<div class="bar">
Title Page
All characters featured in this work are over the age of 18.
This visual novel contains explicit material and extraordinary situations. This visual novel is not meant to represent the real world in any way, shape or form. It takes place in a fictional world with fictional people and fictional laws of physics and logic. It's meant to be fun, it's NOT meant to be social commentary.
By clicking the link below, you agree that you are 18 years of age or above. If you are not, please exit this website.
</div><div class="bar">
A young man is about to embark on a journey which will change his life, and which may bring happiness or misery depending on the choices he makes. You will play as this man, and the choices you make will reflect who this person becomes.
What is the young man's name?
<<textbox "$pcName" "John" autofocus>>
The story allows for players to use the "back" button liberally. However, once a day ends and you transition into another, the back button will be disabled and you will not be able to rewind past the current day. This will not always be of consequence, but is worth it to keep in mind. You are however still free to save-scum. Day 1 can give you a "fuck you" ending if you aren't careful.</small>
<span class="passage">
<<button [[Continue|Prologue]]>>
<<if $pcName is "">>
<<set $pcName = "John">>
</div><div class="bar"><img src="media/scenery/prologue/orphanage.webp">
$pcName. Your parents died while you were a child. Few memories remain of them, and the ones that do are vague and blurry. You spent years being shuffled between orphanages and foster homes without finding a permanent home. Amazingly, your time in the system didn't leave you with lasting scars, yet it taught you how to adapt quickly and efficiently. You had resigned yourself to wait out the years until you became a legal adult and then begin working a shitty job while maybe attending a community college. Yet after you came of age, someone reached out to you with an offer for a place to stay.
<<linkreplace "Jane.">>
<img src="media/characters/jane/intro.webp" class="imgBorder jane">
A childhood friend of your late mother, Jane Hart had learned of your situation and took you in. Whether it was because she felt sorry for you or a sense of duty towards her late friend, or both, you were not sure. You have lived with Jane for a few years now, and she has grown very fond of you.
Jane is married to @@.names;Larry@@, who is a traveling salesman. Or something like that. He travels a lot and he sells something for a company called Pommier Inc. The guy is like a stereotypical "dad"-character turned up to 11. It comes off as fake.
Jane and Larry also have a son in his twenties, @@.names;Mitch@@. Mitch is a loser. He stays home mostly playing videogames and watching anime. He doesn't work, he doesn't study, and he doesn't respect his parents. More specifically Jane. Watching him interact with Jane sometimes makes you want to shove one of his unopened cans of energy drink down his throat. Or up his ass. Unfortunately, as a relative stranger, and due to Jane stopping you a few times, you have felt that it is not your place to interfere.
Jane is a stay at home mother and you get the impression she is somewhat bored. Her husband is gone most of the time and her son is an antisocial recluse, which has resulted in you becoming one of her... well not exactly closest friends, but you are close. She cares for you like you are family, and you care for her too. Her husband and son often treat her like she is invisible, so she relishes in the familiar attention you give her. Asking her about her day, complimenting her looks and work. The bare minimum does wonders for her, not to mention how she feels if you suggest spending an evening together watching a movie or going for a walk. After Jane reached out and got approval to take you in, you moved across the country to your mother's hometown.
<<linkreplace "Rosewood.">>
<img src="media/scenery/rosewood.webp">
Rosewood is a quaint and quiet town in the Northwest. Few people visit, and few people leave. The town is beautiful, if somewhat boring at times. But boring is better than what you were used to. You were enrolled into St. Ysolde's Academy where you finished your schooling.
You have taken a couple years off to save up some money and consider what you want to do with your life. You work as a handyman of sorts doing odd jobs around town, landscaping, pool cleaning, painting etc. While it is not an ideal career, it is an okay job. Anything you can do to make a buck extra as you're going to need it if you want to begin on the path of doing something with your life. Often times you get to work near MILFs which is a nice bonus, especially in Rosewood. You have noticed since you moved here that there is a noticeably high average of attractiveness among women in town.
As a matter of fact, you just finished a long day working for one such milf and were headed home when it happened.
<<link[[What happened?|Prologue-Shooting Star]]>><</link>>
<</linkreplace>></div><div class="bar"><img src="media/scenery/prologue/shootingstar.webp">
Driving home from working a long day landscaping @@.names;Mrs. Blye@@'s huge estate, you saw a shooting star in the night sky shining a purple light. As you glanced at it a few times, being careful to keep your tired eyes on the road, you could have sworn it was coming closer to you.
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/prologuecard.webp"><p><i>Damn, I must be hallucinating.</i></p>@@
You focused on the road again before looking towards the shooting star, and before you knew it @@.names;*BOOM*@@. Ahead of you some distance into the forest, the shooting star had crashed.
You immediately woke up from the tiredness that had gripped you and parked your car on the side of the road. Getting out of the car and squinting into the forest you saw a faint purple glow.
Feeling an eerie sensation pulling you towards the glow, you began walking.
<<link[[Continue|Prologue-Purple Gem]]>><</link>></div><div class="bar">
Brushing aside bushes, watching your step so you don't slip, you make it to the crash site. A pulsing purple glow emanates from something in the 15 foot wide crater. You look closer and see... a gem?
<img src="media/scenery/prologue/crater.webp">
Small enough to fit into the palm of your hand, glowing like a purple bonfire, you stare at it for a second. You hear small whispers in the back of your mind. Inaudible, you can't make out what they're saying. //The gem is so beautiful//. As the thought crosses your mind, the gem rises from the crater and floats in the air in front of you, a few feet off the ground. The whispers get louder. What a magnificent pulsing glow, like a calm heartbeat. The inaudible whispers are getting louder. Some are yelling, chanting in an unrecognizable tongue, yet the meaning is clear to you. The gem is a thing of power. They are warning you. The heartbeat hastens.
<span class="">@@.gemSpeaks;COME TO ME.@@</span> As it calls out for you, a migraine seizes you. You fall to your knees holding your head screaming out in pain. Oh, the pain. Like an axe buried halfway through your skull being twisted this way and that. Oh the pain!
@@.gemSpeaks;COME TO ME.@@ Like another axe to the skull, the words cleave into your mind. You fight through the pain, one of the hardest battles of your life, and look up at the gem. Looking at it, you know. It can help you. It can end all the pain. No, wait. You can use the gem. YOU can help you. YOU can end the pain. YOU can become the master of the gem. You just have to grasp it.
@@.gemSpeaks;COME TO ME.@@ You get up from your knees, standing on your feet. You cannot crawl. Do not show weakness. You know this. You don't know how you know this, but you do. Standing, you take one step, two, then three. You stand next to the gem now.
<img src="media/scenery/prologue/gem.webp">
You stare at it for a second, an eternity. Behold its terrible beauty. You raise your right hand and grasp it.
<<link[[Darkness.|Prologue-A New Dawn]]>><</link>></div><div class="bar">
You wake in your bed, sunlight streaming into your room. A second of processing your memories later, you shoot up. It wasn't a dream. It was as real as this moment right here, right now. The pain is gone. As a matter of fact, you feel great. Better than you ever have, at least physically. Mentally is a different story.
How did you end up in bed? You can't remember anything after grasping the gem. You get up and look out the window. It's morning. Birds are chirping, someone in the neighborhood can be heard mowing their lawn. You take a second.
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p><i>Nothing seems to be different. For now.</i></p>
You look around for the gem, checking your clothes which still carry some dirt from last night, then your room. Nothing. Exasperated, you hit the shower. Afterwards, you put on some clothes and go downstairs, partly to make sure everything is still normal.
<<link[[Head downstairs|Day 1-1a]]>><</link>></div><div class="bar">
You make your way downstairs and enter the kitchen where you see Jane flipping some pancakes, a stacked plate resting next to her on the counter.
<img src="media/characters/jane/kitchen.webp" class="imgBorder jane">
<h5>Jane</h5><img src="media/characters/jane/card.webp"><p>Hey hon, how are you? I assumed you were tired when you came home and didn't say hi before going to bed. Did you sleep well?</p>
She walks over to you and gives you a kiss on the cheek, lovingly moving your hair away from your face while looking at you. You look at this beautiful creature for a second and a thought enters your mind unbidden.
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p><i>She just wants someone to look after. Someone who will love her back and show her the appreciation she deserves. Someone to be her big boy whose needs she can take care of, and who will take care of hers. Someone to put a baby in her. Someone like me.</i></p>
What the fuck was that? You do your best to recover from the shock of that thought without losing your composure, but deep down you are coming to a realization.
<b>It's true.</b>
Not sure what to make of this yet, you try to make an excuse to leave while not arousing too much suspicion.
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>Yeah, Mrs. Blye had a lot of work for me, I was exhausted. Actually, I have to go back today to finish up some hedges at her place. I'm gonna grab a couple pancakes to go if that's ok?</p>
You let out an inward sigh of relief at the save. It is true after all, and now you can get a minute to gather yourself.
Jane looks at you, a pout on her face.
<h5>Jane</h5><img src="media/characters/jane/card.webp"><p>Well, I'm sad to see you go so soon, we haven't even had our morning chat. But I'm also proud of you for working so hard. Good luck today, but make sure you're home for dinner, okay? Larry left on a work trip so it'll just be us. And Mitch if I can convince him to join.</p>
She replies, her voice dropping at the last part. You get a flash in your mind, and speak before you know it.
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p><span class="hypno">Mitch is an ungrateful idiot</span> to not appreciate how amazing, how <span class="hypno">beautiful</span> of a <span class="hypno">mommy</span> you are. When it comes to you, <span class="hypno">I feel jealous</span> of Mitch. And Larry for that matter.</p>
So much for getting out to gather your thoughts. You stare at each other for a long second, unsure if she might give you a stern talking to or just slap you. Suddenly she wraps her arms around you and hugs you tightly.
<h5>Jane</h5><img src="media/characters/jane/card.webp"><p>You are such an amazing young man. I have to admit, I feel a little jealous of the girl who's going to end up with you.</p>
She smiles at you and leans in to give a kiss on your cheek, but due to clumsy maneuvering kisses you on the lips. You stare at each other for a while, eyes lidded and faces inches apart. You both lean into each other and share another kiss, this time with intention.
<img src="media/kissing/1.webp">
Again, you pull back and stare at each other for a second. You feel like she is about to whisper something when you hear someone plodding on the stairs. You pull apart just before Mitch comes around the corner. And so the troll has come up from his cave.
<h5>Mitch</h5><img src="media/characters/men/mitch.webp"><p>Where's breakfast, bitch?</p>
What a fucking cockblock. Another point on the list of reasons to hate Mitch, the misogynistic fat incel NEET shut-in waste of space that he is. Mitch gives you a look, like he is seeing you for the first time. He's appraising you and then you see him avert his eyes, like he is intimidated. You feel the rage building up in you, and just as you are about to let loose a barrage of profanity at Mitch, Jane beats you to the punch.
<h5>Jane</h5><img src="media/characters/jane/card.webp"><p>THAT IS NO WAY TO SPEAK TO ME YOUNG MAN. BACK TO YOUR ROOM, NOW! NO BREAKFAST FOR NAUGHTY BOYS LIKE YOU.</p>
Both you and Mitch stand still in shock. Jane usually just takes Mitch's endless abuse, maybe a kind comment about how "you shouldn't call your mom a cunt, sweetheart" which Mitch dismisses. But it seems something has changed.
Mitch stands still, mouth hanging open. Processing this, he finally picks his jaw up and looks at his mother.
<h5>Mitch</h5><img src="media/characters/men/mitch.webp"><p>WHATEVER, WHORE!</p>
And with that, he turns around and heavily breathes his way down the stairs, into his dungeon.
Jane sighs, turns to look at you and smiles.
<h5>Jane</h5><img src="media/characters/jane/card.webp"><p>You should get going baby, don't want Mrs. Blye's bush to wait too long.</p>
<<link[[Right. You turn around and leave the house.|Day 1-2a]]>><</link>></div><<if $pcName is "Jimmy">>
<<set $wrongName to "Timmy">>
<<set $wrongName to "Jimmy">>
<</if>><div class="bar">
On the drive to Mrs. Blye, you think about the scene you just left. Jane yelling at Mitch was fun to witness, but that kiss. And calling her a mommy? And she didn't even react negatively at all, in fact, she seemed to *really* like it.
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p><i>This must be connected to last night. Does it make women like me more? Shit, that line I gave Jane, does it make me more smooth? Maybe it just helps me know what to say?</i></p>
Unsure of exactly what is happening or how, you are determined to figure it out through praxis. And you are currently on the way to the perfect test subject. <<linkreplace "Mrs. Blye.">>
<img src="media/characters/deanna/intro.webp" class="imgBorder deanna">
You have worked for Mrs. Blye on and off maintaining her property for a few months now. Other than being a hot MILF who lives alone and makes for a great test subject, she is also cold and somewhat stand-offish. She calls you '$wrongName' which annoys you greatly. You've corrected her a few times but it hasn't helped. You get the impression that she isn't a fan of men in general. No wonder after what happened with her ex-husband.
From what you have heard, Deanna Blye divorced her husband when she caught him cheating with his secretary. In the divorce, she got a stake in her husbands firm //Blye Realty Group// which has set her up very well financially. She also started her own company called //Blye Estate Management// which now directly competes with her ex-husband's company, and is doing incredibly well. No matter who loses, Deanna wins. Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.
She is an intimidating woman, so you are excited to see what your new powers can do to her. With her? For her? You begin having thoughts about the ethics of this situation, when you are interrupted by a sight just off the road.
<<link[[What do I see?|Day 1-2b]]>><</link>><</linkreplace>></div><div class="bar">
You recognize your surroundings. This is about where you stopped last night. On the side of the road you see a luxury SUV parked with a woman standing next to it, looking into the forest. She's looking in the direction of the crater, you realize. As you drive closer, slowing down a little, she turns and looks directly at you.
<img src="media/characters/morgan/intro1.webp" class="imgBorder blackRose">
Something about the way she looks at you feels... unsettling. Shivers run down your spine.
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p><i>Holy shit that lady creeps me out. Let's get out of here.</i></p>
As you drive on, you glance in the rear view mirror and see that the woman is watching your car.
<<link[[Mrs. Blye awaits.|Day 1-3a]]>><</link>>
</div><div class="bar">
Unsure of what to think of the lady you saw, you keep an eye on the road behind you to see if you are being followed. Just in case. By the time you get close to Mrs. Blye's house, your nerves calm somewhat. No one is following you.
You park and notice Mrs. Blye's car outside the garage. She is home. Suddenly it strikes you that you don't actually have any idea how to... do it. What even is IT? The power of the gem, you suppose. You look around and realize you still have a few hedges to trim, a couple hours of work.
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p><i>I guess I can come up with something while I work.</i></p>
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p><i>Well, I'm done and I don't have a plan. I suppose I'll just jump right in and see what happens.</i></p>
You just finished up your work, and go to knock on the door to let her know, as well as remind her of payment.
Mrs. Deanna Blye opens the door and just as she is about to give a dismissive greeting, she does a double take. She is observing you as if seeing you for the first time and seems to like what she's seeing. Catching herself, she invites you in.
<h5>Deanna</h5><img src="media/characters/deanna/card.webp"><p>Oh, are you done already? So quick, I thought this would take way longer! Please, come inside and I'll go get my purse.</p>
<<link[[You follow her inside.|Day 1-3b]]>><</link>>
</div><div class="bar">
You follow her into the house, glancing up from her tight ass every now and then and noting the wealth displayed in the architecture and furnishing of the house.
She points you to a white couch and offers you a seat. As you are about to sit, she turns around to fetch her purse, but trips. You catch her and pull her to you. Looking into her eyes, you receive revelation.
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p><i>She wants a strong man to take control of her. To dominate her. To show her that while she may be a strong, successful and independent woman to the world, to him she is nothing but a three hole slut. His slut. MY slut.</i></p>
You look deep into her eyes, your confidence surging. Her breathing is slow, eyes looking up at you. She is affected.
<h5>Deanna</h5><img src="media/characters/deanna/card.webp"><p>I should... erhm... go get my purs-</p>
You interrupt her.
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>You should sit down with me.</p>
You say, letting her go and sitting down. She remains standing for a second, giving you a longing look, but you don't even pay attention. With the surge of confidence you got, you know she is going to do as you tell her. And she does.
<img src="media/characters/deanna/1-5.webp" class="imgBorder deanna">
She looks at you intrigued.
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>You must get lonely here, <span class="hypno">Deanna</span>. I haven't seen many people come and go from the house. No suitors for a beautiful woman such as yourself? Or do the men of Rosewood simply not measure up for you? *You lean in towards her* It must be so hard for a driven woman like yourself, so powerful, so intimidating, so <span class="hypno">//beautiful//</span>, to find <span class="hypno">a worthy man</span>. Someone who <span class="hypno">isn't intimidated by who you are</span>, who doesn't secretly resent you behind your back. Someone who knows how to make you <span class="hypno">feel desired, feel like a woman</span>. <span class="hypno">Someone to make you submit...</span> Take your clothes off.</p>
You leave a little breathing room before that last order, letting the tension build. She stares at you captivated, breathing intensely without saying a word. Looking into her eyes, you don't see struggle. Arousal, anticipation, relief even. Then she nods and says:
<span class="passage buttonContainer"><<button [[Yes, Daddy|1-3-Deanna]]>><<set $deannaTitle to "Daddy">><</button>><<button [[Yes, Master|1-3-Deanna]]>><<set $deannaTitle to "Master">><</button>></span>
</div><<set $guardian to 0>>
<<set $dominator to 0>>
<<set $deannaBreed to 0>>
<<set $janeBreed to 0>>
<<set $vivianBreed to 0>>
<<set $dominiqueBreed to 0>><div class="bar">
<h5>Deanna</h5><img src="media/characters/deanna/card.webp"><p>I need you, $deannaTitle.</p>
She says after undressing while you were groping her ass and tits, every touch sending sensual shocks through her body, building up her <span class="hypno">need</span>. A need only you can fulfill.
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>You need to show me how a good slut services her $deannaTitle using her mouth. If you do good, you might get a reward.</p>
She nods and you take a seat on the couch after taking off your clothes. She leans over and kisses the head of your cock tenderly while looking you deep in the eyes, then she puts the head in her mouth.
<video loop autoplay muted>
<source src="media/characters/deanna/vid/1-5c.webm">
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>Good slut, now use your hands while you suck on the head</p>
<video loop autoplay muted>
<source src="media/characters/deanna/vid/1-5d.webm">
<h5>Deanna</h5><img src="media/characters/deanna/card.webp"><p>Like this, $deannaTitle?</p>
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>Yes baby, just like that.</p>
She keeps going for a while and while you keep a cool demeanor, you feel on edge. You need to switch up the positions if you want to avoid an early finish.
<<link[[You tell her to get on her back.|1-3-Deanna-2]]>><</link>>
</div><div class="bar">
You sheathe yourself inside her, dominantly gazing down into her. Her eyes return a look of lust, devotion and submission. Grabbing one of her heels from the floor, you bring it up to her face and order her to lick it. The high of fucking a beautiful woman like her overtakes you and you grab her throat and start pounding.
<video loop autoplay muted>
<source src="media/characters/deanna/vid/1-5a.webm">
<h5>Deanna</h5><img src="media/characters/deanna/card.webp"><p>Yes, $deannaTitle! Give it to me, I've been bad, you need to punish me. Punish this pussy, $deannaTitle!</p>
You lay down beside her and pump her puffy pussy while holding her neck, savoring her moans as she cums.
<video loop autoplay muted>
<source src="media/characters/deanna/vid/1-5f.webm">
<h5>Deanna</h5><img src="media/characters/deanna/card.webp"><p>$deannaTitle, $deannaTitle, $deannaTitle, YES, It's been so long, thank you thankyouthankyouu!</p>
Making this beautiful slut feel this way fills you with determination. She deserves this, and so do you.
<<link[[But you can do better.|1-3-Deanna-3]]>><</link>>
</div><div class="bar">
You pull out and insert your fingers. You start working her kitty with your hand and make her cum again. She squirts and looks up at you in surprise and admiration, then speaks.
<video loop autoplay muted>
<source src="media/characters/deanna/vid/1-5g.webm">
<h5>Deanna</h5><img src="media/characters/deanna/card.webp"><p>I want you to fuck me in the ass, $deannaTitle.</p>
You stare intensely at her for a second, then smile.
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>Since you've been such an obedient little slut for me, you deserve a reward.</p>
You say, flipping her over on all fours and mounting her like a stallion.
<video loop autoplay muted>
<source src="media/characters/deanna/vid/1-5h.webm">
The feeling of her warm asshole embracing your cock elevates your domination of Deanna Blye to another level.
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>Whose ass is this, slut?</p>
<h5>Deanna</h5><img src="media/characters/deanna/card.webp"><p>Yours, $deannaTitle!</p>
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>And this pussy?</p>
<h5>Deanna</h5><img src="media/characters/deanna/card.webp"><p>Yours, $deannaTitle!</p>
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>And what about this mouth?</p>
You say, shoving your fingers into her waiting mouth which immediately begins sucking and licking.
<h5>Deanna</h5><img src="media/characters/deanna/card.webp"><p>Yours, $deannaTitle! It's ALL YOURS! I BELONG TO YOU! ONLY YOU! ONLY YOU ARE WORTHY OF POSSESSING ME, I NEED YOU <<print $deannaTitle.toUpperCase()>>!</p>
You smile, gratified and assured in your success. This could not have gone better. You fuck another couple orgasms out of her in this position, but start to feel somewhat fatigued. Deanna senses this.
<h5>Deanna</h5><img src="media/characters/deanna/card.webp"><p>$deannaTitle, why don't you lay down and let your slut take care of you for a bit please?</p>
You find her submissive admiration and worshipfulness so attractive that you let her take the reigns for a minute. She directs you to lie on the floor while she remains on the couch. She sucks your toes while slowly gyrating her hips, moving her ass around with your dick inside. You find it hard to resist and start humping her back.
<video loop autoplay muted>
<source src="media/characters/deanna/vid/1-5e.webm">
The feeling is nice, but doesn't last long as you feel yourself on the edge. Where do you want to cum?
<span class="passage buttonContainer"><<button [[Mark her face|1-3-Deanna-facial]]>><</button>><<button [[Claim her womb|1-3-Deanna-pie]]>><<set $deannaBreed to 1>><</button>></span>
</div><div class="bar">
You want to own every part of this slut, and that includes her womb. The thought of impregnating this beautiful cougar gives you the surge of energy you need to finish this off and make it clear to Deanna who you are to her. You get in position and perform the final sprint to the finish line, filling her up while she moans, cumming a final time in unison.
<h5>Deanna</h5><img src="media/characters/deanna/card.webp"><p>Fillmeupyesfillmeupfillmefillmeee...</p>
<video loop autoplay muted>
<source src="media/characters/deanna/vid/1-5pie.webm">
Afterwards, the two of you bask in the afterglow for a while before jumping into the shower together and going for another quickie. By the time you get dressed and leave, you've cemented your position in her life. At the door, she is sad to let you go and already eager about meeting up again.
<h5>Deanna</h5><img src="media/characters/deanna/card.webp"><p>When will I see you again, $pcName- I mean $deannaTitle?</p>
Damn, so she actually knew your name the whole time you realize. You also realize that you didn't even correct the name she used to call you by before fucking a new perspective on life into her. Funny how that worked itself out.
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>Don't worry. $deannaTitle won't leave his girl alone for too long. I'll be in touch soon enough. Besides, you have my number. Send me something to remind me by if the itch gets too strong.</p>
You say and give her a final tounging in the doorway.
<<link[[Time to get going.|Day 1-4a]]>><</link>>
</div><div class="bar">
You decide to make sure this slut knows she is owned by you by marking her, and what better way to do so than by depositing a warm load on her face?
<video loop autoplay muted>
<source src="media/characters/deanna/vid/1-5facial.webm">
Afterwards, you take your thumb and wipe some of your cum from her face into her mouth, watching her eagerly swallow. After she finishes, you join her in the shower where she cleans you thoroughly and you both give each other another orgasm. By the time you get dressed and leave, you've cemented your position in her life. At the door, she is sad to let you go and already eager about meeting up again.
<h5>Deanna</h5><img src="media/characters/deanna/card.webp"><p>When will I see you again, $pcName- I mean $deannaTitle?</p>
Damn, so she actually knew your name the whole time you realize. You also realize that you didn't even correct the name she used to call you by before fucking a new perspective on life into her. Funny how that worked itself out.
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>Don't worry. $deannaTitle won't leave his girl alone for too long. I'll be in touch soon enough. Besides, you have my number. Send me something to remind me by if the itch gets too strong.</p>
You say and give her a final tounging in the doorway.
<<link[[Time to get going.|Day 1-4a]]>><</link>>
</div><div class="bar">
You feel on top of the world as you drive. Thinking about what just happened, about the opportunities you'll have in the future, you feel... optimistic to put it lightly. You consider what just happened, and this morning as well.
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p><i>What do I know about this ability?
-Physical touch seems to trigger a suggestible or otherwise receptive state
-Some of my words become //emphasized// and gain a hypnotic effect
-Passively, at least for Deanna, she found me attractive just by looking at me
Deanna definitely had a changed perception as soon as she saw me. Jane didn't this morning. At least not in any way I noticed. Maybe it has to do with their mental state? Or how repressed they are? Now that I think about it, Mitch behaved differently as well. Usually he just ignores me, but doesn't go out of his way to avoid pissing me off. This morning he had a different look to him when he saw me. So it probably works on men too.
I suppose I'll find out more about how it works in time. For now, I need to decide what to do next.
Being your own boss affords you some freedom when it comes to when and where you work. There is no shortage of work currently, and you get to be picky. You can pick up another job and finish before dinner. You have an appointment to do the lawn at @@.names;Mr. Park@@'s sometime this week. You've been there once before and are not looking forward to going there again. @@.names;Mark Park@@ is a middle-aged know-it-all who spent the duration of your last shift commenting and giving "suggestions". A two hour job turned into three and a half because of his constant interruptions and questioning. He is married, or at least a wedding ring implies so, but how anyone could spend a full day with him, much less a lifetime, is beyond you.
With the amount of work you have, you've thought about hiring some additional help who you could off-load some of your worst customers on. Sharing the burden at least. Alas, the opportunity has not presented itself.
You also have a new customer who called last week about cleaning a pool and probably the filtration system judging from what the woman, @@.names;Dominique Anderson@@, told you on the phone.
But before you decide on that, you need to grab some food. Turns out, giving the best fuck of your life makes you hungry.
<<link[[Off to Burger Queen.|Day 1-5a]]>><</link>>
</div><div class="bar">
<img src="media/scenery/burger-queen.webp">
As you approach the local burger joint, you contemplate whether to go for the drive-through or sit at a table. The conclusion is that going inside is the right move. You want to see if the gem has any effects on people in a setting like this.
It does. As soon as you enter, the bell on the door rings. About one third of the restaurant is occupied, plenty of empty tables for you. You stand at the door, looking around and deciding on where to sit. You notice that some people look up at you, and the ones who do let their eyes rest on you. Men and women. They seem... captivated. You look towards some of them. Some avert their eyes out of shyness or deference, others look back at you and bite their lips. The effect isn't extreme, they aren't groveling at your feet, but it is noticeable. Like a celebrity just walked in, almost.
You contemplate what to order.
You could get a few basic cheeseburgers and a drink. You can already see they have cheeseburgers ready, so the order would probably be ready by the time you pay. While it may be filling, it probably won't give you that much energy.
Your other choice is to get the Queen Supreme Combo Bomb-O, a large burger packed with meat and veggies, bonus cheeseburger, a large serving of fries AND a protein-packed smoothie as a dessert. This would probably take a while to make though, so you will have to wait longer.
<div class="passage buttonContainer"><<button "Cheeseburgers (0 seconds)">><<replace "#links">><<nobr>>
You decide on the cheeseburgers and make your order, the spindly young man behind the counter straightening at the sight of you and respectfully calling you sir. He offers to bring your food to your table, not a service they normally offer <</nobr>>
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p><i>This isn't so bad. I have a suspicion that this wouldn't work on everyone though. This guy seems a little... frail.</i></p>
Taking a seat after ordering, you spend a few minutes on your phone, checking your appointments and playing a round of Slaughter the Summit. Before you know it, the teen employee brings you your cheeseburgers.
<<link[[Dig in.|Day 1-5b]]>><</link>><</replace>><</button>><<button "Queen Supreme Combo Bomb-O (5 seconds)">><<set $extraEnergy to true>><<replace "#links">><div style="text-align: center;"><span id="dots" ></span></div><<timed 0.5s>><<replace "#dots">>You wait for your order .<</replace>><</timed>><<timed 1s>><<replace "#dots">>You wait for your order . .<</replace>><</timed>><<timed 2s>><<replace "#dots">>You wait for your order . . .<</replace>><</timed>><<timed 3s>><<replace "#dots">>You wait for your order . . . .<</replace>><</timed>><<timed 4s>><<replace "#dots">>You wait for your order . . . . .<</replace>><</timed>><<timed 5s>><<replace "#dots">><div style="text-align: left;">You feel like you deserve to treat yourself and go for the Combo Bomb-O, the spindly young man behind the counter straightening at the sight of you and respectfully calling you sir. He offers to bring your food to your table, not a service they normally offer.
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p><i>This isn't so bad. I have a suspicion that this wouldn't work on everyone though. This guy seems a little... frail.</i></p>
Taking a seat after ordering, you spend a few minutes on your phone, checking your appointments and playing a round of Slaughter the Summit. Before you know it, the teen employee brings you the Queen Supreme Combo Bomb-O. You take a little sip of the smoothie. It tastes excellent and you feel extra energy coursing through you.
<<link[[Dig in.|Day 1-5b]]>><</link>></div><</replace>><</timed>><</replace>><</button>></div>
</div><div class="bar">
As you're finishing your food, a voice pipes up.
<h5>Cody</h5><img src="media/characters/men/cody.webp"><p>$pcName? Hi... I'm Cody. We went to St. Ysolde's together. We did a presentation together in English, remember?</p>
You look at the guy for a second, cogs turning. You remember him. Cody Davis. You went to school together here. He was always awkward and a bit of a loser. It looks like that hasn't changed at all. Also sort of a creep. He got caught once taking pictures in the girls locker room through the vents. Apparently his mom managed to avoid having him be expelled somehow. Probably a donation to the school.
Anyways, Cody was always sort of below-average. Below average looks, social skills, intelligence and so on. He wasn't retarded by any means, just, you know. Think about how stupid the average person is, then realize half of them are dumber than that. Cody was in that half.
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>Oh hey man, how are you doing? What can I do for you?</p>
Cody hestitates for a second, awkwardly clearing his throat.
<h5>Cody</h5><img src="media/characters/men/cody.webp"><p>Well, uhm.. I saw, like... Uuh, I saw the ad you put in the paper, or, my mom saw the ad you put in the paper and mentioned how we needed someone to do our landscaping because the immigrants who used to do our lawn got deported and then I looked and saw it was your name and I was like "I know that guy we went to school together" and then my mom thought I should ask you for a job because it'll do me good to work physical labor to build some character and put on some muscle instead of flipping burgers or whatever at Burger Queen.</p>
You take an inward sigh after that awkward ramble and think to yourself for a moment. You could actually use the help, even though you don't expect stellar performance out of this guy. It would be nice to have an extra pair of hands you can unload some work on.
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>You ever mowed a lawn before? Cleaned a pool?</p>
<h5>Cody</h5><img src="media/characters/men/cody.webp"><p>Well, uhm... I've been doing the lawn and pool care at our house for about a month now since the immigrants who used to do it got deported. Mom showed me how it's done and corrected me when I messed up. I have some before and after pictures my mom made me take.</p>
His mom seems to really take an "active" part in his life. You tell him to sit down and show you the pictures. They actually don't look half bad. After running him through some things, asking him some questions about the work to figure out what he knows, you come to the conclusion that you can try him out. Right now.
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>Well Cody, if you want the job, you can have a trial right now.</p>
You have a job in mind for Cody. It's a relatively simple job, but big enough that it should keep him occupied for a few hours. You give him the address and send him on his way. All that's left is deciding where you're gonna go today.
Do you want to do the lawn at Mr. Park's place and risk him micro-managing you the entire time? It's a relatively quick and easy job, and if he is still at work you might finish early today. Or do you want to go for the pool at the new customer's house where you don't know what you're gonna get? The job shouldn't be too complicated, but you aren't 100% sure of what the problem is. If the filter is busted, you might have to run into town to get a new one.
<h4 style="display: block; text-align: center; color:rgb(100, 100, 100);">//***The option you don't choose will be available later. This is true for most choices like this one.***//</h4>
<small style="display: block; text-align: center;">//''(Click image to select)''//</small>
<span class="choiceHeading"><p>Lawncare at the Park household</p>
<p>Pool duty at the Anderson residence</p></span><span class="imgContainer" ><a data-passage="1-7-Vivian"><img src="media/characters/vivian/silhouette.webp" class="imgBorder vivian"></a><a data-passage="1-7-Dominique"><img src="media/characters/dominique/silhouette.webp" class="imgBorder dominique"></a></span>
<p style="text-align: center;"><<link [[Let's send Cody wherever and take a day off instead. (SKIP ENCOUNTERS)|Day 1-8]]>><</link>></p>
</div><<set $dominiquePath to true>><div class="bar">
You decide to work at the Anderson residence.
You go to the address you were given and arrive at a nice house in a relatively new neighborhood just outside of town. New house means new pool which means it's less likely to have broken parts. If you're lucky, you might be in and out quickly today.
You walk up to the door and knock to greet the owner. You hear footsteps and the door opens.
<img src="media/characters/dominique/intro.webp" class="imgBorder dominique">
Long legs. Luscious lips. Big Boobs. This seductress is giving you a chub just by //existing// in front of you. She considers you and smiles, growing more turned on by you as the gem powers do their work. She's moving her hips in a sensual way. Or maybe it's just that with a body like that any move she makes is sensual.
<h5>Dominique</h5><img src="media/characters/dominique/card.webp"><p>Hiii. How can I help you mister?</p>
You pick your jaw off the floor and eye her body blatantly, paying attention to her bubble butt first, which she seems to turn to let you get a better visual, then her chest which she squeezes together with her upper arms for you. Finally, you look her in the eye.
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>Well hello, <span class="hypno">beautiful</span>. I'm $pcName. I'm here to clean the pool and look at the filter.</p>
<h5>Dominique</h5><img src="media/characters/dominique/card.webp"><p>Oh, of course! It's around back, here I'll show you.</p>
She slides into some furry slippers and leads you around the property. Her ass jiggles and shakes with every step. Your eyes are glued to it. Miraculously, you don't stumble.
<video loop autoplay muted>
<source src="media/characters/dominique/vid/walk.webm">
Once you arrive at the back of the house, she shows you the pool. It barely needs a cleaning. The filtration system won't start due to accumulated dirt in the filter. It needs to be removed and cleaned. Add some chemicals to really cleanse the filter, and it should be good as new after 20 minutes.
<h5>Dominique</h5><img src="media/characters/dominique/card.webp"><p>Can you fix it? I really wanna get in my bikini and take a dip.</p>
You think about that body squeezed into a bikini and your dick engorges even more.
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>I'll need about a half an hour and it'll be good as new. As a matter of fact, I can go over the pool real fast and you can jump in while I do the filter. <span class="hypno">I'd love the company of a baddie like you</span> while I work.</p>
She smiles and giggles at that.
<h5>Dominique</h5><img src="media/characters/dominique/card.webp"><p>Oh, we've got a smooth talker. I'll go change right now.</p>
Again she turns around, and your eyes immediately fall to her ass. //You could store books on that shelf//. She walks inside, but not before turning her head to you from the doorway and winking.
After she goes inside, you stand there for a second with a semi. //I ''need'' that pussy//. You turn around and get to work. After all, you take pride in your job and are committed satisfying all your customers demands. Sexual and otherwise.
<<link [[Let's finish this work so I can get to *work*.|1-7-Dominique-2]]>><</link>>
</div><div class="bar">
You manage to recuperate and finish what little work there was to do in record time. Walking in, the place seems empty at first.
<h5>Vivian</h5><img src="media/characters/vivian/card.webp"><p>I'm up here, baby! Come give me what I need!</p>
Her voice is coming from upstairs, so you go up. You see an open door and walk inside. She's on the bed waiting for you.
<video loop autoplay muted>
<source src="media/characters/vivian/vid/tease.webm">
<h5>Vivian</h5><img src="media/characters/vivian/card.webp"><p>I need your cum baby, give it to me.</p>
You disrobe and walk over to her. You continue your makeout session from earlier and spit in her mouth. She takes your tongue as good as you give it, wrestling it in her mouth, begging for more.
<h5>Vivian</h5><img src="media/characters/vivian/card.webp"><p>Yesss, more. I want to get drunk off of your fluids, baby.</p>
You tell her to get on her knees as you sit on the edge of the bed.
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>You want my cum? Then get to work, whore.</p>
She moans at the name-calling, diving at your cock and begins sucking. She fucks her own face on it, gagging herself.
<video loop autoplay muted>
<source src="media/characters/vivian/vid/gag.webm">
<h5>Vivian</h5><img src="media/characters/vivian/card.webp"><p>I want your cum. I want you to fill me up like the cumdumpster I am.</p>
She keeps sucking, alternating between taking you balls deep and jerking you while sucking the head. She is so enthusiastic it's hard to tell which one of you is enjoying it more.
<video loop autoplay muted>
<source src="media/characters/vivian/vid/suck.webm">
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>Get on your back, it's time to do what your loser fucking husband can't.</p>
She giggles and quickly gets on her back. Getting in position, you start fucking her. Warm, wet, and tight enough, you get into a rhythm. She's moaning, thanking you, screaming out as she cums. Both of you shit-talk her husband which really gets her going. You keep up the rhythm for a while, then change it into deep slower strokes.
<video loop autoplay muted>
<source src="media/characters/vivian/vid/missionary.webm">
As a reward for acknowledging your superiority, you speed up for a little bit to pound out another orgasm out of her. She moans out again after yet another orgasm. She's past cum-drunk already and venturing deeper.
You're getting close to cumming yourself, how do you want to finish?
<span class="passage buttonContainer">
<<if $extraEnergy>>
<<button [[I'm gonna drown this bitch. Face and Pussy.|1-7-Vivian-bonus]]>><<set $vivianBreed to 1>><</button>>
<<button [[Let's bake a pie|1-7-Vivian-pie]]>><<set $vivianBreed to 1>><</button>>
<<button [[Time to swallow, cumslut|1-7-Vivian-facial]]>><</button>>
</div><div class="bar">
You're feeling the effect of that smoothie from earlier, boosting your energy.
You get up, drag her onto the bed and get behind her. You start pumping her pussy sideways, listening to her mewling cum-drunk.
<h5>Vivian</h5><img src="media/characters/vivian/card.webp"><p>YESSSS, GIVE IT TO ME BABY. I'M YOUR CUMDUMPSTER BABY, GIVE IT TO ME. FILL THIS PUSSY UUUUPP.</p>
You're approaching your peak, you can feel it coming, and you keep going.
<video loop autoplay muted>
<source src="media/characters/vivian/vid/pie.webm">
You fill her up and keep pumping. Normally you'd go soft but you have more energy remaining. Time to go again. Your dick stays hard as you keep pumping steadily.
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>I've got more for you whore, but you're gonna have to work to get it.</p>
You say as you switch position.
<h5>Vivian</h5><img src="media/characters/vivian/card.webp"><p>I want more, let me get it, baby.</p>
<video loop autoplay muted>
<source src="media/characters/vivian/vid/balls.webm">
She starts sucking on your balls while jerking you with one hand. You talk dirty to her, telling her this is all she's good for, she's nothing but a cum receptacle for you, and with every word she gets hornier.
<h5>Vivian</h5><img src="media/characters/vivian/card.webp"><p>That's right baby, I'm your cum dumpster, anytime you need to release a load I'll be there. This mouth and this pussy can never get enough, baby.</p>
You sense it's time and get up. Standing above her you jerk off as she waits patiently for your load.
<video loop autoplay muted>
<source src="media/characters/vivian/vid/facial.webm">
<h5>Vivian</h5><img src="media/characters/vivian/card.webp"><p>So much cum for me. Thank you for treating me like the cum guzzler I am, thank you for giving me what I need.</p>
After you cum she keeps sucking, getting every little bit of cum out of your dick. When she's finished, she shows off her full mouth before swallowing everything.
<video loop autoplay muted>
<source src="media/characters/vivian/vid/swallow.webm">
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>Let me see that pussy so I can make sure you're stuffed properly.</p>
She gets on the bed and spreads her legs to show off her overfilled pussy.
<h5>Vivian</h5><img src="media/characters/vivian/card.webp"><p>Look, this is all you, baby.</p>
<video loop autoplay muted>
<source src="media/characters/vivian/vid/pieleak.webm">
Satisfied, you hit the shower in the en suite while she remains on the bed, cum-drunk and swimming in ecstasy.
<<link [[Time to get going.|1-7-Vivian-3]]>><</link>>
</div><div class="bar">
You get up, drag her onto the bed and get behind her. You start pumping her pussy sideways, listening to her mewling cum-drunk.
<h5>Vivian</h5><img src="media/characters/vivian/card.webp"><p>YESSSS, GIVE IT TO ME BABY. I'M YOUR CUMDUMPSTER BABY, GIVE IT TO ME. FILL THIS PUSSY UUUUPP.</p>
You're approaching your peak, you can feel it coming, and you keep going as you cum, filling her pussy.
<video loop autoplay muted>
<source src="media/characters/vivian/vid/pie.webm">
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>Let me see that pussy so I can make sure you're stuffed properly.</p>
She gets on the bed and spreads her legs to show off her overfilled pussy.
<h5>Vivian</h5><img src="media/characters/vivian/card.webp"><p>Look, this is all you, baby.</p>
<video loop autoplay muted>
<source src="media/characters/vivian/vid/pieleak.webm">
While you're satisfied, you feel like you could have gone further if you had more energy. You hit the shower in the en suite while she remains on the bed, cum-drunk and swimming in ecstasy.
<<link [[Time to get going.|1-7-Vivian-3]]>><</link>>
</div><div class="bar">
She starts sucking on your balls while jerking you with one hand. You talk dirty to her, telling her this is all she's good for, she's nothing but a cum receptacle for you, and with every word she gets hornier.
<video loop autoplay muted>
<source src="media/characters/vivian/vid/balls.webm">
<h5>Vivian</h5><img src="media/characters/vivian/card.webp"><p>That's right baby, I'm your cum dumpster, anytime you need to release a load I'll be there. This mouth and this pussy can never get enough, baby.</p>
You sense it's time and get up. Standing above her you jerk off as she waits patiently for your load.
<video loop autoplay muted>
<source src="media/characters/vivian/vid/facial.webm">
<h5>Vivian</h5><img src="media/characters/vivian/card.webp"><p>So much cum for me. Thank you for treating me like the cum guzzler I am, thank you for giving me what I need.</p>
After you cum she keeps sucking, getting every little bit of cum out of your dick. When she's finished, she shows off her full mouth before swallowing everything.
<video loop autoplay muted>
<source src="media/characters/vivian/vid/swallow.webm">
While you're satisfied, you feel like you could have gone further if you had more energy. You hit the shower in the en suite while she remains on the bed, cum-drunk and swimming in ecstasy.
<<link [[Time to get going.|1-7-Vivian-3]]>><</link>>
</div><div class="bar">
After showering, you get dressed and go downstairs. Vivian is still on the bed, playing with whatever remains of your cum.
At the bottom of the stairs, the door opens and Mr. Park walks in. He sees you and has a surprised look on his face as you stare him down. His face cycles through surprise, then anger before the effect of your new power kicks in and he becomes visibly nervous. He coughs, clearing his throat nervously before speaking.
<h5>Mark</h5><img src="media/characters/men/mark.webp"><p>What are you doing in my house, young man?</p>
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>I was helping your wife with something after I finished my work.</p>
He looks unsure still, but gathers his courage and continues speaking.
<h5>Mark</h5><img src="media/characters/men/mark.webp"><p>And what were you helping her with?</p>
Before you can answer, Vivian comes downstairs barely dressed.
<img src="media/characters/vivian/downstairs.webp" class="imgBorder vivian">
<h5>Vivian</h5><img src="media/characters/vivian/card.webp"><p>LEAVE HIM ALONE, MARK. I needed his help with something. Maybe if you were here with your wife who's been gone for two weeks, instead of at work, I wouldn't have to ask strangers for help to do YOUR job.</p>
Mark stands there simultaneously shrinking from his wife's words and also shocked by what she's wearing.
<h5>Mark</h5><img src="media/characters/men/mark.webp"><p>W-Wait, what are you wearing? Why aren't you dressed?</p>
<h5>Vivian</h5><img src="media/characters/vivian/card.webp"><p>Oh so now you're jealous? That's just great. Earlier I was begging you to stay home and now you want me. Make up your mind, MARK.</p>
She turns to you, ignoring her husband for a minute.
<h5>Vivian</h5><img src="media/characters/vivian/card.webp"><p>When are you coming back again, baby? I need someone to help with my bush. The area around the pool gets really ''wet'' too, I think there might be a //leak//. I need you come back to take care of it.</p>
She shamelessly flirts with you in front of her husband, her fingers stroking up and down your chest.
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>Well Mrs. Park, I have a lot of work these days. There's quite a few beautiful women like you out there with useless husbands, and I am only one man. But I can probably ''squeeze you in'' sometime next week. If your husband doesn't mind of course.</p>
<h5>Mark</h5><img src="media/characters/men/mark.webp"><p>EXCUSE M-</p>
Mark starts but is interrupted again.
A new wave of shock hits Mark, and for a second he looks like he might say something but his eyes meet yours and he shuts up.
You have a premonition and want to try out something new. You walk over to Mark and put your hand on his shoulder as he shrinks. Focusing your thoughts, you try penetrating them into his mind.
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p class="hypno"><i>I am better than you, Mark. I just fucked your wife and you're not gonna do anything about it. I'm gonna fuck her again. Her pussy is mine.</i></p>
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>Well, Mark? What do you say? Are you okay with me coming back next week to help your garden and take care of your wife? Oops, freudian slip there.</p>
You say as you laugh while waiting for his reply.
<h5>Mark</h5><img src="media/characters/men/mark.webp"><p>Yeah, you can come by again.</p>
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>To do what, Mark? I need you to say it.</p>
Mark looks utterly defeated at this point as he answers.
<h5>Mark</h5><img src="media/characters/men/mark.webp"><p>To take care of my wife.</p>
Damn. That felt surprisingly good. You nod and let go of his shoulder, turning to face Vivian.
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>Well, it's time for me to go. Come here so I can say goodbye.</p>
Vivian walks over and you grab her bare ass as you hug her, fondling it for a few seconds. She whimpers and moans a little while her husband stands to the side looking at the floor.
<h5>Vivian</h5><img src="media/characters/vivian/card.webp"><p>Bye baby, see you next time.</p>
<<link [[Time to call Cody and see how far he's gotten.|Day 1-8]]>><</link>>
</div><<set $extraEnergy to false>>
<div class="bar">
You get in your car and call Cody. He answers the phone and you ask about his progress. He says he's just about finished and talks about how hot the lady at the house is. You tell him to behave, and not act like a creep. He assures you he won't. You choose to believe him for now. You ask him to send pictures of his progress. Not as good as your work, but it's decent enough. You tell him he's got the job if he's interested. He thanks you awkwardly and you hang up.
You also see you have a message on your phone from a buddy of yours, @@.names;Colin@@.
<span class="note" style="color:DodgerBlue;">Hey man, ready for the party tomorrow? Did you get a gift for @@.names;Emma@@? I'm not sure what to get her. I figured I'd ask you and remind you in case you forgot. Don't forget to pick me up!</span>
Damn, you did forget. Well, another stop on the way home isn't too much of a hassle. You resolve to get a bottle of wine. It's a polite gift to bring to someone you don't know too well. You've been looking forward to this party for a while now, and with your new powers you're looking forward to it even more.
You return to Colin's text, thanking him for the reminder. You tell him you're gonna go for a bottle of wine and let him know you'll be at his house to pick him up tomorrow.
You turn on your car and start to pull out of the property. Looking down both sides of the street, you notice a parked car with a woman sitting in the driver's seat. She's looking at you. For the second time today, you've caught a beautiful woman staring at you while you're driving. And for the second time today, you feel creeped out.
<img src="media/characters/anne/intro1.webp" class="imgBorder blackRose">
//What the fuck is going on?// you think to yourself as you pull out and drive. You keep an eye in the rear view to see if you're being followed, as well as taking a detour on the way home, just to be sure. It's all clear. Somewhat pacified, but still on edge, you drive home. You realize you forgot to get the wine. Oh well, tomorrow before the party is just as good a time as any. That lady really threw you off, you think to yourself. Unsure if maybe it's all in your head, you resolve to let it be for now unless something happens. After all, what can you really do at this point.
<<link[[Let's get cleaned up and play some games before Jane gets home for dinner.|Day 1-9]]>><</link>>
</div><div class="bar">
You've been at it for a little while, you got the pool itself done in less than ten minutes and are now laying down with your head inside the filtration system. You're almost done with that too. The door opens and Dominique announces herself. You can't see her, but hear her getting into the pool.
<h5>Dominique</h5><img src="media/characters/dominique/card.webp"><p>The pool feels so nice. I would have called earlier if I knew you were gonna be this efficient. And hot.</p>
Head hidden, you smile and reply.
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>Well I take pride in my work and try to take care of my customers to the best of my ability <span class="hypno">in any way I can</span>.</p>
<h5>Dominique</h5><img src="media/characters/dominique/card.webp"><p>Any way you can? Really?</p>
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>If it's in my power to do, I do it. <span class="hypno">I always go above and beyond to make sure my customers are satisfied to the utmost</span>. Especially the hot ones.</p>
She laughs at that, an endearing, loud chuckle.
<h5>Dominique</h5><img src="media/characters/dominique/card.webp"><p>And do you meet a lot of hot customers?</p>
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>A few. But none like you, <span class="hypno">Dominique</span>.</p>
You say and pull your head out of the filter housing to look her in the eyes. The view you get surprises you a little and you smile. She's partially taken off her bikini, exposing her ass and tits. Her ass jiggles while she turns and bends over. She begins shaking it for your enjoyment.
<img src="media/characters/dominique/waiting.webp" class="imgBorder dominique">
<video loop autoplay muted>
<source src="media/characters/dominique/vid/poolshake.webm">
<h5>Dominique</h5><img src="media/characters/dominique/card.webp"><p>Like what you see, Daddy? Hurry up and finish, I'm getting lonely here.</p>
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>I'll be right with you, <span class="hypno">Babygirl</span>.</p>
You put the parts you cleaned back and screw them in place then put the cover panel back on. You take your shirt off as you turn around and throw it to the side. Looking over at Dominique you can see she's gyrating her hips in the water while looking at you.
<video loop autoplay muted>
<source src="media/characters/dominique/vid/poolgyrate.webm">
<span class="passage buttonContainer">
<<if $extraEnergy>>
<<button [[I'm gonna breed that pussy *and* give her something to swallow|1-7-Dominique-bonus]]>><<set $dominiqueBreed to 1>><</button>>
<<button [[Let's bake a pie|1-7-Dominique-pie]]>><<set $dominiqueBreed to 1>><</button>>
<<button [[Make her swallow her medicine|1-7-Dominique-facial]]>><</button>>
</div><div class="bar">
Dressed and ready to leave, you look at Dominique who is relaxing by the pool, rubbing her crotch softly, tired and satisfied. You're starting to understand a little more about how to use your new powers and want to try something. You squat in front of Dominique and grab her chin softly, turning her head towards you so you're looking in her eyes.
<h5>Dominique</h5><img src="media/characters/dominique/card.webp"><p>Yes, baby?</p>
She looks at you with pure adoration in her eyes.
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p><span class="hypno">You're mine. This pussy, this ass, these tits, these lips. Mine. If I want to breed you, you're going to thank me. If I want to feed you my cum, you're going to smile and ask for more. You're my dirty little slut, and anything I want from you, you're going to give me.</span></p>
You feel a headache coming on, dizziness taking you. Fighting it, you focus your sight on Dominique. Her cheeks are flushed and her eyes are lidded, almost as if she's fighting sleep. It lasts a few seconds, during which she speaks.
<h5>Dominique</h5><img src="media/characters/dominique/card.webp"><p>I belong to you, $pcName. Anything you want, I'll do it for you.</p>
Satisfied, you give her a final kiss and leave. You go around the corner of the house and finally let the headache get to you. You grab onto the wall with one hand and your head with the other. While not to the same degree, the pain is the same type as the one you experienced the night you grabbed the gem. You focus on your breathing for a minute and start feeling a little better.
<<link [[Time to call Cody and see how far he's gotten.|Day 1-8]]>><</link>>
</div><div class="bar">
You're feeling the effect of that smoothie from earlier, boosting your energy.
Dominique has the best ass you've seen in a while, maybe ever, you think to yourself as you pound away at it. The jiggles from her oiled up booty are turning you on almost as much as her moans and pleading for more.
<video loop autoplay muted>
<source src="media/characters/dominique/vid/poolsideways.webm">
<h5>Dominique</h5><img src="media/characters/dominique/card.webp"><p>Yess $pcName, claim this pussy, baby. You fuck me so GOOD.</p>
Your second fuck of the day, and with another bad bitch. You could get used to this you think to yourself as her tight pussy grips you.
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>This pussy is so wet, baby. Is it <span class="hypno">all for me?</span>.</p>
<h5>Dominique</h5><img src="media/characters/dominique/card.webp"><p>It's all yours! It's all yours, just keep fucking me $pcName. aaaAAAAAHHH!</p>
You take her orgasm as an opportunity to switch positions and drag her into the pool, bending her over the edge. You slow down a little as she's coming down from her orgasm, keeping a nice steady rhythm.
<video loop autoplay muted>
<source src="media/characters/dominique/vid/pooldoggy.webm">
<h5>Dominique</h5><img src="media/characters/dominique/card.webp"><p>Oooh, yes Daddy, I'm your dirty little slut. Beat this pussy up, Daddy.</p>
You keep pumping into this godess as her warm, wet pussy grips you. Every stroke backwards is harder, like her pussy doesn't want to let go of your cock. You feel your orgasm building as you listen to the *PLAP* *PLAP* *PLAP* of your bodies colliding with every stroke and as you approach your peak you really start pounding away. You let her know you're close.
<h5>Dominique</h5><img src="media/characters/dominique/card.webp"><p>So good, so good, sooo goooood. Yes, $pcName, fill me up. Fill this pussy up, baby. I need it inside.</p>
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>That's right, I'm gonna fill this pussy up. You want a baby, slut? <span class="hypno">You want me to impregnate you</span>, huh? Get ready, bitch. I'm about to make you a single mom.</p>
<video loop autoplay muted>
<source src="media/characters/dominique/vid/poolcreampie.webm">
<h5>Dominique</h5><img src="media/characters/dominique/card.webp"><p>YEEEESSSSSSS, Daddy, fill this pussy UP!</p>
Moaning yourself, you listen to her cries of pleasure as you cum inside her. Slowing down a little, you look each other in the eyes and then lean over to kiss her. Finally down from the high, you pull out and observe the result of your union.
<video loop autoplay muted>
<source src="media/characters/dominique/vid/pieleak.webm">
<h5>Dominique</h5><img src="media/characters/dominique/card.webp"><p>This cum is all mine. Let me thank you properly, Daddy.</p>
With that, she gets in the pool in front of you as you sit on the edge. She takes your barely softened cock into her mouth and begins worshipping it.
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>That's right baby, I've got more where that came from. Take care of Daddy, Babygirl.</p>
<video loop autoplay muted>
<source src="media/characters/dominique/vid/poolsuck.webm">
Before you know it, you're hitting your second peak of the session. Getting up and taking your dick in you hand, you order her to get under you.
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>Time to get your second prize, slut.</p>
<h5>Dominique</h5><img src="media/characters/dominique/card.webp"><p>I'm ready, baby. Give it to me. Let me taste it.</p>
You start unloading on her tongue and as you're cumming she takes you into her mouth and sucks the tip of your cock, vacuuming all your cum out. After you finish, she gives the tip a reverent kiss and smiles up at you.
<video loop autoplay muted>
<source src="media/characters/dominique/vid/poolfacial.webm">
<h5>Dominique</h5><img src="media/characters/dominique/card.webp"><p>Thank you, Daddy.</p>
After she cleans your cock with her mouth, you get dressed and ready to leave.
<<link [[Before you leave, you want to try something.|1-7-Dominique-3]]>><</link>>
</div><div class="bar">
Dominique has the best ass you've seen in a while, maybe ever, you think to yourself as you pound away at it. The jiggles from her oiled up booty are turning you on almost as much as her moans and pleading for more.
<video loop autoplay muted>
<source src="media/characters/dominique/vid/poolsideways.webm">
<h5>Dominique</h5><img src="media/characters/dominique/card.webp"><p>Yess $pcName, claim this pussy, baby. You fuck me so GOOD.</p>
Your second fuck of the day, and with another bad bitch. You could get used to this you think to yourself as her tight pussy grips you.
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>This pussy is so wet, baby. Is it <span class="hypno">all for me?</span>.</p>
<h5>Dominique</h5><img src="media/characters/dominique/card.webp"><p>It's all yours! It's all yours, just keep fucking me $pcName. aaaAAAAAHHH!</p>
You take her orgasm as an opportunity to switch positions and drag her into the pool, bending her over the edge. You slow down a little as she's coming down from her orgasm, keeping a nice steady rhythm.
<video loop autoplay muted>
<source src="media/characters/dominique/vid/pooldoggy.webm">
<h5>Dominique</h5><img src="media/characters/dominique/card.webp"><p>Oooh, yes Daddy, I'm your dirty little slut. Beat this pussy up, Daddy.</p>
You keep pumping into this godess as her warm, wet pussy grips you. Every stroke backwards is harder, like her pussy doesn't want to let go of your cock. You feel your orgasm building as you listen to the *PLAP* *PLAP* *PLAP* of your bodies colliding with every stroke and as you approach your peak you really start pounding away. You let her know you're close.
<h5>Dominique</h5><img src="media/characters/dominique/card.webp"><p>So good, so good, sooo goooood. Yes, $pcName, fill me up. Fill this pussy up, baby. I need it inside.</p>
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>That's right, I'm gonna fill this pussy up. You want a baby, slut? <span class="hypno">You want me to impregnate you</span>, huh? Get ready, bitch. I'm about to make you a single mom.</p>
<video loop autoplay muted>
<source src="media/characters/dominique/vid/poolcreampie.webm">
<h5>Dominique</h5><img src="media/characters/dominique/card.webp"><p>YEEEESSSSSSS, Daddy, fill this pussy UP!</p>
Moaning yourself, you listen to her cries of pleasure as you cum inside her. Slowing down a little, you look each other in the eyes and then lean over to kiss her. Finally down from the high, you pull out and observe the result of your union.
<video loop autoplay muted>
<source src="media/characters/dominique/vid/pieleak.webm">
<h5>Dominique</h5><img src="media/characters/dominique/card.webp"><p>Look at all this cum. Thank you, baby.</p>
She says as she dips her fingers in and puts them in her mouth, tasting it. She cleans your cock with her mouth, then you get dressed and ready to leave.
<<link [[Before you leave, you want to try something.|1-7-Dominique-3]]>><</link>>
<div class="bar">
Dominique has the best ass you've seen in a while, maybe ever, you think to yourself as you pound away at it. The jiggles from her oiled up booty are turning you on almost as much as her moans and pleading for more.
<video loop autoplay muted>
<source src="media/characters/dominique/vid/poolsideways.webm">
<h5>Dominique</h5><img src="media/characters/dominique/card.webp"><p>Yess $pcName, claim this pussy, baby. You fuck me so GOOD.</p>
Your second fuck of the day, and with another bad bitch. You could get used to this you think to yourself as her tight pussy grips you.
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>This pussy is so wet, baby. Is it <span class="hypno">all for me?</span>.</p>
<h5>Dominique</h5><img src="media/characters/dominique/card.webp"><p>It's all yours! It's all yours, just keep fucking me $pcName. aaaAAAAAHHH!</p>
You take her orgasm as an opportunity to switch positions and drag her into the pool, bending her over the edge. You slow down a little as she's coming down from her orgasm, keeping a nice steady rhythm.
<video loop autoplay muted>
<source src="media/characters/dominique/vid/pooldoggy.webm">
<h5>Dominique</h5><img src="media/characters/dominique/card.webp"><p>Oooh, yes Daddy, I'm your dirty little slut. Beat this pussy up, Daddy.</p>
You keep pumping into this godess as her warm, wet pussy grips you. Every stroke backwards is harder, like her pussy doesn't want to let go of your cock. You feel your orgasm building as you listen to the *PLAP* *PLAP* *PLAP* of your bodies colliding with every stroke and as you approach your peak you really start pounding away. You let her know you're close.
<h5>Dominique</h5><img src="media/characters/dominique/card.webp"><p>I'm ready, baby. Give it to me. Let me taste it.</p>
You start unloading on her tongue and as you're cumming she takes you into her mouth and sucks the tip of your cock, vacuuming all your cum out. After you finish, she gives the tip a reverent kiss and smiles up at you.
<video loop autoplay muted>
<source src="media/characters/dominique/vid/poolfacial.webm">
<h5>Dominique</h5><img src="media/characters/dominique/card.webp"><p>Thank you, Daddy.</p>
After she cleans your cock with her mouth, you get dressed and ready to leave.
<<link [[Before you leave, you want to try something.|1-7-Dominique-3]]>><</link>>
</div><div class="bar">
You're in the middle of a firefight, dust thrown up and rocks flying from the explosions. You look around to see your allies falling one by one to the enemy onslaught. You gather your courage and peek over the edge of your cover, spotting an enemy. Taking aim, you follow his sprinting form, trying to keep him in your crosshairs. Just as he slows down, you get ready to take the shot. *BOOM*. A sniper got you. You watch the leaderboard as the game counts down until your respawn. //These fucking sweats, man//.
You hear the door downstairs open and Jane announces herself. You turn off the game and go to greet her. //How is she going to react after this morning?//
You walk downstairs and catch Jane carrying a bag into the house. Her dress and heels accentuate her femininity and really help to strike home just how much of a //woman// she is. She smiles as soon as she spots you.
<img src="media/characters/jane/1-9.webp" class="imgBorder jane">
<h5>Jane</h5><img src="media/characters/jane/card.webp"><p>Well hello, sweetie. How are you feeling? Tired from work?</p>
Well, things seem ok for now. //She hasn't forgotten about this morning, has she?// You smile back at her and reply.
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>A little. I finished at De- Mrs. Blye's house and had time for another customer. All in all, it was a good day of work. I've been relaxing in my room for while.</p>
<h5>Jane</h5><img src="media/characters/jane/card.webp"><p>Oh, you work so hard, baby. Don't worry, I'll make some food for us as soon as I put away my things.</p>
She says while waving her bag. You look at it and recognize the branding of the bag. //Penelope's Mystery//. That's a lingerie store. You feel blood rushing downstairs at the thought of what could be in the bag and what it would look like on Jane.
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>What did you get?</p>
As soon as you ask, she blushes and becomes somewhat flustered.
<h5>Jane</h5><img src="media/characters/jane/card.webp"><p>Oh uhm, I was just out with @@.names;Savannah@@ and she convinced me to try on some linger- things and then before I knew it, I had bought a few... things. I swear that woman could convince a cat to take a bath. Anyways, I have to get started on dinner, I'll let you know when it's done.</p>
Wow, she really does not feel comfortable talking about this. //Well, I'll just have to keep working on her//. She speeds past you and goes upstairs to her room, the door closing behind her. You consider what to do and decide you'll play another round before joining Jane in preparing dinner.
<<link[[Later.|Day 1-10]]>><</link>>
</div><div class="bar">
After you finish your game, you go downstairs to help Jane with dinner. You leave most of the cooking to her, cutting a few vegetables here and there to help along with setting the table. Jane instructs you to set the table for two, meaning Mitch isn't joining the two of you. //Thank god, the last thing I need is that loser fucking up our night//. You chat and joke and even flirt a little as you prepare dinner. While you've always been a little flirty, it has always been innocent. Tonight though, things are different. The mood and the atmosphere have changed after the kiss you shared this morning. Neither of you address it directly though. You share long looks and come close to kissing a couple of times, but Jane always turns away at the last second.
You believe you could use your powers to make quick work of this, but a part of you enjoys the tension. //Will they, won't they?// You definitely will, you're just not sure of when or how right now. And that's ok.
Dinner is mostly quiet with a few stolen glances here and there. Jane seems to be having an inner dialogue with herself. Sometimes she looks almost worried, other times she seems to get lost in your eyes. //She's conflicted. Maybe if I just give her a push?//.
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>So, are we going to talk about what happened this morning?</p>
She looks up at you surprised.
<h5>Jane</h5><img src="media/characters/jane/card.webp"><p>Honey, I... What happened this morning wasn't right. I shouldn't have done what I did. It was a moment of weakness on my part and I hope you can forgive me. I've just felt a little lonely lately, and you were being so kind to me, saying the right things. I am so sorry I made you feel uncomfortable. You must have felt gross too, to have an old lady like me... do what I did.</p>
//Oh shit, she's blaming herself. Does she think I didn't want it? Well, let's clear that up.//
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>Wait what? First of all, you're probably the most beautiful woman I've ever met. Second, I played just as big a part in that kiss as you did, if not more. I wanted it.</p>
She looks at you with surprise written on her face again. //And now to go in for the kill//.
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p><span class="hypno">And I want even more.</span></p>
As soon as the words leave your mouth, you start feeling dizzy. A stabbing pain runs through your head and you groan loudly. You put a hand to your head and kick your chair backwards so you can bend over while sitting.
<h5>Jane</h5><img src="media/characters/jane/card.webp"><p>Oh my god, sweetie, what's happening? Are you ok?</p>
Your head is splitting apart. You open your eyes and look at the floor. Red stains. Blood is dripping from your nose. Jane gets up and walks over to you. She puts one hand on your back and the other over yours on your head.
<h5>Jane</h5><img src="media/characters/jane/card.webp"><p>Let me get some tissues and a Lytenol.</p>
She gets up and runs into the kitchen. You continue feeling the pain, but it is lessening. Your nose has stopped bleeding. //What the fuck?// Seems like there are limits to how much you can use your powers. Who would have guessed?
Jane comes back carrying a pack of tissues and a pill bottle. She bends down to wipe your face and you let her.
<h5>Jane</h5><img src="media/characters/jane/card.webp"><p>You poor thing. Here, let's get you cleaned up and you can lie down on the couch. </p>
You let her baby you and guide you over to the living room where you lie down on the couch. Your head still hurts quite a bit and you just want to relax for now. She has a pill in one hand and a glass of water in the other and she gently feeds you both, one at a time. In your weakened state, you are thankful for this guardian angel who is watching over you, and you reach an arm out to grab onto her.
<h5>Jane</h5><img src="media/characters/jane/card.webp"><p>Relax, baby. Be a good boy now and take a nap. I'm right here. <small>Mommy's right here.</small></p>
<<link[[A nap sounds good.|Day 1-11]]>><</link>>
</div><div class="bar">
You wake up... later. One of those naps where you have no idea what time it is, or even where you are. Taking a second to get your bearings, you realize you're still on the couch. Too much time hasn't passed, Jane is sitting next to you.
<h5>Jane</h5><img src="media/characters/jane/card.webp"><p>How are you doing, baby?</p>
You sit up and stretch your arms. You do feel better now. //I need to be more careful with this thing. What do I even call it? The Voice, maybe?//
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>I feel much better now. I think I might have overworked myself over the last few days.</p>
<h5>Jane</h5><img src="media/characters/jane/card.webp"><p>Well, you need to be more careful. The world won't end if you just take care of yourself a little more. No more working long days for the foreseeable future, ok?</p>
She says, her hand caressing your face. You look into her eyes and smile at her.
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>I'll be more careful from now on, I promise.</p>
//Damn, I almost had it in the bag, and then I fucked it up. I need to rely less on this thing. I'm positive I could have made it without using the Voice.// Maybe you still can?
You try to come up with a plan when Jane interrupts you.
<h5>Jane</h5><img src="media/characters/jane/card.webp"><p>You know, I was thinking about this morning. Remember when you said you were jealous of Mitch?</p>
There's my way in.
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>I remember saying I was jealous of Larry too.</p>
She blushes at that, then continues.
<h5>Jane</h5><img src="media/characters/jane/card.webp"><p>Well, I don't want you to feel jealous. I know you barely remember your mom, and I don't want to replace her, but. Well. If you want... <small>I can be your mommy.</small></p>
She looks away from you as she says that last part. You grab her chin and turn her face towards you. You look deeply into each other's eyes and then you kiss her. She kisses you back and you makeout for a while.
<video loop autoplay muted>
<source src="media/characters/jane/vid/kiss1.webm">
As you make out, you grope each others bodies. Feeling the softness of her breasts, her ass. Her hands glide all over your body. First through your hair, then down over your shoulders. Finally, she touches your crotch and feels your hardness.
<h5>Jane</h5><img src="media/characters/jane/card.webp"><p>Do you want mommy to take care of this for you, sweetheart?</p>
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p><small>Yes, mommy. Please.</small></p>
You whisper, completely captivated by the woman in front of you. For all the sex you've had today, you are hard as steel right now. This is a dream come true.
<h5>Jane</h5><img src="media/characters/jane/card.webp"><p>Be a good boy and sit on the armchair, baby.</p>
<<link[[Yes, mommy.|Day 1-12]]>><</link>>
</div><div class="bar"><small>***Did you remember to save?***</small>
You sit down and watch as Jane strips before you. She's down to her underwear when she kneels in front of you. While undoing your pants, she speaks.
<h5>Jane</h5><img src="media/characters/jane/card.webp"><p>Mommy knows that you work so hard, baby. You're such a good boy for mommy. Let mommy take care of her good boy.</p>
<img src="media/characters/jane/1-11.webp" class="imgBorder jane">
She takes your cock out of your pants and starts masturbating you. Her warm, soft hands feel divine on your cock. On her upward motions, she squeezes your shaft just tight enough. It feels amazing. She knows what she's doing.
<h5>Jane</h5><img src="media/characters/jane/card.webp"><p>Oh my, is this all for me? That's right baby, just relax. Mommy knows exactly how to take care of good boys like you.</p>
<video loop autoplay muted>
<source src="media/characters/jane/vid/hj1.webm">
She keeps working your dick, while you lean your head back in ecstasy. Up and down, your precum now lubing your dick for her. She keeps talking dirty, telling you how good of a boy you are, how you deserve this reward. She refers to herself as your mommy, vows that she'll take care of you as long as you're her big strong boy.
After a while of this, she slows the pace and you look down to see what's happening just in time to witness her kiss the tip of your cock. You let out an involuntary moan at the sight and sensation, and she smiles at you.
<h5>Jane</h5><img src="media/characters/jane/card.webp"><p>I told you, baby. Mommy's gonna take care of her big boy. If hands aren't enough, mommy's just gonna have to try with her mouth.</p>
With that, she takes you fully into her mouth and begins sucking.
<video loop autoplay muted>
<source src="media/characters/jane/vid/bj1.webm">
You feel both like the strongest man in the world, and like mommy's good boy simultaneously. The feeling of her warm wet mouth is like nothing you've ever felt. Jane is making love to your organ and keeping eye contact with you. You try to reciprocate as well as you can, but the pleasure is making it difficult.
You're approaching your zenith as she continues her ministrations.
<span class="buttonContainer choiceButtons"><<button [[Let go|Day 1-13]]>><<set $overloadDay1 to false>><<set $guardian to $guardian + 1>><</button>><<button [[Use the Voice to try for more|Day 2-1]]>><<set $overloadDay1 to true>><<set $dominator to $dominator + 1>><</button>></span>
</div><div class="bar">
<h5>Jane</h5><img src="media/characters/jane/card.webp"><p>Are you close, baby? Here, let me help you feel reeaaally good.</p>
With that, she sits up and takes your cock into her hands again. Her motions are faster this time, and her grip tighter.
<h5>Jane</h5><img src="media/characters/jane/card.webp"><p>Good boys get to cum between mommy's tits, and you've been a VERY good boy, sweetheart. I want you to let go completely, show mommy what you have stored up for her.</p>
With every stroke, every word, you're getting closer to exploding.
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>I'm so close, mommy. I'm about to blow. Please.</p>
<h5>Jane</h5><img src="media/characters/jane/card.webp"><p>I'm your mommy, sweetie. I'll take care of you, I promise. You're such a good boy. You deserve a mommy to spoil you, to care for you, to reward you for being so good. Mommy wants to see you cum, baby. Can you do that for me? Can you cum for mommy? Cum for mommy, baby. Let it aaaalll go.</p>
And with that, you explode.
<video loop autoplay muted>
<source src="media/characters/jane/vid/titcum1.webm">
You take deep breaths as you come down from the high. Jane is sucking the remains of your cum from your cock. Soon, she goes onto licking up the remains that landed on your thighs and belly, as well as her tits. Afterwards, she looks up at you.
<h5>Jane</h5><img src="media/characters/jane/card.webp"><p>I think it's time we got to bed, don't you think? I'm gonna go get cleaned up, good night honey.</p>
She gives you a quick peck and leaves.
//Holy shit.//
<<link[[Go to sleep.|Day 2-1]]>><</link>>
</div><div class="bar">
You wake up. Looking outside, it's not morning, at least not anymore. Looking at the time you see you've slept for a good 15 hours. //Damn. Using my powers tired me OUT.//
<<if $overloadDay1>>
<span style="color: red;">You passed out last night while getting a blowjob from Jane. You got too greedy and overused your ability.</span>
You think about last night. You passing out from over-exerting yourself, Jane servicing you. //Wild.// You wonder how she's going to behave now.
Your powers are dangerous. You feel like you were probably lucky to escape with only a nosebleed and passing out. You need to be more careful with how much you use the power. //I already gain passive benefits from it, I should figure out how to maximize those instead of relying on the Voice. I have a feeling it could kill me if I fuck up.//
You sit up and consider your plans for the day. You have @@.names;Emma@@'s birthday party to go to later, you still need to pick up a gift for her. You have some time to kill before then. Your work is done for the week, today is the weekend. You could go hang out with Colin before the party, he probably doesn't have anything going on.
You get ready quickly and go downstairs. The house is empty. There's food on the table with a note attached.
<span class="note" style="color: MediumVioletRed;">//Morning sweetie, I went out for brunch with Savannah, I'll be back later. Mommy didn't forget her about her good boy though, here's your breakfast. *KISS*//</span>
//Nice.// You dig in, wolfing down a dozen hash browns and all the scrambled eggs. By the time you're done, there isn't much left but dirty dishes. Your powers seem to have made you hungry as well.
As you're cleaning up, Mitch wanders into the kitchen. He stops for a second when he sees you, then pretends he didn't see you and that you don't exist. He sees some empty dishes left on the table and then reads Jane's note.
<h5>Mitch</h5><img src="media/characters/men/mitch.webp"><p>Did you eat the food mom made me?</p>
You give him a nonchalant look, pretending to hold back a burp, then letting it go.
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>She didn't make it for you, buddy.</p>
You stare at him for a few seconds, daring him to speak. He shrinks, turns and leaves. //Bitch.// Your phone pings.
<<linkreplace "You have a text from Deanna.">><span class="note" style="color:DodgerBlue;">$deannaTitle, when are we going to see each other again? I need your touch, my body is starving. I'm at the office today if you want to come by.
<span style="display: block; text-align: center;">1 Attachment:</span><img src="media/characters/deanna/text1b.webp" class="imgBorder deanna">
<<link[[Well, a quick detour before meeting up with Colin won't hurt.|Day 2-2]]>><</link>>
</div><div class="bar">
The nice thing about a town the size of Rosewood, parking is easy. You get out and walk the short way to //Blye Estate Management//, taking up a storefront on the market row. Two stories, the words //Blye Estate Management// on the framed glass door. On each side of the door are two large windows, the letters //BEM// stylized on both. The design of the place oozes exclusivity and success, and you're starting to get a better idea of how well Deanna's business is doing.
The door is unlocked, per your communications with Deanna. You enter and the place is quiet, also expected. You lock the entrance behind you to make sure you aren't disturbed, and go upstairs. On the second floor there is a shared office space and lounge/kitchen area on one side of the stairs, which extends a little to the other side. Mostly though, the other side is taken up by a large singular glass-walled office. //This is where my slut works.// You don't go in though, because on the sofa in the lounge, lies gold in the form of a woman. Your woman.
<img src="media/characters/deanna/2-2.webp" class="imgBorder deanna">
You look at each other for a minute, you standing still admiring her body while she is posing for you.
<h5>Deanna</h5><img src="media/characters/deanna/card.webp"><p>I've missed you so much, $deannaTitle.</p>
It strikes you that this woman is putty to you. Given enough time and reinforcement, you could shape her, mold her into your perfect slut. She is wealthy and beautiful, probably well-connected too. If you decide to use your power for greater things, having a woman like Deanna Blye at your side would not be a bad idea.
You could reinforce her aggressive drive, her hunger to prove herself, all while cementing your role as her man, her leader. You would reward her for being a good slut, building up her self confidence. This would result in a formidable force to have at your side for... the rest of your life. //Huh.//
Or you could make her submit repeatedly, give every inch of her being over to you, turn her into a broken subservient slave. You would punish her for being a bad slut, tearing down her self-confidence until she accepts that she is nothing without you. This might result in a fun toy, but her usefulness might not be at its best.
Both options would take time and reinforcement to start bearing fruits, but the sooner you start the better. Either way, she is yours, and her fate is in your hands.
<span class="buttonContainer choiceButtons"><<button [[I prefer a faithful devotee|2-2-Deanna]]>><nobr>
<<set $deannaDevoted to 1>>
<<set $deannaSlave to 0>>
<<set $guardian to $guardian + 1>>
</nobr><</button>><<button [[Mindbreak sounds fun|2-2-Deanna]]>><nobr>
<<set $deannaDevoted to 0>>
<<set $deannaSlave to 1>>
<<set $dominator to $dominator + 1>>
</div><div class="bar">
<<if $deannaDevoted >= 1>>You look at her as she begins rubbing her panties.
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>You've been so patient, waiting for $deannaTitle. Well, I'm here now, and I plan on taking care of my slut.</p>
<h5>Deanna</h5><img src="media/characters/deanna/card.webp"><p>Thank you, $deannaTitle. I need it so bad.</p>
You approach her and lean down to kiss her as she stretches from her knees on the sofa. You can feel her need in the kiss you share. Your tongue probes into her mouth, which welcomes and accepts you.
You break from the kiss and grab her softly by her throat, looking into her eyes.
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>Lie back for me, my slut. It's time for your reward.</p>
She nods and does as you say. You bend down and get on you knees. Putting your face to her crotch, you take a deep breath through your nose. Her heat smells wonderful. You kiss along her thighs, teasing up and down as you hear her whimpering. Finally you kiss her pussy over her panties. She moans when you do, excited for what is to come. You slide her panties off and begin your tongue lashing. Her moans and whimpers drive you on further, guiding you to your goal.
<video loop autoplay muted>
<source src="media/characters/deanna/vid/2-2eatout.webm">
<h5>Deanna</h5><img src="media/characters/deanna/card.webp"><p>Yes $deannaTitle! Keep going please, it's so good. More, more, more, yes yes yessss!</p>
You feel her twitch and buck as she orgasms, and slow down your rhythm to let her ride out her high. You still don't feel finished and start building intensity again. At this point, the wetness from her juices around her mound and thighs is growing, and your face is getting drenched.
She switches between whimpers and moans and begging for more, while she keeps cumming. You draw another couple orgasms out of her before you decide you've had your fill.
<<elseif $deannaSlave >= 1>>You look at her as she begins rubbing her panties.
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>So impatient, you couldn't wait for $deannaTitle for more than a day? Well, I'm here now, and I believe a little punishment is in order for my slut. Who knows, a degenerate slut like you might even enjoy it.</p>
<h5>Deanna</h5><img src="media/characters/deanna/card.webp"><p>Yes, $deannaTitle. I am an impatient slut for you. I need your punishment, please.</p>
You walk over to her and grab her by the throat, studying the needy look in her face.
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>Open up.</p>
She does while looking at you mesmerized. You spit in her mouth and she swallows, thanking you. You let go and sit down, taking your dick out. She looks at it, jealous that it's surrounded by air and not her mouth. You grab her neck and pull her towards it.
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>You've been looking forward to sucking this dick haven't you, my little whore?</p>
<h5>Deanna</h5><img src="media/characters/deanna/card.webp"><p>I need it, $deannaTitle. I need it so bad, I've missed the taste. Please let me please you.</p>
You look at her and witness the neediness in her eyes. You nod towards your crotch, giving the go ahead. She dives and begins sucking.
<video loop autoplay muted>
<source src="media/characters/deanna/vid/2-2bj.webm">
She goes on for a while, noisily devouring your member. She keeps you on the edge, and you make sure she slows down when you start getting to close.<</if>>
You order her on her hands and knees. Getting into position behind her, you insert yourself slowly. She moans loudly as you do, thanking you when you bottom out. You build a rhythm as you give her the best backshots of her life. //Probably of mine too, at least so far.// You continue fucking her, deep and hard, then switch to fast as she approaches an orgasm.
<h5>Deanna</h5><img src="media/characters/deanna/card.webp"><p>YEEeeeEEEeeesSS! MORE! I need more $deannaTitle, please! You're the best I've ever had! Please, give me more!</p>
<video loop autoplay muted>
<source src="media/characters/deanna/vid/2-2doggy.webm">
You oblige her, fucking her doggy for a while longer, then switching to missionary for a while. Orgasm after orgasm, she is losing herself. Sweat covers both of you and you could swear the glass table nearby is starting to fog up.
You feel yourself approaching your own orgasm. Where do you want to blow?
<<set _chosenButton to null>>
<<if _chosenButton === null>><span id="2-2-deanna" class="buttonContainer"><<button "Cover her face">><<set _chosenButton to "facial">><<replace "#2-2-deanna">><<removeclass "#2-2-deanna" "buttonContainer">><span id="2-2-deanna"><<if _chosenButton === "facial">>You want to cover her face.
You tell her to get on her knees in front of you as you grab your dick.
<h5>Deanna</h5><img src="media/characters/deanna/card.webp"><p>Please $deannaTitle, cum for me. Cover my face, put me in my place. Mark me as your slut, $deannaTitle!</p>
You feel it coming and let it overtake you.
<video loop autoplay muted>
<source src="media/characters/deanna/vid/2-2face.webm">
You cover her face, marking her as yours again. She smiles and thanks you in the aftermath, taking you into her mouth to get the last remains out of your cock.
<<link[[You hear someone unlocking the door downstairs.|Day 2-3]]>><</link>><</if>></span><</replace>><</button>><<button "Fill her up">><<set _chosenButton to "creampie">><<set $deannaBreed to $deannaBreed + 1>><<replace "#2-2-deanna">><<removeclass "#2-2-deanna" "buttonContainer">><span id="2-2-deanna"><<if _chosenButton === "creampie">>You want to fill her up.
You sit down on the sofa and order her to mount and ride you until you cum.
<<if $deannaBreed >= 2>>
<h5>Deanna</h5><img src="media/characters/deanna/card.webp"><p>Please $deannaTitle, cum for me. Breed me, fill me up like you did yesterday. I walked around all day feeling you dripping out of me, a reminder of the only man worthy of fucking this pussy.</p>
<h5>Deanna</h5><img src="media/characters/deanna/card.webp"><p>Please $deannaTitle, cum for me. FILL ME UP! $deannaTitle please, please $deannaTitle, let it all go inside of me.</p>
You feel it coming and let it overtake you.
<video loop autoplay muted>
<source src="media/characters/deanna/vid/2-2inside.webm">
Letting go, your cock pulses as you fill her up. She moans and throws her head back, experiencing her own orgasm in tandem with yours as she continues to steadily grind your cock.
<<link[[You hear someone unlocking the door downstairs.|Day 2-3]]>><</link>><</if>></span><</replace>><</button>></span><</if>>
</div><div class="bar">
You both rush into Deanna's office and close the shutters while throwing on your clothes. While you're not nervous about being caught together, you are nervous about being caught naked.
After you get dressed, you look at eachother and nod. Deanna opens her office door and you both exit, pretending like the smell of sex still isn't in the air and your skin isn't still glistening from sweat. The girl who is digging through a desk drawer in the office space near where you just had sex looks up at you surprised. You remember her.
<img src="media/characters/hayden/intro1.webp" class="imgBorder blackRose">
@@.names;Hayden Pierce@@. She went to St. Ysolde's with you. She wasn't nearly as hot then as she is now, though. You remember her giving off weird vibes back then. She was into some outlandish stuff and mostly kept to her small friend group. //That hasn't changed, I see.// You think to yourself as she gives you a look that makes you feel unsettled.
<h5>Deanna</h5><img src="media/characters/deanna/card.webp"><p>Hayden, what are you doing here on a saturday?</p>
Deanna asks, clearly familiar with the girl. She immediately stops giving you that look and focuses on Deanna.
<h5>Hayden</h5><img src="media/characters/hayden/card.webp"><p>I left some documents here that I wanted to take a look at. I have a showing on monday and wanted to go through some details to prepare. I'm going to a party tonight and suspect I won't be feeling so well tomorrow.</p>
She says, with smile at that last part. //So she works here. Good to know.// You think about using your ability on her and stretch out your hand to introduce yourself.
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>We went to school together. I'm $pcName.</p>
She tentatively looks at your hand, then up at you. Slowly, she reaches her hand out and takes it. Nothing. //Nothing?// This isn't what usually happens.
<h5>Hayden</h5><img src="media/characters/hayden/card.webp"><p>Hayden. I remember you, $pcName. Vaguely.</p>
You find yourself wondering what is going on for a second, then give up. Maybe some people just have better natural resistances? //Maybe if I use the Voice, I'll get better results.// You do feel tired after the tryst you just had though, and want to avoid a repeat of yesterday. //I should probably ration out my "activity" a little more over the course of a day.// You think about what she said and ask her a question, a plan formulating in your head.
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>The party you're going to, is it Emma Vanleer's birthday?</p>
<h5>Hayden</h5><img src="media/characters/hayden/card.webp"><p>Yeah, it is. Are you going too?</p>
You smile and nod. //Perfect. I'll find her later and see if the Voice does any better.//
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>Yeah, actually. I'm going with my friend Colin, in fact I'm about to head over to his place to hang out before the party starts.</p>
Her facial expression turns inquisitive and she asks a question to both of you.
<h5>Hayden</h5><img src="media/characters/hayden/card.webp"><p>Can I ask, what are you two doing here?</p>
Deanna immediately gets flustered, unsure of how to answer. She looks at you and you can see she isn't sure if you want to keep this a secret, hell she doesn't seem sure SHE wants to keep it a secret. You make the decision for the both of you.
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>Me and Deanna are seeing each other. She is my woman. She was at the office and I dropped by to see her.</p>
Hayden is quiet at that, a contemplative look on her face. Deanna is at first shocked, jaw hanging open. Then she gathers herself and smiles at you. She links her arm in yours and leans on your shoulder while looking up at you like a love-struck kitten.
<h5>Hayden</h5><img src="media/characters/hayden/card.webp"><p>Congrats, I'm happy for you. Anyways, I have to get going.</p>
You expected a little more reaction out of her than that. //She always was a little different though.// You chalk it up to the weirdness you remember from school and nod, saying bye to her. Deanna barely even notices Hayden leaving, she is way too preoccupied staring at her man. You turn to her and kiss her deeply. She accepts eagerly. After making out with her for a while, you decide to get going. You leave her both satisfied and wanting more.
<<link[[Time to get to Colin's house.|Day 2-4]]>><</link>>
</div><div class="bar">
You arrive at Colin's house, smelling of sex and pheromones. //I have to shower before we go to the party. Thank god I decided to bring my party clothes with me instead of putting them on when I woke up.// You know Colin won't mind you borrowing his shower.
You texted Colin earlier and he let you know to come right in. Apparently, he's playing "Campaign Kings IV" and is swept up in the "just another turn" mentality of the game. You decide to be polite and knock, just in case someone is home you don't want to come off as an intruder. When you do, you hear a muffled female voice let you know she's coming. Soon the door opens and Colin's mom stands before you.
<img src="media/characters/willow/intro.webp" class="imgBorder willow">
<h5>Willow</h5><img src="media/characters/willow/card.webp"><p>$pcName! It's so nice to see you. Where have you been? I've missed having eyecandy like you around.</p>
She says with a smile on her face. Willow has always been flirty with you. She is single and has been for Colin's entire life. You've always felt conflicted around her. A little uncomfortable because she is your friend's mom, and a lot turned on because she flirts openly with you.
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>I've had a lot of work lately, so I haven't really had time to drop by.</p>
As you talk, her eyes wander over your form and she bites her bottom lip. Honestly, you are not even sure if the gem is doing anything. Colin's mom has always been like this to your memory.
<h5>Willow</h5><img src="media/characters/willow/card.webp"><p>Well come inside, Colin is up in his room playing that game. But make sure to drop by the living room so we can... //talk//. You know, catch up a little.</p>
She says with emphasis on "talk". You nod and thank her, not committing to anything. She steps aside and you enter the house, going straight to Colin's room.
<<link[[Let's see Colin.|Day 2-5]]>><</link>>
</div><div class="bar">
You go up the stairs and enter Colin's room. He is sitting at his desk playing on his PC.
<h5>Colin</h5><img src="media/characters/men/colin.webp"><p>Hey man! Sit down, I'm in the middle of a game. The Duke of Karlia betrayed me earlier and he's about to feel my revenge, I just have to build up my army first. Finding iron is a bitch, though.</p>
Seems like Colin is knee-deep in the turn-based mire that is a 4X game. You take a seat next to him and watch him play while you chat.
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>How long have you been playing, man? You stink.</p>
You ask as you get a whiff of Colin through your nose. //This guy hasn't showered in days.// He doesn't even look away from the monitor as he answers you.
<h5>Colin</h5><img src="media/characters/men/colin.webp"><p>I started playing yester-... a couple days ago. I think. Anyways, I'm close to killing the Duke now. I'll be ready for the party later.</p>
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>What gift did you get for Emma? I went for a bottle of wine.</p>
Colin's head snaps away from the screen and to you, a shocked and worried expression on his face. He looks at the time on his phone.
<h5>Colin</h5><img src="media/characters/men/colin.webp"><p>OH SHIT! I need to go buy her something before the liquor store closes. I'll be back soon, you just hang tight.</p>
With that, he gets up and grabs a hoodie as he rushes out. //I love that guy, but man what an idiot.//
With Colin gone, you check your phone for a minute going through your regular rotation of apps. Then you decide to go downstairs to get a glass of water.
<<link[[Someone is waiting for you downstairs.|Day 2-6]]>><</link>>
</div><div class="bar">
You go downstairs and enter the kitchen. You pour yourself a glass of water and as you're drinking, someone comes up behind you.
<h5>Willow</h5><img src="media/characters/willow/card.webp"><p>How nice of you to take me up on my offer.</p>
You begin answering as you're turning around.
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>Oh yeah, well, Colin actually forgot to get a gift fo-</p>
As you turn, you see Willow sitting at the dining table wearing nothing but a short silk robe. Her big melons are practically falling out. You feel blood rushing from your brain to downstairs.
<img src="media/characters/willow/2-6.webp" class="imgBorder willow">
She smiles at you like the cat who ate the canary.
<h5>Willow</h5><img src="media/characters/willow/card.webp"><p>Why don't you take a seat and we can... talk. You know, get to know each other a little better.</p>
Conflicted, you take a seat on the chair closest to you.
<h5>Willow</h5><img src="media/characters/willow/card.webp"><p>Colin speaks so highly of you, and I can understand why. So young, yet you have your own business. I hear your grades were good in school too, so you must be intelligent. And then of course, you're in great shape. Such a handsome young man. I'm glad Colin has a friend like you.</p>
<video loop autoplay muted>
<source src="media/characters/willow/vid/talking2.webm">
As she talks, her hand slides over the table to meet yours. When they touch, a thought enters your mind unbidden.
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p><i>She's a whore. She always has been. She told her son that his father left them when he was a baby, but the truth is that she fucked so many men that she has no clue who his father is. The thought of fucking her son's best friend makes her hungry pussy drool. She wants your seed. She wants to be impregnated by her son's best friend.</i></p>
You keep a poker face as you contemplate what you have learned. A million thoughts run through your head, but mainly one. What kind of friend am I?
<span class="buttonContainer choiceButtons"><<button [[I can't do this to Colin (SKIP)|Day 2-7]]>><<set $guardian to $guardian + 1>><<set $colinLoyal to 1>><</button>><<button [[Who am I to turn down a lady in need?|2-6-Willow]]>><<set $dominator to $dominator + 1>><<set $willowPath to true>><</button>></span>
</div><div class="bar"><<if $colinLoyal >= 1>>
You can't do that to your friend. You make up an excuse and leave Willow by the dining table and make your way back to Colin's room. You spend some time on your phone until Colin comes back. Afterwards, you chat and play some games together before Colin resumes his Campaign Kings IV game.
You wait for Colin who just had to play "one more turn". After getting yourself ready and telling him you have to leave soon, he manages to wash up and change his clothes in record time. And so you drive.
<<link[[The Vanleer estate.|Day 2-8]]>><</link>>
</div><div class="bar">
There was never any doubt what the result would be, you think to yourself as Colin's mom sucks your cock right there in the dining area. //I didn't ask for this, but I am going to take full advantage of it.//
<video loop autoplay muted>
<source src="media/characters/willow/vid/kitchenbj.webm">
<h5>Willow</h5><img src="media/characters/willow/card.webp"><p>I'm such a slut, sucking off my son's best friend. Does it feel good, baby?</p>
Her mouth is warm and soft, and she makes love to your cock with it. It's like she's making out with your dick.
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>God, what a fucking whore you are. Your son hasn't been gone 10 minutes and you're already sucking his friend's cock. Do you do this to all your son's friends, or is it <span class="hypno">just me</span>?</p>
Her eyelids flutter a bit, and she looks up at you with a look of adoration.
<h5>Willow</h5><img src="media/characters/willow/card.webp"><p>Just you, baby. You're the only one I want to suck and fuck.</p>
You grab the back of her head and guide her up and down for a while. Her efforts grow more intense as time goes on, and she starts drooling a mixture of your precum and her saliva on the floor. You release her head and let her go on on her own for a while.
After a while of her showing no signs of stopping, you stop her. You pull her head off your member and turn her face upward to you.
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>You want me to pound your pussy? Be a good whore and get on the table for me. I'm gonna breed you, bitch.</p>
<h5>Willow</h5><img src="media/characters/willow/card.webp"><p>Yes, please. I'll be a good whore for you, just please breed my cunt. Fill me to the brim, I want to feel you leaking out of me all day long. I want my son's best friend to impregnate me. I want to carry your baby.</p>
<video loop autoplay muted>
<source src="media/characters/willow/vid/kitchen1.webm">
She sits on the edge of the table and you impale her with your schlong. She immediately starts moaning your name out, an orgasm rushing through her as you start pumping. You keep building up your tempo through her first orgasm and by the time you reach your nominal pumping speed, she is already experiencing a second one.
<h5>Willow</h5><img src="media/characters/willow/card.webp"><p>Oh, GOD! YES! Keep pounding me baby, it feels so gooOOOood! Keep pounding this WHORE pussy!</p>
You keep hammering her as she moans and screams for you. Her pussy is wet and warm, a perfect sleeve for your cock. You can feel your orgasm coming on and you let her know.
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>Get ready for this cream, slut. I'm about to give Colin a little brother.</p>
You keep pounding into her, holding as long as you can. When it becomes too much you let go and shoot your soldiers into her as she moans and climaxes, all while you keep up your incessant pounding.
<video loop autoplay muted>
<source src="media/characters/willow/vid/kitchen2.webm">
<h5>Willow</h5><img src="media/characters/willow/card.webp"><p>Mark this pussy as yours, baby. yesyesyesyesYES! Breed me. Give Colin a little brother that looks like you.</p>
Just then, you hear the door to the house open up. Colin's back. //Shit.// You both share a panicked look and compose yourselves. Thankfully, you hadn't undressed properly, and Willow only has to put on her robe.
Colin walks by you and stops when he sees the two of you.
<h5>Colin</h5><img src="media/characters/men/colin.webp"><p>Oh, hey $pcName. I hope mom isn't boring you.</p>
The two of you are partially blocked by the table and counter, and you grab Willow's ass as you answer him.
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>Nah man, your mom is a fun lady. We've been... ''hammering'' out some details about our lives, you know. Getting to know each other better.</p>
<h5>Willow</h5><img src="media/characters/willow/card.webp"><p>Yeah hon, me and your friend here were just getting to know each other more... closely. He was telling me how he loves making ''pies'' in his free time.</p>
She says while rubbing her ass into your hand subtly. You lean back a little and look down at her ass. You can see a trickle of cum running down her thigh.
<h5>Colin</h5><img src="media/characters/men/colin.webp"><p>Huh. I never knew that. I got the gift, let's go back to my room. We still have some time for me to annihilate the Duke of Karlia.</p>
And with that, he turns around and heads upstairs, none the wiser. You turn to Willow and kiss her, delving as deep as you can into her mouth with your tongue.
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>I'm not done with you, whore. I have another load for you. I'm gonna go up to your son and make sure he's occupied with the game, then I'm coming back for round two.</p>
She looks at you mesmerized, eyes half lidded and a dumb smile on her face.
<h5>Willow</h5><img src="media/characters/willow/card.webp"><p>Yes, Sir. Come to my bedroom, I'll be waiting for you there.</p>
With that, you turn and head up to Colin to make sure he is distracted.
</div><div class="bar">
When you get to Colin's room, you see him back at his desk back in his game of Campaign Kings IV.
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>Are ya winning, son?</p>
He turns to look at you with an annoyed look on his face.
<h5>Colin</h5><img src="media/characters/men/colin.webp"><p>Shut up, dude. The Duke is on his last legs, I'm about to fuck his shit up.</p>
//I'm about to fuck something too,// you think to yourself.
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>Listen man, I have to shower and get ready before the party.</p>
You say, omitting the fact that you're gonna fuck his mom before that.
<h5>Colin</h5><img src="media/characters/men/colin.webp"><p>Yeah, of course. Use the bathroom down the hall, I'll go use the one downstairs. After I finish off the Duke, of course.</p>
You nod at him and turn around, heading straight for his mother's room.
<<link[[She is waiting on the bed.|2-6-Willow-3]]>><</link>>
</div><div class="bar">
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<source src="media/characters/willow/vid/doggy1.webm">
Willow was waiting for you in lingerie, fingering herself. It didn't take long for you to get her on all fours and start fucking her. She moans out in ecstasy as you drill into her.
<h5>Willow</h5><img src="media/characters/willow/card.webp"><p>I'm a such a whore, fucking my son's best friend. I'm sorry Colin, your friend is just too much too resist. He is so hot, his dick is sooo good. Forgive me baby, but at least you're gonna get a new sibling out of this. You just keep playing games on your computer, honey. Mommy is getting the deep-dicking of her life right now.</p>
She speaks as if Colin were here, turning you both on.
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>Maybe I just lift you up full nelson with my cock inside you and carry you over to Colin's room, huh? Colin should know what kind of a woman his mommy is. What a filthy disgusting whore you are. God, you've always wanted this, haven't you? You have no shame, a mother fucking someone your son's age. I always knew deep down you were a cock-slut. The way you looked at me, biting your lip, rubbing your thighs together. What are you gonna tell Colin when your belly starts growing, huh?</p>
She whimpers and moans as you speak, reaching an orgasm as you degrade her and pound into her simultaneously. You pull out and flip her over, entering her in missionary.
<video loop autoplay muted>
<source src="media/characters/willow/vid/missionary1.webm">
<h5>Willow</h5><img src="media/characters/willow/card.webp"><p>I'll tell him all about what a whore I am for his best friend. I'll tell him he's gonna have a little brother and his best friend is the father. I'll tell him he needs to get used to seeing his mother as the slut she is. I'M A DIRTY FUCKING WHORE FOR YOU, <<print $pcName.toUpperCase()>>!</p>
With that, you start jackhammering as you feel yourself building. With a deep rumbling moan, you fill up Colin's mom with another load while she reaches her own peak yet again.
<video loop autoplay muted>
<source src="media/characters/willow/vid/inside1.webm">
You lie still together for a few minutes, catching your breath as you slowly soften inside her. After a while, you look at the time and get up.
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>I've gotta shower, need to get ready for the party.</p>
She looks to you from the bed without even lifting her head, body and hair sweaty from your tryst. She softly rubs the opening to her pussy and brings her fingers to her mouth to taste you.
<h5>Willow</h5><img src="media/characters/willow/card.webp"><p>Go ahead, baby. Don't forget about me, though. Remember that Colin's mommy is your willing cumdump //any// time, //any// place.</p>
With a smile she licks her fingers clean and goes back for seconds. You turn around and hop into the shower.
<<link[[Party time.|Day 2-7]]>><</link>>
</div><span class="slowfade"><<timed 1s t8n>><div class="bar">
Arriving at the Vanleer estate, you are reminded of the history and wealth of this family. The mansion is huge and old, and the property stretches far from the main road, covered in manicured bushes, flowers, exotic trees and well-tended grass. //It would take me a couple ''months'' to get this property done on my own.//
The Vanleer family is one of the founding families of Rosewood, their history in town stretching back around 400 years or so. Today, the family has a hand in numerous dealings as investors. Their money is old and generations of investing and diversifying has made it so the family won't ever realistically run out of money. Originally, the family founded The Dragon's Nest Inn which is still standing today, albeit as a museum and monument to the Vanleers. They are beloved in town, known for their generosity and honest nature.
<<linkreplace "Emma was no different.">><img src="media/characters/emma/intro1.webp" class="imgBorder emma">
Emma Vanleer is the young heiress, after her mother, of the Vanleer estate and fortune. She is also your former classmate. You didn't know her well, but you were both aware of each others existence. You remember her as a kind, if a little sheltered, young woman. Today is her celebration, both birthday and university graduation.
You pull up outside the house and park among a long line of cars. Both you and Colin are wowed by the opulence at display as you enter the building. Chandeliers, paintings, furniture, the height of the ceiling, the servants clad in tuxedos and formal dresses. As you enter the wide hallway, a manservant greets and points you towards a room to the left. You enter that room and a great hall opens up, filled with what looks like hundreds of people. You look around and recognize a lot of them as people you went to school with.
Both you and Colin have a bottle of wine in hand, and looking over in a corner, you see the gift deposit. A pile of both wrapped gifts and unwrapped items lay there. Chocolates, bathroom gift sets, but most of all, bottles of wine. So many bottles of wine. //At least I didn't come empty handed.// You shrug inwardly, then you and Colin both put down your bottles and you notice that some of the gifts have cards attached. Neither of you wrote cards and you think for a second how Emma is going to know you brought a gift. Then you think that she probably won't care about your cheap bottle of wine.
You turn to Colin and decide together you want to catch up with some former classmates.
<<link[[Let's mingle.|Day 2-9]]>><</link>><</linkreplace>>
</div><</timed>></span><div class="bar">
You've been catching up with a few different people you haven't seen in a while, when you spot an old flame. Kat Morris. You and Kat were a thing back in school, but she moved away and things fizzled out. Maybe you could go and say hi?
<small style="display: block; text-align: center;">//''(Click image to select)''//</small>
<span class="choiceHeading"><p>Let's catch up with Kat</p></span>
<span class="imgContainer" ><a data-passage="2-9-Kat"><img src="media/characters/kat/intro1.webp" class="imgBorder kat"></a></span>
<p style="text-align: center;"><<link [[Before you can make up your mind, a waiter spills a tray of shrimp and now you have mayo stains on your shirt! You find a bathroom to wash off. (SKIP ENCOUNTER.)|Day 2-10-1]]>><</link>></p>
</div><div class="bar"><<set $nancyPath to true>>
You catch the MILF maid's eyes and she looks at you for a second, then away while blushing. You keep your eyes on her until she looks back, at which point she keeps her eyes on you. You admire her form while she does the same to you, then you flick your head to her, signaling from across the floor that you want to meet her elsewhere. She looks around for a second, nervous. Visibly swallowing, she looks at you briefly before lowering her head and nodding shyly.
You make your way out of the hall and see her looking around a corner for you. You walk over and join her, both now hidden from view. She shyly looks at the floor, obviously nervous. You put a finger to her chin and tilt her head up towards you.
<img src="media/characters/nancy/2-10.webp" class="imgBorder nancy">
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p><i>She is a worthless slut. She comes off as shy and reserved because all she can ever think about is sex. She keeps herself at bay with furious masturbation and self-hatred, but all it would take to bring out her inner slut is the right man. Me.</i></p>
You keep eye contact for a brief second as a plan formulates in your head.
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>Name.</p>
She looks at you, a mix of arousal and nervousness painted on her face.
<h5>Nancy</h5><img src="media/characters/nancy/card.webp"><p>Nancy Rogers, Sir.</p>
You can tell her arousal is increasing from your forceful act.
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>Is this how you behave at work? Getting visibly aroused, that filthy cunt of yours drooling on the floor while you're supposed to be working?</p>
At first her eyes widen in shock at your aggressiveness, but that is quickly replaced by a horny look as her eyes go half-lidded and she has a mini-orgasm. While your finger is still holding her chin up, you can see her hand crawling up under her skirt to her pussy. Almost whispering, she speaks.
<h5>Nancy</h5><img src="media/characters/nancy/card.webp"><p><small>Punish me.</small></p>
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>What? Speak up, cunt.</p>
<h5>Nancy</h5><img src="media/characters/nancy/card.webp"><p>I'm a worthless fucking slut, Master. Punish me!</p>
You grab her, turning her around and holding her. You pull up her skirt and begin spanking her.
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<source src="media/sex/spanking3.webm">
<h5>Nancy</h5><img src="media/characters/nancy/card.webp"><p>AH! More, Master!</p>
You spank her even harder this time and put your face close to hers, invading her space further.
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>Don't tell me what to do, slut. When I spank you, count.</p>
She moans when she hears your order and replies.
<h5>Nancy</h5><img src="media/characters/nancy/card.webp"><p>Yes, Sir!</p>
You resume spanking her. Sometimes you rub her ass between spanks, other times you don't. You keep mixing it up, not letting her predict when the next one is coming. She tries to keep quiet, but struggles. As you continue, her pussy is getting wetter and wetter.
<h5>Nancy</h5><img src="media/characters/nancy/card.webp"><p>Eight. N-Nine! ...TennnNNNNnnnggggh!</p>
At that she orgasms, you hold her in your arms as she shakes and twitches. When she finishes, she looks up at you unsure of herself.
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>You got yours, huh? Who gave you permission to cum?</p>
She blushes and looks down.
<h5>Nancy</h5><img src="media/characters/nancy/card.webp"><p>I am sorry, Master. It just felt so good, I couldn't help it.</p>
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>What a disgusting slut. Here I am punishing you for behaving like a whore, and you're getting off on it. Well, my little sex-fiend, it is my turn. I'm going to use this drooling cunt until I'm satisfied. Understood?</p>
She breathes intensely while looking at you, clearly turned on by the idea.
<h5>Nancy</h5><img src="media/characters/nancy/card.webp"><p>Maybe I can find a bed for us, Master. That way you could use my body comfortably, and punish me correctly.</p>
You smile inwardly, //This lady is ''wild''.// You nod to her and tell her to lead the way.
<<link[[Let's find a room|2-10-Nancy-2]]>><</link>>
</div>by IndomitableAshur<img src="media/scenery/lapis-arcanum.webp" width="200">
<div class="bar">
//Well, that was fun.// After you clean yourself up, you get back to the party.
You find Colin who inquires about where you were. You lie and explain you had to go to the bathroom for a bit. Looking around, the mood has noticeably shifted. Where people were a little more reserved earlier, the alcohol seems to have kicked in and people seem to be more upbeat. The music is louder and people are dancing in one section of the hall, others are playing beer pong in another where multiple beer pong tables have been set up in a row. This has turned into a house party, but the surroundings don't match. The elegant old hall, the high ceilings all seem like they would fit a gala or a ball better, not a "chugging from a beer keg" type of party. Alas, that is what it has come to.
Joining the festivities, you catch up with old friends while playing a round of beer pong. The effects of the gem are noticeable every now and then, a lot of girls are eyeing you with a hint of lust in their eyes, while guys seem to have certain level of... respect for you. Often times when someone makes a joke, they look to see if you laugh first.
After a while, the belle of the ball shows herself. Across the hall, Emma Vanleer stands on a raised stage waiting for everyone to quiet down so she can speak.
<img src="media/characters/emma/2-11.webp" class="imgBorder emma">
<h5>Emma</h5><img src="media/characters/emma/card.webp"><p>Welcome to my birthday-slash-graduation party. I have now finished my business degree and am about to take the next step in my life. I'll be joining the family business starting next week under the guidance of my grandmother. I want to thank you, nana, for supporting me and helping me through school. Without you, none of this would have been possible.</p>
People applaud as Emma smiles and looks to her right, just off the stage. There, an older woman stands, smiling up at Emma with proud tears in her eyes.
<img src="media/characters/sylvia/2-11.webp" class="imgBorder sylvia">
Emma turns back towards the gathering and addresses everyone again.
<h5>Emma</h5><img src="media/characters/emma/card.webp"><p>And lastly, I want to thank everyone for coming tonight, and I hope everyone has a great time! Let's party!!</p>
The hall erupts in cheers and the music is turned up as people begin drinking and dancing.
You're left contemplating your choices. //I should create a bond with the Vanleers. It would be valuable to have one of the most powerful families in town on my side. But who do I choose as my in?// You think about Emma Vanleer, the young heiress. She always seemed rather sheltered and innocent, but had plenty of friends in school. You remember her having a couple boyfriends, but also remember those same boyfriends complaining in the locker room that she never wanted to go past second base. //Young and beautiful, having her at my feet like a kitten desperate for my touch doesn't sound bad.//
Then you think about Sylvia. Emma's grandmother. She looks incredible for her age. You don't know much about her other than gossip you've heard over the years. Sylvia Vanleer married young. A trophy wife to an older man, the heir to the Vanleer fortune. She had one daughter with him before he died in a boating accident. Sylvia inherited everything and took up the reins of the family business. The trophy wife turned out to be an expert businesswoman who managed the Vanleer fortune well. She never remarried after the death of her husband. //Who knows where that relationship could lead?//
It's not like you have to choose only one for ever and ever, but you do have to choose one for now. You decide to make your way over to Emma and her grandmother.
<<link[[Meeting the Vanleers|Day 2-12]]>><</link>>
</div><div class="bar">
Nancy knows the place in and out considering she works here and she leads you right to a free bedroom. You order her to wait while you get undressed. She looks uncertain standing there in her uniform, unsure of what you're planning. Afterwards you lie down on the bed.
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>Come here and suck my dick.</p>
Her face lights up and she rushes over to the bed. Once she gets close to you, she remembers her position and calms down somewhat. She gets on the bed and starts sucking your cock. Her eyes close and she moans loudly as her lips first touch you, like a starving wretch getting a first taste of a delicious meal. The anticipation of knowing there is so much more to go. Her hand slides towards her skirt and you grab her by the hair.
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>You've already cum once. No more for you until I say so.</p>
She looks at you sad, but nods in understanding.
<h5>Nancy</h5><img src="media/characters/nancy/card.webp"><p>Yes, Master.</p>
You let go and she continues her oral ministrations.
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<source src="media/characters/nancy/vid/bj1.webm">
After a while, you tell her to undress and lie down. She does and you admire her MILF body. Then you mount her, sitting over her stomach and putting your cock between her tits.
<h5>Nancy</h5><img src="media/characters/nancy/card.webp"><p>Use my tits, Master. I've been a bad slut.</p>
You slide a hand down to her pussy as you titfuck her, teasing her with your fingers.
<video loop autoplay muted>
<source src="media/characters/nancy/vid/tj1.webm">
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>You're nothing but a cum receptacle. A tease like you needs to be taught her place. And I'm gonna teach you.</p>
<h5>Nancy</h5><img src="media/characters/nancy/card.webp"><p>I'm a whore! I deserve to be punished! Teach me, Master! Show me my placeEEEEAAHHH!</p>
She bellows out as she approaches her orgasm, struggling to hold it in. You slow down and focus on her face. Her eyes are closed in concentration and her breathing is steady. After a few seconds, she looks up at you.
<h5>Nancy</h5><img src="media/characters/nancy/card.webp"><p>I didn't cum. It was so hard, but I did as you said, Master. I held it in. I didn't cum.</p>
You smile down at her and pat her face gently.
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>Good girl, it's my turn to cum, get ready my little cum dumpster.</p>
With that, you grab your cock and start jerking it over her chest.
<video loop autoplay muted>
<source src="media/characters/nancy/vid/facial1.webm">
<h5>Nancy</h5><img src="media/characters/nancy/card.webp"><p>Cover me! Cover your cum dumpster, Master! Mark me with your sperm so that everyone knows what a degenerate slut I am!</p>
After you dump your load on her tits, she immediately takes you into her mouth and works your cock. You don't even have the chance to go soft, your cock just stays hard. You consider your luck in finding this slut here tonight. //What other secrets are hiding in the Vanleer mansion?// You get up and tell Nancy to get on all fours.
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>Time to reinforce your place, whore.</p>
With that, Nancy gets in position and looks over her shoulder at you. Her look is filled with adoration, respect, even ''love''. She has probably held onto these feelings for a long time without finding a man to act on them. That time is over now.
<video loop autoplay muted>
<source src="media/characters/nancy/vid/doggy1.webm">
She moans and screams in joy as you pound her kitty from behind. You can tell she is struggling however, as she keeps taking deep breaths and grabs onto the sheets with a firm grip. At one point she bites into the sheets, all to keep control of her body and keep herself from orgasming.
<h5>Nancy</h5><img src="media/characters/nancy/card.webp"><p>Master! Please, may I cum? I need it, Master!</p>
You keep pounding into her as you look down at the broken maid.
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>Are you gonna be a good fuckslut from now on? Hmm? What have you learned today?</p>
She writhes in ecstatic agony and moans out before gathering herself.
<h5>Nancy</h5><img src="media/characters/nancy/card.webp"><p>I'll be good, Sir! I'm nothing but a three hole cum slut for you, Master! Anytime you want to use my holes to dump a load, I'm going to be ready. I'm a slut who deserves to be punished when I displease you, Master!</p>
You nod, satisfied.
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>That's a good little whore. You have my permission to cum.</p>
Before you can even finish your last word, she screams out in pleasure.
<h5>Nancy</h5><img src="media/characters/nancy/card.webp"><p>YEEEEEEAAAEEAEEEEESSSS!! OHMYGODOHMYGODOHMYGOOOOOOOODDDDD! AAAAAAAHHHHH!</p>
You can feel her pussy pulsing around you cock as she let's go all her pent up sexual energy into her orgasm. It goes on for a full two minutes, during which you keep hammering into her. At the end she breathes deeply, her body tired. You spank her ass once and remind her that you're not finished yet. You tilt her over to the side and get into position behind her. Then you enter her and begin fucking her sideways.
<video loop autoplay muted>
<source src="media/characters/nancy/vid/sideways1.webm">
As you fuck her, you notice she is completely out of it. Cum-drunk, that last orgasm took her into another dimension it seems like. You speed up as you feel yourself approaching the zenith, and release your load inside her. She moans out and another orgasm hits her as you fill her up, your cock pulsing inside her pussy. Her energy from earlier is gone and her voice is reduced to a whisper.
<h5>Nancy</h5><img src="media/characters/nancy/card.webp"><p><small>Yesss... Fill this cum receptacle up. I'm a dirty fucking slut. This is what I deserve, what I CRAVE. Yes, keep filling me, Sir. Thank you thank you thank youuuuu.</small></p>
With that, you go into the en suite and get cleaned up, leaving Nancy the maid on the bed, leaking and cum-drunk.
<<link[[Get back to the party.|Day 2-11]]>><</link>>
</div><div class="bar">
There is a crowd of people gathered around Emma, wishing her a happy birthday and congratulating her on her new job. Her grandmother Sylvia stands off to the side a little, watching with a smile. As you approach, the attention falls naturally to you.
<h5>Emma</h5><img src="media/characters/emma/card.webp"><p>$pcName! I'm so happy you could make it! It's been so long, how are you?</p>
Emma has always been nice, but you feel like the gem is making her exaggerate her familiarity with you. She looks at you, genuinely interested in hearing you answer. You reach out a hand and speak while waiting for her to take it.
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>I've been great, Emma. Congratulations. On your birthday, and on your new job. A beautiful celebration for a <span class="hypno">beautiful girl</span>.</p>
At that last part you look at Sylvia and raise your glass. She is looking at you, appraising you. At your gesture she smiles and nods softly while holding your eyes.
<h5>Emma</h5><img src="media/characters/emma/card.webp"><p>Thanks, I'm really excited to start in the family business.</p>
Her hand reaches yours and you hold on for a second, waiting for the effects of the gem.
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p><i>This beauty wants to be deflowered by a strong man. Her father couldn't deal with marrying into the Vanleer family and left while she was young. She is desperate for acceptance from the right male figure. That male figure could be me.</i></p>
You let go of each others hands and the conversation seems to be dying out. Emma looks nervous for a second, as the silence creeps in. Then she speaks, almost like she is afraid you'll walk away if she doesn't say something.
<h5>Emma</h5><img src="media/characters/emma/card.webp"><p>So, what are you doing? Are you on track to graduate soon?</p>
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>No, I actually took some time off after St. Ysolde's. I have a landscaping business that's going rather well. In fact, I just hired an employee yesterday. Remember Cody?</p>
Her nose scrunches at the mention of Cody's name. Now that you think about it, you haven't seen Cody tonight. Could it be that he wasn't invited? That would be a feat in itself, considering it feels like everyone and their mother is here.
<h5>Emma</h5><img src="media/characters/emma/card.webp"><p>Creepy Cody? I mean, maybe he's changed since school.</p>
You laugh at that and she smiles, thankful for not having upset you.
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>He's still a little creepy, but I've decided to give him a chance.</p>
<h5>Emma</h5><img src="media/characters/emma/card.webp"><p>Aww, that's so nice of you. I remember you were always so kind.</p>
You don't really know where she got that impression, but sure. Anything to help you get into her good graces. You glance over at her grandmother and see she is still eyeing you. //She definitely is attracted to me. But there is something else there, too.// She steps over to her granddaughter, joining the conversation.
<h5>Sylvia</h5><img src="media/characters/sylvia/card.webp"><p>Would you introduce me to this handsome young man, Emma?</p>
<h5>Emma</h5><img src="media/characters/emma/card.webp"><p>Of course, nana. This is $pcName, we went to school together.</p>
She reaches out a hand to shake, and you grab it. But instead of a handshake, you bring her hand to your lips and give it a kiss.
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p><i>She has always lamented not having male descendants. Now a handsome young man who her granddaughter seems to like appears. And he reminds her of her dead husband as well. A potential grandson-in-law. A handsome, sexy, grandson-in-law. Her mind is torn between having a grandson and sexual thoughts of a handsome young man who reminds her of her husband. After all, she hasn't been with anyone since her husband died all those years ago.</i></p>
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>A pleasure to meet you, <span class="hypno">Nana</span>. I see where Emma gets her beauty from. The apple does not fall far from the tree in this case.</p>
Both Sylvia and Emma blush at that, flattered by the compliment. //It's wild how cheesy lines I would never dare to use before work miracles now.//
<h5>Sylvia</h5><img src="media/characters/sylvia/card.webp"><p>What a well-mannered young man you are, $pcName. Are you dating Emma? If not, you should be.</p>
She is forward. A lifetime of being a businesswoman has probably taught her to keep people on their toes. You smile up at her before you answer. //Time to make a decision. Who am I going to pursue tonight?//
<span class="passage buttonContainer"><<button [[The young heiress|2-13-Emma]]>><</button>><<button [[The mature matriarch|2-13-Sylvia]]>><</button>></span>
</div><<set $emmaPath to true>><div class="bar">
You straighten up slowly and look at Emma while chuckling.
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>Does your grandma always play matchmaker for you?</p>
Emma is blushing profusely at this point and she turns to her grandmother.
<h5>Emma</h5><img src="media/characters/emma/card.webp"><p>Nana! Leave him alone! I'm sure he has better things to do than to entertain your nonsense!</p>
Just as Sylvia is about to reply, you interrupt.
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>Don't worry about it. I think it's sweet. And I happen to agree with her. We should go on a date.</p>
Emma turns even more red at that while Sylvia smiles.
<h5>Emma</h5><img src="media/characters/emma/card.webp"><p>O-oh. I didn't know- I mean uuhmm... I didn't know you were interested-</p>
You interrupt her.
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>In fact, why don't we start right now? Lets go for a walk, you can show me around and tell me about the place. I'd love to hear you talk about it.</p>
Emma finally exhales in relief, the situation seeming to have resolved itself in a way she is happy with.
<h5>Emma</h5><img src="media/characters/emma/card.webp"><p>Sure! Yeah, come with me, let's start in the gallery.</p>
<<link[[With that, you leave the hall with Emma.|2-13-Emma-2]]>><</link>>
</div><div class="bar">
You walk with Sylvia as she shows you around the mansion. A large library, a gallery with pieces each worth more money than you've probably ever seen in your life. Emma seems happy to show you. To spend time with you. You ask polite questions while getting a flirty line in every now and then, at which she always blushes.
At a certain point, you ask her about her family.
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>You seem to be very close to your grandma. That's sweet.</p>
<h5>Emma</h5><img src="media/characters/emma/card.webp"><p>Yeah, nana was always there, you know. My father abandoned us when I was young, and my mom died in a boating accident a few years later.</p>
//First her grandpa dies in a boating accident, then her mom? Damn, rich people and boats really don't mix well it seems.//
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>It must have been difficult growing up without your parents. I can relate to that.</p>
<h5>Emma</h5><img src="media/characters/emma/card.webp"><p>It was definitely tough at times, but my grandma has always been there for me. Taught me everything my mom would have.</p>
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>What about your dad? Your grandma seems like a formidable woman, but there are things she can't teach you the way a dad could. Same for vice versa, if you had a grandpa instead, I mean.</p>
She looks thoughtful for a second.
<h5>Emma</h5><img src="media/characters/emma/card.webp"><p>I suppose so, there have definitely been some tough moments, but we have gotten through them mostly...</p>
She is quiet for a second, contemplating. You wait for her to continue.
<h5>Emma</h5><img src="media/characters/emma/card.webp"><p>There are things that I know his absence has had effects on though. As cliched as it is, I definitely have daddy issues.</p>
She says and laughs. You join her and revel in her laughter. It makes you feel warm.
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>There's nothing wrong with that, we all have our issues in some way or other.</p>
<h5>Emma</h5><img src="media/characters/emma/card.webp"><p>Thanks for humoring me, it's been fun. And sorry about nana, she can be a bit pushy when it comes to me. We don't really have other family. It's just us, and she wants what's best for me.</p>
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>Well, I'm honored that she thinks <span class="hypno">I'm what's best for you</span>. And I want to be here with you, Emma. You're amazing. Intelligent, fun... ''hot''.</p>
You slowly step closer to her. You can tell her arousal is growing when you look at her eyes. She swallows and looks at you. You kiss her softly, then move back an inch. Her eyes are closed and her mouth searches for yours blindly. You move back in and resume the kiss. After a while of making out, you slide a hand down to her pussy and begin massaging her nether region.
<h5>Emma</h5><img src="media/characters/emma/card.webp"><p>I... I'm a virgin. I'm sorry, I don't think I'm ready to have sex.</p>
//I would have thought the gem would have her begging for it at this point. It seems my theory that some people are more resistant is true, though I don't really know ''why''.// You look at her and smile reassuringly as you try to come up with a plan.
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>That's ok, we don't have to do anything you're uncomfortable with. Sharing a kiss with Emma Vanleer, head cheerleader, most beautiful girl in our class is enough for me.</p>
//Well, fuck. I just screwed myself over, now she has the perfect out.// She is holding on to you, and isn't letting go. Her right hand slides slowly down to your crotch and she smiles at you.
<h5>Emma</h5><img src="media/characters/emma/card.webp"><p>I didn't say we have to end things right now, did I? Let me kiss you down there, too.</p>
<<link[[Fuck yes.|2-13-Emma-3]]>><</link>>
</div><div class="bar">
You follow Sylvia into her office, which is quite a walk away from the ballroom. Once you arrive, she turns around and looks at you with an inquisitive look.
<h5>Sylvia</h5><img src="media/characters/sylvia/card.webp"><p>What is your business proposition, young man?</p>
You eye her up and down, taking in her trophy wife look. The hair, the fake tits, the tan.
<img src="media/characters/sylvia/2-13.webp" class="imgBorder sylvia">
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>I don't have a business proposition.</p>
She stares at you for a minute, her breathing slowed. She notices the way you look at her, and the sexual tension between you is increasing by the second. She gathers herself, clears her throat and speaks.
<h5>Sylvia</h5><img src="media/characters/sylvia/card.webp"><p>Then why are we here? I thought maybe you would be interested in expanding your business and were looking for an investor. I could be convinced to help you out, if you did me a favor of course.</p>
Your interest is piqued slightly.
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>Oh? And what favor would that be?</p>
<h5>Sylvia</h5><img src="media/characters/sylvia/card.webp"><p>I want you to take Emma out for a date. She's an amazing and beautiful young woman, and you are an ambitious and... ''handsome'' young man. I'm sure you would get along very well.</p>
//She is still looking out for her granddaughter. That's not who I'm interested in right now though.//
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>You want me to take your granddaughter out in exchange for an investment? It sounds like you want me to prostitute myself.</p>
She gets a little flustered at the thought of you and Emma having sex.
<h5>Sylvia</h5><img src="media/characters/sylvia/card.webp"><p>No, I just want you to get to know each other a little better. What happens after is your business.</p>
You step closer to her.
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>What if I'm not interested in going out with your granddaughter for money. What if what I actually want is to get to know ''you'' a little better, <span class="hypno">Nana</span>?</p>
The two of you look into each other's eyes as she takes deep, slow breaths. Her arousal is visible on her body. You step closer to her and slide your hand from her hip to her ass as you close in. She moans and you move your lips to hers, kissing her. Your tongue probes into her mouth and she accepts without any resistance. After a few seconds, you break the kiss and look at her. She looks back at you, a million thoughts going through her head. Finally, her hand reaches up to your head and she caresses your face.
<h5>Sylvia</h5><img src="media/characters/sylvia/card.webp"><p>Nana's boy... You're such a handsome young man. Are you horny, baby? Do you want grandma to take care of it for you?</p>
<<link[["Yes, Nana."|2-13-Sylvia-3]]>><</link>>
</div><div class="bar">
Sylvia takes off her clothes while you make out with each other, and before you know it she is on her knees in front of you.
<h5>Sylvia</h5><img src="media/characters/sylvia/card.webp"><p>You're so hard. Did grandma make you this horny, baby? I never would have thought I could have this effect on you, honey. Let your Nana take care of it for you, it must feel so uncomfortable to have such a hard cock squeezed into your pants.</p>
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>Please, <span class="hypno">Nana</span>. You're so sexy. It's so hard to be around you without my cock getting hard instantly. <span class="hypno">Take care of it for me, please</span>.</p>
She smiles sympathetically up at you and rubs a hand over your chest while the other guides your cock into her mouth.
<video loop autoplay muted>
<source src="media/characters/sylvia/vid/bj1.webm">
This woman is a seasoned professional, or a natural talent, or both. She works your cock with vigor, a steady rhythm which she knows exactly when to switch up. Slow, then fast, sucking your head while working your shaft with her hand, then taking your whole cock in her throat with every stroke.
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>Your mouth feels so good, Nana. It's the best. Thank you for helping me out, I don't know what I would do without you. <span class="hypno">You're the best grandma a grandson could ever ask for.</span></p>
You say, enjoying the roleplay yourself, while also knowing it's doing wonders for her. As a matter of fact, her voice vibrates through your cock as she moans out an orgasm from the dirty fantasy you've created with each other.
<h5>Sylvia</h5><img src="media/characters/sylvia/card.webp"><p>MMMMMMHHHHHHHNNNNNNN!</p>
She takes your dick out of her mouth for a second and smiles up at you while her hand takes over stimulating your tool.
<h5>Sylvia</h5><img src="media/characters/sylvia/card.webp"><p>You're the best grandson I could ever ask for, baby. Anytime you need grandma's help, you just let me know and I'll be there to help you out.</p>
With that, she takes you back into her mouth and starts sucking in earnest, clearly trying to drive you to an orgasm. And she is succeeding. You feel yourself approaching the edge and let her know. She keeps sucking you while telling you in muffled voice to let it go, and you obey.
<video loop autoplay muted>
<source src="media/characters/sylvia/vid/bj2.webm">
She swallows everything you give her and smiles up at you afterwards. Your tank is empty considering all your trysts from earlier in the day, so you decide to end it here. You get dressed, but not without a break to suck her big tits once or twice. Afterwards, you exchange contact info and return to the party.
</div><div class="bar">
Emma leads you to a quiet place where you won't get interrupted and you both take your clothes off. You explore her body with your hands, feeling her soft perky tits, her erect nipples. Emma kisses you while steadily working your cock with her hands, then she directs you to take a seat.
<h5>Emma</h5><img src="media/characters/emma/card.webp"><p>Let me get a taste, baby.</p>
<video loop autoplay muted>
<source src="media/characters/emma/vid/1bj1.webm">
She takes you into her mouth and swallows you as far as she can. Her warm wet throat envelops you and you exhale in satisfaction.
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>That's right, just like that. <span class="hypno">You're such a good girl for Daddy</span>.</p>
She moans audibly with your cock in her throat, clearly enjoying the dirty talk. Her hand starts working overtime on her pussy. She keeps working your cock for a while, before taking it out of her mouth to breathe.
<h5>Emma</h5><img src="media/characters/emma/card.webp"><p>I wanna be good for you, Daddy. I wanna please you.</p>
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p><span class="hypno">Keep going, princess. Daddy loves it.</span></p>
<video loop autoplay muted>
<source src="media/characters/emma/vid/1bj2.webm">
She keeps sucking, desperate to please you. Slow, fast, tender, passionate, she switches up like she has a sixth sense for what feels best at a given time. She is fingering herself and seems to be close to orgasm from what you can tell. //Maybe I can push her over the edge with a few words.//
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p><span class="hypno">Good girl.</span> You're gonna make Daddy cum soon, baby. Daddy wants you to cum first though. Can you do that for me? Can you <span class="hypno">cum for Daddy</span>?</p>
At that, you feel her muffled moans coming through your cock as she has an orgasm. Her blowjob slows down, she keeps sucking just your head as her eyes close and she rides out her orgasm. You caress her hair and whisper sweet nothings, telling her she's a good girl, how proud you are of her for doing such a good job sucking your cock. This seems to prolong her orgasm, but she keeps steadily sucking the head of your cock all the while. You can feel yourself approaching the end and tell her to focus on you.
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>I'm close, baby. Focus on me now, ok? Daddy is so close to cumming from the great job you're doing princess.</p>
At this, she picks up the tempo again and soon you feel yourself cumming into her mouth. She swallows as she keeps her mouth moving up and down on your dick.
<video loop autoplay muted>
<source src="media/characters/emma/vid/1bj3.webm">
Your tank is empty considering all your trysts from earlier in the day, so you decide to end it here. Afterwards, you get dressed and make out a little more. Then you decide to head back to the party, but not before she takes your number so you can take her out for a proper date.
</div><div class="bar">
You walk through the long hallways of the mansion towards the ballroom where the party is still ongoing. You are starting to feel the fatigue from using the powers of the gem. //I even used it less today than yesterday, but I still feel it. Maybe I went too far yesterday and I'm gonna feel the effects for a few days?// As you're admiring the details on the walls, the carved wood, the paintings and sculptures on display, the power dies. Darkness envelops the mansion. The music from the party which you could hear faintly is now completely gone. You can hear some vague murmurs, people are wondering what's going on.
You look around you, there is still some visibility on account of the moonlight seeping in through the windows. Out of the corner of your eye, you see something. There, in front of a window illuminated by moonlight, stands a... shape? A dark shadowy mass, like a cloud of blackness, writhes in the air. You stand still, unsure of what you're looking at. It moves. Slowly, but steadily, it creeps towards you. You back away, not quite sure whether to believe what you're seeing is real.
<img src="media/scenery/2-14-shadow.webp">
Suddenly, you feel a wall hit your back. The shadow is close. You look to your right, get ready to dash, but it's too late. The shadowy mass stretches out gaseous tendrils and wraps around you. A loud ringing noise overwhelms your ears. Your heartbeat slows down. Your vision begins darkening. //Is this the end? Is this how I die?// Warmth is leaving your body, and so is hope. You look around again while you still can, and then you see her.
<img src="media/characters/hayden/intro2.webp" class="imgBorder blackRose">
Down the hall in the direction you came from, Hayden is standing. She is looking at you, at the mass. Her look is one of contemplation, not of shock though. //Why isn't she doing anything? HELP ME! SCREAM OUT FOR SOMEONE TO HELP!// She looks conflicted for a second, but then determination takes over. Her hand begins glowing with a pale red light. She stretches her hand out as she speaks words in an obscure language and the light extends towards you.
<img src="media/scenery/2-14-spell.webp">
@@.names;*FLASH*@@ You're completely overwhelmed for a second, losing all vision and hearing. Then the light dies down. You're still in the hallway. The ringing begins to fade. Your vision is returning. Your heart speeds up and is pumping overtime now. The shadow is gone. Shocked, you take quick deep breaths and look up at Hayden.
<h5>Hayden</h5><img src="media/characters/hayden/card.webp"><p>You'll be fine. Get up, we need to leave.</p>
You catch your breath and find your voice.
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>Whoa, wait a second. What the fuck was that? What just happened? What did you do? Was that magic?</p>
<h5>Hayden</h5><img src="media/characters/hayden/card.webp"><p>Something like that. Listen, we don't have time for this, we need to leave. There's another one coming, and it's bigger. More dangerous. We need to get somewhere safe before it gets here and starts killing people.</p>
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>But if we leave, what's to stop it from coming here and killing them anyways?</p>
<h5>Hayden</h5><img src="media/characters/hayden/card.webp"><p>It's here for the ''gem''. It's here for ''you''. It can sense you. We need to leave. Now.</p>
//She knows about the gem?// Unsure of, well anything at this point, you consider the fact that she did just save your life, so you decide to join her. You get up, steadying yourself on the wall.
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>Lead the way.</p>
She nods and walks ahead of you, towards one of the many exits.
<<link[[Fatigued, you follow, shuffling along.|2-15]]>><</link>>
</div><div class="bar">
Hayden leads you out of the mansion and into the forest on the northwestern side. She isn't even jogging, just walking at a brisk pace. To you she might as well be sprinting though. Your muscles ache from that... thing you encountered, along with the fatigue from the day's sexual escapades catching up to you. As you're walking, you see a blueish white glow emanate from Hayden's hand while she keeps walking. You follow, and as you get closer to the spot where her hand began glowing, you can see a shimmer in the air, like a force field. Hayden notices you've stopped and urges you to come. You walk into the transparent barrier and feel a tingling sensation travel through your body. On the other side, you feel normal again.
You reach a moonlit clearing after what feels like a miles long walk. At the opposite edge of the clearing, there is a cottage. It's built in a style similar to the buildings of the Vanleer estate.
<img src="media/scenery/2-15-clearing.webp">
The two of you rush over to the cottage and Hayden opens the door, guiding you in. Inside, you see two figures. It takes you a second, but you recognize them.
<img src="media/scenery/prologue/blackroseintro1.webp" class="imgBorder blackRose">
//Seeing them wasn't an accident. Who are they?// Before you can voice any questions you may have, the one in red speaks up.
<h5>Morgan</h5><img src="media/characters/morgan/card.webp"><p>Were you followed?</p>
Her question is directed at Hayden.
<h5>Hayden</h5><img src="media/characters/hayden/card.webp"><p>We're clear. I got the scout. Saved his life in the process.</p>
She nods towards you.
<h5>Anne</h5><img src="media/characters/anne/card.webp"><p>Good work, Hayden. I told you my apprentice could handle it.</p>
The third woman says with a hint of smugness, directed at the lady in red.
<h5>Morgan</h5><img src="media/characters/morgan/card.webp"><p>I didn't doubt her abilities. I doubted ''him''.</p>
She replies and looks at you. You want to ask questions but you are still catching your breath, that shadow-thing took a lot out of you. Your voice seems to be gone for now.
<h5>Hayden</h5><img src="media/characters/hayden/card.webp"><p>He didn't try using it earlier today at the office, and my protection charm shielded me from the passive effects. He definitely used it on Deanna though. I'm not sure how much he knows about it yet, if anything. We should get ready, Mistress. The big one is still coming.</p>
<h5>Morgan</h5><img src="media/characters/morgan/card.webp"><p>You're right. He seems too out of it to cause any trouble anyways. Anne, would you please join me outside. Hayden, bring him out and put him in the circle. Everything else is ready.</p>
Before you can even protest, Hayden walks over to you and grabs your arm. You resist, not sure you want to find out what they're planning. Hayden gives you a look, almost as if she's remembering you're a human being with your own thoughts and feelings.
<h5>Hayden</h5><img src="media/characters/hayden/card.webp"><p>Come on, we need you as bait to kill the main body of the ''Shadow''.</p>
//What the fuck? Bait?// You swat at the hand that holds you and shake yourself free. Hayden gets a determined look on her face and looks like she is about to grab you again when the woman from the car yesterday waves her off and comes up to you.
<h5>Anne</h5><img src="media/characters/anne/card.webp"><p>You must be terribly confused. My name is Anne. You already know Hayden, I understand? The serious lady over there is Morgan. Don't worry, if we wanted you dead, Hayden would have let you die in the mansion. Or we would have killed you as soon as you entered.</p>
//Well that's great consolation.// She continues.
<h5>Anne</h5><img src="media/characters/anne/card.webp"><p>The thing that came for you was just a scout. It separates itself into smaller pieces and then finds it's target. It left a mark on you, so it knows where you are now. We need to kill it before it kills you or wreaks havoc at the party. It'll be quick, but we need you outside to lure it in.</p>
Her voice is comforting and convincing. She keeps eye contact with you and her eyes are like deep pools of blue water. You want to bathe in them. //I suppose it's best for everyone if we kill this thing. I don't want innocent people to die. I also don't want these beautiful eyes to be sad.// You nod and Anne smiles at you.
<h5>Anne</h5><img src="media/characters/anne/card.webp"><p>Great! Follow Hayden, she will show you where you need to stand, and me and Morgan will get ready for the Shadow.</p>
You nod, a warmth fills you when you see the lady happy. She turns around and leaves after Morgan. Hayden tells you to follow and you fight your instinct to lie down and instead, you follow. As soon as the cold air outside hits you, you feel a shift in your mind. //What just happened? Why did I obey so easily?// You look up and towards the Anne woman, her back is to you and she is walking towards the circle ahead of you. //Her eyes are so beautiful.// You think to yourself, and realize that's reason enough.
You make it to the circle and Hayden directs you to stand in the middle. There are carvings in the stones around here. It all looks ancient. //Why haven't I ever heard of this place before? Maybe it has something to do with that weird barrier thing we passed through?//
<h5>Morgan</h5><img src="media/characters/morgan/card.webp"><p>Anne, get ready. It's about to break through.</p>
You hear a faint thumping in the distance in the direction you came from. You look up and see the sky itself seems to be bulging with every thump. THUMP. THUMP. THUMP! With the last one, the sky seems to break, but you quickly realize from the visual that it's the barrier you passed through earlier. Where the barrier broke, a black cloud appears. In an instant, it rushes toward you at an insane speed. You heart begins pounding and just as you turn around to begin running, your eyes meet Anne's again. She looks intensely at you without saying a word. //Blue. Water. Bathing.// You calm down and stop thinking about running. You're about to turn back towards the cloud when the runes on the stones light up and Anne shouts.
<h5>Anne</h5><img src="media/characters/anne/card.webp"><p>Hayden, now!</p>
You turn and see the Shadow inches from your face, a tendril of black smoke reaching out. But before you can react, a force pulls you backwards. You fly through the air like someone threw a pillow, and land just outside the circle. Standing above you is Hayden, looking like she just exerted herself immensely. One hand goes to her head, while the other catches the ground as she falls to her knees next to you. She moans in pain. You look back at the circle.
<img src="media/scenery/2-15-shadow.webp">
The writhing mass seems to have shrunk, but hasn't lost any of it's vigor. It floats in the middle of the circle, exactly where you were standing moments ago. It seems to be somewhat locked in place. Tendrils shoot out from the mass, swatting here and there, but it doesn't reach far. An invisible force seems to limit it, almost like it's been caged.
Morgan begins chanting in an obscure language, and Anne soon joins her. Their eyes produce a bright light which grows by the moment until you become almost blinded. You hold a hand over your face, trying to watch the Shadow. It's lashing out more desperately now. The brightness continues to increase until it reaches a point where you can see nothing but white, and then. Silence. The lights abruptly disappears and with it, the Shadow. The women are breathing deeply, tired from whatever spell they just cast. Anne puts a hand to her chest, while Morgan remains composed. Hayden is still on her hands and knees, hyperventilating. Her nose is bleeding. You touch your own nose and look at your hand. Your nose is bleeding too. //That's funny.//
<<link[[You lose consciousness.|3-0-1]]>><</link>>
</div><div class="bar">
This is the end of the current version.
Let me know what you think on f95zone, I am hungry for some (hopefully good) feedback.
I hope you enjoyed it so far!
PS. I'm not sure if saves will be compatible because I might change some variables for the next version. If you're going to save though, go back one page and save there.
</div>[[Changelog]]<span class="slowfade"><<timed 1s t8n>><div class="bar">
The sun is setting on the horizon. Relaxing music plays in the background as you rest. Around you, various women in various states of undress are lounging, bathing in a pool, walking here and there. Your harem. You take in the sight before you're nudged by someone on your right. You turn and see a beautiful woman holding a cluster of grapes in one hand. You nod, and she brings the grapes to your mouth and you bite one, tearing it from the cluster. //Serenity.// You revel in the affections of the women around you as you forget all about your worries.
<img src="media/scenery/3-0-terrace.webp">
Time flies as you relish in the debauchery of your harem. The women are all focused on your pleasure, attending to all your needs and wants.
<h5>Stranger</h5><img src="media/characters/men/eliphas.webp"><p>Enjoying yourself, are you?</p>
A voice speaks directly into your mind. You freeze, the malice in the words obvious. Your harem does not seem to notice. You sit up and look around. Nothing. You turn back and your once serene harem is in tatters.
<img src="media/scenery/3-0-terrace-fire.webp">
Fire is consuming the terrace. Women are running around, screaming. Some are on their knees praying, begging for mercy from someone. //From who?//
<h5>Stranger</h5><img src="media/characters/men/eliphas.webp"><p>From me.</p>
<img src="media/scenery/eliphas.webp">
A dark figure stands before you. You're not in your harem anymore. You're standing in a black void, only you and the stranger are here. You find your voice.
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>Who are you?</p>
You cannot make out the stranger's face yet you can feel his eyes on you.
<h5>Stranger</h5><img src="media/characters/men/eliphas.webp"><p>I am your doom, boy. By grasping the stone, you have sealed your fate. The power of the //Lapis Arcanum// is MINE!</p>
At his last word, his hand shoots outward and a shadowy tendril flies from it. Before you can react, the tendril reaches you. Your heartbeat slows as it grasps onto you, wrapping itself around your torso. Hope leaves you like the air you breathe out from your lungs. Your vision darkens until there is nothing but blackness.
<<link[[You wake up.|3-1-1]]>><</link>>
</div><</timed>></span><div class="bar">
You shoot up from the bed you find yourself in. //A dream. More like a nightmare.// Looking around, you realize you're in the cottage from last night. //Where are my clothes?// You wonder as you look down and notice you're naked and covered in sweat. You get up from the bed carefully and search for your clothes. They aren't in the room. You open the door into the hallway and slowly step out, looking around. //There's no one here.// You think to yourself just before you hear a voice from a connected room down the hall, out of sight.
<h5>Morgan</h5><img src="media/characters/morgan/card.webp"><p>Your clothes are in the bathroom, across from where you slept. Take a shower and get dressed, then come here.</p>
You recognize the voice from yesterday. //If they wanted me dead they probably would have killed me by now. Let's play along for now, at least.// The warm water from the shower feels exhilaratingly refreshing on your skin. You still don't feel 100% after your encounter with the ''Shadow'', but you're on the way there.
You finish and get dressed, then follow the relatively short hallway down into a living room/kitchen area. At a bench built into the wall the woman Morgan is sitting, reading a book that looks to be at least a 100 years old. She looks up at you as you enter, her eyes scanning you like a cat ready to pounce at any moment.
<img src="media/characters/morgan/3-1-1.webp" class="imgBorder blackRose">
<h5>Morgan</h5><img src="media/characters/morgan/card.webp"><p>Slept well?</p>
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>No, it was pretty horrible actually. I even had a nightmare. That hasn't happened to me in years. Some creepy guy in a robe somehow burned down my har-''house'' while he talked about the power of the stone being his.</p>
She perks up as you explain your dream, specifically about the part with the stone. You look at her questioningly.
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>I'm guessing you know something?</p>
She nods slowly while looking far away, rifling through deep thoughts. She doesn't say anything for a few seconds, so your eyes scan the table. Food. You take a seat and begin eating, you hadn't even noticed how big your appetite was until now. As you're biting deep into a tomato, juices flying everywhere, she speaks.
<h5>Morgan</h5><img src="media/characters/morgan/card.webp"><p>We have a lot of ground to cover before I want to ask something of you. I'll explain while you eat.</p>
You nod and take another bite of the juiciest tomato you've ever had.
<h5>Morgan</h5><img src="media/characters/morgan/card.webp"><p>As you might have guessed, I am a witch. So is Anne. Hayden is her apprentice. The three of us make up ''The Black Rose Coven''. There are two other covens in town. One is ''The Azure Star'', and the other which you will become more familiar with in the near future is ''The Scarlet Sigil''. We coexist in peace and protect Rosewood together from evil forces.</p>
Morgan considers you again, thinking of how to bring up this next part.
<h5>Morgan</h5><img src="media/characters/morgan/card.webp"><p>The //Lapis Arcanum.//</p>
You pause from the bite of bread you were about to take, looking at her. //That's what the Stranger called the gem in my dream.// She notices your look.
<h5>Morgan</h5><img src="media/characters/morgan/card.webp"><p>Have you heard the term before?</p>
You decide to tell her about your dream.
<h5>Morgan</h5><img src="media/characters/morgan/card.webp"><p>The stranger from your dream is called Eliphas. He is the reason I summoned the gem.</p>
You perk up with interest.
<h5>Morgan</h5><img src="media/characters/morgan/card.webp"><p>Some 300 years ago, a warlock named Eliphas came into possession of the gem. He used the power of the gem to enthrall and bring Rosewood under his control. He made a pact with a demon for more power. In the end, the predecessors of our covens managed to defeat Eliphas. They did not however, manage to kill him. Instead, they sealed him away in a prison behind 13 seals. As you might guess, the seals are breaking and Eliphas is close to breaking free.</p>
She takes a small break, letting that information sink in before she continues.
<h5>Morgan</h5><img src="media/characters/morgan/card.webp"><p>The gem is one of the most powerful magical artifacts to ever exist. There can only be one gem. Eliphas has it, and now so do you.</p>
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>That... doesn't make sense.</p>
<h5>Morgan</h5><img src="media/characters/morgan/card.webp"><p>When the gem is grasped by a person, it bonds to them. They absorb the gem and it becomes a part of them, if they can survive the process. That's what happened to you. As long as you're alive, the gem cannot be summoned again. Eliphas went through the same process, but when he was defeated, his mortal form was destroyed. He managed to save a part of his soul, which is what was imprisoned. The gem exists in a limbo, letting go of Eliphas once his form was destroyed, but not completely. A part of it is still bonded to his soul. That part probably helped him find you, and he doesn't like sharing. He sent that Shadow after you yesterday, and he is the one who terrorizes your sleep.</p>
You take in the information, trying to make sense of it.
<h5>Morgan</h5><img src="media/characters/morgan/card.webp"><p>My theory was that by summoning the gem again, I could absorb it and cripple Eliphas by forcing the gem to share its power with another user. Except, the ritual went wrong as that ritual has always done, and the gem landed in the middle of the forest instead of in my study. You somehow came upon it that evening I imagine, and grasped the gem. Even more impressively, you survived.</p>
You nod, surprised at how accurate her information is.
<h5>Morgan</h5><img src="media/characters/morgan/card.webp"><p>And since, you have had no clue what has happened to you, except for the fact that people seem more amenable to you and sometimes they will do as you tell them. What else have you learned? Can you read the thoughts of others? Can you change their physical forms?</p>
//Changing physical forms? I can transform people?// You shake your head and pipe up.
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>I can read some thoughts when I get physical contact with someone. I know nothing about transforming people, though. Is that possible?</p>
She eyes you intently, trying to make out whether you are keeping something from her.
<h5>Morgan</h5><img src="media/characters/morgan/card.webp"><p>We might get to that later. Don't worry about it for now. Now it's time for me to ask something of you. The gem was never meant for you, you were not supposed to be a part of this. But you are. We need all the help we can get to help fight against Eliphas when he eventually breaks free from the Tridecagon he was locked within. Will you help us? In return, we can teach you how to protect yourself, and even help you master the gem.</p>
You pause to consider everything you've learned. An evil wizard wants you dead. You apparently have a powerful magical artifact that you don't really know how to use except for getting laid. Really hot witches are asking for your help. //This is really a no-brainer.// Do you have any questions for Morgan?
<<link[[The gem.|3-1-1-a]]>><</link>>
<<link[[The witches.|3-1-1-b]]>><</link>>
<<link[[How did you find me?|3-1-1-d]]>><</link>>
<<link[[I don't have any questions.|3-1-2]]>><</link>>
</div><div class="bar">
You agree to ally with the witches. It's your best bet to stay alive in the long run, and it's probably "the right thing to do" or whatever. It also helps that the witches you've seen so far are really hot.
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>So, what now?</p>
Morgan breathes out a sigh of relief at your agreement. It seems like she is happy at the way this has turned out so far.
<h5>Morgan</h5><img src="media/characters/morgan/card.webp"><p>Eliphas has contacted you in your dreams. From what you've told me, it doesn't seem like he can do too much harm, yet. That could change though. I can also sense the energy you give off through the gem from quite a distance. Someone else may be able to sense it as well. I have cast a ward on you which will last for a few days. It hides your signature, making it less likely Eliphas will find you again. Your next stop will be with ''The Scarlet Sigil''. They will teach you to ward yourself, physically, mentally, and to hide your energy so it can't be detected as easily. Before that though, I need to speak to their leader. I have to inform the others of recent developments and let them know to prepare your training. It'll be a couple of days. You are free meanwhile, just try to stay out of trouble.</p>
She looks at you with an empty expression.
<h5>Morgan</h5><img src="media/characters/morgan/card.webp"><p>You can leave now. Go the same way you came in, I've made sure the ward will recognize you.</p>
//That's it? Ok, I guess.// You nod and say goodbye before turning around and heading out the door. On your way out, Morgan adds that Hayden has your number and will be in contact.
<<link[[Go home for breakfast|3-2-1]]>><</link>>
</div><div class="bar">
Eliphas was once a wretch of a man. Then one day, a witch performed the ritual to summon the gem and the ritual went wrong //as it always does//. The gem landed far away from the ritual site, and Eliphas happened upon it. With his new power, he quickly showed himself to be ambitious. He charmed people around town and eventually managed to charm a witch. She then let him in on the world of magic and Eliphas' ambitions grew. He learned more from the witch and summoned a demon whom he made a deal with for more power. He turned the people around him into worshipful drones, and the ones who resisted, he killed.
Eventually, the three covens managed to defeat Eliphas. He was locked in the Tridecagon behind 13 seals. These seals have been eroded, broken, or unlocked over time to the point where only one seal remains. The 13th seal set conditions upon the order in which the other seals had to be broken, and without breaking these seals in the correct order, this one could never break. Alas, Eliphas has retained a cult following since his imprisonment who has helped him from the outside. Eliphas is now powerful enough to speak to others in their dreams, as well. In coordination, all the prerequisites have been met for unlocking the 13th seal. Now, all that is left is to wait for the next eclipse, at which point the 13th seal will unlock and Eliphas will be free again to terrorize and dominate Rosewood and beyond.
<<link[[The gem.|3-1-1-a]]>><</link>>
<<link[[The witches.|3-1-1-b]]>><</link>>
<<link[[How did you find me?|3-1-1-d]]>><</link>>
<<link[[I don't have any more questions.|3-1-2]]>><</link>>
</div><div class="bar">
The three covens of Rosewood are charged with protecting the town. Since Eliphas' imprisonment, this has been one of their chief duties. When the warlock was defeated all those years ago, the witches of the time knew that they had only postponed the true final fight. They emphasized to their descendants that they must prepare for his return, and come up with a way to defeat him once and for all.
Not all the covens have taken the quest as seriously as some.
''The Black Rose'' is the smallest coven at three members, but this is by design. Two full witches, and one apprentice. The senior witch is the leader, and the younger takes an apprentice. This coven, lead by Morgan, is the most powerful of the three. She has taken the threat of Eliphas seriously and has dedicated a large part of her life to finding ways of defeating him. Now you have been caught in this web and become part of this plan.
''The Scarlet Sigil'' is the largest coven in Rosewood. Their focus lies primarily in fighting and protecting. They train for combat, and fight threats that appear in or around Rosewood primarily. Sometimes, distant covens will call for aid from the Scarlet Sigil, and they will answer by sending a few witches. They also excel at personal wards, whether physical, mental, or otherwise. This is where you will start your training, learning wards to protect yourself and hide yourself from Eliphas' knowing eye.
''The Azure Star'' is the last coven. The way Morgan explains it, this coven focuses on acquisitions and public relations. //Pommier Inc.// is the front for this coven, a real company performing real business. Behind the scenes though, a lot of the money from this venture gets funneled into obtaining rare reagents and ingredients for rituals and spells, as well as obscure arcane knowledge. They have also historically funded or influenced candidates for various public offices who may have been too nosy when it came to the covens.
<<link[[The gem.|3-1-1-a]]>><</link>>
<<link[[How did you find me?|3-1-1-d]]>><</link>>
<<link[[I don't have any more questions.|3-1-2]]>><</link>>
</div><div class="bar">
//Lapis Arcanum.// The Philosopher's Stone. The Gem. Known by many names and subject of many myths. The stone is one, and there are none like it.
Morgan performed a ritual to summon the stone in hopes of not only weakening Eliphas, but also using the gem's power against him.
Many powers have been accredited to the gem in various myths and writings, but few have been confirmed. Morgan believes with certainty in a few abilities which she tells you about. It has the ability to alter people's perceptions and transform them. Another ability is the reading of thoughts. Lastly, she hestitantly tells you about the ability of mind-controlling others. She explains that this ability was Eliphas' favorite and that he used this liberally to subjugate those around him.
The powers you have gained can be trained to increase their potency or to unlock new abilities, much like you can train your body to become stronger or faster or able to perform feats that you were incapable of.
<<link[[The witches.|3-1-1-b]]>><</link>>
<<link[[How did you find me?|3-1-1-d]]>><</link>>
<<link[[I don't have any more questions.|3-1-2]]>><</link>>
</div><div class="bar">
<h5>Morgan</h5><img src="media/characters/morgan/card.webp"><p>I spent the night learning where the gem landed and went there in the morning. When you drove past, I detected the energy from the gem. I memorized your license plates and we looked you up in the registry. Just because we're witches doesn't mean we use magic for everything, you know.</p>
<<link[[The gem.|3-1-1-a]]>><</link>>
<<link[[The witches.|3-1-1-b]]>><</link>>
<<link[[I don't have any more questions.|3-1-2]]>><</link>>
</div><div class="bar">
You double back through the forest and get to the Vanleer mansion. Your car is still there, all by it's lonesome. The other cars from last night are all gone. Checking your phone, you see Colin sent some messages last night wondering where you were. You text him back and reply that you had too much to drink and passed out in the mansion.
You get in your car and head home. You'll probably be in time for brunch, which is great because you still feel hungry.
You think about everything you've learned over the last few days, but it's a lot to process. Before you know it, you're outside of the Hart residence. Entering the house, you hear Jane's voice, then a man's. //That's not Mitch.// You can't quite make out what they're saying so you carefully walk closer to the kitchen while staying out of sight.
<h5>Jane</h5><img src="media/characters/jane/card.webp"><p>-just wish you were home more. Mitch needs a positive male role model and has for years.</p>
<h5>Larry</h5><img src="media/characters/men/larry.webp"><p>Oh, and I'm not a positive male role model, now?</p>
<h5>Jane</h5><img src="media/characters/jane/card.webp"><p>That's not what I'm saying! The problem is that you're not here, you're always on a work trip somewhere!</p>
<h5>Larry</h5><img src="media/characters/men/larry.webp"><p>Well, I'm sorry for working hard to provide for my family!</p>
The conversation freezes there for a minute, before Jane's husband speaks again.
<h5>Larry</h5><img src="media/characters/men/larry.webp"><p>I... I'm sorry. You're right, honey. My father was always away, and I think I might have internalized that somehow. I should have been a more present husband and father. That will change soon, I promise. I'm working on something big right now, but once it's done things are gonna be different. I promise.</p>
//I doubt that.// Larry has never been a very present spouse or father in the time you've lived here. You barely know the guy, and you doubt Mitch or even Jane do either. Jane might have known him years ago, but whoever he is now is more of a stranger than a husband. //That spiel about internalizing his father's absence was sweet though, I should add that to my male manipulator notes.//
<h5>Jane</h5><img src="media/characters/jane/card.webp"><p>Yeah, right. It's been 20 years of this, but ''now'' you're gonna change? Mitch is a shut-in who spends more time jerking off to cartoon girls than talking to real ones or looking for a job or university combined, but you're gonna fix all of that "soon". You know what, forget I even asked.</p>
Wow, seems like Jane isn't buying his lies anymore. //That's new. Maybe I've had an effect on this.// You take this as your cue to interrupt them. Turning the corner into the kitchen, you spot Jane and Larry standing on either side of the kitchen counter.
<img src="media/characters/jane/3-2-1.webp" class="imgBorder jane">
Larry's face goes from shock at what Jane said, to worry when he spots you. He gives Jane a look as you enter, asking an unspoken "Did he hear us?". Jane is just looking at you, smiling. Her eyes seem to lose themselves in yours, forgetting what she just talked to her husband about. Finally, someone speaks.
<h5>Larry</h5><img src="media/characters/men/larry.webp"><p>Hey there, sport! It's been a while. How's the landscaping business treating you?</p>
You look at him. His tone is chipper and he is making all the right facial expressions, smiling at you, but something is ''off'' about it. Larry has always given you that impression. It's like the guy lives for his work and everything else he does in life he does because he's been told that's how you're supposed to do it. What is "it"? //Life, I guess.// It also doesn't help his case that he's married to Jane and is neglecting her.
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>Hey Larry. It's going well, I actually hired an old classmate the other day.</p>
Larry looks at you surprised.
<h5>Larry</h5><img src="media/characters/men/larry.webp"><p>Well, look at you growing your business! I'm proud of you sport.</p>
//This feels so fake.//
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>Yeah, thanks man.</p>
<h5>Larry</h5><img src="media/characters/men/larry.webp"><p>Maybe you should try out Mitch too, if you're recruiting.</p>
//Never in a million years// you think to yourself. You don't want Mitch to work for you, nor would Mitch ever consider getting a job. Just the thought of Mitch standing outside, bitching about how the lawnmower doesn't work or the hedge trimmer is too heavy makes you cringe in annoyance. //I'll say I'm open to it just to keep him off my back. Besides, Jane might appreciate it.//
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>If Mitch wants to try his hand at it, sure. He'll need to do a decent job though, I don't want dissatisfied customers.</p>
<h5>Larry</h5><img src="media/characters/men/larry.webp"><p>Great! I'll go talk to him about it right now.</p>
With that, Larry leaves. You and Jane look at each other as you stand alone in the kitchen. She smiles warmly at you.
<h5>Jane</h5><img src="media/characters/jane/card.webp"><p>You're such a good boy, baby. Thank you for giving Mitch a chance. You deserve a reward for that. You want mommy to give you a reward?</p>
<<link [[Fuck yes.|3-2-2]]>><</link>>
</div><div class="bar">
You walk up to Jane and share a kiss. Your tongues greet each other like long lost lovers.
<img src="media/kissing/2.webp">
<h5>Jane</h5><img src="media/characters/jane/card.webp"><p>Mmmmmmhh. Mommy missed her good boy. I missed your hands on my body, baby. Do you want to touch mommy?</p>
You nod as Jane reveals her tits to you, and your hands go to meet them. You knead her beautiful big boobs as Jane coos and encourages you further.
<video loop autoplay muted>
<source src="media/characters/jane/vid/3-2-2-grope.webm">
<h5>Jane</h5><img src="media/characters/jane/card.webp"><p>Yesss, that feels sooo nice, honey. It's time for your reward now.</p>
Jane squats down in front of you and fishes out your cock from your pants.
<h5>Jane</h5><img src="media/characters/jane/card.webp"><p>Oh my poor baby boy, it must so uncomfortable having such a big hard cock trapped in your pants. *She kisses your dick* Mommy is gonna make it all better now, just you watch.</p>
With a soft kiss, she takes your dick into her mouth and begins sucking right there in the kitchen.
<video loop autoplay muted>
<source src="media/characters/jane/vid/3-2-2-bj2.webm">
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>Yess mommy, that feels so good.</p>
She giggles a little around your cock and speeds up. Her tongue is massaging every part of your shaft as she moves her mouth back and forth along your length. Your mind is melting with pleasure at the sensations Jane is creating.
After a while Jane pulls her lips off your tool and looks at your face while jerking you off.
<h5>Jane</h5><img src="media/characters/jane/card.webp"><p>Mommy has a surprise for her big boy. Let's go to the living room to make ourselves a little more comfortable.</p>
She gets up and guides you with her hand on your cock into the adjoining living room. There, she pushes you down on the couch and puts her knees on either side of you, mounting you.
<h5>Jane</h5><img src="media/characters/jane/card.webp"><p>You're the only one who cares about mommy, baby. You deserve all of mommy's attention and love. This is your reward for being so good for mommy.</p>
With that, she sinks her kitty down onto your member. The slick, warm velvet that envelops you leaves you speechless as you moan out in ecstasy from finally feeling Jane's pussy. She begins riding you up and down, at first slow, then speeding up. Soon, you start fucking back, both of you feeding off the other's energy and pleasure.
<video loop autoplay muted>
<source src="media/characters/jane/vid/3-2-2-cg.webm">
<h5>Jane</h5><img src="media/characters/jane/card.webp"><p>Ooooooh, that's so good. It's been soooo looong, thank you honey. We just have to remember that we can't make too much noise, we don't want Larry or Mitch to hear us.</p>
You manage to keep the sound down, but Jane struggles. As you pound into her from below she lets out stifled moans, mewling as your cock makes itself at home inside her. She bites into her hand as she cums, muffling her cries a little. You slow down and grab the back of her head with one hand, pulling her closer to you. The two of you make out as Jane sensually grinds on top of you. You explore each other's mouths as you swap spit, passionate and wet.
Jane gets off and lies on her back on the couch, her fingers spreading her pussy.
<h5>Jane</h5><img src="media/characters/jane/card.webp"><p>Show mommy how strong you are, fuck mommy like a big boy.</p>
You position yourself and begin fucking her missionary while Jane talks dirty.
<video loop autoplay muted>
<source src="media/characters/jane/vid/3-2-2-missionary.webm">
<h5>Jane</h5><img src="media/characters/jane/card.webp"><p>Such a good boy, oh yes baby. Keep fucking mommy. You make me feel so good. Keep going baby. You deserve this baby, and so do I. No one appreciates mommy like you do. You're so good to mommy, and that makes mommy want to reward her good boy. Keep fucking mommy, I'm about to cummmMMMMMmmm!</p>
She gets loud as she cums this time, but you put your hand over her mouth to soften her cries, all while you keep fucking her.
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>That's right, mommy. I love you so much. I'll always be here to take care of you, just like you take care of me. Larry and Mitch are idiots to not see how amazing you are.</p>
She closes her eyes and softly moans out again in a mini-orgasm. You pull out and flip her over before inserting yourself into her again.
<video loop autoplay muted>
<source src="media/characters/jane/vid/3-2-2-doggy.webm">
Her ass jiggles as you hammer into her from behind. Jane is losing her mind at the pleasure, experiencing emotions she has never experienced before in her life. Her warm and wet pussy is drooling, staining both the couch beneath you as well as your crotch.
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>Mommy, I'm getting close. I can't hold it much longer.</p>
You probe to see what she's going to say.
<h5>Jane</h5><img src="media/characters/jane/card.webp"><p>Oh, my sweet baby boy! It must be so hard for you to hold it in for so long, just to make sure mommy feels good. You know what would make mommy feel ''really'' good, sweetheart? If you came inside mommy. Let go, baby. Give mommy all of your cummies.</p>
With that welcoming invitation, you speed up for the last sprint before the finish line. As you begin really fucking Jane, loud *plap* sounds can be heard from your collision with her ass. Jane moans out more, another orgasm creeping up on her just as your hits. You let loose, filling her womb with your sperm.
<h5>Jane</h5><img src="media/characters/jane/card.webp"><p>YEESSsss! Give mommy everything baby.</p>
Slowing down as you near the end of your orgasm, you bend over and make out with Jane as your final spurts fire into her. Pulling out, you observe her leaking pussy.
<video loop autoplay muted>
<source src="media/sex/creampie7.webm">
Suddenly, you hear someone walking up the stairs from the basement. You look at each other and jump into action, quickly getting dressed. You give Jane a last kiss before turning around and heading into the hallway. There you meet Larry coming from the basement.
<h5>Larry</h5><img src="media/characters/men/larry.webp"><p>Great news! Mitch is on board! Just text him when you've got a job lined up for him.</p>
//Oh, god.// You smile and pretend you're positively surprised. Larry excuses himself and heads into his home office, apparently he has some emails to send.
<<link [[You head to your room.|3-2-3]]>><</link>>
</div><div class="bar">
You lie in your room for a while, trying to relax. Your mind is going over everything you've experienced over the last few days, and even more on the things you went through last night and what you learned this morning. It gets to a point where you can't sit still with your thoughts, so you decide you need to do *something*.
You could go for a walk on a trail outside town. Layce Overlook has some nice paths to walk with a beautiful view of Rosewood. That might be a nice place to mull things over.
You could also go to the gym. You haven't been in a few days and while you suspect the gem may help your physicality, the feeling of tiredness after a good workout is nice in its own way.
Where do you want to go?
<small style="display: block; text-align: center;">//''(Click image to select)''//</small>
<span class="choiceHeading"><p>A peaceful hike is just what I need</p>
<p>Let's burn off some energy at the gym</p></span><span class="imgContainer" ><a data-passage="3-3-Donna"><img src="media/characters/donna/silhouette.webp" class="imgBorder donna"></a><a data-passage="3-3-Reyna"><img src="media/characters/reyna/silhouette.webp" class="imgBorder reyna"></a></span>
<p style="text-align: center;"><<link [[I could also just chill in my room. (SKIP)|3-4-1-skip]]>><</link>></p>
</div><<set $donnaPath to true>><div class="bar">
You decide to go for an idyllic walk in the forest, nothing like nature to help set you straight mentally. It's a short drive to the Layce Overlook trail base where you park your car.
Getting out, you notice there are three cars other than yours here. Two of them belong to dog-owners who are currently chatting while heading towards one of the shorter hikes. Their dogs are pulling at their harnesses to no avail, both small breeds lacking the strength to force movement from their owners. You decide to take the hike which leads to the overlook, and set off.
Walking up the slope you notice the beautiful melody of nature. The sound of birds chirping, a small stream in the distance. A gentle wind rustling though leaves. //Idyllic.// As you're walking, you see a figure in the distance. You can't make out much, but guess it's a woman from the long flowing blonde hair.
As you walk, you start thinking about your situation. //An evil warlock wants me dead because I have the gem. The gem which was summoned by a witch.// It's still difficult to wrap your mind around, but at the same time not nearly as difficult as you would have imagined. //That Shadow last night almost killed me, luckily Hayden was nearby to save me.// You wonder how "lucky" that actually was, Hayden probably decided to keep tabs on you after you met at Deanna's office. //The witches are going to teach me how to ward myself. Maybe some other stuff too, hopefully.// You find that you're somewhat excited at the prospect of mastering your magical abilities.
<<if $guardian > $dominator>><span style="color:rgb(51, 51, 153);">Allying with the witches is the right thing to do. While they seem to doubt you and your motivations, you understand where they're coming from if the last guy who had the gem tried to enslave the whole world. You have great power, and that means great responsibility. //Who knows, if I play my cards right I might have that harem from my dream for real. Even the witches won't be able to resist my dazzling charm.//</span>
<p style="text-align: center; color:rgb(100, 100, 100);"><small>You have more <span style="color:rgb(51, 51, 153);">Guardian</span> points than <span style="color:rgb(153, 0, 51);">Dominator</span> points. A different score would have reflected a different thought process.</small></p><<elseif $dominator > $guardian>><span style="color:rgb(153, 0, 51);">Allying with the witches gives you the highest survivability rate for now. They seem to doubt your motivations and are probably right to. Soon enough, the whole town will be your playground. //If I just bide my time, I can make the harem from my dream a reality. Even the witches won't be able to stand in my way.//</span>
<p style="text-align: center; color:rgb(100, 100, 100);"><small>You have more <span style="color:rgb(153, 0, 51);">Dominator</span> points than <span style="color:rgb(51, 51, 153);">Guardian</span> points. A different score would have reflected a different thought process.</small></p><<else>>WEEWOO YOUR VARIABLES ARE FUCKED. MOST LIKELY YOU EDITED THE SAVE AND CAUSED AN IMBALANCE. TRY SETTING EITHER <span style="color:rgb(153, 0, 51);">dominator</span> OR <span style="color:rgb(51, 51, 153);">guardian</span> TO BE HIGHER THAN THE OTHER, THEN COME BACK.<</if>>
Lost in your thoughts, you just now notice that you have almost caught up to the woman from earlier. You look at each other and you notice a flash of hunger in her eyes before it turns into... fear? She turns around and keeps walking along the trail ahead of you without saying a word. She speeds up for a while before trying to subtly look back at you. You keep going at you regular pace. Any time she gets too far away from you, she seems to slow down so you can catch up. //Weird.//
<video loop autoplay muted>
<source src="media/characters/donna/vid/3-3-walk.webm">
You keep going like this for a while, it's almost like she wants you to chase her. Before you know it, you're almost at the peak. The woman turns around and waits for you. This time she is looking right at you, and she looks incensed.
<<link [[Let's see what her issue is.|3-3-Donna-2]]>><</link>>
</div><<set $reynaPath to true>><div class="bar">
You decide to go lift some heavy things to help deal with your emotions. The drive to your gym in town isn't long and soon you're parked outside the building which contains your gym.
As you walk towards the entrance you notice there aren't too many cars parked here. It's still fairly early. It can get pretty busy here after people get off work. You're satisfied though, less chance of having to share machines and waiting for others to finish.
Inside the gym, you quickly get to work. You jump right into the weights and before long you feel the familiar burn in your body. You notice in the periphery that there are a couple of other people present in the gym, but you're too occupied with your thoughts and weights to look at anyone, much less talk to them.
As you're lifting, you start thinking about your situation. //An evil warlock wants me dead because I have the gem. The gem which was summoned by a witch.// It's still difficult to wrap your mind around, but at the same time not nearly as difficult as you would have imagined. //That Shadow last night almost killed me, luckily Hayden was nearby to save me.// You wonder how "lucky" that actually was, Hayden probably decided to keep tabs on you after you met at Deanna's office. //The witches are going to teach me how to ward myself. Maybe some other stuff too, hopefully.// You find that you're somewhat excited at the prospect of mastering your magical abilities.
<<if $guardian > $dominator>><span style="color:rgb(51, 51, 153);">Allying with the witches is the right thing to do. While they seem to doubt you and your motivations, you understand where they're coming from if the last guy who had the gem tried to enslave the whole world. You have great power, and that means great responsibility. //Who knows, if I play my cards right I might have that harem from my dream for real. Even the witches won't be able to resist my dazzling charm.//</span>
<p style="text-align: center; color:rgb(100, 100, 100);"><small>You have more Guardian points than Dominator points. A different score would have reflected a different thought process.</small></p><<elseif $dominator > $guardian>><span style="color:rgb(153, 0, 51);">Allying with the witches gives you the highest survivability rate for now. They seem to doubt your motivations and are probably right to. Soon enough, the whole town will be your playground. //If I just bide my time, I can make the harem from my dream a reality. Even the witches won't be able to stand in my way.//</span>
<p style="text-align: center; color:rgb(100, 100, 100);"><small>You have more Dominator points than Guardian points. A different score would have reflected a different thought process.</small></p><<else>>WEEWOO YOUR VARIABLES ARE FUCKED. MOST LIKELY YOU EDITED THE SAVE AND CAUSED AN EQUAL SCORE. TRY SETTING EITHER dominator OR guardian TO BE HIGHER THAN THE OTHER, THEN COME BACK.<</if>>
Finishing your last set, you feel that your whole upper body is tired. You still have some time and energy for cardio, though. //It would do me good with some extra conditioning these days.// Being familiar with this gym, you know that there are treadmills in two places. One is here in the big hall, and the other place is hidden in an adjacent room across a hallway. You always default to those treadmills because there's usually less traffic there, and so you make your way over there on autopilot.
The room is empty except for you, so you put in your Hearpods and get on a treadmill. Soon after, you see that someone has taken up a treadmill a few rows over.
<video loop autoplay muted>
<source src="media/characters/reyna/vid/3-3-jog1.webm">
You try not to pay much attention. You have a lot on your mind and it helps that the treadmill is tiring you out after your strength workout. The woman keeps looking over at you every now and then, though. You're not sure why. After a while of peeking, she stops her treadmill and just stares directly at you. Once you notice, you stop yours too and turn towards her.
<<link [[What does she want?|3-3-Reyna-2]]>><</link>>
</div><div class="bar">
You approach the woman who is obviously waiting for you. There's not a single other soul on this trail. Once you get close she folds her arms and looks you over.
<img src="media/characters/donna/3-3-2.webp" class="imgBorder donna">
<h5>Donna</h5><img src="media/characters/donna/card.webp"><p>Is this what you do? You prey on innocent women in the forest, waiting to get them alone so you can do... mmmnh... unspeakable things to them... aaaahh... Where no one can stop you... from ''taking'' what you want... ''anything'' you want...</p>
//What.// As she's talking, her breathing intensifies and her hands softly brush over her huge tits. //She's horny.// You're still struggling to understand quite what's happening here.
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>Uh, lady. I'm not sure what you think this is, I just came here for a hike...</p>
She looks you over with her hands still caressing her body, then replies.
<h5>Donna</h5><img src="media/characters/donna/card.webp"><p>Oh please, the jig is up. We're alone here. There's no one around for miles... aaahhnn... You're so ''strong''. There's no way I can stop you from taking what you want. You ''animal''.</p>
She takes her huge tits out of her top and kneels down in front of you.
<h5>Donna</h5><img src="media/characters/donna/card.webp"><p>I suppose you want to violate my mouth first, to warm up before you violate the rest of me.</p>
She grabs your pants and pulls you to her before undoing your fly and taking your dick out.
<h5>Donna</h5><img src="media/characters/donna/card.webp"><p>God, look at this beast... nnnnghh... A married woman like me is better than this, sucking some disgusting predator's ''big''... ''juicy''... ''fat'' cock in the middle of the forest.</p>
With those words, she dives onto your dick with an energy you've never experienced before.
<video loop autoplay muted>
<source src="media/characters/donna/vid/3-3-bj1.webm">
As she attempts to suck the life out of you, going at it like a woman possessed, you feel the gem letting you peer into her mind.
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p><i>Donna James is a miserably married woman. Her husband is impotent, and her pussy is on fire. She walks here often to get away from her husband. Her deepest desire is to come upon a man who isn't afraid to take what he wants from her. To give her what she needs. A passionate, hard fucking. And even if he isn't, she is desperate enough to pretend he is, no matter what he says.</i></p>
Armed with this new knowledge, you decide to lean into the role she has cast you in.
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>That's right, bitch. There's no one around for miles, <span class="hypno">you're mine. You'll do as I say until I'm done with you.</span></p>
She audibly moans at your words, sending reverberations through your cock. Her other hand is furiously rubbing her clit inside her hiking shorts as she cums loudly, never stopping her sucking.
After a while, you pull her head off of your length and hold her tightly by her hair. One of her hands is alternating between pinching her nipples while the other is shoving two fingers in and out of her pussy. Before you can even speak, she takes the word.
<h5>Donna</h5><img src="media/characters/donna/card.webp"><p>*Nnnngghh* You're a filthy monster. Isn't my mouth enough? Are you gonna defile my *aaahh* pussy next? I bet the only way you're gonna let me leave is if you fill up my pussy with your ''fat'' load... *MMMmm...* I guess I have no choice then.</p>
This absolute sex-starved sex-maniac of a woman is already a step ahead of you. You pull her up by her hair. As soon as you let go of her hair for a second, she is already positioning herself on all fours for you. You line yourself up and enter her from behind. Her pussy is wet and welcoming and she moans out in orgasm as soon as you bottom out.
<h5>Donna</h5><img src="media/characters/donna/card.webp"><p>FUUUUUCCKKKK MEEEEEEeeeEEE!</p>
<video loop autoplay muted>
<source src="media/characters/donna/vid/3-3-doggy1.webm">
You pound into her, loud *plaps* echoing into the valley below as you crash into her fat ass. Raising your hand, you slap her ass every now and then while calling her degrading names.
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>Take it, whore. This fuckbait body of yours deserves a proper workout every now and then, and I'm obliged to help. An ass like this is practically begging for a <span class="hypno">breeding.</span></p>
Through laboured breaths and tired from multiple orgasms she retorts, spitting more of that faux venom at you.
<h5>Donna</h5><img src="media/characters/donna/card.webp"><p>What kind of *mmh* beast takes advantage of middle aged women walking alone. What kind of degenerate pervert decides to take advantage of a lady *oooh* and breed her without even taking her out for dinner.</p>
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>Taking a slut like you out for dinner? Bitch, I don't even know your name.</p>
You lie, but the effect is real. She cries out in ecstasy at the filth in your words, the perversion. Her body shudders yet again in orgasm, this one noticeably larger than the earlier ones. Abruptly, you pull out and turn her over.
<video loop autoplay muted>
<source src="media/characters/donna/vid/3-3-missionary1.webm">
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>You're gonna take this dick until I'm satisfied, lady. And guess what? I'm taking your number after this so that I can dip my dick inside you whenever I feel like it. At work, at home, outside, it doesn't matter where. It doesn't matter who sees either, whether your hubby knows or not, you're gonna take this dick when I tell you to.</p>
She is a mewling drooling mess at this point, the series of orgasms she has had until now have done their number on her. You slow down a little and bend over her, looking her in the eyes.
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>You're my slut aren't you? You're loving this. You need this. You need an animal like me to show you what your body needs.</p>
She nods softly as she looks deep into your eyes, adoring you.
<video loop autoplay muted>
<source src="media/characters/donna/vid/3-3-missionary2.webm">
Her body is calming down somewhat so you decide it's time to switch positions. As soon as you remove yourself from her, she speaks up, back in character.
<h5>Donna</h5><img src="media/characters/donna/card.webp"><p>What now? You want to humiliate me further by forcing me to *Aah* violate myself using your donkey-dick? Your degeneracy knows no bounds. Fine, sit back and I'll do what I must for my own safety.</p>
She is inviting you to relax and let her do the fucking, albeit in her own twisted way. You oblige her and sit back.
She mounts you carefully and begins riding you. Her big booty jiggles every time it *plaps* down onto your legs. She moans out, fucking herself to another orgasm on your cock.
<video loop autoplay muted>
<source src="media/characters/donna/vid/3-3-rcg1.webm">
You can feel yourself getting close, and she seems to sense it too.
<h5>Donna</h5><img src="media/characters/donna/card.webp"><p>God, I can feel you getting bigger inside me. I suppose you're about to fill my womb up with your filthy cum. I might even get *NNNGGHH* pregnant! *AAAaahhNNN*</p>
The thought brings her to a final orgasm as you feel yourself there as well. You unload, spurt after spurt depositing itself deep inside her. Every spurt provokes a moan from Donna and seems to reset the timer on her orgasm. After a while you're spent.
<video loop autoplay muted>
<source src="media/characters/donna/vid/3-3-creampie1.webm">
You both enjoy the aftermath of your orgasms, grinding on each other as you slowly descend from the high.
<h5>Donna</h5><img src="media/characters/donna/card.webp"><p><small>Oh lord, I needed that so bad.</small></p>
You smile and swat her ass.
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>Get off of me, you psycho.</p>
The words are tinged with a lighthearted tone. She turns to you and gives a sly smile before getting up.
<video loop autoplay muted>
<source src="media/characters/donna/vid/3-3-creampie2.webm">
Donna returns to character and looks at you again.
<h5>Donna</h5><img src="media/characters/donna/card.webp"><p>I suppose you're not actually finished with me, are you? What, did you secretly record me and now you're gonna use the recording as blackmail unless I agree to service your disgusting, fat, juicy cock whenever you want? I guess I have no choice. Here's my number.</p>
Donna packs up in record time as you relax, catching your breath. Soon you're left alone on the hillside, admiring the view of Rosewood. //Well, that was an interesting encounter.//
<<link [[Let's get to the car.|3-4-1]]>><</link>>
</div><div class="bar">
You make it back to your car in the parking lot and sit down behind the wheel. Checking your phone, you notice a text message from your newest, first, and only employee Cody.
<span class="note" style="color:DodgerBlue;">Hey man xD I was wondering if you could come by my house if you have time, our washroom sink is clogged but I can't figure it out :S</span>
//God damn, even the way he texts is annoying.// He is your employee though, teaching him this might help your business in the long run. //Besides, I've never met his mom and she might be hot.//
You reply to Cody and get his address.
<<link [[Does Cody's mom have it going on?|3-4-2]]>><</link>>
</div><div class="bar">
You pull up to the address Cody gave you and are surprised at the size of the house. While it does have the hallmarks of a mcmansion, still, it can't have been cheap. You were not aware Cody's parents had this kind of money.
Grabbing a toolset you keep in your car, you knock at the door and Cody answers.
<h5>Cody</h5><img src="media/characters/men/cody.webp"><p>Oh, $pcName. Hi... Come in, I can show you the sink.</p>
You nod and walk inside. Looking around the hallway, you don't notice anyone else.
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>You home alone? Where are your parents?</p>
He shrugs.
<h5>Cody</h5><img src="media/characters/men/cody.webp"><p>It's just me and mom. I never knew my dad. Mom's at the yoga studio right now for her weekly session. She's the one who told me to ask you for help with the sink or like whatever.</p>
//Of course she is.// Cody seems to take ''a lot'' of direction from his mother when it comes to his life. As Cody leads you through the house, he turns a corner and you spot a large photo canvas on a wall. <<linkappend "You stop to admire it.">>
<img src="media/characters/krystal/wall-art.webp">
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>Is this your mom?</p>
You say, looking at the photo. Cody stops and walks back, having gone ahead of you a few steps.
<h5>Cody</h5><img src="media/characters/men/cody.webp"><p>Yeah, she does modeling. She used to do more when she was young, but now she doesn't need to do as much, she says we have more than enough money. Now she just does it when she wants to or like whatever.</p>
You admire the photo for a few more seconds before telling Cody to lead the way. He shows you the sink and you fix it easily, it wasn't complicated. Satisfied that Cody understood what you did, you pack up and begin leaving. As you walk past the image of Cody's mom, whose name you have learned is @@.names;Krystal@@, Cody stops you for a second.
<h5>Cody</h5><img src="media/characters/men/cody.webp"><p>Uhm, so actually. I was wondering if, like... Could you come by some time later this week because my mom wants to meet you, she said she wanted to thank you for giving me a job or whatever and also she wants you to show me how to prune our cherry tree in the backyard, but like I think she wants to be there so she can see how you are or like whatever.</p>
You look up at the image of Cody's mother, Krystal Davis.
//Would I?//
<span class="passage buttonContainer"><<button [[Yes I would|3-5-1]]>><<set $krystalPath to true>><</button>><<button [[Not for me|3-5-1]]>><<set $krystalPath to false>><</button>></span><</linkappend>>
</div><div class="bar">
As you're laying in bed, thinking about your situation, several thoughts cross your mind. //An evil warlock wants me dead because I have the gem. The gem which was summoned by a witch.// It's still difficult to wrap your mind around, but at the same time not nearly as difficult as you would have imagined. //That Shadow last night almost killed me, luckily Hayden was nearby to save me.// You wonder how "lucky" that actually was, Hayden probably decided to keep tabs on you after you met at Deanna's office. //The witches are going to teach me how to ward myself. Maybe some other stuff too, hopefully.// You find that you're somewhat excited at the prospect of mastering your magical abilities.
<<if $guardian > $dominator>><span style="color:rgb(51, 51, 153);">Allying with the witches is the right thing to do. While they seem to doubt you and your motivations, you understand where they're coming from if the last guy who had the gem tried to enslave the whole world. You have great power, and that means great responsibility. //Who knows, if I play my cards right I might have that harem from my dream for real. Even the witches won't be able to resist my dazzling charm.//</span>
<p style="text-align: center; color:rgb(100, 100, 100);"><small>You have more <span style="color:rgb(51, 51, 153);">Guardian</span> points than <span style="color:rgb(153, 0, 51);">Dominator</span> points. A different score would have reflected a different thought process.</small></p><<elseif $dominator > $guardian>><span style="color:rgb(153, 0, 51);">Allying with the witches gives you the highest survivability rate for now. They seem to doubt your motivations and are probably right to. Soon enough, the whole town will be your playground. //If I just bide my time, I can make the harem from my dream a reality. Even the witches won't be able to stand in my way.//</span>
<p style="text-align: center; color:rgb(100, 100, 100);"><small>You have more <span style="color:rgb(153, 0, 51);">Dominator</span> points than <span style="color:rgb(51, 51, 153);">Guardian</span> points. A different score would have reflected a different thought process.</small></p><<else>>WEEWOO YOUR VARIABLES ARE FUCKED. MOST LIKELY YOU EDITED THE SAVE AND CAUSED AN IMBALANCE. TRY SETTING EITHER <span style="color:rgb(153, 0, 51);">dominator</span> OR <span style="color:rgb(51, 51, 153);">guardian</span> TO BE HIGHER THAN THE OTHER, THEN COME BACK.<</if>>
Checking your phone, you notice a text message from your newest, first, and only employee Cody.
<span class="note" style="color:DodgerBlue;">Hey man xD I was wondering if you could come by my house if you have time, our washroom sink is clogged but I can't figure it out :S</span>
//God damn, even the way he texts is annoying.// He is your employee though, teaching him this might help your business in the long run. //Besides, I've never met his mom and she might be hot.//
You reply to Cody and get his address.
<<link [[Does Cody's mom have it going on?|3-4-2]]>><</link>>
</div><div class="bar">
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>...Can I help you?</p>
You ask the girl who is staring at you with what you think is annoyance in her eyes.
<img src="media/characters/reyna/3-3-2.webp" class="imgBorder reyna">
She looks up at you and sneers.
<h5>Reyna</h5><img src="media/characters/reyna/card.webp"><p>God, what kind of fucking asshole are you? All the other men here are drooling all over me, but you don't even care. I put on this tiny top and these tiny shorts, get my makeup done and make sure I'm sweaty and hot, and you barely even look at me. Is your dick even hard?</p>
//Oh.// You stare at her in shock for a second. She must be used to getting attention from men constantly, and you get why. You've been so caught up in your thoughts that she's completely flown under your radar. That seems to have upset her.
<h5>Reyna</h5><img src="media/characters/reyna/card.webp"><p>What's your problem? All the guys here couldn't get their eyes off of me, except for you. Am I not hot enough? Aren't my tits, like, big enough? God, you're such an asshole. *Her nipples are visibly erect at this point and her finger is gently stroking up and down your chest.* I bet I could change your mind. I'll show you what you've been missing out on.</p>
Her finger on your chest lets you peer into her mind.
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p><i>Reyna Legaspi spends most of her days posting pictures on social media to tease men, working out in the gym to tease men, or going out to clubs to tease men. The attention gives her life. When a man shows that he doesn't care about how hot she looks, it lights a fire inside her. She must prove herself worthy of his attention.</i></p>
You look down and see that she is fishing your cock out of your shorts. She looks up at you and smiles, happy after noticing that your dick is getting hard.
<h5>Reyna</h5><img src="media/characters/reyna/card.webp"><p>I'm Reyna by the way. I'll make sure you never forget me.</p>
With that, she puts her lips on your cock while still looking you in the eyes. She softly moves her tongue around your head while sucking before she dives onto your cock taking as much as she can fit in her mouth for now.
<video loop autoplay muted>
<source src="media/characters/reyna/vid/3-3-bj1.webm">
She is sucking your cock like she has something to prove, and in her mind she does. You let her continue for a while on her own before you grab a hold of her head.
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>You little fucking tease, prancing around like a slut for attention. You can't stand the thought that someone doesn't care, huh? You're probably used to guys bending over backwards just to get a whiff of that pussy. Well, <span class="hypno">I'm not like any other man.</span></p>
<video loop autoplay muted>
<source src="media/characters/reyna/vid/3-3-ff1.webm">
She moans on your cock as you fuck her face, your words stoking her fire. You keep pumping your tool between her lips for a while before you decide it's time to fuck her. You drag her head off your cock and pull her up. You sit down on a bench and give her ass a slap.
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>Ride me, bitch.</p>
She licks her lips, turns around, and mounts you with her ass in your view.
<h5>Reyna</h5><img src="media/characters/reyna/card.webp"><p>FuuuuuuUUUUCKKK YES! Give it to me, baby! Show me why you're not like every other beta simp out there!</p>
She begins riding you, bouncing up and down on your crotch as wet *PLAPS* reverberate through the large room. After a little while you grab her and pound into her kitty from below as she fights through an orgasm.
<video loop autoplay muted>
<source src="media/characters/reyna/vid/3-3-rcg1.webm">
<h5>Reyna</h5><img src="media/characters/reyna/card.webp"><p>YEEEEESSSSSS! I KNEW YOU WERE DIFFERENT FROM THE MOMENT I SAW YOU! FUCK ME! FuckmefuckmefuuuuuUUUCKK!</p>
She cums again on your dick and you slow down for a second. Grinding into her, you savor the moment as she comes down from her high. After she's back to herself, you tell her you want to eat her out while she sucks your dick. She giggles and gets in position.
<h5>Reyna</h5><img src="media/characters/reyna/card.webp"><p>Taste it, daddy. Tell me it isn't the sweetest pussy you've ever had.</p>
<video loop autoplay muted>
<source src="media/characters/reyna/vid/3-3-69.webm">
You eat her out with gusto, and she repays you in kind by devouring your member. She does taste sweet indeed, although you aren't sure about whether it's the sweetest you've ever had. You don't care either right now, you just want to make her cum from your tongue. With persistence and natural talent, you succeed.
The reverberations feel exquisite as she moans on your cock which she has swallowed to the root. You can feel her lips kissing your base as her tongue massages your dick inside her mouth. Soon, you can feel yourself getting close. You slap her ass yet again, signaling her to get up and she obeys.
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>Get on your knees princess. I wanna give you your prize.</p>
She gets on her knees in front of you.
<h5>Reyna</h5><img src="media/characters/reyna/card.webp"><p>Cover me, baby. I need it. Show me how sexy you think I am. Come on, cum for me!</p>
<video loop autoplay muted>
<source src="media/characters/reyna/vid/3-3-facial.webm">
You spray her down, spurt after spurt. She revels in it, the gesture acting as a symbol of how attractive she is. Your cum validates her self-worth, assuring her of her attractiveness. You feel like you have more to go on though. You pull her up and bend her over as she grabs a hold of the treadmill. As you insert yourself inside her she moans out loudly, surprised that you aren't finished.
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>Did you think we were done? I'm not like anyone else bitch, remember? You've never met a man like me.</p>
She drools onto the floor, her eyes rolling back into her head as she cums again from your pounding.
<h5>Reyna</h5><img src="media/characters/reyna/card.webp"><p><small>yes, daddy.... yes, yes, yess, yes, yes...</small> YES. DADDY. YESSSSSSSSSssssssssss.</p>
<video loop autoplay muted>
<source src="media/characters/reyna/vid/3-3-doggy1.webm">
Her mind is mush at this point, yet you keep it up. You can feel your orgasm building again and get yourself ready to make another deposit, this time inside her.
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>You let anyone cum inside you, slut? Hmmm? Has anyone even gotten close to this pussy or do you keep it off limits like the tease you are?</p>
She isn't even coherent at this point, with her tongue hanging out of her mouth.
<h5>Reyna</h5><img src="media/characters/reyna/card.webp"><p>No... No. You... Only you. Fill me, Daddy...</p>
<video loop autoplay muted>
<source src="media/characters/reyna/vid/3-3-inside1.webm">
You cum, filling her up as you keep pounding out your orgasm. As you fuck into her, you prolong it for a bit. You slow down as you come off the high before you finally pull out of her, finished.
She is a mess at this point and can't even stand on her feet. You've been holding her up for the last few minutes. You lift her over to a mat and put her down. She is completely out of it, but you manage to take her number before you head to the shower to clean up. //She'll be fine. No one visits that part of the gym anyways. I think.//
<<link [[Let's get to the car.|3-4-1]]>><</link>>
</div><div class="bar">
Rise and shine hustler, it's time to get this bread.
Before that though, you need breakfast. You head downstairs and find that no one is home except Mitch who is probably still asleep in his rancid dungeon. //I don't feel like making anything.// And so you decide to hit a drive-through before the first customer of the day.
<<linkreplace "Time to visit the Burrito Bandit.">><img src="media/scenery/burrito-bandit.webp">
As you approach the speaker box in the drive-through, you contemplate what to order.
You could get a basic breakfast burrito and some juice, quick, easy, and filling. Or you could get the Bandolero Burrito with the Sombrero Smoothie which is always freshly made upon order. You would probably have to wait a little longer though.
<div class="passage buttonContainer"><<button "Breakfast Burrito + juice (0 seconds)">><<replace "#links">><<nobr>>
You decide on the breakfast burrito and make your order, listening to the spindly young man taking your order's voice crack awkwardly.<</nobr>>
After ordering, you spend a few minutes on your phone checking your appointments and playing a round of Slaughter the Summit. Before you know it, the teen employee brings you your breakfast burrito.
<<link[[Dig in.|4-1-2]]>><</link>><</replace>><</button>><<button "Bandolero Burrito + Sombrero Smoothie (5 seconds)">><<set $extraEnergy to true>><<replace "#links">><div style="text-align: center;"><span id="dots" ></span></div><<timed 0.5s>><<replace "#dots">>You wait for your order .<</replace>><</timed>><<timed 1s>><<replace "#dots">>You wait for your order . .<</replace>><</timed>><<timed 2s>><<replace "#dots">>You wait for your order . . .<</replace>><</timed>><<timed 3s>><<replace "#dots">>You wait for your order . . . .<</replace>><</timed>><<timed 4s>><<replace "#dots">>You wait for your order . . . . .<</replace>><</timed>><<timed 5s>><<replace "#dots">><div style="text-align: left;">You feel like you deserve to treat yourself and go for the Bandolero and smoothie, the spindly young man behind the speaker has an awkward voice crack as he takes your order.
After ordering, you spend a few minutes on your phone checking your appointments and playing a round of Slaughter the Summit. Before you know it, the teen employee brings you your Bandolero Burrito and Sombrero smoothie.
<<link[[Dig in.|4-1-2]]>><</link>></div><</replace>><</timed>><</replace>><</button>><</linkreplace>></div>
@@<div class="bar">
As you're enjoying your succulent Tequilánian meal, your phone rings. It's an unknown number. //Could be a new customer.// You swallow your bite and answer with a "Hello, this is $pcName speaking, how can I help you today?". A woman is on the other end.
<h5>Grace</h5><img src="media/characters/unknown-card.png"><p>Hi $pcName, this is Grace Bethel calling. I am in need of someone to take care of my lawn and trim some bushes today, I am having some guests over tomorrow and need the place to look fresh and well-kept. I will of course pay you a premium for same-day service. Would it be possible for you to come by soon? The earlier the better.</p>
You don't have too much on your plate, but at the same time you're not interested in working until midnight. You get the impression this lady is wealthy and that could mean a huge estate. You ask some questions about the size of the property and so on, she assures you that it is manageable by a single man in about two hours or so from earlier experience. You accept the job and let her know you have something already booked before her, but you'll probably be done around noon.
<h5>Grace</h5><img src="media/characters/unknown-card.png"><p>Alright, perfect. Call me when you're headed over so I can show you around the place.</p>
You hang up and take sip of your drink before digging into your food again. //Business is booming.// Before you can go to this Grace lady, you have a job already booked. It's the job you didn't take last week. <<if $vivianPath>>@@.names;Dominique Anderson@@ has pool problems. She's a new customer and I've never met her.<<elseif $dominiquePath>>@@.names;Mark Park@@ is an annoying know-it-all. If he's home, it's gonna be an annoying hour or two with him commenting and watching over my shoulder.<</if>>
<small style="display: block; text-align: center;">//''(Click image to select)''//</small>
<span class="choiceHeading"><<if $vivianPath>>Pool duty at the Anderson residence<<elseif $dominiquePath>>Lawncare at the Park household<<else>><p style="color:rgb(100, 100, 100);">You skipped both encounters on day 1, they are now unavailable</p><</if>></span>
<span class="imgContainer" ><<if $vivianPath>><a data-passage="4-2-Dominique"><img src="media/characters/dominique/silhouette.webp" class="imgBorder dominique"></a><<elseif $dominiquePath>><a data-passage="4-2-Vivian"><img src="media/characters/vivian/silhouette.webp" class="imgBorder vivian"></a><<else>><img src="media/characters/not-available.png" class="imgBorder"><</if>></span>
<p style="text-align: center;"><<link [[I feel really focused today. I just wanna work, I'm not even gonna try getting up to any funky business. (SKIP ENCOUNTER)|4-3-1]]>><</link>></p>
</div><div class="bar">
<<if $krystalPath>>
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>Oh yeah, I can definitely come by this week! I'd love to meet your mom, man!</p>
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>This week is sort of bad for me, lots of work and personal shit going on. I'm gonna have to take a raincheck.</p>
Cody just nods, it doesn't really look like he cares much to be honest. You say an awkward goodbye and get on the road.
As you're driving, you get a call from Jane and answer it on your handsfree.
<h5>Jane</h5><img src="media/characters/jane/card.webp"><p>Sweetheart, can I ask you for a favor? @@.names;Savannah@@'s sink has been acting up lately. Could you go over there if you have time and take a look at it? For me... please?</p>
What's up with faulty sinks today? This is the second in a row. Anyways, you wouldn't dream of turning Jane down.
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>Of course I can, it's not even a question. I can go over right now, actually.</p>
<h5>Jane</h5><img src="media/characters/jane/card.webp"><p>Thanks hon, I'll let Savannah know you're coming over. *Jane whispers into the phone* <small>Remember that mommy rewards good boys. And you've been a very good boy, baby.</small></p>
With that she says her goodbyes and hangs up, leaving you with a half chub and shattered dreams. //Ah well.// You'll have plenty of opportunities to enjoy Jane properly from now on.
Savannah is Jane's best friend. The two have enough in common but are also different enough from each other that they get along really well. Whereas Jane has always been the responsible, traditional one, Savannah is the wild one. She is unmarried, but doesn't lack male suitors to your understanding. A beautiful woman, she has always seemed somewhat restless and fun-loving. A life free of commitments allows for those qualities. She has always been nice to you, even playfully flirty at times. Those times Jane has always told her to stop it and behave, reminding her that she's almost old enough to be your mother.
<<link [[Savannah lives in a somewhat exclusive neighborhood.|3-5-2]]>><</link>>
</div><div class="bar">
You arrive at Savannah Adler's house in Jayson Heights, a new suburb of Rosewood. Her place is sleek, modern, new, and expensive. Walking up to her door, you knock and Savannah answers.
<img src="media/characters/savannah/3-5-2.webp" class="imgBorder savannah">
<h5>Savannah</h5><img src="media/characters/savannah/card.webp"><p>$pcName! Hi, how are you? You're looking more handsome every time I see you.</p>
She says with a flirty smile. Her dress hugs her curves, her high heels adding to her already tall stature. Savannah has always put effort into looking good and has succeeded at that.
Savannah steps over to you to give you a hug and it triggers your ability.
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p><i>Savannah likes breaking taboos. She is already attracted to me, but our respective relationships with Jane make her even more attracted and tempted. She is ripe for the picking.</i></p>
//Am I as attracted to Savannah as she is to me?//
<span id="choice" class="passage buttonContainer"><<button "Hell yeah">><<set $savannahPath to true>><<replace "#choice">><<removeclass "#choice" "buttonContainer">>You exchange pleasantries as she steps aside while holding the door open and welcomes you in.
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>I hear you're having an issue with a sink? Let me see if I can't fix it for you.</p>
Savannah shows you the way to her downstairs washroom and the faulty sink. You take a look and conclude it's an easy fix. You take out your tools and tell her it'll be quick.
<h5>Savannah</h5><img src="media/characters/savannah/card.webp"><p>I'm so happy Jane agreed to send you here. It must be so nice for her to have such a handy ''man'' around the house to help with stuff. Handsome, too.</p>
She smiles at you as her flirty nature comes out again.
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>Damn, did you forget about Mitch and Larry? They live there too.</p>
Savannah laughs at that, an awkward yet endearing sound.
<h5>Savannah</h5><img src="media/characters/savannah/card.webp"><p>Oh, please. Me and Jane talk, you know. Larry is never home, always off on some business trip or other, and Mitch... I would be surprised if that sexist little goblin knew how to wipe his own ass. You, though. She brags about how helpful you are constantly, and about how good you are around the house. I agree.</p>
You smile at the praise in her words.
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>I'm happy to be of help. I try to be good to Jane, she deserves it. Besides, she's been good to me. It's only right that I return the favor.</p>
<h5>Savannah</h5><img src="media/characters/savannah/card.webp"><p>Wow, you're not only handsome AND handy, but also well spoken, and respectful too. I like that.</p>
You sense an opportunity.
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>That's not what I've heard.</p>
You say with a smile while turning a nut underneath the sink, not even looking up at her.
<h5>Savannah</h5><img src="media/characters/savannah/card.webp"><p>What do you mean? What have you heard?</p>
Savannah says with a questioning look on her face. You shrug your shoulders as you remove the nut and go into your bag to find a replacement.
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>I've just overheard some things, you know. While you have been over to the house visiting Jane. *You tighten the replacement nut and look up at her* I heard <span class="hypno">you like it when men get a little rough every now and then</span>. Take charge. <span class="hypno">Let you run a little wild before putting you in your place.</span></p>
Savannah is breathing heavily as you speak, looking at you while unsure of herself. //Didn't expect me to flirt back like this, did you?// You decide to strike while the iron is hot. You get up and step close to her, running the back of your hand from her cheek and down her body before gently grabbing her throat. You look deep into her eyes and lean in for a kiss.
<img src="media/kissing/2.webp">
You lean back and look at her. She is lost in your eyes.
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>How about this: I'm gonna pack this stuff up now and put my tools in my car. *She looks panicked at the thought of you leaving* While I do that, you get ready for me. How does that sound?</p>
You leave some ambiguity in your words, but there is no meaning that is lost. You both know what you mean. She takes a second before she nods without saying a word. You let go of her, you hand sliding from the gentle grip on her throat down her body and back to her ass, giving it a good squeeze. She lets out a moan, and you turn around to pack up. She stands still for a second, recovering, before she turns around and leaves the room to get ready. Ready for what?
<<link [[Let's see.|3-5-3]]>><</link>><</replace>><</button>><<button "Hell no">><<set $savannahPath to false>><<replace "#choice">><<removeclass "#choice" "buttonContainer">>You stay professional and polite as you enter Savannah's house. She shows you where the sink is, and you quickly identify and fix the problem. As you pack up and leave Savannah thanks you, but you can tell she seems a little disappointed somehow. Oh well.
<<link [[Time to leave.|3-5-4]]>><</link>><</replace>><</button>></span>
</div><div class="bar">
You pack up and put your gear in your car, then head back into the house. As you enter the hall, you're greeted by an amazing sight.
<img src="media/characters/savannah/3-5-3.webp" class="imgBorder savannah">
Savannah has undressed to her lingerie and is standing in the hallway, waiting for you. Her fingers gently run along her lower lips as she looks at you with eyes of lust.
<h5>Savannah</h5><img src="media/characters/savannah/card.webp"><p>I'm ready, $pcName.</p>
You walk over to her and kiss her deeply while massaging her body. She accepts your lips and touch eagerly as she returns your affections. You break your kiss just long enough to take off your shirt, and then resume it as she unbuttons your pants. She begins slowly walking backwards, leading you to a bed. Your clothes are strewn about like crumbs making a path from the hallway to the bedroom. Savannah pushes you gently down onto the bed and gets on top of you where you continue making out.
<video loop autoplay muted>
<source src="media/characters/savannah/vid/3-5-kiss.webm">
As you make out with Savannah, your hands explore each other's bodies. After a while, you roll to your left, positioning her underneath you. You kiss down her body until you get to her crotch. You kiss, lick and suck everywhere BUT her pussy, teasing and torturing her. She is starting to lose her mind.
<h5>Savannah</h5><img src="media/characters/savannah/card.webp"><p>Please. My pussy... aah, please lick my pussy, pleasepleaseplease.</p>
You look up at her and smile before diving in. She lets out a loud moan as you finally begin eating her out. With the teasing warm-up it doesn't take long before she's cumming, holding your head with one hand while also wrapping her thighs around your neck. Her body tenses and pushes her pussy and your head upwards as she lets out a scream of orgasm.
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>How was that?</p>
You ask her with a smile. She is taking heavy breaths as she recovers and smiles mischievously.
<h5>Savannah</h5><img src="media/characters/savannah/card.webp"><p>Amazing. That was amazing. Let me return the favor, baby.</p>
You lie down and she gets between your knees and takes you into her mouth. She starts slow and progresses steadily towards more intensity. Sucking harder, taking you deeper, drooling all over your cock.
<video loop autoplay muted>
<source src="media/characters/savannah/vid/3-5-bj1.webm">
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>Savannah, baby, that feels so good!</p>
She intensifies her efforts after hearing your encouraging words.
<h5>Savannah</h5><img src="media/characters/savannah/card.webp"><p>I want you to come in my mouth, $pcName. Can you do that for me? Can you cum in my mouth?</p>
You nod as she resumes her sucking. Approaching your climax, you warn her and she gets ready. She masturbates you for the final stretch, squeezing your length as she strokes your member up and down. Before you know it, you're unloading into her open mouth.
<video loop autoplay muted>
<source src="media/characters/savannah/vid/3-5-swallow1.webm">
She swallows your load and looks up at you while giggling.
<h5>Savannah</h5><img src="media/characters/savannah/card.webp"><p>We shouldn't be doing this, you know. God, imagine if Jane saw us like this. She is so protective of you, always telling me to knock it off if I flirt even a little with you. Now look at us. We should get cleaned up.</p>
She makes a motion to get off the bed and you pull her back towards you. She looks confused at you.
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>I'm not finished. I've got more in the tank for you.</p>
Savannah looks at you with surprise, then lust.
<h5>Savannah</h5><img src="media/characters/savannah/card.webp"><p>God, I forget how young men can have so much ''energy''. Mmmmmmmhhhhnn.</p>
She kisses you again before you get into position and begin fucking her.
<video loop autoplay muted>
<source src="media/characters/savannah/vid/3-5-sideways1.webm">
<h5>Savannah</h5><img src="media/characters/savannah/card.webp"><p>Nnnngghh, yes, baby, yes. Keep pounding this pussy. God, imagine the look on Jane's face if she saw us now!</p>
You sense a strange hang-up on Jane here, and use it as an opportunity.
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>You seem obsessed with Jane watching us. Would you like that? Would you like it if Jane saw me hammer orgasm after orgasm out of you?</p>
Savannah wails out in orgasm as you keep talking about Jane, it's clearly turning her on.
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>Hmmmm? Or maybe you'd want her to participate, huh? Maybe you'd like to give me a blowjob with Jane, you could suck my balls while she takes care of my cock. Maybe you'd want to hold her hands as I fuck her, as I pound her kitty and cum inside her?</p>
It's too much for Savannah, your dirty talk of having a threesome with her and Jane is making her cum again, before she even comes down from her previous one. //I could pull this off, I just know it. A threesome with Jane and Savannah!// The thought brings you close to orgasm as well. You whisper into Savannah's ear.
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p><small>I'm close, Savannah. I'm gonna cum inside you. All my little soldiers are gonna invade your womb. Imagine you get pregnant. Imagine I cum inside Jane too, and you both get pregnant with my children.</small></p>
<video loop autoplay muted>
<source src="media/characters/savannah/vid/3-5-inside1.webm">
Savannah moans out at the idea of her and Jane having sister-pregnancies, speechless in orgasm. You speed up and finish inside her, finally letting go again. In your mind, you think about the image of Jane and Savannah pregnant next to each other. Then you think about the other women in town. //And there's even more to come.//
<<link [[Leaving Savannah.|3-5-4]]>><</link>>
</div><div class="bar">
Tired from the day already, you decide to head home. The fatigue from the fucking you've done today along with the events and fucking from yesterday has begun to set in and your body is feeling tired.
In the evening, Jane invites you to watch a movie with her. You take her up on the offer, but Larry is present as well. Still, you manage to sneak some kisses and grope each others' bodies a bit.
<img src="media/characters/jane/3-5-1.webp" class="imgBorder jane">
After the movie, Jane turns to you. Larry is dozing off on the other side of the L-shaped couch, not quite awake, but not quite asleep either.
<h5>Jane</h5><img src="media/characters/jane/card.webp"><p>Sweetheart, I wanted to let you know that I'm leaving tomorrow morning and I'm gonna be gone for a couple of days. Me and Savannah are going for a girl's trip to Maroonia City.</p>
You can't hide the disappointed look on your face which Jane notices.
<h5>Jane</h5><img src="media/characters/jane/card.webp"><p>Aww, baby don't be sad. I'll be back before you know it. <small>Mommy will make sure to bring back something special to help make it up to you for being such a good boy.</small></p>
//That ''does'' sound nice.// Still a little disappointed, but somewhat pacified you nod in understanding. Jane caresses your face, moving your hair back while she looks deep into your eyes.
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>Alright. I guess us boys will have to make due without you for a couple of days. *You stroke her inner thighs* <small>Which is easier said than done.</small></p>
Jane's look becomes somewhat lusty, but she interrupts you gently and gets up.
<h5>Jane</h5><img src="media/characters/jane/card.webp"><p>It's bedtime for me. I need to get up early tomorrow. Good night, honey.</p>
You're left on the sofa with a semi as Jane sashays her juicy ass into the hall. //Hate to see her go, but love to watch her leave.//
Thankfully you emptied your tank fairly well earlier in the day, so you won't have to worry about going to bed with blue balls. //It does still suck a little. I need to get rid of Mitch and Larry on a more permanent basis. That will probably have to wait until after we defeat the ancient wizard who wants to enslave the world though. IF we defeat him...//
Looking over at Larry, you see he is staring right at you. //What the fuck. Wait... is he asleep with his eyes open? What the fuck.// You cringe at the creepiness of it before you also get up and go to your bedroom.
<<link [[Let's go to bed.|4-1-1]]>><</link>>
</div><div class="bar">
After a quick break, you make your way to the next customer. The address Grace gave you is almost across town. It's an affluent old part of Rosewood, mansions like castles dotting the landscape here and there. The properties are large, so no one lives close to each other. You pull off the main road and onto a well-kept gravel path. You drive into a patch of forest before emerging on the other side. There's a clearing here, and a large stone mansion in the middle of it. Surrounding the mansion, there's some flower patches and a lot of lawn. The grass is surprisingly high, like it hasn't been cut in at least a month. On one end of the mansion, the clearing slopes slightly downwards before ending in a small lake. There's a boathouse and a dock in the distance too.
You park your car by the garage which is six garage doors wide and separate from the mansion itself. You step out and look around. //Whoever this Grace Bethel is, she has money.// Property in this area is incredibly expensive, and you can only imagine what a complex like this costs. You look at the lawn. //With the ride-on mower she promised, this won't be more than a couple hours tops.// As you're making calculations in your head, the front door opens.
<<linkreplace "You turn around">>
<img src="media/characters/grace/4-3-1.webp" class="imgBorder scarletSigil">
The woman walks out onto the plaza and waits for you as you walk towards her. As you get close, she stretches out a hand.
<h5>Grace</h5><img src="media/characters/grace/card.webp"><p>Welcome. I'm Grace Bethel. You must be $pcName, right?</p>
You take her hand and greet her, expecting a //reaction.// At first, nothing happens. You're a little puzzled. Grace looks at you with a curious smile.
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p><i>She wants to be a Mommy to a big boy. She wants him to be patient so she can reward him for being a good boy. She wants him to be a bad boy and show her how strong he is by taking charge. She wants him to please her like she wants to please him.</i></p>
//There it is. I can work with this.// Only an instant passes as you read her deepest desires, and you greet her naturally.
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>That's right. I'm here to mow the lawn. We spoke on the phone, right?</p>
Grace smiles even wider now, nods, and you exchange some more pleasantries. Soon, she's showing you around, explaining which areas need to be cut and what pattern she wants. Lastly, she shows you the mower they have on site, a big green thing with a nice leather seat.
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>Is the groundskeeper sick?</p>
<h5>Grace</h5><img src="media/characters/grace/card.webp"><p>Why, uhm... Yes he is. How did you guess?</p>
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>The mower. Usually people expect me to bring my own, or they have a smaller one at the house. These big ones are usually used by groundskeepers. I figured he's sick and you're in a rush if you called me to do it.</p>
She smiles warmly at you.
<h5>Grace</h5><img src="media/characters/grace/card.webp"><p>Your powers of deduction are spot on. Let me know when you're finished, $pcName. If you do a good job, you might get a ''bonus''.</p>
She winks as she says that last part, then turns around. With that, she goes into the house.
<<link [[Let's get to mowing|4-3-2]]>><</link>>
</div><<set $dominiquePath to true>><div class="bar">
You go to the address you were given and arrive at a nice house in a relatively new neighborhood just outside of town. New house means new pool which means it's less likely to have broken parts. If you're lucky, you might be in and out quickly today.
You walk up to the door and knock to greet the owner. You hear footsteps and the door opens.
<img src="media/characters/dominique/intro.webp" class="imgBorder dominique">
Long legs. Luscious lips. Big Boobs. This seductress is giving you a chub just by //existing// in front of you. She considers you and smiles, growing more turned on by you as the gem powers do their work. She's moving her hips in a sensual way. Or maybe it's just that with a body like that any move she makes is sensual.
<h5>Dominique</h5><img src="media/characters/dominique/card.webp"><p>Hiii. How can I help you mister?</p>
You pick your jaw off the floor and eye her body blatantly, paying attention to her bubble butt first, which she seems to turn to let you get a better visual, then her chest which she squeezes together with her upper arms for you. Finally, you look her in the eye.
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>Well hello, <span class="hypno">beautiful</span>. I'm $pcName. I'm here to clean the pool and look at the filter.</p>
<h5>Dominique</h5><img src="media/characters/dominique/card.webp"><p>Oh, of course! It's around back, here I'll show you.</p>
She slides into some furry slippers and leads you around the property. Her ass jiggles and shakes with every step. Your eyes are glued to it. Miraculously, you don't stumble.
<video loop autoplay muted>
<source src="media/characters/dominique/vid/walk.webm">
Once you arrive at the back of the house, she shows you the pool. It barely needs a cleaning. The filtration system won't start due to accumulated dirt in the filter. It needs to be removed and cleaned. Add some chemicals to really cleanse the filter, and it should be good as new after 20 minutes.
<h5>Dominique</h5><img src="media/characters/dominique/card.webp"><p>Can you fix it? I really wanna get in my bikini and take a dip.</p>
You think about that body squeezed into a bikini and your dick engorges even more.
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>I'll need about a half an hour and it'll be good as new. As a matter of fact, I can go over the pool real fast and you can jump in while I do the filter. <span class="hypno">I'd love the company of a baddie like you</span> while I work.</p>
She smiles and giggles at that.
<h5>Dominique</h5><img src="media/characters/dominique/card.webp"><p>Oh, we've got a smooth talker. I'll go change right now.</p>
Again she turns around, and your eyes immediately fall to her ass. //You could store books on that shelf//. She walks inside, but not before turning her head to you from the doorway and winking.
After she goes inside, you stand there for a second with a semi. //I ''need'' that pussy//. You turn around and get to work. After all, you take pride in your job and are committed satisfying all your customers demands. Sexual and otherwise.
<<link [[Let's finish this work so I can get to *work*.|4-2-Dominique-2]]>><</link>>
</div><div class="bar">
You've been at it for a little while, you got the pool itself done in less than ten minutes and are now laying down with your head inside the filtration system. You're almost done with that too. The door opens and Dominique announces herself. You can't see her, but hear her getting into the pool.
<h5>Dominique</h5><img src="media/characters/dominique/card.webp"><p>The pool feels so nice. I would have called earlier if I knew you were gonna be this efficient. And hot.</p>
Head hidden, you smile and reply.
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>Well I take pride in my work and try to take care of my customers to the best of my ability <span class="hypno">in any way I can</span>.</p>
<h5>Dominique</h5><img src="media/characters/dominique/card.webp"><p>Any way you can? Really?</p>
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>If it's in my power to do, I do it. <span class="hypno">I always go above and beyond to make sure my customers are satisfied to the utmost</span>. Especially the hot ones.</p>
She laughs at that, an endearing, loud chuckle.
<h5>Dominique</h5><img src="media/characters/dominique/card.webp"><p>And do you meet a lot of hot customers?</p>
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>A few. But none like you, <span class="hypno">Dominique</span>.</p>
You say and pull your head out of the filter housing to look her in the eyes. The view you get surprises you a little and you smile. She's partially taken off her bikini, exposing her ass and tits. Her ass jiggles while she turns and bends over. She begins shaking it for your enjoyment.
<img src="media/characters/dominique/waiting.webp" class="imgBorder dominique">
<video loop autoplay muted>
<source src="media/characters/dominique/vid/poolshake.webm">
<h5>Dominique</h5><img src="media/characters/dominique/card.webp"><p>Like what you see, Daddy? Hurry up and finish, I'm getting lonely here.</p>
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>I'll be right with you, <span class="hypno">Babygirl</span>.</p>
You put the parts you cleaned back and screw them in place then put the cover panel back on. You take your shirt off as you turn around and throw it to the side. Looking over at Dominique you can see she's gyrating her hips in the water while looking at you.
<video loop autoplay muted>
<source src="media/characters/dominique/vid/poolgyrate.webm">
<span class="passage buttonContainer">
<<if $extraEnergy>>
<<button [[I'm gonna breed that pussy *and* give her something to swallow|4-2-Dominique-bonus]]>><<set $dominiqueBreed to $dominiqueBreed + 1>><</button>>
<<button [[Let's bake a pie|4-2-Dominique-pie]]>><<set $dominiqueBreed to $dominiqueBreed + 1>><</button>>
<<button [[Make her swallow her medicine|4-2-Dominique-facial]]>><</button>>
</div><div class="bar">
Dominique has the best ass you've seen in a while, maybe ever, you think to yourself as you pound away at it. The jiggles from her oiled up booty are turning you on almost as much as her moans and pleading for more.
<video loop autoplay muted>
<source src="media/characters/dominique/vid/poolsideways.webm">
<h5>Dominique</h5><img src="media/characters/dominique/card.webp"><p>Yess $pcName, claim this pussy, baby. You fuck me so GOOD.</p>
Your second fuck of the day, and with another bad bitch. You could get used to this you think to yourself as her tight pussy grips you.
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>This pussy is so wet, baby. Is it <span class="hypno">all for me?</span>.</p>
<h5>Dominique</h5><img src="media/characters/dominique/card.webp"><p>It's all yours! It's all yours, just keep fucking me $pcName. aaaAAAAAHHH!</p>
You take her orgasm as an opportunity to switch positions and drag her into the pool, bending her over the edge. You slow down a little as she's coming down from her orgasm, keeping a nice steady rhythm.
<video loop autoplay muted>
<source src="media/characters/dominique/vid/pooldoggy.webm">
<h5>Dominique</h5><img src="media/characters/dominique/card.webp"><p>Oooh, yes Daddy, I'm your dirty little slut. Beat this pussy up, Daddy.</p>
You keep pumping into this godess as her warm, wet pussy grips you. Every stroke backwards is harder, like her pussy doesn't want to let go of your cock. You feel your orgasm building as you listen to the *PLAP* *PLAP* *PLAP* of your bodies colliding with every stroke and as you approach your peak you really start pounding away. You let her know you're close.
<h5>Dominique</h5><img src="media/characters/dominique/card.webp"><p>So good, so good, sooo goooood. Yes, $pcName, fill me up. Fill this pussy up, baby. I need it inside.</p>
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>That's right, I'm gonna fill this pussy up. You want a baby, slut? <span class="hypno">You want me to impregnate you</span>, huh? Get ready, bitch. I'm about to make you a single mom.</p>
<video loop autoplay muted>
<source src="media/characters/dominique/vid/poolcreampie.webm">
<h5>Dominique</h5><img src="media/characters/dominique/card.webp"><p>YEEEESSSSSSS, Daddy, fill this pussy UP!</p>
Moaning yourself, you listen to her cries of pleasure as you cum inside her. Slowing down a little, you look each other in the eyes and then lean over to kiss her. Finally down from the high, you pull out and observe the result of your union.
<video loop autoplay muted>
<source src="media/characters/dominique/vid/pieleak.webm">
<h5>Dominique</h5><img src="media/characters/dominique/card.webp"><p>Look at all this cum. Thank you, baby.</p>
She says as she dips her fingers in and puts them in her mouth, tasting it. She cleans your cock with her mouth, then you get dressed and ready to leave.
<<link [[Before you leave, you want to try something.|4-2-Dominique-3]]>><</link>>
<div class="bar">
Dominique has the best ass you've seen in a while, maybe ever, you think to yourself as you pound away at it. The jiggles from her oiled up booty are turning you on almost as much as her moans and pleading for more.
<video loop autoplay muted>
<source src="media/characters/dominique/vid/poolsideways.webm">
<h5>Dominique</h5><img src="media/characters/dominique/card.webp"><p>Yess $pcName, claim this pussy, baby. You fuck me so GOOD.</p>
Your second fuck of the day, and with another bad bitch. You could get used to this you think to yourself as her tight pussy grips you.
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>This pussy is so wet, baby. Is it <span class="hypno">all for me?</span>.</p>
<h5>Dominique</h5><img src="media/characters/dominique/card.webp"><p>It's all yours! It's all yours, just keep fucking me $pcName. aaaAAAAAHHH!</p>
You take her orgasm as an opportunity to switch positions and drag her into the pool, bending her over the edge. You slow down a little as she's coming down from her orgasm, keeping a nice steady rhythm.
<video loop autoplay muted>
<source src="media/characters/dominique/vid/pooldoggy.webm">
<h5>Dominique</h5><img src="media/characters/dominique/card.webp"><p>Oooh, yes Daddy, I'm your dirty little slut. Beat this pussy up, Daddy.</p>
You keep pumping into this godess as her warm, wet pussy grips you. Every stroke backwards is harder, like her pussy doesn't want to let go of your cock. You feel your orgasm building as you listen to the *PLAP* *PLAP* *PLAP* of your bodies colliding with every stroke and as you approach your peak you really start pounding away. You let her know you're close.
<h5>Dominique</h5><img src="media/characters/dominique/card.webp"><p>I'm ready, baby. Give it to me. Let me taste it.</p>
You start unloading on her tongue and as you're cumming she takes you into her mouth and sucks the tip of your cock, vacuuming all your cum out. After you finish, she gives the tip a reverent kiss and smiles up at you.
<video loop autoplay muted>
<source src="media/characters/dominique/vid/poolfacial.webm">
<h5>Dominique</h5><img src="media/characters/dominique/card.webp"><p>Thank you, Daddy.</p>
After she cleans your cock with her mouth, you get dressed and ready to leave.
<<link [[Before you leave, you want to try something.|4-2-Dominique-3]]>><</link>>
</div><div class="bar">
You're feeling the effect of that smoothie from earlier, boosting your energy.
Dominique has the best ass you've seen in a while, maybe ever, you think to yourself as you pound away at it. The jiggles from her oiled up booty are turning you on almost as much as her moans and pleading for more.
<video loop autoplay muted>
<source src="media/characters/dominique/vid/poolsideways.webm">
<h5>Dominique</h5><img src="media/characters/dominique/card.webp"><p>Yess $pcName, claim this pussy, baby. You fuck me so GOOD.</p>
Your second fuck of the day, and with another bad bitch. You could get used to this you think to yourself as her tight pussy grips you.
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>This pussy is so wet, baby. Is it <span class="hypno">all for me?</span>.</p>
<h5>Dominique</h5><img src="media/characters/dominique/card.webp"><p>It's all yours! It's all yours, just keep fucking me $pcName. aaaAAAAAHHH!</p>
You take her orgasm as an opportunity to switch positions and drag her into the pool, bending her over the edge. You slow down a little as she's coming down from her orgasm, keeping a nice steady rhythm.
<video loop autoplay muted>
<source src="media/characters/dominique/vid/pooldoggy.webm">
<h5>Dominique</h5><img src="media/characters/dominique/card.webp"><p>Oooh, yes Daddy, I'm your dirty little slut. Beat this pussy up, Daddy.</p>
You keep pumping into this godess as her warm, wet pussy grips you. Every stroke backwards is harder, like her pussy doesn't want to let go of your cock. You feel your orgasm building as you listen to the *PLAP* *PLAP* *PLAP* of your bodies colliding with every stroke and as you approach your peak you really start pounding away. You let her know you're close.
<h5>Dominique</h5><img src="media/characters/dominique/card.webp"><p>So good, so good, sooo goooood. Yes, $pcName, fill me up. Fill this pussy up, baby. I need it inside.</p>
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>That's right, I'm gonna fill this pussy up. You want a baby, slut? <span class="hypno">You want me to impregnate you</span>, huh? Get ready, bitch. I'm about to make you a single mom.</p>
<video loop autoplay muted>
<source src="media/characters/dominique/vid/poolcreampie.webm">
<h5>Dominique</h5><img src="media/characters/dominique/card.webp"><p>YEEEESSSSSSS, Daddy, fill this pussy UP!</p>
Moaning yourself, you listen to her cries of pleasure as you cum inside her. Slowing down a little, you look each other in the eyes and then lean over to kiss her. Finally down from the high, you pull out and observe the result of your union.
<video loop autoplay muted>
<source src="media/characters/dominique/vid/pieleak.webm">
<h5>Dominique</h5><img src="media/characters/dominique/card.webp"><p>This cum is all mine. Let me thank you properly, Daddy.</p>
With that, she gets in the pool in front of you as you sit on the edge. She takes your barely softened cock into her mouth and begins worshipping it.
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>That's right baby, I've got more where that came from. Take care of Daddy, Babygirl.</p>
<video loop autoplay muted>
<source src="media/characters/dominique/vid/poolsuck.webm">
Before you know it, you're hitting your second peak of the session. Getting up and taking your dick in you hand, you order her to get under you.
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>Time to get your second prize, slut.</p>
<h5>Dominique</h5><img src="media/characters/dominique/card.webp"><p>I'm ready, baby. Give it to me. Let me taste it.</p>
You start unloading on her tongue and as you're cumming she takes you into her mouth and sucks the tip of your cock, vacuuming all your cum out. After you finish, she gives the tip a reverent kiss and smiles up at you.
<video loop autoplay muted>
<source src="media/characters/dominique/vid/poolfacial.webm">
<h5>Dominique</h5><img src="media/characters/dominique/card.webp"><p>Thank you, Daddy.</p>
After she cleans your cock with her mouth, you get dressed and ready to leave.
<<link [[Before you leave, you want to try something.|4-2-Dominique-3]]>><</link>>
</div><div class="bar">
Dressed and ready to leave, you look at Dominique who is relaxing by the pool, rubbing her crotch softly, tired and satisfied. You're starting to understand a little more about how to use your new powers and want to try something. You squat in front of Dominique and grab her chin softly, turning her head towards you so you're looking in her eyes.
<h5>Dominique</h5><img src="media/characters/dominique/card.webp"><p>Yes, baby?</p>
She looks at you with pure adoration in her eyes.
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p><span class="hypno">You're mine. This pussy, this ass, these tits, these lips. Mine. If I want to breed you, you're going to thank me. If I want to feed you my cum, you're going to smile and ask for more. You're my dirty little slut, and anything I want from you, you're going to give me.</span></p>
You feel a headache coming on, dizziness taking you. Fighting it, you focus your sight on Dominique. Her cheeks are flushed and her eyes are lidded, almost as if she's fighting sleep. It lasts a few seconds, during which she speaks.
<h5>Dominique</h5><img src="media/characters/dominique/card.webp"><p>I belong to you, $pcName. Anything you want, I'll do it for you.</p>
Satisfied, you give her a final kiss and leave. You go around the corner of the house and finally let the headache get to you. You grab onto the wall with one hand and your head with the other. While not to the same degree, the pain is the same type as the one you experienced the night you grabbed the gem. You focus on your breathing for a minute and start feeling a little better.
<<link [[Let's take a few minutes before I head to the next customer.|4-3-1]]>><<set $extraEnergy to false>><</link>>
</div><<set $vivianPath to true>><div class="bar">
You decide to work at the Park residence. //Hopefully Mr. Park won't annoy me this time.//
When you arrive you notice Mr. Park's car is gone, but there is a car in the driveway that wasn't here last time. With any luck Mr. Park will be at work and you can finish quickly. You go to your truck to get your gear.
It's getting to that midday heat and you take your shirt off to work. As you start working on the front lawn, the door opens and a woman greets you. You shut off the lawnmower, grab a bottle of water and take a sip.
<img src="media/characters/vivian/intro.webp" class="imgBorder vivian">
<h5>Vivian</h5><img src="media/characters/vivian/card.webp"><p>Well hello there young man. *She looks you up and down like a wolf eyeing a steak* I didn't know we were getting a visitor today, and such a handsome one as well... *She gets a little lost looking at your bare torso, her finger moving up and down her cleavage* ...Oh-I'm Vivian, you must be the gardener my idiot husband mentioned. $pcName, right?</p>
She introduces herself from the doorway. //How did Mark Park manage to bag this hottie?// You think to yourself. //She is already turned on, and I haven't even touched her yet.// You're probably going to fuck Mr. Park's wife, you realize. But first you want to try something. It's a bit of a gamble but you have a good feeling about it.
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>Yeah, that's right... *You stare her up and down, licking your lips* //Returning the favor.// How did <span class="hypno">a loser like your husband bag a hottie like you</span>, I wonder?</p>
You say loudly in front of the house. Any of the neighbors could have heard, but you don't really care. Well actually, that is sort of the point. Vivian visibly blushes, then smiles at you.
<h5>Vivian</h5><img src="media/characters/vivian/card.webp"><p>He really is a loser. Off to work after I just got home from a two week trip. Two weeks apart and yet here I am, alone and horny. I deserve better than him don't I? What do you think?</p>
You take a sip of your water bottle and give her a confident stare for a second. She is transfixed by you. Her other hand has joined the first one in rubbing her body. One in her tits, and the other on her belly, trying to get to her pussy through the fabric. She seems amicable, so you go all in.
You take your hand and rub it up and down you crotch a few times. Her eyes are following your hand. Then you slowly go up to her, talking as you're walking.
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p><span class="hypno">I think a cock-tease like you deserves a good deep-dicking from someone like me. I think I should come over there and do the job your husband doesn't want to do, that he //couldn't// do even if he wanted to. I think a whore like you needs to be treated in a way that your husband could never comprehend. I think I should fill you up with so much cum you become drunk and forget all about your little loser hubby.</span></p>
You start feeling dizzy and feel a headache come on. //Damn, that took a lot out of me. I need a second to gather myself.// She starts breathing heavily and her lidded eyes twitch as if she's fighting sleep for a second. She moves to kiss you. Fighting through the dizziness, you grab her by the neck and shove your tounge down her throat, sloppily making out for a second.
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>I'm gonna finish my work first, then I'm gonna come in and ruin you, <span class="hypno">cumslut.</span></p>
That last part worsened your headache and it's taking everything in you to not wince.
She looks at you enthralled and nods.
<img src="media/characters/vivian/invite.webp" class="imgBorder vivian">
<h5>Vivian</h5><img src="media/characters/vivian/card.webp"><p>Ok, baby. I'll be waiting.</p>
She goes inside and closes the door. You grab onto the wall with one hand and your head with the other. While not to the same degree, the pain is the same type as the one you experienced the night you grabbed the gem. You focus on your breathing for a minute and start feeling a little better.
<<link [[Let's finish this work so I can get to *work*.|4-2-Vivian-2]]>><</link>>
</div><div class="bar">
You manage to recuperate and finish what little work there was to do in record time. Walking in, the place seems empty at first.
<h5>Vivian</h5><img src="media/characters/vivian/card.webp"><p>I'm up here, baby! Come give me what I need!</p>
Her voice is coming from upstairs, so you go up. You see an open door and walk inside. She's on the bed waiting for you.
<video loop autoplay muted>
<source src="media/characters/vivian/vid/tease.webm">
<h5>Vivian</h5><img src="media/characters/vivian/card.webp"><p>I need your cum baby, give it to me.</p>
You disrobe and walk over to her. You continue your makeout session from earlier and spit in her mouth. She takes your tongue as good as you give it, wrestling it in her mouth, begging for more.
<h5>Vivian</h5><img src="media/characters/vivian/card.webp"><p>Yesss, more. I want to get drunk off of your fluids, baby.</p>
You tell her to get on her knees as you sit on the edge of the bed.
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>You want my cum? Then get to work, whore.</p>
She moans at the name-calling, diving at your cock and begins sucking. She fucks her own face on it, gagging herself.
<video loop autoplay muted>
<source src="media/characters/vivian/vid/gag.webm">
<h5>Vivian</h5><img src="media/characters/vivian/card.webp"><p>I want your cum. I want you to fill me up like the cumdumpster I am.</p>
She keeps sucking, alternating between taking you balls deep and jerking you while sucking the head. She is so enthusiastic it's hard to tell which one of you is enjoying it more.
<video loop autoplay muted>
<source src="media/characters/vivian/vid/suck.webm">
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>Get on your back, it's time to do what your loser fucking husband can't.</p>
She giggles and quickly gets on her back. Getting in position, you start fucking her. Warm, wet, and tight enough, you get into a rhythm. She's moaning, thanking you, screaming out as she cums. Both of you shit-talk her husband which really gets her going. You keep up the rhythm for a while, then change it into deep slower strokes.
<video loop autoplay muted>
<source src="media/characters/vivian/vid/missionary.webm">
As a reward for acknowledging your superiority, you speed up for a little bit to pound out another orgasm out of her. She moans out again after yet another orgasm. She's past cum-drunk already and venturing deeper.
You're getting close to cumming yourself, how do you want to finish?
<span class="passage buttonContainer">
<<if $extraEnergy>>
<<button [[I'm gonna drown this bitch. Face and Pussy.|4-2-Vivian-bonus]]>><<set $vivianBreed to $vivianBreed + 1>><</button>>
<<button [[Let's bake a pie|4-2-Vivian-pie]]>><<set $vivianBreed to $vivianBreed + 1>><</button>>
<<button [[Time to swallow, cumslut|4-2-Vivian-facial]]>><</button>>
</div><div class="bar">
She starts sucking on your balls while jerking you with one hand. You talk dirty to her, telling her this is all she's good for, she's nothing but a cum receptacle for you, and with every word she gets hornier.
<video loop autoplay muted>
<source src="media/characters/vivian/vid/balls.webm">
<h5>Vivian</h5><img src="media/characters/vivian/card.webp"><p>That's right baby, I'm your cum dumpster, anytime you need to release a load I'll be there. This mouth and this pussy can never get enough, baby.</p>
You sense it's time and get up. Standing above her you jerk off as she waits patiently for your load.
<video loop autoplay muted>
<source src="media/characters/vivian/vid/facial.webm">
<h5>Vivian</h5><img src="media/characters/vivian/card.webp"><p>So much cum for me. Thank you for treating me like the cum guzzler I am, thank you for giving me what I need.</p>
After you cum she keeps sucking, getting every little bit of cum out of your dick. When she's finished, she shows off her full mouth before swallowing everything.
<video loop autoplay muted>
<source src="media/characters/vivian/vid/swallow.webm">
While you're satisfied, you feel like you could have gone further if you had more energy. You hit the shower in the en suite while she remains on the bed, cum-drunk and swimming in ecstasy.
<<link [[Time to get going.|4-2-Vivian-3]]>><</link>>
</div><div class="bar">
You're feeling the effect of that smoothie from earlier, boosting your energy.
You get up, drag her onto the bed and get behind her. You start pumping her pussy sideways, listening to her mewling cum-drunk.
<h5>Vivian</h5><img src="media/characters/vivian/card.webp"><p>YESSSS, GIVE IT TO ME BABY. I'M YOUR CUMDUMPSTER BABY, GIVE IT TO ME. FILL THIS PUSSY UUUUPP.</p>
You're approaching your peak, you can feel it coming, and you keep going.
<video loop autoplay muted>
<source src="media/characters/vivian/vid/pie.webm">
You fill her up and keep pumping. Normally you'd go soft but you have more energy remaining. Time to go again. Your dick stays hard as you keep pumping steadily.
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>I've got more for you whore, but you're gonna have to work to get it.</p>
You say as you switch position.
<h5>Vivian</h5><img src="media/characters/vivian/card.webp"><p>I want more, let me get it, baby.</p>
<video loop autoplay muted>
<source src="media/characters/vivian/vid/balls.webm">
She starts sucking on your balls while jerking you with one hand. You talk dirty to her, telling her this is all she's good for, she's nothing but a cum receptacle for you, and with every word she gets hornier.
<h5>Vivian</h5><img src="media/characters/vivian/card.webp"><p>That's right baby, I'm your cum dumpster, anytime you need to release a load I'll be there. This mouth and this pussy can never get enough, baby.</p>
You sense it's time and get up. Standing above her you jerk off as she waits patiently for your load.
<video loop autoplay muted>
<source src="media/characters/vivian/vid/facial.webm">
<h5>Vivian</h5><img src="media/characters/vivian/card.webp"><p>So much cum for me. Thank you for treating me like the cum guzzler I am, thank you for giving me what I need.</p>
After you cum she keeps sucking, getting every little bit of cum out of your dick. When she's finished, she shows off her full mouth before swallowing everything.
<video loop autoplay muted>
<source src="media/characters/vivian/vid/swallow.webm">
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>Let me see that pussy so I can make sure you're stuffed properly.</p>
She gets on the bed and spreads her legs to show off her overfilled pussy.
<h5>Vivian</h5><img src="media/characters/vivian/card.webp"><p>Look, this is all you, baby.</p>
<video loop autoplay muted>
<source src="media/characters/vivian/vid/pieleak.webm">
Satisfied, you hit the shower in the en suite while she remains on the bed, cum-drunk and swimming in ecstasy.
<<link [[Time to get going.|4-2-Vivian-3]]>><</link>>
</div><div class="bar">
You get up, drag her onto the bed and get behind her. You start pumping her pussy sideways, listening to her mewling cum-drunk.
<h5>Vivian</h5><img src="media/characters/vivian/card.webp"><p>YESSSS, GIVE IT TO ME BABY. I'M YOUR CUMDUMPSTER BABY, GIVE IT TO ME. FILL THIS PUSSY UUUUPP.</p>
You're approaching your peak, you can feel it coming, and you keep going as you cum, filling her pussy.
<video loop autoplay muted>
<source src="media/characters/vivian/vid/pie.webm">
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>Let me see that pussy so I can make sure you're stuffed properly.</p>
She gets on the bed and spreads her legs to show off her overfilled pussy.
<h5>Vivian</h5><img src="media/characters/vivian/card.webp"><p>Look, this is all you, baby.</p>
<video loop autoplay muted>
<source src="media/characters/vivian/vid/pieleak.webm">
While you're satisfied, you feel like you could have gone further if you had more energy. You hit the shower in the en suite while she remains on the bed, cum-drunk and swimming in ecstasy.
<<link [[Time to get going.|4-2-Vivian-3]]>><</link>>
</div><div class="bar">
After showering, you get dressed and go downstairs. Vivian is still on the bed, playing with whatever remains of your cum.
At the bottom of the stairs, the door opens and Mr. Park walks in. He sees you and has a surprised look on his face as you stare him down. His face cycles through surprise, then anger before the effect of your new power kicks in and he becomes visibly nervous. He coughs, clearing his throat nervously before speaking.
<h5>Mark</h5><img src="media/characters/men/mark.webp"><p>What are you doing in my house, young man?</p>
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>I was helping your wife with something after I finished my work.</p>
He looks unsure still, but gathers his courage and continues speaking.
<h5>Mark</h5><img src="media/characters/men/mark.webp"><p>And what were you helping her with?</p>
Before you can answer, Vivian comes downstairs barely dressed.
<img src="media/characters/vivian/downstairs.webp" class="imgBorder vivian">
<h5>Vivian</h5><img src="media/characters/vivian/card.webp"><p>LEAVE HIM ALONE, MARK. I needed his help with something. Maybe if you were here with your wife who's been gone for two weeks, instead of at work, I wouldn't have to ask strangers for help to do YOUR job.</p>
Mark stands there simultaneously shrinking from his wife's words and also shocked by what she's wearing.
<h5>Mark</h5><img src="media/characters/men/mark.webp"><p>W-Wait, what are you wearing? Why aren't you dressed?</p>
<h5>Vivian</h5><img src="media/characters/vivian/card.webp"><p>Oh so now you're jealous? That's just great. Earlier I was begging you to stay home and now you want me. Make up your mind, MARK.</p>
She turns to you, ignoring her husband for a minute.
<h5>Vivian</h5><img src="media/characters/vivian/card.webp"><p>When are you coming back again, baby? I need someone to help with my bush. The area around the pool gets really ''wet'' too, I think there might be a //leak//. I need you come back to take care of it.</p>
She shamelessly flirts with you in front of her husband, her fingers stroking up and down your chest.
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>Well Mrs. Park, I have a lot of work these days. There's quite a few beautiful women like you out there with useless husbands, and I am only one man. But I can probably ''squeeze you in'' sometime next week. If your husband doesn't mind of course.</p>
<h5>Mark</h5><img src="media/characters/men/mark.webp"><p>EXCUSE M-</p>
Mark starts but is interrupted again.
A new wave of shock hits Mark, and for a second he looks like he might say something but his eyes meet yours and he shuts up.
You have a premonition and want to try out something new. You walk over to Mark and put your hand on his shoulder as he shrinks. Focusing your thoughts, you try penetrating them into his mind.
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p class="hypno"><i>I am better than you, Mark. I just fucked your wife and you're not gonna do anything about it. I'm gonna fuck her again. Her pussy is mine.</i></p>
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>Well, Mark? What do you say? Are you okay with me coming back next week to help your garden and take care of your wife? Oops, freudian slip there.</p>
You say as you laugh while waiting for his reply.
<h5>Mark</h5><img src="media/characters/men/mark.webp"><p>Yeah, you can come by again.</p>
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>To do what, Mark? I need you to say it.</p>
Mark looks utterly defeated at this point as he answers.
<h5>Mark</h5><img src="media/characters/men/mark.webp"><p>To take care of my wife.</p>
Damn. That felt surprisingly good. You nod and let go of his shoulder, turning to face Vivian.
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>Well, it's time for me to go. Come here so I can say goodbye.</p>
Vivian walks over and you grab her bare ass as you hug her, fondling it for a few seconds. She whimpers and moans a little while her husband stands to the side looking at the floor.
<h5>Vivian</h5><img src="media/characters/vivian/card.webp"><p>Bye baby, see you next time.</p>
<<link [[Let's head over to the next customer.|4-3-1]]>><<set $extraEnergy to false>><</link>>
</div><div class="bar"><<set $katPath to true>>
You walk over to Kat and smile.
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>Well hello, babygirl.</p>
She giggles at that and feigns an offended look.
<h5>Kat</h5><img src="media/characters/kat/card.webp"><p>Wow. First time we see each other in years and this is how you greet me? I see you haven't lost your arrogance.</p>
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>What can I say, something about you brings out the alpha in me.</p>
You say with a smile while looking her up and down, admiring her curves. She lets out a short laugh. A moment of silence falls between you and you look at each other before she speaks.
<h5>Kat</h5><img src="media/characters/kat/card.webp"><p>I've missed you. You always knew how to make me smile.</p>
You step closer to her, looking down into her eyes.
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>I've missed you too. I seem to remember some other things I would make you do.</p>
You say as your hands reach behind her to fondle her ass softly. Her breath grows short and she looks up at you while biting her lip.
<h5>Kat</h5><img src="media/characters/kat/card.webp"><p>Do you want to get out of here and head back to my place?</p>
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>We don't have to leave, babygirl. I want to fuck you right here in the Vanleer mansion.</p>
You whisper into her ear while massaging her ass. As you finish speaking, you nibble on her earlobe and kiss below her ear. She mewls in your ear. The hall around you is filled with people, but no one seems to notice your foreplay. You don't notice them either. It's like they don't exist, like you and Kat are alone. Her hands are all over you, running up and down your back as she presses her crotch into yours.
<h5>Kat</h5><img src="media/characters/kat/card.webp"><p>Please, Daddy. I need it now.</p>
You pull back and look at her. Her expression is familiar to you, she is horny and willing to do almost anything to get off. You whisper "Let's go" and take her by the hand, leading her out of the hall.
<<link[[Let's find a room|2-9-Kat-2]]>><</link>>
</div><div class="bar">
You pull Kat along with you out of the great hall where the majority of people are hanging out. At first you worry some of the staff might spot you stealing away and return you, but nobody seems to care. You understand relatively quickly why. You're not the only people who are trying to get some "alone time", the first room you check has a man and a woman making out in a corner. You also spot a couple of couples getting handsy in a dark corner of a hallway or by a window.
Soon enough, you find an empty room. You've been making out and groping each other impatiently on the way, but now you can finally both get started for real. You press Kat with her ass against the edge of the table as you assault her mouth with yours, both of you struggling to breathe due to the intensity of your kissing. Your fingers go below her dress and find her glistening honeypot. Your fingers explore her insides, thumb rubbing around her clit. You change up the speed, going fast, then slowing down, then speeding up again. Her moans fill your mouth, and also the room when you pause the kiss to breathe. Before long, she is grabbing onto your arms firmly and leaning her upper body into yours as she cums from your fingers.
<h5>Kat</h5><img src="media/characters/kat/card.webp"><p>MMMMMMNNNNHH! ...Thank you, Daddy.</p>
She says looking up at you, smiling.
<h5>Kat</h5><img src="media/characters/kat/card.webp"><p>Let me return the favor.</p>
Getting down on her knees, she unzips your pants and fishes out your rock hard tool. She strokes it a few times and looks up at you.
<h5>Kat</h5><img src="media/characters/kat/card.webp"><p>I've missed this cock so much.</p>
She kisses it softly before taking it into her mouth.
<video loop autoplay muted>
<source src="media/characters/kat/vid/bj1.webm">
As she sucks, you experience a feeling of familiarity, her technique has always felt so good and that hasn't changed it seems. You remember she likes it when you get rough and position yourself so you can fuck her face.
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>I'm gonna fuck your mouth now, babygirl.</p>
<video loop autoplay muted>
<source src="media/characters/kat/vid/ff1.webm">
She moans through your facefucking, her fingers working her kitty aggressively in time with your movements. After a while, you pull out and drag her to her feet.
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>Did this pussy miss me like I missed her?</p>
You ask as you turn her around. Giving her a deep kiss before positioning yourself at her entrance, she answers.
<h5>Kat</h5><img src="media/characters/kat/card.webp"><p>Yes, Daddyyy. This pussy missed your throbbing cock SO MUCH. Put it in, remind this pussy how it feels to get fucked good. AAAAAHHH!</p>
She moans loudly as you enter her, balls deep in one thrust. Her wetness was covering her thighs and you even spotted a wet spot on the floor where she had been kneeling, so you knew she was ready to take you fully.
<video loop autoplay muted>
<source src="media/characters/kat/vid/behind1.webm">
<h5>Kat</h5><img src="media/characters/kat/card.webp"><p>GOD! YES YES YESYesyesyeeess! OOUUUUUHHHHNNGG</p>
Driving into her, you feel her pussy squeeze you as she cums. You keep fucking her through her orgasm and soon enough she is building to a second one, then peaking and cumming again.
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>I wanna see your face while I remind this pussy who I am, baby.</p>
With that, you turn her around and re-enter her. She is vocal as you press into her, moaning and praising you.
<h5>Kat</h5><img src="media/characters/kat/card.webp"><p>OH GOD BABY! YES DADDY, REMIND THIS PUSSY WHO OWNS IT! AH AH AH AH, YEEEESSSSS!</p>
<video loop autoplay muted>
<source src="media/characters/kat/vid/missionary1.webm">
You drive her to another orgasm and enjoy the feeling of driving a woman crazy like this. Kat had almost forgotten how good this felt, but you've reminded her. You slow down for a second as she comes down from her orgasm and lean over her to make out. You share a sloppy kiss which turns into a spit-swapping session. You're both sweaty at this point from physical exertion, but both are ready for more.
<h5>Kat</h5><img src="media/characters/kat/card.webp"><p>I wanna ride you like a cowgirl, Daddy.</p>
You get on the table and Kat moves above you and squats down, ass facing you. She maneuvers your cock into her pussy and starts bouncing on it.
<h5>Kat</h5><img src="media/characters/kat/card.webp"><p>I need this cock in my life, my boyfriend could never fuck me like this in a million years!</p>
Wait, she has a boyfriend? Well, obviously they aren't that serious considering she's bouncing on your dick right now. You take the opportunity for some dirty talk.
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>What, your boyfriend doesn't know how to fuck you? So you came back to Rosewood to get some real dick? Don't worry babygirl, Daddy is always ready to pound his princess.</p>
<video loop autoplay muted>
<source src="media/characters/kat/vid/rc1.webm">
<h5>Kat</h5><img src="media/characters/kat/card.webp"><p>Yes, daddy, YES! He's useless in bed, he's never made me cum in the whole year we've been dating! And here you are, giving me four orgasms in 15 minutes! FIVE! FIVE ORGASMS OOOOOUUUUHHHHH!</p>
Her face tightens and so does her pussy as she cums again. You can feel yourself getting close and let her know.
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>Daddy's cumming soon, baby. Where does princess want her Daddy's cum?</p>
<h5>Kat</h5><img src="media/characters/kat/card.webp"><p>INSIDE. CUM INSIDE ME DADDYYYY!</p>
That's good enough for you, so you pull her off of you and get behind her. You can feel your climax approaching, your sperm eager to explore Kat's womb. You let yourself go as Kat moans and begs for your cum.
<video loop autoplay muted>
<source src="media/characters/kat/vid/inside1.webm">
<<link[[Get back to the party.|Day 2-10-1]]>><</link>>
</div><div class="bar">
Looking off to the side, you see a MILF maid eyeing you. You've noticed her looking at you a few times now, maybe you could steal away with her for a few minutes?
You still haven't seen Hayden, but the night is young and you still have time to sneak away for a few moments. You should also look for Emma. If nothing else, you want to congratulate her personally.
<small style="display: block; text-align: center;">//''(Click image to select)''//</small>
<span class="choiceHeading"><p>That maid looks like she would be willing to get dirty</p></span>
<span class="imgContainer" ><a data-passage="2-10-Nancy"><img src="media/characters/nancy/intro1.webp" class="imgBorder nancy"></a></span>
<p style="text-align: center;"><<link [[Before you can make up your mind, a waiter spills a potential SECOND tray of shrimp and now you have mayo stains on your shirt (potentially for the SECOND TIME)! You find a bathroom to wash off. (SKIP ENCOUNTER.)|Day 2-11]]>><</link>></p>
</div><<set $vivianPath to true>><div class="bar">
You decide to work at the Park residence.
When you arrive you notice Mr. Park's car is gone, but there is a car in the driveway that wasn't here last time. With any luck Mr. Park will be at work and you can finish quickly. You go to your truck to get your gear.
It's getting to that midday heat and you take your shirt off to work. As you start working on the front lawn, the door opens and a woman greets you. You shut off the lawnmower, grab a bottle of water and take a sip.
<img src="media/characters/vivian/intro.webp" class="imgBorder vivian">
<h5>Vivian</h5><img src="media/characters/vivian/card.webp"><p>Well hello there young man. *She looks you up and down like a wolf eyeing a steak* I didn't know we were getting a visitor today, and such a handsome one as well... *She gets a little lost looking at your bare torso, her finger moving up and down her cleavage* ...Oh-I'm Vivian, you must be the gardener my idiot husband mentioned. $pcName, right?</p>
She introduces herself from the doorway. //How did Mark Park manage to bag this hottie?// You think to yourself. //She is already turned on, and I haven't even touched her yet.// You're probably going to fuck Mr. Park's wife, you realize. But first you want to try something. It's a bit of a gamble but you have a good feeling about it.
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>Yeah, that's right... *You stare her up and down, licking your lips* //Returning the favor.// How did <span class="hypno">a loser like your husband bag a hottie like you</span>, I wonder?</p>
You say loudly in front of the house. Any of the neighbors could have heard, but you don't really care. Well actually, that is sort of the point. Vivian visibly blushes, then smiles at you.
<h5>Vivian</h5><img src="media/characters/vivian/card.webp"><p>He really is a loser. Off to work after I just got home from a two week trip. Two weeks apart and yet here I am, alone and horny. I deserve better than him don't I? What do you think?</p>
You take a sip of your water bottle and give her a confident stare for a second. She is transfixed by you. Her other hand has joined the first one in rubbing her body. One in her tits, and the other on her belly, trying to get to her pussy through the fabric. She seems amicable, so you go all in.
You take your hand and rub it up and down you crotch a few times. Her eyes are following your hand. Then you slowly go up to her, talking as you're walking.
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p><span class="hypno">I think a cock-tease like you deserves a good deep-dicking from someone like me. I think I should come over there and do the job your husband doesn't want to do, that he //couldn't// do even if he wanted to. I think a whore like you needs to be treated in a way that your husband could never comprehend. I think I should fill you up with so much cum you become drunk and forget all about your little loser hubby.</span></p>
You start feeling dizzy and feel a headache come on. //Damn, that took a lot out of me. I need a second to gather myself.// She starts breathing heavily and her lidded eyes twitch as if she's fighting sleep for a second. She moves to kiss you. Fighting through the dizziness, you grab her by the neck and shove your tounge down her throat, sloppily making out for a second.
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>I'm gonna finish my work first, then I'm gonna come in and ruin you, <span class="hypno">cumslut.</span></p>
That last part worsened your headache and it's taking everything in you to not wince.
She looks at you enthralled and nods.
<img src="media/characters/vivian/invite.webp" class="imgBorder vivian">
<h5>Vivian</h5><img src="media/characters/vivian/card.webp"><p>Ok, baby. I'll be waiting.</p>
She goes inside and closes the door. You grab onto the wall with one hand and your head with the other. While not to the same degree, the pain is the same type as the one you experienced the night you grabbed the gem. You focus on your breathing for a minute and start feeling a little better.
<<link [[Let's finish this work so I can get to *work*.|1-7-Vivian-2]]>><</link>>
</div><<set $sylviaPath to true>><div class="bar">
Your lips are still close to her hand as you look up at Sylvia. You whisper so that only she can hear you.
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p><small>I prefer my apples <span class="hypno">ripe</span>.</small></p>
She takes a deep inhale at that, you managed to turn the tables and now she is off balance. You straighten up and turn to Emma.
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>Does your grandma always play matchmaker for you?</p>
Emma is blushing profusely at this point and she turns to her grandmother.
<h5>Emma</h5><img src="media/characters/emma/card.webp"><p>Nana! Leave him alone! I'm sure he has better things to do than to entertain your nonsense!</p>
Just as Sylvia is about to reply, you interrupt.
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>Don't worry about it. I think it's sweet.</p>
Emma exhales in relief while Sylvia eyes you curiously.
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>Mrs. Vanleer, I have a business proposition for you if you have some time?</p>
A lie, but one you're sure will work to get her alone.
<h5>Sylvia</h5><img src="media/characters/sylvia/card.webp"><p>My husband taught me to always be forward with what you want. You remind me of him. I'll hear your proposition, let's go to my office.</p>
<<link[[With that, you leave the hall with Sylvia.|2-13-Sylvia-2]]>><</link>>
</div><div class="bar">
As you're working, you notice something strange. The place is empty. There's no one here except for you and Grace who's inside. //Does she live in this huge place alone?// After a couple hours, you finish up your work. The place looks like it's a photo out of a binterest board now.
You go to the door and knock. A short minute later, Grace comes out.
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>Hi there, I just finished up. Thought I'd let you know.</p>
<h5>Grace</h5><img src="media/characters/grace/card.webp"><p>I saw. I've been keeping an eye on you every now and then from inside... Please, come in for a minute. Let's go get the money. And that bonus I was talking about.</p>
She looks slyly at you as she waves you in. //I'm definitely excited to see this bonus she's talking about.// You follow her inside. The building is decorated inside like you would expect looking at the place from the outside. The structure is old, but has been updated with modern amenities. It reminds you a little of the Vanleer's place. //Speaking of, I need to visit <<if $sylviaPath>>Sylvia<<elseif $emmaPath>>Emma<</if>> soon.//
You follow her down the hall. It opens up to a large living space, with seating areas, dining areas, and a kitchen at the end. //This place could comfortably fit 20 people at a time.// Before you step into this area however, Grace turns up a set of stairs.
You follow her up and she leads you down another long hallway. On one side are windows, and on the other doors. Once you're just over the halfway point, she opens one of the many doors on this side and you follow her in. To a bedroom.
<h5>Grace</h5><img src="media/characters/grace/card.webp"><p>Take a seat, get comfortable. I'll be right with you.</p>
She points to the bed, and goes into an adjacent room. You don't get a good look at the other room. //A bathroom? Walk-in closet?// You stand alone in the room for a second before you decide to take a seat. Looking around, you see the bedroom seems somewhat sparsely decorated. There's furniture here, but not really any personal effects that you can see. //Maybe this is a guest room. Maybe she's married and doesn't want to do it in the master bedroom.//
After a few minutes, Grace returns. She's holding a wad of cash, which she promptly hands over.
<h5>Grace</h5><img src="media/characters/grace/card.webp"><p>There you go. I added something extra for the short notice.</p>
She doesn't say anything else, like she's waiting for your move.
//That's it? This was the bonus she was talking about?//
At this point, you could leave. It seems your passive powers haven't had the effect you've become accustomed to. You're unsure of the long-term effects of using the Voice. Maybe it's better to learn more from the witches before you begin casually using your active ability.
Or. You could use the Voice. You haven't used it properly like this in a while. Maybe not ever like this actually. Usually you only use it to reinforce desire, or to strengthen what was already there. You're not sure what, if anything, is here.
<span class="buttonContainer choiceButtons"><<button [[Restraint is wisdom|4-3-Grace-trust]]>><<set $guardian to $guardian + 1>><<set $graceTrust to true>><</button>><<button [[I'm horny, and she's hot|4-3-Grace-notrust]]>><<set $dominator to $dominator + 1>><<set $graceTrust to false>><</button>></span>
</div><div class="bar">
You decide it's not worth the risk and you're not even sure you feel ok with manipulating her to this degree. Usually, women are enthusiastically attracted to you and fall over themselves to make it clear they want you. Grace hasn't really done that so far.
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>Thank you. I suppose I'll leave now. Remember to call me again if you need my services!</p>
Grace doesn't say anything, she is just looking at you and smiling. You get up and take three steps towards the door.
<h5>Grace</h5><img src="media/characters/grace/card.webp"><p>Wait! Your ''bonus''! I almost forgot, silly me. You've been such a //good boy// too!</p>
You turn around like a kid who thought he wasn't getting a birthday gift, but his parents were just joking all along. Grace approaches you and takes your hands into hers, guiding you back to the bed. Her face is close and you can feel her warm breath on your neck.
<h5>Grace</h5><img src="media/characters/grace/card.webp"><p>Sit down again, please. I'll be right back.</p>
You sit on the bed and wait again as Grace goes through the same door. After a few minutes, she returns. Naked.
<img src="media/characters/grace/4-3-3.webp" class="imgBorder scarletSigil">
Her magnificent tits turn up your heat. She approaches you as you sit, helping you take off your shirt, then pulling off your pants.
<h5>Grace</h5><img src="media/characters/grace/card.webp"><p>You've been such a good boy today. First coming to help me with the lawn when I called. Good boy. Then for being so patient and waiting for your reward. Good boy.</p>
She has your cock in her hands now. She is stroking you up and down sensually. Every now and then, she leans forward and your cock touches her slick tits. She puts your cock between them and masturbates you with her big boobs. She keeps going like this for a while, switching from her tits to her hands and back again. All the while she tells you what a good boy you are, how you deserve this. You're melting in the pleasure and can barely stay up. You're leaning back on your elbows as you watch her.
<video loop autoplay muted>
<source src="media/characters/grace/vid/4-3-hj1.webm">
<h5>Grace</h5><img src="media/characters/grace/card.webp"><p><small>Good boy. What a g</small>ood boy for Mommy. That's right baby. Just enjoy Mommy's touch. Mommy loves to reward her good boy like this when he does what Mommy wants.</p>
It's like her touch, her words, are laced with a drug. Every movement of her body, every sound of her voice brings you more pleasure. You lean your head back and breathe out, a moan leaving your lips. A look down at Grace reveals she has her eyes on you as she works your cock, smiling at you enjoying her gift.
<h5>Grace</h5><img src="media/characters/grace/card.webp"><p><small>Since you've been so patient, Mommy has another surprise for you.</p>
She pulls back from your cock, lowers herself a little and kisses your tip. Your body reacts involuntarily and you shake a little, like somebody tickled you except instead of almost laughing, you almost came. Grace giggles at your reaction before going back to meet your dick with her mouth.
<video loop autoplay muted>
<source src="media/characters/grace/vid/4-3-bj1.webm">
While her hands and tits felt amazing, her mouth has you in a coma-like state. You lie back and just enjoy the sensations with your eyes closed for a second. In the background of your mind you can hear her slurping and sucking on your tool.
<h5>Grace</h5><img src="media/characters/grace/card.webp"><p>Do you have something for Mommy, baby? Do you have a gift for me, hmm? Have you been saving up your cummies for me? Give it all to Mommy, baby. Let Mommy taste it. Mommy wants your gift.</p>
She sensed you were close almost before you did. You feel yourself riding the edge. Nodding to her, you give the signal that you're about to cum. She doubles down on her efforts and soon you jump off the edge and into a pool of pleasure. She keeps her mouth on the head of your cock as you cum, swallowing everything you give her.
<video loop autoplay muted>
<source src="media/characters/grace/vid/4-3-swallow1.webm">
In the aftermath she nurses on your cock while you lay back, hand across your forehead. She keeps at it for a while, sucking you dry as you soften in her mouth. After a while, she gets up and disappears while you relax on the bed. She comes back in clothed and addresses you.
<h5>Grace</h5><img src="media/characters/grace/card.webp"><p>Well, $pcName. I'm satisfied with your service today. I hope you're satisfied too. I'll call you again when you're needed. It's been a pleasure.</p>
Still not fully recovered, you get the hint in her words and get up. You get dressed and leave the house as she follows you out. At the entrance she taps you on the shoulder and when you turn around, she gives you a deep kiss, wrestling her tongue with yours.
<h5>Grace</h5><img src="media/characters/grace/card.webp"><p>I have a feeling we'll see each other soon, baby.</p>
With that, she pushes you outside and closes the door.
<<link [[I'm satisfied with that encounter.|4-4-1]]>><</link>>
</div><div class="bar">
//I need release, and she's gonna help me.// Decided on a course of action, you look at Grace.
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>I worked really hard you know, I was hoping for a better <span class="hypno">bonus</span>. Especially from a <span class="hypno">beautiful woman like you</span>. I want you to <span class="hypno">take care of me, <small>Mommy</small>. Come suck my dick</span>.</p>
Grace is looking intensely at you for a second, seemingly debating something with herself. Then she smiles at you and starts taking her clothes off.
<img src="media/characters/grace/4-3-3.webp" class="imgBorder scarletSigil">
<h5>Grace</h5><img src="media/characters/grace/card.webp"><p>Oh? I thought you were a good boy, but you're a naughty boy, aren't you? You did all this just so Mommy would take care of your cock, huh? I suppose it can't be helped.</p>
She gets on her knees in front of you and pulls down your pants while you're lifting your hips from the bed to help her. Your cock pops out and she grabs it and starts masturbating you. She switches between her hand and sandwiching your cock between her tits as you grow rock hard.
<video loop autoplay muted>
<source src="media/characters/grace/vid/4-3-tj1.webm">
<h5>Grace</h5><img src="media/characters/grace/card.webp"><p>I guess you've earned this even though you had ulterior motives, my naughty boy. Does it feel good? Do you like Mommy's touch?</p>
It's like her touch, her words, are laced with a drug. Every movement of her body, every sound of her voice brings you more pleasure. You lean your head back and breathe out, a moan leaving your lips. A look down at Grace reveals she has her eyes on you as she works your cock, smiling at you enjoying her gift.
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>Suck it, Mommy. I want you to suck my dick.</p>
<h5>Grace</h5><img src="media/characters/grace/card.webp"><p>My naughty boy can't help himself, can he? I suppose it's natural for a strong young man like you to need relief like this. Go ahead, baby.</p>
You put a hand on her head and guide her lips to your cock. She takes you into her mouth and begins sucking.
<video loop autoplay muted>
<source src="media/characters/grace/vid/4-3-bj1.webm">
While her hands and tits felt amazing, her mouth has you in a coma-like state. You lie back and just enjoy the sensations with your eyes closed for a second. In the background of your mind you can hear her slurping and sucking on your tool.
<h5>Grace</h5><img src="media/characters/grace/card.webp"><p>Do you have something for Mommy, baby? Do you have a gift for me, hmm? Have you been saving up your cummies for me? Give it all to Mommy, baby. Let Mommy taste it. Mommy wants your gift.</p>
She sensed you were close almost before you did. You feel yourself riding the edge. Nodding to her, you give the signal that you're about to cum. Pulling her off your cock, you get up from the bed and stand above her, as her hands are wringing the cum out of your iron-hard rod.
<video loop autoplay muted>
<source src="media/characters/grace/vid/4-3-facial1.webm">
In the aftermath she nurses on your cock while you sit back, hand across your forehead. She keeps at it for a while, sucking you dry as you soften in her mouth. After a while, she gets up and disappears while you relax on the bed. She comes back in clothed and addresses you.
<h5>Grace</h5><img src="media/characters/grace/card.webp"><p>Well, $pcName. I'm satisfied with your service today. I hope you're satisfied too. I'll call you again when you're needed. It's been a pleasure.</p>
Still not fully recovered, you get the hint and get up. You get dressed and leave the house as she follows you out. At the entrance she taps you on the shoulder and when you turn around she gives you a deep kiss, wrestling her tongue with yours.
<h5>Grace</h5><img src="media/characters/grace/card.webp"><p>I have a feeling we'll see each other soon, baby. <small>Keep being a naughty boy for Mommy, ok?</small></p>
With that, she pushes you outside and closes the door.
<<link [[I'm satisfied with that encounter.|4-4-1]]>><</link>>
</div><div class="bar">
On your way home, you realize you need to fill up your tank. There's a gas station nearby and you set your course there.
As you're filling your tank you feel the pressure mounting in your balls, which is where piss is stored. Luckily there's a toilet you can use here. You finish filling your tank and park your car.
You walk into the toilet, and are surprised at how clean it is. At least by public toilet standards. Actually, it's still pretty dirty, you just expected dirtier. You go into a free stall and do your business. As you finish up and go to the sink to wash your hands, the door opens and someone bumps into you.
<h5>Chadwell</h5><img src="media/characters/men/chadwell.webp"><p>Yeah, bro... Nah, bro... I'll be at the gym later, I've got this bimbo waiting for me in room 204, bro. Her boyfriend can't fuck her right so she needs a real man to get the job done, AKA me, bro... Fuck yeah, bro.</p>
He completely ignores you, absorbed in his phone conversation, and locks himself into a stall. You stare after him, annoyed and angry. It doesn't take ten seconds after he closes the door before you hear farting sounds and then two plops. You turn back to finish washing your hands, and before another five seconds pass you hear the door open and the supreme douchebag walks out while still on the phone.
<h5>Chadwell</h5><img src="media/characters/men/chadwell.webp"><p>We've been talking for a couple days, but this is the first time we're meeting up, bro... Fuck yeah, I'm gonna decapitate that pussy... What do you mean "decapitate" isn't right, bro? Fuck you, bro... We'll talk later, bro.</p>
He steps up to the sink next to you, but doesn't turn on the water. Instead, he looks at himself in the mirror, runs his hands over his gelled back hair, and then flexes. You stare at this disgusting animal in disbelief. Before you can even think, you speak.
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>Did you just take a shit without wiping?</p>
The guy looks at you, like he didn't even realize you were there.
<h5>Chadwell</h5><img src="media/characters/men/chadwell.webp"><p>Yeah, so what, dude? You wanna fucking go?</p>
The guy turns his body towards you and puffs up his chest. //Well, fuck.// You look at the guy. He's 'roided up like you've never seen. Thankfully, you don't have to fight him. The tension in the room is building and the guy is ready to throw a punch, yet you feel calm. you close your eyes for a second as you take a deep breath. When you open them, everything is clear. You look at the douchebag and speak.
<span class="buttonContainer choiceButtons"><<button [[Let's readjust his attitude and teach him a lesson|4-4-2g]]>><<set $guardian to $guardian + 1>><</button>><<button [[Let's ruin this guy's day, and probably his life too|4-4-2d]]>><<set $dominator to $dominator + 1>><</button>></span>
</div><div class="bar">
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p><span class="hypno">You deserve a kick in the balls, worm. Deep down, you know this. Get on your hands and knees and get ready.</span></p>
He looks at you, a flash of shock on his face before his eyes roll back and his eyelids tremble. Suddenly, he gets on down on all fours and spreads his knees. You take a step back to get some momentum, then let loose. Your foot launches at lightning speed into his balls with a fury you haven't felt in a long time. You hear the air leave the douchebag though a pathetic *HNNNNG*, before he throws up right there on the floor.
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p><span class="hypno">Eat that up you disgusting animal. That floor better be as good as new before you leave. As a matter of fact, you're going to clean this whole place up then fuck off into whatever hole you came from.</span></p>
Not yet finished barfing, he nods at your order. //I'm having fun. Let's ruin his life.//
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p><span class="hypno">You are incapable of having an erection. No matter what you do, you just can't get hard. You feel so much shame about this that you're never gonna tell anyone, you're not even gonna try fixing it. Without an erection, you can't even lift weights properly.</span></p>
You turn around and step out, sure in the knowledge that he's going to do and feel exactly what you ordered him to.
Once you're outside, you notice his car. You know it's his because it's a lifted truck and it's parked right outside the entrance, partly on a handicap spot, and partly on the curb. //Of course.//
<<link [[What was that I heard about a bimbo waiting to get fucked in room 204?|4-4-3]]>><</link>>
</div><div class="bar">
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p><span class="hypno">You filthy worm. You walk around like you own the place, like you're better. You're not. You're a little boy wearing a man's shoes. You're not strong. You're weak. You know this. I could crush you in an instant. Anyone could beat you. You know this.</span></p>
He looks at you, a flash of shock on his face before his eyes roll back and his eyelids tremble. When his eyes meet yours again, he has an embarrassed, scared look on his face and his eyes go down to the floor.
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p><span class="hypno">You're gonna take off your pants and underwear and walk home. Walk in shame and think about your life. Think about the choices you've made to bring you here... GO!</span></p>
He jumps into action, taking off his pants at a lightning pace. You look down and see his legs are skinny. Skinny enough to completely ruin any idea of proportion with the rest his body. With his tight long t-shirt, he looks like a girl with an oversized t-shirt pajamas. He leaves his pants there on the floor and walks towards the exit.
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p><span class="hypno">Oh! And wipe your dirty ass from now on!</span></p>
You turn back and finish washing your hands as the guy walks out. Once you're outside, you can see him walking down the side of the road, skinny legs trembling in the breeze. There's a brown line running down his leg. //Disgusting.// His car is still here. You know it's his because it's a lifted truck and it's parked right outside the entrance, partly on a handicap spot, and partly on the curb. //Of course.//
<<link [[What was that I heard about a bimbo waiting to get fucked in room 204?|4-4-3]]>><</link>>
</div><div class="bar">
You walk over to the motel connected to the gas station and look at the numbers on the doors. //That guy said room 204.// It's on the second floor, so you walk up the stairs and go down the hall until you see the door with the number 204 on them. //Let's see what awaits us, if anything.//
You decide to knock on the door, and you hear a faint "Come in!" from the other side. //Female voice. Good sign.// You enter and walk down a short hallway until the room opens into a living area. Seated on a sofa is a <<linkappend "tanned, blonde bimbo.">>
<img src="media/characters/staci/4-4-3.webp" class="imgBorder staci">
<h5>Staci</h5><img src="media/characters/staci/card.webp"><p>Ohmigawd, you're even hotter than your pictures, Daddy! Now come fuck me, my boyfriend is texting me, he wants me to come home.</p>
Her hands are moving over her body, paying special care to her tits and pussy over her lingerie.
<span class="passage buttonContainer"><<button [[I just hit the jackpot|4-4-Staci]]>><</button>><<button [["Wrong room, sorry"|4-5-1]]>><</button>></span><</linkappend>>
</div><<set $staciPath to true>><div class="bar">
Staci, as you've learned her name is, loves cock. You can tell from the way she's gobbling yours down like an addict.
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>That's right, slut. Suck that cock, princess. Daddy's got plenty for you.</p>
<video loop autoplay muted>
<source src="media/characters/staci/vid/4-4-bj1.webm">
She *mmmmmhms* on your cock as her throat assaults you. You're sitting on the sofa, leaning back as she worships your tool.
<h5>Staci</h5><img src="media/characters/staci/card.webp"><p>Mmmmm, Daddy tastes so good. I wanna see if your balls taste as good as your cock.</p>
She moves her mouth to your balls while she keeps massaging your cock. You feel amazing as this bimbo keeps up her sexual aggression.
<video loop autoplay muted>
<source src="media/characters/staci/vid/4-4-balls1.webm">
After a while of this, she moves her mouth off your balls and looks at you with puppy-eyes while both of her hands are slowly, but firmly stroking your dick.
<h5>Staci</h5><img src="media/characters/staci/card.webp"><p>Daddyyy, can you fuck me now? Pleeeeaaaaseee?</p>
She keeps her hands moving up and down while looking hopefully at you, biting her lip.
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>Come ride this cock, baby. Daddy needs his slut to drain him.</p>
<h5>Staci</h5><img src="media/characters/staci/card.webp"><p>YAAAY!</p>
She jumps up and mounts you, knees on either side of your body. She begins fucking you, her fat ass making *PLAP* noises as she crashes down, her pussy sounding like cheesy macaroni.
<video loop autoplay muted>
<source src="media/characters/staci/vid/4-4-cg1.webm">
<h5>Staci</h5><img src="media/characters/staci/card.webp"><p>FUCK! YES! DAD-! -DY! I needed this so baaAAAADD! OHFUCKOHFUCKOHFUCK!</p>
She shakes and vibrates on top of you, cumming hard as you keep fucking her. Before she is even finished, you turn her around and begin fucking into her properly from below.
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>Daddy's got waaay more where that came from, princess. Are you ready for another one?</p>
<video loop autoplay muted>
<source src="media/characters/staci/vid/4-4-rcg1.webm">
The result is immediate. She doesn't even descend completely from the high of the last orgasm before you launch her right back up. She moans loudly then goes quiet, losing her voice for a long moment before she screams out louder than ever.
<h5>Staci</h5><img src="media/characters/staci/card.webp"><p>YYYYYYYYYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAASSSSSS!</p>
You keep it up for a little while longer, but soon you feel the fatigue set in. You need to switch positions to get some second wind. You push her off to the side and she falls to the cushion almost comatose. You get up and feel the blood flow through your legs. Turning her into the right position, you begin hammering into her from above now.
<video loop autoplay muted>
<source src="media/characters/staci/vid/4-4-missionary1.webm">
<h5>Staci</h5><img src="media/characters/staci/card.webp"><p>Thank! You! Thank! You! ThankYOUdadDYYY!</p>
She moans and huffs, it's hard for her to catch her breath after the intense orgasms. //Mine is getting hard to catch too,// you think to yourself. You've been on the edge for a while now, and decide to let go here. You pound into her for the last sprint.
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>You want Daddy's nut, fuckdoll? Huh?</p>
She just nods, her eyes are lidded and she's half-gone. You grab her throat and bring your face closer to hers. You're staring at her, but she's barely there at this point.
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>SAY IT. Tell me you want my nut. Tell me where.</p>
She moans at that, her soul is hornier than her body can handle. She does manage to stammer out something.
<h5>Staci</h5><img src="media/characters/staci/card.webp"><p>In... Side. Inside, Daddy... Pleaseeeee...</p>
You let go of her throat and speed up your jackhammering until you feel it. You bury yourself deep inside her and shoot spurt after spurt after spurt into her. Her eyes are completely closed at this point but she moans loudly in ecstasy.
<video loop autoplay muted>
<source src="media/characters/staci/vid/4-4-creampie1.webm">
In the aftermath she lies almost comatose on the bed. You jump into the bathroom to get cleaned up. When you come out and put your clothes on, you notice Staci's phone on the counter. You unlock it and put your number in under "Daddy". Then you take a picture of her fucked out and leaking, and send it to her with the message "A reminder ;)".
<<link [[Time to go home|4-5-1]]>><</link>>
</div><div class="bar">
As you're driving home, night is beginning to fall. It's that beautiful twilight hour. You put on some music and listen as you cruise down the road.
Halfway home, your phone rings. It's an unknown number. //Maybe another MILF needs help with fertilization?// You pick up the phone and put on your customer service voice.
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>Hello, you've reached $pcName, how can I help you today?</p>
There's silence for a second before you hear a feminine chuckle.
<h5>Hayden</h5><img src="media/characters/hayden/card.webp"><p>Seriously, dude? Is that how you answer your phone?</p>
//God if you weren't so fucking hot, I'd tell you to fuck right off.//
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>Well yeah, I have a landscaping business. I thought it might be a customer. We can't all be magical beings dancing in the moonlight or whatever, some of us have to work you know.</p>
<h5>Hayden</h5><img src="media/characters/hayden/card.webp"><p>Yeah whatever, listen. Tomorrow at noon, I'll drop by to pick you up. You're starting your training. DON'T be late. Understood?</p>
Her humor seems to have evaporated instantly. //I didn't say anything THAT bad, did I?//
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>Yeah, for sure. See you tomorrow.</p>
<h5>Hayden</h5><img src="media/characters/hayden/card.webp"><p>Yeah.</p>
With that, she hangs up. //She seems somewhat standoffish towards me for some reason. I'll have to figure out why.//
<<link [[Let's sleep|5-1-1]]>><</link>>
</div><div class="bar">
You wake up early the next day. You had a hard time falling asleep thinking about what today is going to bring, but you slept well once you managed to finally fall asleep.
You still have some time before Hayden is coming to pick you up. <<if $reynaPath>>I could go for a hike to calm my nerves a little before whatever awaits.<<elseif $donnaPath>>I could go to the gym to hopefully burn off some nerves before whatever awaits.<</if>>
<small style="display: block; text-align: center;">//''(Click image to select)''//</small>
<span class="choiceHeading"><<if $reynaPath>><p>A hike sounds nice</p><<elseif $donnaPath>><p>The gym sounds good</p><<else>><p style="color:rgb(100, 100, 100);">You've skipped both relevant encounters, they are now unavailable</p><</if>></span>
<span class="imgContainer" ><<if $reynaPath>><a data-passage="5-2-Donna"><img src="media/characters/donna/silhouette.webp" class="imgBorder donna"></a><<elseif $donnaPath>><a data-passage="5-2-Reyna"><img src="media/characters/reyna/silhouette.webp" class="imgBorder reyna"></a><<else>><img src="media/characters/not-available.png" class="imgBorder"><</if>></span>
<p style="text-align: center;"><<link [[I just wanna stay home until Hayden comes. (SKIP ENCOUNTER)|5-3-1]]>><</link>></p>
</div><div class="bar">
You clean up and relax a little bit in your room. Before you know it, it's noon. You get a message from Hayden, she's on her way. You prepare and head downstairs, opting to wait for her on the street. She arrives and you get in her car.
<img src="media/characters/hayden/5-3-1.webp" class="imgBorder blackRose">
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>Good morning, beautiful.</p>
She gives a look of disgust before turning her head towards the road.
<h5>Hayden</h5><img src="media/characters/hayden/card.webp"><p>I'd prefer we didn't talk for this. My job is to drive you there and back.</p>
//Well that took the wind out of my sails.// You drive in silence for a while, neither one of you speaking. The road you're following takes you past a residence you've worked on before. You pipe up, breaking the silence.
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>I did the garden here. Those duck-shaped bushes there were a pain to do. Mrs. Schurtini even stiffed me, that old bitch.</p>
You're hoping to make her laugh, challenge you, anything. Turning your head, she is still looking down the road. //Still nothing?//
After a few seconds she opens her mouth and speaks.
<h5>Hayden</h5><img src="media/characters/hayden/card.webp"><p>Have you fucked her too?</p>
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>No, what. She's like 80 years old.</p>
<h5>Hayden</h5><img src="media/characters/hayden/card.webp"><p>Well, I don't know. You seem to enjoy fucking your customers ever since you got the gem. Just mess with their minds a little, and voila.</p>
You look at Hayden, a confused look on your face. //Is this why she's mad?// She isn't really wrong though. Sort of. Maybe.
<h5>Hayden</h5><img src="media/characters/hayden/card.webp"><p>What, nothing to say for yourself? That day we met, with Deanna. Whatever you did to her, she's nothing like herself. Even now, she keeps... reminiscing, her mind wanders away. She's completely different from the woman I know.</p>
//Oh come on, I didn't even go THAT hard on Deanna. Yet. Probably.//
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>I worked for Deanna for a long time before we slept together. That woman was fucking miserable. And now you're telling me she's happy? What's so wrong about that?</p>
<h5>Hayden</h5><img src="media/characters/hayden/card.webp"><p>What's wrong is that she didn't have a choice. You FORCED her.</p>
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>WHOA, It's not like that. I barely did anything. The gem did what it did. <<if $guardian > $dominator>><span style="color:rgb(51, 51, 153);"> I've even been careful lately about where and how I use it.</span><<elseif $dominator > $guardian>><span style="color:rgb(153, 0, 51);">So what if I even give a little push, she's happier now than she was, no?</span><</if>></p>
<h5>Hayden</h5><img src="media/characters/hayden/card.webp"><p>Oh that's great. Do you fucking hear yourself? You can't fool me. You know what, I'm done with this conversation. Which is just as well, because we've arrived.</p>
You were so caught up arguing with Hayden you didn't even notice the car stopped. You look around and recognize the place.
<<link [[Uh Oh|5-4-1]]>><</link>>
</div><<set $reynaPath to true>><div class="bar">
You decide to go lift some heavy things to help deal with your emotions. The drive to your gym in town isn't long and soon you're parked outside the building which contains your gym.
As you walk towards the entrance you notice there aren't too many cars parked here. It's still fairly early. It can get pretty busy here after people get off work. You're satisfied though, less chance of having to share machines and waiting for others to finish.
Inside the gym, you quickly get to work. You jump right into the weights and before long you feel the familiar burn in your body. You notice in the periphery that there are a couple of other people present in the gym, but you're too occupied with your thoughts and weights to look at anyone, much less talk to them.
Finishing your last set, you feel that your whole upper body is tired. You still have some time and energy for cardio, though. //It would do me good with some extra conditioning these days.// Being familiar with this gym, you know that there are treadmills in two places. One is here in the big hall, and the other place is hidden in an adjacent room across a hallway. You always default to those treadmills because there's usually less traffic there, and so you make your way over there on autopilot.
The room is empty except for you, so you put in your Hearpods and get on a treadmill. Soon after, you see that someone has taken up a treadmill a few rows over.
<video loop autoplay muted>
<source src="media/characters/reyna/vid/3-3-jog1.webm">
You try not to pay much attention. You have a lot on your mind and it helps that the treadmill is tiring you out after your strength workout. The woman keeps looking over at you every now and then, though. You're not sure why. After a while of peeking, she stops her treadmill and just stares directly at you. Once you notice, you stop yours too and turn towards her.
<<link [[What does she want?|5-2-Reyna-2]]>><</link>>
</div><div class="bar">
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>...Can I help you?</p>
You ask the girl who is staring at you with what you think is annoyance in her eyes.
<img src="media/characters/reyna/3-3-2.webp" class="imgBorder reyna">
She looks up at you and sneers.
<h5>Reyna</h5><img src="media/characters/reyna/card.webp"><p>God, what kind of fucking asshole are you? All the other men here are drooling all over me, but you don't even care. I put on this tiny top and these tiny shorts, get my makeup done and make sure I'm sweaty and hot, and you barely even look at me. Is your dick even hard?</p>
//Oh.// You stare at her in shock for a second. She must be used to getting attention from men constantly, and you get why. You've been so caught up in your thoughts that she's completely flown under your radar. That seems to have upset her.
<h5>Reyna</h5><img src="media/characters/reyna/card.webp"><p>What's your problem? All the guys here couldn't get their eyes off of me, except for you. Am I not hot enough? Aren't my tits, like, big enough? God, you're such an asshole. *Her nipples are visibly erect at this point and her finger is gently stroking up and down your chest.* I bet I could change your mind. I'll show you what you've been missing out on.</p>
Her finger on your chest lets you peer into her mind.
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p><i>Reyna Legaspi spends most of her days posting pictures on social media to tease men, working out in the gym to tease men, or going out to clubs to tease men. The attention gives her life. When a man shows that he doesn't care about how hot she looks, it lights a fire inside her. She must prove herself worthy of his attention.</i></p>
You look down and see that she is fishing your cock out of your shorts. She looks up at you and smiles, happy after noticing that your dick is getting hard.
<h5>Reyna</h5><img src="media/characters/reyna/card.webp"><p>I'm Reyna by the way. I'll make sure you never forget me.</p>
With that, she puts her lips on your cock while still looking you in the eyes. She softly moves her tongue around your head while sucking before she dives onto your cock taking as much as she can fit in her mouth for now.
<video loop autoplay muted>
<source src="media/characters/reyna/vid/3-3-bj1.webm">
She is sucking your cock like she has something to prove, and in her mind she does. You let her continue for a while on her own before you grab a hold of her head.
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>You little fucking tease, prancing around like a slut for attention. You can't stand the thought that someone doesn't care, huh? You're probably used to guys bending over backwards just to get a whiff of that pussy. Well, <span class="hypno">I'm not like any other man.</span></p>
<video loop autoplay muted>
<source src="media/characters/reyna/vid/3-3-ff1.webm">
She moans on your cock as you fuck her face, your words stoking her fire. You keep pumping your tool between her lips for a while before you decide it's time to fuck her. You drag her head off your cock and pull her up. You sit down on a bench and give her ass a slap.
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>Ride me, bitch.</p>
She licks her lips, turns around, and mounts you with her ass in your view.
<h5>Reyna</h5><img src="media/characters/reyna/card.webp"><p>FuuuuuuUUUUCKKK YES! Give it to me, baby! Show me why you're not like every other beta simp out there!</p>
She begins riding you, bouncing up and down on your crotch as wet *PLAPS* reverberate through the large room. After a little while you grab her and pound into her kitty from below as she fights through an orgasm.
<video loop autoplay muted>
<source src="media/characters/reyna/vid/3-3-rcg1.webm">
<h5>Reyna</h5><img src="media/characters/reyna/card.webp"><p>YEEEEESSSSSS! I KNEW YOU WERE DIFFERENT FROM THE MOMENT I SAW YOU! FUCK ME! FuckmefuckmefuuuuuUUUCKK!</p>
She cums again on your dick and you slow down for a second. Grinding into her, you savor the moment as she comes down from her high. After she's back to herself, you tell her you want to eat her out while she sucks your dick. She giggles and gets in position.
<h5>Reyna</h5><img src="media/characters/reyna/card.webp"><p>Taste it, daddy. Tell me it isn't the sweetest pussy you've ever had.</p>
<video loop autoplay muted>
<source src="media/characters/reyna/vid/3-3-69.webm">
You eat her out with gusto, and she repays you in kind by devouring your member. She does taste sweet indeed, although you aren't sure about whether it's the sweetest you've ever had. You don't care either right now, you just want to make her cum from your tongue. With persistence and natural talent, you succeed.
The reverberations feel exquisite as she moans on your cock which she has swallowed to the root. You can feel her lips kissing your base as her tongue massages your dick inside her mouth. Soon, you can feel yourself getting close. You slap her ass yet again, signaling her to get up and she obeys.
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>Get on your knees princess. I wanna give you your prize.</p>
She gets on her knees in front of you.
<h5>Reyna</h5><img src="media/characters/reyna/card.webp"><p>Cover me, baby. I need it. Show me how sexy you think I am. Come on, cum for me!</p>
<video loop autoplay muted>
<source src="media/characters/reyna/vid/3-3-facial.webm">
You spray her down, spurt after spurt. She revels in it, the gesture acting as a symbol of how attractive she is. Your cum validates her self-worth, assuring her of her attractiveness. You feel like you have more to go on though. You pull her up and bend her over as she grabs a hold of the treadmill. As you insert yourself inside her she moans out loudly, surprised that you aren't finished.
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>Did you think we were done? I'm not like anyone else bitch, remember? You've never met a man like me.</p>
She drools onto the floor, her eyes rolling back into her head as she cums again from your pounding.
<h5>Reyna</h5><img src="media/characters/reyna/card.webp"><p><small>yes, daddy.... yes, yes, yess, yes, yes...</small> YES. DADDY. YESSSSSSSSSssssssssss.</p>
<video loop autoplay muted>
<source src="media/characters/reyna/vid/3-3-doggy1.webm">
Her mind is mush at this point, yet you keep it up. You can feel your orgasm building again and get yourself ready to make another deposit, this time inside her.
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>You let anyone cum inside you, slut? Hmmm? Has anyone even gotten close to this pussy or do you keep it off limits like the tease you are?</p>
She isn't even coherent at this point, with her tongue hanging out of her mouth.
<h5>Reyna</h5><img src="media/characters/reyna/card.webp"><p>No... No. You... Only you. Fill me, Daddy...</p>
<video loop autoplay muted>
<source src="media/characters/reyna/vid/3-3-inside1.webm">
You cum, filling her up as you keep pounding out your orgasm. As you fuck into her, you prolong it for a bit. You slow down as you come off the high before you finally pull out of her, finished.
She is a mess at this point and can't even stand on her feet. You've been holding her up for the last few minutes. You lift her over to a mat and put her down. She is completely out of it, but you manage to take her number before you head to the shower to clean up. //She'll be fine. No one visits that part of the gym anyways. I think.//
<<link [[Let's get back to the house|5-3-1]]>><</link>>
</div><<set $donnaPath to true>><div class="bar">
You decide to go for an idyllic walk in the forest, nothing like nature to help set you straight mentally. It's a short drive to the Layce Overlook trail base where you park your car.
Getting out, you notice there are three cars other than yours here. Two of them belong to dog-owners who are currently chatting while heading towards one of the shorter hikes. Their dogs are pulling at their harnesses to no avail, both small breeds lacking the strength to force movement from their owners. You decide to take the hike which leads to the overlook, and set off.
Walking up the slope you notice the beautiful melody of nature. The sound of birds chirping, a small stream in the distance. A gentle wind rustling though leaves. //Idyllic.// As you're walking, you see a figure in the distance. You can't make out much, but guess it's a woman from the long flowing blonde hair.
Lost in your thoughts, you just now notice that you have almost caught up to the woman from earlier. You look at each other and you notice a flash of hunger in her eyes before it turns into... fear? She turns around and keeps walking along the trail ahead of you without saying a word. She speeds up for a while before trying to subtly look back at you. You keep going at you regular pace. Any time she gets too far away from you, she seems to slow down so you can catch up. //Weird.//
<video loop autoplay muted>
<source src="media/characters/donna/vid/3-3-walk.webm">
You keep going like this for a while, it's almost like she wants you to chase her. Before you know it, you're almost at the peak. The woman turns around and waits for you. This time she is looking right at you, and she looks incensed.
<<link [[Let's see what her issue is.|5-2-Donna-2]]>><</link>>
</div><div class="bar">
You approach the woman who is obviously waiting for you. There's not a single other soul on this trail. Once you get close she folds her arms and looks you over.
<img src="media/characters/donna/3-3-2.webp" class="imgBorder donna">
<h5>Donna</h5><img src="media/characters/donna/card.webp"><p>Is this what you do? You prey on innocent women in the forest, waiting to get them alone so you can do... mmmnh... unspeakable things to them... aaaahh... Where no one can stop you... from ''taking'' what you want... ''anything'' you want...</p>
//What.// As she's talking, her breathing intensifies and her hands softly brush over her huge tits. //She's horny.// You're still struggling to understand quite what's happening here.
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>Uh, lady. I'm not sure what you think this is, I just came here for a hike...</p>
She looks you over with her hands still caressing her body, then replies.
<h5>Donna</h5><img src="media/characters/donna/card.webp"><p>Oh please, the jig is up. We're alone here. There's no one around for miles... aaahhnn... You're so ''strong''. There's no way I can stop you from taking what you want. You ''animal''.</p>
She takes her huge tits out of her top and kneels down in front of you.
<h5>Donna</h5><img src="media/characters/donna/card.webp"><p>I suppose you want to violate my mouth first, to warm up before you violate the rest of me.</p>
She grabs your pants and pulls you to her before undoing your fly and taking your dick out.
<h5>Donna</h5><img src="media/characters/donna/card.webp"><p>God, look at this beast... nnnnghh... A married woman like me is better than this, sucking some disgusting predator's ''big''... ''juicy''... ''fat'' cock in the middle of the forest.</p>
With those words, she dives onto your dick with an energy you've never experienced before.
<video loop autoplay muted>
<source src="media/characters/donna/vid/3-3-bj1.webm">
As she attempts to suck the life out of you, going at it like a woman possessed, you feel the gem letting you peer into her mind.
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p><i>Donna James is a miserably married woman. Her husband is impotent, and her pussy is on fire. She walks here often to get away from her husband. Her deepest desire is to come upon a man who isn't afraid to take what he wants from her. To give her what she needs. A passionate, hard fucking. And even if he isn't, she is desperate enough to pretend he is, no matter what he says.</i></p>
Armed with this new knowledge, you decide to lean into the role she has cast you in.
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>That's right, bitch. There's no one around for miles, <span class="hypno">you're mine. You'll do as I say until I'm done with you.</span></p>
She audibly moans at your words, sending reverberations through your cock. Her other hand is furiously rubbing her clit inside her hiking shorts as she cums loudly, never stopping her sucking.
After a while, you pull her head off of your length and hold her tightly by her hair. One of her hands is alternating between pinching her nipples while the other is shoving two fingers in and out of her pussy. Before you can even speak, she takes the word.
<h5>Donna</h5><img src="media/characters/donna/card.webp"><p>*Nnnngghh* You're a filthy monster. Isn't my mouth enough? Are you gonna defile my *aaahh* pussy next? I bet the only way you're gonna let me leave is if you fill up my pussy with your ''fat'' load... *MMMmm...* I guess I have no choice then.</p>
This absolute sex-starved sex-maniac of a woman is already a step ahead of you. You pull her up by her hair. As soon as you let go of her hair for a second, she is already positioning herself on all fours for you. You line yourself up and enter her from behind. Her pussy is wet and welcoming and she moans out in orgasm as soon as you bottom out.
<h5>Donna</h5><img src="media/characters/donna/card.webp"><p>FUUUUUCCKKKK MEEEEEEeeeEEE!</p>
<video loop autoplay muted>
<source src="media/characters/donna/vid/3-3-doggy1.webm">
You pound into her, loud *plaps* echoing into the valley below as you crash into her fat ass. Raising your hand, you slap her ass every now and then while calling her degrading names.
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>Take it, whore. This fuckbait body of yours deserves a proper workout every now and then, and I'm obliged to help. An ass like this is practically begging for a <span class="hypno">breeding.</span></p>
Through laboured breaths and tired from multiple orgasms she retorts, spitting more of that faux venom at you.
<h5>Donna</h5><img src="media/characters/donna/card.webp"><p>What kind of *mmh* beast takes advantage of middle aged women walking alone. What kind of degenerate pervert decides to take advantage of a lady *oooh* and breed her without even taking her out for dinner.</p>
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>Taking a slut like you out for dinner? Bitch, I don't even know your name.</p>
You lie, but the effect is real. She cries out in ecstasy at the filth in your words, the perversion. Her body shudders yet again in orgasm, this one noticeably larger than the earlier ones. Abruptly, you pull out and turn her over.
<video loop autoplay muted>
<source src="media/characters/donna/vid/3-3-missionary1.webm">
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>You're gonna take this dick until I'm satisfied, lady. And guess what? I'm taking your number after this so that I can dip my dick inside you whenever I feel like it. At work, at home, outside, it doesn't matter where. It doesn't matter who sees either, whether your hubby knows or not, you're gonna take this dick when I tell you to.</p>
She is a mewling drooling mess at this point, the series of orgasms she has had until now have done their number on her. You slow down a little and bend over her, looking her in the eyes.
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>You're my slut aren't you? You're loving this. You need this. You need an animal like me to show you what your body needs.</p>
She nods softly as she looks deep into your eyes, adoring you.
<video loop autoplay muted>
<source src="media/characters/donna/vid/3-3-missionary2.webm">
Her body is calming down somewhat so you decide it's time to switch positions. As soon as you remove yourself from her, she speaks up, back in character.
<h5>Donna</h5><img src="media/characters/donna/card.webp"><p>What now? You want to humiliate me further by forcing me to *Aah* violate myself using your donkey-dick? Your degeneracy knows no bounds. Fine, sit back and I'll do what I must for my own safety.</p>
She is inviting you to relax and let her do the fucking, albeit in her own twisted way. You oblige her and sit back.
She mounts you carefully and begins riding you. Her big booty jiggles every time it *plaps* down onto your legs. She moans out, fucking herself to another orgasm on your cock.
<video loop autoplay muted>
<source src="media/characters/donna/vid/3-3-rcg1.webm">
You can feel yourself getting close, and she seems to sense it too.
<h5>Donna</h5><img src="media/characters/donna/card.webp"><p>God, I can feel you getting bigger inside me. I suppose you're about to fill my womb up with your filthy cum. I might even get *NNNGGHH* pregnant! *AAAaahhNNN*</p>
The thought brings her to a final orgasm as you feel yourself there as well. You unload, spurt after spurt depositing itself deep inside her. Every spurt provokes a moan from Donna and seems to reset the timer on her orgasm. After a while you're spent.
<video loop autoplay muted>
<source src="media/characters/donna/vid/3-3-creampie1.webm">
You both enjoy the aftermath of your orgasms, grinding on each other as you slowly descend from the high.
<h5>Donna</h5><img src="media/characters/donna/card.webp"><p><small>Oh lord, I needed that so bad.</small></p>
You smile and swat her ass.
<h5>$pcName</h5><img src="media/characters/player/card.webp"><p>Get off of me, you psycho.</p>
The words are tinged with a lighthearted tone. She turns to you and gives a sly smile before getting up.
<video loop autoplay muted>
<source src="media/characters/donna/vid/3-3-creampie2.webm">
Donna returns to character and looks at you again.
<h5>Donna</h5><img src="media/characters/donna/card.webp"><p>I suppose you're not actually finished with me, are you? What, did you secretly record me and now you're gonna use the recording as blackmail unless I agree to service your disgusting, fat, juicy cock whenever you want? I guess I have no choice. Here's my number.</p>
Donna packs up in record time as you relax, catching your breath. Soon you're left alone on the hillside, admiring the view of Rosewood. //Well, that was an interesting encounter.//
<<link [[Let's get back to the house.|5-3-1]]>><</link>>
</div><div class="bar">
You get out of the car with Hayden, and she leads you to the door. Before you can get close enough to knock, the door opens. <<linkappend "A familiar face greets you.">>
<img src="media/characters/grace/5-4-1.webp" class="imgBorder scarletSigil">
<h5>Hayden</h5><img src="media/characters/hayden/card.webp"><p>$pcName, this is Grace Bethel, High Priestess of the Scarlet Sigil.</p>
Grace smiles at you and reaches out a hand. Somewhat gobsmacked, you reach out yours and shake it like an idiot. A million thoughts are running through your head.
<h5>Grace</h5><img src="media/characters/grace/card.webp"><p>Pleased to meet you, $pcName... Have you been a <<if $graceTrust>>good boy<<elseif not $graceTrust>>naughty boy<</if>>?</p>
(THE END OF 0.2, SAVE HERE)<</linkappend>>
</div><div class="bar">
-6 new scenes across 3 days
-Story progression! There's a big lore dump in the beginning, I couldn't come up with a better way to do it. It's mostly optional though except for one or two passages
-Redid choices! Now you will be able to see all content in the game, regardless of who you choose when a choice comes up. Chose Vivian on Day 1, but like Dominique too? Don't worry! Her scene will be back on day 4 and vice versa. This is how I plan to do choices from now on. I also ended up splitting up Kat and Nancy's scenes at the Vanleer party, now you can choose to do both one after the other. I couldn't find a way to repurpose those scenes "for later" because they're pretty context specific. The exception to all this currently is Emma/Sylvia. There will be a chance to get both, but the scenes are going to be different and the opportunity to get the second is going to be way later in the game I imagine.
-Skip (most) encounters you don't want! Some encounters/characters will be important to the story and can't be skipped.
-Gallery is in the works, but the CSS redesign ruined what I'd done and then life got in the way. Maybe next time.
-Redid a lot of CSS. This was done to make the game:
MOBILE COMPATIBLE! (At least I hope so, I've only tried using dev tools on my PC browser, but it's playable for me there.) Help me get it on Mopoga! I've reached out to them but haven't heard back yet.
-Also redid a lot of variables, YOU'LL HAVE TO START A NEW GAME.
<<back "Back">>