The Abduction

virtual sex game
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Views: 586,629 views
Added: 6 years ago

Category: 3D, Action, Adventure, Blonde, Fetish, Interactive, Interracial, Monsters, Oral, Sci-Fi

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Welcome to P91, an alien ship currently orbiting planet Earth. As we have seen, during previous weeks, Christie all of a sudden disappeared. None of the girls were able to locate her and quite honestly, they didn’t even try very hard. But now we are know were Christie is. She’s being held captive on an alien ship. For what reason? We can only imagine, but will soon find out. So lets find out how to play this sex game. Tentacle action scenes: to advance through the these scenes, you must click anywhere on the screen when you see the X symbol, shown on the right side of the screen. When you see that symbol pop up, click anywhere to raise the wetness meter. Fill the meter to advance to the next scene. Alien sex scene – they are semi automatic, but you still have to control the speed, in order to raise the sex bar. As the scene starts, the sex bar will raise automatically, up to a point. When it doesn’t raise anymore, click on either the + or – signs under the bar, in order to slow down or speed up. Find the right speed and the sex bar will begin to raise again. Do this untill it’s filled to move on to the next part. Finally to impragnate Christie, you must press left and right on the keyboard, rapidly, in order to raise the bar. Have fun and get Christie pregnant with your alien offspring!

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