Whore Of Nightmare

virtual sex game
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Views: 512,008 views
Added: 7 years ago

Category: Action, Adventure, Anal, BDSM, Brunette, Fetish, Interactive, Monsters, Orgy, Sci-Fi, Spanking

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How to play the game “Whore Of Nightmare”: green bar shows your health. Run out and you die. Yellow bar shows your energy, needed to jump and attack. Blue bar shows your mana, which is needed to cast spells. Red bar shows your adrenaline, which grants a bonus to energy regeneration and empowers many of your abilities. The purple bar shows experience. Fill it to full and you’ll level up. Vile green bar shows your progress to the boss. AL stands for area level. Press left and right arrow keys to move, press up arrow key to jump and double jump, press “A” to melee attack, “D” to life tap. Trade health for mana. Press “S” to cast Abyssal Reach. Stuns enemies for 3 seconds. If use on enemies at or below 30% (10% for bosses) of their max life, it will start the Siphoning Ritual! Enemies will sometimes drop the loot. Left click on the loot to put it on your inventory. Press “I” to bring up the inventory menu. Click on loot to equip or remove items. Every 5 levels you’ll gain a talent point. Press “T” key to bring up the talent menu and spend them. Enemies can have special mutations that will enhance their ability to kill you. Click on the altar to go to the level select menu. Here you can also save the game.

We follow the adventure of a young warrior named Valmir,...
7 years ago
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2 Responses to “Whore Of Nightmare”

  1. anonymous says:

    Great concept, but it’s so easy to die that it makes making progress difficult. Maybe adding a regenerating factor or stronger endurance or something.

  2. Anonymous says:

    i agree

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