/* Top bar with stats and notifications */
<<include "TopBarContainer">><<nobr>><<if $uibars == "standard" || $uibars == "chapters" || $uibars == "days">><<include "standard_tbar">>
<<elseif $uibars == "story">><<include "story_tbar">>
<<elseif $uibars == "gameplay">><<include "gameplay_tbar">>
<</if>><</nobr>><div id="topbar"><div id="tbblock"><div id="tbtext"><<include "TopBar">></div></div></div><<nobr>><span id="topbarstats">
<span><b>Slut</b> by <i>Migreel</i></span>
</span><</nobr>>/*Version info*/
<<set $version = "0.03.1">>
<<set $uibars = "none">>
<<set $dayCount to 0>>
/*Add Generic Speechbox thats Unused currently*/
<<character 'charbox' $charname `'zimages/00profiles/' + $charimg + '.webp'`>>
<<set $noalert to true>><<set $newversion = "0.03.1">>
<<if ndef $version>>
<<set $version = "0.01">>
<<if $version == $newversion>>
/* Nothing Happens*/
/*For every version where new variables are added, add a new if statement for that one*/
<<if $version == "0.01">>
<<set $version = "0.02">>
<<if $version == "0.02">>
<<set $version = "0.03">>
<<if $version == "0.03">>
<<set $noalert to false>>
<<set $version = "0.03.1">>
<</if>><<include "check_newversion">>
<<if $noalert is false>>
<<script TwineScript>>
Dialog.create('Important Message', 'charsheet');
Dialog.wiki("I have removed a lot of elements from the game and would ask to you to kindly restart your save.<br>I have added more story to the earlier days and slightly altered certain events so the story will only make sense if you replay the earlier days.<br>This will just happen this once as I removed the slut gameplay element and had to make the story flow better as a result.Sorry for any inconvenience caused and hopefully you like the changes.<br>Click restart in the sidebar to enjoy the changes, Thanks");
<<set $noalert to true>>
<</if>><img src="zimages/00menu/18.webp">
Warning: This game contains content that is not suitable for minors. By clicking continue, you acknowledge that you are at least 18 years old or older.
<<button [[I confirm I am 18 or older|SupportTheGame]]>><</button>><a href="https://www.patreon.com/Migreel" target="_blank"><img src="zimages/00menu/supportBanner.jpg"></a>
This Game is still in production so please support this game via <a href="https://www.patreon.com/Migreel" target="_blank">Patreon</a>, where you can get early access to the game
Provide any <a href="https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe_uydACPIRZ2QBzaR0P_4_Y9Y7guuDtaY-AJCB_zm6-V1kKA/viewform?usp=header" target="_blank">Feedback</a> here
<<button [[Start Game|GameIntro]]>><</button>>Could potentially cut the 1st game in half so that it doesn't go over 1 gb of storage.
Cut halfway through in 4th POV<img src="zimages/00intro/assgrab.webp">
His hand lowers onto Alice's ass
Firmly grabbing her perfect ass
Ella looked on in confusion as her friend and younger cousin Alice gets felt up by some random guy
<img src="zimages/00intro/aliceass.webp">
A moment later Alice is back at the table, having convinced that guy to but them a few drinks
<span class="girl"><<say 'Alice' 'zimages/00profiles/aliceMoran.webp'>>That was awkward<</say>></span>
<<button [[Ella asks what happened|GameIntro2]]>><</button>><<if $dayCount is 1>><<goto "S1G1D1.First">>
<<elseif $dayCount is 2>><<goto "S1G1D2.First1">>
<<elseif $dayCount is 3>><<goto "S1G1D3.First1">>
<<else>><<goto "S1G1D0.First">>
<</if>><img src="zimages/00generic/penDrop.webp">
She knocks a pen off the counter behind her as she turns to look for something to do
<i>"Fuck I'll pick up that pen in a minute. There doesn't seem to be much to do besides taping up that box maybe"</i>
<img src="zimages/1roisinM/shopBend.webp">
She bends over to pick up the pen, facing her ass to Lorcan
Even though she can't see him, she feels his gaze glued to her ass
<img src="zimages/00profiles/aliceMoran.webp">
<i>"If he's looking at my ass maybe he's cheating on my sister. She's been in London for months..... She asked me to check on him as she thought he was. Maybe I should test him later on....."</i>
She spins her head around quickly to try catch but he's looking away
When she's fully stood up she notices his boner sticking up through his pants
<<button "She places the pen back on the counter">><<goto [[S1G1D0TapeBox]]>><</button>><img src="zimages/00generic/london.webp">
<span class="boy"><<say 'Lorcan' 'zimages/00profiles/lorcanDarcy.webp'>>So how was your short London holiday? Did ye actually do much over there?<</say>></span>
<img src="zimages/1roisinM/londonApart.webp">
<span class="justhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>Nah we just ended up going out all 3 nights and sleeping in, the mornings after. I still can't believe how nice Alice's place is over there and that its as cheap as it is for the size of the place<</say>></span>
<span class="boy"><<say 'Lorcan' 'zimages/00profiles/lorcanDarcy.webp'>>Ye it's fairly close to the center as well. It's so nice to be in walking distance of so many places. I just Wish I could have gone over there with your sister<</say>></span>
<span class="justhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>Ye it's a pity my father couldn't give you time off to go over with her. I know he's short people now but still, he could've given you at least a month off work<</say>></span>
<span class="boy"><<say 'Lorcan' 'zimages/00profiles/lorcanDarcy.webp'>>Ah I suppose she'll be back home in a few months anyways. With all the hours I've worked as well, we should be able to afford to move into a place together. I'll just have to get through these next few months first<</say>></span>
<<button "She smiles in agreement with Lorcan">><<goto [[S1G1D0EllaRylee]]>><</button>><span class="boy"><<say 'Lorcan' 'zimages/00profiles/lorcanDarcy.webp'>>I heard Ella seen something weird on her trip but Alice won't tell me, what was it?<</say>></span>
<i>"I knew he was fishing for information about this earlier."</i>
<img src="zimages/00intro/rileybbc1.webp">
<span class="justhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>So, Ella went back to get her charger from our room and she walks in on two black guys fucking the girl we stayed with<</say>></span>
<span class="boy"><<say 'Lorcan' 'zimages/00profiles/lorcanDarcy.webp'>>Okay what?????<</say>></span>
<img src="zimages/00intro/rileybbc3.webp">
<span class="justhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>Ella said she just froze as that girl looked into her eyes. She snapped out of it when one of the guys came all over that other girls face. She felt like she was in a trance, all she could do is just watch them team this girl<</say>></span>
<span class="boy"><<say 'Lorcan' 'zimages/00profiles/lorcanDarcy.webp'>>That's so strange..... the girl must be like my roommate Aoife so?<</say>></span>
<img src="zimages/00intro/rileybbc2.webp">
<span class="justhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>No that's the weirdest thing. She wasn't slutty at all. I thought Ella was joking initially until I peaked into the room and she was naked with two black guys touching her<</say>></span>
Roisin notices Lorcan's boner spring up
<i>"Why does he always bring his roommate Aoife into everything? Maybe there's something going on between the two of them"</i>
<<button "She thinks about Ella and the rough week she's been having">><<goto [[S1G1D0HomelessGuy]]>><</button>><img src="zimages/00generic/phonebuzz.webp">
Roisin glances down at her phone as it buzzes, she reads a text from her father asking her to come into the shop to help him and Lorcan close up
She agrees and changes into her work clothes, walking into the kitchen where her roommate Ella is waiting
<img src="zimages/00profiles/declanMoran.webp">
<span class="justhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>My Da just text me Ella. He wants me to help him close up the shop. We can go to the gym after if you want?<</say>></span>
<span class="infected"><<say 'Ella' 'zimages/00profiles/ellaClancy.webp'>>That's alright. I'll go on my own. Bet you wish we stayed a bit longer in London now<</say>></span>
<span class="justhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>Yeah I wish we did, these last few days have really irritated me. And like I get that my Da is understaffed at the moment but is there no one else to help close up. I've done it the last 5 days since we came back from London<</say>></span>
<img src="zimages/00profiles/aliceMoran.webp">
<span class="infected"><<say 'Ella' 'zimages/00profiles/ellaClancy.webp'>>I know that sounds so annoying. Thank god my Da never get's me to work in his shop. I'm sure once your sister Alice is back it'll get better<</say>></span>
<span class="justhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>Hopefully she comes back soon. I need some time off......<</say>></span>
<i>"Why couldn't I have had a brother to do all this stuff? It would be so much handier"</i>
<span class="infected"><<say 'Ella' 'zimages/00profiles/ellaClancy.webp'>>I'll walk with you if you want<</say>></span>
<<button [[Roisin leaves the apartment with Ella|S1G1D0.First2]]>><</button>><<nobr>><span id="topbarstats">
<span><b>Slut</b>, Day <<print $dayCount>></span>
</span><</nobr>><<nobr>><span id="topbarstats">
<span><b>Slut</b>, Day <<print $dayCount>></span>
</span><</nobr>><<nobr>><span id="topbarstats">
<span>Range: $goalMin - $goalMax, 💋Lust: $eventMeter</span>
</span><</nobr>><img src="zimages/00profiles/aoifeClancy.webp">
<span class="boy"><<say 'Lorcan' 'zimages/00profiles/lorcanDarcy.webp'>>Look what my roommate Aoife put up earlier<</say>></span>
Roisin takes his phone off him to have a look
<img src="zimages/1roisinM/aoifeBBC.webp">
<span class="boy"><<say 'Lorcan' 'zimages/00profiles/lorcanDarcy.webp'>>Look at that one there. She brought that guy over to our apartment the other day. Think it was the third guy I seen her with, this month so far<</say>></span>
<span class="infectedhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>Oh my god that's so weird.... Does she have sex with them?<</say>></span>
<img src="zimages/1roisinM/aoifeBBC2.webp">
<span class="boy"><<say 'Lorcan' 'zimages/00profiles/lorcanDarcy.webp'>>Yeah. I could hear them in my room. I don't know how Alice is friends with her and how she's ok with me being alone with her......<</say>></span>
<i>"I don't know how she's okay with it either. I couldn't even trust my ex Joe around other girls in work. She suspects he's cheating. Maybe it's with Aoife???"<i>
<img src="zimages/1roisinM/aoifeBBC3.webp">
She pictures that girl Aoife taking it rough from that guy
<span class="boy"><<say 'Lorcan' 'zimages/00profiles/lorcanDarcy.webp'>>.....Not that she has anything to worry about as Aoife is definitely not my type. She's far too slutty for me<</say>></span>
<i>"I hope that's true. She'd definitely want him so hopefully he doesn't spend too much time with her"</i>
<<button "She agrees to not say anything">><<goto [[S1G1D0LorcansHours]]>><</button>><img src="zimages/1roisinM/plane.webp">
She thinks about all the couples she seen on the plane coming home and how good they all seemed to be getting along
<i>"That couple that were making out on the plane were so weird..."</i>
<img src="zimages/1roisinM/planeShift.webp">
<span class="justhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>It was so weird when we were flying back, there was this couple sitting across from me and Ella who were full on making out<</say>></span>
<span class="boy"><<say 'Lorcan' 'zimages/00profiles/lorcanDarcy.webp'>>Nearly every time I'm visting Alice, I see couples getting very touchy with each other on the plane. One time I even seen a couple sneak into the bathroom<</say>></span>
<img src="zimages/1roisinM/planeFuck.webp">
Roisin pictures the couple she saw kissing, fucking in the bathroom
<span class="justhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>No!!! Thank god, that would have been so weird<</say>></span>
<<button "She blushes just thinking about having sex in a public place">><<goto [[S1G1D0LondonTrip]]>><</button>><img src="zimages/1roisinM/brokenBox.webp">
Roisin now fixes her gaze on the broken up box on the counter
She grabs the tape gun and pulls the box closer to fix it up
<img src="zimages/1roisinM/tapeBox.webp">
As Roisin tapes up the box on the counter she notices the name Ward written on the top
<i>"Isn't Lorcan's Da a ward? Is this his package?"</i>
<span class="infectedhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>Is this your package Lorcan? Sorry I thought this was my Da's<</say>></span>
<img src="zimages/00profiles/johnWard.webp">
<span class="boy"><<say 'Lorcan' 'zimages/00profiles/lorcanDarcy.webp'>>No it's not mine anyways. I think my Da does business with your father?<</say>></span>
<i>"Why does my Da do business with the Wards? They're a gang. I wonder does Lorcan know more and just isn't telling me. John Ward is his Dad after all. He's not that close with him but he must know something about his fathers business"</i>
<<button "She finishes taping up the box">><<goto [[S1G1D0LorcansPlans]]>><</button>><img src="zimages/1roisinM/lorcanFly.webp">
As Lorcan returns from outside, Roisin notices that Lorcan's fly is open
He heads over to the sink in the back to wash his hands as they are all dirty from the compost
<span class="justhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>Ahmmm...... Lorcan your fly is open<</say>></span>
<span class="boy"><<say 'Lorcan' 'zimages/00profiles/lorcanDarcy.webp'>>Oh am..... thanks I guess. I'll zip it up in a sec<</say>></span>
<img src="zimages/00profiles/lorcanDarcy.webp">
<i>"Maybe I should zip it up for him. See what he does. I might find out if he's cheating on Alice"</i>
<img src="zimages/1roisinM/lorcanzipUp.webp">
Roisin springs forward and rubs her hand against Lorcan's crotch as she zips up his pants
<span class="boy"><<say 'Lorcan' 'zimages/00profiles/lorcanDarcy.webp'>>Oh.... Ah..... Thanks Roisin.......<</say>></span>
As she pulls his hand away, his boner shoots up again
<i>"Maybe he's not cheating on her. Or maybe he just doesn't want me to know"</i>
<<button "She leaves him alone to wash his hands">><<goto [[S1G1D0.Last]]>><</button>><img src="zimages/00profiles/lorcanDarcy.webp">
<i>"I wonder what hours he is working tomorrow?"</i>
<span class="justhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>Do you have any plans for tomorrow?<</say>></span>
<img src="zimages/00profiles/aliceMoran.webp">
<span class="boy"><<say 'Lorcan' 'zimages/00profiles/lorcanDarcy.webp'>>No nothing really. Off work tomorrow, so will just probably watch tv in the apartment. Maybe call your sister Alice later in the day.<</say>></span>
<i>"I wonder if he's actually going to stay at home all day or is he hiding something? Maybe he's meeting a girl or something....."</i>
<span class="justhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>She's love that. She misses you so much<</say>></span>
<<button "Roisin smiles at him">><<goto [[S1G1D0SluttyAoife]]>><</button>><img src="zimages/00profiles/lorcanDarcy.webp">
<i>"I wonder how many days he's doing next week? He better not be spending a load of time with Aoife"</i>
<span class="justhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>What days are you working next week?<</say>></span>
<span class="boy"><<say 'Lorcan' 'zimages/00profiles/lorcanDarcy.webp'>>Same as usual. Full day tuesday to saturday. Your Da seems to love having me here anyways<</say>></span>
<img src="zimages/00profiles/declanMoran.webp">
<span class="justhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>He trusts you a lot so it makes sense. You've been working here for so long<</say>></span>
<span class="boy"><<say 'Lorcan' 'zimages/00profiles/lorcanDarcy.webp'>>Hopefully he does. I know me and him had a rough start but he's been good to me for the last while<</say>></span>
<img src="zimages/00profiles/aliceMoran.webp">
<i>"I can't blame my Da initially. Lorcan starting dating my sister Alice like a week or two after he started here. My Ma meanwhile has never adjusted to having Lorcan around. Maybe that's why she really pushed for Alice to take a year out and move to London"</i>
<<button "Roisin thinks about the trip to London">><<goto [[S1G1D0PlaneCouple]]>><</button>><img src="zimages/00profiles/homelessGuy.webp">
She begins to think about the homeless guy again and how creepy he is
<i>"That homeless guy better be gone off when I'm walking home tonight"</i>
<img src="zimages/00profiles/ellaClancy.webp">
<span class="justhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>That homeless guy that was touching Ella was staring at us again today<</say>></span>
<span class="boy"><<say 'Lorcan' 'zimages/00profiles/lorcanDarcy.webp'>>Fuck... Ye really should report him. Especially since he has a clear view of yere apartment. It's not safe for ye<</say>></span>
<span class="justhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>Maybe you could stay with us for a while, until he moves off.....<</say>></span>
<img src="zimages/00profiles/saoirseDarcy.webp">
<span class="boy"><<say 'Lorcan' 'zimages/00profiles/lorcanDarcy.webp'>>I would but I can't leave my sister Saoirse alone with Aoife. Don't want my sister to be around all those strange men that she brings over<</say>></span>
<i>"Again with the Aoife talk. Maybe he's too busy fucking Aoife to look after his girlfriends sister"</i>
<span class="girl"><<say '????' 'zimages/00profiles/oldLady.webp'>>Excuse me.... Could someone carry this out for me after???<</say>></span>
<span class="boy"><<say 'Lorcan' 'zimages/00profiles/lorcanDarcy.webp'>>I'll give you a hand<</say>></span>
She watches him leave with the old lady
<<button "Roisin waits for Lorcan to return">><<goto [[S1G1D0FlyOpen]]>><</button>><img src="zimages/1roisinM/shopPaintCust.webp">
Roisin's father comes back with paint and two customers ready to buy it
<span class="boy"><<say 'Dad' 'zimages/00profiles/declanMoran.webp'>>Roisin will you take for these while Lorcan helps me lock up? Where is he???<</say>></span>
<span class="infectedhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>He's just washing his hands in the back. Is that the last of the customers?<</say>></span>
<img src="zimages/00profiles/lorcanDarcy.webp">
Lorcan emerges from the back with a pair of clean hands
<span class="boy"><<say 'Dad' 'zimages/00profiles/declanMoran.webp'>>C'mon Lorcan. We better lock up quick so Princess here can get home<</say>></span>
Both of them laugh as they head off to lock up the shop
<<button [[Roisin stays on the till until the store closes, getting a lift home with her Dad after|S1G1D0.Last2]]>><</button>><img src="zimages/00menu/shortbanner.jpg">
You failed to keep your sluttiness in check
<<button "Retry">><<set $uibars to "story">><<goto $returnMenu>><</button>><<character 'aliceMoran' 'Alice Moran' 'zimages/00profiles/aliceMoran.webp'>><img src="zimages/00generic/homelessguysit.webp">
The two girls leave the apartment building and cross the road to walk past the park
Both girls quickly walk past the homeless guy, camped outside the park
<span class="justhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>Why is he always in the same spot right across from our apartment?<</say>></span>
<span class="infected"><<say 'Ella' 'zimages/00profiles/ellaClancy.webp'>>I think he likes me, After what happened yesterday<</say>></span>
<span class="justhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>Thank god I was there to pull you away from him as god knows what he would've done to you<</say>></span>
<img src="zimages/1roisinM/ellaGroped.webp">
<span class="infected"><<say 'Ella' 'zimages/00profiles/ellaClancy.webp'>>Ye that was so weird. I don't even know what got over me. I just felt like I was in a trance, not really paying attention to the fact he had his hands all over me<</say>></span>
<span class="justhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>Can we talk about why you started feeling him up first? I know your embarrassed by it and I haven't told anyone but can you just explain it to me so I can understand<</say>></span>
<span class="infected"><<say 'Ella' 'zimages/00profiles/ellaClancy.webp'>>........ I'm gonna head to the gym through the park....... I'll explain when you come back after work..... Bye...<</say>></span>
<<button [[Roisin says bye and walks to her fathers Furniture store|S1G1D0.First3]]>><</button>><img src="zimages/00generic/moransFurniture.webp">
<span class="boy"><<say 'Lorcan' 'zimages/00profiles/lorcanDarcy.webp'>>Hey Roisin. Your fathers helping the last of the customers so we'll have to to wait for him to be finished<</say>></span>
She heads behind the desk where Lorcan is and sits her nice ass on the counter
<span class="justhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>Was it busy today?<</say>></span>
<span class="boy"><<say 'Lorcan' 'zimages/00profiles/lorcanDarcy.webp'>>It was quiet enough for a saturday. To be honest I feel like we could've closed an hour ago. All I''ve done the last half an hour is just carry out compost for people<</say>></span>
<span class="justhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>That sound so bad. I wish my da didn't keep the shop open this late. I was on my way to the gym with Ella but had to come her instead<</say>></span>
<span class="boy"><<say 'Lorcan' 'zimages/00profiles/lorcanDarcy.webp'>>Honestly me and him could've closed up the shop on our own. Not sure why he called you here. How is Ella thought after yere trip?<</say>></span>
<span class="justhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>She's feeling kinda sick or something. I don't know what's wrong with her to be honest, she's just been acting so strange lately.<</say>></span>
<span class="boy"><<say 'Lorcan' 'zimages/00profiles/lorcanDarcy.webp'>>She must have just caught the flu over there? Where any of the people ye stayed with sick?<</say>></span>
<img src="zimages/00intro/rileybbc4.webp">
She thinks about that girl Rylee and those black guys she was with
<i>"Does he know about what Ella saw? My sister Alice might have told him"</i>
<span class="justhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>I'm not too sure really..... She'll probably feel better soon anyways<</say>></span>
<<button [[Roisin looks around for something to do|S1G1D0BendOver]]>><</button>><span class="justhost"><<say 'Ella' 'zimages/00profiles/ellaClancy.webp'>>What happened exactly? And don't worry I won't tell your boyfriend<</say>></span>
<span class="girl"><<say 'Alice' 'zimages/00profiles/aliceMoran.webp'>>Please don't tell Lorcan cause he would freak if he heard..... Just that guy would only agree to buy us drinks if he could feel my ass, sooo.... I guess I had to let him do it<</say>></span>
<span class="justhost"><<say 'Ella' 'zimages/00profiles/ellaClancy.webp'>>These drinks will be worth it.... Okay. We'll just have to down them before your sister comes back from the bathroom<</say>></span>
<span class="girl"><<say 'Alice' 'zimages/00profiles/aliceMoran.webp'>>Shit I think that's her coming<</say>></span>
<<button [[Ella downs her drink|GameIntro3]]>><</button>><img src="zimages/00generic/girlschugging.webp">
<span class="girl"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>Where did ye get those drinks??? I thought ye both had no money left<</say>></span>
<span class="girl"><<say 'Alice' 'zimages/00profiles/aliceMoran.webp'>>I.... found a few pounds.....<</say>></span>
<span class="girl"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>Okay well Ella we better go if we don't want to miss our flight<</say>></span>
<span class="justhost"><<say 'Ella' 'zimages/00profiles/ellaClancy.webp'>>Can't we leave it another few minutes?<</say>></span>
<img src="zimages/00profiles/ryleeValliere.webp">
<span class="girl"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>No cause you forgot your charger in the apartment, so we'll have to walk back there and get it first. Assuming that girl we we're staying with is still there<</say>></span>
<<button [[Ella hops up to go|GameIntro4]]>><</button>><img src="zimages/00generic/girlshugging.webp">
Ella and Roisin hug Alice and say there goodbyes
<span class="girl"><<say 'Alice' 'zimages/00profiles/aliceMoran.webp'>>BYE SIS!!! REMEMBER TO CHECK THAT THING WE TALKED ABOUT!!!!!<</say>></span>
<span class="girl"><<say 'Alice' 'zimages/00profiles/aliceMoran.webp'>>BYE ELLA!!!<</say>></span>
<img src="zimages/00intro/girlsasses.webp">
The two girls leave the pub and walk towards the apartment they were staying in
<span class="justhost"><<say 'Ella' 'zimages/00profiles/ellaClancy.webp'>>Will your sister be okay getting home on her own?<</say>></span>
<span class="girl"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>Her friends are meeting her there in a few minutes<</say>></span>
Roisin stops outside the apartment, letting Ella go up on her own
<<button [[Ella enters the apartment|GameIntro5]]>><</button>><img src="zimages/00intro/rileybbc1.webp">
As Ella walks inside the apartment she is greeted by the girl they were staying with getting teamed by two big black guys
<span class="justhost"><<say 'Ella' 'zimages/00profiles/ellaClancy.webp'>>Rylee what are you doing???<</say>></span>
<img src="zimages/00intro/rileybbc3.webp">
<span class="infected"><<say 'Rylee' 'zimages/00profiles/ryleeValliere.webp'>>Mmmmmmmhhhhh.....<</say>></span>
The two guys begin to pound her harder and faster once they notice Ella is there
<<button [[Ella is frozen in place|GameIntro6]]>><</button>><img src="zimages/00intro/rileybbc4.webp">
Ella is stuck in place, watching this random girl get destroyed by two BBCs
<span class="infected"><<say 'Rylee' 'zimages/00profiles/ryleeValliere.webp'>>Mmmmmmmhhhhh..... Ella this feels sooo.... good...... Join.... usss.....<</say>></span>
<span class="boy"><<say 'BBC' 'zimages/00profiles/ryleeBBC.webp'>>C'mon Ella.... You can't let your friend have all this fun on her own<</say>></span>
Ella remains frozen, unable to move or speak
<img src="zimages/00intro/rileybbc2.webp">
She stays that way until one of the guys finishes, spreading his cum all over Rylee's face
Immediately she snaps out of the trance but feels a sickness come onto her
She grabs her charger and sits down in the hallway outside the apartment, not knowing what she just saw
<<button [[Ella passes out|LogoScreen]]>><</button>><img src="zimages/00menu/shortbanner.jpg">
Ella unbeknownst to herself, friends, family and the town of Athbridge is about to be exposed to a chaotic Virus
You will play as the Virus as it brings out the inner <b>Slut</b> in every girl it infects, making girls act upon their slutty impulses
It is known as the <b>Slut</b> virus
<<button [[Begin the game|S1G1D0.First]]>><<set $uibars to "standard">><<set $dayCount to 0>><</button>><i>by Migreel</i>
Version: $version
Day: <<print $dayCount>>
<a href="https://www.patreon.com/Migreel" target="_blank">Patreon</a>
<a href="https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe_uydACPIRZ2QBzaR0P_4_Y9Y7guuDtaY-AJCB_zm6-V1kKA/viewform?usp=header" target="_blank">Feedback</a><br>Slut<img src="zimages/1roisinM/abandonedCamp.webp">
Roisin's da drops her off outside her apartment
<i>"Thank god that homeless guy is gone"</i>
<span class="boy"><<say 'Dad' 'zimages/00profiles/declanMoran.webp'>>I'll wait here till you get inside. He won't come near ye again<</say>></span>
<img src="zimages/00profiles/homelessGuy.webp">
<span class="infectedhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>Thanks Dad. Hopefully he's gone for good<</say>></span>
As Roisin climbs the stairs she hears loud noises coming from her apartment
<i>"What is that? Is it someone clapping?"</i>
<span class="infected"><<say 'Ella' 'zimages/00profiles/ellaClancy.webp'>>Ohhhhhhhhh...... Fuckkkkkkkk..... Ahhhhhhh....<</say>></span>
<i>"Is that Ella? She must be feeling better now anyways"</i>
<<button [[Roisin opens the door|S1G1D0.Last3]]>><</button>><img src="zimages/1roisinM/ellaFucked.webp">
She walks in to find Ella slamming into the Homeless guys cock
<i>"What is Ella doing? Why is she with him?"</i>
<span class="infected"><<say 'Ella' 'zimages/00profiles/ellaClancy.webp'>>Fuckk... Harder.... Harder.....<</say>></span>
<img src="zimages/1roisinM/ellaFucked3.webp">
<i>"Is she enjoying this??? What's going on with her???"</i>
<span class="justhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>Are you okay Ella? Will I call the gaurds?<</say>></span>
After Ella chooses to continue moaning rather than answer, Roisin moves closer to the two. Freezing in place as Ella begins to stare right into her eyes
<<button [[Roisin stares blankly into her friends eyes|S1G1D0.Last4]]>><</button>><img src="zimages/1roisinM/ellaFucked4.webp">
Roisin watches on as her friend continues to slam onto the disgusting homeless mans cock
<i>"Is this a dream? Surely this is a dream?"</i>
<img src="zimages/1roisinM/ellaFucked2.webp">
Ella continues to look deep into her friends eyes as he slams herself into him
<span class="infected"><<say 'Ella' 'zimages/00profiles/ellaClancy.webp'>>Fuckkkkkk..........<</say>></span>
Roisin snaps out of her trance but begins to feel drowsy now
She can barely stay standing up for much longer
She rushes to her room and collapses, just about reaching her bed
<<button [[The Virus infects a new host|S1G1D1.First]]>><</button>><img src="zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp">
Roisin dreams of her friend Ella being railed by the dirty man
Her friend begs for more, for him to fuck her brains out
The virus has found a new host
<<button [[Start the next day|S1G1D1.First2]]>><<set $dayCount to 1>><</button>><img src="zimages/00generic/phonebuzz.webp">
Roisin wakes up to her phone buzzing wildly
<img src="zimages/00profiles/aliceMoran.webp">
She checks her phone to see that her younger sister Alice is calling her
Roisin answers
<span class="infectedhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>Hey Alice.... are you alright???<</say>></span>
<span class="girl"><<say 'Alice' 'zimages/00profiles/aliceMoran.webp'>>Yeah I'm just checking if your alright.... Our da said you rang in sick for work.<</say>></span>
<span class="infectedhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>Yeah I think i've caught the flu Ella had. She only had it for about 5 days and seemed to getting better yesterday so hopefully I don't have it too long either<</say>></span>
<span class="girl"><<say 'Alice' 'zimages/00profiles/aliceMoran.webp'>>Yeah hopefully.... How is Ella doing? You should check.....<</say>></span>
<img src="zimages/1roisinM/ellaFucked.webp">
<i>"Wait didn't I see Ella fucking that homeless guy last night? Was that a dream? It must have been a dream"</i>
<span class="girl"><<say 'Alice' 'zimages/00profiles/aliceMoran.webp'>>Are you still there Roisin? Do you know what medicine she was taking?<</say>></span>
<span class="infectedhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>What? No I'm not sure what.....<</say>></span>
<span class="boy"><<say '' 'zimages/00profiles/unknown.webp'>>No I'm okay.....<</say>></span>
<i>"Who was that? Was that just the tv?"</i>
<span class="girl"><<say 'Alice' 'zimages/00profiles/aliceMoran.webp'>>I might let you go Roisin. You seem very sick<</say>></span>
<span class="boy"><<say '' 'zimages/00profiles/unknown.webp'>>Cheers Ella.....<</say>></span>
<i>"Fuck maybe I wasn't dreaming last night. It just seemed so weird. It had to have been a dream"</i>
<span class="infectedhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>No Alice don't hang up yet. I just need to check something. I'll be a second<</say>></span>
<<button [[Roisin sneaks over to her door for a peak|S1G1D1.first3]]>><</button>><img src="zimages/00generic/doorPeak.webp">
Roisin sneaks to the door, peaking through the small gap between the door and the frame
<img src="zimages/00profiles/homelessGuy.webp">
<i>"Wait so it was him.... Does that mean that last night wasn't a dream?"</i>
She quietly closes the door and crawls back into bed confused
<img src="zimages/1roisinM/ellaFucked3.webp">
<i>"Why would Ella have fucked him last night? I'm missing something"</i>
<span class="infectedhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>I'm back Alice. Sorry about that<</say>></span>
<span class="girl"><<say 'Alice' 'zimages/00profiles/aliceMoran.webp'>>Are you ok?<</say>></span>
<span class="infectedhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>Ye I'm alright, was just checking what medicine Ella took to get better. I'm all sorted now<</say>></span>
<span class="girl"><<say 'Alice' 'zimages/00profiles/aliceMoran.webp'>>That's good anyways<</say>></span>
<<button [[Roisin tries to distract herself from thinking about Ella and the guy|S1G1D1AlicesFriend]]>><</button>>
<</nobr>><img src="zimages/1roisinM/ellaFucked.webp">
Roisin tells her sister what she walked in on last night after work
<span class="girl"><<say 'Alice' 'zimages/00profiles/aliceMoran.webp'>>Wait so you were saying she enjoyed it? Are you sure?<</say>></span>
<span class="infectedhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>Ye she was backing into him and everything. When he finally came, she seemed so excited about it<</say>></span>
<span class="girl"><<say 'Alice' 'zimages/00profiles/aliceMoran.webp'>>Roisin you have to go and check on her. Make sure she's alright<</say>></span>
<span class="infectedhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>I don't know if I can.... He's still here. I heard him talk a while ago<</say>></span>
<span class="girl"><<say 'Alice' 'zimages/00profiles/aliceMoran.webp'>>Just text her to come to your room and check if everything's alright<</say>></span>
<span class="infectedhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>Okay, ring me back in five minutes... If I don't answer call our da<</say>></span>
<span class="girl"><<say 'Alice' 'zimages/00profiles/aliceMoran.webp'>>Will do. It'll be alright Roisin<</say>></span>
<<button [[She texts her friend Ella to come into her room|S1G1D1.second3]]>><</button>><img src="zimages/00profiles/ellaClancy.webp">
Ella enters her friends room and shuts the door as commanded to by her friend
<span class="infectedhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>What's going on Ella? Why were you with that guy last night? Are you alright?<</say>></span>
<span class="girl"><<say 'Ella' 'zimages/00profiles/ellaClancy.webp'>>I'm feeling alright.... I know it seems strange but he's actually a nice guy. I started talking to him on my way home last night and ended up inviting him upstairs. I made him some tea and....<</say>></span>
<img src="zimages/1roisinM/ellaFucked3.webp">
<i>"Let him fuck you in the middle of our apartment. Why not you're own bedroom?"<i>
<span class="infectedhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>Yeah tha's fine with any other guy but why him? He's homeless... He could've done anything to you... He could be diseased<</say>></span>
<span class="girl"><<say 'Ella' 'zimages/00profiles/ellaClancy.webp'>>He's a nice guy... He wouldn't have done anything. He promised me he doesn't have any diseases. You should come out and meet him, he was saying this morning that he'd love to meet you<</say>></span>
<img src="zimages/00profiles/homelessGuy.webp">
<i>"There's no chance I'm going out there to meet him"</i>
<span class="girl"><<say 'Ella' 'zimages/00profiles/ellaClancy.webp'>>If you're not gonna come out here then I can bring him into your room if you like<</say>></span>
<<button [[Roisin leave her room|S1G1D1.second4]]>><</button>><img src="zimages/00profiles/ellaClancy.webp">
<i>"Fuck should I really tell her. Maybe Ella was drunk and made a mistake. She's my best friend..... But Alice won't say anything.... Maybe I should....."</i>
<span class="girl"><<say 'Alice' 'zimages/00profiles/aliceMoran.webp'>>I might hang up and head to the gym<</say>></span>
<span class="infectedhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>Alice I need to tell you something about Ella but you can't tell anyone else<</say>></span>
<span class="girl"><<say 'Alice' 'zimages/00profiles/aliceMoran.webp'>>Sure what is it?<</say>></span>
<<button [[She finally tells her sister|S1G1D1.second2]]>><</button>><img src="zimages/00intro/assgrab.webp">
<span class="girl"><<say 'Alice' 'zimages/00profiles/aliceMoran.webp'>>Remember that guy that grabbed my ass in the pub before ye left London<</say>></span>
<span class="infectedhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>Yeah of course. What did he do?<</say>></span>
<img src="zimages/1roisinM/kitchenGrab1.webp">
<span class="girl"><<say 'Alice' 'zimages/00profiles/aliceMoran.webp'>>Well, we met him out last night and he came over to me straight away and squeezed my ass again<</say>></span>
<i>"Why does everyone seem to acting more slutty now? First Ella and now my own sister"</i>
<span class="infectedhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>Why was he doing it again?<</say>></span>
<span class="girl"><<say 'Alice' 'zimages/00profiles/aliceMoran.webp'>>He just wanted to buy me another drink<</say>></span>
<span class="infectedhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>And did you let him?<</say>></span>
<img src="zimages/00profiles/ruthMerson.webp">
<span class="girl"><<say 'Alice' 'zimages/00profiles/aliceMoran.webp'>>No but Ruth started talking to him and he got us all some drinks<</say>></span>
<span class="infectedhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>Can't believe he wanted to grab your ass again, what a weirdo<</say>></span>
<img src="zimages/1roisinM/ruthFuck.webp">
<span class="girl"><<say 'Alice' 'zimages/00profiles/aliceMoran.webp'>>Yeah I know.... Ruth ended up sleeping with him after. Ran into him this morning as I was leaving the apartment and I could tell he was staring at my ass. Hopefully she gets rid of him by the time I'm back<</say>></span>
<i>"Hopefully Ella get's rid of her creep too"</i>
<<button "She returns to scrolling on her phone">><<goto [[S1G1D1LorcanWork]]>><</button>><img src="zimages/00profiles/lorcanDarcy.webp">
<span class="girl"><<say 'Alice' 'zimages/00profiles/aliceMoran.webp'>>How is my boyfriend getting on in work?<</say>></span>
Roisin pauses her scroll to think how she should answer the question
<i>"Maybe I shouldn't tell her that Lorcan could be sleeping with Aoife"<i>
<img src="zimages/00generic/moransFurniture.webp">
<span class="infectedhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>He's getting on alright. I think he needs a break from work tho. He was going on about how tired he was these last few weeks<</say>></span>
<span class="girl"><<say 'Alice' 'zimages/00profiles/aliceMoran.webp'>>Why? What's wrong with him?<</say>></span>
<i>"Hopefully it's just that he wants to spend more time with just you Alice"</i>
<span class="infectedhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>I think he just misses you a lot. And our Da is working him too hard at times. I know the shop is busy and we're short staffed but he needs a week off to go visit you<</say>></span>
<span class="girl"><<say 'Alice' 'zimages/00profiles/aliceMoran.webp'>>I'll ask our Da to give him time off and see what he says, thanks for letting me know<</say>></span>
<<button "She says No Problem">><<goto [[S1G1D1RileyCollege]]>><</button>><img src="zimages/00profiles/rileyMoran.webp">
<span class="girl"><<say 'Alice' 'zimages/00profiles/aliceMoran.webp'>>Is Riley looking forward to her birthday party on Tuesday?<</say>></span>
<img src="zimages/00generic/calendarFlip.webp">
<i>"Wait what day is today..... Okay it's the 14th so next week me and Joe will have been broken up 3 months..... It feels like it's only been a few weeks since I left him...."</i>
<span class="infectedhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>Yeah she's excited for her party on Tuesday I think. We're also having a dinner with all the cousins on Friday as well<</say>></span>
<span class="girl"><<say 'Alice' 'zimages/00profiles/aliceMoran.webp'>>That's nice that she's looking forward to it. Can't believe she's 19 already...... Who's going to the dinner onf Friday?<</say>></span>
<span class="infectedhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>Think it's just me, Riley, Jack, Grace, Ella and her brothers. Maybe Aoife too, so it should be mostly good. It's on in the Bridge hotel which will be nice<</say>></span>
<img src="zimages/00profiles/aoifeClancy.webp">
<i>"Maybe I'll feel Aoife out as to whether her and Lorcan are up to anything..."</i>
<span class="girl"><<say 'Alice' 'zimages/00profiles/aliceMoran.webp'>>Yeah that hotel is so nice.... Hopefully Lorcan's sister Saoirse is working as she always looks after us<</say>></span>
<<button "She agrees with her sister">><<goto [[S1G1D1AoifeHookup]]>><</button>><img src="zimages/1roisinM/aoifeBBC.webp">
<i>"Fuck why does Lorcan have to mention Aoife so much. I can't that imagine of her being with some black guy out of my head. Maybe I should I tell Alice about what Aoife was doing.... just so she knows whats going on"</i>
<img src="zimages/00profiles/aoifeClancy.webp">
<span class="infectedhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>Alice. Lorcan told me something about Aoife. I promised him I wouldn't tell you but I also promised you I'd find out if he's cheating on you<</say>></span>
<span class="girl"><<say 'Alice' 'zimages/00profiles/aliceMoran.webp'>>Oh god... what happened?<</say>></span>
<img src="zimages/1roisinM/aoifeBBC2.webp">
<span class="infectedhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>Apparently she has been bringing over a load of guys lately. She's been sleeping with a lot of them<</say>></span>
<span class="girl"><<say 'Alice' 'zimages/00profiles/aliceMoran.webp'>>That's nothing new I suppose. Why doesn't he want me to know about that?<</say>></span>
<span class="infectedhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>I think he just didn't want you to freak out about it.... He was very awkward telling me about it<</say>></span>
<span class="girl"><<say 'Alice' 'zimages/00profiles/aliceMoran.webp'>>I need your honest opinion on this Roisin. Do you think he's cheated on me with her or anyone else?<</say>></span>
<img src="zimages/1roisinM/aoifeLorcan.webp">
<i>"I think he's fucking that slut Aoife but I can't tell her that yet. I'll quiz her on Friday and see what she says. Maybe if she's drunk, she'll confess"</i>
<span class="infectedhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>No he's not. He really likes you. I'll keep an eye on him for you anyways but he would never do that<</say>></span>
<span class="girl"><<say 'Alice' 'zimages/00profiles/aliceMoran.webp'>>Thanks Roisin.... I just get so worried about it sometimes. We don't get to see each other much.<</say>></span>
<<button "Roisin says no problem">><<goto [[S1G1D1JoeSue]]>><</button>><img src="zimages/00profiles/sueLynch.webp">
Roisin's phone buzzes as she receives a text, it's her friend Sue asking if Joe is coming to her sister Riley's party on Tuesday
<i>"I know she has feelings for my ex Joe but does she have to make it so obvious"</i>
<img src="zimages/00profiles/joeHannon.webp">
<span class="infectedhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>Alice... Sue just asked me if Joe should come to Riley's party. What do you think about that?<</say>></span>
<span class="girl"><<say 'Alice' 'zimages/00profiles/aliceMoran.webp'>>It depends on whether you're over him or not. I think you should let Riley invite him. What harm is he going to do?<</say>></span>
<img src="zimages/1roisinM/roisinBlowJoe1.webp">
<i>"You don't know what happened between us before Christmas. I couldn't control myself around him then and I don't know if I could now"</i>
<span class="infectedhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>I'm so over him. It's just I don't want Sue to get hurt by him<</say>></span>
<img src="zimages/00profiles/sueLynch.webp">
<span class="girl"><<say 'Alice' 'zimages/00profiles/aliceMoran.webp'>>That's fair Roisin. I think you should just let them talk at the party. Sue is really nice but won't put up with any of his bullshit. She'll get over him quickly<</say>></span>
<i>"What if she doesn't? I'm not over him. Even after he cheated on me..... Maybe I should let him come tomorrow and set him up with Sue. That might help me get over him"</i>
<<button "Roisin agrees with her sister and texts Sue">><<goto [[S1G1D1ParkGrind]]>><</button>><img src="zimages/00generic/pullUpBlinds.webp">
Their conversation turns silent as Roisin pulls up the window blinds
<i>"What are those people doing on that bench?"</i>
<img src="zimages/1roisinM/benchGrind1.webp">
Roisin sees that the woman is grinding on the guys lap
<i>"Is she grinding on his lap? What is wrong with people?"</i>
<img src="zimages/1roisinM/ellaFucked4.webp">
Roisin continues to watch as that couple reminds her of her friend Ella last night
<i>"Why do people have to be so horny? Why can't they just do that shit in private? Why couldn't Ella just have fucked that creep in her own room? Why did I have to see that last night?"</i>
<span class="infectedhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>Alice there's this random couple grinding on a bench across the road<</say>></span>
<span class="girl"><<say 'Alice' 'zimages/00profiles/aliceMoran.webp'>>Wait what???? You have to show me them<</say>></span>
<img src="zimages/1roisinM/benchGrind2.webp">
Roisin zooms in as much as she can on the couple for Alice
<span class="girl"><<say 'Alice' 'zimages/00profiles/aliceMoran.webp'>>You must be pointing at the wrong people. They're just sitting normally<</say>></span>
<span class="infectedhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>What??? No I'm pointing it at the wrong people<</say>></span>
<img src="zimages/1roisinM/benchCouple.webp">
As Roisin looks back over at them, she just sees the same couple just holding hands
<i>"What??? They were grinding a moment ago... maybe they just hopped off or something....."</i>
<<button "Roisin forgets about it while continuing to stare out at the park">><<goto [[S1G1D1NewTrainer]]>><</button>><img src="zimages/00profiles/ellaClancy.webp">
<i>"I wonder if Ella ever made it to the gym or was she riding that creeps cock the whole time..."</i>
<i>"Was I booked in for a class today or tomorrow with that new trainer? I think it was tomorrow"</i>
<img src="zimages/00profiles/laurenBaker.webp">
<span class="infectedhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>Did you hear about that new trainer Lauren in the gym?<</say>></span>
<span class="girl"><<say 'Alice' 'zimages/00profiles/aliceMoran.webp'>>Yeah I heard she's got a great ass alright. Riley was telling me yesterday<</say>></span>
<img src="zimages/1roisinM/assWorkout1.webp">
<i>"I wonder if she can help me improve my ass"</i>
<span class="infectedhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>Yeah all the lads are mad about her. Hopefully she's a good trainer as I could do with making my ass better<</say>></span>
<span class="girl"><<say 'Alice' 'zimages/00profiles/aliceMoran.webp'>>Have you been following the workout's I sent you<</say>></span>
<img src="zimages/1roisinM/caityGlutes.webp">
<span class="infectedhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>Yeah I tried them but they're so hard. Maybe this new trainer Lauren has easier ones<</say>></span>
<span class="girl"><<say 'Alice' 'zimages/00profiles/aliceMoran.webp'>>I suppose see what she says anyways. I'm just gonna grab something I'll be one sec<</say>></span>
<<button "Roisin sits back down on the bed while she waits for her younger sister to return">><<goto [[S1G1D1PornBrowser]]>><</button>><img src="zimages/1roisinM/pornhub1.webp">
As Roisin plonks her ass down on the bed, she opens the browser on her phone which automatically brings up pornhub
<i>"Did I watch this last night??? I thought I just passed out after"</i>
<img src="zimages/1roisinM/pornhub2.webp">
She scrolls through her history and finds out she watched loads of porn last night
<i>"I know I'm lonely but I didn't think I was that bad"</i>
<img src="zimages/1roisinM/pornhub3.webp">
<i>"Why did Joe have to cheat on me? We were so happy together......."</i>
<span class="girl"><<say 'Alice' 'zimages/00profiles/aliceMoran.webp'>>I'm back now sorry. Just had to put something in the bin<</say>></span>
<<button "She closes her porn tabs">><<goto [[S1G1D1AliceHome]]>><</button>><img src="zimages/00profiles/ruthMerson.webp">
<span class="girl"><<say 'Alice' 'zimages/00profiles/aliceMoran.webp'>>Ruth is so messy. Anytime she comes into my room she always leaves her rubbish here. Part of me can't wait to be home so I don't have to share a place with her<</say>></span>
<i>"I wonder when Alice is coming home? Hopefully she comes home soon so I don't have to work as much"</i>
<span class="infectedhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>Actually Alice when are you planning on coming back home?<</say>></span>
<span class="girl"><<say 'Alice' 'zimages/00profiles/aliceMoran.webp'>>Ammm.... Not too sure actually. Maybe around June. Might try come back the start of that month if I can. Why are you asking?<</say>></span>
<img src="zimages/00profiles/lorcanDarcy.webp">
<span class="infectedhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>No reason. Well it's just that Lorcan asked me a few days ago. Don't tell him I told you that as he didn't want to feel like he was pressuring you to come home early<</say>></span>
<span class="girl"><<say 'Alice' 'zimages/00profiles/aliceMoran.webp'>>Ah he's so sweet.... I won't tell him. I wish ye could visit me more. It was so much fun having you and Ella here. I love the other girls but it's been such a long six days since ye left<</say>></span>
<<button "Roisin thinks about that girl Rylee">><<goto [[S1G1D1RyleeBlacked]]>><</button>><img src="zimages/00profiles/ryleeValliere.webp">
<i>"I still can't get over how weird that girl Riley was up until we left and Ella saw her getting railed......"</i>
<span class="girl"><<say 'Alice' 'zimages/00profiles/aliceMoran.webp'>>Ohhhh..... I forgot to say earlier that I seen that girl Rylee this morning<</say>></span>
<img src="zimages/00intro/rileybbc3.webp">
<span class="infectedhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>Wait as in the girl who get teamed by the two black guys? Were you talking to her?<</say>></span>
<i>"Ella seemed to start acting strange for a few days before I walked in on her last night......"</i>
<img src="zimages/00profiles/ryleeBBC.webp">
<span class="girl"><<say 'Alice' 'zimages/00profiles/aliceMoran.webp'>>No I just seen her with one of those two guys she was fucking. They were in front of me at starbucks. She seemed very happy with that guy<</say>></span>
<span class="infectedhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>I suppose at least she's happy<</say>></span>
<i>"Maybe what Ella saw influenced her or something...... Maybe I should tell Alice about what Ella did last night"</i>
<<button "She thinks about telling her sister">><<goto [[S1G1D1.second1]]>><</button>><img src="zimages/00profiles/homelessGuy.webp">
<span class="girl"><<say 'Ella' 'zimages/00profiles/ellaClancy.webp'>>Roisin this is Cathal<</say>></span>
<span class="infectedhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>Hey Cathal<</say>></span>
<span class="boy"><<say 'Cathal' 'zimages/00profiles/homelessGuy.webp'>>Hey Roisin... nice to finally meet you properly<</say>></span>
<span class="infectedhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>Ye same here......<</say>></span>
<img src="zimages/00generic/netflixFlicking.webp">
<span class="girl"><<say 'Ella' 'zimages/00profiles/ellaClancy.webp'>>We're about to watch a movie, you should join us<</say>></span>
<i>"That's the last thing I want to do but I've a feeling she isn't gonna take no for an answer today"</i>
<span class="infectedhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>> Yeah I'll join ye in a minute if ye want to pick out the film. I just have to text someone><</say>></span>
Roisin texts her sister Alice that all is okay
She returns to the sitting room where Ella and Cathal are waiting
<<button [[Roisin awkwardly sits beside Ella and her new lover|S1G1D1CoupleKiss]]>><</button>><img src="zimages/1roisinM/ellaKiss1.webp">
The moment Roisin sits down on the couch, Ella and Cathal start making out
Roisin tries her best to look at the tv while they continue to kiss each other
<img src="zimages/1roisinM/ellaKiss2.webp">
Ella and Cathal continue to make out on the couch as the movie plays
<i>"Can't they go do that in another room. Why do they have to do that in front of me?"</i>
<img src="zimages/00generic/intenseStare.webp">
Roisin can't help but stare at them until Ella realizes
<span class="girl"><<say 'Ella' 'zimages/00profiles/ellaClancy.webp'>>Sorry Roisin.....<</say>></span>
Cathal smiles as an awkward silence returns to the room
<<button "Roisin turns her gaze to the movie">><<goto [[S1G1D1UnknownMovie]]>><</button>><img src="zimages/1roisinM/nosferatu1.webp">
Roisin continues to watch the movie
<i>"I wonder what this movie is about? It seems interesting so far..."</i>
<img src="zimages/1roisinM/nosferatu2.webp">
<span class="infectedhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>What's this movie about Ella?<</say>></span>
<span class="girl"><<say 'Ella' 'zimages/00profiles/ellaClancy.webp'>>Cathal was saying it's about this vampire that is hunting down this girl. It's called Nosferatu. It's meant to be really good<</say>></span>
<i>"If only a vampire could hunt me down and get me out of this"</i>
<img src="zimages/1roisinM/nosferatu3.webp">
<span class="infectedhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>That's sound kinda weird.... Why is he coming after this girl?<</say>></span>
<span class="boy"><<say 'Cathal' 'zimages/00profiles/homelessGuy.webp'>>Cause he's in love with her.... I guess. Now can we just watch the movie<</say>></span>
<i>"If only Joe would love me that much....."</i>
<<button "She thinks about Joe">><<goto [[S1G1D1RileysParty]]>><</button>><img src="zimages/00profiles/rileyMoran.webp">
<span class="girl"><<say 'Ella' 'zimages/00profiles/ellaClancy.webp'>>Roisin do you think it's alright if I bring Cathal to your sisters birthday party on Tuesday?<</say>></span>
<i>"I suppose if Joe's going, this creep may as well"</i>
<img src="zimages/00profiles/rileyMoran.webp">
<span class="infectedhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>I suppose you can if you want. Riley won't care. Do you want to go Cathal?<</say>></span>
<span class="boy"><<say 'Cathal' 'zimages/00profiles/homelessGuy.webp'>>Ahhhh.... yeah I think I'd like to go. I mean now that me and Ella are going out it would be good to meet some of her friends and family<</say>></span>
<img src="zimages/00profiles/ellasDad.webp">
<i>"What??? They're going out?? Ella never mentioned that. If her parents find out about this, they won't be happy"</i>
<span class="infectedhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>I didn't know ye were going out Ella. You never said<</say>></span>
<span class="girl"><<say 'Ella' 'zimages/00profiles/ellaClancy.webp'>>Sorry we were planning on keeping it secret for a while... It's probably better now that you know anyways<</say>></span>
<i>"There's no way she's being serious. She can't be going out with this guy. He's so strange"</i>
<<button "Roisin looks back at the movie">><<goto [[S1G1D1MovieSex]]>><</button>><img src="zimages/1roisinM/movieSex1.webp">
The girl in the movie starts taking dick
Roisin starts to get turned on by this
<img src="zimages/1roisinM/movieSex2.webp">
Roisin picture her ex Joe in the scene, pounding her harder and harder
<i>"Joe was always very good in bed..... I miss him so much"</i>
<img src="zimages/1roisinM/movieSex3.webp">
<i>"He was always able to fuck me sooo goooood....."</i>
She rubs her hand against her pussy, stroking it slow and soft
<span class="infectedhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>Mmmmmmmhhhhhh<</say>></span>
<img src="zimages/00generic/intenseStare.webp">
Roisin feels Ella's eyes on her, she realizes that she moaned out loud
<i>"Fuck that was embarrassing..... Maybe I should go bathroom to get away from them for a bit"</i>
<<button "She shuffles towards the edge of the couch">><<goto [[S1G1D1RoisinSick]]>><</button>><img src="zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp">
Just before Roisin can hop up, Ella leans towards her
<span class="girl"><<say 'Ella' 'zimages/00profiles/ellaClancy.webp'>>Are you feeling better Roisin. You we're in fairly bad shape this morning?<</say>></span>
<img src="zimages/1roisinM/ellaFucked5.webp">
<i>"Of course I'm feeling sick. I watched you get fucked by that dirty guy. It would make anyone sick."</i>
<span class="infectedhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>I'm better now. I think I just ate something bad yesterday<</say>></span>
<span class="boy"><<say 'Cathal' 'zimages/00profiles/homelessGuy.webp'>>What did you have to eat yesterday?<</say>></span>
<i>"Why is he talking to me?"</i>
<img src="zimages/1roisinM/eatingSushi.webp">
<span class="infectedhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>Just had sushi<</say>></span>
<span class="boy"><<say 'Cathal' 'zimages/00profiles/homelessGuy.webp'>>Yeah it probably was<</say>></span>
<i>"Thanks Mr obvious"</i>
<<button "Roisin stands up and goes to the bathroom">><<goto [[S1G1D1ToiletNoise]]>><</button>><img src="zimages/1roisinM/waterfall.webp">
Roisin sits on the toilet and pees, she feels relieved after holding it in for a bit
As she washes her hands she hears a strange noise coming from the sitting room
<img src="zimages/1roisinM/ellaFucked5.webp">
It sounds like Ella is being fucked hard by Cathal in their sitting room again
<i>"They can't be having sex again..... Not in the sitting room when I'm right here, surely"</i>
<img src="zimages/1roisinM/ellaFucked6.webp">
As she continues to listen she hears them fucking harder and harder
<i>"Fuckkkk.... They are fucking. Should I stay in here or sneak into my room??? Sometimes I wish Joe was still here. They wouldn't be doing this if he was here...."</i>
<img src="zimages/1roisinM/coupleCouch.webp">
She slightly opens the bathroom door to find both of them just sitting on the couch normally
<i>"What it sounded just like them??? It must have just been the movie..."</i>
<<button "Roisin sits back down with them">><<goto [[S1G1D1CousinDinner]]>><</button>><img src="zimages/00profiles/rileyMoran.webp">
<span class="girl"><<say 'Ella' 'zimages/00profiles/ellaClancy.webp'>>Roisin where are we going on Friday for Riley's dinner?<</say>></span>
<i>"Oh god is she really going to ask if he can come to that dinner.... I can avoid her at the party on tuesday but at dinner it's gonna be tough...."</i>
<img src="zimages/00generic/bridgeHotel.webp">
<span class="infectedhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>They were on about having it in the Bridge hotel. I think it would be nice to have it there<</say>></span>
<span class="boy"><<say 'Cathal' 'zimages/00profiles/homelessGuy.webp'>>What's that place like? I haven't been in there in so long<</say>></span>
<img src="zimages/00generic/bridgeHotelInside.webp">
<i>"Well that's not surprising. People like you don't usually eat there"</i>
<span class="infectedhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>It's a very nice place. The Italian restaurant is very good there<</say>></span>
<span class="girl"><<say 'Ella' 'zimages/00profiles/ellaClancy.webp'>>Maybe we'll go sometime......<</say>></span>
<img src="zimages/00profiles/saoirseDarcy.webp">
<span class="infectedhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>My sisters boyfriends sister works there and she's very nice. She can help ye get a table as it's hard enough to get tables there<</say>></span>
<span class="girl"><<say 'Ella' 'zimages/00profiles/ellaClancy.webp'>>Thanks Roisin. I take it that it's Lorcan's sister Saoirse that you're talking about?<</say>></span>
<<button "Roisin nods her head in agreement as she turns back to the movie">><<goto [[S1G1D1EllasAss]]>><</button>><img src="zimages/1roisinM/ellaBends1.webp">
Ella stands up to turn down the tv
Roisin checks out her ass as it's looking very nice
<img src="zimages/1roisinM/ellaBends2.webp">
<span class="infectedhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>Your ass looks great Ella. You can tell you've been working it out a lot lately<</say>></span>
<span class="girl"><<say 'Ella' 'zimages/00profiles/ellaClancy.webp'>>Thanks Roisin. That new trainer in the gym Lauren is very helpful. You should book a session with her if you haven't yet<</say>></span>
<img src="zimages/00profiles/laurenBaker.webp">
<span class="infectedhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>Yeah I've actually booked a session with her tomorrow. Hopefully she can help me work on my ass abit<</say>></span>
<span class="girl"><<say 'Ella' 'zimages/00profiles/ellaClancy.webp'>>I'd say she definitely will. Her ass is so good. Apparently all the lads have been checking it out<</say>></span>
<i>"As long as Joe doesn't go to that gym now to check her out. Tha's the last thing I need"</i>
<span class="boy"><<say 'Cathal' 'zimages/00profiles/homelessGuy.webp'>>Girls..... Can't we just watch the movie<</say>></span>
<<button "Roisin checks out Ella's ass as she walks into the kitchen">><<goto [[S1G1D1CathalDinner]]>><</button>><img src="zimages/00profiles/homelessGuy.webp">
<span class="girl"><<say 'Ella' 'zimages/00profiles/ellaClancy.webp'>>What do you want for food Cathal?<</say>></span>
<i>"Hopefully there's nothing there and they'll leave to get something. I've had enough of this"</i>
<img src="zimages/00generic/pizza.webp">
<span class="boy"><<say 'Cathal' 'zimages/00profiles/homelessGuy.webp'>>Do you have any pizza?<</say>></span>
<span class="girl"><<say 'Ella' 'zimages/00profiles/ellaClancy.webp'>><</say>>I don't see anything here. I'll have a proper look in a few minutes</span>
<span class="boy"><<say 'Cathal' 'zimages/00profiles/homelessGuy.webp'>>Cheers Ella<</say>></span>
<i>"Should I try sneak into the kitchen and hide the pizza? Would that make them both leave?"</i>
She watches Ella return from the kitchen with a glass of water
<span class="girl"><<say 'Ella' 'zimages/00profiles/ellaClancy.webp'>><</say>>Do you want me to put on anything for you Roisin?</span>
<span class="infectedhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>No I'm good. Thanks tho<</say>></span>
<<button "Roisin prays to herself that they leave as Ella sits back down">><<goto [[S1G1D1CouplePlay]]>><</button>><img src="zimages/1roisinM/couplePlay.webp">
As silence returns and another sex scene comes on, Roisin notices the other two playing with each other under the blanket
<i>"Are they seriously playing with each other now? Why can't they just leave?"</i>
<img src="zimages/1roisinM/couplePlay2.webp">
Roisin continues to look at them in amazement
<i>"Why can't I have someone? Why did Joe have to cheat on me? We would be having such a nice time now"</i>
<img src="zimages/1roisinM/couplePlay3.webp">
<i>"I wonder what his cock is like? He looks like he has a big cock...."</i>
Roisin snaps out of her trance as the couple continue to play with each other
<i>"What was I just thinking??? Why was I imagining me playing with his cock???"</i>
<<button "She reminds Ella about the pizza">><<goto [[S1G1D1.third1]]>><</button>><img src="zimages/00generic/emptyFridge.webp">
Roisin heads to kitchen with Ella so she can avoid the homeless guy
Ella checks the fridge but finds no Pizza
<span class="girl"><<say 'Ella' 'zimages/00profiles/ellaClancy.webp'>>Cathal there's no pizza. Do you want to go out to eat?<</say>></span>
<i>"Please leave..... Please leave....."</i>
<span class="boy"><<say 'Cathal' 'zimages/00profiles/homelessGuy.webp'>>We should just run to the shop instead. Get a throw on pizza there. I'm not in the mood to eat out.<</say>></span>
<span class="girl"><<say 'Ella' 'zimages/00profiles/ellaClancy.webp'>>Okay. I'll go if you want to stay here for a few minutes with Roisin.<</say>></span>
<i>"What did she just suggest? Why can't they go together?"</i>
<<button [[Roisin begs Ella to not leave her alone|S1G1D1.third2]]>><</button>><img src="zimages/00generic/girlBegs.webp">
<span class="infectedhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>Please don't leave me alone with him Ella. I can go with you or grab the pizza on my own<</say>></span>
Ella pauses before answering, leaving Roisin to wonder what her answer will be
<span class="girl"><<say 'Ella' 'zimages/00profiles/ellaClancy.webp'>>No you should stay inside cause you're still a bit sick. I'll go on my own and grab it. Cathal will stay and look after you for a few minutes<</say>></span>
<img src="zimages/00generic/girlCries.webp">
Roisin start to get upset
<span class="girl"><<say 'Ella' 'zimages/00profiles/ellaClancy.webp'>>Just finish the movie with him. He's a nice guy okay. He won't hurt you<</say>></span>
<span class="infectedhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>I can't. He creeps me out....<</say>></span>
<img src="zimages/00profiles/homelessGuy.webp">
<span class="girl"><<say 'Ella' 'zimages/00profiles/ellaClancy.webp'>>Look Roisin I just need you to trust me. I was there for you when you broke up with Joe. Can you just make an effort with him? For me please?<</say>></span>
Roisin nods her head in agreement, watching her friend head towards the door
<span class="girl"><<say 'Ella' 'zimages/00profiles/ellaClancy.webp'>>I'll be back in a few minutes guys. BYE<</say>></span>
<<button [[Roisin sits back down beside Cathal|S1G1D1CathalJerk]]>><</button>><img src="zimages/1roisinM/nosferatu1.webp">
They begin to watch the movie together
Roisin sits there awkwardly, waiting for her friend Ella to return
<img src="zimages/1roisinM/cathalJerk1.webp">
Out of the corner of her eye, she notices Cathal is touching himself under his blanket
<i>"Oh my god.... What is he doing?"</i>
<img src="zimages/1roisinM/cathalJerk2.webp">
Roisin watches him touch himself, picturing what his cock looks like
<i>"He's tall so I bet it's big....... Maybe I should have a look....."</i>
<img src="zimages/1roisinM/gymFuck1.webp">
She feels drawn to it, like it's commanding her pull of his blanket and let him fuck her brains out
<i>"I need him to fuck me like he was fucking Ella last....."</i>
<span class="boy"><<say 'Cathal' 'zimages/00profiles/homelessGuy.webp'>>Are you alright Roisin???<</say>></span>
She snaps out of it as Cathal waves his hand at her
<span class="boy"><<say 'Cathal' 'zimages/00profiles/homelessGuy.webp'>>You were just staring at me.... Do you need something???<</say>></span>
<img src="zimages/1roisinM/gymFuck2.webp">
<i>"I need you inside me...... I need to you to fuck me......... I need you to.... What's wrong with me? What am I doing?"</i>
<span class="infectedhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>I'm alright..... sorry<</say>></span>
<<button "She looks away from him and back at the movie">><<goto [[S1G1D1RoisinCollege]]>><</button>><img src="zimages/00generic/college.webp">
<span class="boy"><<say 'Cathal' 'zimages/00profiles/homelessGuy.webp'>>So Ella was saying that ye are back to college next week. What are you studying?<</say>></span>
<i>"Maybe I should make an effort with him..... Ella helped me so much after things with Joe ended badly..."</i>
<img src="zimages/00generic/college.webp">
<span class="infectedhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>I'm Studying business. Same as Ella. Go to the local college which is nice and handy<</say>></span>
<span class="boy"><<say 'Cathal' 'zimages/00profiles/homelessGuy.webp'>>Ye the college looks lovely. Never been in it myself. When your finished college what's your plan?<</say>></span>
<img src="zimages/00generic/moransFurniture.webp">
<span class="infectedhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>My da owns a furniture shop in town so I'll ending up helping him out and talking over the shop eventually. I'm the oldest of three so it's my responsibility<</say>></span>
<span class="boy"><<say 'Cathal' 'zimages/00profiles/homelessGuy.webp'>>Fair enough. Would your other siblings have any interest in helping you run the store?<</say>></span>
<img src="zimages/00profiles/aliceMoran.webp">
<span class="infectedhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>Well my sister Alice is staying in London for the year. She took a year out from her general science degree, so when she finishes that she'll go back to school<</say>></span>
<img src="zimages/00profiles/rileyMoran.webp">
<span class="infectedhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>And my sister Riley just started college too. She's studying sports science and seems interested in that. So I'd say I'm the only one interested in the store<</say>></span>
<span class="boy"><<say 'Cathal' 'zimages/00profiles/homelessGuy.webp'>>That's nice that ye're all pursuing different things. My two brothers are both doing the same thing. It's good to have some variation in a family<</say>></span>
<<button "She thinks about what his family look like">><<goto [[S1G1D1CathalFamily]]>><</button>><img src="zimages/00generic/avgFamily.webp">
<i>"I wonder what his family is like. He has two brothers. I wonder are they homeless too?"</i>
<span class="infectedhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>What's your family like Cathal?<</say>></span>
<span class="boy"><<say 'Cathal' 'zimages/00profiles/homelessGuy.webp'>>Ahhhhh...... They're very rough. My Da and my two brothers are. My sister is nice, I always got along with her<</say>></span>
<span class="infectedhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>Who is your Dad? Would I know him?<</say>></span>
<img src="zimages/00profiles/johnWard.webp">
<span class="boy"><<say 'Cathal' 'zimages/00profiles/homelessGuy.webp'>>He's John Ward.......<</say>></span>
<i>"Wait so his father is the leader of the Ward gang. Maybe I should stop asking him about this...."</i>
<span class="boy"><<say 'Cathal' 'zimages/00profiles/homelessGuy.webp'>>....Yeah I know who you're thinking about. Sadly he's my father. Just so you know, I cut ties with him. Hence why I've been homeless for the last few months<</say>></span>
<span class="infectedhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>Sorry to hear that. What about your sister, does she still live at home?<</say>></span>
<span class="boy"><<say 'Cathal' 'zimages/00profiles/homelessGuy.webp'>>She does for the moment. But she's planning on starting college next year and moving away from this town. Also could you please not tell Ella about this yet..... I don't want her to think I'm anything like my father<</say>></span>
<i>"He's keeping lies from her already..... Maybe I should tell her and she'd break up with him..."</i>
<<button "Roisin nods her head in agreement">><<goto [[S1G1D1CathalFlirt]]>><</button>><img src="zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp">
Roisin turns back towards the tv, showing off her lovely body to the homeless guy
<span class="boy"><<say 'Cathal' 'zimages/00profiles/homelessGuy.webp'>>You've a lovely figure Roisin...... Both of ye girls do. I feel so lucky to land a girl like Ella<</say>></span>
<i>"Ye haven't even been going out for a day. What do mean?"</i>
<img src="zimages/1roisinM/fakeSmile.webp">
Roisin tries to smile as much as she can, hoping he stops complimenting her
<span class="infectedhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>Thanks Cathal<</say>></span>
<img src="zimages/00profiles/ellaClancy.webp">
<span class="boy"><<say 'Cathal' 'zimages/00profiles/homelessGuy.webp'>>I just still can't believe I landed a girl like Ella. And that she has such a nice and pretty friend like you......<</say>></span>
<i>"I can't believe it either...... Please stop talking"</i>
<span class="boy"><<say 'Cathal' 'zimages/00profiles/homelessGuy.webp'>>... I was so shocked when she told me that you didn't have a boyfriend. I always assumed you did when I seen ye both walk past. With a body like yours....<</say>></span>
<<button "She interrupts him">><<goto [[S1G1D1CathalJob]]>><</button>><img src="zimages/00profiles/homelessGuy.webp">
<span class="infectedhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>Do you work? Or are you looking for a job at the moment?<</say>></span>
<span class="boy"><<say 'Cathal' 'zimages/00profiles/homelessGuy.webp'>>I actually don't work at the moment. I....... have applied to a few jobs but haven't got any of them. Your place is hardly taking anyone on?<</say>></span>
<img src="zimages/1roisinM/angryMan.webp">
<i>"Is he serious????? My Da would kill me if he knew I was hanging around with this guy. He only started to like Lorcan recently and that's after years of working with him. Why would he want another Ward?"</i>
<span class="infectedhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>No we're not currently hiring anyone. I seen a bunch of posters up at that Pizza place nearby. You could try there. Ella's dad might be hiring people either, you should ask her<</say>></span>
<span class="boy"><<say 'Cathal' 'zimages/00profiles/homelessGuy.webp'>>Thanks I'll have a look. Doesn't my cousin Lorcan work with you?<</say>></span>
<img src="zimages/00profiles/lorcanDarcy.webp">
<span class="infectedhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>Yeah he does. He's a great worker. My Da likes him a lot. Do you know him well?<</say>></span>
<span class="boy"><<say 'Cathal' 'zimages/00profiles/homelessGuy.webp'>>I used to get along great with him and his sister Saoirse<</say>></span>
<i>"Maybe I could ask him to talk to Lorcan and find out if he's cheating on Alice"</i>
<<button "She thinks about the idea">><<goto [[S1G1D1RoisinRemote]]>><</button>><img src="zimages/1roisinM/nosferatu2.webp">
Roisin thinks over her plan as the movie continues
<span class="boy"><<say 'Cathal' 'zimages/00profiles/homelessGuy.webp'>>It's so quiet. Where's the remote to turn it up?<</say>></span>
<i>"Ughhhhh.... The remote is there beside the tv. Why can't he just turn it up himself?"</i>
<img src="zimages/1roisinM/remoteBend1.webp">
Roisin stands up, bending over to turn up the tv
<i>"Why didn't I let him do this? I know he's just staring at my ass now"</i>
<img src="zimages/1roisinM/remoteBend2.webp">
Roisin walks back over slowly and sits down again
<span class="boy"><<say 'Cathal' 'zimages/00profiles/homelessGuy.webp'>>Thanks Roisin<</say>></span>
She notices his boner sticking up as she looks at him
<<button "She continues to think about her plan">><<goto [[S1G1D1RoisinWork]]>><</button>><img src="zimages/00generic/moransFurniture.webp">
<span class="boy"><<say 'Cathal' 'zimages/00profiles/homelessGuy.webp'>>What's your place like to work at?<</say>></span>
He interrupts Roisin's scheming for a second time now
<span class="infectedhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>Yeah it's grand. I don't mind working for my Da and everyone else there is nice<</say>></span>
<span class="boy"><<say 'Cathal' 'zimages/00profiles/homelessGuy.webp'>>Do many people work there?<</say>></span>
<img src="zimages/00profiles/rileyMoran.webp">
<span class="infectedhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>Not really. When me and my Da aren't there, it just really my younger sister Riley and Lorcan. He goes out with my other sister Alice so he's basically family too<</say>></span>
<i>"Hopefully he isn't cheating on her. I want my sister to be happy but I have to know. I have to find out cause I can't let her get hurt like I was...."</i>
<span class="boy"><<say 'Cathal' 'zimages/00profiles/homelessGuy.webp'>>What does she..... I mean what does the store look like?<</say>></span>
<img src="zimages/00profiles/lorcanDarcy.webp">
<i>"Does he just want to look at my sisters? Should I really trust him to tell me the truth of what Lorcan's doing"</i>
<span class="infectedhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>My batteries dead sorry. I'll show you them later<</say>></span>
<img src="zimages/1roisinM/steamyRoom.webp">
<i>"Fuck.... It's getting very hot in here..... I guess I better open a window or......"</i>
<<button "She unbuttons her top a small bit">><<goto [[S1G1D1UnbuttonShirt]]>><</button>><img src="zimages/1roisinM/roisinUnbutton.webp">
She decides to undo all her buttons until there's just one left
<i>"I could do with undoing that last one but sadly this creep is still here"</i>
<img src="zimages/1roisinM/googlyEyes.webp">
She notices Cathal staring at her breasts a few times, each time spending longer and longer looking
<span class="infectedhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>Sorry I'm just so hot right now. Don't you feel roasting?<</say>></span>
<span class="boy"><<say 'Cathal' 'zimages/00profiles/homelessGuy.webp'>>Your alright.....<</say>></span>
<i>"Why am I apologizing to him??? I'm just so hot..... If only I could undo that last button"</i>
<<button "Roisin tries to focus on the movie">><<goto [[S1G1D1NewMovie]]>><</button>><img src="zimages/1roisinM/nosferatu3.webp">
The movie ends, followed by an awkward silence
<span class="boy"><<say 'Cathal' 'zimages/00profiles/homelessGuy.webp'>>Could you grab me the remote to put something else on?<</say>></span>
Roisin stands up to get the remote, she remains standing with the remote in her hand
<i>"Why do I keep standing up and showing my ass off to him? What is wrong with me?"</i>
<img src="zimages/1roisinM/netflixScroll.webp">
She scrolls through netflix, finding nothing that she likes
<span class="infectedhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>Do you want to pick something?<</say>></span>
<span class="boy"><<say 'Cathal' 'zimages/00profiles/homelessGuy.webp'>>Yeah sure..... Go into the sci-fi section<</say>></span>
<img src="zimages/1roisinM/arrivalMovie.webp">
<i>"Arrival was Joe's favourite movie..... I wonder how many more times he has rewatched it since we broke up......"</i>
<span class="boy"><<say 'Cathal' 'zimages/00profiles/homelessGuy.webp'>>There. Actually, that's a good one... Put on The Platform<</say>></span>
<<button "She puts on his movie">><<goto [[S1G1D1HomelessLap]]>><</button>><img src="zimages/1roisinM/emptyCouch.webp">
Roisin steps back towards the mostly empty couch
The closer she gets to the couch, the more she feels drawn towards Cathal
<img src="zimages/1roisinM/cathalGrind1.webp">
She sits her ass right on top of his cock
<i>"Maybe he'll help me out if I help him out first....."</i>
<span class="boy"><<say 'Cathal' 'zimages/00profiles/homelessGuy.webp'>>What are you........<</say>></span>
<img src="zimages/1roisinM/cathalGrind2.webp">
She feels his boner spring up as she keeps her ass pressed tightly against his cock
<i>"That feels soooo good..... Why does that feel soooo good?"</i>
<<button "She keeps her ass on his lap">><<goto [[S1G1D1.last1]]>><</button>><img src="zimages/1roisinM/cathalGrind3.webp">
Cathal begins to rubs his hands along Roisin's ass
<i>"He's enjoying this.... Good. I need to him to spy on Lorcan for me......."</i>
<span class="boy"><<say 'Cathal' 'zimages/00profiles/homelessGuy.webp'>>Your ass is just perfect...... So much better than Ella's........<</say>></span>
<img src="zimages/1roisinM/cathalGrind4.webp">
He continues to rub her ass, as she begins to grind on his cock
<span class="boy"><<say 'Cathal' 'zimages/00profiles/homelessGuy.webp'>>Mmmmmmhhhhh........ Mmmhhhhhhhhhhh.....<</say>></span>
<<button [[Roisin moans as she continues to grind|S1G1D1.last2]]>><</button>><img src="zimages/1roisinM/cathalGrind5.webp">
<span class="infectedhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>Ahhhhhhh...... Fuckkkk.......<</say>></span>
<i>"What is happening to me? Why does this still feel so good?"</i>
He pushes her off his lap suddenly, leaning in for a kiss
<img src="zimages/1roisinM/cathalGrind6.webp">
Her lips meet his as they begin to make out
<i>"I'll ask him in a second..... I just need to warm him up some more....."</i>
His hands lower onto her ass, pulling her closer to him
<<button [[Roisin strokes his cock|S1G1D1.last3]]>><</button>><img src="zimages/1roisinM/cathalGrind7.webp">
Roisin pulls his cock from his pants and begins to stroke it with one hand
<i>"I was right..... It's so bigggg....."</i>
He begins to take off his trousers as she strokes away
<img src="zimages/1roisinM/cathalGrind8.webp">
<span class="boy"><<say 'Cathal' 'zimages/00profiles/homelessGuy.webp'>>Fuckkkk.... That feels soo nice.... Keep goinggg.....<</say>></span>
She continues to jerk him off as he pushes her head towards his cock
<i>"I'll stop in just a second....."</i>
<<button [[Roisin sucks him off|S1G1D1.last4]]>><</button>><img src="zimages/1roisinM/cathalGrind9.webp">
As her head lowers, he forces her mouth onto his cock
<span class="infectedhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>Mmmhhh...... Ahhh..... Fuckk......<</say>></span>
He fucks her face harder and harder with each pump
<img src="zimages/1roisinM/doorOpen.webp">
<span class="girl"><<say 'Ella' 'zimages/00profiles/ellaClancy.webp'>>Hey guys... I'm back with the pizza<</say>></span>
Roisin pulls away from his cock, remaining hidden behind the couch
<span class="girl"><<say 'Ella' 'zimages/00profiles/ellaClancy.webp'>>Is Roisin gone to bed Cathal????<</say>></span>
<span class="boy"><<say 'Cathal' 'zimages/00profiles/homelessGuy.webp'>>Yeah she just left a minute ago<</say>></span>
He tries to pull her towards his cock again but she pushes his hand away
<i>"Fuck what was I doing??? I was just meant to butter him up a bit so he'd do what I wanted..... Why did I go so far with it? Why can't I stop thinking about how nice his cock felt? How nice it tasted?"</i>
<<button [[Roisin sneaks back into her room and goes to sleep|S1G1D2.First1]]>><<set $dayCount to 2>><</button>><img src="zimages/00generic/shopClosing.webp">
Lorcan shuts the front door as she walks inside
<span class="boy"><<say 'Lorcan' 'zimages/00profiles/lorcanDarcy.webp'>>You Da wants you to count up the money on your till. Riley's doing mine<</say>></span>
Roisin count's up the money, they leave and she hops into her Da's car as he offered her a lift home
<img src="zimages/00generic/leaveCar.webp">
A few minutes later they pull up to the gym and Roisin hops out of her dad's car
<span class="boy"><<say 'Dad' 'zimages/00profiles/declanMoran.webp'>>Don't walk home on your own okay. Remember what happened to that girl a few months ago<</say>></span>
<span class="girl"><<say 'Riley' 'zimages/00profiles/rileyMoran.webp'>>That only happened cause she was waking near the south side of town dad<</say>></span>
<i>"Why couldn't she just agree with him? Now both of us are going to get a lecture"</i>
<span class="boy"><<say 'Dad' 'zimages/00profiles/declanMoran.webp'>>Riley not everyone in the south side is bad. I was born there and one thing I can tell you about growing up there is that there is as many scumbags here in the north of town as the south. You need to be as careful up here<</say>></span>
<span class="infectedhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>I'ts okay Dad. I'll call a taxi<</say>></span>
<span class="girl"><<say 'Riley' 'zimages/00profiles/rileyMoran.webp'>>Roisin remember you're covering my early shift tomorrow<</say>></span>
<i>"Fuck I forgot about that.... Shit"</i>
<img src="zimages/00generic/outsideGym.webp">
She walks towards the gym, waving goodbye to her dad and her sister as they drive off
<i>"The thought of going back to my apartment. I might try stay at Sue's tomorrow night after the party"</i>
<img src="zimages/00profiles/joeHannon.webp">
She enters the gym to find her ex Joe standing at the front counter talking to a guy
<i>"Shit is that Joe? Why is he going here now? I knew he'd come here just to check out Lauren."</i>
<<button [[She sneaks past Joe|S1G1D2.second2]]>><</button>><img src="zimages/00generic/wakingUp.webp">
Roisin wakes up from her mid day nap
<i>"I hope that's the last time I get called into work early"</i>
She lies in bed, facing the ceiling and thinking about tonight
<i>"I wonder will Joe come. I hope if he does he just stays away from me. He can talk with Sue and she'll realise what a dick he is surely..."</i>
She hears a noise coming from the corner of her room
<img src="zimages/00profiles/homelessGuy.webp">
She sits up to find Cathal sitting at the desk in her room
<span class="infectedhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>What are you doing in here Cathal?<</say>></span>
<img src="zimages/00profiles/sueLynch.webp">
<span class="boy"><<say 'Cathal' 'zimages/00profiles/homelessGuy.webp'>>Oh.... Ah.... nothing. Your friend Sue is here so I was just waking you up<</say>></span>
<i>"Why the fuck is he in my room??? He's such a pervert"</i>
<span class="infectedhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>Can you leave so I can get ready?<</say>></span>
<span class="boy"><<say 'Cathal' 'zimages/00profiles/homelessGuy.webp'>>Yep<</say>></span>
<<button [[Roisin get's ready and leaves her room|S1G1D3.first2]]>><</button>><img src="zimages/00generic/girlsChanging.webp">
Roisin gets changed out of her work clothes and into her gym gear
<i>"Hopefully Joe leaves..... I haven't seen him since before christmas...."</i>
She heads out of the changing room, looking for her new trainer Lauren
<img src="zimages/00profiles/laurenBaker.webp">
A few seconds later she spots her new trainer Lauren
Joe is nowhere to be seen
<i>"Phew... He must have left"</i>
<<button [[She approaches Lauren|S1G1D2.second3]]>><</button>><img src="zimages/00profiles/laurenBaker.webp">
<span class="infectedhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>Sorry.... Are you Lauren?<</say>></span>
<span class="girl"><<say 'Lauren' 'zimages/00profiles/laurenBaker.webp'>>Yeah. You must be Roisin. Lovely to meet you. Follow me<</say>></span>
<img src="zimages/1roisinM/laurensAss.webp">
Roisin follows Lauren across the gym, observing how good her ass really is
<i>"I can see why all the lads were talking about her ass. She better be able to help me with mine..."</i>
Lauren stops near the treadmills, her ass still bouncing from the sudden stop
<<button [[Roisin checks out Lauren's ass|S1G1D2TestAss]]>><</button>><img src="zimages/1roisinM/laurensAss2.webp">
Roisin struggles to keep her eyes off of Lauren's perfect ass as her jealousy grows
<i>"It's almost as good as my sister Alice's. Maybe it's fake or something. Should I ask her to feel it???"</i>
<img src="zimages/00profiles/laurenBaker.webp">
<span class="infectedhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>Sorry Lauren this might seem weird but could I feel your ass? It just looks so good<</say>></span>
<span class="girl"><<say 'Lauren' 'zimages/00profiles/laurenBaker.webp'>>Ahmmm..... I guess...... I got asked that a bit over in the states but haven't got asked it here yet..... So you would be the first<</say>></span>
<img src="zimages/1roisinM/laurensAss3.webp">
<i>"Yeah it's real. Feels real anyways..... I don't actually know what a fake ass feels like so why did I bother?"</i>
<span class="infectedhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>Sorry about that. I just wanted to......<</say>></span>
<i>"I wanted to what??? I can't tell her I thought it was fake......"</i>
<span class="girl"><<say 'Lauren' 'zimages/00profiles/laurenBaker.webp'>>It's alright. As I said, I'm used to getting asked that<</say>></span>
<<button "Roisin smiles awkwardly at Lauren">><<goto [[S1G1D2TownPerks]]>><</button>><img src="zimages/00generic/athbridgeTown1.webp">
<span class="girl"><<say 'Lauren' 'zimages/00profiles/laurenBaker.webp'>>What is there to do in this town?<</say>></span>
<i>"Thank god she broke the silence that was soooo awkward"</i>
<img src="zimages/00generic/athbridgeTown2.webp">
<span class="infectedhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>The only thing this town has going for it is the parks. So if you like walks and nature it's nice<</say>></span>
<span class="girl"><<say 'Lauren' 'zimages/00profiles/laurenBaker.webp'>>That's good to know. Is there any park close to the river? I love walking by the water<</say>></span>
<img src="zimages/00generic/athbridgeRiver.webp">
<span class="infectedhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>There's a walkway by the river. It's nice during the day but can get rough at nighttime. A girl was killed on it a few months ago<</say>></span>
<span class="girl"><<say 'Lauren' 'zimages/00profiles/laurenBaker.webp'>>Oh my god... What happened there?<</say>></span>
<img src="zimages/00profiles/grainneKenny.webp">
<span class="infectedhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>She was out for a run late in the evening when a guy attacked her. He choked her until she stopped breathing. A guy running past restrained him. He's in jail at the moment. Hopefully he stays in there for a long time<</say>></span>
<span class="girl"><<say 'Lauren' 'zimages/00profiles/laurenBaker.webp'>>Oh... God that's so bad. I didn't think this town was that rough<</say>></span>
<span class="infectedhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>It's not really..... It's just the south side of town that gets rough at times<</say>></span>
<<button "She wonders why Lauren moved here">><<goto [[S1G1D2WhyHere]]>><</button>><img src="zimages/00generic/athbridgeTown2.webp">
<i>"I wonder why she moved over here if she didn't know much about the place. I know America can be rough at times but surely she's not in that big of a rush to get out of there"</i>
<img src="zimages/00generic/usaMap.webp">
<span class="infectedhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>Why did you come over here? If you don't mind me asking<</say>></span>
<span class="girl"><<say 'Lauren' 'zimages/00profiles/laurenBaker.webp'>>I just thought it would be good to see another part of the world while I'm still young. My family joined this family swap program and a girl from here was looking to swap also<</say>></span>
<span class="infectedhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>Where abouts are you from in America?<</say>></span>
<img src="zimages/00generic/ohioMap.webp">
<span class="girl"><<say 'Lauren' 'zimages/00profiles/laurenBaker.webp'>>I'm from Toledo in Ohio. It's a nice city but still it's nice to see something new<</say>></span>
<i>"I wonder how much the men in Toledo miss your ass"</i>
<<button "She thinks about what workouts Lauren does">><<goto [[S1G1D2AssGrowth]]>><img src="zimages/1roisinM/laurensAss.webp">
Roisin continues to observe how nice Lauren's ass looks
<i>"I wonder what kind of ass workouts she does. Maybe I should ask her"</i>
<img src="zimages/1roisinM/laurenWorkout1.webp">
<span class="infectedhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>What's workouts do you do for your ass?<</say>></span>
<span class="girl"><<say 'Lauren' 'zimages/00profiles/laurenBaker.webp'>>Good question actually. I do squats, lunges, deadlifts and hip thrusts. I'll show you how I do my squats<</say>></span>
<img src="zimages/1roisinM/laurenWorkout2.webp">
Roisin watches Lauren work out her ass
<i>"That looks tough...... I don't know if I can do it with that much weight. I guess that's how she got an ass like hers"</i>
<<button "She keeps watching until Lauren finishes">><<goto [[S1G1D2HouseCalls]]>><</button>><img src="zimages/00profiles/gymBoss.webp">
As Lauren continues to squat her manager shouts at her from across the gym
<span class="boy"><<say 'Manager' 'zimages/00profiles/gymBoss.webp'>>LAUREN THAT FORM IS GREAT!!!!<</say>></span>
<span class="girl"><<say 'Lauren' 'zimages/00profiles/laurenBaker.webp'>>He's been so nice to me the last few days since I refused to do house calls for the gym<</say>></span>
<img src="zimages/00profiles/laurenBaker.webp">
<i>"If she did house calls I'm sure she's get a lot of requests from guys trying to double their session as a date...."</i>
<span class="infectedhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>Did he say if you'd have to go to the south side of town for any of the calls?<</say>></span>
<span class="girl"><<say 'Lauren' 'zimages/00profiles/laurenBaker.webp'>>He didn't actually. He only mentioned one house. It's a girl called Ciara Hannon. She's around our age if you know her<</say>></span>
<img src="zimages/00profiles/ciaraHannon.webp">
<i>"I do. She's Joe's cousin.... or step cousin I guess actually. Is that what that's called? Or would it be... I still find it so weird that Joe doesn't know who his father is, after all these years....."</i>
<span class="girl"><<say 'Lauren' 'zimages/00profiles/laurenBaker.webp'>>She seems nice anyways from what he said. I'm just not sure if I'm ready for something like that yet<</say>></span>
<<button "Roisin agrees with her">><<goto [[S1G1D2LaurensBf]]>><</button>><img src="zimages/00profiles/laurenBaker.webp">
<span class="infectedhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>Is there any reason you don't want to do house calls? Do you have a boyfriend back home?<</say>></span>
<img src="zimages/00profiles/laurensEx.webp">
<span class="girl"><<say 'Lauren' 'zimages/00profiles/laurenBaker.webp'>>No it's something else which I'd prefer not to talk about..... And I'm single at the moment. My ex wouldn't move over here with me so we had to break up<</say>></span>
<i>"I wonder did he cheat on her? Maybe she just doesn't want to say"</i>
<span class="infectedhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>Sorry didn't mean to pry. You could request to do female only house calls if you just want to avoid guys<</say>></span>
<img src="zimages/1roisinM/laurensBfFucking.webp">
<i>"Her ex is definitely fucking some 20 year old now..... Probably loved when she broke up with him....."</i>
<span class="girl"><<say 'Lauren' 'zimages/00profiles/laurenBaker.webp'>>It's alright.....<</say>></span>
<i>"If only I could get back that year I spent with Joe.... what a waste of time"</i>
<<button "Roisin tries to think of something to say to break the awkward silence">><<goto [[S1G1D2NewFamily]]>><</button>><img src="zimages/00profiles/thereseLarkin.webp">
<i>"I wonder is she staying with Therese Larkin and her family. I assume she is as they have taken in some spanish people before"</i>
<i>"Didn't Therese's older sister Melanie move away recently... It must be her that swapped"</i>
<img src="zimages/00profiles/thereseLarkin.webp">
<span class="infectedhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>Are you staying with Therese Larkin and her family?<</say>></span>
<span class="girl"><<say 'Lauren' 'zimages/00profiles/laurenBaker.webp'>>Yeah that's who I'm staying with. How did you know?<</say>></span>
<i>"I knew it...."</i>
<img src="zimages/00profiles/martinLarkin.webp">
<span class="infectedhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>My parents live near enough to them. Therese's older brother Martin Jr used to call up to my house a bit to mow the lawns and stuff like that<</say>></span>
<span class="girl"><<say 'Lauren' 'zimages/00profiles/laurenBaker.webp'>>Yeah they're a very nice family. Their Da also being called Martin can get confusing at times though<</say>></span>
<i>"I think he married recently.... Or was that his cousin Martin.... There family is way too confusing...."</i>
<<button "She wonders if she was right about Melanie swapping with Lauren">><<goto [[S1G1D2SluttyMel]]>><</button>><img src="zimages/00profiles/melanieLarkin.webp">
<span class="infectedhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>Was it Melanie that swapped with you then?<</say>></span>
<span class="girl"><<say 'Lauren' 'zimages/00profiles/laurenBaker.webp'>>Yeah it was. She's loving it over there apparently<</say>></span>
<img src="zimages/1roisinM/melCousinBlow1.webp">
<i>"What was that story I heard about Melanie? Didn't she give a blowjob to her own cousin at a house party"</i>
<span class="infectedhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>I'm not sure if I should be telling you this but did you anyone tell you what she did a few years ago?<</say>></span>
<span class="girl"><<say 'Lauren' 'zimages/00profiles/laurenBaker.webp'>>No what did she do?<</say>></span>
<img src="zimages/1roisinM/melCousinBlow2.webp">
<span class="infectedhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>At a random house party one night she got caught giving head to her own cousin in the bathroom. She was fully naked and everything.<</say>></span>
<span class="girl"><<say 'Lauren' 'zimages/00profiles/laurenBaker.webp'>>What the fuck????? That's so strange......<</say>></span>
<img src="zimages/00profiles/jackLynch.webp">
Roisin looks over Lauren's shoulder, spotting her cousin Jack lifting weights
<i>"I couldn't imagine doing anything like that with him...."</i>
<span class="infectedhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>I know it's so weird..... She's always kinda been like that but doing that with your cousin is way too much<</say>></span>
<img src="zimages/1roisinM/melCousinBlow3.webp">
<i>"I wonder did they ever fuck. Surely they did at some point"</i>
<span class="girl"><<say 'Lauren' 'zimages/00profiles/laurenBaker.webp'>>I'll tell my sister that anyways. Just so she knows what Melanie is like...<</say>></span>
<<button "Roisin agrees with her">><<goto [[S1G1D2OldFamily]]>><</button>><img src="zimages/00profiles/caityBaker.webp">
<span class="girl"><<say 'Lauren' 'zimages/00profiles/laurenBaker.webp'>>I was actually on the phone to my sister yesterday. She was saying that my parents have been acting very differently since I left<</say>></span>
<span class="infectedhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>That's nice they must just miss you a lot. Would they usually get upset like that?<</say>></span>
<span class="girl"><<say 'Lauren' 'zimages/00profiles/laurenBaker.webp'>>Not really. Then again I guess me and my sister have never really gone too far away from home<</say>></span>
<img src="zimages/00profiles/caityBaker.webp">
<span class="infectedhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>And your sister, what's she like?<</say>></span>
<span class="girl"><<say 'Lauren' 'zimages/00profiles/laurenBaker.webp'>>She can be a bit annoying but she's grand most of the time. She's big into her fitness journey as well. I feel like I motivated her to start working out, so that feels good.....<</say>></span>
<i>"I wish I was motivated by my sister Alice and her great body"</i>
<span class="girl"><<say 'Lauren' 'zimages/00profiles/laurenBaker.webp'>>.....We ran a half marathon together last summer. It was really nice to have my sister running alongside me<</say>></span>
<img src="zimages/1roisinM/caityGlutes.webp">
<i>"I can imagine what her sister looks like. She probably has a great ass too"</i>
<span class="infectedhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>That's such a good idea. When my younger sister Alice get's back from London, I'm gonna suggest that to her. Maybe a few of my cousins as well if they're interested<</say>></span>
<span class="girl"><<say 'Lauren' 'zimages/00profiles/laurenBaker.webp'>>You should. It's really good to have that accountability<</say>></span>
<<button "Her eyes dart over to her cousin Jack again">><<goto [[S1G1D2CousinJack]]>><</button>><img src="zimages/1roisinM/jackWorkout.webp">
Roisin watches her cousin Jack working out a bit away from her
<i>"I wonder would Lauren like him...... I think she'd like him...... He'd like her anyways"</i>
<img src="zimages/00profiles/jackLynch.webp">
<span class="infectedhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>That guy over there is one of my cousins actually<</say>></span>
<span class="girl"><<say 'Lauren' 'zimages/00profiles/laurenBaker.webp'>>Oh. He looks very strong...<</say>></span>
<img src="zimages/00generic/girlsCreeping.webp">
Both girls remain silent as they just stare at him lift weights
As he finishes, he catches them checking him out and walks over to them
<span class="infectedhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>Jack this is my new trainer Lauren. She's from America<</say>></span>
<span class="boy"><<say 'Jack' 'zimages/00profiles/jackLynch.webp'>>Hi Lauren. I've only noticed you here the last few days.... You must be new here<</say>></span>
<span class="girl"><<say 'Lauren' 'zimages/00profiles/laurenBaker.webp'>>Hey Jack... Yeah I moved over from America a week ago....<</say>></span>
<img src="zimages/1roisinM/turningRed.webp">
Roisin notices Lauren turn red as the conversation dies
<span class="boy"><<say 'Jack' 'zimages/00profiles/jackLynch.webp'>>Okay well I'm gonna get back to it. I'll see you on friday Roisin<</say>></span>
After Jack leaves, she notices that Lauren seems more relaxed
<span class="infectedhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>What did you think of him?<</say>></span>
<span class="girl"><<say 'Lauren' 'zimages/00profiles/laurenBaker.webp'>>He seems very nice. He's good looking as well<</say>></span>
<img src="zimages/1roisinM/roisinFuckJack.webp">
Roisin agrees as her mind starts wondering what she'd do to him if they weren't cousins
<i>"Why am I thinking about that??? I'm not like that slut Melanie....."</i>
<<button "Roisin realizes that they've done no training yet">><<goto [[S1G1D2.third1]]>><</button>><img src="zimages/1roisinM/laurenWorkout1.webp">
<span class="infectedhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>Soooo.... Could we do some training now?<</say>></span>
<span class="girl"><<say 'Lauren' 'zimages/00profiles/laurenBaker.webp'>>Yeah sorry. Guess we just got distracted<</say>></span>
<span class="infectedhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>It's alright. What will we d........<</say>></span>
<img src="zimages/00generic/smartWatch.webp">
Lauren watch begins to beep
<span class="girl"><<say 'Lauren' 'zimages/00profiles/laurenBaker.webp'>>Sorry I've to go train someone else now. I have them booked in for seven. We'll actually do something the next time, I promise<</say>></span>
<i>"Fuck why did I waste all our time talking.... Maybe I'll just go home now. I'm still tired from the last two days"</i>
<img src="zimages/1roisinM/laurensAss2.webp">
Roisin watches her cousin Jack spin his head to check out Lauren's ass as she walks by him
<i>"They're definitely going to fuck...."</i>
<<button [[Roisin heads inside to the changing room|S1G1D2.third2]]>><</button>><img src="zimages/00profiles/lorcanDarcy.webp">
Roisin spends a while at the till with Lorcan beside her
<i>"Why do I feel like he's been checking out my ass the whole time I've been here? Should I try to catch him?"</i>
<img src="zimages/1roisinM/showAss1.webp">
She bends over while pretending to look for something. Giving Lorcan a great view of her ass
<i>"He has to be looking now......."</i>
<img src="zimages/1roisinM/showAss2.webp">
She sticks her ass out some more before turning her head to catch him
He's staring right at her ass. Not looking away at any point
<i>"I knew he was checking me out. Why is he being so creepy? He must be cheating on Alice...."</i>
<<button "She stands back up and waits for Customers">><<goto [[S1G1D2MoneyIn]]>><</button>><img src="zimages/00profiles/claudiasDad.webp">
As Roisin walks around the store she spots a good looking man and his wife looking confused
<i>"Maybe I should help them out"</i>
<img src="zimages/00profiles/claudiasDad.webp">
<span class="infectedhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>Sorry. Do ye need a hand?<</say>></span>
<span class="boy"><<say 'Customer' 'zimages/00profiles/claudiasDad.webp'>>Yes thank you. We are wondering do you have any drill bits for tiles?<</say>></span>
<span class="infectedhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>Yeah. They're just over here<</say>></span>
He walks behind Roisin until she stops at the tile section. Roisin looks around to see where his wife is but she can't see her
<img src="zimages/1roisinM/drillBit.webp">
She bends down to find the correct drill. He remains standing while she searches on her knees
After finding it she turns towards him, to find his boner in her face
<i>"Oh my god. That's so biggg....."</i>
<span class="infectedhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>This one seems long.... I mean wide enough.......<</say>></span>
He looks down at her, smirking as he flaunts his erection in her face
<img src="zimages/1roisinM/polishBoner.webp">
She can't resist the temptation to feel his cock. She rubs her hand along his pants
<span class="girl"><<say 'Customer' 'zimages/00profiles/unknown.webp'>>HONEY. WHERE ARE YOU?????<</say>></span>
<span class="boy"><<say 'Customer' 'zimages/00profiles/claudiasDad.webp'>>I'll be a minute..... Wait for me here<</say>></span>
<<button "Roisin waits for him to come back">><<goto [[S1G1D2TidiesShelf]]>><</button>><img src="zimages/00profiles/rileyMoran.webp">
Roisin takes sales for a few more customers. After the store empties, she spots her sister Riley walking towards the till
<span class="girl"><<say 'Riley' 'zimages/00profiles/rileyMoran.webp'>>Roisin or Lorcan, can one of you guys help me out?<</say>></span>
<i>"What does she want now???"</i>
<span class="infectedhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>What's wrong Riley?<</say>></span>
<img src="zimages/00generic/paintMachine.webp">
<span class="girl"><<say 'Riley' 'zimages/00profiles/rileyMoran.webp'>>The paint machine isn't working. I think it's jammed or something<</say>></span>
<span class="infectedhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>Let me have a look at it<</say>></span>
<img src="zimages/00generic/paintMachine2.webp">
Roisin looks at the machine and notices that one of the dispensers is clogged
<span class="infectedhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>Could you stick this rod up the dispenser to unclog it<</say>></span>
<span class="girl"><<say 'Riley' 'zimages/00profiles/rileyMoran.webp'>>Can't you do it? You know what you're doing.......<</say>></span>
<i>"No you need to learn how to do all of this stuff by yourself"</i>
Roisin gives her younger sister a stern look, making her sister bend down to unclog the dispenser
<span class="infectedhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>So how many people are coming to your party tomorrow?<</say>></span>
<img src="zimages/00profiles/abbyHarte.webp">
<span class="girl"><<say 'Riley' 'zimages/00profiles/rileyMoran.webp'>>Nearly all the girls except maybe Abby. She works with her Da and he can be very strict at times. She think's he'll let her finish early. Hopefully he does<</say>></span>
<span class="infectedhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>I'd say he will surely..... Sue was wondering if Joe.........<</say>></span>
<img src="zimages/1roisinM/cumShirt.webp">
She get's interrupted by her sister shrieking as white paint spurts out all over her tshirt
<span class="girl"><<say 'Riley' 'zimages/00profiles/rileyMoran.webp'>>Sorry what ere you saying?<</say>></span>
<span class="infectedhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>It's alright go clean yourself off. I'll ask you later<</say>></span>
<<button "Tidies up the mess">><<goto [[S1G1D2PolishMan]]>><</button>><img src="zimages/1roisinM/shopPaintCust.webp">
A customer approaches the till with a few cans of paint on a trolley
<i>"Is that Joe's stepdad? Fuckkkk..... If Lorcan wasn't busy already I could hide...."</i>
<img src="zimages/00profiles/mikeHannon.webp">
<span class="infectedhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>Hey Mike. I can take for you hear<</say>></span>
<span class="boy"><<say 'Mike' 'zimages/00profiles/mikeHannon.webp'>>Thanks Roisin. How's everything going?<</say>></span>
<i>"It's been great since I left your cheating son.... I've been so much better without him..... Should I say that? It's not true buttt....."</i>
<span class="infectedhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>Can't complain. Everythings fine. How's Hannah getting on? She's started college hasn't she<</say>></span>
<img src="zimages/00profiles/hannahHannon.webp">
<span class="boy"><<say 'Mike' 'zimages/00profiles/mikeHannon.webp'>>She's doing great. That what she says at least. She likes being away from home it seems.<</say>></span>
<i>"Hannah was always nice. I'm glad she's happy"</i>
There's an awkward pause as Roisin is taking for the sale
<span class="boy"><<say 'Mike' 'zimages/00profiles/mikeHannon.webp'>>Thanks for that Roisin. I'll tell Hannah you said Hello. Tell you father I said Hi<</say>></span>
<<button "She smiles at him">><<goto [[S1G1D2HelpsSister]]>><</button>><img src="zimages/1roisinM/messyShelf.webp">
After a few minutes, Roisin decides to go find him. She notices a messy shelf about halfway down the store
<i>"I better tidy this up or my Da will freak"</i>
<img src="zimages/1roisinM/messyShelf.webp">
She lifts, moves and turns the cans until they are all in their proper place
<i>"Riley must not have been tidying today at all. So many of the paint shelves are all messed up. Where is she actually?"</i>
She steps out of the paint isle, moving into the furniture section
<<button "She continues to look for the guy with the massive boner">><<goto [[S1G1D2JumperTuck]]>><</button>><img src="zimages/00generic/furnitureSection.webp">
Roisin spots a few good looking guys as she walks through the furniture section
<i>"I don't see him anywhere.... These guys look pretty hot too though...."</i>
She tucks in her tshirt, showing off her ass more
<img src="zimages/1roisinM/creepcaught1.webp">
She walks around the section letting the guys check out her ass
<i>"I wonder if any of them will approach me..... Why won't any of them come to me?"</i>
<img src="zimages/1roisinM/creepcaught2.webp">
Their heads continue to turn as she shows off her ass to them all
<i>"I wonder how many of them have wives..... If they do, they clearly aren't like Joe"</i>
<<button "She walks away from them">><<goto [[S1G1D2DustsTable]]>><</button>><img src="zimages/1roisinM/dustyTable.webp">
As Roisin continues the hunt for the man, she notices a dusty dining table in the furniture section
<i>"Fuck I better clean this. It looks like no one has cleaned this in weeks"</i>
<img src="zimages/1roisinM/dustyTable.webp">
<i>"Fuck there is so must dust here. My Da really needs to hire cleaners for this place. Even just to do some dusting and sweeping"</i>
Just as she finishes wiping the table, she hears some moaning coming from the front of the shop
<<button "She puts her cloth away and goes for a look">><<goto [[S1G1D2RileyLorcan]]>><</button>><img src="zimages/1roisinM/rileyFucking1.webp">
Roisin continues to walk towards the noises coming from the front of the store
<i>"Maybe I'm just losing it but that sound like people fucking"</i>
<img src="zimages/1roisinM/rileyFucking2.webp">
As she gets closer to the noise, she realizes it's her sister moaning
<i>"What the fuck is she doing? Is she just messing around?"</i>
<img src="zimages/1roisinM/rileyFucking3.webp">
Roisin peaks around the end of the isle to find Lorcan riding her younger sister
She hides back behind the isle, not believing what she's seeing
<i>"Waittt... That's who he's cheating with? He's cheating on one sister with another? Why is he so public about it? What is going on???"</i>
Roisin peaks around the end of the isle again to find them just talking normally
<i>"What is wrong with me? Maybe I should just go home after and leave the gym"</i>
<img src="zimages/00profiles/declanMoran.webp">
She spots her dad heading up to the front with a customer
<<button "She walks back towards the counter">><<goto [[S1G1D2HelpsDad]]>><</button>><img src="zimages/00profiles/oldLady.webp">
As Roisin approaches the front, she notices that it's an old lady that her father is helping
<span class="boy"><<say 'Dad' 'zimages/00profiles/declanMoran.webp'>>Could someone bring out this ladies stuff?<</say>></span>
<span class="infectedhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>Ye. I'll go<</say>></span>
<i>"I'll let Riley chat with Lorcan..... Not like she was gonna offer to do it anyways"</i>
<img src="zimages/00generic/boxofPlants.webp">
Roisin picks up the box of plants, following the old lady out to her car
<span class="boy"><<say 'Dad' 'zimages/00profiles/declanMoran.webp'>>Thanks Roisin<</say>></span>
<img src="zimages/00generic/messyCar.webp">
She arrives at the old ladies messy car
She puts the box in the boot and get's a thanks from the lady
<<button "She walks away from the car">><<goto [[S1G1D2PolishFeel]]>><</button>><img src="zimages/00profiles/claudiasDad.webp">
Before she walks inside, she spots the guy with the massive boner at his car
<i>"I don't see his wife..... Maybe she's not there...."</i>
Her turns and watches her walk towards him
<span class="boy"><<say 'Customer' 'zimages/00profiles/claudiasDad.webp'>>You moved. I told you not to move.<</say>></span>
<span class="infectedhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>Sorry......<</say>></span>
<img src="zimages/1roisinM/oldmanGrab.webp">
The moment she stand by his side, he places his hand just above her ass. Moving it downwards onto her ass slowly
<span class="boy"><<say 'Customer' 'zimages/00profiles/claudiasDad.webp'>>My wife will be out in a minute so we can't do much.... Maybe I'll find you here another time<</say>></span>
<i>"Hopefully you do"</i>
<img src="zimages/1roisinM/oldmanGrab2.webp">
He gives her ass a tight squeeze before his wife approaches
<span class="boy"><<say 'Customer' 'zimages/00profiles/claudiasDad.webp'>>My wife's coming over now. Pretend you were helping me<</say>></span>
She pretends to help me move stuff around in the boot of the car until his wife hops into the front
He smiles at Roisin as she walks back inside the shop
<<button "Runs away from the old man">><<goto [[S1G1D2.second1]]>><</button>><img src="zimages/00generic/wakingUp.webp">
Roisin wakes up late in the day
She spends most of the time before work, watching tv
<img src="zimages/00generic/changingClothes.webp">
She eats and then changes into her work clothes before entering the kitchen
<i>"Thank god Cathal isn't around today..... I really need to avoid him after last night. What if he tells Ella? He wouldn't would he??? The worst part is I still need him to talk with Lorcan. I'll try get to him when Ella's not around...."</i>
<<button [[Leaves her apartment and heads to work|S1G1D2.First2]]>><</button>><img src="zimages/00generic/moransFurniture.webp">
She walks to her fathers store quickly enough and enters inside
<span class="boy"><<say 'Dad' 'zimages/00profiles/declanMoran.webp'>>Could you hop on a till with Lorcan just for a few minutes while it's busy?<</say>></span>
<img src="zimages/00profiles/rileyMoran.webp">
<span class="infectedhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>Can't Riley do it?<</say>></span>
<span class="boy"><<say 'Dad' 'zimages/00profiles/declanMoran.webp'>>She's helping someone on the floor. You'll have to<</say>></span>
<i>"I can't stand being near him Dad.... He's cheating on your daughter.... Oh I wish I could just tell him"</i>
<span class="infectedhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>Fine<</say>></span>
<<button [[She hops on the other till|S1G1D2ShowAss]]>><</button>><img src="zimages/00generic/girlsChanging.webp">
Roisin collects her bag and leaves the changing room
As she goes to leave, she spots Joe standing at the desk still
<i>"Fuckkk..... Why is he still here???"</i>
He looks over at her as she tries to sneak out of the gym
<span class="boy"><<say 'Joe' 'zimages/00profiles/joeHannon.webp'>>Hey Roisin can we talk for a minute?<</say>></span>
<i>"I'll just ignore him....."</i>
<img src="zimages/00generic/runningAway.webp">
She continues to walk towards the door, ignoring him as he moves towards her
<span class="boy"><<say 'Joe' 'zimages/00profiles/joeHannon.webp'>>I'm sorry Roisin. I just need to tell you that nothing happened......<</say>></span>
He slams his hand down on the door, stopping Roisin from leaving
<span class="boy"><<say 'Joe' 'zimages/00profiles/joeHannon.webp'>>Look I know you don't want to talk to me but let me drop you home at least. I need to know you're safe...<</say>></span>
<span class="infectedhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>No thanks. I'm getting a taxi<</say>></span>
<<button [[She leaves the gym and gets into the taxi|S1G1D2.third3]]>><</button>><img src="zimages/00generic/doorPeak.webp">
A few minutes later Roisin is opening the door to her apartment and peaking through the gap slightly
<i>"They must be in Ella's room. I have to be very quiet as the last thing I want is to listen to either of them now....."</i>
She sneaks through the apartment, stopping in the kitchen to grab a snack
<img src="zimages/00profiles/homelessGuy.webp">
She hears a door open behind her and turns to see Cathal walking towards her
<i>"Shittt.... Maybe I should ask him to do me that favour now?"</i>
<span class="boy"><<say 'Cathal' 'zimages/00profiles/homelessGuy.webp'>>How was work Roisin?<</say>></span>
<span class="infectedhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>It was fine<</say>></span>
She doesn't look in his direction but can tell he's standing right behind her
<i>"Or should I really ask him? If Ella finds out about it......."</i>
<img src="zimages/1roisinM/kitchenGrab1.webp">
She feels his hand slide onto her ass, giving it a firm squeeze
<i>"What is he doing? What if Ella see's him? She'd kill me..."</i>
<span class="boy"><<say 'Cathal' 'zimages/00profiles/homelessGuy.webp'>>So how about we finish what you started last night. Ella's sleep......<</say>></span>
<span class="infectedhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>What do you mean I started? You came onto me.......<</say>></span>
<i>"Let me just finish my sandwich and leave...."</i>
<img src="zimages/1roisinM/kitchenGrab2.webp">
She continues to make her sandwich while he continues to feel her ass
<span class="boy"><<say 'Cathal' 'zimages/00profiles/homelessGuy.webp'>>That's not what happened. You started grinding on me<</say>></span>
<span class="infectedhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>Whatever......<</say>></span>
She slaps his hand off her ass and heads into her room
<i>"I don't think I can stay here anymore.... He's way too creepy"</i>
<<button [[Roisin eats her sandwich in her room, sets her alarm for work in the morning and falls asleep|S1G1D3.first1]]>><<set $dayCount to 3>><</button>><img src="zimages/00menu/supportbanner.jpg">
Roisin dreams of whats to come
You'll have to wait to find out
Release Schedule for Roisin Day 4/Day 5:
Public: March 4th/18th
$7 Patreon Tier: February 25th/March 4th
$15 Patreon Tier: <a href="https://www.patreon.com/Migreel" target="_blank">Out Already</a>/25th
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<<disable>><<button [[Start the next day|S1G1D4.first1]]>><</button>><</disable>><img src="zimages/00profiles/sueLynch.webp">
<span class="infectedhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>Hey Sue. You're here earlier than I thought you'd be<</say>></span>
<span class="girl"><<say 'Sue' 'zimages/00profiles/sueLynch.webp'>>Yeah I know sorry. My sister couldn't pick you up so I had to get Graham to drive me and he's working later<</say>></span>
<i>"Oh god. I'm getting away from one creep and getting stuck with another one"</i>
<span class="infectedhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>That's alright. I'll just grab some drink from the fridge and we can go<</say>></span>
<img src="zimages/00generic/drinkinFridge.webp">
She opens the fridge and fills up a bag with a few drinks
<span class="girl"><<say 'Ella' 'zimages/00profiles/ellaClancy.webp'>>Hey Sue.... How are you?<</say>></span>
<span class="girl"><<say 'Sue' 'zimages/00profiles/sueLynch.webp'>>Hey Ella. I'm doing alright, yourself?<</say>></span>
<span class="girl"><<say 'Ella' 'zimages/00profiles/ellaClancy.webp'>>I'm good to. Did you meet Cathal yet?<</say>></span>
<span class="girl"><<say 'Sue' 'zimages/00profiles/sueLynch.webp'>>Ye he's.... he's so nice. He let me in. I think he said he's having a shower<</say>></span>
<img src="zimages/00profiles/ellaClancy.webp">
Roisin walks out of the kitchen to greet her roommate Ella
<span class="infectedhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>Morning Ella..... We better go now. Graham is waiting for us outside<</say>></span>
<span class="girl"><<say 'Ella' 'zimages/00profiles/ellaClancy.webp'>>Okay I'll see ye tonight then<</say>></span>
<<button [[She leaves her apartment and head down the stairs|S1G1D3.first3]]>><</button>><img src="zimages/00generic/doingMakeup1.webp">
Roisin spends a few minutes doing her makeup
<span class="girl"><<say 'Sue' 'zimages/00profiles/sueLynch.webp'>>Could you get me some water? I'm don't want Jake to see me with my makeup not fully done...<</say>></span>
<i>"It doesn't matter how he sees you.... He's with Rachel..."</i>
<img src="zimages/00profiles/jakeShorthall.webp">
Roisin walks into the kitchen to find Jake sitting there eating pasta
<i>"Oh..... He definitely has been working out..."</i>
She smiles at him and continues to walks towards the press with the glasses
<img src="zimages/00generic/highGlasses.webp">
She tries her best to reach for the glasses on the top shelf but she's too small
<span class="boy"><<say 'Jake' 'zimages/00profiles/jakeShorthall.webp'>>So you need a hand Roisin?<</say>></span>
<span class="infectedhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>Yeah sorry. I'm just too small to reach the glasses<</say>></span>
<img src="zimages/1roisinM/jakeGrind1.webp">
His cock presses against her ass as he grabs a glass for her
<i>"Oh my god. What if Rachel walks in on us? I should push him off. Shouldn't I?"</i>
<img src="zimages/1roisinM/jakeGrind2.webp">
She let's him continue to press his cock against her ass for another few moments
<span class="boy"><<say 'Jake' 'zimages/00profiles/jakeShorthall.webp'>>Here you go.<</say>></span>
She smiles at him and fills her glass with water as he sits back down
<<button "She returns to Sue's room with the water">><<goto [[S1G1D3EngagedSister]]>><</button>><img src="zimages/00profiles/joeHannon.webp">
<i>"I guess I should talk to her about Joe. Shouldn't I?"</i>
<span class="infectedhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>I think Joe's coming tonight<</say>></span>
<span class="girl"><<say 'Sue' 'zimages/00profiles/sueLynch.webp'>>Oh is he? Are you sure it's okay if I talk to him? I just want to make sure it's actually okay to date him. I've been chatting him a lot recently and he's been so nice to me.....<</say>></span>
<i>"He was nice to me at the start to. Then he started hanging around that girl Sarah."</i>
<img src="zimages/00profiles/joeHannon.webp">
<span class="girl"><<say 'Sue' 'zimages/00profiles/sueLynch.webp'>>.... I was wondering if you could tell me what you broke up with him over. Just so I know what I'm getting myself into<</say>></span>
<img src="zimages/00profiles/sarahCooney.webp">
<span class="infectedhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>I guess I should..... You know that girl Sarah that he works with in woodies. I caught him cheating with her<</say>></span>
<span class="girl"><<say 'Sue' 'zimages/00profiles/sueLynch.webp'>>Really? She never seemed like she'd be into him. I thought her and Ella's brother would've been together<</say>></span>
<span class="infectedhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>Yeah well he did. He told me he was staying over at a lads house but I seen him on Sarah's story in some hot tub in Galway. He says he didn't cheat but why would he be in a hot tub with her? And why would he keep it a secret?<</say>></span>
<i>"It feels so good to tell someone about that.... I know I didn't want to hurt his image but I needed to get all of that out... Maybe I should get other things off my chest while I'm at it"</i>
<<button "She thinks about what's been bugging her recently">><<goto [[S1G1D3HomelessGuy]]>><</button>><img src="zimages/00profiles/sophieLynch.webp">
<span class="girl"><<say 'Sue' 'zimages/00profiles/sueLynch.webp'>>Oh my god Sophie. That's great news.... I'm so happy for you...<</say>></span>
Roisin walks into Sue's room as she hangs up on her sister Sophie
<span class="infectedhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>Is everything alright with your sister Sue?<</say>></span>
<img src="zimages/00generic/proposal.webp">
<span class="girl"><<say 'Sue' 'zimages/00profiles/sueLynch.webp'>>Yeah her boyfriend Frank just proposed to her in Iceland.... I'm so happy for them<</say>></span>
<span class="infectedhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>Oh that's so nice for them. Can I see the ring?<</say>></span>
<img src="zimages/00generic/weddingRing1.webp">
<span class="girl"><<say 'Sue' 'zimages/00profiles/sueLynch.webp'>>That's the ring there.<</say>></span>
<span class="infectedhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>How long have they been together? Feels like they've been dating for years<</say>></span>
<span class="girl"><<say 'Sue' 'zimages/00profiles/sueLynch.webp'>>Think she said 6 years. She met him just after finishing college and they've been in love ever since.... She's lucky to find a guy like him<</say>></span>
<i>"That could've been me and Joe.... If only..."</i>
<<button "Roisin thinks about her ex Joe">><<goto [[S1G1D3SueJoe]]>><</button>><img src="zimages/00profiles/homelessGuy.webp">
<i>"Maybe I should tell her about how annoying Cathal is"</i>
<span class="infectedhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>What did you think about Cathal?<</say>></span>
<span class="girl"><<say 'Sue' 'zimages/00profiles/sueLynch.webp'>>He seemed a bit strange. What's he like to live with?<</say>></span>
<img src="zimages/1roisinM/kitchenGrab1.webp">
<span class="infectedhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>He's really weird. I've caught him checking me out a few times. He tried to grab my ass last night as well. Don't even get me started on what I happened Saturday night...<</say>></span>
<span class="girl"><<say 'Sue' 'zimages/00profiles/sueLynch.webp'>>What happened on Saturday night. You have to tell me Roisin<</say>></span>
Her friend shuffles closer to hear the gossip
<img src="zimages/1roisinM/ellaFucked2.webp">
Roisin pictures Ella slamming into him as she tells Sue the whole story
<span class="girl"><<say 'Sue' 'zimages/00profiles/sueLynch.webp'>>Wait so he's homeless. Do you know where he'd from?<</say>></span>
<img src="zimages/00profiles/johnWard.webp">
<span class="infectedhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>You also can't tell anyone this. His Da is John Ward. The gang leader.... He says he doesn't talk to his father anymore but still<</say>></span>
<span class="girl"><<say 'Sue' 'zimages/00profiles/sueLynch.webp'>>What does Ella think of this? Is she okay with it?<</say>></span>
<i>"I haven't told her yet actually. I need him to catch Lorcan cheating first...."</i>
<<button "She tries to deflect the questions">><<goto [[S1G1D3CafeJob]]>><</button>><img src="zimages/00generic/leBistro.webp">
<span class="infectedhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>I feel like we've talked about me enough. How's work going?<</say>></span>
<i>"Please forget..... Please forget...."</i>
<span class="girl"><<say 'Sue' 'zimages/00profiles/sueLynch.webp'>>Works grand as usual. A new girl started last week so I'm just training her in. Thank god they finally hired someone as it get's so busy in there at the weekend<</say>></span>
<img src="zimages/00profiles/thereseLarkin.webp">
<span class="infectedhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>That's good they hired someone to help ye out. Is Therese Larkin still working there?<</say>></span>
<span class="girl"><<say 'Sue' 'zimages/00profiles/sueLynch.webp'>>Yeah she is why?<</say>></span>
<img src="zimages/00profiles/laurenBaker.webp">
<span class="infectedhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>I was with that new trainer in the gym yesterday and she was telling me she's staying with them<</say>></span>
<span class="girl"><<say 'Sue' 'zimages/00profiles/sueLynch.webp'>>I take it that's the American girl. Jake had a few of his friends over last night and I could hear them talking about her great ass....<</say>></span>
<<button "Roisin asks how Sue's time alone with Jake is going">><<goto [[S1G1D3JakesShower]]>><</button>><img src="zimages/00profiles/jakeShorthall.webp">
<span class="infectedhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>How's your alone time with Jake been since rachel started her new job?<</say>></span>
<span class="girl"><<say 'Sue' 'zimages/00profiles/sueLynch.webp'>>He's been keeping to himself mostly accept for two days ago when I walked in on him in the shower<</say>></span>
<span class="infectedhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>So how big is it???<</say>></span>
<span class="girl"><<say 'Sue' 'zimages/00profiles/sueLynch.webp'>>He had it covered so I could only see it under the towel. It looked fairly big<</say>></span>
<img src="zimages/00profiles/rachelTierney.webp">
<i>"If only he didn't have a girlfriend. He'd be the perfect guy. He's so nice and sweet but also so attractive"</i>
<img src="zimages/1roisinM/sueJakeFuck.webp">
<span class="girl"><<say 'Sue' 'zimages/00profiles/sueLynch.webp'>>He looked so hot that day. I wanted him to just take me right there. Why does he have to have a girlfriend? And such an attractive one as well<</say>></span>
<span class="infectedhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>There's still a chance you know. He's alone here during the week a lot while she's in her office. You could make your move on him then. She might be attractive but she's an absolute bitch. Wait till they fight to approach him.<</say>></span>
<i>"What am I even saying? What's made me say that?"</i>
<span class="girl"><<say 'Sue' 'zimages/00profiles/sueLynch.webp'>>I don't know that seems wrong. My sister wouldn't agree with doing stuff like that. I wouldn't want to start a relationship off like that. He could end up cheat..... Sorry Roisin<</say>></span>
<i>"Maybe she has a point. Me and Joe started going out normally but it went bad, It's probably best not to start on such a bad note..."</i>
<<button "She thinks about Joe">><<goto [[S1G1D3JoeGym]]>><</button>><img src="zimages/00profiles/joeHannon.webp">
<i>"Maybe I should have talked to Joe in the gym yesterday. I could have listened to what his reasoning"</i>
<span class="infectedhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>I ran into Joe yesterday at the gym<</say>></span>
<span class="girl"><<say 'Sue' 'zimages/00profiles/sueLynch.webp'>>Ohhhh what happened?<</say>></span>
<img src="zimages/1roisinM/roisinBlowJoe1.webp">
<i>"Nothing as exciting as the last time I ran into him..."</i>
<span class="infectedhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>Nothing really. He just tried to talk to me and I left. I just thought it was weird that he started going to that gym as well. Is it only to check out that hot new trainer?<</say>></span>
<span class="girl"><<say 'Sue' 'zimages/00profiles/sueLynch.webp'>>Roisin don't say that. He went there for you. He still likes you. Any time we're talking his eyes light up when you're mentioned......<</say>></span>
<img src="zimages/00profiles/sarahCooney.webp">
<span class="infectedhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>But what about what went on with that girl Sarah? I can't trust him again after that<</say>></span>
<span class="girl"><<say 'Sue' 'zimages/00profiles/sueLynch.webp'>>I wouldn't worry about them Roisin. There was loads of lads at that hot tub party. If they got together loads of people would've seen and someone would have said it to you.....<</say>></span>
<i>"Maybe she has a point... No one said anything about them hooking up"</i>
<span class="girl"><<say 'Sue' 'zimages/00profiles/sueLynch.webp'>>..... I'm gonna finish talking about him after I say this last thing. He promised me that he didn't cheat on you. He explained what went on..... Talk to him about it tonight<</say>></span>
<<button "Roisin agrees to talk to him tonight">><<goto [[S1G1D3PervyPedro]]>><</button>><img src="zimages/00profiles/rachelTierney.webp">
As Roisin struggles to answer, she hears Jake's girlfriend Rachel talking to someone in the hallway.
<span class="girl"><<say 'Rachel' 'zimages/00profiles/rachelTierney.webp'>>SUE!!!! Graham is here.<</say>></span>
<span class="girl"><<say 'Sue' 'zimages/00profiles/sueLynch.webp'>>He probably has your bag with the drinks.<</say>></span>
<img src="zimages/00profiles/grahamCarrol.webp">
The more steps Roisin takes, the dizzier she feels
<span class="boy"><<say 'Graham' 'zimages/00profiles/grahamCarrol.webp'>>Here you go Roisin.<</say>></span>
<span class="infectedhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>Here bring it into the kitchen.<</say>></span>
<img src="zimages/1roisinM/creepyGraham1.webp">
<i>"He's definitely checking out my ass. He's never felt an ass as good as mine before"</i>
<span class="infectedhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>If you pass them to my while I put them in the fridge<</say>></span>
<img src="zimages/1roisinM/creepyGraham2.webp">
She feels him staring at her ass as she bends over
<span class="infectedhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>Why don't you just feel it already? Instead of just staring<</say>></span>
<img src="zimages/1roisinM/creepyGraham3.webp">
Immediately he rubs his hand against her ass
She turns around to face him to find his cheeks all red from awkwardness
<img src="zimages/1roisinM/creepyGraham4.webp">
She lowers her hand onto his cock, stroking it slowly
<span class="boy"><<say 'Graham' 'zimages/00profiles/grahamCarrol.webp'>>Ohhhhh..... This feels soooo...... good...<</say>></span>
<img src="zimages/1roisinM/creepyGraham5.webp">
A moment later she feels his pants get wet. She looks down to find he came inside his pants
<i>"Oh my god... Did he just??"</i>
<span class="infectedhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>I better get ready Graham<</say>></span>
<<button "She walks back to Sue's room">><<goto [[S1G1D3.second1]]>><</button>><img src="zimages/00generic/phonebuzz.webp">
Roisin's phone buzzes while Sue continues to talk about the new girl that started
<i>"I know Sue's talking but I should answer that"</i>
<img src="zimages/00profiles/ellaClancy.webp">
Her friend Ella sent her a text while Sue continues to talk in the background
<span class="girl"><<say 'Ella' 'zimages/00profiles/ellaClancy.webp'>>What time are ye heading at Roisin?<</say>></span>
<span class="infectedhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>We're almost done getting ready now. So we'll probably pre drink and then head to the pub for 9 o clock<</say>></span>
<img src="zimages/00generic/waitingResponse.webp">
<span class="girl"><<say 'Ella' 'zimages/00profiles/ellaClancy.webp'>>Perfect. We'll arrive around that time as well<</say>></span>
<i>"If she's bringing that creep, he better stay away from me tonight. I can't have people seeing me with him"</i>
<span class="girl"><<say 'Sue' 'zimages/00profiles/sueLynch.webp'>>..... she turned around to find him looking right at her. What do you think she should've done?<</say>></span>
<<button "She puts her phone down to try come up with and answer">><<goto [[S1G1D3CreepyGraham]]>><</button>><img src="zimages/00generic/leBistro.webp">
The room remains silent until Sue starts talking about her job again
<span class="girl"><<say 'Sue' 'zimages/00profiles/sueLynch.webp'>>Remember that pervy guy in work I told you about<</say>></span>
<img src="zimages/00profiles/pervyPedro.webp">
<span class="infectedhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>Yeah the spanish guy. What about him?<</say>></span>
<span class="girl"><<say 'Sue' 'zimages/00profiles/sueLynch.webp'>>He's started flirting with me again<</say>></span>
<span class="infectedhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>Doesn't he always flirt with you<</say>></span>
<img src="zimages/1roisinM/pervyPedro1.webp">
<span class="girl"><<say 'Sue' 'zimages/00profiles/sueLynch.webp'>>No when I reported him for grabbing my ass he stopped but he's started back now<</say>></span>
<i>"At least Lorcan doesn't do any of that. Thank God"</i>
<<button "Roisin suggests reporting him again if he does">><<goto [[S1G1D3TextsElla]]>><</button>><img src="zimages/00generic/doingMakeup1.webp">
Roisin heads back into Sue's room and takes a while to finish her make up
As she's about to finish up, she can hear Jake and Rachel talking in the kitchen
<i>"Sue needs to make a move on Jake. She's so much prettier than Rachel and so much nicer..... Maybe I should give her a push..."</i>
<i>"I wonder if I distracted Rachel for a few minutes, Could I get Sue to flirt with Jake? It's worth a try"</i>
<span class="infectedhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>Sue I've an idea<</say>></span>
<span class="girl"><<say 'Sue' 'zimages/00profiles/sueLynch.webp'>>Okay.... What is it?<</say>></span>
<span class="infectedhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>When you're finished we'll head out to the kitchen for a drink. Then I'll distract Rachel and you can flirt with Jake a small bit. Just so you're ready for the night out<</say>></span>
<img src="zimages/00profiles/rachelTierney.webp">
<span class="girl"><<say 'Sue' 'zimages/00profiles/sueLynch.webp'>>Buttt... What are you going to do with Rachel? What if she overhears us flirting?<</say>></span>
<span class="infectedhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>She won't. I'll bring her down to your room. She won't hear anything if I close the door<</say>></span>
<span class="girl"><<say 'Sue' 'zimages/00profiles/sueLynch.webp'>>I don't know Roisin.....<</say>></span>
<<button [[Roisin convinces her innocent friend to follow the plan|S1G1D3.second2]]>><</button>><img src="zimages/00generic/girlschugging.webp">
Sue is chugging down her drink but never got one for Roisin
<span class="infectedhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>I'll be back in a minute...<</say>></span>
As she waits at the counter a guy taps her on the shoulder
<img src="zimages/00profiles/niallCoughlan.webp">
<i>"He looks handsome. Wonder would he make Joe jealous"</i>
<span class="boy"><<say '???' 'zimages/00profiles/niallCoughlan.webp'>>Can I buy you a drink?<</say>></span>
<span class="infectedhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>Thanks..... I'd love one. What's your name?<</say>></span>
<span class="boy"><<say 'Niall' 'zimages/00profiles/niallCoughlan.webp'>>It's Niall. What's yours?<</say>></span>
<span class="infectedhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>It's Roisin.<</say>></span>
<img src="zimages/00profiles/rileyMoran.webp">
<span class="boy"><<say 'Niall' 'zimages/00profiles/niallCoughlan.webp'>>Are you hear for that girls birthday party? Or just out with friends?<</say>></span>
<img src="zimages/1roisinM/niallGrab.webp">
As they talk, he slowly lowers his hand around her ass
<span class="infectedhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>Yeah she's my sister. Do you know her?<</say>></span>
<span class="boy"><<say 'Niall' 'zimages/00profiles/niallCoughlan.webp'>>Kinda... My cousin Mary is friends.....<</say>></span>
<span class="girl"><<say 'Sue' 'zimages/00profiles/sueLynch.webp'>>Niall.... What are you doing here?<</say>></span>
<span class="boy"><<say 'Niall' 'zimages/00profiles/niallCoughlan.webp'>>Hey Sue. Was just dropping off my cousin Mary<</say>></span>
<span class="girl"><<say 'Sue' 'zimages/00profiles/sueLynch.webp'>>Okay well I need to borrow Roisin for a second<</say>></span>
<img src="zimages/00generic/pullAway.webp">
Sue grabs her friends hand, pulling her into the bathroom
<span class="infectedhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>Why did you pull me away from that guy Sue? He seemed nice<</say>></span>
<span class="girl"><<say 'Sue' 'zimages/00profiles/sueLynch.webp'>>He's not. He's that sleazy guy I work with. Remember the guy that slept with one of our coworkers and then ignored her. You don;t want anything to do with him<</say>></span>
<img src="zimages/1roisinM/niallFuck.webp">
<i>"And who says I wouldn't? It would make Joe jealous at least... Might get him to commit to me... If he seen us fucking"</i>
Sue stares at her friend waiting for a nod of agreement
<<button "She agrees not to talk to him">><<goto [[S1G1D3RileysFriends]]>><</button>><img src="zimages/00profiles/abbyHarte.webp">
As Sue struts back to their table, Roisin spots Riley's friend a few metres away from her
<i>"Maybe I should buy her a drink..."</i>
<span class="infectedhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>Hey Abby. What are you drinking? I'll get you this one<</say>></span>
<span class="girl"><<say 'Abby' 'zimages/00profiles/abbyHarte.webp'>>It's okay. I'm buying something for Riley as well<</say>></span>
<span class="infectedhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>Nah I got you. Riley was saying you're studying to be a lawyer like your dad<</say>></span>
<img src="zimages/00generic/buyDrink.webp">
Roisin's turn to order a drink comes up before Abby can answer
She hands Abby her drink and gets a thanks in return
<span class="girl"><<say 'Abby' 'zimages/00profiles/abbyHarte.webp'>>Yeah it'll be tough but I've always found what my Dad does interesting. I know a bunch of stuff already as I worked in his place last summer on reception.... <</say>></span>
<i>"I wonder how she finds working with Rachel..."</i>
<span class="girl"><<say 'Abby' 'zimages/00profiles/abbyHarte.webp'>>Thanks for the drink. I'll get you one later<</say>></span>
<<button "She heads back towards Sue">><<goto [[S1G1D3CousinTalk]]>><</button>><img src="zimages/00profiles/graceLynch.webp">
As Roisin is returning to Sue, she spots her cousin's Jack and Grace near her
<span class="infectedhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>Hey guys. How are ye getting on?<</say>></span>
<span class="boy"><<say 'Jack' 'zimages/00profiles/jackLynch.webp'>>We're alright Roisin. How's that new trainer in the gym? Lauren is it?<</say>></span>
<img src="zimages/00profiles/laurenBaker.webp">
<span class="infectedhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>Yeah it's Lauren. She's very nice and a seems like a great trainer. She said she's staying with yere cousins the Larkin's<</say>></span>
<span class="girl"><<say 'Grace' 'zimages/00profiles/gracelynch.webp'>>Yeah we called down to meet here and she seems lovely. She's from Toledo in Ohio which is near where I did that half marathon.<</say>></span>
<img src="zimages/00generic/ohioMap.webp">
<i>"I heard Ohio's meant to be lovely... maybe her sister would want to swap with me for a few months..."</i>
<span class="girl"><<say 'Grace' 'zimages/00profiles/gracelynch.webp'>>I was thinking of asking her to join the running club as we could be down a few members soon.....<</say>></span>
<span class="boy"><<say 'Jack' 'zimages/00profiles/jackLynch.webp'>>Oh there's Riley, Grace. We better go talk to her<</say>></span>
<<button "Roisin finally get's back to Sue">><<goto [[S1G1D3ShiftsGuy]]>><</button>><img src="zimages/00generic/girlschugging.webp">
She takes a few minutes to finish her drink and just as she does, Sue offers to buy the next round
A moment after Sue leaves, a guy slides in beside her
<img src="zimages/00profiles/seanWard.webp">
<span class="infectedhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>What's your name?<</say>></span>
<span class="boy"><<say 'Sean' 'zimages/00profiles/seanWard.webp'>>It's Sean. You look so hot right now. My friend over there dared me to ask for your number<</say>></span>
<span class="infectedhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>My number? Show me your cock first and I'll see<</say>></span>
<i>"Did I really just say that?"</i>
<img src="zimages/1roisinM/seanBlow1.webp">
A moment later, Roisin in on her knees in the alley out side the pub. Giving head
<span class="boy"><<say 'Sean' 'zimages/00profiles/seanWard.webp'>>Fuckkk..... You're so much better than my ex..... Soooo... much betterrrr......<</say>></span>
<img src="zimages/1roisinM/seanBlow2.webp">
Her mouth slides deeper and deeper around his cock
<i>"This is so wrong but it feels sooooo goo...."</i>
<img src="zimages/00profiles/connorKenny.webp">
<span class="boy"><<say 'Connor' 'zimages/00profiles/connorKenny.webp'>>SEAN.... SEAN.... Sorry but I just seen your ex going into the pub down the road. She's out with her cousin<</say>></span>
<span class="boy"><<say 'Sean' 'zimages/00profiles/seanWard.webp'>>FUCK...... I'll come back for your number later<</say>></span>
Roisin watches the two lads running out of the alley, wondering what she's just done
<<button "She heads back inside alone">><<goto [[S1G1D3RileysDrink]]>><</button>><img src="zimages/00profiles/rileyMoran.webp">
Roisin runs into her sister Riley as she's hunting for Sue to go home
<span class="infectedhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>Have you seen Sue? I lost her<</say>></span>
<span class="girl"><<say 'Riley' 'zimages/00profiles/rileyMoran.webp'>>No I haven't seen her since you were with her.... Are you alright sis?<</say>></span>
<i>"No... There's something wrong with me.. Somethings really wrong..."</i>
Riley just stares at her sister, confused to what's going on
<span class="infectedhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>Here. Here's some money to buy yourself a drink<</say>></span>
<img src="zimages/00generic/buyDrink.webp">
Roisin buys her sister a drink and let's her get back to her friends
<i>"I just need to find Sue... She'll get me home safe..."</i>
<<button "She walks further into the crowd looking for Sue">><<goto [[S1G1D3CathalGrind]]>><</button>><img src="zimages/00profiles/ellaClancy.webp">
Roisin wanders around the pub eventually bumping into her friend Ella
<span class="infectedhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>Did you see Sue?<</say>></span>
<span class="girl"><<say 'Ella' 'zimages/00profiles/ellaClancy.webp'>>No we've been here a few minutes and we haven't. Come out dancing with me and Cathal. You should see his moves<</say>></span>
<i>"I just need to find Sue.... I don't want to dance...."</i>
<img src="zimages/1roisinM/dancingPub1.webp">
Roisin is dragged onto the dance floor by Ella
<span class="girl"><<say 'Ella' 'zimages/00profiles/ellaClancy.webp'>>I'M JUST GOING TO THE BATHROOM<</say>></span>
<img src="zimages/1roisinM/dancingPub2.webp">
A moment after her friend departs, she feels a hand on her ass
<i>"Maybe that's Joe...."</i>
<img src="zimages/1roisinM/dancingPub3.webp">
She backs her ass into the guy, grinding against his cock
<i>"Fuckkkk..... His cock is soooo....... big.."</i>
<img src="zimages/1roisinM/dancingPub4.webp">
She slides her hand behind her ass, rubbing his crotch
<i>"I don't even want to talk with Joe... I just him to fuck....."</i>
<img src="zimages/00profiles/homelessGuy.webp">
She leans back to kiss the guy, finding out that Cathal is the guy grinding against her
<i>"....Oh my god... What if Ella seen us? What was he thinking?"</i>
<<button "She walks away from Cathal">><<goto [[S1G1D3FlirtsJoe]]>><</button>><img src="zimages/00profiles/rachelTierney.webp">
Roisin walks off to look for Sue, eventually bumping into Rachel
<span class="infectedhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>Rachel did you see Sue???<</say>></span>
<span class="girl"><<say 'Rachel' 'zimages/00profiles/rachelTierney.webp'>>She was up at the bar with Jake a few minutes ago..... Before they come back I should finish telling you about the drama<</say>></span>
<img src="zimages/00profiles/rachelTierney.webp">
Just as Rachel starts talking, her boyfriend Jake walks over
<span class="boy"><<say 'Jake' 'zimages/00profiles/jakeShorthall.webp'>>Sue's looking for you Roisin. She's gone over that way<</say>></span>
<span class="girl"><<say 'Rachel' 'zimages/00profiles/rachelTierney.webp'>>One second Jake. I'm just telling her something<</say>></span>
Jake takes a sip of his drink and stands to the side, beside Roisin
<img src="zimages/1roisinM/creepyGraham3.webp">
Roisin sneakily moves one of Jake's hands onto her ass
She glances over at him and he seems to be enjoying himself
<img src="zimages/1roisinM/oldmanGrab.webp">
His hand squeezes her ass as his girlfriend continues to talk away
<i>"Hopefully she doesn't notice us. Surely she can't"</i>
<span class="girl"><<say 'Rachel' 'zimages/00profiles/rachelTierney.webp'>>....now Noah might end up leaving the club. Which would not be a good look. What do you think of that Roisin?<</say>></span>
<<button "Roisin says she'll tell Alice about it and leaves the couple alone">><<goto [[S1G1D3GossipSue]]>><</button>><img src="zimages/00profiles/joeHannon.webp">
As she leaves the dance floor, she bumps into Joe next
<i>"I guess he came..."</i>
<span class="boy"><<say 'Joe' 'zimages/00profiles/joeHannon.webp'>>Can I explain myself Roisin??? Please<</say>></span>
<span class="infectedhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>Go ahead<</say>></span>
<span class="boy"><<say 'Joe' 'zimages/00profiles/joeHannon.webp'>>First of all. I didn't cheat. I should've told you where I was so I'm sorry about that but I didn't cheat<</say>></span>
<img src="zimages/00profiles/sarahCooney.webp">
<span class="infectedhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>I know Sue explained it to me yesterday. I just want to know why you didn't tell me? Was it because Sarah was there?<</say>></span>
<span class="boy"><<say 'Joe' 'zimages/00profiles/joeHannon.webp'>>I'm sorry okay. I should've told you and nothing happened between us. There was a heap of guys there anyways. I didn't tell you cause I know you hate her so much. It's just her family had this nice place with a hot tub and loads of lads were going... I thought you wouldn't have let me go<</say>></span>
<span class="infectedhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>You should have just told me where you were going. When I found out you were with Sarah, I thought you were cheating on me. She likes you Joe, I know she does.<</say>></span>
<span class="boy"><<say 'Joe' 'zimages/00profiles/joeHannon.webp'>>Look I'm sorry Roisin. Can we meet up tomorrow? To talk about it. You can bring Ella and Sue with you of you.....<</say>></span>
<img src="zimages/00generic/catFight.webp">
Joe stops talking and looks over at two girls fighting a few metres away
<i>"The smaller blonde girl is pulling out the taller blonde girls hair"</i>/*Jessica Keane is the other girl. She's friends with Sarah Harte*/
<img src="zimages/00profiles/ciaraHannon.webp">
<i>"Shit is that his cousin Ciara?....."</i>
<span class="infectedhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>We'll meet tomorrow. Just go help Ciara out.<</say>></span>
<span class="boy"><<say 'Joe' 'zimages/00profiles/joeHannon.webp'>>Thanks Roisin. I'll text you tomorrow okay...<</say>></span>
<<button "She watches Joe break up the fight">><<goto [[S1G1D3RachelJake]]>><</button>><img src="zimages/00profiles/ciaraHannon.webp">
Roisin spots Sue a minute later standing near Joe's cousin Ciara
<span class="girl"><<say 'Sue' 'zimages/00profiles/sueLynch.webp'>>Look at who Ciara's with<</say>></span>
<img src="zimages/00profiles/adamClancy.webp">
<i>"Is that Ella's brother Adam? He's 19... What s=is she doing with him?"</i>
<span class="infectedhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>Oh my god. She's with my cousin Adam<</say>></span>
<span class="girl"><<say 'Sue' 'zimages/00profiles/sueLynch.webp'>>Yeah they've been shifting the face of each other for a bit. Joe came over and left her sitting here and a few seconds later she was making out with him. I know her and her boyfriend broke up recently but to start going after 19 year olds is a bit weird for her<</say>></span>
<img src="zimages/00profiles/joeHannon.webp">
Before Roisin can answer she see's Joe come over to his cousin Ciara
Adam ends up leaving, looking pissed. While Ciara storms off from Joe
<span class="infectedhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>Maybe we should head home now. I just wanna go the bathroom first<</say>></span>
<span class="girl"><<say 'Sue' 'zimages/00profiles/sueLynch.webp'>>That's a good idea so we don't get dragged into anything. Tonight has been so strange<</say>></span>
<<button "She walks with Sue to the bathroom, leaving her friend waiting outside">><<goto [[S1G1D3BathroomLesbian]]>><</button>><img src="zimages/00profiles/ciaraHannon.webp">
Roisin stumbles into the bathroom, finding Ciara in there as well
<i>"Okay just walk past her to the stall. She's to drunk to notice me"</i>
<span class="boy"><<say 'Ciara' 'zimages/00profiles/ciaraHannon.webp'>>Is that you Roisin? Could you wipe the dirt of my ass?<</say>></span>
<img src="zimages/1roisinM/ciarasButt1.webp">
She reaches over and starts wiping the dirt of Ciara's butt
<span class="infectedhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>How did your ass get so dirty?<</say>></span>
<span class="girl"><<say 'Ciara' 'zimages/00profiles/ciaraHannon.webp'>>I was tired so I sat outside in the smoking area.....<</say>></span>
<img src="zimages/00profiles/ciaraHannon.webp">
As roisin wipes the last of the dirt of her ass, Ciara turns to look deep into Roisin's eyes
<span class="boy"><<say 'Ciara' 'zimages/00profiles/ciaraHannon.webp'>>Thanks Roisin..... You've always been a good friend..... We should hang out more. It's been so long....<</say>></span>
<img src="zimages/1roisinM/ciarasButt2.webp">
Ciara leans in to kiss Roisin in the middle of the bathroom
Her hands shoot around Roisin's neck, pulling her in even closer for the kiss
<i>"This feels nice... I've never kissed a girl before..."</i>
<img src="zimages/1roisinM/ciarasButt3.webp">
She continues to kiss Ciara while girls walk in and out of the bathroom
Ciara pulls away all of a sudden, leaving Roisin embarrassed
Roisin watches her sprint to the bathroom to get sick
<<button "She just leaves to avoid running into anyone else">><<goto [[S1G1D3.last1]]>><</button>><img src="zimages/00generic/taxiWhistle.webp">
Roisin waits outside the pub as her friend calls a taxi
After a few minutes of waiting in the cold, a taxi arrives and they hop inside
<img src="zimages/00profiles/lukeWard.webp">
Roisin checks out the driver in the mirror, admiring how hot he looks
<span class="infectedhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>Sue why is the driver so hot?<</say>></span>
<span class="girl"><<say 'Sue' 'zimages/00profiles/sueLynch.webp'>>What are you saying Roisin? I can't hear you<</say>></span>
<span class="infectedhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>SUE. WHY IS THE DRIVER IS SO HOTTTT???<</say>></span>
<span class="girl"><<say 'Driver' 'zimages/00profiles/lukeWard.webp'>>Thanks.... You don't look so bad yourself<</say>></span>
<span class="infectedhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>Your so hot..... driver guy.....<</say>></span>
<img src="zimages/1roisinM/boobFlash.webp">
Roisin lifts up her top, flashing the driver and almost making him crash his car
<span class="girl"><<say 'Driver' 'zimages/00profiles/lukeWard.webp'>>Jesus christ..... If I didn't have a girl......<</say>></span>
<span class="girl"><<say 'Sue' 'zimages/00profiles/sueLynch.webp'>>Roisin STOPPP...... Can you pull over? We'll walk the rest of the way<</say>></span>
<<button [[Roisin get's pulled out of the taxi and walks back to Sue's apartment|S1G1D3.last2]]>><</button>><img src="zimages/00generic/grahamsCar.webp">
The two girls hop into Graham's old car
<span class="boy"><<say 'Graham' 'zimages/00profiles/grahamCarrol.webp'>>Hey Roisin.<</say>></span>
<span class="infectedhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>Hey Graham. Thanks for picking me up. How's work going?<</say>></span>
<span class="boy"><<say 'Graham' 'zimages/00profiles/grahamCarrol.webp'>>It's all good. Working late tonight so that's fun as always. A new guy is starting today to replace another girl that left. I'll probably end up training him up a bit<</say>></span>
<span class="infectedhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>That sounds nice. How's everyone else in work?<</say>></span>
<img src="zimages/00profiles/joeHannon.webp">
<i>"I just want to know how Joe is doing. Has he been talking to any other girls in work.... Has he been with that bitch Sarah..."</i>
<span class="boy"><<say 'Graham' 'zimages/00profiles/grahamCarrol.webp'>>Everyone's good. Ella's brother James is a good worker and Joe is.......<</say>></span>
<span class="girl"><<say 'Sue' 'zimages/00profiles/sueLynch.webp'>>Graham.... Can we not talk about Joe? Remember.....<</say>></span>
<span class="boy"><<say 'Graham' 'zimages/00profiles/grahamCarrol.webp'>>Oh sorry Roisin. I forgot..... Ah.... My bad.....<</say>></span>
<i>"Why did she have to cut him off? I wanted to know what he was up to..."</i>
<span class="infectedhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>It's okay<</say>></span>
<img src="zimages/00generic/driving1.webp">
The car remains silent for the rest of the journey
<span class="boy"><<say 'Graham' 'zimages/00profiles/grahamCarrol.webp'>>Let me know if ye need to be picked up later<</say>></span>
<span class="girl"><<say 'Sue' 'zimages/00profiles/sueLynch.webp'>>Thanks Graham. Will do<</say>></span>
<<button [[Roisin says bye and enters Sue's apartment|S1G1D3.first4]]>><</button>><img src="zimages/00profiles/grahamCarrol.webp">
<span class="girl"><<say 'Sue' 'zimages/00profiles/sueLynch.webp'>>Sorry Roisin. I told him not to mention Joe. I think he just forgets stuff sometimes<</say>></span>
<span class="infectedhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>It's grand. I think he just get's awkward around girls. At least he didn't try to flirt with me today<</say>></span>
<span class="girl"><<say 'Sue' 'zimages/00profiles/sueLynch.webp'>>Yeah. Thank god we avoided that today<</say>></span>
<img src="zimages/00generic/unlockDoor.webp">
As Sue opens the door, Roisin realizes she forgot her drink in Graham's car
<span class="infectedhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>Could you ask Graham to drop the drink over on his way to work? I left it in his car<</say>></span>
<span class="girl"><<say 'Sue' 'zimages/00profiles/sueLynch.webp'>>Sure<</say>></span>
Roisin waits in the hallway for Sue drops her groceries in the kitchen
<img src="zimages/00profiles/jakeShorthall.webp">
Sue's roommate Jake emerges from his room, almost bumping into Roisin in the hallway
<span class="boy"><<say 'Jake' 'zimages/00profiles/jakeShorthall.webp'>>Hey Roisin. Good to see you.<</say>></span>
<span class="infectedhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>Hi Jake.<</say>></span>
Jake walks into the bathroom, shutting the door behind him
<i>"Oh my god. Has he gotten even hotter since i last seen him before christmas???"</i>
Sue comes back from the kitchen and Roisin follows her into her room
<<button [[Roisin starts getting ready|S1G1D3JakeFlirts]]>><</button>><img src="zimages/00profiles/rachelTierney.webp">
Roisin eventually convinces Sue to follow the plan and leads her down to the kitchen to talk to Jake and Rachel
<i>"What can I talk to Rachel about? We never really on our own. Alice get's along with her... Maybe I'll talk about Alice..."</i>
<img src="zimages/00profiles/aliceMoran.webp">
<i>"She loves the running club she's in. Maybe tell her my sister Alice wants to know about that"</i>
<span class="infectedhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>Rachel. Could you come to Sue's room for a minute? I have to show you something on my phone<</say>></span>
<span class="girl"><<say 'Rachel' 'zimages/00profiles/rachelTierney.webp'>>Yeah sure<</say>></span>
<i>"Yes... Sue better flirt with him a bit cause he was so horny earlier in the kitchen"</i>
Roisin leads Rachel up the hallway away from her boyfriend Jake
<img src="zimages/00profiles/aliceMoran.webp">
<span class="infectedhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>My sister was asking me what's going on the running club? She said there was some drama<</say>></span>
<span class="girl"><<say 'Rachel' 'zimages/00profiles/rachelTierney.webp'>>Yeah so the club leader.......<</say>></span>
<img src="zimages/1roisinM/jakeflirtSue1.webp">
All Roisin can think about is what Sue is up to with Jake
<i>"She better be flirting with him at least"</i>
<img src="zimages/1roisinM/jakeflirtSue2.webp">
<i>"Her nice ass better be grinding on his cock"</i>
<span class="girl"><<say 'Rachel' 'zimages/00profiles/rachelTierney.webp'>>..... so she walked in on him with Danielle........<</say>></span>
<img src="zimages/1roisinM/jakeflirtSue3.webp">
<i>"Forget grinding. She should be bouncing on his cock"</i>
All of a sudden, the noise of a bottle breaking echo's down the hallway
<span class="girl"><<say 'Rachel' 'zimages/00profiles/rachelTierney.webp'>>Sorry Roisin. I'll finish this later<</say>></span>
<img src="zimages/00profiles/sueLynch.webp">
She enters the kitchen behind Rachel to find Sue standing awkwardly near Jake
<span class="girl"><<say 'Sue' 'zimages/00profiles/sueLynch.webp'>>Sorry Rachel.... I'll clean it up<</say>></span>
<span class="girl"><<say 'Rachel' 'zimages/00profiles/rachelTierney.webp'>>It's alright I'll get it. You need to watch what your doing Sue....<</say>></span>
<span class="boy"><<say 'Jake' 'zimages/00profiles/jakeShorthall.webp'>>Leave her alone Rachel.... It was just an accident<</say>></span>
<span class="girl"><<say 'Rachel' 'zimages/00profiles/rachelTierney.webp'>>Girls if ye want to head on to the pub, we'll meet ye there<</say>></span>
<<button [[They say bye and leave Sue's apartment|S1G1D3.second3]]>><</button>><img src="zimages/00profiles/jakeShorthall.webp">
Roisin thinks about what happened between Sue and Jake as they walk to the pub
<span class="infectedhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>Well did you flirt with Jake?<</say>></span>
<span class="girl"><<say 'Sue' 'zimages/00profiles/sueLynch.webp'>>Kind of.... I don't really want to talk about it....<</say>></span>
<img src="zimages/00generic/fallonsPub.webp">
Roisin decides to leave it alone and the two girls chat until they arrive at the big pub
She looks around for her sister, eventually finding her chatting to a group of lads
<img src="zimages/00profiles/rileyMoran.webp">
<i>"She looks so pretty tonight. I can't believe she's 19 already"</i>
<span class="infectedhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>Hey Riley.... Where's your friends?<</say>></span>
<span class="girl"><<say 'Riley' 'zimages/00profiles/rileyMoran.webp'>>Hey Sis... Hey Sue... Only Abby is here at the moment. She's at our table<</say>></span>
<img src="zimages/00profiles/abbyHarte.webp">
Roisin follows her sister through the pub to her friend Abby while Sue stays at the counter to buy some drinks
<span class="infectedhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>Hey Abby.... You look amazing<</say>></span>
<span class="girl"><<say 'Abby' 'zimages/00profiles/abbyHarte.webp'>>Thanks Roisin......<</say>></span>
<span class="girl"><<say 'Riley' 'zimages/00profiles/rileyMoran.webp'>>Oh there's Sarah and Jane.....<</say>></span>
<i>"Maybe I should leave and let them talk"</i>
She finds Sue having a drink at a table
<<button [[She sits down beside her friend|S1G1D3FlirtsGuy]]>><</button>><img src="zimages/00generic/unlockDoor.webp">
Sue unlocks the apartment door and both girls enter inside
<span class="girl"><<say 'Sue' 'zimages/00profiles/sueLynch.webp'>>If you want to get a drink in the kitchen, I'll be in there in a minute<</say>></span>
<img src="zimages/00profiles/jakeShorthall.webp">
Roisin heads into the kitchen to find Jake standing there on his own
<i>"He looks sooo hot"</i>
<span class="boy"><<say 'Jake' 'zimages/00profiles/jakeShorthall.webp'>>Yere home early. Did something happ....<</say>></span>
<img src="zimages/1roisinM/kissingJake1.webp">
She jumps into his arms to kiss him
His hands lower around her ass as he embraces her kiss
<img src="zimages/1roisinM/kissingJake2.webp">
He pulls her onto his cock as they fall onto the couch
<span class="infectedhost"><<say 'Roisin' 'zimages/00profiles/roisinMoran.webp'>>I want.... you to fuckkk me.....<</say>></span>
<img src="zimages/1roisinM/kissingJake3.webp">
She pulls at his cock after sliding it out of his pants
<i>"This so risky..... which makes it so muchhhhh..... hotter"</i>
They continue to make out as she strokes his cock slowly
<span class="girl"><<say 'Sue' 'zimages/00profiles/sueLynch.webp'>>Oh my god Roisin..... What are you doing???<</say>></span>
Sue looks on in shock before pulling her friend off of Jake
<span class="girl"><<say 'Sue' 'zimages/00profiles/sueLynch.webp'>>Sorry Jake..... I'll put her to bed<</say>></span>
Roisin protests as her friend drags her down the hall into her room
<<button [[Falls asleep on Sue's bed|S1G1D4.first1]]>><<set $dayCount to 4>><</button>>