,,,,,,,,,,(set: $crewType to "random")You owe the local gang boss, Jason, a fairly large debt, so when he calls you pick up pretty quickly.
"Got a job for you," he says without preamble. "Large house on edge of town, looks to be rich pickings. No overlooking houses so you should be able to get in and out without anyone the wiser."
You agree that sounds great.
He asks, "You got a crew capable of this?"
You consider your reply.
* "Bunch of (link-reveal-goto: "knuckleheads", "Your Crew")[(set:$crewType to "knucklehead")], but they do what I tell them."
* "They're (link-reveal-goto: "mean and nasty", "Your Crew")[(set:$crewType to "mean")], but I'm the nastiest of the bunch."
* "My crew is (link-reveal-goto: "tough but fair", "Your Crew")[(set:$crewType to "fair")]. You won't find a better team than mine."
* "(link-reveal-goto: "Smartest", "Your Crew")[(set:$crewType to "smart")] bunch I've ever worked with. Nothing will go wrong."
* "I'll just round up a bunch of random [[thugs->Your Crew]] from the bar. Potluck, but it's a simple job, so we can pay them less."
* "Don't worry, I leave (link-reveal-goto: "Nothing to chance", "Your Crew")[(set:$crewType to "test-mode")]."
"Ok," he says, "My guy will meet up with you to share the location. He'll want to go with you to get my cut."
You're not massively happy about taking a wild card, but it's not like you have much choice.{
(set: $crew to (shuffled: ...$crew))
(for: each _member, ...$crew's 2ndto4th)[(assert: ($addPlayer: _member's 1st, _member's 2nd))]
You break into the house and everything seems to go well initially.
The place is huge - you split up so as to be able to cover more ground. After a while you hear a buzzing noise and some sort of security drone flies into the room. It zaps you with a taser.
You pass out...
You wake in [[The Cells]]You wake in a weird room with a big glass screen in front of you. You can see each of your crew is in an equivalent cell. They're naked. Looking down, you see you are too.
There's a man standing in the area between the rooms looking in. He pushes a button on his tablet, and his voice comes from speakers in the room.
"You should all have woken up by now. Please don't do anything stupid, I've loaded your system with nanobots and I'd hate to spoil the fun by having to paralyse you.
Now, I'm really pleased you all turned up at my house. Test subjects are just so hard to come by legally. The question is, what to do with you?
He pauses for effect.
"You know, I've always wanted to properly test the 'Prisoner's Dilemma', and I think you will be just perfect."
He offers to give you [[A quick demonstration]].(metadata: "preface","I guess tomorrow you'll need to ") \
(set: _opponents to (datanames: $prisoners) - (a: "You"))
(set: $roundOpponent to (nth: visit, ..._opponents))
(set: $currentOpponent to $roundOpponent)
(set: $otherOpponents to _opponents - (a: $roundOpponent))
(set: $need to it + (random: 0, ($howHorny: $you)))
(set: _memory to 5 - ($howStupid: "You"))
(set: _history to $prisoners's ("You")'s history's ($roundOpponent))
(set: _yourHistory to $prisoners's ($roundOpponent)'s history's "You")
(set: _recent to (a:))
(set: _yourRecent to (a:))
(if: _history's length < _memory)[(set: _recent to _history)(set: _yourRecent to _yourHistory)]
(set: _range to (range: -1, -_memory))
(set: _recent to _history's (_range))
(set: _yourRecent to _yourHistory's (_range))]
(set: _moves to (a:))
(for: each _move, ..._recent)[(set: _moves to it + (a: (cond: _move, "Betray", "Defend")))]
(set: _yourMoves to (a:))
(for: each _yourMove, ..._yourRecent)[(set: _yourMoves to it + (a: (cond: _yourMove, "Betray", "Defend")))]
Looks like you're up against $roundOpponent this time.
(if: _memory is 0)[You've become such a dizt, you don't actually remember what $roundOpponent did last time. That could be a problem.](else-if: _recent is (a:))[You've not played $roundOpponent yet.](else:)[$roundOpponent's most recent moves were: ($prettyList: _moves)
Your most recent moves were: ($prettyList: _yourMoves)
So the moment of truth - can you trust $roundOpponent not to betray you?
\(if: (either: true, false))[
\ ($bimboText: (link-style: $screenChoice))[ (link-reveal-goto: "Defend Them!","Deal with Choice")[(set: $buttonPushed to false)]]
\ ($bimboText: (link-style: $screenChoice))[ (link-reveal-goto: "Betray Them!","Deal with Choice")[(set: $buttonPushed to true)] ]
\ (else:)[
\ ($bimboText: (link-style: $screenChoice))[ (link-reveal-goto: "Betray Them!","Deal with Choice")[(set: $buttonPushed to true)] ]
\ ($bimboText: (link-style: $screenChoice))[ (link-reveal-goto: "Defend Them!","Deal with Choice")[(set: $buttonPushed to false)]]
(set: $background to (gradient: 157, 0,#EAF0F7,0.7102,#C1D2E7,1,#F8F7FF))
(set: $transform to false)
(set: $description to false)
(set: $addTraits to false)
(set: $buddyChange to false)
(set: $showPoints to false)
(set: $newTraits to (a:))
(set: $opponentNewTraits to (a:))
(set: $need to 0)
(set: $overlevel to 0)
(set: $oneList to (a:), $masterOneList to (a:))
(set: $twoList to (a:), $masterTwoList to (a:))
(set: $threeList to (a:), $masterThreeList to (a:))
(set: _base to (passages: where its tags contains "OnePoint"))
(for: each _card, ..._base)[(set: $masterOneList to it + (repeated: (_card's cards), _card's name))]
(set: _base to (passages: where its tags contains "TwoPoint"))
(for: each _card, ..._base)[(set: $masterTwoList to it + (repeated: (_card's cards), _card's name))]
(set: _base to (passages: where its tags contains "ThreePoint"))
(for: each _card, ..._base)[(set: $masterThreeList to it + (repeated: (_card's cards), _card's name))]
(set: $checkAllPlayersEnding = (macro: array-type _conditions, [
(set: _return to false)
(for: each _player, ...(datanames: $prisoners))[
(set: _return to it or ($checkEndCondition: _conditions, ($getTraits: _player)))]
(output-data: _return)
(set: $checkEndCondition = (macro: array-type _conditions, array-type _traits, [
(output-data: (folded: _trait making _result via _result and ((count: _traits, _trait's 1st) >= (_trait's 2nd)), true, ..._conditions))]))
(set: $checkAllEndings = (macro: array-type _traits, [
(output-data: (altered: via its name, ...(find: _ending where (folded: _trait making _result via _result and ((count: _traits, _trait's 1st) >= (_trait's 2nd)), true, ..._ending's condition), ...(passages: where its tags contains "SoldEnding"))))]))
(set: $displayLevel = (macro: int-type _level, string-type _trait, [(output-data: ($hasTrait: _trait, "You", _level, "EQ"))]))
(set: $showDescription = (macro: string-type _trait, string-type _name, int-type _level, string-type _comparitor, [
(output-data: ($hasTrait: _trait, (cond: _name is "your", "You",_name is "his", $currentOpponent, _name), _level, _comparitor))
(set: $subtractOneItem = (macro: string-type _item, array-type _list, [
(set: _left to (count: _list, _item) - 1)(if: _left > -1)[(set: _list to it - (a: _item))(set: _list to it + (repeated: _left, _item))]
(output-data: _list)]))
(set: $prettyList = (macro: array-type _list, [
(set: _sentence to "nothing")
(if: _list is not (a:))[
(set: _sentence to (str: _list's 1st))
(if: _list's length > 2)[
(for: each _word, ..._list's 2ndto2ndlast)[(set: _sentence to it + ", " + (str: _word))]]
(if: _list's length > 1)[(set: _sentence to it + " and " + (str: _list's last))]
(output-data: _sentence)]))
(set: _slutNames to (a: "Fucktoy", "Cumslut", "Cumgargler", "Cumchugger", "Jizzrag", "Cockwhore", "Cocksleeve", "Sextoy", "Bimbo", "Pussy", "Juicy", "Horny", "Dickbitch", "Ditzy", "Cocksucker", "Cumslave", "Slut", "Whore", "Dicksleeve", "Nympho", "FuckCandy"))
(move: _slutNames's random into $slutname)
(display: "TopupChoices")(if: ($getPoints: $you) > 0)[(set: $drbored to it + 1)]
(set: _drChoice to (a:))
(if: ($getPoints: $you) > 2 or $drbored > 4)[(set: _drChoice to ($drIntChoice: $you))]
\ (if: ($getTraitChoices: "You") is not (a:) and _drChoice is not (a:))[
The scientist looks at you. "It's good that you've picked something, but you still have too many points left. How about I give you ($prettyList: _drChoice)?]
\ (if: ($getTraitChoices: "You") is (a:) and _drChoice is not (a:))[
(either: "The scientist giggles and picks you ", "The scientist grins and eventually picks you ", "The scientist tuts at your indecision and then selects ") ($prettyList: _drChoice).]
\ (if: ($getTraitChoices: "You") is (a:) and _drChoice is (a:))[
Looks like you should be ok for today. You relax a little.]
\ ($addTraitChoices: "You", _drChoice)
\ (if: ($getTraitChoices: "You") is not (a:))[(set: $transform to true)(set: $who to "your")(set: $drbored to 1)(for: each _trait, ...($getTraitChoices: "You"))[
\ (assert: ($addTrait: $you, _trait))(assert: ($addFollowTraits: $you, _trait))
(display: _trait)]
\ (set: $transform to false)($clearTraitChoices: "You")]
(nth: (min: 4, $drbored), "\"All done for today\" says the scientist with a grin.", "\"I guess that's ok for today\", the Scientist says with a frown.", "\"Better pick soon. Or I will pick for you.\" the scientist tells you.", "The scientist is clearly thinking about just doing //something// to you.")
\(if: $drbored is 1 AND ($tooSubmissive: $you))[(set: _sub to ($howSubmissive: $you))
\(if: _sub > 3)[
"Thank you for all my changes, Master", you say with a brilliant smile.]
\(else-if: _sub > 1)[
"Thank you, sir." you say as sweetly as you're able. ]
"Thank you." you spit out through gritted teeth.]
\ (if: $order's 4th's 1st is "You")[
You should check to [[See what you look like]] ]
\ (else:)[
You should [[See what the others picked]].]
(metadata: "cards", 2)$transform[ \
\(if: ($displayLevel: 1, "Improve Chest"))[You feel a heat rising in your chest as the nanobots activate and start to follow their programming. Before your eyes your chest puffs up a little. It doesn't take long, but once it's finished you have a couple of small breasts with two delicate raspberry shaped nipples. You're not exactly experienced, but you'd guess they were an A cup? If you can escape you'd guess you could hide them by taping them up.]
\(if: ($displayLevel: 2, "Improve Chest"))[The heat rises in your chest again, and you tell it's focused on your breasts. Once again there's a weird feeling as they gradually push out. Poking them around trying to work out how much they've grown. You think maybe they stick out 3 finger widths. Does that make you a B cup? Either way you doubt you could easily hide these now.]
\(if: ($displayLevel: 3, "Improve Chest"))[It's hard not to watch lustfully as your breasts expand again. I mean you always liked to play with a pair, and if you have to have your own, they should at least be a proper handful. Assuming the scientist is following the previous approach, then you'd guess you now have a pair of C cups of your own to play with. ]
\(if: ($displayLevel: 4, "Improve Chest"))[It's been kind of nice having breasts to play with at night, though they are a little sensitive. As such you're not as upset as you might have been when the nanites start expanding your bust again. You can't help but heft them; they are large enough now that you can't contain them with just one hand. You sigh as you realise your nipples and areolas have also grown in proportion.
Somehow they're perky and defying gravity. ]
\(if: ($displayLevel: 5, "Improve Chest"))[You can tell from the feeling that your girls are growing again. You always liked large breasts on a girl, but you're starting to wonder if this is going a bit far. These are clearly the sort of tits you'd see on a stripper or porn star. You'd guess you've gone up another cup size. Is that a DD or an E? You've never really had to worry about it in the past.
You guess you probably will have to now!]
\(if: ($displayLevel: 6, "Improve Chest"))[As the pressure starts expanding your breasts yet again, you start to wonder why you picked that option? With the new size it's like you're little more than a conveyance for carrying your massive titties around. The odds of anyone looking at your face again seems fairly low.
You're not sure you'd blame them either.]
\(if: ($displayLevel: 7, "Improve Chest"))[Again your breasts puff up and expand, overflowing mounds of flesh that there is just no way you can control. The scientist watches you struggling and then comments "Those are going to be just perfect for a tit job. I can't wait to try them out."
You are noticing a strain on your back. You idly wonder whether to let him play with them in exchange for some support. You bite your lip and keep the thought on the inside rather than letting it out.]
\(if: ($showDescription: "Improve Chest", $who, 8, "GTE"))["I'm as much of a boob guy as the next man," the scientist explains, "but there does have to be some upper limit. I'm gonna just do //this// instead."
(display: "Overleveled")]] \
\(if: ($showDescription: "Improve Chest", $who, 1, "EQ"))[You watch in fascination as he grows out a cute pair of A cup breasts.]
\(if: ($showDescription: "Improve Chest", $who, 2, "EQ"))[He grabs at his chest as his little breasts swell out again. Once they're done you admire what you'd guess is a B cup handful.]
\(if: ($showDescription: "Improve Chest", $who, 3, "EQ"))[There's clearly mixed emotions on his face as he watches his breasts grow for the third time. He's got a little more than a handful now.]
\(if: ($showDescription: "Improve Chest", $who, 4, "EQ"))[He bites his lip as his breasts expand again. They're now too big for him to really contain them with both hands. They do look kind of perky though.]
\(if: ($showDescription: "Improve Chest", $who, 5, "EQ"))[He kind of wraps his arm under his breasts as they grow, whilst using the other to try and cover them up. They're so large now, it's impossible for him to really succeed.]
\(if: ($showDescription: "Improve Chest", $who, 6, "EQ"))[He doesn't even bother trying to contain his giant melons as they grow this time. The result is so large you could probably fit your whole face in there.]
\(if: ($showDescription: "Improve Chest", $who, 7, "EQ"))[His tits just keep growing, overspilling everything. You doubt he can even see his belly past those monsters. ]
\(if: ($showDescription: "Improve Chest", $who, 8, "GTE"))[You're actually relieved when the scientist doesn't actually grow those monster boobs any further.
(display: "BuddyOverleveled")]] \
$description[ \
\(if: ($showDescription: "Improve Chest", $who, 0, "EQ"))[(upperfirst: $who) flat chest is well muscled from working out at the gym.]
\(if: ($showDescription: "Improve Chest", $who, 1, "EQ"))[Small A-cup breasts nestle on $who chest.]
\(if: ($showDescription: "Improve Chest", $who, 2, "EQ"))[(upperfirst: $who) B-cup breasts sit on $who chest.]
\(if: ($showDescription: "Improve Chest", $who, 3, "EQ"))[A perky pair of C-cup puppies sit invitingly on $who chest.]
\(if: ($showDescription: "Improve Chest", $who, 4, "EQ"))[A large pair of D-cup breasts are proving hard to control.]
\(if: ($showDescription: "Improve Chest", $who, 5, "EQ"))[(upperfirst: $who) breasts must be either a DD or E cup? You're not sure.]
\(if: ($showDescription: "Improve Chest", $who, 6, "EQ"))[Are $who breasts triple D's or F? Whichever way the stupid system works, these seem enormous.]
\(if: ($showDescription: "Improve Chest", $who, 7, "GTE"))[These huge breasts are impossible to miss. Mounds of flesh spill and overflow from $who chest bouncing with every movement made.]] \
(metadata: "cards", 2)$transform[ \
\(if: ($displayLevel: 1, "Improve Ass"))[Your buttocks suddenly start warming up. It feels weirdly as if they're pressing out and growing. Once it's finished you look back slightly concerned. There's a definite feminine curve to them now.]
\(if: ($displayLevel: 2, "Improve Ass"))[You can feel the heat on your perky ass again. The muscles start inflating and round out to a lovely little bubble butt. You cup the two perfect handfuls and wonder if you could hide these.]
\(if: ($displayLevel: 3, "Improve Ass"))[Once again you feel your glutes heating up. Not only do they seem to be plumping up but they almost seem to be separating a little as well. After what feels like an age they stop growing. You seem to have the perfect heart shaped butt now.]
\(if: ($displayLevel: 4, "Improve Ass"))[Your ass starts growing again, it seems to be focusing on widening out your hips, though there is still a little padding added back there. Once it finishes you inspect the damage. It looks as though you have an amazing tear shaped ass now.
You bounce up and down, and watch as your butt bounces very pleasingly. You notice the scientist observing you and instantly stop. You blush, as you didn't mean to put on a show.]
\(if: ($displayLevel: 5, "Improve Ass"))[You wonder if your butt can really get any larger? The nanites are happy to let you know the answer is yes.
This time they seem to be focusing on increasing the projection of your derriere. Before you know it, you have a prominent shelf that looks somewhat out of proportion to the rest of your body.]
\(if: ($displayLevel: 6, "Improve Ass"))[You know what's to expect but it still seems to take forever. Your butt just seems to keep expanding. You look back as it grows. There's no denying you've plenty of "cushion for pushin" now.
"Bet you can't wait for that to be spanked" the scientist asks you with a lewd grin. You blush and tenderly poke it to see how it feels. The flesh just wobbles and you can't help but imagine what that'll look like if you were disciplined. Blushing you shake your head to try and dislodge the thoughts.]
\(if: ($displayLevel: 7, "Improve Ass"))[It's happened so many times, you're almost relieved when it concentrates on your prodigious ass again. It seems to grow ever larger, to the extent that you're pretty sure you won't be able to lie flat any more.
Your every move causes the flesh to ripple, multiplying the effect and making them look even larger. Anyone looking at this is going to assume you want to put yourself on display.]
\(if: ($showDescription: "Improve Ass", $who, 8, "GTE"))["I don't even know what I'd do to increase your ass further at this point?", he says with a sigh. He closes his eyes and circles his finger above the screen before stabbing down. He opens them and looks, "Oh this will be interesting."
(display: "Overleveled")]] \
\(if: ($showDescription: "Improve Ass", $who, 1, "EQ"))[He's yelps in surprise and clutches his ass.]
\(if: ($showDescription: "Improve Ass", $who, 2, "EQ"))[His butt seems to be growing again.]
\(if: ($showDescription: "Improve Ass", $who, 3, "EQ"))[You watch as dat ass expands again.]
\(if: ($showDescription: "Improve Ass", $who, 4, "EQ"))[His ass is growing again. When it's finished it looks like a perfect teardrop.]
\(if: ($showDescription: "Improve Ass", $who, 5, "EQ"))[Jeez, his butt is expanding yet again. He's definitely going to have a shelf.]
\(if: ($showDescription: "Improve Ass", $who, 6, "EQ"))[Both you and he can't really believe his butt is growing again. It's enormous.]
\(if: ($showDescription: "Improve Ass", $who, 7, "EQ"))[He looks back at his enormous backside, and shakes his head. You can't really believe that it can get bigger either. That doesn't stop it growing...]
\(if: ($showDescription: "Improve Ass", $who, 8, "GTE"))[It doesn't look like the scientist wants to expand their ass any further.
(display: "BuddyOverleveled")]] \
$description[ \
\(if: ($showDescription: "Improve Ass", $who, 0, "EQ"))[(upperfirst: $who) ass is fairly nondescript.]
\(if: ($showDescription: "Improve Ass", $who, 1, "EQ"))[(upperfirst: $who) buttocks are pert and cute.]
\(if: ($showDescription: "Improve Ass", $who, 2, "EQ"))[It's hard to miss that bubble butt.]
\(if: ($showDescription: "Improve Ass", $who, 3, "EQ"))[(upperfirst: $who) butt is plump and has that perfect heart shape.]
\(if: ($showDescription: "Improve Ass", $who, 4, "EQ"))[(upperfirst: $who) tear drop ass is bouncy and very noticeable.]
\(if: ($showDescription: "Improve Ass", $who, 5, "EQ"))[(upperfirst: $who) ass now forms a shelf sticking out behind.]
\(if: ($showDescription: "Improve Ass", $who, 6, "EQ"))[The junk in $who trunk is something amazing to behold.]
\(if: ($showDescription: "Improve Ass", $who, 7, "GTE"))[(upperfirst: $who) badaonkadon is frankly enormous. It wobbles with literally any kind of movement.]] \
(metadata: "cards", 6)$transform[ \
\(if: ($displayLevel: 1, "Add Makeup"))[You feel the nanobots in your face activating. You know you're going to look stupid, but at least you'll be able to clean it off. You feel a tingling around your eyes and lips. Once it's done you try and look at yourself in the reflection on the glass. It looks as though you have tastefully applied light makeup. It does NOT rub off.]
\(if: ($displayLevel: 2, "Add Makeup"))[Once again you feel the nanobots activating on your face. There's a tingling across the whole of your face. Once it's done you beg the scientist for a mirror to see what's happened. You catch him in a good moment, so he briefly shows you your new look. It's a fairly heavy glamorous look covering your whole face. "The nanobots will adjust the shade based on what clothes you're wearing." he explains, "So you're always going to look good!".]
\(if: ($displayLevel: 3, "Add Makeup"))["Hmm" says the scientist. "There wasn't supposed to be a third level for this setting. Oh well I'm sure we can come up with something". He taps away on his keyboard for a while and then looks up at you, waggles his eyebrows and stamps his finger down hard on the Enter key.
That familiar tingle is back, but is over fairly quickly this time. He provides a mirror again and you see with shock that your makeup is now heavy, slutty and slightly smeared as if you'd spent the last hour making out. Combined with your new hair style you have that just fucked look.
You helplessly beg with your eyes for him to change it. Instead he just smirks.]
\(if: ($showDescription: "Add Makeup", $who, 4, "GTE"))[The scientist looks puzzled. "I'm not even sure why I put this many makeup cards in? Oh well, this should do instead."
(display: "Overleveled")]] \
\(if: ($showDescription: "Add Makeup", $who, 1, "EQ"))[It's like watching his face be coloured in. The makeup probably?]
\(if: ($showDescription: "Add Makeup", $who, 2, "EQ"))[His makeup is becoming more obvious and striking in its effect.]
\(if: ($showDescription: "Add Makeup", $who, 3, "EQ"))[His makeup is becoming very slightly smeared. It looks super slutty.]
\(if: ($showDescription: "Add Makeup", $who, 4, "GTE"))[The scientist swaps out Makeup for something else.
(display: "BuddyOverleveled")]] \
$description[ \
\(if: ($showDescription: "Add Makeup", $who, 0, "EQ"))[(upperfirst: $who) face is clean and fresh.]
\(if: ($showDescription: "Add Makeup", $who, 1, "EQ"))[Tastefully applied light makeup is tattooed to $who face.]
\(if: ($showDescription: "Add Makeup", $who, 2, "EQ"))[Very glamorous heavy makeup adapts to match $who clothing.]
\(if: ($showDescription: "Add Makeup", $who, 3, "GTE"))[(upperfirst: $who) makeup is heavy, slutty and slightly smeared.]] \
(metadata: "cards", 8)$transform[ \
\(if: ($displayLevel: 1, "Add Tattoos"))[There is a searing heat and a series of pin prick sensations on your thigh. It stings for a bit, but once it passes it seems to be fine. It looks as though you have a tasteful set of roses painted on your right thigh. They're a bit girly, but you'll be able to hide them with clothes, so it's manageable.]
\(if: ($displayLevel: 2, "Add Tattoos"))[You don't really want another girly tattoo, but at least the last one was easy enough to hide. You wonder where this one will go. A searing pain across what feels like your entire back soon answers that question. Once it dies down you peer over your shoulder to work out what was done. From what you can make out, it looks as though there is a fire starting at your hips and rising up to your lower shoulder blades. A stylized phoenix is bursting from the fire, its wings stretching across your shoulders to the top of your arms. Smoke rises from its open cawing beak, and swirls up your neck to just below the hairline. You'll be able to hide most of it, but you'll need to wear some high collar clothing.
"Well that's not going to happen here", you tell yourself with a wry chuckle.
(box:"=XXXX=")[ <img src="./Images/Card/goth-back-phoenix.png"> ]]
\(if: ($displayLevel: 3, "Add Tattoos"))[The pain this time is excruciating. It feels like all of your skin is on fire. You screw your eyes shut and grit your teeth and try not to writhe as it ripples over you. When it's done you look to see the damage. It looks like your entire body is covered with intricate images. Not even the bottom of your feet or face has been spared. There's just no way you'll be able to hide this.
(box:"=XXXX=")[ <img src="./Images/Card/goth-full-tattoos.png"> ]
\(if: ($showDescription: "Add Tattoos", $who, 4, "GTE"))["We're clearly not going to fit anymore tattoos on your body." the scientist points out. "Sooooo... this!"
(display: "Overleveled")]] \
\(if: ($showDescription: "Add Tattoos", $who, 1, "EQ"))[It looks like some kind of tattoo has formed on his leg.]
\(if: ($showDescription: "Add Tattoos", $who, 2, "EQ"))[A large tattoo forms on his back. Watching him trying to see it is kind of funny.]
\(if: ($showDescription: "Add Tattoos", $who, 3, "EQ"))[Wow! Tattoos form across his entire body. You're not sure there's any space left!]
\(if: ($showDescription: "Add Tattoos", $who, 4, "GTE"))[The scientist swaps the Tattoos for something else.
(display: "BuddyOverleveled")]] \
$description[ \
\(if: ($showDescription: "Add Tattoos", $who, 1, "GTE") and $bodypart is "legs")[There is a tattoo of a set of roses on $who thigh.]
\(if: ($showDescription: "Add Tattoos", $who, 2, "GTE") and $bodypart is "chest")[(upperfirst: $who) back is covered with an intricate tattoo of a phoenix rising.]
\(if: ($showDescription: "Add Tattoos", $who, 3, "GTE") and $bodypart is "opening")[(upperfirst: $who) whole body, head to toe, is covered with tattoos.]] \
(metadata: "cards", 2)$transform[ \
\(if: ($displayLevel: 1, "Outie to Innie"))[The screen flashes up 'Outie to Innie'. You're not sure why he'd want to change your belly button, but it seems like a cheap way to spend the points. There's a heat caused as the nanites swarm to your abdomen and thence on down into your dick. The heat becomes uncomfortable and there is a feeling of severe pressure.
To your shock and horror, your dick starts shrinking back into your body. The pressure and heat eases off. You think you've got maybe 3 inches left?
\(if: ($displayLevel: 2, "Outie to Innie"))[The heat is back to your crotch again. Looking up briefly you plead "No!" but the scientist isn't even paying attention. Looking back you witness your balls seeming to deflate and be sucked up into your body. Your dick is shrinking at the same time, till it's protruding no more than an inch from your body. Your balls seem to have all but vanished.
You sink to the floor staring in horror at what remains.
\(if: ($displayLevel: 3, "Outie to Innie"))[You know this is going to affect your junk, but you figure there's not really much to lose. It's not like your dick can get any smaller.
The now familiar heat pools down there, and the sensations and pressure builds. Your ruined penis shivers and then begins shrinking again. It feels like your guts are churning near your perineum.
Then there's a splitting pain and you realise that a pair of tight pussy lips are forming down below. Your dick vanishes inside the folds. Carefully folding them back you see what you think remains as a small nub at the top of the folds.
You shake your head. How is this even possible?!?]
\(if: ($displayLevel: 4, "Outie to Innie"))[The nanobot heat grows filling your pussy. What on earth is he doing now? The lips puff up showing a more visible bulge on either side. The whole thing seems larger and more prominent somehow. It seems to be glistening. When you reach down to check, you find that your pussy seems to be wet and ready to go. You pull your hand quickly back, not wanting to experiment right now. ]
\(if: ($displayLevel: 5, "Outie to Innie"))[Once again that prickling sensation fills your pussy. What else can he change? The lips engorge even further; it's like the whole thing is protruding somehow. It looks like your clitoris has grown a little and the hood hiding it has unfurled like a flower to show its glistening bud. The whole area is very sensitive and even the movement of the air on it gives you a slight tingle of arousal. Your cunt now looks ripe for exploration and conquest. You wish you had some panties to cover up, but you do worry if they might just act to stimulate you further...]
\(if: ($showDescription: "Outie to Innie", $who, 6, "GTE"))["Well, we've exhausted all the options for changing your vagina - I guess I'll need to give you something else...." He pauses for effect, "Does this work for you?", the scientist asks. You're willing to bet it won't.
(display: "Overleveled")]] \
\(if: ($showDescription: "Outie to Innie", $who, 1, "EQ"))[He seems very concerned by the sight of his dick shrinking away.]
\(if: ($showDescription: "Outie to Innie", $who, 2, "EQ"))[What remains of his dick seems to be shrinking again, which goes about as well as you might imagine.]
\(if: ($showDescription: "Outie to Innie", $who, 3, "EQ"))[Something else seems to be happening to his dick, he's really upset.]
\(if: ($showDescription: "Outie to Innie", $who, 4, "EQ"))[He's gesticulating at his pussy, I guess it's changed again?]
\(if: ($showDescription: "Outie to Innie", $who, 5, "EQ"))[From his reaction he seems fascinated by the changes happening to his pussy.]
\(if: ($showDescription: "Outie to Innie", $who, 6, "GTE"))[The scientist obviously decides he can't change their pussy any further.
(display: "BuddyOverleveled")]] \
\ $description[
\(if: ($showDescription: "Outie to Innie", $who, 0, "EQ"))[A fairly normal 6 inch penis hangs from $who crotch.]
\(if: ($showDescription: "Outie to Innie", $who, 1, "EQ"))[The 3 inch cock hanging from $who crotch is a little disappointing.]
\(if: ($showDescription: "Outie to Innie", $who, 2, "EQ"))[The tiny micro penis is hardly noticeable and $who balls have totally vanished.]
\(if: ($showDescription: "Outie to Innie", $who, 3, "EQ"))[A tight slit sits where $who dick used to be.]
\(if: ($showDescription: "Outie to Innie", $who, 4, "EQ"))[(upperfirst: $who) pussy is loose, wet and ready to go.]
\(if: ($showDescription: "Outie to Innie", $who, 5, "GTE"))[(upperfirst: $who) pussy is engorged, with the clitoris clearly visible, glistening with the fluids that indicates it's ready to roll.]] \
(metadata: "cards", 10)$transform[ \
\(if: ($displayLevel: 1, "Get a Piercing"))[There's a flash of heat in your ear lobes. Reaching up you can feel some kind of metal stud starting to form out of the flesh. They grow into small hoops, one on each side.
"Well" you think "The hole should heal once I take them out."
You fiddle with them but can't seem to find the catch. After some more desperate twiddling you realise - they're sealed units. You reassure yourself that you can cut them off once you're out of here and the holes should still fill in.]
\(if: ($displayLevel: 2, "Get a Piercing"))[You feel a piercing flash of heat in your nose. Reaching up you can feel that weird sensation as a metal stud seems to form out of your flesh.
It's a fairly small stud, and you shrug figuring for once this could be worse.]
\(if: ($displayLevel: 3, "Get a Piercing"))[There's a flash of heat in your mouth and it feels as if someone is seriously pinching your tongue.
Reaching into your mouth, you confirm your suspicion, you now have what feels like a huge stud in your mouth. You find yourself fiddling with it against your teeth. It's hard to forget it's there.
"Great choice," says the scientist, "those things really increase the pleasure during blow jobs."
"That'th not why I goth this", you lisp. He smirks at your difficulty.
Hmm, you're going to need to learn to speak carefully if you want to be taken seriously.]
\(if: ($displayLevel: 4, "Get a Piercing"))[There's a flash of pain in your nipples. Looking down you watch with interest as 2 studs extrude out of the flesh.
You poke them once they seem to be done. They definitely seem to have dialled up the sensitivity. You can't decide if that's a good thing or bad.]
\(if: ($displayLevel: 5, "Get a Piercing"))[(if: ($howMuchTrait: "You", "Outie to Innie") > 2)[There's a flash of piercing pain from your pussy and you instinctively curl up into a ball. As it dies down you reach down and discover your clit now has a little stud. "Yeah, cos it's not like that needed to be more sensitive is it?" you think to yourself. Still at least it means a guy should be able to find it.](else:)[There's a piercing flash of pain from your dick which curls you up in terror. Once you're sure you're not going to die, you reach down and discover that you seem to have a Prince Albert. You wonder how it'll feel during sex.
"Once we're out of here" you silently promise yourself.]]
\(if: ($showDescription: "Get a Piercing", $who, 6, "GTE"))["Piercings feel kind of boring now." the scientist explains. "I think this should be way more interesting!
(display: "Overleveled")]] \
\(if: ($showDescription: "Get a Piercing", $who, 1, "EQ"))[He clutches at his ears as if in pain.]
\(if: ($showDescription: "Get a Piercing", $who, 2, "EQ"))[His eyes widen and he grabs at his nose.]
\(if: ($showDescription: "Get a Piercing", $who, 3, "EQ"))[He yelps out in pain, and then sticks his hand in his mouth to check something inside.]
\(if: ($showDescription: "Get a Piercing", $who, 4, "EQ"))[He grimaces in pain, grabbing his nipples. When he lets go, you think you see some piercings there?]
\(if: ($showDescription: "Get a Piercing", $who, 5, "EQ"))[He falls to his knees grabbing his crotch as if in pain. You can't really make out what's happened, maybe you'll catch a glimpse later?]
\(if: ($showDescription: "Get a Piercing", $who, 6, "GTE"))[The scientist swaps a piercing for something else.
(display: "BuddyOverleveled")]] \
$description[ \
\(if: ($showDescription: "Get a Piercing", $who, 1, "GTE") and $bodypart is "head")[There are small hoop earrings hanging from $who ears. ]
\(if: ($showDescription: "Get a Piercing", $who, 2, "GTE") and $bodypart is "head")[A small stud glitters in $who nose. ]
\(if: ($showDescription: "Get a Piercing", $who, 3, "GTE") and $bodypart is "head")[When talking there's a slight lisp caused by a stud in $who tongue. ]
\(if: ($showDescription: "Get a Piercing", $who, 4, "GTE") and $bodypart is "chest")[A couple of barbells pierce $who nipples. ]
\(if: ($showDescription: "Get a Piercing", $who, 5, "GTE") and $bodypart is "crotch")[(set: _youPussy to ($hasPussy: "You"))(set: _theyPussy to ($hasPussy: $currentOpponent))There's a stud piercing in $who (if: $who is "your")[(cond: _youPussy, "clit", "dick")](else:)[(cond: _theyPussy, "clit", "dick")].]](metadata: "cards", 10) \
$transform[ \
\(if: ($displayLevel: 1, "Enhance Lips"))[Your lips start tingling and you know that the nanites must be activating there. It's fairly quick and after it finishes your lips are a little tender. It feels as though you've a little more pout now.]
\(if: ($displayLevel: 2, "Enhance Lips"))[Once again your lips tingle and start to grow. They feel quite large once they’re done. Kissing the glass you can see that they are fairly plump with a very defined cupid's bow.]
\(if: ($displayLevel: 3, "Enhance Lips"))[The sensation of the nanites activating in your lips tells you what's about to happen. The changes seem fairly quick, whilst they're clearly larger, hopefully it's not too noticeable?]
\(if: ($displayLevel: 4, "Enhance Lips"))[The tingling starts again in your lips and once again they seem to be expanding. They feel enormous and are definitely protruding from your face.]
\(if: ($displayLevel: 5, "Enhance Lips"))[Again you feel the tingling sensation on your lips. There's almost a morbid sense of curiosity. They're already enormous, what can he really do to them now? The expansion and stretch feeling happens again. You don't seem to be able to properly close your mouth. It's like it's stuck in a slight 'O' shape. The scientist seems fascinated by them.
"That's a fine set of dick sucking lips!" he exclaims, "Can you even talk with those?"
"O- course..." you pause in shock, "Oh rucking lalls. -lease you haff to rewerse this."
He just finds your speech funny. "That's just marvellous" he says, "A word I note you'll never be able to say again!"
As he wanders off you whisper to yourself "aarelus, aaaarrrelus".
Shit, he's right.]
\(if: ($showDescription: "Enhance Lips", $who, 6, "GTE"))["I mean, what else could we do to your lips at this point?" he says thoughtfully, "replace your mouth with a cunt maybe?"
(display: "Overleveled")]] \
\(if: ($showDescription: "Enhance Lips", $who, 1, "EQ"))[He grabs at his face in shock. His lips are growing a little.]
\(if: ($showDescription: "Enhance Lips", $who, 2, "EQ"))[You think his lips are swelling up a little more.]
\(if: ($showDescription: "Enhance Lips", $who, 3, "EQ"))[His lips are definitely swelling this time. They look amazing once done.]
\(if: ($showDescription: "Enhance Lips", $who, 4, "EQ"))[Heh. With those lips he looks a bit like a duck now!]
\(if: ($showDescription: "Enhance Lips", $who, 5, "EQ"))[From his expression he is super unhappy with whatever has happened to his lips.]
\(if: ($showDescription: "Enhance Lips", $who, 6, "GTE"))[The scientist can't grow their lips any further.
(display: "BuddyOverleveled")]] \
$description[ \
\(if: ($showDescription: "Enhance Lips", $who, 0, "EQ"))[(upperfirst: $who) lips are thin and narrow.]
\(if: ($showDescription: "Enhance Lips", $who, 1, "EQ"))[(upperfirst: $who) lips have a slight pout.]
\(if: ($showDescription: "Enhance Lips", $who, 2, "EQ"))[(upperfirst: $who) lips are plump with a defined cupid's bow.]
\(if: ($showDescription: "Enhance Lips", $who, 3, "EQ"))[(upperfirst: $who) lips are now full, luscious and eminently kissable.]
\(if: ($showDescription: "Enhance Lips", $who, 4, "EQ"))[(upperfirst: $who) enormous lips are stupendous, looking moist and inviting.]
\(if: ($showDescription: "Enhance Lips", $who, 5, "GTE"))[(upperfirst: $who) dick sucking lips are curved into a permanent O shape that can't be fully closed.]] \
(metadata: "cards", 2, "addTraits", (a: (a: "Get a Piercing", "Add Tattoos", "Attitude Adjustment"),(a: "Get a Piercing", "Improve Chest", "Reduce Waist") )) \
\ $transform[ \
\(if: ($displayLevel: 1, "Rebel Heart"))[
"Fancy being rebellious at heart, huh?" the scientist asks with a knowing gleam in his eye. "This should start giving you the look at least."
(display: "Get a Piercing")
(display: "Add Tattoos")
"What do all rebels need?" he asks you with a grin. Before you have a chance to answer he continues, "It's a cause, something to rebel against."
You start to object, and he silences you with a wave of his hand.
(display: "Attitude Adjustment")
"Great, let's see how well you rebel against that!" He smirks at you and you realise that you really really want to punch him in his smarmy face.
\(if: ($displayLevel: 2, "Rebel Heart"))[
"Same again?" he asks. You shrug. He smiles. "Well we can make you look a little more rebellious."
(display: "Add Tattoos")
"Have you ever considered that breasts and a narrow waist looks a little heart shaped?" The scientist asks you. You frown in response. "Can't see it, huh? Perhaps this will help."
(display: "Reduce Waist")
You sigh, you know what's coming next.
(display: "Improve Chest")
You still can't really see it...
\(if: ($showDescription: "Rebel Heart", $who, 1, "EQ"))[
(display: "Get a Piercing")
(display: "Add Tattoos")
(display: "Attitude Adjustment")
\(if: ($showDescription: "Rebel Heart", $who, 2, "EQ"))[
(display: "Get a Piercing")
(display: "Reduce Waist")
(display: "Improve Chest")
]](storylet: when ($showDescription: "Increase Happiness", $you, 5, "LT"))\
(metadata: "cards", 2, "max", 5)$transform[ \
\(if: ($displayLevel: 1, "Increase Happiness"))["There are a number of different measures of happiness," the scientist rather unnecessarily explains, "but I'm choosing to use this one."
He fiddles with his tablet and then looks up with an expectant expression on his face. You're not quite sure what he's expecting, but you start feeling a little spaced, like the last time you had a cold.
You shake your head and try to focus, what exactly has he done?
"I've made a mild adjustment to the way the neurotransmitters in your brain work. Essentially noradrenaline is now slightly less effective."
You look at him a little confused. "So what does that mean?" you ask.
"I imagine there's now a fog in your brain that makes it slightly harder to think." he explains, "But as they say, there's no happy like stupid!"]
\(if: ($displayLevel: 2, "Increase Happiness"))["I thought we might see what else we can do to make you happy." he says with a smile.
You shake your head, trying to come up with an argument to stop him, but he presses on his tablet and you suddenly feel a little fuzzy around the edges. A little like you're spaced.
It's hard not to grin at him, you feel so euphoric. "What did you just do?" you ask.
"Your brain now produces a very mild level of dopamine and endorphins. Not enough to be addictive, but it should be similar to the effect when you've had a couple of drinks." he explains.
"I figure it will make type two thinking a little more expensive, so you'll be slightly more likely to believe what you're told."
You nod happily, as that kind of makes sense.]
\(if: ($displayLevel: 3, "Increase Happiness"))["Well there don't seem to be any serious side effects from the last changes to your mind." he proclaims, "So I think we can safely dial it up a little."
You start to object, but he's already playing with his tablet. You try to figure out a way to know what you've lost. Maybe if you do some mental arithmetic? Like one of the times tables? Two times table is way too easy, how about the 4?
One times four is four. You remember that much. Two times four is...
"Eight" you exclaim, feeling pleased with yourself.
The scientist watches you with a raised eyebrow. You feel embarrassed for talking out loud, but figure you may as well carry on. What's next, three times four. You frown, this is harder than you thought. You look at your fingers, but you don't actually have enough, this goes above ten.
You frown and stick your tongue out to think. Two times four was ... eight, so you just need to add four more to that. You count them out on your fingers, nine, ten, eleven and twelve.
"Hah, twelve!" you say happily. "I'm not as dumb as you think."
"Are you really working out your four times table on your fingers?" he asks. "My dear, I suspect there are carrots that have a higher IQ than you!"
"Yeah?" you retort, "well you're a ... a cabbage!"
That didn't really have the zinger put down quality you were hoping for.]
\(if: ($displayLevel: 4, "Increase Happiness"))[You've been noticing that he's been using very long words around you, probably to try and convince you that you're dumber than you are. It's very annoying. Why can't he just talk normally? It takes twice as long to work out what he's saying when he tries to sound smart like that.
"So, my captive songbird, are you prepared?" he asks you this time. Why can't he just use simple words?
"So we've determined that knowledge is the cause of unhappiness," he proclaims. He seems to be waiting for you to say something, so you nod as if you were paying attention.
"...and what contains a lot of knowledge?" he asks. You stare blankly back until he gestures at the book he's holding in his hand.
"Books?" you hesitantly reply.
"Exactly. So let's see what we can do to fix that for you."
You've a feeling you missed something important and think back over what was just said. Books containing knowledge... You stare at the book in his hand and realise it seems to be some kind of manual.
"And done!" he says, and you realise with a start that he was fiddling with his tablet while you were trying to concentrate.
He pops open the window and passes you the manual. You look up unsure what to do with it.
"That book contains the instructions for your nanobots," he explains, "I'll give you 10 minutes to review it, and then after I'll make whatever changes you can tell me how to make."
It takes one of your ten minutes to understand and then you excitedly start looking at the book. You flick through looking for what you need, and after a bit realise you must be holding it upside down. You quickly turn it around hoping he hasn't seen. When you look up to check, he's got that super annoying smirk, so you know he saw your mistake. You waste probably another minute worrying about how stupid you must have looked, before remembering that you need to understand the book.
You go back to it, but even the right way up, it's no better. It's just filled with pointless lines and squiggles.
"This is a trick," you accuse him, "It's not even a real book".
"Oh it's real." he crows. "I've just messed with your brain's pattern recognition. Try going slowly and concentrate on one letter at a time."
You stare at one of the shapes, it's a straight line with a cross going through it. You wrack your brains. "It's a T," you exclaim happily. You move onto the next letter, and work out it's an H, but by then you've kind of forgotten what the first one was.
"Times up!" says the scientist. You reluctantly hand the book back.
"Aww, don't be sad", he says looking at your face. "Here, this is probably more your speed now." He hands over a shiny book with a picture of a cartoon dog on the cover.
Jokes on him. The dog looks kind of cool.]
\(if: ($displayLevel: 5, "Increase Happiness"))["I'm not sure how much further we can take this," the scientist says, "but never let it be said that I won't rise to a challenge."
He fiddles around on his tablet, and the fuzz in your brain just seems to rise to fill every nook and cranny. You stare at him, trying to think what you should be doing.
"Now," he asks, "What's the capital of the United States of America?"
"Ummm..." you say, trying to think. You're sure you should know the answer, but you're struggling to come up with anything.
"You don't know, do you?", he says triumphantly.
"Nope." you say shaking your head for added impact, "is that bad? Did I do bad?" you ask in a panic.
"No you did good." he says, rolling his eyes slightly.
You beam back happily at him. You did good.
"Oh what's even the point of explaining?" he asks.
"I did good." you tell him proudly.]
\(if: ($showDescription: "Increase Happiness", $who, 6, "GTE"))["You know," the scientist says with a wince, "this shouldn't even be possible any more. It's like you're trying to break the system!"
There's a slight pause whilst he thinks. "Perhaps this will keep you busy."
(display: "Overleveled")]] \
\(if: ($showDescription: "Increase Happiness", $who, 1, "EQ"))[He seems a bit confused about the changes that are happening to him.]
\(if: ($showDescription: "Increase Happiness", $who, 2, "EQ"))[The change seems to make him relax with a big grin.]
\(if: ($showDescription: "Increase Happiness", $who, 3, "EQ"))[He looks like he's really trying to concentrate on what the Scientist is telling him.]
\(if: ($showDescription: "Increase Happiness", $who, 4, "EQ"))[It looks like he was given a book? Whatever was in it didn't make him happy, he threw it back in the scientist's face.]
\(if: ($showDescription: "Increase Happiness", $who, 5, "EQ"))[He's just sitting there with a vacant expression. It's kind of worrying.]
\(if: ($showDescription: "Increase Happiness", $who, 6, "GTE"))[The scientist obviously decides they can't get any dumber.
(display: "BuddyOverleveled")]] \
$description[ \
\(if: ($showDescription: "Increase Happiness", $who, 1, "EQ"))[(upperfirst: $who) face periodically shows confusion when complicated topics are discussed.]
\(if: ($showDescription: "Increase Happiness", $who, 2, "EQ"))[(upperfirst: $who) face has a big happy grin most of the time.]
\(if: ($showDescription: "Increase Happiness", $who, 3, "EQ"))[(upperfirst: $who) tongue pokes out of $who mouth in a cute way when thinking.]
\(if: ($showDescription: "Increase Happiness", $who, 4, "EQ"))[(upperfirst: $who) face drifts through a range of expressions from vacant to confused.]
\(if: ($showDescription: "Increase Happiness", $who, 5, "GTE"))[(upperfirst: $who) face shows the characteristic expression of a vacant moron.]] \
(storylet: when ($showDescription: "Attitude Adjustment", $you, 5, "LT"))\
(metadata: "cards", 2, "max", 5)$transform[ \
\(if: ($displayLevel: 1, "Attitude Adjustment"))["You know," the scientist says, "I'm getting kind of tired of your attitude. It's like you don't even realise the advancement to science we are making every day here."
"Well it's not so exciting from this side of the glass," you tell him.
"Ok, well let's see what we can do about that. The nanobots can't really do natural language processing, but fortunately they're floating in an object that's designed for exactly that purpose... Your brain. Sooooo...." He pushes some buttons.
"When you're given an instruction, you know whether you've obeyed it or not. So the nanobots are going to take that and apply a mild punishment when you disobey, and a reward when you do as you're told."
"That's..." you were about to say ridiculous, but given everything else you've seen, you know it's probably possible.
"Here's your first instruction, from now on, I want you to thank me for the changes at the end of every day." He grins.
You look at him in disgust, he expects you to thank him for this?!
You can feel a mild headache coming on. You pinch between your eyes, to try and relieve it, but it doesn't seem to help.
"As soon as you say thank you, that goes away."
You grimmance, you're not going to give him the satisfaction.
\(if: ($displayLevel: 2, "Attitude Adjustment"))["I was hoping that a mild corrective would be enough, but you're still showing signs of intransigence," the scientist explains. "So I'm going to ramp things up a bit."
He plays around with his tablet and then looks up at you. "Now ask me what I just did," he instructs you.
You look at him, wondering what his game is, but you are curious so you ask, "What did you just do to me?" As soon as the question is out of your lips a euphoric feeling sweeps over you. You blink in surprise.
"Carrot and stick, you see?", he asks.
You shake your head, half to negate what he's done, and half in sheer disbelief of how good that felt.
"And now for the stick, I still expect you to thank me for the changes, but you will now do so nicely."
You hold out waiting for the mild headache that comes with disobedience, but instead there's now a throbbing pain, like someone is stabbing something between your eyes.
You give out your normal thank you through gritted teeth, but the pain doesn't go away.
"Nicely with a smile," he reminds you, "Oh, and call me sir when you do it!"
You shake your head in disbelief. You're not sure how long you're going to be able to hold out.
\(if: ($displayLevel: 3, "Attitude Adjustment"))["The improvement in your behaviour has been significant, so I'm really looking forward to seeing how this goes," says the scientist, before pushing the dreaded button on his infernal tablet.
He grins, before giving you instructions. "Now, I expect you to kneel when in my presence, unless you are doing something else I have ordered you to."
You look at him in shock, "That's clearly not..." is pretty much all you get out before it feels like your entire body is wracked with pain. You stumble to your knees almost by accident rather than design.
The pain lifts but he gives clarifying instructions. "Spread your knees apart, hands on your knees, sit up straight and smile please."
You follow the instructions, keen to avoid another jolt for now.
"That's perfect," he says, and as he does, you feel an overwhelming bolt of pleasure, almost orgasmic, rack through your body.
"Now what do you say?" he asks. It takes a moment to realise what he's referring to, and then you reply "Thank you, sir."
You almost cum that time from the pleasure that obedience brings.
\(if: ($displayLevel: 4, "Attitude Adjustment"))[You're on your knees presenting yourself as he instructed, waiting to see what he'll do this time.
"I want to see how far we can take the nanite-neural bridge. So I'm instructing them to use your brain to do more than just respond to instructions." He looks at you expectantly after speaking. You decide to just wait him out.
"Rather than waiting for instructions, this change should instead make you predict the requirements of your owner. The nanites will inflict pain and pleasure on a graduated scale depending on what your brain believes the required timeframe will be."
"Thank you, sir", you quickly exclaim, rewarded with a mild buzz.
"I think, Master, is now more appropriate, don't you?" he asks while staring down at you.
"Thank you, Master", you respond without missing a beat.
At least locked in this cage there can't be that much that you'll be able to "predict" he wants.
Once you're out of here with the other changes, that's a different and more concerning story.
\(if: ($displayLevel: 5, "Attitude Adjustment"))["The results of the previous change are just astounding." The scientist looks really happy. "Which means, we should be able to do this!"
You brace yourself, expecting the rush of nanobots to do ... something, but nothing happens. You start to wonder if he forgot to code this change.
You are distracted from your revere by the sound of metal falling to the floor behind you. The chute door is closing as you watch and you head over to see what dropped out.
It's a metal collar.
You inspect it puzzled. As you do you realise that it's not your body that's changing. It's your mind, your thought processes. It's as if all the things that build up your self image around independence and autonomy are gradually being re-written. You struggle to fight it, but as you focus on maintaining one area, another is being changed. Eventually you reach a tipping point and you're no longer sure why you're fighting it at all.
You need a master, someone that will tell you what to do. A person like you deserves it. Your master should decide everything, who you are, what you look like, how you should behave. Even what you are called.
You reach down and grab the collar, and happily pop it up onto your neck with a snap. You are sure it looks just ... perfect.
\(if: ($showDescription: "Attitude Adjustment", $who, 6, "GTE"))["You know," the scientist says with a wince, "this shouldn't even be possible any more. It's like you're trying to break the system!"
There's a slight pause whilst he thinks. "Perhaps this will keep you busy."
(display: "Overleveled")]] \
\(if: ($showDescription: "Attitude Adjustment", $who, 1, "EQ"))[He gives a mild grimace, followed by a happy smile after giving some kind of answer.]
\(if: ($showDescription: "Attitude Adjustment", $who, 2, "EQ"))[You think he's been given a command, there's a heavy frown followed by a massively happy grin once he responds.]
\(if: ($showDescription: "Attitude Adjustment", $who, 3, "EQ"))[He falls to his knees, and then almost looks like he came there and then on the floor. What the hell is this scientist doing?]
\(if: ($showDescription: "Attitude Adjustment", $who, 4, "EQ"))[From his reaction you'd guess he's being hit with another mental change?]
\(if: ($showDescription: "Attitude Adjustment", $who, 5, "EQ"))[The scientist gives him a metal embossed collar, which he happily locks around his neck. You shake your head at how far he's gone.]
\(if: ($showDescription: "Attitude Adjustment", $who, 6, "GTE"))[They clearly welcome the alternative change the scientist gives them.
(display: "BuddyOverleveled")]] \
$description[ \
\(if: ($showDescription: "Attitude Adjustment", $who, 1, "EQ"))[(upperfirst: $who) temperament seems to go through cycles of moody sulking followed by reluctant compliance.]
\(if: ($showDescription: "Attitude Adjustment", $who, 2, "EQ"))[(upperfirst: $who) attitude is mostly compliant, with brief periods of grimaces and frowns when attempting to resist instructions.]
\(if: ($showDescription: "Attitude Adjustment", $who, 3, "EQ"))[(upperfirst: $who) compliance to any request is quick and subservient.]
\(if: ($showDescription: "Attitude Adjustment", $who, 4, "EQ"))[Requests are now obeyed as if commands.]
\(if: ($showDescription: "Attitude Adjustment", $who, 5, "GTE"))[An iron collar, embossed with the word 'slave', graces $who throat to indicate to the world $who status.]] \
(storylet: when ($showDescription: "Increase Sex Drive", $you, 5, "LT"))\
(metadata: "cards", 2, "max", 5)$transform[ \
\(if: ($displayLevel: 1, "Increase Sex Drive"))["You want me to fix your sex drive?" the scientist asks sympathetically.
You frown. "I'm fine." you say curtly.
"Not from where I'm standing!" the scientist laughs, "Now as you're probably aware the starting point of sex drive is in fantasy. To that end I'm just going to make some tweaks to your Orbitofrontal Cortex, like so!"
He fiddles with his pad. "Perfect!" he says.
You don't feel any different. You shrug, maybe he's made a mistake for once?
"Now if you could just visualise your favourite set of breasts?" he prompts.
You try to ignore him, but it's hard with $firstSlut over there toting her small, but pert pair. Without really thinking about it you wonder what it'd be like to play with those? Tweaking her nipples, watching as the sweat beads...
Your heart is racing and your breathing is heavy. You shake your head with a start. Does that really mean anything? He's clearly just messing with you. You try to avoid looking at anything arousing, but it's hard with all naked people in cells.
You close your eyes and just breathe. When you open them again, the scientist has clearly got bored.]
\(if: ($displayLevel: 2, "Increase Sex Drive"))[You've found yourself engaged in more and elaborate fantasies since he last increased your sex drive. The situation here really doesn't help.
"My monitoring shows that you experienced a 24% uplift in fantasy episodes since the change with an associated rise in arousal." the scientist recounts, "But I think we can do better."
"Have you heard of the amygdala? It is involved in the sense of smell and pheromone processing, but more importantly it responsible for a large degree of human sexual behaviour."
"What does that mean?" you ask, almost immediately regretting the question.
The scientist breaks it down for you, "In layman's terms, you could say, it determines what's considered sexy."
He tweaks a few options on his screen and then looks up and waggles his eyebrows at you. "There, that should increase the response to stimuli. In essence when you're horny, you're going to be //really// horny.
"I guess I should be nice and give you some way to relieve yourself too..." he says thoughtfully. He fiddles around and a panel slides back revealing something about crotch high.
You go over to look, there's a plastic pussy, much like your old fleshlight, and a wall mounted dildo next to it. Your heart pumps harder and your breathing jumps as you realise what you could do with these...
"Enjoy!" says the scientist with a grin.]
\(if: ($displayLevel: 3, "Increase Sex Drive"))["I think I've worked out your problem." the scientist explains. "Being watched is a turn off."
He's not wrong, you've been increasingly horny and worked up since his last tweaks to your brain chemistry, but the fact that everyone can see you has made it somewhat easier to keep control. Just thinking of the others watching you flail around has managed to keep a lid on things. Some of the time at least.
"Would you like me to fix that for you?" he asks.
"Well some privacy would be nice," you begrudgingly agree, "Can you make the glass go dark?"
"I can, but that's not really what I had in mind." He pushes some dials. "Now in theory, these tweaks to your amygdala should make it so that exhibitionism is a turn on, rather than a turn off."
You look at him in shock. Can he really do that? You imagine playing with your (if: ($hasPussy: "You"))[pussy](else:)[dick] whilst he is watching and find yourself quickly becoming (if: ($hasPussy: "You"))[wet](else:)[hard].
You bite your lip, trying to think of anything not sexy, but it's getting harder and harder to do so.
You force your hands to your side, you figure at the very least you're going to wait till he's gone.
He grins as if he knows what you're thinking and whispers, "I'm always watching..."]
\(if: ($displayLevel: 4, "Increase Sex Drive"))[You pretty much masterbate whenever the need takes you now. People watching just seems to bring you off quicker, so that's clearly worked. You're not sure what more he can really do to you now.
"Well the exhibitionism seems to have stuck." he says with an appraising stare. You wish it didn't but it feels great to have his eyes run over your body.
"So I thought we might try adjusting your tolerance to degrading actions," he continues.
"What? No!" you exclaim as he pushes some buttons.
Some kind of board slides up out of the floor about 2 feet in front of your pleasure station on the wall. You wonder over the look, there's another dildo opposite the vibrating one attached to the wall. You look at it a little confused.
"From now on, the vibrator only comes on while you're sucking on the one facing you." he explains with a leer. "Just imagine you've two demanding guys in here with you!"
You've come to rely on the vibrator. Can you really go without it? You imagine yourself squirming on the one while sucking on the second. The idea makes you so horny you moan out loud.]
\(if: ($displayLevel: 5, "Increase Sex Drive"))[The heat from the nanites activating seems to be everywhere, your entire body is on fire. It dies down and you realise that your skin still feels kind of tingly. You rub a finger down your arm and shiver. That seriously turns you on.
You last about ten minutes, uncomfortably squirming until eventually you give in and start masturbating there in full view of anyone that cares to look. If anything the idea that you can be seen just turns you on even more. You build to a crescendo expecting to cum, but nothing seems to happen. You continue on, hoping to get relief but after nearly an hour of moaning and groaning and playing with all your toys, you eventually stop. There's no point, you just can't get off. (if: ($hasPussy: "You"))[Your cunt is sopping wet and keeps twitching and spasming. You want nothing more than to fill it, but nothing, even trying your whole hand, seems to be enough.](else:)[Your dick is rock hard and you can feel the pressure as if you have the worst blue balls, but nothing works. You are desperate enough you even massage your prostate. If anything that just makes it worse.]
You clench your hands in front of you, trying to control yourself. Ten minutes later, you're rubbing and moaning again.
You'd do pretty much anything to get relief. Maybe if you pick the right options in the game the scientist would be willing to help you?]
\(if: ($showDescription: "Increase Sex Drive", $who, 6, "GTE"))["You know," the scientist says with a wince, "this shouldn't even be possible any more. It's like you're trying to break the system!"
There's a slight pause whilst he thinks. "Perhaps this will keep you busy."
(display: "Overleveled")]] \
\(if: ($showDescription: "Increase Sex Drive", $who, 1, "EQ"))[He goes a little glassy eyed, and looks like he's getting slightly turned on.]
\(if: ($showDescription: "Increase Sex Drive", $who, 2, "EQ"))[It looks like a dildo just popped out of the wall in his room. He's dreamily stroking it!]
\(if: ($showDescription: "Increase Sex Drive", $who, 3, "EQ"))[He seems to be masterbating right in front of the scientist. It's like he has no shame.]
\(if: ($showDescription: "Increase Sex Drive", $who, 4, "EQ"))[It looks like the scientist has given him more sex toys. He doesn't even wait to start using them!]
\(if: ($showDescription: "Increase Sex Drive", $who, 5, "EQ"))[From the panting and humping, it's pretty clear his sex drive is ramping up even further.]
\(if: ($showDescription: "Increase Sex Drive", $who, 6, "GTE"))[After some thought the scientist decides to do something other than ramp up their sex drive.
(display: "BuddyOverleveled")]] \
$description[ \
\(if: (($showDescription: "Increase Sex Drive", $who, 1, "EQ") and $bodypart is "head"))[(upperfirst: $who) eyes glaze over a little when drifting into sexual fantasy.]
\(if: (($showDescription: "Increase Sex Drive", $who, 2, "EQ") and $bodypart is "closing"))[(upperfirst: $who) flushed skin and erect nipples are clear to anyone looking closely.]
\(if: (($showDescription: "Increase Sex Drive", $who, 3, "EQ") and $bodypart is "opening"))[(upperfirst: $who) poses are clearly sexual as if wanting everyone to stare.]
\(if: (($showDescription: "Increase Sex Drive", $who, 4, "EQ") and $bodypart is "closing"))[(upperfirst: $who) perpetual squirming and periodic moans are somewhat distracting.]
\(if: (($showDescription: "Increase Sex Drive", $who, 5, "GTE") and $bodypart is "closing"))[(upperfirst: $who) constant bouts of self stimulation and masturbation are hard to miss.]] \
(metadata: "cards", 6)$transform[ \
\(if: ($displayLevel: 1, "Advanced Tattoo"))[There's a heat sensation on the small of your back and then a feeling like painful pinpricks. You can't feel anything there, but you can assume you now have a tramp stamp. You can't quite make out what it says in the reflection of the glass, but you have to assume it's nothing good. At least you should be able to hide it once you have some clothes.]
\(if: ($displayLevel: 2, "Advanced Tattoo"))[This time the sensation is just above your crotch, the flash of pain traces along and this time you can watch as it spells out one letter at a time '|tat>[($getTattoo: "You", "pussy")]'.
Surely he can't be serious?]
\(enchant: ?tat's chars, via (t8n-delay:pos * 720) + (t8n:'instant'))
\(if: ($displayLevel: 3, "Advanced Tattoo"))[This time the heat seems to focus just below your throat and the usual pin pricking sensation tells you you're getting another tattoo. Once again you can't quite make it out in the glass, but the scientist notices your struggles and comes over to take a look.
"($getTattoo: "You", "collar")? Gonna suit you!"
You shake your head, this is going way too far.] \
\(if: ($showDescription: "Advanced Tattoo", $who, 4, "GTE"))["I think that's enough degrading tattoos for now." the scientist says. "But if you want degrading, how about this?"
(display: "Overleveled")]] \
\(if: ($showDescription: "Advanced Tattoo", $who, 1, "EQ"))[He clutches at the small of his back. Looks like there's some kind of trampstamp there now.]
\(if: ($showDescription: "Advanced Tattoo", $who, 2, "EQ"))[He grimaces and then looks at his belly, as he can't believe whatever is written there.]
\(if: ($showDescription: "Advanced Tattoo", $who, 3, "EQ"))[Looks like he got a new tattoo along his collar bone.]
\(if: ($showDescription: "Advanced Tattoo", $who, 4, "GTE"))[The scientist chooses not to give them another tattoo.
(display: "BuddyOverleveled")]] \
$description[ \
\(if: ($showDescription: "Advanced Tattoo", $who, 1, "GTE") and $bodypart is "abs")[(upperfirst: $who) delightful tramp stamp declares '(text-style:"smear")[(cond: $who is "your", ($getTattoo: "You", "tramp"), ($getTattoo: $currentOpponent, "tramp"))]'.]
\(if: ($showDescription: "Advanced Tattoo", $who, 2, "GTE") and $bodypart is "crotch")[Just above $who crotch a tattoo spells out the word '(text-style:"smear")[(cond: $who is "your", ($getTattoo: "You", "pussy"), ($getTattoo: $currentOpponent, "pussy"))]'. ]
\(if: ($showDescription: "Advanced Tattoo", $who, 3, "GTE") and $bodypart is "chest")[A tattoo following the line of $who collarbone tells the world '(text-style:"smear")[(cond: $who is "your", ($getTattoo: "You", "collar"), ($getTattoo: $currentOpponent, "collar"))]'. ]] \
(metadata: "cards", 2, "addTraits", (a: (a: "Increase Happiness", "Shrink Body", "Reduce Waist"),(a: "Increase Happiness", "Outie to Innie", "Enhance Lips") )) \
\ $transform[ \
\(if: ($displayLevel: 1, "Happy Medium"))[
"A Happy medium, huh?" the scientist says thoughtfully. "I guess we'll just start with the happy part. Then you'll definitely be appreciative of the medium part!"
(display: "Increase Happiness")
"I'd say you're a way off a medium still!" he says as he looks you over. These changes should help.
(display: "Shrink Body")
(display: "Reduce Waist")
"There," he observes, "Another happy customer!"
You can't seem to stop grinning, it wasn't even that funny.
\(if: ($displayLevel: 2, "Happy Medium"))[
"Let's go with this to start with," he says looking at you appraisingly.
(display: "Enhance Lips")
"They were kind of thin, I think they're definitely closer to medium now." He pauses and then looks down. "You know what, that's not really medium either is it."
You realise what he's talking about a little too late.
(display: "Outie to Innie")
He looks at you following the change. "You know, you still don't seem happy enough."
You shake your head quickly, trying to indicate everything is fine.
"I'll take that as 'no' you're not happy." he helpfully translates. "No worries, I've got this". He pushes the tablet again.
(display: "Increase Happiness")
\(if: ($showDescription: "Happy Medium", $who, 1, "EQ"))[
(display: "Increase Happiness")
(display: "Shrink Body")
(display: "Reduce Waist")
\(if: ($showDescription: "Happy Medium", $who, 2, "EQ"))[
(display: "Enhance Lips")
(display: "Increase Happiness")
(display: "Outie to Innie")
]](metadata: "cards", 2, "addTraits", (a: (a: "Improve Ass", "Attitude Adjustment", "Shrink Body"),(a: "Attitude Adjustment", "Shrink Body", "Get a Piercing") )) \
\ $transform[ \
\(if: ($displayLevel: 1, "Short and Sweet"))["Well the first part's easy," the scientist says with a grin.
(display: "Shrink Body")
"See you look sweeter already!" The scientist looks down at you with a smirk.
You mutter to yourself, "Geez, this guy is such an ass!"
The scientist looks up from his tablet, "What's that you say, you'd like a larger ass?"
You didn't really expect him to hear you, but you don't really want to tell him what you actually said, so you instead stand there looking confused.
"No problem!"
(display: "Improve Ass")
You scowl down at your new fat ass. You're going to need to watch what you say, it's just this guy is so infuriating.
"You know, you'd catch more flies with honey than vinegar." The scientist observes.
"What does that even mean?!?" You stare at him, annoyed at yourself for rising to the bait again.
(display: "Attitude Adjustment")
\(if: ($displayLevel: 2, "Short and Sweet"))["So, shorter and sweeter?" The scientist says, "Coming right up!"
(display: "Shrink Body")
"That's the shorter part done." He looks at you as you attempt to smile at him to look happy. You clearly didn't succeed in convincing him, as he pushes yet another button on his dashboard.
(display: "Attitude Adjustment")
"You still don't really look sweet," he observes. "Maybe I'm taking the wrong track?" He thinks for a bit and then asks, "How about I give you a present?"
(display: "Get a Piercing")
He looks at you carefully and then nods. "Perfect. Every girl likes jewelry, am I right? Now give me a smile."
You pull a quick grin to avoid the effects of the compulsion. The obedience reward kicks in and you're beaming from ear to ear.
\(if: ($showDescription: "Short and Sweet", $who, 1, "EQ"))[
(display: "Improve Ass")
(display: "Shrink Body")
(display: "Attitude Adjustment")
\(if: ($showDescription: "Short and Sweet", $who, 2, "EQ"))[
(display: "Attitude Adjustment")
(display: "Shrink Body")
(display: "Get a Piercing")
]](metadata: "cards", 10)$transform[ \
\(if: ($displayLevel: 1, "Shrink Body"))[You feel a surge of heat as the nanobots start working on you. You feel a pressure across your whole body, you feel dizzy as if the room is moving, and then you realise that it kind of is. You're actually shrinking. Once it stops you realise you've no real way of knowing how much smaller you are. You lick your finger and mark your new height in the corner of the window. At least you'll know next time.
Looking closer at the changes it's not just the height, you've lost some muscle mass from your shoulders and you think it may have redistributed a little to your hips.(set: $masterThreeList to it + (a: "Short Stack"))]
\(if: ($displayLevel: 2, "Shrink Body"))[Once again there's that surge of heat that you can feel in your bones, followed by a disorienting wrench as you shrink down further. Once again you've lost some definition up top and gained a little down below.
You sigh and again lick your finger and mark your new height on the window. You squint to find the right angle to see the older line. It looks like you've lost two inches since then. Assuming the first time was similar, that means you're probably down to 5'6" now? You have a vague memory that the average woman is 5'5" so you tell yourself you're not as short as you feel. ]
\(if: ($displayLevel: 3, "Shrink Body"))[You feel your bones crunching and the world around you grows again. Checking your height against the window again you confirm another 2 inches have gone. 5' 4" Jeez that's going to make shelves that little bit harder going forwards. With that thought you look at your hands and realise that you now have delicate feminine hands. Well crap.]
\(if: ($displayLevel: 4, "Shrink Body"))[You hold yourself as tall as possible to try and stop this happening, but there's no fighting the nanobots. You don't even bother checking your height, you know you must be 5'2" now. That's bad enough, but your bones have definitely thinned out and taken more feminine lines. Your hips have flared so heavily that you have a serious pigeon toed waddle when you walk. Your arms are so skinny you doubt you could even bench 30 lbs. Maybe it's time to just go with this?]
\(if: ($displayLevel: 5, "Shrink Body"))[You feel that shrinking feeling ... AGAIN??! Surely you don't have any bone or muscle mass left to spare? The nanobots don't care, they run their program and down you shrink again. At 5'0", you feel tiny. The scientist just looms over you now. He wouldn't even need the nanites to control you any more. You sigh and get used to the idea of a permanent crick in the neck from looking up all the time in your future.]
\(if: ($showDescription: "Shrink Body", $who, 6, "GTE"))["I mean, we could go smaller.", the scientist says thoughtfully, "Maybe if there's the demand? But for now I'm kind of bored with it, so let's do this instead."
(display: "Overleveled")]] \
\(if: ($showDescription: "Shrink Body", $who, 1, "EQ"))[Watching him shrink by that much is kind of weird. Looks like he's lost 2 inches, maybe?]
\(if: ($showDescription: "Shrink Body", $who, 2, "EQ"))[He shrinks again, losing a little upper body mass. He looks about the height of a typical woman now.]
\(if: ($showDescription: "Shrink Body", $who, 3, "EQ"))[Once again you see him shrinking down. He stares at his new delicate hands with fascination.]
\(if: ($showDescription: "Shrink Body", $who, 4, "EQ"))[After another bout of shrinking he looks really short with tiny arms and very flared hips. He's even standing pigeon-toed like a girl.]
\(if: ($showDescription: "Shrink Body", $who, 5, "EQ"))[He looks angry as he shrinks again. He stamps his foot angrily, but at that size it just looks cute. He can't be more than 5 foot tall now.]
\(if: ($showDescription: "Shrink Body", $who, 6, "GTE"))[They are clearly small enough for the scientist.
(display: "BuddyOverleveled")]] \
$description[ \
\(if: ($showDescription: "Shrink Body", $who, 0, "EQ"))[Standing around 5'10" tall, $who body shows good upper muscle mass and narrow hips.]
\(if: ($showDescription: "Shrink Body", $who, 1, "EQ"))[Standing around 5'8" tall, $who upper body definition is fairly average.]
\(if: ($showDescription: "Shrink Body", $who, 2, "EQ"))[Standing around 5'6" tall, $who upper body definition is fairly average and $who hips seem a little wider than is normal for a man.]
\(if: ($showDescription: "Shrink Body", $who, 3, "EQ"))[Standing around 5'4" tall, $who frame is relatively petite now.]
\(if: ($showDescription: "Shrink Body", $who, 4, "EQ"))[Standing around 5'2" tall, $who frame is small with heavily flared hips.]
\(if: ($showDescription: "Shrink Body", $who, 5, "GTE"))[Standing around 5'0" tall, $who frame is now tiny and delicate.]] \
(metadata: "cards", 2)$transform[ \
\(if: ($displayLevel: 1, "Reduce Waist"))[The nanites start getting hot around your waist. You feel an overwhelming pressure around your waist and watch in surprise as it shrinks by about 4 inches! You rub your hand over your new stomach wondering if the organs inside have also shrunk?
In any case - this isn't so bad, you've probably needed to lose a bit off your belly.]
\(if: ($displayLevel: 2, "Reduce Waist"))[The heat and pressure start to focus around your waist again. Again you watch as it shrinks down. You'd guess you're a 32 inch waist now?]
\(if: ($displayLevel: 3, "Reduce Waist"))[The familiar sensation of pressure around your waist again. This time it really feels as if your organs are having to move to compensate for the change. Your new 28 inch waist is really starting to give you a womanly figure.]
\(if: ($displayLevel: 4, "Reduce Waist"))[The nanites start their work again. It's hard not to be fascinated. It's like watching a deflating balloon as your waist shrinks down to that "perfect" 24 inches. That perfection always looked a lot better on other girls. On girls, you mean. It's not like you're thinking of yourself as a woman now, is it?]
\(if: ($displayLevel: 5, "Reduce Waist"))[Another flash of heat as the nanobots start their work. The pressure is almost painful this time. Can your waist really get this narrow without impacting other things? When it finishes you look at your new 20 inch waist and tentatively touch it.
"My friend Doug could probably wrap his hands around my whole body". The thought creeps in and you quickly dismiss it. Why would you think of that ham fisted mutt now?]
\(if: ($displayLevel: 6, "Reduce Waist"))[This time the change is literally painful. You feel like you can't breathe.
"I'm having to shrink your kidneys, stomach and intestines to fit them in," the scientist observes, "I'd stick to simple meals, and very limited alcohol consumption."
He fiddles a bit more, and then sighs in frustration. "I can't fit enough muscle material in for proper support. Unless we reduce your chest...? But where's the fun in that?"
The pain has at least gone, you really can't believe how tiny your new 16 inch waist is.
"I guess we'll just stick you in a corset for now, I'll work something else out later," he says, and pushes a final button.
You watch in surprise as a substance is extruded out from your flesh. The nanites seem to be creating solid struts vertically up your body, and then binding them together with fabric. Before you know it, you're cinched up into a tight corset. If anything it seems to emphasise your new waistline.
The corset restricts your movement a little, but the muscles that you hadn't realised were fighting to keep you upright, are now able to relax. You'd guess that probably means you're going to be wearing corsets for the rest of your life.]
\(if: ($showDescription: "Reduce Waist", $who, 7, "GTE"))[
"Hmm, I'm not sure we can safely take your waist any lower", the scientist says thoughtfully, "Eh, this will do".
(display: "Overleveled")]] \
\(if: ($showDescription: "Reduce Waist", $who, 1, "EQ"))[His stomach seems to have lost some of the flab.]
\(if: ($showDescription: "Reduce Waist", $who, 2, "EQ"))[His waist has shrunk down a little more.]
\(if: ($showDescription: "Reduce Waist", $who, 3, "EQ"))[The additional inches lost from his waist gives him a girly figure.]
\(if: ($showDescription: "Reduce Waist", $who, 4, "EQ"))[From a distance, it looks as though he has that perfect waistline now.]
\(if: ($showDescription: "Reduce Waist", $who, 5, "EQ"))[He looks a little concerned as his waist is now tiny.]
\(if: ($showDescription: "Reduce Waist", $who, 6, "EQ"))[He looks really worried as a corset forms around his waist.]
\(if: ($showDescription: "Reduce Waist", $who, 7, "GTE"))[The scientist swaps Reduce Waist for something else.
(display: "BuddyOverleveled")]] \
$description[ \
\(if: ($showDescription: "Reduce Waist", $who, 0, "EQ"))[(upperfirst: $who) waist is a slightly flabby 40 inches.]
\(if: ($showDescription: "Reduce Waist", $who, 1, "EQ"))[(upperfirst: $who) waist is about 36 inches.]
\(if: ($showDescription: "Reduce Waist", $who, 2, "EQ"))[(upperfirst: $who) 32 inch waist gives a noticeably feminine shape.]
\(if: ($showDescription: "Reduce Waist", $who, 3, "EQ"))[A narrow 28 inch waist graces $who body.]
\(if: ($showDescription: "Reduce Waist", $who, 4, "EQ"))[(upperfirst: $who) waist is that "perfect" 24 inches.]
\(if: ($showDescription: "Reduce Waist", $who, 5, "EQ"))[An extremely narrow 20 inch waist graces $who body.]
\(if: ($showDescription: "Reduce Waist", $who, 6, "GTE"))[A corset provides the necessary support for $who 16 inch waist.]]{
(if: $oneList is (a:) and $twoList is (a:) and $threeList is (a:))[
(for: each _choice, ...(range: 1,4))[
(if: $masterOneList is not (a:))[
(set: _pick to (either: ...$masterOneList))
(set: $masterOneList to ($subtractOneItem: _pick, $masterOneList))
(set: $oneList to it + (a: _pick))]]
(for: each _choice, ...(range: 1,4))[
(if: $masterTwoList is not (a:))[
(set: _pick to (either: ...$masterTwoList))
(set: $masterTwoList to ($subtractOneItem: _pick, $masterTwoList))
(set: $twoList to it + (a: _pick))]]
(for: each _choice, ...(range: 1,4))[
(if: $masterThreeList is not (a:))[
(set: _pick to (either: ...$masterThreeList))
(set: $masterThreeList to ($subtractOneItem: _pick, $masterThreeList))
(set: $threeList to it + (a: _pick))]]
}(metadata: "condition", (a: (a: "Outie to Innie", 3), (a: "Increase Sex Drive", 1), (a: "Increase Happiness", 3), (a: "Improve Ass", 2), (a: "Improve Chest", 2), (a: "Shrink Body", 3), (a: "Reduce Waist", 3), (a: "Get a Piercing", 1), (a: "Enhance Lips", 2)), "EndingPosition", 10)
(storylet: when ($checkAllPlayersEnding: ((passage: "Cheerleader Ending")'s condition))) \
(exclusivity: 3) \
(set: $loser to "Error: Couldn't find Loser")
\ (for: each _player, ...(datanames: $prisoners))[
\ (if: ($checkEndCondition: (passage: "Cheerleader Ending")'s condition, ($getTraits: _player)))[(set: $loser to _player)]]
\ (if: $loser is "You")[
Your routine with the other girls is going really well. Who'd have thought you'd enjoy being a cheerleader?
Being part of a team helps, even if it's not what you used to do. But you know full well that the main reason is that these are the moments when you can think properly without being the complete ditz that's the new you.
When the nanobots are screwing with your brain, you were too dumb to even learn these routines, so the scientist tweaked them so that if you are performing or practising a routine then you can think straight.
For the first couple of weeks you tried to use the time to plan your escape, but you hit two major problems. Firstly you're so dumb in between that you constantly screwed up the plan, even once telling Bob, your manager, what you were doing. Secondly, you realised that if you did successfully escape, that means you'd never get these moments of clarity.
Still one last flip to go, you time your jump with your teammates fling, throwing you nearly twice your height in the air. You tuck, flip and land into the waiting arms of the four girls below, who hoist you to your feet with a smile. One high kick and it's over.
You feel the fuzz falling over your brain like the fog sliding over a town by the sea. You know this isn't right, but for some reason you can't stop grinning as the happy buzz makes you feel good, and the critical self evaluating thoughts are snuffed out.
After the practice ends, Bob introduces you to some guy called Ted. He used to play or something, and he wants to see you perform in private. You're always happy to provide a show, but are a little confused when Bob tells you that this time it'll be naked. But Bob usually knows what's best for you so you strip off as you're told.
It turns out Ted doesn't want you to dance, but rather he wants sex. You're always horny after a show. Rubbing up against all the other girls is such a turn on, so this is great!
You pop one foot up on Ted's shoulder and lean support yourself against the wall whilst he pounds your cute little pussy.
(box:"=XXXX=")[ <img src="./Images/LossEnding/cheerleader-ending.png"> ]
Bob really does think of everything for you!
($endMacro: 10)
Looks like $loser lost, he prances around for the scientist's amusement.
(box:"=XXXX=")[ <img src="./Images/BuddyEnding/cheerleader.png"> ]
"There's a sports promoter that needs some new Cheerleaders. With some minor tweaks this guy should do." The scientist looks at the rest of you thoughtfully. "Bob can probably only afford the one this time round..."
(display: "Template Ending")
](metadata: "condition", (a: (a: "Outie to Innie", 2), (a: "Attitude Adjustment", 3), (a: "Increase Happiness", 1), (a: "Improve Ass", 3), (a: "Improve Chest", 2), (a: "Shrink Body", 4), (a: "Reduce Waist", 2), (a: "Get a Piercing", 2), (a: "Add Makeup", 1)), "EndingPosition", 11)
(storylet: when ($checkAllPlayersEnding: ((passage: "Maid Ending")'s condition))) \
(exclusivity: 3) \
(set: $loser to "You") \
\ (for: each _player, ...(datanames: $prisoners))[
\ (if: ($checkEndCondition: (passage: "Maid Ending")'s condition, ($getTraits: _player)))[(set: $loser to _player)]]
\ (if: $loser is "You")[
You can't help but let out a little yelp as he slides his dick into your ass.
You were dusting in the library, when he found you. You get distracted a little easily now, so you had been giving your full concentration to trying to make sure each book was clean. The head maid loves to discipline you when you miss stuff.
So when the Master grabbed your butt and squeezed, you let out a shrill girly shriek that makes you sound just like the cliche you now are.
"Ha! Found you, new girl." The Master exclaims, pleased with himself, "You know what that means?"
You nod and quickly wiggle out of your knickers before handing them over to him with a pout. The head maid will penalise you for losing those too. With all the rules, it's next to impossible to end the day without finding yourself over her knee having your ripe cheeks paddled raw with a hairbrush.
"Would you like a chance to win them back?" He asks with a knowing grin.
Which is why you're bent over the table, while he's busy pumping behind you. You wonder how long it will take for him to blow his load this time? When you lost that stupid game with the scientist you knew something bad would happen. But you never thought you'd be sold off as a maid to a powerful politician. You were given clear instructions to never leave the manor, and with your compulsions in play, it's impossible to disobey.
(box:"=XXXX=")[ <img src="./Images/LossEnding/maid-ending.png"> ]
"Ooo, you're so tight." He grunts as he starts to work his way up to a rhythm. You're just starting to feel the edges of something starting to build, when he cums with a grunt in your ass.
"Fairs fair." He offers you back your panties, with a small wave. "Put them back on, quick quick."
That was a command, so you've no choice but to step back in and pull them up before you can clean up. That's worth two strokes, you think with a sigh. Then the concern is washed away in the wave of pleasure that comes with obedience.
The Master wanders off with a satisfied smile, and you get back to dusting your books. Still if it's only two strokes today, that's not too bad, you think with a small smile.
You end up with five strokes, two for dirtying your underwear, and three more for not cleaning up the cum that had dripped onto the floor. How the head maid has the time to find all these infractions, you've no idea.
($endMacro: 11)
Once the door opens, $loser steps out wearing a stupid maid's uniform. The scientist passes her a brush and tells her to get to scrubbing the floor. She immediately gets to work.
(box:"=XXXX=")[ <img src="./Images/BuddyEnding/maid.png"> ]
"There's a local politician that loves his little maid stable." The scientist explains. "I'll sell her to him once I'm done."
(display: "Template Ending")
(for: each _choice, ...(range: 1,8))[
(if: $masterOneList is not (a:))[
(move: $masterOneList's random into _pick)
(assert: ($addTrait: "You", _pick))(assert: ($addFollowTraits: "You", _pick))]]
(for: each _choice, ...(range: 1,4))[
(if: $masterTwoList is not (a:))[
(move: $masterTwoList's random into _pick)
(assert: ($addTrait: "You", _pick))(assert: ($addFollowTraits: "You", _pick))]]
(for: each _choice, ...(range: 1,4))[
(if: $masterThreeList is not (a:))[
(move: $masterThreeList's random into _pick)
(assert: ($addTrait: "You", _pick))(assert: ($addFollowTraits: "You", _pick))]]
(print: ($addPlayer: "Alex", "alwaysCooperate"))
(for: each _choice, ...(range: 1,9))[
(if: $masterOneList is not (a:))[
(move: $masterOneList's random into _pick)
(assert: ($addTrait: "Alex", _pick))(assert: ($addFollowTraits: "Alex", _pick))]]
(for: each _choice, ...(range: 1,4))[
(if: $masterTwoList is not (a:))[
(move: $masterTwoList's random into _pick)
(assert: ($addTrait: "Alex", _pick))(assert: ($addFollowTraits: "Alex", _pick))]]
(for: each _choice, ...(range: 1,4))[
(if: $masterThreeList is not (a:))[
(move: $masterThreeList's random into _pick)
(assert: ($addTrait: "Alex", _pick))(assert: ($addFollowTraits: "Alex", _pick))]]
(assert: ($addTrait: "You", "Enhance Lips"))(assert: ($addTrait: "You", "Enhance Lips"))(assert: ($addTrait: "You", "Enhance Lips"))(assert: ($addTrait: "You", "Enhance Lips"))
Girly: (print: ($howGirly: "You"))
Striking: (print: ($howStriking: "You"))
Horny: (print: ($howHorny: "You"))
Stupid: (print: ($howStupid: "You"))
Submissive: (print: ($howSubmissive: "You"))
Pussy: (print: ($hasPussy: "You"))
Tits: ($countTrait: "You", "Improve Chest")
(link-goto: ($pickEnding: "You", "CrimeEnding"))
Girly: (print: ($howMuchTag: "Alex", "girly"))
Striking: (print: ($howStriking: "Alex"))
Horny: (print: ($howHorny: "Alex"))
Stupid: (print: ($howStupid: "Alex"))
Submissive: (print: ($howSubmissive: "Alex"))
Pussy: (print: ($hasPussy: "Alex"))
(link-goto: ($pickEnding: "Alex", "CrimeEnding"))
''You: ''
(print: ($getTraits: "You"))(print: ($traitCounts: "You", true))
''Alex: ''
(print: ($getTraits: "Alex"))(print: ($traitCounts: "Alex", true))
\(if: ($checkEndCondition: (passage: "Cheerleader Ending")'s condition, ($getTraits: "You")))[
You lost as a cheerleader]
\(if: ($checkEndCondition: (passage: "Broken Ending")'s condition, ($getTraits: "You")))[
You lost as a Goth]
\(if: ($checkEndCondition: (passage: "Maid Ending")'s condition, ($getTraits: "You")))[
You lost as a Maid]
\(if: ($checkEndCondition: (passage: "Cheerleader Ending")'s condition, ($getTraits: "Alex")))[
Alex lost as a cheerleader]
\(if: ($checkEndCondition: (passage: "Broken Ending")'s condition, ($getTraits: "Alex")))[
Alex lost as a Goth]
\(if: ($checkEndCondition: (passage: "Maid Ending")'s condition, ($getTraits: "Alex")))[
You lost as a Maid]
($removeTraitsByTag: "You", "girly")
($removeTraitsByTrait: "You", "Enhance Lips")
($removeTraitsByTag: "Alex", "receptive")
Girly: (print: ($howGirly: "You"))
Striking: (print: ($howStriking: "You"))
Horny: (print: ($howHorny: "You"))
Stupid: (print: ($howStupid: "You"))
Submissive: (print: ($howSubmissive: "You"))
Tits: ($countTrait: "You", "Improve Chest")
Pussy: (print: ($hasPussy: "You"))
''You: ''
(print: ($getTraits: "You"))(print: ($traitCounts: "You", true))
''Alex: ''
(print: ($getTraits: "Alex"))(print: ($traitCounts: "Alex", true))Well crap this shouldn't happen. Please report the following:
Your Traits:
(print: ($getTraits: $you))
Opponents Traits:
(print: ($getTraits: $currentOpponent))
(link: "Restart?")[(restart:)](storylet: when ($showDescription: "Outie to Innie", $you, 3, "GTE") and ($showDescription: "Get Wet", $you, 1, "LT"))\
$transform[The heat starts growing again, but this time spreading out. It builds in your pussy, stretches round to your puckered arsehole round the back and then strangely starts to build in your mouth and tongue.
As the heat dies down, the first thing you notice is the taste. It's a little like cotton candy, but with a slight chemical aftertaste. It also feels like your mouth is almost ... watering? You try to swallow, but your saliva feels kind of thick, like you're trying to swallow some kind of gel.
You're briefly distracted by a trickle of something dripping down your thigh. Wiping it with your hand you realise that it has a slight slippery feeling, like some kind of lubricant. Tracking the trail up, it's coming from your pussy and anal passage. A finger dipped in easily slides up each. You seem to naturally be producing lubricant!
As you lean forward to look, a long strand drips out of your mouth and you suddenly realise what the taste means. Reaching up your hands reveals the truth, your mouth and throat is liberally coated with the stuff!] \
$description[ \
\(if: ($showDescription: "Get Wet", $who, 1, "GTE"))[It's impossible to stop the lubricant dribbling from $who crotch and mouth.]]
There seems to be a steady trickle of lubricant coming from $currentOpponent's crotch and mouth. He looks _really_ concerned.](metadata: "condition", (a: (a: "Increase Happiness", 1), (a: "Increase Sex Drive", 1), (a: "Outie to Innie", 3), (a: "Advanced Tattoo", 3), (a: "Improve Ass", 2),(a: "Enhance Lips", 1), (a: "Improve Chest", 2), (a: "Shrink Body", 2), (a: "Reduce Waist", 2)),"description", "Sold to be Broken In", "EndingPosition", 9) \
(storylet: when ($checkAllPlayersEnding: ((passage: "Broken Ending")'s condition))) \
(exclusivity: 3) \
(set: $loser to "You")
\ (for: each _player, ...(datanames: $prisoners))[
\ (if: ($checkEndCondition: (passage: "Broken Ending")'s condition, ($getTraits: _player)))[(set: $loser to _player)]]
\ (if: $loser is "You")[The scientist looks you over. "Yes, you should do," he says. "Jeffrey has some specific tastes, and you should meet the requirements for his latest order pretty well".
"He likes to break his girls himself, you see," he explains. "Anyway, you'll find out when you wake up." He pushes something on that damn tablet and you're suddenly overwhelmingly tired and you pass out...
You wake a while later.
(box:"=XXXX=")[ <img src="./Images/LossEnding/broken-in.png"> ]
You can't see anyway that this bodes well. You briefly struggle against your bonds, but they are tight. You're very exposed, someone could do almost //anything// to you that they wanted. There's no sign of Jeffrey yet, but your constraints and pose makes you imagine all the things he could do to you when he turns up.
You realise with a start that you're getting slightly turned on by the idea...
($endMacro: 9)
["This should do", says the scientist. "My client, Jeffrey, has pretty specific tastes and $loser here meets them. He really likes to break in girls himself, you see." The scientist pushes something on that tablet and $loser seems to pass out.
"He'll find out when he wakes up."
(display: "Template Ending")
(font:"Open Sans"))
(background:white) +
(corner-radius:20) +
(css: "center: 80%") +
(border:"none", "none", "none", "solid") +
(border-size:170) +
(color:#052650) +
(hover-style: (color:#052650+white)))
(background: #6F95C8))
(enchant: ?na,(background: white)+(text-colour: #3168b0)+(b4r:'solid')+(corner-radius:8)+(css: "padding: 4px"))
}The screen displays a menu of options.
(display: "TopupChoices")
($clearTraitChoices: "You")
(set:_rerun to (rerun:?shopMenu))
####You have (t8n:'pulse')+(t8n-time:0.4s)+(text-colour:(cond: ($getPoints: "You") > 2, red, ($getPoints: "You") > 1, orange, ($getPoints: "You") > 0, yellow,black))[''(plural: ($getPoints: "You"), "point")'' ] remaining.
####One Point Options:
(for: each _item, ...$oneList)[ (if: ($getPoints: "You") > 0)[($bimboText: (link-style: $screenChoice))[(link: "_item")[($addTraitChoices: "You", (a: _item))(set: _left to (count: $oneList, _item) - 1)(set: $oneList to it - (a: _item))(set: $oneList to it + (repeated: _left, _item))(assert: ($adjustPoints: "You", -1)) _rerun]]](else:)[($bimboText: (line-style: $noChoice))[_item]<NA| ]]
####Two Point Options:
(for: each _item, ...$twoList)[ (if: ($getPoints: "You") > 1)[($bimboText: (link-style: $screenChoice))[(link: "_item")[($addTraitChoices: "You", (a: _item))(set: _left to (count: $twoList, _item) - 1)(set: $twoList to it - (a: _item))(set: $twoList to it + (repeated: _left, _item))(assert: ($adjustPoints: "You", -2)) _rerun]]](else:)[($bimboText: (line-style: $noChoice))[_item]<NA| ]]
####Three Point Options:
(for: each _item, ...$threeList)[ (if: ($getPoints: "You") > 2)[($bimboText: (link-style: $screenChoice))[(link: "_item")[($addTraitChoices: "You", (a: _item))(set: _left to (count: $threeList, _item) - 1)(set: $threeList to it - (a: _item))(set: $threeList to it + (repeated: _left, _item))(assert: ($adjustPoints: "You", -3)) _rerun]]](else:)[($bimboText: (line-style: $noChoice))[_item]<NA| ]]
(if: ($getPoints: "You") > 0)[Refuse to pick and [[Deal with the consequences]]](else:)[Your decision made you wait to [[Deal with the consequences]]]
]"Each day I'll pair you up with one of your friends and you will be given the option of either defending or betraying each other."
He quickly outlines the scoring system. It seems simple, but you're guessing there's some nuance to it.
* If you both defend you will both receive one point.
* If you both choose to betray each other, then you will both receive two points.
* If only one of you chooses to betray the other, then that person receives no points, but the one that tried to defend will receive three points!
He goes on. "You'll use the points to buy 'cards' with specific transformations that will be applied to you. The cards will cost from one to three points each. I'm happy for you to save up if there's something particular you want to buy, but if you stall too long, I'm just going to pick for you."
"So the game is over when all the cards run out?" you ask hopefully.
"Hah. No, it's important that you don't know when the game ends, otherwise the strategy is easy. I'll just add more cards once you use up the existing ones."
With that he leaves you overnight to think over your choices for the next day...
[[You review what you know]](set: $transform to false)(set: $buddyChange to false)(set: $description to true) \
(for: each _desc, "opening", "head", "chest", "abs", "crotch", "legs", "closing")[(set: $bodypart to _desc)(for: each _trait, ...(altered: via its name, ...(passages: where its tags contains $bodypart)))[(display: _trait) ](if: $bodypart is "head" or $bodypart is "crotch")[
]](set:$description to false){
(if: ($howGirly: $you) >1 and ($howGirly: $currentOpponent) > 1 )[(set: $background to "./Images/Intro/cells2.png")]
(if: ($howGirly: $you) >3 and ($howGirly: $currentOpponent) > 3 )[(set: $background to "./Images/Intro/cells3.png")]
(set: _girlyText to (a: "still looks like a man.", "has a mix of masculine and feminine traits.", "would easily be mistaken for a woman now.", "looks like an attractive woman.", "looks like an exaggerated caricature of a woman."))
(set: _strikingTextMale to (a: "There's nothing that really marks them out as unusual.", "There are a few aspects that would catch your eye.", "They look rather counter-culture.", "You think they'd struggle to fit into a normal nine-to-five.", "They would be noticeable in any crowd."))
(set: _strikingTextFemale to (a: "They have a real girl-next-door look to them.", "You'd rate their style as 'good girl' around town.", "Their appearance gives off a naughty vibe.", "From their appearance you'd assume they're a bad girl.", "Their look just screams slut."))
(set: _receptiveText to (a: "Their personality doesn't seem to have changed.", "There are some minor signs of mental changes.", "They are really struggling to overcome the mental changes.", "They seem to be pretty much the stereotypical bimbo.", "They act like a drooling sexpot bimbo."))
(set: _opponents to (datanames: $prisoners) - (a: "You"))
You take a moment to check yourself over.
(set: $who to "your")(display: "Current Description")
The display above your cell shows your relative positions :
(set: _yourMax to 1+($getMax: "You"))(b4r:'solid')(meter: bind _yourMax, 50, "XXXX=", "You", (gradient: 90, 0, #00f6ff, 0.3, #fba3e9, 1, #fb4ffd))(for: each _player, ..._opponents)[(set: _maxScore to 1+($getMax: _player))(b4r:'solid')(meter: bind _maxScore, 50, "XXXX=", _player, (gradient: 90, 0, #00f6ff, 0.3, #fba3e9, 1, #fb4ffd))]
Looking through the glass over to your buddies you see:
(for: each _player, ..._opponents)[
(link-repeat: _player)[(set: $currentOpponent to _player)(set: $who to "his")(dialog: (source: (display: "Current Description")) )] (set: _girly to ($howGirly: _player))(set: _striking to ($howStriking: _player))(nth: (max: 1, (min: 5, 1 + _girly)), ..._girlyText) (cond: _girly > 1, (nth: (max:1, (min: 5, _striking)), ..._strikingTextFemale), (nth: (max: 1, (min: 5, _striking)), ..._strikingTextMale)) (nth: (max: 1, (min: 5, 1 + ($howReceptive: _player))), ..._receptiveText)
(set: _preface to "")
(set: _nextPage to (passage: "Make a Decision"))
(set: _events to (open-storylets: where its tags contains "DayEvent"))
(if: _events is not (a:))[(set: _nextPage to (either: ..._events))]
(if: _nextPage contains "preface")[(set: _preface to _nextPage's preface)]
_preface (link-goto: _nextPage's name)(replace: ?sidebar)[ ##### Prisoners Dilemma]
(append: ?sidebar)[ ###### Captain Blue]
(if: $showPoints)[
(append: ?sidebar)[(icon-counter: bind $prisoners's You's points, "Your Points")]
(set: _opponents to (datanames: $prisoners) - (a: "You"))(for: each _player, ..._opponents)[
(append: ?sidebar)[(icon-counter: bind $prisoners's (_player)'s points, _player + "'s Points")]]
(append: ?sidebar)[
(append: ?sidebar)[(link-repeat: "You")[(set: $who to "your")(dialog: (source: (display: "Current Description")) )]]
(for: each _player, ..._opponents)[
(append: ?sidebar)[(link-repeat: _player)[(set: $currentOpponent to _player)(set: $who to "his")(dialog: (source: (display: "Current Description")) )]]]]
(append: ?sidebar)[
(append: ?sidebar)[(icon-restart: "Restart")](set: $who to "your")(display: "Current Description")
(link-undo: "Back")(set: $who to "his")(display: "Current Description")
(link-undo: "Back"){
(set: $prisoners to (dm:))
(set: $condToList = (macro: array-type _condition, [
(set: _list to (a:))
(for: each _trait, ..._condition)[
(set: _list to it + (repeated: _trait's 2nd, _trait's 1st))]
(output-data: _list)
(set: $addPlayer = (macro: string-type _name, string-type _strategy, [
(set: _current to (datanames: $prisoners))
(set: _target to (either: ...(passages: where its tags contains "SoldEnding")))
(set: _dream to (either: ...(passages: where its tags contains "dream")))
(set: _conditions to ($condToList: _target's condition))
(set: _dreamConditions to ($condToList: _dream's condition))
(set: $prisoners to it + (dm: _name, (dm:
"strategy", _strategy,
"tattoo", (dm: "tramp", ($getTattooDescription: "tramp"),
"pussy", ($getTattooDescription: "pussy"),
"collar", ($getTattooDescription: "collar")),
"target", _target's name,
"conditions", _conditions ,
"mood", 1,
"moodThreshold", (a: (random:4,8), (random:1,4)),
"dreamGirl", _dream's name,
"dreamConditions", _dreamConditions,
"history", (dm:),
"points", 0,
"max", 0,
"traitChoice", (a:),
"traits", (a:))))
(if: _current is not (a:))[(for: each _otherPlayer, ..._current)[
(set: $prisoners's (_otherPlayer)'s history to it + (dm: _name, (a:)))
(set: $prisoners's (_name)'s history to it + (dm: _otherPlayer, (a:)))
(output-data: $prisoners contains _name)]))
(set: $you to "You")(assert: ($addPlayer: $you, "randomStrategy"))
(set: $endingTarget to "You")
(set: $getTattoo = (macro: string-type _name, string-type _type, [(output-data: $prisoners's (_name)'s tattoo's (_type))]))
(set: $getTarget = (macro: string-type _name, [(output-data: $prisoners's (_name)'s target)]))
(set: $getDreamGirl = (macro: string-type _name, [(output-data: $prisoners's (_name)'s dreamGirl)]))
(set: $getStuborn = (macro: string-type _name, [
(set: _threshold to $prisoners's (_name)'s moodThreshold)
(set: _stuborn to (_threshold's 1st + _threshold's 2nd))
(output-data: (cond: _stuborn < 7, "stuborn as a mule", _stuborn < 9, "a little obstinate", _stuborn < 11, "flexible in his approach", "a weak willed weasel"))]))
(set: $getConditions = (macro: string-type _name, [(output-data: $prisoners's (_name)'s conditions)]))
(set: $getDreamConditions = (macro: string-type _name, [(output-data: $prisoners's (_name)'s dreamConditions)]))
(set: $removeCondtition = (macro: string-type _name, string-type _condition, [
(set: _start to $prisoners's (_name)'s conditions's length)
(set: $prisoners's (_name)'s conditions to ($subtractOneItem: _condition, $prisoners's (_name)'s conditions))
(set: $prisoners's (_name)'s dreamConditions to ($subtractOneItem: _condition, $prisoners's (_name)'s dreamConditions))
(output-data: _start > $prisoners's (_name)'s conditions's length)
(set: $mood to (a: "denial", "bargain", "accept"))
(set: $getMood = (macro: string-type _name, [
(set: _mood to (min: $prisoners's (_name)'s mood, $mood's length))
(output-data: _mood)]))
(set: $checkMood = (macro: string-type _name, [
(set: _changed to false)
(set: _currentMood to ($prisoners's (_name)'s mood))
(if: _currentMood < $mood's length)[
(set: _target to ($prisoners's (_name)'s moodThreshold's (_currentMood)))
(set: _target to it + ($howMuchTrait: _name, "Outie to Innie"))
(set: _target to it + ($howSubmissive: _name))
(set: _roll to (random: 1,10))
(if: _roll <= _target)[
(set: $prisoners's (_name)'s mood to it + 1)
(set: _changed to true)]]
(output-data: _changed)
(set: $getMoodAdjective = (macro: string-type _name, [
(set: _mood to ($getMood: _name))
(set: _adjective to (cond: _mood is 3, (either: "dreamily","gladly", "happily"), _mood is 2, (either: "begrudgingly","reluctantly", "resentfully", "sullenly"), (either: "defiantly","rebelliously","obstinately","steadfastly", "tenaciously")))
(output-data: _adjective)
(set: $getPoints = (macro: string-type _name, [(output-data: $prisoners's (_name)'s points)]))
(set: $getMax = (macro: string-type _name, [(output-data: $prisoners's (_name)'s max)]))
(set: $adjustPoints = (macro: string-type _name, int-type _change, [
(set: $prisoners's (_name)'s points to it + _change)
(if: _change > 0)[(set: $prisoners's (_name)'s max to it + _change)]
(output-data: true)
(set: $adjustMax = (macro: string-type _name, int-type _change, [
(set: $prisoners's (_name)'s max to it + _change)
(output-data: true)
(set: $addTraitChoices = (macro: string-type _name, array-type _traits, [
(set: $prisoners's (_name)'s traitChoice to it + _traits)
(output-data: ($prisoners's (_name)'s traitChoice contains _traits))
(set: $getTraitChoices = (macro: string-type _name, [
(output-data: ($prisoners's (_name)'s traitChoice))
(set: $clearTraitChoices = (macro: string-type _name, [
(set: $prisoners's (_name)'s traitChoice to (a:))
(output-data: $prisoners's (_name)'s traitChoice is (a:))
(set: $addTrait = (macro: string-type _name, string-type _trait, [
(set: $prisoners's (_name)'s traits to it + (a: _trait))
(set: $prisoners's (_name)'s conditions to ($subtractOneItem: _trait, $prisoners's (_name)'s conditions))
(set: $prisoners's (_name)'s dreamConditions to ($subtractOneItem: _trait, $prisoners's (_name)'s dreamConditions))
(output-data: ($prisoners's (_name)'s traits contains _trait))
(set: $addFollowTraits = (macro: string-type _name, string-type _trait,[
(if: (passage: (_trait))'s tags contains "addTraits")[
(set: _max to (passage: _trait)'s addTraits's length)
(set: _no to (count: ($getTraits: _name), _trait))
(set: _no to (min: _max, _no))
(set: _additions to (passage: _trait)'s addTraits's (_no))
(for: each _trait, ..._additions)[(assert: ($addTrait: _name, _trait))]]
(output-data: true)
(set: $removeTraitsByTag = (macro: string-type _name, string-type _tag, [
(set: _taggedTraits to (altered: via its name, ...(passages: where its tags contains _tag)))
(if: _taggedTraits is not (a:))[
(for: each _trait, ..._taggedTraits)[
(set: $prisoners's (_name)'s traits to it - (a: _trait))]]
(output-data: true)
(set: $removeTraitsByTrait = (macro: string-type _name, string-type _trait, [
(set: $prisoners's (_name)'s traits to it - (a: _trait))
(output-data: ($prisoners's (_name)'s traits does not contain _trait))
(set: $getTraits = (macro: string-type _name, [(output-data: $prisoners's (_name)'s traits)]))
(set: $countTrait = (macro: string-type _name, string-type _trait, [
(output-data: (count: ($getTraits: _name), _trait))
(set: $hasTrait = (macro: string-type _trait, string-type _name, int-type _level, string-type _comparitor, [
(set: _no to (count: ($getTraits: _name), _trait))
(set: _eq to _no is _level)
(set: _gte to _no >= _level)
(output-data: (cond: _comparitor is "EQ", _eq, _comparitor is "GTE", _gte, _comparitor is "LT", not _gte, _eq))
(set: $recordMove = (macro: string-type _player, string-type _opponent, boolean-type _move, [
(set: $prisoners's (_player)'s history's (_opponent) to it + (a: _move))
(output-data: $prisoners's (_player)'s history's (_opponent)'s last)]))
(set: $getStrategy = (macro: string-type _player, [
(output-data: $prisoners's (_player)'s strategy)]))
}List of strategies: https://medium.com/thinking-is-hard/a-prisoners-dilemma-cheat-sheet-4d85fe289d87
(assert: ($addPlayer: "Alex", "alwaysCooperate"))
(assert: ($addPlayer: "Brad", "alwaysBetray"))
(assert: ($addPlayer: "Garry", "grimTrigger"))
(assert: ($addPlayer: "Harry", "hardMajority"))
(assert: ($addPlayer: "Pete", "prober"))
(assert: ($addPlayer: "Randy", "randomStrategy"))
(assert: ($addPlayer: "Tim", "titForTat"))
(set: _player to "Garry")
(set: $prisoners's (_player)'s traits to it + (a: "Attitude Adjustment"))
(set: $prisoners's (_player)'s traits to it + (a: "Attitude Adjustment"))
(set: $prisoners's (_player)'s traits to it + (a: "Attitude Adjustment"))
Brad vs You
(set: _player1 to "Brad")(set: _player2 to "You")
(for: each _turn, ...(range: 1, 10))[
\ (set: _move1 to ($makeDecision: _player1, _player2))
\ (set: _move2 to ($makeDecision: _player2, _player1))
_player1 chose (cond: ($recordMove: _player2, _player1, _move1), "to Betray", "to Cooperate")
_player2 chose (cond: ($recordMove: _player1, _player2, _move2), "to Betray", "to Cooperate")
Harry vs You
(set: _player1 to "Alex")(set: _player2 to "You")
(for: each _turn, ...(range: 1, 6))[
\ (set: _move1 to ($makeDecision: _player1, _player2))
\ (set: _move2 to ($makeDecision: _player2, _player1))
_player1 chose (cond: ($recordMove: _player2, _player1, _move1), "to Betray", "to Cooperate")
_player2 chose (cond: ($recordMove: _player1, _player2, _move2), "to Betray", "to Cooperate")
Randy vs You
(set: _player1 to "Randy")(set: _player2 to "You")
(for: each _turn, ...(range: 1, 6))[
\ (set: _move1 to ($makeDecision: _player1, _player2))
\ (set: _move2 to ($makeDecision: _player2, _player1))
_player1 chose (cond: ($recordMove: _player2, _player1, _move1), "to Betray", "to Cooperate")
_player2 chose (cond: ($recordMove: _player1, _player2, _move2), "to Betray", "to Cooperate")
Tim vs You
(set: _player1 to "Tim")(set: _player2 to "You")
(for: each _turn, ...(range: 1, 6))[
\ (set: _move1 to ($makeDecision: _player1, _player2))
\ (set: _move2 to ($makeDecision: _player2, _player1))
_player1 chose (cond: ($recordMove: _player2, _player1, _move1), "to Betray", "to Cooperate")
_player2 chose (cond: ($recordMove: _player1, _player2, _move2), "to Betray", "to Cooperate")
You Betrayed: (print: ($howBetrayer: "You"))
Garry Betrayed: (print: ($howBetrayer: "Brad"))
Tim Betrayed: (print: ($howBetrayer: "Alex"))
(print: ($prisoners's "You"'s history))
(set: $background to "./Images/Intro/cells.png")"Any volunteers?" he asks looking around. You shift uncomfortably.
(set: $firstSlut to ($crew's 1st's 1st))$firstSlut gives him the finger.
"Perfect", says the scientist and stabs a finger down on his tablet. Before your eyes $firstSlut starts to change, shrinking down into an undeniably //female// shape.
(box:"=XXXX=")[ <img src="./Images/Intro/newslut.png"> ]
"The changes can be mental as well as physical", he explains. "I'm guessing a bunch of hardened criminals like yourself would prefer to avoid that fate?"
He proceeds to tell you [[The Rules]]{
(set: $drbored to 1)
(set: $drChoice = (macro: num-type _points,
(set: _return to (a:))
(if: $threeList is not (a:) and _points > 2)[(set: _drChoice to (either: ...$threeList))(set: $threeList to ($subtractOneItem: _drChoice, $threeList))(set: _return to it + (a: _drChoice))(set: _return to it + (a: -3))]
(if: $threeList is (a:) and $twoList is not (a:) and _points > 1)[(set: _drChoice to (either: ...$twoList))(set: $twoList to ($subtractOneItem: _drChoice, $twoList))(set: _return to it + (a: _drChoice))(set: _return to it + (a: -2))]
(if: $threeList is (a:) and $twoList is (a:) and $oneList is not (a:) and _points > 0)[
(set: _drChoice to (either: ...$oneList))
(set: $oneList to ($subtractOneItem: _drChoice, $oneList))
(set: _return to it + (a: _drChoice))(set: _return to it + (a: -1))]
(output-data: (_return ))]))
(set: $pickOnCondition = (macro: string-type _player, int-type _pile, array-type _conditions, [
(set: _picks to 0)
(set: _chosen to (a:))
(set: _matches to (a:))
(set: _currentPile to (cond: _pile is 3, $threeList, _pile is 2, $twoList, _pile is 1, $oneList, (a:)))
(for: each _card, ..._currentPile)[
(if: (passage: (_card))'s tags contains "addTraits")[
(set: _value to 0)
(set: _no to 1 + (count: ($getTraits: _player), _card))
(set: _max to (passage: _card)'s addTraits's length)
(print: "card:" + (str: _card))
(print: "index:" + (str:_no))
(print: "max:" + (str: _max))
(print: ($getTraits: _player))
(set: _additions to (passage: _card)'s addTraits's ((min: _no, _max)))
(for: each _trait, ..._additions)[
(if: _conditions contains _trait)[(set: _value to it + 1)]]
(if: _value is _pile)[(set: _matches to it + (a: _card))]]
(if: _conditions contains _card)[(set: _matches to it + (a: _card))]
(set: _picks to (min: (trunc: ($getPoints: _player) / _pile), _matches's length))
(for: each _i, ...(repeated: _picks, 1))[
(set: _pick to (either: ..._matches))
(set: _matches to ($subtractOneItem: _pick, _matches))
(set: _chosen to it + (a: _pick))]
(output-data: _chosen)
(set: $pickUseful = (macro: string-type _player, int-type _pile, [
(set: _conditions to ($getConditions: _player))
(output-data: ($pickOnCondition: _player, _pile, _conditions))]))
(set: $pickDreamGirl = (macro: string-type _player, int-type _pile, [
(set: _conditions to ($getDreamConditions: _player))
(output-data: ($pickOnCondition: _player, _pile, _conditions))]))
(set: $pickLessBad = (macro: string-type _player, int-type _pile, [
(set: _picks to 0)
(set: _chosen to (a:))
(set: _matches to (a:))
(set: _conditions to (a: "Outie to Innie", "Attitude Adjustment", "Increase Happiness", "Increase Sex Drive"))
(set: _currentPile to (cond: _pile is 3, $threeList, _pile is 2, $twoList, _pile is 1, $oneList, (a:)))
(for: each _card, ..._currentPile)[
(if: (passage: (_card))'s tags contains "addTraits")[
(set: _value to 0)
(set: _no to 1 + (count: ($getTraits: _player), _card))
(set: _max to (passage: _card)'s addTraits's length)
(print: "card:" + (str: _card))
(print: "index:" + (str:_no))
(print: "max:" + (str: _max))
(print: ($getTraits: _player))
(set: _additions to (passage: _card)'s addTraits's ((min: _no, _max)))
(for: each _trait, ..._additions)[
(if: _conditions does not contain _trait)[(set: _value to it + 1)]]
(if: _value is _pile)[(set: _matches to it + (a: _card))]]
(if: _conditions does not contain _card)[(set: _matches to it + (a: _card))]
(set: _picks to (min: (trunc: ($getPoints: _player) / _pile), _matches's length))
(for: each _i, ...(repeated: _picks, 1))[
(set: _pick to (either: ..._matches))
(set: _matches to ($subtractOneItem: _pick, _matches))
(set: _chosen to it + (a: _pick))]
(output-data: _chosen)
(set: $pickAny = (macro: string-type _player, int-type _pile, [
(set: _chosen to (a:))
(set: _currentPile to (cond: _pile is 3, $threeList, _pile is 2, $twoList, _pile is 1, $oneList, (a:)))
(set: _picks to (min: (trunc: ($getPoints: _player) / _pile), _currentPile's length))
(for: each _i, ...(repeated: _picks, 1))[
(set: _pick to (either: ..._currentPile))
(set: _currentPile to ($subtractOneItem: _pick, _currentPile))
(set: _chosen to it + (a: _pick))]
(output-data: _chosen)
(set: $drIntChoice = (macro: string-type _player, [
(set: _chosen to (a:))
(if: ($getPoints: _player) > 2)[
(for: each _card, ...($pickUseful: _player, 3))[
(set: $threeList to ($subtractOneItem: _card, $threeList))
(set: _chosen to it + (a: _card))
($adjustPoints: _player, -3)
(if: ($getPoints: _player) > 1)[
(for: each _card, ...($pickUseful: _player, 2))[
(set: $twoList to ($subtractOneItem: _card, $twoList))
(set: _chosen to it + (a: _card))
($adjustPoints: _player, -2)
(if: ($getPoints: _player) > 0)[
(for: each _card, ...($pickUseful: _player, 1))[
(set: $oneList to ($subtractOneItem: _card, $oneList))
(set: _chosen to it + (a: _card))
($adjustPoints: _player, -1)
(if: ($getPoints: _player) > 2)[
(for: each _card, ...($pickAny: _player, 3))[
(set: $threeList to ($subtractOneItem: _card, $threeList))
(set: _chosen to it + (a: _card))
($adjustPoints: _player, -3)
(if: ($getPoints: _player) > 1)[
(for: each _card, ...($pickAny: _player, 2))[
(set: $twoList to ($subtractOneItem: _card, $twoList))
(set: _chosen to it + (a: _card))
($adjustPoints: _player, -2)
(if: ($getPoints: _player) > 0)[
(for: each _card, ...($pickAny: _player, 1))[
(set: $oneList to ($subtractOneItem: _card, $oneList))
(set: _chosen to it + (a: _card))
($adjustPoints: _player, -1)
(output-data: _chosen )]))
(set: $buddiesChoice = (macro: string-type _player, [
(set: _chosen to (a:))
(set: _mood to ($getMood: _player))
(if: _mood is 2)[
(if: ($getPoints: _player) > 2)[
(for: each _card, ...($pickLessBad: _player, 3))[
(set: $threeList to ($subtractOneItem: _card, $threeList))
(set: _chosen to it + (a: _card))
($adjustPoints: _player, -3)
(if: ($getPoints: _player) > 1)[
(for: each _card, ...($pickLessBad: _player, 2))[
(set: $twoList to ($subtractOneItem: _card, $twoList))
(set: _chosen to it + (a: _card))
($adjustPoints: _player, -2)
(if: ($getPoints: _player) > 0)[
(for: each _card, ...($pickLessBad: _player, 1))[
(set: $oneList to ($subtractOneItem: _card, $oneList))
(set: _chosen to it + (a: _card))
($adjustPoints: _player, -1)
(if: _mood is 3)[
(if: ($getPoints: _player) > 2)[
(for: each _card, ...($pickDreamGirl: _player, 3))[
(set: $threeList to ($subtractOneItem: _card, $threeList))
(set: _chosen to it + (a: _card))
($adjustPoints: _player, -3)
(if: ($getPoints: _player) > 1)[
(for: each _card, ...($pickDreamGirl: _player, 2))[
(set: $twoList to ($subtractOneItem: _card, $twoList))
(set: _chosen to it + (a: _card))
($adjustPoints: _player, -2)
(if: ($getPoints: _player) > 0)[
(for: each _card, ...($pickDreamGirl: _player, 1))[
(set: $oneList to ($subtractOneItem: _card, $oneList))
(set: _chosen to it + (a: _card))
($adjustPoints: _player, -1)
(output-data: _chosen)]))
(set: $buddiesDitzChoice = (macro: string-type _player, [
(set: _chosen to (a:))
(set: _mood to ($getMood: _player))
(if: ($getPoints: _player) > 2)[
(for: each _card, ...($pickAny: _player, 3))[
(set: $threeList to ($subtractOneItem: _card, $threeList))
(set: _chosen to it + (a: _card))
($adjustPoints: _player, -3)
(if: ($getPoints: _player) > 1)[
(for: each _card, ...($pickAny: _player, 2))[
(set: $twoList to ($subtractOneItem: _card, $twoList))
(set: _chosen to it + (a: _card))
($adjustPoints: _player, -2)
(if: ($getPoints: _player) > 0)[
(for: each _card, ...($pickAny: _player, 1))[
(set: $oneList to ($subtractOneItem: _card, $oneList))
(set: _chosen to it + (a: _card))
($adjustPoints: _player, -1)
(output-data: _chosen)]))
}(storylet: when (($getTraits: "You") is (a:)) and (visits is 0))
Nothing seems to happen for the afternoon. Bored - you figure you may as well workout to stay in shape.
(box:"=XXXX=")[ <img src="./Images/Event/firstday.png"> ]
Tomorrow you'll need to [[Make Another Decision|Make a Decision]] (storylet: when (($getMax: "You") - ($getMax: $roundOpponent) > 5))
"You're running fairly badly behind $roundOpponent." says the Scientist with a grin. "How would you like the chance to level the playing field?"
You really don't trust his grin. "What are you suggesting?" you ask, a little nervously.
"A simple trade. I need some relief if you know what I mean," he waggles his eyebrows. He quickly outlines some options:
[[A Handjob]] for 3 points.
\(if: ($hasTrait: "Improve Chest", "You", 3, "GTE"))[
[[A Titjob]] for 4 points.]
\(if: ($hasTrait: "Enhance Lips", "You", 1, "GTE"))[
[[A Blowjob]] for 5 points.]
\(test-false: ($hasTrait: "Improve ass", "You", 1, "GTE"))[
[[Anal]] for 6 points.]
\(test-false: ($hasTrait: "Innie to Outie", "You", 3, "GTE"))[
or you could let me try out that [[Pussy]] for 7.]
Or I guess you could just go [[Back to losing|Make a Decision]]?(if: visits is 1)[
The scientist pushes a button on his tablet and a small slot opens in the window in front of you. You can fit your arm through but it isn't large enough to escape.
He drops his pants to reveal a rather large penis. "Great, isn't it?" he asks, "These nanites are just brilliant!"
Do you want to [[Grab him by the balls]] and demand he releases you, or [[Jack him off]] as agreed. If you're having second thoughts you could [[Back out of the deal]].
(if: visits > 1)[
You know how this works now, so you reach out through the opening and start working on his shaft. You can see $roundOpponent sneering at you from their cell. You grit your teeth and just think about what you'll do to them when you're done.
After what feels like an age you feel him tensing up and then the warm goo running over your (if: ($hasTrait: "Tentacle Arms", "You", 1, "GTE"))[tentacles](else:)[hands] as he cums.
"Not bad, you're getting better at this," he says. "But I'll give more points if you had better 'attributes'."
You shrug and look to claim [[your reward|Get your reward]](set: $bonusPoints to it + 3)($adjustMax: $roundOpponent, 3)]
(if: visits is 1)[
The scientist pushes a button on his tablet and a small slot opens in the window in front of you. You can fit your head through but it isn't large enough to escape.
He drops his pants to reveal a rather large penis. "Great, isn't it?" he asks, "These nanites are just brilliant!"
Do you want [[Blow him]] as agreed? If you're having second thoughts you could [[Back out of the deal]].
(if: visits is 2)[
This time he posts his dick into the hole. You shudder as you realise that this means he now trusts you to be a good cocksucker.
Still you don't want to risk annoying him, so you reach out and grab his dick and then lick it with your tongue, base to tip. You take a bit of time to get it wet, and then start to bob in earnest, trying to bring him off as quickly as possible to get this over with.
When you feel him tense, you pull him out hoping to avoid a mouthful of jizz. It works in that sense, but you're not fast enough to avoid a facial instead. Dripping, you look up at him and you wonder if this isn't actually worse.
"Pretty good, my little jizz face," he says. "Makes me want to see how you'd do with some of your other 'traits'."
You wipe as much cum as you can off your face with the back of your hand and smile at him to get [[your reward|Get your reward]](set: $bonusPoints to it + 5)($adjustMax: $roundOpponent, 5)]
(if: visits > 2)[
He sticks his dick in the glory hole again, and you quickly grab it and start working it like a pro. Now you've got the hang of it, breathing is fairly easy.
Before long he's ready to blow, and you quickly deep throat him to ensure the cum goes straight to your stomach.
"Always a pleasure doing business with you," he says.
You shrug and look to claim [[your reward|Get your reward]](set: $bonusPoints to it + 5)($adjustMax: $roundOpponent, 5)](if: visits is 1)[
The scientist pushes a button on his tablet and a small slot opens in the window in front of you. You can fit your head through but it isn't large enough to escape.
He drops his pants to reveal a rather large penis. "Great, isn't it?" he asks, "These nanites are just brilliant!"
Do you want [[Use your Jugs]] as agreed? If you're having second thoughts you could [[Back out of the deal]].
(if: visits > 1)[
He posts his giant penis through the glory hole again. You know the drill and kneel down to wrap your pillow around his shaft. You bounce them up and down and occasionally flick the head of his penis with your tongue to hurry things along.
After a bit you feel his rod pulsing between your baps. You clench your eyes shut to avoid getting an eyeful, which means you have no idea where it's going. It's hard not to flinch each time a new squirt hits you.
Once you think he's done you open one a peak to check. They're kind of sticky with spunk and you have to blink to clear enough out to be able to see clearly.
You wipe as much cum as you can off your face with the back of your hand and smile at him to get [[your reward|Get your reward]](set: $bonusPoints to it + 4)($adjustMax: $roundOpponent, 4)]
[[Get your reward]](set: $bonusPoints to it + 6)($adjustMax: $roundOpponent, 6)
[[Get your reward]](set: $bonusPoints to it + 7)($adjustMax: $roundOpponent, 7)The screen displays a menu of options.
(display: "TopupChoices")
(set: $opponentNewTraits to (a:))
(set:_rerun to (rerun:?shopMenu))
####You have (t8n:'pulse')+(t8n-time:0.4s)+(text-colour:(cond:$bonusPoints > 2, red, $bonusPoints > 1, orange, $bonusPoints > 0, yellow,black))[''(plural: $bonusPoints, "point")'' ] to spend on $roundOpponent.
####One Point Options:
(for: each _item, ...$oneList)[ (if: $bonusPoints > 0)[($bimboText: (link-style: $screenChoice))[(link: "_item")[(set: $opponentNewTraits to it + (a: _item))(set: _left to (count: $oneList, _item) - 1)(set: $oneList to it - (a: _item))(set: $oneList to it + (repeated: _left, _item))(set: $bonusPoints to it -1)_rerun]]](else:)[($bimboText: (line-style: $noChoice))[_item]<NA| ]]
####Two Point Options:
(for: each _item, ...$twoList)[ (if: $bonusPoints > 1)[($bimboText: (link-style: $screenChoice))[(link: "_item")[(set: $opponentNewTraits to it + (a: _item))(set: _left to (count: $twoList, _item) - 1)(set: $twoList to it - (a: _item))(set: $twoList to it + (repeated: _left, _item))(set: $bonusPoints to it -2)_rerun]]](else:)[($bimboText: (line-style: $noChoice))[_item]<NA| ]]
####Three Point Options:
(for: each _item, ...$threeList)[ (if: $bonusPoints > 2)[($bimboText: (link-style: $screenChoice))[(link: "_item")[(set: $opponentNewTraits to it + (a: _item))(set: _left to (count: $threeList, _item) - 1)(set: $threeList to it - (a: _item))(set: $threeList to it + (repeated: _left, _item))(set: $bonusPoints to it -3)_rerun]]](else:)[($bimboText: (line-style: $noChoice))[_item]<NA| ]]
(if: $bonusPoints > 0)[Add the remainder to his points and [[Watch the Show]]](else:)[Your decision made you [[Watch the Show]]]
"Well that was great," says the scientist. "We should do that again some time. (if: $bonusPoints > 0)[I'll add the extra (plural: $bonusPoints, "point") to his score for tomorrow.]"
You watch as the scientist goes over to $roundOpponent's cell. Whilst you can't hear what's said, you're pretty sure he is not pleased.
(if: $opponentNewTraits is not (a:))[(set: $buddyChange to true)(set: $who to "his")(for: each _trait, ...$opponentNewTraits)[
\ (assert: ($addTrait: $roundOpponent, _trait))(assert: ($addFollowTraits: $roundOpponent, _trait))
(display: _trait)]
\ (set: $buddyChange to false)(set: $opponentNewTraits to (a:))]
\ (assert: ($adjustPoints: $roundOpponent, $bonusPoints))(set: $bonusPoints to 0)
You spend the rest of the day thinking about what you just did. Tomorrow will bring [[another decision|Make a Decision]]{
(assert: ($addPlayer: "Alex", "alwaysCooperate"))
(assert: ($addPlayer: "Brad", "alwaysBetray"))
(assert: ($addPlayer: "Garry", "grimTrigger"))
(assert: ($addPlayer: "Harry", "hardMajority"))
(assert: ($addPlayer: "Pete", "prober"))
(assert: ($addPlayer: "Randy", "randomStrategy"))
(assert: ($addPlayer: "Tim", "titForTat"))
(set: _player to "You")
(print: ($adjustPoints: _player, 2))
(print: ($adjustPoints: _player, 2))
(print: ($adjustPoints: _player, -1))
(print: ($addTrait: _player, "Attitude Adjustment"))
(print: ($addTrait: _player, "Attitude Adjustment"))
(print: ($addTrait: _player, "Improve Chest"))
(print: ($addTrait: _player, "Innie to Outie"))
(print: ($addTrait: _player, "Goth"))
(print: ($getTraits: _player))
True: (print: ($hasTrait: "Attitude Adjustment", _player, 2, "EQ"))
True: (print: ($hasTrait: "Attitude Adjustment", _player, 1, "GTE"))
False: (print: ($hasTrait: "Improve Chest", _player, 3, "EQ"))
(print: ($addFollowTraits: _player, "Goth"))
(print: ($getTraits: _player))
(print: ($displayLevel: 1, "Innie to Outie"))
''Your target: (print: ($getTarget: "You"))''
(print: ($getConditions: "You"))
''Alex target: (print: ($getTarget: "Alex"))''
(print: ($getConditions: "Alex"))
''Brad target: (print: ($getTarget: "Brad"))''
(print: ($getConditions: "Brad"))
''Garry target: (print: ($getTarget: "Garry"))''
(print: ($getConditions: "Garry"))
($addTraitChoices: "You", ...(a: "Improve Chest"))
($getTraitChoices: "You")
($addTraitChoices: "You", ...(a: "Improve Chest", "Goth"))
($getTraitChoices: "You")
($addTraitChoices: "You", ...(a:))
($getTraitChoices: "You")
(print: ($prisoners's "Alex"))
(print: ($getMood: "Alex"))
(print: ($prisoners's "Brad"))(print: $masterOneList's length), (print: $masterTwoList's length), (print: $masterThreeList's length)
(set: _histogram to (dm:))
(set: _passages to (passages: where its tags contains "OnePoint"))
(set: _passages to it + (passages: where its tags contains "TwoPoint"))
(set: _passages to it + (passages: where its tags contains "ThreePoint"))
(for: each _card, ..._passages)[
(if: _card's tags does not contain "addTraits")[
(set: _histogram to it + (dm: _card's name, _card's cards))]
(for: each _card, ..._passages)[
(if: _card's tags contains "addTraits")[
(set: _addTraits to _card's addTraits)
(for: each _group, ..._addTraits)[
(for: each _trait, ..._group)[
(set: _histogram's (_trait) to it + _card's cards)]]]]
(print: _histogram)
(if: $oneList is (a:) and $twoList is (a:) and $threeList is (a:))[
(for: each _choice, ...(range: 1,6))[
(if: $masterOneList is not (a:))[
(move: $masterOneList's random into _pick)
(set: $oneList to it + (a: _pick))]]
(for: each _choice, ...(range: 1,6))[
(if: $masterTwoList is not (a:))[
(move: $masterTwoList's random into _pick)
(set: $twoList to it + (a: _pick))]]
(for: each _choice, ...(range: 1,6))[
(if: $masterThreeList is not (a:))[
(move: $masterThreeList's random into _pick)
(set: $threeList to it + (a: _pick))]]]
(print: $oneList)
(print: $twoList)
(print: $threeList)
(print: $masterOneList's length), (print: $masterTwoList's length), (print: $masterThreeList's length)(assert: ($addTrait: "You", "Tentacle Arms"))You reach out and touch his dick - and then lunge out to grab him by the balls. He grunts in pain as you squeeze them.
"Now mofo, you want to keep these - it's time to let us go!" you say with an extra dig just to get the message across.
"OK, OK, don't do anything you'll regret..." he says and pushes something on his tablet. You feel the nanites heating up in your hands and arm, and try to crush his balls, but all the strength seems to have left your fingers and you can't seem to squeeze.
You watch in horror as your fingers seem to merge together and change texture, a texture that seems to roll up your entire arm.
"You really don't get it do you?" he mocks. "Whilst there are nanites in your system, and I have the tablet, there is nothing you can do!"
Your arms seem to have been replaced with tentacles like an octopus. Little suckers seem to run up the underside that expand and contract as you look at them. When you focus you think you can control them to some extent. They seem slippery and moist when you touch them to your face.
"Before you get any ideas, those aren't as strong as a real Octopus would have. You won't have any fine motor control, but should be enough for you to give a more interesting hand job. Now finish me off, before I do something worse!"
Looking at his grin, you realise he could do way worse. You reach out and try to wrap your new tentacle around his dick. You're definitely lacking control, but after a while you find a way to expand and contract the suckers which he seems to like. Before long, he shudders and splooges over your tentacles.
"Do I get my [[reward|Living with Tentacles]] now?" you ask.You reach through the hole and tentatively grab his dick.
"Careful!" he says. You loosen off a little.
It feels rather weird to be handling someone else's junk. You try to imagine you're just masturbating, but it's hard given how large his dick is compared to yours.
After what seems like forever he groans and sends sprays of jizz over the glass, you hand and arm.
Pulling back, you realise you've got no way to clean this off and will just have to live with it till the sink pops out of the wall this evening.
[[Get your reward]].(set: $bonusPoints to it + 3)($adjustMax: $roundOpponent, 3){
(set: _act to "$roundOpponent jacks him off", _bonus to 3)
(if: ($hasTrait: "Enhance Lips", $roundOpponent, 1, "GTE"))[(set: _act to "$roundOpponent goes down and sucks him off", _bonus to 4)]
(if: ($hasTrait: "Improve Chest", $roundOpponent, 3, "GTE"))[(set: _act to "the scientist gets a tit job from $roundOpponent", _bonus to 5)]
(if: ($hasTrait: "Improve ass", $roundOpponent, 1, "GTE"))[(set: _act to "the scientist hammers away into $roundOpponent's ass", _bonus to 6)]
(if: ($hasTrait: "Innie to Outie", $roundOpponent, 3, "GTE"))[(set: _act to "they fuck like bunnies in heat", _bonus to 7)]
"I don't think I can do this," you tell him.
"Well I'm not going to force you" he says, "but I'm kind of worked up now."
He shuts up your cell and then heads over to your buddy's cell. They briefly chat and then with a sinking feeling you watch as _act. Once they're done the scientist comes back with a grin.
"Got a bonus for you from your buddy!"
\ (display: "TopupChoices")(set: $drbored to it + 1)
\ (set: _chosen to ($drChoice: _bonus))
\ (if: _chosen is not (a:))[
\ (set: _temp to (a: (_chosen's 1st)))(set: $newTraits to it + _temp)
\ (set: _bonus to it + _chosen's 2nd)
\ "He picked you (print: _chosen's 1st)" he explains]
(if: _bonus > 2)[(set: _chosen to ($drChoice: _bonus))
\ (if: _chosen is not (a:))[
\ (set: _temp to (a: (_chosen's 1st)))(set: $newTraits to it + _temp)
\ (set: _bonus to it + _chosen's 2nd)
\ "He had enough points for a second too. How do you like (print: _chosen's 1st)?"]]
(if: _bonus > 0)["We'll just add the remaining (plural: _bonus, "point") he earned to the points you've accrued already."($adjustPoints: "You", _bonus)]
\ (if: $newTraits is not (a:))[(set: $transform to true)(set: $who to "your")(set: $drbored to 1)(for: each _trait, ...$newTraits)[
\ (assert: ($addTrait: "You", _trait))(assert: ($addFollowTraits: "You", _trait))
(display: _trait)]
\ (set: $transform to false)(set: $newTraits to (a:))]
"Was that as fun for you as it was for me?" he asks.
You slump and [[wait for the next day|Make a Decision]]."After what you tried?", he laughs. "Why don't you play with your new equipment? Trust me, it's so good, you'll be asking yourself if they were made for masturbation. Spoiler alert, they were!"
He winks as he leaves.
You look down at your new arms in despair. Even if you escape, how are you supposed to do anything with these?
You sit down and try to work out what to do. After a bit, you realise that your arms are resting in your lap, and are automatically rippling and sliding around down there. The sensation of them writhing over your skin is //really// pleasant.
\ (if: ($hasPussy: "You"))[
You push the tentacles over your thighs and shiver at the feeling. Curiously you nudge one over your pussy and almost moan as the suction it creates massages your lips together.
Once you're good and ready, you try to dip the tip of your tentacle in. It's a little tricky as they're not as solid as a finger, but you eventually manage to slide it in. The sensation is glorious.
One of your suckers somehow attaches itself to your clit and from there it's a one way trip to orgasm town. You happily ride the O train in an attempt to forget your situation.]
\ (else:)
You wrap the tentacle around your partially erect dick and try to pulse it like you did earlier. The scientist is right, the combination of texture and pressure is nearly the best thing you've ever felt.
You try not to think about the wet slapping noise and just focus on the pleasure for a while. You cum hard and fast.]
"Well," you think "this is going to be an addictive way to fill the time".
You'll have another chance to [[make a decision|Make a Decision]] tomorrow.
Double-click this passage to edit it.You gingerly push your head through the hole and then gasp in surprise as it seals around your neck.
"Don't worry, that should just act to keep you steady", he laughs and then brushes his dick against your lips. He lets you lick it for a bit, but eventually loses patience.
"Open wide" he instructs and then starts to work his dick into your open mouth. Before long it's poking the back of your throat and you start to gag. He withdraws, waits till you catch your breath and then tells you to keep sucking whilst he fiddles with his pad. You feel a slight warmth at the back of your throat as the nanobots kick in, and this time you're able to accept his pole down your throat without any negative reaction.
You try to breathe through your nose, but the combination of musk and pressure makes it really hard. You focus on trying to suck air in when he withdraws.
\(if: ($hasTrait: "Increased Sex Drive", "You", 1, "GTE"))[
Being treated this way, to your shame, is really turning you on. You reach down with one hand and start masturbating furiously.]
Before long the speed with which he's pounding your face reaches a frenzy and then inevitably he freezes and unloads his nut butter into your mouth. The position you are in means you can't really control it, so you end up swallowing some, while the rest drips down to your chin.
\(if: ($hasTrait: "Increased Sex Drive", "You", 1, "GTE"))[
Imagining what you look like pushes you over the edge and you cum hard.]
The collar releases and you fall to your knees breathing hard.
[[You really earned this|Get your reward]].(set: $bonusPoints to it + 5)($adjustMax: $roundOpponent, 5)(print: ($addPlayer: "Brad", "alwaysBetray"))
(set: _player to "You")
(print: ($adjustPoints: _player, 2))
(print: ($addTrait: _player, "Improve Chest"))
(print: ($addTrait: _player, "Improve Chest"))
(print: ($addTrait: _player, "Improve Chest"))
(print: ($addTrait: _player, "Enhance Lips"))
(print: ($addTrait: _player, "Improve Ass"))
(print: ($addTrait: _player, "Innie to Outie"))
(print: ($addTrait: _player, "Innie to Outie"))
(print: ($addTrait: _player, "Innie to Outie"))
(print: ($addTrait: _player, "Increase Happiness"))
(print: ($addTrait: _player, "Increase Happiness"))
(print: ($addTrait: _player, "Increase Happiness"))
(set: $currentOpponent to "Brad")
(print: ($adjustPoints: $currentOpponent, 2))
(print: ($addTrait: $currentOpponent, "Improve Ass"))
(print: ($addTrait: $currentOpponent, "Improve Chest"))
(print: ($addTrait: $currentOpponent, "Improve Chest"))
(print: ($addTrait: $currentOpponent, "Innie to Outie"))
(print: ($addTrait: $currentOpponent, "Improve Chest"))
[[Level the Playing Field]] You kneel in front of the glass and press your tits together to form a crease. You look up at him, unsure how this will work.
He squirts some lube from a tube onto your breasts and then has you rub it around till they are slick. He then pops his dick through the hole in the glass and you lean back slightly and then ensure your breasts are wrapping around his shaft. You alternate squeezing and releasing the pressure and hope that's enough.
"These are really soft," he groans and then starts sliding his dick up and down. Looking down you can see the tip appearing and disappearing into your own cleavage. It's slightly mesmerising.
You don't get much out of it, but he seems to be enjoying himself. Eventually he can delay release for no longer - and grunts as he sprays your face. A large dollop hits you in the eye, which stings like crazy.
[[You figure you definitely earned this|Get your reward]].(set: $bonusPoints to it + 4)($adjustMax: $roundOpponent, 4)
$transform[] \
$description[ \
\(if: ($showDescription: "Tentacle Arms", $who, 1, "GTE"))[It's impossible to miss that (cond: $who is "your", "you have ", "he has ") tentacles rather than arms. They constantly pulse and glisten slightly in the light.]](storylet: when ($showDescription: "Add Makeup", $you, 1, "GTE") and ($showDescription: "Get a Piercing", $you, 2, "GTE") and ($showDescription: "Shrink Body", $you, 1, "GTE") and (visits is 0))
Peering into the glass, it's hard to believe he's done this to your face in such a short time.
(box:"=XXXX=")[ <img src="./Images/Event/goth.png"> ]
What will you be forced to change [[tomorrow?|Make a Decision]] {
(set: $howMuchTag = (macro: string-type _player, string-type _tag, [
(set: _average to 0)
(set: _taggedTraits to (altered: via its name, ...(passages: where its tags contains _tag)))
(if: _taggedTraits is not (a:))[
(set: _traits to ($getTraits: _player))
(set: _count to (count: _traits, ..._taggedTraits))
(set: _average to (round: _count / (_taggedTraits's length)))
(output-data: _average)]))
(set: $howMuchTrait = (macro: string-type _player, string-type _trait, [
(set: _traits to ($getTraits: _player))
(output-data: (count: _traits, _trait))]))
(set: $howHorny = (macro: string-type _player, [
(output-data: ($howMuchTrait: _player, "Increase Sex Drive"))]))
(set: $howStupid = (macro: string-type _player, [
(output-data: ($howMuchTrait: _player, "Increase Happiness"))]))
(set: $howSubmissive = (macro: string-type _player, [
(output-data: ($howMuchTrait: _player, "Attitude Adjustment"))]))
(set: $tooHorny = (macro: string-type _player, [
(set: _random to (random: 1,5))
(set: _result to (($howHorny: _player) >= _random))
(output-data: _result)]))
(set: $tooStupid = (macro: string-type _player, [
(set: _random to (random: 1,5))
(set: _result to (($howStupid: _player) >= _random))
(output-data: _result)]))
(set: $tooSubmissive = (macro: string-type _player, [
(set: _random to (random: 1,5))
(set: _result to (($howSubmissive: _player) >= _random))
(output-data: _result)]))
(set: $howGirly = (macro: string-type _player, [
(output-data: ($howMuchTag: _player, "girly"))]))
(set: $howReceptive = (macro: string-type _player, [
(output-data: ($howMuchTag: _player, "receptive"))]))
(set: $howStriking = (macro: string-type _player, [
(set: _result to 0)
(set: _traits to ($getTraits: _player))
(set: _strikingTraits to (altered: via its name, ...(passages: where its tags contains "striking")))
(set: _strikingScore to 0)
(if: _strikingTraits is not (a:))[
(set: _strikingScore to (folded: _trait making _score via (max: _score, (count: _traits, _trait)), 0, ..._strikingTraits))]
(set: _result to (max: _result, _strikingScore))
(set: _daringTraits to (altered: via its name, ...(passages: where its tags contains "daring")))
(set: _daringScore to 0)
(if: _daringTraits is not (a:))[
(set: _daringScore to (folded: _trait making _score via (max: _score, (count: _traits, _trait)), 0, ..._daringTraits))]
(if: _daringScore > 0)[
(set: _result to (max: _result, 1 + _daringScore))]
(set: _sluttyTraits to (altered: via its name, ...(passages: where its tags contains "slutty")))
(set: _sluttyScore to 0)
(if: _sluttyTraits is not (a:))[
(set: _sluttyScore to (folded: _trait making _score via (max: _score, (count: _traits, _trait)), 0, ..._sluttyTraits))]
(if: _sluttyScore > 0)[
(set: _result to (max: _result, 2 + _sluttyScore))]
(set: _maxSlutTraits to (altered: via its name, ...(passages: where its tags contains "maxSlut")))
(set: _maxSlutScore to 0)
(if: _maxSlutTraits is not (a:))[
(set: _maxSlutScore to (folded: _trait making _score via (max: _score, (count: _traits, _trait)), 0, ..._maxSlutTraits))]
(if: _maxSlutScore > 0)[
(set: _result to 5)]
(output-data: _result)]))
(set: $howManyBetray = (macro: string-type _player, [
(set: _history to (a:))
(set: _opponents to (datanames: $prisoners) - (a: _player))
(for: each _opponent, ..._opponents)[
(set: _history to it + $prisoners's (_opponent)'s history's (_player))]
(output-data: (max: 5,(min: 1,(count: _history, true))))]))
(set: $howBetrayer = (macro: string-type _player, [
(set: _history to (a:))(set: _ratio to 0)
(set: _opponents to (datanames: $prisoners) - (a: _player))
(for: each _opponent, ..._opponents)[
(set: _history to it + $prisoners's (_opponent)'s history's (_player))]
(if: _history is not (a:))[
(set: _ratio to ((count: _history, true) / _history's length))]
(output-data: (cond: _ratio > 0.8, 5, _ratio > 0.6, 4, _ratio > 0.4, 3, _ratio > 0.2, 2,1))]))
(set: $traitCounts = (macro: string-type _player, boolean-type _simple, [
(set: _traits to ($getTraits: _player))
(set: _result to (dm:))
(set: _cards to (ds: ..._traits))
(for: each _card, ..._cards)[
(if: _simple and ((passage: _card)'s tags contains "addTraits"))[]
(else:)[(set: _result to it + (dm: _card, (count: _traits, _card)))]]
(output-data: _result)]))
(set: $oldScoreForEnding = (macro: string-type _player, string-type _passage, [
(set: _score to 0)
(set: _p to (passage: _passage))
(set: _girly to 1 + (max: 0, (min: 5, ($howGirly: _player))))
(set: _horny to 1 + (max: 0, (min: 5, ($howHorny: _player))))
(set: _stupid to 1 + (max: 0, (min: 5, ($howStupid: _player))))
(set: _sub to 1 + (max: 0, (min: 5, ($howSubmissive: _player))))
(set: _betray to (max: 0, (min: 3, ($howBetrayer: _player))))
(set: _score to it + (_p's girly's (_girly)))
(set: _score to it + (_p's horny's (_horny)))
(set: _score to it + (_p's stupid's (_stupid)))
(set: _score to it + (_p's sub's (_sub)))
(set: _score to it + (_p's betrayal's (_betray)))
(output-data: _score)]))
(set: $scoreForEnding = (macro: string-type _player, string-type _passage, [
(set: _score to 0)
(set: _p to (passage: _passage))
(set: _conditions to _p's condition)
(for: each _cond, ..._conditions)[
(if: _cond's 1st is "Betrayal")[
(set: _betray to (max: 0, (min: 3, ($howBetrayer: _player))))
(set: _diff to _cond's 2nd - _betray)
(set: _value to _diff * _diff)
(set: _score to it + _value)]
(set: _count to ($howMuchTrait: _player, _cond's 1st))
(set: _diff to _cond's 2nd - _count)
(set: _value to _diff * _diff)
(set: _score to it + _value)]]
(set: _score to it / _conditions's length)
(output-data: _score)]))
(set: $pickEnding = (macro: string-type _player,
string-type _endingType , [
(set: _ending to "Something Broke")
(set: $endingTarget to _player)
(set: _endings to (altered: via its name, ...(open-storylets: where its tags contains _endingType)))
(if: _endings is not (a:))[
(set: _max to _endings's length)
(set: _index to (max: 1, (min: _max, ($howStriking: _player) - ($howBetrayer: _player))))
(set: _ending to (nth: _index, ..._endings))
(output-data: _ending)
}(metadata: "cards", 2, "addTraits", (a: (a: "Increase Sex Drive", "Attitude Adjustment" ), (a: "Increase Sex Drive", "Attitude Adjustment" ))) \
\ $transform[
"Interesting choice." says the scientist. "It's really made up of two things. Doing as you're told and being horny. Now it's actually quite challenging for me to link those two things together in your mind, so instead what I'll do is make you more likely to obey instructions, like so...".
You protest as strongly as you're able against this idea but he just carries on playing with his pad.
(display: "Attitude Adjustment")
"Next we'll ramp up your libido a little...", the scientist continues.
(display: "Increase Sex Drive")
"That seems great." the scientist says, "Finally I've made a note to put you into more submissive scenarios so that you learn to like them."
You're not really sure what to make of that final promise.
] \
(display: "Increase Sex Drive")
(display: "Attitude Adjustment")](metadata: "cards", 2, "addTraits", (a: (a: "Attitude Adjustment", "Increase Happiness" ),(a: "Attitude Adjustment", "Increase Happiness" ) )) \
\ $transform[
"You know why you weren't very good at supporting your team?", the scientist asks, "You always told them what to do rather than listened to what they needed and helping."
"Fortunately science can fix that," he winks at you and pushes a button.
(display: "Increase Happiness")
"Those changes should slow you down, so you can listen to people and give them a chance to work things out for themselves," the scientist explains.
You frown and shake your head. There's something wrong with his logic, but at this moment you can't quite put your finger on it.
(display: "Attitude Adjustment")
"In combination these changes should make you much more supportive", he says with a grin.
] \
(display: "Attitude Adjustment")
(display: "Increase Happiness")](metadata: "cards", 2, "addTraits", (a: (a: "Increase Happiness", "Increase Sex Drive" ),(a: "Increase Happiness", "Increase Sex Drive" ))) \
\ $transform[
"Ooh this is fun," the scientist says with a leer, "Lots of my customers want a girl that's horny and too dumb to think things through."
You grit your teeth, determined not to show him that you care.
"Let's just get it over with," you say with a sigh.
"You're the boss!" the scientist says and taps at his tablets.
(display: "Increase Sex Drive")
"But we're not yet done!" he exclaims. He's so annoying.
(display: "Increase Happiness")
] \
(display: "Increase Happiness")
(display: "Increase Sex Drive")](metadata: "cards", 2, "addTraits", (a: (a: "Improve Chest", "Reduce Waist", "Improve Ass" ))) \
\ $transform[
(display: "Improve Chest")
(display: "Reduce Waist")
(display: "Improve Ass")
"There, that's got you looking a bit more curvy!" He looks satisfied with the result.]
(display: "Improve Chest")
(display: "Reduce Waist")
(display: "Improve Ass")](metadata: "cards", 2, "addTraits", (a: (a: "Improve Chest", "Reduce Waist", "Outie to Innie" ))) \
\ $transform[
"You more of a boob guy?" he asks. "No problem"
(display: "Improve Chest")
(display: "Reduce Waist")
(display: "Outie to Innie")]
(display: "Improve Chest")
(display: "Reduce Waist")
(display: "Outie to Innie")](metadata: "cards", 2, "addTraits", (a: (a: "Reduce Waist", "Outie to Innie", "Improve Ass" ))) \
\ $transform[
"You more of a butts guy?" he asks. "I can do that!"
(display: "Reduce Waist")
(display: "Outie to Innie")
(display: "Improve Ass")]
(display: "Reduce Waist")
(display: "Outie to Innie")
(display: "Improve Ass")](metadata: "cards", 2, "addTraits", (a: (a: "Increase Happiness", "Attitude Adjustment", "Increase Sex Drive" ))) \
\ $transform[
"To my mind," the scientist pontificates, "The perfect bimbo is three things, dumb, horny and obedient."
You start to object, but he just talks over you. "My customers agree, of course, so let's kick start that whole process!"
(display: "Increase Happiness")
(display: "Increase Sex Drive")
(display: "Attitude Adjustment")
(display: "Increase Happiness")
(display: "Increase Sex Drive")
(display: "Attitude Adjustment")](metadata: "cards", 2, "addTraits", (a: (a: "Shrink Body", "Improve Ass", "Improve Chest" ))) \
\ $transform[
(display: "Shrink Body")
"Seriously!" you shriek at the scientist. "Why do you have to shrink [m]<lisp|e?!"
"You'd rather I made you larger?" he asks.
"YES!" you exclaim, the fuzz in your brain means that you don't spot the trap till you notice his grin.
"Done!" he says whilst pushing a button on the dashboard.
(display: "Improve Chest")
(display: "Improve Ass")
(display: "Shrink Body")
(display: "Improve Chest")
(display: "Improve Ass")](metadata: "cards", 4, "addTraits", (a: (a: "Improve Chest", "Improve Ass" ), (a: "Improve Chest", "Improve Ass" ))) \
\ $transform[
"T&A? Something for everyone there." The scientist watches you with a grin.
(display: "Improve Chest")
(display: "Improve Ass")
] \
(display: "Improve Chest")
(display: "Improve Ass")](metadata: "cards", 4, "addTraits", (a: (a: "Reduce Waist", "Outie to Innie" ), (a: "Reduce Waist", "Outie to Innie" ))) \
\ $transform[
"Ooo, this should be fun." The scientist says with a grin.
(display: "Reduce Waist")
(display: "Outie to Innie")
] \
(display: "Reduce Waist")
(display: "Outie to Innie")](metadata: "cards", 4, "addTraits", (a: (a: "Improve Chest", "Reduce Waist" ), (a: "Improve Chest", "Reduce Waist" ))) \
\ $transform[
"You more of an up top guy then?" The scientist asks you waggling his eyebrows in way that actually looks quite uncomfortable. "Let's see what we can do for you..."
(display: "Improve Chest")
(display: "Reduce Waist")
] \
(display: "Improve Chest")
(display: "Reduce Waist")](metadata: "cards", 4, "addTraits", (a: (a: "Improve Ass", "Outie to Innie" ), (a: "Improve Ass", "Outie to Innie" ))) \
\ $transform[
\(if: ($displayLevel: 1, "Junk in the Trunk"))[(display: "Improve Ass")
"The Lord giveth, and the Lord taketh away," says the scientist.
"Huh, what?" you reply rather eruditely. Then it kicks in...
(display: "Outie to Innie")
"See, this is quite a clever play on words, because I've just moved mass from your 'junk' into your 'trunk'," he says.
Your expression makes it very clear that you aren't impressed.]
\(if: ($displayLevel: 2, "Junk in the Trunk"))[
(display: "Improve Ass")
(display: "Outie to Innie")
"Junk in the Trunk again..." he notes, "come on now - you've got to admit //this// time the name is clever?"
You don't.]]
(display: "Improve Ass")
(display: "Outie to Innie")](metadata: "cards", 4, "addTraits", (a: (a: "Improve Chest", "Outie to Innie" ), (a: "Improve Chest", "Outie to Innie" ))) \
\ $transform[
(display: "Improve Chest")
(display: "Outie to Innie")
(display: "Improve Chest")
(display: "Outie to Innie")](metadata: "cards", 4, "addTraits", (a: (a: "Improve Ass", "Reduce Waist" ),(a: "Improve Ass", "Reduce Waist" ))) \
\ $transform[
\(if: ($displayLevel: 1, "Baby got Back"))[The scientist comes over to your cell, singing "I like big butts and I cannot lie
You other brothers can't deny
That when a girl walks in with an itty bitty waist...". He winks at you and then taps on his tablet.
(display: "Improve Ass")
(display: "Reduce Waist")
\(if: ($displayLevel: 2, "Baby got Back"))["...You get sprung, want to pull up tough
'Cause you noticed that butt was stuffed...", he winks at you and again taps on his tablet.
(display: "Improve Ass")
(display: "Reduce Waist")
]] \
(display: "Improve Ass")
(display: "Reduce Waist")](metadata: "cards", 2, "addTraits", (a: (a: "Improve Chest", "Outie to Innie", "Improve Ass" ))) \
\ $transform[
(display: "Improve Chest")
(display: "Outie to Innie")
(display: "Improve Ass")
"There, that's smoothed over some of those sharper edges!" He nods in satisfaction.]
(display: "Improve Chest")
(display: "Outie to Innie")
(display: "Improve Ass")](metadata: "condition", (a: (a: "Increase Happiness", 0), (a: "Increase Sex Drive", 0), (a: "Attitude Adjustment", 0)), "girly", (a: 0,0,0,0,0,0), "horny", (a: 25,10,0,-10,-20,-30), "stupid", (a: 25,-10,-20,-30,-40,-50), "sub", (a: 30,0,-20,-30,-40,-50), "betrayal", (a:20,10,0), "EndingPosition", 1, "role", "leads their own crew.") \
(storylet: when (($howHorny: $endingTarget) is 0 and ($howStupid: $endingTarget) is 0 and ($howSubmissive: $endingTarget) is 0)) \
(exclusivity: 1) \
(urgency: 9) \
"E[v]<lisp|eryone understand the [p]<lisp|lan?" you ask the others in the van. Everyone nods. "Great let's get to it." (if: ($showDescription: "Enhance Lips", $you, 4, "GTE"))[The team is used to the way your lips affect your speech now. You hardly notice any more, apart from when someone new stares at them.]
You've pretty much gone back to life as it was before that disastrous raid. (nth: (max: 1, (min: 5, 1 + ($howGirly: "You"))), "I mean, you're basically still a man,", "I mean, sure you've picked up some //other// attributes,", "I mean, you're basically a woman now,", "I mean, sure you're an attractive woman,", "I mean, sure you're drop dead gorgeous now,") (if: ($howHorny: "You") > 0)[ and sure you want more sex than you did,] but where it counts you're still the same. You can plan and execute a job and so folks are still happy to work with you.
(nth: (max: 1, (min: 5, ($howBetrayer: "You"))), "If anything the team respects you more for how hard you tried to cooperate during the game.","The team underestands that you only betrayed your opponents when you were forced too.", "The team understands that you did what you had to do in the game. For the most part there are no hard feelings.","The team knows you have a ruthless streak, but respects that you did at least occasionally attempt to cooperate.", "You do have a bit of a reputation as a bastard, but it's better to be feared than loved, right?")
You've kept track of the others. (display: "Others Template")
The scientist told you that the nanites are self replicating and will ensure that any changes will be maintained for the future. The only way to reverse things is to pay him and his price list isn't cheap. In theory you could pay him to enhance stuff too. You're not sure if you trust him, but either way, the outcome of this job should give you options. And at the end of the day, isn't that what life is about?
"Ok, go go go", you yell as you jump out of the van.
($endMacro: 1)(metadata: "condition", (a: (a: "Outie to Innie", 3), (a: "Reduce Waist", 2), (a: "Shrink Body", 2), (a: "Improve Ass", 3), (a: "Improve Chest", 3), (a: "Enhance Lips", 1)), "girly", (a: -30,-30,0,25,30,30), "horny", (a: 15,10,5,5,0,0), "stupid", (a: 15,20,0,-5,-10,-20), "sub", (a: 15,20,20,10,5,0), "betrayal", (a:15,10,0), "EndingPosition", 2, "role", "works as eye candy for another crew.") \
(storylet: when (($howHorny: $endingTarget) > 0 or ($howSubmissive: $endingTarget) > 0) and ($checkEndCondition: ((passage: "Eye Candy")'s condition), ($getTraits: $endingTarget))) \
(exclusivity: 3) \
(urgency: 7)
You unzip your top a little, shake your titties to make sure they're nice and noticeable and finally check your makeup. You're good to go. You hop out of the car and stroll into the bank to check it out.
(box:"=XXXX=")[ <img src="./Images/WinEnding/eye-candy.png"> ]
Once you got out you were hoping that things would go back to normal. The problem isn't how you look. Crime is a fairly equal opportunity occupation for the successful. So even as a (nth: (max: 1, (min: 5, 1 + ($howGirly: "You"))), "weird guy", "effeminate man", "woman", "attractive woman", "stone cold fox") you could get by.
No it's the //other// changes that has meant you can't go back to running the team. (nth: (max: 1, (min: 5, 1 + ($howHorny: "You"))), "It could be worse, he could have screwed with your sex drive.", "You just get turned on so easily, it can distract you.", "You're horny most of the time and it gets in the way.", "You just //need// regular sex now, and can't focus till you've had it.", "You'll do //anything// to get fucked, any time and folks don't respect a girl like that.") (nth: (max: 1, (min: 3, 1 + ($howStupid: "You"))), "You're as smart as you ever were.", "But the main problem is that you're just not as smart as you were. You still get there, you're just slower and that counts in a crisis.", "But the main problem is you're kind of dumb now. Dumb enough that they can't use you on the main jobs any more.") (nth: (max: 1, (min: 4, 1 + ($howSubmissive: "You"))), "You can follow the plan easily enough at least.", "It's just you're better at taking rather than giving orders now. On the other hand the team rather like that you're quick to follow instructions, indeed you have to concentrate to deviate from the plan.", "It's just you really can't give orders any more. The team really loves that you follow instructions to the letter though.", "It's just that the idea of telling people what to do, makes you feel physically sick now. On the other hand the team loves that you do as your told. Maybe too much truth be told, as they've worked out that you'll do //anything//. The buttplug they bought you as a 'joke', that you just inserted in front of them all, is proof of that.")
You know how the others ended up. (display: "Others Template") So it could be worse.
Still it feels good to be part of a team again, even if your role is now something between eye-candy and mascot. You flaunt your way into the bank, flirt with the tellers and security and take a ton of selfies, just as Doug told you.
Maybe with your small share of the loot you'll be able to pay the scientist for some changes?
($endMacro: 2)(metadata: "condition", (a: (a: "Increase Happiness", 1), (a: "Outie to Innie", 4), (a: "Shrink Body", 2), (a: "Reduce Waist", 3), (a: "Improve Ass", 4), (a: "Improve Chest", 4), (a: "Enhance Lips", 2)), "girly", (a: -50,-25,5,25,50,50), "horny", (a: 15,15,5,0,0,0), "stupid", (a: 5,15,15,5,0,0), "sub", (a: 15,10,5,0,0,0), "betrayal",(a:5,2,0), "EndingPosition", 4, "role", "works as a stripper at the Pink Pussycat.") \
(storylet: when ($checkEndCondition: ((passage: "Stripper")'s condition), ($getTraits: $endingTarget))) \
(exclusivity: 3) \
(urgency: 6)
You spread your legs for the crowd and then slide down the pole. Once you hit the ground, you whip off your bra and let your tits out. They go wild for it, as you've come to expect.
(box:"=XXXX=")[ <img src="./Images/WinEnding/stripper.png"> ]
Given the changes to your body, stripping seemed like a pretty obvious way of making money. The crowd love your (nth: (max: 1, (min: 5, ($countTrait: "You", "Improve Chest"))), "cute little boobs", "small but perky jiggling puppies", "medium melons", "giant jugs", "titanic titties") combined with your (nth: (max: 1, (min: 5, ($countTrait: "You", "Improve Ass"))), "tight tush", "ripe rear", "bouncing booty", "bountiful butt", "massive badonkadonk"), especially when you spank it for them as part of the show.
Mentally you got out relatively unscathed. (nth: (max: 1, (min: 4, 1 + ($howHorny: "You"))), "Your libido is the same as any other girl here. The work has quickly become just another job.", "What you do each day does turn you on, but it's easy enough to keep it under control.", "You're horny most of the time and you think the crowd can tell.", "You get so worked up during your sets that you spend most of the time between them jilling off. The manager has warned that if you masturbate on stage again you'll be fired.") (nth: (max: 1, (min: 3, 1 + ($howStupid: "You"))), "You're as smart as you ever were and that lets you use your new body to your advantage.", "You're definitely not as smart as you were but you don't really need to be for this job.", "You're pretty dumb now, and you suspect that the management is ripping you off. But you can't follow the paperwork they throw at you, so you just smile and laugh it off.") (nth: (max: 1, (min: 3, 1 + ($howSubmissive: "You"))), "", "You do have to focus a bit in order to ignore an instruction, but that just makes lapdances easier.", "You do have a tendancy to do as you're told, which management like, but they have learned to have a bouncer watch for you during lap dances.")
All in all, it's a pretty easy life, and the scientist has told you that the nanites in your system will keep you this way for years to come, so you don't really have to worry about losing your looks. He's even offered you some upgrades, if you can meet his exorbitant fees.
You can't help but compare what happened to you, to what happened to the others. (display: "Others Template") All in all, this isn't so bad you think, whilst letting one of the punters slide a dirty 20 into your g-string.
You grab your clothes and head backstage flushed with excitement.
($endMacro: 4)(metadata: "condition", (a: (a: "Outie to Innie", 3), (a: "Reduce Waist", 2), (a: "Improve Ass", 2), (a: "Improve Chest", 2), (a: "Enhance Lips", 1)), "girly", (a: -10,0,5,20,25,25), "horny", (a: 5,10,25,25,25,25), "stupid", (a: 10,15,25,25,15,10), "sub", (a: 10,15,25,25,25,25), "betrayal", (a:0,0,0), "EndingPosition", 5, "role", "works at the brothel.") \
(storylet: when (($howHorny: $endingTarget) > 2 or (($howHorny: $endingTarget) is 2 and ($howStupid: $endingTarget) is 2)) and ($checkEndCondition: ((passage: "Brothel")'s condition), ($getTraits: $endingTarget))) \
(exclusivity: 4) \
(urgency: 3)
You're lying on your back, holding your legs under the knees, pulling them as wide as possible so that your current customer's enormous dick can more easily slide into your (if: ($hasPussy: "You"))[pussy](else:)[arsehole]. You bite your lip trying not to moan like a whore, as it's starting to feel really good now.
(box:"=XXXX=")[ <img src="./Images/WinEnding/brothel.png"> ]
You're not sure why you're trying to hold it back, a whore is basically what you are now. The guy sucks on a nipple and that tips you over, you're squealing like a dog in heat.
Back when you escaped you figured you'd find a new crew and things would get better, but the changes he made to you were just insidious. (nth: (max: 1, (min: 5, 1 + ($howHorny: "You"))), "Your sex drive is pretty normal, if it weren't for the fact you're stuck in the body of your wet dream.", "You just get turned on so easily, and seeing what you look like now is really all it takes.", "You're horny most of the time and that means you just can't stop thinking about sex.", "You just //need// sex on a regular basis now, and can't focus till you've had it.", "You'll do //anything// to get fucked, any time and folks don't respect a girl like that.") (nth: (max: 1, (min: 5, 1 + ($howStupid: "You"))), "You're as smart as you ever were.", "But the main problem is that you're just not as smart as you were. You still get there, you're just slower.", "But the main problem is you're kind of dumb now. Your brain feels like it's filled with a fog.","But the main problem is you're really stupid now. You struggle with basic maths and can barely read now.","The real problem is that you've near enough lost the abilty to think. You can follow pretty simple instructions, as long as they are limited to a couple of words.") Fortunately, none of that matters here at the brothel. As long as you can fuck, you've a place to stay and you can meet your basic needs.
You see the others on occasion. (display: "Others Template") You don't really think of them very often. You tend not to leave the brothel as you have everything you need right here.
(nth: (max: 1, (min: 4, 1 + ($howSubmissive: "You"))), "You're able to avoid most of the kinky stuff, unless you want to.", "The brothel has noticed that you have a slight submissive streak.", "Your clients love that you're up for almost anything. The conditioning means it's usually just easier to go along with it.","There's literally nothing you won't do for a client, and that means you usually have a queue of horny perverts waiting to play with you all day.") This guy is fairly tame really. After he's finished and gone, Tessa will be in to strap you into the stocks, ready for the husband and wife that love to double team you. She pegs you from behind while he fucks your mouth though the ring gag that seems to fascinate him. You'd guess his wife won't let him do it. Come to that, you guess he won't let her use the strap on him either.
The image of you in the stocks being worked over sends you into an abrupt orgasm. "You like that don't you", your current customer laughs.
You pant and nod enthusiastically.
What else are you going to do?
($endMacro: 5)(metadata: "condition", (a: (a: "Outie to Innie", 1), (a: "Shrink Body", 1), (a: "Reduce Waist", 1), (a: "Improve Ass", 1), (a: "Improve Chest", 1)), "girly", (a: 10,10,10,5,3,0), "horny", (a: 0,5,15,25,30,30), "stupid", (a: 0,5,5,10,20,20), "sub", (a: 0,5,15,20,30,30), "betrayal", (a:0,5,10), "EndingPosition", 6, "role", "blows johns on a street corner somewhere.") \
(storylet: when (($howSubmissive: $endingTarget) > 2 or (($howSubmissive: $endingTarget) is 2 and ($howStupid: $endingTarget) is 2)) and ($checkEndCondition: ((passage: "Street Corner")'s condition), ($getTraits: $endingTarget))) \
(exclusivity: 4) \
(urgency: 1)
You take a sultry walk from your corner up to the car that's pulled up to the curb. "You want [m]<lisp|e to suck you o[f]<lisp|[f]<lisp|, [M]<lisp|ister?", you ask, blinking your eyelashes hopefully. (if: ($showDescription: "Enhance Lips", $you, 4, "GTE"))[You'd have never guessed that the speech impediment would be the least humiliating thing in your life.]
"What else do you do?" the john asks.
"Anything you need! Just changes the [p]<lisp|rice.", you answer.
(set: $hasPussy to true)(if: ($hasPussy: "You"))[ (box:"=XXXX=")[ <img src="./Images/WinEnding/street-corner-female.png"> ]](else:)[(box:"=XXXX=")[ <img src="./Images/WinEnding/street-corner-male.png"> ]]
You used to be embarrassed by this, but now it's just your new normal.
The physical changes weren't the worst of it. (nth: (max: 1, (min: 5, 1 +($howGirly: "You"))), "You still look like a guy.", "People are sometimes confused by your gender.", "You're clearly a woman now.", "You're an attractive woman now.", "You're a stunning bombshell now.") If it were just the looks it'd be one thing.
It was meeting Max. He somehow worked out your weakness. (nth: (max: 1, (min: 4, 1 + ($howSubmissive: "You"))), "He's such a big guy it was hard to say no to him. He only slaps you now when you piss him off.", "Whilst you can ignore the compulsion to obey, it's much harer when you're locked in a cellar and repeatedly given the same instructions.", "You struggle to disobey a direct order, and boy does he take advantage of that.","He quickly realised there's nothing you won't do when told and so made sure you understood that all of your orifices now belong to him.") (nth: (max: 1, (min: 5, 1 + ($howStupid: "You"))), "You're not dumb, you know you need to get out, you're just not sure how to.", "The other problem is that you're just not as smart as you were. You know you'll work out how to get out of this eventually, but you're so slow now.", "The other problem is that you're really stupid now. Your brain feels like it's filled with a fog all the time.","The other problem is you're just brainless now. You can hardly count, it's so bad Max has just given you pricelist for customers. You can't even read it yourself, you just have to trusts the johns to pay you what it says.","You've also near enough lost the abilty to think. You can follow pretty simple instructions, as long as they are limited to a couple of words. One of Max's other girls usually handles the money now.")
The only real saving grace is your sex drive. (nth: (max: 1, (min: 5, 1 + ($howHorny: "You"))), "At least you're not one of those bimbos that like this stuff.", "You just get turned on so easily, which makes the degrading sex easier.", "You're horny most of the time and so almost look forward to getting a customer.", "You just //need// sex on a regular basis now, and so each customer gives you a chance to get filled properly.", "You're so ramped up you'll do //anything// to get fucked, any time or place. Even behind the dumpster back there, when the john doesn't want to mess up his car.")
The others have it so much easier. (display: "Others Template") The problem is that you just don't see any way out.
You hop in the car, and start massaging his cock as he drives round the corner to park. Before long you have your nose in his pubes, expertly massaging his cock with your throat.
Couple more of these today, and maybe Max will let you sleep on the sofa rather than the floor tonight?
($endMacro: 6)(metadata: "condition", (a: (a: "Increase Happiness", 3), (a: "Attitude Adjustment", 3) ,(a: "Outie to Innie", 3), (a: "Reduce Waist", 3),(a: "Shrink Body", 3), (a: "Improve Ass", 2), (a: "Improve Chest", 2), (a: "Enhance Lips", 1)), "girly", (a: -50,-40,-30,10,40,60), "horny", (a: 10,20,10,-20,-20,-20), "stupid", (a: 0,5,10,10,10,10), "sub", (a: 0,5,10,10,10,10), "betrayal", (a:0,0,0), "EndingPosition", 7, "role", "is a local mob bosses floozy.") \
(storylet: when ($checkEndCondition: ((passage: "Floozy")'s condition), ($getTraits: $endingTarget))) \
(exclusivity: 5) \
(urgency: 2)
You support yourself carefully with your hands on his desk, as you know from previous experience, it's easy to slip with your ankles hanging over the top of his chair like this.
The position means your pussy is really tightly wrapped around his dick keeping the pressure on nicely. You gently lift yourself up and down, sliding over his cock and doing your best to make him last as long as you can.
(box:"=XXXX=")[ <img src="./Images/WinEnding/floozy-ending2.png"> ]
When you escaped from the scientist you all tried to go back to what you know. It didn't work out. (display: "Others Template") You owed the local gang boss a chunk of cash. The job on the scientist's house was supposed to be a payoff. You went back to ask for more time on the loan. Fortunately he was intrigued by the new you.
(nth: (max: 4, (min: 5, 1 + ($howGirly: "You"))), "", "", "", "", "I mean you may not be a goddess in all respects, but no one would kick you out of bed for farting.", "It probably helps that you now look like his dream woman.") The fact you're subservient to his every command and desire makes you even more of a wet dream. He can parade you around in front of his men and ensure that everyone of them wonders how they can get a piece of meat as perfect as you.
The icing on the cake is that, as he tells his friends, you're "so dense that light bends around your head". You don't really understand, but you laugh along as it seems to make him happy.
He's also keen to share that your sex drive is (nth: (max: 1, (min: 3, 1 + ($howHorny: "You"))), "normal so you'll never be tempted to cheat on him.", "only a little above average, so you'll always be wet for him.", "ramped up to the max, so you're constantly begging him for sex.") He jokes that you "could have been made to order". You're not sure why that's funny either, but you dutifully laugh along to that one too.
Your ministrations are clearly working, as he grabs your hips and starts pumping you on his dick like an oversized flesh light. "Oh, Oh OH [B]<lisp|A[B]<lisp|Y", you scream, as you know he likes his boys outside to hear you working out.
As the tempo increases, you start to cum yourself, at which point you no longer have to fake the screams as you start spasming on his dick. The sensation pushes him over the edge, and soon his cock is filling your quivering pussy with his jizz.
Once you feel able, you climb off his lap, and then as per his standing instructions reach down to your snatch, and scoop up a dollop of his cum with your fingers and then lick them clean in front of him.
"That was great, babe", he says. "Be a treasure and pop downstairs to the bar and get me a whisky. I've some work to do."
You shrug on a wrap as you leave the room, flashing your well used and slightly dripping cunt to his guard, Charlie.
You've got to keep the staff happy.
($endMacro: 7)(metadata: "condition", (a: (a: "Outie to Innie", 4), (a: "Reduce Waist", 4),(a: "Shrink Body", 4), (a: "Improve Ass", 4), (a: "Improve Chest", 4), (a: "Enhance Lips", 3), (a: "Betrayal", 2)), "girly", (a: -50,-40,-30,-20,30,60), "horny", (a: 10,5,-20,-30,-40,-50), "stupid", (a: 10,-10,-20,-30,-40,-50), "sub", (a: 10,-10,-20,-30,-40,-50), "betrayal", (a:0,5,10), "EndingPosition", 8, "role", "has a mob boss wrapped around her little finger.") \
(storylet: when (($howHorny: $endingTarget) is 0 and ($howStupid: $endingTarget) is 0 and ($howSubmissive: $endingTarget) is 0) and ($checkEndCondition: ((passage: "Power Behind the Throne")'s condition), ($getTraits: $endingTarget))) \
(exclusivity: 5) \
(urgency: 8)
You're bent over his desk, and you can feel your nipples pushing forwards and backwards on the soft leather of his ink blotter whilst he pounds you from behind.
(box:"=XXXX=")[ <img src="./Images/WinEnding/power-behind-ending.png"> ]
(display: "Others Template") You did something different.
When you escaped from the scientist you knew the first thing you needed to do was get an extension on the money you owed the local mob boss. You figured your new body would probably make the negotiation a little easier.
As it turned out, it made it //a lot// easier. Apparently you look just like his perfect wet dream. Combined with your background, he was seriously interested in getting into your pants. He agreed to waive the loan in exchange for dinner and a date. You were always quick to see the angles, and being behind the boss is always the safest place to be.
You slow-played your hand, in one turn coy, in the next slightly more forthright. It took a seriously large amount of diamonds in necklace form (which you've sold and bought a good replica to replace them) to convince you to let him take you to bed for the first time. You'd feel guilty, but he has a wife, and you need something if he ever gets bored.
It's taken a couple of months, but you have him totally wrapped around your finger. He'll do almost anything for a taste of your glorious tush. Smart folks know to come to you if they want to broker the trickier deals, and you charge a very fair commission on any profits accrued. Indeed once he's got his rocks off, he should be fairly open to discussing Hamilton's new business opportunity.
Which reminds you, "OOoooo [b]<lisp|a[b]<lisp|y, harder", you pant hoping to drive him on.
You're edging closer yourself when you realise he's about to cum, so you put on "the show" and fake an orgasm just before he blows. It's not a problem, you can finish yourself off with a vibrator later.
Annoyingly, he pulls out and cums all over your back and more importantly the silk dress you'd pulled up to give him access. Doesn't he know how hard silk is to clean?
You smother the frown and turn round with a big smile. Grabbing your panties, you wipe as much of the spunk off as you can onto the inside of the gusset and then slide them up your legs and smear the gooey mess into your crotch with a little wiggle of your hips.
"Ooo, that [f]<lisp|eels so good", you giggle as they squelch up. He just laps up the dirty girl act.
"Anything else I can do [f]<lisp|or you stud?" you ask and dab the tip of your tongue on your lips for effect. ($showDescription: "Enhance Lips", $you, 4, "GTE")[It draws attention to your cocksucking lips.] God, he's so easy to manipulate. You wonder if you were this stupid back when you had a dick?
"No that was great," he gushes, "I'm so lucky to have you."
You give him a long kiss as a reward and then head to the door. "I'[m]<lisp| sorry to ha[v]<lisp|e ke[p]<lisp|t you waiting", you tell Hamilton with a wink. He grins knowingly and then heads in.
You've kept track of the others just in case. (display: "Others Template") You do wonder if you should rescue any of them. But you're having to deal with a lot already.
Right, just enough time to head upstairs for a shower with your favourite waterproof toy, before your next meeting.
Who'd have thought being the power behind the throne would be so busy?
($endMacro: 8)(metadata: "condition", (a: (a: "Outie to Innie", 1), (a: "Shrink Body", 1)), "girly", (a: 0,0,0,0,0,0), "horny", (a: 0,10,20,10,0,0), "stupid", (a: 10,30,10,0,0,0), "sub", (a: 0,20,30,15,0,0), "betrayal", (a:20,10,0),"EndingPosition", 3, "role", "does pretty menial tasks for another crew.") \
(storylet: when (($howHorny: $endingTarget) > 1 or ($howStupid: $endingTarget) > 1 or ($howSubmissive: $endingTarget) > 1) and ($checkEndCondition: ((passage: "Distraction")'s condition), ($getTraits: $endingTarget))) \
(exclusivity: 3) \
(urgency: 4)
(set: _horny to ($howHorny: "You"))(set: _stupid to ($howStupid: "You"))(set: _sub to ($howSubmissive: "You")) \
The security guard slams into your ass and grunts in pleasure. You're really glad you're lubed up as well as you are. (nth: (max: 1, (min: 5, 1 + _horny)), "Not your favourite experience in the world, but it should keep him busy whilst your buddies run the shunt on the security cameras.", "Being used like this is kinda a turn on. Stupid enhanced sex drive.", "You were already horny, so it'll be good to get some relief.", "You moan in pleasure, you need this so bad.", "You shut your eyes in ecstasy, you finally feel full. The guys only fucked you the once this morning to make sure you'd be ready for this.")
(box:"=XXXX=")[ <img src="./Images/WinEnding/distraction.png"> ]
Once you got out you were hoping that things would go back to normal. Sadly it didn't work out that way. The problem isn't how you look. Crime is a fairly equal opportunity activity for the successful. So even as a (nth: (max: 1, (min: 5, ($howGirly: "You"))), "weirdish guy", "effeminate man", "skirt", "babe", "complete hottie") you could get by.
(nth: (max: 1, (min: 5, ($howBetrayer: "You"))), "The team does respect how hard you tried to cooperate in the game.", "They guys know you are generally trustworthy.", "The team appreciate that you were fairly even handed during the game.", "The team doesn't really trust you once word got out how often you betrayed your opponent in the game.", "No one really trusts you any more, given how ruthlessly you betrayed your old team.") But it's the //other// changes that has meant you can't go back to normal. (nth: (max: 1, (min: 5, 1 + _horny)), "It could be worse, he could have screwed with your sex drive.", "You just get turned on so easily, it can distract you.", "You're horny most of the time and it gets in the way.", "You just //need// sex as regular as clockwork now, and you can't focus till you've had it.", "You'll do //anything// to get fucked, at any time and folks find it hard to respect that.") (nth: (max: 1, (min: 4, 1 + _stupid)), "You're as smart as you ever were.", "But the main problem is that you're just not as smart as you were. You still get there, you're just slower and that counts in a crisis.", "But the main problem is you're kind of dumb now. Dumb enough that they can't use you on the main jobs any more.", "The real problem is you're dumb as a box of bricks now. Truth is, you could probably hide your own easter eggs.") (nth: (max: 1, (min: 4, 1 + _sub)), "You can follow the plan easily enough.", "The team rather like that you're quick to follow instructions, indeed you have to concentrate to deviate from the plan.", "The team really loves that you follow instructions to the letter.", "The team does love how quickly you will do as your told. Maybe too much, to be honest, as they've worked out that you'll do //anything//. The pint of horse semen that you drank to their delight and disgust yesterday, is proof of that.")
All in all, it means you get to do the jobs you can for the team. They use you to distract and confuse the marks and (cond: (_horny > _stupid) and (_horny > _sub),"it's often the best way of getting off.", _stupid > _sub, "you just can't think of a good reason not to go along.", "you just can't say no to their requests.")
You're not sure you ended up in a worse place than the others. (display: "Others Template") At least you're still part of a team.
"That's it, take it slut", the guy behind you grunts as you push back a little. He's speeding up and you figure he's going to blow his load soon. True enough, 3 strokes later and his warm cum is filling you up.
You offer to go again for another 20 bucks, and then to stall for more time, ask if his friends might want a go. As you suspected, he really doesn't want anyone to know about your transaction.
After you extort a few bucks more from him for "[p]<lisp|rivacy", you head off, hoping the crew has finished doing whatever it was they'd planned with the security cameras.
How many more times will you need to do this to buy off even one of the scientists' changes? It starts raining as you walk off, feeling his jizz leaking into your underwear. Still could be worse, right?
($endMacro: 3){
(set: $endBitmap to (a:))
(set: _numEndings to (passages: where its tags contains "Ending")'s length)
(if: (saved-games:) contains "Bitmap")[
(set: _saved to (saved-games:)'s "Bitmap")
(if: (p: digit,(p-many: 0,",",digit)) matches _saved)[
(set: $endBitmap to (split: ",", _saved))]
(colour: red)[''ERROR: Save bitmap doesn't match pattern. Bitmap: |_saved|'']
(if: $endBitmap's length < _numEndings)[
(set: $endBitmap to it + (repeated: _numEndings - $endBitmap's length, "0"))]
(set: $endMacro = (macro: num-type _ending, [
(set: $endBitmap's (_ending) to "1")\
(if:(save-game:"Bitmap", (str: $endBitmap)))[](else: )[
(colour: red)[Error: Unable to save your progress.]] \
See all [[Endings]] or (link: "restart")[(restart:)]
Overleveled traits: (print: $overlevel)
[You have found (folded: _end making _allEnd via _allEnd + (num: _end), 0, ...$endBitmap) of the endings.
<table> (for: each _end, ...(passages: where its tags contains "Ending"))[ <tr><td style="width:45%"> (if: _end contains "description")[(print: _end's description)](else:)[(print: _end's name)] </td><td style="width:45%"> (cond: $endBitmap's (_end's EndingPosition) is "0", "Not Found", "Found") </td></tr> ] </table>
(link: "Clear all Endings?")[(if: (confirm: "Are you sure?"))[(set: $endBitmap to (repeated: (passages: where its tags contains "Ending")'s length, "0"))(if:(save-game:"Bitmap", (str: $endBitmap)))[](else: )[
(colour: red)[Error: Unable to save your progress.]](rerun: ?allEndings)]]
(link: "Restart?")[(restart:)]
(if: ($showDescription: "Enhance Lips", $you, 4, "GTE"))[(replace: ?lisp)[//(either: "w","r")//]](set: _player to "Alex") \
(assert: ($addPlayer: "Alex", "alwaysCooperate")) \
Target: ($getTarget: "Alex")
(print: ($getConditions: "Alex"))
(print: ($getDreamConditions: "Alex"))
(for: each _round, ...(range: 1, 25))[
\ (set: _chosen to (a:))
\ (display: "TopupChoices")
(print: $oneList)
(print: $twoList)
(print: $threeList)
(assert: ($adjustPoints: _player, 3))
(set: _buddychose to ($buddiesChoice: _player))
(set: _drchose to ($drIntChoice: _player))
Mood: ($getMood: _player) (if: ($checkMood: _player))[Buddies Mood Changed.]
Buddies Choice: (print: _buddychose)
Scientist Choice: (print: _drchose)
\ (set: _chosen to it + _buddychose)
\ (set: _chosen to it + _drchose)
\ (for: each _trait, ..._chosen)[
(assert: ($addTrait: _player, _trait))(assert: ($addFollowTraits: _player, _trait))]Points left: (print: ($getPoints: _player))
(print: ($getConditions: _player))
(print: ($getDreamConditions: _player))(metadata: "condition", (a: (a: "Outie to Innie", 3), (a: "Increase Sex Drive", 1), (a: "Attitude Adjustment", 1), (a: "Latex Underwear", 3), (a: "Improve Ass", 3), (a: "Improve Chest", 3), (a: "Shrink Body", 1), (a: "Reduce Waist", 3), (a: "Enhance Lips", 1)), "EndingPosition", 12)
(storylet: when ($checkAllPlayersEnding: ((passage: "Latex Slave Ending")'s condition))) \
(exclusivity: 3) \
(set: $loser to "You") \
\ (for: each _player, ...(datanames: $prisoners))[
\ (if: ($checkEndCondition: (passage: "Latex Slave Ending")'s condition, ($getTraits: _player)))[(set: $loser to _player)]]
\ (if: $loser is "You")[
"Hmm. Horny, Obedient and loves Latex?" the scientist says looking at your stats. "I've a Mr Dragon, that will be more than willing to pay for a slut just like you."
"We'll need to make at least one more change though," he says, pushing at his tablet screen again.
You feel the nanobots heat once more - covering your entire body. You brace for the change, but rather than you changing you realise they're forming a layer over your skin. As it settles you realise it's forming into a tight latex suit, with what feels like some kind of built in corset that's cinching in your waist even further.
"Oops, needs to be green," he says, pushing yet another button, "it's some kind of internet thing, I think?"
Soon you're covered with a glistening green fabric, the whole thing holding and compressing you slightly. With your ramped up sex drive the sensation is unbelievable erotic, just stroking yourself is a huge turn on.
(box:"=XXXX=")[ <img src="./Images/BuddyEnding/latex-slave.png"> ]
Seeing this the scientist gives you a new instruction, "No playing with yourself till your new master says it's ok."
You look at him in shock and something akin to horror. You've become accustomed to taking the edge off whenever your needs build up. The idea of avoiding self pleasure like that now...
"How... how long will it be?" you tentatively ask.
"Oh, no more than a few days at most. I'm sure you'll be very pleased to see him," the scientist tells you with a knowing lear.
After a couple of days, you're going to be a sopping mess, and are likely to beg him to fuck you as soon as you see him. Just knowing you're not allowed has already got you feeling on edge.
"Right," says the scientist, "let's get you boxed up for shipment..."
($endMacro: 12)
"Hmm. Horny and Obedient," the scientist says looking at $loser's stats. "I've a Mr Dragon, that will be more than willing to pay for a slut just like him."
As you watch, your buddy is covered in some kind of shiny green latex suit.
(box:"=XXXX=")[ <img src="./Images/BuddyEnding/latex-slave.png"> ]
"Let's get this over with," the scientist tells you all. "I need to box this one up for shipping."
(display: "Template Ending")
](metadata: "condition", (a: (a: "Outie to Innie", 3), (a: "Increase Happiness", 2), (a: "Improve Ass", 1), (a: "Improve Chest", 6), (a: "Get a Piercing", 4), (a: "Add Makeup", 2),(a: "Shrink Body", 1), (a: "Enhance Lips", 1), (a: "Reduce Waist", 3)))(metadata: "condition", (a: (a: "Outie to Innie", 4), (a: "Improve Ass", 5), (a: "Improve Chest", 2), (a: "Enhance Lips", 1), (a: "Shrink Body", 2), (a: "Reduce Waist", 4)))(metadata: "condition", (a: (a: "Outie to Innie", 2), (a: "Improve Ass", 2), (a: "Improve Chest", 2), (a: "Attitude Adjustment", 2), (a: "Add Makeup", 2), (a: "Enhance Lips", 4), (a: "Shrink Body", 2), (a: "Get a Piercing", 3), (a: "Reduce Waist", 3)))(metadata: "condition", (a: (a: "Outie to Innie", 3), (a: "Improve Ass", 2), (a: "Improve Chest", 2), (a: "Increase Sex Drive", 2), (a: "Add Makeup", 1), (a: "Enhance Lips", 2), (a: "Shrink Body", 5), (a: "Reduce Waist", 2))){
(set: $order to (a: (a: "You", 0), (a: $crew's 2nd's 1st, 0), (a: $crew's 3rd's 1st, 0), (a: $crew's 4th's 1st, 0)))
(set: _name to ($crew's 2nd's 1st))(if: _name is $outsider)[You don't really know _name.](else:)[You know _name is ($getStuborn: _name). His dream girl is a ($getDreamGirl: _name).] ($getStrategyDescription: _name).
(set: _name to ($crew's 3rd's 1st))(if: _name is $outsider)[You don't really know _name.](else:)[_name is known to be ($getStuborn: _name). He has a thing for ($getDreamGirl: _name)s.] ($getStrategyDescription: _name).
(set: _name to ($crew's 4th's 1st))(if: _name is $outsider)[You don't know anything about _name.](else:)[_name is known to be ($getStuborn: _name). He's really into ($getDreamGirl: _name)s.] ($getStrategyDescription: _name).
Maybe you can use that somehow?
[[Make a Decision]](set: $currentOpponent to $crew's 2nd's 1st)(set: $showPoints to true)(storylet: when ($oneList is (a:) and $twoList is (a:) and $threeList is (a:) and $masterOneList is (a:) and $masterTwoList is (a:) and $masterThreeList is (a:)))
(exclusivity: 2)
"Well you don't match any of my existing requirements," the scientist tells you. "But the game is clearly over, I guess you can go."
You head out quickly before he changes his mind.
(link-goto: "Freedom Beckons", ($pickEnding: "You", "CrimeEnding")){
(set: _cards to (open-storylets: where its tags contains "overlevel")) \
(set: _choice to (passage: "Ran Out!"))
(if: _cards is not (a:))[
(set: _choice to (either: ..._cards))
(assert: ($addTrait: $you, _choice's name))]
(else:)[(set: $overlevel to it + 1)]
(display: _choice's name)(storylet: when ($showDescription: "Semen Addict", $you, 1, "LT")) \
$transform["This is a complicated one," the scientist tells you.
You feel the nanites' heat spreading out in your stomach, a weird warm feeling coming from inside you. The sensation stretches out till you feel it in the back of your throat and then up into the nose.
"It'll probably take a while for this to settle in," the scientist says with a smirk. "I'll check in with you later to see how it went."] \
$description[ \
\(if: (($showDescription: "Semen Addict", $who, 1, "GTE") and (history:) contains "Evening Meal"))[If you look closely the remains of $who last meal is just visible at the corners of $who mouth.]](storylet: when ($showDescription: "Improve Chest", $you, 3, "GTE") and ($showDescription: "Milk Production", $you, 3, "LT"))\
\(if: ($displayLevel: 1, "Milk Production"))[You can feel that pressure and rising heat of the nanobots in your breasts again. You sigh, as you wait for their inevitable expansion, but they don't seem to really change that much in size.
You squint, maybe your nipples are a little larger? You're not sure, and are starting to wonder if you're just imagining differences now.
The heat from the nanobots has died down, but you're still left with a weird pressure feeling. You poke and prod at your breasts to try and work out what's causing the pressure, and gasp in surprise when the pressure is relieved and a small dribble of milk squirts out from your nipple.
"Awesome!" says the scientist, "Now do the other."
Given you don't consider yourself here for his entertainment (even though at some level, you know you are) you ignore his request and that weird pressure in your left breast. Sadly ignoring it doesn't make the problem go away, and after a while, you feel that pressure drop. Looking down, you've leaked out a little more milk there too.
"That's great", he says, "I wonder what else we can do with this?"
You'd really rather get out of here before you find out.]
\(if: ($displayLevel: 2, "Milk Production"))[The tingly feeling in your breasts indicates that the nanobots have activated again. Once again you can feel it over the whole breast though the size doesn't really change.
You know what that means, he's found some way to adjust the lactation you've been experiencing on and off. As the tingles die down, the feeling of pressure that you've become used to as a vague background thing gradually becomes more and more present. You feel like they're going to burst!
Reaching to feel them, your breasts are very solid, as if they're filled to the brim. You gently squeeze one and rather than the dribble you've become used to - it squirts out a steady stream of milk. The sensation is somewhat pleasant, if a little weird.
"Hang on, let's not waste that.", the scientist taps something and an odd looking apparatus slides out of the wall. Taking a closer look, you realise that it's some kind of automated breast pump, with a couple of cups you can fit over your nipples.
"There's really good money at the moment in breast milk for some reason.", the scientist explains, "Athletes seem to think it boosts performance. Hah, and they say I'm a quack!"
You look at him, wondering if he's serious. "Look, you're going to produce a good litre or so a day - so you're going to use the machine, or get used to the smell of sour milk." he explains with a grim smile.
You sigh, and hook up the machine.]
\(if: ($displayLevel: 3, "Milk Production"))[Your breasts start that prickly feeling again. That plus the heat means you know he's doing something to your breasts again. They start to swell a little, and you briefly feel relief that he's not playing with milk production again.
Then you realise this isn't a growing swelling, this is them filling with milk again. But it's way too early for that. You've pretty much grown used to them filling over the course of a day. The milking, whilst a pain, is pretty manageable.
The pressure becomes pretty unbearable, and you stagger over to the machine in a hurry. You hook it up in no time (you're a pro now) and then the suction is starting to provide relief as the milk starts to flow.
But you realise, that whilst the pressure has dropped to a more bearable amount, it doesn't seem to be going away. You use your hand to squeeze out one of your mammaries which usually gets it over with, but before you know it, the breast seems to be filling again.
You look over to the scientist. "When is it going to stop?" you ask.
"The sales of your milk has been something of a success" he explains, "So I've stepped up the production. Just keep those on for now, I'll hook something up to the ceiling to give you more ability to move around tomorrow."
You stare at the tubes, wondering how easy it would be to keep a machine like this near you for the rest of your life?
"Look on the bright side," the scientist helpfully suggests, "You've a source of income once you're out of here!"]
] \
$description[ \
\(if: ($showDescription: "Milk Production", $who, 1, "EQ"))[There's a tiny dribble of milk expressing from one of your nipples.]
\(if: ($showDescription: "Milk Production", $who, 2, "EQ"))[Your turgid tits indicate it's probably nearly time for your daily milking.]
\(if: ($showDescription: "Milk Production", $who, 3, "GTE"))[Your breasts are hooked up to automated breast pumps and are providing a constant milk supply.]
\ ](storylet: when ($showDescription: "Oral Fixation", $you, 1, "LT"))\
$transform[There's a heat and tingling inside your mouth as the nanites get to work. Unusually as the heat dies away it's replaced by a slightly painful sensation in your teeth. It comes and goes in waves, but like toothache each wave seems a little worse than the last.
"Your jaw is feeling a little sore?" asks the scientist with mock concern. You nod rubbing your jaw in the hope it'll help.
"Try sucking on this, it should numb the pain." The scientist passes a lolly pop through the food hatch.
You grab it and stick it in your mouth to suck. Within seconds the pain has gone. You smile with relief and then frown a little confused. Your mouth doesn't feel numb like anaesthetic, the pain is just gone?
"If nanites detect the absence of something in your mouth they aggravate the pain sensors in your teeth." he explains, "It's like your teeth are super sensitive."
You try removing the lolly for a bit, but he's right, before long that pain is back. You jam the lolly back into your mouth and try to think. The lolly's shell cracks open and releases its salty liquid core into your mouth. Crap, you assumed it was solid. That dick! You hold the fluid in your mouth and realise where that train of thought takes you.
The scientist pops a ball gag though the food hatch, winks and waits for the penny to drop.
You hold the fluid in your mouth for as long as possible, but eventually you're forced to swallow it, and then the pain slowly comes back. You suck on the ball for relief. Eventually you just decide to wear the whole thing, it's just easier than holding it to your mouth by yourself.] \
$description[ \
\(if: ($showDescription: "Oral Fixation", $who, 1, "GTE"))[A strap to the back of $who head holds a gag in place.]](storylet: when ($showDescription: "Anal Queen", $you, 3, "LT"))\
\(if: ($displayLevel: 1, "Anal Queen"))[You feel a pressure down on your butt as the nanobots kick in. You know the drill now, and are expecting to see your ass expanding, but the sensation feels wrong somehow.
It's like it's in your asshole, like something is swelling there. No swelling up //in there//.
Once it's done, you're curious to know what he's done now. Exploring with your fingers, you realise you've now got a buttplug inserted. You carefully grab hold and gradually wiggle it out. The friction feels strangely nice. It felt huge when in, but looking at it, it's actually quite small.
"You don't want it?" asks the scientist. If looks could kill, he'd have died long ago. That doesn't stop you trying again. "Fair enough, pass it back through the food hatch." he instructs.
You give it back warily, it's not like him to give up on something so easily. "I'll be back in 5 minutes, few things to sort out." he explains and walks off.
After a few minutes, you know there's something wrong. Your asshole feels cold, like there's a breeze blowing directly up there. It's not painful per se, but it's disturbing and very uncomfortable.
After another 5 minutes it's almost unbearable. You hate the relief you feel on seeing the scientist returning. "Just what did you do to me?" you demand.
"The nanites trigger your cold receptors in proportion to the amount of time your ass has been empty!" he explains. "So, do you want the plug back now?"
You grit your teeth before replying, "Yes". He shakes his head.
"Not good enough, convince me." he says sternly.
The cold is all the more unbearable for knowing that the plug is this close. You just don't have a choice.
"Please sir, please can I have my buttplug back?" you ask as nicely as you can manage.
He pushes a button and an opening slides open in the glass. "Certainly, just present yourself at the hole." he instructs you.
As much as you want to object, you know that he'll just head off again. You step up to the hole, turn round, and then bend forward to grab your ankles as he instructs.
(if: ($displayLevel: 1, "Get Wet"))["No need for lube!" he giggles, after first checking with his finger.](else:)[He sticks something smaller than you expected in first, but you quickly realise that it's the spout for a bottle of lube. A quick squirt seems to fill you up.]
He gradually works the plug back into your puckered hole, gradually stretching it out. Once it's safely in, he slaps your round arse cheek with a crack. "There, all done." he declares, "All your problems are behind you now!"]
\(if: ($displayLevel: 2, "Anal Queen"))[There's another weird sensation, that you quickly realise means he's playing with your arsehole again.
Is your buttplug growing again? Yes, definitely it seems to be getting larger. You shift around futilely trying to make it easier to take. There seems to be something else going on down there too, though you're not sure what. After another minute the changes seem to be done.
"If you could present yourself again, I'd like to check that all the changes are working." he instructs, triggering the hole in the screen to open again.
You stand in front of the screen, legs slightly spread and then bend over and grab your ankles again. You bite your lip as he works the plug loose. There's definitely something else going on beyond the size of the new plug. The friction now feels sinfully good.
Once he has the plug out, he slips his finger in and feels around. You try not to moan from the sensations his probing finger causes.
"Yes, seems to be working well." he says, "You've probably noticed that feels kind of good?". You nod, unwilling to trust yourself to speak as he works the plug back into your ass.
"Your asshole now has the nerve endings and the Bartholin's glands that a normal woman has in her pussy." he explains, "I've left you your prostate, so it's double the fun for you. Isn't that great?"
It takes a while for you to stand back up, as you know that you're going to feel the plug moving as you do so. You stand up and lean against the wall; it feels every bit as good as you feared. You may struggle to avoid playing with this...]
\(if: ($displayLevel: 3, "Anal Queen"))[You've learned to walk with a slight waddle to avoid stimulating your poor asshole too much. Small steps and no large movements are the name of the game. That said, when you do feel in the mood, polling yourself up the ass, is probably your new favourite activity.
So it's a weird mix of anticipation and trepidation you're feeling when you can feel the nanites going to work on your asshole again. Actually now you focus, you realise the changes are encompassing the whole of your crotch?
"You know the drill." he says, opening the hatch once again. You bend over to present your hole to him. Weirdly he starts with your (if: ($hasPussy: "You"))[pussy](else:)[dick] stroking and teasing it. He seems happy with your complete lack of reaction and instead moves to remove the buttplug. The question you were about to ask, leaves your mind as the stimulation from your ass overwhelms everything else.
It just feels so good. Your entire world is focused on the pleasure coming from that glorious friction. You rock back trying to keep the plug in. He has to put a hand on your ass to keep you under control as he pulls it out.
You knew that it had grown, but looking up between your legs, you can see that the plug is massive. How did that thing even fit? Regardless you don't care, you just want him to put it back in!
"Hmm, from your reaction, I may have gone a little overboard", he ponders. "I wanted to see how far I could go, so I've removed most of the pleasure sensors from your primary sexual organs, and moved them all to your asshole!"
"I thought that should have doubled the number of receptors, but I'm wondering now if I failed to carry the decimal point? Ah well, you seem to like it!"
He, oh so, slowly eases the plug back into your ass. You rock back and forth on it as it goes in. As soon as he lets go, you fall to the floor from the pleasure. You reach back and start working the plug with a vengeance.
"I'll leave you to it once I've made a few more changes.", he says.
You really don't care, you're too busy working that ass.] \
] \
$description[ \
\(if: ($showDescription: "Anal Queen", $who, 1, "EQ"))[There's a small buttplug inserted in $who ass.]
\(if: ($showDescription: "Anal Queen", $who, 2, "EQ"))[There's a medium sized buttplug inserted in $who ass that you keep fiddling with.]
\(if: ($showDescription: "Anal Queen", $who, 3, "GTE"))[When you're not otherwise occupied, you're usually fucking yourself with a large buttplug.]](storylet: when ($showDescription: "Shrink Body", $you, 3, "GTE") and ($showDescription: "Comfy Heels", $you, 3, "LT"))\
\(if: ($displayLevel: 1, "Comfy Heels"))[The scientist mooches up and drops a set of low heels into the hatch he uses to feed you.
"What are those?", you ask pointedly.
"I thought you might like to get a little of that height you lost back!", he gleefully exclaims.
"I guess you think it'll be funny watching me tottering around the cell in those?", you ask.
"Oh these are barely 2 inches, even you could manage those...", he pauses as if thinking, though you know it's an act, "...but I'm sure I can help."
You lunge to grab the shoes before he does whatever he has planned, but the heat and prickling in your right foot and ankle tells you you're way too late. You stumble to the floor, feeling like you've twisted it.
He touches a button on his panel, and a block slides out of the wall at about seat height. "Here, sit down, I want to see how this has worked."
You pull yourself up onto the seat, and rub your ankle, there's something not quite right, but you can't put your finger on it.
"Ok, stretch your right leg out straight and just relax the muscles in your foot", he instructs.
You do so, curious to see what he's playing at.
"So the average foot in a relaxed state will point up at a rough angle towards the ceiling. The closer to horizontal it lies, the easier you'd find it to wear heels.", he explains.
You look, yours are now maybe 5 to 10 degrees above the horizontal. You roll your eyes, naturally he's made it easier for you to wear heels.
"There are two practical components, the Talus bone determines the natural angle of the foot, and the tarsi space determines how long you're able to comfortably maintain that posture. As you can see I've adjusted your right foot, quite considerably".
You realise what he's said and swap legs. Your left foot is pointing up at nearly 50 degrees to the vertical. No wonder you tripped. Does he expect you to hobble around like Igor from that Frankenstien movie?
"Don't worry, I'll balance them out later," he clearly guessed what you were thinking, "but what I'd like to see is the range of motion of the right vs the left foot."
You have that sinking feeling. Given the left foot is up you test that first. You can point the toes a little lower with a little effort, and you can pull it up vertical, though the tendon is a little tight when you do so.
"Now the right", he grins as he says it. You hesitantly raise the other leg up again. Your range of motion is much lower. With a little effort you can point it pretty much straight down, but try as you might you can't get it much beyond 45 degrees.
"Let's see how you do standing up", he says and as if on cue the chair starts sliding back into the wall. You hop up rather than fall on your ass, but it's hard to settle. You just can't get your right foot flat on the floor. You end up with the weight mostly on the left and the right a little elevated.
"That looks uncomfortable, how about you pop the heels on before I do the other leg?", he asks.
You grab the heels with a sigh, and kneel to put them on. It hadn't really sunk in till now that your feet had also shrunk. At least these heels are relatively low.
Just as you finish you feel the prickle of the nanites activating to adjust your other foot.
The heels seem surprisingly comfortable. Which you guess is good, as you're not going to be able to wear anything else...]
\(if: ($displayLevel: 2, "Comfy Heels"))[The scientist approaches your cell carrying a pair of medium size heels.
"OK, let's get this over with.", you say, putting your hand out ready as you wait by the hatch.
"What do you mean?" the scientist asks, pausing.
"We both know how this is going to go. I'm not going to want the heels and then you're going to find some way to force me to wear them. You're kind of predictable." you reply.
"Oh really? Fine! We'll just jump to the end" he says with a frown. You wonder if maybe you went too far in baiting him.
He stabs frustratedly at his tablet, and you feel the prickling sensation of the nanites doing something to your feet again.
Before long you're having to raise your heels off the floor due to the discomfort in your legs. You kick off your heels, they're clearly of no use now.
"You forgot the shoes" you tell him, gesturing at the shoes in his hands. Balancing is a little tricky.
"Oh, these won't fit you now!" he replies with a grin. "You wanted to skip to the end. I'll bring back something more appropriate later."
By the time he returns, your calves are feeling very cramped. You eventually had to sit down to avoid having to tiptoe around.
He deposits a pair of bright red 6 inch stilettos into the hatch and then hits the cycle button, so that you can open it up on your side. You sigh as you look at the heels. You probably need to learn not to express your snark around this guy.
Once you put them on - you're not sure if it's better or worse. It takes the pressure off your calves, but you're wobbling around like bambi on ice.
"It's not my fault," the scientist says in response to your glare, "I was planning to ease you into them."]
\(if: ($displayLevel: 3, "Comfy Heels"))["You know how you said you wanted to skip to the highest heels possible?" the scientist asks.
"That's not what I said!" you reply with a sinking feeling.
"Ah, near enough", he waves away your protest with a pointed grin.
"So I've been researching and apparently we can go even further! Isn't that brilliant?!" he doesn't even wait for your response, he's so excited.
This time it feels like your feet are being broken. Once it's over, the angle of your feet is so extreme, you just don't see how you're supposed to stand.
"You will need some support to learn to walk this way. We'll strap you into some ballet boots to start with. But once you've got the knack we'll transition you to slippers. Now I know you're probably worrying about broken toes, but I've reinforced yours substantially. They don't really need to bend too much, so it was fairly easy."
He disappears off and you experiment with your new toes. They do seem to be fixed in position and do seem more solid than they should be.
It doesn't take long before he comes back with a set of Ballet boots which he pops through the hatch for you. They look crazy high, but you know it'll just be worse if you object, so you start strapping yourself in.
You can barely stand and have to use the wall for support.
"Oh don't worry," he says reassuringly, "I'm sure you'll get the hang of it in no time!"]
] \
$description[ \
\(if: ($showDescription: "Comfy Heels", $who, 1, "EQ"))[You look comfortable in a pair of 2 inch heels.]
\(if: ($showDescription: "Comfy Heels", $who, 2, "EQ"))[You look a little unsteady in your 6 inch stilettos.]
\(if: ($showDescription: "Comfy Heels", $who, 3, "GTE"))[You can hardly stand in your ballet boots.]
](storylet: when ($showDescription: "New Name", $you, 1, "LT"))\
$transform[He spends an inordinate amount of time standing outside your cell fiddling with his tablet.
Eventually he looks satisfied and looks at you. "You know," he says thoughtfully, "I don't think we've actually been formally introduced. I'm Dr Hartman, and you are?"
You wonder what he's playing at, but figure maybe you can bond or something if you play along?
(set: _inputBox to (str:"Hi, I'm " + $slutname + ", what NO! I'm " + $slutname + "! Wait, it's " + $slutname + ". I ..."))(force-input-box: "X", 1, _inputBox)
You trail off. He's clearly done something. "How..." you ask.
"I've not changed your brain before you worry. Instead, I've tweaked the receptors that fire to control your speaking. When they receive the instruction to say what you think of as your name, it replaces it with what you consider the most insulting name for a woman." He tuts at you, shaking his finger. "Very naughty".
"Still that's only half the story. This forces you to use the name, but not necessarily respond to it." He looks at you with a grin.
"You can't....", you say, but you realise he probably can.
"Let's see...", he says, "So you say your name is $slutname?"
You feel a frisson of excitement at hearing the name. Like the world is coming into focus when you hear it somehow.
"You just got a small shot of dopamine. It tells the brain to pay attention.", he explains, "For the first couple of days, you'll get a shot whenever you hear the name. It should mean you look forward to hearing it. Then we'll change things so you get the shot when you react to your new name. I'll phase it out over time, but in a couple of weeks, I doubt you'll even care what your old name was."
He pushes something on his tablet again, and there's a feeling of heat on your right forearm. The letters (text-style:"smear")["Call me $slutname!"] appear as a tattoo. "Just to make sure you and I don't forget!" he explains with a laugh.
You stroke the new tattoo, for some reason you just can't get the name out of your mind.] \
$description[ \
\(if: ($showDescription: "New Name", $who, 1, "GTE"))[Your forearm is tattooed with (text-style:"smear")["Call me $slutname!"] to remind everyone of your real name.]](storylet: when ($showDescription: "Semen Addict", $you, 1, "GTE") and visits is 0) \
The scientist approaches your cell with a large tray. From the looks of the large juicy burger, it contains a variety of food.
Your mouth waters a little, so far food has consisted of some kind of energy gel which while it keeps you alive isn't exactly exciting. The idea of some variety is pretty attractive. You wonder what you're going to have to do to get that burger?
The scientist pushes the try through some kind of airlock thing in the corner and cycles it so that the tray is accessible to you. You stare at him, waiting for the other shoe to drop.
"You've been fairly cooperative," he says, "So I figured a small reward was in order."
You look over the tray. There's the burger, some chips, a small carton of salad, an apple and a milkshake. It's a pretty easy choice, so you grab the burger and take a large bite. It tastes delicious, but as you start chewing it you start to feel nauseous and that flavour starts to turn almost rancid. You really can't bring yourself to swallow so you eventually regretfully spit it back onto the plate. It still smells good, so you try to take another smaller bite, but the same thing happens again.
"What the hell?" you ask, "Have you made me a vegetarian?". You try a chip, but still no joy and you spit the mess back onto the plate. Now desperate, you try the salad but the flavour just turns your stomach.
"Try the milkshake," the scientist suggests helpfully. You take a tentative sip from the straw, expecting the nausea to kick in. Weirdly, as soon as the liquid hits your mouth, the sick feeling vanishes instantly. You swallow gratefully and then pause puzzled. The flavour is a little off.
You hesitantly take another mouthful. The texture is wrong, it's gloopy and worse is the flavour, it's musky with a salty hint? "What is this?" you ask, half knowing what the answer will be.
He laughs at your expression, "It's horse Semen! I've rewired how your sense of taste and smell hook into the brain. Anything that's not spunk flavoured triggers your brain's revulsion reflex."
You look in horror at the cup. He can't be serious. Then you have a brainwave. You grab a chip and stick it in the gunk and then pop it in your mouth and quickly swallow. You grin at him smug with your success. After a few seconds you feel something akin to acid reflux in your stomach and find yourself gagging. You double over and bring up the contents of your stomach onto the plate. You stare mournfully at the delicious meal you just ruined.
"That's probably for the best," he says, "I'm afraid semen is the only thing you can digest now. Required some substantial changes, which we're going to need to monitor. It's not very nutritious, so you're going to have to drink a lot of it. Fortunately you can buy horse semen in bulk. I'd recommend getting used to the taste."
Your stomach rumbles and you take another look at the congealed gloop in the cup.
"The good news," he tells you cheerily, "is that if it's fresh and warm, it'll trigger your fatty food response. Straight from the cock will be like eating ice cream for you!"
He takes the tray away and leaves you staring at your paper cup filled with horse jism.
Tomorrow you'll need to [[make a better decision than the one that brought you here.|Make a Decision]] $transform["Huh?" says the scientist. "I've actually run out of things to do to you!"
If only there was someone you could tell that you've got here!](set: _cards to (open-storylets: where its tags contains "buddyOverlevel"))(if: _cards is not (a:))[ \
(set: _choice to (either: ..._cards)) \
(assert: ($addTrait: $currentOpponent, _choice's redirect)) \
(display: ( _choice's redirect))]
\ (else:)[(set: $overlevel to it + 1)](display: "TopupChoices")
($bimboText: (line-style: $noChoice))[Testing]
(for: each _count, ...(range: 0,5))[
Bimbo _count
(for: each _item, ...$oneList)[($bimboText: (link-style: $screenChoice))[(link: "_item")[($bimboText: (line-style: $noChoice))[_item] ]] ]
(for: each _item, ...$twoList)[($bimboText:(link-style: $screenChoice))[(link: "_item")[($bimboText: (line-style: $noChoice))[_item] ]] ]
(for: each _item, ...$threeList)[($bimboText: (link-style: $screenChoice))[(link: "_item")[($bimboText: (line-style: $noChoice))[_item] ]] ]
(assert: ($addTrait: "You", "Increase Happiness"))
($bimboText: (line-style: $noChoice))[_item]
(set: $screenChoice to
(background:#6F95C8+white) +
(border:'solid') +
(color:#052650) +
(corner-radius: 10) +
(border-color:#052650) +
(set: $noChoice to
(background: white))
(set: $bimboText = (macro: changer-type _notBimbo, [
(set: _bimbo to ($howStupid: "You"))
Current Bimbo: _bimbo
(set: _random to (random: 1,5))
Current Random: _random
(set: _bimbo1 to (char-style: via (text-rotate-y:(random:20,40))+(text-rotate-z:(random:-20,20))))
(set: _bimbo2 to (char-style: via (text-rotate-y:(random:40,60))+(text-rotate-z:(random:-45,45))))
(set: _bimbo3 to (char-style: via (text-rotate-y:(random:60,80))+(text-rotate-z:(random:-90,90))))
(set: _bimbo4 to (char-style: via (text-rotate-y:(random:60,120))+(text-rotate-z:(random:0,360))))
(set: _bimboLevelOne to (a: _bimbo1, _bimbo1, _bimbo1, _bimbo2, _bimbo3))
(set: _bimboLevelTwo to (a: _bimbo1, _bimbo1, _bimbo2, _bimbo3, _bimbo3))
(set: _bimboLevelThree to (a: _bimbo2, _bimbo2, _bimbo3, _bimbo3, _bimbo4))
(set: _bimboLevelFour to (a: _bimbo2, _bimbo3, _bimbo3, _bimbo4, _bimbo4))
(set: _bimboLevelFive to (a: _bimbo3, _bimbo3, _bimbo4, _bimbo4, _bimbo4))
(set: _textFormat to (cond:
_bimbo >= 5, _bimboLevelFive's (_random) + _notBimbo,
_bimbo >= 4, _bimboLevelFour's (_random) + _notBimbo,
_bimbo >= 3, _bimboLevelThree's (_random) + _notBimbo,
_bimbo >= 2, _bimboLevelTwo's (_random) + _notBimbo,
_bimbo >= 1, _bimboLevelOne's (_random) + _notBimbo,
_notBimbo ))
Chosen Text Format is: (print: _textFormat)
(output-data: _textFormat)
]))(assert: ($addTrait: "You", "Increase Sex Drive"))
(assert: ($addTrait: "You", "Increase Sex Drive"))
(assert: ($addTrait: "You", "Increase Sex Drive"))
(assert: ($addTrait: "You", "Increase Sex Drive"))
(assert: ($addTrait: "You", "Increase Sex Drive"))
(for: each _round, ...(range: 1, 25))[
(print: ($howHorny: "You")) (print: ($tooHorny: "You"))]
(set: _yourMove to false)(set: _move to false)
\ (if: ($tooStupid: $you))[(set: _yourMove to (either: true, false))You have a moment of doubt as the screen fades. Did you actually press the right button?
Looks like you selected (cond: _yourMove, "Betray", "Defend"). Is that what you meant to do?]
\ (elseif: (($buttonPushed is true) and ($tooSubmissive: $you)))[You really wanted to push the betray button, but you just //know// $roundOpponent wanted you to cooperate. You fought it, but the compulsion was just too much this time, and eventually you pushed Cooperate instead. (set: _yourMove to false)]
\ (else:)[(set: _yourMove to $buttonPushed)You push the (cond: _yourMove, "Betray", "Defend") button and wait anxiously to see what $roundOpponent picked.]
\ (if: ($tooStupid: $roundOpponent))[From their face, you think $roundOpponent ditzed out, you're not sure what you can read into their choice. (set: _move to (either: true, false))]
\ (elseif: ($tooSubmissive: $roundOpponent))[From their face, you're pretty sure their compulsion forced their choice. (set: _move to false)
\ (else:)[(either: "They quickly make their mind up and push a button.", "$roundOpponent seem to take a while to think about it and then pushes a button.", "$roundOpponent looks at you with a grin, and then pushes a button.")(set: _move to ($makeDecision: $roundOpponent, $you))]
\(if: _move and _yourMove)[You betrayed each other. You both gain 2 points. (assert: ($adjustPoints: "You", 2))(assert: ($adjustPoints: $roundOpponent, 2))]
\(else-if: (_move and (_yourMove is false)))[He betrayed you. You gain 3 points. (assert: ($adjustPoints: "You", 3))
(either: "Oh crap!", "Why did you trust him?", "You kind of knew that would happen.", "You so should have betrayed him.")]
\(else-if: (_yourMove and (_move is false)))[He tried to defend you. He gained 3 points. (assert: ($adjustPoints: $roundOpponent, 3))
(either: "Loser!", "That should teach him.", "Wonder what change he'll pick?")]
\(else:)[He tried to Defend you. You both gain 1 point. (assert: ($adjustPoints: "You", 1))(assert: ($adjustPoints: $roundOpponent, 1))
(either: "You knew he'd see sense.", "Great, he played nice.", "One point is definitely better than Three.", "You let out the breath you were holding in relief.", "At least he didn't take advantage of you.")]
(assert: ($recordMove: $roundOpponent, $you, _yourMove) is _yourMove)
(assert: ($recordMove: $you, $roundOpponent, _move) is _move)
(set: _thirdMove to false)(set: _forthMove to false)
(set: _thirdPlayer to $otherOpponents's 1st)
(set: _forthPlayer to $otherOpponents's 2nd)
(if: ($tooStupid: _thirdPlayer))[(set: _thirdMove to (either: true, false))]
(elseif: ($tooSubmissive: _thirdPlayer))[(set: _thirdMove to false)]
(else:)[(set: _thirdMove to ($makeDecision: _thirdPlayer, _forthPlayer))]
(if: ($tooStupid: _forthPlayer))[(set: _forthMove to (either: true, false))]
(elseif: ($tooSubmissive: _forthPlayer))[(set: _forthMove to false)]
(else:)[(set: _forthMove to ($makeDecision: _forthPlayer, _thirdPlayer))]
(assert: ($recordMove: _forthPlayer, _thirdPlayer, _thirdMove) is _thirdMove)
(assert: ($recordMove: _thirdPlayer, _forthPlayer, _forthMove) is _forthMove)
\(if: _thirdMove and _forthMove)[_thirdPlayer and _forthPlayer betrayed each other. They both gain 2 points. (assert: ($adjustPoints: _thirdPlayer, 2))(assert: ($adjustPoints: _forthPlayer, 2))]
\(else-if: (_thirdMove and (_forthMove is false)))[_thirdPlayer betrayed _forthPlayer. _forthPlayer gains 3 points. (assert: ($adjustPoints: _forthPlayer, 3))]
\(else-if: (_forthMove and (_thirdMove is false)))[_forthPlayer betrayed _thirdPlayer. _thirdPlayer gained 3 points. (assert: ($adjustPoints: _thirdPlayer, 3))]
\(else:)[_thirdPlayer and _forthPlayer defended each other. They both gain 1 point. (assert: ($adjustPoints: _thirdPlayer, 1))(assert: ($adjustPoints: _forthPlayer, 1))]
(set: _betray to ($howManyBetray: ($order's 1st's 1st)))
(set: $order's 1st's 2nd to _betray + (random: 1))
(set: _betray to ($howManyBetray: ($order's 2nd's 1st)))
(set: $order's 2nd's 2nd to _betray + (random: 1))
(set: _betray to ($howManyBetray: ($order's 3rd's 1st)))
(set: $order's 3rd's 2nd to _betray +(random: 1))
(set: _betray to ($howManyBetray: ($order's 4th's 1st)))
(set: $order's 4th's 2nd to _betray + (random: 1))
(if: $order's 1st's 2nd > $order's 2nd's 2nd)[(set: _temp to $order's 1st)(set: $order's 1st to $order's 2nd)(set: $order's 2nd to _temp)]
(if: $order's 3rd's 2nd > $order's 4th's 2nd)[(set: _temp to $order's 3rd)(set: $order's 3rd to $order's 4th)(set: $order's 4th to _temp)]
(if: $order's 1st's 2nd > $order's 3rd's 2nd)[(set: _temp to $order's 1st)(set: $order's 1st to $order's 3rd)(set: $order's 3rd to _temp)]
(if: $order's 2nd's 2nd > $order's 4th's 2nd)[(set: _temp to $order's 2nd)(set: $order's 2nd to $order's 4th)(set: $order's 4th to _temp)]
(if: $order's 2nd's 2nd > $order's 3rd's 2nd)[(set: _temp to $order's 2nd)(set: $order's 2nd to $order's 3rd)(set: $order's 3rd to _temp)]
(if: $order's 1st's 1st is "You")[
The screen clears and a new menu of options appears asking you how you wish to (if: ($tooHorny: $you))[($bimboText: (link-style: $screenChoice))[ [[Spend the Points|Too Busy Masterbating]]] ](else:)[($bimboText: (link-style: $screenChoice))[ [[Spend the Points]]] ]]
One of the others gets to [[Pick First]] ]{
(set: _cards to (open-storylets: where its tags contains "masterbate")) \
(set: _choice to (passage: "Default Wank"))
(if: _cards is not (a:))[
(set: _choice to (either: ..._cards))]
(goto: _choice's name)
You're going to have to [[Deal with the consequences]] of not making an active choice.(storylet: when (($hasPussy: "You") is false) and (visits is 0)) \
A bunch of options flash up on the screen, but you're feeling horny and it's difficult to concentrate.
You look over at $firstSlut who seems to be relieving her own sexual needs, her left hand squeezing one of her ripe tits, the other deep between her legs...
Before you know it, your own hand has dropped down to play with your dick. You lean against the window watching her sweat and moan and imagine what it'd be like to be in the room with her. Licking her nipples, pushing her up against the glass, and then sliding your dick into her dripping snatch, pounding away till you push her over the edge...
The two of you seem to orgasm in near unison. As you look at the mess you just made, you realise, with a start, that was your buddy you were just fantasising over...
You also realise you've missed the window for choosing what to spend your points on. Hopefully that won't prove a mistake.
You're going to have to (link-goto: "Deal with the consequences") of not making an active choice.(storylet: when true) \
Once again your desires overcome you - and you find yourself masterbating to bring some relief rather than focusing on the choices in front of you.
By the time you finish, you realise that the timer ran out and you can no longer choose what to spend your points on.
You're going to have to (link-goto: "Deal with the consequences") of not making an active choice.(storylet: when (($showDescription: "Increase Sex Drive", $you, 2, "GTE") and visits is 0)) \
It's been hard not to think about what you've dubbed "The Fuck Station" in the corner. It's probably the changes, but your mind has been running wild with fantasies and ideas since the scientist installed it.
Eventually you figure the best way to get it out of your head is to go have a look. You try not to think about the rubber phallus and instead take a look at the plastic pussy next to it. Running your fingers over it, it has a slight tacky sensation, not totally unpleasant. You push a finger between the lips and jump as there's a slight whirring noise. You whip your finger out and the noise stops. Taking a closer look, there's now a slight dribble coming from the lips. Putting your finger back in, you feel it's now filled with a viscous fluid.
"Oh!" with a start you realise that it's dispensing lube. Whatever you choose to do - that could be handy.
(set: _dick to ($howMuchTrait: $you, "Outie to Innie"))
(if: _dick >2)[You've been trying to avoid thinking about what you could do with this dildo and your new pussy. Now that you're close up, it's really hard not to imagine what you could do here. If you were brave enough, or needed it that badly...](else-if: _dick > 0)[It's hard not to compare the dildo to what remains of your dick. It stands tall and flush, whereas yours...](else:)[The dildo is probably similar in size to yours, you think, but you avoid directly comparing your straining erection against it just in case.] It looks like it's mounted on some kind of rachet that allows you to adjust the height up the wall that it sits. There are also a couple of handles on the wall, you guess to make it easier to use?
If anything looking has made you more horny, not less. You're probably going to have to do something to take the edge off, the question is what?
You could:
(if: _dick < 3)[ [[Use the Pussy]]
] \
(if: _dick > 2)[ [[Give your pussy a workout]]
] \
Ignore the machine and [[Use your fingers]]
Wait till tomorrow and hope [[your craving eases|Make a Decision]]
Or if you're daring you could [[Try some butt stuff]]?(set: _dick to ($howMuchTrait:$you, "Outie to Innie"))You're already worked up. It feels like you're feeling like this most of the time now. You test the fake pussy again with your finger, making sure it's well lubricated.
(if: _dick is 0)[You slide your dick into the hole, grunting a little from how tightly it squeezes your shaft. You grin, it actually feels fairly realistic considering. Obviously you're facing a wall rather than a person, but that weirdness is definitely balanced out by the fantastic sensation as you thrust away.
It doesn't take you long, you're so worked up, that you don't even try to make it last. Your dick starts pulsing and you send your load somewhere deep in the wall. Probably best not to think about what he does with your donation.
] \
(else-if: _dick is 1)[You feed your much reduced penis into the hole and frown a little at how much you've lost. It's very loose, but you're able to get some friction going by rubbing yourself along the bottom. It's not perfect, but it's definitely good enough.
You pop a finger down there to hold it in place, and grind yourself back and forth as you build up to a climax. You grunt as you start to cum and dump your load. With your 3 inch pecker you'll probably have to do more work with real women if you want to get them off. At least that's not a problem for today.
] \
(else:)[You hit a problem fairly quickly. Your dick just isn't large enough to really use the pussy properly. You grind yourself against the silicon on the outside, which gives a bit of friction at least, but it's not really satisfying, more a reminder of what you've lost. Your eyes keep straying to the dildo which really just makes it worse.
Eventually you manage to grind yourself to a climax and watch as your tiny dick just weakly squirts cum over your own crotch. You suspect there's more on you than on the fake pussy!
You eye the dildo again, and wonder if you should [[Try some butt stuff]] after all?
] \
Still at least you're feeling some temporary relief. Hopefully it'll keep the craving off at least until [[tomorrow|Make a Decision]]?(set: _dick to ($howMuchTrait:$you, "Outie to Innie"))You resolutely turn your back on the machine and head to the other side of the room, trying to control the thoughts with distance.
(if: ($hasPussy: "You"))[You sit down leaning against the wall, and lick your fingers for some moisture, realising with annoyance that you could have used the lube from the fake pussy. You gently stroke the lips of your pussy and feel the tremor it sends through your body. You're pretty wet, so you slide your finger in feeling just how dripping wet you are. If anything that turns you on more.
Before long you have a couple of fingers in your dripping snatch, using the fleshy part of your hand to give your clit the odd rub. It feels great, but you can't help stare over at the fucking station and wonder what that might feel like. You imagine impaling yourself on that rubbery fake dick and the fantasy just drives you wild. Before you know it you're coming hard. You shut your eyes and wait for the tremors to fade. At least that should keep you going for today...] \
(else:)[You sit down against the wall and start stroking your rock hard dick. You're not really sure what point you were trying to prove by not using the plastic pussy, but at least you know how this works.
(if: _dick is 0)[At least your dick hasn't changed, you know what you like, and you're able to get going without too much hesitation. You pump away at the shaft like a trooper and then shoot your load onto the floor beside you, so one of his drones can tidy it up.
] \
(else-if: _dick is 1)[It's hard to look at what's left of your once proud dick, but even though it's small, it still works the same way. If anything it's easier to use, as you can cover almost the whole shaft with your hand.
You rub one out, remembering just in time to roll over onto all fours, so you can cum on the floor rather than over yourself. One of his drones can clean that up later.
] \
(else:)[You can't believe how small your dick is now. It's like a little nub. Still, with enough stimulation, you can still get off. You gently massage it with your finger and thumb. If anything it's more sensitive now. Maybe he left all the nerve endings in? In any case, you rub away at, and once again are surprised at how quickly you come. Given the size, it's impossible to control, so you just live with the spunk rolling over your crotch.
It's kind of unsatisfying. You look over at the fucking station, and try not to imagine a use for that dick...
] \
] \
You've taken the edge off a bit, hopefully you'll win this thing soon, and get out of here. You wonder what [[you'll do tomorrow|Make a Decision]].Your heart races as you think about it. Are you really going to try this? You imagine what your friends would say, but then at least one of them is across the room, and $firstSlut is definitely not judging.
You try not to think about it. You move the dildo down to kneeling height. Then you grab a healthy dollop of lube from the fake pussy and work it over the shaft and tip till it looks like it's dripping. You bite your lip in anticipation. You grab some more lube, and gently work it into your puckered hole.
You kneel down, back to the wall, and then raise your arse up and gradually slide backwards onto the dildo. It's tight, very tight, the head feels incredibly large as it pushes in. You slowly work your way back, with a large grin on your face from the sensation. It feels good.
Just as you're not sure you can fit any more in, there's some kind of switch and you feel a rumbling vibration coming from the dildo. You cry out in surprise and close your eyes. It feels utterly //amazing//.
You start rocking back and forth, moaning as you do. You may look like a slut, but you don't care. At least you're a slut that's getting what she needs!
Eventually you climax, (if: ($hasPussy: "You"))[your pussy quivering in pleasure.](else:)[your dick squirting its load on the floor in front of you.] Your head drops to the floor, your ass still up in the air behind you, pinned to the wall and too tired to care.
After a while you pull yourself off and then roll over and look back.
You don't want to think about it, but at heart you know you're going to do that again. Maybe [[tomorrow|Make a Decision]]?(set: _dick to ($howMuchTrait:$you, "Outie to Innie"))You feel you've got to do something to relieve the pressure. Your breathing gets harder as you think about what you're going to do. You adjust the dildo so that it should be at the right height.
(if: _dick is 3)[You grab some of the lube from the fake pussy, and gently rub it against your pussy lips getting yourself nicely worked up. You're fairly wet, but you grab some more lube and work it inside just to be sure. Once you're ready, you gradually slide yourself over the head of the dildo. For a moment it takes your breath away. The stretching sensation is incredible.
Biting your lip, you push harder and gradually get it all the way in. It's tight, but the stretching feels just so good!
] \
(if: _dick is 4)[You're already fairly wet, but you grab a little extra from the fake puss, and use your hand to lube up the dildo. You're able to gently slide yourself onto the dildo fairly easily. You stop half way, amazed at how deep you seem to be able to get it into your body. With a grunt you push the rest of the way faster. You sigh. The friction is delicious!
] \
(if: _dick is 5)[You grab the handles and aim the dildo at your gaping cunt. With a happy cry, you ram yourself onto the dildo till the tip slams into your cervix deep inside. "Oh God", you cry out. It's everything you imagined.
] \
Holding the handles, you slide yourself back and forward moaning with pleasure on each stroke. Can this get any better you wonder?
Apparently it can. Without any notice, the dildo starts gently pulsing. The vibrations add to the pleasure already pulsing down in your crotch and you roll your head back in delight.
You slide yourself back and forwards trying to make this pleasure last as long as possible. You are able to forget where you are and everything that's happened. The pulsing from the dildo increases in tempo and all that matters is the pleasure coming from the shaft gliding in and out of your cunt, over and over again.
It can't last forever, and eventually you hit your climax, your body spasms and you hold on to the handles for dear life, as your orgasm rolls over you.
Eventually when you get your breath back, you slide yourself off, and drop back to sit on the floor staring up at that glorious cock. You shake your head and look mournfully down at your sopping wet cunt. The after spasms are hitting you hard, and you don't think you can go again straight away.
You catch yourself. Are you really going to go again?
You guess that's a question for [[tomorrow|Make a Decision]].(storylet: when (($hasPussy: "You") is false) and (history:) contains "Use the Pussy") \
(set: _dick to ($howMuchTrait:$you, "Outie to Innie")) \
It's hard to think about the choices in front of you. Instead you keep looking over at the fake pussy on the fuckstation. You're just so horny and it's making it hard to make a decision.
Maybe a fuck would clear your mind. (nth: (min: 2, visits), "If you're quick you could be back before the screen times out.", "Last time you took too long, but you won't make that mistake again, right?", "Even if you don't make it back in time, does it really matter?")
(if: _dick is 0)[You slide your dick into the hole again, smiling as the lube covers your shaft. It's amazing how quickly you've got used to just fucking a wall!
You pump in and out until that relief comes and sag back relieved. You rest your head against the wall. Maybe you can think straight about your choices now?
] \
(else-if: _dick is 1)[It's still too small, but at least you know how to work it now. You put the pussy a bit lower, so you can grind up against the roof of the tube, without having to use your finger for support.
It's a bit humiliating, but in some ways that seems to be a turn on now. You grunt as you empty your balls into the fake pussy, and can finally relax. What were your choices again?
] \
(else:)[You lube up your miniscule dick and then grind it up and down the slit. It's not pretty, but you don't really care any more. The sensations coming from your tiny dick is pretty amazing, like all your pleasure sensors are concentrated into a tiny nub.
Eventually you cum, more a dribble than a splurge now. Still at least it gives you the relief you needed. Maybe you can actually concentrate on the stupid choices now?
] \
There's a bing, from the screen behind you, and you know that you've missed the opportunity to choose again for today.
At least you'll (link-goto: "Deal with the consequences") of that with this buzz!(storylet: when (($hasPussy: "You") is true) and (history:) contains "Give your pussy a workout") \
(set: _dick to ($howMuchTrait:$you, "Outie to Innie")) \
It's hard to think about the choices in front of you. Instead you keep looking over at the fake dick on the fuckstation. You're just so horny and it's making it hard to make a decision.
Maybe a fuck would clear your mind. (nth: (min: 2, visits), "If you're quick you could be back before the screen times out.", "Last time you took too long, but you won't make that mistake again, right?", "Even if you don't make it back in time, does it really matter?")
Your mind made up, you rush over to the station and slide yourself onto that glorious dick. Before long you're pumping yourself harder and harder, feeling the glorious build up as you drive yourself towards the inevitable crashing orgasm.
You slide off the dildo with a pop and drop to the floor. Do you have time for one more go, you wonder? There's a bing from behind, and you realise you've missed the opportunity to make a choice anyway.
In which case, you reckon, one more go before you have to (link-goto: "Deal with the consequences") of this decision!(set: _order to (a: (a:"Alex", (random: 9)), (a: "Brad", (random: 9)), (a:"Charlie", (random: 9)), (a:"Doug", (random: 9))))
(print: _order)
(if: _order's 1st's 2nd > _order's 2nd's 2nd)[(set: _temp to _order's 1st)(set: _order's 1st to _order's 2nd)(set: _order's 2nd to _temp)]
(if: _order's 3rd's 2nd > _order's 4th's 2nd)[(set: _temp to _order's 3rd)(set: _order's 3rd to _order's 4th)(set: _order's 4th to _temp)]
(if: _order's 1st's 2nd > _order's 3rd's 2nd)[(set: _temp to _order's 1st)(set: _order's 1st to _order's 3rd)(set: _order's 3rd to _temp)]
(if: _order's 2nd's 2nd > _order's 4th's 2nd)[(set: _temp to _order's 2nd)(set: _order's 2nd to _order's 4th)(set: _order's 4th to _temp)]
(if: _order's 2nd's 2nd > _order's 3rd's 2nd)[(set: _temp to _order's 2nd)(set: _order's 2nd to _order's 3rd)(set: _order's 3rd to _temp)]
(print: _order){
(set: _notFound to true)(set: _before to (a:))
(for: each _person, ...$order)[
(if: _person's 1st is "You")[(set: _notFound to false)]
(else-if: _notFound)[(set: _before to it + (a: _person's 1st))]]
\ (for: each _person, ..._before)[
(display: "TopupChoices")(set: $currentOpponent to _person)(set: $who to "his")(set: _moodChanged to false)
(set: _drChoice to (a:))(set: _moodAdjective to "weirdly")
(if: ($tooHorny: $currentOpponent))[
($clearTraitChoices: $currentOpponent)
(set: _moodAdjective to (either: "is too busy masterbating and", "was pleasuring himself and", "is orgasming and"))]
(elseif: ($tooStupid: $currentOpponent))[
($addTraitChoices: $currentOpponent, ($buddiesDitzChoice: $currentOpponent))
(set: _moodAdjective to (either: "ditzes out and", "looks confused and", "concentrates real hard and", "looks bewildered and", "is befuzzled and"))]
($addTraitChoices: $currentOpponent, ($buddiesChoice: $currentOpponent))
(set: _moodAdjective to ($getMoodAdjective: $currentOpponent))]
$currentOpponent _moodAdjective (either: "chooses", "selects", "picks") ($prettyList: ($getTraitChoices: $currentOpponent)).
\ (if: ($getPoints: $currentOpponent) > 2)[(set: _drChoice to ($drIntChoice: $currentOpponent ))(set: _moodChanged to ($checkMood: $currentOpponent))]
\(if: ($getTraitChoices: $currentOpponent) is not (a:) and _drChoice is not (a:))[The scientist adds ($prettyList: _drChoice) to the ones $currentOpponent picked.]
\(if: ($getTraitChoices: $currentOpponent) is (a:) and _drChoice is not (a:))[The Scientist picks ($prettyList: _drChoice) for $currentOpponent.]
\ ($addTraitChoices: $currentOpponent, _drChoice)(if: ($getTraitChoices: $currentOpponent) is not (a:))[(set: $buddyChange to true)(set: $who to "his")(for: each _trait, ...($getTraitChoices: $currentOpponent))[
\ (assert: ($addTrait: $currentOpponent, _trait))(assert: ($addFollowTraits: $currentOpponent, _trait))
(display: _trait)]
\ (set: $buddyChange to false)($clearTraitChoices: $currentOpponent)]
\(if: _moodChanged)[(cond: ($getMood: $currentOpponent) is 2, "It looks as though these changes have broken the defiance $currentOpponent was showing. You'd guess he'll pick more carefully now.", "$currentOpponent looks completely broken. Will he just go along with it now?")] ]
The screen clears and a new menu of options appears asking you how you wish to (if: ($tooHorny: $you))[($bimboText: (link-style: $screenChoice))[ [[Spend the Points|Too Busy Masterbating]]] ](else:)[($bimboText: (link-style: $screenChoice))[ [[Spend the Points]]] ]{
(set: _found to false)(set: _after to (a:))
(for: each _person, ...$order)[
(if: (_person's 1st is "You"))[(set: _found to true)]
(else-if: _found)[(set: _after to it + (a: _person's 1st))]]
\ (for: each _person, ..._after)[
(display: "TopupChoices")(set: $currentOpponent to _person)(set: $who to "his")(set: _moodChanged to false)
(set: _drChoice to (a:))(set: _moodAdjective to "weirdly")
(if: ($tooHorny: $currentOpponent))[
($clearTraitChoices: $currentOpponent)
(set: _moodAdjective to (either: "is too busy masterbating and", "was pleasuring himself and", "is orgasming and"))
(elseif: ($tooStupid: $currentOpponent))[
($addTraitChoices: $currentOpponent, ($buddiesDitzChoice: $currentOpponent))
(set: _moodAdjective to (either: "ditzes out and", "looks confused and", "concentrates real hard and", "looks bewildered and", "is befuzzled and"))
($addTraitChoices: $currentOpponent, ($buddiesChoice: $currentOpponent))
(set: _moodAdjective to ($getMoodAdjective: $currentOpponent))
$currentOpponent _moodAdjective (either: "chooses", "selects", "picks") ($prettyList: ($getTraitChoices: $currentOpponent)).
\ (if: ($getPoints: $currentOpponent) > 2)[(set: _drChoice to ($drIntChoice: $currentOpponent ))(set: _moodChanged to ($checkMood: $currentOpponent))]
\(if: ($getTraitChoices: $currentOpponent) is not (a:) and _drChoice is not (a:))[The scientist adds ($prettyList: _drChoice) to the ones $currentOpponent picked.]
\(if: ($getTraitChoices: $currentOpponent) is (a:) and _drChoice is not (a:))[The Scientist picks ($prettyList: _drChoice) for $currentOpponent.]
\ ($addTraitChoices: $currentOpponent, _drChoice)(if: ($getTraitChoices: $currentOpponent) is not (a:))[(set: $buddyChange to true)(set: $who to "his")(for: each _trait, ...($getTraitChoices: $currentOpponent))[
\ (assert: ($addTrait: $currentOpponent, _trait))(assert: ($addFollowTraits: $currentOpponent, _trait))
(display: _trait)]
\ (set: $buddyChange to false)($clearTraitChoices: $currentOpponent)]
\ (if: _moodChanged)[(cond: ($getMood: $currentOpponent) is 2, "It looks as though these changes have broken the defiance $currentOpponent was showing. You'd guess he'll pick more carefully now.", "$currentOpponent looks completely broken. Will he just go along with it now?")] ]
With that done you should [[See what you look like]].{
(set: $usedTattoos to (a:))
(set: $getTattooDescription = (macro: string-type _type, [
(set: _generalTats to (a: "Fucktoy", "I ❤ CUM", "Pound it Hard!", "COCK CANDY", "Cum On Me", "WHORE", "Ass Lover", "ANAL SLUT", "CUM ON ME", "Fuck Me", "Make Me Cum", "`#`1 COCK SUCKER", "LET'S GET NASTY", "SLAVE", "Daddy's Slut", "I ❤ ANAL", "CUM SLUT", "OWNED SLUT", "Own Me", "your whore", "CUMSLUT", "POUND IT HARDER", "Anal Whore", "SEX TOY", "YES DADDY", "CUM INSIDE ME", "Worthless", "Yes Daddy", "YES MASTER", "PERVERT", "HURT ME", "FUCK ME", "CUMSLUT", "BITCH", "I NEED CUM", "Ruin My HOLES", "BAREBACK ME", "Daddy's Little Girl", "SLUT", "ABUSE ME", "FOR `$$$` HIRE", "SLAVE xxx", "PISS WHORE", "CHEAP WHORE", "PUNISH ME", "USE ME", "SLUT", "LITTLE SLUT", "FAT SLUT", "Sub Slut", "Daddy's slut", "Daddy's Cum Slut", "FUCKING SLUT", "SLUT IN TRAINING", "DUMB SLUT", "SLUT MODE: ON", "STUPID SLUT", "Naughty Slut", "CUM SLUT Princess", "YOUR SLUT", "Daddy's Little Slut", "PAIN SLUT", "CHEAP SLUT", "SLUTTY SLUT", "SPIT SLUT", "ATM SLUT", "USE ME", "Slap Me", "MAKE ME", "Make Me AIRTIGHT", "Anal Princess", "DIRTY GIRL", "Open For Busine`$$`" ))
(set: _trampstamps to _generalTats + (a: "In My Ass","CREAMPIE MY ASS", "FUCK ⇩ HOLE", "FILL ⇩ ME UP", "💖So Tight💖", "Ride me Cowboy!!", "SPANK ME" ) - $usedTattoos)
(set: _pussyTats to _generalTats + (a: "EAT ME", "Taste Me", "Creampie THIS CUNT", "FUCK ⇩ HOLE", "CUNT", "FILL ⇩ ME UP", "FUCK MEAT") - $usedTattoos)
(set: _collarTats to _generalTats + (a: "I SWALLOW", "Fuck My Throat", "CUM ON MY FACE", "Extreme Cock Sucker", "FUCK ⇑ HOLE", "COCK SUCKER", "CUNT", "FACE FUCK", "FILL ⇑ ME UP", "CUMGARGLER")- $usedTattoos)
(set: _tattoo to (cond: _type is "tramp", _trampstamps's random,
_type is "pussy", _pussyTats's random,
_type is "collar", _collarTats's random,
_generalTats's random))
(set: $usedTattoos to it + (a: _tattoo))
(output-data: _tattoo)
(set: $getStrategyDescription = (macro: string-type _name, [
(set: _response to "You've not worked with this guy before, so you've no idea how he'll act.")
(if: $crewType is "knucklehead")[
(set: _response to "One of your original crew. His strategy is unlikely to take anyone else into account.")]
(if: $crewType is "mean")[
(set: _response to "One of your original crew. You know he can really hold a grudge.")]
(if: $crewType is "fair")[
(set: _response to "One of your original crew. You know him to be tough but fair.")]
(if: $crewType is "smart")[
(set: _response to "One of your original crew. He usually has some kind of strategy for almost any situation.")]
(if: $crewType is "random")[
(set: _response to "You've not worked with this guy before, so you've no idea how he'll act.")]
(if: _name is $outsider)[
(set: _response to "You've not worked with this guy before, so you've no idea how he'll act.")]
(if: $crewType is "test-mode")[
(set: _response to "He will use the strategy " + ($getStrategy: _name))]
(output-data: _response)
(set: _allNames to (shuffled: "Alex", "Brad", "Charlie", "David", "Liam", "Noah", "Oliver", "Elijah", "James", "William", "Ben", "Lucas", "Henry", "Theo", "Jack", "Levi", "Xander", "Jackson", "Mateo", "Daniel", "Michael", "Mason", "Seb", "Ethan", "Logan", "Owen", "Sam", "Jacob", "Asher", "Aiden", "John", "Joseph", "Wyatt", "Leo", "Luke", "Julian", "Hudson", "Grayson", "Matthew", "Ezra", "Gabriel", "Carter", "Isaac", "Garry", "Harry", "Pete", "Randy", "Tim"))
(set: _allStrategy to (a: "alwaysCooperate", "alwaysBetray", "grimTrigger", "hardMajority", "prober", "randomStrategy", "titForTat"))
(if: $crewType is "knucklehead")[
(set: _knuckleStrategy to (a: "alwaysCooperate", "alwaysBetray", "randomStrategy"))
(set: $crew to (a: (a: _allNames's 1st, _knuckleStrategy's random),
(a: _allNames's 2nd, _knuckleStrategy's random),
(a: _allNames's 3rd, _knuckleStrategy's random)))]
(if: $crewType is "mean")[
(set: _meanStrategy to (a: "grimTrigger", "hardMajority"))
(set: $crew to (a: (a: _allNames's 1st, _meanStrategy's random),
(a: _allNames's 2nd, _meanStrategy's random),
(a: _allNames's 3rd, _meanStrategy's random)))]
(if: $crewType is "fair")[
(set: _fairStrategy to (a: "titForTat", "hardMajority"))
(set: $crew to (a: (a: _allNames's 1st, _fairStrategy's random),
(a: _allNames's 2nd, _fairStrategy's random),
(a: _allNames's 3rd, _fairStrategy's random)))]
(if: $crewType is "smart")[
(set: _smartStrategy to (a: "prober", "titForTat"))
(set: $crew to (a: (a: _allNames's 1st, _smartStrategy's random),
(a: _allNames's 2nd, _smartStrategy's random),
(a: _allNames's 3rd, _smartStrategy's random)))]
(if: $crewType is "random" or "test-mode")[
(set: $crew to (a: (a: _allNames's 1st, _allStrategy's random),
(a: _allNames's 2nd, _allStrategy's random),
(a: _allNames's 3rd, _allStrategy's random)))]
(set: $outsider to _allNames's 4th)
(set: _outsiderStrategy to (a: "alwaysBetray", "grimTrigger", "hardMajority", "prober", "randomStrategy", "titForTat"))
(set: $crew to it + (a: (a: $outsider, _outsiderStrategy's random)))
You pull the stolen van into the layby as agreed and turn the engine off while you wait for the boss's guy to show up.
You have (print: ($crew's 1st's 1st)), (print: ($crew's 2nd's 1st)) and (print: ($crew's 3rd's 1st)) in the van with you, and outline the plan to them once again.
After a short wait the boss's guy arrives in an old, beat up SUV. He introduces himself as $outsider. He hops in the van and you head to the target house.
\ (if: $crewType is "test-mode")[
(print: ($crew's 1st's 1st))'s approach is (dropdown: 2bind $crew's 1st's 2nd, ..._allStrategy).
(print: ($crew's 2nd's 1st))'s approach is (dropdown: 2bind $crew's 2nd's 2nd, ..._allStrategy)
(print: ($crew's 3rd's 1st))'s approach is (dropdown: 2bind $crew's 3rd's 2nd, ..._allStrategy).
(print: ($crew's 4th's 1st))'s approach is (dropdown: 2bind $crew's 4th's 2nd, ..._allStrategy)]
[[The Robbery]]{
(set: $makeDecision = (macro: string-type _player, string-type _opponent, [
(set: _betray to ($randomStrategy:))
(if: $prisoners's (_player)'s strategy is "titForTat")[(set: _betray to ($titForTat: _player, _opponent))]
(if: $prisoners's (_player)'s strategy is "alwaysCooperate")[(set: _betray to ($alwaysCooperate:))]
(if: $prisoners's (_player)'s strategy is "alwaysBetray")[(set: _betray to ($alwaysBetray:))]
(if: $prisoners's (_player)'s strategy is "hardMajority")[(set: _betray to ($hardMajority: _player, _opponent))]
(if: $prisoners's (_player)'s strategy is "grimTrigger")[(set: _betray to ($grimTrigger: _player, _opponent))]
(if: $prisoners's (_player)'s strategy is "prober")[(set: _betray to ($prober: _player, _opponent))]
(if: $prisoners's (_player)'s strategy is "randomStrategy")[(set: _betray to ($randomStrategy:))]
(output-data: _betray)]))
(set: $alwaysCooperate = (macro: [
(output-data: false)]))
(set: $alwaysBetray = (macro: [
(output-data: true)]))
(set: $randomStrategy = (macro: [
(output-data: (either: true, false))]))
(set: $titForTat = (macro: string-type _player, string-type _opponent, [
(set: _move to false)
(if: $prisoners's (_player)'s history's (_opponent)'s length > 0)[
(set: _move to $prisoners's (_player)'s history's (_opponent)'s last)]
(output-data: _move)]))
(set: $hardMajority = (macro: string-type _player, string-type _opponent, [
(set: _move to true)
(if: $prisoners's (_player)'s history's (_opponent)'s length > 0)[
(set: _history to $prisoners's (_player)'s history's (_opponent))
(if: (count: _history, true) < (_history's length / 2))[(set: _move to false)]]
(output-data: _move)]))
(set: $grimTrigger = (macro: string-type _player, string-type _opponent, [
(set: _move to false)
(set: _history to $prisoners's (_player)'s history's (_opponent))
(if: _history contains true)[
(set: _move to true)]
(output-data: _move)]))
(set: $prober = (macro: string-type _player, string-type _opponent, [
(set: _move to true)
(set: _history to $prisoners's (_player)'s history's (_opponent))
(if: _history's length > 2)[
(if: _history's 2ndto3rd contains true)[(set: _move to ($titForTat: _player, _opponent))]]
(set: _move to (cond: _history's length is 0, true, false))
(output-data: _move)]))
(set: $findWinner to (macro: [
(set: _players to (datanames: $prisoners))
(set: _winner to _players's 1st)(set: _lowest to ($getMax: (_players's 1st)))
(for: each _player, ..._players's 2ndto4th)[
(set: _test to ($getMax: _player))
(if: _test is _lowest)[(set: _winner to "")]
(if: _test is < _lowest)[(set: _winner to _player)(set: _lowest to _test)]]
(output-data: _winner)]))
(set: $hasPussy to (macro: string-type _player, [
(set: _pussy to ($howMuchTrait: _player, "Outie to Innie"))
(output-data: _pussy > 2)
}(assert: ($addPlayer: "Alex", "alwaysCooperate"))
(assert: ($addPlayer: "Brad", "alwaysBetray"))
(assert: ($addPlayer: "Garry", "grimTrigger"))
You: ($adjustPoints: "You", 11) ($getPoints: "You")
Alex: ($adjustPoints: "Alex", 12) ($getPoints: "Alex")
Brad: ($adjustPoints: "Brad", 11) ($getPoints: "Brad")
Garry: ($adjustPoints: "Garry", 12) ($getPoints: "Garry")
Winner: ($findWinner:)
You: ($adjustPoints: "You", (random: 1, 30)) ($getPoints: "You")
Alex: ($adjustPoints: "Alex", (random: 1, 30)) ($getPoints: "Alex")
Brad: ($adjustPoints: "Brad", (random: 1, 30)) ($getPoints: "Brad")
Garry: ($adjustPoints: "Garry", (random: 1, 30)) ($getPoints: "Garry")
Winner: ($findWinner:)(set: $winner to ($findWinner:))(if: $winner is "")["I guess the rest of you are free to go." The scientist pushes a button on his tablet, and the doors slide all open. He waves towards the exit. "Get out before I change my mind!"
You're 'free' though how you're going to hide all these changes you've no idea.
Still you leave whilst the going is good.
(link-goto: "Freedom Beckons", ($pickEnding: "You", "CrimeEnding"))]
\ (else-if: $winner is "You")["Hmph, interesting." The scientist looks at the scores. "Your strategy definitely put you ahead of your peers. I guess I should provide some kind of reward for winning.
"How would you like me to remove your feminine changes?"
It takes you a moment to realise what he's offering.
[["HELL YES"]]
[[Respectfully decline]]
\ (else:)["Hmph, interesting." The scientist looks at the scores. He walks over to $winner. "Your strategy definitely put you ahead of your peers. I guess some kind of reward is in order."
($removeTraitsByTag: $winner, "girly")($removeTraitsByTrait: $winner, "Enhance Lips")They have a brief discussion and then you watch, slightly jealous, as $winner gradually transforms back to into a man.
"I guess you are all now free to go." The scientist pushes a button on his tablet and the doors all slide open. He waves towards the exit. "Get out before I change my mind!"
You're 'free' though how you're going to hide all these changes you've no idea.
Still you leave whilst the going is good.
(link-goto: "Freedom Beckons", ($pickEnding: "You", "CrimeEnding"))]After your enthusiastic response, the scientist taps a few buttons on his tablet. You can feel your entire body heating up as the nanobots kick in to make this change. It's pretty disorientating to feel all these physical changes kicking it at once.
($removeTraitsByTag: "You", "girly")($removeTraitsByTrait: "You", "Enhance Lips")Soon is over and you admire the return of your masculine form.
\ (if: (($howHorny: "You") + ($howStupid: "You") + ($howSubmissive: "You") + ($howStriking: "You")) > 0)[After a moment or two, you realise that not all the changes are reversed.
"Umm, has it broken?" You ask, "I'm not back to normal!"
The scientist just smirks. "I said I'd remove the feminine traits. What's left can just as easily be found on a man as a woman. If you'd prefer to hang around for more of my experiments...?"]
You get out whilst the going is good.
(link-goto: "Freedom Beckons", ($pickEnding: "You", "CrimeEnding"))You address the scientist as respectfully as you're able.
"I've learned my lesson here, sir. I've always believed that you should take the licks you're due, and this is no different."
The scientist looks at you quizzically. "Hmm, very laudable I'm sure."
\ (if: (($howHorny: "You") + ($howStupid: "You") + ($howSubmissive: "You")) > 0)[He thinks for a moment before saying, "Tell you what, I'm going to remove the mental conditioning, so you can really think about what you've learned."
He taps away at his tablet, and you can feel a bunch of the changes lift off.($removeTraitsByTag: "You", "receptive")]
"Doors that way!", the scientist points and taps one last time on his pad, and your cell door slides open.
You bail whilst the going is good.
(link-goto: "Freedom Beckons", ($pickEnding: "You", "CrimeEnding"))(set: _opponents to (datanames: $prisoners) - (a: "You"))(set: _opponents to it - (a: $loser))(for: each _opponent, ..._opponents)[_opponent (print: (passage: ($pickEnding: _opponent, "CrimeEnding"))'s role) ]{
(assert: ($addPlayer: "Alex", "RandomStrategy"))
(assert: ($addPlayer: "Brad", "RandomStrategy"))
(assert: ($addPlayer: "Charlie", "RandomStrategy"))
(set: _changed = 2)
(for: each _player, ...(datanames: $prisoners))[
(for: each _choice, ...(range: 1,_changed))[
(if: $masterOneList is not (a:))[
(move: $masterOneList's random into _pick)
(assert: ($addTrait: _player, _pick))(assert: ($addFollowTraits: _player, _pick))]]
(for: each _choice, ...(range: 1,_changed))[
(if: $masterTwoList is not (a:))[
(move: $masterTwoList's random into _pick)
(assert: ($addTrait: _player, _pick))(assert: ($addFollowTraits: _player, _pick))]]
(for: each _choice, ...(range: 1,_changed))[
(if: $masterThreeList is not (a:))[
(move: $masterThreeList's random into _pick)
(assert: ($addTrait: _player, _pick))(assert: ($addFollowTraits: _player, _pick))]]
(set: _changed to it + 2)]
(for: each _player, ...(datanames: $prisoners))[
''_player: ''
(print: ($getTraits: _player))
(print: ($traitCounts: _player, true))
(set: $endingTarget to _player)(for: each _end, ...(open-storylets: where its tags contains "CrimeEnding"))[
(link-goto: _end's name)]
CHOSEN: ($pickEnding: _player, "CrimeEnding")
(for: each _end, ...(open-storylets: where its tags contains "SoldEnding"))[(if: ($checkEndCondition: _end's condition, ($getTraits: _player)))[
(link-goto: _end's name)]]
(storylet: when ($showDescription: "Increase Happiness", $currentOpponent, 5, "LT"))\
(metadata: "redirect", "Increase Happiness")(storylet: when ($showDescription: "Attitude Adjustment", $currentOpponent, 5, "LT"))\
(metadata: "redirect", "Attitude Adjustment")(storylet: when ($showDescription: "Increase Sex Drive", $currentOpponent, 5, "LT"))\
(metadata: "redirect", "Increase Sex Drive")(storylet: when ($showDescription: "Outie to Innie", $currentOpponent, 3, "GTE") and ($showDescription: "Get Wet", $currentOpponent, 1, "LT"))\
(metadata: "redirect", "Get Wet")(metadata: "condition", (a: (a: "Outie to Innie", 4), (a: "Increase Happiness", 2), (a: "Improve Ass", 4), (a: "Improve Chest", 4), (a: "Shrink Body", 2), (a: "Reduce Waist", 4), (a: "Add Makeup", 1)), "EndingPosition", 13)
(storylet: when ($checkAllPlayersEnding: ((passage: "Trophy Wife Ending")'s condition))) \
(exclusivity: 3) \
(set: $loser to "You") \
\ (for: each _player, ...(datanames: $prisoners))[
\ (if: ($checkEndCondition: (passage: "Trophy Wife Ending")'s condition, ($getTraits: _player)))[(set: $loser to _player)]]
\ (if: $loser is "You")[
Your breasts are pressing against the shower glass as your husband, Bill, works his cock into your dripping snatch from behind. You figure there are worse times he could take his dues.
Apparently the scientist has a side hustle selling purpose built trophy wives to millionaires. He explained to you that he'd tweaked the nanobot settings so that you'd feel pain if you tried to leave. You didn't fully follow the explanation, concentrating is a little tough now. But something about you knowing you were trying to leave would tip the little suckers off.
You did try to escape on the second day, and got as far as Bill's garage with expensive cars before the splitting headache turned you back. It lifted as soon as you changed your mind.
If the scientist hadn't wrecked your brain, you're sure that you'd find a way round it, but the fuzz when you try to think makes you such a ditz now. The old you would totally have found a way to scam the new you.
Still, you realised that you're onto a good thing here. You have to look good for Bill, but the nanobots mostly handle that for you. You're treated like a pampered queen, you even get lots of time to yourself when Bill takes his regular business trips.
He wants to show his buddies and friends that he owns you, and that does mean slightly demeaning displays. He also sometimes likes to work out his frustrations on you, which can lead to rough sex, but you know how to ride that out now.
Today though, he just wants to fuck his wife in the shower. You push yourself back onto him as you know he likes that and moan a little for show.
(box:"=XXXX=")[ <img src="./Images/LossEnding/trophywife-ending.png"> ]
"You really are worth every penny!" He tells you as he speeds up his thrusts.
Looking at your hot stacked body in the mirror on the other side of the room, you'd probably have to agree. It might not be how you intended to get here, but this is the life you were always aiming for.
He grunts and finishes. You're so buzzed you almost miss what he says.
"Maybe I should get your fertility blocker turned off," he muses, "I should probably think about my legacy."
Wait! What?
($endMacro: 13)
The scientist takes a closer look at $loser.
"You know, she's pretty dumb, and looks amazing." He says thoughtfully, "With some minor changes, I think she'll make the perfect Trophy wife for my friend Bill. Let's see..."
He taps in some commands on his console and you watch as nanobots grow $loser a frilly dress.
(box:"=XXXX=")[ <img src="./Images/BuddyEnding/trophywife.png"> ]
"Yeah, that's the ticket. Bill's gonna love this." He looks pretty smug with the result.
(display: "Template Ending")
(metadata: "condition", (a: (a: "Outie to Innie", 4), (a: "Attitude Adjustment", 2), (a: "Improve Ass", 4), (a: "Improve Chest", 4), (a: "Shrink Body", 2), (a: "Reduce Waist", 4), (a: "Get a Piercing", 1)), "EndingPosition", 14)
(storylet: when ($checkAllPlayersEnding: ((passage: "Band Bitch Ending")'s condition))) \
(exclusivity: 3) \
(set: $loser to "You") \
\ (for: each _player, ...(datanames: $prisoners))[
\ (if: ($checkEndCondition: (passage: "Band Bitch Ending")'s condition, ($getTraits: _player)))[(set: $loser to _player)]]
\ (if: $loser is "You")[
You finish up your set, and watch as the crowd goes wild. You look down at them, enjoying a brief moment of power.
You would think this was some kind of dream come true, to be performing in front of a crowd like this. Maybe if you looked like you used to, and if you were in control of your destiny, then things might be different and you'd enjoy this. But as it is...
They all want her. You can see it in their eyes. Looking as you do now, you know that the old you would have wanted her too. It's just that you are her. The star, the object of their desires, is you.
Marvin, the band manager, oozes over to you reminding you of a giant slug. "Great set, toots!" He exclaims, wrapping one arm possessively around your waist, as he leads you through the backstage passages.
One article in the press suggested that Marvin must have his girl bands made to order, given how successful he's been. Sadly for you the joke falls rather flat. He did. Even if you could ignore the mental compulsion to obey him, you're wrapped up in layers of contract, showing that you owe him a fortune in advance fees. Even more galling is that you know he used those advances to buy you from the scientist.
He lets you go just long enough to sign some autographs, before dragging you off to a private area.
"Good news," he tells you, "You have three super fans booked in for a personal visit tonight. They paid for the platinum package. You know what that means?"
You wince, and nod. This is the worst part of your role.
"I need to hear you say it." Marvin says grabbing you by the chin and forcing you to look in his eyes.
"I'll blow each of them, and let them cum on my face." You say in a low voice. "No photos though".
"Exactly," Marvin nods, spins you round to face the door and then pats you on the ass, "Off you go then."
You step through the door and survey the guys lounging on the leather sofas. At least they're clean this time.
You plaster a big fake smile on your face. "Hey guys! Sorry to keep my favourite fans waiting. So who wants to go first?"
(box:"=XXXX=")[ <img src="./Images/LossEnding/bandbitch-ending.png"> ]
($endMacro: 14)
The scientist takes a look at $loser.
(box:"=XXXX=")[ <img src="./Images/BuddyEnding/bandbitch.png"> ]
"Yeah, I'd say you've got star potential", he says. "I've a record producer that wants someone that ticks those boxes."
(display: "Template Ending")
](metadata: "condition", (a: (a: "Outie to Innie", 4), (a: "Increase Sex Drive", 2), (a: "Improve Ass", 4), (a: "Improve Chest", 4), (a: "Shrink Body", 2), (a: "Reduce Waist", 4), (a: "Enhance Lips", 1)), "EndingPosition", 15)
(storylet: when ($checkAllPlayersEnding: ((passage: "Slutty Secretary Ending")'s condition))) \
(exclusivity: 3) \
(set: $loser to "You") \
\ (for: each _player, ...(datanames: $prisoners))[
\ (if: ($checkEndCondition: (passage: "Slutty Secretary Ending")'s condition, ($getTraits: _player)))[(set: $loser to _player)]]
\ (if: $loser is "You")[
You are sitting at your desk, desperately trying to avoid masturbation at work again.
It’s really hard, the more you try not to think about it, the more you imagine slipping your fingers up your short skirt and sliding into your ever ready pussy lips and…
You bite your lip. No, not again. It’s bad enough with how you look. You already appear like a giant sized barbie doll and no one thinks you were hired for anything more than that. Your actions really haven’t helped. It’s just with the changes, you get so horny.
When the scientist told you he was selling you to Mr Renolds as a secretary, you thought that your chance had come to escape. But he was clearly one step ahead again. Any time you’re considering giving less than your best performance for your new boss, the pain gradually kicks in.
Which is why you’re sitting here, trying to look professional, not jilling yourself off like you want to. Because you worry about what those other bitches in the office think of you. Because you have to be the best.
Your phone buzzes and you grab it with relief. “Yes Mr Renolds?”
“Could you pop into my office, I need some assistance.” He hangs up before you can ask any more questions. You shrug, this could go one of two ways.
He’s shutting the blinds as you walk in. Oh, it’s going //that// way.
(box:"=XXXX=")[ <img src="./Images/LossEnding/secretary-ending.png"> ]
Well, at least you got some relief. That should last you till the end of the working day.
“Clean up this mess,” your boss tells you pointing some spillage on the desk, “and then book my five o’clock!”
You obediently bend over to lick the desk clean as he likes.
You are //''the best''// secretary he’s ever had.
($endMacro: 15)
"You'll do." The scientist says looking over $loser. "The guy who sells me my electrical gear has been begging me for a really slutty secretary."
"I think we just need to add some clothes, and maybe make you a little short sighted." He pushes some buttons on his tablet, and you watch as $loser grows clothes.
(box:"=XXXX=")[ <img src="./Images/BuddyEnding/secretary.png"> ]
The scientist nods. "Yup. Perfect."
(display: "Template Ending")
](metadata: "cards", 2, "addTraits", (a: (a: "Increase Happiness", "Advanced Tattoo", "Add Makeup"),(a: "Improve Chest", "Advanced Tattoo", "Enhance Lips") )) \
\ $transform[ \
\(if: ($displayLevel: 1, "Obvious Slut"))[
"Bold choice," the scientist observes. "My main concern is that you're going to regret this later and complain."
You look back a little confused. You'd happily complain about any of the changes he's making. Why would you care more about this one?
He smiles. "I think I'll just have to make your personality a little less discerning to go with your choices. That should keep you happy."
(display: "Increase Happiness")
"Ok, then let's get on with the obvious slut side of things. How about these?" he asks.
(display: "Advanced Tattoo")
"And I think, some makeup?", he says thoughtfully.
(display: "Add Makeup")
"Anyone looking at this and thinking you chose it, will have to assume you're a slut! I'm going to count this as a job well done!" The scientist looks pretty happy with himself.
\(if: ($displayLevel: 2, "Obvious Slut"))[
"You chose this again?" he asks with an eyebrow raised. "I'd almost think you're turned on by humiliation."
There's some truth in that. But then you're pretty much turned on by everything now. Still, you try shaking your head, to deny the idea, just on general principle.
"In any case," he observes, "these should give you the attention you so obviously crave."
(display: "Improve Chest")
"That's pretty good, but we might need some matching decoration." You wonder where he's going with that statement. You don't have to wait too long.
(display: "Advanced Tattoo")
"Not bad," he says pensively, "but I don't think the makeup is enough alone. Let's add this."
(display: "Enhance Lips")
\(if: ($showDescription: "Obvious Slut", $who, 1, "EQ"))[
(display: "Increase Happiness")
(display: "Advanced Tattoo")
(display: "Add Makeup")
\(if: ($showDescription: "Obvious Slut", $who, 2, "EQ"))[
(display: "Improve Chest")
(display: "Advanced Tattoo")
(display: "Enhance Lips")
]](metadata: "cards", 2, "addTraits", (a: (a: "Increase Sex Drive", "Improve Ass", "Latex Underwear"),(a: "Latex Underwear", "Reduce Waist", "Improve Chest") )) \
\ $transform[ \
\(if: ($displayLevel: 1, "Latex Lover"))[
(display: "Latex Underwear")
The scientist looks thoughtfully at you. "Something's missing," he muses. "I think you're just not filling the panties out properly. Let's see, how about this?"
(display: "Improve Ass")
"Ok, that's better," he says approvingly. "So we've done the latex part, just the lover to go.
"But I already love latex," you quickly explain.
"Oh, sorry," he chortles, "I guess you could read that Latex Lover as someone that loves latex. I actually meant a lover //in latex//!"
(display: "Increase Sex Drive")
You're so horny you think you might be leaking into your latex panties. "At least they're wipe-clean!" you think with and can't help but grin at the thought.
\(if: ($displayLevel: 2, "Latex Lover"))[
(display: "Latex Underwear")
"Hmm. That still doesn't look quite right." The scientist fiddles with his tablet, "Let's see, is this better?"
(display: "Improve Chest")
Your larger breasts definitely fill out the bra better. You cup them and slide your hands over the slick material. You bite your lip, you're turning yourself on. You quickly let go and glare back at the scientist.
"Getting a good eyeful?" you ask him scornfully.
"No," he answers, staring at your body appraisingly. "I think your belly is distracting me." He angrily taps something into his tablet.
(display: "Reduce Waist")
"Better. But don't think I've forgotten your attitude."
You quickly apologise, and for once he seems mollified.
He snorts. "Don't let me catch you giving me lip like that again."
\(if: ($showDescription: "Latex Lover", $who, 1, "EQ"))[
(display: "Latex Underwear")
(display: "Improve Ass")
(display: "Increase Sex Drive")
\(if: ($showDescription: "Latex Lover", $who, 2, "EQ"))[
(display: "Latex Underwear")
(display: "Reduce Waist")
(display: "Improve Chest")
]](metadata: "cards", 2, "addTraits", (a: (a: "Enhance Lips", "Improve Ass", "Outie to Innie"),(a: "Enhance Lips", "Add Makeup", "Increase Happiness") )) \
\ $transform[ \
\(if: ($displayLevel: 1, "Lip Service"))[
"Ok, let's see what we can do to improve those lips," the scientist says with a grin.
(display: "Enhance Lips")
You can't really help yourself, and frown as you feel your new plumper lips.
"Still not happy?" says the scientist, "Ok, let me see what I can do about that for you".
You quickly shake your head, but you suspect that just makes him sure he's made the right call.
(display: "Improve Ass")
"There we go," he says with a grin, "How can you be upset when you have an ass like those?"
"Dick," you mutter under your breath assuming he won't hear you. Sadly he did.
(if: ($howMuchTrait: "You", "Outie to Innie") < 5)["If you really want me to fix it..." he says pointing at your crotch.
It takes you a while to work out what he's talking about till the nanobots start to kick in.
(display: "Outie to Innie")]
\ (else:)["I take it you'd like to be better at taking one?" he asks.
You try frantically to think of something to say that will stop him, but it's already too late.
(display: "Outie to Innie")
\(if: ($displayLevel: 2, "Lip Service"))[
"I agree with your choice, your lips do need more work," the scientist says conversationally. You try to come up with a snappy comeback, but you're feeling too fuzzy.
(display: "Enhance Lips")
"...mmm, probably need a bit more colour," he goes on.
(display: "Add Makeup")
"What do you think?" he asks with a grin.
"I look like a clown." You respond bitterly.
"Of course, the thing that mostly makes lips most unattractive is self loathing comments like that," the scientist observes. "I think the root here is how unhappy you are with life in general. Let's see what we can do to fix that for you."
(display: "Increase Happiness")
\(if: ($showDescription: "Lip Service", $who, 1, "EQ"))[
(display: "Enhance Lips")
(display: "Improve Ass")
(display: "Outie to Innie")
\(if: ($showDescription: "Lip Service", $who, 2, "EQ"))[
(display: "Enhance Lips")
(display: "Add Makeup")
(display: "Increase Happiness")
]](metadata: "cards", 2, "addTraits", (a: (a: "Increase Sex Drive", "Enhance Lips", "Add Makeup"),(a: "Improve Ass", "Outie to Innie", "Enhance Lips") )) \
\ $transform[ \
\(if: ($displayLevel: 1, "Sexy Smile"))[
"You want a sexy smile?" he asks.
'Want' is probably a strong word, but it looked like the least worst option.
"Well, this should help." he says.
(display: "Enhance Lips")
"Ok, not bad. But we'll probably want some makeup." He pushes a button before you can object.
(display: "Add Makeup")
"Not bad," he says, looking at his work, "but it's not really a sexy smile is it? Let's see..."
(display: "Increase Sex Drive")
"Smile darling," he says with a grin, "It may never happen."
\(if: ($displayLevel: 2, "Sexy Smile"))[
"You still think your smile isn't sexy enough?", he asks before continuing, "No problem, more smile, more sexy coming right up!
(display: "Enhance Lips")
(if: ($howMuchTrait: "You", "Outie to Innie") < 5)["That's definitely better, but I think we need to work on your lower smile", he says pointing at your crotch.
You realise what he's implying and jump back grabbing your crotch protectively, but of course, the nanobots work remotely and it doesn't help in the slightest.
(display: "Outie to Innie")]
\ (else:)["This should give you something to smile about." he says mysteriously.
(display: "Outie to Innie")]
"You know, I think we need a better frame," the scientist observes, "let's see what this does."
(display: "Improve Ass")
"Yeah, much better don't you think?" he asks.
\(if: ($showDescription: "Sexy Smile", $who, 1, "EQ"))[
(display: "Increase Sex Drive")
(display: "Enhance Lips")
(display: "Add Makeup")
\(if: ($showDescription: "Sexy Smile", $who, 2, "EQ"))[
(display: "Increase Sex Drive")
(display: "Outie to Innie")
(display: "Improve Ass")
]](metadata: "cards", 6) \
$transform[ \
\(if: ($displayLevel: 1, "Latex Underwear"))["Let's start with a control test." the scientist says thoughtfully. "I'm guessing you'd like some pants?"
He pushes a pair of knickers into your food slot. They're kind of a girly cut, but are probably better than going naked. You shrug the cotton knickers on.
He pushes a button on his tablet, and you feel a tingling as the nanobots activate around your crotch. The initial tingle seems to grow, until it's hot, unpleasant and itching like crazy. You drag the knickers down to take a look, and watch as the red skin gradually fades, the itching and pain with it.
With the knickers around your knees, you look at him confused.
"The nanobots will now react to the presence of any material that's not latex in contact with the skin around that area" he explains helpfully.
You pull the panties up again to test, and there's an instant reaction as your skin flares up again. You quickly start to drag the panties off.
He pushes a pair of latex panties through the slot. "You might want to get used to wearing these," he suggests, "You'll need to wear them under any other clothes in the future. Unless you'd rather go naked?"
You pull on your new latex panties. It's still better than being naked.]
\(if: ($displayLevel: 2, "Latex Underwear"))["More latex, huh?" he asks. "You're turning into a bit of a slut!"
You were hoping for some more clothes, when you selected this option. Whilst they're latex, it's still better to have them than not.
Fortunately he doesn't seem to be in the mood to disappoint you. He throws a latex bra into the slot and then pushes a button on his tablet. You feel the familiar heat pooling around your chest.
(if: ($howMuchTrait: "You", "Improve Chest") > 0)[You wrap the smooth material around your breasts rather relieved by the support they provide. It's hard not to be slightly aroused by the feeling of your breasts tightly wrapped in the latex. Your nipples are clearly visible poking out.](else:)[You don't really see the point in wearing it yet, but at least it's there if you are forced to have breasts later.]
You run your hand over the material in pleasure.]
\(if: ($displayLevel: 3, "Latex Underwear"))["You know, I think I've got an improvement to the latex process that you're going to love," the scientist tells you with a grin.
He plays with his tablet for a bit, and then pushes a button and looks at you expectantly. The nanobots in your body activate in the skin around your arms and legs. As the initial heat of them working dies down, the skin feels a weird mixture of numb and tingly. It's weirdly uncomfortable.
"That sensation will go away over time," the scientist explains, "It's really just there as a reminder. Your skin now needs the oils in the latex in order not to dry out. You'll need to wear latex for good chunks of the day to avoid problems."
He pushes some clothes through the food compartment. You take a look, there's a variety of latex tights and full length gloves. You pick a couple of pairs and carefully roll them on. The sensation goes away almost immediately.
The shiny fabric on your hands is quite distracting. You don't see a way you could hide this if you ever escape.]
\(if: ($showDescription: "Add Tattoos", $who, 4, "GTE"))["There's not much more latex we can do here." the scientist points out. "I guess I could turn you into some kind of sex doll, but doing that without killing you would be fairly hard. Eh, maybe later, this will do."
(display: "Overleveled")]] \
\(if: ($showDescription: "Latex Underwear", $who, 1, "EQ"))[The scientist throws him some latex panties which he quickly shrugs on. They look sexy, but then at least he has clothes now.]
\(if: ($showDescription: "Latex Underwear", $who, 2, "EQ"))[The scientist gives him a latex bra to match his panties. They make him look pretty slutty.]
\(if: ($showDescription: "Latex Underwear", $who, 3, "EQ"))[The scientist passes him some more clothes. He quickly pulls on a pair of latex tights and gloves.]
\(if: ($showDescription: "Latex Underwear", $who, 4, "GTE"))[The scientist doesn't give him more latex and instead picks something else.
(display: "BuddyOverleveled")]] \
$description[ \
\(if: ($showDescription: "Latex Underwear", $who, 1, "GTE") and $bodypart is "crotch")[A pair of latex panties covers $who crotch. They are tight enough that nothing is hidden.]
\(if: ($showDescription: "Latex Underwear", $who, 2, "GTE") and $bodypart is "chest")[(upperfirst: $who) breasts are wrapped in a tight latex bra.]
\(if: ($showDescription: "Latex Underwear", $who, 3, "GTE") and $bodypart is "closing")[(upperfirst: $who) arms and legs are covered in slick latex gloves and stockings.]] \
(metadata: "condition", (a: (a: "Outie to Innie", 3), (a: "Increase Sex Drive", 3), (a: "Attitude Adjustment", 1), (a: "Improve Ass", 2), (a: "Improve Chest", 4), (a: "Shrink Body", 1), (a: "Reduce Waist", 3), (a: "Enhance Lips", 1), (a: "Add Makeup", 2)), "EndingPosition", 16)
(storylet: when ($checkAllPlayersEnding: ((passage: "Bunny Girl Ending")'s condition))) \
(exclusivity: 3) \
(set: $loser to "You") \
\ (for: each _player, ...(datanames: $prisoners))[
\ (if: ($checkEndCondition: (passage: "Bunny Girl Ending")'s condition, ($getTraits: _player)))[(set: $loser to _player)]]
\ (if: $loser is "You")[
You're dressed up in your bunny suit, looking slick and sexy and you just can't wait. It's your first night at the bunny club, and you've been promised a special night.
The lights come up on you surrounded by 4 other girls. You pose for a while, getting turned on by the knowledge that everyone is watching you.
(box:"=XXXX=")[ <img src="./Images/LossEnding/bunnyclub.png"> ]
The girls grab you and you struggle a little as they drag you to a table and pull you spreadeagle over it. You watch as the club owner walks over to you and shiver as he runs his hands over your spread legs. You half heartedly pull against the other girls as he opens the lower half of your leotard to expose your sopping pussy to the watching crowd.
You know that you should be seen to resist properly, but you're so horny, and at some level you want what's coming so badly. One of the other girls unzips his pants and helps ease his penis out for you to see. It's so large, you're briefly worried, but the thought of it stretching out your pussy, just adds fuel to the fire. You writhe your body to try and reach the dick standing so tantalisingly close.
"Wow, this one is special!" he exclaims while playing to the crowd. "Is this what you want?"
"Yes, please. Fill this bunny up!" You're nearly panting with your need to be filled at this point. So you're elated when he fulfils your wish. You feel your cunt slowly stretching around his giant cock as he gently pushes it deeper and deeper into your body. The sensation is amazing and you shudder in ecstatic bliss.
He expertly works you like the fuck bunny you are and before long you’re screaming with pleasure. When he finally cums, you just want more and more. Fortunately, now you’re officially deflowered at the club, you’re available to the other members that want to play.
As the owner walks away, another member is taking you from behind, whilst you enthusiastically blow the next in front of you. One of the girls helpfully pops another dick into each of your free hands, and you try to focus enough to jack them off, whilst you’re being given the fucking of your life.
You lose count of the number of men you have that night, but you know it must have been a lot. One of the other girls has to literally hose you down that night before you could go to bed.
Even better, you know you get to do it again tomorrow.
($endMacro: 16)
"Wow, she's hot to trot!" The scientist says looking at $loser frigging herself. "You know, I think the patrons at the Bunny Club are going to love her!"
You watch as the nanobots grow a tight fitting corset, a fluffy tail and a pair of fake bunny ears.
(box:"=XXXX=")[ <img src="./Images/BuddyEnding/bunny.png"> ]
The scientist takes an appreciative look and then nods. "Yeah, that's definitely going to work."
(display: "Template Ending")
](metadata: "cards", 2, "addTraits", (a: (a: "Increase Sex Drive", "Improve Chest", "Reduce Waist"),(a: "Increase Sex Drive", "Improve Chest", "Outie to Innie") )) \
\ $transform[ \
\(if: ($displayLevel: 1, "Bosom Buddy"))[
"So you want to be someone's Bosom Buddy, huh?" The scientist asks you.
You don't bother answering, he knows full well you had to pick something. He shrugs at your silence and hits some buttons on his tablet and then looks up to watch the show.
(display: "Improve Chest")
"Ok, that's a start, but we really need to do something about that waist. Ruins the whole effect!"
You're not sure why he says that, you've always thought a pair of breasts could stand on their own merits. But it's not like you have a vote now...
(display: "Reduce Waist")
"Great, those should make someone want to hang out with you. We just need to ensure that you're happy to reciprocate." You don't bother asking what he means, you'll know he'll explain anyway.
(display: "Increase Sex Drive")
"See you'll be making friends in no time!"
\(if: ($displayLevel: 2, "Bosom Buddy"))[
"Still not big enough? I've just the thing." The scientist helpfully taps away at his tablet. You figure you know what's coming.
(display: "Improve Chest")
He looks from your new girls up to your face. "...and from your expression, we can still make you a bit more friendly."
(display: "Increase Sex Drive")
"Oh, while I think of it, we need to do something down there to make you more approachable." You realise where he's pointing, and shake your head, but it's too late.
(display: "Outie to Innie")
\(if: ($showDescription: "Bosom Buddy", $who, 1, "EQ"))[
(display: "Increase Sex Drive")
(display: "Improve Chest")
(display: "Reduce Waist")
\(if: ($showDescription: "Bosom Buddy", $who, 2, "EQ"))[
(display: "Increase Sex Drive")
(display: "Improve Chest")
(display: "Outie to Innie")
]](metadata: "condition", (a: (a: "Outie to Innie", 3), (a: "Improve Ass", 2), (a: "Improve Chest", 2), (a: "Enhance Lips", 1), (a: "Shrink Body", 2), (a: "Reduce Waist", 3)))(metadata: "condition", (a: (a: "Outie to Innie", 3), (a: "Improve Ass", 4), (a: "Improve Chest", 4), (a: "Enhance Lips", 1), (a: "Shrink Body", 3), (a: "Reduce Waist", 2)))(metadata: "condition", (a: (a: "Outie to Innie", 3), (a: "Improve Ass", 2), (a: "Improve Chest", 2), (a: "Add Makeup", 1), (a: "Enhance Lips", 1), (a: "Get a Piercing", 5), (a: "Add Tattoos", 2), (a: "Shrink Body", 2), (a: "Reduce Waist", 2)))(metadata: "condition", (a: (a: "Outie to Innie", 3), (a: "Improve Ass", 3), (a: "Improve Chest", 2), (a: "Add Makeup", 2), (a: "Enhance Lips", 2), (a: "Get a Piercing", 2), (a: "Latex Underwear", 2), (a: "Shrink Body", 3), (a: "Reduce Waist", 3)))(metadata: "condition", (a: (a: "Outie to Innie", 3), (a: "Improve Ass", 2), (a: "Improve Chest", 2), (a: "Add Makeup", 1), (a: "Enhance Lips", 4), (a: "Get a Piercing", 2), (a: "Reduce Waist", 3)))(metadata: "condition", (a:), "girly", (a: 0,0,0,0,0,0), "horny", (a: 25,10,0,-10,-20,-30), "stupid", (a: 10,15,-20,-30,-40,-50), "sub", (a: 15,15,-20,-30,-40,-50), "betrayal", (a:20,10,0), "EndingPosition", 17, "role", "joined another crew.") \
(storylet: when (($howHorny: $endingTarget) > 0 or ($howStupid: $endingTarget) > 0 or ($howSubmissive: $endingTarget) > 0)) \
(exclusivity: 2) \
(urgency: 5)
You watch as Doug outlines the plan to the rest of the team. He looks so comfortable in the role. You frown, rather aware that used to be you. Sadly, you just can't be in charge any more.
In some ways you've gone back to life as it was before that disastrous raid. (nth: (max: 1, (min: 5, 1 + ($howGirly: "You"))), "I mean, you're basically still a man,", "I mean, sure you've picked up some //other// attributes,", "I mean, you're basically a woman now,", "I mean, sure you're an attractive woman,", "I mean, sure you're drop dead gorgeous now,")
But it's the //other// changes that has meant you can't go back to running the team. (nth: (max: 1, (min: 5, 1 + ($howHorny: "You"))), "It could be worse, he could have screwed with your sex drive.", "You just get turned on so easily, it can distract you.", "You're horny most of the time and it gets in the way.", "You just //need// regular sex now, and can't focus till you've had it.", "You'll do //anything// to get fucked, any time and folks don't respect a girl like that.") (nth: (max: 1, (min: 3, 1 + ($howStupid: "You"))), "You're as smart as you ever were.", "But the main problem is that you're just not as smart as you were. You still get there, you're just slower and that counts in a crisis.", "But the main problem is you're kind of dumb now. Dumb enough that they can't use you on the main jobs any more.") (nth: (max: 1, (min: 4, 1 + ($howSubmissive: "You"))), "You can follow the plan easily enough at least.", "It's just you're better at taking rather than giving orders now. On the other hand the team does like that you're quick to follow instructions. Indeed you have to concentrate to deviate from the plan.", "It's just you really can't give orders any more. The team really loves that you follow instructions to the letter though.", "It's just that the idea of telling people what to do, makes you feel physically sick now. On the other hand the team loves that you do as your told. Maybe too much truth be told, as they've worked out that you'll do //anything//. The buttplug they bought you as a 'joke', that you just inserted in front of them all, is proof of that.")
You still have all the experience, so you act as Doug's close advisor. With enough time and prompting, you can tell him what he needs to run a fairly successful team.
(nth: (max: 1, (min: 5, ($howBetrayer: "You"))), "If anything the team respects you more for how hard you tried to cooperate during the game.","The team underestands that you only betrayed your opponents when you were forced too.", "The team understands that you did what you had to do in the game. For the most part there are no hard feelings.","The team knows you have a ruthless streak, but respects that you did at least occasionally attempt to cooperate.", "You have a bit of a reputation as a bastard now, but you're working to rebuild their trust.")
You've tried to keep track of the others. (display: "Others Template")
The scientist told you that the nanites are self replicating and will ensure that any changes will be maintained for the future. The only way to reverse things is to pay him and his price list isn't cheap. In theory you could pay him to enhance stuff too. You're not sure if you trust him, but either way, the outcome of this job should give you options.
Doug has offered to negotiate with the scientist for you. "To make sure you ask for the right stuff". That's really kind of him. You trust Doug more than the scientist after all.
($endMacro: 1)