PC.DickSize +2>>\
<<set $DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$PC.DickSize]>>\
<<set $DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$PC.DickSize]>>\
<<set $PC.BallsSize =+ $PC.BallsSize +2>>\
<<set $BallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$PC.BallsSize]>>\
<<set $BallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$PC.BallsSize]>>\
<<if $Cum.Max < 16>>\
<<set $Cum.Max to $Cum.Max +2>>\
<<set $Cum.Min to $Cum.Min +2>>\
<<set $Cum.Stored to $Cum.Max>>\
<<set $CumAD to $arrayCumAmountDesc[$Cum.Stored]>>\
  Unable to hold back any longer, you scream out "Fuckkk! I'm shooting my big fucking load all over your Goddamn bimbo tits!" Your _BallsSD balls pulsate one last time before the gates open, allowing your _DickSD cock to squirt $CumAD threads of hot steamy cum all over the Infested pair's big bouncy breasts! It feels so intense that you can't help but grunt loudly as you continue to blast your load all over those tits!
  As you lay there recovering from your mind-blowing orgasm, the two Infested finally pull their big o'titties away from your dick. To your confusion you discover that your _DickSD _DickSize dick has slightly grown into a $DickSD $DickSize piece of man-meat! "What the hell?" you mumble as you can't help but admire the bigger size of your $DickSize cock as you give it a closer look.
  "Contgratz bossman! Your dick is looking so much stronger and thicker now!" _TN1 says huskily as she also admires your bigger cock while idly licking some of your cum off her friend's _ISD2 tits. "Mmmm! I can't wait to have that $DickSD cock deep inside my slutty cunt!" she moans as her busty friend starts to return the favor by licking your sticky seed off of _TN1's _ISD tits.
  _TN2 smiles broadly as she turns her attention from her friend's goo-glazed breasts to your bigger dick. "Oh wow big bossman! Our big titties must have made your cock, like you know, grow and such!" she says before giggling at your expression. "How about you take that improved meat rod out for a test drive by shoving it into my pussy?" she moans as her hands slip down to her exposed pussy lips.
  Unable to hold back any longer, you scream out "Fuckkk! I'm shooting my big fucking load all over your Goddamn bimbo tits!" Your $BallsSD balls pulsate one last time before the gates open, allowing your $DickSD cock to squirt $CumAD threads of hot steamy cum all over the Infested pair's big bouncy breasts! It feels so intense that you can't help but grunt loudly as you continue to blast your load all over those tits!
  As you lay there recovering from your mind-blowing orgasm, the two Infested finally pull their big o'titties away from your dick. You have to admire the way their tits are covered by your seed, leaving them nice and glistering white. Your hard cock still feels like there is plenty in the tank as you can almost feel your balls working overtime to replenish the reserves.
  "Contgratz bossman! You shot so much seed all over our big titties!" _TN1 says huskily as she also admires your cum-dropping cock while idly licking some of your baby-batter off her friend's _ISD2 tits. "Mmmm! I can't wait to have that $DickSD cock of yours deep inside my slutty cunt!" she moans as her busty friend starts to return the favor by licking your sticky goo off of _TN1's _ISD tits.
  _TN2 smiles broadly as she turns her attention from her friend's goo-glazed breasts to your twitching dick. "Oh wow big bossman! Our big titties must have felt sooo amazing for you to cum that hard!" she says before giggling at your expression. "How about you take that hefty meat rod out for a test drive by shoving it into my pussy?" she moans as her hands slip down to her exposed pussy lips.
  Seeing both of the buxom Infested begging for your dick has you feeling rather pumped up as well as rock hard even after shooting your wad all over their tits! Smiling widely, you demand "OK, if you want my cock then both of you will be getting my cock, nice and hard! So _TN1 get on your back with your big tits facing up while _TN2, you lie on top of _TN1 with your _ISD2 chest resting on top of _TN1's _ISD tits!"
  "Oooh, naughty!" both _TN1 and _TN2 say at the same time with matching lusty smirks before eagerly following your instructions much to your delight. It doesn't take long before _TN1 is lying on her back with her _IAss ass providing some cushioning while her _ICup tits face the sky. _TN2 eagerly plants her _ICup2 titties on top of _TN1's hefty chest with her hard nipples rubbing against her friend's rock hard nubs!
  Rubbing her big tits against her friend's even bigger titties, _TN2 moans "Cum fuck us, big bossman!" with her legs spread wide giving you a nice view of her dripping wet pussy. Kneeling down, you get a good look at how the Infested's engorged clits are rubbing against each other as they anticipate you sliding your dick deep inside their dripping wet cunts.
  Instead of giving them what they want, you decide to tease them a little bit by sliding your fingers into those extremely tight pussies! You can feel the steel grip of their dripping lips on your index fingers as you push your digits in farther much to the Infested's stereo moaning delight. "Oooh! So hot and deviant!" _TN1 moans as she squirms and gasps at the sensation of you finger-banging her extremely slippery pussy while her BFF does the same while lying on top of her.
  "I think both of you sluts are ready for a good hard pounding!" you growl as you pull your fingers out of those hot honeypots with long strands of girl-cum stretching from your fingers back to their cunts. Your rock hard dick twitches at the sight as you slowly position your $DickSD shaft up against _TN1's slick slit. Unable to hold back any longer, you finally slam your throbbing cock deep inside the Infested's tight cunt!
  "Oh fuck yes! Shove your big cock deep! Oh God!" _TN1 screams in delight as your <<Penis>> thrusts deep into her wet snatch, over and over again. You have to admit that it feels so tight and warm that you can't even give her a moment to adjust as you hammer her slippery cunt like the fist of an angry god!
  _TN2 moans loudly "Oooh bossman! I want some of that!" as she grinds her own pussy against your shaft each time you pull back before slamming your aching meat rod back deep inside _TN1's tight snatch. With each enthusiastic pump you can see _TN2 getting more eager to be pounded just like _TN1 as she wiggles and squirms on top of her busty lover.
  Pulling your throbbing cock out of _TN1's tight snatch, you quickly slam it deep inside _TN2's hot and slippery pussy much to her vocal delight! As you start to pound her tight cunt you discover that you can't tell much difference between the two Infested's equally tight pussies. Shaking your head at the idle thought, you focus on what's truly important which is grabbing that _IAss2 ass so you can pound that delightful snatch so hard that _TN2's _ISD2 jiggly breasts are forced to press hard against her friend's _ISD mountainous tits!
  _TN2 screams in delight as you do your best to turn her tight cunt into raw meat! "Oh fuck, oh fuckkk! The bossman's dick is in so fucking deep!" _TN2 moans and gasps as you fondle her _IAss2 derriere while steadily thrusting away with your $DickSD cock. _TN1 is begging for your dick as she slides her _INip long nipples against _TN2's _INip2's long nubs while pressing her desperate pussy against your shaft!
  Unable to deny _TN1's heartfelt begging to be fucked some more by your meat staff, you quickly pull your $DickSize cock out of _TN2's dripping wet pussy before shoving your shaft once again into _TN1's eager snatch! Soon you get into a rhythm of fucking _TN1's pussy for a minute before switching back over to _TN2's warm hot cunt. You can feel that you are getting closer to reaching your limits as your $BallsSD balls rapidly churn to replenish your already spent seed and your dick is eager to unleash all that hot baby-batter into one of these tight cunts!
<<if $PC.Infestation is $Infestation.Cap & $Infestation.Progress > 1>>\
<<include "Infestation Increase">>\
  As you alternate slamming your <<Penis>> into those tight cunts you feel a surge of energy flowing directly into you! It almost feels like you are burning up but it quickly turns to pleasure that radiates from your hard <<Penis>>.
  Feeling your growing cock rapidly plunging in and out of her overstuffed snatch pushes _TN1 over the edge as you feel her even tighter pussy squeeze your cock hard. "Oh god yes! I can feel your big cock getting bigger and bigger! Fuck, it feels so $DickSD and thick! I...I'm cumming all over the bossman's big cock!" she screams as a large amount of girl-cum barely manages to squeeze out from her tight pussy onto the ground below!
  Still not done yet, you pull your still growing cock out from _TN1's cum-filled pussy before shoving your girl-cum covered cock deep into _TN2's tight slippery cunt, much to her delight! It takes a bit more effort but you manage to plow her cunt nice and deep!
  "Oh bossman! Your cock is so much bigger now! Shoot your load deep inside my slutty pussy!" _TN2 moans as you hammer your powerful cock deep into her snatch over and over again! It only takes a couple of more thrusts before TN2 screams out! "Oh God yes! I'm cumming all over your $DickSD dick! Fuck me yes!" as she orgasms hard, squirting her own girl-cum all over your dick which just adds to the sticky mess down below.
  "Oh fuck! I'm cumming so fucking hard! I'm shooting my big fucking load deep in your slutty tight pussy, _TN2!" you bellow as you grab her shapely hips before thrusting your $DickSize cock deep inside her needy cunt one last time! A loud groan escapes your lips as your $BallsSD balls finally unleash their juicy treasures! A tsunami wave of hot baby-batter shoots from your throbbing cock, completely filling _TN2's thirsty pussy and pushing her _ISD2 chest even harder against _TN1's _ISD tits!
  Feeling that you have plenty of juice left in your bigger cum factories, you pull your cock out from _TN2's cum-filled pussy before shoving your creamy cock deep into _TN1's slippery cunt, much to her surprise! "Oh fuck! Shove your cock in deep and spit your load deep inside my tight pussy!" _TN1 moans as you hammer your sensitive cock deep into her snatch!
  It only takes a couple of hard pumps before your $BallsSD balls unleash another ! You let out a loud throaty grunt and shoot another tsunami of hot cum right into _TN1's eager box! "Oh Fuck! Oh God yes! I'm cumming again all over your bigger dick! Oh Fuck!!!!" she screams as her second orgasm hits her even harder and she ends up squirting another load of her girl-cum all over your dick.
  As you pull out of _TN1's dripping cunt you confirm you now have a $DickSD $DickSize cock along with a pair of $BallsSD $BallsSize balls! Before you can react, both of the busty Infested gazes at your expanded <<Penis>> and with a smile _TN2 says "Looks like you are on the way to becoming one hot stud!"
<<if _end > 10>>>\
  "Oh fuck! I can't hold back any longer! I'm shooting my big fucking wad all up your tight pussy, _TN1!" you bellow as you thrust your $DickSize cock deep inside her needy pussy one last time as your $BallsSD balls finally unleash their juicy treasures! A $CumAD blast of hot baby-batter shoots from your throbbing cock, completely filling _TN1's thirsty pussy!
  Feeling you creampie her pleasure-filled snatch pushes _TN1 over the edge as you feel her tight pussy squeeze your cock rapidly. "Oh god yes! I can feel you flooding my womb with your hot cum! Fuck! I'm cumming all over the bossman's big cock!" she screams as a large amount of girl-cum squeezes out from her tight pussy onto the ground below!
<<if $Cum.Stored > ($genericFighter.Level +9)>>\
  Not wanting to leave _TN2 left out and feeling that you have some juice left in your cum factories, you pull your cock out from _TN1's cum-filled pussy before shoving your creamy cock deep into _TN2's slippery cunt, much to her surprise! "Oh bossman! Give it to me! Shoot your load deep inside my slutty pussy!" _TN2 moans as you hammer your sensitive cock deep into her snatch!
  It only takes a couple of thrusts before your balls unleash the last of their reserves as you give a loud grunt and shoot a $CumAD load into _TN2's eager beaver! "Oh God! I'm cumming all over your big dick! Fuck me yes!" she screams as she orgasms hard, squirting her own girl-cum all over your dick which just adds to the sticky mess down below.
  Not wanting to leave _TN2 left out, you slide your fingers deep into _TN2's slippery cunt, much to her surprise! "Oh bossman! Give it to me! Fingerfuck my slutty pussy!" _TN2 moans as you hammer your fingers deep into her snatch! It only takes a couple of thrusts before you feel her eager beaver squeeze your invading fingers hard! "Oh God! I'm cumming all over your fingers! Fuck me yes!" she screams as she orgasms hard, squirting her own girl-cum all over your hand and fingers which just adds to the sticky mess down below.
  "Oh fuck! I'm cumming so fucking hard! I'm shooting my big fucking load deep in your slutty pussy, _TN2!" you bellow as you grab her shapely hips before thrusting your $DickSize cock deep inside her needy cunt one last time! A loud groan escapes your lips as your $BallsSD balls finally unleash their juicy treasures! A $CumAD blast of hot baby-batter shoots from your throbbing cock, completely filling _TN2's thirsty pussy and pushing her _ISD2 chest even harder against _TN1's _ISD tits!
  Feeling you creampie her pleasure-filled snatch pushes _TN2 over the edge as you feel her tight pussy squeeze your cock nice and hard. "Oh fuck, fuck fuckkkk! My fucking womb is being blasted by your hot cum and it feels so fucking amazing! Oh shit! I'm cumming all over the bossman's big cock!" she screams as a large amount of girl-cum squeezes out from her tight pussy onto her friend below!
<<if $Cum.Stored > ($genericFighter.Level +9)>>\
  Not wanting to leave _TN1 left out and feeling that you have some juice left in your cum factories, you pull your cock out from _TN2's cum-filled pussy before shoving your creamy cock deep into _TN1's slippery cunt, much to her surprise! "Oh fuck! Shove your cock in deep and spit your load deep inside my tight pussy!" _TN1 moans as you hammer your sensitive cock deep into her snatch!
  It only takes a couple of hard pumps before your balls unleash the last of their reserves! You let out a loud throaty grunt and shoot a $CumAD load into _TN1's eager box! "Oh Fuck! Oh God yes! I'm squirting all over your big dick! I'm cumming so hard!" she screams as she orgasms hard, squirting her own girl-cum all over your dick which just adds to the sticky mess down below.
  Not wanting to leave _TN1 left out, you slide your fingers deep into _TN1's tight cunt, much to her eager pleasure! "Oh fuck yeah! Give it to me, bossman! Fingerfuck my slutty pussy and make me cum!" _TN1 moans as you hammer your fingers deep into her snatch! It only takes a couple of thrusts before you feel her eager box squeeze your invading fingers hard! "Oh shit! I'm cumming all over your fucking fingers! Yesssss!" she screams as she orgasms hard, squirting her own girl-cum all over your hand and fingers which just adds to the sticky mess down below.
  "Oh that was so good!" _TN1 says when you finally stand up, cum dripping from your sensitive <<Penis>>. Taking one last moment to scoop some white goo from her pussy into her mouth, _TN2 replies "I'll hope to see you again soon, stud" With that you grab your clothes and leave the area.<img src="Images/Items/MrPimpleDick.jpg" />
<<set _desc to $useitem3.description>>\
<<set _name to $useitem3.name>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.Futa > 0 and $PC.Sex is "Female">>>\
<<set _Status to "Futa">>\
<<elseif $PC.Sex is "Female" and $StatusAffect.Futa is 0>>\
<<set _Status to "None">>\
<<set _Status to "Main">>\
<<switch _Status>>\
<<case "Futa">>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Futa to 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.BigDick to 0>>\
<<set _ODickSize to $DickSize>>\
<<set _ODickSD to $DickSD>>\
<<set _OBallsSD to $BallsSD>>\
<<set _OBallsSize to $BallsSize>>\
<<set $PC.HasDick to 0>>\
<<set $PC.DickSize to 0>>\
<<set $PC.MDickSize to 0>>\
<<set $PC.BallsSize to 0>>\
<<set $PC.MBallsSize to 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.SiliconeP to 0>>\
<<set $DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$PC.DickSize]>>\
<<set $DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$PC.DickSize]>>\
<<set $BallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$PC.BallsSize]>>\
<<set $BallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$PC.BallsSize]>>\
Looking down at _name, you read the following from the side of the can: _desc. Deciding to try it out you down the $useitem3.name and you let out a sharp gasp as an electric feeling spikes from inside your _ODickSD futa-dick! Staring in shock you can only watch as your _ODickSize penis slowly shrinks smaller and smaller with each heartbeat. Even your _OBallsSD balls are slowly shrinking as well as the electricity spreads to your _OBallsSize balls. You can only stare in wonder are your male organs slowly retreat into your body and before long there's only smooth flesh where your dick and balls used to hang! The only lingering issue is the fact your wet pussy is aching for something big and long to be slammed into it.
<<case "None">>\
Looking down at _name, you read the following from the side of the can: _desc. Deciding to try it out you down the $useitem3.name but nothing happens... Maybe you need a dick of your own for this to work?
<<set _ODickSize to $DickSize>>\
<<set _ODickSD to $DickSD>>\
<<set _OBallsSD to $BallsSD>>\
<<set _OBallsSize to $BallsSize>>\
<<set _sizeCheck to $PC.DickSize - $PC.MDickSize>>\
<<set _sizeCheck2 to _sizeCheck - $StatusAffect.BigDick>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.TinyDick to $StatusAffect.TinyDick + _sizeCheck2>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.BigDick to 0>>\
<<set $PCChanges.DickShrink to "Sex">>\
<<set $PC.DickSize to $PC.MDickSize>>\
<<set $PC.BallsSize to $PC.MBallsSize>>\
<<set $BallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$PC.BallsSize]>>\
<<set $BallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$PC.BallsSize]>>\
<<set $DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$PC.DickSize]>>\
<<set $DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$PC.DickSize]>>\
Looking down at _name, you read the following from the side of the can: _desc. Deciding to try it out you down the $useitem3.name and you let out a sharp gasp as an electric feeling spikes from inside your _ODickSD dick! Staring in shock you can only watch as your _ODickSize penis slowly shrinks smaller and smaller with each heartbeat. It doesn't take long before your once proud _ODickSize cock is now a $DickSD $DickSize dick wth $BallsSD $BallsSize balls!
<</switch>>\<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<set _Fog to 0>>\
<<set _Rain to 0>>\
<<set _Cold to 0>>\
<<set _Wind to 0>>\
<<switch $Weather.Current>>\
<<case "Cloudy" "Windy">>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/Sunrise View 8.jpg" />
<<set _Wind to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<case "Foggy">>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/Sunrise View-F 8.jpg" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<case "Misty">>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/Sunrise View-F 8.jpg" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Rainy" "Stormy">>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/Sunrise View-R 8.jpg" />
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Dreary">>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/Sunrise View-R 8.jpg" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Sleeting">>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/Sunrise View-S 8.jpg" />
<<set _Cold to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Snowy">>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/Sunrise View-S 8.jpg" />
<<set _Cold to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $Time.Current > 6>>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/Sunrise View-N 8.jpg" />
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/Sunrise View 7.jpg" />
<<set $location.temp to "West Sunrise View - Silicon Valley">>\
<<set $location.coord to 3>>\
<<set $locationGeneric to $locationWestSunriseView>>\
<<set $location.Encounter to "West Sunrise View">>\
<<set $location.Event to "West Sunrise View">>\
<<if $Time.Current >= $Time.Max >>\
<<set _State to "TooLate">>\
<<set $NoEncounter to 1>>\
<<if $NoEncounter < 1>>\
<<include "Random Encounter Check">>\
You are located on the access road named Silicon Valley which normally leads onto the South Haven bridge but parts of that bridge have been destroyed leaving no access to the damaged bridge from this part of town. There are only minor signs of the Infested while the abundant evidence of multiple gun fights can easily been detected as bullet holes and spent ammo rounds fill this access road. To the west Copper Sun boulevard can be seen heading north and south.
<<if $StatusText.Notice is 1>>\
<<include "Update Status">>\
<<if _Rain > 0 and $StatusAffect.Wet < _Rain>>\
<<set _Rain to _Rain - $PCResistance.Water>>\
<<if _Rain > $StatusAffect.Wet>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Wet to _Rain>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I'm getting soaking wet!</i> </div>
<<if _Cold > 0 and $PCResistance.Cold < _Cold>>\
<<set _tempDamage to random(_Cold) + $StatusAffect.Wet>>\
<<set _tempDamage2 to _tempDamage - $PCResistance.Cold>>\
<<if _tempDamage2 > 0>>\
<<set $HP to $HP - _tempDamage2>>\
<<if $HP < 1>>\
<<set $HP to 1>>\
You take _tempDamage2 cold damage!
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I'm freezing to death!</i>
<<switch _State>>\
<<case "TooLate">>\
<<set $Time.Current to $Time.Max>>\
It's too dangerous to explore the Sunrise View river park at this time of night.
<<button [[Return Home|Sunrise View Returning Home]]>>
<<set $NoEncounter to 0>>\
<<case "Ambush">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Ambushed to 1>>\
You've been ambushed by an enemy!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<case "Combat">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
A hostile enemy is roaming nearby!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<case "NPC">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
You've encountered something unusual!
<<button [[Encounter|West Sunrise View Events]]>>
<<set $location.prev to $location.temp>>\
<<button [[Explore one of the Empty Buildings|West Sunrise View - Office Building]]>>
<<set $location.temp2 to $location.temp>>\
<<button [[Look around the Area|West Sunrise View Event Scout]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Scout the Area for Enemies|West Sunrise View Scouting]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[West to the Oak Dale Secondary Entrance|Oak Dale - West Sunrise View River Park Entrance2]]>> <</button>>
<<if $lust >= ($MaxLust / 2) or $GeneralFeats.Horndog > 0>>\
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Masturbate|Masturbate]]>> </span>
<</switch>>\<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<set _Fog to 0>>\
<<set _Rain to 0>>\
<<set _Cold to 0>>\
<<set _Wind to 0>>\
<<switch $Weather.Current>>\
<<case "Cloudy" "Windy">>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/Sunrise View 13.jpg" />
<<set _Wind to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<case "Foggy">>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/Sunrise View-F 13.jpg" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<case "Misty">>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/Sunrise View-F 13.jpg" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Rainy" "Stormy">>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/Sunrise View-R 13.jpg" />
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Dreary">>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/Sunrise View-R 13.jpg" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Sleeting">>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/Sunrise View-S 13.jpg" />
<<set _Cold to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Snowy">>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/Sunrise View-S 13.jpg" />
<<set _Cold to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $Time.Current > 6>>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/Sunrise View-N 13.jpg" />
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/Sunrise View 13.jpg" />
<<set $location.temp to "West Sunrise View Plastic Loop SouthWest">>\
<<set $location.coord to 27>>\
<<set $locationGeneric to $locationWestSunriseView>>\
<<set $location.Encounter to "West Sunrise View">>\
<<set $location.Event to "West Sunrise View">>\
<<if $Time.Current >= $Time.Max >>\
<<set _State to "TooLate">>\
<<set $NoEncounter to 1>>\
<<if $NoEncounter < 1>>\
<<include "Random Encounter Check">>\
This is the southwestern section of Plastic Loop where various damaged shipping buildings look to be located. Several burnt out delivery trucks sit abandoned next to the docking platforms that line the street. The Infested presence is looks to be just as strong as multiple puddles of unknown fluids stain the seats and floorboards of those vans while sexual graffiti can be seen from almost every angle. To the east is the exit from Plastic Loop while to the north some smaller factory buildings can be seen.
<<if $StatusText.Notice is 1>>\
<<include "Update Status">>\
<<if _Rain > 0 and $StatusAffect.Wet < _Rain>>\
<<set _Rain to _Rain - $PCResistance.Water>>\
<<if _Rain > $StatusAffect.Wet>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Wet to _Rain>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I'm getting soaking wet!</i> </div>
<<if _Cold > 0 and $PCResistance.Cold < _Cold>>\
<<set _tempDamage to random(_Cold) + $StatusAffect.Wet>>\
<<set _tempDamage2 to _tempDamage - $PCResistance.Cold>>\
<<if _tempDamage2 > 0>>\
<<set $HP to $HP - _tempDamage2>>\
<<if $HP < 1>>\
<<set $HP to 1>>\
You take _tempDamage2 cold damage!
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I'm freezing to death!</i>
<<switch _State>>\
<<case "TooLate">>\
<<set $Time.Current to $Time.Max>>\
It's too dangerous to explore the Sunrise View river park at this time of night.
<<button [[Return Home|Sunrise View Returning Home]]>>
<<set $NoEncounter to 0>>\
<<case "Ambush">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Ambushed to 1>>\
You've been ambushed by an enemy!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<case "Combat">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
A hostile enemy is roaming nearby!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<case "NPC">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
You've encountered something unusual!
<<button [[Encounter|West Sunrise View Events]]>>
<<set $location.prev to $location.temp>>\
<<button [[Explore one of the Empty Buildings|West Sunrise View - Office Building]]>>
<<set $location.temp2 to $location.temp>>\
<<button [[Look around the Area|West Sunrise View Event Scout]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Scout the Area for Enemies|West Sunrise View Scouting]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[East|West Sunrise View Plastic Loop South]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[North|West Sunrise View Plastic Loop NorthWest]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[South to Bronze Cup|West Sunrise View Bronze Cup & Plastic Loop]]>> <</button>>
<<if $lust >= ($MaxLust / 2) or $GeneralFeats.Horndog > 0>>\
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Masturbate|Masturbate]]>> </span>
<</switch>>\<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<set _Fog to 0>>\
<<set _Rain to 0>>\
<<set _Cold to 0>>\
<<set _Wind to 0>>\
<<switch $Weather.Current>>\
<<case "Cloudy" "Windy">>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/Sunrise View 12.jpg" />
<<set _Wind to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<case "Foggy">>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/Sunrise View-F 12.jpg" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<case "Misty">>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/Sunrise View-F 12.jpg" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Rainy" "Stormy">>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/Sunrise View-R 12.jpg" />
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Dreary">>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/Sunrise View-R 12.jpg" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Sleeting">>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/Sunrise View-S 12.jpg" />
<<set _Cold to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Snowy">>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/Sunrise View-S 12.jpg" />
<<set _Cold to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $Time.Current > 6>>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/Sunrise View-N 12.jpg" />
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/Sunrise View 12.jpg" />
<<set $location.temp to "West Sunrise View Plastic Loop NorthWest">>\
<<set $location.coord to 26>>\
<<set $locationGeneric to $locationWestSunriseView>>\
<<set $location.Encounter to "West Sunrise View">>\
<<set $location.Event to "West Sunrise View">>\
<<if $Time.Current >= $Time.Max >>\
<<set _State to "TooLate">>\
<<set $NoEncounter to 1>>\
<<if $NoEncounter < 1>>\
<<include "Random Encounter Check">>\
This is the northwestern section of Plastic Loop where the railroad meets with the Pinktech Plastics depots. A large reinforced barricade has been setup across the cluttered street but no one is manning it. The Infested presence looks to be minimal with only a few examples of crude erotic art sprayed across the empty buildings. To the east you can see the entrance to the Pinktech Plastics factory while to the south Plastic Loop looks to loop around towards the exit into the main parts of the industrial park.
<<if $StatusText.Notice is 1>>\
<<include "Update Status">>\
<<if _Rain > 0 and $StatusAffect.Wet < _Rain>>\
<<set _Rain to _Rain - $PCResistance.Water>>\
<<if _Rain > $StatusAffect.Wet>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Wet to _Rain>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I'm getting soaking wet!</i> </div>
<<if _Cold > 0 and $PCResistance.Cold < _Cold>>\
<<set _tempDamage to random(_Cold) + $StatusAffect.Wet>>\
<<set _tempDamage2 to _tempDamage - $PCResistance.Cold>>\
<<if _tempDamage2 > 0>>\
<<set $HP to $HP - _tempDamage2>>\
<<if $HP < 1>>\
<<set $HP to 1>>\
You take _tempDamage2 cold damage!
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I'm freezing to death!</i>
<<switch _State>>\
<<case "TooLate">>\
<<set $Time.Current to $Time.Max>>\
It's too dangerous to explore the Sunrise View river park at this time of night.
<<button [[Return Home|Sunrise View Returning Home]]>>
<<set $NoEncounter to 0>>\
<<case "Ambush">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Ambushed to 1>>\
You've been ambushed by an enemy!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<case "Combat">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
A hostile enemy is roaming nearby!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<case "NPC">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
You've encountered something unusual!
<<button [[Encounter|West Sunrise View Events]]>>
<<set $location.prev to $location.temp>>\
<<button [[Explore one of the Empty Buildings|West Sunrise View - Office Building]]>>
<<set $location.temp2 to $location.temp>>\
<<button [[Look around the Area|West Sunrise View Event Scout]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Scout the Area for Enemies|West Sunrise View Scouting]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[East|West Sunrise View Plastic Loop North]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[South|West Sunrise View Plastic Loop SouthWest]]>> <</button>>
<<if $lust >= ($MaxLust / 2) or $GeneralFeats.Horndog > 0>>\
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Masturbate|Masturbate]]>> </span>
<</switch>>\<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<set _Fog to 0>>\
<<set _Rain to 0>>\
<<set _Cold to 0>>\
<<set _Wind to 0>>\
<<switch $Weather.Current>>\
<<case "Cloudy" "Windy">>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/Sunrise View 12.jpg" />
<<set _Wind to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<case "Foggy">>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/Sunrise View-F 12.jpg" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<case "Misty">>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/Sunrise View-F 12.jpg" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Rainy" "Stormy">>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/Sunrise View-R 12.jpg" />
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Dreary">>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/Sunrise View-R 12.jpg" />
<<set _Fog to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Sleeting">>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/Sunrise View-S 12.jpg" />
<<set _Cold to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<set _Rain to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered - _Rain>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.CumCovered < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to 0>>\
<<case "Snowy">>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/Sunrise View-S 12.jpg" />
<<set _Cold to $Weather.Strength>>\
<<if $Time.Current > 6>>\
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/Sunrise View-N 12.jpg" />
<img src="Images/Sunrise View/Sunrise View 12.jpg" />
<<set $location.temp to "West Sunrise View Gravel Court">>\
<<set $location.coord to 14>>\
<<set $locationGeneric to $locationWestSunriseView>>\
<<set $location.Encounter to "West Sunrise View">>\
<<set $location.Event to "West Sunrise View">>\
<<if $Time.Current >= $Time.Max >>\
<<set _State to "TooLate">>\
<<set $NoEncounter to 1>>\
<<if $NoEncounter < 1>>\
<<include "Random Encounter Check">>\
You are standing on Gravel Court, a small cul-de-sac used by the various industrial building as a easy way to get to access Copper Sun boulevard. Multiple shipping bays and docks line this dead end street however there is also plenty of used mattresses soaked in fluids and other pieces of stained furniture lining the street as well. A sense of unease fills you as this slightly hidden street looks to be a possible Infested nesting spot. To the west is Copper Sun boulevard which leads out into the deeper sections of the industrial park.
<<if $StatusText.Notice is 1>>\
<<include "Update Status">>\
<<if _Rain > 0 and $StatusAffect.Wet < _Rain>>\
<<set _Rain to _Rain - $PCResistance.Water>>\
<<if _Rain > $StatusAffect.Wet>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Wet to _Rain>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I'm getting soaking wet!</i> </div>
<<if _Cold > 0 and $PCResistance.Cold < _Cold>>\
<<set _tempDamage to random(_Cold) + $StatusAffect.Wet>>\
<<set _tempDamage2 to _tempDamage - $PCResistance.Cold>>\
<<if _tempDamage2 > 0>>\
<<set $HP to $HP - _tempDamage2>>\
<<if $HP < 1>>\
<<set $HP to 1>>\
You take _tempDamage2 cold damage!
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I'm freezing to death!</i>
<<switch _State>>\
<<case "TooLate">>\
<<set $Time.Current to $Time.Max>>\
It's too dangerous to explore the Sunrise View river park at this time of night.
<<button [[Return Home|Sunrise View Returning Home]]>>
<<set $NoEncounter to 0>>\
<<case "Ambush">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Ambushed to 1>>\
You've been ambushed by an enemy!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<case "Combat">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
A hostile enemy is roaming nearby!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<case "NPC">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
You've encountered something unusual!
<<button [[Encounter|West Sunrise View Events]]>>
<<set $location.prev to $location.temp>>\
<<button [[Explore one of the Empty Buildings|West Sunrise View - Office Building]]>>
<<set $location.temp2 to $location.temp>>\
<<button [[Look around the Area|West Sunrise View Event Scout]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[Scout the Area for Enemies|West Sunrise View Scouting]]>> <</button>>
<<button [[West to Southern Copper Sun|West Sunrise View Copper Sun South]]>> <</button>>
<<if $lust >= ($MaxLust / 2) or $GeneralFeats.Horndog > 0>>\
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Masturbate|Masturbate]]>> </span>
<</switch>>\<img @src=$genericFighter.Image />
<<set $CombatRound to 0>>\
Staring at $genericFighter.Name you like what you see and feel like giving them what they want. How do you want to fuck them?
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Submit to a Threesome|Suburb D.Female Infested Fuck]]>>
<<set $SexScene2 to 1>> </span><</button>>
<<button [[Refuse!|Suburb Combat]]>> <</button>><img @src=$genericFighter.Image />
<<set $CombatRound to 0>>\
Staring down at the defeated $genericFighter.Name3 you are feeling extremely horny and feeling like giving those busty Infested what they want. How do you want to fuck them or should you let them take charge?
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Threesome!|Suburb D.Female Infested Fuck]]>>
<<set $SexScene2 to 1>>
<<if $lust + ($StatusAffect.Horny*2) < 100>>\
<<button [[Nevermind|$location.temp]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</if>>\<img @src=$genericFighter.Image />
<<set $CombatRound to 0>>\
<<set $SpecialUsage to $MaxSpecialUsage>>\
<<include "Combat Status Affects">>\
<<if $MedicPath.Combat > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Undying to 1>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.Vaccine < 1>>\
<<if (random(19) +1) + $PC.Fortitude + $InfectionResist.Fort + $FoodStatus.Fort - $StatusAffect.Wet < (21 + $genericFighter.Level + Math.round($Infestation.Progress / 2) )>>\
<<if $Infestation.Progress < 1>>\
<<set $Infestation.Progress to 1>>\
<<set _Infest to random(15) - $InfectionResist.DR +5>>\
<<if _Infest < 0>>\
<<set _Infest to 0>>\
<<set $PC.Infestation to $PC.Infestation + _Infest>>\
<<if $PC.Infestation > $Infestation.Cap>>\
<<set $PC.Infestation to $Infestation.Cap>>\
<<if $PC.Sex is "Futa" or $StatusAffect.Futa > 0>>\
<<include "Infested D.Female Sex Dominate Futa">>\
<<elseif $PC.Sex is "Male" and $StatusAffect.Futa < 1>>\
<<include "Infested D.Female Sex Dominate Male">>\
<<elseif $PC.Sex is "Female" and $StatusAffect.Futa < 1>>\
<<include "Infested D.Female Sex Dominate Female">>\
<<button [[Return|$location.temp]]>>
<<include "Lust Passes">>\
<<if $StatusAffect.Horde > 0 and $location.Indoor is 0>>\
<<set $NoEncounter to random(3)>>\
<<set $NoEncounter to random(1) +2>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</button>><img @src=$genericFighter.Image />
<<if $StatusAffect.Vaccine < 1>>\
<<if (random(19) +1) + $PC.Fortitude + $InfectionResist.Fort + $FoodStatus.Fort - $StatusAffect.Wet < (21 + $genericFighter.Level + Math.round($Infestation.Progress / 2) )>>\
<<if $Infestation.Progress < 1>>\
<<set $Infestation.Progress to 1>>\
<<set _Infest to random(15) - $InfectionResist.DR +5>>\
<<if _Infest < 0>>\
<<set _Infest to 0>>\
<<set $PC.Infestation to $PC.Infestation + _Infest>>\
<<if $PC.Infestation > $Infestation.Cap>>\
<<set $PC.Infestation to $Infestation.Cap>>\
<<if $PC.Sex is "Male" and $StatusAffect.Futa < 1>>\
<<include "Infested D.Female Sex Submissive Male">>\
<<elseif $PC.Sex is "Female" and $StatusAffect.Futa < 1 >>\
<<include "Infested D.Female Sex Submissive Female">>\
<<elseif $PC.Sex is "Futa" or $StatusAffect.Futa > 0>>\
<<include "Infested D.Female Sex Submissive Futa">>\
<<include "Lust Passes">>\
<<if $location.SexFlag is 1>>\
<<button [[Return|$location.Sex]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<set $NoEncounter to random(1) +2>>\
<<set $location.SexFlag to 0>>\
<<button [[Return|$location.temp]]>>
<<if $StatusAffect.Horde > 0 and $location.Indoor is 0>>\
<<set $NoEncounter to random(3)>>\
<<set $NoEncounter to random(1) +2>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</if>>\<<include "Adlibs">>\
<<switch $SexScene2>>\
<<case 1>>\ /* Pussy scene */
<<include "Infested D.Female Pussy Sex Submissive Futa">>\
<</switch>><<set $sexHistory.XP to $sexHistory.XP +1>>\
<<set $LastPartner to $genericFighter>>\
<<set _TCard to 0>>\
<<set _VCard to 0>>\
<<if $sexHistory.TotalV is 1>>\
<<set $sexHistory.TrueVirginityWho to $genericFighter.Name>>\
<<set _TCard to 1>>\
<<set $sexHistory.TotalV to 0>>\
<<if $sexHistory.PenisV is 1>>\
<<set $sexHistory.PenisVirginityWho to $genericFighter.Name>>\
<<set _VCard to 1>>\
<<set $sexHistory.PenisV to 0>>\
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$genericFighter.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$genericFighter.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _INip to $arrayNippleSize[$genericFighter.NippleSize]>>\
<<set _IAss to $arrayAssSizeDesc[$genericFighter.AssSize]>>\
<<set _ISD2 to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$genericFighter.BreastsSize2]>>\
<<set _ICup2 to $arrayBreastSize[$genericFighter.BreastsSize2]>>\
<<set _INip2 to $arrayNippleSize[$genericFighter.NippleSize -2]>>\
<<set _IAss2 to $arrayAssSizeDesc[$genericFighter.AssSize +1]>>\
<<set _SizeComp to $PC.DickSize - $genericFighter.Level + ($GeneralFeats.FalseRep *2)>>\
<<if _SizeComp < 0>>\
<<set _SizeComp to 0>>\
<<include "Names">>\
<<set _rand1 to random(16)>>\
<<set _rand2 to random(16)>>\
<<set _TN1 to $femaleNames1[_rand1]>>\
<<set _TN2 to $femaleNames2[_rand2]>>\
<<set _dickState to 0>>\
<<set _SizeComp to $PC.DickSize - $genericFighter.Level + ($GeneralFeats.FalseRep *2)>>\
<<if _SizeComp < 0>>\
<<set _SizeComp to 0>>\
  As you look down at the two buxom Infested you can't help but stare at their extremely sexy figures while the defeated women stare back at you with a lust-filled look in their eyes. You can feel your $DickSD dick throb at the sight of them lying on the ground in each other's arms while your pussy wettens in desire. "I'm going to have both of you busty babes titty-fuck my $DickSD futa-cock with your big o'titties and then soon I'll be balls deep in someone's tight pussy!" you proclaim as you strip out of your clothes.
<<switch _SizeComp>>\
<<case 0 1 2 3>>\
<<set _dickState to 1>>\
  Sitting there on the ground with your $DickSize futa-dick fully exposed, the bustier of the two Infested says excitedly "Hey _TN2! Looks like we have some Futa wanting to have her $DickSD girl-dick titty-fucked! Futa's are like super-hot so I'm up for it if you are, my BFF!" as she stares at your rock hard cock before glancing up at your $BreastsSD chest.
  "What's that, _TN1?" asks _TN2 before looking down at your erect futa-cock. Gasping in excitement, _TN2 yells out "Oooooh! This futa has a tiny little dick!" Seeing the fierce frown on your face, _TN2 hastily continues "I mean we love pumping up little dicks into fucking foot long bitch destroying rods of god! So uh, sit back and enjoy the best double titty-fucking in the whole Goddamn city, boss-lady!"
  _TN1 smiles as she gropes her _ICup titties while pinching her hard nipples between her clim fingers while _TN2 follows along while giving out a soft moan. The two Infested slowly sink to their knees with their big tits primed and ready! "Yeah, I'm going to fucking enjoy having you bury your $DickSize cock into our big titties! I bet it's going to feel so good that before you know it you'll be blowing your big studly load all over them!" _TN1 huskily says as presses her _ISD2 jugs against your rock hard cock while _TN2 does the same on the other side with her _ISD breasts!
<<case 4 5 6 7>>\
<<set _dickState to 1>>\
  Sitting there on the ground with your $DickSize futa-dick fully exposed, the bustier of the two Infested says excitedly "Hey _TN2! Looks like we have some Futa wanting to have her $DickSD girl-dick titty-fucked! Futa's are like super-hot so I'm up for it if you are, my BFF!" as she stares at your rock hard cock before glancing up at your $BreastSD chest.
  "What's that, _TN1?" asks _TN2 before looking down at your erect futa-cock. Gasping in excitement, _TN2 yells out "Oooooh! I mean, you have to love the fact that this futa chick has a smaller sized girl-dick! Most Futas already have fucking baseball bats in their pants!" Seeing the slight frown on your face, _TN2 hastily continues "I mean we love pumping up little dicks into fucking foot long bitch destroying rods of god! So uh, sit back and enjoy the best double titty-fucking in the whole Goddamn city, boss-lady!"
  _TN1 smiles as she gropes her _ICup titties while pinching her hard nipples between her slim fingers while _TN2 follows along while giving out a soft moan. The two Infested slowly sink to their knees with their big tits primed and ready! "Yeah, I'm going to fucking enjoy having you bury your $DickSize cock into our big titties! I bet it's going to feel so good that before you know it you'll be blowing your big studly load all over them!" _TN1 huskily says as presses her _ISD2 jugs against your rock hard cock while _TN2 does the same on the other side with her _ISD breasts!
<<case 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24>>\
<<set _dickState to 2>>\
  Sitting there on the ground with your $DickSize futa-dick fully exposed, the bustier of the two Infested says excitedly "Hey _TN2! Looks like we have some Futa wanting to have her $DickSD girl-dick titty-fucked! Futa's are like super-hot so I'm up for it if you are, my BFF!" as she stares at your rock hard cock before glancing up at your $BreastSD chest.
  "What's that, _TN1?" asks _TN2 before looking down at your futa-dick. Gasping in excitement, _TN2 gasps "Hmm... That's a way bigger penis than we usually titty-fuck. I should have expected that as most futas have fucking rockets in their pants..." Seeing the confused look on your face, _TN2 hastily continues "I mean we usually love pumping up smaller dicks into fucking foot long bitch destroying rods of god but uh, you already have a nice big cock! So I guess you should just sit back and enjoy the best double titty-fucking in the whole Goddamn city, big boss-lady!"
  _TN1 smiles as she gropes her _ICup titties while pinching her hard nipples between her slim fingers while _TN2 follows along while giving out a soft moan. The two Infested slowly sink to their knees with their big tits primed and ready! "Yeah, I'm going to fucking enjoy having you bury your $DickSize cock into our big titties! I bet it's going to feel so good that before you know it you'll be blowing your big studly load all over them!" _TN1 huskily says as presses her _ISD2 jugs against your rock hard cock while _TN2 does the same on the other side with her _ISD breasts!
<<set _dickState to 2>>\
  Sitting there on the ground with your $DickSize futa-dick fully exposed, the bustier of the two Infested says excitedly "Hey _TN2! Looks like we have some Futa wanting to have her $DickSD girl-dick titty-fucked! Futa's are like super-hot so I'm up for it if you are, my BFF!" as she stares at your rock hard cock before glancing up at your $BreastSD chest.
  "What's that, _TN1?" asks _TN2 before looking down at your dick. Gasping in excitement, _TN2 gasps "What the fuck!?!? I'm not sure how we're going to be able to titty-fuck such a monster futa-cock that size!" Seeing the pleased look on your face, _TN2 hastily continues "I mean we usually love pumping up smaller dicks into fucking foot long bitch destroying rods of god but you already have a fucking $DickSize golf club of wrecking hiding in your pants! So I guess you should just sit back and enjoy the best double titty-fucking in the whole Goddamn city!"
  You let out a loud breathy moan as your $DickSize shaft is completely engulfed by the two busty Infested's mega-tits! "MMmmm! Fuck! I love how amazing your big titties feel!" you moan as _TN1 starts to titty-fuck you with her _ISD tits while _TN2 patiently follows along with her _ISD2 jugs, giving your cock a nice titty sandwitch. "Keep stroking my futa-cock, you fucking bimbo sluts!" you moan even louders as you luxerate in the heavenly feeling of their impressive fleshy mountains stroking your dick while their fat nipples slide against each other in such an erotic pattern.
  Smiling at your pleasure-filled reactions to their amazing tit-fuck, _TN2 moans "It sounds like the boss-lady is enjoying having her futa-cock buried between our big titties!" _TN1 smirks as she speeds up her titty-fucking while also pushing her _ISD tits against _TN2's own _ISD2 jugs even harder causing that slippery breast valley to squish so pleasantly against your $DickSD dick. _TN2 gasps loudly "It feels so amazing when our titties rub against each other with such an interesting dick nestled in between them! And it looks like the boss-lady is having fun as well cause her $DickSize girl-dick is leaking pre-cum all over out big titties, so keep it going _TN1!"
  _TN1 moans softly "Sure thing, _TN2! We gotta help the boss-lady get some much needed release! And by release, I mean having the boss-lady shoot her big load all over our big titties!" With that said both of the busty Infested speed up their mutual titty-fucking pace causing you own moan to escape from your lips as the pleasure intensifies. Your poor neglected pussy is weeping girl fluids all over the ground below as your cum-filled balls demands your focus.
  "Oh shit! Your titty-fucking feels so fucking amazing! I'm about to shoot my load all over those big o'titties!" you groan as you feel your $BallsSD balls churn with baby-batter. Each stroke with their big breasts causes a burst of pleasure to erupt from your $DickSD futa-cock and you're not sure how much longer before something much stickier erupts from your dick! "Goddamn! I'm, fuck! I'm not sure...shit! how much longer I can hold back!" you yell to the two Infested as the pleasure just grows stronger and stronger!
  Instead of slowing down, the Infested pair speeds up their efforts with their _ISD2 breasts rapidly bouncing up and down your lap! "Do it sexy boss-lady! Shoot your load all over our big fucking tits!" _TN2 yells as she squeezes her _ISD2 tits even harder against your $DickSize cock, doing her best to milk you cock of all your hot cum!
  "Yeah boss-lady! Cum all over our _ISD tits! I wanna see you paint them white with your thick juicy seed!" _TN1 yells back as she matches her BFF's titty-fucking speed much to your exquisite delight. You don't need much encouragement as your $BallsSD balls feel like they're going to explode any second now!
<<switch _dickState>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<set _DickBonus to Math.round($Infestation.BruiseVariant / 25)>>\
<<set _DickSD to $DickSD>>\
<<set _DickSize to $DickSize>>\
<<set _BallsSD to $BallsSD>>\
<<if (random(19)+ 1) + $StatusAffect.BigDick + _DickBonus + ($GeneralFeats.Transformer *2) < 21>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.BigDick to $StatusAffect.BigDick +2>>\
<<set $PCChanges.DickGrowth to "Soda">>\
<<set $PC.DickSize =+ $PC.DickSize +2>>\
<<set $DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$PC.DickSize]>>\
<<set $DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$PC.DickSize]>>\
<<set $PC.BallsSize =+ $PC.BallsSize +2>>\
<<set $BallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$PC.BallsSize]>>\
<<set $BallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$PC.BallsSize]>>\
<<if $Cum.Max < 16>>\
<<set $Cum.Max to $Cum.Max +2>>\
<<set $Cum.Min to $Cum.Min +2>>\
<<set $Cum.Stored to $Cum.Max>>\
<<set $CumAD to $arrayCumAmountDesc[$Cum.Stored]>>\
  Unable to hold back any longer, you scream out "Oh God! Oh shit! I'm blowing my big fucking load all over your _ISD bimbo jugs!" Your _BallsSD cum-filled balls pulsate one last time before your resistance is overwhelmed! Your _DickSD cock pulses in pleasure as you launch several $CumAD threads of hot steamy cum all over the Infested pair's big bouncy breasts! It feels so intense that you can't help but grunt loudly as your pussy also unleashes a $GCumAD wave of girl-cum all over the ground.
  As you lay there recovering from your mind-blowing double orgasm, the two busty Infested finally pull their big o'titties away from your dick. To your confusion you discover that your _DickSD _DickSize futa-cock has slightly grown into a $DickSD $DickSize piece of man-meat! "What the hell?" you mumble as you can't help but admire the bigger size of your $DickSize girl-dick as you give it a closer look.
  "Contgratz boss-lady! We figured since your such a sexy boss-lady that you needed a proper tool to show it!" _TN1 says huskily as she also admires your bigger cock while idly licking some of your cum off her friend's _ISD2 tits. "Mmmm! I can't wait to have that $DickSD tool deep inside my slutty cunt!" she moans as her busty friend starts to return the favor by licking your sticky seed off of _TN1's _ISD tits.
  _TN2 smiles broadly as she turns her attention from her friend's goo-glazed breasts to your bigger dick. "Oh wow sexy boss-lady! I gotta love it when our big titties cause dicks to grow so much!" she says before giggling at your expression. "How about you take that improved meat tool out for a test drive by shoving it into my pussy?" she moans as her hands slips down to her exposed pussy lips.
  Unable to hold back any longer, you scream out "Oh God! Oh shit! I'm blowing my big fucking load all over your _ISD bimbo jugs!" Your $BallsSD cum-filled balls pulsate one last time before your resistance is overwhelmed! Your $DickSD cock pulses in pleasure as you launch several $CumAD threads of hot steamy cum all over the Infested pair's big bouncy breasts! It feels so intense that you can't help but grunt loudly as your pussy also unleashes a $GCumAD wave of girl-cum all over the ground.
  As you lay there recovering from your mind-blowing orgasm, the two Infested finally pull their big o'titties away from your dick. You have to admire the way their tits are covered by your seed, leaving them nice and glistering white. Your hard cock still feels like there is plenty in the tank as you can almost feel your balls working overtime to replenish the reserves while your pussy still drips like a leaky faucet.
  "Congratz sexy boss-lady! You shot so much baby-batter all over our big titties, I'm going to need a shower to truly cleaned up!" _TN1 says huskily as she also admires your cum-dropping cock while idly licking some of your seed off her friend's _ISD2 tits. "Mmmm! I can't wait to have that $DickSD futa-cock of yours deep inside my slutty cunt!" she moans as her busty friend starts to return the favor by licking your sticky goo off of _TN1's _ISD tits.
  _TN2 smiles broadly as she turns her attention from her friend's goo-glazed breasts to your twitching dick. "Oh wow sexy boss-lady! Our big titties must have felt sooo amazing for you to cum that hard!" she says before giggling at your expression. "How about you take that hefty meat rod out for a test drive by shoving it into my pussy?" she moans as her hands slips down to her exposed pussy lips.
<<if $KeyItemsFlags.DoubleDildo > 0 >>\
  Seeing both of the buxom Infested begging for your dick has you feeling rather pumped up as you try to figure out a way to fuck both of them at the same time. Remembering the naughty toy in your backpack, you give the Infested a lewd smirk as you pull out the massive double-ended dildo!
  Both of the lusty Infested gasp as they take in the size of your sex toy as you wave that massive fake cock around. "I think this will do quite nicely!" you say huskily as you slide the enormous double-ended dildo against your dripping wet cunt. Moaning loudly you lift your $BallsSD balls up before slowly thrusting one end of the fake cock deep into your tight pussy.
  Seeing both of the buxom Infested begging for your dick has you feeling rather pumped up as you try to figure out a way to fuck both of them at the same time. Seeing your indecision, _TN1 smirks before grabbing her purse. It takes her a moment but eventually she pulls out a massive double-ended dildo!
  You give out a gasp as you take in the size of _TN1's sex toy as she waves that massive fake cock around like a rubbery sword. "How about you try this on for size, sexy boss-lady?" _TN1 asks before handing the massive dildo over to you. "That way you can fuck us both at the same time!"
  "I think this will do quite nicely! Thank you, _TN1!" you say huskily as you slide the enormous double-ended dildo against your dripping wet cunt while _TN2 watches intently. Moaning loudly you lift your $BallsSD balls up before slowly thrusting one end of the fake cock deep into your tight pussy.
  Standing in front of the two horny Infested , you thrust both of your cocks in their direction while demanding "OK, if you want my cocks then both of you will be getting my cocks at the same time! So _TN1 get on your back with your big tits facing up while _TN2, you lie on top of _TN1 with your _ISD2 chest resting on top of _TN1's _ISD tits!"
  "Oooh, naughty!" both _TN1 and _TN2 say at the same time with matching lusty smirks before eagerly following your instructions much to your delight. It doesn't take long before _TN1 is lying on her back with her _IAss ass providing some cushioning while her _ICup tits face the sky. _TN2 eagerly plants her _ICup2 titties on top of _TN1's hefty chest with her hard nipples rubbing against her friend's rock hard nubs!
  Rubbing her big tits against her friend's even bigger titties, _TN2 moans "Cum fuck us, sexy boss-lady!" with her legs spread wide giving you a good view of her dripping wet pussy. Kneeling down, you get a good look at how the Infested's engorged clits are rubbing against each other as they anticipate you sliding your dicks deep inside their dripping wet cunts.
  "I think both of you hot sluts are ready for a good double pounding!" you growl as you stroke your futa-cock with one hand and your fake cock with the other. You moan lustfullly as you slowly position your $DickSD shaft up against _TN2's slick slit before making some minor adjustments to line up your massive fake cock with _TN1's equally wet pussy. Unwilling to wait any longer, you forcefully thrust your hard cocks deep inside both of the Infested's tight cunts!
  "Oh fuck, boss-lady! Your big futa-cock is so deep inside my tight snatch! Oh God!" _TN2 moans in delight as your <<Penis>> thrusts deep into her wet snatch, over and over again. You have to admit that it feels so tight and warm that you can't even give her a moment to adjust as you hammer her slippery cunt like the fist of a angry god!
  _TN1 screams in delight as you do your best to turn her tight cunt into raw meat with your massive dildo! "Oh fuck, oh fuckkk! The boss-lady's big fake dick is in so fucking deep!" _TN1 moans and gasps as you fondle her _IAss2 derriere while steadily thrusting away with your double-ended dildo. _TN1 is begging to be pounded even hard by your dick as she slides her _INip long nipples against _TN2's _INip2's long nubs causing both of them to moan even louder from the dual-fucking.
  As you thrust hard into the Infested's pussies, you can feel your balls churn in desire while your own overstuffed pussy sends waves of pleasure each time you bottom out on those tight cunts! "Fuck yeah! Your fucking pussies feel fucking amazing!" you groan loudly as the busty Infested moan and writhe in utter ectasy. Feeling a bit frisky you give _TN2's ass a sharp slap causing her _IAss2 tush to jiggle and bounce from the light blow.
  "Fuck yes! Slap my big ass! The boss-lady is giving it to me so hard I'm about to cum all over her $DickSD futa-cock! " _TN2 yells loudly as you repeatedly slam your <<Penis>> thrusts deep into her dripping wet cunt, over and over again. "Creampie my slutty pussy with your hot load!" she screams as her pussy grips your cock hard!
  "Me too! My pussy fills so stuffed by her massive dildo! Fuck! I can barely stand it!" _TN1 moans while thrusting her big tits against her best friend's ample chest. From the hot erotic sounds the Infested are making, it's rather obvious that they are close to cumming hard and you can't blame them as you feel your own double orgasm rapidly approaching!
<<if $PC.Infestation is $Infestation.Cap & $Infestation.Progress > 1>>\
<<include "Infestation Increase">>\
  As you continue slamming your <<Penis>> into that tight cunt while also slamming the massive dildo into the other twat you feel a surge of energy flowing directly into you! It almost feels like you are burning up but it quickly turns to pleasure that radiates from your hard futa-cock before spreading to your ass and tits!
  You feel your dick growing bigger and stronger with each thrust into _TN2's even tighter cunt! "Oh fuckkkk! Your cunt feels so much tighter, I can't stop! Oh shit! I CAN'T HOLD BACK! I'M GOING TO BLOWWW!" you yell as you begin to uncontrollably thrust into _TN2's tight cunt in preparation for your imminent orgasm. You grab her hips tight before thrusting your growing cock deep inside her needy cunt one last time! A loud groan escapes your lips as your throbbing balls finally unleash their juicy treasures! An insane blast of hot baby-batter shoots from your throbbing cock, completely filling _TN2's thirsty pussy and pushing her _ISD2 chest even harder against _TN1's _ISD tits! At the same time an almost never-ending wave of pure pleasure erupts from your overstuffed pussy as you squirt an equally insane wave of girl-cum all over the massive double-ended dildo!
  Feeling you creampie her pleasure-filled snatch pushes _TN2 over the edge as you feel her extremely tight pussy squeeze your bigger cock nice and hard. "Oh fuck, fuck fuckkkk! I can feel your cock getting bigger and oh fuck! My fucking womb is being blasted by your hot cum and it feels so fucking amazing! Oh shit! I'm cumming all over the boss-lady's big girl-dick!" she screams as a large amount of girl-cum squeezes out from her extremely tight pussy onto her friend below!
  "OH GOD! OH FUCK! I'm cumming so fucking hard all over your fake cock!" _TN1 screams as you bury your double ended dildo deep inside her dripping wet cunt as your pleasure peaks. Within seconds a immense orgasm rocks her body, her _ISD tits quivering in pleasure as she pushes hard against her friend's _ISD2 chest. Her whole body continues to shake and quiver from her intense orgasm before collasping into a puddle on the ground along with her busty friend!
  As you do your best to recover from your double orgasm you take stock of your changes. You notice that you now have a $DickSD $DickSize cock along with a pair of $BallsSD $BallsSize balls! Focusing on your chest you discover that you now have a pair of $BreastSD $BreastsSize breasts and looking behind you you notice your $AssSize ass! _TN2 looks over at you and husily says "Looks like the boss-lady is growing to be an even hotter, sexier Futa!"
  "Oh fuckkkk! Your cunt feels so tight, I can't stop! Oh shit! I CAN'T HOLD BACK! I'M GOING TO BLOWWW!" you yell as you begin to uncontrollably thrust into _TN2's tight cunt in preparation for your imminent orgasm. You grab her hips tight before thrusting your $DickSize cock deep inside her needy cunt one last time! A loud groan escapes your lips as your $BallsSD balls finally unleash their juicy treasures! A $CumAD blast of hot baby-batter shoots from your throbbing cock, completely filling _TN2's thirsty pussy and pushing her _ISD2 chest even harder against _TN1's _ISD tits! At the same time a wave of pure pleasure erupts from your overstuffed pussy as you squirt a $GCumAD wave of girl-cum all over the massive double-ended dildo!
  Feeling you creampie her pleasure-filled snatch pushes _TN2 over the edge as you feel her tight pussy squeeze your cock nice and hard. "Oh fuck, fuck fuckkkk! My fucking womb is being blasted by your hot cum and it feels so fucking amazing! Oh shit! I'm cumming all over the boss-lady's big girl-dick!" she screams as a large amount of girl-cum squeezes out from her tight pussy onto her friend below!
  "OH GOD! OH FUCK! I'm cumming so fucking hard all over your fake cock!" _TN1 screams as you bury your double ended dildo deep inside her dripping wet cunt as your pleasure peaks. Within seconds a immense orgasm rocks her body, her _ISD tits quivering in pleasure as she pushes hard against her friend's _ISD2 chest. Her whole body continues to shake and quiver from her intense orgasm before collasping into a puddle on the ground along with her busty friend!
<<if $KeyItemsFlags.DoubleDildo > 0 >>\
  Standing up, you shake your $DickSize futa-cock clean of your cum onto the Infested's ass much to their delight. Grasping your double-ended dildo hard, you give out a low moan as you slowly pull that monsterous fake-cock out from your slightly abused pussy.
  "I fucking love this massive toy!" you moan loudly as you wave your big dildo in front of the Infested you continue as you slowly get dressed. _TN1 and _TN2 stare at your powerful sex toy as if mesmerized by it while licking their plump lips.
  "Oooh! It felt so amazing sexy boss-lady!!" _TN1 says while watching you finish getting dressed. Taking a moment to scoop some white goo from her pussy into her mouth, _TN1 replies "I can't wait to see you again boss-lady!"
  _TN2 smiles as well as she watches her friend take a long lick from the used double-ended dildo. "Me too sexy boss-lady! Maybe next time I'll be the one to get plowed plowed by the dildo while _TN1 gets the hard dicking from your big futa-cock!"
  Standing up, you shake your $DickSize futa-cock clean of your cum onto the Infested's ass much to their delight. Grasping the borrowed double-ended dildo hard, you give out a low moan as you slowly pull that monsterous fake-cock out from your slightly abused pussy.
  "Here you go. You can have your sex toy back, _TN1..." you say as you toss the used dildo over to _TN1 with a smirk on your lips. "Just think of me next time you masturbate with that massive dildo of yours!" you continue as you slowly get dressed.
  "Oh, I'll be sure to do so sexy boss-lady!" _TN1 says while watching you finish getting dressed. Taking a moment to scoop some white goo from her pussy into her mouth, _TN1 replies "I can't wait to see you again boss-lady!"
  _TN2 smiles as well as she watches her friend take a long lick from the used double-ended dildo. "Me too sexy boss-lady! Maybe next time I'll be the one to get plowed plowed by the dildo while _TN1 gets the hard dicking from your big futa-cock!"
  Shaking your head at the Infested's banter, you finish grabbing your supplies and head on out while the two Infested make out with each other behind you. <<include "Adlibs">>\
<<switch $SexScene2>>\
<<case 1>>\ /* Pussy scene */
<<include "Infested D.Female Pussy Sex Submissive Female">>\
<</switch>><<set $sexHistory.XP to $sexHistory.XP +1>>\
<<set $LastPartner to $genericFighter>>\
<<set _TCard to 0>>\
<<set _VCard to 0>>\
<<if $sexHistory.TotalV is 1>>\
<<set $sexHistory.TrueVirginityWho to $genericFighter.Name>>\
<<set _TCard to 1>>\
<<set $sexHistory.TotalV to 0>>\
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$genericFighter.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$genericFighter.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _INip to $arrayNippleSize[$genericFighter.NippleSize]>>\
<<set _IAss to $arrayAssSizeDesc[$genericFighter.AssSize]>>\
<<set _ISD2 to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$genericFighter.BreastsSize2]>>\
<<set _ICup2 to $arrayBreastSize[$genericFighter.BreastsSize2]>>\
<<set _INip2 to $arrayNippleSize[$genericFighter.NippleSize -2]>>\
<<set _IAss2 to $arrayAssSizeDesc[$genericFighter.AssSize +1]>>\
<<set _SizeComp to $PC.DickSize - $genericFighter.Level + ($GeneralFeats.FalseRep *2)>>\
<<if _SizeComp < 0>>\
<<set _SizeComp to 0>>\
<<include "Names">>\
<<set _rand1 to random(16)>>\
<<set _rand2 to random(16)>>\
<<set _TN1 to $femaleNames1[_rand1]>>\
<<set _TN2 to $femaleNames2[_rand2]>>\
<<set _SizeComp to $PC.DickSize - $genericFighter.Level + ($GeneralFeats.FalseRep *2)>>\
<<if _SizeComp < 0>>\
<<set _SizeComp to 0>>\
<<if $PC.BreastsSize + ($GeneralFeats.FalseRep *2) < ($genericFighter.BreastsSize -4)>>\
<<set _titties to "Tiny">>\
<<elseif $PC.BreastsSize + ($GeneralFeats.FalseRep *2) < $genericFighter.BreastsSize>>\
<<set _titties to "Small">>\
<<elseif $PC.BreastsSize + ($GeneralFeats.FalseRep *2) > $genericFighter.BreastsSize +4>>\
<<set _titties to "Huge">>\
<<set _titties to "Large">>\
<<if $Infestation.MilkProgress > 0 or $Milk.Stored > $Milk.Min>>\
<<set _Breasts to "Milk">>\
<<elseif $StatusAffect.SiliconeB > 5>>\
<<set _Breasts to "Silicone">>\
<<set _Breasts to "Natural">>\
  As you look down at the two buxom Infested you can't help but stare at their extremely sexy figures while the defeated women stare back at you with a lust-filled look in their eyes. You can feel your pussy wetten in desire at the sight of them lying on the ground in each other's arms. "I'm going to have both of you busty babes suck on my tits while finger-banging my tight cunt!" you proclaim as you strip out of your clothes.
  Sitting there on the ground with your $BreastSD breasts fully exposed along with your slightly wet pussy, the bustier of the two Infested says excitedly "Hey _TN2! Looks like we have a sexy lady wanting to have her titties sucked on. I mean, I prefer sausages but salad can be fun too so I'm up for it if you are, my BFF!" as she stares at your exposed cunt before glancing up at your $BreastSD chest.
  "What's that, _TN1?" asks _TN2 before looking down at your fully exposed pussy. Gasping in excitement, _TN2 yells out "Oooooh! It's a Futa with a really tiny penis!" Seeing confused look on your face, _TN2 blinks and gives your cunt a closer look "Oh wait! That's your adorable clit! Sorry boss-lady, been fucked by too many Futas lately and had those fun girl-dicks on my mind."
<<switch _titties>>\
<<case "Tiny">>\
  _TN1 smiles as she gropes her _ICup titties while pinching her hard nipples between her slim fingers while _TN2 follows along while giving out a soft moan. The two Infested slowly sink to their knees before letting their big tits bounce free. "Yeah, I'm going to enjoy sucking on your itty-bitty titties! I bet your $BreastSD tits are going to feel so good that before you know it creaming all over our fingers!" _TN1 huskily says as presses her lips against your hard $NippleSize long nipples before biting ever so softly onto your hard nub! A breathy gasp excapes your lips as _TN2 follows along by sucking softly on your other hard nipple!
<<case "Small">>\
  _TN1 smiles as she gropes her _ICup titties while pinching her hard nipples between her slim fingers while _TN2 follows along while giving out a soft moan. The two Infested slowly sink to their knees before letting their big tits bounce free. "Yeah, I'm going to enjoy sucking on your cute little titties! I bet your $BreastSD tits are going to feel so good that before you know it creaming all over our fingers!" _TN1 huskily says as presses her lips against your hard $NippleSize long nipples before biting ever so softly onto your hard nub! A breathy gasp excapes your lips as _TN2 follows along by sucking softly on your other hard nipple!
<<case "Large">>\
  _TN1 smiles as she gropes her _ICup titties while pinching her hard nipples between her slim fingers while _TN2 follows along while giving out a soft moan. The two Infested slowly sink to their knees before letting their big tits bounce free. "Yeah, I'm going to enjoy sucking on your big o'titties! I bet your $BreastSD tits are going to feel so good that before you know it creaming all over our fingers!" _TN1 huskily says as presses her lips against your hard $NippleSize long nipples before biting ever so softly onto your hard nub! A breathy gasp excapes your lips as _TN2 follows along by sucking softly onto your on hard nipple!
  _TN1 smiles as she gropes her _ICup titties while pinching her hard nipples between her slim fingers while _TN2 follows along while giving out a soft moan. The two Infested slowly sink to their knees before letting their big tits bounce free. "Yeah, I'm going to enjoy sucking on your super mega-sized titties! I bet your $BreastSD tits are going to feel so good that before you know it creaming all over our fingers!" _TN1 huskily says as presses her lips against your hard $NippleSize long nipples before biting ever so softly onto your hard nub! A breathy gasp excapes your lips as _TN2 follows along by sucking softly on your other hard nipple!
<<switch _Breasts>>\
<<case "Milk">>\
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$genericFighter.BreastsSize +2]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$genericFighter.BreastsSize +2]>>\
<<set _ISD2 to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$genericFighter.BreastsSize2 +2]>>\
<<set _ICup2 to $arrayBreastSize[$genericFighter.BreastsSize2 +2]>>\
  "Looks like someone's pumped up with lots of delicious milk!" _TN2 says huskily after coming up for some air with some of your milk leaking from the sides of her mouth. "They feel so nice and milky!" she continues as she gropes your heavy milk-filled breast while pinching your hard $NippleSize long nipple softly causing some milk to squirt out. _TN1 doesn't comment on your milk jugs as she's too busy enthusiastically sucking and mauling on your other heavy breast.
  Coming up for air _TN1 says softly as milk drips down her chin "Hey boss-lady? I'm feeling kinda funny..." She moans as her already impressive chest slowly expands leaving her with a _ISD pair of _ICup milkers! _TN2 gasps as well as her own chest fills up with milk pushing her to an awe inspiring _ISD2 pair of _ICup2 milk jugs!
  "Don't worry, girls. It should wear off here within a hour or so." you explain as you watch the two Infested explore thier bigger tits. _TN2 glances back at your $BreastSD milk jugs and dives back in like a starving woman, suckling and mauling your big milkers while _TN2 quickly follows suit! Moaning loudly and squirming from the mutual assault on your $BreastsSize jugs, you manage to gasp out "Oh fuck! Keep sucking on my $BreastSD mommy milkers!" Your whole attention was so distracted by _TN2's expert skills that you failed to notice that _TN1 was focusing on another goal. You scream out "Oh fuckkkk!" as you feel her finger slide into your dripping wet pussy!
<<case "Silicone">>\
  "Looks like someone spent a lot of money on some big fake tits!" _TN2 says huskily after coming up for some air. "They feel so nice and perky!" she continues as she gropes your heavy silicon-filled breast while pinching your hard $NippleSize long nipple softly. _TN1 doesn't comment on your fake tits as she's too busy enthusiastically sucking and mauling on your other heavy breast.
  Moaning loudly and squirming from the mutual assault on your $BreastsSize jugs, you manage to gasp out "Oh fuck! Keep sucking on my $BreastSD fake titties!" _TN2 starts to play with your tits even harder, groping and squeezing your siicone jugs like a sex-starved whore. Your whole attention was so distracted by _TN2's expert skills that you failed to notice that _TN1 was focusing on another goal. You scream out "Oh fuckkkk!" as you feel her finger slide into your dripping wet pussy!
  "I like your titties! They feel so nice and warm and cuddly!" _TN2 says huskily after coming up for some air. "I mean you should feel so proud of how nice and perky they are!" she continues as she gropes your breast while pinching your hard $NippleSize long nipple softly. _TN1 doesn't comment on your $BreastSD tits as she's too busy enthusiastically sucking and mauling on your other perky breast.
  Moaning loudly and squirming from the mutual assault on your $BreastsSize jugs, you manage to gasp out "Oh fuck! Keep sucking on my $BreastSD titties!" _TN2 starts to play with your tits even harder, groping and squeezing your jugs like a sex-starved whore. Your whole attention was so distracted by _TN2's expert skills that you failed to notice that _TN1 was focusing on another goal. You scream out "Oh fuckkkk!" as you feel her finger slide into your dripping wet pussy!
  "You like that, boss-lady? You like having your pussy finger-banged by _TN2 while having your titties sucked on?" _TN1 asks as gives your $BreastSD breasts a firm squeeze. You can't help but let out another moan as your pleasure spikes from the assault on your horny body. "It sounds like the boss-lady is loving it! What do you think, _TN2?"
  Slamming her index finger in even harder, _TN2 huskily asks "What's that, _TN1? The sexy boss-lady wants me to finger-fuck her even harder? To slam my fingers in and out of her tight pussy so hard that she can't help but cum all over them?" Another lusty moan erupts as she adds another finger to your dripping wet cunt and you end up thrusting your hips against her slim fingers. You can feel that your impending orgasm is rapidly approaching as the pleasure is so intense that you can barely withstand it! "Sounds like someone's close to cumming!" she exclaims as she adds a third finger into your extremely tight pussy!
  "Oh fuck, oh fuck, OH FUCKKK! I'm cumming all over your fucking hand!" you scream out as an intense orgasm shakes your whole body. A burst of pleasure erupts thru your body as a $GCumAD wave of girl-cum squirts out of your sensitive cunt, completely covering _TN2's slim fingers! The whole time your cumming, _TN1 holds you close with her grip on your titties not loosening one tiny bit.
  As you lay there recovering from your mind-blowing orgasm, _TN2 starts to lick her fingers clean of your girl-cum with _TN1 quickly joining in! _TN1 smiles broadly as she eventually turns her attention from her friend's licked clean fingers to your heaving chest. "Oh wow sexy boss-lady! Having your titties sucked on while being fingered must have felt so good to have you cum that hard!" she says before giggling at your expression. "How about you take charge and show us who's really the boss?" she moans as her hands slips down to her exposed pussy lips.
<<if $KeyItemsFlags.DoubleDildo > 0 >>\
  Seeing both of the buxom Infested begging for you to take charge has you feeling rather pumped up as you try to figure out a way to fuck both of them silly. Remembering the naughty toy in your backpack, you give the Infested a lewd smirk as you pull out the massive double-ended dildo!
  Both of the lusty Infested gasp as they take in the size of your sex toy as you wave that massive fake cock around. "I think this will do quite nicely!" you say huskily as you slide the enormous double-ended dildo against your dripping wet cunt. Moaning loudly you slowly thrust one end of the massive sex toy deep into your tight pussy before proudly displaying your fake cock to both of the Infested!
  Seeing both of the buxom Infested begging for you to take charge has you feeling rather pumped up as you try to figure out a way to fuck both of them silly. Seeing your indecision, _TN1 smirks before grabbing her purse. It takes her a moment but eventually she pulls out a massive double-ended dildo!
  You give out a gasp as you take in the size of _TN1's sex toy as she waves that massive fake cock around like a rubbery sword. "How about you try this on for size, sexy boss-lady?" _TN1 asks before handing the massive dildo over to you. "That way you show us who's truly in charge!"
  "I think this will do quite nicely! Thank you, _TN1!" you say huskily as you slide the enormous double-ended dildo against your dripping wet cunt while _TN2 watches intently. Moaning loudly you slowly thrust one end of the massive sex toy deep into your tight pussy before proudly displaying your fake cock to both of the Infested!
  Smiling widely, you demand "OK, if you want my cock then both of you will be getting my cock, nice and hard! So _TN1 get on your back with your big titties facing up while _TN2, you lie on top of _TN1 with your _ISD2 chest resting on top of _TN1's _ISD tits!"
  "Oooh, naughty!" both _TN1 and _TN2 say at the same time with matching lusty smirks before eagerly following your instructions much to your delight. It doesn't take long before _TN1 is lying on her back with her _IAss ass providing some cushioning while her _ICup tits face the sky. _TN2 eagerly plants her _ICup2 jugs on top of _TN1's hefty chest with her hard nipples rubbing against her friend's rock hard nubs!
  Rubbing her big tits against her friend's even bigger titties, _TN2 moans "Cum fuck us, sexy boss-lady!" with her legs spread wide giving you a nice view of her dripping wet pussy. Kneeling down, you get a good look at how the Infested's engorged clits are rubbing against each other as they anticipate you sliding your fake dick deep inside their dripping wet cunts.
  "I think both of you sluts are ready for a good hard pounding!" you growl as you spread _TN1's pussy lips wide, exposing her deep slick tunnel of love. You have to grip the massive dildo hard as you slowly position your rubbery sex toy up against _TN1's slick slit. Unable to hold back any longer, you finally slam your double-ended dildo deep inside the Infested's tight cunt!
  "Oh fuck yes! Shove your big cock deep inside my slutty pussy! Oh God yessss!" _TN1 screams in delight as your fake cock thrusts deep into her wet snatch, over and over again. You have to admit that it feels so tight and slippery that you can't even give her a moment to adjust as you hammer her dripping wet cunt like the fist of a angry god! "It feels so good boss-lady!" she moans as her _ISD tits press hard against her friend's own _ISD2 titties with each hard thrust you make. Even your own $BreastSD tits are swinging with each enthusiastic thrust you make!
  _TN2 moans loudly "Oooh boss-lady! I want some of that hard pounding!" as she grinds her own pussy against your slick shaft each time you pull back before slamming your massive dildo deep inside _TN1's tight snatch. With each enthusiastic pump you can see _TN2 getting more eager to pounded just like _TN1 as she wiggles and squirms on top of her busty lover.
  Pulling your soaked fake cock out of _TN1's tight snatch, you quickly slam it deep inside _TN2's hot and slippery pussy much to her vocal delight! As you start to pound her tight cunt you discover that you can't tell much difference between the two Infested's equally slick pussies. Shaking your head at the idle thought, you focus on what's truly important which is grabbing that _IAss2 ass so you can pound that delightful snatch so hard that _TN2's _ISD2 jiggly breasts are forced to press hard against her friend's _ISD mountainous tits!
  _TN2 screams in delight as you do your best to turn her tight cunt into raw meat! "Oh fuck, oh fuckkk! The boss-lady's dick is wrecking my whorish cunt!" _TN2 moans and gasps as you fondle her _IAss2 derriere while steadily thrusting away with your deviant sex toy. _TN1 is begging for your dick as she slides her _INip long nipples against _TN2's _INip2's long nubs while pressing her desperate pussy against your rubbery shaft!
  Unable to deny _TN1's heartfelt begging to be pounded some more by your slick staff, you quickly pull your massive double-ended dildo out of _TN2's dripping wet pussy before shoving your fake cock once again into _TN1's eager snatch! Soon you get into a rhythm of fucking _TN1's pussy for a minute before switching back over to _TN2's warm hot cunt. You can feel that you are getting closer reaching your limits as your own overstuffed cunt quivers in pleasure with each thrust and your pussy is eager to unleash all that hot girl cum all over the pleasurable sex toy!
<<if $PC.Infestation is $Infestation.Cap & $Infestation.Progress > 1>>\
<<include "Infestation Increase">>\
  As you slam your rubbery double-ended dildo into _TN2's wet cunt you feel a surge of energy flowing directly into you! It almost feels like you are burning up but it quickly turns to pleasure that radiates from your ass and breasts.
  With each thrust you can feel more weight in your chest as you feel your tits slowly growing bigger! The feeling is so intensely pleasurable that you can't hold back any longer! Oh fuckkkk! My titties are growing so much and your cunt feels so slippery and tight, I can't..can't, oh fuckkk! I CAN'T HOLD BACK! I'M GOING TO BLOWWW!" you yell as you begin to uncontrollably thrust into _TN2's tight cunt in preparation for your imminent orgasm. You grab her hips tight before rapidly thrusting your massive fake cock deep inside her needy cunt as the extremely intense pleasure radiating from your pussy is too much! A loud groan escapes your lips as a tidal wave of sticky girl-cum squirts onto the fake cock as your last intense thrust pushes _TN2's _ISD2 chest even harder against _TN1's _ISD tits!
  Hearing your loud intense orgasm along with feeling those hard frantic thrusts, pushes _TN2 over the edge as you feel her sexy body shake and squirm from the intense pleasure. "Oh fuck, fuck fuckkkk! My fucking womb is being slammed by your massive cock and it feels so fucking amazing! Oh shit! I'm cumming all over the boss-lady's big toy-dick!" she screams as a large amount of girl-cum squeezes out from her tight pussy onto her friend below!
  Not wanting _TN1 to be left out, you pull your massive fake dick out of _TN2's quivering snatch before burying it again into _TN1's welcoming cunt. It only takes a few intense thrusts before she screams out "OH GOD! Your titties are growing so big and juicy! I'm cumming so fucking hard all over your fake cock!" Within seconds a immense orgasm rocks her body, her _ISD tits quivering in pleasure as she pushes hard against her friend's _ISD2 chest. Her whole body continues to shake and quiver from her intense orgasm before collasping into a puddle on the ground along with her busty friend!
  As you do your best to recover from your intense orgasm you take stock of your changes. You notice that your chest is now a nice pair of $BreastSD $BreastsSize breasts and looking behind you you notice your $AssSize ass! _TN2 looks over at you and husily says "Looks like the boss-lady is growing to be an even hotter, sexier babe!"
  "Oh fuckkkk! Your cunt feels so slippery and tight, I can't stop! Oh shit! I CAN'T HOLD BACK! I'M GOING TO BLOWWW!" you yell as you begin to uncontrollably thrust into _TN2's tight cunt in preparation for your imminent orgasm. You grab her hips tight before rapidly thrusting your massive fake cock deep inside her needy cunt as the intense pleasure radiating from your pussy is too much! A loud groan escapes your lips as a $GCumAD wave of sticky girl-cum squirts onto the fake cock as your last intense thrust pushes _TN2's _ISD2 chest even harder against _TN1's _ISD tits!
  Hearing your loud intense orgasm along with feeling those hard frantic thrusts, pushes _TN2 over the edge as you feel her sexy body shake and squirm from the intense pleasure. "Oh fuck, fuck fuckkkk! My fucking womb is being slammed by your massive cock and it feels so fucking amazing! Oh shit! I'm cumming all over the boss-lady's big toy-dick!" she screams as a large amount of girl-cum squeezes out from her tight pussy onto her friend below!
  Not wanting _TN1 to be left out, you pull your massive fake dick out of _TN2's quivering snatch before burying it again into _TN1's welcoming cunt. It only takes a few intense thrusts before she screams out "OH GOD! OH FUCK! I'm cumming so fucking hard all over your fake cock!" Within seconds a immense orgasm rocks her body, her _ISD tits quivering in pleasure as she pushes hard against her friend's _ISD2 chest. Her whole body continues to shake and quiver from her intense orgasm before collasping into a puddle on the ground along with her busty friend!
<<if $KeyItemsFlags.DoubleDildo > 0 >>\
  Standing up, you take a moment to catch your breath from those intense orgasms. Grasping your double-ended dildo hard, you give out a low moan as you slowly pull that monsterous fake-cock out from your slightly abused pussy.
  "I fucking love this massive toy!" you moan loudly as you wave your big dildo in front of the Infested you continue as you slowly get dressed. _TN1 and _TN2 stare at your powerful sex toy as if mesmerized by it while licking their plump lips.
  "Oooh! It felt so amazing sexy boss-lady!!" _TN1 says while watching you finish getting dressed. Taking a moment to scoop some of her own girl-cum from her pussy into her mouth, _TN1 replies "I can't wait to see you again boss-lady!"
  _TN2 smiles as well as she watches her friend take a long lick from the used double-ended dildo. "Me too sexy boss-lady! Can't wait to get plowed again by the dildo again again with my best friend _TN1!"
  Standing up, you take a moment to catch your breath from those intense orgasms. Grasping the borrowed double-ended dildo hard, you give out a low moan as you slowly pull that monsterous fake-cock out from your slightly abused pussy.
  "Here you go. You can have your sex toy back, _TN1..." you say as you toss the used dildo over to _TN1 with a smirk on your lips. "Just think of me next time you masturbate with that massive dildo of yours!" you continue as you slowly get dressed.
  "Oh, I'll be sure to do so sexy boss-lady!" _TN1 says while watching you finish getting dressed. Taking a moment to scoop some of her own girl-cum from her pussy into her mouth, _TN1 replies "I can't wait to see you again boss-lady!"
  _TN2 smiles as well as she watches her friend take a long lick from the used double-ended dildo. "Me too sexy boss-lady! Can't wait to get plowed again by the dildo again again with my best friend _TN1!"
  Shaking your head at the Infested's banter, you finish grabbing your supplies and head on out while the two Infested make out with each other behind you. <img src="Images/Player/smartphone.jpg" width="512px" height="768px" />
<b>Season Greetings:</b> This feat allows you to experience holiday content outside of the usual time periods at a much higher rate.
<<if $GeneralFeats.SeasonGreetings > 1>>\
Season Greetings On: <label><<radiobutton "$GeneralFeats.SeasonGreetings" 2 checked>></label>
Season Greetings Off: <label><<radiobutton "$GeneralFeats.SeasonGreetings" 1>></label>
Season Greetings On: <label><<radiobutton "$GeneralFeats.SeasonGreetings" 2>></label>
Season Greetings Off: <label><<radiobutton "$GeneralFeats.SeasonGreetings" 1 checked>></label>
<<button [[Return to Options|Options]]>> <</button>><<include "Adlibs">>\
<<if $PC.Sex is "Futa" or $StatusAffect.Futa > 0>>\
<<set _Sex to "Futa">>\
<<elseif $PC.Sex is "Male" and $StatusAffect.Futa < 1>>\
<<set _Sex to "Male">>\
<<set _Sex to "Female">>\
<<set _lusty to random(3) +1 + $StatusAffect.Horny - $LustResist.Visual - $LustResist.Complete>>\
<<if _lusty < 0>>\
<<set _lusty to 0>>\
<<if $genericFighter.Intim > 0>>\
$genericFighter.Name2 flinches from you in fear!
<div class="infestedTalk">I don't want to be set on fire!</div>
<<elseif $PCStatus.Control > 0>>\
<<switch _Sex>>\
<<case "Male">>\
The busty Infested keeps bobbing her head on your $DickSD cock!
<div class="infestedTalk">Keep sucking on his juicy dick!</div>
<<case "Futa">>\
The busty Infested keeps bobbing her head on your $DickSD futa-cock!
<div class="infestedTalk">Keep sucking on her juicy girl-dick!</div>
The busty Infested keeps sliding her plump lips against your dripping wet pussy!
<div class="infestedTalk">Keep sucking on her juicy clit!</div>
<<set $lust to $lust + _lusty>>\
<<switch random(7)>>
<<case 0>>\
The Infested Females grabs their breasts while groping them in your direction.
<div class="infestedTalk">How about you stick your face in our big titties!</div>
<<set $lust to $lust + _lusty>>\
<<case 1>>\
$genericFighter.Name2 starts chanting while dancing around you.
<div class="infestedTalk">Give me a F! Give me a U! Give me a C! Give me a K! That spells FUCK!!!</div>
<<case 2>>\
$genericFighter.Name2 strokes their pussies slowly while staring at you.
<div class="infestedTalk">Trust me, one taste of this and you'll love it!</div>
<<set $lust to $lust + _lusty>>\
<<case 3>>\
One of the Infested gropes her companion's ample breasts!
<div class="infestedTalk">Oh fuck! I'm so horny!</div>
<<set $lust to $lust + _lusty>>\
<<case 4>>\
$genericFighter.Name2 fingers their pussies while pre-cum drips over their fingers.
<div class="infestedTalk">Must...fuck...</div>
<<set $lust to $lust + _lusty>>\
<<case 5>>\
<<if $PC.Sex is "Female" and $StatusAffect.Futa < 1>>\
$genericFighter.Name2 looks a bit interested as they stare at your groin..
<div class="infestedTalk">While I like meat in my diet, salad can also be good as well!</div>
<<elseif $PC.DickSize < 11>>\
$genericFighter.Name2 stares at your groin with pure lust!
<div class="infestedTalk">I'm going to enjoy pumping that cock up!</div>
<<set $lust to $lust + _lusty>>\
<<elseif $PC.DickSize > 10>>\
$genericFighter.Name2 stares at your groin with a look of disappointment.
<div class="infestedTalk">You need a smaller <<Penis>>...</div>
<<set $lust to $lust + _lusty>>\
<<case 6>>\
One of the Infested slaps her friend's jiggly ass while smirking at you!
<div class="infestedTalk">Don't you want to grab my friend big ass?</div>
<<set $lust to $lust + _lusty>>\
<<if $lust > 99>>\
<<set $lust to 99>>\
<<elseif $lust < 0>>\
<<set $lust to 0>>\
<</if>>\<img src="Images/Sunrise View/Ammo Store/carlo 1.jpg"/>
<<set $location.temp to "Ammo World - Inside">>\
<<include "Time Micro-Passes">>\
<<set $gasstationEvent.Visits to $gasstationEvent.Visits +1>>\
  Inside the Ammo World all of the usual supplies have been stored in the back behind the bullet-proof glass covered counter where the massive shelves of ammo, guns and armor can be seen. Standing next to the register is a black man wearing some heavy duty military gear along with a face mask.
  "My name's Carlo and welcome to Ammo World. The guns here are just what a person needs to handle the gangs, raiders and those Infested fuckers." he says as he looks you over. "I'm not in the business of answering any questions about where these fine wares came from or asking what you will be using this fine hardware for. So it's all just business, OK? If you don't like what I have today than check back tomorrow cause my inventory changes quickly."
  Behind the big man is a wanted sign with a reward for dealing with the leaders of the Pure Blood raiders. In smaller print there's a $1000 bounty for proof of death for Axel, the leader and his second in command, Jacob.
<<button [[Buy|Ammo - Buy]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<button [[Sell|Ammo - Sell]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<if $AdminMode is 1>>\
<<button [[Teleport Home|PCRoom]]>>
<<set $Time.Current to $Time.Max>>\
<<button [[Ask about the Pure Blood Raiders|Ammo World - Raiders Chat]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Waste Some Time|Loitering]]>>
<<set $genericHouseGenericImage to "Images/Sunrise View/Ammo Store/carlo 1.jpg">>\
<<set $SafeZone to 1>>\
<<button [[Leave |West Sunrise View Silver Tree & River Path]]>>
<<set $location.Indoor to 0>>\
<</button>><img src="Images/Sunrise View/Ammo Store/carlo 1.jpg"/>
<<for $i = 0; $i < $PCInventory.length; $i++>>\
<<set $uitem = $PCInventory[$i]>>\
<<set $ItemName to $uitem.name>>\
<<set $ItemCost to Math.round($uitem.cost / 2)>>\
<<if $ThieverySkillFeats.FiveFingeredDiscount is 1>>\
<<set _D10 to Math.round($ItemCost * .1)>>\
<<set $ItemCost to $ItemCost + _D10>>\
<<capture $uitem>>\
<<if $uitem.innate is not 1>>\
<span id="useButton"><<button "Sell $ItemName for $ItemCost Dollars" "Ammo - Sell2" >>
<<set $uitem2 to $uitem>>\
<<set _amount2 to $uitem2.amount>>\
<<if _amount2 > 1>>\
<<set $uitem2.amount to $uitem2.amount -1>>\
<<set $PCInventory.delete($uitem)>>\
<<button [[Finish|Ammo World - Inside]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</button>><img src="Images/Sunrise View/Ammo Store/carlo 1.jpg"/>
  Carlos shows you his current stock with an intense stare while making sure he's protected behind his bullet-proof glass. He doesn't say much as he keeps a close eye on you as you glance over the weapons and armor.
<<for $i = 0; $i < $lootTempAmmoWorld.length; $i++>>\
<<set $uitem = $lootTempAmmoWorld[$i]>>\
<<set $ItemName to $uitem.name>>\
<<set $ItemCost to $uitem.cost>>\
<<capture $uitem>>\
<<if $ThieverySkillFeats.FiveFingeredDiscount is 1>>\
<<set _D10 to Math.round($ItemCost * .1)>>\
<<set $ItemCost to $ItemCost - _D10>>\
<span id="useButton"><<button "Buy $ItemName for $ItemCost Dollars" "Ammo - Buy2" >>
<<set $SkillAction to "Common">>\
<<set $uitem2 to $uitem>>\
<<set $lootTempAmmoWorld.delete($uitem)>>\
<<if $rarelootTempAmmoWorld.length > 0>>
<<set $ritem to $rarelootTempAmmoWorld.random()>>\
<<set $ItemName2 to $ritem.name>>\
<<set $ItemCost2 to $ritem.cost>>\
<<if $ThieverySkillFeats.FiveFingeredDiscount is 1>>\
<<set _D10 to Math.round($ItemCost2 * .1)>>\
<<set $ItemCost2 to $ItemCost2 - _D10>>\
<<if $Cash >= $ItemCost2>>\
<span id="useButton"><<button "Buy $ItemName2 for $ItemCost2 Dollars" "Ammo - Buy3" >>
<<set $SkillAction to "Rare">>\
<<set $ritem2 to $ritem>>\
<<set $rarelootTempAmmoWorld.delete($ritem)>>\
<<button [[Finish|Ammo World - Inside]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</button>><img src="Images/Sunrise View/Ammo Store/carlo 1.jpg"/>
<<set $ItemCost to Math.round($uitem2.cost / 2)>>\
<<if $ThieverySkillFeats.FiveFingeredDiscount is 1>>\
<<set _D10 to Math.round($ItemCost * .1)>>\
<<set $ItemCost to $ItemCost + _D10>>\
<<set $Cash to $Cash + $ItemCost >>\
<<if (random(19) + 1) + $Skill.Social + $CharismaBonus > 14>>\
<<set $npcCarlo.Friendship to $npcCarlo.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity +2 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set $npcCarlo.Friendship to $npcCarlo.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity +1 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
You sold $uitem2.name for $ItemCost dollars.
<<button [[Finish|Ammo - Sell]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</button>><img src="Images/Sunrise View/Ammo Store/carlo 1.jpg"/>
<<set $ItemCost to $uitem2.cost>>\
<<if $ThieverySkillFeats.FiveFingeredDiscount is 1>>\
<<set _D10 to Math.round($ItemCost * .1)>>\
<<set $ItemCost to $ItemCost - _D10>>\
<<if $SkillAction is "Common">>\
<<set _Buying to "Common">>\
<<if $Cash < $ItemCost>>\
<<set _Buying to "Fail">>\
<<switch _Buying>>\
<<case "Fail">>\
<<if $SkillAction is "Common">>\
<<set $lootTempAmmoWorld.push($uitem2)>>\
<<set $rarelootTempAmmoWorld.push($ritem2)>>\
You can't afford the $uitem2.name!
<<case "Common">>\
<<for $i = 0; $i < $PCInventory.length; $i++>>\
<<set $vitem = $PCInventory[$i]>>\
<<set $ItemName to $vitem.name>>\
<<set _TempName to $uitem2.name>>\
<<if $ItemName is _TempName>>\
<<set _amount to $vitem.amount>>\
<<set _exists to 1>>\
<<if _exists is 1>>\
<<set _amount to _amount +1>>\
<<set $vitem.amount to _amount>>\
<<set $PCInventory.push($uitem2)>>\
<<set $Cash to $Cash - $ItemCost>>\
<<if (random(19) + 1) + $Skill.Social + $CharismaBonus > 14>>\
<<set $npcCarlo.Friendship to $npcCarlo.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity +2 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set $npcCarlo.Friendship to $npcCarlo.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity +1 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
You bought the $uitem2.name for $ItemCost dollars.
<<button [[Next|Ammo - Buy]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</button>><img src="Images/Sunrise View/Ammo Store/carlo 1.jpg"/>
<<if $Cash < $ItemCost2>>\
You can't afford the $uitem2.name!
<<for $i = 0; $i < $PCInventory.length; $i++>>\
<<set $vitem = $PCInventory[$i]>>\
<<set $ItemName to $vitem.name>>\
<<set _TempName to $ritem2.name>>\
<<if $ItemName is _TempName>>\
<<set _amount to $vitem.amount>>\
<<set _exists to 1>>\
<<if _exists is 1>>\
<<set _amount to _amount +1>>\
<<set $vitem.amount to _amount>>\
<<set $PCInventory.push($ritem2)>>\
<<set $Cash to $Cash - $ItemCost>>\
<<set $rarelootTempAmmoWorld.delete($ritem)>>\
You bought the $ritem2.name for $ItemCost2 Dollars.
<<button [[Next|Ammo - Buy]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</button>><img src="Images/Classes/Athlete.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _CurrentWeaponEQ = $EquippedWeapon.first()>>\
<<set _TempName to _CurrentWeaponEQ.name>>\
<<if _TempName is "fists">>\
<<set $EquippedWeapon.delete( _CurrentWeaponEQ)>>\
<<set $equipedWeapon to $weapon.superiormonkfists>>\
<<set $EquippedWeapon.push($equipedWeapon)>>\
<<set $WeaponDamageType to $equipedWeapon.damagetype>>\
<<set $weaponAttackBonus to $Skill.Unarmed>>\
<<set $weaponStatBonus to $StrengthBonus>>\
<<for $i = 0; $i < $PCInventory.length; $i++>>\
<<set $uitem = $PCInventory[$i]>>\
<<set $ItemName to $uitem.name>>\
<<if $ItemName is "fists">>\
<<set $PCInventory.delete($uitem)>>\
<<set $PCInventory.push($weapon.superiormonkfists)>>\
Your unarmed damage increases from 1d6 to 1d8 and in addition you gain a +1 to hit and damage with your normal unarmed firsts.
<b>Path of the Baseball Player</b>
You decided that the highly entertaining game of baseball was the best way to make some money and to have tons of fun while in school. Swinging a baseball bat all the time has helped you to get more proficient with clubs in general and you even figured out how to use your combat moves while wielding club weapons giving you a +1 to hit and damage with them! Learning how to steal bases has helped you to get more proficient with the Stealth skill and even impressed the coach.
<<button [[Choose Path of the Baseball Star|Level Up Stats]]>>
<<set $AthletePath.Baseball to 1>>\
<<set $Prof.Clubs to $Prof.Clubs+2>>\
<<set $Skill.Clubs to $Skill.Clubs+2>>\
<<if $weaponEquipSkill is "Clubs">>\
<<set $TrainedExtra.MeleeHit to $AthletePath.Baseball>>\
<<set $TrainedExtra.MeleeDamage to $AthletePath.Baseball>>\
<<set $Prof.Stealth to $Prof.Stealth+2>>\
<<set $Skill.Stealth to $Skill.Stealth +2>>\
<<set $SkillAction to 0>>\
<b>Path of the Football Star</b>
You decided that tough and rugged game of football was the best way to make some money once out of college. Due to wearing the heavy padding required to play the game you become proficient in Light Armor and you gain a +1 to your saves and a +1 to AC while wearing light armor. In addition you gain proficiency in Electronics as your interests in football caused you to start checking out the latest XXX-Box football game Heavy Pounding 20XX since maybe someday you will be the next star on the cover!
<<button [[Choose Path of the Football Star|Level Up Stats]]>>
<<set $AthletePath.Football to 1>>\
<<set $Prof.LightArmor to $Prof.LightArmor+2>>\
<<set $Skill.LightArmor to $Skill.LightArmor+2>>\
<<set $Prof.Electronics to $Prof.Electronics+2>>\
<<set $Skill.Electronics to $Skill.Electronics +2>>\
<<set $SkillAction to 0>>\
<b>Path of the Martial Artist</b>
You decided to focus on the ways of the punching and kicking! You can choose one of 4 sub-path's that correspond with a specific element. In addition you learn how to become a little bit closer to nature along with all life in general as you become more proficient with the Scouting skill.
<<button [[Choose Path of the Martial Artist|Athlete Monk Path]]>>
<<set $AthletePath.MartialArts to 1>>\
<<set $Prof.Scouting to $Prof.Scouting+2>>\
<<set $Skill.Scouting to $Skill.Scouting +2>>\
<<set $SkillAction to 0>>\
<</button>><img src="Images/Home/foyer.jpg" />
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$npcJinx.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$npcJinx.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _IAss to $arrayAssSizeDesc[$npcJinx.AssSize]>>\
<<set _DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$npcJinx.DickSize]>>\
<<set _DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$npcJinx.DickSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$npcJinx.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$npcJinx.BallsSize]>>\
  Lost in thought about the whole Infested Outbreak, you almost miss the sound of your doorbell chiming softly throughout the house. Wondering if it's some neighbor asking for help you grab your $equipedWeapon.name and you head to the front door.
  Stepping up to the front you peek thru the eye hole and to your confusion you find someone dressed up like a ghost! The lens of eye hole isn't good enough to make out much details but it looks like someone rather voluptuous is out trick-or-treating!
<<button [[Answer the Door|Halloween Visit - Ghost]]>>
<<set $halloweenvisitEvent.Visits to $halloweenvisitEvent.Visits +1>>\
<<button [[Ignore Her|Halloween Visit - Ignore]]>>
<</if>>\<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$npcJinx.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$npcJinx.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _IAss to $arrayAssSizeDesc[$npcJinx.AssSize]>>\
<<set _DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$npcJinx.DickSize]>>\
<<set _DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$npcJinx.DickSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$npcJinx.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$npcJinx.BallsSize]>>\
<<set $sexHistory.XP to $sexHistory.XP +1>>\
<<set $LastPartner to $genericFighter>>\
<<set _DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$genericFighter.DickSize]>>\
<<set _DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$genericFighter.DickSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$genericFighter.BallsSize]>>
<<set _BallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$genericFighter.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$genericFighter.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$genericFighter.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _INip to $arrayNippleSize[$genericFighter.NippleSize]>>\
<<set _IAss to $arrayAssSizeDesc[$genericFighter.AssSize]>>\
<<set _SizeComp to $PC.BreastsSize - $genericFighter.Level + ($GeneralFeats.FalseRep *2)>>\
<<if _SizeComp < 0>>\
<<set _SizeComp to 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered +1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumFilled to $StatusAffect.CumFilled +1>>\
  As you collapse from your defeat at the hands of the $genericFighter.Name, she gives you a fiercely agressive look of pure lust. Staring down at you, she growls huskily "Ok, little man. My big futa-cock is feeling extra randy today so I'm going to need you to bend over and spread those ass cheeks of yours nice and wide!" The muscle-bound Futa pulls out her _DickSize dick and impatiently waits for you to obey her order.
  <<set $location.temp to "Danger Room">>\
<<include "Loot Table">>\
<<include "SpecialAttacks">>\
<<include "Infested Enemies">>\
<<include "Raider Enemies">>\
<<include "Gangstas Enemies">>\
<img src="Images/Home/Holo.jpg" width="800px" height="400px" />
This room is used for testing fights against enemies.
<<button [[Fight the Infested Female Tester|Danger Room 2]]>>
<<set $genericFighter to $infestedTestFemale>>\
<<set $genericFighter.Image = $infestedFemalePath + $genericFighter.Image.random() + '.jpg'>>\
<<set $genericComments to "Infested Female Combat Comments">>\
<<set $genericWeapon to $genericFighter.Weapon>>\
<<set $lootTemp to $genericFighter.Loot>>\
<<set $rarelootTemp to $genericFighter.RareLoot>>\
<<switch random($genericFighter.SpNum)>>\
<<case 0>>\
<<set $genericSpecial to clone($genericFighter.Special1)>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<set $genericSpecial to clone($genericFighter.Special2)>>\
<<case 2>>\
<<set $genericSpecial to clone($genericFighter.Special3)>>\
<<set $genericSpecial to clone($genericFighter.Special4)>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<button [[Fight Candy the Receptionist|Danger Room 2]]>>
<<set $genericFighter to $infestedAdmin>>\
<<set $genericFighter.Image = $eventPath7 + 'Candy 2.jpg'>>\
<<set $genericComments to "Infested Female Combat Comments">>\
<<set $genericWeapon to $genericFighter.Weapon>>\
<<set $lootTemp to $genericFighter.Loot>>\
<<set $rarelootTemp to $genericFighter.RareLoot>>\
<<switch random($genericFighter.SpNum)>>\
<<case 0>>\
<<set $genericSpecial to clone($genericFighter.Special1)>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<set $genericSpecial to clone($genericFighter.Special2)>>\
<<case 2>>\
<<set $genericSpecial to clone($genericFighter.Special3)>>\
<<set $genericSpecial to clone($genericFighter.Special4)>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<button [[Fight the Infested Milker|Danger Room 2]]>>
<<set $genericFighter to $infestedMilker>>\
<<set $genericFighter.Image = $infestedMilkerPath + $genericFighter.Image.random() + '.jpg'>>\
<<set $genericComments to "Infested Female Combat Comments">>\
<<set $genericWeapon to $genericFighter.Weapon>>\
<<set $lootTemp to $genericFighter.Loot>>\
<<set $rarelootTemp to $genericFighter.RareLoot>>\
<<switch random($genericFighter.SpNum)>>\
<<case 0>>\
<<set $genericSpecial to clone($genericFighter.Special1)>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<set $genericSpecial to clone($genericFighter.Special2)>>\
<<case 2>>\
<<set $genericSpecial to clone($genericFighter.Special3)>>\
<<set $genericSpecial to clone($genericFighter.Special4)>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<button [[Fight the Futa Gangsta|Danger Room 2]]>>
<<set $genericFighter to $gangsterFuta>>\
<<set $genericFighter.Image = $gangsterFutaPath + $genericFighter.Image.random() + '.jpg'>>\
<<set $genericComments to "Infested Futa Combat Comments">>\
<<set $genericWeapon to $genericFighter.Weapon>>\
<<set $lootTemp to $genericFighter.Loot>>\
<<set $rarelootTemp to $genericFighter.RareLoot>>\
<<switch random($genericFighter.SpNum)>>\
<<case 0>>\
<<set $genericSpecial to clone($genericFighter.Special1)>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<set $genericSpecial to clone($genericFighter.Special2)>>\
<<case 2>>\
<<set $genericSpecial to clone($genericFighter.Special3)>>\
<<set $genericSpecial to clone($genericFighter.Special4)>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<button [[Fight the Infested Bruiser Doctor|Danger Room 2]]>>
<<set $genericFighter to $infestedBruiserDoctor>>\
<<set $genericFighter.Image = $infestedBruiserPath + $genericFighter.Image.random() + '.jpg'>>\
<<set $genericComments to "Infested Male Combat Comments">>\
<<set $genericWeapon to $genericFighter.Weapon>>\
<<set $lootTemp to $genericFighter.Loot>>\
<<set $rarelootTemp to $genericFighter.RareLoot>>\
<<switch random($genericFighter.SpNum)>>\
<<case 0>>\
<<set $genericSpecial to clone($genericFighter.Special1)>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<set $genericSpecial to clone($genericFighter.Special2)>>\
<<case 2>>\
<<set $genericSpecial to clone($genericFighter.Special3)>>\
<<set $genericSpecial to clone($genericFighter.Special4)>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<button [[Fight the Infested Office Lady|Danger Room 2]]>>
<<set $genericFighter to $infestedGAdmin>>\
<<set $genericFighter.Image = $infestedAdminPath + $genericFighter.Image.random() + '.jpg'>>\
<<set $genericComments to "Infested Female Combat Comments">>\
<<set $genericWeapon to $genericFighter.Weapon>>\
<<set $lootTemp to $genericFighter.Loot>>\
<<set $rarelootTemp to $genericFighter.RareLoot>>\
<<switch random($genericFighter.SpNum)>>\
<<case 0>>\
<<set $genericSpecial to clone($genericFighter.Special1)>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<set $genericSpecial to clone($genericFighter.Special2)>>\
<<case 2>>\
<<set $genericSpecial to clone($genericFighter.Special3)>>\
<<set $genericSpecial to clone($genericFighter.Special4)>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<button [[Search for Supplies|Small House Salvage]]>>
<<set $lootTemp to $lootSmallHouse>>\
<<set $rarelootTemp to $rarelootSmallHouse>>\
<<button [[Leave|PCRoom]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</button>><img @src=$genericFighter.Image width="512px" height="768px" />
<<include "SpecialAttacks">>\
<<include "Infested Enemies">>\
<<include "Encounter Table">>\
<<include "Combat Status Affects">>\
<<button [[Fight!|Suburb Combat]]>> <</button>><img src="Images/Sunrise View/Church/Church Entrance.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set _Fog to 0>>\
<<set _Rain to 0>>\
<<set _Cold to 0>>\
<<set _Wind to 0>>\
<<set $location.temp to "Church Entrance 1">>\
<<include "Time Micro-Passes">>\
<<if $Time.Current >= $Time.Max >>\
<<set _State to "TooLate">>\
<<set $NoEncounter to 1>>\
<<set _Reception to 0>>\
<<if $Time.Current < 7>>\
<<set _Reception to 1>>\
Stepping up to the large church doors, you discover that there's a pull chain attached to what looks to be doorbell system. Next to the pull chain is a hand crafted sign stating <b>"We are are open from Dawn until Sunset to those who seek peace and prolificacy and are welcome to a lush respite here in the Church of Trilogy Life. Please ring the bell so we might help grant your earthly longings."</b> From here you can see some signs of life inside the stone walled church with the Infested presence looking to be a bare minimum for the area.
<<if _Reception is 0>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> Looks like the church is closed now. Maybe someday I'll be able to explore the church after dark but not today...</i> </div>
<div class="pcTalk"><i> Looks like I will need to ring the bell in order to get someone to open these huge doors...</i> </div>
<<if _Reception is 1>>\
<<button [[Ring the Bell|Church Entering]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set $location.Indoor to 1>>\
<<button [[Leave|West Sunrise View Church]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<set $location.Indoor to 0>>\
<</button>><<include "Auto Update">>\
<<set $location.Event to "Grove Hills">>\
<<set _SuburbEvent to random(6)>>\
<<switch _SuburbEvent>>\
<<case 0>>\
<<if $Time.Current > 5 and $threesomeEvent.Daily is 0>>\
<<include "May & April 3some">>\
<<include "Nurse Troy's Clinic">>\
<<case 1>>\
<<include "Nurse Troy's Clinic">>\
<<case 2>>\
<<if $Time.Current < 6>>\
<<include "Supplies">>\
<<include "Nurse Troy's Clinic">>\
<<case 3>>\
<<include "TV Repairman">>\
<<case 4>>\
<<if $grovehillsBossEvent.Defeated is 1>>\
<<include "Jogger Rescue">>\
<<include "TV Repairman">>\
<<case 5>>\
<<if $grovehillsBossEvent.Defeated is 1>>\
<<set _SuburbEvent2 to random(4)>>\
<<switch _SuburbEvent2>>\
<<case 0>>\
<<include "Survivor Trader">>\
<<case 1>>\
<<include "Helicopter Pass-by">>\
<<include "Raider Mugging">>\
<<include "TV Repairman">>\
<<if $Time.Day is not 0>>\
<<include "Suburban Cop">>\
<<include "Nurse Troy's Clinic">>\
<</switch>>\ <img src="Images/Suburb/suburbs 2.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<include "Infested Scouting">>\
<img src="Images/Suburb/Suburbs 13.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set $location.Encounter to "Oak Dale">>\
<<include "Infested Scouting">>\<img src="Images/Sunrise View/Sunrise View 5.jpg" />
<<set $location.Encounter to "West Sunrise View">>\
<<include "Infested Scouting">>\<<include "Auto Update">>\
<<set _SuburbEvent to random(5)>>\
<<switch _SuburbEvent>>\
<<case 0>>\
<<set _SuburbEvent2 to random(4)>>\
<<switch _SuburbEvent2>>\
<<case 0>>\
<<include "Survivor Trader">>\
<<case 1>>\
<<include "Helicopter Pass-by">>\
<<include "Raider Mugging">>\
<<case 1>>\
<<if $Time.Current < 6>>\
<<include "Supplies">>\
<<include "Nurse Troy's Clinic">>\
<<case 2>>\
<<if $nurseEvent.Medical > 1 and $nurseattackEvent.Corrupt < 1>>
<<include "Nurse Attack">>\
<<include "Survivor Trader">>\
<<case 3>>\
<<include "Jogger Rescue">>\
<<case 4>>\
<<include "Nurse Troy's Clinic">>\
<<if $Time.Day is not 0>>\
<<include "Suburban Cop">>\
<<include "Nurse Troy's Clinic">>\
<</switch>>\<<include "Auto Update">>\
<<set _SuburbEvent to random(2)>>\
<<switch _SuburbEvent>>\
<<case 0 >>\
<<set _SuburbEvent2 to random(4)>>\
<<switch _SuburbEvent2>>\
<<case 0>>\
<<include "Survivor Trader">>\
<<case 1>>\
<<include "Helicopter Pass-by">>\
<<include "Raider Mugging">>\
<<case 1>>\
<<if $nurseEvent.Medical > 1 and $nurseattackEvent.Corrupt < 1>>
<<include "Nurse Attack">>\
<<include "Nurse Troy's Clinic">>\
<<include "Survivor Trader">>\
<</switch>>\<<set $genericEvent.Image = $eventPath14 + $arrayEvent14Mother[0] + '.jpg'>>\
<<include "Time Micro-Passes">>\
<<set _Reception to 0>>\
<<if $Time.Current < 7>>\
<<set _Reception to 1>>\
<<set $location.Indoor to 1>>\
<<set _Busy to 0>>\
<<if $churchofTriologyLifeEvent.LuciaVisit is 1>>\
<<set _Busy to 1>>\
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$npcElisabeth.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$npcElisabeth.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _IAss to $arrayAssSizeDesc[$npcElisabeth.AssSize]>>\
<<set _DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$npcElisabeth.DickSize]>>\
<<set _DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$npcElisabeth.DickSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$npcElisabeth.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$npcElisabeth.BallsSize]>>\
<<if $PC.Sex is "Futa" or $StatusAffect.Futa > 0>>\
<<set _Sex to "Futa">>\
<<elseif $PC.Sex is "Male" and $StatusAffect.Futa < 1>>\
<<set _Sex to "Male">>\
<<set _Sex to "Female">>\
<img @src=$genericEvent.Image />
<<if $churchofTriologyLifeEvent.Found is 0>>\
<<if (random(19) + 1) + $Skill.Social + $CharismaBonus > 14>>\
<<set $npcElisabeth.Friendship to $npcElisabeth.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity +2 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set $npcElisabeth.Friendship to $npcElisabeth.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity +1 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set $churchofTriologyLifeEvent.Found to 1>>\
  The heavy sound of the doorbell echoes thru the church leaving you a bit worried about attracting the attention of the Infested but luckily there doesn't seem to be any close by. It doesn't take long before the huge church door slowly opens revealing a extremely buxom white haired nun wearing a tight latex version of the standard nun uniform that emphasizes her rather _ISD chest!
<<switch _Sex>>\
<<case "Male">>\
  "Welcome to the Church of Trilogy Life! My name is Mother Elisabeth and I wish your visit here is a fecundity of fruitfulness! May I have the name of our honored visitor?" the busty nun greets you pleasantly while looking you over with a soft gentle smile. You notice her warm eyes linger for a moment on your groin where your $DickSize dick is starting to stir to life.
<<case "Female">>\
  "Welcome to the Church of Trilogy Life! My name is Mother Elisabeth and I wish your visit here is a fecundity of fruitfulness! May I have the name of our honored visitor?" the busty nun greets you pleasantly while looking you over with a soft gentle smile. You notice her warm eyes linger for a moment on your $BreastSD breasts before focusing on your groin where your pussy starts to dampen.
  "Welcome to the Church of Trilogy Life! My name is Mother Elisabeth and I wish your visit here is a fecundity of fruitfulness! May I have the name of our honored visitor?" the busty nun greets you pleasantly while looking you over with a soft gentle smile. You notice her warm eyes linger for a moment on your $BreastSD breasts before focusing on your groin where your $DickSize futa-dick is starting to stir to life.
  "Hello, Mother Elisabeth. It's nice to meet you! My name is $PC.FirstName and I saw your church as I was exploring the area. I figured I could at least stop by and say hi." you reply while keeping an eye on the rather sexy nun. She isn't acting like the typical Infested but it doesn't hurt to be a bit cautious, especially considering the rather inappropriate way she is dressed. You wouldn't put it past an Infested to run around dressed in fetish costume pretending to be a kinda nun.
<<if $npcCatherine.Pregnant > 0>>\
<<if (random(19) + 1) + $Skill.Social + $CharismaBonus > 14>>\
<<set $npcElisabeth.Friendship to $npcElisabeth.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity +5 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set $npcElisabeth.Friendship to $npcElisabeth.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity +3 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
  Smiling warmly at you, the voluptuous head sister says "It's nice to meet someone sane these days as well, $PC.FirstName! Wait...Did you say $PC.FirstName? Would you happen to be $PC.FirstName $PC.LastName?" the busty mother superior asks while gazing at you with a lazer focus in her eyes.
  Nodding slowly you reply "Uh, yes. My name is $PC.FirstName $PC.LastName. Do I know you?" You know you've never seen this sexy nun before but you have seen a sexy nun that goes by the name of Sister Catherine. If your remember correctly this is the church she is a member of. <<if $npcCatherine.Pregnant is 2>> <i>Wait! Does this mother superior know I knocked Catherine up?</i> you sweat as you wonder what this Mother Elisabeth's response will be to you impregnating one of her charges.<<else>> You haven't seen Sister Catherine since the last time she stopped by to show you the wonders of her 'Sacred Coupling' and you wonder how she's doing lately.<</if>>
<<if $npcCatherine.Pregnant is 2>>\
<<switch _Sex>>\
<<case "Male">>\
  Before you can react, you find yourself in a bone crushing hug as Mother Elisabeth wraps her arms around you with her _ISD chest pressed hard against your manly chest. "I could scarcely believe it when little Catherine informed me that her Fertile Egg had been ignited! But Sister Agnos confirmed to all of us that her Fertile Egg had been ignited by the Virile Seed of someone named $PC.FirstName $PC.LastName and that new life was growing inside her Sacred Womb!" she exclaims happily while staring you in your eyes while you feel your $DickSD dick growing hard from the close contact of such a sexy woman.
  Feeling a bit dazes, you hesitantly reply "So... You're happy that I knocked up Sister Catherine?" Mother Elisabeth smiles warmly at you while nodding her head. That's not all that she's doing as you feel her _ISD tits rubbing against your chest and you can feel her hard nubs pressing hard against you as well!
  "Yes, $PC.FirstName! You might not understand why it is a big deal but it is extremely important to all of us here at the Church of Trilogy Life. So I would like to welcome you, $PC.FirstName, who demostrated fertility and prolificacy of the most potent kind! So as long as you refrain from violence while on the premise of these holy grounds, you will be welcomed as a fellow soul seeking answers and more importantly, food!" she says happily as the busty nun finally breaks her tight hug.
<<case "Female">>\
  Before you can react, you find yourself in a bone crushing hug as Mother Elisabeth wraps her arms around you with her _ISD chest pressed hard against your own $BreastSD chest. "I could scarcely believe it when little Catherine informed me that her Fertile Egg had been ignited! But Sister Agnos confirmed to all of us that her Fertile Egg had been ignited by the Virile Seed of someone named $PC.FirstName $PC.LastName and that new life was growing inside her Sacred Womb!" she exclaims happily while staring you in your eyes while you feel your pussy growing moist while your nipples harden from the close contact of such a sexy woman.
  Feeling a bit dazes, you hesitantly reply "So... You're happy that I knocked up Sister Catherine? Even if I don't have a dick anymore?" Mother Elisabeth smiles warmly at you while nodding her head. That's not all that she's doing as you feel her _ISD tits rubbing against your $BreastSD breasts and you can feel her hard nubs sliding hard against your own hardened nipples as well!
  "Yes, $PC.FirstName! You might not understand why it is a big deal but it is extremely important to all of us here at the Church of Trilogy Life. So I would like to welcome you, $PC.FirstName, who demostrated fertility and prolificacy of the most potent kind! So as long as you refrain from violence while on the premise of these holy grounds, you will be welcomed as a fellow soul seeking answers and more importantly, food!" she says happily as the busty nun finally breaks her tight hug.
  Before you can react, you find yourself in a bone crushing hug as Mother Elisabeth wraps her arms around you with her _ISD chest pressed hard against your own $BreastSD chest. "I could scarcely believe it when little Catherine informed me that her Fertile Egg had been ignited! But Sister Agnos confirmed to all of us that her Fertile Egg had been ignited by the Virile Seed of someone named $PC.FirstName $PC.LastName and that new life was growing inside her Sacred Womb!" she exclaims happily while staring you in your eyes while you feel your $DickSD futa-cock growing hard from the close contact of such a sexy woman.
  Feeling a bit dazes, you hesitantly reply "So... You're happy that I knocked up Sister Catherine?" Mother Elisabeth smiles warmly at you while nodding her head. That's not all that she's doing as you feel her _ISD tits rubbing against your $BreastSD breasts and you can feel her hard nubs sliding hard against your own hardened nipples as well!
  "Yes, $PC.FirstName! You might not understand why it is a big deal but it is extremely important to all of us here at the Church of Trilogy Life. So I would like to welcome you, $PC.FirstName, who demostrated fertility and prolificacy of the most potent kind! So as long as you refrain from violence while on the premise of these holy grounds, you will be welcomed as a fellow soul seeking answers and more importantly, food!" she says happily as the busty nun finally breaks her tight hug.
  "Ok? Thank? I don't normally choose violence but it's a bit hard with all those Gangstas and Raiders running around assaulting innocent people. And that's not even mentioning what the Infested are doing. Sometimes a person has to defend themselves and others..." you reply as your still a bit shocked by the reaction you received from the mother superior. You suspect most head nuns would not be thrilled about finding out their charge has been knocked up. Shaking your head at the weird faith this place has you wonder how this church is still standing if the inhabitants are unwilling to defend themselves. It's possible that the solid stone walls, big ass metal fence and equally solid doors makes this church an uninviting fortress.
  Mother Elisabeth's smile dips as she looks a bit saddened by your frank words. "I understand and to be honest I approve of those who are willing to defend the innocent from such people. But you need to remember that they are real people who are desperate not just enemies to be killed." she says with kindness while looking you in the eyes and for the first time in a while you feel a bit uncomfortable about how many lethal fights you've been in.
  "On a different topic, would you be interested in taking home some food supplies? We have plenty to give since we have come across a big supply that we are sharing with the good people of this city and from the sound of it you are one of those good people!" she continues with a smile replacing her frown.<<if _Busy is 1>>"Right now it looks like all the sisters are busy with their own projects and jobs and so they are currently unavailable. Perhaps they will be available tomorrow if you wish to stop by.<<elseif $churchofTriologyLifeEvent.LuciaVisit is 0>> "Currently I believe Sister Lucia is available in the library if you are interested in meeting her."<</if>>\
<<switch _Sex>>\
<<case "Male">>\
  Before you can react, you find yourself in a bone crushing hug as Mother Elisabeth wraps her arms around you with her _ISD chest pressed hard against your manly chest. "Now listen, $PC.FirstName! I know Sister Catherine was wanting to be the one to let you know but her condition made it too difficult to get back to your place. You see, little Catherine informed me that her Fertile Egg had been ignited! I had a hard time believing it but Sister Agnos confirmed to all of us that her Fertile Egg had been ignited by the Virile Seed of someone named $PC.FirstName $PC.LastName and that new life was growing inside her Sacred Womb!" she exclaims happily while staring you in your eyes while you feel your $DickSD dick growing hard from the close contact of such a sexy woman.
  "Wait! What do mean, Catherine is truly pregnant?!?!? Are you sure, I mean, is it mine? I mean it's so soon! It's only been a short while and umm..." you stammer as you try to deal with suddently finding out that you are a father after impregnating a holy sister! "<i>I guess that whole Fertile Egg, Potent Seed stuff was real!</i>" your thoughts grab onto as you reel from the shock. Mother Elisabeth smiles warmly at you while nodding her head. That's not all that she's doing as you feel her _ISD tits rubbing against your chest and you can feel her hard nubs sliding hard against your own hardened nipples as well!
  "Yes, $PC.FirstName! You might not understand why it is a big deal but it is extremely important to all of us here at the Church of Trilogy Life. Do not worry about supporting the child nor Sister Catherine for the church will provide all that they might need." Mother Elisabeth says while still staring you in your eyes. "So I would like to welcome you, $PC.FirstName, who demostrated fertility and prolificacy of the most potent kind! So as long as you refrain from violence while on the premise of these holy grounds, you will be welcomed as a fellow soul seeking answers and more importantly, food!" she says happily as the busty nun finally breaks her tight hug.
<<case "Female">>\
  Before you can react, you find yourself in a bone crushing hug as Mother Elisabeth wraps her arms around you with her _ISD chest pressed hard against your own $BreastSD chest. "Now listen, $PC.FirstName! I know Sister Catherine was wanting to be the one to let you know but her condition made it too difficult to get back to your place. You see, little Catherine informed me that her Fertile Egg had been ignited! I had a hard time believing it but Sister Agnos confirmed to all of us that her Fertile Egg had been ignited by the Virile Seed of someone named $PC.FirstName $PC.LastName and that new life was growing inside her Sacred Womb!" she exclaims happily while staring you in your eyes while you feel your pussy growing moist while your nipples harden from the close contact of such a sexy woman.
  "Wait! What do mean, Catherine is truly pregnant?!?!? Are you sure, I mean, is it mine? I mean it's so soon and I don't even have a dick anymore! It's only been a short while and umm..." you stammer as you try to deal with suddently finding out that you are a father after impregnating a holy sister! "<i>I guess that whole Fertile Egg, Potent Seed stuff was real!</i>" your thoughts grab onto as you reel from the shock. Mother Elisabeth smiles warmly at you while nodding her head. That's not all that she's doing as you feel her _ISD tits rubbing against your $BreastSD breasts and you can feel her hard nubs sliding hard against your own hardened nipples as well!
  "Yes, $PC.FirstName! You might not understand why it is a big deal but it is extremely important to all of us here at the Church of Trilogy Life. Do not worry about supporting the child nor Sister Catherine for the church will provide all that they might need." Mother Elisabeth says while still staring you in your eyes. "So I would like to welcome you, $PC.FirstName, who demostrated fertility and prolificacy of the most potent kind! So as long as you refrain from violence while on the premise of these holy grounds, you will be welcomed as a fellow soul seeking answers and more importantly, food!" she says happily as the busty nun finally breaks her tight hug.
  Before you can react, you find yourself in a bone crushing hug as Mother Elisabeth wraps her arms around you with her _ISD chest pressed hard against your manly chest. "Now listen, $PC.FirstName! I know Sister Catherine was wanting to be the one to let you know but her condition made it too difficult to get back to your place. You see, little Catherine informed me that her Fertile Egg had been ignited! I had a hard time believing it but Sister Agnos confirmed to all of us that her Fertile Egg had been ignited by the Virile Seed of someone named $PC.FirstName $PC.LastName and that new life was growing inside her Sacred Womb!" she exclaims happily while staring you in your eyes while you feel your $DickSD futa-cock growing hard from the close contact of such a sexy woman.
  "Wait! What do mean, Catherine is truly pregnant?!?!? Are you sure, I mean, is it mine? I mean it's so soon! It's only been a short while and umm..." you stammer as you try to deal with suddently finding out that you are a father after impregnating a holy sister! "<i>I guess that whole Fertile Egg, Potent Seed stuff was real!</i>" your thoughts grab onto as you reel from the shock. Mother Elisabeth smiles warmly at you while nodding her head. That's not all that she's doing as you feel her _ISD tits rubbing against your $BreastSD breasts and you can feel her hard nubs sliding hard against your own hardened nipples as well!
  "Yes, $PC.FirstName! You might not understand why it is a big deal but it is extremely important to all of us here at the Church of Trilogy Life. Do not worry about supporting the child nor Sister Catherine for the church will provide all that they might need." Mother Elisabeth says while still staring you in your eyes. "So I would like to welcome you, $PC.FirstName, who demostrates fertility and prolificacy of the most potent kind! So as long as you refrain from violence while on the premise of these holy grounds, you will be welcomed as a fellow soul seeking answers and more importantly, food!" she says happily as the busty nun finally breaks her tight hug.
  "Ok? Thank? I don't normally choose violence but it's a bit hard with all those Gangstas and Raiders running around assaulting innocent people. And that's not even mentioning what the Infested are doing. Sometimes a person has to defend themselves and others..." you reply as your still a bit shocked by the revaltion that you knocked up Sister Catherine and even weirder is the response you received from the mother superior. You suspect most head nuns would not be thrilled about finding out their charge has been knocked up. Shaking your head at the weird faith this place has, you wonder how this church is still standing if the inhabitants are unwilling to defend themselves. It's possible that the solid stone walls, big ass metal fence and equally solid doors makes this church an uninviting fortress.
  Mother Elisabeth's smile dips as she looks a bit saddened by your frank words. "I understand and to be honest I approve of those who are willing to defend the innocent from such people. But you need to remember that they are real people who are desperate not just enemies to be killed." she says with kindness while looking you in the eyes and for the first time in a while you feel a bit uncomfortable about how many lethal fights you've been in.
  "On a different topic, would you be interested in taking home some food supplies? We have plenty to give since we have come across a big supply that we are sharing with the good people of this city and from the sound of it you are one of those good people!" she continues with a smile replacing her frown. <<if _Busy is 1>>"Right now it looks like all the sisters are busy with their own projects and jobs and so they are currently unavailable. Perhaps they will be available tomorrow if you wish to stop by.<<elseif $churchofTriologyLifeEvent.LuciaVisit is 0>> "Currently I believe Sister Lucia is available in the library if you are interested in meeting her."<</if>>\
  Smiling warmly at you, the voluptuous head sister says "It's nice to meet someone sane these days as well, $PC.FirstName! We here at the Church of Trilogy Life welcomes all who embrace peace and prolificacy! So as long as you refrain from violence while on the premise of these holy grounds, you will be welcomed as a soul seeking answers and more importantly, food!"
  "Uh, thanks? I don't normally choose violence but it's a bit hard with all those Gangstas and Raiders running around assaulting innocent people. And that's not even mentioning what the Infested are doing. Sometimes a person has to defend themselves and others..." you reply as you wonder how this church is still standing if the inhabitants are unwilling to defend themselves. It's possible that the solid stone walls, big ass metal fence and equally solid doors makes this church an uninviting fortress.
  Mother Elisabeth's smile dips as she looks a bit saddened by your frank words. "I understand and to be honest I approve of those who are willing to defend the innocent from such people. But you need to remember that they are real people who are desperate not just enemies to be killed." she says with kindness while looking you in the eyes and for the first time in a while you feel a bit uncomfortable about how many lethal fights you've been in.
  "On a different topic, would you be interested in taking home some food supplies? We have plenty to give since we have come across a big supply that we are sharing with the good people of this city and from the sound of it you are one of those good people!" she continues with a smile replacing her frown. <<if _Busy is 1>>"Right now it looks like all the sisters are busy with their own projects and jobs and so they are currently unavailable. Perhaps they will be available tomorrow if you wish to stop by.<<elseif $churchofTriologyLifeEvent.LuciaVisit is 0>> "Currently I believe Sister Lucia is available in the library if you are interested in meeting her."<</if>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> This Mother Elisabeth is a rather odd one, I have to say. Dressed up in a fetish nun costume like a deranged Infested but acting like a saint? And willing to hand out food to strangers? Strange things are afoot at the Church of Trilogy Life...</i> </div>
<<switch _Sex>>\
<<case "Male">>\
  "Welcome back to the Church of Trilogy Life, $PC.FirstName! May your return visit here be a fecundity of fruitfulness!" the busty Mother Elisabeth greets you pleasantly while looking you over with a soft gentle smile. You notice her warm eyes linger for a moment on your groin where your $DickSize dick is starting to stir to life.
<<case "Female">>\
  "Welcome back to the Church of Trilogy Life, $PC.FirstName! May your return visit here be a fecundity of fruitfulness!" the busty Mother Elisabeth greets you pleasantly while looking you over with a soft gentle smile. You notice her warm eyes linger for a moment on your $BreastSD breasts before focusing on your groin where your pussy starts to dampen.
  "Welcome back to the Church of Trilogy Life, $PC.FirstName! May your return visit here be a fecundity of fruitfulness!" the busty Mother Elisabeth greets you pleasantly while looking you over with a soft gentle smile.You notice her warm eyes linger for a moment on your $BreastSD breasts before focusing on your groin where your $DickSize futa-dick is starting to stir to life.
  "Hello again, Mother Elisabeth. It's nice to see you again! I was in the neighborhood and saw that your church was open. I figured I could I could at least stop by and say hi." you reply while covertly checking out the rather sexy nun. She's still wearing the same fetish nun outfit that emphasizes her rather _ISD chest and by this point you figure there's no real chance for her to change.
  Smiling warmly at you, the voluptuous head sister says "It's good to see you again, $PC.FirstName! So many people show up only once but never again so you are definitely welcomed here. Just as a reminder we would prefer that you refrain from violence while on the premise of these holy grounds."
<<if $churchofTriologyLifeEvent.Food is 0>>\
  "Would you be interested in taking home some more food supplies? We still have plenty left to give with some of the perishables from our own little greenhouse garden." she continues with her smile turning even brighter. <<if _Busy is 1>>"Right now it looks like all the sisters are busy with their own projects and jobs and so they are currently unavailable. Perhaps they will be available tomorrow if you wish to stop by.<<elseif $churchofTriologyLifeEvent.LuciaVisit is 0>> "Currently I believe Sister Lucia is available in the library if you are interested in meeting her."<</if>>\
  "How's that donated food working out for you? I know its not a huge amount but hopefully it should be enough for you and your family to stay fed for at least a day or two. I would like to offer you some more but we need to be fair to the other people of this city in these dire times. Perhaps tomorrow we might have some more to give." she continues with her smile turning even brighter.<<if _Busy is 1>>"Right now it looks like all the sisters are busy with their own projects and jobs and so they are currently unavailable. Perhaps they will be available tomorrow if you wish to stop by.<<elseif $churchofTriologyLifeEvent.LuciaVisit is 0>> "Currently I believe Sister Lucia is available in the library if you are interested in meeting her."<</if>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> With all the sisters wearing fetish nun costumes making them look like demented Intested along with how dangerous the surrounding area is, it's a no brainer why they might have a low amount of traffic...</i> </div>
<<if $churchofTriologyLifeEvent.Food is 0>>\
<<button [[Ask for Some Supplies|Church - Supplies]]>>
<<if $churchofTriologyLifeEvent.ElisabethVisit is 0>>\
<<button [[Chat with Mother Elisabeth|Church - Elisabeth Chat]]>>
<<if $churchofTriologyLifeEvent.LuciaVisit is 0>>\
<<button [[Ask to Speak with Sister Lucia|Church - Escort]]>>
<<set $churchofTriologyLifeEvent.Choose to "Sister Lucia">>\
<<button [[Leave|West Sunrise View Church]]>>
<<set $location.Indoor to 0>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</button>><<include "Time Micro-Passes">>\
<<if ndef $miscRandomEvent>>\
<<set $miscRandomEvent to {Name: "Misc Random Events", Helicopter: 0, HeliLocation: "None", Robbery: 0, Drone: 0, Image: $eventPath13, Knowledge: 0}>>\
<<set $miscRandomEvent.Helicopter to $miscRandomEvent.Helicopter +1>>\
<<set $miscRandomEvent.HeliLocation to $location.Encounter>>\
<<set _eventRandom to random(2)>>\
<<switch _eventRandom>>\
<<case 0>>\
<img src="Images/Events/Misc/helicopter 1.jpg"/>
<<set $StatusAffect.Horde to 2>>\
  As you are walking thru $location.Encounter you suddenly hear the faint sound of something flying above you! Staring up at the sky, you discover a black military helicopter flying low but fast above above the city skyline as if passing thru the area. As the helicopter gets closer, the sounds of it's rotating blades steadily increase making it quite easy to be heard all over the area!
  To your horror you discover that you are not the only one who is looking up at the sky as various Infested have been lured out into the streets, gazing up at the helicopter in pure lust. You quickly duck around the side of a nearby building in order to keep out of sight of the slowly increasing horde of Infested! The helicopter doesn't linger in the area long as it heads on out to the outskirts of the city. You can only watch in dispair as the annoyed horde spreads out looking for anyone to lavish their frustrated lusts on.
<<case 1>>\
<img src="Images/Events/Misc/helicopter 1.jpg"/>
<<set $StatusAffect.Horde to 4>>\
  As you are walking thru $location.Encounter you suddenly hear the faint sound of something flying above you! Staring up at the sky, you discover a black military helicopter flying low above the city skyline as if scouting out the area. As the helicopter gets closer, the sounds of it's rotating blades steadily increase making it quite easy to be heard all over the area!
  To your horror you discover that you are not the only one who is looking up at the sky as numerous Infested have been lured out into the streets, gazing up at the helicopter in pure lust. You quickly duck around the side of a nearby building in order to keep out of sight of the steadily increasing horde of Infested! Eventually the helicopter finishes it's patrol and heads on out to the outskirts of the city. You can only watch in dispair as the agitated horde spreads out looking for anyone to lavish their frustrated lusts on.
<img src="Images/Events/Misc/helicopter 2.jpg"/>
<<set $StatusAffect.Horde to 8>>\
  As you are walking thru $location.Encounter you suddenly hear the faint sound of something flying above you! Staring up at the sky, you discover a white news helicopter slowly flying low just above the city skyline and you can see a reporter taking pictures of the area from the side of the news copter. As the helicopter gets closer, the sounds of it's rotating blades steadily increase making it quite easy to be heard all over the area!
  To your horror you discover that you are not the only one who is looking up at the sky as endless amounts of Infested have been lured out into the streets, gazing up at the helicopter in pure lust. You quickly duck around the side of a nearby building in order to keep out of sight of the rapidly increasing horde of Infested! It seems like it takes forever for the helicopter to finish surveying the area. With one last flyby the new helicopter heads towards the center of Civiton while still flying low and it looks like it is being chased by a military airplane! You can only watch in dispair as the extremely agitated horde spreads out looking for anyone to lavish their frustrated lusts on.
<div class="pcTalk"><i> Well fuck! This is going to make it so much harder to move around the area without being ambushed by every fucking horny Infested inside of $location.Encounter! Maybe I should take shelter inside a house or building until they hopefully calm down after a few hours or maybe I could instead head farther away from this part of the city.</i></div>
<<include "Random Encounter Check">>\
<<switch _State>>\
<<case "Ambush">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Ambushed to 1>>\
Before you had a chance to evade the growing number of Infested flooding the streets, An Infested managed to ambush you!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<case "Combat">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
One of the growing number of hostile Infested is close by and heading right in your direction!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<button [[Leave|$location.temp]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</switch>>\<<set $sexHistory.XP to $sexHistory.XP +1>>\
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$genericFighter.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$genericFighter.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$genericFighter.DickSize]>>\
<<set _DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$genericFighter.DickSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$genericFighter.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$genericFighter.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _SizeComp to $PC.DickSize - $genericFighter.Level + ($GeneralFeats.FalseRep *2)>>\
<<if _SizeComp < 0>>\
<<set _SizeComp to 0>>\
  $genericFighter.Name2 stares at you with a grumpy look in her eyes as you walk towards her. With that _DickSize juicy looking cock and those _ISD jugs of hers, there was no way you could walk away without wrapping your lips around that dick of hers. "I'm going to suck your delicious looking futa-cock so hard that you'll going to be shooting your wad before you know it." you say eagerly as you remove your clothes exposing your $DickSize cock.
Gotta get a blowjob! Scene still needs to be written :(Here are the following common status affects:
<b>Cum Covered</b>: Increases chances of Infested attacking you
<b>Cum Filled</b>: Slowly increaes your Lust over time and increases Lust gained from sources of Lust
<b>Horny</b>: Increases chances of Infested using Lust attacks, increases Lust gained from sources of Lust and there's a small chance of not attacking in combat
<b>Drunk</b>: Lowered your defense in combat, decreases your chances to make Reflex saves and decreases your chances to resist Lust attacks
<b>Energized</b>: Increases current amount of cum/girl-cum to maximum and increases your potency and/or fertality
<b>Vaccine</b>: You are protected from increasing the current amount of your Infested status
<b>Big Dick</b>: Your penis is bigger than usual. This will slowly wear off each night with a slim chance of not decreasing your dick size
<b>Big Tits</b>: Your breasts are bigger than usual. This will slowly wear off each night with a slim chance of not decreasing your breast size
<b>Big Ass</b>: Your ass is bigger than usual. This will slowly wear off each night with a slim chance of not decreasing your ass size
<b>Wet</b>: Your saving throws are decreased while you are wet
<b>Hungry</b>: You are in desperate need for food and take a penalty on attack rolls and some skill checks
<<include "Auto Update">>\
<<set $location.Event to "Busch Bank">>\
<<set _SuburbEvent to random(4)>>\
<<switch _SuburbEvent>>\
<<case 0>>\
<<set _SuburbEvent2 to random(4)>>\
<<switch _SuburbEvent2>>\
<<case 0>>\
<<include "Survivor Trader">>\
<<case 1>>\
<<include "Helicopter Pass-by">>\
<<include "Raider Mugging">>\
<<case 1>>\
<<if $grovehillsBossEvent.Defeated is 1>>\
<<include "Jogger Rescue">>\
<<include "TV Repairman">>\
<<case 2>>\
<<if $Time.Current > 5 and $threesomeEvent.Daily is 0>>\
<<include "May & April 3some">>\
<<include "Nurse Troy's Clinic">>\
<<case 3>>\
<<include "TV Repairman">>\
<<if $Time.Day is not 0>>\
<<include "Suburban Cop">>\
<<include "Nurse Troy's Clinic">>\
<</switch>>\<<include "Time Micro-Passes">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set $miscRandomEvent.Robbery to $miscRandomEvent.Robbery +1>>\
<<include "SpecialAttacks">>\
<<include "Raider Enemies">>\
<<include "Encounter Table">>\
<<include "Combat Status Affects">>\
<<set $BattleFlag to 1>>\
<<set $location.BattleWin to "Raider Mugging Win">>\
<<set $location.BattleLose to "Raider Mugging Lose">>\
<<set _Sex to random(20) +1>>\
<<set _Level to $locationGeneric.Level>>\
<<if _Sex < 11>>\
<<switch _Level>>\
<<case 3>>\
<<set $genericFighter to $raiderRobberMale3>>\
<<case 2>>\
<<set $genericFighter to $raiderRobberMale2>>\
<<set $genericFighter to $raiderRobberMale1>>\
<<set $genericComments to "Raider Male Combat Comments">>\
<<switch _Level>>\
<<case 3>>\
<<set $genericFighter to $raiderRobberFemale3>>\
<<case 2>>\
<<set $genericFighter to $raiderRobberFemale2>>\
<<set $genericFighter to $raiderRobberFemale1>>\
<<set $genericComments to "Raider Female Combat Comments">>\
<<set _Path to $genericFighter.Path>>\
<<set $genericWeapon to $genericFighter.Weapon>>\
<<set $genericFighter.Image = _Path + $genericFighter.Image.random() + '.jpg'>>\
<<set $lootTemp to $genericFighter.Loot>>\
<<set $rarelootTemp to $genericFighter.RareLoot>>\
<img @src=$genericFighter.Image />
<<if $AdminMode is 1>>\
Level: _Level
Location: $locationGeneric.Zone
  Walking down the street, you run across a situation that's becoming way too common in the city nowadays. A raider armed with a $genericWeapon.name has a couple of panicked survivors, a man and a woman, held up by gunpoint! The raider is demanding their food and supplies and doesn't look like $genericFighter.Pronoun will be taking no for answer! The good news is that the raider hasn't noticed you yet.
<div class="pcTalk"><i>This is quite the dilemma... These asshole raiders have been a menance for everyone and here's a good chance to get the drop on one of those fuckers. Also that raider looks to be one of their collectors and there's a good chance that raider's backback is already filled with food. On the other hand do I want to get involved in a fight with a raider right now?</i></div>
<<button [[Help the Survivors by Attacking the Raider Directly|Raider Mugging - Help]]>>
<<set $SkillAction to "Default">>\
<<if $Prof.Athletics > 0>>\
<<button [[Help the Survivors by Bullrushing the Raider|Raider Mugging - Help]]>>
<<set $SkillAction to "Athletics">>\
<<if $Prof.Stealth > 0>>\
<<button [[Help the Survivors by Stealthfully Ambushing the Raider|Raider Mugging - Help]]>>
<<set $SkillAction to "Stealth">>\
<<button [[Leave|$location.temp]]>>
<<set $location.FleeFlag to 0>>\
<<set $BattleFlag to 0>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</button>><img @src=$genericFighter.Image width="550px" height="800px" />
<<include "Combat Status Affects">>\
<<switch $SkillAction>>\
<<case "Athletics">>\
<<set _A to (random(19)+ 1)>>\
<<if _A + $Skill.Athletics + $StrengthBonus + $FoodStatus.Skill - $StatusAffect.Hungry > 5+ $genericFighter.AC>>\
<<set $EnemyStatus.Prone to $genericSpecial2.Affect>>\
<<set $EnemyStatus.ACDebuff to $EnemyStatus.ACDebuff +2>>\
  You pause for a moment to gather your strength and courage as you prepare to bullrush the raider. Luckily the raider provides a golden opportunity as they bend over and start messing with their backpack. Knowing that you only live once, you charge the raider and knock them completely down with a shoulder strike to their back!
  The raider screams in fright and anger from your bullrush as they barely hold onto $genericFighter.Pronoun2 $genericWeapon.name! "What the fuck?!?!?!" $genericFighter.Pronoun yells as $genericFighter.Pronoun struggers to get back onto their feet.
  You pause for a moment to gather your strength and courage as you prepare to bullrush the raider. Luckily the raider provides a golden opportunity as they bend over and start messing with their backpack. Knowing that you only live once, you charge the raider but completely whiff the attack as the raider dodges out of the way!
  "What the fuck!?! I thought I heard some scrub nearby wanting to play at being a hero by trying to ambush me! Well fuck you! Just more food for the _RN1 _RN2 raiders!" $genericFighter.Pronoun shouts as $genericFighter.Pronoun aims $genericFighter.Pronoun2 $genericWeapon.name directly at you!
<<case "Stealth">>\
<<set _swing to $equipedWeapon.adescription>>\
<<set _Stealth to (random(19) +1) + $Skill.Stealth + $DexterityBonus + $PCStatus.SkillBuff - $StatusAffect.Hungry>>\
<<set _Stealth2 to 0>>\
<<if $StealthSkillFeats.Distraction > 0>>\
<<set _Stealth2 to (random(19) +1)) + $Skill.Stealth + $DexterityBonus + $PCStatus.SkillBuff - $StatusAffect.Hungry -2 >>\
<<if _Stealth > 10 + $genericFighter.Scouting or _Stealth2 > 10 + $genericFighter.Scouting>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.EAmbushed to 1>>\
<<set $genericFighter.HP to Math.round($genericFighter.HP / 2)>>\
  You carefully step into a position out of sight of the raider but still in a good spot to launch a ambush on them. Waiting patiently for the right time to strike, it doesn't take long as you watch the raider bend over to open their backpack. Seizing the opportunity, you _swing at the unaware raider and get a massive hit!
  The raider screams in agony from your sneak attack and staggers in place with their $genericWeapon.name barely held in $genericFighter.Pronoun2 hands. "What the fuck?!?!?!" $genericFighter.Pronoun yells as $genericFighter.Pronoun slowly moves into a fighting stance.
  You carefully step into a position out of sight of the raider but still in a good spot to launch a ambush on them. Waiting patiently for the right time to strike, disaster strikes as the raider glances in your direction and gives out a shout!
  "What the fuck!?! Looks like we have someone wanting to play at being a hero by trying to ambush me! Well fuck you! Just more food for the _RN1 _RN2 raiders!" $genericFighter.Pronoun shouts as $genericFighter.Pronoun aims $genericFighter.Pronoun2 $genericWeapon.name directly at you!
  Stepping forward, you keep your $equipedWeapon.name aimed at the raider, while yelling out "Hey motherfucker! How about you pick on someone who can actually fight back?" The two survivors scream in panic as they huddle away while the raider quickly turns around to face you!
  "Oh? Looks like we have someone wanting to play at being a hero! Well fuck you! Just more food for the _RN1 _RN2 raiders!" $genericFighter.Pronoun shouts as $genericFighter.Pronoun aims $genericFighter.Pronoun2 $genericWeapon.name directly at you!
<<button [[Fight!|Suburb Combat]]>>
<</button>><<set $CombatRound to 0>>\
<<set $location.FleeFlag to 0>>\
<<set $BattleFlag to 0>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set $NoEncounter to random(1) +2>>\
<<include "Names">>\
<<set _rand1 to random(16)>>\
<<set _rand2 to random(16)>>\
<<set _FN1 to $femaleNames1[_rand1]>>\
<<set _MN1 to $maleNames1[_rand2]>>\
<<set ( _Sex to random(20) +1)>>\
<<if _Sex < 11>>\
<<set $genericEvent.Image = $npcPath + $arrayNPCMaleTrader.random() + '.jpg'>>\
<<set $genericEvent.Image = $npcPath + $arrayNPCFemaleTrader.random() + '.jpg'>>\
<img @src=$genericEvent.Image />
  As the raider collapses to the ground, you shake your head at the waste of human being that piece of shit was. Walking up the couple you receive some warm relieved smiles from the two. "You are two doing OK?" you ask as you look them over.
  Stepping forward the man says shakily "Thank you so much for the help! My name is _MN1 and this is my girlfriend, _FN1." while pulling the women next to him close to his side. He gives the corpse of the raider a complicated look before trying to smile bravely at you.
  _FN1 gives you an uncertain smile as well before saying "Thanks you! I have no idea what we would have done if you hadn't stopped by!" Refusing to look at the body of the raider, she continues "I've heard some of these people have even been kidnapping women!"
  "Once I saw the raider trying to steal some good people's food and supplies, I couldn't just stand-by and ignore the issue. I'm glad that you two are not injured so stay safe on your journey!" you reply as you dig thru the raider's belonging while keeping an eye out for any backups they might have had.
  _FN1 looks to be about to say something when _MN1 shakes his head at her slightly. "Thanks again for your help." he says as they quickly walk away from the scene of the robbery. Focusing more closely on the raider's backpack you find the following items:
<<set _exists to 0>>\
<<set _tempLoot to $item.hugeration>>\
<<for $i = 0; $i < $PCInventory.length; $i++>>\
<<set $uitem = $PCInventory[$i]>>\
<<set $ItemName to $uitem.name>>\
<<set _TempName to _tempLoot.name>>\
<<if $ItemName is _TempName>>\
<<set _amount to $uitem.amount>>\
<<set _amount to _amount +1>>\
<<set $uitem.amount to _amount>>\
<<set _exists to 1>>\
<<if _exists is 0>>\
<<set $PCInventory.push(_tempLoot)>>\
<<print _tempLoot.name>>
<<set _exists to 0>>\
<<set _tempLoot to $item.largeration>>\
<<for $i = 0; $i < $PCInventory.length; $i++>>\
<<set $uitem = $PCInventory[$i]>>\
<<set $ItemName to $uitem.name>>\
<<set _TempName to _tempLoot.name>>\
<<if $ItemName is _TempName>>\
<<set _amount to $uitem.amount>>\
<<set _amount to _amount +1>>\
<<set $uitem.amount to _amount>>\
<<set _exists to 1>>\
<<if _exists is 0>>\
<<set $PCInventory.push(_tempLoot)>>\
<<print _tempLoot.name>>
<<include "Loot">>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> Another scumbag taken out while saving some innocent people from a fate worse than death. And I get some extra food as a bonus! Things are looking up for $PC.FirstName!</i></div>
<<button [[Leave|$location.temp]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</button>><img @src=$genericFighter.Image width="512px" height="768px" />
<<set $CombatRound to 0>>\
<<set $location.FleeFlag to 0>>\
<<set $BattleFlag to 0>>\
<<set $SpecialUsage to $MaxSpecialUsage>>\
<<include "Combat Status Affects">>\
<<if $MedicPath.Combat > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Undying to 1>>\
<<set $location.FleeFlag to 0>>\
<<set _tempCash to $genericFighter.Level * 20>>\
<<set _tempCash to random(_tempCash) + ($genericFighter.Level * 4)>>\
<<if $SalvagingSkillFeats.SecureWallet > 0>>\
<<set _tempSecure to _tempCash * (.10 * $Prof.Salvaging)>>\
<<set _tempCash to Math.round(_tempCash - _tempSecure)>>\
<<set $Cash to $Cash - _tempCash>>\
<<if $Cash < 0>>\
<<set $Cash to 0>>\
<<set _tempDamage to random(6) + 1 - $PCResistance.Blunt>>\
<<if _tempDamage < 0>>\
<<set _tempDamage to 0>>\
<<set $HP to $HP - _tempDamage>>\
<<if $HP < 1>>\
<<if $SkillFeats.Recovery > 0>>\
<<set $HP to $PC.Level + $ConstitutionBonus + 1>>\
<<set $HP to 1>>\
<<if $CombatChoice is "Surrender">>\
  Tasting the bitterness of knowing that you can't win this fight, you are forced to surrender to $genericFighter.Name. Aiming $genericFighter.Pronoun2 $genericWeapon.name at you, they force you to drop to your knees next to the couple who were being robbed.
  "Looks like someone tried to be a hero and failed!" $genericFighter.Name3 gloats as $genericFighter.Pronoun smirks at the look of anger on your face. "Oh? Do you have something to say to me, you little piece of shit?"
  Unwilling to antagonize the raider into doing anything drastic, you remain silent much to your burning frustration. "Yeah, that's what I thought..." $genericFighter.Name says as they search thru your backpack, stealing all your hard earned food items that they can find! Adding your supplies to the other survivor's food pile, $genericFighter.Pronoun2 forces the couple to leave the area while keeping their $genericWeapon.name aimed directly at you.
  Looking you directly in the eyes, $genericFighter.Name suddenly lashes out with $genericFighter.Pronoun2 steel tipped boot and smashes your face hard with a swift kick knocking you completely on your back. "That's what you get for trying to be a hero! There's more of that if you even think about trying to get your stuff back!" Turning around, the raider confidently marches away while you do your best to shake off your daze.
<<set _tempDamage to random(4) + 1 - $PCResistance.Blunt>>\
<<if _tempDamage < 0>>\
<<set _tempDamage to 0>>\
<<set $HP to $HP - _tempDamage>>\
<<if $HP < 1>>\
<<set $HP to 1>>\
You take _tempDamage damage!
As you slowly get back to your feet, your rage burns as you gather your supplies and repack them into your backpack. Taking stock of your supplies you discover that you are missing _tempCash dollars! Even worse is some of your food is stolen as well!
<<set _ScoutDC to 10 + $genericFighter.Scouting>>\
<<set _FoodCount to 0>>\
<<for $i = 0; $i < $PCInventory.length; $i++>>\
<<set $efood = $PCInventory[$i]>>\
<<if $efood.type is "food">>\
<<set _amount to $efood.amount>>\
<<for $j = 0; $j < _amount; $j++>>\
<<if _FoodCount is 0>>\
<<set _FoodCount to _FoodCount +1>>\
Stolen: $efood.name
<<if _amount > 1>>\
<<set $efood.amount to $efood.amount -1>>\
<<set $PCInventory.delete($efood)>>\
<<set _tempSecure to 0>>\
<<if $SalvagingSkillFeats.SecureWallet > 0>>\
<<set _tempSecure to ($Prof.Salvaging * 2)>>\
<<set _Stealth to (random(19) +1) + $Skill.Stealth + $DexterityBonus + $PCStatus.SkillBuff + _tempSecure + _FoodCount - $StatusAffect.Hungry>>\
<<set _Stealth2 to 0>>\1
<<if $StealthSkillFeats.Distraction > 0>>\
<<set _Stealth2 to (random(19) +1)) + $Skill.Stealth + $DexterityBonus + $PCStatus.SkillBuff + _tempSecure + _FoodCount - $StatusAffect.Hungry -2 >>\
Stealth Roll: _Stealth vs DC: _ScoutDC
<<if _Stealth < _ScoutDC and _Stealth2 < _ScoutDC>>\
<<set _FoodCount to _FoodCount +1>>\
<<set _amount to $efood.amount>>\
Stolen: $efood.name
<<if _amount > 1>>\
<<set $efood.amount to $efood.amount -1>>\
<<set $PCInventory.delete($efood)>>\
<<if _tempCash > 0>>\
<<include "Time Passes">>\
As you regain consiousness you find some bandages wrapped around your wounds. Looking around you find the two survivors are gone but they are the ones who more than likely bandaged your injuries. Taking stock of your supplies you discover that you are missing _tempCash dollars! Even worse is some of your food is missing as well!
<<set _ScoutDC to 10 + $genericFighter.Scouting>>\
<<set _FoodCount to 0>>\
<<for $i = 0; $i < $PCInventory.length; $i++>>\
<<set $efood = $PCInventory[$i]>>\
<<if $efood.type is "food">>\
<<set _amount to $efood.amount>>\
<<for $j = 0; $j < _amount; $j++>>\
<<if _FoodCount is 0>>\
<<set _FoodCount to _FoodCount +1>>\
Stolen: $efood.name
<<if _amount > 1>>\
<<set $efood.amount to $efood.amount -1>>\
<<set $PCInventory.delete($efood)>>\
<<set _tempSecure to 0>>\
<<if $SalvagingSkillFeats.SecureWallet > 0>>\
<<set _tempSecure to ($Prof.Salvaging * 2)>>\
<<set _Stealth to (random(19) +1) + $Skill.Stealth + $DexterityBonus + $PCStatus.SkillBuff + _tempSecure + _FoodCount - $StatusAffect.Hungry>>\
<<set _Stealth2 to 0>>\1
<<if $StealthSkillFeats.Distraction > 0>>\
<<set _Stealth2 to (random(19) +1)) + $Skill.Stealth + $DexterityBonus + $PCStatus.SkillBuff + _tempSecure + _FoodCount - $StatusAffect.Hungry -2 >>\
Stealth Roll: _Stealth vs DC: _ScoutDC
<<if _Stealth < _ScoutDC and _Stealth2 < _ScoutDC>>\
<<set _FoodCount to _FoodCount +1>>\
<<set _amount to $efood.amount>>\
Stolen: $efood.name
<<if _amount > 1>>\
<<set $efood.amount to $efood.amount -1>>\
<<set $PCInventory.delete($efood)>>\
<<include "Time Passes">>\
As you regain consiousness you find some bandages wrapped around your wounds. Looking around you find the two survivors are gone but they are the ones who more than likely bandaged your injuries. Taking stock of your supplies you discover some of your food is missing!
<<set _ScoutDC to 10 + $genericFighter.Scouting>>\
<<set _FoodCount to 0>>\
<<for $i = 0; $i < $PCInventory.length; $i++>>\
<<set $efood = $PCInventory[$i]>>\
<<if $efood.type is "food">>\
<<set _amount to $efood.amount>>\
<<for $j = 0; $j < _amount; $j++>>\
<<if _FoodCount is 0>>\
<<set _FoodCount to _FoodCount +1>>\
Stolen: $efood.name
<<if _amount > 1>>\
<<set $efood.amount to $efood.amount -1>>\
<<set $PCInventory.delete($efood)>>\
<<set _tempSecure to 0>>\
<<if $SalvagingSkillFeats.SecureWallet > 0>>\
<<set _tempSecure to ($Prof.Salvaging * 2)>>\
<<set _Stealth to (random(19) +1) + $Skill.Stealth + $DexterityBonus + $PCStatus.SkillBuff + _tempSecure + _FoodCount - $StatusAffect.Hungry>>\
<<set _Stealth2 to 0>>\1
<<if $StealthSkillFeats.Distraction > 0>>\
<<set _Stealth2 to (random(19) +1)) + $Skill.Stealth + $DexterityBonus + $PCStatus.SkillBuff + _tempSecure + _FoodCount - $StatusAffect.Hungry -2 >>\
Stealth Roll: _Stealth vs DC: _ScoutDC
<<if _Stealth < _ScoutDC and _Stealth2 < _ScoutDC>>\
<<set _FoodCount to _FoodCount +1>>\
<<set _amount to $efood.amount>>\
Stolen: $efood.name
<<if _amount > 1>>\
<<set $efood.amount to $efood.amount -1>>\
<<set $PCInventory.delete($efood)>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i>Fucking raiders! Next time it won't be me bleeding out in a gutter!</i></div>
<<button [[Return|$location.temp]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<set $NoEncounter to random(1) +2>>\
<</button>><<set $lootSmallWarehouse to [$item.battery, $item.wood, $item.wood, $item.electronics, $item.electronics, $item.metal, $item.metal, $item.cloth, $item.cloth, $item.recipeSkiJacket, $item.recipeRifle22lr, $item.recipePistolbyrna68caliber, $item.recipeShotgun16g, $item.book, $item.eroticbook]>>\
<<set $rarelootSmallWarehouse to [$armor.chainmail, $weapon.Winchester308]>>\
<<set $rarelootSmallWMain to [$armor.motorcyclejacket, $weapon.superiorshotgun16g]>>\
<<set $rarelootSmallWOffice to [$armor.heavytrenchcoat, $weapon.pistol40sw]>>\
<<set $rarelootSmallWSide to [$armor.ninjaarmor, $weapon.katana]>>\
<<set $sexHistory.XP to $sexHistory.XP +1>>\
<<set $LastPartner to $genericFighter>>\
<<set _TCard to 0>>\
<<set _VCard to 0>>\
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$genericFighter.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$genericFighter.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _INip to $arrayNippleSize[$genericFighter.NippleSize]>>\
<<set _IAss to $arrayAssSizeDesc[$genericFighter.AssSize]>>\
<<set _SizeComp to $PC.DickSize - $genericFighter.Level + ($GeneralFeats.FalseRep *2)>>\
<<if _SizeComp < 0>>\
<<set _SizeComp to 0>>\
  $genericFighter.Name2 is on her back glancing at you occasionally while groping her big milky tits. You stare as those _ISD funbags jiggle under her tender administration. Walking towards her with your hard <<Penis>> straining against your underwear, you can't help but give into your carnal desires as those _ISD _ICup breasts, _IAss jiggly ass and cock-sucking lips are too much for you to resist!
  "I'm going to shove my big fucking meat rod in between those milk jugs of your and fuck them nice and hard until I blow my load all over your _ISD milky tits! By the time I'm done you're going to be completely painted white!" you growl as you strip out of you clothes. She gives your hard <<Penis>> a thoughtful look while a lustful grin fills her face as she fondles her _ICup breasts.
<<switch _SizeComp>>\
<<case 0 1 2>>\
  Looking at your hard <<Penis>> with horror and pity, she continues to slowly run her hands over her milk-filled tits. "I'm so sorry little guy! I'll do my best to help you get nice and big and strong by letting you cradle between my big mommy-milkers!" she says as she gazes at your dick as if she was talking to your penis not you. Giving the $genericFighter.Name2 an fierce look causes the Infested to glance up at you and give you a wink before sliding her hand between her _ISD breasts, inviting you to fuck her big titties!
<<case 3 4 5 6>>\
  Looking at your hard <<Penis>> with a measuring look, she continues to run her hands over her milk-filled tits. "Look at who's a growing boy! Still not a big as some of your friends, so I'll do my best to help you grow even taller by letting you cradle between my big mommy-milkers!" she says as she gazes at your dick as if she was talking to your penis not you. Giving the $genericFighter.Name2 an annoyed look causes the Infested to glance up at you and give you a wink before sliding her hand between her _ISD breasts, inviting you to fuck her big titties!
<<case 7 8 9 10 11 12>>\
  Looking at your hard <<Penis>> with a pleased look, she continues to eagerly run her hands over her milk-filled tits while pinching those hard milky nubs of hers!. "Look at this big strong boy! So big and throbbing and so so juicy! You should be proud of how $DickSD you are! So let me do my best to congratulate you by letting you cradle between my big mommy-milkers!" she says as she gazes at your dick as if she was talking to your penis not you. Giving the $genericFighter.Name2 an pleased look causes the Infested to glance up at you and give you a wink before sliding her hand between her _ISD breasts, inviting you to fuck her big titties!
<<case 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24>>\
  Looking at your hard <<Penis>> with astonishment and glee, she continues to thirstfully run her hands over her milk-filled tits while pinching those hard milky nubs of hers! "Holy Fuck! Look how fucking $DickSD your big cock is! So big and throbbing and so so juicy! You must be proud of how $DickSD you are! So let me do my best to congratulate you by letting you cradle between my big mommy-milkers!" she says as she gazes at your dick as if she was talking to your penis not you. Giving the $genericFighter.Name2 an pleased look causes the Infested to glance up at you and give you a wink before sliding her hand between her _ISD breasts, inviting you to fuck her big titties!
  Looking at your hard <<Penis>> with utter disbelief, she continues to slowly run her hands over her milk-filled tits while pinching those hard milky nubs of hers! "Why do you have a $DickSize long club that looks like a dick in your pants? What the hell?!?!? I have no idea on how to fit that giant club of a <<Penis>> you have into my between my titties but I guess I could try? You must be extremely proud of how $DickSD you are! So let me do my best to help you drain those $BallsSD balls of your by letting you pound my big mommy-milkers!" she says as she gazes at your dick as if she was talking to your penis not you. Giving the $genericFighter.Name2 an amused look causes the Infested to glance up at you and give you a wink before sliding her hand between her _ISD breasts, inviting you to fuck her big titties!
  You slowly mount the Infested's big chest with your $DickSize <<Penis>> pressed up against her _ISD _INip nipple capped mountains. Gripping her big milky titties, you smile as streams of delicious milk squirts from her stiff nipples, coating coating her milk jugs with even more thick milk along with your $DickSD dick!
<<include "Images">>\
<<set ( _Sex to random(20) +1)>>\
<<if _Sex < 11>>\
<<set $genericEvent.Image = $npcPath + $arrayNPCMaleTrader.random() + '.jpg'>>\
<<set $lootTemp to $lootSurvivorMale>>\
<<set $rarelootTemp to $rarelootSurvivorMale>>\
<<set $genericEvent.Image = $npcPath + $arrayNPCFemaleTrader.random() + '.jpg'>>\
<<set $lootTemp to $lootSurvivorFemale>>\
<<set $rarelootTemp to $rarelootSurvivorFemale>>\
<img @src=$genericEvent.Image />
<<if _Sex < 11>>\
  While walking thru $location.Encounter you see a lone man carrying a backpack slowly while cautiously making their way down the street. He seems to be on the look out for any trouble as he stays close to the sides of the nearby buildings while using broken down vehicles as cover.
<div class="pcTalk"><i> Looks like a Survivor is traveling thru the city with some possible supplies. I wonder if they would be up for some trading or maybe they might have some information?</i></div>
<<button [[Call out to the Survivor|Survivor Trader - Hail Male]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
  While walking thru $location.Encounter you see a lone woman carrying a backpack slowly while cautiously making their way down the street. She seems to be on the look out for any trouble as she stays close to the sides of the nearby buildings while using broken down vehicles as cover.
<div class="pcTalk"><i> Looks like a Survivor is traveling thru the city with some possible supplies. I wonder if they would be up for some trading or maybe they might have some information?</i></div>
<<button [[Call out to the Survivor|Survivor Trader - Hail Female]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<button [[Leave|$location.temp]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<img src="Images/Home/LivingRoom.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set $NoEncounter to random(1) +2>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set $xmasreturnsEvent.Visits to $xmasreturnsEvent.Visits +1>>\
<<if $xmasreturnsEvent.Visits is 1>>\
  As you are walking around your family home, you hear what sounds like the soft jigglying of bells and the crinkling of paper from somewhere inside your house. What's odd is that there what sounds like hushed conversation going on in your living room as well. "<i>Is that Holly? It's been awhile and it sounds like someone's with her...</i>" you ponder as you you move quickly towards the living room. Peeking your head into that large room you are a bit shocked by what you are seeing!
<<button [[Two Christmas Elves Decorating your Living Room!|X-Mas Returns - Elves]]>>
  As you are walking around your family home, you hear what sounds like the soft jigglying of bells and the crinkling of paper from somewhere inside your house. What's interesting is that there what sounds like hushed conversation going on in your living room as well. "<i>Is that Holly and Gloria? It's been awhile and it sounds like both of them are here....</i>" you ponder as you you move quickly towards the living room. Peeking your head into that large room you confirm your suspicions!
<<button [[Holly and Gloria Decorating your Living Room!|X-Mas Returns - Elves]]>>
<</if>>\<<set $genericEvent.Image = $eventPath10 + $arrayEvent10SexyElves[0] + '.jpg'>>\
<img @src=$genericEvent.Image />
<<set $NoEncounter to random(1) +2>>\
<<if (random(19) + 1) + $Skill.Social + $CharismaBonus > 14>>\
<<set $npcHolly.Friendship to $npcHolly.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity +2 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set $npcGloria.Friendship to $npcGloria.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity +2 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set $npcHolly.Friendship to $npcHolly.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity +1 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set $npcGloria.Friendship to $npcGloria.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity +1 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<if $xmasreturnsEvent.Visits is 1>>\
  Standing next to the living room's recently decorated fireplace are two women dressed up in Christmas clothes having a quiet conversation. The provocative red mini-dresses that they are wearing are lined with white fur along with some pieces of green holly accenting their rather sexy looks. You recognize the first one with silver hair as Holly the Christmas Elf but it looks like she brought another elf with golden hair along with her this time. Looking around you see that they have been working steadily putting decorations up in your living room and somehow managed to get a Christmas tree put up without you even noticing.
  You let out a long sigh as you take in the trashed look of your living room. With hundreds of boxes along with multiple rolls of wrapping paper just lying about it looks like a Christmas explosion hit the living room like a bomb. Stepping around one of the numerous boxes scattered all over the floor, you greet Holly with a warm "Hey Holly and new elf! How's it going? And uh, what's up with all the boxes and wrapping paper?"
  Swiftly turning around, Holly's eyes light up as she notices you gingerly walking thru all the boxes and wrapping paper. "Season's greetings, $PC.FirstName! I've returned to help bestow some much needed holiday cheer to you and your city during this Christmas season! And this time I even brought along my good friend Gloria!" she says cheerfully while hugging her golden-haired friend close.
  Smiling shyly, Gloria looks you over and softly says "Season's greetings, $PC.FirstName. It's good to meet the Holly's good friend and I'm happy to be helping to spread cheer to Civiton." She seems rather comfortable in the arms of Holly as her friend's ample breasts press against her own equally perky chest.
  "Hello Holly! And it's nice to meet you as well, Gloria. But I have to say it's not Christmas, it's still October. I mean Halloween is still on the horizon." you reply with a bit of exasperation as it seems like the "Elf" craze is spreading. Holly is a nice girl but the whole Christmas Elf thing is a bit much. It's not that big of a deal and a bit of holiday silliness can always help to brighten your mood.
  "Wait! Did you just say October? No way! I double checked and it has to be December!" she nearly shouts as she pulls out her smart phone in a panic. Staring at her phone in shock she shakes her head in disbelief. "Oh noes! It's way too early for Christmas! Oh sugardust, I've screwed up again!" she quickly stammers as Gloria pulls her into a tight hug.
  "Maybe there's something screwy going on in this big city since I thought it was December too." Gloria comforts Holly softly while still hugging her. "There's lots of naked people running around this city having sex so that's kinda unusual, right?" Holly gives Gloria a relieved smile as she takes in her friend's words.
  "Well... we were wrapping some presents up to give to the good people of this city but there's too many of them! Would you be willing to help us out, $PC.FirstName? Pretty please with sugar on top?" Holly explains as she regains her usual holiday cheer while gesturing at the multitude of boxes lying around your living room.
  Standing next to the living room's recently decorated fireplace are two elves dressed up in Christmas clothes having a quiet conversation. The provocative red mini-dresses that they are wearing are lined with white fur along with some pieces of green holly accenting their rather sexy looks. You recognize the first one one with silver hair as Holly the Christmas Elf and the second one with golden hair as Gloria, her best friend. Looking around you see that they have been working steadily putting decorations up in your living room and somehow managed to once again get a Christmas tree put up without you even noticing.
  You let out a long sigh as you take in the trashed look of your living room, once again filled with unwrapped presents. With hundreds of boxes along with multiple rolls of wrapping paper just lying about it looks like a Christmas tornado hit the living room like a hurricane. Stepping around one of the numerous boxes scattered all over the floor, you greet the two Christmas elves with a warm "Hey Holly and Gloria! Got some more presents you need wrapped up?"
  Swiftly turning around, Holly's eyes light up as she notices you gingerly walking thru all the boxes and wrapping paper. "Season's greetings to you once again, $PC.FirstName! I've returned to help bestow some more needed holiday cheer to you and your city during this Christmas season! And I even brought along my good friend Gloria once again!" she says cheerfully while hugging her friend close.
  Smiling shyly, Gloria looks you over and softly says "Season's greetings to you, $PC.FirstName. I'm happy to see you again and to be helping to spread cheer to Civiton." She seems rather comfortable in the arms of Holly as her friend's ample breasts press against her own equally perky chest.
  You give them a nod as you take in how many unwrapped presents are scattered around your living room. "So I'm guessing you need some more help wrapping presents again? Last time it was close to almost a hundred presents, right?" you say as you sigh at the amount of work that's been dropped on you.
  "Well... we really need some help to wrap some more presents up to give to the good people of this city! We tried to do as much as we could but there's too many of them! Would you be willing to help us out, $PC.FirstName? Pretty please with sugar on top?" Holly explains as she gestures to the multitude of boxes lying around your living room.
<div class="pcTalk"><i>Do I really want to help these 'elves' wrap up all these packages? There's a good chance it's going to take a good chunk of the day to do so...</i></div>
<<button [[Help Them Out|X-Mas Returns - Help Elves]]>>
<<button [[Kick Them Out|X-Mas Returns - Kick Out]]>>
<</button>><<set $genericEvent.Image = $eventPath10 + $arrayEvent10SexyElves[1] + '.jpg'>>\
<img @src=$genericEvent.Image />
<<set $NoEncounter to random(1) +2>>\
<<set _lusty to random(10) +1 + $StatusAffect.Horny - $LustResist.Visual - $LustResist.Complete>>\
<<if _lusty < 0>>\
<<set _lusty to 0>>\
<<set $lust to $lust + _lusty>>\
<<if (random(19) + 1) + $Skill.Social + $CharismaBonus > 14>>\
<<set $npcHolly.Friendship to $npcHolly.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity +2 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set $npcGloria.Friendship to $npcHolly.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity +2 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set $npcHolly.Friendship to $npcHolly.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity +1 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set $npcGloria.Friendship to $npcHolly.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity +1 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<if $PC.Sex is "Futa" or $StatusAffect.Futa > 0>>\
<<set _Sex to "Futa">>\
<<elseif $PC.Sex is "Male" and $StatusAffect.Futa < 1>>\
<<set _Sex to "Male">>\
<<set _Sex to "Female">>\
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$npcHolly.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$npcHolly.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _IAss to $arrayAssSizeDesc[$npcHolly.AssSize]>>\
<<set _ISD2 to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$npcGloria.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup2 to $arrayBreastSize[$npcGloria.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _IAss2 to $arrayAssSizeDesc[$npcGloria.AssSize]>>\
  Deciding to humor the Christmas elves, you say "Well, I can't deny two cute girls who are in trouble. So sure, I'll help you wrap some presents." Sitting down on the floor, you grab a box and some wrapping paper. Looking up from the box you notice Holly sits down in front of you giving you a nice view of her ample breasts as she grabs her own box to wrap.
  "I'm so glad you are helping us out, $PC.FirstName!" the silver-haired elf says as she starts to wrap the christmas box with green and red wrapping paper. Glancing up from her work she gives you a sweet smile before focusing on putting a big fancy ribbon onto the top of the present. "It's really sweet that you are willing to go up and beyond in your efforts to help bring joy to others in need!"
  "Yes, thank you so very much $PC.FirstName." Gloria says as she sits down next to Holly with a big box sitting in her lap. She ends up letting her _ISD2 breasts rest on top of the large box as she works on wrapping the rest of the Christmas present. While you're covertly checking her ample chest out, you notice one of her perky nipples has popped free!
  Holly leans over to the golden-haired elf with her _ISD chest pressed firmly against Gloria's equally impressive chest and whispers loudly into her ear "Hey Gloria? One of your sugarplums is showing!" while giving that pert nub a quick poke of her finger! The busty elf lets out a squeaking squeal for a second before quickly pulling her red dress up while fiercely blushing. A smile breaks out on your face as you take in the cute reactions of the busty elf but soon your humor fades as you get back to work.
  Finally finishing your first box, you start on the next one while feeling some dread at how many you have left to go. "So, who's the lucky recipients of all these holiday presents?" you ask as your thoughts drift to wondering how you will be getting all these presents out of your house without being swarmed by the Infested.
  "These will be going to all the good people of the city in order to help them in this difficult time. Generally starting with the homes nearby before spreading to the other homes around Civiton." Gloria explains as she finishes her present. You watch out of the corner of your eye as she bends over exposing her _IAss2 derriere as she grabs another box.
  You get into a rhythm of wrapping boxes and times flies as the three of you work hard. Finally finishing up with the last box, you can't help but stare at how your living room has been completely filled with Christmas presents. "Excuse me, $PC.FirstName?" Holly says as she holds up a silver present while Gloria holds up a gold wrapped present in her hand "We want to thank you for all your help and since you were willing to help us wrap all these presents you can choose any of these presents!"
  "Or maybe you desire some hot and spicy adult presents...." Gloria says huskily while pushing the side of her _ISD2 breasts up against Holly's own _ISD chest causing Holly to blush slightly. You can't help but admire how sexy these two elves look and with such a blatent offer it's making it hard to choose.
<div class="pcTalk"><i> So do I choose one of the presents or do I go for the "Elves"...</i></div>
<<button [[Choose the Silver Present|X-Mas Returns - Present]]>>
<<set $SkillAction to 0>>\
<<button [[Choose the Gold Present|X-Mas Returns - Present]]>>
<<set $SkillAction to 1>>\
<<switch _Sex>>\
<<case "Male">>\
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Choose the Elves|X-Mas Returns - Elf Sex Male]]>>
<<case "Female">>\
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Choose the Elves|X-Mas Returns - Elf Sex Female]]>>
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Choose the Elves|X-Mas Returns - Elf Sex Futa]]>>
<</switch>>\<img @src=$genericEvent.Image />
  Sighing at the fact Holly has broken into your house again and the fact she brought a friend along just makes you feel so tired. Looking Holly in the eye you say patiently "Hey Holly? I don't think this is a good time to be messing around with presents right now. Would it be possible to take a rain check on this visit?" The lithe elf gives you a understanding look that slowly transitions to a small smile.
  "I'm sorry $PC. FirstName... I'll leave you in peace." she says as she gathers the boxes along with her golden haired friend and heads to the front door. Opening the front door, she paused to turn to you and says "Have a Merry Christmas, $PC.FirstName!" with that a small smile on her face. You can only watch as the two busty elves leaves your house and you can only shake your head in disbelief at how Infested's minds get locked into such crazy ideas.
<div class="pcTalk"><i>Those "Christmas Elves" are some odd ones for sure, time to make sure all the doors and windows are double-locked once again. </i></div>
<<button [[Finish|Main Hallway]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</button>><img @src=$genericEvent.Image />
<<if $SkillAction is 0>>\
  You decide on the silver Christmas present which Holly happily gives to you with a smile on her beautiful face. Deciding to open it up, you discover a solid silver brooch in the shape of a snowflake. Picking it up you can tell it's of a nice high quality and it feels quite heavy. As you look up to thank Holly for the nice present, you are shocked to discover there's no one there!
  Feeling unsettled by the abrupt disappearance of two people who were just standing right next to you, you look around the room and discover a small note on the coffee table. Reading the note, it says - <b>"Merry Christmas, $PC.FirstName! I hope you have a safe and happy journey until we can see you once again! - Holly Noel and Gloria Belle :)"</b> Still a bit unsettled by the elves's vanishing act, you can't help but smile at the note and the cute smilely face at the bottom.
<<set $xmasreturnsEvent.SPresent to $xmasreturnsEvent.SPresent +1>>\
<<set _exists to 0>>\
<<set _tempLoot to $accessory.silverbrooch>>\
<<for $i = 0; $i < $PCInventory.length; $i++>>\
<<set $uitem = $PCInventory[$i]>>\
<<set $ItemName to $uitem.name>>\
<<set _TempName to _tempLoot.name>>\
<<if $ItemName is _TempName>>\
<<set _amount to $uitem.amount>>\
<<set _exists to 1>>\
<<if _exists is 1>>\
<<set _amount to _amount +1>>\
<<set $uitem.amount to _amount>>\
<<set $PCInventory.push(_tempLoot)>>\
<<set $xmasreturnsEvent.GPresent to $xmasreturnsEvent.GPresent +1>>\
<<set _exists to 0>>\
<<set _tempLoot to $accessory.goldbrooch>>\
<<for $i = 0; $i < $PCInventory.length; $i++>>\
<<set $uitem = $PCInventory[$i]>>\
<<set $ItemName to $uitem.name>>\
<<set _TempName to _tempLoot.name>>\
<<if $ItemName is _TempName>>\
<<set _amount to $uitem.amount>>\
<<set _exists to 1>>\
<<if _exists is 1>>\
<<set _amount to _amount +1>>\
<<set $uitem.amount to _amount>>\
<<set $PCInventory.push(_tempLoot)>>\
  You decide on the gold Christmas present which Gloria happily gives to you with a smile on her beautiful face. Deciding to open it up, you discover a solid gold brooch in the shape of a snowflake. Picking it up you can tell it's of a nice high quality and it feels quite heavy. As you look up to thank Gloria for the nice present, you are shocked to discover there's no one there!
  Feeling unsettled by the abrupt disappearance of two people who were just standing right next to you, you look around the room and discover a small note on the coffee table. Reading the note, it says - <b>"Merry Christmas, $PC.FirstName! I hope you have a safe and happy journey until we can see you once again! - Holly Noel and Gloria Belle :)"</b> Still a bit unsettled by Holly's vanishing, you can't help but smile at the note and the cute smilely face at the bottom.
You now have <<print _tempLoot.name>>!
<div class="pcTalk"><i> Wait a second! What happened to all the presents I just finished wrapping? I think I'll leave the decorations up for a week or so just to have a little bit cheer in these dire times.</i></div>
<<button [[Finish|Main Hallway]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<set $xmasreturnsEvent.Weekly to 7>>\
<<set $NoEncounter to random(1) +2>>\
<</button>><<set $genericEvent.Image = $eventPath10 + $arrayEvent10SexyElves[2] + '.jpg'>>\
<img @src=$genericEvent.Image />
<<set $sexHistory.XP to $sexHistory.XP +1>>\
<<set $LastPartner to $npcHolly>>\
<<set $xmasreturnsEvent.Sex to $xmasreturnsEvent.Sex +1>>\
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$npcHolly.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$npcHolly.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _IAss to $arrayAssSizeDesc[$npcHolly.AssSize]>>\
<<set _ISD2 to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$npcGloria.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup2 to $arrayBreastSize[$npcGloria.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _IAss2 to $arrayAssSizeDesc[$npcGloria.AssSize]>>\
<<set $TotalFood to $TotalFood +15>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Hungry to $StatusAffect.Hungry -5>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Starving to 0>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.Hungry < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Hungry to 0>>\
<<set _exists to 0>>\
<<set _tempLoot to $item.recipeAdultHollyEggnog>>\
<<for $i = 0; $i < $PCInventory.length; $i++>>\
<<set $uitem = $PCInventory[$i]>>\
<<set $ItemName to $uitem.name>>\
<<set _TempName to _tempLoot.name>>\
<<if $ItemName is _TempName>>\
<<set _amount to $uitem.amount>>\
<<set _exists to 1>>\
<<if _exists is 1>>\
<<set _amount to _amount +1>>\
<<set $uitem.amount to _amount>>\
<<set $PCInventory.push(_tempLoot)>>\
<<set $Weather.Previous to $Weather.Current>>\
<<set $Weather.Current to $arrayWeatherTypes[9]>>\
<<set $StatusText.Notice to 1>>\
<<set $StatusText.WeatherFlag to 1>>\
<<set $Weather.Strength to 1>>\
<<set $StatusText.Weather to "Looks like a snowstorm has settled over the city. For some reason I'm reminded of Christmas...">>\
  "I think I am rather interested in hearing a bit more about those adult presents you mentioned. Maybe even taking those hot presents out for a long and hard test ride." you state lewdly as you lustfully look over the two sexy elves. With those _ISD perky tits and _IAss jiggly asses, you can't help but check out the near identical elves as you feel your dick get hard as a rock!
  Smiling warmly at you, Holly steps up to your side while pressing her _ICup breasts up against your arm. Before you can react Gloria does the same as she steps up to your other side mirroring her friend as she presses her own equally impressive_ICup tits up against your arm. Gloria huskily moans "I think we would all enjoy such wonderful presents. "
  Feeling a slim hand sliding against your hard throbbing dick, you glance over and discover Holly smirking with her hand under your clothes, stroking your $DickSize cock while still pressing her jugs against you! "Let's work on making this a white Christmas to remember!" she whispers huskily in your ear while her good friend rubs her _ISD tits against you as well!
  "I'm all for making this a sticky white Christmas, ladies! So let's take a closer look at those big mountains of yours and maybe they will end up snow-capped!" you moan as you gently cup Gloria's _ISD2 bouncy jugs causing a breathy moan to escape from the busty elf's lips. It doesn't take much before her perky tits break free from her tight X-Mas themed dress exposing those hard half-inch long nipples of hers!
  Before you get much chance to play with Gloria's big titties, Holly gets in on the action as she pulls her tight dress down one-handed exposing her own impressive mountains along with those inch long pink nipples of hers. She doesn't even miss a stroke as she presses her big titties up against Gloria's almost identical tits before letting out a breathy moan as you latch onto her hard nubs. "How are you liking Gloria's and my big bouncy Marshmallows?" she breathes into your ear as you give out a powerful lustful moan as you find yourself in titty heaven! You lose yourself in the pleasure of groping and sucking on all those luscious tits much to the elves delight as you quickly get to motorboating their _ISD titties!
  Hearing your incoherent response, Gloria smirks and huskily says "I think it's about time for us to taste that yummy candy cane of yours..." Pulling your face out from the girls' fleshy mountain range, you eagerly watch as the both of the busty elves slide down to their knees with your $DickSize man meat fully erect and right in front of their beautiful faces.
  Gloria gasps as she takes in your size while Holly licks her lips as a drop of pre-cum oozes from your beefy tip. "Oh yessss! That's a juicy looking lolly-pop!" Gloria moans as she presses her face against your cock with your $BallsSD balls rubbing against her chin.
  "I know right? I just have to take a taste!" Holly moans lewdly as her grip on your cock tightens and before you know it her slippery tongue is sliding up the length of your hard shaft before stopping to suck the tip of your $DickSD dick. The lusty elf lets out a moan of pleasure as she gets a taste of your pre-cum while Gloria looks on in envy.
  "That's not fair, Holly! I wanna taste that big dick too!" Gloria protests before cupping your $BallsSD balls and slowly sliding her tongue up the shaft of your thick dick. Holly reluctantly pulls her plump lips away from your meaty tip as Gloria nears the end of your throbbing rod. Seeing her chance, the buxom elf slides her own plump lips onto the hard tip of your cock before taking all $DickSize inches down her throat!
  A loud gasp erupts from your lips as you feel your rock hard dick hit the back of Gloria's throat as she deepthroats you like a pro! "Oh fuck yeah! No need to fight over my big candy cane, girls! There's enough for both of you!" you groan as Holly wraps her lips around your meat rod when Gloria is finally forced to come up for air. Another moan of pleasure fills the room as the strong suction from Holly's expert blowjob sends your cum-factories into overdrive! It doesn't help that Gloria is busy sucking on your $BallsSD balls while slowly stroking your cock!
  "Fuck! Keep going! Oh shit it feels so good!" you groan loudly as the sexy elves switch it up with Gloria now eagerly sucking your pleasure filled <<Penis>> while Holly keeps Gloria's head steady as she bobs up and down your cock. That's not all Holly is doing as her other hand is groping Gloria's _ISD2 breasts while sucking on her long pointed ear!
  A sudden surge of pleasure hits you hard and you feel the dam in your cum-filled balls suddenly break, taking you by surprise! A loud groan escapes your lips as $CumAD strands of hot christmas goo spray from your $DickSD cock, shooting down Gloria's surprised throat! "Oh fuck! I'm shooting my load!" you moan a moment behind the act. Unwilling to let Gloria handle all your hot seed, Holly pushes her gently away from your cum-spewing dick and before slamming her lips onto your sensitive cock! You feel another spike of pleasure as your meaty tip shoots some more of your baby-batter reserves right down Holly's throat and you can't help but groan loudly once again!
  "Oh shit! Sorry girls but it felt so good!" you breath heavily as the exhaustion from your intense orgasm is leaving you barely able to stand. The two elves barely acknowledge your apology as they look to be busy licking your sticky goo off of each other's beautiful faces.
  "Mmmm! Quite yummy!" Holly says perkily as she finishes licking her lips clean while Gloria is focused on sucking Holly's _ISD breasts clean of your seed. "Oh my! $PC.FirstName! You're looking quite exhausted! Here let me get you something to drink..." she says before quickly getting to her feet with her perky tits bouncing lightly. Grabbing her purse, the upbeat elf grabs what looks to be a Christmas themed can before handing it to you. Looking at the can you discover it's a can of Holly's Alcoholic Eggnog!
<<set $Cum.Stored to $Cum.Max>>\
<<set $CumAD to $arrayCumAmountDesc[$Cum.Stored]>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Energized to $StatusAffect.Energized+1>>\
  "Uh, thanks?" you mumble as you open the can before downing it in one go. A throaty groan erupts from your lips as you feel your balls surge with desire as your reserves are completely refilled! Your half-mast dick quickly becomes hard as a diamond candy cane and you feel a burning need to shove your throbbing cock into some elven pussy! Growling like a man possessed, you stroke your hard shaft while staring at Gloria and Holly's hot elven bodies.
  Smiling happily at your lusty response, Holly glances down at your hard dick before saying "Looks like $PC.FirstName is ready for round two. How about you, Gloria?" The quiet elf looks startled by the question and before she can even give a response, Holly pushes her over onto her back with her _ISD2 tits bouncing gently from the impact! Besides letting out a meak squeal of panic, Gloria doesn't resist as Holly spreads her best friend's legs wide exposing Gloria's dripping wet pussy to you while giving you a wink. "Make sure to give my friend a good hard pounding!"
  Such a present so delightfully presented to you quite so boldly, it would be too rude to refuse! Dropping to your knees, you guide your $DickSD cock to the glistening entrance to the buxom elf's pussy. Seeing the lusty need in Gloria's wide eyes, you slide your beefy tip against her wet slit causing a breathy gasp to escape her lips. Unable to hold back your raging lust any longer, you slowly press forward and slowly inch by inch your $DickSD dick slides deeper into her extremely tight pussy before finally hilting her cunt completely!
  "Oh fuckkkk! $PC.FirstName's <<Penis>> is in so deep!" Gloria moans as her pussy adjusts to the size of your <<Penis>>. You're frankly surprised you were actually able to hilt your $DickSize dick inside her pussy in one go but her cunt was able to take it as if by magic! Wanting to see if she could repeat the same magic trick, you pull your cock almost all the way out before easily slamming your eager shaft back in deep causing the lusty elf to scream out in pleasure!
  "Oh wow! He's really giving it to you really hard, Gloria!" Holly gasps as she stares at the way you're thrusting your dick deep into her friend's slutty cunt like there's no tomorrow. Gloria can't even respond as only moans and screams of pure pleasure escape from her thick lips from the hard pounding! "How about you take a taste of my honeypot and make me feel good as well!" the silver haired elf says as she respositions herself before planting her own dripping wet pussy on top of Gloria's lewd face!
  It doesn't take long before Gloria's muffled moans are replaced by the sound of her diving deep into her friend's soaked muff. Seeing the golden haired elf eating out her Holly is so erotic that you can't help but thrust even harder causing Gloria to shake and buck so much that Holly almost falls off! Luckily Holly manages to catch herself by grabbing onto Gloria's _ISD2 tits!
  "Fuck! Not sure how much longer I can last" you groan loudly as you jackhammer that tight pussy like the fist of an angry god much to the muffled sounds of pleasure coming from Gloria's occupied mouth. Holly is also moaning loudly as she forcefully grinds her pussy against the busty elf's face below her while keeping herself braced by groping her friend's tits as well! All three members of this hot and frantic threesome are rapidly approaching the point of no return and everyone is eager to reach that finish line!
  Moaning loudly, Holly gasps out "Do it! Fill her pussy with your hot seed and give us that amazing white Christmas!" as she draws rapidly closer to her own orgasm due to Gloria's expert cunnilingus skills. Speaking of Gloria, she's moaning loudly as well whenever she comes up for breath and you can feel her tight pussy getting extra slippery as her impending orgasm approaches.
  Hearing the silver-haired elf begging for you to shoot your load pushes you over the edge as you bellow out "Oh fuck! I'm cumming so much! Fuck! I'm shooting my big load!" Thrusting one last into Gloria's hot pussy you feel your balls unleash their juicy cargo! You groan loudly as $CumAD strands of hot seeds shoot from your throbbing dick deep into her waiting womb!
  Gloria screams out as she feels her cunt creampied by the $CumAD amount of your hot cum "Oh God! Oh fuckkk! I'm cumming too! Oh fuck yesss!" as her whole body shakes causing her _ISD tits to bounce and jiggle as her own powerful orgasm hits hard and fast! You can feel her tight cunt squeeze your $DickSD cock rapidly as her girl-cum squirts around your dick and out onto the carpet below!
  Not being left out of the orgasm train, Holly yells out "Oh fucking Merry Christmas! I'm cumming all over your wonderful mouth!" as she squirts out a large amount of girl-cum all over Gloria's blissed out face while her _ISD tits shakes and quivers from her powerful orgasm! <<if $CumAD > 20>> Still feeling plenty of juice left in your $BallsSD balls, you pull your dick out from Gloria's soaking wet pussy before shooting even more $CumAD strands of baby-batter all over her stomach and _ISD2 tits! Not wanting Holly to be left untouched, you shoot several more ribbons of cum all over her _ISD chest and face as well! <<elseif $CumAD > 10>>Still feeling plenty of juice left in your $BallsSD balls, you pull your dick out from Gloria's soaking wet pussy before shooting even more $CumAD strands of baby-batter all over her stomach and _ISD2 tits!<</if>>
  Feeling exhausted after shooting such a powerful load of cum, you sit back allowing your $DickSize dick to slide out of Gloria's cream-filled pussy. Gloria just mumbles something softly while Holly gives you a powerful look of delight as she gazes into your eyes and softly says "That was an amazing sexual time for me and my friend Gloria! You did wonderful, $PC.FirstName, so rest your eyes now, and dream of many more holidays to cum!" You nod softly as well as you find your eyes closing just for a moment to recover your stamina.
  With a start you wake up and find yourself in your holiday decorated living room with all the presents gone. Looking around you don't see the Christmas elves anywhere but you do find a note along with a recipe for Holly's Alcoholic Eggnog. Reading the note, it says - <b>"Merry Christmas, $PC.FirstName! I hope you have a safe and happy journey until we can see you once again! - Holly Noel and Gloria Belle :)"</b> Still a bit unsettled by their vanishing, you can't help but smile at the note and the cute smiley face at the bottom.
You now have <<print _tempLoot.name>>!
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I think I'll leave the decorations up for a week or so just to have a little bit cheer in these dire times.</i></div>
<<button [[Finish|Main Hallway]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<set $npcHolly.SexDetection to "Male">>\
<<include "Lust Passes">>\
<<include "Time Passes">>\
<<set $xmasreturnsEvent.Weekly to 7>>\
<<set $NoEncounter to random(1) +2>>\
<</button>><<set $genericEvent.Image = $eventPath10 + $arrayEvent10SexyElves[3] + '.jpg'>>\
<img @src=$genericEvent.Image />
<<set $sexHistory.XP to $sexHistory.XP +1>>\
<<set $LastPartner to $npcHolly>>\
<<set $xmasreturnsEvent.Sex to $xmasreturnsEvent.Sex +1>>\
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$npcHolly.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$npcHolly.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _IAss to $arrayAssSizeDesc[$npcHolly.AssSize]>>\
<<set _ISD2 to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$npcGloria.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup2 to $arrayBreastSize[$npcGloria.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _IAss2 to $arrayAssSizeDesc[$npcGloria.AssSize]>>\
<<set $TotalFood to $TotalFood +15>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Hungry to $StatusAffect.Hungry -5>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Starving to 0>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.Hungry < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Hungry to 0>>\
<<set _exists to 0>>\
<<set _tempLoot to $item.recipeAdultHollyEggnog>>\
<<for $i = 0; $i < $PCInventory.length; $i++>>\
<<set $uitem = $PCInventory[$i]>>\
<<set $ItemName to $uitem.name>>\
<<set _TempName to _tempLoot.name>>\
<<if $ItemName is _TempName>>\
<<set _amount to $uitem.amount>>\
<<set _exists to 1>>\
<<if _exists is 1>>\
<<set _amount to _amount +1>>\
<<set $uitem.amount to _amount>>\
<<set $PCInventory.push(_tempLoot)>>\
<<set $Weather.Previous to $Weather.Current>>\
<<set $Weather.Current to $arrayWeatherTypes[9]>>\
<<set $StatusText.Notice to 1>>\
<<set $StatusText.WeatherFlag to 1>>\
<<set $Weather.Strength to 1>>\
<<set $StatusText.Weather to "Looks like a snowstorm has settled over the city. For some reason I'm reminded of Christmas...">>\
  "I think I am rather interested in hearing a bit more about those adult presents you mentioned. Maybe even taking those hot presents out for a long and hard test ride." you state lewdly as you lustfully look over the two sexy elves. With those _ISD perky tits and _IAss jiggly asses, you can't help but check out the near identical elves as you feel your pussy start to warm up in desire!
  Smiling warmly at you, Holly steps up to your side while pressing her _ICup breasts up against your arm. Before you can react Gloria does the same as she steps up to your other side mirroring her friend as she presses her own equally impressive_ICup2 tits up against your arm. Gloria huskily moans "I think we would all enjoy such wonderful presents."
  Feeling a slim hand rubbing against your damp pussy you glance over and discover Holly smirking with her hand under your clothes, sliding her finger up against your clit while still pressing her jugs against your own $BreastSD breasts! "Let's work on making this a white Christmas to remember!" she whispers huskily in your ear while her good friend rubs her _ISD2 tits against you as well!
  "I'm all for making this a sticky white Christmas, ladies! So let's take a closer look at those big mountains of yours cause I'm in the mood to suck on those hard candy nubs!" you moan as you gently cup Gloria's _ISD2 bouncy jugs causing a breathy moan to escape from the busty elf's lips. It doesn't take much before her perky tits break free from her tight X-Mas themed dress exposing those hard half-inch long nipples of hers!
<<if $PC.BreastsSize + ($GeneralFeats.FalseRep *2) < ($npcGloria.BreastsSize)>>\
  Before you get much chance to play with Gloria's big titties, Holly gets in on the action as she pulls her tight dress down one-handed exposing her own impressive mountains along with those inch long pink nipples of hers. She doesn't even miss a stroke as she presses her big titties up against Gloria's almost identical tits before letting out a breathy moan as you latch onto her hard nubs. "How are you liking Gloria's and my big bouncy Marshmallows? They're so much bigger than your wonderful Jubblies..." she breathes into your ear as you give out a powerful lustful moan as you find yourself in titty heaven! You lose yourself in the pleasure of groping and sucking on all those luscious tits much to the elves delight as you quickly get to motorboating their _ISD titties! You let out a breathy moan as you feel multiple hands playing with your $BreastSD tits as well!
  Before you get much chance to play with Gloria's big titties, Holly gets in on the action as she pulls her tight dress down one-handed exposing her own impressive mountains along with those inch long pink nipples of hers. She doesn't even miss a stroke as she presses her big titties up against Gloria's almost identical tits before letting out a breathy moan as you latch onto her hard nubs. "How are you liking Gloria's and my big bouncy Marshmallows? They're so much smaller than your wonderfully big Jubblies..." she breathes into your ear as you give out a powerful lustful moan as you find yourself in titty heaven! You lose yourself in the pleasure of groping and sucking on all those luscious tits much to the elves delight as you quickly get to motorboating their _ISD titties! You let out a breathy moan as you feel multiple hands playing with your $BreastSD tits as well!
  Hearing your incoherent response, Gloria smirks and huskily says "I think it's about time for us to taste that sweet honeypot of yours." Pulling your face out from the girls' fleshy mountain range, you eagerly watch as the both of the busty elves slide down to their knees with your wet pussy lips expored right in front of their beautiful faces with a line of girl fluids running down your leg from your soaked cunt.
  Gloria gets a eager smile on her face while Holly licks her lips as another line of girl-cum oozes from your slit down your other leg. "Oh yessss! That's a juicy looking honey pot!" Gloria moans as she presses her face against your leg with her tongue sliding up towards the entrace of your weeping pussy.
  "I know right? Too bad there's not enough room for both of us to get a good taste!" Holly says as she gets to her feet and presses her _ISD chest against your $BreastSD tits! You give out a muffled moan as her sugary lips lock onto yours before her slippery tongue starts dueling with your own tongue. The lusty silver-haired elf lets out a moan of pleasure as you explore her _ISD chest while Gloria focuses on your wet cunt with her tongue and finger exploring your honeypot!
  A loud gasp erupts from your lips as you feel Gloria's tongue exploring deep inside your thirsty cunt as she eats out your pussy like a pro! "Oh fuck yeah! My honey pot feels so fucking wonderful with your tongue so deep!" you groan as you come up for air from Holly's hot and juicy kiss. The golden haired elf refuses to be denied her kiss and yet as she presses forward, you lose your balance and end up falling onto your $AssSize ass!
  You let out a gasp as Holly follows you down with her _ISD breasts landing on top of your $BreastSD tits! Not even slowing down, the busty elf slams her lips back onto your surprised lips while sliding her finger into your tight pussy! Soon her finger is joined by Gloria's expert tongue as she repositions herself so that she can easily eat out your muff! The deep exploration of your cunt sends your waterworks into high gear while you grip Holly's _IAss ass from the intense pleasure of being double-teamed by such such sexy elves!
  "Fuck! Keep going! Oh shit it feels so fucking amazing!" you groan loudly as the sexy elves go into overdrive, eagerly and rapidly sucking your tongue while expertly eating out your cunt. Holly's _ICup titties are rubbing hard against your $BreastSize jugs while Gloria continues going hard on your soaking wet cunt and you're not sure how much longer you will last!
  A sudden surge of pleasure hits you hard as you feel the dam in your soaked pussy unexpectedly break from all the pleasure built pressure! Taking you by surprise, a loud groan escapes your lips while Gloria lets out a excited moan as you unleash a $GCumAD spray of girl-cum onto her face! "Oh fuck! I'm shooting my load so hard!" you moan a moment behind the act. Unwilling to let Gloria hog all your juicy girl-cum, Holly slides down your body before positioning herself next to Gloria with both of them sucking your clit and fingering you at the same time! You feel another spike of pleasure as your weeping pussy squirts out some more watery girl-cum right across both of the sexy elves faces!!
  "Oh shit! Sorry girls but it felt so good!" you breath heavily as the exhaustion from your intense orgasm has left you barely able to stand. The two elves barely acknowledge your apology as they look to be busy licking your sticky goo off of each other's beautiful faces.
  "Mmmm! Quite yummy!" Holly says perkily as she finishes licking her lips clean while Gloria is focused on sucking Holly's _ISD breasts clean of any exta fluids that might have landed on them. "Oh my! $PC.FirstName! You're looking quite exhausted! Here let me get you something to drink..." she says before quickly getting to her feet with her perky tits bouncing lightly while Gloria finishes by licking her lips clean of your girl-cum. Grabbing her purse, the upbeat elf grabs what looks to be a Christmas themed can before handing it to you. Looking at the can you discover it's a can of Holly's Alcoholic Eggnog!
<<set $GCum.Stored to $GCum.Max>>\
<<set $GCumAD to $arrayGCumAmountDesc[$GCum.Stored]>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Energized to $StatusAffect.Energized+1>>\
  "Uh, thanks?" you mumble as you open the can before downing it in one go. A throaty groan erupts from your lips as you feel your ovaries surge with desire as your reserves are completely refilled! You feel your $NippleSize nipples become hard as diamonds while your already wet pussy starts leaking honey like a faucet! You slip a finger into your cint as you feel a burning need to shove your face into some elven pussy! Growling like a girl possessed, you finger your weeping box while staring at Gloria and Holly's hot elven bodies.
  Smiling happily at your lusty response, Holly glances down at where you busy fingering your own pussy before saying "Looks like $PC.FirstName is ready for round two. How about you, Gloria?" The quiet elf looks startled by the question and before she can even give a response, Holly pushes her over onto her back with her _ISD2 tits bouncing gently from the impact! Besides letting out a meak squeal of panic, Gloria doesn't resist as Holly spreads her best friend's legs wide exposing Gloria's dripping wet pussy to you before reaching behind her back. You look on in surprise she pulls out a massive double-ended dildo colored like a candy cane! "I figured you you might want to pound her tight pussy instead of tossing her salid! And I know Gloria's been needing a good hard fucking!" she explains as she hands you the humongous dildo.
  Giving the dildo a measuring look, you decide that some holiday double-dildo action sounds like a seasonal way to have a good time with the busty elves and you are feeling extremely amorous. Firmly gripping the candy-cane colored double-dildo, you slowly slide one end directly into your wet pussy while moaning softly at the pleasurable feeling. After a minute you finally have it nice and deep inside your tight cunt and now you're ready to go to poundtown on Gloria's pussy!
  Pushing up to your knees, you guide your massive fake cock to the glistening entrance to the buxom elf's pussy. Seeing the lusty need in Gloria's wide eyes, you slide your rubbery tip against her wet slit causing a breathy gasp to escape her lips. Unable to hold back your raging lust any longer, you slowly press forward and slowly inch by inch your enormous dildo slides deeper into her extremely tight pussy before finally hilting her cunt completely!
  "Oh fuckkkk! $PC.FirstName's big candycane is in so deep!" Gloria moans as her pussy adjusts to the size of your colorful artifical dick. You're frankly surprised you were actually able to hilt the massive dildo inside her pussy in one go but her cunt was able to take it as if by magic! Wanting to see if she could repeat the same magic trick, you pull your fake cock almost all the way out before easily slamming your striped shaft back in deep causing the lusty elf to scream out in pleasure!
  "Oh wow! She's really giving it to you really hard, Gloria!" Holly gasps as she stares at the way you're thrusting your imitation dick deep into her friend's slutty cunt like there's no tomorrow while your $BreastSD tits sway with each thrust. Gloria can't even respond as only moans and screams of pure pleasure escape from her thick lips from the hard pounding! "I wanna feel good too and I'm going to do that by pounding $PC.FirstName's $AssSize booty!" the silver haired elf says as she presents the other item she grabbed from her purse which ends up being a massive double-ended dildo colored like a candy cane proudly sticking out from her overstuffed pussy!
  The shock of such sight causes your hard pounding to pause for a moment as the first thing you can think of is how many dildos does she have!?!?! Your eyes get even wider as silver haired elf steps behind you while pointing that fake cock right at your butthole without any hesitation! "Time to slam my candy cock slid right into your cinnamon ring and get that chocolate channel all stirred up!" Holly exclaims excitedly before pressing the thick head of that massive dildo against the entrance to your bootyhole before pushing in deep!
  The force of Holly's thrust pushes your double-ended dildo even deeper into Gloria's tight pussy causing both of you to gasp and moan from the pleasure. As you feel your booty slowly adjust to the size of that massive double-ended dildo that's been buried so deep inside your ass, you gasp once again as you feel your $BreastSD tits being groped by Holly as she starts to pound away at your $AssSize derriere!
  "Oh shit yes! My ass feels so stuffed!" you moan as you feel yourself being pushed forward by the force of Holly's thrusts. Shaking your head, you brace yourself with Gloria's _ISD2 jugs before resuming your hard jackhammering of her cunt. It doesn't take long before you become synched with Holly much to Gloria's vocal delight as the threesome intensifies!
  "Fuck! Not sure how much longer I can last!" you groan loudly as you jackhammer that tight pussy like the fist of an angry god much to the loud sounds of pleasure coming from Gloria's mouth. Holly is also moaning loudly as she forcefully pounds your bottom with her own double-ended dildo while keeping herself braced by groping her your sensitive tits as well! All three members of this hot and frantic threesome are rapidly approaching the point of no return and everyone is eager to reach that finish line!
  Moaning loudly, Holly gasps out "Do it! Keep pounding her pussy until both of you squirt all over that candy cane and give us that amazing white Christmas!" as she draws rapidly closer to her own orgasm due to her own expert skills with her fake cock. Speaking of Gloria, she's moaning even loudery and you can feel her tight pussy getting extra slippery as her impending orgasm approaches.
  Hearing the silver-haired elf begging for you to squirt your load pushes you over the edge as you bellow out "Oh fuck! My ass feels so good being plundered like that! I'm cumming all over this fucking candy cane! Fuck! I'm squirting so much!" Thrusting one last into Gloria's hot pussy, you groan loudly as $GCumAD waves of girl-cum squirts out from between the candy cane and your tight pussy walls!
  Gloria finally screams with actual intelligent words for the first time in a while as she hears you cream the candy cane with $GCumAD amounts of sticky girl-cum! "Oh God! Oh fuckkk! I'm cumming too! Oh fuck yesss!" she yells as her whole body shakes causing her _ISD tits to bounce and jiggle as her own powerful orgasm hits hard and fast! You can see her tight cunt squeeze your fake cock rapidly as her girl-cum squirts around your massive dildo and out onto the carpet below!
  Not being left out of the orgasm train, Holly yells out "Oh fucking Merry Christmas! I'm cumming all over this wonderful candy cane!" as she squirts out a large amount of girl-cum all over the massive dildo while her _ISD tits press hard against your back and you can feel them shake and quiver from her powerful orgasm!
  Feeling exhausted after unleashing such a big wave of girl-cum, you sit back allowing your massive double-ended dildo to slide out of Gloria's soaked pussy. Gloria just mumbles something softly while Holly gives you a powerful look of delight as she gazes into your eyes and softly says "That was an amazing sexual time for me and my friend Gloria! You did wonderful, $PC.FirstName, so rest your eyes now, and dream of many more holidays to cum!" You nod softly as well as you find your eyes closing just for a moment to recover your stamina.
  With a start you wake up and find yourself in your holiday decorated living room with all the presents gone. Looking around you don't see the Christmas elves anywhere but you do find a note along with a recipe for Holly's Alcoholic Eggnog. Reading the note, it says - <b>"Merry Christmas, $PC.FirstName! I hope you have a safe and happy journey until we can see you once again! - Holly Noel and Gloria Belle :)"</b> Still a bit unsettled by their vanishing, you can't help but smile at the note and the cute smiley face at the bottom.
You now have <<print _tempLoot.name>>!
<<if $KeyItemsFlags.DoubleDildo is not 1>>\
<<set $KeyItemsFlags.DoubleDildo to 1>>\
<<set _tempLoot to $item.doubledildo>\
<<set $KeyItems.push(_tempLoot)>>\
You now have <<print _tempLoot.name>>!
<<button [[Finish|Main Hallway]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<set $npcHolly.SexDetection to "Female">>\
<<include "Lust Passes">>\
<<include "Time Passes">>\
<<set $xmasreturnsEvent.Weekly to 7>>\
<<set $NoEncounter to random(1) +2>>\
<</button>><<set $genericEvent.Image = $eventPath10 + $arrayEvent10SexyElves[2] + '.jpg'>>\
<img @src=$genericEvent.Image />
<<set $sexHistory.XP to $sexHistory.XP +1>>\
<<set $LastPartner to $npcGloria>>\
<<set $xmasreturnsEvent.Sex to $xmasreturnsEvent.Sex +1>>\
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$npcHolly.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$npcHolly.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _IAss to $arrayAssSizeDesc[$npcHolly.AssSize]>>\
<<set _ISD2 to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$npcGloria.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup2 to $arrayBreastSize[$npcGloria.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _IAss2 to $arrayAssSizeDesc[$npcGloria.AssSize]>>\
<<set $TotalFood to $TotalFood +15>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Hungry to $StatusAffect.Hungry -5>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Starving to 0>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.Hungry < 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Hungry to 0>>\
<<set _exists to 0>>\
<<set _tempLoot to $item.recipeAdultHollyEggnog>>\
<<for $i = 0; $i < $PCInventory.length; $i++>>\
<<set $uitem = $PCInventory[$i]>>\
<<set $ItemName to $uitem.name>>\
<<set _TempName to _tempLoot.name>>\
<<if $ItemName is _TempName>>\
<<set _amount to $uitem.amount>>\
<<set _exists to 1>>\
<<if _exists is 1>>\
<<set _amount to _amount +1>>\
<<set $uitem.amount to _amount>>\
<<set $PCInventory.push(_tempLoot)>>\
<<set $Weather.Previous to $Weather.Current>>\
<<set $Weather.Current to $arrayWeatherTypes[9]>>\
<<set $StatusText.Notice to 1>>\
<<set $StatusText.WeatherFlag to 1>>\
<<set $Weather.Strength to 1>>\
<<set $StatusText.Weather to "Looks like a snowstorm has settled over the city. For some reason I'm reminded of Christmas...">>\
  "I think I am rather interested in hearing a bit more about those adult presents you mentioned. Maybe even taking those hot presents out for a long and hard test ride." you state lewdly as you lustfully look over the two sexy elves. With those _ISD perky tits and _IAss jiggly asses, you can't help but check out the near identical elves as you feel your futa-cock get hard as a rock and your pussy starts to warm up in desire!!
  Smiling warmly at you, Holly steps up to your side while pressing her _ICup breasts up against your arm. Before you can react Gloria does the same as she steps up to your other side mirroring her friend as she presses her own equally impressive _ICup tits up against your arm. Gloria huskily moans "I think we would all enjoy such wonderful presents."
  Feeling a slim hand sliding against your hard throbbing dick, you glance over and discover Holly smirking with her hand under your clothes, stroking your $DickSize cock while still pressing her jugs against your own $BreastSD breasts! "Let's work on making this a white Christmas to remember!" she whispers huskily in your ear while her good friend rubs her _ISD2 tits against you as well!
  "I'm all for making this a sticky white Christmas, ladies! So let's take a closer look at those big mountains of yours and maybe they will end up snow-capped!" you moan as you gently cup Gloria's _ISD2 bouncy jugs causing a breathy moan to escape from the busty elf's lips. It doesn't take much before her perky tits break free from her tight X-Mas themed dress exposing those hard half-inch long nipples of hers!
<<if $PC.BreastsSize + ($GeneralFeats.FalseRep *2) < ($npcGloria.BreastsSize)>>\
  Before you get much chance to play with Gloria's big titties, Holly gets in on the action as she pulls her tight dress down one-handed exposing her own impressive mountains along with those inch long pink nipples of hers. She doesn't even miss a stroke as she presses her big titties up against Gloria's almost identical tits before letting out a breathy moan as you latch onto her hard nubs. "How are you liking Gloria's and my big bouncy Marshmallows? They're so much bigger than your wonderful Jubblies..." she breathes into your ear as you give out a powerful lustful moan as you find yourself in titty heaven! You lose yourself in the pleasure of groping and sucking on all those luscious tits much to the elves delight as you quickly get to motorboating their _ISD titties! You let out a breathy moan as you feel multiple hands playing with your $BreastSD tits as well!
  Before you get much chance to play with Gloria's big titties, Holly gets in on the action as she pulls her tight dress down one-handed exposing her own impressive mountains along with those inch long pink nipples of hers. She doesn't even miss a stroke as she presses her big titties up against Gloria's almost identical tits before letting out a breathy moan as you latch onto her hard nubs. "How are you liking Gloria's and my big bouncy Marshmallows? They're so much smaller than your wonderfully big Jubblies..." she breathes into your ear as you give out a powerful lustful moan as you find yourself in titty heaven! You lose yourself in the pleasure of groping and sucking on all those luscious tits much to the elves delight as you quickly get to motorboating their _ISD titties! You let out a breathy moan as you feel multiple hands playing with your $BreastSD tits as well!
  Hearing your incoherent response, Gloria smirks and huskily says "I think it's about time for us to taste that yummy candy cane along with that sweet honeypot of yours." Pulling your face out from the girls' fleshy mountain range, you eagerly watch as the both of the busty elves slide down to their knees with your $DickSize man meat fully erect and right in front of their beautiful faces while a line of girl fluids runs down your leg from your soaked pussy.
  Gloria gasps as she takes in your size while Holly licks her lips as a drop of pre-cum oozes from your beefy tip. "Oh yessss! That's a juicy looking lolly-pop!" Gloria moans as she presses her face against your cock with your $BallsSD balls rubbing against her chin while a finger slips into your needy pussy.
  "I know right? I just have to take a taste!" Holly moans lewdly as her grip on your cock tightens and before you know it her slippery tongue is sliding up the length of your hard shaft before stopping to suck the tip of your $DickSD futa-cock. The lusty silver-haired elf lets out a moan of pleasure as she gets a taste of your pre-cum while Gloria focuses on your wet cunt with her tongue and finger exploring your honeypot!
  "Mmmm! Tastes so good! So how about we switch off for a moment, Holly! Cause I still wanna taste that big candy cane of $PC.FirstName's!" Gloria offers as she comes up from air, leaving behind your dripping wet pussy. She doesn't waste any time before cupping your $BallsSD balls and slowly sliding her tongue up the shaft of your thick dick. Holly slowly pulls her plump lips away from your meaty tip as Gloria nears the end of your throbbing rod. Seeing her chance, the buxom elf slides her own plump lips onto the hard tip of your cock before taking all $DickSize inches down her throat while Holly dives into your moist muff!
  A loud gasp erupts from your lips as you feel your rock hard dick hit the back of Gloria's throat as she deepthroats you like a pro! "Oh fuck yeah! My candy cane and honey pot feels so fucking wonderful!" you groan as Holly switches with Gloria and quickly has her full lips around your meat rod while Gloria dives back in with mulitple fingers slamming into your tight cunt while she sucks on your erect clit. Another moan of pleasure fills the room as the strong suction from Holly's expert blowjob sends your cum-factories into overdrive while you grip your own $BreastSD tits from the intense pleasure of being double-teamed by such such sexy elves!
  "Fuck! Keep going! Oh shit it feels so good!" you groan loudly as the sexy elves go into overdrive, eagerly and rapidly sucking your pleasure filled <<Penis>> while expertly eating out your cunt. Holly's _ISD jiggly breasts are bouncing on top of Gloria's head as she golden haired elf finger bangs your pussy while rubbing your $BallsSD cum-filled balls pushing you rapidly to your limits!
  A sudden surge of pleasure hits you hard and you feel the dam in your cum factories unexpectedly break along with the built up pressure in your weeping cunt! Taking you by surprise, a loud groan escapes your lips as $CumAD strands of hot Christmas goo spray from your $DickSD cock, shooting down Holly's eager throat while Gloria lets out a excited moan as you unleash a $GCumAD spray of girl-cum onto her face! "Oh fuck! I'm shooting my loads so hard!" you moan a moment behind the act. Unwilling to let Holly hog all your hot seed, Gloria pushes her gently away from your cum-spewing futa-cock and before slamming her lips onto your sensitive dick! You feel another spike of pleasure as your meaty tip shoots some more of your baby-batter reserves right down Gloria's throat while Holly dives below to catch some of your girl-cum!
  "Oh shit! Sorry girls but it felt so good!" you breath heavily as the exhaustion from your intense double orgasms has left you barely able to stand. The two elves barely acknowledge your apology as they look to be busy licking your sticky goo off of each other's beautiful faces.
  "Mmmm! Quite yummy!" Holly says perkily as she finishes licking her lips clean while Gloria is focused on sucking Holly's _ISD breasts clean of your seed. "Oh my! $PC.FirstName! You're looking quite exhausted! Here let me get you something to drink..." she says before quickly getting to her feet with her perky tits bouncing lightly while Gloria finishes by licking her lips clean of your girl-cum. Grabbing her purse, the upbeat elf grabs what looks to be a Christmas themed can before handing it to you. Looking at the can you discover it's a can of Holly's Alcoholic Eggnog!
<<set $Cum.Stored to $Cum.Max>>\
<<set $GCum.Stored to $GCum.Max>>\
<<set $CumAD to $arrayCumAmountDesc[$Cum.Stored]>>\
<<set $GCumAD to $arrayGCumAmountDesc[$GCum.Stored]>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Energized to $StatusAffect.Energized+1>>\
  "Uh, thanks?" you mumble as you open the can before downing it in one go. A throaty groan erupts from your lips as you feel your balls surge with desire as your reserves are completely refilled! Your half-mast dick quickly becomes hard as a diamond candy cane while your wet pussy starts leaking honey like a faucet! You grab your girl dick as you feel a burning need to shove your throbbing cock into some elven pussy! Growling like a Futa possessed, you stroke your hard shaft while staring at Gloria and Holly's hot elven bodies.
  Smiling happily at your lusty response, Holly glances down at your hard dick before saying "Looks like $PC.FirstName is ready for round two. How about you, Gloria?" The quiet elf looks startled by the question and before she can even give a response, Holly pushes her over onto her back with her _ISD2 tits bouncing gently from the impact! Besides letting out a meak squeal of panic, Gloria doesn't resist as Holly spreads her best friend's legs wide exposing Gloria's dripping wet pussy to you while giving you a wink. "Make sure to give my friend a good hard pounding!"
  Such a present so delightfully presented to you quite so boldly, it would be too rude to refuse! Dropping to your knees, you guide your $DickSD cock to the glistening entrance to the buxom elf's pussy. Seeing the lusty need in Gloria's wide eyes, you slide your beefy tip against her wet slit causing a breathy gasp to escape her lips. Unable to hold back your raging lust any longer, you slowly press forward and slowly inch by inch your $DickSD dick slides deeper into her extremely tight pussy before finally hilting her cunt completely!
  "Oh fuckkkk! $PC.FirstName's dick is in so deep!" Gloria moans as her pussy adjusts to the size of your <<Penis>>. You're frankly surprised you were actually able to hilt your $DickSize futa-cock inside her pussy in one go but her cunt was able to take it as if by magic! Wanting to see if she could repeat the same magic trick, you pull your cock almost all the way out before easily slamming your eager shaft back in deep causing the lusty elf to scream out in pleasure!
  "Oh wow! She's really giving it to you really hard, Gloria!" Holly gasps as she stares at the way you're thrusting your dick deep into her friend's slutty cunt like there's no tomorrow while your $BreastSD tits sway with each thrust. Gloria can't even respond as only moans and screams of pure pleasure escape from her thick lips from the hard pounding! "I wanna feel good too and I'm going to do that by pounding that tight pussy of yours, $PC.FirstName!" the silver haired elf says as she presents the other item she grabbed from her purse which ends up being a massive double-ended dildo colored like a candy cane proudly sticking out from her overstuffed pussy!
  The shock of such sight causes your hard pounding to pause for a moment as you take in the humorous sight. Your eyes widen as silver haired elf steps behind you while pointing that fake cock right at your neglected pussy! "Time to slam my candy cock slid right into your sweet honeypot and get that pot all stirred up!" Holly exclaims excitedly before pressing the thick head of that massive dildo against the lips of your pussy before pushing in deep!
  The force of Holly's thrust pushes your $DickSize cock deeper into Gloria's tight pussy causing both of you to gasp and moan from the pleasure. As you feel your cunt slowly adjust to the size of that massive double-ended dildo that's been buried so deep inside your pussy, you gasp once again as you feel your $BreastSD tits being groped by Holly as she starts to pound away at your thirsty cunt!
  "Oh fuck yes! My cunt feels so stuffed!" you moan as you feel yourself being pushed forward by the force of Holly's thrusts. Shaking your head, you brace yourself with Gloria's _ISD2 jugs before resuming your hard jackhammering of her cunt. It doesn't take long before you become synched with Holly much to Gloria's vocal delight as the threesome intensifies!
  "Fuck! Not sure how much longer I can last!" you groan loudly as you jackhammer that tight pussy like the fist of an angry god much to the loud sounds of pleasure coming from Gloria's mouth. Holly is also moaning loudly as she forcefully pounds your pussy with that absurb double-ended dildo while keeping herself braced by groping her your sensitive tits as well! All three members of this hot and frantic threesome are rapidly approaching the point of no return and everyone is eager to reach that finish line!
  Moaning loudly, Holly gasps out "Do it! Fill her pussy with your hot seed and give us that amazing white Christmas!" as she draws rapidly closer to her own orgasm due to her own expert skills with her fake cock. Speaking of Gloria, she's moaning even loudery and you can feel her tight pussy getting extra slippery as her impending orgasm approaches.
  Hearing the silver-haired elf begging for you to shoot your load pushes you over the edge as you bellow out "Oh fuck! I'm cumming so much! Fuck! I'm shooting my big load!" Thrusting one last into Gloria's hot pussy you feel your balls unleash their juicy cargo! You groan loudly as $CumAD strands of hot seeds shoot from your throbbing dick deep into her waiting womb!
  Gloria finally screams with actual intelligent words for the first time in a while as she feels her cunt creampied by the $CumAD amount of your hot cum "Oh God! Oh fuckkk! I'm cumming too! Oh fuck yesss!" as her whole body shakes causing her _ISD tits to bounce and jiggle as her own powerful orgasm hits hard and fast! You can feel her tight cunt squeeze your $DickSD cock rapidly as her girl-cum squirts around your dick and out onto the carpet below!
  Not being left out of the orgasm train, Holly yells out "Oh fucking Merry Christmas! I'm cumming all over this wonderful candy cane!" as she squirts out a large amount of girl-cum all over the massive dildo while her _ISD tits press hard against your back and you can feel them shake and quiver from her powerful orgasm! <<if $CumAD > 10>>Still feeling plenty of juice left in your $BallsSD balls, you pull your dick out from Gloria's soaking wet pussy before shooting even more $CumAD strands of baby-batter all over her stomach and _ISD2 tits!<</if>>
  Feeling exhausted after shooting such a powerful load of cum, you sit back allowing your $DickSize dick to slide out of Gloria's cream-filled pussy. Gloria just mumbles something softly while Holly gives you a powerful look of delight as she gazes into your eyes and softly says "That was an amazing sexual time for me and my friend Gloria! You did wonderful, $PC.FirstName, so rest your eyes now, and dream of many more holidays to cum!" You nod softly as well as you find your eyes closing just for a moment to recover your stamina.
  With a start you wake up and find yourself in your holiday decorated living room with all the presents gone. Looking around you don't see the Christmas elves anywhere but you do find a note along with a recipe for Holly's Alcoholic Eggnog. Reading the note, it says - <b>"Merry Christmas, $PC.FirstName! I hope you have a safe and happy journey until we can see you once again! - Holly Noel and Gloria Belle :)"</b> Still a bit unsettled by their vanishing, you can't help but smile at the note and the cute smiley face at the bottom.
You now have <<print _tempLoot.name>>!
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I think I'll leave the decorations up for a week or so just to have a little bit cheer in these dire times.</i></div>
<<button [[Finish|Main Hallway]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<set $npcHolly.SexDetection to "Male">>\
<<include "Lust Passes">>\
<<include "Time Passes">>\
<<set $xmasreturnsEvent.Weekly to 7>>\
<<set $NoEncounter to random(1) +2>>\
<</button>><img @src=$genericHouseGenericImage />
<<if $SafeZone < 1>>\
<<set _EncounterRoll2 to 0>>\
<<set _TotalEncounterRoll2 to 0>>\
<<if $StealthSkillFeats.Distraction > 0>>\
<<set _EncounterRoll2 to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<set _TotalEncounterRoll2 to _EncounterRoll2 + $Skill.Stealth + $DexterityBonus + $StatusAffect.IndoorTracking - $StatusAffect.Horny - ($StatusAffect.CumCovered) -2>>\
<<set _EncounterRoll to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<set _TotalEncounterRoll to _EncounterRoll + $Skill.Stealth + $DexterityBonus + $StatusAffect.IndoorTracking - $StatusAffect.Horny - ($StatusAffect.CumCovered)>>\
<<if _TotalEncounterRoll < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current) and _TotalEncounterRoll2 < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current)>>\
<<if _TotalEncounterRoll + ($ThieverySkillFeats.SnareMaster *2) < ($locationGeneric.ER + $Time.Current - 10) or (_EncounterRoll < 2)>>\
<<set _State to "Ambush">>\
<<set _State to "Combat">>\
<<switch _State>>\
<<case "Ambush">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
While loitering around, you've been ambushed with your defenses down!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<set $StatusAffect.Ambushed to 1>>\
<<case "Combat">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
While loitering around, a random enemy has stumbled across your location!
<<button [[Encounter|Suburb Encounter]]>>
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<include "Time Passes">>\
You decide to waste some time in order to see if the conditions outside will change for the better. After spending about an hour loitering around, you decide to check the conditions and see if things have improved.
<<switch $Weather.Current>>\
<<case "Cloudy">>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> Looks like there's plenty of clouds hiding the sun today.</i></div>
<<case "Windy">>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> Looks a bit windy today.</i></div>
<<case "Foggy">>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> Looks like it's pretty foggy out there.</i></div>
<<case "Misty">>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i>Looks like it's a bit misty out there.</i></div>
<<case "Rainy">>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> Looks like it's raining pretty hard outside now. I probably need a good jacket or umbrella when I head back out.</i></div>
<<case "Stormy">>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> That sounds like thunder and I can easily see lightning strikes out there! It's going to suck to head back out in the middle of a thunderstorm...</i></div>
<<case "Dreary">>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> Looks like it's raining steadily with a mean mix of light fog out there. </i></div>
<<case "Sleeting">>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> That sounds like sleet mixed with some rain! I'm going to need a warm jacket to avoid that mix!</i></div>
<<case "Snowy">>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I can't believe it's snowing right now! I'm going to need a warm coat and a good scarf to avoid that chilling cold!</i></div>
<<switch random(3)>>\
<<case 0>>\
<<include "PC Comments">>\
<<button [[Finish|$location.temp]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<set $SafeZone to 0>>\
<</switch>>\<<include "Images">>\
<<set $genericEvent.Image = $eventPath2 + $arrayEvent2ChatTits.random() + '.jpg'>>\
<img @src=$genericEvent.Image />
<<set _lusty to random(20) +20 + $StatusAffect.Horny - $LustResist.Visual - $LustResist.Complete>>\
<<if _lusty < 0>>\
<<set _lusty to 0>>\
<<if (random(19) + 1) + $Skill.Social + $CharismaBonus > 13>>\
<<set $npcTroy.Friendship to $npcTroy.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity + 2 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set $npcTroy.Friendship to $npcTroy.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity + 1 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set _LustRoll to (random(19) + 1)>>\
<<if _LustRoll + $PC.Willpower - $StatusAffect.Horny < 13>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Horny to $StatusAffect.Horny+1>>\
<<set $lust to $lust + _lusty>>\
<<set $lust to $lust + (_lusty / 2)>>\
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$npcTroy.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$npcTroy.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _IAss to $arrayAssSizeDesc[$npcTroy.AssSize]>>\
<<set _INip to $arrayNippleSize[$npcTroy.NippleSize]>>\
<<if $PC.Sex is "Futa" or $StatusAffect.Futa > 0>>\
<<set _Sex to "Futa">>\
<<elseif $PC.Sex is "Male" and $StatusAffect.Futa < 1>>\
<<set _Sex to "Male">>\
<<set _Sex to "Female">>\
<<if $nurseEvent.Lore < 2>>\
<<set $nurseEvent.Lore to 2>>\
<<switch _Sex>>\
<<case "Male">>\
  You decide to spend some time gathering information about what's been going on with Nurse Troy lately. Glancing out a nearby window, you don't see any Infested so you should be good to chat for awhile. Sitting down in one of the chairs, you turn towards the very busty nurse and ask "So how have you've been lately?"
  Nurse Troy gives you a warm smile as she sexily strides across the room with her _ISD tits gently swaying with each step. Ignoring the other chair, she continues until she's next to where you are sitting and with no warning she plants her _IAss ass right onto your lap!
  You're momentary stunned as Nurse Troy thrusts her big _ICup jugs directly into your face as she says "Oh it's been interesting ever since that nasty Raider was taken care of. It's been a lot easier getting supplies from Oak Dale than before and I've been able to visit the Oak Dale clinic more often." Feeling your hardening cock pressing against her soft derrier, she whispers into your ear "How about you play with my big titties while we have a nice long chat?"
  Unable to resist such an enticing offer, you cup those _ISD breasts and give them a gentle squeeze, enjoying how deeply your fingers sink into her titty flesh. Troy moans softly as you fondle her impressive tits and you can feel her _INip nipples harden from your gentle groping. Focusing back on the conversation you ask "So, uh, you've been going to the Oak Dale clinic?" as her strained top slips down exposing her magnificent chest. You playfully tweak her nard nubs causing another lusty moan to escape from the busty nurse's lips.
  "Oh fuck yes! There's lots of Infested running around there with mostly nurses with big fake titties and doctors with equally big cocks. Makes it a bit hard to gather medical supplies sometimes, hard like your big cock pressing against my ass. Fuck! Keep playing with my big slutty titties!" she moans loudly as your squeeze those _ISD funbags. "The receptionist is rather nice even if she's fucking the only non-infested doctor left in the clinic and won't let me join in. Even worse, the doctor who helped develop the Infested treatment I use has succumbed to that damn virus." she explains as she wiggles her _IAss bottom against your $DickSD dick much to your delight.
  Gripping her big titties even tighter, you ask "Even the doctor who made the treatment got infected? Fuck! How did that happen?" If the doctor who was working on a cure was attacked it could mean there was someone out there wanting to stop him! Or it could just be bad luck he was attacked and overwhelmed by some Infested before he could get a dose of anti-biotics. Your thoughts are derailed as Nurse Troy moans even louder as you feel her wet cunt soaking your lap, vocally demonstrating how much she is enjoying having her _ICup jugs played with.
  Troy pulls your face to _ISD tits, "How about you suck on my sensitive titties?" she moans, urging you to suck on her _INip nipples and you eagerly comply! For a couple of minutes the conversation slows down as the only thing Troy can do is moan and mew loudly as you expertly suck and lick her hard nubs while groping her magnificent chest. You can feel your cum-filled balls pulse as you luxuriate in the erotic experience of motorboating the sexy nurse's big fucking tits.
  Finally able to focus again she gasps out "Oh fuck! Sucking on my whorish titties like that feels so fucking amazing! Oh God! Oh the doctor? I'm not sure! Mmmmm! He was always a bit on the strange side but no one could deny his brilliance. Yes, oh yesss! Keep going! Then one day he was running around calling himself Doctor FuckHard while doing 'experiments' on the remaining non-infected nurses. Mmmm! One such nurse ended up following the strange doctor around calling herself Nurse Fucktoy!" Finally releasing you from her soft titty-prison she looks you in the eyes with pure lust and huskily says "Speaking of treatments, I could use another dose of hot juicy cum if you're interested!"
<<case "Futa">>\
  You decide to spend some time gathering information about what's been going on with Nurse Troy lately. Glancing out a nearby window, you don't see any Infested so you should be good to chat for awhile. Sitting down in one of the chairs, you turn towards the very busty nurse and ask "So how have you've been lately?"
  Nurse Troy gives you a warm smile as she sexily strides across the room with her _ISD tits gently swaying with each step. Ignoring the other chair, she continues until she's next to where you are sitting and with no warning she plants her _IAss ass right onto your lap!
  You're momentary stunned as Nurse Troy thrusts her big _ICup jugs directly into your face as she says "Oh it's been interesting ever since that nasty Raider was taken care of. It's been a lot easier getting supplies from Oak Dale than before and I've been able to visit the Oak Dale clinic more often." Feeling your hardening futa-cock pressing against her soft derrier along with the sight of your rock hard nipples, she whispers into your ear "How about you play with my big titties while we have a nice long chat?"
  Unable to resist such an enticing offer, you cup those _ISD breasts and give them a gentle squeeze, enjoying how deeply your fingers sink into her titty flesh. Troy moans softly as you fondle her impressive tits and you can feel her _INip nipples harden from your gentle groping. Focusing back on the conversation you ask "So, uh, you've been going to the Oak Dale clinic?" as her strained top slips down exposing her magnificent chest. You playfully tweak her nard nubs causing another lusty moan to escape from the busty nurse's lips.
  "Oh fuck yes! There's lots of Infested running around there with mostly nurses with big fake titties and doctors with equally big cocks. Makes it a bit hard to gather medical supplies sometimes, hard like your big cock pressing against my ass. Fuck! Keep playing with my big slutty titties!" she moans loudly as your squeeze those _ISD funbags. "The receptionist is rather nice even if she's fucking the only non-infested doctor left in the clinic and won't let me join in. Even worse, the doctor who helped develop the Infested treatment I use has succumbed to that damn virus." she explains as she wiggles her _IAss bottom against your $DickSD dick much to your delight.
  Gripping her big titties even tighter, you ask "Even the doctor who made the treatment got infected? Fuck! How did that happen?" If the doctor who was working on a cure was attacked it could mean there was someone out there wanting to stop him! Or it could just be bad luck he was attacked and overwhelmed by some Infested before he could get a dose of anti-biotics. Your thoughts are derailed as Nurse Troy moans even louder as you feel her wet cunt soaking your lap, vocally demonstrating how much she is enjoying having her _ICup jugs played with.
  Troy pulls your face to _ISD tits, "How about you suck on my sensitive titties?" she moans, urging you to suck on her _INip nipples and you eagerly comply! For a couple of minutes the conversation slows down as the only thing Troy can do is moan and mew loudly as you expertly suck and lick her hard nubs while groping her magnificent chest. You can feel your cum-filled balls pulse while your pussy gets even wetter as you luxuriate in the erotic experience of motorboating the sexy nurse's big fucking tits.
  Finally able to focus again she gasps out "Oh fuck! Sucking on my whorish titties like that feels so fucking amazing! Oh God! Oh the doctor? I'm not sure! Mmmmm! He was always a bit on the strange side but no one could deny his brilliance. Yes, oh yesss! Keep going! Then one day he was running around calling himself Doctor FuckHard while doing 'experiments' on the remaining non-infected nurses. Mmmmm! One such nurse ended up following the strange doctor around calling herself Nurse Fucktoy!" Finally releasing you from her soft titty-prison she looks you in the eyes with pure lust and huskily says "Speaking of treatments, I could use another dose of hot juicy cum if you're interested!"
  You decide to spend some time gathering information about what's been going on with Nurse Troy lately. Glancing out a nearby window, you don't see any Infested so you should be good to chat for awhile. Sitting down in one of the chairs, you turn towards the very busty nurse and ask "So how have you've been lately?"
  Nurse Troy gives you a warm smile as she sexily strides across the room with her _ISD tits gently swaying with each step. Ignoring the other chair, she continues until she's next to where you are sitting and with no warning she plants her _IAss ass right onto your lap!
  You're momentary stunned as Nurse Troy thrusts her big _ICup jugs directly into your face as she says "Oh it's been interesting ever since that nasty Raider was taken care of. It's been a lot easier getting supplies from Oak Dale than before and I've been able to visit the Oak Dale clinic more often." Seeing your nipples harden from the erotic view of her magnificent chest, she whispers into your ear "How about you play with my big titties while we have a nice long chat?"
  Unable to resist such an enticing offer, you cup those _ISD breasts and give them a gentle squeeze, enjoying how deeply your fingers sink into her titty flesh. Troy moans softly as you fondle her impressive tits and you can feel her _INip nipples harden from your gentle groping. Focusing back on the conversation you ask "So, uh, you've been going to the Oak Dale clinic?" as her strained top slips down exposing her magnificent chest. You playfully tweak her nard nubs causing another lusty moan to escape from the busty nurse's lips.
  "Oh fuck yes! There's lots of Infested running around there with mostly nurses with big fake titties and doctors with equally big cocks. Makes it a bit hard to gather medical supplies sometimes. The receptionist is rather nice even if she's fucking the only non-infested doctor left in the clinic and won't let me join in. Even worse, the doctor who helped develop the Infested treatment I use has succumbed to that damn virus." she explains as she wiggles her _IAss bottom against your wet pussy.
  Gripping her big titties even tighter, you ask "Even the doctor who made the treatment got infected? Fuck! How did that happen?" If the doctor who was working on a cure was attacked it could mean there was someone out there wanting to stop him! Or it could just be bad luck he was attacked and overwhelmed by some Infested before he could get a dose of anti-biotics. Your thoughts are derailed as Nurse Troy moans even louder as you feel her wet cunt soaking your lap, vocally demonstrating how much she is enjoying having her _ICup jugs played with.
  Troy pulls your face to _ISD tits, "How about you suck on my sensitive titties?" she moans, urging you to suck on her _INip nipples and you eagerly comply! For a couple of minutes the conversation slows down as the only thing Troy can do is moan and mew loudly as you expertly suck and lick her hard nubs while groping her magnificent chest. You can feel your pussy getting even wetter as you luxuriate in the erotic experience of motorboating the sexy nurse's big fucking tits.
  Finally able to focus again she gasps out "Oh fuck! Sucking on my whorish titties like that feels so fucking amazing! Oh God! Oh the doctor? I'm not sure! Mmmmm! He was always a bit on the strange side but no one could deny his brilliance. Yes, oh yesss! Keep going! Then one day he was running around calling himself Doctor FuckHard while doing 'experiments' on the remaining non-infected nurses. Mmmmm! One such nurse ended up following the strange doctor around calling herself Nurse Fucktoy!" Finally releasing you from her soft titty-prison she looks you in the eyes with pure lust and huskily says "Speaking of treatments, I could use another dose of hot juicy girl-cum if you're interested!"
<div class="pcTalk"><i> Looks like Nurse Troy could really use another dose of cum and I'm feeling that I could go a round or two with her in order to help her out...</i></div>
<<if _Sex is not "Female">>\
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Offer to Titfuck Her|Nurse Clinic TitFuck]]>>
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Offer to Fuck Her|Nurse Clinic Pussy Fuck]]>>
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Offer to be Eaten Out|Nurse Clinic Eat Out]]>>
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<if $questsFamilyMom.NurseTroy is 1>>\
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Ask for a Examination|Nurse Clinic Exam]]>>
<<if $lust + ($StatusAffect.Horny*2) < $MaxLust>>\
<<button [[Leave|$location.temp]]>>
<<set $location.Indoor to 0>>\
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<set $NoEncounter to random(1) +2>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</if>>\<<set $miscRandomEvent to {Name: "Misc Random Events", Helicopter: 0, HeliLocation: "None", Robbery: 0, Trader: 0, Drone: 0, Image: $eventPath13, Knowledge: 0}>>\
<<set $npcMaleSurvivor to {Name: "John", Age: 19, Sex: "Male", OSex: "Male", SexXP: 0, Friendship: 0, Met: 0, Rob: 0, Infestation: 0, InfestationLevel: 0, SexDetection: "Male", DickType: "Normal", DickSize: 4, ODickSize: 5, BallsSize: 3, BreastsSize: 0, OBreastsSize: 0, AssSize: 0, OAssSize: 0, Scouting: 4}>>
<<set $miscRandomEvent.Trader to 0>>\
<<include "Names">>\
<<include "Location Table">>\
<<set _rand1 to random(16)>>\
<<set _MN1 to $maleNames1[_rand1]>>\
<<set $npcMaleSurvivor.Name to _MN1>>\
<<set $lootTempSurvivorTrading to [$item.smallration]>>\
<<for _i = 0; _i < 5; _i++>>\
<<set _randomitem2 to $lootTemp.random()>>\
<<set _ItemName to _randomitem2.name>>\
<<set $lootTempSurvivorTrading.push(clone(_randomitem2))>>\
<<set $rarelootTempSurvivorTrading to []>>\
<<set _randomitem3 to $rarelootTemp.random()>>\
<<set _ItemName to _randomitem3.name>>\
<<set $rarelootTempSurvivorTrading.push(clone(_randomitem3))>>\
<<if $PC.Sex is "Futa" or $StatusAffect.Futa > 0>>\
<<set _Sex to "Futa">>\
<<elseif $PC.Sex is "Male" and $StatusAffect.Futa < 1>>\
<<set _Sex to "Male">>\
<<set _Sex to "Female">>\
<<set _Futa to 0>>\
<<set _Sexy to 0>>\
<<if _Sex is "Futa">>\
<<set _Futa to 5>>\
<<if $GeneralFeats.FalseRep is 0>>\
<<if $DickSize > 8 or $BreastsSize > 8>>\
<<set _Sexy to 5>>\
<<set _DC to $locationGeneric.Level + 15>>\
<<set _FriendShip to (random(19) + 1) + $Skill.Social + $CharismaBonus - _Futa - _Sexy>>\
<img @src=$genericEvent.Image />
<<if $AdminMode is 1>>\
Friendship Roll: _FriendShip
<<if _FriendShip > _DC>>\
<<set $miscRandomEvent.Trader to 2>>\
  "Excuse me, sir. Do you have a moment to chat?" you call out softly to the man across the street. The traveler startles for a moment as he quickly glances over at you. You make sure your hands are off your $equipedWeapon.name while giving him a warm disarming smile.
  "Uh, yes?" the nervous man replies as he adjusts his backpack while looking you over. Something about your manner looks to help calm him down as you can see him visibly calm down some.
  "My name is $PC.FirstName and I was wondering if you had some supplies I could purchase from you at a reasonably price." you reply casually while glancing at his backpack before scanning the area for Infested. "Or maybe you might have some information about the surrounding area I might need to be made aware of."
  The Survivor looks around as well before focusing back on you. "Well, $PC.FirstName, I do have some supplies for sell if you interested in it, By the way my name is $npcMaleSurvivor.Name." he says as he carefully walks over to you.
  "Nice to meet you, $npcMaleSurvivor.Name. Now let's see what you have for sale." you reply with a smile. $npcMaleSurvivor.Name smiles back at you before slowly opening his backpack in order to show the contents hidden within.
<<elseif _FriendShip > (_DC - 5)>>\
<<set $miscRandomEvent.Trader to 1 >>\
  "Excuse me! Got a moment to chat?" you call out to the man across the street. The traveler stiffens for a moment as he quickly turns and stares over at you. You keep your $equipedWeapon.name lowered while giving him a warm disarming smile.
  "Umm, yes?" the nervous man replies as he adjusts his backpack while looking you over before glancing around in order to verify you are alone. Something about your manner looks to help calm him down as you can see the guy visibly calm down some.
  "My name is $PC.FirstName and I was wondering if you had some supplies I could purchase from you at a cheap price." you reply casually while glancing at his backpack before scanning the area for Infested. "Or if you have some information about the surrounding area I might need to be made aware of, that would work as well."
  The Survivor looks around as well before focusing back on you. "Well umm, $PC.FirstName, I do have some supplies for sell if you interested in it, By the way my name is $npcMaleSurvivor.Name." he says a bit nervously as he carefully walks over to you.
  "Nice to meet you, $npcMaleSurvivor.Name. Hopefully you have some good stuff for sale." you reply with a grin. $npcMaleSurvivor.Name slowly smiles back at you before opening his backpack in order to show the contents hidden within.
  "Yo dude! I need to speak to ya!" you shout out to the man across the street. The traveler panics for a moment as he turns and stares over at you,looking like he's about to take off running. You keep your $equipedWeapon.name aimed at the guy to make sure he doesn't pull anything while giving him a warm disarming smile.
  "Wait, what!?!? Please don't rob me!" the panicked man replies meekly as he adjusts his backpack while looking you over in fear. Something about your manner is causing the guy to almost have a full on panic attack right on the side of the road!
  "Hey! No need to panic! My name is $PC.FirstName and I was wondering if you had some supplies I could purchase from you at a cheap price. You just need to calm down and give me your name!" you reply forcefully while glancing at his backpack before scanning the area for Infested.
  The Survivor looks around as well before slowly calming down from their panic attack. After a few moments he looks you over once more before relaxing a bit more. "Well umm, $PC.FirstName, I do have some supplies for sell... Oh, uhh, my name is $npcMaleSurvivor.Name." he says a bit nervously as he carefully walks over to you while staring at your $equipedWeapon.name with dread.
  "Nice to meet you, $npcMaleSurvivor.Name. Hopefully you have some good stuff for sale." you reply with a grin. $npcMaleSurvivor.Name nerviously smiles back at you before opening his backpack in order to show the contents hidden within.
<<button [[Check out His Supplies|Survivor Trader - Buy Male]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<button [[Nevermind|$location.temp]]>>
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<set $NoEncounter to random(1) +2>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</button>><<set $npcFemaleSurvivor to {Name: "Jane", Age: 19, Sex: "Female", OSex: "Female", SexXP: 0, Friendship: 0, Met: 0, Rob: 0, Infestation: 0, InfestationLevel: 0, SexDetection: "Male", DickType: "Normal", DickSize: 0, ODickSize: 0, BallsSize: 0, BreastsSize: 3, OBreastsSize: 3, AssSize: 2, OAssSize: 2, Scouting: 4}>>
<<set $miscRandomEvent.Trader to 0>>\
<<include "Names">>\
<<include "Location Table">>\
<<set _rand1 to random(16)>>\
<<set _FN1 to $femaleNames1[_rand1]>>\
<<set $npcFemaleSurvivor.Name to _FN1>>\
<<set $lootTempSurvivorTrading to [$item.smallration]>>\
<<for _r = 0; _r < 5; _r++>>\
<<set _randomitem2 to $lootTemp.random()>>\
<<set _ItemName to _randomitem2.name>>\
<<set $lootTempSurvivorTrading.push(clone(_randomitem2))>>\
<<set $rarelootTempSurvivorTrading to []>>\
<<set _randomitem3 to $rarelootTemp.random()>>\
<<set _ItemName to _randomitem3.name>>\
<<set $rarelootTempSurvivorTrading.push(clone(_randomitem3))>>\
<<if $PC.Sex is "Futa" or $StatusAffect.Futa > 0>>\
<<set _Sex to "Futa">>\
<<elseif $PC.Sex is "Male" and $StatusAffect.Futa < 1>>\
<<set _Sex to "Male">>\
<<set _Sex to "Female">>\
<<set _Futa to 0>>\
<<set _Sexy to 0>>\
<<if _Sex is "Futa">>\
<<set _Futa to 5>>\
<<if $GeneralFeats.FalseRep is 0>>\
<<if $DickSize > 8 or $BreastsSize > 8>>\
<<set _Sexy to 5>>\
<<set _DC to $locationGeneric.Level + 15>>\
<<set _FriendShip to (random(19) + 1) + $Skill.Social + $CharismaBonus - _Futa - _Sexy>>\
<img @src=$genericEvent.Image />
<<if _FriendShip > _DC>>\
<<set $miscRandomEvent.Trader to 2>>\
  "Excuse me, miss. Do you have a moment to chat?" you call out softly to the woman across the street. The traveler startles for a moment as she quickly glances over at you. You make sure your hands are off your $equipedWeapon.name while giving her a warm disarming smile.
  "uh, what? Oh!" the nervous woman replies as she adjusts his backpack while looking you over before scanning the area for threats. Something about your manner looks to help calm her down as you can see the pretty lady visibly calm down after verifying no one else was around.
  "My name is $PC.FirstName and I was wondering if you had some supplies I could purchase from you at a reasonably price." you reply casually while glancing at her backpack before scanning the area for Infested as well. "Or maybe you might have some information about the surrounding area I might need to be made aware of."
  The Survivor looks around some more before focusing back on you. "Well, $PC.FirstName my name is $npcFemaleSurvivor.Name and I might have some supplies for sell if you interested in it." she says as she carefully walks over to you.
  "Nice to meet you, $npcFemaleSurvivor.Name. Sounds like you managed to get quite the haul." you reply with a grin. $npcFemaleSurvivor.Name slowly smiles back at you before opening her backpack in order to show the contents hidden within.
<<elseif _FriendShip > (_DC - 5)>>\
<<set $miscRandomEvent.Trader to 1 >>\
  "Excuse me, m'aam! Got a moment to chat?" you call out to the woman across the street. The traveler stiffens for a moment as she quickly turns and stares over at you. You keep your $equipedWeapon.name lowered while giving her a warm disarming smile.
  "Umm, yes?" the nervous woman replies as she adjusts her backpack while looking you over before glancing around in order to verify you are alone. Something about your manner looks to help calm her down as you can see the lady visibly calm down some.
  "My name is $PC.FirstName and I was wondering if you had some supplies I could purchase from you at a cheap price." you reply casually while glancing at her backpack before scanning the area for Infested. "Or if you have some information about the surrounding area I might need to be made aware of, that would work as well."
  The Survivor looks around as well before focusing back on you. "I guess I have some supplies I could sell for some cash. Umm, $PC.FirstName? My name is $npcFemaleSurvivor.Name and hopefully we can come to some type of deal." she says a bit nervously as she carefully walks over to you.
  "Nice to meet you, $npcFemaleSurvivor.Name. Hopefully you have some good stuff for sale." you reply with a grin. $npcFemaleSurvivor.Name slowly smiles back at you before opening her backpack in order to show the contents hidden within.
  "Yo lady! I need to speak to ya!" you shout out to the woman across the street. The traveler panics for a moment as she turns and stares over at you, looking like she's about to take off running. You keep your $equipedWeapon.name aimed at the pretty lady to make sure she doesn't pull anything while giving her a warm disarming smile.
  "Wait, what!?!? Please don't rob me!" the panicked woman replies meekly as she adjusts her backpack while looking you over in fear. Something about your manner is causing the lady to almost have a full on panic attack right on the side of the road!
  "Hey! No need to panic! My name is $PC.FirstName and I was wondering if you had some supplies I could purchase from you at a cheap price. You just need to calm down and give me your name!" you reply forcefully while glancing at her backpack before scanning the area for Infested.
  The Survivor looks around as well before slowly calming down from their panic attack. After a few moments she looks you over once more before relaxing a bit more. "Well umm, $PC.FirstName, I do have some supplies for sell... Oh, uhh, my name is $npcFemaleSurvivor.Name." she says a bit nervously as she carefully walks over to you while staring at your $equipedWeapon.name with naked fear in her eyes.
  "Nice to meet you, $npcFemaleSurvivor.Name. Hopefully you have some good stuff for sale." you reply with a grin. $npcFemaleSurvivor.Name nerviously smiles back at you before opening her backpack in order to show the contents hidden within.
<<button [[Check out Her Supplies|Survivor Trader - Buy Female]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<button [[Nevermind|$location.temp]]>>
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<set $NoEncounter to random(1) +2>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</button>><img @src=$genericEvent.Image />
<<if $miscRandomEvent.Trader > 1>>\
<<set _D10 to Math.round($ItemCost * .1)>>\
<<set $ItemCost to $ItemCost - _D10>>\
<<set $ItemCost2 to $ItemCost - _D10>>\
<<if $miscRandomEvent.Trader > 0>>\
  Opening his backpack, $npcMaleSurvivor.Name displays the supplies he's gathered. While you are looking it over, $npcMaleSurvivor.Name gathers his thoughts while keeping an eye out for any Infested and Raiders.
<<switch $location.Encounter>>\
<<case "Grove Hills">>\
  "Well, I can't say much about the Grove Hills beyond the fact that there's lots of empty houses around the whole neighborhood. I do know that there was a park that got shutdown last year that most people probably don't remember. Might be some loot there if you can find it..." $npcMaleSurvivor.Name explains while you look over his stock.
<<case "Oak Dale">>\
  "Well, I've been hitting the Walnut Plaza Convenience Store for some food supplies and I've noticed someone has been restocking the place. Not every day but at least once a week which is a bit strange. I've also noticed lights on the second floor at the Civiton National Bank at night but you couldn't pay me enough to visit that place with all these crazy people running around." $npcMaleSurvivor.Name explains while you look over his stock.
<<case "West Sunrise View">>\
  "Well, I've been hitting some of the abandoned warehouses in order to try and find some supplies. Not a lot of food but I did see a cache of weapons that probably belongs to one of the various gangs that roam around the area. Oh yeah! I did find a church still open on the southwest side of the industrial park, down by the river. They had plenty of food that they are giving out and were really friendly!" $npcMaleSurvivor.Name explains while you look over his stock.
  "Sorry, $PC.FirstName, I don't know much about this area. In fact you might know more about it place than I do since I just moved to Civiton a couple of months ago." $npcMaleSurvivor.Name explains while looking a little bit annoyed by his lack of knowledge.
  Opening his backpack, $npcMaleSurvivor.Name displays the supplies he's gathered. While you are looking it over, $npcMaleSurvivor.Name looks extremely nervous while keeping an eye out for any Infested and Raiders.
<<for $i = 0; $i < $lootTempSurvivorTrading.length; $i++>>\
<<set $uitem = $lootTempSurvivorTrading[$i]>>\
<<set $ItemName to $uitem.name>>\
<<set $ItemCost to $uitem.cost>>\
<<capture $uitem>>\
<<if $ThieverySkillFeats.FiveFingeredDiscount is 1>>\
<<set _D10 to Math.round($ItemCost * .1)>>\
<<set $ItemCost to $ItemCost - _D10>>\
<span id="useButton"><<button "Buy $ItemName for $ItemCost Dollars" "Survivor Trader - Buy Male2" >>
<<set $SkillAction to "Common">>\
<<set $uitem2 to $uitem>>\
<<set $lootTempSurvivorTrading.delete($uitem)>>\
<<if $rarelootTempSurvivorTrading.length > 0>>
<<set $ritem to $rarelootTempSurvivorTrading.random()>>\
<<set $ItemName2 to $ritem.name>>\
<<set $ItemCost2 to $ritem.cost>>\
<<if $ThieverySkillFeats.FiveFingeredDiscount is 1>>\
<<set _D10 to Math.round($ItemCost2 * .1)>>\
<<set $ItemCost2 to $ItemCost2 - _D10>>\
<<if $Cash >= $ItemCost2>>\
<span id="useButton"><<button "Buy $ItemName2 for $ItemCost2 Dollars" "Survivor Trader - Buy Male3" >>
<<set $SkillAction to "Rare">>\
<<set $ritem2 to $ritem>>\
<<set $rarelootTempSurvivorTrading.delete($ritem)>>\
<<button [[Finish|$location.temp]]>>
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<set $NoEncounter to random(1) +2>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</button>><img @src=$genericEvent.Image />
<<set $ItemCost to $uitem2.cost>>\
<<if $ThieverySkillFeats.FiveFingeredDiscount is 1>>\
<<set _D10 to Math.round($ItemCost * .1)>>\
<<set $ItemCost2 to $ItemCost - _D10>>\
<<if $SkillAction is "Common">>\
<<set _Buying to "Common">>\
<<if $SkillAction is "Rare">>\
<<set _Buying to "Rare">>\
<<if $Cash < $ItemCost>>\
<<set _Buying to "Fail">>\
<<switch _Buying>>\
<<case "Fail">>\
<<set $lootTempSurvivorTrading.push($uitem2)>>\
You can't afford the $uitem2.name!
<<case "Common">>\
<<set _exists to 0>>\
<<for $i = 0; $i < $PCInventory.length; $i++>>\
<<set $vitem to $PCInventory[$i]>>\
<<capture $vitem>>\
<<set $ItemName to $vitem.name>>\
<<set _TempName to $uitem2.name>>\
<<if $ItemName is _TempName>>\
<<set $vitem.amount to $vitem.amount+1>>\
<<set _exists to 1>>\
<<set _amount to $vitem.amount>>\
<<if _exists is 0>>\
<<set $uitem3 to clone($uitem2)>>\
<<set $uitem3.amount to 1>>\
<<set $PCInventory.push($uitem3)>>\
<<set $Cash to $Cash - $ItemCost>>\
You bought the $uitem2.name for $ItemCost dollars.
<<button [[Next|Survivor Trader - Buy Male]]>>
<</button>><img @src=$genericEvent.Image />
<<if $miscRandomEvent.Trader > 1>>\
<<set _D10 to Math.round($ItemCost * .1)>>\
<<set $ItemCost to $ItemCost - _D10>>\
<<if $miscRandomEvent.Trader > 0>>\
  Opening her backpack, $npcFemaleSurvivor.Name displays the supplies she's gathered. While you are looking it over, $npcFemaleSurvivor.Name gathers her thoughts while keeping an eye out for any Infested and Raiders.
<<switch $location.Encounter>>\
<<case "Busch Bank">>\
  "Well, I've always wanted to live in this area but just couldn't afford it. I mean, there's such a beautiful garden and so many flowers! Oh yeah, right. The bigger houses have a lot more food supplies than the smaller houses and I also heard that there's a hidden path on the south side of Busch Bank that leads to another suburb. Unfortunately I don't remember the name of that suburb but it could be useful for moving around." $npcFemaleSurvivor.Name explains while you look over her stock.
<<case "Oak Dale">>\
  "Well, I've been scouting out the Oak Dale Clinic in the northeastern part of Oak Dale for medical supplies while checking out the Mountain View Apartments for some extra food while I'm nearby. The clinic is really scary with all those crazy Infested Doctors and Nurses. The only good thing is that nice receptionist who keeps the lobby safe. I would avoid it all together but there's no better place to get medical supplies then the clinic." $npcFemaleSurvivor.Name explains while you look over her stock.
<<case "West Sunrise View">>\
  "Well, I've been doing my best to avoid this area but sometimes I need scrap to sell for cash. Luckily Mortons buys almost anything making it easy to unload some of the extra stuff I find and there's plenty of scrap along with some weapons in these warehouses. Just be sure to avoid the Pinktech Plastics factory since I saw a massive fight between those Gangstas and Raiders right outside!" $npcFemaleSurvivor.Name explains while you look over her stock.
  "Sorry, $PC.FirstName, I don't know much about this area. In fact you might know more about it place than I do since I just moved to Civiton a couple of months ago." $npcFemaleSurvivor.Name explains while looking a little bit annoyed by her lack of knowledge.
  Opening her backpack, $npcFemaleSurvivor.Name displays the supplies she's gathered. While you are looking it over, $npcFemaleSurvivor.Name looks extremely nervous while keeping an eye out for any Infested and Raiders.
<<for $i = 0; $i < $lootTempSurvivorTrading.length; $i++>>\
<<set $uitem = $lootTempSurvivorTrading[$i]>>\
<<set $ItemName to $uitem.name>>\
<<set $ItemCost to $uitem.cost>>\
<<capture $uitem>>\
<<if $ThieverySkillFeats.FiveFingeredDiscount is 1>>\
<<set _D10 to Math.round($ItemCost * .1)>>\
<<set $ItemCost to $ItemCost - _D10>>\
<span id="useButton"><<button "Buy $ItemName for $ItemCost Dollars" "Survivor Trader - Buy Female2" >>
<<set $SkillAction to "Common">>\
<<set $uitem2 to $uitem>>\
<<set $lootTempSurvivorTrading.delete($uitem)>>\
<<if $rarelootTempSurvivorTrading.length > 0>>
<<set $ritem to $rarelootTempSurvivorTrading.random()>>\
<<set $ItemName2 to $ritem.name>>\
<<set $ItemCost2 to $ritem.cost>>\
<<if $ThieverySkillFeats.FiveFingeredDiscount is 1>>\
<<set _D10 to Math.round($ItemCost2 * .1)>>\
<<set $ItemCost2 to $ItemCost2 - _D10>>\
<<if $Cash >= $ItemCost2>>\
<span id="useButton"><<button "Buy $ItemName2 for $ItemCost2 Dollars" "Survivor Trader - Buy Female3" >>
<<set $SkillAction to "Rare">>\
<<set $ritem2 to $ritem>>\
<<set $rarelootTempSurvivorTrading.delete($ritem)>>\
<<button [[Finish|$location.temp]]>>
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<set $NoEncounter to random(1) +2>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</button>><img @src=$genericEvent.Image />
<<set $ItemCost to $ritem2.cost>>\
<<if $ThieverySkillFeats.FiveFingeredDiscount is 1>>\
<<set _D10 to Math.round($ItemCost * .1)>>\
<<set $ItemCost2 to $ItemCost - _D10>>\
<<if $SkillAction is "Common">>\
<<set _Buying to "Common">>\
<<if $SkillAction is "Rare">>\
<<set _Buying to "Rare">>\
<<if $Cash < $ItemCost2>>\
<<set _Buying to "Fail">>\
<<switch _Buying>>\
<<case "Fail">>\
<<set $rarelootTempSurvivorTrading.push($ritem2)>>\
You can't afford the $ritem2.name!
<<case "Rare">>\
<<set _exists to 0>>\
<<for $i = 0; $i < $PCInventory.length; $i++>>\
<<set $vitem = $PCInventory[$i]>>\
<<set $ItemName to $vitem.name>>\
<<set _TempName to $ritem2.name>>\
<<if $ItemName is _TempName>>\
<<set _amount to $vitem.amount>>\
<<set _exists to 1>>\
<<if _exists is 1>>\
<<set _amount to _amount +1>>\
<<set $vitem.amount to _amount>>\
<<set $PCInventory.push($ritem2)>>\
<<set $Cash to $Cash - $ItemCost>>\
<<set $rarelootTempSurvivorTrading.delete($ritem)>>\
You bought the $ritem2.name for $ItemCost2 Dollars.
<<button [[Next|Survivor Trader - Buy Male]]>>
<</button>><<include "Images">>\
<<include "Loot Items">>\
<<include "Loot Table">>\
<<include "Rob Check">>\
<<include "Holiday Check">>\
<<set $UpdateAuto to 0>>\
<<if $VersionNumber < 15.2>>\
<<set $UpdateAuto to 1>>\
<<include "Update Process">>\
<</if>>\<<set _CurrentAccessoryEQ = $EquippedAccessory2.first()>>\
Here are the accessories in your inventory that you can equip.
<<for $i = 0; $i < $PCInventory.length; $i++>>\
<<set $accessoryEQ = $PCInventory[$i]>>\
<<if $accessoryEQ.type is "Accessory">>\
<<set $ItemName to $accessoryEQ.name>>\
<<capture $accessoryEQ>>\
<span id="equipButton"><<button "Equip $ItemName" >></span><<set $eaccessory2 to $accessoryEQ>>\
<<set $equipedAccessory2 to $eaccessory2>>\
/* Put copy of Current Accessory Weapon back in main inventory */
<<set _exists to 0>>\
<<for $j = 0; $j < $PCInventory.length; $j++>>\
<<set $uitem = $PCInventory[$j]>>\
<<set $ItemName to $uitem.name>>\
<<set _TempName to _CurrentAccessoryEQ.name>>\
<<if $ItemName is _TempName>>\
<<set _amount to $uitem.amount>>\
<<set _exists to 1>>\
<<if _exists is 1>>\
<<set _amount to _amount +1>>\
<<set $uitem.amount to _amount>>\
<<set $PCInventory.push(_CurrentAccessoryEQ)>>\
/* Deletes old equipped weapon from Equipped inventory */
<<set $EquippedAccessory2.delete( _CurrentAccessoryEQ)>>\
/* puts new equipped weapon into Equipped inventory */
<<set $EquippedAccessory2.push($equipedAccessory2)>>\
/* deletes current weapon from main inventory */
<<set $PCInventory.delete($equipedAccessory2)>>\
/* resets Item bonus */
<<set $PC.Fortitude to $PC.Fortitude - $ItemBonus2.Fortitude>>\
<<set $PC.Reflex to $PC.Reflex - $ItemBonus2.Reflex>>\
<<set $PC.Willpower to $PC.Willpower - $ItemBonus2.Willpower>>\
<<set $PCResistance.Blunt to $PCResistance.Blunt - $ItemBonus2.Blunt>>\
<<set $PCResistance.Pierce to $PCResistance.Pierce - $ItemBonus2.Pierce>>\
<<set $PCResistance.Slash to $PCResistance.Slash - $ItemBonus2.Slash>>\
<<set $PCResistance.Fire to $PCResistance.Fire - $ItemBonus2.Fire>>\
<<set $PCResistance.Cold to $PCResistance.Cold - $ItemBonus2.Cold>>\
<<set $PCResistance.Shock to $PCResistance.Shock - $ItemBonus2.Shock>>\
<<set $PCResistance.Acid to $PCResistance.Acid - $ItemBonus2.Acid>>\
<<set $PCResistance.Sonic to $PCResistance.Sonic - $ItemBonus2.Sonic>>\
<<set $PCResistance.Water to $PCResistance.Water - $ItemBonus2.Water>>\
<<set $Skill.Athletics to $Skill.Athletics - $ItemBonus.Athletics>>\
<<set $Skill.Crafting to $Skill.Crafting - $ItemBonus2.Crafting>>\
<<set $Skill.Cooking to $Skill.Cooking - $ItemBonus2.Cooking>>\
<<set $Skill.Driving to $Skill.Driving - $ItemBonus2.Driving>>\
<<set $Skill.Electronics to $Skill.Electronics - $ItemBonus2.Electronics>>\
<<set $Skill.Medical to $Skill.Medical - $ItemBonus2.Medical>>\
<<set $Skill.Salvaging to $Skill.Salvaging - $ItemBonus2.Salvaging>>\
<<set $Skill.Scouting to $Skill.Scouting - $ItemBonus2.Scouting>>\
<<set $Skill.Social to $Skill.Social - $ItemBonus2.Social>>\
<<set $Skill.Stealth to $Skill.Stealth - $ItemBonus2.Stealth>>\
<<set $Skill.Thievery to $Skill.Thievery - $ItemBonus2.Thievery>>\
<<set $Cum.Max to $Cum.Max - $ItemBonus2.Cum>>\
<<set $Cum.Min to $Cum.Min - $ItemBonus2.Cum>>\
<<set $GCum.Max to $GCum.Max - $ItemBonus2.Cum>>\
<<set $GCum.Min to $GCum.Min - $ItemBonus2.Cum>>\
<<set $MinLust to $MinLust - $ItemBonus2.Lust>>\
<<set $InfectionResist.Fort to $InfectionResist.Fort - $ItemBonus2.InfestedResist>>\
<<set $LustResist.Complete to $LustResist.Complete - $ItemBonus2.LustResist>>\
<<set $ItemBonus2 to {Athletics: 0, Crafting: 0, Cooking: 0, Driving: 0, Electronics: 0, Medical: 0, Salvaging: 0, Scouting: 0, Social: 0, Stealth: 0, Thievery: 0, Fortitude: 0, Reflex: 0, Willpower: 0, Blunt: 0, Pierce: 0, Slash: 0, Fire: 0, Cold: 0, Shock: 0, Acid: 0, Sonic: 0, Water: 0, Cum: 0, Lust: 0, InfestedResist: 0, LustResist: 0}>>\
<<switch $equipedAccessory2.type2>>\
<<case "Saves">>\
<<switch $equipedAccessory2.subtype>>\
<<case "Fortitude">>\
<<set $ItemBonus2.Fortitude to $equipedAccessory2.bonus>>\
<<set $PC.Fortitude to $PC.Fortitude + $ItemBonus2.Fortitude>>\
<<case "Reflex">>\
<<set $ItemBonus2.Reflex to $equipedAccessory2.bonus>>\
<<set $PC.Reflex to $PC.Reflex + $ItemBonus2.Reflex>>\
<<case "Willpower">>\
<<set $ItemBonus2.Willpower to $equipedAccessory2.bonus>>\
<<set $PC.Willpower to $PC.Willpower + $ItemBonus2.Willpower>>\
<<case "Infested Resist">>\
<<set $ItemBonus2.InfestedResist to $equipedAccessory2.bonus>>\
<<set $InfectionResist.Fort to $InfectionResist.Fort + $ItemBonus2.InfestedResist>>\
<<case "Skills">>\
<<switch $equipedAccessory2.subtype>>\
<<case "Athletics">>\
<<set $ItemBonus.Athletics to $equipedAccessory2.bonus>>\
<<set $Skill.Athletics to $Skill.Athletics + $ItemBonus2.Athletics>>\
<<case "Crafting">>\
<<set $ItemBonus.Crafting to $equipedAccessory2.bonus>>\
<<set $Skill.Crafting to $Skill.Crafting + $ItemBonus2.Crafting>>\
<<case "Cooking">>\
<<set $ItemBonus.Cooking to $equipedAccessory2.bonus>>\
<<set $Skill.Cooking to $Skill.Cooking + $ItemBonus2.Cooking>>\
<<case "Driving">>\
<<set $ItemBonus.Driving to $equipedAccessory2.bonus>>\
<<set $Skill.Driving to $Skill.Driving + $ItemBonus2.Driving>>\
<<case "Electronics">>\
<<set $ItemBonus.Electronics to $equipedAccessory2.bonus>>\
<<set $Skill.Electronics to $Skill.Electronics + $ItemBonus2.Electronics>>\
<<case "Medical">>\
<<set $ItemBonus.Medical to $equipedAccessory2.bonus>>\
<<set $Skill.Medical to $Skill.Medical + $ItemBonus2.Medical>>\
<<case "Salvaging">>\
<<set $ItemBonus.Salvaging to $equipedAccessory2.bonus>>\
<<set $Skill.Salvaging to $Skill.Salvaging + $ItemBonus2.Salvaging>>\
<<case "Scouting">>\
<<set $ItemBonus.Scouting to $equipedAccessory2.bonus>>\
<<set $Skill.Scouting to $Skill.Scouting + $ItemBonus2.Scouting>>\
<<case "Social">>\
<<set $ItemBonus.Social to $equipedAccessory2.bonus>>\
<<set $Skill.Social to $Skill.Social + $ItemBonus2.Social>>\
<<case "Stealth">>\
<<set $ItemBonus.Stealth to $equipedAccessory2.bonus>>\
<<set $Skill.Stealth to $Skill.Stealth + $ItemBonus2.Stealth>>\
<<case "Thievery">>\
<<set $ItemBonus.Thievery to $equipedAccessory2.bonus>>\
<<set $Skill.Thievery to $Skill.Thievery + $ItemBonus2.Thievery>>\
<<case "Defense">>\
<<switch $equipedAccessory.subtype>>\
<<case "Blunt">>\
<<set $ItemBonus.Blunt to $equipedAccessory2.bonus>>\
<<set $PCResistance.Blunt to $PCResistance.Blunt + $ItemBonus2.Blunt>>\
<<case "Pierce">>\
<<set $ItemBonus.Pierce to $equipedAccessory2.bonus>>\
<<set $PCResistance.Pierce to $PCResistance.Pierce + $ItemBonus2.Pierce>>\
<<case "Slash">>\
<<set $ItemBonus.Slash to $equipedAccessory2.bonus>>\
<<set $PCResistance.Slash to $PCResistance.Slash + $ItemBonus2.Slash>>\
<<case "Fire">>\
<<set $ItemBonus.Fire to $equipedAccessory2.bonus>>\
<<set $PCResistance.Fire to $PCResistance.Fire + $ItemBonus2.Fire>>\
<<case "Cold">>\
<<set $ItemBonus.Cold to $equipedAccessory2.bonus>>\
<<set $PCResistance.Cold to $PCResistance.Cold + $ItemBonus2.Cold>>\
<<case "Shock">>\
<<set $ItemBonus.Shock to $equipedAccessory2.bonus>>\
<<set $PCResistance.Shock to $PCResistance.Shock + $ItemBonus2.Shock>>\
<<case "Acid">>\
<<set $ItemBonus.Acid to $equipedAccessory2.bonus>>\
<<set $PCResistance.Acid to $PCResistance.Acid + $ItemBonus2.Acid>>\
<<case "Sonic">>\
<<set $ItemBonus.Sonic to $equipedAccessory2.bonus>>\
<<set $PCResistance.Sonic to $PCResistance.Sonic + $ItemBonus2.Sonic>>\
<<case "Water">>\
<<set $ItemBonus.Water to $equipedAccessory2.bonus>>\
<<set $PCResistance.Water to $PCResistance.Water + $ItemBonus2.Water>>\
<<case "Lust">>\
<<set $ItemBonus.LustResist to $equipedAccessory2.bonus>>\
<<set $LustResist.Complete to $LustResist.Complete + $ItemBonus2.LustResist>>\
<<case "Misc">>
<<switch $equipedAccessory2.subtype>>\
<<case "Cum">>\
<<set $ItemBonus.Cum to $equipedAccessory2.bonus>>\
<<set $Cum.Max to $Cum.Max + $ItemBonus2.Cum>>\
<<set $Cum.Min to $Cum.Min + $ItemBonus2.Cum>>\
<<set $GCum.Max to $GCum.Max + $ItemBonus2.Cum>>\
<<set $GCum.Min to $GCum.Min + $ItemBonus2.Cum>>\
<<case "Lust">>\
<<set $ItemBonus.Lust to $equipedAccessory.bonus>>\
<<set $MinLust to $MinLust + $ItemBonus.Lust>>\
<<script>>state.display(state.active.title, null, "back")<</script>>\
In slot one you have <b>$equipedAccessory.name</b> equipped.
In slot two you have <b>$equipedAccessory2.name</b> equipped.
<<button [[Back to Inventory|Inventory]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<button "Finish" $return>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</button>><img @src=$genericEvent.Image />
<<set $ItemCost to $uitem2.cost>>\
<<if $ThieverySkillFeats.FiveFingeredDiscount is 1>>\
<<set _D10 to Math.round($ItemCost * .1)>>\
<<set $ItemCost to $ItemCost - _D10>>\
<<if $SkillAction is "Common">>\
<<set _Buying to "Common">>\
<<if $SkillAction is "Rare">>\
<<set _Buying to "Rare">>\
<<if $Cash < $ItemCost>>\
<<set _Buying to "Fail">>\
<<switch _Buying>>\
<<case "Fail">>\
<<set $lootTempSurvivorTrading.push($uitem2)>>\
You can't afford the $uitem2.name!
<<case "Common">>\
<<for $i = 0; $i < $PCInventory.length; $i++>>\
<<set $vitem to $PCInventory[$i]>>\
<<capture $vitem>>\
<<set $ItemName to $vitem.name>>\
<<set _TempName to $uitem2.name>>\
<<if $ItemName is _TempName>>\
<<set $vitem.amount to $vitem.amount+1>>\
<<set _exists to 1>>\
<<set _amount to $vitem.amount>>\
<<if _exists is 0>>\
<<set $uitem3 to clone($uitem2)>>\
<<set $uitem3.amount to 1>>\
<<set $PCInventory.push($uitem3)>>\
<<set $Cash to $Cash - $ItemCost>>\
You bought the $uitem2.name for $ItemCost dollars.
<<button [[Next|Survivor Trader - Buy Female]]>>
<</button>><img @src=$genericEvent.Image />
<<set $ItemCost to $ritem2.cost>>\
<<if $ThieverySkillFeats.FiveFingeredDiscount is 1>>\
<<set _D10 to Math.round($ItemCost * .1)>>\
<<set $ItemCost to $ItemCost - _D10>>\
<<if $SkillAction is "Common">>\
<<set _Buying to "Common">>\
<<if $SkillAction is "Rare">>\
<<set _Buying to "Rare">>\
<<if $Cash < $ItemCost>>\
<<set _Buying to "Fail">>\
<<switch _Buying>>\
<<case "Fail">>\
<<set $rarelootTempSurvivorTrading.push($ritem2)>>\
You can't afford the $ritem2.name!
<<case "Rare">>\
<<for $i = 0; $i < $PCInventory.length; $i++>>\
<<set $vitem = $PCInventory[$i]>>\
<<set $ItemName to $vitem.name>>\
<<set _TempName to $ritem2.name>>\
<<if $ItemName is _TempName>>\
<<set _amount to $vitem.amount>>\
<<set _exists to 1>>\
<<if _exists is 1>>\
<<set _amount to _amount +1>>\
<<set $vitem.amount to _amount>>\
<<set $PCInventory.push($ritem2)>>\
<<set $Cash to $Cash - $ItemCost>>\
<<set $rarelootTempSurvivorTrading.delete($ritem)>>\
You bought the $ritem2.name for $ItemCost2 Dollars.
<<button [[Next|Survivor Trader - Buy Female]]>>
<</button>><<set $genericEvent.Image = $eventPath14 + $arrayEvent14Mother[2] + '.jpg'>>\
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<set _Reception to 0>>\
<<if $Time.Current < 6>>\
<<set _Reception to 1>>\
<<set $location.Indoor to 1>>\
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$npcElisabeth.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$npcElisabeth.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _IAss to $arrayAssSizeDesc[$npcElisabeth.AssSize]>>\
<<set _DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$npcElisabeth.DickSize]>>\
<<set _DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$npcElisabeth.DickSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$npcElisabeth.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$npcElisabeth.BallsSize]>>\
<<if $PC.Sex is "Futa" or $StatusAffect.Futa > 0>>\
<<set _Sex to "Futa">>\
<<elseif $PC.Sex is "Male" and $StatusAffect.Futa < 1>>\
<<set _Sex to "Male">>\
<<set _Sex to "Female">>\
<<set _FoodRoll to (random(19) + 1)>>\
<<if _FoodRoll + $Skill.Social + $CharismaBonus > 20>>\
<<set _tempLoot to $item.hugeration>>\
<<set $churchofTriologyLifeEvent.Food to 3>>\
<<elseif _FoodRoll + $Skill.Social + $CharismaBonus > 10>>\>>\
<<set _tempLoot to $item.largeration>>\
<<set $churchofTriologyLifeEvent.Food to 2>>\
<<set _tempLoot to $item.heavyration>>\
<<set $churchofTriologyLifeEvent.Food to 1>>\
<<set _exists to 0>>\
<<for $i = 0; $i < $PCInventory.length; $i++>>\
<<set $uitem = $PCInventory[$i]>>\
<<set $ItemName to $uitem.name>>\
<<set _TempName to _tempLoot.name>>\
<<if $ItemName is _TempName>>\
<<set _amount to $uitem.amount>>\
<<set _exists to 1>>\
<<if _exists is 1>>\
<<set _amount to _amount +1>>\
<<set $uitem.amount to _amount>>\
<<set $PCInventory.push(_tempLoot)>>\
<img @src=$genericEvent.Image />
<<switch $churchofTriologyLifeEvent.Food>>\
<<case 3>>\
  "We will be more than happy to help you with providing some much needed food!" the mother superior says as she bends over to gather some non-perishables from a cabinet. You can't help but admire her _IAss derrier as she wiggles back and forth gathering the groceries. Eventually she walks over to a side room before coming back a couple of minutes later with the full grocery bag pressed up against her _ISD chest.
  Grabbing the offered bag of groceries, you thank Mother Elisabeth "Thank you! This will really help me in the days ahead!" You notice there is some fruits and vegatables stacked on top of the non-perishables which should help make for some rather delicious meals.
  "We are always willing to help those who are truly are in need. Now we can't give out this much too often so you might want to check back in a few days. Hopefully by then we will have some more to share with the good people in this city!" Mother Elisabeth says while beaming at you with a glad smile. She patiently waits as you store your new food supplies in your backpack before escorting you to the church's entrance. With a wave goodbye you leave the church and head back out to the Sunrise View industrial park.
<<case 2>>\
  "We will be more than happy to help you out in your times of need!" the mother superior says as she bends over to gather some non-perishables from a cabinet. You can't help but admire her _IAss derrier as she wiggles back and forth gathering the groceries. Eventually she walks over to a side room before coming back a couple of minutes later with the small grocery bag pressed up against her _ISD chest.
  Grabbing the offered bag of groceries, you thank Mother Elisabeth "Thank you! This will really help me in the days ahead!" You notice it's mostly filled with non-perishable cans of food which should help make for some easy meals.
  "We are always willing to help those who are truly are in need. Now we can't give out this much too often so you might want to check back in a couple of days. Hopefully by then we will have some more to share with the good people in this city!" Mother Elisabeth says while beaming at you with a glad smile. She patiently waits as you store your new food supplies in your backpack before escorting you to the church's entrance. With a wave goodbye you leave the church and head back out to the Sunrise View industrial park.
  "We will be more than happy to help you with providing some much needed food!" the mother superior says as she bends over to gather some non-perishables from a cabinet. You can't help but admire her _IAss derrier as she wiggles back and forth gathering the groceries. Eventually she walks over to a side room before coming back a couple of minutes later with the tiny grocery bag pressed up against her _ISD chest.
  Grabbing the offered bag of groceries, you thank Mother Elisabeth "Thank you! This will help me in the days ahead!" You notice it's only filled with a few non-perishable cans of food which should be enough to make for a decent meal.
  "We are always willing to help those who are truly are in need. I am sorry that this is all we can spare at the moment as we had a run of people in need earlier today. Hopefully tomorrow we will have some more to share with the good people in this city!" Mother Elisabeth says while beaming at you with a glad smile. She patiently waits as you store your new food supplies in your backpack before escorting you to the church's entrance. With a wave goodbye you leave the church and head back out to the Sunrise View industrial park.
<<button [[Leave|West Sunrise View Church]]>>
<<set $location.Indoor to 0>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</button>><<set $genericEvent.Image = $eventPath14 + $arrayEvent14Mother[1] + '.jpg'>>\
<<include "Time Micro-Passes">>\
<<set $questsPureBloodRaiders.Nun to 1>>\
<<set _Reception to 0>>\
<<if $Time.Current < 6>>\
<<set _Reception to 1>>\
<<set $location.Indoor to 1>>\
<<set $churchofTriologyLifeEvent.ElisabethVisit to 1>>\
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$npcElisabeth.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$npcElisabeth.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _IAss to $arrayAssSizeDesc[$npcElisabeth.AssSize]>>\
<<set _DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$npcElisabeth.DickSize]>>\
<<set _DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$npcElisabeth.DickSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$npcElisabeth.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$npcElisabeth.BallsSize]>>\
<<if $PC.Sex is "Futa" or $StatusAffect.Futa > 0>>\
<<set _Sex to "Futa">>\
<<elseif $PC.Sex is "Male" and $StatusAffect.Futa < 1>>\
<<set _Sex to "Male">>\
<<set _Sex to "Female">>\
<<if (random(19) + 1) + $Skill.Social + $CharismaBonus > 14>>\
<<set $npcElisabeth.Friendship to $npcElisabeth.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity +2 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set $npcElisabeth.Friendship to $npcElisabeth.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity +1 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set _LustRoll to (random(19) + 1)>>\
<<if _LustRoll + $PC.Willpower - $StatusAffect.Horny < 17>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Horny to $StatusAffect.Horny+1>>\
<<set _lusty to random(10) +10 + $StatusAffect.Horny - $LustResist.Visual - $LustResist.Complete>>\
<<if _lusty < 0>>\
<<set _lusty to 0>>\
<<set $lust to $lust + _lusty>>\
<<set _Drunk to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<if _Drunk + $PC.Fortitude + $FoodStatus.Fort - $StatusAffect.Wet - $StatusAffect.Drunk < 8>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Drunk to $StatusAffect.Drunk + 4>>\
<<elseif _Drunk + $PC.Fortitude + $FoodStatus.Fort - $StatusAffect.Wet - $StatusAffect.Drunk < 18>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Drunk to $StatusAffect.Drunk + 2>>\
<img @src=$genericEvent.Image />
  "Can I offer you something to drink?" Mother Elisabeth asks as you take a seat on the leather sofa in a cozy side room right off the entrance. The sexy mother superior had lead you to this office stating that having a conversation would be easier in a more comfortable location.
  "Sure! I could use something to drink." you reply as you take in the small room. The leather sofa looks a bit worn down while the only other seat in this small office looks to be equally worn down as well. The most interesting thing in the room is the large window with metal bars reinforcing the glass, preventing any outside entrance. That's actually a lie as the most interesting thing is the the _IAss ass Mother Elisabeth is shaking as she is bent over grabbing a bottle from the bottom shelf of the mini-fridge.
  With how much her impressive backside is jigglying you can't help but stare at that beautiful bouncy booty even if it might be a sin! It doesn't take long before Mother Elisabeth straightens back up causing her _ISD breasts to jiggle slightly inside the tight confines of her sweaty latex top.
<<switch _Sex>>\
<<case "Male">>\
  The beautiful nun takes a seat next to you on that comfy leather sofa, ignoring the other chairs. Giving you a playful wink she hands you a small ice filled cup. Your eyes rise in surprise as she presses her _ISD soft chest up against your manly chest as she poors you a drink from the pink bottle. Your eyes dip down to her impressive cleavage which is easy to see since her latex top barely covers those _ICup tits and you feel your $DickSD dick starting to stir from being so close to such a sexy nun!
<<case "Female">>\
  The beautiful nun takes a seat next to you on that comfy leather sofa, ignoring the other chairs. Giving you a playful wink she hands you a small ice filled cup. Your eyes rise in surprise as she presses her _ISD soft chest up against your $BreastSD chest as she poors you a drink from the pink bottle. Your eyes dip down to her impressive cleavage which is easy to see since her latex top barely covers those _ICup tits and you feel your pussy starting to dampen from being so close to such a sexy nun!
  The beautiful nun takes a seat next to you on that comfy leather sofa, ignoring the other chairs. Giving you a playful wink, she hands you a small ice filled cup. Your eyes rise in surprise as she presses her _ISD soft chest up against your $BreastSD chest as she poors you a drink from the pink bottle. Your eyes dip down to her impressive cleavage which is easy to see since her latex top barely covers those _ICup tits and you feel your $DickSD futa-cock starting to stir from being so close to such a sexy nun!
  After finishing filling your cup, she poors a drink that smells of strawberries for herself while still leaning against you with her big busty jugs pressing against your arm. "So, $PC.FirstName, what did you wish to talk about? Are you interested in learning more about the church or perhaps you wish to get to know me a bit better?" Mother Elisabeth huskily asks before taking a sip from her cup while raising an eyebrow at your untouched drink.
  Figuring you did say you wanted a drink, you take a big gulp of the pink drink before coughing from the unexpected flavor of strong alcohol! Looking up from your cup, the busty nun smirks a bit and answers your unspoken question, "It's Strawberry Gin which is one of my favorite drinks. Luckilly there's a warehouse nearby that had a nice stock of them before the Infested Outbreak hit." she says with a smile before taking another sip.
  Unwilling to back down in front of Mother Elisabeth, you take another sip and this time enjoy the rather citrusy flavor of your strawberry gin. Feeling a bit embolded by your drink you ask the big question that's been on your mind since meeting Mother Elisabeth. "Well I'm rather interested in the outfit you are wearing. I don't believe I've seen many nuns wearing such interesting outfits..." you say as your eyes drift over her exotic fetish outfit that's presenting her sexy attributes instead of hiding them.
  Laughing lightly at your question, she takes another sip before explaining "Right after the Infested Outbreak started there was mass panic and a complete disruption in food supplies. Markets tended to end up becoming nests for Infested to sleep and fuck in, limiting the food chain even more. Groups of people started banding together in order to fight against the Infested but also against others who wanted the same things they did."
  Pausing for a moment to take a bigger sip of her strawberry gin, the mother superior continues down memory lane "One such group decided the old church down the block from their workplace would make for a good target for food and other supplies. I greeted them and offered them what we had but such is human nature that they didn't believe it when we gave them everything. Their leader decided that we needed to be punished by stripping us of all clothes. We were left naked with no food, far from any help and surrounded by Infested."
  Listening in horror, you softly say "That must have been rough...I'm so sorry that happened to you guys." Taking a large drink from your own cup, you ask "Do you know the name of the group who did this to you?" while staring the nun in the eyes.
  "Oh? Would you seek vengence for us?" Shaking her head Mother Elisabeth says "Hatred and violence is not the way and when you walk the path of vengence you might as well dig a grave for yourself in the end. Anyways we were pretty desperate and I decided that stealing supplies from some of the nearby warehouses was the lesser sin than letting all my charges die or worse. Luckily the first place we checked had plenty of clothes along with food and other desperately needed supplies."
  Glancing down at her latex outfit you make the connection and reply "And those clothes happened to be sexy halloween nun costumes weren't they?" It all makes a certain amount of sense if these nuns are running around in fetish outfits willingly.
  The mother superior laughs and says "You got it one, $PC.FirstName! Some of the sisters were uncertain about wearing them but I felt it was divine providence. I'm not worried about looking sexy and in fact it's been a boon as most Infested leave us alone along with the Raiders and Gangstas." Her smile drops and she says even softer "A couple of sisters were lost while we were gathering supplies and I believe I know the people responsible since I've heard rumors of a group kidnapping women in order to breed a new pure race. It's the same group that robbed us and they are called the Pure Blood Raiders."
  You almost drop your drink in surprise as you hear the name of the group who are the prime suspects for kidnapping your $mom.Relationship and your $sister.Relationship. "Those Pure Blood motherfuckers did this and kidnapped some of your charges?" you say with rage burning in your chest and you leap to your feet. "Those fuckers more than likely kidnapped my $mom.Relationship and my $sister.Relationship as well and I won't stop until I get my family back!"
<<switch _Sex>>\
<<case "Male">>\
  Looking over at you in pity, Mother Elisabeth stands up as well and gives you a fierce hug with her _ISD breasts pressing against your hard chest. "It's OK, $PC.FirstName! I know that you will find your family members and get them back!" As you slowly calm down, she whispers in your ear while rubbing her impress chest against you and you can feel blood rushing from your chest to your eager groin! "If you happen to find their hidden base, please let me know. I might be able to help you get the kidnapped women out safely." You give her a slow nod and she eventually releases you from her tight hug, leaving you with a rather obvious boner.
<<case "Female">>\
  Looking over at you in pity, Mother Elisabeth stands up as well and gives you a fierce hug with her _ISD breasts pressing against your $BreastSD breasts. "It's OK, $PC.FirstName! I know that you will find your family members and get them back!" As you slowly calm down, she whispers in your ear while rubbing her impress chest against your $BreastSD tits and you can feel blood rushing from your $BreastsSize breasts to your eager groin! "If you happen to find their hidden base, please let me know. I might be able to help you get the kidnapped women out safely." You give her a slow nod and she eventually releases you from her tight hug, leaving you with a rather obvious wet spot in your underwear.
  Looking over at you in pity, Mother Elisabeth stands up as well and gives you a fierce hug with her _ISD breasts pressing against your $BreastSD breasts. "It's OK, $PC.FirstName! I know that you will find your family members and get them back!" As you slowly calm down, she whispers in your ear while rubbing her impressive chest against your $BreastSD tits and you can feel blood rushing from your $BreastsSize breasts to your eager groin! "If you happen to find their hidden base, please let me know. I might be able to help you get the kidnapped women out safely." You give her a slow nod and she eventually releases you from her tight hug, leaving you with a rather obvious boner.
  Putting down her empty cup, Mother Elisabeth says "Unfortunately it looks like it is getting late. I really enjoyed our chat but there's always more work that needs to be tended to. Maybe next time we can chat about something a bit more enjoyable." She patiently waits as you finish your drink before escorting you to the church's entrance. With a wave goodbye you leave the church and head back out to the Sunrise View industrial park.
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I can't believe those fuckers kidnapped some innocent nuns! It's even more important to find the Pure Blood raider's base!</i> </div>
<<button [[Leave|West Sunrise View Church]]>>
<<set $location.Indoor to 0>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</button>><img src="Images/Items/Beer.jpg" />
<<set _desc to $useitem3.description>>\
<<set _name to $useitem3.name>>\
<<set _Strength to $useitem3.strength>>\
<<set _DC to $useitem3.DC>>\
<<set _totalHeal to 0>>\
<<for $i = 0; $i < $useitem3.dice; $i++>>\
<<set _healdice to random($useitem3.quality) +1 + ($MedicPath.Pharmacist*2)>>\
<<set _totalHeal to _totalHeal + _healdice>>\
<<set _Medical to (random(19)+ 1) + $Skill.Medical + $WisdomBonus>>\
<<set _Medical to Math.round(_Medical / 6)>>\
<<set _totalHeal to _totalHeal + _Medical>>\
<<if $MedicalSkillFeats.MedicalOverwatch > 0>>\
<<set _totalHeal to _totalHeal + $Prof.Medical>>\
<<set $HP to $HP + _totalHeal>>\
<<if $HP > $MaxHP>>\
<<set $HP to $MaxHP>>\
<<if _textHeal < $HP>>\
<<set _textHeal2 to $HP - _textHeal>>\
<<set $PC.Infestation to $PC.Infestation - ($MedicalSkillFeats.CleanseInfestation * 5)>>\
<<if $PC.Infestation < $Infestation.Min>>\
<<set $PC.Infestation to $Infestation.Min>>\
<<set _Drunk to (random(19) +1)>>\
<<if _Drunk + $PC.Fortitude + $FoodStatus.Fort - $StatusAffect.Wet - $StatusAffect.Drunk < (_DC- 10)>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Drunk to $StatusAffect.Drunk + (_Strength *2)>>\
<<elseif _Drunk + $PC.Fortitude + $FoodStatus.Fort - $StatusAffect.Wet - $StatusAffect.Drunk < _DC>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Drunk to $StatusAffect.Drunk + _Strength>>\
Looking down at _name, you read the following from the side of the can: _desc. Figuring you could really use a drink right now, you down _name! Tossing the can aside you feel a bit healthier afterwards and managed to regain _textHeal2 HP! <<if $MedicalSkillFeats.CleanseInfestation > 0>> You've also somehow managed to lower your Infestion virus level to $PC.Infestation %!<</if>> <<set $CombatRound to 0>>\
<<set $SpecialUsage to $MaxSpecialUsage>>\
<<include "Combat Status Affects">>\
<<if $MedicPath.Combat > 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Undying to 1>>\
<<set $location.FleeFlag to 0>>\
<<set _tempCash to $genericFighter.Level * 20>>\
<<set _tempCash to random(_tempCash) + ($genericFighter.Level * 4)>>\
<<if $SalvagingSkillFeats.SecureWallet > 0>>\
<<set _tempSecure to _tempCash * (.10 * $Prof.Salvaging)>>\
<<set _tempCash to Math.round(_tempCash - _tempSecure)>>\
<<set $Cash to $Cash - _tempCash>>\
<<if $Cash < 0>>\
<<set $Cash to 0>>\
<<if $HP < 1>>\
<<if $SkillFeats.Recovery > 0>>\
<<set $HP to $PC.Level + $ConstitutionBonus + 1>>\
<<set $HP to 1>>\
<<if $CombatChoice is "Surrender">>\
Knowing this is a fight you can not win you decide to surrender to $genericFighter.Name. They demand that you open your backpack so they can steal any alcohol, drinks and other fun drugs you might be carrying . You watch as they store away the drugs they can easily find while keeping $genericFighter.Pronoun2 $genericWeapon.name aimed at you.
"Thanks for the supplies, sucker!" $genericFighter.Name3 says as $genericFighter.Pronoun leaves the area. As you repack your supplies you notice that you are also missing _tempCash dollars! You also discover the following items missing as well!
<<if _tempCash > 0>>\
<<include "Time Passes">>\
As you regain consiousness you discover that you are missing _tempCash dollars! Even worse is some of your supplies are missing as well! You also discover the following items missing as well!
<<include "Time Passes">>\
As you regain consiousness you discover that someone has been messing with your backpack with the following items missing!
<<set _ScoutDC to 10 + $genericFighter.Scouting>>\
<<set _FoodCount to 0>>\
<<for $i = 0; $i < $PCInventory.length; $i++>>\
<<set $efood = $PCInventory[$i]>>\
<<if $efood.subtype is "alcohol" or $efood.subtype is "drug">>\
<<set _amount to $efood.amount>>\
<<for $j = 0; $j < _amount; $j++>>\
<<if _FoodCount is 0>>\
<<set _FoodCount to _FoodCount +1>>\
Stolen: $efood.name
<<if _amount > 1>>\
<<set $efood.amount to $efood.amount -1>>\
<<set $PCInventory.delete($efood)>>\
<<set _tempSecure to 0>>\
<<if $SalvagingSkillFeats.SecureWallet > 0>>\
<<set _tempSecure to ($Prof.Salvaging * 2)>>\
<<set _Stealth to (random(19) +1) + $Skill.Stealth + $DexterityBonus + $PCStatus.SkillBuff + _tempSecure + _FoodCount - $StatusAffect.Hungry>>\
<<if $ShowRolls.Rob is 1>>\
Stealth Roll: _Stealth vs DC: _ScoutDC
<<set _Stealth2 to 0>>\
<<if $StealthSkillFeats.Distraction > 0>>\
<<set _Stealth2 to (random(19) +1)) + $Skill.Stealth + $DexterityBonus + $PCStatus.SkillBuff + _tempSecure + _FoodCount - $StatusAffect.Hungry -2 >>\
<<if $ShowRolls.Rob is 1>>\
DistractionStealth Roll: _Stealth2 vs DC: _ScoutDC
<<if _Stealth < _ScoutDC and _Stealth2 < _ScoutDC>>\
<<set _FoodCount to _FoodCount +1>>\
<<set _amount to $efood.amount>>\
Stolen: $efood.name
<<if _amount > 1>>\
<<set $efood.amount to $efood.amount -1>>\
<<set $PCInventory.delete($efood)>>\
<<button [[Return|$location.temp]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<<set $NoEncounter to random(1) +2>>\
<</button>><img @src=$genericFighter.Image />
<<switch $genericFighter.Faction>>\
<<case "Raider">>\
<<include "Suburb Raider Defeat">>\
<<case "Gang">>\
<<include "Suburb Gangsta Defeat">>\
<<include "Suburb Raider Defeat">>\
<</switch>>\<img src="Images/Sunrise View/Ammo Store/carlo 1.jpg"/>
<<include "Time Micro-Passes">>\
<<if $questsFamilyMom.StripMall < 1>>\
<<set $questsFamilyMom.StripMall to 1>>\
  Deciding to inquire about the bounty on the Pure Blood raider's leaders, you step up and ask "So there's a bounty for the leaders of the Pure Blood raiders?" You are quite interested in learning more about that group of assholes and if Carlo has any information about them.
  Carlo give you a look before sighing loudly. "Yeah, those guys have been causing major issues with my business and for the good people in this district. Them kidnapping people right off the streets makes everyone very nervous and there's already enough issues with those fucking Infested running around." he explains as he grips his assault weapon hard.
  "Do you know why they are kidnapping people?" you ask even though you have a good idea why. It's possible Carlo has more information on why specifically they are kidnapping women beyond the fact it sounds like they just want them for breeding stock.
  Carlo growls menacingly and says with an ice cold anger "Those assholes want to breed a new "Pure" race with the right type of women. Those women who are untouched by the Infested virus and just so happen to be nice looking. I've heard one of those fuckers talking about leading the world into a new order with only the pure left alive."
  "What can you tell me about the leaders of the Pure Blood raiders? Descriptions and habits and whatnots." you ask as give the wanted poster a good look over while anger starts to build in your chest. Some people just need to die and these Pure Blood raiders are a prime example.
  "Axel became the leader of the group after the previous leader got ganked by one of the Knives. He's a big guy, wears some tactical body armor which he painted white and likes to use a flamethrower of all things. Claims he's purifying the Infested and unwanteds with holy fire but he's just a fucking pyromaniac. Jacob is an outsider who used to be a member of a radical militia group from down south. That guy is usually equipped with a modified set of heavy-duty body armor also painted white along with an impressive M249 light machine gun." Carlo pauses to think for a moment before continuing "As for their habits? I've heard that they like to spend their downtime in the base's breeding dungeon, fucking their victims."
  Fuming in anger at the thought of your family members being used as breeding stock, you reply with heat in your voice "Any idea on where their base is located? Cause I have some very pressing questions I want to ask of them and by questions I mean taking those fuckers out with my $equipedWeapon.name."
  Carlo stares at you for a moment before saying "I'm not sure where their base is except I know for a fact it's not here at the marina. However I have my suspicions that they are based somewhere in the northern part of the Sunrise View due to how much they've been fighting the Knives who are based out of the Pinktech Plastics factory which is also in the north. If you do find them and get your answers, make sure to take a screen shot of the bodies of their scumbag leaders. Show that to me and you get yourself a nice $1000 reward along with the respect of lots of good people."
<div class="pcTalk"><i> Knowing that those raiders should be based in the northern part of Sunrise View district will help me find those assholes a lot faster! </i></div>
<<button [[Finish|West Sunrise View Silver Tree & River Path]]>>
<<set $location.Indoor to 0>>\
<</button>><<set _picture to $PCProfile.Picture>>\
<img @src="_picture" height="768px" width="512px" />
Your Name has been been updated!
First Name: $PC.FirstName
Last Name: $PC.LastName
<<button [[Finish|Bathroom]]>> <</button>><img src="Images/Player/smartphone.jpg" width="512px" height="768px" />
<<set $ShowRolls to {Combat: 1, Skills: 0, Social: 0, Loot: 0, Rob: 0}>>\
Do you wish to have Combat Rolls on or off?
<<if $ShowRolls.Combat is 1>>\
Combat Rolls On: <label><<radiobutton "$ShowRolls.Combat" 1 checked>></label>
Combat Rolls Off: <label><<radiobutton "$ShowRolls.Combat" 0>></label>
Sound On: <label><<radiobutton "$ShowRolls.Combat" 1>></label>
Sound Off: <label><<radiobutton "$ShowRolls.Combat" 0 checked>></label>
Do you wish to have Skill Rolls on or off?
<<if $ShowRolls.Combat is 1>>\
Skill Rolls On: <label><<radiobutton "$ShowRolls.Skills" 1 checked>></label>
Skill Rolls Off: <label><<radiobutton "$ShowRolls.Skills" 0>></label>
Skill On: <label><<radiobutton "$ShowRolls.Skills" 1>></label>
Skill Off: <label><<radiobutton "$ShowRolls.Skills" 0 checked>></label>
Do you wish to have Social Rolls on or off?
<<if $ShowRolls.Social is 1>>\
Social Rolls On: <label><<radiobutton "$ShowRolls.Social" 1 checked>></label>
Social Rolls Off: <label><<radiobutton "$ShowRolls.Social" 0>></label>
Social On: <label><<radiobutton "$ShowRolls.Social" 1>></label>
Social Off: <label><<radiobutton "$ShowRolls.Social" 0 checked>></label>
Do you wish to have Loot Rolls on or off?
<<if $ShowRolls.Loot is 1>>\
Loot Rolls On: <label><<radiobutton "$ShowRolls.Loot" 1 checked>></label>
Loot Rolls Off: <label><<radiobutton "$ShowRolls.Loot" 0>></label>
Loot On: <label><<radiobutton "$ShowRolls.Loot" 1>></label>
Loot Off: <label><<radiobutton "$ShowRolls.Loot" 0 checked>></label>
Do you wish to have Stolen Items Rolls on or off?
<<if $ShowRolls.Rob is 1>>\
Robbery Rolls On: <label><<radiobutton "$ShowRolls.Rob" 1 checked>></label>
Robbery Rolls Off: <label><<radiobutton "$ShowRolls.Rob" 0>></label>
Robbery On: <label><<radiobutton "$ShowRolls.Rob" 1>></label>
Robbery Off: <label><<radiobutton "$ShowRolls.Rob" 0 checked>></label>
<<button [[Return to Options|Options]]>> <</button>><img src="Images/Items/P-Minus.jpg" />
<<set _desc to $useitem3.description>>\
<<set _name to $useitem3.name>>\
<<set _Days to $useitem3.days>>\
<<set _Strength to $useitem3.quality>>\
<<if $PC.Sex is "Futa" or $StatusAffect.Futa > 0>>\
<<set _Sex to "Futa">>\
<<elseif $PC.Sex is "Female" and $StatusAffect.Futa < 1>>\
<<set _Sex to "Female">>\
<<set _Sex to "Male">>\
<<switch $useitem3.name>>\
<<case "a box of Plan P-Minus">>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Pregnant to 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Infertility to _Days>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Fertility to 0>>\
Looking down at _name, you read the followng from the side of the pink bottle: _desc. Feeling that it's better to feel safe rather than sorry, you pop the bottle open and down the single pink pill inside. It oddly has a brief taste of bubble-gum and you marvel at the fact that such a tiny pill works so well for both men and women! From the description on the bottle you should be risk free of any pregnancies for the next 3 days!
<<case "a box of Plan F-Plus">>\
<<if $StatusAffect.Infertility is 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Fertility to $StatusAffect.Fertility + _Strength>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.FertilityD to _Days>>\
<<switch _Sex>>\
<<case "Male">>\
Looking down at _name, you read the followng from the side of the purple bottle: _desc. Feeling the urge to boost your chances at knocking some whores up, you pop the bottle open and down the single purple pill inside. It oddly has a brief taste of oyster and you marvel at the fact that such a tiny pill works so well for both men and women! From the description on the bottle you have a 10% higher chance of impregnating any sluts who ride your $DickSD dick!
<<case "Futa">>\
Looking down at _name, you read the followng from the side of the purple bottle: _desc. You debate the risks of such a pill and decide to go for it as you pop the bottle open and down the single purple pill inside. It oddly has a brief taste of oyster and you marvel at the fact that such a tiny pill works so well for both men, women and hopefully Futas! From the description on the bottle you have a 10% higher chance of impregnating any sluts who ride your $DickSD futa-cock while you need to watch out since you will have a 10% higher chance of being impregnated yourself!
Looking down at _name, you read the followng from the side of the purple bottle: _desc. The thought of being a mother sends your ovaries into overdrive as you pop the bottle open and down the single purple pill inside. It oddly has a brief taste of oyster and you marvel at the fact that such a tiny pill works so well for both men and women! From the description on the bottle you will have a 10% higher chance of being impregnated which suits you just fine!
<img src="Images/Suburb/Gas Station/gasstation.jpg" width="800px" height="400px" />
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<for $i = 0; $i < $lootTempBathroomVending.length; $i++>>\
<<set $uitem = $lootTempBathroomVending[$i]>>\
<<set $ItemName to $uitem.name>>\
<<set $ItemCost to $uitem.cost>>\
<<capture $uitem>>\
<<if $ThieverySkillFeats.FiveFingeredDiscount is 1>>\
<<set _D10 to Math.round($ItemCost * .1)>>\
<<set $ItemCost to $ItemCost - _D10>>\
<span id="useButton"><<button "Buy $ItemName for $ItemCost Dollars" "Mortons - Vending 2" >>
<<set $SkillAction to "Common">>\
<<set $uitem2 to $uitem>>\
<<set $lootTempBathroomVending.delete($uitem)>>\
<<button [[Finish|Mortons - Inside]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</button>><<set $ItemCost to $uitem2.cost>>\
<<if $ThieverySkillFeats.FiveFingeredDiscount is 1>>\
<<set _D10 to Math.round($ItemCost * .1)>>\
<<set $ItemCost to $ItemCost - _D10>>\
<<if $SkillAction is "Common">>\
<<set _Buying to "Common">>\
<<if $Cash < $ItemCost>>\
<<set _Buying to "Fail">>\
<<switch _Buying>>\
<<case "Fail">>\
You can't afford the $uitem2.name!
<<set $lootTempBathroomVending.push($uitem2)>>\
<<case "Common">>\
<<for $i = 0; $i < $PCInventory.length; $i++>>\
<<set $vitem = $PCInventory[$i]>>\
<<set $ItemName to $vitem.name>>\
<<set _TempName to $uitem2.name>>\
<<if $ItemName is _TempName>>\
<<set _amount to $vitem.amount>>\
<<set _exists to 1>>\
<<if _exists is 1>>\
<<set _amount to _amount +1>>\
<<set $vitem.amount to _amount>>\
<<set $PCInventory.push($uitem2)>>\
<<set $Cash to $Cash - $ItemCost>>\
You bought the $uitem2.name for $ItemCost dollars.
<<button [[Finish|Mortons - Inside]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</button>><img src="Images/Suburb/Park/Restroom.jpg" width="768px" height="512px" />
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<for $i = 0; $i < $lootTempBathroomVending2.length; $i++>>\
<<set $uitem = $lootTempBathroomVending2[$i]>>\
<<set $ItemName to $uitem.name>>\
<<set $ItemCost to $uitem.cost>>\
<<capture $uitem>>\
<<if $ThieverySkillFeats.FiveFingeredDiscount is 1>>\
<<set _D10 to Math.round($ItemCost * .1)>>\
<<set $ItemCost to $ItemCost - _D10>>\
<span id="useButton"><<button "Buy $ItemName for $ItemCost Dollars" "Grove Hills Park - Vending 2" >>
<<set $SkillAction to "Common">>\
<<set $uitem2 to $uitem>>\
<<set $lootTempBathroomVending2.delete($uitem)>>\
<<button [[Finish|Grove Hills Park Restroom]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</button>><<set $ItemCost to $uitem2.cost>>\
<<if $ThieverySkillFeats.FiveFingeredDiscount is 1>>\
<<set _D10 to Math.round($ItemCost * .1)>>\
<<set $ItemCost to $ItemCost - _D10>>\
<<if $SkillAction is "Common">>\
<<set _Buying to "Common">>\
<<if $Cash < $ItemCost>>\
<<set _Buying to "Fail">>\
<<switch _Buying>>\
<<case "Fail">>\
You can't afford the $uitem2.name!
<<set $lootTempBathroomVending2.push($uitem2)>>\
<<case "Common">>\
<<for $i = 0; $i < $PCInventory.length; $i++>>\
<<set $vitem = $PCInventory[$i]>>\
<<set $ItemName to $vitem.name>>\
<<set _TempName to $uitem2.name>>\
<<if $ItemName is _TempName>>\
<<set _amount to $vitem.amount>>\
<<set _exists to 1>>\
<<if _exists is 1>>\
<<set _amount to _amount +1>>\
<<set $vitem.amount to _amount>>\
<<set $PCInventory.push($uitem2)>>\
<<set $Cash to $Cash - $ItemCost>>\
You bought the $uitem2.name for $ItemCost dollars.
<<button [[Finish|Grove Hills Park Restroom]]>>
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</button>><<include "Images">>\
<<set $SexScene2 to 0>>\
<<if $npcLucia.Pregnant is 0>>\
<<set $genericEvent.Image = $eventPath14 + $arrayEvent14Librarian[0] + '.jpg'>>\
<<set $genericEvent.Image = $eventPath14 + $arrayEvent14Librarian[6] + '.jpg'>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$npcLucia.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$npcLucia.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _IAss to $arrayAssSizeDesc[$npcLucia.AssSize]>>\
<<set _DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$npcLucia.DickSize]>>\
<<set _DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$npcLucia.DickSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$npcLucia.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$npcLucia.BallsSize]>>\
<<if $PC.Sex is "Futa" or $StatusAffect.Futa > 0>>\
<<set _Sex to "Futa">>\
<<elseif $PC.Sex is "Male" and $StatusAffect.Futa < 1>>\
<<set _Sex to "Male">>\
<<set _Sex to "Female">>\
<<if (random(19) + 1) + $Skill.Social + $CharismaBonus > 15>>\
<<set $npcLucia.Friendship to $npcLucia.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity +2 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set $npcLucia.Friendship to $npcLucia.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity +1 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set _LustRoll to (random(19) + 1)>>\
<<if _LustRoll + $PC.Willpower - $StatusAffect.Horny < 15>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Horny to $StatusAffect.Horny+1>>\
<<set _lusty to random(7) +5 + $StatusAffect.Horny - $LustResist.Visual - $LustResist.Complete>>\
<<if _lusty < 0>>\
<<set _lusty to 0>>\
<<set $lust to $lust + _lusty>>\
<<set $churchofTriologyLifeEvent.LuciaVisit to 1>>\
<img @src=$genericEvent.Image />
<<if $AdminMode is 1>>\
Sister Lucia Friendship: $npcLucia.Friendship
<<if $churchofTriologyLifeEvent.LuciaMet is 0>>\
<<set $churchofTriologyLifeEvent.LuciaMet to 1>>\
  Entering into large room you discover that this looks to be the church's library as book shelves fill the walls and the middle of the room with plenty of tables for reading. Glancing around the room you don't see anyone around in this part of the large room. Deciding to annouce yourself, you call out loudly "Hello? Is anyone in here?"
  To you relief you hear someone whispers forcefully back to you "Hey! This is a library with people trying to read! So could you, um, maybe, keep it down a little? Actually I mean there's no one else here but um, you know? Oh nevermind!" From behind one of the tall book shelves steps a rather beautiful sister holding a book.
  After meeting with Mother Elisabeth, you're not exactly shocked by what the sister is wearing even if it's rather on the provocative side. The very buxom sister is wearing what looks to be a one piece version of a nun's outfit even if it's pure fetish fuel. Her rather sexy outfit looks to be made out of pure latex while pushing her _ISD chest upwards while barely covering her groin. Her thick hips and long legs are almost completely bare except for some thigh highs that end in stilettos that force her to stand in a very provocative posture.
  The busty sister coughs softly and you realize you got so caught up in checking out her very sexy apparel that you failed to introduce yourself. "Sorry about that, my name is $PC.FirstName. Mother Elisabeth suggested I visit with some of the sisters here in order to get to know about this church."
  "Oh! Nice to meet you, um, $PC.FirstName! My name is Lucia or Sister Lucia if you want to be formal, I mean I don't mind either way since um, mmm, I'm not really your sister?" Sister Lucia replies a bit ernestly if clumsily. It seems she's a bit shy at meeting new people or just talking to people in general as you watch her blush at her rather interesting speech. "Oh, I mean, I know you know, I'm not your sister, I just meant that, oh bother!"
  Smiling warmly at the flustered sister, you reply "It's nice to meet you, Lucia. I'm guessing you're the librarian of this library or are you just a voracious book reader?" Glancing around you see tons of books on the tables that look like that should have been put away at some point but haven't.
  "Yes! I love books and my job is the church's librarian!" Sister Lucia gushes as she gestures at all the book shelves along with the multitude of books on the tables. "If you like, we can umm, chat about them? I know that not everyone likes to read but I, uhh really like them! But only if your not too busy..."
<<elseif $npcLucia.Pregnant is 2>>\
  Entering into the large church library your eyes are drawn to the book shelves line the walls along with taking up a good chunk of the middle of the room. Looking around for Sister Lucia you just see plenty some tables for reading covered in unorganized books but no busty nuns. Glancing around the front of the library you don't see Sister Lucia or anyone else. Deciding that you are not going to waste your time searching a room this big for the missing pregnant sister, you call out softly "Hello? Sister Lucia? Are you back there somewhere?" Hearing no response you call out a bit louder "Sister Lucia?"
  To you relief you finally hear someone softly talk to themselves "Hmmm? Is someone calling for me? Who could be looking for me? Oooh! It sounds like it's $PC.FirstName cause they are the best ever!" From behind one of the tall book shelves steps out Sister Lucia looking just about the same as the last time you talked with her. "Oh hello, uhh $PC.FirstName! I'm so happy to see my baby-daddy again!" she greets you with a bit of a stammer while rubbing her huge pregnant belly while her leaking breasts are almost on full display!
  Staring at the very pregnant sister, you happily reply "Hello Sister Lucia! You're looking quite radiant today..." Luckily she is still looking only seven months pregnant and you can't help but smile as you watch her slowly waddle thru the library. She's still wearing her fetish nun outfit but her _ISD breasts keep popping out whenever she breathes too heavily and you notice she's even lactating at time. "I was in the neighborhood and decided to stop by and say hello to my favorite pregnant libarian!"
  The extremely busty sister sways in place looking extremely pleased and you can't help but admire how her _ICup breasts follows along with her gentle motions. Blushing wildly, Sister Lucia stammers out "Really?!?! I, um, yes! Are there that many pregnant librarians out there? Um, I mean, in Civiton cause there's uhh lots of places out there not having Infested running around... Ohhhh!" Looking completely flustered, the sexy nun does her best to continue while blushing "I'm so glad you stopped by to visit me, $PC.FirstName! Do you want to umm, chat about some reading and er, books and stuff? Cause I need to um, sit cause my feet are aching some.. I know that not everyone likes to read but I, uhh really like them! But only if you're not too busy..."
<<elseif $npcLucia.Pregnant is 1>>\
<<set $npcLucia.Pregnant to 2>>\
  Entering into the large church library your eyes are drawn to the book shelves line the walls along with taking up a good chunk of the middle of the room. Looking around for Sister Lucia you just see plenty some tables for reading covered in unorganized books but no busty nuns. Glancing around the front of the library you don't see Sister Lucia or anyone else. Deciding that you are not going to waste your time searching a room this big for the missing sister, you call out softly "Hello? Sister Lucia? Are you back there somewhere?" Hearing no response you call out a bit louder "Sister Lucia?"
  To you relief you finally hear someone softly talk to themselves "Hmmm? Is someone calling for me? Who could be looking for me? Oooh! I hope it's $PC.FirstName cause I have important news for them!" From behind one of the tall book shelves steps out Sister Lucia looking quite different from the last time you talked with her. "Oh hello, uhh $PC.FirstName! I'm so happy to see you again!" she greets you with a bit of a stammer while rubbing her huge belly while her leaking breasts are almost on full display!
  Staring at the obviously pregnant sister, you hesitantly reply "Hello Sister Lucia... You uh, are looking quite different today..." It wasn't that long ago since you last spoke with Sister Lucia and something strange is happening since she's now looking to be seven months pregnant if not pushing eight!
  Beaming with happiness, Sister Lucia smiles at you and says "I'm pregnant, $PC.FirstName! And umm, you know, um remember how I showed you, uhh the proper way of the Fertile Egg, Virile Seed and the Sacred Womb? Well congratulations! You're the father! The day after our uhh sacred coupling I woke up pretty sick and after a medical checkup from Sister Agnos, she has confirmed that my Fertile Egg had been ignited by your Virile Seed!"
  "Are you sure, I mean, is it mine? I mean it's so soon! It's only been a short while and how can you be looking this far along!" you stammer as you watch the pregnant sister rub her belly as you try to comprehend the fact that you knocked up the sexy sister. At the time of the 'sacred coupling' all you wanted to do was fuck the buxom librarian pregnant but now that it's happened it feels so strange.
  Instead of being angry at your question, Sister Lucia just smiles contently and says "I'm pretty sure, $PC.FirstName since I uhh, rarely get visitors and none of the umm, outsiders? or are they tourists? have engaged in the sacred coupling with me! The other sisters have proven to be extremely infertile so the chances of one of them being the father is quite low but umm if you want to be sure, we can have Sister Agnos do a oh what's it called? Ahh yes, a paternity test!"
  Swallowing heavily, you ask "So what does this mean for us? Do you want to live together for the baby or should I support you while you live here? And is there a doctor for when the baby is ready to be born?" you babble as the thought of being a father while a fucking apocolypse is going on with all those Infested running around is causing your brain to get stuck in a loop.
  "Oh! That's so sweet of you, $PC.FirstName! You don't worry about supporting me or anything like that! The church will happily take care of any children born to the sisters here and in fact it's part of our sacred duties! Oh and uhh, I can't really move out, not with all that Infested stuff going on. Besides I love my library and can't imagine leaving!" Sister Lucia explains as she rubs her pregnant belly with contentment.
  You nod slowly as you listen to the pregnant sister's explanation. She didn't answer all your questions but she did answer the most pressing ones. It seems she's content with staying here for now leaving you available to continue your journy.
  Entering into the large church library your eyes are drawn to the book shelves line the walls along with taking up a good chunk of the middle of the room. Looking around for Sister Lucia you just see plenty some tables for reading covered in unorganized books but no busty nuns. Glancing around the front of the library you don't see Sister Lucia or anyone else. Deciding that you are not going to waste your time searching a room this big for the missing sister, you call out softly "Hello? Sister Lucia? Are you back there somewhere?" Hearing no response you call out a bit louder "Sister Lucia?"
  To you relief you finally hear someone softly talk to themselves "Hmmm? Is someone calling for me? Who could be looking for me? Oooh! I hope it's someone nice and fun like $PC.FirstName or Catherine!" From behind one of the tall book shelves steps out Sister Lucia looking just as beautiful as last time you talked with her. "Umm, yes! Oh hello, uhh $PC.FirstName! I'm so happy to see you again!" she greets you with a bit of a stammer while smiling cheerfully.
  Smiling back at the voluptuous sister, you greet her with "It's nice to see you again, Lucia. I was in the neighborhood and decided to stop by and say hello." The very buxom sister is wearing her usual outfit whicht looks to be a one piece version of a nun's outfit that's pure fetish fuel. Her very provocative outfit looks to be made out of pure latex while pushing her _ISD chest upwards while barely covering her groin. Her thick hips and long legs are almost completely bare except for some latex thigh highs that end in stilettos that are forcing her to stand in a very interesting and sexy posture.
  The busty sister sways in place looking extremely pleased and you can't help but admire how her _ICup breasts follows along with her gentle motions. Blushing wildly, Sister Lucia stammers out "Really?!?! I, um, yes! Thanks for stopping by! Er, I mean uh, not goodbye but umm... Ohhhh!" Looking completely flustered, the sexy nun does her best to continue while blushing "I'm glad you stopped by to visit me, $PC.FirstName! Do you want to umm, chat about some reading and er, books and stuff? I know that not everyone likes to read but I, uhh really like them! But only if you're not too busy..."
<div class="pcTalk"><i>Do I have time spend chatting about some books with this sexy librarian nun? It might do me some good to sit back and relax for short break...</i></div>
<<if $npcLucia.Pregnant > 0>>\
<<button [[Chat with Sister Lucia|Sister Lucia - PChat]]>>
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<button [[Chat with Sister Lucia|Sister Lucia - Chat]]>>
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<if $npcLucia.Friendship > 9 and $npcLucia.Pregnant is 0>>\
<<button [[Flirt with Sister Lucia|Sister Lucia - Flirt]]>>
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<if $npcLucia.Friendship > 14 and $npcLucia.SexXP > 0 and $npcLucia.Pregnant is 0>>\
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Engate in Sacred Coupling|Sister Lucia - Sex]]>>
<<button [[Leave|Church - Leaving]]>>
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<</button>><<set $genericEvent.Image = $eventPath14 + $arrayEvent14Librarian[1] + '.jpg'>>\
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$npcLucia.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$npcLucia.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _IAss to $arrayAssSizeDesc[$npcLucia.AssSize]>>\
<<set _DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$npcLucia.DickSize]>>\
<<set _DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$npcLucia.DickSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$npcLucia.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$npcLucia.BallsSize]>>\
<<if $PC.Sex is "Futa" or $StatusAffect.Futa > 0>>\
<<set _Sex to "Futa">>\
<<elseif $PC.Sex is "Male" and $StatusAffect.Futa < 1>>\
<<set _Sex to "Male">>\
<<set _Sex to "Female">>\
<<if (random(19) + 1) + $Skill.Social + $CharismaBonus > 15>>\
<<set $npcLucia.Friendship to $npcLucia.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity +3 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set $npcLucia.Friendship to $npcLucia.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity +2 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set _LustRoll to (random(19) + 1)>>\
<<if _LustRoll + $PC.Willpower - $StatusAffect.Horny < 15>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Horny to $StatusAffect.Horny+1>>\
<<set _lusty to random(10) +5 + $StatusAffect.Horny - $LustResist.Visual - $LustResist.Complete>>\
<<if _lusty < 0>>\
<<set _lusty to 0>>\
<<set $lust to $lust + _lusty>>\
<<set _Book to 0>>\
<<for $i = 0; $i < $PCInventory.length; $i++>>\
<<set $uitem = $PCInventory[$i]>>\
<<set $ItemName to $uitem.name>>\
<<if $ItemName is "a book" or $ItemName is "a erotic book">>\
<<set _Book to 1>>\
<img @src=$genericEvent.Image />
<<if $AdminMode is 1>>\
Sister Lucia Friendship: $npcLucia.Friendship
  Deciding to spend some time chatting with Sister Lucia, you reply "Sure! I don't mind spending some time chatting with you about some intesting books." Looking around, you find a couple of large leather chairs that look like they would be comfortable for a nice chat and you leasurely plop your $AssSize butt in one.
  Looking a bit confused but happy at your willingness to chat about her favorite subject, Sister Lucia gasps out "Really? That's wonderful! Not a lot of people are intested in books nowadays. Oh, let me grab a chair real quick!" The busty sister quickly grabs a nearby ornate red leather chair and sits her _IAss derriere onto it, causing her _ICup tits to bounce gently.
  "So, what type of books does this library have? I'm assuming it's mostly just older religious texts?" you ask as your eyes glance down at her groin and notice that she has a cameltoe on full display! You adjust your position as you slowly pull your eyes back up to her face even though those _ISD breasts of hers distact you for a moment as you admire their rather impressive size.
  Sister Lucia gets a thoughtful look on her beautiful face as she ponders your question. "We do have lots of older religious books. Oh well, hmm, they are some nice books but recently we've been updating our collection with umm, some newer more appropriate books." she replies with a smile. "But it's been kind of hard to find new books with, you know, the whole Infested thing going on."
  You nod slowly and say "I guess it would be hard to get some new books with all the Infested running around assaulting people along with the whole city being under quarantine. Anyways back to the subject of books, so what's your favorite book right now?"
  "Oooh! I really enjoyed the <i>Kama Sutra</i> and <i>The Unbearable Lightness of Being</i> but <i>The Joy of Sex</i> has been my favorite so far!" Sister Lucia gushes as her eyes up at finally able to talk about her favorite books. You nod along absently before registering the names of the books she's been reading recently. You might not remember hearing about <i>The Unbearable Lightness of Being</i> but you definitely recognize the <i>Kama Sutra</i> and <i>The Joy of Sex</i>!
  "So, uh, you're a fan of <i>The Joy of Sex</i>?" you reply while being a stunned by her response to your question. You expected something like the <i>Bible</i> or maybe one of those Christian fictional book series about the end times not some rather famous erotic series of books!
  Nodding enthusiastically, her warm smile shifing to an almost perverted one as she says "Oh yes! I found <i>The Joy of Sex</i> to be a quite wonderful book! Lots of useful information and the nice pictures helped me to understand a lot about all the wonderfully naughty ways sex can be done! And... and there were so many amazingly detailed illustrations of men and women being completely naked! Hehehe!"
<<switch _Sex>>\
<<case "Male">>\
  You have to pause for a moment as you take a closer look at the voluptuous nun as she squirms in her seat while giggling pervertly. It looks like she's getting quite aroused as she remembers the rather detailed pictures from <i>The Joy of Sex</i> and it doesn't take long before her nipples can be seen tenting her _ISD latex top! And as your eyes dip down to where her cameltoe is, you notice a slight dampness has formed on the leather chair! A musky odor starts to fill the room and as you as you breath in that husky scent you can feel you own arousal growing along with your $DickSD cock! You can't help but wonder what Sister Lucia would look like without her fetish outfit on as you gaze at her magnificent chest. It takes a minute but you eventually focus back on her face where she's patiently been watching you check her out with a lewd smile on her face!
  "So what type of books do you like, $PC.FirstName?" Sister Lucia asks curiously while leaning backwards, letting you see more of her rather impressive camel toe! Looking upwards you swear you can see a hint of her areolas surrounding her rock hard nubs. She's making no efforts to hide her very apparent arousal nor does she comment on how your $DickSize dick is now tenting your pants.
<<case "Futa">>\
  You have to pause for a moment as you take a closer look at the voluptuous nun as she squirms in her seat while giggling pervertly. It looks like she's getting quite aroused as she remembers the rather detailed pictures from <i>The Joy of Sex</i> and it doesn't take long before her nipples can be seen tenting her _ISD latex top! And as your eyes dip down to where her cameltoe is, you notice a slight dampness has formed on the leather chair! A musky odor starts to fill the room and as you as you breath in that husky scent you can feel you own arousal growing along with your $DickSD fua-cock! You can't help but wonder what Sister Lucia would look like without her fetish outfit on as you gaze at her magnificent chest and you can feel your own pussy juices start to dampen your underwear. It takes a minute but you eventually focus back on her face where she's patiently been watching you check her out with a lewd smile on her face!
  "So what type of books do you like, $PC.FirstName?" Sister Lucia asks curiously while leaning backwards, letting you see more of her rather impressive camel toe! Looking upwards you swear you can see a hint of her areolas surrounding her rock hard nubs. She's making no efforts to hide her very apparent arousal nor does she comment on how your $DickSize dick is now tenting your pants.
  You have to pause for a moment as you take a closer look at the voluptuous nun as she squirms in her seat while giggling pervertly. It looks like she's getting quite aroused as she remembers the rather detailed pictures from <i>The Joy of Sex</i> and it doesn't take long before her nipples can be seen tenting her _ISD latex top! And as your eyes dip down to where her cameltoe is, you notice a slight dampness has formed on the leather chair! A musky odor starts to fill the room and as you as you breath in that husky scent you can feel you own arousal growing as you can feel your own pussy juices start to dampen your underwear! You can't help but wonder what Sister Lucia would look like without her fetish outfit on as you gaze at her magnificent chest and you feel your $NippleSize nubs harden at the naughty idea. It takes a minute but you eventually focus back on her face where she's patiently been watching you check her out with a lewd smile on her face!
  "So what type of books do you like, $PC.FirstName?" Sister Lucia asks curiously while leaning backwards, letting you see more of her rather impressive camel toe! Looking upwards you swear you can see a hint of her areolas surrounding her rock hard nubs. She's making no efforts to hide her very apparent arousal nor does she comment on how your own nipples are now poking hard against your top.
  Trying to remain focused, you reply "I've been reading mostly manga and light novels these days. The manga I've been reading is and i'm not kidding about the title, <i>I Was Reincarnated Into My Favorite MMO And Turned Into A Mysterious Girl And Also Fought An Evil God Using The Power of Sex!</i> It's uh, exactly like the title says it is, sadly enough." Sister Lucia blinks at you before laughing at the outragous title of the manga you've been reading. "It's firmly on the ecchi side without going too far to be considered porn or at least not hardcore porn." you explain as you wonder if you will ever get book 13 of the series.
  Sister Lucia finishes laughing and asks ernestly "So what's the story about? and what's a manga? I can guess what a light novel is but I haven't heard of the term manga before? Oh! And what does ecchi mean? That sounds vaguely japanese but from how you said ecchi, it sounds like it might mean the book is a bit naughty?" Blinking at you with sudden concern she hastily explains "Oh! I'm uhh, not judging you for reading naughty books! It's good to read books and even naughty books can be fun to read!"
  "Well the the story is about a middle age salary man who enjoyed playing his favorite MMO and had a max level battlemage that was super powerful. One day he decided to make another new character who ended up being a level 1 cute elf girl bard. For a joke the man decided his new character was going to take the Prostitute skill. Well the next day Truck-kun got him and he ended up not reincarnating as his powerful battlemage but instead as his low level bard prostitute." you explain after enduring the cute librarian's stream of questions. Sister Lucia nods as she listens intently to your summary of your favorite manga.
  "Well, light novels are mostly text with some pictures and they tend to be on the short side since they are generally serialized. Manga has mostly illustrations like a comic but in book format with some minor text. Those can also be short or long depending on the author which is generally Japanese." you explain as the busty sister looks to be completely absorbed into your words. "Um, ecchi? That's a Japanese term for a common type of manga or anime which while being a bit perverted, it doesn't fall into being pornagraphic, or hentai as it's called over there. Those also come in manga and light novel books as well."
  Smiling widely, Sister Lucia says "That sounds amazing! I can't believe how many different types of books are out there!" Her smile slowly turns into a frown as she looks at the clock above the door. "Unfortunately I'm too busy and um, it's too risky for me, oh, to go out there and find these wonderful books. And I really should be getting back on working on putting all these books back into our collection. Oh my! Mother Elisabeth is going to be so mad at me if I don't get these books put away!"
  "Well it was nice chatting with your, Sister Lucia. I hope to see you again next time I'm in the area." you reply as you check the time. She gives you a absent minded smile as she stands up and starts gathering the books on the nearby table into a nice pile while giving you a nice peak at her _IAss booty.
<<if _Book is 0>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I should keep a eye out for any books I might happen to find. I'm sure Sister Lucia would be quite happy with any I give to her.</i></div>
<div class="pcTalk"><i> If I remember correctly I do have some books stashed in my backpack that Sister Lucia should be quite happy to take off my hands.</i></div>
<<if _Book > 0>>\
<<button [[Offer Her the Books You've Found|Sister Lucia - Book]]>>
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<button [[Leave|Church - Leaving]]>>
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<</button>><<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set $sexHistory.XP to $sexHistory.XP +1>>\
<<set $npcLucia.SexXP to $npcLucia.SexXP +1>>\
<<set $LastPartner to $npcLucia>>\
<<set $npcLucia.SexDetection to "Futa">>\
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$npcLucia.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$npcLucia.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _IAss to $arrayAssSizeDesc[$npcLucia.AssSize]>>\
<<set _DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$npcLucia.DickSize]>>\
<<set _DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$npcLucia.DickSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$npcLucia.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$npcLucia.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _SizeComp to $PC.BreastsSize + ($GeneralFeats.FalseRep *2)>>\
<<if (random(19) + 1) + $Skill.Social + $CharismaBonus > 15>>\
<<set $npcLucia.Friendship to $npcLucia.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity +3 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set $npcLucia.Friendship to $npcLucia.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity +2 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.Vaccine < 1>>\
<<if (random(19) +1) + $PC.Fortitude + $InfectionResist.Fort + $FoodStatus.Fort - $StatusAffect.Wet < (23 + Math.round($Infestation.Progress / 2) )>>\
<<if $Infestation.Progress < 1>>\
<<set $Infestation.Progress to 1>>\
<<set _Infest to random(15) - $InfectionResist.DR +5>>\
<<if _Infest < 0>>\
<<set _Infest to 0>>\
<<set $PC.Infestation to $PC.Infestation + _Infest>>\
<<if $Infestation.GrowFutaVariant < 100>>\
<<set $Infestation.GrowFutaVariant to $Infestation.GrowFutaVariant + random(15) +5>>\
<<if $Infestation.GrowFutaVariant > $Infestation.FutaCap>>\
<<set $Infestation.GrowFutaVariant to $Infestation.FutaCap>>\
<<if $PC.Infestation > $Infestation.Cap>>\
<<set $PC.Infestation to $Infestation.Cap>>\
<<if $Infestation.MilkProgress > 0 or $Milk.Stored > 0>>\
<<set _Breasts to "Milk">>\
<<elseif $StatusAffect.SiliconeB > 5>>\
<<set _Breasts to "Silicone">>\
<<set _Breasts to "Natural">>\
<<if $SexScene2 is 1>>\
<<set $genericEvent.Image = $eventPath14 + $arrayEvent14Librarian[4] + '.jpg'>>\
<img @src=$genericEvent.Image />
<<set _Preg to (random(999) +1)>>\
<<set _Vs to 51 + ($GCum.Stored *2) + ($GeneralFeats.MessySpray *20) + ($GeneralFeats.PotentFertility) + ($StatusAffect.Fertility * 50) + ($StatusAffect.Energized * 5 ) - (Math.round($Infestation.Progress / 2) )>>\
<<if $AdminMode is 1>>\
Roll: _Preg vs _Vs
<<if _Preg < 51 + ($GCum.Stored *2) + ($GeneralFeats.MessySpray *20) + ($GeneralFeats.PotentFertility) + ($StatusAffect.Fertility * 50)+ ($StatusAffect.Energized * 5 ) - (Math.round($Infestation.Progress / 2) ) and ($StatusAffect.Pregnant < 1) and $StatusAffect.Infertility is 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Pregnant to 1>>\
<<set $PregnantWho to "Sister Lucia">>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumFilled to $StatusAffect.CumFilled +1>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered +1>>\
  As you stare at Sister Lucia, her intoxicating words sound so sure and so inviting while that musky scent coming from her hidden pussy is too intoxicating to deny. You find it hard to refuse her offer, hard like her _DickSize futa-cock that's presenting proudly with her _BallsSD balls filled with hot gooey Virile Seed! If the voluptuous sister wants to fuck your soaking wet cunt nice and hard before finishing with a creampie ending, you are more than willing to give her that! The thought of such an act almost makes you cum on the spot as your own futa-cock is rock hard and your pussy juices flow down your thighs. Suddenly a faint dull pain that erupts from your abdominal before quickly fading away! Ignoring the fact it felt like you just suddenly ovulated, you step closer to Sister Lucia and pull her into a wet and sloppy kiss!
  The lewd librarian moans are muffled as you slip your tongue into her eager mouth and as the erotic kiss goes on you find yourself being guided almost instinctively to what looks to be her bedroom complete with a soft bed! You groan softly as your wandering hands reaches her _IAss booty and you have to marvel how big her caboose is. Grabbing a double handful of that soft jiggly ass, you let out your own moan of pleasure as the busty sister responds by pressing her _ISD tits against your own $BreastsSize tits. While you grope her _IAss derrier, Sister Lucia rubs her amazing chest against you with increasing force with her rock hard nipples pressed hard against your suprisingly sensitive $NippleSize nipples while doing her best to dual your tongue into submission!
  Sister Lucia is the first to break the hot kiss as she gazes at you with happiness combined with pure lust while huskily saying "I'm so glad you desire me enough to do the the sacred coupling with me! I can't wait for my Virile Seed to be planted deep inside your moist Sacred Womb so that your Fertile Egg can be ignited!" before going back in for another deep kiss! Hearing the sexy nun wanting to impregnate you sounds pretty erotic as you return her french kiss.
  You are eventually forced to come back up for air as you gasp out "How could I resist such a beautiful woman?" Your eyes wander downward to her amazingly big tits and how sexy they look being pressed up against your $BreastSD chest. "I mean, I'm more than ready to have your seed planted deep inside my eager womb!" you unconsciously admit as the fantasy of being knocked up by Sister Lucia intensifies. Feeling frisky from that sinful fantasy, your hands slide up from her _IAss booty before cupping her _ISD chest while your futa-cock slides against her girl-dick!
  "Ooooh! That's making me feel so good and making my futa-cock ache so much!" she moans as you gently caress the outer edge of her big tits while her hands have wandered to your $AssSize asscheeks, giving them a good squeeze in return. "Mmmmm! I wanna get started so how about you get undressed so that I can see what we have to work with!" Smiling back at the hot nun, you quickly undress exposing your $BreastSD $BreastsSize breasts along with your $DickSD rod with your $BallsSD balls hiding your wet pussy. After giving your pussy a pleased stare, the buxom sister smiles happily and says "I like the um, size and shape of your $DickSD bookworm, $PC.FirstName and your muff smells like honey! Mmmm!"
<<if $PC.BreastsSize < 5>>\
  Sister Lucia gently pushes you to your knees while cupping your face gently and huskily says "So the first thing we need to do is to stengthen my holy rod by bathing it between the lips of the maiden. And by that I mean I'm going to get my hard throbbing futa-cock nice and ready by getting a blowjob!"
  "Oh? Does the sexy futa nun want to have her girl-dick sucked?" you ask sultrily as you gave at her _DickSize holy rod that she's stroking while gazing at you in desire. "I think I can do that for my hot librarian friend!" you whisper huskily as your hands force the sister's away from her shaft before you grab that hard rod of god. Sliding your hands up and down that rigid shaft you quickly find your fingers covered from her pre-cum. Wanting a taste of that white seed, you slide your eager lips over her beefy tip!
  Grabbing your head, Sister Lucia gasps as you start to bob up and down on her _DickSD futa-cock. Her pre-cum tastes so wonderful that you slide your slick tongue along the length of her shaft with each bob. You cup her _BallsSD balls and do your best to urge those cum-factories to produce more of her spooge and her body eagerly complies as thin streams of pre-cum leaks down your throat.
  "Oooh! Your mouth is so soft and so wet! I know that the scriptures say having plump lips is a duty to allow pleasure for yourself and for others as well but I don't find it as a duty but a blessing to fuck your warm wonderful mouth like this!" the futa sister moans as she starts to thrust her cock down your eager throat causing you to release a muffled moan of pleasure. With each rapid thrust of her pre-cum leaking cock, you feel a surge of pleasure as your cunt wettens and your $BreastSD tits jiggle as she fucks your face and you are enjoying the fact that she's loving your blowjob as your own staft is leaking pre-cum as wel!
  Sister Lucia slows down her skull-fucking before letting out a loud gasp as she reluctantly pulls her futa-cock out from between your lips. She give you an embarrassed smile as she softly says "Oops! I almost shot all my Virile Seed all down your throat! So now that my futa-rod is very prepared, are you ready for the the sacred coupling to begin? Are you ready for my Virile Seed to be shot deep into your Sacred Womb to become one with your Fertile Egg? To have my Virile Seed ignite your Fertile Egg and fulfill it's sacred purpose with the miracle of life?"
<<switch _Breasts>>\
<<case "Silicone">>\
  Sister Lucia gently pushes you to your knees while cupping your $BreastsSize jugs and huskily says "So the first thing we need to do is to stengthen my holy rod by bathing it between the jugs of the maiden. And by that I mean I'm going to get my hard throbbing futa-cock nice and ready by fucking your big silicone-filled titties!"
  Grabbing your $BreastsSize silicone-enhanced jugs, you give them a light jiggle as you watch the lewd sister strokes her futa-dick before sliding them in between your big fake tits! "Oooh! Your tits are so soft and warm! I know that the scriptures say having large breasts is a duty to allow pleasure for yourself and for others as well but I don't find it as a duty but a blessing to fuck your big breasts like this!"
  "Oh fuck! Keep fucking my big fake tits with your _DickSD holy cock!" you moan loudly as the busty sister thrusts her rod between your jiggly jugs with a steadily rising pace. Sister Lucia sounds like she is enjoying the titty-fuck as her moans of pleasure grow louder and you have to smile as her pre-cum starts to splatter onto your breasts. With each rapid thrust of her pre-cum leaking cock, you feel a surge of pleasure in your $BreastSD tits as they jiggle and bounce from the force of her pounding and at times like this you find that spending all that money getting your tits pumped up makes it worth it as you enjoy the fact that she's loving your big titties!
<<case "Milk">>\
  Sister Lucia gently pushes you to your knees while cupping your $BreastsSize milk jugs and huskily says "So the first thing we need to do is to stengthen my holy rod by bathing it between the jugs of the maiden. And by that I mean I'm going to get my hard throbbing futa-cock nice and ready by fucking your big milk-filled titties!"
  Grabbing your $BreastsSize milky jugs, you give them a light jiggle as you watch the lewd sister strokes her futa-dick before sliding them in between your big mommy milkers! "Oooh! Your tits are so soft and warm! I know that the scriptures say having large breasts is a duty to allow pleasure for yourself and for others as well but I don't find it as a duty but a blessing to fuck your big breasts like this!"
  "Oh fuck! Keep fucking my big tits with your _DickSD holy cock!" you moan loudly as the busty sister thrusts her rod between your jiggly milk jugs with a steadily rising pace and it doesn't take long before milk starts to leak from your nipples. Sister Lucia sounds like she is enjoying the titty-fuck as her moans of pleasure grow louder and you have to smile as her pre-cum starts to splatter onto your breasts. With each rapid thrust of her pre-cum leaking cock, you feel a surge of pleasure in your $BreastSD tits as they jiggle and bounce from the force of her pounding and you are enjoying the fact that she's loving your big titties!
  Sister Lucia gently pushes you to your knees while cupping your $BreastsSize jugs and huskily says "So the first thing we need to do is to stengthen my holy rod by bathing it between the jugs of the maiden. And by that I mean I'm going to get my hard throbbing futa-cock nice and ready by fucking your big o'titties!"
  Grabbing your $BreastsSize jugs, you give them a light jiggle as you watch the lewd sister strokes her futa-dick before sliding them in between your big tits! "Oooh! Your tits are so soft and warm! I know that the scriptures say having large breasts is a duty to allow pleasure for yourself and for others as well but I don't find it as a duty but a blessing to fuck your big breasts like this!"
  "Oh fuck! Keep fucking my big tits with your _DickSD holy cock!" you moan loudly as the busty sister thrusts her rod between your jiggly jugs with a steadily rising pace. Sister Lucia sounds like she is enjoying the titty-fuck as her moans of pleasure grow louder and you have to smile as her pre-cum starts to splatter onto your breasts. With each rapid thrust of her pre-cum leaking cock, you feel a surge of pleasure in your $BreastSD tits as they jiggle and bounce from the force of her pounding and you are enjoying the fact that she's loving your big titties!
  Sister Lucia slows down her titty-fucking before letting out a loud gasp as she reluctantly pulls her futa-cock out from between your jugs. She give you an embarrassed smile as she softly says "Oops! I almost shot all my Virile Seed all over your $BreastSD breasts! So now that my futa-rod is very prepared, are you ready for the the sacred coupling to begin? Are you ready for my Virile Seed to be shot deep into your Sacred Womb to become one with your Fertile Egg? To have my Virile Seed ignite your Fertile Egg and fulfill it's sacred purpose with the miracle of life?"
  Falling back onto her soft bed, you quickly spread your legs wide while pulling your $BallsSD balls up exposing your dripping wet pussy. "Go ahead, Lucia! I'm needing a good hard pounding in my tight pussy so the sooner you shove your cock deep inside my cunt, the sooner you can creampie my pussy!" you beg lustfully while staring at her big hard throbbing dick. All this talk about fertilizing your eggs is turning you on as the powerful fantasy of being impregnated by this beautiful and sexy sister grows stronger in the back of your mind.
  The busty nun's eyes light up as she kneels down between your legs with her thick holy rod in hand. Sister Lucia slowly guides her _DickSD throbbing man meat to the entrance of your tight pussy and you let out a throaty moan as she presses her cock against your swollen pussy lips. Her lusty grin widens as she takes a moment to slide her beefy shaft against your engorge slit to get properly lubed up before thrusting all _DickSize's of her shaft balls deep inside your eager pussy!
  "Oooh! $PC.FirstName! Your slippery cunt is so tight! I can feel your pussy walls gripping my hard cock and it feels soooo good!" Sister Lucia moans as she luxerates in the feeling of your competely stuffed pussy. It doesn't take long for your pussy to adjust to the size of her meaty cock as Sister Lucia starts to thrust in and out of your stuffed cunt causing you to moan and groan in pure pleasure. The whole bed shakes and creaks as she jackhammers your tight pussy and you can feel your $BreastsSize tits jiggle wildly while your own holy rod is freely leaking pre-cum from the intense railing she's giving you!
  Moaning loudly, you gasp out "Oh God! Your dick is so fucking _DickSD! You're completely wrecking my pussy and I'm loving it!" The busty futa's own _ISD tits are swinging hard in time with her thrusts and she is pounding your cunt so hard and so deep that you swear she's hitting the entrance to your womb! The idea of your womb opening up to accept all of her hot stickly Virile Seed sends a spike of intense pleasure thru your whole body and you swear you feel your Fertile Egg finally complete it's journey to your Sacred Womb!
  Grabbing your $BreastSD breasts, the buxom nun starts to eagerly grope your titties without missing a beat as she steadily thrusts away at your tight pussy. "Oh God! It feels so wonderful to fuck your tight pussy, $PC.FirstName! My cock feels sooo good and oh fuck!" she groans as her pace slowly increases as she moans even louder from the pleasure. You can't blame her as your own moans joins her as you feel your own orgasm steadily approaching!
  "Oh, $PC.FirstName! I...I don't know how much longer I can last! Ooooh! Fuck! Are, are you ready for my _BallsSD cum-filled balls to unleash my hot Virile Seed, oh fuck! Into your Sacred Womb? To, to have your Fertile Egg ignited by my potent Virile Seed?" Sister Lucia yells as her pace has reached a fevered pitch! You can feel her _DickSD futa-cock twitching inside your tight pussy as the loudly moaning sister looks to be on the edge of unleashing her potent load inside of your pussy!
  "Do it! I want you to shoot your potent Virile Seed deep inside my Sacred Womb! Knock my fucking Fertile Egg completely up with your thick Virile Seed! I want to feel my Sacred Womb completely creampied by your hot Virile Seed!" you scream as your orgasm draws rapidly closer. Deciding to turn the hot erotic fantasy of being completely and utterly impregnated by Sister Lucia into reality, you wrap your legs around her shapely back and completely leglock her! There will be no pulling out as every primal instict and burning desire screams at you to be bred by the sexy nun!
<<if $PC.Infestation >= $Infestation.Cap & $Infestation.Progress > 1>>\
<<include "Infestation Increase">>\
  As your pussy is being completely wrecked by the sister's _DickSize cock, you feel a surge of energy flowing directly into you! It almost feels like you are burning up but it quickly turns to pleasure that radiates from your wet puffy pussy before spreading out to your sensitive breasts, slightly sore ass and neglected futa-cock.
<<if $StatusAffect.Pregnant is 1 and $PregnantWho is "Sister Lucia">>\
  Sister Lucia grunts loudly as she forcefully thrusts her _DickSize futa-cock so deep into your tight pussy that you actually feel a light burst of discomfort as she penetrates your Sacred Womb! "Oh Fuck! I'm shooting my Virile Seed right into your Sacred Womb! Please dear God, let my Virile Seed ignite $PC.FirstName's Fertile Egg so that new life may be formed in her Sacred Womb!" she screams out as a tidal wave of hot baby-batter floods your womb! As you feel your womb flooded by her holy seed you feel a strange electric sensation from deep inside your womb as you feel your Fertile Egg's defenses easily penetrated by her Virile Seed due to the seeming endless amount of her potent white honey!
  You feel pure pleasure that buries the slight discomfort you feel from being wombed as you feel your breasts, dick and balls suddenly start growing along with your ass! With each heartbeat you can see your titties expand to an even bigger more tantalizing size while your futa-cock surges in size! The feeling of your changing body and the divine feeling of being impregnated by the sexy sister's Virile Seed pushes you over the edge! "Oh God yes! I'm being fucked pregnant! My fucking Fertile Egg just got knocked up by your steamy hot Virile Seed! I'm cumming so much from having your cock deep inside my Sacred Womb! Oh Fuckkkk!" you scream as your orgasm hits you like a train and you soak her futa-cock with an $GCumAD wave of girl-cum while your own $DickSize holy rod shoots $CumAD ribbons of spunk all over the sister's _ISD tits along with your $BreastSD chest! <<if $Infestation.MilkProgress > 0 or $Milk.Stored > 0>> Your expanding milk-filled jugs explode from the pleasure as $MilkAD streams of milk squirt from your hard nipples all over the sister's hands!<</if>>
  Sister Lucia grunts loudly as she forcefully thrusts her _DickSize futa-cock so deep into your tight pussy that you actually feel a light burst of discomfort as she penetrates your Sacred Womb! "Oh Fuck! I'm shooting my Virile Seed right into your Sacred Womb! Please dear God, let my Virile Seed ignite $PC.FirstName's Fertile Egg so that new life may be formed in her Sacred Womb!" she screams out as a tidal wave of hot baby-batter floods your womb!
  You feel pure pleasure that buries the slight discomfort you feel from being wombed as you feel your breasts dick and balls suddenly start growing along with your ass! With each heartbeat you can see your titties expand to an even bigger more tantalizing size while your futa-cock surges in size! The feeling of your changing body and the divine feeling of your womb being flooded by so much of the sexy sister's Virile Seed pushes you over the edge! "Oh God yes! I'm being fucked pregnant! I'm cumming so much from having my titties grow so big while having your cock deep inside my Sacred Womb! Oh Fuckkkk!" you scream as your orgasm hits you like a train and you soak her futa-cock with an $GCumAD wave of girl-cum while your own $DickSize holy rod shoots $CumAD ribbons of spunk all over the sister's _ISD tits along with your $BreastSD chest! <<if $Infestation.MilkProgress > 0 or $Milk.Stored > 0>> Your expanding milk-filled jugs explode from the pleasure as $MilkAD streams of milk squirt from your hard nipples all over the sister's hands!<</if>>
  Sister Lucia collaspes on top of you looking exhausted with her _ISD breasts resting on top of your enlarged $BreastSD jugs and you can hear her making incoherent mumbling noices. Eventually she sits up and gives you a warm smile before gazing down at your partially hidden pussy. Pulling back, you let out a soft moan as her _DickSD futa-dick pops free from your creampied pussy and a small flood of her jizz leaks out from your over-filled pussy onto your bigger $AssSize ass.
  Gazing at you with that warm smile, she says "Oh wow! I can't believe you were gifted with what we call a blessing of voluptuous form! They umm, say it's a good omen what that happens! I'm so glad you chose to let me creampie your Sacred Womb with my Virile Seed at the end of sacred coupling! There's only a slim chance of your Fertile Egg having it's sacred purpose fulfilled, so it's possible but not likely, you know? If it does turn out that you wasn't impregnated by my seed we can always try again tomorrow! And eventually your Fertile Egg will be impregnated!"
  "Uh, sure..." you say as you check out the changes to your body. You discover that you now have a $BreastSD pair of $BreastsSize tits along with a $AssSize booty! On the male side you now have a $DickSD $DickSize futa-cock with a $BallsSD pair of $BallsSize balls! "It was pretty fun and I wouldn't mind stopping again for another sacred coupling." you reply lazily as you bask in the glow of your intense orgasm along with the sexy changes to your body. You really got into it near the end as the cum leaking from your cunt shows.
<<if $Infestation.FutaVariant >= $Infestation.FutaCap and $Infestation.Progress > 1 and $StatusAffect.Futa > 0>>\
<<include "Futa TF">>\
  As you continue to be fucked by the hot Futa you feel a pleasant warm sensation radiating from your groin. As it spreads throughout your body you feel a fundamental change in your gender identity as it reaches your head. You now know that you are a full-time Futa. Shaking off the distraction you have more important things to do like continue to be slammed by the Futa's _DickSD _DickSize cock into your tight pussy.
<<if $StatusAffect.Pregnant is 1 and $PregnantWho is "Sister Lucia">>\
  Sister Lucia grunts loudly as she forcefully thrusts her _DickSize futa-cock so deep into your tight pussy that you actually feel a light burst of discomfort as she penetrates your Sacred Womb! "Oh Fuck! I'm shooting my Virile Seed right into your Sacred Womb! Please dear God, let my Virile Seed ignite $PC.FirstName's Fertile Egg so that new life may be formed in her Sacred Womb!" she screams out as a tidal wave of hot baby-batter floods your womb! As you feel your womb flooded by her holy seed you feel a strange electric sensation from deep inside your womb as you feel your Fertile Egg's defenses easily penetrated by her Virile Seed due to the seeming endless amount of her potent white honey!
  You feel pure ecstasy that buries the slight discomfort you feel from being wombed as the divine feeling of being impregnated by the sexy sister's Virile Seed pushes you over the edge! "Oh God yes! I'm being fucked pregnant! My fucking Fertile Egg just got knocked up by your steamy hot Virile Seed! I'm cumming so much from having your cock deep inside my Sacred Womb! Oh Fuckkkk!" you scream as your orgasm hits you like a train and you soak her futa-cock with an $GCumAD wave of girl-cum while your own $DickSize holy rod shoots $CumAD ribbons of spunk all over the sister's _ISD tits along with your $BreastSD chest! <<if $Infestation.MilkProgress > 0 or $Milk.Stored > 0>> Your milk-filled jugs explode from the pleasure as $MilkAD streams of milk squirt from your hard nipples all over the sister's hands!<</if>>
  Sister Lucia collaspes on top of you looking exhausted with her _ISD breasts resting on top of your $BreastSD jugs and you can hear her making incoherent mumbling noices. Eventually she sits up and gives you a warm smile before gazing down at your still stuffed pussy. Pulling back, you let out a soft moan as her _DickSD futa-dick pops free from your creampied pussy and a small flood of her jizz leaks out from your over-filled pussy onto your $AssSize ass.
  Sister Lucia grunts loudly as she forcefully thrusts her _DickSize futa-cock so deep into your tight pussy that you actually feel a light burst of discomfort as she penetrates your Sacred Womb! "Oh Fuck! I'm shooting my Virile Seed right into your Sacred Womb! Please dear God, let my Virile Seed ignite $PC.FirstName's Fertile Egg so that new life may be formed in her Sacred Womb!" she screams out as a tidal wave of hot baby-batter floods your womb!
  You feel pure ecstasy that buries the slight discomfort you feel from being wombed as the divine feeling of your womb being flooded by so much of the sexy sister's Virile Seed pushes you over the edge! "Oh God yes! I'm being fucked pregnant! I'm cumming so much from having your cock deep inside my Sacred Womb! Oh Fuckkkk!" you scream as your orgasm hits you like a train and you soak her futa-cock with an $GCumAD wave of girl-cum! <<if $Infestation.MilkProgress > 0 or $Milk.Stored > 0>> Your milk-filled jugs explode from the pleasure as $MilkAD streams of milk squirt from your hard nipples all over the sister's hands!<</if>>
  Sister Lucia collaspes on top of you looking exhausted with her _ISD breasts resting on top of your $BreastSD jugs and you can hear her making incoherent mumbling noices. Eventually she sits up and gives you a warm smile before gazing down at your still stuffed pussy. Pulling back, you let out a soft moan as her _DickSD futa-dick pops free from your creampied pussy and a small flood of her jizz leaks out from your over-filled pussy onto your $AssSize ass.
  Gazing at you with that warm smile, she says "That was so amazing, $PC.FirstName! I'm so glad you chose to let me creampie your Sacred Womb with my Virile Seed at the end of sacred coupling! There's only a slim chance of your Fertile Egg having it's sacred purpose fulfilled, so it's possible but not likely, you know? If it does turn out that you wasn't impregnated by my seed we can always try again tomorrow! And eventually your Fertile Egg will be impregnated!"
  "Uh, sure. It was pretty fun and I wouldn't mind stopping again for another sacred coupling." you reply lazily as you bask in the glow of your intense orgasm. You really got into it near the end as the cum leaking from your cunt shows.
  Her smile slowly turns into a frown as she looks at the clock next to her nightstand. "Unfortunately I really should be getting back on working on putting all these books back into our collection. Mother Elisabeth can't be too mad at me since I was doing my sacred duty with the whole sacred coupling thing!" With that said she slowly gets dressed and you watch with amazement as her futa-cock disappears along with her balls! Giving you a cheerful wave goodbye, she heads back into the library proper leaving you alone to get dressed.You slowly get dressed and gather your gear before leaving the church.
<div class="pcTalk"><i>That was pretty intense! It's a strange philosphy with the whole Sacred Womb, Virile Seed and Fertile Egg... Oh Fuck! I can't believe I wanted Sister Lucia to knock me upI I can't afford to get pregnant right now with all these Infested and raiders and who knows what out there!</i></div>
<<set $genericEvent.Image = $eventPath14 + $arrayEvent14Librarian[5] + '.jpg'>>\
<img @src=$genericEvent.Image />
<<set _Preg to (random(999) +1)>>\
<<set _Vs to 51 + ($Cum.Stored *2) + ($GeneralFeats.MessySpray *20) + ($GeneralFeats.PotentFertility) + ($StatusAffect.Fertility * 50) + ($StatusAffect.Energized * 5 ) - (Math.round($Infestation.Progress / 2) )>>\
<<if $AdminMode is 1>>\
Roll: _Preg vs _Vs
<<if $npcLucia.Pregnant is 0 and _Preg < 51 + ($Cum.Stored *2) + ($GeneralFeats.MessySpray *20) + ($GeneralFeats.PotentFertility) + ($StatusAffect.Fertility * 50) + ($StatusAffect.Energized * 5) - (Math.round($Infestation.Progress / 2) )>>\
<<set $npcLucia.Pregnant to 1>>\
<<set $npcLucia.BreastsSize to $npcLucia.BreastsSize +2>>\
<<set $churchofTriologyLifeEvent.LuciaVisit to 7>>\
  As you stare at Sister Lucia, her intoxicating words sound so sure and so inviting while that musky scent coming from her pussy is too intoxicating to deny. You find it too hard to refuse her enticing offer, hard like your $DickSize dick that's begging to be buried inside her tight pussy! If the voluptuous sister wants to be fucked nice and hard with a creampie ending, you are more than willing to give that to her! You can feel your rock hard futa-cock throb at the idea while your soaking wet cunt drips as you step closer to Sister Lucia and pull her into a wet and sloppy kiss!
  The lewd librarian moans are muffled as you slip your tongue into her eager mouth while your wandering hands reaches her _IAss booty. Grabbing a double handful of that soft jiggly ass, you let out your own moan of pleasure as the busty sister responds by pressing her _ISD tits against your own $BreastsSize tits. While you grope her _IAss derrier, Sister Lucia rubs her amazing chest against you with increasing force with her rock hard nipples pressed hard against your $NippleSize nipples while doing her best to dual your tongue into submission!
  Sister Lucia is the first to break the hot kiss as she gazes at you with pure joy combined with extreme lust while saying "I'm so glad you desire me enough to do the the sacred coupling with me! I can't wait for your Virile Seed to be planted deep inside my moist Sacred Womb so that my Fertile Egg will be ignited!" before going back in for another deep kiss and as the kiss continues you notice her futa-cock has vanished!
  You are eventually forced to come back up for air as you gasp out "How could I resist such a beautiful woman?" Your eyes wander downward to her amazingly big tits and how sexy they look being pressed up against your $BreastSD chest. "I mean, I'm more than ready to plant my seed deep inside your tight pussy!" you continue as you hands slide up from her _IAss booty before cupping her _ISD chest!
  "Ooooh! That's making me feel so good!" she moans as you gently caress the outer edge of her big tits while her hands have wandered to your $AssSize asscheeks, giving them a good squeeze in return.. "Mmmmm! I wanna get started so how about you get undressed so that I can check out your big meat rod!" Smiling back at the hot nun, you quickly undress exposing your $DickSD $DickSize girl-dick along with your $BallsSD pair of $BallsSize balls. After giving your $DickSize shaft a pleased stare, the buxom sister smiles happily and says "I like the um, size and shape of your $DickSD bookworm, $PC.FirstName!"
  Sister Lucia then kneels before you while cupping her _ICup jugs and huskily says "Usually I should ask if you would rather have your big holy rod bathed between my _ICup tits or in my mouth but with how much you like staring at my big bouncy chest I can guess your answer!" You can't deny that you enjoy looking at her big juicy breasts as you watch in anticipation as the voluptuous librarian wraps her _ISD jugs around your hard throbbing dick all the while staring at you in desire!
  "Just remember, $PC.FirstName! No shooting your load of Virile Seed over my big titties! That needs to saved for an epic creampie of my Sacred Womb!" Sister Lucia demands as she slowly starts to stroke your hard $DickSize shaft with those wonderful breasts of hers as you groan loudly in pleasure! "Mmm! I'm so happy that you are enjoying getting titty-fucked by my big breasts, $PC.FirstName! I know the that the scriptures say that having large breasts is a duty to allow pleasure for yourself and for others as well but I don't find it as a duty but a blessing to use my big titties like this!"
  The thought of unleashing all your backed up seed deep inside her pussy, to flood her womb with your hot baby-batter, makes you moan even louder in desire. It takes all your willpower to avoud shooting your hot wad all over the hot sister's big juicy titties as you moan out "Oh fuck Lucia! Your titty-fucking feels fucking amazing!" as she expertly strokes and rubs your hard shaft with those soft titties of hers while your cock leaks pre-cum like a sieve. Even your neglected cunt is leaking long strands of girl-fluids down your legs from the intense pleasure.
  You let out a groan of dissapointment as she pulls her _ISD breasts away from your cock with some of your pre-cum already staining the tops of them. "Oops! I think that should be enough tit-fucking to get your holy rod properly prepared, in fact you might be too prepared! A little bit more and you would have been shooting all your Virile Seed all over my big tits which is tons of fun but we have a better home for all that Virile Seed!" the lewd sister explains as she gets back on her feet causing her fully exposed _ICup breasts to bounce gently from the motion. Stepping away from where you are standing with your hard cock in hand, she eventually leans over a desk before looking over her shoulder at you with her dripping wet cunt fully exposed! She smiles warmly at you and solemnly says "So are you ready to bury your Virile Seed deep inside my Sacred Womb to fulfill my Fertile Egg's holy purpose? To have your juicy and potent Virile Seed ignite my Fertile Egg with the miracle of life?"
  Staring at the perverted nun who's begging you to knock her up, to be fucked so completely that she can't help but end up pregnant from your baby-batter is too much for you to resist! "You better fucking believe that I'm going to fuck you so hard that there's no goddamn chance that you won't end up with your Fertile Egg completely and utterly knocked up by my Virile Seed!" you say lustfully as you step behind Sister Lucia and grab her _IAss hips before slamming your $DickSize shaft deep into her dripping wet cunt!
  The busty nun screams in ecstasy from having your $DickSize shaft buried balls deep inside her dripping wet pussy and moans even louder as she is unrelentlessly pounded by your $DickSD cock! You feel a burning, overwelming need to breed this holy sister completely and utterly pregnant and your eager futa-cock and seed-filled balls are more than willing to do so! The sweet sound of you slamming your groin into her _IAss jiggling ass rises as you continue to drill the sexy sister's cunt nice and hard and you soon get into a nice strong rhythm.
  Sister Lucia moans "Oh fuck! Grab my hips and pound my slutty cunt even harder, $PC.FirstName!" as her _ISD tits are pressed against the desk from the force of your hard thrusting. Tightening your grip on her big shapely hips, you increase the speed of your hard pounding of her extremely slippery pussy while your $BreastSD breasts swing in time your thrusts! "Oh yesss! Fuck! Can...Can you imagine how fucking big my mommy milkers will get once your Virile Seed demolishes my Fertile Egg's defenses? How big my stomach will get after you fuck me pregnant?" Her words spurn you on as you imagine the sexy sister's _ISD breasts growing even larger as they fill with milk while her stomach grows bigger and rounder!!
  "Oooh! Feeels...Feeels so good! Getting fucked, getting plowed! Going to get a big fucking preggy belly!" Sister Lucia moans almost incoherently as she looks back at you with her face flushed with desire. She can't do much more than that as she can barely stand with her _ISD chest looking completely squished against the desk. The idea of erotic librarian waddlying around the church library with her pregnant stomach pushing out against her fetish nun outfit and how radiant she would look spurns you on even harder as your every primal instinct and burning desire is screaming at you to shoot your Virile Seed deep into her Sacred Womb in order to fuck her Fertile Egg pregnant!
  "Oh fuck, Lucia! I, can't hold back, fuckkk! much longer! I'm...I'm about to shoot my big load of Virile Seed all up your tight pussy!" you grunt as she starts to thrust back against your own rapid jackhammering and you swear you can feel the tip of your cock slamming against the entrance to her womb! A burst of pure pleasure erupts each time your $DickSD shaft rams into the entrance of her Sacred Womb and it gets harder to hold back your $BallsSD balls from unleashing your big load of Virile Seed!
  Sister Lucia stares at you with pure lust and desire and huskily says between breathy moans "Do it! Shoot your Virile Seed deep inside my Sacred Womb and fill it so completely that my Fertile Egg has no choice but to surrender to your potent seed! Ignite my Fertile Egg and bestow upon me the gift of new life!"
<<if $PC.Infestation >= $Infestation.Cap & $Infestation.Progress > 1>>\
<<include "Infestation Increase">>\
  As you slam your <<Penis>> into the sexy sister's dripping wet cunt you feel a surge of energy flowing directly into you! It almost feels like you are burning up but it quickly turns to pleasure that radiates from your hard futa-cock, jigglying breasts, bouncy ass and cum-filled balls!
  Hearing the perverted nun passionately beg to be impregnated by your Virile Seed sends a burst of energy thru your dick and you feel your thobbing shaft start to grow bigger and thicker! Feeling your futa-cock growing even more powerful pushes you over the edge as you give one last mighty thrust into her tight pussy and to your shock and amazement you feel your $DickSize cock easily penetrate her womb! "Oh fuck! I'm, I'm cumming! I'm fucking shooting my Virile Seed from my growing cock straight into your Sacred Womb! Get creampied by my hot juicy Virile Seed and prepare to have your whorish Fertile Egg knocked up!" you yell as you feel your bigger $BallsSD cum-filled balls unleash their holy baby gravy and a endless firehose of potent Virile Seed flows freely into her Sacred Womb flooding her completely!
<<if $npcLucia.Pregnant is 1>>\
  Feeling her womb being creampied by so much jizz pushes Sister Lucia over the edge as you can feel her tight pussy squeeze your shaft hard as a flood of girl-cum squirts out from her stuffed cunt! Screaming out in ecstasy "Oh! Ohh! Ohhhh~! I, I can feel your Virile Seed flooding my Sacred Womb! Oh fuck! It's, it's completely filling me up so much! Oh God! I can feel $PC.FirstName's thick potent Virile Seed assaulting my Fertile Egg and it's...it's being ignited!"
  Feeling her womb being creampied by so much jizz pushes Sister Lucia over the edge as you can feel her tight pussy squeeze your shaft hard as a flood of girl-cum squirts out from her stuffed cunt! Screaming out in ecstasy "Oh! Ohh! Ohhhh~! I, I can feel your Virile Seed flooding my Sacred Womb! Oh fuck! It's, it's completely filling me up so much! Oh God! Dear God, please let $PC.FirstName's thick potent Virile Seed fulfill my Fertile Egg's purpose so that new life may be formed in my Sacred Womb!"
  You collapse on top of the busty sister as you feel competely spent from shooting so much baby-batter. It doesn't help that you also squirted a $GCumAD wave of girl-cum all over your legs as well. Your stomach is resting on top of her _IAss booty while she is collasped on top of her _ISD chest. Sister Lucia has the radiant glow of being fucked nice and hard as she makes cute incoherent murmurs. Feeling a bit more energy, you finally decide that you've recovered enough to straighten up which allows your bigger $DickSize cock to pop free from the slutty sister's creampied pussy.
  Gazing at you with that warm smile, she says "Oh wow! I can't believe you were gifted with what we call a blessing of voluptuous form! They umm, say it's a good omen what that happens! I'm so glad you chose to creampie me with so much Virile Seed at the end of sacred coupling! There's only a slim chance of my Fertile Egg having it's sacred purpose fulfilled, so it's possible but not likely, you know? If it does turn out that I wasn't impregnated by your juicy seed we can always try again tomorrow! And eventually my Fertile Egg will be ignited or maybe you might want to have your Fertile Egg ignited instead?"
  "Uh, sure..." you say as you check out the changes to your body. You discover that you now have a $BreastSD pair of $BreastsSize tits along with a $AssSize booty! On the male side you now have a $DickSD $DickSize dick while your balls have grown to be a $BallsSD pair of $BallsSize balls! "It was pretty fun and I wouldn't mind stopping again for another sacred coupling." you reply lazily as you bask in the glow of your intense orgasm along with the sexy changes to your body. You really got into it near the end as the cum leaking from sister's cunt shows.
  Hearing the perverted nun passionately beg to be impregnated by your Virile Seed pushes you over the edge as you give one last mighty thrust into her tight pussy and to your shock and amazement you feel your $DickSize cock somehow penetrate her womb! "Oh fuck! I'm, I'm cumming! I'm fucking shooting my Virile Seed straight into your Sacred Womb! Get creampied by my hot juicy Virile Seed and prepare to have your whorish Fertile Egg knocked up!" you yell as you feel your $BallsSD cum-filled balls unleash their holy baby gravy and a $CumAD firehose of potent Virile Seed flows freely into her Sacred Womb flooding her completely!
<<if $npcLucia.Pregnant is 1>>\
  Feeling her womb being creampied pushes Sister Lucia over the edge as you can feel her tight pussy squeeze your shaft hard as a flood of girl-cum squirts out from her stuffed cunt! Screaming out in ecstasy "Oh! Ohh! Ohhhh~! I, I can feel your Virile Seed flooding my Sacred Womb! Oh fuck! It's, it's completely filling me up so much! Oh God! I can feel $PC.FirstName's thick potent Virile Seed assaulting my Fertile Egg and it's...it's being ignited!"
  Feeling her womb being creampied pushes Sister Lucia over the edge as you can feel her tight pussy squeeze your shaft hard as a flood of girl-cum squirts out from her stuffed cunt! Screaming out in ecstasy "Oh! Ohh! Ohhhh~! I, I can feel your Virile Seed flooding my Sacred Womb! Oh fuck! It's, it's completely filling me up so much! Oh God! Dear God, please let $PC.FirstName's thick potent Virile Seed fulfill my Fertile Egg's purpose so that new life may be formed in my Sacred Womb!"
  You collapse on top of the busty sister as you feel competely spent from shooting so much baby-batter. It doesn't help that you also squirted a $GCumAD wave of girl-cum all over your legs as well. Your stomach is resting on top of her _IAss booty while she is collasped on top of her _ISD chest. Sister Lucia has the radiant glow of being fucked nice and hard as she makes cute incoherent murmurs. Feeling a bit more energy, you finally decide that you've recovered enough to straighten up which allows your $DickSize futa-cock to pop free from the slutty sister's creampied pussy.
<<if $npcLucia.Pregnant is 1>>\
  Looking to regain some sense of awareness, Sister Lucia finally straightens up but keeps her fingers close to her pussy as if to keep her creampied cunt from leaking. Giving you a warm smile while rubbing her lower abdomen, she says "That was so amazing, $PC.FirstName! I'm so glad you chose to creampie me with so much Virile Seed at the end of sacred coupling! Usually there's only a slim chance of my Fertile Egg having it's sacred purpose fulfilled but this time I felt something amazing when you shot all that baby-batter into my womb! But, umm, the Infested thingy looks to have caused a massive decrease in fertility so it's not positive. I mean, I might have uh, just hoped and wanted to feel something, you know? If it does turn out that I wasn't impregnated by your juicy seed we can always try again tomorrow! And eventually my Fertile Egg will be ignited!"
  "Uh, sure. It was pretty fun and I wouldn't mind stopping again for another sacred coupling." you reply lazily as you bask in the glow of your intense orgasm. You really got into it near the end as the cum leaking from the sister's cunt shows.
  Her smile slowly turns into a frown as she looks at the clock above the door. "Unfortunately I really should be getting back on working on putting all these books back into our collection. Mother Elisabeth can't be too mad at me since I was doing my sacred duty with the whole sacred coupling thing!" With that said she slowly gets dressed. Giving you a cheerful wave goodbye, she heads back into the library proper leaving you alone to get dressed.You slowly get dressed as well and gather your gear before leaving the library.
  Looking to regain some sense of awareness, Sister Lucia finally straightens up but keeps her fingers close to her pussy as if to keep her creampied cunt from leaking.. Giving you a warm smile while rubbing her lower abdomen, she says "That was so amazing, $PC.FirstName! I'm so glad you chose to creampie me with so much Virile Seed at the end of sacred coupling! There's only a slim chance of my Fertile Egg having it's sacred purpose fulfilled, so it's possible but not likely, you know? If it does turn out that I wasn't impregnated by your juicy seed we can always try again tomorrow! And eventually my Fertile Egg will be ignited or maybe you might want to have your Fertile Egg ignited instead?"
  "Uh, sure. It was pretty fun and I wouldn't mind stopping again for another sacred coupling." you reply lazily as you bask in the glow of your intense orgasm. You really got into it near the end as the cum leaking from the sister's cunt shows.
  Her smile slowly turns into a frown as she looks at the clock above the door. "Unfortunately I really should be getting back on working on putting all these books back into our collection. Mother Elisabeth can't be too mad at me since I was doing my sacred duty with the whole sacred coupling thing!" With that said she slowly gets dressed. Giving you a cheerful wave goodbye, she heads back into the library proper leaving you alone to get dressed. You slowly get dressed as well and gather your gear before leaving the library.
<div class="pcTalk"><i>That was pretty intense! It's a strange philosphy with the whole Sacred Womb, Virile Seed and Fertile Egg... Oh Fuck! I can't believe I wanted to knock up Sister LuciaI I can't afford to get anyone pregnant right now with all these Infested and raiders and who knows what out there!</i></div>
<<button [[Leave|Church - Leaving]]>>
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<include "Lust Passes">>\
<</button>><<set $genericEvent.Image = $eventPath14 + $arrayEvent14Librarian[1] + '.jpg'>>\
<<set $sexHistory.XP to $sexHistory.XP +1>>\
<<set $npcLucia.SexXP to $npcLucia.SexXP +1>>\
<<set $LastPartner to $npcLucia>>\
<<set $npcLucia.SexDetection to "Male">>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$npcLucia.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$npcLucia.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _IAss to $arrayAssSizeDesc[$npcLucia.AssSize]>>\
<<set _DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$npcLucia.DickSize]>>\
<<set _DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$npcLucia.DickSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$npcLucia.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$npcLucia.BallsSize]>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.Vaccine < 1>>\
<<if (random(19) +1) + $PC.Fortitude + $InfectionResist.Fort + $FoodStatus.Fort - $StatusAffect.Wet < (23 + Math.round($Infestation.Progress / 2) )>>\
<<if $Infestation.Progress < 1>>\
<<set $Infestation.Progress to 1>>\
<<set _Infest to random(15) - $InfectionResist.DR +5>>\
<<if _Infest < 0>>\
<<set _Infest to 0>>\
<<set $PC.Infestation to $PC.Infestation + _Infest>>\
<<if $Infestation.FutaVariant < 100>>\
<<set $Infestation.FutaVariant to $Infestation.FutaVariant + random(15) +5>>\
<<if $Infestation.FutaVariant > $Infestation.FutaCap>>\
<<set $Infestation.FutaVariant to $Infestation.FutaCap>>\
<<if $PC.Infestation > $Infestation.Cap>>\
<<set $PC.Infestation to $Infestation.Cap>>\
<<if (random(19) + 1) + $Skill.Social + $CharismaBonus > 14>>\
<<set $npcLucia.Friendship to $npcLucia.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity +3 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set $npcLucia.Friendship to $npcLucia.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity +2 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set _Preg to (random(999) +1)>>\
<<set _Vs to 51 + ($Cum.Stored *2) + ($GeneralFeats.MessySpray *20) + ($GeneralFeats.PotentFertility) + ($StatusAffect.Fertility * 50) + ($StatusAffect.Energized * 5 ) - (Math.round($Infestation.Progress / 2) )>>\
<<if $AdminMode is 1>>\
Roll:_Preg vs _Vs
<<if $npcLucia.Pregnant is 0 and _Preg < 51 + ($Cum.Stored *2) + ($GeneralFeats.MessySpray *20) + ($GeneralFeats.PotentFertility) + ($StatusAffect.Fertility * 50) + ($StatusAffect.Energized * 5) - (Math.round($Infestation.Progress / 2) )>>\
<<set $npcLucia.Pregnant to 1>>\
<<set $npcLucia.BreastsSize to $npcLucia.BreastsSize +2>>\
<<set $churchofTriologyLifeEvent.LuciaVisit to 7>>\
  As you stare at Sister Lucia, her intoxicating words sound so sure and so inviting while that musky scent coming from her pussy is too intoxicating to deny. You find it too hard to refuse her enticing offer, hard like your $DickSize dick that's begging to be buried inside her exposed pussy! If the voluptuous sister wants to be fucked nice and hard with a creampie ending, you are more than willing to give that to her! You can feel your rock hard cock throb at the idea while your soaking wet cunt drips as you step closer to Sister Lucia and pull her into a wet and sloppy kiss!
  The lewd librarian moans are muffled as you slip your tongue into her eager mouth while your wandering hands reaches her _IAss booty. Grabbing a double handful of that soft jiggly ass, you let out your own moan of pleasure as the busty sister responds by pressing her _ISD tits against your own hard chest causing your $DickSD dick to press against her thigh. While you grope her _IAss derrier, Sister Lucia rubs her amazing chest against you with increasing force with her rock hard nipples pressed hard against your manly chest while doing her best to dual your tongue into submission!
  Sister Lucia is the first to break the hot kiss as she gazes at you with pure joy combined with extreme lust while saying "I'm so glad you desire me enough to do the the sacred coupling with me! I can't wait for your Virile Seed to be planted deep inside my moist Sacred Womb so that my Fertile Egg will be ignited!" before going back in for another deep kiss! All this talk about fertilizing her eggs is turning you on as the powerful fantasy of impregnating this beautiful and sexy sister grows in the back of your mind.
  You are eventually forced to come back up for air as you gasp out "How could I resist such a beautiful woman?" Your eyes wander downward to her amazingly big tits and how sexy they look being pressed up against your chest. "I mean, I'm more than ready to plant my seed deep inside your tight pussy!" you continue as you hands slide up from her _IAss booty before cupping her _ISD chest!
  "Ooooh! That's making me feel so good!" she moans as you gently caress the outer edge of her big tits while her hands have wandered to your $AssSize asscheeks, giving them a good squeeze in return.. "Mmmmm! I wanna get started so how about you get undressed so that I can check out your big meat rod!" Smiling back at the hot nun, you quickly undress exposing your $DickSD $DickSize dick along with your $BallsSD pair of $BallsSize balls. After giving your $DickSize shaft a pleased stare, the buxom sister smiles happily and says "I like the um, size and shape of your $DickSD bookworm, $PC.FirstName!"
  Sister Lucia then kneels before you while cupping her _ICup jugs and huskily says "Usually I should ask if you would rather have your big holy rod bathed between my _ICup tits or in my mouth but with how much you like staring at my big bouncy chest, I can guess your answer!" You can't deny that you enjoy looking at her big juicy breasts as you watch in anticipation as the voluptuous librarian wraps her _ISD jugs around your hard throbbing dick all the while staring at you in desire!
  "Just remember, $PC.FirstName! No shooting your load of Virile Seed over my big titties! That needs to saved for an epic creampie of my Sacred Womb!" Sister Lucia demands as she slowly starts to stroke your hard $DickSize shaft with those wonderful breasts of hers as you groan loudly in pleasure! "Mmm! I'm so happy that you are enjoying getting titty-fucked by my big breasts, $PC.FirstName! I know the that the scriptures say that having large breasts is a duty to allow pleasure for yourself and for others as well but I don't find it as a duty but a blessing to use my big titties like this!"
  The thought of unleashing all your backed up seed deep inside her pussy, to flood her womb with your hot baby-batter, makes you moan even louder in desire. It takes all your willpower to avoid shooting your hot wad all over the hot sister's big juicy titties as you moan out "Oh fuck Lucia! Your titty-fucking feels fucking amazing!" as she expertly strokes and rubs your hard shaft with those soft titties of hers while your cock leaks pre-cum like a sieve.
  You let out a groan of dissapointment as she pulls her _ISD breasts away from your cock with some of your pre-cum already staining the tops of them. "Oops! I think that should be enough tit-fucking to get your holy rod properly prepared, in fact you might be too prepared! A little bit more and you would have been shooting all your Virile Seed all over my big tits which is tons of fun but we have a better home for all that Virile Seed!" the lewd sister explains as she gets back on her feet causing her fully exposed _ICup breasts to bounce gently from the motion. Stepping away from where you are standing with your hard cock standing proudly, she eventually leans over a desk before looking over her shoulder at you with her dripping wet cunt fully exposed! She smiles lewdly at you and solemnly says "So are you ready to bury your Virile Seed deep inside my Sacred Womb to fulfill my Fertile Egg's holy purpose? To have your juicy and potent Virile Seed ignite my Fertile Egg with the miracle of life?"
  Staring at the perverted nun who's begging you to knock her up, to be fucked so completely that she can't help but end up pregnant from your baby-batter is too much for you to resist! "You better fucking believe that I'm going to fuck you so hard that there's no goddamn chance that you won't end up with your Fertile Egg completely and utterly knocked up by my Virile Seed!" you say lustfully as you step behind Sister Lucia and grab her _IAss hips before slamming your $DickSize shaft deep into her dripping wet cunt!
  The busty nun screams in ecstasy from having your $DickSize shaft buried balls deep inside her dripping wet pussy and moans even louder as she is unrelentlessly pounded by your $DickSD cock! You feel a burning, overwelming need to breed this holy sister completely and utterly pregnant and your eager futa-cock and seed-filled balls are more than willing to do so! The sweet sound of you slamming your groin into her _IAss jiggling ass rises as you continue to drill the sexy sister's cunt nice and hard and you soon get into a nice strong rhythm.
  Sister Lucia moans "Oh fuck! Grab my hips and pound my slutty cunt even harder, $PC.FirstName!" as her _ISD tits are pressed against the desk from the force of your hard thrusting. Tightening your grip on her big shapely hips, you increase the speed of your hard pounding of her extremely slippery pussy while your $BallsSD balls slap against her! "Oh yesss! Fuck! Can...Can you imagine how fucking big my mommy milkers will get once your Virile Seed demolishes my Fertile Egg's defenses? How big my stomach will get after you fuck me pregnant?" Her words spurn you on as you imagine the sexy sister's _ISD breasts growing even larger as they fill with milk while her stomach grows bigger and rounder!
  "Oooh! Feeels...Feeels so good! Getting fucked, getting plowed! Going to get a big fucking preggy belly!" Sister Lucia moans almost incoherently as she looks back at you with her face flushed with desire. She can't do much more than that as she can barely stand with her _ISD chest looking completely squished against the desk. The idea of erotic librarian waddlying around the church library with her pregnant stomach pushing out against her fetish nun outfit and how radiant she would look spurns you on even harder as your every primal instinct and burning desire is screaming at you to shoot your Virile Seed deep into her Sacred Womb in order to fuck her Fertile Egg pregnant!
  "Oh fuck, Lucia! I, can't hold back, fuckkk! much longer! I'm...I'm about to shoot my big load of Virile Seed all up your tight pussy!" you grunt as she starts to thrust back against your own rapid jackhammering and you swear you can feel the tip of your cock slamming against the entrance to her womb! A burst of pure pleasure erupts each time your $DickSD shaft rams into the entrance of her Sacred Womb and it gets harder to hold back your $BallsSD balls from unleashing your big load of Virile Seed!
  Sister Lucia stares at you with pure lust and desire and huskily says between breathy moans "Do it! Shoot your Virile Seed deep inside my Sacred Womb and fill it so completely that my Fertile Egg has no choice but to surrender to your potent seed! Ignite my Fertile Egg and bestow upon me the gift of new life!"
<<if $PC.Infestation >= $Infestation.Cap & $Infestation.Progress > 1>>\
<<include "Infestation Increase">>\
  As you slam your <<Penis>> into the sexy sister's dripping wet cunt you feel a surge of energy flowing directly into you! It almost feels like you are burning up but it quickly turns to pleasure that radiates from your hard <<Penis>> and cum-filled balls!
  Hearing the perverted nun passionately beg to be impregnated by your Virile Seed sends a burst of energy thru your dick and you feel your thobbing shaft start to grow bigger and thicker! Feeling your cock growing even more powerful pushes you over the edge as you give one last mighty thrust into her tight pussy and to your shock and amazement you feel your $DickSize cock easily penetrate her womb! "Oh fuck! I'm, I'm cumming! I'm fucking shooting my Virile Seed from my growing cock straight into your Sacred Womb! Get creampied by my hot juicy Virile Seed and prepare to have your whorish Fertile Egg knocked up!" you yell as you feel your bigger $BallsSD cum-filled balls unleash their holy baby gravy and a endless firehose of potent Virile Seed flows freely into her Sacred Womb flooding her completely!
<<if $npcLucia.Pregnant is 1>>\
  Feeling her womb being creampied by so much jizz pushes Sister Lucia over the edge as you can feel her tight pussy squeeze your shaft hard as a flood of girl-cum squirts out from her stuffed cunt! Screaming out in ecstasy "Oh! Ohh! Ohhhh~! I, I can feel your Virile Seed flooding my Sacred Womb! Oh fuck! It's, it's completely filling me up so much! Oh God! I can feel $PC.FirstName's thick potent Virile Seed assaulting my Fertile Egg and it's...it's being ignited!"
  Feeling her womb being creampied by so much jizz pushes Sister Lucia over the edge as you can feel her tight pussy squeeze your shaft hard as a flood of girl-cum squirts out from her stuffed cunt! Screaming out in ecstasy "Oh! Ohh! Ohhhh~! I, I can feel your Virile Seed flooding my Sacred Womb! Oh fuck! It's, it's completely filling me up so much! Oh God! Dear God, please let $PC.FirstName's thick potent Virile Seed fulfill my Fertile Egg's purpose so that new life may be formed in my Sacred Womb!"
  You collapse on top of the busty sister as you feel competely spent from shooting so much baby-batter.collasped on top of her _ISD chest. Sister Lucia has the radiant glow of being fucked nice and hard as she makes cute incoherent murmurs. Feeling a bit more energy, you finally decide that you've recovered enough to straighten up which allows your bigger $DickSize cock to pop free from the slutty sister's creampied pussy and you finally get a chance to check out your changes to your body. You now have a $DickSD $DickSize dick covered in cum while your balls have grown to be a $BallSD pair of $BallsSize balls!
  Looking to regain some sense of awareness, Sister Lucia finally straightens up but keeps her fingers close to her pussy as if to keep her creampied cunt from leaking. Giving you a warm smile while rubbing her lower abdomen, she says "Oh wow! I can't believe you were gifted with what we call a blessing of studly form! They umm, say it's a good omen what that happens! I'm so glad you chose to creampie me with so much Virile Seed at the end of sacred coupling! Usually there's only a slim chance of my Fertile Egg having it's sacred purpose fulfilled but this time I felt something amazing when you shot all that baby-batter into my womb! But, umm, the Infested thingy looks to have caused a massive decrease in fertility so it's not positive. I mean, I might have uh, just hoped and wanted to feel something, you know? If it does turn out that I wasn't impregnated by your juicy seed we can always try again tomorrow! And eventually my Fertile Egg will be ignited!"
  "Uh, sure. It was pretty fun and I wouldn't mind stopping again for another sacred coupling." you reply lazily as you bask in the glow of your intense orgasm. You really got into it near the end as the cum leaking from the sister's cunt shows.
  Hearing the perverted nun passionately beg to be impregnated by your Virile Seed pushes you over the edge as you give one last mighty thrust into her tight pussy and to your shock and amazement you feel your $DickSize cock somehow penetrate her womb! "Oh fuck! I'm, I'm cumming! I'm fucking shooting my Virile Seed straight into your Sacred Womb! Get creampied by my hot juicy Virile Seed and prepare to have your whorish Fertile Egg knocked up!" you yell as you feel your $BallsSD cum-filled balls unleash their holy baby gravy and a $CumAD firehose of potent Virile Seed flows freely into her Sacred Womb flooding her completely!
<<if $npcLucia.Pregnant is 1>>\
  Feeling her womb being creampied pushes Sister Lucia over the edge as you can feel her tight pussy squeeze your shaft hard as a flood of girl-cum squirts out from her stuffed cunt! Screaming out in ecstasy "Oh! Ohh! Ohhhh~! I, I can feel your Virile Seed flooding my Sacred Womb! Oh fuck! It's, it's completely filling me up so much! Oh God! I can feel $PC.FirstName's thick potent Virile Seed assaulting my Fertile Egg and it's...it's being ignited!"
  Feeling her womb being creampied pushes Sister Lucia over the edge as you can feel her tight pussy squeeze your shaft hard as a flood of girl-cum squirts out from her stuffed cunt! Screaming out in ecstasy "Oh! Ohh! Ohhhh~! I, I can feel your Virile Seed flooding my Sacred Womb! Oh fuck! It's, it's completely filling me up so much! Oh God! Dear God, please let $PC.FirstName's thick potent Virile Seed fulfill my Fertile Egg's purpose so that new life may be formed in my Sacred Womb!"
  You collapse on top of the busty sister as you feel competely spent from shooting so much baby-batter. Your stomach is resting on top of her _IAss booty while she is collasped on top of her _ISD chest. Sister Lucia has the radiant glow of being fucked nice and hard as she makes cute incoherent murmurs. Feeling a bit more energy, you finally decide that you've recovered enough to straighten up which allows your $DickSize cock to pop free from the slutty sister's creampied pussy.
<<if $npcLucia.Pregnant is 1>>\
  Looking to regain some sense of awareness, Sister Lucia finally straightens up but keeps her fingers close to her pussy as if to keep her creampied cunt from leaking. Giving you a warm smile while rubbing her lower abdomen, she says "That was so amazing, $PC.FirstName! I'm so glad you chose to creampie me with so much Virile Seed at the end of sacred coupling! Usually there's only a slim chance of my Fertile Egg having it's sacred purpose fulfilled but this time I felt something amazing when you shot all that baby-batter into my womb! But, umm, the Infested thingy looks to have caused a massive decrease in fertility so it's not positive. I mean, I might have uh, just hoped and wanted to feel something, you know? If it does turn out that I wasn't impregnated by your juicy seed we can always try again tomorrow! And eventually my Fertile Egg will be ignited!"
  Looking to regain some sense of awareness, Sister Lucia finally straightens up but keeps her fingers close to her pussy as if to keep her creampied cunt from leaking.. Giving you a warm smile while rubbing her lower abdomen, she says "That was so amazing, $PC.FirstName! I'm so glad you chose to creampie me with so much Virile Seed at the end of sacred coupling! There's only a slim chance of my Fertile Egg having it's sacred purpose fulfilled, so it's possible but not likely, you know? If it does turn out that I wasn't impregnated by your juicy seed we can always try again tomorrow! And eventually my Fertile Egg will be ignited!"
  "Uh, sure. It was pretty fun and I wouldn't mind stopping again for another sacred coupling." you reply lazily as you bask in the glow of your intense orgasm. You really got into it near the end as the cum leaking from the sister's cunt shows.
  Her smile slowly turns into a frown as she looks at the clock above the door. "Unfortunately I really should be getting back on working on putting all these books back into our collection. Mother Elisabeth can't be too mad at me since I was doing my sacred duty with the whole sacred coupling thing!" With that said she slowly gets dressed and you watch with amusement as she does her best to keep your cum from leaking out from her filled pussy by doing tiny step. Giving you a cheerful wave goodbye, she heads back into the library proper leaving you alone to get dressed. You slowly get dressed as well and gather your gear before leaving the library.
<div class="pcTalk"><i>That was pretty intense! It's a strange philosphy with the whole Sacred Womb, Virile Seed and Fertile Egg... Oh Fuck! I can't believe I wanted to knock Sister Lucia upI I can't afford to get anyone pregnant right now with all these Infested and raiders and who knows what out there!</i></div>
<<button [[Leave|Church - Leaving]]>>
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<include "Lust Passes">>\
<</button>><<set $genericEvent.Image = $eventPath14 + $arrayEvent14Librarian[4] + '.jpg'>>\
<img @src=$genericEvent.Image />
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set $npcLucia.SexXP to $npcLucia.SexXP +1>>\
<<set $LastPartner to $npcLucia>>\
<<set $npcLucia.SexDetection to "Female">>\
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$npcLucia.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$npcLucia.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _IAss to $arrayAssSizeDesc[$npcLucia.AssSize]>>\
<<set _DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$npcLucia.DickSize]>>\
<<set _DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$npcLucia.DickSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$npcLucia.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$npcLucia.BallsSize]>>\
<<if $Infestation.MilkProgress > 0 or $Milk.Stored > 0>>\
<<set _Breasts to "Milk">>\
<<elseif $StatusAffect.SiliconeB > 5>>\
<<set _Breasts to "Silicone">>\
<<set _Breasts to "Natural">>\
<<if (random(19) + 1) + $Skill.Social + $CharismaBonus > 14>>\
<<set $npcLucia.Friendship to $npcLucia.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity +3 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set $npcLucia.Friendship to $npcLucia.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity +2 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<if $StatusAffect.Vaccine < 1>>\
<<if (random(19) +1) + $PC.Fortitude + $InfectionResist.Fort + $FoodStatus.Fort - $StatusAffect.Wet < (23 + Math.round($Infestation.Progress / 2) )>>\
<<if $Infestation.Progress < 1>>\
<<set $Infestation.Progress to 1>>\
<<set _Infest to random(15) - $InfectionResist.DR +5>>\
<<if _Infest < 0>>\
<<set _Infest to 0>>\
<<set $PC.Infestation to $PC.Infestation + _Infest>>\
<<if $Infestation.FutaVariant < 100>>\
<<set $Infestation.FutaVariant to $Infestation.FutaVariant + random(15) +5>>\
<<if $Infestation.FutaVariant > $Infestation.FutaCap>>\
<<set $Infestation.FutaVariant to $Infestation.FutaCap>>\
<<if $PC.Infestation > $Infestation.Cap>>\
<<set $PC.Infestation to $Infestation.Cap>>\
<<if $Infestation.MilkProgress > 0 or $Milk.Stored > 0>>\
<<set _Breasts to "Milk">>\
<<elseif $StatusAffect.SiliconeB > 5>>\
<<set _Breasts to "Silicone">>\
<<set _Breasts to "Natural">>\
<<set _Preg to (random(999) +1)>>\
<<set _Vs to 51 + ($GCum.Stored *2) + ($GeneralFeats.MessySpray *20) + ($GeneralFeats.PotentFertility) + ($StatusAffect.Fertility * 50) + ($StatusAffect.Energized * 5 ) - (Math.round($Infestation.Progress / 2) )>>\
<<if $AdminMode is 1>>\
Roll: _Preg vs DC: _Vs
<<if _Preg < 51 + ($GCum.Stored *2) + ($GeneralFeats.MessySpray *20) + ($GeneralFeats.PotentFertility) + ($StatusAffect.Fertility * 50) + ($StatusAffect.Energized * 5 ) - (Math.round($Infestation.Progress / 2) ) and ($StatusAffect.Pregnant < 1) and $StatusAffect.Infertility is 0 and $StatusAffect.Pregnant is 0>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Pregnant to 1>>\
<<set $PregnantWho to "Sister Lucia">>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumFilled to $StatusAffect.CumFilled +1>>\
  As you stare at Sister Lucia, her intoxicating words sound so sure and so inviting while that musky scent coming from her hidden pussy is too intoxicating to deny. You find it hard to refuse her offer, hard like her _DickSize futa-cock that's presenting proudly with her _BallsSD balls filled with hot gooey Virile Seed! If the voluptuous sister wants to fuck your soaking wet cunt nice and hard before finishing with a creampie ending, you are more than willing to give her that! The thought of such an act almost makes you cum on the spot as even more wet pussy juices flow down your thighs before you suddenly a faint dull pain that erupts from your abdominal before quickly fading away! Ignoring the fact it felt like you just suddenly ovulated, you step closer to Sister Lucia and pull her into a wet and sloppy kiss!
  The lewd librarian moans are muffled as you slip your tongue into her eager mouth and as the erotic kiss goes on you find yourself being guided almost instinctively to what looks to be her bedroom complete with a soft bed! You groan softly as your wandering hands reaches her _IAss booty and you have to marvel how big her caboose is. Grabbing a double handful of that soft jiggly ass, you let out your own moan of pleasure as the busty sister responds by pressing her _ISD tits against your own $BreastsSize tits. While you grope her _IAss derrier, Sister Lucia rubs her amazing chest against you with increasing force with her rock hard nipples pressed hard against your suprisingly sensitive $NippleSize nipples while doing her best to dual your tongue into submission!
  Sister Lucia is the first to break the hot kiss as she gazes at you with happiness combined with pure lust while huskily saying "I'm so glad you desire me enough to do the the sacred coupling with me! I can't wait for my Virile Seed to be planted deep inside your moist Sacred Womb so that your Fertile Egg can be ignited!" before going back in for another deep kiss! Hearing the sexy nun wanting to impregnate you sounds pretty erotic as you return her french kiss.
  You are eventually forced to come back up for air as you gasp out "How could I resist such a beautiful woman?" Your eyes wander downward to her amazingly big tits and how sexy they look being pressed up against your $BreastSD chest. "I mean, I'm more than ready to have your seed planted deep inside my eager womb!" you unconsciously admit as the fantasy of being knocked up by Sister Lucia intensifies. Feeling frisky from that sinful fantasy, your hands slide up from her _IAss booty before cupping her _ISD chest!
  "Ooooh! That's making me feel so good and making my futa-cock ache so much!" she moans as you gently caress the outer edge of her big tits while her hands have wandered to your $AssSize asscheeks, giving them a good squeeze in return. "Mmmmm! I wanna get started so how about you get undressed so that I can see what we have to work with!" Smiling back at the hot nun, you quickly undress exposing your $BreastSD $BreastsSize breasts along with your $AssSize booty and your dripping wet pussy. After giving your pussy a pleased stare, the buxom sister smiles happily and says "I like the um, smell of your muff, $PC.FirstName! It smells like honey!"
<<if $PC.BreastsSize < 5>>\
  Sister Lucia gently pushes you to your knees while cupping your face gently and huskily says "So the first thing we need to do is to stengthen my holy rod by bathing it between the lips of the maiden. And by that I mean I'm going to get my hard throbbing futa-cock nice and ready by getting a blowjob!"
  "Oh? Does the sexy futa nun want to have her girl-dick sucked?" you ask sultrily as you gave at her _DickSize holy rod that she's stroking while gazing at you in desire. "I think I can do that for my hot librarian friend!" you whisper huskily as your hands force the sister's away from her shaft before you grab that hard rod of god. Sliding your hands up and down that rigid shaft you quickly find your fingers covered from her pre-cum. Wanting a taste of that white seed, you slide your eager lips over her beefy tip!
  Grabbing your head, Sister Lucia gasps as you start to bob up and down on her _DickSD futa-cock. Her pre-cum tastes so wonderful that you slide your slick tongue along the length of her shaft with each bob. You cup her _BallsSD balls and do your best to urge those cum-factories to produce more of her spooge and her body eagerly complies as thin streams of pre-cum leaks down your throat.
  "Oooh! Your mouth is so soft and so wet! I know that the scriptures say having plump lips is a duty to allow pleasure for yourself and for others as well but I don't find it as a duty but a blessing to fuck your warm wonderful mouth like this!" the futa sister moans as she starts to thrust her cock down your eager throat causing you to release a muffled moan of pleasure. With each rapid thrust of her pre-cum leaking cock, you feel a surge of pleasure as your cunt wettens and your $BreastSD tits jiggle as she fucks your face and you are enjoying the fact that she's loving your blowjob!
  Sister Lucia slows down her skull-fucking before letting out a loud gasp as she reluctantly pulls her futa-cock out from between your lips. She give you an embarrassed smile as she softly says "Oops! I almost shot all my Virile Seed all down your throat! So now that my futa-rod is so very prepared, are you ready for the the sacred coupling to begin? Are you ready for my Virile Seed to be shot deep into your Sacred Womb to become one with your Fertile Egg? To have my Virile Seed ignite your Fertile Egg and fulfill it's sacred purpose with the miracle of life?"
<<switch _Breasts>>\
<<case "Silicone">>\
  Sister Lucia gently pushes you to your knees while cupping your $BreastsSize jugs and huskily says "So the first thing we need to do is to stengthen my holy rod by bathing it between the jugs of the maiden. And by that I mean I'm going to get my hard throbbing futa-cock nice and ready by fucking your big silicone-filled titties!"
  Grabbing your $BreastsSize silicone-enhanced jugs, you give them a light jiggle as you watch the lewd sister strokes her futa-dick before sliding them in between your big fake tits! "Oooh! Your tits are so soft and warm! I know that the scriptures say having large breasts is a duty to allow pleasure for yourself and for others as well but I don't find it as a duty but a blessing to fuck your big breasts like this!" she says huskily as her grip on your titties tightens.
  "Oh fuck! Keep fucking my big fake tits with your _DickSD holy cock!" you moan loudly as the busty sister thrusts her rod between your jiggly jugs with a steadily rising pace. Sister Lucia sounds like she is enjoying the titty-fuck as her moans of pleasure grow louder and you have to smile as her pre-cum starts to splatter onto your breasts. With each rapid thrust of her pre-cum leaking cock, you feel a surge of pleasure in your $BreastSD tits as they jiggle and bounce from the force of her pounding and at times like this you find that spending all that money getting your tits pumped up makes it worth it as you enjoy the fact that she's loving your big titties!
<<case "Milk">>\
  Sister Lucia gently pushes you to your knees while cupping your $BreastsSize milk jugs and huskily says "So the first thing we need to do is to stengthen my holy rod by bathing it between the jugs of the maiden. And by that I mean I'm going to get my hard throbbing futa-cock nice and ready by fucking your big milk-filled titties!"
  Grabbing your $BreastsSize milky jugs, you give them a light jiggle as you watch the lewd sister stroke her futa-dick before sliding them in between your big mommy milkers! "Oooh! Your tits are so soft and warm! I know that the scriptures say having large breasts is a duty to allow pleasure for yourself and for others as well but I don't find it as a duty but a blessing to fuck your big breasts like this!" she says huskily as her grip on your titties tightens causing some milk to squirt out.
  "Oh fuck! Keep fucking my big tits with your _DickSD holy cock!" you moan loudly as the busty sister thrusts her rod between your jiggly milk jugs with a steadily rising pace and it doesn't take long before milk starts to leak from your nipples. Sister Lucia sounds like she is enjoying the titty-fuck as her moans of pleasure grow louder and you have to smile as her pre-cum starts to splatter onto your breasts. With each rapid thrust of her pre-cum leaking cock, you feel a surge of pleasure in your $BreastSD tits as they jiggle and bounce from the force of her pounding and you are enjoying the fact that she's loving your big titties!
  Sister Lucia gently pushes you to your knees while cupping your $BreastsSize jugs and huskily says "So the first thing we need to do is to stengthen my holy rod by bathing it between the jugs of the maiden. And by that I mean I'm going to get my hard throbbing futa-cock nice and ready by fucking your big o'titties!"
  Grabbing your $BreastsSize jugs, you give them a light jiggle as you watch the lewd sister stroke her futa-dick before sliding them in between your big tits! "Oooh! Your tits are so soft and warm! I know that the scriptures say having large breasts is a duty to allow pleasure for yourself and for others as well but I don't find it as a duty but a blessing to fuck your big breasts like this!" she says huskily as her grip on your titties tightens.
  "Oh fuck! Keep fucking my big tits with your _DickSD holy cock!" you moan loudly as the busty sister thrusts her rod between your jiggly jugs with a steadily rising pace. Sister Lucia sounds like she is enjoying the titty-fuck as her moans of pleasure grow louder and you have to smile as her pre-cum starts to splatter onto your breasts. With each rapid thrust of her pre-cum leaking cock, you feel a surge of pleasure in your $BreastSD tits as they jiggle and bounce from the force of her pounding and you are enjoying the fact that she's loving your big titties!
  Sister Lucia slows down her titty-fucking before letting out a loud gasp as she reluctantly pulls her futa-cock out from between your jugs. She give you an embarrassed smile as she softly says "Oops! I almost shot all my Virile Seed all over your $BreastSD breasts! So now that my futa-rod is so very prepared, are you ready for the the sacred coupling to begin? Are you ready for my Virile Seed to be shot deep into your Sacred Womb to become one with your Fertile Egg? To have my Virile Seed ignite your Fertile Egg and fulfill it's sacred purpose with the miracle of life?"
  Falling back onto her soft bed, you quickly spread your legs wide exposing your dripping wet pussy. "Go ahead, Lucia! I'm needing a good hard pounding in my tight pussy so the sooner you shove your cock deep inside my cunt, the sooner you can creampie my pussy!" you beg lustfully while staring at her big hard throbbing dick. All this talk about fertilizing your eggs is turning you on as the powerful fantasy of being impregnated by this beautiful and sexy sister grows stronger in the back of your mind.
  The busty nun's eyes light up as she kneels down between your legs with her thick holy rod in hand. Sister Lucia slowly guides her _DickSD throbbing man meat to the entrance of your tight pussy and you let out a throaty moan as she presses her cock against your swollen pussy lips. Her lusty grin widens as she takes a moment to slide her beefy shaft against your engorge slit to get properly lubed up before thrusting all _DickSize's of her shaft balls deep inside your eager pussy!
  "Oooh! $PC.FirstName! Your slippery cunt is so tight! I can feel your pussy walls gripping my hard cock and it feels soooo good!" Sister Lucia moans as she luxerates in the feeling of your competely stuffed pussy. It doesn't take long for your pussy to adjust to the size of her meaty cock as Sister Lucia starts to thrust in and out of your stuffed cunt causing you to moan and groan in pure pleasure. The whole bed shakes and creaks as she jackhammers your tight pussy and you can feel your $BreastsSize tits jiggle wildly from the intense railing she's giving you!
  Moaning loudly, you gasp out "Oh God! Your dick is so fucking _DickSD! You're completely wrecking my pussy and I'm loving it!" The busty futa's own _ISD tits are swinging hard in time with her thrusts and she is pounding your cunt so hard and so deep that you swear she's hitting the entrance to your womb! The idea of your womb opening up to accept all of her hot stickly Virile Seed sends a spike of intense pleasure thru your whole body and you swear you feel your Fertile Egg finally complete it's journey to your Sacred Womb!
  Grabbing your $BreastSD breasts, the buxom nun starts to eagerly grope your titties without missing a beat as she steadily thrusts away at your tight pussy. "Oh God! It feels so wonderful to fuck your tight pussy, $PC.FirstName! My cock feels sooo good and oh fuck!" she groans as her pace slowly increases as she moans even louder from the pleasure. You can't blame her as your own moans joins her as you feel your own orgasm steadily approaching!
  "Oh, $PC.FirstName! I...I don't know how much longer I can last! Ooooh! Fuck! Are, are you ready for my _BallsSD cum-filled balls to unleash my hot Virile Seed, oh fuck! Into your Sacred Womb? To, to have your Fertile Egg ignited by my potent Virile Seed?" Sister Lucia moans loudly as her pace has reached a fevered pitch! You can feel her _DickSD futa-cock twitching inside your tight pussy as the loudly moaning sister looks to be on the edge of unleashing her potent load inside of your pussy!
  "Do it! I want you to shoot your potent Virile Seed deep inside my Sacred Womb! Knock my fucking Fertile Egg completely up with your thick Virile Seed! I want to feel my Sacred Womb completely creampied by your hot Virile Seed!" you scream as your orgasm draws rapidly closer. Deciding to turn the hot erotic fantasy of being completely and utterly impregnated by Sister Lucia into reality, you wrap your legs around her shapely back and completely leglock her! There will be no pulling out as every primal instict and burning desire screams at you to be bred by the sexy nun!
<<if $Infestation.FutaVariant >= $Infestation.FutaCap & $Infestation.Progress > 1>>\
<<include "Futa TF">>\
<<set $npcCatherine.SexDetection to "Futa">>\
<<set $StatusAffect.CumCovered to $StatusAffect.CumCovered+1>>\
  As your pussy is being completely destroyed by the sister's _DickSize cock you feel a surge of shocking energy flowing directly into you! It feels almost like you are being electrocuted but it quickly turns to pleasure that radiates from above your wet pussy.
<<if $StatusAffect.Pregnant is 1 and $PregnantWho is "Sister Lucia">>\
  Sister Lucia grunts loudly as she forcefully thrusts her _DickSize futa-cock so deep into your tight pussy that you actually feel a light burst of discomfort as she penetrates your Sacred Womb! "Oh Fuck! I'm shooting my Virile Seed right into your Sacred Womb! Please dear God, let my Virile Seed ignite $PC.FirstName's Fertile Egg so that new life may be formed in her Sacred Womb!" she screams out as a tidal wave of hot baby-batter floods your womb! As you feel your womb flooded by her holy seed you feel a strange electric sensation from deep inside your womb as you feel your Fertile Egg's defenses easily penetrated by her Virile Seed due to the seeming endless amount of her potent white honey! The feeling of being creampied by Sister Lucia feels like it should have pushed you over the edge but somehow your sweet release has been blocked!
  Sister Lucia grunts loudly as she forcefully thrusts her _DickSize futa-cock so deep into your tight pussy that you actually feel a light burst of discomfort as she penetrates your Sacred Womb! "Oh Fuck! I'm shooting my Virile Seed right into your Sacred Womb! Please dear God, let my Virile Seed ignite $PC.FirstName's Fertile Egg so that new life may be formed in her Sacred Womb!" she screams out as a tidal wave of hot baby-batter floods your womb! The feeling of being creampied by Sister Lucia feels like it should have pushed you over the edge but somehow your sweet release has been blocked!
  Glancing down you discover a slight bump forming above your pussy, seemingly a lightning rod for that electric feeling. It slowly grows from a bump to a bulge as each heartbeat thunders in your ears. The large bulge slowly shifts as it pushes outward inch by inch before forming a small mushroom head with a tiny hole. You gasp as you recognize the shape as that of a penis, abit a very tiny baby-sized one!
  You can easily feel the blood rushing to your new organ and your new dick eagerly soaks it all up. Your baby-sized penis hardens and pushes out farther from your groin growing bigger and stronger with each heartbeat. By this point the electric shocking feeling is almost gone, replaced by the pleasant feeling of your new cock becoming engorged with blood!
  After a few moments, you discover that your brand new baby dick has transformed into a $DickSD $DickSize futa-cock! Before you can really take a look at it, there's another tiny surge of electric shock as two bulges form below your new dick! You closely watch as it forms into a ballsack while growing in size to match your big dick. It finally finishes growing leaving you with a $BallsSD pair of $BallsSize sized balls!
  The erotic feeling of growing your own divine rod along with balls filled with Virile Seed pushes you over the edge! "Oh God yes! I'm being fucked pregnant! I'm cumming so much from having your cock deep inside my Sacred Womb! Oh Fuckkkk I'm shooting Virile Seed from my new cock!" you scream as your delayed orgasm hits you like a train and you shoot a massive geyser of gooey baby-batter from your brand-new futa-cock all over your $BreastSD tits along with Sister Lucia's own _ISD breasts as well! The force of your orgasm causes your cum-filled pussy to soak her holy rod with an $GCumAD amount of girl-cum! <<if $Infestation.MilkProgress > 0 or $Milk.Stored > 0>> Even your milk-filled titties get in on the celebration as $MilkAD streams of milk explode from your hard nipples!<</if>>
  Gazing at you with that warm smile, she says "Oh wow! I can hardly believe it but you've grown a holy rod of your own! They umm, say it's a good omen what that happens and maybe, I don't know, you could become a sister here?!?! I'm just so glad you chose to let me creampie your Sacred Womb with my Virile Seed at the end of sacred coupling and it looks like you shot your Virile Seed all over my titties! There's only a slim chance of your Fertile Egg having it's sacred purpose fulfilled, so it's possible but not likely, you know? If it does turn out that you wasn't impregnated by my seed we can always try again tomorrow! And eventually your Fertile Egg will be impregnated or...maybe you could try to ignite my Fertile Egg instead!"
  "Uh, sure..." you say as you check out the changes to your body. You discover that you now have a $DickSD $DickSize futa-cock along with a $BallsSD pair of $BallsSize balls! "It was pretty fun and I wouldn't mind stopping again for another sacred coupling." you reply lazily as you bask in the glow of your intense orgasm along with the sexy changes to your body. You really got into it near the end as the cum leaking from your cunt and new futa-dick shows.
<<elseif $PC.Infestation >= $Infestation.Cap & $Infestation.Progress > 1>>\
<<include "Infestation Increase">>\
  As your pussy is being completely wrecked by the sister's _DickSize cock, you feel a surge of energy flowing directly into you! It almost feels like you are burning up but it quickly turns to pleasure that radiates from your wet pussy into your sensitive breasts and ass.
<<if $StatusAffect.Pregnant is 1 and $PregnantWho is "Sister Lucia">>\
  Sister Lucia grunts loudly as she forcefully thrusts her _DickSize futa-cock so deep into your tight pussy that you actually feel a light burst of discomfort as she penetrates your Sacred Womb! "Oh Fuck! I'm shooting my Virile Seed right into your Sacred Womb! Please dear God, let my Virile Seed ignite $PC.FirstName's Fertile Egg so that new life may be formed in her Sacred Womb!" she screams out as a tidal wave of hot baby-batter floods your womb! As you feel your womb flooded by her holy seed you feel a strange electric sensation from deep inside your womb as you feel your Fertile Egg's defenses easily penetrated by her Virile Seed due to the seeming endless amount of her potent white honey!
  You feel pure pleasure that buries the slight discomfort you feel from being wombed as you feel your breasts suddenly start growing along with your ass! With each heartbeat you can see your titties expand to an even bigger more tantalizing size! The feeling of your expanding tits and the divine feeling of being impregnated by the sexy sister's Virile Seed pushes you over the edge! "Oh God yes! I'm being fucked pregnant! My fucking Fertile Egg just got knocked up by your steamy hot Virile Seed! I'm cumming so much from having your cock deep inside my Sacred Womb! Oh Fuckkkk!" you scream as your orgasm hits you like a train and you soak her futa-cock with an $GCumAD wave of girl-cum! <<if $Infestation.MilkProgress > 0 or $Milk.Stored > 0>> Your expanding milk-filled jugs explode from the pleasure as $MilkAD streams of milk squirt from your hard nipples all over the sister's hands!<</if>>
  Sister Lucia grunts loudly as she forcefully thrusts her _DickSize futa-cock so deep into your tight pussy that you actually feel a light burst of discomfort as she penetrates your Sacred Womb! "Oh Fuck! I'm shooting my Virile Seed right into your Sacred Womb! Please dear God, let my Virile Seed ignite $PC.FirstName's Fertile Egg so that new life may be formed in her Sacred Womb!" she screams out as a tidal wave of hot baby-batter floods your womb!
  You feel pure pleasure that buries the slight discomfort you feel from being wombed as you feel your breasts suddenly start growing along with your ass! With each heartbeat you can see your titties expand to an even bigger more tantalizing size! The feeling of your expanding tits and the divine feeling of your womb being flooded by so much of the sexy sister's Virile Seed pushes you over the edge! "Oh God yes! I'm being fucked pregnant! I'm cumming so much from having my titties grow so big while having your cock deep inside my Sacred Womb! Oh Fuckkkk!" you scream as your orgasm hits you like a train and you soak her futa-cock with an $GCumAD wave of girl-cum! <<if $Infestation.MilkProgress > 0 or $Milk.Stored > 0>> Your expanding milk-filled jugs explode from the pleasure as $MilkAD streams of milk squirt from your hard nipples all over the sister's hands!<</if>>
  Sister Lucia collaspes on top of you looking exhausted with her _ISD breasts resting on top of your enlarged $BreastSD jugs and you can hear her making incoherent mumbling noices. Eventually she sits up and gives you a warm smile before gazing down at your still stuffed pussy. Pulling back, you let out a soft moan as her _DickSD futa-dick pops free from your creampied pussy and a small flood of her jizz leaks out from your over-filled pussy onto your bigger $AssSize ass.
  Gazing at you with that warm smile, she says "Oh wow! I can't believe you were gifted with what we call a blessing of voluptuous form! They umm, say it's a good omen what that happens! I'm so glad you chose to let me creampie your Sacred Womb with my Virile Seed at the end of sacred coupling! There's only a slim chance of your Fertile Egg having it's sacred purpose fulfilled, so it's possible but not likely, you know? If it does turn out that you wasn't impregnated by my seed we can always try again tomorrow! And eventually your Fertile Egg will be impregnated!"
  "Uh, sure..." you say as you check out the changes to your body. You discover that you now have a $BreastSD pair of $BreastsSize tits along with a $AssSize booty! "It was pretty fun and I wouldn't mind stopping again for another sacred coupling." you reply lazily as you bask in the glow of your intense orgasm along with the sexy changes to your body. You really got into it near the end as the cum leaking from your cunt shows.
<<if $StatusAffect.Pregnant > 0 and $PregnantWho is "Sister Lucia">>\
  Sister Lucia grunts loudly as she forcefully thrusts her _DickSize futa-cock so deep into your tight pussy that you actually feel a light burst of discomfort as she penetrates your Sacred Womb! "Oh Fuck! I'm shooting my Virile Seed right into your Sacred Womb! Please dear God, let my Virile Seed ignite $PC.FirstName's Fertile Egg so that new life may be formed in her Sacred Womb!" she screams out as a tidal wave of hot baby-batter floods your womb! As you feel your womb flooded by her holy seed you feel a strange electric sensation from deep inside your womb as you feel your Fertile Egg's defenses easily penetrated by her Virile Seed due to the seeming endless amount of her potent white honey!
  You feel pure ecstasy that buries the slight discomfort you feel from being wombed as the divine feeling of being impregnated by the sexy sister's Virile Seed pushes you over the edge! "Oh God yes! I'm being fucked pregnant! My fucking Fertile Egg just got knocked up by your steamy hot Virile Seed! I'm cumming so much from having your cock deep inside my Sacred Womb! Oh Fuckkkk!" you scream as your orgasm hits you like a train and you soak her futa-cock with an $GCumAD wave of girl-cum! <<if $Infestation.MilkProgress > 0 or $Milk.Stored > 0>> Your milk-filled jugs explode from the pleasure as $MilkAD streams of milk squirt from your hard nipples all over the sister's hands!<</if>>
  Sister Lucia grunts loudly as she forcefully thrusts her _DickSize futa-cock so deep into your tight pussy that you actually feel a light burst of discomfort as she penetrates your Sacred Womb! "Oh Fuck! I'm shooting my Virile Seed right into your Sacred Womb! Please dear God, let my Virile Seed ignite $PC.FirstName's Fertile Egg so that new life may be formed in her Sacred Womb!" she screams out as a tidal wave of hot baby-batter floods your womb!
  You feel pure ecstasy that buries the slight discomfort you feel from being wombed as the divine feeling of your womb being flooded by so much of the sexy sister's Virile Seed pushes you over the edge! "Oh God yes! I'm being fucked pregnant! I'm cumming so much from having your cock deep inside my Sacred Womb! Oh Fuckkkk!" you scream as your orgasm hits you like a train and you soak her futa-cock with an $GCumAD wave of girl-cum! <<if $Infestation.MilkProgress > 0 or $Milk.Stored > 0>> Your milk-filled jugs explode from the pleasure as $MilkAD streams of milk squirt from your hard nipples all over the sister's hands!<</if>>
  Sister Lucia collaspes on top of you looking exhausted with her _ISD breasts resting on top of your $BreastSD jugs and you can hear her making incoherent mumbling noices. Eventually she sits up and gives you a warm smile before gazing down at your still stuffed pussy. Pulling back, you let out a soft moan as her _DickSD futa-dick pops free from your creampied pussy and a small flood of her jizz leaks out from your over-filled pussy onto your $AssSize ass.
  Gazing at you with that warm smile, she says "That was so amazing, $PC.FirstName! I'm so glad you chose to let me creampie your Sacred Womb with my Virile Seed at the end of sacred coupling! There's only a slim chance of your Fertile Egg having it's sacred purpose fulfilled, so it's possible but not likely, you know? If it does turn out that you wasn't impregnated by my seed we can always try again tomorrow! And eventually your Fertile Egg will be impregnated!"
  "Uh, sure. It was pretty fun and I wouldn't mind stopping again for another sacred coupling." you reply lazily as you bask in the glow of your intense orgasm. You really got into it near the end as the cum leaking from your cunt shows.
  Her smile slowly turns into a frown as she looks at the clock next to her nightstand. "Unfortunately I really should be getting back on working on putting all these books back into our collection. Mother Elisabeth can't be too mad at me since I was doing my sacred duty with the whole sacred coupling thing!" With that said she slowly gets dressed and you watch with amazement as her futa-cock disappears along with her balls! Giving you a cheerful wave goodbye, she heads back into the library proper leaving you alone to get dressed.You slowly get dressed and gather your gear before leaving the library.
<div class="pcTalk"><i>That was pretty intense! It's a strange philosphy with the whole Sacred Womb, Virile Seed and Fertile Egg... Oh Fuck! I can't believe I wanted Sister Lucia to knock me upI I can't afford to get pregnant right now with all these Infested and raiders and who knows what out there!</i></div>
<<button [[Leave|Church - Leaving]]>>
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<include "Lust Passes">>\
<</button>><<set $genericEvent.Image = $eventPath14 + $arrayEvent14Librarian[1] + '.jpg'>>\
<<set $NoEncounter to random(1) +2>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$npcLucia.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$npcLucia.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _IAss to $arrayAssSizeDesc[$npcLucia.AssSize]>>\
<<set _DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$npcLucia.DickSize]>>\
<<set _DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$npcLucia.DickSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$npcLucia.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$npcLucia.BallsSize]>>\
<<if $PC.Sex is "Futa" or $StatusAffect.Futa > 0>>\
<<set _Sex to "Futa">>\
<<elseif $PC.Sex is "Male" and $StatusAffect.Futa < 1>>\
<<set _Sex to "Male">>\
<<set _Sex to "Female">>\
<<if (random(19) + 1) + $Skill.Social + $CharismaBonus > 15>>\
<<set $npcLucia.Friendship to $npcLucia.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity +3 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set $npcLucia.Friendship to $npcLucia.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity +2 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set _LustRoll to (random(19) + 1)>>\
<<if _LustRoll + $PC.Willpower - $StatusAffect.Horny < 15>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Horny to $StatusAffect.Horny+1>>\
<<set _lusty to random(10) +15 + $StatusAffect.Horny - $LustResist.Visual - $LustResist.Complete>>\
<<if _lusty < 0>>\
<<set _lusty to 0>>\
<<set $lust to $lust + _lusty>>\
<img @src=$genericEvent.Image />
<<if $AdminMode is 1>>\
Sister Lucia Friendship: $npcLucia.Friendship
  Deciding to spend some time chatting with Sister Lucia, you decide to spice it up a bit by flirting with her a bit. "Sure! I never mind spending time with my favorite sexy librarian! So let's grab a chair and talk about some hot and steamy books!" you say before grabbing your usual chair and plopping your $AssSize butt into it.
  Sister Lucia gasps out "Really? That's wonderful! Am I truly your favorite librarian?" Seeing you nod with a smile on your face, the busty sister blushes wildly as she quickly grabs a nearby ornate red leather chair before planting her _IAss derriere onto it, causing her _ICup tits to bounce gently.
  "So, what type of good books has this beautiful sister been reading? Maybe something a bit steamy like the <i>Kama Sutra</i> or maybe something a bit more erotic?" you ask as you give the shapely nun a playful wink. Your eyes wander down her voluptuous body and you have to admire those _ISD tits she has on display before before stopping at her groin. You confirm that once again she has that wonderful cameltoe on full display as well, not that you mind!
  Before you can continue to check out the sexy librarian nun, Sister Lucia warmly replies "Oh, I've found some interesting books since the last time we chatted. Oh, yeah, um, these small novels were in a small box hidden in a under the bed in a small house right on the edge of Sunrise View. It was almost like someone didn't want anyone to know that they had these wonderful books! They were so interesting that I just had to add them to the church's collection!"
  You have a sneaky suspicion on what type of books she found but you decide to ask curiously "So what type of books did you find? I'm guessing some kind of naughty books, maybe some hot and steamy romance novels? I know my $mom.Relationship likes to read those type of novels."
  "So your $mom.Relationship likes those type of books? If you have any that can be spared I would love to add them to our collection!" the busty sister says excitedly. "But no, these books or perhaps the proper name for them is manga? Anyways these manga were all together and they are part of a series called <i>My XXX Girlfriend Is The Sexy Big Titty Overfiend!</i>"
  A gasp escapes your lips as you hear the title of the manga and you're shocked that the beautiful sister is even mentioning it. You've heard about that manga and it is definitely a hard core hentai series! It's not something you would expect a religous nun would keep around but on the other hand she did admit to loving <i>The Joy of Sex</i>.
  Smiling lewdly at you, she continues "Hmm... You are acting like you've heard of this series or maybe you own some of them! Is this the kind of books you like to read at home when no one else is around? I don't mind if you like these type of books because I enjoy them as well!"
  Slowly regaining your balance, you reply "So you enjoyed reading those hentai mangas? I haven't read that series myself but I have heard of the series. From what I've heard they are a bit on the graphic side but maybe there's a certain cute librarian who likes those kind of thing?"
  "Yes! It was quite enjoyable and I can't wait to read the rest of the series! I especially liked the scenes of the hero fucking his sexy girlfriend nice and hard! There were so many of them and each very erotic in their own hard pounding way! And...And the way the artist drew the hero's big cock slamming into his demonic girlfriend's cunt was very arousing even if there were those little black censor bars all over his big meat rod!" Sister Lucia explains excitedly while leaning back with her hard nubs showing her obvious arousal! As you listen in shock, you notice her slim hand has slid down to her groin and before long she's rubbing her pussy thru the thin fabic of her slutty clothes!
  A familiar musky scent fills the room as you watch the erotic nun slide her finger against her barely concealed slit faster and faster. Letting out a soft moan she continues with her eyes closed "Mmmm! It was especially hot when the big titty girlfriend grew a bunch of tentacles and fucked all the hot girls in the village! All those sexy girls with their massive tits being plowed by those enormous tentacles, oh fuck was it amazing! With so much Virile Seed being shot into their Sacred Wombs, it's no wonder that their Fertile Eggs were impregnated!"
  At this point the lewd sister is openly masturbating right in front of you! Her slim hand has pulled aside the lower part of her erotic outfit allowing her finger to noisily slide in and out of her dripping wet pussy! Her other hand has been busy groping one of her _ISD breasts as her lusty moans grow louder!
<<if $npcLucia.Friendship > 14>>\
<<switch _Sex>>\
<<case "Male">>\
  The erotic sight of the busty sister masturbating right in front of you has caused your arousal to sky rocket and you can feel your $DickSize dick become painfully hard. "Um, Sister Lucia, what's this about Virile Seed and Fertile Eggs?" you ask as a way to remind the lusty nun that her that you are still here and you are a bit curious at the unusual way Sister Lucia decribed a futa demon shooting their big load and impregnating a bunch of village girls.
  Sister Lucia eyes snap open and she looks confused by the fact that you are here and watching her. Quickly pulling her finger out of her exposed pussy, she stammers in pure embarrassment "Oh $PC.FirstName! I, um, almost forgot you were, er, here!" Glancing down at the tent your cock is making, she apologizes by saying "I'm so sorry! I just got so worked up and I hope you aren't mad or anything! If you like, hmm. I can tell you about the core philosphy of the Church of Trilogy Life. That will umm, maybe, hopefully, explain what I was talking about."
<<case "Futa">>\
  The erotic sight of the busty sister masturbating right in front of you has caused your arousal to sky rocket and you can feel your $DickSize futa-cock become painfully hard while your $NippleSize nipples harden. "Um, Sister Lucia, what's this about Virile Seed and Fertile Eggs?" you ask as a way to remind the lusty nun that her that you are still here and you are a bit curious at the unusual way Sister Lucia decribed a futa demon shooting their big load and impregnating a bunch of village girls.
  Sister Lucia eyes snap open and she looks confused by the fact that you are here and watching her. Quickly pulling her finger out of her exposed pussy, she stammers in pure embarrassment "Oh $PC.FirstName! I, um, almost forgot you were, er, here!" Glancing down at the tent your girl-dick is making, she apologizes by saying "I'm so sorry! I just got so worked up and I hope you aren't mad or anything! If you like, hmm. I can tell you about the core philosphy of the Church of Trilogy Life. That will umm, maybe, hopefully, explain what I was talking about."
  The erotic sight of the busty sister masturbating right in front of you has caused your arousal to sky rocket and you can feel your already damp pussy start to become soaking wet while your $NippleSize nipples harden. "Um, Sister Lucia, what's this about Virile Seed and Fertile Eggs?" you ask as a way to remind the lusty nun that her that you are still here and you are a bit curious at the unusual way Sister Lucia decribed a futa demon shooting their big load and impregnating a bunch of village girls.
  Sister Lucia eyes snap open and she looks confused by the fact that you are here and watching her. Quickly pulling her finger out of her exposed pussy, she stammers in pure embarrassment "Oh $PC.FirstName! I, um, almost forgot you were, er, here!" Glancing down at the slightly damp spot your soaked pussy is making, she apologizes by saying "I'm so sorry! I just got so worked up and I hope you aren't mad or anything! If you like er maybe, hmm. I can tell you about the core philosphy of the Church of Trilogy Life. That will umm, maybe, hopefully, explain what I was talking about."
<<switch _Sex>>\
<<case "Male">>\
  The erotic sight of the busty sister masturbating right in front of you has caused your arousal to sky rocket and you can feel your $DickSize dick become painfully hard. "Um, Sister Lucia, what's this about Virile Seed and Fertile Eggs?" you ask as a way to remind the lusty nun that her that you are still here and you are a bit curious at the unusual way Sister Lucia decribed a futa demon shooting their big load and impregnating a bunch of village girls.
  Sister Lucia eyes snap open and she looks confused by the fact that you are here and watching her. Quickly pulling her finger out of her exposed pussy, she stammers in pure embarrassment "Oh $PC.FirstName! I, um, almost forgot you were, er, here!" Glancing down at the tent your dick is making, she quickly stands up causing her _ICup tits to bounce wildly. "Oh I have to go! Bye!" she says hastily before fleeing back into the deeper part of the library leaving you alone.
<<case "Futa">>\
  The erotic sight of the busty sister masturbating right in front of you has caused your arousal to sky rocket and you can feel your $DickSize futa-cock become painfully hard along with your own hard nipples. "Um, Sister Lucia, what's this about Virile Seed and Fertile Eggs?" you ask as a way to remind the lusty nun that her that you are still here and you are a bit curious at the unusual way Sister Lucia decribed a futa demon shooting their big load and impregnating a bunch of village girls.
  Sister Lucia eyes snap open and she looks confused by the fact that you are here and watching her. Quickly pulling her finger out of her exposed pussy, she stammers in pure embarrassment "Oh $PC.FirstName! I, um, almost forgot you were, er, here!" Glancing down at the tent your girl-dick is making, she quickly stands up causing her _ICup tits to bounce wildly. "Oh I have to go! Bye!" she says hastily before fleeing back into the deeper part of the library leaving you alone.
  The erotic sight of the busty sister masturbating right in front of you has caused your arousal to sky rocket and you can feel your already damp pussy become soaking wet while your $NippleSize nipples harden. "Um, Sister Lucia, what's this about Virile Seed and Fertile Eggs?" you ask as a way to remind the lusty nun that her that you are still here and you are a bit curious at the unusual way Sister Lucia decribed a futa demon shooting their big load and impregnating a bunch of village girls.
  Sister Lucia eyes snap open and she looks confused by the fact that you are here and watching her. Quickly pulling her finger out of her exposed pussy, she stammers in pure embarrassment "Oh $PC.FirstName! I, um, almost forgot you were, er, here!" Glancing down at the slightly damp spot your soaked pussy is making, she quickly stands up causing her _ICup tits to bounce wildly. "Oh I have to go! Bye!" she says hastily before fleeing back into the deeper part of the library leaving you alone.
<<if $npcLucia.Friendship > 14>>\
<<button [[Listen to Sister Lucia's Sermon|Sister Lucia - Speech]]>>
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<button [[Leave|Church - Leaving]]>>
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<</button>><<if $npcLucia.Pregnant is 0>>\
<<set $genericEvent.Image = $eventPath14 + $arrayEvent14Librarian[0] + '.jpg'>>\
<<set $genericEvent.Image = $eventPath14 + $arrayEvent14Librarian[6] + '.jpg'>>\
<<set $NoEncounter to random(1) +2>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$npcLucia.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$npcLucia.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _IAss to $arrayAssSizeDesc[$npcLucia.AssSize]>>\
<<set _DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$npcLucia.DickSize]>>\
<<set _DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$npcLucia.DickSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$npcLucia.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$npcLucia.BallsSize]>>\
<<if $PC.Sex is "Futa" or $StatusAffect.Futa > 0>>\
<<set _Sex to "Futa">>\
<<elseif $PC.Sex is "Male" and $StatusAffect.Futa < 1>>\
<<set _Sex to "Male">>\
<<set _Sex to "Female">>\
<<set _LustRoll to (random(19) + 1)>>\
<<if _LustRoll + $PC.Willpower - $StatusAffect.Horny < 15>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Horny to $StatusAffect.Horny+1>>\
<<set _lusty to random(10) +5 + $StatusAffect.Horny - $LustResist.Visual - $LustResist.Complete>>\
<<if _lusty < 0>>\
<<set _lusty to 0>>\
<<set $lust to $lust + _lusty>>\
<<set _Book to 0>>\
<<set _BookA to 0>>\
<<set _BonusF to 0>>\
<<for $i = 0; $i < $PCInventory.length; $i++>>\
<<set $uitem = $PCInventory[$i]>>\
<<set $ItemName to $uitem.name>>\
<<if $ItemName is "a book" or $ItemName is "a erotic book">>\
<<set _BonusF to $uitem.quality + $uitem.amount>>\
<<set _BookA to _BookA + 1>>\
<<set _Book to _Book + _BonusF>>\
<<set $PCInventory.delete($uitem)>>\
<<set $i to 0>>\
<<if (random(19) + 1) + $Skill.Social + $CharismaBonus > 15>>\
<<set $npcLucia.Friendship to $npcLucia.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity +1 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe + _Book>>\
<<set $npcLucia.Friendship to $npcLucia.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity +0 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe + _Book>>\
<img @src=$genericEvent.Image />
<<if $AdminMode is 1>>\
Book: _Book
<<if _BookA > 5>>\
  Before leaving you grab your backpack and say "Hey, Lucia? I have a ton of books you might find a bit interesting. I can't promise you that they are very high quality but at least one of them should be good. Since you can't easily explore the city like I can, I figured you would enjoy at least reading them."
  Sister Lucia pauses her stacking of books before turning to you with naked desire in her eyes! "You, you have lots of new books? That I, I can read and even keep for myself?" In response you open you backpack and hand her a huge stack of books much to her vocal and almost orgasmic delight! "Oh God yes! Yes! A new collection of books just for me! I can't wait to read these new books! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you, $PC.FirstName!" Before you can reply, the buxom sister wraps her arms around your head and forces your face into her _ISD chest!
  You can only flail blindly as you find yourself being suffocated by her _ICup titties while Sister Lucia keeps babbling to herself about how many books she's going to ready tonight! Finally breaking free from her strong grip, you gasp out "You're welcome, Lucia. I figured..." before she slams her plump lips against your gasping mouth and gives you a wet and sloppy french kiss!
  The kiss goes on for a while before ending suddenly as the amorous sister looks down at the book in her hand and squeels in delight. "Sorry $PC.FirstName! But I have a date with a new book! Talk to you later!" She hums a happy tune to herself as she gathers all those new books and walks away with a seductive sway to her _IAss hips.
<<elseif _BookA > 1>>\
  Before leaving you grab your backpack and say "Hey, Lucia? I have some books you might find a bit interesting. I can't promise you that they are very high quality but since you can't easily explore the city like I can, I figured you would enjoy at least reading them."
  Sister Lucia pauses her stacking of books before turning to you with naked desire in her eyes! "You, you have some new books? That I, I can read and even keep for myself?" In response you open you backpack and hand her a small stack of books much to her vocal and almost orgasmic delight! "Oh God yes! Yes! A new set of books just for me! I can't wait to read these new books! Thank you! Thank you, $PC.FirstName!" Before you can reply, the buxom sister wraps her arms around you and presses her _ISD chest hard your chest as she gives you a fierce hug!
  You can only stand there enjoying the feeling of _ICup titties rubbing against you while Sister Lucia keeps babbling to herself about how many books she's going to read tonight! Finally breaking free from her strong grip, you manage to say "You're welcome, Lucia. I figured..." before she slams her plump lips against your gasping mouth and gives you a passionate kiss!
  The kiss ends quickly as the amorous sister looks down at the book in her hand and squeels in delight. "Sorry $PC.FirstName! But I have a date with a new book! Talk to you later!" She hums a happy tune to herself as she gathers all those new books and walks away with a seductive sway to her _IAss hips.
  Before leaving you grab your backpack and say "Hey, Lucia? I have a book you might find a bit interesting. I can't promise you that it is a very high quality one but since you can't easily explore the city like I can, I figured you would enjoy at least reading it."
  Sister Lucia pauses her stacking of books before turning to you with naked desire in her eyes! "You, you have a new book? That I, I can read and even keep for myself?" In response you open you backpack and hand her a book much to her vocal and almost orgasmic delight! "Oh God yes! Yes! A new book just for me! I can't wait to read this new book! Thank you, $PC.FirstName!" Before you can reply, the buxom sister wraps her arms around you and presses her _ISD chest hard your chest as she gives you a fierce hug!
  You can only stand there enjoying the feeling of _ICup titties rubbing against you while Sister Lucia keeps babbling to herself about how many books she's going to read tonight! Finally breaking free from her grip, you manage to say "You're welcome, Lucia. I figured..." before she cuts you off by giving you a kiss on the cheek!
  The kiss ends quickly as the amorous sister looks down at the book in her hand and squeels in delight. "Sorry $PC.FirstName! But I have a date with a new book! Talk to you later!" She hums a happy tune to herself as she puts her new book with her other books and walks away with a seductive sway to her _IAss hips.
<div class="pcTalk"><i> Wow... I should maybe get her some more books if this is the type of response I get...</i></div>
<<button [[Leave|Church - Leaving]]>>
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<</button>><<if $PC.Sex is "Futa" or $StatusAffect.Futa > 0>>\
<<set _Sex to "Futa">>\
<<elseif $PC.Sex is "Male" and $StatusAffect.Futa < 1>>\
<<set _Sex to "Male">>\
<<set _Sex to "Female">>\
<<switch _Sex>>\
<<case "Male">>\
<<set $genericEvent.Image = $eventPath14 + $arrayEvent14Librarian[2] + '.jpg'>>\
<<set $genericEvent.Image = $eventPath14 + $arrayEvent14Librarian[3] + '.jpg'>>\
<<if $npcLucia.Pregnant is 1>>\
<<set $genericEvent.Image = $eventPath14 + $arrayEvent14Librarian[5] + '.jpg'>>\
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$npcLucia.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$npcLucia.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _INip to $arrayNippleSize[$npcLucia.NippleSize]>>\
<<set _IAss to $arrayAssSizeDesc[$npcLucia.AssSize]>>\
<<set _DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$npcLucia.DickSize]>>\
<<set _DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$npcLucia.DickSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$npcLucia.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$npcLucia.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _LustRoll to (random(19) + 1)>>\
<<if _LustRoll + $PC.Willpower - $StatusAffect.Horny < 15>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Horny to $StatusAffect.Horny+1>>\
<<set _lusty to random(10) +15 + $StatusAffect.Horny - $LustResist.Visual - $LustResist.Complete>>\
<<if _lusty < 0>>\
<<set _lusty to 0>>\
<<set $lust to $lust + _lusty>>\
<img @src=$genericEvent.Image />
  "You see $PC.FirstName, our faith centers around three really important divine concepts. The first divine concept begins with the holy and sacred Fertile Egg. It said that is where all life comes from and where unlimited protential starts." Sister Lucia explains with her words growing sultrily and more sure, missing that uncertainty she normally spoke with. Sliding her finger back into her dripping wet pussy while staring you in the eyes, she gives a another soft moan as her finger slides in and out of her wet cunt while that musky scent floods the room, making it so hard to think. Without pausing for long, she continues "The Fertile Egg is the domain of all women and is one of the cornerstones of life."
<<switch _Sex>>\
<<case "Male">>\
<<set $Cum.Stored to $Cum.Max>>\
<<set $CumAD to $arrayCumAmountDesc[$Cum.Stored]>>\
  Before you can react to her extreme change of attitude, Sister Lucia falls to her knees with her face inches from your groin! Looking up at you, she starts to stroke your $DickSize cock thru your clothest while huskily saying "The scriptures say the second divine concept is the potent Virile Seed! It is the catalyst to ignite the spark of life and bestows pleasure onto all." The whole time she's been stroking your cock, she hasn't stopped masturbating with her fingers sliding in and out of her dripping wet pussy. You feel your $BallsSD balls churn with baby-batter as they feel overfilled with hot potent seed causing you to moan softly. "The Virile Seed is the domain of all men and is another cornerstone of life."
  Sister Lucia reluctantly lets go of your achingly hard shaft before standing back up. Glancing down at where you are sitting, she pulls down her strained top letting you see her _ISD pair of _ICup tits in all their glory! "The last major concept is the important Sacred Womb. It is where the Fertile Egg and the Virile Seed comes together to form new life." Grabbing her mouth-watering jugs, she starts to grope them while huskily saying "The Sacred Womb is the domain shared with all of humanity in order to provide a sacred sanctuary for life to grow. It is the last cornerstone and a very important one."
  "So $PC.FirstName, now that you know the sacred precepts will you pound my tight pussy with your hard throbbing $DickSize cock? To blow your load of hot Virile Seed deep inside my thirsty cunt? To completely fill my Sacred Womb with so much baby-batter that my Fertile Egg has no choice but to accept your divine offering?" she asks huskily as she stares hungrily at your $DickSD bulge.
<<case "Futa">>\
<<set $Cum.Stored to $Cum.Max>>\
<<set $CumAD to $arrayCumAmountDesc[$Cum.Stored]>>\
<<set $GCum.Stored to $GCum.Max>>\
<<set $GCumAD to $arrayCumAmountDesc[$GCum.Stored]>>\
  Before you can react to her extreme change of attitude, Sister Lucia stands up and groans softly as a _DickSD _DickSize futa-dick grows from above her pussy complete with a set of _BallsSD balls! She gives her futa-cock a squeeze before starting to stroke her throbbing shaft while huskily saying "The scriptures say the second divine concept is the potent Virile Seed! It is the catalyst to ignite the spark of life and bestows pleasure onto all." The whole time she's been stroking her cock, she hasn't stopped masturbating with her fingers sliding in and out of her dripping wet pussy. You feel your $BallsSD balls churn with baby-batter as they feel overfilled with hot potent seed while your already wet pussy get soaking wet as a puddle of girl-fluids starts to form on your chair causing you to moan softly. "The Virile Seed is the domain of all men and is another cornerstone of life."
  Sister Lucia reluctantly lets go of her hard shaft before pulling down her strained top letting you see her _ISD pair of _ICup tits in all their glory! "The last major concept is the important Sacred Womb. It is where the Fertile Egg and the Virile Seed comes together to form new life and where the Fertile Egg is ignited, it's purpose is fulfilled." Grabbing her mouth-watering jugs, she starts to grope them while huskily saying "The Sacred Womb is the domain shared with all of humanity in order to provide a sacred sanctuary for life to grow. It is the last cornerstone and a very important one."
  "So $PC.FirstName, now that you know the sacred precepts will you pound my tight pussy with your hard throbbing $DickSize futa-cock? To blow your load of hot Virile Seed deep inside my thirsty cunt? To completely fill my Sacred Womb with so much baby-batter that my Fertile Egg has no choice but to accept your divine offering?" she asks huskily as she stares hungrily at your $DickSD bulge.
  "Or would you rather I fuck your tight pussy with my hard throbbing _DickSize futa-cock? To creampie your soaking wet cunt with my potent Virile Seed? To completely flood your Sacred Womb with so much seed that your Fertile Egg can't help but accept my divine offering?" she asks huskily as her eyes focuses on your face once again and she stares you lustfully in the eyes.
<<set $GCum.Stored to $GCum.Max>>\
<<set $GCumAD to $arrayCumAmountDesc[$GCum.Stored]>>\
  Before you can react to her extreme change of attitude, Sister Lucia stands up and groans softly as a _DickSD _DickSize futa-dick grows from above her pussy complete with a set of _BallsSD balls! She gives her futa-cock a squeeze before starting to stroke her throbbing shaft while huskily saying "The scriptures say the second divine concept is the potent Virile Seed! It is the catalyst to ignite the spark of life and bestows pleasure onto all." The whole time she's been stroking her cock, she hasn't stopped masturbating with her fingers sliding in and out of her dripping wet pussy. You feel your already soaking wet pussy leak even more girl-fluids as a larger puddle starts to form on your chair causing you to moan softly. "The Virile Seed is the domain of all men and is another cornerstone of life."
  Sister Lucia reluctantly lets go of her hard shaft before pulling down her strained top letting you see her _ISD pair of _ICup tits with her hard _INip nipples topping them in all their glory! "The last major concept is the extremely important Sacred Womb. It is where the Fertile Egg and the Virile Seed comes together to form new life." Grabbing her mouth-watering jugs, she starts to grope them while huskily saying "The Sacred Womb is the domain shared with all of humanity in order to provide a sacred sanctuary for life to grow. It is the last cornerstone and a very important one."
  "So $PC.FirstName, now that you know the sacred precepts do you wish for me to fuck your tight pussy with my hard throbbing _DickSize futa-cock? To creampie your soaking wet cunt with my potent Virile Seed? To completely flood your Sacred Womb with so much seed that your Fertile Egg can't help but accept my divine offering?" she asks huskily as she stares you lustfully in the eyes.
<<if $lust + ($StatusAffect.Horny*5) - $PC.Willpower - $armorSaveBonus - $FoodStatus.Will < $MaxLust>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i>What the hell? What kind of religion is this?</i></div>
<div class="pcTalk"><i>Her words are flooding my mind, sinking deep into into my soul! I, I can't deny how hot the sacred truths of the Fertile Egg, Virile Seed, and the Sacred Womb sound! The only thing I can do is...</i></div>
<<switch _Sex>>\
<<case "Male">>\
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Fill Her with Your Virile Seed|Sister Lucia - Male Sex]]>>
<<set $SexScene2 to 2>>\
<<case "Female">>\
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Be Filled by Her Virile Seed|Sister Lucia - Female Sex]]>>
<<set $SexScene2 to 1>>\
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Be Filled by Her Virile Seed|Sister Lucia - Futa Sex]]>>
<<set $SexScene2 to 1>>\
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Fill Her with Your Virile Seed|Sister Lucia - Futa Sex]]>>
<<set $SexScene2 to 2>>\
<<if $lust + ($StatusAffect.Horny*5) - $PC.Willpower - $armorSaveBonus - $FoodStatus.Will < $MaxLust>>\
<<button [[Refuse|Sister Lucia - Decline]]>>
<<set $SexScene2 to 3>>\
<</if>>\<<set $genericEvent.Image = $eventPath14 + $arrayEvent14Librarian[0] + '.jpg'>>\
<<set _Charisma to 0>>\
<<if (random(19) + 1) + $Skill.Social + $CharismaBonus > 15>>\
<<set $npcCatherine.Friendship to $npcCatherine.Friendship - 3 + $SocialSkillFeats.WashmyHair>>\
<<set _Charisma to 1>>\
<<set $churchofTriologyLifeEvent.LuciaVisit to 3>>\
<<set $npcCatherine.Friendship to $npcCatherine.Friendship - 5 + $SocialSkillFeats.WashmyHair>>\
<<set _Charisma to 0>>\
<<set $churchofTriologyLifeEvent.LuciaVisit to 5>>\
<<if $PC.Sex is "Futa" or $StatusAffect.Futa > 0>>\
<<set _Sex to "Futa">>\
<<elseif $PC.Sex is "Male" and $StatusAffect.Futa < 1>>\
<<set _Sex to "Male">>\
<<set _Sex to "Female">>\
<img @src=$genericEvent.Image />
<<switch _Charisma>>\
<<case 0>>\
  "I'm really sorry, Sister Lucia. This whole Fertile Womb and Sacred Sperm thing is too much for me to handle and quite frankly too messed up. I'm going to have to say no. Oh look at the time! I need to head on out!" you hastily make excuses as the whole preggy fertility fetish thing is NOT something you are currently interested in. "I'll talk to you later!"
  Sister Lucia looks stunned for a moment with her hands still groping her _ISD tits. Slowly her hands drop down to her side and she says crestfallenly with tears in her eyes "Ok, $PC.FirstName. I guess I'll see you later..." Pulling her top back up before fixing her bottom, the usually cheeful librarian shuffles back into the deeper part of the library without more than a passing glance at you.
  "I'm really sorry, Sister Lucia. This whole Fertile Egg and Virile Seed fertility belief is interesting but I'm not ready for any type of parenthood. I'm going to have to decline at this time. I'm sorry since I know this is important for you but I need some time to think about it, OK?" you explain as being a parent is NOT something you are currently interested in.
  Sister Lucia looks stunned for a moment with her hands still groping her _ISD tits. Slowly her hands drop down to her side and she says crestfallenly "Ok, $PC.FirstName. I guess I'll see you later..." Pulling her top back up before fixing her bottom, the usually cheeful librarian shuffles back into the deeper part of the library without more than a passing glance at you.
<<switch _Sex>>\
<<case "Male">>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I feel kind of bad but I'm not looking to be a father anytime soon!</i></div>
<<case "Futa">>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I feel kind of bad but I'm not looking to be a father or a mother anytime soon!</i></div> <<default>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I feel kind of bad but I'm not looking to be a mother anytime soon!</i></div> <</switch>>\
<<button [[Leave|Church - Leaving]]>>
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<</button>><<if ndef $equipedWeapon.special2>>\
<<if $equipedWeapon.name is "superior switch knife" or $equipedWeapon.name is "switch knife">>\
<<set $equipedWeapon.special2 to "Hidden">>\
<<set $equipedWeapon.specialD to "Adds 1d4 extra damage against ambushed enemies">>\
<<set $equipedWeapon.special2 to "None">>\
<<set $equipedWeapon.specialD to "None">>\
<<if $equipedWeapon.name is "P99 pistol" or $equipedWeapon.name is "superior P99 pistol">>\
<<set $equipedWeapon.special2 to "Burst">>\
<<set $equipedWeapon.specialD to "Grants the use of Burst Fire special attack">>\
<<if $equipedWeapon.name is ".308 Winchester semi-automatic rifle" or $equipedWeapon.name is "superior .308 Winchester semi-automatic rifle">>\
<<set $equipedWeapon.special2 to "Burst">>\
<<set $equipedWeapon.specialD to "Grants the use of Burst Fire special attack">>\
<<set $genericEvent.Image = $eventPath14 + $arrayEvent14Librarian[7] + '.jpg'>>\
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$npcLucia.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$npcLucia.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _IAss to $arrayAssSizeDesc[$npcLucia.AssSize]>>\
<<set _DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$npcLucia.DickSize]>>\
<<set _DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$npcLucia.DickSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$npcLucia.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$npcLucia.BallsSize]>>\
<<if $PC.Sex is "Futa" or $StatusAffect.Futa > 0>>\
<<set _Sex to "Futa">>\
<<elseif $PC.Sex is "Male" and $StatusAffect.Futa < 1>>\
<<set _Sex to "Male">>\
<<set _Sex to "Female">>\
<<if (random(19) + 1) + $Skill.Social + $CharismaBonus > 15>>\
<<set $npcLucia.Friendship to $npcLucia.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity +3 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set $npcLucia.Friendship to $npcLucia.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity +2 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe>>\
<<set _LustRoll to (random(19) + 1)>>\
<<if _LustRoll + $PC.Willpower - $StatusAffect.Horny < 15>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Horny to $StatusAffect.Horny+1>>\
<<set _lusty to random(10) +5 + $StatusAffect.Horny - $LustResist.Visual - $LustResist.Complete>>\
<<if _lusty < 0>>\
<<set _lusty to 0>>\
<<set $lust to $lust + _lusty>>\
<<set _Book to 0>>\
<<for $i = 0; $i < $PCInventory.length; $i++>>\
<<set $uitem = $PCInventory[$i]>>\
<<set $ItemName to $uitem.name>>\
<<if $ItemName is "a book" or $ItemName is "a erotic book">>\
<<set _Book to 1>>\
<img @src=$genericEvent.Image />
<<if $AdminMode is 1>>\
Sister Lucia Friendship: $npcLucia.Friendship
  Deciding to spend some time chatting with Sister Lucia, you reply "Sure! I don't mind spending some time chatting with you about some intesting books and maybe you can answer a few questions while you are at it." Looking around, you find a couple of large leather chairs that look like they would be comfortable for a nice chat and you leasurely plop your $AssSize butt in one.
  Looking a bit happy at your willingness to chat about her favorite subject, Sister Lucia gasps out "Really? That's wonderful! I know you like books, and um, I like books too. Oh, let me grab a chair real quick!" The busty sister slowly grabs a nearby ornate red leather chair as her big belly slows her down and with much relief collaspes her _IAss derriere onto it, causing her _ICup milkjugs to bounce gently.
  "So, what been going on with you lately? Read any new good books lately?" you ask as your eyes glance down at her very pregnant belly and notice that it doesn't look like her pregnancy has visibly advanced any further. You slowly pull your eyes back up to her face even though those _ISD milky breasts of hers distact you for a moment as you admire their rather impressive size.
  Sister Lucia gets a thoughtful look on her beautiful face as she ponders your question. "Well uhh, I've been busy reading books like <i>The Simplest Baby Book</i> and <i>How to Have a Baby</i>. While it's been fun reading those kind of books, I miss having time to read my naughty books!" she replies with a pout as she rubs her huge pregnant stomach.
  "Do you regret it?" you ask softly as you stare at her belly with so many conflicting emotions running thru your mind. Sister Lucia gives you an inquisitive look and so you sofly continue "The whole igniting your Fertile Egg? I know you wanted it then but it must be a big change for you."
  The pregnant sister looks shocked for a moment before she pauses and really contemplates your question. Eventually her eyes focuses on your own as a warm smile returns to her radiate face and she says "Some things are harder since I've been knocked up and I can't always read what I want, you know. But the day my Fertile Egg was ignited by your thick and heavy Virile Seed was the most wonderful day of my life! It's such an important core part of my religion and that it was you, $PC.FirstName who impregnated me, makes it even more amazing!"
  Her ernest statement calms some of the worries you've had since you learned that you knocked the busty sister up. Trying to lighten the atmosphere up a little you reply "Thanks, Lucia! I was pretty happy to shoot all my Virile Seed deep inside my favorite sexy librarian's Sacred Womb! Anyways onto a lighter topic, I personally finished reading another volume of <i>I Was Reincarnated Into My Favorite MMO And Turned Into A Mysterious Girl And Also Fought An Evil God Using The Power of Sex!</i>"
  "Oooh! Was it good? Did the mysterious girl really beat that evil God with only prostitute skills or was there something more? Oh wait! Don't tell me! I wanna borrow those manga when you're done with them! Such a silly name for a book but is sounds so fun!" Sister Lucia babbles as her eyes light up at the idea of reading a manga with such a silly name.
  Smirking at the sexy librarian, you reply "What I will say that it was really good! It's not the conclusion to the series but it is definitely heading that way." Glancing at the clock above the door, your smirk turns into a frown. "Well, Lucia. It's looking a bit late and I need to head on out. Are you sure there isn't anything I can find for you?"
  Sister Lucia smiles softly and says "I think I'm pretty good. Maybe if you could snag some more books if you happen to run across any cause I could always use more books! You just stay safe out there, $PC.FirstName!" You smile back at the sexy sister and with a wave goodbye you head on out.
<<if _Book is 0>>\
<div class="pcTalk"><i> I should keep a eye out for any books I might happen to find. I'm sure Sister Lucia would be quite happy with any I give to her.</i></div>
<div class="pcTalk"><i> If I remember correctly I do have some books stashed in my backpack that Sister Lucia should be quite happy to take off my hands.</i></div>
<<if _Book > 0>>\
<<button [[Offer Her the Books You've Found|Sister Lucia - Book]]>>
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<<button [[Leave|Church - Leaving]]>>
<<include "Time Mini-Passes">>\
<</button>><<set $genericEvent.Image = $eventPath14 + $arrayEvent14Mother[3] + '.jpg'>>\
<<include "Time Micro-Passes">>\
<<set $location.Indoor to 1>>\
<<set $churchofTriologyLifeEvent.ElisabethVisit to 1>>\
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$npcElisabeth.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$npcElisabeth.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _IAss to $arrayAssSizeDesc[$npcElisabeth.AssSize]>>\
<<set _DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$npcElisabeth.DickSize]>>\
<<set _DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$npcElisabeth.DickSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$npcElisabeth.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$npcElisabeth.BallsSize]>>\
<<if $PC.Sex is "Futa" or $StatusAffect.Futa > 0>>\
<<set _Sex to "Futa">>\
<<elseif $PC.Sex is "Male" and $StatusAffect.Futa < 1>>\
<<set _Sex to "Male">>\
<<set _Sex to "Female">>\
<<set _lusty to random(5) +3 + $StatusAffect.Horny - $LustResist.Visual - $LustResist.Complete>>\
<<if _lusty < 0>>\
<<set _lusty to 0>>\
<<set $lust to $lust + _lusty>>\
<img @src=$genericEvent.Image />
<<switch $churchofTriologyLifeEvent.Choose>>\
<<if $churchofTriologyLifeEvent.LuciaMet is 0>>\
  "I think I would I would like to meet this Sister Lucia, if you don't mind." you decide after taking a moment to think it over. Gathering some more information about this church along with it's inhabits sounds like a good idea and a library should be a great starting point.
<<switch _Sex>>\
<<case "Male">>\
  Smiling at you, Mother Elisabeth replies warmly "Of course! I'm sure Sister Lucia will be glad to meet such a handsome visitor! Please follow me and I will escort you to the library," You watch for a moment as the mother superior struts down one of the hallways with her _IAss caboose swaying sexily with each step before quickly following her.
  "So what is she like, this Sister Lucia?" you ask as you follow behind the Mother Elisabeth. Your eyes occasionally dip to her _IAss bottom as the way her jelly-like asscheeks sway and jiggle with each step is almost hypnotic and you can feel your dick start to awaken.
<<case "Futa">>\
  Smiling at you, Mother Elisabeth replies warmly "Of course! I'm sure Sister Lucia will be glad to meet such a beautiful visitor! Please follow me and I will escort you to the library," You watch for a moment as the mother superior struts down one of the hallways with her _IAss caboose swaying sexily with each step before quickly following her.
  "So what is she like, this Sister Lucia?" you ask as you follow behind the Mother Elisabeth. Your eyes occasionally dip to her _IAss bottom as the way her jelly-like asscheeks sway and jiggle with each step is almost hypnotic and you can feel your dick start to awaken.
  Smiling at you, Mother Elisabeth replies warmly "Of course! I'm sure Sister Lucia will be glad to meet such a beautiful visitor! Please follow me and I will escort you to the library," You watch for a moment as the mother superior struts down one of the hallways with her _IAss caboose swaying sexily with each step before quickly following her.
  "So what is she like, this Sister Lucia?" you ask as you follow behind the Mother Elisabeth. Your eyes occasionally dip to her _IAss bottom as the way her jelly-like asscheeks sway and jiggle with each step is almost hypnotic and you can feel your pussy start to awaken.
  Making a thoughtful noise the busty nun replies "She's a good girl and rather friendly with those who share her interests. She tends to slack off a bit sometimes but her heart is in the right place." After that short conversation, Mother Elisabeth stops outside a large wooden door with a small chain connected to what looks to be a similiar doorbell system at the front door. "Once you have sated your earthy desires for knowledge and bibliophilic companionship, simply ring the bell and I shall return posthaste in order to escort you to your next desired location." she explains as she points out the doorbell before giving you a pointed stare.
  Giving her a questioning look, you reply "Uh sure... I'll uh, be sure to give you a ring once I'm ready to leave." She just gives you a enigmatic smile in return before slowly walking away. Shaking your head at the secrecy and paranoia displayed by requiring an escort every time you visit, you put those thoughts out of your head before heading into the library.
  "I think I would I would like to spend some time with Sister Lucia, if you don't mind." you decide after taking a moment to think it over. Spending an hour or so just hanging out with the bookworm librarian sounds like a nice break from dealing with the stress of navigating the streets of Civiton right now.
  Smiling at you, Mother Elisabeth replies warmly "Of course! I'm sure Sister Lucia will be glad to see her friend $PC.FirstName, once again! Please follow me and I will escort you to the library," You watch for a moment as the mother superior struts down one of the hallways with her _IAss caboose swaying sexily with each step before quickly following her. It doesn't take very long before Mother Elisabeth stops outside a library door. "Once you have sated your earthy desires for knowledge and bibliophilic companionship, simply ring the bell and I shall return posthaste in order to escort you to your next desired location." she explains as she points out the doorbell before giving you a pointed stare.
  Giving her a simple nod, you reply "Thanks Mother Elisabeth. I'll be sure to give you a ring once I'm done." She just gives you a enigmatic smile in return before slowly walking away. Shaking your head at the secrecy and paranoia displayed by requiring an escort every time you visit, you put those thoughts out of your head before heading into the library.
<<button [[Enter the Library|Sister Lucia Room]]>>
<</switch>><<set $genericEvent.Image = $eventPath14 + $arrayEvent14Mother[0] + '.jpg'>>\
<<include "Time Micro-Passes">>\
<<set $location.Indoor to 1>>\
<<set _Busy to 0>>\
<<if $churchofTriologyLifeEvent.LuciaVisit is 1>>\
<<set _Busy to 1>>\
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$npcElisabeth.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$npcElisabeth.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _IAss to $arrayAssSizeDesc[$npcElisabeth.AssSize]>>\
<<set _DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$npcElisabeth.DickSize]>>\
<<set _DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$npcElisabeth.DickSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$npcElisabeth.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$npcElisabeth.BallsSize]>>\
<<if $PC.Sex is "Futa" or $StatusAffect.Futa > 0>>\
<<set _Sex to "Futa">>\
<<elseif $PC.Sex is "Male" and $StatusAffect.Futa < 1>>\
<<set _Sex to "Male">>\
<<set _Sex to "Female">>\
<<set _lusty to random(5) +3 + $StatusAffect.Horny - $LustResist.Visual - $LustResist.Complete>>\
<<if _lusty < 0>>\
<<set _lusty to 0>>\
<<set $lust to $lust + _lusty>>\
<img @src=$genericEvent.Image />
<<switch $churchofTriologyLifeEvent.Choose>>\
  You give the doorbell a hardy press but you don't actually hear the sound of a bell going off. Deciding to wait to see if the mother superior will show up, you lean back against the hallway wall and hum a light tune. Your wait isn't long before you see Mother Elisabeth casually walking down the long hallway to where you are standing.
<<switch $SexScene2>>\
<<case 1>>\
  "Hello again, $PC.FirstName! I do hope your ravenousness desires were carnally sated by our bibliophilic sister to your complete and utter satisfaction?" Mother Elisabeth greets you before hitting you with a extremely loaded question. Seeing your surprised face, the busty nun looks down at at your groin where there's a large wet spot of mixed cum before saying "Oh? Am I wrong about the source of the smell of sexual congress filling this holy hallway?"
  "Uhhh...." you intelligently reply while using your vast social skills to avoid confirming what both you and Mother Elisabeth know to be true. "We, uh, just spent some time umm, talking about, you know, books and stuff. I uh, definitely enjoyed my time with Sister Lucia and will definitely visit her again in the future."
<<case 2>>\
  "Hello again, $PC.FirstName! I do hope your ravenousness desires were carnally sated by our bibliophilic sister to your complete and utter satisfaction?" Mother Elisabeth greets you before hitting you with a extremely loaded question. Seeing your surprised face, the busty nun looks down at at your groin where there's a minor wet spot of mixed cum before saying "Oh? Am I wrong about the source of the smell of sexual congress filling this holy hallway?"
  "Uhhh...." you intelligently reply while using your vast social skills to avoid confirming what both you and Mother Elisabeth know to be true. "We, uh, just spent some time umm, talking about, you know, books and stuff. I uh, definitely enjoyed my time with Sister Lucia and will definitely visit her again in the future."
<<case 3>>\
  "Hello again, $PC.FirstName. Did you enjoy your visit with Sister Lucia?" Mother Elisabeth greets you with a more somber attitude instead of the teasing innuendo she normally does. For a moment you wonder if she knows you decided to bail on Sister Lucia when she starting talking about the whole Fertile Egg and Virile Seed fertility belief.
  "It was, umm, interesting I have to say." you reply in casual tone. "Didn't quite agree on something we were talking about and so I decided I needed to step back and think about it some more." Maybe in the future you might change your mind about that but for now you are good.
  "Hello again, $PC.FirstName! I do hope your earthy longings for esoteric knowledge was sated by our bibliophilic sister?" Mother Elisabeth greets you before hitting you with a question loaded with innuendo. Seeing your annoyed face, the busty nun smirks and says "Oh? Did you want something more than just occult knowledge from our resident bookworm, $PC.FirstName? Sister Lucia is a bit clueless so you must make such lascivious desires quite apparent if you want her to notice your ravenousness yearnings."
  "Ha, Hah...." you reply in a snarky tone. "We just spent some time talking about books if you have to know. It was quite interesting and I enjoyed the size of your church's library. I will definitely have to stop by and chat with Sister Lucia again in the future."
<<if _Busy is 1>>\
  Smiling at your answer, Mother Elisabeth replies with "Well it looks like everyone is busy right now with their jobs and projects. So let me escort you to the church's main doors so that you can continue your journey while hopefully feeling refreshed and recharged." You nod before she escorts you to the church's entrance. With a wave goodbye you leave the church and head back out to the Sunrise View industrial park.
<<button [[Leave|West Sunrise View Church]]>>
<<set $location.Indoor to 0>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\
<</button>><<set $genericEvent.Image = $eventPath14 + $arrayEvent14Mother[0] + '.jpg'>>\
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$npcElisabeth.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$npcElisabeth.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _IAss to $arrayAssSizeDesc[$npcElisabeth.AssSize]>>\
<<set _DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$npcElisabeth.DickSize]>>\
<<set _DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$npcElisabeth.DickSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$npcElisabeth.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$npcElisabeth.BallsSize]>>\
<<if $PC.Sex is "Futa" or $StatusAffect.Futa > 0>>\
<<set _Sex to "Futa">>\
<<elseif $PC.Sex is "Male" and $StatusAffect.Futa < 1>>\
<<set _Sex to "Male">>\
<<set _Sex to "Female">>\
<img @src=$genericEvent.Image />
  You spend way more time than usual making the trek to the Church of Trilogy Life as you make sure to avoid any possible signs of Infested, Raiders and people in general. By mid-afternoon you find youself outside the large church doors feeling a bit nervous. Gathering your courage you pull the pull chain and nervously wait as the minutes go by.
  The heavy sound of the doorbell echoes thru the church leaving you completely worried about attracting the attention of the Infested but luckily there doesn't seem to be any close by. It doesn't take long before the huge church door slowly opens revealing the familiar form of Mother Elisabeth!
  "Welcome back to the Church of Trilogy Life, $PC.FirstName! May your return visit here be a fecundity of fruitfulness!" the busty Mother Elisabeth greets you pleasantly before she takes in your sickly and worried look. "What's wrong, $PC.FirstName? Do you need some medical help?"
  Gathering your resolve you mumble "I'm pregnant and I believe $PregnantWho to be the father..." For a brief moment there is only silence as you wait for a response with your eyes downcast.
<<include "Bad Endings 2">>\<<if $PC.Sex is "Futa" or $StatusAffect.Futa > 0>>\
<<set _Sex to "Futa">>\
<<elseif $PC.Sex is "Male" and $StatusAffect.Futa < 1>>\
<<set _Sex to "Male">>\
<<set _Sex to "Female">>\
<<switch _Sex>>\
<<case "Male">>\
<<set $genericEvent.Image = $eventPath14 + $arrayEvent14Librarian[2] + '.jpg'>>\
<<set $genericEvent.Image = $eventPath14 + $arrayEvent14Librarian[3] + '.jpg'>>\
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$npcLucia.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$npcLucia.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _INip to $arrayNippleSize[$npcLucia.NippleSize]>>\
<<set _IAss to $arrayAssSizeDesc[$npcLucia.AssSize]>>\
<<set _DickSD to $arrayDickSizeDesc[$npcLucia.DickSize]>>\
<<set _DickSize to $arrayDickSize[$npcLucia.DickSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSD to $arrayBallsSizeDesc[$npcLucia.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _BallsSize to $arrayBallsSize[$npcLucia.BallsSize]>>\
<<set _LustRoll to (random(19) + 1)>>\
<<if _LustRoll + $PC.Willpower - $StatusAffect.Horny < 15>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Horny to $StatusAffect.Horny+1>>\
<<set _lusty to random(10) +15 + $StatusAffect.Horny - $LustResist.Visual - $LustResist.Complete>>\
<<if _lusty < 0>>\
<<set _lusty to 0>>\
<<set $lust to $lust + _lusty>>\
<img @src=$genericEvent.Image />
  Deciding that you more interested in some hot and steamy sex with the lewd sister instead of chatting about books, you ask smoothy "How about we engage in some sacred coupling instead?" as you check out the sexy libarian. The way her _ISD tits are presented so lewdly by her fetish fuel outfit along with her _IAss booty is making it hard to concentrate on something like books!
  Sister Lucia blushes at your blatent proposition and stammers out "Really? Um, yes! I mean, last time was so amazing! And it's, uh, part of our sacred duties and stuff!" You watch as she shuffles in place with her hands cupping her blushing face making you smile as you watch the cute libraian look quite flustered.
<<switch _Sex>>\
<<case "Male">>\
  She takes a big breath as she gathers her focus and you watch as she switches from cute librarian to sexy sister. "So $PC.FirstName, you already know the sacred precepts so will you pound my tight pussy with your hard throbbing $DickSize cock? To blow your load of hot Virile Seed deep inside my thirsty cunt? To completely fill my Sacred Womb with so much baby-batter that my Fertile Egg has no choice but to accept your divine offering?" she ritualisticly asks as she stares hungrily at your $DickSD bulge.
<<case "Futa">>\
  She takes a big breath as she gathers her focus and you watch as she switches from cute librarian to sexy sister as a _DickSD futa-cock erupts from her groin. "So $PC.FirstName, you already know the sacred precepts so will you pound my tight pussy with your hard throbbing $DickSize futa-cock? To blow your load of hot Virile Seed deep inside my thirsty cunt? To completely fill my Sacred Womb with so much baby-batter that my Fertile Egg has no choice but to accept your divine offering?" she asks huskily as she stares hungrily at your $DickSD bulge.
  "Or would you rather I fuck your tight pussy with my hard throbbing _DickSize futa-cock? To creampie your soaking wet cunt with my potent Virile Seed? To completely flood your Sacred Womb with so much seed that your Fertile Egg can't help but accept my divine offering?" she ritualisticly asks as her eyes focuses on your face once again and she stares you lustfully in the eyes.
  She takes a big breath as she gathers her focus and you watch as she switches from cute librarian to sexy sister as a _DickSD futa-cock erupts from her groin. "So $PC.FirstName, you already know the sacred precepts so do you wish for me to fuck your tight pussy with my hard throbbing _DickSize futa-cock? To creampie your soaking wet cunt with my potent Virile Seed? To completely flood your Sacred Womb with so much seed that your Fertile Egg can't help but accept my divine offering?" she ritualisticly asks as she stares you lustfully in the eyes.
<<switch _Sex>>\
<<case "Male">>\
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Fill Her with Your Virile Seed|Sister Lucia - Male Sex]]>>
<<set $SexScene2 to 2>>\
<<case "Female">>\
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Be Filled by Her Virile Seed|Sister Lucia - Female Sex]]>>
<<set $SexScene2 to 1>>\
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Be Filled by Her Virile Seed|Sister Lucia - Futa Sex]]>>
<<set $SexScene2 to 1>>\
<span id="sexButton"><<button [[Fill Her with Your Virile Seed|Sister Lucia - Futa Sex]]>>
<<set $SexScene2 to 2>>\
<<if $lust + ($StatusAffect.Horny*5) - $PC.Willpower - $armorSaveBonus - $FoodStatus.Will < $MaxLust>>\
<<button [[Refuse|Sister Lucia - Decline]]>>
<<set $SexScene2 to 3>>\
<</if>>\<<set $genericEvent.Image = $eventPath7 + $arrayEvent7CandyLunch.random() + '.jpg'>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 1>>\
<<set _ISD to $arrayBreastSizeDesc[$npcCandy.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _ICup to $arrayBreastSize[$npcCandy.BreastsSize]>>\
<<set _IAss to $arrayAssSizeDesc[$npcCandy.AssSize]>>\
<<if $PC.Sex is "Futa" or $StatusAffect.Futa > 0>>\
<<set _Sex to "Futa">>\
<<elseif $PC.Sex is "Male" and $StatusAffect.Futa < 1>>\
<<set _Sex to "Male">>\
<<set _Sex to "Female">>\
<<set _LustRoll to (random(19) + 1)>>\
<<if _LustRoll + $PC.Willpower - $StatusAffect.Horny < 15>>\
<<set $StatusAffect.Horny to $StatusAffect.Horny+1>>\
<<set _lusty to random(10) +5 + $StatusAffect.Horny - $LustResist.Visual - $LustResist.Complete>>\
<<if _lusty < 0>>\
<<set _lusty to 0>>\
<<set $lust to $lust + _lusty>>\
<<set _Book to 0>>\
<<set _BookA to 0>>\
<<set _BonusF to 0>>\
<<for $i = 0; $i < $PCInventory.length; $i++>>\
<<set $uitem = $PCInventory[$i]>>\
<<set $ItemName to $uitem.name>>\
<<if $ItemName is "a book" or $ItemName is "a erotic book">>\
<<set _BonusF to $uitem.quality + $uitem.amount>>\
<<set _BookA to _BookA + 1>>\
<<set _Book to _Book + _BonusF>>\
<<set $PCInventory.delete($uitem)>>\
<<set $i to 0>>\
<<if (random(19) + 1) + $Skill.Social + $CharismaBonus > 15>>\
<<set $npcCandy.Friendship to $npcCandy.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity +1 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe + _Book>>\
<<set $npcCandy.Friendship to $npcCandy.Friendship + $ClassBonus.Celebrity +0 + $SocialSkillFeats.EverybodyLikesMe + _Book>>\
<img @src=$genericEvent.Image />
<<if $AdminMode is 1>>\
Candy Friendship: $npcCandy.Friendship
Book: _Book
<<if _Book > 1>>\
  Before leaving you grab your backpack and call out to the receptionist who is almost out the door "Hey, Candy? I have a book you might find a bit interesting. I can't promise you that it is a very high quality one but at least it should be better than nothing. Since you can't easily explore the city like I can, I figured you would enjoy at least reading it."
  Candy pauses her exit before turning her gaze to you with almost hunger in her eyes! "Wait! You have a new book that you are willing to lend to me?" You smile as open you backpack and hand the buxom receptionist the book you managed to find. "Thank you, $PC.FirstName!" Before you can reply, the buxom sister wraps her arms around your head hugs you fiercely with her _ISD chest pressed hard against you!
  "You're welcome, Candy. I figured you could use it more than I would." you reply as the fierce hug finally breaks up as Candy focuses on her new book. She looks pretty happy at having a new book to read as she starts to read the titles of her book.
  "Thanks again for the gift, $PC.FirstName! I would stay and chat some more but I really need to head on out! Also I really want to check out this new book! I'll talk to you later and hopefully I'll be able to share a new storiy with you!" She hums a happy tune to herself as she puts her book away before walking away with a seductive sway to her _IAss hips while holding her baton tightly.
  Before leaving you grab your backpack and call out to the receptionist who is almost out the door "Hey, Candy? I have some books you might find a bit interesting. I can't promise you that they are very high quality but at least one of them should be good. Since you can't easily explore the city like I can, I figured you would enjoy at least reading them."
  Candy pauses her exit before turning her gaze to you with almost hunger in her eyes! "Wait! You have some books that you are willing to lend to me?" You smile as open you backpack and hand the buxom receptionist the books you managed to find. "Thank you, $PC.FirstName!" Before you can reply, the buxom sister wraps her arms around your head hugs you fiercely with her _ISD chest pressed hard against you!
  "You're welcome, Candy. I figured you could use these more than I would." you reply as the fierce hug finally breaks up as Candy focuses on her new books. She looks pretty happy at having a few more books to read as she starts to read the titles of the books.
  "Thanks again for the gift, $PC.FirstName! I would stay and chat some more but I really need to head on out! Also I really want to check out these new books! I'll talk to you later and hopefully I'll be able to share some stories with you!" She hums a happy tune to herself as she gathers all those new books before walking away with a seductive sway to her _IAss hips while holding her baton tightly.
<div class="pcTalk"><i> Wow... I should maybe get her some more books if this is the type of response I get...</i></div>
<<button [[Finish|Oak Dale Clinic Break Room]]>>
<<include "Time Passes">>\
<<set $NoEncounter to random(1) +2>>\
<<set $NoInventory to 0>>\