Play The Pimp

virtual sex game
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Views: 545,456 views
Added: 5 years ago

Category: 3D, Action, Brunette, Fisting, Interactive, Petting

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Interactive simulation, we teach you how to play with your girl! All you have to do is make her come as fast as you can. Choose the right sex toy at the right time and use it on the right part of girl’s body. You can see how fast you are on the clock on the wall. In the lower right corner you can see orgazmometer – it shows when your girl will come. Yellow color indicates the initial phase when the girl is still cold. Red – you have reached the last phase and she is ready to have an orgasm. There are five sexual tools: mouth, hand, dildo, candle and feather. Use them to stimulate different parts of her body: mouth, neck, breasts, stomach and pussy.

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