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Latina Slutwife Trainer is an adult game and all characters in the game are over 18 years old.
Are you over 18 years old?
[[No|]]You wake up to the sound of your wife taking a shower and getting ready for work. You quietly get out of bed, approach the bathroom, and slowly open the door to see your wife Sofia taking a shower.
<img src= "img/1-Intro/shower.jpg" alt="naked" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
She spots you, give you a smile, and says:
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Are you enjoying the view?" @@
Sofia quickly finishes up and comes over to give you a kiss.
<img src= "img/1-Intro/kiss.jpeg" alt="kiss" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Good morning baby, how'd you sleep?" @@
@@.John;John: "Perfectly"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Glad to hear that, what are you going to do.... *She looks at the time" Opps, I hope you liked your kiss because I need to get ready and get to work as soon as possible"@@
She quickly takes a shower, and starts getting ready.
<img src= "img/1-Intro/dressing.jpeg" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;"/>
Afterwards she grabs something to eat and rushes out the door.
[[After a couple of hours you realise she left behind a folder of documents]] Saturday morning rolls around and the dress arrives. You take a look and you're sure she'd love it.
@@.John;John: "Hey baby, I know you wanted to go shopping today so I brought you a present."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Why did you buy me something if we're going to go shopping haha."@@
@@.John;John: "Complaining already? That's fine I can take it back."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "You know I'm just kidding, what'd you get me?"@@
The first step to her exhibitionism is getting her comfortable flaunting her body in public.
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "That's really nice, but are you sure you want me to go shopping wearing that?"@@
@@.John;John: "Still complaining? No dress for you."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Fine fine let me put it on."@@
<img src= "img/4-Exhibitionism/dress2.jpg" alt="dress2" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Happy? I even posed for you."@@
@@.John;John: "Perfect, now let's go to the mall."@@
[[Go to the mall]]
You and Sofia arrive at the mall. Sofia has many amazing personality traits: Looks, personality, funny, fun in bed (though a little vanilla). But one of her few faults is her love of shopping.
It is because of this fault that you spend 4 hours of your precious Saturday looking at damn clothes.
But at least the view is good.
<img src= "img/4-Exhibitionism/mall1.jpg" alt="mall1" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
After 4 hours of very intense and very boring shopping, you take a look around and notice nobody was in the store. Even the cashier was in the backroom.
You see this as an opportunity and walk up to your wife.
@@.John;John: "Hey babe, no ones around, how about you pull up your dress and give me a show."@@
Sofia gets very close to you, her lips on your ear and whispers...
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Go fuck yourself"@@
She goes back to shopping.
Today you've failed.
[[Finally time to go home]]When you and Sofia get home, you unpack bags and quickly pull out your phone to check your bank account.
Yup, today was definitely a fail.
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "So baby, let's talk about earlier."@@
Today was a very bad start to the exhibitionism plan.
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "You wanted to see my ass so badly you couldn't wait until we got home?"@@
Your plan has failed so far, so you might as well show some of your cards. You have nothing left to lose anyways.
@@.John;John: "To be honest, as much as I love you and as sexy as you are, I think our sex life has become stagnant. So I wanted to see you in sexier clothes and maybe fool around in public. I hope that's ok."@@
Sofia doesn't say anything for a while.
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "I'm a little shocked to hear that, but I guess I can wear nicer clothes and maybe fool around a little in public, I'm really not comfortable with that but I can try at least."@@
@@.John;John: "I wouldn't make you do anything you wouldn't want to do, but I think trying new things in bed (or out of bed) might spice things up."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "I'll think about it. Now since you've spent a shit ton of money on me today I think you deserve a little show."@@
<img src= "img/4-Exhibitionism/dress3.jpg" alt="mall1" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "And that's all you're getting today."@@
[[You both have dinner, shower, and go to bed.]]
Sunday morning, another beautiful day. And another opportunity for your wonderful wife to spend money on crap you don't need.
You two have breakfast and engage it friendly small talk, completely ignoring what you talked about yesterday.
She did say she was open to the idea, and that's good enough for now. This is a long term project with a lot of small baby steps.
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Ready to go back to the mall?"@@
@@.John;John: "*quietly* yes..."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Ready to spend more money on me?"@@
@@.John;John: "*quietly* yes..."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Great, I'll wear the red dress, I actually like it."@@
@@.John;John: "You're planning on spending a lot of money aren't you?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "*not quietly* Yes."@@
[[You go back to the mall to continue your suffering]]
Your wife decided to go back to all the stores she's already visited and see all the clothes she already saw, while making a couple more purchases. You were bored as hell, but at least she seemed to be having fun.
You end up back at the quiet, deserted store that was unsurprisingly still quiet and deserted. Your wife goes to the dressing room, but comes out pretty quickly.
You start to space out when the miraculous happens. Sofia starts to sneak around and makes sure no one is around, then comes back to you, and raises her dress.
<img src= "img/4-Exhibitionism/mall2.jpg" alt="mall2" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
You were shocked and turned on as she exposes her nice latina ass, with no panties, in a public place. Obviously no one was around to see it, but she's making a real effort to accomodate your desires.
She quickly lowers the dress, starts to walk out of there fast, and discreetly waves you to follow her out.
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "So how was that?"@@
@@.John;John: "Perfect. Next time we'll have a butt plug in there."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Ungrateful bastard."@@
@@.John;John: "Thank you baby, I loved it."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "I know you did." @@
[[You both leave the mall and go home.]]On the ride home, Sofia was visbily turned on. You knew that you've got her hooked and that the exhibitionism was in fact, off to a good start.
When you get home, she drags you to the bed and bends over. You know what to do from here.
<img src= "img/4-Exhibitionism/home1.jpg" alt="home1" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
After eating her out, you lay on your back and she mounts you.
<img src= "img/4-Exhibitionism/home2.jpg" alt="home2" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
Sofia rides your cock roughly and in a matter of minutes you feel yourself about to reach your limit so you pull her off and put my cock in her mouth.
<img src= "img/4-Exhibitionism/home3.jpg" alt="home3" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
And soon enough you bust your load on her face.
<img src= "img/4-Exhibitionism/home4.jpg" alt="home4" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
For some reason, this wonderful woman in the body of a porn star decided to marry you. Moments like this where she shows off how slutty she can be, gives you hope that she'll take to the training very well.
For now it's public play and wearing slightly revealing clothes. Then it'll be very reavealing clothes, and once she's comfortable with that she'll happily show off to strangers.
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "I think I'm going to enjoy showing off in public haha."@@
@@.John;John: "Don't worry baby that's just the start."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "What do you mean?"@@
@@.John;John: "We'll talk about it later babe, let's get some rest."@@
Sofia begrudgingly agrees.
[[You both cuddle and go to sleep.]]Over the next couple of months things between you and your wife have progressed slightly. You and her keep your normal day to day routine, but when you go out she's starting to wear slightly more revealing and form fitting clothes.
<img src= "img/4-Exhibitionism/dress4.jpg" alt="dress4" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
Also, when no one is around, she's open to being fondled in public.
<img src= "img/4-Exhibitionism/assgrab1.gif" alt="assgrab" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
<img src= "img/4-Exhibitionism/titgrab1.gif" alt="assgrab" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
Though things have progressed well, she didn't reveal her bare ass to you again in public. After trying it the first time and enjoying it, reason and her values probably kicked in afterwards and she regretted it a little. But progress is progress. Since things have stalled a bit, you decide to push the boundary a little.
[[You decide to go shopping for her next outfit]]Seeing the progress you and Sofia have made you decide to step it up a notch and ask her to walk around in the booty shorts.
That weekend the two of you didn't have any plans to go anywhere, so the assumption was to stay in and relax. You obviously weren't going to do that.
@@.John;John: "Hey babe, wanna go outside today?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "I'm not in the mood to go shopping babe."@@
@@.John;John: "No shopping, just a nice walk in the park nearby."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "That sounds pretty nice actually, let me get ready."@@
@@.John;John: "Babe...can you wear the shorts?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "..."@@
She walks off to the bedroom, and comes out in her jean shorts. It seems she's also ready to step things up.
<img src= "img/4-Exhibitionism/jeanshorts7.jpg" alt="jshorts" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "I hate you."@@
[[Lets go]]
You and Sofia start walking to the park, you obviously walking behind her.
<img src= "img/4-Exhibitionism/jshorts0.gif" alt="jshorts" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
Immediately, you notice all the people staring at your wife's revealed fat ass. You then realize that the busy, family friendly park might not be the best place for your wife.
You grab her hand and take a detour towards the beach.
After 15 minutes you arrive at an empty parking lot adjacent to the ocean and all the boats.
@@.John;John: "Do you know why I took you here?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "I can take a fucking guess."@@
<img src= "img/4-Exhibitionism/jshorts1.jpg" alt="jshorts" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
@@.John;John: "Go over to the rail and pose a little."@@
Sofia walks over and poses innocently enough.
<img src= "img/4-Exhibitionism/jshorts2.jpg" alt="jshorts" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
You've never been the dominant type, your relationship was been based on each other being equal partners. But in this moment, you gave your orders like you were directing a film.
@@.John;John: "Sofia, you can do better than that, bend over more."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Like this?"@@
<img src= "img/4-Exhibitionism/jshorts3.jpg" alt="jshorts" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
@@.John;John: "That's a start. Now pull up your shorts, I need to see more of your ass."@@
Sofia, pleasantly surprised by her husband's newfound, dominating personality, complies.
<img src= "img/4-Exhibitionism/jshorts4.jpg" alt="jshorts" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
@@.John;John: "Now keep doing that, but crouch down."@@
<img src= "img/4-Exhibitionism/jshorts5.jpg" alt="jshorts" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
Sofia again complies.
@@.John;John: "Now let me see your holes."@@
<img src= "img/4-Exhibitionism/jshorts6.jpg" alt="jshorts" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
After a good minute, Sofia stands up and points out to people walking over from the far distance. She begins to walk away very quickly, but you grab her arm and drag her to a nearby boat.
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "People are coming we need to leave now!"@@
@@.John;John: "I want you to sit here and show off your pussy."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "But..."@@
@@.John;John: "You can either show off your pussy now, or when the people get closer."@@
Sofia quickly sits down, flashes her pussy, then stands up and leaves. You follow right after.
<img src= "img/4-Exhibitionism/jshorts7.jpg" alt="jshorts" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
You and Sofia hurry off and find somewhere secluded to escape and talk. She turns looks at you furiously.
[[You two find an alley to escape to]]
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Over the week your wife expressed a variety of emotions from having another man see her naked: anger, lust, frustration, and finally acceptance. And from acceptance, came excitement. After several lengthy conversations, you and your wife decide to scale back the public play a little and stick to walking around in revealing clothes.
Today she goes out for a normal walk in jeans shorts:
src= width="800px">
The week comes and goes, and she goes for another walk.
src= width="800px">
Over the last two weeks she's gotten very used to walking around in revealing clothes. Your sex life has definitely improved and though you've kept public sexual acts to a minimal (with the exception of some light gropping), you feel she's ready for the next step: More explicit exhibitionism.
src= width="800px">
[[Step 2: Good old fashion exhibitionism]]
<style> img {
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A few more weeks pass by. Your wife is fully accostumed to her light exhibitionist lifestyle.
She enjoys walking outside and have mens eyes glued to her fat ass.
Now it's time to move on to the next stage, more explicit exhibitionism.
You are your wife decide to go to the beach, her natural, brown skin town makes her visibly stand out in a beach full of average people.
src= width="800px">
There are very few times where Sofia dresses up sexy on her own, the beach being one of them.
You and Sofia head to the beach and have a relatively normal. She goes in the water, lays on the beach, and notices and even admires all the stares on her body.
[[You two call it a day and go home.]]<style> img {
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Sofia was being her natural self in the beach, sexy, confident, and not trying to be explicitly sexy. Though after her training, she wanted more.
You buy her a new bikini for the next time you go to the beach.
The next week, you go to the beach and Sofia puts on her new bikini, a slingshot bikini.
src= width="800px">
src= width="800px">
Though there were people around, she bravely and seductively showed off her tits.
src= width="800px">
[[Time to go home.]]
This slide will include another sex scene with your wife and lengthy conversation.
[[Go To The Beach]]This slide will show pics of see through bikini + include beach massage.
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[[Go Home]]Talk about how she felt being naked in front of others.
Bring up her being naked and posing for someone in private.
After Sofia went to bed, you stay up, go to the computer, and look through reddit, hotwife forums, and even craigslist and doublelist for someone to help seduce your wife.
The vast majority of people out there were either weirdos or had experience with aware hotwife couples, not people who can convince a conservative wife to cheat.
You almost gave up hope but then found a local profile from a slighter older white guy that showed a lot of promise. Their profile had written musings of hotwife psychology, seduction techniques, posts recalling how he seduced and fucked wives, and pics of him with the various women to prove it. Rob (the guy you found) seemed like the perfect fit. Sofia wouldn't be a hotwife, but a cheating wife and you hoped Rob would flick that mental switch in her head.
You send him a message with a pic of your wife, censored.
@@.John;"Hi Rob,
My name is John. I saw your posts and thought you would be the best person to help with me wife. Me and my wife have been together for years and as sexy as she is, I can't help fantasize about her cheating on me and fucking her men. And as much as I want to see my wife get fucked in front of me, the thought of having her trained and fucked behind my back is even more exciting. Here is a pic of my wife, let me know if we can work something out.
<img src= "img/2-Cheating/email1.jpg" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
You send over a censored photo because you aren't a dumbass and this is just a first contact.
[[You Receive an Email the Next Day]]You receive an email in the morning.
@@.Rob;"Hi John,
First thing, I'd like to say your wife is very beautiful and this is definitely a situation that can work out. I've been in the lifestyle for about 10 years now, mostly because I don't have the time or emotional energy to be in stable long term relationships. When I first started this, I was a bull and sometimes a dom for couples. Over time I got bored and ventured into more "creative" and kinky forms of sex, like seducing wives and training them. I am very good at this but I need to make sure she's even receptive to having sex with others and ultimately being trained. Because the truth is some wives just don't cheat. Answer the below questions to the best of your knowledge and if the answers are satisfactory we can possibly move forward.
Tell me about her:
*How long have you been together?
*How is your sex life and do you fuck her well?
*Has she ever taken a dick in her ass?
*How many men has she ever fucked?
*Is she submissive or dominant in bed?
*Does she dress conservately or like a slut?
*Does she have a friendly demeanor, even in normal platonic situations?
*Does she own sex toys?
If she's susceptible and if the seduction works, what are the limits if any?
Also, send me a few more pics of your wife. Resend the first picture without the censor, one with her wearing something sexier, and one that shows off more of her body. I'd love to see if we can figure something out, but I want to make sure she meets my tastes.
Kind regards, Rob" @@
[[You answer back immediately]]
[[This sounds really intrusive and you figure this isn't for you]]As you finish reading the email, you immediately draft a response:
@@.John;"Hi Rob,
Please see answers below and a few pics attached.
Tell me about her:
She's a 5'6 latina in her early thirties who works in an accounting firm. For fun she watches a lot of tv, but also reads alot in a local cafe, and likes to exercise at the gym and drink on occasion.
How long have you been together?:
16 years
How is your sex life and do you fuck her well?:
She's pretty fun, though vanilla. Recently I decided to have sex with her less to purposefully frustrate her. Though I'm not particularly big, I usually try and take care of her needs.
Has she ever taken a dick in her ass?:
She's tried anal a few times, but it isn't for her.
How many men has she ever fucked?:
Just me
Is she submissive or dominant in bed?:
She's more submissive.
Does she dress conservately or like a slut?:
She dresses conservatively.
Does she have a friendly demeanor, even in normal platonic situations?:
Yes's incredibly friendly and sweet, just sometimes a little shy.
Does she own sex toys?:
She has a couple, but we don't use it often.
If she's susceptible and if the seduction works, what are the limits if any?: No limits." @@
After you draft the email you go through your hard drive and find a couple of sexy photos you've taken of your wife. One of many of Sofia's virtues is that she's happy to pose for the camera for you. She wants to be sexy for you and she trusts that you wouldn't share her photos, trust that you're breaking right now.
<img src= "img/2-Cheating/email2.jpg" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
<img src= "img/2-Cheating/email3.jpg" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
<img src= "img/2-Cheating/email4.jpg" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
[[You hit send]]After sending that email you start getting back to work. Eventually your wife comes home, you two do what you normally do, and she heads to bed. You however, go and check your email and you find a response.
@@.Rob;"Hi John,
As mentioned, your wife is very fucking sexy and I look forward to beginning this process. I went through your answers and though I don't know her, she seems like a tough case. If there's a category of women who would never cheat your wife is likely in it. I don't think this is going to work, but I am very good at this and you're wife is hot enough that I'd like to try. Let's chat some more, tell me more about her and I'll tell you more about myself. " @@
[[You keep talking to Rob for a few more weeks]]Though you don't have a TON of sexy photos of Sofia you do have a few and decide to post a tame and anonymous photo of your wife, under the name LatinaSofia:
<img src= "img/3-Webslut/tame1.jpg" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
After a few seconds, the responses started to trickle in. They weren't as enthusiastic as you would have hoped however. Some of the comments were short and complimentary like "nice" or "she might have a good body under there" but most of the comments were disappointed and asked if I had a better photo of her.
After going through your library, you find a gem you think the masses would love:
<img src= "img/3-Webslut/underwear1.jpg" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
Immediately the comments roled in: "holy shit that can't be your wife", "she's fucking hot", "we need to see more of her."
You oblige and send over a few more.
<img src= "img/3-Webslut/underwear2.jpg" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
<img src= "img/3-Webslut/underwear3.jpg" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
Following the pattern made by other posters I told the group what state we lived in, her age, and what she does for a living. Most of the conversation from there went along the lines of what she enjoyed sexually and requested more pics. One person however, "BilltheBull" was the most active commenter from the group. Beyond asking for more pics and what her sexual preferences were, he asked he about our relationship, if we were open, and generally more conversation worthy comments than the rest of the group.
By the end of the night you had a ton of private messages, but there was a couple worth nothing:
@@.Bill;BilltheBull: "Your wife is the most beautiful woman I've seen in a long time and I just wanted to reach out to learn more about you, her, and your relationship overall. I'm a huge fan and would love to talk about her!"@@
@@.Mike;HypnoMike: "I know what you really want, and it's not sharing her online. Message back."@@
Though Bill seemed nicer and more in line with what you're wanting to do now, you were curious about what Mike meant... Who do you respond to?
[[BilltheBull]] or [[HypnoMike]]
@@.Bill;BilltheBull: "Your wife is the most beautiful woman I've seen in a long time and I just wanted to reach out to learn more about you, her, and your relationship overall. I'm a huge fan and would love to talk about her!"@@
The message seemed nice enough and the thought of my wife having a fan who's seen her naked was a turn on. I replied:
@@.John;John: "I'm glad you loved seeing my wife, as sexy as she is I'm the only dude who's seen her naked so far, so it was pretty exhilarating showing her off! As mentioned yesterday, she's an accountant here in California and she's in her early 30's. We've known each other since high school and married not too long ago. As fun as she is in bed, we're a pretty monogamous couple but I like other guys seeing her naked."@@
After the send a response, you decide to make a cup of tea before heading to bed. You check the site one last time and notice a response already:
@@.Bill;Bill: "Hey man it was a pleaure meeting you and thanks for the quick response, I'm actually in California myself! I completely understand the monogamous thing, most guys on here have never shared their wife but would love to one day. I hope it works out for you buddy. By any chance, do you have another photo of her? Sharing more to the wider group might be terrifying but it might be easier for you if it's just me?"@@
As exciting as that sounded you weren't sure if you wanted to send more discrete photos to Bill and still about that what "HypnoMike" had to say.
[[Agree to Bill's request]] or [[Politely decline his request?]]After a boring day of work, you log off for a few hours, spend some time with your wife, have dinner, and then check your computer.
You saw another message from Bill:
@@.Bill;Bill: "Hey bud, saw you logged in! Just wanted to check in and see if you were interested in sharing your wife again? If possible, I'd love to see the previously sent photos but without the censors." @@
The idea of someone else seeing your wife naked with face was risky, but you were too turned on to think logically. You send over the pics.
<img src= "img/3-Webslut/tame1un.jpg" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
<img src= "img/3-Webslut/underwear1un.jpg" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
<img src= "img/3-Webslut/underwear2un.jpg" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
<img src= "img/3-Webslut/underwear3un.jpg" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
After a very brief wait, Bill responds:
@@.Bill;Bill: "Damn, she's beautiful. She really is the full package. You're damn lucky to be married to her. If I were in your shoes, I'd be fucking the shit out of her every day. And thanks for sending the pictures without face."@@
@@.John;John: "I'm glad you like her!"@@
@@.Bill;Bill: "I absolutely do. I have a game in mind, but we can talk about that more tomorrow. Night!"@@
There weren't any more messages that night, so you decided to go to sleep.
[[The next night you log back on]]Another day passes by and the next night you log onto chat the same time as usual.
Bill reaches out with minutes of you logging in.
@@.Bill;Bill: "Hey cuck, I've got a great game for you to try if you're open to it."@@
Cuck? You thought. Well he wasn't entirely wrong so you let it slide.
@@.John;John: "What's the game?" @@
@@.Bill;Bill: "I'm going to request specific pictures of your wife and you're going to send it to me. Afterwards I'm going to censor the pics myself and post them in chat. How does that sound?"@@
You were hesitant, but thought about it and agreed.
@@.Bill;Bill: "Perfect. To start, I'm going to post a few of the pics you sent to me, just so you know what to expect."@@
@@.John;John: "Sounds good."@@
You wait for a few minutes but didn't receive a message from Bill or anything in chat. Then suddenly...
<img src= "img/3-Webslut/underwear1bill.jpg" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
<img src= "img/3-Webslut/underwear2bill.jpg" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
<img src= "img/3-Webslut/underwear3bill.jpg" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
Holy shit you thought. He censored her pics a lot less and added in some captions. This was the best use of Sofia's pics and were turned on by seeing her like this in chat.
@@.Bill;Bill in chat: "I now own John's latina slutwife, Sofia. I have her uncensored pics, but you guys have to settle for the censored ones. Be sure to thank John here for the pics for sharing his fuckmeat with us."@@
@@.John;John: "Thanks bill, these are great!"@@
@@.Bill;Bill: "Glad you like them. Tomorrow night I want you to send some pics of her in lingerie, got some pics around cuck?"@@
@@.John;John: "I don't have a ton of good ones. I think I can get them in a day or two."@@
@@.Bill;Bill: "That's fine I'll give you some time."@@
You log off and the next day after work you decide to ask Sofia if she was fine posing for some pictures.
[[Have Sofia pose for you]] <<set $online to 0>>When you woke up the next morning you were expecting a response from JSmith, but no message came in. You went back to your normal routine of work, home, and sleep for a few days.
After the long silence you finally receive a message from JSmith. You open up the message and you were shocked to see your wife's name, birthday, place of work, and your address. You stared at the computer screen for what seemed like an eternity. Below your wife's personal information was a message from JSmith.
"Hey man it's been a pleasure speaking to you, learning about your wife, and seeing those beautiful and intimate photos of your wife. To confess, I'm what you call an "extreme voyeur." The height of the voyeuristic experience is not only seeing someone's naked photos but knowing everything about their daily life. In order to get that full snapshot of your wife, I used her location, eduation, profession, and age to find out her actual name. That info is all you really need to look someone up on linkedin. Once I knew her full name, finding the rest of the info was easy. I'm sure you must realize that with all the info I have on your wife and all the pictures I have of her, I can easily ruin your life. That is not my intention however, at least for the moment I intend to be only a voyeur in you and your wifes life. The option to release these pictures and information is leverage, leverage I hope to never use. As I mentioned, for the moment my interests are voyeuristic and I do not intend to ruin either of your lives. From now on I'll be sending over orders for you to follow, non compliance means I release all of these photos and information. My first request will be a little difficult, but I do expect you to follow it. By midnight tonight, I want you to upload the last photo you sent me to the chatgroup. With only the photo on hand and very little of her personal information, it's extremely unlikely her identity will be found out. Nonetheless, I want the photo uploaded."
You stare at the screen in disbelief. Someone knows your wifes identity and has intimate, nude photos of her. If these get released, our professional and personal lives are over.
[[You Think About How To Proceed]]
You have a couple of hours to decide what to do, either expose your wife even further to strangers on the internet, or risk your wifes info and pics getting released. It's a lose-lose situationmaya bijou creampie
-upload face pic to chatgroup
---------maya bijoue spied on----------
yoga - clothed
laundy room
yoga- naked
bath - toy
Sleeping - Facial
Sleeping - Cum on ass
Sleeping - Asshole
Sleeping - Anal
Around the house finally finish the guide which came included with tons of ideas, ways to overcome objections, and a step by step process of how to actually share your wife. It also included different ways to share your wife, from more mild sharing to the extreme.
For the first time ever, you feel as if the impossible is possible. You believe that you can open up your marriage and share your wife. The question is how?
[[Monogamy]]. You're hesistant about the idea of your wife sleeping with other people and you don't like to take risks, so you decide to just spice things up in the bedroom. Your wife doesn't fuck others, your biggest wish is unfullfilled, but you and her still have some fun. Probably.
[[Exhibitionism]]. You're still hesistant about the idea of your wife fucking other people, but you like the idea of others seeing her naked. You will explore different ways for your wife to show off to others with the intent of not having her fuck other people, but you should be careful to prevent this from happening.
[[Hotwife/Swinger]]. You and Sofia will explore the hotwife or swinger lifestyle. She could either have threesomes with you involved, sleep with another guy on the side, or you can explore sleeping with other couples. You'll both participate in this lifestyle hand in hand and will figure out how to expand sexual boundaries together.
[[Share her online]]. Even armed with all of this new information, the hope of sharing your wife quickly dies out. You don't think she'll ever fuck other men and you don't feel like you should try. But you still like the idea of people seeing her naked, you're just too much of a pussy to do real life.
[[Cheating Wife]]. You will create the conditions where she feels neglected enough to start exploring other men. Simultaneously, you'll find someone to seduce and fuck her. Though you'll be pulling the strings initially, to her she's just cheating on you and she's none the wiser. There's more chances for things to not work out as planned and you have less control of the situation.
[[Encourage her freedom]] This is the most hands-off approach to opening your wife's sex life. You'll try and change her overall perspective on life, encourage her to spend more time with her slutty friends, and push her to try new hobbies. Maybe this will lead to a more open relationship or maybe it won't.
or...[[Jump ahead and pick specific sub-paths|Pick specific sub-paths]]Even after all of your research and deep seated longing to see your wife fuck other men, you decide to not share her at all. You know your wife and you don't think she'll either open herself up to other people sexually. In fact you might damage your relataionship even trying.
Instead, you decide to not take the risk and just spice things up in the bedroom by: getting her new lingerie, trying new positions, have her be sexier around the house, training her ass and mouth, trying BDSM, and incorporating more kinkier games.
There are plenty of ways to expand you and Sofia's sexual boundaries within the comfort of your own home.
[[Start Monogamy Path]]At the core of your desires is seeing your wife fuck other people, so you decide to keep it simple and pursue this route. Having Sofia be a hotwife means that you'll first get her used to and accepting of the idea of fucking other men. From there things could unfold in various ways: threesomes with another dude, solo dates with her and other men, and her exploring kinks different with them. All of which will be done openly and with both of your consent. She isn't cheating on you and she isn't forced to do anything.
It also might be easier to explore swinging instead. Hanging out and possibly fooling around with another couple is an easier hurdle than having her fuck another guy on her own. If things progress well she'll be comfortable not only fucking other people, but fucking other people in a group setting, which could lead to kinkier group play.
According to the guide there are a couple of things needed before your wife would even entertain being a hotwife or swinging. Knowing Sofia, this won't be easy due to her conservative nature. First, she needs to fantasize about having sex with other men, this could be done through porn and sex toys. This won't be enough to get her to say yes to the idea, but it can lay the groundwork. Next, you need to have an open conversation about sharing with your wife and let her know that it's something you really want to try. Afterwards you would need to find people who could really connect with Sofia on a deeper level.
[[Start Planning|Hotwife Plan]]
<<set $convo to 0>> <<set $porn to 0>> <<set $toys to 0>> <<set $hints to 0>> <<set $hotwife to 0>> <<set $swinger to 0>>Out of all the different ways to open up your relationship, that night you decided on pursuing the riskiest one: having your wife cheat on you. This might be the hardest route to pursue since Sofia is faithful and has never shown interest in other men. Hotwifing or exhibitionism or anything else would be easier to accomplish....but you want more. You want her to psychologically change in a fundamental way, sneak around, and fuck other people. You want her to feel the guilt and have that guilt be overcome by pure, base sexual desire.
There are two steps to possibly make this work, if it doesn't destroy your marriage first. According to the guide there are two things you need to do for your wife to cheat on you. The "push" and the "pull." Factors that push her away and factors that pull her towards someone else. In this case, you're going to show her a lot less attention sexually, the push. You're also going to find someone who can seduce her, the pull. She's always shown no interest in other men, but withdraw sex for a long time and maybe that'll change.
Confident that you made the right decision you decide to go to bed.
[[Tomorrow you start the plan]].As much as you would love to have other men fuck your wife, you don't think you're ready for that yet. And you definitely don't think she is either. Instead you'll encourage your wife to wear more revealing clothes, show off and fuck you in public places, and maybe even have her show off to others in public. She's never let other men see her naked before so this will still be a challenge, but you think it'll be easier than convincing her to fuck other people.
To start you're going to convince her to wear more revealing clothes out in public. Currently she's very conservative and generally wears very boring clothes. Next you're going to have her show off to you in public places. To her this will be a huge never done before thrill, but to you this will just be a stepping stone.
Afterwards you'll try and fuck her in public.
And from there, maybe she'll be willing to show off to men in public, who knows?
[[For now, you go shopping for new clothes]]As excited as you are of the thought of sharing your wife and seeing her act like a slut, you decide that it would be futile, and in fact may damage your relationship.
Instead of starting your wifes training, you decide to keep your fantasies to yourself and online. You spend your free time exploring hotwife sites, like you usually do, and daydream about the day you'll start training your wife.
One day you come across a hotwife forum that also has a chatroom room built into the site. If you couldn't feel comfortable enough to actually share your wife you might as well connect with like minded people. You create an account and when you enter the chatroom you found there was about 300 other people active in the site and there was a steady amount of conversation happening. Most of the conversation revolves around pictures or videos that were uploaded online somewhere. For the most part, it was a group of people that just liked hotwife porn. But every so often, someone would post a picture of their actual wives, age, and location. Generally, they were older women who didn't look too bad, but weren't anything amazing. The responses however, were usually very positive and the poster would talk about their wives in depth.
[[You Decide To Upload a Tame Photo of Your Wife]]Despite not having enough sleep, you wake up early due to the resolve and anticipation from finally committing to share her. Your wife, being well rested, also woke up early as well, and as naked as she was when she went to bed.
<img src= "img/2-Cheating/wakeup.jpeg" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Good Morning John" She said half asleep, but excited to see you. " Since we're both up early, want to have a morning quicky?"@@
You're of course tempted to fuck Sofia, but last night you made the decision and you're following through with it.
@@.John;John: "Sorry babe, I didn't sleep well last night and I'm just not in the mood."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Oh....ok John. I'll just use the time to make us a nice breakfast instead."@@
She was a little let down, but obviously saw the silver lining of the situation and went with that. She's optimistic and the perfect wife, you almost feel guilty about what you're going to do to your own relationship. But you're a degenerate pervert and one with conviction.
After breakfast and routine, she heads to work and you move to the home office and do the same.
[[One Month Later]] It has been a month since you decided to go celibate and refuse sex. You still show affection and you still treat her well, but you just don't fuck her.
One day though, a package comes in the mail addressed to your wife. She signs for it and goes to the bedroom for a few minutes. She then comes out with some newly purchased clothes.
<img src= "img/2-Cheating/clothes1.jpg" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
It seems that Sofia noticed the lack of sex and decided to do something about it.
<img src= "img/2-Cheating/clothes2.jpg" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Baby I've been so horny so I wanted to surprise you."@@
Her legs spread out, showing her wet cunt, you now have a choice. You can succumb, fuck you're beautiful wife or stay strong and stick with the plan. If you fail here, you'll be kicked off the plan and you'll just go back to fucking your wife, albiet with more exploration, between the two of you only. Or you can stay strong and stay the course.
[[Succumb to temptation]] or [[Stick with the plan]]?The view of your wife spreading her legs for you was too much to resist. You tell her to take off the rest of her lingerie, bend over, and to spread her fat latina ass. A request she happily obliges.
<img src= "img/2-Cheating/clothes3.jpg" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
After admiring her ass for a long time, you take out your cock and shove it in her mouth.
<img src= "img/2-Cheating/clothes4.jpg" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
You clumsily and furiously fuck her mouth, the month of no sex being too much to hold back. Afterwards you take her to bed and pound her pussy as hard as you could.
<img src= "img/2-Cheating/clothes5.jpg" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
30 minutes of fucking later, you pull out and bust your load near her pussy. You brought your A game today and she looks satisfied, your plan has failed.
<img src= "img/2-Cheating/clothes6.jpg" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
Seeing how you broke only a month in you decide that this path isn't for you and decide to just spice things up in the bedroom, content with the idea that she'll never be shared. But that's ok. You just had sex.
You decide that [[Monogamy]], albiet fun monogamy, is the right choice for you.You use every once of willpower you have and with all your strength...
John: "Sorry Sofia, I'm not in the mood today either."
You reject her.
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Baby, I love you but we haven't been having a lot of sex lately, is something wrong? Did I DO something wrong?"@@
@@.John;John: "Not at all Sofia, you're fucking sexy but I guess I'm just getting older and not in the mood a lot anymore."@@
Sofia sighs, looks dissapointed, but tells you she understands. You give her a kiss and decide to go on a nice walk near the beach, to at least temper her dissapointment. You want to push her to fuck other men, not push her away completely.
You two come home, watch a movie, eat dinner, and go to sleep. You stayed strong and committed to the plan.
[[Three Months Later]] It's been three months since that day and it's mostly been routine. Wake up, work, spend some time with wife, and sleep. You throw in a little cuddling on occasion (again, not trying to have her divorce you), but the sex has been very dry. In these last few months you've had sex with her a total of two times, to not let her know something is wrong, or give her any clue on what you're actually doing.
The two times you fucked her, you put no attention to her needs and the entire time you were imagining her fucking someone else, so you only lasted a few minutes. Going from multiple satisfactory fucks a week, to bad sex every month and a half, you know she's desperate for sex. She just stops asking and she never gave you shit for it, because she's a wonderful wife and is understanding. On occasion you feel bad about all this, but you power through the guilt pangs.
One day you get home after doing a couple of chores and hear a sound coming from the bedroom. As you slowly sneak towards the bedroom, you look through the slighly open door find your wife playing with a dildo.
<img src= "img/2-Cheating/dildo.gif" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
This is great news, as your wife almost never uses toys and always prefers the real thing. You know she's frustrated and you also know it's time for step 2 of the plan: finding someone to seduce her.
You walk back into the kitchen, purposelly make louds noises to let Sofia know you're home. She comes out barely wearing any clothes and looks at you seductively. You give her a kiss, a hug, and start putting away the groceries. Back to the routine.
[[That night you look for someone to seduce your wife]] Over the next few weeks you've gotten to know Rob more and more and he's learned more about Sofia. He's apparently a handsome guy, is hung, extremely kinky, and has fucked dozens wives over the last 10 years. He also learned more about Sofia and her life experiences, her values, and what really makes her tick. You share everthing you know about her, from fears, what her childhood was like, her love language, kinks, and everything in between. Over a few weeks of communication you feel as if he knows Sofia almost as much as you do, and he hadn't even asked for more pics.
Today though, he sent over another email that shocked you a little bit:
"Hi John,
@@.Rob;It's been fun getting to know Sofia over these past few weeks and I'm pretty confident I know enough to start taking action. Though this may not work out, I feel that the silver lining is how open you are about this process and that you have no limits or hangups on what I'll be doing to her (without putting her in harms way of course). Before I get to today's round of questions, I must warn you... If we begin this I will follow through to no matter the result. She will either resist all my advances in which least we tried? Or she'll warm up to me. If she warms up to me, she'll enjoy flirting with me, if she enjoys flirting with me she'll fuck me, and if she'll fuck me I will fucking break her. I will use her whenever I want, however long I want, and I'll even whore her around IF I so choose. All done with her consent. She will love you but her body will belong to me. If you want to move forward then answer the below:
*What is her full name:
*Where exactly does she work:
*Where exactly does she go to the cafe to read and where does she go to the gym.
Additionally, send over a few more pics of her: A full body frontal nude, her bent over so I can inspect her holes, and another with her legs spread open.
I completely understand if you get cold feet and want to back out at this point, it's fine if you do. But if you want to try this out, all of this info is necessary.
Sincerely, Rob." @@
[[You think about what to do next]]You fully realise that once you send back this email, there is no going back and he's going to start with his plan to seduce your wife. Giving him all of her personal information is invasive and you'd be an idiot to do so, but you want to see if it works and he's able to fuck her.
@@.John;"Hi Rob,
*What is her full name: Sofia Miller
*Where exactly does she work: ABC Accounting
*Which cafe does she go to read and where does she go to the gym: Robust Coffee and 24 hour fitness, both on 1st street.
Can you send over some information on how you're planning to actually seduce her? Also, pictures attached.
- John"@@
<img src= "img/2-Cheating/email5.jpg" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right:auto; width: 75%;" />
<img src= "img/2-Cheating/email6.jpg" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
<img src= "img/2-Cheating/email7.jpg" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
[[Hesitantly, you hit send]]An hour later, Rob sends back another email. In this email, you notice he's less polite and lot more crude.
God damn she looks like a good fuck. You were right man, she absolutely looks like she could be a pornstar. It's a total waste you're the only guy to try her out, and with a 5 inch dick lol. Great doggy photo. That is going to be a great view when I pound her fat fucking ass in real life, and I mean it. By the time I'm done with her, she's going to LOVE taking cock in her brown shitter. Her spread legs photo is the best one though. Her mexican cunt looks perfect, I'm going to enjoy stretching out her holes with my fat cock. I'm going to do you a favor though and take a photo of her in that pose, with my cum leaking out of her cunt since I know you'd love to see it. Sofia Miller is going to be my new fucktoy.
I'm going to become a part of her life. I'm going to visit her accounting firm and have her do my taxes, and turn up the charm. From there I'll just "run into her" at the places she hang out. Don't worry though, I'll be nice, safe, and charming. I'm going to be her friend, then her friend who inocently flirts with her, and eventually she's going to be my bitch. If she ever mentions me, encourage her to "spend time with her new friend."
I'm going to send status updates from here on out, wish me luck, and remember...there's no turning back now.
[[You close the email with extreme hesitation]]Sitting there at the dead of night, you start to think that you've made a huge mistake. You sent a stranger your wifes most secret photos, you let some guy KNOW all about your wifes thoughts, value, hobbies, and you even revealed all of her information. You might have fucked up you and Sofia's life and maybe even your marriage.
In that moment of deep panic though, an emotion that started as a flicker quickly overwhelmed the panic...arrousal. You want to see what happens, you want Sofia to fuck him, and you want to see that picture of Rob's cum flowing out of Sofia's pussy. You've only fucked her a couple of times in the last 5 months, so he may have a shot.
With that hesitation still in the back of your mind, you sneak to the bathroom to bust a load, head to bed, and try to sleep.
[[You go back to your normal routine with Sofia, not hearing back from Rob]]Another couple of weeks pass by and I haven't heard back from Rob and Sofia hasn't mentioned anything about a "weird guy trying to hit on her." Sofia normally talks about her day in depth and her clients, and she hasn't mentioned anyone that sounded like Rob. At that point I thought that Rob was all talk or decided not to pursue her. At that realisation I felt a mixture of calmness and dissapointment.
As me and Sofia were sitting on the couch watching tv after just having dinner, Sofia starts to talk about her day. It was routine stuff: boss was kind of a dick, did taxes, had lunch, etc. But then she mentioned:
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Oh! I also had an interesting client come in today. He had a really complex financial situation from owning half a dozen businesses and properties, so that was a tricky one. It looks like I'll need to work on his taxes for a couple of weeks. It's going to be tough and alot of work, but at least he was a lot nicer and funnier than the rest of my clients. I think I've also seen him at the gym?"@@
As that anxiety hits you like a wave, you ask:
@@.John;John: "Oh that sounds like it'll be a ton of work. What's this guy's name baby?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Oh his name is Rob, do you know him?"@@
@@.John;John: "No...not at all, I was just curious."@@
Eventually it got late and as usual Sofia went to bed early.
[[As soon as she was asleep you rush to your computer to check your email]]You hastily open up your email and there it email from Rob.
I met Sofia today and I have to say...she's a lot hotter in person! I had a lot of tax work to do anyways so her being an accountant was the stars aligning or something. Anyways, spoke to her for an hour to go over my financial information, pulled out the charm but didn't explicitly flirt with her. I did make her laugh alot though. Thanks to all the info you gave me about her, I know how to interact and communicate with her in a way to elicit a positive response. We also had a ton of chemistry so I see this arrangement working out quite nicely. I'm going to see her frequently for the next couple of weeks so she could do my actual taxes, but don't worry, this is just phase 1 so nothing will happen now. Also, as a tease, here's a photo I secretly took of her in the office.
<img src= "img/2-Cheating/office.jpg" alt="office" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
I'll check in later, cya bud."@@
You sit there in's finally happening.
[[Sofia keeps working on Rob's taxes]]Over the next week, Sofia continues working on Rob's taxes. When she comes home from work she talks about her day and her clients, Rob included. She spoke about him nicely but there was no reason to expect that she interacted with him any differently than she did with any other client.
Rob did send a brief email later that day though.
Been a normal, tame, yet productive week. Going well so far. Took a couple of pics of her and she didn't notice. Had an accidental upskirt as well lol.
<img src= "img/2-Cheating/office2.jpg" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right:auto; width: 75%;" />
<img src= "img/2-Cheating/office3.jpg" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right:auto; width: 75%;" />
You have mixed emotions about another man taking photos of your wife, but this hasn't been as bad as you were expecting. He didn't seem to be forceful or overt with your wife, and the foundations of a potentially long arrangement is being made.
[[That Saturday, Sofia decided to hit the gym]]At her usual time on Saturday, Sofia changed into her workout clothes and headed to the gym. Normally Sofia doesn't wear anything revealing, tight, or skimpy, but knowing that men will leer at her no matter what, she chooses gym clothes that are comfortable above all else.
You spend a couple of hours doing some chores around the house and killing time before Sofia comes home.
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Hey baby, I'm back! Did you miss me?"@@
@@.John;John: "Of course I did" @@
You said as you held your wife and gave her a kiss. Despite the lack of sex you would consider your relationship to still be ok. You feel like there's been a small rift between you two, but still a loving relationship nonetheless.
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "By the way, I saw my client Rob at the gym today!"@@
@@.John;John: "Oh, how did that go?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "It was fine, we chatted a little bit and he showed me how to properly do some of the exercises. I've been gaining a little weight so Rob wanted to show me how to make the most out of each exercise." @@
@@.John;John: "That sounds good babe...was he doing anything inappropriate?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Nope, he just seemed like he wanted to help!"@@
To most people this wouldn't seem like that big of a deal, but I know my wife. Normally, she wouldn't talk to or interact with anyone in the gym, especially men she barely knew. That small rift just became more noticeable.
When Sofia went into the shower you went to your computer to check emails, having a feeling you'd find one from Rob.
@@.Rob;"Hey John, saw Sofia at the gym today. We worked out a little and I gave her a few pointers. Not a big deal but it was a great way to build more of a non-work connection. Also, took some nice shots of her.
<img src= "img/2-Cheating/gym1.jpg" alt="office" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
<img src= "img/2-Cheating/gym2.jpg" alt="office" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
<img src= "img/2-Cheating/gym3.jpg" alt="office" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
<img src= "img/2-Cheating/gym4.jpg" alt="office" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
Will speak soon. - Rob"@@
You hear Sofia turn the shower off so you log off and join her for dinner.
[[The next week...]]The week after, there's been nothing of note from Sofia or Rob. Sofia talks about Rob nicely but nothing unusual, maybe if anything, she speaks about him more than other clients. Rob hasn't sent in any emails either so you figured there wasn't been much change in the dynamic. A thought that again fills you with dissapointment and relief.
Friday morning however, you notice that your wife decided to go to work in a skimpier outfit than usual. Still professional, but a little out of character.
<img src= "img/2-Cheating/clotheschange1.jpg" alt="office" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
<img src= "img/2-Cheating/clotheschange2.jpg" alt="office" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
Sofia kisses you goodbye and heads to work. The day rolls along and she comes back home at her normal time.
You were expecting her to bring up some new information about Rob, but nothing novel. She seemed to be glad to finish the project and that's about it.
You didn't receive an email from Rob either.
[[The next day, she heads to the gym again]]The next morning Sofia dresses up in her workout clothes and goes to the gym again.
As usual she comes back a couple of hours later, all part of routine.
She gets showered, changes her clothes, and starts to make some food. While eating you two chat a little.
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "So I saw Rob at the gym again today. He thanked me again for all the hard work over the past couple of weeks and offered my a part time job! He wants someone to take care of the day to day accounting for his businesses. So I would work from his home office once a week and he would pay me a ton for the time."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "He seems like a good guy, but I'm not sure about spending time with another just doesn't feel right."@@
At this point, Rob's recommendation that he encourage her to spend time with him came to mind.
@@.John;John: "Well you've talked to this guy for a couple weeks and he does in fact seem like a good guy. I know we're doing fine financially but we can always use the extra money. You should do it!"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Oh, are you sure about that baby?@@
@@.John;John: "Yeah he seems genuine and this could be a good side hussle."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Ok baby, I'll send him a text and let him know."@@
@@.John;John: "You have his number?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Well yeah, he's my client. Let me just send him a text really quick... Ok done."@@
At that point, Sofia got a quick text back letting her his address and when she should be over: Saturday afternoons.
That night, you log back on and see an email from Rob.
@@.Rob;"Hey John,
Your wife is a pretty decent accountant lol. But anyways, thanks for encouraging her to spend some more time with me. I wanted to give you a more in-depth status of everything so far and today. Over the last two weeks she has really opened up. Though keeping things mostly professional, she also seemed genuinely friendly. It seems that you not fucking your wife for a while really helped here. Obviously no flirting or anything like that, but I can tell by her body language that she feels relatively comfortable around me. And remember, if you want to see my fat cock pound your wife keep encouraging her to spend time with me. Things are going well so let's keep it up. Oh, here's a couple more photos from today.
<img src= "img/2-Cheating/gym5.jpg" alt="office" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
<img src= "img/2-Cheating/gym6.jpg" alt="office" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
Speak soon, Rob"@@
[[The next day Sofia starts her new part-time job with Rob|Rob 1]]That night you looked up clothes you thought would be a step up from what she normally wore, but something she'd still be comfortable wearing. You then found a nice, red dress you think she'd love.
<img src= "img/4-Exhibitionism/dress1.jpg" alt="dress" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
You click order and wait for the dress to arrive.
In the meantime you and your wife have a dinner date today and she gets ready for it. As usual, her clothes are a bit boring as usual. Hopefully that's something that changes soon.
<img src= "img/4-Exhibitionism/dinner1.jpg" alt="dinner1" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
[[The next day your package arrives]]
Looking through erotic clothing stories, you find the perfect thing for your wife. You click order, then go about the rest of your day.
You go out to see a couple of friends for a quick lunch, then head back home.
When you arrive home, you notice the package has already arried still wrapped. You also notice your wife is watching tv and is already trying to unwind for the day.
@@.John;John: "Hey babe, how was work?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "My boss is still an asshole, still checks me out at work, and still makes sexist comments when no one is around. So the usual shitty workday."@@
@@.John;John: "I'm sorry to hear that babe. But I went ahead and bought you something, maybe that'll make you feel better?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Seriously?"@@
@@.John;John: "Here's the package, go to the bedroom and try it out."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Ugh fine"@@
After a few minutes and hearing a couple of very loud "wtfs" your wife comes out of the bedroom.
<img src= "img/4-Exhibitionism/jeanshorts1.jpg" alt="dress4" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "How do you not know my size? This is was too small."@@
@@.John;John: "Actually I bought that size on purpose. Pose for me."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Do I have to?"@@
@@.John;John: "Yes."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Fine."@@
<img src= "img/4-Exhibitionism/jeanshorts2.jpg" alt="dress4" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
@@.John;John: "Damn that's fucking sexy. Think of that on the spot?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "It's already riding up my ass, so might as well."@@
@@.John;John: "How about you lay on your side?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Like this?"@@
<img src= "img/4-Exhibitionism/jeanshorts3.jpg" alt="dress4" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
@@.John;John: "Just like that."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Or how about like this?"@@
<img src= "img/4-Exhibitionism/jeanshorts4.jpg" alt="dress4" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
You're speechless.
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Or like this?"@@
Sofia slow seductively takes off the shorts, then almost rips them off, revealing her delicious pussy and asshole.
<img src= "img/4-Exhibitionism/jeanshorts5.jpg" alt="dress4" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
You're still speechless.
She then stands up, drops her panties, then sits on the couch.
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "What else do you want to see baby?"@@
She used asked sweet voice that almost detracted from the moment. You wanted sexy slut wife, not the sweet wife you're so used to.
@@.John;John: "Bring your legs up I want to see you spread your ass."@@
She obliges.
<img src= "img/4-Exhibitionism/jeanshorts6.jpg" alt="dress4" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
After making a mock, seductive porn star face, she gets up and skips to the bedroom.
She comes out wearing her normal clothes and goes back to watching tv, with the full knowledge that you have a massive erection. And with the full intention to do nothing about it.
[[A week passes by...]]Though it's been a week you still can't get the image of your wife wearing those tight jeans out of your head. You want to see her wear those jeans in public but you're sure she's going to say no.
The next best thing though is trying to get her to show off and be sexy in private, in a public location.
You go through good maps and try to get a birds eye view of all the buildings are parks in the city, until you find a large parking lot that seemed deserted.
When you have a free couple of hours you go to the lot around 7pm to scope it out and see that there's hardly any cars there. Perfect.
So you have the location set and now you need to figure out what to actually do.
As usual you just decide to watch porn for inspiration and see a couple of picture sets of women stripping in a public place. You thought this was straightforward enough and set your mind to making this happen with Sofia.
You had the location, you have the idea, all that's left is Sofia's permission.
[[Talk to your wife]]You like the skirt and decide to go with that. After the skirt comes in the mail, you hold onto it until that Saturday.
When Saturday morning rolls around you approach your wife with the intention of moving the exhibitionism forward.
You pull out the skirt and show it to Sofia.
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Oh this is nice, but it looks a little short, I'm not sure I'm comfortable wearing...but it's better than those shorts at least. I just don't want a lot of people to see me in that."@@
@@.John;John: "Alright babe that's fine. We can go somewhere private outside. For now, put it on and I'll drive around and find us a place." @@
Sofia reluctantly agrees. She puts on the skirt and you two get in the car. After 20 minutes of driving you find an empty parking structure that you thought would be perfect. You drive to the top and both of you get out of the car.
@@.John;John: "Hey babe, can you pose by the edge with those buildings in the background?" @@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Sure baby"@@
<img src= "img/4-Exhibitionism/skirt1.jpg" alt="dress4" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
@@.John;John: "Perfect, now let's see a little ass." @@
Taking the hint, Sofia moves the skirt up and to the side, showing her nice, fat ass.
<img src= "img/4-Exhibitionism/skirt2.jpg" alt="dress4" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
@@.John;John: "Sexy. Now let's see your tits."@@
<img src= "img/4-Exhibitionism/skirt3.jpg" alt="dress4" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
@@.John;John: "Great. Now for the last thing, I want you to take off your underwear and show me your tits and your pussy."@@
Sofia looked concerned and hesistant as she looks around the top floor of the parking structure. As she didn't see other people, she quickly took off her underwear and posed for you.
<img src= "img/4-Exhibitionism/skirt4.jpg" alt="dress4" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "You're welcome"@@
It was at that point you and her heard a car driving up the structure. She quickly adjusts her clothes, you both get in the car, and drive home for the day.
[[You'd call today a success]]
You like the short dress and decide to go with that. After the dress comes in the mail, you hold onto it until that Saturday.
When Saturday morning rolls around you approach your wife with the intention of moving the exhibitionism forward.
You pull out the dress and show it to Sofia.
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Oh this is nice, but it looks a little short, I'm not sure I'm comfortable wearing...but it's better than those shorts at least. I just don't want a lot of people to see me in that."@@
@@.John;John: "Alright babe that's fine. We can go somewhere private outside. For now, put on and I'll drive around and find us a place."@@
Sofia reluctantly agrees. She puts on the dress and you two get in the car. After 20 minutes of driving you find an empty parking structure that you thought would be perfect. You drive to the top and both of you get out of the car.
@@.John;John: "Hey babe, can you pose by the edge with those buildings in the background?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Sure" she says as she pulls the dress down so it covers her ass. The beauty of this dress is that she really has to pull the fabric down for the thing to cover her ass, otherwise it shows off more ass than she's comfortable with."@@
<img src= "img/4-Exhibitionism/bluedress1.jpg" alt="dress4" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
@@.John;John: "Perfect, now wear the dress like you're supposed to wear it."@@
Taking the hint, Sofia relaxes the dress and lets the bottom sit where it's supposed to hit, showing her ass.
<img src= "img/4-Exhibitionism/bluedress2.jpg" alt="dress4" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
@@.John;John: "Sexy. Now let's see your tits"@@
<img src= "img/4-Exhibitionism/bluedress3.jpg" alt="dress4" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
@@.John;John: "Great. Now for the last thing, I want you to take off your underwear and show me your tits and your pussy."@@
Sofia looked concerned and hesistant as she looks around the top floor of the parking structure. As she didn't see other people, she quickly took off her underwear and posed for you.
<img src= "img/4-Exhibitionism/bluedress4.jpg" alt="dress4" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "You're welcome"@@
It was at that point you and her heard a car driving up the structure. She quickly adjusts her clothes, you both get in the car, and drive home for the day.
[[You'd call today a success]]
When you and your wife get home you pull up to your driveaway and before you two even get inside she climbs on top of you takes off her clothes and mounts you.
<img src= "img/4-Exhibitionism/carsex1.gif" alt="carsex" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
@@.John;John: "So you like showing off in public baby"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "mmmhmm"@@
@@.John;John: "Good, because we're going to do that alot more."@@
At that point Sofia lets out a heavy moan, obviously turned on by the idea of public play. You started to pound her out even harder, Sofia completely ignoring the risk of being seen. You let out a loud grunt and dump your load in her pussy.
<img src= "img/4-Exhibitionism/carcreampie1.gif" alt="carcreampie" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
You and Sofia take a moment to catch your breaths, get dressed quickly, and head back inside.
[[Over the next several weeks...]]-----New Routes-----
Adult Jobs - Can come from refusing boss (exhibitionism) maybe freedom path where Sofia drinks too much with Mia and gets fired.
-Posing around the house
-Different positions
-Regular creampies
-Dom/sub relationship?
-Talk to Sofia about choices - DONE
-Friends: progress with play from soft to hard swap
-From friends, explore swinger conventions, multiple couple choices from there
-Each couple has their own ending if you progress too far into route
-Right before swinger couple endings can decide to explore different opportunities in swinging. One possible ending could be a swinger cruise OR
-Swinger cruise going into a swinger hotel in the carribean
-At swinger hotel can meet other couples, have her fuck single men, get gangbanged
-Meet other couples: Goes back into the swinging lifestyle: more conventions, sex clubs, and eventually orgies
-Have her fuck single men: feeds into more hardcore hotwife path
-Get gangbanged: Reguarly fucks groups of men
-younger guy- texting and asking for pics into public sex; cocky asshole
-older man - toys into bdsm into master/slave; nice guy but extremely dominant in bed
-black guy - blacked eventual gangbangs, turns wife into ghetto trash; dominant but respectful at the start at least, possible drugs?
-white guy - goes on dates, threesomes to start, then one of one dates, romance; good guy all around that steals your wife
-chick - lesbian into threesomes with dudes, turns wife into slut; slutty personality
-Have wifes censored pictures all over the internet. Fake erome page?
-Branching paths- refuse: wife becomes fully exposed webslut, bites John back in the ass, divorce. Submit: Blindfold wife and have Bill fuck Sofia raw and ending in a creampie
-Pic order: lingerie/underewear; nude lingerie + kind of showing holes; candid shots; Showing holes; fucking,
-Make IG page showing sofia's pictures. eventually most updates come ig page.
-rob goes to wifes office and meets her - DONE
-goes in for follow ups - DONE
-go to gym, work out together
-meets up in bookstore to discuss books, talk
-goes to bar, flirts a little
-drinks at bars
-becomes friends
-goes to the gym
-anniverary photoshoot
After being comfortable wearing revealing clothes in public can either go into webslut route or progress into more extreme exhibitionism. From webslut route the below options:
Webcam Route Goes into:
Don't Show Face (stay at light level of exhibitionism):
-Real Life moderate Exhibitionism
Show Face + Reveal Name (goes into moderate level of webcam show):
-Boss finds out -office play, vacations, wife reluctant at first and gets used to it; asshole boss [Boss Route]
Show Face + Don't reveal name (goes into extreme levels of webcam show):
-Give big fan private shows, eventually meet and do shows with him, becomes [webslut] route
-Photographer reaches out. Can turn her into pornstar [Photography/Pornstar route]
week 3
-lingerie + best friend + kissing - DONE
week 4
-naked + posing + fondling
week 6
week 7
-sex + boyfriend
------Play as a bull------
Play as a bull and eventually you see your employee, Sofia on a webcam. Blackmail into sex.Curious about what he meant, you reply.
@@.John;John: "What do I really want?"@@
@@.Mike;HypnoMike: "You don't want to share photos of your wife, you want people to see her in real life. You want to see her get fucked. Is that correct?"@@
@@.John;John: "Sure, but we don't have an open relationship and she doesn't really have it in her to let other men see her naked or fuck them. So I just share her online instead."@@
@@.Mike;HypnoMike: "That's where your wrong, I can make her do it. Every woman is capable of opening up, she would just need a little help."@@
@@.John;John: "What do you mean?"@@
@@.Mike;HypnoMike: "Hypnosis. It's a side hobby, but one I'm very good at. How it would work is I'd hypnotise your wife over time to show off her body to me. Then I'd hypnotise her to fuck me. And then she'll be comfortable fucking me on a regular basis. Real hypnosis can't be done online or over the phone or anything though, it has to be done frequently and in person. The best part is that when she does reveal her body to me and fuck me, she'll think it's a completely normal and acceptable thing to do as well."@@
@@.John;John: "Sounds like a nice fantasy, but I really don't believe in all of that."@@
@@.Mike;HypnoMike: "If you like, we can do a small demonstration where I hypnotise you into doing something you don't want. Like...revealing her full name?"@@
John thought that all of this sounded farfetched and you thought this dude was wasting your time. But...what if he could do it?
Do you [[agree to HypnoMike's demonstration]] or [[politely decline and reply back to BilltheBull]]? You want to see if this isn't bullshit, so you agree to his demonstration.
@@.John;John: "I'm still skeptical but let's give it a shot. You mentioned this had to be done in person though?"@@
@@.Mike;HypnoMike: "Luckily I live in California and work remotely so I can travel to you this weekend. What city are you in?"@@
@@.John;John: "Oceanwalk."@@
@@.Mike;HypnoMike: "Great, I'll travel down, book the hotel, and see you at let's say..2pm? Here's my number xxx-xxx-xxxx"@@
@@.John;John: "See you soon, here's my number as well: xxx-xxx-xxxx"@@
You log off for the night and go about your week. Then on Saturday morning you get a call from Mike.
[[You answer Mike's call]]@@.John;John: "As interesting as that sounds, I highly doubt this would work so I'd have to respectfully decline."@@
@@.Mike;HypnoMike: "Have it your way. Enjoy sharing pics of your wife online instead of seeing the real thing."@@
HyponoMike logs off and you decide to get back to Bill.
You decide to [[message BilltheBull]] instead. @@.John;John: "Sounds good Bill. It's getting late so I'm going to head to bed but I'll send it over tomorrow" @@
@@.Bill;Bill: "All good, will speak to you tomorrow."@@
You log off, go to bed, wake up the next day, and follow your routine.
[[After a Normal Day of Work...]]You decline Bill's request and told me you weren't comfortable sharing more explicit photos of your wife to a stranger.
@@.Bill;Bill: "All good man, I understand. Have a nice night."@@
[[Answer HypnoMike's Message]]@@.Mike;HypnoMike: "I know what you really want, and it's not sharing her online. Message back."@@
Curious about what he meant, you reply.
@@.John;John: "What do I really want?"@@
@@.Mike;HypnoMike: "You don't want to share photos of your wife, you want people to see her in real life. You want to see her get fucked. Is that correct?"@@
@@.John;John: "Sure, but we don't have an open relationship and she doesn't really have it in her to let other men see her naked or fuck them. So I just share her online instead."@@
@@.Mike;HypnoMike: "That's where your wrong, I can make her do it. Every woman is capable of opening up, she would just need a little help."@@
@@.John;John: "What do you mean?"@@
@@.Mike;HypnoMike: "Hypnosis. It's a side hobby, but one I'm very good at. How it would work is I'd hypnotise your wife over time to show off her body to me. Then I'd hypnotise her to fuck me. And then she'll be comfortable fucking me on a regular basis. Real hypnosis can't be done online or over the phone or anything though, it has to be done frequently and in person. The best part is that when she does reveal her body to me and fuck me, she'll think it's a completely normal and acceptable thing to do as well."@@
@@.John;John: "Sounds like a nice fantasy, but I really don't believe in all of that."@@
@@.Mike;HypnoMike: "If you like, we can do a small demonstration where I hypnotise you into doing something you don't want. Like...revealing her full name?"@@
John thought that all of this sounded farfetched and you thought this dude was wasting your time. But...what if he could do it?
Do you [[agree to HypnoMike's demonstration]] or decide that [[sharing your wife online or talking to other men about your wife isn't appropriate]]You decline and decide that you need to log off and stop visiting these sites. This isn't healthy and you should enjoy your time with Sofia instead.
You've decide to explore the [[Monogamy]] path instead. @@.Bill;BilltheBull: "Your wife is the most beautiful woman I've seen in a long time and I just wanted to reach out to learn more about you, her, and your relationship overall. I'm a huge fan and would love to talk about her!"@@
The message seemed nice enough and the thought of my wife having a fan who's seen her naked was a turn on. I replied:
@@.John;John: "I'm glad you loved seeing my wife, as sexy as she is I'm the only dude who's seen her naked so far, so it was pretty exhilarating showing her off! As mentioned yesterday, she's an accountant here in California and she's in her early 30's. We've known each other since high school and married not too long ago. As fun as she is in bed, we're a pretty monogamous couple but I like other guys seeing her naked"@@
After the send a response, you decide to make a cup of tea before heading to bed. You check the site one last time and notice a response already:
@@.Bill;Bill: "Hey man it was a pleaure meeting you and thanks for the quick response, I'm actually in California myself! I completely understand the monogamous thing, most guys on here have never shared their wife but would love to one day. I hope it works out for you buddy. By any chance, do you have another photo of her? Sharing more to the wider group might be terrifying but it might be easier for you if it's just me?"@@
As exciting as that sounded you weren't sure if you wanted to send more discrete photos to Bill and still about that what "HypnoMike" had to say.
[[Agree to Bill's request]] or you realise that [[sharing your wife online or talking to other men about your wife isn't appropriate]]@@.John;John: "Hello?"@@
@@.Mike;Mike: "Hey it's Mike, I'm here in Oceanwalk at the Grand Hotel. Still good for 2?"@@
@@.John;John: "Yup, cya soon."@@
You didn't think he'd actually show up, but here he was. You get off the phone and tell Sofia a friend was in town and you wanted to go and see him. You then head on out and meet Mike in person. He seemed like a normal guy and you two go up to his room for the demonstration (no homo).
@@.Mike;Mike: "Alright John, it's a pleasure to meet you in real life. Right now we're going to have a normal conversation. Tell me about yourself, your job, school you went to, whatever, it doesn't matter. I'll do the same. But first, what's Sofia's last name?"@@
@@.John;John: "I'm not going to tell you that."@@
@@.Mike;Mike: "All good, we'll speak first, I'll use hypno machine, and then we'll see."@@
You and Mike spend the next 30 minutes getting to know each other and going through both of your life experiences, talking about Sofia and your love life, relationship, her work stress, etc. You wouldn't say he was nice, but he wasn't an asshole either. He was more domineering than anything. Mike then asks..
@@.Mike;Mike: "What's Sofia's last name."@@
@@.John;John: "Not telling you that."@@
Mike then pulls out a few different lights and place them around me. He then pulls out a pocket watch like you'd see in some old old movie. Mike then turned on the strobing lights, swung the watch back and forth for several minutes. You then feel yourself spacing out...almost to a state of unconscious.
@@.Mike;Mike: "You trust me enough to tell me Sofia's last name."@@
He repeated the same phrase over and over for several minutes until you start to lose consciousness. Before completely losing consciousness you hear a change in what he's saying: "" but you can't really comprehend what he's saying. Eventually, the lights slowly strobe less and less until they stopped.
@@.Mike;Mike: "Hey John, what's Sofia's last name?"@@
@@.John;John: "Sofia Miller."@@
You sit there shocked and thought...I didn't feel comfortable telling this guy Sofia's name and now...I feel fine with it. What happened?
@@.Mike;Mike: "I hope you enjoyed this demonstration. With hypnosis, each session gives you a strong desire to comply with the directions for about a day and it wears off, almost like they're being programmed. So frequent hypnosis is key here. But once a subject has gone through the session 5 to 6 days straight, that specific demand is ingrained into their psyche. I don't plan on hypnotising you again and only made you give me her last name, but imagine what I could do if I hypnotised Sofia on a regular basis. Are you convinced yet?"@@
@@.John;John: "That...let's do it."@@
@@.Mike;Mike: "Perfect. When you get home tonight you're going to tell Sofia that I need a place to stay for a couple weeks and that you kindly offered your spare bedroom for me. At that time I'll think of a good reason to hypnotise her and we can go from there. After those two weeks you can let me know if you want to extend the stay. Sounds like a deal?"@@
You generally aren't comfortable with another man living in your spare bedroom, but after today's demonstration you were oddly enough more curious than apprehensive.
@@.John;John: "Sounds like a deal." @@
[[You leave and go back home]]You get home and talk to Sofia..
@@.John;John: "Hey baby I have something to tell you."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "What is it honey? Oh and how was catching up with your friend?"@@
@@.John;John: "About that... me and Mike worked together a while back and he moved out of town for a few years. He decided he was homesick though and decided to move back, but didn't have a place to stay. So he's staying in a hotel. He asked if he could stay in our spare bedroom for no more than a couple of weeks but I said I wanted to talk to you first."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "That's a little weird babe, do you trust this guy?"@@
@@.John;John: "Yeah he's a pretty good friend that I haven't been in touch with as much as I wanted. He really helped me out when I was starting off my career so I think it's the least I could do to pay him back."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "I'm not really comfortable with that, but if he's a good friend who helped you out then fine. I don't like the idea of being in the same house as another man but it is only a couple of weeks..."@@
@@.John;John: "Great, I'll let him know." @@
Afterwards you call Mike and let him know that Sofia is fine with him moving in for a couple of weeks.
[[The next day Mike arrives with his stuff]]
<<set $hypnosis to 0>>Week 1: Sunday
That Sunday, me and Sofia woke up for the day and she immediately put on clothes that were alot more concealing than usual.
<img src= "img/9-Hypnosis/conservative1.jpg" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
Mike arrives with all of his stuff and unlike the previous day he seemed a lot nicer and more charming.
@@.Mike;Mike: "Sofia, it's a pleasure to meet you! I also wanted to thank you both for letting me into your home and letting me stay here for a couple of weeks. I imagine that's how long it'll take for me to get a new place. I'll be unpacking for a little while, but afterwards let's chat! I would love to make dinner as well."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Well we're glad we can help! And dinner sounds great, thank you Mike!"@@
Mike surprisingly brought a lot of stuff with him and spent a good portion of the day unpacking and getting acclimated to our home. He didn't interact much with Sofia as she stayed in our room most of the time, but when they did meet he was pleasant and nice. During dinner time, he cooked us a delicious full course meal and he we had a great conversation.
@@.Mike;Mike: "Well I'm an analyst but I did alot of work at John's old company, nothing special to mention but I like it. How about you?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "I'm an accountant at a local firm and I like the work but, it's pretty stressfull haha."@@
@@.Mike;Mike: "Oh can you tell me more about that?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "The workload is demanding, the clients are nice, but my boss is an asshole. The usual deal."@@
@@.Mike;Mike: "This is perfect! I can't do much about your asshole boss but I can do something about the stress. Though my main job is analyst, I have a side hobby I'm really passionate about: hypnotherapy. I use hypnosis to help clients with small everyday stuff like being stress free, quiting smoking, losing weight through a better diet, etc. I can't do much with it but it does make small changes that really helps people. John can tell you about it."@@
Mike looks at you expectedly, assuming he'll back you up here.
@@.John;John: "Oh yeah absolutely, it was a big thing at our old company. He'd help out a ton of our coworkers with small issues and everyone loved him for it." @@
@@.Mike;Mike: "After dinner I can try it with you and help you with stress, what do you say?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "I don't believe that's an actual thing lol. But sure, why not."@@
You all continue talking about other stuff and after dinner Mike sets up the equipment in his room. Sofia sits in a chair with all the stuff around her and starts to laugh. Mike then gives John a pair of very heavy sunglasses and asks him to stand in a corner away from the lights. Normally this session requires just the subject and me since another person being there can interrupt the session by their presence or making noise, but I think it'll be fine this first time. We also don't want to accidentally hypnotise John.
Sofia starts laughing as she did before. But then John starts with the lights and waves the watch around.
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Like I said I don't...think......"@@
Sofia is silent. She looks have half conscious and dazed.
@@.Mike;Mike: "You will feel less stressed and like daily hypnosis."@@
He continued repeating that sentence for several minutes until the strobe lights started to slow down and fade. Sofia snaps back to consciousness and looked a little confused.
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Woah I feel a little weird, did it work?"@@
@@.Mike;Mike: "I think so, but let me know how you feel!"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "I feel like a weight's been lifted off my shoulders, thank you!"@@
Sofia gives Mike a half hug and me and her leave for the night. After Sofia goes to bed you quietly knocked on Mike's door and he lets you in.
@@.John;John: "So what now?"@@
@@.Mike;Mike: "I'm going to hypnotize her every day until being stress free is ingrained into her mind. The thing about this is you need to progressively push their boundaries and only give them 1-3 directives at a time. Ask for something too difficult and they'll resist. Ask for too much and the directives get too watered down. We'll see how she is tomorrow and continue from there."@@
[[After that talk with Mike you head to bed]]
<<set $hypnosis to 1>> <<set $mikecontrol to 0>>Week 1: Monday
[[Check Hypnosis Status]]
When you wake up in the morning Sofia seemed visibility happier and stress free.
<img src= "img/9-Hypnosis/hypno1.jpg" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
She's generally positive and optimistic, but it's been years seen I've seen her so... happy. It looks like it worked!
In the kitchen you and Sofia greet Mike then Sofia leaves for work. Mike then says to you.
@@.Mike;Mike: "Did it work?"@@
@@.John;John: "It did."@@
@@.Mike;Mike: "Great, I'll continue when she gets back."@@
When Sofia came back from work she greeted you with a kiss and said hello to Mike. Sofia then said she haven't felt this stress-free in a long time and would love to continue with the therapy. Mike agrees and he shows her into his room to start the next session, with just the two of them.
You see the strobe lights from underneath the door and know he's started and press your ear to door to try and listen.
@@.Mike;Mike: "Stress....Hypnosis:" @@
You couldn't hear much of what he said, but it sounded like the same thing from yesterday.
Sofia walks out and looks stress free as she did before.
[[That week rolled along with the same routine]]Week 1: Tuesday-Saturday
[[Check Hypnosis Status]]
You and Sofia would wake up, she would go to work, she would come home and continue her sessions. You three would then have dinner and everyone would retreat for the night. When Saturday comes along, Sofia decided to grab lunch for a couple of hours and heads off.
@@.Mike;Mike: "Hey John, it looks like being stressfree and wanting to be hypnotized is now programmed in her. We don't need to do another session on Saturday but Sunday I'll start with my next program: wearing more revealing clothes."@@
@@.John;John: "Good to know, is there anything else?"@@
@@.Mike;Mike: "For now yes, but I'll see if there's anything else I want to add in there."@@
In that moment Mike had a brief sinister smile on his face, but you thought you were seeing things so you let it slide.
[[On Sunday Sofia starts her second round of sessions]]Week 2: Sunday
[[Check Hypnosis Status]]
Sunday evening Mike asks Sofia is she wants to continue their sessions, which Sofia emphatically said yes to. She goes in his room and the strobe lights start. When you try listening through the door you hear:
@@.Mike;Mike: ""@@
Live? You thought. You were confused and tempted to interrupt the session but you didn't want to ruin it.
Sofia then walks out and you two go to bed for the day.
[[Monday evening after Sofia comes home from work]]
<<set $hypnosis to 2>>Week 2: Monday <<set $mikecontrol to 0>>
[[Check Hypnosis Status]]
After Sofia got home from work she went into the bedroom to change into normal clothes. That's when she walked out with some of her more revealing clothes.
<img src= "img/9-Hypnosis/revealing1.jpg" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
@@.John;John: "Woah you're showing off more skin than usual."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "But these are normal clothes baby."@@
You realize that she was correct, but she wouldn't wear that with Mike around...before. Mike then walks in and leers at Sofia.
@@.Mike;Mike: "You look great Sofia!"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Oh this....this is......"@@
She blanks out for a second. As Mike mentioned it looks like she's fighting back the programming.
[[Insist the clothes are too revealing]] or [[Back up Mike]]Week 2: Tuesday-Friday
[[Check Hypnosis Status]]
The rest of that week Sofia continued her sessions and walked around the house in sexier clothes, nothing too explicit but very sexy nonetheless.
<img src= "img/9-Hypnosis/revealing2.jpg" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
<img src= "img/9-Hypnosis/revealing3.jpg" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
<img src= "img/9-Hypnosis/revealing4.jpg" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
<img src= "img/9-Hypnosis/revealing5.jpg" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
<img src= "img/9-Hypnosis/revealing6.jpg" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
Her interaction between her and Mike have been one between a friendly host and a normal house guest. The view of your wife holding normal, rated PG conversations with Mike around the house while wearing revealing clothes is a weird juxtopostion but you like showing her off to Mike.
[[That Saturday all three of you have dinner]]As exciting as this process is, you decide to refuse having Mike stay any longer. You want Sofia to open up and change, but you don't like the idea of someone else being in control of that.
So you let Mike know that you aren't looking for a long term tenant and as nice as it was to have him over for these two weeks, you prefer if he left tomorrow.
Mike looked angry and dissapointed while Sofia looked sad and somehow...broken.
The next day Mike moves out of your home without incident and things between you and Sofia go back to normal. You go back to your day to day routine and you still long to see Sofia be sexier...and sluttier.
You then thought: if Mike can do hypnosis, so can you.
[[Learn hypnosis]]Week 2: Saturday <<set $hypnosis to 3>>
[[Check Hypnosis Status]]
@@.John;John: "Of course it's ok for Mike to move in. He's been a good guest and he can stay for as long as he wants."@@
@@.Mike;Mike: "Glad to hear that man. I really appreciate the help."@@
Once again you see that sinister smile, but Sofia doesn't notice it or can't, and you've already resigned yourself to follow this path.
That night you and Mike talk about next steps.
@@.Mike;Mike: "Alright. So far we have her under:
-You will feel less stressed and like daily hypnosis.
-You will wear more revealing clothes and want me to move in here.
Next, we're going with...I don't know wearing lingerie around me? Me and her being best friends could work too. Does that sound good?"@@
@@.John;John: "Yes." You say with hesitation.@@
@@.Mike;Mike: "Perfect, since today is Saturday I'll give her the day off so she can recover from our sessions. Let's reconvene Sunday evening."@@
[[That Sunday evening, Round 3 of the sessions start]]Week 3: Sunday
[[Check Hypnosis Status]]
Sunday evening after Dinner, Mike invites Sofia for another hypnosis session and Sofia happily agrees.
The door closes, the lights start to come on, and you try to listen in.
@@.Mike;Mike: "....lingerie....friend"@@
You couldn't hear him properly but that sounds in line with what you agreed on.
Soon the lights die down and as usual Sofia walks out just fine, if not a little dazed.
Sofia went straight to bed while you decide to ask Mike what her "programming" was set to. But before you can get a word in Mike says.
@@.Mike;Mike: "We're best friends and it's ok to wear sexy and revealing lingerie in front of your best friend."@@
@@.John;John: " it."@@
Mike smiles and closes his door and you go and join Sofia in bed.
[[Week 3, Monday Starts]]Week 5: Sunday
[[Check Hypnosis Status]]
Sofia spent the rest of that Saturday angry. She didn't make out with Mike anymore and didn't converse with him much. Mike did indead, fuck up.
When Sunday evening rolled around, Mike approached Sofia.
@@.Mike;Mike: "Hey Sofia, I wanted to see if you wanted to continue with the hypnosis sessions?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "No, I don't want to deal with you right now."@@
Both you and Mike were speechless for a moment. The hypnosis has been working extremely well but it seems that Mike pushing the boundaries too far scaled back the hypnosis's effectiveness. Not wanting everything to be in vain, you step in.
@@.John;John: "Hey baby, I spoke to Mike and told him how inappropriate what he did was. He's really sorry and said he didn't want to ruin your...friendship. I think you should forgive him and continue the sessions."@@
To Sofia, Mike was still her best friend so she was more inclined to forgive him.
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "...Fine. Just, don't do that ever again. And yes, we can continue the hypnosis it's been really helpful with. With?"@@
@@.John;John: "The stress relief."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Right I almost forgot..for some reason. But yeah, let's start today's session."@@
Sofia walks into his room, and as usual the lights start up, and as usual you try to hear the commands.
@@.Mike;Mike: "naked...touch"@@
By this point you have a good idea what the commands are. So you wait for Sofia to be finished, head to bed, and wait to see the results tomorrow.
[[Week 5 really starts]]Week 5: Monday <<set $hypnosis to 7>>
[[Check Hypnosis Status]]
You wake up to see Sofia not in bed with you. As you get out of bed and get ready you hear laughter coming from the other room. You walk into the living room and see Sofia, completely naked with Mike's hands grabbing her fat ass cheeks.
<img src= "img/9-Hypnosis/naked1.jpg" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
You have a better understanding of what Mike programmed into Sofia and thought this was going to be a good week.
@@.John;John: "Uhh...morning Sofia. Mike."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Morning babe, did you sleep well?"@@
@@.John;John: "Yeah how about you?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Slept well baby."@@
@@.John;John: "So, you're fine being naked now?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "I've...always been fine being naked at home?"@@
@@.John;John: "With Mike around?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Of course. He's our best friend and there's..."@@
Sofia pauses for a moment.
@@.Mike;Mike: "And there's nothing wrong being naked around your best friend. And even some skinship is fine between friends. Right Sofia?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Right! Of course. Well anyways I need to head to work so I'll go and get ready."@@
When Sofia heads to the bedroom you ask Mike what the programming was for this week:
@@.John;John: "So this week?"@@
@@.Mike;Mike: "You're comfortable being naked around her best friend and it's ok to let her best friend touch her body."@@
@@.John;John: "Simple enough."@@
Sofia goes to work and your day progresses along.
[[Sofia comes back from work|Week 5 Monday]]The next night you log in with a couple of sexy lingerie pictures of Sofia ready to go. As soon as you log in you see Bill already online and send him a couple of pics of Sofia. You even decide to send over the extra candid picture you took of her.
@@.Bill;Bill: "Good cuck these are a lot better. I'm sure everyone's going to like these. Give me a couple of minutes and check chat."@@
You wait for a bit and soon enough, you see Sofia posted again.
<img src= "img/3-Webslut/sidespread1bill.jpg" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
<img src= "img/3-Webslut/spreadlegs2bill.jpg" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
<img src= "img/3-Webslut/spread1bill.jpg" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
@@.Bill;Bill in chat: "Cuck sent over pictures on time and as ordered. These are a lot better than the last batch. She's too sexy for her cuck so it's a good thing she belongs to us now."@@
As usual, chat went wild and tons of people commented on Sofia's pictures: "That's a good slut", "Let's see more of her", "Show her face", "Nice and used holes", etc.
@@.Bill;Bill in chat: "Cuck even sent over a bonus of his worthless slut in the shower." @@
<img src= "img/3-Webslut/shower1bill.jpg" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
By this point even more people where requested extra pics and to show her face.
@@.Bill;Bill in chat: "That's all I have today chat."@@
@@.Bill;Bill: "Alright. Chat wants more of her so I want YOU to send me more of her. Since you probably already busted your load so we can save it for tomorrow. Next time I want to see her holes close up. Do you have any of those?"@@
@@.John;John: "I do actually."@@
@@.Bill;Bill: "Good we can work with those tomorrow."@@
[[You look through your hard drive and already found the exact pics he's looking for]]
The next night you sit at your desk and go through your hard drive looking for the requested pics of Sofia. You then find two of your favorite pics of her. She was a little younger then and more exploratory so she let you take these porn-style pics.
After finding the pics you log into chat and send Bill the pics he requested. This time he only acknowledged the pics by saying "thnx" and you didn't hear from him after that.
But after 10 minutes of scrolling in chat and anxiously waiting for her pics, Bill posts them but with even more degrading comments.
<img src= "img/3-Webslut/spreadass1bill.jpg" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
<img src= "img/3-Webslut/spreadlegs1bill.jpg" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
By this point, chat was going crazy and a ton of people were engaging with her photos. Previously chat was kinder and more complimentary but today they were degrading her and people in chat kept messaging you directly for more. You didn't oblige since you didn't know how Bill would react to you sending pics to other people, but you tried to remain friendly. Towards the end of the night you message Bill.
@@.John;John: "Thanks bill, these are great! Heading to bed now."@@
@@.Bill;Bill: "These holes are way to good for you. Are you glad they belong to me now?@@
@@.John;John: "Yes."@@
@@.Bill;Bill: "Say it."@@
@@.John;John: I'm glad Sofia's holes belong to you now."@@
@@.Bill;Bill: "Good. Now next time we're going to step it up. I want to see a cock in her mouth? You got it you fucking cuck?"@@
@@.John;John: "Understood, give me a few days."@@
[[A couple of days later|Take BJ photos]]Over the next several weeks, Sofia has become more liberal with her outfit choices, primarily wearing nicer dresses but still nothing too crazy.
<img src= "img/4-Exhibitionism/dress6.jpg" alt="dress6" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
Not only that, but she also teases you in public occasionally. Sometimes she would bend over and show you her ass (with underwear).
<img src= "img/4-Exhibitionism/bentover1.jpg" alt="bentover" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
Overall Sofia has become a lot more adventurous but still isn't comfortable getting fully nude, fucking in public, or showing her holes. And she's definitely not comfortable showing off to other people or even when other people are around.
[[You think it's time to bring out the shorts again]]Still out of breath...
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Somebody could have seen us, what's wrong with you?!" @@
Sofia was pissed. Very pissed. You may have pushed her too far.
@@.John;John: "Did you have fun?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sophia: "That's not the.."@@
@@.John;John: "Did. you. have. fun."@@
@@.Sofia;Sophia: "Maybe."@@
@@.John;John: "Me too, let me show you."@@
You pull down the pants and take out your erect dick. Sophia looks at you with a mix of confusion and lust, then gets on her knees.
<img src= "img/4-Exhibitionism/jshorts8.jpg" alt="jshorts" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
She looks up at you and puts your cock in her mouth.
<img src= "img/4-Exhibitionism/jshorts9.gif" alt="jshorts" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
As usual, her cocksucking skills her decent. Not too bad, not anything special, but it was the hottest thing in the world right now. She was on her knees, sucking your cock in an alley somewhere. While she was sucking your dick, you notice a guy start to enter the alley then stop when he sees you and Sofia. Not wanting this opportunity to pass....
[[Tell Sofia to spread her ass]]
[[Discretely get Sofia up and walk away]]
<<set $exposed to 0>>After a couple of hours you realise she left behind a folder of documents that she probably needed for work. Since it was lunch time you decide to go to her usual lunch spot and drop of the documents in person. You drive to downtown, park your car, and as you walk to your wife's normal lunch spot you see Sofia.
<img src= "img/1-Intro/cafe.jpg" alt="cafe" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Hey baby! What are you doing here?"@@
@@.John;John: "I realised you forgot this and wanted to drop them off."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Oh shit, these are really important, thanks for giving these to me baby. I was just about to leave too, would you mind walking me to work?@@
@@.John;John: "Not a problem dear."@@
You and Sofia walk to her accounting firm only 5 minutes away. As you walk into the building and walk her to her desk you see her shithead boss, Oliver. Oliver is an old, racist, and sexist douchebag who regularly makes inappropriate comments about your wife and checks her out. It's an uncomfortable working environment for Sofia, but despite that it pays well and Oliver does recognise Sofia's skills as an accountant.
<img src= "img/1-Intro/boss.jpg" alt="cafe" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
@@.Oliver;Oliver: "You're 2 minutes late Sofia! I expect you to be on time. I don't pay you to slack off. Now get your fat a..." @@
At that point Oliver sees you and shuts his mouth.
@@.Oliver;Oliver: "John, how's it going. And Sofia, be on time coming from your lunch breaks. You also have that client meeting coming soon."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Yes sir."@@
After Oliver leaves you kissed Sofia goodbye as you can tell she had a ton of work to do, and headed home.
[[Sofia comes home from work]]After Sofia comes home from work she gives you a kiss and relaxes for a bit. You and Sofia have dinner plans with some friends of yours, other couples: Liam and Anne (white couple) and Naomi and Jamal (black couple).
You and Sofia drive to the restaurant and see that everyone was already there.
<img src= "img/1-Intro/blackcouple.jpeg" alt="naked" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
<img src= "img/1-Intro/whitecouple.jpeg" alt="naked" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
As soon as you walk to the bar Anne comes and gives Sofia and you a hug. Naomi is next in line and gives you a hug but gives Sofia a hug and a soft grab on her ass.
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Naomi stop it haha."@@
@@.Naomi;Naomi: "Sorry girl, I already had a few drinks hahaha."@@
@@.Anne;Anne: "Jesus." @@
As you all have a seat Sofia talks mostly with Anne and Naomi and you talk mostly with Liam and Jamal.
Anne is a short, attractive and sweet white girl so her conversation has been pretty vanilla. Naomi is a little wilder, has a nice fat ass, and is a beautiful black woman. Their dynamic is pretty balanced.
Liam is relatively nerdy, albiet handsome white guy. He's the friend you talk to about programming and geekier hobbies. Jamal works is sales and personality wise he's more dominant and "manly" (think sports). Just like Sofia and the girls, you and the guys work pretty well dynamic wise.
You and Sofia have been friends with them for a few years and try and hangout every 2-3 weeks. The night rolls on and since tomorrow is a work day you all call it early and leave the restaurant.
Sofia goes to bed a little tipsy and wakes up with a very slight hangover.
[[After dinner with friends]]The day after Sofia goes to work, comes back and gets ready for the gym. Despite Sofia's busy schedule she tries to carve out time to head to the gym once or twice a week, you on the other hand are a lazy piece of shit.
<img src= "img/1-Intro/gym.jpg" alt="naked" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
After a couple of hours, Sofia comes back home and showers. Despite having drinks just last night her friend, Mia, also invited her out tonight.
Sofia then heads off and meets with Mia for a couple of drinks. To put it simply, Mia is Sofia's slut friend. Mia fucks a ton of dudes on a regular basis and has done all the dirty sexual acts you wish Sofia did. Mia is always pushing Sofia to go out to bars and clubs and get super wasted, Sofia however always leaves after a couple of drinks.
<img src= "img/1-Intro/club.jpg" alt="naked" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
As always, Sofia comes home early from her night out with Mia since she's a responsible adult and knows that Mia is fun to hang out with in small doses.
[[Sofia goes to bed a bit more tipsier than usual]]The next morning Sofia wakes up and heads to work while you get ready as well.
And that's the routine.
Sofia goes to work and you stay home and work remotely. Once in a while you see a few friends for group hangouts, she has an asshole boss, she spends time with her own friends (like Mia), goes to the gym, and rinse and repeat. Alot of the time beyond that is spent on tv, reading, or just doing something quiet together.
Since you work from home, and since you're pretty good at your job you usually have a few hours during the day to yourself. And you usually take these breaks from your comfortable and cushy life to indulge in your porn addiction.
You have since ventured from normal porn into hotwifing, cuck, cheating, swinging, and occasional stories. Knowing your own wife would never fuck other men you've come to live vicariously through other people. However, today you looked up guides on how to get your wife to fuck other men. You couldn't find useful and comprehensive guides in the past, but today you found an extremely in depth e-book on the psychology of wife sharing, cheating, and swinging. Before you knew it three hours has passed by and it was almost time for Sofia to come home.
You bookmark the site, close the page, and get ready for your wife to come home.
Sofia walks in with her boring, professional outfit, and greets you.
<img src= "img/1-Intro/boringhome.jpeg" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
She unwinds and puts on something more casual, you two eat dinner, watch some tv, and she calls it a night.
<img src= "img/1-Intro/sleeping.jpeg" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
The sight of your wife sleeping next to you naked (as she often does) turned you on. And since you couldn't get the e-book you found earlier in the day out of your mind, you sneaked out of bed, moved to the home office, and continued reading the guide.
[[After a couple of hours]] Black Couple
-Choice Based play like monogamy: Lesbian play (soft swap), Swinging, Sofia goes alone
porn 1 - wife is meh about swinger porn
porn 2 - wife used to porn
porn 3 - fantasize about that doing it with another couple
convince 1 - ask wife about it - she says its just a fantasy, shrugs it off
convince 2 - wife says no, say you really want to try it, ask wife to think about it
porn 4 - wife uses toys while watching swinger porn
convince 3 - ask wife about it again she says she's open to it but doesn't want to fuck other men, just be more sexual around other people. Ask her to pick between white couple or black couple
white/black 1 - bring up to the dude of either couple
white 2 - dude talks to his wife and she's open to either but a little reluctant, start off with wearing sexy clothes/posing together
black 2 - dude talks to his wife and the wife wants to fuck Sofia too, party and get drunk
white 3/black 3 - posing
white 4/black 4 - more posing
white 5/black 5 - more posing
white 6/black 6 - lesbian
white 7/black 7 - lesbian
white 8/black 8 - guy starts to get involved
white 9/black 9 - double blowjobs
--------STEP 1-------
Screen 1: Weekday:
-Buy her gifts: Lingerie toys, etc.
-Kill time and go about your week.
Screen 2: Confirmation screen of thing bought
Screen 3: It's the weekend. Do one of several activities: lingerie, posing, or chores around the house.
Lingerie ideas: Done
Posing: Look up ideas on the internet
Sexy around the house: yoga?, chores around the house naked, chores around the house leading to sex, gardening, naked?
Step 1 - Lingerie
convo with wife
lingerie 1
lingerie 2
lingerie 3
Step 2- Sexy Around the House
naked at home 1
naked at home 2
Step 3 - Different Positions/Posing
different positions 1
different positions 2
different positions 3
different positions 4
Step 4 - Creampies
creampies 1
creampies 2
creampies 3
Step 5 - Toys
toys 1
toys 2
toys 3
toys 4
Step 6 - Anal
anal 1
anal 2
anal 3
Step 7 - All holes plugged
dp with cock and toys 1
dp with cock and toys 1
Step 8 - BDSM
BDSM - tied up and maybe someone comes in and fucks her
Step 9 - Games/Roleplaying
-----Hotwife Choices-----
-younger guy- texting and asking for pics into public sex; cocky asshole
-older man - oral, toys into bdsm into master/slave; nice guy but extremely dominant in bed
-black guy - blacked eventual gangbangs, turns wife into ghetto trash; dominant but respectful at the start at least, possible drugs?
-white guy - goes on dates, threesomes to start, then one on one dates, romance; good guy all around that steals your wife
-----Hotwife Choices v2-----
-breeding bull
-bdsm guy
-size play (stretching out ass and pussy to the max)
-lesbian?With your wife's approval to decide to post an ad on a popular hotwife site:
"Early 30's couple looking for a new partner for her. The wife is a 5'6 latina with a cute face, nice tits, and a fat ass. We've been together since we were in high school and she's only fucked me (the male). Looking for someone who can have fun with her but are open to ideas: threesomes, dates, solo play with just the two of you. Just need someone she can get along with as she's new to this. Picture below:"
<img src= "img/6-Hotwife/ad1.jpg" alt="dildo" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
A day later you decided to check your email and had a flood of responses. It took you a couple of hours to narrow them down until you had the following left:
[[Younger guy]]- You receive a response from some early 20's dude who sounded like a cocky asshole. What set him apart from all the other cocky assholes was that he understood the dynamic and was sure he can help open Sofia up.
[[Black guy]] - You recieved a blunt email from a black guy stating he'd love to stretch out and pound Sofia. He didn't sound very respectful or "classy" but you were curious how Sofia would interact with him.
[[White guy]] - You get a response from a guy who's you and Sofia's age who seemed like a normal, white professional. He sounded a little romantic so he might be a good fit for Sofia.
[[Older man]] - You received a nice, well written response from an older man. He seemed very experienced and kind at the same time. He mentioned he loved oral sex so he might be a good first pick for Sofia.The younger guy, Benny, didn't sound like someone you're wife would be interested in. He came off as a cocky brat, like many others, but had a couple of redeeming qualities you liked. For one, Benny REALLY loved your wifes body, and that's always a plus. Two, Benny really liked taking pictures and video which is something you wanted to see. And three, underneath his cocky attitude he seemed intelligent enough to actually succeed with Sofia. You decide to text back at the number he gave you.
@@.John;John: "Hey bud, this is John, you responded to the ad about my wife (the latina)."@@
@@.Benny;Benny: "Oh shit, what's up man. Didn't think you'd actually respond, most dudes don't."@@
@@.John;John: "Yup, I read through your response and thought you were a good fit so I decided to reach out and try and arrange something."@@
@@.Benny;Benny: "Cool cool. Right, so what's the plan?"@@
@@.John;John: "I was thinking we'd all get dinner somewhere and see how we all get along. But we should also talk about play and how to proceed if she does like you."@@
@@.Benny;Benny: "Dinner sounds good man, you paying right? And btw I don't like tag teaming a chick while another dude's around. I don't want some dude pulling some random gay shit so if I'm fucking her I wanna fuck her alone. I'll take a bunch of pictures and videos though if this works out."@@
@@.John;John: "No gay shit here. And I don't like not being there for the play, but as long as you take the pics and videos needed then this could work."@@
@@.Benny;Benny: "Cool, yeah send me a text with a time and date."@@
@@.John;John: "Great, will do."@@
After that conversation with Benny you decided to [[continue making plans with him]]You decided that the older white man, Arthur, might be a good fit for Sofia. It looks like Arthur is in his late 60's, which was unusual compared to the other replies. Almost everyone else wanted to just straight out bang or date Sofia but Arthur seemed different, primarily because of his age but also because how well crafted his response was.
Arthur was married for almost 40 years but unfortunately his wife Linda passed away a few years back. Arthur mentioned that he was lonely and wanted physical companionship again. He's looking at other couples because he wanted something in between shallow one night stands and a committed relationship. He mentioned in his response that though he was open to actual sex down the line, he was mostly into giving and receiving pleasure: oral (both ways), handjobs, etc. Though you aren't sure Sofia would be up for someone so old, you did like that he was more on the mild side sexually, which could be something Sofia would be comfortable with. You decide to send Arthur a text and see what happens.
@@.John;John (text): "Hey Arthur, wanted to thank you for responding to my ad. Interested in chatting and seeing if this is a good fit."@@
After a few minutes you get a phone call back from Arthur instead of a text, typical boomer.
@@.Arthur;Arthur: "Hello, this is Arthur you texted me?"@@
@@.John;John: "Yeah, I'm John. You responded to my ad about my latina wife?"@@
@@.Arthur;Arthur: "Oh well yes, thank you for getting back to me! Your wife is very beautiful."@@
@@.John;John: "Thank you. Yeah just wanted to call and see what you were into and see if this is a good fit."@@
@@.Arthur;Arthur: "Why yes of course, completely understand. Well like I said in my post I've been without my wife for a few years and I'm just looking for company. Though I was in a committed relationship for a long time I have some periperal understanding of this lifestyle and wanted to give it a shot. For me, the important thing about sexual relations is making sure my partner is pleased and also being pleased by them. I prefer to use my hands and mouth but I'm open to sex if she's ok with that."@@
@@.John;John: "Hey Arthur that all sounds good, I'll have to talk to my wife and see if she's interested but I'll let you know."@@
@@.Arthur;Arthur: "Yes please let me know I would love to spend time with your wife."@@
[[Tell Sofia about Arthur]]You figured the white guy, Daniel, would be the best fit for Sofia for a number of reasons. Though he didn't seem experienced in the hotwife/bull scene he has a large number of kinks and sexual interests that you'd love to see Sofia try. Since he's a little into everything that'll mean a lot of variety in play. He also seems similar to you. He has a similar job, similar personality (from what you could tell), and similar interests. He's like you but better and you believe that will help Sofia open up to him a lot easier. Having made your choice you decide to send him a text.
@@.John;John: "Hey bud, this is John, you responded to the ad about my wife (the latina).@@
@@.Daniel;Daniel: "Oh hey man how's it going?"@@
@@.John;John: "I'm doing alright, how about you?"@@
@@.Daniel;Daniel: "Can't complain! Actually I'm glad you reached you reached out, your wife is beautiful and I would love to meet you guys."@@
@@.John;John: "Yeah man I thought you were a good fit so just wanted to see if this is an arrangement that can work out for everyone. Do you have experience with this?"@@
@@.Daniel;Daniel: "As a bull? I've done it a couple of times. Mostly was into relationships and fwbs but a friend told me about the lifestyle and I wanted to give it a shot. I've banged a couple of wives but they were one off situations. Really looking into long term. How about you guys?"@@
@@.John;John: "Yeah ideally looking for long term as well, so that works. How about kinks?"@@
@@.Daniel;Daniel: "I'm into everything really. Public sex, toys, anal, done dp a couple of times, some light bdsm, creampies, dabbling into dom/sub relationships, rough sex, romantic sex. So yeah everything lol."@@
@@.John;John: "That's good! We're not very experienced with this lifestyle so having a partner with varied interests works for us. But anyways like I said you seem like a good fit so I'll talk to Sofia (the wife) and let you know next steps."@@
@@.Daniel;Daniel: "Perfect, let me know!"@@
[[Tell Sofia about Daniel|Daniel Week 1 Date]]You decided that the black guy, Darnell, would be a good choice for Sofia. Darnell was crass, sounded lower class, talked about Sofia as if she was meat, and just simply wanted to pound her out. What set Darnell apart from most of the other posts was a few things: he has experience being a bull with other couples so he understands the dynamic, wrote a surprisingly well crafted response (as crude as it was), and you thought his personality might be a good match for Sofia's. You decide to send over a text and see where it goes.
@@.John;John: "Hey bud, this is John, you responded to the ad about my wife (the latina).@@
@@.Darnell;Darnell: "Hey man can you be more specific?"@@
@@.John;John: "The post included a nude photo of my wife, censored?"@@
@@.Darnell;Darnell: "Right, right! Hey how's it going man?"@@
@@.John;John: "Good man. Just finished going through a bunch of these responses and thought you were a good fit for this."@@
@@.Darnell;Darnell: "Good shit, yeah I got a ton of experience being a bull for couples so I know the drill. You wanna bring her over right now or what?@@
@@.John;John: "Actually we wanted to see if we can grab dinner first and see if you all get along. @@
@@.Darnell;Darnell: "You guys are new at this?@@
@@.John;John: "Yeah"@@
@@.Darnell;Darnell: "That's fine I'm good with new couples too. We can all meet up with the three of us in public but give me alone time with her every once in a while. This works better when I can connect with her a little one on one. But anyways, let's meet up this Friday at 8 at the Roadhouse diner."@@
@@.John;John: "Sounds good, cya then."@@
[[Tell Sofia about Darnell]]You talk to Sofia and tell her you found a potential match for her. You gave her all the info you got from Benny and your wife seemed a little apphrensive about meeting a guy who's a decade younger than she is. That being said, she trusted your judgement. You text Benny the time and location of the restaurant and you all meet up that Friday night.
Sofia decided to dress to impress for this date.
<img src= "img/6-Hotwife/Younger/date1.jpg" alt="date" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
As you two walk up to the table where Benny was sitting, he stood up and gave Sofia a hug.
@@.Benny;Benny: "Man you are fucking sexy, nice to meet you babe."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "It's nice to meet you as well."@@
As you all sat down and talked you noticed how even though Benny was obviously younger than the two of you, he seemed confident enough to hold conversations with Sofia. Benny cracked a ton of inappropriate jokes, Sofia laughing at half of them, but you could tell there wasn't a ton of chemistry there considering he was on his phone a ton which you thought was immature.
<img src= "img/6-Hotwife/Younger/date2.jpg" alt="date" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
That being said, he seemed like a good enough fit and you were imagining how the two of them would interact in bed. Towards the end of dinner:
@@.Benny;Benny: "So Sofia, like I've said 10 times before you're hot as hell and would love to see you naked in person. But like I've told John I don't really fuck with an audience."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Oh. Well I mean him being involved is what we were wanting to do, I can't imagine it just being us."@@
@@.Benny;Benny: "It's all good, how about we just text for a while til you get comfortable. What's your number?"@@
Sofia looks over at you hesitently and you nod your head in approval. Sofia gives Benny her number and as you all walk out, Benny gently escorts Sofia a bit away from the entrance to the restaurant. Sofia was confused but followed along. Benny then goes behind her and grabs her ass with both hands and then smacks her ass goodbye.
<img src= "img/6-Hotwife/Younger/assgrab.gif" alt="date" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
@@.Benny;Benny: "Damn you got a nice fat ass, cya soon."@@
Normally in a situation like this Sofia would slap and/or punch the dude in the face, but she was more shocked than anything and just awkwardly smiled and waved him goodbye.
[[You two drive home and discuss Benny]]@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Well that was...something. He seemed really immature but fun. And he grabbed my ass at the end! I mean wtf haha. This dude can't be serious. Doesn't he know that's not ok to do?"@@
@@.John;John: "Yeah I thought he was A LOT too. The ass grabbing part came out of nowhere too. How do you feel about him?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "He has some positive qualities but I don't know."@@
At that point, Sofia received a text from Benny.
@@.Benny;Benny: "Hey girl, that was fun. Let's talk some more."@@
Do you tell Sofia to [[send a pleasant response]] or do you ask if she wants you to [[Find someone else|Bennyfail]]?Sofia texts back and says: "Yeah it was fun, will talk soon."
@@.John;John: "That's a good message, nice and simple. I mean it can't hurt to talk and flirt with him and see how it goes."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Yup you're right, maybe it'll be fun but I don't see myself fucking him."@@
@@.John;John: "Well let's find out."@@
[[Benny Week 1]]Benny - Week 3
Sofia continues to be glued to her phone. Moreso she often looks at her phone and smiles or even laughs.You feel that things have progressed between them but you wait a little before checking her messages.
<img src= "img/6-Hotwife/Younger/messages3.png" alt="date" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
Holy shit she's showing off her body to him! You're optimistic about how things are progressing and decide to talk to Sofia about it.
[[Ask Sofia how she's doing|Benny Week 3 Check]]Benny - Week 4
Over the next few days you notice Sofia taking breaks for your couple time to head over to the bedroom. When she steps out she gives you a smile, is breathing a little heavier, and gives you a kiss. It took you about a day before realising she's probably taking pics for Benny. One day you couldn't resist and decided to check her messages again.
<img src= "img/6-Hotwife/Younger/messages4.png" alt="date" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
Seeing your wife show her tits to another guy pushed you over the edge. You sneaked off to the bathroom and busted a load while scrolling through the messages between Sofia and Benny.
[[See what Sofia has to say|Benny Week 4 Check]]You tell Sofia about Darnell and his response to the ad. Sofia seemed interested and was looking forward to the meetup. That Friday came along and you and Sofia head to the restaurant with Darnell. It wasn't anything nice or romantic, but it seemed like a chill spot to grab dinner.
When you enter the restaurant you see Darnell already waiting for you two. He stands up and greets you but hugs Sofia. You two then have a seat and talk about each other.
<img src= "img/6-Hotwife/Black/dinner1.jpg" alt="date" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
@@.Darnell;Darnell: "Hey it's nice to meet you guys. I have a ton of experience with this arrangement and I'm glad you picked me. Normally with this type of thing we just meet up at my place and smoke a bowl and fuck, but John said you guys are new to this?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Yeah we've never done anything like this and I'm not even 100% sure I do actually want to do this. John said he wanted to try it out and I thought...why not?"@@
@@.Darnell;Darnell: "Cool shit, yeah. Like I said I got experience with this so we're gonna have a lot of fun." @@
From there, You, Darnell, and Sofia talked for a while and you felt that Darnell did in fact have a lot of experience in this. The conversation wasn't explicitly sexual but there was a little flirty here and there.
@@.Darnell;Darnell: "So Sofia, what do you do for fun?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Well me and John have drinks with friends once in a while, I go to the gym, watch tv...Normal stuff."@@
@@.Darnell;Darnell: "For real? You don't go out and go salsa dancing or bachata or nothing like that?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Hahah how do you know about those dances?"@@
@@.Darnell;Darnell: "What you think cause I'm black I don't know how to salsa dance? haha. Nah I had an ex who was a latina and she enjoyed that shit so I learned it for her."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "That's actually pretty cool, but yeah it's been ages since I've done that. John isn't really into that so I just don't do it? I mean I go to the club on occasion with a friend but that's the exact of dancing that I do." @@
@@.Darnell;Darnell: "Yo we should go salsa dancing or something, I need to practice that shit. haha"@@
At some point you head to the restroom for about 10 minutes and when you come out you see Sofia laughing and having a good time with Darnell. As you walk up to the booth you overhear their conversation:
@@.Darnell;Darnell: "Yeah it's 10 inches, double your husbands. Girl, you give me an hour and I"m pretty sure I can fit all this in you or at least we'll try."@@
You see Sofia smiling at his comment obviously intrigued by the idea. Sofia then sees you:
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Hey babe we just finished with our food. Do you wanna stay for a little longer or head out?"@@
Since it was getting a little late you decided now would be a good time to leave for the night. You all stand up and get ready to go and when you all go on your separate ways, Darnell gives Sofia a long hug and heads out.
[[You and Sofia went home to talk about Darnell]]@@.John;John: "So, what did do you think?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "I really liked him! He understood what we really wanted and he seemed...experienced. I think I can have a lot of fun with him."@@
@@.John;John: "So you want to fuck him?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "I mean he's handsome and experienced so he might be a good match? I'm still pretty iffy about doing this at all but we can see how it goes?@@
@@.John;John: "Of course, I mean that's why we met with him, to see if you two are a good match."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "I think we're a good match baby but I want to talk to him a little more before even trying anything. We did exchange numbers so we can see I can talk to him and see what happens?"@@
[[A few days later|Darnell Week 1]]The next day you think about how to proceed with swinging. You liked the idea obviously, but in terms of logistics you hadn't really thought about it. A thought then came to you however...swinging involves other couples and you and Sofia know other couples.
After work you approach Sofia and let her know your thoughts.
@@.John;John: "Hey babe, I know you wanted to try swinging and I thought maybe we could hang out with some of our friends."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Hang out?"@@
@@.John;John: "Yeah I mean why try and find strangers on the internet when we have some couple friends we could ask."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "I haven't thought about that! That could work but I don't think they would be interested, I mean we're friends!"@@
You know your guy friends and thought it's never explicitly came up, you know they wouldn't pass up a chance to fuck Sofia. But in a swinger setting? You weren't sure.
@@.John;John: "I can try and ask the dudes first and see how it goes."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Um..ok...who did you have in mind?"@@
@@.John;John: Well we can ask Liam and Anne or Naomi and Jamal. What do you think?"@@
Sofia picks...
[[Liam and Anne (white couple)]] OR [[Naomi and Jamal (black couple)]]@@.Sofia;Sofia: "I like Liam and Anne. They're really nice and I don't think they'd be pushy or weird or anything. I can't imagine Anne being on board with this though since she seems pretty shy but we can ask?"@@
@@.John;John: "Great, I'll talk to Liam first and see how he feels about it."@@
[[You meet up with Liam the next day for a drink]]@@.Sofia;Sofia: "I like Naomi and Jamal. I have a feeling Naomi would really be into it and Jamal could
@@.John;John: "Great, I'll talk to Jamal first and see how he feels about it."@@
[[You meet up with Jamal the next day for a drink]]The next day you reach out to Liam and ask him if he was free for drinks. He's up for it and that night the two of you head to a bar and hang out. After a couple hours of drinking you decide to segway the conversation into swinging.
@@.John;John: "Hey Liam I have a question...Things in the bedroom between me and Sofia are getting kind of stale. How do you and Anne spice things up in the bedroom?"@@
@@.Liam;Liam: "Seriously? Sofia is pretty fun and attractive, how are things getting stale haha?"@@
@@.John;John: "I don't know man we've just been together for a long time."@@
@@.Liam;Liam: "Well we do outfits, lingerie, toys, we also like to take a bunch of photos. That usually does the trick. Maybe try that?"@@
@@.John;John: "We do like to take photos, here take a look."@@
<img src= "img/5-Swinger/Whitecouple/firstphoto.jpg" alt="dildo" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
@@.Liam;Liam: "Jesus man, what a great photo. You sure she's comfortable with you showing me that?"@@
@@.John;John: "Well that's what I wanted to talk to you about. We've done the outfits and toys and all that but we were talking about swinging."@@
@@.Liam;Liam: Seriously? Me and Anne talked about that a while back but we didn't want to meet up with random people. You and Sofia really want to try that?"@@
@@.John;John: "Yeah we're open to it but we have no experience doing it. But we thought you and Anne might be open up?"@@
@@.Liam;Liam: "Not sure Anne is cool with full on fucking but maybe a joint photoshoot? I'm sure she'd be fine with that but I'll check with her.@@
@@.John;John: "Sounds good man, let me know what she says."
After another drink you and Liam leave the bar and you head home.
[[When you head home|White couple OK]]The next day you reach out to Jamal and ask him if he was free for drinks. He's up for it and that night the two of you head to a bar and hang out. After a couple hours of drinking you decide to segway the conversation into swinging.
@@.John;John: "Hey Jamal I have a question...Things in the bedroom between me and Sofia are getting kind of stale. How do you and Naomi spice things up in the bedroom?"@@
@@.Jamal;Jamal: "Naomi's a great fuck and she's wild in bed...but I get it. Luckily Naomi is bi so we invite chicks to our place every so often."@@
@@.John;John: "Woah seriously?"@@
@@.Jamal;Jamal: "Yeah man in her eyes it isn't cheating or anything if we do it together. She'll get eaten out, she eats out, and it's fun to try out new pussy every once in a while. Why do you ask?"@@
@@.John;John: "I mean things have gotten pretty stale in bed and wanted to see how you and Naomi deal with it." @@
@@.Jamal;Jamal: "Man, Sofia is hot as hell but I get it. What were you thinking? Threesomes with chicks or something? Me and Naomi knew a few we can recommend."@@
@@.John;John: "Actually we were thinking another couple?" @@
@@.Jamal;Jamal: "Oh got it....OHHHHH I get it. Yeah that's why you wanted to have drinks tonight to see if we were down?" @@
@@.John;John: "Yeah man, hope it's not a weird ask." @@
@@.Jamal;Jamal: "Not at all man, I know Naomi's been wanting a crack at Sofia for a while. Shit I wanna try her out myself if she's down. I'll ask Naomi just to be 100% but this shouldn't be a problem. In the meantime though you got a sneak preview I can take a look at?"@@
<img src= "img/5-Swinger/Blackcouple/firstphoto.jpg" alt="dildo" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
@@.Jamal;Jamal: "Mmmm yeah Naomi is gonna want some of that. You got anything else? I wanna see her spread them cheeks."@@
<img src= "img/5-Swinger/Blackcouple/secondphoto.jpg" alt="dildo" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
@@.Jamal;Jamal: "Yeah, me and Naomi are gonna have a lot of fun with her. Send those pics to be so I can show Naomi and we'll let you know."@@
After another drink you and Jamal leave the bar and you head home.
[[Eventually you get home|Black Couple OK]]Intead of explicitly getting your wife used to the idea of fucking her men, showing off her body, or anything like that you decided to simply encourage her to try new things and pursue more outgoing hobbies.
Though your wife has never wanted to show other people her body or fuck other men you're hoping that encouraging her to try new hobbies or experiences could expand her horizons a bit. And maybe she'll organically open up on her own...
You figure a good place to start is with Sofia spending more time with her friend, Mia.
[[About Mia]]Freedom with Mia:
-Lesbian Route
-FFM Route
-Cheating with Mia path
Freedom with others?:
-Join a club and make friends
-----------1. spending more time with Mia---------------
- drinking
- drinking a lot more
- hangout with mia and her male friends
At this point Sofia will be more liberal and less conservative, more liable to have fun and act like an insta hoe.
----------2. Go to out in public with mia and dressing sluttier, revealing clothes, bikini, etc. ------------------------
multiple choice?
-hanging out
0.2 ends with catching them kiss
More revealing in public turns her more into a basic bitch
-----------3. Getting drunk and allowing mia to be flirtier with Sofia: showing off tits, kisses here and there.------------
Starts to be slightly sexually active with someone else, even if it is a chick
----------4. Sofia is unsure about Mia pushing her boundaries.-----
Either tell Sofia that you don't approve and get kicked to the monogamy path or let Mia do her thing. If Mia does her thing then Sofia ventures into more lesbian play
Sofia getting more experience with lesbian play
---------5. Lesbian sex becomes a part of Sofia's life. Potentially starting lesbian webcam route.----------Mia and Sofia have been friends ever since they were teenagers. Though Sofia and Mia grew up in similar neighbourhoods and have similar backgrounds, Sofia grew out of that and became more middle class and educated. Mia on the other hand embraced the more "ratchet" culture of her upbringing. She's the type of person to go on one night stands as a weekly ritual and you wouldn't be surprised if she's have had a gangbang or a train ran on her.
Despite their differences in life choices and viewpoints, Mia and Sofia get along really well. That being said, Sofia only spends time with Mia for short amounts of time because she knows that Mia is wilder and sluttier than she's comfortable with. You feel that Sofia spending more time with Mia would be a good way to expand Sofia's horizons.
[[Encourage Sofia to spend time with Mia]]The next week rolls along and you and Sofia continue on with your comfortable albiet boring routine. The day then comes when Sofia is supposed to get drinks with Mia, her outgoing and slutty friend. Normally Sofia spends an hour or so with Mia and has a couple of drinks, tops.
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Hey John, Mia invited me out for drinks tonight. She wanted to stay out all night but I told her no since it's in the middle of the workweek. I think I'll just have a quick drink with her then head back, that's fine right?"@@
@@.John;John: "That's completely fine. In fact since I know work has been stressful for you, you should go out and enjoy yourself! You really should unwind babe. I can just pick you up."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Are you sure? If I stay out with Mia I'll probably get wasted haha."@@
@@.John;John: "I mean don't get too wasted but yeah have fun."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Ok dear, I'll stay out a little longer than usual. I'll text you when I'm ready."@@
[[Sofia goes on her first longer night out with Mia]]Within the hour Mia comes along and picks up Sofia.
<img src= "img/7-Freedom/mia.jpg" alt="mia" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
You and Mia get along decently enough. You two have nothing in common but she knows you treat Sofia well so your interactions are mostly pleasantly neutral.
@@.Mia;Mia: "Hey John, how's it going?"@@
@@.John;John: "I'm doing alright, just wanted to see Sofia off." @@
@@.Mia;Mia: "Cool...Sofia come here bitch! *Mia then gives Sofia big hug* So you got permission to stay out late tonight? haha"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Yup, I the needed drinks anyways."@@
@@.Mia;Mia: "Good I'll get you white girl wasted"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "That's too much...maybe just tipsy?@@
@@.Mia;Mia: "We'll see. Anyways I'll take care of her John, cya later."@@
Sofia and Mia get into the car and you head back inside. After an hour you get a text from Sofia. Looks like she and Mia took a selfie from the club bathroom.
<img src= "img/7-Freedom/selfie.jpg" alt="mia" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Having fun, will be ready in a couple of hours."@@
After seeing the text you get back to watching tv and killing time for a couple of hours. As the pick up time approaches you text her and see if she's ready yet, but you don't hear back. You were a little worried so you go to the club and decide to find her.
As you enter the club you notice that it's packed but you see Mia and Sophia dancing.
<img src= "img/7-Freedom/dancing.jpg" alt="mia" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
You walk up to Sofia and she that she's pretty wasted already.
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Baby!!!" She says as she walks up to you and gives you a big kiss. @@
@@.John;John: "Hey babe, ready to go home?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "yeah...alright" @@ She says with a drunken slur.
@@.John;John: "Mia, do you need a ride home too?"@@
@@.Mia;Mia: "Nah I'm cool, I'll stay here for a while."@@
You and Sofia drive back and as soon as you enter your home she makes her way to bed and knocks out.
[[The next morning after the club]]The next morning Sofia was in a room state. She woke up still in her party clothes with her makeup on, smeared across her face.
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Oh god my head..."@@
@@.John;John: "How are you feeling?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Like shit, I barely remember what happened last night. I mean I was drinking with Sofia and dancing. I think a couple of guys tried to talk to us but me and Mia ignored them."@@
@@.John;John: "So just drinks and dancing?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Yeah I remember that much at least. How did I get home?"@@
@@.John;John: "I picked you up, remember?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Ok that I don't remember. Sorry....Are you mad?"@@
@@.John;John: "Not at all babe. I want you to go and have fun, you should go out and drink more haha."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Yeah not for a while. I'll probably never drink again."@@
Sofia heads to the shower to get ready for work and you decide to make a nice full breakfast to help her recover.
The next week Mia asks Sofia out for drinks again and of course Sofia was apprehensive. And of course you encouraged her to go out anyways. And of course, Mia got her too drunk again.
[[This pattern continued for another couple of months]]For the last couple of months Sofia and Mia have been getting wasted every week.
At first Sofia was apprehensive about drinking too much but eventually she got used to it and just went out and had fun with Mia. They go to the more reputable clubs with high amounts of security, places you yourself have been with with Sofia. Over that time Sofia or occasionally Mia sends over a pic of Sofia having fun.
<img src= "img/7-Freedom/selfie2.jpg" alt="mia" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
<img src= "img/7-Freedom/publicdrinking.jpg" alt="mia" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
Sofia also seems to be getting alot better at handling her drink, letting her go out for longer periods of time.
<img src= "img/7-Freedom/chug.gif" alt="mia" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
Despite being better at handling her alcohol, Sofia usually has gaps in her memory of what happened the night before. Enough to not remember every thing she did, but remembers enough to know what she didn't do. And to the best of your knowledge she hasn't fooled around with other guys or anything like that. In fact if you ask about it she tells you a resounding "hell no." You also occasionally pop in early to check in on her to confirm and she in fact just drinks and have fun with Mia.
Today however, Sofia asks Mia if she wanted to go to the gym today and Mia agreed.
[[Sofia and Mia go to the gym]]Sofia and Mia's friendship has been deepening through getting wasted on a regular basis. In fact they're now starting to spend time together outside of a club, like today.
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Hey babe, me and Mia are headed to the gym today. I'll be back in an hour or two."@@
@@.John;John: "Sounds good! I'll see you later."@@
You take care of a little work, do some household chores and a little later Sofia comes back from the gym visibly upset.
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "God I can't believe Mia!"@@
@@.John;John: "Woah what happened?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Right so me and Mia were working out and then Mia comes up from behind and pulls down by leggings like a freaking high school prank. Like who the fuck does that? Like people in the gym saw me in my underwear, it was so fucking embarrasing."@@
@@.John;John: "Jesus I'm sorry to hear that."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "She even recorded the prank and sent it to me..."@@
Sofia pulls out her phone and shows you the "prank" that Mia did on her.
<img src= "img/7-Freedom/gymprank.gif" alt="prank" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
Though Sofia was pissed you were turned on by Sofia's asscheeks being on full display at the gym. Though Sofia has been drinking with Mia, Sofia's been dressing relatively conservatively on her nights out. So this has been a nice change to see.
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "I don't think I'm going to spend more time with her. She's really immature and I don't like being exposed like this. What do you think babe."@@
[[Mia sucks. Tell Sofia she's right to be angry and that she needs new friends]]
[[Tell Sofia she's overreacting]]
@@.John;John: "Yeah you're right babe, that was totally inappropriate."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "I know right? Yeah I'll just tell her I don't want to go out with her anymore."@@
@@.John;John: "That's probably for the best."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "She knows how I am and she knows I don't like showing off skin to other people or in public."@@
[[Tell Sofia she needs to get new friends]]
[[Tell her there's nothing wrong with showing some skin]]@@.John;John: "Babe I think you're overreacting. Mia is one of your best friends and you enjoy spending time with her. This was just a little prank and you were just showing off your ass a little. It's not a big deal."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "I still don't think it's ok."@@
@@.John;John: "It's harmless babe, really. There's nothing wrong with showing off your body once in a while anyways."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "I don't know..."@@
@@.John;John: "You shouldn't ruin your friendship over something that isn't a big deal anyways."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "I guess you're right?"@@
[[The week rolls along until...]]
<<set $mia to 0>>@@.John;John: "I agree that Mia went over the line and that she may not be the best person to hang out with...But I do like seeing you show off in public."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Seriously?"@@
@@.John;John: "Yeah I think you're beautiful and I would love to show you off sometimes. Why see you be sexy only at home when I can see you be sexy all the time."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Like I said I'm not comfortable with know that."@@
@@.John;John: "I mean I could just buy you a nice dress or something. I'd love to see you be even sexier for me....please?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "I guess that's ok."@@
@@.John;John: "Perfect, I'll look for new clothes for you."@@
You decide that giving Sofia more "freedom" isn't working out but it was a good way to get her into exhibitionism.
[[Switch to Exhibitionism Path|For now, you go shopping for new clothes]]The week rolls along as usual until Friday night approaches.
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Hey John, Mia wanted to do something a little different this weekend and a friend invited her to a pool party. Do you think I should go?"@@
@@.John;John: "Yeah that's fine with me."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Are you sure? I don't really know her guy friends and I'm not really comfortable wearing a swimsuit or something in public."@@
@@.John;John: "I mean it's not a big deal and you trust Mia so it should be fine."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Alright babe if you say so. I'm still not sure what I should wear though."@@
John then says:
[[You should wear something more conservative if you're not comfortable]]
[[You should wear a normal bikini]]@@.John;John: "You can wear your boring swimsuit if you want, I don't want you to feel unconfortable. Just be sure to get a picture or something haha."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Omg don't be weird, but fine."@@
The next day Mia picks up Sofia and they head out for the day. Sofia has never been very comfortable with Mia's friends for the same reason Sofia was never fully comfortable with Mia, they're really wild. If Mia asked Sofia to hang out with them a few months ago then Sofia would flatly refuse but it looks like Mia is having a "positive" influence on Sofia.
A couple hours pass by and you get a text from Sofia.
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Here you go babe."@@
In it you see a picture of Sofia posing with Mia.
<img src= "img/7-Freedom/conservativepose.jpg" alt="conpose" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
You see Sofia on the right wearing was should be a conservative swimsuit, and it is, but anything Sofia wears looks erotic thanks to her nice fat ass.
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Like what you see? haha"@@
@@.John;John: "Absolutely, almost wish you wore your other bikini though."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Yeah you're right, I didn't know what I was worried about. Mia's friends are pretty fun to hang out with. Nice too. Anyways I'll be back in an hour or so we're wrapping up now."@@
[[Sofia comes home from her pool party]]@@.John;John: "Your normal bikini is fine. You've worn it in public before and there's really nothing wrong with showing off a little. Just take a picture or something"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Omg don't be weird, but fine."@@
The next day Mia picks up Sofia and they head out for the day. Sofia has never been very comfortable with Mia's friends for the same reason Sofia was never fully comfortable with Mia, they're really wild. If Mia asked Sofia to hang out with them a few months ago then Sofia would flatly refuse but it looks like Mia is having a "positive" influence on Sofia.
A couple hours pass by and you get a text from Sofia.
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Here you go babe."@@
In it you see a picture of Sofia posing with Mia.
<img src= "img/7-Freedom/sexybikini.jpg" alt="conpose" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
Sofia (on the left) and Mia are wearing matching black bikinis. Though this is her "sexier" bikini it's still pretty normal. Sofia dresses conservatively in general so her idea of "sexy" is pretty mild in general. That being said she still looks pretty damn hot.
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Like what you see? haha"@@
@@.John;John: "Absolutely! Aren't you glad you picked that bikini?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Yeah you're right, I didn't know what I was worried about. Mia's friends are pretty fun to hang out with. Nice too. Anyways I'll be back in an hour or so we're wrapping up now."@@
[[Sofia comes home from her pool party]]
<<set $mia to $mia +1>>Sofia comes home from the pool party a little drunk but nothing near the levels of drunkness she gets at clubs with Mia.
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Babbyyy I'm home!!!"@@
Sofia comes up to you still in her bikini and gives you a hug and a kiss.
@@.John;John: "Hey how was the party?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "It was fun! I had a great time with Mia and her friends."@@
@@.John;John: "Nice, what did you do?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "We splashed around in the pool, did a couple of drinking games, and just hung out. Mia's friends are a lot and kept asking sexual questions, but they seemed harmless nonetheless. They did ask to see our tits which I didn't like. Mia obviously showed off her tits, but of course I didn't."@@
Sofia then gives you another kiss and heads to the shower. From how things sound, Mia's friends really aren't harmless but Sofia might be a little conditioned by Mia to think otherwise. You have mixed feelings about how Mia's friends talk to Sofia. On one hand you don't want other men to take advantage of Sofia, but on the other you like the idea of Sofia showing off to men on her own.
Once Sofia is out of the shower she's sobered up a little and grabs a glass of water while talking to you.
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "I still can't believe Mia showed off her tits to her tits haha. I think that's so....well it's a lot. I would never do that of course. Actually maybe I should be on guard with her friends."@@
@@.John;John: "I mean it's just tits, there's nothing wrong with that."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "You mean Mia right? Not me?"@@
@@.John;John: "Yeah Mia, but also in general. They're just tits and a little fun, I don't think you should be judgemental about it."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "I guess you're right? I wouldn't do that of course, it's not appropriate."@@
@@.John;John: "I'm not saying you should lol. It's fine if you do though, just take pics."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "John! No!"@@
@@.John;John "I'm just kidding, relax haha"@@
[[Sofia continues to spend more time with Mia]]Over the next couple of months Sofia and Mia become inseparable. Sofia and Mia go out for drinks once or twice a week and ocasionally goes to a house party with Mia and her friends.
According to Sofia, Mia loves to show off her tits to her friends, something Sofia got used to seeing. But apparently there hasn't been much progress with Sofia herself being more liberated. That Friday....
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Hey babe, I'm going to go hangout with Mia tomorrow."@@
@@.John;John: "That's fine, have fun. Anything interesting you're going to do?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Not sure yet. Might go shopping since Mia said the clothes I wear is boring so I think I'm going to buy some dresses, skirts, maybe a bikini. Might also go drinking or just hang out, not sure yet@@
@@.John;John: "That's completely fine and I think Mia is right. Your clothes are kind of boring. You're very sexy and I think it's completely ok to show your body off."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Well if you think it's a good idea then ok baby. Not 100% sure what we're going to do but I'll be back later this evening."@@
You embrace Sofia's newfound freedom and during weekends she generally spends them with Mia. In the past you and her always made plans first and anything else would be secondary but now spending time with Mia is her go to activity during the weekend. You don't have much control over what she does, so you just sit back and let her do her own thing.
[[That Saturday...]] <<set $miadrink to 0>> <<set $miagym to 0>> <<set $miahang to 0>> <<set $miashop to 0>>----Different color names in script page----
.John {
color: blue;
.Sofia {
color: pink;
----Different color names----
@@.john;Your text here@@
@@.jane;Your text here@@
<<linkreplace "Spread Ass.">>Your wife spreads her ass for Jason.
src= width="800px"<</linkreplace>>
<<if $var1 == 1 and $var2>>
do something
<<elseif $var1 == 1 and ($var3 <= 2 or $var4 == "something")>>
do something else
<<if ($bluelingerie is true) and ($redlingerie is false or $purplelingerie is false)>>[[Buy a different set of lingerie|LingerieChoices]
<<elseif ($redlingerie is true) and ($purplelingerie is true) and ($bluelingerie is true)>>[[You've bought enough lingerie for now]
<set $variable to 1>>
You have <<print $varible>> dollars.
You find another wallet.
<<set $variable to $variable + 1>>
-----<-These lines on the left will appear as a straight line throughout the page.
The following code is to be the bottom of the inventory or status check page<<link "text" `previous()`>><</link>>
v 0.3 to-do List
-Grammar/Spelling Fixes -
-Hotwife - younger - add 5-10 more slides - DONE - 11 slides - QA DONE
-Hotwife - black - add 5-10 more slides - DONE - 10 slides - QA DONE
-Hotwife - white - create and have 20 slides - DONE - 21 slides - QA DONE
-Hotwife - old - create and have 20 slides -DONE - 17 slides - QA DONE
-Swinger - black - have at least 15 slides - 9 slides - QA DONE
-Swinger - white - have at least 15 slides - DONE - 10 slides - QA DONE
Though you decided to not pursue any of the options from the hotwife guide it did give you a ton of ideas on how to spice things up in the bedroom. There are a variety of different ways to make sex more interesting and so you've put together the following plan.
Step 1: Have Sofia be Sexier
Sofia is beautiful and you want to see her be sexier and more comfortable in her own skin. You feel that this is pretty simple to do since you're not asking for much. You're going to achieve this through a few different methods:
Lingerie: Sofia already owns a few sets of lingerie but you figured a few more sexier options is a good place to start.
Being sexy around the house: You want Sofia to be sexier around the house. Simple enough.
Having her pose for you: You want to see your wife posing for you in new and exciting positions.
Step 2: Better Sex
Though sex with Sofia is fun, it's more fun because she's sexy and not because she's particularly good at it. At this stage you'll help her get better in bed through the following:
Toys: Sofia has a couple of sex toys but she prefers dick, yours precisely. You're hoping that buying her bigger and more novel toys would help stretch her out and add a new level of play into the bedroom.
Throat and Ass: Sofia isn't a big fan of blowjobs or anal. At this stage you're aiming to train both her throat and asshole. You want her to feel pleasure from every hole on her body.
Step 3: Getting Even Better at Sex
All holes slut: Once she's better with her throat and ass you want to stimulate all of her holes at the same time. So you're thinking dp with toys and maybe your dick.
Talking Dirty: You want Sofia to not only act, but talk like a pornstar. So you'll be encouraging her to talk dirtier in the bedroom.
Creampies: Sofia doesn't like how birth control makes her feel so she's never been on it. It also wasn't the right time to have you've always had to pull out. Getting her on the pill and cumming in her pussy will be a good step forward.
Step 4: Exploring Kink
Once Sofia looks and feels sexy and fucks like a pornstar you should explore different kinks together.
BDSM: Dom/sub relationship, tying her up, slapping her ass...there's a ton of opportunity to spice things up with BDSM.
Kinky Games: Here's where you can get really creative. You and Sofia can pretend to be strangers in a bar and pick her up, you can demand she send over frequent nudes of herself, strip poker, etc.
More?: You'll figure out other ideas as you go.
Once you finished writing down your plan you're confident that this is a great place to start and decide to talk to Sofia about opening your sex life a bit more.
[[You decide to talk to Sofia|Monogamy Step 1]]<img src= "img/1-Intro/banner.jpg" alt="banner" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 100%;" />
[[Support the Game|]]
You (John) and your wife (Sofia) have been together since high school. Sofia grew up in a poor environment which was especially ghetto, but you two met matched very well regardless. You two stayed together in college, struggled through finding jobs and making ends meet, and now you're both in your early thirties, married, middle class, and found respectable careers as a software engineer (you) and an accountant (her).
You are an average looking white dude with a 5 inch dick and your wife is a 5'6 beautiful latina with a cute face, nice tits, and a fat ass. She's the sort of woman who always gets hit on in bars, gets called out in the street, and always gets the attention of other men. She grew up in a conservative environment and has been attached to you since high school so she just ignored other men completely and has been a completely faithful wife. Personality-wise, she's friendly, sweet, a little naive, and veers towards being submissive. That being said, if she hadn't met you you'd be confident that she would have been an IG model, pornstar, or just had a very active and exploratory sex life considering how attractive and fuckable she was.
You lead a nice, happy life with Sofia and to you, she's the most beautiful woman in the world. You two also have a fairly decent sex life with some level of exploration, but nothing crazy.
Despite having such a hot wife you have a porn addiction (curve ball but no one's perfect). Over time though, you got bored of normal porn. No matter how hot the porn star instead of seeing a picture of some woman opening her legs, you'd rather see a pic of your wife doing the same. Or instead of seeing a video of someone play with toys, you'd rather it be your wife. Eventually you thought, instead of seeing a pornstar get fucked, dp'ed, or gangbanged, you'd rather see your wife do it instead.
Alongside the visual aspect of it, you are also turned on by the idea of you're wife mentally changing and becoming sluttier. Sofia is sweet, conservative, and faithful. And you love the idea of of seeing her make that mental change as well.
This purpose of this game is simple. You are to take your beautiful, innocent, loving wife and see how you want to corrupt her and how far.
[[Let's Begin]]
or... [[Skip to the main path selection screen if you've already seen the intro|After a couple of hours]]
or... [[Pick specific sub-paths]]---0.1 Feedback---
Add more "freedom" path content
Make it more open world
Add more "swinger" content
Change game UI to make it more readable. Maybe remove bold text?
Make "monogamy" more interactive and reward based.
Add more "monogamy" content.
Black text on a dark grey background in save menu
Add Abella Anderson as a model?
Add Bella Brookz as a model?
More lesbian contentv. 0.2
-Added a new path selection page to fast forward to specific sub-paths.
-Updated the below paths:
-Cheating (Rob)
-Freedom (Meetup)
-Freedom (Mia)
-Hypno (Mike)
-Hypno (control)
Altogether there should be about 45 minutes worth of new content. The next update will be out end of month/early next and will focus on hotwife/swinger.
v. 0.1.2
-Bugfix for the hotwife path.
v. 0.1.1
-Changed the overall font and background color to make it more readable.
-Changed the save menu to match the rest of the color scheme.
-Swapped out some assets for better consistency.
-Added return to "path selection screen" prompts at the end of routes.
-Monogamy path: Completely reworked.
-Hotwife/Swinger path: Completely reworked.
-Hypno path: Moderately reworked.
-Freedom Path (Meetup): New path started with a few pages of content to set up. Can be entered from Freedom Path (Mia) or Cheating Path.
-Freedom Path (Mia), Cheating Wife, Exhibitionism, and Webslut Path had minor dialogue changes and small amounts of content added.
The goal of the 0.1.1 version was to make the game look better, update/improve the story lines that are already present (better assets, more dialogue, etc), and improve overall pacing. There wasn't work done on moving story lines forward but there was a lot of work making what's already there, better.
Previous version had about 1 hours worth of content, current version has 1.5-2 hours of content.
V. 0.2
-Every path will be extended with a focus on Hotwife, Swinger, and Freedom. It was a typical Monday evening for you and Sofia. Both of you have just finished work and are sitting at the couch watching tv, a normal practice between the two of you. Thinking about the plan you put together a couple days prior you decide to start setting things in motion. You get a bottle of wine from the kitchen cabinet and start pouring a couple of glasses for you and Sofia.
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Oh, well this is a nice surprise. Is there a special occasion or did you just feel like wine night?"@@
@@.John;John: "No special occasion, I just wanted to relax and spend time with my beautiful wife. How was your day btw?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Awww that's sweet babe. *Sofia takes the glass of wine in her hand.* Well it's the same old Monday at the same old firm. I worked with some of my clients, I've had to interact with my asshole boss, and I came home to see you."@@
@@.John;John: "Ah so you're typical Monday then."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Yup."@@
With the small talk out of the way you decide to segway the conversation into sex.
@@.John;John: "Ah well, to typical Mondays."@@
*You lift up your glass and clink it to Sofia's.*
@@.John;John: "Sofia, I have to say I love our life together."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Oh really?"@@
@@.John;John: "Of course. I have a job I like, we have a lifestyle that is comfortable, and I'm married to the most beautiful wife in the world. The only thing.... Actually never mind. *You smile then sip a glass of wine, knowing what you just slyly did.*" @@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Only thing? Well is there something else you want? Is this about kids?"@@
@@.John;John: "No no, not at all. Well....this is kind of hard to talk about. You're beautiful, you're sexy, and I love being with you. But we've been together for a long time and I love you but I feel that sex has....gotten a little stale."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Oh."@@
@@.John;John: "Don't get my wrong I'm not complaining or anything but I feel that we should be trying new things, you know?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "I mean, I think the sex is good as is but I'm open to ideas. What did you have in mind?"@@
@@.John;John: "I don't know... Maybe we can try out some lingerie? Or you can be sexier around the house? Or maybe you can pose for me and I can take photos of you?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Oh. Well I think that's pretty reasonable, I thought you were going to ask for anal again ahaha."@@
Soon, you think to yourself, soon.
@@.John;John: "No no, I just meant being sexier for me is all."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Ok babe, that sounds good to me."@@
Sofia leans over and gives you a kiss and the two of you go back to watching tv.
<img src= "img/8-Monogamy/winekiss.jpeg" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
[[The next day|Monogamy Step 1 Options]]
<<set $purplelingerie to 1>> <<set $bluelingerie to 1>> <<set $redlingerie to 1>> <<set $posing to 1>> <<set $house to 1>>It's Monday and Sofia is at the office while you're working from home.
Since you have a little bit of time for yourself, you decide to brainstorm ways to expand on you and Sofia's sex life.
What do you do?
<<if $posing is 7>> You've done enough research on posing.
<<elseif $posing is 1>>[[You decide to look up posing ideas for Sofia]]
<<elseif $posing is 2>>[[You decide to look up posing ideas for Sofia]]
<<elseif $posing is 3>>[[You decide to look up posing ideas for Sofia]]
<<elseif $posing is 4>>[[You decide to look up posing ideas for Sofia]]
<<elseif $posing is 5>>[[You decide to look up posing ideas for Sofia]]
<<elseif $posing is 6>>[[You decide to look up posing ideas for Sofia <</if>>
<<if ($redlingerie is 2) and ($purplelingerie is 2) and ($bluelingerie is 2)>>You've bought enough lingerie for now.
<<elseif ($redlingerie is 3) and ($purplelingerie is 3) and ($bluelingerie is 3)>>You've bought enough lingerie for now.
<<elseif ($redlingerie is 1) or ($purplelingerie is 1) or ($bluelingerie is 1)>>[[You decide to shop around for some new lingerie]]
[[Get back to work]]You look up adult lingerie stores like an absolute pervert and find one that has a variety of different outfits that Sofia could wear. You go through the various options and try to figure out what will look best on Sofia. You narrow down the options to the below.
What do you decide to buy?
<<if $purplelingerie is 1>>[[Buy some Purple lingerie]]
<<elseif $purplelingerie is 2>>Purple Lingerie already bought.
<<elseif $purplelingerie is 3>>Purple Lingerie already bought.
<<if $redlingerie is 1>>[[Buy some Red lingerie]]
<<elseif $redlingerie is 2>>Red Lingerie already bought.
<<elseif $redlingerie is 3>>Red Lingerie already bought.
<<if $bluelingerie is 1>>[[Buy some Blue Lingerie]]
<<elseif $bluelingerie is 2>>Blue linegerie already bought.
<<elseif $bluelingerie is 3>>Blue linegerie already bought.
<<if ($redlingerie is 2) and ($purplelingerie is 2) and ($bluelingerie is 2)>>[[You've bought enough lingerie for now, you should get back to brainstorming|Monogamy Step 1 Options]]
<<elseif ($redlingerie is 3) and ($purplelingerie is 3) and ($bluelingerie is 3)>>[[You've bought enough lingerie for now, you should get back to brainstorming|Monogamy Step 1 Options]]
<</if>>You like the idea of Sofia getting naked and posing for you. She'll be your own personal model/pornstar and you think it'll be a good way to have her feel more comfortable in her skin.
You have very little experience in photography (other than the occasional clumsy nude you take of her from your phone) so you decide to look up reference material online.
<<if $posing is 1>>[[Look up posing references|posing reference 1]]
<<elseif $posing is 2>> [[You have your ideas already, get back to work|Monogamy Step 1 Options]]
<<elseif $posing is 3>>[[Look up posing references|posing reference 2]]
<<elseif $posing is 4>>[[You have your ideas already, get back to work|Monogamy Step 1 Options]]
<<elseif $posing is 5>>[[Look up posing references|posing reference 3]]
<<elseif $posing is 6>>[[You have your ideas already, get back to work|Monogamy Step 1 Options]]
<</if>>Either because you have nothing else to do at the moment, or feel the need to be an actual working professional, you decide to put away ideas for Sofia and get back to work.
You finish your work, Sofia gets back, you spend time together, go to bed, and rinse/repeat until Saturday.
[[Saturday comes along]]You decide to buy Sofia the purple lingerie.
It's a nice set of lingerie that is sexy but isn't too revealing. If anything it's sensual and something that is definitely within Sofia's comfort zone.
You buy the set and wait a couple of days to ship over.
In the meantime, you get back to work and let the week roll along until Saturday.
[[Saturday comes along]]
<<set $purplelingerie to 2>>You decide to buy the red lingerie for Sofia.
It was sexy but nothing too obscene, "classy" even. It's something you've bought for her in the past so it isn't anything that'll raise an eyebrow. You buy the set, which should arrive in a couple of days.
In the meantime, you get back to work and let the week roll along until Saturday.
[[Saturday comes along]]
<<set $redlingerie to 2>>
You decide to buy Sofia the blue lingerie.
The blue lingerie is sheer and comes with white stockings. It's definitely sexier than anything Sofia has or wore before so it might be a little risky getting it. You buy the set, which should arrive in a couple of days.
In the meantime, you get back to work and let the week roll along until Saturday.
[[Saturday comes along]]
<<set $bluelingerie to 2>>You wake up on Saturday morning. It's been a long week but now you can spend some quality time with your beautiful wife.
Neither of you have anything planned so you decide today would be a good time to "train" Sofia and push your sex life forward. The question is how? You can have her try out a new set of lingerie you bought her, have her pose for you, or even just have her be sexy around the house.
What do you do?
<<if $house is 1>>[[Encourage Sofia to be sexy around the house|house1]]
<<elseif $house is 2>>[[Encourage Sofia to be sexy around the house|house2]]
<<elseif $house is 3>>[[Encourage Sofia to be sexy around the house|house3]]
<<elseif ($house is 4) and ($posing is not 7)>>Sofia is done with posing for now, explore other options?
<<elseif ($house is 4) and ($posing is 7)>>[[Encourage Sofia to be sexy around the house|house4]]
<<elseif $house is 5>> You don't feel like seeing Sofia be sexy around the house.
<<if $posing is 1>> Posing? You need to do more research.
<<elseif $posing is 2>>[[Have Sofia pose for you|posing 1]]
<<elseif $posing is 3>> Posing? You need to do more research.
<<elseif $posing is 4>> [[Have Sofia pose for you|posing 2]]
<<elseif $posing is 5>> Posing? You need to do more research.
<<elseif $posing is 6>> [[Have Sofia pose for you|posing 3]]
<<elseif $posing is 7>> Sofia is done posing for the moment.
<<if ($redlingerie is 3) and ($purplelingerie is 3) and ($bluelingerie is 3)>> Sofia is pretty comfortable with lingerie now.
<<elseif ($redlingerie is 2) or ($purplelingerie is 2) or ($bluelingerie is 2)>> [[Have Sofia try out some lingerie]]
<<elseif ($redlingerie is 1) and ($purplelingerie is 1) and ($bluelingerie is 1)>> Lingerie? You need to actually buy lingerie for her to try some...
[[You're feeling pretty lazy, do nothing this weekend]]
<<if ($redlingerie is 3) and ($purplelingerie is 3) and ($bluelingerie is 3) and ($posing is 7) and ($house is 5)>> [[Sofia wants to talk to you]]<</if>>You decide that today is a lingerie day and you go through your various options....
<<if $purplelingerie is 2>>[[Have Sofia try out the Purple Lingerie]]
<<elseif $purplelingerie is 3>>Sofia has already tried the purple lingerie.
<<elseif $purplelingerie is 1>>You haven't bought the purple lingerie yet.
<<if $redlingerie is 2>>[[Have Sofia try out the Red Lingerie]]
<<elseif $redlingerie is 3>>Sofia has already tried the red lingerie.
<<elseif $redlingerie is 1>>You haven't bought the red lingerie yet.
<<if $bluelingerie is 2>>[[Have Sofia try out the Blue Lingerie]]
<<elseif $bluelingerie is 3>>Sofia has already tried the blue lingerie.
<<elseif $bluelingerie is 1>>You haven't bought the blue lingerie yet.
<</if>>Today you decided to show Sofia the purple lingerie you bought her.
@@.John;John: "Hey baby I bought you a present."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Let me guess...lingerie?"@@
@@.John;John: "Yup, and it's a nice one too. Want to try it out?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Sure, why not?"@@
Sofia takes a couple of minutes to put it on and then comes out of the bedroom to show it off.
<img src= "img/8-Monogamy/lingerie/purple/purple1.jpg" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
You take a long look at your wife and admire the lingerie. As sexy as she looks she gives more a sensual vibe than a slutty one.
@@.John;John: "You look beautiful in that baby."@@
You walk around Sofia to take a good look at her in the lingerie. You give her a kiss and move her to bed and move her top out of the way. Sofia then comes the underwear aside to give you a better look at her pussy as well.
<img src= "img/8-Monogamy/lingerie/purple/purple2.jpg" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Like what you see?"@@
@@.John;John: "Take it off..."@@
Sofia removes her top completely.
<img src= "img/8-Monogamy/lingerie/purple/purple3.jpg" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
@@.John;John: "Now let me get a better look at that cunt."@@
<img src= "img/8-Monogamy/lingerie/purple/purple4.jpg" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
Sofia is now visiblity turned on and decides to play with herself for your pleasure.
<img src= "img/8-Monogamy/lingerie/purple/finger1.gif" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
After several minutes of Sofia playing with herself you decide to step in and help her out. You start to finger her pussy for her and gradually increase your speed. Soon enough you're fingering her roughly until she starts to spasm and cum with your fingers still inside of her.
<img src= "img/8-Monogamy/lingerie/purple/finger2.gif" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
After a couple of minutes of Sofia enjoying the moment she says..
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "God that felt amazing baby. *Kiss*"@@
The two of you lay next to each other and cuddle before she showers and you two go about your day. Soon enough the weekend continues until it was Monday again.
[[You're back at your desk|Monogamy Step 1 Options]]
<<set $purplelingerie to 3>>Opting for Sofia to try out the red lingerie you decide to show her your present.
@@.John;John: "Hey baby I decided to get you a present."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Oh, what'd you buy me?"@@
You hand over the package to Sofia and she opens it up. When she sees what's inside she gives you a smirk and then walks away to the bedroom. After a few minutes she walks out wearing the lingerie.
<img src= "img/8-Monogamy/lingerie/red/redlingerie1.jpg" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "How do I look?"@@
@@.John;John: "Perfect. How do you like it?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "It's kind of comfortable and not too revealing."@@
@@.John;John: "That's good...can I see the back?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "You mean like this?"@@
<img src= "img/8-Monogamy/lingerie/red/redlingerie3.jpg" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Or like this?"@@
<img src= "img/8-Monogamy/lingerie/red/redlingerie2.jpg" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
@@.John;John: "Yeah I definetely made a good choice. How about you pose for me babe?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Ok this?"@@
<img src= "img/8-Monogamy/lingerie/red/redlingerie2.jpg" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
Seeing your wife posing like a slut was too much for you so you walk over to her and rip off most of the lingerie. You then grab her and started to fuck her.
<img src= "img/8-Monogamy/lingerie/red/riding.gif" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
Soon enough you pull and bust your load all over her stomach.
<img src= "img/8-Monogamy/lingerie/red/cumshot.gif" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Mmmm thanks for the present baby."@@
Out of breath from the quick, albiet hard fucking you say.
@@.John;John: "No...problem."@@
After that quick but satisfying fuck you and Sofia relax and take the rest of the day off. The rest of the weekend went by and suddently it was Monday again.
[[You're back at your desk|Monogamy Step 1 Options]]
<<set $redlingerie to 3>>Today you try and give the blue lingerie to Sofia...
@@.John;John: "Hey Sofia, what do you want to do today?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Let's just have a lazy day and stay inside. Is that fine."@@
@@.John;John: "That's fine with me babe. Btw I bought you something..."@@
You pull out the lingerie and show it to Sofia.
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "That's..really revealing. Can I try this on at a different time? I'm pretty tired."@@
You look visibility disappointed but you have an idea.
@@.John;John: "That's fine about the lingerie. We can just relax today."@@
You pull out a bottle of wine and a couple of glasses. And spend the next hour or so having quality time with your wife. After some time, Sofia looks a bit tipsy and go in to give her a kiss. You two make out for several minutes until Sofia gets up and leaves...with the lingerie.
You then hear Sofia call out your name from the bedroom. As you walk in you see that she put on the set.
<img src= "img/8-Monogamy/lingerie/blue/blue2.jpg" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
The sheer lingerie looks amazing on Sofia. They're basically thin pieces of fabric that barely cover anything at all.
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "So how do I look...?"@@
@@.John;John: "Turn around and let me see that ass."@@
<img src= "img/8-Monogamy/lingerie/blue/blue1.jpg" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
The stockings ride up her legs to the lower edge of her fat latina ass. You take a moment to admire the view until you order her to get to back and start taking it off.
<img src= "img/8-Monogamy/lingerie/blue/blue3.jpg" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
@@.John;John: "God I love your body...Let me see that pussy next."@@
Sofia slides the underwear to the side and shows off her wet pussy.
<img src= "img/8-Monogamy/lingerie/blue/blue4.jpg" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
You can't take it anymore and pull out your cock. Sofia figures out what to do next.
<img src= "img/8-Monogamy/lingerie/blue/blue5.jpg" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
<img src= "img/8-Monogamy/lingerie/blue/bj1.gif" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
Sofia takes your cock in her mouth and pulls out her A game to please you. But her mediocre blowjobs got a little boring so you turn her around and take her pussy.
<img src= "img/8-Monogamy/lingerie/blue/sex1.gif" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
You're frantically pounding her pussy and last a good amount of time until you blow your load.
<img src= "img/8-Monogamy/lingerie/blue/cumshot.gif" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
After the excitement dies down you both head to the shower, get cleaned up, and relax for the rest of the weekend. Before you know it, it's Monday again.
[[You're back at your desk|Monogamy Step 1 Options]]
<<set $bluelingerie to 3>>You find a good pose reference page that'll work well for more classy posing for Sofia. It'll be a slightly new dynamic so you want her used to being in front of a camera before trying something riskier.
<img src= "img/8-Monogamy/posing/posereference1.jpeg" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
After doing your research and satisfied with the new knowledge you've obtained, you decided to call it a day and get back to work and go through your week.
[[Saturday comes along]]
<<set $posing to 2>>Earlier in the week you looked up ways that Sofia can sensually pose for you. Today you decided to put that knowledge to use.
@@.John;John: "Long week right?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Tell me about it. I'm just glad it's the weekend and we can spend some time together. So...what did you want to do today?"@@
@@.John;John: "Well I'm actually been doing a little reading on photography and wanted to try out my new skills."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Photography?"@@
@@.John;John: "Yeah I mentioned it before? When...we talked about trying out new things in bed?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "OH. "photography" Got it. What did you have in mind?"@@
-she looks at you skeptically-
@@.John;John: "Something classy for sure. I know you have that nice nightgown I bought you a while back, we can use that if you like?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "You mean the one I rarely ever use? Yeah sure, that's innocent enough."@@
Sofia goes to the bedroom and puts on her nightgown. Meanwhile you take out the camera you got as a gift ages ago and decide to actually use it for once. You walk into the bedroom and see Sofia sitting by the bed.
<img src= "img/8-Monogamy/posing/pose1.jpeg" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "So how do I look?"@@
@@.John;John: "Beautiful but let's get started. Can you sit by the bed and open your legs a little?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Like this?@@
<img src= "img/8-Monogamy/posing/pose2.jpeg" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
@@.John;John: "Exactly."@@
-the camera clicks as you take a shot of her-
@@.John;John: "Now can you bend over with the side of your body facing me?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Like this?"@@
@@.John;John: "Yeah but now face the camera as well."@@
<img src= "img/8-Monogamy/posing/pose3.jpeg" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
@@.John;John: "Great, that was a sexy one."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Glad you like it babe. Are we done soon? I want to go relax a little."@@
@@.John;John: "Almost babe just a few more. Now can you stand up a little and tease taking your underwear off?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Oh that's an easy one."@@
<img src= "img/8-Monogamy/posing/pose4.jpeg" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
@@.John;John: "You're a natural, I'm so glad I married you haha. Ok. Almost...done. Can you take off your underwear and bra and just kneel down on the cushion?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Like this?"@@
@@.John;John: "Kind of, but like the bent over position I want your side facing me and your face to the camera."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Got it. How about now?"@@
@@.John;John: "Exactly!"@@
<img src= "img/8-Monogamy/posing/pose5.jpeg" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
@@.John;John: "Alright babe, last one and we can call it a day. Can you just take off all of your clothes and face the camera?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Oh I can do this one pretty well haha."@@
You and Sofia laugh as she starts to take off the rest of her clothes. Initially, this seemed like a chore to her but ultimately she enjoyed the experience.
<img src= "img/8-Monogamy/posing/pose6.jpeg" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
You take the final shot and soon enough you and Sofia call it a day. She gives you a big kiss, puts on her clothes and power walks to the couch, jumps at it, and turns on the tv.
The rest of the week was uneventful and soon enough it was [[Monday again.|Monogamy Step 1 Options]]
<<set $posing to 3>>You stay at home and do nothing.
Even though you have a beautiful 10/10 latina wife.
What a waste.
[[Back to the Monday grind|Monogamy Step 1 Options]]You think the last "photoshoot" went pretty well with Sofia so you decide to push the boundaries and look for more pornographic references. Believe it or not there's an oceans worth of porn out in the world but not a ton of guides on HOW to shoot porn/nudes. Luckily you find a site that has a ton of good references for you and Sofia.
<img src= "img/8-Monogamy/posing/posereference2.jpeg" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
Armed with more knowledge of posing and photography, you close the guide and get back to work.
Eventually, [[Saturday comes along]]
<<set $posing to 4>>Alright. Last time Sofia posed for you in front of a camera, she got into it a little but you kept things relatively mild. You know your wife can be a lot sexier but she just wasn't used to being in front of a camera. Since she now has a little bit more experience, you decided to push the boundaries and take more pornographic photos of her.
@@.John;John: "Hey baby I wanted to ask....Did you have fun the last time we did our photoshoot."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Uh....yeah I guess so. Why?"@@
@@.John;John: "Well I wanted to see if you were up for doing it again?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "That's random, but sure. Why not?"@@
@@.John;John: "Great!"@@
You go and get your camera and go through Sofia's drawer to see what she has that you can shoot with. You find some sexy loungewear that you bought her a while back. You walk back to the living room and ask her to try out the loungewear and wait in the bedroom.
After a few minutes you walk into the bedroom and see Sofia already changed.
<img src= "img/8-Monogamy/posing/pose7.jpg" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Alright let's do this shit."@@
It wasn't a pose you asked for but you couldn't help but take the shot. You were also so eager at seeing Sofia open to the idea that you decide to jump the gun.
@@.John;John: "Take it all off."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Already? Ugh, fine."@@
@@.John;John: "And bend over with your ass facing the camera."@@
<img src= "img/8-Monogamy/posing/pose8.jpg" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Like this?"@@
-click- That wasn't the pose you wanted but you take the shot anyways.
@@.John;John: "Nope, I want you to actually bend over, more on all fours."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Oh, like this then?"@@
<img src= "img/8-Monogamy/posing/pose9.jpg" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
@@.John;John: "Yup like that! That's a great shot, god I love your ass. Ok. This is going to be sexy one. I want you to sit back and spread your legs and pussy for me."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "John that's a little much."@@
@@.John;John: "Please?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Fine, fine"@@
<img src= "img/8-Monogamy/posing/pose10.jpg" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
@@.John;John: "God I love you so much, I'm glad I married you."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Aw that's sweet baby. So are we good for today?"@@
Though now would be a good time to stop you decide to push the envelop a little further.
@@.John;John: "Actually let's takes a few shots from the living room."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "hm...k"@@
You and Sofia walk over to the living room.
@@.John;John: "Alright. You can just stand there for this shot."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Easy."@@
<img src= "img/8-Monogamy/posing/pose11.jpg" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
@@.John;John: " sit on the table and face your ass towards me."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "You mean the dirty table?"@@
@@.John;John: "The mostly clean table."@@
Sofia grunts as she gets in position and smiles.
<img src= "img/8-Monogamy/posing/pose12.jpg" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
@@.John;John: "I want to see more of that ass. Can you bend over the table and spread your cheeks a little?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Uh you mean like a pornstar?"@@
@@.John;John: "Yup!"@@
<img src= "img/8-Monogamy/posing/pose13.jpg" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Ok I showed you my butthole, can we call it a day?"@@
@@.John;John: "One last photo. I want you to spread your legs, balance on your feet and one hand, and use your free hand to open up your pussy."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "What the fuck?"@@
@@.John;John: "Here I'll show you."@@
You walk over to Sofia and help her get into position. It takes a couple of minutes but you finally get it right.
<img src= "img/8-Monogamy/posing/pose14.jpg" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
@@.John;John: "Annnnnd done."@@
At that moment Sofia relaxes on the table, visiblity a little tired from her amateur model work.
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Wine. Now"@@
While you pour out a glass of wine Sofia goes and gets changed. When she's ready she walks back, grabs the glass of wine from your hand and heads straight to the couch. You would call the photoshoot a success and thought you made a lot of progress in making Sofia more comfortable overall.
The rest of the weekend flies by and before you know it, it's [[Monday again|Monogamy Step 1 Options]]
<<set $posing to 5>>You feel as if you have a pretty good grasp of poses in general. The last time you were researching sexy poses you combined that with your encyclopedia knowledge of porn and you are now confident in your ability to get good shots of Sofia.
So today, you decide to branch out a little bit and check out outdoor photography. You find a good article/guide on taking photos outside and hope that one day you'll actually be able to use that knowledge.
<img src= "img/8-Monogamy/posing/posereference3.jpeg" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
You get back to work and wait for the weekend.
[[Saturday comes along]]
<<set $posing to 6>>Sofia is now very comfortable in front of a camera. You did your research and it paid off. Now you have a ton of sexy nudes of your wife.
Today you decide to get risky and do the photoshoot in the backyard, by the pool.
@@.John;John: "Hey Sofia, it's a pretty nice day out right?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "It really is! Do you wanna go out and do something?"@@
@@.John;John: "We can and relax by the pool?..."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Well that barely counts as going out, but sure baby let's do that."@@
@@.John;John: "...And I can take photos of you."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "God damn it."@@
@@.John;John: "....."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Fine."@@
You run to your bedroom like a gitty child while Sofia follows you to grab her swimsuit. She starts to change as you go outside and wait for her.
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Ta-da."@@
<img src= "img/8-Monogamy/posing/pose15.jpg" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
@@.John;John: "Off please."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "FINE...alright here you go."@@
<img src= "img/8-Monogamy/posing/pose16.jpg" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
@@.John;John: "Fuck yea let's go. Alright now show me your tits."@@
Sofia is uncomfortable with public nudity. Though she's moderately fun behind doors and though this is still your property, it's enough "public" to make Sofia hesitant. When given the request she looks around nerviously.
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "I don't know John."@@
@@.John;John: "Please?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "..."@@
Sofia moves her top aside to show off her tits.
<img src= "img/8-Monogamy/posing/pose17.jpg" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
@@.John;John: "Alright now..."@@
It was at that moment that a car honked driving by the front of the house. The backyard is closed off so obviosuly the driver wasn't honking at Sofia but that was enough for her to get cold feet.
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Nope."@@
Sofia puts her top back on and heads inside. Unfortunately she was a little spooked and your photo session ended sooner than expected. You got blueballed but that's how it is sometimes.
The weekend passes along.
[[Happy Monday!|Monogamy Step 1 Options]]
<<set $posing to 7>>Today you decided to encourage Sofia to be sexier around the house. You wouldn't be explicitly having her wear sexy lingerie or having her pose in a specific way. You just want her more comfortable walking around and showing some skin.
You feel that this is an easy ask and didn't require any time of preperation, just asking.
@@.John;John: "Good morning baby."@@
You walk over to Sofia already in the kitchen and give her a kiss.
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Good morning sweetie. Did you sleep well?"@@
@@.John;John: "Yes I did babe. You wanna stay inside today btw? Just relax?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Sounds perfect!"@@
@@.John;John: "Oh one last thing. Remember when I brought up our sex life? Well I was wondering if you could...walk around in your underwear?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Uh...yeah? Yeah I could do that. If you think it'll help us someway, then sure."@@
Sofia takes out her loungewear and changes into something alot more comfortable. She walks around the house and does her normal routine, but just looking sexier doing it.
<img src= "img/8-Monogamy/home/underwear.gif" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
Sofia spends the rest of the weekend going about her day in her underwear and soon enough...
[[It's Monday again|Monogamy Step 1 Options]]
<<set $house to 2>>It's Saturday once again and you decide that Sofia should take this opportunity to show some skin around the house. Today she has some chores to do so while she was cleaning the kitchen you approach her.
@@.John;John: "Hey baby. I have a question."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "What's up?"@@
@@.John;John: "Could you...clean the house topless?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Uh I think there's special maids you can hire for that."@@
@@.John;John: "Why would I hire a maid when I have someone far more beautiful right here?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Good line. Sure..why not."@@
<img src= "img/8-Monogamy/home/strip.gif" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Alright that'll be $200 bucks an hour."@@
@@.John;John: "I'll...uh...get my wallet?"@@
Sofia spends the rest of the day cleaning the house in her underwear. Even while doing mundane chores she looks absolutely stunning.
<img src= "img/8-Monogamy/home/dishes.webp" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
Once the chores are done and the weekend is over...
[[You get back to work on Monday|Monogamy Step 1 Options]]
<<set $house to 3>>It's another beautiful Saturday and another day of Sofia having to do some chores. Last time she did chores she topless and now you're wondering if she'll do it naked. You walk up to Sofia while she's cleaning looking gitty.
@@.John;John: "I was wondering..."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "I know what you're going to ask and fine."@@
@@.John;John: "Really?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Anything to actually get you to help me clean."@@
Sofia takes off her clothes and starts to clean the bathroom, as she was already done with the kitchen.
<img src= "img/8-Monogamy/home/cleaning1.jpg" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
<img src= "img/8-Monogamy/home/cleaning2.jpg" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
After she was done with the bathroom she heads over to the bedroom and continues cleaning.
<img src= "img/8-Monogamy/home/cleaning3.jpg" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
At some point she notices how intensively you're watching her clean.
<img src= "img/8-Monogamy/home/cleaning4.jpg" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Um. Can I help you?"@@
@@.John;John: "Just admiring the view."@@
Sofia then smiles and intentionally bends over and gives you an even better view.
<img src= "img/8-Monogamy/home/cleaning5.jpg" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
For the rest of the day you and Sofia cleaned up the house and had an uneventful weekend.
[[Work time|Monogamy Step 1 Options]]
<<set $house to 4>>You wake up Saturday morning, exhausted from the long week. You get out of bed and make your way to the kitchen to find Sofia. For some reason she wasn't in the bedroom, living room, or anywhere. At first you thought she was going out to get groceries or something but then you hear a sound coming from the backyard.
As you walk out you see Sofia not only watering the garden, but watering the garden with her top off.
<img src= "img/8-Monogamy/home/outside1.gif" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
@@.John;John: " morning babe."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Morning John, how'd you sleep?"@@
@@.John;John: "Good and uh..well. You're watering the garden topless?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Huh? Oh yeah. It was a nice day out so I figured why not?"@@
@@.John;John: "Beautiful thing to see first thing in the morning. Since you're already half way there...can I see your ass?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Like this?"@@
<img src= "img/8-Monogamy/home/outside2.gif" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
@@.John;John: "Yeah just like that. Actually, take all of it off and spread your ass for me."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: " mean like this?"@@
<img src= "img/8-Monogamy/home/outside3.gif" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
@@.John;John: "Oh yeah just like that..."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Glad you're enjoying yourself. Well since you look like you have some free time on your hand, mind getting started on breakfast?"@@
@@.John;John: "Sure thing babe."@@
As you walk away you notice that Sofia keeps on watering the garden, compeletely nude. It seems that not only is she more comfortable being naked around the house, she's comfortable being naked around the house AND the backyard. This is a ton of progress and you take pride that all of the work you put in is paying off.
<img src= "img/8-Monogamy/home/outside4.gif" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
You and Sofia have breakfast and chill for the rest of the weekend.
[[Monday comes along|Monogamy Step 1 Options]]
<<set $house to 5>>As you wake up and rub the sleep out of your eyes you notice that Sofia isn't in bed with you. You get out of bed, walk to the living room and don't see her anywhere around the house. While in the kitchen you hear Sofia's voice coming from the backyard, beckoning you to come outside.
As you walk outside you see Sofia sunbathing in a new bikini that she probably bought immediately after work sometime during the week.
<img src= "img/8-Monogamy/bikini1.jpg" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Morning baby, how do you like the new bikini?"@@
@@.John;John: "It looks great! Where did the get it?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Oh just some store on the way from work."@@
@@.John;John: "Nice...Did you get it just because or?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Well I wanted to surprise you with this gift. We've had a lot of fun over the last couple of months and it was your idea to try new things. So here you go!"@@
@@.John;John: "Ah so the gift is the swimsuit?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Well it's part of the gift."@@
It was at this point that Sofia started to take off the bikini, slowly, and seductively.
<img src= "img/8-Monogamy/bikini2.jpg" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Do you like that baby?"@@
@@.John;John: "...keep going"@@
<img src= "img/8-Monogamy/bikini3.jpg" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
<img src= "img/8-Monogamy/bikini4.jpg" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
The top now off and the bottom now being slowly, very slowly removed... Sofia completely removes the bottom and shows you a full frontal nude.
<img src= "img/8-Monogamy/bikini5.jpg" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
Now completely comfortable and confident with her body, even if it's outside, Sofia poses for you.
<img src= "img/8-Monogamy/bikini6.jpg" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
Sofia then brings you to the pool chair and gets ready to suck your cock.
<img src= "img/8-Monogamy/bikini7.jpg" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
Right when Sofia has her lips around your cock, you notice a rustling sound in the hedges between you and the neighbours property. It didn't seem like Sofia noticed so you may be hearing things.
Do you continue fucking Sofia outside or take this inside away from any prying eyes?
[[Continue fucking Sofia outside]] or [[Take Sofia inside]]You say fuck it.
You were probably hearing things anyways and things were just getting good. Sofia seems more enthusiastic today then she normally is, almost like it's your birthday.
Sofia worships you cock, gagging every so often when it hits the back of her throat.
<img src= "img/8-Monogamy/bj.gif" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
After the warm up was out of the way you bend Sofia over and start to pound her, roughly.
<img src= "img/8-Monogamy/fucking.gif" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
Normally, Sofia isn't a fan of rougher sex but today she really seems to be into it. Maybe it's because you're both outside, or because of the light training you've given her over the last couple of months, or both. Either way you and Sofia are having the best fuck you've had in ages and that embolded you to take things even further.
You decide to go for anal. Sofia's only done it a handful of times and she never really liked it, but always beared with it for you. You hope she does the same today.
@@.John;John: "Sofia, spread your ass cheeks for me."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Like this?"@@
@@.John;John: "Yeah perfect."@@
You slowly press the tip of your cock into Sofia's ass.
<img src= "img/8-Monogamy/analtip.webp" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "John you know I don't like...AH..AHH..."@@
As your cock penetrates her asshole you take a second to let her adjust to the sensation. You slowly piston her ass and Sofia's complaints turning into grunts mixed with the occasional moan.
After a period of adjustment you decide to pull her legs up, place her on you, and for good measure aim her towards the sounds in the hedges you heard earlier.
You then start to seriously pound her asshole while playing with her pussy, so she can enjoy the experience as well. Soon enough the combination of anal sex and fingering caused Sofia to shake and cum on your dick.
<img src= "img/8-Monogamy/anal.gif" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
You take her off, have her get on her knees, and blow your load on her face.
<img src= "img/8-Monogamy/cumshot.gif" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
You take a second to admire the view and tell Sofia to go meet you in the shower.
As Sofia was leaving you walk towards the hedges to see if there was in fact someone there.
[[Look through hedges]]Since you'd rather be safe than sorry you get up from the poolchair and drag Sofia inside. She was a confused as to why you took her inside and that did temper the mood a little. But when you layed back and showed Sofia your cock, she got back to work.
<img src= "img/8-Monogamy/bj2.gif" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
She licked and worshipped your cock to the best of her abilities. Normally she isn't great at blowjobs but today she brought her A game.
Soon enough you moved to the couch and let Sofia ride you.
<img src= "img/8-Monogamy/riding.gif" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
She was obviously having fun but you thought it was time for her to really get pounded out. You turn her around, position her in all fours, and entered her from behind.
<img src= "img/8-Monogamy/doggy.gif" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
You pound out Sofia for another 10 minutes until you pull out and blow your load all over ass.
<img src= "img/8-Monogamy/cumshotass.webp" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
You and Sofia collapse on the floor and lay there for several minutes before you both get up and shower.
This was probably the best sex you two had in ages and you were more confident than ever of the plans you initially made.
You two spent the rest of the weekend relaxing. And wanting to keep the momentum going you start planning step 2: better sex.
[[Step 1 End]]You see a gap in the hedges where the sound was coming from and as you peek through you see someone rushing into their home.
You only caught a glimpse but you're sure it was Jason. He's a 21 year old, antisocial dude who inheretedly the place from his grandparents and spends most of his day sitting on his ass and playing video games.
He probably saw the whole thing, but you don't really care.
That's tomorrow's problem...or opportunity.
For now you head back inside to shower and spend the rest of the weekend with Sofia. Next week...
[[You start planning for Step 2|Step 1 End]]
<<set $voyeur to 1>>The following Monday you sit at your desk and reflect on the last couple of months with Sofia.
She's been more comfortable around the house, more comfortable in sexier lingerie, and more comfortable being in front of a camera.
You feel that those things are a good foundation for the next phase of your plan, which would be getting her better at sex.
[[GO HERE TO GO BACK TO THE PATH SELECTION SCREEN|After a couple of hours]]Hypno - backout - wife turns someone down the line who's a "best friend"
Hypno - birth control - wife turns into mike's whore to pass around
Hypno - no birth control - breeding - below
week 3
-lingerie + best friend
week 4
-kissing + tits
week 5
-nudist+ fondling
week 6
-oral on her + fingering
week 7
week 8
-feelings for him/trying out poly relationship/boyfriend
week 9
-Public affection
week 10
-sex with a condom
week 11
-sex without a condom but pull out
week 12
-anal training
week 13
-anal sex
week 14
-Mike wants to cum inside of Sofia
stat check
-get sofia on birth control- "Hypno - birth control"
-get confia on birth control but fail - "Hypno - breeding"
-this is getting to intense and you decide to back out - "Hypno - backout, leads to an end"
--------------------------hypno - breeding path-------------------------
mike and sofia fucking constantly.
In the morning Sofia would go to the kitchen to make breakfast and Mike would come out for a quickie.
When sofia got back from work she would greet you, and when Mike came out she would immediately suck his cock as a hello.
From the rest of the day mike would fuck sofia in every hole on every surface of the house.
During the day Sofia would walk around with disheveled hair, she would look like she was in a daze, and often times had cum dripping down her leg.
They would fuck into the early hours of the night. Though at the start sofia moved back to Johns rooms to sleep there, eventually she just slept in mikes bed. Not for romantic purposes but because she was too tired to move back to Johns bed.
The sex was so frequent that you could tell what they were doing just by the sounds they were making.
Sometimes when Sofia was with Mike in the living room or bedroom, you hear the occasional gag and relative silence. That's when she was worshipping Mike's cock.
Sometimes you heard the bed creak at a steady pace with the occasional gasp for air being heard. Well that's when Mike was fucking Sofia's throat.
And sometimes the thrusting was hard and deliberate and slow. With the sounds of grunts mixed in with the occasional moan. That's when I knew John was using up her ass.
But most of the time the bed banged the walls so forcefully and quickly you'd think someone was trying to knock down the walls. You'd hear the wet clapping sounds of meat against meat. You'd also hear the sounds of Sofia's moans, sometimes screams, yelling out every dirty sexual profanity in the book.
And when Mike was close to finishing he picked up the pace and frantically and almost violently pounded Sofia out. This wouldn't last for a minute or two, this almost-cumming pounding would last for about 10 minutes until several deep and hard thrusts can be heard and felt throughout the house. You would think this would be it, but no. After a couple minutes, usually a water break, Mike would get back it again. Constantly using Sofia like his own personal fleshlight, 10-12 hours a day.
They were not having sex, or making love, or any type of euthanism. They were fucking.
And it wasn't romantic or tender or anything like that. She was a thing that existed solely to give him pleasure.Friendship/Working Together
-couple weeks of being friendly
-All three of you together
-few weeks of going out to restaurant, bars, museums (date)
-couple weeks of developing a deeper friendship
Consensual Kiss
-drunken kiss, Sofia doesn't say anything but looks guilty
-next week or two more kissing
-Grabbing her tits
-Sofia feels guilty and tries to stop it + blackmail start
Transition - Working at Robs place
-Friendship 1 - DONE
-Talk - DONE
-Friendship 2 - DONE
-Talk - DONE
-Date 1 - DONE
-Talk - DONE
-Both of you hang out with Rob - DONE
-Date 2 - DONE
-Talk - DONE
-Spontaneous Meetup 1 - DONE
-Date 3 - DONE
-Talk - DONE
-Spontaneous Meetup 2 - DONE
-Deeper Friendship 1 - DONE
-Talk - DONE
-Deeper Friendship 2 - DONE
-Talk - DONE
-Kiss 1 - DONE
-Talk - DONE
-Kiss 2
-Talk - Sofia seems really guilty
-Kiss 3
tries to get comfort from you, you reject her.-----Exhibitionism-----
After being comfortable wearing revealing clothes in public
-Ass grabs
-Butt plugs
-Flashing tits
-Light public play
can either go into webslut route or progress into more extreme exhibitionism. From webslut route the below options:
Webcam Route Goes into:
Don't Show Face (stay at light level of exhibitionism):
-Real Life moderate Exhibitionism
Show Face + Reveal Name (goes into moderate level of webcam show):
-Boss finds out -office play, vacations, wife reluctant at first and gets used to it; asshole boss [Boss Route]
Show Face + Don't reveal name (goes into extreme levels of webcam show):
-Give big fan private shows, eventually meet and do shows with him, becomes [webslut] route
-Photographer reaches out. Can turn her into pornstar [Photography/Pornstar route]--------have sofia pose for you. --------
------bill asks for sofia to be aware. ---------
if you say yes
-if stat pass - they show off together
-if stat failed - wife is disgusted and eventually divorce
if you say no: unaware path
-------unaware path--------
-completely exposed - someone finds Sofia - leads to divorce
-or gradually exposed - more demeaning tasks for Sofia
----------aware path----------
-can lead to fucking Bill
-from fucking Bill, Sofia can fuck her fansWeek 1: "You will feel less stressed and like daily hypnosis."
<<if $hypnosis is 2>>
Week 2: ""
<<elseif $hypnosis gte 3>>
Week 2: "You will wear more revealing clothes and want me to move in here." <</if>>
<<if $hypnosis gte 4>>
Week 3: "We're best friends and it's ok to wear sexy and revealing lingerie in front of your best friend."<</if>>
<<if $hypnosis is 5>>
Week 4: ""
<<elseif $hypnosis gte 6>>
Week 4: "You feel comfortable showing me your tits and kissing your best friend."
<<if $hypnosis is 7>>
Week 5: "naked...touch"
<<elseif $hypnosis gte 8>> Week 5: "You feel comfortable being naked around your best friend and letting him touch your body."
<<if $hypnosis gte 9>> Week 6: "It's completely fine for your best friend to eat you out and finger you."
<<if $hypnosis gte 10>> Week 7: "You want to please your best friend with blowjobs."
<<link "Return" `previous()`>><</link>>Week 2: Monday
[[Check Hypnosis Status]]
For a moment you felt a bit hesistant about how fast things were progressing with hypnosis and show that brief hesitation in your speech.
@@.John;John: "Yeah babe you don't normally wear revealing clothes like that when guests are around."@@
Sofia looks momentarily confused, as if she remembered that this was not normal behavior and shouldn't be wearing this. This however, was just a moment.
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Ah. I mean....Well normally you're right but Mike is a guest and a good friend of yours so it's I think it's fine."@@
Mike looks at you sternly and walks away.
[[The rest of that week]]Week 2: Monday
[[Check Hypnosis Status]]
@@.John;John: "That's your normal clothes baby, you just look great in everything."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "That's..Oh yeah that's right haha. Thank you baby."@@
For a second it looked like Sofia was fighting the programming a bit but that moment passed and she was back to normal.
Mike looks at you with another smile that gives you the shivers, but you can't deny the results.
[[The rest of that week]]
<<set $mikecontrol to $mikecontrol + 1>>Week 2: Saturday
[[Check Hypnosis Status]]
That Friday the three of you are having dinner. Mike once again decided to cook and everything looked delicious. After about 30 minutes you decide to steer the conversation into him moving out or staying in.
@@.John;John: "Hey Mike, it's been a pleasure having you stay with us for two weeks. Have you thought about what to do next?"@@
At that point, Sofia decide to answer for Mike.
@@.Sofia;Sophia: "Oh John I was thinking .... thinking...about it. What was I....? Oh right. I was thinking about it and I think Mike should just stay here for as long as he needs. He's been a good houseguest and it'll be good to bring in the extra income from the room."@@
The deal you and Mike made was that he'd stay for two weeks and you'd reevaluate. But it seems he hypnotised Sofia into wanting him to stay.
You can either [[refuse him moving in]] or [[accept him moving in]]Week 3: Monday <<set $hypnosis to 4>>
[[Check Hypnosis Status]]
It's Monday morning and you wake up in your bed. You look over to your side and don't see Sofia in bed with you. However, you hear rustling in the kitchen. You assume Sofia is making breakfast so you put on some clothes and go and greet her.
As you walk out into the kitchen you see Sofia....wearing lingerie.
<img src= "img/9-Hypnosis/lingerie1.jpg" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
On occasion she would walk around wearing underwear, lingerie, or something else that was sexy but she would never wear that with a guest in the house.
Just as you were greeting Sofia and about to strike up a conversation, Mike walks in and says hello to you and and Sofia, and gives Sofia a hug.
@@.Mike;Mike: "Morning guys, how you all doing?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Good, about to make some coffee. Do you want some?"@@
@@.Mike;Mike: "Yes please. Oh btw, nice lingerie."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Ha glad you like it! It's alot more comfortable than my usual loungewear too."@@
@@.Mike;Mike: "Well it looks nice but...I still think you're wearing too much clothes. You should be more comfortable around me, isn't that right John?@@
[[agree with Mike]] or [[disagree with Mike]]Week 3: Monday <<set $mikecontrol to $mikecontrol + 1>>
[[Check Hypnosis Status]]
@@.John;John: "Yeah you're totally right. It's way too much clothing. I mean Sofia, Mike is our best friend and he's going to be staying here a while so you should be less of a prude. I mean you trust him right?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Huh I guess you're right. I mean I just wanted to be modest since we have a guest around but you're right....he is our best friend! I'll try and buy more comfortable clothes after work."@@
@@.Mike;Mike: "Looking forward to seeing it."@@
[[the rest of the week]]Week 3: Monday
[[Check Hypnosis Status]]
Hesistant that things were going a little quick you decide to slow things down. You wouldn't want Sofia to push back on her programming.
@@.John;John: "Nah I think that's good enough. Sofia shouldn't wear something she isn't comfortable wearing.@@
@@.Mike;Mike: "Well that's nonsense. I mean Sofia, we're best friends. You can trust me. So you should feel as comfortable as you want in your own home."@@
For a moment there was a look of confusion and slight disgust in Sofia's eyes and a moment later she was back to "normal."
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Hmm I guess you're right Mike. I could just get more comfortable clothes later on."@@
Sofia then leaves to get ready for work and Mike approaches you.
@@.Mike;Mike: "Look John. Sofia needs positive reinforcement for this to really set in. I assume you'll back you more in the future."@@
[[the rest of the week]]Week 3: Tuesday-Thursday
[[Check Hypnosis Status]]
For the next few days Sofia wore sexier lingerie than what she wore on Monday. Though the clothes counted as lingerie, they looked more like clothes you'd buy at a sex store.
<img src= "img/9-Hypnosis/lingerie2.jpg" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
<img src= "img/9-Hypnosis/lingerie3.jpg" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
More than the lingerie though, Sofia changed in the way she interacted with Mike. She laughed more, her body language was more comfortable, and hugs were a frequent practice. It seems in her eyes Mike WAS her best friend. She almost communicated with Mike as much as she communicated with you.
Things were going at that exciting, yet comfortable pace until Friday.
[[On Friday Sofia wore something that seemed innocent enough]]Week 3: Friday
[[Check Hypnosis Status]]
Friday evening rolled around and Sofia was about to make dinner for everyone.
As you and Mike were in the living room chatting, Sofia comes out in lingerie as she did for the last few days. This time however, there as a slight wardrobe dysfunction and part of her tit was showing. Nothing obscene of course, but it was still there.
<img src= "img/9-Hypnosis/lingerie4.jpg" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
Mike seemed to have noticed this and decided to bring it up.
@@.Mike;Mike: "Hey Sofia, nice nipple you got there."@@
Sofia instinctively covers up and looks extremely embarrassed.
@@.Mike;Mike: "Aww don't worry Sofia it's completely fine if you wanna show off a little haha."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "I guess that's...."@@
At that moment it looked like Sofia was deep in thought and based on your interactions with her over the last few weeks she said....
<<if $mikecontrol is 0>> @@.Sofia;Sofia: "That's inappropriate, I'm going to go and change now. Thanks for letting me know."@@
It was at that point that Sofia adjusted her bra to conceal her nipple.
The rest of the dinner was uneventful and [[Soon enough it was Sunday]]
<<elseif $mikecontrol is 1>> @@.Sofia;Sofia: "I mean I guess it isn't that big of a deal but I don't know John will want me to show off this much haha."@@
It was at that point that Sofia adjusted her bra to conceal hernipple.
The rest of the dinner was uneventful and [[Soon enough it was Sunday]]
<<elseif $mikecontrol is 2>> @@.Sofia;Sofia: "You're completely right Mike, showing off a nipple here and there isn't a big deal haha."@@
Sofia decided to leave her nipple out, giving Mike a nice little eyeful for the rest of dinner.
The next day, Mike decided to surprise Sofia with a gift.
[[The next day]] <</if>>Week 4: Sunday
[[Check Hypnosis Status]]
It was Sunday and today was the start of Sofia's new programming. You were wondering what Mike had in mind so you knocked on his door and asked.
@@.John;John: "So...what's next?"@@
@@.Mike;Mike: "We should keep things simple. I'll just have her show off her tits more or something. If I think of something else I'll add that to the mix but tits are the main thing for now. But anyways it's almost time for our session. Can you get Sofia over here?"@@
@@.John;John: "Yeah sure."@@
You bring Sofia to Mike's room. Sofia has been hypnotized almost every day for the last 3 weeks and bringing her to his room has become routine.
@@.John;John: "Hey Mike, we're here."@@
@@.Mike;Mike: "Great, come on in. As usual, just Sofia."@@
Sofia walks in and Mike closes the door on you. As usual the start to see the normal lights flashing from underneath the door and try to listen to what's been said.
@@.Mike;Mike: ""@@
Ki? You thought. You tried to listen even more closely but couldn't make out anything else. After several minutes the session was over and Sofia walked over, looking dazed as usually.
You escort Sofia back to your room, not having the balls to ask Mike what the programming was.
[[Week 4 starts]]Week 3: Saturday
[[Check Hypnosis Status]]
It was Saturday morning and you and Sofia were hanging out in the living room.
Mike comes out of his room says hello to the both of us and headed out. Mike spent most of the time in his room so having Mike out of the house was a nice change of pace.
But soon he came back an hour or so later with a "gift" for Sofia.
@@.Mike;Mike: "Hey Sofia, I decided to buy you a gift to thank you for letting me stay here for a while."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Oh that's so thoughtful! What did you get me?"@@
Mike hands over the package to Sofia and Sofia takes a couple of seconds to look through the bag.
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Well this"@@
@@.Mike;Mike: "Yup I think you'd look great in it. You should go try it out!"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Sure..."@@
After a couple of minutes Sofia comes out in her new lingerie. If it could be called that.
<img src= "img/9-Hypnosis/lingerie5.jpg" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
Sofia's tits were in full display, barely being covered by mesh.
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Well it's a little revealing but I think it does technically cover up my tits."@@
It didn't. This outfit was pushing the limits of her programming, but due to the positive reinforcement you've made over the last several weeks she seemed to be ok with this loophole.
Sofia spent the rest of the day wearing the outfit and [[Soon enough it was Sunday]].Week 4: Monday
[[Check Hypnosis Status]]
It was Monday and Sofia slept in a little bit. So Sofia rushed to work before you had a chance to see what her programming was. When she got back though, she switched to more "comfortable."
<img src= "img/9-Hypnosis/tits1.jpg" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
There wasn't much change to her behavior and Mike interacted with her as usual, with the exception of him staring at her tits occasionally.
[[For the next couple of days]]Week 4: Tuesday
[[Check Hypnosis Status]]
For the next day or so things continued as they were. Sofia would walk around with her tits out and Mike would interact with her normally.
<img src= "img/9-Hypnosis/tits2.jpg" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
However, things changed [[when you wake up the next day]].
Week 4: Wednesday <<set $hypnosis to 6>>
[[Check Hypnosis Status]]
The next day when Sofia came home, she gave me a hug and a kiss. By that point Mike walked out of his room and said hello and to your surprise, Mike gives her a kiss.
<img src= "img/9-Hypnosis/kiss1.jpg" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
You stand there shocked and speechless. Sofia then looks up to you and ask:
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Hey John, what's wrong? Is everything ok?"@@
@@.John;John: "'re kissing Mike."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Well of course. Mike is my best friend and kissing is completely......completely....."@@
@@.Mike;Mike: "Kissing is completely fine for best friends. In fact it's as normal as saying hi. Right Sofia?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Right of course, kissing is completely fine between best friends. But anyways I need to change out to normal clothes, I'll be back in a minute." @@
As soon as she leaves...
@@.John;John: "Mike, what the fuck?"@@
@@.Mike;Mike: "You feel comfortable showing me your tits and kissing your best friend. That's what her progrgamming is now set too. Since kissing was me reaching, I decided to hold off on trying it out for a couple of days. That's not a problem right?"@@
@@.John;John: " it isn't.@@
@@.Mike;Mike: "Good."@@
It was at that moment that Sofia came back, properly dressed.
<img src= "img/9-Hypnosis/tits3.jpg" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
[[Over the next couple of days there was a lot more kissing]]Week 4: Thursday-Friday
[[Check Hypnosis Status]]
Mike wakes up a little earlier now and every morning when Sofia leaves for work, he takes a minute to hold and kisses her romantically. As soon as the kisses stops Sofia has a normal, friendly look on her face, like she just hugged an old friend. Not the sort of face you expect her to make after kissing someone.
<img src= "img/9-Hypnosis/kiss2.jpg" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
It gets better (or worse) when she gets back from work. Whenever Mike sees her in the hallway or living room or wherever, he says:
@@.Mike;Mike:"Hey Sophia, what are you up?" or "how are you?" @@
Or any other type of innocuous small talk and Sofia says:
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Oh I'm alright" or "Im not doing anything much."@@
And from that brief small talk conversation they start to make out heavily. His tongue in her mouth, her tongue in his. It's wet and sloppy, and always last more than a couple of minutes. In her mind this interaction is just a normal part of the small talk between two "best friends."
<img src= "img/9-Hypnosis/kiss3.gif" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
[[That Saturday though, Mike pushed his luck]]Week 4: Saturday
[[Check Hypnosis Status]]
That Saturday, Mike pushed his luck. Mike and Sofia were making out as they normally did now. In the middle of heavily making out, Sofia starts to softly moan and was visibly turned on. Mike saw this as his cue to escalate and starts to fondle and caress her body. He then grabs her, moves drags towards his room and starts taking off her clothes.
<img src= "img/9-Hypnosis/kiss4.gif" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
Sofia initially follows but soon pushes him away and tells him off.
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "MIKE STOP, WHAT ARE YOU DOING? This is completely inappropriate! We're friends, I'm married, and you touching me that way is completely wrong!"@@ She says, ignorant of how inappropriate she's been all week. "John, did you see what he tried to do?!" It seems that more intimate physical contact provoked her to push back hard against her programming.
Mike realised he fucked up and looks at you, for the first time without a smug, dominant look or a sinister smile. But eyes pleading for help.
@@.John;John: "Oh that's not THAT inapropriate. Sure he crossed a boundary but that's fine once in a while between best friends." @@
At this point in the game all the hesitation you previously had has been put aside in order to see how far she could go.
Sofia seemed a little less angry, but still visibility so.
As Sofia walks out, Mike gets close and tells you.
@@.Mike;Mike: "I pushed too hard and fucked up. Thanks for the save. I'll fix that with next week's sessions."@@
[[That Sunday, in preparation for Week 4]]One evening you take some time to figure out how exactly you're going to make Sofia open to the idea of being a hotwife or even trying swinging.
You go back to the guide for more inspiration and really think about Sofia's personality and character.
Sofia loves you and wants to make you happy, but you don't want to FORCE her to be a hotwife. She wouldn't enjoy the experience and you want irreparable harm your relationship by forcing her to do anything.
After some thought you put together the following, detailed plan.
Hotwife/Swinger Plan
Talk to Your Wife: Let her know that you feel that your sex life is in a rut and that you want to try new things.
Porn: Get Sofia used to watching porn featuring woman that look like her having sex with guys with bigger dicks. Or multiple dicks.
Sex Toys: Getting Sofia used to bigger toys will eventually make your dick unsatisfying.
Leave Hints: You should leave little hints around the house that you're interested in her being a hotwife.
Eventually you'll have an open converstation with Sofia that'll lead to you asking if this lifestyle is something she'd want to try, and if you play it right she will.
[[Time to Put Your Plan Into Action|Hotwife Prep]]It's Sunday morning and Sofia is doing chores around the house and keeping out of your way. Sundays are generally peaceful in the household and you both either get chores done, go grocery shopping, or relax separately. Normally you would pursue a hobby or just relax, but today you think about how you're going to move Sofia towards the hotwife or swinger lifestyle.
What are you going to do this week?
<<if $convo is 0>> [[Talk to your wife|Convo]]
<<elseif $convo is 1>> [[Talk to your wife|Convo]]
<<elseif ($convo is 2) and ($porn is 1)>> [[Talk to your wife|Convo]]
<<elseif ($convo is 3) and ($porn gte 2) and ($hints gte 3)>> [[Talk to your wife|Convo]]
<<else>> You don't have anything specific to talk to Sofia about.
<<if $hints is 0>> [[Leave hints that you want to share her|Hints]]
<<elseif ($hints is 1) and ($porn is 1)>> [[Leave hints that you want to share her|Hints]]
<<elseif ($hints is 2) and ($porn is 3)>> [[Leave hints that you want to share her|Hints]]
<<elseif ($hints is 3) and ($porn is 3) and ($toys is 3)>> [[Leave hints that you want to share her|Hints]]
<<else>> You feel like you should focus on things other than "leaving hints around the house."
<<if ($toys is 0) and ($convo gte 2) and ($porn gte 1)>> [[Play With Sex Toys|Sex Toy]]
<<elseif ($toys is 1) and ($convo gte 3) and ($porn gte 2)>> [[Play With Sex Toys|Sex Toy]]
<<elseif ($toys is 2) and ($convo gte 3) and ($porn gte 3)>> [[Play With Sex Toys|Sex Toy]]
<<else>> You don't feel like using sex toys this week.
<<if ($porn is 0) and ($convo is 2)>> [[Watch Porn and Fool Around with Sofia|Porn]]
<<elseif ($porn is 1) and ($convo is 3)>> [[Watch Porn and Fool Around with Sofia|Porn]]
<<elseif ($porn is 2) and ($convo is 3) and ($hints gte 2) and ($toys is 2)>> [[Watch Porn and Fool Around with Sofia|Porn]]
<<elseif ($porn is 3) and ($convo is 4) and ($hints is 4) and ($toys is 3)>> [[Watch Porn and Fool Around with Sofia|Porn]]
<<else>> You don't feel like watching porn this week.
<</if>>Later that day you decide to make dinner for you and Sofia. There hasn't been anything interesting happening between you two for a while but you still thought it would be nice and see how she's doing overall.
You're sitting at the dinner table with food and glasses of wine for you and her.
@@.John;John: "Hey babe, I wanted to are you?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "I'm doing alright baby, why?"@@
@@.John;John: "Oh no reason, I just wanted to see if there's anything interesting at work or something."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Well not really, it's the same old. Boss is a dick but I like the work. How about you?"@@
@@.John;John: "Everything is fine with me babe, I can't..well I can't really complain."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Ok babe, that's nice to hear. How's work for you?"@@
@@.John;John: "Same old, same old."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Good."@@
The conversation between you and Sofia is nice and pleasant, but boring. There isn't a ton happening in your lives as it's the same old routine over and over again. This boring routine might be part of the reason you want to see her in an entirely new...situation.
You continue your pleasant conversation with Sofia, finish up dinner, and the rest of the week rolls on by.
[[Soon enough it's Sunday again|Hotwife Prep]]
<<set $convo to $convo + 1>>It's another Sunday evening and as usual you and Sofia are having another boring dinner.
@@.John;John: "So how was your week Sofia?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "It was good babe, same old. How about you?"@@
@@.John;John: "Yeah same here, nothing new."@@
You and Sofia smile at each other and continue to eat dinner until you ask:
@@.John;John: "Sofia, are you happy?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "That came out of nowhere. I'm happy, why?"@@
@@.John;John: "I mean we do the same thing over and over again and it's getting...boring."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Baby are you unhappy with our life? With me?"@@
@@.John;John: "No not at all, I just feel that something is missing."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Well, what do you want to do...?"@@
@@.John;John: "I was thinking we try out new things, like I don't know, watch porn together?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "John if you think something's wrong I don't think porn is going to fix anything?"@@
@@.John;John: "I don't think there's anything wrong I just think some variety in our routine might be nice. Just think about it ok?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "That's fine I guess?"@@
The two of you awkwardly continue and finish dinner. Sofia seems to be resistant to exploring new things, but at the very least you got get her open to the idea of it.
The week rolls by and...
[[Soon enough it's Sunday again|Hotwife Prep]]
<<set $convo to $convo + 1>>That Sunday evening you and Sofia were hanging out and watching tv. There was nothing special going on and you were just chatting with her. You thought it was a good time to ask her about your efforts of bringing porn into the relationship.
@@.John;John: "So...was the thing we did fun?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Hm?"@@
@@.John;John: "You know, when we were watching porn?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Ah...I mean it was whatever? I like spending time with you and having sex with you so the porn was just extra I guess."@@
@@.John;John: "I understand baby. Did you like the type of porn we were watching?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "It's fine I guess. It's just porn. It's just women faking themselves having fun with guys with bigger dicks, it's all acting."@@
@@.John;John: "Not all the time. Most women enjoy being fucked like that."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Oh so you're going to fuck me like that now? hahaha"@@
@@.John;John: "Yeah sure haha."@@
You and Sofia continue to watch tv and eventually go to bed.
[[Next Sunday you decide how to progress things with Sofia|Hotwife Prep]]
<<set $convo to $convo + 1>>You decide that this week you'll try and incorporate more porn into your sex life.
Wedneday evening rolls around and Sofia comes home from work. As usual you and her go through the routine of hellos, kisses, dinner, and relaxation. That night however you suggest you two watch something on tv: porn.
@@.John;John: "Hey baby, let's spice things up tonight... Let's watch some porn?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "That's pretty random...."@@
@@.John;John: "Well I did talk about wanting to try new things."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Oh, that's right. I mean sure we can try that if you really want."@@
You connect your phone to your living room tv and find porn involving latinas and big cocks, not a genre she's used to seeing (you two have just watched vanilla porn in the past), but you want to mentally train her to get aroused by seeing latinas (like her) and big cocks.
<img src= "img/6-Hotwife/porn2.gif" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
You can tell that Sofia is more amused than aroused by seeing someone taking that big of a dick.
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Oh wow she's taking that dick like a champ haha"@@
You then move your hand towards Sofia's pussy and start playing with her pussy. Soon enough she starts to moan and is turned on by mostly you playing with her, but also watching the porn.
<img src= "img/6-Hotwife/touching1.gif" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
@@.John;John: "You like that baby?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "mhm.."@@
Eventually, Sofia cums and the two of you relax on the couch for a few minutes before calling it a night. Sofia seemed to have enjoyed that a little.
The week rolls by and...
[[Soon enough it's Sunday again|Hotwife Prep]]
<<set $porn to $porn + 1>>Later that week on a friday night, you and Sofia decide to unwind from the long week and have a bottle of wine at home.
<img src= "img/6-Hotwife/drinking1.jpg" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
You decide now is a good time to keep watching some more porn:
@@.John;John: "Hey Sofia, let's watch something fun."@@
Sofia, a bit tipsy agrees.
<img src= "img/6-Hotwife/porn3.gif" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
Sofia more turned on now than last time, starts to gently touch herself. Her eyes glued to the tv as she sees someone that looks like her, getting fucked in a way she herself has never been. Seeing the opportunity, you take out your cock and shove it in her mouth.
<img src= "img/6-Hotwife/touching2.gif" alt="touching" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
@@.John;John: "You like watching porn now huh?"@@
Sofia laughs with the cock in her mouth.
Seeing as Sofia was getting into it, you decide to continue watching porn. What genre do you pick?
[[One one one|Porn 2a]]
[[Group/DP Porn|Porn 2b]]
<<set $porn to $porn + 1>>You decide to keep it simple and just pick a porn video that included a woman getting fucked by another guy, a guy with a big dick sure, but a still relatively straighforward porn.
<img src= "img/6-Hotwife/porn4a.webp" alt="touching" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
Seeing that Sofia was being more attentive to the video you ask:
@@.John;John: "You ever imagine how a cock like that feels like?"@@
Sofia pulls the cock out of her mouth and says:
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "It's fun to watch but yours is the only cock I need baby."@@
A little discouraged by her answer you and her wrap it up and head to bed for the night. She might be starting to like porn but you realise it's going to take alot more work for her to actual fantasize about taking another cock.
[[The Following Week|Hotwife Prep]]
<<set $hotwife to $hotwife + 1>>You decide to mix it up and watch a porn that include a latina getting dp'ed. This isn't something you've seen with Sofia before but you think it's a good way to get her around to the idea of having sex with multiple people at the same time.
<img src= "img/6-Hotwife/porn4b.webp" alt="touching" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
Seeing that Sofia was being more attentive to the video you ask:
@@.John;John: "You ever imagine being dp'ed liked that?"@@
Sofia pulls the cock out of her mouth and says:
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Nope. It's interesting to watch but that's not something I've really thought about before."@@
A little discouraged by her answer you and her wrap it up and head to bed for the night. She might be starting to like porn but you realise it's going to take alot more work for her to actual fantasize about taking another cock.
[[The Following Week|Hotwife Prep]]
<<set $swinger to $swinger + 1>>You decide that you're going to just spend some time with your wife this week and chat. You've had a fun couple of months but checking in with your partner every so often is healthy, especially when you're trying new things like this.
It's Friday evening and you and Sofia are having a glass of wine after just eating dinner.
@@.John;John: "Hey babe I wanted to ask...we've been doing alot of new things recently and I just wanted to know how everything is going."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Well work is the same."@@
@@.John;John: "No I meant your thoughts about the porn, the toys, etc."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Oh right. Yeah it's been really fun. The type of videos we watch are really..hardcore and porn isn't really my thing but I'm starting to enjoy it. Only with you of course."@@
@@.John;John: "Good to hear. Well how about the new toy?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "I think I'm starting to get used to it. It felt really filling and I was getting stretched out so much it actually hurt a little but now it just feels...really good."@@
@@.John;John: "Wanna tell me more?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Hmmm maybe later, let's just keep watching tv ok?"@@
You get back to what you were doing and that following weekend you think about what's next
[[Sunday|Hotwife Prep]]
<<set $convo to $convo +1>>That evening you decide to buy a new sex toy for Sofia. After shopping around for a little while you find something that will stretch her out but will still be approachable.
Sofia already owns a few sex toys but you wanted to get her something bigger than she's already had and bigger than your own cock.
After a couple of days the toys arrives and that evening you decide to surprise Sofia with it.
@@.John;John: "Hey babe, I got you a present today!"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "OH! What did you get me?"@@
You then pull out the sex toy and show it to Sofia.
<img src= "img/6-Hotwife/dildo1.jpg" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "What the hell is that?"@@
@@.John;John: "We haven't bought a new sex toy in a while so I thought I'd get your a present."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "That's way too big, there's no way that'll fit."@@
@@.John;John: "Well you can still give it a shot.@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Ok baby, I'll try."@@
Sofia takes off her clothes and starts to play with her new toy. At first she was struggling to fit the larger toy in her pussy but after a few minutes she starts to get in the rythm.
<img src= "img/6-Hotwife/dildo2.gif" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
You can see your wife's pussy gripping onto the dildo and being stretched more than it's ever been before. She moans loudly as she rides the dildo until her body shakes in orgasm and she collapes on the bed.
You relax with Sofia and cuddle. The rest of the week goes by as usual.
[[That Sunday|Hotwife Prep]]
<<set $toys to $toys + 1>>You decide to try and have Sofia incorporate sex toys into your daily life more and more so you ask Sofia to try and use the toy more frequently.
@@.John;John: "Hey baby, are you liking the toy I bought you?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "I mean I only used it that one time but yeah it's a good toy. It's a little big for me though."@@
@@.John;John: "Oh you've only used it once?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Yeah with you, why?"@@
@@.John;John: "Well I got you the toy so you can feel stretched out and enjoy yourself more. I was kind of hoping you would use it more...I did get it for you as a present..."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "And it's a good present, I just prefer the real thing more."@@
@@.John;John: "I know you do babe, but I told you I wanted us to have a more exciting sex life. I don't want to be the only one who's bringing ideas to the table or being proactive about this. I do want you to step up a little more."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Ok if you want, I can use the toy more..."@@
@@.John;John: "Good."@@
Though you did it by guilt tripping her, Sofia feels as if she should be using the sex toy on her own more frequently. From now on she will use sex toys on her own more.
<img src= "img/6-Hotwife/dildo3.gif" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
[[Next Week|Hotwife Prep]]
<<set $toys to $toys + 1>>Friday evening of that week, you decide to ask your wife if she wanted to watch porn, and she agreed.
As you sat down trying to find something to watch, Sofia comes out with her new toy. It seems that today she wants to incorporate sex toys into porn watching.
@@.John;John: "So I guess you do like your new toy now."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "mhm, I'm starting to really like it."@@
You turn your attention back to your phone to pick something to watch. What do you pick?
[[Latina fucking BWC|Porn 3a]]
[[Latina in a FFM threesome|Porn 3b]]
<<set $porn to $porn + 1>>Things have been going really well with Sofia and you feel as if she's being more open minded. However, you decide that she's getting a little too used to the last toy you bought her.
It's time for an upgrade. You shop around and find a new dildo that's even bigger and comes in a different color.
<img src= "img/6-Hotwife/dildo4.jpg" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
You buy the black dildo and after a couple of days it comes in.
@@.John;John: "Hey Sofia, I got a new present for you!" You say as you pull out the large, black dildo. @@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "That's even bigger than the last toy!"@@
@@.John;John: " you want to see if it could fit?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "...ok"@@
Sofia takes off her clothes and starts to play with the new toy. First, she teases herself with the dildo, testing the new size. Then she inserts it in her pussy and moans loadly. She breathes heavily as she tries to accomodate the new toy and being stretched out more than ever.
<img src= "img/6-Hotwife/dildo5.gif" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
After Sofia gets more used to the size you bring out the other dildo. Sofia gets the cue and starts to mount the large white dildo she's used to. Just weeks ago she was struggling to take this size, but by now she's more used to it and rides it like a pro.
<img src= "img/6-Hotwife/dildo6.gif" alt="dildo" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
She was obviously enjoying herself and getting really into it, but you want to see her with her new toy. So you place it next to her so she can ride that one as well. As she struggles with the new toy you see her pussy grip the dildo and Sofia tries to cram that massive dildo in her cunt.
<img src= "img/6-Hotwife/dildo7.gif" alt="dildo" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
After a short while she cums on the dildo and you two head to bed. You and Sofia lay in bed in euphoria as she just had one of the best orgasms she's had in a while. You smile and looks at you and says:
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "I love the new present baby... I feel really stretched out too. I didn't know I can fit that much inside of me..."@@
@@.John;John: "I'm glad you liked the new present. I loved seeing something that big go inside of you and love how turned on you were... Imagine how it would feel if that was an actual cock inside of you instead of a toy.@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "I...think that would be fun but you know I love you and all of this is just stuff we say in bed in the heat of the moment. Anyways it's getting late and I need some sleep. Night babe."@@
Sofia gives you a kiss and goes to sleep.
[[The following week|Hotwife Prep]]
<<set $toys to $toys + 1>>Since your last conversation with Sofia, you're confident that she now likes porn, toys, and occasionally watches porn on her own. You've even exposed her to hotwife/swinger porn on the sly and what to take things to the next level.
You decide that this week you'll play a gangbang video and try to be a lot more verbal.
<img src= "img/6-Hotwife/porn4.gif" alt="dildo" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
Sofia brings out her toy and plays with herself.
@@.John;John: "Having fun there baby?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "mhmm"@@
@@.John;John: "You see that pornstar getting fucked by those massive cocks. You see how used she's getting? @@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "mhm"@@
@@.John;John: "Do you wanna get filled like that?@@
Sofia doesn't say anything and instead starts to ram the dildo in her pussy even faster.
<img src= "img/6-Hotwife/dildo8.gif" alt="dildo" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
@@.John;John: "I said, do you wanna get filled like that?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "....mhm"@@
@@.John;John: "I didn't hear you. Say it. Say you want other guys to fuck your tight pussy."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "I..I want other guys to fuck my pussy! I want a real cock to stretch me out and use my holes!"@@
At that point Sofia's body shakes as she cums. She takes a moment to leave the dildo in her pussy before slowly taking it out. You give Sofia a kiss and you two retreat to bed.
[[You have an honest conversation with your wife|Porn 4a]]@@.Sofia;Sofia: "That was intense...I can't believe I said that."@@
@@.John;John: "I'm glad you did actually."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Look babe...these past few months have been fun but I have to you want to see other people fuck me? I've seen the porn we watch together and I've...seen the porn you've watched on your own. Do you want me to fuck other people?"@@
[[Keep your fantasies to yourself]]
[[Tell the truth]]
You like the idea of leaving hints around the house to gradually get Sofia used to the idea of hotwifing, but you don't know how to actually go about it.
So for the moment you decide to just watch hotwife/swinger porn NOT in incognito mode.
Sofia hardly ever uses the computer and she's not in a habit of checking your browser history but you decided to give it a shot.
For the rest of the week you watch some wife porn here and there and DON'T delete your history. You were hoping she would see it, but she only used the computer a couple of times for quick tasks.
<img src= "img/6-Hotwife/pornpage1.jpg" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
You didn't accomplish anything this week so next time you're going to up the ante.
[[That Sunday|Hotwife Prep]]
<<set $hints to $hints +1>>This week, you decided to leave up hints around the house again. The last time you tried this you didn't get a reaction from Sofia since she probably didn't see anything. This time you're going to leave up a minimized page of hotwife or swinger porn. So if she does use the computer then there's a very high chance she'll see the porn you've been viewing.
The question is, are you going to leave hotwife porn or swinger porn out?
[[Hotwife Porn|Hints 2a]]
[[Swinger Porn|Hints 2b]]
<<set $hints to $hints +1>>You were confident that the last time you left porn up on the computer Sofia DID see it but just decide to not say anything about it. Usually if sees something that might be embarrassing she would call you out on it or even make fun of you. But with this she didn't, so she was likely confused on what she saw and just didn't know how to react to it.
So this week you decide to continue leaving porn up and see if you could get a reaction from her.
What are you going to leave up this time?
[[Latina getting pounded out|Hints 3a]]
[[Latina fucking multiple people|Hints 3b]]
<<set $hints to $hints +1>>After leaving hints around last time you can be sure that Sofia was now interested in the same kink you are, even if it's a fantasy. You decide to leave up another porn window this week and see if she takes the bait.
That evening you look online and find a couple of good videos she might like. What do you pick?
[[Latina getting Creampied|Hints 4a]]
[[Orgy Porn|Hints 4b]]
<<set $hints to $hints + 1>>You decide to keep things simple this week and just take some time to talk to Sofia. Communication is key to any relationship and gauging how she's doing or just talking about any experiences you have is important.
<<if $convo is 0>> [[Talk to Sofia|Convo 1]]
<<elseif $convo is 1>> [[Talk to Sofia|Convo 2]]
<<elseif ($convo is 2) and ($porn is 1)>> [[Talk to Sofia|Convo 3]]
<<elseif ($convo is 3) and ($porn gte 2) and ($hints gte 3)>> [[Talk to Sofia|Convo 4]] <</if>>You decided that this week you'll try and incorporate more porn into your sex life. Porn isn't going to magically make Sofia open to the idea of being a hotwife but it'll help open her mind up a little. A more open sex life in the bedroom might mean a more open sex life out of the bedroom as well.
<<if ($porn is 0) and ($convo is 2)>> [[Later that week you approach Sofia|Porn 1]]
<<elseif ($porn is 1) and ($convo is 3)>> [[Later that week you approach Sofia|Porn 2]]
<<elseif ($porn is 2) and ($convo is 3) and ($hints is 2) and ($toys is 2)>> [[Later that week you approach Sofia|Porn 3]]
<<elseif ($porn is 3) and ($convo is 4) and ($hints is 4) and ($toys is 3)>> [[Later that week you approach Sofia|Porn 4]] <</if>>This week you decided to try and incorporate sex toys in you and Sofia's life. Though she's tried a couple of smaller ones in the past, she's never had a larger toy and has always preferred your dick instead. By getting Sofia used to size, she may start to fantasize about what a bigger or different cock may feel like.
<<if ($toys is 0) and ($convo gte 2) and ($porn gte 1)>> [[Buy a new sex toy for Sofia|Toys 1]]
<<elseif ($toys is 1) and ($convo gte 3) and ($porn gte 2)>> [[Encourage Sofia to use toys more|Toys 2]]
<<elseif ($toys is 2) and ($convo gte 3) and ($porn gte 3)>> [[Buy a new sex toy for Sofia|Toys 3]]
Though you will eventually have an honest conversation with Sofia about her fucking other men, you decide to leave little "hints" around the house. You think it'll be easier to have the big conversation once the idea of hotwifing or swinging has been on her mind for while.
<<if $hints is 0>> [[Leave hints around the house|Hints 1]]
<<elseif ($hints is 1) and ($porn is 1)>> [[Leave more hints around the house|Hints 2]]
<<elseif ($hints is 2) and ($porn is 3)>> [[Leave more hints around the house|Hints 3]]
<<elseif ($hints is 3) and ($porn is 3) and ($toys is 3)>> [[Leave more hints around the house|Hints 4]]
<</if>>You decided to leave up a page of hotwife porn on the computer. It won't be RIGHT there, but it will be a minimized window. That means there will be a good chance that Sofia will see the porn if she uses the computer.
<img src= "img/6-Hotwife/pornpage2.jpg" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
You leave the page up and go about your day to day routine.
One day you notice Sofia in the home office, likely on the computer. After about 30 minutes she walks out, sees you, looks a little awkward and tries to have a normal, small talk conversation with you.
A little later you go to your home office and notice that the web page is now closed. It seems that Sofia is starting to have some idea of your sexual preferences, but decided to not mention it.
The rest of the week goes by as usual.
[[That Sunday|Hotwife Prep]]
<<set $hotwife to $hotwife + 1>>You decided to leave up a page of swinger porn on the computer. It won't be RIGHT there, but it will be a minimized window. That means there will be a good chance that Sofia will see the porn if she uses the computer.
<img src= "img/6-Hotwife/pornpage3.jpg" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
You leave the page up and go about your day to day routine.
One day you notice Sofia in the home office, likely on the computer. After about 30 minutes she walks out, sees you, looks a little awkward and tries to have a normal, small talk conversation with you.
A little later you go to your home office and notice that the web page is now closed. It seems that Sofia is starting to have some idea of your sexual preferences, but decided to not mention it.
The rest of the week goes by as usual.
[[That Sunday|Hotwife Prep]]
<<set $swinger to $swinger + 1>>You decide to leave up porn showing a latina getting fucked with a big cock, simple. You find scroll through the internet and find a great video title "Latina Hotwife fucks BBC."
<img src= "img/6-Hotwife/pornpage4.gif" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
You minimize the window and wait to see if there's a reaction from Sofia. For a couple of days nothing really happens since Sofia didn't need to use the computer but on Wednesday you see her walk into the office to get a little bit of work done. Usually Sofia doesn't work from home so on the rate occasion she does, it's usually to file some paperwork or some other quick task: 15-20 minutes at the most.
This time around Sofia was in the office for close to an hour. After she was done with work she comes out of the office, heads to the bathroom, and takes a quick shower.
As soon as you hear the shower turn on you head into the office and check the computer and sure enough the window was not closed. You also check the browser history and see that Sofia was looking up hotwifing on her own...amongst other things:
"What is a hotwife?"
"How to have a better sex life?"
"Latina having sex with big black cock"
"Latina having sex with big white cock"
Along those searches there's also actual videos she seemed to be watching. It looks like Sofia is now a little interested in your kink, or at the very least curious. For the rest of the week she didn't bring it up so it seemed that she was still trying to make sense of your newfound kink.
[[Next week rolls around|Hotwife Prep]]
<<set $hotwife to $hotwife + 1>>You decide to leave up porn showing a latina and her friend swapping partners. You find scroll through the internet and find a great video title "Latina friends sharing husbands."
<img src= "img/6-Hotwife/pornpage5.gif" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
You minimize the window and wait to see if there's a reaction from Sofia. For a couple of days nothing really happens since Sofia didn't need to use the computer but on Wednesday you see her walk into the office to get a little bit of work done. Usually Sofia doesn't work from home so on the rate occasion she does, it's usually to file some paperwork or some other quick task: 15-20 minutes at the most.
This time around Sofia was in the office for close to an hour. After she was done with work she comes out of the office, heads to the bathroom, and takes a quick shower.
As soon as you hear the shower turn on you head into the office and check the computer and sure enough the window was not closed. You also check the browser history and see that Sofia was looking up swinging on her own...amongst other things:
"Is swinging cheating?"
"How to have a better sex life?"
"Swinging couples"
"What is an orgy?"
Along those searches there's also actual videos she seemed to be watching. It looks like Sofia is now a little interested in your kink, or at the very least curious. For the rest of the week she didn't bring it up so it seemed that she was still trying to make sense of your newfound kink.
[[Next week rolls around|Hotwife Prep]]
<<set $swinger to $swinger + 1>>You find a good video of a latina being fucked by a big white cock and decided to play that.
<img src= "img/6-Hotwife/porn5a.gif" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
As the video plays you notice Sofia less interested in talking to you or interacting with you and more interested in what's happening on screen. After a couple of minutes she then pulls out her toy and starts to play with herself.
<img src= "img/6-Hotwife/porntoy.gif" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
@@.John;John: "You like being stretched out, don't you? Especially while watching some other girl getting fucked hard, right?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "mhm"@@
@@.John;John: "Do you want that to be you baby? Do you want to be streched out by someone else's huge cock?"@@
Sofia continues to play with herself, visibly turned on, but doesn't say anything. You see a confused look on her face as she doesn't know how to respond.
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "I don't know baby, it's a fun fantasy but that's all it is."@@
Not the answer you wanted to hear but it's progress. Eventually Sofia cums on her dildo and you two wrap in up for the day.
[[The following week you decide on what to do next|Hotwife Prep]]
<<set $hotwife to $hotwife +1>>You find a good video of a latina and her friend fucking a dude in a FFM threesome.
<img src= "img/6-Hotwife/porn5b.gif" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
As the video plays you notice Sofia less interested in talking to you or interacting with you and more interested in what's happening on screen. After a couple of minutes she then pulls out her toy and starts to play with herself.
<img src= "img/6-Hotwife/porntoy.gif" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
@@.John;John: "You like being stretched out, don't you? Especially while watching two women fucking a single dude?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "mhm"@@
@@.John;John: "Do you want that to be you baby? Do you want to have sex with multiple people at the same time?"@@
Sofia continues to play with herself, visibly turned on, but doesn't say anything. You see a confused look on her face as she doesn't know how to respond.
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "I don't know baby, it's a fun fantasy but that's all it is."@@
Not the answer you wanted to hear but it's progress. Eventually Sofia cums on her dildo and you two wrap in up for the day.
[[The following week you decide on what to do next|Hotwife Prep]]
<<set $swinger to $swinger + 1>>You feel that Sofia may be more interested in normal one on one porn so you decide to find something that includes just that. You find a great creampie video that you know is far above anything Sofia is comfortable with....but she might like watching it nonetheless.
<img src= "img/6-Hotwife/pornpage6.webp" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
You minimize the window and you go about your week. After a few days you kind of forget about the porn since Sofia hasn't used the computer and you've been busy with work.
On Friday, after Sofia comes from work, she asks you to go and head a bunch of groceries since you both have been too busy to shop. She gives you a massive list and you head over to the grocery store. Despite the long list you get everything you need with frightening efficiency and head home quickly.
As you pull up the driveway you notice the lights to the home office is on so you slowly open the door and sneak in. When you walk towards the office you notice the door was slightly open and you look in.
You see Sofia watching porn. And not just any porn, but a latina getting pounded out by a huge dick. Since you and her watch porn on occasion this isn't too shocking, but the genre of the porn is AND the fact that she was using one of her largest dildo to play with herself.
<img src= "img/6-Hotwife/porntoy2.gif" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
You watch for a while until you see Sofia cum. You then quietly walk to the door and open it as loudly as possible. Sofia comes out looking disheveled and trying to hide the fact that she was just masturbating. She helps you get the groceries from the car and have a normal rest of your evening.
[[That following Sunday|Hotwife Prep]]
<<set $hotwife to $hotwife + 1>>You decide to mix it up and leave up a page of a latinas in an orgy. That's obviously something that won't happen for a long time if ever, but you want Sofia more used to the idea of group sex.
<img src= "img/6-Hotwife/pornpage7.gif" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
You minimize the window and you go about your week. After a few days you kind of forget about the porn since Sofia hasn't used the computer and you've been busy with work.
On Friday, after Sofia comes from work, she asks you to go and head a bunch of groceries since you both have been too busy to shop. She gives you a massive list and you head over to the grocery store. Despite the long list you get everything you need with frightening efficiency and head home quickly.
As you pull up the driveway you notice the lights to the home office is on so you slowly open the door and sneak in. When you walk towards the office you notice the door was slightly open and you look in.
You see Sofia watching porn. And not just any porn, but a latina getting pounded out by a huge dick. Since you and her watch porn on occasion this isn't too shocking, but the genre of the porn is AND the fact that she was using one of her largest dildo to play with herself.
<img src= "img/6-Hotwife/porntoy2.gif" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
You watch for a while until you see Sofia cum. You then quietly walk to the door and open it as loudly as possible. Sofia comes out looking disheveled and trying to hide the fact that she was just masturbating. She helps you get the groceries from the car and have a normal rest of your evening.
[[That following Sunday|Hotwife Prep]]
<<set $swinger to $swinger + 1>>@@.John;John: "Of course not baby, I'd never want to see someone else fuck you, I just wanted to spice things up. It's all just a fantasy."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Ok I was just checking, it's fun to talk about but it isn't something I ever want to do."@@
Instead of being honest with your wife, you decided to keep your desires to yourself and keep sex just between the two of you. You need to honestly express your desires to your wife or you'll end up sticking with [[Monogamy]] or getting desperate and just [[Share her online]] @@.John;John: "Honestly, I have fantasized about you fucking other men."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Wow...I Look John you know I love you and you never that I have never even thought about having sex with other guys before. I just think it's wrong and a betrayal to our relationship."@@
At this point you were flustered, but you remember what you read in the guide about objections and decided to try out some of the generic answers.
@@.John;John: "Baby, first of all I don't think it's wrong or a betrayal of our relationship if it's something we both decide to do. In fact I think it's a healthy expression of our love in that we can have an extremely exciting sex life and still love each other. And because I love you, I want you to be sexually fulfilled in a way that I can't give you. I know it's a little much, but I just want you to think about it."@@
Sofia cuts off you.
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "I just don't know John."@@
@@.John;John: "Ok well let me ask you...are you turned on by the idea of being with someone else? Even if it's just a fantasy?"@@
Sofia sits in silence for a long moment.
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "I like the fantasy, sure."@@
@@.John;John: "Then there we go. If it's something we both want to try then we should try it! I love you and nothing is going to change that. But I think we should explore our sexual desires and enjoy life to the fullest."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "I'll...think about it."@@
[[Things are awkward between you and Sofia]]Things between you and Sofia haven't been frosty, but she hasn't been as adventurous as she was in the past several months. She's not in the mood for porn and hasn't been using her toy.
One day however she comes up to you and asks to learn more about your kink and when it started. So you tell her.
You tell her how lucky you are to have her, how she's the most beautiful woman in the world to you, and how you want to see her sexually satisfied.
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Well John thank you for telling me all of that. If this is something you REALLY want to try then maybe...I don't know...we can try it? How would be do this?"@@
@@.John;John: "I'll post an ad and try to find someone you'd get along with."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Ok, what if I meet up with the person and change my mind."@@
@@.John;John: "You have every right to change your mind, but I just want you to try."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Ok, what if I start to have feelings for the person..."@@
@@.John;John: "Then we pull the cord on the whole situation."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Would you still love me if I do this?"@@
@@.John;John: "Of course baby, if anything I might love you a little more."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: " that case you can try and find someone."@@
@@.John;John: "Great I can do that. Do you have any preference for the person?"@@
<<if $hotwife gt $swinger>>@@.Sofia;Sofia: "I don't really have a preference, just someone you think would understand and respect our situation."@@
@@.John;John: "Ok baby, I'll post an ad tomorrow and see what happens."@@
[[The next day you post an ad|Hotwife]]
<<elseif $swinger gt $hotwife>> @@.Sofia;Sofia: "Actually John I don't really like the idea of posting an ad to find someone. I think it's safer if we talk to friends about it. I think swapping or being swingers is something I'm more comfortable with. It feels less like cheating that way."@@
@@.John;John: "I hear you babe. Let me think about what to do next."@@
[[Think about how to proceed with swinging|Swinging]] <</if>>
@@.John;John: "Yeah this dude kind of sucks."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Yeah he does haha."@@
@@.John;John: "I'm really sorry about that baby I'll go back to the ad and see who else I can find."@@
[[You go back to the ad|Hotwife]]Benny - Week 1
The day after seeing your wife message Benny you decide to check in and see how she felt about him.
@@.John;John: " are things going with Benny?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "He's fine. He's a really flirty and immature, but I guess it's kind of fun talking to him."@@
@@.John;John: "Oh is there anything else?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Well he sent me a dick pic lol. Not that I'll ever see it in real life. He also asked to see pictures of me."@@
@@.John;John: "And...did you send them?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Just normal selfies. I'm not going to send dudes to some dude I'll never sleep with. But I think it's good practice to talk to him?"@@
@@.John;John: "Exactly, at the very least it's practice."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Yup!"@@
[[The following week|Benny Week 2]]Benny - Week 1
Over the next week you noticed that Sofia was on her phone more often and when you ask her about it she told you she was just chatting with Benny. You thought things were going pretty well since she was talking to him a ton but you wanted to see their conversation. One night while Sofia was sleeping you took your wife's phone and used her face to unlock phone and check her messages.
<img src= "img/6-Hotwife/Younger/messages1.png" alt="date" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
You couldn't believe things were going so well between Sofia and Benny. She didn't seem to like him much during dinner but she's warmed up to him quick, even sending him pictures. Knowing it was a pain to keep trying to unluck your wife's phone, you install some software that allows you to see her text messages from your phone. It may be a breach out privacy but you need to see these messages.
[[You check in with Sofia the next day|Benny Week 1 Check]]Benny - Week 2
As the next week progressed Sofia seemed a bit more flirty and happier in general and she would be looking at her phone a lot more. Usually when a text comes in from a friend or something, she's not really in a hurry to check. Nowaways she picks up her phone a little bit quicker.
It seems that the attention she's receiving from Benny is making a positive impact on her disposition, at the very least. You resist the urge to constantly check her messages as you like seeing the bulk of messages at once. When Sofia heads to bed on Friday you pull up your phone and check the app.
<img src= "img/6-Hotwife/Younger/messages2.png" alt="date" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
You were amazed at how things were heating up and Sofia's definitely warmed up to Benny.
[[You check in with Sofia the next day|Benny Week 2 Check]]Benny - Week 2
That Saturday...
@@.John;John: "Hey babe, how was your week?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "It was good baby, thank you for asking."@@
@@.John;John: " are things with Benny?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "It's good I guess. I mean he hasn't sent any more dick pics at least haha."@@
@@.John;John: "Oh and has he asked you for any other pics?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Sure but I've only sent him pics of me in clothes, so don't worry babe."@@
@@.John;John: "Aww that's it?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "I mean like I said I don't think I'll fuck this guy so there's really no point other than practice."@@
@@.John;John: "Understood babe, maybe he'll be a friend or something?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Maybe?"@@
The conversation dwindles down and you and Sofia go back to your routines.
[[The following week|Benny Week 3]]Benny - Week 3
@@.John;John: "Hey baby, how's things going with Benny?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Really good, he's fun to talk to!"@@
@@.John;John: "I noticed, you've been on your phone alot."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Yup"@@
@@.John;John: "Do you think you want to meet up with him alone?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "I'm really not sure baby, I mean I've sent him a few pics but that's it."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Yeah he's been asking me for nudes which I still don't feel comfortable doing. I did send him a couple of pics in my underwear. I mean that's fine right?"@@
@@.John;John: "Wow. I mean sure that's fine. It's just you haven't done that before, like ever. I mean to anyone else at least."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "It felt a little weird doing it. I've only ever sent you sexy pics like that and I'm not super ok with it...but I know you want this hotwife thing to work out and it's good practice, right?"@@
@@.John;John: "Exactly. So I don't see the harm in sending over more fun texts or pics if you want.""@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "If that's ok with you then sure..."@@
@@.John;John: "Perfect."@@
Sofia gives you a kiss and starts to make dinner.
[[The next week|Benny Week 4]]Benny - Week 4
Knowing that there's been a huge leap in progress between her and Benny you decided to ask her about the next morning in your usual check in.
@@.John;John: "Good morning baby!"@@
You give her a kiss.
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Good morning John, are you making breakfast or am I?"@@
@@.John;John: "I'll take care of it don't worry. But I wanted to ask how things were going with Benny?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Good I guess. He's really verbal and he keeps asking for pics hahaha."@@
@@.John;John: "Oh and did you send your new friend some pics?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Um yeah."@@
Sofia starts to look a little uncomfortable.
@@.John;John: "Anything exciting?"@@
Sofia thinks for a second.
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Just pictures in my underwear the usual. Anyways I need to get ready for work, have breakfast ready for me please."@@
Sofia then runs off to the shower, quickly eats breakfast, and heads to work.
Once she was gone you realize that Sofia just lied to you, if even slightly. You know for a fact she's sent him topless nudes but she didn't mention it at all. It could have been that it slipped her mind or it could be...that she feels like she's actually flirting with a guy she might fuck and instinctively felt private about it. I mean she is a private person in general about sex, but never to me.
Regardless of the reason you think of it as a positive sign that things are starting to work out with Benny and go about the next.
[[Routine as usual until next week|Benny Week 5]]Benny - Week 5
Over this past month you've seen Sofia's attitude change over some guy "she wasn't going to fuck." This is exactly what you wanted and you were happy things were progressing, but you didn't like the small lie she gave you.
Regardless, life goes on. Except that Sofia's behavior has changed more noticeably. She's on her phone alot. So much that she's taking to you a little less.
She also seems less engaged when she does talk to you. There's also the fact that her quick trips to the bedroom are becoming more frequent.
Not wanting to spoil the surprise, you wait until the end of the week to check her messages.
<img src= "img/6-Hotwife/Younger/messages5.png" alt="date" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
<img src= "img/6-Hotwife/Younger/dildoselfie.gif" alt="date" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
<img src= "img/6-Hotwife/Younger/twerking.gif" alt="date" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
You can't believe how Benny's talking to Sofia. Him calling her bitch, her calling him "papi?" You're shocked but damn you're excited. It sounds like Sofia wants to fuck but is still on the edge so maybe hanging out with him will help her pull the trigger.
[[See what she has to say|Benny Week 5 Check]]Benny - Week 5
There's been a ton of progress between Sofia and Benny. She's sending over explicit nudes, she's talking explictly, and she's being someone else. Wanting to know what her take on everything was, you check in on her.
@@.John;John: "Hey baby, how's it going with Benny?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Really good! He's still pretty immature but it's fun playing along with him."@@
@@.John;John: "Good to hear baby, do you want to fuck him?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Probably not haha. He's just fun to talk to."@@
@@.John;John: "So there's not a ton of progress going on?"@@
Sofia hesitates for a second.
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Uh, no not really. He's verbal and we're sexting a little but that's it."@@
"Sexting a little" isn't how you'd describe her communication with Benny.
@@.John;John: "Ok. How about nudes or stuff like that?"@@
Sofia starts to look very uncomfortable for a few seconds and says...
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Uh no, just normal sexy selfies. Nothing too bad haha."@@
@@.John;John: "Ok baby, it's cool if you do send them just let me know ok."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Ok John. By the way, I actually wanted to talk to you about something.@@
@@.John;John: "Hm?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Texting Benny is fine and all but I wanted to see if there was any in person chemistry with him. Would it be ok if I grabbed coffee with him or something?"@@
Shocked by her request you say:
@@.John;John: "O..Of course that's fine! Just make sure it's in a public place and let me know when you want to go meet him."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Will do babe."@@
Sofia immediately goes on her phone which gives you a moment to think.
Sofia just straight out lied to you. It's not in her character to do so, so I imagine she still feels conflicted about everthing and is trying to hide her progress with Benny. It's fine for now since things are unfolding how you wanted, but you should keep a close eye on the situation just in case.
[[Later that week|Week 5.5]]Darnell - Week 1
A few days later you and Sofia are sitting on the couch watching tv and her phone starts to ring.
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Hello, who is this?@@
*phone chatter*
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Darnell! Oh hey how's it going?"@@
*phone chatter*
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Well it was nice meeting you too!"@@
*phone chatter*
You see Sofia laugh a little.
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Hey John I'm gonna step aside for a minute."@@
Sofia goes into the bedroom to take the call. You can't overhear the conversation but you hear Sofia laughing and talking quite a bit. It seems that her and Darnell do have a lot of chemistry and that he was a good pick for Sofia.
After 10 minutes Sofia comes out and talks to you.
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Hey babe that was Darnell. He wanted to call and thank us for meeting up with him. He also asked if I wanted to go salsa dancing with him later this week. Is that cool?"@@
You think for a second before giving her an answer. Her and Darnell do have chemistry so you're confident that if you let her spend time with him she'll eventually fuck him. But you also feel like he gets along with her a little too well, and that worries you a little.
[[Let her go Salsa dancing with Darnell|Darnell Week 1.2]]
[[Tell her no|Darnell Fail]]Darnell - Week 1
@@.John;John: "Well if you want to go salsa dancing with him and see if he really is a good fit then that's fine. But since he's still basically a stranger to us I'll drop you off, say hi to Darnell, and I'll check in once in a while to see how it's going. Does that work?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Of course it does babe, I think that's actually a good idea."@@
That Saturday night Sofia gets ready to go Salsa dancing. She dusts off her old Salsa outfit which barely fits and you two head over to the dance studio Darnell told her to meet at.
<img src= "img/6-Hotwife/Black/dancing.jpg" alt="date" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
You arrive at the venue and you see Darnell.
@@.Darnell;Darnell: "Yo what's up guys. John you joining us today?"@@
@@.John;John: "Nah I'm just here to drop off Sofia. Have fun though."@@
@@.Darnell;Darnell: "Yeah we will. Sofia you're looking fire, wanna head inside?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Thank you! And you bet."@@
You see Darnell put his hand around Sofia's waist as he escorts her inside. In order to kill time you get a bite to eat and after an hour you head back inside the venue and see Darnell and Sofia dancing.
<img src= "img/6-Hotwife/Black/dancing2.gif" alt="date" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
It was exciting to see Darnell and Sofia having physical dancing. You decide to leave them alone and kill some more time. You head out and after 30 minutes you get a text from Sofia that they were done dancing and she wanted you to pick them up. You head back to the venue and see Sofia and Darnell both having a spirited conversation and laughing a ton.
@@.Darnell;Darnell: "Damn girl that's the best exercise I've had in years. Looks like you remembered how to dance after all."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Yeah it all came flooding back to me even though it's been a while. You were a pretty good dancing yourself.@@
@@.Darnell;Darnell: "I aim to please."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "I bet you do..."@@
They both see you and Sofia comes over and gives you a hug. Sofia is breathing heavily and sweating a bit so you know she had quite the workout.
@@.John;John: "Have a good time?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "I did! You really should take me dancing more."@@
@@.John;John: "Na you have Darnell for that."@@
All three of you laugh and you take Sofia home. When you do arrive, you ask Sofia how her night was.
@@.John;John: "So...anything interesting happen with Darnell?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Well we danced a lot and had fun but that's really it."@@
@@.John;John: "I'm glad you had fun babe. Did anything else happen or was it just dancing?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Just dancing. But he did press his body into mine when we were dancing and I was able to feel his...size on my ass."@@
@@.John;John: "Wow that's...Are you ok with that?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Yeah. And the end of the day it really was dancing and it was fun, and I think he's...impressive."@@
@@.John;John: "Good to hear babe. So I assume you want to hang out with him more?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Yeah definitely."@@
Sofia smiles, gives you a kiss and hops into the shower to wash off the sweat.
[[Early next week|Darnell Week 2]] <<set $darnell to 0>>@@.John;John: "Hey babe, I think Darnell is a pretty good fit. But I also think he might be TOO experienced for us and I want us to slow down a bit. I think it's better if we find someone else."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "I mean isn't experienced the better?"@@
@@.John;John: "In geneneral yeah but I don't know, I think someone who's more on our level is what you need."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "If you say so John..."@@
Sofia looks a little dissapointed as it seems she was looking forward to spending time with him but she respects your decision and let's you find someone else.
[[You go back to the ad|Hotwife]]Darnell - Week 2
Early the following week Darnell gives Sofia a call and asks if she wants to go out for a drink sometime.
Sofia agrees without asking for your permission.
That Saturday you drive Sofia to a nice bar early in the evening and all three of you meet up.
@@.Darnell;Darnell: "Hey girl, how you doing?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Good! How are you?"@@
@@.Darnell;Darnell: "I'm alright, I'm still pretty sore from last week's dancing. Really starting to feel my age."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "I hear you haha."@@
@@.Darnell;Darnell: "But yeah glad you guys can meet up today. I think we all got good chemistry and you know just wanted to grab a drink."@@
The three of you start drinking and you feel the atmosphere is good. At some point though Sofia heads to the restroom and Darnell starts talking to you.
@@.Darnell;Darnell: "Man you got a great wife. I really like spending time with her. She also got a nice as hell body. When she comes back you mind leaving for an hour or so, I really want to build that bond between me and her you know?"@@
@@.John;John: "Yeah that makes sense, I can do that."@@
Sofia then comes back from the restroom and you decide to leave for a little bit.
@@.John;John: "Hey Sofia this is fun and all but I think you and Darnell should have a little time alone, maybe an hour or so. Is that fine with you?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Of course babe, I think that's a good idea."@@
You then leave and grab a quick bite to eat a couple of blocks away. Though you told Sofia and Darnell that you'd give them an hour, after 30 minutes you begin to feel impatient and curious how things are going.
You get back to the restaurant and see that Sofia and Darnell were smiling, laughing, and getting along pretty well.
[[Do you wait and see what happens?|Darnell Week 2.1a]]
[[Or do you interrupt them?|Darnell Week 2.1b]]Darnell - Week 2
Since the mood was good between them you decide to not say anything and just watch.
<<linkreplace "And soon enough...">>And soon enough...
<img src= "img/6-Hotwife/Black/kissing.gif" alt="date" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
You see Sofia and Darnell kissing. Other than you, Sofia has never kissed let alone made out with another guy before and here she was doing it in public.
You decide to give them their alone time and come back in 30 minutes.
After 30 minutes, you walk in and see Darnell and Sofia just talking. However there has been a change in their body language: Sofia seems more flirty, she's smiling more, she has that look in her eye, and she looks a little flustered.
You walk towards their table and Darnell and Sofia sees you. Darnell just smiles while Sofia looks as if she was just caught doing something bad.
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Baby, uh, how was dinner?"@@
@@.John;John: "It was good, just grabbed a bite a few blocks away but there was a long line. Did you have a nice talk with Darnell?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Mmmhmmm. I think we're good to go now actually."@@
Sofia quickly stands up and walks towards the exit, as if she's embarrased by something.
@@.Darnell;Darnell: "This was good man, Sofia will tell you about it later."@@
You say goodbye to Darnell and join Sofia. On the ride home she was oddly quite until you get home. <<set $darnell to $darnell + 1>>
[[Sofia tells you what happened|Darnell Week 2.2]] <</linkreplace>>Darnell - Week 2
You decided to go and join them instead of wait on the sidelines.
You walk towards their table and Darnell and Sofia sees you. Darnell just smiles while Sofia looks as if she was just caught doing something bad.
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Baby, uh, how was dinner? You got here early."@@
@@.John;John: "It was good, just grabbed a bite a few blocks away but there was a long line. Did you have a nice talk with Darnell?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Mmmhmmm. I think we're good to go now actually."@@
Sofia quickly stands up and walks towards the exit, as if she's embarrased by something.
@@.Darnell;Darnell: "This was good man, cya both later."@@
You say goodbye to Darnell and join Sofia. On the ride home she was oddly quiet until you get home.
[[Sofia tells you what happened|Darnell Week 2.2]]Darnell - Week 2
You arrive home and Sofia was still a little quiet, so you decide to break the ice.
@@.John;John: "So how did it all go...really?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "...It went really well."@@
@@.John;John: "Can you be more specific?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "After..After you left we kept on talking and he told me more about himself. And then he told me more about his experiences with other couples. And then...he got really flirty and said I was the most attractive woman from all the bunch and started caressing my leg. And then he whispered in my ear and told how he was going to fuck me. He got really graphic and I got...turned on."@@
@@.John;John: "What happened next?"@@
<<if $darnell gte 1>>@@.Sofia;Sofia: "After that...we started making out. I'm so sorry John! The mood felt nice and I was turned on and..."@@
<<else>>@@.Sofia;Sofia: "After that I felt like I was going to kiss him and then you walked in. I'm so sorry baby, I know nothing happened but still!<</if>>
Sofia obviously seemed guilty about it so you cut her off.
@@.John;John: "That's completely ok baby! That's what I wanted to happen and you don't have to feel guilty about it at all. In fact I'm happy you got closer to him. Please know you're free to do whatever you want with him. Ok?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Ok baby...I'm glad it's ok with you."@@
You smile, kiss your wife, and cuddle all night.
[[Early next week|Darnell Week 3]]Darnell - Week 3
Early next week Darnell gives Sofia a call and asks if she wanted to go clubbing with him.
Sofia asks for your permission, obviously still feeling a little guilty from last time.
You say yes and the next night you and Sofia get ready to head to the club that Darnell recommended. The entire day Sofia was excited, giddy, and looking forward to meeting up with Darnell. Despite barely knowing him, it seems that Sofia was extremely attracted to Darnell and found him charming. It was almost like one meeting was enough to flip a switch in her brain and was now looking forward to spending time with other guys.
When you and Sofia enter the packed and seedy club you notice Darnell sitting at the bar. As you walk up Darnell checks out Sofia's ass before even greeting the two of you.
<img src= "img/6-Hotwife/Black/club1.jpg" alt="date" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
@@.Darnell;Darnell: "Damn girl that ass barely fits in those shorts. Sit down, we'll grab some shots."@@
For the next 20 minutes all three of you did shots, have drinks, and talked. Darnell flirted with Sofia a lot more and she was obviously very into it.
<img src= "img/6-Hotwife/Black/club2.jpg" alt="date" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
After a good amount of time, and after Sofia and Darnell were obviously drunk Darnell grabbed Sofia's hand and dragged her to the dance floor. Darnell then motions you to stop with his other hand, obviously wanting the alone time with her. You decide to follow his lead and sit at the bar nursing a beer. You see Sofia and Darnell dancing together and after some time you see the dancing getting more... explicit.
<img src= "img/6-Hotwife/Black/club3.gif" alt="date" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
You can almost feel the sexual tension between Sofia and Darnell, but as much as you wanted to see it all, you had to use the restroom for a bit.
You need head over to the bathroom for no longer than 5 minutes. When you get out you take a look around and try to find Sofia and Darnell....but the club was too packed.
<img src= "img/6-Hotwife/Black/club4.gif" alt="date" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
<<linkreplace "Keep looking for Sofia.">>
You spend the next 10 minutes looking through the dance floor, bar, and even bathroom until you were confident they weren't there anymore. You then spot a dimly lit hallway at the back of the club going towards private rooms. Most were empty or were filled with groups of people drinking with their friends. As you approach the last hallway you start hearing some unusual sounds, almost like gagging. You then hear:
Male voice: "You like gagging on that big black cock huh bitch?
Female voice: "mhm"
Male voice: "Tell me you like sucking this big black cock."
Female voice: "I like sucking this big black cock."
Male voice: "Who's do you like better: me or your husbands?"
Female voice: "Yours.."
<img src= "img/6-Hotwife/Black/silhouette1.gif" alt="date" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
At the point you see the silhouette of two people in the room, with one person on their knees sucking a cock. You see the shadowy figure worshipping the one guys cock and gagging to fit the entire thing in her throat. As you watch the figures you realise that their body shapes match Sofia and Darnell's. The reality of the situation then smacks you in the face: Sofia is sucking Darnell's cock in the back of a packed club and enjoying it. After a few more minutes of this, Darnell busts his load on Sofia's face.
<img src= "img/6-Hotwife/Black/silhouette2.gif" alt="date" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
@@.Darnell;Darnell: "So you wanna start round 2 here or do you wanna go back to my place?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Maybe not today? Plus we've been away for too long, John is probably worried about me. Let me get cleaned up and we can head out."@@
@@.Darnell;Darnell: "Aight. But you're walking out like that, cum on your face and tits out."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "oh my god...fine."@@
<<linkreplace "Sofia and Darnell start to walk out.">>Sofia and Darnell start to walk out.
You then walk back and turn the corner while keeping an eye on that booth. You then see Sofia walk out with her tits out and cum on her face.
<img src= "img/6-Hotwife/Black/facial1.webp" alt="date" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
Sofia then pulls her top back on and quickly cleans the cum off her face.
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "I can't believe I did that, what if someone saw me?"@@
@@.Darnell;Darnell: "And what if they did? haha. But yeah lets get back to the bar."@@
You see Sofia and Darnell start walking back so you rush back to the bar and have a seat. Sofia and Darnell finds out, with a sliver of cum still on her face.
@@.John;John: "So how did it go?"@@
@@.Darnell;Darnell: "Pretty good haha, Sofia will tell you all about it."@@
Sofia looked embarrassed but smiled a little. She then tells you she wants to go home and you both head out and take a taxi back.
[[You and Sofia talk about the club|Darnell Week 3.1]] <</linkreplace>> <</linkreplace>>Darnell - Week 3
When you and Sofia get home you ask her about her night.
@@.John;John: "So baby how was it?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "It was...really fun. But I have to tell you something."@@
@@.John;John: "What's up?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "When we were dancing I was really drunk and when he was dancing with me and...starting to touch my body I felt really turned on. He then dragged me away to some room somewhere and we started making out. It was really hot but he tried to take off my clothes and fuck me, but instead...I sucked his dick. Are you mad?"@@
@@.John;John: "Not at all baby, I wish I was there to see it but the important thing is you having fun."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Ok baby, I'm glad you feel fine about it. He also mentioned that he wanted us to go to his place to smoke up? It's not my thing but we can give it a shot?"@@
@@.John;John: "Sure babe we can try it."@@
Sofia gives you a kiss on the cheek and hits the shower to get ready for bed. You then receive a text from Darnell.
@@.Darnell;Darnell: "Yo, she tell you about her night?"@@
@@.John;John: "Yeah"@@
@@.Darnell;Darnell: "Good, she got a great mouth and nice tits, can't wait to get my hands on the rest of her. Btw I invited the both of you to mine. When you all come over I'll create a reason for you to bounce for like...20-30 minutes? The alone time will be good for me and her. Sounds good?"@@
@@.John;John: "Yup sounds great, so you next weekend."@@
Sofia then comes out of the shower and joins you in bed.
[[The next weekend|Darnell Week 4]]@@.John;John: "Mia knows your boundaries and she breached that. That isn't the type of person you should be friends with. In fact I think you should go and make new friends."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Yeah maybe you're right. I like Mia as a friend, but I need to be friends with someone who understands boundaries. Ugh I need new friends. I know Anne and Naomi are super busy all the time, otherwise I'd just spend more time with them."@@
A thought then came across your mind.
@@.John;John: "Well how about meetups?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "What's a meetup?"@@
@@.John;John: "They're basically clubs or groups for like-minded people. Like there's video game meetups, professional meetups, and I think there's a meetup for people who are in their 20's-30's who just want to hang out and do activities."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "The 20's-30's meetup sounds like a good idea actually! What do they do?"@@
@@.John;John: "I was curious about it myself so I looked it up, they just go out and do fun activities in the city. Like bar hopping, hiking, board games, a huge variety of different things. I think we should check it out."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "That sounds fun, let's do that!"@@
[[The next week you go the the meet up|Meetup 1]]Before heading over to the meetup, you look at the "20-30's" meetup page to get a better idea of what the activities are.
You see that they do in fact go on hikes, bar crawling, clubbing, beach visits, indoor activities like board games, and occasional multi-day trips. It's the perfect group for people who just want to go out and do a variety of fun activities.
It's also the perfect way for Sofia to go and make friends.
But this wouldn't be giving Sofia her "freedom" if it was the two of you going all the time. You were going to go and have fun maybe once or twice, and then come up with excuses for why you can't go anymore. BUT you will encourage Sofia to keep going herself.
That way she'll be out in the world making new friends, going out and doing fun activities, all without you there to see what happens. But for the first couple of activities you'll be there with her.
Anyways you see the group has a social mixer in a bar in downtown, so you and Sofia decide to go together.
You arrive at the bar and see that it's super packed.
<img src= "img/7-Freedom/Meetup/bar1.jpg" alt="bar" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
You see a sign towards the back that says "20-30's Meetup." You and Sofia approach the area and someone comes and greets us. There's about 50 people or so part of the group and though there are some women, who are likely just want friends or are with their partners, most are dudes. In this male dominated group you see that a ton of eyes have shifted towards you and Sofia (mostly Sofia).
As you sat down you most of the people around us turned towards us and chatted. They seemed like a friendly enough group of people, but some of them looked at Sofia as if she was meat. Nonetheless we met a ton of people and Sofia had a great time. There wasn't anyone particularly of note but that's reasonable since this was a very casual experience and there wasn't a ton of time to really get to know anyone.
[[After a couple of hours you and Sofia head home|Meetup 1 After]]
<<set $meetup to 0>>@@.John;John: "Well that was fun!"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Yeah it was pretty fun. It's nice to go and meet new people once in a while." @@
@@.John;John: "Great, do you wanna keep going to these?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Yup! I think it'll be a fun experience to go out and make a bunch of new friends."@@
@@.John;John: "That's good to hear because I think the next meetup is actually a hike."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Oh you're so screwed then, you're totally out of shape."@@
@@.John;John: "I'll survive."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "I mean...yeah maybe."@@
@@.John;John: "Alright calm down."@@
Sofia laughs at you and you eventually head to bed. Almost a week later it's the day of the second meetup and today's plan is an early morning hike. You almost never exercise so you're extremely out of shape whereas Sofia will probably tackle this hike quite easily.
Sofia is getting ready for the hike and she's going towards the boring yoga pants she normally wears when working out.
You can let her wear those yoga pants or encourage her to wear something a little sexier, like jean shorts.
What do you do?
[[Let her wear the yoga pants|Meetup 2b]]
[[Encourage her to wear some shorts|Meetup 2a]]As Sofia was going for the yoga pants you told her that it was going to be a really hot day and that is was probably safer to wear some shorts. Sofia seeing the truth in your logic, agrees and puts on shorts instead.
<img src= "img/7-Freedom/Meetup/Hiking2.jpg" alt="bar" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
She looked extremely sexy in her shorts and you knew the people at the meetup, especially the dudes, were going to like it.
You and Sofia go to the meetup spot and chat with a few people there. Since this was an early morning hike, there were only about 20-25 people this time around.
The hike starts and you and Sofia go up the trail and take some people on the way. Faces are starting to look a little familiar but for the moment so one is interesting enough to name yet.
You enjoy the view of your wife's ass in jean shorts so you start to walk a little slower to enjoy the view. Eventually you and Sofia ended up at the back of the pack. Halfway through Sofia sees a nice view of the ocean and takes a moment to enjoy it.
<<linkreplace "You enjoy the view.">>You enjoy the view.
<img src= "img/7-Freedom/Meetup/Hiking3.gif" alt="bar" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
Initially you thought you were at the back but you notice there were a few people behind you two. A few dudes you were now admiring Sofia as you were. You decide to give them a little bit of a show and smack her ass and tell her to get a move on.
You take a look back and you see the small group smiling and nodding their heads.
It takes some time, but you get to the top of the trail with the other people, you all take a nice photo, and Sofia chats some more with some of the people there. Nothing exciting, but it's nice to see Sofia be a bit more social.
After a nice break you all head down, you and Sofia head home, and you call it a day.
[[When you get home|Meetup 2 After]]
<</linkreplace>>As Sofia puts on the yoga pants you decide to say nothing and get ready as well.
<img src= "img/7-Freedom/Meetup/Hiking1.jpg" alt="bar" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
Though she was wearing something that wasn't super exciting, she looks sexy in just about anything. Also the point of this was to get Sofia comfortable enough to go out into the world and make friends and experience new things.
You and Sofia go to the meetup spot and chat with a few people there. Since this was an early morning hike, there were only about 20-25 people this time around.
The hike starts and you and Sofia go up the trail and talk to some people on the way. Faces are starting to look a little familiar but for the moment so one is interesting enough to name yet.
You get to the top of the trail with other people, you all take a nice photo, and Sofia chats some more with some of the people there. Nothing exciting, but it's nice to see Sofia be a bit more social.
After a nice break you all head down, you and Sofia head home, and you call it a day.
[[When you get home|Meetup 2 After]]
<<set $meetup to $meetup + 1>>When you and Sofia head home you're still out of breath and exhausted because you don't really do exercise.
Sofia on the other hand looked fine and almost glistened from the small amount of sweat. After you and Sofia take a shower you make yourselves a nice breakfast and relax for the day.
At this point Sofia is more comfortable going out and making new friends. Soon you'll stop going to these meetups and have Sofia go on her own. That way she can go out and "experience the world" and you can sit back and enjoy what (if anything) happens.
You'll plan to go to one more meetup with Sofia and try and find an excuse for her to go without you.
[[The next week.|Meetup 3]]
You aren't super comfortable with giving out Sofia's information to a stranger on the internet and decide that you need to approach this differently.
You figure that you laid out a bunch of groundwork with the sex deprivation and maybe instead of finding someone for her, you could just let her out into the wild and see what happens.
Since her daily routine is work, you, occasionally spend time with friends, you figure she needs to be in a completely new setting in order for her to be tempted to cheat. You do some research and come up on a site called ""
Meetup is a site where groups with similar interests come together and do whatever activity. You see that there's a few in the area but a "20-30's social meetup" is what caught your eye. At a glance it was a good way for people to make friends or hopefully in Sofia's case "friends." You decide to bring it up to her.
One evening after work....
@@.John;John: "Hey babe have you ever heard of a meetup before?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "What's a meetup?"@@
@@.John;John: "They're basically clubs or groups for like-minded people. Like there's video game meetups, professional meetups, and I think there's a meetup for people who are in their 20's-30's who just want to hang out and do activities. I think life's been a bit boring and I think we should just go out and make new friends. What do you think?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "The 20's-30's meetup sounds like a good idea actually! What do they do?"@@
@@.John;John: "I was curious about it myself so I looked it up, they just go out and do fun activities in the city. Like bar hopping, hiking, board games, a huge variety of different things. I think we should check it out."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "That sounds fun, let's do that!"@@
[[The next week you go the the meet up|Meetup 1]]One evening after Sofia comes home from work you decide to bring up the photoshoot idea and see what she has to say.
You also realize that if you push her too hard she may reject this path completely so you try to approach the converstation with tact.
@@.John;John: "Sofia"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "John" @@
She says playfully.
@@.John;John: "I had something I wanted to run by you."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Oh god what is it now."@@
@@.John;John: "Well I was wondering if we could go on a walk....and you wear the short jeans I bought you."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "You can't expect me to wear that in public, my ass is in full view! Absolutely not!"@@
@@.John;John: "Well it's almost been kind of a fantasy of mine to see my beautiful wife walking around and showing her...assets."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "John you know what my answer is to that. It was fun walking around and have you touch me a little but that's when we were alone. I don't show off to strangers."@@
@@.John;John: "So you're fine with it if we were alone in public?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Yeah that would be fine, but I still don't want to wear the shorts."@@
@@.John;John: "I love seeing you wear those shorts but it doesn't have to be that...I could buy you a nice dress or a skirt or something."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "So you would buy me a dress or skirt and I would be in public, but alone? I don't follow."@@
@@.John;John: "OK picture it. I buy you something nice and we would drive somewhere quiet and I would take pictures of you."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "That could work, but that doesn't sound fun? I mean I wear nice dresses and skirts occasionally anyways."@@
@@.John;John: "Here's the exciting part..."@@
Sofia looks at you skeptically.
@@.John;John: "We can do a photoshoot, because you know I like taking pictures of you, and you can tease me. You won't be naked or anything you would just show off to me a little."@@
Sofia takes a moment to think about it and says:
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Maybe we could do that. As long as no one sees me and you're not asking me to be buck naked or anything, then yeah sure. Why not."@@
You excitedly kiss Sofia and start to think about what to get her.
A common sales tactic: you ask for the bigger thing you know won't sell (like asking her to wear jean shorts in public), so when you ask for the thing you ACTUALLY want (like a photoshoot), it has a much higher chance of getting sold.
[[You go shopping for Sofia's clothes]]That night you go online shopping and look for something that is sexy and still conservative enough for Sofia to wear.
You find a nice skirt and a nice dress.
Which one do you get?
[[The skirt]] or the [[short dress]]?@@.John;John: "Take off your jeans, bend over, and spread your ass."@@
Sofia stands ups and takes off her jean shorts. You face her away from the guy in the alley and bend her over.
<img src= "img/4-Exhibitionism/ass_spread.gif" alt="jshorts" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
Sofia was oblivious to the guy in the alley, but for the first time she was showing her holes to someone other than you. You see the guy grabbing his dick, who then pulls out a phone and takes a photo of Sofia's naked holes.
He takes a few photos of her but when he tries to get closer for a better shot he stumbles on something and makes a loud noice.
At that moment Sofia looks up sees the guy and panics. She quickly puts on her underwear, partially, and in the panic takes you and runs off, your wifes ass in full view.
<img src= "img/4-Exhibitionism/jshorts10.jpg" alt="jshorts" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
Once you two get back to the car you can see how furious Sofia was.
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "What the hell is wrong with you? Why didn't you say anything when you saw the guy?"@@
@@.John;John: "I didn't see him at all...he just sort of snuck up."@@
Sofia seemed a little less angry as she believed you.
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Fine, but Jesus christ he saw me naked!!! I'm never doing this again"@@
You then drive home, collapse on the couch, and breath a sigh of relief.
The rest of the weekend Sofia was angry and didn't talk to you much, and continued that way for the rest of the week.
[[You think about what to do next|Show off next]]
<<set $exposed to $exposed +1 >>As hot is it would be for another guy to see Sofia naked (more than he already has) you figure that Sofia would absolutely flip off if she knew that guy was there.
So you tell Sofia you wanna take this back home and escort her out of the alley.
<img src= "img/4-Exhibitionism/jshorts10.jpg" alt="jshorts" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
You two get back to the car, Sofia starts to kiss you, and you eventually drive back home.
[[You think about what to do next|Show off next]]<<if $exposed gte 1>> Over the week your wife expressed a variety of emotions from having another man see her naked: anger, lust, frustration, and finally acceptance. And from acceptance, came excitement. After several lengthy conversations, you and your wife decide to scale back the public play a little and stick to walking around in revealing clothes.
<<else>> You and Sofia had a great time. She showed off her holes in public and even gave you a blowjob. It was a big step forward for Sofia but afterwards she felt a little uncomfortable with what she just did. You felt like you pushed things a little too far too quickly and you both decided it was best to stick to wearing more revealing clothes.
Though, all in all you'd call that a win. Especially considering that Sofia was now comfortable wearing more revealing clothes in public.
[[Over the next few weeks|Revealing clothes]]The next day you ask Sofia if she would be fine with posing in front of the camera.
@@.John;John: "How babe, how was work?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "It was good baby, how was work for you?"@@
@@.John;John: "Same old same old...Anyways I wanted to ask you...You know that pink underwear you got a while back? Do you mind wearing it?"@@
Sofia looks at you with a confused look.
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Um...why?"@@
You realize that though Sofia is fine posing in front of a camera, you feel that this request was rushed and came out of nowhere. Despite that, you still want to make it happen.
@@.John;John: "Ah well...umm...I really missed you and I like seeing photos of you when you're at work."@@
It was a flimsy excuse but it's all you had.
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "That's sweet, but you already have photos of me right?"@@
@@.John;John: "Well I' I need some more variety if you know..."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "AH you want more pics for the wank bank. Got it. I mean you could just ask babe you don't have to be awkward as hell about it haha."@@
Once again you truly realize how lucky you are to have married Sofia.
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Just give me a minute and I'll put it on."@@
After a few minutes Sofia comes out in her pink underwear and you snap a few photos.
<img src= "img/3-Webslut/pink1un.jpg" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
<img src= "img/3-Webslut/pink2un.jpg" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
<img src= "img/3-Webslut/pink3un.jpg" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
Before you direct Sofia to take the rest off she decides to call it a night.
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "I'm good for today babe. That should be enough for the wank bank."@@
As Sofia is putting on her clothes you can either call it or tease that it's a shame only you're seeing these.
[[Call it a day]]
[[Tease Sofia]]You log in and you see that bill is already online.
After a couple of minutes you message him and let him know you're online as well.
@@.John;John: "Hey bill how's it going?"@@
@@.Bill;Bill: "I'm doing alright man, how about you?"@@
@@.John;John: "Can't complain. I actually got those pics you wanted btw."@@
@@.Bill;Bill: "Well shit, let's see them."@@
You send the pics over and after a short silence.
@@.Bill;Bill: "Did you go and take these just for me?"@@
@@.John;John: "Yup."@@
@@.Bill;Bill: "I'm glad you got these over but they're pretty boring. I usually don't put in the effort to interact with pics like these but you've sent over good stuff in the past and I'm sure you will in the future. Give me a few minutes and I'll censor these and post them."@@
After about 5 minutes you start seeing the pics show up in chat.
<img src= "img/3-Webslut/pink1bill.jpg" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
<img src= "img/3-Webslut/pink2bill.jpg" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
<img src= "img/3-Webslut/pink3bill.jpg" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
@@.Bill;Bill in chat: "Alright Sofia's cuck decided to have a little photoshoot for his wife, just for us. I know these are a little tame, but I'm sure he can do better next time. Oh and be sure to thank him too."@@
You felt a little dissapointed that these weren't good enough for Bill and only got a mild amount of chatter in chat, but it happens.
@@.Bill;Bill: "Hey cuck, thanks for sending these... really. But it seems you might need some help getting better pictures. So I'll help you. Next time I want to see photos of Sofia wearing actual sexy lingerie. You can order and buy these.@@
He sends over a link to an ecom site with skimpy looking lingerie.
@@.Bill;Bill: "When you take these photos make sure you get some good shots of her holes, alright?"@@
@@.John;John: "Got it."@@
@@.Bill;Bill: "Great, I'll give you a week."@@
You then log off, order the lingerie in Sofia's size, and try to figure out how you're going to get her to wear it.
[[The skimpy lingerie arrives]]A few days later the lingerie arrives and you wonder how you're going to get Sofia to wear it. You decide to "prep" Sofia a little bit before bringing out the lingerie.
Sofia comes home from work and you immediately give her a kiss and a lot of affection.
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Oh well this is a nice surprise."@@
@@.John;John: "Just thought I'd show you some love."@@
While Sofia is settling down you grab a couple of glasses and pour each other some wine.
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "And the surprises keep coming."@@
Sofia takes the glass and you two start drinking. The both sit down, talk, and you try to get her into as good a mood as possible. Once she finishes her first glass, you pour her another, and then another. After three glasses of wine Sofia is tipsy and in a good mood. Now is the time to show her the new lingerie you...well Bill, got for her.
@@.John;John: "Hey Sofia, I have another surprise for you by the way."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Another! You're really treating me today."@@
You smile and get the new lingerie from the bedroom. You show it to Sofia and she isn't as repulsed by it as you thought.
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Well this is something. You sure it's a present for me and not just you?"@@
@@.John;John: "It's a present for the both of us! Do you like it?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "I mean it's barely a piece of cloth, but sure it's nice I guess."@@
@@.John;John: "Do you...want to put it one?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Since you've been so nice today, sure. I'll put it on."@@
Sofia heads to the bedroom to change and she walks out wearing her sexy lingerie.
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "I'm a little tired today though so do you mind making this quick?"@@
Realizing you don't have a ton of time you direct Sofia to pose erotically and take a couple of quick shots before she calls it.
<img src= "img/3-Webslut/sidespread1un.jpg" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
<img src= "img/3-Webslut/spreadlegs2un.jpg" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
After taking the second picture Sofia walks over, gives you a kiss, and heads to the shower.
Seeing an opportunity for another pic you walk in while she's showering and get another shot.
<img src= "img/3-Webslut/shower1un.jpg" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
When Sofia comes out she heads to bed.
[[You can either go to sleep yourself]]
[[Tease her a little more about other people seeing her naked]]@@.John;John: "These are great baby, I'm so lucky to have you."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Yes. Yes you are."@@
You and Sofia chill for the rest of the night and when Sofia heads to bed you head to the office.
Content that you got something for Bill you log into the chat site.
[[You see Bill is already online]]@@.John;John: "These photos are amazing baby."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "They better be. I'm not gonna pose in front of a camera for mediocre photos. You got my good side right? haha"@@
@@.John;John: "It's almost a shame I'm the only one seeing these."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "What, you want me to be a model or something? Walk down a runway?"@@
@@.John;John: "I'm not sure about the walkway but you'd be a great model."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Aww thank you baby."@@
Sofia gives you a kiss and you two chill for the rest of the night. When Sofia heads to bed you head to the office.
Content that you got something for Bill you log into the chat site.
[[You see Bill is already online]] <<set $online to $online +1>>You figured you got the shots you needed and the whole point of this was sharing them without Sofia finding out. You didn't want to risk her finding out about your sick perverted hobby so you decided against teasing her about it.
Plus, you were exhausted yourself and a little tipsy so you decide to go to sleep and call it.
[[Tomorrow night you log into chat again]]As you lay in bed next to Sofia you decide to tease her about the photos a little.
@@.John;John: "Hey babe?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "hm?"@@ Sofia says half asleep.
@@.John;John: "You should be a pornstar."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Yeah I'm getting all this practice I may as well be."@@
@@.John;John: "Seriously, think about it. You're beautiful, sexy, and I'm sure a TON of guys would love to see you naked."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Yeah I'll be the face of pornhub."@@ Sofia, half asleep, says jokingly.
@@.John;John: "I'm being serious. You should do some type of modelling work or something, you'll do really well."@@
Sofia yawns.
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "I assume you're still tipsy and making weird jokes, but in case you aren't you know that would neverrrr happen."@@
@@.John;John: "Aw too late for jokes? Fine Fine."@@
You drift off to sleep.
[[Tomorrow night you log into chat again]] <<set $online to $online +1>>hypno sofia on your own
-learn how to do hypnosis
-sofia flash tits
-sofia pose for you
-sofia walk around in sexier clothes
-sofia flashes strangers
-sofia lets strangers touch her
-sofia sucks cock
-sofia fucks strangers
You decide that you still want Sofia to be hypnotized, but you want to be the one to do it.
Not having any idea where to start, and knowing Mike wouldn't help you (for obvious reasons), to decide to google it. You doubt hypnosis is some lost art known by a few and that materials for it can just be found online. And to your luck, it is. You find a ton of articles and books on hypnosis and you start skimming through them. A lot of the materials were quite shit, but you know what successful hpynosis looks like as you've seen Mike do it.
You skim through the materials, throw out the stuff that ISN'T what Mike was doing, and you're left with materials that DO show you how to hypnotize someone.
You learn how to control the tone of your voice, how much a person can take psychologically, and about the specific lighting equipment that you need to help a person "lower their psychological guard."
After ordering the proper equipment and taking a few weeks to learn how to do hypnosis, you feel like you're ready to try it on a real person.
[[Figure out who to practice on]]You feel as if you've learned enough about hypnosis to actually try it. That being said you don't want to practice on Sofia since you don't want to screw up and fry her brain.
So you decide you need a guinea pig. You can't use your own friends and family since you actually care about them but you don't think finding a stranger is going to work either. You need an acquintance that would agree to this, who's wellbeing you don't give a shit about.
You thought of Jason.
Previously, your neighbours were a lovely elderly couple that got along well with you and Sofia. Unfortunately a couple years back the wife passed and a year after that the husband did as well. Their children weren't around so their dipshit grandson, Jason, inherited their property and became your next door neighbour.
Though Jason inherited a beautiful home and a nice chunk of change, he's a loser. He's 21 years old, he's not going to college, he's not working, you've never seen him have friends over, and sits on his ass and plays video games all day. Though he is in fact a loser, he's a nice guy. Whenever he sees me and Sofia in the driveway, especially Sofia, he tries to strike up a conversation and get along with us. He especially likes to talk to Sofia and eye fucks her whenever he sees her.
With that in mind you thought that Jason would be the best guinea pig for hypnosis. If it works, then it works and you may have an assistant to help with Sofia's training.
If something goes wrong...well it's not like he's using his brain anyways.
[[You decide to talk to Jason]]Later that week you and Sofia pull up to the driveaway and start taking some groceries out of the car. You see Jason in his front yard trying to water and take care of the plants that his grandmother once cared for. The plants look kind of dead, but at least he's trying.
Jason sees you and walks over and tries to start a conversation but Sofia smiles and says that she needs to bring in the groceries. Though Sofia is nicer in her interactions that you are, she too thinks very little of Jason. But seeing the opportunity, you strike up a converation with Jason on your driveway while helping carry in the groceries.
@@.John;John: "Hey bud, it's been a while, how's it going?"@@
@@.Jason;Jason: "Great! A new update just came in for COD and the game has new skins and weapons."@@
Jason went on about gaming, oblivous to how the other person feels about the subject.
@@.Jason;Jason: "People are saying new COD map isn't great but a lot of people said that about Verdansk and now they wish Verdansk was back..."@@
@@.John;John: "Hey bud that sounds cool and all but I need to help Sofia with the rest of these groceries. But you know what? Let's game later tonight, you got another controller?"@@
Jason surprised that anyone wanted to hang out with him, emphatically said yes and you two agree on a time later that night.
As you walk in, you see Sofia standing near the door. She starts to laugh at you.
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Fun conversation? haha"@@
@@.John;John: "Jesus christ that kid needs to learn to shut up. He doesn't seem like a bad guy though and I think it's time to get better acquainted with our neighbour. So I'm gonna hang out with him later tonight."@@
Sofia starts to laugh even louder.
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Have fun with that! Maybe he'll pick up some social skills."@@
@@.John;John: "Yeah maybe haha. But it'll be fun to game again. Haven't touched a console since college."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Aww you're making a new friend."@@
@@.John;John: "Alright calm down."@@
You and Sofia put away the rest of the groceries and soon enough it was time to hang out with Jason.
[[Hang out with Jason]]When it was time to meet up with Jason, you take a six pack from the fridge and head over to his place.
You knock on Jason's door, he greets you, and you walk in. The place was a bit of a mess, but it wasn't as bad as you expected.
You and Jason then sit on the couch, start playing some generic co-op shooter and a drink a couple of beers. Jason was mostly talking about gaming, his primary if not only interest. You try to talk to him about other things and though he didn't have anything else really going for him, he didn't seem like the complete loser you thought he was. And you did think he was a nice guy.
But still a loser.
A loser who you had an ounce more respect towards but that didn't deter you from doing what you came here to do.
@@.John;John: "So Jason, you have any other interesting hobbies or projects you're working on?"@@
@@.Jason;Jason: "Nah. At the moment I'm just trying to figure my life out, but I'll get to it eventually. How about you?"@@
@@.John;John: "Well I uh...I saw this vegas show a while back and it was this guy just hypnotizing people in the audience. It looked real and I thought maybe it would be a cool hobby to pick up. So I've been learning how to hypnotize people."@@
@@.Jason;Jason: "Woah, are you going to be a vegas performer now or something?"@@
@@.John;John: "No no, it's just a hobby. It's actually why I came over today I've been wanting to try it out on somebody and thought I...could ask you?"@@
Jason gives you a confused look and responds:
@@.Jason;Jason: "Yeah man that's...really random dude. I don't know about that. Why not ask Sofia, I'm sure she'll help you or something."@@
Jason gets back into the game, dropping the conversation from his side. Though he is a loser, he's not a COMPLETE loser and knows when to say no when needed.
@@.John;John: "Well I thought about that but I didn't want to try it on Sofia until I knew I had it down."@@
@@.Jason;Jason: "This conversation is pretty weird dude, I'm cool to hang but I'd prefer if we just focused on the game."@@
You and Jason get back to the game while you reflect on the conversation. It is weird that you'd ask an almost stranger to "hypnotize" them and Jason is in the right for calling that out. After 30 more minutes of gaming, you decide to be more honest with Jason and see how it pans out.
@@.John;John: "Look man, I'll level with you. I love my wife a lot but our lives are kind of boring. I want to do this whole hypnosis thing so I can help her be"@@
Jason, trying to engage in the conversation but obviously not interested, responds.
@@.Jason;Jason: "You can just play games with her or something. I don't think you need hypnosis for her to be more fun."@@
Realizing he still isn't biting, you lay your cards on the table.
@@.John;John: "Look man I want Sofia to be sexier, sluttier, and all of that. And I've seen enough hypnosis to know it can be done. So I can practice on you, and if that works I can get to work on her. And I'm sure you'd appreciate a sluttier Sofia."@@
It was at that point that Jason actually looked interested.
@@.Jason;Jason: "How would I appreciate that?"@@
@@.John;John: "I can get her to talk to you more, or wear revealing clothes or something. Maybe she can show you her tits or something."@@
Jason puts down the controller and says:
@@.Jason;Jason: "Seriously?! That'd be awesome! If that's the case, yeah man sign me up."@@
@@.John;John: "Great, I'll bring my gear tomorrow and we can test it out."@@
@@.Jason;Jason: "Fuck yeah dude, let's do it!"@@
You and Jason finish up gaming and the next day you go back to his place.
[[Practice Hypnosis on Jason]]The next night you head back to Jason's place with all your equipment.
@@.Jason;Jason: " is all of this going to work?"@@
@@.John;John: "Well its relatively simple. I'm going to flash these lights, I'm going to swing this watch, and then I'm going to ask you to do or say something, repeatedly."@@
@@.Jason;Jason: "Is that all?"@@
@@.John;John: "Yup that should be it, so let's start."@@
You turn on the light machine and you start swinging the pocketwatch. You then say: "You'll tell me how you feel about Sofia." Jason is obviously conscious and not at all hypnotized so he has a confused expression on his face. For several minutes you keep repeating the same phrase and for a while, nothing happens. You then focus more on the tone of your voice and after a couple of minutes, Jason starts to look less focused and more dazed. You continue on for 10 more minutes just to be sure and eventually wind down the machine.
@@.John;John: "So do you feel about Sofia?"@@
@@.Jason;Jason: "Sofia is extremely beautiful and I want to fuck her or at least see her naked."@@
Jason then snaps back to reality.
@@.Jason;Jason: "Woah, why did I say that?"@@
@@.John;John: "It looks like it works. I'll see what I can do about Sofia, just hold tight for a while. And thanks for the help."@@
Jason cracks a half smile as you pack up and leave his place.
[[Now it's time to test hypnosis on Sofia]]When you got home you reflect on your own success. You were giddy that you got it to work and were excited to use it on Sofia. Jason was a good guinea pig and he obviously seems to want Sofia. Though his role was test subject you forsee him being a good person for Sofia to practice on.
For example, when you hypnotize Sofia and ask her to do tasks, you feel that Jason would be a good person to fulfill those tasks on. You eventually want Sofia to be your slut that you can perfectly control and have her do ANYTHING you want her to do, and her interacting with Jason more is a good start for that.
Later that week during dinner you decide to talk to Sofia about the hypnosis.
@@.John;John: "So babe, how was your week?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "It was fine, but I'm feeling stressed out again. I kind of wish we could see Mike again."@@
@@.John;John: "There's no need. I've actually been learning how to do hypnosis on my own and I think I can help you with your...stress issue."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Really?! That'd be great baby."@@
@@.John;John: "Yup, we can try it after dinner."@@
After you and Sofia finish up dinner you bring out your gear and sit Sofia down. You figure that you're still new to this so you'd try and keep thing simple for Sofia.
@@.John;John: "Look at the watch while it swings and listen to the sound of my voice. Ok?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Mhm"@@
@@.John;John: "You will feel less stressed...You will feel less stressed...You will feel less stressed."@@
You repeat the same phrase over and over until you were sure it worked.
Sofia looked dazed, as she did with her sessions with Mike, but you don't think anything is wrong. The only thing to do is to wait and see how she feels the next day.
[[See if the hypnosis worked]] <<set $jason to 0>>Week 1
[[Check Hypnosis Status|Independent Hypnosis Status]]
The next morning you wake up to Sofia getting ready.
<img src= "img/9-Hypnosis/happy1.jpg" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
She looks stressfree and happy, just like when she was being hypnotized by Mike.
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Good morning baby. I'm going to go make breakfast for us, ok?"@@
She gives you a kiss and happily walks away. You feel that the hypnosis has worked and spend the week reinforcing the "stress free" programming.
[[After the first week of hypnosis]] Week 2
[[Check Hypnosis Status|Independent Hypnosis Status]]
During that first week you continue to reinforce "stress-free" programming. It was now Sunday evening and you decide that the testing was over and that you're going to try something new.
Remembering the solid that Jason did you, and wanting to take the first concrete steps in making Sofia sluttier, you realize what you're going to do next.
That Monday evening Sofia sat in the chair, ready for her hypnosis session. You turn on the lights, swing the pocket watch, and wait until she has that dazed look on her face.
@@.John;John: "You will be nicer to Jason and you're fine wearing revealing clothes around him."@@
Sofia flinched for a moment, but switched back to her dazed look. You continue with the session for another 20 minutes and then wind down the machine.
@@.Sofia;Sofia: " the...session over?"@@
@@.John;John: "Yeah it is babe, I'll walk you to bed since you seem a little tired."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Thank you..."@@
[[Week 2 continues]] Week 2 <<set $jason to $jason + 1>>
[[Check Hypnosis Status|Independent Hypnosis Status]]
Sofia walked around the house as usual and you felt that nothing had changed with her. One day however, Sofia pulls up to the driveaway and she notices that Jason was on his front lawn.
She then decided to start a conversation with him...which lasted for about 20 minutes. The entire time she was smiling, occasionally, laughing, and very friendly.
When Sofia comes back inside she gives you a kiss and puts something more comfortable on.
<img src= "img/9-Hypnosis/underwear1.jpg" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
At this moment you realize that this was a great opportunity to test out her programming.
@@.John;John: "Oh btw, Jason said he needed sugar for cooking. Would you mind giving it to him, I hadn't had a chance to."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Ugh...fine. And I just changed too!"@@
Instead of changing to outdoor clothes, Sofia put on some sandals, walked out in her underwear and gave Jason the sugar. He seemed shocked when Sofia walked towards him in her underwear and confused he she handed him the sugar and walked back.
Sofia comes inside and heads to the couch to relax.
You then receive a text from Jason.
@@.Jason;Jason (text): "Hey man, what was that?! Sofia just came over in her underwear."@@
@@.John;John (text): "That was a test and it looked like it worked."@@
@@.Jason;Jason (text): "Woah so she's hypnotized?"@@
@@.John;John (text): "Yeah I told her to be nicer to you and that she was fine wearing revealing clothing around you."@@
@@.Jason;Jason (text): "Dude that's sick."@@
@@.John;John (text): "I know. Anyways, you wanna come and chill on Saturday?"@@
@@.Jason;Jason (text): "Uh, sure."@@
@@.John;John (text): "Great see you then."@@
Seeing how the programming did in fact work, you decide to test the limits of it a little.
[[Jason comes over on Saturday]]Hypnosis Status
Week 1: "You will feel less stressed"
<<if $jason gte 1>>Week 2: "You will be nicer to Jason and you're fine wearing revealing clothes around him." <</if>>
<<if $jason gte 2>>Week 3: "When I say "show tits", you'll show your tits to Jason." <</if>>
<<if $jason gte 3>>Week 4: "When I say "pose," you'll pose in any way Jason asks you to."<</if>>
<<link "Return" `previous()`>><</link>>Week 2
[[Check Hypnosis Status|Independent Hypnosis Status]]
It's now Saturday and you're anticipating you, Sofia, and Jason all hanging out. For the occasion, you bought Sofia a really nice bikini she wouldn't dare show anyone else...normally.
While Sofia is in the bedroom getting ready, Jason knocks on the door.
@@.Jason;Jason: "Hey's it going."@@
Jason was obviously nervous.
@@.John;John: "Good man! Glad you can come over."@@
You then lower your voice.
@@.John;John: "Alright so today I'm going to test Sofia out a little. Just be cool and talk to her normally. Ok?"@@
@@.Jason;Jason: "uh yeah, got it man."@@
You walk Jason to the back towards the pool and chill there.
@@.Jason;Jason: "So what are we doing today?"@@
@@.John;John: "We're all going to chill, enjoy the sun, and that's it. Got it?"@@
@@.Jason;Jason: "Oh yeah that's simple enough."@@
It was at that moment that Sofia walked out of the house in her bikini.
<img src= "img/9-Hypnosis/pool1.gif" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
Jason sat there speachless.
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Oh hey Jason, I didn't know you were joining us."@@
@@.Jason;Jason: "I...uh..."@@
Jason continued to fumble his words, and for good reason.
Sofia lounged around and talked to Jason as if he was not only a friend, but a friend she felt comfortable being around.
Sofia also wasn't aware of how she appeared and how inappropriate she looked.
<img src= "img/9-Hypnosis/pool2.gif" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
After a while Jason was able to talk like an actual adult and not a stuttering idiot and you all continued to chill for a couple of hours. Eventually Sofia called it a day and headed back inside.
@@.Jason;Jason: "Holy shit man she's so sexy! And I've never seen her like that's next?"@@
@@.John;John: "I'll figure it out, but you can head home for now."@@
[[That Sunday you thought about what would be next for Sofia]]Week 3
[[Check Hypnosis Status|Independent Hypnosis Status]]
Sunday evening right after dinner you sit at your desk and think about how you'll proceed with Sofia next.
Reflecting back on the last few weeks, Sofia has taken to the hypnosis pretty well despite you being a beginner. You figure it's because she's had experience with it before.
Sofia's behaviour has been changed, she's wore revealing clothes around someone who wasn't you, and you feel that she's ready for the next step.
As well as the hypnosis has been going you still want to take gradual steps to make sure she doesn't push back against her programming. You think of the next good step and ask Sofia to come in for her sessions.
Sofia comes to your office and sits on the chair, awaiting the next session. You turn on the machine and get to work.
@@.John;John: "When I say "show tits", you'll show your tits to Jason."@@
As you say the phrase, Sofia flinches, obviously trying to fight back the programming. You continue repeating the phrase until she eventually goes back to a dazed state.
You wind down the machine, escort Sofia to bed, and wait for a good time during the week to "activate" her.
[[Later that week]]Week 3 <<set $jason to $jason +1>>
[[Check Hypnosis Status|Independent Hypnosis Status]]
With Sofia's new programming set, you wait for the perfect opportunity to try it out. For a few days you haven't seen Jason so you decide to be proactive and invite him over for dinner.
@@.John;John (text): "Hey man, wanna come over for dinner tonight?"@@
@@.Jason;Jason (text): "That would be awesome! Should I bring anything?"@@
Though the text was straightforward and short you could sense his enthusiasm coming from it.
@@.John;John (text): "No it's fine. Just come over in a couple of hours. Oh and btw, I'll be testing Sofia's new programming."@@
@@.Jason;Jason (text): "Wow uh. Do I need to do anything when I'm there?"@@
@@.John;John (text): "No, just watch"@@
After a couple of hours Jason comes over for dinner.
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Hey Jason, joining us for dinner today?"@@
@@.Jason;Jason: "Yeah um, John invited me over."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Well that's good, I made more than enough food anyways so it's all fine."@@
You, Jason, and Sofia all sit around the table and eat dinner. Jason was initially nervous and didn't talk much, anticipating some type of sexy reveal. But after a bit of time he thought this was just a normal dinner. He was obviously wrong.
Sensing that the mood was right and everyone was relaxed, you turn to Sofia and say:
@@.John;John: "Hey Sofia"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Hmm?"@@
@@.John;John: "Show tits."@@
At that moment Sofia touches her top and freezes, feeling conflicted about the request she stalls.
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "John I don't know if that's..."@@
You then whisper in her ear and say:
@@.John;John (whisper): "Don't worry it's just a harmless prank."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Oh right...of course."@@
It was at that moment that Sofia started teasing Jason with her tits.
<img src= "img/9-Hypnosis/jasontits1.gif" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
Jason sat there speechless as he saw Sofia's tits for the first time.
@@.Jason;Jason: "I uhh..."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia (laughing): "Aww come on it's just a prank, relax"@@
@@.Jason;Jason: "Right..right."@@
Sofia adjusts her shirt and you all get back to eating dinner. Once you're all done Jason heads back home and you and Sofia head to bed.
[[That night]]Week 3
[[Check Hypnosis Status|Independent Hypnosis Status]]
While you were laying in bed with Sofia, half asleep, you receive a text from Jason.
@@.Jason;Jason (text): "Holy shit dude I can't believe your wife showed me her tits."@@
@@.John;John (text): "Yeah."@@ You respond, still half asleep.
@@.Jason;Jason (text): "I mean your wife is do hot and I'm super lucky you're showing her off to me."@@
@@.John;John (text): "np."@@ You were happy to give the dude a visual treat, but he's getting a little annoying.
@@.Jason;Jason (text): "hey man...can I touch her tits next time?"@@
You awake up a little.
@@.John;John (text): "Possibly, come by this Saturday and we can test it. Right now I only have her at "show her tits" but we can see how she responds."@@
@@.Jason;Jason (text): "Ok dude see you Saturday!"@@
You go back to sleep and after a couple of days it was Saturday.
[[That Saturday Afternoon]]Week 3
[[Check Hypnosis Status|Independent Hypnosis Status]]
It's Saturday afternoon and you're expecting to Jason to be over any minute. Today you're going to see how Sofia reacts to Jason grabbing her tits. The request isn't far from what Sofia can handle, so it'll be a good test.
@@.John;John: "Hey babe, Jason is coming over in a little bit for a drink."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Sounds good, he's a nice guy."@@
@@.John;John: "Actually I thought it would be fun if we pranked him a little, you know as a joke."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "What do you mean?"@@
@@.John;John: "Well I think you should sit on the couch with a nice bikini to tease him a little."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "I don't understand how that's a prank?"@@
@@.John;John: "He'll be totally flustered and uncomfortable."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "AHH yeah I see. Yeah that'll be funny lol."@@
Sofia goes and puts on her nicest (sexiest) bikini and waits on the couch. After a few minutes the doorbell rings and you let Jason in.
@@.Jason;Jason: "Hey man, is Sofia really going to let me grab her tits today?"@@ He says without saying hello.
@@.John;John: "Yeah maybe, we'll see."@@
You walk Jason to the living room where he sees Sofia sitting on the couch in a sexy bikini.
<img src= "img/9-Hypnosis/jasontits2.gif" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
Jason stands there speechless and says nothing, he just stares at Sofia. Sofia notices Jason walking in and decides to tease him a little.
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Hey Jason! I wasn't expecting you. How are you?"@@
She tries to have a normal conversation with Jason knowing he feels a little awkward with this situation.
<img src= "img/9-Hypnosis/jasontits3.gif" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
@@.Jason;Jason: "I"@@
Feeling a little bad for Jason to decide to say the code word.
@@.John;John: "Show tits."@@
Sofia then spaces out a little and drops her teasing demeanor.
@@.John;John: "Sorry about that man, she just wanted to tease you a little."@@
A few seconds later Sofia adjusts the top and lets Jason see her tits.
<img src= "img/9-Hypnosis/jasontits4.gif" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
Sofia's teasing demeanor has been replaced with a more submissive one. Everything from her body language and facial expressions show that at the moment she wasn't your wife, but a thing to be used.
After getting an eyeful Jason looks at you and asks:
@@.Jason;Jason: "Can I...touch them?"@@
Sofia interjects:
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "I don't think that's appropriate..."@@
@@.John;John: "You WERE teasing him earlier so it's only fair you reward him for all of that. Right?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Oh..I guess that's ok."@@
Jason moves closer to Sofia and starts to fondle her tits. At first Sofia didn't react, but after a minute or two she says angrily:
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "OK. Stop! That's enough."@@
<img src= "img/9-Hypnosis/jasontits5.gif" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
@@.Jason;Jason: "Oh. Sorry. I'm so sorry."@@
Embarrased, he quickly thanked me for inviting him over and leaves.
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "He took it a little far didn't he?"@@
@@.John;John: "Yeah it's fine though. He's young and stupid."@@
The next day...
[[Week 4 Programming]]Week 4
[[Check Hypnosis Status|Independent Hypnosis Status]]
It was Sunday evening and it was time to give Sofia new commands. You brainstormed ideas like letting Jason fuck her, blowjobs, and the like. But after Sofia's small outburst yesterday you decide to set a new command that would be managable for Sofia and have a small chance of resistence.
After deciding what to do you ask Sofia to come to your office and get started with this weeks new command.
The machine turns on.
You swing the pocket watch.
And when Sofia starts to space out, you begin:
@@.John;John: "When I say "pose," you'll pose in any way Jason asks you to."@@
As usual, you keep repeating this phrase until it sinks in. You believe that the pose command will be a step up for Sofia and since it doesn't involve touching, you feel it will be manageable for her.
You eventually wind down the machine and escort Sofia to bed.
[[You text Jason later that night]]
Week 4 <<set $jason to $jason + 1>>
[[Check Hypnosis Status|Independent Hypnosis Status]]
Excited for the new programming Sofia is under, you decide to text Jason later that night. Jason has a type of dipshit enthusiasm that is starting to rub off on you.
@@.John;John (text): "Hey Jason, are you awake?"@@
@@.Jason;Jason (text): "Hey man what's up?"@@
@@.John;John (text): "I set some new commands for Sofia that I think you'll really like. Come by tomorrow early evening and we can test it out."@@
@@.Jason;Jason (text): "Oh wow! That's awesome! Should I...bring condoms or something."@@
@@.John;John (text): "No dude. We're not doing touching for a while, I don't want to push her too much. You touching her tits was crossing into dangerous territory so we need to take it slow for now."@@
@@.Jason;Jason (text): "Ok that's fine. Cya tomorrow."@@
[[Jason comes back the next night]]Week 4
[[Check Hypnosis Status|Independent Hypnosis Status]]
Sofia is hanging out in the living room in comfortable clothing. You didn't tell her that Jason was coming over to hang out but she generally doesn't mind his company (due to her programming).
The door knocks and you let Jason in.
@@.Jason;Jason: "So what are we doing today?"@@ He says with dipshit enthusiasm.
@@.John;John: "You'll see. Let's go to the living room."@@
Jason follows you to the living room where he sees Sofia. Sofia stands up to greet Jason.
<img src= "img/9-Hypnosis/pose1.jpg" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Hey Jason, back again today?"@@
@@.Jason;Jason: "uh...yeah."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Do you want something to eat or..."@@
@@.John;John: "Pose."@@
At that moment Sofia goes stiff with a dazed expression on her face, like a machine on standby mode.
@@.Jason;Jason: "What happened to Sofia?!"@@
@@.John;John: "It's a command. I hypnotized her so when I say "pose" she'll pose in any way YOU want her to. Do you understand?"@@
@@.Jason;Jason: "I think so. Do I just tell her what to do? Like will she suck..."@@
@@.John;John: "No. She'll probably react badly to physical touch so it's important to keep things visual. Got it?"@@
@@.Jason;Jason: "Sure..ok...hmmm."@@
Jason turns to Sofia and says:
@@.Jason;Jason: "Turn around."@@
<<linkreplace "Sofia turns around">> Sofia turns around and shows her fat ass to Jason.
<img src= "img/9-Hypnosis/pose2.jpg" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
@@.Jason;Jason: "Holy shit she has a great ass. Ok hm....Let me see your tits."@@
<<linkreplace "Sofia faces Jason">> Sofia faces Jason and moves her top up and reveals her tits to Jason.
<img src= "img/9-Hypnosis/pose3.jpg" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
@@.Jason;Jason: "God I love seeing her tits. Can I...go further?"@@
@@.John;John: "Of course."@@
@@.Jason;Jason: "Ok um...take off your underwear."@@
<<linkreplace "Sofia starts to remove her underwear">>Sofia starts to remove her underwear and shows Jason more of her body.
<img src= "img/9-Hypnosis/pose4.jpg" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
@@.Jason;Jason: "Turn around"@@
<<linkreplace "Sofia turns around again">>Sofia turns around again, this time showing her full bare ass to Jason.
<img src= "img/9-Hypnosis/pose5.jpg" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
@@.Jason;Jason: "Spr...Spread your ass for me."@@
<<linkreplace "Sofia places her hands">>Sofia places her hands on her ass and spreads her cheeks for Jason. Now Jason is getting a clear view of her pussy and asshole.
<img src= "img/9-Hypnosis/pose6.jpg" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
@@.Jason;Jason: "Are you sure I can't touch her? I just want to dive in there..."@@
@@.John;John: "No touching or this thing can be ruined."@@
@@.Jason;Jason: "Ok ok. hm....Spread you legs for me please."@@
<<linkreplace "Sofia gets on the floor">>Sofia gets on the floor and reveals her pussy to Jason.
<img src= "img/9-Hypnosis/pose7.jpg" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
Jason starts to fiddle with his pants, obviously turned on by the situation.
@@.Jason;Jason: "And just to be 100% sure..."@@
@@.John;John: "Nope. But anyways I think that's enough for now. Let's call it a night and we can figure out another day for this."@@
@@.Jason;Jason: " it man."@@
Jason leaves, obviously a little disappointed that things didn't progress further, but you wanted to be careful. When Jason had gone, you look to Sofia and say "pose" again. At that moment, more light went into Sofias eyes but she was still a little dazed.
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Hey babe, what are we..."@@
@@.John;John: "We were about to have dinner."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Ok baby."@@
Sofia puts on her clothes, the two of you have dinner, and you go to bed.
[[A couple days later while you were out of the house]]
<</linkreplace>> <</linkreplace>> <</linkreplace>> <</linkreplace>> <</linkreplace>> <</linkreplace>>
Week 4
[[Check Hypnosis Status|Independent Hypnosis Status]]
A couple of days later Sofia came home from work, gave you a kiss, and started to make dinner. However when she was going through the cupboard she realized that she ran out of a few ingredients. She then asks you to go to the grocery store and do a quick shop.
You go to the grocery store, get everything you need, and when you were 5 minutes away you give Sofia a call to see if you missed anything.
@@.John;John: "Hey babe, just got everything from the store I think. I got the thyme, the tomato paste, and the pasta. I also got some OJ since I think we were running out of it anyways. Is there anything else we need?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Heyyy yeah I think that was it. How far are you btw?"@@
@@.John;John: "I'm only 5 minutes away."@@
It was at that point that heard talking in the background.
@@.John;John: "Hey Sofia is there anyone there?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Oh yeah I saw Jason watering his plants and invited him for a quick coffee."@@
An idea came to you. You can set Sofia under the "pose" command and see what happens, or you could just take it easy today.
[[Give Sofia the pose command]]
[[Hold off on the pose command today]]Week 4
[[Check Hypnosis Status|Independent Hypnosis Status]]
@@.John;John: "Oh Jason's over, that's cool. Could you give him the phone for a second? Just wanna say hi."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Sure."@@
@@.Jason;Jason: "Hey man what's up?"@@
@@.John;John: "Alright I'll be there in 5 minutes but I'm going to use the pose command on Sofia right now. Since I'm not there to see everything I want you to send me pics...alright?"@@
@@.Jason;Jason: "Wow ok. Yeah sure man."@@
@@.John;John: "Great. Give the phone to Sofia."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Hey babe was there anything else?"@@
@@.John;John: "Pose."@@
You hear silence from Sofia's end and the phone hangs up.
<<linkreplace "A minute later you get a text from Jason.">>A minute later you get a text from Jason.
<img src= "img/9-Hypnosis/jasontext1.png" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
<img src= "img/9-Hypnosis/pose8.jpg" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
You try and focus on driving while looking at the text that Jason sent you. It was a new and exciting experience to have someone take a photo of Sofia and have it sent back to you. You get your eyes back on the road until a couple minutes later...
<<linkreplace "Another text comes in.">>Another text comes in.
<img src= "img/9-Hypnosis/jasontext2.png" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
<img src= "img/9-Hypnosis/pose9.jpg" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
This time Jason had Sofia spread her legs to get a close up view of her holes.
<<linkreplace "A couple of minutes after that a third picture came in.">>A couple of minutes after that a third picture came in.
<img src= "img/9-Hypnosis/jasontext3.png" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
<img src= "img/9-Hypnosis/pose10.jpg" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
This time you swerve you car a little and quickly get back to the road. Though when you get closer to home, a car is stopped on your lane and it takes a few minutes to finally get through. You didn't see any new messages come in so you start to get a little worried.
<<linkreplace "You arrive home and see Sofia and Jason together.">>You arrive home and see Sofia and Jason together.
Sofia is still in the same position she was last in, but Jason was jacking off to her and shooting a load on her ass.
<img src= "img/9-Hypnosis/pose11.webp" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
Jason, with more confidence says:
@@.Jason;Jason: "Hey Sofia, John is home, can you shake your ass for us?"@@
<<linkreplace "Sofia agrees.">>Sofia agrees.
<img src= "img/9-Hypnosis/pose13.gif" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
You see that Jason that bust a load all over her ass, asshole, and some on her pussy. This was the first time someone else's cum was on Sofia's holes and as excited you were, you remember that Sofia wasn't on birth control.
@@.John;John: "This is pretty hot but "pose." Sofia, go take a shower."@@
Sofia "wakes up" and makes her way to the shower.
@@.Jason;Jason: "Sorry man I thought that would be something you'd want to see."@@
@@.John;John: "It was a good sight, but she's not on birth control so you have to be careful."@@
@@.Jason;Jason: "Oh shit, yeah got it."@@
@@.John;John: "All good, let's call it for the day, Sofia is usually hazy after the pose command so she needs time to recover."@@
Jason then leaves for the day. When Sofia finishes her shower you make her dinner and relax for the night.
[[That Saturday you reflect on the last month]]
<</linkreplace>> <</linkreplace>> <</linkreplace>> <</linkreplace>> <</linkreplace>>Week 4
[[Check Hypnosis Status|Independent Hypnosis Status]]
You decide not to use the pose command on Sofia right now. You don't mind Sofia giving Jason a show, but you generally prefer to be there to do it.
You tell Sofia goodbye and drive home. When you get to your house, you walk in and see Sofia having an innocent conversation with Jason, albiet in sexy clothes.
<img src= "img/9-Hypnosis/pose12.jpg" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Hey baby did you get everything from the store?"@@
@@.John;John: "Yup."@@
@@.Jason;Jason: "Hey dude, how are you?"@@
@@.John;John: "Doing alright man. But anyways me and Sofia are about to have dinner and we need some alone time. Mind heading home for now? We can hangout a different day."@@
@@.Jason;Jason: "Sounds good!"@@
You see a little dissapointment in Jason's face but considering he still got a nice eyeful of Sofia, he shouldn't be.
[[That Saturday you reflect on the last month]]Week 4
[[Check Hypnosis Status|Independent Hypnosis Status]]
That Saturday you find yourself with a little bit of alone time and decide to reflect on the last month.
You've successfully used hyponosis on Sofia.
You've had Sofia be comfortable with someone in revealing clothes.
You've had Sofia show her tits to someone AND got them grabbed.
And you made Sofia show her entire body to someone else.
Things are progressing pretty well and Jason has become not only a guinea pig but an assistant too. Down the line you want Sofia to be a slut who will do anything and anyone you want, and it seems that things will progress to that.
For now though, you still need to progress things at a comfortable pace for Sofia so you think of the next program:
"When I say tease, you'll use your body to tease Jason's cock."
[[GO HERE TO GO BACK TO THE PATH SELECTION SCREEN|After a couple of hours]]Week 5: Monday <<set $hypnosis to $hypnosis +1>>
[[Check Hypnosis Status]]
Later that day Sofia comes home from work.
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Hey babe, had a productive day?"@@
@@.John;John: "Yup, same old."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Alright well I'm going to make something to eat but first I'll get some cleaning done."@@
Mike comes out of his room and says hi to Sofia. She says hello to Mike and proceeds to her room to put on something more comfortable.
@@.John;John: "So Mike...what are we doing today?"@@
@@.Mike;Mike: "Other than our normally scheduled session, not much. I don't want to push her TOO much today. But I'll figure something out tomorrow."@@
At that point Sofia comes out of the bedroom in her "comfortable" clothes and starts cleaning the house.
<img src= "img/9-Hypnosis/cleaning1.gif" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
Mike just stands there and watches Sofia clean and eventually he retreats to his room.
[[The next day|Week 5 Tuesday]]Week 5: Tuesday
[[Check Hypnosis Status]]
The next day Sofia goes to work and you go about your daily ritual. During the late afternoon you hear Mike leave the house and shortly after that Sofia comes back from work.
You appreciate the little bits of alone time you have with Sofia as it now seems that Mike is always there.
<<linkreplace "Sofia decides to make dinner for you while Mike was still out." >> Sofia decides to make dinner for you while Mike was still out.
But instead of normal clothes, she was wearing a cooking apron and nothing else. Though Mike wasn't around for the programming to fully kick in, she now seems more comfortable being naked (or close to it) in normal every day situations.
<img src= "img/9-Hypnosis/cooking1.gif" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
While you were standing there admiring Sofia's body, you and her hear the key going into the front door.
<<linkreplace "Sofia then...">> Sofia then happily walks to the front door to greet Mike.
She welcomes Mike back and gives him a kiss. A routine that she used to only do with you...
<img src= "img/9-Hypnosis/cooking2.gif" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
<<linkreplace "As Sofia was walking back in...">> As Sofia was walking back in, Mike stopped her in the hallway.
He decided he wanted to take a better look at her ass and play with it.
<img src= "img/9-Hypnosis/cooking3.gif" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
@@.Mike;Mike: "Damn I love seeing this ass every day."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Stop it haha I need to go and make dinner."@@
@@.Mike;Mike: "Alright fine."@@
Mike slapped her ass as she walked back into the kitchen and finished making dinner. This WAS what you wanted but you felt a slight pain in your stomach as you were seeing you wife slowly become someone's elses.
[[A couple days later|Week 5 Thursday]]
<</linkreplace>> <</linkreplace>> <</linkreplace>> Week 5: Thursday
[[Check Hypnosis Status]]
Things have been a little quiet for the last day or so. Sofia continues to walk around naked or basically naked and Mike doesn't miss the opportunity to grab her ass or feel her up.
There wasn't much of an escalation until today.
You and Sofia were hanging out in the living room. Sofia had just come back from work and she was still in business attire. Mike comes out of his room, sits on the couch with us and says:
@@.Mike;Mike: "Sofia, why are you still wearing your clothes? You know you're supposed to be naked when you're at home."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "It's fine, I just got back."@@
@@.Mike;Mike: "Aren't you feeling...uncomfortable and restricted in those clothes?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "'re totally right. I should go change."@@
Sofia's programming stated that she was comfortable being naked around Mike, not that she HAD to be naked around Mike. He was pushing the programming here and it seemed to have worked.
<<linkreplace "Sofia comes back...">> Sofia comes back to the living room completely naked.
@@.Mike;Mike: "Perfect, now why don't you come over here?"@@
Sofia walks towards Mike.
<img src= "img/9-Hypnosis/living room1.gif" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
@@.Mike;Mike: "Do you feel a lot better now?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "...yes."@@
@@.Mike;Mike: "Good."@@
<<linkreplace "Mike then starts to grab Sofia's ass">>Mike then starts to grab Sofia's ass.
<img src= "img/9-Hypnosis/living room2.gif" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
@@.Mike;Mike: "It would be a shame to hide this fat ass behind pieces of clothing, don't you think?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "I guess you're right."@@
@@.Mike;Mike: "Do you like it when I touch you like this?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "It's fine I guess..."@@
@@.Mike;Mike: "Yes or no."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Yes?"@@
@@.Mike;Mike: "Good. Do you want me to do more than touch you?"@@
Sofia hesitates to reply, until:
@@.Sofia;Sofia: " this is fine."@@
@@.Mike;Mike: "Then we'll just stick to touch."@@
After Mike enjoyed Sofia's ass for a few minutes he lets her go.
[[The Next Day|Week 5 Friday]]
<</linkreplace>> <</linkreplace>>Week 5: Friday
[[Check Hypnosis Status]]
That Friday Sofia came home from work and instead of going to the gym she decided to take a jog around the neighbourhood.
She thought it would be a fun activity all three of us can do together. You don't workout often and Mike doesn't seem the type either.
The entire time you and Mike were trailing along, out of breath, and suffering from this ordeal.
At the very least though, the view was good.
<img src= "img/9-Hypnosis/running.gif" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
When we all get back home...
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Well that was a good workout! Time for a quick shower."@@
@@.Mike;Mike: "Mind if I joined you?"@@
[[Let Mike shower with Sofia]]
[[Don't let Mike shower with Sofia]]Week 5: Friday <<set $mikecontrol to $mikecontrol + 1>>
[[Check Hypnosis Status]]
You decided to let Mike take a shower with Sofia since you didn't see the harm in it.
Sofia goes to the bathroom, Mike follows, and you wait a couple of minutes.
Being impatient, you follow them to the bathroom to see what they were doing.
<<linkreplace "You see Mike...">> You see Mike grabbing Sofia's tits and kissing her while they're in the shower.
<img src= "img/9-Hypnosis/shower1.gif" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
@@.Mike;Mike: "Have to make sure you're nice and clean right."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Sure haha"@@
<<linkreplace "Mike then...">> Mike then turns Sofia around and "cleans" her tits from behind her. You can see that Mike is pressing is body to Sofia's ass.
<img src= "img/9-Hypnosis/shower2.gif" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
<<linkreplace "Afterwards...">> Afterwards Mike tells Sofia to bend over so he clean the rest of her body. You see Mike rub Sofia's ass, like he's done numerous times before, but every so often he brushes his hand against her holes. Sofia flinches a little but she lets it happen.
<img src= "img/9-Hypnosis/shower3.gif" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
After that they both rinse off and get dried. Nothing interesting happens until the next day.
[[The next day|Week 5 Saturday]]
<</linkreplace>> <</linkreplace>> <</linkreplace>> Week 5: Friday
[[Check Hypnosis Status]]
Mike showering with Sofia was a little outside of your comfort zone so you deny his request.
@@.John;John: "Not today Mike. Sofia needs her alone time to clean up."@@
@@.Mike;Mike: "...Fine."@@
Sofia then showered on her own, but left the door open to give you and Mike another good view.
<img src= "img/9-Hypnosis/showeralone.gif" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
[[The next day|Week 5 Saturday]]Week 5: Saturday
[[Check Hypnosis Status]]
It's Saturday morning.
You wake up and see that Sofia wasn't in bed with you. Your first thought was maybe she went to the gym or was making breakfast.
But then you hear voices coming from the living room and realize that she was talking to Mike. Though things between her and Mike have gotten mildly sexual, most of the interactions between the two were relatively normal and friendly.
So you were still a little shocked to see what Mike and Sofia were doing in the living room.
<<linkreplace "You see...">> You see Sofia bent over on the couch with Mike behind her.
<img src= "img/9-Hypnosis/alonelivingroom1.gif" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
He's rubbing her ass like he's done this past week. It's sexy to watch but nothing out of the ordinary.
<<linkreplace "But next...">> But next you see him spreading Sofia's ass apart and touching her holes. Sofia is flinching as it seems she's not comfortable with that, but not so uncomfortable that she stops him.
<img src= "img/9-Hypnosis/alonelivingroom2.gif" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
<<linkreplace "Finally...">> Finally it seems that Mike couldn't hold back anymore and push his face into her ass, obviously eating her out. Sofia tried to bear with it but pushed him off.
<img src= "img/9-Hypnosis/alonelivingroom3.gif" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Mike! You know that's not appropriate! What are you doing?!"@@ She says in a panicked but hushed voice.
@@.Mike;Mike: "Sorry about that, you just looked so tasty that I couldn't resist. Didn't you like that?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "It.. It doesn't matter if I liked that. That's almost cheating!"@@
@@.Mike;Mike: "Got it...well maybe we can do that next week..."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "What?"@@
@@.Mike;Mike: "Oh nothing, I'll let you go for now. Sorry again."@@
You see Sofia turn and head towards you so you rush back to bed. Sofia walks into the bedroom and wakes you up.
@@.John;John: "Oh morning baby."@@ You feign just waking up.
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Morning baby it's time to get up, I'm going to make breakfast ok?"@@
@@.John;John: "Ok.."@@
As you see Sofia walk away you see a sliver of saliva drip down from Sofia's ass, undoubtedly Mikes. You feel a level of discomfort mixed with excitement at the sight, but put it out of mind for the moment.
You have breakfast with Sofia and the day rolls along.
[[The next day|Week 6 Sunday]]
<</linkreplace>> <</linkreplace>> <</linkreplace>> Week 6: Sunday
[[Check Hypnosis Status]]
It's Sunday evening and theres a little time before Mike has his session with Sofia and sets new programming.
You take the time to reflect on the last month and a half.
Sofia has been happy and less stressed day to day. She's also been more comfortable revealing parts of her body to a basic stranger, and has gone so far as be naked around them. Her dynamic with Mike has gone from friendly to very friendly and is even physical with him. Not only does she let him touch her kiss and grab her ass, but she also kisses him on a regular basis.
Though this is exactly what you wanted, you feel that you're slowly loosing Sofia to someone else. But you also feel that it's too late to stop this process and decide to embrace it.
It's time for Sofia's session and she goes into his room,
As usual, the lights go on, you hear a fragment of what was said, and it's over.
Sofia walks out of the room and you escort her back to the bedroom.
Wanting to know what was going to happen this week, you go back to Mike after you put Sofia to bed and knock on his door.
@@.Mike;Mike: "Hey what's up?"@@
@@.John;John: "I have to ask, what is Sofia going to do this week?"@@
@@.Mike;Mike: "Don't worry about it, you'll find out in the morning."@@
Mike then closes the door and you walk back to your room, feeling defeated.
[[The next day|Week 6 Monday]]Week 6: Monday <<set $hypnosis to $hypnosis +1>>
[[Check Hypnosis Status]]
On Monday morning when you wake up you see that Sofia is not in bed with you. In the past you thought she was off to work early, or went to the gym, or was making breakfast. But now, your first thought was that she was with Mike.
When you sneak out of the bedroom and into the living room...
<<linkreplace "You see that you were right.">> You see that you were right.
Sofia is bent over on the coach and Mike was eating her out from behind.
<img src= "img/9-Hypnosis/oral1.gif" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
Mike's head was deep behind Sofia's cheeks, diligently eating her out. He was so deep in her that you couldn't tell which hole he was eating until you overhead their conversation.
@@.Mike;Mike: "You like it when I eat our your pussy huh?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "mhm"@@
@@.Mike;Mike: "Does John take care of you like this?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "mm...yeah sometimes."@@
@@.Mike;Mike: "Who's better at it me or him?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "It's about the same..."@@
After Sofia said that, Mike immediately picked up the pace.
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "oh god..yeah...just like that."@@
@@.Mike;Mike: "So who's better?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "You are..."@@
You couldn't hear anymore so you entered the room.
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "OH! John, I didn't hear you. Um me and Mike were hanging out..."@@
@@.Mike;Mike: "Sofia you don't have to hide it, it's completely normal to let your best friend eat you out and touch your holes." @@
Mike phrased that statement in a way for you to know what the programming was this week.
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Yeah...I guess you're right."@@
Sofia looked conflicted. On one hand she knew this wasn't right, but on the other she felt compelled to believe that it was.
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Anyways I should get ready for work. I'll see you both later."@@
You, Sofia, and Mike go about the rest of your day without incident.
[[The next day|Week 6 Tuesday]]
<</linkreplace>>Week 6: Tuesday
[[Check Hypnosis Status]]
On Tuesday when Sofia comes home from work...
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Hey baby, I completely forgot to get a couple of things from the grocery store, would you mind getting it for me?"@@
@@.John;John: "Sure thing."@@
You go to the grocery store and pick up a few things from dinner. When you arrive home you noticed that Sofia wasn't anywhere to be seen. You even knocked on Mike's door but heard no answer.
When walk out to the backyard to continue your search, you notice the shed door is slightly open and approach it.
As you approach you hear the sounds of hushed moaning and as you peek through the cracked door, you find Sofia.
<img src= "img/9-Hypnosis/oral4.gif" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Hurry up, John will be back soon..."@@
@@.Mike;Mike: "I don't know why we're back here, it's not like we're doing anything wrong."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "I don't know I just don't like doing this in front of him."@@
@@.Mike;Mike: "If you say so."@@
Soon enough Sofia orgasms and you slowly back away and head over to the kitchen.
After a few minutes Sofia comes out, surprised.
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "OH, that was quick."@@
@@.John;John: "Yeah...just got back."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Ok well... I'll make dinner."@@
Sofia prepares dinner and the atmosphere felt a little awkward. She seemed guilty about something but she didn't say anything and neither did you.
[[The next day|Week 6 Wednesday]]Week 6: Wednesday
[[Check Hypnosis Status]]
Over the past month and a half things between Sofia and Mike have been friendly, and slightly sexual but not overtly so. In Sofia's eyes her interactions with Mike have been that of a good friend being comfortable with another good friend. But over the last couple of days being so sexual with Mike has brushed against some hard set values that Sofia has, that even hypnosis is struggling to beat. And because of that inner conflict, things between you and her have been a little awkward.
It's breakfast time and you, Sofia, and Mike are eating around the time. Things were quiet until Sofia looks up to you and say:
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Hey baby I have to tell you and Mike have...actually nevermind."@@
She looks like she was trying to verbalize the doubts and the feelings she's been having.
Do you:
[[Encourage her to speak her mind]]
[[Say nothing]]Week 6: Wednesday
[[Check Hypnosis Status]]
@@.John;John: "Is something wrong Sofia?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Well...I think so. You know how sometimes Mike eats out my pussy and touches me?@@
@@.John;John: "Yeah...?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "We do that too when you're not home..."@@
@@.John;John: "I mean, that's completely fine to do. How do you feel about it?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "I know it's normal and fine and all but I feel like I'm cheating on you."@@
@@.John;John: "Don't worry babe, it's not."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Ok baby."@@
Though Sofia and Mike are still going to do what they want to do, it seems that Sofia feels a little bit better about the situation.
[[The next day|Week 6 Thursday]]Week 6: Wednesday <<set $mikecontrol to $mikecontrol + 1>>
[[Check Hypnosis Status]]
You decide to say nothing.
You feel that whatever is bothering Sofia isn't that big of a deal and you're sure she'll be fine. As you sit there and say nothing, Mike looks over to Sofia almost sensing what was bothering her...
You the see Mike whisper someone in Sofia's ear and then gives her a kiss. This is now a routine activity so you didn't think much of it.
Mike's arm then shuffles a bit under the table, but you didn't think much of that either and just continued eating dinner.
Eventually you see Sofia getting a little flustered and Mike's hands moving more under the table.
<<linkreplace "You decide to look under the table.">>You decide to look under the table.
<img src= "img/9-Hypnosis/table1.gif" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
Mike is fingering Sofia while you're all having dinner. Though at first you were surprised, you decided to say nothing about it and just smile. Mike and Sofia now both know that YOU know what they're doing.
@@.Mike;Mike: "Hey Sofia it looks like we got caught haha."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "John I'm sor..rry"@@ Sofia struggles to talk as Mike picks up the pace.
@@.Mike;Mike: "There's nothing to be sorry about, this is completely fine. As your best friend it's basically my job to take care of your needs. Right John?"@@
@@.John;John: "Ugh, right."@@
@@.Mike;Mike: "See Sofia? There's nothing wrong about this. Now say it."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "mmm...what?"@@
@@.Mike;Mike: "Say there's nothing wrong about this?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "There's...nothing wrong about this..."@@
@@.Mike;Mike: "No. Wrong. Say the whole thing, like we practiced."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "There's nothing wrong with being fingered and played with in front of John."@@
@@.Mike;Mike: "Good girl. I think you deserve a reward."@@
<<linkreplace "Mike then...">> Mike then picks up the pace.
Sofia is loudly moaning and the table shakes as if you were in an earthquake. You look under the table to see what was happening and watch as Mike violently fingers Sofia. After a couple of minutes Sofia's body shakes and screams as she squirts from Mike's hand.
<img src= "img/9-Hypnosis/table2.gif" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
@@.Mike;Mike: "Jesus that was magnificent. Alright well I had my fun so I'm going to head to bed. Night guys."@@
Mike leaves and walks to his room and leaves Sofia in a mess. She's breathing heavily and looking at you with a mixed look of relief and guilt. You stand up, put the plates away, and escort Sofia back to bed.
[[The next day|Week 6 Thursday]]
<</linkreplace>> <</linkreplace>>Week 6: Thursday
[[Check Hypnosis Status]]
When you wake up the next day you see Sofia laying next to you, half awake. She gives you a kiss, a long hug, and gets out of bed.
It seems like a weight has been lifted off her shoulders and that whatever mental block she had, has been erased. You were more sure of this when you saw Sofia greet Mike with an extra passionate kiss and an almost loving look in her eyes. When Sofia was on her way out, Mike stopped her a moment, told her something in a hushed voice and Sofia nodded her head.
Though her programming sets up Mike as her "best friend" and though the sexual acts aren't that explicit yet, you feel that there's a subtle change happening within Sofia.
You see that you were right when Sofia gets back from work.
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Hey baby! How as your day?"@@
@@.John;John: "Same old, how about you?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Yup fine. But anyways, Mike and I talked this morning and we agreed that it's only fair that you watch when he pleasures me. I was a little weird about it at first but after yesterday I feel a lot better about it."@@
@@.John;John: "Oh well that's good to hear."@@
As you were finishing your sentence Sofia starts to walk towards Mike's room. She opens the door, smiles at Mike who is hidden from your sight, and walks in, leaving the door open.
<<linkreplace "You look inside.">>You look inside.
You hear clothes being taken off quickly and when you walk to Mike's room, you see him already at work.
<img src= "img/9-Hypnosis/oral2.gif" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
Sofia looks up and smiles at you and shifts her gaze back to Mike. Mike doesn't even acknowledge your presence.
@@.Mike;Mike: "Had a rough day at work?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Mhm."@@
@@.Mike;Mike: "I'll make it better."@@
<<linkreplace "Mike then...">>Mike then picks up speed and focuses more on pleasing Sofia.
<img src= "img/9-Hypnosis/oral3.gif" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
Eventually Sofia's body shakes as she orgasms, grabbing Mike's hair while doing so. Sofia then cuddles up to Mike for a minute until realising that you were still there watching.
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Oh sorry about that babe, just needed a little stress relief haha."@@
Sofia gets out of bed and walks over to you and gives you a quick kiss before retreating to your bedroom.
[[The next day|Week 6 Friday]] <</linkreplace>> <</linkreplace>>Week 6: Friday
[[Check Hypnosis Status]]
Friday afternoon after Sofia comes home from work all three of you decide to hang out by the pool since it was such a nice day.
After a few drinks and an hour or so, Mike stands up and drags Sofia to wall. You were initially confused by this action until Mike starts to pull down Sofia's shorts.
With very little foreplay he dives in and shoves his face between Sofia's cheeks and gets to work.
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Mike! What are you doing?"@@
@@.Mike;Mike: "Don't worry, you'll enjoy it."@@
<<linkreplace "You move it closer to see what he's doing.">>You move it closer to see what he's doing
<img src= "img/9-Hypnosis/oralanal1.gif" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Mike..that's...I don't really like anal play, can you just focus on my pussy?"@@
@@.Mike;Mike: "Oh you will."@@
<<linkreplace "Suddenly...">>"Suddenly...
Mike then slaps her butt and continues to eat out her ass. This time though, he shoves his head as far as he possibly could. Sofia starts to moan.
<img src= "img/9-Hypnosis/oralanal2.gif" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
@@.Mike;Mike: "You like that now?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Ohhhh....yeah it's starting to feel good?"@@
@@.Mike;Mike: "Yeah? You like it when I tongue fuck your ass?"@@
@@.Mike;Mike: "Mhm."@@
<<linkreplace "This continued...">>This continued for another 5 minutes until Mike starts spreading Sofia's ass to show off his handywork. Sofia's ass was starting to gape, just like a porn video, and Mike continued to penetrate it with his tongue.
<img src= "img/9-Hypnosis/oralanal3.gif" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
After another 10 more minutes Sofia moans even louder and Mike picks up the pace until she finally cums.
Mike then spreads Sofia's ass again to show you how open her asshole now was.
<img src= "img/9-Hypnosis/oralanal4.jpg" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
@@.Mike;Mike: "So Sofia, did you enjoy getting your ass eaten out?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "It was...alright?"@@
@@.Mike;Mike: "Just alright? I swear I felt you cum hahaha."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Ok it was pretty good."@@
@@.Mike;Mike: "Great, we'll do that again sometime. Right?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Right?"@@
@@.Mike;Mike: "Good answer."@@
The rest of the day progressed normally.
[[That Saturday|Week 6 Saturday]] <</linkreplace>> <</linkreplace>> <</linkreplace>>Week 6: Saturday
[[Check Hypnosis Status]]
It's Saturday evening and you and Sofia are having a glass of wine and watching tv. As simple as the activity is, you're starting to cherish it more since you do it less and less now. Since Mike moved in, she's spent a lot of time not with you or with you and him.
You've enjoyed the changes you've seen in Sofia but also miss the old days when it was just the two of you. In the middle of reminiscing, Mike walks into the living room.
@@.Mike;Mike: "Hey guys, what's up?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Oh nothing much, just watching tv?"@@ Sofia almost glows when looking at him.
@@.Mike;Mike: "That sounds boring and I have a much better idea. Sofia, take off your clothes."@@
You were about to object when Sofia shrugs, stands up, and starts to undress.
@@.Mike;Mike: "Good, now lay back on the couch."@@
Sofia does as she's told.
<img src= "img/9-Hypnosis/fingering1.gif" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
<<linkreplace "Mike then...">> Mike then starts to play with her pussy. Sofia smiles and starts to breath heavier, but this is a little mild compared to what they're used to.
<img src= "img/9-Hypnosis/fingering2.gif" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
@@.Mike;Mike: "You like that don't you?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "mhm."@@
@@.Mike;Mike: "Good, we're going to try something a little different today, got it?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Different?"@@
@@.Mike;Mike: "Yeah different. As your best friend it's only natural for me to help you take care of your needs but it's only fair you do the same once in a while too. Right?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "I don't..."@@
@@.Mike;Mike: "John, am I right?"@@
You hesitantly nod your head.
@@.Mike;Mike: "See, John thinks it's fair. So I want you to use your hands and maybe even your feet and make me cum. Alright?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "I can try..."@@
<<linkreplace "Sofia tries to pleasure Mike.">>Sofia tries to pleasure Mike but is a little awkward doing so. In terms of actual sexual acts Sofia is the "missionary before bed" type so she isn't good at handjobs and you don't recall her ever trying a footjob before.
Nonetheless, she gives it a shot.
<img src= "img/9-Hypnosis/fingering3.gif" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
After about 10 minutes of awkward tugging, minor improvement, and establishing a rhythm...
<<linkreplace "You hear Mike grunt.">>You hear Mike grunt.
@@.Mike;Mike: "Oh shit I'm going to cum! Get on your knees bitch."@@
Sofia does as she was told and made no comment on being called a bitch. Mike strokes his cock until he busts his load all over Sofia's tits.
<img src= "img/9-Hypnosis/fingering4.gif" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
@@.Mike;Mike: "Man it took a while but we finally got there. You're not very experienced in pleasing a man aren't you?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "I think I'm alright."@@
@@.Mike;Mike: "A little subpar but that's something we can work on next week, I'm heading to bed."@@
Sofia looks confused and turns to you.
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "John, what did Mike mean by that?"@@
@@.John;John: "Nothing babe, let's get you cleaned up."@@
[[You get Sofia in a shower and call it a night|Week 7 Sunday]] <</linkreplace>> <</linkreplace>> <</linkreplace>>Week 7: Sunday <<set $hypnosis to $hypnosis +1>>
[[Check Hypnosis Status]]
It's Sunday evening and it's almost time for Sofia's new round of sessions.
You knock on Mike's door to see if he was ready and to see what this week's plan was.
*knock knock*
@@.Mike;Mike: "Hey Sofia, I'm almost ready just give me a minute."@@
@@.John;John: "It's John."@@
Mike then opens the door.
@@.Mike;Mike: "Where's Sofia?"@@
@@.John;John: "I'll bring her over in a minute. I just wanted to see what the plan was for this week?"@@
Mike looked annoyed.
@@.Mike;Mike: "It's a surprise, now go get Sofia please."@@
Mike closes the door on your face and you had no choice but to bring Sofia over.
She enters the room.
The lights go on.
And eventually they wind down.
This is usually the part where Sofia comes out dazed and you escort her back to your room, but the door hasn't opened. You wait a couple of minutes and still no Sofia.
Eventually you hear what sounds like someone gagging, so you open the door.
<<linkreplace "You see Sofia...">>You see Sofia on her knees gagging on Mike's cock. This wasn't a blowjob or teasing or anything of that sort, Mike was holding Sofia's head and thrusting in and out of her mouth like she was a toy.
<img src= "img/9-Hypnosis/bj1.gif" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
@@.Mike;Mike: "Shit sorry man I couldn't resist. I waited a month and a half for this bitch to finally take my cock so as soon as she was programmed....oh shit...damn this is a great mouth."@@
You start to panic.
@@.John;John: "Isn't this too much? Isn't she going to resist?"@@
@@.Mike;Mike: "Well she just came out of a session so she's pretty dazed so I may have to take it easy the rest of the week. But right now she's basically a sex doll."@@
Mike then turns to Sofia.
@@.Mike;Mike: "Get on the bed."@@
Sofia obliges and when she lays on the bed, Mike positions her so that her head is hanging off the edge.
<<linkreplace "Next...">>Next, Mike shoves his cock down Sofia's throat and continues to fuck it.
<img src= "img/9-Hypnosis/bj2.gif" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
You see Sofia gagging on his cock and struggling to breath. You also see huge gobs of spit slide down from her mouth, turning her into a mess.
@@.Mike;Mike: "Oh that's better. I can reach all the way down your throat like this."@@
Mike unmercilessly assaults Sofia's mouth for another 5 minutes or so until he repositions her again.
<<linkreplace "Sofia is back on her knees.">>Sofia is back on her knees and Mike puts his cock back in her mouth. He grabs onto her hair and uses it as leverage for his thrusting.
<img src= "img/9-Hypnosis/bj3.gif" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
Sofia then pulls back to breath and take a break...
<<linkreplace "But Mike doesn't let her.">>But Mike doesn't let her.
Even though Sofia was laying back and obviously in need of a breather Mike doesn't give her a chance to rest and continues to use.
<img src= "img/9-Hypnosis/bj4.gif" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
@@.Mike;Mike: "God this is a great cock sucking mouth. We're going to have a lot of fun this week aren't we Sofia."@@
Sofia tries to talk, but her mouth is busy.
Mike pulls out his cock, positions Sofia, and orders her keep her mouth open.
Mike grunts as he unloads his cum in her mouth.
<img src= "img/9-Hypnosis/bj5.gif" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
@@.Mike;Mike: "Well shit that was a workout. Alright I'm done with her, you can take her back now."@@
You help Sofia off the floor who's still in a daze and while you're leaving Mike says one last thing.
@@.Mike;Mike: "Oh in case you haven't figured it out, her programming this week is: "You want to please your best friend with blowjobs." Simple right?"@@
You escort Sofia away and as hot as you found that, you start to dread the rest of the week.
<</linkreplace>> <</linkreplace>><</linkreplace>> <</linkreplace>>A couple days after talking to Bill to find the right opportunity to ask Sofia for a BJ. Since Sofia is a little vanilla in the variety of play you do, it'll come off as weird but you had to try anyways.
You and Sofia are hanging out on the couch.
@@.John;John: " you want to do anything tonight?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Not really babe, I'm fine just chilling."@@
@@.John;John: "How about a glass of wine?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Ok that I could do."@@
You grab a couple of glasses of wine for you and Sofia and you both relax a little. After some time you decide to "make a move" and start to caress her leg.
<img src= "img/3-Webslut/leg.jpg" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "mmmm...that feels nice."@@
You continue to caress her leg for a few minutes until you ask:
@@.John;John: "Hey babe, I know I don't ask this often...but can I have a blowjob?"@@
Sofia looks at you skeptically.
@@.Sofia;Sofia: " that explains all the nice things you've done for me today haha."@@
You sit there with a guilty look on your face, unable to come up with a proper response.
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Well you've been extra sweet today so why not."@@
Sofia smiles, walks to the bedroom, and you follow her.
Sofia mostly undresses and gets on her knees and starts to suck your dick.
<img src= "img/3-Webslut/bj1un.jpg" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
Seeing the opportunity to take a photo of her. Sofia notices and raises her eyebrow but continues to suck your dick.
After a few short minutes you couldn't hold it anymore and decide to blow your load on her face.
This time, Sofia anticipated you wanting to take a photo so she smiles for the camera.
<img src= "img/3-Webslut/bj2un.jpg" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "So how did that photo come out?"@@
You answer:
[[It came out really well!]]
[[It came out really well, it's a shame I'm the only person to see it!]]John: "It came out really well, thanks for being cool with me this."
Sofia: "Well I know you get lonely when I'm not around so I'm not opposed to helping you fill up that wank bank haha."
You and Sofia get cleaned up and when Sofia heads to bed, you go to your home office.
[[You log into chat]]@@.John;John: "It came out really well, it's a shame I'm the only person to see it!."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "I guess so, I mean I only want do this for you obviously."@@
@@.John;John: "Yeah I know, but sometimes I feel too lucky to have such an amazing wife."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Too lucky?"@@
@@.John;John: "Yeah sometimes I feel like it's almost selfish having you to myself."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "What do you mean John? What are you talking about?"@@
@@.John;John: "Uh...just an elaborate way of telling you that I'm lucky to have you."@@
You feel a little flushed but try to crack a smile nonetheless. Sofia looks a little perplexed but smiles as well and drops the subject.
You and Sofia get cleaned up and when Sofia heads to bed, you go to your home office.
[[You log into chat]] <<set $online to $online +1>>When Sofia is asleep you sneak off to your office and log into chat.
Bill immediately messages you:
@@.Bill;Bill: "Saw that you logged in, does that mean you have what I asked?"@@
@@.John;John: "Yeah I got a couple of good shots."@@
@@.Bill;Bill: "Just a couple? I expect more from you but fine, let me see what you have."@@
You send Bill the photos.
@@.Bill;Bill: "Alright these are pretty good, I'll take them."@@
After that there was no response from Bill for a few minutes until you see the pics being posted in chat.
<img src= "img/3-Webslut/bj1bill.jpg" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
@@.Bill;Bill in chat: "Take a look at this boys. Sofia's cuck sent over as requested and now we get to see Sofia taking some cock. Be sure to thank her cuck for the pic."@@
At that point you got a flood of messages from people saying "good cuck", "thank you cuck" and the usual "let's see her whole face cuck."
Obviously you didn't respond to the messages but they came in nonetheless.
<<linkreplace "Bill then posted the other pic.">> Bill then posted the other pic.
<img src= "img/3-Webslut/bj2bill.jpg" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
Chat went wild and the main chat was filled with comments like "that's a good slut," "she's ours nows," etc.
And you got a ton more direct messages from people demanding more of her.
@@.Bill;Bill: "It looks like a lot of people like seeing our slut taking dick. I need to see more of her and chat needs to see more of her. I know you probably have a pic of her getting fucked so send that over now."@@
You do as he asks and send him a pic of her taking a dick.
<img src= "img/3-Webslut/fucking1un.jpg" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
@@.Bill;Bill: "This is a good one. Have more?"@@
@@.John;John: "Not at the moment..."@@
@@.Bill;Bill: "Fine, I'll hold off on posting this one now until you can get more. A week work?"@@
@@.John;John: "Yeah that should be enough time."@@
The conversation stops and you wait for a good opportunity to fuck Sofia and take pics of it.
[[A few days later]]
<</linkreplace>>Today Sofia came home earlier from work and you thought that this was a good opportunity to fuck her and take pictures.
While Sofia is relaxing on the couch you walk up to her and give her a kiss on the cheek. You then move from her cheeks to her neck and lightly fondling her tits as you do so. She kisses you back to non verbally tell you she's into it.
You take the cue, grab her hand, and lead her to your bedroom.
As you are kissing her and taking off her clothes you ask her:
@@.John;John: "Hey babe would you mind wearing that lingerie I bought you a while back?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Which one?"@@
@@.John;John: "The black top?"@@
Sofia gives you a kiss and says:
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Sure, why not."@@
As she's changing you start to pull out your phone. Sofia sees this and rolls her eyes, but doesn't say anything.
You join Sofia in bed and that night you try to mix it up in terms of positions, not because you FEEL like you want to but because you want to take the best shots for Bill and everyone else in chat.
After about 15 minutes you run out of breath and call it for the night. Sofia seemed a little annoyed that you didn't take care of her needs and were more focused on the camera.
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Do you really have to take photos everytime we fuck?"@@
@@.John;John: "Oh absolutely, look at these."@@
You show Sofia the pics you took.
<img src= "img/3-Webslut/fucking2un.jpg" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
<img src= "img/3-Webslut/fucking4un.jpg" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
<img src= "img/3-Webslut/fucking3un.jpg" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Wow I look really hot. Good work haha."@@
After seeing the pictures, Sofia's mood got a little better.
[[Call it a night]]
[[Tease her about the idea of other people seeing these]]@@.John;John: "And this is why I love taking photos of you. You look sexy in real life and you look sexy on the camera."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "I wholeheartedly agree."@@
@@.John;John: "But anyways, it's getting late and I know you have to work early in the morning so let's call it."@@
You kiss Sofia, cuddle in bed, and call it a night. The mood is nice between you two and you decided not to log into chat tonight.
But you do [[log into chat the next night]]@@.John;John: "And this is why I love taking photos of you. You look sexy in real life and you look sexy on the camera."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "I wholeheartedly agree."@@
@@.John;John: "You ever imagine how other people would react if they saw these photos?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: " Why?"@@
@@.John;John: "It was just a thought babe. I think anyone who saw these would bust a nut. You should just quit your job and be a model haha."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Right. At least that way I wouldn't have to deal with my asshole boss ever again."@@
@@.John;John: "Exactly!"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "But anyways we should get to bed. Night honey."@@
Sofia gives you a kiss and you both call it a night.
[[The next night you log into chat|log into chat the next night]]The next night after Sofia goes to bed you sneak off to your office as you now reguarly do and log in to chat.
As usual Bill was online and reached out to you after a minute or so.
@@.Bill;Bill: "Got news for me?"@@
@@.John;John: "Yup I've got some more pics of Sofia."@@
You send the new batch of pictures over.
@@.Bill;Bill: "Now THIS is what I'm talking about. These are top quality pics. Give me like 10 minutes or so and I'll reupload these."@@
After about 10 minutes or so of waiting you see Bill message in chat.
@@.Bill;Bill in chat: "Sofia's cuck came through again today and sent over a great batch of pics. I know you all wanted to see her properly take dick and I know her cuck WANTED you all to see it as well."@@
Bill posts the first pic.
<img src= "img/3-Webslut/fucking1bill.jpg" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
It was a pretty standard edit and chat loved it as usual.
<<linkreplace "Bill posted the next picture.">>Bill posted the next picture.
<img src= "img/3-Webslut/fucking2bill.jpg" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
This shot was a pain in the ass to take and you're glad it came out so well. Sofia's face was angled in a way that you couldn't see her eyes fully but the edit barely censored it. You thought it was fine and didn't say anything.
<<linkreplace "Bill posted the next picture.">>Bill posted the next picture.
<img src= "img/3-Webslut/fucking4bill.jpg" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
This was another great shot and you liked the censoring done for this one.
<<linkreplace "Bill then posted the last picture.">>Bill then posted the last picture.
<img src= "img/3-Webslut/fucking3bill.jpg" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
You saw the picture and immediately panicked. Though Sofia was still censored her face was BARELY censored.
@@.Bill;Bill in chat: "I can't show you Sofia's full face but wanted to give you all a little treat. So enjoy jerking to this partial face reveal."@@
Bill then messages you directly.
@@.Bill;Bill: "Did you cum in your pants yet?"@@
@@.John;John: "Almost...But I don't know how I feel about her being censored so little."@@
@@.Bill;Bill: "Get used to it because that's how much of her face I'm going to show from now on. Got it?"@@
At a loss for words, you agree.
@@.John;John: "I guess that can work..."@@
@@.Bill;Bill: "Good. Now how well trained is her asshole?"@@
@@.John;John: "Not very, why?"@@
@@.Bill;Bill: "Because I want to see her take some dick in there. You have any pics of her doing that?"@@
@@.John;John: "We don't do anal often but I do have a few."@@
@@.Bill;Bill: "Great you can send them over tomorrow."@@
Bill then logs off and you do as well.
[[The next night|You're sitting at your desk]]
<</linkreplace>> <</linkreplace>> <</linkreplace>>The next night Sofia is in bed and you've moved to your desk. You're looking through your small collection of photos of Sofia and find the few where she's taking cock in her ass.
<img src= "img/3-Webslut/anal1un.jpg" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
<img src= "img/3-Webslut/anal2un.jpg" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
<img src= "img/3-Webslut/anal3un.jpg" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
These pictures are a little special since Sofia almost never does anal and you were lucky she even let you take these. It felt a little weirder than usual that THESE pics were going to be seen by a lot of people, but you were more turned on than anything else.
As you were about to log into chat you hear footsteps approach the office and you close the webpage as quick as you could.
The door opens and Sofia enters.
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "hey baby...why are you up so late?"@@ She says half asleep.
@@.John;John: "I...couldn't sleep so I thought I'd get a start on tomorrow's work."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Ok baby, just don't stay up to late."@@
Sofia sheepishly walks back to the bedroom and as nerve-racking as that was, you were even more excited that you almost got caught.
When you were sure Sofia was asleep, you log back into chat.
[[Time to send Bill Sofia's anal pics]]Once you were sure you were safe, you log into chat and see that Bill is online.
Almost being caught by Sofia was exhilerating so you were more turned on than usual. You decide to message Bill first, say hello, and just send over all of the anal pics you have of her.
His response was short:
@@.Bill;Bill: "Good cuck. Be on standby."@@
<<linkreplace "And soon enough the pics start to roll in.">>And soon enough the pics start to roll in.
<img src= "img/3-Webslut/anal1bill.jpg" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
As promised, Sofia's face was less censored than usual and chat was going wild.
<<linkreplace "The second pic gets uploaded.">>The second pic gets uploaded.
<img src= "img/3-Webslut/anal2bill.jpg" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
This one was personally your favorite and you see Bill edited it pretty well. You were surprised that the "best" one wasn't uploaded last but when the third pic gets uploaded you understand why.
<<linkreplace "You see the third picture.">>You see the third picture.
<img src= "img/3-Webslut/anal3bill.jpg" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
The picture, as hot as it was, was more degrading than anything Bill posted before. You felt a pang of anger than made way for a wave of excitment. You pull out your dick and start jerking to the images and the comments that came along with them.
@@.Bill;Bill in chat: "Looks like Sofia is an anal whore too. But judging by that last pic it seems she's not well trained. Cuck hubby will work on that but in the meantime be sure to thank him for giving us his wife."@@
Seeing Bill's comment almost put you over the edge, but not quite there. He then messages you directly.
@@.Bill;Bill: "These are probably my favorite. I love seeing a bitch take cock in her ass. You like these edits?"@@
@@.John;John: "Yeah they're great."@@
@@.Bill;Bill: "Shit even I'm jerking to these."@@
@@.John;John: "Me too."@@
@@.Bill;Bill: "Surprised you haven't came yet lol. But I need a little extra. I need you to send me a picture of Sofia's ID."@@
@@.John;John: "Her what?"@@
@@.Bill;Bill: "Her ID, any ID. Just fucking send it. I'm about to burst and I bet you are too. Just trust me."@@
You panic and normally you wouldn't send anything as sensitive as that but you couldn't help yourself. You happened to have one of Sofia's business cards on your desk so you send that over.
<img src= "img/3-Webslut/Business Card.jpg" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
@@.Bill;Bill: "OH FUCK. Sofia Miller huh? Good name. Give me a few and check chat."@@
You start to panic. What did you actually do? Did you just dox your wife? The excitment, though still there, was not outweighted by the panic. For the next several minutes you sit there trying to figure out what to do. Do you delete your account? Do you beg Bill not to do anything with her information?
<<linkreplace "And in the middle of your panic, you see the last image being uploaded.">>And in the middle of your panic, you see the last image being uploaded.
<img src= "img/3-Webslut/Businesscardbill.jpg" alt="dressing" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
Upon seeing the image, you immediately cum.
@@.Bill;Bill in chat: "Now Sofia M FULLY belongs to me. Thank you cuck."@@
He then messages you directly.
@@.Bill;Bill: "Holy shit that was the best load I've had in a while. And thanks for sending this over. This has been fun man. I won't do anything with that info and I won't give you any tasks for the moment. Just enjoy this and I'll catch you the next time you're online. Cya dude."@@
In your state of ecstacy you tell him "no problem" and log off. You don't know what's going to happen next and you can't really think about that now.
You clean up and head to bed.
<</linkreplace>> <</linkreplace>><</linkreplace>> <</linkreplace>>Over the next few weeks Sofia has become more used to wearing revealing clothes in public. It seems that having sex in a public place (even if it was just a blowjob) helped make her more comfortable with her body. Though you and her only agreed to more revealing clothes, which isn't very exciting, you see it as a huge step up in her day to day life.
<<linkreplace "At first she only wore revealing clothes when she went out for chores.">> At first she only wore revealing clothes when she went out for chores.
<img src= "img/4-Exhibitionism/revealing1.jpg" alt="jshorts" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
<<linkreplace "Eventually though...">> Eventually though, she got more used to wearing sexier clothes in public places where people would recognize her.
Whether it was the gym...
<img src= "img/4-Exhibitionism/revealing3.jpg" alt="jshorts" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
Or even going out to have coffee or drinks with friends on the weekend.
<img src= "img/4-Exhibitionism/revealing4.jpg" alt="jshorts" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
You felt proud of Sofia and the changes she was making, even if those changes were predictable or even relatively mild.
[[One day though, she surprised you.|Revealing clothes at work.]]
<</linkreplace>> <</linkreplace>>One morning you wake up to Sofia walking into the bedroom with a package.
@@.John;John: "Morning babe, what are you doing up so early?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Oh sorry if I woke up. A package of something I ordered finally arrived!"@@
@@.John;John: "That's nice, what did you buy?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Just some new work clothes. I figured I needed to change my professional wardrobe as well."@@
@@.John;John: "Ok babe."@@
You drift back to sleep for another 20 minutes or so until you are woken up by Sofia changing into her new outfit.
<img src= "img/4-Exhibitionism/revealing5.jpg" alt="jshorts" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
Seeing Sofia wear something so revealing for work woke you up in an instant.
@@.John;John: "Sofia, wow."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Awake again?"@@
@@.John;John: "Yeah I'm fully awake now. sure you're going to wear that to work?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "It's fine. Most women at work wear something like this anyways and I guess I've been kind of a prude. So I'll try wearing this now. Is that fine because I can change to my normal clothes."@@
@@.John;John: "No no that looks great! You should definitely wear that."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Ok babe. Well anyways I need to head to work so I'll talk to you soon."@@
Sofia gives you a kiss and she heads out to work.
[[Later that day|Sofia wearing revealing clothes at work 2]]Later that day Sofia comes home from work with a smile on her face.
@@.John;John: "Well you're in a good mood. How was work?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "It was great! Everyone was nicer to me and gave me a lot of compliments. Even my clients treated me a lot nicer."@@
@@.John;John: "That's good to hear babe."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Yup even Oliver was a little less shit to me. But I did see him stare at me a lot though. It made me a little uncomfortable though."@@
[[Brush it off]]
[[Tell her she shouldn't wear clothes like that to work]]
@@.John;John: "Well you're boss has always been kind of a dick. So of course he'll be a pervert when you're...uh...better expressing yourself. You obviously had a good day and it seems that people treat you a lot better with you wearing clothes like that. I'd say keep doing what you're doing."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "That's a good point babe. I shouldn't let my asshole boss ruin a good thing for me. Plus it's better for client relations too I guess?"@@
@@.John;John: "Exactly!"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Ok babe, well I'll change into something more comfortable and then I'll make dinner. Ok?"@@
@@.John;John: "Sounds good." @@
[[That weekend|Groping 1]]<<set $exposed to $exposed +1 >>@@.John;John: "That's really disconcerting to hear. I know Oliver's been kind of a creep in the past and you don't want to make yourself more of a target."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "I know the risks but I do like wearing clothes like this to work..."@@
@@.John;John: "Babe I don't think the rewards outweight the risk here and I think you should scale it back. You can still wear nice clothes, just maybe a little less nice?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Yeah I guess that's reasonable. What's the point of everyone else getting along with me better if my boss makes me uncomfortable to work there. Ok. I'll wear more conservative clothes at work."@@
@@.John;John: "Sounds good."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "I mean it'll still be better than what I was wearing before though."@@
@@.John;John: "Of course haha."@@
[[That weekend|Groping 1]]Over the last month or so Sofia has definitely been more comfortable with her body and showing it off. You decide to step it up by going back to more public play. You don't think she's ready to go back to the "blowjob in an alley" level but she might be more open to being groped in public.
You decide to test her a little bit.
That Friday night you and her decided to go out for dinner and Sofia decided to wear a very nice and very sexy grey dress.
<img src= "img/4-Exhibitionism/revealing2.jpg" alt="jshorts" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
You and her go to a nice, but sparsely populated restaurant and have a calm dinner with Sofia. It's always good to go out occasional dates with your wife for the sake of the relationship but you had an ulterior goal.
As you two pay for the bill and stand up to leave, you take the opportunity to give Sofia a hug and fondle her ass.
<img src= "img/4-Exhibitionism/groping1.gif" alt="jshorts" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
Sofia seemed to be into it for a moment and then politely pushed you away.
When you get back into the car...
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "John! There were people around."@@
@@.John;John: "Don't worry there was hardly anyone there and no one saw us, I was looking out so don't worry."@@
Sofia grumbles and decides to not argue about it, partly since it didn't actually bother her that much anymore.
[[The next day|Groping 2]]
That weekend you decided to test Sofia's limits even more. You and her decided to go on a nice walk along the beach and Sofia was wearing a nice albiet, normal dress.
<img src= "img/4-Exhibitionism/skirt.jpg" alt="jshorts" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
You spend an hour or so walking and having a nice chat with Sofia. It started to get a little dark and you both decided to go home. Unfortunately home was now a bit away and neither of you wanted to do the hour walk back. It was also a peak time for Uber and you didn't feel like spending the money so you both decided to take the bus. The trip would take about 15 minutes or so and neither of you particularly minded.
The bus was packed and there wasn't any space to sit down so you and Sofia were standing. Seeing the opportunity you start to grab Sofia's ass as discretely as possible.
<img src= "img/4-Exhibitionism/groping2.gif" alt="jshorts" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
@@.Sofia;Sofia in a hushed voice: "Stop it..."@@
@@.John;John in a hushed voice: "Nope."@@
You see a couple of people notice you and so does Sofia.
@@.Sofia;Sofia in a hushed voice: "John there are people watching us."@@
@@.John;John in a hushed voice: "Let them watch, who cares?"@@
The bus arrives at your stop and Sofia rushes out. Once outside she makes a beeline home and once you both get there...
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "John what the fuck! People saw us!"@@
@@.John;John: "So what? We had fun and nothing bad happens."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "I...ok...whatever."@@
A month ago she would be furious but now she was only mildly/moderately angry. Anger that quickly dissipated.
[[The following weekend|Groping 3]]A week later you and Sofia decide to go out and get a few drinks at a nearby bar. Sofia is fully embracing the whole "wear sexier clothes" thing and decided to just wear jean shorts and a very revealing top.
<img src= "img/4-Exhibitionism/barshorts.jpg" alt="jshorts" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
While you and Sofia sit in the packed bar you notice that quite a few guys are checking her out. Sofia also noticed this as well.
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Maybe these clothes are TOO revealing, there are a ton of people looking at me."@@
@@.John;John: "Nah it's fine. I like showing off my property."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "The fuck did you say?"@@ She says in a slightly serious tone.
@@.John;John: "I'm just kidding relax."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "You better be kidding haha. But seriously there are a lot of people watching us."@@
@@.John;John: "Seriously, that's fine. I do love showing off how sexy you are."@@
Sofia smiles and continues drinking. You take a quick look to make sure people ARE watching and you decide...
<<linkreplace "To give them a show.">>To give them a show.
You move your hand towards Sofia's ass and give her a soft grab. Sofia didn't say anything so you move to fully grope her ass in full view of everyone.
<img src= "img/4-Exhibitionism/groping3.gif" alt="jshorts" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
Sofia knows that people are watching and she doesn't seem to mind. She starts to kiss you and after a minute or so you pay the tab and leave.
When you get home...
@@.John;John: "Well, that was fun."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Sure know what I don't care that people saw us."@@
@@.John;John: "Really?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "We had fun and it was kind of thrilling being watched."@@
You were at a loss for words and took a second to process what Sofia said.
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Well anyways we should head to bed."@@
You and Sofia go to bed and you're left with the realization that not only was she fine playing in public, but she was starting to like it as well.
[[The next day you think about next steps.|Grocery Store]] <</linkreplace>>Judging from Sofia's reaction yesterday, she now enjoyed public play a little. Though that is a step in the right direction you wanted her to progress a lot farther than that.
You want Sofia to wear extremely revealing clothes in public (maybe even straight out nudity), flash her body to you, wear butt plugs in a short skirt, tease strangers, and have sex in public.
Starting to like public play a little is fine, but you want to push her a little more before floating the above ideas to her. For now, you'll ask for Sofia to flash you and you'll see how she'll react.
Later that week you and Sofia are on the way to the grocery store. She's wearing a normal long dress and you figure now is the time for another test.
@@.John;John: "Hey Sofia, you know how you were into being groped in public before?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "I was into it a little and MOSTLY because I was drunk. Why?"@@
@@.John;John: "Well you have a nice dress on and..."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "No."@@
@@.John;John: "No?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "I'm not in the mood to be groped in public. That's an occasional thing at BEST."@@
@@.John;John: "Oh no not that. I was actually thinking of something else."@@
Sofia looks at you with a puzzled expression.
@@.John;John: "It's a little game actually. When we're doing groceries I want you to find the right time to lift up your dress and show me your ass. How does that sound?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "That doesn't sound too bad actually! Yeah I can do that."@@
@@.John;John: "Great!"@@
You and Sofia arrive at the grocery store and start shopping. There aren't a ton of people around but it isn't exactly empty either. You and Sofia were getting groceries as usual and nothing special happened.
<<linkreplace "Until you and her turned into an empty aisle.">>Until you and her turned into an empty aisle.
Suddenly Sofia lifts up her dress to give you a nice show.
<img src= "img/4-Exhibitionism/grocery.gif" alt="jshorts" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
After a very exciting few seconds, Sofia pulls her dress down, smiles at you, and continues shopping.
On the ride home Sofia was breathing a little heavier but was oddly quiet.
[[When you get home|Grocery After]] <</linkreplace>>Multiple Options
-VERY revealing clothes in public
-Incorporate toys
-Tease strangers
-Public PlayOnce you and Sofia get home you she rushes the groceries inside and pounces on you.
She quickly takes off her clothes and you and her have the best fuck you've had in months.
<img src= "img/4-Exhibitionism/groceryafter.gif" alt="jshorts" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
When you two are finished you lay in bed, both out of breath.
@@.John;John: "Holy...shit..."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "I know..right?"@@
You both struggle to get words out but after a minute or two you recover.
@@.John;John: "That was amazing, seriously, wow."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "I guess I was just in the mood."@@
@@.John;John: "Was it because of the flashing?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "It...was. I think I really enjoy doing things in public now hahah."@@
@@.John;John: "Be too babe. I think we should keep doing this. What do you think?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "That's a great idea babe. Soo...what's next?"@@
@@.John;John: "Ok here's what we can do: you can wear extremely revealing clothes in public, flash your body to me, wear butt plugs in a short skirt, tease strangers, and we can have sex in public."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Woah calm down there, that's alot. You've obviously thought about this before haha. Wait...did you say tease strangers?"@@
You realize you revealed all of your cards prematurely and run the risk of turning her away.
@@.John;John: "Yeah I mean...uh...I think it would be fun to see you tease strangers in public a little. It'll be something new for us to try and if you don't like it we can stop."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Ok this is way too much. I was thinking like grabbing my ass more or showing you my butt not...all of that."@@
You sit in silence trying to figure out a response. But before you do, Sofia speaks again.
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "I mean do you want other people to see me that badly?"@@
@@.John;John: " you, I think you're the most beautiful woman in the world, and I want to show you off. I think it'll be really fun for the both of us."@@
Sofia processes your words for a moment.
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "I don't think I can do all of that John, but I can try and we'll see how it goes."@@
You are filled with excitement and hope as Sofia says that so you give her a big kiss and cuddle with her while you both drift to sleep.
[[GO HERE TO GO BACK TO THE PATH SELECTION SCREEN|After a couple of hours]]That Saturday you wake up and see Sofia getting ready to go and spend time with Mia. You ask her what she's going to do today and she responds...
<<if $miahang is 0 and $miashop gte 1>> [["I'm just going to hangout with Mia."|Hangout1]]
<<elseif $miahang is 1>> [["I'm just going to hangout with Mia."|Hangout2]]
<<elseif $miahang is 2 and $miashop is 3>> [["I'm just going to hangout with Mia."|Hangout3]]
<<else>> Sofia wants to go out and do something fun, not just hang out.
<<if $miashop is 0>> [["I'm going shopping with Mia."|Shopping1]]
<<elseif $miashop is 1>> [["I'm going shopping with Mia."|Shopping2]]
<<elseif $miashop is 2 and $miagym gte 1>> [["I'm going shopping with Mia."|Shopping3]]
<<else>> Sofia is tired of going to the mall.
<<if $miagym is 0 and $miashop gte 1>> [["I'm going to the gym with Mia."|Gym1]]
<<elseif $miagym is 1>> [["I'm going to the gym with Mia."|Gym2]]
<<elseif $miagym is 2>> [["I'm going to the gym with Mia."|Gym3]]
<<else>> Sofia doesn't feel like going to the gym today.
<<if $miadrink is 0 and $miashop gte 1>> [["I'm going drinking with Mia."|Drinking1]]
<<elseif $miadrink is 1>> [["I'm going drinking with Mia."|Drinking2]]
<<elseif $miadrink is 2 and $miagym is 3 and $miashop is 3 and $miahang is 3>> [["I'm going drinking with Mia."|Drinking3]]
<<else>> Sofia doesn't feel like drinking today.
<</if>>Sofia and Mia go to the mall and shop for clothes. Sofia bought a few outfits and all of them are sexier than anything she bought before.
<img src= "img/7-Freedom/shopping1.gif" alt="conpose" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
When she gets home, Sofia decides to show it off a little for you.
<img src= "img/7-Freedom/newclothes1.jpg" alt="conpose" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "So what do you think?"@@
You sit there speechless.
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Yup I like it too."@@
Sofia seemed to have a good time shopping and soon enough a week passes by.
[[Next Saturday|That Saturday...]] <<set $miashop to $miashop + 1>>Sofia and Mia decided they wanted to go shopping again. You didn't hear from her for most of the day until she sends you a text.
<<linkreplace "Check the text.">>Check the text.
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "How does this look?"@@
<img src= "img/7-Freedom/shopping2.jpg" alt="conpose" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
You see that Sofia and Mia are trying out really sexy bikinis. Though you aren't fully comfortable seeing her wear that in public, you give it the go ahead.
@@.John;John: "Looks good babe, you should buy it."@@
Later that day Sofia comes home, gives you a kiss, and you two have dinner.
A week passes by and [[next Saturday|That Saturday...]] <<set $miashop to $miashop + 1>>
Sofia and Mia went to the mall again because Mia thought Sofia didn't have enough nice bikinis.
As usual you sit at home and kill time waiting on Sofia. Eventually she sends you a text so you'll know what she's up to.
<<linkreplace "Check the text.">>Check the text.
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "What do you think?"@@
You see Sofia and Mia posing in their new bikinis. They both look sexy in it of course, but you wondered who was recording the video for them.
<img src= "img/7-Freedom/shopping3.gif" alt="conpose" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
@@.John;John: "Wow. Yeah buy that."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Lol ok. I'm going to try on more stuff with Mia first though."@@
You go back to watching tv and started to wonder who else was out with them since Sofia didn't mention anyone else.
A few minutes later though, you get another text.
<<linkreplace "Check the text.">>Check the text.
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Mia said you'd to want to see me in the bikini more, so here you go!"@@
<img src= "img/7-Freedom/shopping4.gif" alt="conpose" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
@@.John;John: "Yeah you should definitely buy that."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Fine fine lol."@@
Eventually Sofia comes back home and you ask how her day was.
@@.John;John: "Those...are a lot of bags."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Yeah I bought a few bikinis and other clothes as well. Figured it was time for a change."@@
@@.John;John: "That's a good idea. and Mia had fun?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Yup! I did spend a little too much today though, so I'm probably going to slow down on the shopping."@@
@@.John;John: "Might be a good idea. Oh by the way, was it just you and Mia out today?"@@
Sofia started to look a little more serious.
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Uh, why'd you ask that?"@@
@@.John;John: "Just curious."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Well it was me, Mia, and a couple of her guy friends. She said it would be a good idea to get guys opinions on our clothes as well."@@
@@.John;John: ""@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "It's not a big deal John, relax haha."@@
@@.John;John: "I guess you're right."@@
Sofia starts to unpack the clothes, and soon enough a week passes by.
[[The following weekend|That Saturday...]] <<set $miashop to $miashop + 1>>
<</linkreplace>> <</linkreplace>>Sofia went to Mia's place to hang out in for the day before heading over to the club.
Sofia and Mia drank, danced, and Sofia stumbled back home.
<img src= "img/7-Freedom/club1.gif" alt="conpose" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 50%;" />
@@.John;John: "Hey babe, how was your day?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "G..ood. Need sleep."@@ She says drunkenly.
The next day Sofia woke up with a killer hangover, and soon enough [[it was Saturday again|That Saturday...]] <<set $miadrink to $miadrink + 1>>Sofia decides to go drinking with Mia again. While you sit home and watch tv, Sofia sends you a text.
<<linkreplace "Open the text.">>Open the text.
You see that Mia recorded a video of Sofia expertly taking a shot.
<img src= "img/7-Freedom/club2.gif" alt="conpose" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 50%;" />
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Check out my skillssss."@@
@@.John;John: "Yes yes I'm proud of you, just don't get too drunk."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "KK"@@
But as it turned out Sofia did get too drunk and came stumbling home yet again.
As soon as she entered she gave you a kiss and made her way to bed.
Sofia once again woke up with a hangover and the [[next weekend comes along.|That Saturday...]] <<set $miadrink to $miadrink + 1>>
<</linkreplace>>It's been a little while but Sofia and Mia decide to go to the club. Sofia wore something skimpy and headed over to Mia's to pregame.
After a few hours, Sofia sends you a quick video of the club and it looks like she went with Mia and her friends, not just the two of them.
<img src= "img/7-Freedom/club3.gif" alt="conpose" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
After a few more hours Sofia hadn't come home and you started to worry. You know what club Sofia and Mia went to so you got in your car and drove there.
You paid for admission and entered the packed club. At first you didn't see Sofia, but you saw a group of people in the back of the club and walked over.
<<linkreplace "You saw Sofia.">>You saw Sofia.
Mia and Sofia were kissing and Mia's male friends were huddled around cheering them on.
<img src= "img/7-Freedom/kissing bar.jpg" alt="conpose" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
When they break from their kiss Sofia sees you and runs to you.
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Ba...byyy! You're here!!!"@@
Sofia runs over and gives you a big hug.
@@.John;John: "Yeah I uh wanted to pick you up."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "KK I'll go and say bye."@@
Sofia waves to her friends and follows you out of the club.
On the drive home you were pretty quiet and Sofia was on the verge of passing out.
Once you get home you get Sofia to bed and you lay there and process Sofia and Mia kissing,
[[The next morning, Sofia is hungover]] <<set $miadrink to $miadrink + 1>>
<</linkreplace>>Sofia and Mia head over to the gym wearing some of the clothes she bought on her last shopping trip with Mia.
<img src= "img/7-Freedom/gym1.gif" alt="conpose" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
When they get there, Mia says hello to one of her friends that met them there, and they all worked out.
<img src= "img/7-Freedom/gym2.gif" alt="conpose" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
Sofia comes back home an hour later and you two go about the rest of your week.
Soon enough it's [[Saturday again.|That Saturday...]] <<set $miagym to $miagym + 1>>Sofia decides to go back to the gym with Mia and lift some weights. Sofia and Mia bonded a little more and they got a good workout in.
<img src= "img/7-Freedom/gym3.gif" alt="conpose" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
This time, instead of coming straight home, Sofia went for an hour long coffee and chat afterwards.
You see Sofia back home after a couple of hours.
The week passes by and soon enough it's [[Saturday again.|That Saturday...]] <<set $miagym to $miagym + 1>>Sofia and Mia head to the gym, which has become a normal habit for the two of them.
<img src= "img/7-Freedom/gym4.gif" alt="conpose" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
After working out, Sofia decided to just hangout with Mia for the rest of the day. You see Sofia back home later that night.
That Sunday you and Sofia relax at home, go to work the next day, and eventually it's [[Saturday again.|That Saturday...]] <<set $miagym to $miagym + 1>>Sofia and Mia decided to just hangout out around town and talk.
Normally they would just go drinking or do generic basic bitch stuff together, but instead went walked around the beach and talked at the pier for a few hours.
<img src= "img/7-Freedom/hanging1.gif" alt="conpose" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
Afterwards, they both felt like they got closer as friends.
<img src= "img/7-Freedom/hanging2.gif" alt="conpose" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
Sofia got home, went to work a couple days later, and the week passed along until it was [[Saturday again.|That Saturday...]] <<set $miahang to $miahang +1>>Today, Sofia and Mia decided to just walk around the town. Sofia was wearing some of the new clothes she bought at the mall.
<img src= "img/7-Freedom/hanging3.gif" alt="conpose" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
Sofia and Mia's friendship grew a little more that day and eventually she came home.
[[A week later.|That Saturday...]] <<set $miahang to $miahang +1>>Today, Sofia and Mia decided to walk to the beach but changed to their swimsuits before getting there.
They both take a nice walk through town in their bikinis and got a lot of attention.
<img src= "img/7-Freedom/hanging4.gif" alt="conpose" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
Months back Sofia wouldn't be this bold, but Mia has been a good (or bad) influence on her.
She had a great time and came back home later that day.
A week later it's [[Saturday again.|That Saturday...]] <<set $miahang to $miahang +1>>While Sofia is hungover in bed you reflect on the last few months.
Sofia has been spending more and more time with Mia. They haven't just been drinking, but going to the gym together, shopping together, and just hanging out and getting closer. Mia is now solidly Sofia's best friend and Sofia even comfortably hangs out with Mia's male friends too.
You thought this was completely fine and innocent until last night where you saw Mia and Sofia kiss, goaded on by Mia's friends. Considering how into it Mia was, you feel that her spending more time with Sofia may lead to Sofia "opening" up more to Mia...and maybe with her friends too. You're not sure how to think about this so you wait until Sofia wakes up.
Sofia eventually wakes up and grabs a glass of water from the kitchen and drags herself back to bed.
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Oh head is killing me."@@
@@.John;John: "Yeah you had a rough night last night."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "I barely remember what happened..."@@
@@.John;John: "Well it was getting late and you didn't come home so I went to pick you up at the club."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "mmm...thank you baby..."@@
@@.John;John: "So you really don't remember what happened last night?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: " happened? Did I throw up?"@@
@@.John;John: "You and Mia were making out."@@
Suddenly Sofia sits up.
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "I did what?!"@@
@@.John;John: "yeah..."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Oh my god...I'm so sorry John. I can't believe that happened! Why would Mia do that. I feel so sick."@@
[[Tell Sofia she needs better friends than Mia|Tell Sofia she needs to get new friends]]
[[Tell Sofia it isn't a big deal]]@@.John;John: "Looks like you're overreacting again babe. You know how Mia is. She's your very best and there's nothing wrong with a kiss between female friends."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Uh...what?"@@
@@.John;John: "You're overthinking it babe. You and Mia just had a wild night is all."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "I don't know. Maybe I shouldn't be friends with Mia anymore."@@
@@.John;John: "If that's what you want then I support you. Seeing you and Mia kissing was great wank bank material though. I should have taken a picture."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "OMG John! I'm being serious!"@@
@@.John;John: "Too serious babe. I think Mia is right trying to get you to loosen up. Just have fun with your friend! An occasional kiss isn't so bad between female friends."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "I mean..."@@
@@.John;John: "As long as you take pic for me of course."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Oh fuck off. Me and Mia won't kiss again or anything like that."@@
You look at Sofia with a pitiful face.
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Ugh...but IF we do I'll take a picture or something. Not that it'll ever happened again."@@
Sofia then gets up and goes and takes a shower.
For now it seems like you've convinced Sofia to still be friends with Mia. Mia's sluttiness is starting to rub off on Sofia just a little bit. And the more Sofia hangs out with Mia the more sluttier Sofia will be. Though you're a little apprehensive you want to see what happens next.
[[GO HERE TO GO BACK TO THE PATH SELECTION SCREEN|After a couple of hours]]hikes, bar crawling, clubbing, beach visits, indoor activities like board games, and occasional multi day trips
drink, exercise, social, go somewhere
Meetup 1: Bar - Intro - DONE
Meetup 2: Hike - More Intro - DONE
Start to make new friends
Meetup 3: Board and Card Games - Start to make friends - DONE
Meetup 4: Farmers Market - More time with new friends (Sofia alone) - DONE
Meetup 5: Bar Crawling - Becoming good friends with a smaller group (Sofia alone) - DONE
Meetup 6: Group Yoga - Being comfortable in sexy clothes (Sofia alone)-DONE
Be more comfortable around friends
Meetup 7: Platonic Speed Dating - Being flirty with new friends (Sofia alone)
Meetup 8: Movies? - Hangout with new friends after movie (Sofia alone)
Meetup 9: Club - Dancing and a little flirty with new friends (Sofia alone)
Meetup 10: Weightlifting Class - Revealing clothes around new friends (Sofia alone)
VERY Comfortable Around Friends, Light Nudity
Meetup 11: Poker Night - Strip poker, show tits (Sofia alone)
Meetup 12: Day Trip to nearby townNext weekend it was time for the next meetup.
According to the page, this week's event was going to be "Board and Card Games," that was being hosted at someone's place. You and Sofia arrive that night and join a group of 15 or so people. It looks like the amount of people that go to these events vary by activity. Drinks or going out will have the most people, outdoor activities will have a moderate amount of people, and indoor activities like this will have a smaller group of people.
<img src= "img/7-Freedom/Meetup/Game1.jpg" alt="bar" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
In this intimate group of people, you and Sofia saw a few faces you recognized from past events and you even started to put names to faces like: Brian, Will, and Greg. In past events these people were the ones you gave Sofia a little extra attention or tried to speak to her a little more than the others.
Rationally, you know that they are just being friendly but you can't help but imagine if there was some kind of ulterior motive.
You and Sofia play cards for a few hours, have a couple of drinks, and then make your way back home.
[[When you get home.|Meetup 3 After]]After the event, you and Sofia went home.
@@.John;John: "Well that was fun, right?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Yup, I'm pretty bad at cards and board games though."@@
@@.John;John: "Yeah you're not great. You probably need more practice. I'm sure she'll do more meetups like this in the future. Speaking of, are you having fun going to these?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Yup, it's nice to meet a bunch of new people!"@@
@@.John;John: "I'm glad you think so. I was thinking about this before and I think you should start going to these by yourself."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Wait what? Why?"@@
@@.John;John: "Well there's a couple of reasons for that. One, I'm not super into going to group events and meeting tons of people so it isn't for me. And two, we were going to these for you to make friends. But since I'm there with you that would probably prevent people from actually trying to talk to you and get to know you better. Since they see us as a package."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Ah, that makes sense. I kind of don't want to go anymore then."@@
@@.John;John: "No no you should definitely go and try and expand your social circle! It's important that you have your own friends and life."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "If you say so..."@@
After that you and Sofia had dinner and relaxed for the rest of the weekend.
[[Next Week|Meetup 4]]Next weekend rolls along and it's time for the next meetup. As you told Sofia, you're going to start sitting these out since it's important for her to go out and make friends on her own.
This time the event is going to be "Farmers Market." So the group will just go and visit the local market. Sofia wears a normal dress and heads out to the event.
After an hour or so you get a text from Sofia of her posing in front of some vegetables.
<img src= "img/7-Freedom/Meetup/Market1.jpg" alt="bar" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
It looks like she's having fun and a few hours later she comes back home with a large basket of fresh fruit and vegetables.
[[You ask Sofia how the event was|Meetup 4 After]]@@.John;John: "Hey babe, how was the event?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "It was really fun! We should go and visit the farmers market ourselves. There were a bunch of nice fruits and vegetables and had a real "rustic" feel to it."@@
@@.John;John: "That does sound nice, maybe we should check it out ourselves. So did you make any new friends or were you a total loner?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "I think I did make a few friends. I was hanging out with Brian, Will, and Greg for the most part. They seemed the friendliest so yeah."@@
@@.John;John: "Well I'm glad you made those friends baby."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Me too!"@@
After that conversation you and Sofia went about your daily and weekly ritual. During the week you noticed that she was on her phone a little more and when you ask her about it, she said she was talking to her new friends.
[[The next weekend|Meetup 5]]It's Saturday again and time for another Meetup event. According to the group's webpage it's going to be a pub crawl across a quite a few different bars in the area. You felt a little worried for Sofia since she was going to be drinking alone with relative strangers but opted to still not go with her.
Sofia dressed in jeans and a nice top, nothing too revealing but definitely on the casual side.
<img src= "img/7-Freedom/Meetup/barclothes1.jpg" alt="bar" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
You drop off Sofia at the first location and see that it's totally packed.
<img src= "img/7-Freedom/Meetup/bar2.gif" alt="bar" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
You enter the bar with Sofia, say hello to a couple of people, and let them know you weren't able to stay long since you have prior engagements.
As you stay walking out you turn around and see that one of Sofia's new friends went and got her a drink.
<img src= "img/7-Freedom/Meetup/bar3.gif" alt="bar" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
You go back home and wait for the event to be over.
[[A few hours later.|Meetup 5 After]]Later that night Sofia ubered home.
As she stumbles through the door she give you a big hug a kiss.
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "babbyy I missed you."@@ She said, drunk.
@@.John;John: "Aww I missed you too. How was the event?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Good!!! We went to like 6 different bars and did a lot of walking. I spent most of the time with Brian, Will, and Greg and maybe a couple of other people."@@
@@.John;John: "Oh it looks like you really are making friends. Anything else interesting happen?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Nope. They were making some innapropriate jokes and stuff but that's not a big deal."@@
@@.John;John: ", not at all. That's fine."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Yup. Anyways I'm gonna go to bed since I'm pretty tired."@@
@@.John;John: "Ok I'll join you soon."@@
During the next week, Sofia spend more time on the phone talking to her new friends, and once even went for coffee with them after work once. You were a little concerned about what Sofia said about "inappropriate jokes" but you're sure that's just their personality.
[[For the next Meetup...|Meetup 6]]Next week's meetup was a group yoga class. This time the meetup location was a little far from home so even though so you'd drop Sofia off, you would stick around the area to pick her up.
That day Sofia wore appropriate yoga attire and you dropped her off at the gym.
<img src= "img/7-Freedom/Meetup/yogaclothes.jpg" alt="bar" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
The location had a glass wall for an entrance so every so often you would pass by the gym and see Sofia doing Yoga.
<img src= "img/7-Freedom/Meetup/yoga1.gif" alt="bar" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
It seemed like a normal yoga glass so you went off to grab a quick bite.
Towards the end of the class you decide to drive through the street to see how Sofia was doing and you see that...
<<linkreplace "Sofia was getting yoga help.">>Sofia was getting yoga help.
<img src= "img/7-Freedom/Meetup/yoga2.gif" alt="bar" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
It looked like one of her new friends was helping Sofia with the posing and you see the rest of her new "friends" hold back laughter.
Eventually Sofia started laughing as well and pushed away the guy "helping her" pose.
5 minutes later, Sofia comes out of the gym, sees you, and you drive back home.
[[On the way back|Meetup 6 After]]
<</linkreplace>>@@.John;John: "So how was the class?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "It was really good! I need to work on my flexibility since some of the poses were super hard."@@
@@.John;John: "Oh ok."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Yeah. Brian was helping me out for one of the poses, but I should definitely do more yoga."@@
@@.John;John: "Yup."@@
Brian getting a little handsy didn't seem to phase Sofia. It seems that her naivity, wanting for new friends, and the fact that she has started to build a social relationship with Brian and the others meant that she didn't see the "help" as anything wrong.
When you get home you and Sofia go back to your routine, with the exception of Sofia going to coffee more with her new friends.
[[The next weekend|Meetup 7]]On Friday night, you look at the meetup page and you see that tomorrow's event is called "platonic speed dating." The event is described as "meeting everyone at the event speed dating style and make new friends."
It seemed innocent enough and you call it a night.
When Saturday evening rolls around you see Sofia dressed a nice dress.
@@.John;John: "Woah you look beautiful!"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Aww thank you baby."@@
@@.John;John: "What's the occasion?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Oh just the weekly meetup event."@@
@@.John;John: "Is it a dancing thing? I didn't check this week."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "No no, it's called platonic speed dating. You just go around from table to table and talk to different people."@@
@@.John;John: "Oh I guess that explains the dress, kind of?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "I'm going to arrive a little earlier to hang out with my friends and chill beforehand that's why I'm wearing the dress."@@
@@.John;John: "AHH, got it. Ok babe well go and have fun!"@@
Sofia smiles and walks out the door.
<img src= "img/7-Freedom/Meetup/barclothes2.gif" alt="bar" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 50%;" />
You figured as long as Sofia was having fun then you were happy.
[[Later night Sofia comes home|Meetup 7 After]]A few hours later Sofia comes home drunk and her clothes looking slightly disheaveled. Concerned, you ask:
@@.John;John: "Babe are you ok? What happened?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Whatttt? Nothing happened babe, are YOU ok?"@@
@@.John;John: "Your clothes look messed up..."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "OHHH yeah yeah I get it. Itz all good baby. We were just playing a game during the event."@@
@@.John;John: "What game?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Ok. So... The guys wanted to play a game during the event where we try to pretend it's actually speed dating. So the goal of the game is when it was their turn to talk to me they would flirt and I would flirt back. Whoever was best I would give them a reward."@@
@@.John;John: "Reward? What are you talking about?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "I would give them a show!"@@
@@.John;John: "???"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Oh don't worry babyyy I just had to tease the winner a little bit. Like with my boobs. I think Brian won too. Don't..remember."@@
@@.John;John: "What did you do?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Oh just this!"@@
Sofia proceeds to play with her tits in a seductive way, but nothing TOO obscene.
<img src= "img/7-Freedom/Meetup/tittease.gif" alt="bar" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Oh wait. Was that bad? Was I not supposed to do that?"@@ It looks like Sofia is starting to sober up a bit.
@@.John;John: "That's fine baby. As long as you're having fun with your friends then you can do whatever you want."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "K. I'm gonna...sleep. Sleepy time."@@
Sofia stumbles into bed and crashes immediately, without even fully changing out of her dress. It seems nothing "bad" happened and Sofia did have fun, so you decided not to mention it the next morning when she woke up hungover.
[[GO HERE TO GO BACK TO THE PATH SELECTION SCREEN|After a couple of hours]]That Saturday it was time for Sofia to start her new part time job with Rob. She would be a part time bookkeeper and her hours would be 12-4. After a little convincing, Sofia agreed to the job and she will be working on his books, in his home office.
You see Sofia getting ready for work, wearing normal professional attire.
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Hey babe I'm gonna head over to Rob's place for the part time gig. I should be back later this afternoon, ok?"@@
@@.John;John: "Sounds good baby, I'll see you soon."@@
Sofia leaves the home for a few hours and comes back later that day.
@@.John;John: "Hey babe, how was the new gig?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "It was good! He has a really nice place too. So once I got there he showed me where his home office was and I just got to work. His books are super messy so at the moment I'm just trying to figure out an organization system that works for his needs."@@
@@.John;John: "Sounds like a pain in the ass. Did he work with you or were you alone?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "I was alone for the most part, but every so often he'd check in and see how I was doing. He even made me a snack at some point. It was a nice work environment."@@
@@.John;John: "Ok babe, sounds good."@@
Later that night you check your email to see what Rob had to say.
[[You check your email|Rob 1 After]]You check your email and see that Rob sent you a status update.
Rob's email:
@@.Rob;"Hi John,
Sofia started her first day of work today and I'd say she was very competent. For the most part I left her alone and nothing happened here. As much as I want to fuck her, I'm not going to fumble the ball and go too fast too quickly. Though, it was still a beautiful sight seeing YOUR wife in my home. Took a quick video of Sofia at my place, since I've rigged my place with hidden cameras. FYI I think it best to communicate with Sofia less and be less loving in general. You'll create that void and I'll eventually fill in. Will speak soon."@@
<<linkreplace "Open Attachment.">>Open Attachment.
<img src= "img/2-Cheating/friendly1.gif" alt="office" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
You see a normal video of Sofia in Rob's office. Nothing too excited yet so you close the video and head back to sleep.
[[The next week|Rob 2]]
<</linkreplace>>During the rest of the week you take Rob's advice and give Sofia a little less attention. You communicate with her less, you stop making food for her, and you're less affectionate. As much as you hate doing so, you want to see if this does in fact create a "void" that Rob can fill. At the moment despite the small changes you've made with your dynamic with Sofia, you haven't noticed any sort of changes in Sofia's behavior.
That Saturday it was time for Sofia to head back to Rob's place and so she leaves at the normal time and comes back home at the normal time.
@@.John;John: "Hey Sofia, how was working at Rob's place today?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "It's getting better, just still working on that new organizational system for him."@@
@@.John;John: "Oh ok sounds good."@@
You noticed that Sofia was a little less friendly and once you have a spare moment you log check your email that night.
[[Check your email|Rob 2 After]]You check your email and see that Rob sent over a status today as well.
@@.Rob;Rob's email:
"Hey John, made a little bit of progress today. While Sofia was working on the books she seemed a little stressed so I took the time to talk to her a little more. Though she didn't get into specifics it seems like she had something weighing on her mind. I would imagine you followed my advice and intentionally strained the dynamic between her and you. Good work. She was a lot more talkative with me and I took a picture of me comforting her a little. Other than that, there was nothing else to report.
Will speak soon. - Rob"@@
<<linkreplace "Open Attachment.">>Open Attachment.
<img src= "img/2-Cheating/friendly2.jpg" alt="office" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
You see Rob rubbing Sofia's shoulders a little. It's not much but it is physical contact and definitely a step forward. You still feel guilty about what you're doing to your own relationship but you decide to do nothing about it.
[[The next week|Rob 3]]
<</linkreplace>>For the rest of the next week you and Sofia were less affectionate. You would engage only a little to not cause any alarm but you tried to put a little distance between you and her.
She is already sexually frustrated due to the lack of sex and now you're working on creating emotional distance between you two as well.
That Saturday it was time for Sofia's part time job again. She gets dressed, gives you a kiss goodbye, and heads off to work.
4:30pm approaches and there's no sign of Sofia. She's usually back from work by now and you start to worry about her. You send her a text, to which she replied and said she's just grabbing an early dinner with Rob.
Relieved, you sit and wait for her and she gets back home an hour later.
@@.John;John: "Hey babe, you were a little late today. I thought something had happened to you!"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Relax babe, it's fine. Rob wanted to make some food to thank me for all the work I've been doing."@@
@@.John;John: "Yeah I know, but I thought something could have happened to you."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "I appreciate it honey, but you're worrying too much. I'll let you know next time I'm running late though."@@
@@.John;John: "Sounds good."@@
Eager to hear what Rob had to say you wait until Sofia was in bed and rush to the computer.
[[You check your email.|Rob 3 After]]
You check your email and see Rob has already sent over a status.
@@.Rob;Rob's email:
"Hey John,
Made some progress with Sofia. After she was done with her work I decided to make dinner for the both of us. When I say progress I don't mean anything sexual of course (not yet at least) but we had a nice conversation. We're definitely developing a friendship dynamic here and though I haven't steered the conversation to anything...sexual yet she's starting to trust me a lot more. I'm going to invite the two of you for dinner tomorrow night fyi so say yes to it. I want to start taking her out on dates and all of that and I want her to think it's an ok thing to do. Will see you tomorrow.
<<linkreplace "Rob also sent over an attachement.">>Rob also sent over an attachement.
<img src= "img/2-Cheating/date1.gif" alt="office" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
You see a short video of Sofia and Rob having dinner together. She seems like she's having a good time and you see her smile and laugh alot.
[[The next day|Rob Meetup]] <</linkreplace>>The next morning you get out of bed and have breakfast with Sofia.
While having breakfast Sofia gets a text and she takes a minute to check her phone and respond.
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Hey babe it looks like Rob invited us over for dinner tonight. Should we go?"@@
Remembering what Rob said the day before you respond:
@@.John;John: "Sure babe that sounds like a good idea."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Great we'll arrive there around 6ish."@@
Time passes and eventually you and Sofia get ready and drive to Rob's house.
When you arrive you see that Rob lived in a massive house and was doing well for himself. You and Sofia pull up to the driveaway, knock of his door, and Rob greets the two of you.
@@.Rob;Rob: "Hey glad you guys can make it! Pleasure to meet you John, Sofia's told me a lot about you."@@
Rob shakes your hand and hugs Sofia.
@@.Rob;Rob: "Well dinner is just about done so have a seat and I'll everything ready."@@
For the next couple of hours you, Sofia, and Rob all have dinner. Rob was charming, made Sofia laugh, and the whole dynamic felt as if you were all friends. At some point Rob says:
@@.Rob;Rob: "Oh by the way Sofia, have you checked out the new bar by the white office building in town? Apparently they serve great cocktails."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Oh yeah I've heard of that place, I hadn't had a chance to go though."@@
@@.Rob;Rob: " about we go together!"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Well I don't..."@@
@@.Rob;Rob: "If John is fine with it of course. I don't mean to impose on your free time."@@
@@.John;John: "I think that's completely fine. Sofia needs new friends anyways hahaha."@@
@@.Rob;Rob: "Sofia is a wonderful woman and I would love to be her friend...slash part time boss haha. But anyways I guess it's settled. We can go after work on Saturday. Sounds good Sofia?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Sure I guess. Could be fun."@@
The all three of you finish up dinner and you and Sofia eventually head home.
[[Later that night|Rob Meetup After]]When you get home you check your email and see that Rob sent over another update. You thought it was a bit odd since you just left his place but regardless you open it.
@@.Rob;Rob's email:
"Hey John,
Glad to have you guys over. I think after today me and Sofia have gone from "friendly" to friends. And that is a VERY important step. So on Saturday I'm going to take her out for drinks after work and try and get to know her a little bit more. Maybe even innocently flirt with her...keep encouraging her to spend time with me. Got it?"
Speak soon. -Rob"@@
It was a pretty neutral update and nothing you weren't expecting. It's early stages of course but things between Sofia and Rob are progressing.
[[Later that week|Rob 4]]For the week following your dinner with Rob you continue to pay less attention to Sofia.
You don't make an effort to give her a goodbye kiss in the mornings or when she gets back from work, you still don't cook for her, and you stop doing all of the small loving gestures you used to do.
One day Sofia decided to say something about it.
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Hey baby do you have a minute?"@@
@@.John;John: "Yeah what's up?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "I just wanted to ask if there was...anything wrong?"@@
@@.John;John: "What do you mean?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Like in general."@@
@@.John;John: "Nope, not at all."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Are you sure, you've been a little distant...@@"
@@.John;John: "I don't think so babe. I think you're just overthinking things."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Ok...if you say so."@@
You've now resorted to gaslighting your wife but you knew that's the level this had to go if Sofia was ever going to cheat on you.
That Saturday Sofia heads to Rob's place and waves you goodbye as she leaves.
Today was the day Sofia was going to grab drinks with Rob after "work" but she forgot to mention anything on the way out.
You watch the clock and wait for Sofia to come home. The clock hits 5...then 6....then 7...then 8.
Eventually Sofia comes back at 9, slightly tipsy.
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Hey babyy...did you wait up for me?"@@
@@.John;John: "Yup! So how was your day?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "It was good! After work me and Rob checked out that new bar and then had some dinner. I missed you though."@@
Sofia then kisses you. And keeps kissing you. You know Sofia enough to realize that she wanted to do a lot more than kiss, but wanting to keep with the plan you politely push her away.
@@.John;John: "Hey babe I'm a little tired today and I'm sure you are too. Raincheck ok?"@@
Sofia looked grumpy and walked towards the bedroom to change and go to bed.
[[You wait for Sofia to head to bed|Rob 4 After]]As usual, as soon as Sofia went to bed you checked your email.
@@.Rob;Rob's email:
"John. Had a good time with Sofia today. We had a few drinks at a new bar. I started to flirt with her a little and she actually seemed to respond. She's have the "oh don't say that ahahah" reaction but I can tell she was really liking the compliments. We're getting there, don't worry. Soon enough she'll be mine. - Rob."@@
<<linkreplace "Open Attachment.">>Open Attachment.
<img src= "img/2-Cheating/date2.jpg" alt="office" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
You see a normal photo of Sofia at a nice bar. She looks happy.
Eventually you had back to bed and go on with the rest of your week.
[[That next week|Rob 4.5]] <</linkreplace>>From then on things have gotten noticeably colder between you and Sofia. At this point she's noticed that you're less affectionate and loving, and she's started to pull back as well.
You wouldn't say there was strife as you two don't argue but there was less love in the atmosphere.
On Wednesday afternoon, a few days after Sofia's last meetup with Rob, you were sitting at your desk doing work. You had your personal email open on the side and you notice a new email from Rob come in. A bit confused since Sofia wasn't supposed to go over that that you open it up...
<<linkreplace "You open the email.">>You open the email.
<img src= "img/2-Cheating/upskirt.jpg" alt="office" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
@@.Rob;Rob's email: "Hey John. Sofia had to stop by real quick 5 minutes to pick up a couple of documents. Took the opportunity to take an upskirt pic lol. Looks like she's wearing nice underwear. Does she always do that? Well anyways I'm gonna be getting in there real soon, she's almost there. -Rob."@@
You sit there a little annoyed that Sofia didn't mention anything about going to Rob's place. But you figured she would as soon as she came home.
A few hours later Sofia gets back from work.
@@.John;John: "Hey babe, how was your day?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Same old. Nothing to report really."@@
@@.John;John: "Oh? Nothing special?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Not really, no."@@
@@.John;John: " it."@@
Sofia half smiles then walks to the bedroom. It seems that Sofia forgot to mention that she went to Rob's place.
[[A few days later...|Rob 5]] <</linkreplace>>That Saturday it was time for Sofia to continue her part time work at Rob's place. On her way out she smiled and waved goodbye, and then she was gone.
You spend the day lounging at home, did some chores, and took a nap. When you woke up you realised it was already 10pm and Sofia wasn't in sight. This was much later than Sofia is usually out with Rob so you decide to call her, but there was answer.
You got ready and decided to drive out to the bar she was going to, until you hear footsteps coming up the driveaway.
The door opens and you see Sofia stumble in, almost blackout drunk.
She walks up to you, gives you a hug, and then makes her way to the bathroom to throw up. After you get her a glass of water and she sobers up a little to try and talk to her.
@@.John;John: "Babe is everything alright? What happened?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Good. I'm...yeah I'm good."@@
@@.John;John: "Why are you so drunk and why did you come home so late?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Drinking! We had a few bottles Yeah we had wine. And then Rob put me in an uber and here I am."@@
@@.John;John: "You should have called or texted me I was worried!"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Yeah...sure you were. I'm...gonna...gonna go to bed. Night."@@
Sofia crawls into bed and immediately knocks out.
[[You check your email.|Rob 5 After]]You rush to your computer and see that Rob sent over a status email.
@@.Rob;Rob's email:
"Hey bud, sorry Sofia got super wasted tonight. So here's what happened: we were sitting at the bar having a glass of wine and I started to flirt with her a little. Innocently of course. But to my surprise she started to flirt back as well, calling me handsome, blah, blah, blah. Nice to hear but nothing special. As we drank more she started to complain...about you! And your sex life and the state of your marriage, etc. The more she complained the more she drank. Admittedly I wasn't super into Sofia being a sloppy drunk but feels like she trusts me a lot more now. But anyways I put her in an uber and sent her home. Getting her drunk smoothes the wheel but yeah this was too much, I'll try to keep an eye on her in the future. I'm gonna veer away from drinking activities for now though. Otherwise, still going according to plan. -Rob."@@
<<linkreplace "Open Attachment.">>Open Attachment.
You see a video of Sofia getting drunk and having a good time.
<img src= "img/2-Cheating/date3.gif" alt="office" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
[[The close the browser and the next day...|Rob 5.5]] <</linkreplace>>The next day Sofia wakes up with a horrible hangover. Being the nice husband that you are you decide to make her a cup of coffee and breakfast. Just because you're intentionally trying to strain your relationship doesnt mean you're trying to break it.
For a few hours that morning Sofia, spent most of that Sunday laying in bed and nursing her hangover. But after copious amounts of water she felt ok enough to stand up and do things around the house.
@@.John;John: "Had a rough night huh?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "God my head is still killing me..."@@
@@.John;John: "Poor baby. Guess it's a good thing Rob put you in the uber. I was going to drive by and pick you up just in case though."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Thanks."@@
At that moment Sofia saw a sweater on the couch that she wore coming in.
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Oh shit I think that's Rob's sweater."@@
@@.John;John: "I didn't notice."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Ok I need to go out and get groceries anyways so I'll swing by his place to drop it off and then get stuff for dinner."@@
@@.John;John: "Sounds good baby, do you want me to come with?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "It's ok I'm feeling a lot better."@@
Sofia then gets ready and drives off.
An hour later, while Sofia is presumably at the grocery store already you get a new email from Rob.
@@.Rob;Rob's email: "Hey John. Quick update here. Sofia came by to drop off my sweater and apologize for getting too drunk last night. I made her a quick lunch and just chatted a while. Felt really friendly between me and her. Nothing to report other than her giving me a nice hug. Baby steps I suppose. OH! I did mention we weren't going to drink for a while and we'll just do some normal friend activity during the day. - Rob"@@
<<linkreplace "Open Attachment.">>Open Attachment.
<img src= "img/2-Cheating/hug.gif" alt="office" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
You see a video of Sofia lovingly hug Rob. Looks innocent enough you think. You close the video and eventually Sofia comes home to make dinner.
[[That Saturday|Rob 6]]
<</linkreplace>>That Saturday you see Sofia get ready to go to her part time job. You also noticed that she package a light bag as well.
@@.John;John: "Hey babe, packing a little extra today?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Sup I shouldn't have a ton of work to do today and Rob said he wanted to go on a nice hike by the ocean. That's fine right?"@@
@@.John;John: "Sure, I mean he's basically a friend now so...yeah."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "K. I'll be home later this afternoon."@@
Sofia leaves for work and comes back just before dinner time, looking sweaty and disheveled.
@@.John;John: "Hey! How was the hike?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "It was good but it was super hot."@@
@@.John;John: "Oh, so you had a good time with your new friend/kinda boss."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Yup."@@
Sofia walks to the bedroom to take a shower and you rush over to the computer. Looking at Sofia's current state you feared the worse (or best).
[[You check your email.|Rob 6 After]]While Sofia was in the shower you rush over to your computer and check your email.
@@.Rob;Rob's email:
"John. Had a great day with Sofia today. She only worked for about an hour or so and then we headed off to the coast to go on a nice hike. She wore hiking appropriate clothes, but they were BARELY appropriate (which you'll see soon). I don't even think she wore a bra lol. She must really be wanting the attention. Well anyways I flirted with her, she obviously appreciated the comments, and we had a nice time. She only opened up more about the quality of her life, deeper thoughts and feelings, blah blah etc. I didn't care obviously but it was good to see Sofia emotionally open up to me more. I also stepped up the physical interaction between me and her some more, hugs, putting my hand on her waist, stuff like that. She didn't mind at all. Enjoy the pictures."@@
<<linkreplace "Open Attachment.">>Open Attachment.
<img src= "img/2-Cheating/closefriend1.jpg" alt="office" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
<img src= "img/2-Cheating/closefriend2.jpg" alt="office" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
[[Close the window|Rob 7]] <</linkreplace>>After closing the email, you get back to your normal routine of work, spend some time with Sofia, sleep, repeat.
The week following Sofia's last meetup you noticed she was on her phone a little more, assumably talking to Rob. There is now a noticeable rift between you and her and it looks like she's starting to fill that with Rob.
It was Saturday again and something was dressed in her normal professional clothes. She packed another bag and you noticed she put nicer shoes and her best dress in there.
@@.John;John: "Hey baby, going to work again?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "You know I am."@@
@@.John;John: "Ok. Any other plans beyond that?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "We're going to a really nice restaurant afterwards and there's a dress code."@@
Sofia was giving you cold, straightforward answers. Sensing she wasn't in the mood to talk, you drop the conversation and let her go to work.
Around 9pm Sofia comes back home, sober and looking normal...but a little sad.
@@.John;John: "Hey babe, how was dinner?@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Yeah it was nice. Rob said he was going on a trip for a couple of weeks so no part time for a little while... Oh btw you made yourself dinner right?"@@
@@.John;John: "Yup, I'm fine."@@
Sofia walks away and eventually heads to bed.
[[You go to your home office|Rob 7 After]]After Sofia goes to bed, you check your email.
@@.Rob;Rob's email:
"Hey John. Had a very good day with Sofia. She spent about 5/6 hours working on the books. It took a little longer than expected because I keep walking in, talking to her, and distracted her. Right now we have really good chemistry (so thank you for telling me all about her earlier on). After she was done with work she changed into a beautiful dress and we made our way to the restaurant. I gotta tell you bud, it felt real romantic. It took every ounce of my strength to not rip that dress off her body and fuck her right there. At this point I'm not sure she would mind much lol. But anyways it did feel like a real romantic date and I can absolutely confirm that we have good chemistry. Unfortunately I have to go on a trip for a couple of weeks but we'll see what happens when I get back. -Rob"@@
<<linkreplace "Open Attachment.">>Open Attachment.
<img src= "img/2-Cheating/closefriend3.jpg" alt="office" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
<img src= "img/2-Cheating/closefriend4.jpg" alt="office" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
Sofia looked absolutely stunning. That was her "special occasion" dress that you've seen her wear like once. She also looked extremely comfortable being around Rob. You felt a pange of jealousy and closed the window.
[[For the next two weeks.|Rob 8]] <</linkreplace>>Over the next couple of weeks you and Sofia's relationship has been frosty. The interactions between you and her have been civil but there was tangible emptiness in the house. You sometimes cook together but there's less loving gestures, less laughter, less cuddling, and Sofia's tends to spend her free time alone. You do however see Sofia on her phone a lot more...
You reflect over the last several months and how you got here. First you withheld sex from her which meant you weren't taking care of her needs. After some time you brought in a new element, Rob, to show her some attention and try to "steal her away." After that you yourself became less loving in an attempt to bring Sofia closer to Rob, and that seems to have worked.
After the couple of weeks, Rob returned and it was time for Sofia to get back to work.
That morning Sofia was extra giddy and noticeably happier than she's been in the last two weeks. You decide to ask her about it...
@@.John;John: "Well you look excited."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Yup I was getting bored and uh...wanted to get back to work. But anyways we don't have any friend plans today so it should be all work. I'll be home around 4 or 5. Bye honey."@@
And with that, she was gone.
Instead of coming home at 4 or 5 she got back at 2, much earlier than usual.
Sofia walked through the door and looked...conflicted? Guilty? You weren't sure but you could tell something was different.
@@.John;John: "Hey baby you got back earlier than usual. Is everything alright?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Yeah! I mean yeah everything's fine. Didn't have a ton to do today so I figured I'd come home and spend the Saturday with you! I'll go make us lunch, ok?"@@
Behind Sofia's smile you noticed there was some hint of sadness and she walks off.
Sofia went all out and made you a scrumptious lunch she put in a lot of effort in. You and her then cuddled on the couch for the rest of the day.
When Sofia went to bed you go the the computer and check your email, you knew something was different.
[[Check your email|Rob 8 After]]You go to your computer and see that Rob sent over an email."
@@.Rob;Rob's email:
"Hey John, congratualations. It worked. Before I get into it I want you to picture this scenario. Sofia comes to my place and she greets me with a huge hug. We then sit in my kitchen and I tell her all about my trip, and she listened to EVERY word. After a little time she gets to work but I keep interupting her and chatting. And man the chemistry is there. I flirted with her as usual, she laughs, etc. Well at one point I told her "I missed her" and she said she missed me too. I then grabbed her, pulled her close, and kissed her. She was a little shocked at first but got into it and kissed me back. Afterwards she said she had to go and left. Did she tell you? Ehh probably not. But congratulations John, your wife is a cheater."@@
<<linkreplace "Open Attachment.">>Open Attachment.
<img src= "img/2-Cheating/kiss1.gif" alt="office" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
You open the attachment and you see your beautiful, loving wife, who you've spent so many years with...kissing another man. Sofia is now in fact a cheater and she didn't even tell you. You sit there trying to process the complicated emotions you're feeling: guilt, jealousy, arrousal, but eventually you do close the email and get back to bed.
[[Monogamy Main Path|Monogamy]]
[[Hotwife/Swinger Main Path|Hotwife/Swinger]]
[[Hotwife - Younger Guy|Younger guy]]
[[Hotwife - Black Guy|Black guy]]
[[Hotwife - White Guy|White guy]]
[[Hotwife - Older Guy|Older man]]
[[Swinger - Black couple|Naomi and Jamal (black couple)]]
[[Swinger - White couple|Liam and Anne (white couple)]]
Cheating (Rob)
[[Cheating (Rob) Main Path|Cheating Wife]]
Cheating/Freedom (Meetup)
[[Meetup Main Path|Tell Sofia she needs to get new friends]]
Freedom (Mia)
[[Freedom (Mia) Main Path|Encourage her freedom]]
[[Exhibitionism Main Path|Exhibitionism]]
[[Webslut Main Path|BilltheBull]]
[[Hypno (Mike)|HypnoMike]]
[[Hypno (Control - You hypnotize Sofia)|refuse him moving in]]Benny - Week 5
It was Saturday and time for Sofia to go and have coffee with Benny. They decided to meet up at a place not too far from where you and Sofia live so Sofia decided to walk there. Sofia decided to wear a nice skirt and normal shirt. Before she left she said...
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Hey baby I'm gonna go grab some coffee with Benny, I should be back in an hour or so."@@
@@.John;John: "Ok babe. If you need an "out", let me know and I'll come pick you up."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Awww thanks babe. It should be fine though since we we're just grabbing coffee in a public place. But anyways I need to go or else I'll be late. Bye!"@@
Sofia gives you a kiss and leaves.
Having no plans that afternoon, you sit on the couch and wait for Sofia to get back. After about an hour or so, Sofia hasn't come home yet. You were starting to worry since she was just getting coffee and should have been back by now. When you were about to call her and check in, you receieve a text from Benny.
Since that first IRL meetup you hadn't actually talked to Benny yourself so it was odd that you got a text from him. What was more odd was the url he sent.
@@.Benny;Benny via text: ""@@
<<linkreplace "Out of curiosity you open the link.">>Out of curiosity you open the link.
<img src= "img/6-Hotwife/Younger/tiktok1.gif" alt="date" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 50%;" />
At first you thought "oh, it's just some ass" but then you recognized the outfit and realised it was Sofia's ass...being made into a tiktok.
Benny's meetup with Sofia went so well that she decided to tease her ass to him. It seems they DO have some real life chemistry and you couldn't wait for Sofia to explain herself.
After about 30 minutes Sofia comes back home.
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Hey baby, sorry I'm running late!"@@
@@.John;John: "It's ok. How was the coffee?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Um...uhh...yeah it went well. I actually like hanging out with Benny in a younger brother sort of way."@@
@@.John;John: "Ah so nothing happened?"@@
Sofia takes a couple seconds to think.
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "No not really, just good conversation. I think he might be a good friend from now on believe it or not!"@@
@@.John;John: "Good to hear babe."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Anyways yeah...we'll just be friends. Still not sure if I want to do anything of course."@@
@@.John;John: "Yup got it."@@
You and Sofia get back to your routine and a couple of days later you decide to check her phone.
[[A few days later|Benny Week 5.5 Messages]]
<</linkreplace>>Benny - Week 5
Wanting to know how things were progressing with Sofia and Benny, you decide to check the app.
<<linkreplace "Check Sofia's messages.">> Check Sofia's messages.
<img src= "img/6-Hotwife/Younger/messages6.png" alt="date" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
You see that Sofia was still communicating with Benny and their interactions seemed normal. In fact things have been going pretty well considering they already set a date for their next meetup. You thought that Sofia was straight out lying and cheating on you but it looks like she has a semi-viable reason for withholding information...she didn't want to get your hopes up.
You wonder how long that rationale will last and hope that Sofia's secrecy is only temporary.
[[The following weekend.|Benny Week 6]]
<</linkreplace>>Benny - Week 6
The following Sunday it was time for Sofia to meet up with Benny again.
<img src= "img/6-Hotwife/Younger/reddress.jpg" alt="date" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
@@.John;John: "Wow you look beautiful!"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Aw thank you babe."@@
@@.John;John: "So...what are the plans today with Benny?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Well we're going to have a nice lunch and then maybe have a drink or two at his place? But don't worry we're not going to do anything. I just want to see what a "date" feels like with him. I'm still on the fence."@@
@@.John;John: "I understood babe, just go have fun."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Will do :) I'll probably be home in a couple hours."@@
Sofia then leaves and you decide to kill some time. You sit on the couch and watch tv like you normally do but you're filled with a low level of anxiety over what will happen. Are they just going to talk? Are they going to full around a little? Or is Sofia going to fuck him?
The possibilities, the anxiety, and the fact that Sofia is trying to keep this all a secret is almost unbearable.
You neurotically check Benny's TikTok every 5 minutes in case he posts an update. After a couple of hours you calm down and start to assume that nothing is really happening. It was at that point that you finally saw a notification on your phone. Benny just posted a video.
<<linkreplace "Check Benny's TikTok.">> Check Benny's TikTok.
<img src= "img/6-Hotwife/Younger/tiktok2.webp" alt="date" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 50%;" />
You see a video of Sofia in her red dress shaking her ass like some type of thot. Though Sofia grew up in a poor community and around...thot values she outgrew those values when she got older. It seems that Benny is helping Sofia get in touch with her youthful side, which in this case means shaking her ass for a camera.
While watching Benny's video you go to the restroom, rub one out, and then collapse on the couch. Another hour passes by and eventually Sofia comes back home.
@@.John;John: "How was it?"@@ You say, trying to hide your enthusiasm.
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "It was fun!...nothing special."@@
@@.John;John: "So what did you do?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "I mean we had lunch for about an hour and talked. Then we had a drink. Um...afterwards I went back to his place and we just kind of hung out and talked more."@@
@@.John;John: "Are you sure?"@@
Sofia starts to look guilty.
@@.John;John: "Um...yeah. We just hung out baby."@@
You knew that Sofia was lying but you didn't call her out on it. Instead you wait a few days and check her phone.
[[A few days later|Benny Week 6 Messages]] <</linkreplace>>Benny - Week 6
During the next few days you haven't seen a lot of change in Sofia. She still spends a ton of time on her phone but your relationship still feels the same.
<<linkreplace "One night you decide to check her messages.">>One night you decide to check her messages.
<img src= "img/6-Hotwife/Younger/messages7.png" alt="date" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
It looks like Sofia is planning to meet up with Benny again and you're looking forward to see what new video Benny will take of her...
[[The next weekend|Benny Week 7]] <</linkreplace>>Benny - Week 7
The day before Sofia's planned meetup with Benny...
It was early evening and you were finished with work so you decided to do some cleaning around the house. While you were mid-chore Sofia came home from work, greeted you with a kiss, and starts to get settled in.
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Hey baby I can take over some of the chores once I get change out of my work clothes ok?"@@
@@.John;John: "Nah it's all good, I'm almost done anyways."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Ok well I can get started with dinner as soon as you're finished."@@
@@.John;John: "Perfect!"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Oh by the way. Forgot to mention this earlier but I'm gonna spend time with Benny tomorrow."@@
@@.John;John: "Oh really?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Yeahhh he sent me a text and I just agreed. Sorry for not asking you about it. Is that ok?"@@
@@.John;John: "It's all good babe, you don't have to ask my permission or anything like that."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Sounds good baby. I should only be gone for an hour or so."@@
@@.John;John: "Got it. I mean if you're having a good converation with him then you can stay a little longer."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "hmmm ok I'll keep that in mind."@@
The next day Sofia gets ready to head over to Benny's. She kisses you goodbye and then heads out.
At this point you know that Benny is eventually going to post another TikTok video of Sofia and all you can do is anxiously wait for it. You tried to do some chores, watch tv, anything really to make the time go by quicker. About an hour and a half after Sofia left you see a notification on your phone, Benny uploaded something on TikTok.
<<linkreplace "Check your phone.">>Check your phone.
<img src= "img/6-Hotwife/Younger/tiktok3.webp" alt="date" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 50%;" />
You see Sofia wearing a very revealing piece of lingerie and showing it off on camera. This must be the "present" Benny had mentioned. You keep replaying the video over and over, surprised that Sofia would be comfortable wearing this for someone else. As usual you beat one out and you wait for Sofia to come back home.
An hour after that you hear the door open and see that Sofia returned.
@@.John;John: "Hey! How was it?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Good...yeah."@@
@@.John;John: "Did you do anything today?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Uhh not yet babe, we were just hanging out at his place for a little while."@@
@@.John;John: "Oh ok. Got it."@@
Sofia smiles a little and walks to the bedroom to get changed. It seems she isn't ready to talk about how well things are REALLY going with Benny.
[[A few days later...|Benny Week 7 Messages]] <</linkreplace>>Benny - Week 7
A few days later you check Sofia's messages again to see how things were going with Benny and Sofia.
<<linkreplace "Check her messages.">>Check her messages.
<img src= "img/6-Hotwife/Younger/messages8.png" alt="date" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
Don't wear a bra? What was Benny planning?
Well regardless you weren't inclined to do anything about it since you wanted to see where this was going.
[[The next weekend|Benny Week 8]] <</linkreplace>>Benny - Week 8
It was the weekend again and time for Sofia to go out with Benny. She didn't explicitly mention she was going to hang out with Benny, but at this point it was assumed that this time of the day/week was dedicated to going on dates with him. You see her getting ready and as she was on her way out she told you she'd be back in a few hours.
No mention that she was going out with Benny or where...just "out."
When she was gone, you once again waited anxiously for the next TikTok video. After a couple of hours you started to get stir-crazy so you tried to go out for a jog to try and calm down. After that thirty minute jog (which you were exhausted from) you took a shower, sat in bed, and finally saw a new video being posted.
<<linkreplace "Check your phone.">>Check your phone.
<img src= "img/6-Hotwife/Younger/tiktok4.gif" alt="date" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 50%;" />
Sofia was not just showing Benny her tits, but showing her tits in public. That isn't something she would even do for YOU. And now she's doing it for some dude she's known for a couple of months. It seemed like Benny has some fuck-boy charm that surprisingly worked on Sofia and she was slowly opening up to him. As you sit there contemplating the situation, you hear Sofia come home and you go out to greet her.
@@.John;John: "Hey baby, how was your date?"@@
Sofia looks sweaty and disheveled.
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Tiring."@@
@@.John;John: "?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Not like that! We decided to walk around for a couple of hours and it was exhausting. He's pretty fit for his age whereas I felt like an old lady."@@
@@.John;John: "That does sound like a lot of walking. Did anything else happen?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "No not really. He flirts with me of course and I try to flirt back but I guess I'm still figuring out if he's a good fit."@@
@@.John;John: "Ok babe..."@@
From the TikTok videos you know she's done far more than she's letting on. Is there really holding back to prevent you from being "dissapointed" or is there more going on?
Since things are going the way you wanted you don't press her for a truthful answer.
Later that week you check in on Sofia and Benny's conversation.
[[A few days later...|Benny Week 8 Messages]]
<</linkreplace>>Benny - Week 8
Last weekend Benny made great progress with Sofia so you wanted to check Sofia's messages and see how it was going.
<<linkreplace "Check her messages.">>Check her messages.
<img src= "img/6-Hotwife/Younger/messages9.png" alt="date" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
No underwear? Were they finally going to go all the way? If that was the case you thought Sofia would say something by now but she hasn't. Since you're not there with them you feel like you're missing a big part of their converations and dynamic. You see the messages go back and forth and you see the TikTok videos, but you don't know how they actually interact IRL which is probably the most important thing.
The only thing you CAN do now is wait and see what happens next...
[[Later in the week|Benny Week 9]] <</linkreplace>>Benny - Week 9
It was a few days before Sofia's scheduled meetup with Benny and you were having dinner with your wife.
@@.John;John: "So baby do you have anything planned for this weekend?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Ha do you have to ask?"@@
@@.John;John: "Well I know you're going out with Benny but I was asking what you specifically had planned."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "I think drinks and dancing, nothing planned beyond that."@@
@@.John;John: "Ok sounds good babe..."@@
That weekend Sofia leaves to see Benny and you're stuck at home by yourself. You try to kill some time as always and were anxious about what's happening between Sofia and Benny.
Fortunately you didn't have to wait long and you see that Benny posted a new TikTok.
<<linkreplace "Check your phone.">>Check your phone.
<img src= "img/6-Hotwife/Younger/tiktok5.webp" alt="date" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 50%;" />
You see Sofia dancing in some public place, casually showing Benny her pussy...
You didn't know what to think and just waited for Sofia to get home. When she DID get home a couple of hours later she just gave you a kiss, smiled, and walked towards the bedroom.
As she was walking away you asked:
@@.John;John: "So how was it?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Oh it was fine, just drank a little and danced. Nothing special."@@
And that was that.
[[A few days later...|Benny Week 9 Messages]]
<</linkreplace>>Benny - Week 9
As usual you check Sofia's messages later in the week to see if the dynamic changed between Benny and Sofia.
<<linkreplace "Check her messages.">>Check her messages.
<img src= "img/6-Hotwife/Younger/messages10.png" alt="date" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
It seemed that Sofia wasn't super comfortable showing off her pussy in public (even though she still did it) and isn't a depraved slut yet. That being said it looks like she'll still be seeing Benny the upcoming weekend. Not sure where things will go from now, you close the app and get back to sleep.
[[The next week|Benny Week 10]] <</linkreplace>>Benny - Week 10
That following weekend you and Sofia are hanging out in the living room. There's still a little time before she had to head out so you took the opportunity to just talk to her.
@@.John;John: "Are you heading out today as well?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Yeah I did make plans with Benny, just going to hang out at his place though."@@
@@.John;John: "Anything special planned or you're just going to chill?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Just going to chill."@@
@@.John;John: "Ok sounds good. Anyways I've been meaning to ask but how ARE things going with him?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Good I think. He definitely shows his age and is kind of immature but he's also really fun to hang out with as well. I still don't know if I want to go all the way yet but I'll let you know ok?"@@
@@.John;John: "Yeah let me know. I don't want to force you to do anything you don't want to but I'm also cool with anything YOU want to do as well."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "I appreciate it babe."@@
Sofia gives you a kiss and after an hour or so she gets ready and leaves. You didn't feel as anxious today because you weren't sure there was even going to be a video. Sofia seemed a little more apprehensive about Benny this week and you thought she was going to scale things back.
That's what you thought until you get a notification on your phone a couple hours later.
<<linkreplace "Check your phone.">>Check your phone.
<img src= "img/6-Hotwife/Younger/tiktok6.gif" alt="date" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 50%;" />
You see a video of someone spreading her ass for the camera. Though she was still wearing underwear it was erotic all the same. There wasn't anything to identify who it was but you were sure it was Sofia. You go back to your ritual of watching the video will jacking off and when you were done you kill time until Sofia comes home.
And eventually she does.
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Heyyyy I'm back!"@@
@@.John;John: "How was your day?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Nothing special, just hung out and talked a little."@@
@@.John;John: "Oh is that it?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Yup. Anyways it's getting late so I'll make dinner."@@
It seems that apprehension was gone.
[[A few days later...|Benny Week 10 Messages]]
<</linkreplace>>Benny - Week 10
Today you felt a little more anxiety before checking Sofia's messages, almost as much anxiety as waiting for those TikToks to come in. Benny seemed to have swayed her and she went so far as to spread her ass for him. Wanting to know more you...
<<linkreplace "Check her messages.">>Check her messages.
<img src= "img/6-Hotwife/Younger/messages11.png" alt="date" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
There you have it. Sofia does in fact want to fuck him and she's been lying to herself. She's also enjoying doing this behind your back. More turned on that anything else you start jacking off in the bathroom while Sofia is asleep and you wait for the next weekend.
1. intro
2. tell Sofia about him
3. first date - date 1a,date1b
4. after first date - talk about date/sex with sofia - home1, home2
5. second date - first kiss - date1c, date 2a
6. after second date - talk about kissing him/sex with sofia, home3
7. mid week event - send picture of tits - selfie 1, selfie2
8. third date - drinks - date 2b, date 2c
9. after third date - talk about showing off to him - home4
10. midweek event - send full nudes to him - selfie3
11. fourth date - busy restaurant - date 3a, date 3b
12. midweek event - masturbating video - selfie4
13. fifth date - restaurant - date 3c, date 3d
14. midweek date - holiday day off - pool1, pool2
15. sixth date - quiet bar - public handjob
16. midweek event- anal play
17. seventh date - public spread - public spread
18. midweek event - buttplug
19. eighth date - sofia strips for the both of you
20. mid week event - sofia shows off to white guy in public - publicstripping
21. ninth date - both guys use toys on Sofia
22. mid week event - public play? - tennis1, tennis2
23. tenth date - double handjob
two people at the same time
one person while you watch
transitions into romantic sex between her and him and you watch, Sofia will then want to fuck him alone
old man
1. intro - DONE
2. tell Sofia about old man/meet and greet - DONE
3. Sofia picks whether or not to see old man again - DONE
4. first date - talking/hug - DONE
5. second date - sit on lap/some physical touching - DONE
6. third date - show tits - DONE
7. fourth date - kiss - DONE
8. fifth date - naked/oral on her - DONE
9. sixth date - more oral on her - DONE
10. seventh date - eating ass- DONE
11. eigth date - oral/cock on mouth - DONE
12. ninth date - blowjob
13. tenth date - 69 or deepthroat
14. eleventh date - 69 or deepthroat
15. 12th date - toys
16. 13th date - toysDarnell - Week 4
The next weekend you and Sofia went to Darnell's place. Throughout the entire week Sofia was looking forward to it, so much so that it annoyed you a little. You did want Sofia to become a hotwife but she was almost too eager at this point.
Regardless, you and her get ready and drive over to the address Darnell sent you.
You use the gate code that was given to you to enter the building, walk up a couple flights of stairs, and reach Darnell's place.
Darnell lets you in and hugs Sofia, softly grabs her ass then turns to greet you as well.
Darnell's place was a lot nicer than expected. It was almost a loft except for the fact that there was a large, dedicated bedroom (with a door) instead of a fully open plan.
You and Sofia move to the couch and Darnell joins you two with a joint.
@@.Darnell;Darnell: "So how you guys doing?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "We're doing well, it was just a standard week. How about you?"@@
@@.Darnell;Darnell: "Shit I can't complain. Work's going alright but I need to unwind. How bout you?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Yeah I hear you haha."@@
@@.Darnell;Darnell: "Hope you don't mind if I bring out a joint. You smoke?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Not in years and just a few times in college!"@@
@@.Darnell;Darnell: "Alright let me show you."@@
Darnell then proceeds to show Sofia how to smoke a joint and for the next 30 minutes or so Darnell and Sofia talked, laughed, and got a little closer. Every so often you would interject and try to join the conversation but it almost felt like you were budding in. Eventually Darnell says:
@@.Darnell;Darnell: "I think we need some drinks and snacks, John would you mind going out and getting some? I know the closest place is like a 10-15 minute walk from here. You don't mind right?"@@
@@.John;John: "No not at all, I guess I'll be right back."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Aww thank you honey that's really sweet of you."@@
As you were walking out you see Sofia and Darnell immediately get back to their conversation.
You go to the nearest open liquor store which was in fact 15 minutes away since Darnell lives in a residential neighbourhood. You could have driven over but as you and Darnell planned, he needed a little time alone with Sofia.
Getting the drinks and snacks and making your way back to Darnell's place did take about 30 minutes. You open the building gate, walk up the stairs, and open the door. You didn't see Sofia and Darnell but heard some sounds in the bedroom.
You sneak towards the bedroom...
<<linkreplace "...and you see Sofia and Darnell.">>...and you see Sofia and Darnell.
<img src= "img/6-Hotwife/Black/tipbj.gif" alt="date" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
You see Sofia had taken off most of her clothes, was on her knees, and was sucking Darnell's dick. Sucking would be stretch since she was barely able to get half of his cock in her mouth. Sofia was struggling to get it all in but was trying her best to please him. The sight of your wife on her knees taking a black cock in her mouth made your heart skip a beat and fill you with a mix of anxiety and excitement.
What do you do?
[[Interrupt them?|Darnell Week 4a]] or [[Just watch?|Darnell Week 4b]] <</linkreplace>>Darnell - Week 4
Even though you like what you saw you felt more anxiety than excitement and decide to knock on the door to let them know you were back.
As you do so Sofia takes the cock out of her mouth and looks at you, speechless. Though this is what you both signed up for and though she's done this before, this was the first time she was watched doing so.
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "John!!! Oh my god...I' were taking awhile and...I'm so sorry."@@
@@.John;John: "It's fine babe, really."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: " we just go?"@@
You and Darnell both looked a little shocked when Sofia said that. You didn't expect her to just want to leave but it seems that she felt so guilty that she just wanted to get out of there.
Sofia rushes to put her clothes back on and gives Darnell a quick hug then makes for the door.
You turn to Darnell and shrug your shoulders as you walk out with her.
On the car ride home Sofia kept apologizing to you and you kept telling her that it was all ok. Darnell then gave her a quick call to see how she was doing and after you and Darnell talked to her, she calmed down a lot. She realized she overreacted and was a little embarrassed by her own reaction and even started to laugh at herself.
[[You arrive home|Darnell week 4.1]]Darnell - Week 4
Since you were more excited and curious than anxious you decide to watch through the partially open door and see what happens.
After a few minutes of Sofia trying to take Darnell's cock he says...
@@.Darnell;Darnell: "You're not used to a cock this big huh?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "mmm mmm" She says as she nods her head to signal "no."@@
@@.Darnell;Darnell: "Well you better get used to it. In fact I think you can do alot better than this."@@
<<linkreplace "Darnell then pulls Sofia's head and shoves his cock down her throat.">>Darnell then pulls Sofia's head and shoves his cock down her throat.
<img src= "img/6-Hotwife/Black/bj1.gif" alt="date" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
You see Sofia trying her best to swallow his cock, gagging as she does so.
@@.Darnell;Darnell: "Ohhh yeahhh that's better. You like choking on this black dick huh?"@@
Sofia takes the cock out of her throat for a moment to say:
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "mhm"@@
@@.Darnell;Darnell: "Good, now get back to it."@@
Darnell shoves his cock back down Sofia's throat and keeps using her until...
<<linkreplace "You hear him start to grunt.">>You hear him start to grunt.
Quickly, Darnell pulls his cock from Sofia's throat, points his cock at Sofia's face and cums. Sofia just sits there with her mouth open taking as much of his cum in her mouth as possible.
<img src= "img/6-Hotwife/Black/cumshot.gif" alt="date" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
@@.Darnell;Darnell: "Damn you're a natural born cocksucker you know that?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "haha well I try."@@
It was at that moment that Sofia realizes that you were watching at the doorway.
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Oh're back. Did you just come in?"@@
@@.John;John: "Yup just now."@@
Though Sofia looked a little guilty she was more turned on than anything.
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "So...I just sucked his dick...that's fine right?"@@
@@.John;John: "Yup."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Good..."@@
Sofia then heads to the shower to clean up while you and Darnell wait for her. Darnell was mostly complimenting Sofia and how well she could handle a cock and you just sat there and agreed.
Eventually Sofia gets out of the shower, gets ready, gives Darnell a kiss, and both of you leave.
[[Go back home|Darnell week 4.1]] <<set $darnell to $darnell + 1>>
<</linkreplace>> <</linkreplace>> Darnell - Week 4
When you get home Sofia is still visibility turned on. It seems that only sucking Darnell's dick wasn't enough.
Instead of going to bed, Sofia decides to talk off her clothes, sit in a chair, and tease you a little.
@@.John;John: "So...uh...what are you doing over there?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "mmm...just finishing up."@@
@@.John;John: "Oh?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Well I'm still turned on and I realllyyy need to cum."@@
@@.John;John: "Want me to help you with that?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "hm...maybe next time."@@
<img src= "img/6-Hotwife/Black/masturbating.gif" alt="date" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
You then hear a notification from Sofia's phone and while still masturbating, answers the text.
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "It looks like Darnell wants to meet up next weekend. Do you want me to go over again? Maybe see me suck his dick again?"@@
@@.John;John: "I..."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "You don't have to respond, I already said yes."@@
At that point Sofia quickens her pace and soon cums.
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Well that was fun haha. I'm gonna head to bed, do you want to join me?"@@
You nod you're head and follow her to the bedroom for what you thought was sex, but was just cuddling and sleep. Better than nothing you thought.
[[A few days later|Darnell week 5]]Darnell - Week 5
It was a few days before the scheduled meetup with Darnell and you were doing chores around the house while Sofia was chilling in the bedroom.
You were going to make dinner for the two of you so you walk up to the bedroom and you...
<<linkreplace "Open the door.">>Open the door.
<img src= "img/6-Hotwife/Black/dildo1.gif" alt="date" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
You see Sofia was using watching BBC porn on her laptop and playing with the black dildo you bought her a while back. She was so engrossed in her activity that she didn't notice you.
So you quietly close the door, knock on it, and after 30 seconds Sofia appears with her clothes on.
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "heyyyy what's up?"@@
@@.John;John: "Just wanted to ask what you wanted for dinner?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "ummm anything really? Thanks babe."@@
She then closes the door and probably went back to watching porn.
[[That weekend|Darnell week 5.1]] <</linkreplace>>Darnell - Week 5
The weekend approached and it was time to hang out with Darnell again.
On the drive over you and Sofia were making small talk, both of your obviously a little nervous about the meet up. Suddenly, Sofia asks:
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "By the way babe...when you left Darnell's place for like 30 minutes...was that on purpose?"@@
@@.John;John: "...yeah it was. Darnell thought it would be a good idea to give you two some alone time to build up more a bond between you two."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Oh ok got it...I mean... I think that's a good idea."@@
@@.John;John: "So I'll do it again this time."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Thanks babe, I feel a little more comfortable talking to him when it's just the two of us."@@
Eventually you and Sofia arrive at Darnell's place, go up to his apartment, and hang out with him again.
Sofia was getting better at handling her weed and choked a lot less. She was taking proper hits this time and after about an hour she was moderately high and laughing a lot. She seemed to be more outgoing and energetic when she was high. You however didn't smoke up since you wanted to keep a level head just in case.
Eventually Darnell asks:
@@.Darnell;Darnell: "Hey John you mind doing another grocery run, we need more drinks and snacks. That cool?"@@
@@.John;John: "Yup not a problem."@@
As you walk out you see Sofia and Darnell almost giggling. It felt a little insulting but they were both high so you let it slide. You go to the grocery store to buy some supplies when you heard a "ding" from your phone. It seemed that Darnell sent you a text.
<<linkreplace "You check your phone.">>You check your phone.
<img src= "img/6-Hotwife/Black/bj2.gif" alt="date" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 50%;" />
You see a POV video of Sofia sucking Darnell's cock. Not wanting to miss the action, you quickly check out and rush back to Darnell's place.
You walk in to Darnell's place and just like last time they were nowhere in sight. You creep up to the half open bedroom door and see...
<<linkreplace "Sofia on Darnell's bed.">>Sofia on Darnell's bed.
<img src= "img/6-Hotwife/Black/bj3.gif" alt="date" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
Sofia is on Darnell's bed, worshipping his cock. You immediately get hard at the sight but are you're not sure what to do next. Do you interrupt them before things progress too quickly or do you watch and see what happens?
[[Interrupt them|Darnell week 5.1b]] or [[Watch them|Darnell week 5.1a]]
<</linkreplace>> <</linkreplace>>Darnell - Week 5
Wanting to see where this goes, you decide to stand back and watch them quietly.
Compared to last time, it looks like Sofia is getting better at handling a larger cock. Instead of taking in just the tip or being forced to shove the entire cock down her throat, Sofia is putting in the effort to properly worship his dick.
@@.Darnell;Darnell: "MMM you're getting good at this. You're really learning on how to suck on black dick huh?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Omg stop it haha."@@
@@.Darnell;Darnell: "Ok I will. Bend over."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Um...what?"@@
@@.Darnell;Darnell: "I said bend over. I wanna see my dick dissapear in that nice latina ass."@@
Sofia hesitates for a moment.
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "I...don't think I'm ready for that yet."@@
Darnell looked annoyed then said:
@@.Darnell;Darnell: "Aight, then I'll just tease you with my cock. Now bend over."@@
<<linkreplace "Sofia does as she's told.">>Sofia does as she's told.
<img src= "img/6-Hotwife/Black/tease1.gif" alt="date" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 50%;" />
True to his word, Darnell placed his cock at the entrance of Sofia's pussy but didn't penetrate her. Instead he told Sofia to move her pussy and imagine how it would feel like inside of her. Sofia bites her lip as she moves her ass along Darnell's dick.
@@.Darnell;Darnell: "Hey. You wanna see how this dick feels like inside of you?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: " can't. I don't want to have sex yet..."@@
@@.Darnell;Darnell: "All good, it won't count as sex. I'll just put in the tip. That way you can be prepared when I DO fuck you. How does that sound?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "I don't know."@@
@@.Darnell;arnell: "How about this, I'll put in just a little and you can tell me when to stop. Alright?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "I guess that can work..."@@
<<linkreplace "Darnell begins.">>Darnell begins.
<img src= "img/6-Hotwife/Black/tease2.gif" alt="date" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 50%;" />
Darnell puts the tip of his cock inside of Sofia (plus a little extra). Though there was less than half of his cock inside of her, that equalled to about the size of your own cock. To Darnell this counted as "just the tip" to Sofia it felt as deep as your cock ever reached.
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Oh...oh god it's so thick."@@
@@.Darnell;Darnell: "And that's just the tip."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Jesus...there's more?!"@@
@@.Darnell;Darnell: "There's alot more cock for you if you want it."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "I...not today. Teasing is just fine."@@
Sofia wasn't being teased, she was being fucked. Maybe not with the full extent of Darnell's cock, but this defintely counted as sex.
@@.Darnell;Darnell: "Alright I'm gonna "tease you" a lot quicker now. You ready?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "I think so..."@@
<<linkreplace "Darnell picks up the pace.">>Darnell picks up the pace.
<img src= "img/6-Hotwife/Black/tease3.gif" alt="date" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
Darnell starts to thrust Sofia's pussy even faster, the sight of which was almost unbearable. Sofia was bent over and Darnell was fucking her with a fraction of his cock. Sofia was moaning loadly and you saw that her pussy was gripping on his cock, unused to the size. If there was any doubt before, there wasn't any now. Darnell was fucking Sofia.
After a few minute Darnell grunts, pulls out his cock, and cums on Sofia's ass.
<img src= "img/6-Hotwife/Black/cumonass.webp" alt="date" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
Seeing how the fun was over you decide to knock on the door and enter. Sofia was out of breath and was a total mess. However she didn't look like she felt guilty.
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Holy shit...hey baby."@@
@@.John;John: "Uhh, did you have fun?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Yeah yeah..Darnell was teasing me with his cock."@@
@@.John;John: "Teasing?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Yeah just teasing. I think I need to unwind a little before we head back."@@
It seems that in Sofia's mind, that didn't count as sex, though you and Darnell knew better. Eventually Sofia caught her breath, cleaned up, and as you were both leaving Darnell said:
@@.Darnell;Darnell: "Good work today, you coming back next week right?"@@
Sofia smiles and nods her head.
The entire car ride back however, Sofia was groping your leg to let you know she wasn't finished yet.
[[You and Sofia go home|Darnell week 5.2]] <</linkreplace>> <</linkreplace>> <</linkreplace>> <<set $darnell to $darnell + 1>> Darnell - Week 5
Not being content with watching from the shadows, you step inside the room to get a better look at the action. Sofia and Darnell then sees you.
Sofia was going to say something, but then Darnell moved her mouth back towards his cock.
@@.Darnell;Darnell: "Why don't you show your husband what you learned."@@
Sofia then hesitantly gets back to sucking Darnell's cock, this time jacking him off while doing so.
<img src= "img/6-Hotwife/Black/bj5.gif" alt="date" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
Every so often she would try and fit his length deeper into her mouth, but struggling to do so on her own.
@@.Darnell;Darnell: "You look like you're struggling. Let me help you out."@@
<<linkreplace "Darnell moves Sofia to the couch and positions her in a way where he can fuck her mouth.">> Darnell moves Sofia to the couch and positions her in a way where he can fuck her mouth.
Sofia, now laying on her back, was taking the full length of Darnell's cock in her throat. Not only that but Sofia placed her hands around his ass almost urging him to go deeper.
<img src= "img/6-Hotwife/Black/bj4.gif" alt="date" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
Sofia was choking, gagging, tearing up, but she was also taking that cock like a champ. This sexual act wasn't anything you've ever done with Sofia, there was no romance or intimacy. Darnell was just using Sofia's mouth and throat like a toy.
<<linkreplace "Soon enough Darnell started grunting.">>Soon enough Darnell started grunting.
Darnell picks up the pace and violenty thrusts in and out of Sofia's throat. Sofia's gags were very audible, spit rolled down her mouth, and occasionally you thought she was on the verge of throwing up. After a few minutes of pounding Darnell thrusts one last time, cumming inside Sofia's throat.
<img src= "img/6-Hotwife/Black/throatpie.webp" alt="date" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
Sofia looked like a mess. What looked like spit, cum, and possibly vomit were streaming down her face and she had a dazed look in her eyes. After a couple minutes she recovered and hobbled over to the shower to get cleaned up.
Sofia sluggishly gets ready and gives Darnell a deep kiss before almost collapsing in your arms.
@@.Darnell;Darnell: "Good work today, you coming back next week right?"@@
Sofia smiles and nods her head.
You take her to the car and drive home.
[[You and Sofia go home|Darnell week 5.2]] <</linkreplace>> <</linkreplace>> Darnell - Week 5
As soon as you get home, Sofia, still turned on from Darnell, takes off her clothes and almost pounces on you.
<img src= "img/6-Hotwife/Black/home1.webp" alt="date" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
Sofia has never been this aggresive in bed and after a couple short minutes you pull out and cum.
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Seriously already? I'm nowhere near done yet."@@
@@.John;John: "Sorry babe but you were like a wild animal, there's no way I could last haha."@@
While you tried to joke about the situation, Sofia rolls her eyes and heads into the shower to try and cool off.
Afterwards, Sofia joins you in bed, sighs, and drifts to sleep.
[[Next Tuesday|Darnell week 6]]Darnell - Week 6
A few days later around lunchtime you're at work when you receive a text from...Darnell?
Darnell doesn't really text or communicate with you and the scheduled meet up isn't until later that week.
You thought he wanted to touch base or something...
<<linkreplace "So you check your phone.">>So you check your phone.
<img src= "img/6-Hotwife/Black/carbj1.gif" alt="date" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 50%;" />
You open up the message and at first you were confused. Is that Sofia? It can't be... it's the middle of the week. But the more you look at it the more you realize that it is in fact Sofia, sucking Darnell's cocks, in what looks to be his car.
Not only that, she was deepthroating his cock in his car, a skill she now apparently has.
You call Sofia and she actually picks up.
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "heyyy.."@@
@@.John;John: "Hey babe, Darnell just sent me a video of you. What happened?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Are you...mad?"@@
@@.John;John: "No just tell me what happened..."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "This afternoon while I was at work Darnell said he was in the area and asked if I wanted to grab lunch so I said yes. So he picked me up a couple blocks away from the office and...we got distracted. I'm sorry John I just wanted...more. Is that ok?"@@
@@.John;John: "Of course that's fine, just let me know in advance next time ok?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Ok baby. But anyways I need to go so I'll talk to you when I get back."@@
Still shocked by what happened today you stare at your computer screen and try to get back to work. Sofia was definitely becoming sluttier, for another person and is even having sex in public. What was Darnell going to do next?
Daniel - Week 1 - Saturday
Confident that Daniel would be a good fit for Sofia you decide to tell her about him, his background, kinks, etc. Sofia seemed interested so you book a time and date for the three of you to have dinner at a restaurant.
You and Sofia arrive at the restaurant and you immediately notice Daniel.
@@.John;John: "Hey! Daniel right?"@@
@@.Daniel;Daniel: "Yup! Nice to you meet John. Oh and you must be Sofia."@@
Daniel moves towards Sofia and gives her a hug. Just with this initial interaction you could tell that they have physical chemistry.
<img src= "img/6-Hotwife/White/date1b.jpg" alt="date" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Well it's nice to meet you too."@@
@@.Daniel;Daniel: "Likewise! And John was right you are very beautiful."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Aww thank you."@@
@@.John;John: "So Daniel tell us about yourself, have you done something like this before?"@@
@@.Daniel;Daniel: "Yeah a couple of times not too long ago. I actually got out of a long term relationship a couple of years back and since then I've mainly done one night stands and friends with benefits. But recently I learned about this lifestyle and wanted to give it a shot."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "I'm sorry to hear that..."@@
@@.Daniel;Daniel: "It's fine, shit happens."@@
@@.John;John: "Yeah man sucks to hear. So... what are you looking for for this type of situation?"@@
@@.Daniel;Daniel: "Something long term, definitely. I mean the one night stands are fun but I do want to build a longer bond and sexual relationship with someone, while also not being in an actual relationship."@@
@@.John;John: "Right well that makes sense. Ideally we're looking for a long term partner as well and want to try new things."@@
@@.Daniel;Daniel: "Then I think I'd be a good fit there. Like I mentioned in my reponse to your ad I'm into a lot of different kinks and types of play. So I can incorporate all of those kinks in this arrangement if you're open to it. Very happy to get into detail if you guys like."@@
@@.John;John: "You can tell Sofia about it, I'm going to use the restroom real quick."@@
You leave to go to the restroom and return in about 10 minutes. Though it's been a short amount of time you see that Sofia and Daniel are really into each other. It seems your initial reaction to seeing the two of them was correct and they DO have great chemistry.
<img src= "img/6-Hotwife/White/date1a.jpg" alt="date" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
@@.John;John: "Hey I'm back sorry for the wait."@@
@@.Daniel;Daniel: "All good man, I was just telling Sofia about all the types of things I'm into and she's done the same. I think this is a good match but let's keep talking."@@
Over the next couple of hours you and Sofia learned more about Daniel and vise-versa. In terms of picking a third for a long term, hotwife situation Daniel seems to be a slam dunk. That being said it almost felt like Sofia and Daniel were having a private date of their own and their connection almost seemed romantic.
Eventually you three wrap it up, Sofia and Daniel hug, and you and your wife go back home to evaluate the situation.
[[You and Sofia go back home|Daniel Week 1 After]]Daniel - Week 1 - Saturday
You and Sofia arrive home and talk about your dinner with Daniel.
@@.John;John: "So...what do you think?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "He's a yes from me."@@
@@.John;John: "Wow that was quick."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "I know haha. But I mean he has everything we're looking for so I don't see a reason we shouldn't keep seeing him. What do you think?"@@
Daniel does seem like a great fit for Sofia and you're confident that given enough time Sofia will be fucking him. But you can't help but feel worried that things may not turn out well for you since he's basically a better version of you. Would Sofia leave you for him? Or are you just overthinking things?
[[Agree that Daniel is a good fit and continue seeing him|Daniel Week 1 Aftera]]
[[You want to find someone else|Daniel fail]]Daniel - Week 2 - Saturday
Deciding that Sofia and Daniel's great chemistry was a positive and not a threat, you decide to schedule another dinner date with Daniel.
For the rest of the week Sofia was looking forward to the dinner and when the next Saturday arrived she wore a nice dress and you two went to meet Daniel.
@@.Daniel;Daniel: "Hey guys hows it going?"@@ Daniel hugged Sofia.
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Doing great! How about you?"@@
@@.Daniel;Daniel: "Ah same old week. Work, go home, sleep, rinse and repeat."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Haha yeah I feel you."@@
Over the next couple of hours the three of you have dinner and a few drinks. Though Sofia and Daniel were mostly the ones talking, Daniel did try to include you in the conversation every so often. He seemed cognizant that his situation just wasn't about him and Sofia getting along but also you and him as well. You then thought your earlier reservations about him were wrong and you try and enjoy the dinner.
When it got late, Daniel payed the bill and you three start walking out.
Once you were at the entrance to the restaurant you noticed you were alone and look back.
<<linkreplace "You see Daniel and Sofia talking.">>
<img src= "img/6-Hotwife/White/date1c.jpg" alt="date" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
It seemed that Daniel was whispering something in Sofia's ear and she smiled and nodded her head. Eventually they catch up.
@@.Daniel;Daniel: "Sorry about that, I needed to ask Sofia something really quick."@@
Sofia stayed silent. You three were walking towards the parking lot and when it was time to separate...
<<linkreplace "Daniel pulled Sofia close to him...">>Daniel pulled Sofia close to him...
<img src= "img/6-Hotwife/White/date2a.gif" alt="date" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
...and gives her a kiss. It was a short kiss but it looked romantic and Sofia didn't oppose it at all.
@@.Daniel;Daniel: "Alright...well that felt nice."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Yeah..."@@
@@.Daniel;Daniel: "Right, so I'll see you guys later."@@
On the way back Sofia was grabbing your leg but was mostly silent.
[[Eventually you arrive home|Daniel Week 2 After]] <</linkreplace>> <</linkreplace>>Daniel - Week 2 - Saturday
When you and Sofia arrive home you decide to ask Sofia about the kiss and how she felt about everything.
@@.John;John: "So...he gave you a kiss."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Yeah...In the restaurant he asked if I'd be ok with a kiss to see if there's a spark between us...and I agreed."@@
@@.John;John: "Ah so that's what he wanted to talk to you about. So...was there a spark?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Honestly...yeah there was a spark."@@
@@.John;John: "So you like him?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "I..."@@
@@.John;John: "You can be honest babe."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Yeah I like him, he's funny, mature, he's...manly, so yeah. I do like him and I want to see him again."@@
@@.John;John: "How badly do you wanna see him?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "I'll show you..."@@
Sofia then drags you to the bedroom, takes off her clothes, and starts to ride your cock.
<img src= "img/6-Hotwife/White/home3.webp" alt="date" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
@@.John;John: "Jesus you're really going at it what are you thinking about?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "You know..."@@
@@.John;John: "hm?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "I'm...imagining riding Daniel's cock. Do you like that?"@@
As soon as she said that the pull up and bust a load on her stomach.
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "I guess you did like that haha."@@
Sofia cleans up, gives you a kiss, and the both of you go to bed.
[[The next week|Daniel Week 3 Midweek]]Daniel - Week 3 - Wednesday
It was Wednesday early evening and Sofia had already come back from work. You were hanging out in the living room and you were wondering what Sofia was up to.
You walk towards the bedroom and open the door...
<<linkreplace "That's when you saw Sofia...">>That's when you saw Sofia...
<img src= "img/6-Hotwife/White/selfie1.jpg" alt="date" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
It seemed that Sofia was taking selfies of herself. Since this isn't a thing she normally does, you decide to ask her about it.
@@.John;John: "Hey babe, what are you doing there?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Jesus! You scared me."@@
@@.John;John: "Ha my bad. So...?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Oh this? Um...well Daniel wanted me to send over a couple of pics of myself. Is that ok?"@@
@@.John;John: "Yeah that's fine. Are you just sending him pics with your clothes on?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "That's what I was thinking, but maybe a shot of my tits? Is that too much?"@@
@@.John;John: "Nope. I think that's fine. In fact let me help you."@@
You then take Sofia's phone and direct her into a pose where she's showing off her tits.
<img src= "img/6-Hotwife/White/selfie2.jpg" alt="date" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Holy shit I look hot haha. Ok I'll send this over to Daniel, I'm sure he'll like it."@@
@@.John;John: "I'm sure he will babe."@@
[[Later that week it was time to hang out with Daniel again|Daniel Week 3 Date]] <</linkreplace>>Daniel - Week 3 - Saturday
That Saturday you and Sofia meet up with Daniel at a bar, a nice change of pace from a restaurant.
When you get there, you exhange the usual pleasantries and talk.
@@.Daniel;Daniel: "Oh btw Sofia I wanted to thank you for sending over those pics a couple of days back, you have great tits haha."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "I agree, they are pretty nice haha."@@
Daniel seemed charming and now that Sofia was more comfortable with him she laughed more, opened up in conversation, and occasionally was a little flirty.
<img src= "img/6-Hotwife/White/date2b.jpg" alt="date" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
Eventually you finish your drink and go to the bar to order another. You were only gone for a few minutes but when you get back...
<<linkreplace "You see Sofia...">> You see Sofia opening her legs for Daniel.
<img src= "img/6-Hotwife/White/date2c.jpg" alt="date" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
It seems that Sofia was getting really tipsy AND really comfortable with Daniel. As you walk towards them, Sofia laughs and quickly closes her legs.
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Heyyyyy! I was just giving Daniel a little preview haha."@@
@@.John;John: "I can see that."@@
@@.Daniel;Daniel: "John you really are a lucky man. And Sofia, I can't wait to see the rest."@@
Sofia blushes a little and for the next 30 minutes or so you all continue talking but eventually make your way back home.
[[You and Sofia arrive home|Daniel Week 3 After]] <</linkreplace>>Daniel - Week 3 - Saturday
When you get home you decide to ask Sofia about showing off to Daniel.
@@.John;John: "Hey babe about what you did at the bar..."@@
But before you could complete your sentence, Sofia kisses you, drags you to the bedroom, and basically rips off your clothes. It seemed she was really turned on by what happened at the bar.
<img src= "img/6-Hotwife/White/home4.webp" alt="date" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
@@.John;John: "Holy shit..."@@
As usual when Sofia is like this, you don't last long and after about 5 minutes you cum.
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Hm...maybe Daniel will last longer."@@
@@.John;John: "Hey babe, do you mean that?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "?"@@
@@.John;John: "I mean we've hung out with him a few times so... do you actually want to fuck Daniel or are you still on the fence?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Honestly... I think he would be fun and I like flirting with him but fucking another person isn't the easiest thing to do, so I guess I'm still kind of on the fence." @@
@@.John;John: "That's fine babe. I mean we can keep hanging out with him and you can keep flirting and see how you feel about it?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Yeah I think that could work."@@
You and Sofia then go to sleep.
[[A few days later|Daniel Week 4 Midweek]]Daniel - Week 4 - Thursday
It was a couple of days before the next meetup with Daniel but Sofia wanted to talk to you about something.
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Hey babyyy I had a question."@@
@@.John;John: "Hey what's up?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Well Daniel asked for more nudes this time and I'm not really sure what to do. What do you think?"@@
@@.John;John: "I mean...send him nudes? lol"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Ok...would you mind helping me? I'm not sure what will look good."@@
You agree and for a couple of a minutes to pretend that you're a porn director and position Sofia in a way you think Daniel would appreciate.
<<linkreplace "You take the shot.">>You take the shot.
<img src= "img/6-Hotwife/White/selfie3.jpg" alt="date" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
You think it came out really well and you show it to Sofia.
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Woah that's...really sexy but way too much."@@
@@.John;John: "Yeah I know it's a lot but you did say you were going to continue flirting with him to see if you were 100% about this."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Fine. Ok I'm going to send it...right Ok done. Jesus I can't believe I did that lol."@@
@@.John;John: "I'm proud of you."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Oh shut up lol."@@
You and Sofia go back to your routine and a couple days later...
[[It was time to meet Daniel again|Daniel Week 4 Date]] <</linkreplace>>Daniel - Week 4 - Saturday
For this meetup the three of you decided to grab early dinner and drinks at a casual restaurant. Since you and Sofia have gotten to know Daniel a little more you decided to have a more laid back hang out.
You and Sofia arrive first and Sofia wore a skirt with a tight top.
<img src= "img/6-Hotwife/White/date3a.jpg" alt="date" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
After a little while Daniel shows up.
@@.Daniel;Daniel: "Hey guys sorry I'm late...holy shit Sofia you look beautiful."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "I agree haha."@@
The three of you sit and chat for about 15 minutes or so until Daniel brings up"
@@.Daniel;Daniel: "So guys we've been hanging out for a while and as much as I appreciate getting to you know Sofia and seeing really hot pics of you, I wanted to see if you wanted to "progress" things. What do you think?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Um...yeah we can progress things but as attractive as you are I'm not super ready for sex. Me and John are new at this and we want to take things slow."@@
@@.Daniel;Daniel: "I understand wanting to take things slow but tell me more about the sex thing."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Yeah sure. Well I love my husband and flirting is fine but sex seems to be a really big step for me and I don't know how to be ok with it. I like the idea though, believe me."@@
@@.Daniel;Daniel: "I know you like the idea I've seen the photos haha."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Omg shut up haha."@@
@@.Daniel;Daniel: "Ok well I think we should continue hanging out and spending time together and take things slow. I also appreciate the photos you send over so keep that coming, and maybe we can hang out more in the week. Does that work for you?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Yeah that's definitely doable."@@
@@.Daniel;Daniel: "I also have an idea that could work...Maybe if you and your husband have sex less you'd feel like you'd be more open to having sex with me. Just a thought."@@
When Daniel said those words you remembered a section in the "hotwife guide" you read a while back that specifically recommended that. Knowing that was a good idea you say:
@@.John;John: "We can do that too. I mean it'll only be temporary and it'll be a good way for Sofia to see if she really wants to do this."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "I guess so?"@@
@@.Daniel;Daniel: "Great! But anyways, John do you mind if you and I switched seats? I actually had another idea and it'll be a good way to progress this."@@
A little confused you agreed and you and Daniel switched seats. Daniel was now sitting right next to Sofia and after that you three continued to talk. After a few minutes however you noticed that Sofia was breathing a little heavy and you see Daniels arm moving a bit.
<<linkreplace "You check under the table.">> You check under the table.
<img src= "img/6-Hotwife/White/date3b.gif" alt="date" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
You see that Daniel was caressing Sofia's leg. Other than hugs and the occasional kiss this was the first time Daniel was touching Sofia's body and she seemed to be into it.
@@.Daniel;Daniel: "I hope you don't mind John."@@
@@.John;John: "Not at all, Sofia doesn't seem to mind either."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Omg."@@
The three of you laugh and after 30 more minutes of talking you leave the rest and you and Sofia go home.
You were expecting Sofia to pounce on you like she's done after past dates but opted not to this time. It seems that Sofia listened to Daniel's advice and won't initiate sex with you. Maybe this will help get Sofia over the fence.
[[A few days later|Daniel Week 5 Midweek]] <</linkreplace>>Daniel - Week 5 - Monday
A few days later you get back home after doing some errands.
You go to find Sofia to see what she wanted for dinner but as you approach the bedroom, you notice that the door was slightly ajar. You take a peak and see that Sofia had situated her phone at an angle, pointing at her while she was masturbating.
<img src= "img/6-Hotwife/White/selfie4.gif" alt="date" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
You watch in silence for about 5 minutes until Sofia speeds up and cums. After taking a second to catch her breath she walks to her phone, types something, and then smiles. It didn't take a genius to figure out that she just made and sent a video to Daniel.
Not wanting to disturb her, you quietly leave her alone.
For the rest of the week you notice that Sofia spends more time on her phone talking to Daniel.
Eventually the days rolls by and it's [[time to meetup with Daniel again|Daniel Week 5 Date]]Daniel - Week 6 - Wednesday
Later that next week Sofia came home early because there wasn't a ton to do at the office. Though you still had a few things to do, it was a pretty light day for you as well.
You and Sofia were hanging out in the living room when she proposed a crazy idea.
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Hey baby I think we should go out and do something, I mean it's a nice day and it's kind of a waste to just stay indoors."@@
@@.John;John: "Honestly I don't really feel like going anywhere. Maybe we can hang out by the pool?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Yeah we could do that...but crazy thought: what if we invited Daniel to join us?"@@
@@.John;John: "Well it's the middle of the day so I'm not sure he's free."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "I'll text him and ask."@@
A little annoyed that she went ahead and asked before you gave permission, you decide to not voice your opinion as you want to see what happens next.
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Oh, he's free! Ok I'm gonna give him our address and he'll meet us within the hour. Does that work baby?"@@
@@.John;John: "Yeah sure."@@
And just as Sofia stated Daniel did come by within the hour.
@@.Daniel;Daniel: "Hey guys! Thanks for inviting me over."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Of course! We had the free time and thought it would be fun to have you over and hang out by the pool."@@
That was kind of a lie since SHE decided to bring Daniel over but whatever. Sofia then proceeded to show Daniel around the house and give him the grand tour. Sofia and Daniel then changed (separately) and headed to the pool. Since you still had a couple of things to do for work you let them hang out alone while you sat in your home office.
Luckily the home office has a view to the backyard so you could see what they were doing.
<img src= "img/6-Hotwife/White/pool1.jpg" alt="date" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
Though Sofia and Daniel were having fun and were physically close, you didn't notice anything sexual going on. It felt more intimate than anything.
After an hour or so it was starting to get late so Sofia and Daniel exited the pool. You were wrapping up with work as well but before you went out to see them, Daniel gave Sofia a kiss while they were still alone.
<img src= "img/6-Hotwife/White/pool2.jpg" alt="date" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
Not wanting to miss anything in case it escalated, you rush over the the pool.
@@.John;John: "Hey guys."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Baby you stayed inside for wayyy too long. Daniel was about to leave."@@
@@.John;John: "Ah sorry about, had to finish up work."@@
@@.Daniel;Daniel: "All good man, I had plenty of fun with Sofia anyways. But since it's getting late I'll just head out. I'll see you both this weekend alright?"@@
@@.John;John: "Sounds good man."@@
Sofia smiled and waved at him while he was on his way out.
@@.John;John: "So did you have fun?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Yup!"@@
@@.John;John: "Did anything?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "No no... I mean just a kiss but that's it."@@
@@.John;John: "If you say so babe."@@
Sofia then took a quick shower and the two of you get back to your normal routine.
[[That weekend|Daniel Week 6 Date]]Daniel - Week 5 - Saturday
That Saturday you and Sofia decide to go and meet up with Daniel at a restaurant. Though you'll probably switch up venues in future dates you want to keep things public for now.
You and Sofia arrived a little early and instead of sitting next to you, she decided to sit across from you. When you ask her why she was sitting over there, she points to the table.
<<linkreplace "You look under the table.">>
<img src= "img/6-Hotwife/White/date3c.gif" alt="date" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
It seems that Sofia had moved her underwear out of the way, anticipating that Daniel will start to play with her again.
Eventually Daniel shows up sits next to Sofia and the three of you chat as always. The three of you do communicate and work together well so you don't run out of things to talk about. After about 30 minutes of conversation you notice that Sofia is starting to breath heavily again...
<<linkreplace "so you look under the table.">>so you look under the table.
<img src= "img/6-Hotwife/White/date3d.gif" alt="date" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
It seems that Daniel wasn't just caressing Sofia's leg but was now touching her pussy. Sofia tried to continue the conversation but found it difficult to do so. After about 10 minutes of this, Sofia covered her mouth as discretely as possible, closed her eyes, and tried not to move much. Though she tried to hide it since she was in public and surrounded by other people, it's obvious she just came.
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "oh god that...was amazing"@@ she whispered to Daniel.
@@.Daniel;Daniel: "How about all three of us continue this as my place?"@@
Sofia takes a second to think about it but responds:
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "hmmm...maybe next time?"@@
Daniel smiles and the three of you finish your food and drinks and leave.
[[A few days later|Daniel Week 6 Midweek]] <</linkreplace>> <</linkreplace>>Daniel - Week 6 - Saturday
This time around Daniel recommended we go to a small, hole-in-the-wall bar he's been to a few times. When you and Sofia get there, it was pretty low lit and quiet. You saw Daniel sitting in the back booth and you and Sofia join him.
@@.John;John: "Hey man this is a pretty cool place."@@
@@.Daniel;Daniel: "Yeah I randomly discovered this bar a few years back and come in here every so often, it has an old school California charm to it."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "I think it's nice? But not sure why we're meeting up here."@@
@@.Daniel;Daniel: "Well I'll tell you after a few drinks."@@
And so the three of you started to drink and as usual Sofia was sitting next to Daniel.
After about 30 minutes or so Daniel looked around and saw that no one was looking in our direction.
Daniel then whispered to Sofia softly enough that strangers couldn't hear them, but loudly enough that you could.
@@.Daniel;Daniel: "Hey I think it's time you repay the favor from last week."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "What did you have in mind?"@@
Daniel then unzips his pants and brings out his cock.
@@.Daniel;Daniel: "How about a handjob?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "There's people here!"@@
@@.Daniel;Daniel: "And they won't notice if you make it quick."@@
Sofia took a few seconds to think about it and then got to work. Sofia was adequate at handjobs and Daniel seemed to be enjoying it, but it was taking ages for him to cum.
<<linkreplace "Finally after 30 minutes...">>Finally after 30 minutes Daniel cam all over Sofia's hands.
<img src= "img/6-Hotwife/White/publichandjob.gif" alt="date" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Jesus I think my wrists are sore."@@
@@.Daniel;Daniel: "Yeah I've got pretty good stamina. I could show you at my place if you guys like?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "hmmm."@@
@@.Daniel;Daniel: "Well?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Not..quite yet. Soon though. But right now I'm gonna go wash my hands."@@
Sofia went to the restroom to clean up and was back in a couple of minutes. The three of you finish up your drinks then call it a night.
[[The following week|Daniel Week 7 Midweek]] <</linkreplace>>Daniel - Week 7 - Tuesday
The next week you and Sofia were hanging out in the living room when she got a text.
Sofia stares at the phone for a little while with a confused look on her face and then turns to you.
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Hey babe. So Daniel just texted me and asked for a new photo."@@
@@.John;John: "That's fine, you know you can go and take photos for him."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Yeah but this would is a little much. He said he wanted to see a good picture or video of my asshole."@@
@@.John;John: "Then...go and take it?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "I'm not really into anal so idk why he wants me to take a photo like that."@@
@@.John;John: "Well he did say he was into everything so maybe that's something he wants to try eventually?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Maybe. Can you help me take the photo?"@@
You agreed and once again you put on your director's hat and made Sofia pose in a way you thought Daniel would appreciate.
<img src= "img/6-Hotwife/White/assholetease.webp" alt="date" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
Content with your work, you show the quick video to Sofia.
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "I'm not sure I want to send that to him..."@@
@@.John;John: "Of course you do haha, don't act coy."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Fine fine...and sent!"@@
@@.John;John: "Send that to me too, I'll add it to my wank bank."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Ugh."@@
After that you and Sofia go back to the living room and continue chilling.
[[That weekend|Daniel Week 7 Date]]Daniel - Week 7 - Saturday
That weekend you, Sofia, and Daniel went out for drinks at a nearby bar. The entire time you three were just hanging out and talking. Sure there was occasional flirting between Sofia and Daniel but the entire experience felt a little tame.
As you three were leaving, Daniel decided to give Sofia a kiss and grab her ass.
Seeing no resistance from Sofia, he decided to take it up a notch and straight out spread her ass.
<img src= "img/6-Hotwife/White/publicspread.gif" alt="date" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Hey! What are you doing?"@@
@@.Daniel;Daniel: "Just wanted to give John a nice view is all."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Hmm...ok I guess that's fine."@@
Daniel then heads off towards his car and you and Sofia go home. Sofia didn't seem that bothered by the act, but Daniel basically stripped and spread Sofia's ass in public. That's a big step up in their dynamic and you're confident things will start to get explicity sexual between them.
[[Next week|Daniel Week 8 Midweek]]Daniel - Week 8 - Tuesday
The following week.
It was Tuesday and you were working in your home office. You hear Sofia come in and go to the bedroom. After a few minutes you decide to take a quick break to say hello to your wife.
<<linkreplace "You approach the bedroom.">> You approach the bedroom and see that the door is slightly open.
You peek inside and you see Sofia already naked and playing with her asshole.
<img src= "img/6-Hotwife/White/selfie5.gif" alt="date" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
You were going to interrupt her until you see the phone on the bed, angled towards her. Figuring she was making another video for Daniel you decide to leave her to it. Anal play isn't Sofia's thing so the fact that she becoming open to it is pretty exciting.
[[That weekend|Daniel Week 8 Date]] <</linkreplace>>Daniel - Week 9 - Saturday
It looked like Daniel and Sofia were having a good time...You'll ask Sofia about it when she gets home.
After a couple more hours Sofia finally gets home from her solo date with Daniel.
@@.John;John: "Hey babe, how was your day?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "It was good! We just walked around a lot."@@
@@.John;John: "So...Daniel sent me a video of you."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Oh yeah I know. We were walking around town and it was kind of spur of the moment."@@
Sofia then smiled and changed back into her normal clothes.
[[That weekend|Daniel Week 9 Date]
That Saturday you and Sofia went over to Daniel's place to hangout for a couple of hours.
Though Sofia wasn't ready to have sex yet, she was a lot more comfortable with Daniel.
<img src= "img/6-Hotwife/White/publicstripping.gif" alt="date" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />Daniel - Week 9 - Wednesday
That next Wednesday Daniel texted Sofia to see if she had some free time late afternoon. It looks like he wanted to walk around the town and just hang out with Sofia. Sofia agreed and put on a casual bikini-type outfit since this was a beach town and was a common thing to do.
After an hour or so, you get a text from Daniel.
<<linkreplace "Check your phone.">>Check your phone.
<img src= "img/6-Hotwife/White/publicstripping.gif" alt="date" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
It looked like Daniel and Sofia were having a good time...You'll ask Sofia about it when she gets home...
<</linkreplace>>Daniel - Week 10 - Tuesday
mid week event - public play? - tennis1, tennis2
<img src= "img/6-Hotwife/White/tennis1.webp" alt="date" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
<img src= "img/6-Hotwife/White/tennis2.webp" alt="date" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />Daniel - Week 10 - Saturday
tenth date - double handjob
<img src= "img/6-Hotwife/White/doublehandjob.webp" alt="date" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />Daniel - Week 8 - Saturday
That Saturday you and Sofia decided to have Daniel over at your place for a couple of drinks. Sofia feels that spending time in a more relaxed atmosphere would be a good way to take things to the next level.
Daniel arrives that Saturday afternoon for drinks. He greets you and hugs Sofia and the three of you chill in the living room. Things seemed to be going smoothly as usual.
@@.Daniel;Daniel: "But anyways thanks for inviting me over guys."@@
@@.John;John: "Yeah man it's not a problem."@@
@@.Daniel;Daniel: "Oh and Sofia I wanted to thank you for sending all of those pictures and videos."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Well I'm glad you like them!"@@
@@.Daniel;Daniel: "I did! In fact I would love to see you real life. Do you think you're ready for that?"@@
Sofia looks at you and you shrug your shoulders, letting her know that the decision is all hers.
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "You know what? Yeah. Sure. Let's go somewhere more comfortable."@@
Sofia then stands up, walks towards the bedroom, and you and Daniel follow along.
Sofia is sitting on the bed and proceeds to talk to you and Daniel.
<img src= "img/6-Hotwife/White/stripping1.gif" alt="date" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Alright here we are. So...what's next?"@@
@@.Daniel;Daniel: "Hmmm how about your tits?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Alright, like...this?"@@
<<linkreplace "Sofia starts to tease her tits.">>Sofia starts to tease her tits.
<img src= "img/6-Hotwife/White/stripping2.gif" alt="date" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
@@.Daniel;Daniel: "Yeah that's perfect. Just like that. Actually I want you to lay back so I can get a better look at you."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Like this?"@@
<img src= "img/6-Hotwife/White/stripping3.gif" alt="date" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
@@.Daniel;Daniel: "Exactly...Alright now I want you to take off the rest and bend over. I've waited long enough and I want to see that pussy."@@
<<linkreplace "Sofia takes off the rest of her clothes and bends over.">> Sofia takes off the rest of her clothes and bends over.
<img src= "img/6-Hotwife/White/stripping4.webp" alt="date" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
@@.Daniel;Daniel: "What a beautiful pussy. Ready to let me fuck you yet?"@@
Sofia then starts to touch herself even more, hesitates, and finally says:
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Sorry...not today."@@
@@.Daniel;Daniel: "That's fine...I'l just take a pic of that pussy really quick."@@
Daniel then takes out his phone, snaps a shot of Sofia, and puts his phone away.
@@.Daniel;Daniel: "Right well I have a serious case of blue balls so I'm gonna head out before it gets worse haha."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Aww ok."@@
@@.Daniel;Daniel: "Sofia, let's hang out next week in public. I'd love to see more of you in a different setting."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Ummm ok, that's fine."@@
@@.Daniel;Daniel: "Great, I'll see you next week then."@@
Daniel leaves and Sofia puts her clothes back on.
@@.John;John: "Hey babe do you know what he meant by "seeing more of you in a different setting?" Are you going to hang out at his place?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "I think he just wants to hang out in public with just the two of us..."@@
@@.John;John: "Oh that seems harmless. Have fun I guess?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Yeah I think we will."@@
[[The following week|Daniel 9 Midweek]] <</linkreplace>> <</linkreplace>>Daniel - Week 1 - Saturday
@@.John;John: "Yeah I think he's exactly what we're looking for."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "I agree baby...So since we just came back from a nice romantic dinner I think I should reward you."@@
@@.John;John: "Reward me how?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Well I'll show you."@@
Sofia then proceeds to take off her clothes and get on her knees. It seems that even though this was just a meet and greet dinner, Sofia was turned on. Not knowing whether it was due to the situation or Daniel, you decide not to ask questions and just accept the blowjob.
<<linkreplace "Sofia sucks your dick.">>Sofia sucks your dick.
<img src= "img/6-Hotwife/White/home1.webp" alt="date" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
Sofia puts in a lot of effort into sucking your dick, so much so that you barely last a few minutes and cum on her face.
<img src= "img/6-Hotwife/White/home2.webp" alt="date" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Aww you came right on my face. That's such a pain in the ass to clean haha. That was pretty quick too babe. Hopefully Daniel lasts a little longer."@@
That last comment stung a little but it didn't matter, you got a blowjob.
[[The following weekend|Daniel Week 2 Date]]
<</linkreplace>>Daniel - Week 1
@@.John;John: "I think he's a great guy. However I don't think he's what we're looking for."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "What? Why not?"@@
@@.John;John: "I feel like he's looking for something that's more serious and I think that could get really messy down the line. I think we should find someone else."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "If you say so..."@@
[[Find someone else|Hotwife]]The next day you decide to tell Sofia about Arthur.
@@.John;John: "Hey babe, I think I found someone who might be a good fit."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Already? That was fast."@@
@@.John;John: "Yeah you're super popular, got a lot of responses but I think this guy, Arthur might be good."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Ok tell me about him."@@
You then proceed to tell Sofia about Arthur's initial response and that first phone call.
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "He sounds nice...but he seems really old."@@
@@.John;John: "Yeah he's old as fuck but he might be a good pick for what we're looking for."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "I don't know, I'm not into old dudes but if you think he could be good, we can meet him."@@
@@.John;John: "Great, I'll give him a call and see when he's free.@@
Later that evening you give Arthur a call and he seemed ecstatic that Sofia was interested in meeting up with him. Arthur then invited you and Sofia to his place that weekend for dinner and drinks.
Though Sofia probably yes to a date to be nice and because you recommended it, she's not super thrilled about meeting up with someone who's a lot older than she is. She doesn't have an old man fetish but you feel like Arthur's charm and niceness might win her over. Another thing that might help here is the fact that Sofia has daddy issues. Since Sofia's father left the family when she was young, she never really had a father figure so Arthur might be someone who taps into that.
[[That weekend|Arthur Date 1]]Arthur - Week 1
That weekend you and Sofia go to Arthur's house for dinner.
When you arrive at his place you notice that the home is in one of the nicer streets in the city. Not only that, but it was also one of the bigger homes as well.
You knock on Arthur's door and you were greeted by what can only be referred to as a "geriatric old man." Arthur didn't look particular attractive or healthy for his age, but he did greet you and Sofia warmly.
@@.Arthur;Arthur: "Wow you guys actually showed up! Well it's a pleasure to meet you both, please come inside."@@
You and Sofia walk into Arthur's home and notice how old fashioned and traditional it looked. It even had a grandfather clock in it. Arthur escorts us to the living home and we all have a seat.
<img src= "img/6-Hotwife/Older/date1a.jpg" alt="date" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
@@.John;John: "Well thank you for inviting us Arthur, you have a wonderful home."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "I really like the decor."@@
@@.Arthur;Arthur: "Oh stop it, it's quite dated. My wife was a fan of antiquing so she was the one who bought everything. I was never a fan but I couldn't bear changing anything after she passed."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Yeah...John told me about that. I'm really sorry to hear about your wife."@@
@@.Arthur;Arthur: "I do miss her dearly and thank you for saying that."@@
@@.John;John: "So...Arthur. Have you done something like this before?"@@
@@.Arthur;Arthur: "Well considering my age and that I was married for almost 40 years, I can confidently say that I've had relations before haha."@@
Sofia laughs with Arthur.
@@.John;John: "Ha funny. Actually I meant this type of...sexual arrangement."@@
@@.Arthur;Arthur: "Well not really. Me and my wife kept sex and everything about sex confined behind closed doors so we never explored. But I've had friends who were into the lifestyle so I learned a fair bit about this from them."@@
@@.John;John: "Fair enough. Yeah me and Sofia were interested in opening up our bedroom and wanted to see who out there would fit the bill."@@
@@.Arthur;Arthur: "Oh I understand. I think I would be quite good for that. John, your wife is obviously very beautiful and I would love to see her naked quite simply."@@
@@.John;John: "I agree. Well we can continue talking and see if this is a mutual fit."@@
You, Sofia, and Arthur continued to talk for the next couple of hours. It seems that Arthur was a big shot accountant, just like Sofia, before he retired. So a good chunk of time was Arthur giving Sofia career advice. Arthur also detailed his love for giving and receiving pleasure (primarily orally and with his hands), in a way that wasn't obscene. Sofia didn't seem super turned on by Arthur but she did seem very engaged in what he had to say.
After some time, Sofia said she was feeling a little tired and wanted to go home.
Sofia hugged Arthur and you both left.
<img src= "img/6-Hotwife/Older/date1b.jpg" alt="date" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
[[You get home|Arthur Date 1 After]]Arthur - Week 1
After you and Sofia get home you discussed whether not to continue with Arthur.
@@.John;John: "So...?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Yeah...I mean...he was nice at least."@@
@@.John;John: "I agree."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "And we did have a good conversation."@@
@@.John;John: "Yup."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "It's's hard imagining the dude naked. I mean the goal of this is to fool around with someone and I don't know if the sexual chemistry is there."@@
[[Agree with Sofia|Arthur Fail]] or [[Defend Arthur|Arthur Date 1 After Pass]]Arthur - Week 1
@@.John;John: "Yeah you're right, he was really nice but seemed super old."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "I don't want to know what old balls taste like, yuck."@@
@@.John;John: "That's mean haha."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Whatever lol. But yeah let him down gently and we can find someone else."@@
You call Arthur and politely let me know that though he seemed like a great person, Sofia wasn't feeling the chemistry. Arthur understood.
[[Go back to the post|Hotwife]]Arthur - Week 1
@@.John;John: "Well you're not trying to find a new boyfriend or something babe. I think the most important things we need to look for is someone who is nice and respectful who you can fool around with. I think sexual chemistry is kind of secondary to those two things."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "I don't know. You may be right. I guess there's no harm in hanging out with him again and seeing what happens."@@
@@.John;John: "Great. I'll give him a call and let Arthur know that we want to meet him again and see where this goes."@@
You give Arthur a call and let him know if he's free the following weekend, to which he replies he's free EVERY weekend. Arthur invites the both of you over again.
[[The next weekend you head back to Arthur's place|Arthur Date 2]]Arthur - Week 2
The following week you and Sofia head back to Arthur's place. Arthur made you and Sofia a quick bite to eat but the focus of today's date was drinks.
As you three start to drink, Sofia starts to open up a little more about herself, your sex lives, and what she's expecting out of this kind of arrangement. Arthur seemed very understanding, patient, and charismatic. You didn't feel any sexual chemistry from Sofia's side, but she seemed to have a good time talking to Arthur. She even went so far as to sit on his lap.
<img src= "img/6-Hotwife/Older/date2a.jpg" alt="date" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
After a few more drinks, Arthur seemed to get a little handsy with Sofia but kept things within appropriate limits.
<img src= "img/6-Hotwife/Older/date2b.jpg" alt="date" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Alright I think we've have enough drinks for today...John are you good to drive?"@@
@@.John;John: "Yeah I just had a couple of drinks so I'm good."@@
@@.Arthur;Arthur: "Aww it's a shame you guys are leaving so soon but I understand."@@
<<linkreplace "Arthur then walks up to Sofia to say goodbye.">>Arthur then walks up to Sofia to say goodbye.
But instead of a hug or even an innocent kiss, Arthur came up behind Sofia, grabbed her tits, and kissed her neck. Sofia didn't seem to mind.
<img src= "img/6-Hotwife/Older/date2c.jpg" alt="date" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
@@.Arthur;Arthur: "Come back soon alright?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Yeah sure."@@
@@.Arthur;Arthur: "Well how about next weekend?"@@
Sofia, who was moderately drunk, agreed. You and Sofia then left and went home.
[[Back home|Arthur Date 2 After]] <</linkreplace>>Arthur - Week 2
By the time you and Sofia get back home she sobered up a bit.
@@.John;John: "So that was fun, right?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Yeah it was. I was a little drunk but did Arthur grab my tits?"@@
@@.John;John: "Yup haha."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Well that's fine I guess."@@
@@.John;John: "So that doesn't bother you?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "I mean it's whatever. Arthur seems like a very nice but lonely guy so I didn't mind. He kind of feels like a drunk uncle."@@
@@.John;John: "Who grabs your tits."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Yeah a creepy uncle who isn't that creepy."@@
@@.John;John: "Well you did agree to hang out with creepy uncle again next weekend."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Did I? Damn. I don't want to give him the wrong idea or anything I'm still a no on him, sexually."@@
@@.John;John: "I think you'd feel that way no matter who it was. Maybe force yourself to do a little more and see how that feels? If you're totally repulsed by him or the actions then maybe we can find someone else."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "I guess I can try that. Maybe show him my tits or something, idk."@@
@@.John;John: "That's the spirit."@@
You and Sofia go to bed and meet up with Arthur the following weekend.
[[The next weekend|Arthur Date 3]]Arthur - Week 3
That next weekend you and Sofia head over to Arthur's place to hang out again. Based on last week's conversation with Sofia she still isn't sexually attracted to Arthur but she's going to make an effort to progress things with him. In her mind this is probably just practice or trying to overcome her mental barriers to this lifestyle and she doesn't see Arthur as a serious partner.
When you arrive at Arthur's place, he was in the middle of making dinner for us.
@@.Arthur;Arthur: "It seems you guys have arrived a little early. I'm still making dinner so do you guys mind waiting while I finish it up?"@@
@@.John;John: "Not at all, take your time."@@
@@.Arthur;Arthur: "Oh I have taken my time, I've have cooking this the entire day."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "That smells delicious! What did you make?"@@
@@.Arthur;Arthur: "Beef bourguignon! I actually love to cook but haven't had the chance to show off my cooking skills in a while."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Isn't that like super hard to make?"@@
@@.Arthur;Arthur: "It does take hours to cook and there are a ton of steps, but it's so worth it. Give me another 15 minutes to wrap things up and I'll be with you guys shortly."@@
You and Sofia then proceed to wait in the living room while Arthur finishes up the dish.
<img src= "img/6-Hotwife/Older/date3a.jpg" alt="date" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
After about 15 minutes the food is ready and you and Sofia dig in.
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "I don't think I've ever had something so delicious. John why don't you cook like this for me??"@@
@@.John;John: "Uh..."@@
@@.Arthur;Arthur: "Haha, you really should learn more recipes John. But for this particular dish the trick is using a really nice wine. Normally people put in whatever quality wine and it generally doesn't matter. But for a dish like this you want every ingredient to be of the highest quality."@@
Sofia and Arthur then continued to talk about cooking and Sofia listened intently. After dinner, the three of you hung out in the living room for another 30 minutes or so. When there was a lull in the conversation you look at Sofia and give her a gesture. Sofia then shrugs her shoulders begrudgingly.
<<linkreplace "Sofia then turns to Arthur.">> Sofia then turns to Arthur.
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Arthur I wanted to thank you for taking the time to make us just a wonderful dinner." @@
Sofia then proceeds to lower her top and show Arthur her tits.
<img src= "img/6-Hotwife/Older/date3b.jpg" alt="date" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
@@.Arthur;Arthur: "Well I appreciate your appreciation. If I'd known this would be by present I'd have prepared desert too haha."@@
Sofia laughs with Arthur and then puts her top back on.
@@.Arthur;Arthur: "Aww you've covered up those wonderful tits. I guess that means you guys are ready to head back home?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Yeah it's getting a little late."@@
@@.Arthur;Arthur: "Would you both like to come by again next weekend? I do like having company again."@@
Sofia looked a little guilty and said yes. When you and Sofia get home you have a brief converation about that date but not a lot happened and Sofia is still in the same mindset: she doesn't view Arthur as a viable sexual partner but she doesn't mind giving him a treat every so often. Hopefully that mindset changes.
[[The following weekend|Arthur Date 4]] <</linkreplace>>Arthur - Week 4
The next weekend you and Sofia head over to Arthur's place. Last week Sofia showed Arthur her tits, not because she was horny or into it but because she wanted to be nice to Arthur. There's only so far Sofia would go to be nice so hopefully something changes in their dynamic.
Today, Arthur went light on the dinner and decided to make us cocktails.
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Arthur these drinks are sooo delicious!"@@
@@.Arthur;Arthur: "Thank you, years back I took a cocktail making class but haven't had a chance to use these skills."@@
The drinks were delicious and though they were pretty alcoholic, Sofia kept going through them like water.
@@.Arthur;Arthur: "It seems you guys are enjoying the drinks and having a good time. I'm glad you two are having a good time but I wanted to you think this is a match? I love the company, especially you, Sofia, and I want to keep seeing you two again."@@
Arthur looked vulnerable. He was an older man who obviously has a ton of life experience and skills, but is very lonely and wanted companionship of any kind. Sofia picked up on this and peppered her response keeping this in mind.
@@.Sofia;Sofia: " and John really do like coming over to spend time with you. You're a wonderful cook, you make great drinks, and you're really nice to talk to. But I'm not sure if you're really my type, you know, sexually."@@
@@.Arthur;Arthur: "I completely understand. I'm a much older gentleman and I know that isn't for everyone. But if anything I would at least like to give you a kiss if that's ok?"@@
Sofia thought for a moment and said:
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "I don't see the harm in that..."@@
<<linkreplace "Sofia leans in for a kiss.">>Sofia leans in for a kiss.
Sofia gives Arthur a little peck on the lips. Sofia smiles as if to say she was done, but Arthur leaned in and kissed her some more. After a moment of hesitation Sofia kissed him back. Arthur showed his experience and made out with Sofia skillfully.
<img src= "img/6-Hotwife/Older/date4.webp" alt="date" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
After a couple of minutes they broke and Sofia smiled at Arthur.
@@.Arthur;Arthur: "Well that was the best kiss I've had in years."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: " was nice!"@@
Realizing how late it was getting you say:
@@.John;John: "As fun as that was to watch I think it's getting late and we should head out."@@
@@.Arthur;Arthur: "Sounds good John. And you guys should let me know if you want to spend more time here. Regardless of whether anything sexually happens I still enjoy the company."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Yeah we'll let you know..."@@
You and Sofia then drive home to talk about the date and figure out next steps.
[[You get home|Arthur Date 4 After]] <</linkreplace>>Arthur - Week 4
You and Sofia are back home. Today went pretty well but you aren't sure how Sofia felt about it or if she even wants to see Arthur again.
@@.John;John: " kissed your creepy uncle."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Omg stop that."@@
@@.John;John: "So how was it?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Honestly...he's a really good kisser."@@
@@.John;John: "Better than me?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "...yeah. I'd say so."@@
@@.John;John: "Oh, I thought you had no sexual interest in him."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "I still don't, but maybe like 1% now. Enough to want to hang out with him some more and see what happens."@@
@@.John;John: "Sounds good. I'll let Arthur know you had a good time and want to hang out with him again."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "...ok. Let's do that."@@
You call and tell Arthur that you're both cool with continuing to spend time with him.
[[The next weekend|Arthur Date 5]]Arthur - Week 5
The next weekend you head back to Arthur's place. At this point it's almost you and Sofia's weekly ritual to spend time with Arthur. For the past month or so you weren't sure if this arrangement was going to work, primarily due to Arthur's age. But after last week you were sure that Sofia was just a little curious about Arthur sexually, even if it was just at 1%.
When you and Sofia arrived, Arthur already had dinner and a couple of nice drinks already made for you two. As always, the food and the drinks were delicious and after dinner all three of you hung out in the living room and talked.
@@.Arthur;Arthur: "Hey guys I'm really happy you decided to come back."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Of course Arthur we like spending the time here."@@
@@.Arthur;Arthur: "Aww that's sweet Sofia. So do you guys want to spend time here as friend or in a more sexual way?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "At first I thought just friends, but you're a good kisser so maybe sexually down the line?"@@
@@.Arthur;Arthur: "I'm glad to hear that! I obviously find you very sexually attractive as well. I would hope that you don't wait too long considering I'm old as shit and may not have too much time hahaha."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Don't say that! I'm sure you have a lot of good years left in you."@@
@@.Arthur;Arthur: "Well thank you. Anyways I know this may be a little forward of me, but I would love the opportunity to see more of you...and not just your tits. Would that be ok?"@@
Sofia thinks for a second and says.
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Sure! I can do that."@@
<<linkreplace "Sofia then starts to takes off her clothes.">>Sofia then starts to takes off her clothes.
@@.Arthur;Arthur: "Sofia...would you mind if I jacked off to you. You're just so beautiful and I don't think I can hold back."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "That's fine..."@@
<img src= "img/6-Hotwife/Older/date5a.jpg" alt="date" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
Arthur started to jack off while closely inspecting Sofia's body. Arthur didn't want to miss this opportunity and asked:
@@.Arthur;Arthur: "Can I kiss you?"@@
<<linkreplace "Sofia smiles and nods.">>Sofia smiles and nods.
<img src= "img/6-Hotwife/Older/date5b.jpg" alt="date" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
Sofia and Arthur were passionately kissing. This was the second time they kissed but they already seemed to be in sync. Arthur, being far more experienced, was the one leading and Sofia just sat there and became focused in the moment. After 5 minutes of Arthur kissing Sofia and lightly fondling her body...
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Wow you are such a good kisser..."@@
@@.Arthur;Arthur: "Thank you...As I've mentioned I'm very good with my tongue. Let me show you...please lay back on the couch and open your legs."@@
Sofia looks at you for guidance, but as you saw her breathing heavily and visibily turned on, you nodded your head and gave her your approval.
<<linkreplace "Sofia does as she's told.">>Sofia does as she's told.
Sofia lays back on the couch and opens her legs.
<img src= "img/6-Hotwife/Older/date5c.jpg" alt="date" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
Arthur takes a moment to admire Sofia's pussy and then dives right in. Arthur was obviously very skilled and Sofia was panting heavily. Arthur played with her clit, licked her inch of her pussy, and explore every crevice inside of her. Though you consider yourself good at eating pussy you were nowhere near Arthur's level.
<img src= "img/6-Hotwife/Older/eatingpussy1.gif" alt="date" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
After what seemed like forever you see Sofia start to heavily moan until she grabs Arthur's head, presses it deep into her pussy, and cums.
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Holy shit...that was amazing. That was...the best orgasm I've ever had."@@
@@.Arthur;Arthur: "I told you I was good at this. I've had about 40 years of experience trying to make women cum with my hands and mouth."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Yeah I can tell! Alright John, we definitely need to come back again!"@@
You look shocked as Sofia made that post-orgasm commitment to continue coming back.
@@.Arthur;Arthur: "Well as long as you're ok with it John. I'd love it if you guys kept coming back. I mean Sofia, you're absolutely tasty!"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Oh stop it haha."@@
After another 10 minutes of chilling and Arthur describing how "tasty" Sofia was and Sofia describing how "amazing" that orgasm was, you decide to call it and take Sofia home. As you two were on your way out, Arthur decided to give Sofia a goodbye kiss to which she reciprocating.
When you get back home, you and Sofia talk about the experience, but it wasn't anything different from what she told Arthur. She enjoyed that session and wanted to continue seeing Arthur.
[[The next weekend Sofia goes back for more.|Arthur Date 6]] <</linkreplace>> <</linkreplace>> <</linkreplace>>Arthur - Week 6
As you and Sofia drove to Arthur's place she seemed excited and really looking forward to spending time with him. In the past it felt as if you were driving to see a friend, but the air around Sofia has subtly changed and the mood felt more...sexual.
When you arrive at Arthur's place the three of you had a bite to eat and tried to make converation but it was obvious that Sofia was waiting for something...
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "As always that was a wonderful dinner."@@
@@.Arthur;Arthur: "I'm glad you liked it!"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "So...what do you wanna do now?"@@
@@.Arthur;Arthur: "Well I would love the opportunity to eat you out again. How does that sound?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Perfect!"@@ Sofia said, almost too excitedly.
<<linkreplace "Sofia took off her clothes and laid back.">>Sofia took off her clothes and laid back.
@@.Arthur;Arthur: "Well that was quick. You mind if I took off my clothes as well?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Not at all!"@@
Once Arthur took off his clothes, he proceeded to eat Sofia out.
<img src= "img/6-Hotwife/Older/date6a.webp" alt="date" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
He spent the next 20 minutes or so, slowly and delicately eating her out. Sofia softly moaned and laid there enjoying his tongue.
Eventually Arthur picked up the pace and more roughly ate her out. Arthur played with her clit, tongue fucked her and continued to explore every inch of Sofia's cunt. Sofia was now loudly moaning and almost came several times.
<img src= "img/6-Hotwife/Older/date6b.webp" alt="date" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
Arthur eventually started to finger Sofia to help take her to the finish line. To your surprise, when Arthur started to finger her she reached out and grabbed his cock. She's not great at handjobs but she was making an attempt here.
<img src= "img/6-Hotwife/Older/date6c.webp" alt="date" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
Arthur picked up the pace and soon enough Sofia's body convulsed as she came.
Sofia laid there motionless for a couple minutes with a glazed look in her eyes, you don't think Sofia ever came like that before.
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Oh god..."@@
@@.Arthur;Arthur: "That was amazing?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Exactly haha."@@
@@.Arthur;Arthur: "Well I aim to please. For me the biggest enjoyment in sex is when I'm able to make my partner orgasm. I hope we continue doing this."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Well you definitely did please and yeah I think we can continue doing this."@@
Eventually you and Sofia said your goodbyes and headed back home.
[[You and Sofia arrive home|Arthur Date 6 After]] <</linkreplace>>Arthur - Week 6
When you and Sofia get home you try and talk to her and she how she's feeling about this arrangement.
@@.John;John: "So it looks like you enjoyed today."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "I really did. As much as I like you eating me out, he's just so damn good at it. He brought me close to orgasm several times, and then backed away. And when I finally came it was...amazing."@@
@@.John;John: "Yeah you even jacked him off."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "A little. I thought I had to repay him for what he was doing."@@
@@.John;John: "That makes sense babe. So...are you still not attracted to him sexually?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "I don't know. I don't find him attractive and I don't WANT to fuck him, but it feels more like a mutual satisfaction between friends thing. Maybe a fwb?"@@
@@.John;John: "Ok that makes sense. I guess we're going to see him again next week?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Yup, I'd like to."@@
You and Sofia head to bed and go about the rest of your week until the following weekend.
[[The next weekend|Arthur Date 7]]Arthur - Week 7
That weekend you and Sofia headed over to Arthur's place with the full expectation that Sofia was going to get eaten out. For Sofia, the goal of hanging out with Arthur wasn't to spend time with and chat with a nice older man, but to have another body-shaking orgasm.
You and Sofia arrive at Arthur's and hang out in the living room.
@@.Arthur;Arthur: "Sofia I'm glad to see that you enjoy our time together. I admit these last couple of months have been the liveliest I've had in years."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "I do enjoy our time together, mostly due to the mind shattering orgasms. The company is nice too of course."@@
@@.Arthur;Arthur: "Haha well I do appreciate the honesty. And in the spirit of honesty, would you like to go upstairs and have a little fun?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Always!"@@
You and Sofia follow Arthur to his bedroom upstairs and Sofia takes off her clothes.
@@.Arthur;Arthur: "Before we begin I wanted to ask if you ever had an orgasm from your ass before?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "From my ass?"@@
@@.Arthur;Arthur: "Yes, cumming from anal stimulation."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "John has played with my ass before, but I'm not really into anal play."@@
@@.Arthur;Arthur: "Well I think I can change your mind. Would you like me to try that today?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Guess it can't hurt. Well it can, but if it's just oral that should be fine."@@
Arthur puts Sofia on her stomache and parts her ass cheeks.
@@.Arthur;Arthur: "God you have a beautiful asshole as well."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Aww thank you."@@
As Sofia was about to continue her sentence, Arthur dove right in and shoved his tongue in her ass.
<img src= "img/6-Hotwife/Older/date7a.webp" alt="date" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Ahhh! Ooohh. Ok. I can take it."@@
Arthur continued gently and took his time exploring the rim and inside of Sofia's asshole. Sofia isn't used to anal play but this seemed tame enough for her to bear with it, maybe even enjoy it a little.
Arthur continued to eat her ass for 30 more minutes and as she loosened up Arthur started to tongue fuck her ass. He picked up the pace until Sofia started to squirm and clench the bedsheets.
<<linkreplace "A few minutes after that, Sofia cums.">>A few minutes after that, Sofia cums.
<img src= "img/6-Hotwife/Older/date7b.webp" alt="date" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
Sofia lays there while Arthur gives her asshole one last kiss.
@@.Arthur;Arthur: "So how was your first anal orgasm?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Yeah...yeah I can get used to that."@@
Arthur laughs, kisses her on the cheek, and gives her a little time to recover.
Sofia then puts her clothes back on and chats with Arthur a little more until you and Sofia head back home.
[[You and Sofia arrive home.|Arthur Date 7 After]] <</linkreplace>>Arthur - Week 7
@@.John;John: " was your first anal orgasm?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "It's complicated? At first it felt weird, and then I was just getting used to it, and then I started to enjoy it."@@
@@.John;John: "Look like you REALLY enjoyed it."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "I guess I did towards the end. I mean it's something I would try again but I definitely prefer my pussy."@@
@@.John;John: "That's fair enough, you tried something new, you liked it, and maybe you can revisit it in the future."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Maybe? Whenever you try that I'm just not into it, but I think because Arthur is soooo good with his tongue he can make it enjoyable."@@
@@.John;John: "Oh, I see. Well anyways I assume you wanna see him again next week so I'll give him a call and let him know."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Sounds good baby. Today was fun but I don't think I want to do anal stuff for a while, ok?"@@
@@.John;John: "Ok babe."@@
You and Sofia go about your week and patiently wait for the following weekend.
[[The next weekend you and Sofia go back to Arthur's.|Arthur Date 8]]Arthur - Week 8
You and Sofia arrive a little early and Arthur was about ready to make a quick dinner.
@@.Arthur;Arthur: "Sorry for the delay guys, had a couple of things to do right before you arrived. If you'll wait another 30 minutes I'll have something ready to go."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Actually me and John aren't very hungry today..."@@
@@.Arthur;Arthur: "Oh alright. OH. I see. Well then let's skip the foreplay and go upstairs?"@@
Sofia smiles and nods her heads. You and Sofia follow Arthur upstairs and arrive at his bedroom.
<<linkreplace "Sofia the undresses and lays in his bed.">>Sofia the undresses and lays in his bed.
Arthur gets to work, and starts eating her out.
<img src= "img/6-Hotwife/Older/date8a.webp" alt="date" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
Arthur, as usual, took the time and care to fully please Sofia. He went from playing with her clit, diving in her hole, and using his fingers. All the while Arthur himself was jerking off. After about an hour Sofia explosively came as she always does and Arthur was reaching his limit himself.
@@.Arthur;Arthur: "Oh god I'm about to cum! Sofia...can I cum in your mouth?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Mhm."@@
<<linkreplace "Arthur then moved his cock towards Sofia's mouth.">>
<img src= "img/6-Hotwife/Older/date8b.webp" alt="date" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
Arthur then busted his load inside of Sofia's mouth. You thought that was over until...
<<linkreplace "Sofia surprises you.">>Sofia surprised you.
While Arthur was busting his load in her mouth, Sofia moved her lips around his cock and kissed it, almost like giving him a blowjob.
<img src= "img/6-Hotwife/Older/date8c.webp" alt="date" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
Once Arthur was finished Sofia dramatically and loadly swallowed her load. Arthur then goes it for the last passionate kiss of the night. After Sofia got dressed you both went home.
[[You and Sofia get home.|Arthur Date 9 After]] <</linkreplace>> <</linkreplace>> <</linkreplace>>
Arthur - Week 8
When you and Sofia get home you ask how she felt about today.
@@.John;John: "So..."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "So...?"@@
@@.John;John: "Did you have fun?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "I always have fun babe."@@
@@.John;John: "You know you basically gave him a blowjob today."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "I don't think that was a blowjob! I just kissed his cock as a thank you."@@
@@.John;John: "Do you want to give him a blowjob?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "I...don't think that'll be a problem. Maybe next time?"@@
@@.John;John: "Ok baby."@@
-Talk to male and to see what his wife says: keep things slow.
-All four of you meet up, awkward but decide on doing a photoshoot. Pose a little at the end.
-First photoshoot - lingerie
-Second photoshoot - showing off their bodies
-Third photoshoot - posing more naked
-Fourth photoshoot - kissing
-Fifth photoshoot - lesbian
-Talk to male and to see what his wife says: the female is really into the idea.
-All four of you meet up, want to just hang out and pose for the guys. ebony kisses latina.
When you get home, you tell Sofia about your conversation with Liam.
@@.John;John: "Hey baby, just got back from drinks with Liam."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Oh how did it go?"@@
@@.John;John: "It was fun, we had a few drinks and talked. I also had a chance to bring up the swinging idea."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "So...?"@@
@@.John;John: "It turns out that they also entertained the idea of swinging a while back but just couldn't pull the trigger on it. Liam did say that Anne might be ok with photoshoots or something like that."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Yeah that sounds fair. They're our friends after all so I think something like a photoshoot would be really easy for all of us to do."@@
It was at that point that you notice a text from Liam.
@@.Liam;Liam (text): "Hey man, Anne is a little interested in the idea but she wants to meet up and talk about it first. A couple days from now work?"@@
@@.John;John: (text): "Works for us!"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Who was that?"@@
@@.John;John: "It was Liam, he said Anne might be a little interested in this but that we should all meet up and talk about it."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "God this is going to be super awkward won't it?"@@
@@.John;John: "Probably haha."@@
[[A couple days later|White Couple Check]]A couple of days later Liam and Anne arrive at your place and you and Sofia greet them at the door.
@@.Anne;Anne: "Heyyy Sofia, how are you?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "I'm...doing alright. How about you?"@@
@@.Anne;Anne: "Yeah yeah, I'm doing well. You like nice btw!"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Aww thanks you too."@@
They both stood there not knowing what to say next. They both knew what today's hangout was about and were just awkward about the whole thing.
@@.John;John: "Hey guys, how about we hang out in the living room for a bit?"@@
@@.Liam;Liam: "Great idea dude."@@
You all walk to the living room to chill and make small talk. Though the conversation was going, it was all small talk with a palpable awkward feel in the air. Eventually you decide to get straight to the point:
@@.John;John: "So Anne...Liam...uhh...yeah. This is pretty awkward right?"@@
@@.Liam;Liam: "YUP"@@
@@.Anne;Anne: " is."@@
@@.John;John: "That's understandable I mean this is a pretty weird converation topic right?"@@
Liam and Anne nod in agreement.
@@.John;John: "But yeah. Look. Me and Sofia were talking about trying to spice up our sex life and try new things and we decided that swinging might be a good way to do that. I mentioned it to Liam and he said you guys entertained that idea in the past. Right?"@@
@@.Anne;Anne: "That's right. We talked about it but we didn't want to go through the hassle of finding strangers, especially ones we don't fully trust. So we kind of dropped it."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Me and John are in the same position! We think it would be fun to try but we don't want to put ourselves in that position with a stranger. So we thought...hanging out with a couple could work?"@@
@@.John;John: "Especially a couple we were friends with. And we thought about you guys!"@@
@@.Liam;Liam: "Yeah I get it dude, that makes sense and all. Like I would be cool with all of that, but Anne isn't there yet."@@
@@.John;John: "Well like you mentioned we could just do really fun photoshoots with Sofia and Anne and see where it goes from there?"@@
@@.Liam;Liam: "I'm cool with that."@@
@@.Anne;Anne: "That's a lot easier to do, I think I'd be more comfortable with that as well."@@
After that the conversation between the four of you was a lot easier. Since you addressed the elephant in the room all of you were able to have an open conversation about sexual interests, boundaries, etc. The plan would be for Liam to kind of director and take photos of Sofia and Anne in sexy ways: lingerie, lewds, nudes. Once Sofia and Anne were fully comfortable with that, then you'd all see where to go from there.
Two hours later Liam and Anne were on their way out when Liam stopped at the door.
@@.Liam;Liam: "Hey guys, how about we take a nice photo now to get things started? Sofia and Anne, can you two just stand by the staircase?"@@
@@.Anne;Anne: "Sure..."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Like this?"@@
@@.Liam;Liam: "Perfect."@@
Liam takes the shot.
<img src= "img/5-Swinger/Whitecouple/Hangout1.jpg" alt="dildo" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
@@.Liam;Liam: "That's a good shot!"@@
@@.Anne;Anne: "Alright we look good haha."@@
Liam and Anne then head out and you and Sofia wait for your first photoshoot later that week.
[[Later that week Liam and Anne show up for the first photoshoot|White Couple 1]]A few days later your friends come back to your place for Anne and Sofia's first photoshoot together. Liam came in with a bag of stuff, including photo equipmement and what looked like clothes.
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Oh what's that?"@@
@@.Anne;Anne: " Liam kind of went all in and bought outfits for this."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Oh god really?"@@
@@.Anne;Anne: idk. He was really into this and I didn't have the heart to stop him so now we have new outfits."@@
Sofia picks up the outfits to take a better look.
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Liam you watch too much porn just like John."@@
@@.Liam;Liam: "..."@@
@@.John;John: "..."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "I guess we have to go try these on now?"@@
@@.Anne;Anne: "...yup."@@
Sofia and Anne went to the bedroom to try on the new outfits. While doing so, you and Liam heard them complain and mutter. After a few minutes they both come out of the bedroom dressing in extremely sexy clothes (that are still decent enough to cover the important parts.)
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Alright let's get this over with..."@@
@@.Liam;Liam: "Damn you two look good. Alright let's head to the backyard since there's good light out."@@
Seeing how Liam was in the zone you decide to sit back and watch him work.
@@.Liam;Liam: "Ok Anne I want you to turn around and stay standing. Sofia I want you to kind of kneel next to Anne."@@
Sofia rolls her eyes and Anne snickers a little.
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Like this?"@@
@@.Liam;Liam: "Perfect."@@
<<linkreplace "Liam takes his first photo.">>Liam takes his first photo.
<img src= "img/5-Swinger/Whitecouple/shoot1a.jpg" alt="dildo" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
Looking at the photo, you thought it came out pretty well. A little funny and slightly humiliating for Sofia but good nonetheless.
@@.Liam;Liam: "This came out pretty well! Alright, let's do a simple one. Let's just have the both of you standing and turned around. Look at the camera though."@@
Anne and Sofia were looking a little bored but they followed Liam's request.
<<linkreplace "Liam takes his second photo.">>Liam takes his second photo.
<img src= "img/5-Swinger/Whitecouple/shoot1b.jpg" alt="dildo" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
This photo looked a lot better. Sofia and Anne were more comfortable and you got a good view of both of their asses.
@@.Liam;Liam: "Great. Now can the both of you bend over?"@@
Sofia and Anne was getting into it and instead of grumbling, sighing, or rolling their eyes, they just followed Liam's order.
<<linkreplace "Liam takes his third photo.">>Liam takes his third photo.
<img src= "img/5-Swinger/Whitecouple/shoot1c.jpg" alt="dildo" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
This one was the most erotic. Not only could you sitll see Sofia and Anne's face, but you were able to see their thongs creep up their ass. The outlines of their holes were almost viewable.
@@.Liam;Liam: "Well I think this was a good start. You two want to check out the photos?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Wow I look really good!"@@
@@.Anne;Anne: "Yeah you do! I like how my ass looks here."@@
@@.Liam;Liam: "You both have great asses and these photos definitely came out well. But do wanna call it for today?"@@
Sofia and Anne agreed. Looks like Liam didn't want to push their boundaries too much and called it at a good time. The girls change back into their normal clothes and the four of you chill for a bit before Liam and Anna leaves.
[[The next week|White Couple 2]] <</linkreplace>> <</linkreplace>> <</linkreplace>>The next weekend instead of going to your place, Liam said he booked a small photo studio for an hour or so. Since Sofia and Anne had a decently fun experience the last time he wanted to escalate things a little and give them a more "professional" experience.
You and Sofia arrive at the studio.
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Woah this is what a studio looks like. There's a bunch of lights and equipment everywhere!"@@
@@.Anne;Anne: "Yeah this is super nice. much did this cost?"@@
@@.Liam;Liam: "Not a lot don't worry! They had this slot open and since most people don't book a place for just an hour I got this for cheap. Even the new outfits were pretty cheap."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Oh god what is it this time."@@
@@.Liam;Liam: "They're not bad at all don't worry. But I've wanted to ask...would you two be ok with nudity this time?"@@
Sofia and Anne looked unsure so you step in.
@@.John;John: "You don't have to do it if you don't want to, but I think it might be fun. It'll also be great to see haha."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "God fine. Sure."@@
@@.Anne;Anne: "If Sofia is fine with it then I guess we can try it."@@
@@.Liam;Liam: "Perfect. So we'll start slow. We can just do a photo with the two of you standing near each other, kind of facing each other. Great."@@
<<linkreplace "Liam takes the photo.">>Liam takes the photo.
<img src= "img/5-Swinger/Whitecouple/shoot2a.jpg" alt="dildo" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
@@.Liam;Liam: "Perfect, now could you lower your tops a little? You don't need to blatantly show your tits but we still need to see them."@@
Anne seeing that her husband wants to see another woman's tits, raises her eyebrow judgementally. Still, she lowers her top and Sofia follows her lead.
<<linkreplace "Liam takes the photo.">>Liam takes the photo.
<img src= "img/5-Swinger/Whitecouple/shoot2b.jpg" alt="dildo" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
@@.Liam;Liam: "Very beautiful. Now we're going to start with more nude photography. Are you two fine with that?"@@
Sofia looks at you for approval and you nod at her.
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Alright, what do we do."@@
@@.Liam;Liam: "We'll keep this tasteful. You can turn around and lower your underwear. You don't need to be explicit but I'm sure me and John want to see those ass cheeks."@@
Liam and Sofia comply.
<<linkreplace "Liam takes the photo.">>Liam takes the photo.
<img src= "img/5-Swinger/Whitecouple/shoot2c.jpg" alt="dildo" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
Looking at the photo Liam just took, you noticed that you were able to see some of Sofia's pussy. Until now the photoshoots were fun and a little sexy, but now things were getting erotic.
@@.Liam;Liam: "Alright...just one more. You two just need to turn around."@@
Anne and Sofia turn around and pose for the camera.
<<linkreplace "Liam takes the photo.">>Liam takes the photo.
<img src= "img/5-Swinger/Whitecouple/shoot2d.jpg" alt="dildo" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
That was a great full frontal shot of Sofia and Anne. Though this whole swinging/photoshoot thing was a way to see Sofia play with others, you couldn't help but admire how sexy Anne was. She was traditionally the quiet and more conservative person in the friend group and now you're seeing her tits and pussy.
@@.Anne;Anne: "So....are we done today?"@@
@@.Liam;Liam: "I thought so, but it looks like we have just a little more time left. How about a challenge?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "?"@@
@@.Liam;Liam: "What if...the both of you turned around and spread your ass cheeks."@@
@@.Anne;Anne: "Oh so the usual photo you take of me."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Yeah John's taken that photo of me too haha."@@
@@.Anne;Anne: "I'm game, how about you babe?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "I think John is going to bitch if I DON'T do it so sure."@@
Anne and Sofia get into position.
<<linkreplace "And Liam takes the last photo.">>And Liam takes the last photo.
<img src= "img/5-Swinger/Whitecouple/shoot2e.jpg" alt="dildo" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
There was something extremely erotic about Sofia and Anne both spreading her asses for you and Liam. One, you were able to see what Anne's holes looked like and two, Sofia was showing off her holes to someone else. As much as you wanted things to continue, time ran out for the venue.
@@.Liam;Liam: "Damn I wish I could take more but I think we need to get out of here now."@@
Sofia and Anne quickly dressed and when you all left, Sofia and Anne hugged.
@@.Anne;Anne: "This was fun Sofia, how about next week? We can go to your place. I don't want Liam to keep spending money on venues."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Yeah it was good. And sure, our place is fine."@@
After the parting goodbyes, everyone went home.
[[You and Sofia get home|White Couple 2 After]] <</linkreplace>> <</linkreplace>> <</linkreplace>> <</linkreplace>> <</linkreplace>>After the second photoshoot you and Sofia go back home and talk about how she was finding the experience.
@@.John;John: "So did you have fun showing Liam your butthole?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "I was showing the camera my butthole, you and Liam were just also there."@@
@@.John;John: "Whatever you say haha. But seriously, is all of this fun for you?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "I think so. I mean it doesn't feel really sexual yet and just feels like I'm hanging out with friends."@@
@@.John;John: "Friends who've seen your butthole."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "I'm gonna slap you."@@
@@.John;John: "Alright alright. But you do know that eventually things are going to escalate right"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "What do you mean?"@@
@@.John;John: "Like...doing stuff...with Anne...and eventually Liam?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Yeah I don't really wanna think about that right now. I still see them as just my friends. So let's just see how all of this goes."@@
@@.John;John: "Sounds good babe."@@
[[The following week|White Couple 3]]Next week Liam and Anne head over to your place. Instead of getting right into it, you all decide to have a couple of drinks and just relax.
When you and Sofia went to get more snacks and drinks for the kitchen you whisper to Sofia:
@@.John;John: "Hey babe I have an idea...take off your underwear."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Omg...why?"@@
@@.John;John: "I think it'll be a nice surprise when we start taking photos. I mean you've done it before right?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Yeah kind of...ok fine. I'll be right back."@@
Sofia then heads to the bedroom really quickly to take off her underwear and is back within a minute.
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Done."@@
@@.John;John: "Great let's head back."@@
You and Sofia rejoin your friends and after a bit more talking Liam changes the topic to today's shoot.
@@.Liam;Liam: "So...for today I think we're doing nude again but we're going to be starting off with normal clothes. I think that would be sexier. What do you think John?"@@
@@.John;John: "Sounds like a plan."@@
@@.Liam;Liam: "Great. Babe, Sofia can you two stand by the staircase?"@@
As Anne and Sofia start to pose, Anne put her hand around Sofia's waist.
@@.Anne;Anne: "Sofia are you not wearing any underwear haha?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Nah."@@
Anne then moves Sofia's dress up.
<<linkreplace "Liam takes the photo.">> Liam takes the photo.
<img src= "img/5-Swinger/Whitecouple/shoot3a.jpg" alt="dildo" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
@@.Liam;Liam: "Nice. Well since Sofia is getting a headstart with stripping, Anne do you want to join her? You can keep your underwear on babe."@@
<<linkreplace "Liam takes the photo.">> Liam takes the photo.
<img src= "img/5-Swinger/Whitecouple/shoot3b.jpg" alt="dildo" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
@@.Liam;Liam: "Now turn around, let us see those asses."@@
Anne and Sofia face the camera. Since they both have more experience with this play, they just follow Liam's order.
<<linkreplace "Liam takes the next photo.">> Liam takes the next photo.
<img src= "img/5-Swinger/Whitecouple/shoot3c.jpg" alt="dildo" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
@@.Liam;Liam: "Anne, lose the top."@@
@@.Anne;Anne: "K, give me a second."@@
Anne removes her top and shows us her tits.
<<linkreplace "Liam takes the next photo.">>Liam takes the next photo.
<img src= "img/5-Swinger/Whitecouple/shoot3d.jpg" alt="dildo" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
@@.Liam;Liam: "Beautiful. Are you two comfortable going fully nude?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Yup, how about you Anne?"@@
@@.Anne;Anne: "That's pretty easy to do now I think."@@
They both laugh as they take off the rest of their clothes.
<<linkreplace "Liam takes the next photo.">> Liam takes the next photo.
<img src= "img/5-Swinger/Whitecouple/shoot3e.jpg" alt="dildo" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
@@.Liam;Liam: "These are coming out pretty well. Could you two sit back and spread your legs?"@@
<<linkreplace "Liam takes the next photo.">> Liam takes the next photo.
<img src= "img/5-Swinger/Whitecouple/shoot3f.jpg" alt="dildo" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
As Sofia was spreading her legs for the photo you noticed that she was getting a little wet. Not only was she getting comfortable being naked in front of her friends, but she was also getting turned on.
@@.Liam;Liam: "I think this last one was the best. But I have another idea for a pose and then we can call it for the today. Could you two just kneel on the steps and have your asses face the camera?"@@
Anne and Sofia were having trouble figuring out the position Liam was mentioning so he stepped in and physically placed them. Though the action wasn't sexual it was exciting seeing Liam put his hands over Sofia and Anne."
@@.Liam;Liam: "There we go!"@@
<img src= "img/5-Swinger/Whitecouple/shoot3g.jpg" alt="dildo" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
@@.John;John: "Damn Liam these are really good."@@
@@.Liam;Liam "Thanks man I agree, these came out pretty well."@@
Sofia and Anne take a look at the photos and complimented Liam as well. Afterwards the four of you continued to hang out until Liam and Anne eventually left.
[[After they were gone.|White Couple 3 After]] <</linkreplace>> <</linkreplace>> <</linkreplace>> <</linkreplace>> <</linkreplace>> <</linkreplace>> @@.John;John: "So I assumed you had fun?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Why assume?"@@
@@.John;John: "Well you were getting pretty wet during the shoot so yeah. I assumed."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "God that's embarrassing, don't bring that up. You don't think Liam and Anne noticed right?"@@
@@.John;John: "Maybe not Anne but I'm sure Liam did since he was taking the photos."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Ugh. That's fine I guess. This is supposed to be sexual right?"@@
@@.John;John: "Yup. I mean you might be banging Liam and Anne down the line so..."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Not sure how comfortable I am with fucking Liam..."@@
@@.John;John: "How about Anne?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "You know I'm really straight but that's probably easier to do than banging Liam to be honest."@@
@@.John;John: "Ok...well maybe you and Anne can start doing stuff like that in the future?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "We'll see."@@
[[The following weekend the four take a break from photoshoot and just hang out|White Couple 4]]For the last few weeks Sofia has become more comfortable being naked around other people, even if those other people were your friends. The photoshoots were a great start and though you're sure that's play you'll incorporate again in the future, for now they've served their purpose. Today you're going to be hanging out with with Anne and Liam, get drunk, and see what happens.
Anne and Liam arrive at your place to hang out. Anne greets Sofia with a hug.
@@.Liam;Liam: "Hey guys how's it going?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Heyyy. Did you bring any other porno outfits for today?"@@
@@.Anne;Anne: "Haha no, he was going kind of overboard with the spending so I put a stop to that"@@
@@.Liam;Liam: "..."@@
@@.John;John: "I mean we can also step in on our side to help with the costs when we do the next photoshoot."@@
@@.Anne;Anne: "Yup it'll be your turn next time but me and Liam are just here to chill today."@@
@@.John;John: "Yeah we're also good for drinks. Feel free to raid our liquor cabinet."@@
For the next hour or so the four of you have drinks, chill, and talk about normal day to day stuff. Seeing how the converation was more on the mundane side you try and change the topic.
@@.John;John: "So...these photoshoots have been pretty fun right?"@@
@@.Liam;Liam: "Yup!"@@
@@.Anne;Anne: "Babe I know you've been enjoying them, I think John was asking me and Sofia."@@
@@.Liam;Liam: "..."@@
@@.Anne;Anne: "But yeah they've been pretty fun, especially seeing Sofia buck naked."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "You're welcome."@@
@@.John;John: "And have you two been turned on at all by it or...?"@@
@@.Anne;Anne: "Eh? A little? I mean it's a little weird being naked in front of you and Sofia but I kind of got into it."@@
@@.John;John: "Yeah that makes sense. Sofia's been getting into it too. She was actually getting wet the last shoot we did."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "John!!!"@@ Sofia face is red with embarrassment.
@@.John;John: "Babe it's nothing to be embarrassed about, I mean that's the point of those shoots right? To get us all comfortable to maybe try swinging one day."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "You don't have to make it weird though."@@
@@.John;John: "Fine fine, I'm sorry. But speaking of making things weird: what was the funnest part of the shoots? Liam seeing you naked or Anne?"@@
Sofia punches you in the shoulder.
@@.John;John: "Ow! You still didn't answer the question though."@@
Liam and Anne then turn to Sofia while she takes a moment to think.
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "I'd say both but mostly Anne I think."@@
@@.Liam;Liam: "I accept that answer fully."@@
@@.Anne;Anne: "Awww thanks babe. I enjoy seeing you naked too."@@
@@.John;John: "Well I'm glad to hear you both enjoy it. I was thinking it was time we moved on to the next thing."@@
@@.Anne;Anne: "?"@@
@@.John;John: "Soft swapping."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "What's that?"@@
@@.John;John: "Well it's when the chicks are the ones fooling around and the guys just watch."@@
@@.Liam;Liam: "I'm cool with that."@@
@@.Anne;Anne: "Yeah I know you are babe. Umm...I guess I'm open to trying it? How about you Sofia?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Sure but I want to be big spoon."@@
@@.Anne;Anne: "Oh shut up haha. But yeah...what do we do now?"@@
@@.John;John: "Maybe start undressing each other and making out?"@@
@@.Anne;Anne: "What? Like right now?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Anne needs to buy me dinner first."@@
Anne and Sofia both laugh a little.
@@.John;John: "Yeah right now."@@
@@.Liam;Liam: "I'm fully behind this plan."@@
Sofia rolls her eyes and sits next to Anne.
<<linkreplace "Sofia reveals Anne's breasts.">>Sofia reveals Anne's breasts.
<img src= "img/5-Swinger/Whitecouple/shoot4a.jpg" alt="dildo" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Nice tits."@@
@@.Anne;Anne: "Yeah they're pretty decent."@@
Sofia then looks at Anne and leans in.
<<linkreplace "Sofia gives Anne a kiss.">>Sofia gives Anne a kiss.
<img src= "img/5-Swinger/Whitecouple/shoot4b.jpg" alt="dildo" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
@@.Anne;Anne: "Gayyyy..."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Oh shut up. You know that was a top-tier kiss."@@
@@.Anne;Anne: "I'd give it a 6/10"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "BS. Let's see you do better."@@
<<linkreplace "Anne then reveals Sofia's breasts.">>Anne then reveals Sofia's breasts.
<img src= "img/5-Swinger/Whitecouple/shoot4c.jpg" alt="dildo" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
@@.Anne;Anne: "Ok kisser but great boobs."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Oh shut up haha."@@
<<linkreplace "Anne then moves in for a kiss.">>Anne then moves in for a kiss.
<img src= "img/5-Swinger/Whitecouple/shoot4d.jpg" alt="dildo" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
@@.Anne;Anne: "THAT'S how you kiss someone."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "That was literally the same thing I did! Don't be a bitch."@@
Sofia and Anne both smile and continue making out while you and Liam sit there, both of you obviously turned on by this. After a few more minutes Anne started to go towards Sofia's jeans but was stopped by Sofia.
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Alright quit it you horny perv, that's enough for today."@@
@@.Anne;Anne: "Aww blue balling me?"@@
Anne was joking but you and Liam were being blueballed.
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Yup. Make me dinner or something and then I'll let you get to third base."@@
You, Liam, and Anne were all laughing at Sofia's comment. Anne was probably legitimately laughed and not caring if more happened, but you and Liam laughed and were simultaneously dissapointed.
@@.Anne;Anne: "Alrighty. Since I'm not getting laid and since I'm pretty drunk I think it's time to go home. Let's go Liam."@@
Anne and Sofia straighten their clothes all four of you say your goodbyes, and Liam and Anne leave.
@@.John;John: "So you weren't in the mood to go further?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Yeah it was weird. Fun but weird."@@
@@.John;John: "What are you going to do next time?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "I'm not sure...we'll see?"@@
On that note you and Sofia call it a night yourselves.
[[The following week|White Couple 5]] <</linkreplace>> <</linkreplace>> <</linkreplace>> <</linkreplace>>The next weekend Anne and Sofia just wanted to hang out for some girl time, so Anne came over for a yoga session.
<img src= "img/5-Swinger/Whitecouple/date5.webp" alt="dildo" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
While Sofia and Anne were working out you had a chance to connect with Liam and see how he thought everything was going.
@@.John;John: "Hey man how are things going with Anne?"@@
@@.Liam;Liam: "Pretty good I'd say. Our sex life has been pretty awesome haha. How are things with Sofia?"@@
@@.John;John: "Honestly I'd say the same. The shoots have been pretty fun and I think Sofia is opening up to the idea of swinging."@@
@@.Liam;Liam: "Yeah man things are going pretty well. Anne is a little bi-curious so it's a good opportunity for her to try out new things."@@
@@.John;John: "Well Sofia is super straight but very sexual so I know she's been enjoying this. I don't know how to get her to the next step though. She might be cool with being naked but actual lesbian stuff is a stretch for her."@@
@@.Liam;Liam: "Hm...yeah that's a tough one. I guess we can keep encouraging them to spend time together and see where it goes from there."@@
At that moment Sofia and Anne came into the living room, finished with their workout.
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Alright guys we're done with the workout. Anne, you can take a shower first and I'll use it after."@@
Liam, with a spark of genius, said:
@@.Liam;Liam: "Why not shower together? It's not like you'll be seeing anything new."@@
@@.John;John: "Yeah Sofia don't be a prude."@@
@@.Anne;Anne: "I mean we would save water."@@
Sofia, seeing that it was 3 against 1, agreed to shower with Anne. Sofia and Anne head to the main bathroom, took off their clothes...
<<linkreplace "And entered the shower.">> And entered the shower.
<img src= "img/5-Swinger/Whitecouple/date5a.jpg" alt="dildo" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
The door was left partially open so you and Liam were able to spy on them. You thought it was extremely sexy your wife and her friend, naked together.
Through the crack in the door, Liam said:
@@.Liam;Liam: "You should kiss!"@@
Anne and Sofia were surprised to hear Liam's voice and rolled their eyes when they realized what he asked.
<<linkreplace "Anne shrugged and kissed Sofia.">>Anne shrugged and kissed Sofia.
<img src= "img/5-Swinger/Whitecouple/date5b.jpg" alt="dildo" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
What started as a joking peck on the lips turned into them fully making out. Anne's tongue entered Sofia's mouth and though Sofia was hesitant for a moment, she went along with it. Once Sofia was fully comfortable making out with Anne...
<<linkreplace "Anne changed it up.">> Anne changed it up.
Anne starting kissing Sofia's neck and eventually moved down to her tits. You thought that Sofia would crack a joke and push her away but she did nothing, waiting to see what else would happen.
<img src= "img/5-Swinger/Whitecouple/date5c.jpg" alt="dildo" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
Anne kissed, massaged, and licked Sofia's nipples until Sofia was breathing heavily and was obviously turned on.
<<linkreplace "Anne then said...">>"Anne then said...have a seat other there."
Sofia, curious about Anne was going to do next, complied. While Sofia was seated Anne kept kissing Sofia's tits, then her stomach, and eventually...Anne was kissing Sofia's pussy.
<img src= "img/5-Swinger/Whitecouple/date5d.jpg" alt="dildo" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
Sofia kept silent while watching Anne eat her out, with the occasional moan coming out of her mouth.
@@.Anne;Anne: "Hey...can you stand up and turn around?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Yea...sure."@@
Gone was the playful and joking attitudes of their past dates. Instead they were cautious but curious.
<<linkreplace "Sofia did what Anne asked.">>Sofia did what Anne asked.
Anne then moved behind Sofia and continued to eat her out.
<img src= "img/5-Swinger/Whitecouple/date5e.jpg" alt="dildo" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
Anne skillfully ate Sofia out for another 5 minutes until Sofia was moaning even more loudly. The moaning echoed throughout the bathroom until Sofia closed her eyes, clenched her fists, and writhed her body...she just came.
@@.Anne;Anne: "Wow...I guess I'm good at this."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Yeah I'd say so haha..."@@
@@.Anne;Anne: " turn now?"@@
<<linkreplace "Sofia and Anne switched places.">>Sofia and Anne switched places.
Sofia was unsure on how to proceed since she's never done anything like this before, but she gave it a shot.
<img src= "img/5-Swinger/Whitecouple/date5f.jpg" alt="dildo" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
Sofia, for the first time, was eating out another chick. She was awkward and not very skilled but she was still eating pussy and ass. But after a couple of minutes Sofia gave up and called it a day.
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Alright I'm not good at this. Maybe we can do this another day?"@@
@@.Anne;Anne: "Awwww Sofiaaa...blueballing me again?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Yeah sorry about that."@@
@@.Anne;Anne: "Fine fine."@@
Anne hugged Sofia, they finished the shower, and got dressed. Considering that Anne and Sofia basically had lesbian sex for the first time (even if it was mild), things were awkward between Sofia and Anne. But despite the awkwardness you know that things have progressed really well and that next time it was going to be hotter.
<</linkreplace>> <</linkreplace>> <</linkreplace>> <</linkreplace>> <</linkreplace>> <</linkreplace>> When you get home, you tell Sofia about your conversation with Jamal.
@@.John;John: "Hey baby, just got back from drinks with Jamal."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Oh how did it go?"@@
@@.John;John: "It was fun, we had a few drinks and talked. I also had a chance to bring up the swinging idea."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "So...?"@@
@@.John;John: "Well it turns out that Jamal and Naomi are already in the lifestyle. It seems that Naomi and Jamal bang chicks together sometimes. Jamal also said that he knows Naomi has been wanting to fuck you as well. "@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Well that's alot."@@
@@.John;John: "Yeah but it's promising. does it feel to know that your trusted friends have been wanting to bang you?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Weird but kind of flattering."@@
It was at that point that you notice a text from Jamal.
@@.Jamal;Jamal (text): "Hey man, Naomi is super down and wants to get in Sofia ASAP. You guys wanna come over sometime and get right to it or....?"@@
@@.John;John: (text): "Sofia is new at this so she may want to take things really slow at first. Is that cool?"@@
@@.Jamal;Jamal (text): "Yeah man I got it. You two should still come by and we can talk about it. But make sure Sofia wears something nice, alright?"@@
@@.John;John: (text): "Sounds good."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Who was that?"@@
@@.John;John: "It was Jamal, he said Naomi is definitely interested and he wants us to come over sometime."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "God this is going to be super awkward won't it? Are they just going to pounce on me?"@@
@@.John;John: "Nah I told him you wanted to take things slow. He did ask you wear something sexy though."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "..."
[[A few days later|Black Couple 1]]A few days later you and Sofia went over to Naomi and Jamal's place to hang out and talk about possibly swinging.
They greet you at the door.
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Hey guys, how are you both doing?"@@
@@.Naomi;Naomi: "Mmmm I'm doing great girl. Now get that fine ass in here."@@
Naomi slaps Sofia's ass while you and Jamal greet each other and follow the girls inside.
@@.Naomi;Naomi: "You look fire Sofia, glad you wore something nice today."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Aww thanks babe."@@
@@.Jamal;Jamal: "Yo babe, stop acting so thirsty you're gonna scare them off."@@
@@.Naomi;Naomi: "Jamal shut the hell up."@@
All four of you laugh and sit in the living room to hang out and talk. Sofia and Naomi caught up while you and Jamal talked like bros, the normal dynamic the four of you have.
@@.John;John: "So Naomi, Jamal tells me you two actually have experience swinging?"@@
@@.Naomi;Naomi: "Yeah yeah, we've been in the lifestyle for a while now."@@
@@.John;John: "So how'd you guys get into it?"@@
@@.Naomi;Naomi: "Um..."@@
@@.Jamal;Jamal: "I caught this bitch cheating on me."@@
@@.Naomi;Naomi: "Who you calling a bitch?!"@@
Naomi playfully slaps Jamal.
@@.Jamal;Jamal: "I'm just playing, but yeah I did catch her cheating on me. Naomi was drinking in a bar with some of her old female friends and when I went to pick her up I saw her making out with one of them. So she WAS cheating on me, but I knew she was bi so it wasn't surprising."@@
@@.John;John: "And then...?"@@
@@.Naomi;Naomi: "For a moment Jamal was pissedddd. But then he took me and my friend back home and fucked this shit outa us."@@
@@.Jamal;Jamal: "Yup."@@
@@.Naomi;Naomi: "So since then we'd pick up chicks every so often so me and Jamal can tag team em."@@
@@.John;John: "Ever bring other dudes into it?"@@
@@.Naomi;Naomi: "A couple of times just for the experience, but they couldn't measure up to Jamal."@@
@@.John;John: "..."@@
@@.Naomi;Naomi: "I mean I'm sure you'd be fun too John, I'm just saying I have a very strong preference for Jamal."@@
@@.Jamal;Jamal: "Look if Naomi and me get a crack at Sofia I don't mind you having some fun with her. It's all good man."@@
Up until now Sofia has been pretty quiet, observing the conversation between the three of us.
@@.John;John: "Sofia, what do you think?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Naomi I knew you were a slut."@@
@@.Naomi;Naomi: "You wanna talk shit too?!"@@ Naomi very playfully and lightly slaps Sofia's arm.
@@.Naomi;Naomi: "I mean you guys were the ones that came to us."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Yeah're right."@@
@@.Jamal;Jamal: "SO...what did you guys have in mind for all this."@@
Sofia looks to you to answer that.
@@.John;John: "Not sure honestly. I mean we do want to try swinging and I know that would eventually mean me fucking Naomi and Sofia fucking you and Naomi but we don't have experience with this."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Yeah what John said. We want to try it but I kind of want to take things slow."@@
@@.Naomi;Naomi: "Hmm...yeah sorry babe but I'm not the take things slow type. But since it's you and I love you and all we can try and slow things down a little bit."@@
@@.John;John: "I was thinking we do photoshoots or something?"@@
@@.Naomi;Naomi: "Nahhh that kind of sounds stiff and formal. Me and Sofia can just show off to you two and y'all can jerk yourselves off or something. But you are free to take some photos though."@@
@@.John;John: "Yeah that can work."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Sure!"@@
@@.Naomi;Naomi: "Aight let's start yeah? Sofia come over here."@@
Sofia moves closer to Naomi.
<img src= "img/5-Swinger/Blackcouple/hangout1a.jpg" alt="dildo" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
@@.Naomi;Naomi: "Cool, now I want you to close your eyes and open your mouth."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "uh...why?"@@
@@.Naomi;Naomi: "We gonna pretend to kiss, just to give John and Jamal and show. You can chill."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "uh...fine?"@@
Sofia closes her eyes and opens your mouth, fully expecting this to just be a staged image for our enjoyment. Naomi had other plans and licked Sofia's lips.
<img src= "img/5-Swinger/Blackcouple/hangout1b.jpg" alt="dildo" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Naomi!!!"@@
@@.Naomi;Naomi: "Damn you taste good. There, we just had our first kiss. Easy right?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "That's assault."@@
@@.Naomi;Naomi: "Shut up girl you know you like that."@@
Naomi gives Sofia an apologetic hug, not that Sofia was that angry anyways, and the conversation went back to normal. Eventually you and Sofia went home and talked about what's next.
[[You and Sofia go home|Black Couple 1 After]]You and Sofia get home and talk about your hangout with Naomi and Jamal.
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "God Naomi is thirsty."@@
@@.John;John: "Yup."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "I always knew Naomi was super sexual but I thought all her ass grabs and jokes were her being friendly."@@
@@.John;John: "I guess not."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "So...what now?"@@
@@.John;John: "I mean we should hang out with them and see where things go."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Naomi is gonna try to fuck me though."@@
@@.John;John: "Well that is the point of this right?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Yeah it's going really fast though."@@
@@.John;John: "How about this. Naomi and Jamal will take the lead on things since they're experienced and if you feel REALLY uncomofortable, then we can just stop things. And I just don't mean a little uncomfortable or you going out of your comfort zone, you need to really hate the thing in order for us to call it quits. Does that work?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "I already feel kind of uncomfortable."@@
@@.John;John: "Nah you just feel a little uncomfortable so that's fine. But yeah we'll hang out with them next week and see what happens."@@
[[The following week|Black Couple 2]]The following weekend Jamal asked you and Sofia to come over again and hang out. Jamal requested that Sofia wear some nice shorts.
Though Jamal was the one asking, you were sure that Naomi was the one who made the request. Jamal and Naomi were both outgoing, energetic, and dominant, but you always thought Jamal was the one kind of in charge of the relationship. But it seems that Naomi was really the one calling the shots, at least when it comes to sex.
You and Sofia arrive at Jamal and Naomi's place and they greet you at the door.
@@.Naomi;Naomi: "MMM now that's what I'm talking about."@@
Naomi was very obviously eye-fucking Sofia right there at the doorsteps. Sofia rolls her eyes and you both walk inside.
@@.Naomi;Naomi: "Girl these shorts barely fit you. How long were they collecting dust for?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "It's been a few years haha."@@
@@.Naomi;Naomi: "Your ass looks great in these though so I'm not complaining."@@
Naomi then reaches out and grabs Sofia's ass.
<img src= "img/5-Swinger/Blackcouple/date1a.jpg" alt="dildo" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
Sofia then swats Naomi's hand away.
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Alright calm down."@@
Naomi laughs and the four of your hang out and have drinks. After some time Naomi asks:
@@.Naomi;Naomi: "Let's go and sit outside, it's a pretty nice day."@@
Sofia follows Naomi and they sit on a couple of chairs towards the back. While Sofia and Naomi were hanging out together and talking...
<<linkreplace "You and Jamal enjoy the view.">>You and Jamal enjoy the view.
<img src= "img/5-Swinger/Blackcouple/date1b.jpg" alt="dildo" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
@@.Jamal;Jamal: "Damn they look good."@@
@@.John;John: "I know right?"@@
@@.Jamal;Jamal: "I know Naomi wants to get in there first but man the shit I'll do to Sofia. You're a lucky bastard you know that?"@@
@@.John;John: "Naomi's pretty hot too, so I'd say you did alright."@@
@@.Jamal;Jamal: "Yeah but she's a lot sexually. Like I can fuck pretty well and for a while but it's like Naomi wants to fuck ALL the time. I can barely keep up with her."@@
@@.John;John: "That sound like a good problem."@@
@@.Jamal;Jamal: "You'll see eventually I guess, she'll drain you dry."@@
It was at that point that Naomi saw you and Jamal staring at their asses. Naomi then whispered something to Sofia. Sofia rolled her eyes and you heard Naomi say "come on!"
<<linkreplace "Whatever it was that Naomi said, it looked like Sofia finally agreed to it.">>Whatever it was that Naomi said, it looked like Sofia finally agreed to it.
Naomi and Sofia stand up and decide to give the two of you a little show.
<img src= "img/5-Swinger/Blackcouple/date1c.jpg" alt="dildo" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
The both of them then bend over to give you and Jamal a better view of their asses.
<img src= "img/5-Swinger/Blackcouple/date1d.jpg" alt="dildo" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
@@.Naomi;Naomi: "Aight now you guys can take some pictures."@@
Jamal stealthily but visibly takes out his phone and takes a quick shot.
Naomi and Sofia laugh.
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Alright I think that's enough now."@@
@@.Naomi;Naomi: "Nope!"@@
Naomi then lowers her jeans and shows off her huge, beautiful black ass and encourages Sofia to do the same.
@@.Naomi;Naomi: "Shorts down. Now."@@
<<linkreplace "Sofia sighs and does as Naomi asks.">>Sofia sighs and does as Naomi asks.
<img src= "img/5-Swinger/Blackcouple/date1e.jpg" alt="dildo" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
Seeing both Sofia and Naomi's ass cheeks in view, you pull out your phone and start taking pictures as well.
Sofia was starting to get embarrassed and tried to pull up her shorts but Naomi stopped her.
@@.Naomi;Naomi: "One last thing babe."@@
Naomi takes a seat to more prominantly show off her ass and Sofia follows her example without much complaint.
<img src= "img/5-Swinger/Blackcouple/date1f.jpg" alt="dildo" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
Jamal then stood up, got closer to Naomi and Sofia, and took a good minute admiring both of their asses.
@@.Jamal;Jamal: "MMM damn! Yo John! You're lucky as fuck man."@@
@@.Naomi;Naomi: "Soon I'll be lucky as fuck."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Alright you guys are being creepy now."@@
@@.Naomi;Naomi: "Aight we can just call it today. But next time I'm gonan see that ass."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "...fine."@@
Sofia stands up and adjusts her shorts. Sofia then sits by your side and you all chill for another 10 minutes or so before calling it for the day.
When you and Sofia get home you briefly talk about the experience but since nothing much really happened you didn't say much.
[[A few days later|Black Couple 3]] <</linkreplace>> <</linkreplace>> <</linkreplace>>The following week, you get a call from Jamal asking if you and Sofia were up to hang out later today. Considering neither of you had plans you agreed.
After agreeing, you heard Naomi's voice in the background.
@@.Naomi;Naomi: "Yo, make sure Sofia wears something nice and revealing. Like her gym clothes or somethin'."@@
@@.Jamal;Jamal: "Hey Naomi asked if..."@@
@@.John;John: "Yeah I heard it haha. And will do."@@
You get off the line and tell Sofia that you're both going back to Jamal and Naomi's place. You also let Sofia know what Naomi requested.
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "God she's such a pervert, but fine. Make sure she doesn't rape me or something alright?"@@
@@.John;John: "No promises."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "..."@@
Sofia put on her skimpiest gym clothes and the two of you headed over. When you arrive, Naomi pervs on Sofia's outfit as usual and you all chilled in the living room.
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Naomi why the fuck am I wearing this."@@
@@.Naomi;Naomi: "We've been to the gym a few times together and I've fantasized about stripping off your gym clothes."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "You sound like a gross old man."@@
@@.Naomi;Naomi: "Yeah I know, but this was on my bucket list so let's get on with it. Come here."@@
Sofia and Naomi stand up and Naomi holds Sofia.
<img src= "img/5-Swinger/Blackcouple/date2a.jpg" alt="dildo" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
@@.Naomi;Naomi: "Alright girl, ready to take all of this shit off?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Uh...?" @@
@@.Naomi;Naomi: "It's fine I'll start."@@
<<linkreplace "Naomi starts taking off her clothes.">>Naomi starts taking off her clothes.
<img src= "img/5-Swinger/Blackcouple/date2b.jpg" alt="dildo" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
<img src= "img/5-Swinger/Blackcouple/date2c.jpg" alt="dildo" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
@@.Naomi;Naomi: "See? There's nothing wrong with being naked."@@
@@.Jamal;Jamal: "Damn I never get tired of seeing that."@@
@@.Naomi;Naomi: "I'm giving your husband here a nice show, you gotta return the favor."@@
Sofia was unsure if she should proceed.
@@.John;John: "I mean it's only fair."@@
Jamal and Naomi's eyes were now glued to Sofia and she succumbed to peer pressure.
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Ok ok fine."@@
<<linkreplace "Sofia starts to strip as well.">>Sofia starts to strip as well.
<img src= "img/5-Swinger/Blackcouple/date2d.jpg" alt="dildo" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
<img src= "img/5-Swinger/Blackcouple/date2e.jpg" alt="dildo" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
Sofia was now fully nude and Naomi and Jamal were staring at her like she was a piece of meat.
@@.Naomi;Naomi: "Ohh that's nice. That's really nice. What you think Jamal?"@@
@@.Jamal;Jamal: "I got no words."@@
Naomi then approached Sofia, grabbed a hand full of her ass and said:
@@.Naomi;Naomi: "Why don't we take this to the bedroom? I'm getting pretty wet and I'm sure you are as well."@@
<img src= "img/5-Swinger/Blackcouple/date2f.jpg" alt="dildo" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
For a brief moment Sofia looked tempted but said:
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Uhh...maybe a different day?"@@
Jamal respected the answer but Naomi was a little pushy.
@@.Naomi;Naomi: "Come on girl you can't show me these fat tits and ass and expect me to not dive right in."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: " time. Ok?" @@
Sofia wasn't that into this but she felt pressured to say yes, even if she postponing it.
@@.Naomi;Naomi: "Alright cool. Next time then."@@
Naomi backed off and the both of them put their clothes on. Things were a little awkward so you and Sofia went home shortly after.
[[You and Sofia arrive home|Black Couple 3 After]] <</linkreplace>> <</linkreplace>>@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Jesus christ I felt like she was about to rape me. God she's such a pervent."@@
@@.John;John: "I mean I would have felt the same way as her. You can't really show her all that and expect her to not want to fuck."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "..."@@
@@.John;John: "Did you really hate it?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "I...well it was kind of hot for Naomi and Jamal to see me naked. Naomi was whatever but I saw Jamal fondle his dick when he saw me."@@
@@.John;John: "How did that make you feel?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Uncomfortable and excited at the same time."@@
@@.John;John: "Well you should get comfortable with it because you did promise to do more with Naomi next time."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Shit I know..."@@
@@.John;John: "Yeah good luck with that babe."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "..."@@
[[The following week|Black Couple 4]]The next week Jamal and Naomi invite the both of you over again, and while you were up for it, Sofia was more hesitant.
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "John I don't know if I'm ready for this."@@
@@.John;John: "Like I said if you REALLY hate it, we can stop right then and there. But I think we should go and see what happens."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "We already know what's going to happen but fine I guess."@@
You tell Jamal that you and Sofia were free and head over to their house.
As you enter their home, Naomi and Jamal greet the both of you as always. But instead of the usual small talk and hanging out, Naomi goes straight to it.
@@.Naomi;Naomi: "Remember what you promised last time?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: ""@@
@@.Naomi;Naomi: "Well I do, so let's go."@@
Naomi drags Sofia to the bedroom and very quickly strips off her and Sofia's clothes.
@@.Naomi;Naomi: "Pose for the boys a little and then we'll cotninue where we left off."@@
<<linkreplace "Sofia does as she's told.">>Sofia does as she's told.
<img src= "img/5-Swinger/Blackcouple/date3a.jpg" alt="dildo" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
You and Jamal wait silently and see what happens next.
@@.Naomi;Naomi: "Damn that ass is too fat. You're spoiling my man now. Shit soon enough he'll be preferring that ass over mine."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Nah you got a great ass too babe."@@
@@.Naomi;Naomi: "It's almost obscene. How you get an ass like this?"@@
<<linkreplace "Naomi then fondles Sofia.">>Naomi then fondles Sofia.
<img src= "img/5-Swinger/Blackcouple/date3b.jpg" alt="dildo" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Squats?"@@
@@.Naomi;Naomi: "And latina booty genetics. You also got some nice tits too."@@
Naomi then proceeds to play with and lick Sofia's tits.
<img src= "img/5-Swinger/Blackcouple/date3c.jpg" alt="dildo" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
Sofia was unused to this but didn't object to it. After a few minutes you notice Sofia was getting into it, and Naomi did as well.
@@.Naomi;Naomi: "Alright girl get on that bed."@@
<<linkreplace "Naomi pushes Sofia onto the bed.">>Naomi pushes Sofia onto the bed.
<img src= "img/5-Swinger/Blackcouple/date3d.jpg" alt="dildo" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "What? You gonna rape me now babe?"@@
@@.Naomi;Naomi: "It aint rape if you like it."@@
Naomi then lays next to Sofia and gives her a kiss.
<img src= "img/5-Swinger/Blackcouple/date3e.jpg" alt="dildo" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
@@.Naomi;Naomi: "Mmmm you're a pretty good kisser babe. Jamal you wanna get at this too?"@@
Sofia then starts to look panicked and you decide to intervene.
@@.John;John: "Not today guys, me and Jamal will just sit this out."@@
@@.Jamal;Jamal: "Yeah it's all you two." @@
Jamal wanted to join them but understand Sofia wasn't ready for that yet.
@@.Naomi;Naomi: "Aight. You can at least show Jamal and John what we're working with right? Bend over babe."@@
<<linkreplace "Sofia, relieved that Jamal wasn't joining yet, did as Naomi asked.">>Sofia, relieved that Jamal wasn't joining yet, did as Naomi asked.
<img src= "img/5-Swinger/Blackcouple/date3f.jpg" alt="dildo" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
@@.Naomi;Naomi: "You got pretty holes don't you babe? God they look tasty."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Uh...thank you?"@@
Sofia tried to play it cool but you saw that she was getting turned on as well.
@@.Naomi;Naomi: "I'm just gonna get in there. You don't mind right?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Well..."@@
<<linkreplace "Before Sofia had the chance to say anything, Naomi started to eat her out.">>Before Sofia had the chance to say anything, Naomi started to eat her out.
<img src= "img/5-Swinger/Blackcouple/date3g.jpg" alt="dildo" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Ohh shit. Ok you're pretty good at this."@@
@@.Naomi;Naomi: "I'm bringing my A game today babe."@@
After a few minutes, Naomi then pushed Sofia on her back and continues to make out with her.
<img src= "img/5-Swinger/Blackcouple/date3h.gif" alt="dildo" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 75%;" />
By this point Sofia didn't look uncomfortable anymore and was enjoying making out with Naomi. Sofia being super straight, was also on the submissive side and right now it looked like the submissive side won. Naomi and Sofia's tongue mixed in a wet and sloppy way, with sounds that echoed throughout the bedroom.
When Naomi started to move towards Sofia's pussy again Sofia closed her legs and said:
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "OK. We're good. That's enough right John?"@@
@@.John;John: "Uh...if you want?"@@
@@.Naomi;Naomi: "Seriously?"@@
@@.Jamal;Jamal: "Babe don't push them. Y'all had fun and that's enough for today."@@
Naomi seeing that Sofia really was done, softened her tone.
@@.Naomi;Naomi: "Alright I get it. How was your first lesbian sex Sofia?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Good?"@@
@@.Naomi;Naomi: "Right answer. We'll call it today but I wanna see the both of you back here next week. Aight?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Yeah sure, it was fun so why not."@@
Sofia gets dressed and the both of you head back home.
[[When you get back home you and Sofia talk.|Black Couple 4 After]] <</linkreplace>> <</linkreplace>> <</linkreplace>> <</linkreplace>> <</linkreplace>>When you get back home you check in with Sofia, but before you had a chance to say anything she said:
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "That was way too intense."@@
@@.John;John: "Did you have fun though?"@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Eventually yeah. But Naomi was really pushy and I felt like I was going to call it sooo many times."@@
@@.John;John: "I imagine the first time would be kind of scary but you did have fun eventually and that's the important part."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "So...what now?"@@
@@.John;John: "I think Naomi is going to want to step things up and go more hardcore."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Right...yeah she is."@@
@@.John;John: "More lesbian sex."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "Yeah yeah I know."@@
@@.John;John: "That you enjoy."@@
@@.Sofia;Sofia: "A little. Now shut up lol."@@
You and Sofia call it a night, knowing that the next time you two meet Naomi and Jamal, Naomi was really going to fuck Sofia.