Views: 659,257 views | Category: Action, Adventure, Anal, BDSM, Blonde, Brunette, Fetish, Fisting, Funny, Hardcore, Interactive, Interracial, Monsters, Oral, Orgy, Petting, Sci-Fi, Spanking, Strip, Undressing |
The third part of the very popular online sex game – “Slave Lord Of The Galaxy”. You are in a big trouble – the fighters of the Sisterhood captured your ship and your slaves. Now only the Lord Of Darkness can save your ass! That’s why he returned and granted you the power to inhabit not only your slave’s mind, but also the ability to enter the minds of some of the most prominent members of the Sisterhood! While you inhabit their bodies you will wield a great deal of authority and power! Now you are a member of the Sisterhood. You have a pair of tits and you can control people’s minds – this is a great opportunity to bring an end to the Sisterhood, once and for all! |