Your browser lacks required capabilities. Please upgrade it or switch to another to continue.
<div class="standard" id="poppypoopy"><<include $clippy>></div>\<div class="standard" id="poppypoopy"><<include $boss>></div>\<div class="standard" id="poppypoopy"><<include $coach>></div>\<div class="standard" id="poppypoopy"><<include $cody>></div>\<div class="standard" id="poppypoopy"><<include $lisa>></div>\<div class="standard" id="poppypoopy"><<include $aaron>></div>\<div class="standard" id="poppypoopy"><<include $becky>></div>\<<script>>"boss").processText());;
<</script>>\<div id="full_makeup">\
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<img id="eyes" @src="$eyes.current">\
<img id="cheeks" @src="$cheeks.current">\
<img @class="$lips.hue" id="lips" @src="$lips.current">\
<img id="ears" @src="$ears.current">\
<img id="piercings" @src="$piercings.current">\
<img id="neck" @src="$neck.current">\
</div>\<<set $category to "hair">>\
<<set $location to "loc_bathroom">>
<div class="ward-container" style="font-size:90%;">\
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<img id="backdrop" src="images/locations/bathroom.png">\
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<<link "<img src='images/ui/hair.png'>">>\
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<<run $("#hair_button").attr("src", "images/ui/active.svg");>>\
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<<replace ".face-image">>\
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<<run $(".ward_button").attr("src", "images/ui/empty.png");>>\
<<run $("#eyes_button").attr("src", "images/ui/active.svg");>>\
<<set $category to "eyes">>\
<<replace ".face-image">>\
<<include "makeup_eyes">>\
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<<link "<img src='images/ui/cheeks.png'>">>\
<<if $category isnot "cheeks">>\
<<run $(".ward_button").attr("src", "images/ui/empty.png");>>\
<<run $("#cheeks_button").attr("src", "images/ui/active.svg");>>\
<<set $category to "cheeks">>\
<<replace ".face-image">>\
<<include "makeup_cheeks">>\
<div class="btn4"><img class="ward_button" id="lips_button" src="images/ui/empty.png">\
<<link "<img src='images/ui/lips.png'>">>\
<<if $category isnot "lips">>\
<<run $(".ward_button").attr("src", "images/ui/empty.png");>>\
<<run $("#lips_button").attr("src", "images/ui/active.svg");>>\
<<set $category to "lips">>\
<<replace ".face-image">>\
<<include "makeup_lips">>\
<div class="btn5"><img class="ward_button" id="ears_button" src="images/ui/empty.png">\
<<link "<img src='images/ui/ears.png'>">>\
<<if $category isnot "ears">>\
<<run $(".ward_button").attr("src", "images/ui/empty.png");>>\
<<run $("#ears_button").attr("src", "images/ui/active.svg");>>\
<<set $category to "ears">>\
<<replace ".face-image">>\
<<include "makeup_ears">>\
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<<link "<img src='images/ui/piercings.png'>">>\
<<if $category isnot "piercings">>\
<<run $(".ward_button").attr("src", "images/ui/empty.png");>>\
<<run $("#piercings_button").attr("src", "images/ui/active.svg");>>\
<<set $category to "piercings">>\
<<replace ".face-image">>\
<<include "makeup_piercings">>\
<div class="btn7"><img class="ward_button" id="neck_button" src="images/ui/empty.png">\
<<link "<img src='images/ui/neck.png'>">>\
<<if $category isnot "neck">>\
<<run $(".ward_button").attr("src", "images/ui/empty.png");>>\
<<run $("#neck_button").attr("src", "images/ui/active.svg");>>\
<<set $category to "neck">>\
<<replace ".face-image">>\
<<include "makeup_neck">>\
<div class="nothing"></div>\
<div class="nothing"></div>\
<div class="nothing"></div>\
<div class="nothing"></div>\
<div class="gewoon">|</div><div class="face-image">\
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<img @class="$brahue" id="bra" @src="$bra_current">\
<div id="face_layer">\
<img @class="$hair.hue" id="hair" @src="$hair.current">\
<img id="eyes" @src="$eyes.current">\
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<img @class="$lips.hue" id="lips" @src="$lips.current">\
<img id="ears" @src="$ears.current">\
<img id="piercings" @src="$piercings.current">\
<img id="neck" @src="$neck.current">\
<<link "<img id='colorbtn1' class='hue0' src='images/ui/color_btn.png'>">>\
<<run State.setVar("$hairhue", "cc1")>>\
<<run $("#hair").attr("class", "cc1");>>\
<<link "<img id='colorbtn2' class='cc2' src='images/ui/color_btn.png'>">>\
<<run State.setVar("$hairhue", "cc2")>>\
<<run $("#hair").attr("class", $hairhue);>>\
<<link "<img id='colorbtn3' class='cc3' src='images/ui/color_btn.png'>">>\
<<run State.setVar("$hairhue", "cc3")>>\
<<run $("#hair").attr("class", $hairhue);>>\
<<link "<img id='colorbtn4' class='cc4' src='images/ui/color_btn.png'>">>\
<<run State.setVar("$hairhue", "cc4")>>\
<<run $("#hair").attr("class", $hairhue);>>\
<<link "<img id='colorbtn5' class='cc5' src='images/ui/color_btn.png'>">>\
<<run State.setVar("$hairhue", "cc5")>>\
<<run $("#hair").attr("class", $hairhue);>>\
<<link "<img id='colorbtn6' class='cc6' src='images/ui/color_btn.png'>">>\
<<run State.setVar("$hairhue", "cc6")>>\
<<run $("#hair").attr("class", $hairhue);>>\
<<link "<img id='colorbtn7' class='cc7' src='images/ui/color_btn.png'>">>\
<<run State.setVar("$hairhue", "cc7")>>\
<<run $("#hair").attr("class", $hairhue);>>\
<<link "<img id='colorbtn8' class='cc8' src='images/ui/color_btn.png'>">>\
<<run State.setVar("$hairhue", "cc8")>>\
<<run $("#hair").attr("class", $hairhue);>>\
<<link "<img id='rightarrow' src='images/ui/arrow_r.svg'>">>\
<<if $hair.carousel lt $>>\
<<set $hair.carousel++>>\
<<set $hair.carousel to 1>>\
<<run State.setVar("$hair.current", "images/wardrobe/" + $body + "_" + $category + "_" + $hair.carousel + ".png")>>\
<<run $("#hair").attr("src", "images/wardrobe/" + $body + "_" + $category + "_" + $hair.carousel+".png");>>\
<<link "<img id='leftarrow' src='images/ui/arrow_l.svg'>">>\
<<set $hair.carousel-->>\
<<if $hair.carousel is 0>>\
<<set $hair.carousel to $>>\
<<run State.setVar("$hair.current", "images/wardrobe/" + $body + "_" + $category + "_" + $hair.carousel + ".png")>>\
<<run $("#hair").attr("src", "images/wardrobe/" + $body + "_" + $category + "_" + $hair.carousel+".png");>>\
<<link "<img id='cancel' src='images/ui/cancel.svg'>">>\
<<run State.setVar("$hair.current", "images/wardrobe/empty.png")>>\
<<run $("#hair").attr("src", "images/wardrobe/empty.png");>>\
</div><div class="face-image">\
<div id="mirror_mask">\
<img id="base" @src="$bodybase">\
<img @class="$hathue" id="hat" @src="$hat_current">\
<img @class="$overtophue" id="overtop" @src="$overtop_current">\
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<img @class="$brahue" id="bra" @src="$bra_current">\
<div id="face_layer">\
<img @class="$hair.hue" id="hair" @src="$hair.current">\
<img id="eyes" @src="$eyes.current">\
<img id="cheeks" @src="$cheeks.current">\
<img @class="$lips.hue" id="lips" @src="$lips.current">\
<img id="ears" @src="$ears.current">\
<img id="piercings" @src="$piercings.current">\
<img id="neck" @src="$neck.current">\
<<link "<img id='colorbtn1' class='hue0' src='images/ui/color_btn.png'>">>\
<<run State.setVar("$eyeshue", "cc1")>>\
<<run $("#eyes").attr("class", "cc1");>>\
<<link "<img id='colorbtn2' class='cc2' src='images/ui/color_btn.png'>">>\
<<run State.setVar("$eyeshue", "cc2")>>\
<<run $("#eyes").attr("class", $eyeshue);>>\
<<link "<img id='colorbtn3' class='cc3' src='images/ui/color_btn.png'>">>\
<<run State.setVar("$eyeshue", "cc3")>>\
<<run $("#eyes").attr("class", $eyeshue);>>\
<<link "<img id='colorbtn4' class='cc4' src='images/ui/color_btn.png'>">>\
<<run State.setVar("$eyeshue", "cc4")>>\
<<run $("#eyes").attr("class", $eyeshue);>>\
<<link "<img id='colorbtn5' class='cc5' src='images/ui/color_btn.png'>">>\
<<run State.setVar("$eyeshue", "cc5")>>\
<<run $("#eyes").attr("class", $eyeshue);>>\
<<link "<img id='colorbtn6' class='cc6' src='images/ui/color_btn.png'>">>\
<<run State.setVar("$eyeshue", "cc6")>>\
<<run $("#eyes").attr("class", $eyeshue);>>\
<<link "<img id='colorbtn7' class='cc7' src='images/ui/color_btn.png'>">>\
<<run State.setVar("$eyeshue", "cc7")>>\
<<run $("#eyes").attr("class", $eyeshue);>>\
<<link "<img id='colorbtn8' class='cc8' src='images/ui/color_btn.png'>">>\
<<run State.setVar("$eyeshue", "cc8")>>\
<<run $("#eyes").attr("class", $eyeshue);>>\
<<link "<img id='rightarrow' src='images/ui/arrow_r.svg'>">>\
<<if $eyes.carousel lt $>>\
<<set $eyes.carousel++>>\
<<set $eyes.carousel to 1>>\
<<run State.setVar("$eyes.current", "images/wardrobe/" + $body + "_" + $category + "_" + $eyes.carousel + ".png")>>\
<<run $("#eyes").attr("src", "images/wardrobe/" + $body + "_" + $category + "_" + $eyes.carousel+".png");>>\
<<link "<img id='leftarrow' src='images/ui/arrow_l.svg'>">>\
<<set $eyes.carousel-->>\
<<if $eyes.carousel is 0>>\
<<set $eyes.carousel to $>>\
<<run State.setVar("$eyes.current", "images/wardrobe/" + $body + "_" + $category + "_" + $eyes.carousel + ".png")>>\
<<run $("#eyes").attr("src", "images/wardrobe/" + $body + "_" + $category + "_" + $eyes.carousel+".png");>>\
<<link "<img id='cancel' src='images/ui/cancel.svg'>">>\
<<run State.setVar("$eyes.current", "images/wardrobe/empty.png")>>\
<<run $("#eyes").attr("src", "images/wardrobe/empty.png");>>\
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<div id="mirror_mask">\
<img id="base" @src="$bodybase">\
<img @class="$hathue" id="hat" @src="$hat_current">\
<img @class="$overtophue" id="overtop" @src="$overtop_current">\
<img @class="$tophue" id="top" @src="$top_current">\
<img @class="$brahue" id="bra" @src="$bra_current">\
<div id="face_layer">\
<img @class="$hair.hue" id="hair" @src="$hair.current">\
<img id="eyes" @src="$eyes.current">\
<img id="cheeks" @src="$cheeks.current">\
<img @class="$lips.hue" id="lips" @src="$lips.current">\
<img id="ears" @src="$ears.current">\
<img id="piercings" @src="$piercings.current">\
<img id="neck" @src="$neck.current">\
<<link "<img id='rightarrow' src='images/ui/arrow_r.svg'>">>\
<<if $cheeks.carousel lt $>>\
<<set $cheeks.carousel++>>\
<<set $cheeks.carousel to 1>>\
<<run State.setVar("$cheeks.current", "images/wardrobe/" + $body + "_" + $category + "_" + $cheeks.carousel + ".png")>>\
<<run $("#cheeks").attr("src", "images/wardrobe/" + $body + "_" + $category + "_" + $cheeks.carousel+".png");>>\
<<link "<img id='leftarrow' src='images/ui/arrow_l.svg'>">>\
<<set $cheeks.carousel-->>\
<<if $cheeks.carousel is 0>>\
<<set $cheeks.carousel to $>>\
<<run State.setVar("$cheeks.current", "images/wardrobe/" + $body + "_" + $category + "_" + $cheeks.carousel + ".png")>>\
<<run $("#cheeks").attr("src", "images/wardrobe/" + $body + "_" + $category + "_" + $cheeks.carousel+".png");>>\
<<link "<img id='cancel' src='images/ui/cancel.svg'>">>\
<<run State.setVar("$cheeks.current", "images/wardrobe/empty.png")>>\
<<run $("#cheeks").attr("src", "images/wardrobe/empty.png");>>\
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<div id="mirror_mask">\
<img id="base" @src="$bodybase">\
<img @class="$hathue" id="hat" @src="$hat_current">\
<img @class="$overtophue" id="overtop" @src="$overtop_current">\
<img @class="$tophue" id="top" @src="$top_current">\
<img @class="$brahue" id="bra" @src="$bra_current">\
<div id="face_layer">\
<img @class="$hair.hue" id="hair" @src="$hair.current">\
<img id="eyes" @src="$eyes.current">\
<img id="cheeks" @src="$cheeks.current">\
<img @class="$lips.hue" id="lips" @src="$lips.current">\
<img id="ears" @src="$ears.current">\
<img id="piercings" @src="$piercings.current">\
<img id="neck" @src="$neck.current">\
<<link "<img id='colorbtn1' class='hue0' src='images/ui/color_btn.png'>">>\
<<run State.setVar("$lips.hue", "cc1")>>\
<<run $("#lips").attr("class", "cc1");>>\
<<link "<img id='colorbtn2' class='cc2' src='images/ui/color_btn.png'>">>\
<<run State.setVar("$lips.hue", "cc2")>>\
<<run $("#lips").attr("class", $lips.hue);>>\
<<link "<img id='colorbtn3' class='cc3' src='images/ui/color_btn.png'>">>\
<<run State.setVar("$lips.hue", "cc3")>>\
<<run $("#lips").attr("class", $lips.hue);>>\
<<link "<img id='colorbtn4' class='cc4' src='images/ui/color_btn.png'>">>\
<<run State.setVar("$lips.hue", "cc4")>>\
<<run $("#lips").attr("class", $lips.hue);>>\
<<link "<img id='colorbtn5' class='cc5' src='images/ui/color_btn.png'>">>\
<<run State.setVar("$lips.hue", "cc5")>>\
<<run $("#lips").attr("class", $lips.hue);>>\
<<link "<img id='colorbtn6' class='cc6' src='images/ui/color_btn.png'>">>\
<<run State.setVar("$lips.hue", "cc6")>>\
<<run $("#lips").attr("class", $lips.hue);>>\
<<link "<img id='colorbtn7' class='cc7' src='images/ui/color_btn.png'>">>\
<<run State.setVar("$lips.hue", "cc7")>>\
<<run $("#lips").attr("class", $lips.hue);>>\
<<link "<img id='colorbtn8' class='cc8' src='images/ui/color_btn.png'>">>\
<<run State.setVar("$lips.hue", "cc8")>>\
<<run $("#lips").attr("class", $lips.hue);>>\
<<link "<img id='rightarrow' src='images/ui/arrow_r.svg'>">>\
<<if $lips.carousel lt $>>\
<<set $lips.carousel++>>\
<<set $lips.carousel to 1>>\
<<run State.setVar("$lips.current", "images/wardrobe/" + $body + "_" + $category + "_" + $lips.carousel + ".png")>>\
<<run $("#lips").attr("src", "images/wardrobe/" + $body + "_" + $category + "_" + $lips.carousel+".png");>>\
<<link "<img id='leftarrow' src='images/ui/arrow_l.svg'>">>\
<<set $lips.carousel-->>\
<<if $lips.carousel is 0>>\
<<set $lips.carousel to $>>\
<<run State.setVar("$lips.current", "images/wardrobe/" + $body + "_" + $category + "_" + $lips.carousel + ".png")>>\
<<run $("#lips").attr("src", "images/wardrobe/" + $body + "_" + $category + "_" + $lips.carousel+".png");>>\
<<link "<img id='cancel' src='images/ui/cancel.svg'>">>\
<<run State.setVar("$lips.current", "images/wardrobe/empty.png")>>\
<<run $("#lips").attr("src", "images/wardrobe/empty.png");>>\
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<div id="mirror_mask">\
<img id="base" @src="$bodybase">\
<img @class="$hathue" id="hat" @src="$hat_current">\
<img @class="$overtophue" id="overtop" @src="$overtop_current">\
<img @class="$tophue" id="top" @src="$top_current">\
<img @class="$brahue" id="bra" @src="$bra_current">\
<div id="face_layer">\
<img @class="$hair.hue" id="hair" @src="$hair.current">\
<img id="eyes" @src="$eyes.current">\
<img id="cheeks" @src="$cheeks.current">\
<img @class="$lips.hue" id="lips" @src="$lips.current">\
<img id="ears" @src="$ears.current">\
<img id="piercings" @src="$piercings.current">\
<img id="neck" @src="$neck.current">\
<<link "<img id='rightarrow' src='images/ui/arrow_r.svg'>">>\
<<if $piercings.carousel lt $>>\
<<set $piercings.carousel++>>\
<<set $piercings.carousel to 1>>\
<<run State.setVar("$piercings.current", "images/wardrobe/" + $body + "_" + $category + "_" + $piercings.carousel + ".png")>>\
<<run $("#piercings").attr("src", "images/wardrobe/" + $body + "_" + $category + "_" + $piercings.carousel+".png");>>\
<<link "<img id='leftarrow' src='images/ui/arrow_l.svg'>">>\
<<set $piercings.carousel-->>\
<<if $piercings.carousel is 0>>\
<<set $piercings.carousel to $>>\
<<run State.setVar("$piercings.current", "images/wardrobe/" + $body + "_" + $category + "_" + $piercings.carousel + ".png")>>\
<<run $("#piercings").attr("src", "images/wardrobe/" + $body + "_" + $category + "_" + $piercings.carousel+".png");>>\
<<link "<img id='cancel' src='images/ui/cancel.svg'>">>\
<<run State.setVar("$piercings.current", "images/wardrobe/empty.png")>>\
<<run $("#piercings").attr("src", "images/wardrobe/empty.png");>>\
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<div id="mirror_mask">\
<img id="base" @src="$bodybase">\
<img @class="$hathue" id="hat" @src="$hat_current">\
<img @class="$overtophue" id="overtop" @src="$overtop_current">\
<img @class="$tophue" id="top" @src="$top_current">\
<img @class="$brahue" id="bra" @src="$bra_current">\
<div id="face_layer">\
<img @class="$hair.hue" id="hair" @src="$hair.current">\
<img id="eyes" @src="$eyes.current">\
<img id="cheeks" @src="$cheeks.current">\
<img @class="$lips.hue" id="lips" @src="$lips.current">\
<img id="ears" @src="$ears.current">\
<img id="piercings" @src="$piercings.current">\
<img id="neck" @src="$neck.current">\
<<link "<img id='rightarrow' src='images/ui/arrow_r.svg'>">>\
<<if $neck.carousel lt $>>\
<<set $neck.carousel++>>\
<<set $neck.carousel to 1>>\
<<run State.setVar("$neck.current", "images/wardrobe/" + $body + "_" + $category + "_" + $neck.carousel + ".png")>>\
<<run $("#neck").attr("src", "images/wardrobe/" + $body + "_" + $category + "_" + $neck.carousel+".png");>>\
<<link "<img id='leftarrow' src='images/ui/arrow_l.svg'>">>\
<<set $neck.carousel-->>\
<<if $neck.carousel is 0>>\
<<set $neck.carousel to $>>\
<<run State.setVar("$neck.current", "images/wardrobe/" + $body + "_" + $category + "_" + $neck.carousel + ".png")>>\
<<run $("#neck").attr("src", "images/wardrobe/" + $body + "_" + $category + "_" + $neck.carousel+".png");>>\
<<link "<img id='cancel' src='images/ui/cancel.svg'>">>\
<<run State.setVar("$neck.current", "images/wardrobe/empty.png")>>\
<<run $("#neck").attr("src", "images/wardrobe/empty.png");>>\
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<div id="mirror_mask">\
<img id="base" @src="$bodybase">\
<img @class="$hathue" id="hat" @src="$hat_current">\
<img @class="$overtophue" id="overtop" @src="$overtop_current">\
<img @class="$tophue" id="top" @src="$top_current">\
<img @class="$brahue" id="bra" @src="$bra_current">\
<div id="face_layer">\
<img @class="$hair.hue" id="hair" @src="$hair.current">\
<img id="eyes" @src="$eyes.current">\
<img id="cheeks" @src="$cheeks.current">\
<img @class="$lips.hue" id="lips" @src="$lips.current">\
<img id="ears" @src="$ears.current">\
<img id="piercings" @src="$piercings.current">\
<img id="neck" @src="$neck.current">\
<<link "<img id='rightarrow' src='images/ui/arrow_r.svg'>">>\
<<if $ears.carousel lt $>>\
<<set $ears.carousel++>>\
<<set $ears.carousel to 1>>\
<<run State.setVar("$ears.current", "images/wardrobe/" + $body + "_" + $category + "_" + $ears.carousel + ".png")>>\
<<run $("#ears").attr("src", "images/wardrobe/" + $body + "_" + $category + "_" + $ears.carousel+".png");>>\
<<link "<img id='leftarrow' src='images/ui/arrow_l.svg'>">>\
<<set $ears.carousel-->>\
<<if $ears.carousel is 0>>\
<<set $ears.carousel to $>>\
<<run State.setVar("$ears.current", "images/wardrobe/" + $body + "_" + $category + "_" + $ears.carousel + ".png")>>\
<<run $("#ears").attr("src", "images/wardrobe/" + $body + "_" + $category + "_" + $ears.carousel+".png");>>\
<<link "<img id='cancel' src='images/ui/cancel.svg'>">>\
<<run State.setVar("$ears.current", "images/wardrobe/empty.png")>>\
<<run $("#ears").attr("src", "images/wardrobe/empty.png");>>\
</div><<set $skipping to "no">>
<<set $chat_firsttime to "yes">>
<<set $planner_firsttime to "yes">>
<<set $mail_firsttime to "yes">>
<<set $research_firsttime to "yes">>
/* UI Scale */
<<set $uiscale to 100>>
<<set $workinprogress to "no">>
/* Life 2 */
<<set $christmastree to "yes">>
/* WORK */
<<set $lazer_why to 0>>
<<set $lazer_business to 0>>
<<set $lazer_larry to 0>>
/* Portrait */
<<set $portrait_bg to "url(images/wardrobe/portrait/malebase.png)">>
<<set $portrait_base to "url(images/wardrobe/portrait/empty.png)">>
<<set $portrait_hair to "url(images/wardrobe/portrait/empty.png)">>
<<set $portrait_cheeks to "url(images/wardrobe/portrait/empty.png)">>
<<set $portrait_neck to "url(images/wardrobe/portrait/empty.png)">>
<<set $portrait_ears to "url(images/wardrobe/portrait/empty.png)">>
<<set $portrait_eyes to "url(images/wardrobe/portrait/empty.png)">>
<<set $portrait_lips to "url(images/wardrobe/portrait/empty.png)">>
/* Joe Color */
<<set $joe_p to "#a3d3ff">>
<<set $joe_border to "#2194ff">>
<<set $voice1 to 0>>
<<set $voice2 to 0>>
<<set $voice3 to 0>>
/* Doctor - TF - keuze */
<<set $tf_choice to "">>
<<set $changingbody to "no">>
<<set $story = {
work: {
unlocked: "yes",
current_stage: 1,
available: "yes",
title: {
stage1: {
before: "1.1 Work Introduction",
after: "1.1 Work Introduction"
stage2: {
before: "1.2 ???",
after: "1.2 Choosing a Client"
stage3: {
before: "1.3 ???",
after: "1.3 Planning a Visit"
stage4: {
before: "1.4 ???",
after: "1.4 ???"
info: "This is the //'Work'// tab. You'll use this to navigate to your weekly work activities. Click the button below to continue.",
client: {
tag: "mamamia",
name: "Mama Mia",
stage: 1
sports: {
unlocked: "no",
current_stage: 1,
available: "yes",
title: {
stage1: {
before: "1.1 Sports Introduction",
after: "1.1 Sports Introduction"
stage2: {
before: "1.2 ???",
after: "1.2 Choices, choices"
stage3: {
before: "1.3 ???",
after: "1.3 Matchday"
stage4: {
before: "1.4 ???",
after: "1.4 ???"
info: "This is, you guessed it, the //'Sports'// tab! Yessir, we here at The Contest are nothing if not predictable. Go on, take a look.",
team: ""
music: {
unlocked: "no",
current_stage: 1,
available: "yes",
title: {
stage1: {
before: "1.1 Music Introduction",
after: "1.1 Music Introduction"
stage2: {
before: "1.2 ???",
after: "..."
stage3: {
before: "1.3 ???",
after: "..."
stage4: {
before: "1.4 ???",
after: "..."
info: "So this is where we place the ooooole info. How do you do? Great to breed you! Blablabla ET CE TE RA! So this is where we place the ooooole info."
uni: {
unlocked: "no",
current_stage: 1,
available: "yes",
title: {
stage1: {
before: "1.1 Uni Introduction",
after: "1.1 Uni Introduction"
stage2: {
before: "1.2 ???",
after: "..."
stage3: {
before: "1.3 ???",
after: "..."
stage4: {
before: "1.4 ???",
after: "..."
info: "So this is where we place the ooooole info. How do you do? Great to breed you! Blablabla ET CE TE RA! So this is where we place the ooooole info."
life: {
unlocked: "no",
current_stage: 1,
available: "yes",
title: {
stage1: {
before: "1.1 Life Introduction",
after: "1.1 Life Introduction"
stage2: {
before: "1.2 ???",
after: "1.2 Spice It Up"
stage3: {
before: "1.3 ???",
after: "1.3 Toys R Us"
stage4: {
before: "1.4 ???",
after: "1.4 ???"
info: "Work and Sports wouldn't be much use without, of course: life! Which today includes The Contest Theme Announcement. What are you waiting for? Click!"
<<set $sportschoice to "">>
/* Home */
<<set $current_slide to "slide_work">>
/* UI */
<<set $avatar_size to 100>>
<<set $avatar = {
size: 100,
present: "yes",
appear: "yes",
/* Category Buttons */
<<set $hat_btn to "images/UI/hat.png">>
<<set $overtop_btn to "images/UI/overtop.png">>
<<set $top_btn to "images/UI/top.png">>
<<set $bra_btn to "images/UI/bra.png">>
<<set $pants_btn to "images/UI/pants.png">>
<<set $panties_btn to "images/UI/panties.png">>
<<set $socks_btn to "images/UI/socks.png">>
<<set $shoes_btn to "images/UI/shoes.png">>
/* Clothes Color Values */
<<set $bracolor to "brown">>
<<set $pantscolor to "">>
<<set $currentclothes to "">>
<<set $clothescolor = {
bra: {
1: "#eba6af",
2: "no",
3: "no",
4: "81282d"
<<set $tophue to "hue0">>
<<set $category to "top">>
<<set $bodybase to "images/wardrobe/male_base.png">>
<<set $bodybase_d to "">>
/* Clothing Settings */
<<set $hat_carousel to 1>>
<<set $hats_total to 0>>
<<set $overtop_carousel to 1>>
<<set $overtop_total to 2>>
<<set $top_carousel to 1>>
<<set $top_total to 5>>
<<set $bra_carousel to 1>>
<<set $bra_total to 4>>
<<set $pants_carousel to 1>>
<<set $pants_total to 5>>
<<set $panties_carousel to 1>>
<<set $panties_total to 4>>
<<set $socks_carousel to 1>>
<<set $socks_total to 4>>
<<set $shoes_carousel to 1>>
<<set $shoes_total to 5>>
/* Makeup Settings */
<<set $hair = {
carousel: 1,
total: 5,
current: "images/wardrobe/empty.png",
hue: ""
<<set $eyes = {
carousel: 1,
total: 5,
current: "images/wardrobe/empty.png"
<<set $cheeks = {
carousel: 1,
total: 4,
current: "images/wardrobe/empty.png"
<<set $lips = {
carousel: 1,
total: 3,
current: "images/wardrobe/empty.png",
hue: ""
<<set $ears = {
carousel: 1,
total: 2,
current: "images/wardrobe/empty.png"
<<set $piercings = {
carousel: 1,
total: 1,
current: "images/wardrobe/empty.png"
<<set $neck = {
carousel: 1,
total: 1,
current: "images/wardrobe/empty.png"
/* Initial Clothing */
<<set $hat_index to 90>>
<<set $hat_current to "images/wardrobe/empty.png">>
<<set $overtop_index to 90>>
<<set $overtop_current to "images/wardrobe/empty.png">>
<<set $top_index to 80>>
<<set $top_current to "images/wardrobe/empty.png">>
<<set $bra_index to 40>>
<<set $bra_current to "images/wardrobe/empty.png">>
<<set $pants_index to 60>>
<<set $pants_current to "images/wardrobe/empty.png">>
<<set $panties_index to 40>>
<<set $panties_current to "images/wardrobe/empty.png">>
<<set $socks_index to 40>>
<<set $socks_current to "images/wardrobe/empty.png">>
<<set $shoes_index to 70>>
<<set $shoes_current to "images/wardrobe/empty.png">>
<<set $shoes to "#shoes_over">>
<<set $chapter to "prologue">>
<<set $time to 0>>
<<set $events to 1>>
<<set $credits to 5>>
<<set $work to 1>>
<<set $sports to 1>>
<<set $band to 1>>
<<set $uni to 1>>
<<set $social to 1>>
<<set $workstatus to "Work">>
<<set $sportsstatus to "Sports">>
<<set $bandstatus to "The Band">>
<<set $unistatus to "University">>
<<set $socialstatus to "Social">>
<<set $location to "loc_home">>
<<set $char1 to false>>
<<set $char2 to false>>
<<set $char3 to false>>
<<set $char4 to false>>
/* Main Character */
/* Body types:
1 = Niks laten doen
2 = Hormonen
3 = Plastic Surgery
4 = Combo 2 en 3
<<set $body to 2>>
<<set $name to "Joey">>
<<set $name_backup to "Joey">>
<<set $lastname to "Smith">>
<<set $lastname_backup to "Smith">>
/* Bodypart Names */
<<set $lefttit to "The Left One">>
<<set $lefttit_backup to $lefttit>>\
<<set $righttit to "The Right One">>
<<set $righttit_backup to $righttit>>\
<<set $penisname to "Master Skywalker">>
<<set $penisname_backup to $penisname>>\
/* Characters */
<<set $char = {
becky: {
name: "Barkeep Becky",
portrait: "images/characters/portrait/becky.png",
paperclip: "images/characters/paperclip/becky.png",
tip: ""
aaron: {
name: "Aaron",
splash: "images/characters/splash/aaron.png",
portrait: "images/characters/portrait/aaron.png",
relationship: 100,
dom: 0,
present: 0,
tip: "Ready to get your ass beaten, little bro?"
lisa: {
name: "Lisa",
splash: "images/characters/splash/lisa.png",
portrait: "images/characters/portrait/lisa.png",
relationship: 100,
dom: 10,
present: 0,
tip: "What's up, babe?",
paperclip: "images/characters/paperclip/lisa.png"
cherry: {
name: "Cherry Banx",
splash: "images/characters/splash/cherrybanx.png",
portrait: "images/characters/portrait/cherrybanx.png",
relationship: 0,
dom: 0,
present: 0,
tip: "Hiiii"
coach: {
name: "Coach Willard",
splash: "images/characters/splash/coach.png",
portrait: "images/characters/portrait/coach.png",
relationship: 0,
dom: 0,
present: 0,
tip: "Keep it up, kid.",
paperclip: "images/characters/paperclip/coach.png"
cody: {
name: "Cody",
splash: "images/characters/splash/cody.png",
portrait: "images/characters/portrait/cody.png",
paperclip: "images/characters/paperclip/cody.png",
relationship: 0,
dom: 0,
present: 0,
tip: "Sup?"
danny: {
name: "Danny",
splash: "images/characters/splash/danny.png",
portrait: "images/characters/portrait/danny.png",
relationship: 0,
dom: 0,
present: 0,
tip: "Rock on, bro."
hfh: {
name: "Head$hot",
splash: "images/characters/splash/headshot.png",
portrait: "images/characters/portrait/headshot.png",
relationship: 0,
dom: 0,
present: 0,
tip: "Don't forget to like and subscribe! HEADSHOT HIRED!!"
zola: {
name: "Zola Jackson",
splash: "images/characters/splash/jacksontwins.png",
portrait: "images/characters/portrait/zola.png",
relationship: 0,
dom: 0,
present: 0,
tip: "Like, hi?"
hopper: {
name: "Hopper Jackson",
splash: "images/characters/splash/jacksontwins.png",
portrait: "images/characters/portrait/hopper.png",
relationship: 0,
dom: 0,
present: 0,
tip: "Like, yeah?"
jessy: {
name: "Jessy",
splash: "images/characters/splash/jessy.png",
portrait: "images/characters/portrait/jessy.png",
relationship: 0,
dom: 0,
present: 0,
tip: "I look fabs, babes."
june: {
name: "June",
splash: "images/characters/splash/june.png",
portrait: "images/characters/portrait/june.png",
relationship: 0,
dom: 0,
present: 0,
tip: "Gimme an H! Gimme an E! Gimme a Y! What's that say? HEY HEY HEY!!"
tim: {
name: "Tim",
splash: "images/characters/splash/tim.png",
portrait: "images/characters/portrait/tim.png",
relationship: 0,
dom: 0,
present: 0,
tip: "Wut?"
boss: {
name: "Mr. Bossman",
splash: "images/characters/splash/boss.png",
portrait: "images/characters/portrait/boss.png",
relationship: 0,
dom: 0,
present: 0,
tip: "Mr. President is currently not available for insights. Please make an appointment.",
paperclip: "images/characters/paperclip/boss.png"
billbenson: {
name: "Bill Benson",
splash: "images/characters/splash/billbenson.png",
portrait: "images/characters/portrait/billbenson.png",
relationship: 0,
dom: 0,
present: 0,
tip: "Bill Benson here! From the Bra Company. A family business!"
doc: {
name: "Dr. Notta Laedi",
splash: "images/characters/splash/doc.png",
portrait: "images/characters/portrait/doc.png",
relationship: 0,
dom: 0,
present: 0,
tip: "Welcome to my shop! Err, office. Welcome to my office! I'm a doctor!"
lotty: {
name: "Lotty",
splash: "images/characters/splash/lotty.png",
portrait: "images/characters/portrait/lotty.png",
relationship: 0,
dom: 0,
present: 0,
tip: "I'm a lady!"
lips: {
name: "Professor Lipstick",
splash: "images/characters/splash/proflipstick.png",
portrait: "images/characters/portrait/proflipstick.png",
relationship: 0,
dom: 0,
present: 0,
tip: "It's all about women."
sam: {
name: "Sam the Soundguy",
splash: "images/characters/splash/sam.png",
portrait: "images/characters/portrait/sam.png",
relationship: 0,
dom: 0,
present: 0,
tip: "Rock and Roll, baby!"
accountant: {
name: "The Accountant",
splash: "images/characters/splash/theaccountant.png",
portrait: "images/characters/portrait/theaccountant.png",
relationship: 0,
dom: 0,
present: 0,
tip: "Yes?"
clippy: {
name: "Clippy",
splash: "images/characters/splash/clippy.png",
portrait: "images/characters/portrait/clippy.png",
tip: "Sup, bitch?"
cookie: {
name: "Cookie",
splash: "images/characters/splash/cookie.png",
portrait: "images/characters/portrait/cookie.png",
tip: "",
colleague1: {
name: "Doug",
portrait: "images/characters/portrait/colleague1.png",
paperclip: "images/characters/paperclip/colleague1.png"
colleague2: {
name: "Vanessa",
portrait: "images/characters/portrait/colleague2.png",
paperclip: "images/characters/paperclip/colleague2.png"
cheers: {
name: "Coach Heather",
portrait: "images/characters/portrait/cheers.png",
paperclip: "images/characters/paperclip/cheers.png",
splash: "images/characters/splash/cheers.png"
/* Sports Paths */
<<set $spath = {
one: {
jerk: "",
choice: ""
two: {
blank: "",
choice: ""
three: {
blank: "",
choice: ""
four: {
blank: "",
choice: ""
five: {
blank: "",
choice: ""
choice: 0,
cody: "",
tim: "",
june: "",
johnny: ""
<<set $jessy_flirt to "no">>
/* Game Characters */
<<character 'joe' '$name' 'images/ui/empty.png'>>
<<character 'joemale' '$name' 'images/characters/portrait/maleself.png'>>
<<character 'lisa' 'images/characters/portrait/lisa.png'>>
<<character 'jessy' '$' 'images/characters/portrait/jessy.png'>>
<<character 'doc' '$' 'images/characters/portrait/doc.png'>>
<<character 'coach' '$' 'images/characters/portrait/coach.png'>>
<<character 'cody' '$' 'images/characters/portrait/cody.png'>>
<<character 'sam' '$' 'images/characters/portrait/sam.png'>>
<<character 'lips' '$' 'images/characters/portrait/proflipstick.png'>>
<<character 'aaron' '$' 'images/characters/portrait/aaron.png'>>
<<character 'accountant' '$' 'images/characters/portrait/theaccountant.png'>>
<<character 'lotty' '$' 'images/characters/portrait/lotty.png'>>
<<character 'boss' '$' 'images/characters/portrait/boss.png'>>
<<character 'cookie' '$' 'images/characters/portrait/cookie.png'>>
<<character 'cookie_o' 'Cookie' 'images/characters/portrait/cookie_o.png'>>
<<character 'maria_o' 'Maria' 'images/characters/portrait/maria_o.png'>>
<<character 'headshot' '$' 'images/characters/portrait/headshot.png'>>
<<character 'headshot_o' 'Head$hot' 'images/characters/portrait/headshot_o.png'>>
<<character 'clippy' 'Clippy' 'images/characters/portrait/clippy.png'>>
<<character 'coll1' 'Doug' 'images/characters/portrait/billbenson.png'>>
<<character 'cheers' '$' 'images/characters/portrait/cheers.png'>>
<<character 'june' '$' 'images/characters/portrait/june.png'>>
<<character 'becky' '$' 'images/characters/portrait/becky.png'>>
<<character 'tim' '$' 'images/characters/portrait/tim.png'>>
<<character 'johnny' 'Johnny' 'images/characters/portrait/johnny.png'>>
<<character 'disa' 'Lisa' 'images/characters/portrait/domlisa.png'>>
/* Character Tips Dinges */
<<character 't-clippy' 'Clippy' 'images/characters/portrait/clippy.png'>>
<<character 't-joe' '$name' 'images/ui/empty.png'>>
<<character 't-lisa' 'Lisa' 'images/characters/portrait/lisa.png'>>
<<character 't-jessy' '$' 'images/characters/portrait/jessy.png'>>
<<character 't-doc' '$' 'images/characters/portrait/doc.png'>>
<<character 't-coach' '$' 'images/characters/portrait/coach.png'>>
<<character 't-cody' '$' 'images/characters/portrait/cody.png'>>
<<character 't-sam' '$' 'images/characters/portrait/sam.png'>>
<<character 't-lips' '$' 'images/characters/portrait/proflipstick.png'>>
<<character 't-aaron' '$' 'images/characters/portrait/aaron.png'>>
<<character 't-accountant' '$' 'images/characters/portrait/theaccountant.png'>>
<<character 't-lotty' '$' 'images/characters/portrait/lotty.png'>>
<<character 't-boss' '$' 'images/characters/portrait/boss.png'>>
<<character 't-cookie' '$' 'images/characters/portrait/cookie.png'>>
<<character 't-cookie_o' 'Cookie' 'images/characters/portrait/cookie_o.png'>>
<<character 't-maria_o' 'Maria' 'images/characters/portrait/maria_o.png'>>
<<character 't-headshot' '$' 'images/characters/portrait/headshot.png'>>
<<character 't-headshot_o' 'Head$hot' 'images/characters/portrait/headshot_o.png'>>
<<character 't-coll1' 'Doug' 'images/characters/portrait/billbenson.png'>>
<<character 't-cheers' '$' 'images/characters/portrait/cheers.png'>>
<<character 't-june' '$' 'images/characters/portrait/june.png'>>
<<character 't-becky' '$' 'images/characters/portrait/becky.png'>>
<<character 't-tim' '$' 'images/characters/portrait/tim.png'>>
/* Character Names */
/* Categories (Characters) */
/* Active */
<<character 'work' 'Work' 'images/ui/money.png'>>
<<character 'sports' 'Sports' 'images/ui/physique.png'>>
<<character 'band' 'Music' 'images/ui/performance.png'>>
<<character 'uni' 'University' 'images/ui/knowledge.png'>>
<<character 'social' 'Social' 'images/ui/social.png'>>
/* Locked */
<<character 'worklock' 'Work' 'images/ui/money.png'>>
<<character 'sportslock' 'Sports' 'images/ui/physique.png'>>
<<character 'bandlock' 'Music' 'images/ui/performance.png'>>
<<character 'unilock' 'University' 'images/ui/knowledge.png'>>
<<character 'sociallock' 'Social' 'images/ui/social.png'>>
/* Unlockable Stuff */
<<set $portrait_unlocked to "no">>
<<set $wardrobe_unlocked to "no">>
<<set $lisa to 1>>
<<set $doc to false>>
<<set $bb1 to false>>
<<set $bb2 to false>>
<<set $boss to false>>
<<set $work_text to "This text is about work, this is the first text." >>
<<set $sports_text to "This text is about sports, this is the first text." >>
<<set $band_text to "This text is about the band, this is the first text." >>
<<set $uni_text to "This text is about university, this is the first text." >>
<<set $social_text to "This text is about social, this is the first text." >>
<<set $worklock_text to "You've already done the work intro!" >>
<<set $sportslock_text to "This one is donezo. Check back next week!" >>
<<set $bandlock_text to "Already did this one, buddy. Why else you think that song is stuck in your head?" >>
<<set $unilock_text to "No homework for next week! Woo! Wait, we're the teacher?" >>
<<set $sociallock_text to "Finish all other activities to unlock this one.." >>
<<set $work_available to 1>>
<<set $sports_available to 1>>
<<set $band_available to 1>>
<<set $uni_available to 1>>
<<set $social_available to 0>>
<<set $home_text to "This is the base! From this screen you choose your activities for the week. Every activity can be done once each week, and in total you can do three activities. Because this is the intro, we'll have you check out every activity once before we really get going!">>
<<set $activity to "">>\
<<set $update_end to "no">>
/* Work Projects */
<<set $dd_afternoon = ["Shopping"]>>
<<set $dd_dinner = ["Standard Restaurant"]>>
<<set $dd_evening = ["Local Bar"]>>
<<set $wp_intro to "first">>
<<set $afternoonselection to "afternoon_shopping">>
<<set $dinnerselection to "dinner_standard">>
<<set $eveningselection to "evening_local">>
<<set $wp_gloryhole to "locked">>
<<set $askcolleagues to "available">>
<<set $present = {
total: 0,
one: {
image: "",
popup: "",
two: {
image: "",
popup: "",
three: {
image: "",
popup: "",
four: {
image: "",
popup: "",
five: {
image: "",
popup: "",
<<set $testjesz to "coach">>
<<set $status = {
location: "home",
activity: "none",
title: {
activity: "Chillin'",
location: "Home"
<<set $clippy to "Sup, bitch?">>
<<set $boss to "">>
<<set $mamamia_1_2a to 1>>
<<set $mamamia_1_2b to 1>>
<<set $mamamia_1_2c to 1>>
<<set $lazer_1_2a to 1>>
<<set $lazer_1_2b to 1>>
<<set $lazer_1_2c to 1>>
<<set $mamamia_lingerie to "no">>
<<set $notes = {
mamamia: {
horny: "yes",
jason: "yes",
buttplug: "no",
spa: "no",
golf: "no",
gloryhole: "no",
vibrator: "no",
club: "no"
<<set $workpc_research_current to "">>
<<set $theend to "yes">>
<<set $personality_unlocked to "no">>
<<set $week1sports to 0>>\
<<set $week1sportsexplanation to "no">>\
<<set $choosing_field to "choosing_overview">>
<<set $chatlog_active to "chatlog_mike">>
<<set $currentworkpcscreen to "workpc_planner">>
<<set $thegrime to "no">>\
/* mail */
<<set $open_mail to "mail_boss">>
/* chat */
<<set $chat = {
mike: 0,
diana: 0,
pashi: 0,
boss: 0,
<<set $chattymike to 0>>
<<set $gift = {
total: 7,
unlocked: {
one: "gift_buttplug",
two: "gift_diyldo",
three: "gift_booze",
four: "gift_cockring",
five: "gift_polaroid",
six: "gift_clothing",
seven: "gift_vibrator"
confirmed: "no",
choice: "",
bg: "url(images/work/niks.png)"
<<set $gift_buttplug = {
title: "Buttplug",
image: ""
<<set $special = {
total: 4,
unlocked: {
one: "special_weed",
two: "special_stranger",
three: "special_fan",
four: "special_chef",
five: ""
confirmed: "no",
choice: "",
bg: "url(images/work/niks.png)"
<<set $day_activity = {
total: 5,
unlocked: {
one: "day_spa",
two: "day_golf",
three: "day_sightseeing",
four: "day_museum",
five: "day_shopping"
confirmed: "no",
choice: "",
bg: "url(images/work/niks.png)"
<<set $night_activity = {
total: 3,
unlocked: {
one: "night_bar",
two: "night_clubbing",
three: "night_stripclub",
four: "",
five: ""
confirmed: "no",
choice: "",
bg: "url(images/work/niks.png)"
<<set $lingo = {
one: "f",
two: "l",
three: "a",
four: "s",
five: "h",
answer: "flash",
sexicon: "sports_p4_7a flash"
<<set $guess = {
one: "",
two: "",
three: "",
four: "",
five: ""
<<set $clippyguessy to "no">><h1>Status</h1>\
<div class="status_activity" @id="$status.activity">\
<img @src="'images/status/' + $status.location + '.png'">
Activity: ''$status.title.activity''
Location: ''$status.title.location''
Also here:
<div class="status_present">\
<<if $ >= 1>>\
<<link "<img class='paperclip' @src='$'>">>\
<<include $>>\
<<if $ gte 2>>\
<<link "<img class='paperclip' @src='$present.two.image'>">>\
<<popup $present.two.popup>>\
<<if $ gte 3>>\
<<link "<img class='paperclip' @src='$present.three.image'>">>\
<<popup $present.three.popup>>\
<<if $ gte 4>>\
<<link "<img class='paperclip' @src='$present.four.image'>">>\
<<popup $present.four.popup>>\
<<if $ gte 5>>\
<<link "<img class='paperclip' @src='$present.five.image'>">>\
<<popup $present.five.popup>>\
<<link "<img class='paperclip' src='images/characters/paperclip/clippy.png'>">>\
<<popup "clippy">>\
<<if $personality_unlocked is "yes">>Customize:<</if>>\
<<if $gallery_unlocked is "yes">><<link "<img class='paperclip' src='images/ui/gallery.png'>" "gallery">><</link>><</if>>\
<<if $personality_unlocked is "yes">><<link "<img class='paperclip' src='images/ui/personality.png'>" "personality">><</link>><</if>>\
<<if $wardrobe_unlocked is "yes" and $status.location is "home">><<link "<img class='paperclip' src='images/ui/wardrobe.png'>" "wardrobe">><</link>><</if>>\<div class="standard">\
<<joe>><<nobr>>Hi! It's me, $name $lastname. $lefttit and $righttit make up my
<<if $body is 1>>magnificent rack<</if>><<if $body is 2>>perky, all natural bosom<</if>><<if $body is 1>>imaginary but beautiful bust<</if>>,
and $penisname helps me tinkle.<</nobr>><</joe>>
<<nobr>>You can't change your personality, but you //can// change elements of the game to fit your experience.
You can change your name to something more feminine, for example, or you change your //'voice'//.
Changing your voice does not affect anything in the story, it's cosmetic.<</nobr>>
<div id="namechange">\
''<<link "Change Your Name">><<replace "#namechange">><<timed 10ms t8n>><<include "namechange">><</timed>><</replace>><</link>>''\
<div id="voicechange">\
''<<link "Change Your Voice">><<replace "#voicechange">><<include "voicechange">><</replace>><</link>>''\
<div id="bonuschange">\
''<<link "Change Other Stuff">><<replace "#bonuschange">><<include "bonuschange">><</replace>><</link>>''\
<<link "Return to game." `previous()`>><</link>>
</div>Change your 'Voice':
<span class="emma"><<button "Emma" `passage()`>><<include voicechange_emma>><</button>></span>\
<span class="raven"><<button "Raven" `passage()`>><<include voicechange_raven>><</button>></span>\
<span class="hera"><<button "Hera" `passage()`>><<include voicechange_hera>><</button>></span>\
<hr class="gradienthr"><<run State.setVar("$portrait_bg", "url(images/wardrobe/portrait/bgemma.png)")>>\
<<run State.setVar("$joe_p", "#fff0c7")>>\
<<run State.setVar("$joe_border", "#ffa600")>>\
<<run $(":root").css("--joe-border", "#ffa600")>>\
<<run $(":root").css("--joe-p", "#fff0c7")>>\
<<run $(":root").css("--bg", "url(images/wardrobe/portrait/bgemma.png)")>>\<<run State.setVar("$portrait_bg", "url(images/wardrobe/portrait/bgraven.png)")>>\
<<run State.setVar("$joe_border", "#ab0000")>>\
<<run State.setVar("$joe_p", "#ff7878")>>\
<<run $(":root").css("--joe-border", "#ab0000")>>\
<<run $(":root").css("--joe-p", "#ff7878")>>\
<<run $(":root").css("--bg", "url(images/wardrobe/portrait/bgraven.png)")>>\<<run State.setVar("$portrait_bg", "url(images/wardrobe/portrait/bghera.png)")>>\
<<run State.setVar("$joe_p", "#b38dff")>>\
<<run State.setVar("$joe_border", "#612ad0")>>\
<<run $(":root").css("--joe-p", "#b38dff")>>\
<<run $(":root").css("--joe-border", "#612ad0")>>\
<<run $(":root").css("--bg", "url(images/wardrobe/portrait/bghera.png)")>>\Change your First Name:
<<textbox "$namechange" "" autofocus>>
''<<link "Confirm" `passage()`>>
<<if $namechange isnot "">>\
<<set $name to $namechange>>\
<<set $name_backup to $namechange>>\
<hr class="gradienthr"><br>Change //'Other Stuff'//
Name your breasts:
<<textbox "$tittychange_l" "" autofocus>><<textbox "$tittychange_r" "">>
''<<link "Confirm" `passage()`>>
<<if $tittychange_l isnot "" and $tittychange_r isnot "">>\
<<set $lefttit to $tittychange_l>>\
<<set $lefttit_backup to $tittychange_l>>\
<<set $righttit to $tittychange_r>>\
<<set $righttit_backup to $tittychange_r>>\
<hr class="gradienthr">
Name your penis:
<<textbox "$penischange" "">>
''<<link "Confirm" `passage()`>>
<<if $penischange isnot "">>\
<<set $penisname to $penischange>>\
<<set $penisname_backup to $penischange>>\
<hr class="gradienthr"><div class="standard">\
<div class="container">\
<div class="carousel">\
<input type="radio" name="slides" checked="checked" id="slide-1">\
<input type="radio" name="slides" id="slide-2">\
<input type="radio" name="slides" id="slide-3">\
<input type="radio" name="slides" id="slide-4">\
<input type="radio" name="slides" id="slide-5">\
<input type="radio" name="slides" id="slide-6">\
<ul class="carousel__slides">\
<li class="carousel__slide">\
<img class="moneyshot" src="images/gallery/life_3_mc.png" alt="">\
''Paint:'' Cumbucket™
<span class="credit">''Canvas:'' $name</span>\
<li class="carousel__slide">\
<img class="moneyshot" src="images/gallery/event_1_lisa.png" alt="">\
''Paint:'' Yours? Memory's hazy..
<span class="credit">''Canvas:'' Lisa</span>\
<li class="carousel__slide">\
<img class="moneyshot" src="images/gallery/event_2_mc.png" alt="">\
''Paint:'' Some Guy
<span class="credit">''Canvas:'' $name</span>\
<li class="carousel__slide">\
<img class="moneyshot" src="images/gallery/sports_2_mc_car.png" alt="">\
''Paint:'' $name
<span class="credit">''Canvas:'' $name</span>\
<li class="carousel__slide">\
<img class="moneyshot" src="images/gallery/sports_2_mc_shower.png" alt="">\
''Paint:'' $name
<span class="credit">''Canvas:'' $name</span>\
<li class="carousel__slide">\
<img class="moneyshot" src="images/gallery/event_2_jessy.png" alt="">\
''Paint:'' $name
<span class="credit">''Canvas:'' Jessy</span>\
<ul class="carousel__thumbnails">\
<label for="slide-1"><img src="images/gallery/life_3_mc.png" alt=""></label>\
<label for="slide-2"><img src="images/gallery/event_1_lisa.png" alt=""></label>\
<label for="slide-3"><img src="images/gallery/event_2_mc.png" alt=""></label>\
<label for="slide-4"><img src="images/gallery/sports_2_mc_car.png" alt=""></label>\
<label for="slide-5"><img src="images/gallery/sports_2_mc_shower.png" alt=""></label>\
<label for="slide-6"><img src="images/gallery/event_2_jessy.png" alt=""></label>\
<<return "Return to Game">>
</div><<if $clippyguessy is "no">><<popup "clippy_guessy">><</if>>\
<div class="standard">\
<img class="lingo_intro" style="width:28em" src="images/ui/guessy.png">
<div class="guessy">
<<timed 0ms>><<if $ is "">><div class="firstletteranswer">?</div><<elseif $ is $>><div class="firstletteranswer rightanswer">$</div>
<<elseif $ isnot $ and ($ is $lingo.two) or ($ is $lingo.three) or ($ is $lingo.four) or ($ is $lingo.five)>><div class="firstletteranswer maybeanswer">$</div>
<<elseif $ isnot $>><div class="firstletteranswer wronganswer">$</div><</if>>\
<</timed>><<timed 100ms>><<if $guess.two is "">><div class="firstletteranswer">?</div><<elseif $guess.two is $lingo.two>><div class="secondletteranswer rightanswer">$guess.two</div>
<<elseif $guess.two isnot $lingo.two and ($guess.two is $ or ($guess.two is $lingo.three) or ($guess.two is $lingo.four) or ($guess.two is $lingo.five)>><div class="secondletteranswer maybeanswer">$guess.two</div>
<<elseif $guess.two isnot $lingo.two>><div class="secondletteranswer wronganswer">$guess.two</div><</if>>\
<</timed>><<timed 200ms>><<if $guess.three is "">><div class="firstletteranswer">?</div><<elseif $guess.three is $lingo.three>><div class="thirdletteranswer rightanswer">$guess.three</div>
<<elseif $guess.three isnot $lingo.three and ($guess.three is $ or ($guess.three is $lingo.two) or ($guess.three is $lingo.four) or ($guess.three is $lingo.five)>><div class="thirdletteranswer maybeanswer">$guess.three</div>
<<elseif $guess.three isnot $lingo.three>><div class="thirdletteranswer wronganswer">$guess.three</div><</if>>\
<</timed>><<timed 300ms>><<if $guess.four is "">><div class="firstletteranswer">?</div><<elseif $guess.four is $lingo.four>><div class="fourthletteranswer rightanswer">$guess.four</div>
<<elseif $guess.four isnot $lingo.four and ($guess.four is $lingo.two) or ($guess.four is $lingo.three) or ($guess.four is $ or ($guess.four is $lingo.five)>><div class="fourthletteranswer maybeanswer">$guess.four</div>
<<elseif $guess.four isnot $lingo.four>><div class="fourthletteranswer wronganswer">$guess.four</div><</if>>\
<</timed>><<timed 400ms>><<if $guess.five is "">><div class="firstletteranswer">?</div><<elseif $guess.five is $lingo.five>><div class="fifthletteranswer rightanswer">$guess.five</div>
<<elseif $guess.five isnot $lingo.five and ($guess.five is $lingo.two) or ($guess.five is $lingo.three) or ($guess.five is $lingo.four) or ($guess.five is $>><div class="fifthletteranswer maybeanswer">$guess.five</div>
<<elseif $guess.five isnot $lingo.five>><div class="fifthletteranswer wronganswer">$guess.five</div><</if>><</timed>>\
<hr class="gradienthr_small">
<<if $ isnot $ or $guess.two isnot $lingo.two or $guess.three isnot $lingo.three or $guess.four isnot $lingo.four or $guess.five isnot $lingo.five>>\
<div class="guessy">\
<div class="firstletter"><input type="text" id="textbox-lingofirst" class="macro-textbox" name="textbox-lingofirst" required minlength="1" maxlength="1" size="1"/></div>
<div class="secondletter"><input type="text" id="textbox-lingosecond" class="macro-textbox" name="textbox-lingosecond" required minlength="1" maxlength="1" size="1"/></div>
<div class="thirdletter"><input type="text" id="textbox-lingothird" class="macro-textbox" name="textbox-lingothird" required minlength="1" maxlength="1" size="1"/></div>
<div class="fourthletter"><input type="text" id="textbox-lingofourth" class="macro-textbox" name="textbox-lingofourth" required minlength="1" maxlength="1" size="1"/></div>
<div class="fifthletter"><input type="text" id="textbox-lingofifth" class="macro-textbox" name="textbox-lingofifth" required minlength="1" maxlength="1" size="1"/></div>
<hr class="gradienthr_small">
<<button "Guess!" `passage()`>>
<<run State.setVar("$", $("#textbox-lingofirst").val())>>\
<<run State.setVar("$guess.two", $("#textbox-lingosecond").val())>>\
<<run State.setVar("$guess.three", $("#textbox-lingothird").val())>>\
<<run State.setVar("$guess.four", $("#textbox-lingofourth").val())>>\
<<run State.setVar("$guess.five", $("#textbox-lingofifth").val())>>\
<<link "What am I supposed to do?">><<popup "whatisguessy">><</link>>
<<link "Actually, screw this. Just tell me." $lingo.sexicon>><</link>><</if>>\
<<if $ is $ and $guess.two is $lingo.two and $guess.three is $lingo.three and $guess.four is $lingo.four and $guess.five is $lingo.five>>\
<<timed 600ms t8n>><h1>Well Done!</h1>\
Learn about: <div class="lingocomplete"><<link "$lingo.answer" $lingo.sexicon>><</link>></div><</timed>><</if>>\
</div><<set $clippyguessy to "done">>\
<<t-clippy>><<nobr>>Hi boss! This is //Guessy!//, a silly little minigame where you can guess the word we're after. If you don't want to play, just press
the button at the bottom, no harm done. <</nobr>>
Because of logical reasons, you have to guess one word at a time. Good luck!<</t-clippy>><div class="poppy">//Welcome to //Guessy!//, the ever popular The Contest™ word guessing game!//
<<nobr>>It's simple: type a letter in each of the boxes and press 'Guess!', and we'll tell you which letters are in the right place,
which //are// in the word but not in the right place, and which //aren't// in the word at all. Good luck!<</nobr>>
<<link "Back to Guessy!">><<dialogclose>><</link>></div><<set $status to {
activity: "sports",
location: "thefield",
title: {
activity: "Sports",
location: "The Field"
}>>\<<set $status to {
activity: "sports",
location: "theclub",
title: {
activity: "Sports",
location: "The Locker Room"
}>>\<<set $status to {
activity: "work",
location: "theoffice",
title: {
activity: "Work",
location: "The Office"
}>>\<<if $location isnot "loc_wardrobe" and $location isnot "loc_bathroom" and $avatar.present is "yes">>\
<div class="avatar">\
<<if $avatar.appear is "yes">><<timed 10ms t8n>>\
<<include "avatar_wardrobe">>\
<<set $avatar.appear to "no">>\
<<include "avatar_wardrobe">>\
<<elseif $avatar.present isnot "yes" and $changingbody isnot "yes">><div class="avatar"></div>\
<<if $changingbody is "yes">><<include "changingbody">><</if>>\
<<if $workinprogress is "yes">><<include "workinprogress">><</if>>
<br><div class="standard">\
<h1>UI Scale</h1>\
<p style="font-size:140%"><<link "XL - 140%">>\
<<run State.setVar("$uiscale", "140")>>\
<<run $(":root").css("--ui-scale", "140%")>>\
<p style="font-size:120%"><<link "L - 120%">>\
<<run State.setVar("$uiscale", "120")>>\
<<run $(":root").css("--ui-scale", "120%")>>\
<p style="font-size:100%"><<link "M - 100%">>\
<<run State.setVar("$uiscale", "100")>>\
<<run $(":root").css("--ui-scale", "100%")>>\
<p style="font-size:90%"><<link "S - 90%">>\
<<run State.setVar("$uiscale", "90")>>\
<<run $(":root").css("--ui-scale", "90%")>>\
<p style="font-size:75%"><<link "XS - 75%">>\
<<run State.setVar("$uiscale", "75")>>\
<<run $(":root").css("--ui-scale", "75%")>>\
<<return "Return to Game">>
</div>\[[UI Scale]]<<link "Body 1">><<run State.setVar("$body", 1)>><</link>>
<<link "Body 2">><<run State.setVar("$body", 2)>><</link>>
<<link "Body 3">><<run State.setVar("$body", 3)>><</link>>
<<link "Body 4">><<run State.setVar("$body", 4)>><</link>>
[[Gogo|sports_2]]<div class="standard">
<<link "start" "guess">>
<<set $events to 2>>
<<set $body to 3>>
<<set $credits to 0>>
<<run $("#base").attr("src", $bodybase);>>\
<<include "skip_update">>\
<<include "body3">><<set $chapter to "whatever">>
<<set $time ++>>
<<set $ to 2>>\
<<set $story.sports.current_stage to 2>>\
<<set $ to 2>>\
<<link "Body 1" `passage()`>>
<<set $body to 1>>
<<run $("#base").attr("src", $bodybase);>>\
<<include "skip_update">>\
<<include "body1">><<set $chapter to "whatever">>
<<link "Body 2" `passage()`>>
<<set $body to 2>>
<<run $("#base").attr("src", $bodybase);>>\
<<include "skip_update">>\
<<include "body2">><<set $chapter to "whatever">>
<<link "Body 3" `passage()`>>
<<set $body to 3>>
<<run $("#base").attr("src", $bodybase);>>\
<<include "skip_update">>\
<<include "body3">><<set $chapter to "whatever">>
<<link "Spath 1" "sports_3">><<set $spath.choice to 1>><</link>>
<<link "Spath 2" "sports_3">><<set $spath.choice to 2>><</link>>
<<link "Spath 3" "sports_3">><<set $spath.choice to 3>><</link>>
<<link "Spath 4" "sports_3">><<set $spath.choice to 4>><</link>>
<<link "Spath 5" "sports_3">><<set $spath.choice to 5>><</link>>
<<textbox "$dev_destination" "">>
<<button "Set The Thing" `passage()`>><<set $dev_jump to $dev_destination>><</button>>
<<link "Go to: $dev_jump" $dev_jump>><</link>>\
<<button "Lazer" `passage()`>><<set $ to "lazer">><<set $ to "Lazer">><</button>>
<<button "Pump" `passage()`>><<set $ to "pump">><<set $ to "Pump">><</button>>
spath choice: $spath.choice
sports stage: $story.sports.current_stage
<<return "Return">>
</div><div class="gewoon">
<<if $wardrobe_unlocked is "yes">>[[Back|home]]
<<elseif $wardrobe_unlocked is "no" and $jessy_flirt is "no">>[[Back to the store|event_2_8a]]
<<elseif $wardrobe_unlocked is "no" and $jessy_flirt is "yes">>[[Back to the store|event_2_8b]]
</div><img class="brb" src="images/UI/brb.png">
<<if $location is "loc_wardrobe">><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><</if>>\<div class="sexicon" style="background-image: url(images/bos/flashing.png);">\
</div><div class="sexicon" style="background-image: url(images/bos/handjob.png);">\
</div><<set $ to "no">>\
<<set $credits to $credits - 1>>\
<<set $ += 1>>\<<set $story.sports.available to "no">>\
<<set $credits to $credits - 1>>\
<<set $story.sports.current_stage += 1>>\<<set $ to "no">>\
<<set $credits to $credits - 1>>\
<<set $ += 1>>\
<<set $ ++>>\/* Work */\
<<if $ gte 2>>\
<<set $ to "1.2 A new client">>\
<<set $ to "1.2 A new client">><</if>>\
<<if $ gte 3>>\
<<set $ to "1.3 Planning a visit">>\
<<set $ to "1.3 Planning a visit">>\
<<if $ is "pump" and $ is 3>>\
<<set $ to "PUMP's very own Maria Chub is your new client! You had a great chat. Next up: planning a whole day to spend with her!">>\
<<if $ is "mamamia" and $ is 3>>\
<<set $ to "Mama Mia, what a woman! Cookie and you had a great chat. It was.. insightful. Next up: planning a whole day to spend with her!">>\
<<if $ is "lazer" and $ is 3>>\
<<set $ to "Lazer's Head$hot, or fucking //Larry//, is your new client. What a dick! Next up: planning a whole - that's right - //a whole day// to spend with him.">>\
/* Sports */\
<<if $story.sports.current_stage gte 2>>\
<<set $story.sports.title.stage2.before to "1.2 Choices, choices">>\
<<set $story.sports.title.stage2.after to "1.2 Choices, choices">><</if>>\
<<if $story.sports.current_stage gte 3 and $spath.choice is 1>>\
<<set $story.sports.title.stage3.before to "1.3 Help a brother out">>\
<<set $story.sports.title.stage3.after to "1.3 Help a brother out">>\
<<if $story.sports.current_stage gte 3 and $spath.choice is 2>>\
<<set $story.sports.title.stage3.before to "1.3 Cheers!">>\
<<set $story.sports.title.stage3.after to "1.3 Cheers!">>\
<<if $story.sports.current_stage gte 3 and $spath.choice is 3>>\
<<set $story.sports.title.stage3.before to "1.3 Need you on my team">>\
<<set $story.sports.title.stage3.after to "1.3 Need you on my team">>\
<<if $story.sports.current_stage gte 3 and $spath.choice is 4>>\
<<set $story.sports.title.stage3.before to "1.3 Don't get distracted..">>\
<<set $story.sports.title.stage3.after to "1.3 Don't get distracted..">>\
/* Life */\
<<if $ gte 2>>\
<<set $ to "1.2 Spice It Up">><</if>>\
<<if $ gte 3>>\
<<set $ to "1.3 Toys Я Us">><</if>>\<div id="avatar_wardrobe">\
<<if $panties_current is "images/wardrobe/empty.png">>\
<img id="base" @src="$bodybase_d">\
<img id="base" @src="$bodybase">\
<<if $chapter is "prologue">>\
<img id="base" src="images/wardrobe/male_base.png">\
<img @class="$hathue" id="hat" @src="$hat_current">\
<img @class="$overtophue" id="overtop" @src="$overtop_current">\
<img @class="$tophue" id="top" @src="$top_current">\
<img @class="$brahue" id="bra" @src="$bra_current">\
<img @class="$pantshue" id="pants" @src="$pants_current">\
<img @class="$pantieshue" id="panties" @src="$panties_current">\
<img @class="$sockshue" id="socks" @src="$socks_current">\
<img @class="$shoeshue" id="shoes" @src="$shoes_current">\
<div id="avatar_makeup">\
<img @class="$hair.hue" id="hair" @src="$hair.current">\
<img id="eyes" @src="$eyes.current">\
<img id="cheeks" @src="$cheeks.current">\
<img @class="$lips.hue" id="lips" @src="$lips.current">\
<img id="ears" @src="$ears.current">\
<img id="piercings" @src="$piercings.current">\
<img id="neck" @src="$neck.current">\
</div>\<<set $workinprogress to "yes">>\
<<set $category to "top">>\
<<set $location to "loc_wardrobe">>\
<div class="ward-container">\
<div class="preview-area">\
<img id="backdrop" src="images/locations/wardrobe.png">\
<<include "fullmakeup">>\
<<include "dressing_top">>\
<div class="button-area">\
<div class="btn2"><img class="ward_button" id="overtop_button" src="images/ui/empty.png">\
<<link "<img src='images/ui/overtop.png'>">>\
<<if $category isnot "overtop">>\
<<run $(".ward_button").attr("src", "images/ui/empty.png");>>\
<<run $("#overtop_button").attr("src", "images/ui/active.svg");>>\
<<set $category to "overtop">>\
<<replace ".body-image">>\
<<include "dressing_overtop">>\
<div class="btn3"><img class="ward_button" id="top_button" src="images/ui/active.svg">\
<<link "<img src='images/ui/top.png'>">>\
<<if $category isnot "top">>\
<<run $(".ward_button").attr("src", "images/ui/empty.png");>>\
<<run $("#top_button").attr("src", "images/ui/active.svg");>>\
<<set $category to "top">>\
<<replace ".body-image">>\
<<include "dressing_top">>\
<div class="btn4"><img class="ward_button" id="bra_button" src="images/ui/empty.png">\
<<link "<img src='images/ui/bra.png'>">>\
<<if $category isnot "bra">>\
<<run $(".ward_button").attr("src", "images/ui/empty.png");>>\
<<run $("#bra_button").attr("src", "images/ui/active.svg");>>\
<<set $category to "bra">>\
<<replace ".body-image">>\
<<include "dressing_bra">>\
<div class="btn5"><img class="ward_button" id="pants_button" src="images/ui/empty.png">\
<<link "<img src='images/ui/pants.png'>">>\
<<if $category isnot "pants">>\
<<run $(".ward_button").attr("src", "images/ui/empty.png");>>\
<<run $("#pants_button").attr("src", "images/ui/active.svg");>>\
<<set $category to "pants">>\
<<replace ".body-image">>\
<<include "dressing_pants">>\
<div class="btn6"><img class="ward_button" id="panties_button" src="images/ui/empty.png">\
<<link "<img src='images/ui/panties.png'>">>\
<<if $category isnot "panties">>\
<<run $(".ward_button").attr("src", "images/ui/empty.png");>>\
<<run $("#panties_button").attr("src", "images/ui/active.svg");>>\
<<set $category to "panties">>\
<<replace ".body-image">>\
<<include "dressing_panties">>\
<div class="btn7"><img class="ward_button" id="socks_button" src="images/ui/empty.png">\
<<link "<img src='images/ui/socks.png'>">>\
<<if $category isnot "socks">>\
<<run $(".ward_button").attr("src", "images/ui/empty.png");>>\
<<run $("#socks_button").attr("src", "images/ui/active.svg");>>\
<<set $category to "socks">>\
<<replace ".body-image">>\
<<include "dressing_socks">>\
<div class="btn8"><img class="ward_button" id="shoes_button" src="images/ui/empty.png">\
<<link "<img src='images/ui/shoes.png'>">>\
<<if $category isnot "shoes">>\
<<run $(".ward_button").attr("src", "images/ui/empty.png");>>\
<<run $("#shoes_button").attr("src", "images/ui/active.svg");>>\
<<set $category to "shoes">>\
<<replace ".body-image">>\
<<include "dressing_shoes">>\
<div class="nothing"></div>\
<div class="nothing"></div>\
<div class="nothing"></div>\
<div class="nothing"></div>\
<div class="standard">
<<if $wardrobe_unlocked isnot "yes">>
<<link "You try on a bunch of items, taking pictures as instructed." "event_2_5">>\
<<set $location to "closhit">>\
<<set $avatar.present to "yes">>\
<<set $workinprogress to "no">>\
<<elseif $update_end is "yes">>\
End of update.
<<link "Confirm and back" "home">>\
<<set $location to "loc_home">>\
<<set $avatar.appear to "yes">>\
<<set $workinprogress to "no">>\
<<set $>>
</div><<if $panties_current is "images/wardrobe/empty.png">>\
<img id="base" @src="$bodybase_d">\
<img id="base" @src="$bodybase">\
<<run $("#base").attr("src", $bodybase)>>\
<<if $chapter is "prologue">>\
<img id="base" src="images/wardrobe/male_base.png">\
<img @class="$hathue" id="hat" @src="$hat_current">\
<img @class="$overtophue" id="overtop" @src="$overtop_current">\
<img @class="$tophue" id="top" @src="$top_current">\
<img @class="$brahue" id="bra" @src="$bra_current">\
<img @class="$pantshue" id="pants" @src="$pants_current">\
<img @class="$pantieshue" id="panties" @src="$panties_current">\
<img @class="$sockshue" id="socks" @src="$socks_current">\
<img @class="$shoeshue" id="shoes" @src="$shoes_current">\<div class="body-image">\
<<include "wardrobe_total">>\
<<link "<img id='rightarrow' src='images/ui/arrow_r.svg'>">>\
<<if $hat_carousel lt $hat_total>>\
<<set $hat_carousel++>>\
<<set $hat_carousel to 1>>\
<<run State.setVar("$hat_current", "images/wardrobe/" + $body + "_" + $category + "_" + $hat_carousel + ".png")>>\
<<run $("#hat").attr("src", "images/wardrobe/" + $body + "_" + $category + "_" + $hat_carousel+".png");>>\
<<link "<img id='leftarrow' src='images/ui/arrow_l.svg'>">>\
<<set $hat_carousel-->>\
<<if $hat_carousel is 0>>\
<<set $hat_carousel to $hat_total>>\
<<run State.setVar("$hat_current", "images/wardrobe/" + $body + "_" + $category + "_" + $hat_carousel + ".png")>>\
<<run $("#hat").attr("src", "images/wardrobe/" + $body + "_" + $category + "_" + $hat_carousel+".png");>>\
<<link "<img id='cancel' src='images/ui/cancel.svg'>">>\
<<run State.setVar("$hat_current", "images/wardrobe/empty.png")>>\
<<run $("#hat").attr("src", "images/wardrobe/empty.png");>>\
</div>\<div class="body-image">\
<<include "wardrobe_total">>\
<<link "<img id='rightarrow' src='images/ui/arrow_r.svg'>">>\
<<if $overtop_carousel lt $overtop_total>>\
<<set $overtop_carousel++>>\
<<set $overtop_carousel to 1>>\
<<run State.setVar("$overtop_current", "images/wardrobe/" + $body + "_" + $category + "_" + $overtop_carousel + ".png")>>\
<<run $("#overtop").attr("src", "images/wardrobe/" + $body + "_" + $category + "_" + $overtop_carousel+".png");>>\
<<link "<img id='leftarrow' src='images/ui/arrow_l.svg'>">>\
<<set $overtop_carousel-->>\
<<if $overtop_carousel is 0>>\
<<set $overtop_carousel to $overtop_total>>\
<<run State.setVar("$overtop_current", "images/wardrobe/" + $body + "_" + $category + "_" + $overtop_carousel + ".png")>>\
<<run $("#overtop").attr("src", "images/wardrobe/" + $body + "_" + $category + "_" + $overtop_carousel+".png");>>\
<<link "<img id='cancel' src='images/ui/cancel.svg'>">>\
<<run State.setVar("$overtop_current", "images/wardrobe/empty.png")>>\
<<run $("#overtop").attr("src", "images/wardrobe/empty.png");>>\
</div>\<div class="body-image">\
<<include "wardrobe_total">>\
<<link "<img id='rightarrow' src='images/ui/arrow_r.svg'>">>\
<<if $top_carousel lt $top_total>>\
<<set $top_carousel++>>\
<<set $top_carousel to 1>>\
<<run State.setVar("$top_current", "images/wardrobe/" + $body + "_" + $category + "_" + $top_carousel + ".png")>>\
<<run $("#top").attr("src", "images/wardrobe/" + $body + "_" + $category + "_" + $top_carousel+".png");>>\
<<link "<img id='leftarrow' src='images/ui/arrow_l.svg'>">>\
<<set $top_carousel-->>\
<<if $top_carousel is 0>>\
<<set $top_carousel to $top_total>>\
<<run State.setVar("$top_current", "images/wardrobe/" + $body + "_" + $category + "_" + $top_carousel + ".png")>>\
<<run $("#top").attr("src", "images/wardrobe/" + $body + "_" + $category + "_" + $top_carousel+".png");>>\
<<link "<img id='cancel' src='images/ui/cancel.svg'>">>\
<<run State.setVar("$top_current", "images/wardrobe/empty.png")>>\
<<run $("#top").attr("src", "images/wardrobe/empty.png");>>\
</div>\<div class="body-image">\
<<include "wardrobe_total">>\
<<link "<img id='rightarrow' src='images/ui/arrow_r.svg'>">>\
<<if $bra_carousel lt $bra_total>>\
<<set $bra_carousel++>>\
<<set $bra_carousel to 1>>\
<<run State.setVar("$bra_current", "images/wardrobe/" + $body + "_" + $category + "_" + $bra_carousel + ".png")>>\
<<run $("#bra").attr("src", "images/wardrobe/" + $body + "_" + $category + "_" + $bra_carousel+".png");>>\
<<link "<img id='leftarrow' src='images/ui/arrow_l.svg'>">>\
<<set $bra_carousel-->>\
<<if $bra_carousel is 0>>\
<<set $bra_carousel to $bra_total>>\
<<run State.setVar("$bra_current", "images/wardrobe/" + $body + "_" + $category + "_" + $bra_carousel + ".png")>>\
<<run $("#bra").attr("src", "images/wardrobe/" + $body + "_" + $category + "_" + $bra_carousel+".png");>>\
<<link "<img id='cancel' src='images/ui/cancel.svg'>">>\
<<run State.setVar("$bra_current", "images/wardrobe/empty.png")>>\
<<run $("#bra").attr("src", "images/wardrobe/empty.png");>>\
</div>\<div class="body-image">\
<<include "wardrobe_total">>\
<<link "<img id='rightarrow' src='images/ui/arrow_r.svg'>">>\
<<if $pants_carousel lt $pants_total>>\
<<set $pants_carousel++>>\
<<set $pants_carousel to 1>>\
<<if ($pants_carousel is 3) and ($shoes_current is "images/wardrobe/shoes_4.png")>>\
<<run State.setVar("$pants_current", "images/wardrobe/" + $body + "_" + $category + "_" + $pants_carousel + "b" + ".png")>>\
<<run $("#pants").attr("src", "images/wardrobe/" + $body + "_" + $category + "_" + $pants_carousel + "b" + ".png");>>\
<<run State.setVar("$pants_current", "images/wardrobe/" + $body + "_" + $category + "_" + $pants_carousel + ".png")>>\
<<run $("#pants").attr("src", "images/wardrobe/" + $body + "_" + $category + "_" + $pants_carousel+".png");>>\
<<run State.setVar("$pantscolor", "images/ui/colors/" + $category + "_" + $pants_carousel + ".png")>>\
<<run $("#colorbtn1, #colorbtn2, #colorbtn3, #colorbtn4, #colorbtn5, #colorbtn6, #colorbtn7, #colorbtn8").attr("src", $pantscolor)>>\
<<link "<img id='leftarrow' src='images/ui/arrow_l.svg'>">>\
<<set $pants_carousel-->>\
<<if $pants_carousel is 0>>\
<<set $pants_carousel to $pants_total>>\
<<if ($pants_carousel is 3) and ($shoes_current is "images/wardrobe/shoes_4.png")>>\
<<run State.setVar("$pants_current", "images/wardrobe/" + $body + "_" + $category + "_" + $pants_carousel + "b" + ".png")>>\
<<run $("#pants").attr("src", "images/wardrobe/" + $body + "_" + $category + "_" + $pants_carousel + "b" + ".png");>>\
<<run State.setVar("$pants_current", "images/wardrobe/" + $body + "_" + $category + "_" + $pants_carousel + ".png")>>\
<<run $("#pants").attr("src", "images/wardrobe/" + $body + "_" + $category + "_" + $pants_carousel+".png");>>\
<<link "<img id='cancel' src='images/ui/cancel.svg'>">>\
<<run State.setVar("$pants_current", "images/wardrobe/empty.png")>>\
<<run $("#pants").attr("src", "images/wardrobe/empty.png");>>\
</div>\<div class="body-image">\
<<include "wardrobe_total">>\
<<link "<img id='rightarrow' src='images/ui/arrow_r.svg'>">>\
<<run $("#base").attr("src", $bodybase)>>\
<<if $panties_carousel lt $panties_total>>\
<<set $panties_carousel++>>\
<<set $panties_carousel to 1>>\
<<run State.setVar("$panties_current", "images/wardrobe/" + $body + "_" + $category + "_" + $panties_carousel + ".png")>>\
<<run $("#panties").attr("src", "images/wardrobe/" + $body + "_" + $category + "_" + $panties_carousel+".png");>>\
<<link "<img id='leftarrow' src='images/ui/arrow_l.svg'>">>\
<<run $("#base").attr("src", $bodybase)>>\
<<set $panties_carousel-->>\
<<if $panties_carousel is 0>>\
<<set $panties_carousel to $panties_total>>\
<<run State.setVar("$panties_current", "images/wardrobe/" + $body + "_" + $category + "_" + $panties_carousel + ".png")>>\
<<run $("#panties").attr("src", "images/wardrobe/" + $body + "_" + $category + "_" + $panties_carousel+".png");>>\
<<link "<img id='cancel' src='images/ui/cancel.svg'>">>\
<<run State.setVar("$panties_current", "images/wardrobe/empty.png")>>\
<<run $("#panties").attr("src", "images/wardrobe/empty.png");>>\
<<run $("#base").attr("src", $bodybase_d)>>
</div>\<div class="body-image">\
<<include "wardrobe_total">>\
<<link "<img id='rightarrow' src='images/ui/arrow_r.svg'>">>\
<<if $socks_carousel lt $socks_total>>\
<<set $socks_carousel++>>\
<<set $socks_carousel to 1>>\
<<run State.setVar("$socks_current", "images/wardrobe/" + $body + "_" + $category + "_" + $socks_carousel + ".png")>>\
<<run $("#socks").attr("src", "images/wardrobe/" + $body + "_" + $category + "_" + $socks_carousel+".png");>>\
<<link "<img id='leftarrow' src='images/ui/arrow_l.svg'>">>\
<<set $socks_carousel-->>\
<<if $socks_carousel is 0>>\
<<set $socks_carousel to $socks_total>>\
<<run State.setVar("$socks_current", "images/wardrobe/" + $body + "_" + $category + "_" + $socks_carousel + ".png")>>\
<<run $("#socks").attr("src", "images/wardrobe/" + $body + "_" + $category + "_" + $socks_carousel+".png");>>\
<<link "<img id='cancel' src='images/ui/cancel.svg'>">>\
<<run State.setVar("$socks_current", "images/wardrobe/empty.png")>>\
<<run $("#socks").attr("src", "images/wardrobe/empty.png");>>\
</div>\<div class="body-image">\
<<include "wardrobe_total">>\
<<link "<img id='rightarrow' src='images/ui/arrow_r.svg'>">>\
<<if $shoes_carousel lt $shoes_total>>\
<<set $shoes_carousel++>>\
<<set $shoes_carousel to 1>>\
<<if ($pants_carousel is 3) and ($shoes_carousel is 4)>>\
<<run State.setVar("$pants_current", "images/wardrobe/" + $body + "_pants_" + $pants_carousel + "b" + ".png")>>\
<<run $("#pants").attr("src", "images/wardrobe/" + $body + "_pants_" + $pants_carousel + "b" + ".png");>>\
<<elseif ($pants_carousel is 3) and ($shoes_carousel isnot 4)>>\
<<run State.setVar("$pants_current", "images/wardrobe/" + $body + "_pants_" + $pants_carousel + ".png")>>\
<<run $("#pants").attr("src", "images/wardrobe/" + $body + "_pants_" + $pants_carousel + ".png");>>\
<<run State.setVar("$shoes_current", "images/wardrobe/" + $category + "_" + $shoes_carousel + ".png")>>\
<<run $("#shoes").attr("src", "images/wardrobe/" + $category + "_" + $shoes_carousel+".png");>>\
<<link "<img id='leftarrow' src='images/ui/arrow_l.svg'>">>\
<<set $shoes_carousel-->>\
<<if $shoes_carousel is 0>>\
<<set $shoes_carousel to $shoes_total>>\
<<if ($pants_carousel is 3) and ($shoes_carousel is 4)>>\
<<run State.setVar("$pants_current", "images/wardrobe/" + $body + "_pants_" + $pants_carousel + "b" + ".png")>>\
<<run $("#pants").attr("src", "images/wardrobe/" + $body + "_pants_" + $pants_carousel + "b" + ".png");>>\
<<elseif ($pants_carousel is 3) and ($shoes_carousel isnot 4)>>\
<<run State.setVar("$pants_current", "images/wardrobe/" + $body + "_pants_" + $pants_carousel + ".png")>>\
<<run $("#pants").attr("src", "images/wardrobe/" + $body + "_pants_" + $pants_carousel + ".png");>>\
<<run State.setVar("$shoes_current", "images/wardrobe/" + $category + "_" + $shoes_carousel + ".png")>>\
<<run $("#shoes").attr("src", "images/wardrobe/" + $category + "_" + $shoes_carousel+".png");>>\
<<link "<img id='cancel' src='images/ui/cancel.svg'>">>\
<<run State.setVar("$shoes_current", "images/wardrobe/empty.png")>>\
<<run $("#shoes").attr("src", "images/wardrobe/empty.png");>>\
</div>\<<set $status to {
location: "home",
activity: "event",
title: {
location: "At Home",
activity: "Dieing"
}>>\<<include "event_1_setup">>\
<div class="standard fade-in">\
<<timed 0.5s t8n>><p style="font-size:100%">Babe!</p><</timed>>\
<<timed 1s t8n>><p style="font-size:250%;margin-top:0.3em">BABE!!</p><</timed>>\
<<timed 1.5s t8n>><p class="vibrate" style="font-size:500%;margin-top:-0.5em">[[BAAAABEEEE!!!|event_1_1]]</p><</timed>>\
</div><div class="standard" id="event">\
<div id="choice1"><img class="storygif" id="event" src="images/events/1/wake1.gif"></div>
<<timed 0.84s>><<replace "#choice1">><img class="storygif" id="event" src="images/events/1/wake2.gif"><</replace>><</timed>>\
<<nobr>>The sound moves through your skull like a wrecking ball through.. ehm.. anything, really. [[What the fuck is going on?|event_1_1b]]<</nobr>>
</div>\<<run State.setVar("$", $char.lisa.paperclip)>>\
<<run State.setVar("$", "lisa_popup")>>\
<<run State.setVar("$char.lisa.tip", "Goooood morning!! I mean oof, ouch, my head, such hurt.. Toootal hangover, hm-hm.")>>\
<<run State.setVar("$", 0)>>\<<include "event_1_1b_setup">>\
<div class="standard">\
<<lisa>>Ah, good you're up! Listen, I got you an appointment with Doctor Laedi, a specialist in male to female transformation.<</lisa>>
<<lisa>>I know it's early, but I know how serious you take these things, so I figured it best to get a headstart on things.<</lisa>>
<<linkreplace "What?!" t8n>>\
<<joemale>><<nobr>>What on earth are you talking about, woman? Why aren't you hurting? Did you give me //your// hangover somehow? cause
this definitely feels like a double..<</nobr>><</joemale>>
<<nobr>>Lisa has some sort of metabolism that prevents proper hangovers, annoying everyone around her by not being
a broken piece of garbage. And then to make things worse, she'll do that thing where she'll //say// she feels terrible. Like someone getting an A
while acting like they didn't study.<</nobr>>
<<lisa>>Just get dressed, babe! You'll see when we get there.<</lisa>>
[[Fine. You get dressed and go with Lisa.|event_1_2]]<</linkreplace>>
</div><<set $status to {
location: "clinic",
activity: "event",
title: {
location: "Dr. Laedi's Clinic",
activity: "Taking It In"
<<run State.setVar("$char.lisa.tip", "Holy shit, look at this place!")>>\<img id="banner" src="images/locations/banner/docsoffice.png">\
<img id="small_bradius" src="images/ui/docsoffice.svg">\
<br><<include "event_1_2_setup">>\
<<set $location to "docsoffice">>\
<div class="standard" id="event">\
<<include "docsoffice banner">>\
<<nobr>>The clinic of //Dr.Laedi// is huge! And it has a futuristic kinda vibe to it. You know technology has been moving fast,
but it's so fast and everywhere that it's hard to keep track of where it's actually at. Turns out, it's here.<</nobr>>
<div id="choice1">\
<<link "Lisa looks at you, beaming">>\
<<replace "#choice1">>\
<<timed 10ms t8n>>\
<<lisa>>Boom! How awesome is this? The clinic of the one and only: Dr. Notta Laedi, //the// specialist in gender transformations.<</lisa>>
<<lisa>>Apparently he's got some state of the art, super duper fast treatment options! And there's a beauty salon //in this very building!!//<</lisa>>
<div id="choice2">\
Lisa's enthusiasm is the best.
<<link "How did she even know to book this guy?">>\
<<replace "#choice2">>\
<<timed 10ms t8n>>\
<<joemale>>Wait, how did you get an appointment here so quickly? I wasn't even awake!<</joemale>>
<<lisa>>Weeell.. Ok look, a couple months back they interviewed me for possible themes and challenges, and I just kinda.. had a hunch!<</lisa>>
<<joemale>>..and then you decided not to tell me?<</joemale>>
<<lisa>>Haha right, and have you disqualified for cheating? Yes, I decided not to tell you, I took a shot. Thank me later, let's go meet the doc!<</lisa>>
[[Meet the Doc|event_1_3]]
</div><div class="standard">\
<img id="banner" @src="$char.doc.splash">
<h3>Doctor Notta Laedi</h3>\
On the way to the clinic, you looked up Dr. Notta Laedi. Some facts:
From a young age, Notta was considered to be nothing short of genius and one of his generations most promising minds.
<<nobr>>His interest in body transformation originated when his highschool sweetheart - Jeff Nittly - came out as trans.
Realising how unhappy his partner was in his body, Laedi focused all his brilliance on developing transformation methods.<</nobr>>
Jeff - now Deff - and Laedi got married at their //'2007 Deff Nittly - Notta Laedi Wedding'//.
//<<link "Ah, you must be $name!" "event_1_4">><</link>>//\
</div>\<div class="standard">\
<<doc>><<nobr>>Welcome to my clinic! Me and my sister run this place and are very, very happy to help you out.
So, Lisa told me a little bit, but why don't you tell me about your needs?<</nobr>><</doc>>
<div id="choice3">\
<<link "Enthusiastic: tell him you're here to become a woman!">><<replace "#choice3">><<timed 10ms t8n>>\
<<joemale>>I want to experience the world as a woman, doc! And I need you to make me one!<</joemale>>
<<doc>>Ah, how wonderful! And with such enthusiasm!<</doc>>
<<joemale>>Well, I'm excited! I've never felt trapped in my body, but I //have// wondered what it'd be like, and I think it'd be awesome!<</joemale>>
<<doc>>Fantastic! We'll start right away. Just one thing, though: we can make you look like a woman, even make you feel like one. But..<</doc>>
<<link "Neutral: tell him you're here to become more like a woman.">><<replace "#choice3">><<timed 10ms t8n>>\
<<joemale>>I need to experience what it is to be a woman. For.. oh, say, half a year? So we're here to see what you can do for us.<</joemale>>
<<doc>>Alright! And just to get an idea.. could you rate your enthusiasm for transforming yourself? One to ten?<</doc>>
<<linkappend "You think for a bit." t8n>>
<<nobr>><<joemale>>A seven? I've not always dreamed of being a woman or anything, but I don't dislike the idea either.
If you'd have told me this morning I'm going to jump out of a plane with a parachute, I'd be scared, sure.
But I'd also be excited. It's like that.<</joemale>><</nobr>>
<<doc>><<nobr>>Understood! Well, all our treatments are reversible, though not for about half a year after. But I guess that fits your schedule!
So, what kind of a body did you have in mind?<</nobr>><</doc>>
[[He hands you a pad.|event_1_5a]]<</linkappend>>
<<link "Reluctant: tell him you //have// to become woman-//ish.//">><<replace "#choice3">><<timed 10ms t8n>>\
<<joemale>>Ok, well, there's this contest.. and I have to appear to be a woman, so //I guess// that's why we're here..<</joemale>>
<<doc>>You guess?<</doc>>
He frowns. Not in a //'Get out of my clinic!'// kind of way, though. It's more of a //'Well, that's new!'// frown. <<linkappend "You explain." t8n>>
<<joemale>>I mean look, doc, I'll be frank. Yesterday, I didn't wake up and think: //'let's be a woman!'//..<</joemale>>
[[He nods.|event_1_4c]]<</linkappend>>
</div><div class="standard">\
<<joemale>>But? You stopped mid-sentence, doc.<</joemale>>
<<doc>>..we're not going to change you entirely. You'll keep your genitals. For a full-on transformation you need at least 6 months time to, well, think.<</doc>>
<<doc>><<nobr>>One other important thing to know: all our treatments are reversible, though not for about half a year after. But I guess that fits your schedule! So,
What kind of a body did you have in mind?<</nobr>><</doc>>
[[He hands you a pad.|event_1_5a]]
</div>\<div class="standard">\
<<doc>><<nobr>>Hmhm. Well, that's ok. Let me be clear: I don't think transformations like this should be taken lightly. At the same time, though,
it's your body and your experience. Also: all our treatments are reversible, though not for about half a year after. But I guess that fits your schedule!
So, have you thought about what kind of body you want?<</nobr>><</doc>>
Well, <<linkappend "here's a question you never thought you'd ask anyone." t8n>>
<<joemale>>Ehm. What kind of bodies do you have?<</joemale>>
<<doc>>Take a look!<</doc>>
[[He hands you a pad.|event_1_5a]]<</linkappend>>
</div>\<<set $status to {
location: "clinic",
activity: "event",
title: {
location: "Dr. Laedi's Clinic",
activity: "Choosing"
<<run State.setVar("$present.two.image", "images/characters/paperclip/doc.png")>>\
<<run State.setVar("$present.two.popup", "doc_popup")>>\
<<run State.setVar("$char.lisa.tip", "Ooh, I like //Hormoney//. I'm with you whatever you choose though, babe!")>>\
<<run State.setVar("$char.doc.tip", "Can't go wrong with some massive bolt-ons is what I always say!")>>\
<<run State.setVar("$", 0)>>\<div style="font-size:110%">\
<div class="tf_choices">\
<<include "event_1_5a">>\
</div>\<<include "event_1_5_setup">>\
<div class="tf_choices">\
<div class="tf_slides"><img src="images/events/1/hormoney.png">\
<div class="tf_info">\
<<nobr>>The Hormoney Treatment uses hormones to bring on bodily changes from ‘male’ to ‘female’. In cis women, these changes typically take place during puberty.
Thanks to the ‘HRM-SPDRUN’ technology developed by Dr Laedi, the years this treatment would ordinarily take can be applied over the weekend.<</nobr>>
<li>Hormones might affect patients thoughts.</li>\
<li>Patient will adapt feminine features, such as:
<li>Soft Skin</li>
<li>Patient will attract moderate male attention.</li>
<li>Patient will become physically weaker.</li>
<span class="standard" style="margin-left:8em;"><<button "Choose This" "event_1_6a">><</button>></span>
<div class="tf_left">\
<<link "<img id='noborder' src='images/ui/arrowleft.svg'>">>\
<<replace ".tf_choices">>\
<<include "event_1_5c">>\
<div class="tf_right">\
<<link "<img id='noborder' src='images/ui/arrowright.svg'>">>\
<<replace ".tf_choices">>\
<<include "event_1_5b">>\
</div><div class="tf_choices">\
<div class="tf_slides"><img src="images/events/1/buildabod.png">\
<div class="tf_info">\
<<nobr>>The Build-A-Bod package uses plastic surgery to transform the body.
Utilizing advanced materials and laser technology, the surgery leaves little to no scars and can be done over the weekend.
This treatment does not use or influence hormones.<</nobr>>
<li>Effects are purely aesthetic.</li>\
<li>Patient will be treated in three key areas:
<li>Patient will attract heavy male attention.</li>
<li>Patient will retain physical strength. Boobs and ass may take getting used to.</li>
<span class="standard" style="margin-left:8em;"><<button "Choose This" "event_1_6b">><</button>></span>
<div class="tf_left">\
<<link "<img id='noborder' src='images/ui/arrowleft.svg'>">>\
<<replace ".tf_choices">>\
<<include "event_1_5a">>\
<div class="tf_right">\
<<link "<img id='noborder' src='images/ui/arrowright.svg'>">>\
<<replace ".tf_choices">>\
<<include "event_1_5c">>\
</div>\<div class="tf_choices">\
<div class="tf_slides"><img src="images/events/1/naturelle.png">\
<div class="tf_info">\
<<nobr>>The Naturelle approach involves no surgery or hormones. The approach focuses on making changes with a low impact
on the user but with a high effect on appearance. Naturelle is for those that either aren’t ready for one of the more impactful treatments,
or are simply happy with their body as is.<</nobr>>
<li>Effects are purely aesthetic.</li>\
<li>Treatment comes down to:
<ul><li>Body Hair Removal</li>
<li>Natural Skin Treatment</li>
<li>Targeted Tanning (Shapesuggestion)</li>
<li>Changes to skin can affect patient.</li>
<li>Patient will attract low male attention.</li>
<span class="standard" style="margin-left:8em;"><<button "Choose This" "event_1_6c">><</button>></span>
<div class="tf_left">\
<<link "<img id='noborder' src='images/ui/arrowleft.svg'>">>\
<<replace ".tf_choices">>\
<<include "event_1_5b">>\
<div class="tf_right">\
<<link "<img id='noborder' src='images/ui/arrowright.svg'>">>\
<<replace ".tf_choices">>\
<<include "event_1_5a">>\
</div><<run State.setVar("$char.lisa.tip", "Ooh, I like //Hormoney//. You'll closest to meee!")>>\
<<run State.setVar("$char.doc.tip", "Very exciting! It's a treatment like no other.")>>\<<include "event_1_6a_setup">>\
<div class="standard">\
<div id="imready">\
<<doc>>//Hormoney//, terrific! You'll be a natural beauty. When you're ready, you can follow me into the operating room.<</doc>>
<<linkreplace "You're ready." t8n>>\
<<doc>>Great! Follow me.<</doc>>
<<nobr>>You follow the doc into the next room. He gestures towards a complicated looking operating table in the middle of the room and tells you to
strip and lay down.<</nobr>> <<linkappend "//'I'll be right back. Gowns are to the side, there.'//" t8n>>
You strip, put on the gown and lie down. The doc returns after some minutes.
<<doc>>Alright, now I'll count down from five, join you me if you want! 5.. 4..<</doc>>
<<link "3.. 2.. 1.." "event_1_8a">><<set $body to 2>><<set $changingbody to "yes">><</link>>
[[I've changed my mind|event_1_5]]
</div>\<<run State.setVar("$char.lisa.tip", "Woow babe, you're gonna have bigger boobs than me!! You're getting drinks from now on, haha.")>>\
<<run State.setVar("$char.doc.tip", "//Nice.//")>>\<<include "event_1_6b_setup">>\
<div class="standard">\
<div id="imready">\
<<doc>>//Build-A-Bod//, outstanding! We'll build you a beaut. When you're ready, you can follow me into the operating room.<</doc>>
<<linkreplace "You're ready." t8n>>\
<<doc>>Great! Follow me.<</doc>>
<<nobr>>You follow the doc into the next room. He gestures towards a complicated looking operating table in the middle of the room and tells you to
strip and lay down.<</nobr>> <<linkappend "//'I'll be right back. Gowns are to the side, there.'//" t8n>>
You strip, put on the gown and lie down. The doc returns after some minutes.
<<doc>>Alright, now I'll count down from five, join you me if you want! 5.. 4..<</doc>>
<<link "3.. 2.. 1.." "event_1_8a">><<set $body to 3>><<set $changingbody to "yes">><</link>>\
[[I've changed my mind|event_1_5]]
</div>\<<run State.setVar("$char.lisa.tip", "You do you, babe! And don't worry about the Contest - you'd be surprised what we can do with some tape and make-up.")>>\
<<run State.setVar("$char.doc.tip", "Very good! It won't pay //my// bills, but there's something to be said for sticking with what you have.")>>\<<include "event_1_6c_setup">>\
<div class="standard">\
<<doc>><<nobr>>//Naturelle//, great choice! Why change a winning formula, am I right? When you're ready,
you can head over the my sister's beauty salon, she handles this treatment. It was a pleasure meeting you!<</nobr>><</doc>>
<<link "Head over to the salon." "event_1_7b">><<set $body to 1>><</link>>
[[I've changed my mind|event_1_5]]
</div>\<<doc>>Excellent! Why don't you lie down over there and we'll get this show on the road!<</doc>>
As you lie down, the doctor comes over and puts some sort of breathing appratus over your head.
<<doc>>Alright, now I'll count down from five, join you me if you want! 5.. 4..<</doc>>
[[3.. 2.. 1..|event_1_8a]]
[[Abort! I've changed my mind|event_1_5]]<<run State.setVar("$", 0)>>\
<<set $status to {
location: "clinic",
activity: "event",
title: {
location: "A. Laedi's Salon",
activity: "Waiting"
<<run State.setVar("$char.lisa.tip", "Oooh. I love Beauty Salons. Have I told you that before? Love 'm!")>>\<<include "event_1_7b_setup">>\
<div class="standard" id="event">\
<img id="banner" src="images/locations/banner/thesalon.png">\
<div class="name_block" id="event">\
<img id="small_bradius" src="images/ui/thesalon.svg">\
<<nobr>>After saying goodbye to Dr Laedi, you head over the beauty salon. It's not as modern as the rest of the clinic,
but it's still very modern for a beauty salon.<</nobr>>
<<lisa>>Ooooh I'm gonna talk to the receptionist and see if I can get a treatment myself, babe! I'll see you when you're done. Love you!<</lisa>>
You sit down and wait. After about 20 minutes or so, you're greeted by a high pitched
</div>\<<run State.setVar("$", "images/characters/paperclip/lotty.png")>>\
<<run State.setVar("$", "lotty_popup")>>\
<<run State.setVar("$char.lisa.tip", "Ooh, I like //Hormoney//. I'm with you whatever you choose though, babe!")>>\<<include "event_1_8_setup">>\
<div class="standard">\
<img id="banner" @src="$char.lotty.splash">
<h3>Alotta Laedi</h3>\
<<nobr>>The woman greeting you looks remarkably similar to Doctor Notta. And sure, they're brother and sister, but it's //remarkable//.
For a moment, you think they're the same person. But that's probably just the hangover talking.<</nobr>>
<<link "\'Hellooo! You must be $name! Come in, come in!\'" "event_1_8b">><</link>>\
</div>\<div class="standard">\
<<lotty>>Why, hi there! How are you? I'm Alotta Laedi, but you can call me Lotty, sweetie. Take a seat, take a seat!<</lotty>>
She gestures to one of the big salon chairs. <<linkappend "You sit down." t8n>>
<<lotty>>Sooo.. the Naturelle approach, huh? I love it, it's perfect! It'll suit you beautifully, truly. You're a beautiful man and you'll make a beautiful woman!<</lotty>>
<<linkreplace "You thank her." t8n>>\
You.. try to thank her, but you can't get a word in.
<<lotty>><<nobr>>Now, ordinarily for a beauty treatment you could be awake and we could taaaalk and gossiiiip and all those lovely things, but
now we have a lot of hair to take care of and we want it off for at least 6 months isn'tthatright sweetiepie?<</nobr>><</lotty>>
<<link "You nod. That's right." "event_1_8b_2">><</link>><</linkreplace>><</linkappend>>
</div>\<div class="standard">\
<<lotty>><<nobr>>And so we'll use a special technology my brother developed that will gently remove the unwanted hair and prevent it from growing back for 6 months.
Isn't that just fantastic?<</nobr>><</lotty>>
<<lotty>>Only thing is, it's best if you're asleep! So you'll just take a nice beauty sleep and when you wake up, we'll be done! Okay? You tell me when you're ready.<</lotty>>
<<linkreplace "You're ready." t8n>>\
<<lotty>>Great! I'll just lower you a bit.. and now I'll count down from five, join you me if you want sweetie! 5.. 4..<</lotty>>
<<link "3.. 2.. 1.." "event_1_8a">><<set $body to 1>><<set $changingbody to "yes">><</link>><</linkreplace>>
</div>\<<run State.setVar("$", 0)>>\
<<set $status to {
location: "nowhere",
activity: "event",
title: {
location: "???",
activity: "Dreaming"
}>>\<<include "event_1_8a_setup">>
<<run State.setVar("$avatar.present", "no")>>\
<<run State.setVar("$avatar.appear", "yes")>>\
<div class="standard fade-in delayfade6 console">\
<img class="storygif" src="images/events/1/dream.gif">
playing: weird.drm
<<if $body is 1>><<include "body1">>\
<<elseif $body is 2>><<include "body2">>\
<<elseif $body is 3>><<include "body3">>\
<<elseif $body is 4>><<include "body4">>\
<<run $("#base").attr("src", $bodybase);>>\
<<set $hair.current to "images/wardrobe/2_hair_1.png">>
<<timed 6s>><<goto "event_1_9">><</timed>>\<<run State.setVar("$bodybase", "images/wardrobe/1_base.png")>>\
<<run State.setVar("$bodybase_d", "images/wardrobe/1_base_d.png")>>\
<<run State.setVar("$top_current", "images/wardrobe/1_top_1.png")>>\
<<run State.setVar("bra_current", "images/wardrobe/empty.png")>>\
<<run State.setVar("$pants_current", "images/wardrobe/1_pants_1.png")>>\
<<run State.setVar("$panties_current", "images/wardrobe/empty.png")>>\
<<run State.setVar("$socks_current", "images/wardrobe/empty.png")>>\
<<run State.setVar("$shoes_current", "images/wardrobe/shoes_1.png")>>\
<<set $portrait_bg to "url(images/wardrobe/portrait/bg.png)">>\
<<set $portrait_base to "url(images/wardrobe/portrait/base.png)">>\
<<set $portrait_hair to "url(images/wardrobe/portrait/hair.png)">>\
<<run $(":root").css("--bg", "url(images/wardrobe/portrait/bg.png)")>>\
<<run $(":root").css("--base", "url(images/wardrobe/portrait/base.png)")>>\
<<run $(":root").css("--hair", "url(images/wardrobe/portrait/hair.png)")>>\
<<set $hair.current to "images/wardrobe/2_hair_1.png">>
<<set $avatar.appear to "yes">>\<<run State.setVar("$bodybase", "images/wardrobe/2_base.png")>>\
<<run State.setVar("$bodybase_d", "images/wardrobe/2_base_d.png")>>\
<<run State.setVar("$top_current", "images/wardrobe/2_top_1.png")>>\
<<run State.setVar("bra_current", "images/wardrobe/empty.png")>>\
<<run State.setVar("$pants_current", "images/wardrobe/2_pants_1.png")>>\
<<run State.setVar("$panties_current", "images/wardrobe/empty.png")>>\
<<run State.setVar("$socks_current", "images/wardrobe/empty.png")>>\
<<run State.setVar("$shoes_current", "images/wardrobe/shoes_1.png")>>\
<<set $portrait_bg to "url(images/wardrobe/portrait/bg.png)">>\
<<set $portrait_base to "url(images/wardrobe/portrait/base.png)">>\
<<set $portrait_hair to "url(images/wardrobe/portrait/hair.png)">>\
<<run $(":root").css("--bg", "url(images/wardrobe/portrait/bg.png)")>>\
<<run $(":root").css("--base", "url(images/wardrobe/portrait/base.png)")>>\
<<run $(":root").css("--hair", "url(images/wardrobe/portrait/hair.png)")>>\
<<set $hair.current to "images/wardrobe/2_hair_1.png">>
<<set $avatar.appear to "yes">>\<<run State.setVar("$bodybase", "images/wardrobe/3_base.png")>>\
<<run State.setVar("$bodybase_d", "images/wardrobe/3_base_d.png")>>\
<<run State.setVar("$top_current", "images/wardrobe/3_top_1.png")>>\
<<run State.setVar("bra_current", "images/wardrobe/empty.png")>>\
<<run State.setVar("$pants_current", "images/wardrobe/3_pants_1.png")>>\
<<run State.setVar("$panties_current", "images/wardrobe/empty.png")>>\
<<run State.setVar("$socks_current", "images/wardrobe/empty.png")>>\
<<run State.setVar("$shoes_current", "images/wardrobe/shoes_1.png")>>\
<<set $portrait_bg to "url(images/wardrobe/portrait/bg.png)">>\
<<set $portrait_base to "url(images/wardrobe/portrait/base3.png)">>\
<<set $portrait_hair to "url(images/wardrobe/portrait/hair.png)">>\
<<run $(":root").css("--bg", "url(images/wardrobe/portrait/bg.png)")>>\
<<run $(":root").css("--base", "url(images/wardrobe/portrait/base3.png)")>>\
<<run $(":root").css("--hair", "url(images/wardrobe/portrait/hair.png)")>>\
<<set $hair.current to "images/wardrobe/2_hair_1.png">>\
<<set $avatar.appear to "yes">>\<div class="fade-in delayfade6 console avatar"><img src="images/ui/cog.svg" id="rotation" style="margin-top:5em; margin-left:3.5em;">\
<<if $body is 1>><<include "changingbody_1">>\
<<elseif $body is 2>><<include "changingbody_2">>\
<<else>><<include "changingbody_3">><</if>>\
</div>\<div id="choice1" style="margin-left:3.5em;"><h3>Shaving Body..</h3></div>
<<timed 1.2s t8n>><<replace "#choice1">><h3>Shaving Face..</h3><</replace>><</timed>>\
<<timed 2.4s t8n>><<replace "#choice1">><h3>Applying Lotions..</h3><</replace>><</timed>>\
<<timed 3.6s t8n>><<replace "#choice1">><h3>Waking Up..</h3><</replace>><</timed>>\<div id="choice1" style="margin-left:3.5em;"><h3>Shaping Body..</h3></div>
<<timed 1.2s t8n>><<replace "#choice1">><h3>Loading Breasts..</h3><</replace>><</timed>>\
<<timed 2.4s t8n>><<replace "#choice1">><h3>Softening Skin..</h3><</replace>><</timed>>\
<<timed 3.6s t8n>><<replace "#choice1">><h3>Waking Up..</h3><</replace>><</timed>>\<div id="choice1" style="margin-left:3.5em;"><h3>Inserting Lips..</h3></div>
<<timed 1.2s t8n>><<replace "#choice1">><h3>Inserting Breasts..</h3><</replace>><</timed>>\
<<timed 2.4s t8n>><<replace "#choice1">><h3>Inserting Buttocks..</h3><</replace>><</timed>>\
<<timed 3.6s t8n>><<replace "#choice1">><h3>Waking Up..</h3><</replace>><</timed>>\<div class="standard fade-in">
<<set $changingbody to "no">>
<h1>[[Wake Up|event_1_9a]]</h1>
</div><<run State.setVar("$", 0)>>\
<<set $status to {
location: "home",
activity: "event",
title: {
location: "Bedroom",
activity: "Coming To"
<<run State.setVar("$", $char.lisa.paperclip)>>\
<<run State.setVar("$", "lisa_popup")>>\
<<run State.setVar("$char.lisa.tip", "Relax, babe. You just rest. I'll be here if you need anything. Love you.")>>\
<<run State.setVar("$", 0)>>\<<include "event_1_9a_setup">>\
<<set $avatar.present to "yes">>\
<div class="standard fade-in" id="event">\
<<include "thebedroom banner">>\
<<if $body is 1>><<nobr>>You vaguely remember waking up and walking to the car with Lisa, but you're still very drowsy.
Your body feels very naked. It's not like you were Chewbacca before, but it makes quite the difference. From your left, Lisa turns to you.<</nobr>>
<<lisa>>Hey babe, you're up! How are you feeling? You look great by the way. Anyway, Lotty said you'd best rest. You can go back to sleep if you want.<</lisa>>
[[You sleep for a while, and the two of you stay in bed the rest of the day, chilling.|event_1_10]]
<<elseif $body is 2>><<nobr>>You don't remember much after 1, but looking around it's clear that you're in your home and lying in bed.
You feel weird, //very// different. Your skin is incredibly sensitive and everything feels.. soft? From your left, Lisa turns to you.<</nobr>>
<<lisa>>Hey babe, you're up! How are you feeling? You look great by the way. Anyway, doc said you need your rest. Go back to sleep..<</lisa>>
[[You sleep for a while, and the two of you stay in bed the rest of the day, chilling.|event_1_10]]
<<else>><<nobr>>You don't remember much after 1, but looking around it's clear that you're in your home and lying in bed.
Looking down, you can hardly see anything but a big set of tits. Yours. Heh, tits. From your left, Lisa turns to you.<</nobr>>
<<lisa>>Hey babe, you're up! How are you feeling? You look great by the way. Anyway, doc said you need your rest. Go back to sleep..<</lisa>>
[[You sleep for a while, and the two of you stay in bed the rest of the day, chilling.|event_1_10]]
</div>\<div class="standard" style="margin-top:5em">\
<h1><<link "Week 1" "home">><</link>></h1>
<<set $chapter to "Week 1">>\
<<set $credits to 3>>\
<<set $events += 1>>\
<<set $ to "yes">>\
<<set $story.sports.available to "no">>\
<<set $ to "yes">>\
<<set $time++>>
<<nobr>><<set $home_text to "Alright, so we know this years contest theme! Time to see where you want to focus your efforts.
Remember: you can do three total each week. Completing all stages of an activity will carry over into the very first challenge.">><</nobr>>\<<set $status to {
location: "outabout",
activity: "outabout",
title: {
location: "Out and about",
activity: "Weekendin'!"
}>>\<<include "upd_event_2">>\
<div class="standard" id="event">\
<<include "homesetting banner">>
<<nobr>>It's the weekend! Your love for the weekend probably doubles during Contests, as you can fully focus on the challenges ahead.
Lisa said she had a fun, Contest related activity planned today. She wouldn't tell you <</nobr>><<linkappend "until now, though." t8n>>
<<lisa>><<nobr>>You ready, babe?<</nobr>><</lisa>>
<<joe>><<nobr>>Ready for what? You haven't told me what we're doing yet!<</nobr>><</joe>>
<<lisa>><<nobr>>I haven't, have I? Ooh, //Woman-Check!!// What's something //most// women enjoy doing?<</nobr>><</lisa>>
<<link "Naked sleepover parties!" "event_2_2a">>
<<link "Most women like.. looking at men?" "event_2_2b">>
<<link "Eating chocolate? No, wait.. ooh! Shopping?" "event_2_2c">>
</div>\<div class="standard">\
<<joe>><<nobr>>We're having a naked sleepover party?? Woohoooo!!!<</nobr>><</joe>>
<<nobr>>Lisa gives you a face you know all too well. On the one hand, she wants to laugh at your silly joke because
she liked it. On the other, she doesn't want to admit liking such silly a joke. <</nobr>><<linkappend "You always interpret it as: another, please!" t8n>>
<<joe>><<nobr>>Oh, also, babe, I've been meaning to ask. I've been raised to believe women don't poop. What's the secret to that?
Cause let me tell you, I was just in the bathroom and I swear to god-<</nobr>><</joe>>
Lisa interrupts you mid-sentence. Maybe she didn't want another?
<<lisa>><<nobr>>Fine, you win. We're going shopping!! You're gonna need something nice for your stream obviously but
I reckon the more you dress like a proper woman before that, the more of a feel you'll get for what suits you!<</nobr>><</lisa>>
<<include "event_2_2d">>
</div><div class="standard" id="event">\
<<joe>><<nobr>>Well.. women like.. looking at men. Right?<</nobr>><</joe>>
<video id="video" src="images/events/2/ohmy.mp4" autoplay></video>
<<nobr>>It's clear from Lisa's reaction that's not the answer. She looks happy, though. Kinda giddy.
She seems to really be into the whole //you're now a woman so your relationship with men has changed//
<</nobr>>aspect of it all. <<linkappend "She answers." t8n>>
<<lisa>><<nobr>>Wow! No, that's not what I mean but.. damn, it's good to know where your head's at!!<</nobr>><</lisa>>
<<link "No no, you were just answering the question. Your head's not anywhere!" "event_2_2b1">><</link>>
<<link "Maybe you have been thinking about it a bit. Kinda hard not too." "event_2_2b2">><</link>>
</div><div class="standard">\
<<joe>><<nobr>>Hey, just because you cleary dream of me with a man doesn't mean I do. I was just answering your question!
To which I'd like to know the answer now, please.<</nobr>><</joe>>
<<lisa>><<nobr>>Can't stop yourself dreaming, babe! Ok, ok. We're going shopping!! You're getting a whole new female
wardrobe! And, you know, maybe I'll extend mine a little bit while we're at it.<</nobr>><</lisa>>
<<include "event_2_2d">>
</div><div class="standard">\
<<joe>><<nobr>>Well damn woman you can't plant seeds in my head and expect them not to grow. It's just..
something I think women like doing, right?<</nobr>><</joe>>
<<lisa>><<nobr>>We do! And I want to know //aaaaall// about it. No time now, though, for I was of course
talking about.. shopping!! ou're getting a whole new female wardrobe! <</nobr>><</lisa>>
<<include "event_2_2d">>
</div><div class="standard">\
<<joe>><<nobr>>Ooh, we're going shopping?<</nobr>><</joe>>
<<lisa>><<nobr>>We're going shopping, babe!! You're gonna need something nice for your stream obviously but
I reckon the more you dress like a proper woman before that, the more of a feel you'll get for what suits you!<</nobr>><</lisa>>
<<include "event_2_2d">>
</div>Shopping for women's clothes, huh? Kinda makes you feel..
<<link "Excited! You can't wait to see yourself in actual women's clothing." "event_2_3">><<set $shopping to 1>><</link>>
<<link "A bit nervous? Like somehow you won't be good at it." "event_2_3">><<set $shopping to 2>><</link>>
<<link "Nothing? You don't get what the deal is." "event_2_3">><<set $shopping to 3>><</link>><<include "upd_event_2_3">>\
<div class="standard" id="event">\
<<if $shopping is 1>>\
<<joe>><<nobr>>Ooooh, yay!! I was kinda hoping that was it. <<if $body is 2>>I've got this whole new body
but with these old clothes I've been wearing all week, you'd hardly know it.<</if>><<if $body is 1>> I'm happy
with my 'Naturelle' choice, but I sure could use a more girly look!<</if>><<if $body is 3>> You don't choose
tits and an ass like this just to hide it in baggy clothes, am I right?<</if>><</nobr>><</joe>>
<<lisa>><<nobr>>Oh, yaymetooo!!! Oh //I// was kidna hoping you'd be excited! It's gonna look sooo good on you, babe!<</nobr>><</lisa>>
<<lisa>><<nobr>>Ok, so, you know my friend Jessy?<</nobr>><</lisa>>
<<include "event_2_3_end">>
<</if>><<if $shopping is 2>>\
<<joe>><<nobr>>The mall, huh? Can't we just use the wardrobe at home?<</nobr>><</joe>>
Lisa must have picked up on your insecurity.
<<lisa>><<nobr>>Oh, don't worry babe, it'll be fun! We've got to get you well and <<link "fitted">><<popup "wdfit">><</link>> before we
can use the wardrobe for your new look, right?<</nobr>><</lisa>>
<<lisa>><<nobr>>So, you know my friend Jessy?<</nobr>><</lisa>>
<<include "event_2_3_end">>
<</if>><<if $shopping is 3>>\
<<joe>><<nobr>>Shopping? Do we have to? I look fine!<</nobr>><</joe>>
Lisa throws you a serious look, devoid of all her usual cheerfulness.
<<lisa>><<nobr>>Seriously, babe? Don't get it mistaken: I didn't force you to do this. This is //your//
Contest, //your// challenge. And I'm with you all the way, you know that, but don't turn this thing
into me making you do stuff you don't want to do. That's not fair.<</nobr>><</lisa>>
<<link "Yeesh, women and their shopping, amiright?" "event_2_3b">><</link>>
<<link "She didn't even answer your question! Do we have to??" "event_2_3b">><</link>>
<<link "She's right. The Contest is //your// little 'game'. You're sorry." "event_2_3b">><</link>>
</div><div class="standard">\
<<joe>><<nobr>>You're right babe, sorry. I love you and the energy you're putting into helping me,
I do, really. I guess I'm not used to the new role yet, you know? So, shopping, what's the plan?<</nobr>><</joe>>
<<lisa>>Well, thanks. Just, you know? But yeah, the plan, the plan, tell us the plan!! Yes! So, you know my friend Jessy?<</lisa>>
<<include "event_2_3_end">>
</div>\<<linkreplace "You don't." t8n>>\
<<joe>><<nobr>>Jessy? Yeah, sure! Your friend! Jessy! Know her! Yeah!<</nobr>><</joe>>
<<lisa>><<nobr>>Haha, that's ok babe, you haven't met her. No minus points for Hufflepuff.<</nobr>><</lisa>>
<<lisa>><<nobr>>So Jessy works at the Clothes 'n Shit at the mall and I made you an appointment to get yourself
a new <<link "WDfit™">><<popup "wdfit">><</link>>. Let's go babe, chop chop!<</nobr>><</lisa>>
<<link "To the mall!" "event_2_4"
<<link "Next" "event_2_4">>\
<</linkreplace>><<t-clippy>><<nobr>>Your wardrobe is special, boss! It kinda works like this: you get your body fitted
and after that, you can use your wardrobe at home to access all kinds of clothes!<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>I don't really know how the clothes get there. Maybe they sneak them in at night? Either way,
whenever you receive new clothes or outfits, you can access them at the home!<</nobr>>
.. after today's visit to the Clothes 'n Shit, that is.<</t-clippy>><img id="banner" src="images/locations/banner/themall.png">\
<img id="small_bradius" src="images/ui/themall.svg">\
<br><div class="standard" id="event">\
<<include "themall banner">>
<<nobr>> Aaahhh the mall! The place //you used to come// for all your stuff! You remember malls from being a teenager.
You've probably averaged one visit every three years since then, and it looked worse every time.
Not this mall, though! It's as crowded and energetic as you remember them to be.<</nobr>>
<<linkreplace "Wow, quite the mall, babe!" t8n>>\
<<joe>>Damn! I don't think I've been here before. It's so.. crowded. How is it so crowded?<</joe>>
<<lisa>><<nobr>>Weeell.. this is where we gather to talk about men, snack, try on different personalities, practice
the art of the impossible question..<</nobr>><</lisa>>
<<lisa>><<nobr>>Women! Which means you too now, babe. I can't quite look into the future, but I wouldn't be surprised
if we end up here for other stuff as well for the Contest!<</nobr>> But that's for another time. Tadaa, we're here!<</lisa>>
[[Lisa and you are standing in front of a building that reads: Clothes 'n Shit.|event_2_4b]]
</div>\<img id="banner" src="images/locations/banner/closhit.png">\
<img id="small_bradius" src="images/ui/closhit.svg">\
<br><<set $location to "loc_closhit">>\
<div class="standard" id="event">\
<<include "closhit banner">>
<<nobr>>You follow Lisa into her favorite store. They used to be called Closhit, but
apparently that led to regular confusion and high bathroom maintenance.
It's a big, bright store that, well, sells clothes and shit.<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>As you look around the store, taking in the different types of clothes, colors and scents, Lisa spots her friend and
starts frantically waving and shouting.<</nobr>>
[[In the back, a woman turns around.|event_2_4c]]
</div>\<div class="standard">\
<img id="banner" @src="$char.jessy.splash">
You've never met the woman walking towards you, yet it feels like you know her. The way she moves feels like a statement.
It's not subtle or elegant but it's very, very feminine and playful. Here's a woman that decides who she is and what she looks like all by herself.
Insecurities and doubts are for others, not Jessy. She's probably a lot to take in - but she's just as likely a ton of fun.
<<link "The two girls greet eachother with a theatrical energy." "event_2_4c2">><</link>>\
</div><div class="standard">\
<<jessy>>Lisa, my lovely Lisa! I could sense you babes, the air gets sweet and soft when you're around!!<</jessy>>
The woman with the bubblegum voice holds her arms out theatrically and embraces Lisa in a big hug. As they seperate, Jessy turns to you.
<<jessy>>And you brought a friend! The air doesn't quite know what to do around you does it, honey?<</jessy>>
You didn't know the air knew anything. Trying to match her energy, <<linkappend "you enthusiastically stick out your hand." t8n>>
<<joe>>Hi! You must be Jessy, I'm $name!<</joe>>
<<nobr>>She looks at your hand and laughs, says something along the lines of //'Yeah, right!'//, hugs you
and <<link "kisses you playfully on your cheek." "event_2_4d">><</link>><</nobr>>
<</linkappend>></div><div class="standard">\
<<jessy>>//Mwah!// Welcome to womanhood, $name! I've seen a before picture, honey, and my god!! You look To. Die. For. Wow.<</jessy>>
She turns to Lisa.
<<if $body is 1>><br><<jessy>>You're getting me an appointment at that salon, babes, I'm not letting you go without one!<</jessy>>
<<else>><<jessy>><<nobr>><br>Such a big change, and it looks so good! You said they also have a salon, babes? You're getting us
an appointment there, I'm not letting you go without one!<</nobr>><</jessy>><</if>>
<<linkappend "Lisa is beaming with pride." t8n>>
<<lisa>>Got us an appointment this wednesday!<</lisa>>
Jessy brings her hand to Lisa's cheek and gives it a little loving pinch.
<<jessy>>You beautiful creature, you. Speaking of..!<</jessy>>
<<link "She turns back to you." "event_2_4e">><</link>><<nobr>> It feels like you're on a rollercoaster.
You can see why Lisa seems to adore Jessy, though.<</nobr>>
<</linkappend>></div><<include "upd_event_2_4">>\
<div class="standard" id="event">\
<<jessy>><<nobr>>Alright, babes, follow me, I've got everything all set up for the fit.<</nobr>><</jessy>>
<<nobr>>You follow her out of the 'public' area of the store to a more private part where there's
two doors close to eachother. <</nobr>> <<linkappend "She opens one of them." t8n>>
<<jessy>><<nobr>>Alright, it's real simple, honey. Look..<</nobr>><</jessy>>
Jessy explains the fitting process:
<li>You're going to put on the outfits.</li>\
<li>Then you're going to take a picture of you wearing the outfit.</li>\
<li>When you're done, she'll use the pictures to register the right fit and look.</li>
<<linkreplace "Pictures?" t8n>>\
<<joe>>Try on outfits, take pictures, check. Wait, what do I use to take the pictures?<</joe>>
She points at a big, fancy mirror with a button next to it.
<<jessy>><<nobr>>This wonderful mirror here will take a picture three seconds after pressing the button.
And you know you'll look good in it, because it's also a mirror! Sooo.. will you be alright in here or do you want me
to check in on you every now and then?<</nobr>><</jessy>>
<<nobr>>You look at Lisa, who's sporting a meaningful smile. Unfortunately, you don't know the meaning. So,
will you be alright or do you want her to check in on you occasionaly?<</nobr>>
<<link "You'll be alright, it's not that complicated." "wardrobe">>\
<<set $event_2 to "a">>\
<<popup "tutorial_wardrobe">>\
<<link "You haven't started and already you're confused. Better if she checks in." "wardrobe">>\
<<set $event_2 to "b">>\
<<popup "tutorial_wardrobe">>\
</div><<t-clippy>><<nobr>>Hi boss! This is the wardrobe. It's supposed to be pretty intuitive, so just play around a bit,
try on different stuff! You don't have to make pictures or try on everything. You can if you want, though.<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>Whenever you leave the wardrobe, your avatar will be wearing the outfit you're wearing as you exit. But don't
worry, you'll be able to access the wardrobe once you get back home and change whenever you want.<</nobr>><</t-clippy>><<include "upd_event_2_5">>\
<div class="standard" id="event">\
<<nobr>>As you try on one item of clothing after the other, you can't help but get turned on a little.
Your main focus with panties has always been to get them off. Now, putting them on yourself.. it feels nice.
Looks nice, too. Having to pose and take pictures of yourself,
<<link "you're constantly looking at the mirror." "event_2_6">><</link>><</nobr>>\
</div><<include "upd_event_2_5">>\
<div class="standard fade-in" id="event">\
<video id="video" src="images/events/2/mirror1.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<if $body is 1>><<nobr>>You didn't really understand what the bras were doing here - you didn't need one before
and nothing really changed in that department. You have to admit, though, that the bra helps a lot towards..
//suggesting stuff//. Also, you realize something did change. Your nipples have become way more sensitive, and, caught up in the moment,
<<link "you start playing with yourself, your reflection." "event_2_7">><</link>><</nobr>>
<<nobr>>As you try on one of the bras, you realize how sensitive your nipples have become. Caught up in the moment,
<<link "you start playing with yourself, your reflection." "event_2_7">><</link>><</nobr>><</if>>\
</div><<include "upd_event_2_7">>\
<div class="standard" id="event">\
<video id="video" src="images/events/2/mirror2.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<nobr>>You're looking at your reflection. Your
<<if $body is 1>>smooth, sensitive skin taunting you. Your body hasn't changed that much, but when you look into the mirror
you see what could be a woman - a sexy woman with a mighty cock.<</if>>
<<if $body is 2>>cute hormone titties, feminine curves and, for some reason they work well together, your cock.<</if>>
<<if $body is 3>>big tits, firm ass and mighty cock.<</if>>
The cock - you realize as you look down - you're stroking. Suddenly, you're <</nobr>><<linkappend "interrupted by a knocking sound." t8n>>
<<if $event_2 is "a">>
D'oh! What could she want?
<<link "Almost instantly, the door swings open." "event_2_8a">><</link>>\
<<if $event_2 is "b">>
<<jessy>>How's it coming, $name? You alright in there babes or d'you need some help?<</jessy>>
<<nobr>>You look down at your hand, wrapped about your dick. You're alright, but that thing needs to go if you want
to finish trying on outfits..<</nobr>>
<<link "Tell her you're fine, but you need a little more time than anticipated." "event_2_8c">><</link>>
<<link "Tell her you.. ran into an issue." "event_2_8b">><</link>>\
</div><<include "upd_event_2_8a">>\
<div class="standard" id="event">\
<video id="video" src="images/events/2/surprise.mp4" autoplay></video>
<<nobr>>You're confronted with a complete absence of Jessy or Lisa.
Instead, you're greeted by a man. One of Jessy's coworkers? Rather than apologize
and leave, he starts talking.<</nobr>>
<<say 'Some Guy'>>Oh! Ohhh. Ehm, hi, I thought you said to come in!<</say>>
<<joe>>I didn't! Now get out! Can't you see I'm naked in here?<</joe>>
The man <<link "looks at you." "event_2_8a2">><</link>>
</div><<include "upd_event_2_8a">>\
<div class="standard" id="event">\
<<say 'Guy'>>Oh, yeah, I can //definitely// see that! Sooo.. yeah, no, right, I'll.. leave you to it.<</say>>
<<nobr>>As he leaves, you're pretty sure he winks at you. Winks at you!! What the hell? Fucking pervert. You look at the mirror.
It has a camera, of course, but only for pictures, right? Did he //know// you were in here stroking it?<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>Either way, you decide to stop touching yourself.
Finish up and go home. You pick up a small, black dress with glitters all over <<link "and try it on." "event_2_9a">>\
</div><<include "upd_event_2_9a">>\
<div class="standard" id="event">\
<video id="video" src="images/events/2/gh1.mp4" autoplay></video>
<<nobr>>While you're busy trying on the dress, you don't notice a //'schwk'// sound of something sliding open. You also don't see
the round hole in the side of the room appear. Both things that make the big, hard cock suddenly sticking
out of the wall quite the surprise.<</nobr>>
<<link "What the fuck?!" "event_2_10a">>\
</div><<include "upd_event_2_10a">>\
<div class="standard" id="event">\
<video id="video" src="images/events/2/gh2.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<nobr>>You sit there for a bit looking at the cock wiggling up and down. You're having trouble
getting over the fact someone just stuck his fucking dick through the wall just because you're in here.
What does he expect, that you'll just start wanking him off?!<</nobr>>
<<link "Of course you won't! You tell him to get lost, //now!//" "event_2_11a1">>\
<<link "Hell no! In fact, let's turn the tables on him. See how he likes it!" "event_2_11a3">>\
<<link "Cause.. you could? You kinda want to touch it.." "event_2_11a2">>\
</div><<include "upd_event_2_11a1">>\
<div class="standard" id="event">\
<<nobr>>Being careful not to yell and draw the whole store in, you address the cock's owner in as unforgiving and stern a tone
you can manage.<</nobr>>
<<joe>><<nobr>>//I'm going to count to three, and after that I'm going to duct tape any and all cocks still poking through a hole
onto the wall. Three..//<</nobr>><</joe>>
<<nobr>>No cock movement yet. Improvising, you grab one of the items of clothing you know uses
velcro.<</nobr>> <<linkappend "That'll sound like ducttape to panicked ears, right?" t8n>>
<<nobr>>Right after two, you rip the velcro. The cock instantly retreats into the wall, followed by an //'Ow, fuck!'//
from the other side. <</nobr>>
With that handled, <<link "you quickly finish up and meet back up with the girls." "event_2_14">>
<<set $event2_gh_no to "yes">>\
</div><<include "upd_event_2_11a2">>\
<div class="standard" id="event">\
<video id="video" src="images/events/2/gh3.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<nobr>>You're horny, that's one. Lisa wants this for you, two. There's a level of anonymity, three.
And as surprised as you are by this thought.. the cock looks kinda amazing. After convincing yourself,
you gingerly take the cock in your hand <</nobr>><<link "and start stroking." "event_2_12a2">>
</div><<include "upd_event_2_12a2">>\
<div class="standard" id="event">\
<video id="video" src="images/events/2/gh4.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<nobr>>You really get into it. The warm, meaty stick between your fingers feels amazing and you feel
//so. fucking. hottt.// At one point, as you get close to spit on it, you briefly make lips-to-helmet contact, sending a shiver through your body.
<</nobr>> <<link "After a while, you feel him twitching, getting close." "event_2_13a2">>
</div><<include "upd_event_2_12a2">>\
<div class="standard" id="event">\
<video id="video" src="images/events/2/gh5.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<nobr>>As the first bit of cum is released, you instinctively bring your head forward and stick your tongue out.
You can't explain why, but you feel a powerful urge to taste your warm, sticky reward.
After quite a bit of cum, the cock retreats back behind the wall, leaving you on your knees, sticky.<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>You realize you're almost painfully erect, but as much as you crave sweet, sweet release, you gotta hurry.
You've been in here a while. <</nobr>><<link "You finish up quickly and meet back up with the girls." "event_2_14">>
<<set $event2_gh_hj to "yes">>\
</div><<include "upd_event_2_11a3">>\
<div class="standard" id="event">\
<<nobr>>Alright, time for the ooooold Uno reverse card. All you gotta do is tell this asshole to take his dick back out
and take it from there.<</nobr>>
<<joe>>//Oh my, look at that cock!// It looks a bit dry, won't you spit on it for me?<</joe>>
The dick obediently retreats into the wall. Soon as it does, you stick yours through.
//<<link "'Well? It's not going to spit on itself, do as you're told.'" "event_2_12a3">>
</div><<include "upd_event_2_12a3">>\
<div class="standard" id="event">\
<video id="video" src="images/events/2/tt1.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<nobr>>After telling him to do as he's told, nothing happens for a couple of seconds that seem to last minutes.
Then, you feel a hand and seconds later, the familliar feeling of someone taking you into their mouth.
It feels good and weird, and you don't really want to think of the guy standing in your little room minutes ago.<</nobr>>
<<joe>>Hurry up, would you?<</joe>>
<<link "The hole obliges and quickly brings you to climax." "event_2_13a3">>
</div><<include "upd_event_2_13a3">>\
<div class="standard" id="event">\
<video id="video" src="images/events/2/tt2.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<nobr>>Not being able to look at anything but the wall as you come is just a one of many things about this that's
weird and new. But it's also just like every other time - it feels good. Even though it feels like quite a lot,
you don't really know how much you come or where it lands and you don't really care.
You just want to dismiss your cocksucker and finish up.<</nobr>>
<<joe>>Ok, good boy. Close the hole behind you, would you?<</joe>>
<<nobr>>You take your cock out and quickly start on the remaining clothes, happy to be done with all this. Once you're done,
<<link "you finish up and meet up with the girls." "event_2_14">>\
<<set $event2_gh_tt to "yes">>\
</div><<include "upd_event_2_8b">>\
<div class="standard" id="event">\
<<joe>>Ehm. Well.. I've run into a bit of a problem, actually..<</joe>>
<<jessy>>What is it, babes?<</jessy>>
A valid question. Do you just tell her? <<linkappend "You try to stall for a bit." t8n>>
<<joe>>Well, it's, well, it's hard. To explain, it's hard to explain, Jessy<</joe>>
<<jessy>>Oh don't be like that, babes, nothing we can't work out! Come on, show me the problem.<</jessy>>
Before finishing her sentence, <<link "the door is already halfway open." "event_2_9b">><</link>>
<</linkappend>></div><<include "upd_event_2_9b">>\
<div class="standard" id="event">\
As Jessy enters the room she looks at you, looks at your boner, back at you and winks.
<<jessy>>Can't get proper measurements in that state, can we babes? Well..<</jessy>>
<<nobr>>She starts tying her hair up as she squats down in front of you. Before you fully realize
what's going on, <</nobr>><<linkappend "she's got her hand around your dick." t8n>>
<<joe>>Wait, what are you doing? I have a girlfriend!<</joe>>
<<jessy>><<nobr>>What? You guys talked about this, she encouraged me! Now, babes, really. Don't worry.
I'm a professional.<</nobr>><</jessy>>
<<link "She gets to work." "event_2_10b">><</link>>
<</linkappend>></div><<include "upd_event_2_10b">>\
<div class="standard" id="event">\
<video id="video" src="images/events/2/bj1.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<nobr>>Jessy wasn't kidding - she sucks you off like a pro. There's rhythm, deepthroating, licking the balls.
At one point, she even takes a moment to get her tits out. Eye for
detail, that. <<link "You quickly approach orgasm." "event_2_11b">><</link>><</nobr>>\
</div><<include "upd_event_2_11b">>\
<div class="standard" id="event">\
<video id="video" src="images/events/2/bj2.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<nobr>>Jessy finishes you off, catching most of the cum in her waiting mouth. After she sucks the last of your
swimmers out of you, she proudly presents a mouth full of cum, which she promptly swallows.<</nobr>>
<<jessy>>Tadaa! Problem solved. Alright, babes, time to try on these last outfits. I trust it you don't need help with that?<</jessy>>
<<nobr>>Without waiting for an answer, she winks, playfully pinches your cheek and walks out. Wow. That happened!
With a clear head and without any bodyparts in the way, you quickly finish your task <<link "and head back to the girls." "event_2_14">>
<<set $event2_bj to "yes">>\
</div><<include "upd_event_2_8c">>\
<div class="standard" id="event">\
<<joe>>I'm alright, thanks! I need just a bit more time, sorry. Taking slightly longer than I thought!<</joe>>
<<jessy>>That's alright, honey, we'll be in the store if you need anything. See you in a bit!<</jessy>>
<<nobr>>You hear her walk off and look down. Hard. As. A. Rock. The room you're in is partly made for comfort, and in the
corner there's a nice comfy lounge chair. You plop down for a minute as you figure out what to do.<</nobr>>
<<link "Let's just jerk one out so we can finish this thing up." "event_2_9c">><</link>>
<<link "Just think of stuff that's not sexy and carry on, right?" "event_2_9c2">><</link>>
</div><<set $focus_cw to 1>>\
<<set $focus_nun to 1>>\
<<set $focus_maid to 1>>\
<<set $focus_bny to 1>>\
<<set $focus_counter to 0>>\
<<include "upd_event_2_8c">>\
<div class="standard" id="event">\
<<nobr>>Alright, you're in control here, no need to give in to every urge that comes into your mind. Clearly, this whole thing
is being brought on by you seeing yourself as a sexyass woman the whole time, right? So let's just switch that out.
Maybe instead of thinking of yourself as a woman, think of yourself as something else. Right? Ok, let's try..<</nobr>>
<<include "focus_options">>\
</div><<if $focus_cw is 1>><<link "Construction. You're a very manly, strong, construction worker." "event_2_10c_1">><</link>><br><</if>>\
<<if $focus_nun is 1>><<link "How about.. religion? Sexy is the the least used word to describe religion!" "event_2_10c_2">><</link>><br><</if>>\
<<if $focus_maid is 1>><<link "Nothing gets you less excited than house chores. Cleaning. Brr." "event_2_10c_3">><</link>><br><</if>>\
<<if $focus_bny is 1>><<link "Think outside the box! An innocent and fragile animal! Like a bunny." "event_2_10c_4">><</link>><</if>>\
<<if $focus_counter is 4>>\
<<nobr>>Oh for crying out loud! This is impossible. It's impossible to think of something my stupidass brain can't
turn into something sexual. Beercan? Oktoberfest. Damn you, brain! Wait, brain? Teacher.. porn. Maybe I've been watching too much porn?
Hm. What did I do yesterday? I don't even think I watched any. I did watch something. Something with a.. forest? What's that actor
called with the beard and the jokes. How do you search stuff like that, huh?<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>As your brain races, your penis gently turns back into it's flaccid state. When at one point you stop to think what it was you were doing,
you realize you did it! You quickly finish fitting the last items of clothing and <</nobr>><<link "meet back up with the girls." "event_2_14">>\
<<set $event2_focus to "yes">>\
<</link>><</if>>\<<set $focus_cw to 0>>\
<<set $focus_counter ++>>\
<div class="standard">\
<video style="width:30em" id="video" src="images/events/2/foc_cw.mp4" autoplay onloadstart="this.playbackRate = 1.5;"></video>
<<timed 2.5s>>\
<div class="fade-in">
<<if $focus_counter lte 3>><<nobr>>Oh, come on! Like.. yeah, ok. Maybe. Maybe not so unexpected. But also why, brain?! What's wrong with a nice
multitool. A saw or the likes.<</nobr>><</if>>
<<include "focus_options">></div><</timed>>
</div><<set $focus_nun to 0>>\
<<set $focus_counter ++>>\
<div class="standard">\
<video style="width:30em" id="video" src="images/events/2/foc_nun.mp4" autoplay onloadstart="this.playbackRate = 1.5;"></video>
<<timed 2.5s>>\
<div class="fade-in">
<<if $focus_counter lte 3>><<nobr>>Oh, right, nuns. Maybe could've seen that one coming. Every nun is a pornstar waiting to get
their tits out, right?<</nobr>><</if>>
<<include "focus_options">></div><</timed>>
</div><<set $focus_maid to 0>>\
<<set $focus_counter ++>>\
<div class="standard">\
<video style="width:30em" id="video" src="images/events/2/foc_maid.mp4" autoplay onloadstart="this.playbackRate = 1.5;"></video>
<<timed 2.5s>>\
<div class="fade-in">
<<if $focus_counter lte 3>><<nobr>>Yeah, sure. One might think: housework? Doing the dishes, getting wet and dirty. //Hmm.. maybe you get those
massive boobs wet-// OH COME ON!!!<</nobr>><</if>>
<<include "focus_options">></div><</timed>>
</div><<set $focus_bny to 0>>\
<<set $focus_counter ++>>\
<div class="standard">\
<video style="width:30em" src="images/events/2/foc_bny.mp4" autoplay onloadstart="this.playbackRate = 1.5;"></video>
<<timed 2.5s>>\
<div class="fade-in">
<<if $focus_counter lte 3>><<nobr>>What?! Man, you were so sure that would work. Out of all the animals,
you think of the damn playboy mascot. Fucks sake.<</nobr>><</if>>
<<include "focus_options">></div><</timed>>
</div><<include "upd_event_2_9c">>\
<div class="standard" id="event">\
<video id="video" src="images/events/2/solo.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<nobr>>Before you realize just how close you already were you start coming. Hard.<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>As you take a moment to collect yourself, you look at the copious amounts of cum covering the floor.
How long had you been in here edging yourself on before sitting down? Also.. how are you gonna clean this mess up? Fuck.<</nobr>>
<<link "Not your proudest moment but.. leave it as is. No way to clean it up." "event_2_10c1">><</link>>
<<link "Clean it up with a piece of clothing. You've got plenty here." "event_2_10c2">><</link>>
<<link "You'll have to live with the shame but.. you could.. eat it.." "event_2_10c3">><</link>>
</div><<include "upd_event_2_10c1">>\
<div class="standard" id="event">\
<<nobr>>Look, you're sorry, ok, but there's nothing you can do. You couldn't fit the clothes with a hard on and you don't
have anything to clean it up with. Nobody will know, surely.<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>As you try on the remaining clothes, your thoughts go back and forth between justifying the pool of cum on the floor
and wondering how there's so much of it. Eventually, you're done!<</nobr>> <<link "Time to meet back up with the girls." "event_2_14">>\
<<set $event2_solo to "yes">>\
</div><div class="standard" id="event">\
<video id="video" src="images/events/2/licky.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<nobr>>You vaguely realize you're only doing this because you're still horny, shrug, drop to the floor
and start licking and sucking. It's salty and a bit sweet - Lisa feeds you stuff that makes it taste better -
but you hardly taste it. This thing is based on lust, not so much hunger.<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>Once you've slurped up the last of it, you get back up, take a second or two and then finish up fitting clothes. Best
to pretend this never happened, right? When you're done, you <<link "meet back up with the girls." "event_2_14">>
<<set $event2_licky to "yes">><</link>><</nobr>>\
</div>\<<include "upd_event_2_10c2">>\
<div class="standard" id="event">\
<<nobr>>Alright, just use a piece of clothing as a.. rag! Nothing to it. You're gonna have to wear it out of store
if you want this to work, though. Otherwise, instead of leaving a puddle of cum on the floor, you'll be leaving a cum soaked piece of
clothing behind. And, well, it can't be something I'd wear //visibly//.<</nobr>>
You sigh as you grab the biggest pair of panties you see.
<div id="choice1"> <<link "Well, let's get this over with.">><<replace "#choice1">><<timed 10ms t8n>>
<<nobr>>You kneel down onto the floor and start wiping it up. It doesn't take long before the floor looks
relatively OK and the panties are absolutely soaking in sperm. Hoping it might dry up a bit, you carefully
hang the panties on a hanger before finishing up your task of trying everything on.<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>Once you're done, you take the panties. They're wet, sticky,
lukewarm and about to be worn. As the panties touch your crotch, you feel the icky substance
spreading, a shiver running through your spine as it covers your balls.<</nobr>>
Fighting the urge to ask yourself why, you put on a pair of pants and <<link "head back to the girls." "event_2_14">>
<<set $event2_panty to "yes">><</link>>\
<<link "Wait, no, I'm not doing that. I'll leave it, fuck it." "event_2_10c1">><</link>></div>\
</div><<include "upd_event_2_14">>\
<div class="standard" id="event">\
<<nobr>>Lisa and Jessy appear to be an animated discussion about a crop top when you meet back up with them.<</nobr>>
<div id="choice1">\
<<link "After everything that just happened, you only manage a meekly greeting.">><<replace "#choice1">><<timed 10ms t8n>>\
<<joe>><<nobr>>Heya. I'm done in there, did everything I was supposed to do. So, er.. yeah.<</nobr>><</joe>>
<<nobr>>You look at Lisa, who's looking at you with a mischievous grin. Does she know something? Or are you just projecting that?
Maybe in your mind, everyone knows. Maybe everything was filmed and broadcasted live right here in the store.
Thankfully,<</nobr>> <<linkappend "Jessy interrupts your downward spiral of paranoia." t8n>>
<<jessy>><<nobr>>Oh, good, honey! I can't wait to see the pictures, I can only image how hot you look in all of them.
What do you think, Lisa?<</nobr>><</jessy>>
<<lisa>><<nobr>>Oh for sure, Jess! My imagination says it was //preeetty hot// in that little room.<</nobr>><</lisa>>
She keeps looking you straight in the eyes, smiling away.
//<<link "So.. we're done right..?" "event_2_15">><</link>><</linkappend>>//\
<<link "Happy to be out of that little room, you cheerfully announce your return.">><<replace "#choice1">><<timed 10ms t8n>>\
<<joe>><<nobr>>Girls, girls! Fear no more, for I - $name - have returned to you once more! I have overcome
the challenges of the quest put upon me!<</nobr>><</joe>>
<<nobr>>The women look at one another for a second, then start laughing. It's going to take more than that to put you
out of your cheerful state - but you can't deny it's now tainted by the question: //'what does who know?'//<</nobr>>
<<lisa>><<nobr>>Oooh, my brave conquerer. Had a hard time in there, did you?<</nobr>><</lisa>>
She looks you straight in the eyes with a mischievous grin. What does //she// know?
<<jessy>>I can't wait to see the pictures, honey! I can only imagine how hot you look in all of them.<</jessy>>
//<<link "Well, that goes without saying. So, we're done, yes?" "event_2_15">><</link>>//\
</div><<include "upd_event_2_15">>\
<div class="standard" id="event">\
<<nobr>><<joe>>Yes, yes, of course. So.. I'm done - you girls need some more time in the store, or?<</joe>><</nobr>>
<<jessy>>Your timing is perfect, babes, I've got another client for a clothing fit in 2 minutes.<</jessy>>
She turns to Lisa.
<<jessy>>I'll see your pretty face wednesday at the salon? Oh, I can't wait, honey!<</jessy>>
<<lisa>>Wednesday at the salon! Thank you so much for everything, Jess.<</lisa>>
<<nobr>>Jessy gives the both of you a hug and heads off to help her client. Lisa and you make your way back to the car
<<link "and drive back home." "event_2_15b">><</link>><</nobr>>\
</div><<include "upd_event_2_15">>\
<div class="standard" id="event">\
<<nobr>>In the car, Lisa and you talk about the clothes you fitted, how different items looked, what everything's called,
how soft some of the fabrics were and everything else related to the fitting process.<</nobr>>
<div id="choice1">\
Well, everything.. did you tell her //everything?//
<<link "You did. She's your girlfriend and you couldn't keep a secret if you wanted to.">><<replace "#choice1">><<timed 10ms t8n>>\
<<include "telling_lisa">>
<<link "No, you didn't tell her everything. Not everyone needs to know everything all the time.">><<replace "#choice1">><<timed 10ms t8n>>\
<<include "not_telling_lisa">>
</div>\<<nobr>>Everything. How your reflection and the soft fabrics touching your skin, your sensitive nipples, turned you on.
How you started stroking it without realizing. <</nobr>>\
<<if $event2_bj is "yes">><<nobr>>How Jessy had come in and //helped// with the situation. How she'd swallowed the situation like
it was just another day at the office.<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>You didn't expect Lisa to be angry - but you'd been a bit nervous telling her. Her reaction tells you there was never any need for that.
If anything, the story and idea of her good friend sucking you off seems to turn her on to no end, as she asks you questions about
every little detail with a sparkle in her eyes.<</nobr>>
<<include "event2_ending">><</if>>\
<<if $event2_focus is "yes">><<nobr>>How you couldn't keep from thinking about sexual stuff, endlessly trying to get rid of your
erection before finally being able to finish the task at hand.<</nobr>>
To nobody's surprise, Lisa goes into an uncontrollable fit of laughter thinking about the whole situation.
<<include "event2_ending">><</if>>\
<<if $event2_gh_hj is "yes">><<nobr>>How the man had bursted in and looked at you, how his cock had come through the wall.
You tell her how you got on your knees, taking the hard cock of another man in your hands for the very first time in your life.
How you made that cock climax. You tell her about the cum, how you tasted some. How it made you feel.<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>As you tell her all this - Lisa acts as an encouraging soundboard, asking gentle questions, smiling lovingly at you. If someone
were to ask you how you jerking off another man made Lisa feel, it'd be a tossup between proud and horny.<</nobr>>
<<include "event2_ending">><</if>>\
<<if $event2_gh_tt is "yes">><<nobr>>How the man had bursted in and looked at you, how his cock had come through the wall.
You tell her how you tricked him, played your Uno reverse card. How he sucked you off, you came, and how it made you feel.<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>Lisa's reaction is one of definite surprise - but not a disappointed or judging one. If someone
were to ask you how you telling another man to get you off made Lisa feel, it'd be a tossup between proud and horny.<</nobr>>
<<include "event2_ending">><</if>>\
<<if $event2_gh_no is "yes">><<nobr>>How the man had bursted in and looked at you, how his cock had come through the wall.
How you'd told him to fuck right off and tricked him into retreat.<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>Lisa unfortunately recognizes your situation as one women are confronted with unwillingly way too often. //'Which is sad, of course.
Unless you're really horny and feel like sucking cock, haha. I'm kidding, babe!!'//. She says she's proud of you for standing up for
yourself and knowing your boundaries.<</nobr>>
<<include "event2_ending">><</if>>\
<<if $event2_licky is "yes">><<nobr>>How you couldn't fit into anything with your erection and decided to.. //make it go away.// About
the huge amount of cum that was the aftermath and, yes, you even told her about.. how you ended up cleaning it up.<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>She laughs, calling you a dirty pervert. She genuinely doesn't seem to judge you and mainly just appears to be entertained
by the idea. //'I guess from now on rather than me swallowing all of it, we can share, babe! Or take turns, haha!'//.
If anything, you feel your confession made her horny.<</nobr>>
<<include "event2_ending">><</if>>\
<<if $event2_panty is "yes">><<nobr>>How you couldn't fit into anything with your erection and decided to.. //make it go away.// About
the huge amount of cum that was the aftermath and, yes, you even told her about.. how you ended up cleaning it up.<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>Lisa bursts out in uncontrollable laughter at the conclusion. //'And you're wearing it right now? OH MY GOD! That is one
of the greatest things I've ever heard. That's why we have handbags, babe. Tissues!'//.
Though she laughs at the situation like 'one of the lads', you don't feel any judgement.<</nobr>>
<<include "event2_ending">><</if>>\
<<if $event2_solo is "yes">><<nobr>>How you couldn't fit into anything with your erection and decided to.. //make it go away.// About
the huge amount of cum that was the aftermath.<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>She tells you she would've been surprised if you //hadn't// been turned on in there. Apparently, she got turned on
just thinking about you fitting women's clothing in a little cabin for some reason. //'And also now you know why
a prepared woman carries a bag, babe. Tissues!'//.<</nobr>>
<<include "event2_ending">><</if>>\<<nobr>>Well, everything.. You tell her you thought you looked hot, how nice the the touch of the fabrics had felt on your skin.
But you didn't tell her about the problem that had.. risen. <</nobr>>\
<<if $event2_bj is "yes">><<nobr>>About how Jessy had helped you out with that and sucked you off. You didn't really
want to talk about it, hot though it had been, and frankly you figured she already knew anyway. If she wanted to talk
about it, she could. Right?<</nobr>>
<<include "event2_ending">><</if>>\
<<if $event2_focus is "yes">><<nobr>>About your difficulty keeping from thinking about sexual stuff.
Frankly, you were a bit embarrased by the whole thing, and you really felt telling Lisa wasn't in anyones interest.<</nobr>>
<<include "event2_ending">><</if>>\
<<if $event2_gh_hj is "yes">><<nobr>>You didn't tell her about the cock thad had come through the wall, or how you got on your knees,
taking the hard cock of another man in your hands for the very first time in your life. About how you made that cock climax.
How you tasted another man's cum.<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>You're not happy keeping it from her, but you're not quite in the right place to tell her either.
She'd given you a kind of Carte Blanche and stressed that it was about doing what felt right for //you//. So if
keeping this from her made you feel better, that's how it is for now.<</nobr>>
<<include "event2_ending">><</if>>\
<<if $event2_gh_tt is "yes">><<nobr>>How the man had bursted in and looked at you, how his cock had come through the wall.
You didn't tell her how you'd tricked him, made him suck you off. You didn't even know how you felt about
it yourself, and weren't ready to hear someone else's feelings on the matter.<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>You're not happy keeping it from her, but you're not quite in the right place to tell her either.
She'd given you a kind of Carte Blanche and stressed that it was about doing what felt right for //you//. So if
keeping this from her made you feel better, that's how it is for now.<</nobr>>
<<include "event2_ending">><</if>>\
<<if $event2_gh_no is "yes">><<nobr>>How the man had bursted in and looked at you, how his cock had come through the wall.
You don't tell her about how you'd told him to fuck right off. It felt like a nasty memory already, and
sharing it didn't feel like it would help anyone feel good.<</nobr>>
<<include "event2_ending">><</if>>\
<<if $event2_licky is "yes">><<nobr>>You don't tell her about the.. solution to your erection problem. Nor did you tell her about
the huge amount of cum that was the aftermath. You //definitely// weren't telling her about how you cleaned up after yourself,
that's for sure.<</nobr>>
<<include "event2_ending">><</if>>\
<<if $event2_panty is "yes">><<nobr>>You don't tell her about the.. solution to your erection problem. Nor did you tell her about
the huge amount of cum that was the aftermath. You //definitely// weren't telling her about how you cleaned up after yourself,
that's for sure.<</nobr>>
<<include "event2_ending">><</if>>\
<<if $event2_solo is "yes">><<nobr>>You don't tell her about the.. solution to your erection problem. Nor did you tell her about
the huge amount of cum that was the aftermath. Cause although you really felt there was no other solution, you felt bad
about leaving it all on the floor like that, so you weren't about to share that with anyone.<</nobr>>
<<include "event2_ending">><</if>>\<<t-clippy>><<nobr>>I've added a button under the ''Personality'' one - ''Wardrobe''. From here on out,
you can use that to change your appearance. All clothes you may unlock will automatically
appear in your wardrobe. Nice, huh?<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>Oh, and just FYI: the wardrobe is only available when you're at home. Cause some things just are. You know?<</nobr>><</t-clippy>><<popup "introduce_wardrobe">>\
<<set $wardrobe_unlocked to "yes">>\
<<set $chapter to "Week 2">>\
<<set $credits to 3>>\
<<set $events += 1>>\
<<set $ to "yes">>\
<<set $story.sports.available to "yes">>\
<<set $ to "yes">>\
<<set $time++>>\
<<set $location to "loc_home">>\<br>\
<<nobr>>Traffic is a nightmare, which gives the two of you the time to practically relive the entire visit to the Clothes 'n Shit.
<<link "Eventually, you make it back home." "week_2_button">>\
<</link>><</nobr>>\<div class="standard" style="margin-top:5em">\
<h1><<link "Week 2" "home">><<include "upd_event_2_end">><</link>></h1>
</div>\<<set $wardrobe_unlocked to "yes">><<set $update_end to "yes">>\
<div class="standard fade-in">\
<br><img src="images/ui/end.svg" style="width:32em"><br><br>
<<nobr>>You've reached the end of this release! To keep things organised, new releases will either feature a week (so three activities: sports,
work and life) //or// a weekend/event - like the one you just played through! Apologies if you were hoping for more!<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>After three weeks of waiting, Subscribestar still hasn't done anything about my profile or communicated anything, so I'm happy to announce
that I've got a ''[[Patreon|]]'' up and running! When this is released (23rd of November), the next update (C1W2) will be released on patreon (and if they ever accept
my profile: Subscribestar). C1W2 features a full new week and will be released for free on the 7th of December.<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>Besides early access, Patrons will receive bonus cosmetic stuff (outfits, looks etc) starting from C1W2.5, so the update after the one currently on the Patreon.
And if we can think of more extra's, we'll add them! If you don't really care about all that but would like to show your
support regardless, you can ''[[Buy Me A Coffee.|]]'' Either way, I greatly appreciate the support!<</nobr>>
For now, if you wish to play around with the Wardrobe some more, you can by clicking the Wardrobe button in the right bar.
Thanks for playing!
- The Contest
</div>\<div class="standard fade-in">\
<br><img src="images/ui/end.svg" style="width:32em"><br><br>
<<nobr>>You've reached the end of this release! If you accessed this release as a subscriber through Patreon: Thank you so much for your support! I
sincerely hope you enjoyed this release. I will be writing about certain choices and features in detail on the ''[[Patreon|]]''<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>Next release will be another 'weekend' event. Not to spoil too much, but we will be adding more customization options in the form of make-up, adding some
subscriber only outfits and of course adding more (hopefully exciting) story.<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>If you're not here through Patreon, thank you for playing! And if you enjoy the content, consider subscribing on the Patreon. Or don't!
If you don't care about the benefits of subscribing but would like to show your
support, you can ''[[Buy Me A Coffee.|]]''. Your support is greatly appreciated!<</nobr>>
Thanks for playing!
- The Contest
</div>\<<include "update_end_2">><div class="standard">\
<<set $location to "loc_eventhome">>\
!!Event 3
Make-Over bitchezzz
[[You're done.|home]]
/* Set everything ready for next week */
<<set $chapter to "Week 3">>
<<set $credits to 3>>
<<set $events += 1>>
<<set $work_available to 1>>
<<set $sports_available to 1>>
<<set $band_available to 1>>
<<set $uni_available to 1>>
<<set $social_available to 1>>
<<nobr>><<set $home_text to "I got painted! I'm a Monet, a Vermeer, a Picasso!">><</nobr>>
<<set $portrait_unlocked to "yes">>
<</nobr>>!!Event 4 - The Main Event
This is it!!! STREAMING!!<<t-clippy>><<nobr>>Story time is over, now let me show you around your life! I've got all kinds of things lined up!
Well, three. Three things. First up: Work.<</nobr>><</t-clippy>><<t-clippy>><<nobr>>Aaaaand we're back, baby! Home sweet home. How was work, honey? Haha, get it? It's like
one of those things that the people on the tv-screen say. Let's go to Sports now!!<</nobr>><</t-clippy>><<t-clippy>><<nobr>>Bing, bang, boom, two for three! See I'm all up-to-date on my sports lingo after that
whole sports thing we did, you know? Anyway, remember those curves and stuff I was talking about? The person I'm
about to introduce has the absolute best! Oh, man, can't wait to see her. Go on, click the next thing already!<</nobr>><</t-clippy>><<if $chapter is "prologue">>\
<<run State.setVar("$", 0)>>\
<<set $status to {
location: "home",
activity: "none",
title: {
location: "Home",
activity: "Getting the Tour"
<<run State.setVar("$", $char.lisa.paperclip)>>\
<<run State.setVar("$", "lisa_popup")>>\
<<run State.setVar("$char.lisa.tip", "Hey babe!")>>\
<<run State.setVar("$", 0)>>\
<<set $status to {
location: "home",
activity: "none",
title: {
location: "Home",
activity: "Just chillin'"
<<if $skipping is "yes">>\
<<set $ to "yes">>\
<<set $ to "yes">>\
<<set $story.sports.available to "yes">>\
<<set $credits to 3>>\
<<set $skipping to "no">>
<<include "title update">>\<<if $week1sports gte 2 and $chapter is "Week 1">>\
<<set $story.sports.available to "yes">><</if>>\
<<include "home_setup">>\
<div id="vervangen">\
<<include "home_menu">>\
<<if $chapter is "prologue">><img style="margin:2em 0 0 19em; opacity:0.8" src="images/ui/prologue.svg">
<<else>><img style="margin:2em 0 0 20.5em; opacity:0.8" @src="'images/ui/' + 'week' + $time + '.svg'"><</if>>\
<<run $(".ward_button").attr("src", "images/ui/empty.png");>>\<div class="home_interface">\
<div class="work_grid" style="z-index:0">\
<<if $ is "no">><img id="not_allowed" id="home_btn" src="images/ui/home/lock_work.png">\
<<else>><<link "<img id='home_btn' src='images/ui/home/tab_work.png'>">>\
<<run State.setVar("$current_slide", "slide_work")>>\
<<run $(".work_grid").attr("style", "z-index:2")>>\
<<run $(".sports_grid, .music_grid, .uni_grid, .life_grid").attr("style", "z-index:0")>>\
<<timed 10ms t8n>>\
<<replace "#vervangen">>\
<<include "slide_work">>\
</div><div class="sports_grid" style="z-index:0">\
<<if $story.sports.unlocked is "no">><img id="home_btn" src="images/ui/home/lock_sports.png">\
<<else>><<link "<img id='home_btn' src='images/ui/home/tab_sports.png'>">>\
<<if $chapter is "Week 1" and $week1sportsexplanation is "no">><<popup "week1sportsexplanation">><</if>>\
<<run State.setVar("$current_slide", "slide_sports")>>\
<<run $(".sports_grid").attr("style", "z-index:2")>>\
<<run $(".work_grid, .music_grid, .uni_grid, .life_grid").attr("style", "z-index:0")>>\
<<timed 10ms t8n>>\
<<replace "#vervangen">>\
<<include "slide_sports">>\
</div><div class="music_grid" style="z-index:0">\
<<if $ is "no">><img id="home_btn" src="images/ui/home/locked.png">\
<<else>><<link "<img id='home_btn' src='images/ui/home/tab_music.png'>">>\
<<set $current_slide to "slide_music">>\
<<run $(".music_grid").attr("style", "z-index:2")>>\
<<run $(".work_grid, .sports_grid, .uni_grid, .life_grid").attr("style", "z-index:0")>>\
<<timed 10ms t8n>>\
<<replace "#vervangen">>\
<<include "slide_music">>\
</div><div class="uni_grid" style="z-index:0">\
<<if $story.uni.unlocked is "no">><img id="home_btn" src="images/ui/home/locked.png">\
<<else>><<link "<img id='home_btn' src='images/ui/home/tab_uni.png'>">>\
<<set $current_slide to "slide_uni">>\
<<run $(".uni_grid").attr("style", "z-index:2")>>\
<<run $(".work_grid, .sports_grid, .music_grid, .life_grid").attr("style", "z-index:0")>>\
<<timed 10ms t8n>>\
<<replace "#vervangen">>\
<<include "slide_uni">>\
</div><div class="life_grid" style="z-index:0">\
<<if $ is "no">><img id="home_btn" src="images/ui/home/lock_life.png">\
<<else>><<link "<img id='home_btn' src='images/ui/home/tab_life.png'>">>\
<<set $current_slide to "slide_life">>\
<<run $(".life_grid").attr("style", "z-index:2")>>\
<<run $(".work_grid, .sports_grid, .uni_grid, .music_grid").attr("style", "z-index:0")>>\
<<timed 10ms t8n>>\
<<replace "#vervangen">>\
<<include "slide_life">>\
</div>\<div class="slides" @id="$current_slide">\
<div class="slide_image"><img src="images/ui/home/slide_work.png"></div>\
<div class="slide_info">\
<div class="slide_title"><img id="no_bradius" src="images/ui/home/work.svg"></div>\
<div class="slide_text">$</div>
<div class="passage_links">
<<if $ is 1>>▶<<button "$" "work">><</button>>\
<<else>><div class="btn_inactive">$ <<if $ lt 1>>\
<img id="locker" src="images/ui/locked.svg"><</if>></div><</if>>\
<<if $ is 2 and $ is "yes">>▶<<button "$" "work">><</button>>\
<<elseif $ is 2 and $ is "no">><div id="not_allowed">▶<<button "$">><</button>></div>\
<<else>><div class="btn_inactive">$ <<if $ lt 2>>\
<img id="locker" src="images/ui/locked.svg"><</if>></div><</if>>\
<<if $ is 3 and $ is "yes">>▶<<button "$" $>><</button>>\
<<elseif $ is 3 and $ is "no">><div id="not_allowed">▶<<button "$">><</button>></div>\
<<else>><div class="btn_inactive">$ <<if $ lt 3>>\
<img id="locker" src="images/ui/locked.svg"><</if>></div><</if>>\
<<if $ is 4 and $ is "yes">>▶<<button "$" $>><</button>>\
<<elseif $ is 4 and $ is "no">><div id="not_allowed">▶<<button "$">><</button>></div>\
<<else>><div class="btn_inactive">$ <<if $ lt 4>>\
<img id="locker" src="images/ui/locked.svg"><</if>></div><</if>>\
</div>\<div class="slides" @id="$current_slide">\
<div class="slide_image"><img src="images/ui/home/slide_sports.png"></div>\
<div class="slide_info">\
<div class="slide_title"><img id="no_bradius" src="images/ui/home/sports.svg"></div>\
<div class="slide_text">$</div>
<div class="passage_links">
<<if $story.sports.current_stage is 1 and $story.sports.available is "yes">>▶<<button "$story.sports.title.stage1.after" "sports">><</button>>\
<<else>><div class="btn_inactive">$story.sports.title.stage1.before <<if $story.sports.current_stage lt 1>>\
<img id="locker" src="images/ui/locked.svg"><</if>></div><</if>>\
<<if $story.sports.current_stage is 2 and $story.sports.available is "yes">>▶<<button "$story.sports.title.stage2.after" "sports">><</button>>\
<<elseif $story.sports.current_stage is 2 and $story.sports.available is "no">><div id="not_allowed">▶<<button "$story.sports.title.stage2.after">><</button>></div>\
<<else>><div class="btn_inactive">$story.sports.title.stage2.before <<if $story.sports.current_stage lt 2>>\
<img id="locker" src="images/ui/locked.svg"><</if>></div><</if>>\
<<if $story.sports.current_stage is 3 and $story.sports.available is "yes">>▶<<button "$story.sports.title.stage3.after" "sports">><</button>>\
<<elseif $story.sports.current_stage is 3 and $story.sports.available is "no">><div id="not_allowed">▶<<button "$story.sports.title.stage3.after">><</button>></div>\
<<else>><div class="btn_inactive">$story.sports.title.stage3.before <<if $story.sports.current_stage lt 3>>\
<img id="locker" src="images/ui/locked.svg"><</if>></div><</if>>\
<<if $story.sports.current_stage is 4 and $story.sports.available is "yes">>▶<<button "$story.sports.title.stage4.after" "sports">><</button>>\
<<elseif $story.sports.current_stage is 4 and $story.sports.available is "no">><div id="not_allowed">▶<<button "$story.sports.title.stage4.after">><</button>></div>\
<<else>><div class="btn_inactive">$story.sports.title.stage4.before <<if $story.sports.current_stage lt 4>>\
<img id="locker" src="images/ui/locked.svg"><</if>></div><</if>>\
</div>\<div class="slides" @id="$current_slide">\
<div class="slide_image"><img src="images/ui/home/slide_music.png"></div>\
<div class="slide_info">\
<div class="slide_title"><img id="no_bradius" src="images/ui/home/music.svg"></div>\
<div class="slide_text">$</div>
<div class="passage_links">
<<if $ is 1 and $ is "yes">>▶<<button "$" "music">><</button>>\
<<elseif $ is 1 and $ is "no">>▶<div class="btn_unavailable">$"</div>\
<<else>><div class="btn_inactive">$ <<if $ lt 1>>\
<img id="locker" src="images/ui/locked.svg"><</if>></div><</if>>\
<<if $ is 2 and $ is "yes">>▶<<button "$" "music">><</button>>\
<<elseif $ is 2 and $ is "no">><div id="not_allowed">▶<<button "$">><</button>></div>\
<<else>><div class="btn_inactive">$ <<if $ lt 2>>\
<img id="locker" src="images/ui/locked.svg"><</if>></div><</if>>\
<<if $ is 3 and $ is "yes">>▶<<button "$" "music">><</button>>\
<<elseif $ is 3 and $ is "no">><div id="not_allowed">▶<<button "$">><</button>></div>\
<<else>><div class="btn_inactive">$ <<if $ lt 3>>\
<img id="locker" src="images/ui/locked.svg"><</if>></div><</if>>\
<<if $ is 4 and $ is "yes">>▶<<button "$" "music">><</button>>\
<<elseif $ is 4 and $ is "no">><div id="not_allowed">▶<<button "$">><</button>></div>\
<<else>><div class="btn_inactive">$ <<if $ lt 4>>\
<img id="locker" src="images/ui/locked.svg"><</if>></div><</if>>\
</div>\<div class="slides" @id="$current_slide">\
<div class="slide_image"><img src="images/ui/home/slide_uni.png"></div>\
<div class="slide_info">\
<div class="slide_title"><img id="no_bradius" src="images/ui/home/uni.svg"></div>\
<div class="slide_text">$</div>
<div class="passage_links">
<<if $story.uni.current_stage is 1>>▶<<button "$story.uni.title.stage1.after" "uni">><</button>>\
<<else>><div class="btn_inactive">$story.uni.title.stage1.before <<if $story.uni.current_stage lt 1>>\
<img id="locker" src="images/ui/locked.svg"><</if>></div><</if>>\
<<if $story.uni.current_stage is 2 and $story.uni.available is "yes">>▶<<button "$story.uni.title.stage2.after" "uni">><</button>>\
<<elseif $story.uni.current_stage is 2 and $story.uni.available is "no">><div id="not_allowed">▶<<button "$story.uni.title.stage2.after">><</button>></div>\
<<else>><div class="btn_inactive">$story.uni.title.stage2.before <<if $story.uni.current_stage lt 2>>\
<img id="locker" src="images/ui/locked.svg"><</if>></div><</if>>\
<<if $story.uni.current_stage is 3 and $story.uni.available is "yes">>▶<<button "$story.uni.title.stage3.after" "uni">><</button>>\
<<elseif $story.uni.current_stage is 3 and $story.uni.available is "no">><div id="not_allowed">▶<<button "$story.uni.title.stage3.after">><</button>></div>\
<<else>><div class="btn_inactive">$story.uni.title.stage3.before <<if $story.uni.current_stage lt 3>>\
<img id="locker" src="images/ui/locked.svg"><</if>></div><</if>>\
<<if $story.uni.current_stage is 4 and $story.uni.available is "yes">>▶<<button "$story.uni.title.stage4.after" "uni">><</button>>\
<<elseif $story.uni.current_stage is 4 and $story.uni.available is "no">><div id="not_allowed">▶<<button "$story.uni.title.stage4.after">><</button>></div>\
<<else>><div class="btn_inactive">$story.uni.title.stage4.before <<if $story.uni.current_stage lt 4>>\
<img id="locker" src="images/ui/locked.svg"><</if>></div><</if>>\
</div>\<div class="slides" @id="$current_slide">\
<div class="slide_image"><img src="images/ui/home/slide_life.png"></div>\
<div class="slide_info">\
<div class="slide_title"><img id="no_bradius" src="images/ui/home/life.svg"></div>\
<div class="slide_text">$</div>
<div class="passage_links">
<<if $ is 1>>▶<<button "$" "life">><</button>>\
<<else>><div class="btn_inactive">$ <<if $ lt 1>>\
<img id="locker" src="images/ui/locked.svg"><</if>></div><</if>>\
<<if $ is 2 and $ is "yes">>▶<<button "$" "life">><</button>>\
<<elseif $ is 2 and $ is "no">><div id="not_allowed">▶<<button "$">><</button>></div>\
<<else>><div class="btn_inactive">$ <<if $ lt 2>>\
<img id="locker" src="images/ui/locked.svg"><</if>></div><</if>>\
<<if $ is 3 and $ is "yes">>▶<<button "$" "life">><</button>>\
<<elseif $ is 3 and $ is "no">><div id="not_allowed">▶<<button "$">><</button>></div>\
<<else>><div class="btn_inactive">$ <<if $ lt 3>>\
<img id="locker" src="images/ui/locked.svg"><</if>></div><</if>>\
<<if $ is 4 and $ is "yes">>▶<<button "$" "life">><</button>>\
<<elseif $ is 4 and $ is "no">><div id="not_allowed">▶<<button "$">><</button>></div>\
<<else>><div class="btn_inactive">$ <<if $ lt 4>>\
<img id="locker" src="images/ui/locked.svg"><</if>></div><</if>>\
</div>\<<set $week1sportsexplanation to "yes">>\
<<t-clippy>><<nobr>>Hi boss! Due to an admin error, sports has been moved to the end of the week. Once you complete
your other activities - Work and Life - it will be made available.<</nobr>><</t-clippy>><<t-clippy>><<nobr>>If you're 18 or over, that means you've lived 18 years or more. 216 or more months, if that helps.
939 weeks? 6574 days? No? Nothing?<</nobr>><</t-clippy>><<set $clippy to "cl_opening_screen">>\
<<set $status to {
location: "nowhere",
activity: "none",
title: {
location: "Your Browser",
activity: "Checking Your Age"
<div class="standard">
''The Contest is an adult, 18+ game with adult themes and adult imagery.''
[[I'm 18 or over, show me the adult stuff.|opening_screen2]]
[[I'm under 18.|under18]]
</div><<t-clippy>><<nobr>>Aww, sorry bud. But hey, that means you've got so much to discover, to learn, to do! Good luck with that, heh.<</nobr>><</t-clippy>><<set $clippy to "cl_under18">>\
<div class="standard">
Sorry, unfortunately The Contest is not for you. Be safe out there!
</div>\<<t-clippy>><<nobr>>Hurray, you've passed the first test! Don't worry, nothing in this game will be as demanding as "live for 18 years" from
now on. Promise.<</nobr>><</t-clippy>><<set $clippy to "cl_opening_screen2">>\
<div class="standard">
<img src="images/ui/welcome.svg" style="width:22em">
<<nobr>>Welcome to ''The Contest''. In this game, you will play as a male undergoing changes to become (more) like a woman.
The game is overtly sexualized and involves images and videos of all kinds of beautiful people showing and using all kinds of very
human bodyparts. If you're not into that, you probably won't enjoy this game.<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>The Contest is created by me - the creator - for fun. My goal is to create a game with a fun story, humor,
meaningful choices and a lot of kinky stuff. There is no grind or randomness involved. If you want to support, there's
''[[Patreon|]]'', where you can find early releases
as well as and insights into the story and process. If you don't care about all that but would like to show your support
regardless, you can ''[[Buy Me A Coffee.|]]'' Either way, I greatly appreciate the support!<</nobr>>
It goes without saying that if you haven't played before, I'd recommend playing through the prologue.
This update includes the prologue, a the first event (weekend), first week and second event. Have fun!
[[Start the game.|intro_1]]
[[Skip prologue - start Week 1.|skip_prologue]]
[[Skip Week 1 - Start Event 2.|skip_week1]]
</div><<set $clippy to "cl_skip_prologue">>\
<<set $workinprogress to "yes">>\
<<set $avatar.present to "no">>\
<div class="standard">
If you haven't played before, you should really play the prologue. [[Come on, off you go.|intro_1]]
If you have, we need to know your name:
<div id="choice1">\
First Name: <<textbox "$name" "Walter" autofocus>>
Last Name: <<textbox "$lastname" "Heelybin">>
<<button "Confirm">>
<<if $name isnot "">>
<<replace "#choice1">><<timed 10ms t8n>>\
Welcome, $name $lastname! We also need to know what body you chose:
<<link "Body 1: Naturelle" "skip_week1_2">>\
<<set $body to 1>>\
<<run $("#base").attr("src", $bodybase);>>\
<<include "skip_update">>\
<<include "body1">>\
<<link "Body 2: Hormoney" "skip_week1_2">>\
<<set $body to 2>>\
<<run $("#base").attr("src", $bodybase);>>\
<<include "skip_update">>\
<<include "body2">>\
<<link "Body 3: Build-A-Bod" "skip_week1_2">>\
<<set $body to 3>>\
<<run $("#base").attr("src", $bodybase);>>\
<<include "skip_update">>\
<<include "body3">>\
<<replace "#output">><<= either(["Fill in a name.", "I gotta know your name, kid.", "Fill in a name, then press the button."])>><</replace>>
<span id="output"></span>\
</div>\<div class="standard">\
<h1>Week 1</h1>\
<hr class="gradienthr_small">
<<if $workskip isnot "done">>What client did you choose to work with?
<<link "Cookie and Mama Mia" `passage()`>><<set $ to "mamamia">><<set $ to "Mama Mia">><<set $workskip to "done">><</link>>
<<link "HeadShotGuy and Lazer Gaming" `passage()`>><<set $ to "lazer">><<set $ to "Lazer Gaming">><<set $workskip to "done">><</link>>
<<link "Maria and Pump" `passage()`>><<set $ to "pump">><<set $ to "Pump">><<set $workskip to "done">><</link>>
<</if>><br><hr class="gradienthr_small">
<<if $sportsskip isnot "done" and $body is 1>>\
Did you promise Coach to help Cody?<br>
<<link "Yep!" `passage()`>><<set $sportsskip to "done">><<set $spath.choice to 1>><</link>>
<<link "Nope." `passage()`>><<set $sportsskip to "done">><<set $spath.choice to 2>><</link>>
<<if $sportsskip isnot "done" and $codyskip isnot "yes" and $body is 2>>\
Who did you choose to focus on?<br>
<<link "Tim." `passage()`>><<set $sportsskip to "done">><<set $spath.choice to 3>><</link>>
<<link "Cody." `passage()`>><<set $sportsskip to "done">><<set $spath.choice to 1>><</link>>
<<if $sportsskip isnot "done" and $letithappen isnot "yes" and $body is 3>>\
How did you handle the slap 'n grab?<br>
<<link "I let it happen." `passage()`>><<set $letithappen to "yes">><</link>>
<<link "I stood up for myself." `passage()`>><<set $sportsskip to "done">><<set $spath.choice to 2>><</link>>
<<if $sportsskip isnot "done" and $letithappen is "yes" and $body is 3>>\
What did you tell Coach?<br>
<<link "That it wasn't my problem." `passage()`>><<set $spath.choice to 4>><<set $sportsskip to "done">><</link>>
<<link "That I'd find a solution (seducing Tim)." `passage()`>><<set $spath.choice to 3>><<set $sportsskip to "done">><</link>><br>
<br><hr class="gradienthr_small">
<<if $lifeskip isnot "done">>What voice did you choose?
<<include "voicechoice">>\
<<if $workskip is "done" and $lifeskip is "done" and $sportsskip is "done">>\
<h1><<link "Start Week 2" "event_2">>\
<<set $avatar.present to "yes">>\
<<set $workinprogress to "no">>\
<<include "skip_update_2">>\
<</if>></div>\<div id="voicechoice">\
<span class="emma"><<button "Emma" `passage()`>><<include voicechange_emma>><<set $lifeskip to "done">><</button>></span>\
<span class="raven"><<button "Raven" `passage()`>><<include voicechange_raven>><<set $lifeskip to "done">><</button>></span>\
<span class="hera"><<button "Hera" `passage()`>><<include voicechange_hera>><<set $lifeskip to "done">><</button>></span>\
</div>\<<t-clippy>>Skipping the prologue, are we? Fine! See if I care! but seriously if you've not played the prologue yet, please do. It's where I have all my lines!!<</t-clippy>><<set $clippy to "cl_skip_prologue">>\
<div class="standard">
If you haven't played before, you should really play the prologue. [[Come on, off you go.|intro_1]]
If you have, we need to know your name:
<div id="choice1">\
First Name: <<textbox "$name" "Walter" autofocus>>
Last Name: <<textbox "$lastname" "Heelybin">>
<<button "Confirm">>
<<if $name isnot "">>
<<replace "#choice1">><<timed 10ms t8n>>\
Welcome, $name $lastname! We also need to know what body you chose:
<<link "Body 1: Naturelle" "event_1_10">>\
<<set $body to 1>>\
<<run $("#base").attr("src", $bodybase);>>\
<<include "skip_update">>\
<<include "body1">>\
<<link "Body 2: Hormoney" "event_1_10">>\
<<set $body to 2>>\
<<run $("#base").attr("src", $bodybase);>>\
<<include "skip_update">>\
<<include "body2">>\
<<link "Body 3: Build-A-Bod" "event_1_10">>\
<<set $body to 3>>\
<<run $("#base").attr("src", $bodybase);>>\
<<include "skip_update">>\
<<include "body3">>\
<<replace "#output">><<= either(["Fill in a name.", "I gotta know your name, kid.", "Fill in a name, then press the button."])>><</replace>>
<span id="output"></span>\
</div>\<<set $ to "You've seen Coach, Cody and the Club. Next time on //Sports//: the whole team comes together for.. training!">>\
<<set $ to "yes">>\
<<set $story.sports.unlocked to "yes">>\
<<set $ to "yes">>\
<<include "work_update">>\
<<include "sports_update">>\
<<include "life_update">>\
<<set $ to "You've seen Coach, Cody and the Club. Next time on //Sports//: the whole team comes together for.. training!">>\
<<set $ to "That was //quite// the announcement party! Oh, and it's the last party for a little while you attended as a man. Next up: female living!">>\
<<set $ to "Mr Bossman is very pleased with you, so next time you're at work, you get to choose what new client to work with!" >>\
<<set $clippy to "clippy_nomore">>\<<set $chapter to 2>>
<<set $ to "You've seen Coach, Cody and the Club. Next time on //Sports//: the whole team comes together for.. training!">>\
<<set $ to "yes">>\
<<set $story.sports.unlocked to "yes">>\
<<set $ to "yes">>\
<<include "work_update">>\
<<include "sports_update">>\
<<include "life_update">>\
<<set $time ++>>\
<<set $events += 1>>\
<<if $spath.choice is 2 and $body is 1>><<set $ to "You were on fire out there during training, WOO! And to top it off, you met a //very// lovely young woman: June.">><</if>>\
<<if $spath.choice is 2 and $body is 3>><<set $ to "Bloody pigs on the team couldn't stop touching you, what the hell? Ooh, you met a //very// lovely young woman, though: June.">><</if>>\
<<if $spath.choice is 1 and $body is 1>><<set $ to "You were on fire out there during training, WOO! Let's try and put that to good use by helping out a teammate: Cody.">><</if>>\
<<if $spath.choice is 1 and $body is 2>><<set $ to "Well, that sucked! You can't push your new body as hard as before. You're going to have to swap roles with Cody.">><</if>>\
<<if $spath.choice is 3 and $body is 2>><<set $ to "Well, that sucked! You can't push your new body as hard as before. You need To convince Tim to support you more.">><</if>>\
<<if $spath.choice is 3 and $body is 3>><<set $ to "Bloody pigs on the team couldn't stop touching you, what the hell? Maybe you can get Tim to call off his dogs somehow.">><</if>>\
<<if $spath.choice is 4>><<set $ to "Bloody pigs on the team couldn't stop touching you, what the hell? Maybe you can use this distraction somehow?">><</if>>\
<<set $ to "Everything is changing! Make-up, flirting with waiters, changing your voice and.. sex with other people?">>\
<<if $ is "lazer">><<set $ to "Who are these men that send unsolicited dickpics to women they hardly know, you ask? Why, men like //Larry//, your new client, of course." >><</if>>\
<<set $personality_unlocked to "yes">>
<<set $clippy to "clippy_nomore">>\<<t-clippy>><<nobr>>Can't get enough of me, can you? If you ever need more opinions, click these portraits. It's mainly a way for the
creator of this game to add more sillyness, but hey, who doesn't like more sillyness?<</nobr>><</t-clippy>><<run State.setVar("$", $char.lisa.paperclip)>>\
<<run State.setVar("$", "lisa_popup")>>\
<<run State.setVar("$char.lisa.tip", "Hey babe!")>>\
<<run State.setVar("$", 0)>>\
<<set $status to {
location: "home",
activity: "none",
title: {
location: "???",
activity: "Meeting Clippy"
<<set $clippy to "intro_1_clippy">>\<<include "intro_1_setup">>\
<div class="standard fade-in" id="prologue">\
<img id="banner" src="images/characters/splash/clippy.png">\
<<clippy>>Hi there! Welcome to //The Contest//. Before we start, what would like me to call you?<</clippy>>
<div id="choice1">\
First Name: <<textbox "$name" "Walter" autofocus>>
Last Name: <<textbox "$lastname" "Heelybin">>
<<button "Confirm">>
<<if $name isnot "">>
<<replace "#choice1">><<timed 10ms t8n>>\
<<clippy>><<nobr>>Great, welcome to //The Contest//, $name! My name is Clippy.
I was named after my father, who was a paperclip.
I’ll be your guide, personal assistant and biggest fan!
I know all there is to know about The Contest. Let’s begin, shall we?<</nobr>><</clippy>>
<<replace "#output">><<= either(["Fill in a name.", "I gotta know your name, kid.", "Fill in a name, then press the button."])>><</replace>>
<span id="output"></span>\
</div>\<<t-clippy>><<nobr>>Pay attention, I'm trying to tell a story here. Seriously, bugger off!<</nobr>><</t-clippy>><<set $clippy to "cl_intro_1_2">>\
<div class="standard" id="prologue">\
<img id="banner" src="images/events/prologue/slide_1.png">
<<clippy>>You are $name. You’re a man of.. whatever age you want to image yourself to be, and you’re good at everything you do.<</clippy>>
<<linkreplace "Everything?" t8n>>\
<<clippy>><<nobr>>Everything. You have a beautiful girlfriend, a wonderful home and an awesome job.
You’re creative, athletic and funny. The only people that don’t like you are jealous. But that’s not why you’re here.<</nobr>><</clippy>>
<<linkreplace "It's not?" t8n>>\
<<nobr>><<clippy>>It's not! Damn $name, I love this rhythm we have going! See? Great at everything.
No, you - or we - are here for //The Contest//. What’s The Contest? Great question, $name! Next slide, please?<</clippy>><</nobr>>
[[Next Slide|intro_1_3]]
</div>\<<t-clippy>><<nobr>>Come one, man, just read the stuff in the middle. I practiced that speech a lot, I'll have you know.<</nobr>><</t-clippy>><<set $clippy to "cl_intro_1_3">>\
<div class="standard" id="prologue">\
<img id="banner" src="images/events/prologue/slide_2.png">
<<nobr>><<clippy>>You’re great, we’ve established that. But there’s one other person that’s, well, also great. Aaron! One of your oldest and best friends, and the guy
who painted these two pictures, actually!
Some people would say you and Aaron are equally great, and that that’s great, and let's leave it at that. But that wouldn’t be much fun, would it?<</clippy>><</nobr>>
<<linkreplace "No?" t8n>><<nobr>><<clippy>>No. Instead, from a young age, Aaron and you have competed at the highest level to determine who’s //actually// the greatest.
Through, you guessed it: The Contest.<</clippy>><</nobr>>
<<clippy>>Next slide, please?<</clippy>>
[[Next Slide|intro_1_4]]<</linkreplace>>
</div>\<<t-clippy>><<nobr>>Oh, what, you reckon after telling you twice, suddenly there's going to be a bunch of important
information here? I made a slideshow!!!<</nobr>><</t-clippy>><<set $clippy to "cl_intro_1_4">>\
<div class="standard" id="prologue">\
<img id="banner" src="images/events/prologue/slide_3.png">
<<nobr>><<clippy>>The first Contest was simple and pretty straightforward. You both competed in the obvious: sports.
Aaron won that first Contest after a deciding tie-breaker, igniting a fire in you that would burn bright with energy,
passion and drive until it was //you// that won The Contest.<</clippy>><</nobr>>
<<clippy>>Next slide?<</clippy>>
[[Next Slide|intro_1_5]]
</div>\<<t-clippy>><<nobr>>Covfefe.<</nobr>><</t-clippy>><<set $clippy to "cl_intro_1_5">>\
<div class="standard" id="prologue">\
<img id="banner" src="images/events/prologue/slide_4.png">
<<nobr>><<clippy>>Being as close to greatness as you both are, you won The Contest the very next year.
The second Contest involved more than just sports, with music and videogames playing a significant role.<</clippy>><</nobr>>
[[Next Slide|intro_1_6]]
</div>\<<t-clippy>><<nobr>>You know this is all coming out of //your// time. I'm not staying after just
cause you couldn't manage to pay attention earlier.<</nobr>><</t-clippy>><<set $clippy to "cl_intro_1_6">>\
<div class="standard" id="prologue">\
<img id="banner" src="images/events/prologue/slide_5.png">
<<nobr>><<clippy>>After that, The Contest evolved into a huge event, growing bigger and more complicated every year.
These days, there’s a yearly contest that involves the simple stuff: sports, games, art, etc.
In order to keep your friends and family interested in your rivalry, this contest is open to everyone.<</clippy>><</nobr>>
<<nobr>><<clippy>>The //real// Contest, however, is what it's all about and takes place once every two to four years,
involving multiple challenges played out over months. It’s the real deal. Theme and everything.<</clippy>><</nobr>>
<<clippy>>One more slide please? Last one, I promise!<</clippy>>
[[Next Slide|intro_1_7]]
</div>\<<t-clippy>><<nobr>>That's detention for you, young man! No but wouldn't it be funny if it was?<</nobr>><</t-clippy>><<set $clippy to "cl_intro_1_7">>\
<div class="standard" id="prologue">\
<img id="banner" src="images/events/prologue/slide_6.png">
<<clippy>><<nobr>>This //'Ultimate Contest'// has had wild editions. One had you both hitchhiking around the globe. //All of it.//
Another.. you know that game where you start with a pen and end with something big, like a car?<</nobr>><</clippy>>
<<linkreplace "Where you trade up? Don't you start with a paperclip?" t8n>>\
<<clippy>><<nobr>>I'm just gonna move past that paperclip remark.. Anyway, yes, that's the one!
Once you guys were done trading, one of you was running a zoo, the other a theme park. I'm not joking.<</nobr>><</clippy>>
<<clippy>>In any case, the next edition of The Contest starts next week! Exciting stuff, huh? Let me show you a simple timeline so you know what to expect.<</clippy>>
[[Check the timeline|intro_1_8]]<</linkreplace>>
</div>\<<t-clippy>><<nobr>>There, you made it. Was that so hard? Yeesh.<</nobr>><</t-clippy>><<set $clippy to "cl_intro_1_8">>\
<<set _timeline to "intro_1_8b">><<set _next to "intro_1_8c">><<set _previous to "">>\
<div class="standard">\
<img id="bannernn" style="width:10em" src="images/ui/thecontest.svg">
<div id="timeline">\
<<include _timeline>>
<<link "Great, let's go!" "home">><<set $clippy to "cl_pr_home_work">><</link>>\
</div>\<<set _previous to "">><<set _next to "intro_1_8c">>\
<img id="bannernn" src="images/ui/timeline_2.svg">
<<clippy>>Right now, we're here.<</clippy>>
<span id="not_allowed"><<button "Previous">><</button>></span>\
<<button "Next">>
<<replace "#timeline">>\
<<set _timeline to _next>>\
<<include _timeline>>
<</button>><<set _previous to "intro_1_8b">><<set _next to "intro_1_8d">>\
<img id="bannernn" src="images/ui/timeline_3.svg">
<<clippy>>Once we're done here, I'll show you around $name's life. Work, sports, etc. Prologue stuff.<</clippy>>
<<button "Previous">>\
<<replace "#timeline">>\
<<set _timeline to _previous>>\
<<include _timeline>>
<<button "Next">>
<<replace "#timeline">>\
<<set _timeline to _next>>\
<<include _timeline>>
<</button>><<set _previous to "intro_1_8c">><<set _next to "intro_1_8e">>\
<img id="bannernn" src="images/ui/timeline_4.svg">
<<clippy>>After that, we go into //'Event 1'//: the weekend in which the theme and first Challenge are announced. Every weekend that follows: another event.<</clippy>>
<<button "Previous">>\
<<replace "#timeline">>\
<<set _timeline to _previous>>\
<<include _timeline>>
<<button "Next">>
<<replace "#timeline">>\
<<set _timeline to _next>>\
<<include _timeline>>
<</button>><<set _previous to "intro_1_8d">><<set _next to "intro_1_8f">>\
<img id="bannernn" src="images/ui/timeline_5.svg">
<<clippy>>In between, you live your life. Sure, The Contest is important, but you also gotta live, right?<</clippy>>
<<button "Previous">>\
<<replace "#timeline">>\
<<set _timeline to _previous>>\
<<include _timeline>>
<<button "Next">>
<<replace "#timeline">>\
<<set _timeline to _next>>\
<<include _timeline>>
<</button>><<set _previous to "intro_1_8e">><<set _next to "intro_1_8g">>\
<img id="bannernn" class="nonothing" src="images/ui/timeline_6.svg">
<<clippy>>At the end of this first chapter: the first Challenge! Which will be implemented soon. And that's it!<</clippy>>
<<button "Previous">>\
<<replace "#timeline">>\
<<set _timeline to _previous>>\
<<include _timeline>>
<span id="not_allowed"><<button "Next">><</button>></span><<set $status to {
location: "home",
activity: "life",
title: {
location: "Home Sweet Home",
activity: "Livin'"
}>>\<<t-clippy>><<nobr>>You've //got// to stop clicking me when I'm talking. It's like this ringing sound. nd.. dddnnn...<</nobr>><</t-clippy>><<set $clippy to "cl_life_1">>\
<<include "life_1_setup">>\
<div class="standard" id="life">\
<<include "homesetting banner">>\
<<clippy>>Don't worry, you clicked right! We're starting from home for this //'category'//. Life. You know, social stuff, friends, love.. living!<</clippy>>
<<clippy>>And for you, a big part of that is one //very// important person. So it's about damn she's introduced.<</clippy>>
Your girlfriend. [[She's in the bedroom.|life_1_2]]
</div>\<<t-clippy>><<nobr>>Hmm.. So pretty.<</nobr>><</t-clippy>><<set $clippy to "cl_life_1_2">><div class="standard">\
<img id="banner" @src="$char.lisa.splash">
<<nobr>>Clippy is right. Lisa, your girlfriend, is the love of your life.
<p id="smalltext">The pineapple of your eye.</p> <p id="xsmalltext">The thingy to the something or whatever.</p> Alright, //fine!// So you don't
exactly remember how those sayings go, but Lisa is //all// of them and more! She's caring, sweet, fun, intelligent, sexy and yours. She smells amazing!
Lisa - no joke - smells better than Sunday morning croissants from a boulangerie in a tiny little town in the south of France. So, there.<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>And sure, maybe you're biased! Maybe you've been madly in love with her since you met
and you can't imagine a bad thing about her, but that doesn't mean- //[['BABE!?! Are you in there?'|life_1_3]]//<</nobr>>
</div>\<<run State.setVar("$", $char.lisa.paperclip)>>\
<<run State.setVar("$", "lisa_popup")>>\
<<run State.setVar("$", 1)>>\
<<set $status to {
location: "home",
activity: "life",
title: {
location: "Home",
activity: "Livin'"
<<set $clippy to "cl_life_1_3">>\
<<set $lisa to "lisa_life_1_3">>\<<t-clippy>><<nobr>>Look, the bedroom! According to MDV's 2000 hit series "Kribs", //this is where the magic happens//.<</nobr>>
Wanna know a secret? It doesn't. I've check here time and time again, never any magic. What's up with //that?!//<</t-clippy>><<t-lisa>>Hellooo? Anyone in there? You've been mumbling out loud, you know that? I think you said something about.. pineapples?<</t-lisa>><<include "life_1_3_setup">>\
<div class="standard" id="life">\
<<include "thebedroom banner">>\
<<lisa>>Babe? You've been standing there staring at me for two minutes, you alright? We've got a big night you know, you've got to get ready!!<</lisa>>
<div id="choice1">\
<<link "Time to be both funny and charming!" "life_1_3a">><<set $lisa to "lisa_life_1_3a">><<set $clippy to "cl_life_1_3a">><</link>>
<<link "Two exclamation marks? Some teasing is in order." "life_1_3b">><<set $clippy to "cl_life_1_3a">><<set $lisa to "lisa_life_1_3a">><</link>>
<<link "Better yet, feign ignorance! That's always fun." "life_1_3c">><<set $clippy to "cl_life_1_3a">><<set $lisa to "lisa_life_1_3a">><</link>>
</div></div>\<<t-lisa>>I was going to ask you if you're gonna get ready or if you're gonna screw about. Buuut I think I know the answer, don't I?<</t-lisa>><<t-clippy>>Aww, you guys are so cute together!<</t-clippy>><div class="standard">\
<<joemale>>Hey, calm down! I just need a moment to stare, alright? It's your own fault for being so bloody awesome..<</joemale>>
She smiles her //'I love this man'//-smile. Succes!
<<lisa>>OK. You have your moment.<</lisa>>
<<linkappend "She treats you to a little photoshoot roleplay." t8n>>
<img class="storygif" src="images/life/1/posing.gif">
<<lisa>>But after this you're getting ready! Big night! Big!<</lisa>>
You stare some more, then [[get ready and go.|life_1_4]]<</linkappend>>
</div>\<div class="standard">\
<<joemale>>Whoa, what you stressing about? I'll be ready //waaaaaayyyyyy// before you anyway.<</joemale>>
Lisa plays along, putting up a little play-angry show.
<<lisa>>I //am// ready!!!<</lisa>>
<<joemale>>//Oooooh.// Well sure, that would explain why you look so good! Hold on gimme some time to take in this view.<</joemale>>
<<linkappend "She grins a mischievous smile and grabs the straps on her dress." t8n>>
<img class="storygif" src="images/life/1/thegoodstuff.gif">
<<lisa>>Alright, get it out of your system. But then you're getting dressed!<</lisa>>
After a having a //very// good look, [[you change and go to the party.|life_1_4]]<</linkappend>>
</div>\<div class="standard">\
<<joemale>>Hm? Big night? I don't.. //waitfuck//, it's not your birthday, is it?!<</joemale>>
Lisa folds her arms, tilts her head slightly and gives you her //'oh, we're playing this game, are we?'// look.
<<lisa>>No, no, you're probably right. I must've been mistaken. Alright, let's stay in and watch Euphoria!<</lisa>>
Drat. You can't really call that bluff. It's a good show, but //sooooooo// depressing.
<<linkappend "Fine, she wins." t8n>>
<<joemale>>Ok! I surrender. I'll get ready.<</joemale>>
<<lisa>>For your own party? Good boy!<</lisa>>
She winks and gives you a <<linkappend "revealing twirl" t8n>><br><br><img class="story_image" src="images/life/1/twirl.webp"><br><br>..<</linkappend>> as she leaves the room. Damn.
[[Change and go to the party|life_1_4]]<</linkappend>>
</div>\<<set $status to {
location: "thepit",
activity: "life",
title: {
location: "The Pit",
activity: "Contest Theme Party"
<<set $lisa to "lisa_life_1_4">>
<<set $clippy to "cl_life_1_4">><<t-lisa>>What's that smell? Wait, dont'tell me! It's.. despair! Sweat? Sweaty despair! Ohhh it's so hard to guess and it smells so bad!!<</t-lisa>><<t-clippy>>Ooh, I don't think I've been here before. Are we gonna be drinking, boss?<</t-clippy>><img id="banner" src="images/locations/banner/thepit.png">\
<img id="small_bradius" src="images/ui/thepit.svg">\
<br><<include "life_1_4_setup">>\
<div class="standard" id="life">\
<<include "thepit banner">>\
<<nobr>>The Pit is filled with people you know. Which makes sense, as you guys have booked it for the evening.
The Pit has been your go-to since forever. It's one of those places everyone likes to complain about but, if prompted,
nobody could name an alternative to they'd actually prefer. Like when people pretend like they're above fast food chains.
Nobody is above The Pit.<</nobr>>
From a little further back, a familliar voice calls out to you. //<<link "$name!!" "life_1_5">><</link>>//
</div><<run State.setVar("$present.two.image", "images/characters/paperclip/aaron.png")>>\
<<run State.setVar("$present.two.popup", "aaron_popup")>>\
<<run State.setVar("$char.aaron.tip", "Eeeey there he is! Ready to learn what I'm gonna beat you at this time?")>>\
<<run State.setVar("$", 2)>>\
<<set $aaron to "aaron_life_1_5">>\
<<set $lisa to "lisa_life_1_5">>\
<<set $clippy to "cl_life_1_5">>\<<t-clippy>>Look, it's Aaron! He looks just like the pictures, doesn't he?<</t-clippy>><<t-aaron>>My maaaan! God, I love seeing you. It's a reminder I'm about to kick your ass in another contest! HA!<</t-aaron>><<t-lisa>>I think I need a drink. You need a drink? I need a drink.<</t-lisa>><<include "life_1_5_setup">>
<div class="standard">\
<<nobr>>Some people, when making their way through a crowd, use a gentle touch to make people aware they're coming through. Others
use props and sound, holding up glasses of beer demonstratively while shouting //'Hot! Coming through!!'//. Some people don't make their way through at all.<</nobr>>
Aaron is a bit like Moses. In front, people clear a path to let him through in style. Behind, those that dare follow get sucked up by the crowd.
<<aaron>>$name! There you are, how have you been? You look..<</aaron>>
<<linkappend "He looks you up and down with a childish smirk." t8n>>
<<aaron>>Tiny? Buddy, you have to stay in shape! Uncle Aaron needs a challenge with his Contest.<</aaron>>
[[Actually, you slimmed down to make it a fair fight for once.|life_1_6a]]
[[You're the same, he just gained a bunch of weight.|life_1_6b]]
[[You're happy to see him, too.|life_1_6c]]<</linkappend>>
</div>\<div class="standard">\
<<joemale>>Oh, man! You noticed before I could even mention it. Shit, well, alright, it was supposed to be a surprise, but..<</joemale>>
You hold your arms out as though you're presenting yourself.
<<joemale>>Tadaaa! I slimmed down to your level. For the first time, we'll be competing on equal grounds! You're welcome!<</joemale>>
He looks you in the eye all serious for a moment, <<linkappend "then slaps you on the shoulder and starts laughing." t8n>>
<<aaron>>//Aaaaahhh!!// I missed you, man! You ready for this?<</aaron>>
<<joemale>>I missed //you!// Ready as ever, my guy.<</joemale>>
Fom the middle of the room, you hear the sound of someone tapping a microphone. //[[Ahum!|life_1_7]]//<</linkappend>>
</div><div class="standard">\
You, in turn, look at Aaron. You mumble words like //'aii', 'oof'// and //'oh dear'// and suck air in through your teeth.
<<joemale>>Hmm, yeah. I think I know what's happening here, Aaron.<</joemale>>
<<joemale>>You see, all of your.. weight gain must have changed your point of view. I only look slim from a.. fat guy's perspective.<</joemale>>
He looks you in the eye all serious for a moment, <<linkappend "then slaps you on the shoulder and starts laughing." t8n>>
<<aaron>>//Aaaaahhh!!// I missed you, man! You ready for this?<</aaron>>
<<joemale>>I missed //you!// Ready as ever, my guy.<</joemale>>
Fom the middle of the room, you hear the sound of someone tapping a microphone. //[[Ahum!|life_1_7]]//<</linkappend>>
</div><div class="standard">\
//'Be the better man.'// You've read and seen it a thousand times over. Never gave it a shot before now. You put on your warmest smile.
<<joemale>>Aww, thanks Aaron! I've been good. You know, life. How have you been? You look great!<</joemale>>
He looks puzzled for a moment, <<linkappend "then slaps you on the shoulder and starts laughing." t8n>>
<<aaron>>//Aaaaahhh!// Alright, alright, you win the first one. And by complimenting me! This year's gonna be tough. I missed you, man.<</aaron>>
<<joemale>>I missed //you!// You ready for this?<</joemale>>
Fom the middle of the room, you hear the sound of someone tapping a microphone. //[[Ahum!|life_1_7]]//<</linkappend>>
</div><<set $aaron to "aaron_life_1_7">>\
<<set $lisa to "lisa_life_1_7">>\
<<set $clippy to "cl_life_1_7">>\<<t-clippy>><<nobr>>Ah, The Accountant. He reminds me of my father. Not so much on the personality side of things,
but if you're colorblind and you squint real hard.. he looks just like a paperclip!<</nobr>><</t-clippy>><<t-aaron>>Alright, here we go. The robot is gonna tell us the theme, let's go.<</t-aaron>><<t-lisa>><<nobr>>Is beige a skincolor? I'm pretty sure The Accountant's skincolor is.. beige. Babe, can you see where
the man ends and his clothes begin? All I see is a beige blob! Babe? Do I need glasses?<</nobr>><</t-lisa>><<include "life_1_7_setup">>\
<div class="standard">\
<img id="banner" @src="$">\
<h3>The Accountant</h3>\
<<nobr>>The man on stage is "The Accountant". Aaron and you decided to hire him 8 years ago to oversee the Contests,
as you couldn't find anyone impartial. When you offered him the job, you thought it'd be a fun gig for him. That was before you got to know him.<</nobr>>
Eight years later, you're fairly certain he's incapable of laughter.
//[[Thank you all for being here..|life_1_8]]//
</div>\<<set $aaron to "aaron_life_1_8">>\
<<set $lisa to "lisa_life_1_8">>\
<<set $clippy to "cl_life_1_8">>\<<t-clippy>><<nobr>>I think those two are right, you should shush and pay attention!<</nobr>><</t-clippy>><<t-aaron>>Listen to your girl, $name.<</t-aaron>><<t-lisa>><<nobr>>Ssshhhhh.<</nobr>><</t-lisa>><<include "life_1_8_setup">>\
<div class="standard">\
<<accountant>><<nobr>>.. at this year's Contest theme announcement. I am aware that, in the past, the intricate details of the rules and regulations
have caused attendants to fall asleep.<</nobr>><</accountant>>
<<nobr>>That was last time. Poor Melissa fell on her head and had her brains all scrambled.
She'd been convinced she was married to the Accountant for //weeks//. <</nobr>><<linkappend "He continues." t8n>>
<<accountant>><<nobr>>It is with that in mind that I shall keep this year's presentation short. I shall forego said rules and regulations.
The contestants can read these in their own time.<</nobr>><</accountant>>
<<linkappend "The audience collectively lets out a sigh of relief." t8n>>
<<accountant>>So, to the point I shall be. Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you: this year's trophy.<</accountant>>
[[He removes the cloth covering the trophy - nearly toppling it over in the process.|life_1_9]]<</linkappend>><</linkappend>>
</div>\<div class="standard">\
<img id="banner" src="images/life/1/trophy.png">
<<nobr>>At first glance, the trophy standing on the bar is a fairly standard looking one. Upon closer inspection, however, one could quite
easily mistake it for a big bosomed female figure with her hands on her hips. The word //'Woman'// is prominently embossed on the foot.
Underneath, it reads: //'May the best one win.'//.<</nobr>>
A murmur goes up in the crowd. <<linkappend "The Accountant continues. 'This', he gestures.." t8n>>
<<accountant>>.. is a trophy with breasts. Befitting of this year's theme. Woman.<</accountant>>
He pauses for a moment because, learning from previous editions, he expects a reaction. The crowd - also learning from previous editions - [[remains silent.|life_1_10]]
</div>\<<set $aaron to "aaron_life_1_9">>\
<<set $lisa to "lisa_life_1_9">>\
<<set $clippy to "cl_life_1_9">>\<<t-clippy>><<nobr>>Ooooooooooh!<</nobr>><</t-clippy>><<t-aaron>><<nobr>>Woman, huh? I've never been a woman before.. Hm. I've been a //man//, though.. that's like 60%!
Ha! I'm gonna kick your ass!<</nobr>><</t-aaron>><<t-lisa>><<nobr>>Woman?! I'm //so surprised!// Daaaaamn it's a pity the Contest is just for you two. I'd kill being a woman.<</nobr>><</t-lisa>><<include "life_1_10_setup">>\
<div class="standard">\
In attempt to hide his miscalculation he makes a loud sound you can only assume is him clearing his throat.
<<accountant>>//AHGHhuum.// Woman. The contestants will compete in several challenges as //women.//<</accountant>>
<<accountant>><<nobr>>They will be judged by a jury on their approach to the challenge. They will also receive points by the measureable
outcomes of the challenges themselves. Further details will be communicated at a later time.<</nobr>><</accountant>>
He reaches inside his pocket and pulls out what looks like a webcam [[and holds it up.|life_1_10b]]
</div><div class="standard">\
<<accountant>>This is a webcam.<</accountant>>
Fucking magician, this guy.
<<accountant>><<nobr>>It represents the first challenge. The contestants are to host a //'Switch™'// stream as a female. Points will be earned based on viewer numbers.
Specifics will be communicated at a later time.<</nobr>><</accountant>>
<<accountant>>And that is all from me. I know how you people enjoy 'Fun' and 'alcoholic drinks', so I will let you have those now. Thank you.<</accountant>>
<<nobr>>He steps off into the crowd and seemingly disappears //as// you're looking at him. Like the beige soup of a man he is.
You feel a hand gently squeezing your arm.<</nobr>> [[Babe?|life_1_11]]
</div><<run State.setVar("$", 1)>>\
<<set $lisa to "lisa_life_1_11">>\
<<set $clippy to "cl_life_1_11">>\<<t-clippy>><<nobr>>I'm confused. Does this mean I'm gonna be a man? Joke! I'm your guide! Alright, just choose
what you feel fits your train of thought.<</nobr>>
Spoiler: this decision doesn't change anything.<</t-clippy>><<t-lisa>><<nobr>>You ask me? Great theme. I've been a woman my whole life! And though I can't really say what it's like to
be a man.. being a woman is better. Just is!<</nobr>><</t-lisa>><<include "life_1_11_setup">>
<div class="standard">\
<<nobr>>Lisa looks at you with a loving and tentative smile. The tiniest of twinkle in her eyes, however, tell you that
she is, in fact, bursting with excitement.<</nobr>>
<<lisa>>So..? What do you think, babe?<</lisa>>
That's a good question. What //do// you think?
<<link "You're excited! This is going to be quite the challenge." "life_1_11a">><<set $clippy to "cl_life_1_11a">><</link>>
<<link "You're not exactly wild about this. You're a man!" "life_1_11b">><<set $clippy to "cl_life_1_11a">><</link>>
<<link "You.. don't know what you think, to be honest." "life_1_11c">><<set $clippy to "cl_life_1_11a">><</link>>
</div>\<<t-clippy>>Hm? Sorry, I dozed off. It's been a long day. I'm just gonna chill here for a bit, see you in the morning!<</t-clippy>><div class="standard">\
<<joemale>><<nobr>>Honestly? I'm excited! I mean, sure, I'll need some time to fully comprehend what's coming, but.. yeah!
The Contest is one of the few things in life that can //really// challenge me, you know? And this? This sounds like a challenge!<</nobr>><</joemale>>
<<linkappend "Lisa looks at you. She's beaming." t8n>>
<<lisa>><<nobr>>Right!!! This is going to be so much fun! Hey, hey, you wanna know something?<</nobr>><</lisa>>
<<joemale>><<nobr>>You're a woman?<</nobr>><</joemale>>
<<lisa>><<nobr>>I'm a woman!! I can teach you, babe! Oh this is going to be the experience of a lifetime. Come on, let's get drunk and
celebrate your manhood!<</nobr>><</lisa>>
You can definitely get on board with that. [[To the bar!|life_1_12]]
[[Skip to next morning.|life_1_15]]<</linkappend>>
</div>\<div class="standard">\
<<joemale>><<nobr>>Meh? I mean what's wrong with an old fashioned battle of the ego's? Two Alpha's facing off in an epic battle of
manliness, vigour and strength!<</nobr>><</joemale>>
Lisa's expression goes from hiding glee to not at all hiding anger. She hits you on your arm. She's not a big woman, but you can feel she means it.
<<lisa>><<nobr>>It couldn't be //more// about those things, you idiot! If you're more scared of pretending to be a woman than you are of a fight to the death,
then you're the tiniest and most insecure man in the whole damn city.<</nobr>><</lisa>>
<<linkappend "You hestiate." t8n>>
<<joemale>><<nobr>>But.. but the trophy has boobs! //The cup has cups!//<</nobr>><</joemale>>
<<lisa>><<nobr>>So?! I have boobs. You love boobs, for crying out loud!<</nobr>><</lisa>>
You do. Boobs are the best. You just never imaged owning a pair of your own. You think for a little, [[then let out a weak 'Hm.'|life_1_11b2]]<</linkappend>>
</div>\<div class="standard">\
<<joemale>><<nobr>>Hm, yeah.<</nobr>><</joemale>>
<<lisa>><<nobr>>Look. I realise this is a big surprise and you haven't had any time to really think about it, so.. sorry if I'm so angry.
I mean, come on, though! //I'm// a woman!<</nobr>><</lisa>>
<<joemale>><<nobr>>Whoa, hey!! You know I don't mean being a woman is.. meh! You know I don't think that.<</nobr>><</joemale>>
<<linkappend "She shrugs." t8n>>
<<lisa>><<nobr>>Sure. I guess maybe you just need some time. And alcohol. How about we get stupid drunk and think about it in the morning?<</nobr>><</lisa>>
You can definitely get on board with that. [[To the bar!|life_1_12]]
[[Skip to next morning.|life_1_15]]<</linkappend>>
</div>\<div class="standard">\
<<joemale>><<nobr>>Err.. honestly? I have no idea! I guess I'm going to be a woman?<</nobr>><</joemale>>
You look at Lisa. She's really bad at hiding how she feels.
<<joemale>><<nobr>>//You// do though. Come on, out with it! I don't want you to hurt yourself keeping all that excitement locked up.<</nobr>><</joemale>>
She laughs and visibly relaxes.
<<lisa>><<nobr>>Ok, well, I think it's great!! I'm a woman, and I love being me. And you love me! And I think it's just, you know
a really good experience probably. //OOH//, and we'll be a lesbian couple!<</nobr>><</lisa>>
<<linkappend "She takes it down a notch." t8n>>
<<lisa>><<nobr>>Don't worry, babe, you'll see. Now.. how about we get embarrassingly drunk and celebrate your manhood?<</nobr>><</lisa>>
<<joemale>><<nobr>>Well now that's something I can be very sure about! I'll get drinks!<</nobr>><</joemale>>
[[To the bar!|life_1_12]]
[[Skip to next morning.|life_1_15]]<</linkappend>>
</div>\<<run State.setVar("$", "images/characters/paperclip/becky.png")>>\
<<run State.setVar("$", "becky_popup")>>\
<<set $becky to "bc_life_1_12">><<t-becky>>Hya $name! Or should I say.. //Miss $name//? Hihi! What can I getcha?<</t-becky>><<include "life_1_12_setup">>\
<div class="standard">\
<img id="banner" src="images/life/1/bar.png">
<<nobr>>The Pit, in an attempt to either be modern of efficient, has an ipad at the bar where you can order. You like it.
It's fast and easy - but it's also great for bar conversations with old people. You just point at it, sigh and say: //'Right?'//.
Unfortunately, it appears to be stuck on some cocktail.<</nobr>> <<linkappend "You signal the barkeep." t8n>>
<<becky>><<nobr>>$name! I hear you're becoming a woman! Let me be the first to say: welcome.
I hope you enjoy your stay.<</nobr>><</becky>>
<<joemale>>Why, thank you, Becky! I appreciate that. Listen, the thing appears to be stuck. Can I get ==tw== four beers?<</joemale>>
<<linkappend "She grins." t8n>>
<<becky>><<nobr>>Not stuck, actually! We're running a themed cocktails only night on account of your contest.
It's a new girly cocktail every hour. We're starting off fairly neutral with a nice SLimery Slope!<</nobr>><</becky>>
[[You look at the screen.|life_1_12a]]<</linkappend>><</linkappend>>
</div><div id="slope" class="standard">\
<img id="bannernn" src="images/life/1/slope.gif">
//''SLimery Slope''//
<<nobr>>//Get ready to slide down the Slimery Slope: a lime green cascade of fizz that sparkles like a disco ball at an alien party.
With a hint of zesty lemon and an overdose of lime, this cocktail is brighter than your wildest extraterrestrial dreams.<br><br>- The Pit//<</nobr>>
[[Slopes it is! You order and find Lisa.|life_1_12b]]
</div>\<<set $status to {
location: "dancefloor",
activity: "life",
title: {
location: "The Dancefloor",
activity: "Dancing"
<<run State.setVar("$", 0)>>\
<<set $clippy to "clippy_nomore">><<t-clippy>><<nobr>>So, bad news guys!! The developer has apparently decided that I'm not 'essential', so they're putting off these
paperclips for a bit!! What am I supposed to do? Go on vacation? Pffssshhh. Pfsshh I say!<</nobr>><</t-clippy>><<include "life_1_12b_setup">>\
<div class="standard">\
You don't exactly know why The Slimery Slope is supposed to be girly, until you give one to Lisa.
<<lisa>>//Yayyyy!!// Colored drinks! Ooohh green!<</lisa>>
<<joemale>>Cocktails only tonight, babe!<</joemale>>
<<linkappend "She takes a sip of the cocktail through a straw and winks." t8n>>
<img class="storygif" src="images/life/1/straw.gif">
<<lisa>>Come on! Let's dance!<</lisa>>
[[Hit the dancefloor.|life_1_12c]]<</linkappend>>
</div>\<div class="standard fade-in blur1">\
<img class="storygif" id="nonothing" src="images/life/1/dance1.gif">
<<nobr>>The Music is a bit like the Slimery Slope. It's way too sweet, a little bit nasty and consumed thirstily and in high volume. You like dancing.
Giving in to the music, letting yourself go. It doesn't hurt that you're good at it.<</nobr>>
The hour flies by. A bell rings, [[indicating the next cocktail hour.|life_1_12d]]
</div>\<<run $>>
<div class="standard fade-in blur1">\
<<becky>><<nobr>>$name! My sister to be. What can I getcha, hun?<</nobr>><</becky>>
<<joemale>>Those Limery thingies were fucking amazing! Whasnext? Ohright.<</joemale>>
[[You lookat the screen.|life_1_12e]]
<<timed 25ms>>\
<<run $(".say").addClass("blurbox1");>>\
<<run $(".say").attr("id", "transparentborder");>>\
<<run $('.becky').children('img').attr('src', 'images/characters/portrait/beckydrunk.png');>>\
<<run $('.joemale').children('img').attr('src', 'images/characters/portrait/maleselfdrunk.png');>>\
<</timed>>\<div class="fade-in standard blurpeach">\
<img id="bannernn" src="images/life/1/peach.gif">
//''Peachy Princess''//
<<nobr>>//Prepare your taste buds for a royal rendezvous! This drink is so regal, even the ice cubes wear crowns.
Sip on a liquid sunset of peachy magnificence. Because when life hands you peaches, turn them into a Peachy Princess and drink like fucking royalty!
<br><br>- The Pit//<</nobr>>
<div class="blur1">[[Peachhhhh!!! Let's dance, baby!|life_1_12f]]</div>
</div>\<div class="standard fade-in blur2">\
<img class="storygif" id="nonothing" src="images/life/1/dance2.gif">
<<nobr>>Peach is kinda nice. You know? What kind of pink is a peach? Is it salmon?
And of course you have the peach emoji right. Is that also like a butt because of the fabric of yogapants and the fabric of peaches?<</nobr>>
Another flying hour followed by another bell. [[New cocktaaaaailsssssss!!|life_1_12g]]
</div>\<div class="standard fade-in blur2">\
[[Cody is at the bar!!!|life_1_12gg]]
</div>\<div class="standard fade-in blur2">\
<<cody>><<nobr>>$name! Hey man, what's up?<</nobr>><</cody>>
<<joemale>>Yeah! HEY Imma be a woman. A ladyyyyy. OH WAIT for you nothing changes cos youre inte guys AND wimmens! Hey good for u man. Good. Ok but BECKY!!!!!<</joemale>>
Becky puts two cocktails down. YESSS! Whaddarwedrinking? [[Screennnn!!|life_1_12h]]
<<timed 25ms>>\
<<run $(".say").addClass("blurbox2");>>\
<<run $(".say").attr("id", "transparentborder");>>\
<<run $('.cody').children('img').attr('src', 'images/characters/portrait/codydrunk.png');>>\
<<run $('.joemale').children('img').attr('src', 'images/characters/portrait/maleselfdrunk2.png');>>\
<</timed>>\<div class="fade-in standard blurlavender">\
<img id="bannernn" src="images/life/1/lavender.gif">
//''Lady Lavender''//
<<nobr>>//Elegance and enchantment collide in every sip of Lady Lavender. Watch as the colors dance from orange to purple in a graceful ballet.
Fresh lavender flowers and orange slices gently curtsy in the ice, creating a taste that's as sophisticated as it is delightful.
<br><br>- The Pit//<</nobr>>
<div class="blur2">[[LADY FOR MY LADY!!|life_1_12i]]</div>
</div>\<div class="standard fade-in blur3">\
<img class="storygif" id="nonothing" src="images/life/1/dance3.gif">
<<nobr>>WooOoooOOOo!! Who.. what there you know. Inna DRINK? Cus and well //LAVENDER// amirite??? So. LOL. You dont. You donttttt
wanna talk to you. Jus dance alredy!!!!!<</nobr>>
A Ring bells. Bell Ringeling BELLERING. What? [[WE ASK BECKY|life_1_12j]]
</div>\<div class="standard fade-in blur3">\
<<becky>>$name! Haha, you made it to the Unicorn! Good for you.<</becky>>
<<joemale>>Yeah! HEY Imma be a woman. Didunodat? Did u no.. immm a woman now<</joemale>>
<<becky>>Sure did, sis! Here's your drinks. Enjoy!<</becky>>
<<timed 25ms>>\
<<run $(".say").addClass("blurbox2");>>\
<<run $(".say").attr("id", "transparentborder");>>\
<<run $('.becky').children('img').attr('src', 'images/characters/portrait/beckydrunk2.png');>>\
<<run $('.joemale').children('img').attr('src', 'images/characters/portrait/maleselfdrunk3.png');>>\
<</timed>>\<div class="fade-in standard blurunicorn">\
<img id="bannernn" src="images/life/1/unicorn.gif">
//''A Fucking Unicorn''//
<<nobr>>//Step into a realm of fantasy with A FUcking Unicorn. It's not just a drink, it's a legendary swirl of rainbow magic, served in a glass.
This potion is named after the mythical creature because, well, noone is gonna fucking believe you. Drink up!
<br><br>- The Pit//<</nobr>>
<div class="blur2">[[I donno wasgonone|life_1_12l]]</div>
</div>\<div class="fade-in standard blur3">\
<<joemale>>Mbl. Ive a FUCKING UNICORN BABY<</joemale>>
<<timed 25ms>>\
<<run $(".say").addClass("blurbox2");>>\
<<run $(".say").attr("id", "transparentborder");>>\
<<run $('.lisa').children('img').attr('src', 'images/characters/portrait/lisadrunk3.png');>>\
<<run $('.joemale').children('img').attr('src', 'images/characters/portrait/maleselfdrunk3.png');>>\
<</timed>>\<<set $status to {
location: "nowhere",
activity: "life",
title: {
location: "???",
activity: "Going home?"
}>>\<<include "life_1_13_setup">>
<div class="standard fade-in blur3">\
<img class="storygif" id="nonothing" src="images/life/1/goinghome.gif">
<<nobr>>Younnot gnoa remembr this prolly. Butttt. Heh, butt. BUTTSSSSSSs<</nobr>>
Somhoe now ur home? [[HOomeee BABYYYY|life_1_14]]
</div>\<<set $status to {
location: "home",
activity: "life",
title: {
location: "Home",
activity: "Choosing"
}>>\<<include "life_1_14_setup">>\
<div class="standard fade-in blur3">\
<<lisa>>BABE! Come h'zeree you. You. Let's, you wanna do it? Now youzzestillaman??<</lisa>>
<<timed 5ms>>\
<<run $(".say").addClass("blurbox2");>>\
<<run $(".say").attr("id", "transparentborder");>>\
<</timed>>\<<set $status to {
location: "home",
activity: "life",
title: {
location: "Bed",
activity: "Sex"
}>>\<<include "life_1_14a_setup">>\
<div class="standard fade-in blur3">\
<img class="storygif" id="nonothing" src="images/life/1/sex1.gif">
[[Takeit off|life_1_14b]]
</div>\<div class="standard fade-in blur3">\
<img class="storygif" id="nonothing" src="images/life/1/sex2.gif">
</div>\<div class="standard fade-in blur3">\
<img class="storygif" id="nonothing" src="images/life/1/sex3.gif">
</div>\<div class="standard fade-in blur3">\
<img class="storygif" id="nonothing" src="images/life/1/sex4.gif">
<div id="delayfade">[[done. sleep|life_1_15]]</div>
</div>\<<set $status to {
location: "home",
activity: "life",
title: {
location: "Bed",
activity: "Sleeping"
<div class="standard fade-in">
<h1>[[The Next Day|event_1]]</h1>
<<include "life_update">>\
<<set $ to "That was //quite// the announcement party! Oh, and it's the last party for a little while you attended as a man. Next up: female living!">>\<<set $status to {
activity: "life",
location: "life",
title: {
activity: "Livin'",
location: "Lively Places"
<<set $name_backup to $name>>\
<<set $lastname_backup to $lastname>>\
<div class="standard life" id="life">\
<<include "homesetting banner">>
<<lisa>>Hey babe! You wanna go out for lunch? There's this place Jacky recommended I wanna try.<</lisa>>
<<joe>>Who's Jacky again?<</joe>>
<<lisa>>The one that told me about the lunchplace! Duh, keep up.<</lisa>>
<<joe>>Yeah, sure, sounds good. You need some time to get ready or whatever?<</joe>>
<<lisa>>Ah, no, that's not how we do it anymore, babe.<</lisa>>
<<linkreplace "It's not?" t8n>>\
<<lisa>>Nu-uh! //We// need some time to get ready. Come on, I'll do your make-up. Chopchop!<</lisa>>
[[Guess this is happening..|life_2_2]]<</linkreplace>>
</div>\<img id="banner" src="images/locations/banner/bathroom.png">\
<img id="small_bradius" src="images/ui/bathroom.svg">\
<br><div class="standard" id="life">\
<<include "thebathroom banner">>
You follow Lisa into the bathroom.
<<lisa>>Alright, make-up time!! What do wanna do?<</lisa>>
<<joe>>I, er.. well..<</joe>>
<<lisa>>Hihi, ok you just take a look in the mirror and let me know, yeah? I'll just get my stuff, back in a sec!<</lisa>>
[[Look in the mirror.|life_2_3]]
</div><<set $avatar.present to "no">>\
<<set $workinprogress to "yes">>\
<div class="standard" id="life">\
<div class="spiegelblok">\
<img class="life2makeup" id="life2makeup_2" src="images/life/2/makeup_1.png">\
<<nobr>>As you look at yourself in the mirror, you find yourself very much thinking like a man. //What I wanna do? I mean what are the make-ups?
Am I supposed to know this stuff? Is Lisa gonna be mad if I don't know how she.. makes.. ups? makeups?//<</nobr>>
Eventually, you tell her:
[[No make-up? I look fine!|life_2_4a]]
[[I like what you have?|life_2_4b]]
[[Let's do a lot of the make-up!|life_2_4c]]
</div>\<div class="standard">\
<<lisa>>Hmmmm.. no. Here's what we'll do: I'll just apply some subtle make-up. A bit like what I have, see?<</lisa>>
She gestures at her face. //God, this is all one big trap//, you think to yourself. //I didn't even realise she was wearing anything!//
<<lisa>><<nobr>>I won't light you up like a christmas tree, promise. And when we're done,
you'll have learned about the magic of make-up. Let's start with those cheeks!<</nobr>><</lisa>>
Cheeks done, she smiles triumphantly.
<<lisa>>Tadaa!! Take a look!<</lisa>>
<<link "Check the mirror" "life_2_4a_2">>\
</div>\<div class="standard">\
<div class="spiegelblok">\
<img class="life2makeup" id="life2makeup_2" src="images/life/2/makeup_2.png">\
<<set $portrait_hair to "url(images/wardrobe/2_hair_5.png)">>\
<<set $portrait_cheeks to "url(images/wardrobe/2_cheeks_1.png)">>\
<<run $(":root").css("--cheeks", "url(images/wardrobe/2_cheeks_1.png)")>>\
<<run $(":root").css("--hair", "url(images/wardrobe/2_hair_5.png)")>>\
<<nobr>>You're sure you felt her do stuff, but you're not 100% sure you see a difference?
You don't have much time to look as Lisa's cheerful voice announces what's next.<</nobr>>
</div>\<div class="standard">\
<div class="spiegelblok">\
<img class="life2makeup" id="life2makeup_2" src="images/life/2/makeup_3.png">\
<<set $portrait_eyes to "url(images/wardrobe/2_eyes_1.png)">>\
<<run $(":root").css("--eyes", "url(images/wardrobe/2_eyes_1.png)")>>\
<<nobr>>Oooh, now we're getting somewhere. Right? I look better, right? You wonder what's..<</nobr>>
</div>\<div class="standard">\
<div class="spiegelblok">\
<img class="life2makeup" id="life2makeup_2" src="images/life/2/makeup_4.png">\
<<set $portrait_lips to "url(images/wardrobe/2_lips_2.png)">>\
<<run $(":root").css("--lips", "url(images/wardrobe/2_lips_2.png)")>>\
<<joe>>Ooh, I like this! Subtle but not subtle!<</joe>>
<<lisa>>Right?! Just one more thing, babe, finishing touch. Hold on<</lisa>>
You feel her undo your ponytail as she starts styling your hair. She's really good at this!
[[And.. done!|life_2_4a_5]]
</div>\<div class="standard">\
<div class="spiegelblok">\
<img class="life2makeup" id="life2makeup_2" src="images/life/2/makeup_5.png">\
You have to admit, you look a lot better than before. If you're going to be a woman, might as well look good, right?
<div id="choice1">\
<<link "Awesome job, babe. Let's go to lunch!" "life_2_5">><<include "life_2_updatemakeup_a">><</link>>
<<if $christmastree isnot "no">><<link "Actually.. let's go full Christmas Tree!">><<replace "#choice1">><<timed 10ms t8n>>\
<<joe>>It's great, babe! But.. remember when you mentioned a Christmas tree?<</joe>>
<<joe>>Why not! Let's do it<</joe>>
<<lisa>>Haha ok, close your eyes, babe!<</lisa>>
[[After a little while..|life_2_4c_5]]
<<else>><<link "Actually.. let's go full Christmas Tree!">><<replace "#choice1">><<timed 10ms t8n>>\
<<joe>>It's great, babe! But.. remember when you mentioned a Christmas tree?<</joe>>
She tilts her head and gives you one of those //'what do you think you're up to//' looks mothers give their 4-year old.
<<lisa>>Remember when I said //'once It's on we're going to lunch'//? Come on, I wanna sit outside!<</lisa>>
<<link "D'oh! Alright, let's go to lunch." "life_2_5">><<include "life_2_updatemakeup_a">><</link>>
</div>\<div class="standard">\
Lisa smiles playfully and puts on what you figure must be an English butler-y accent.
<<lisa>>Great choice, me lord! Though I can't promise you'll look as good as I do, though.<</lisa>>
She winks. You look at her with what you hope is utter shock.
<<joe>>//WHAT?!// You mean your beauty is more than just.. make-up?!<</joe>>
<<lisa>>Oh you flatterly man you! Okay, sit still, shut up and..<</lisa>>
<<link ".. present me those cheeks!" "life_2_4a_2">><</link>>\
</div>\<div class="standard">\
<<lisa>>You sure about that?<</lisa>>
She asks, laughing, a twinkle in her eye. Maybe it'd be worth it just for the fun of it.
<<lisa>>I mean I'll make you all pretty no problem, but once it's on it's staying on and we're going for lunch. Deal?<</lisa>>
[[Deal! You let Lisa start on your cheeks.|life_2_4c_2]]
<<link "On second thought.. You have her apply something subtle" "life_2_4a_2">><<set $christmastree to "no">><</link>>
</div>\<div class="standard">\
<div class="spiegelblok">\
<img class="life2makeup" id="life2makeup_2" src="images/life/2/xmakeup_2.png">\
Whoa, yes, that's clearly make-up. I guess you get what you ask for, huh?
[[Close your eyes!|life_2_4c_3]]
</div>\<div class="standard">\
<div class="spiegelblok">\
<img class="life2makeup" id="life2makeup_2" src="images/life/2/xmakeup_3.png">\
Damn! Lisa don't screw around. You open your mouth to ask her what's next, but she grabs and closes them.
[[Nuh-uh, lips closed!|life_2_4c_4]]
</div>\<div class="standard">\
<div class="spiegelblok">\
<img class="life2makeup" id="life2makeup_2" src="images/life/2/xmakeup_4.png">\
<<joe>>I'm a pink lady!<</joe>>
<<lisa>>You're hot is what you are! Buuut.. you're missing something. Hold on.<</lisa>>
<<nobr>>She unties your ponytail and gets to work on your hair. After, she hands you a pair of big earrings.
You had your ears pierced for.. Contest 11? And they're still open.<</nobr>>
[[And.. done!|life_2_4c_5]]
</div>\<div class="standard">\
<div class="spiegelblok">\
<img class="life2makeup" id="life2makeup_2" src="images/life/2/xmakeup_5.png">\
Well, it sure is different. You probably need some time to get used to this. Then again, you //did// ask for this.
<div id="choice1">\
<<link "Embrace it: Damn I'm hot!! Let's go to lunch, baby, I gotta be seen!" "life_2_5">><<include "life_2_updatemakeup_b">><</link>>
<<link "Reject it: It's too much, right?">><<replace "#choice1">><<timed 10ms t8n>>\
<<joe>>It's great, babe! But.. maybe it's too much? Can we do something more subtle?<</joe>>
Lisa gives you a mean smile. You know where this is going. As the smile grows, Lisa tilts her head the other way and says:
<<link "Go to lunch." "life_2_5">><<include "life_2_updatemakeup_b">><</link>>
</div>\<<set $lips.current to "images/wardrobe/2_lips_2.png">>\
<<set $hair.current to "images/wardrobe/2_hair_5.png">>\
<<set $cheeks.current to "images/wardrobe/2_cheeks_1.png">>\
<<set $eyes.current to "images/wardrobe/2_eyes_1.png">>\
<<set $portrait_eyes to "url(images/wardrobe/2_eyes_1.png)">>\
<<set $portrait_lips to "url(images/wardrobe/2_lips_2.png)">>\
<<set $portrait_cheeks to "url(images/wardrobe/2_cheeks_1.png)">>\
<<set $portrait_hair to "url(images/wardrobe/2_hair_5.png)">>\
<<run $(":root").css("--lips", "url(images/wardrobe/2_lips_2.png)")>>\
<<run $(":root").css("--cheeks", "url(images/wardrobe/2_cheeks_1.png)")>>\
<<run $(":root").css("--eyes", "url(images/wardrobe/2_eyes_1.png)")>>\
<<run $(":root").css("--hair", "url(images/wardrobe/2_hair_5.png)")>>\<<set $portrait_eyes to "url(images/wardrobe/2_eyes_4.png)">>\
<<set $portrait_lips to "url(images/wardrobe/2_lips_4.png)">>\
<<set $portrait_cheeks to "url(images/wardrobe/2_cheeks_3.png)">>\
<<set $portrait_hair to "url(images/wardrobe/2_hair_5.png)">>\
<<set $portrait_ears to "url(images/wardrobe/2_ears_1.png)">>\
<<set $lips.current to "images/wardrobe/2_lips_4.png">>\
<<set $hair.current to "images/wardrobe/2_hair_5.png">>\
<<set $cheeks.current to "images/wardrobe/2_cheeks_3.png">>\
<<set $eyes.current to "images/wardrobe/2_eyes_4.png">>\
<<run $(":root").css("--lips", "url(images/wardrobe/2_lips_4.png)")>>\
<<run $(":root").css("--cheeks", "url(images/wardrobe/2_cheeks_3.png)")>>\
<<run $(":root").css("--eyes", "url(images/wardrobe/2_eyes_4.png)")>>\
<<run $(":root").css("--ears", "url(images/wardrobe/2_ears_1.png)")>>\
<<run $(":root").css("--hair", "url(images/wardrobe/2_hair_5.png)")>>\<img id="banner" src="images/locations/banner/lunchplace.png">\
<img id="small_bradius" src="images/ui/lunzani.svg">\
<br><<set $avatar.appear to "yes">>\
<<set $avatar.present to "yes">>\
<<set $workinprogress to "no">>\
<div class="standard" id="life">\
<<include "lunzani banner">>
<<nobr>>The lunch place Lisa takes you is 'hidden' in one of the older parts of the city. Not //really// hidden, but you don't see it in the same
way you don't see your keys right in front of you when you can't find them. It's clearly there, you just don't see it. It takes you a moment
to find a name until eventually <</nobr>><<linkappend "you spot a sign that reads //'Lunzani'//." t8n>>
<<joe>>//Lunzani?// What kind of a name is //Lunzani?//<</joe>>
<<lisa>>Beats me. Looks good though, right? Wait, babe, you're off!<</lisa>>
<<joe>>What do you mean? Is it my make-up? I didn't touch it I swear!<</joe>>
<<lisa>>No, no, silly. Your voice! I didn't realise until now, but with the make-up on it really kind of clashes. You gotta do a woman's voice!<</lisa>>
She was right, of course. [[You consider it for a moment..|life_2_6]]<</linkappend>>
</div>\<<run State.setVar("$name", "Emma")>>\
<<run State.setVar("$portrait_bg", "url(images/wardrobe/portrait/bgemma.png)")>>\
<<run State.setVar("$joe_p", "#fff0c7")>>\
<<run State.setVar("$joe_border", "#ffa600")>>\
<<run $(":root").css("--joe-border", "#ffa600")>>\
<<run $(":root").css("--joe-p", "#fff0c7")>>\
<<run $(":root").css("--bg", "url(images/wardrobe/portrait/bgemma.png)")>>\
<<set $ to "Hiii! You're Emma!! You've got pretty make-up and your girlfriend is gonna teach you //every aspect// of being a woman! Hihi!">>\<<run State.setVar("$name", "Raven")>>\
<<run State.setVar("$portrait_bg", "url(images/wardrobe/portrait/bgraven.png)")>>\
<<run State.setVar("$joe_border", "#ab0000")>>\
<<run State.setVar("$joe_p", "#ff7878")>>\
<<run $(":root").css("--joe-border", "#ab0000")>>\
<<run $(":root").css("--joe-p", "#ff7878")>>\
<<run $(":root").css("--bg", "url(images/wardrobe/portrait/bgraven.png)")>>\
<<set $ to "You're Raven. You rock some pretty damn sweet face-paint and your girlfriend is gonna show you //every aspect// of being a woman. What?!">>\<<run State.setVar("$name", "Hera")>>\
<<run State.setVar("$portrait_bg", "url(images/wardrobe/portrait/bghera.png)")>>\
<<run State.setVar("$joe_p", "#b38dff")>>\
<<run State.setVar("$joe_border", "#612ad0")>>\
<<run $(":root").css("--joe-p", "#b38dff")>>\
<<run $(":root").css("--joe-border", "#612ad0")>>\
<<run $(":root").css("--bg", "url(images/wardrobe/portrait/bghera.png)")>>\
<<set $ to "Why hello there, you're Hera. You're gorgeous and on an adventure to experience //every aspect// of being a woman. What a rush!">>\<div class="standard" id="life">\
<<joe>>A woman's voice, hm? Yeah that makes sense.. If I'm going to be livestreaming I can't exactly not talk.<</joe>>
At the other side of the table, Lisa looks as though she's just gotten a present. Or cake. She's really enjoying this whole transformation.
<<lisa>>Ooh, yes, you can practice here today! What kind of voice will you do?<</lisa>>
<<joe>>What kind of voice will I do? What, like I just have a bunch of female voices ready to go?<</joe>>
<<lisa>>Yes!!! Exactly like that! Don't be stupid, you're a musician and a singer! Now come on, what kind of voice? What do you like?<</lisa>>
Once again Lisa had a point. How hard could it be? Let's try..
<<link "Bright, lively and playful" "life_2_7a">><<include "choice_emma">><</link>>
<<link "Deep, mysterious and sexy" "life_2_7b">><<include "choice_raven">><</link>>
<<link "Authoritative, captivating and rich" "life_2_7c">><<include "choice_hera">><</link>>
</div>\<div class="standard">\
<<run State.setVar("$voice1", 1)>>\
<<joe>>Hiiii! My name is $name!! And it's soooo nice to meet you!! You look soooo cute!!!!<</joe>>\
Delighted, Lisa burst into a frenzy of tiny claps and laughter.
<<if $voice2 + $voice3 + $voice1 lt 3>>\
<<lisa>>Another one, another one!!<</lisa>>
<<if $voice2 is 0>><<link "Tough, cool and sexy" "life_2_7b">>\
<<include "choice_raven">>\
<<if $voice3 is 0>><<link "Mature, captivating and rich" "life_2_7c">>\
<<include "choice_hera">>\
<<include "life_2_7d">>
</div>\<div class="standard">\
<<run State.setVar("$voice2", 1)>>\
<<joe>>Sup? I'm Raven. And you.. well damn, you're a damn smokeshow is what you are. You're trouble, aren't you?<</joe>>\
Fully engaging in your little play, Lisa puts her hand on her mouth as if taken by surprise.
<<if $voice2 + $voice3 + $voice1 lt 3>>
<<lisa>>Raven, Raven, what are you doing to me? Oooff. HOT! What else you got, babe?<</lisa>>
<<if $voice1 is 0>><<link "Bright, lively and playful" "life_2_7a">>\
<<include "choice_emma">>\
<<if $voice3 is 0>><<link "Authoritative, captivating and rich" "life_2_7c">>\
<<include "choice_hera">>\
<<include "life_2_7d">>
</div>\<div class="standard">\
<<run State.setVar("$voice3", 1)>>\
<<joe>>Why hello, my beautiful child. My name is Hera, like the Queen of the Gods. And you shall be called.. mine!<</joe>>\
For a moment, Lisa appears to be speechless. She grins.
<<if $voice2 + $voice3 + $voice1 lt 3>>
<<lisa>>Mine, it is. Wow.<</lisa>>
<<lisa>>Oof, I gotta snap out of it, Hera! You got any more?<</lisa>>
<<if $voice1 is 0>><<link "Bright, lively and playful" "life_2_7a">>\
<<include "choice_emma">>\
<<if $voice2 is 0>><<link "Deep, mysterious and sexy" "life_2_7b">>\
<<include "choice_raven">>\
<<include "life_2_7d">>
</div><<lisa>><<nobr>>Wow! Such range, such talent! I'd say you're ready for your first social encounter as a new woman! Only question.. what woman?
Choose fast babe, the waiter is coming!<</nobr>><</lisa>>
<<link "Emma" "life_2_8">><<include choice_emma>><</link>>
<<link "Raven" "life_2_8">><<include choice_raven>><</link>>
<<link "Hera" "life_2_8">><<include choice_hera>><</link>><div class="standard">\
The waiter is a young, attractive guy. The kind of attractive you picture if someone'd ask you to picture an attractive guy.
<<say "The Waiter Guy" "images/characters/portrait/waiter.png">>Wow, it's my lucky day! I get to serve the table with the most beautiful ladies!<</say>>
Confused, you look around for a second lady, <<linkappend "when you realize he's talking about you." t8n>>
<<say "The Waiter Guy" "images/characters/portrait/waiter.png">><<nobr>>I mean, not because of course there will be anything of the..
I mean, cause I'm just gonna serve you. Like as a waiter!<</nobr>><</say>>
His cheeks are rapidly changing from 'light peach' to 'intense cherry'. <<linkappend "He keeps stumbling." t8n>>
<<say "The Waiter Guy" "images/characters/portrait/waiter.png">><<nobr>>I mean, you know, when I say lucky, I mean just more
like that I like looking at pretty ladies. Not like!! Like I'm a creep or anything!! But I mean because..<</nobr>><</say>>
<<nobr>>The young man keeps going and going, when you feel a kick against your shin. You realize Lisa always jumps in with stuff like this,
but she's now waiting for you to say something. You take a deep breath. Easy, right? <</nobr>><<link "Just do what Lisa usually does." "life_2_9">><</link>>\
</div>\<div class="standard">\
<<joe>>Don't worry honey, we get it. You like looking at pretty ladies? We like looking at cute waiters. Perfectly normal.<</joe>>
<<nobr>>You wink. You think you do, anyway. You've never done this before and the mixture of excitement and fear coursing through your body has reached
your brain and is wreaking havoc.<</nobr>>
<<say "The Waiter Guy" "images/characters/portrait/waiter.png">>Yes! Ehm. Can I get you something to drink?<</say>>
<<joe>>Two white wines please, dear, dry. And to eat..<</joe>>
<<link "You theatrically look over the menu, your finger going over the items." "life_2_9b">><</link>>
</div><div class="standard">\
<<joe>>What.. looks.. good... aside from you, of course.<</joe>>
<<nobr>>Fuuuuuck. Welcome to cringetown, population: you. In the corner of your eye, Lisa is desperately fighting tears of laughter.
At least the waiter<</nobr>> <<linkappend "appears to be about as comfortable as you." t8n>>
<<say "The Waiter Guy" "images/characters/portrait/waiter.png">>HA! Haha? Ehh. The.. special?<</say>>
<<joe>>Two specials then. Thanks, hun.<</joe>>
[[You feel like disappearing into your chair.|life_2_10]]<</linkappend>>
</div><div class="standard">\
<<set $name to $name_backup>>\
<<nobr>>With the waiter gone, you throw your arms onto the table in front of you and bury your face in them. After Lisa is done crying, she interrupts
steady stream of sounds of self pity and general questioning coming from your direction.<</nobr>>
<<lisa>>I'm sorry for laughing babe!! I'm not laughing at you or anything it's just the situation!<</lisa>>
<<lisa>><<nobr>>Look, I think it was very brave what you did there. I can't even imagine what that must have felt like.
Like being 15 again and another gender all at the same time! Mad respect, babe, really.<</nobr>><</lisa>>
<<linkreplace "Really?" t8n>>\
<<lisa>>Really. And for what it's worth, I think you guys would make an adorable couple.<</lisa>>
As she continues giggling, [[you slowly hang your head back in defeat.|life_2_11]]<</linkreplace>>
</div>\<div class="standard">\
<<nobr>>Your waiter brings the wine and, continueing what for you is a very strange flirty encounter, calls you a cutie.
You're completely thrown by that and act, true to Lisa's words, like a 15 year old girl. Lisa can't help from smiling.<</nobr>>
<<lisa>>It's good actually, because I wanted to talk to you about this.<</lisa>>
<<lisa>><<nobr>>Hm, how do I.. OK, The Contest is very important to you, right? And you'll do whatever it takes.<</nobr>><</lisa>>
<<joe>><<nobr>>Well, yeah. Kinda pointless otherwise.<</nobr>><</joe>>
<<lisa>><<nobr>>Right! And this year's theme is woman. //Being// a woman. Right? Changing your body, your voice, everything.<</nobr>><</lisa>>
[[What are you getting at?|life_2_12]]
</div>\<div class="standard">\
<<joe>><<nobr>>Yes.. where are you going with this?<</nobr>><</joe>>
<<lisa>><<nobr>>Let me ask you this: would you agree that playing the role of a woman and..
experiencing things from a female point of view would increase your chances of winning?<</nobr>><</lisa>>
<<lisa>><<nobr>>Ok. So, I want to give you, for as long as this Contest lasts, the freedom to explore.. sex. As a woman. However and with whoever you want.<</nobr>><</lisa>>
Sex as a woman? [[Like being on the.. receiving.. side?|life_2_12b]]
</div>\<div class="standard">\
<<joe>><<nobr>>Wait hold up. You want me to.. what, be the woman to another.. man?!<</nobr>><</joe>>
<<lisa>><<nobr>>I want you to experience the female perspective! You can dress, sound, look like a woman. Sure. But I want you to
feel like a woman! Being sexy, being slutty. The.. the excitement of using your wiles and charms. All the fun stuff!<</nobr>><</lisa>>
You think for a while. Lisa has always been very open-minded when it comes to sexuality, so you're not entirely surprised.
[[You can't deny you're curious. Half the population is into dicks, after all.|life_2_13a]]
[[You've maybe thought about dick once. One time. And it's not like you acted on it.|life_2_13b]]
[[You're not attracted to men. At all.|life_2_13c]]
</div>\<div class="standard">\
<<joe>><<nobr>>I mean.. you know, I guess it can't hurt to try?<</nobr>><</joe>>
<<lisa>><<nobr>>It really can't!! And look, you don't have to do anything you don't want to. I'm always here for you.<</nobr>><</lisa>>
<<joe>><<nobr>>Thanks, babe. I have to ask, though.. why are you so pushing this so hard? What do you get out of it?<</nobr>><</joe>>
<<lisa>><<nobr>>Well.. I love you to bits and I think it would be a great experience for you if you're open to it. And I want that for you. Well that and
I really think it'd be fun. And you know, we could experience new things together as well!<</nobr>><</lisa>>
<<link "You grin." "life_2_13d">><</link>>
</div>\<div class="standard">\
<<joe>><<nobr>>I mean.. maaaybe I've thought about it. Like once. But that doesn't mean I want it? I don't know..<</nobr>><</joe>>
<<lisa>><<nobr>>Ughhh babe! Being scared of being gay is for insecure men with fragile ego's. You're a woman now!<</nobr>><</lisa>>
Well, not //really//, but she was right about the ego stuff so there isn't much of a point getting into the being a woman stuff.
<<joe>><<nobr>>Ok, well, maybe. What about you? What do you get out of this?<</nobr>><</joe>>
<<lisa>><<nobr>>I get to experience a whole new exciting time with you! Come on, I love you to friggin' bits and I think this could really be a lot fun!
And you know you never have to do anything you don't want to do. Shit, if you want to just try experience what it's like to be a lesbian,
that's fine too!<</nobr>><</lisa>>
<<link "You can't help but smile." "life_2_13d">><</link>>
</div>\<div class="standard">\
<<joe>><<nobr>>I'm sorry, babe, I'm just.. not attracted to men. Never have been. Like, at all.<</nobr>><</joe>>
<<lisa>><<nobr>>That's ok! You don't have to do anything you don't want to do. Also.. sex doesn't have to be about attraction.
Sometimes it's just about sex! You once asked me if I //really// enjoy giving blowjobs, right?<</nobr>><</lisa>>
<<lisa>><<nobr>>And I do, I love it. But if you ask me what the the most attractive part of the male body is? I mean shit have you //seen// a ballsack?<</nobr>><</lisa>>
You take another moment to think. She does have a point with regards to the Contest. <<linkappend "And you could always be open to it, doesn't mean you have toactually do anything." t8n>>
<<joe>><<nobr>>Ok, maybe. I'm open to it. I have to know, though, why do you want this so bad?<</nobr>><</joe>>
<<lisa>><<nobr>>I get to experience a whole new exciting time with you! Come on, I love you to friggin' bits and I think this could really be a lot fun!
And you know you never have to do anything you don't want to do. Shit, if you want to just try experience what it's like to be a lesbian,
that's fine too!<</nobr>><</lisa>>
<<link "You can't help but smile." "life_2_13d">><</link>>
</div>\<div class="standard">\
<<joe>><<nobr>>I love you too, babe.<</nobr>><</joe>>
<<linkappend "You raise your glass." t8n>>
<<joe>><<nobr>>To bits!<</nobr>><</joe>>
The rest of lunch is great. The special turns out to be very spicy, but very tasty. Hours later, <<link"the two of you head home." "home">>
<<set $lips.current to "images/wardrobe/empty.png">>\
<<set $hair.current to "images/wardrobe/2_hair_1.png">>\
<<set $cheeks.current to "images/wardrobe/empty.png">>\
<<set $ears.current to "images/wardrobe/empty.png">>\
<<set $eyes.current to "images/wardrobe/empty.png">>\
<<set $portrait_lips to "url(images/wardrobe/empty.png)">>\
<<set $portrait_hair to "url(images/wardrobe/2_hair_1.png)">>\
<<set $portrait_cheeks to "url(images/wardrobe/empty.png)">>\
<<set $portrait_ears to "url(images/wardrobe/empty.png)">>\
<<set $portrait_eyes to "url(images/wardrobe/empty.png)">>\
<<run $(":root").css("--hair", "url(images/wardrobe/2_hair_1.png)")>>\
<<run $(":root").css("--cheeks", "url(images/wardrobe/empty.png)")>>\
<<run $(":root").css("--ears", "url(images/wardrobe/empty.png)")>>\
<<run $(":root").css("--eyes", "url(images/wardrobe/empty.png)")>>\
<<run $(":root").css("--lips", "url(images/wardrobe/empty.png)")>>\
<<set $avatar.appear to "yes">>\
<<popup "personality_add">>\
<<set $personality_unlocked to "yes">>\
<<include "life_update">>\
<<set $week1sports ++>>\
<</linkappend>></div>\<<t-clippy>>Wooow, I really like those voice thingies you did!
<<nobr>>If you ever feel like playing around with it some more, or if maybe you want people to call you something else,
I've added a 'Personality' button in the right UI-bar. I didn't know what else to call it! Have fun!<</nobr>><</t-clippy>><<set $status to {
activity: "life",
location: "life",
title: {
activity: "Livin' Life",
location: "Home"
<div class="standard" id="life">\
<<include "homesetting banner">>
You're chilling on the couch, enjoying the prospect of a whole afternoon of absolutely nothing to do, when the doorbell rings. <<linkappend "Must be for Lisa." t8n>>
<<joe>><<nobr>>Lisa!! Doorbell!<</nobr>><</joe>>
<<lisa>><<nobr>>Can you get that babe? Ill be right down!<</nobr>><</lisa>>
[[You go and open the door.|life_3_2]]<</linkappend>>
</div>\<div class="standard" id="life">\
<img id="banner" src="images/life/3/packageguy.png">
There's a guy at the door holding a large package.
<<say "Package Delivery Guy" "images/characters/portrait/delivery.png">><<nobr>>Package for Missus.. $lastname?<</nobr>><</say>>
<<joe>><<nobr>>Yes, thank you.<</nobr>><</joe>>
<<nobr>>You hold your arms out to receive the package, but apparently the guy insists on <<link "going over a
package delivery procedure of sorts" "life_3_2b">><</link>> like some kind of NPC.<</nobr>>
</div>\<div class="standard" id="life">\
<<say "Package Delivery Guy" "images/characters/portrait/delivery.png">><<nobr>>From.. XXX-Sex-Toys-4-All-No-Shame-XXX?<</nobr>><</say>>
<<nobr>>He reads slowly. There's nothing about him that suggests he just read what he read. Looking at him, he might as well have just read
//'from the store'//.<</nobr>>
<<joe>><<nobr>>Yes. Thank you. I'll take it.<</nobr>><</joe>>
<<say "Package Delivery Guy" "images/characters/portrait/delivery.png">><<nobr>>Alright have a good day now, ma'am.<</nobr>><</say>>
He turns and leaves. That was weird. You can't imagine what this man sees on his route that this doesn't even make him grin. [[Anyway.. Lisa?!|life_3_3]]
</div>\<div class="standard" id="life">\
<<include "homesetting banner">>
<<lisa>><<nobr>>Who was it?<</nobr>><</lisa>>
<<lisa>><<nobr>>Ooohhh. What is it?<</nobr>><</lisa>>
<div id="choice1">\
<<link "I ordered a drone, it's here!">><<replace "#choice1">><<timed 10ms t8n>>\
<<joe>><<nobr>>It's a drone I ordered! It's the XTRAFLY5000. They must've thought of the name back in the 90s but only got around to making it last year.
It has all kinds of.. technical features and stuff!<</nobr>><</joe>>
<<lisa>><<nobr>>Oohhhh awesome!! Let's go up to the bedroom balcony and take it for a spin!<</nobr>><</lisa>>
Damnit. She was supposed to say //'no it's not!'// and then you could've gone //'a-HA!'// like they do in the sitcoms. She has to ruin everything.
[[To the bedroom!.|life_3_4a]]
<<link "Guess.">><<replace "#choice1">><<timed 10ms t8n>>\
<<joe>><<nobr>>I don't know! What do //you// think it is?<</nobr>><</joe>>
<<lisa>><<nobr>>Is it.. a huge box of sextoys I ordered for us to go to town on aaaall afternoon?<</nobr>><</lisa>>
<<nobr>>You look at the box, thinking of something clever to say. You don't get time to do so,
though,<</nobr>> <<linkappend "as Lisa slaps your butt and gives it a little squeeze before hurrying off." t8n>>
<img id="image_click" src="images/life/3/buttgrab.webp">
<<lisa>><<nobr>>Come, my lesbian lover. To the bedroom!<</nobr>><</lisa>>
[[The bedroom it is!|life_3_4b]]<</linkappend>>
<<link "It's sexy time!">><<replace "#choice1">><<timed 10ms t8n>>\
<<joe>><<nobr>>It's our afternoon, baby! Let's go!<</nobr>><</joe>>
<<linkappend "You slap her butt, give it a little squeeze and start making your way to the bedroom." t8n>>
<img id="image_click" src="images/life/3/buttgrab.webp">
<<joe>><<nobr>>Well?! Don't just stand there, woman! Take your pants off and follow me upstairs!<</nobr>><</joe>>
[[To the bedroom!|life_3_4b]]<</linkappend>>
</div>\<div class="standard" id="life">\
<<include "thethebedroom banner">>
<<lisa>><<nobr>>Well? Open it, babe!<</nobr>><</lisa>>
Fine, you'll call her bluff. You slowly open the box, making sure you hold it so that Lisa can't see anything. <<linkappend "You gasp audibly." t8n>>
<<joe>><<nobr>>Wait a minute?! This isn't a drone!<</nobr>><</joe>>
<<lisa>><<nobr>>Well what is it? Show me!!!<</nobr>><</lisa>>
[[You show her what's inside.|life_3_5]]<</linkappend>>
</div>\<div class="standard" id="life">\
<<include "thebedroom banner">>
<<joe>><<nobr>>So? What did you buy?<</nobr>><</joe>>
<<lisa>><<nobr>>//What's in the boooooox?!?!!!!// Sorry. Why don't you.. open it and find out?<</nobr>><</lisa>>
[[Open the box.|life_3_5]]
</div>\<div class="standard">\
<img id="nonothing" style="max-width:30em" src="images/life/3/toy1.png">
<<nobr>>The toy you grabbed is, according to the box, an //'Anal Starter Kit'//. It's got lube, a vibrator and several buttplugs. The tagline reads:
//'Pleasure by the buttloads!'//. Uff, what a word. Buttloads.<</nobr>>
<<lisa>><<nobr>>It's an Anal Starter kit, babe!<</nobr>><</lisa>>
<<joe>><<nobr>>You don't say!<</nobr>><</joe>>
<<lisa>><<nobr>>Alright, well, go on! What else, what else?<</nobr>><</lisa>>
Looking in the box you notice there's multiple variations of this next item. [[You take one out and hold it up.|life_3_6]]
</div><div class="standard">\
<img id="nonothing" style="max-width:30em" src="images/life/3/toy2.png">
It's a dildo. //'Tlaloc's Staff'//. It kind of looks like it's from an Indiana Jones film.
<<lisa>><<nobr>>It's a dildo!!<</nobr>><</lisa>>
<<joe>><<nobr>>One of four!! Why so many!? You want me to stick all of these up my butt?!<</nobr>><</joe>>
<<lisa>>What?! //Whoa!!// Babe I thought it was gonna take some convincing to put a little buttplug, but you want multiple dildo's up there?!<</lisa>>
<<linkappend "You give her a blank stare." t8n>>
<<lisa>><<nobr>>Haha ok no, they're not all for your butt. It's just, there was so much choice!! Some have skin color
and veins and look like the real thing and others look like abstract glass phallic shapes!<</nobr>><</lisa>>
She shrugs.
<<lisa>>I don't know what you like up there. And I like options. Anyway. Is that all of it?<</lisa>>
[[You search the box.|life_3_7]]<</linkappend>>\
</div><div class="standard">\
<img id="nonothing" style="max-width:30em" src="images/life/3/toy3.png">
<<nobr>>You grab something cold and heavy. Briefly, you think the jar you're holding is leaking,
when you realize it's the packaging. The label reads: //'Cum Bucket™: Not really cum, not really a bucket!'//
You look at Lisa, who for the first time is silent.<</nobr>>
<<joe>>Fine, I'll do it. Ahum..<</joe>>
You clear your throat for dramatic effect, <<linkappend "put on the happiest face you can manage and present.." t8n>>
<<joe>><<nobr>>It's a Cum Bucket!!<</nobr>><</joe>>
<<lisa>>It's, uhm.. <p style="font-size: small;display:inline">supposed to be just like the real thing..?</p><</lisa>>
<<joe>>You know I make my own, right?<</joe>>
<<lisa>>Look, you never know when you're gonna need a bucket of cum, babe.<</lisa>>
Can't argue with that. [[You line the toys up and look at them.|life_3_8]]<</linkappend>>
</div><div class="standard">\
<img id="nonothing" style="max-width:42em" src="images/life/3/toys.png">
<<nobr>>Seeing all those toys together makes you uncertain. The only toys you've ever used on yourself are your hand and women.
Clearly, though, that doesn't bother Lisa.<</nobr>>
<<lisa>>Alright, hot stuff. Get those pants up and lube up!<</lisa>>
[[Well, here goes nothing!|life_3_9]]
[[Maybe some other time.|life_3_10]] //(Skip Scene)//
</div><div class="standard" id="life">\
You're excited and kinda scared. Pants down and lube up? What is this, the army?
<<joe>>Babe, I don't really know, ehm..<</joe>>
When Lisa looks at you she must see the uncertainty in your face. She walks up to you and <<linkappend "gently grabs your head with both hands." t8n>>
<<lisa>><<nobr>>It's okay, babe. We'll be gentle. And if at any point you don't feel comfortable, we'll stop, ok? How about
a safeword?<</nobr>><</lisa>>
Though Lisa's words and calmness make you more relaxed, a safeword can't hurt, right? Let's go with..
<div id="safeword_chosen"><<textbox "$safeword" "Pika, Pika!!" autofocus>>
<<button "Confirm">>
<<if $safeword isnot "">>\
<<replace "#safeword_chosen">><<timed 10ms t8n>>\
<<joe>>Let's go with //'$safeword'//. I say //'$safeword'//, we stop, yeah?<</joe>>
<<nobr>>Lisa smiles a loving smile. //'Yes, we'll stop'//.
Then, <<link "the both of you get on the bed and kiss." "life_3_9a">><</link>><</nobr>>
<</linkappend>></div>\<div class="standard" id="life">\
<video id="video" src="images/life/3/1.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
Lisa whispers in your ear.
<<lisa>><<nobr>>Ready? I got one here that's not too thick and I lubed it up nicely.<</nobr>><</lisa>>
She winks. You nod ever so nervously [[and watch Lisa bring the lubed up dildo closer.|life_3_9b]]
</div>\<div class="standard" id="life">\
<video id="video" src="images/life/3/2.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<nobr>>You feel the tip of the glass toy as it touches your anus. Lisa moves it up, down, twists and penetrates you.
At the start, you're convinced it's too big. But as it's gently pushed in further, the slightly painful sensation is replaced by <</nobr>><<linkappend "something entirely different." t8n>>
<<joe>><<nobr>>//Holy shit!//<</nobr>><</joe>>
<<nobr>>Sort of? It feels.. filling, if that makes sense. A warm feeling all througout your body,
eminating from the dildo as Lisa gently plays with it. [[You moan.|life_3_9c]]<</nobr>><</linkappend>>
</div>\<div class="standard" id="life">\
<video id="video" src="images/life/3/3.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<nobr>>Lisa hands you the dildo and starts stroking you. With the toy now in your control and overwhelmed by this new experience,
you want to feel more and push it in //deep//. After a little while, you want full control and [[take your cock in your other hand.|life_3_9d]]<</nobr>>
</div><div class="standard" id="life">\
<video id="video" src="images/life/3/4.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<nobr>>The feeling is hard to describe. It's like the dildo enhances your senses. Your dick feels bigger, harder and way more sensitive.
With every stroke, you clench around the dildo, sending sparks of electricity to your dick, creating a cycle of pleasure.
<</nobr>><<link"You're about to cum." "life_3_9e">><</link>>
</div><div class="standard" id="life">\
<video id="video" src="images/life/3/5.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<nobr>>You felt like you were going to absolutely explode and be able to fill a full Cumbucket™.
In actuality, your release is tiny - but the feeling so intense you feel like you might faint. It's an absolutely incredible feeling.<</nobr>>
<<lisa>><<nobr>>Damn! I've never seen you so intense!<</nobr>><</lisa>>
<<joe>><<nobr>>Fucking hell!<</nobr>><</joe>>
[[You lay down on the bed next to Lisa, panting.|life_3_9f]]
</div><div class="standard">\
<<joe>><<nobr>>Man. And that was just one of your toys! What about the rest, anyway?
That anal starting kit, did we just skip that or?<</nobr>><</joe>>
<<lisa>><<nobr>>No, babe, I got the dildo and lube from that! There's also a plug in there. You may want to practice
with that a bit, get you ready for next time.<</nobr>><</lisa>>
<<joe>>Next time?! What are we gonna do next time?<</joe>>
<<lisa>>You're just gonna have to wait and see, aren't you?<</lisa>>
<<link "//$name: 'Nothing to do with the cumbucket, though, right? Dare I ask what that's about?'//" "life_3_10">><</link>>\
</div><div class="standard">\
Lisa starts laughing pretty hard. //'Weeeeell..'//
<<lisa>><<nobr>>You remember that story you told me about your college roommate, Jake?<</nobr>><</lisa>>
<<nobr>>Right, Jake. Even before mobile cameras were a thing, Jake started a collection of
photographs featuring all the women he'd.. covered. The collection was //huge//.<</nobr>>
<<lisa>><<nobr>>Well, I thought it would be fun if maybe now you started your own collection! Only..<</nobr>><</lisa>>
She hesitates as she's looking at you with a grin growing wider and wider. //[['Well?!'|life_3_11]]//
</div><div class="standard">\
<<lisa>><<nobr>>Well, with you being the canvas!<</nobr>><</lisa>>
She hops out of bed, giddy and energized.
<<lisa>><<nobr>>It'll be fun! Look, I'll show you. If you don't like it, fine. But you like it when it's on me,
right? It'll be even hotter this way, look..<</nobr>><</lisa>>
She puts some of the fake cum on her fingers and brings it toward your face. //[[Okay, hold still, babe!|life_3_12]]//
Wait, //[[$safeword|life_3_abort]]!!//
</div><div class="standard" id="life">\
<<nobr>>Lisa carefully puts a bunch of the gooey substance onto your face. With everything that happened today so far,
you feel it'd be almost silly to protest now. When she's done, she takes a picture .<</nobr>> <<linkappend "//'Tadaaaa!'//" t8n>>
<img class="moneyshot" src="images/gallery/life_3_mc.png">
<<nobr>>To your surprise, the fake cum looks pretty realistic. You make a mental note to look at the camera next time. Wait,
next time?! What's happening to you?<</nobr>>
<<lisa>>Aaand there, I sent it to you. You earned that picture today, babe.<</lisa>>
<<nobr>>As Lisa gets back into bed, you quickly head to the bathroom to clean up. Afterwards, the two of you cuddle for a
while <</nobr>><<link "until you both fall asleep." "home">><<include "life_update">>
<</linkappend>></div><div class="standard" id="life">\
<<include "thebedroom banner">>
<<clippy>>Hi boss! Storywise we're just going to pretend like you and Lisa just had fun. That's all!<</clippy>>
<<link "Sure, thanks Clippy." "home">><<include "life_update">><</link>>
</div>\<div class="standard" id="life">\
<<joe>>Wait, stop, I can't. I'm.. Sorry..<</joe>>
Lisa gives you an understanding smile and kisses you on the forehead.
<<lisa>><<nobr>>That's ok babe. Let's just cuddle for a while. I get why men always want to touch us now,
you feel amazing. I want to hold you all day!<</nobr>><</lisa>>
<<link "You cuddle for a bit and eventually fall asleep." "home">><<include "life_update">><</link>>
</div><div class="standard">\
<<set $location to "loc_eventhome">>\
Final (for now) Sporty Thing
<<include "music_update">>\
<<set $ to "Text update nog ff wat op verzinnen he Wiegertje?">>\<<set $ to "no">>\
<<set $credits to $credits - 1>>\
<<set $ += 1>>\<<set $location to "thebunker">>\
<div class="standard" id="music">\
<img src="images/locations/banner/thebunker.png">\
<div class="name_block" id="music">\
<img id="small_bradius" src="images/ui/thebunker.svg">\
Alright, music time! We'll do another quick tour. I don't think anyone's here today.
<<nobr>>This here is where we practice. It's an old garage we've been using for.. forever?
We named it "The Beat Bunker" when we were teens, but on account of growing up we dropped the "beat" part.
Bunker stuck, though, so that's where we are! The bunker.<</nobr>>
Anyway, this is where we practice with the band weekly, but it's available for anyone that wants to practice music.
[[Cool, huh? Let's head across the street!|music_1_2]]<<set $location to "theforge">>\
<div class="standard" id="music">\
<img src="images/locations/banner/theforge.png">\
<div class="name_block" id="music">\
<img id="small_bradius" src="images/ui/theforge.svg">\
Tadaa! This right here is the studio!
<<nobr>>Look, we're not The Foo Fighters or anything, but we've got some game!
Locally known, got some cool original songs and, well, we've recorded some albums. All in good fun, but something to be proud of, for sure.<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>No story on our part for the name of this place, that's all the owner. It's actually officially called Epic Sound Forge Masterwork Recording Studios,
but we just call it The Forge. Let's see if we can't find the owner, actually. [[He should be around here somewhere..|music_1_3]]<</nobr>>
</div>\<div class="standard">\
<img @src="$char.sam.splash">\
<h3>Sam the Soundguy</h3>\
<<nobr>>This is Sammy the Soundguy. Owner of the Forge, metalhead and overall cool guy. He's got some craaazy stories that I can only
assume are 100% true. A lot of them from when he was a roadie for the Death Turbo Metal band "DIE ALREADY", but then to contrast that,
there's a whole bunch of stories about his time as a missionairy. Wild, right?<</nobr>>
[[Let's say hi!|music_1_4]]
</div>\<div class="standard">\
<<joe>>How's it hanging?<</joe>>
<<sam>>The big A, my guy. Awesome. Hey listen, I'm looking for someone to test this new set of gear I just got.<</sam>>
<div id="choice1">\
<<link "You couldn't care less">>
<<replace "#choice1">>\
<<timed 10ms t8n>>\
<<joe>>Cool story bro. I gotta run, though. See you this weekend?<</joe>>
<<sam>>Right, yeah, at the contest announcement thingy? You guys are performing, right?<</sam>>
<<sam>>Cool, yeah I'll be there for sure. Later man!<</sam>>
<<link "You're genuinely interested">>
<<replace "#choice1">>\
<<timed 10ms t8n>>\
<<joe>>Ooh, new gear? What you got?<</joe>>
<<nobr>><<sam>>Haha, knew you'd be interested. It's like a portable recording studio I put together.
You can set it up anywhere and use it to record, livestream, stuff like that.<</sam>><</nobr>>
<<joe>>Sweet! So what kind of help are you looking for?<</joe>>
<<sam>>Oh, you know, like a solo artist maybe? Or one of those hip Social Media performers?<</sam>>
<<joe>>I see. Alright, I'll keep my ears to the ground, mate.<</joe>>
<<sam>>Thanks! Oh, hey, you guys are playing at that contest party this weekend, right?<</sam>>
<<joe>>Yeah, playing first and then we've got the theme announcement after.<</joe>>
<<sam>>Awesome. See you then!<</sam>>
[[See you!|home]]
<<link "You don't really care, but let's humor him">>\
<<replace "#choice1">>\
<<timed 10ms t8n>>\
<<joe>>What're you looking for?<</joe>>
<<sam>>Oh, you know, someone to help test it out. A solo artist or performer, you know any?<</sam>>
<<joe>>None come to mind, but if I think of any I'll let know. Listen, I've gotta run, but see you this weekend?<</joe>>
<<sam>>Thanks! Yeah at the contest announcement thingy? You guys are performing, right?<</sam>>
<<sam>>Cool, yeah I'll be there for sure. Later man!<</sam>>
<<if $credits is 2>>\
<<set $social_available to 1>>\
<<include "music_update">>\
<<set $ to "Text update nog ff wat op verzinnen he Wiegertje?">>\
<<set $story.uni.unlocked to "yes">>\<div class="standard">\
<<set $location to "loc_music">>\
Second music Thing
<<include "music_update">>\
<<set $ to "Text update nog ff wat op verzinnen he Wiegertje?">>\<div class="standard">\
<<set $location to "loc_music">>\
Third Sporty Thing
<<include "music_update">>\
<<set $ to "Text update nog ff wat op verzinnen he Wiegertje?">>\<div class="standard">\
<<set $location to "loc_music">>\
Final (for now) Sporty Thing
<<include "music_update">>\
<<set $ to "Text update nog ff wat op verzinnen he Wiegertje?">>\<<set $status to {
activity: "sports",
location: "theclub",
title: {
activity: "Clubbin'",
location: "The Club"
}>>\<<t-clippy>><<nobr>>Ah, yes, now this is my kind of place. I have no idea what happens here but afterwards, everyone gets naked and
showers and I can watch because nobody can see me! I tell you, people have the //weirdest// bodies!<</nobr>><</t-clippy>><<set $clippy to "cl_sports_1">>\
<<include "sports_1_setup">>\
<div class="standard" id="sports">\
<<include "thefield banner">>
<<clippy>>Welcome to Sports! As you may have picked up from the intro earlier: you're super athletic. In fact, you play on one of the
better teams!<</clippy>>
<<linkreplace "What sport do you play?" t8n>>\
<<joemale>>Right, you keep saying //'sports'//. You know there's several, right? Which one do I play?<</joemale>>
<<clippy>>Beats me! I've never really paid much attention, so I just call it //sports//. Oh, don't look at me like that! You're very good, what
more do you need to know?! Anyway.<</clippy>>
<<linkappend "Clippy gestures around you." t8n>>
<<clippy>>This, right here, is The Field. Wouldn't have guessed that, huh? Well, it's true. This is where the sports happens.<</clippy>>
[[Ah, and here comes one of the sports people now!|sports_1_2]]<</linkappend>><</linkreplace>>
</div>\<<t-clippy>><<nobr>>Look, it's Coach! I love Coach. He reminds me of my dad. Not so much the paperclip part, in that sense
they're quite different, actually, but in the whole.. //dad-vibes// sense. You know?<</nobr>><</t-clippy>><<set $clippy to "cl_sports_1_2">>\
<div class="standard">\
<img id="banner" @src="$">
<h3>Coach Willard</h3>\
<<nobr>>This is Coach Willard. Everyone calls him //Coach//. When you were 17, you'd been selected to play in the U19 World Championship.
Unfortunately, you'd played some poor matches and the trainer benched you for most of it, stating you weren't good enough.
Coach disagreed with that assessment, approaching you the moment you returned to join his squad. According to him, you were one of the most talented
players he'd seen this city produce.<</nobr>>
True or not, you accepted his offer and have been one of his star players ever since. You're quite fond of him and regard him as family.
He notices you, turns and greets you: [['Hey there, sport!'|sports_1_3]]
</div>\<<run State.setVar("$", $>>\
<<run State.setVar("$", "coach_popup")>>\
<<run State.setVar("$", "coach")>>\
<<run State.setVar("$", 1)>>\<<t-clippy>><<nobr>>Look, it's Coach! I love Coach. He reminds me of my dad. Not so much the paperclip part, in that sense
they're quite different, actually, but in the whole.. //dad-vibes// sense. You know?<</nobr>><</t-clippy>><<t-coach>><<nobr>>Looking strong, sport. Keep it up.<</nobr>><</t-coach>><<set $clippy to "cl_sports_1_3">>\
<<set $coach to "coach_sports_1_3">>\
<<include "sports_1_3_setup">>\
<div class="standard">\
<<coach>>$name! How are you doing, kid? Keeping in shape?<</coach>>
<div id="choice1">\
<<link "Joke around.">>
<<replace "#choice1">>\
<<timed 10ms t8n>>\
<<joemale>><<nobr>>Actually, Coach, I'm going to be a SUMO wrestler! I don't know exactly what you have to do,
but I figured a lot of eating is involved, so I started doing that. Like //a LOT//.<</nobr>><</joemale>>
<<joemale>><<nobr>>For real! Just the other day I wanted to try wrestling but I didn't have the.. gear? So I put on one of
my girlfriend's T-strings and told her to try and grab me by 'm and throw me. <p style="font-size:80%;display:inline">I think it's still up there actually..</p><</nobr>><</joemale>>
<<coach>>That's nice, son. I can't wait to see the new you in practice.<</coach>>
<<joemale>><<nobr>>Roger that, sir! Oh, by the way, the Contest theme is this weekend, so next week I'll know if it's something
that might interfere with training. I'll let you know next week!<</nobr>><</joemale>>
<<coach>>Alright. Have a good one, sport.<</coach>>
And with that, he's off. [[Let's check the locker-room and then we're done here!|sports_1_4]]
<<link "You have! Tell him.">>
<<replace "#choice1">>\
<<timed 10ms t8n>>\
<<joemale>><<nobr>>Yes, sir! Regular exercise, healthy food, everything. I've been eating all the chicken and rice and broccoli
I can find! I can give you 20 if you want?<</nobr>><</joemale>>
<<coach>>That's quite alright, kid. Good job.<</coach>>
<<joemale>><<nobr>>Thank you, sir! Oh, by the way, the Contest theme is this weekend, so next week I'll know if it's something
that might interfere with training. I'll let you know next week!<</nobr>><</joemale>>
<<coach>>Alright. Have a good one, sport.<</coach>>
And with that, he's off. [[Let's check the locker-room and then we're done here!|sports_1_4]]
</div>\<<run State.setVar("$", 0)>>\<<t-clippy>><<nobr>>This is one of the naked people watching places I told you about. The other one, where the women
shower, is wayyy prettier. And well women have boobies and nice curves, it's //very// satisfying to look at. See, as a
paperclip fairy only you can see, I've never experienced the human body like that or anything.<</nobr>>
Anyway, the men's locker room can be fun as well! Strong bodies and weirdass looking cocks. Some are really nice, actually.<</t-clippy>><<set $clippy to "cl_sports_1_4">>\
<<include "sports_1_4_setup">>\
<div class="standard" id="sports">\
<img id="banner" src="images/locations/banner/lockerroom.png">\
<div class="name_block" id="sports">\
<img id="small_bradius" src="images/ui/lockerroom.svg">\
<<clippy>>Nice man, right? Anyway, this right here is.. the locker-room! The home of sweaty, smelly, naked men. Oh, here comes one now!<</clippy>>
As you turn towards the sound of somebody exiting the shower, your eyes can't help but be immediately drawn to <<linkappend "a //big// cock. It's absolutely huge!">>.
<img class="story_image" id="image_click" src="images/sports/1/cody.png"><</linkappend>>
It's almost hypnotizing. The cock belongs to Cody, [[one of your teammates.|sports_1_5]]
</div>\<<t-clippy>>See? I told you some are quite nice. Yours is great too, of course! But I really kinda like his. So big..<</t-clippy>><<set $clippy to "cl_sports_1_5">>\
<div class="standard">\
<img id="banner" @src="$char.cody.splash">
<<nobr>>This is Cody. Which is why everyone calls him Cody. He's a bit shy and has, especially compared to the rest of the squad, a rather slim build.
Which, as you just witnessed, he apparently makes up for in other areas. Cody is openly bi. Something that's unfortunately a rarity in sports, even today.
The open part, that is. You're pretty sure he's got a bit of a thing for you, but even if you weren't with someone - you've never been into guys.<</nobr>>
You greet him,
[[..complimenting his unit. You're still seeing it in your mind!|sports_1_6a]]
[[..telling him to put that thing away! Nobody wants to see that.|sports_1_6b]]
[[..and, not being a penis-obsessed maniac, say hi. Like a normal person.|sports_1_6c]]
</div>\<<t-cody>>Um. Dude. Were looking at my penis just now?<</t-cody>><<t-clippy>><<nobr>>He's cute, too, don't you think? Do you think him and me could ever be together? We could
call ourselves Cloddy! Or.. Coppy? Or does it not work like that?<</nobr>><</t-clippy>><<set $clippy to "cl_sports_1_6">>\
<<set $cody to "cody_sports_1_6">>\
<<run State.setVar("$", $char.cody.paperclip)>>\
<<run State.setVar("$", "cody_popup")>>\
<<run State.setVar("$", 1)>>\<<include "sports_1_6_setup">>\
<div class="standard">\
<<joemale>>Whoa, Cody, put that monster away! You swing it around like that, someone could get hurt!<</joemale>>
<<cody>>Oh, hey $name. You looking at it then, yeah?<</cody>>
<<linkreplace "You were." t8n>>\
<<joemale>>I mean, honestly? Yeah. It was like hypnosis, dude.<</joemale>>
He laughs and, you're pretty sure, blushes.
<<cody>>Thanks? Ehm. Anyway. How are you? Hey don't you have that contest coming up?<</cody>>
<<joemale>>Yeah, the theme announcement is this weekend! The party's at The Pit if you want to come by for a beer.<</joemale>>
<<cody>>Cool! I might do that, thanks.<</cody>>
<<joemale>>Sure. See ya, Codes!<</joemale>>
<<include "sports_1_7">>\
</div><<include "sports_1_6_setup">>\
<div class="standard">\
<<joemale>>Cody, my guy, I like you. But I //really// don't need to see that much of you, buddy.<</joemale>>
<<cody>>Oh come on, $name, how old are you? You never seen another man's dick before?<</cody>>
<<joemale>>That makes it alright to just wander around naked, does it? Just put it away.<</joemale>>
You theatrically shake your head a bit as if you're disgusted by it. <<linkappend "Cody quickly covers up." t8n>>
<<cody>>Fine, you big baby.cody>>
<<joemale>>Thanks! All I ask. I mean I'm not shoving my cock in your face, am I?<</joemale>>
[[Cody blushes.|sports_1_6b2]]
</div><div class="standard">\
<<joemale>>Aanyway. How're you? You look good. What you up to?<</joemale>>
<<cody>>Sure, yeah, I'm good thanks. Just got back from a run. Oh, hey, did that contest of yours start yet?<</cody>>
<<joemale>>Theme announcement is this weekend. The party's at The Pit if you want to come by for a beer?<</joemale>>
<<cody>>Cool! I might do that, thanks.<</cody>>
<<joemale>>Sure. See ya, Codes!<</joemale>>
<<include "sports_1_7">>\
</div><<include "sports_1_6_setup">>\
<div class="standard">\
<<joemale>>Cody, my man, looking good! What you up to, bro?<</joemale>>
<<cody>>$name! Hey man. I'm good! Just did a run. Oh, hey, did that contest of yours start yet?<</cody>>
<<joemale>>Theme announcement is this weekend. The party's at The Pit if you want to come by for a beer.<</joemale>>
<<cody>>Cool! I might do that, thanks.<</cody>>
<<joemale>>Sure. See ya, Codes!<</joemale>>
<<include "sports_1_7">>\
</div>Alright, that's it Sports-wise. <<link "Time to go home." "home">>\
<<set $clippy to "cl_pr_home_life">>\
<<include "sports_update">>\
<<set $ to "You've seen Coach, Cody and the Club. Next time on //Sports//: the whole team comes together for.. training!">>\
<<set $ to "yes">>\<<set $status to {
location: "sports",
activity: "sports",
title: {
location: "Sportsy Places",
activity: "Sports"
}>>\<<include "sports_2_setup">>\
<<if $body is 1>>\
<div class="standard" id="sports">\
<<include "lockerroom banner">>
As you enter the lockerroom and start changing, some of the guys notice you.
<<say 'Some Guy' 'images/characters/portrait/mrando6.png'>>There’s something different about you..<</say>>
<<say 'Some Other Dude' 'images/characters/portrait/mrando8.png'>>Yeah, you look almost.. feminine?<</say>>
<<say 'Guy Number Three' 'images/characters/portrait/mrando9.png'>>Dude, $name, did you shave your legs? You going cycling, bud?<</say>>
<<say 'Some Guy Again' 'images/characters/portrait/mrando6.png'>>Hold on! Is it today with this years contest? What’s the theme?<</say>>
Try as you might, you can't really get a word in..
<<say 'The Other Dude Again' 'images/characters/portrait/mrando8.png'>>Wait, I know! I heard someone say the theme is //Woman//. Right? Am I right?<</say>>
<div id="choice1">\
<<link "Confident Answer">><<replace "#choice1">><<timed 10ms t8n>>\
<<joe>>Alright, alright, settle down. Yes, the theme is Woman, yes, I shaved my legs and yes, that means..<</joe>>
You add a pause for dramatic effect..
<<joe>>You're all about to get your ass kicked by a woman!<</joe>>
[[Last on the field is a wet sock!|b1sports_2_2]]
<<link "Apprehensive Answer">><<replace "#choice1">><<timed 10ms t8n>>\
<<nobr>><<joe>>You guys gonna let me answer or what? Jeesh. Yes, the theme is Woman.
And so maybe I’ll look a little more like a woman for now, ok? I’m still $name, and I’m still a man.<</joe>><</nobr>>
[[Now can we move on and head to the field?|b1sports_2_2]]
<<link "Flirty Answer">><<replace "#choice1">><<timed 10ms t8n>>\
<<nobr>><<joe>>Oof, so much male attention. You guys are making me blush, haha.
Yes, the theme is Woman and if you’re all gonna act like this, you’ll make me feel like one, too!<</joe>><</nobr>>
[[Anyway, me and my legs will be on the field if anyone wants to join!|b1sports_2_2]]
<<if $body is 2>>\
<div class="standard" id="sports">\
<<include "lockerroom banner">>
As soon as you enter the lockerroom, you get noticed.
<<say 'Some Guy' 'images/characters/portrait/mrando9.png'>>Whoa, $name!<</say>>
<<say 'Some Other Dude' 'images/characters/portrait/mrando8.png'>>Looks like it's Miss $lastname now, damn!<</say>>
<<say 'Guy Number Three' 'images/characters/portrait/mrando7.png'>>Damn is right! What’s going on? Is this for that contest of yours?<</say>>
You can’t help but blush from all the attention. You feel hot and.. desired? The hormones must be introducing you to a whole new set of emotions.
<div id="choice1">\
<<link "Confident Answer">><<replace "#choice1">><<timed 10ms t8n>>\
<<nobr>><<joe>>Alright, alright, settle down, boys. This year’s contest theme is Woman,
and my intention is to win. Which is why I’ve undergone a full-on hormone treatment. I’m all woman. Except, of course..<</joe>><</nobr>>
You thrust your hips forward while you grab your package and shake it.
<<joe>>.. for this! Now, who’d like to experience what it’s like to be beaten by a woman?<</joe>>
[[Last on the field is a wet sock!|b2sports_2_2]]
<<link "Apprehensive Answer">><<replace "#choice1">><<timed 10ms t8n>>\
<<nobr>><<joe>>Ok, ok you guys! Wow. Yeah, the theme for this year’s contest is Woman and so I underwent a hormone treatment.
And that’s all there is to it. You can all just treat me like $name, because that’s who I am. A man called $name.<</joe>><</nobr>>
[[Now can we move on and head to the field?|b2sports_2_2]]
<<link "Flirty Answer">><<replace "#choice1">><<timed 10ms t8n>>\
<<nobr>><<joe>>Haha, wow. Ok, so this year’s contest theme is Woman and so
I.. practically became one! And you sure are all making me feel like one, too.
I didn’t know all this masculine energy could feel so.. Hot.<</joe>><</nobr>>
<<nobr>>A deafening silence falls over the room, everyone taking in your words and, well, body.
Your cheeks rapidly becoming the color of a tomato, you decide it's best to head out.<</nobr>>
[[Oof, hihi, I need some air! See you boys on the field!|b2sports_2_2]]
<<if $body is 3>>\
<div class="standard" id="sports">\
<<include "lockerroom banner">>
<<nobr>>Entering the lockerroom, you expect a wall of sound to hit you. An endless assault of questions, jokes and maybe even catcalls.
Instead, you find everyone looking at you, mouths practically on the floor.<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>Not choosing to go with hormones, you’re pretty sure you can’t feel any different than you did before.
But all these strong men staring at you like this is a whole new feeling. You can’t decide if it’s hot or creepy.
Blushing, you break the silence:<</nobr>>
<div id="choice1">\
<<link "Confident Explanation">><<replace "#choice1">><<timed 10ms t8n>>\
<<nobr>><<joe>>Well, well well! I guess that solves one of life’s great mysteries. How to shut all of you up!<</joe>><</nobr>>
The tension in the room drops as the guys laugh, shuffle around and remember to breathe.
<<nobr>><<joe>>Here’s the deal: this year’s contest theme is Woman, so I had some plastic surgery done. I know, I know, //they look so real//,
but it’s all bolted on. I’m still $name, and if anyone doesn’t believe me, you’re hereby invited on the field to get your ass kicked.<</joe>><</nobr>>
[[Last on the field is a wet sock!|b3sports_2_2]]
<<link "Apprehensive Explanation">><<replace "#choice1">><<timed 10ms t8n>>\
<<nobr>><<joe>>Ok, well, I guess I’ll speak then. This year’s contest theme is Woman, so I had surgery done.
And that’s all there is to it. You can all just treat me like $name, because that’s who I am. A man called $name. With, you know.. extra’s.<</joe>><</nobr>>
[[Now can we move on and head to the field?|b3sports_2_2]]
<<link "Flirty Explanation">><<replace "#choice1">><<timed 10ms t8n>>\
<<nobr>><<joe>>Wow, I’ve never gotten you all silent like this before! You guys are making me blush, haha.
So: this year’s contest theme is Woman and with you all acting like this, you’re sure as hell making me feel like one.
Allow me to introduce..<</joe>><</nobr>>
You gesture up and down, presenting your 'new' body.
<<nobr>><<joe>>$name 2.0! I’m me, but with a great rack and a big booty. Anyhoo, for all the boys that can stand up right now..<</joe>><</nobr>>
The color red flies through the room, touching cheeks left and right. There’s more than one confused boner here for sure.
[[.. can check out this view all the way to the field!|b3sports_2_2]]
<</if>>\<<set $status to {
location: "sports",
activity: "sports",
title: {
location: "The Field",
activity: "Sports"
}>>\<<include "sports_2_2_setup">>\
<div class="standard" id="sports">\
<video id="video" src="images/sports/2/victory.mp4" autoplay></video>
<<nobr>>You’re not entirely sure why, but you’re on fire. You thought maybe losing all your body hair and your softer skin would irritate
and take getting used to. But for some reason the opposite seems true. You feel liberated, excited and energetic.
You’re like the Mulan montage, but only the final part where Mulan is suddenly better than the male soldiers.<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>Coach must’ve picked up on this as well, as he asks you to [[stick around for a moment after training|b1sports_2_3]]<</nobr>>
</div><div class="standard" id="sports">\
<<joe>>Sup, Coach?<</joe>>
<<coach>>Ah, $name. Listen, in all the years I’ve known you, I’ve never seen you this energetic. Tell me the truth: you’re not on something, are you, sport?<</coach>>
You can’t help but laugh, <<linkappend "to Coach’s confusement." t8n>>
<<coach>>What’s funny? That you clearly are, or that you clearly aren’t?<</coach>>
[[You apologize.|b1sports_2_4]]<</linkappend>>
</div><div class="standard" id="sports">\
<<joe>>Sorry, I couldn’t help it. I’m not on anything, coach, or I’d have told you. It’s funny cause, I guess.. I feel almost like I’m on something. I guess you picked up on that.<</joe>>
<<linkappend "A big smile forms on Coach’s face." t8n>>
<<coach>>Well, good, kid. That’s good. In that case, I want to ask a favor. Cody, as you might have noticed, is not on his game at all. I thought maybe you could help him out a bit?<</coach>>
[[Of course, anything for Coach and the team!|b1sports_2_5a]]
[[With everything going on, you don’t really have the time for that.|b1sports_2_5b]]
<</linkappend>></div><<set $ to "Training was GOOD! You're so good, next week you'll help our your buddy Cody, who's struggling at the moment.">>\
<div class="standard" id="sports">\
<<joe>>Yeah, of course! Anything specific you want me to focus on or..?<</joe>>
<<nobr>>Coach thinks for a while before asking if you know something called a ‘Winged Batrace Two For Twelve’ strategy.
You don’t, which prompts him to go off into an anecdote that takes the better of 20 minutes.
Eventually, you say goodbye [[and head for the locker room.|b2sports_2_8b]]<</nobr>>
</div><div class="standard" id="sports">\
<<joe>><<nobr>>So.. I hope you don't take this the wrong way, but it felt like you were kind of..
struggling out there today. Is that fair to say?<</nobr>><</joe>>
Cody looks defeated. <<linkappend "//I mean, yeah..//" t8n>>
<<cody>>So like, what, you come to rub it in?<</cody>>
<<nobr>>For a split second your mind goes to the image of Cody's growing member, moments ago. If anyone,
//he// was the one ready to rub something! <</nobr>><<linkappend "Anyway.." t8n>>
<<joe>>What? No, no, of coure not! No bud, I thought maybe I could help you out? I've got some spare time. What do you say?<</joe>>
<<cody>>Oh, really? Well, I mean I guess it can't hurt, right? Like.. before general practice or something?<</cody>>
<<joe>>Yeah, that works! Meet me two hours early next week and we'll go over some stuff. See you, Codes!<</joe>>
[[You head out.|b2sports_2_14b3]]
<</linkappend>><</linkappend>></div><<set $spath.choice to 1>>\
<div id="sports" class="standard">\
<video id="video" src="images/sports/2/rub.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<nobr>>As you get in your car, you realize you've been rubbing yourself through your pants.
The way you felt in the shower.. and then getting perved on by Cody.. how excited it made him.. It's got you hot and fucking bothered.
You could take care of the.. situation. Handle it, as it were.<</nobr>>
<<link "Nah, you'll manage. Go home." "home">><<include "sports_update">><</link>>
<<link "Handle it. Right here, right now." "sports_2_7a">><</link>>
</div>\<<set $ to "Training was GOOD! And you met someone. June. God, she is something else. You should go watch her cheering practice.">>\
<div class="standard" id="sports">\
<<joe>>I'm awfully sorry, Coach, But with everything going on with the contest and all, I really don't have the time right now.<</joe>>
<<coach>>Ah, I see. Well, can't blame a guy for trying, 'eh sport? See you next week then, keep it up!<</coach>>
With that, <<linkappend "you start heading for the locker room." t8n>>
<<nobr>>Just when you're about to leave the field, you're greeted by a young woman.
You remember seeing her and some of her friends watching your practice, something you don't really see that often.
[[You think her name is.. June?|b1sports_2_6b]]<</nobr>><</linkappend>>
</div><div class="standard" id="sports">\
<img id="banner" src="images/characters/splash/june.png">
You recognize the young woman as June, a cheerleader. You don't really know her to be honest. You know she's pretty?
[[She greets you.|b1sports_2_7b]]
</div>\<div class="standard" id="sports">\
<<june>><<nobr>>Heey! You looked fantastic out there!!<</nobr>><</june>>
<<joe>><<nobr>>Thanks! You girls enjoy the show?<</nobr>><</joe>>
<<linkappend "She grins." t8n>>
<<june>><<nobr>>Sure did! Are you always that energetic?<</nobr>><</june>>
<<joe>>Sometimes! Actually, I've had this skin treatment done? And for some reason it.. helped?<</joe>>
You realise that sounds weird to say, [[so you quickly try and explain.|b1sports_2_7b2]]<</linkappend>>
</div><div class="standard" id="sports">\
<<joe>>It's err cause of this contest, see and..<</joe>>
She starts laughing and your explanation turns into mumbling.
<<june>><<nobr>>We know about the contest! That's why we were here!<</nobr>><</june>>
[[You were?|sports_2_5a_3b]]
</div>\<div id="sports" class="standard">\
<<june>><<nobr>>Yeah, we came to watch you! We heard the great $name $lastname is turning into a woman and training with the fellas.<</nobr>><</june>>
<<joe>><<nobr>>Right! Gossip, huh? Gotta admit, that does sound like it would be worth a watch. I hope you got your money's worth!<</nobr>><</joe>>
<<june>><<nobr>>I did! And I wanted to ask you something..<</nobr>><</june>>
<<joe>><<nobr>>I see. Well, it's true..<</nobr>><</joe>>
<<if $body is 1>>You grab the place your tits would be if you had any and shake.<</if>>\
<<joe>>They're real!<</joe>>
[[She laughs.|sports_2_5a_4]]<</linkappend>>
</div>\<<include "sports_2_2_setup">>\
<div class="standard" id="sports">\
<video id="video" src="images/sports/2/tired.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<nobr>>Doctor Laedi had warned you about a drop in physical performance with the Hormoney treatment.
But sports have always come natural to you, so perhaps that warning - much like yourself during today’s training -
never really stood a chance. All training long, you find yourself lagging behind, constantly out of breath. <</nobr>>
<<nobr>>After a particularly intense exercise, you find yourself lying on ground, catching your breath,
[[when a big figure appears in front of you.|b2sports_2_3]]<</nobr>>
</div><div class="standard" id="sports">\
<img id="banner" src="images/characters/splash/tim.png">
<<nobr>>Tim once had his picture taken for the google image search “All brawn no brain”.
His brute strength and size make him the perfect leader for your team's defensive line.
An important position - as it allows the likes of you to do your part as he swings away at your opponents.<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>He’s an OK guy, as long as he’s on your side. And if he’s on your side - so is half the team,
as they either look up to or fear him. He’s not hard to keep happy, but if there’s one thing that doesn’t
sit right with the brute, it’s weakness.<</nobr>>
He sighs. <<link "Jesus Christ, $name.." "b2sports_2_4">><</link>>
</div>\<div class="standard" id="sports">\
<<tim>>I know everyone thinks your little compti..titian? Compestin.. Compestinion.. <</tim>>
<<linkreplace "Competition.." t8n>>\
<<tim>>That’s what I said. Complecision Is like super cool but I want you to know that I dont think that. Ok? If you cant be good youre bad. And thats not ok. You better get that. Got it?<</tim>>
<<linkreplace "Sure." t8n>>\
<<joe>>Yeah, ok, I got it, Tim.<</joe>>
He doesn’t respond. Instead, he stands there distracted, looking at you. At your body.
His stare interrupted, his eyes quickly move from your butt to your face, his cheeks turning red. He mumbles something and leaves. Great. Cause training was already fun enough.
<<nobr>>After what seems like forever, the torture that is today’s training comes to an end. As everyone
makes their way to the dressing room, [[Coach wants to talk to you.|b2sports_2_5]]<</nobr>>
</div>\<div class="standard" id="sports">\
<<coach>><<nobr>>Well, sport, you know I’ve always supported these hobbies and things of yours,
and you know I don’t care about what you do or what you look like or identify as. You know that.<</nobr>>.<</coach>>
You do, he really couldn’t care less. <<linkappend "You nod." t8n>>
<<coach>><<nobr>>And that won’t change. But what I do care about, is how we function as a sports team.
And I don’t expect perfect consistency week in week out, so if you need some time to reinvent yourself physically,
I’ll give you that time.<</nobr>><</coach>>
<<coach>><<nobr>>But in your role, you need the full support of the defensive line. From what I saw today, you lost that support.
Now with the competition starting up soon, that’s a problem. The way I see it, there’s two solutions.<</nobr>><</coach>>
<<link "He continues." "b2sports_2_6">><</link>><</linkappend>>
</div>\<div class="standard" id="sports">\
<<coach>>You either somehow make good with Tim and win him back over to guarantee the defensive support you need..<</coach>>
<<coach>><<nobr>>Or you swap roles - for now - with Cody. He’s got the skills, and a promotion will earn him the needed respect from Tim.
I will need you to help him out, of course. It’s not the easiest of swaps. So..<</nobr>><</coach>>
He claps his hands together and <<linkappend "looks you in the eye." t8n>>
<<coach>>Make a decision. Dismissed, sport.<</coach>>
[[You think about your options.|b2sports_2_7]]<</linkappend>>
</div><div class="standard" id="sports">\
<<nobr>>''Option 1'' - You can try to win Tim’s respect - or at least his support - and stay on in your current role.
After today’s training, you don’t see yourself winning back his respect through physical strength anytime soon. Which leaves..
Tim’s distracted and lustful look on you earlier. Maybe if he thinks of you as his girl that needs protection?
Or maybe even thinks of you as his mistress, that could work..<</nobr>>
<<link "Let’s focus our attention on Tim." "b2sports_2_8a">>\
<<set $ to "Training SUCKED! God, you're so much weaker. And to top it off, you've started seducing Tim?! If nothing else, it's exciting?">>\
<<nobr>>''Option 2'' - Or you could choose to swap roles with Cody. You’ll probably be working with him one on one pretty intensely
for a while, and your ego would take a hit from stepping down, but at least you don’t have to try and seduce Tim of all people.<</nobr>>
[[Cody, we’ll work with Cody.|b2sports_2_8b]]
</div><div class="standard" id="sports">\
<<include "lockerroom banner">>
<<nobr>>The locker room is almost empty when you get there. Talking to Coach and thinking over your options took some time.
There’s one person left: Tim. Which isn’t unusual. The usually adds another 30 minutes of strength training,
and sometimes he’ll forget he already added 30 and add another.<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>You’re not entirely sure how you’re gonna pull this whole thing off, and frankly the thought alone has you dizzy with nerves.
But you know that if this is going to work, Tim needs to.. want you. And so without giving it much thought,
you decide to give him a little show.<</nobr>>
[[Both nervous and excited, you start getting ready to shower.|b2sports_2_9a]]
</div>\<div class="standard" id="sports">\
<video id="video" src="images/sports/2/dom1.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<nobr>>Once you’ve got Tim’s attention, you start to take off your clothes one by one. Making sure to highlight your feminine features,
you stroke your breasts and ass as you get naked. With Tim’s eyes glued to your body, [[you step into the shower.|b2sports_2_10a]]<</nobr>>
</div>\<div class="standard" id="sports">\
<video id="video" src="images/sports/2/dom2.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<nobr>>As the warm water hits your soft skin, you start rubbing soap on your body. Using the bubbly liquid to guide your hands,
you feel up your brand new breasts and pay special attention to your butt. Then, without realizing it,
your hands find your slowly but surely stiffening cock.<</nobr>>
From the shower entrance, [[you hear Tim clearing his throat.|b2sports_2_11a]]
</div>\<<set $spath.choice to 3>>
<div class="standard" id="sports">\
<video id="video" src="images/sports/2/dom_looking.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<tim>>Um. Well eh.. See you next week. Ok. Uhh..<</tim>>
<<nobr>>Unable to finish a thought, he stands there looking at you - your body - for what feels like forever.
When he finally snaps out of it, he turns <</nobr>><<linkappend "his eyes towards the floor." t8n>>
<<tim>>Ok goodbye.<</tim>>
<<nobr>>As you watch him leave, you feel a euphoric feeling coming over you.
Not only did you just use your body to gain that man’s attention - it practically gave you control over him.<</nobr>>
<<link "With your little show a succes, you get out, get dressed and go home." "home">>\
<<include "sports_update">><</link>>\
[[Now too horny to stop, you stay in the shower.|b2sports_2_13a]]<</linkappend>>
</div>\<div class="standard" id="sports">\
<video id="video" src="images/sports/2/dom3.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<nobr>>The touch of your new, hot body and the effect your show had on your teammate
put you into a state of overdrive as you can’t not masturbate. Trying different positions to stroke your cock,
you eventually find yourself sitting down, [[working towards your desperate release.|b2sports_2_14a]]<</nobr>>
</div>\<div class="standard" id="sports">\
<video id="video" src="images/sports/2/dom4.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<nobr>>A few more strokes bring your body to climax, rewarding it with an intense orgasm.
Whether it’s the reason for your raunchiness or the changes to your body - you experience the moment like you’ve never had before.
It takes a little longer than usual before post-nut clarity kicks in and you realise you’re sitting
on the bathroom floor playing with your cum.<</nobr>> <<link "Time to go home." "home">>\
<<include "sports_update">><</link>>\
</div>\<div class="standard" id="sports">\
<<include "lockerroom banner">>
<<nobr>>The locker room appears to be empty when you get there. Tired from training and your head a storm of
thoughts with everything that’s happened recently, [[you decide you could really use a relaxing shower.|b2sports_2_9b]]<</nobr>>
</div>\<div class="standard" id="sports">\
<video id="video" src="images/sports/2/cod1.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<nobr>>As the drops pour down onto your sensitive skin, the warmth of the water and your own touch make you feel
more feminine than you’ve felt since the treatment. Unaware of your surroundings, you allow your thoughts and stress to
flow away and give in to the feeling, [[swaying your hips left and right and enjoying the touch of your body.|b2sports_2_10b]]<</nobr>>
</div>\<div class="standard" id="sports">\
<video id="video" src="images/sports/2/cod2.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<nobr>>At one point you turn your head and see Cody, his body facing you but his head turned towards the door as if he’s scared
someone might enter. His cock is on full display, rapidly growing into a powerful erectio. You quickly turn away.
[[And pretend you didn’t see him before noisily getting out of the shower.|b2sports_2_11b2]]
[[Or do you? Let's continue the show and make damn sure he knows you know.|b2sports_2_11b1]]
</div>\<div class="standard" id="sports">\
<video id="video" src="images/sports/2/cod3.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<nobr>>Excited - both by the effect you have on Cody and the idea of surprising him -
you twirl around like a stripper and feel yourself up before grabbing a towel and exiting the shower.
Cody quickly throws a towel over his lap and starts looking around as though lost something.<</nobr>>
[[You approach him.|b2sports_2_11b2]]
</div>\<div class="standard" id="sports">\
<<joe>>Cody, hey! I didn’t know you were in here. Listen, Coach wanted me to discuss something with you. You got a second?<</joe>>
Cody looks like one of those dogs pretending the bucket of paint splattered around the living room isn’t there.
<<cody>>Oh hey! Hey, eh. Yeah, hey! No I didn’t err know that either. That you were. I mean you are, I can see that now, haha. Right? You’re here, I’m here, tadaa! Heh. Eh, yeah no I have a second yeah?<</cody>>
<<if $body is 2>>[[You start explaining.|b2sports_2_12b]]<</if>><<if $body is 1>>[[You start explaining.|b1sports_2_7a]]<</if>>
</div>\<div class="standard" id="sports">\
<<joe>>.. and so we figured it’d be best if you and me swap roles for the time being. I’ll help you out, of course. Some one on one training. What do you think?<</joe>>
<<linkappend "He hesitates." t8n>>
<<cody>>Damn. Er, well. I mean I understand but.. that’s a lot to ask, you know? I love sports, of course I do, but it’s never been my ambition to play that role, you know?<</cody>>
<<cody>>Time, effort, probably a lot of flack from the guys. I guess what I’m saying is... what do I get out of this?<</cody>>
<<nobr>>It never occurred to you that Cody wouldn’t be up for this. It’s an honor, right? If he's not comfortable in the role and has no ambition
towards it, you //are// asking quite a lot, though.<</nobr>>
<<joe>>That's fair, bud. Tell you what, I'll think of a way to make it up to you. Alright?<</joe>>
<<nobr>>Cody shrugs and mutters something along the lines of //'yeah, ok'//. You're gonna have to think of something. For now, you decide to meet up
two weeks before next week's general practice to train for the roleswap. <</nobr>><<link "Time you head on home." "b2sports_2_14b1">>\
</div><<set $ to "Training SUCKED! God, you're so much weaker. Now you've gotta swap roles with Cody. Yeesh!">>\
<div class="standard" id="sports">\
<<joe>><<nobr>>Get out of this? Buddy, we just want to win! Don’t you? That’s what you get,
that’s what we all get! Victory, a sense of pride and accomplishment. You need more than that?<</nobr>><</joe>>
Before you’ve finished your sentence, <<linkappend "Cody starts nodding his head in agreement." t8n>>
<<cody>>No, of course, you’re right. Sorry, my first instinct is often to see a bunch of problems. I think it’s a great idea, let’s do it.<</cody>>
<<nobr>>The two of you decide to meet up two hours before next week’s general practice so you can go over some things,
before <</nobr>><<link "you head on home." "b2sports_2_14b1">><</link>>\
</div><<set $ to "Training SUCKED! You're so weak, you've got to swap roles! Might as well dominate Cody a bit while you're at it, huh? Kinky!">>\
<div class="standard" id="sports">\
<<joe>><<nobr>>Get out of this? Greedy little bastard, haha. Tell you what pumpkin, as a reward,
how about next time you’re perving on me I’ll allow you to touch yourself down there, hm?<</nobr>><</joe>>
<<nobr>>Cody’s face turns red in surprise and in the corner of your eye you see tent
moving.<</nobr>> <<linkappend "He turns his gaze to the floor as he mutters." t8n>>
<<cody>>That.. that sounds amazing actually.<</cody>>
You stare at him in silence. As he raises his head to see your reaction his eyes meet yours and <<linkappend "he continues." t8n>>
<<cody>>Th- thank you. Thank you so much, really.<</cody>>
<<joe>>Alright, then. Next week, we start two hours before general practice, go over some stuff. Don’t be late.<</joe>>
After, Cody heads for the shower and you [[exit the locker room.|b2sports_2_14b2]]<</linkappend>><</linkappend>>
</div><<set $ to "Training SUCKED! You're so weak, you've got to swap roles! And then you.. promised to, next week, help Cody.. get off? Ooh la-la.">>\
<div class="standard" id="sports">\
<<joe>>Hm, yeah, I suppose you would be giving a lot, all for me to do this contest of mine.<</joe>>
Cody tilts his head slightly and raises his shoulders as if to say: “That’s all I’m saying..”. <<linkappend "You continue." t8n>>
<<joe>>And I wouldn’t want that to go unrecognized, you know. How about next week you help me with this and afterwards, I’ll help you.. <</joe>>
You turn your gaze towards his erection.
<<joe>>.. with that?<</joe>>
As he takes in your offer, Cody’s face reads: “very excited but trying to stay cool”. <<linkappend "It doesn’t take him long to answer, though." t8n>>
The two of you decide to meet up two hours before next week’s general practice. After, trying to hide your giddy excitement over what just happened, [[you leave the locker room.|b2sports_2_14b1]]
</div><div id="sports" class="standard">\
<video id="video" src="images/sports/2/rub.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<nobr>>As you get in your car, you realize you've been rubbing yourself through your pants.
Ever since your shower, you've been hot and bothered.
You could, of course, take care of the.. situation. Handle it, as it were.<</nobr>>
<<link "Nah, you'll manage. Go home." "home">><<include "sports_update">><</link>>
<<link "Handle it. Right here, right now." "sports_2_7a">><</link>>
</div>\<div id="sports" class="standard">\
<video id="video" src="images/sports/2/rub.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<nobr>>As you get in your car, you realize you've been rubbing yourself through your pants.
Ever since your shower, you've been hot and bothered.
You could, of course, take care of the.. situation. Handle it, as it were.<</nobr>>
<<link "Nah, you'll manage. Go home." "home">><<include "sports_update">><</link>>
<<link "Handle it. Right here, right now." "sports_2_7a">><</link>>
</div>\<<include "sports_2_2_setup">>\
<div class="standard" id="sports">\
<<include "thefield">>
<<nobr>>Training, especially compared to what just happened in the lockerroom, is a relatively eventless affair.
It's early in the season, so everything is light and breezy for now.<<if $body is 2 or $body is 4>> Or, well, you know it should
be a light and breezy session, but admittedly, for you.. it's not. The hormone treatment definitely made you physically
weaker.<</if>><<if $body is 4>> And that's not all, of course.<</if>><<if $body is 3 or $body is 4>> Having a giant set of breasts
and a way bigger ass takes practice to maneuver.<</if>><<if $body is 2 or $body is 3 or $body is 4>> Anyway. Overall, you're fine.<</if>><</nobr>>
[[That is, until..|b3sports_2_3]]
</div>\<div class="standard" id="sports">\
<img class="storygif" src="images/sports/2/grab1.gif">
You feel someone touching you. Buttslaps have always been a part of the culture within the team. Friendly, encouraging little slaps on the bum among men.
This is not that. This is someone forcefully feeling you up. It's sexual. And..
[['s way out of line! You're not having it.|b3sports_2_4a]]
[[ completely freeze up and let it happen.|b3sports_2_4b]]
[[ your surprise.. you like it.|b3sports_2_4c]]
</div>\<<set $ to "Assholes thought they could start touching you, just cause you're a woman? Fuck that. June, your new.. friend, agrees. June and her two handfuls.">>\
<div class="standard" id="sports">\
<img class="storygif" src="images/sports/2/slapback.gif">
<<nobr>>You don't allow your predator to finish his dirty business and in one clean move turn the tables on him. You channel your inner
Will Smith and slap him //hard//. You hear a couple of women cheer from the sideline. The group, however, is dead silent.<</nobr>> <<linkappend "Time to address the group." t8n>>
<<joe>><<nobr>>Alright, boys, //apparently// this is necessary because I guess some of you are fucking pigs whose brains shut off when you see
anything remotely female.<</nobr>><</joe>>
<<joe>><<nobr>>So. From here on out - I'm the same teammate I was last week, and nobody touches me unless I consent. And I don't. Clear?<</nobr>><</joe>>
<<nobr>>The guys mostly make a point of looking anywhere but at you. Clearly, this would've just been the first. Damn animals.
The rest of training your butt remains hands-free. On your way to the lockerroom,<</nobr>> [[you run into one of the cheering girls.|sports_2_5a]]<</linkappend>>
</div>\<div class="standard" id="sports">\
<video id="video" src="images/sports/2/reluctant.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<nobr>>It happens fast and there's nothing you can do about it. It takes you by surprise and leaves you standing there like a
defenseless little being.<</nobr>>
After that, your buttocks meet hand after hand [[as your butt gets..|b3sports_2_5b]]
</div>\<div class="standard" id="sports">\
<video id="video" src="images/sports/2/bite.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<nobr>>As you feel the strong hand exploring your body, you realise //you like it.//
You thought you would light up in anger. Instead, the tiniest of moans escapes your lips.<</nobr>>
Unsurprisingly, your reaction doesn’t exactly bring a stop to this, [[as your butt gets..|b3sports_2_5b]]
</div><div class="standard" id="sports">\
<img class="horizontalstorygif" src="images/sports/2/grabbed.gif">
[[.. grabbed..|b3sports_2_5b2]]
</div><div class="standard" id="sports">\
<img class="horizontalstorygif" src="images/sports/2/slapped.webp">
[[.. slapped..|b3sports_2_5b3]]
</div><div class="standard" id="sports">\
<img class="storygif" src="images/sports/2/squeezed.webp">
and squeezed all throughout practice. Finally, as everyone makes their way to the locker room, you Coach’s voice: <<link "$name, hang back a moment." "b3sports_2_6b">><</link>>
</div><div class="standard" id="sports">\
You nod. <<linkappend "Coach takes a deep breath." t8n>>
<<coach>><<nobr>>Look, you know I don’t care what you look like or do in your own time. But I do care about the team, and right now?
I’ve got a very distracted team on my hands. And a distracted team doesn’t function. See?<</nobr>><</coach>>
You do, you see. You hesitate for a moment. You’re clearly a distraction, but is that supposed to be your fault?
[[It’s not. Tell Coach you’re sorry, but it’s not your responsibility.|b3sports_2_7b]]
[[It probably is, honestly. Tell Coach you’ll find a solution.|b3sports_2_7c]]
</div><div class="standard" id="sports">\
<<joe>><<nobr>>I do see, Coach. But I don’t think it’s up to me to change that. What about gay or bi athletes?
They’re surrounded by people they fancy every week, yet they’re not distracted 24/7, right?<</nobr>><</joe>>
Coach’s face goes through several ‘thinking’-expressions before landing on a defeated one. <<linkappend "He sighs." t8n>>
<<coach>><<nobr>>You’re right, you’re right. Of course you’re right. I’ll handle it. I’ll go talk to the team, meanwhile maybe you could
give me a couple of laps around the field? Let them all cool down a bit before you bother ‘m again with ehm..<</nobr>><</coach>>
He waves his hands around, looking the words. <<linkappend "You make a suggestion." t8n>>
<<joe>>My tits?<</joe>>
Coach raises his shoulders and gives you a “I mean..”-look before heading to the locker room.
[[You go for a couple more laps|b3sports_2_8b]]<</linkappend>><</linkappend>>
</div><<set $spath.choice to 4>>\
<<set $ to "So.. apparently looking like a woman made you the team hands-on mascotte! You're quite the distraction. Maybe you can use that somehow?">>\
<div class="standard" id="sports">\
<<include "lockerroom banner">>
<<nobr>>As you’re doing your laps, one thing about your conversation with Coach keeps lingering in your thoughts.
//I’m clearly a distraction.// It’s the word //clearly// that keeps you busy. If it’s so obvious that you’re a distraction,
you’ll be a distraction.. regardless, right? To.. anyone. Which means maybe you could use that distraction.
But instead of distracting your own team.. distract your opponents. Right?<</nobr>>
After your laps, you head back to a now empty locker-room. After getting dressed, [[you go to your car.|b3sports_2_8b2]]
</div><div id="sports" class="standard">\
<video id="video" src="images/sports/2/rub.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<nobr>>As you get in your car, you realize you've been rubbing yourself through your pants.
There'd been nobody in the lockerroom and your mind wandered back to everyone greedily touching you during training.
You could, of course, take care of the.. situation. Handle it, as it were.<</nobr>>
<<link "Nah, you'll manage. Go home." "home">><<include "sports_update">><</link>>
<<link "Handle it. Right here, right now." "sports_2_7a">><</link>>
</div>\<div class="standard" id="sports">\
<<joe>>You're right, Coach. I'll find a solution - it's my fault after all.<</joe>>
<<coach>>I appreciate that, kid. Good luck. See you next week!<</coach>>
Coach walks off but comes to a halt after a couple of steps <<linkappend "and turns around." t8n>>
<<coach>>Oh, hey, maybe you could try talking to Tim. If you have him on your side, the rest are sure to lay off.<</coach>>
Then, he turns back and walks off.
<<nobr>>It's not a bad idea. Your tits and ass aren't going anywhere, so becoming less of a distraction isn't really an option.
[[You and Tim aren't exactly besties, though..|b3sports_2_8c]]<</nobr>>
</div><<set $ to "So.. apparently, a big pair of tits and an inflated ass distracts people. And so.. you've started seducing Tim?! Well.. if nothing else, it's exciting?">>\
<div class="standard" id="sports">\
<img id="banner" src="images/characters/splash/tim.png">
<<nobr>>Tim once had his picture taken for the google image search “All brawn no brain”.
His brute strength and size make him the perfect leader for your team's defensive line.
An important position - as it allows the likes of you to do your part as he swings away at your opponents.<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>The two of you don't really get along, though, so just asking him won't do. Also, you're pretty sure
he felt you up more than once today. No, if you want on your side, you need to make him feel like you're his.
Ignite jealousy in him when others even look at you. That would work..<</nobr>>
[[Let's try it. Let's.. seduce Tim. Thinking about your decision, you head to the locker room.|b2sports_2_8a]]
Unles.. No, actually, screw that. You find Coach and [[tell him it's not your problem.|b3sports_2_9c2]]
</div>\<div class="standard" id="sports">\
<<joe>><<nobr>>Coach, listen, I thought about it, and frankly I don't think it's my problem. I mean, what about gay or bi athletes?
They’re surrounded by people they fancy every week. They’re not distracted 24/7, right?<</nobr>><</joe>>
Coach’s face goes through several ‘thinking’-expressions before landing on a defeated one. <<linkappend "He sighs." t8n>>
<<coach>><<nobr>>You’re right, you’re right. Of course you’re right. I’ll handle it. I’ll go talk to the team, meanwhile maybe you could
give me a couple of laps around the field? Let them all cool down a bit before you bother ‘m again with ehm..<</nobr>><</coach>>
He waves his hands around, looking the words. <<linkappend "You make a suggestion." t8n>>
<<joe>>My tits?<</joe>>
Coach raises his shoulders and gives you a “I mean..”-look before heading to the locker room.
[[You go for a couple more laps|b3sports_2_8b]]<</linkappend>><</linkappend>><div class="standard" id="sports">\
<img id="banner" src="images/characters/splash/june.png">
You recognize the young woman as June, a cheerleader. You don't really know her to be honest. You know she's pretty?
[[She greets you.|sports_2_5a_2]]
</div>\<div class="standard" id="sports">\
<<june>><<nobr>>Heey! All slapped out?<</nobr>><</june>>
<<joe>><<nobr>>All done! You girls enjoy the show?<</nobr>><</joe>>
<<linkappend "She grins." t8n>>
<<june>><<nobr>>Sure did! Was that your first fondler?<</nobr>><</june>>
<<joe>><<nobr>>I think so? I mean there's been sexually agressive women before but there'd always be at least some flirting
or //something// leading up to that. This here? No warning, nothing!<</nobr>><</joe>>
<<june>><<nobr>>That's how they do it! Welcome to being a woman, I guess.<</nobr>><</june>>
Ugh, men are such pigs. Which doesn't surprise you, but it still sucks. You look around the field. It's just you and June left.
[[You ask her why she's here.|sports_2_5a_3]]<</linkappend>>
</div>\<div id="sports" class="standard">\
<<joe>><<nobr>>Any special reason you guys came to watch? I don't see your friends anywhere, they leave?<</nobr>><</joe>>
<<linkappend "She points right at you and smiles." t8n>>
<<june>><<nobr>>We came to watch you! We heard the great $name $lastname was turning into a woman and training with the fellas.<</nobr>><</june>>
<<joe>><<nobr>>Right! Gossip, huh? Gotta admit, that does sound like it would be worth a watch. I hope you got your money's worth!<</nobr>><</joe>>
<<june>><<nobr>>I did! And I wanted to ask you something..<</nobr>><</june>>
<<joe>><<nobr>>I see. Well, it's true..<</nobr>><</joe>>
<<if $body is 1>>You grab the place your tits would be if you had any and shake.<</if>>\
<<if $body is 2>>You grab your all-natural hormone induced titties and shake 'm.<</if>>\
<<if $body is 3>>You grab your massive set of tits and wobble them up and down.<</if>>\
<<joe>>They're real!<</joe>>
[[She laughs.|sports_2_5a_4]]<</linkappend>>
</div>\<div id="sports" class="standard">\
<<june>><<nobr>>What I want to ask is if.. maybe you want to come watch us cheerleaders train sometime?<</nobr>><</june>>
<<joe>><<nobr>>Why, you guys got a cheerleader turning into a man and training with the gals?<</nobr>><</joe>>
<<june>><<nobr>>No.. but I can think of two other reasons you might want to come watch?<</nobr>><</june>>
<<joe>><<nobr>>Yeah, what are those?<</nobr>><</joe>>
<<june>><<nobr>>I'll show you..<</nobr>><</june>>
[[She grabs her jacket's zipper.|sports_2_5a_5]]
</div>\<div id="sports" class="standard">\
<video id="video" src="images/sports/2/flash.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<june>>Two very real reasons right here! And who knows, maybe we'll find a third reason?<</june>>
<<nobr>>Somewhere in the back of your head a voice asks: //'Should we say something?'//, which is answered by another,
rather distracted sounding voice: //'ssshh.. I'm busy..'//.
Then a third voice - <</nobr>><<linkappend "that sounds a hell of a lot like June - says:" t8n>>
<<june>><<nobr>>$name? Will you think about?<</nobr>><</june>>
<<joe>><<nobr>>Hm? Yes! Yes, I will //definitely// think about them.<</nobr>><</joe>>
<<linkappend "She smiles." t8n>>
<<june>><<nobr>>Good! See you!<</nobr>><</june>>
<<nobr>>You mumble a goodbye and she scuttles off. Damn. Realizing you rather have this on your mind than deal with another packed
locker room, you decide to run a couple laps around the field [[before changing and getting to your car.|sports_2_6a]]<</nobr>><</linkappend>><</linkappend>>
</div>\<<set $spath.choice to 2>>\
<div id="sports" class="standard">\
<video id="video" src="images/sports/2/rub.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<nobr>>As you get in your car, you realize you've been rubbing yourself through your pants.
There was nobody in the locker room, and your mind had been wandering back to your conversation with the lovely June.
And her tiddies, of course, let's be honest here. You could, of course, take care of the.. situation. Handle it, as it were.<</nobr>>
<<link "Nah, you'll manage. Go home." "home">><<include "sports_update">><</link>>
<<link "Handle it. Right here, right now." "sports_2_7a">><</link>>
</div>\<div id="sports" class="standard">\
<video id="video" src="images/sports/2/car1.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<nobr>>The sudden rush of knowing what you're about to do fills your body with a heat and you quickly take off your pants and shirt.
Within seconds, you're jacking off like a madman, losing yourself in the high tempo of your strokes.<</nobr>>
[[It doesn't take you long.|sports_2_7a_2]]
</div>\<div id="sports" class="standard">\
<video id="video" src="images/sports/2/car2.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<nobr>>Desperate for relief, you speedrun yourself to orgasm. A your warm, sticky cum covers your stomach and fingers.
You look at your fingers..<</nobr>>
<<link ".. and with post-nut clarity, you chuckle, wipe it off and head home." "home">><<include "sports_update">><</link>>
<<link ".. and, still horny as anything, lick them clean." "sports_2_7a_3">><</link>>
</div>\<div id="sports" class="standard">\
<video id="video" src="images/sports/2/car3.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<nobr>>Sober, you probably couldn't appreciate the taste, but drunk as you are with sex, the white liquid tastes sweet.
Satisfied, you dress, mutter a final //'fucking hell'// <</nobr>><<link "and head home.""home">><<include "sports_update">><</link>>
</div>\<<run State.setVar("$", $>>\
<<run State.setVar("$", "coach_popup")>>\
<<run State.setVar("$", 0)>>\
<<run State.setVar("$", "You look different, sport. New haircut?")>>\
<div class="standard" id="sports">\
<<include "thefield banner">>
<<nobr>><<coach>> Alright $name, let’s talk Contest. What’s going on?<</coach>><</nobr>>
Coach, being an open-minded man of the world listens patiently as you explain this year’s theme and challenge. When you’re done explaining, he smiles.
<<nobr>><<coach>>Well, that’s quite the story! If nothing else, you guys are creative..<</coach>><</nobr>>
<<nobr>><<coach>>Look, you can come to training looking like a bottle of hairspray for all I care,
as long as you perform. And since you kept your junk, you’re fine to stay on the men’s team.<</coach>><</nobr>>
He looks away for a moment, seemingly lost in thought. Then continues.
<<nobr>><<coach>>But, if the idea is to experience being a woman.. well, you can always consider joining the cheerleading squad for the season.<</coach>><</nobr>>
<<linkreplace "What about joining the women's squad?" t8n>>\
<<nobr>><<coach>>Can’t do, I’m afraid. Wouldn’t be fair, see? Think of it like.. a woman entering your little contest.
No, there’s just the two choices. And I’d prefer you make the choice asap. Us coaches don’t like changes halfway through the season.
Take your time..<</coach>><</nobr>>
.. and let me know what you [[decide.|sports_2_5]]<</linkreplace>>
</div>\<<run State.setVar("$", $>>\
<<run State.setVar("$", "coach_popup")>>\
<<run State.setVar("$", 0)>>\
<<run State.setVar("$", "In the words of Nelly Furtado and Timbaland: I want you on my team. And so does everybody else.")>>\
<div class="thisorthat">\
<div class="tot_title"><h1>Choose A Path</h1></div>\
<div class="tot_left">\
<div class="tot_image">\
<h3>Stay On The Men's Squad</h3>
Eh.. lalala test?
<h3>[[Choose This|sports_2_6a]]</h3>
<div class="tot_choose_l">\
<div class="name_block" id="sports1_tot_l">\
<img id="small_bradius" src="images/sports/athlete.svg">\
<div class="tot_right">\
<div class="tot_image_r">\
<h3>Become A Cheerleader</h3>
Eh.. lalala test?
<h3>[[Choose This|sports_2_6b]]</h3>
<div class="tot_choose_r">\
<div class="name_block" id="sports1_tot_r">\
<img id="small_bradius" src="images/sports/cheerleader.svg">\
<<include "sports_update">>\
<<set $sportschoice to "cheerleader">\
<<set $story.sports.title.stage3.after to "Week 2: First Cheers">>\
<<set $story.sports.title.stage4.after to "Week 3: Getting the Hang of it">>\
<<set $story.sports.unlocked to "yes">>\
<<set $ to "cheerleader">>\
<<set $ to "You're going to be a cleerleader! Will they accept you? If you're //all// leaders, who do you lead? What's a pompom? Find out all this and more, next on: //Sports//.">>\<img id="banner" src="images/locations/banner/home.png">
<img id="small_bradius" src="images/ui/home.svg">\
<br>\<img id="banner" src="images/locations/banner/bedroom.png">
<img id="small_bradius" src="images/ui/bedroom.svg">\
<br>\<img id="banner" src="images/locations/banner/thefield.png">
<img id="small_bradius" src="images/ui/thefield.svg">\
<br>\<img id="banner" src="images/locations/banner/lockerroom.png">
<img id="small_bradius" src="images/ui/lockerroom.svg">\
<br>\<<set $activity to "sports">>\
<<set $status to {
activity: "sports",
location: "sports",
title: {
activity: "Sports'",
location: "Sportsy Places"
<<if $spath.choice is 1>><<include "sports_p1_1">><</if>>\
<<if $spath.choice is 2>><<include "sports_p2_1">><</if>>\
<<if $spath.choice is 3>><<include "sports_p3_1">><</if>>\
<<if $spath.choice is 4>><<include "sports_p4_1">><</if>>\/* P1 - B1 CODY */\
/* Sports 3: Because you’re doing great, you’re helping out Cody, who is struggling. */\
<div class="standard" id="sports">\
<<include "homesetting banner">>
<<if $body is 1>><<nobr>>You're at home when you get a message from Cody. That is to say: multiple messages from Cody.
It's a lot, and they boil down to him basically being nervous ever since you talked about his performance. It appears
he's gone down quite the spiral for such a small thing.<</nobr>><</if>>\
<<if $body is 2>><<nobr>>At the beginning of the week you find yourself thinking about the talk you had with Cody.
You promised him you'd think of a way to pay him back if he'd help you, but you're having trouble thinking of something
that feels reasonable. You're asking quite alot.<</nobr>><</if>>\
<<link " You decide to ask Lisa, who's watching some soap on tv." "sports_p1_2">><</link>>
</div><div class="standard" id="sports">\
<<joe>>Hey, babe. Question. I told you about Cody, right? With the thing last week?<</joe>>
<<if $body is 2>><<lisa>>The cute boy that fancies you and you asked to swap positions with?<</lisa>>
<<lisa>><<nobr>>Yeah, you told me. You were gonna come up with something in return for his help, right? You
come up with anything yet?<</nobr>><</lisa>><</if>>\
<<if $body is 1>><<lisa>>The cute boy that fancies you that you're gonna help out cause he //suuuuuuuuucks?//<</lisa>>
<<joe>>Hey, come on, that's not nice, he's a good kid.<</joe>>
<<lisa>>//Ooooooooh!!// Maybe you //want// him to suck, hmmmm?<</lisa>>
<<joe>>Jesus, woman, get your head out of the gutter!<</joe>>
<<lisa>>Alright, alright, sorry. Yeah, what about him, babe?<</lisa>><</if>>\
<<if $body is 1>><<link "Well.." "sports_p1_3a">><</link>><</if>>\
<<if $body is 2>><<link "Well.." "sports_p1_3b">><</link>><</if>>\
</div>/* You're helping him */\
<div class="standard" id="sports">\
<<joe>>So, I just got this wall of texts from him explaining he's super insecure now because he //suuuuuuuuucks//.<</joe>>
<<lisa>>Okay, okay. I feel bad about that. So what do you need?<</lisa>>
<<joe>>Well what do I do? It's not gonna be much use helping him out if he's got the mental strength of a potato, right?<</joe>>
<<lisa>>You know, I think potatoes are probably //very// strong mentally.<</lisa>>
<<linkappend "You give Lisa a look." t8n>>
<<lisa>>Alright, alright. I mean you know, he just needs to relax, right? Tell him to rub one out before training. Boom! Problem solved.<</lisa>>
<<joe>>//'Hey, Cody, please stop being such a crybaby and go jerk off in the corner before we start, would you? Kbyeeee!'//<</joe>>
<<link "Lisa looks at you, sits upright and turns off the tv." "sports_p1_4a">><</link>><</linkappend>>
</div>\/* He's helping you */
<div class="standard" id="sports">\
<<joe>><<nobr>>No, I just don't know what to offer him. The time I'm asking of him is fine, I think. I'd
help him train if he asked me without problem. But I'm asking him to do something he's not comfortable with on
top of that. How do return that favor?<</nobr>><</joe>>
<<lisa>>I guess you make him comfortable, babe. Oooor get uncomfortable yourself. Or both, maybe?<</lisa>>
<<joe>>What, give him a bean bag that's uncomfortable for me to carry over?<</joe>>
<<lisa>>Hmhm, yep, that's exactly it babe. A bean bag, boom, solved!<</lisa>>
<<linkappend "You give Lisa a look." t8n>>
<<lisa>>What, you started it!<</lisa>>
<<joe>>Well, I don't know what you mean!<</joe>>
<<link "Lisa looks at you, sits upright and turns off the tv." "sports_p1_4b">><</link>><</linkappend>>
</div>\<div class="standard" id="sports">\
<<lisa>>You boys really are a bunch of girls sometimes, you know that?<</lisa>>
You slowly run a hand through your head like those shampoo commercials.
<<joe>>Aww, thanks baby!<</joe>>
<<lisa>>Hey! I turned the tv off for this, mister. You stay serious or I'm gonna hop back in there and find out if Mario's brother is also his dog!<</lisa>>
<<joe>><<nobr>>Fair enough. Well I mean there's merit to the '//rubbing one out//' plan I guess. But he's already insecure,
me telling him he should just masturbate won't make him feel better, I don't think.<</nobr>><</joe>>
<<lisa>>So you do it, babe.<</lisa>>
<<joe>>Hm? Masturbate? I'm not the one with the problem, remember?<</joe>>
<<link "Lisa sighs and points at you." "sports_p1_5a">><</link>>\
</div>\<div class="standard" id="sports">\
<<lisa>>Ok, you're gonna be all //'you're such a pervert'// when I say this, babe, but consider this for a moment: give him a handjob.<</lisa>>
<<joe>>Did she think I wouldn't think of you as a pervert cause you mentioned it //before suggesting I wank off my buddy?//<</joe>>
<<lisa>>What's the big deal? It's just a handjob. And it does both things, doesn't it? Makes him comfortable, you uncomfortable.<</lisa>>
<<joe>>Right. Is this more of that '//experience sex as a woman//' thing?<</joe>>
<<lisa>>No? I mean if you want it to be. It's really not a big deal. Handjobs are fun, you know?<</lisa>>
<<link "Lisa puts both hands forward and starts jerking off what would have to be a rather large imaginary cock." "sports_p1_5b">><</link>>
</div>\<div class="standard" id="sports">\
<<lisa>><<nobr>>It's like a game. You rub a nice piece of meat between your hands and watch as the guy gets tenser
and tenser until poof! A nice load of sticky sperm comes //flying// through the air! The look on their face at climax, so good.
Really babe, you should try it. Fun!<</nobr>><</lisa>>
<<nobr>>What a special woman. Casually telling her lover to go jerk off another man because it's fun. And
almost convincing you in the process. It does sound fun, doesn't it?<</nobr>>
<<link "You think about it for a moment." "sports_p1_6b">><</link>>\
</div><div class="standard" id="sports">\
She makes a hand gesture like she's jerking someone off.
<<lisa>>Wank.. Cody.. See? You. Wank. Cody.<</lisa>>
<<joe>>Right. Is this more of that '//experience sex as a woman//' thing?<</joe>>
<<lisa>>No? I mean if you want it to be. It's just a handjob, babe! It's hardly anything. And handjobs are fun, you know?<</lisa>>
<<linkappend "She's back to mimicking as she starts jerking off what would have to be a rather large imaginary cock with both hands." t8n>>
<<lisa>><<nobr>>It's like a game. You rub a nice piece of meat between your hands and watch as the guy gets tenser
and tenser until poof! A nice load of sticky sperm comes //flying// through the air! The look on their face at climax, so good.
Really babe, you should try it. Fun!<</nobr>><</lisa>>
<<nobr>>What a special woman. Casually telling her lover to go jerk off another man because it's fun. And
almost convincing you in the process. It does sound fun, doesn't it?<</nobr>>
<<link "You think for a moment." "sports_p1_6a">><</link>><</linkappend>>\
</div><div class="standard sports">\
<<nobr>>Right, so you agree that Cody getting some nice relieve before training would probably help the cause. And you also recognize
that maybe you need a.. //nicer// way to get there then just to tell him. And it does //sound// fun, the way she described it.<</nobr>>
Lisa, who's been looking at you patiently, runs out of just patience.
<<link "Maybe you should do it? It's exciting. And it would surely help. And think of the //fun//!" "sports_p1_7a1">><</link>>
<<link "You don't really want to. There has to be another way to tell him." "sports_p1_7a2">><</link>>
</div>\<div class="standard sports">\
<<nobr>>You do believe you should give Cody something that'll make it worth his while. And you getting out of
//your// comfort zone seems.. fair? It did //sound// fun. But are you really considering giving
a buddy a handjob for helping you out? Would you have been thinking like this a month ago?<</nobr>>
Lisa, who's been looking at you patiently, runs out of just patience.
<<link "Maybe you should do it? It's exciting. It'd be a proper reward, surely. //Fun//!" "sports_p1_7a1">><</link>>
<<link "You don't really want to. Surely you can reward him some other way." "sports_p1_7a2">><</link>>
</div>\<div class="standard sports">\
<<joe>>Yeah... no, sorry. I'm doing that. What else you got?<</joe>>
<<lisa>>What, me the mighty problemsolver? Alright, ehm.. //ooh!//<</lisa>>
<<linkappend "She jumps up in a sudden outburst of enthusiasm." t8n>>
<<lisa>>Maybe he's someone that gets a kick out of being told what to do! You know, controlled and dominated and stuff. By a mistress!<</lisa>>
<<joe>>A mistress? Like I'd tell him jerk it in a sort of sensual bossy kind of way? What's that called, BSDM? BBSM?<</joe>>
<<lisa>>BDSM. Yeah, and then the //'DS'// part I think. Dom and Sub!<</lisa>>
<<joe>>How do you always know these things?<</joe>>
<<lisa>>You can't expect me to be the mighty problemsolver without a vast amount of knowledge, babe!<</lisa>>
<<link "Right.." "sports_p1_8a2">><</link>><</linkappend>>
</div>\<div class="standard sports">\
<<lisa>>But yeah, like that. You'd take on like a clear mistress role and tell him to jerk off and stuff.<</lisa>>
<<joe>>It'd be a pretty active role, though, right?<</joe>>
<<lisa>><<nobr>>Oh, yeah. You'd have to //watch him// jerk it, babe, or it wouldn't work. But you know,
you could also tell him to jerk //you// off. You're his mistress after all. Get yourself a nice little handy!<</nobr>><</lisa>>
<<joe>>You're enjoying this quite a bit, aren't you?<</joe>>
She treats you to the widest of smiles. Well, it's an option, maybe?
<<link "You know what? Fuck it. Let's give it a try!" "sports_p1_9a2_1">><</link>>
<<link "Also not really your thing, actually.." "sports_p1_9a2_2">><</link>>
</div>\<div class="standard sports">\
<<joe>>Alright, yeah! I'll try it!<</joe>>
<<lisa>>Wait, really? I mean awesome, babe! That's hot, haha. I'd do some research, I don't think it's something you should just kind of improvise.<</lisa>>
<<nobr>>You agree, and end up dedicating a lot more time than you thought you would researching this thing. On the one hand, it's not as easy as just being a bit bossy
and telling Cody to spank the monkey. On the other hand, it has to be. If you're not confident, if you're not in control or authoritative enough, it could go weird
and wrong very fast. So you end up preparing your role as //Mistress// very well.<</nobr>>
On the day of training, you head out to the club earlier than you'd agreed on, <<link "making sure you're there before Cody." "sports_p1_10a2_1">><</link>>\
</div><div class="standard sports">\
<<include "lockerroom banner">>
<<nobr>>Once in the lockerroom, you try and get into the role you thought of for yourself while waiting for Cody. When he arrives, you're ready for him,
standing up straight and powerful, your hands folded behind your body like a drill sergeant. As soon as he comes in, he starts talking.<</nobr>>
<<cody>>Ah, you're here already. Look..<</cody>>
<<if $body is 1>><<link "You interrupt him - essentially setting the tone and taking over." "sports_p1_11a2_1_b1">><</link>><</if>>\
<<if $body is 2>><<link "You interrupt him - essentially setting the tone and taking over." "sports_p1_11a2_1_b2">><</link>><</if>>\
</div>\<div class="standard sports">\
<<joe>><<nobr>>Yeah, no. You look. Let me be clear: I don't care about your little boy nerves, ok? Which is why you're going to purge all that
childish nonsense right now, right here. Do you understand?<</nobr>><</joe>>
<<nobr>>You focus with everything you have to be convincing. This is kind of it. If he doesn't accept this little play right now, you're just a weird and very mean teammate.
Seconds tick away, until eventually, Cody nods and mumbles //'yes..?'//.<</nobr>
<<joe>>That's //Yes, Ma'am// for you, and I want to be able to hear it.<</joe>>
Cody, apparently recognizing what's going on, immediately stands up straight.
<<cody>>Yes, ma'am.<</cody>>
<<joe>>Good. Come here.<</joe>>
<<link "Cody obediently walks towards you." "sports_p1_11a2_1">><</link>>
</div><div class="standard sports">\
<<joe>><<nobr>>Yeah, no. You look. Let me be clear: you're helping me out, and that should be reward enough. But because I am a benevolent Mistress, I will
reward you for your time right here and now. Do you understand?<</nobr>><</joe>>
<<nobr>>You put the 'Mistress' in there to hint at what you're doing. This is kind of it. If he doesn't accept this little play right now, you're just a weird and very weird teammate.
Seconds tick away, until eventually, Cody nods and mumbles //'yes..?'//.<</nobr>>
<<joe>>That's //Yes, Ma'am// for you, and I want to be able to hear it.<</joe>>
Cody, apparently recognizing what's going on, immediately stands up straight.
<<cody>>Yes, ma'am.<</cody>>
<<joe>>Good. Come here.<</joe>>
<<link "Cody obediently walks towards you." "sports_p1_11a2_1">><</link>>
</div><div class="standard sports">\
<<joe>>Take your cock out.<</joe>>
Cody gives you a quick uncertain look. From what you read, that's normal, and you double down.
<<joe>>Who said you could look at me?! Eyes down, cock out. Now, Cody.<</joe>>
Doubling down. Whoever came up with that: you thank them. Cody's cheeks glow red as he looks down and takes out his dick.
<<joe>>Good boy. Now start jerking off.<</joe>>
Cody is a good listener. <<link "He immediately starts stroking while keeping his eyes, per instructions, off you." "sports_p1_12a2_1">><</link>>\
</div>\<div class="standard sports">\
<video id="video" src="images/sports/3/miss1.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<nobr>>It's a good thing you told him not to look at you, as you find yourself really enjoying
the sight of your buddy masturbating to your commands. After a little bit, you tell him to speed up pick up the pace until you see his
body start to twitch and shake.<</nobr>>
<<link "//$name: 'Ok, you're going to cum for me now, Cody.//" "sports_p1_13a2_1">><</link>>\
</div><div class="standard sports">\
<video id="video" src="images/sports/3/miss2.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<nobr>>Within seconds of telling him to, Cody erupts. You watch in awe, mouthing your surprise, as a //big// load of cum comes flying. You're obviously no stranger to
cumshots, you produce your own, but something about this one is magnificent. You look at him to make sure he didn't see your reaction before putting on a straight face again.<</nobr>>
<<link "//$name: 'Good boy.//" "sports_p1_14a2_1">><</link>>\
</div><div class="standard sports">\
<<joe>>There you go. Look at me.<</joe>>
Cody looks up at you, dripping cock in hand.
<<joe>>Now thank me, clean up and meet me outside. Got it?<</joe>>
He really does.
<<cody>>Yes, ma'am. Thank you ma'am.<</cody>>
<<nobr>>Fuck, that was hot. It's a good thing you're already in your work out gear as the pants allow for some breathing room, or your chubby would probably be quite visible after that.
Just to be safe, you wait until Cody walks into the bathroom to clean off before heading outside.<</nobr>>
<<link "Some air on your face will do you good, you feel like you're on fire." "sports_p1_15a2_1">><</link>>\
</div><div class="standard sports">\
<<include "thefield banner">>
<<nobr>>When Cody comes out to join you on the field, you feel a bit nervous about how he'll be now. Around you and stuff. You decide to //sort of// ask him.
Nothing concrete, just check in as the normal, non-mistress you.<</nobr>>
<<joe>>Hey! You good?<</joe>>
Luckily, you worries were unwarranted. Cody looks pumped up, and he seems to have left the relationship you just shared in the lockerroom.
<<cody>>Yeah! Thanks, that was great. Let's go do this thing!<</cody>>
<<link "The both of you get dressed and head out onto the field." "sports_p1_16a2_1">><</link>>
</div>\<div class="standard sports">\
<<include "thefield banner">>
<<if $body is 1>><<nobr>>Cody and you train for nearly two hours, mainly working on technique as you've got general practice after lunch.
He does an absolutely amazing job. If someone had seen him the previous training, or even just seen the nervous wreck he was
earlier today, they wouldn't have believed this was the same guy. He's excited, dedicated and eager to listen to feedback.<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>You can't help but feel good about yourself. You did that! Later, at practice, Cody isn't quite as fired up as this morning,
but neither are you. You've both been at it for quite a while, and he's doing significantly better than last week.<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>Coach also notices and tells you: //'I don't know what you're doing with him, but it's working. Keep it up, sport!'//.
You wonder what he'd think if he knew. When training's over, <</nobr>><<link "you go home for some well deserved rest." "home">><<include "sports_update">><</link>><</if>>\
<<if $body is 2>><<nobr>>Cody and you train for nearly two hours, mainly working on eachother's technique as you've got general practice later.
He's amazing. He's enthusiastic, driven, patient when teaching you stuff and eager to learn when you teach him.<</nobr>>\
<<nobr>>You can't help but feel good about yourself. You did that!
Later at practice, seems pleasantly surprised by the natural and effortless way Cody and you swap positions.
Cody practically seems like a new man.<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>Coach compliments the both of you: //'I don't know what you're guys have been up to, but it's working. Keep it up, lads!'//.
You wonder what he'd think if he knew. When training's over, <</nobr>><<link "you go home for some well deserved rest." "home">><<include "sports_update">><</link>><</if>>\
</div>\<div class="standard sports">\
<<joe>>Hmmmyeahhhh.. no. I don't think that's for me either. I'd just feel awkward I think?<</joe>>
Lisa lets out a dramatic sigh that you reckon is 50% theater and 50% real.
<<lisa>>Fine! I'll do it. I'll tell him to spank it. M'kay babe?<</lisa>>
<<nobr>>You want to say her suggestion is unexpected, but it's the third suggestion she's fed you after '//wank off your buddy//' and
'//become your buddy's mistress//', <</nobr>><<linkappend "so you can't be //that// surprised." t8n>>
<<joe>>How will //you// tell him? You're gonna tell him over the phone?<</joe>>
<<lisa>>I'll make a video!<</lisa>>
<<joe>>You'll make a video?<</joe>>
<<lisa>><<nobr>>I'll make a video. I'll put on like a wig, a sexy outfit and then I'll film myself as I tell him how to
jerk it. How to rub one out. Like an instructional video. Sound good?<</nobr>><</lisa>>
<<nobr>>You kind of think she's serious. Here's a question you never thought you'd ask yourself:
are you gonna let your girlfriend make a sexy video for Cody in which she'll tell him to masturbate?<</nobr>>
<<link "You know what? Yes, let's do it! Could turn out to be pretty hot, actually." "sports_p1_10a2_2a">><</link>>
<<link "No, enough of this. Let's start over." "sports_p1_1">><</link>><</linkappend>>
</div>\<div class="standard sports">\
<<joe>>Alright, let's do that.<</joe>>
<<lisa>>Wait, really?<</lisa>>
<<joe>>I mean if you were joking..<</joe>>
<<lisa>>No, no! I just didn't think you'd be into that. Ok, yeah, fun! I'll make a video!<</lisa>>
<<joe>>Awesome! I'll help you though, right? When you make the video?<</joe>>
Lisa makes a big frown with her eyebrows and <<linkappend "does a bit of acted thinking." t8n>>
<<lisa>>You know what? You can be present when I film, but you're can't say //anything//. Ok?<</lisa>>
<<joe>>What, or you'll kick me out?<</joe>>
<<lisa>>Don't doubt it, babe!<</lisa>>
<<link "You don't, not really." "sports_p1_11a2_2a">><</link>><</linkappend>>
</div><div class="standard sports">\
<<include "thebedroom banner">>
<<nobr>>After Lisa finishes her soap, she tells you to set up a camera, a chair and some sexy lights in the bedroom while she goes
and changes. When she steps into the room, you see she wasn't kidding about the wig. She looks //hot//, though.<</nobr>>
<<joe>>Whoa, woman! What did you do to Lisa?<</joe>>
<<linkappend "She snaps at you." t8n>>
<<disa>>What did I say about talking?<</disa>>
<<nobr>>You're a bit confused. She's recording herself in a //'Mistress to Cody'// kind of way, right? You're just a spectator.
Probably something you can talk about later, though. Right now, you don't want to take her out of it. You watch her silently as she
mumbles to herself and prepares the recording. <<link "About half an hour later, she starts the recording." "sports_p1_12a2_2a">><</link>><</nobr>>
<</linkappend>></div>\<div class="standard sports">\
<video id="video" src="images/sports/3/joi1.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<nobr>>She's amazing. You have no idea where this comes from, you've never seen her like this. In fact, in that outfit, the wig and everything.. she hardly reminds you of Lisa.
You watch as she records the beginning, explaining to Cody what he'll be doing, <</nobr>><<link "followed by what she calls some //visual stimulation//." "sports_p1_12a2_3a">><</link>>\
</div><div class="standard sports">\
<video id="video" src="images/sports/3/joi2.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
As you watch Lisa show off her body to the camera and instruct Cody when he can and can't stroke it, you feel yourself getting hard as a rock. Completely drawn
in by your girlfriends performance, <<link "you take out your cock." "sports_p1_12a2_4a">><</link>>\
</div>\<div class="standard sports">\
It only takes Lisa what must be a handful of seconds to notice what you're doing. Immediately, she stops and turns to you.
<<disa>>What do you think you're doing?!<</disa>>
You open your mouth to reply, but Lisa - still 100% in character - stops you before you can.
<<disa>>I said //no talking.// Now, I'll ask you a question and I want you to answer it in your head: //are you Cody?//<</disa>>
You look at her with what you can only assume is a guilty look.
<<disa>>No, so these instructions aren't for you, are they? Now put that back, sit still and watch. Got it?<</disa>>
<<link "Scared to say anything, you nod." "sports_p1_12a2_5a">><</link>>\
</div>\<div class="standard sports">\
<video id="video" src="images/sports/3/joi3.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<nobr>>Lisa continues the recording until after a little bit, she allows- no, instructs Cody to finish. Your cock at this point is painfully hard as she
counts down to orgasm.<<link "When she's finished, she turns to you." "sports_p1_12a2_6a">><</link>><</nobr>>\
</div>\<div class="standard sports">\
<<disa>>Look at you, all desperate. You know what? For this one time, I'll allow you //thirty seconds// to get off.<</disa>>
<<nobr>>She holds up her phone and opens a timer app, sets half a minute and starts it. You don't question it, you need release //now//
and start furiously jacking off. After the thirty seconds, you're //so close// that you don't hear Lisa '//time's up!//'.
She makes sure you hear the second time, though. <</nobr>><<link "In a panic, you let go right as you're about to climax." "sports_p1_12a2_6b">><</link>>\
</div><div class="standard sports">\
<video id="video" src="images/sports/3/release.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<nobr>>There's nothing stopping your orgasm, the train has left the station. You come hard, a steady stream of cum pumping out of you on autopilot, tickling
your shaft and balls on the way down. It's intense to the point you lose track of your surroundings. When you recover, you notice Lisa's left the room, her wig
left behind on the couch.<</nobr>>
After cleaning up, <<link "you make your way to the living room to find her." "sports_p1_13a2">><</link>>\
</div><div class="standard sports">\
When you get downstairs, you see Lisa curled up on the couch. She looks at you with big ole puppy eyes.
<<lisa>>Hey, babe.<</lisa>>
<<joe>>Hey, you! Are you ok? You kinda disappeared on me, there.<</joe>>
<<lisa>><<nobr>>I'm ok! I just.. I got so into it and became this whole other person and then at the end when I was snapping at you to stop I just got hit by a sudden
wave of self-consciousness. And I thought I was being really mean to you..<</nobr>><</lisa>>
You laugh, you can't help it. Something about Lisa right now is extremely adorable. She cracks a smile.
<<link "//Lisa: 'What?!'//" "sports_p1_joi_14">><</link>>\
</div><div class="standard sports">\
<<joe>>Well you were being really mean to me! It looked like you were enjoying that, as well!<</joe>>
<<lisa>>And it didn't bother you?<</lisa>>
<<joe>>Did you see how hard I was?<</joe>>
<<lisa>>I did! Very hard. So what about the stuff for Cody? I mean he's your friend, we never talked about any of this.<</lisa>>
<<joe>>We're talking about it now! And he hasn't got the video yet. It's all good, baby, come on! That was hot!<</joe>>
<<linkappend "A smile starts forming on Lisa's face that grows and grows." t8n>>
<<lisa>>It was hot, wasn't it?<</lisa>>
<<joe>>So fucking hot.<</joe>>
The two of you continue to talk about the experience for a bit and agree to show Cody the video and see how you both feel about it some time after.
<<link "The next day." "sports_p1_joi_15">><</link>>\
<</linkappend>></div>\<div class="standard sports">\
<<joe>>You really think I should jerk Cody off?<</joe>>
<<lisa>>//Yeeeeeees!// I couldn't be much more clear about that, babe. You want my permission? Granted! Go tug on that cute boy's weener.<</lisa>>
<<joe>>I //will// do it, you know?<</joe>>
She looks at you with a naughty grin as she bites her lip.
<<lisa>>Good! Then I guess we're done here!<</lisa>>
<<nobr>>Then, as though you just discussed what to order for dinner, she turns back to the tv and turns it back on shouting
'//Maaario!//' with an Italian accent.<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>Well, you got your solution! It's exciting. And scary. And you think about it over and over and over,
<</nobr>><<if $body is 1>><<link "until finally it's there: training!" "sports_p1_8a">><</link>><</if>>\
<<if $body is 2>><<link "until finally it's there: training!" "sports_p1_8b">><</link>><</if>>\
</div>\<div class="standard" id="sports">\
<<include "lockerroom banner">>
When you enter the lockerroom, you see Cody coming out of the shower, a towel wrapped around him.
<<joe>>Cody! Codestar! My guy!<</joe>>
<<linkappend "He gives you a slightly defeated look." t8n>>
<<cody>><<nobr>>Hey. Look, I just want to say I'm sorry about all the texts I sent. I'm just nervous now, you know? And I can't
seem to stop it. Thought maybe I'd take a shower but I don't think it helped.<</nobr>><</cody>>
<<nobr>>Going over this moment in your head so often, you hadn't been sure how to engage the whole thing, but this seems like the perfect
opportunity. You grab the bottle of lube Lisa chased you down with as you left the house <<link "and have Cody sit down." "sports_p1_9a1">><</link>><</nobr>>
<</linkappend>></div><div class="standard" id="sports">\
<<include "lockerroom banner">>
When you enter the lockerroom, you see Cody coming out of the shower, a towel wrapped around him.
<<joe>>Cody! Codestar! My guy!<</joe>>
<<linkappend "He gives you an almost annoyed look." t8n>>
<<cody>><<nobr>>Hey. Listen, I'm happy to do this, you know, as a friend and teammate. But I do want you to know it's not at
all something I'm comfortable with. Not looking forward to it at all, ok?<</nobr>><</cody>>
<<nobr>>You feel your heart pounding in your throat thinking about what you're about to do. You nod, walk over
to cody and sit him down. You grab the bottle of lube Lisa chased you down with as you left the house and open his towel
<<link "as you squat down next to him." "sports_p1_9a1">><</link>><</nobr>>
<</linkappend>></div><div class="standard" id="sports">\
<<include "lockerroom banner">>
The next day, you get to the club two hours ahead of time as you agreed. You're a bit early, so you're already dressed when Cody enters the lockerroom.
<<joe>>Cody! Codestar! My guy!<</joe>>
<<if $body is 2>><<linkappend "He gives you an almost annoyed look." t8n>>
<<cody>><<nobr>>Hey. Listen, I'm happy to do this, you know, as a friend and teammate. But I do want you to know it's not at
all something I'm comfortable with. Not looking forward to it at all, ok?<</nobr>><</cody>>
You nod at him in understanding. Well, here goes.
<<joe>><<nobr>>Yes, and that's totally fair! And I really want to show you just how much I appreciate you doing this for me, so I discussed it with Lisa and, well, I got you
something. Or, rather, Lisa did. It's a.. video. Well, you'll see, one sec.<</nobr>><</joe>>
You take your phone and, as per Lisa's instructions, put the selfie camera on record. <<link "After, you put Lisa's video on and give Cody the phone." "sports_p1_joi_16">>
<<if $body is 1>><<linkappend "He gives you a slightly defeated look." t8n>>
<<cody>><<nobr>>Hey. Look, I just want to say I'm sorry about all the texts I sent. I'm just nervous now, you know? And I can't
seem to stop it. So sorry in advance but I wouldn't count on me being any use today.<</nobr>><</cody>>
<<joe>>Heeey come on, now! It's all good. I finished my book yesterday, I was happy to have something to read!<</joe>>
Your attempt at comedy clearly not landing, you quickly move forward.
<<joe>>But seriously, it's fine. You just need to relax a little bit, that's all. I got you something. Or, well, Lisa made you something. Here, one sec..<</joe>>
You take your phone and, as per Lisa's instructions, put the selfie camera on record. <<link "After, you put Lisa's video on and give Cody the phone." "sports_p1_joi_16">>
</div>\<div class="standard" id="sports">\
<<cody>>Your phone? Why is it recording?<</cody>>
<<joe>>There's a video there, you press play after I leave. The recording is explained in there. I'll see you outside in a bit!<</joe>>
<<nobr>>You quickly leave the room and start doing some warm-up exercises, thinking about the video.
You reckon it can go two ways: either he digs it and everything goes //exactly// according to plan because, well, Lisa orders him to. Or, but you figure he would've come out
by now, he doesn't like it. But if he doesn't, no harm done, right? Not really.<</nobr>>
<<link "After a while, Cody leaves the lockerroom and joins you outside." "sports_p1_joi_17">><</link>>
</div>\<div class="standard" id="sports">\
<<joe>>Hey man, all good?<</joe>>
Cody smiles at you and holds up his thumb.
<<cody>>Yes, very good! Let's do this thing!<</cody>>
<<if $body is 1>><<nobr>>Cody and you train for nearly two hours, mainly working on technique as you've got general practice after lunch.
He does an absolutely amazing job. If someone had seen him the previous training, or even just seen the nervous wreck he was
earlier today, they wouldn't have believed this was the same guy. He's excited, dedicated and eager to listen to feedback.<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>You can't help but feel proud. Your girlfriend is a magician. A sorceress? Witch? Later, at practice, Cody isn't quite as fired up as this morning,
but neither are you. You've both been at it for quite a while, and he's doing significantly better than last week.<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>Coach also notices and tells you: //'I don't know what you're doing with him, but it's working. Keep it up, sport!'//.
You wonder what he'd think if he knew. When training's over, <</nobr>><<link "you go home for some well deserved rest." "home">><<include "sports_update">><</link>><</if>>\
<<if $body is 2>><<nobr>>Cody and you train for nearly two hours, mainly working on eachother's technique as you've got general practice later.
He's amazing. He's enthusiastic, driven, patient when teaching you stuff and eager to learn when you teach him.<</nobr>>\
<<nobr>>You can't help but feel proud. Your girlfriend is a magician! Or.. a sorceress? Witch?
Later at practice, seems pleasantly surprised by the natural and effortless way Cody and you swap positions.
Cody practically seems like a new man.<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>Coach compliments the both of you: //'I don't know what you're guys have been up to, but it's working. Keep it up, lads!'//.
You wonder what he'd think if he knew. When training's over, <</nobr>><<link "you go home for some well deserved rest." "home">><<include "sports_update">><</link>><</if>>\
</div>\<div class="standard" id="sports">\
<video id="video" src="images/sports/3/cody1.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<if $body is 1>><<joe>>Hey, it's fine. We all get nervous sometimes, it's ok. You just have to relax a little bit, ok? Here, let me help you..<</joe>>
After you open up his towel and rub some lube onto your hands, you squat down <<link "and get to work." "sports_p1_9a2">><</link>><</if>>\
<<if $body is 2>><<joe>>I know, I hear you. Let me show you how much I appreciate your help..<</joe>>
<<link "Cody doesn't say anything as you start massaging him." "sports_p1_9a2">><</link>><</if>>\
</div>\<div class="standard" id="sports">\
<video id="video" src="images/sports/3/cody2.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<nobr>>Just a few minutes ago you had felt an overwhelming tension. You'd been so nervous you were afraid
you might fall over. But once you've got Cody's cock in your hand, all of that seems to fall right off you.<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>You know Cody, and you know what you're doing. You're having fun. You are! You enjoy the nice cock, playing with
his balls, feeling him enjoy it. After a little while,
<<link "you feel him tensing up as he's about to come." "sports_p1_9a3">><</link>><</nobr>>
</div>\<div class="standard" id="sports">\
<video id="video" src="images/sports/3/cody3.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<nobr>>You quickly grab a towel for him to come in. You feel his cock pump as you stroke him to completion,
his cum flowing into the piece of fabric.<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>Although you //really// would've liked to see him cum, you thought of the towel at home. You figured this is better for now:
more practical - almost professional, less sexual, and a lot cleaner. The thought of getting some of it on you had excited you for sure,
but after you'd just be walking around with cum on your clothes.<</nobr>>
<<link "You look at Cody as you take the cum covered towel off his dick." "sports_p1_10a">><</link>>
</div>\<div class="standard sports">\
<<if $body is 1>><<joe>>There! Better, right?<</joe>>
<<cody>>Wow, yeah. Thanks, that was awesome.<</cody>>
<<joe>>No problem! Now get your gear on, we've got work to do!<</joe>><</if>>\
<<if $body is 2>><<joe>>I, err, hope you liked it. You know, as a way to return the favor?<</joe>>
Cody looks at you with a cheeky, almost cocky smile.
<<cody>><<nobr>>Yeah, that was great! If you'd have told me last week I wouldn't have worried. Alright,
let's go do this thing!<</nobr>><</cody>><</if>>\
<<link "The both of you get dressed and head out onto the field." "sports_p1_11a">><</link>>
</div>\<div class="standard" id="sports">\
<<include "thefield banner">>
<<if $body is 1>><<nobr>>Cody and you train for nearly two hours, mainly working on technique as you've got general practice after lunch.
He does an absolutely amazing job. If someone had seen him the previous training, or even just seen the nervous wreck he was
earlier today, they wouldn't have believed this was the same guy. He's excited, dedicated and eager to listen to feedback.<</nobr>><</if>>\
<<if $body is 2>><<nobr>>Cody and you train for nearly two hours, mainly working on eachother's technique as you've got general practice later.
He's amazing. He's enthusiastic, driven, patient when teaching you stuff and eager to learn when you teach him.<</nobr>><</if>>\
<<nobr>>You actually feel a bit.. proud? Magic hands, baby! The two of you stop just before lunch so you can eat something before general practice
<</nobr>> <<link "and head back in the lockerroom." "sports_p1_12a">><</link>>
</div>\<div class="standard" id="sports">\
<<include "lockerroom">>
<<if $body is 1>>Cody goes for another shower. When he comes out, towel around his body, he thanks you again for your //assistance//.
<<cody>>.. I mean really, thank you again. You really helped me out there.<</cody>>
<<joe>>Yeah, no worries. Glad to see you got rid of all that stress, buddy.<</joe>>
<<cody>>Yeah. I mean //most of it//. I'm a bit scared it's all coming back a bit with practice with the squad coming up..<</cody>>
<<nobr>>You look at Cody. He's looking at the floor like a twelve year old that just asked for another cookie.
<</nobr>> <<link "You answer in the coldest tone you can manage." "sports_p1_13a">><</link>>\<</if>>\
<<if $body is 2>><<joe>><<nobr>>Hey man, thanks again. That was great. I really think it's going to work out well, you're a natural
in that position.<</nobr>><</joe>>
<<cody>>You know, I had my doubts, but I think you're right! We looked good out there. And no problem. Though..<</cody>>
The cheeky grin is back.
<<cody>>You want to thank me some more, if you want? I won't stop you.<</cody>>
<<nobr>>Greedy little bastard! You look at him as he's waiting on you for an answer.
<</nobr>> <<link "Does he really think you'll give him another handjob?" "sports_p1_13a">><</link>><</if>>\
</div>\<div class="standard" id="sports">\
<<if $body is 1>><<joe>>Yeah? Feel it coming back, do ya?<</joe>>
<<cody>>I mean, you know..<</cody>>
You keep looking at him until eventually he looks up and meets your eyes. A cheeky grin appears on his face.
<<nobr>>You really feel like you shouldn't even be considering this. And yet your mind conjures up a steady stream of
reasons why you should. //'It would set him up nice for practice!', 'The team would benefit!',
'His cock feels good in your hands!'//<</nobr>><</if>>\
<<if $body is 2>><<nobr>>The idea of you hobbling over and giving Cody an orgasm just because he more or less told you
makes you feel dirty and slutty. Both things that in this very moment can't help but turn you on. Are you really
that person? That //slut//?<</nobr>><</if>>\
Time to decide..
<<link "You've already done one, what would another hurt? It's just a bit of fun.." "sports_p1_14a1">><</link>>
<<link "Decide? Are you kidding? What are you, a handjob machine?" "sports_p1_14a2">><</link>>
</div>\<div class="standard" id="sports">\
<<joe>>Yeah, nice try mate. I think you'll be alright somehow!<</joe>>
<<cody>>Haha, sorry. You can't blame a guy for trying, right?<</cody>>
<<nobr>>You kinda can't, you would've probably tried the same in his shoes. At practice, Cody isn't quite as fired up as this morning,
but then again neither are you. You've both been at it for quite a while, and he's doing significantly better than last week.<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>Coach also notices and tells you: //'I don't know what you're doing with him, but it's working. Keep it up, sport!'//.
You wonder what he'd think if he knew. When training's over, <</nobr>><<link "you go home for some well deserved rest." "home">><<include "sports_update">><</link>>
</div>\<div class="standard" id="sports">\
You look at the door. Nobody's coming in at this time. Then you look at Cody.
<<joe>>Well? Come here you greedy bastard!<</joe>>
<<nobr>>Cody's eyes light up with a childlike joy. He looks like he wants to say: //'Really?'// but then thinks better of it.
You repeat this mornings little routine: you sit him down, open up the towel and lube up.<</nobr>>
<<if $body is 1>><<joe>>You gotta reaaally let go of all that stress this time, though. Can't keep doing this.<</joe>>
<<link "He nods as you, for the second time today, get to work." "sports_p1_15a">><</link>><</if>>\
<<if $body is 2>><<joe>>Just don't think this is like //normal// now, ok? It's just to thank you.<</joe>>
<<link "He nods as you, for the second time today, get to work." "sports_p1_15a">><</link>><</if>>\
</div>\<div class="standard" id="sports">\
<video id="video" src="images/sports/3/2ndcody_1.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<nobr>>There's none of the tension you experienced the first time. You're enjoying it quite a lot more.
If someone would've told you a month ago you'd really enjoy massaging someone else's cock to climax, you would've thought
they were tripping. And yet.. there's something //so fucking hot// about massaging this big, juicy cock.<</nobr>>
When you feel he's close to coming, <<link "you decide to skip the towel." "sports_p1_16a">><</link>>
</div>\<div class="standard" id="sports">\
<video id="video" src="images/sports/3/2ndcody_2.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<nobr>>Fuck it. If you're doing this again, you're gonna see a cumshot. As he comes you watch mesmerized as his
warm, sticky cum splatters around. You keep going, squeezing everything out to the very last drop, your hand covered in his thick seed.<</nobr>>
<<if $body is 1>><<joe>>Damn, Cody, I guess we missed all that stress the first time around, huh? I think I got it all, this time.<</joe>><</if>>\
<<if $body is 2>><<joe>>Anything you want to say to me?<</joe>>
<<nobr>>You surprise yourself as you say it. You feel you've earned a thank you, sure, but ask for one? Cody's cheeky grin,
and it's bigger than ever. Are your handjobs giving him the power of confidence?<</nobr>>
<<cody>>You're welcome!<</cody>><</if>>\
<<if $body is 1>><<link "You smile as you get up from the floor." "sports_p1_17a">><</link>><</if>>\
<<if $body is 2>><<link "You smile as you get up from the floor." "sports_p1_17b">><</link>><</if>>\
</div><div class="standard" id="sports">\
<video id="video" src="images/sports/3/2ndcody_3.mp4" autoplay></video>
Cody doesn't say anything as you clean up.
<<joe>><<nobr>>That's the last one for now, okay? You're gonna have to make do without me. But I'm fairly sure you've got a perfectly
capable set of hands at home, hm?<</nobr>><</joe>>
He chuckles.
<<cody>>That was fucking awesome, $name. Really, you're good at that, thank you.<</cody>>
<<nobr>>A little later at practice, Cody isn't quite as fired up as this morning,
but then again neither are you. You've both been at it for quite a while, and he's doing significantly better than last week.<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>Coach also notices and tells you: //'I don't know what you're doing with him, but it's working. Keep it up, sport!'//.
You wonder what he'd think if he knew. When training's over, <</nobr>><<link "you go home for some well deserved rest." "home">><<include "sports_update">><</link>>
</div>\<div class="standard" id="sports">\
<video id="video" src="images/sports/3/2ndcody_3.mp4" autoplay></video>
Cody doesn't say anything while you clean up.
<<joe>><<nobr>>That's the last one for now, okay? You're gonna have to make do without me. But I'm fairly sure you've got a perfectly
capable set of hands at home, hm?<</nobr>><</joe>>
He chuckles.
<<cody>>That was fucking awesome, $name. Really, you're good at that, thank you.<</cody>>
<<nobr>>General practice goes very well - surprising nearly everyone with the natural and effortless way Cody and you swap positions.
Cody practically feels like a new man, way more confident. At one point, he even gives you a quick squeeze and a wink.<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>Coach compliments the both of you: //'I don't know what you're guys have been up to, but it's working. Keep it up, lads!'//.
You wonder what he'd think if he knew. When training's over, <</nobr>><<link "you go home for some well deserved rest." "home">><<include "sports_update">><</link>>
</div>\/* P2 - B1 June, B3 June */
/* Sports 3: You go and watch June at cheerleading practice. */\
<div class="standard" id="sports">\
<<include "homesetting banner">>
<<nobr>>At training, you see June standing on the side of the field. She waves, but when you go
looking for her a moment later, she's gone. When you get home you find yourself sitting around
thinking about her. Her cheerleading practice is in an hour or so.<</nobr>>
<<linkappend "You decide to ask Lisa if she'll join you." t8n>>
<<joe>>Hey babe, you remember I told you about June? From practice last week?<</joe>>
<<lisa>>Remember? Babe I've been thinking about that all week, so hot!!<</lisa>>
<<nobr>>You smile to yourself. Only Lisa could look at that thinking June wasn't someone
out to rob her but a fun, //exciting// young woman. You should really look into this whole
//'turned on my boyfriend is with other people'// thing.<</nobr>> <<link "This thing first, though." "sports_p2_1b">><</link>>\
</div>\<div class="standard" id="sports">\
<<joe>>You want to come with me to their cheerleading practice this afternoon? She invited me.<</joe>>
<<lisa>>Oooooh I do want that!! But I can't, I've got plans, babe. But you go, though, have some fun!<</lisa>>
<<nobr>>She leans over and kisses you intimately. Her hand finds your crotch and she starts rubbing you
through your clothes. <</nobr>><<linkappend "She whispers." t8n>>
<<lisa>>//And I want you to tell me every little detail when you get back.//<</lisa>>
<<nobr>>Just as sudden as it started, the moment is over as Lisa jumps up with a big smile, winks at you and
walks out the room, her sweet ass wagging side to side. <</nobr>>
<<link "//Lisa: 'Ok, I've got to go get ready, bye babe, have fun!'//" "sports_p2_2">><</link>><</linkappend>>
</div><div class="standard" id="sports">\
<<nobr>>You stay seated for a moment. You and the semi Lisa just gave you. If she'd intended to send you off
feeling like a horny 16-year-old to watch hot women in tiny outfits practice their cheerleading and then
meet up with one of them, well, it worked. <</nobr>>
Fuck, this might just be a great afternoon. <<link "To cheerleader practice!" "sports_p2_3">><</link>>
</div>\<div class="standard" id="sports">\
<video id="video" src="images/sports/3/cheer1.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<nobr>>When you arrive, practice has already started. After you find a nice spot to watch from, you can't help but become obsessed with the trainer.
It's this older lady with one of those haircuts. If the best cheerleaders are princesses, this woman is the queen.<</nobr>>
<<link "You watch in awe as practice continues." "sports_p2_4">><</link>>
</div>\<div class="standard" id="sports">\
<video id="video" src="images/sports/3/cheer2.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<nobr>>Gradually, there's more dancing and stuff. But you're mainly now just there watching this lady shouting at her many, many
children like a big, cartoony, mother hen. Like a muppet, flapping mouth and everything.<</nobr>>
<<link "Eventually, //Her Majesty// sits down and has the group perform." "sports_p2_5">><</link>>
</div>\<div class="standard" id="sports">\
<video id="video" src="images/sports/3/cheer3.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<nobr>>The //Regal Mother// doesn't seem impressed by the girls. You are, though! You don't know
any of the moves, but it looks bloody impressive to you. You've never //really// seen them, as you'll be focused
on the match when they perform. Seeing them like this, you realize you're looking at some //very// talented women.<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>When they're done, the Queen adresses the underlings for at least 20 minutes before finally releasing them. June, who spotted you
the moment you entered the room, <<link "runs up to you." "sports_p2_6">><</link>><</nobr>>
</div>\<div class="standard" id="sports">\
<<june>>You came!!! Yay!!<</june>>
<<joe>>I did! And I'm glad, you guys are amazing!<</joe>>
<<june>><<nobr>>Aww! You think so? It was only practice. It always feels like everything goes wrong because it's such a tight
choreography, you know? Well, you'll see!!<</nobr>><</june>>
<<link "You doubt that. Sports asks for a whole different skillset." "sports_p2_7a">><</link>>
<<link "You'll see? What does she mean? When?" "sports_p2_7b">><</link>>
<<link "Yeah you will, you'll be on these girls with hawk eyes!" "sports_p2_7c">><</link>>
</div>\<div class="standard" id="sports">\
<<joe>><<nobr>>Oh, I don't know about that, June. I'm built for sports, you know? And many of the things here wouldn't work
at all with what we do. Synchronicity, predictability. You know, big words!<</nobr>><</joe>>
June looks you up and down.
<<if $body is 3>><<june>>I mean you //were// built for sports. Look at you!<</june>><</if>>\
<<if $body is 1>><<june>>Hm, yeah, maybe. But we can make you look like you were built for cheerleading just like that!<</june>><</if>>\
<<june>>And just cause you're good at sports, doesn't mean you won't make a great cheerleader!!<</june>>
You hestitate. You thought you were talking about //recognizing// mistakes, <<linkappend "does she think you're here to join the team?" t8n>>
<<joe>>You think I'd make a good cheerleader?<</joe>>
<<june>>Well that's what we have to find out, isn't it!<</june>>
<<joe>>It is?<</joe>>
<<june>>Yeeesss silly!! It's gonna be fun! Oh yayy I love making new girl friends!<</june>>
<<link "You try to say something, but June carries on talking." "sports_p2_8a">><</link>><</linkappend>>
</div>\<div class="standard" id="sports">\
<<joe>><<nobr>>Wait, when will I see? I've always heard you girls are flawless on gameday. That means no flaws!<</nobr>><</joe>>
June gives you a very puzzled look.
<<june>>What are you talking about, you silly woman? You'll see when we're out there!<</june>>
You hestitate. You thought you were talking about //recognizing// their mistakes, <<linkappend "does she think you're here to join the team?" t8n>>
<<joe>>You think I'd do good out there?<</joe>>
<<june>>Well that's what we have to find out, isn't it!<</june>>
<<joe>>It is?<</joe>>
<<june>>Yeeesss silly!! It's gonna be fun! Oh yayy I love making new girl friends!<</june>>
<<link "You try to say something, but June carries on talking." "sports_p2_8a">><</link>><</linkappend>>
</div>\<div class="standard" id="sports">\
<<joe>><<nobr>>You bet your ass, young lady! I'll be watching you girls like a //hawk//! No mistakes on my watch.<</nobr>><</joe>>
June dramatically cocks her head to the side. She's like a big labrador puppy.
<<june>>A hawk?! You need to be like a swan! Or a gazelle!<</june>>
<<if $body is 3>>She looks you up and down.
<<june>>Like a very stacked Gazelle!<</june>><</if>>\
You hestitate. You thought you were talking about //recognizing// their mistakes, <<linkappend "does she think you're here to join the team?" t8n>>
<<joe>>You think I'd make a good gazelle?<</joe>>
<<june>>Well that's what we have to find out, isn't it!<</june>>
<<joe>>It is?<</joe>>
<<june>>Yeeesss silly!! It's gonna be fun! Oh yayy I love making new girl friends!<</june>>
<<link "You try to say something, but June carries on talking." "sports_p2_8a">><</link>><</linkappend>>
</div>\<div class="standard" id="sports">\
<<june>><<nobr>>Hey listen, I'd //love// to hang out here all day with you but I really have to go change and then I've got
to be somewhere. Will you wait a bit, though? I've got something in my car for you..?<</nobr>><</june>>
<<joe>>Can't you just wear that? It suits you.<</joe>>
She gives you a playful push. You're not joking, the little cheerleading outfit looks great on her.
<<june>>You wear it! No, but will you meet me at the parking lot, serious?<</june>>
<<link "Yes, definitely!" "sports_p2_8a1">><</link>>
<<link "What's she got in her car?" "sports_p2_8a2">><</link>>
<<link "Nah, you were just about to head home." "sports_p2_8a3">><</link>>
</div>\<div class="standard" id="sports">\
<<joe>>Yeah, of course! I'll meet you in the parking lot?<</joe>>
<<june>>Yayy yes! I'll be fast!<</june>>
<<include "sports_p2_8a_end">>
</div>\You watch her cute little bootie as June runs off.
<<nobr>>For 20 minutes or so you wait. You think about what June had suggested. Could you do cheerleader stuff?
Would they accept you? You're a confident person, but that feels pretty far out into the magical fields of
awkward unfamiliarity, doesn't it?<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>Every now and again the door opens and you watch as one beautiful woman after another
<</nobr>>leaves <<link "until eventually, the beautiful woman is June." "sports_p2_9a">><</link>>\<div class="standard" id="sports">\
<<joe>>What was that thing you said you've got waiting in your car for me?<</joe>>
<<june>>Well I'm not gonna spoil the whole thing am I!! Let's say I have a little.. Like a little job for you!<</june>>
A job? This sounds a lot like one of the many, many times a beautiful woman lured you over to carry something heavy. Will you wait?
<<link "Yeah, fuck it. Why not lift the heavy thing? You might get a reward!" "sports_p2_8a1">><</link>>
<<link "Nahhhh. You'll hang with her when she's got time." "sports_p2_8a3">><</link>>
</div>\<div class="standard" id="sports">\
<<joe>>I'm sorry, I really gotta go as well. We can hang out some other time if you want?<</joe>>
<<june>>Awww!! I guess I'll have the car surprise all to myself, then!<</june>>
<<linkappend "You shrug." t8n>>
<<joe>>I guess so.<</joe>>
<<june>><<nobr>>Okay okay, no worries. It's so cool you came to watch practice!! And maybe we can hang out after the match next week?
I'll come find you after, k?<</nobr>><</june>>
<<joe>>It's a date!<</joe>>
<<june>>Yaaay! See you next week $name!!<</june>>
You watch as she skittles off, a spring in her step. What a jolly little lady.
<<link "Time to go home." "sports_p2_8b">><</link>><</linkappend>>\
</div><div class="standard" id="sports">\
<<nobr>>June skittles over to you, a spring in her step. She treats you to a big smile as she passes you,
her big hair rhythmically bopping along.<</nobr>>
<<june>>Walk me to my car!<</june>>
You obediently follow. June hops in and turns to you.
<<june>>Sooo I bet you were wondering if you were gonna see these again, huh?<</june>>
<<link "Smiling and giggling away, she lifts up her shirt." "sports_p2_10a">><</link>>
</div>\<div class="standard" id="sports">\
<video id="video" src="images/sports/3/car1.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<june>>Feel them!<</june>>
<<link "She doesn't have to tell you twice." "sports_p2_11a">><</link>>
</div>\<div class="standard" id="sports">\
<video id="video" src="images/sports/3/car2.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
As you feel her cute little titties, June continues with the instructions.
<<june>>When you're done with those, there's another place I need you to feel.<</june>>
She looks down with a naughthy grin as she spreads her legs a little.
<<link "//June: 'Could you hold that open for me?'//" "sports_p2_12a">><</link>>
</div>\<div class="standard" id="sports">\
<video id="video" src="images/sports/3/car3.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<nobr>>You do as you're told and pull down her shorts and bright orange panties. As you hold them in place,
June starts masturbating. Every time you look at her face, she gives you a big smile. At one point,
she takes her hand up to her mouth and tastes her own juices. <</nobr>>
<<link "//June: 'Ok, your turn!'//" "sports_p2_13a">><</link>>
</div>\<div class="standard" id="sports">\
<video id="video" src="images/sports/3/car4.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<nobr>>As your fingers enter June's warm, wet pussy, you feel a shot of adrenaline as you realize you're out here on the parking
lot in the middle of the day. June isn't silent either. Guided by June's gentle squeezes and the movement or her petite body,
it doesn't take long before she appears to reach climax. She stops your hand and gently moves it away.<</nobr>>
<<link "Still with the same naughty, happy grin, she looks at you." "sports_p2_14a">><</link>>
</div>\<div class="standard" id="sports">\
<<june>>//Thank youuuuu!!// Ooooh, I really needed that. Practice gets me soooo horny!!<</june>>
<<nobr>>Her change of pace and tone suggest whatever you were doing is now over, and as you're about to say
something to see if maybe it doesn't have to be, June stops you.<</nobr>>
<<june>><<nobr>>Sorry, I've really got to go now. I was hoping maybe you want to hang out after the match next week? I'll find you
after, ok? I'm late, sorry. Thanks again!!<</nobr>><</june>>
<<nobr>>Before you can really respond, she's got the car running and practically starts reversing, so you close the door
and wave as she drives off.<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>After a moment or two, you feel kind of silly, standing there waving, your hand glistening in the sun. You feel your cock
pushing against your underwear, probably wondering if he's next. That girl is something else, damn.<</nobr>>
<<link "Well, time you headed on home." "sports_p2_15a">><</link>>
</div>\<div class="standard" id="sports">\
<<include "homesetting banner">>
When you get home, you tell Lisa what happened.
<<lisa>>Daaamn, babe, that girl is fire, that's sooo hot!! And then?<</lisa>>
<<joe>>Well, then I went home and started talking to you.<</joe>>
Lisa starts laughing. It feels a bit mean.
<<lisa>>I'm sorry babe! It's just, you know. Now you know what it's like to be the woman in that scenario.<</lisa>>
You shrug.
<<joe>>I guess.<</joe>>
You look at Lisa, who's biting her lip <<link "and looks at you as though she wants to eat you." "sports_p2_16a">><</link>>\
</div>\<div class="standard" id="sports">\
<<lisa>>Tell you what, though, babe. After that story I really kind of need you inside me. Soo.. Take your pants off!<</lisa>>
<<nobr>>As you obediently - and quite speedily - take your pants off, you vaguely recognize Lisa is the second woman today ordering
you to have sex with her. Today is not a bad day.<</nobr>>
The two of you go at it like rabbits <<link "until eventually the day comes to an end." "home">>\
<<include "sports_update">>\
</div>\<div class="standard" id="sports">\
<<include "homesetting banner">>
When you get home, Lisa is eager to know about your day.
<<lisa>>So?? How was it babe? You're back pretty early, hm?<</lisa>>
<<joe>><<nobr>>Not that early, surely? I sat through all of practice and then talked to June for a bit! Must've
been gone at least 3 hours or something.<</nobr>><</joe>>
<<lisa>><<nobr>>Alright, no need to get defensive, babe. You know, after how you talked about her and stuff I thought maybe you and June
would hook up to something. But that's fine! How was practice, did you like it?<</nobr>><</lisa>>
<<link "Oh, yeah, for sure. Those girls are hella impressive. And you don't say hella a lot." "sports_p2_9b1">><</link>>
<<link "It was fine! Fun to see them train, but that's about it." "sports_p2_9b2">><</link>>
</div>\<div class="standard" id="sports">\
<<joe>><<nobr>>It was awesome! Wow, those girls can fucking dance. And twirl, and.. you know, all of those things!<</nobr>><</joe>>
Lisa laughs.
<<lisa>><<nobr>>It's not for me, but I can //toootally// see how you would //love it//. You know, now that you're becoming a woman and all..
are you gonna join the cheerleading squad?<</nobr>><</lisa>>
<<nobr>>You laugh at the suggestion, but Lisa raises an eyebrow and gives you a //'what's funny about that?'//-look. Hm. It's what
June was clearly hinting at, as well. //If it was possible//, would you want to?<</nobr>>
<<link "Yeah, you'd like to try! Look how much fun that shit looks!" "sports_p2_10b1">><</link>>
<<link "Nah. Those girls are //awesome//, you just don't see yourself as one of them." "sports_p2_10b2">><</link>>
</div>\<div class="standard" id="sports">\
<<joe>><<nobr>>I mean.. maybe? Do you think they'd accept me, though? I'm technically a man, you know.<</nobr>><</joe>>
<<lisa>><<nobr>>Well, you won't know unless you ask them. Give it some thought babe! But for now..<</nobr>><</lisa>>
Lisa lifts her shirt and <<linkappend "playfully presents her boobs." t8n>>
<video id="video" src="images/sports/3/lisa.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<lisa>>I was hoping you'd give these some thought?<</lisa>>
She doesn't have to ask twice. The two of you go at it like rabbits <<link "until eventually the day comes to an end." "home">>\
<<include "sports_update">>\
</div>\<div class="standard" id="sports">\
<<joe>><<nobr>>No, I don't think so, not really.. It was really impressive and all that but I don't really see myself doing that. I'm quite happy
playing with the guys, you know. In my role on the sportsteam.<</nobr>><</joe>>
<<lisa>><<nobr>>Fair enough, babe. Hey, listen, d'you think you could be happy playing..<</nobr>><</lisa>>
Lisa lifts her shirt and <<linkappend "playfully presents her boobs." t8n>>
<video id="video" src="images/sports/3/lisa.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<lisa>>..with these for a while? In your role as my lover?<</lisa>>
She doesn't have to ask twice. The two of you go at it like rabbits <<link "until eventually the day comes to an end." "home">>\
<<include "sports_update">>\
</div>\<div class="standard" id="sports">\
<<joe>><<nobr>>I mean, it was alright. The girls were impressive, for sure. I never realized how hard they work and all that.
But I don't think I could get passionate about it, you know? I mean there's no competition, for starters.<</nobr>><</joe>>
<<lisa>><<nobr>>Hm, yeah. I can see that. Hey, listen. If we make them compete for your attention..<</nobr>><</lisa>>
Lisa lifts her shirt and <<linkappend "playfully presents her boobs." t8n>>
<video id="video" src="images/sports/3/lisa.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<lisa>> think you could get passionate about these?<</lisa>>
She doesn't have to ask twice. The two of you go at it like rabbits <<link "until eventually the day comes to an end." "home">>\
<<include "sports_update">>\
</div>\/* P3 - B2 Tim, B3 Tim */\
/* After you told Lisa what happened in the showers last week, she got very excited and you talked about it for */\
/* quite a while. During the week, Lisa asks you if you know what you're gonna do, what your plan is.*/\<div class="standard" id="sports">\
<<include "homesetting banner">>
<<nobr>>After practice last week, you told Lisa what happened. The plan with Tim, the showers.
Now nearly a week later during dinner Lisa asks you what your plan is.<</nobr>>
<<joe>>Plan? Eh. I thought I'd just go and then.. train?<</joe>>
<<linkappend "Lisa bursts out laughing." t8n>>
<<lisa>>God, I really wonder where you'd be without me sometimes, $name. Your plan is to just see what happens?<</lisa>>
<<joe>><<nobr>>I.. well I haven't given it that much thought. But I mean why do I need a plan? It's gonna work, I could already
see that looking at Tim last week!<</nobr>><</joe>>
Lisa looks you in the eyes for a couple of seconds, then nods.
<<lisa>>Alright, babe, let's play this out. Come on!<</lisa>>
<<link "You follow Lisa into the living room." "sports_p3_2">><</link>><</linkappend>>\
</div>\<div class="standard" id="sports">\
<<set $roleplaytotal to 0>>\
<<lisa>>Ok: I'm Tim, you're you. You're trying to get Tim, me, to protect you. Right?<</lisa>>
Yeah, ok. You'll do a bit of roleplay. Show Lisa you'll be fine!
<<joe>>Ok, good! We're.. in the lockerroom. Aaaand it's //after// practice, just the two of us, like last week. Ready?<</joe>>
<<link "You greet Tim in a flirty, seductive way." "sports_p3_3a">>
<<set $roleplayone to "yes">><<set $roleplaytotal ++>>\
<<link "You greet Tim in a normal way, like you always have." "sports_p3_3b">>
<<set $roleplaytwo to "yes">>\
<<link "You don't greet Tim at all, undress and get into the shower like last time." "sports_p3_4c">>
<<set $roleplaythree to "yes">>\
</div>\<div class="standard" id="sports">\
You decide to go for a classic pose that shows off your curves. Do that twirly thing with your hair while you talk.
<<joe>>Hey there big guy. I see you worked up quite the sweat out there, huh?<</joe>>
<<nobr>>In the span of about two seconds you see Lisa's face go from //'Shit, I can't laugh at this'// to //'Oh, god, I can't hold it'//,
before she <</nobr>><<linkappend "bursts and deflates." t8n>>
<<lisa>><<nobr>>I'm sorry! Sorry. I'm sorry babe, that wasn't cool, I'm, I really do apologize. Just give me a second, let me put my
straight face on.<</nobr>><</lisa>>
She turns around, breathes audibly a couple of times and turns back.
<<lisa>>Ok, so sorry. Let's go again.<</lisa>>
<<joe>>Alright, alright. Ready?<</joe>>
Attempt two:
<<link "You greet Tim in a flirty, seductive way." "sports_p3_4a">>
<<set $roleplayone to "yes">><<set $roleplaytotal ++>>\
<<link "You greet Tim in a normal way, like you always have." "sports_p3_4b">>
<<set $roleplaytwo to "yes">><<set $roleplaytotal ++>>\
<<link "You don't greet Tim at all, undress and get into the shower like last time." "sports_p3_4c">>
<<set $roleplaythree to "yes">><<set $roleplaytotal ++>>\
</div>\<div class="standard" id="sports">\
You decide to start by walking into the room before you greet Tim. You walk past Lisa, turn around and look at her.
<<joe>>Hey, Tim.<</joe>>
Lisa responds with a voice about two octaves lower than she's capable of.
<<lisa>><h3 id="stretchytext">WHY HELLO THE-</h3><</lisa>>
Unsurprisingly, she is interrupted by her own outburst of laughter.
<<lisa>>I'm sorry! Sorry. I'm sorry babe, I didn't know that was the voice I was gonna do!<</lisa>>
<<joe>>You know, if I knew we were doing voices I would've whipped out Kermit at the least!<</joe>>
<<lisa>>Yeah, no, no voices. Ok, here we go.<</lisa>>
<<joe>>Alright, alright. Ready?<</joe>>
Attempt two:
<<link "You greet Tim in a flirty, seductive way." "sports_p3_4a">>
<<set $roleplayone to "yes">><<set $roleplaytotal ++>>\
<<link "You greet Tim in a normal way, like you always have." "sports_p3_4b">>
<<set $roleplaytwo to "yes">><<set $roleplaytotal ++>>\
<<link "Say nothing, undress and get into the shower." "sports_p3_4c">>
<<set $roleplaythree to "yes">><<set $roleplaytotal ++>>\
</div>\<div class="standard" id="sports">\
You decide to go for that sort of classic pose that shows off your curves. Do that twirly thing with your hair while you talk.
<<joe>>Hey there big guy. I see you worked up quite the sweat out there, huh?<</joe>>
You move closer to Lisa and touch her arm and squeeze it a bit.
<<joe>>Yeah, you know. You've got all these biiig muscles to work out, has to be quite exhaustive, hm?<</joe>>
<<linkappend "Lisa grabs your hand and pushes it away from her." t8n>>
<<lisa>>Look, what is this? You want me to fuck you or something?<</lisa>>
<<joe>>What? Hey, come on, he wouldn't say that.<</joe>>
<<lisa>>No? What would he say?<</lisa>>
<<if $flapdrol is "yes">>\
<<link "Well! Hm. You have to think about that for a bit." "sports_p3_5a12">><</link>>\
<<else>><<link "Well! Hm. You have to think about that for a bit." "sports_p3_5a1">><</link>>\
<</linkappend>></div>\<div class="standard" id="sports">\
Lisa is //very// close to an //'I told you so'// smile. You're not ready to cave, though.
<div id="replace">Ok, maybe..
<<link "He would play along! Like a normal conversation.">>
<<replace "#replace">><<timed 10ms t8n>>\
<<joe>>Well, you know, maybe he'd just go along with it, right? Like a normal conversation!<</joe>>
<<lisa>>You think Tim and you are gonna have a normal conversation, babe?<</lisa>>
<<link "Yeah, you're definitely not. Maybe you //do// need a plan." "sports_p3_7">><</link>>\
<<link "Ok, maybe he //would// say that. Maybe try again but less seductive." "sports_p3_4b2">><</link>>
</div><div class="standard" id="sports">\
Lisa is //veeeery// close to an //'I told you so'// smile. You're not ready to cave, though.
<div id="replace">Ok, maybe..
<<linkreplace "He would play along! Like a normal conversation." t8n>>
<<joe>>Well, you know, maybe he'd just go along with it, right? Like a normal conversation!<</joe>>
<<lisa>>You think Tim and you are gonna have a normal conversation, babe?<</lisa>>
<<link "Well, fuck. Maybe you do need a plan?" "sports_p3_7">><</link>>\
</div><div class="standard" id="sports">\
You re-enter the room, walk past Lisa, turn around and look at her.
<<joe>>Hey, Tim.<</joe>>
<<joe>>Did you have a good training?<</joe>>
<<joe>>I'm gonna hit the shower now.<</joe>>
<<lisa>>Yeah, alright. See you next week<</lisa>>
<<nobr>>Fuck. Alright, again, and <<link "you'll just turn up the sexy this time." "sports_p3_4a2">><<set $flapdrol to "yes">><</link>>\
</div><div class="standard" id="sports">\
You re-enter the room, walk past Lisa, turn around and look at her.
<<joe>>Hey, Tim.<</joe>>
<<joe>>Did you have a good training?<</joe>>
<<joe>>I'm gonna hit the shower now.<</joe>>
<<lisa>>Yeah, alright. See you next week<</lisa>>
<<nobr>>Fuck. Obviously this might not be how things go, but then again you've got //no idea// how things might go.
Which, you realize now, is Lisa's whole point. <</nobr>>
<<link "So what are you supposed to do?" "sports_p3_7">><</link>>\
</div><div class="standard" id="sports">\
You slowly start undressing. Lisa seems to understand what you're doing, sits down and starts fiddling with her shoelaces. She's looking at the floor!
<<joe>>Hey, no, you're supposed to be watching me.<</joe>>
<<lisa>>If that's what you're telling Tim, that might work, babe!<</lisa>>
<<joe>>Yeah ha-ha, funny. No but he would, wouldn't he?<</joe>>
<<lisa>><<nobr>>Okay, let's see. From what you've told me he's thick as a brick, right? So here's a simple, presumably straight man
with his former male teammate who's now got a preeeeetty hot feminine body trying to have him look at him while he undresses.
Am I missing anything?<</nobr>><</lisa>>
<<if $body is 3>><<link "He had his hands all over you!" "sports_p3_5c">><</link>><</if>>\
<<if $body is 2>><<link "She's got a point, there. Would //you// look at you?" "sports_p3_5c2">><</link>><</if>>\
</div>\<div class="standard" id="sports">\
<<joe>>He had his hands all over me during practice! Probably will have again this time!<</joe>>
<<lisa>><<nobr>>Hmhm, but don't you think it's a bit unfair comparing //everyone// on the field giving you a squeeze to gawking
at your naked body in private?<</nobr>><</lisa>>
<<joe>>Unfair, unfair.. I think it's unfair I'm trying to seduce a //man// just so people stop touching my ass!!<</joe>>
<<lisa>>I know, babe, and I'm sorry about that. Men are awful like that. Look..<</lisa>>\
<<linkappend "She takes your hands in hers and looks at you." t8n>>
<<lisa>><<nobr>>I wasn't trying to tease or bully you before asking about a plan. I just wanna help. I'm pretty good at this, you know.
I managed to land a man that was utterly incapable of taking a hint, try seducing that!<</nobr>><</lisa>>
<<link "You frown as you think for a moment." "sports_p3_7c">><</link>>
<</linkappend>></div>\<div class="standard" id="sports">\
<<joe>>Well, damn it! I just want to keep my position on the damn team and do what I've always done. Not be punished for having a woman's body!<</joe>>
Lisa gives an empathetic look, her head cocked slightly to the side.
<<joe>><<nobr>>What, is this what it's like to be a woman? Being controlled by men bigger than you because of our bodies? Wait- I know how I sound. Ok. I'm gonna stop talking
for a little bit now.<</nobr>><</joe>>
Lisa smiles. Endearing is the word you'd use for the way she's looking at you.
<<linkappend "She takes your hands in hers and looks at you." t8n>>
<<lisa>><<nobr>>Look, babe, I wasn't trying to tease or bully you before asking about a plan. I just wanna help. I'm pretty good at this, you know.
I managed to land a man that was utterly incapable of taking a hint, try seducing that!<</nobr>><</lisa>>
<<link "You frown as you think for a moment." "sports_p3_7c">><</link>>
<</linkappend>></div>\<div class="standard" id="sports">\
<<joe>>Well, fuck, baby, I guess you're right. Which means I'm screwed, I guess. What do I do?<</joe>>
<<lisa>><<nobr>>Don't worry, babe, it's gonna be fine. Look, all you've got to do is set expectations, right? For yourself //and//
for Tim. So, let's start with you. What do //you// want?<</nobr>><</lisa>>
<hr class="gradienthr">\
<<nobr>>Maybe you didn't at first, you certainly didn't expect it, but at this point you've got to admit you're at least
curious what it would be like to be..<</nobr>> <<link "physically intimate with someone like Tim.." "sports_p3_8a">>
<<set $floepiepoepie to "yes">>\
<hr class="gradienthr">\
<<nobr>>You've got to admit that your had a lot of fun with your little shower scene, and you wouldn't mind exploring that more.
The game of seduction. <</nobr>><<link "But you don't want to be touching him or having him touch you." "sports_p3_8b">>
<<set $floepiepoepie to "yes">>\
<hr class="gradienthr">\
<<nobr>>Frankly, you just want <<if $body is 3>>for everyone to stop touching your butt<<else>>to keep your position on the team<</if>>
and for some reason you thought this would be a solution, but at this point <</nobr>><<link "you're wondering if you can't get out of all this somehow." "sports_p3_8b">>
<<set $floepiepoepie to "yes">>\
</div>\<div class="standard" id="sports">\
<<joe>>Your ex Stephano?<</joe>>
<<nobr>>She gives you the old //'you'll get there'//-look. Which means she'll give you about 15 seconds to get there before she
explains. <</nobr>><<linkappend "See, you're not very good at hints, so.." t8n>>
<<joe>>Me! I knew that, just joking, baby. You landed //me//. Alright, so help me out here. What do I do?<</joe>>
<<lisa>><<nobr>>Don't worry, babe, it's gonna be fine. Look, all you've got to do is set expectations, right? For yourself //and//
for Tim. So, let's start with you. What do you want?<</nobr>><</lisa>>
<hr class="gradienthr">\
<<nobr>>Maybe you didn't at first, you certainly didn't expect it, but at this point you've got to admit you're at least
curious what it would be like to be..<</nobr>> <<link "physically intimate with someone like Tim.." "sports_p3_8a">>
<<set $floepiepoepie to "yes">>\
<hr class="gradienthr">\
<<nobr>>You admittedly had a lot of fun with your little shower scene, you wouldn't mind exploring that more.
The game of seduction. <</nobr>><<link "But you don't want to be touching him or having him touch you." "sports_p3_8b">>
<<set $floepiepoepie to "yes">>\
<hr class="gradienthr">\
<<nobr>>Frankly, you just want <<if $body is 3>>for everyone to stop touching your butt<<else>>to keep your position on the team<</if>>
and for some reason you thought this would be a solution, but at this point <</nobr>><<link "you're wondering if you can't get out of all this somehow." "sports_p3_8b">>
<<set $floepiepoepie to "yes">>\
</div>\<div class="standard" id="sports">\
<<joe>><<nobr>>Ok, well. Look, I don't know where this comes from and I don't know why because I've never even thought
about this before this year's theme announcement. But, you know..<</nobr>><</joe>>
<<nobr>>You take a deep breath. You're not scared to tell Lisa. She'll just love you and shit. Saying it out
loud makes you admit it to //you//, though. Which //is// scary.<</nobr>> <<linkappend "Alright, say it." t8n>>
<<joe>><<nobr>>I'm just kinda curious what it would be like. To.. as you said, you know, be the woman in a.. physical relationship.
With Tim.<</nobr>><</joe>>
<<joe>>There, I said it.<</joe>>
Lisa gives you a powerful, loving look. Nothing if not predictable, that woman. <<linkappend "She's quiet for longer than expected, though." t8n>>
<<lisa>>Hm? Yes! Sorry babe, it's just. Well I think that's fucking hot. And I guess my imagination took me on a little trip there. Eehh...<</lisa>>
<<lisa>><<nobr>>Right. Ok, so we know what //you// want. That should definitely work with the protection stuff
and all that. So now we've just have to.. communicate to Tim what's on the table!<</nobr>><</lisa>>
<<link "There you go, a plan! Now you just.. communicate?" "sports_p3_9a">><</link>><</linkappend>><</linkappend>>\
</div>\<div class="standard" id="sports">\
<<joe>><<nobr>>Okay, sounds simple enough! How about we.. send him a picture? Maybe 'by accident', something naughty. //'Made me think of you!'//,
and then wait till he's read it and then go //'Oops, wrong picture!!'// and delete it! Hm? What do you think?<</nobr>><</joe>>
Lisa starts theatrically looking around the room as if she's searching for something.
<<lisa>>Did I leave my //Slutty Women's Playbook// lying around somewhere? That sounds like a great plan, babe! Ooooh let's take the picture!!<</lisa>>
<<joe>>Well, now I'm nervous! Can we make me pretty for the pictures?<</joe>>
<<lisa>>Can we ever? To the bathroom!<</lisa>>
<<link "Let's do this thing!" "sports_p3_10a">><</link>>\
</div>\<div class="standard" id="sports">\
<<nobr>>The next half hour or so, Lisa helps you with your hair and make-up and gets the camera ready. After a fun little shoot,
you've got a range of pictures to choose from. Lisa says she think they could all work and it's basically just what you're
comfortable with. So.. what do you want to //'accidentally'// send Tim?<</nobr>>
<<link "Something innocent and suggestive? SFW?">><<popup "p3_tease_van">><</link>>
<<link "A bit of nudity in there! But not, like, porn.">><<popup "p3_tease_sc">><</link>>
<<link "Porn! Show everything - hard dick included.">><<popup "p3_tease_hc">><</link>>
</div>\<<if $body is 3>><div class="popupimg"><img src='images/sports/3/b3_van.png'></div>
<div class="standard"><<link "Send Tim this picture!" "sports_p3_11a1">><<dialogclose>><</link>>
<hr class="gradienthr_small">
<<link "Choose a different picture.">><<dialogclose>><</link>></div>\
<<if $body is 2>><div class="popupimg"><img src='images/sports/3/b2_van.png'></div>
<div class="standard"><<link "Send Tim this picture!" "sports_p3_11a1">><<dialogclose>><</link>>
<hr class="gradienthr_small">
<<link "Choose a different picture.">><<dialogclose>><</link>></div>\
<</if>>\<<if $body is 3>><div class="popupimg"><img src='images/sports/3/b3_sc.png'></div>
<div class="standard"><<link "Send Tim this picture!" "sports_p3_11a1">><<dialogclose>><</link>>
<hr class="gradienthr_small">
<<link "Choose a different picture.">><<dialogclose>><</link>></div>\
<<if $body is 2>><div class="popupimg"><img src='images/sports/3/b2_sc.png'></div>
<div class="standard"><<link "Send Tim this picture!" "sports_p3_11a1">><<dialogclose>><</link>>
<hr class="gradienthr_small">
<<link "Choose a different picture.">><<dialogclose>><</link>></div>\
<</if>>\<<if $body is 3>><div class="popupimg"><img src='images/sports/3/b3_hc.png'></div>
<div class="standard"><<link "Send Tim this picture!" "sports_p3_11a1">><<dialogclose>><</link>>
<hr class="gradienthr_small">
<<link "Choose a different picture.">><<dialogclose>><</link>></div>\
<<if $body is 2>><div class="popupimg"><img src='images/sports/3/b2_hc.png'></div>
<div class="standard"><<link "Send Tim this picture!" "sports_p3_11a1">><<dialogclose>><</link>>
<hr class="gradienthr_small">
<<link "Choose a different picture.">><<dialogclose>><</link>></div>\
<</if>>\<div class="standard" id="sports">\
<<joe>><<nobr>>Fuck it, let's do it. It'll be hot, right? Ok, don't judge me, but.. while we were talking about all this, I did kind of
come up with the perfect idea to get this thing going, I think.<</nobr>><</joe>>
<<joe>>Okay, so, what if.. I send him.. the picture we made. The Cumbucket™ one. What do you think?<</joe>>
<<linkappend "Lisa's mouth falls wide open." t8n>>
<<lisa>><<nobr>>Oh. My. God. That's //perfect// babe! You show him you're a slut but also that it's not with him!
You've got a dirty mind there, I love it.<</nobr>><</lisa>>
<<joe>>Alrigh talright, let's see..<</joe>>
You go through your pictures and <<link "locate the image.">><<popup "tim_cumbucket">><</link>><</linkappend>>\
</div>\<div class="standard popupimg"><img src='images/life/3/facial.png'></div>\
<div class="poppy"><<nobr>>You quickly find the Cumbucket™ picture. You know it's fake, but the fake cum covering your mouth and body like that
makes you look //really// fucking slutty. It feels weird cause it's //you// in the picture, but it kind of turns you on.<</nobr>>
<<link "Ok here we go, send Tim this picture!" "sports_p3_11a1">><<dialogclose>><</link>>
</div>\<div class="standard" id="sports">\
<<joe>>//Reminded.. Me.. Of.. You..// aaand send!<</joe>>
<<lisa>>Oh, yayyy! How do you feel, babe?<</lisa>>
<div id="replace">\
You feel..
<<link "Excited! Holy shit, you really just sent that to //Tim!!//">>
<<replace "#replace">><<timed 10ms t8n>><<joe>><<nobr>>I feel excited! Wow, we really just sent that, huh? Holy shit, imagine
he's turned on by that. What if he touches himself to that? Oh my god, I feel so giddy!!<</nobr>><</joe>>
<<lisa>><<nobr>>Iiiiieeeee me too! Oh shit, you're usually the one to calm me down when I get like this. Ok, how about we..
go to bed early? Distract ourselves a little?<</nobr>><</lisa>>
<<include "sports_p3_11a addon">><</timed>><</replace>><</link>>
<<link "Nervous!! //Very// nervous!">>
<<replace "#replace">><<timed 10ms t8n>><<joe>><<nobr>>Like I'm gonna be sick with nerves, seriously. My stomach feels weird
and I'm getting all hot and I don't want him to see it but I do!?<</nobr>><</joe>>
<<lisa>><<nobr>>Hahaha yesss that's what's so exciting though, right babe? Tell you what, why don't we go into the bedroom
and I help you relax a little?<</nobr>><</lisa>>
<<include "sports_p3_11a addon">><</timed>><</replace>><</link>>
<<link "Satisfied. We found a solution, and now we wait.">>
<<replace "#replace">><<timed 10ms t8n>><<joe>><<nobr>>I feel good about that! Nice picture, good plan. I'd say
this was a succes, don't you think?<</nobr>><</joe>>
<<lisa>><<nobr>>Oh my god! Cool as a cucumber, huh? Well not me, I need a distraction while we wait. You want to distract
me in the bedroom for a while, babe? <</nobr>><</lisa>>
<<include "sports_p3_11a addon">><</timed>><</replace>><</link>>
</div>\<div class="standard" id="sports">\
<<nobr>>She winks, turns around and starts undoing her shirt as she walks to the bedroom. You follow, and the two of you
occupy yourselves with some.. //distracting activities// for a couple of hours. <<link "Eventually, you check your phone." "sports_p3_12a">><</link>><</nobr>>
</div><div class="standard" id="sports">\
Next to your image and text, you see two little marks, indicating Tim's seen your message. He hasn't responded.
<<joe>>He's must've seen it, he's read the message anyway. Didn't say anything. I'll do the oopsie part tomorrow, right?<</joe>>
<<lisa>>Sounds good, babe! No reaction doesn't mean he's not into it, right?<</lisa>>
<<link "The next day." "sports_p3_13a">><</link>>
</div>\<div class="standard fade-in" id="sports">\
The next morning, on the day of training, you do as you planned and delete the image.
//'Oh my god so sorry, I didn't mean to send that!!'//
//'See you at training?'//
<<nobr>>He doesn't respond, even though he also reads the new messages. With the inevitable encounter approaching fast, you feel sick
to your stomach with nerves. All you can think about is what he thinks of the picture, of you. What he'll say or do. It's making you into a straight up wreck
and still you have no idea what to expect. <</nobr>>
<<link "Finally, it's time: practice." "sports_p3_14a">><</link>>\
</div>\<div class="standard" id="sports">\
<<include "lockerroom banner">>
<<nobr>>When you get to the lockerroom, you can feel your heart beating in your throat as you scan the lockerroom for Tim, but he's nowhere to be seen.
You decide that just standing here and looking at the door won't do you any good, <</nobr>> <<link "so you head out onto the field." "sports_p3_14a2">><</link>>\
</div>\<div class="standard" id="sports">\
<<include "thefield banner">>
<<nobr>>Predictably, instead of staring at the lockerroom entrance from inside of it, you end up nervously staring at the exit from out on the field, waiting for Tim to come out. He doesn't.
Warm-up: still no Tim. As coach wraps up instructions for the first exercise of the day, <</nobr>><<linkappend "you learn why." t8n>>
<<coach>><<nobr>>.. one last thing! Tim's not gonna make it today, he called in sick, so we're gonna have to be a little bit creative
pairing up. Alright, let's go ladies!<</nobr>><</coach>>
<<nobr>>When you hear him say the words, you feel your stomach turn. He called in sick? That //has// to be because of you, right?
What did you do?! This is the opposite of the plan!<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>The rest of training, you can't focus. You keep trying to think about why Tim isn't there. About the picture you sent.
Waaayyy too slowly to your liking, <</nobr>><<link "training comes to an end and you head to the lockerroom." "sports_p3_15a">><</link>><</linkappend>>\
</div>\<div class="standard" id="sports">\
<<include "lockerroom banner">>
<<nobr>>Once dressed, you reach into your pocket and take your phone out. You'd put taking a look off, scared of what angry message Tim might've
sent. Or hasn't sent, which is kind of what you expect and fear the most as it will keep you guessing.<</nobr>>
When you open the chat screen, you see a //(1 new message)// notification on Tim's chatlog. <<link "You click on it." "home">>\
<<popup "timmessage">><<include "sports_update">>
</div>\<div class="popupimg"><video src='images/sports/3/timmy.mp4' autoplay loop controls></video></div>
<div class="poppy">\
<<nobr>>It's a video. Mesmerized, you look at it at least four times. You watch Tim stroking his long, hard cock until
he comes //hard//. The amount of cum.. Fucking hell.<</nobr>>
Well, then. If you weren't before, <<link "you're in it now.">><<dialogclose>><</link>>\
</div><div class="standard" id="sports">\
<<joe>><<nobr>>Well, I really, //really// enjoyed the whole shower thing I did last week. There was something immensely satisfying
about it and I've never felt more sexy or just plain //hot// in my life.<</nobr>><</joe>>
Lisa chuckles.
<<lisa>>I knew it!<</lisa>>
<<joe>><<nobr>>Right, well, I loved that. But then if I think about taking it further? I mean he's my teammate for one thing,
but I'm also just not attracted to him. So I don't want to take it further than flirting, I guess? Nothing physical.<</nobr>><</joe>>
<<linkappend "Lisa nods as in agreement." t8n>>
<<lisa>><<nobr>>I totally get that! Flirting is sooo much fun. And it can be useful! But just because I liked our trip to Italy doesn't mean
I have to live there.<</nobr>><</lisa>>
<<lisa>>Might make it harder to get Tim to commit to the whole protecting thing, babe. But we can make it work I think.<</lisa>>
<<link "//Lisa: 'I think I have an idea..'//" "sports_p3_9b">><</link>><</linkappend>>\
</div>\<div class="standard" id="sports">\
<<lisa>>What if.. you make Tim sort of like your.. cuckold?<</lisa>>
<<joe>>My cuckold?! Would't that mean I'd have to sleep around with //other men// instead of Tim?<</joe>>
<<lisa>><<nobr>>No not nessecarily, babe. It's mainly about you being a sexual being, an //active// sexual being, and him
only being allowed to watch, right?<</nobr>><</lisa>>
<<joe>>How does that change what I just said?<</joe>>
<<lisa>><<nobr>>Well it's just it doesn't have to be real. You can tell whatever story you want, as long
as he doesn't know that, you know?<</nobr>><</lisa>>
<<link "You're fairly sure you don't know." "sports_p3_10b">><</link>>\
</div><div class="standard" id="sports">\
<<joe>>I don't know if I follow. Like a roleplay? Deep fakes? What?<</joe>>
<<lisa>>No, just the suggestion that you're doing those things and he's not allowed to be there, I think.<</lisa>>
<<lisa>><<nobr>>Look, babe, we just gotta plant the idea that you'd be down to have sex with someone //like Tim// and take it from there. Right?
If he's fantasizing about having you, that's the protection part of the plan done. And then you just keep him interested at a distance!<</nobr>><</lisa>>
<<joe>>Right. Is it weird I think that actually sounds kind of mean?<</joe>>
<<lisa>>Well, true, it is a bit mean. Doesn't make you Voldemort, though. What do you think? You want to do this?<</lisa>>
<<if $ lte 3>><<link "Yes. Let's try this cuckolding thing. If it works it could be fun, right?">><<popup "spoilers_cumbucket">><</link>>\
<<else>><<link "Yes. Let's try this cuckolding thing. If it works it could be fun, right?" "sports_p3_11b">><</link>><</if>>
<<link "No. Let's go back to the drawing board. Cuckolding Tim isn't you." "sports_p3_drawingboard">><</link>>\
</div>\<<t-clippy>><<nobr>>Hi Boss! There's a spoiler ahead that doesn't make much sense if you don't do ''Life'' first. Nothing major, but I //would// recommend
playing through that first if you haven't before. Sorry for breaking the wall!<</nobr>><</t-clippy>>
<div class="poppy"><<link "I don't mind the spoiler, continue //Sports.//" "sports_p3_11b">><<dialogclose>><</link>>
<hr class="gradienthr_small">
<<link "Spoilers?! No way! Take me //back home.//" "home">><<dialogclose>><</link>></div>\<div class="standard sports">\
Alright, back to the drawing board. What do //you// want?
<hr class="gradienthr">\
<<nobr>>Maybe you didn't at first, you certainly didn't expect it, but at this point you've got to admit you're at least
curious what it would be like to be..<</nobr>> <<link "physically intimate with someone like Tim.." "sports_p3_8a">>
<<set $floepiepoepie to "yes">>\
<hr class="gradienthr">\
<<nobr>>You've got to admit that your had a lot of fun with your little shower scene, and you wouldn't mind exploring that more.
The game of seduction. <</nobr>><<link "But you don't want to be touching him or having him touch you." "sports_p3_8b">>
<<set $floepiepoepie to "yes">>\
<hr class="gradienthr">\
<<nobr>>Frankly, you just want <<if $body is 3>>for everyone to stop touching your butt<<else>>to keep your position on the team<</if>>
and for some reason you thought this would be a solution, but at this point <</nobr>><<link "you're wondering if you can't get out of all this somehow." "sports_p3_8c">>
<<set $floepiepoepie to "yes">>\
</div>\<div class="standard sports">\
<<joe>><<nobr>>Honestly? Like, honestly honestly? I think I took it way further already than I should have and I feel like I've already
stayed on for the ride too long and I'm looking around wondering if I can jump off somewhere..<</nobr>><</joe>>
Lisa reaches out and gently touches you on the cheek.
<<lisa>><<nobr>>Aww, baby. I'm sorry, but look, it's good that you recognize that! It's never too late not to do something you don't want to
do, you always have a choice. We'll just have to find a different solution! Let's think..<</nobr>><</lisa>>
<<nobr>>You both think on that for a bit. She's right, of course, why go through with any of this if you don't want to. Does leave you
with the initial problem, though. You really kind of //need// to have Tim on your side. After a
while, <</nobr>><<linkappend "Lisa asks you if you can't just //ask// Tim for his support." t8n>>
<<if $body is 3>><<joe>><<nobr>>Yeah, I don't know. I mean that would kind of have him admitting he's touching me, which I don't even know if he'll do that.
Cause then also he'd have to stop touching, right?<</nobr>><</joe>><</if>>\
<<if $body is 2>><<joe>><<nobr>>Hm, I dunno. I mean I'd be asking him to kind of //'betray'// the team for me just
cause I ask him to.<</nobr>><</joe>><</if>>\
<<joe>>Like, it could work, but I think I've still got to trade //something//..<</joe>>
<<link "//Lisa: 'Money?'//" "sports_p3_9c">><</link>>\
</div>\<div class="standard sports">\
<<lisa>>Like pay him? I don't know babe, that sounds like the start of some nasty blackmail story waiting to happen.<</lisa>>
<<lisa>><<nobr>>What if we keep it sexual in a way? Trade him maybe like a sexy video of you. Use one of those
'private sharing' apps so he can't leak it, and then he can't really move it into blackmail, cause he'd probably
be embarrased about it! If he's a typical man, anyway.<</nobr>><</lisa>>
<<nobr>>Tim is that, alright. You think about it. It could definitely work, but you feel like you'd still be kind of //'offering'// yourself to
him in a way. You really don't like that idea. <</nobr>><<linkappend "Maybe if it wasn't just //you// in the video?" t8n>>
<<joe>><<nobr>>Hmmmm. I see that working. But.. and I'm sorry to be even asking this, but would you maybe be in the video with me? Instead
of just me alone?<</nobr>><</joe>>
Lisa looks at you with a biiig grin and bites her lower lip.
<<lisa>>Are you kidding me? I'd like nothing more! Ooooh you want to make it now? Let's do it now, babe!<</lisa>>
<<nobr>>Nice. Filming yourself have sex with your girlfriend is sure is a different activity from seducing a man. And if the plan
doesn't work, well, who cares! <</nobr>><<link "Let's go make a video!" "sports_p3_10c">><</link>><</linkappend>>\
</div><div class="standard sports">\
<<nobr>>The two of you get to work. It's exciting! You've always thought of Lisa and you as //almost pro's//. You know,
good enough to make it at the top, if you dedicated yourselves. You two would make great pornstars! You think.
It's weird - for all of Lisa's sexually open and adventurous personality, the two of you never made a video before.<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>The realization that you only have one of those //'Don't forget the camera!'// vacation type cameras is a bit
discouraging, but it doesn't stop you having, if you do say so yourself, a //great// session.<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>Afterwards, neither of you can wait to watch the footage. As Lisa goes into the bathroom to wash her face,
you plug the camera into your laptop and load the video. When it's just about done, Lisa plomps down next to you.<</nobr>>
<<link "Let's see this thing!" "sports_p3_11c">><</link>>\
</div><div class="standard sports">\
<video id="video" src="images/sports/3/porn1.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<nobr>>The start is good, you think. You tried to make a little show of undressing and even though you're biased here,
you think Lisa's lips around your cock looks about as hot as it feels. Especially with your feminine body.
After a couple of minutes, your digital representations get on their feet. <</nobr>>
<<lisa>>Here comes the good part!<</lisa>>
<<link "You watch as porn-you gets ready to //give it to Lisa.//" "sports_p3_12c">><</link>>
</div><div class="standard sports">\
<video class="fade-in" id="video" src="images/sports/3/porn2.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<nobr>>Just when you're about to enter your girlfriend //- you made an effort to have the actual penetration on film as you
hate it when that's left out -// everything turns very, very blurry.<</nobr>>
<<lisa>>Wait, no! What's this? What happened?<</lisa>>
<<joe>>Aaaaah fuck. The autofocus on this stupid cheapass camera must have done.. something. Great, this is just great..<</joe>>
<<joe>>'//Hi, would you like to trade a favor for this video of some vaguely moving shapes and colors?'<</joe>>
<<link "Fast forward, maybe it'll come back?" "sports_p3_12c2">><</link>>
</div>\<div class="standard sports">\
<video id="video" src="images/sports/3/porn3.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<nobr>>Near the end of the video, when Lisa dismounts and gets on her knees to receive your load, the image
becomes clear and sharp again. At least you have the finale.<</nobr>>
<<lisa>>Gotta work on your aim a bit, babe.<</lisa>>
<<joe>>Oh, please, you could've easily caught that! Anyway, we've only got like half a video. If that.<</joe>>
<<lisa>><<nobr>>Well can't we just take out the blurry stuff? It'll be like a blowjob video, right? Maybe even better
that way, you know, so we don't spoil the guy straight away. What do you think, babe?<</nobr>><</lisa>>
<<link "You think that's actually not a bad idea." "sports_p3_12c3">><</link>>
</div>\<div class="standard sports">\
<<joe>>You know, I think that might work! Alright, I'm just gonna go edit this right away. Thanks, babe, you're amazing.<</joe>>
<<lisa>>//You're// amazing! Give us a kiss!<</lisa>>
Lisa leans in and gives you a big, sloppy kiss. It's //very// sloppy, actually. <<linkappend "And a bit.. salty? Hold on.." t8n>>
<<lisa>>Ok, I'm gonna go brush my teeth, babe!<</lisa>>
<<joe>>Well //# me too//, I guess! You're a nasty woman, you are!<</joe>>
Lisa lets out a girly giggle. After the two of you have brushed your teeth, you edit the video until you're happy with the result.
<<link "The next day." "sports_p3_13c">><</link>><</linkappend>>
</div>\<div class="standard sports">\
<<nobr>>The next morning, on the day of training, you app Tim and make up an excuse that you're in the neighbourhood and if he minds if you
visit for a minute. He invites you in, but you tell him you only need a minute to ask him something.<</nobr>>
You tell him what you'd like from him. That you want him to <<if $body is 3>>'//keep his dogs on a leash//', so to speak.<br><</if>>\
<<if $body is 2>>back you and defend you fully in your position on the team.<br><</if>>\
<<tim>>Ok. What if I do, what do I get?<</tim>>
<<joe>><<nobr>>Right, I'm going to send something to your PriShare account so it's for your eyes only, alright? You have a look
at what it is, take your time, and you tell me this afternoon at training if we have a deal. K?<</nobr>><</joe>>
He shrugs.
<<tim>>Yeah, ok. See you at training.<</tim>>
<<link "You thank him for his time and go back home." "sports_p3_14c">><</link>>\
</div>\<div class="standard sports">\
<<include "lockerroom banner">>
When you arrive, Tim immediately finds you in the lockerroom. He looks all serious.
<<tim>>$name. I do what you asked, I get more videos?<</tim>>
<<joe>>Ehh yep! Yeah we'll make more. How about one per month?<</joe>>
<<tim>>Two weeks.<</tim>>
To give him the idea you that wasn't your plan all along, <<linkappend "you hesitate a bit before you agree to to that." t8n>>
<<joe>>Well, that's asking a lot. I better get my money's worth, alright? But yeah, we have a deal!<</joe>>
You stick out your hand but Tim doesn't even see, as he just says '//OK//' and walks off.
<<link "You head out onto the field." "sports_p3_15c">><</link>><</linkappend>>\
</div>\<div class="standard sports">\
<<include "thefield banner">>
<<nobr>>That afternoon, Tim fully delivers his part of the deal. He keeps looking at you funny, but
he doesn't try or say anything, so you decide to just ignore it. Afterwards, Coach tells you he doesn't know
how you got Tim on board, but that he's glad you did. Overall, it would appear it's a great succes!<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>And yet, you're left with a creeping feeling that surely something isn't right. You can't
worry about that right now, though. <</nobr>><<link "Time you head on home." "home">><<include "sports_update">><</link>>\
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- *//* P4 - B3 Johnny */
<div class="standard" id="sports">\
<<include "thefield banner">>
<<nobr>>Training is.. fine? No grabbing, slapping or squeezing. Not even a little feel. You wear some flattening sporty underwear that
keeps everything in place, but that can’t be it. Did they get bored so easily? During a small break, <</nobr>><<linkappend "Cody hits you up." t8n>>
<<cody>><<nobr>>Hey man! Looking good out there!<</nobr>><</cody>>
<<joe>><<nobr>>Yeah, thanks. I’m a bit.. Surprised? You know how last week everyone was kind of, how do I put it..<</nobr>><</joe>>
<<cody>><<nobr>>Gawking over you like a bunch of horndogs?<</nobr>><</cody>>
<<joe>><<nobr>>Right. And I’m happy that’s over, you know obviously. It's just weird, isn't it?<</nobr>><</joe>>
<<cody>><<nobr>>Haha, Coach didn’t tell you? <</nobr>><</cody>>
<<link "You shake your head." "sports_p4_2">><</link>><</linkappend>>\
</div>\<div class="standard" id="sports">\
<<cody>><<nobr>>Alright, well, he came into the locker room last week after training and he told everyone quite clearly that anyone that would touch you,
look at you or anything like that, could expect a phonecall from him, to their girlfriend.<</nobr>><</cody>>
<<cody>>Or, you know, if they don’t have a girlfriend their mom.<</cody>>
<<joe>><<nobr>>What? Why?<</nobr>><</joe>>
<<cody>><<nobr>>To tell them their partner’s been distracted by, you know. A shemale! Is that the word? Sorry if that's not appropriate to say. Anyway,
that pretty much steered everyone clear I guess, haha.<</nobr>><</cody>>
<<nobr>>To your own frustration, you're conflicted. The touching had to stop, they were being animals, yes. But they did it cause they //liked it//.
And then when they're confronted by that fact, they run for the hills? Like you're //disgusting//?<</nobr>>
Your train of thought is interrupted as Coach’s blows his whistle <<link "and you get back to training." "sports_p4_3">><</link>>\
</div>\<div class="standard" id="sports">\
<<nobr>>When you get home, you keep thinking about the whole distraction/attraction thing. If your body is distracting, you can distract your
opponent with it as well, right? Your own team backed off, so you wouldn’t even have to.. hide yourself, so to speak.<</nobr>>
Are you going insane or is that something that could work? <<linkappend "You decide to talk it over with Lisa, see what she thinks." t8n>>
<<joe>><<nobr>>.. so I figure I can distract our opponents, right? What do you think, is that crazy?<</nobr>><</joe>>
<<lisa>><<nobr>>Oh my god, babe! //It is crazy//, it’s kind of evil but mainly it’s genius!! Do you have plan?<</nobr>><</lisa>>
<<link "You have the beginnings of one, actually." "sports_p4_4">><</link>><</linkappend>>
</div>\<div class="standard" id="sports">\
<<joe>><<nobr>>Well, I’ve got the start of a plan, I suppose. Our first match next week is the derby, so they train right here in the city.
I figured maybe I’d dress up and you and I go watch them train?<</nobr>><</joe>>
Lisa starts laughing, looking at you with joyful disbelief.
<<lisa>>Wow, babe, I did not see that coming! You're one naughty lady. And I am //so// here for it.<</lisa>>
<<lisa>><<nobr>>But yeah I can see that work! You’re beautiful and you’ve got all the right shapes.
I’d //love, love, looove// to join you, but I’ve got that thing. I can help you put make-up before you go, though?<</nobr>><</lisa>>
You agree on Lisa helping you out, but you're going to have to go alone. That evening, you think about your little plan.
Using your body, flirting with the enemy..
<<link "It excites you more than you thought it would." "sports_p4_5">><</link>>
<<link "It’s bloody scary! Will it even work?" "sports_p4_5">><</link>>
<<link "It’s WILD! Who even are you?!" "sports_p4_5">><</link>>
</div>\<div class="standard" id="sports">\
<<nobr>>The next day, Lisa showers you in a waterfall of advice on seduction. How to be sexy, slutty, smoothe and seductive. The do's, dont's and maybe's. What to do
with your hands, your hair and all the seven ways you can stand to make your butt look bigger. It's //a lot//, and you feel you kind of already know a lot of it,
but it's nice to go over it. It's not like you've done this before.<</nobr>>
<<lisa>>..and that's it! I think I told you everything. Well, for this, anyway. Everything would take all day! Let me think..<</lisa>>
<<nobr>>You let her. Mainly because she was doing something to your face with a brush when she stopped talking, and you never know what you're allowed to do in between,
so you just wait it out. <</nobr>><<link "After a lot of mumbling, she remembers something." "sports_p4_6">><</link>>\
</div><div class="standard" id="sports">\
<<lisa>>Wait, I did tell you about the two secret weapons, right babe? I must have. Right?<</lisa>>
<<joe>>Secret weapons? I think I'd remember that! Ooh, I didn't know about any weapons. Gimme gimme!<</joe>>
Lisa stops brushing for a moment and sits back.
<<lisa>>You wanna guess?<</lisa>>
<<link "Ooooh yes! You do want to guess!" "guess">><</link>>
<<link "Not particularly, no." "sports_p4_7b">><</link>>\
</div>\<div class="standard" id="sports">\
<<lisa>><<nobr>>Ok, so the first one, and it probably won't come as a surprise, is.. flashing your boobs!<</nobr>><</lisa>>
<<lisa>><<nobr>>Now, this works with any size or shape, as the core concept at work here is the fact you're showing someone something that's associated
with sexiness and femininity //and// they can only see if someone lets them. So always hot.<</nobr>><</lisa>>
<<lisa>><<nobr>>Having said that, though, a pair like yours? Ooooff, dangerous! Those will drive anyone crazy.<</nobr>><</lisa>>
It's like Lisa is reading from a kind of //sexicon// she's kept over the years. <<linkappend "Informative stuff!" t8n>>
<<lisa>><<nobr>>There's all kinds of things you can kind of customize. You can hold them, rub them,
shake 'm up and down. If you've got a nice firm pair you can just take your top down let 'm sit out for a little while, or you can just do
one of those quick teaser ones - the world's your oyster, babe!<</nobr>><</lisa>>
<<lisa>><<nobr>>One last thing: if you really want to make the most of 'm, you let them touch them. I know, slutty, but that's what makes it hot!<</nobr>><</lisa>>
You want to guess the second one or just have Lisa tell you?
<<link "Let's guess!" "guess">><<include "guessy_handy">><</link>>
<<link "Just have her tell you, please." "sports_p4_7a handy">><</link>>
</div>\<div class="standard" id="sports">\
<<lisa>><<nobr>>The second one is a bit //hands on//, haha. It's a handjob! It won't come as a surprise that making a man come is a //very// effective way to plant yourself
smack in the middle of their mind's attention. Well, you know, babe!<</nobr>><</lisa>>
<<lisa>><<nobr>>And of course there's many ways to do that, with a blowjob often being the //weapon of choice//, but the simple truth is that a handjob will do the
trick just as well! Plus, you leave something on the table! Also, I a spontaneous blowie is better with some experience, but that's for another time.<</nobr>><</lisa>>
Lisa shows you a playful mischievous smile when she says that. <<linkappend "You can only imagine what she's imagining." t8n>>
<<lisa>><<nobr>>So, handjob! I don't even know if I have to explain much, do I babe? You're very experienced! Just have fun with it. <</nobr>><</lisa>>
<<lisa>><<nobr>>Oh, and if you're worried this makes you a bit of a slut: don't worry. It //definitely// does. But sluts have all the fun, right? <</nobr>><</lisa>>
<<lisa>><<nobr>>Aaand that's them! Your two secret weapons. Use them wisely.<</nobr>><</lisa>>
<<link "Lisa claps her hands together." "sports_p4_8">><</link>><</linkappend>>\
</div>\<<set $lingo = {
one: "h",
two: "a",
three: "n",
four: "d",
five: "y",
answer: "handy",
sexicon: "sports_p4_7a handy"
<<set $guess = {
one: "",
two: "",
three: "",
four: "",
five: ""
}>>\<div class="standard" id="sports">\
<<joe>><<nobr>>Not really. Do I have to?<</nobr>><</joe>>
<<nobr>>Lisa shakes her head and makes a tutting sound.<</nobr>>
<<lisa>><<nobr>>You're no fun. You know, if a man asks you that question, you better play along. And be generous in your guesses, they like that.<</nobr>><</lisa>>
It feels weird, Lisa talking to you about //men//.
<<joe>><<nobr>>Noted. So? Secret weapons?<</nobr>><</joe>>
<<link "//Lisa: 'Right, the secret weapons!'//" "sports_p4_7a flash">><</link>>\
</div><div class="standard sports">\
<<nobr>>Lisa looks at you as if she's an artist looking at a painting, deciding whether or not it needs another //something//. Eventually, she shakes her head ever so
slightly with a proud look on her face.<</nobr>>
<<lisa>>Nope, you're done! Oh, wow, you look fantastic. I kind of want to take you with me now. But I gotta go, have fun babe!<</lisa>>
She winks, kisses you and runs out the door. Well, this is it - you’re going out in public to flirt with a bunch of rowdy athletes. The enemy, no less.
Time to go! You're very..
<<link "Excited! You can't wait put your looks to use." "sports_p4_9">><</link>>
<<link "Nervous. You feel like the definition of nervous." "sports_p4_9">><</link>>
<<link "Confused? You're not entirely sure why you're doing this." "sports_p4_9">><</link>>
</div>\<div class="standard sports">\
<<nobr>>When you arrive, your rival team is out on their field, warming up. You hang out on the side of the field and observe the men for a bit. Before long,
a young guy you're fairly sure is one of their star players gets posted near you during an exercise.
Before you can even attempt to get his attention, he notices you. <</nobr>><<linkappend "He greets you as he walks towards you." t8n>>
<<johnny>>Oh damn, hi there! You, eh.. watching your boyfriend?<</johnny>>
Oh, right, what are you doing here again?
<<link "Errr panic?! Make up an excuse for being here? Keep it casual." "sports_p4_10a">><</link>>
<<link "Tell him you felt like watching a bunch of sweaty men. That'll do." "sports_p4_10b">><</link>>
<<link "Tell him you're watching //him//. Oh, and find out if he's single!" "sports_p4_10c">><</link>>
</div>\<div class="standard sports">\
<<joe>><<nobr>>What? No I was just, err.. I got lost a little bit on the way to the, ehm.. make-up.. store.<</nobr>><</joe>>
<<johnny>><<nobr>>Haha, the make-up store? You sure you didn't just come to watch this bad boy in action?<</nobr>><</johnny>>
He lifts up the bottom of his shirt as he says that, showing off a very well sculpted six pack. Just then, someone shouts at him from the distance. //JOHNNY!!//
<<johnny>><<nobr>>Oh, that's me! Don't go anywhere, you. Will me promise me you won't go anywhere?<</nobr>><</johnny>>
As he runs off, he shouts: //'I'm just gonna assume you promised!'//.
Seeing him run off, you feel..
<<link "Scared! What if he finds out you're the enemy! With a dick!" "sports_p4_11">><</link>>
<<link "Great! It feels amazing being flirted with by a very confident man." "sports_p4_11">><</link>>
<<link "Confident. You've got this man right where you want him!" "sports_p4_11">><</link>>
</div>\<div class="standard sports">\
<<joe>><<nobr>>I was just out on a nice walk when I saw a bunch of sweaty men running around, so I figured I could use a little break.<</nobr>><</joe>>
<<johnny>><<nobr>>Haha, nice! People watching, huh? Allow me to give you a better look!<</nobr>><</johnny>>'=
<<nobr>>You watch as the guy takes off his shirt. He does it in such a showy way it almost feels you're watching it in slow motion.
Soon as the shirt is off, someone shouts at him from further up the field. //JOHNNY!!//<</nobr>>
<<johnny>><<nobr>>Oh, that's me! Don't go anywhere, you. Will me promise me you won't go anywhere?<</nobr>><</johnny>>
As he runs off, he shouts: //'I'm just gonna assume you promised!'//.
Seeing him run off, you feel..
<<link "Scared! What if he finds out you're the enemy! With a dick!" "sports_p4_11">><</link>>
<<link "Great! It feels amazing being flirted with by a very confident man." "sports_p4_11">><</link>>
<<link "Confident. You've got this man right where you want him!" "sports_p4_11">><</link>>
</div>\<div class="standard sports">\
<<joe>><<nobr>>Boyfriend? That's a bit presumptuous, don't you think? I hardly know you! For all I know you've already got a girlfriend.<</nobr>><</joe>>
<<johnny>><<nobr>>Haha, I see what you did there! Well allow me to speed up the process. I'm Johnny, I'm single, and this is what I look like!<</nobr>><</johnny>>
<video id="video" src="images/sports/3/showoff.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<nobr>>You watch as the guy takes off his shirt. He does it in such a showy way it almost feels you're watching it in slow motion.
Soon as the shirt is off, someone shouts at him from further up the field. //JOHNNY!!//<</nobr>>
<<johnny>><<nobr>>Oh, that's me! Don't go anywhere, you. Will me promise me you won't go anywhere?<</nobr>><</johnny>>
As he runs off, he shouts: //'I'm just gonna assume you promised!'//.
Seeing him run off, you feel..
<<link "Scared! What if he finds out you're the enemy! With a dick!" "sports_p4_11">><</link>>
<<link "Great! It feels amazing being flirted with by a very confident man." "sports_p4_11">><</link>>
<<link "Confident. You've got this man right where you want him!" "sports_p4_11">><</link>>
</div>\<div class="standard sports">\
A little while later, Johnny appears to have found an excuse to station himself next to you again, as he runs towards you.
<<johnny>><<nobr>>Yesss my lucky day, you’re still here!<</nobr>><</johnny>>
<<joe>><<nobr>>Why is that, Johnny? Did I bring you luck just now?<</nobr>><</joe>>
<<johnny>><<nobr>>Well it’s not every day you get to look talk to an amazing looking woman like you! I consider myself a lucky man.<</nobr>><</johnny>>
When he says that, you immediately think: //secret weapon!//. You could make this into a great excuse to flash him. If you want.
<<link "Yes, this is it! Let’s flash him, secure the target!" "sports_p4_11a">><</link>>
<<link "Just keep up the conversation. No need to get your tits out so easily." "sports_p4_11b">><</link>>
</div><div class="standard" id="sports">\
<<joe>><<nobr>>Aww, thank you! You're the perfect guy to help me out with something, actually. See, I just got some work done and I'm feeling a little bit
insecure. What do you think?<</nobr>><</joe>>
<video id="video" src="images/sports/3/flash.mp4" autoplay></video>
Once you've undone your bra and freed your new best friends, you see Johnny staring at your chest, his mouth open in disbelief.
<<johnny>><<nobr>>I'm sorry. You're telling me //those// aren't real?! I'm sorry I find that really hard to believe.
I can't tell from looking at them, honestly.<</nobr>><</johnny>>
<<joe>>Ahh thanks!! I don't know //why// I get uncertain about them. They really did do a fantastic job. They even feel like the real deal, too.<</joe>>
<div id="replacemeee"><<link "Which is something he'll have to take your word on. You let him stare for a bit longer." "sports_p4_13">><</link>>
<<link "Though, as they're out, he might as well feel for himself.">><<replace "#replacemeee">><<timed 10ms t8n>>\
<<joe>>You can touch them if you like?<</joe>>
Johnny doesn't have to be told twice. <<link "In an instant, his hand is on your boob." "sports_p4_12a">><</link>>
</div>\<div class="standard" id="sports">\
<video id="video" src="images/sports/3/feel.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<nobr>>Johnny kneads away for some time, completely mesmerized by his own hand caressing your breasts. You'd stop him if
it didn't secretly turn you on as much as it does. <<link "Eventually, you notice his teammates calling him." "sports_p4_13">><</link>><</nobr>>\
</div>\<div class="standard" id="sports">\
<video id="video" src="images/sports/3/flirty.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<joe>><<nobr>>Awww, thank you! You're gonna make a girl blush!! What's your favorite part?<</nobr>><</joe>>
<<nobr>>You let out a little girly chuckle. While the two of you talk for a minute or so, you try to put all of joe's tips to work:
laughing at everything he says, touching his arm, your hair, all the things. Before long, Johnny is called back to his team.<</nobr>>
<<joe>>I think they're calling you, Johnny.<</joe>>
<<johnny>><<nobr>>Ah, crap, you hear it too? I was hoping it was just my imagination. Alright, I'm gonna head back there. I'd //love// it
if you're still here when I'm done in, I think about half an hour?<</nobr>><</johnny>>
<<link "Of course he does! Who knows? You might be here, you might not." "sports_p4_13a">><</link>>
<<link "You really want to be here, so that works out perfect." "sports_p4_13b">><</link>>
</div>\<div class="standard" id="sports">\
He looks up at you, confused.
<<johnny>>Hm? Yeah, no I think it's ehm. It's good. Very good, yeah. Hm, hm.<</johnny>>
<<nobr>>You recognize his behavior. It's you. You with a beautiful woman. The thought that you are now the woman, the reason,
sends all kinds of feelings flying through your body. You can feel your dick getting hard.<</nobr>> <<linkappend "You'd best get Johnny away from you" t8n>>
<<joe>>I think they're calling you, Johnny.<</joe>>
He finally snaps out of it, looks at you and winks.
<<johnny>><<nobr>>Yes, of course. Hey look, it's going to be another 30 minutes or so before training is over. I really kind
of need you to be here then.<</nobr>><</johnny>>
<<link "Of course he does! Who knows? You might be here, you might not." "sports_p4_13a">><</link>>
<<link "You really want to be here, so that works out perfect." "sports_p4_13b">><</link>>
</div><div class="standard" id="sports">\
<<joe>>Haha, I bet you do. I guess you'll have to wait and see, Johnny.<</joe>>
<<include "sports_p4_13_end">>
</div><div class="standard" id="sports">\
<<joe>>Oh, I'll be here waiting for you! Don't worry about that, haha. Now go kick some ass!<</joe>>
<<include "sports_p4_13_end">>
</div><<nobr>>After Johnny runs back to his team and the minutes tick away, you think about what you're doing here. About Johnny. You're not attracted to him.
Not in a traditional way. It's not like when you've met women and would feel like you'd want to be with them forever. Like how you feel with Lisa, not even a hint of that.<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>You do feel some sort of attraction, though. Quite a powerful one. You don't know where it's coming from,
but you want him to lust after you. Grab, squeeze and feel you. You want to reach inside his pants and find his cock. You want to
feel it grow in your hand, maybe even your mouth? Fucking hell.<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>Yeah, you're horny. You're here to try seduce a man. But ever since your talk with Lisa, you can't help
think maybe she was just.. right. Maybe sex is just sex and now being in this different body, being viewed differently, just changed things.<</nobr>>
<<link "15 minutes till training is over." "sports_p4_14">><</link>>\<div class="standard" id="sports">\
<<nobr>>As you stand there waiting, your brain keeps going back to Johnny's cock. You haven't seen it, touched it or anything and yet, every
unguarded moment, the thought checks in: //'I wonder what his dick is like?'//. You think it's maybe also Lisa's //peptalk// earlier.<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>Maybe you should just go home. You've done what you came for, Johnny is not going to forget about you. Maybe even more so if you
leave now. Unless give him something more to remember, of course. //I wonder what hi-// damnit!<</nobr>>
<<link "You decide you've done enough and go home." "sports_p4_home">><<include "sports3update">><</link>>
<<link "You're too curious to leave, you want to see where this goes." "sports_p4_14a">><</link>>
</div>\<div class="standard sports">\
<<include "homesetting sports">>
<<nobr>>When you get home, you tell Lisa about your afternoon. She's intrigued by Johnny, but she mainly seems turned on by
the fact you went through with this whole plan of distracting the competition. It doesn't take long before she practically drags you into the bedroom for a good,
long lovemaking session <<link "until eventually the day comes to it's end." "home">><<include "sports_update">><</link>><</nobr>>
</div>\<div class="standard" id="sports">\
<<nobr>>Training comes to an end and the group starts making their way to the locker room, leading them past you on their way.
In front, Johnny quickly makes his way over to you.<</nobr>>
<<johnny>>Yessss!! Come here.<</johnny>>
He takes you by the hand and leads you to a more secluded spot, not far from where you’d been watching, <<linkappend "but conveniently out of sight of the group." t8n>>
<<johnny>>Sorry! I know my team and they can be a real bunch of horndogs, especially after training like that. I thought I’d spare you that.<</johnny>>
<<johnny>>So listen, I've thought about you the whole time. I don't even know your name!<</johnny>>
<<nobr>>He eagerly looks at you, clearly expecting you to give him your name. Which is a small problem, as you can’t exactly tell him your real name.
They’ll ask him in the locker room, someone might recognize it and then you’re screwed.<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>You look at Johnny. Your hand in his, your bodies close. You could grab his crotch. Maybe he won’t ask for you name if you.. distract him,
<<link "//give him a hand..//" "sports_p4_15a">><</link>><</nobr>>
Or, you know, you could not slut it up and <<link "just give him a fake name." "sports_p4_15b">><</link>><</linkappend>>\
</div>\<div class="standard" id="sports">\
Fuck it. You clearly want this. And you're sure Johnny won't mind. You gently move your hand over to Johnny's crotch and start undoing his pants.
<<joe>>I thought maybe we could skip that part and go straight to the fun bit?<</joe>>
<<nobr>>Johnny, for the first time since you met him, doesn’t have an answer. And you don’t give him time to come up with one,
as you <<link "slide hand your onto the bulge in his underwear." "sports_p4_16a">><</link>><</nobr>>\
</div><div class="standard" id="sports">\
Your name? You have a name! Of course you do. It's..
<<textbox "$fake_name" "Maria?" autofocus>>
<<link "Yes, that's it! That's your fake name." >><<if $fake_name isnot "">><<goto "sports_p4_16b">><<else>><<popup "youneedaname">><</if>><</link>>\
</div><<t-clippy>>You need to choose a fake-name or you can't continue, boss!<</t-clippy>><div class="standard" id="sports">\
<<joe>><<nobr>>I'm $fake_name! And you're Johnny!<</nobr>><</joe>>
<<johnny>><<nobr>>Oh, what a cool name! So, $fake_name, are we going for a bite?<</nobr>><</johnny>>
<<joe>><<nobr>>Hm, I bet you're hungry after that workout. You guys train pretty hard! I can't, though, I've got to be going.
You've already kept me here for longer than I intended.<</nobr>><</joe>>
<<nobr>>You wink at him. You kind of hope the conversation could just end right here. You really don't want to be
giving him any other information or promise to see him or anything like that. <</nobr>><<link "He does, though." "sports_p4_17b">><</link>>\
</div>\<div class="standard" id="sports">\
<<johnny>><<nobr>>Alright, no worries. Will I see you again? Can I have your number?<</nobr>><</johnny>>
<<joe>><<nobr>>That's ok, Johnny, I've got yours!<</nobr>><</joe>>
He looks puzzled. You point at the big '69' printed on his shirt.
<<joe>><<nobr>>Mister 69! You choose that yourself, funny man?<</nobr>><</joe>>
<<nobr>>He chuckles and you //think// you detect the smallest of blushes appear on his cheeks. You figure this is about as good a moment
you're going to get to make your exit.<</nobr>>
<<joe>><<nobr>>You'll see me again, Johnny. I promise! <</nobr>><</joe>>
You turn around and start walking off. After a couple of steps you turn around and blow him a little kiss. He smiles, waves, and runs off towards his lockerroom.
<<link "Time to head home." "sports_p4_home">><</link>>\
</div><div class="standard" id="sports">\
<video id="video" src="images/sports/3/handy1.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<nobr>>You can feel your heart beating pretty fast as grab his dick through his boxers. Johnny is clearly enjoying this - already sporting a semi as you take out
his fairly thick cock. <<link "You start stroking him." "sports_p4_17a">><</link>><</nobr>>\
</div><div class="standard" id="sports">\
<video id="video" src="images/sports/3/handy2.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<nobr>>You jerk Johnny's cock with a little helping of spit, the thing growing to quite a nice size once fully hard, a thick vein running over the top. You never thought
you could enjoy wanking someone other than yourself, but you are. A couple of minutes in, <<link "Johnny announces he's about to come." "sports_p4_18a">><</link>><</nobr>>\
</div><div class="standard" id="sports">\
<video id="video" src="images/sports/3/handy3.mp4" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<nobr>>You'd been too focused on the job at hand to notice Johnny's hand finding your ass as you were stroking until he squeezes hard as he orgasms.
You watch with fascinated eyes as Johnny's dick releases big splurts of cum, flying out onto the sand. It's very satisfying.<</nobr>>
<<link "Johnny lets out a moan, followed by //'Wow..'//" "sports_p4_19a">><</link>>\
</div><div class="standard" id="sports">\
You look at him, biting your lip in what you hope is that sexy way.
<<joe>><<nobr>>You liked that, didn't you?<</nobr>><</joe>>
He looks at you, then laughs.
<<johnny>><<nobr>>Well, fuck yeah I did! That was amazing.. Sandra? Sarah? <</nobr>><</johnny>>
<<joe>><<nobr>>Oh dear, Johnnyboy, you still on that? I think I've given you quite enough for one afternoon, don't you? <</nobr>><</joe>>
You decide to take advantage of the fact he's not quite ready to walk out into the open yet and start walking away.
<<joe>><<nobr>>I had fun, though! See you next time, Johnny!<</nobr>><</joe>>
You wave him a kiss, turn around and don't look back, trying very hard to look cool and collected.
<<nobr>>When you get home, Lisa wants to know //everything// and listens greedily as you give her a detailed recap of your afternoon.
Once you're done, Lisa can't control herself and practically drags you into the bedroom for a good, long lovemaking session
<<link "until eventually the day comes to it's end." "home">><</link>><<include "sports_update">><</nobr>>
</div>\<div class="standard" id="sports">\
<img src="images/locations/banner/lockerroom.png">\
<div class="name_block" id="sports">\
<img id="small_bradius" src="images/ui/lockerroom.svg">\
<<nobr>>As you enter the empty men's locker room to get dressed for your first cheerleading practice, you realise you're nervous.
Whether it's the lonely feeling of getting dressed in a seperate room (entering the women's locker room without even introducing
yourself didn't quite feel right), your complete lack of knowledge about being a cheerleader or this being the first time you're among
women //as a woman// (ish) or a combination of the three, you feel rather anxious.<</nobr>>
But, in the wise words of many people all the time: //fuck it.// There's only one way to lose this feeling, and that's by doing.
It's training time. //[[T * R * A * I * N * I * N * G !!!|cheerleader_3_2]]//
</div>\<div class="standard" id="sports">\
<img src="images/locations/banner/dancitorium.png">\
<div class="name_block" id="sports">\
<img id="small_bradius" src="images/ui/dancitorium.svg">\
<<nobr>>Sometimes, on very sunny days and if the schedule permits, practice is outside. Usually, though, cheerleading practice is held indoors in one of those big,
dancy rooms with the mirrors. You don't know the name, but you've always called it the Dancitorium. What with all the dancing.<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>You see a group of cheerleaders in the middle of the room. A wall of sound that could fill a stadium surrounding them.
They're always loud, but you can't help but image your joining the team must've added some decibels.<</nobr>>
Well, no time like the present. [[Introduce yourself.|cheerleader_3_3]]
</div>\<div class="standard" id="sports">\
<img src="images/locations/banner/dancitorium.png">\
<div class="name_block" id="sports">\
<img id="small_bradius" src="images/ui/dancitorium.svg">\
As you walk up to the group, they start noticing you and a silence fills the room. All eyes on you, you introduce yourself:
<div id="choice1">\
<<link "Jokingly: break the ice.">><<replace "#choice1">><<timed 10ms t8n>>\
<<joe>>Alright, ok, I see what's going on here. I know what you're all thinking. And yes, it's true..<</joe>>
You wait moment for dramatic effect. Timing is everything.
<<joe>>.. I changed my hair. Let's go, opinions, don't hold back, ladies!<</joe>>
<<nobr>>Starting with some giggles, the room once again fills with the sounds of laughter and gossip. You even think you hear some of the girls
//actually// discussing your hair. Best get this over with.<</nobr>>
<<joe>>So.. some of you probably know I'll be joining the team, and I can imagine there's some questions. So let's do that, and then get on with it.<</joe>>
One of the girls immediately jumps at the chance to ask a question:
//[[Ooh, ooh!|cheerleader_3_4]]//
<<link "Shyly: say hi and see what happens.">><<replace "#choice1">><<timed 10ms t8n>>\
<<joe>>Um.. Hi.<</joe>>
As if they practiced it, the group responds as one:
<<say "Everyone">>//'Hiiii!!!'//<</say>>
Then, one of the girls steps forward and adresses both you and the rest of the group.
<<say "Cheerleader">>Alright, girls! You know $name here will be joining us and I'm sure we all have some questions. So let's get them out of the way so we can
start training!<</say>>
She winks at you, then points towards one of the girls raising a hand.
[[Yes, Stacey?|cheerleader_3_4]]
<<link "Enthusiastically: make a show of it.">><<replace "#choice1">><<timed 10ms t8n>>\
<<joe>>Hi Girls!!! Help me out? Give me a W, give me an E, give me an L, give me C, give me O, give me an M, give me E!<</joe>>
<<say "The Group">>..oooOOOOOHHHH WELCOME!!!!!!!<</say>>
Satisfied, first impressions being key and all that, you continue.
<<joe>>Thank you so much!! I'm //$name//, and as you may know, I'll be joining you!<</joe>>
You leave a small pause. Timing - also - being everything.
<<joe>>So. I'm sure you all have questions. Who wants to go first?<</joe>>
Without hesitation, one of the girls starts frantically waving her hand.
//[[Ooh, ooh!!|cheerleader_3_4]]//
</div>\<div class="standard" id="sports">\
<img src="images/locations/banner/dancitorium.png">\
<div class="name_block" id="sports">\
<img id="small_bradius" src="images/ui/dancitorium.svg">\
<<say "Stacey">>Hi! I'm Stacey! Do you have any cheerleading experience? Or dancing experience?<</say>>
You don't.
<div id="choice1"><<link "Joke: make a funny.">><<replace "#choice1">><<timed 10ms t8n>>\
<<nobr>><<joe>>Well, Stacey, if you're asking me whether I'm human or dancer,
I reckon I'm //mostly// human. But I love dancing, and I'm looking forward to learning from you all!<</joe>><</nobr>>
Not your best material, but enough of an answer to move on.
<<link "Be honest: tell the truth.">><<replace "#choice1">><<timed 10ms t8n>>\
<<nobr>><<joe>>No, I'm afraid not. I'm a quick learner, I love dancing and I've always been awed by your skills. So I hope
my lack of experience won't hold me - or you guys - back.<</joe>><</nobr>>
The truth works 99% of the time.
<<link "Lie: sure you have!">><<replace "#choice1">><<timed 10ms t8n>>\
<<nobr>><<joe>>Yes! I have, actually. I've got a couple of years of dancing experience under me, and for one experimental year during college,
I've been a cheerleader!<</joe>><</nobr>>
The looks you're getting suggest that wasn't very believable, but there's no way back now anyway.
</div>\<div class="standard" id="sports">\
<img src="images/locations/banner/dancitorium.png">\
<div class="name_block" id="sports">\
<img id="small_bradius" src="images/ui/dancitorium.svg">\
<<say "Deja">>Hii! I'm Deja! What do you want us to, er.. pronounce you? No, wait that can't be right..<</say>>
She looks puzzled for a moment, then tries again.
<<say "Deja">>Do you want.. him or her? For the<</say>>
<div id="choice1"><<link "You prefer //him//">><<replace "#choice1">><<timed 10ms t8n>>\
With the sweetest smile you can manage, you reply.
<<joe>>'Him', please, Deja. Thank you.<</joe>>
[[Last question?|cheerleader_3_6]]
<<link "You prefer //her//">><<replace "#choice1">><<timed 10ms t8n>>\
With the sweetest smile you can manage, you reply.
<<joe>>I'd prefer 'her' if that's okay. Thanks!<</joe>>
[[Last question?|cheerleader_3_6]]
<<link "You prefer //they//">><<replace "#choice1">><<timed 10ms t8n>>\
With the sweetest smile you can manage, you reply.
<<joe>>Actually, if you don't mind a third option, I think I'd be most comfortable with 'they'. Thanks!<</joe>>
[[Last question?|cheerleader_3_6]]
<<link "You don't prefer anything. Whatever is fine!">><<replace "#choice1">><<timed 10ms t8n>>\
With the sweetest smile you can manage, you reply.
<<joe>>Whatever you like, Deja! I don't mind either way. Thanks!<</joe>>
[[Last question?|cheerleader_3_6]]
</div>\<div class="standard" id="sports">\
<img src="images/locations/banner/dancitorium.png">\
<div class="name_block" id="sports">\
<img id="small_bradius" src="images/ui/dancitorium.svg">\
<<cheers>>Actually, I think that's plenty for now, ladies.<</cheers>>
[[From the other side of the room, a tall woman approaches the group.|cheerleader_3_6b]]
</div>\<div class="standard">\
<img @src="$char.cheers.splash">\
<<nobr>>The woman walking towards you is your new coach, //Coach Heather//. Some people call her 'Happy'. A joke, to be sure, as you've never actually
seen her in a better mood than 'slightly annoyed'. Then again, you don't really know her. All you know is everyone respects her. Well that,
and that she's got a killer body.<</nobr>>
<<linkappend "As she reaches the group, her eyes find yours." t8n>>
<<cheers>>Thank you, $name, for the introduction.<</cheers>>
Turning, she adresses the group.
<<cheers>>I suggest we return the favor and show our new team member what we're all about. Ladies?<</cheers>>
She claps her hands, and before you know it, the girls spread out throughout the room, getting into position.
//[['Stand back, please.'|cheerleader_3_7]]//<</linkappend>>
</div>\<div class="standard">\
<img src="images/sports/2/cheerios.webm">
<<nobr>>The spectacle that follows is a lot of things. It's fun and energetic, sexy. It's pretty damn long and, frankly, it's awesome.
In the literal meaning that it inspires awe. And, honestly, it also kind of inspires dread. You're good at.. everything, but
this is new.<</nobr>>
As your admiration and doubt grow and the performance comes to an end, [[it's time to shine.|cheerleader_3_8]]
</div><div class="standard">\
You give it everything. 100%, like you always do. But it seems the only 100% you manage is 100% of the falling down..
<<linkappend "In fact, your entire first training can be summed up in one moment..">>
<img id="image_click" src="images/sports/2/fail.gif">
<<nobr>>You don't like this. You're not used to this. You're awesome at everything you do, but this is hard, and not in a fun way.
After what feels like forever, training comes to an end, and you find yourself lying on the floor. [[Defeated.|cheerleader_3_9]]<</nobr>>
</div>\<div class="standard">\
<img src="images/sports/2/tired2.gif">
Lying on the floor, your mind wanders into a somber cloud of regret and self-pity. After a little while, a sweet, soft voice brings you back.
<<linkreplace "$name?" t8n>>\
A cheerful face enters your view. One of the cheerleaders. She smiles.
<<mindy>>$name, are you alright? Get up, silly!<</mindy>>
[[Well? Get up!|cheerleader_3_10]]<</linkreplace>>\
</div>\<div class="standard">\
<img @src="$char.mindy.splash">\
You recognize the young woman as $ Like all the other cheerleaders, she's very attractive. But unlike most she has a soft and gentle quality to her.
Sweet, maybe. <<linkappend "She reminds you-" t8n>>
<<mindy>>//Yoohoo!!// You keep zoning out! Are you alright? Shall I get you some water?<</mindy>>
<div id="choice1">You try to be..
<<link "Funny: laugh it off.">><<replace "#choice1">><<timed 10ms t8n>>\
<<joe>>Water? Oh, no, that wouldn't do, $, I'm allergic to water. I only drink the blood of my enemies!<</joe>>
<<mindy>>You what?<</mindy>>
<<joe>>Sorry, I'm a bit woozy. You guys go hard! This was quite the training, 'eh?<</joe>>
[[She laughs.|cheerleader_3_11]]
<<link "Cool: you're fine!">><<replace "#choice1">><<timed 10ms t8n>>\
<<joe>>Haha, sorry, I was lost in thought! I'm fine, don't worry. I can handle anything, really, this was nothing. All good.<</joe>>
You can't decide wether the looks she gives you comes from pity or concern, but you figure you overdid it on the 'cool' there..
<<mindy>>It's okay! I think you did really well for your first time! Look..<</mindy>>
[[She continues..|cheerleader_3_11]]
<<link "Fragile: you're weak.">><<replace "#choice1">><<timed 10ms t8n>>\
<<joe>>I'm sorry, I'm just.. overwhelmed. I always knew you guys were rockstars, but that just straight up broke me! I dunno I'm just.. sucks, you know?<</joe>>
She gives you another warm smile. Then, with the enthusiasm of an older sister comforting a sibling:
<<mindy>>Noooo, you did great! Really! Look..<</mindy>>
[[She continues..|cheerleader_3_11]]
</div><div class="standard">\
<<mindy>>It may be hard for now, but that's ok! You didn't expect to just.. be the best right away? Right?<</mindy>>
Maybe you did, and maybe that's why this is so painful. But you're not about to admit that to $ here.
<<mindy>>No! So we'll work on it. Together. I'll be your.. mentor. Or buddy, whatever you want. How does that sound?<</mindy>>
<div id="choice1">\
<<link "Grateful: Sounds great, thank you.">><<replace "#choice1">><<timed 10ms t8n>>\
<<joe>>I.. thanks, $ I would really like that.<</joe>>
You give her a big smile.
<<mindy>>Great! Meet me here an hour early next week?<</mindy>>
With a cheerful //'Okay, byyyyeeeee'// she runs off.
[[Time to shower and head home.|home]]
<<link "Puzzled: why is she so nice?">><<replace "#choice1">><<timed 10ms t8n>>\
<<joe>>I mean, that sounds.. great? Why are you being so nice to me? You don't even know me?<</joe>>
<<mindy>>Why not? I want you to feel welcome. Come on, what do you say? Meet me an hour early next week?<</mindy>>
You don't have a reason to turn her down.
She gives you her biggest smile yet, and with a cheerful //'Okay, byyyyeeeee'// she runs off.
[[Time to shower and head home.|home]]
<<link "Cocky: you don't need her help.">><<replace "#choice1">><<timed 10ms t8n>>\
<<joe>>Oh, no, that's ok. I'll be fine, I don't need your help, thanks.<</joe>>
You figured she'd be offended, disappointed maybe. Instead, she starts laughing cheerfully.
<<nobr>><<mindy>>If you want people to believe you're a woman you're going to have to work on that ego!
Anyway, meet me here an hour early next week, ok?<</mindy>><</nobr>>
Before you can get a reply in, she smiles, kisses you on the cheek and runs off.
Well, guess you have a mentor now. [[Time to shower and head home.|home]]
</div><div class="standard" id="sports">\
<img src="images/locations/banner/thefield.png">\
<div class="name_block" id="sports">\
<img id="small_bradius" src="images/ui/thefield.svg">\
<<if $body is 1>>\
<div id="choice1"><<nobr>>Training goes great. In fact, you feel better then ever. Maybe you're feeling more confident because you've rid yourself of this.. mandatory
manliness and never ending competition to be the alpha.<</nobr>>
Maybe the lack of hair on your arms and legs reduce drag, making you faster and increasing your confidence.
Maybe it's the extra attention your butt is getting. Maybe it's none of that, thing is:
<<link "You feel great.">><<replace "#choice1">><<timed 10ms t8n>>\
<img id="image_click" src="images/sports/2/faster.gif">
<<link "You're faster">><<replace "#choice1">>\
<img id="image_click" src="images/sports/2/stronger.gif">
<<link "Stronger">><<replace "#choice1">>\
<img id="image_click" style="width:10em" src="images/sports/2/kissies.gif">
And feel like a winner. After training, [[Coach asks you to hang around for a moment|sports_men_3_2a]]
<<if $body is 2 or $body is 4>>\
<div id="choice1">Training is rough. The doc warned you about your physical strength when choosing hormones, and you're feeling it.
You give it everything you've got. You want this, and you're a goddamn winner. Afterwards, you find yourself <<link "lying on the floor, completely ouf of breath.">>
<<replace "#choice1">><<timed 10ms t8n>>\
<img src="images/sports/2/tired.gif">
As you're working up the strength to get up and head for the lockerroom, you hear Coach: <<link "$name?" "sports_men_3_2b">><</link>>
<<if $body is 3>>\
<div id="choice1">Training is fine. Your enormous breasts still take some getting used to, but overall, you're fine. //You// are fine.
Everywhere you look, however, your teammates have <<link "the same, empty look on their face.">>
<<replace "#choice1">><<timed 10ms t8n>>\
<img src="images/sports/2/distracted.gif">
It's awkward, but you're not sure what to do about it. After training, [[Coach asks you to stick around.|sports_men_3_2c]]
<<include "sports_update">>\
<<set $ to "Text update nog ff wat op verzinnen he Wiegertje?">>\<div class="standard" id="sports">\
<img src="images/locations/banner/thefield.png">\
<div class="name_block" id="sports">\
<img id="small_bradius" src="images/ui/thefield.svg">\
<<coach>>$name! My god, you're on fire! Whatever this contest is doing to you, it's working.<</coach>>
<div id="choice1">
<<link "Humble: Much to improve still, coach">><<replace "#choice1">><<timed 10ms t8n>>\
<<joe>>Thanks coach, I appreciate it. But there's a long road ahead, much to work on.<</joe>>
<<coach>>Good, good. That's sort of what I wanted to talk to you about, actually. The road, and the work, and all that.<</coach>>
<<include "sports_men_3_2a2">>
<<link "Suck up: No //you're// on fire!">><<replace "#choice1">><<timed 10ms t8n>>\
<<joe>>Me? Coach, if you're looking for someone to praise, find a mirror! Training has been the best, and you see that reflected on me.<</joe>>
<<coach>>Sucking up, hm? Come on, $name, how long have you known me? Anyway, I need you to do something for me.<</coach>>
<<include "sports_men_3_2a2">>
<<link "Funny: Joke around">><<replace "#choice1">><<timed 10ms t8n>>\
<<joe>>ON FIRE?!? AAAAH PUT ME OUT, COACH, PUT ME OUT!!!<</joe>>
<<joe>>Come on, Coach, what if I had really been on fire?! But no thanks though yeah I feel good!<</joe>>
<<coach>>Hmhm. Anyway, I need you to do something for me.<</coach>>
<<include "sports_men_3_2a2">>
</div>\<<joe>>What's up?<</joe>>
<<coach>>With our first match coming up, I need everyone to be at least at 75%. And for the most part, we're there. There's one straggler, though. Cody.<</coach>>
You'd noticed that. Cody had definitely not been his usual self these two weeks.
<<coach>><<nobr>>He seems distracted. By you, actually. I don't know if there's anything there, but I figure with you being our best player and the distraction,
you're probably the best person to fix it. OK?<</nobr>><</coach>>
OK? Was coach for //'I have instructed you and you shall do it now without asking questions'//
[[To the locker room.|sports_men_3_3a]]<div class="standard" id="sports">\
<img src="images/locations/banner/thefield.png">\
<div class="name_block" id="sports">\
<img id="small_bradius" src="images/ui/thefield.svg">\
<<coach>><<nobr>>Look, $name, we talked about this, yes? I'm fine with whatever you do, as long as you pull your own weight.
And frankly if you were a bit worse than usual, that'd be fine too. But this.. this isn't gonna cut it.<</nobr>><</coach>>
<div id="choice1">
<<link "Apologetic: You're sorry about this..">><<replace "#choice1">><<timed 10ms t8n>>\
<<joe>>I'm sorry, Coach. I didn't expect this level of setback. I've disappointed you and the team, and I apologize.<</joe>>
<<coach>>Relax, $name, it's not life or death. We just need to find a solution, yes? Listen..<</coach>>
<<include "sports_men_3_2b2">>
<<link "Motivated: You'll get better">><<replace "#choice1">><<timed 10ms t8n>>\
<<joe>>Coach, before you say anything: I know I'm not where we want me to be, but I guarantee you I will get there. Keep me on and you won't regret it.<</joe>>
<<coach>><<nobr>>Haha, always the fighter, huh? Good. Look, I have no doubt in your capabilities, and such a huge change to your body in so little time is obviously
gonna cost you short-term, thats fine. But that does mean we need to find a short-term solution. Listen.. <</nobr>><</coach>>
<<include "sports_men_3_2b2">>
<<link "Funny: Joke around">><<replace "#choice1">><<timed 10ms t8n>>\
<<joe>><<nobr>>Wait, what? Oh, wait, is this because I'm on the ground? Oh, Coach, this is all a misunderstanding! See Lisa told me about stargazing and how it has this
relaxing or something? So I thought I'd try! I just don't really know when it starts so I figured I'd start now, make sure I don't miss any of the ole gazing.<</nobr>><</joe>>
Coach, to your surprise, smiles.
<<coach>>It's alright, sport. This was to be expected, right? But we have a match next week, and I want to make the most of your qualities. So listen.. <</coach>>
<<include "sports_men_3_2b2">>
</div>\<<linkreplace "You sit upright and listen to Coach." t8n>>\
<<coach>>You've always been my number one Pinchwhacker, yes?<</coach>>
Pinchwhacker was one of the main roles in your sport. It was a role that required strength, power, intelligence, flexibility.. everything. And it was indeed yours.
<<coach>><<nobr>>And you're great at that role. But for now, I'm gonna need you to swap positions with Cody. He's been really stepping up his game, and I think his position is suited
way more for your current.. physical power. OK?<</nobr>><</coach>>
<<if $body is 2>>\
Cody plays Wingbreaker. An important role that required a lot of strategic insight. It's a smart move. Swapping sounds like the right thing to do.
<<joe>>Sounds good, Coach. Thanks.<</joe>>
[[To the locker room.|sports_men_3_3b]]
<<elseif $body is 4>>\
<<nobr>>Cody plays Wingbreaker, and you figure swapping makes sense. Some sense. You can think of another solution, though. Ever since you look like, well, this,
everyones attention was on you //all the time//. What if you could use that to your advantage? Lead the team, distract the enemy? Both could work..<</nobr>>
<div id="choice2">
<<link "Sounds good, coach. Cody and me will swap." "sports_men_3_3b">><</link>>
<<link "Ask coach to give you a shot for just this match.">><<replace "#choice2">><<timed 10ms t8n>>
<<joe>><<nobr>>Coach, I hear you, but I really think I can do this. This new me might have downsides, I'm convinced it also has it's upsides.
Let me keep my spot this one match to convince you. I promise I won't let you down.<</nobr>><</joe>>
Seemingly surprised by your initiative, Coach takes a moment to think.
[[Great! To the locker room.|sports_men_3_3c]]
<</linkreplace>><div class="standard" id="sports">\
<img src="images/locations/banner/thefield.png">\
<div class="name_block" id="sports">\
<img id="small_bradius" src="images/ui/thefield.svg">\
<<coach>>Well, well. I guess this is a problem that's pretty exclusive to playing on the men's team, huh $name?<</coach>>
<div id="choice1">
<<link "Angry: What the hell is wrong with these guys?">><<replace "#choice1">><<timed 10ms t8n>>\
<<joe>>I mean what the hell?! Just because I look different, suddenly everyone feels they can just touch me and gawk at me?!<</joe>>
<<coach>><<nobr>>Aye, can't be easy being a woman. Look, I can give the guys a stern talking to regarding the touching, that's not OK.
But everyone being distracted, well.. I don't think it's voluntary. Nor do I think they'll be over it by next week, and I want to kick the
season off with a good result.<</nobr>><</coach>>
<<include "sports_men_3_2c2">>
<<link "Apologetic: You're sorry you're distracting everyone">><<replace "#choice1">><<timed 10ms t8n>>\
<<joe>>I'm sorry. You know I want nothing more than to win and I hate it when the Contest screws things up. I don't know what to do.<</joe>>
<<coach>>Yeah, I hear that. I don't have any experience suddenly turning into a big breasted woman either.<</coach>>
<<include "sports_men_3_2c2">>
<<link "Funny: Joke around">><<replace "#choice1">><<timed 10ms t8n>>\
<<joe>>I beg to differ, sir! I bet you with these bazookas I could distract any gender! Not to mention, my massive pe-<</joe>>
Before you can finish that sentence, Coach interrupts you.
<<coach>>Yes, alright, OK. Point is: they're distracting, yes?<</coach>>
<<include "sports_men_3_2c2">>
</div>\<<linkappend "He takes a deep breath." t8n>>
<<coach>><<nobr>>Look, I know you didn't ask for this, but if there's any way at all you can try and..
be less distracting? Or maybe use it to your advantage?<</nobr>><</coach>>
<<joe>>What do you mean?<</joe>>
<<coach>>I don't know. Nothing weird, of course. Just.. if these guys are all distracted, our opponents might as well?<</coach>>
<<coach>>Or, I don't know, maybe try motivate the guys? Just.. think about it sport, OK?<</coach>>
It's clear Coach isn't comfortable with this. Frankly, neither are you. But he is right, you //are// a distraction. Food for thought.
<<joe>>Yeah. OK.<</joe>>
[[To the locker room.|sports_men_3_3c]]<</linkappend>><div class="standard" id="sports">\
<img src="images/sports/2/hair.gif">
You take a shower and go about getting dressed. As you're doing your hair, you hear someone behind you sitting down.
<<linkreplace "Cody?" t8n>>\
<<joe>>Cody? That you?<</joe>>
<<cody>>Oh, hey, $name. What er.. yeah. No. Yeah. I mean hi.<</cody>>
He's always been a bit awkward around you, but for sure even more these last two weeks. You turn around.
<<joe>>Listen, Coach asked me to see if maybe I could help you with your game a bit. What do you think?<</joe>>
Cody is looking at you, but nothing seems to be going through. From the corner of your eye, <<linkreplace "you see something moving.">>
<img id="image_click" src="images/sports/2/growing.gif">
<</linkreplace>>Apparently, he got out of the shower, sat down and.. started staring at you.
<<link "Yo, Cody?!" "sports_men_3_4a">><</link>><</linkreplace>>\
</div>\<div class="standard" id="sports">\
<img src="images/locations/banner/lockerroom.png">\
<div class="name_block" id="sports">\
<img id="small_bradius" src="images/ui/lockerroom.svg">\
As you're getting ready to hit the shower, Cody approaches you.
<<cody>>Hey $name! Coach said you wanted to talk to me. What's up?<</cody>>
<<joe>>Hey Cody! Well.. we decided it's best if you and I swap position for next week. You know, until I've gotten used to the hormones. Probably only the one match.<</joe>>
<<cody>>Oh. That sounds like a lot of work if we're just going to swap back again..<</cody>>
<div id="choice1">\
<<link "Flirty: I'd be //super// grateful.">><<replace "#choice1">><<timed 10ms t8n>>\
<<joe>>I know, it's a lot to ask, and I'd be so, so grateful. Maybe I could make it worth your while..?<</joe>>
Cody blushes. You always suspected he liked, but now, with this body.. there's no question.
<<cody>>Yeah? Like how?<</cody>>
<<joe>>I'd give you a taste.. but I'd have to know you'll promise to help me?<</joe>>
<<cody>>Yeah alright, I promise!<</cody>>
[[Without thinking, you flash him.|sports_3_5b]]
<<link "Dominant: He'll do it and //he'll// be grateful.">><<replace "#choice1">><<timed 10ms t8n>>\
<<joe>>Here's what we'll do: you're going to help me, and //maybe//, if you're a really good boy..<</joe>>
You know Cody fancies you. You see no reason not to abuse that a little..
<<joe>>I'll allow you to make it up to me. Deal?<</joe>>
Cody looks slightly confused and starts protesting.
<<cody>>Wait, what do you mean //I// make it up to //you//? I don't know if I'm on board with this..<</cody>>
Cody, finding you after his shower, must have forgotten [[how very naked he is.|sports_3_5b2]]
<<link "Non-sexual: You help me, I help you">><<replace "#choice1">><<timed 10ms t8n>>\
<<joe>>Hey, come on, it'll be fun! Who knows, maybe you'll impress Coach. It's a fair tradeoff, right? I help you, you help me.<</joe>>
<<cody>>Yeah, alright, I guess. Ok, fine. So.. meet up an hour early next week before the match?<</cody>>
<<joe>>Hour and a half. See you then, thanks Cody!<</joe>>
[[And with that, you go home|home]]
</div><div class="standard">\
<<if $body is 2>><img src="images/sports/2/flashsmall.webp">
<<elseif $body is 4>><img src="images/sports/2/flashbig.webp"><</if>>
<<nobr>>As you flash him, a heat courses through your body. You don't know why exactly, but this is fucking hot, and you're suddenly very, very horny.
Desperately trying to hide your arousal, you try and end this quickly so you can get out of here.<</nobr>>
<<joe>>Ahum, so. Next week, hour and a half early? Thanks Cody, see you!<</joe>>
Before Cody has any chance to react, [[you dart for the exit.|home]]
</div>\<div class="standard">\
<img src="images/sports/2/growing2.gif">
Clearly, the idea of being bossed around gets Cody quiiiite aroused.
<<joe>>You know, Cody, I hear you saying that, but then I look and I feel like maybe your body is saying something else?<</joe>>
Eyeing his crotch, Cody realizes what's up, a full blown panic flashing across his face.
<<joe>>So, I'll make this simple: we're both here an hour and a half early next week, we help eachother with our position, and afterwards
we'll see how you did. Yes? Good boy.<</joe>>
[[Making sure he can't get an answer in, you leave.|home]]
</div>\<div class="standard" id="sports">\
<img src="images/locations/banner/lockerroom.png">\
<div class="name_block" id="sports">\
<img id="small_bradius" src="images/ui/lockerroom.svg">\
Back in the locker room, you undress to get ready to shower.
<<linkappend "As you remove your top..">>
<img id="image_click" src="images/sports/2/flash.webp">
You see the problem in action, <<linkappend "clear as day.">>
<img id="image_click" src="images/sports/2/boners.gif">
You can't help but laugh at how ridiculous the situation is.
[[After your shower, you head home.|home]]<</linkappend>><</linkappend>>
</div>\<div class="standard" id="sports">\
<<cody>>Yo! Sorry.<</cody>>
He snaps out of and quickly hides his happy friend. He blushes.
<<cody>>Sorry, I was just daydreaming a bit, I, er.. didn't sleep well. Yes, that's it. Sleep.<</cody>>
<div id="choice1">Respond:
<<link "Flirty: welcome the attention">><<replace "#choice1">><<timed 10ms t8n>>\
<<joe>>It's ok, Cody. I'm giving you a front row view of the good stuff, can't complain when someone looks, right?<</joe>>
<<joe>><<nobr>>So, Coach asked me to see if maybe I could get you focused. How about You take one more good look,
get it out of your system, and we're both back here next week. Focused. Deal?<</nobr>><</joe>>
[["Before he can answer, you turn around and slap your butt."|sports_men_3_5a]]
<<link "Bossy: try and control him">><<replace "#choice1">><<timed 10ms t8n>>\
<<joe>>Hmhm. Not cool, Cody. Did I tell you you could look at me like that?<</joe>>
<<cody>>I.. what? No?<</cody>>
<<joe>>No. And I certainly didn't tell you you could get a boner, did I?<</joe>>
A flash of panic shoots across Cody's face. You got him where you want him.
<<joe>><<nobr>>There'll be none of that unless I allow it. Clear? And focus up, we've got sports to win. Promise me you'll be back here next week,
you'll be a good boy, and you'll be focused.<</nobr>><</joe>>
He looks at you for a moment and realises you're not screwing around.
<<cody>>I'll be a good boy and I'll be focused?<</cody>>
<<joe>>Good. Goodbye, Cody.<</joe>>
<<link "You walk away." "sports_men_3_5b">><</link>>\
<<link "Annoyed: you don't like this">><<replace "#choice1">><<timed 10ms t8n>>\
<<joe>>Ugh, look, Cody, whatever it is you've got going on here, figure it out, yeah? We need you focused. And I'm not into you. Get that?<</joe>>
<<cody>>What? No, it's, cause I slept or not sleep and whe-<</cody>>
You can't be bothered by this and interrupt him.
<<joe>>Cody, NO, ok? Get your act together. See you next week.<</joe>>
[[Go home.|home]]
</div>\<div class="standard">\
<img src="images/sports/2/slap.webp">
Cody, now a blushing mess, manages a number of strange sounds before getting stuck in a loop repeating the words "yeah", "ok" and "because".
[[It's best you leave.|home]]
</div>\<div class="standard">\
<img src="images/sports/2/walk.webp">
Trying your best to look sexy, you focus on your butt. //Left, right, left, right.//
[[.. and go home.|home]]
</div>\<<set $story.uni.available to "no">>\
<<set $credits to $credits - 1>>\
<<set $story.uni.current_stage += 1>>\<<set $location to "campus">>\
<div class="standard" id="uni">\
<img src="images/locations/banner/campus.png">\
<div class="name_block" id="uni">\
<img id="small_bradius" src="images/ui/campus.svg">\
Alright, music time! We'll do another quick tour. I don't think anyone's here today.
<<nobr>>This here is where we practice. It's an old garage we've been using for.. forever?
We named it "The Beat Bunker" when we were teens, but on account of growing up we dropped the "beat" part.
Bunker stuck, though, so that's where we are! The bunker.<</nobr>>
Anyway, this is where we practice with the band weekly, but it's available for anyone that wants to practice music.
[[Hey look there's that pretty lady!|uni_1_2]]<div class="standard">\
<img @src="$char.lips.splash">\
<h3>Professor Lipstick</h3>\
<<nobr>>This is Sammy the Soundguy. Owner of the Forge, metalhead and overall cool guy. He's got some craaazy stories that I can only
assume are 100% true. A lot of them from when he was a roadie for the Death Turbo Metal band "DIE ALREADY", but then to contrast that,
there's a whole bunch of stories about his time as a missionairy. Wild, right?<</nobr>>
[[Let's say hi!|uni_1_3]]
</div>\<div class="standard">\
<<joe>>How's it hanging?<</joe>>
<<lips>>The big A, my guy. Awesome. Hey listen, I'm looking for someone to test this new set of gear I just got.<</lips>>
<div id="choice1">\
<<link "You couldn't care less">>
<<replace "#choice1">>\
<<timed 10ms t8n>>\
<<joe>>Cool story bro. I gotta run, though. See you this weekend?<</joe>>
<<lips>>Right, yeah, at the contest announcement thingy? You guys are performing, right?<</lips>>
<<lips>>Cool, yeah I'll be there for sure. Later man!<</lips>>
<<link "You're genuinely interested">>
<<replace "#choice1">>\
<<timed 10ms t8n>>\
<<joe>>Ooh, new gear? What you got?<</joe>>
<<nobr>><<lips>>Haha, knew you'd be interested. It's like a portable recording studio I put together.
You can set it up anywhere and use it to record, livestream, stuff like that.<</lips>><</nobr>>
<<joe>>Sweet! So what kind of help are you looking for?<</joe>>
<<lips>>Oh, you know, like a solo artist maybe? Or one of those hip Social Media performers?<</lips>>
<<joe>>I see. Alright, I'll keep my ears to the ground, mate.<</joe>>
<<lips>>Thanks! Oh, hey, you guys are playing at that contest party this weekend, right?<</lips>>
<<joe>>Yeah, playing first and then we've got the theme announcement after.<</joe>>
<<lips>>Awesome. See you then!<</lips>>
[[See you!|uni_1_4]]
<<link "You don't really care, but let's humor him">>\
<<replace "#choice1">>\
<<timed 10ms t8n>>\
<<joe>>What're you looking for?<</joe>>
<<lips>>Oh, you know, someone to help test it out. A solo artist or performer, you know any?<</lips>>
<<joe>>None come to mind, but if I think of any I'll let know. Listen, I've gotta run, but see you this weekend?<</joe>>
<<lips>>Thanks! Yeah at the contest announcement thingy? You guys are performing, right?<</lips>>
<<lips>>Cool, yeah I'll be there for sure. Later man!<</lips>>
</div>\<<set $location to "unioffice">>\
<div class="standard" id="uni">\
<img src="images/locations/banner/unioffice.png">\
<div class="name_block" id="uni">\
<img id="small_bradius" src="images/ui/unioffice.svg">\
<<nobr>>This is the your University office. Here we prep classes, grade work, answer emails.. stuff like that.
In fact, [[let's check if maybe we've got some mail waiting for us|uni_1_5]]<</nobr>><div class="standard" id="uni">\
<img src="images/locations/banner/unioffice.png">\
<div class="name_block" id="uni">\
<img id="small_bradius" src="images/ui/unioffice.svg">\
<img class="mail" @src="$mail">
<div id="choice1">\
Ah, one mail. Let's answer it!
<div class="mail_options">\
Answer number one! Ladiedadida. Idiot.
- $name
<<link "Send">>\
<<replace "#choice1">>
<<timed 10ms t8n>>
Sent! Good. [[Let's go back home.|home]]
<div class="mail_options">\
Answer number two! Ladiedadida. Idiot.
- $name
<<link "Send">>\
<<replace "#choice1">>
<<timed 10ms t8n>>
Sent! Good. [[Let's go back home.|home]]
<</link>> \
<div class="mail_options">\
Answer number three! Ladiedadida. Idiot.
- $name
<<link "Send">>\
<<replace "#choice1">>
<<timed t8n>>
Sent! Good. [[Let's go back home.|home]]
<</link>> \
<<include "uni_update">>\
<<set $ to "Text update nog ff wat op verzinnen he Wiegertje?">>\
<<set $ to "yes">>\<div class="standard">\
<<set $location to "loc_uni">>\
Second uni Thing
<<include "uni_update">>\
<<set $ to "Text update nog ff wat op verzinnen he Wiegertje?">>\<div class="standard">\
<<set $location to "loc_uni">>\
Third Sporty Thing
<<include "uni_update">>\
<<set $ to "Text update nog ff wat op verzinnen he Wiegertje?">>\<div class="standard">\
<<set $location to "loc_uni">>\
Final (for now) Sporty Thing
<<include "uni_update">>\
<<set $ to "Text update nog ff wat op verzinnen he Wiegertje?">>\<div class="standard">\
Project Bratime!
[[Continue to Home|home]]
<<set $work_text to "Time to Jail your Boobs, Clamp your Cans and Muzzle them Mammary's, cause we're showing these old fashioned men around town!" >>
<<set $worklock_text to "I know it's hard, but we really have to wait a week before we can continue the Bra Saga.." >>
<<set $work_available to 0>>
<<set $credits to $credits - 1>>
<<set $work to 101>>
<</nobr>><<set $location to "loc_work">>\
<div class="standard">\
Project Bratime pt 2: Time to show your client a good time!
[[Good job, let's go home..|home]]
<<set $work_text to "Ha, those boobjobs were a bunch of nutcases! Anyway, time to get back to the ole grind and choose a new client!">>
<<set $worklock_text to "Wow, you have no words for that day. Or maybe just one: boobs! You need some rest before you get back to work, silly..">>
<<set $work_available to 0>>
<<set $credits to $credits - 1>>
<<set $work to 3>>
<<set $project1_title to $project_next_title>>
<<set $project1_body to $project_next_body>>
<<set $project1_image to $project_next_image>>
<<set $project1_passage to $project_next_passage>>
<</nobr>><div class="standard">\
Mad Corpo, y'all..
[[Continue to Home|home]]
<<set $work_text to "Put on your business socks, your business skirt and business face, cause this week: it's business." >>
<<set $worklock_text to "We're doing this one by the business book: weekend first, then back to 9 to 5 next week. Business stylez." >>
<<set $work_available to 0>>
<<set $credits to $credits - 1>>
<<set $work to 301>>
<</nobr>><<set $location to "loc_work">>\
<div class="standard">\
Project Bratime pt 2: Time to show your client a good time!
[[Good job, let's go home..|home]]
<<set $work_text to "Business time is over. There is no more time for business. It's on to the next client! That's how we do it in the business..">>
<<set $worklock_text to "Cheese and Rice! You didn't expect those stuck up business clowns to be like that! You need a rest..">>
<<set $work_available to 0>>
<<set $credits to $credits - 1>>
<<set $work to 3>>
<<set $project3 to $project_available>>
<</nobr>><div class="standard" id="work">\
<div id="choice1">\
<img class="story_image" id="work" src="images/work/clients/headshot.png">
<<nobr>>The guy you're meeting with for Lazer Gaming is originally called HeadShotGuy, as that's his video channel handle.
He's made tons of money with his company Lazer Gaming - a company that sells cheap made peripherals like mouses and keyboards
with some vague promise of it also affecting your physique.<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>From a quick look online, you discover nobody really likes him. The fitness community knows he's taking advantage
with false promises and most of the gaming community hates fitness to begin with. But the few that don't - and that's still
a huge market - provide this influencer with a huge income.<</nobr>>
[[You greet him.|1 lazer_2]]
</div><<set $status to {
activity: "work",
location: "work",
title: {
activity: "Workin'",
location: "The Office"
<<include "workpc">><div class="standard" id="work">\
<<joe>><<nobr>>Hi there! You must be Head$hot. Is that OK, or would you prefer I call you something else?
<<headshot_o>><<nobr>>How about you fucking call me Larry, huh?
<<linkappend "Off to a great start.." t8n>>
<<joe>><<nobr>>Larry, of course! My name is $name, I'll be your personal contact here at Consult9.
I'm so thrilled to be working with you, Larry. I love Lazer Gaming.<</nobr>><</joe>>
<<headshot_o>><<nobr>>Yeah? You use our shit? You do look fit.. take off your shirt, show me what you're working with.<</nobr>><</headshot_o>>
<<nobr>>After a question like that, your main thoughts are: great, he's a fucking pig.
A tiny bit of you, though, gets a tiny bit excited. When women have asked you to take your shirt off in the past,
you've loved it. [[Anyway, no taking your shirt off today.|1 lazer_3]]
</div>\<div class="standard" id="work">\
<<joe>><<nobr>>Haha, sorry the shirts stays on for now, Larry. But yeah, I love your products.<</nobr>><</joe>>
<<headshot_o>><<nobr>>Well, you'd better. I pay you enough to like them. Anyway, what's this meeting about?
I'm a busy and successful man, you know.<</nobr>><</headshot_o>>
Your inner voice is blowing a long, drawn out raspberry. <<linkappend "Your outer voice cheerfully responds to Larry." t8n>>
<<joe>><<nobr>>Well, as we'll be seeing a lot of each other, I thought we'd meet. And if you have time,
I would like to ask you a couple of questions, get to know you a bit better. Would that be OK?<</nobr>><</joe>>
He sighs and looks at his watch - or whatever gadget he's wearing around his wrist.
<<headshot_o>><<nobr>>Yeah, yeah, ask your silly questions.<</nobr>><</headshot_o>>
<<link "Ask him why he hired your firm." "lazer_4_why">><</link>>
<<link "Ask him about his business." "lazer_4_business">><</link>>
<<link "Ask him about him." "lazer_4_larry">><</link>>
<<link "No questions, show some interest and end the call." "lazer_4_noquestions">><</link>>\
</div>\<div class="standard" id="work">\
<<set $lazer_why to 1>>\
<<joe>><<nobr>>Why did you hire Consult9? What would be the perfect result of our cooperation?<</nobr>><</joe>>
<<headshot_o>><<nobr>>Pff. I explained all this before, you know.<</nobr>><</headshot_o>>
<<joe>><<nobr>>I understand, Larry. It's just for me - the more I know, the better
I can assist you during our time together, that's all.<</nobr>><</joe>>
Another sigh from Larry. God, what a fucking jackass. <<linkappend "He continues." t8n>>
<<headshot_o>><<nobr>>Alright, well, as you know I'm fucking succesful, yeah? And because of that, people get jealous.
They hate me and Lazer and they make all these fake accusations and articles that paint me in a negative light and shit.
And you're gonna help me with that. Make 'm see the real fucking me. That enough information for ya?!<</nobr>><</headshot_o>>
Ah, yes, the real Larry. Let's have the world see him! More questions?
<<if $lazer_why isnot 1>><<link "Ask him why he hired your firm." "lazer_4_why">><</link>><br><</if>>\
<<if $lazer_business isnot 1>><<link "Ask him about his business." "lazer_4_business">><</link>><br><</if>>\
<<if $lazer_larry isnot 1>><<link "Ask him about him." "lazer_4_larry">><</link>><br><</if>>\
<<link "Nah, you're done with this joker." "1 lazer_5">><</link>><</linkappend>>\
</div>\<div class="standard" id="work">\
<<set $lazer_business to 1>>\
<<joe>><<nobr>>You put a lot of love and hard work into Lazer, making it so successful.
It must have a special place in your heart, right?<</nobr>><</joe>>
<<linkappend "Larry shoots up with enthusiasm." t8n>>
<<headshot_o>><<nobr>>Fuck yeah! Yeah I work hard. I earned all this succes, you know? When you look like me,
some people think like 'ah he doesn't work hard', you know, but FUCK those people. I put my brain and my body to the
limit for this shit, you know? Lazer is gonna be the number one brand. Cause of fucking me. Larry.<</nobr>><</headshot_o>>
<<nobr>>Inside, you chuckle at that last clarification. In any case, you hit the right button with that question,
as Larry goes on about how hard he works and how great he is for another 10 minutes. Finally, he asks if you have any more questions.<</nobr>>
<<if $lazer_why isnot 1>><<link "Ask him why he hired your firm." "lazer_4_why">><</link>><br><</if>>\
<<if $lazer_business isnot 1>><<link "Ask him about his business." "lazer_4_business">><</link>><br><</if>>\
<<if $lazer_larry isnot 1>><<link "Ask him about him." "lazer_4_larry">><</link>><br><</if>>\
<<link "You don't think you can handle more Larry after all that." "1 lazer_5">><</link>>\
</div>\<div class="standard" id="work">\
<<set $lazer_larry to 1>>\
<<joe>><<nobr>>Everybody knows HeadShot and Lazer gaming. But I want to know about you! Tell me a little about Larry.<</nobr>><</joe>>
<<headshot_o>><<nobr>>I knew it! You want me. I get that a lot, you know. I'm a big guy, fucking hot, right. That's me, Larry. I'm a fuckboy, you know, in like the good way.
And you can see how big I am, right, but I'm also big down there. Here, let me show you.<</nobr>><</headshot_o>>
In the corner of the screen, [[you see a chat notification.|lazer_4_larry2]]
</div><div class="standard" id="work">\
<img class="story_image" id="image_click" src="images/work/lazer/dp1.png">
<<nobr>>Well, there it is. You'd heard people send dick pics within moments of knowing someone, you just never witnessed it before.
To your surprise, you find yourself thinking //It looks, good though//, before <</nobr>><<linkappend "Larry continues." t8n>>
<<headshot_o>><<nobr>>And don't worry, I'm sure you'll get to see it for real sooner or later, haha. Cause I'm a fucking fuckboy! Fuck yeah.<</nobr>><</headshot_o>>
Wow. Well. Any more questions?
<<if $lazer_why isnot 1>><<link "Ask him why he hired your firm." "lazer_4_why">><</link>><br><</if>>\
<<if $lazer_business isnot 1>><<link "Ask him about his business." "lazer_4_business">><</link>><br><</if>>\
<<if $lazer_larry isnot 1>><<link "Ask him about him." "lazer_4_larry">><</link>><br><</if>>\
<<link "You've seen enough of Larry for one day. More than enough." "1 lazer_5">><</link>><</linkappend>>\
</div>\<div class="standard" id="work">\
<<joe>><<nobr>>That's quite alright, Larry, I can appreciate your time is valuable. I won't keep you. The new Lazer Powerknob 5000 joystick
set just arrived in the office, I think I'll go have some fun with that.<</nobr>><</joe>>
<<headshot_o>><<nobr>>Haha yeah I bet you will. You know if you like joysticks, I've got a great one in my personal collection.
Here, let me show you.<</nobr>><</headshot_o>>
In the corner of the screen, [[you see a chat notification.|lazer_4_noquestions2]]
</div><div class="standard" id="work">\
<img class="story_image" id="image_click" src="images/work/lazer/dp1.png">
<<nobr>>You'd always heard people send dick pics within moments of knowing someone,
you'd just never witnessed it before. To your surprise, you find yourself thinking //It looks, good though//,
before <</nobr>><<linkappend "Larry continues." t8n>>
<<headshot_o>><<nobr>>Haha, I'll bring it with me when we meet. Maybe you can play with that one, haha. Ok I'm a busy guy lat-<</nobr>><</headshot_o>>
He leaves the chat while he's speaking. Well, you have your work cut out for you. For now, <<link "it's time to head home." "home">><<set $week1sports ++>><<include "work_update">><</link>>\
</div>\<div class="standard" id="work">\
<<joe>><<nobr>>Well, that's all the questions I have for you, Larry. Thank you so much for being so open with me,
I'm really looking forward to us working together.<</nobr>><</joe>>
<<headshot_o>><<nobr>>Haha yeah me too. Haha, hashtag me too, am I right?!<</nobr>><</headshot_o>>
<<joe>><<nobr>>Haha! Ok, well I'm going to prepare your visit and use some more of those Lazer products. See you next time, Larry!<</nobr>><</joe>>
<<headshot_o>><<nobr>>Yeah later!<</nobr>><</headshot_o>>
Well, you have your work cut out for you. For now, <<link "it's time to head home." "home">>\
<<set $week1sports ++>>\
<<include "work_update">><</link>>\
</div>\<div id="imagepopup"><img src="images/work/lazer/dp1.jpg"></div>
/* ------------------------------- RESEARCH ------------------------------- */<h1>Likes</h1>\
<hr class="gradienthr">\
<<nobr>>//If it sometimes reads like I've just put down clichés on a big alpha guy, that's not on me, boss. He IS a walking cliché.//<</nobr>>
<hr class="gradienthr">\
<h3>Typical Stuff</h3>
<<nobr>>This probably won't surprise you, but Larry is what I'd call a //'traditional alpha guy'//. Which means he likes the typical stuff associated by //some// as
being successful in life: being with many women, making lots of money, having shiny things and showing off his body.<</nobr>>
So, I can't say for sure he //actually// likes these things, but I can tell you for sure that he will 100% appreciate them. It's his brand. He has to.
<hr class="gradienthr">\
<h3>The Spotlight</h3>
<<nobr>>This can feel a bit like a continuation of the 'Typical Stuff' I mentioned, but not all Larry's actually crave attention and the spotlight as much as he does.
He likes to feel important and wanted.<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>One time, when he was visiting an eastern European country and was invited for an interview on some sort of show that was trying to connect to the youth or whatever.
Which made him feel important - so he of course accepted. At one point, the interviewer suggested that although he was successful, what he does is not //really// important,
not like a firefighter or anything like that. In response, Larry hit him, left and sued the country.<</nobr>>\
<hr class="gradienthr">\
<<nobr>>//Surprise! Larry doesn't like himself. Sorry, I get a bit jaded researching this guy sometimes. Maybe I've dated too many Larry's.//<</nobr>>
<hr class="gradienthr">\
<<nobr>>Everyone's a little insecure sometimes, and most people can //sort of// handle it. I made this an entry here, though, because Larry will actively fight you
if he's confronted with his shortcomings and you're the closest person. You know that South Park episode with Russel Crowe's //Fightin' Round The World// show? It's like that.<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>His biggest insecurity is his sexuality. Which is weird, cause nobody doubts he's straight, but like many of these guys he's terrified of the idea of being gay.
He's made some pretty big leaps reading into things. I think he once didn't speak to his mom for three years because she bought him scented shampoo.<</nobr>>
<hr class="gradienthr">\
<h3>//'Beta'// things</h3>
<<nobr>>Again, very closely related to the previous one, Larry //hates// all things 'beta male'. Which is a vague term, but basically anything a - in the eyes of the
alpha male - woman does or enjoys, shouldn't be enjoyed by //men//.<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>I've created this list with the main things he's repeated online are //beta:// Cooking, flowers, holding hands, pink, long hair, shopping, smelling nice, patterns,
chocolate, soap opera's, people expressing themselves, feelings, cute tableware, wearing something in your hair, colorful things, crossing your legs
and expressing joy in public.<</nobr>>
<hr class="gradienthr">\
<<nobr>>//Larry is a practical man when it comes to shopping. Everything, and I mean //everything// he buys he buys through subscriptions. //<</nobr>>
<hr class="gradienthr">\
<<nobr>>So, like I said, Larry is a subscription man. He won't ever buy groceries, for example, but will have a subscription that brings the groceries daily or weekly.
Note, though, that he will not subscribe to something like “ByeBye Spoiled Food”, as they bring you something else every week. <</nobr>>
<<nobr>>Instead, he likes to know exactly what to expect every single time. So in this food example,
he'll research who makes the best meal shakes and buy a subscription for life.<</nobr>>
<hr class="gradienthr">\
<hr class="gradienthr">\
<<nobr>>//Larry //hates// travel. He must do - every time he flies, which is actually pretty often, he'll post between 12 and 38 videos on his TokTik account
showing other people at the airport that annoy him. I'd expect him to be grumpy when he arrives.//<</nobr>>
<hr class="gradienthr">\
<h3>Staying In</h3>
<<nobr>>Larry, as probably won't come as a surprise reading the other stuff, doesn't care for culture, seeing the sights, stuff like that. Instead,
he likes everywhere he goes to provide him with high quality, luxury services and facilities.<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>I read somewhere he once came back from two weeks of being in Paris and he told someone he'd been in Rome, and he couldn't be convinced he hadn't.
He'd only seen the inside of big, luxury buildings and everyone had an accent. That was all he remembered.<</nobr>>
<hr class="gradienthr">\
<hr class="gradienthr">\
<<nobr>>//Sooo Larry makes quite some appearances in videos online, most 'scandalous' in nature. All the evidence points to him
being the one 'leaking' them, though, and none of them really gain a lot of traction. I added a couple vids, first three are
snippets from security cameras. Last one, well.. I'll explain below.//<</nobr>>
<hr class="gradienthr">\
<video class="vidplayer" src="images/work/lazer/sec_cam_1.mp4" controls></video>
<<nobr>>This is the earliest I could find, this was before he streamed. Worked at an icecream place, one day the owner's
daughter is old enough to start working there, he rails her on camera and next day he's fired.<</nobr>>
<hr class="gradienthr">\
<video class="vidplayer" src="images/work/lazer/sec_cam_2.mp4" controls></video>
<<nobr>>Controversial one. People got angry cause it was filmed in a toilet, privacy and all that. Turns out, they didn't have
a security cam in there. Leading theory is he filmed it himself..<</nobr>>
<hr class="gradienthr">\
<video class="vidplayer" src="images/work/lazer/gif_capture.mp4" controls loop></video>
<<nobr>>This one, a popular 6 second GIF, I wanted to show you cause of this:
there's no video of it online, but we managed to trace the GIF back to..? Right.<</nobr>>
<hr class="gradienthr">\
<video class="vidplayer" src="images/work/lazer/spycam.mp4" controls></video>
<<nobr>>I think he mainly wants people to see him have sex, know how great he is at it. This last video, 'Spycam footage',
he 100% filmed himself. He actually looks at the camera halfway, lol. Couldn't find a shorter version, sorry!<</nobr>>
<br><div class="standard" id="work">\
<div id="choice1">\
<img class="story_image" id="work" src="images/work/clients/cookie.png">
Your contact for Mama Mia: //Cookie//. She's beautiful. And she's joined the conversation, so <<link "you greet her warmly.">>\
<<replace "#choice1">><<timed 10ms t8n>>\
<<joe>><<nobr>>Hey there! You must be Cookie. It's lovely to meet you!
I'm $name, and I'm absolutely thrilled to be working with you on Mama Mia.
I can't wait, I absolutely //love// your brand.<</nobr>><</joe>>
<<cookie_o>><<nobr>>Hi $name!! Oh that's so sweet! Mama Mia is my pride and joy,
so I'm excited to take this next step with you guys.<</nobr>><</cookie_o>>
<<nobr>><<joe>>Awesome! I'll be your personal contact here at Consult9, so if there's anything you need, I'm here.
Now, I've got all the info here, of course, but do you mind if I ask you some questions?<</joe>><</nobr>>
<<cookie_o>>Of course, ask away!<</cookie_o>>
<<link "Ask why she hired your firm." "mamamia_why">><<set $mamamia_why to 0>><</link>>
<<link "Ask about her business." "mamamia_business">><<set $mamamia_business to 0>><</link>>
<<link "Ask about her as a person." "mamamia_cookie">><<set $mamamia_cookie to 0>><</link>>
<<link "No questions, just show some interest and end the call." "mamamia_1_2d">><</link>>
</div>\<<set $status to {
activity: "work",
location: "work",
title: {
activity: "Workin'",
location: "The Office"
<<include "workpc">><div class="standard" id="work">\
<<set $mamamia_why to 1>>\
<<joe>><<nobr>>Can you tell me why you hired us? What, in your vision, is the ultimate outcome of our partnership?<</nobr>><</joe>>
<<cookie_o>><<nobr>>The ultimate outcome? Pwoah! No idea. I'll keep it simple, haha. The reason
I hired you guys is because I want to add a new line to Mama Mia that's a little.. different from the rest.<</nobr>><</cookie_o>>
<<link "Ooh, sounds mysterious! You ask her what's different about them." "mamamia_why2">><</link>>
</div><div class="standard" id="work">\
<<joe>><<nobr>>Different, huh? I can't image it's just a change in color, right? You wouldn't need us for that.<</nobr>><</joe>>
<<cookie_o>><<nobr>>Haha, correct! Well, Mama Mia has always been for moms to look sexy.
But it's always been soooo vanilla. When, really..<</nobr>><</cookie_o>>
<<cookie_o>><<nobr>>Well, I'm not. Vanilla. Alright, let me explain with some examples. Hold on.<</nobr>><</cookie_o>>
<<nobr>>You wait patiently as Cookie apparently searches for some things on her computer when you
hear <<link "the sound of a chatmessage." "mamamia_why3">><</link>><</nobr>>\
</div><div class="standard">\
<img class="story_image" id="image_click" src="images/work/mamamia/mild.png">
Cookie sent you an image called 'mild'. <<linkappend "She continues." t8n>>
<<cookie_o>><<nobr>>Ok, so this is me in some of our more popular sets. Now my idea is, we give them categories like the hot sauces, right?
We've introduced mild, so now we can introduce: Spicy!<</nobr>><</cookie_o>>
Another image in chat, [[this one called: spicy.|mamamia_why3b]]
<</linkappend>></div><div class="standard">\
<img class="story_image" id="image_click" src="images/work/mamamia/spicy.png">
Damn, Cookie is a good looking woman. And she's not afraid to show her body.
<<linkappend "//So mild first, and then..//" t8n>>
<<cookie_o>><<nobr>>Once the system is in place, we could introduce what I think this is all about: to feel hot.
Fuckingggg hotttt!!!<</nobr>><</cookie_o>>
[[The third image is called Hott.|mamamia_why3c]]
<</linkappend>></div><div class="standard">\
<img class="story_image" id="image_click" src="images/work/mamamia/hott.png">
<<nobr>>Hott. With two t's. They don't leave much to the imagination, these.
As you're.. taking in the image, Cookie - a cheeky smile on her face - <</nobr>><<linkappend "finishes her explanation." t8n>>
<<cookie_o>><<nobr>>Hot, right? So, yeah, I introduced that idea to my previous consulting company, and they said even the spicy
set was too much. They said the best we could hope for was "fierce mild". So.. I fired them and hired you!<</nobr>><</cookie_o>>
<<joe>><<nobr>>Wow, well first off: those are great, you look amazing in them. Second: I can see no reason why we'd want to keep
people from wearing this. I'd say you made the right choice!<</nobr>><</joe>>
Any more questions?
<<if $mamamia_why isnot 1>><<link "Ask her why she hired your firm." "mamamia_why">><</link>><br><</if>>\
<<if $mamamia_business isnot 1>><<link "Ask her about her business." "mamamia_business">><</link>><br><</if>>\
<<if $mamamia_cookie isnot 1>><<link "Ask her about her." "mamamia_cookie">><</link>><br><</if>>\
<<link "You wouldn’t mind seeing more of Cookie, but for now, you call it a day." "mamamia_5">><</link>>\
<</linkappend>></div>\<div id="imagepopup"><img src="images/work/mamamia/mild.png"></div><div id="imagepopup"><img src="images/work/mamamia/spicy.png"></div><div id="imagepopup"><img src="images/work/mamamia/hott.png"></div><div class="standard" id="work">\
<<set $mamamia_business to 1>>\
<<joe>><<nobr>>So, Mama Mia, your baby, tell me all about it!<</nobr>><</joe>>
<<cookie_o>><<nobr>>My baby! Oh, haha, what can I say. I mean the boring stuff you can read up on,
probably already have, so.. I mean, it's what it is, really.<</nobr>><</cookie_o>>
Her mind seems to wander for a moment, <<linkappend "when she continues." t8n>>
<<cookie_o>><<nobr>>I mean I've always been looking at myself in the mirror, you know, trying on stuff to make me
feel sexy. When I was young, you know, tweaking my clothes to show my belly, shape my butt, haha.<</nobr>><</cookie_o>>
<<cookie_o>><<nobr>>Actually, I hope you don't mind but.. ever since I joined the call, I've been thinking about
sexy outfits for trans people. We don't have that yet, but my god if you wouldn't look amazing in some tailor made
You blush as the image of you wearing a hot set of lingerie fills your head. <<linkappend "//Umm..//" t8n>>
<<cookie_o>><<nobr>>..would you be ok with it if I made you a custom set? I'll bring it when we meet and you
can wear it for me! You know, show me?<</nobr>><</cookie_o>>
A custom lingerie set, showing Cookie? Well..
<<link "That doesn't sound like something you want, actually." "cookie_business_2a">><</link>>
<<link "Of course! What kind of question is that?" "cookie_business_2b">><</link>><</linkappend>><</linkappend>>\
</div><div class="standard" id="work">\
<<joe>><<nobr>>I'm sorry, Cookie, truly, but it's not for me. Not yet, at least. I'm new to all this and..
well, I'm just not sure if I'd be comfortable. I really appreciate it, though!<</nobr>><</joe>>
<<cookie_o>><<nobr>>Of course, no problem! Never do anything you don't want to, $name. And thank you for
being honest. So, any other questions?<</nobr>><</cookie_o>>
She winks. Well? Any more questions?
<<if $mamamia_why isnot 1>><<link "Ask her why she hired your firm." "mamamia_why">><</link>><br><</if>>\
<<if $mamamia_business isnot 1>><<link "Ask her about her business." "mamamia_business">><</link>><br><</if>>\
<<if $mamamia_cookie isnot 1>><<link "Ask her about her." "mamamia_cookie">><</link>><br><</if>>\
<<link "You know all you need to know! No more questions." "mamamia_5">><</link>>\
</div>\<div class="standard" id="work">\
<<joe>><<nobr>>My very own, custom, Mama Mia Lingerie set? Hell yeah!! Oh wow, Cookie, you just made my day with that.
And my girlfriend very jealous, haha!<</nobr>><</joe>>
<<cookie_o>><<nobr>>Haha, then it's a deal! Ooh I can't wait to get started.
After any other questions you might have, of course.<</nobr>><</cookie_o>>
She winks. So, do you? Have any more questions?
<<if $mamamia_why isnot 1>><<link "Ask her why she hired your firm." "mamamia_why">><</link>><br><</if>>\
<<if $mamamia_business isnot 1>><<link "Ask her about her business." "mamamia_business">><</link>><br><</if>>\
<<if $mamamia_cookie isnot 1>><<link "Ask her about her." "mamamia_cookie">><</link>><br><</if>>\
<<link "You know all you need to know! No more questions." "mamamia_5">><</link>>\
</div>\<div class="standard" id="work">\
<<set $mamamia_cookie to 1>>\
<<joe>><<nobr>>So, I love love love your clothing and your brand which makes me eager to know more about
the person behind it all, Cookie! Tell me all about you.<</nobr>><</joe>>
<<cookie_o>><<nobr>>Oh, I don't think either of us have the time to hear all about me, haha. Don't worry, you'll
get to know me plenty while we work together. Let me think of something I can share, though..<</nobr>><</cookie_o>>
She does a little //'hmm, I'm thinking right now'//-act <<linkappend "before she looks at you and smiles." t8n>>
<<cookie_o>><<nobr>>Alright, one thing you should know about me, if only cause it'll explain certain things down the line..<</nobr>><</cookie_o>>
She pauses briefly for added effect.
<<cookie_o>><<nobr>>I'm horny. Like //all the fucking time//. I'm horny when I wake up, when I go to sleep and all the time in between.
I'm horny before, during and after sex. So.. well, haha, get ready for that! Anything else you want to know? Haha!<</nobr>><</cookie_o>>
<<if $mamamia_why isnot 1>><<link "Ask her why she hired your firm." "mamamia_why">><</link>><br><</if>>\
<<if $mamamia_business isnot 1>><<link "Ask her about her business." "mamamia_business">><</link>><br><</if>>\
<<if $mamamia_cookie isnot 1>><<link "Ask her about her." "mamamia_cookie">><</link>><br><</if>>\
<<link "That confession kind of took your rhythm away. Let's call it a day." "mamamia_5">><</link>>\
<</linkappend>></div>\<div class="standard" id="work">\
<<joe>><<nobr>>Well, that’s all the questions I have for you, Cookie. You’re amazing,
It’s been so nice meeting you today and I can’t wait to meet you in person.<</nobr>><</joe>>
<<cookie_o>><<nobr>>Wow, thank you, haha. It was really nice meeting you as well. Have a good one!<</nobr>><</cookie_o>>
And with that, she leaves the call. What a woman. <<link "Time to head home." "home">><<set $week1sports ++>><<include "work_update">><</link>></div>\<div class="standard" id="work">\
<<joe>>Are you really named Cookie? Or is that just cause you're so sweet?<</joe>>
<<cookie_o>><<nobr>>Haha, sort of!! Mama Mia should make women feel sexy and desired. A lot of moms feel like they can't or shouldn't be those things because they're
moms. So I want my clothes to feel low key for moms yet irresistable to dads.<</nobr>><</cookie_o>>
<<linkreplace "Like a.." t8n>>\
<<joe>>Like a cookie!<</joe>>
<<cookie_o>>Exactly, like me!<</cookie_o>>
<<joe>>I love that! Well, Cookie, this has been great, and I'm really looking forward to us working together.<</joe>>
<<cookie_o>>Me too! Thanks, $name. See you in two weeks!<</cookie_o>>
And with that, Cookie disconnects from the call. <<link "Time to head home." "home">><<set $week1sports ++>><<include "work_update">><</link>><</linkreplace>>\
</div>\<div class="standard" id="work">\
You chat for a couple more minutes, when eventually the meeting comes to an end.
<<joe>>Cookie, this has been great, and I'm really looking forward to us working together.<</joe>>
<<cookie_o>>Me too! Thanks, $name. See you in two weeks!<</cookie_o>>
And with that, Cookie disconnects from the call. <<link "Time to go home!" "home">><<set $week1sports ++>>\
</div>\What, it's not enough to be talking to me in the middle over there?
Alright, er.. what's your favorite.. pizza topping? Really? Mine too!<<set $clippy to "mamamia_2_clippy">>\
<<set $status to {
activity: "work",
location: "theoffice",
title: {
activity: "Workin'",
location: "The Office"
<div class="standard" id="work">\
<img id="banner" src="images/locations/banner/youroffice.png">\
<div class="name_block" id="work">\
<img id="small_bradius" src="images/ui/youroffice.svg">\
<<clippy>><<nobr>>Hey boss! Cookie is visiting next week. The team assigned to her has been working hard on.. whatever it is they do.
She arrives after lunch, and they'll give a presentation. All that matters for you, is that your client goes home the next day satisfied.<</nobr>><</clippy>>
<<clippy>><<nobr>>You learned long ago that you can't rely on your colleagues for that, so //your// job is to make sure Cookie has a great time
regardless. This week, you'll plan an afternoon activity, a dinner plan and and evening activity.<</nobr>><</clippy>>
[[Show the planner.|mamamia_2_2]]
<<set $dd_afternoon = ["Shopping", "Spa Day", "Golf Course"]>>\
<<set $dd_dinner = ["Standard Restaurant", "Fancy Restaurant", "Fun Diner"]>>\
<<set $dd_evening = ["Local Bar", "Strip Club", "Rock Concert"]>>\<h1>Likes</h1>\
<hr class="gradienthr">\
<<nobr>>//Hi boss! It wasn't easy getting this together - Cookie is a bit all over the place. I think she's pretty driven by impulse, lol.
And like a lot of people she deleted her Chirpy™ account when it they named it "K". But I salvaged what I could!//<</nobr>>
<hr class="gradienthr">\
<h3>Sweet, Fat and Salty</h3>
<<nobr>>Sooo the overall theme for everything food related is that Cookie doesn't seem to give a rat's ass about what's in the food
or drink. She doesn't strike me as a foodie, but she's liked quite a lot of videos from //'THE BUTTERKING'//, a guy that adds butter to recipes
that specifically don't call for it just to prove that (the catchphrase) //''s better with fuckin' butter, kids!'//.<</nobr>>
She's also said multiple times that she loves, loves, looooves Nigelly Ruleson, a British chef known for loving unhealthy and sexy foods.
<hr class="gradienthr">\
<<nobr>>She doesn't share much outside of business related stuff, but when she does she shares stuff like a sundown on an empty beach,
a nice glass of whiskey by the fire or her dog falling asleep and chilling literally everywhere. Oh, she has a dog! <<link "Muppet.">>\
<<popup "muppetthedog">><</link>> So yeah she likes to relax.<</nobr>>\
<br><div class="popupimg"><<link "<img src='images/work/mamamia/muppet.png'>">><<dialogclose>><</link>></div>\<h1>Dislikes</h1>\
<hr class="gradienthr">\
<<nobr>>//Most dislikes are pretty much in line with her likes!//<</nobr>>
<hr class="gradienthr">\
<<nobr>>She does exercise. Which makes sense, look at her lol. But yeah no love for it. <</nobr>>
<<nobr>>She did a little series of vides where she called herself a "clitfluencer", walking around the
gym with a huge camera shouting //'I'm all about the fitness tho!!'// while, um, pretending to rub herself. I couldn't
find any videos, they've all been deleted.<</nobr>>
<hr class="gradienthr">\
<h3>'Pigs' //and// Feminists</h3>
<<nobr>>Sooo.. bit of a weird one, but she's often stood up to men behaving like sexist pigs, putting them in their place. And then
because she's like 'minor celeb' status, that would get picked up by people trying to make her into some sort of symbol for feminism.<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>And then she goes on a morningshow and says she hates most of what feminists have done, and that the progress made is made by women,
not feminists, and that she doesn't want to discourage anyone from grabbing her ass. So, yeah.<</nobr>>
<hr class="gradienthr">\
<<nobr>>//Nearly all of the purchases I've been able to find are business related. She really does a lot of
creative stuff, but nothing out of the ordinary.//<</nobr>>
<hr class="gradienthr">\
<<nobr>>I think Cookie is one of those people that automatically //gets// new tech,
loves it and owns things you didn't even know were out there, but when you ask her about it she can't explain it lol.
She loves gadgets, all kinds.<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>I also found an account on an online sex shop that comments on a looot of the items that gave off a very strong 'Cookie'-vibe.
I'm abouuuut 80% sure. Could just be someone else, or someone kind of pretending to be her, cause she sells lingerie right?<</nobr>>
<hr class="gradienthr">\
<hr class="gradienthr">\
<<nobr>>//Mama Mia had this big international surge a couple of years ago and she's been travelling a LOT since.
I think she's on airplanes more than Mike watches porn at work.//<</nobr>>
<hr class="gradienthr">\
<h3>First Time Visit</h3>
<<nobr>>This will be Cookie's first time visiting our lovely city! So she might enjoy some sightseeing.
I've also seen her mention famous painters, artists, stuff like that. She's also well educated. So maybe the museum is an option.<</nobr>>
<hr class="gradienthr">\
<hr class="gradienthr">\
<<nobr>>//Sooo I didn't find much noteworthy, //EXCEPT// a leaked video from when she was younger.
This is the juice I mentioned. It's quite an intimate video, I kinda felt guilty watching. But it's also just hot, lol.//<</nobr>>
<hr class="gradienthr">\
<video class="vidplayer" src="images/work/mamamia/leaked.mp4" controls></video>
<br><div class="standard" id="work">\
<div id="choice1">\
<img class="story_image" id="work" src="images/work/clients/maria.png">
<<nobr>>The woman you’re meeting is Maria - a young and extremely popular trans fitness influencer.
Her company, PUMP, doesn’t really sell anything other than attention and, you suppose, influence.
It’s like Red Ball if Red Ball didn’t sell any drinks, maybe?<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>You sometimes wonder what caused a sudden popularity in people, but with Maria it’s quite simple.
‘Leaked’ sextapes and the likes. Her whole company communicates ‘SEX’ without actually naming it.
She’s also very deliberately avoided sites like HornyPans, which seems to work in her favor.<</nobr>>
[[You greet her.|1 pump_2]]
</div><<set $status to {
activity: "work",
location: "work",
title: {
activity: "Workin'",
location: "The Office"
<<include "workpc">><div class="standard" id="work">\
<<joe>><<nobr>>Maria, hi! My name is $name. It’s so good to meet you, I’m so excited! Big PUMP fan right here.<</nobr>><</joe>>
<<maria_o>><<nobr>>Hiiii! Oh I bet darling, they never told me I’d be working with a fellow transformer,
haha. You look fabulous, well done! Mwwwwwah!<</nobr>><</maria_o>>
She makes a big kissing gesture as she says that last part. <<linkappend "What a cheerful woman!" t8n>>
<<joe>><<nobr>>Thank you!! Nothing like you, though, wow! Yeah, no, I just underwent this treatment so.. It’s all very new.<</nobr>><</joe>>
<<maria_o>><<nobr>>Well I for one LOVE it. I was already looking forward to us working together,
and now I’m even more enthusiastic!! So, what’re we talking about, darling?<</nobr>><</maria_o>>
[[You explain.|1 pump_3]]
</div>\<div class="standard" id="work">\
<<joe>><<nobr>>During your time with Consult9, I’ll be your personal contact.
Anything and everything you need - you let me know. And as we’ll be seeing a lot of each other,
I thought we’d meet! I want to get to know you. I have some questions I’d like to ask, if that’s ok?<</nobr>><</joe>>
<<maria_o>><<nobr>>OK? Darling that's fantastic! I looove talking about me, haha. No but really, ask away!<</nobr>><</maria_o>>
<<link "Ask her why she hired your firm." "1 pump_4_why">><</link>>
<<link "Ask her about her business." "1 pump_4_business">><</link>>
<<link "Ask her about her." "1 pump_4_maria">><</link>>
<<link "No questions, show some interest and end the call." "1 pump_4_noquestions">><</link>>\
</div>\<div class="standard" id="work">\
<<set $pump_why to 1>>\
<<joe>><<nobr>>So, why are we here? Why did you hire us and what would be the best outcome of our cooperation?<</nobr>><</joe>>
<<maria_o>><<nobr>>Ooooh so serious! Well, I’ll be honest with you, dear, I’m not entirely sure why I hired you, haha!
It’s true, I don’t. I go through life and kind of let everything happen, and so far that’s worked fine, really.
But I think maybe now that I’m, well.. Successful, it’d be good to be more responsible, think about stuff.
Except I don’t want to do any of that, so I figured I’d hire you!<</nobr>><</maria_o>>
<<nobr>>You both laugh at her explanation and honesty. From your point of view, it’s the only sensible answer,
as you don’t really believe in consultancy to begin with. You’re just here to have fun. More questions?<</nobr>>
<<if $pump_why isnot 1>><<link "Ask her why she hired your firm." "1 pump_4_why">><</link>><br><</if>>\
<<if $pump_business isnot 1>><<link "Ask her about her business." "1 pump_4_business">><</link>><br><</if>>\
<<if $pump_maria isnot 1>><<link "Ask her about her." "1 pump_4_maria">><</link>><br><</if>>\
<<link "Fun as this is, you’re ready to move on." "1 pump_5">><</link>>\
</div>\<div class="standard" id="work">\
<<set $pump_business to 1>>\
<<joe>><<nobr>>So, let’s talk PUMP. An extraordinary company, and all from your brilliant mind, Maria. How do you do it?<</nobr>><</joe>>
<<linkappend "With a cheeky grin, Maria has a small chuckle before answering." t8n>>
<<maria_o>><<nobr>>Oooh darling, dear, you sure know how to flatter someone, don’t you! Mwwwwwwah.
I honest to god really don’t know how I do it! I love sharing and the world loves what I share!
And I don’t just mean our content. I feel no shame saying I love sex and sharing my body as well,
and as you might know, that, well, helped a lot! It’s just.. Having fun! Really!<</nobr>><</maria_o>>
<<nobr>>As Maria keeps talking, you eagerly nod along with her story. You get the appeal. She’s a lot of fun to listen to,
and you don't mind looking at her either. After a while she asks if you have more questions?<</nobr>>
<<if $pump_why isnot 1>><<link "Ask her why she hired your firm." "1 pump_4_why">><</link>><br><</if>>\
<<if $pump_business isnot 1>><<link "Ask her about her business." "1 pump_4_business">><</link>><br><</if>>\
<<if $pump_maria isnot 1>><<link "Ask her about her." "1 pump_4_maria">><</link>><br><</if>>\
<<link "YWithout realizing it, a lot of time has gone by. Time to call it a day." "1 pump_5">><</link>>\
</div>\<div class="standard" id="work">\
<<set $pump_maria to 1>>\
<<joe>><<nobr>>So, we all know PUMP from, well, PUMP! But is there a side to you, Maria, you can share that I might not have seen yet online?<</nobr>><</joe>>
<<maria_o>><<nobr>>Honestly, darling? Not really, haha! I’m myself wherever I go, whatever I do. And sure, I change.
Have you seen my new boobs? <<if $body is 1>>I see you opted out, or do you intend to get ‘m done later? I had that look for a while,
but I couldn’t pull it off like you. Here, let me show a before and after, dear.<</if>><<if $body is 2>>I see you went natural!
I looooove that look. I would’ve loved that, but mine simply didn’t grow that big. Here, let me show you..<</if>><<if $body is 3>>They’re
like yours! Ooh, we should compare size when we meet up!! Mine grew so much, I LOVE them. Here, let me show a before and after, dear.<</if>><</nobr>><</maria_o>>
In the corner of the screen, [[you get a chat notification.|1 pump_4_maria2]]
</div>\<div class="standard" id="work">\
<img class="story_image" id="image_click" src="images/work/pump/beforeafter.png">
<<nobr>>Damn. Girls have sent you naughty stuff in the past,
but it feels like this isn’t that. It’s more like girls with other girls, right? <</nobr>><<linkappend "She continues." t8n>>
<<maria_o>><<nobr>>So, yeah, that’s me, haha. Anything else I can show you?<</nobr>><</maria_o>>
Wow. Well. Any more questions?
<<if $pump_why isnot 1>><<link "Ask her why she hired your firm." "1 pump_4_why">><</link>><br><</if>>\
<<if $pump_business isnot 1>><<link "Ask her about her business." "1 pump_4_business">><</link>><br><</if>>\
<<if $pump_maria isnot 1>><<link "Ask her about her." "1 pump_4_maria">><</link>><br><</if>>\
<<link "You wouldn’t mind seeing more of Maria, but for now, you call it a day." "1 pump_5">><</link>><</linkappend>>\
</div>\<div class="standard" id="work">\
<<joe>><<nobr>>I kind of wanted to ask you, actually, about, well..<</nobr>><</joe>>
You hesitate. <<linkappend "Maria doesn't." t8n>>
<<maria_o>><<nobr>>Oh come on, darling, don’t be a prude. About my tits, right?! And if not, I want to talk about them, haha!<</nobr>><</maria_o>>
<<maria_o>><<nobr>><<if $body is 1>>I see you opted out, or do you intend to get ‘m done later? I had that look for a while,
but I couldn’t pull it off like you. Here, let me show a before and after, dear.<</if>><<if $body is 2>>I see you went natural!
I looooove that look. I would’ve loved that, but mine simply didn’t grow that big. Here, let me show you..<</if>><<if $body is 3>>They’re
like yours! Ooh, we should compare size when we meet up!! Mine grew so much, I LOVE them. Here, let me show a before and after, dear.<</if>><</nobr>><</maria_o>>
In the corner of the screen, [[you get a chat notification.|1 pump_4_noquestions2]]
<</linkappend>></div>\<div class="standard" id="work">\
<img class="story_image" id="image_click" src="images/work/pump/beforeafter.png">
Damn, she just sent you a topless picture just like that. Of four different boobs, no less! <<linkappend "You feel like you should compliment them." t8n>>
<<joe>><<nobr>>They’re amazing, Maria, just like you. It’s been so nice meeting you today and I can’t wait to meet you in person.<</nobr>><</joe>>
<<maria_o>>Oh you flatterer, you! You’re amazing! Alright, I’ve got to run now, darling. Mwwwwwwwah!<</maria_o>>
And with that, she leaves the call. What a woman. <<link "Time to head home." "home">><<set $week1sports ++>><<include "work_update">><</link>>
<</linkappend>></div>\<div class="standard" id="work">\
<<joe>><<nobr>>Well, that’s all the questions I have for you, Maria. You’re amazing,
It’s been so nice meeting you today and I can’t wait to meet you in person.<</nobr>><</joe>>
<<maria_o>><<nobr>>Oh you flatterer, you! You’re amazing! Alright, I’ve got to run now, darling. Mwwwwwwwah!<</nobr>><</maria_o>>
And with that, she leaves the call. What a woman. <<link "Time to head home." "home">><<include "work_update">>\
<<set $week1sports ++>>\
<</link>></div>\<div id="imagepopup"><img src="images/work/pump/beforeafter.png"></div><h1>Likes</h1>\
<hr class="gradienthr">\
<<nobr>>//Hi boss! This was great to do! All the evidence points to Maria being sooooo much fun.
She can be a bit of a diva sometimes, but overall I really like her!//<</nobr>>
<hr class="gradienthr">\
<h3>All the positions!</h3>
<<nobr>>So, I’m assuming you know about Maria’s ‘sextapes’, and she is of course known for being very sexual and open about everything. Now, the sex tapes all involve her
and men, with her being on the.. receiving end. But she’s very open about the fact she’s into pretty much all positions and combinations.<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>She once wrote a short play for this ‘influencers go to school’ online series in which she tried to have as many different people present.
How do I describe this.. Basically, she wanted for example a straight guy and a gay guy and the same for women and then fill the whole scenario with puzzle pieces.
So a trans woman that’s into men, a trans woman that’s into women, a trans man that’s into men, etc.<</nobr>>
When she was asked what role she wanted to play, she said it was //’like a monologue. So I’d play them all!’//
<hr class="gradienthr">\
Sorry, I had some flashbacks from when I started working here and you taught me that ‘she likes doing fun stuff’ wasn’t helpful, but trust me when I say: //Maria likes fun.//
<<nobr>>You know how when you go to a stock photo or video website there’ll be some people that are in thousands of different roles and pictures and whatnot?
Maria’s TokTik is like that, and she’s doing a different thing every time and she’s //always// having fun. Only difference with the stock pictures is that it’s genuine. <</nobr>>
So, yeah, she really just enjoys //doing stuff// and surrounds herself with positive people. I think it’s adorable!
<hr class="gradienthr">\
<<nobr>>//Well, this was impossible! She never shows any signs of disliking anything, which did kind of lead to a single dislike I could find..//<</nobr>>
<hr class="gradienthr">\
<<nobr>>Sooo Maria doesn’t like confrontation, but she does often like controversial stuff. For example, she’s got a tattoo of a piece called ‘Dio’s Prophet Gangbang’ by
this illustrator. I think the name is pretty self-explanatory, and there’s not many people it //doesn’t// offend.<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>..and so because she doesn’t want to offend anyone, whenever she knows she’ll be somewhere it can be seen by people, she’ll cover it with a TempTat™ done
by the same artist called ‘The Great Hug’. Make of that what you will, I guess!<</nobr>>
<hr class="gradienthr">\
<hr class="gradienthr">\
<<nobr>>//We’ve got a pro on our hands, boss! According to Maria: money is for spending. She’s said on multiple occasions she gets nervous
when there’s ‘too much money’ on her account and goes on random shopping sprees. //<</nobr>>
<hr class="gradienthr">\
<<nobr>>It’s a simple one, but it’s just the way it is: Maria //loves// clothes. When buying her house, she wanted a place with a private tennis court.
She’s never hit a tennis ball in her life. She just figured that would give her enough space to build a walk-in-closet. She ended up needing more space.
Which I think nicely illustrates her love for clothes.<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>I was speaking to her assistant earlier (one of many, all awesome btw) and whenever she finds a piece of clothing she likes,
she’ll have an assistant buy all colors available and all of ‘m one size bigger and smaller than the one she liked. Awesome detail: she doesn’t hoard,
once a year, she empties out most of her ‘closet’ and donates all of it.<</nobr>>
<hr class="gradienthr">\
<hr class="gradienthr">\
<<nobr>>//I mentioned Maria’s house, but I’m not sure if she’s actually ever there. She appears to always be on the move, and she actually seems to enjoy traveling.//<</nobr>>
<hr class="gradienthr">\
<h3>Top 5!</h3>
<<nobr>>Maria’s been to our city many times, and she loves it. She’s often named it in her top 5 of all times, along with (mainly, it differs),
New York, Milan, Tokyo, Singapore and Monaco. A bit of a weird list, but she’s been practically //everywhere//, so I’m sure she’s got a reason!<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>So on the one hand, a tour of the city won’t show her anything new, but I don’t think that would be a problem,
as she’s stated a couple of times that she feels it's like coming home when she visits.<</nobr>>
<hr class="gradienthr">\
<hr class="gradienthr">\
<<nobr>>//Maria's got some 'leaked sextapes' out there. Professionally made pornos in disguise, really.
I added the first one, added her comments on it. I've seen a lot of stuff working here, and I'm fine with it,
but I had never seen trans porn before this and I feel like I should be honest with you.
That was fucking hot, lol. //<</nobr>>
<hr class="gradienthr">\
<video class="vidplayer" src="images/work/pump/leaked.mp4" controls></video>
<<nobr>>//'Alrigh dears here it is: yes, I did a sextape, yes, it leaked. I was on my boyfriends set, he asked if I wanted
to shoot a video with that day's pornstar. Now be honest: who would say no to that?! So yeah,
it was supposed to be for like a private collection, but, well, there it is I guess!!<</nobr>>
<br><div class="standard">\
Project Social Media Weirdo Company!
[[Continue to Home|home]]
<<set $work_text to "Last week we chose SoMeSaSo as our client to show around this week. So.. let's show 'm around!" >>
<<set $worklock_text to "Already worked this week, remember? You chose the Social Media hipsters as a client? Check back next week!" >>
<<set $work_available to 0>>
<<set $credits to $credits - 1>>
<<set $work to 201>>
<</nobr>><<set $location to "loc_work">>\
<div class="standard">\
Social Media Hipster Crew reporting for duty! If you still did facial hair, you'd have a big ole mustache ready for this meeting! Now, maybe you can all go get facials?
[[Good job, let's go home..|home]]
<<set $work_text to "Like, wow, right? Totally like that was whatever and stuff. Time to like, totally like, shake that off and pick a new client! Like!">>
<<set $worklock_text to "You're, like, totally like exhausted, right?">>
<<set $work_available to 0>>
<<set $credits to $credits - 1>>
<<set $work to 3>>
<<set $project2 to $project_available>>
<</nobr>><<set $status to {
location: "theoffice",
activity: "work",
title: {
location: "The Office",
activity: "Being Shown Around"
}>>\<<t-clippy>><<nobr>>Look, not to complain or anything, but I'm talking in two places at the same time right now. It's really
screwing with my head.<</nobr>><</t-clippy>><img id="banner" src="images/locations/banner/youroffice.png">\
<img id="small_bradius" src="images/ui/youroffice.svg">\
<br><<set $clippy to "cl_work_1">>\
<<run State.setVar("$", 0)>>\
<<include "work_1_setup">>\
<div class="standard" id="work">\
<<include "youroffice banner">>
<div id="choice1">\
<<clippy>><<nobr>>Here we are, boss, work! You work for one of the most succesful firms in the whole world!<</nobr>><</clippy>>
<<clippy>><<nobr>>What your firm does? Nobody knows. What's important is that it's your job to make clients feel important and heard.
How? By treating them to fun and expansive activities. Let's check out the pantry!<</nobr>><</clippy>>
[[To the pantry.|work_1_2a]]
</div>\<<t-clippy>><<nobr>>When I was a kid, I used to think a pantry was a special tree that grows pans. Then again,
my father was a paperclip, so maybe I'm just a bit weird?<</nobr>><</t-clippy>><img id="banner" src="images/locations/banner/pantry.png">\
<img id="small_bradius" src="images/ui/pantry.svg">\
<br><<set $clippy to "cl_work_1_2a">>\
<<run State.setVar("$", 0)>>\
<div class="standard" id="work">\
<<include "pantry banner">>
<div id="choice1">\
<<clippy>>Tadaa! This is the breakroom or //'pantry'//. This is where you'll usually find your colleagues.<</clippy>>
<<linkappend "Ah, here's one now!" t8n>>
<<nobr>><<say 'A Coworker' 'images/characters/portrait/frando10.png'>>Hey $name! Boss wants to see you. He's in his office.<</say>><</nobr>>
[[To the Bossman!|work_1_2b]]<</linkappend>>
</div>\<<t-clippy>><<nobr>>Honestly? This is the the most disappointing room in whole damn building. Expectation? Many, many balls.
Reality? No balls. Not even a golfball.<</nobr>><</t-clippy>><<t-boss>><<nobr>>Ah, $name! It is I, BOSSMAN! Welcome to The Ballroom. Oh, remind me to rename it to the Bossroom,
would you? I'm not a ball, damnit! We've been over this!!<</nobr>><</t-boss>><<set $clippy to "cl_work_1_2b">>\
<<set $boss to "boss_work_1_2b">>
<<run State.setVar("$", $char.boss.paperclip)>>\
<<run State.setVar("$", "boss_popup")>>\
<<run State.setVar("$char.boss.tip", "boss")>>\
<<run State.setVar("$", 1)>>\
<div class="standard" id="work">\
<<include "theballroom banner">>
<div id="clipster"><<clippy>>This is your boss's office, you all call it //The Ballroom//. I have no idea why. He's a nice enough guy!<</clippy>>
<<link "Your boss looks up from his desk and notices you.">><<replace "#clipster">><<timed 10ms t8n>>\
<<boss>>Ah, $name! I just got off the phone with the Blondlers, and apparently you made a great impression. They’re a very, very happy client!<</boss>>
<div id="choice1">\
<<link "Brag a little.">><<replace "#choice1">><<timed 10ms t8n>>\
<<joemale>>They were a handful, sir, I had to pull out all the stops. But I’m glad to hear the work paid off and we managed to make a good impression.<</joemale>>
<<nobr>><<boss>>Yes, right, good. In any case, we’ve got three new clients starting next week,
and to show my appreciation, you get the first pick. I’ll make sure their files are sent over.<</boss>><</nobr>>
<<joemale>>That's great, thank you!<</joemale>>
You chat for another 5 minutes about the Blonders, then leave him to it. <<link "Time to head home." "home">><<set $clippy to "cl_pr_home_sports">><</link>>
<<link "Joke around.">><<replace "#choice1">><<timed 10ms t8n>>\
<<joemale>>Eh, zeet's greet tu heer, sur. I'fe-a bee-a precticeeng my impressiuns, und I guoess zee-a herd vurk is peying ouff! Bork Bork Bork!<</joemale>>
<<boss>>Swedish Chef?<</boss>>
<<joemale>>You know it!<</joemale>>
<<nobr>><<boss>>It's funny. In any case, we’ve got three new clients starting next week,
and to show my appreciation, you get the first pick. I’ll make sure their files are sent over.<</boss>><</nobr>>
<<joemale>>That's great, thank you!<</joemale>>
You chat for another 5 minutes about the Blonders, then leave him to it. <<link "Time to head home." "home">><<set $clippy to "cl_pr_home_sports">><</link>>
<<link "Be humble.">><<replace "#choice1">><<timed 10ms t8n>>\
<<joemale>>Thank you sir! It was nothing, though, really. The Blondlers were happy before they even walked in the door.<</joemale>>
<<nobr>><<boss>>Ever so humble. Nevertheless, great job! Oh, we’ve got three new clients starting next week,
and to show my appreciation, you get the first pick. I’ll make sure their files are sent over.<</boss>><</nobr>>
<<joemale>>That's great, thank you!<</joemale>>
You chat for another 5 minutes about the Blonders, then leave him to it. <<link "Time to head home." "home">><<set $clippy to "cl_pr_home_sports">><</link>>
<<include "work_update">>\
<<set $ to "Mr Bossman is very pleased with you, so next time you're at work, you get to choose what new client to work with!" >>\
<<set $story.sports.unlocked to "yes">>\<img id="banner" src="images/locations/banner/theballroom.png">\
<img id="small_bradius" src="images/ui/theballroom.svg">\
<br><<set $location to "loc_work">>\
<<run State.setVar("$", $char.boss.paperclip)>>\
<<run State.setVar("$", "boss_popup")>>\
<<run State.setVar("$char.boss.tip", "boss")>>\
<<run State.setVar("$", 0)>>\
<div class="standard" id="work">\
<<include "theballroom banner">>
<<nobr>>When you enter The Ballroom, your boss looks up to see you enter, walk over to his desk and sit down.
The whole time, he's looking at you intensely. After what must've been at least two minutes, <</nobr>><<linkappend "points at you." t8n>>
<<boss>>Haircut! Am I right?<</boss>>
<<nobr>>Coming in to work today, you imagined you and your boss would have a lengthy talk about you becoming
a woman. You'll gratefully just go with 'haircut'.<</nobr>> <<linkappend "You nod." t8n>>
<<boss>><<nobr>>Ah! I knew it! I'm not going to be one of those bosses that doesn't know what's going on with their employees, $name.
I will pay the price of milk!<</nobr>><</boss>>
You have no idea what that means, but you're too afraid to ask. [[He continues.|work_2b]]
</div>\<div class="standard" id="work">\
<<boss>>So, $name, have you chosen a Client?<</boss>>
You //totally// have, but just to remind you who you chose, [[you have one last look at the options.|work_2_1]]
</div>\<<run State.setVar("$", $char.boss.paperclip)>>\
<<run State.setVar("$", "boss_popup")>>\
<<run State.setVar("$", 0)>>\
<<run State.setVar("$char.boss.tip", "Good thing you're taking on a new client. They'll just know you as this.. //new you//.<br><br>Anyway, your options are these two. For //'Lazer'// you'll be dealing with some influencer guy and for MomsThatCook, well, surprise: a mom! I don't care either way. Good luck.")>>\
<div class="standard">\
<div class="tot3" id="tot3">\
<div class="tot3_l">\
Client: ''Mama Mia''
Contact: ''Jen 'Cookie' Adams''
<<nobr>>//Mama Mia! A clothing brand that creates sexy clothing for 'moms' to feel sexy. If you've been
herding multiple siblings through parks and supermarkets or have been playing 'Taxi-mom' all day, you deserve
to feel like you once did. Sexy. That's the idea, anyway, all designed and initiated by founder and boss Cookie. //<</nobr>>\
<<button "Choose This" "work_2_2">><<set $ to "mamamia">><<set $ to "Mama Mia">><</button>>
<div class="tot3_m">\
Client: ''Lazer Gaming''
Contact: ''HeadShotGuy''
<<nobr>>//Lazer Gaming is a company that, at least that's they claim, combines gaming and fitness. But not in a
wii-fit way. Instead, apparently, if you use their keyboards and the likes, you get.. fit? It's all part of a fairytale
spun by founder and CEO: HeadShotGuy. Bluetoober, Switch streamer and influencer. With a bit of a.. reputation.//<</nobr>>\
<<button "Choose This" "work_2_2">><<set $ to "lazer">><<set $ to "Lazer Gaming">><</button>>
<div class="tot3_r">\
Client: ''PUMP''
Contact: ''Maria Chub''
<<nobr>>//PUMP, in a way, is comparable to the company you work at! In that nobody really knows what they do, but
a lot of money is made. What it boils down to, is that trans fitness model, influencer and accidental pornstar (in a.. Paris Hilton
kind of way) is very, very popular and people are willing to pay for her stamp of approval.//<</nobr>>\
<<button "Choose This" "work_2_2">><<set $ to "pump">><<set $ to "Pump">><</button>>
</div>\<div class="standard" id="work">\
<<include "theballroom banner">>
<<joe>>I choose //$, sir!<</joe>>
<<boss>>Good, sounds like a great match! Make sure you contact them today. Good luck.<</boss>>
[[Make the call from your office.|$]]
</div>\<div class="chat_history">5 years ago:</div>\
<div class="chat_coll"><h3>Shi:</h3></div>\
<div class="chat_coll">Hi boss! It’s Shi, your new PA, I’ll be coming in tomorrow for my first day, so excited! Is there anything I should prepare or bring?</div>\
<div class="chat_mc"><h3>$name</h3></div>\
<div class="chat_mc">Shi the Personal Assistant! PAShi, haha. </div>\
<div class="chat_mc">No, nothing special, Shi, thanks.</div>\
<div class="chat_mc">Wait let me think of something cheesy</div>\
<div class="chat_mc">//Just an eager mind and a willingness to learn, Pashi-san!//</div>\
<div class="chat_mc"><h3>$name</h3></div>\
<div class="chat_mc">Wait, that was terribly insensitive, I’m so sorry! My stupid brain went “haha, Pashi, that sounds like I want to say san with it”, but of course it does because you’re called Shi. I apologize, really!</div>\
<div class="chat_coll"><h3>Pashi:</h3></div>\
<div class="chat_coll">Haha that’s ok, those old people with the accents and the deep saying ‘$name-San’ crack me up. And I like Pashi!! I’m gonna go see if I can make that my name in the system, haha. See you tomorrow, sir!</div>\
<div class="chat_history">5 years ago:</div>\
<div class="chat_coll"><h3>Pashi:</h3></div>\
<div class="chat_coll">I’ll be right over with the files!</div>\
<div class="chat_history">...</div>\
<div class="chat_mc"><h3>$name</h3></div>\
<div class="chat_mc">Pashi? You ok? I think ‘right over’ shouldn’t take 2 hours..</div>\
<div class="chat_coll"><h3>Pashi:</h3></div>\
<div class="chat_coll">Sorry! Your colleague Mike was here, he said he needed to ask me something and then he kept talking and almost like blocking me from going anywhere for forever. I’m omw!!</div>\
<div class="chat_mc"><h3>$name</h3></div>\
<div class="chat_mc">Oh, sorry’s all mine in that case. Mike is the office pervert and you’re a young woman. Don’t be afraid to just ignore him or tell him to bugger off if it’s not business related, he can’t order you around.</div>\
<div class="chat_coll"><h3>Pashi:</h3></div>\
<div class="chat_coll">Gotcha!</div>\
<div class="chat_history">5 years ago:</div>\
<div class="chat_coll"><h3>Pashi:</h3></div>\
<div class="chat_coll">Oh my god, the most lovely of ladies was just here, Diana, said she wanted to talk to you. Do I make an appointment?</div>\
<div class="chat_mc"><h3>$name</h3></div>\
<div class="chat_mc">Oh, no that’s ok, she’s a colleague that can always just walk on in if she wants to!</div>\
<div class="chat_history">...</div>\
<div class="chat_history">Three months ago:</div>\
<div class="chat_coll"><h3>Pashi:</h3></div>\
<div class="chat_coll">Hi boss, just a heads up: some sort of technical server issue happened that apparently reset a 5 year period on the email and chat apps? You can see stuff older than that, and the rest is also still around in an archive but you can’t see it. If you need anything, let me know and I can get it through tech services.</div>\
<div class="chat_mc"><h3>$name</h3></div>\
<div class="chat_mc">Ok</div>\
<div class="chat_history">A month ago:</div>\
<div class="chat_mc"><h3>$name</h3></div>\
<div class="chat_mc">Hey Pashi, do me a favor and walk down to the bakery on the corner and get some cinnamon rolls for the office, the fancy ones. Make sure you bring ‘m to the Bossman’s office first. You can use my credit card.</div>\
<div class="chat_coll"><h3>Pashi:</h3></div>\
<div class="chat_coll">On my way!</div>\
<div class="chat_history">...</div>\
<div class="chat_coll"><h3>Pashi:</h3></div>\
<div class="chat_coll">Haha what did I do? I got the rolls to the Bossman and he looked at me in total surprise for like two minutes and then he typed something on his computer</div>\
<div class="chat_coll">And while he typed he said ‘thank.. You.. go.. Away.. now.. Please..’ like he was reading what he typed. So I left, lol.</div>\
<div class="chat_mc"><h3>$name</h3></div>\
<div class="chat_mc">Thanks for getting the rolls!</div>\
<div class="chat_history">A month ago:</div>\
<div class="chat_mc"><h3>$name</h3></div>\
<div class="chat_mc">Hey, would you mind working from home for a or two week? You have everything there, right?</div>\
<div class="chat_mc">You can order whatever else you need</div>\
<div class="chat_coll"><h3>Pashi:</h3></div>\
<div class="chat_coll">Of course, yeah, why? Something I did?</div>\
<div class="chat_mc"><h3>$name</h3></div>\
<div class="chat_mc">No, you’re alright! </div>\
<div class="chat_mc">I maybe shouldn’t have sent you for those rolls..</div>\
<div class="chat_mc">I think the boss thinks you’re a figment of his imagination</div>\
<div class="chat_mc">I’m a bit scared he’ll test that theory..</div>\
<div class="chat_history">...</div>\
<div class="chat_mc"><h3>$name</h3></div>\
<div class="chat_mc">He never remembers anything over a week, though, so two weeks should be a full cleanse</div>\
<div class="chat_mc">So sorry about the inconvenience!</div>\
<div class="chat_coll"><h3>Pashi:</h3></div>\
<div class="chat_coll">Not a problem, boss 🙂</div>\
<div class="chat_history">Two weeks ago:</div>\
<div class="chat_coll"><h3>Pashi:</h3></div>\
<div class="chat_coll">The Blondlers just left, they sounded so happy! Can’t wait to know who we’ll be working with next, exciting!!</div>\
<br><div class="chat_history">...</div>\
<div class="chat_history">3 months ago:</div>\
<div class="chat_coll"><h3>Diana:</h3></div>\
<div class="chat_coll">Ah, Mister Bond, I see we have a meeting.</div>\
<div class="chat_coll">I expect to see you there on time. </div>\
<div class="chat_coll">No delays.</div>\
<div class="chat_mc"><h3>$name</h3></div>\
<div class="chat_mc">Why, M, I’m always on time.</div>\
<div class="chat_mc">I arrive exactly..</div>\
<div class="chat_mc">When I mean to.</div>\
<div class="chat_coll"><h3>Diana:</h3></div>\
<div class="chat_coll">I am serious, James.</div>\
<div class="chat_coll">This is not the time for comedy.</div>\
<div class="chat_coll">//The world depends on you.//</div>\
<div class="chat_history">2 months ago:</div>\
<div class="chat_coll"><h3>Diana:</h3></div>\
<div class="chat_coll">Oh my god, did you seriously get the Blondlers account?</div>\
<div class="chat_mc"><h3>$name</h3></div>\
<div class="chat_mc">I seriously did!</div>\
<div class="chat_coll"><h3>Diana:</h3></div>\
<div class="chat_coll">And are they seriously a company that make gold engraved swords?</div>\
<div class="chat_mc"><h3>$name</h3></div>\
<div class="chat_mc">They seriously are!</div>\
<div class="chat_coll"><h3>Diana:</h3></div>\
<div class="chat_coll">Shocking, positively shocking.</div>\
<div class="chat_coll">Careful, James.</div>\
<div class="chat_coll">Don’t let the puns cut too deep.</div>\
<div class="chat_history">2 weeks ago:</div>\
<div class="chat_mc"><h3>$name</h3></div>\
<div class="chat_mc">Hey you want to join me and some friends for the game tonight? Got an extra ticket</div>\
<div class="chat_coll"><h3>Diana:</h3></div>\
<div class="chat_coll">Sure, sounds fun!</div>\
<div class="chat_mc"><h3>$name</h3></div>\
<div class="chat_mc">Nice, I’ll have my Moneypenny send over the ticket!</div>\
<div class="chat_history">2 weeks ago:</div>\
<div class="chat_coll"><h3>Diana:</h3></div>\
<div class="chat_coll">Ah, James. That was quite the spectacle last night.</div>\
<div class="chat_coll">Thanks for taking me along!</div>\
<div class="chat_mc"><h3>$name</h3></div>\
<div class="chat_mc">Any time, fun having you around!</div>\
<div class="chat_history">1 week ago:</div>\
<div class="chat_coll"><h3>Diana:</h3></div>\
<div class="chat_coll">Hey $name, I’ll talk to you about it more I’m sure but just wanted to say that regardless of the reason you’re doing it, I think you’re a brave man and you’ll make a great woman.</div>\
<div class="chat_history">...</div>\
<div class="chat_coll"><h3>Diana:</h3></div>\
<div class="chat_coll">We’re gonna have to find a new Bond, though.</div>\
<div class="chat_coll">I’m all for equality but James Bond is a man in my book.</div>\
<div class="chat_mc"><h3>$name</h3></div>\
<div class="chat_mc">I think he's a man in all the books, actually.</div>\
<div class="chat_mc">And thank you.</div>\
<<include "chat diana one">>\
<<include "chat diana two">>\
<br><<if $chat.diana is 1>>\
<div class="chat_history">Today:</div>\
<div class="chat_mc"><h3>$name:</h3></div>\
<div class="chat_mc">M! How are you?</div>\
<div class="chat_mc">I was hoping you for a moment of your time.</div>\
<div class="chatreplace"><<linkreplace "<br>Continue" t8n>>\
<div class="chat_coll"><h3>Diana:</h3></div>\
<div class="chat_coll">Ah, Jamey.</div>\
<div class="chat_coll">Shoot!</div>\
<div class="chatreplace"><<linkreplace "<br>Continue" t8n>>\
<div class="chat_mc"><h3>$name:</h3></div>\
<div class="chat_mc">I've got this client, $, and I was wondering if maybe you've got a hot tip for me for an activity?</div>\
<div class="chatreplace"><<linkreplace "<br>Continue" t8n>>\
<div class="chat_coll"><h3>Diana:</h3></div>\
<<if $ is "lazer">><div class="chat_coll">Oof, I heard about him. Good luck on that, especially now looking like a pretty woman.</div>\<</if>>\
<<if $ is "pump">><div class="chat_coll">Oh, how nice! Not much into fitness myself, but a really fun client.</div>\<</if>>\
<<if $ is "mamamia">><div class="chat_coll">Oooh, really? I love their products.</div>\<</if>>\
<div class="chat_coll">Yeah, I've got some ideas on where you could take them.</div>\
<div class="chat_coll">I can send something over. It will cost you 1 IOU.</div>\
<div class="chatreplace"><<linkreplace "<br>Continue" t8n>>\
<div class="chat_mc"><h3>$name:</h3></div>\
<div class="chat_mc">Cost me? Are we not colleagues, Diana? </div>\
<div class="chat_mc">Should we not empower one another?</div>\
<div class="chat_mc">Help eachother out?</div>\
<div class="chatreplace"><<linkreplace "<br>Continue" t8n>>\
<div class="chat_coll"><h3>Diana:</h3></div>\
<div class="chat_coll">Haha</div>\
<div class="chat_coll">We should Jamey!</div>\
<div class="chat_coll">Which is why I'm giving you the advice..</div>\
<div class="chat_coll">..and you're giving me an IOU!</div>\
<div class="chat_coll">You do know what //eachother// means, do you not?</div>\
<div class="chatreplace"><<linkreplace "<<link '<br>Continue' `passage()`>><<set $chat.diana ++>><</link>>" t8n>>\
<div class="chat_mc"><h3>$name:</h3></div>\
<div class="chat_mc">Fair enough! Thanks, let me get back to you.</div>\
<div class="chat_coll"><h3>Diana:</h3></div>\
<div class="chat_coll">Always a pleasure, Jamey.</div>\
<<if $chat.diana is 2>>\
<div class="chat_history">Today:</div>\
<div class="chat_mc"><h3>$name:</h3></div>\
<div class="chat_mc">M! How are you?</div>\
<div class="chat_mc">I was hoping you for a moment of your time.</div>\
<div class="chat_coll"><h3>Diana:</h3></div>\
<div class="chat_coll">Ah, Jamey.</div>\
<div class="chat_coll">Shoot!</div>\
<div class="chat_mc"><h3>$name:</h3></div>\
<div class="chat_mc">I've got this client, $, and I was wondering if maybe you've got a hot tip for me for an activity?</div>\
<div class="chat_coll"><h3>Diana:</h3></div>\
<<if $ is "lazer">><div class="chat_coll">Oof, I heard about him. Good luck on that, especially now looking like a pretty woman.</div>\<</if>>\
<<if $ is "pump">><div class="chat_coll">Oh, how nice! Not much into fitness myself, but a really fun client.</div>\<</if>>\
<<if $ is "mamamia">><div class="chat_coll">Oooh, really? I love their products.</div>\<</if>>\
<div class="chat_coll">Yeah, I've got some ideas on where you could take them.</div>\
<div class="chat_coll">I can send something over. It will cost you 1 IOU.</div>\
<div class="chat_mc"><h3>$name:</h3></div>\
<div class="chat_mc">Cost me? Are we not colleagues, Diana? </div>\
<div class="chat_mc">Should we not empower one another?</div>\
<div class="chat_mc">Help eachother out?</div>\
<div class="chat_coll"><h3>Diana:</h3></div>\
<div class="chat_coll">Haha</div>\
<div class="chat_coll">We should Jamey!</div>\
<div class="chat_coll">Which is why I'm giving you the advice..</div>
<div class="chat_coll">..and you're giving me an IOU!</div>\
<div class="chat_coll">You do know what //eachother// means, do you not?</div>\
<div class="chat_mc"><h3>$name:</h3></div>\
<div class="chat_mc">Fair enough! Thanks, let me get back to you.</div>\
<div class="chat_coll"><h3>Diana:</h3></div>\
<div class="chat_coll">Always a pleasure, Jamey.</div>\
<</if>>\<<if $chat.diana is 3>>\
<div class="chat_mc"><h3>$name:</h3></div>\
<div class="chat_mc">Alright, I'll trade you the IOU.</div>\
<div class="chat_mc">Hit me with the good stuff, Diana!</div>\
<div class="chatreplace"><<linkreplace "<br>Continue" t8n>>\
<div class="chat_coll"><h3>Diana:</h3></div>\
<div class="chat_coll">The good stuff it is, Jamey!</div>\
<div class="chat_coll">I'll mail you the info and have my assistant add the location to the planner.
This is a great activity, you'll see.</div>\
<div class="chatreplace"><<linkreplace "<<link '<br>Continue' `passage()`>><<set $chat.diana ++>>\<</link>>" t8n>>\
<div class="chat_mc"><h3>$name:</h3></div>\
<div class="chat_mc">Awesome, thanks Diana!</div>\
<<if $chat.diana gte 4>>\
<div class="chat_mc"><h3>$name:</h3></div>\
<div class="chat_mc">Alright, I'll trade you the IOU.</div>\
<div class="chat_mc">Hit me with the good stuff, Diana!</div>\
<div class="chat_coll"><h3>Diana:</h3></div>\
<div class="chat_coll">The good stuff it is, Jamey!</div>\
<div class="chat_coll">I'll mail you the info and have my assistant add the location to the planner.
This is a great activity, you'll see.</div>\
<div class="chat_mc"><h3>$name:</h3></div>\
<div class="chat_mc">Awesome, thanks Diana!</div>\
<</if>>\<div class="chat_history">8 years ago:</div>\
<div class="chat_coll"><h3>Mr Bossman:</h3></div>\
<div class="chat_coll">Hi there!</div>\
<div class="chat_coll">This is an automated message by Mr Bossman's assistant 🙂</div>\
<div class="chat_coll">Just want to let you know that for some technical reason, everyone needs to have this account in their chat.</div>\
<div class="chat_coll">It won't be functional, if you ever need anything you send me a message or visit me at my desk!</div>\
<div class="chat_coll">- Max</div>\
<div class="chat_history">...</div>\
<div class="chat_history">A month ago:</div>\
<div class="chat_coll"><h3>Mr Bossman:</h3></div>\
<div class="chat_coll">is there unrolled cinnamon roll</div>\
<div class="chat_coll">cinnamon slab</div>\
<div class="chat_coll">cinnamon slice slab</div>\
<div class="chat_coll">what is cinnamon</div>\
<div class="chat_coll">cinnamon roll</div>\
<div class="chat_coll">is cinnamon roll a croissant</div>\
<div class="chat_coll">cinnamon roll recipe</div>\
<div class="chat_coll">order cinnamon roll nearby quick</div>\
<div class="chat_coll">cinnamon roll now</div>\
<div class="chat_history">...</div>\
<div class="chat_coll"><h3>Mr Bossman:</h3></div>\
<div class="chat_coll">thank you</div>\
<div class="chat_coll">go away now</div>\
<div class="chat_history">...</div>\
<div class="chat_coll"><h3>Mr Bossman:</h3></div>\
<div class="chat_coll">cinnamon roll fairy</div>\
<div class="chat_coll">cinnamon roll fairy hot</div>\
<div class="chat_coll">blowjob nearby quick</div>\
<div class="chat_coll">blowjob now</div>\
<br><div class="chat_history">...</div>\
<div class="chat_history">3 months ago:</div>\
<div class="chat_coll"><h3>Mike:</h3>\
hooooly shit was that ur gf just now?
damn son shes fucking smoking lol
can i have her nr lolll
<div class="chat_history">2 months ago:</div>\
<div class="chat_coll"><h3>Mike:</h3>\
ran into ur assistant yday at drinks
u rly pissed cause what i said abt ur gf?
was a compliment lol</div>
<div class="chat_mc"><h3>$name:</h3></div>\
<div class="chat_mc">thats what i thought
dont know where she got that I was angry</div>
<div class="chat_coll"><h3>Mike:</h3>\
<div class="chat_history">1 month ago:</div>\
<div class="chat_coll"><h3>Mike:</h3>\
lol wtf was that meeting
you ever hear some1 talk like that?
what was that shit with the ducks??? <p>😂</p></div>
<div class="chat_mc"><h3>$name:</h3></div>\
<div class="chat_mc">//'.. but thats not all! NOT ALL I SAY!!'//</div>
<div class="chat_coll"><h3>Mike:</h3>\
<div class="chat_history">3 weeks ago:</div>\
<div class="chat_coll"><h3>Mike:</h3>\
left ur coffee</div>
<div class="chat_history">2 weeks ago:</div>\
<div class="chat_mc"><h3>$name:</h3></div>\
<div class="chat_mc">Hey me and the guys got an extra ticket for the game tonight, you wanna tag along?</div>
<div class="chat_coll"><h3>Mike:</h3>\
were not bonding dude, why you try so hard?
dont u got plenty friends?
like nothing against u but I dont hang with colleagues</div>
<div class="chat_mc"><h3>$name:</h3></div>\
<div class="chat_mc">Yeah that feels like a normal response. Everything alright at home? Jesus..</div>\
<div class="chat_history">1 week ago:</div>\
<div class="chat_coll"><h3>Mike:</h3>\
<<if $body is 1>>u done something to ur body or st? look like a woman rofl<</if>>\
<<if $body is 2>>are u the cutie that just walked past? LOL WTF!??<</if>>\
<<if $body is 3>>HOLY SHIT DUDE ARE YOU THE TITS AND ASS I JUST SAW???<</if>>\
</div><div class="chat_mc"><h3>$name:</h3></div>\
<div class="chat_mc">Yeah yeah I'll explain in the pantry before lunch</div>
<<include "chat mike one">>\
<<include "chat mike two">>\
<br><<if $chat.mike is 1>>\
<div class="chat_history">Today:</div>\
<div class="chat_mc"><h3>$name:</h3></div>\
<div class="chat_mc">Mikey!</div>\
<div class="chat_mc">Hey man, you good?</div>\
<div class="chat_mc">I need to ask you something, you got a moment?</div>\
<div class="chatreplace"><<linkreplace "<br>Continue" t8n>>\
<div class="chat_coll"><h3>Mike:</h3></div>\
<div class="chat_coll">lol //mikey//, sounds like u need a favor</div>\
<div class="chat_coll">sup?<<set $chat.mike ++>></div>\
<div class="chatreplace"><<linkreplace "<br>Continue" t8n>>\
<div class="chat_mc"><h3>$name:</h3></div>\
<div class="chat_mc">Nothing major. I got this client, $</div>\
<div class="chat_mc">maybe you heard of 'm</div>\
<div class="chat_mc">They're visiting next week, thought maybe you got some new places or ideas</div>\
<div class="chatreplace"><<linkreplace "<br>Continue" t8n>>\
<div class="chat_coll"><h3>Mike:</h3></div>\
<div class="chat_coll">$ </div>\
<div class="chat_coll">hold on lemme check</div>\
<<if $ is "mamamia">><div class="chat_coll">daaamn mama mia is right lol
yea u can send her over for a taste of the mike I got u</div><</if>>\
<<if $ is "pump">><div class="chat_coll">lol u gettin the trans client cus u a woman now? </div>\
<div class="chat_coll">she hot tho</div>\
<div class="chat_coll">yea ok ill do her no worries</div><</if>>\
<<if $ is "lazer">><div class="chat_coll">lol wat a dweeb, yea i got some ideas how to handle his type <span>😂</span></div><</if>>\
<div class="chat_coll">no but I got some ideas sure</div>\
<div class="chat_coll">what do I get in return?</div>
<div class="chatreplace"><<linkreplace "<br>Continue" t8n>>\
<div class="chat_mc"><h3>$name:</h3></div>\
<div class="chat_mc">My thanks? We're colleagues, what do you mean what do you get?</div>\
<div class="chatreplace"><<linkreplace "<br>Continue" t8n>>\
<div class="chat_coll"><h3>Mike:</h3></div>\
<div class="chat_coll">nah I can't go givin out free work</div>\
<div class="chat_coll">gonna need something</div>\
<div class="chatreplace"><<linkreplace "<br>Continue" t8n>>\
<div class="chat_mc"><h3>$name:</h3></div>\
<div class="chat_mc">Lemme get back to you</div>\
<div class="chatreplace"><<linkreplace "<<link '<br>Continue' `passage()`>><</link>>" t8n>>\
<div class="chat_coll"><h3>Mike:</h3></div>\
<div class="chat_coll"><p>👍</p></div>\
<<set $chat.mike ++>>\
<<if $chat.mike gte 2>>\
<div class="chat_history">Today:</div>\
<div class="chat_mc"><h3>$name:</h3></div>\
<div class="chat_mc">Mikey!</div>\
<div class="chat_mc">Hey man, you good?</div>\
<div class="chat_mc">I need to ask you something, you got a moment?</div>\
<div class="chat_coll"><h3>Mike:</h3></div>\
<div class="chat_coll">lol //mikey//, sounds like u need a favor</div>\
<div class="chat_coll">sup?</div>\
<div class="chat_mc"><h3>$name:</h3></div>\
<div class="chat_mc">Nothing major. I got this client, $</div>\
<div class="chat_mc">maybe you heard of 'm</div>\
<div class="chat_mc">They're visiting next week, thought maybe you got some new places or ideas</div>\
<div class="chat_coll"><h3>Mike:</h3></div>\
<div class="chat_coll">$ </div>\
<div class="chat_coll">hold on lemme check</div>\
<<if $ is "mamamia">><div class="chat_coll">daaamn mama mia is right lol
yea u can send her over for a taste of the mike I got u</div><</if>>\
<<if $ is "pump">><div class="chat_coll">lol u gettin the trans client cus u a woman now? </div>\
<div class="chat_coll">she hot tho</div>\
<div class="chat_coll">yea ok ill do her no worries</div><</if>>\
<<if $ is "lazer">><div class="chat_coll">lol wat a dweeb, yea i got some ideas how to handle his type <span>😂</div><</if>>\
<div class="chat_coll">no but I got some ideas sure</div>\
<div class="chat_coll">what do I get in return?</div>
<div class="chat_mc"><h3>$name:</h3></div>\
<div class="chat_mc">My thanks? We're colleagues, what do you mean what do you get?</div>\
<div class="chat_coll"><h3>Mike:</h3></div>\
<div class="chat_coll">nah I can't go givin out free work</div>\
<div class="chat_coll">gonna need something</div>\
<div class="chat_mc"><h3>$name:</h3></div>\
<div class="chat_mc">Let me get back to you</div>\
<div class="chat_coll"><h3>Mike:</h3></div>\
<div class="chat_coll"><p>👍</p></div>\
<</if>><<if $chat.mike is 3>><div class="chat_mc"><h3>$name:</h3></div>\
<div class="chat_mc">Alright, fine, I'll trade you something for a good tip.</div>\
<div class="chat_mc">Has to be reasonable, though!</div>\
<div class="chat_mc">And the tip has to be good.</div>\
<div class="chatreplace"><<linkreplace "<br>Continue" t8n>>\
<div class="chat_coll"><h3>Mike:</h3></div>\
<div class="chat_coll">haha dont worry about that</div>\
<div class="chat_coll">my tips are gold</div>\
<div class="chatreplace"><<linkreplace "<br>Continue" t8n>>\
<div class="chat_coll"><h3>Mike:</h3></div>\
<div class="chat_coll">its a secret bar with some spicy shit on the menu
clients love it, cant go wrong
what I want in return.. hm..</div>\
<div class="chatreplace"><<linkreplace "<br>Continue" t8n>>\
<div class="chat_coll"><h3>Mike:</h3></div>\
<div class="chat_coll">ok if you take ur client there I want a video of the spicy shit
ull know what I mean </div>\
<div class="chatreplace"><<linkreplace "<br>Continue" t8n>>\
<div class="chat_coll"><h3>Mike:</h3></div>\
<div class="chat_coll">and if u dont take them there
Im gonna need a video of u
juuust for me</div>\
<div class="chatreplace"><<linkreplace "<br>Continue" t8n>>\
<div class="chat_mc"><h3>$name:</h3></div>\
<div class="chat_mc">Jesus, dude, you're such a pervert.
You know I still have all my parts, right?</div>\
<div class="chatreplace"><<linkreplace "<<link '<br>Continue' `passage()`>><<set $chat.mike ++>>\<</link>>" t8n>>\
<div class="chat_coll"><h3>Mike:</h3></div>\
<div class="chat_coll">yeah I cant worry bout that
I listen to my Johnson and u walking around like that makes him happy so
aight ill mail over the info, dont forget the video!</div>\
<<if $chat.mike gte 4>>
<div class="chat_mc"><h3>$name:</h3></div>\
<div class="chat_mc">Alright, fine, I'll trade you something for a good tip.</div>\
<div class="chat_mc">Has to be reasonable, though!</div>\
<div class="chat_mc">And the tip has to be good.</div>\
<div class="chat_coll"><h3>Mike:</h3></div>\
<div class="chat_coll">haha dont worry about that</div>\
<div class="chat_coll">my tips are gold</div>\
<div class="chat_coll"><h3>Mike:</h3></div>\
<div class="chat_coll">its a secret bar with some spicy shit on the menu
clients love it, cant go wrong
what I want in return.. hm..</div>\
<div class="chat_coll"><h3>Mike:</h3></div>\
<div class="chat_coll">ok if you take ur client there I want a video of the spicy shit
ull know what I mean </div>\
<div class="chat_coll"><h3>Mike:</h3></div>\
<div class="chat_coll">and if u dont take them there
Im gonna need a video of u
juuust for me</div>\
<div class="chat_mc"><h3>$name:</h3></div>\
<div class="chat_mc">Jesus, dude, you're such a pervert.
You know I still have all my parts, right?</div>\
<div class="chat_coll"><h3>Mike:</h3></div>\
<div class="chat_coll">yeah I cant worry bout that
I listen to my Johnson
u walking around like that makes him happy so
aight ill mail over the info, dont forget the video!</div>\
<</if>>\<<if $chatlog_active is "chatlog_mike">>\
<<include "chatoptions_mike">>\
<<if $chatlog_active is "chatlog_diana">>\
<<include "chatoptions_diana">>\
<<if $chatlog_active is "chatlog_pashi">>\
<<include "chatoptions_pashi">>\
<<if $chatlog_active is "chatlog_boss">>\
//No point messaging The Bossman, he doesn't use his chat.
Not correctly, anyway.//
<</if>>\<<if $chat.mike is 0>><<link "Ask Mike for advice." `passage()`>><<set $chat.mike ++>><</link>>\
<<elseif $chat.mike is 2 and $chat.diana is 0>>Greedy bastard wants something in return for a bit of advice. Let's ask Diana,
maybe she won't try to take advantage.
<<elseif $chat.mike is 2 and $chat.diana is 2>>They //both// want something in return. You're not 'paying' for two tips, it's just
one client. Gotta choose. <<link "Choose Mike - trade //something// for his advice." `passage()`>><<set $chat.mike ++>><</link>>
//You won't be able to also receive Diana's advice.//
<<if $chat.mike gte 4>>Well, Mike's mailed you his tip.
Better be worth the spicy video you promised him..
<<set $night_activity.unlocked.four to "night_grime">>\
<<set $ to 4>>\
<</if>>\<<if $chat.diana is 0>><<link "Ask Diana for advice." `passage()`>><<set $chat.diana ++>><</link>>\
<<elseif $chat.mike is 0 and $chat.diana is 2>>Hm, she wants something in return. Maybe Mike will give us advice for free?
<<elseif $chat.mike is 2 and $chat.diana is 2>>They //both// want something in return. You're not 'paying' for two tips, it's just
one client. Gotta choose. <<link "Choose Diana - trade an IOU for her advice." `passage()`>><<set $chat.diana ++>><</link>>
//You won't be able to also receive Mike's advice.//
<<if $chat.diana gte 4>>You traded an IOU for Diana's tip. She's sent you the info!
<<set $night_activity.unlocked.four to "night_dancingbear">>\
<<set $ to 4>>\
<</if>>\<div class="infocard">\
<div class="infocard_img"><img src="images/work/museum.png" alt="stuff"></div>\
<div class="infocard_text">\
<h2 class="carslide-title">Museum</h2>\
<p class="carslide-text"><<nobr>>Though definitely not for everyone - museums are a great destination for art lovers,
intellectuals and people that, well, enjoy museums!<br><br>Take your client to the City Municipal Art Museum and enjoy
phenomenal works of art both by local and international masters of the arts.<</nobr>></p>\
<<button "Choose This." `passage()`>>\
<<set $day_activity.confirmed to "yes">>\
<<set $day_activity.choice to "museum">>\
<<set $ to "url(images/work/thumbs/museum.png)">>\
<<set $choosing_field to "choosing_overview">>\
</div>\<div class="infocard">\
<div class="infocard_img"><img src="images/work/golf.png" alt="stuff"></div>\
<div class="infocard_text">\
<h2 class="carslide-title">Golf</h2>\
<p class="carslide-text"><<nobr>>People without the means to play golf will often wonder what the big deal is.
They just drive around fake green hills searching for a tiny ball to put in a tiny
hole, right?<br><br>Right! Take your client to one of the greatest golf courses and experience our
fake green hills, holes and balls.<</nobr>></p>\
<<button "Choose This." `passage()`>>\
<<set $day_activity.confirmed to "yes">>\
<<set $day_activity.choice to "golf">>\
<<set $ to "url(images/work/thumbs/golf.png)">>\
<<set $choosing_field to "choosing_overview">>\
</div>\<div class="infocard">\
<div class="infocard_img"><img src="images/work/shopping.png" alt="stuff"></div>\
<div class="infocard_text">\
<h2 class="carslide-title">Shopping</h2>\
<p class="carslide-text"><<nobr>>Are there stores at home? Yes. Can you order everything online? Yes. Does any of that
matter? Of course not!<br><br>For some, nothing beats a day of shopping - especially in a new environment with everything
still to discover. Take your client on a VIP shopping spree at the prestigious MegaMall.<</nobr>></p>\
<<button "Choose This." `passage()`>>\
<<set $day_activity.confirmed to "yes">>\
<<set $day_activity.choice to "shopping">>\
<<set $ to "url(images/work/thumbs/shopping.png)">>\
<<set $choosing_field to "choosing_overview">>\
</div>\<div class="infocard">\
<div class="infocard_img"><img src="images/work/sightseeing.png" alt="stuff"></div>\
<div class="infocard_text">\
<h2 class="carslide-title">Sightseeing</h2>\
<p class="carslide-text"><<nobr>>Having money doesn't mean some of the simpler joys in life can no longer be had.
One of the best things to do in a new city? Sightseeing! Walk around, see the people and experience the city!
<br><br>Note: sightseeing is usually done by foot. The bus was in the shot when the photograph was taken.<</nobr>></p>\
<<button "Choose This." `passage()`>>\
<<set $day_activity.confirmed to "yes">>\
<<set $day_activity.choice to "sightseeing">>\
<<set $ to "url(images/work/thumbs/sightseeing.png)">>\
<<set $choosing_field to "choosing_overview">>\
</div>\<div class="infocard">\
<div class="infocard_img"><img src="images/work/spa.png" alt="stuff"></div>\
<div class="infocard_text">\
<h2 class="carslide-title">Spa</h2>\
<p class="carslide-text"><<nobr>>The spa is often a safe and great choice for a daytime activity.
Whether you like to sweat it out in our sauna, get a heavenly massage or float around in our worldy pools -
our spa has it all.<br><br>Unless you can't sit still and need to //do something// - the spa works 100% of the time.<</nobr>></p>\
<<button "Choose This." `passage()`>>\
<<set $day_activity.confirmed to "yes">>\
<<set $day_activity.choice to "Spa">>\
<<set $ to "url(images/work/thumbs/spa.png)">>\
<<set $choosing_field to "choosing_overview">>\
</div>\<div class="infocard">\
<div class="infocard_img"><img src="images/work/buttplug.png" alt="stuff"></div>\
<div class="infocard_text">\
<h2 class="carslide-title">Buttplug</h2>\
<p class="carslide-text"><<nobr>>Though not considered a typical 'business gift', the buttplug can be the perfect gift
for a client! Potentially, the buttplug allows you to set a fun, exciting and playful tone. Can work for both men
and women - but be mindful of insecurities.<br><br>This buttplug is made with high quality materials and real gems.<</nobr>></p>\
<<button "Choose This." `passage()`>>\
<<set $gift.confirmed to "yes">>\
<<set $gift.choice to "buttplug">>\
<<set $ to "url(images/work/thumbs/buttplug.png)">>\
<<set $choosing_field to "choosing_overview">>\
</div>\<div class="infocard">\
<div class="infocard_img"><img src="images/work/diyldo.png" alt="stuff"></div>\
<div class="infocard_text">\
<h2 class="carslide-title">DIyLDO</h2>\
<p class="carslide-text"><<nobr>>With this set, a client is able to easily make a penis into a high quality dildo!
A fun gift for couples that travel a lot or for men that are really into their own junk.<br><br>The set comes with an
easy to use mold and takes mere minutes to use. The toy then needs at least 24 hours to set.<</nobr>></p>\
<<button "Choose This." `passage()`>>\
<<set $gift.confirmed to "yes">>\
<<set $gift.choice to "diyldo">>\
<<set $ to "url(images/work/thumbs/diyldo.png)">>\
<<set $choosing_field to "choosing_overview">>\
</div>\<div class="infocard">\
<div class="infocard_img"><img src="images/work/clothing.png" alt="stuff"></div>\
<div class="infocard_text">\
<h2 class="carslide-title">Designer Clothing</h2>\
<p class="carslide-text"><<nobr>>One of the first things people pick up when they become wealthy is
a taste for expensive designer clothes. And one of the best things designer can be is: unique.
<br><br>Have your PA pick up one of our absolutely one-one-of-a-kind designer pieces of clothing. Guaranteed to
be the only in existence!<</nobr>></p>\
<<button "Choose This." `passage()`>>\
<<set $gift.confirmed to "yes">>\
<<set $gift.choice to "clothing">>\
<<set $ to "url(images/work/thumbs/clothing.png)">>\
<<set $choosing_field to "choosing_overview">>\
</div>\<div class="infocard">\
<div class="infocard_img"><img src="images/work/cockring.png" alt="stuff"></div>\
<div class="infocard_text">\
<h2 class="carslide-title">Vibrating Cockring</h2>\
<p class="carslide-text"><<nobr>>Some clients will like a sex toy because it's out there, it's fun,
it's cheeky.<br><br>But we all know many clients expect //a little something// on their visits. So why not turn their
special treat into an explosive experience?<</nobr>></p>\
<<button "Choose This." `passage()`>>\
<<set $gift.confirmed to "yes">>\
<<set $gift.choice to "cockring">>\
<<set $ to "url(images/work/thumbs/cockring.png)">>\
<<set $choosing_field to "choosing_overview">>\
</div>\<div class="infocard">\
<div class="infocard_img"><img src="images/work/booze.png" alt="stuff"></div>\
<div class="infocard_text">\
<h2 class="carslide-title">Booze!</h2>\
<p class="carslide-text"><<nobr>>A bit boring? Cliché? Maybe. But maybe it's also just a perfect gift.<br><br>
Have your PA pick up a custom bottle from our high-end special collection and treat your clients to an otherwise
impossible to obtain bottle.<</nobr>></p>\
<<button "Choose This." `passage()`>>\
<<set $gift.confirmed to "yes">>\
<<set $gift.choice to "booze">>\
<<set $ to "url(images/work/thumbs/booze.png)">>\
<<set $choosing_field to "choosing_overview">>\
</div>\<div class="infocard">\
<div class="infocard_img"><img src="images/work/polaroid.png" alt="stuff"></div>\
<div class="infocard_text">\
<h2 class="carslide-title">Polaroid Camera</h2>\
<p class="carslide-text"><<nobr>>Who doesn't love a polaroid camera? With this state-of-the-art vintage
polaroid camera, your client can capture all the fun they're having in unique, physical form.<br><br>
There's just something exciting about waving a picture around to see how it will turn out.<</nobr>></p>\
<<button "Choose This." `passage()`>>\
<<set $gift.confirmed to "yes">>\
<<set $gift.choice to "polaroid">>\
<<set $ to "url(images/work/thumbs/polaroid.png)">>\
<<set $choosing_field to "choosing_overview">>\
</div>\<div class="infocard">\
<div class="infocard_img"><img src="images/work/remote.png" alt="stuff"></div>\
<div class="infocard_text">\
<h2 class="carslide-title">RC Vibrator</h2>\
<p class="carslide-text"><<nobr>>If you have a client that can appreciate this gift - it is the absolute
number one choice for you. No matter where and when the vibrator is used, the excitement that comes with it
is unique.<br><br>The Vibrator is controlled through an app. Comes with a special '//When Harry met Sally//'-mode.<</nobr>></p>\
<<button "Choose This." `passage()`>>\
<<set $gift.confirmed to "yes">>\
<<set $gift.choice to "RC Vibrator">>\
<<set $ to "url(images/work/thumbs/remote.png)">>\
<<set $choosing_field to "choosing_overview">>\
</div>\<div class="email">\
<span id="emailheader">Can't Wait!</span>
<span id="sentby">From: Cookie</span>
<span id="adressedto">To: You</span>
<<nobr>>I'm so excited to see what you guys have cooked up for my business, I really can't wait to be there next week!
I think my PA Jason has been in contact with yours, so I trust that'll all be good. One thing: Jason is my nephew,
so I don't want him to think of me as his.. dirty auntie Cookie. So you can probably spice up his advice and a bit ;)<</nobr>>
Anyway, looking forward to seeing you!
</div>\<div class="email">\
<span id="emailheader">Lingerie Set</span>
<span id="sentby">From: Cookie</span>
<span id="adressedto">To: You</span>
<<nobr>>I've been having so much fun working on your personal set! I wasn't sure if I should mail you this but I figured why not!!
Sooo the obvious 'issue' with creating your set is - //elephant in the room// - your penis. I have never made anything for that,
so I was a bit lost. Do I try to hide it? Does it change the whole approach? Etcetc.<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>So I buy a couple of strapons and have some of my models try 'm on. See what that does with the look, right?
But every time we just end up focusing on the strapon instead of the lingerie and getting wetter than the ocean floor, lol.
(attached some images, you'll see what I mean..)<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>So then I thought: maybe the penis should be part of the outfit! Right? Big, erect penis? I incorporate every part of the boobs in
my designs, why //not// the dick? One of my favorite parts, anyway..<</nobr>>
So yeah, sorry for being so forward, haha. Just excited about the design. We may have to measure you up when I'm over there ;)
Alright, see you next week!
<div id="attachment">Attachments:
<<button "strapon1.jpg">><<popup "strapon 1 jpg">><</button>> \
<<button "strapon2.jpg">><<popup "strapon 2 jpg">><</button>> \
<<button "strapon3.jpg">><<popup "strapon 3 jpg">><</button>> \
</div></div>\<div class="popupimg"><img src="images/work/mamamia/strapon1.png"></div><div class="popupimg"><img src="images/work/mamamia/strapon2.png"></div><div class="popupimg"><img src="images/work/mamamia/strapon3.png"></div><div class="email">\
<span id="emailheader">To: $name $lastname</span>
<span id="sentby">From: Lazer Gaming</span>
<span id="adressedto">To: You</span>
Dear Ms. $lastname,
<<nobr>>I've been coordinating Mr Headshot's visit with your assistant Pashi and I trust it will
be a fruitful and succesful trip. Mr Headshot has asked me to contact you personally with some notes:<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>As I will not be joining Mr Headshot on the trip, he will expect you, $name,
to ''personally'' take over my assisting duties.<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>Mr Headshot is a ''heterosexual man'' and he does not want to be //tricked// into
homosexual thoughts. He expects you to present yourself as a pure female and hide all traces
of masculinity as best you can.<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>Mr Headshot expects only the best of the best. He is not afraid to impose punishment
if he feels he's being shortchanged.<</nobr>>
I trust you understand he takes this very serious and expects nothing less of you.
Sarah - Mr Headshot's PA
</div>\<div class="email">\
<span id="emailheader">yo</span>
<span id="sentby">From: The REAL Headshot</span>
<span id="adressedto">To: You</span>
<<nobr>>Yo, I take it you got Sara's mail, just wanna make sure you understand. I'm not gonna be looking at someone wearing
sexy clothes looking like a hot woman and then seeing a dick, ok? Because you are gonna be wearing something sexy
but there's not gonna be any dicks around except for mine, get it?<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>Also just so youre not confused cause I know some women get that lol but I sent you picture of my hard dick earlier,
just fyi when you see it, it might not be hard so you gotta do that yourself. See the picture, you get it.<</nobr>>
Ok see you next week.
<div id="attachment">Attachments:
<<button "soft.jpg">><<popup "lazer 1 jpg">><</button>> \
</div></div>\<div class="popupimg"><img src="images/work/lazer/soft.png"></div><div class="email">\
<span id="emailheader">Sexy Calendar!!</span>
<span id="sentby">From: Maria</span>
<span id="adressedto">To: You</span>
<<nobr>>I have something cool to share!! I'm creating a sexy calendar with a bunch of other trans women for charity. You know like the ones
with the hunks or babes!!! Sooooo..<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>I thought you need to be on it!! I'm not going to make you, of course, but I will though haha!! No, but it would be soooo cool if you did.
And also it's for charity sooooo.. kinda have to, haha!! 😈😇<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>I put some photo's to give you an idea. It's going to be full, you know, XXX stuff but not like porn cause it's solo, you know?
Just really sexy ladies 😍😍!! I hope you think about it!! Maybe we can make some pics when I'm there next week, looking forward to
that as well!!!<</nobr>>
Ok byyyye love you!! 😘
<div id="attachment">Attachments:
<<button "dao.jpg">><<popup "calendar 1 jpg">><</button>> \
<<button "megan.jpg">><<popup "calendar 2 jpg">><</button>> \
<<button "alisia.jpg">><<popup "calendar 4 jpg">><</button>> \
<<button "zariah.jpg">><<popup "calendar 3 jpg">><</button>> \
</div></div>\<div class="popupimg"><img src="images/work/pump/calendar4.png"></div><div class="popupimg"><img src="images/work/pump/calendar3.png"></div><div class="popupimg"><img src="images/work/pump/calendar2.png"></div><div class="popupimg"><img src="images/work/pump/calendar1.png"></div><div class="email">\
<span id="emailheader">Can't wait!!</span>
<span id="sentby">From: Maria</span>
<span id="adressedto">To: You</span>
<<nobr>>Just want to let you know I'm really looking forward to my visit next week!! Mainly to hang out lol, but who knows maybe
the business stuff won't be too boring 🤪<</nobr>>
Oh, also I have some surprises for you! But I can't tell you because it's a surprise but I really want to tell you so I'm just telling you that I can't tell you. 🤗
Oh and aaaaalso I have this really cool project but it's different from my visit so I'll mail you in another mail!!
Okay byeeeee love you 😘
</div>\<<if $ is "mamamia">><<include "mail_pashi_mamamia">><</if>>\
<<if $ is "lazer">><<include "mail_pashi_lazer">><</if>>\
<<if $ is "pump">><<include "mail_pashi_pump">><</if>>\<div class="email">\
<span id="emailheader">$ Research</span>
<span id="sentby">From: Pashi</span>
<span id="adressedto">To: You</span>
Hi Boss!
<<nobr>>I'm sooooo excited about $ as a client!!! I've created a doc in the research app.
found something //juuuuicy// in there, haha.<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>Oh and I hope this is not inappropriate or anything, but if for some reason Cookie wanted to give you and your.. team
a gift from their collection, my measurements are in the system.<</nobr>>
xx Pashi
</div>\<div class="email">\
<span id="emailheader">$ Research</span>
<span id="sentby">From: Pashi</span>
<span id="adressedto">To: You</span>
Hi Boss!
<<nobr>>I've completed the research doc on HeadShotGuy, or Larry, as he's called. I'm not quite sure what to think about him,
haha. He's an exciting guy kinda? But he's also a massive asshole from what I've seen haha. But I'll let you be the judge of course!!<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>Also his PA, Sarah, wanted me to tell you she's sorry about the mail she sent you. Apparently Larry was watching her
when she wrote it so she couldn't word it another way. She says he's more bark than bite, but if you feed too much into his act then he's gonna
start chewing? Something along those lines.<</nobr>>
Anyway, good luck!
xx Pashi
</div>\<div class="email">\
<span id="emailheader">$ Research</span>
<span id="sentby">From: Pashi</span>
<span id="adressedto">To: You</span>
Hi Boss!
<<nobr>>I'm I've completed the research on PUMP and Maria. I had not heard of her before, but I subscribed to all her stuff, I really think she's
one of the most genuinely fun people around out there, so happy they're our client!<</nobr>>
Also, there's some.. spicy stuff in there. Good stuff though, if you like a bit of spice. Let me know if you need anything!
xx Pashi
</div>\<div class="email">\
<span id="emailheader">Fwd: Great Effort!</span>
<span id="sentby">From: The Bossman</span>
<span id="adressedto">To: Everyone</span>
<div id="forwarded">--- Forwarded message ---
From: ''HR <hr@consult.9>''
Hi Boss,
<<nobr>>Here's a concept for the mail we discussed. If you're happy with it, let us know and we'll automate sending it to all
employees individually like we discussed: <</nobr>></div>
Hi there [Insert Name],
<<nobr>>I just wanted to mail you this personal email to tell you that I think
you are doing a great job! But we could all do better.<</nobr>>
Thank you,
- The Boss
</div>\<div class="email">\
<span id="emailheader">the grime</span>
<span id="sentby">From: Mike</span>
<span id="adressedto">To: You</span>
aight it's this place called the grime
it's in chinatown, u get there thru a broken fridge, added a vid so u can see
so heres why its great:
1 ur client feels exclusive cus its secret
2 theres gloryholes in the back, clients fuckin love that shit
<<if $ is "lazer">>so to be clear, i want a video of the person on the other side
of ur client doing the work, not the client lol.
<<else>>dont forget to take a pic when ur client is in there getting to work lol.<</if>>\
had my assistant add it to ur planner
- mike
</div>\<div class="email">\
<span id="emailheader">Bear Party</span>
<span id="sentby">From: Diana</span>
<span id="adressedto">To: You</span>
Hi $name,
So, //bear// with me because this may sound nasty, but it's a lot of fun and clients love it.
<<nobr>>There's a hidden little former theater downtown that hosts these stripper parties they call 'Bear Parties'.
Just imagine a room full of young, attractive women (they plant a couple of actors) watching and touching a stream of
hot, hung, strippers. Because of the plants there, you're guaranteed to see blowjobs and more.<</nobr>>
<<if $ isnot "lazer">><<nobr>>Whether your client participates actively or just watches, it's
one of those experiences they'll love just by how wild it is. Though, between you and me? I've not been there with a single
client that didn't have a little taste.<</nobr>><</if>>\
<<if $ is "lazer">><<nobr>>Now, I think this is perfect for your client. If you tell the manager //Pussy
Galore// sent you, they'll make him one of the strippers and he'll gets to dance around, show himself to a whole bunch of horny
women and have a public orgasm. Trust me, you'll have spoiled him for life.<</nobr>><</if>>
<<nobr>>Oh, and just a little heads up: the strippers generally don't know who the plants are and are encouraged by
management to try engage //all// women present. Just so you know what to expect.<</nobr>>
Have fun!
</div>\<div class="infocard">\
<div class="infocard_img"><img src="images/work/grime.png" alt="stuff"></div>\
<div class="infocard_text">\
<h2 class="carslide-title">The Grime</h2>\
<p class="carslide-text"><<nobr>>Mike's recommendation for a nighttime activity is 'The Grime'.
A secret bar with a unique vibe you won't find anywhere else.<br><br>
Not just the bar is secret - in the back, patrons in the know can partake in anonymous sex in one of the many available gloryholes.<</nobr>></p>\
<<button "Choose This." `passage()`>>\
<<set $night_activity.confirmed to "yes">>\
<<set $night_activity.choice to "The Grime">>\
<<set $ to "url(images/work/thumbs/grime.png)">>\
<<set $choosing_field to "choosing_overview">>\
</div>\<div class="infocard">\
<div class="infocard_img"><img src="images/work/dancingbear.png" alt="stuff"></div>\
<div class="infocard_text">\
<h2 class="carslide-title">Bear Party</h2>\
<p class="carslide-text"><<nobr>>Diana's recommendation for a nighttime activity is the so called 'Bear Party'.
It's a simple concept: a room full of women are treated to well built, //very// well endowed men and encouraged to
interact, resulting in blowjobs and sex.<br><br><<if $ is "lazer">>As you join the women,
your client will take on the role of one of the male strippers.<<else>>Your client and you will join
the women and experience everything //up close//.<</if>><</nobr>></p>\
<<button "Choose This." `passage()`>>\
<<set $night_activity.confirmed to "yes">>\
<<set $night_activity.choice to "Bear Party">>\
<<set $ to "url(images/work/thumbs/dancingbear.png)">>\
<<set $choosing_field to "choosing_overview">>\
</div>\<div class="infocard">\
<div class="infocard_img"><img src="images/work/stripclub.png" alt="stuff"></div>\
<div class="infocard_text">\
<h2 class="carslide-title">Stripclub</h2>\
<p class="carslide-text"><<nobr>>We're not going to list reasons why people don't like stripclubs. Because at a stripclub,
you get to look at a man or woman seductively take their clothes off while you yell encouragingly. What's not to like?!
<br><br>Take your client to one of the best, high-end clubs in the country - you won't regret it.<</nobr>></p>\
<<button "Choose This." `passage()`>>\
<<set $night_activity.confirmed to "yes">>\
<<set $night_activity.choice to "stripclub">>\
<<set $ to "url(images/work/thumbs/stripclub.png)">>\
<<set $choosing_field to "choosing_overview">>\
</div>\<div class="infocard">\
<div class="infocard_img"><img src="images/work/clubbing.png" alt="stuff"></div>\
<div class="infocard_text">\
<h2 class="carslide-title">Clubbing</h2>\
<p class="carslide-text"><<nobr>>Some clients like to end on a high. Release all that energy, the impressions and new faces
by surrendering to loud music, dance and alcohol.
<br><br>Lucky for them, the city is known for it's bustling nightlife and trendy clubs. And you know all the best places.<</nobr>></p>\
<<button "Choose This." `passage()`>>\
<<set $night_activity.confirmed to "yes">>\
<<set $night_activity.choice to "clubbing">>\
<<set $ to "url(images/work/thumbs/clubbing.png)">>\
<<set $choosing_field to "choosing_overview">>\
</div>\<div class="infocard">\
<div class="infocard_img"><img src="images/work/bar.png" alt="stuff"></div>\
<div class="infocard_text">\
<h2 class="carslide-title">Local Bar</h2>\
<p class="carslide-text"><<nobr>>A client's visit is a packed one, with a lot of new faces, places, impressions.
For some, nothing beats ending a day like that with a nice, locally brewed beer at a local bar. Nothing too big, nothing too
complicated. Just a good time.<</nobr>></p>
<<button "Choose This." `passage()`>>\
<<set $night_activity.confirmed to "yes">>\
<<set $night_activity.choice to "bar">>\
<<set $ to "url(images/work/thumbs/bar.png)">>\
<<set $choosing_field to "choosing_overview">>\
</div>\<div class="standard">\
This will lock in the planning for next week and take you back to the home screen.
<h3>Confirm planning?</h3>
<<button "Yes." "home">><<dialogclose>>\
<<include "work_update">>\
<hr class="gradienthr_small">
<<link "No, I'm not done here, take me back.">><<dialogclose>><</link>>\
</div>\<<set $planner_firsttime to "no">>\
<<t-clippy>><<nobr>>Hi Boss! This week, you're going to be planning your client's visit! To do that, you'll use your office computer. It has a couple of different aspects, I'll
explain them for you! <</nobr>>
<<nobr>>So first off here we have the most important part: the actual planning. You need to play four things for your client before the green 'CONFIRM' button appears in the
lower left area of the screen and you can continue. The four things you need to plan are a gift, a surprise - something special and two activities: one for during the day,
one for the evening or nighttime. Try it!<</nobr>><</t-clippy>>\<<if $planner_firsttime is "yes">><<popup "planner_firsttime">><</if>>\
<div class="workpc">\
<div class="exit greenbutton_a"><<if $gift.confirmed is "yes" and $special.confirmed is "yes" and $day_activity.confirmed is "yes" and $night_activity.confirmed is "yes">><<button "CONFIRM">><<popup "confirmplanning">><</button>><</if>></div>
<div class="mainscreen"><div id="mainscreen_id"><<include `$currentworkpcscreen`>></div></div>
<div class="apps">
<div class="c9logo"><img src="images/ui/consult9logo.png"></div>
<<if $currentworkpcscreen is "workpc_planner">>\
<div class="planner activebutton"><<button "Planner" `passage()`>><<set $currentworkpcscreen to "workpc_planner">><</button>></div>
<<if $currentworkpcscreen isnot "workpc_planner">>\
<div class="planner"><<button "Planner" `passage()`>><<set $currentworkpcscreen to "workpc_planner">><</button>></div>
<<if $currentworkpcscreen is "workpc_research">>\
<div class="research activebutton"><<button "Research" `passage()`>><<set $currentworkpcscreen to "workpc_research">><</button>></div>
<<if $currentworkpcscreen isnot "workpc_research">>\
<<run State.setVar("$workpc_research_current", $ + "_" + "likes")>>\
<div class="research"><<button "Research" `passage()`>><<set $currentworkpcscreen to "workpc_research">><</button>></div>
<<if $currentworkpcscreen is "workpc_chat">>\
<div class="chat activebutton"><<button "Chat" `passage()`>><<set $currentworkpcscreen to "workpc_chat">><</button>></div>
<<if $currentworkpcscreen isnot "workpc_chat">>\
<div class="chat"><<button "Chat" `passage()`>><<set $currentworkpcscreen to "workpc_chat">><</button>></div>
<<if $currentworkpcscreen is "workpc_mail">>\
<div class="mail activebutton"><<button "Mail" `passage()`>><<set $currentworkpcscreen to "workpc_mail">><</button>></div>
<<if $currentworkpcscreen isnot "workpc_mail">>\
<div class="mail"><<button "Mail" `passage()`>><<set $currentworkpcscreen to "workpc_mail">><</button>></div>
<<if $currentworkpcscreen is "workpc_help">>\
<div class="help activebutton"><<button "Help" `passage()`>><<set $currentworkpcscreen to "workpc_help">><</button>></div>
<<if $currentworkpcscreen isnot "workpc_help">>\
<div class="help"><<button "Help" `passage()`>><<set $currentworkpcscreen to "workpc_help">><</button>></div>
</div><<timed 10ms t8n>>\
<div class="workpcplanner">\
<div class="planning_selection">\
<<if $choosing_field isnot "choosing_overview">>\
<div class="overview"><<button "Overview" `passage()`>><<set $choosing_field to "choosing_overview">><</button>></div>\
<<elseif $choosing_field is "choosing_overview">>\
<div class="overview activebutton"><<button "Overview" `passage()`>><<set $choosing_field to "choosing_overview">><</button>></div>\
<<if $gift.confirmed is "yes" and $choosing_field isnot "choosing_gift">>\
<div class="gift greenbutton"><<button "Gift" `passage()`>><<set $choosing_field to "choosing_gift">><</button>></div>\
<<elseif $gift.confirmed is "yes" and $choosing_field is "choosing_gift">>\
<div class="gift greenbutton_a"><<button "Gift" `passage()`>><<set $choosing_field to "choosing_gift">><</button>></div>\
<<elseif $gift.confirmed isnot "yes" and $choosing_field isnot "choosing_gift">>\
<div class="gift redbutton"><<button "Gift" `passage()`>><<set $choosing_field to "choosing_gift">><</button>></div>\
<<elseif $gift.confirmed isnot "yes" and $choosing_field is "choosing_gift">>\
<div class="gift redbutton_a"><<button "Gift" `passage()`>><<set $choosing_field to "choosing_gift">><</button>></div>\
<<if $special.confirmed is "yes" and $choosing_field isnot "choosing_special">>\
<div class="special greenbutton"><<button "Special" `passage()`>><<set $choosing_field to "choosing_special">><</button>></div>\
<<elseif $special.confirmed is "yes" and $choosing_field is "choosing_special">>\
<div class="special greenbutton_a"><<button "Special" `passage()`>><<set $choosing_field to "choosing_special">><</button>></div>\
<<elseif $special.confirmed isnot "yes" and $choosing_field isnot "choosing_special">>\
<div class="special redbutton"><<button "Special" `passage()`>><<set $choosing_field to "choosing_special">><</button>></div>\
<<elseif $special.confirmed isnot "yes" and $choosing_field is "choosing_special">>\
<div class="special redbutton_a"><<button "Special" `passage()`>><<set $choosing_field to "choosing_special">><</button>></div>\
<<if $day_activity.confirmed is "yes" and $choosing_field isnot "choosing_activity1">>\
<div class="activity1 greenbutton"><<button "Day Activity" `passage()`>><<set $choosing_field to "choosing_activity1">><</button>></div>
<<elseif $day_activity.confirmed is "yes" and $choosing_field is "choosing_activity1">>\
<div class="activity1 greenbutton_a"><<button "Day Activity" `passage()`>><<set $choosing_field to "choosing_activity1">><</button>></div>
<<elseif $day_activity.confirmed isnot "yes" and $choosing_field isnot "choosing_activity1">>\
<div class="activity1 redbutton"><<button "Day Activity" `passage()`>><<set $choosing_field to "choosing_activity1">><</button>></div>
<<elseif $day_activity.confirmed isnot "yes" and $choosing_field is "choosing_activity1">>\
<div class="activity1 redbutton_a"><<button "Day Activity" `passage()`>><<set $choosing_field to "choosing_activity1">><</button>></div>
<<if $night_activity.confirmed is "yes" and $choosing_field isnot "choosing_activity2">>\
<div class="activity2 greenbutton"><<button "Night Activity" `passage()`>><<set $choosing_field to "choosing_activity2">><</button>></div>
<<elseif $night_activity.confirmed is "yes" and $choosing_field is "choosing_activity2">>\
<div class="activity2 greenbutton_a"><<button "Night Activity" `passage()`>><<set $choosing_field to "choosing_activity2">><</button>></div>
<<elseif $night_activity.confirmed isnot "yes" and $choosing_field isnot "choosing_activity2">>\
<div class="activity2 redbutton"><<button "Night Activity" `passage()`>><<set $choosing_field to "choosing_activity2">><</button>></div>
<<elseif $night_activity.confirmed isnot "yes" and $choosing_field is "choosing_activity2">>\
<div class="activity2 redbutton_a"><<button "Night Activity" `passage()`>><<set $choosing_field to "choosing_activity2">><</button>></div>
<div class="choosing_field"><<include `$choosing_field`>></div>\
<</timed>>\<<set $choosing_field to "choosing_overview">>\
<div class="planning_overview">\
<span id="whitelink"><<link "<div class='selectedgift'><<include 'selected_gift'>></div>" `passage()`>><<set $choosing_field to "choosing_gift">><</link>></span>\
<span id="whitelink"><<link "<div class='selectedspecial'><<include 'selected_special'>></div>" `passage()`>><<set $choosing_field to "choosing_special">><</link>></span>\
<span id="whitelink"><<link "<div class='selectedactivity1'><<include 'selected_activity1'>></div>" `passage()`>><<set $choosing_field to "choosing_activity1">><</link>></span>\
<span id="whitelink"><<link "<div class='selectedactivity2'><<include 'selected_activity2'>></div>" `passage()`>><<set $choosing_field to "choosing_activity2">><</link>></span>
<<if $gift.choice is "">><span style="text-transform:capitalize;"><h3 class="zwartebalk">Gift: ''Nothing Selected''</h3></span>
<<else>><span style="text-transform:capitalize;"><h3 class="zwartebalk">Gift: ''$gift.choice''</h3></span><</if>><br><br><br><br><br><br>
<<if $special.choice is "">><span style="text-transform:capitalize;"><h3 class="zwartebalk">Special: ''Nothing Selected''</h3></span>
<<else>><span style="text-transform:capitalize;"><h3 class="zwartebalk">Special: ''$special.choice''</h3></span><</if>><br><br><br><br><br><br>
<<if $day_activity.choice is "">><span style="text-transform:capitalize;"><h3 class="zwartebalk">Day: ''Nothing Selected''</h3></span>
<<else>><span style="text-transform:capitalize;"><h3 class="zwartebalk">Day: ''$day_activity.choice''</h3></span><</if>><br><br><br><br><br><br>
<<if $night_activity.choice is "">><span style="text-transform:capitalize;"><h3 class="zwartebalk">Night: ''Nothing Selected''</h3></span>
<<else>><span style="text-transform:capitalize;"><h3 class="zwartebalk">Night: ''$night_activity.choice''</h3></span><</if>><<timed 10ms t8n>>\
<<if $ is "mamamia">>\
<<set $ to 5>>\
<<set $gift.unlocked.two to "gift_clothing">>\
<<set $gift.unlocked.four to "gift_vibrator">>\
<<if $ is "lazer">>\
<<set $ to 6>>\
<<set $choosing_field to "choosing_gift">>\
<div class="standard carousello">\
<div class="slider">\
<<if $ gte 1>>\
<input type="radio" name="toggle" id="carbtn-1" checked>\
<<if $ gte 2>>\
<input type="radio" name="toggle" id="carbtn-2">\
<<if $ gte 3>>\
<input type="radio" name="toggle" id="carbtn-3">\
<<if $ gte 4>>\
<input type="radio" name="toggle" id="carbtn-4">\
<<if $ gte 5>>\
<input type="radio" name="toggle" id="carbtn-5">\
<<if $ gte 6>>\
<input type="radio" name="toggle" id="carbtn-6">\
<<if $ gte 7>>\
<input type="radio" name="toggle" id="carbtn-7">\
<div class="slider-controls">\
<<if $ gte 1>>\
<label for="carbtn-1"></label>\
<<if $ gte 2>>\
<label for="carbtn-2"></label>\
<<if $ gte 3>>\
<label for="carbtn-3"></label>\
<<if $ gte 4>>\
<label for="carbtn-4"></label>\
<<if $ gte 5>>\
<label for="carbtn-5"></label>\
<<if $ gte 6>>\
<label for="carbtn-6"></label>\
<<if $ gte 7>>\
<label for="carbtn-7"></label>\
<ul class="carslides">\
<li class="carslide">\
<div class="carslide-content">\
<<include $>>\
<li class="carslide">\
<div class="carslide-content">\
<<include $gift.unlocked.two>>\
<li class="carslide">\
<div class="carslide-content">\
<<include $gift.unlocked.three>>\
<li class="carslide">\
<div class="carslide-content">\
<<include $gift.unlocked.four>>\
<li class="carslide">\
<div class="carslide-content">\
<<include $gift.unlocked.five>>\
<li class="carslide">\
<div class="carslide-content">\
<<include $gift.unlocked.six>>\
<li class="carslide">\
<div class="carslide-content">\
<<include $>>\
<</timed>>\<<timed 10ms t8n>>\
<<set $choosing_field to "choosing_special">>\
<div class="standard carousello">\
<div class="slider">\
<<if $ gte 1>>\
<input type="radio" name="toggle" id="carbtn-1" checked>\
<<if $ gte 2>>\
<input type="radio" name="toggle" id="carbtn-2">\
<<if $ gte 3>>\
<input type="radio" name="toggle" id="carbtn-3">\
<<if $ gte 4>>\
<input type="radio" name="toggle" id="carbtn-4">\
<<if $ gte 5>>\
<input type="radio" name="toggle" id="carbtn-5">\
<div class="slider-controls">\
<<if $ gte 1>>\
<label for="carbtn-1"></label>\
<<if $ gte 2>>\
<label for="carbtn-2"></label>\
<<if $ gte 3>>\
<label for="carbtn-3"></label>\
<<if $ gte 4>>\
<label for="carbtn-4"></label>\
<<if $ gte 5>>\
<label for="carbtn-5"></label>\
<ul class="carslides">\
<li class="carslide">\
<div class="carslide-content">\
<<include $>>\
<li class="carslide">\
<div class="carslide-content">\
<<include $special.unlocked.two>>\
<li class="carslide">\
<div class="carslide-content">\
<<include $special.unlocked.three>>\
<li class="carslide">\
<div class="carslide-content">\
<<include $special.unlocked.four>>\
<li class="carslide">\
<div class="carslide-content">\
<<include $special.unlocked.five>>\
<</timed>>\<<timed 10ms t8n>>\
<<set $choosing_field to "choosing_activity1">>\
<div class="standard carousello">\
<div class="slider">\
<<if $ gte 1>>\
<input type="radio" name="toggle" id="carbtn-1" checked>\
<<if $ gte 2>>\
<input type="radio" name="toggle" id="carbtn-2">\
<<if $ gte 3>>\
<input type="radio" name="toggle" id="carbtn-3">\
<<if $ gte 4>>\
<input type="radio" name="toggle" id="carbtn-4">\
<<if $ gte 5>>\
<input type="radio" name="toggle" id="carbtn-5">\
<div class="slider-controls">\
<<if $ gte 1>>\
<label for="carbtn-1"></label>\
<<if $ gte 2>>\
<label for="carbtn-2"></label>\
<<if $ gte 3>>\
<label for="carbtn-3"></label>\
<<if $ gte 4>>\
<label for="carbtn-4"></label>\
<<if $ gte 5>>\
<label for="carbtn-5"></label>\
<ul class="carslides">\
<li class="carslide">\
<div class="carslide-content">\
<<include $>>\
<li class="carslide">\
<div class="carslide-content">\
<<include $day_activity.unlocked.two>>\
<li class="carslide">\
<div class="carslide-content">\
<<include $day_activity.unlocked.three>>\
<li class="carslide">\
<div class="carslide-content">\
<<include $day_activity.unlocked.four>>\
<li class="carslide">\
<div class="carslide-content">\
<<include $day_activity.unlocked.five>>\
<</timed>>\<<timed 10ms t8n>>\
<<set $choosing_field to "choosing_activity2">>\
<div class="standard carousello">\
<div class="slider">\
<<if $ gte 1>>\
<input type="radio" name="toggle" id="carbtn-1" checked>\
<<if $ gte 2>>\
<input type="radio" name="toggle" id="carbtn-2">\
<<if $ gte 3>>\
<input type="radio" name="toggle" id="carbtn-3">\
<<if $ gte 4>>\
<input type="radio" name="toggle" id="carbtn-4">\
<<if $ gte 5>>\
<input type="radio" name="toggle" id="carbtn-5">\
<div class="slider-controls">\
<<if $ gte 1>>\
<label for="carbtn-1"></label>\
<<if $ gte 2>>\
<label for="carbtn-2"></label>\
<<if $ gte 3>>\
<label for="carbtn-3"></label>\
<<if $ gte 4>>\
<label for="carbtn-4"></label>\
<<if $ gte 5>>\
<label for="carbtn-5"></label>\
<ul class="carslides">\
<li class="carslide">\
<div class="carslide-content">\
<<include $>>\
<li class="carslide">\
<div class="carslide-content">\
<<include $night_activity.unlocked.two>>\
<li class="carslide">\
<div class="carslide-content">\
<<include $night_activity.unlocked.three>>\
<li class="carslide">\
<div class="carslide-content">\
<<include $night_activity.unlocked.four>>\
<li class="carslide">\
<div class="carslide-content">\
<<include $night_activity.unlocked.five>>\
<</timed>>\<<set $research_firsttime to "no">>\
<<t-clippy>>This is the //Research// tab. Here, you'll find all kinds of information gathered by your assistant on the likes, dislikes and what have yous of your client.
If all of that text scares you, don't worry! You can just choose 4 random activities in the planner you think look fun and go on with your day. It's how most jobs are done!<</t-clippy>><<if $research_firsttime is "yes">><<popup "research_firsttime">><</if>>\
<div class="research_screen">\
<div class="research_files">
<div class="research_file1"><<link "<img src='images/ui/thumbs-up.svg'><br>''Likes''" `passage()`>>\
<<run State.setVar("$workpc_research_current", $ + "_" + "likes")>>\
<div class="research_file2"><<link "<img src='images/ui/thumbs-down.svg'><br>''Dislikes''" `passage()`>>\
<<run State.setVar("$workpc_research_current", $ + "_" + "dislikes")>>\
<div class="research_file3"><<link "<img src='images/ui/shopping-cart.svg'><br>''Shopping''" `passage()`>>\
<<run State.setVar("$workpc_research_current", $ + "_" + "shopping")>>\
<div class="research_file4"><<link "<img src='images/ui/map.svg'><br>''Travel''" `passage()`>>\
<<run State.setVar("$workpc_research_current", $ + "_" + "travel")>>\
<div class="research_file5"><<link "<img src='images/ui/youtube.svg'><br>''Videos''" `passage()`>>\
<<run State.setVar("$workpc_research_current", $ + "_" + "videos")>>\
<div class="research_open"><<include "workpc_research_current">></div>\
</div><div class="standard">\
<<include $workpc_research_current>>
</div><<set $chat_firsttime to "no">>\
<<t-clippy>>This, you guessed it, is the chat! Here you can contact colleagues to try and get them to help you out and get some other insights through the chatlogs.<</t-clippy>>\<<if $chat_firsttime is "yes">><<popup "chat_firsttime">><</if>>\
<div class="chatscreen">\
<div class="colleagues">\
<div class="coll_portrait1"><img src="images/work/planner/chaticon_mike.png">
<<link "Mike" `passage()`>><<set $chatlog_active to "chatlog_mike">><</link>></div>
<div class="coll_portrait2"><img src="images/work/planner/chaticon_diana.png">
<<link "Diana" `passage()`>><<set $chatlog_active to "chatlog_diana">><</link>></div>
<div class="coll_portrait3"><img src="images/work/planner/chaticon_pashi.png">
<<link "Pashi" `passage()`>><<set $chatlog_active to "chatlog_pashi">><</link>></div>
<div class="coll_portrait4"><img src="images/work/planner/chaticon_boss.png">
<<link "Boss" `passage()`>><<set $chatlog_active to "chatlog_boss">><</link>></div>
<div class="chatlog"><div><<include "chatlog">></div></div>
<div class="chatoptions"><<include "chatoptions">></div>
</div>\<<include $chatlog_active>><<set $mail_firsttime to "no">>\
<<t-clippy>><<nobr>>Indeed, it's your mail! Here you will receive mails from, well, clients and your colleagues! Your boss sent you a really nice motivational mail,
actually. I think?<</nobr>><</t-clippy>>\<<if $mail_firsttime is "yes">><<popup "mail_firsttime">><</if>>\
<div class="inbox">\
<div class="mailinbox">\
<<button "$ Research" `passage()`>><<set $open_mail to "mail_pashi">><</button>>
<<button "Fwd: Great Effort!" `passage()`>><<set $open_mail to "mail_boss">><</button>>
<<if $ is "mamamia">><<button "Can't wait!" `passage()`>><<set $open_mail to "mail_mamamia">><</button>><h4><br></h4><</if>>\
<<if $mamamia_lingerie is "yes">><<button "Lingerie Set" `passage()`>><<set $open_mail to "mail_mamamia_lingerie">><</button>><h4><br></h4><</if>>\
<<if $ is "lazer">><<button "To: $name $lastname" `passage()`>><<set $open_mail to "mail_lazer">><</button>><h4><br></h4><</if>>\
<<if $ is "pump">><<button "Can't wait!!" `passage()`>><<set $open_mail to "mail_pump">><</button>><h4><br></h4><</if>>\
<<if $ is "lazer">><<button "yo" `passage()`>><<set $open_mail to "mail_headshot">><</button>><h4><br></h4><</if>>\
<<if $night_activity.unlocked.four is "night_grime">><<button "the grime" `passage()`>><<set $open_mail to "mail_mike_grime">><</button>><h4><br></h4><</if>>\
<<if $night_activity.unlocked.four is "night_dancingbear">><<button "Bear Party" `passage()`>><<set $open_mail to "mail_diana_bearparty">><</button>><h4><br></h4><</if>>\
<<if $ is "pump">><<button "Calendar!!" `passage()`>><<set $open_mail to "mail_maria">><</button>><h4><br></h4><</if>>\
<div class="mailopen"><div><<include "open_mail">></div></div>
</div>\<<include `$open_mail`>>\<div class="workpc_info">\
<p style="text-align:center;">//What you've learned so far.//</p>\
<hr class="gradienthr">
<<if $notes.mamamia.horny is "yes">><li>Cookie told you she is //always// horny.</li><</if>>\
<<if $notes.mamamia.jason is "yes">><li>Cookie's PA, Jason, is her nephew, so he has a.. //vanilla// view on what Cookie likes.</li><</if>>\
<<if $notes.mamamia.buttplug is "yes">><li>Jason didn't - or chose not to - understand your assistant hinting at Cookie's view on buttplugs.</li><</if>>\
<<if $ is "yes">><li>Jason said Cookie //loves// spas. He sounded genuinely convinced.</li><</if>>\
<<if $ is "yes">><li>Cookie has never been golfing, but isn't generally a fan of sports of any kind.</li><</if>>\
<<if $notes.mamamia.gloryhole is "yes">><li>Jason didn't - or chose not to - understand your assistant. If you have damaged walls, though, he knows a great contractor.</li><</if>>\
<<if $notes.mamamia.vibrator is "yes">><li>Jason didn't - or chose not to - understand your assistant. You did learn Cookie uses an electric toothbrush.</li><</if>>\
<<if $ is "yes">><li>According to Jason, //'Cookie loved to go clubbing when she was young!'//.</li><</if>>\
</div>\<div class="workpc_info">\
<p style="text-align:center;">//If you don't know what to do - or if you just like reading.//</p>\
<<linkappend "''Practical: What are you supposed to be doing?''" t8n>>
<li>In the 'Planner' tab, you must select:
<li>A gift. You will give your client this gift during their visit next week.</li>
<li>Something 'special'. You will surprise your client with this during their visit.</li>
<li>A daytime activity. This will be the first activity you and your client do when they visit.</li>
<li>An evening or nighttime activity. This will be the second activity.</li>
<p><li><<nobr>>Once you have selected all four, the "Confirm" button in the bottom left corner of the interface will appear.
Once you click this, you will be taken back to the Home screen.<</nobr>></li></p>
<li>Next week, you will spend a day with your client, involving all four of your choices.</li></ol>\
<<linkappend "''Practical: Does it matter what I choose?''" t8n>>
In short: yes.
<<nobr>>Your client will like some gifts and activities better than others. You will be scored on all four categories.
Getting a good or perfect score //can// unlock things down the line. For example: your client might be able
to help you with your streaming challenge, but might not be inclined to do so if they're unhappy.<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>If you make choices your client isn't happy with, you //may// be given options during the visit to try and repair
the damage. A mediocre choice can sometimes be salvaged.<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>Look for hints in the research provided by your assistant and your conversations with your client.<</nobr>>
<<linkappend "''Practical: How do I get more options?''" t8n>>
<<nobr>>As of right now, there aren't many ways of adding more options - only your colleagues can provide you with one (Mike and Diana will give
you a different option, you can only choose one for now - see Chat). In time, more options will be added and you will unlock more as you
<<linkappend "''Story: What does your company do?''" t8n>>
<<nobr>>Your company is hired by a client to provide plans, advice and campaigns for their business. You are not involved in any of that.
Your job is to make the client feel like they’re in good hands and to make sure they always leave with a smile on their face.<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>An often used strategy is to invite clients to visit your company. This way, you can impress them with the office,
show them they’re being listened to and - and that’s where you come in - spoil them. Shower them in gifts, make them feel special.
So that regardless of the actual work your company did, they’ll go back home feeling good about the visit.<</nobr>>
<<linkappend "''Story: What does a 'normal' visit look like?''" t8n>>
<<nobr>>A normal visit involves fun activities, fancy restaurants, meeting stars at concert, etcetera.
Fun stuff. Often, it also involves //sex stuff//. Happy endings, stripclubs and escorts aren’t unusual.<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>In their normal lives, most clients wouldn’t, for example, pay for sex. But when they come to visit,
their homelife rules don't count. They’re guests, so the host makes the rules. Which makes it OK, which in turns makes them expect it.<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>Like when you have someone over and your fridge is stacked with cold beers. Offer one, and they’ll go: “Oh, no. I couldn’t!
Ok, maybe just one.” But if you didn’t offer one, they’d go home unhappy, wondering why you didn’t offer any beer.
And that’s exactly what you can’t have: clients going home unhappy.<</nobr>>
<<nobr>>It’s a known fact in your industry that a lot of your colleagues engage with clients and their desires themselves.
You’d always stuck to innocent flirting and provided professionals for the.. activities. After your talk with Lisa,
you can’t deny you’ve thought about what that could mean for your job. Food for thought.<</nobr>>
</div><<timed 10ms t8n>>\
<</timed>>\<div class="infocard">\
<div class="infocard_img"><img src="images/work/stranger.png" alt="stuff"></div>\
<div class="infocard_text">\
<h2 class="carslide-title">Mystery Encounter</h2>\
<p class="carslide-text"><<nobr>>Being in a new city is great. Everywhere you go, everyone you meet feels like an adventure.
Who knows, your client might run into the one-night-stand of a lifetime?<br><br>So why not help fate along and plant a one-night
stand they'll never forget. Our professional actors act and fuck like nobody's business.<</nobr>></p>\
<<button "Choose This." `passage()`>>\
<<set $special.confirmed to "yes">>\
<<set $special.choice to "stranger">>\
<<set $ to "url(images/work/thumbs/stranger.png)">>\
<<set $choosing_field to "choosing_overview">>\
</div>\<div class="infocard">\
<div class="infocard_img"><img src="images/work/weed.png" alt="stuff"></div>\
<div class="infocard_text">\
<h2 class="carslide-title">Cannabis</h2>\
<p class="carslide-text"><<nobr>>Oh, how legalization has helped our little city flourish. Yes - you've always
been able to order your illegals from us, and you always will be. But the legal status opened the experience to
so many more clients!<br><br>Surprise your client with our home grown, A-grade weed in the form of either joints,
vapes or edibles.<</nobr>></p>\
<<button "Choose This." `passage()`>>\
<<set $special.confirmed to "yes">>\
<<set $special.choice to "weed">>\
<<set $ to "url(images/work/thumbs/weed.png)">>\
<<set $choosing_field to "choosing_overview">>\
</div>\<div class="infocard">\
<div class="infocard_img"><img src="images/work/fan.png" alt="stuff"></div>\
<div class="infocard_text">\
<h2 class="carslide-title">Megafan</h2>\
<p class="carslide-text"><<nobr>>With the growth of social media, everyone's become a star. Egos grow
alongside views and likes - providing a feeling of fame. A feeling that doesn't always match their //actual// fame.
<br><br>So boost your clients confidence with some die-hard fans! Or as we call them: planted actors. Pump those ego's
and make your client feel important.<</nobr>></p>\
<<button "Choose This." `passage()`>>\
<<set $special.confirmed to "yes">>\
<<set $special.choice to "fan">>\
<<set $ to "url(images/work/thumbs/fan.png)">>\
<<set $choosing_field to "choosing_overview">>\
</div>\<div class="infocard">\
<div class="infocard_img"><img src="images/work/chef.png" alt="stuff"></div>\
<div class="infocard_text">\
<h2 class="carslide-title">Chef Celeb</h2>\
<p class="carslide-text"><<nobr>>When they visit, you're taking your client to the best restaurants our city has to offer,
eating the best food there is. What's better than that?<br><br>
Meeting the famous chef behind it! Nothing beats being told by a world famous chef he's going to personally
cook your meal. So have him tell your client!<</nobr>></p>\
<<button "Choose This." `passage()`>>\
<<set $special.confirmed to "yes">>\
<<set $special.choice to "chef">>\
<<set $ to "url(images/work/thumbs/chef.png)">>\
<<set $choosing_field to "choosing_overview">>\