Vamp Final

virtual sex game
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Views: 553,057 views
Added: 7 years ago

Category: 3D, Action, Anal, BDSM, Fetish, Fisting, Interactive, Monsters, Petting

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Welcome to Vamp, final episode. Playing this high quality xxx game is simple. The idea is to increase Vamp’s heat meter (top) while keeping the toy meter (bottom) fairly cool. To get things going you push the “start action” button. This will start the meters, which will gradually increase. When you think the right time has come, push the stop button. You can then follow up with another toy. Vamp’s meter and the toys meters will never decrease or lower. So the idea is to use a combination of toys to raise Vamp’s heat meter. Some toys work better to start with and some work better in the end. Experiment to find out which is which. You can also at any time view Vamp from different angles without any penalty to the heat meters. Click on the little thumbnails placed around the gaming screen.

3 Responses to “Vamp Final”

  1. Zoe says:

    It not warcin 4 me

  2. Steven Miles says:

    Any ladies wanna trade pics/chat? Mail me at malbakich at

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